August 4th, 2018, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new custom firmware release for the Nintendo Switch:
Scene developer @rajkosto whom is famous for releasing a bunch of neat utilities like HacDiskMount, etc. and now released his own 'custom firmware' that includes most of features from Atmosphere and from ReiNX, plus also adds the much needed 'sigpatches'. INSTALLATION
Extract the contents of the zip onto the root of your microSD (overwriting everything when prompted), then run payload.bin using TegraRcmSmash or whatever USB payload injector you have !
Select "Launch firmware" from the Hekate menu, select the appropriate profile, and you should be good to go !
FEATURES - Works on all Nintendo Switch firmwares AUTOMATICALLY, no need to manually swap files around on your microSD !
- Supports homebrew via hbloader and hbmenu (Hold "R" to enter hbmenu via Album button on firmwares newer than 1.0.0)
- Supports exefs redirection, exefs patches, sigpatches
- Supports extra options like LayeredFS (for romfs patches) and PreventGCUpdate via launch menu options!
Contains the following open source software:
Ask your questions in this thread, no need to go to a separate Discord !
Serious discussion only, please do not spam it up with joke posts/bickering.
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OFFICIAL DOWNLOAD LINK: --> https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...ajkosto.47686/
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August 4th, 2018, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another Nintendo Switch Release:
Application doesn't require Root on your device. SX Loader payload bundled as default. And the author has just updated it to v2.1, check out the changes below: - Added support for Light and Dark (AMOLED) themes
- Added support for changing accent color
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The main difference from NXLoader is the ability to quickly change the payloads you need by preloading them. You can choose any needed payload once the USB cable connected to your Switch. Usage
- Launch application
- Find a cable to connect your device to the Nintendo Switch. For proper work, this should be a cable that is designed for data transmission, not just for charging. It is advisable to use an A-to-C cable and an USB OTG adapter.
- In the "Payloads" category, click the "+" button to select preloaded payload from your device's storage. Or simply transfer your payload to the Rekado folder in the device's memory. Or you can use the default payload (SX OS)
- Enter your Nintendo Switch into RCM mode in any convenient way. Your Nintendo Switch will power on by itself when plugged in, be sure to hold VOLUME +
- Connect the device to the Nintendo Switch and allow permission for the USB access if necessary. Wait until the program prompts you to select what do you want to inject, payload or Lakka. If you will select payload, than you will have to choose the one you need. If you will choose Lakka, you should simply wait for it to load.
- Wait for payload to finish loading on your console.
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DOWNLOAD: --> https://github.com/MenosGrante/Rekado/releases
SOURCE CODE: --> https://github.com/MenosGrante/Rekado
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...android.47349/
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August 4th, 2018, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Here's yet another look at how well the Switch is doing. After approx. 16 months, PS4 had sold 20.2 million units worldwide. As for Switch, the system has sold 19.67 million units in approx. 15 months. The PS4 did this with 2 holiday seasons, while Switch has gone through 1.
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In the meantime, check out the official Nintendo PR info in the links below, afterwards we love to hear your comments on the sales data released. The Nintendo Switch continues to be a hit, as Nintendo shifted 1.88 million units in the most recent financial quarter. This now brings the total lifetime to date sales for the console to 19.67 million. It's a strong performance, but at the same time, it doesn't close in on what the Switch sold in previous financial quarters: 2.93m and 7.23m respectively. This can be attributed to a slightly weaker 2018 lineup, as compared to the past. We can also see that Nintendo is on track for their predictions they made in April, where they wanted to hit 20 million Nintendo Switch consoles sold before March 2019. Such a goal will likely be quickly eclipsed, with major holiday titles like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Pokemon Let's Go on the way.
Beyond this, we also get an updated look at software sales for the Switch. Super Mario Odyssey sold 0.76 million units this quarter, bringing it to 11.17 million total sales, and is has the highest LTD sales on the system. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was at 1.13 million sold, and 10.35m total. The best-selling games were the new entries--Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Mario Tennis Aces, at 1.40m and 1.38m respectively. ARMS and 1-2 Switch performed badly, both at 0.16m sold during the quarter. The worst sold game was Xenoblade Chronicles 2 , which only shifted 0.11m copies, though it sits at 1.42m LTD sales.
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August 4th, 2018, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Savegame release for the Nintendo Switch:
Full changelog 1.3.3
Savefiles encoded in UTF-8 and UTF-16 can now get parsed by the editor
Implemented multithreading so animations look a lot smoother now!
If some animations are too fast, please tell me
Since the devkit recently fixed exceptions, EdiZon isn't crashing anymore when loading a faulty config file.
Also added a message which gets displayed in this case
Full changelog 1.3.2
Fully fixed that extra byte being added to binary save files. I'm so stupid...
Categories are scrollable now! No more categories going off-screen 
Added a "Checking for updates" dialog when pressing - , so the switch doesn't just freeze up
The position of the cursor in the title select screen now remembers its position when entering and exiting the editor
Save files you can edit now display in the correct order once again
Button icons are drawn a bit higher up now
DEVELOPERS ONLY: People who want to debug EdiZon or the Editor Scripts but don't want to connect their Switch to a WiFi network can now create a file called EdiZon.log inside their /EdiZon folder. This will redirect all STDOUT and STDERR to that log file.
Updated all configs and scripts to the latest version
Full changelog 1.3.1
Fixed the bug that an extra zero byte gets added at the end of a binary save file
Backed up save files are now displayed in reverse order which makes them display from latest to oldest.
Fixed regex file paths only showing exactly one save file, even if there are multiples.
Updated all configs and scripts to the latest version
Full changelog 1.3
Added automatic update feature for configs, scripts and EdiZon. Just press the - button in the title select screen.
Added Regex capability to save file paths.
Added possibility to get a string representation of a save file in the scripts.
This shortens the load time of e.g big json save files from 5 seconds to < 0.5 seconds.
Added a hint text to the title select screen
Fixed LOTS of issues with the save editor crashing the switch or not displaying items correctly.
Stability intensifies!
Many small bug fixes and performance improvements.
I can't remember all of them anymore.
EdiZon's better now. Trust me.
download https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...39f979de514e7a
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August 4th, 2018, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a new version of his savegame manager for the Switch:
Switch: What's new
Added: custom configuration manager like the one in the 3DS version. You can now:
Filter arbitrary titles from their title ID
Have multiple additional folders to choose save backups from
For informations and usage, please refer to the README.
Fixed: bug preventing to create new save backups after deleting a save backup.
Fixed: bug causing Checkpoint to occasionally crash when changing account.
Fixed: now you can move from title selection to save backup selection using the touchscreen, just by touching the section you want to operate with.
Fixed: decreased multiselection cooldown.
Fixed: The homebrew keyboard has been enhanced.
Added: new wonderful icon by rakujira!
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...39f979de514e7a
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August 4th, 2018, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Rock88 has released a new Playstation Emulator for the Nintendo Switch
It's a quick port of PCSX-ReARMed, so currently it work with interpreter about half speed (maybe more), no sound, no menu.
Port based on libnx.
What works:
Full screen image output
Memcard saves
FPS meter (but it bound with screen updates so with frameskip = 1 it may display not real emulation speed value xD)
Download & unpack zip, put pcsx_rearmed folder to SD://switch (path to nro should be SD://switch/pcsx_rearmed/pcsx_rearmed.nro)
Place game images to pcsx_rearmed folder, then manually edit pcsx_rearmed.cfg file
game = test.bin; // just replace 'test.bin' with image name here
frameskip = 0; // 0 or 1
GUI file selector, menu
and much more xD
download: https://github.com/rock88/pcsx_rearmed/releases
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16708
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August 4th, 2018, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
RSDuck has released a new version of the Gameboy Advance Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
This is probably going to be the final version of VBA-next. But don't worry, we're working on bringing another offspring of VBA, VBA-M, with a lot of feature than retroarch's VBA-next to the Switch.
Cheat support. They can be directly entered from the emulator, just enter the cheats menu from the pause menu.
Fullscreen UI in docked mode(though the implementation isn't optimal, also currently not tested)
Some minor improvements and adjustments, seriously
download https://github.com/RSDuck/vba-next-switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16700
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August 17th, 2018, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
SNES Mini Classic is a fantastic console but has one big flaw which frustrates all of its owners: The games collection is closed and limited.
Well no more! With Classic 2 Magic you can dig out your old SNES cartridges and play them directly on your SNES Mini Classic. Any game, from any region. Just plug & play!
You can also directly play game ROM files for SNES and many other different console systems on your SNES Mini Classic with Classic 2 Magic. The Classic 2 Magic creates so many new possibilities. The name says it all, it will do magic to your SNES Mini console.
And it is also compatible with the NES Mini console and Shonen Jump Mini.
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You can find out more about all of the amazing features of Classic 2 Magic on its official website: http://classic2magic.com/
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August 17th, 2018, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
The World's Most Powerful GBA Flashcart, the EZ-FLASH OMEGA just got a whole bunch more powerful, check out the changes that v6.0 firmware along with updated v1.04 Kernel bring to the Retro Gamer and Longest Loved Nintendo Handheld. Changelog:- Full firmware refactored
- Power consumption optimized
- Added an option in the system menu to disable in-game RTC module which can save more power
- Norflash works with original GBA console now
- Fixed AGS-101 EUR save issue
- Patch engine has been rewritten, fixed a lot of issues which related with BOOT WITH ADDON(i.e. Lady Sia, Mario and Luigi RPG.....)
- Removed the battle auto-save in the Fire Emblem series, please use manual battle field save and chapter save point.
- Added a new save-states mode, only check save-states in the system to enable it. hotkeys are modifiable. it runs without in-game menu,so the compatible is better then old one.
SHA1(ezkernel.bin)= cfe290c0a278f44456651d003ee3d01e425ec9e6
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OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> http://www.ezflash.cn/download/
news via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/e...updated.47729/
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August 17th, 2018, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter have been updating the software for their Nintendo Switch Modchip:
TX is still busy working on the currently 'unhackable switch'es', in the meantime they have recently produced an 'nice clear guide' on how you can tell if you have a compatible switch or not, and now just today their developers have released an amazing update to their SX OS, and v1.5 is as usual packed with new features as you can see detailed below in the 'changelog': Another day, another small update with some convenient new functionality for SX OS!
Lets have a look at whats new: - Added mass NSP install (and optional delete) functionality
Users who want to install a lot of NSP titles at once can now easily do so by pressing [Y] in the installer tab. Upon finish the NSP installer will also ask you if you want to delete the NSP source files from your microSD card, freeing up space and keeping every neat and tidy!
- FTP server support
You can now enable a FTP server from the options tab in our menu that will keep running even once the menu is closed. This FTP server gives direct access to your microSD card, so you no longer have to eject the card to store/retrieve files.
- More content directories
Some people complained that they didn't like all the XCI/NSP/NRO files in the root of their SD card. We have to agree that becomes a bit messy, so the menu will now scan the following directories as well looking for game content:- /sxos/games
- /sxos/xci
- /sxos/nsp
- /sxos
- /switch/games
- /switch/xci
- /switch/nsp
- /switch
We hope you enjoy this release!
Once again we would like to thank everyone for their suggestions and their support.
More exciting functionality for all of our end-users is being worked on as we speak. Hang in there with us, your loyalty will be rewarded!
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PLEASE REMEMBER: -- As usual you can download the latest SX OS from their official site: https://sx.xecuter.com and its just simple as overwriting the 'boot.dat' on your MicroSD with their latest v1.5 version.
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/t...os-v1-5.46981/
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August 17th, 2018, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Looks Nintendo are putting a stop to piracy on the 3DS:
Recently, big 'N' rolled-out a new firmware for their Nintendo 3DS handheld, and buried within v11.8 were some changes to how 3DS and eShop works and how titles are fetched from their CDN servers and now the first major changes are being seen, with Nintendo wiping out pirates from accessing their 'first-party' games using various apps like freeShop, Villain3DS, TikDevil, and FunKeyCIA.  For those of you that missed out, in the recent 11.8.0-41 update for the Nintendo 3DS, several changes to how the NIM service handles downloading Nintendo 3DS software from the eShop were made. The main change involves sending an encrypted copy of the user's game ticket to their server for authentication. If the server finds the ticket is invalid, or no ticket is provided, the server could deny you access to the content files you are trying to retrieve.
This level of granular per-title validation will effectively put an end to any software that relies on the open availability of content files on the Nintendo CDN to function, including freeShop, CIAngel, TikDevil, and even PC based clients such as Villain3DS, PlaiCDN, and FunKeyCIA to name a few.
However, up until earlier today, the server wasn't denying anyone downloads at all. However, multiple reputable sources have stated that the changes have begun to roll out and that it is unlikely that any workarounds will be found.
At this time, it seems only first-party Nintendo titles are affected, but it's probable that these changes will begin rolling out to all 3DS titles on the Nintendo CDN over time.
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Now we see how fast Nintendo also patch'es up the CDN for Nintendo Switch, which just recently started pirating NSP games!
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/t...-on-3ds.47764/
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August 17th, 2018, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new homebrew release for the Nintendo Switch:
Nintendo Scene Developer @SimonMKWii is back with another one of his great apps for the Switch, this one builds NCA's legally, in that its 100% clean-room designed, no nintendo code in it, and no usage of leaked sdk tools, etc. so check out the first release below: Have you wanted to make installable homebrew? Now you can! Simply add a keys.txt file to the directory, choose your settings, add your files and build.
Features:- Builds most NCA types (excluding BKTR update partitions)
- Simple and easy to use UI (Note: code is guaranteed to be at least 90% messier than the user interface)
- Rights ID crypto + common and personalised ticket generation.
- CNMT, NACP, icon and NPDM generation.
Known issues:
- Encryption process is S L O W
- Program goes into a non-responsive state during some synchronised operations.
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OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/simonmkwii/NCABuilder
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...onmkwii.47763/
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August 18th, 2018, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
The multi system supporting Retro Arch Emulator has been released and updated by coder M4xw:
Currently Included: SNES9x(Mainline & 2010), mGBA, VBA-Next, FCEUmm, Beetle (Wonderswan, PCE-Fast, Supergrafx, Virtual Boy, PSX (SLOW!)), MAME 2003(Mainline & Plus), FinalBurn Alpha, BlueMSX, Handy, Gambatte, Genesis GX+, Stella, Prosystem, Vectrex, NXengine, O2em, VirtualJaguar (SLOW!), PCSX-ReARMed (WIP).
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...8a93ecdee128e1
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August 18th, 2018, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Laproxi has released a new DS Emulstor for the Nintendo Switch:
DeSmuME-NX :switch: (w/Laprox's Vertical Mod) :nds:
The original porter MasterFeizz, has been inactive for quite some time: I thought I'd maybe help spark some interest back into the project.
Update: the original porter has removed the repository from their GitHub page!
Update: as it appears the original porter has abandoned the project, who will take over and reignite the flame of emulation?
Vertical/Portrait Mod with calibrated and working Virtual DS Touchscreen.
New Temporary SDL2 Menu System.
Toggle in the main menu to enable/disable portrait mode.
An actual Homebrew menu Icon..
download https://github.com/Laproxi/DeSmuME-NX
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16688
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August 18th, 2018, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
keeganator has ported the Open version of Cannon Fodder to the Nintendo Switch:
OpenFodder-Switch 1.4
Here's a port of OpenFodder for the Nintendo Switch, run and gun down enemies on the go!
Source and Release are below, setup guide with the release.
D-Pad or Analog - Move Mouse
A or ZR - Click
B or ZL - Fire
X - Speed up cursor
Y - Swap alt weapon
Click+Fire - Use alt weapon
Plus - Pause
Minus - Show map preview
Minus+L - Decrease window size
Minus+R - Increase window size
Plus+Minus - Go back
Setup :
Requires a copy of Cannon Fodder (DOS or Amiga, Amiga files work better)
[DOS]: https://www.gog.com/game/cannon_fodder
[Amiga]: http://www.whdownload.com
Download this archive https://github.com/OpenFodder/data/rele ... Fodder.zip. And extract the contents of OpenFodder/ to /switch/openfodder/ on your Nintendo Switch SD card.
[DOS] Copy 'CF_ENG.DAT' from the CD (or the GOG install destination) to the /switch/openfodder/Data/Dos_CD folder.
[Amiga] Copy the contents of 'cf_data' into the /switch/openfodder/Data/Amiga directory.
Copy openfodder-switch.nro to /switch/openfodder/ and boot the game through the homebrew launcher.
Bugs :
* DOS sound effects don't work.
* DOS has small graphical issues where the screen tries to scroll past the top left when you reach that area in a mission.
download https://github.com/keeganatorr/openfodder-switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16677
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August 18th, 2018, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
The OpenLiero Team have ported there worms type game for the Nintendo Switch:
Current Version: 1.39
This is a port of the classic 1-on-1 tactical action game, Liero.
If you're not familiar, think real-time Worms.
Known Issues
First, text input isn't working. Adding support for this is my next goal.
Entering certain menus will lock you in, so you'll have to quit out of the game to escape. I've tried to block off every selection that can trap you, but I may have missed some.
Second, the game struggles performance-wise. I assume that's due to the lack of GPU acceleration for rendering. To improve framerate, try reducing particles, and avoid playing fullscreen.
Third, the default control settings aren't usable. Make sure to rebind them before starting a game.
The Minus button is your "escape key". It should always return you to the main menu.
Don't try to set your player color; this counts as a text input in the game's logic, and therefor isn't working yet.
Game resources now included in ROMFS. No need to copy the TC folder next to the nro.
Menu controls are less buggy.
download https://github.com/bmollot/liero/releases
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16675
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August 18th, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Shrike has posted a new version of his Snake clone for the Nintendo Switch:
NEW UPDATE: SNAKE Version 4 (New Style, Now working with 5.x.x )
Hey I'm back (again) and I have a brand new version of Snake for LovePotion with me (thx TurtleP & Mik & Co for all the help <3 Bless your discord server).
This time Mik (Renbo Design) from the "Tiny Turtle Industries" Discord supported me with his great artworks. <3 !!!
In addition to that, this is the first time the game is compiled to only 1 NRO file, instead of a whole folder with Lua files.
If you want to look at the code anyways (maybe for learning some LovePotion/Lua) just contact me.
Also this version works with 5.x.x and every other firmware.
Don't forget: The 2 player-mode is started by pressing "+" on the right joycon.
Graphic & Performance Improvements:
Complete new graphic style, thanks to Mik (Renbo Design)
Vibrations are now implemented but you need to (re-)activate them from the switch main menu
Only 1 NRO file for the whole game (no more messy folders!)
Works with every firmware (Please report if it doesn't !!!)
You can skip the into-screens by pressing "A" or touching the screen.
How to play in 2-Player-Mode:
To activate 2-Player-Mode, the second player just needs to press "+" on the right joycon.
In this mode you will loose your tail when you die and after 90 seconds the player with the longest tail wins ! :yay:
New in this version: There is now a timer where you can see how much time is left.
How to run:
Extract inside your /switch folder and run Snake.nro with hbmenu
Use the DPad keys or left-joystick for navigation (Player2: x,y,a,b or right-joystick)
Press "+" on the right joycon to start into 2PlayerMode
Restart the game to get back to SinglePlayer
Battle your best friend for a round of good old snake....
..... ?
download: https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16672
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August 18th, 2018, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has released a new version of his Snes emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
pSNES 1.5
switch: fix deletion of non zipped roms...
pSNES 1.4
fix SuperFX (star fox working fine now)
fix cheats loading (put "rom_name.cht" with game genie codes in cheat folder, see readme for format)
add cheat option to options menu (ON/OFF)
improve audio thread, faster and smoother gameplay
disable jerky auto frameskip, smoother gameplay
update to latest snes9x codebase (1.56.2)
add 4 players support
only show zip, sfc and smc files in no-db mode
add titles images support in the "titles" folder (used by default, press L/R to show previews image)
add possibility to display icons (32x32 png in the "icons" folder). Can be enabled or disable from pSNES options menu (slow loading time if lot of icons on switch)
show progress box on rom loading
update font
switch: add L/R STICKS ui button icons
switch: fix crash after multiple roms loading (~9 loaded roms)
vita: add vita support, too slow for now...
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/psnes
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16670
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August 18th, 2018, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has ported a new version of the Final Burn Alpha Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
pFBA 1.57:
change ui font
change buttons configuration (see readme at https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba)
add possibility to display icons (32x32 png in the "icons" folder). Can be enabled or disable from pFBA options menu (slow loading time if lot of icons on switch)
add titles images support in the "titles" folder (used by default, press L/R to show previews image)
fix consoles titles/previews/icons not using consoles prefix
fix per rom config applied to all roms
fix saves states message box buttons visibility bug
switch: fix crash in point scaling + fullscreen (point scaling limited to 1x, 2x and 3x scaling)
switch: fix a random crash after multiple rom loading
switch: update button icons, add LSTICK/RSTICK icons
switch: add single joycon mode: enable SINGLE_JOYCONS in option
switch: fix (+) and (-) keys inverted in config menu
and more untracked changes... (to enhance the user’s experience...)
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba/tree/new
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...t=16669#p40179
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August 18th, 2018, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
J-D-K has released JKSV for the Nintendo Switch:
JKSV for Switch. Mostly to get used to libnx. Reuses a lot of code of JKSM for 3DS.
JKSV still needs some work, but I've decided to add another pre-release since there has been a lot of progress and bug fixes:
Text wrapping has been more-or-less fixed. Though, some minor bugs may remain
The keyboard still needs to be improved a bit. It can be controlled using the touchscreen or controller.
Left Stick caps letters
Y is backspace
X is space
Plus is confirm
I have added "Adv. Mode", or a more advanced option to the folder menu. Pressing Minus will open a mini file explorer with the selected game's data on the left and your SD on the right.
A selects a folder an opens it
B goes back up a directory
X opens a small menu of options to move files between devices. The device currently selected is written at the top of this menu.
ZL and ZR change which menu is currently being controlled.
I have moved the 'JKSV' folder from root to the switch folder and named it '.JKSV'. This is to prevent clutter and hide it from the hbmenu.
Unfortunately, until I get my usual testers in on this, I will probably not feel confident enough to make a non pre-release. That's just how I am.
Pre-release 6/15/2018-beta
Early release. Usable, but:
Text wrapping is broken
No cache currently - Still planning how this will work.
Keyboard still needs work.
You're using this at your own risk. I have personally had zero issues, but I can't possibly guarantee that will be true for all.
download https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSV
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August 18th, 2018, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
JK has released a new version of his Save manager for the 2ds/3ds:
07182018 :
Fixes a major memory leak I missed
Tweaks the menu item count up to 17 instead of 15
Reads and forces a cache update from previous versions. I'm sorry, but it's needed.
Removes the leftover, unneeded UTF32 titles from previous versions
Adds '.' to the forbidden char list fixing Smash folders
I wanted to hold off on a new release until the file browsing mode was done, but this is important. Sorry for any inconveniences.
07122018 :
No, I'm not dead yet. The newer rewrite is much closer feature wise to the original with a few improvements I've wanted to add over the past year.
Titles are now filtered according to whether or not JKSM can open anything for them, save or extra data. This eliminates the need for the filter.txt.
I've added a much needed "Jump To" button. This allows you to type a letter and jump to the first title in the list that starts with it.
The folder menu no longer locks the program into a loop and can be exited like the rest of the program
The backup and restore menus have been merged into one menu.
It no longer relies on 8 libraries and can be built with just citro3d and citro2d
Color scheme has been updated to match the Switch version
Shared Extdata has not been added yet and an advanced file browser mode is planned.
via https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSM
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16728
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August 18th, 2018, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
LukeZGD has ported visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club! to the Nintendo 2DS/3DS:
A Doki Doki Literature Club port for the 3DS! Programmed in Lua, running under the LovePotion framework.
This port is unofficial and is not affiliated with Team Salvato. Please support the official game. You can download Doki Doki Literature Club at: http://ddlc.moe
This was intended to be only for 3DS systems, but it is also working on other platforms that support LÖVE or LovePotion. It will still have 2 screens, though.
v0.3.0 Changes:
Now playable from start to finish! (Acts 1 to 4)
Partial Switch compatibility (it was broken in 0.2.x, and I only tested a bit in yuzu)
Other minor changes and improvements
Known issues:
(3DS) There still may be random crashes... Save often!
Download https://github.com/LukeZGD/DDLC-3DS/releases
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August 18th, 2018, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordan has released a new version of the save game manager for the 3DS:
3DS: What's new
Fixed: Loading is now instantaneous! This has been a problem for lots of people, but it's now fixed. If you kept away from Checkpoint due to its loading times, it's now time to check it out.
After the cache being created, title loading has been reported to be ~0.5 seconds on a system with ~200 titles installed.
This has been achieved by enhancing the way the cache is created and the titles are loaded from it: the dedicated thread doing this cool stuff now does less I/O operations, which really enhances performances a lot.
As in the previous releases, cache is automatically invalidated when you install or delete titles from your system.
Fixed: the selector now matches the one from the Switch version.
Fixed: bug causing Checkpoint to crash if refreshing the title list while in the extdata section.
Fixed: The homebrew keyboard has been enhanced.
Fixed: some strings in the UI don't bleed from containers anymore.
Added: new wonderful icon and banner by rakujira!
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16712
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August 18th, 2018, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
knight-ryu12 has released Bad Apple for the 3DS:
Hello. I'm knight-ryu12.
and this is release of badapple3ds! Bad Apple PV of niconico back in... 2009. now on 3DS.
I realized there is no 3DS one, there is DS one...
Full Homebrew Code + No movie being played (= no MVD. only FrameBuffer abused.)
and this is what "we've" working on it (like one month).
A big thanks to @Wolfvak who collaborated to this project and "monorale".
Code works with either *hax, Rosalina HBL. (also secondary exploit works too )
UPDATE: V1.1, changed few stuff and add several coloring.
v1.0: Initial Release
v1.1: Coloring Stuff and optimizations.
download https://github.com/knight-ryu12/badapple3ds
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August 18th, 2018, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Jayenkai has released a new puzzle game for the Nintendo 3DS:
The Link Janitor
Help the Link Janitor fix up all the broken links in the arena.
Simply stand on a block, tap A, trail the link to a similar colour, and then repeat until all the links are complete.
If you get stuck, you can use A to deactivate a link, or if you're REALLY stuck, hit Y to restart the level.
It's a nice and gentle little puzzle game. Nowhere near as hard as the Biscuit one!!
download https://agameaweek.com/?Game=428
via https://agameaweek.com/?Game=428
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August 18th, 2018, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Jayenkai is back with another awesome release for the 3DS:
NeoPlat Blast
A simple, yet totally frantic Single-Screen Platformer, where you have to watch out for the evil Bats, as you blast away the blacks from the level.
Simply hop, run, and drop bombs, as you rush around the wrap-around level, trying to.. Blow even more bricks up!!
The only goal is a higher score, and to avoid all the bats, at all costs.
download https://agameaweek.com/?Game=427
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...t=16681#p40191
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August 18th, 2018, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
LiquidFenrir has released an augmented reality game for the 3ds:
An attempt at an Augmented Reality homebrew game, similar to the console's built-in Face Raiders Uses parts of QRaken for the camera code
Hello! This game is inspired by Face Raiders and Pokémon Dream Radar!
In short, paint splashes appear around you and you move your 3ds around to find them, and fire water at them to clean them out.
A to fire water
L and R to change water type: there are 2 types of water, default (leftmost, always does 1 damage), and colored. Colored water does more damage the closer it is to the color of the paint, but can also be far enough to do 0 damage!
Y allows you to steal the color of the paint, but discards your tank, so you can't shoot for a while! use it wisely
Every 10 "kills", a BOSS appears! bigger and with more health than the other paint splashes, you can lock on to it with X
As usual for homebrew, START to exit
Concerning moving, I tried making it like Face Raiders or Pokémon Dream Radar, but it's not really a success. It works, but you can use the dpad or the circle pad to move around easier.
Warning, it can be difficult to find paint splashes, but dont despair! try moving up 45 degrees and doing a full circle on the right. For that, there is information about the gyroscope, accelerometer, and your current angles displayed on the bottom screen to help (mostly debug values, but could be useful )
download https://github.com/LiquidFenrir/PaintAR
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16668
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August 19th, 2018, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Keeganator has updated his port of Wolfenstein 3d to the Nintendo Switch:
v1.0 - Added joystick support, sound still has issues
TODO: Fix sound, add OSK for save games.
Copy Wolf4SDL.nro to /switch/wolf4sdl/ folder
Copy wolf3d folder from your Wolfenstein 3d install (Activision/GT version) to /switch/wolf4sdl/ folder
Keys Controls
D-Pad Up Forward
D-Pad Down Back
D-Pad Left Turn Left
D-Pad Right Turn Right
Minus Return to Menu/ESC
Plus Pause
A / ZR Fire/OK
B Open
X Strafe/Turn
Y / ZL Run
L Previous Weapon
R Next Weapon
download https://github.com/KeeganatorP/Wolf4SDL-Switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...cf9bb05fecae90
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August 19th, 2018, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Joel16 has released what looks to be the final version of his identification app for the 3DS:
I think the time has arrived to close the doors on this project. It's been quite the 2 years and woah, the 405k downloads, that's quite the milestone for me. Thanks to everyone who were a part of this.
Now displays NAND as well as the original local friend code seed. (Useful to know if you've switched your friend code seed before)
Removed a bunch of unused functions as well as the screenshot feature. (You should be able to use Rosalina now).
Based off the latest devkitARM toolchain. Both versions are also under one branch now and can be compiled together.
CIA versions include the new boot logos by FrozenFire
Original Version:
Added some features from the GUI version - Now displays mac address for all 3 WiFi slots, card slot status and initial firmware version.
GUI Version:
Integrated 3DSident button tester. (Use start + select to activate/deactivate)
Now uses Citro2D and up-to-date tool chain functions as well as many under the hood improvements.
Slight improvements to UI to make it sort of similar to the Switch version.
download https://github.com/joel16/3DSident
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August 19th, 2018, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Joel16 has updated his Shell app for the Nintendo 3DS:
This is a major release. If you're updating this from an older version, it is recommended to delete your /3ds/3DShell/ folder before you install this update. This is to prevent cluttering up your SD with unused data files from previous versions.
Now uses Citro2D for handling graphics, along with many other optimizations and improvements.
Music player now has the ability to play next/previous tracks using L/R or Left/Right or touch.
Music player now has the ability to shuffle/repeat tracks.
Added sleep mode support for music player.
Added online updater. (Nightly builds - builds per commit, or Maintainer builds - stable release versions only)
Image viewer now has ability to use L/R or left/right buttons to navigate next/previous images.
"Move/Cut" option is now instantaneous instead of copying and then deleting.
Added multi-select for delete, copy and cut. (Use 'Y' to multi select items)
Added support for Nintendo (both screen) screenshots in image viewer.
Added support for Nintendo camera images in image viewer.
Added support for wallpapers up to 800 * 480. (Some images may appear badly stretched due to the dimensions - but that depends on the image)
Displays GIT version instead of compile date.
Buttons can be used in navigating options and settings. (Does not rely on touch screen only anymore)
Now displays file size and modified date/time in properties.
Use left/right to reach start/end of directory list.
Removed theme support. Now only has a dark theme toggle in settings. (Due to lack of community participation the theme engine has been removed entirely)
Minor revamp of music player. (More similar UI to eleven music player)
Removed gallery bar, recycle bin and system protection. (Poorly written/unappreciated features)
Fixed crash when pressing home or trying to exit while FTP is on.
Fixed sleep mode bug when playing music which led to a blank screen once the lid is back open.
Many under the hood changes to improve performances and stability.
If you'd like to support me, then feel free to buy me a coffee, I'd really appreciate it! https://www.paypal.me/Joel16IA
download https://github.com/joel16/3DShell
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August 19th, 2018, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a new version of his savegame manager for the Nintendo 3DS:
3DS: What's new
Fixed compatibility with lots of games. Titles that caused troubles like Scribblenauts, Shin Megami Tensei or Paper Mario are now fully supported by Checkpoint.
Fixed compatibility with "counterfeit" DS cartridges.
Turned out they just were undocumented cartridges, which now are fully compatible with Checkpoint.
Fixed issue causing Checkpoint to error when loading garbage titles installed into your nand.
Fixed crashes happening when the cursor was moved to a location without titles.
Fixed crashes happening when exiting target title after backup navigation.
Fixed crashes caused by text rendering issues (thanks @pcbeard).
Code cleanup and multiple minor fixes.
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
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August 19th, 2018, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
dborth has released a new version of the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
[4.3.8 - August 16, 2018]
* Partially update core to 1.56 (with less accurate but faster Blargg audio core)
* Improved audio synchronization with dynamic rate control - fixes audio crackles
* Memory optimizations to free up more MEM1 for Snes9x
* Disable multi pixel format support for a speed boost
* Add MSU1 support (thanks qwertymodo!)
* Add BPS soft-patching support (thanks qwertymodo!)
* Allow loader to pass two arguments instead of three (libertyernie)
* Backport some MSU1 fixes from snes9x
* Fix a few potential crashes caused by the GUI
* Compiled with latest libOGC/devkitPPC
* Remove update check completely.
* Compatibility fixes for newer devkitppc.
* Compile fixes for Gamecube
* Compile fixes for Linux
download https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...cf9bb05fecae90
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August 19th, 2018, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Mr. Reaper has released a new version of the Controller testing app for the Nintendo Wii:
Added visual feedback for the G Force readings, so you can shake your Wiimote or Nunchuck around furiously to see if the gravity sensors are working in every direction.
Added a Battery Level indicator to give an idea of how much battery power is left in your Wiimote.
Addressed a bug introduced in the last version which would cause a crash from trying to read gravity sensors if a Wiimote became disconnected. Also, in the event of any crash, I now have it try to exit the app automatically (without needing to press the Reset button), since I have no idea what the code dump screen means anyway!
download http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Visual_Controller_Test
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August 19th, 2018, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Tanooki16 has released a new version of the Nes Emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PCs. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, Wii U Pro and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* Famicom 3D System support
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.2.0+ (r2951)
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.3.9 MOD - July 12, 2018]
* Compiled with Devkit PPC r26
* Updated core to latest FCEUX (r2951)
* Updated palettes (Sony CXA, Smooth, PVM Style D93, Composite Direct, and Wavebeam)
download https://github.com/dborth/fceugx
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August 19th, 2018, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Martin Korth has released a new version of the Nintendo DS and GBA emulator for Windows:
No$gba v2.9a Changelog:
- emu/dsi/clk: supports ARM9 134MHz mode (but waitstates are too fast for now)
- bios/help: swi waitbyloop timings for arm7/arm9 rom/cache nds/dsi 67mhz/134mhz
- cart/emu: supports ds cart reset tricks (via toggling scfg_mc_msb or exmemcnt)
- dsi/emu/help: scfg_clk.bit7 is read-only on arm9 (value mirrored from arm7)
- dsi/help: added notes on 'flipnote lenny (or whatever it is called)' exploit
- dsi/help: solved unknown last bytes in boot info block (SHA1 on 60h-byte area)
- dsi/mmc-image: alternately accepts no$gba-footer at emmc offset FF800h
- nds/dsi/cart/help: romctrl notes on (in-)official ways to reset cartridges
- nds/dsi/cart/help: romctrl notes on wrong and slow 1t-rom timings cart header
- dsi/debug: reformatted scfg7/scfg9 iomap windows, with new scfg details
- dsi/teak/help: added offical names for bits in ar/arp/stt/mod (from .dll)
- dsi/teak/help: many new stt/mod/ar/arp/cfgi/a0e/vtr details (thanks wwylele)
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16714
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August 19th, 2018, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Oxdbeef has updated his platform game for the Nintendo DS:
Homebrew port of the PC game Spelunky Classic made by myself. Not yet done (there are jungle, snow, and lava city levels to be implemented) but already much work is done! 
I attach the .nds but if anyone wanted to see the most recent version and the code, it's on my github:
Nothing fancy, just copy .nds to the R4 and run with the moonshell.
Bugs can be reported on github, any contributions appreciated!
Also, short youtube presentation:
The controls are:
Left bumper to enter room,
Right bumper to sprint,
Left-right arrows to walk,
B to jump,
Y to whip,
X to throw a rope,
Y to take a bomb (but you have to press Y to activate it and Y again to throw it)
Download https://github.com/dbeef/spelunky-ds
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August 19th, 2018, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
dborth has updated the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube:
[4.3.8 - August 16, 2018]
* Partially update core to 1.56 (with less accurate but faster Blargg audio core)
* Improved audio synchronization with dynamic rate control - fixes audio crackles
* Memory optimizations to free up more MEM1 for Snes9x
* Disable multi pixel format support for a speed boost
* Add MSU1 support (thanks qwertymodo!)
* Add BPS soft-patching support (thanks qwertymodo!)
* Allow loader to pass two arguments instead of three (libertyernie)
* Backport some MSU1 fixes from snes9x
* Fix a few potential crashes caused by the GUI
* Compiled with latest libOGC/devkitPPC
* Remove update check completely.
* Compatibility fixes for newer devkitppc.
* Compile fixes for Gamecube
* Compile fixes for Linux
download https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16738
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August 21st, 2018, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Especially when compared to the Wii U and even the 3DS, the Nintendo Switch remains dry on non-game content outside of Hulu. But the console will gain another media app in November when comic subscription service InkyPen launches.
InkyPen is a subscription service that allows users to read US and European comic books, as well as manga. On the Switch, InkyPen will allow users to read in either TV or handheld mode from any title in its catalog including series such as Transformers, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, and others. Webcomics such as Girl Genius will also be supported.
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August 21st, 2018, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
For those of you with a Nintendo Switch and the SX Modchip , this news will be for you:
Team-Xecuter is yet again, expanding their SX Family line-up, now adding a FREE app for Android owners to easy launch their SX OS, check out all the official PR details below:Another day, another update. This time it is a neat little app for Android users.
If you want an easy way to use SX OS and have trouble understanding how to select the payload, then SX Tools is for you. No need to download the SX loader payload and manually select it from the app.
Quick instructions:
- Install the apk to an OTG capable android phone.
- Connect the Switch to the phone.
- On the first use, the app will ask for permission to "use USB device" when the Switch is connected. Check the "Use by default..." and press "OK"
- SX OS will boot now.
That's it. You don't even need to...
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August 21st, 2018, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Old School coder Lantus has ported MAME to the Nintendo Switch, awesome news:
Also check his about how this port was made and reasoning behind design decisions. Roms go into /roms subfolder. You need MAME 0.72 roms for this to work
This is the first version and there are bugs. I've tested CPS1, CPS2 , Konami and Midway games and they work fine. Many others probably still wont work yet
Quick Control Guide:
In Menu: - Left/Right Trigger - scroll rom list
- Dpad Up/Down - go up/down a single selection
- A - Start Rom
In Game:
- Dpad/Analog - Movement
- Minus - Coin Up
- Plus - Start
- Right Analog Down - Mame Options Menu
Plus + Minus - Quit back to Rom Launcher
Click to expand...
Download: --> MAME-NX_Release_1 24,631,486 bytes
GITHub: --> https://github.com/lantus/mame-nx/releases
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...rder=0&thold=0
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August 21st, 2018, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
usiner has updated the port of Heart of Alien for the Nintendo Switch:
Copy HOTA.nro to /switch/HOTA/ folder
Copy all files from HOTA.zip to /switch/HOTA/ folder
Directional buttons Move the alien
A or ZR Action or run
X Jump
Y Use whip
L / R Quick load / save
+ Enter code to jump at a specific level
- Toggle graphic filter
Revamp controls
Graphic filter can be disabled with "-" button
download https://github.com/usineur/hota
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
usineur has updated the port of Another World for the Nintendo Switch:
Copy rawgl.nro to /switch/rawgl/ folder
Copy data folder from data.zip to /switch/rawgl/ folder
Left Turn or move left
Right Turn or move right
Up Jump
Down Crouch
A or B Run / Shoot
- Enter code to jump at a specific level
+ Pause
3DO version is also compatible. Replace datafiles of the DOS version if wanted.
Anniversaries editions are not supported in this release.
Fix graphic glitches
Update to latest modifications
Add language detection
download https://github.com/usineur/rawgl
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
thomasnet has released a new version of the Savegame manager for the Nintendo Switch:
This is mostly a bug fix and behind the scenes release which will make a lot of things easier or possible for config developers
Please update ALL you configs and scripts! They won't work anymore with this version!
Full changelog
Lua now supports 64 bit numbers
Full unsigned and signed 32 bit numbers can now be used as min/max value
Fixed crash when no save files or games are on the system
Configs can now have different offsets based on what game version is installed
Fixed value widget increment/decrement acceleration
Added equations which get applied before displaying it or before saving it to the file
Added config file redirection (Useful for games with different titleIDs for different regions)
download https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
astronautlevel2 has released a new version of the Theme manager for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS:
Beta release of v2.1.0.
The main purpose of this beta is to test the compatibility of the new QR code scanner as much as possible before the v2.1.0 release. Full change-log below:
Changed Title ID to not conflict with a game - this means you'll have to uninstall the old version of Anemone3DS after updating to v2.1.0.
Fixed various bugs caused by an outdated libarchive version.
Fixed various bugs related to previous caused by lodepng by switching to libpng.
Fixed race condition in icon scrolling.
Fixed screen tearing in the QR reader.
Fixed bug caused by playing music even when there was no theme preview.
Fixed it being possible to try to preview themes/splashes even when there were no themes or splashes.
Fixed bug caused by attempting to play audio when dspfirm wasn't dumped.
Fixed bug caused by attempting to install BGM for shuffle themes even when there was none.
Fixed various bugs caused by not properly zeroing out files when creating them.
Properly update the installed splash.
Huge improvements to the QR code reader's speed. This is likely the fastest/smoothest it can possibly be (it's now on-par with QRaken and FBI) thanks to a combination of improved multithreading and switching graphics libraries.
Speaking of switching graphics libraries, we've completely switched from pp2d to citro2d! This allowed us to get the QR code reader substantially faster, as well as guarantees full support for the library in the future. Huge thanks to LiquidFenrir for doing most of the work of the change.
Switch to using spritesheets to load the sprites rather than just loading them all into the romfs.
Don't wait for audio to finish loading before displaying the preview image, making previews display in the snappy fashion they used to before the audio player.
Improved banner quality. Thanks to @TurdPooCharger for this!
download https://github.com/astronautlevel2/Anemone3DS
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Steveice10 has released a new version of FBI which allows you to install CIA files on a homebrew enabled Nintendo 2DS/3DS:
Fix URL installation.
Add option to mark installed TitleDB entries as updated.
Add option to sort TitleDB list by installation status.
Display installed version and date from TitleDB cache.
Remove CDN installer due to recent server-side changes requiring tickets.
Titles not present in the TitleDB installation cache are no longer considered as installed by the TitleDB list.
Fix inaccurate battery level icons.
Fix main menu updater getting confused by another TitleDB entry named FBI.
Fix main menu updater not updating FBI's TitleDB installation status.
Fix potential crash from trying to display unsupported text characters.
Download https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
SuperrSonic has posted a new release of the media player for the Nintendo Wii
Update August 20, 2018: Added a setting that removes writing to device during usage. This prevents initial slowdown when loading a video if you were previously on the settings screen.
Update August 14, 2018: GameCube controller's R trigger can be used to change the current angle.
Update July 06, 2018: Sync to video, should fix any remaining tearing (usually in 60fps video or during buffering), added a setting to disable libass, added a setting to reduce cache size to 2MB, added some minor fixes to prevent small instances of lag in certain situations.
download : https://github.com/SuperrSonic/WiiMC-SSLC
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August 21st, 2018, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric, Zopenko, Askot have released a new version of the Nes Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
* Updated to the latest FCEUX core
* Allow loader to pass two arguments instead of three (libertyernie)
* Added PocketNES interoperability (load ROMs and read/write SRAM)
* Added option to not append " Auto" on saves
* Added soft and sharp video filtering options
* Removed update check completely
* Compilation fixes for DevkitPPC
Download https://github.com/dborth/fceugx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Wuerfel_2 has released the classic Outrun for the Nintendo Switch:
OutRun (Cannonball engine)
This is an arcade-perfect port of SEGA's seminal arcade racer.
Features include:
Pixel-perfect 240p video
60 FPS gameplay
Continuous mode (play all 15 tracks in one go)
Time Trial mode
Very broken Wii Wheel motion controls
Required ROM Files:
The Cannonball engine needs OutRun Rev. B ROMs to work.
The following files are required to be placed in the outrun/roms/ folder:
In addition, the following files are required to play the Japanese tracks:
download http://wiibrew.org/wiki/OutRun_%28Cannonball_engine%29
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...42cfff2198b7f2
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August 21st, 2018, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for Nes Fans:
P1 is at it again, this time (2nd hack) P1 chose a game with code has gone untouched since it’s release in ‘89/’90. After blowing some dust out the rom it became clear this may very well be the worlds first and only “Mendel Palace” hak! This NES era action puzzler was a personal favorite long before anyone uttered the word, “Pikachu”. The creators behind the Japanese version of this game “Quinty”, would go on to develop the largest multimedia IP juggernaut the world has ever known… Pokemon.
The art style of both games is almost identical and many of the characters could be interchangeable. The game definitely needed a fresh coat of paint. An Aesthetic that fit. A Vaporwave look for the game only made sense with the checkerboard tiles. Profound pastel and 90’s palette swaps on every single tile! P1 did this for the entire game! P1 added the standard P1 graphical mods and Easter eggs,but the frantic arcade puzzle gameplay remains the same!
Most have never played Mendel Palace, or its time for a revist, so its highly recommend checking out “Vapor” in any case. To access this extra part of the game simply hold start and select on the controller while pressing the reset button on the NES system. If Mendel Palace Vapor is enjoyable please check out the other P1 hak Blaster Basterd right here on romhacking!
PS The only thing missing P1 REALLY wanted to do was add a VaporWave CD soundtrack to the game. Maybe some day someone could help P1 with a Turbo-CD port lol!
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August 21st, 2018, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Some more Nes Game News:
Today aishsha and Pennywise present a completed translation of Jajamaru Ninpou Chou for the NES. This project is a milestone in that the entire series on the NES is now in English and did you know that aishsha and Pennywise have been working together for 10 years now? Over the course of a decade they’ve managed to translate at least 20 RPG’s and other misc games. They probably have one of the most productive partnerships in the history of the translation community.
Please note that the translation of Jajamaru Ninpou Chou is only playable on certain emulators like FCEUX. This is because the ROM was expanded past the mapper limit. If anyone wishes to hack the translation to use a different mapper, we are happy to incorporate it into the translation. We can also provide source code for the expansion hacks to anyone interested.
As a bit of a bonus, aishsha did some title screen hacks for the two Ninja Kun games bringing them into the Jajamaru fold.
Lastly, not related to Jajamaru, but Pennywise also happened to finish a translation of Tenjin Kaisen for the GB at the same time as these games and decided to release it with everything else.
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August 21st, 2018, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Some more NES rom News:
Mr Fwibbles (Grandia: Parallel Trippers, Ganbare Goemon Gaiden etc) has completed a full English translation patch for Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 on the Famicom/NES.
Originally released in January 1992, GGG2 is another turn-based RPG, but this time around the battles use a Phantasy Star II-style perspective with more advanced animations and effects than the previous game. This side-story is about Goemon and Ebisumaru entering a “Thievery World Tournament” where the aim is to be the first team to gather 8 keys which unlock a door leading to a legendary treasure that will make the winners rich.
The project took around 5 months from start to finish, with no major roadblocks (thanks to having an idea of how to prepare for them in advance from working on the previous game).
Thanks to Cccmar, Lilith and TheRedPriest Q for help with testing and feedback.
Please note that this game doesn’t work properly in some popular emulators. For more information, be sure to check the provided Readme file.
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August 21st, 2018, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Wow yet another Nes Rom item:
An HD pack is now available for the NES game, Metroid. This pack replaces graphics, sound effects, and music. It is a hack that builds upon many prior hacks and it uses Metroid mOTHER as a base (available at: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1988/). Credit should go to the original authors for work done on prior hacks.
The pack includes, but it not limited to, some of the features detailed below. Many of these features are carryover from prior hacks that have previously been developed for Metroid. Items denoted with an asterisk are brand new features that have been created exclusively for the Mesen pack.
- Increased resolution**
- Scrolling backgrounds**
- Updated sound effects and music**
- File resources for alternate sound and graphics**
- New title and ending screen**
- Minimap
- Animated environments
- Beam stacking
- Saving
- Full health on startup
Players must use a new version of the Mesen emulator that was released on August 5, 2018 (version 0.9.6 is available at: https://www.mesen.ca/#Downloads). Older versions of the Mesen emulator will not work properly.
The README contains details the work performed by each author below that helped make the HD pack possible: Kya, Sour, dACE, snarfblam, Infinity’s End, DemickXII, Psyklax, Maximum Potion, VariaZim, WIP, Exaelart, Riklaionel, elgwen, strugglepoo, Luminist, Jorge Fuentes, and Patricio Herrera.
Forum Discussion: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=26811.0
HD Pack Download: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1NrE7KPXMelKW2JzLn2SC34VA8mv vIg6C
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August 21st, 2018, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a Gameboy Colour News Item:
This gem of the past allows 3 monsters parties out of a total 312 different monsters.Some of the final bosses monsters might as well be from Dragon Ball Z. Regardless, the breeding mechanics provide players with the option to use almost anyone in their party. Unfortunately, the story drags through levels 1-20 before breeding is unlocked. From that point it does not take much effort before random dungeon keys offer better monsters and XP then the story.
This hack began with the accidental discovery of the DWM2 ROM MAP, https://dragon-warrior-monsters-2-mo...m/wiki/ROM_Map
After a couple months one of the greatest childhood GBC RPGs has been remade into an adult RPG challenge. The story keys now have a great variety of tough monsters to compete with the random keys. The XP reward of some peculiar monsters have been boosted to keep random keys interesting. Collect rare XP keys until you can unlock the MetalKing training grounds!
Dragon Quest and Pokemon fans should give it a try! Please let JonahStrix know of any issues or suggestions for improvement.
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August 21st, 2018, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some Snes News:
Eskayelle has issued his Double Z Mod of the SNES classic, NBA Jam – Tournament Edition . A project two summers in the making, the hack started innocently with the discovery of Mattrizzle’s Player Portrait Replacement Tutorial and various correspondence regarding NBA Jam Hacks on the RHDN forums. Armed with this information, the initial game plan was to add Michael Jordan to the ROM, and perhaps himself and a few friends.
Learning more and more about ROM hacking, eskayelle expanded the hack to hex, text, and portrait editing (version 1), then tiles and sprites (version 2), moving into ASM hacking in his latest iteration (version 3).
Since then, the Double Z Mod has become a quintessential “Roaring ‘90s” hack, with several secret characters from the era inserted, including:
- Hulk Hogan
- “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels
- David Hasselhoff
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- O.J. Simpson
- Bo Jackson – with Tecmo Bowl-esque speed!
Correspondingly, the team order has been updated to follow the season and playoff standings for the 1992-93 NBA season, with Chicago updated for the 1996 72-10 Chicago Bulls roster and Detroit stacked with the Motor City Bad Boys. Additionally, the Rookies team has been replaced by the 1992 Team USA squad, the Dream Team, from players, to logo, to team name, to uniform palette!
Meanwhile some bugs present in the original game have been resolved:
- The Grand Champions attract mode screen will now display certain players who have beaten all 27 teams, depending on their wins tally.
- The injury stats will reset at tip-off of every game, ensuring that the same teams/same lineups will not experience a carry-over of injury tallies from game 1 to game 2.
With a readme that provides detailed steps regarding the process for updating the original ROM, and a fair amount of credit to some great hackers and utility developers, the game has gone from a personal hack just for fun to a proof in concept and potential tutorial document for other would-be NBA Jam TE hackers. Writes eskayelle, “Writing the readme in this manner helped me track progress and revert the ROM back to certain versions when a bug or a bad crash was encountered. It could be a good tool for anyone out there who’d like to hack the game… maybe it’ll encourage a group to consider an annual team/roster update, akin to what’s currently being done for Tecmo Bowl. I’d love to help some folks get something like that off the ground, or just share some of the other data I’ve been accumulating about the game. It’d be great to share that info with folks new to hacking or some veterans – perhaps they could help teach me a few things about sound pointers and BRR replacements.”
If you’re up for a good game of Jam or want to peruse the other features changed, please head over to http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4097/. Constructive criticism is more than welcome, and – if you’d like to provide some mentoring on hacking ASM, sounds, etc. – or if you’d like more information on the hack or the original ROM to assist in your own efforts, please feel free to PM eskayelle directly or sound off in the forums.
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August 21st, 2018, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
The old consoles are getting some attention tonight, heres some nes news:
Well since it’s the 30th anniversary of “Blaster Master”, here’s something real special for all the hardcore gamers and NEStalgic fans out there. Now this is the first ever P1 rom hack or attempt at programming, so she’s a lil rough, but still its cool to pay homage to one of the best games of the 80s. Always found it funny how the box said “authentic arcade edition”. So what if Blaster master played like an actual arcade game? The side-scrolling levels were reduced into one room with access to all the boss levels that must be played in sequence that makes the classic title play more Megaman than Metroidvania. To retain the spirit of SunSoft difficulty of the game with the elimination of continues, it must be played with 3 lives aka one quarter. All that action is now tuned up for a boss rush catering to speed run freaks. In addition there are a few suicide traps one of which is a nod to the original Japanese version meta fight! There are few other surprises and Easter eggs you’ll enjoy. So without further adieu… Behold, a new twist to one of the greatest games of a generation; Blaster Basterd, authentic arcade edition!
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August 21st, 2018, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
More awesome Nes News:
Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima IV or more popularly known as Adventure Island IV is now COMPLETELY translated in English!
Zynk tackled this project because he has a related hack in the works. He can’t use the old translation as it does not accurately translated the game. At all. Unlike the previous translation made by Demiforce, this hack translates more accurately what the characters say, especially the game masters - as they tell you what the items do instead of coaxing them to play a game with them on and on. The animal verbal tics are in the JP version, like the penguin’s -pen to HONK! Rabbit’s say PYON in JP, but what noise rabbits make? And what does the fox say?? (or was it a coyote…)
The title screen was designed like the previous NES release had, with “Hudson’s Adventure” graphic text inserted. The “Island” was painstakingly chiseled and the “IV” is retained.
Included is an extra patch where the sprite palettes are changed, making the game more colorful. Fruits now have their own palette away from the player’s sprite palette, though it shares with the dinos’ palette, but at least you can see grapes in purple, red, blue or green. Some enemies have palettes reassigned as well. Minor graphics changes for some items, namely the “flask with red liquid in it” changed to the consistent full HP restoration item from I, II, III – Milk.
Anyways, the game is playable even if the game is not translated. But please try the extra patch! Because its more colorful and more effort was put into it!! Enjoy!!!
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
As Switch hacking shifts into high gear and changes focus from reversing/exploits/homebrew to gamecard backups lots of projects are now in heavy development. Just to mention a few; hacbuild with a bunch of separate XCI gamecard GUI tools depending on it (XCI Organizer, XCI Explorer, hactool GUI, XCI2TitleConverter, and more), along with modded Hekate implementations and optimized payload launchers for Android such as Rekado. Check for the latest Switch stuff in the download section using this search here at EurAsia, and don't forget the Switch technical forum. We also have Team Xecuter with their SX pro and SX OS product line on the commercial side of things with news posted in this forum topic also here at EurAsia. Please help out by posting updates in the forums if there are any, hard to keep track of it all.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3692
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an old magazine rescanned for us all today to read once more:
What better way to celebrate the hottest summer in over 40 years than to take you back to the heart of winter of 1993.
And we do this with issue 14 of Super Play magazine.
For the previews of this issue we've selected a couple of somewhat forgotten games of the Super Nintendo.
We start of with what is probably the best game of them all: Sky Blazer by Ukiyotei. Then we take a look at Cool Spot by Virgin Games, programmed by Dave Perry. The weird, yet wonderful Plok! by Software Creations, and finally we take a look at the bizarre fighting game: Clay Fighter by Visual Concepts.
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2884...Lime-Git-news/
LemonLime is a Nintendo 3DS LLE emulator written in C#, don't expect anything to work for quite awhile. The BootROM (Boot9) has started showing signs of life, it tries to access CONFIG9 IO, PXI IO, TIMER IO, IRQ IO and HID IO.
LemonLime Git changelog:
* Fixes, etc...
* Merge pull request #8 from Cyuubi/wip
* Better IO, now I need to work on memory mapping :P
* Move some things.
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Project has been renamed. |
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome news for WII U Fans:
News via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2879...icly-released/
The renowned Nintendo Wii U emulator, Cemu, has received an update. Version 1.13.0e is now available to the public, and can be downloaded from their official website. New features in this build of the emulator include letting users boot homebrew .elf files, along with improving how graphic and texture packs are handled by the emulator. Outside of that, multiple bugs have been fixed in regards to audio, Wiimote support, and softlocks. Version 1.14.0, the upcoming update, which is currently only distributed to a small few, makes more major changes, such as allowing for The Wonderful 101 to be playable, and getting more titles to reach an in-game state.
Public release date: 2018-08-05
# New in 1.13.0e:
general: Fixed multiple smaller issues with the new graphic pack window (like description and name size)
general: Graphic packs improvements
- load/unload packs, which only contain shaders and no texture rules, while a game is active
- added int/double type support for preset variables $var:type, which is used in shader replacement
# New in 1.13.0d:
general: Fixed language selection in general settings
general: Added support for arithmetic expressions in presets and texture rules
Fixed multiple graphic pack errors with the new version
# New in 1.13.0c:
general: Fixed recompiler bug that could cause random softlocks
# New in 1.13.0b:
general: Fixed hex constants in new graphic packs
padscore: Fixed trigger and release values for emulated wiimote controllers
# New in 1.13.0:
general: Added support for launching .elf executables (homebrew)
general: Overhauled graphic packs system and interface
- Added the ability to store multiple presets in one graphic pack (e.g. multiple resolutions in a single resolution graphic pack)
The used preset can be selected in the interface. Only one preset can be active at a time per graphic pack
- Replaced the graphic pack list with a tree view to allow hierachical structuring
- Added description and path field
- Added a button to reload custom shaders while a game is running (mainly intended for graphic pack development)
- Existing graphic packs for Cemu 1.12.2 and earlier remain compatible
general: Added a new general settings window and moved most options there
general: Added discord rich presence support
input: Cemu should no longer detect some keyboard special keys as permanently pressed
audio: The audio output device can now be selected and changed in the audio settings
padscore: Fixed a bug where some controllers where read as wiimote input instead of their proper format (Applies only to Pro or classic controller)
padscore: Fixed default values for WPADGetDataFormat to match the configured controller |
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2878...0804-released/
Nintaco is a work in progress. It is a NES-Famicom-Dendy emulator written in Java 8, ostensibly making it cross-platform. The full source will be made available per LGPLv2.1.
Getting Started
If double-clicking the jar does not automatically launch the emulator, try: java -jar Nintaco.jar
Configure input: Options | Button Mapping...
If you are using an 8 button controller, such as a USB NES gamepad, try mapping Rewind Time to Start + B.
If you want to resume at arbitrary points in the past: Tools | Watch History... and Resume Here
Nintaco (2018/08/04) Beta changelog:
Added support for the RacerMate CompuTrainer exercise bike.
Adjusted the Button Mapping dialog to default to the currently selected player 1 controller.
Changed the default palette to Smooth (FBX).
Updated the FAQ. |
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August 22nd, 2018, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2876...v096-released/
Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.
Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.
Mesen v0.9.6 Changelog:
New Features
Compatibility: Added support for 29 new mappers.
VS System: VS DualSystem games are now supported.
Audio: Improved audio/video synchronization with dynamic resampling.
Debugger: New features and tools (text hooker), UI improvements, performance improvements and bug fixes.
Tools: Added history viewer tool.
UI: Added some new options (per-game overscan, audio reduction during rewind, etc.)
Bug Fixes
PPU: Improved PPU memory bus emulation (fixes Touhou Rououmu homebrew)
Fixed emulation issues with a number of boards (FK23C, JY Company, MMC1, etc.) |
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August 22nd, 2018, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
A new commercial Snes game in 2018, awesome news:
Publisher Mega Cat Studios released Little Medusa for the SNES. The game is an extended improved homage to Kickle Cubicle and similar colorful and cute. The game can be currently ordered starting from 49.99 US$ excluding shipping.
Become a polymorphed deity and take back Mount Olympus in this action puzzler. The Titans have escaped their eternal prisons and transformed Artemiza, a young goddess, into a gorgon. Now she must petrify enemies, solve puzzles, and dodge traps in her battle to save the realms of the gods.
via https://pdroms.de/supernintendoenter...cial-snes-game
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August 22nd, 2018, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Back to the Game Boy Releases:
Jonas Fischbach of Retroid fame released another Game Boy Color homebrew pearl named Into the Blue. You have a vertical play field with panels raising from the bottom. The panels can be rearranged and will disappear if three (or more) matching panels are lined up in a horizontal or vertical row. The game is over if a panel touches the upper border of the play field.
This game is inspired by a Sega Genesis title named Megapanel, which is is widely forgotten today – probably because it was only released in Japan.
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/into-the-b...-game-boy-game
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August 22nd, 2018, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
New for Wii:
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.
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August 22nd, 2018, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Budford 1.0.112 is released. Cemu is a great emulator. But it currently only has limited support for per game settings. How many times have you turned on multi-core support for Breath of the Wild then forgotten to set it back to single core before playing Mario Kart with your friends. And we all know how frustring it can be when a new release arrives and your favorite game no longer works. Budford is a configuration management tool for Cemu with a familiar interface for those who have used the Dophin emulator. Budford is not a game launcher, it is designed to work with your favorite game launcher.
Budford Features:
* Simple user interface for configuring per game settings.
* Budford can support multiple users each with their own save file for each game.
* Supports multiple concurrent versions of Cemu. Budford will create a symbolic link to your mlc01\usr\title folder.
* Can download the latest version of Cemu , Cemu hook and performs all the required setup for you.
* Can automatically download the latest graphic packs.
* Budford can integrate with your favorite game launcher such as launch box or emulation station, it can even launch straight into the game pad view so you'll never need your keyboard again.
* Global settings for audio volume and your preferred graphic pack resolution. (You can override these in your per game settings)
* Game ratings and view filters to help you find your favorite games.
* Track statistics such as the number of times you have played each game or how long since you last played it.
* Easy access short cuts to important Cemu folders such as Shader Cache, Save Folders and Game files. No more searching through log files to find folder names.
Budford Changelog:
-Added the ability to turn on some logging
-Added an option to disable all graphic packs
-Fixed an issue where Budford would crash if you tried to navigate to a folder of a game that didn't exist
-Fixed an issue where removing games that had been deleted wasn't working
Download https://github.com/SteveLeafo/Budford
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/budford-v10112.html
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August 22nd, 2018, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Planet Virtual Boy Emulator (2018/06/09) is released. This is a Virtual Boy Emulator in JAVA.
Planet Virtual Boy Emulator changelog:
New Application Code Base - May 6, 2018
The desktop application and Java emulation core were completely gutted and restarted from scratch. They're a zillion times better now, and I'm happy to report that all of my reservations concerning the old code were engineered out of existence. Now the fun stuff begins.
download http://perfectkiosk.net/news.html
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/planet-...-20180609.html
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August 23rd, 2018, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
PDSX v0.3.0 is released. PDSX is a Playstation BIOS pseudo-emulator for DS/DSi. Ever wanted to run PS1 on your DS or DSi, but can't, due to it's impossibility to emulate? Well no worries! I have made something that brings at least parts of the PS1 experience to the DS/DSi! Introducing PDSX, the PS1 pseudo-emulator for the DS(i) that brings the PS1 BIOS to your DS(i)! Remember! This cannot run games, so you're only limited to the BIOS.
PDSX v0.3.0 changelog:
SCPH101 (PSone) BIOS added!
Includes logos with registered symbol, and the gray-grid main menu with MemCard and CD icons.
After pressing START, a black screen is now shown for a second.
Bug fix
Added missing TM symbol to SCE logo of SCPH1001 BIOS.
START: Start/Stop pseudo-emulation
SELECT: Swap screens between top and bottom
download https://github.com/Robz8/PDSX
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/pdsx-v030.html
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August 23rd, 2018, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Neko Project 21/W v0.86 Rev. 43 is released. Neko Project II is a port to the Wii of NP2 (Neko Project II), NEC PC-9801 emulator, programmed by Yui.
Neko Project 21/W v0.86 Rev. 43 Changelog:
· Since it turned out that it can read quite a lot in NVL.DLL, it adds a famous format so extensively to the file extension extension
· Since the disk image can only be used, the user needs to pay attention to the contents
· PC / AT compatible machine format of hard disk and PC-98 format are not compatible
· If you inadvertently connect the image for PC / AT compatible machine to PC - 98 or vice versa, the contents of the disc may be destroyed as well as the actual machine
· It seems that there are files that can be read even if not in the list
Replace the CreateThread function in the source with _beginthreadex
- Fixed a problem that tray opening / closing does not work properly when there are multiple real CD / DVD drives
- Fixed a bug that sometimes the mount state of the real CD / DVD drive might not be restored by Resume
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/neko-pr...86-rev-43.html
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August 23rd, 2018, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
PCSX-ReARMed Switch v0.0.2 is released. PCSX-ReARMed Switch is a PSX emu for Switch. PCSX ReARMed is yet another PCSX fork based on the PCSX-Reloaded project, which itself contains code from PCSX, PCSX-df and PCSX-Revolution. This version is ARM architecture oriented and features MIPS->ARM recompiler by Ari64, NEON GTE code and more performance improvements. It was created for Pandora handheld, but should be usable on other devices after some code adjustments (N900, GPH Wiz/Caanoo, PlayBook versions are also available). PCSX ReARMed features ARM NEON GPU by Exophase, that in many cases produces pixel perfect graphics at very high performance. There is also Una-i's GPU plugin from PCSX4ALL project, and traditional P.E.Op.S. one.
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/pcsx-re...itch-v002.html
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August 24th, 2018, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
It has been a while since there was major update to 'Hekate Bootloader' setup for various CFW and RCM Payloads on the exploitable Nintendo Switch consoles, but scene developer @CTCaer recently announced on Twitter that he released v4.0 on his GITHub Repo. New in this version- Added Payload launching. Supports: All current CFW bootloaders, Linux chainloading and payload tools.
Use the new entry in Launch, Payloads. Autoboot is supported via inis to all payloads.
- Added Ianos, our module support loading and launching. First module is LP0 (sleep mode).
- Added support for split ini
They should be located to bootloader/ini. All cfw bootloaders, payloads and linux payloads are supported, along with Horizon files.
Autoboot support. Use the More configs menu in autoboot configuration.
- Auto launch update for modchips. For users that do not like to always update their eeprom.
- Add KIP1 patching support
- Backup speed is now faster, by having bigger write speeds.
- Backup folder now uses eMMC serial number.
- AutoRCM now shows status and can unbrick all AutoRCM versions and types.
- If sd card is missing asks to continue. No more accidental stock HOS launching.
- Allow dumping of TSEC keys to sd card
- Fixed display sanitization for all firmwares. No more white flash or black screen.
- Fix critical bug to FatFs
- Countless fixes and bugfixes
- And many more..
Everything hekate related, moved to bootloader folder. Check readme.md for more.
Click to expand...
GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases/tag/v4.0
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...-ctcaer.47983/
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August 24th, 2018, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
It just got more interesting for Nintendo Switch Owners:
It has been a while since there was major update to 'Hekate Bootloader' setup for various CFW and RCM Payloads on the exploitable Nintendo Switch consoles, but scene developer @CTCaer recently announced on Twitter that he released v4.0 on his GITHub Repo. New in this version- Added Payload launching. Supports: All current CFW bootloaders, Linux chainloading and payload tools.
Use the new entry in Launch, Payloads. Autoboot is supported via inis to all payloads.
- Added Ianos, our module support loading and launching. First module is LP0 (sleep mode).
- Added support for split ini
They should be located to bootloader/ini. All cfw bootloaders, payloads and linux payloads are supported, along with Horizon files.
Autoboot support. Use the More configs menu in autoboot configuration.
- Auto launch update for modchips. For users that do not like to always update their eeprom.
- Add KIP1 patching support
- Backup speed is now faster, by having bigger write speeds.
- Backup folder now uses eMMC serial number.
- AutoRCM now shows status and can unbrick all AutoRCM versions and types.
- If sd card is missing asks to continue. No more accidental stock HOS launching.
- Allow dumping of TSEC keys to sd card
- Fixed display sanitization for all firmwares. No more white flash or black screen.
- Fix critical bug to FatFs
- Countless fixes and bugfixes
- And many more..
Everything hekate related, moved to bootloader folder. Check readme.md for more.
Click to expand...
GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases/tag/v4.0
NEWS SOURCE: @CTCaer (via) Twitter
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...-ctcaer.47983/
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August 24th, 2018, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
Another port of MAME to the Nintendo Switch By MVG:
I've ported MAME 0.72 over to the Switch. This is a port of my Xbox 360 0.72 Port. The main intent is to play the Midway games at full speed with sound/music (ie MK3, UMK3, NBA Hangtime etc). Of course you can use RetroNX to do the same thing with MAME2003 . It's your choice
This is the first version and there are bugs. I've tested CPS1, CPS2 , Konami and Midway games and they work fine. Many others probably still wont work yet
This version was based off my original 360 port and the 'Release 4' update that is out in the wild.
Roms go into /roms subfolder. You need MAME 0.72 roms for this to work.
Quick Control Guide:
In Menu:
Left/Right Trigger - scroll rom list
Dpad Up/Down - go up/down a single selection
A - Start Rom
In Game:
Dpad/Analog - Movement
Minus - Coin Up
Plus - Start
Right Analog Down - Mame Options Menu
Plus + Minus - Quit back to Rom Launcher
I've tested with Midway games and they all run great. I have hardly tested other roms at this time, so let me know what you find
download https://github.com/lantus/mame-nx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16751
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August 24th, 2018, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Over 30 years after its original release, Sunsoft’s Ripple Island has finally received an English translation!
Ripple Island is a 1988 adventure game for the Nintendo Famicom developed by Tokai Engineering. It stars Kyle and Cal as they journey across the titular island to save its kidnapped princess and stop an evil would-be emperor from destroying the isle’s lush natural environment. Its gentle story and fairy tale atmosphere set it apart from the wave of murder mystery games flooding the Japanese market at the time and won the hearts of many players.
Unlike many of its contemporaries, the game offers several different endings depending on the player’s choices throughout the game. Make sure to see them all!
This project was a collaboration between Supper (hacking), TheMajinZenki (translation), and cccmar (editing/testing). Thanks to everyone for their hard work.
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August 25th, 2018, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
The outofprint archive has released a new magazine:
This time we go back all the way to 1990 with the first issue of volume 2 of Club Nintendo.
Since phones and portable devices have evolved so much over the past couple of years, we've decided to scrap the super low quality Phone download and focus on a 1600 pixel width Portable version instead, next to the highest quality 2560 pixel width Max-Rez option which will naturally remain.
We start of with a look at the Rare classic Cobra Triangle.
Then we look at the first Metal Gear game for the NES. But we have another Konami game in this issue with Track & Field II. And finally we take a look at the lightgun game To The Earth.
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August 25th, 2018, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
ANESE v0.0.55 is released. ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator being written for fun and learning. While accuracy is a long-term goal, ANESE’s primary goal is to play some of the more popular titles. As of now, most basic Mappers have been implemented, so popular titles should be working! :smile: ANESE is built with cross-platform in mind, and is regularly built on all major platforms (macOS, Windows, and Linux). ANESE doesn’t use any vendor-specific language extensions, and is compiled with strict compiler flags. It is also linted (fairly) regularly. ANESE strives for clean and interesting C++11 code, with an emphasis on readability and maintainability. With that said, performance is important, but it’s not ANESE’s primary focus.
ANESE changelog:
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Update _config.yml
download https://github.com/daniel5151/ANESE
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/anese-v0058.html
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August 25th, 2018, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x GX v4.3.9 is released. Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo(SFC) emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Snes9x GX Features:
* Based on Snes9x 1.53
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Open Source!
Snes9x GX Changelog:
* Revert core completely back to Snes9x 1.52
* Rewritten audio handling
* Fix tinny audio issue when going from the game to the menu and back
* Fixed random in-game crashes
* Fixed sound issues from turbo mode
download https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/snes9x-gx-v439.html
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August 26th, 2018, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
If you been using and enjoying @SimonMKWii's NCA Builder release, then you will love playing around with his latest release NAX0-Cryptor.  Features:- Adds/removes NAX0 encryption from an input NCA.
- Lightweight (<8KB compressed)
- That's basically it...
- Add a keys.txt file to the directory
- Open command prompt
- Type in NAX0-Crypter.exe, using the -e flag for encryption, and the -d flag for decryption
- Type in your unique SD seed, the directory relative to /Nintendo/Contents (i.e. "/Registered/00000000/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.nca"), the input NCA file, and the output NCA file
- Press enter
- ???
- Profit!
Known issues: Does not support NCA file splitting yet, so NCAs with a total size of >4GB are not supported yet.
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GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/simonmkwii/NAX0-Crypter
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...rd-ncas.48016/
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August 26th, 2018, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
M4xw has ported the multi supporting system emulator Retroarch to the Nintendo Switch, heres whats new:
Currently Included: SNES9x(Mainline & 2010), mGBA, VBA-Next, FCEUmm, Beetle (Wonderswan, PCE-Fast, Supergrafx, Virtual Boy, PSX (SLOW!)), MAME 2003(Mainline & Plus), FinalBurn Alpha, BlueMSX, Handy, Gambatte, Genesis GX+, Stella, Prosystem, Vectrex, NXengine, O2em, VirtualJaguar (SLOW!), PCSX-ReARMed (WIP).
RetroNX Release 0.9.8:
-Nightlies have been merged into Stable:
-Added FontDriver (needs to be enabled for fps display)
-Lots of performance fixes
-Fast forward fix
-Fixed RGUI only build
-Core specific menu support
-Core specific splash support
-Added Themes by community artits
-Added wiki (https://git.m4xw.net/Switch/RetroArch/R ... wikis/home)
-Lots of stuff I forgot
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...0c3e00fd297600
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August 26th, 2018, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendont v4.484 is released. A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U.
-Works on Wii and vWii on Wii U
-Full speed loading from an USB device, or a SD card
-Loads 1:1 and compressed .ISO disc images
-Loads games as extracted files (FST)
-Play retail discs (Wii only)
-Play backups from writable DVD media (Old Wii only)
-Memory card emulation
-Use real memory card (Wii only)
-GBA-Link cable (Wii only)
-Play audio via disc audio streaming
-Bluetooth controller support (Classic Controller (Pro), Wii U Pro Controller)
-HID controller support via USB
-Custom button layout when using HID controllers
-Cheat code support
-WiiRd (Wii only)
-Changeable configuration of various settings
-Reset/Power off via button combo (R + Z + Start) (R + Z + B + D-Pad Down)
-Advanced video mode patching, force progressive and force 16:9 widescreen
-Auto boot from loader
-Disc switching
-Allow use of the Nintendo GameCube Microphone
-Use the official Nintendo GameCube controller adapter
download https://github.com/FIX94/Nintendont
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/nintendont-v4484.html
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August 27th, 2018, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshi dropped by Twitter, to let everyone know that Team REBUG's (SwitchMe development board) is finally shipping out to resellers and first wave of pre-orders, and they are also sorry for the delay but it was not their fault. #TradeWars Hi everyone just little update every mcu are released from customs and all board are finished. The trading war btw China and usa is a real pain in ass for us because we have to deal with each country.... We are sorry for the delay #Trump
Click to expand...
As you can see in the photo above, nice racks and racks of SwitchME boards all ready for packaging and shipping, so it will not be long now, before we will be seeing all the cool install pics, and cool things that cool people will be doing with their Switch'es.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://rebug.me/product/switchme/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...ng-soon.47042/
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August 27th, 2018, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was shown to be getting a special edition in the U.K., which will come with a steelbook and GameCube controller + adapter. Now, the North American website for the game has updated to showcase a limited edition for that region, which consists of a steelbook and a limited Switch Pro Controller. The controller is white and black, with a Smash logo on the face of the gamepad. While it's unavailable to pre-order right now, Nintendo says a list of retailers will be revealed later. You'll also be able to purchase the controller on its own. This special edition will release the same day that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate does, on December 7th.
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August 28th, 2018, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
It's time for some more indie game goodness, with Nintendo serving up a Nindies Summer Showcase, giving us a look at "multiple" unannounced indie games that are headed to the Nintendo Switch soon. Graveyard Keeper and Hover were both spotted to have ratings for Switch versions, meaning we'll likely see both of those revealed in the stream. The show starts at 9 am PT and all announcements will be covered in the thread here.
Live Coverage
Hyper Light Drifter is shown.
Will have Switch exclusive costumes and weapons.
Launches Sept 6.
Towerfall Ascension.
6 player mode exclusive to Switch.
Celeste character.
Sept 27.
Cross platform puzzle game Treasure Stack this winter.
Zarvot. You play as cubes and fight evil bananas. Has 5 game modes.
Oct 2018
Mineko's Night Market.
You can farm cats. Race cats. Pet cats. Launches first on Switch.
Early 2019.
Samurai Gun 2.
Early 2019.
Bullet Age.
co-op action game.
Console exclusive this November.
Story based game called World Next Door. Has puzzle fighting combat.
Early 2019.
Level Head.
It's Mario Maker without the Mario.
You can play couch coop with up to 4.
Nov 2018.
King of the Hat.
You can play as washing machines to fight over hats.
Early 2019.
Play as a jerk goose who harasses a farmer.
Early 2019.
Jackbox Party 5, Transistor, Undertale, Dragon Marked for Death, Light Fingers, Superbrothers all in a highlight reel.
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August 28th, 2018, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America will be bringing a New 2DS XL color to its market next month in the form of the purple silver Mario Kart 7 bundle. It's slated to go on sale on September 28, and will cost the standard $149.99. The already existing black and turquoise and white and orange systems will also be changed to come with a pre-installed copy of Mario Kart 7, starting that same day.
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August 29th, 2018, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's clampdown on the illegal use of its games, assets and IP continues with the removal of Pokémon Essentials.
Eurogamer reports the software - which was an add-on for RPG Maker that granted access to the various sprites, environments and even mechanics of the popular monster catching series - has been removed from various websites that hosted it.
A post on the PokéCommunity forums also reveals that the Essentials wikia, a repository filled with information on how to use the fan game dev kit, has also been taken down "due to a copyright claim by Nintendo of America."
"We will not allow Pokémon Essentials or any of its assets to be hosted or distributed on PokéCommunity," moderator Marin posted. "This includes derivatives such as Essentials GS or Essentials DS. We sincerely apologise that we have to do this, but there is no going around it."
Of course, this hasn't completely cut off Pokémon fan game makers, as the post adds: "Mods such as the BW2 Mod which don't feature itself Essentials, are still fine, though."
Marin requested that Pokémon fans not "freak out about the claim", adding there's "no reason to get angry with Nintendo or anyone else involved" - although, inevitably, the move has prompted ire from Pokémon fans and the dev kit's users, pointing out the asset pack was free and its creators were not profiting from it.
Nonetheless, it's in keeping with Nintendo's current crackdown on misuse of its IP. Last month, the platform holder filed a lawsuit against two popular emulation sites, which prompted one to be shut down and the other to remove all Nintendo titles from its library.
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August 29th, 2018, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Binarynova has released the final version of his Job System Improvement hack for Final Fantasy III (NES/Famicom).
Final Fantasy III was Squaresoft’s first attempt at a dynamic job system, but it is pretty clunky to say the least. The player has to grind for and spend “Capacity Points” (CP) to change jobs and the Job menu sends the player through a lot of extra hoops to simply change a character’s job.
This hack is intended to smooth out the whole process. The player can now go right to the Job menu and select a new job. There will be no error message nor any confirmation prompt. The game will automatically remove that character’s equipment and change their job without any additional input. This is done with a check to make sure that the player’s inventory isn’t too full to remove the equipment, avoiding the chance that a character might change jobs with equipment they shouldn’t be able to wear.
Additionally, the cost of changing jobs has been removed. Changing jobs no longer requires you to grind for and spend CP. And as a result Binarynova has removed any mention of CP from battles or from the menu. An optional patch (meant for the AWJ Translation only) replaces the CP Costs on the Job menu with the jobs’ Skill Levels.
These changes make Final Fantasy III’s job system more open and accessible and should inspire players to try out more job combinations to find party setups that they really enjoy. Check out the project page for more detailed information.
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August 29th, 2018, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
ANESE v0.0.60 is released. ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator being written for fun and learning. While accuracy is a long-term goal, ANESE’s primary goal is to play some of the more popular titles. As of now, most basic Mappers have been implemented, so popular titles should be working! :smile: ANESE is built with cross-platform in mind, and is regularly built on all major platforms (macOS, Windows, and Linux). ANESE doesn’t use any vendor-specific language extensions, and is compiled with strict compiler flags. It is also linted (fairly) regularly. ANESE strives for clean and interesting C++11 code, with an emphasis on readability and maintainability. With that said, performance is important, but it’s not ANESE’s primary focus.
ANESE changelog:
add links to wideNES writeup
download https://github.com/daniel5151/ANESE
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/08/anese-v0060.html
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August 30th, 2018, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the savegame manager for the Switch:
This is probably going to be the last Pre-release/beta release. This includes:
Rewritten, more stable text-wrapping
Every system font is now loaded
Adds title blacklisting. Pressing X in the title select will add the selected title to a list that prevents it from being shown. This is located at 'sd:/JKSV/blacklist.txt'
File size is now displayed inside the progress bar
Other small tweaks
download https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSV
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16757
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August 30th, 2018, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Today, August 30th, marks the 27th anniversary for the original Famicom release of Metal Slader Glory. It’s also the day we’ve decided to release the complete translation patch for.
The project began about a decade ago by Pennywise thanks to the help of a kartes. Along the way, Peter Barnard joined the team and translated the script over the course of several months. Years later the script was polished up by Eien ni Hen and then some time later, a grueling round of testing began. After some tweaks, finishing touches etc., the translation is now available to the public.
A big thank you to all those who helped along the way. Couldn’t have done it alone!
Lastly, Peter scanned and translated the manual for the game. The plan was to release it with the translation, but it is currently incomplete. The raw scans have all been edited and cleaned up, but about 5 or so pages need to edited into English. If there’s any photoshop whiz out there, we’d appreciate the help to finish the manual.
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August 31st, 2018, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch Scene might be hopping along like crazy, but there is still the Nintendo 3DS, and even big 'N' is releasing new models of 2DS/3DS this holiday season, along with new 3DS games, and firmware updates, so there still a very active Nintendo 3DS Scene, and to that end @derrekr6 and @profi200 have recently cleaned up their FastBoot 3DS code and released a stable v1.1. fastboot3DS v1.1 beta -> v1.1 stable changelog:- Added option to change splash duration
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
fastboot3DS v1.0 stable -> v1.1 stable changelog:
- Added support for custom splashscreens (Luma splashcreens work) with customizable duration
- Added support for FIRM from FCRAM (A9NC support)
- Added extended FCRAM support on N3DS
- Added Bootrom / OTP dumper via SuperHax
- Vastly improved boot times thanks to improved SDMMC.c driver
- Improved performance of NAND backups and restores thanks to improved SDMMC.c driver
- Tons of under-the-hood improvements and smaller bugfixes
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
fastboot3DS is pretty much feature complete. If you have any suggestions about missing features please open an issue or contact us via other means.
Click to expand...
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/derrekr/fastboot3DS/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...-stable.48156/
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August 31st, 2018, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
The multiple system emulator for the 3DS has been updated:
General changelog
– ANDROID: Add sustained performance mode, can be turned on/off in Power Management settings menu.
– ANDROID: Powerstate/battery level support.
– CHEEVOS: Fix crash when scrolling Achievement List while Unofficial Achievements enabled (#6732).
– CHEEVOS: Added hitcounts support for PauseIf/ResetIf (#6817).
– COMMON: Automatically hide “Configuration Override options” in Quick Menu.
– COMMON: Small Bugfix to not trigger savestate code when pressing Reset.
– COMMON: Added libsixel video driver.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– HID/OSX: Fix to set hid device registration deterministic (#6497), to address issue #6640 re-adding dynamic device registration.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese / Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MIDI: Add MIDI support to the libretro API. Dosbox is the first proof of concept core implementing libretro MIDI.
– MIDI: Add a Windows driver for MIDI, based on winmm.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Qt QSlider styling for Dark Theme.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Remove button ghostly inside highlighting.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Initial grid view.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Drag&drop to add new playlist items, add option to add/edit/delete playlists.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to update RetroArch (Windows only for now).
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage shaders.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage core options.
– MENU/XMB: Add new icons for the settings
– MENU/XMB: Add an option to show the desktop ui
– METAL: Initial work-in-progress video driver for Metal. macOS-only right now, and currently requires macOS 10.13.
– METAL: Supports XMB/MaterialUI, has a menu display driver. Has a font rendering driver.
– METAL/SLANG: Slang shaders should be compatible with Metal video driver.
– NETWORK: Enable SSL/TLS support by default for desktop platforms.
– QNX: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– PS3: Add audio mixer support for FLAC and MP3.
– PSP: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– REMAPS: Fix the way offsets are calculated for keyboard remapping.
– RUNAHEAD: Fix full-screen mode change breaking Secondary Core’s environment variables.
– RUNAHEAD: Deterministic input for RunAhead, guaranteed to match the last polled.
– VITA: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– VITA: Add imc0: mount.
– VITA: Use sceCtrlIsMultiControllerSupported to detect.
– VULKAN: Fix two validation errors.
– VULKAN: Try to avoid creating swapchains redundantly. Should fix black screen and having to alt tab out of window again to get display working on Nvidia GPUs (Windows).
– VULKAN/OSX: Initial MoltenVK support. Not enabled yet, several MoltenVK bugs should be fixed first before we can have it fully working.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Add rumble support.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– X11: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WII: Change deflicker setting to work in 480p or higher, and always enables vfilter so that the user can easily change brightness.
– WIIU: Fix out-of-bounds rendering bug
– WIIU: Implement UDP broadcast network logging on Wii U.
– WIIU: Audio should no longer clip.
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ab3532249cedfe
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August 31st, 2018, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
The Multi system emulator for the Nintendo Wii has been updated:
General changelog
– ANDROID: Add sustained performance mode, can be turned on/off in Power Management settings menu.
– ANDROID: Powerstate/battery level support.
– CHEEVOS: Fix crash when scrolling Achievement List while Unofficial Achievements enabled (#6732).
– CHEEVOS: Added hitcounts support for PauseIf/ResetIf (#6817).
– COMMON: Automatically hide “Configuration Override options” in Quick Menu.
– COMMON: Small Bugfix to not trigger savestate code when pressing Reset.
– COMMON: Added libsixel video driver.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– HID/OSX: Fix to set hid device registration deterministic (#6497), to address issue #6640 re-adding dynamic device registration.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese / Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MIDI: Add MIDI support to the libretro API. Dosbox is the first proof of concept core implementing libretro MIDI.
– MIDI: Add a Windows driver for MIDI, based on winmm.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Qt QSlider styling for Dark Theme.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Remove button ghostly inside highlighting.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Initial grid view.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Drag&drop to add new playlist items, add option to add/edit/delete playlists.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to update RetroArch (Windows only for now).
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage shaders.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage core options.
– MENU/XMB: Add new icons for the settings
– MENU/XMB: Add an option to show the desktop ui
– METAL: Initial work-in-progress video driver for Metal. macOS-only right now, and currently requires macOS 10.13.
– METAL: Supports XMB/MaterialUI, has a menu display driver. Has a font rendering driver.
– METAL/SLANG: Slang shaders should be compatible with Metal video driver.
– NETWORK: Enable SSL/TLS support by default for desktop platforms.
– QNX: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– PS3: Add audio mixer support for FLAC and MP3.
– PSP: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– REMAPS: Fix the way offsets are calculated for keyboard remapping.
– RUNAHEAD: Fix full-screen mode change breaking Secondary Core’s environment variables.
– RUNAHEAD: Deterministic input for RunAhead, guaranteed to match the last polled.
– VITA: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– VITA: Add imc0: mount.
– VITA: Use sceCtrlIsMultiControllerSupported to detect.
– VULKAN: Fix two validation errors.
– VULKAN: Try to avoid creating swapchains redundantly. Should fix black screen and having to alt tab out of window again to get display working on Nvidia GPUs (Windows).
– VULKAN/OSX: Initial MoltenVK support. Not enabled yet, several MoltenVK bugs should be fixed first before we can have it fully working.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Add rumble support.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– X11: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WII: Change deflicker setting to work in 480p or higher, and always enables vfilter so that the user can easily change brightness.
– WIIU: Fix out-of-bounds rendering bug
– WIIU: Implement UDP broadcast network logging on Wii U.
– WIIU: Audio should no longer clip.
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ab3532249cedfe
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August 31st, 2018, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
The multi system emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube has been updated:
General changelog
– ANDROID: Add sustained performance mode, can be turned on/off in Power Management settings menu.
– ANDROID: Powerstate/battery level support.
– CHEEVOS: Fix crash when scrolling Achievement List while Unofficial Achievements enabled (#6732).
– CHEEVOS: Added hitcounts support for PauseIf/ResetIf (#6817).
– COMMON: Automatically hide “Configuration Override options” in Quick Menu.
– COMMON: Small Bugfix to not trigger savestate code when pressing Reset.
– COMMON: Added libsixel video driver.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– HID/OSX: Fix to set hid device registration deterministic (#6497), to address issue #6640 re-adding dynamic device registration.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese / Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MIDI: Add MIDI support to the libretro API. Dosbox is the first proof of concept core implementing libretro MIDI.
– MIDI: Add a Windows driver for MIDI, based on winmm.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Qt QSlider styling for Dark Theme.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Remove button ghostly inside highlighting.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Initial grid view.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Drag&drop to add new playlist items, add option to add/edit/delete playlists.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to update RetroArch (Windows only for now).
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage shaders.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add menu option to manage core options.
– MENU/XMB: Add new icons for the settings
– MENU/XMB: Add an option to show the desktop ui
– METAL: Initial work-in-progress video driver for Metal. macOS-only right now, and currently requires macOS 10.13.
– METAL: Supports XMB/MaterialUI, has a menu display driver. Has a font rendering driver.
– METAL/SLANG: Slang shaders should be compatible with Metal video driver.
– NETWORK: Enable SSL/TLS support by default for desktop platforms.
– QNX: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– PS3: Add audio mixer support for FLAC and MP3.
– PSP: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– REMAPS: Fix the way offsets are calculated for keyboard remapping.
– RUNAHEAD: Fix full-screen mode change breaking Secondary Core’s environment variables.
– RUNAHEAD: Deterministic input for RunAhead, guaranteed to match the last polled.
– VITA: Use proper button labels, fix inverted R-Stick Y axis.
– VITA: Add imc0: mount.
– VITA: Use sceCtrlIsMultiControllerSupported to detect.
– VULKAN: Fix two validation errors.
– VULKAN: Try to avoid creating swapchains redundantly. Should fix black screen and having to alt tab out of window again to get display working on Nvidia GPUs (Windows).
– VULKAN/OSX: Initial MoltenVK support. Not enabled yet, several MoltenVK bugs should be fixed first before we can have it fully working.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Add rumble support.
– WINDOWS/DINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– X11: Fix Game Focus Toggle.
– WII: Change deflicker setting to work in 480p or higher, and always enables vfilter so that the user can easily change brightness.
– WIIU: Fix out-of-bounds rendering bug
– WIIU: Implement UDP broadcast network logging on Wii U.
– WIIU: Audio should no longer clip.
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16764
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August 31st, 2018, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this year, back in March, we saw the release of a brand new 5.0.0 firmware update for the Nintendo Switch. It was an overall minor update, giving users better control over their parental controls, changing the way the news app entries were filtered, and a handful of new avatars. Now, we're almost to September, and a new milestone firmware is on the horizon. A 6.0.0 update has been leaked by the CDN, and some of its contents were datamined. The update file itself currently lurks in the darker parts of the web, if one dares to hunt it out. It's not advised that you try to mess with that, however.
While the full details of the update are not currently clear, hackers have datamined the update with fairly interesting results. Like the last update, there's new avatars, this time focusing on Captain Toad. There's 2 Toad avatars, 2 Toadette, 1 Draggadon, and 1 Wingo that have been added.
This is also an update that prepares for the imminent launch of the Nintendo Online Services, with a new slogan on the eShop being written as "More Games, More Features, More Fun". Cloud save data backups have been added, too, and will happen automatically if you put your system into sleep mode. Supposedly, measures have also been put in place through telemetry in order to have a higher rate of detection on those who use exploits and CFW. There may also be a new master key.
Furthermore, a large banner of controller icons were datamined, with NES and SNES controllers. What their purpose is has not been identified yet. Theories range from it bringing new controller type support, or icons for the new NES and SNES games that will be offered with the online service. A release of potentially Monday next week, September 3 has been cited as the most likely time that the update will drop. Regardless of when the update hits, a news post covering the official release and its details will be posted, so stay tuned.
As always, if you value keeping your system primed for homebrew, you'll want to refrain from updating before a full breakdown is available. Are you wary of this update? Excited? Shocked that it's not just stability patches? What do you think of the new 6.0.0 update?
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendo...likely.516714/
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