An entry in the <a href="" target="_blank" >GBAX 2005 Coding Comp</a> this is WinS by Liranuna, this is been called Windows for DS, heres more info:
<BLOCKQUOTE>NDS WinS is an API for the Nintendo Dual Screen.
This is a port of the famous GBA WinS first coded by Francesco Napolitano
and is still available at
However, NDS WinS is NOT a direct port of GBA WinS.
NDS WinS currently have the following features in addition to GBA WinS's features
• 100% Touch Screen Integration which means :
o Drag-able and Resize-able Windows
o On-Screen vKb (virtual Keyboard) for easy text editing
o Clickable Buttons and other Controls
• Cool new Application Lunching system – Icons
• On-Screen Real-Time-Clock
• Can hold ANY GBA WinS application
Please note that NDS WinS can run any application
coded and compiled correctly using any compiler.
The applications at this stage built in and must be pre-compiled
with the NDS WinS and WGL (WinS Graphic Library) libraries. </BLOCKQUOTE>