Mario fans from the USA can now enjoy the online Nintendo Wii game thats been released today. Heres the release details:
Supercharged Characters! The captains from Super Mario Strikers are back, joined by four new ones, and now you can create your own original team by mixing and matching your captain with an all-new cast of sidekicks.
Wreak havoc on the field by unleashing an all-new captain super-ability. Sidekicks take center stage with dramatic new skil shots!
Terrific new Wii controls. Use the Nunchuk to control your characters and deploy items. Flick the Wii Remote to steal the ball and flatten foes. No yellow cards here!
Tons of new single-player modes, from tutorials to tournaments to challenges
Up to four players can battle locally, or go online and bash rivals via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!
Super-interactive stadiums challenge you with unique hazards. Get whacked by Thowps or blown of the pitch!
The metal ball is almost a character by itself. Charge it up to unleash a barrage of up to six balls in a Mega Strike! If you're defending, seize control of the goalie, point the Wii Remote at the screen and block the balls as they rocket towards you!
Superb new Wii controls, over-the-top abilities and tons more features make Mario Strikers Charged the unparalleled champion of bash 'em, smash 'em soccer action!
Follow the wacky adventures of Mag Kid as he slips and slides into enemies while solving puzzles. Use the slide controller peripheral to make a stand for your DS and slide it around a smooth surface, making Mag Kid move around the screen with it.
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Quirky has released a new version of his Web Browser for the Nintendo DS with the funny name, heres whats new:
* Removed the built-in font - now requires DLDI patching
* Escaping of forms and urls. Now urls with "&" should work as expected.
* Parsing of .. in urls. So href="../whatever" will work
* Added history - left and right go forwards and backwards.
* POST form handling added.
* Long lines wrap
* Spaces added to keyboard - allowing multi-word searches on Google.
* Password fields added - though without text fields and a full keyboard they are a bit useless...
* Highlight link when touched.
* Cookies added - uses a whitelist of allowed cookies, all others are refused. Empty default whitelist for cookies stored in /data/bunjalloo/user/ckallow.lst
* Configuration file added, to allow for (future) customisation.
* Allow "file:" to "http:" URL navigation, but not the other way around.
* Updated dswifi to 0.3.2 to fix problems on newer DS lites.
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Infantile Paralysiser have updated thier image viewer for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* The DLDI patch files was updated.
* Some it rewrote by the assembler and it sped it up a little.
* Soft reset was assigned to the START button.
* StartButtonFunction item was added to [System] section of imgview.ini.
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sorry for the cockup :P
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Europe will finally get their chance to play as the two-dimensional Mario on the Wii as Super Paper Mario lands in Europe Sept. 14. Although it never ceases to amaze us how long it takes to bring those pesky video games to Europe, four months for the text-heavy Super Paper Mario doesn't seem half bad. Especially compared to the whole Elite Beat Agents mess.
The game will cost "£35" for Europe according to the release. You know, instead of the more commonly used Euro. If we were to convert that to Euros, it would be something like €52, but prices never actually end up working like that. Germany's has Super Paper Mario listed for €45. So rejoice Europe, by the time you're done with Super Paper Mario it'll be time for Metroid to come out.
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While we may be a little disappointed with some of what Square Enix is offering us with Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire, that certainly doesn't mean we stop hoping. Of course, the first FFTA was no slouch, and a game building off that formula still makes us take notice, even if it's not going as far as we (or any touchscreen-enabled, Wi-Fi connected DS owner) might like.
In preparation for the game's October 25th Japanese release, Square Enix has continued to shed light on some of the additions to the races and jobs that will be available. As we've mentioned previously, we know about the Hume, Moogle, Viera, Bangaa and Nu Moh races, with two more yet to be revealed. On the job front, they have recently added Yojimbo for the Humes, Chocobo Knight and Magic Gunner for the Moogles, Green Mage and Magic Fencer for the Viera, Master Monk and Cannoneer for the Bangaa, and Arcane Mage for the Nu Moh. This brings the total number of jobs announced for all races to 49, with another three still a mystery.
Squeenix has also released a handful of new images with the new classes in action, so check 'em out! What do you think, does it look good, or does its younger target demographics and lack of touchscreen use damage its appeal?
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The folks over at NeoGAF are reporting that the latest issue of Ngamer has an interesting chunk of rumor in it. In the latest issue, a reader writes in asking if Donkey Kong 64 could appear on the Virtual Console for the Wii, what with the game requiring the expansion pack and all. Apparently, the folks at Rare have been thinking about that game too, but they've been thinking DS and not Wii.
Given that Mario 64 DS doesn't have the best control scheme, we worry about how this game would handle itself in that respect should this rumor turn out to be true. Other than that, we say bring it on.
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Microsoft development studio Rare is working on a DS version of its acclaimed Xbox 360 game Viva Piñata.
Developed at the UK-based Twycross studio, the game promises to be "a full-sized Viva Piñata game in your pocket," according to Rare, with the game set to include new characters as well as expanded features and game modes.
Earlier this month Microsoft announced that Viva Piñata: Party Animals for the Xbox 360 was in development at Krome Studios, and that the original title will also be coming to PC's via the Games for Windows initiative.
Rare has developed a number of titles for Nintendo handhelds since being snapped up by Microsoft in 2002, including puzzle game It's Mr Pants, published by THQ.
Microsoft had denied the studio would be working on DS titles in the past, but eventually admitted Rare has taken delivery of software development kits and was working on a project for Nintendo's best-selling handheld console.
Competition running time: 3rd August 2007 to Sunday, 16th September 2007 Deadline: Sunday, 16th September 2007 23:59, in YOUR timezone! Systems allowed: Gameboy Advance only Topic: "Backport"/"Convert" a Nintendo DS homebrew to Gameboy Advance!
* You must own all RIGHTS to your submission, this includes sound, graphics, code, simply everything! The use of copyrighted names and characteres should be avoided, unless you have an official permission, which should be forwarded along with your entry. We reserve the right to refuse or disqualify entries, which break any rule(s)!!!
* In case of VERY OLD GAMES (+10y), which do not seem to have a copyright holder anymore and which are not distributed commercially anymore, we can make an exception, but you must be still able to proofe that you tried to get in touch with the responsible copyrightholders.
* Keep in mind you OWN ALL RIGHTS to your production, this means you are also fully reliable for it. By submitting your production you declare that you did not break any copyright.
#1 - One GBA Micro (new, unused) + One 2004 Compo Cartridge (new, unused)
#2 - One Qwak GBA Cartridge (new, unused) + 1 x GBAccelerometer (new, unused) + One HAMLib license
#3 - One HAMLib license + One GBAccelerometer (new, unused)
[Special Prize]
One GBA Micro (new, unused) + One 2004 Compo Cartridge (new, unused) + One GBAccelerometer (new, unused) + One HAMlib license
The HAMlib licenses are sponsored by Emanual Schleussinger HAMlib is a software development enviroment for the Gameboy Advance. The HAMLib license will be registered to the winners name, so of course we will require your real name, adress and stuff like this (just to let you know in advance). The prize can not be paid out in cash.
The GBAccelerometers are sponsored by Keith E. The GBAccelerometer is a 3-axis Kionix accelerometer that plugs into the Gameboy Advance link port to enable full motion sensing on the Gameboy Advance compatible with GBA and GBA SP, NOT with GBA Micro! - Those prizes are sent by Keith E. directly, we will forward your name and postal adress for this! The prize can not be paid out in cash!
The two GBA Micros and the real GBA cartridges (2 x 2004 Competition Cartridge + 1 x Qwak) are sponsored by Kojote of PDRoms. Those cartridges are pretty RARE!!! Prizes can not be paid out in cash!
* Prizes can not be paid out in cash
* In case of entries having the same jury-end-score, the entry which has been submitted earlier will be the winner.
* In case of teamwork, the team-leader has to make sure the prizes are split proper within the team itself.
* The special prize is given to the person with the most "ports". If there should be a person with equal amount of ports, the one who was sending in things fastest, will win this special prize.
* Submit as many entries as you like and have an extra chance to win the "special prize"
* No Splash-Screen required, you keep all your rights - even no need to mention PDRoms.
* The "ported" homebrew NDS game should be "brandnew" for GBA, already existing ports which were available for the public before 2nd August 2007 are not allowed, unless they are heavily major updated!
* You are not allowed to spread your GBA entry to the public before the official results!
* You grant PDRoms and its staff members the right to spread your entry freely (we won't make money with it). We have connections to other important scene pages, so we'll make sure you get proper attention for your production
* Entry should run on a REAL GBA
* Write a README with information about your game, this text will be used to present your entry, also add a screenshot!
* Please state out, which NDS game you were porting and send the NDS binary along (will not be published)!
* Package each submission in ONE compressed file archive and send it to shahzad.sahaib(at) AND kojote(at) (just to be on the save side, due to agressive spam-filters - each entry will be CONFIRMED after max. 2 days)
* Entries can be updated by sending an updated archive ANYTIME before the deadline.
While there has yet to be a formal announcement, online retail GameStop has put up a product page for Dancing with the Stars, to be published by Activision. No further details are revealed, but it's probably safe to assume it is an adaptation of the popular TV show where a celebrity, who usually has no apparent dancing talent, is paired up with a professional dancer to compete for the top honors. A PS2 and Wii version are planned, currently scheduled for November 13, 2007.
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Hide away that soldering iron, Nintendo is on to you crazy kids. The company has issued a press release "in support of" recent raids by US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents, which executed 32 search warrants in 16 states to weed out those responsible for the distribution of "illegal modification chips." Apparently this is the largest enforcement action taken against video game piracy, and Nintendo has been working hand in hand with the Department of Homeland Security to pull it off. Since April, Nintendo claims to have seized more than 91,000 counterfeit (er, "backup") Wii discs globally. Of course, the whole issue of whether mod chips, when used harmlessly to enable homebrew and backups, should be illegal in the first place is still a sticky issue (the DMCA seems to frown on the idea), but it looks like if you are indeed trading in the illicit stuff, Nintendo and the fuzz are hoping to track you down for a little chat.
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Nightfox has released a new version of his game for the Nintendo DS:
heres whats new:
- Now you can play in 2 modes, with "original" or "new" graphics.
- Animation for player (walk one)
- Animation for enemies
- You can open all doors
- You can walk arround whole first castle
- All enemies on 1st castle are set-up
- You can change map on bottom screen
- You can move map on bottom screen
- Enjoy
My pixel artist and musician are temporaly M.I.A. (Missing in action, i'll kill them when they come back) soo i'll concentrate for now on game engine and original mode, using the graphics and sound ripped from msx version.
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Syntech has updated his StopWatchDS application, heres whats new:
Hello again,
I had some time to play around with this little App, and so I added some colors and digital numbers (thanks to Ashai Rey for the Digital Numbers Demo) to the output function for better readability (sp?).
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With Grumpy Cat & DHG's help and authorisation, RGCD have produced a limited quantity of Thrust Advance and Motocross Challenge GBA cartridges and are selling them at cost price via our shop ( Info cut and pasted from website follows:
"RGCD have teamed up with some of the best homebrew developers to bring you the RGCD cart project - top GBA homebrew games on cartridge, sold at cost price and in very limited quantities. Our first cart release was Grumpy Cat's awesome 'Thrust Advance', a tribute to the Firebird classic of old and quite probably one of the best examples of quality retro gaming available for Nintendo's single-screen handheld.
Following that, our second release is a game that a lot of you have been waiting for... RGCD and DHG Games present the authorised cartridge release of RGCD #02's featured game; Motocross Challenge!
Originally planned as a commercial GBA release, Motocross Challenge had been in development for three years by relatively small indie developer DHG. In 2006 they signed the game to what they describe on their website as "a very big and international publisher that shall remain unnamed". After a further six months of solid work, the game was finally completed in February 2007 - yet while it was in final testing the publisher decided that the GBA market wouldn't support enough sales of a non-licensed game to make releasing it worthwhile. The project was thereafter cancelled, despite just needing to be written to a cartridge, stuck in a box and shipped to the shops.
Without the necessary resources to port the game to another platform and with a strong desire to actually let someone play the damn thing, DHG made the amicable decision to host their opus for download from their website. However, following our glowing review of the game, we at RGCD thought that this outstanding title should be given the proper cartridge release that it deserves. So with DHG Games' authorisation we've created a limited batch of MXC cartridges for you to buy and plug into your GBA, SP, Micro or DS!
For the small sum of £8.50 (including P&P), MXC can be yours to own today. As per RGCD's other cart releases, MXC is strictly limited to less than 100 carts.
(Please note that MXC now has a (limited) save function; the game saves your last achieved password in the cart's SRAM, saving you the bother of having to write down codes after each game. Bonus! Also, there is a reason this cart is for sale for considerable more than the usual price - DHG requested that we send them 20 carts in order for us to proceed with this cartridge project, and clearly the money to buy those had to come from somewhere... However, when you take into consideration that this was originally coded as a commercial game, our budget price tag is still very reasonable.)"
We're looking to release several more homebrew carts, so if you've got a game that you'd like to see released, drop us a line via the website
Note that our shop is run strictly on a non-commercial, non-profit basis - so please don't flame me! Any and all revenue from cartridge sales will directly offset the cost of production and shipping. Faulty carts and other returns will be refunded in full.
Oh, and you might want to check out these other two cart projects whilst you're at it:
Even with the news of federal agents going after modders and pirates, its not stopping modchip makers. The new modchip is known as Wii-BOSS It officially releases today (August 3rd). This is a quick-solder Wii modchip solution with an external programmer and is open source, meaning you can flash any code to it via RS-232 (serial port).
“Almost all other conventional and homebrew modchips consist of two parts where the code is held, of which only the smaller EEPROM section of the chip can be changed easily. This EEPROM part of the code is very useful for small pre defined simple on or off selectable 1’s and 0’s and possibly a very small “additional feature†section. For example: Speed setting your chip or enabling multi-zone. However, if you want to update the entire chip, you need to physically remove the chip from the Wii, put it on a programmer, reprogram it, and then reinstall the chip into the Wii. This is not something you want to be doing constantly keep up with new optimized modchip codes for the Nintendo Wii.â€
The Wii-BOSS is designed as a ‘quick solder’ chip with an external ribbon cable that can be left inside the machine, taped down on the back of the Wii, or even hidden inside the memory card bay. This chip can be fully programmed inside the machine with any code that supports the 12f629 PIC Microchip.
The Wii-BOSS is also designed to allow external booting off the ribbon cable, therefore protecting the user against ever having to pull the Wii apart ever again if their requirements for a particular style of modchip change. External adapters to make competitor modchips and PC applications like DVD-Tool boot externally have already been designed and will be produced soon after the initial release of the premier product for a very minimal charge. These will likely be included in future kits at no extra charge.
The Wii-BOSS even comes packaged with its own RS-232 port external programmer. Software for the programmer is open source and therefore also provided free. The programmer is based on an open source project and therefore could be ‘modded’, theoretically, to be used as a standard RS-232 PIC programmer.
R.R.P. for the entire packed is USD$25 including the Wii-SP JDM programmer. The cost will obviously much cheaper in bulk quantities. Wholesale quantities start from just 2 kits.
At the time of writing the wii-boss supported the following codes (in no particular order):
Wii-Free - last stable release ver2.45
YOASM - last stable release ver1.7
Winja – last stable release ver2.0 (deluxe currently not available)
Open-Wii - last stable release ver1.3
Wii-skas - last stable release unknown
MaxBoot - last stable release ver1.0 (redirection code for external booting)
It took slightly longer than we anticipated to judge the entries and decide on the winners. This years competition was our hardest ever to decide, there were half a dozen or so entries that were deserving of the three winning places and we had a truly tough time deciding on them. But there can only be three winners and they are...
Colors! is a simplistic digital application for Nintendo DS based on modern painting-techniques developed for drawing tablets in programs like Photoshop. By taking advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen it becomes a perfect portable digital sketch-book.
Major updates for this version are:
* Compability update - Should solve a lot of save corruptions and lock-ups
* New user-interface by Ernst (
* Full opacity brush option
* Border around canvas to allow more panning
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Long lasting battery power for your Wiimote combine with a dedicated charger that fits into any USB plug! This is the rechargeable battery power pack for Wii.
- Easy to set up and use
- Can stand by 168 hours
- Long life mega power battery
- Comes with power charge cable
- 3 hours quick charge function
- Can be use continuously over 24 hours
- Built-in power charge working indicator.
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Designed to backup and play anything you can throw at it the G6DS Real is the latest Nintendo DS backup unit offered by the G6 Flash Team.
The G6DS Real does not use SD memory cards, instead it comes with a built in 16Gb (2GB) of NAND memory
- 100% Game compatibility
- Extremely simple to use: just drag and drop files to the G6 Cart . No drivers or any software required.
- Work as U disk with USB 2.0 ultra fast burning speed. Standard FAT system
support .
- Build-in high speed memory. (Run game without lag or slow down. Speed of all the games is same as original.)
- Exclusive Super Cheat Function: Fully AR Cheat Code compatible engine. A Ready-Made Cheat Code database file is available for download (English, Chinese, Japanese)
- Supports reading individual cheat code file too. (xml, cht, dht)
- Special Game features can be enabled during game playing: (such as SlowMotion mode…)
- Software reset function
- The highest download play compatibility. (Mario Kart, New super Mario etc...)
- 100% clean dump supported without the need for any patching. (no update is
necessary for patching.)
- Hardware automatically game save type detect . (No need to update the save
type database file frequently.)
- Excellent homebrew support thanks to the DLDI auto-patcher .
- Upgradeable system . No size limitation of Flash rom .
- Robust and skin able GUI .
- Built in PassMe (NO need for any boot cart/passcard etc.)
- Supports Slot-2 expansions card. (Rumble, Ram , Browser memory and Gba
Game card etc.)
- Boot Slot-1 automatically. Users may also select to appear Console Main Menu first or begin G6 Main Menu directly (Convenience for download play.)
- Includes a fully touch screen and button control operating system /GUI Menu
- NDS-GBA Linkage works fine .
- The strongest media features: Build-in Media-Extend application + Moonshell media player. MP3 ,OGG music and DPG /DSM / GBM movies )…
- Super E-book function, supports Word/ Txt file directly
- Super picture viewer function , support *.BMP¡*.JPG¡*.GIF¡*.PNG directly
- Built in PDA (Worldwide Time ,Memo , Note ,Phone book ,Calculator ..)
- Supports DS sleep mode .
- Brightness adjustment within GUI .
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Kayvenm has updated the port of the FPS game Descent for DS.
Heres whats new:
Well, it’s been a while since the last release, almost 2 months. Various real life stuff happened but here we are, alpha 4 !
New features :
Music ! (make sure to put the midi.nfs file with your other descent files)
Press start + select to switch between the hud and keyboard while in-game, can be used to enter cheats. (Switching is a bit tricky, I know)
You can now move all the games files to the dscent directory (this is optional)
Bug fixes :
Fixed a crash that happened on the automap
Fixed the exception screen, now it will display text properly instead of just a red and white screen
Not tested, but I rewrote the save game writing code for those who were having corrupted save games, please post feed back
There’s probably other stuff I’ve forgotten to write down in my notes
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Capcom has removed an Islamic phrase from forthcoming game Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaro's Treasure, following a series of complaints, is reporting.
Religious group The Council on American-Islamic Relations has praised the publisher for its sensitive actions in removing "Allahu akbar" ("God is most great") from the in-game dialogue.
"We appreciated Capcom's willingness to address Muslim concerns about the use of a religious phrase in an inappropriate context and applaud the company's swift response," said CAIR communications coordinator Amina Rubin.
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaro's Treasure is an exclusive title for Nintendo's Wii, due for release later this year. The offending phrase was included in a recent promotional movie for the game.
"We have already contacted the team working on the game, and the phrase has been removed from the game and will not be heard in future videos released to the public," confirmed a spokesperson from Capcom.
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Nintendo has released a quartet of classics for the European Virtual Console this week, led by Mega Drive ninja-nibble Shinobi III.
It's probably the best game in the sword-slashing series, thanks to better graphics and a less difficult but faster action slant, and asks you as Joe Musashi to save the work from an evil crime syndicate with your masterful Ninjitsu powers.
Close behind is another Mega Drive outing following a funny creature who throws his head at people, Dynamite Headdy. He's a toy, as are all the others in the world, and he'll have to better numerous action platform levels if he wants to defeat his lifelong nemesis Trouble Bruin. Arf.
Completing the SEGA hattrick this week is role-playing game Shining Force, a turn-based affair considered a little easy by those of you with beards by your ankles. Kill the baddies, save the day, win the girl, claim the fame.
And back there, sulking in the background, is Drop Off - a puzzle action game for TurboGrafx-16. It looks lots like Breakout, and you'll have to rebound a ball off of your paddle up into falling obstacles to progress through levels.
But remember, remember: Mega Drive morsels cost you 800 points (GBP 5.60 / EUR 8), and TurboGrafx-16 ticklers tend to tango towards 600 points (GBP 4.50 / EUR 6).
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Infendo's Dale Rubin is undergoing a bold experiment: diving headfirst (obviously) into the science of facening. He picked up a copy of Face Training and is dutifully contorting for his facial health and for our education.
The experience sounds rather a lot like Brain Age for faces, with Facening spokesperson Fumiko Inudou('s head) substituting for our beloved Dr. Kawashima. Once the initial setup was done, Dale began the task of making some faces based on prompts. He was photographed making each of these faces, and then graded on his performance. He got an 89%-- an A on his very first day of face-making class!
Just like with Brain Age, the impossible seems to be happening-- we're becoming genuinely interested in the weird training game. Hey Dale, how about some daily pictures, so we can track your face's youthening process? Since that's kind of the whole point of Face Training and all.
In what is easily the best Smash Bros update yet, it has been revealed that Smash Bros. Brawl will be much more than a fighting game, with a fully-fledged single-player side-scrolling adventure mode crammed into the package.
"People have been kind enough to praise its multiplayer, but we've never been able to create a fully fleshed out single-player game," said series creator Masahiro Sakurai. "This time, though, we've managed to create a complete side-scrolling action game. Its storyline isn't overwrought-it's hastened along by a bunch of quick movies," he added.
The Subspace Emissary is the name of the new adventure mode in which you set out on story-driven quests that are different for each character.
As Sakurai explains: "The Adventure mode also emphasizes character development. You'll see many famous characters persevering under the weight of their personal histories, shouldering their unique burdens... It's really something you won't see anywhere else."
The side-scrolling action stages, which look absolutely awesome in the first screens below, are broken up with short cutscenes that push you through the progressing story of that character.
Bethesda has finally dipped its toe into Wii development with news that Star Trek: Conquest is coming to Wii. Oh and PS2.
Trekkies will be able to assume the role of staffers from the Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Dominion, and Breen forces. The game's all about controlling the Galaxy, one planet at a time.
The firm says that you'll have to build and manage your growing empire in turn-based strategy, "fully utilising the Wii Remote" as you move your starships around the galactic map.
Once engaged in combat the camera switches to a ship level tactical view giving you direct command of your fleet while you engage in real-time combat. You can then manoeuvre your starship with the Nunchuk and fire with the Remote.
The game's due out this side of Christmas.
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Via rrc2soft (author).
rrc2soft has just released a new version of DSZhongwen (v1.0b), his application for learning (a bit of) chinese using the nintendo DS.
v1.0b (August 04, 2007)
- New exam added: "Meaning". Check if you know the correct hanzi associated with a certain meaning.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- All ideograms from my elemental chinese class have been added.
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Nintendo has refined their Wiimote wrist strap design again, almost successfully removing all user responsibility for holding the controller. The newest revision has a locking clip that should keep the strap firmly in place. And if this doesn't work, it's time for Krazy Glue.
It's currently unknown if Nintendo is willing to send these out for free as they did with the original replacements, or if these will only be included with new Wiimotes. But if your current strap isn't constantly sliding off your wrist, you don't really need one of the new ones! Unless you just really want it to be more belt-like.
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Bratz Ponyz sees you arrive on the Ponyz archipelago to participate in the prestigious Ponyz Town beauty pageant, Passion for Fashion. The competition takes place over a year and gives you the chance to develop your artistic talent through a series of challenges based around fashion and beauty. In addition, between each challenge you are completely free to explore the gorgeous tropical islands, meet and befriend the inhabitants, and participate in a variety of fun activities. Combining every little girl's innate love of both ponies and the fashion which made the Bratz famous, Ponyz are a dream come true for Bratz fans! Bratz Ponyz for Nintendo DS stimulates the player's imagination and creativity while satisfying their passion for fashion. Play and interact with Bonita, Celeste, Sashay and Pursia?4 kickin' Ponyz with sass and style!
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Glory Days 2 allows players to soar through the sky as an ace fighter pilot and dive-bomb into battle. Part strategy fused with action shooter appeal, Glory Days 2 plunges the player into air warfare where skills in managing wartime tactics like deploying units, rescuing civilians, and capturing enemy bunkers, lead to epic war stories and unforgettable battles
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Players will have to have speedy fingers and even faster minds to conquer the many puzzles available in this puzzle game. Picross DS offers quick and accessible entertainment for everyone, irrespective of age or experience. In the game's main Picross Mode players must reveal a hidden image that lies beneath the puzzle by filling in a grid with squares and crosses to complete patterns. Picross Mode allows players to create their very own puzzles to challenge or share with friends. Once created these puzzles can be shared with friends using the Nintendo DS wireless connectivity or the Wi-Fi Connection service. Players looking for a quick distraction on a regular basis, a calendar based Daily Picross mode challenges players to take on several quick puzzles every day. There is also a highly addictive multiplayer mode so you can show up your friends and settle old scores. In multiplayer mode up to five players can compete against each other and the clock to finish puzzles first in Multi-Picross Mode. And, thanks to Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection Service, players can take part in Online Battle mode with another player from anywhere in the world! Nintendo's unique Wi-Fi Connection Service also provides access to a nearly endless supply of new puzzles to download. Users can upload puzzles they create in My Picross mode for other players to browse and download online and can also download official puzzles from Nintendo.
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Spinal has released a new update of his app for the Nintendo DS:
Another update...
Removed SRAM test and replaced it with EEPROM test. The eeprom test will test the save memory on slot-1 cards. Currently only tests type-2 (64kbit) and type-3(2mbit) I do not have any cards with type-1(4kbit) so I have not done that yet.
Also a subtle change, the icon used in the motion test should be the version DS you have, a dslite if your ds is a ds lite, or an old gray one if your ds is phat. I only have a ds lite so I havent tested that either.
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The SUpercard team have released a new version of their firmware for their DS Flash Cart:
# 1. Rom patch database upgrade
# 2. Added DLDI automatic patching for homebrew. (Patch Enable required)
# 3. Added RESET function for homebrew.(Patch Enable required) HotKey: L+R+X+Y+A+B. Recommend hold L+R first and then X+Y+A+B.
# 4. Added DIY skin of OS menu. (Please open SKIN.INI)
# 5. Added download play supported. (Enalbe Fix downplay required)
# 6. Fixed 1081 unstable problem in patch mode.
# 7. Fixed 1235 battle-mode halt problem in patch mode.
Stravingo has updated his Weather App for the DS, heres whats new:
This version 0.4 of DS Weather Report features many improvements:
- Addition of Central Europe, Eastern Europe and North Africa countries.
- More than 3300 cities in the included database (and always more than 40000 cities available by code).
- More cities displayed on the world map.
- Faster world map display, now at 60 FPS.
- And last but not least, faster download time of weather information: a cache is now used on a server, with a duration of one hour. So, the download time of weather data for all the cities is now of 1 minute if the data are not cached, else it's only about 2 seconds!
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Preussie has released an excellent new puzzle game for the DS, heres the release info:
This is the first release ( version 0.6 ) of AcChen for the Nintendo DS. For more information and screenshots about the game, visit my AcChen DS page. This release includes 20 levels.
I only had the chance to test the binary on my DS Lite with a R4 Slot1 card. Any comments about working/not working hardware are appreciated!
To do list for the next versions:
save highscores / highscore list
smoother UI
more level
more eye candy
a time bonus item would be nice
clean up the sound samples
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Sam Steele(ie me) has posted a new build of DreamZZT, an open-source ZZT interpreter for the Nintendo DS.
Here's what's new:
* DreamZZT Online support for Nintendo DS
* Support for saving SuperZZT games
* Directory listing in NDS file browser (contributed by ndsdev -at -
* Lua interpreter for Nintendo DS builds
* Reduced memory usage so larger games can fit in Nintendo DS RAM
* Multi-line text entry widget for bug reports
* ZZT-OOP script editor
* Meter display for SuperZZT health
* Support SuperZZT "hint" key
* Hold-to-scroll in text windows
With the top new retail release and a really solid lineup on Virtual Console, we think you have to give the win to the Wii this week. We're not sure of the new XBLA or PSN releases, but we bet they'll have a hard time topping these selections.
Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64, 1-2 players, 1,000 Wii Points): Back in the day (as the kids say) we loved, loved, loved Wave Race 64, almost to the point that we're a little nervous about seeing how it's held up in the decade since its release. We hope we're not paying a sawbuck to have our childhood kicked in the crotch.
Adventures of Lolo (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): This is another one we have fond memories of, and we're a little less worried about how it's fared. After all, a solid puzzle game is enjoyable forever, ask Alexey Pajitnov. If it's undone by anything, it'll be the music, an endless loop, driving players ever closer to the dark edge of madness.
Galaga 90 (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): You know what it's a lot like? Galaga.
Creating your own puzzles is a snap! Design your puzzle by hand or draw any picture you like and convert it automatically into a Picross puzzle. Picross DS automates the process and helps correct errors in your homemade puzzles!
Trade puzzles with friends using local wireless or Nintendo WFC or download free bonus puzzle packs.
Up to five friends can play in Picross-themed minigames over local wireless, or race to complete puzzles against other gamers on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Daily Picross mode features a series of quick-play puzzle sets that players can return to day after day to test their skill over time.
Each Picross DS puzzle has a sequence of numbers written in the margins of each column and each row. Those numbers show how many squares within that column or row need to be filled in.
Players must deduce which squares to fill in. Incorrect guesses earn a time penalty. If a player solves a puzzle in under one hour, they'll earn a bonus animation!
Sizes range from simple 5x5 puzzles to much more challenging 15x15 (and bigger!) grids. Players can create and swap puzzles with one another.
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Incarnate your favourite Bratz Ponyz™, or change Ponyz during the game and participate in the prestigious, ‘Passion for Fashion’ competition.
Develop your ‘passion’ through fun mini-games – play mini-golf, blow bubbles and more!
Groom your fashion skills in 4 fun workshops – Hairstyle, Makeup, Jewellery, and Tatooz.
Shop in Ponyz Town and collect everything related to fashion and store items in your own Ponyz Town house.
Explore the Ponyz archipelago and discover hidden islands and secret passages.
Experience natural and intuitive game play, using the DS touchscreen feature.
Welcome to the world of Bratz Ponyz - the Ponyz with a Passion for Fashion!
Appealing to female gamers of all ages but specifically targeting the expanding girls market, the game sees you arrive on the Ponyz archipelago to participate in the prestigious Ponyz Town beauty pageant, 'Passion for Fashion'. The competition takes place over a year and gives you the chance to develop your artistic talent through a series of challenges based around fashion and beauty. In addition, between each challenge you are completely free to explore the gorgeous tropical islands, meet and befriend the inhabitants, and participate in a variety of fun activities.
The Ponyz are a dream come true for Bratz fans! Bratz Ponyz for Nintendo DS stimulates the player's imagination and creativity while satisfying their passion for fashion. So take a trip to the magical archipelago and have fun with the hippest horse friends a girl could ever have!
Play and interact with Bonita, Celeste, Sashay and Pursia, 4 kickin' Ponyz with sass and style!
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5 game modes - Story Mode, Endless Mode, Normal, King and Goal Modes.
Touch screen control.
Multiplayer Mode - up to 2 players can battle it out with one NDS Cartridge.
Random Generator – With puzzles always being randomly generated, no two games are alike.
4 cool characters to choose from, along with a secret character.
Customized game options and rule sets.
Fun, easy going graphics with an upbeat musical track.
This puzzle game offers players simple controls that are easy to get into along with competitive play as you attempt to match colors on your playfield. The game features several playable characters along with a bonus character. Each character has her own special power, which can be used to hinder the opponent. Wireless play and a variety of rule sets bring great replay-ability to this addictive game.
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Single player game lets you use directional button and stylus to control two characters at once.
Cooperative game lets you and a friend work together to advance through levels.
Wireless compatible for co-op play and Wi-Fi compatible for four-player battles.
Download play mode allows two to play select stages off one Game Card.
Eight diversely themed worlds to traverse, including Desert World, Music World, Trick World and Water World.
Nine challenging minigames to explore.
Fun for all ages, yet challenging enough for experienced gamers.
Cookie & Cream is an action/platformer where players navigate their way through challenging terrain on the top screen while solving puzzles and disarming traps on the touch screen below. Played as either a single-player game where one person controls both characters, or a cooperative game where one player maneuvers Cookie on the top screen while the other is in charge of Cream on the touch screen, Cookie & Cream is a unique combination of gaming genres, and unlike anything else on the Nintendo DS.
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Unique Gameplay - Manage the strategic aspect of war while simultaneously bombing your foes as an ace fighter pilot.
Strategy - Deploy tanks, soldiers and anti-aircraft vehicles, take over enemy bunkers, rescue civilians, and master special weapons like the bomber and V2 rocket.
Control - Choose to control your aircraft by utilizing the touch screen or use the control pad.
Customization - Unlock terrain and units through the single-player campaign and create your own custom levels.
8 Player Multiplayer - Compete with your friends in the intense Multiplayer Mode which supports up to 8 players simultaneously using Multi-Card play.
Take a seat in the cockpit and become an ace pilot in the most intense strategy action game to hit the Nintendo DSâ„¢. Manage wartime tactics like deploying units and rescuing civilians simultaneously bombing the enemy from above. Orchestrate paratrooper air-strikes, capture enemy bunkers and master special weapons like the V2 rocket. Multiple game modes allow for a diverse range of play, including a robust single-player campaign, customizable battles, and a multiplayer mode which supports up to 8 players at the same time. Your country is calling, live the glory days and become a war hero!
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Davrs TI-85 emulator for the Nintendo DS has been updated with a new release with DLDI support, heres the full features of this emulator:
Saving & Loading State
Support for loading Virtual TI save states
ROM & Save/Load support for non-libfat devices (GBA Flashcarts, EZ4, G6)
Can turn frameskipping on & off (when skipping is on, speeds things up a bit)
Can toggle between real speed and full speed. (full speed is actually faster than a real TI, but it makes it hard to play games)
Comes with an included save-state with several games already loaded. (Usgard shell, ZKart3D, ztetris, solytare, jezzball, Lunoid8, mineswp, and PhoenixZ)
Toggle between proportional and stretched scaling modes
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AgentQ has released a new build of ScummVM for Nintendo DS, heres the release news:
The new stable version of ScummVM DS is now available.
The short list of changes from the last stable version, version 0.9.1a, is:
* New engines supported: AGI, CINE, and SAGA.
* Option to show the mouse cursor
* Word completion on keyboard for AGI games
* Plenty of optimisations
* Numerous bug fixes
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I found it's a nice training when I watched a comic about baseball named "Ookiku Furikabutte". Fast read training can improve observation ability, memory and so on, although business game have this kind game, I still make it by myself.
This is a simple training game of those, touch the number 1-25 one by one in-order as fast as possible, then you can see how much you fast from the timer. In this version, there are two modes.
There still bug in the game, some questions or suggestions please Email or post here, thx!
Training everyday, have fun!
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kammedo of ASSEMblergames has pulled out some awesome & obscure Nintendo 64 development hardware that can potentially dump Nintendo 64DD cartridges. It has been very difficult to begin any Nintendo 64DD emulation, especially since there aren't any ROM Images dumped. With the development suite kammedo has: a Partner Nintendo 64 unit, PC Interface Card, RAM cartridge & cable, and a Nintendo 64DD Development Unit, it is now possible to dump Nintendo 64DD development or retail carts, but don't go around asking for dumps!
Stravingo has again updated his Weather Report app for the DS, heres whats new:
One more version of DS Weather Report! This version 0.5 features the following enhancements:
- Bugfix: pressing Y for help made the program freeze. It is now corrected.
- Updating data with button X was no longer necessary as data is automatically downloaded when switching for the first time between names/icons/temperatures with button A. So, this function has been disabled.
- Button X is now used to switch between metric units and english units. Yes, you american people (and others), you can now have temperatures in Fahrenheit, distances in miles, speeds in mph, etc.
- To accentuate the look of a weather channel, scrolling news headlines are displayed at the bottom of the lower screen. These headlines are live RSS streams coming from various sources:,,,, etc. A total of 10 RSS streams are available, but other will be added. You can switch RSS streams by pressing with the stylus on the scrolling headlines.
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CycloDS Evolution firmware v1.2 BETA has been released along with an update to the CycloDS Evolution Moonshell package. Both releases are available for download. Please note that this is a BETA firmware release, and as such may contain bugs. As a precaution, please backup your MicroSD contents before installing this firmware update.
Some of you may be wondering why we decided to release a public BETA rather than holding off for the final v1.2 release. The primary reason for this is that support for custom cheats codes, which is a feature scheduled for inclusion in the v1.2 release, has not been finalized yet. Unfortunately this means that the custom cheat codes feature is not included in this BETA. However, we have been working on a number of other new features and fixes and felt it was unfair to keep our loyal customers waiting just because this one feature is incomplete, so we decided to do an interim firmware release. The secondary reason for the BETA is that the firmware has undergone many changes “under the hood†and we felt it would be better to allow our users to assist in testing before releasing the final stable build. This is why we must stress that you should only use this BETA if you know what you are doing and accept the risks involved.
Changes for the firmware include:
* Fixed Wii connectivity (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Pokemon Battle Revolution)
* Moonshell soft reset is now supported
* Several game compatibility fixes
* Multiple skins are supported, selectable in the settings menu
* RAM pack for Opera (clean rom) supported via CycloDS Mini/Micro and EZ3in1
* Rumble for EZ3in1 supported
* DSLinux is now supported
* Ingame menu changes:
o Multi-lingual
o Slowmo adjustable
o Realtime cheat enable/disable
o Improved stability
o Supported for more games
* Added new file view mode - "list view"
* Improved file list sorting method
* Completely new translations: Dutch, Greek, Indonesian, Malaysian, Russian, Tagalog
* All text is now completely translated (GUI, ingame menu and the updater)
* GUI clean-up:
o Buttons for various dialog boxes
o Press B to exit settings screen
o Stopped game list from displaying invalid items
* Loader now reboots into GUI if there is an error (no longer locks on "Loading..")
* Many other miscellaneous fixes/improvements
Changes for Moonshell include:
* Soft reset back to CycloDS Evolution main menu is now supported via RESET.MSE
* Removed redundant warning screen
Filipino site GameOPS found that pirates are up to their old tricks again, copying GameCube games onto DVD discs and packaging them as Wii releases. Titles like Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition are advertised with new covers that've been rebranded with Wii logos and boxart elements. Unlike official GameCube-to-Wii ports, these don't even feature tacked-on waggle controls!
When asked about the "Wii" copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on display at ShopesVille, a department store in Manila's Greenhills Shopping Center, one of the salesladies explained that it's the same Metal Gear Solid release as the upcoming PS3 game. We bet that all the people who argued about the Wii not being able to handle next-gen graphics feel a bit silly now! Check past the break for a couple more photos of the counterfeit case jackets.
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Want a little Mega Man in your life? We sure hope so if you're looking for a new game this week, because it seems that's what there is. And perhaps Pet Alien, which didn't seem to make it out last week.
United States
Mega Man Star Force Dragon
Mega Man Star Force Leo
Mega Man Star Force Pegasus
Pet Alien
Top Trumps: Dogs and Dinosaurs
1500DS Spirits Vol. 1: Mahjong
1500DS Spirits Vol. 2: Shogi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 3: Block Kuzushi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 4: Reversi
1500DS Spirits Vol. 5: Hanafuda
Akagi DS
Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber
DS ga Tehodoki! Hannya Shingyou Nyuumon
Eijukugo Target 1000 DS
Eitango Target 1900 DS II
I Love Dolphin
Itsuwari no Rinbukyoku
Machi no Pet-Ya-San DS
Minagara Oreru DS Origami
SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Drive
Simple 1500 Series Vol. 20: The Senkan
Wantame Uranai Channel
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX Card Almanac
Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary
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Microsoft's XNA development kit is showing some love to the competition, revealing at the Assembly summer event support for Nintendo's Wii remote. Microsoft's Chad Hower gave a demonstration of the support by playing a very basic tech demo with the wand. The picture contained in the slideshow also showed the nunchuk attachment, though we're not sure if that's also supported or if Microsoft simply went with the first stock photo they could find.
Even though XNA is technically a platform for both PC and Xbox 360 support, it should be noted that the Wii remote support is only for the PC, and those looking to truly bastardize the console wars by using Nintendo input with Microsoft's consoles can only shrug their shoulders, snap their fingers and go, "Aw, shucks." However, it now looks like homebrew enthusiasts can create games using the Wii remote while pushing PC hardware so far that the software couldn't possibly be played on the Wii itself.
Update: As noted by Brian Peek of Coding4Fun, the Wii remote support is actually part of the .NET library (not inherent, but you can download the library made by Peek or others). And since XNA supports .NET, so too does it support the Wii remote. Here are some examples of applications made using Peek's Wii remote library. Peek also noted to a post by Hower discussing the Wii remote and XNA. Thanks for the information, Brian!
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This is the official post about Massager application for GameCube / Wii. My entry for the Wii/GC Coding Contest 2007 by DCEmu and GPX2 store.
Can your Playstation 2 give you massages?? My GameCube can!
Simply start this little application, choose your favorite massage and put the controller/s in any place of your body!
start - start massage
digital pad - choose massage
R+L+Z - go back to sdload menu
R+L+A+B+Start - reset your GC/Wii
Ouch! All the hurries to finish it on August 6th and now I realize the entries should be submitted before 7th August or on 7th August. I'm pretty stupid... lol
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At last, after several days in which I have been one with my computer, I'm releasing the second alpha of Okiwi (version 0.2).
It allows to read files from the card (by entering addresses like file:///path, like, for example, file:///test.html) or Internet (http://...). Some pages are displayed fairly well (specially blogs, like this, which is preconfigured as the home page), while others don't work at all, so I'll have to investigate little by little what Okiwi fails to know.
By now it's able to interpret numerous CSS 2.1 properties, like margins, paddings, floating, colors, etc., altough there are several missing. Some other things not done yet are: tables, forms, cookies and images. There are also some other bugs and lacks I'm aware of.
To scroll a page, dragging with the stylus is still the only way. 75% and 150% zoom levels, which were missing in the first version, have been added. To follow a link, it's enough to "click" on it, altough it doesn't work always, and I must debug it.
The good news is that, from now on, new versions will be released with a much higher frequency. I'll release one each time I implement one of the lacking features or fix important bugs.
The installation procedure of this release is the same as the last, so I encourage the reading of the instructions I published that time. If someone has still the old version in his card, it's recommended to erase it completely before installing this one.
Well, I hope you like it and keep on there.
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- now syncs.
- removed the child property for kaillera window
- added old kaillera support
- added a special feature for super smash brothers and save data
- fixed packaged RSP plugin causing lag
- fixed some menu bugs
- fixed some crashes caused by mupen
- made setup a little more automated
- removed some nasty crashes
- cleaned up GUI for more support
- removed debugview
- players drop from game correctly now
- added hack allowing older jabo plugins to work correctly
- added beta ingame chat (control + m)
- released to public
- pause on development
- resumed development due to user challenge
- cleaned up GUI
- fixed bug regarding game list not displaying correctly
- online recording/offline playback works
- recording to avi at full speed
- supports goldeneye hacked roms
- fixed bug where a different rom would load in kaillera even though it wasn't the one selected to play
- updated SupraclientCPPE to final version
- improved performance of online play
- recording avi from current play & recording from movie file
- better chat callback
- displays CRC for speed benchmark and simple debugging
- wrote a custom movie file format .mkr (Mupen64K Recording)
- tons of new little features
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With the Wii Shop Channel being down for 3 hours yesterday, it was because Nintendo updated the firmware on the Wii to include many small but nice features and even according to anecdotal evidence increase the speed of the UI. Also updated is the Wii Shopping Channel.
Digital Clock added to the Wii Menu right under the channel bar
Forecast Channel now displays the current condition (cloudy, raining, etc.) directly in the Wii Menu in the Forecast Channel box
News Channel can now show 2 scrolling headlines at a time in the Wii Menu, 3 when you click on the button
Message Board now has the "Today's Accomplishments" message as a white message which allows it to stand out from other messages
Address Book entries can now be shifted around using A+B (supposed to be a launch feature) but only to empty spaces.
Calendar in Message Board no longer shows "Today's Accomplishment" only days as having messages.
Wii Shop Channel Overhauled
New Welcome screen detailing 4 Recommended Titles and the points they cost (gone is the title screen bar that had linkable games)
Titles You've Downloaded was moved to the main shop menu
New ways to browse
Popular Titles (2 pages of 10 and includes launch games so not only based on recent info)
Newest Additions remains the same
Search for a title which can use partial names
Search by Category
System shows the different systems and how many titles have been released under each
Publisher showing different publishers and amount of titles released (Nice logos!)
Genre (different genres listed and amount of titles under each)
Mod Chip Warning
After you update and go back to the update section to before a "test update" you will be greeted with a message that says something to effect that if you have a modified Wii your console may be disabled or lock up. Mod Chippers owned? If you want to cancel you have to power down your system.
Nintendo's already dipped its toes into motion-sensing handheld gaming with the gyro-equipped WarioWare: Twisted for the Game Boy Advance, but it looks like the company looks has even grander plans to let you make a fool of yourself in public, at least if a recent patent application is any indication. According to it, Nintendo has a new "game system" on the drawing board that incorporates acceleration sensors in a "housing" to detect movement and direction. Somewhat curiously, a significant chunk of the patent application has been marked as "cancelled," but the remaining bits do have some interesting details, including what seem to be multiplayer capabilities. In patent speak, that part is described as a " game system structured at least by two game apparatuses," each of which have a means for "transmitting mutually-related data to the game apparatus on the opposite side." Of course, this simply being a patent application it could well turn out to be something entirely less exciting than it seems, if it ever actually comes to fruition at all.
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Plain white had a good run, but Nintendo is bringing other parts of the rainbow to the US at last, with a new red and black DS Lite that'll be shipping bundled with Brain Age 2. The rumored pair are officially hitting the shelves August 21st for $150, says Nintendo, and while we can't guarantee the new color scheme will help boost your IQ, at least you'll look a tad more refined scribbling furiously on a "Crimson and Onyx" handheld.
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There's trouble in the jungle, but Donkey Kong is there to put a good spin on things. Players take control of Donkey Kong and leap through the jungle, grabbing branches to swing around and fling into the air.
The normally quiet jungle is abuzz with excitement today, because it's time for the ceremony to choose the king of the jungle. Or at least it would be if King K. Rool hadn't stolen the special medallion meant for the winner. Donkey Kong and his friends must swing their way through the jungle to get the medallion back and, along the way, do battle with King K. Rool's minions.
We've got yet again another classical Gameboy Advanceâ„¢ game as our weekly special for your collection. Donkey Kong: King of Swing / Bura Bura Donkey is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
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Get back into the swing of things as Donkey Kong goes vertical.
King K. Rool is up to no good again, and it’s up to Donkey Kong to swing into action. Using the same simple control scheme that made the DK: King of Swing Game Boy Advance SP game so accessible and fun to play, players of all skill levels can swing and climb to new heights made possible by the dual screens of Nintendo DS.
Adventure mode features Diddy Kong as a sub-character, and players can look forward to new moves, new items and a bunch of minigames sure to make them go bananas. Not only that, but fun tutorials that ease new players into the game also can be accessed as minigame challenges.
If players are more in the mood to rumble, they can take on up to three pals in fun multiplayer challenges using DS Download Play and the DS Local Area Network. They can pick from Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong or Funky Kong, and let the monkey business begin.
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Ludo6431 has released a new Sudoku game for the Nintendo DS.
v0.5a: First version (does not solve yet )
How to play:
Pad/Stylet: to move on the grid
Two click with the stylet at the same place on the grid/Button A/Button L/Button R: To put the figure selected on the grid
Click on “SUPPRâ€/Button Y: To erase the site selected on the grid
Button X/Button b: To change selected figure
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So I made my first DS game with PALib called "P'Zong"!
You control the paddle with the stylus and bounce the ball with your paddle a certain number of times to win the level. But the ball gets faster and faster each level! And if you are about to miss try making some noise into the microphone (yes it actually does something)
I plan on improving the physics a lot more and hopefully add a multiplayer mode.
Tell me what you think!
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kayvenm has posted an update to his port of descent to the Nintendo DS:
It seems most errors are occurring because of the lack of memory so I’ve add some code to check that and flush some cache memory when it occurs, so there maybe some more slow downs when cache is emptied/refilled but hopefully less crashes as a result. Also, this build is more optimized compiler-wise, so frame rate should be steadier.
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I took Torlus's Java port for GBA and modified it to work on NDS with DLDI.
Currently there is no access to the NDS hardware, besides printing text.
To use this demo, place kvm.nds and all the *.class files on your flashcart. Run kvm.nds, then select a .class file to run. There are a few examples testing various stuff. LcdSwapTest.class is a very simple example to prove that it is feasible to interface with the DS hardware, once a Java KNI wrapper is written around libnds.
If you want to compile your own java files, make sure they target version 1.4 (I'm not sure all the features this supports, but it wont even start if you do 1.5 or higher). For example, this will compile into Hello.class:
javac -source 1.4 -target 1.4
Someone please tell me this is really dumb, before I waste too much time on it
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Via source.
Carpman has just released DSCompress v1.0. DSCompress is a gzip utility for the Nintendo DS.
The Nintendo DS's ARM9 runs at about 60Mhz. The Nintendo DS has 4Mb of RAM.
Because of this, compression and decompression of large files is slow. The
application should be pretty fault tolerant, but I am not responsible if it
eats your file system, flash card, DS, home, loved ones, and soul. Use at
your own risk.
Known Issues
The progress indicator is inacurate, particularly on large files and decompression.
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* Windows Icon Files (*.ico) support.
* Export options
* DragDrop image as background and icon.
* New size and position method, you can now resize and move your images as you want!
* “Mask†feature (see screensot 02)
* Traditional Chinese interface
New from Tepples is an update to his speedtester for libfat app:
This program tests how fast data can be read from the CompactFlash or Secure Digital card inserted into a GBA or DS through an adapter. It works on any adapter supported by libfat, including those with GBA-compatible DLDI drivers.
2007-08-06: run all tests on one screen, use more precise timing, detect and report broken drivers
2007-08-05: DS support
2007-08-04: switch from gba_nds_fat to libfat Download speed tester for libfat (99 KB; includes source code, GBA binary, DS binary, and required test file)
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Hello everyone, this is my entry for the competition.
BrickFall is basically Falldown. You guide a square through a maze of platforms without letting it hit the top of the screen. If it hits the top you lose. Your score is generated on how long you manage to survive.
But what makes this different for falldown is that this game also has powerups. These powerups can help you or go against you so be careful as it is completely random.
This game also has 3 control styles, you can use the D-Pad, Stylus, or any motion card.
This is only release 1 and there will be many more after including new platforms, bug fixed and some sort of high score system. Check my blog for more information.I hope everyone enjoys it!I hope everyone enjoys it!
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Nintendo has remained quiet about whether it will fix compatibility problems with third-party software Freeloader, after yesterday's Wii firmware update rendered it unusable.
The company reiterated to our sister site that because it isn't an official product approved by Nintendo, there was nothing it could do.
The Datel disc was originally manufactured for the GameCube, and allowed users to import titles from Japan or the US and play them on their PAL console.
Until yesterday, the software had the same effect on backwards-compatible GameCube games played on Wii.
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Girls like babies, cooking food and rubbish stuff like that, right? Yes they do, and Ubisoft knows this because it's putting out baby-raising and cooking simulators for DS.
Called 'Imagine Babyz' (these 'Z' spellingz in game titlez really need to stopz) the game poses all the challenges of raising a child. How exciting does that sound? And you can go online and, get this... exchange clothes!
Ubisoft is also readying Master Chef, Animal Doctor, Fashion Designer and Figure Skater as part of the Imagine range targeted at young girls.
"Ubisoft is excited to finally offer young girls a line of games that give them the chance to explore their hobbies and interests in interactive and creative experiences," says Ubisoft.
What better way to prepare for life as a housewife? Excuse us while we stick to playing proper videogames.
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Nintendo has filed a new patent for a motion-sensing portable games console, hinting the next step in handheld gaming beyond the DS.
As the patent, filed on March 30, explains: "The housing [console] incorporates an XY-axis acceleration sensor to detect an acceleration in an X-axis and Y-axis direction and a Z-axis contact switch to detect an acceleration in a Z-axis direction."
This is basically just like the Wii Remote, so that means if you move the console it will know about it.
The new console would detect "tilt amount, movement amount, impact amount or the like". In more technical rambling, the patent goes on to confirm that on-screen action will be effected by the amount of motion applied by the player.
Although the diagrams, which can be below, show a Game Boy-style console, you should only take this as a basic representation of a handheld console.
Motion-sensing portable games were inevitable - but at least now we know Nintendo is hard at work to make it happen.
Meanwhile, if you want a taste of the portable motion-sensing future, nab yourself a copy of WarioWare Twisted on GBA or, believe it or not, the superb Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble on GBC, both of which have you twisting and tilting the console to play. If you're in UK, though, you'll have to import because stupid laws prevented both games from being released due to the mercury within the carts.
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PeterM one of our family of coders here at DCEmu has today released the first beta of his port of the classic game Quake for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii. Awesome release
Quake on Gamecube now runs At 320×264 (PAL), demo 1 runs at comfortably over 70 frames per second. At 640×528, it runs at just under 30.
Quake GameCube
A Wii or GameCube.
A Datel SD Media Launcher or some other way of running programs from SD Card.
Copy Quake.dol to somewhere on your SD Card.
Copy the ID1 folder to the root of your SD Card.
Copy Quake's PAK0.PAK (and PAK1.PAK if you own the full version) into the ID1 folder on your SD Card.
Check that the ID1 folder and all files within it are named using only upper case.
Insert the SD Card and adaptor into slot 1 of your Wii or GameCube. Quake uses an SD Card library which is not compatible with slot 2.
Launch Quake.dol using your method of choice.
Original game by id Software.
GameCube conversion by Peter Mackay.
GameCube version testing by eke, org and plootid.
You can report bugs or suggestions using the project's issue tracker. Please make sure to check the existing issues before adding new ones.
Source code
The original Quake code was released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). As Quake GameCube is currently in beta, source code is available on request. Once Quake GameCube is released, the source code will be made publicly available.
Download and Give Feedback to PeterM here at DCEmu via the Comments.
via peterm
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I have read that many users that updated their Wiis with the latest firmware, can still use Action Replay by booting it with GCOS (booting the WiiKey setup disk this way works as well).
As of right now, I can't remember where I read it (I closed the link prematurely), but once I can find it again I'll post a link here.
So, consider this a poll of sorts. If you've updated your modded Wii and have Action Replay, please test it out by booting GCOS first! Then post your results here. I would test it myself, but I haven't updated and don't own Action Replay.
Also, it would be a good idea if some people could test the SD Media Launcher, Freeloader etc... These possibly could work with this method!!!
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Version 2.1 of the Goldeneye Setup Editor has been released! It's a level editor for the Nintendo 64 first-person shooter, Goldeneye 007. It was developed by hackers SubDrag, Zoinkity, and Wreck of The Rare Witch Project. Its features include:
• Navigate through every level from Goldeneye (including Citadel) visually, to any coordinate
• See objects and presets visually
• Move, resize, and rotate using the built-in toolbar
• Insert, delete, and clone tool for objects and presets
• Modify the intro swirl and camera scene positions
• Select and edit multiple objects simultaneously
• Insert safes and items into safes easily and quickly
• View and edit clipping and portals for each level
• View, create and modify guard paths visually
• Export/Import .obj Room models into Goldeneye for all new levels
• Quicksave your ROM by pressing F5 for testing in Project 64
• Play levels with the Doctor V64 (and other backup devices)
• All of the features from version 1.0, including editing all aspects of a Goldeneye setup file, grabbing coordinates from Project 64, uploading the setup and text file to console through the parallel port and GameShark, text modification, briefing edior, action block modification using Goldeneye's Pseudocode, edit the intro scene, presets, objects, and much, much more
You will, of course, need a Goldeneye ROM for use with the editor (which you will have to find on your own). You can find a more in-depth description of the editor and download links at the official site here:
Additionally, you can play levels other users have created or upload your own at The Goldeneye Vault.
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Super Mario 64 hacker VL-Tone has released the 0.5 beta version of his Mario 64 level editor, Toad's Tool 64! Currently, it is a pretty limited editor, as you can only edit existing items, and cannot add in new ones (i.e. enemies, stars, coins). But it is a rather new program, and is being actively worked on. New features include:
• Updated to Macromedia/Adobe Director MX 2004 10.1.1 (from 10.0) which reduced the size of the program by almost 50%!
• The update to 10.1.1 might also fix a few "crashing" bugs and some other issues.
• New feature to set Mario's size.
• A checkbox to force the high polygon Mario model to be used all the time.
Recall that motion-sensing patent from the Big N just, oh, two days ago? Turns out that may have a thing or two to do with the recent slide controller accessory unveiled for the Japanese market. Bundled in with the game Slide Adventure: Mag Kid, the device plugs directly into the GBA cartridge slot of the DS / DS Lite and essentially allows you to set the handheld on a flat surface and slide around 'til your heart's content. Unfortunately, there's no dirt on whether or not this peripheral will ever be released outside of Japan (sound familiar?), but for those making their home in Tokyo, you can become the envy of us all by picking the bundle up for ¥5,800 ($49). Click on for some closer shots of the slide controller itself, and check out a videoed demonstration here
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Siliconera's Spencer Yip put together the handy-dandy spreadsheet you see above featuring the most popular Wii Virtual Console games, available for review now following the recent Wii update. The list shows Japan on the left and the US on the right. Nobody seems to know how the popularity of these games is determined, after Siliconera made their list, it changed for Wii Fanboy, then again when we checked. Hopefully the system will become clearer in time.
Look at all that Mario in the Top 10, with a heavy dose of Link for the US. This will certainly be an interesting chart to watch as more games become available. Maybe it will finally spur Xbox Live Arcade to get one. It would be interesting to know what's popular on XBLA, at least we know it wouldn't be Mario all the way down.
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Davr has updated his release of Java for the Nintendo DS, heres the full news from his site:
I know what you’re thinking…â€That’s a horrible idea and you’re a horrible person for suggesting it!â€
The main problems with Java on DS:
1. Interpreted languages are slower, the overhead is bad on a slower embedded platform
2. No direct memory access. Almost all of the DS hardware is interfaced by reading and writing directly to specific memory locations
3. No primitive unsigned 8-bit types. What were they thinking?
But…I went ahead and did it anyway, just for fun. I didn’t start from scratch, I took Torlus’s KVM port to GBA and used that as a base for getting it to work on DS. Right now, when it starts, you pick a .class file, and it will run it! In addition, using KNI, I’ve written a basic wrapper around parts of libnds, enough to read input from the touchscreen/buttons, and to move sprites around.
To use this demo, place kvm.nds, all the *.class files, and all the *.bin files on the root of your flashcart.
Run kvm.nds, then select a .class file to run. There are a few examples testing various stuff.
Don’t forget to DLDI-patch the kvm.nds
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Retrohead has released a new homebrew game for the DS, heres the release details:
Since I finished the site, Triforce started pestering me to get making a homebrew game and here is the result of our combined work, Shooting Watch DS 1.0a. There are 5 modes to choose from, 4 skins and we plan to add a ds-scene leader board into it maybe in the future. Other than that I won't say too much here as it is all in the readme file so here is a quote from that to get you started.
I look forward to hearing your comments and we hope you like it as simple as it is. For those interested, I created it in PALib and the full source files are also available below though I havn't cleaned them up in any way shape or form
** About Shooting Watch **
Hudson's idea for Shooting Watch first came about after some kid at the
Caravan tour saw Takahashi Meijin's button pressing skills, the kid sent him
a letter asking exactly how fast his finger speed was. So they measured it
and it came out at 16 shots a second, this is where Meijin's nickname
"16Shot" was born.
** Game Modes **
5 modes in all are featured in Shooting Watch DS to try and resemble the
original modes along with extra modes that are found in flash games found
on the internet. Due to the DS's unique feature of a touch screen, we thought
it would be good to let you navigate and play using the stylus aswell so this
has also been implemented.
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505 Games has announced it will be bringing two more Cooking Mama games to Europe.
It's the sequel to the culinary concoction from earlier in the year, which challenges you to create increasingly difficult dishes from scratch. This means chopping and preparing your ingredients as well as seasoning them correctly and generally cooking a meal.
The new version will have more recipes, twice as many mini-games, and a new multiplayer mode where you can challenge your friends to a "cook off". Although there's no food to eat at the end, unless you gobble-up your controller.
The DS version came first in late 2006, with the Wii version following in May this year. But while Cooking Mama sounded fantastic as a concept, in practice it was a little shallow, short and clumsy. If Japanese developer Office Create can polish up on its weak points this time, it could be the cook book you've been waiting for.
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505 Games has announced it will be bringing two more Cooking Mama games to Europe.
It's the sequel to the culinary concoction from earlier in the year, which challenges you to create increasingly difficult dishes from scratch. This means chopping and preparing your ingredients as well as seasoning them correctly and generally cooking a meal.
The new version will have more recipes, twice as many mini-games, and a new multiplayer mode where you can challenge your friends to a "cook off". Although there's no food to eat at the end, unless you gobble-up your controller.
The DS version came first in late 2006, with the Wii version following in May this year. But while Cooking Mama sounded fantastic as a concept, in practice it was a little shallow, short and clumsy. If Japanese developer Office Create can polish up on its weak points this time, it could be the cook book you've been waiting for.
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Sources close to publisher Namco Bandai tell IGN Wii that Space Station Tycoon for Nintendo's next-generation console is on the verge of being cancelled. At the very least, the game will see a significant delay beyond its previous August/September release date time frame, add insiders.
Our contacts allege that developer Wahoo Games has run into some technical snags in getting the title up and running smoothly on Wii. However, it is unclear at this point if the game's delay and possible cancellation are development related.
In Space Station Tycoon, gamers use the Wii remote to build and manage their own intergalactic station. The title is clearly inspired by the Xbox Live Arcade game Outpost Kaloki X, also created by Wahoo Studios.
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One of the best examples of the Mysterious Dungeon subgenre of roguelike RPGs appears to be on its way, one step per turn, to the US. Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Furai no Shiren (Mystery Dungeon 2: Shiren the Wanderer) was one of the few entries in Chunsoft's series that didn't carry a license-- it's actually numbered as a sequel to a Dragon Quest spinoff game, despite the total change in setting. It's been ported from the SNES to the DS, and was released in Japan in 1995. If, as Gamestop says, Sega is releasing it in February, it'll be the first American release for the game, which also recently came out on the Japanese Virtual Console.
The DS has some experience with the genre: Chunsoft is working on their second Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja is similar in gameplay. So if you've played those, you have an idea of what to expect. If you like random dungeons, unknown items, and permanent character death (and, really, who doesn't love permanent death), you'll probably enjoy Shiren the Wanderer.
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After all the server problems ive finally got round to starting the Nintendo64 site, over the next week or two ill search for any game editors, homebrew and emulators for the Nintendo 64, Its my desire to make this a great Nintendo 64 site for the future.
Pokemon Diamand and Pearl are spending a second week in the top two German chart positions according to the latest sales information from GFK International.
The Dr Kawashima pair of titles, Brain Training and More Brain Training, also remain in third and fourth place.
The rest of the top ten sees some movement, with Mario Party 8, Animal Crossing Wild World and the DS edition of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix sitting from fifth to seventh respectively.
The only two non-Nintendo platform titles come next, with World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and the original game eighth and ninth, and The Settlers for the DS rounds out the top ten.
In all that gives the Nintendo DS platform a staggering seven titles out of the top ten.
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Big N is giving Samus the loving treatment she deserves this month, with all of August being redubbed the "Month of Metroid." First off, there's a new Metroid Prime 3: Corruption preview channel on your Wii, where you can see some trailers for the game as well as gameplay videos. You can find that in Wii Ware, for all your promotional needs. That said, if you're the sort of Wii owner who hasn't bought a game since April (read: most of you) then you're probably not going to need much convincing.
This month will also bring the long-awaited Virtual Console releases of Metroid (for 500 points) on August 13 and Super Metroid (800 points), considered by some to be the greatest game of all time, on August 20. As you've probably already guessed, this is all leading up the the reason for the season: The release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on August 27. Now go, little one. Hang your ice beam over the fire and try once again to get your lady friend to put on the armor you bought her as you insist that it's part of the holiday spirit.
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Scans from the latest issue of Japanese weekly Famitsu show off some new sections of Super Mario Galaxy, including a desert world and a haunted house - where Mario himself becomes a Boo ghost.
Screenshots also show Mario squaring up against (well, running away from) a giant mole boss that's dragging itself angrily out of the ground, while another shot on the same page sees him transformed into a bee.
You'll probably want to see for yourself - in which case you should spirit yourself across to the NeoGAF thread hosting the scans and join in the frenzy.
Super Mario Galaxy is due out later this year. You can what we've made of it so far by checking in with our Super Mario Galaxy gamepage, which also hosts all the news, trailers and shots you could want. Apart from those scanned ones, obviously.
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Good news, Virtual Console f-- Sorry chaps, random battle. Dun dun dun. Whack. Cool. Sorry about that. I was just about to te-- How inconvenient! Another random battle! Let me just sort this out. Right. Well anyway, this week's Virtual Console update is headli-- Oh for the love of Mike! This week's-- STOP THAT. Thi-- Breath of Fire II! It's Breath of Fi-- Oh I give up.
Also on Virtual Console is Galaga '90, a 1989 (obviously) TurboGrafx-16 version of the classic arcade shoot-'em-up you'd have to be pretty desperate to still be playing, unless I'm missing something. Frequently the case with retro wotsits, mind you. Thirdly and finally, Virtual Console fans in Europe can download Volleyball for the NES.
Volleyball goes for 500 Wii points (GBP 3.75 / EUR 5.00), Galaga '90 will set you back 600 (GBP 4.50 / EUR 6.00) and - dare we risk it? - Capcom's turn-based RPG Breath of Fire II for SNES demands 800 of your Wii points. Which is GBP 6.00. Or EUR 8.00. Phew! That wasn't so bad in the e-- Right I'm playing something else.
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Explore towns and interact with people in the real world while fighting action-packed battles in the virtual "Wave World." Enemy encounters take place on a three by five grid in a 3D perspective, where players use a portfolio of Battle Cards that each have distinct attributes and attack powers. As the story progresses, players will acquire additional cards to build an arsenal that reflects their personal strategy.
Capcom's Nintendo DSâ„¢ RPG Mega Man Star Force is available today as US release version, shipping as Leo, Pegasus and Dragon edition at US$ 29.90 each only.
Game features:
Three stellar versions call upon the power of the elements - Ice Pegasus, Fire Leo and Green Dragon
Two co-existing worlds - explore the real world in human form and transform into Mega Man to maneuver the virtual "Wave World"
Cyber battles feature an immersive third person view as players engage enemies in a 3x5 battle grid
Each game version offers a unique powered-up transformation of Mega Man based on the respective elemental power and can unleash a special "Star Force Big Bang" attack
Battle Cards based on elemental attributes (fire, water, wood, electricity), each a part of a power chain where one is stronger or weaker than another
Best Combo - combine Battle Cards of the same type to unleash consecutive attacks
Dynamic Brother Band system - add up to six friends to help each other in battles, share Battle Cards, receive stat boosts and other special benefits
Each character has their own customizable Personal Page where Battle Cards and information can be viewed and traded with friends to compare progress
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Ubisoft has announced Chessmaster: The Art of Learning for DS and Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition for Windows PC.
Both are due out in October, and are fronted by International Master and eight-time National Chess Champion Josh Waitzkin.
You'll be coached by Waitzkin from the fundamentals through exciting courses and tutorials borrowed from his book The Art of Learning.
Once you've got the hang of it, there'll be the chance to tackle single-player AI opposition or friends via network or the Internet. On the DS, that includes a two-player local wireless offering.
And if normal chess isn't enough for you, Ubisoft's actually got some new gameplay modes. Hrm. There's Dark Chess, where the opponent's pieces are invisible, Extinction Chess, where you have to try and capture all the opponent's pieces, and Losing Chess, where you have to try to lose all your pieces. We asked famous chess person Gary Kasparov for his opinion on all this and he told us: "Who is this? How did you get this number?"
There'll also be six mini-games including Minefield, in which chess pieces are used to locate mines hidden in the board; Breaking the Lines, where the knight is moved to capture all the pawns; and Fork My Fruit, a game that uses chess pieces to fork fruit of the same kind, among others. It says here.
Plus you'll be able to access 900 of the most important chess games ever to analyse and improve yourself.
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Loopy has released a new version of his Homebrew Firmware for the Nintendo DS.
Heres whats new:
This is a replacement firmware for the Nintendo DS. It's VERY minimalistic, don't expect anything exciting. If you just want to see what it looks like without changing your firmware, run firmware.nds.
(8/8/2007) Updated to work with newer DSes and the latest devkitARM + libnds.
(2/20/2006) Removed Updater project. Added a small fix to fw_arm9.ld. flash_verify() now waits for the Write Enable flag to be set.
(1/21/2006) Initial release.
Ayla has released a new Pong game for the DS, heres the translated details:
Firstly hello with all! They are first time that I post here (but not the first time that I come), but with this small play it is also the first time that I touch with the programming (if one forgets the computer).
The presentation of this homebrew will not be long: Ben… it is Pong-like what! =p
With however a small specificity: Each player controls two pallets; when a pallet is mounted, the other goes down… It is not inevitably obvious And personally, I find that that increases the gameplay largely.
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A very *very* first version of the pixeleditor SmooveDS is out. You can zoom a (pre-installed) buffer and draw your own pixels. Also select from pre-defined colors. Onfortunatelly reading and writing to the filesystem still does not work - so what's the use of such a tool without R/W? This is not meant as a official release, but to keep interested people updated. So feel free to peek.
New scans from the latest issue of Famitsu have popped up on the NeoGAF forums with new pictures and information on Super Mario Galaxy (which, as we all know, was originally just two Super Mario Star Clusters duct-taped together).
Shown in the new scans are cube- and torus-shaped planets, Mario in his bee costume and also a few images of Mario as a Boo. According to translations found on Go Nintendo, Bee Mario can use his stinger and Boo Mario will be left alone by other Boos (though one of the Boo Mario images show him apparently getting hurt by another Boo).
Also according to the translations -- we haven't verified the information ourselves, so we can't confirm its validity -- is that six worlds will be in the final game, each with multiple planets. Also, as per the usual post-N64 Mario game, Galaxy will feature 120 stars you can collect.
Super Mario Galaxy is hoping to move a few units when it's released November 12 in North America.
Dicewars DS is a multiplayer online strategy game in a Risk-like fashion on Nintendo DS. Your task is to conquer the whole world by rolling dice. Only one can survive in the end of the game!
Dicewars DS is a multiplayer version of a popular Flash based strategy game ( for Nintendo DS handheld console. Your task is to conquer the whole game field by rolling dice. Each turn you may attack any opponent's territory from one of your adjacent territories as long as your territory has more than one die on it. When attacking, If you roll more than the defender, you win.
Please run on real hardware if possible. Pretty much any flash adapter able to run homebrew application is good enough, and also booting with wmb works. If you must use an emulator (not recommended), try No$gba:
The multiplayer / network game mode is still considered experimental and may have stability issues. However, if your connection drops or the network game crashes, you may re-join back to the same game (the server will play your turn passively meanwhile). There's currently no way to configure your wifi settings in the options menu, instead the game searches for previously saved WFC settings from the DS firmware - if you've played any of the commercial games using wifi, this should be sufficient.
The network game requires at least 2 players to start and is currently accepting up to 7 players at once. A grey name in the game lobby means player wants to wait for more players, and a black player name indicates the player is already ready to start the game.
Matti Palosuo: programming and implementation
Reko Nokkanen: graphics
Jari Pitkänen: sound design
Taro Ito: original game design
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Dstroy is a bomberman-like game. Originally created by FPS in 1995, I asked them in 2006 if i could rewrite it to make it work on different platforms : PC, GP2x, and NDS!
The rules are simple : get options, drop bombs, and kill all monsters ! Not easy, when they avoid your bombs ! 48 levels of fun and speed !
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Carpman has just released DSCompress v1.3. DSCompress is a GZip and Info-Zip front end for the Nintendo DS.
From the changelog:
* Added support for unzipping .zip files
* Added scrolling support (hold up or down to scroll)
* Fixed multiple directory problem
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The official page of the DS Emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release:
The new things in this release are a Cocoa port and translations support for Gtk-glade port.
With the Cocoa port, Mac OS X users can now fully enjoy DeSmuME on their favorite system! The Mac port doesn’t yet have all the features of the other ports but should run all games with near same compatibility. (DeSmuME running on Mac OS X)
Translations are now available on three ports: Cocoa, Gtk-glade and Windows, feel free to send us new translations (there’s instructions on how to do it in README.TRANSLATION).
Download at Link Above
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Channel buttons & Up/Down DPAD: select current channel
Connection light:
the small light at the bottom of the screen under the divider between the
40h buttons and channel buttons shows the status of the connection.
Yellow = Connecting
Green = Connected
Red = Disconnected/Error
By default it starts in local loopback mode, press START to connect.
There is no config menu in this version and you are stuck with the first WFC profile.
Future plans:
- glowing channel buttons showing data flow (33% = data, 66% = selected, 100% = both)
- actual emulation of a monome 40h / wrapper for running monome firmware
- wfc selection
- 2nd display-only monome
NOTE: this program is NOT from, licensed by, or supported by monome.
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This is something I've been working on. It based on an internet flash game Cosmic Crush. It's only the basics so far but basically the gist is you have to crash your planet into small or equal sized planets to increase yours while avoiding larger ones. This is the first games I've ever tried writing (not just on the DS). I have lots of ideas/things to add including:
* Gravitational pull of planets (major affect in CC)
* Score
* Proper menu
* Possible user defined settings (number of planets, universe size etc)
* Possible stylus control moving games screen to top (not sure it would add to the game)
* Add mini map on other screen
* Load sprites only when required on screen allowing far more planets in the universe
While coding it I realised it could be the basis for a asteroids style game etc so maybe once this is done I'll have a go. I've included a copy of the source code in case anyone has any tips or wants to have a look.
I've only been able to test the .nds version of the build files.
From a coding point of view does the DS support classes/oop and does it support standard c/c++ libraries or just functions in palib?
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Hi all, first post. For my first game, I'd like to introduced Dazzle Sparkle 1.0, a basic bejeweled clone. Comments are welcome, though I don't expect to be updating this much. Source code remains closed for the near future.
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Nightfox has posted a new release of his game for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
Hi! I just fixed a bug, sometimes, after loading a new map, sprite system crashes and game slowdown a lot (and sprites apear corrupted or just apear diferent sprites, some kind of memory overlap.) I added a function that clear all sprites from memory after i load new map, and seems it works fine now. Pls, i need some beta testers to fins this kind of bugs
Ludo6431 has released a new version of his Sudoku game for the Nintendo DS, heres the translated news:
[11/08/07] v0.74b:
Bilingual version to choose while clicking on the flags on the right and on the left title.
Button “S†for Speed which cancels PA_WaitForVBL () during the analysis/resolution
I still will update my various methods of resolution. (I have the assumptions has to implement)
Release of the sources
and will caetera (and yes my Latin culture stops there).
The "Month of Metroid" continues with the Virtual Console release of Metroid, one of the real classics of the NES. It's joined by two other titles with ... mixed results.
–Metroid (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): You should absolutely download and play Metroid, but please, once you've completed it, don't give away the secret twist ending. Why not let your friends be shocked when they discover that their manly lead man is not so much a man -- as a lady?
–Shining in the Darkness (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): This is the beginning of the Shining series, although it makes some significant departures from it. The series it would birth is probably enough to make it historically important, though not necessarily worthy of your cash. If you're a fan of dungeon RPGs though, go nuts.
–Cratermaze (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): When you read that what you're about to play is "a comical action game set in a parallel world," you know you're in for something special. But when you find out that also, the game was originally called Booby Kids in Japan, you should strap in for the ride of your life.
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Make Your Boog a Star-Choose one of the Boogs and customize their look.
Controls That Make You Shake & Move-Bring your Boog to life with the innovative, motion-based Wii controls. Dance, shake, and move with the Wii Remote while controlling your Boog's upper body movements and facial expressions with the Nunchuk.
Your Moves, Your Voice, Your Video-Capture your best dance moves, record your voice, and make your Boog a star with the easy-to-use editing toy. Change camera angles, add effects, and create the ultimate music video.
Party It Up-Fun mini-games, co-op gameplay, head-to-head battles, and karaoke party makes Boogie the perfect party game and a complete entertainment experience.
The Music Reigns Supreme-From rock to pop, disco to funk, Boogie will have you singing and dancing to an all-new beat.
Dance, Sing, Create! Play to an all-new beat in this singing and dancing game where you create and customize your very own Boog, and then take the stage to become a star.
Using the unique Wiiâ„¢ controls and a peripheral microphone, showcase your best singing and dancing moves. Use the fun and intuitive editing toy to create your very own music video, complete with multiple camera angles and cool special effects - this is the ultimate videogame party package!
With a huge selection of hit songs from over four decades, a variety of lovable characters, and an intuitive controller scheme, Boogie is the must-have sing-a-long, dance-a-long party game for players of all ages.
Boogieâ„¢ is the latest addition to EA Montreal's roster of high profile games including SSXâ„¢ Blur and ARMY OF TWOâ„¢. SSX Blur shipped exclusively for the Wii in February. EA Montreal is also working on ARMY OF TWO, the highly anticipated shooter and original intellectual property that will redefine strategic two-man cooperative play.
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A complete walkthrough of the entire adventure.
Detailed area maps pinpointing key items.
In-depth item and equipment listing.
Tips on ranching, tending fields, mining and more!
pages: 160
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Alekmaul is takinga break from his usual Emulators for the DS and readying a new game that will be released for the Neoflash comp on the 20th of this month.
Heres some info about the game:
Codename Hacker
A small project which holds me with heart, I had adored Chip' S Challenge on Atari Lynx. The lynx was a console really well but alas, few plays to support it…
Here adaptation DS of my version GBA of Chip Challenge. I find this play really delirious, a great break-in head during 300 levels!.
You are Chip, a dissolve of data processing. To enter a data-processing club and to impress a chick, you must pass all the levels of a play.
The goal in each level is to collect all the processors in order to pass at the following level, all that in time limits. One can reconsider a level by a system of password.
There are keys of color to open the of the same doors color, switches which make certain things, of the walls which are secrete ways, etc…
There are also blocks which you can push to help you a little everywhere.
All the levels are identical to the original version and that of the fans, I have to manufacture a program in Java besides to recover the contents of the levels and to put it at the format language C. Therefore, you can seek on Google to obtain all the levels and passwords…
* In theory better a connection.
* Desactivation of the wifi after a part (to remake one without planting of them)
* Better a gameplay (in theory since I could not test)
* a Web ranking on
Go made your plays… and made in kind be first A to have your score on line
Campanile has released a new version of the flash game Grow RPG, heres whats new:
12/08/07 : 0.95 aka my friend modPlayer
- Tower bug is gone, now it collapses at the right time
- Score are fixed, end module was driving modplayer crazy so I removed it.
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Syntech has released a newversion of his stop watch application for the DS.
Heres whats new:
I've uploaded an update which now offers a countdown (with optional alarm). I've tested the app but if you find any errors, please let me know.
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Yaouank has updated his streaming radio app for the DS, heres whats new etc via translation.
With the origin, Dissonance (of Dave Brady) is a software reading a radio operator Web on line. The URL of the radio is coded into hard.
loloz3 created NDSWebradio v0.1 and v0.2 starting from the source code of Dissonance by modifying the radio in line (passage at frequency 3) and by commencant the interface.
Wanting to have several radio possible, I took again the project.
The source code being passes through 3 people and several versions of devkitarm, I acknowledge that it starts to be a little fouilli. It will be necessary that I arrange that later.
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Utility of Time is a tool that allows a user to view and edit Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask actor (.zobj) files, map files (.zmap), visually place and change actors (also known as models, or NPCs in most cases) in the loaded room, save them, and inject back into the Debug ROM, and much more. Actors are represented as cubes in place of the actor. It's open source, too.
Graphical Features:
Uses OpenGL 1.1 - 1.4 features for rendering. 1.4 compliance is not necessary but highly recommended.
WASD FPS style camera system.
Full polygon mesh support (geometry).
Lacks texture support in releases, though allows RAW texture dumping.
Vertex colors used for primitive coloring and shading (most maps look quite nice ).
Per-Vertex alphas.
Release 0.83.1 Changes
+ Self contained through tabs. No more map mod dialog, everything you need is all in tabs (hide or show by clicking the button with the "<" or ">" character to the left of the window). Tabs are "Graphics", "Map", and "Map Continued". Graphics is limited right now, but will contain more in the future. Map options are the same as the old map mod dialog.
+ Dumping of actor information to a txt file ("Map" tab).
+ Manual vertex entry through the "Graphics" tab.
+ In 0.83, the picking engine would very rarely fail due to the objects drawn in the back buffer being the same scale as those shown on screen. Fixed.
+ Tool Sensitivity slider in the status bar. Should help actor or vertex positioning on larger scale models or maps (ie, box.zobj and spot00_room_0.zmap, respectively).
+ Press T to cycle through textures. I know, it's a silly thing to do, but at least you can see what textures are in use until I have time to fully rewrite the renderer. RGBA textures are red only because VB .net's overflow checking is like a morman mother who hates bit shifting (OoT uses 16bpp RGBAs, which OpenGL can support, but most GPUs don't like them, so I have to convert them to 32bpp). Will most likely be fixed next version.
+ FPS is now part of the on screen display (top right corner).
+ If zav.ini is not present or is null (first time setup), the setup dialog's cancel button will be disabled.
PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER = R / toggle touch
Analog nub for moving touch position (I didn't bother to add a cursor)
Table Hockey Tech Demo has a cursor built in, so you can "play" it at around 3 FPS
1.5 firmware:
Copy __SCE__DeSmuME_Useless and %__SCE__DeSmuME_Useless to ms0:/psp/game
3.52 M33 firmware:
Copy DesmuME_Useless folder to ms0:/psp/game
NDS file must be named test.nds and in the same folder as eboot.pbp
You don't need any bios files.
YopYop156, evilynux and DeSmuME team for creating this DS emulator
SofiyaCat/NekoMiMi for porting DeSmuME to Sony PSP
Everyone who contributed to the PSP toolchain/libs and anyone else I forgot
Sektor for creating the Useless Edition fork (modified main.c and ctrlssdl.c)
Today, I found the Wii's disc tray emitting blue light again. Nintendo has released yet another firmware update for the Wii, but it is mainly bug fixes. From the Wii message sent out:
"A new update for your Wii console is available!
This update will prevent your Wii console from locking up, which can occur when using the Internet Channel if you press RESET on either your Wii console or within the HOME Menu. This update also corrects some Internet connection stabability issues when using the Wii LAN Adapter from Nintendo."
I checked, and no extra keyboard support has been added. Also, the FLV video found here does not crash the Wii anymore. Another potential homebrew exploit gone. And as a side note, the Wii's still at 3.0x.
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original concept developed by video game legend Gunpei Yokoi, comes to life on the Nintendo DSâ„¢! Re-imagined by the creative minds at Q Entertainment, GUNPEY delivers an addictive puzzle game experience, combined with exciting music and visuals for the ultimate game on the go. The player's objective is simple - or is it? Various line angles climb up the screen over five panels, and you must connect all the lines over the five panels, filling the screen from left to right. If an incomplete line reaches the top of the screen, the game is over!
Developed by Bandai Namco Games, Oto o Tsunagou! Gunpey Reverse (aka. Music Puzzle: Gunpey DS) for Nintendo DSâ„¢ is now available at heavily discounted US$ 9.99 only.
Game features:
Various modes: 5 modes of non-stop action which include Frontier, Endless, Stage, Time Attack and Wireless.
Multiple Characters: Go up against Vincent, Domingo, Patrick, Sherry, Nick the Hacker, Thomas, Pike, Bobby or Hank and beat them one after the other in Frontier mode
Special attacks: Show off your advanced skills and use a special attack to hinder your opponent's game.
Your own music instrument! Create your own original music by using the Sounds Sets and Patternizer.
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New from Donnie Russell II is an adaptation of Don G. Kneller's PC Hack
release info
Added menu-based controls and graphical tiles. The virtual keyboard controls and text-based graphics are still available.
Based on RevivedHack 1.1, an extensively rewritten adaptation of
Don G. Kneller's PC Hack 3.61.
Level compression was implemented with Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer's
miniLZO 1.08, a mini subset of the LZO real-time data compression library.
The Nintendo DS and Playstation Portable are excellent examples of why todays gaming industry is now back in the mainstream eye, even though they are 2 very different handhelds they share the delight of WiFi Gaming which for those of you who dont know what that means its the ability to play a a game online against other people from all over the world.
Its a concept that until this handheld generation didnt exist but it has transformed gaming to major new levels of enjoyment.
But enough of me rabbling, which are your favourite DS/PSP WiFi games since the birth of both the handhelds, let us know via comments.
The Case Protector offers optimum protection and a new appearance for your DS Lite. The case houses the console securely inside and offers protection from scratches and other damage. The protector case let's you have full access to all game and connection ports, so you can play your favourite games while still being protected. The Case protector is officially licensed by Nintendo which ensures the calibre of the product is equivalent to that which you would receive had it been made by Nintendo themselves and comes with the Nintendo stamp of approval.
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CHUCKii is a full replacement case set for both the Wii-mote and the Nunchuk of the Wii console (sold as a complete set) and available in several colors and transparency. Made from the highest quality materials and durable ABS plastic carbonates, as well as patented Japanese acrylic paint, CHUCKii suits your lifestyle and colors up your gaming console.
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The Nintendo Wii is on course to hit one million sales in the UK within three to four weeks, according to official sell-through figures from Chart-Track, Eurogamer is reporting.
Currently the console is outselling the 360 in the UK by over four to one, and the PS3 by more than six to one each week. If it keeps it up, it should pass the GameCube's lifetime UK sales figure of just over a million by the end of September.
Naturally, then, its next milestone will be to overhaul Microsoft's lead in the UK - which, if the current trend continues, could be before the end of October.
However, with Halo 3 due out at the end of September and rumours of a possible price-cut to coincide with it, Nintendo will have its work cut out to claim the number one spot that early.
Similar success stories are evident all around the world, with Nintendo swiftly closing on Microsoft to become the console manufacturer with the biggest worldwide installed base.
The Japanese giant is clearly on something of a roll, with DS installed base figures in the UK now around the 4 million mark.
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These days, companies have got to really put in a lot of work to impress us with the utter trash that they'll make to cash in on the Wii's success. ezGear, if you want our honest opinion about your first effort, it's something of a mixed bag.
Sure, your tennis, baseball and golf attachments are really useless, but that kind of useless is so last year. What we're looking for is a special kind of useless. But hey, what do we have here? A boxing glove that you slide your Wiimote and nunchuk into? Wow. That really is awful. Nicely done. We've got to say though, you've outdone yourself with the Wii Sparring Glove, which is ... a sparring glove. It's inspired enough to remind us that even if video games aren't high art, making crap for them most certainly is.
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PeterM has posted some news today about his work on both Cave Story and Quake for the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii.
Heres his newspost:
Phew, looks like Quake GameCube was pretty popular. As of now, it’s been downloaded 362 times. Who knew there were so many GameCube homebrew fans!
There’s all kinds of discussion going on about it on various forums and as much as I’d like to respond to all the queries, all those forums are just way too much to keep up with. So what I’ll do is cover the main points here.
Some folks have quite reasonably supposed that there won’t be any more GameCube homebrew from me because my Wii isn’t capable of running SD Media Launcher any more. The good news is that I do my development using a regular purple GameCube connected to my PC via a TV card. I think I would go insane if I were using the Wii as my main development console. It takes so long to start up and get into GameCube mode!
I really should have put a new post up here when I released Quake, as many sites have copied and pasted my last Quake post into their news items.
Additionally, I really should have put up a screenshot. Many sites used screenshots from GLQuake or highly modified Quake engines to illustrate their news posts, which is a shame because the shots they used don’t represent what the GameCube port looks like.
In terms of gameplay, some people don’t like the way the view centres itself vertically if you start moving. I think this is a Quake feature rather than a GameCube port feature and there should be something useful (â€lookspringâ€?) in the options screen if you want to disable it. I like it on, so I never thought about it.
It’s unlikely that I’ll be doing any updates on Quake soon, mostly because I’m getting stuck into a new project at work and annoying network card issues have caused me to lose some schedule time, but partly because I’m pretty happy with Quake and there don’t seem to be any glaring issues that need fixed ASAP. That’s a first!
Anyway, I’m glad people seem to like the port and hopefully there’ll be something else for you in the coming months.
As I was concentrating on Quake, the GameCube ports of SDL or Cave Story haven’t really progressed much since I wrote about them last.
Simon Parzer has been working on the SDL port of Cave Story. He’s been doing a great job implementing a mixer for sound effects and music. We’re sharing the same Subversion repository so he can port to Linux and GP2X while I port to GameCube.
The GameCube port of SDL is going okay. The only problem I see is with the audio system. SDL won’t convert audio properly when the frequency change isn’t a power of two. Unfortunately the GameCube plays only 32KHz and 48KHz audio, which isn’t very common, and SDL won’t convert correctly between those frequencies and the usual suspects like 11KHz, 22KHz or 44KHz. This is due to be fixed in SDL 1.3, but until then I’ll need to write an on-the-fly rate conversion routine.
After I get back on schedule with work I’ll pick up SDL again. I hope once SDL is released that the flood gates will open for loads more GameCube ports. The scene seems a bit bare. I think the recent GameCube homebrew contest at DCemu only had one entrant!
SDL for the Gamecube/Wii would open the doors to much more homebrew for the systems, personally i cant wait to see it happen
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Patrik Rak has released a new version of his Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator for Nintendo DS, heres some info:
There are two versions, ZXDS.nds for Slot-1 (DS slot) based cards, and ZXDS.ds.gba for Slot-2 (GBA slot) based cards. Just choose the one which suits your card best.
The provided executable was already patched with the r4tf.dldi DLDI driver, so it works fine on both my M3 DS Simply and M3 Mini SD Perfect. Of course, it should work fine on any other card which supports DLDI as well. Just give it a try and you will see. If it won't work for you right away, you might need to patch it with a specific DLDI driver for your card with a DLDI patcher, both of which you can find here. It might be wise to patch it in either case, just to make sure you have the most recent version of the DLDI driver for your card. If it still doesn't work, I am really sorry, but there is not much I can do about it. Please do NOT contact me regarding if it works or doesn't work on your card, at least at this point of time.
You should also copy some snapshots or tape files to your card. Either SNA/Z80 snapshots or TAP/TZX/PZX tape files are supported. You can place them anywhere you want, although the /ZXDS directory is looked up first by default. For your convenience, I have included few Spectrum games in SNA or TAP format, so you can at least give it a go.
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Samel has posted a new entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Simple sketch drawing application. This app was made to take note during university lesson so it's not a good drawing app, but it's easy and fast to use. A full zoom function is implemented with all dns supported level. All sketch can be saved as bmp. A slideshow function make it easyer to read all note.
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Alekmaul has posted a new entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
YOU MUST USE THE DLDI PATCHER BEFORE USING THE NDS FILE if your linker is not autoDLDI patching. Please, patch the file with the correct drivers regarding your linker.
Project description:
Codename Hacker is a puzzle game, originally from the Atari Lynx.
Chip would do anything for Melinda the Mental Marvel. More than anything because
he wanted to join Melinda's exclusive computer club - the Bit Busters. So you can
imagine how Chip felt when Melinda sat down next to him in the school cafeteria
and offered him membership... on one condition.
You have to collect a set amount of chips on every level,not necessarily all of
START : Pause and play level
A, B, L et R : Nothing ;-)
Pad, Stylet or motion card : Move Chip in each level (tested with Neoflash R6 and DS Motion cards.)
You can also send scores with WIFI on my site portabledev to compare your skill
with others players ^^. You must go in the OPTIONS menu to do that.
WARNING : no save on MK5, it hangs the game and I don't know why (the dldi driver pb perhaps).
All others informations are in the readme.txt file.
I put only the .nds file in the zip because the file is too big otherwise.
Enjoy !
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Sephiroth_FF7 has posted a new entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
This is a 3D breakout, with 4D mode and a not common power-up system. This game has a level & quest editor and support motion card. High scores are here : (nobody has submitted ). You can download levels here : and submit levels by mail as You must patch the game with your appropriate DLDI driver.
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Samel has posted a new entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Hot Spot is a remake of an old tile-placeing puzzle game I played on my PowerBook. Thanks to Vince Tigle for porting this game to MacOS and thanks to the original creator of this game. I have rewritten a completly new version for the DS, enjoy playing this GREAT GAME !
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SEGA has offered no comment on speculation that a Sonic Riders sequel is heading to Wii and PS2.
The news erupted from PLAY magazine, which outed the Sony version as Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.
According to the mag, the blue hedgehog and friends are back to try and get their hands on a silly old artefact to save the day - racing across levels like Botanical Kingdom and Crimson Crater.
Numerous bits and pieces are said to have been tidied up, too, like the trick system - while the annoying turbulence mechanic has been left on the cutting room floor.
Sonic Riders launched on last generation consoles in 2006, receiving middling reviews. Occasionally it was fluid and exciting, rekindling memories of the original games, but too often it was overly complicated and frustrating.
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Although it's widely considered to be inevitable, Ubisoft is yet to officially confirm that it's working on a sequel to the Wii launch game, Red Steel, yet the game will be on shelves by November according to a leaked retail release schedule.
The list of EU releases, supposedly from major online retailer GameStop, has dates for numerous titles that are yet to be officially nailed down by their respective publishers, with Red Steel 2 down for a November 15 release.
That would make it one hell of a turn-around for the game to go from unannounced and unseen to on sale so soon.
The list also pens Super Mario Galaxy in for October 15, which far sooner than Amazon UK's November 30 ETA. Sooner rather than later on that one, please Nintendo.
Interestingly, the same list has Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Wii Fit all down for February 15 next year (currently officially "early 2008"). Three big titles launching on the same day? That would appear highly unlikely.
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It's no surprise that Activision is putting a lot of thought into getting git-box game Guitar Hero III on the go, but exactly how they plan on doing it may be a little clearer after a new interview with RedOctane cofounder Charles Huang. He says that a special peripheral on the DS is "definitely one of the options" they're exploring, adding, "the DS peripheral is very intriguing to us. It's an integral part of the Guitar Hero experience, so as much as possible, we would like to keep it within the experience as long as it makes sense and it plays well."
Dearest Activision, unless you already have a patent firmly squared away, we would like to humbly offer our prototype as seen above. Please contact us for the mailing address where you can send the giant novelty check for $1 billion dollars.
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Space1 has released a new game based on a flash game called Cube.
Release info:
Mollusk gave me a super idea of homebrew then am smelled to me a little obliged
It is a play Flash at the base for those which want to test this play flash: TO TEST.
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8/14/2007 - updated the roms with a couple new graphics and some small bug fixes, nothing really major. Just going through cleaning up the code atm.
8/xx/2007 - Sorry about the lack of updates, Ive been REALLY busy with other things (moved to Japan and gotta find myself a job!), but i am still keen on getting back to work on warlords.
Ive had requests from people about releasing the code. I will tidy it up a bit first and then release it for everybody, probably using subversion or something. If you're interested in coding/helping then drop me a line.
-- b2
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First off i must apologise for the lateness of this newspost, the 6 days of downtime did set us back quite a bit.
Sadly this competition was a failure with only one entry, i gave a few days more to see if any releases had gone awol but alas no more entries were released
So the only entry for the comp was from 160R:
Heres the details:
Massager. Wii/GC Coding Contest entry.
This is the official post about Massager application for GameCube / Wii. My entry for the Wii/GC Coding Contest 2007 by DCEmu and GPX2 store.
Can your Playstation 2 give you massages?? My GameCube can!
Simply start this little application, choose your favorite massage and put the controller/s in any place of your body!
start - start massage
digital pad - choose massage
R+L+Z - go back to sdload menu
R+L+A+B+Start - reset your GC/Wii
The Winner 160R is to have $300 of store credit at GP2X Store
Thanks to 160R for entering, the sad demise of tehskeen may have hurt the comp or maybe the double downtime, whatever the reason i dont know but hopefully we will see more homebrew for the GC/Wii this year.
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Over 5,000 Online Casual Games Accessible To Wii Players in Largest Available Buffet of Casual Games Available on Nintendo Wii Console e (LOS GATOS, CA) – August 14, 2007 –, the largest aggregator of casual games online today announced its new Nintendo Wii Internet game destination, Knibble Wii, offering over 5,000 Wii-friendly games. This debut marks one of the largest Nintendo Wii compatible content releases ever. Players can now enjoy the Internet's most popular web based games such as Bejeweled and Solitaire directly through their Wii console, optimized specifically for the Wii Internet Channel – with no downloads required! Knibble Wii draws its Wii compatible games from a rapidly growing database of more than 10,000 casual games aggregated on the Internet's most comprehensive casual gaming site,
"We are very excited to provide Wii users with an entirely new and comprehensive set of games, all easily reached from their Wii console," said Knibble Wii Founder & CEO Sashi Chimala. "The success of the Wii has completely opened up the casual gaming market. We are very pleased to be a part of it and look forward to the future of online casual games."
Wii gamers can access the Knibble Wii gaming site by simply selecting the Wii Internet Channel and entering They will be directed to the Wii-optimized Knibble Wii site and can choose from thousands of casual games. With the low availability of Wii-optimized content available on the Wii Internet Channel, Knibble Wii promises to become a leading site for Wii gamers.
Not everything inside the Wii, or its motion-sensing controls, is owned by Nintendo. There's a lot of stuff in there that belongs to other companies, and those components are making these other companies very rich. In particular, two companies that have parts in the Wiimote and nunchuk, the US-based Analog Devices and Italian-French company STMicroelectronics. Think about it, Nintendo may have 10 million Wiis out there, but there are far more Wiimotes and nunchuks.
Analog Devices had to convert one of its plants into a fully-dedicated Wiimote sensor facility. STMicroelectronics is in the process of increasing sensor production near Milan -- hmm, they're the ones responsible for the sensor in the nunchuk. Wonder if they're to blame for the nunchuk shortage of '06? With Nintendo raising it's Wii shipping estimate to 16.5 million by the end of their fiscal year next March, those parts companies better not stop the flow. It's still hard enough getting the console as is.
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Scoglionario is a question based game, based on the famous "Who wants to be a millionaire" ("Chi vuole essere milionario" in italian) tv show. The player is asked increasingly difficult general knowledge questions by the host. Questions are multiple choice: four possible answers are given and the player must choose the correct one. On answering the first question correctly, the player wins 100 (dollars or euro, it is the same -> nothing real). Subsequent questions are played for increasingly large sums (roughly doubling at each turn). If you answer bad, you lose and win the lower (yellow colored) sum.
15 Aug 2007 - Scoglionario 0.1 is out!
Autodetecting system language and loading the specific questions pack (only italian and english for now)
DLDI compatible (tested on NinjaDS and R4)
Help: 50/50, Phone a friend, Ask the audience added (realtime-antani-randomizer-supersexy percentage builder thanks to AKBG)
Question stored in txt file (one for each 14 levels) so editing questions is easy
Themed as similiar as possible (sound and graphics) the original game
I didn't write the questions, I just used the files I found on google, so don't blame me if they are not good!
Patch the game with appropriate DLDI and put wherever you want inside the card
Put the "data" folder in the root of the card, or if you have the data folder yet, just put the "scoglionario" folder inside the "data" one on the card.
If you plan to use on emulator (only DeSmuME was tested) put all the questions file of your prefered language in the same folder where the rom is.
Drawback 1: since sound is garbled in the emulator, it is disabled (you can still turn on in the options screen). Drawback 2: you lose half on entertainment not playing on real DS!
Adding new questions is straightforward:
Open the questions_XX.txt, where XX is the level number (0 -> first question, 14 -> last question)
Add (or edit) a new question, using this simple template:
"question","answer1","answer2","answer3","answer4" ,X (X is a number from 1 to 4 representing the correct answer)
Example: "What is this game title?","Who wants to be me?","Super mario bros","Ti amo Valeria","Scoglionario",4
Important: Do not use the " (double quote) char inside the fields, use the ' (single quote) instead!
Planned features (if time will be my friend):
Adding better graphics (artists needed)
Add exit button for not answer and leave the game
Hall of fame
Kill bugs (send me mail at
Print real money from the DS if you win 1000000 (working on it)
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beodeulpiri has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest.
Tangram is the ancient china puzzle. It's good for your brain training.
This game has total 72 stage that is made with manual work terribly.
It has two control method that is shape recognition of stylus movement and key pad control.
Shape recognition is easy control method when sprites are departed from each other.
But when sprites are at a short distance, Shape recognition is difficult to control
because of interference of the other sprite.
So you will have to use key pad control and I recommend for the key pad control.
Magnifier icon is helped with you one tan position at each stage randomly.
#Shape recognition
-. click and drag : movement
-. Straight left,right,up,down line : flip
-. sloping left, right line : rotation
#Key pad control
-. Pad left,right,up,down : movement
-. Y, A : rotation
-. X, B : flip
-. Trigger L, R : tangram selection change
-. select key : stage change on play
Sorry for the bad english.
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OutofRange has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest.
Mass Hysteria is my attempt at an original game for the NDS, where you use the simple menu interface to choose your actions. As the player it is your job to hack the TV airwaves and place footage onto them, given to you by random people. You are given the weekly listings for a channel, along with all the different genres of show that will be on, and you select a show to hijack that will attract the audience similar to the target of the footage.
The game features a ten week story mode, but the main feature was originally the mass hysteria mode where you are given four pieces of footage at random to place whereever you like and get the highest score possible. Game features include a shop to buy donuts to get the police attention off you, extra satellites so you can hijack more than one show per week and extra footage.
I've tested it as much as possible but there may still be some bugs I'm aware of a problem with the palettes getting messed up on the select slots screen, since there's a limit to the amount of palettes you can have at one time >_>
lol, this is my first attempt writing one of these, so I think I've included everything Hope you enjoy the game.
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Dragonminded has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest.
DSOrganize is an organizer application that includes functions to do a whole slew of things on the Nintendo DS. This version features calendar/addressbook/todo/scribble pad/calculator/file browser/homebrew database/web browser/irc client. You can add plugins or executables to DSOrganize, and it will autopatch and boot homebrew on virtually all cards. The file browser will let you view or edit text and html, record wav files, listen to wav/mp3/ogg/flac/m4a/aac/sid/spc/nsf/sndh/mod/it/s3m/xm files as well as streaming mp3/ogg/aac, and view gif/jpg/bmp/png files. The web browser includes support for basic css, images, forms, and most html tags. There are many more features in DSOrganize so you can read more at
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Within the next week or so im going to post an article detailing the very best releases so far in every scene and this is where the whole DCEmu Community comes in, i want to compile the very best releases for each scene.
It doesnt matter if the release is a Game, Emulator, Demo or application/hack. If you are submitting what you consider the best please post a mini review and any details such as homepage and release date/ screenshots.
With that in Mind please post your top 5 releases for the Nintendo DS Scene.
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Within the next week or so im going to post an article detailing the very best releases so far in every scene and this is where the whole DCEmu Community comes in, i want to compile the very best releases for each scene.
It doesnt matter if the release is a Game, Emulator, Demo or application/hack. If you are submitting what you consider the best please post a mini review and any details such as homepage and release date/ screenshots.
With that in Mind please post your top 5 releases for the GBA Scene.
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YKB posted this article only a few days ago. It seems the device has been officially announced.
This appears to be some sort of new device that senses which way you move the DS just like an optical mouse. It also seems to act as a "rumble pack" as seen in the demonstration video. Since I can't read Japanese I am unable to share anymore information. I wonder how Nintendo will implement this new device... and how our homebrew community will use it too.
You know that Wii shortage you were certain Nintendo would alleviate by now? We hate to inform you that plans to expand production on the console has been delayed due to their constrained supply of specific components, according to a report by Digitimes.
Though the goal was originally to have production ramped up starting this past June, the Taiwan component makers now expect the shortage woes to last through the end of the year. With Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy almost guaranteed to move units this holiday season, it'll be such a tease (not to mention detrimental to Nintendo's bottom line) if the Wii is still, after over a year, impossible to find in stores.
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Hugh carrying capacity
Console system, games discs, sensor bar, vertical stand
cords and cables; AC Adaptor/adapter
Memory cards and SD cards;
Remote controllers, Nunchuk PADS and Other Accessories
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Roget, a soldier of Pedda, is on a reconnaissance mission to Ferolia with his companions, when their aircraft is shot down by the enemy and abandoned by their carrier. The crew comes to realize that the mission was a plot by their own superiors to eliminate them, with the invasion on Ferolia being only the first step towards Pedda's domination of the world. Witnessing the atrocities committed by the Peddan army, Roget and his crewmates are forced to fight against their own countrymen.
Heroes of Mana takes the series into an entirely new dimension. Generals will plan, plot and strategize their way to victory on the battlefield. Command an army of heroes, creatures and rabites with the use of the Nintendo DS Touch Screen, and experience an all-new perspective on the ever-evolving battle for the world of Fa'Diel. Skilled players can see how they rank among other players around the world through the Nintendo Wi-Fi ranking system.
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One thousand years ago, dragons and Witches warred against God for the fate of the world. God's power was triumphant, but it was a difficult struggle, and the deity sent Himself into a deep sleep to recover from the terrible wounds he suffered in the battle. Ten years ago, the Church has proclaimed that a great event will soon occur: God will be reborn, and the world will be led into a new golden age under His guidance. However, this news is coupled with a grave warning: the Witches will soon reappear to begin the millennia-old conflict once again.
Take control of the Garden Children, a group of fighters and mages trained since childhood and dedicated to eradicating the Witch threat, and discover the mysteries behind their return, their motives, and their history !
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Quite a long time since the last release, but now there is version 0.3 of DSchess!
DSchess is a homebrew chess game for the Nintendo DS, which is based on the strong chess engine Fruit by Fabien Letouzey.
I have made some changes a year ago, but was too busy to actually release something. Last week I have grabbed my DS recorded some sounds with Nitrotracker and put it all together to version 0.3.
The last version had some problems on some devices, so I have made a compatibility table on my site. Please leave a reply if it works (or does not work) for you with a device and/or start method which isn't in the table.
The new version uses DLDI, but remember that this is only necessary for the bigger opening book and the new auto save feature.
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Hi everybody! I am developping a new cartographic engine for DS Weather Report that will allow you to see the weather for the whole world, and not only Europe. Now, I release a first version of this engine in my new project, Treasures of Gaia, available on my devblog.
Treasures of Gaia allows you to browse on your DS an extremely detailed map of the entire world thanks to Google Maps (a Wifi connection is mandatory). The whole world is now in your DS! You can scroll the map with the pad or the stylus. Use the L/R buttons for zooming in and out. Up to twenty zoom levels are available, depending on the area.
The purpose of Treasures of Gaia is to let you appreciate the beauty of our world You can freely travel where you want, but special locations are also provided: the 851 places inscribed by the UNESCO on the World Heritage List for their outstanding universal value to humanity. These places are indicated on the map, but are only shown at zoom levels greater than 5 for legibility. To obtain information about a place, you only have to touch its location with the stylus. The information are displayed on the upper screen, where you can switch between a picture of the place, a description, or its location on a global map.
You can also browse the whole list sorted by countries by pressing the Y button. When you click on a place in the list, the same information are displayed on the upper screen, and you can directly go to this location by touching the "Go!" button.
A : hide/show World Heritage places locations on the map.
X/B : scroll up/down information on the upper screen.
Y : chose a place in the World Heritage list.
Select : switch between Map/Picture/Text on the upper screen.
Start : help.
L/R : zoom out/zoom in.
Pad : scroll the world map, scroll information on the lower screen.
Stylus : scroll the world map, select a place on the map .
Installation notes
- patch the ROM with DLDI
- put the file tog_cities.dat at the root of your linker!!!
- Wifi is mandatory!
Please note that I submit this app to the Neoflash Compo. Vote for me if you like it!
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kukulcan has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
History :
After realizing some version of slidding puzzle on different machines, and in differents languages, I got 2 new ideas to upgrade the interest of this game and to give it a new dimension. If you already known slidding puzzles, this new version will surprises you, or at least I wish.
Objectives :
Finish a level to unlock another level.
If 'Landscape' and 'Animals' are completed, 'Games' will be unlocked.
Finish 'Games' to unlock 'Fantasy', etc...
SLIDING O' MANIA contains :
6 themes.
10 pictures by theme.
2 difficulty levels : normal 4x3 and hard 8x6
2 modes of play.
MODE A - Move a piece :
This mode is similar to the original sliding puzzle, but the big new is that there is no border.
This means that in each positions of the empty piece, you will ever got the choice between 4 directions.
All levels are finishable, even when they appear to be impossible.
PAD / Stylet
or DS-Motion
X : Change the background color
L : Grid Yes/No
R : Show 'OK' yes/no (boxes placed well on the top of the screen)
START : Music Yes/no
SELECT : Quit the game
MODE B - Draw a line :
This mode is totaly new. You can move an entire line or an entire column. Simply draw a line with your stylus.
Moves :
Extended (depending the length of the draw line)
L : Grid Yes/No
R : Show 'OK' yes/no
START : Music Yes/no
SELECT : Quit the game
Program : Kukulcan
Thanks to : Mollusk for his great librarie PALIB
Thanks to MITOUYOU for the ecchi pictures.
Calcprogrammer1 has updated his file browser application, heres whats new:
DSFile2 is out! Features are Dual Slot Copying, Pasting, and Deleting, soon to be Renaming if Wintermute and Chishm get DevKitARM working with rename(). I've redone the interface to fully use two screens, but the keyboard does nothing as of now. It's implemented but commented out because Renaming doesn't work yet.
New interface, beginnings of renaming, and sourcecode sorted out so it's not so hard to edit.
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Alekmaul has posted an entry inthe Neoflash Coding Contest:
YOU MUST USE THE DLDI PATCHER BEFORE USING THE NDS FILE if your linker is not autoDLDI patching. Please, patch the file with the correct drivers regarding your linker.
Project description:
DSMasterPlus is a Sega game Gear / Master System console emulator.
To use this emulator, you must use compatibles GG / SMS files.
Do not ask me about such files, I don't have them. A search with Google will certainly help you.
What's new in this version :
* New interface (thanks again Lobo ^^)
* New graphic engine for backgrounds
* Code optimization everywhere
* Pro Action Replay codes support !!!
* No more German translation (some sentences are missing).
* ds motion card support
Controls :
* Direction pad ou motion card : direction pad
* A : Fire #1 button
* B : Fire #2 button
* X : Fire #1 button
* Y : Fire #2 button
* R : SOFT RESET / START Game Gear
* START : START Master System button
* SELECT : PAUSE button
You can also send your test for a game with WIFI on my site portabledev to inform others (and me) of pb on some games.
The compatibility list is also automaticaly refresh here with this option :
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Team Symbiote have released a DVD player for the Wii.
First off you are going to have to have a Modchipped Wii, heres the release details:
Sorry to all the people that we had no real chance to credit, there were heaps more that worked on this but i really dont want to keep this on my computer much longer in case it goes missing forever, everyone will be correctly credited on the
next release.
...please help us make this better, if you want to help us and have skills to offer then please contact us through www.symbiote. org. Linux, C, and ASM all welcome.
P.S Tested for 10 min on single layer and dual layer with
Burn with clone CD, Boot in modded wii with homebrew based mod programmed with YOASM 1.8 (I used a wii-boss). When menu comes up then the hit "z" to unmount, change disc to DVD movie and hit "start" to play.
Samel has released a new version of DSketch with bug fixes.
Simple sketch drawing application. This app was made to take note during university lesson so it's not a good drawing app, but it's easy and fast to use. A full zoom function is implemented with all dns supported level. All sketch can be saved as bmp. A slideshow function make it easyer to read all note.
Usage: just unzip it in your card
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Wizlon has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Oh Mummy Evolution is a game based off the old Amstrad CPC, it follows a maze style game play where you have to uncover artefacts while avoiding the enemy mummys! Since the last version I have added DLDI support (with option saving and a game suspend feature), internet highscores, improved graphics, new game play features numerous bug fixes and have just improved the game to be more enjoyable! Please see the readme and visit for more information. Enjoy!
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X-Blaster has posted an entry into the Neoflash Comp:
Meteroa is a space/fantasy based god-sim game that lies somewhere between populous, world of sand and pong. (description source gbatemp)
platforms : NDS
The rule is to kill you opponent with your godpower. I'd like to say what "meteora" is an action version of "meteos". Gameplay is original and could be difficult to understand at the beginning.
This version introduces especialy for the neoflash compo the multiplayer support via WFC.
This is my first entry in the neoflash compo and my first homebrew too.
Evilspoon has posted an entry into the Neoflash Comp:
I don't really need to explain anything about the game itself, but maybe I can tell you that this game is part of a project of ASCII Games and Apps for NDS, that has begun a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed making this game and I think ASCII 's fun! It has oldschool sounds et music and a little intro. Everything to be enjoyed by old gamers!
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Smealum has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
{ Earth Invaders 0 is an 2.5D shoot action game, set in a futuristic environment. It takes full advantage of the DS's functionalities.}
This game is DLDI enabled and does not work on every linker. It has been developped using a G6 DS Real, and i can't garanty it will work well on other linkers.
This game features a "mirror" control-scheme : it's adapted for both lefties and righties.
- D-PAD or ABXY : move. (Up or X to jump)
(in equipment menu, change equipment)
- Stylus : aim or open the equipment menu.
- R or L : shoot. (you have to be aiming with the stylus)
Note : Up + Direction = long jump.
Up alone = high jump.
Thanks to everyone who helped Lobo and me in this project.
If you have ANY question or comment about the game, please post it, everything is welcome.
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Schyzophrenic has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
SpsychoD (pronounce SpsykoD) is born from a travel I made in train. I was bored to death with nothing to do. There was a nice girl in front of me. And she was doing some psycho tests. You know the kind of tests which tell you if you're happy in your life, if you're more "tomato or fish" or if you're an easy person to live with. This kind of stuff. It gave me the idea of doing this application.
So basically, it's a personality/psycho test simulator.
You have to answer questions and then, the program give you the results !
Nevertheless, there's a particularity about it: you can add your own tests to the simulator. DLDI patching is not required, unless you'd like to use this functionnality. You have to create a folder called /SpsychoD/en/ and /SpsychoD/fr/ and put you new tests in those folders. Please note, that the two separates folders will determine if it's a test in english or in french.
Lordus has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Project description:
"jEnesisDS" is a Sega MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator for the Nintendo DS.
It started as a port of my Java Genesis/32X emulator jEnesis. By now, the code has been
completely rewritten and many parts (CPU core, parts of GPU) are written in ARM assembler.
You have to play a bit with the settings to make some games boot or work better.
Some games work faster with "Idle Loop Detection", others without (Castlevania, Gunstar Heroes),
and some games just boot if it is disabled.
The same goes for H-INT emulation. If a game doesnt boot just try changing those options.
Very few games will just boot, if checksum autofixing is disabled (Dynamite Heady, Thunder Force IV).
New in this version:
v0.5 *
- Implemented save-states (touch slot icons to load/save)
- Extended SRAM compatibility. Story of Thor and Phantasy Star IV should work now.
- Extended "force update" of HW renderer. Fixes Sonic3 intro, Sonic Bonus stage and probably others.
- Fixed sprites showing garbage if more than 64 sprites were displayed. (Comix Zone, Outrun, Sonic, well most games i guess).
- Partial rewrite of sprite handling in the HW renderer. Less slowdowns when a lot of sprites are displayed.
- Implemented better VSync. Fixes temporary speedups after slowdowns.
- Implemented vertical scaling option into HW renderer (horizontal is NOT possible, dont ask!).
Aspect ratio will be incorrect, but makes games more enjoyable (at least in my opinion).
- Implemented screen positioning in HW renderer (touch screen to pause, then use [D-Pad] to scroll.
Push [A] for faster scrolling)
- Rewrote DS interrupt system for HW renderer. Probably less slowdowns, surely safer.
- Added "Fake Z80" option. The faking code can mess up some games (Ghouls n' Ghosts, Aladdin, Cool Spot 2, and others), so it can be turned off now. Interestingly enough, if it is turned off, real Z80 emulation will be executed, BUT just under certain circumstances, to keep games working and not to slow things down. As with other options, some games might depend on a certain setting to boot (Gaiares just boots when this option is set to "off").
How to use:
jEnesisDS uses DLDI for accessing your cards filesystem, so you have to patch the file with the appropriate DLDI patch.
There is no way to edit the key settings yet, so here is the layout:
"SELECT": Enter File Browser (Also accessible by the cartridge icon)
Touch the Joypad icon to enter Setting.
Touch save-slot icons to load/save states (2 slots available)
Touch screen to pause. While in pause mode, use the D-Pad to for
screen positioning in the HW renderer version.
Hope you like it
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Jeremysr has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
A tile-based puzzle game where you write a simple "program" to try to make the robot arm deliver the flag to the end.
Note: My game is only coded to print out text and 16x16 tiles, so I couldn't put in the splash screen. I'm trying to fix it real hard but posted this topic just in case I was too late. I just found out about the contest now, the same day I finished my game... :P
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The expected increase in production of the Nintendo Wii during June has been delayed according to a report on Digitimes.
A shortage of internal components has stalled Nintendo's plans to increase production of the market-leading home console following continued success across all the major gaming markets.
Citing unnamed component makers, the report says that there's unlikely to be any easing of console shortages for the first half of 2007.
Befriend wandering monsters to help with your farm, each with their own special abilities!
Upgrade your skills as you use and create hundreds of items and tools!
Communicate and exchange items via Wi-Fi!
Grow crops, make friends and fall in love!
You awaken to find yourself in an unfamiliar village with no memory of who you are or how you arrived. Mist, a beautiful young woman comes to your aid and helps you start to build a life for yourself…on a farm. Till the land, grow crops, raise animals, catch fish and battle monsters! Battling against fierce beasts is very important for your survival, but making friends with them is essential for your farm life. Build skills and learn magic as you save your neighbors and uncover the secrets of your forgotten past…
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A complete walkthrough of the entire adventure.
Detailed area maps pinpointing key items.
In-depth item and equipment listing.
Tips on ranching, tending fields, mining and more!
pages: 160
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While Luminous Arc offers gamers a tried-and-true strategy RPG experience, what sets the game apart from its competition is an involving storyline, versatile controls, professional voice acting, an inspired score, and multiplayer for both local wireless and online connections!
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Feel what it's like to be a field general making key personnel decisions on both sides of the ball during the game's biggest moments in Madden NFL 08. Quickly identify your strongest players on the field before every snap then move them into position to make game-changing momentum-altering plays. Play to your team's strengths by immediately reading your opponent's schemes and reacting to the action as soon as the ball is snapped. Create mismatches and exploit weaknesses as you read and react with Madden NFL 08.
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Feel what it's like to be a field general making key personnel decisions on both sides of the ball during the game's biggest moments in Madden NFL 08. Quickly identify your strongest players on the field before every snap then move them into position to make game-changing momentum-altering plays. Play to your team's strengths by immediately reading your opponent's schemes and reacting to the action as soon as the ball is snapped. Create mismatches and exploit weaknesses as you read and react with Madden NFL
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Feel what it's like to be a field general making key personnel decisions on both sides of the ball during the game's biggest moments in Madden NFL 08. Quickly identify your strongest players on the field before every snap then move them into position to make game-changing momentum-altering plays. Play to your team's strengths by immediately reading your opponent's schemes and reacting to the action as soon as the ball is snapped. Create mismatches and exploit weaknesses as you read and react with Madden NFL
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Command your squad of up to four soldiers at once
Use the Touch Screen to issue commands, view the map, access inventory and select which squad member to control
20 different jungle missions include rescuing POWs, saving civilians, hunting down VC, and more
Utilize your squad to combat multiple enemy types including: soldiers, tanks, turrets, enemy barracks, etc.
Take advantage of different specialties and weapons per solider: long range shot, grenade launcher, automatic weapons, etc.
Beware land mines and other traps throughout war-torn Vietnam
Flush out enemies with smoke grenades or take out a swarm of VC with fragmentation grenades
Destructible environments filled with barrels, crates and animals add to the war experience
On a routine run over the Vietnam war-zone your chopper is taken down in VC territory.
It’s up to you and your squad to make it out of the VC infested region while liberating civilians. You’re in
total command as you make your way through war-torn Vietnam and eliminate the VC insurgence.
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Bassacegold has posted an entry into Neoflash Coding Comp:
BrickFall is basically the game Falldown, you guide a square through a maze of platforms without letting it hit the top of the screen. If it hits the top you lose. Your score is generated on how long you manage to survive. Unlike Falldown, this game has powerups. These powerups can help you or go against you so be careful as it is completely random.
Tassu has posted an entry into Neoflash Coding Comp:
Race with your spaceship on the surface of an alien planet. Use boosters and weapons to beat your opponents and unlock new race tracks. If you have a motion card, you can control the ship by turning the DS.
There is infinite number of tracks to unlock and every one is a bit more difficult then the previous one.
Playing tips:
-Never release the A button. Like this your speed can build up and you can go very fast!
-You can turn faster when you hold the B button. But you still shouldn't release the A.
Chuck studios has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp:
NDStation is a flasher for the EZFlash 3-in-1 Expansion Pack which allows you to package a ROM wimithin a .NDS file and therefore run it from your Slot 1 flash card's main menu. Its purpose is to make things feel more integrated and unified on your flash card. It also supports custom borders and compresses the GBA ROMs.
CycloDS Evolution v1.2 BETA #2 (the second BETA) has been released and is available for download. The main addition to this BETA is support for user created cheat codes, through our PC-side cheat code editing application. The firmware update, a BETA version of the cheat code editor and some interim documentation are included in the download. Once again, this is a BETA firmware release and as such may contain bugs. Only use this release if you understand and accept the risks involved in using BETA software.
We've added a special feature which we're sure many of you will enjoy - the ability for the cheat code editor to retrieve the most up-to-date codes from the internet and import them directly into your database. You may use this function periodically to ensure that your cheat database always contains the most recent codes.
Changes for this release include:
* Custom cheat code support added (PC-side cheat editor application included)
* PC-side cheat editor can automatically retrieve up-to-date codes from the internet
* Fixed some problems with the multiple skin system. In addition, skins can now be stored at either 'CycloDSskin' or 'CycloDSskins'
* Fixed several game compatibility issues
* Separated "Return to Game" and "Return to Main Menu" in the in-game menu to help avoid accidentally executing a soft reset
We will be posting an updated user manual when the final 1.2 firmware build is released. In the meantime, please refer to the included interim documentation for instructions on using custom cheat codes.
Stormfront Studios' Don Daglow has defended the Wii's right to be called a next-generation console during his GCDC speech in Germany this afternoon.
"I'm sure that somewhere in this little section of this room, there's somebody who does not believe the Wii is next-gen," he said.
"It does not have the processing power the 360 or the PS3 do, and you can make the consistent argument that, without that processing power, it can not revolutionise the entire experience. That's debateable, and we get to decide."
"Nobody gets to tell us what we think is next-gen - we get to decide for ourselves. I can help start arguing, but we get to decide for ourselves."
During a reflective one-hour session towards the end of GCDC's first day, Daglow, president and CEO of Stormfront, also encouraged his fellow developers to look beyond the traditional definition of "next generation".
"Next-gen hardware is any platform that, upon its introduction, dramatically changes players' view of the potential for interactive entertainment," he said, before arguing that it's a definition that fits software as well.
"If it changes the player's view of what interactive entertainment is; if you think differently about it; if you have a new perspective after playing the game that you didn't have before, to me that's next-gen," he told the audience.
To support that point of view, Daglow put forward a range of games that had shifted perspectives and proven influential in hindsight - games like Sim City, Guitar Hero, Geometry Wars and World of Warcraft.
The veteran developer - whose career has also encompassed spells at Intellivision, Broderbund and EA - devoted the early part of his session to examining the cyclical nature of console cycles. He spoke of the way developers' appreciation of the hardware matures each time, how certain types of game and certain types of consumer form noticeable patterns, and how people - developers, press and public - tend to react to consoles in distinct ways at each point.
"We've spent a quarter of a century saying 'the machine is holding me back'," he said to begin. "The only problem is that now the machines are so powerful, we've lost our excuse."
"So we've thought about this for a while as game designers - and decided we're going to blame the finance guys," he joked.
Echoing sentiments expressed in Julian Eggebrecht's keynote at the top of the event, he finished by imploring the developers in the audience, to whom he paid tribute, to continue pressing forward. "That search for next-gen is what inspires us to keep trying to change and create new things, has us seeking to dramatically change people's views of what this medium can do."
"As a game player, the one thing I want to ask you is never to give up," he said. "There is always a next-gen available tomorrow."
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On Friday, Mexican police stormed 12 different suspected counterfeiters. They managed to come away with 15,000 counterfeit Nintendo products, including over 4,500 counterfeit Wii discs. Going down in a major "fayuca" (contraband) market in Guadalajara, it's yet another campaign against crime in the territory as customs agents also recently nabbed over 5,000 counterfeit products entering Manzanillo, from China.
"Mexico is Nintendo's largest market in Latin America, where the problem of video game piracy is widespread," said Jodi Daugherty, Nintendo of America's senior director of anti-piracy. "Since January, Nintendo has worked with law enforcement agencies worldwide to seize 100,000 counterfeit Wii games."
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This week, the Wii's lone release is none other than the seductive siren's call of crashing pins and that long, slick lane. It's about rolling with the best of them (so long as it isn't on Saturday). It's about being sponsored by Denny's and perhaps scoring wih a single mom or two. It's about that wonderful sport of bowling:
Brunswick Pro Bowling
Any of you willing to give this one a try? Sick of Wii Sports: Bowling and wish to give this a spin?
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The original headline was something along the lines of "Samus and Shinobi tour Neutopia on Virtual Console" but honestly, the less time spent thinking up trite headlines the better. Today's incredible Virtual Console update has steamrolled our Monday productivity into a lackadaisical mush of "meh."
Super Metroid (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii points): Considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all time (evar), Super Metroid hardly requires a descriptive paragraph such as this one. Needless to say then, that it features Samus doing what she does best: murdering metroids, blasting evil brains and reminding us why we need to stay alive until August 27th.
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii points): The third entry in Sega's ninja kill-em-up series and arguably the best. As far as side-scrolling slashers go, the Shinobi one is your only hope... for gaming fun!
Neutopia (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii points): Neutopia is often labeled as a Legend of Zelda clone. Somehow, we don't think it minds.
Look for these games in the Wii shop after 9AM PST.
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A new slot-2 cart, the Mediacart ( uses DSOrganize's code (as well, potentially, as a couple other homebrew apps) without giving credit to the author, without compensation, and without receiving permission.
I thought about modifying my signature thread or something along those lines, but it would only be seen (if even noticed) by a handful of people. When a hardworking developer gets raped, it's time the the homebrew community as a whole publicizes it and boycotts the manufacturer.
Thoughts ?
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Pitt has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Mental Games is a compilation of quick little games that ask for either nice Stylus skills or tons of concentrations Some are remakes of pre-released DS games, some are adaptations of flash games, and others are completely new and original (generally the most brain-torture oriented games )
The global graphics chart is pretty much Black and White, though a few games don't follow it perfectly (yet ^^)
The games, in no particular order :
ReRun : Catch all the balls of the same color as your cursor, while avoiding the other ones... Once this is done, you'll have to replay the same level as a different color
Chain Reaction : Sponsored by the National Uranium Group (NUG), you'll have to create as big chain reactions as possible with a single detonation !
Mental Pong : Classic pong ? No !
QuadBrain : Ever tried to move around 4 objects at the same time ? Hard, isn't it ?
Danger Zone : CarreRouge revisited !
3210 : How many balls can you break ? Carefull though, each one will spread out to take as much room as possible !
Follow : Simplest game ever... Just try to keep the stylus at the same level as the circle on the other screen Great reflexes needed !
Double Skill : What if Arkanoid was mixed with a balance game ? And what if it was actually 2 games, on 2 screens, both controlled with a single Stylus ?
BallBreaker : The whole point is to find out how to explode all the balls without ever touching one of them...
MixedMinds : Try to keep your brains straight, if you can !
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OutofRange has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
This is a puzzle game based on those sliding tile games you get on airplanes. Originally made in Second Life, this DS version is a little harder in that it lacks 3D, but the use of the stylus means playing it is a lot easier. The basic aim is to roll the dice around the grid so that they match the numbers on the outside of the grid. The game features three modes; 3x3 grid, 4x4 grid and time attack. Time attack choses 3x3 or 4x4 at random to complete within the time limit and each time you start a new one the time limit decreases.
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I decided to post a set of DSOrganize icons I made here. They're not amazingly awesome, but they're better then the default ones if you ask me. Here's pictures...
*Copy the folder into your DSOrganize/Icons folder
*Boot it up and go to configuration
*Select "DimensionT" under "Icon Set" and save
*The next time you boot DSOrganize, the icons will be in place
I can't figure out how to get the "day planner" icon replaced though. I've tried everything, following the directions in the readme. So if anyone knows how, please tell me.
Also, if anyone knows if there's a way to change the background tell me as well. I don't think there is, but you never know...
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When Wario sees a television series about a thieving master of disguises, he dives through the TV screen, steals the theif's quick-change wand and takes over the whole show. Episode after episode, he breaks into exotic locations, like a luxury liner, watery ruins and an Egyptian pyramid!
Nintendo's Kaitou Wario the Seven (aka. Wario: Master of Disguise) for Nintendo DSâ„¢ is now available at discounted US$ 19.90 only.
Game features:
Draw Wario's eight disguises: By sketching a symbol on Wario, the player puts Wario in outfits that give him powers, such as Thief Wario's tackles and Cosmic Wario's laster blasts. The player also uses the stylus to wield powers.
Explore environments: Wario travels the globe in ten missions that span nine exotic locations. The player must attack many enemies found in each location and also use Wario's disguises to get past puzzling obstacles.
Play mini-games to unlock chests: To pick the lock of each chest, the player must play one of eight stylus-driven mini-games that grow more difficult as the game progresses.
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Heroes of Mana breathes new life into the vaunted Mana franchise, taking the beloved series into an entirely new dimension. Generals plan, plot, and strategize their way to victory on the battlefield. Command an army of heroes, creatures, and rabites with the Nintendo DS touch screen and experience an all-new perspective on the ever-evolving battle for the Mana Tree.
Heroes of Mana goes much farther than a traditional RTS with incredibly rich and detailed characters on the battlefied, each with histories and a relationship to the overall story of the Mana franchise that is deep and complex. In fact, there's a story recap feature to help you get to know everyone and their place in the story.
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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates is the sequel to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for Gamecubeâ„¢. The game takes advantage of both the local wireless and Wi-Fi capabilities of the system.
The new installment of Crystal Chronicles uses a similar control scheme to the Gamecubeâ„¢ version, with A to use Commands; Y to pick up items (and allegedly enemies); and the B button to jump (which adds a layer to strategy, with multitiered levels in the 3D environment).
Most of the gameplay takes place on the top screen. The touch screen shows maps, as well as stylus access for different weapon attacks. Special attacks are performed by pressing the right trigger button, the screens will swap allowing enemies to be attacked just by touching them with the stylus. If done correctly, chained attacks can be performed.
In multiplayer mode, the player's class greatly influences lifespan. Five character classes can be picked including Warrior, Archer, White Mage, Black Mage, and a support class. Each has specific roles to be fulfilled in the multiplayer mode.
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Suloku posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
This is a try to port the famous board game Taboo ( spanish version) to a computerized environment, enhancing the number of teams and using the NDS as board, buzzer and card reader, you still have to be honest with what button you press, but you can take Taboo to wherever you want!
There are a few things to do with this release:
- It uses spanish rules, so gameplay may be diferent than thhe one you are used to (instructions are available to download in both english and spanish at the bottom)
- It has only 164 cards and they are in spanish, time issues didn't allow me to translate them. (thanks to Marta for writting the cards).
- It isn't DLDI, so it comes in former *.sc.ds, *ds.gba and *.nds. There are problems with images and DSLua 00.7 (which supports DLDI).
- It is possible to add new cards to the game, but sorce is needed. I'll release a propper pack with some nice batch file after the compo so it will be easier to change the cards, and also change the default language/add languages.
- Using the Stylus is recommended to avoid un wanted touchpad response.
- Spanish, English and Catalan languages available (default english).
My plans are to make it work with DSLua 0.7 or try porting it to paLib so it can be DLDI compatible (which makes the language/cards thing a lot easier).
Smealum posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
{ A cup of Tea - V8 is a very gentle FPS that any newbie could beat. It does not feature touch screen controls device because i wanted it to feel old school. D-Pad to move/aim, B to jump and any other key to shoot. It was made using Yeti3D, which i first ported to the NDS with the help of ThunderZ, Pitt and birslip. }
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Chef posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
We upload yet project financed by UNESCO!
WE HaiL from Papua NEW GUINEA, (google it)!
Kilobites download 100s and our englis bad>> LOL
CODE BY CHEF! <<he Rapper hee hee (0_0) OMG@!
GRAFIXS By ME MUTO! I Marry CHIEFS dauhta, cute as heck!@
we ALSo had includes doanloads for ALL DS colors there(GBA NDS AND SCDS) we color blind, free yor mind! REgads WARRIORS!!
Damn my head hurts after reading that, i need a translator of some kind
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Rema posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
This original application will test your purity by asking you questions, mostly about the topics of drug, alcohol, and s3x ! You'll get a comment about your purity and a score between 0-450. With 0 you're a pure angel, and with 450 you're the devil .
Costello posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
DSHobro is a homebrew web browser for the Nintendo DS. It requires a PC application to function. The newest version (0.3) comes with Flash/Java/ActiveX support, text input, automatic connection configuration and more. The real purpose of DSHobro comes when you're away from home and want to surf the web with your DS. If you've started the server app on your PC and it's still running, then you can surf the web from any WiFi access point in the world.
The files included in the zip package are:
- DSHobro03.nds (normal version)
- (sc version)
- DSHobro03.ds.gba (slot2 version)
- readme.txt
- Server.exe: the server application.
The original MD5 hash for this file is 5bc8b5e0270ed6ea4c7821f320224967, CRC32 is 9492F36E.
Stravingo posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
New! Treasures of Gaia v0.2 is available.
It is now possible to switch between a satellite view and a map on the lower screen! Thus, it is much more easier to find a precise location. Among other improvements, you can now select English or French.
A : switch between satellite/map view on the lower screen.
X/B : scroll up/down information on the upper screen.
Y : chose a place in the World Heritage list.
Select : switch between Map/Picture/Text on the upper screen.
Start : help.
L/R : zoom out/zoom in.
Pad : scroll the world map, scroll information on the lower screen.
Stylus : scroll the world map, select a place on the map.
Installation notes
patch the ROM with DLDI
put the file tog_cities.dat at the root of your linker!!!
Wifi is mandatory!
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Mastertop101 posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Sleeper Killer is basically an alarm clock with special features meant limit the amount of time you waste by sleeping.
According to some studies, some periods of sleeping are a total waste of time. When you're awake in your bed for example, you aren't replenishing at all, therefore, the famous snooze function of your alarm clock is actually useless, ideally, you should wake up as soon as you're awake, else, you're wasting precious time. My application is meant to make the use of the snooze function an especially boring task, for this, you have 2 choices ;
1st choice is the NDS motion mode :
In this mode, you must have a motion enabled device (NDS motion, DS motion pak, neoflash R6 gold, neoflash MK6) and when you want to put the alarm clock on snooze (which stops the alarm sound for 3 minutes), you must turn your DS as you would turn a steerwheel 4 times and the next time you want to use the snooze function you will need to make 4 more turns.
2nd choice is the mathematics mode :
In this mode, you will have to do 4 mathematics calculations to put the alarm clock on snooze (which stops the alarm sound for 3 minutes) and the next time you want to use the snooze function, you will need to make 4 more calculations
Plus, studies have proven that over sleeping is a waste of time to since the last hours of sleeping are the least useful therefore, there are 2 options to set the alarm;
1st choice is the duration mode :
In this mode, you won't wake up at a fixed time like every other alarm clock, but you'll only sleep for a fixed duration (example : sleep for 8 hours)
2nd choice mode :
This is the normal mode, the clock will ring at the time you set it to.
Some additionnal infos :
There's a hidden alarm music (by default it is a classic 'Beep, Beep, Beep'); press L and Bottom on the D-Pad or R and B while on the first menu to use this alarm music : a jungle sound effects based music.
The screen lights will automatically turn off if the alarm isn't ringing, you can turn them on by touching (and holding) your finger or stylus on the screen.
Dr Neo has tonight posted up the entries for you to vote on the latest coding competition from them. I myself was too busy this year to judge and collect votes so i urge all DCEmu visitors to register at Neoflash and vote for the Game/App that you think deserves to win and by all means let us know which is your favourite entry in each section and why, heres the entrants:
please place your vote for NDS GAME:
and remember you just can vote one project
this vote will close at Aug.30th automatic.
Dr Neo has tonight posted up the entries for you to vote on the latest coding competition from them. I myself was too busy this year to judge and collect votes so i urge all DCEmu visitors to register at Neoflash and vote for the Game/App that you think deserves to win and by all means let us know which is your favourite entry in each section and why, heres the entrants:
please place your vote for NDS APP:
and remember you just can vote one project
this vote will close at Aug.30th automatic.
All the equipment your Wii console needs in a complete bundle set. Tune your Wiimote, drive cars, improve your grip, protect your controller and console!
Specifications & extra information
- Easy to set up and use
- Designed for all of Wii components (console, remote, nunchuck)
- Protection against dust
- Crystal protect cases for Wiimote and Nunchuck
- Steady and harden plastic material, very resistant
- Amazing, exciting, and great for physical exercice
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The defining battle for justice is about to begin as animated characters and cliffhanger storylines come to life in a courtroom where anything can happen. The complete story of Phoenix Wright comes together as players explore both the past and present of the idiosyncratic lawyer.
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Charge your Nintendo DS Lite in style with this advanced charger stand that glows in the dark with a beautiful blue light. It will hold your DS Lite console firmly in place and safety, together with DS and GBA game cartridges.
Specifications & extra information
- Holds your Nintendo DS lite console
- Holds Nintendo DS Lite game cartridges
- Holds GBA/SP game cartridges
- Glowing blue light when DS Lite is in charge
- Plug and play
- Available in White, Black and Blue
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You know how boxart is always better in Japan than in the US? You're looking at the counterexample. The Japanese Sonic 3 cover is arguably the worst thing to happen to the series right up until the creation of Shadow. Apparently Sega was doing their best to kill their flagship series in Japan, by throwing some Cross Colours-tinted doodles and tiled "THE MOST FAMOUS HEDGEHOG IN THE WORLD" signs on a white background and throwing it out like it's acceptable. The US box, in comparison, is spectacularly beautiful.
Pretty good game, though. Other games on the list include a forgotten launch-era NES sports game and Ordyne, the adorable Namco horizontal shooter that we totally already have! This week's Japanese Virtual Console releases are:
Volleyball (Famicom, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points)
Ordyne (PC Engine, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
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Falcon4ever has posted some great news over at the Dolphin website and thats a new release of the Gamecube Emulator for Windows, heres the release news:
I guess some guys thought we never would update this page again ...
Last year the Dolphin Beta testing team (CKemu/Chaoscode/Knuckles) already posted shots of Dolphin 1.03.2 x64 which also has dualcore support.
Original thread link: Dolphin64 screenshot topic
Well finally you can test this version aswell, however there are a few general notes:
- Remember that this version is a PRIVATE BETA version.
- This means it is less stable than Dolphin 1.02, USE AT OWN RISK.
- This version requires a 64bit operating system (either Windows XP64 or Vista64)
- The graphics/audio plugins haven't been upgraded.
- Due core changes some games might run better, some might run worse or not at all
- Speed is now CPU dependant, dualcore is obviously helps a lot.
Quote from Chaoscode: "SSBM is 100% playable with 100% speed on my crappy computer."
Enjoy this Public beta testing release, and...
don't forget to thank ector & F|RES
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Apart from pinning down release dates for a pair of big titles, Nintendo has announced no new Wii or DS products at this year's Leipzig Game Convention – instead choosing to focus on the company's well-documented successes of the past year, is reporting.
Using the consumer convention to open up its E3 titles to the public, the format-holder has said it will release Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for Wii on October 26 in Europe, and DS hit The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass a week earlier on October 19.
Instead of the usual press conference, Nintendo opted for a more intimate approach; groups of around thirty journalists at a time were led around the company's exhibition stand.
The company had already stated it was taking a more low key approach to the Leipzig event earlier this month.
Nintendo Germany boss Bernd Fakesh spent forty-five minutes showing journalists the impressive European sales figures for games like Brain Training, Nintendogs and Wii Sports.
"As we move through the tour, we must remember that gaming, too, is on the move," Fakesch began, claiming that Nintendo's dual strategy of new game concepts and easier, more intuitive control had opened up gaming to 'millions' of former non-gamers, especially among young females and the over-40s.
Nintendo games occupied 16 of the top 20 slots from January to July this year in Germany, and Brain Training stayed in the top 10 for over 60 weeks. Fakesch also boasted an 80 per cent hardware share for Nintendo in the handheld market, and 65 per cent of the total games hardware market.
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Apart from pinning down release dates for a pair of big titles, Nintendo has announced no new Wii or DS products at this year's Leipzig Game Convention – instead choosing to focus on the company's well-documented successes of the past year, is reporting.
Using the consumer convention to open up its E3 titles to the public, the format-holder has said it will release Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for Wii on October 26 in Europe, and DS hit The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass a week earlier on October 19.
Instead of the usual press conference, Nintendo opted for a more intimate approach; groups of around thirty journalists at a time were led around the company's exhibition stand.
The company had already stated it was taking a more low key approach to the Leipzig event earlier this month.
Nintendo Germany boss Bernd Fakesh spent forty-five minutes showing journalists the impressive European sales figures for games like Brain Training, Nintendogs and Wii Sports.
"As we move through the tour, we must remember that gaming, too, is on the move," Fakesch began, claiming that Nintendo's dual strategy of new game concepts and easier, more intuitive control had opened up gaming to 'millions' of former non-gamers, especially among young females and the over-40s.
Nintendo games occupied 16 of the top 20 slots from January to July this year in Germany, and Brain Training stayed in the top 10 for over 60 weeks. Fakesch also boasted an 80 per cent hardware share for Nintendo in the handheld market, and 65 per cent of the total games hardware market.
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We've heard Sonic Mario fans grumbling about the taming of the characters' special powers (i.e. Sonic doesn't run ridiculously faster than Mario), but if you can get over your fanboyisms this looks like loads of fun.
People are also moaning that it's not crazy enough for a Mario and Sonic game - but notice the flames at the feet of Yoshi in one shot, and Mario in another as they race. You don't get flame-feet turbo boosts in real life, do you?
It looks a bit strange to see Dr. Robotnik (or Eggman, as Sega likes to call him nowadays) lining up for a civilised race against Sonic, but the range of events and Wii Remote controls will make this a great multiplayer party game. Better than Wii Sports? We hope so...
Tomb Raider Anniversary on Wii isn't shaping up to be a rushed port with tacked-on Remote waggles, you'll be glad to learn.
Senior producer Morgan Gray recently insisted that the many enhancements and new gameplay mechanics being built in specifically for Wii make it the "definitive realisation".
We're so excited about Sonic Rush Adventure, and after seeing this new trailer you'll know why. It's old-school Sonic platforming, sped up to a ridiculous pace, and combined with new 3D action stages that actually look like fun little excursions.
Sonic blazes around the place, pinging off springs, grinding rails, pulling mid-air stunts and spinning through all types of scenery, and then takes to the water in a selection of vehicle-based battles. It looks incredible.
We can almost hear the cries of soon-to-be-wrecked A and B buttons on DS units across the world because New International Track and Field is sprinting its way to DS.
Konami has handed development to Sumo Digital, who were previously responsible for the OutRun games on Xbox, Virtua Tennis 3 on Xbox 360 and Super Rub-a-Dub on the PS Store.
The game's 3D visuals will take on a cartoon-style look, and touch-screen controls are expected (A and B buttons might get a breather this time). We're hoping for online play, too.
More information regarding controls, featured events and a release date is expected in the official announcement later, along with in-game screens.
Until that time, you'll have to make do with this hastily-taken photo of the game on Konami's stand at the Leipzig Games Convention, snapped by 1UP.
After announcing the game for every platform but Wii, Konami has now revealed that a Wii version is in the works and has undergone a "radical rethink" to make the most of the Wii's motion-sensitive control system.
We've been told that the game will make full use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers, offering total control over every aspect of the players and their movements both on and off the ball. The remote will also let you send players running into space, and to distribute the ball.
More from Games Convention soon.
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Need more Samus and Link in your Euro life? Nintendo has confirmed that the leaked European release date list is partially true, in that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is slated for Oct. 26 and Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass sails in Oct. 19. If the trend continues and the leaked list does translate into actual European release dates, gamers can expect Super Mario Galaxy there November 16 (soon after the NA Nov. 12 date).
Of course, Zelda launches in North America Oct. 1, so with no region lock on the DS, Europeans should feel free to get one sent to them from the States. On the bright side of things, at least it won't be a long engagement for Europe like some games. A month is not a terribly long time to wait.
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If you've ever wanted to physically assault Donkey Kong's diminutive and overly cheery pal, Diddy Kong, you'd best make plans to purchase Super Smash Bros. Brawl on December 3rd. Smash Bros. DOJO!! (it's them shouting, not us) has revealed that the pesky primate will be part of the growing list of combatants and plans to get by with his "whimsical fighting moves" and "Peanut Pop Gun."
We look forward to knocking off that cap and wiping the smile off his face -- it'll certainly put one on ours. Alright Nintendo, let's get Tingle in here next.
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A nice update to the release of the Wii Dvd player the other day comes a disc creator which will make a DVD with the player on, heres the details:
Here is an updated version of the MFE bootable disc creator. It uses the new DVD-capable MFE version that released. The advantage of using this creator is that it uses a firmware 3.0 compatible disc header and it allows you to fill the disc with .divx, .mp3, .mpg etc.
I didn’t compile the bootloader for this one like I did with last one and I didn’t create MFE in the first place. I’ve just made the disc creation a bit more userfriendly. All credits goes the original authors whoever they may be.
Also keep in mind that there have been speculations about that using your Wii to watch DVD movies may wear out your laser.
- Boots directly into MFE
- Uses a Firmware 3.0 compatible disc header
- Should work on all modchips. May need to turn of regionpatching on WiiFree as can break GC games and homebrew.
- Dual Layer support if the modchip supports it (yaosm 1.8, CycloWiz 3.5, Wiinja v.2 and latest Wiinja Deluxe upgrade)
- Plays DVD movies (press "Z", swap disc, press "Start")
No$gba the GBA and DS Emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release:
heres whats new:
- debug/setup: allows to enable/disable user-debugmsg, wifi-log, and 3d-log
- cpu: emulates undef opcode/copro exception (with warning if no bios/vector=0)
- wifi/emu: emulates new bits in rx header, and optional auto sequence control
- cpu/bugfix: arm ldm/stm accidently destroyed mis-alignments (on writeback)
- wifi/help: added info on port 1C4h, and on some of the 1Bxh ports (rxstat's)
- wifi/help: added new chapter on transmit errors and automatic ACK responses
- wifi/help: added info on ports 1A8h,1AAh,1ACh,1AEh (bit0..12 vs. 1B0h..1BFh)
- wifi/help: discovered new bits in RX header, added notes on MAC addresses
- wifi/debug: allows to log all packets (with automatic comments on ieee header)
- wifi/help: added notes on automatic sequence ctrl and auto-modified frame ctrl
- wifi/emu: tx-engine uses new timers, and emulates length/rate/preamble timing
- wifi/emu: emulates the various wifi counters and irqs at correct timing
- debug/setup: memorizes if iomap window was open (if so, re-opens it on boot)
- debug/emustop: break_requests (esc-key) take place only on current machine
- debug/internal: replaced ds:bibos swi_retadr/haltstop/intrwait by vals:bios
- debug/vramviewer: oam viewer supports extended obj palettes (thanks pierre)
- debug/vramviewer: fixed engine-B palette viewer (thanks pierre for bug report)
- dslite/help: added info on new TSC chip by AKM (new IN2, different PD bits)
- dslite/help: added note on near-crt-quality colors and wider viewing angles
- dslite/help: added custom change-channels-flowchart for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/help: added settings at firmware[0CEh-and-up] for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/xboo: updated nds-pins.gif (added new pin-positions on ds-lite board)
- dslite/xboo: added 8 extra diodes in data lines (to prevent power-on problem)
- dslite/help: added lite-specific wifi (W) mirrors, and unused wifi ram/ports
- dslite/help: added the new backlight level bits in firmware user settings
- dslite/help: added caution on DS-lite destroying wifi ports 064h and 076h
- dslite/help: added new powerman backlight/power register (and lost mute-bit)
- dslite/help: added ID for firmare chip 35PE20P (and supported it in ds-xboo)
- powerman/help: added unknown bit (mutes volume to zero, if amplifier is on)
- wifi/emu: emulates initial wifi-port settings and random register (mod 5FDh)
- wifi/emu: emulates primary wifi irq flag stuck zero while secondary nonzero
- wifi/emu: emulates corrected ports (004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h)
- wifi/emu: emulates new ports (210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h) and new mirrors
- wifi/help: added rx/tx signal/timing charts (rfu pins, aka 19Ch bits)
- wifi/help: added specs/cautions on primary wifi irq flag (2000214h.Bit24)
- wifi/help: added new mirrors (on read from 0ACh,0AEh,20Ch,21Ch,298h,2A8h,2B0h)
- wifi/help: added notes/info on ports 038h,19Ch,214h,21Ch and on W_CONFIG_140h
- wifi/help: new bits 0EAh.1,008h.13/14 004h.14); extra-TX ports 118h,0EEh,090h
- wifi/help: corrected ports 004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h and txstat.bit12-13
- wifi/help: added info on new ports (110h, 210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h)
- wifi/help: fixed tx_hdr: rate 8bit (not 16bit) defaults to 1Mbit/s if invalid
- wifi/help: added new bits: port004h.bit0 tx_master, 008h.bit15 beacon_irq1
- wifi/help: major updates in timers chapter (reloads, IRQ13/14/15, 22MHz, etc)
- nds/help: pinouts for nds LCD sockets, wifi RFU boards, and powerman chips
- gui: mousewheel support (win98 or dos/ctmouse) (thanks jasper/idea, tilo/hw)- debug/setup: allows to enable/disable user-debugmsg, wifi-log, and 3d-log
- cpu: emulates undef opcode/copro exception (with warning if no bios/vector=0)
- wifi/emu: emulates new bits in rx header, and optional auto sequence control
- cpu/bugfix: arm ldm/stm accidently destroyed mis-alignments (on writeback)
- wifi/help: added info on port 1C4h, and on some of the 1Bxh ports (rxstat's)
- wifi/help: added new chapter on transmit errors and automatic ACK responses
- wifi/help: added info on ports 1A8h,1AAh,1ACh,1AEh (bit0..12 vs. 1B0h..1BFh)
- wifi/help: discovered new bits in RX header, added notes on MAC addresses
- wifi/debug: allows to log all packets (with automatic comments on ieee header)
- wifi/help: added notes on automatic sequence ctrl and auto-modified frame ctrl
- wifi/emu: tx-engine uses new timers, and emulates length/rate/preamble timing
- wifi/emu: emulates the various wifi counters and irqs at correct timing
- debug/setup: memorizes if iomap window was open (if so, re-opens it on boot)
- debug/emustop: break_requests (esc-key) take place only on current machine
- debug/internal: replaced ds:bibos swi_retadr/haltstop/intrwait by vals:bios
- debug/vramviewer: oam viewer supports extended obj palettes (thanks pierre)
- debug/vramviewer: fixed engine-B palette viewer (thanks pierre for bug report)
- dslite/help: added info on new TSC chip by AKM (new IN2, different PD bits)
- dslite/help: added note on near-crt-quality colors and wider viewing angles
- dslite/help: added custom change-channels-flowchart for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/help: added settings at firmware[0CEh-and-up] for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/xboo: updated nds-pins.gif (added new pin-positions on ds-lite board)
- dslite/xboo: added 8 extra diodes in data lines (to prevent power-on problem)
- dslite/help: added lite-specific wifi (W) mirrors, and unused wifi ram/ports
- dslite/help: added the new backlight level bits in firmware user settings
- dslite/help: added caution on DS-lite destroying wifi ports 064h and 076h
- dslite/help: added new powerman backlight/power register (and lost mute-bit)
- dslite/help: added ID for firmare chip 35PE20P (and supported it in ds-xboo)
- powerman/help: added unknown bit (mutes volume to zero, if amplifier is on)
- wifi/emu: emulates initial wifi-port settings and random register (mod 5FDh)
- wifi/emu: emulates primary wifi irq flag stuck zero while secondary nonzero
- wifi/emu: emulates corrected ports (004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h)
- wifi/emu: emulates new ports (210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h) and new mirrors
- wifi/help: added rx/tx signal/timing charts (rfu pins, aka 19Ch bits)
- wifi/help: added specs/cautions on primary wifi irq flag (2000214h.Bit24)
- wifi/help: added new mirrors (on read from 0ACh,0AEh,20Ch,21Ch,298h,2A8h,2B0h)
- wifi/help: added notes/info on ports 038h,19Ch,214h,21Ch and on W_CONFIG_140h
- wifi/help: new bits 0EAh.1,008h.13/14 004h.14); extra-TX ports 118h,0EEh,090h
- wifi/help: corrected ports 004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h and txstat.bit12-13
- wifi/help: added info on new ports (110h, 210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h)
- wifi/help: fixed tx_hdr: rate 8bit (not 16bit) defaults to 1Mbit/s if invalid
- wifi/help: added new bits: port004h.bit0 tx_master, 008h.bit15 beacon_irq1
- wifi/help: major updates in timers chapter (reloads, IRQ13/14/15, 22MHz, etc)
- nds/help: pinouts for nds LCD sockets, wifi RFU boards, and powerman chips
- gui: mousewheel support (win98 or dos/ctmouse) (thanks jasper/idea, tilo/hw)
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Shash has posted some WIP news of his DS Emulator for WIndows:
Lately, finding spare time to work on desmume has been hard. What's more important, finding any motivation to work on it, has been really hard.
First, I'm willing to work on stuff more related to general 3D rendering again, instead of emulators. Working on an emulator for a month or two is nice, but it's been a whole year since I started to work on the desmume source code that yopyop released. It's important to note that on my priority list, 3D rendering is way more important than emulation, and I've been ignoring that fact for way too long.
Second, I've already many of the games I wanted to be playable, on that status. Mario Kart DS is probably the only exception, as I'm somewhat curious how it works, and the polygon budgets for karts/courses, but it refuses to work. Even if that, I'm not happy with many of the code I use actually. For example, the 3D GFX FIFO IRQ handling is a bit fat hack, the capture unit emulation is far from right, and my 2D pixel blitter implementations have to be rewritten with something like what I did with the official desmume, or maybe something a bit faster (if possible).
Third, the current debugger of desmume demotivates me every time I've to use it. It lacks breakpoint support, and some other small details that would make debugging games for hours easier and faster. For example, for homebrew development, I'd love original source code debugging, instead of the generated code. Not to mention that it uses plain Win32 GUI, so any addition or modification to the current is painful and time consuming.
So basically, I'd like to rewrite the 3D core to properly handle the GFX FIFO IRQ, write a Windows Forms GUI, with a new and enhanced debugger, and fix some misc stuff.
Anyway, the little work I devoted to desmume lately, was mainly focused on fixing some regression bugs I introduced while changing how the 3D core works, fixing one homebrew and one commercial game. Fixing the homebrew was easy, as it only failed due to some DS display list commands being unhandled, and the "list cleanup" taking too much time. After 45 minutes of debugging and profiling, I got it working at 60fps all the time.
Later, I wanted to fix Dead'n'furious, as it seemed to fail rendering 3D or stall while getting ingame. I really didn't knew, so I started to work, first to understand why it was failing. The first debugging sessions showed that it was in fact sending stuff to the 3D renderer, so it wasn't freezing, only not rendering onscreen.
I've a few switches that affect the 3D renderer on my build, to list: wireframe, disable lighting, disable blending, disable alpha test, disable texturing, and disable the whole 3D core rendering (in fact, it only disable the blit to BG0, but anyway, it's more or less the same for debugging purposes). None of them seemed to have any effect, so I debugged a bit more.
What I did next, was to check the primitive group start routine (I mean glBegin :P), as lots of setup is done there and it's usually a good start. There was the first pointer, it seems that the projection matrix was wrong. Specifically, the scale was wrong (abnormally big values), making that the primitives (triangles / quads) became squeezed/degenerated, resulting in primitives not showing up. Just as a fast test, I changed all the projection matrices to identity matrices so I would get something onscreen, if that was the only problem in that game. I expected so, as I had dumps of the textures, and they seemed ok, so if projection was the only problem, it would give me some results. In fact, it did.
After that, I just had to locate where and why those values were assigned to that matrix. That's what took the most. First, as the failing value wasn't the first to be assigned to that matrix, I just stopped execution when the first one was written, and debugged from there. I was lucky enough to see that the "failing" values written to the matrix, were calculated between the first write and the failing one. As I suspected from the beggining, it was indeed a CPU bug and not related to the 3D core. Basically some of the registers used on the matrix write were never updated: the projection calculation was done and stored in memory, but never retrieved from memory to registers, to be used later.
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Reaxion GBA does exactly what it says on the tin, it's a conversion of the C64 game to the GBA. It's a typical puzzler similar to "Lights Out" with 99 levels, design and graphics by T.M.R, music by Bexta and code by Widdy.
The party version of Reaxion GBA was released at Buenzli 16 and is available for download now. This game placed 2nd in this years game development competition at Buenzli.
- for/next error on first parse
- let statement not ignoring white space
- assingment not ignoring white space
- boolean functions for if statement not ignoring white space
- boolean expression for if statement returning incorrect value when using brackets
- print statement not handling variables that have a value which is a negative decimal
- added basic graphics:
plot x,y,colour (x,y are coordinates; colour: 1-4 to display, 0 to erase). See pong demo
line x1,y1,x2,y2,colour. See pong demo
- added log(), sin(), cos(), tan() and sqrt()
- cursor moves to the top of the document after load file
- if there is an error in the basic code, cursor will move to the point of (or close to) the error after the program is ended to make it easier to debug
- you can now use up and down (as well as left and right) to navigate in the editor
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Infantile Paralyser have released a new version of the Shell/Media Player for the Nintendo DS
Heres whats new:
Version 1.71+1 2007/08/22
The main body of MoonShell has not changed.
The DLDI patch files was updated.
dpgtools was updated to dpgtools131.
MDX/MIDRCP/JpegAccu plug-in was updated.
Koch Media has inked a deal with Data Design Interactive to distribute its titles in the UK.
The deal covers DDI's portfolio of games including the Popcorn Arcade brand, with 14 games for the Wii all due before the end of 2007.
"We are delighted that Data Design Interactive has chosen to launch their 2007 titles in the UK through Koch Media," said Craig McNichol, MD of Koch Media UK.
"Our years of experience mean we can offer strong sales and distribution."
Some of the Wii titles due in October and November this year include Ninja Bread Man, Offroad Extreme, Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom and Rig Racer II.
"Popcorn Arcade is the perfect vehicle through which we can capitalise upon the incredible growth of the Nintendo Wii market, which boasts more emphasis on the casual gaming market," commented Stewart Green, MD of Data Design Interactive.
"We're pleased to have found an amazing distributor like Koch Media who are specialists for Nintendo Wii, making them ideally suited for our Wii range."
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You with your Virtual Console will be pleased to know three more games have been released, lead by Mario in NES charmer Wrecking Crew.
It was originally released here 1987, just off the top of my head, and lets you guide moustachio around a level and blow up obstacles stopping you from getting to the other side. Wrecking Crew gets lots harder as you get further, throwing things like fireballs at you while you work, and also lets you make your own stages for you and a friend to enjoy.
Well, you could pick that, but then Lunar Pool wouldn't be very happy. This one appeared in 1991, if you're asking, and is roughly a spruced up version of billiards with a futuristic twist. Just pot the balls on the weirdly shaped tables to win, fiddling with various everyday settings like friction, ball arrangement and extra players to keep things interesting.
Or you could save your pennies for Zelda lookalike Neutopia, made famous at the start of the 90s on the TurboGrafx-16. You hop into the boots of a young lad who sets off on a magical adventure to free a captured princess and recover medallion pieces stolen by an evil demon. Solve puzzles and explore labyrinths as you hunt for powerful equipment and treasure to aid you on your epic quest.
Remember readers that NES games will cost you 500 Wii points (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5), and TurboGrafx-16 titles 600 points (GBP 4.20 / EUR 6).
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Nintendo and Capcom have been showing off Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicle loads lately, and this latest trailer features gameplay footage of a giant crab boss in a claustrophobic corridor.
We've got high hopes for RE:UC, being the first on-rails shooter on Wii, even if the zombies don't quite explode like they really should.
And Wii owners have more shooting action to come from Sega in the form of Ghost Squad - an arcade port that also looks pretty good.
I had this in mind for a while now ever since i saw the wii's internet capablities!
Unfourntly this release requires "THE OPERA INTERNET CHANNEL" which now costs 500 wii points - Rougly £3.50
OR if you have a homebrew browser you can use that!
Read Me Content:
Wii Earth - Version 0.1 Released 24/08/07
Copyrighted to Cybo Studios / Mat_Dizzy
>>>>>>>>>>>>NOTICE<<<<<<<<<<<<<< - REQUIRES INTERNET CHANNEL (or any other browser for wii)
Currently 3 Webcam Streams - Soon to get bigger
Source Copyrighted to Cybo Studios and MUST NOT BE USED WITHOUT PERSMISSION
Font and some graphics and "wii" are copyrighted to Nintendo
--- Instructions: ---
1) Unzip The folder "Wii Earth 0.1"
2) Read the "readme" file
3) Now the rest is up to you, you can either
a) Put on a hosting server (if you havent got one use something like ripway (
b) Run from an SD card (If Possible)
4) Turn On Wii
5) Go to internet channnel
6) Type in the URL of where you saved the files too (example - " Earth 0.1/index.html")
Please feel free to message me for questions!
DC EMU PM - (username = mat_dizzy)
MSN MESSENGER - admin [at]
EMAIL - mat [.] cybo [.] games [@] fsmail [.] net
Please do not see the spoiler if you want to ruin whats coming soon!
Coming Soon:
PS3 Earth - A Webcam Portal For The Sony Playstation 3
DS Earth - A webcam portal for the Nintendo DS
EarthCast - A webcam portal for the Sega Dreamcast!
Mobile Earth - A webcam portal for mobile phones
This beta is very early and has only 3 webcams but like the other releases in time this will grow to something much better, and gives me alot more potentinal than the psp's browser as the wii browser has more support for java,flash and a much better refresh rate!
You might want to adjust the time settings on the html files for some webcams to get a better stream - depending on your internet connection speed of course!
The current default refresh rate is 4 seconds, this could be lowered!
For now the GUI is preety poor and has been built on PSP Earth 0.2, but in time will get its own GUI which will do itself justice!
We know at least one person who would probably approve of this week's European VC lineup ... but you're the one who matters. It's all old school this week, with two NES titles and one from Turbografx, just to mix it up a little. So kick back, relax, mix up the beverage of your choice, and enjoy a little classic gaming quality time. You know you want to play futuristic pool! Especially when it was previously announced and couldn't be bothered to actually show up.
Lunar Pool -- NES -- 500 Wii points Neutopia -- Turbografx -- 600 Wii points Wrecking Crew -- NES -- 500 Wii points
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The official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams boxart has been released, and it's pretty. Eye-catchingly, shelf-jumpingly pretty. We'd think it could actually sell some copies, if we had any reason to believe that the American gaming public had anything other than aversion for foppish, androgynous flying dream-elves.
The general appearance of the box confirms what the game, so far, hasn't: that someone working at Sega has a modicum of artistic talent. The little blue logo in the corner confirms something else: that the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection will be used in some way-- we have yet to find out whether it's weather synchronization and item trading, as described before, or something more substantial. Hint: it's probably not something more substantial.
Leave feedback via comments
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Japan doesn't need their Wiis like those ravenous all-consuming Americans, and Nintendo knows this according to Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter. While crunching the NPD numbers for July, and trying to figure out where he went wrong, he noticed that the US Wii sales numbers were a bit confusing -- they were high. That's not confusing on the demand side of things, but the supply shouldn't have been there to sell.
Pachter says, "Wii sales remain strong, with an apparent increase in supply during the quarter. This increase is inconsistent with reports that Nintendo has had difficulty in increasing its manufacturing capacity ... suggesting to us that the company has diverted supply from other areas (perhaps Japan) to the U.S." Finally, our societal lack of patience pays off! We want our Wiis and we want them now! There will be "murder, death, kill" if mothers don't get their little ones a Wii by this Christmas.
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17 brand-new activities
Keep training: Up to four save files keep track of your improvement
Expanded multiplayer: Compete with family and friends
Hot on the heels of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!, the brain training phenomena grows with Brain Age 2! Seventeen all new, engaging activities designed to help work your brain and increase blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. Whether you’re playing simple songs on a piano keyboard or monitoring the photo finish of a footrace, you’ll love your new mental workout!
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Hi Everyone,
SpriteAttack & I released a game called Geo Wars that won the Dev-fr competition in late July but if you haven't tried it, please check it out!
It is a space shoot'em up game. You must battle through waves of enemies to save Trinity and all of humanity.
There are two playable characters and you must progress through the game as both characters. (Progress for each character is stored seperately) There are some difference - primarily in the bombs. Alice has radial bomb controlled by the stylus and Mortymer has guided missles also controlled by the stylus.
The game is easier if you play as Alice but I think you can get higher scores with Mortymer once you master your bomb control techniques.
Modes of Play
There are 10 missions, 10 Zones and 2 training missions to play. Missions allow you to unlock new areas and upgrade your ship. In Zone, you always start with basic weapon capabilities and can get better weapons/bombs by collecting power ups. Be sure to enjoy the stereo sfx with headphones. Audio options are in the pause menu during gameplay
I hope you will submit your scores online to show your capabilities in case of a similar strike against Earth. Online Leaderboard
Please enjoy!
Requires DLDI Patching (R4/M3 users - do not let the device create the save file...the game will do it)
This game is a final release, but comments/suggestions or any other type of feedback is welcome.
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Sega will bring the racing game Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity to Wii and PlayStation 2 in February 2008, the publisher announced today at Games Convention in Germany.
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put (at m4vtst1.rar) into card root dir
rename sample1(2).m4v to s.m4v into card root dir
run and play s.m4v mpeg4 file.
It's still not optimization (slow...). I found some arm asm & arm dsp asm optimization code in mplayer sources libavcodec lib. maybe i will change lib for decoding (xvidcore seem slow).
PS. I think it possible to decode mpeg4 simple 256x192 24fps when best optimization idct & yuv->rgb and others. (some paper talksabout optimization arm decoding mpeg4)
You can never have too many name-brand duping, cheap looking, Chinese sweatshop produced PMPs laying around, can you? I mean sure, we've seen little guys that boost the Gameboy Micro before, such as this number from way back in 2006, but this new entry does it with so much flair and unabashed disregard for copyright law we just had to mention it. The BMP-900 -- as this device is mechanically called -- does all kinds of exciting PMP activities, like playback of MP3, WMA, WAV, and PCM audio, MPEG4 and AVI video, JPEG, GIF and BMP picture viewing, plus e-book and TXT reading. Additionally -- and this may come as a surprise to some -- the red devil does some video game emulation, including Famicom, Gameboy, and Gameboy Color. Right now the player seems to only be available in China, or wholesale in lots of 100-199 pieces... so, go nuts.
I spent a few delightful minutes at the Nintendo booth playing Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and displaying my poor sense of direction to a crowd of onlookers. I got just enough playtime to test out the controls (I didn't need to beat the game or anything!) I can safely say that after about five seconds of fantastically awkward movement, I felt not only comfortable playing the game, but, like with Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, I was enjoying just messing around.
The controls are exactly the same in normal or expert mode, with the exception of Wiimote sensitivity. Expert mode is way more sensitive, and requires much subtler movements. It also enables quicker motion. Looking around and turning with the Wiimote was awkward at first, but it immediately clicked and I was ready to run and jump around. Shooting, of course, is mapped to A, and jumping to B, so there was no problem there. Z on the Nunchuk locks on, and C activates the morph ball. Down on the D-pad shoots missiles. All of these worked well and intuitively. The only exception is scanning: I never quite got it, but it basically involved holding Z, moving the Wiimote to point at an area in the corner of the screen, then holding Z again. It's the only part that I can honestly say takes getting used to.
The best part of the controls is easily the grapple beam, which involves targeting a grapple point and making a lasso motion with the Nunchuk, then pulling back. Once I started doing that unconsciously, I felt pretty cool (I wasn't.) It seems that Nintendo has finally found a "hardcore" equivalent to Wii Sports: if not in popularity, at least in deriving actual enjoyment from the basic control scheme.
Oh, and, in case you were wondering, the game looks hot, especially on those big fancy screens Nintendo was using at their demo stations. We should all get some of those.
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As a DS fanboy (even before-- well, you know), as soon as I saw The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass at Nintendo's PAX booth, I was there. And I was not at all disappointed. In fact, despite having already read lots of gushing about the game, I found myself completely sucked in by even the most basic tasks. My impressions agree totally with the E3 impressions-- however, these are PAX impressions, which are a completely different thing.
The demo starts you out in a port town, unarmed, with a directive from your fairy friend to go talk to your grandpa. After a visit to Grandpa, you head out to a monster-infested area, then your general jaunt around town (Go talk to this character! Go try to cross this bridge! Oh, the bridge has collapsed! We should talk to Grandpa! etc.) The demo spent just enough time not giving you the sword that I was starting to get a little antsy; however, one final visit to Grandpa got me my weapon, and he then went about teaching me how to use it.
It's as simple as can be: tap enemies to attack, draw a line to do a sideways slash, draw a circle to do a spin move. With this equipment and knowledge, I was allowed into the northern part of the town to fight some ChuChus as I made my way into a cave and some puzzles. The first puzzle asked me to write on a sign the number of palm trees on the beach (spoiler: 7) before I was allowed access into the next room. The rest of the rooms followed a similar pattern: a few enemies, a few puzzles that involved doing things in the right order, and key-collecting. Very Zelda.
But, as standardly Zelda as it sounds, I must stress this fact-- I can't remember the last time I had so much fun just making a character walk in a game. Directing Link around with the stylus is a lot like movement in Animal Crossing, but faster; it turns out, the speed makes all the difference. Simple activities like pushing and pulling blocks and doing basic attacks are not only novel, but are enjoyable independent of their novelty. And while the controls aren't based on simulating real motions as they tend to be in Twilight Princess (because swinging a sword is rarely like drawing a line), they are much more intuitive and much more natural. If you've become tired of the Zelda formula, or if you just like action-adventure games, or games, consider Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. It manages to be instantly familiar as Zelda while being startlingly fresh.
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Hey, here's a game I started developing some time ago,
I plan on slowly adding onto it, but right now it's the basics - avoid the red asteroids with your Radical ship.
Press the D-Pad to move around,
Press A to slow time down,
Press R to summon the Vortex shop to buy upgrades, use the stylus to touch the buttons on the shop menu. (right now the shop is empty as it's an early version)
And press L to restart the game once you lose.
I hope you'll enjoy this early version, and I hope to expand upon it over time.
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In the span of 6 days, I made a clone of the Lights Out game by Tiger Electronics, faithfully reproducing all 11 modes of play (yes, this includes the cube). All puzzles are the original puzzles from each mode. I'm pretty happy with the results; the only thing that bugs me at this point is that I have yet to figure out EEPROM saving, though I have some leads on that. In the meantime, people with emulators will have to use save states. It saves like a charm on regular flashcarts.
Without further ado, here's Shades On, release 1.0!
Yaouank has followed on the original release from Mollusk of therather neat graphics app for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new via translation:
* Passage to 200 images, which returns well better!
* More progressive zoom at the beginning
* Passage to double buffer, that returns better
* Passage of the 2 buffers for which I needed in vram, history to save to the maximum the RAM for the images: S
* 2 notches of zoom instead of one, more practical
* + infinite zoom with the stylet
For my second homebrew, I decided to develop an existing old game called Zoop.
You already can play it on Super Nintendo.
Game rules are simple :
You control a coloured cursor in a 4*4 square in the center of the screen, you can move it with the pad.
With the A button you can launch it.
- When the cursor touch an item of the same color of the cursor, this item disapeared and the cursor continue.
- When the cursor touch an item of a different color, colors are switched (it means that the cursor becomes the color of the item and the item becomes the color of the cursor) and the cursor goes back to its initial position.
There are 4 colors and 4 specials items :
- An item allows the cursor to eliminate an entire row
- An item allows the cursor to eliminate all the items on a side of same color of the first item touched with the cursor
- An item allows to eliminate all items in a 3*3 square around the first item touched by the cursor
- And finally an item can be collected and when 5 are colected, all items are cleared
The development is not finished and I have not the time. So if someone is interested to finish it, I can send him the sources.
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When you're waiting for a panel to begin at PAX, or hanging around the beanbag chairs that litter the hallways, you notice something: practically everyone here has a handheld video game system. This is impressive enough, to turn on your DS and notice that every Pictochat room is full. But soon you notice something else: there's not a single PSP here. Eventually, after looking really really hard and finally asking somebody, I saw one solitary PSP at PAX.
What on earth happened? How did Sony manage to not even convert the hardest of the hardcore gamers? I imagine many of these people actually own a PSP. I just don't think they actually sit around and play it. It's really stunning to see.
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Use the Touch Screen turn wheel to play 24 unique mini games
Face off against a friend in 3 multiplayer turning modes.
Choose Challenge Mode to earn the winning score as Turn Master or practice at your own pace in Free Play Mode.
Turn It Around is a unique arcade experience that features 24 mini-games focused on Touch Screen spinning. Use your turn wheel to master speed, technique or power in games that range from Arkanoid to Golf. You can even take on a friend in three multiplayer modes. Get ready to chase your tail and Turn It Around!
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Real time changing lane conditions for the player to master during the course of a match
Work your way from an amateur to a true professional Brunswick Pro Champion
Authentic Brunswick bowling products to improve your character's performance
Ten different environments to choose from
Brunswick Pro Bowling will give players a detailed, realistic bowling-center experience, complete with authentic sights and sounds, and official Brunswick bowling gear. Brunswick Pro Bowling will be highly customizable, allowing players to choose everything from their character’s appearance and accessories to ball styles.
Critics have already praised Brunswick Pro Bowling for its incredible realism and exciting game play. According to Sports Illustrated for Kids, “The game's physics are incredibly realistic, which means that applying the right amount of spin with the Wii Remote™ can be the difference between a strike and a tough 7-10 split."
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First-Person Perfect: Players control Samus by moving with the Nunchuk controller and aiming with the Wii Remote controller, allowing for a level of immersion unlike anything they have ever experienced. It's a quantum leap in first-person control.
Wonderful Weapons: Samus employs well-known power-ups like the Grapple Beam and Morph Ball, as well as new surprises, to help her survive. Using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, players will be able to grasp and pull things by using actual arm movements, as well as execute amazing feats like aiming and blasting in midair or at a full run.
Phazon's Powers: The game also incorporates a new system involving Phazon. If you fill Samus' Phazon supply to a certain level, Samus will temporarily go into hyper mode, a state in which she can pull off incredible feats. On the flip side, if she exceeds the maximum Phazon level, she'll perish. Also, for the first time in the Metroid series, Samus' ship will be used in active game play.
If you think you knew what it felt like to be the bounty hunter behind the visor, think again. The Galactic Federation's network computer, Aurora Unit, is suddenly and completely corrupted with something like a virus. The Federation believes Space Pirates may be behind the problem and are soon attacked. Samus and other hunters leap to their defense only to find that the enemy they face is Dark Samus, armed with immense power that no one can withstand.
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pages: 288
Maps of Every Level - Metroid games can be maze-like. With Prima's maps players will be able to navigate with confidence through all stages of the game.
Puzzle Solutions - All puzzles will be detailed to help the players get through each level.
Optimal Paths - Prima's guide will reveal the best path to get Seamus through each level. With info on all secrets.
Weapons and Moves - Wii controllers have special moves to pull off, which will be detailed in our guide with full illustrations.
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One of the longest-running and most successful game franchises of all time comes to the world of plastic this October with Series 1 of NECA's Castlevania Action Figures. Pit heroes Simon Belmont and Alucard against the forces of darkness: Succubus and the Lord of Castlevania himself, Dracula. Each 7" scale figure features game-accurate accessories and multiple points of articulation.
Simon, the hero of the original Castlevania comes to life as an action figure this fall, featuring multiple points of articulation and game- accurate accessories.
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CraigT has released a new version of the Spectrum emulator for the Nintendo DS
Heres the release info:
Complete re-write of the GUI.
Improved the touch screen accuracy on some Nintendo DS systems.
Added Quick Save and Quick Load functionality
Added two new keyboard images. A Save keyboard and a Spectrum +2 keyboard.
Added a new global settings screen to replace the old Controls screen.
Added re-definable keyboard controls.
Added border size control.
Removed the maximim file limit on the Load screen. There is now no fixed limit.
Implemented several Z80 undocumented features, fixing the crash in Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins.
Fixed the flags on the Z80 CPI command, fixing the odd behaviour in Scrabble
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Hi all, to start the ball off at Nintendo 64 Homebrew we are going to get updated on every Nintendo 64 emulator for any system, first off we have 1964 the N64 emu for Windows.
Heres the info about the last release of this emulator:
Here's your new year's gift. 1964 v0.9.9 is here. With over one year in private development since the release 1964 0.8.5. and with over 3 months in beta testing, 1964 0.9.9 features hundreds of fixes and enhancements. Note: If you have an ATI Radeon video card, download the latest Rice Video plugin from, since the older version in the 0.9.9 distribution will have issues for you.
Major new 1964 features include:
A new friendlier user interface makes finding options easy
Fixes and support for many new games including Turok3, Donkey Kong 64, and Top Gear Overdrive
New ini configuration settings
ROM Browser caching for fast loading of 1964
Tweak 1964's speed at the touch of a key
Frameskip and AutoCF features for slower machines
A new Help Manual
Multiple Language support
An improved CPU core with many bug fixes and is much faster
An Improved 32bit CPU core, linker and faster overall code generation
Reworked core/audio synchronization and major improvements in audio quality and speed
Completely reworked Kaillera netplay
Packaged with N-Rage's input plugin
CPU Frame buffer read/write notification for video plug-ins
Minor GUI features:
- Download plugin online
- ROM specific plugin selection
- More Toolbar buttons
- Remembers and restores the current selected ROM and its position in the ROM Browser
- Remembers and restores the selected ROM and its position at 1964 exit and start
- Added "Number of players" as a new column in the ROM Browser. "Number of players" can be set in the INI file, but not through option dialog box.
- Check if plug-ins are loaded correctly. If not, then pop up the plugin configuration dialog box to select plug-ins
- When 1964.099 runs the first time:
- Automatically pop up the ROM folder dialog box to select a folder
- Select only the most important columns to display in the ROM list
- Verify plug-ins are loaded correctly
- Disable plugin selection during netplay
- Disable many menus if they are not supposed to be used when a game is not running or a game is running
- Automatically enable/disable the RSP config menu according to whether or not the RSP plugin is loaded
- Call RSP CloseDLL() at a better place for it to save its configuration
- New ROM Browser icons
- RSP plug-in selection
Minor core features:
- Variable speed emulation
- SSE detection and support in CPU core
- FPU register caching if SSE is detected
- NetPlay
- New save state file format
- Ability to load old versions of save states
- Ability to save save states to an old version
- Double check and create necessary folders for game saves
- Screen shots taken at a better time
- Reworked CP1 Unusable exceptions, many games are working better
- Improved CPU timing
- TLB error handling for 2-pass compiler
Netplay features:
- Based on Kaillera network
- Supports audio for netplay
- Realtime gameplay with feasible network connection required
- Automatic retransmission request and lost packet recovery
- Automatic game setting synchronization among players
- Automatic game save synchronization among players
- Support for N64 native game saves
- Support for cheat codes in netplay
- Automatic cheat code synchronization among players
- Notification if a player drops out, and allows for other players to continue the game
- CPU and network usage displayed on status bar
- Enable / disable various settings to avoid changes that may cause netplay games to desync
- Always disable AutoCF for netplay
- CF menus disabled during netplay. CF won't be allowed to be change for any player
- Disabled lag menu during netplay
- Disabled cheat menu during netplay. Cheat codes are not allowed to be modified during game play
Important bugs fixed:
- Activated cheat codes may cause game to not boot or reset
- Fixed dynamic compiler buffer overrun-related errors
- Fixed problems loading PJ64 save states
- Cleaned duplicated INI entries
- Support for Japanese characters in INI file
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Project 64 by Zilmar and co is now regarded as the best Nintendo 64 emulator of the moment.
Heres the latest news dated 21st August 2007:
Is the lack of updates, just because the donation page is down? No!
I have been distracted by another non emulator project, it was meant to take a couple of months to do, but me I kept wanting to improve it so it has taken longer then I originally expected. Now I am in the process of changing jobs. I am going to be doing a short term contact job. It might be a little while before I get back in to developing pj64. I have a have a list of things I want to do with project64. I hope I will be able to give pj64 some good attention in 2-3 months time, put it might be another 6 months.
I have been distracted by work and other projects before. This is one of the main reasons we are doing the beta program the way we are. This way we can release parts and not a complete version when we work on them. I hope when this contract is done I can spend a decent amount of time on this project getting it to run a lot better. I have been on this project on/off again for nearly 10 years. I want to get it to a point where I can say it is done someday.
The latest release is for beta testers and donators only so we have the latest public release downloadable below
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UltraHLE - Ultra64 High Level Emulator the Nintendo 64 Emulator for Windows by Epsilon and RealityMan shook the world of emulation to the rafters back in 1998 before then only Mario was playable but at a crap speed but this emulator gave us full speed Mario and many others.
Heres the spiel:
Epsilon and RealityMan are very proud to introduce you to what we think may well be the emulation release of 1999, UltraHLE. UltraHLE is a Nintendo 64 Emulator for Win95/98 and WinNT based PC systems. Taking full advantage of Pentium processors and 3DFX (Glide) graphics cards this emulator allows you to play some of the biggest releases to date that the Nintendo 64 has had. Games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 run superbly on PII 300Mhz systems.
But don't be put off by the system requirements, PII 2xxMhz systems can runs this emulator just as well with Voodoo1 based technology as well as Voodoo
Relive one heck of a Nintendo64 Emulator.
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The final update to the Nintendo 64 Homebrew site today is the emulator known as Corn and what an emulator this is, i remember playing Mario 64 with a 4mb ATI graphics card, 32mb Ram on a Pentium166 and Mario was near full speed.
Youll need to download Corn v0.2 then update with either version to get different results with roms.
one of the best ever Nintendo 64 Emulators.
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Those craving for some good old arcade style action on their Nintendo Wii but cant get the hang of the Wiimote then today is your lucky day because over in Hong Kong, Hori has released their Wii Fighting Stick.
Should be great for fighting games
The price of the Wii Fighting stick is US$ 52.90 (~26.51 GBP)
NeonDS the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release:
In the next two weeks I'll be busying moving my home to another city, I'll have no time working on this emulator. So, here I release a version with incomplete 3D display engine support. Although the 3D support is not complete yet, there are already some games playable. I have updated the wiki for some of my testing results.
3D display engine (incomplete yet)
Replace D3D with OpenGL for display rendering
Support 2x display zooming
Fix some DMA bugs
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A trio of sequels lands on Wii Virtual Console today:
-Super C (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): "C" stands for Contra in this sequel to, um, Contra. Don't forget, Konami swtiched up the Code -- it's now: right, left, down, up, A, B (10 extra lives, not 30).
-Breath of Fire II (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Arguably the high point in Capcom's JRPG series, this sequel is a respected 16-bit era adventure about an orphan dude and his dog-faced pal. Trust us, it's a decent storyline.
-Ghouls'n Ghosts (Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): The sequel to the most irritatingly difficult side-scroller ever (EVAR!). Capcom toned down the difficulty, but not by much...
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Based on the manga series, Nodame Cantabile is a music/rhythm game where you lead a group of misfit musicians in an orchestra. You use the stylus to tap the screen in beat with the song, playing the part of the conductor Chiaki. The game features classical pieces from the anime series, as well as the Puri Gorota March!
Nodame Cantabile has likely been inspired by Nintendo's popular Nintendo DSâ„¢ Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents series. You have the scene playing out on the top screen and you hit moving notes on the bottom screen.
Bandai's rhythm action game Nodame Cantabile for Nintendo DSâ„¢ is now available at discounted US$ 14.90 only.
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Confidence Is a Factor—The all-new Shot Confidence feature uses factors from your previous rounds—including club selection, lie, hole, and more—to determine your confidence heading into each shot.
Stay Cool Under Pressure—Four new taunting mechanisms allow players to throw each other off their game. Will you choke and miss the eagle putt, or sink it and seal the victory?
PGA TOUR Mode—Build a golfer from the ground up in the most in-depth Career mode ever. Go from an inexperienced rookie to a crafty TOUR veteran on your way to becoming the world’s most dominant golfer.
FedEx Cup Playoff Courses—Experience the all-new FedEx Cup championship format by playing a dream round at Westchester Country Club, TPC Boston, Cog Hill, and East Lake.
Take on the Most PGA TOUR and LPGA Tour Pros—Featuring the greatest PGA TOUR and LPGA Tour pros, including Tiger Woods, John Daly, and Vijay Singh, plus Annika Sorenstam, Natalie Gulbis, Christie Kerr, and Morgan Pressel.
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New Activities! The title is a series of minigames designed to give your brain a workout. The 17 new, engaging activities are all designed to help work your brain and increase blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. Whether you're playing simple songs on a piano keyboard or monitoring the photo finish of a footrace, you'll love your new mental workout!
Keep training! When you start a new game, you will take a series of tests and get a score that shows how old your brain is. This number is called your Brain Age. With daily training over weeks and months, you can improve your mental acuity and lower your Brain Age. Progress is charted in graph form.
Expanded multiplayer! you can keep up to four save files on one game card. Share a game allows you to compete in a picture-drawing quiz or an acrostic challenge with family and friends. You can also use DS Download Play to send a demo to friends or compete with up to 16 players in one of four fun modes
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Each baby gives Yoshi access to unique powers while they cling to his back - Baby Mario gives Yoshi speed, Baby Wario gives him magnetism for picking up coins, and so on
Scroll up and down on the DS dual screen setup to see what lives above and beneath
Hurl eggs at objects on the top screen and tackle super-tall enemies that fill both screen
Hidden in every level are flowers, stars, red coins, and character coins, so even after you finish the game, the terrific sense of surprise continues
Enjoy the many minigames and bonus levels, too!
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New Single-Player Game Modes?With new Touch Screen swing and putting controls take full control of your swing during training and challenges in Tiger Challenge mode, then take on the best PGA TOUR pros throughout an entire season.
Take on 16 Pros—Featuring the greatest PGA TOUR pros, including Tiger Woods, Retief Goosen, and Vijay Singh, plus four female pros, including Annika Sorenstam and Natalie Gulbis.
Eight Championship Courses—New licensed courses include Pebble Beach, St Andrews, TPC at Sawgrass, and more.
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I'm very happy to present my latest creation, called N3D. The N3D project is
an attemp to create an abstraction layer for the Nintendo DS 3D hardware, to
be used with the homebrew devkitPro toolchain. The interface is designed to
be very similar with Microsoft's Direct3D API.
If you're interested, please take a look at the N3D documentation. I
actually spent a lot of time writing it. It's is available at
Beside the API itself, N3D comes with content conversion tools, to convert
meshes and textures into N3D format and with a bunch of sample projects that
show how to use the API and tools.
I would like to announce COW to you. This project is a C++ GPL'ed platform-independant platform library. It compiles with Visual Studio, makefile and SCons. It has been verified to compile for Windows, Linux and the DS.
COW offers a set of features including(but not limitted to):
- RTTI and serialization(XML, later also binary with conversion tools from&to)
- FixedPointMath template class that has conversion accessors for float/int conversion. Should work as fast as the defines from libnds, but is a lot more friendly to use.
- (Serializable) Storage types to replace STL. This saves LOTS of executable size. (array, list, dlist, string)
- (Serializable) Metrics and vector classes with the expected operators.
- A few bit operators.
- Handy 'tools' like AutoPtr, platform-independant asserts
- Pattern templates like Singleton and Factory
- A streaming system (filestream and stringstream only atm, filestream is not tested on. This system allows uniform file handling and stream opening (eg. StreamManager::OpenStream("file://file.txt", [read/write mode])
- etc.
COW also includes platform-independant unit tests, which help a lot during development.
The current project state is beta and although the code design might still change slightly, I think it is already grown-up enough to be shared among you. I'll be happy to fix bugs for you if you chose to use my library and post the bugs here.
A self-modified version of TinyXML(to make use of my own containers) is used for serialization, since this is the smallest XML library that I can find. I think that you will find the speed of serializing from/to XML very fast. I will make a binary serialization system later to make things even quicker, but at the moment I'm too busy with other matters to do this.
PictoDS is the PC tool (created by Nicom00k) that converts your pictures into a .cbds file to be used with ComicBookDS. Those pictures can be in a folder, a .zip, a .cbz, a .cbr, a .rar. .pdf files can also be converted thanks to some command line third party conversion programs (like the -not free- PDF To Image Converter v2.1). PictoDS is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac.
Hey all. I'm pretty new to PALib and programming in general. I've been lurking around for a bit as well, but decided it's finally time to post up what I have been working on off and on.
It pretty much just spawned from adding one feature at a time going through the wiki. It's nothing spectacular, but considering I've not done this before, I'm pleased. The code is pretty ugly, but it works.
Basically, you're the face on the left. Fire at the face on the right. Player speed controlled with L/R, computer speed increases for a few levels every 5 points.
Oh, and those awesome graphics are all mine
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So, about a week ago I played with Day 1 on the tutorials, and now on sunday I decided I wanted to try getting input from the pads. Today I decided I'd make a Paper, Scissor, Rock game for the DS
So this is the first version, 0.1. I was thinking I need to learn a little about colors and graphics, and perhaps use the stylus for input. Possibly I'll try to work out some top score list.
(The reason I made a PSR game is just because it has become my favourite thing to do when learning a new language, after the "mandatory" Hello World I've never used C before, so that's new for me too.)
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The extense cable allows you to put your wii sensor bar an additional 6 feet from your wii, allowing for more complex configurations or home theater applications. Its inexpensive and provides the reliability that only a hard-wired solution can accomplish.
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Those looking to be a little more selective in the Nintendo DS-related media they transfer to and from their PC will soon have a new option from GameTech, which is set to release the above hardware/software combo in Japan on August 31st. While there unfortunately doesn't appear to be much more info than what you see on the box, the system seems to be straightforward enough, consisting a USB stick-sized device that'll accommodate your DS cart and some software (Windows only) that'll help you backup and manage your save game files. Of course, we're sure there's plenty of folks that'll find more uses for the thing than just save games, although it doesn't seem like GameTech's willing to help you in that department.
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Regarding the news of new Wii Straps with a locking clip instead of a slider, it seems to be confirmed.
You can request for replacement wrist straps by going to Nintendo's website, filling in required information and your Nintendo Wii serial number. For those who have already entered their Wii serial number and exceeded the maximum quantity allowed, you can either email or call Nintendo and request for the new straps.
US, August 29, 2007 - Marvelous Interactive's mysterious Project O now has an official name. The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that the game, being developed by an all-star staff whose resume includes Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Quest VIII and Harvest Moon, will be known in Japan as Ousama Monogatari. This translates to English as "King Story."
Following three staff interviews in which we were given nothing but artwork, the magazine also managed to come through with first screenshots of the game, as well as a few gameplay details.
In King Story, you play as Corobo Bread, a sick boy who finds a magical crown that transforms him into a fine king. Taking control of Corobo, your primary goal is to dole out jobs to residents in an effort to make your kingdom grow. Thankfully, Corobo's crown makes people follow his orders.
The game begins in a small town that, aside from your own home, consists of nothing but green fields. As you walk around, residents of this little town will follow you. Group enough people together, and you can start issuing orders for tasks like clearing the land, searching for treasure, and building roads and houses. Different tasks require different numbers of people, with groups ranging from just a few people to scores of people.
As your kingdom grows in size and population, you'll start to see new types of development. Famitsu hints that specialty stores could pop up in your town, from weapons shops to restaurants.
You'll also have to deal with pests who get in the way as you attempt to build your kingdom. In one example, a fire-breathing dragon wrecks havoc upon your kingdom. You'll have to lead a group to face off against the beast. Enemies range in size, with larger enemies requiring masses of troops to defeat. It's possible that the larger enemies will take the role of bosses as part of the storyline.
Outside of this hefty simulation component, King Story is expected to have a more personal side, where all residents have a life of their own. By communicating with some characters, you may find yourself presented with dramatic story sequences. In previous interviews, the staff has hinted at plans to have RPG-style developments the background; for the record, the game's genre is listed in Famitsu as both simulation and RPG.
King Story is only 35% complete, according to Famitsu, and isn't scheduled for release until some time in 2008. First video footage will be shown at September's Tokyo Game Show.
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US, August 29, 2007 - Camelot is known as the developer behind some of gaming's most critically acclaimed hits, including the original Hot Shots Golf, the Mario Golf series, and RPGs like the Shining Series and Golden Sun. So fan disappointment late last year when the small developer announced plans to focus its efforts on an online PC golf game was understandable.
We're not sure what happened to the online golf game, but Camelot is back in console gaming! First revealed in this week's Famitsu, the company is working on a new Wii golf game called We Love Golf. The game is set to be published in Japan through Capcom.
We Love Golf has cute Hot Shots style characters and colorful visuals, but the real area of focus seems to be on the control. Camelot is making full use of the Wiimote's motion sensing capabilities to give players the feeling that they're actually swinging a golf club. You aim your shot by first pointing at the screen; this is meant to be similar to how a real golfer will use his club to get all his angles straight. To swing, you first hold down the buttons on the Wiimote, which is the equivalent of gripping your golf club.
The result of your swing is affected by more than just the way in which you swing the Wiimote. The combination of buttons that you hold when gripping the Wiimote also results in a variety of shot types. You can achieve draw and fade shots and add backspin based on how you hold and swing the controller. For instance, to perform a backspin, you hold down the 2 button along with A.
Famitsu managed to get Camelot execs Hiroyuki Takahashi and Shugou Takahashi, aka the Takahashi brothers, to sit down for an interview. Joining them was Capcom's Hironobu Takeshita, producer of Wii Love Golf and Treasure Island Z.
Asked why the team chose the Wii for its first collaborative effort with Capcom, Hiroyuki Takahashi noted that We Love Golf is a game that couldn't be done on any system but the Wii. In fact, he believes that people will feel that We Love Golf uses the Wiimote better than any other Wii sports game that's currently available.
We Love Golf is currently 60% complete and is due for Japanese release this Winter. Capcom tends to have a big booth at the Tokyo Game Show, so hopefully we can look forward to some hands-on time in late September.
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Take on 16 Pros, including the greatest PGA Tour pros plus four female pros in the '08 edition of Tiger Woods for the Nintendo DS. With new Touch Screen swing and putting controls, take full control of your swing during training and challenges in Tiger Challenge mode, then take on the best PGA Tour pros throughout an entire season. Sink your shots on eight championship courses, including Pebble Beach, St Andrews, TPC at Sawgrass, and more. And take on others with online and local wireless multiplayer.
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Turn It Around challenges players to master the Touch Screen turn wheel in 24 arcade- style games. All 24 mini-games in Turn It Around focus on Touch Screen turning. Players must strategically rotate the turn wheel to complete each game based on power, technique or speed. Whether destroying blocks in Arkanoid, transporting guests to their floor in Elevator Action, hitting it out of the park in Pinch Hitter or maintaining your balance in Packed Train, gamers will get a wrist workout on their way to becoming the ultimate Turn Master. Turn It Around also features three different multiplayer turning modes so gamers can "spin off" against a friend.
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I SPY Fun House builds on Scholastic Media's popular I SPY franchise with brain-teasing riddles and fast-paced games played exclusively using the Nintendo DS stylus and touch screen. Animal Genius will appeal to players of all ages who are passionate about animals. Featuring stunning, photo-realistic imagery of animals in their natural habitat, the game will challenge the players' knowledge about where animals live, how they behave and what makes them unique.
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You've all heard of Rose Camellia by Nigoro no doubt, the Japan-originating flash game in which haughty girls slap each other in specific ways so as to be maximally rude. It was so ubiquitous at the time that I didn't bother to mention it here. You've also probably heard lots of people say it should be ported to DS - well, that's happening right now! A French homebrewer called Mia (of Everlasting Love fame) has made a small proof of concept for it, which is by no means complete. Unfortunately, Mia doesn't have time to finish the game, so he's asking serious/brave DS homebrew developers to contact him via his site to talk about finishing it up. And so I'm making this post. Somebody help the man!
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News from Mudlord of a new release for the plugin for n64 emulators:
Okay, here’s a new release.
Okay, to elaborate on the releasing details.
I figured now, due to the updates, I think the new release warrants a new version number. This is because I beleive these builds I do are now release-grade and for public use, mainly due to me removing the last few of the bugs that where inherant to my builds. Now, graphics emulation quality is on par to Rice’s last final update, with the addition of the new features I added which are:
Removed the requirement for BMGLib.
Has a new registry key deleter
Has a new installer
Has a fully complete documentation and I did a lot of tweaking to the source.
So I figured I do a 6.1.2 release, just like how rabiddiety has picked up on NRage’s plugin.
Now then, the updates in this new release are:
Fixed: near Z errors in SM64, MK64 Fixed: many other small graphics bugs I forgotten. Essentially, graphics quality is now the same as the official plugin, like it should be, so I recommend this plugin now over the official one. Which is why I bumped the version number up to 6.1.2, because I beleive all the new fixes warrant a new release. Updated: Registry key remover tool Updated: Documentation Updated: SSE optimizations are back
I had other motivations for this new release, mainly due to my real life time starting to catch up to me. I’m starting to again head face-on with University life, so I figured I release this now, so the public don’t have to wait for a month till things for me in my personal world settle down.
So, in conclusion, again this release is unofficial and NOT endorsed by the official dev. That said, I hope you all find this useful in some form.
It requires a DLDI device that supports writing, so patch in the normal way.
Here is a jpg giving a indication of what the buttons do.
Other controls:
You can move the drawing area and tool windows by holding 'down' on the D-pad or 'B' and then dragging the area around with the stylus.
You can zoom in and out of the drawing area by holding 'up' on the D-pad or 'X' and then dragging up and down with the stylus.
You can scroll through the animation frames by holding one of the shoulder buttons and dragging left and right with the stylus.
I will post a Java application to convert the FlickBook animations into AVI files within the next few days.
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This is a simple port of the DLDItool Cli (by Chishm). This is useful for people that do not have devices with auto patching firmwares, so you could patch dldi apps/games downloaded from the internet or without a computer. I have tested it on the Supercard DS One and Max Media Dock without problems, so it should be compatible.
1. Patch this dldi patcher with a dldi patcher and copy it to the card. It could probably patch itself if there were two copies.
2. Copy the patch to the root of the flash card, and rename it "patch.dldi".
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Kukulcan has updated his excellent game for the DS, heres whats new:
It is the final version of play NECRO-QUIZZ DS with now 2 languages (French and English), the translations in English were realizes by Erdnal, which had strong A to make with the history mode and the 100 characters.
Other changes:
Automatic control of the language to the starting of the play
Possibility of changing between French and English, on the principal menu
2 musics in background
Screen titrates with the modified dragon
New background ravelling and correction of a bug in the run on the x axis,
Border on the screen of the bottom simplified for better emphasizing the buttons,
Modification of the colors of the edges for better differentiating them from the ravelling background,
Modification of the parchment to improve the visibility of the texts and to increase contrast between the edge and the background,
Modification of the cartouche for the question about the screen top,
New framework for the posting of the photographs of the characters with corners rounded and more relief and of detail,
The colors for the dragon on the screen top are more sharp,
Corrections of errors on information on the level of the characters,
Modification of the routine of posting of the texts in 16c,
Correction of a shift on the level of the notes, and surely of other small details which I forgot to note, in any case the Romanian one passed 1176 KB has 1437 KB.
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via pdroms
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- Players drop when first player drop.
- Fixed the GUI
- Fixed bug with save data transfer.
- Fixed some bugs with Kaillera.
- Added Super Smash Bros. (U) [!] Master Save
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Divineo USA have today opened up preorders on the Black Version of Cyclo Evolution their Flash Cart for ds
CycloDS Evolution is a multi-functional Micro SD adapter for NDS and NDS Lite (Slot 1) which allows you to play games, listen to MP3's, view images, read e-books and enjoy the vast collection of homebrew applications for NDS. You can also take advantage of the inbuilt cheat code system to enjoy more freedom with your favorite games.
CycloDS Evolution is the world’s most advanced Media Adapter for NDS Lite and NDS. Boasting superior functionality, European design and quality components, CycloDS Evolution is unparalleled in its field.
The unique enhanced mode offers powerful, unique features during game play which are activated through an in-game menu. These features include in-game LCD brightness adjustment, SlowMotion mode and in-game reset. The cheat code engine is directly compatible with Action Replay codes and CycloDS Evolution comes bundled with cheat codes for over 300 games so you can get started right away without any fuss.
CycloDS Evolution’s inbuilt OS can run software and homebrew without the need for any patching on the users part. ROM loading is fast and trouble free, simply browse and tap to execute. You don’t even need to apply DLDI patches to your homebrew software; CycloDS Evolution takes care of this for you with its automatic DLDI patching feature.
Evolution loads media from MicroSD cards, which means you’re free to buy more memory at any time, never constrained by the boundaries of onboard flash memory. Transferring software and homebrew is simple with the supplied MicroSD USB reader. Simply connect to your PC and drag and drop the desired files onto your MicroSD card.
Listen to MP3’s, watch videos or even read e-books via Moonshell. The Moonshell multimedia application will maximize the versatility of your handheld console.
The CycloDS Evolution GUI is user friendly and can be operated exclusively with the stylus if desired. Skinning is supported which means you’ll always have a fresh view of the CycloEvo at your fingertips. The user interface is multi-lingual and is currently supporting the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Latin American Spanish and Portuguese.
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Peripherals company hoping to combine motion-sensing with rumble; first Wii product to launch this year has learned that Logitech is soon to announce a new peripheral for the Wii, which may aim to challenge the Wii Remote.
In an exclusive interview, UK and Ireland country manager Chris Spearing explained that Logitech hopes "to have at least one product out for the Wii this year," and went on to discuss the debate between rumble versus motion-sensing,
"Having the motion-sensing in the Sixaxis, that really works for some games. And for the Wii – you've seen people rush out and buy the Wii for that realism, if you're swinging a tennis racket, you know how to do it."
"Hopefully we'll be at the forefront of pushing that further, combining some of the two."
Spearing also spoke of his admiration of Nintendo's business plan in releasing the Wii and DS, resulting in a significant expansion of the market. However, he was clear that although new peripherals such as the Wii Remote have been effective, there's plenty to improve on.
"If you couldn't improve on it, we wouldn't be in business, and that's the same for all products."
Could assemble and dismantle at will is suitable for Wii light gun game
The gun body could fit together with grip to use,which resembles the submachine gun.The trigger of the gun could replace "B" key's function. And the functions of other keys of Wii remote controller and extended contnller(also named nunchuck) are still the same.
the gun body could use indepently,the functions of its keys are the same as the above.
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Matti has released a new version of the Online strategy game on Nintendo DS in Risk-like fashion:
The first three test rounds are now over. Thanks to everyone who participated! There's currently stability issues with both the DS game as well as with the server. I'm currently mostly debugging and fixing bugs, and will return with another test round when the game is more stable.
Version 0.3.4 / 29.8.07
Sleep mode support: when the lid is closed, the DS is put into sleep.
Version 0.3.3 / 28.8.07
Starting a new game animates and piles the dice in a meaninful way.
Enabled amount of player selection in the start game menus
Selected (attacking from-to) areas are shown more clearly, source territory is drawn higher
Fixes on dice sorting on the game field
Rewrote parts of the game menu handling - menus are now stacked properly
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After a long semester at the university and a conversion to C++ the first version of ArchonDS is available.
In this version you can only play the battle between the archer and the dragon (without AI) in the woods, but the complete data structure and collision engine for the battle mode is ready now. I only have to add more characters and arenes.
- Move: Pad
- Attack: L
- Move: X, A, B, Y
- Attack: R
Restart: START
Play archon theme: SELECT
Actual informations in my developer diary (only in german):
I want to release regularly the latest build, so that you can follow the developing process.
I you have some good playersprites, backgrounds, soundeffects or MODfiles, please send it to me!
eXdreAm aka Wiese
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d3x has posted a new version of his game Paper, Scissor, Rock 4DS.
Heres the details:
Okay, I present version 0.2 of "Paper, Scissor, Rock 4DS". The french audience can now happily enjoy not only content on the bottom screen, but input as well.
To those over at GBAtemp I can tell you that there will probably not be any calculator included in PSR 4DS in any near future
And i thank the people at dcemu for the idea of "rock, paper, scissor, spock", that is possibly the coolest idea for a new feature for the game
This new version sports some play with sprites and stylus input, colored text and what not. Next version will have at least an intro screen with instructions, because as you can see, the instructions for using X, A, B as P, S, R, are not where they were.
I was looking at using prettier sprites, and have some ideas (figurative sprites, not just with letters on them), but I canned that until later.
Kukulcan has updated his great puzzler for the DS.
Optimization of the play
The version without save passes 2161 KB has 886 KB
The version with save DLDI passes 2220 KB has 945 KB
What should make it possible the linkers with little memory to be able to make turn my homebrew.
Change of the music
Reduction of the splash screens
On the principal menu, the demonstration arrives after 15s
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Many of our commenters have wondered how the Wiimote fits into the Guitar Hero III controller, and, more generally, what the benefit is of sticking the Wiimote in there. IGN has answered the questions in their latest Guitar Hero III writeup, which includes pictures detailing the guitar's design.
The most obvious new feature in the guitar is its portability. The controller's neck can be removed, making it much easier to fit into a backpack or suitcase. The other noticeable feature, the Wiimote-shaped hole, is actually not the point of access for the remote. Instead, a removable door on the back of the guitar allows you to plug in your Wiimote, with a little indentation provided for balling up and stuffing the wrist strap.
The Wiimote actually does more in the guitar than just broadcast your Nintendo fandom: it provides the wireless connection capability and motion-sensing Star Power activation for which the other GH guitars have their own hardware. Exclusive to the Wii version, powered by the Wiimote, is force feedback-- the guitar rumbles along to the beat, just like a real guitar.
The Wii game, developed by Vicarious Visions, will have all the same songs as the next-gen versions, and will run in widescreen at 480p. It looks fine, and graphics really don't matter in Guitar Hero (who has time to look at them?) Apparently it'll have some kind of online mode, but the exact implementation has yet to be revealed.
The Wii version of Guitar Hero III actually looks like it might end up being a solid purchase-- if the rumored Wii Rock Band release doesn't happen.
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A new 'Analyze This' feature on Gamasutra examines analysts' views on the rise of Nintendo's Wii and DS, and how well game publishers have reacted to it, with Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter commenting: 'It's hard to criticize anyone for putting too much faith in the PS3, as most [publishers] haven't created "cutting edge" titles yet for that platform. Most of the PS3 titles so far have been perennial titles, like Madden, Tony Hawk, etc ... I'd say that most failed to capitalize on the DS and Wii opportunity. The exception on the DS side is THQ, which has made every game it can for the platform. On the Wii side, Ubisoft took a big chance by making ten games for the [Wii] launch window, and it has performed very well, so far. I think that the others will catch up no later than early next year.'
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A new 'Analyze This' feature on Gamasutra examines analysts' views on the rise of Nintendo's Wii and DS, and how well game publishers have reacted to it, with Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter commenting: 'It's hard to criticize anyone for putting too much faith in the PS3, as most [publishers] haven't created "cutting edge" titles yet for that platform. Most of the PS3 titles so far have been perennial titles, like Madden, Tony Hawk, etc ... I'd say that most failed to capitalize on the DS and Wii opportunity. The exception on the DS side is THQ, which has made every game it can for the platform. On the Wii side, Ubisoft took a big chance by making ten games for the [Wii] launch window, and it has performed very well, so far. I think that the others will catch up no later than early next year.'
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Designed for families and children of all ages, Carnival Games brings home all the excitement and fanfare of a day at the carnival. The game will premiere among a select group of titles chosen by Nintendo at the May Media Summit on May 22 and 23 in Seattle.
Carnival Games is designed for up to four players and features over 25 of the most popular games seen in midways and boardwalks throughout the world, including Clown Splash, Milk Can Toss, Nerves of Steel, Lucky Cups, Hoops, Day at the Races and the crowd-favorite Dunk Tank.
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Over 50 real dishes to prepare, cook, and serve: the recipes include international flavors (Japanese, Asian, Nepal, European, American…) and even sweets.
Several guided cooking steps to learn, specific use of the DS features: kneading, chopping, frying, and many other actions can be realised with the stylus.
A light-hearted story-mode: the story features a little girl and is designed for kids.
Fun mini-games to break monotony.
A unique kitchen customization feature: the player can freely decorate the kitchen.
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Includes one unique Nintendo Crimson/Black DS, Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day!m a Carrying Case and the Nintendo 2007 Catalog. Based on the theories of neuroscientist Dr. Kawashima, Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day contains all-new activities to challenge your gray matter. **New activities! The title is a series of minigames designed to give your brain a workout. The 17 new, engaging activities are all designed to help work your brain and increase blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. Whether you're playing simple songs on a piano keyboard or monitoring the photo finish of a footrace, you'll love your new mental workout! ** When you start a new game, you will take a series of tests and get a score that shows how old your brain is. This number is called your "Brain Age." With daily training over weeks and months, you can improve your mental acuity and lower your Brain Age. Progress is charted in graph form. **Expanded multiplayer! You can keep up to four save files on one Game Card. Sharing a game allows you to compete in a picture-drawing quiz or an acrostic challenge with family and friends. Use DS Download Play to send a demo to friends or compete with up to 16 players in one of four fun modes.
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BlueTunes is a program that will allow you to use the Nintendo remote (Wiimote) as a remote control for your computer music library (Windows only). Using bluetooth technology, the Wiimote will allow you to control your iTunes collection from 50 feet away. Walls and floors pose no problem at all. Even the Wiimote's motion sensing is utilized - shake the Wiimote to the right and the next track is played. Best of all, the BlueTunes software is completely free. You will need to purchase a Wiimote if you don't already have one (a Nintendo Wii is not needed) and a bluetooth transceiver (if your computer isn't already bluetooth enabled).
New beta out
Now you can finish the game
"story line" it's now complete. The last 3 objetives are very very basic AI (keep this in mind, when i say very, i say it seriously) just to test the game. Next version comes with definitive AI for them. First get the cristall ball to can see where are hiden the 5 objetives, the speelbook, the magic wand, the enchanted princess, the walking armor and evil boss, the eagle. First you need to get the speellbook and the magic wand. This enables you to dispell the princess and armor. After this you can kill the eagle and finish the game.