May 1st, 2006, 03:35 Posted By: wraggster
Welcome back to The Pipeline, a weekly feature where we dig through the mainstream media and see what the pundits, prognosticators and and pencil pushers have been discussing over the past week.
This week, the media was all over Nintendo's announcement that the gaming console formerly codenamed Revolution would henceforth be known as Wii. And, not surprisingly, most of the mainstream journos covering the story concurred with our assessment that the name somehow isn't going to wiin Niintendo any kudos. "Is Nintendo being desperately silly to attract attention, or is it just desperately short of clue?" asked the Guardian, while the Financial Times headlined its article "Wii aren't too sure about this." However, Nintendo did have at least one defender, Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities, who pointed out that "N-Gage and Gizmondo are cool names" that didn't help those products win many fans. "Consumers relate to the coolness of the product, not the name." Wii'll see, Michael, Wii'll see.
Of course, the Wii announcement wasn't the only story in the news this week, and the mainstream press managed to crank out a few other interesting nuggets. USA Today took a look at the Pioneer Inno, and declared it "a winner," while The New York Times looked at the growing number of home docking systems for cellphones. Meanwhile, Forbes looked at another way to use cellphones at home, checking out the market for UMA-enabled handsets. Our favorite media hit this week, though, came from the Washington Post, which took an in-depth look at the DDR-as-exercise phenom, with the paper's reporter declaring, "Hello, my name is Caroline, and I'm addicted to 'Dance Dance Revolution.'" Hey, at least she's not addicted to the Wii.
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May 1st, 2006, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
Tom's Hardware has an editorial up on the Nintendo Wii in which the author postulates that the new name may be a bigger PR stunt than it looks. From the article: 'Saying Wii is controversial mainly in the English-speaking world (the Japanese can't even pronounce it); in France, for instance, it's a homonym for oui. But the upcoming E3 Expo plays mostly to an English-speaking crowd, even though it's an international event. It's just over a week to E3, where Sony fans will be all giddy and running around like they have a Blu-ray chasing their tails. Amid all this, Nintendo announces a name change which is not only interesting, but controversial. You can't not notice it. Essentially, Nintendo steals more than a wee bit of Sony's thunder.
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May 1st, 2006, 04:06 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has updated his Mail proggy for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
New version 0.37
new features:
- access point select screen (Press Start while it tries to connect to one of the default access points); may not work perfectly yet
- pop3 code improved
- smpth authorization fixed
- compose message improved
- keep alive packets sent for all screens (except dialogs)
known bugs:
- sometimes messages are displayed incorrectly or duplicated, crashes while downloading mail. most important issue at the moment caused by a bug in dswifi
- keyboard causes freeze when used too quick (palib)
- bad error handling in mail send
- config file writing not supported on some flashcards like SCSD
- keep alive packets send for all screens (except dialogs)
Note to those who can't connect to their access point:
please try wifi_lib_test (get here). If it can't connect, your AP is not supported by dswifi yet
There is a basic info & troubleshooting page up at http://bronto-online.de/ndsmail.htm
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May 1st, 2006, 04:08 Posted By: wraggster
Noda posted this news:
Hi, I just finished my first NDS project : Quick & Dirty Save Manager for Supercard
As its name says, it's a save manager for Supercard (SD&CF, maybe M3 as well) ^^
you can:
-create multiple save for a game (up to 9)
-change the current save for a game
-create a new empty save for a game
-copy the current save to a new one
-erase a save
it's a little slow, but it's due to the write function of the FAT lib which is slow (or if you know a way to write on sd/cf faster, let me know)
It was made in 3 days, so do a backup of your saves before trying...
let me know if you find bugs.
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May 1st, 2006, 04:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from DKNight:
I've released the alpha version of this NDS dice thrower, for role playing games like D&D.
It includes a calculator too (float support still to be implemented), just to calc your exp and things like that :P.
Its done with PAlib, and theres lot of features I plan to add in a future, like random name generator, miniature table simulation, better dice.. etc
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May 1st, 2006, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Lua Team have released a new version of the DS Lua Player, heres whats new:
Everything but the kitchen sink release! This release is based on alot of the user feed back I've gotten. Major features are the file io support and mod music support!
File input/output support through Lua's default io methods. Now you can save those high scores directly to flash cards (the ones supported by Chishm's driver).
Added functions to retrieve system information, such as user name/birthday/current time/favorite color..etc.
All trignometry functions in the math libraries are now using degrees instead radiants, i.e. math.cos(0)=1, math.cos(90)~=0. My apologies if you are using them currently.
Lua files are highlighted in green now. The file selector also tries to remember the previous location between script runs.
Same as the previous releases, version 0.5 comes in CF and GBFS flavor.
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May 1st, 2006, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
lynx posted this news for DS Devs:
WIN an XBOX 360!
To go along with SgStair's newly released WiFi Lib, let's start off the NDS WiFi Games right!
NDSHB.com is having a WiFi Game Coding Competition..
NDSHB.com WiFi Game Coding Competition!!
- 1st place prize is an XBOX 360!
- 2nd place prize is a Palm Z22!
- 3rd place prize is a GBA MP + 512MB Compact Flash card!
- Misc. prizes to be awarded. (PM me if you'd like to donate any)
- Offical rules to be announced soon!
- ndshb.com available for server side connections, details will be in the rules.
- Competition ends June 30th, 2006.
- WiFi App Devers - If there is a lack of Game entries, Apps may be included. See official rules (coming soon) for details.
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May 1st, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Buena Vista Games appears to be expanding its portfolio beyond licensed fare with mainstream appeal. While the publisher is known for putting out games like The Chronicles of Narnia and Desperate Hosuewives, last week it announced four new games from niche developer Q Entertainment, including a sequel to the acclaimed PlayStation Portable puzzler Lumines.
Today, Buena Vista Games continues to explore the world beyond licensing tie-ins with the announcement that it will publish a Nintendo DS game based on a new intellectual property. Spectrobes will be an anime-inspired action role-playing game, and Buena Vista Games has tapped Jupiter Corporation to develop it. Jupiter's previous games include Mario's Picross and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
As interplanetary patrol officers Rallen and Jeena, players will use the DS touch screen to excavate nearly 500 fossilized creatures called spectrobes. Once freed from their fossil prisons, the spectrobes can be trained and evolved for real-time battles against the Krawl, a dangerous force that could destroy the galaxy if left unchecked.
Buena Vista Games has not yet announced a release date for Spectrobes.
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May 1st, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralyser have released a new version of their great media app for the Nintendo DS called MoonShell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
This is a minor Update.
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Thanks to jojotjuh for the news tip 
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May 1st, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via Joystiq
During a recent podcast, 1UP noted that Nintendo would announce the official price and release date for the DS Lite this Thursday, May 4. The announcement will include the relevant data for the North American launch and will likely reveal a price and date for Europe as well. The DS Lite debuted in Japan this past March for 16,800 yen (just under $150), but due to demand, some distributors pushed the price to 23,300 yen (roughly $200). Current rumors speculate a June release in North America with a $199.99 price tag.
The original Nintendo DS model is now on sale for as low as $119.99. Would you be willing to fork over an additional $80 to go Lite?
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May 1st, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has released SylphIRC which is an n IRC client for the DS.
Heres the info
Things that work:
-Connects via DS WFC preferences (only...)
-Connect to specified server
-Join/part channels
-Send messages to channels (kind of required...)
-Change nick
-Track users in channels (joins, parts, nick changes, ...)
-Quit (...)
-Onscreen keyboard for entry
Things that probably don't work:
-Privmsg to other users: you may be able to reply but they have to initiate the conversation
Things that don't work:
-Everything else
-No, really, everything else
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May 1st, 2006, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow_Cruiser has released the work of Softdev and Krullo and you now have an updated Snes Emulator for the Gamecube, heres whats new:
Snes9xGX 0.0.5x *UPDATED* Changelog
Apr. 21st 2006
* Added SDCARD rom loading (with long filenames for zip.-files).
* Added predefined pad setups (A, B, C...).
* Changed default pad layout to X A B Y.
* Added an option to swap the player 1 and 2 pads.
* Added a picture of the button layout of the snes pad in the pad configurator.
* Return to the game with B when in the rom selector.
* Cleaned upp some code (long filenames).
Apr. 22nd 2006
* Fixed broken DVD loading feature. Sorry, my bad!
Apr. 26th 2006
* Smaller download (change of internal ROM).
* Fixed choppy analog clip, much easier to move with the stick now.
* Max analog clip is now 90 instead of 70. Works great!
* Two different dol's avavible, one with d0lLZ -v (ViperBoot safeguard) option and one without.
Apr. 30th 2006
* Added option to turn on and off multiplayer 5. Games such as Syndicate works now.
* Fixed 4 player support thanks to Garglub's post about the problem. Bomberman 5 and Jimmy Connors should work now. Thanks for letting us now about the problem, Garglub! EDIT: This also seems to fix the mysterious controller problem with Super Mario All-Stars!
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May 1st, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow_Cruiser has released the work of Softdev and Krullo and you now have an updated Nes Emulator for the Gamecube, heres whats new:
April 26th 2006
* Added SDCARD rom loading (with long filenames for zip.-files).
* Added zip-support.
* Added Joypad configurator.
* NES select is now Z trigger.
* Menu is now reached through L + Z.
April 27th 2006
* Two different dol's avavible, one with d0lLZ -v (ViperBoot safeguard) option and one without.
* Analog scrolling in romselector.
April 29th 2006
* New fancy(?) backdrop.
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May 1st, 2006, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
It's not much, but a short clip of Tony Hawk next-gen has just surfaced on the internet. The video features a model test, showing off the enhanced animation, modeling and lighting afforded by the upcoming generation of consoles. If nothing else, it looks leagues better than the initial foray into next-gen for the series.
See the vid here -->
Via Gaming Age
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May 1st, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
If you live in the New York area and are unable to attend E3 this year (given the hordes of sweaty, shoving geeks involved, it might not be such a great loss), be sure to drop by the Nintendo World Store on 9 May. The store will be broadcasting Nintendo's keynote, an event sure to host new DS games, Wii revelations and at least one appearance by Shigeru Miyamoto dressed as a Nintendo character. Missing it would be quite appalling.
For more information and an opportunity to RSVP for the event, check out Nintendo's official World Store website. Be sure to snaps some pictures and send them to us!
via Rev Fanboy
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
It appears that NEC Electronics is knee deep in the Wii. In March, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata used his Game Developers Conference keynote address to announce that the company's upcoming console would be able to download and play games from the NEC-developed TurboGrafx system of years past.
The company's ties to the Wii run a little deeper, however. During NEC Electronics' annual earnings call last week, the company revealed that it was working with Nintendo to produce large-scale integration chips (LSIs) for the game maker's new console, according to a Reuters report.
During the call, NEC Electronics CEO Toshio Nakashima revealed that the company had received an order for "system LSIs for Nintendo's next-generation game console." To produce the chips, NEC is planning to beef up the production capacity of the 300-millimeter line at its Yamagata factory, with the upgrades to be completed by September.
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
We're not usually ones to post every sceenshot and video clip of upcoming games, but being that the New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS is highly anticipated, we thought we'd point you in the right direction. Follow the link for the second new trailer featuring some fresh Mario tricks. It is believed that the game will launch in a just over two weeks on May 15. Giddy up!
check out the trailer here --> http://mario.nintendo.com/
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the GBA Emulator for Windows that lets you link up multiple PCs etc:
Multiplayer mode with 2-4 GBAs in all transfer speeds
Separate ini files, save files and savestate files for each running VBA
Wireless adapter (well, kinda :-)
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via Cubed
A listing on Japanese website Rakuten has revealed that Hudson Soft has finally re-confirmed that the new version of Bomberman is set to release this year, complete with online Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection compatibility. Hopefully more details on Bomberman Land will be shown at this year's E3 in May.
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* it is possible to build building now
* fixed an issue preventing a unit beeing able to build itself
+ added the building placement
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May 2nd, 2006, 10:19 Posted By: jojotjuh
Moonlight has updated moonshell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
1.2 Finalbeta
changes since moonshell 1.1:
NDSLiteDefaultBrightness (4=AutoDetect) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
StartupSound (2=Auto start) item was added to [Boot] section of global.ini.
MicroDrive was supported with GBAMP. (There is MicroDrive for which compatibility is not suitable. )
The clock plug-in was supported with MSPV30. The clock is displayed without turning off the backlight.
MID/RCP plug-in was corrected a little. (There are no changes in the sound font and midrcp.ini. )
WhenPanelClose (1=PowerOff) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
TopScreenFlip (0 = Normal, 1=180 rotation, 2=Vertical flip, 3=Horizonal flip) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
The close button was mounted.
ImageControlTimeOutSec item was added to [System] section of global.ini. for full screen image.
The bug that the DPG reproduction becomes heavy was corrected. (libnds-20060410 back to libnds-20060201)
The DPG decoder was sped up a little.
Dithering (3=Heavy) item was added to [DPGPlugin] section of global.ini.
AdaptiveDelayControl (0=Movement priority 1=Synchronous priority.) item was added to [DPGPlugin] section of global.ini.
Scroll method of the image redraw was sped up.
finalbeta 2 is out now too.
The bug to which The MID/RCP plug-in did not liberate the file steering wheel was corrected.
Because a private function had remained entering, it returned.
The readme.txt of an english and finnish version was bundled. (Thank you Xtreme!)
The readme.txt of an spanish version was bundled. (Thank you JuSJo!)
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:02 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
As the fog of uncertainty slowly lifts on Nintendo's next-gen console, more and more deliciously flavoursome droplets of Wii continue to spill into our expectant maws - and Uncle Reggie Fils-Aime's just gone and fired another one from the hip.
Speaking at the Nintendo World Store in New York City last week, Friday April 28, the vii pii of sales and marketing riiviiled that we can expect to sii the Wii's wand put to use in a brand new driving game, finally answering the question many gamers have been asking since the controller's unveiling at TGS last year.
"I'm going to give one little secret," Fils-Aime tiised, according to Trigames.net who was on hand to record the whole thing. "Only one little secret, and hopefully I won't lose my job. We're going to show a racing game at E3 where you use the core controller in a very different way. That will answer all the questions to how you'll play a racing game."
Quite what the game is and how it'll play is still a compliite mystery - 'net speculation has already reached fiiviir pitch, clutching at the possibility of new iterations for either Nintendo's Mario Kart or F-Zero franchises. Of course, we could be looking at something completely fresh altogether. Still, E3 hits in less than a wiik, so there ain't too long to wait now.
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
As next week's E3 show draws even closer, the Revolution, erm, Wii, roster, is growing larger by the day. Added to the Wii line-up Metal Slug Anthology, which was confirmed to be Wii-bound in an online interview with developer SNK.
Speaking to IGN, SNK Playmore president Ben Herman divulged the first details on Metal Slug Anthology and talked all things Wii. "Fans worldwide have been looking forward to our return to Nintendo platforms and what better way then to bring our complete Metal Slug arcade collection to Wii," said Herman. "Our fans have demanded that we support Nintendo platforms. Let the celebration begin."
Before you follow Mr. Herman's orders and get the Cliff Richard CDs out, cast your eyes over the exciting Metal Slug Anthology line-up, which includes Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X and all the other 'Slug sequels up to the fifth instalment. The Metal Slug collection is also slated for PSP, although Herman promised that in the Wii version the wand-controller will be used "in a new and unique way that enhances the gameplay."
Look out next week for more Metal Slug Anthology coverage direct from Nintendo's Wii booth. We promise it'll stop sounding funny eventually.
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
It is becoming more and more likely that the nunchaku part of the Wii controller will have a built in accelerometer, allowing it to detect motion, as now an EA chief has let slip that this capability will play a major part in the Wii version of American Football game Madden.
Last week there was growing speculation that the nunchaku not only had an analogue stick and trigger switches but also had motion sensor capabilities, similar to the main wand part of the controller, but there was no official confirmation of this.
Now EA Canada's senior vice president and group studio general manager, John Schappert, has let slip in an online interview that tilting the nunchaku part of the controller from left to right will allow players with the ball to dodge or "juke" out of the way of the opposition tacklers during EA's Wii Madden game.
When asked specifically about the nunchaku, Schappert said it will "use the trigger buttons, and it does use the accelerometer in the unit for juking as well".
He also stated that once the pass from a quarterback has been made, and the ball is in the hands of the receiver, the control of the game switches to the nunchaku unit: "when you receive the ball, you run with the analogue stick on the nunchaku and, if you want to juke, you use the nunchaku to gesture it; if you want to stiff-arm, you use the wand."
While there is still no official confirmation from Nintendo about the nunchaku's inbuilt accelerometer, we've less than a week before Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference where we can expect all Wii's secrets to be revealed.
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
Dragonminded has updated his Organizer for the DS, heres whats new:
- Added sanity check to filenames.
- Fixed slight cursor issue with todo screen.
- Fixed delete button not working on todo screen.
- Fixed inconsistencies in file creation/saving on todo/scribble screens. - Hopefully this fixes the SC SD errors for some.
- Added wav playback to browser.
- Added mod/s3m/xm/it playback to browser.
- Added mp3 playback to browser.
- Added slideshow controls to picture viewer.
- Changed picture viewer to detect images too small to view.
- Disabled write command on M3SD to stop corruption.
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May 2nd, 2006, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new in this latest release of the Editor:
View/Edit "9th" neighbor info (part of NPC migration)
Force Monkeys (or other NPCs) to migrate from your town to other towns over WiFi (sending town must have Action Replay, receiving town does not)
View NPC relationships with you and visiting players. Edit "nicknames" (what the NPC calls you)
Limited Bedroom editing (can place up to 4 furniture items at 4 "bed" positions in top room)
Fixed "fill out catalog" feature (safer, reports number of catalog items)
Slightly improved Japanese UI translation
More info --> http://www.aibohack.com/nds/ac_mapedit.htm
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May 2nd, 2006, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
ETk posted this news:
It's decided, I will release the first beta of the game this Saturday 06 with the test level it has. Well, here are the changes I made the last days:
-Code optimized (13 "for(..)" are in only 1 now)
-Added Skill: CHANGE WEAPON (R and L)
-Added Skill: DASH (DOWN + A)
-Added Skill: RUN (Y)
-Added: (on code): Skills function, makes easier to add skills now
-Fixed (on code): Hero can use different weapons now
-Fixed: Smoke effect fixed
-Fixed: some tiny bugs I have already forgotten.
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 2nd, 2006, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
Kaltorak posted a new game for the Nintendo DS:
This game is simple consists of putting the jewels marked in the Square with the Square of red and white color using the stylus
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May 2nd, 2006, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
When a newcomer comes to the Nintendo DS scene he or she sees so many different flash carts but which is the best Flash Cart for the Nintendo DS both in terms of easyness of use and compatability and Price.
Ill be interested to see what is the members choice.
For me its the Supercard/Passkey Combo but whats your choice and why ?
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May 2nd, 2006, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster
Everyone has an opinion on Nintendos new name and certainly its very different but if you could choose a name for the console previously named Revolution what would be your choice ?
For me i say something with Wifi in as Nintendos new console with its DS handheld cold easily become the king of Wifi and online gaming,
What do you think ?
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May 2nd, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Blitz Games, one of Europe’s leading independent videogame developers today announced that is developing SpongeBob SquarePants™: Creature from the Krusty Krab video game on PlayStation ®2, Nintendo® Wii and Nintendo® GameCube for 2006 with leading publisher THQ.
Philip Oliver, CEO and Managing Director of Blitz Games commented, “We’re delighted to extend our working relationship with THQ and Nickelodeon on their most important brand. We are looking forward to producing a very high quality, fun game and Christmas 2006 ‘Top 10’ contender. ” Philip went on to say. “This is our first game for the Nintendo Wii which makes it especially exciting for us.”
SpongeBob SquarePants videogames have sold almost 17 million units worldwide and regularly appear in the top 10 around the world. The half-dressed, porous, yellow sponge is one of the top 5 leading cartoon characters in the world. The SpongeBob movie recently netted in excess of $135m at the box office worldwide and the TV series continues to pull in an audience of 57.4 million people each month across the globe.
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab – SpongeBob explores the peculiar world of Bikini Bottom as it transforms through a series of various unique visual styles. Continuing to reign as a top gaming and TV property, this new game offers fans brand new gameplay mechanics through nine visually bizarre levels. The game will be on show next week in Los Angeles, at E3 – the world’s biggest videogame exhibition. www.e3expo.com
Blitz is well known and respected for taking major kids brands to mainstream console players. The development of SpongeBob SquarePants continues this long tradition and specialisation. Key brands it’s brought to the consoles are, Barbie, Frogger, Disney’s Lilo & Stitch Fairly Odd Parents, Pac-Man and it’s imminent release of Bratz: Rock Angels, also with THQ.
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May 2nd, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Special offer from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Namco's Nintendo DS™ RPG compilation Xenosaga I-II at US$ 19.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
Xenosaga I-II combines the storylines of the first and second PlayStation2™ episodes in one game.
The battle system is similar to the one found in Episode I, with a change that your AP meter now goes up to a maximum of 6 levels. New characters and new skills have been implemented. Instead of combination attacks as present in the PS2™ versions, you can now perform Personal Formations, in which the formation of your battle party affects your surroundings.
The game features animted movies and voices as cut scenes. Stylus supports has been added to play dungeon mini games.
The script for Xenosaga I-II has been written by Yuichiro Takeda, who also worked on the Xenosaga cartoon. Character designs (which are different from the two PS2™ titles) are by Hiroshi Takeuchi. Kousuke Yamashita, of Nobunaga's Ambition fame has been responsible for the music.
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May 3rd, 2006, 00:38 Posted By: qw3rty
I am the programmer of blubb.
The first lobby-version is already released !
Port mapping isn't necessary anymore, although the communication in "direct-connect"-mode is more stable, if at least one player forwards ports 9999 & 10000.
Features of the Lobby-Version :
- Server sided save games
- Lobby Chat
- (Zoomed out) message history (L/R to go back/forth, SELECT to switch zoom mode)
- Invite players
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Not to point out the obvious, but a game heroine with Lara Croft's experience and notoriety can have just about any platform she wants. The buxom beauty recently made the rounds with several consoles in Tomb Raider: Legend, which has been released on the PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360.
However, one family of platforms that Ms. Croft has often given the cold shoulder to is Nintendo's, only coupling with the Game Boy handhelds a few times. Legend, a game designed as the series' rebirth, is changing all that and will be released on the DS and Game Boy Advance, as well as the previously announced version for the GameCube.
Today, Eidos Interactive announced that Tomb Raider: Legend for the Nintendo platforms will be released this fall. No gameplay details on the handheld versions were revealed, but a statement from the company says the DS and GBA versions will "capture the detail and breadth" of the console versions.
However, owners planning to pick up Tomb Raider: Legend for a Nintendo platform may get more than just a simple port. Eidos brand manger Kathryn Clements says, "There are a host of new and exciting features for Lara on the Nintendo platforms," but did not go into detail.
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
SNK Playmore is throwing its hat into the Nintendo ring, as the publisher today announced that it would begin supporting both the Wii and the Nintendo DS. Previously, the only Nintendo system to see SNK Playmore development was the Game Boy Advance, which played host to Metal Slug Advance and is set to receive a port of the original arcade Metal Slug.
For its first Wii project, SNK Playmore is preparing Metal Slug Anthology. Not to be confused with the recently announce Metal Slug Collection on the PSP, Metal Slug Anthology is being billed as "a full arcade collection." Presumably, that would include the relatively new Metal Slug 6 (the only arcade Metal Slug game missing from the PSP collection). However, SNK Playmore is promising that these won't be straight ports, as the company's president Ben Herman said in a statement that "the Wii controller will be used in a new and unique way that enhances the gameplay."
SNK Playmore also announced its intention to support the DS in America today. Herman also said in the statement that the company would enter the market with SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS.
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Mic has updated the best Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows:
Heres whats new:
CPU: Fixed a bug in the division SWI
GPU: Fixed some tile flipping bugs
GPU: Optimized rendering of extended palette BGs a bit
GPU: Disabled rendering of OBJ windows
MMU: The FAT is now writeable
INP: The keyboard layout can now be configured in dualis.ini
GUI: Improved the texture viewer
FAT write operations are fairly restricted at this point, see the README section on GBAMP emulation for more details.
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Snowball battle is now at version 1.2, heres whats new:
More sugar... same cake! Main improvements from previous version are:
Added snowball crash sound
Added top screen background
Player1/2/npc throws balls in diagonal
Npc moves/dodges in diagonal
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
Mia posted this news/release:
Here is my first homebrew game for the Nintendo DS. It is a simulator of the Game&Watch Oil Panic.
What's new :
o Switched off "sprites" are slightly visible, like on the original LCD display (thanks Shito).
o Game A and Game B are two distinct difficulty settings. Game B was the single level of version 0.1. Game A is obviously easier.
- How to play
The scene takes place in a gas station, as an oil leak from a pipe on the third floor is causing confusion. Move Station Helper left and right to catch the leaks in his bucket. Helper's bucket holds three drops. Move Helper out to veranda to pour the oil into the Boss's oil drum on the second floor. Be careful not to drop oil on the waiting customers.
- Screens
Upper screen is a zoom-up of the third floor of the gas station where Helper is. All three floors of the gas station appear on lower screen.
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May 3rd, 2006, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL posted this news:
I whipped together a sample Server List browser. It allows you to query for game servers, and to add/remove game servers from the list. It's pretty basic at the moment, but should be enough for a simple ip address exchange. I'm feel like I'm rushing this out because I'm late for work... but I think I got it all in a clean package for download, if not I'll fix it tonight.
The source code for all the operations is included, so feel free to add it to your wifi enabled games, and to use my server to store hosted game ip addresses. You'll just need to change the 3 instances of "TestGame" to your own game name.
You can find the package here: http://www.atouchofwar.com/tools.php
More info --> http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=9440
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May 3rd, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Whatever we might think of its new name, we're still more excited than a bee in a hat full of meat when it comes to the console formally known as the Revolution. With E3 literally so close we can almost touch it with our quivering fingers, more information is dripping out of the Wii hole at an ever increasing rate. First up, those next-gen Pilotwings rumours are back!
Speaking on his blog, 1up.com editor Sam Kennedy drops a slight but interesting clanger, casually stating, "Friends of mine tell me Pilotwings is absolutely perfect - it's something anyone can pick up and enjoy. Nintendo's changing all of the rules - they've created an experience anyone can enjoy. They've created a system for everyone."
Whether this - admittedly not very conclusive - evidence ties in with the mystery Hudson flight game unveiled by E3 bigwigs recently, turns out to be an internal Nintendo project or is, in fact, a walloping pile of spindly balls remains to be seen. Still, we're very, very excited about the whole prospect.
In other news, Business Week's website is tossing around a few nuggets of Wii-related goodness, reporting on Nintendo as stating that its Wii will come in a variety of colours at E3 (presumably the ones we saw back when the Revolution was first unveiled) - although a decision is yet to be made regarding the final design. And, just in case you were wondering what that silver stand in the promo shots is all about, it apparently "makes the system a welcome, artistic component of any multimedia setup, whether it's displayed horizontally or vertically."
So there you go. Anyway, back to Pilotwings - altogether now: "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Nintendo is looking to getting things moving for owners of the company's DS handheld. As of today, owners of the dual-screened handheld who purchase Metroid Prime Hunters will get a rumbling throw-in--the DS Rumble Pak.
Previously, the Rumble Pak was available with another DS Metroid game, Metroid Pinball. Gamers can also buy the accessory directly from Nintendo's Web site for $9.99. Currently, only a handful of DS games supports the Rumble Pak.
A statement from Nintendo doesn't specifically say where gamers can purchase the Hunters/Rumble Pak bundle, only saying that it is available at "select retailers" while supplies last. Requests to Nintendo for a more detailed list went unanswered as of press time.
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
With many titles sure to be announced at next week's E3 conference, here's a list of Wii games via Gamers Daily that are believed to grace the console or have been confirmed in one way or another. Let's hope they all see the light of day. From sure bets like Super Mario Bros. to wishful thinkers like Kid Icarus, what are you most anticipating?
Super Mario Wii
Super Smash Bros. Wii
Metroid Prime 3
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Wii
Animal Crossing Wii
Killing Day
Splinter Cell 4
Madagaskar 2
Legend of Zelda Wii
Mario Kart Wii
Donkey Kong Wii
The Darkness
Madden NFL 07
Suda51/Grasshopers Studio Title
Minoru Nakai Title
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Two Titles from “Artistic Quality”
James Bond 007: Casino Royale
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Pangya Golf
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
Red Steel
Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting
Spider Man 3
Raid Over The River
Midway Wii Project
Disney/Pixar’s Cars
n-Space Wii Project
Kid Icarus Wii
Blitz Games Wii Project
Camelot RPG
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007
Sonic the Hedgehog Wii
Trauma Center Wii
Cooking Title
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has updated SylphIRC which is an IRC client for the DS.
Whats New
- Recompiled with (definitely!) latest libnds, may or may not help touchscreen calibration
-Fix crashing when Quit message received
-Add notifications for users joining/leaving channels
-Ability to read config from CF card (anything supported by Chism's library)
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
via DSfanboy
Warios' upcoming title has made it into a recent Gamestop circular. The game, titled Wario the Thief, supposedly will feature Wi-Fi compatibility. Not much is known about the title besides the fact that it stars Wario and is a side-scrolling platformer, but we assume Wario will be attempting to steal something and, at one point, will drive a large pink cadillac.
This could change, however. Do we all remember the original debacle of Resident Evil: Deadly Silence featuring the Wi-Fi logo? Considering that, and the gameplay that doesn't seem very Wi-Fi-friendly, maybe we shouldn't put too much stock in this lone snapshot?
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
+ added TERRAIN command to map for adding a single terrain image
* fixed the (hopefully) last crash situation on dying units
+ created basic menu
* fixed several problems on restarting a map
* fixed several memleaks on a map cycle
- restart of a map still hangs
+ added first network code (init & find AP)
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May 4th, 2006, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
Our earlier reports of a Rayman ressurrection left you all without a name for the game or any kind of information on the premise of the title. Well, the game has now been dubbed Rayman Raving Rabbids and some tidbits of information have been placed on the table. The premise of the title revolves around a group of uncontrollable bunnies whom threaten the very existence of Rayman's world. It's obviously up to him to stop them, through new abilities and the help of friends.
When asked to comment on the project, Sir Ancel said "After wrapping up Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie, the team here in Montpellier sat down to talk about having some fun with Rayman and his universe. We are running into a bit of a problem, though, because our game has been invaded by thousands of raving mad and vicious bunnies, who have apparently been preparing this assault since the very first Rayman game. We are now sending an SOS to all motivated gamers to help us get rid of them as fast as possible!"
I don't know about you fine readers, but this game is in my top 5 anticipated titles for E3. I cannot wait to get my hands on this and see in what ways Michel is going to push the envelope and improve upon what is already one of the greatest franchises in gaming history.
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May 4th, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Look out, Madden NFL 2007. Midway today revealed its E3 offerings for the year, including launch dates for the titles. The biggest jaw-dropper, however, is that the company is bringing its ultra-obscene Blitz: The League, to the Xbox 360, PSP, and the Nintendo Wii. Nintendo is really attacking its kiddie-centric image by courting developers into bringing mature games such as this and Red Steel to its console. What remains to be seen is if Blitz (as well as Ant Bully and Happy Feet, also coming out for Wii) will use the controller in any unique way, or if all these titles will be mere ports with graphical downgrades.
Midway lists Blitz as coming out in October -- will the Wii version be delayed or is this a sign that the Wii will launch before Halloween? Other titles coming out for the Wii list release dates separately when applicable (Ant Bully in November for the Wii; July for every other console), but we are hesitant to say this wasn't just a typo on Midway's part.
The PlayStation 3 is also getting 2 Midway titles shown this year: the sure-to-be-gorgeous Unreal Tournament 2007 and John Woo's Stranglehold, which is also set for release this Winter on the Xbox 360 (both titles will also be available on the PC).
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May 4th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Speaking to our sister site GamesIndustry.biz, Nintendo's UK boss David Yarnton has praised the "fresh, all-inclusive and all-encompassing" nature of the Wii name for the firm's new console, and dismissed criticism of it as "juvenile."
"What we wanted to do was to appeal to new people," he explained. "It had to be something that was fresh; while I wouldn't say it didn't have any connections, it had to be all-encompassing for people, rather than just necessarily a small user base."
Yarnton admitted that the new name will take some time to settle in with people, but insisted that the Wii announcement has created a "really good buzz".
It's like any new name," he said, "it takes a while to get established. I think that you'll find that in not even six months, in a short period of time, people will accept it; they won't be referring to Revolution or next-generation, it'll just be Wii."
He also acknowledged criticism of the Wii name, commenting that "you can't please everyone all the time", but claimed that this criticism is not severe - even in the UK, where the name has been derided for being the same as a common children's word for urination.
"I think there are a lot of words out there like that that are used for other brands, companies and things like that - words that have different connotations and so on," he said. "I really think that if we get out of the gutter and the juvenile side of things, it's just a word. It's Wii. Actually, it's not even a word, because it's something that we've created from zero."
"I could say lots of words in a sentence that people giggle about and then carry on, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything wrong with the words," he continued. "Look, we think it's a bit of fun as well - it's fine, people can have a bit of a laugh. It's part of what we're doing; what we're in is the business of creating entertainment for people to have fun. It's seemed to create quite a bit of that just in the name!"
Yarnton encouraged commentators to "look beyond just the name, at the whole philosophy of what we're about," and said that he expected people to have a very different perception of the Wii once they've played the device at E3.
Ultimately, he said, it's all about moving the product into the mass-market - a shift reflected by the name as much as by the firm's overall approach.
"There are a lot of people out there, and with the interface for DS and then moving on with the Wii controllers, it's meant to make it easy for people," he concluded, "and perhaps bring in some of those people in that normally wouldn't even think about looking at videogames."
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May 4th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
VIa Games industry
SEGA and Backbone Entertainment are working on a licensed adaptation of Nickelodeon's forthcoming film, Charlotte's Web.
Due out this autumn on PC, DS and GBA, Charlotte's Web will allow players to adopt the role of Wilbur the pig or Templeton the rat and explore various areas familiar to fans of the franchise.
While every player will be able to enjoy areas like the County Fair and Zuckerman's barn, GBA and DS buyers will be able to access extra mini-games - and DS owners will be able to hook up with up to three of their friends wirelessly.
SEGA's vice president of marketing Scott A. Steinberg said the game would prove "captivating" for "players of all ages". "Players will find themselves immersed in an interactive environment where they'll encounter a colorful cast of characters while they embark on a very special journey," he said.
Charlotte's Web will be shown off during E3 next week.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America has just confirmed that its super sleek and ultra sexy DS Lite will finally launch over in the good old US of A next month for the very reasonable price of 129 USD.
Exciting news indeed, although we'd prefer details from Nintendo regarding a European launch date, to be honest. Unfortunately for our colonial cousins, the Lite will launch with just one colour - the iPod-like Polar White (Crystal White in Japan), with ne'er a whiff of either the Enamel Navy and Ice Blue versions available in the East.
Whether US supplies of the DS Lite will be bountiful come launch remains to be seen however - particularly given the shortages in Japan caused by unprecedented demand for the little white beast since its debut earlier this year.
While we wait for Nintendo to spill final details on the handheld's european launch, there's some solace from the company's new euro marketing bod Laurent Fischer, who confirmed to Nintendo's official site that the Lite would hit these shores "this summer". In the meantime, why not check out our recent hands-on with the redesigned handheld to see what's in store for those lucky Yanks this June.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Vivendi's announced Crash Boom Bang! for Nintendo DS, featuring 40 mini-games that take advantage of the DS' unique features.
Crash Boom Bang (we're going to dispense with the ! for now if that's okay) also includes a touch-screen communication feature so that you can communicate with and bet against wireless opponents.
The whole thing's being done up as a party game by Japanese developer Dimps, and sees Crash and his pals facing off against Cortex and the like on a worldwide race involving an ancient lost city and some other... di-dum di-dum... save the world!
Crash Boom Bang! is due out in October on DS, and if it's not at E3 we'll eat our nacho hat.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
GamesIndustry.biz is running a story defending the Wii from across the pond. Nintendo's UK boss David Yarnton has nothing but good words for the new name for the Revolution. From the article: "It's like any new name ... it takes a while to get established. I think that you'll find that in not even six months, in a short period of time, people will accept it; they won't be referring to Revolution or next-generation, it'll just be Wii."
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May 4th, 2006, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Remember last Thursday when some disappointed Wii (née Revolution) fanboys got to thinking, "Hey! There's no trademark on file! It's got to be a publicity stunt! Viva la Revolution!"?
Of course, we tried to set them straight, but the conspiracy theory persisted -- as conspiracy theories are wont to do -- and now, with the help of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), we can see that Nintendo has indeed registered the name "Wii" with no fewer than nine applications!
The trademark applications were filed on April 27 (the day the name was publicly announced), but have a "priority date" of November 11, 2005, meaning they had decided on the new name as far back as November of last year and delayed the trademark registration, lest the proverbial cat be let out of the proverbial bag.
The trademarks cover the use of the name Wii in applications ranging from "printed matter" like iron-on transfers or, who knows, console packaging to "clothing" like wrist-bands or, perhaps maybe, t-shirts. They also cover "watches containing a game function", "providing temporary use of non-downloadable video game programs provided via the Internet", and about a thousand other things, meaning there's a wealth of info to be misinterpreted here by the fan community.
You'd better put your tinfoil hats back on...let the crazy theories commence!
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May 4th, 2006, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Infendo
The below information comes from an email sent via our tips form. The tipster makes an unsubstantiated claim that Nintendo's Wii will be priced as follows:
The Wii will be free with the purchase of:
- Four Wii Games
- Three Wii Games and a Controller (w/ nunchuck attachment)
- Bundle will sell for about $199.
I'm pretty sure the system will include a nunchuck attachment, but alas, I have no professional training of console pricing and bundles. If Ninty's next-gen console is as different as they say it is and given its off-the-wall name, maybe an unconventional purchase option will follow.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio has updated his homebrew WiFi chat app for the DS.
Heres whats new:
NEW - UPDATED to the new wifi lib, WEP and DHCP are now in!
The source code of both the server and client is now available here. The code is actually quite ugly, it has been a testbed for me to learn and some things are not done properly.
Among the others there are 2 things that would need fixing right now:
1) Make the receiving of messages independent from the draw loop, I was thinking using a timer, so that messages can be received also when into the menues
2) Fix concurent send and receive of messages, one possibility would be using two different ports. Also, a better method for ACK would be nice. Relative changes would be needed in the server as well.
TCP could me much easyer to use for this, but this would require a complete redesign of the protocol.
I really appriciate contributions to the project (if well tested first).
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May 4th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports today that Nintendo has upped its April shipping estimates for DS Lite. The company had originally expected to ship 700,000 units throughout Japan during the month, but has now updated this figure to 800,000.
Being that it's now May, we're not sure why Nintendo is unable to give a specific number. But, seeing as how the system continues to sell over 150,000 units a week and is still hard to find at retail, we're inclined to believe this report.
With increased DS Lite supplies in Japan, a US release for the slimline model shouldn't be far off. Expect to hear details on the system's US release at E3.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Angor updated his Lua game for the DS:
Since the new DS LUA (v0.5) supports music, lets use it! Main improvements from previous version are:
Added intro/game music
Sound/Music can be turned on/off
Cleverer NPCs (npc against the wall bug removed)
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May 4th, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from Sgstair:
This came up in #dswifi, so I feel obligated to now post it somewhere more public so people have a good feedback path.
At present, the list of known issues for the dswifi library is In my checklist on the wiki [wiki.akkit.org]
If you find a bug that’s not on the known issues list, or want to request a feature that isn’t on the list, please do report it! I don’t really mind you reporting issues that already are listed, but it is a bit counterproductive. About reporting issues, you can bug me on IRC, send an email, or alternately Add it to the talk page for my checklist on the wiki [wiki.akkit.org] - I’m partial to the wiki option cause wikis are cool (and mine doubly so :P)
Anyway, don’t feel like you lack the ability to strike back about features missing or being incorrectly implemented, do bug me about it
More info --> http://blog.akkit.org/
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May 4th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
DynaStab posted this news:
I’ve ported the simple simulation I did for class to the DS. I wanted to try my hand at emulating a 3D world on a 2D plane. I simply used pixel scaling logic to do this. I actually discovered that my vectors were wrong when I turned in the homework. Since I could finally see, and therefore care, about what was going on, I could see that the Prey always went straight towards the Hunter rather than away. (there is some randomness to this angle btw)
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May 4th, 2006, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
tepples posted this news:
I developed a DS based musical toy to teach myself how to use the PSG (Game Boy style audio) on the Nintendo DS.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* changed movement command. The units keep their formation
+ added system independed unique numbers to units, allowing them to be addressed in multiplayer mode
* made party colors flexible
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May 5th, 2006, 07:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Although neither device has a true VoIP option yet, UK tech site T3 is reporting that "a source close to...Vonage" (i.e. a friend of a friend of a friend) has confirmed that the VoIP provider is developing WiFi calling solutions for both the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. We've known for awhile that both systems were capable of implementing the ol' VoIP, but other than a random blog musing we reported on last year, this is the first indication we've seen of a major player making moves in this direction. Even for a rumor, the details here are pretty thin, such as how Vonage plans to actually implement VoIP in the disparate devices -- the possibilities include a firmware update for the PSP, and either DSpeak-like software or an Opera-like cartridge for the DS -- or even a hint of when we can expect to see any products come to market. As you might expect, Vonage itself declined to comment on the matter when contacted by T3.
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May 5th, 2006, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
In a conference call following the release of Activision's earnings, CEO of publishing Mike Griffith further delved into the company's future plans. He described the attitude for the company's fiscal 2007 (April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007) year as "cautious," but sees the following 12 months as a time when the industry will really take off, as evidenced by the projection of $1.6 billion in revenue for that time period.
Activision is planning on releasing five PlayStation Portable games, four Xbox 360 games, and three PlayStation 3 launch titles for this fiscal year and will also contribute three launch titles for the Wii. Gamers can expect more Activision support for the Wii than was given to the GameCube, according to one executive. No specific titles were mentioned.
This doesn't necessarily mean that the games will be available day one of both the Wii and PS3. Later on in the call, one executive explained that the games would be out "in very near proximity to the hardware launch." Of course, Activision already has experience releasing a trifecta of next-gen titles with a console launch. The company had Gun, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, and Call of Duty 2 available for the Xbox 360's first day on the market.
The Tony Hawk franchise will get the same dual-release strategy that was given to the Call of Duty franchise in Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360, PC) and Call of Duty: Big Red One (PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube). A "traditional" Tony Hawk game aimed at the hardcore Tony Hawk audience will be released, as will Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, "a frenzied downhill racing game and new direction for the Tony Hawk franchise," aimed at more casual gamers.
The company's 2008 fiscal year is when Activision thinks the market will come around again, and has planned 50 percent more titles scheduled for launch at that time than in fiscal year '07. Games based on the next Shrek and Spider-Man films, both set to hit theaters in May 2007, will lead off the year, with new editions of Call of Duty, Tony Hawk, and X-Men games in the pipeline, as well as games based on DreamWorks' Bee Movie and Transformers movies.
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May 5th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Lik Sang
ComfortStylus is a bender. No, British readers, I don't mean that ComfortStylus is gay, I am saying it is flexible at mercy. Designed to be used with PDAs or any other touchscreen appliance, the ComfortStylus gets brilliant, when used for gaming purposes, either with the Nintendo DS or with the recent DS Lite. Especially since the latter is no longer including that little thumbthing on the top of the lanyard strap. The whole point of having a flexible Stylus is that you can attach it around your thumb or another finger. After spending a couple of minutes customizing the perfect position (so that you can press all buttons as well as the touchscreen with optimal ease), it truly enhances gameplay, especially in situations during which seconds matter or in a game like Metroid Prime Hunters. No more stylus grabbing at the last minute, no more stylus dropping in the middle of a crucial battle. Changing hands (literally) for US$ 7.95 only, the ComfortStylus is a bargain. Lik Sang recommends it to all serious NDS gamers out there.

Please note that the ComfortStylus is made out of very resistant material, so that it will last for an extremely long time if you are reasonably cautious when playing around with it. Still, naturally, if you really try your best efforts to break it, chances are you will eventually succeed. It required the IGN Gear crew quite a bit of energy to make that happen though: check out the IGN review of the ComfortStylus.
While about replacement styluses for Nintendo DS, third-party manufacturers are now offering their traditional 2-Stylus Packs in a wide range of colors. There are enough variations to match with any Nintendo DS flavor that has been released to date. All 2-Packs retail for US$ 3.95, bulk discounts are available for quantity orders. All of these sticks are designed for the original standard model of the Nintendo DS and fit with the size of the stylusholder in this model only. They do not fit with the new stylusholder in the Nintendo DS Lite, but we have received word from the maker that DS Lite models were in the works and should be available in the next couple of weeks.
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May 5th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Lik Sang
One noodle doesn't make a spaghetti dish. Non-authentic Italian sayings aside, Nintendo sure had all their ravioli together when revisiting one of the greatest 2D platformers that ever brought Jump'n Run bliss to gamers: Super Mario Bros. More than 20 years after its initial release, the series returns in all its glory to the Nintendo DS: revamped, reimagined and visually all-new: as Princess Peach got snatched away by Bowser and Mushroom Kingdom's equivalent of Mini-Me, Bowser Jr., only the Mario Bros. can rescue the royal cutie from her evil captors. Run, jump and stomp your way through diverse, bubble-gum-colored environments and challenges extreme, visiting new worlds, using new power-ups and sporting new moves! Grab a Mega Mushroom and grow to incredible proportions or smash through your enemies in a blue Koopa shell. Wireless Multiplayer and Touch Screen goodies (e.g. a huge number of minigames) inclusive. It's the first new 2D Mario platformer since Super Mario World has arrived, and boy, we are so ready for its upcoming release on May 15.
Preorders for New Super Mario Bros. on NDS are welcome for only US$ 44.90 (shipped!). The good thing is that, thanks to the region-free capability of the Nintendo DS, New Super Mario Bros. will work on any NDS system, wherever you might have originally bought it. That holds true for all Nintendo DS games. Importing couldn't be easier.

New Worlds to explore...
Valentine's day romance sure was ruined, as Princess Peach needs a rescue once more. Beautiful 2D backdrops await, as you platform through raging volcanoes, to tropical islands and over snowcapped peaks. The Mushroom Kingdom never was dressed up prettier. There are eight all-new worlds in New Super Mario Bros., each filled with extra levels, hidden paths and secrets galore. While it's possible to complete the game without visiting every world, you'll be faced with tracking down many alternate exits to get to see every nook and cranny in this adorable title. Developers at Nintendo have kept with the look and play of the original Super Mario Bros., with hidden coin rooms down in specific green pipes for example. Visually, 3D characters (which mean much smoother animation) are put in front of the 2D environments. Here, the lively scenery really plays out: moving and tilting platforms, swinging ropes etc. All has a very coherent brilliance to it, a perfect blend of traditional level design with an up-to-date graphical overhaul
Check out the videos and more at Lik Sang
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May 5th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Normmatt has released a new build of the Nintendo DS emulator for windows called DeSmuMe
Heres whats new:
This build adds save state and preliminary SRAM save support
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May 5th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: jojotjuh
Infantile Paralyser has released the final version of Moonshell v1.2 for the Nintendo DS
Moonshell is a multi purpose shell that displays graphics, plays videos etc
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May 6th, 2006, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
THQ gave its quarterly earnings report today, and the analysts' conference call that followed saw the publisher detail some of its plans going forward. On multiple occasions in the course of the call, THQ president and CEO Brian Farrell spoke about developing for the Nintendo Wii, touching on a number of topics including THQ's first reactions to its Wii games.
"We showed in a press event recently a SpongeBob game using the Nintendo Wii and Wii controller," Farrell said, "and standing there watching very jaded game journalists hoot and holler on a SpongeBob game was actually quite relieving. One of the things we like about that platform is the development costs...on the Wii are nowhere near what they are on the PS3 and Xbox 360. That's something that's quite encouraging. As you probably know, our portfolio maps very, very well to what we think the Wii demographic is going to be."
Currently the publisher has announced Wii games based on the Nickelodeon shows SpongeBob SquarePants and Avatar: The Last Airbender, as well as one for Pixar Animation Studios' upcoming film Cars.
Farrell also talked about developing for the Wii as opposed to the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, noting that it was far less expensive making games for Nintendo's console. Farrell prefaced his comments by noting that he wasn't "a development professional," but he said the development environment for the Wii was similar to the GameCube's.
"[The Wii] wasn't a whole new programming environment," Farrell said. "So we had a lot of tools and tech that work in that environment. So those costs--and again, I hate these broad generalizations--but they could be as little as a third of the high-end next-gen titles... Maybe the range is a quarter to a half."
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May 6th, 2006, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot:
CDV Software, a longtime purveyor of PC-based military strategy sims, is starting to think outside of the desktop box--the publisher has announced it is preparing Panzer Tactics DS for the Nintendo DS. The publisher of such games as Codename: Panzers - Phase Two and Blitzkrieg 2 will be bringing the turn-based strategy game to Nintendo's portable later this year.
Built on hexagon-based maps, the game's campaign mode will take players through a series of 30 historically based missions from actual World War II battles. The missions get tougher throughout the three different campaigns, but so do the player's troops. Troops that survive emerge as experienced veterans, and players can also gain access to new types of units along the way.
Panzer Tactics DS will take advantage of the system's hardware, giving players the option to control the game with the D pad and buttons or with the touch screen. It will also make use of the system's wireless capabilities for multiplayer matches accommodating up to four players.
The game is being developed by Sproing, whose past credits include Iron Soldier 3, Beyond Normandy: Assignment Berlin, and the downloadable AIDS prevention game Catch the Sperm 2. CDV expects to release the game in the fourth quarter of the year.
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May 6th, 2006, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot:
TT Games, the developer formed by the merger of Giant Interactive and Traveller's Tales, owes a lot to Lego. The developer's rep has risen ever since the children's building blocks were part of one of last year's surprise hits in Lego Star Wars, which helped Eidos Interactive's parent company, SCi Entertainment, rake in higher than expected cash.
It's not surprising then that TT Games, with its Lego experience, will also be at the helm of Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, which is back in the hand of Star Wars license holder LucasArts.
Eidos isn't abandoning the Lego brand however, and is teaming up once again with TT for an all new game based on the Bionicle brand, a sci-fi extension of Lego toys. The game will be titled Bionicle Heroes, and will be released this fall on the PlayStation 2, PC, Game Boy Advance, DS, and GameCube.
The game will star a young hero who steps out of his normal life and into the Bionicle world. Gamers will have to master the powers and abilities of legendary Bionicle heroes in order to overcome challenges.
Eidos has not yet released rating of pricing information for Bionicle Heroes.
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May 6th, 2006, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Remember when North America got everything before Australia? Sure, sometimes Japan would get things before North America did, sometimes Europe would get things before North America did, but we could always comfort ourselves knowing that we would always get it before Australia (and, by extension, their neighbors in New Zealand with the adorable accents).
Nintendo has announced that the DS Lite will be released in Australia and New Zealand on June 1st, a full ten days before it hits American shores. Though they'll get their systems sooner, they'll also pay a premium for it. The DS Lite will retail in Australia for $199.95 AUD, $20 more than their DS Phat, and about $153 US, $20 more than our light. You've won this battle Oceania, but you haven't won the war!
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May 6th, 2006, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via IGN:
Vaati hit me up with a very interesting piece of information coming from IGN Insider’s Gaming Life in Japan feature. The article contains information from Japanese gaming publication Nintendo Dream, in which they talk to Nintendo of Japan spokesperson Mitsuaki Hagishima about life left in the GameCube. The summary excerpt reads…
5. Nintendo isn’t done with the GameCube software announcements just yet! GameCube will be getting more titles, including some sequels to series that are well known. Hagishima states that one of the titles in development will surprise people with the new kind of gameplay it achieves on the GameCube. He claims to have actually played the game and promises that it will be announced soon.
New Cube titles, sequels to established series, and one particularly innovative title in the area of gameplay. Looks like the final nail in the Cube coffin hasn’t been hammered in just yet…
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May 6th, 2006, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
A Nintendo fan took the contents of his NES and re-housed it in a Wii remote replica design. If that wasn't enough he even re routed the controllers to the back of his replica Wii controller. The A/V cords and power adapter plug straight into the new micro NES .
Check out the screenshot via Comments
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May 6th, 2006, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via Rev Fanboy
Citing "a few fan forums" as the basis for the proposed control-scheme of how Zelda: Twilight Princess will control on the Wii's remote, Digital Battle created the graphic to your right and declared that they had contacted Nintendo to validate this rumored control scheme only to receive the obligatory "we do not comment on rumors" response. The proposed control scheme doesn't make too much sense, however, as the small a and b buttons wouldn't be useful at all as you'd be unable to reach those buttons with your thumb and point the remote at the screen simultaneously. Considering your other hand will be holding the nunchuck attachment, that hand is not available either. Honestly though, it doesn't matter because we're only left to consider this a rumor until an honest announcement is made by Nintendo.
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May 6th, 2006, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Rev Fanboy:
During one of those boring conferences where the company mills over profits and losses, an endless string of numbers, Activision actually dropped a little nugget of info about their involvement in the launch of Nintendo's Wii. Turns out the company will have three titles ready for the Wii launch, which is a time period that can range from the day the console releases to months later. Basically, it's whatever the "window" Nintendo states will be. Of these three titles, Tony Hawk Downhill Jam, which is described as "a frenzied downhill racing game and new direction for the Tony Hawk franchise," is more than likely one title, with the other two being left to speculation.
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May 6th, 2006, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
Dynastab Posted this news/release:
Just to let you all know, I pretty much finalized my second Game of Life port on the DS. It's a work of art and fun as hell in my opinion. Please check the screenshots, read the instructions, explore the possibilities and give me some feedback! Any comment please!
*Fixed: Better defaults. Final Menu. Please change the color sliders to start the journey.
More info at his site and Download Via The Comments
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May 6th, 2006, 13:32 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has again updated the IRC app for the DS, heres whats new:
-Added ability to control keyboard/enter text using D-pad/A (scroll message windows with X/B now instead)
-Press SELECT to flip screens
-Scrolling text boxes (eg. list of nicks in channels)
-Fix QUIT messages
-Clip textboxes properly when text is too long
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May 6th, 2006, 13:33 Posted By: wraggster
Thoduv posted this:
Hi !
Now it’s true, i’ve managed to connect MSN with my DS, and it works perfectly !
SSL (secured) connection (yeah, SSL on DS )
Contacts list
Messages (not fully working)
I’ve just a problem about message that are forked in multiples packets, but it won’t take long to fix.
Ndsim is progressing !
Edit 11pm: It appears that Dswifi TCP isn’t “stable” enough to handle correctly SSL connection. After a few tests with big contactlists, it also appears that some data sent by the server isn’t received by the DS (sgstair says that his TCP lost data when some buffers are fulls). Perhaps I’m going to have to wait the next release of Dswifi in order to get MSN correctly working, I don’t know, I’m going to do more testings
More info --> http://thoduv.drunkencoders.com/
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May 6th, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
Dynastab posted this:
This is barebones stripped template to show you exactly what you need to change to add mod support to any project. It sounds like it uses the best possible MOD processor. Very good quality, all effects supported (i believe). It’s also VERY VERY easy to use thanks to LiraNuna. Furthermore, it doesn’t affect arm9 performance AT ALL, arm7 completely handles it, besides saying Play, Stop, etc.
Grep for ModDemoAdded for the important (and sometimes out of the way) lines that were added.
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May 6th, 2006, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Dynastab posted this:
Here’s a quick and dirty Mandelbrot creator and source. Nothing special until it gets heavily optimized. Press A to zoom…ya its rudimentary.
*Updated, DPad support, zooming support, and iteration count support. X/Y/A/B/DPad
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May 6th, 2006, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster

GPF has ported Robotfindskitten to the Nintendo DS, heres some info:
based on PSP port by Trevor Wilson
Original version by Leonard Richardson
Official robotfindskitten site: http://robotfindskitten.org
How to Play
You are robot. Find kitten. There are things lying around which are not kitten. Touch them to figure out which is which.
I spent about 10 minutes porting this from the psp version. Anyway, it should be full of bugs. Please fix them if you find any problems.
Download at GPFs Site here --> http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/robotfindskitten.shtml
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May 6th, 2006, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
ETK has released his Megaman Clone for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
This is only a beta of MegaETk which includes one test level.
There are currently 2 weapons (without including "no weapon")
Things I have to change:
-Fix collision on top of the screen (couldn't find the mistake yet)
-Hero Animation (the gfx)
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May 6th, 2006, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSFanboy
Quite possibly one of those "purple monkey dishwasher" instances, supposedly Sir Miyamoto commented to a journalist of the French variety that a new title would be debuted for the DS at the company's E3 press conference. This mystery title, if the post linked is to be believed, will be very similar to once-hot, now-not franchise Starfox.
Everyone is already going wild on the internet speculating that it is none other than the infamous Starfox 2, a game that was supposedly in finished beta form, yet never released due to the age of the hardware. Sir Shig's comment, which is supposedly this, when translated mentions nothing about this, so believe what you will.
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May 6th, 2006, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
Are you the kind of person who likes to purchase figurines of popular characters in some of gamings most highly-regarded franchises? Well, this post is for you! First 4 Figures recently acquired a three-year license to create statued representations of some of the more popular characters in the Metroid universe, namely from the Metroid Prime series of games. The statues will be "approximately 9 to 12 inches tall and will retail for $85 to $120 for single statues and $200 for high end VS dioramas." The breakdown on which statues are planned to be available at the time of this post is as follows:
Metroid Prime
Varia Suit
Metroid Prime 2
Light Suit
Dark Suit
Metroid Prime: Hunters
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May 6th, 2006, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
For those of you out there who enjoy taking the easy road, Xploder has just announced the release of their newest product the Nintendo DS Xploder Gamesaves. The product doesn't just limit you to cheating, however, as it offers a fully-functional game save management system that is controlled through their PC application and an included USB cable that hooks into your DS. So now you can archive game saves safely to your PC and delete saves you no longer need. There is also a built in RSS Feed to update you on the latest uploaded game saves online.
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May 6th, 2006, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Mugglenet
Nintendo Power, the official magazine of the video game giant Nintendo, revealed in its most recent issue that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was the topselling game for GameBoy Advanced in April.
This surprisingly high ranking comes as the Goblet video games turn six months old on May 10th. Thanks to Lucas for the tip!
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May 6th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a question to all the DS Homebrew fans out there and one that will help newcomers to the DS scene.
Which Nintendo DS Flash Cart or carts for that matter should be avoided by fans and newcomers, post your views via the comments.
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May 6th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has updated his Mail app for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
- Shape recognition from palib added
- some bug fixes for incorrectly displayed mails
- added debug message to config file write. please check if it is complete
Coming up: SSL and RSS. I'm also working with someone on another cool feature..stay tuned!
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May 6th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has updated moonshell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
Whats new:
Renewed Setup.exe.
MoonShell is possible to start from the M3 menu with A button. It referred 'Pepsiman-M3powerloader.zip'.
Fixed MS-Windows30Like skin. (Thank you Xtreme!)
readme(english).txt updated.
readme(finnish).txt updated.
readme(german).txt (fixed & saved to Unicode)
readme(russian).txt (saved to Unicode)
readme(spanish).txt (saved to Unicode)
readme(swedish).txt (saved to Unicode)
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May 7th, 2006, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
Agentq has released a new version of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:

Changes in this version:
New games supported: Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins, and Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
Added support for Supercard SD and M3 SD.
Added new DS Options menu (hit select to use it).
Added touchscreen offset options.
Added new touchscreen reading code from libnds.
Fixed screen size issues in FM-TOWNS games.
Moved to the latest ScummVM codebase from their SVN repository.
Made on-screen keyboard work anywhere in the game.
Fixed build issues to use the ScummVM makefiles.
Fixed Sam & Max memory issues.
Fixed Loom CD audio problems.

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May 7th, 2006, 12:00 Posted By: wraggster
lazmike posted this news/release:
It's been a while, so I thought a small demo would be a nice news posting. XOR textures are very simple to create,
More info
"Displays a rotating cube with a xor texture.
Just a simple demo to test if you're copying your texture incorrectly to the VRAM. "
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May 7th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
IGN have posted the first worldwide review of New Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo DS:
Heres an excerpt:
Damn, does it feel good to go back to Mario's roots. Don't get me wrong - Super Mario 64 was an important and integral step for Nintendo's plumber hero to take, what with the company essentially being the trailblazer in the world of 3D platforming. But in moving forward, rising expectations pretty much dictated that Nintendo shouldn't look back, so the classic sidescrolling formula was simply relegated to "classic" status, only returning in retro repeats of existing games on current systems and, occasionally, as spin-off franchises for other Nintendo characters. An official Super Mario game would have to be something special for it to exist on a current Nintendo system, which is why the release of New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS is so significant: it absolutely is something special. This game marks a brilliant return to Mario's side-scrolling environments, with a look, feel, and play that feels unbelievably classic, with new elements that do a fantastic job advancing the design.
The Conclusion
9.0 Presentation
The only letdown is that the extras are recycled mini-games from Super Mario 64 DS. Outside of that, this game is ridiculously well designed.
9.0 Graphics
Really slick hybrid 2D/3D engine enables level designers to pull off some awesome effects and gameplay elements, stuff that just weren't possible back in the 2D days.
9.0 Sound
Classic Mario soundtrack with the enhancement of Mario vocals to begin and cap off each level.
10 Gameplay
Absolutely brilliant platforming action that takes what Nintendo's built an empire on, and adding so much more to it. It's not a tremendous challenge, but the game is fun as hell from start to end.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
If you just want to blow through the game from first castle to final battle, it's over in just a few hours. But there's so much more, including hidden levels and single cart multiplayer challenges.
Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Read the full excellent review at IGN Here --> http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/705/705537p1.html
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May 8th, 2006, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
An Xbox Hardware Hacker has modded an XBox Controller so that a PSP or DS could control the system.
Sounds Wacky but check it out HERE
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May 8th, 2006, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has again updated the IRC app for the DS, heres whats new:
-Fixed Shift/Capslock hanging program
-Clear VRAM on load, may solve M3 graphics corruption
-Add Kick command/button
-Specify default nickname & channel in config file
-Set message window on top screen explicitly
-New text input method: flip screens & touch words to put them in buffer
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May 8th, 2006, 07:26 Posted By: wraggster
via Engadget
The TIME Wii tell-all has confirmed that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will feature Wiimote-specific functionality. TIME, trippin' off a self-confessed Errol Flynn flashback -- now that's old school! -- got a chance to use the Wii controller to sword fight, aim a bow and arrow, and reel in a "stubborn virtual fish."
While the details of the play-test where limited, the revelation suggests that Twilight Princess will play a major role in the Wii launch lineup. Twilight Princess is no longer a Wii-functional GameCube title. Uh-uh, Zelda just upgraded to next-gen status.
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May 8th, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
via Joystiq
TIME recently spent a "hot minute" with Wii's WarioWare. It's more of the same, that is, "manic five-second mini games ... [with] a zany, cartoonish, game- show bent," but now it's all controlled with the wiimote. Just imagine the (reinvented) possibilities:
Swat flies
Squat-thrusts (weightlifting)
Turn a key in a lock
Catch a fish
Drive a car
Sauté some vegetables
Balance a broom on an outstretched hand
Color in a circle
Fence with a foil
Dance the hula
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May 8th, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
At its press conference on Tuesday, Nintendo will officially unveil its next-generation console, the Wii. It is expected that executives will demonstrate the console's full set of functionalities, which is known to include the now-famous "nunchaku" motion-sensing controller. The company will also likely reveal the official titles of previously announced first-party games, such as Super Smash Bros. and Metroid Prime 3, as well as possibly revealing some new Wii titles.
Today, though, some of Nintendo's press-conference thunder was stolen when the first copies of Time arrived on newsstands. The May 15 issue of the magazine has a lengthy article on the Wii, titled "A Game For All Ages," by technology correspondent Lev Grossman.
Grossman traveled to Nintendo's headquarters in Kyoto, Japan, and was shown the Wii by legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. The reporter was especially impressed with the Wii's controller. "It's part laser pointer and part motion sensor, so it knows where you're aiming it, when and how fast you move it and how far it is from the TV screen," he said. "There's a strong whiff of voodoo about it."
More importantly for Nintendo fans, the Time article revealed several key pieces of information about Wii games. First, Grossman described using the Wii playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. "Now I'm Errol Flynn, sword fighting with the controller, then aiming a bow and arrow, then using it as a fishing rod, reeling in a stubborn virtual fish," he said. While Nintendo confirmed the much-anticipated GameCube title would have some Wii functionality, this is the first official description of what said functionality is.
Time also revealed the existence of not one, but two previously unknown Wii games. First up was the first next-generation installment in the popular WarioWare series. While he didn’t give a title for the game, Grossman did describe its gameplay in detail. "In one hot minute, I use the controller to swat a fly, do squat-thrusts as a weight lifter, turn a key in a lock, catch a fish, drive a car, sauté some vegetables, balance a broom on my outstretched hand, color in a circle and fence with a foil," said Grossman. "And yes, dance the hula."
Besides discussing how the next Madden NFL game will play on the Wii, the reporter also describes playing an unnamed tennis game. "The controller becomes a racket, and I'm smacking forehands and stroking backhands," he said. "The sensors are fine enough that you can scoop under the ball to lob it, or slice it for spin. At the end, I don't so much put the controller down as have it pried from my hands."
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May 8th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Atari today announced a deal which sees the European publisher enter into partnership with Japanese publisher NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. to co-publish a range of handheld titles in Europe. The relationship will bear fruit in summer 2006 with the European release of a number of games previously launched in the US and/or Japan. The five titles for Nintendo Game Boy Advance™ and one for Nintendo DS™ were released in the US in 2005 and are coming to Europe for the first time.
“Thanks to our extensive European distribution network, European gamers will be able to discover and play these games for the first time this summer,” said Jean-Michel Perbet, President, Atari Europe.
Details of the first six titles to be released in Europe are as follows:
Ace Combat Advance™ (GBA) The renowned licence comes to GBA, with 12 new missions of tactical airborne combat across detailed, destructible environments.
Atomic Betty™ (GBA) Based on the cartoon series and stuffed with action, puzzles, rocket ships, gadgets, weapons and five playable characters each with their own unique skills.
Popeye™: Rush for Spinach (GBA) The spinach-loving hero hits the smallest screen alongside Olive Oyl, Wimpy and Brutus to compete in frantic races across detailed landscapes. Features four player link mode multiplayer.
Sigma Star Saga™ (GBA) An epic space battle RPG combining the rich storyline and exploration of an RPG with an action-packed shooter battle system.
Rebelstar: Tactical Command™ (GBA) An enhanced and engrossing turn-based strategy game incorporating advanced abilities and tactics, destructible environments and 2-player tactical battles.
Dig Dug™ Digging Strike™ (NDS) Combines gameplay from the original Dig Dug and Dig Dug II and makes use of the NDS dual screen to deliver a range of fun stages, cool weapons and all-new mini-games.
For more information about Atari’s entire product line up, visit www.atari.com.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
THQ Inc. (Nasdaq: THQI) today announced "BRATZTM: Forever DiamondzTM" is expected to be available this fall for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo GameCubeTM, Game Boy® Advance and, for the first time, the Nintendo DSTM. The game will be based on the new "BRATZ: Forever Diamondz" fashion doll line, as well as the new "BRATZ: Passion 4 FashionTM -- Diamondz" DVD feature movie that are scheduled to launch at retail later this year. The "BRATZ: Forever Diamondz" video game will mark the second title under THQ's worldwide interactive agreement with MGA Entertainment, the manufacturers of the wildly popular BRATZ fashion dolls.
"THQ is thrilled with the success of last year's "Bratz: Rock Angelz" video game which has shipped more than one million units and was a top video game for girls in 2005," said John Ardell, director, global brand management, THQ. "The Bratz property is the perfect fit for the growing market of younger female gamers and we're excited to be working with MGA on a brand new title to coincide with their upcoming fashion doll and DVD movie launch."
"MGA is excited to work with THQ in adapting the upcoming line, "Bratz: Forever Diamondz," into an interactive video game adventure that fans of the dolls can enjoy," said Isaac Larian, chief executive officer, MGA Entertainment. "The success of last year's "Bratz: Rock Angelz" video game illustrates the popularity of the Bratz property, and we look forward to continuing that success with "Bratz: Forever Diamondz."
In "BRATZ: Forever Diamondz," YasminTM, CloeTM, SashaTM and JadeTM are back for a brand new adventure that sends them across the country in search of the hottest young fashion designer. Players will experience unique adventures through each of the four playable characters, while exploring detailed open world environments, to compete in the "America Rocks Fashion" TV show. Fans will discover brand new features including a figure skating competition and the ability to adopt a pet to train, dress, accessorize and showcase in competitions.
"BRATZ: Forever Diamondz" will be on display in THQ Booth No. 1324 in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) May 10-12.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a premier developer and licensor of entertainment content in the interactive space, and Eidos Interactive, one of the world’s leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, have signed an agreement for the North American and European distribution of Tom and Jerry Tales™ for Nintendo DS™ system and Game Boy® Advance system, launching in Fall 2006.
In Tom and Jerry Tales, vast and colorful environments allow players to experience the struggle between cat and mouse fans have enjoyed for decades. The game features the classic high jinks of Tom and Jerry along with an original art style. Gamers take on the role of Jerry, whose antics lead the housecat Tom into trouble. With Tom hot on his trail, the gamer relies on both sharp reflexes and strategy as Jerry to avoid booby traps and achieve each level’s goal to return to the mouse hole safely.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sierra Entertainment has announced the development of The Legend of SpyroTM A New Beginning, the latest installment to the 17 million-unit-selling Spyro® franchise, coming this Fall to the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Xbox® video game and entertainment system, Nintendo GameCubeTM, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo DSTM. The completely new Spyro adventure, featuring gameplay focused heavily on dynamic action and fast-paced combat, uncovers the true origin of Spyro the Dragon as he evolves into a living, breathing weapon of explosive destruction! This epic story of Spyro's quest to discover his roots and realize his destiny is amazingly brought to life by leading Hollywood voice-over cast members Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy) as the new voice of Spyro; David Spade (The Benchwarmers) as Spyro's sidekick Sparx the dragonfly; and Gary Oldman (Sirius Black from the Harry Potter films) as Ignitus, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
In The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning, players will experience the awesome power of the purple dragon as they unleash devastating fury attacks, upgradeable breaths and ground-to-aerial melee combos in frenzied battles with hordes of menacing enemies and bone-chilling bosses. The action game also introduces a new dragon upgrade system, giving players the freedom to increase the power and variety of attacks to their liking. Developed by critically-acclaimed developers Krome Studios (console and Game Boy Advance) and Amaze Entertainment (Nintendo DS), The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning is scheduled to be released in October 2006.
"For the first time ever, The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning will reveal the origin of one of the most popular video game characters of all time," said Cindy Cook, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Vivendi Games. "With an entirely new game design centered on action and combat, coupled with a deep storyline that comes to life through the tremendous talent of our voice-over actors, The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning will deliver an explosive and exciting cinematic gameplay experience that Spyro fans and gamers of all ages will love."
The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning is scheduled to be available at retail in October 2006 for the PlayStation 2 system, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. For more information, please visit the game's official website at www.spyrothedragon.com.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
E3 wouldn't be E3 without the buzzing of rumours, passed on by people too impatient to wait for official announcements (that'll be all of us, then). The two most exciting that have tickled our ears thus far regard potential Xbox 360 exclusivity of psychological thriller Alan Wake, and a Wii-exclusive Star Wars game with lightsaber-style control via the, ah, Wii controller.
Alan Wake is a highly-tipped chiller from Max Payne developer Remedy. It promises Silent Hill-ish chills and a plotline about a haunted horror writer. It had previously been announced for next-generation consoles and PC, but gossips are now speculating that it's poised to be announced as a 360-exclusive game at E3 this week.
As for the Wii-exclusive Star Wars game, the rumour mongering is simply suggesting that the console's controller will deliver interactive lightsaber battles. But that's all you're getting. As we say, they're just rumours, but if there's any truth in them, rely on us to dish the details.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
As of now, the New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS is doing well with the critics. At the time of writing, the game held a 93% average review score.
IGN 95% - "Before New Super Mario Bros. entered my life, Yoshi's Island was, to me, the greatest platformer ever created. That title may now have to go to New Super Mario Bros."
GameDaily 90% - "On paper, New Super Mario Bros. is the kind of game that makes hardcore Nintendo fans get on their knees and weep in sheer joy over the eighty new levels of new 2D Mario action. If you're not already in that camp, New Super Mario Bros. is the kind of game to take you there."
GameBrink 91% - "In the end New Super Mario Bros. is a very fun and worthy if not short addition to the stellar Super Mario Bros. series. While it lasts, it's some of the best platforming to date and features what I consider to be the best Nintendo DS graphics to date."
Mario's latest installment launches on May 15.
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May 8th, 2006, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

With Golden Nugget Casino DS you'll have one of the most complete gambling experiences possible. With classic games like Blackjack, Craps and Roulette, plus Slots and Video Poker, you can brush up on your game or start from scratch and quickly learn all you need to know before that trip to Vegas.
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May 8th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
One of Japan's most well-known development tool providers is on board with Wii. CIR Middleware, maker of the popular ADX and Sofdec sound and video libraries, has started official support for Nintendo's "new generation" console via four libraries: CRI ADX, CRI Sofdec, CRI Sound Factory and CRI ROFS.
Of these, ADX and Sofdec should be most recognizable to gamers, as logos for both have been appearing at the startup of games as far back as the Sega Saturn. ADX allows for at most 16 simultaneous audio streams, as well as support for the playback of streams from multiple audio files. Sofdec allows for multiple movies to be displayed simultaneously, with video streams even used for textures.
On Wii, Sofdec will compress a 10 minute, 6Mbps (megabit per second) bit rate movie to 450MB. The Wii implementation will support 60 frames-per-second progressive movie playback.
The other two libraries aren't as well known. CRI Sound Factory is a sound authoring system. CRI ROFS is provides a virtual file system to developers.
All four development libraries are currently available for other game systems.
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May 8th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Supercard Team have announced a new Superpass 2 for the Nintendo DS, heres whats featured:
1. New shell design, more beautiful and easy to insert into and plug our from DS slot.
2. New switch, no so easy to broken.
3. Support All version NDS and NDS Lite.
4. Easy to use with the software on PC, just one button click to update the firmware of SuperPass 2.
5. Programmer also included.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has unsheathed its sword today in another cracker from its pre-show conference in the form of Dragon Quest Swords, a brand new title for Nintendo's Wii.
From the same series as the epic Dragon Quest VIII, Japan's all consuming monster RPG, Dragon Quest Swords is subtitled The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors and our man on the spot told us it was shown in trailer form only but described it as one amazing looking movie.
What's most intriguing is that Dragon Quest Swords will be in place for the Wii's launch before the end of this very year and the trailer was said to feature a heroic warrior fighting with a hideous monster in a darkened woodland setting, with the Wii's controller being used to direct sword strokes as he grappled with the beast.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced a brand new Wii project and in news that will delight Nintendo fans, the Japanese RPG giant confirmed a follow up to Crystal Chronicles for Nintendo Wii.
Following on from the GameCube Crystal Chronicles, Crystal Bearers will feature wi-fi elements and is expected to feature some extra features when linked with the also newly announced Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate for Nintendo DS.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix have shown no lack of Nintendo love in a pre E3 press conference. Minutes after announcing Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers for Wii, Square unveiled Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate for Nintendo DS.
Both games are expected to work together with wi-fi elements between Wii and DS.
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May 9th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Some speculative Wii details have begun hitting internet forums. From the post: "I just picked up the EGM issue with Zelda on the cover that I spoke about in the Nintendo conference. There are new Zelda shots, looks GREAT... There's also pics of Monkey Ball, Tony Hawk, Rayman and Red Steel."
Here's what else shows up in the thread:
$249 Price tag
Virtual Consoler (we knew this)
3d Controller (we knew this)
ALWAYS online (console is always online, even when OFF)
Built in speaker on the controller
Less than a day, and we'll know for sure or not how much of the above is true.
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May 9th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Check out the first screenshots of the new Tony Hawk Game for the Nintendo Wii
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May 9th, 2006, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
Want to see an early look at Nintendos Booth for E3, well heres the only shot youll get at the mo.
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May 9th, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
Birslip has updated his Multi game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
The Wifi and sound added, some bugs fixed!
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May 9th, 2006, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSFanboy
Siliconera, like many other sites (including this one, now) is taking note of a particularly juicy rumor currently scurrying about in the air vents of the internet. It states that Nintendo has picked up the ridiculously frantic and exuberant music-and-rhythm game, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! for a North American release. For the uninformed and importing depraved, it depicts the adventures of a motley group of cheerleaders parading about and encouraging people to succeed as they go about performing mundane tasks in their lives. Naturally, the game's concept and original name has passed through the butchering translation machine to produce Elite Agent Force.
That doesn't sound generic at all.
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May 9th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 and Xbox 360 thought they had it all, but they don't. Fresh from yesterday's Sonic footage on both those consoles, Sega has announced that the Sex Pistols haircut-sporting hedgehog will be haring onto the Nintendo Wii in Sonic Wild Fire (working title).
It's the first solo adventure for the character since 1991's original Sonic The Hedgehog, challenging the fellow to recreate the last chapters of the classic Arabian Nights tale. We're promised a "refreshing new look" filled with "brightly colored mosaic tiles, glistening oases, swaying palm trees, and crumbling stone columns."
Advertisement:The key onus, however, will be on how this Wii exclusive will adapt to the console's controller. According to Sega of America, the game breathes "untapped freedom in gameplay and control", with gamers tilting the horizontal controller to steer Sonic left and right. You'll also be able to fling it forward (while still holding it, we hope), which will activate a dash attack for falling enemies and smashing barriers.
There is also the promise of "unique controller-focused mini-games" with multiplayer options. Super. Sonic Wild Fire will be available next year, we imagine, quite close to the console's launch.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted News that they have the DS Media Player in stock but in short supply, heres some info about the DS Media Player:

MAX Media Player turns your Nintendo DS into a powerful home entertainment device, with movie playback, music on the move and a convenient picture viewer.
At the heart of MAX Media Player for DS is Datel’s exclusive MAX Media Player. Just insert the cartridge into your DS’s game slot, and boot up our fully featured browser. From here, you can play your MP3 audio tracks, watch videos and view your JPEGs on your DS’s screen.
MAX Media Player for DS comes supplied with a 4GB hard drive unit, which you plug into your DS’sGBA cartridge slot. It draws its power directly from the DS – no additional batteries are needed. And 4GB is a lot of storage space. Enough, in fact, for up to ten full-length movies. Or over a thousand music tracks. Or thousands of digital pictures.
First of all, you connect your MAX Media Player HDD unit to your PC with the USB cable supplied. Open the Media Manager PC application (also supplied), and use it to transfer your media to the 4GB hard drive. It’s easy – the PC application even converts movies to a format your MAX Media Player can understand, and resizes your digital images so they fit perfectly on the DS screen. Now you can kill time on that long journey by watching movies on the move or listening to your favourite sounds. You can take your digital holiday snaps round your granny’s or down the pub without printing them out too!
More info at Divineo UK
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May 9th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia
Weekly Special: Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (incl. drum controller) for GameCube™ at US$ 19.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: DK has to brave the dangers of the jungle to rescue his simian pals! Grab a set of DK Bongos and use them to guide Donkey Kong through wild jungle environments brimming with ravenous enemies and challenging obstacles.
The control is in the bongos -- tap the bongos, do a drum roll, or even clap to control DK on the screen as you battle enormous beasts, collect bananas, get in boxing matches with rivals and ride animals and vehicles!
Nintendo's music action platform game Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is now available at discounted US$ 19.90 only. This version contains an official drum controller.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 1 unit per customer. As a small restriction, please also notice that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
On a side note, if you are only looking for a spare copy of the game without the bongos, Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is priced at US$ 12.90 only.
Buy Now at Play Asia
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May 9th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new Comercial DS Game:

From the 2006 DreamWorks Animation film Over The Hedge comes this new action/adventure from Activision. Gamers assume the role of characters including RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk, and explore a suburban neighborhood filled with traps and other various obstacles.

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May 9th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new Commercial GBA Game:

From the 2006 DreamWorks Animation film Over The Hedge comes this new title from Activision. Gamers assume the role of characters including RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk, and explore a suburban neighborhood filled with traps and other various obstacles.
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May 9th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new Commercial Gamecube Game:

Over The Hedge takes players on an interactive adventure beyond the story seen in the film. Assuming the roles of RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk, players turn a suburban neighborhood loaded with dangerous obstacles and traps into their own personal playground. Numerous puzzles and mini-games keep fans busy as they switch between two of the four main characters or engage in two player co-op with friends. Take on multiple side challenges to win energy-filled snacks or powered-up weapons and items
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May 9th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Spacy has released a new Build of the Best GBA Emulator for windows, heres whats new:
<blockquote>Win32 / Win64 :
* various files :
- increased 64 bit compatibility
- created Visual Studio 2005 solution
- created static versions of the library dependencies (currently only used by VS2005)
- updated MFC to version 8 (VS2005)
* vbavista.ico
- created modern looking GBA icon for Windows XP and Windows Vista (256x256xRGBA) using Microangelo.
* UniVideoModeDlg.cpp, UniVideoModeDlg.h
- created one dialog for all display APIs
- supports additional display adapter and frequency selection
* GDIDisplay.cpp
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rednering system
* Direct3D.cpp
- updated to Direct3D 9
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rendering system
* DirectDraw.cpp
- changed DirectDraw initialization
- better full screen support
* OpenGL.cpp
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rendering system
* Joypad.cpp, Joypad.h
- speeded up the key capture timer</blockquote>
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May 9th, 2006, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another GBA emulator updated, heres whats new:
<blockquote>- nds/tcm: reset during emulation does reinit memaccess_list (and rebuild_tcm)
- gba/video: selectable GBA (dark), GBA-SP (med), DS-in-GBA-mode (bright) colors
- nds/video: emulates backlight on/off/dimming (rgb_xlat per screen / machine)
- nds/setup: optionally allocates debug-ver 8MB main memory (with reset/remount)
- nds/help: described wifiwaitcnt (port 4000206h), and displayed it in f10-iomap
- nds/help: spi 16bit mode bugged (only each 2nd byte appears in 8bit-spidata)
- nds/iomap: added 32bit auxspi register in iomap (formerly 8bit whatever 1a1h)
- nds/aux: emulates auxspi port (that still without any backup-memory emulated)
- nds/help: added cartridge backup chapter, and auxspi in cart ports and iomaps
- nds/realtime: raised from 50% to 100% speed (delays only on arm9, not on arm7)
- nds/video: emulates alpha-flag (0=transparent) for direct color BG bitmaps
- nds/iomap: expanded bg#cnt charbase value to bit2-5 (unlike GBA-style bit2-3)
- nds/help: added debug_exception_vectors in irq chapter (27FFD9Ch and 380FFDCh)
- nds/reset: stable multiple_ready initialization (libnds crashed each-2nd-boot)
- nds/debug: allows stackinfo at non-3000000h region (ie. var nds9 dtcm region)
- nds/metroid: metroid demo intro-movie is now working (bg bitmap & bitmap obj)
- nds/iomap: fixed displayed sqrt_result register value (addr 2B4h instead 2A4h)
- nds/iomap: fixed soundcnt and soundbias registers (addr 50Xh instead ecx+50Xh)
- nds/video: fixed bitmap obj emulation (also displayed in vram viewer oam page)
- nds/help: corrected 2D Bitmap OBJ description (boundary=8x8, not boundary=32)
- nds/video: emulates vram-display-mode (used for metroid intro / upper screen)
- nds/irq/bios: nds-irq-handlers working without copy of real nds-bios-image
- profiler: goto function always applied to CODE window (not data/stack window)
- nds/profiler: treats FFFF0018h as nds9-irq (unlike 00000018h for gba/nds7)
- nds/emudetail: higher emulation accuracy for read/write-able POSTFLG bits
- nds/bugfix: fixed SWP opcode (metroid) (ecx was destroyed by anytcm handler)</blockquote>
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May 9th, 2006, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
Coverage of the Live Nintendo Wii Event via Gamespot
<blockquote>9:38: Red Steel is on now. Another player makes slashing motions with his controller. Miyamoto goes back to conducting to electronic orchestral music. Reggie welcomes the crowd with If you're looking for the next genereation, you're in the wrong place. We're not just next, we're new. It's no longer confined to the few. It's about everyone. What you see is now always what you get. Playing is believing.
9:42: Video demo running now. Begins with Pixar rip-off Wii ad, with the bouncing lights. Hip kids and others use the controller to play drums, tennis, golf, play maestro, race cars, MARIO! Speaker in controller confirmed.
9:43: Mario fights a giant Octoboss in a pit of lava. A kid flies a biplane with the Wiimote. Metroid FPS shown.
9:43:: Table Tennis with wiimote - take that rockstar.
timsaky@mac.com (9:43:37 AM): Now they're showing wacky Japanese party games include paper sredding, key unlocking, squats???
9:43: Two-player ping-pong, a track meet game, a range of mini-games incorporating the controller (hula hoop, broom balancing), baseball, more Red Steel...
9:44: ...and here's Link!
9:45: Link is fishing with nunchuku. Player nearly falls out of his chair as the crowd goes ballistic. Zelda is confirmed for 2006. Reggie back on stage.
9:46:Today you will see, and tomorrow you will start to feel. He says that Nintendo will offer up inspiration rather than information this week.
9:47: Now Reggie is talking about the fact that many gamers know people who have ever played a video game. He says his has to change.
9:47: Reggie notes there are some questions that people probably want to ask: pricing/availability, why the name, why so different? Reggie pooh-poohs incremental improvements. That strategy works, but ultimately it's fatal.
9:49: In the same way that Mario 64 changed everything, we ask, how can we make games feel new again? Reggie says there won't be a price announced today.
9:50: As for date and price, we think its best to keep those details quiet a little longer. You will play Wii in the fourth quarter of 2006. That was met with tepid applause; the crowd wanted more details.
9:50: About the name: We want to thank all the people that wrote good things about it the first time they heard it...both of you. Audience laughs. Name chosen to stress inclusiveness--all of us, all gamers, around the world. Promises more news on third-party partners later in this event and on the E3 show floor.
9:51: A video is shown: Metroid again, then Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest (Sword game announced ysterday by Square Enix), Fire Emblem, here's Mario again in a platformer. A Tony Hawk game, Sengoku Action from Koei.
9:54: Disaster Day of Crisis. SongeBob. Cars. Super Mario Galaxy. SD Gundam Breaker. Tony Hawk Downhill Jam. Excite Truck (RC Pro Am look-alike) Red Steel. Rayman 4. Super Swing Golf Pangya. Sonic Wild Fire. Project Hammer. One Piece Limited Adventure. Madden. Just Madden. No 07. FF Crystal Chronicles.
9:56: Twilight Princess--It is by far the best Zelda game we have ever made, also the most beautiful. Zelda will launch alongside Wii. First look coming right now. Nate and Bill from NOA going to play Zelda on the Wii. Movement on Nunchuk. Weapons, items are mapped to d-pad on remote.
9:57: When you shoot an arrow, you'll hear the bowstring twang at your ear from the speaker in the remote. Other developers also have a lot of ideas for how to use this speaker. There's a built-in rumble feature. Sony gave this up for their six-axis motion detection.
9:59: Link's iron boots return too, this time used in combination with magnets. They show Link using the iron boots and a magnetic ceiling to travel around a room.
10:02: Reggie back on stage on elevated platform. Nintendo will launch two different versions of Zelda - one for Wii, one for GC. The game will come out for both GC and Wii on the same day: the Wii launch day.
10:03:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption clip shown, it's dubbed the most intuitive FPS ever. Then it's more Super Mario Galaxy.
10:04: But can the system truly be new if all the names are the same? That's why we're working on new franchises, he says. ExciteTruck, Project H.A.M.M.E.R. (a beat-'em up), and Disaster, which looks like an action game.
10:05 Now Reggie seques into 3rd-party efforts, saying he'll introduce just a few of the games in development for Wii. Sonic! Gameplay footage of the hedgehog's Wii game. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, as announced by Square Enix yesterday, is coming to Wii.
10:06: And Madden 07 is coming to Wii, as is Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam from Activision. And Rayman from Ubisoft. A Wii SpongeBob game is coming from THQ. 27 Wii games are playable on the show floor. Of course, that doesn't include the games available for Virtual Console. Reggie introduces two Ubisoft executives, who will talk about Red Steel.
10:08 They are Xavier Poix and Roman Campos. The stage has now taken a nice red color. Player is doing something on screen, but we can't see the game footage. Ah there it is finally. They describe Red Steel as a first-person action game set in both the US and Japan. It takes full advantage of the Wii controller.
10:10: They're showing actual gameplay, though it's not clear what the game is running on--an actual console or development hardware. AI on enemies seems a bit dim. Player flicks nunchuck to reload. Levels incliude city streets full of neon and a pachinko arcade.
10:13: Z-button on Wiimote fires gun. Freestyle mode allows player to target enemies in slow motion, opting to shoot them fatally or disable them.
10:14: Now they're showing some swordplay. They describe swordfighting as intuitive. You block with your left hand and slash with the right. In the game, the player is fighting a tatooed Yakuza member on a rooftop. Now Reggie is back. He wants to turn the focus to the DS, and introduces George Harrison.
10:14: Harrison describes the DS as a disruptive device that shook up dominant thinking with a different approach to portable play. Harrison says that despite claims from detractors, it wasn't just the early adopters that came to the DS--the games brought a much broader slice of users to the handheld. Claims 16 million DSs sold worldwide since launch, a number that's millions more than PSPs sold since launch.
10:16: 1.3 million people have participated in WiFi gaming over DS. Harrison speaks on Brain Age: 120,000 units sold in North America in the three week since it launched here. Says this compares favorably to Japan sales when it launched there.
10:18: And now Harrison is talking about the DS Lite, set to come to the US soon. Gives some love to New Super Mario Brothers, which he notes will be on shelves soon. Other upcoming games: Starfox DS, Diddy Kong Racing and Yoshi's Island 2.
10:19: Final Fantasy III is coming to US on DS with improved 3D graphics. No release dates on any of these. Downhill Jam will feature VOIP. Zelda DS clip shown. 100 new DS games expected between now and end of year.
10:20:Mario Hoops 3 on 3 named. Star Fox DS clip shown. A pink DS lite is on the video. A game called Elite Beat Agents. Clips of Yoshi's Island show baby Nintendo charcters.
10:23: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Diddy Kong Racing, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Big Brain Academy and Mario vs. DK: March of the Minis finish up the clips. Now Satoru Iwata has appeared on stage. He's greeted by enthusiastic applause.
10:23: Iwata says his main goal when he took over the helm of Nintendo was to expand the number of people who play games. To do this, he needed to attract both those who used to play but then quit as well as those who have never gamed.
10:23: To get both types of non-gamers to play his games, the usual model of producing increasingly more complex, more graphically detailed games won't work; these gamers are put off by increased complexity. Instead, he decided to reinvent games. The DS and especially the Brain Age games are one example of how they've reinvented games. The Wii controller is another example. In addition, most lapsed gamers have wonderful memories of the games they used to play. Hence, the Virtual console.
10:28: The Wii console uses the Opera browser!
10:28: I have always been develpoing and playing games. But these days I am busier and busier. When I have to wait for a loading screen I get frustrated. Maybe this has happened to you, too. If serious gamers find this frustrating, how can we expect the mass market to show more patience? The Wii console can power up and load virtual console games almost as fast as a telephone, in a few seconds.
10:29: Now he's talking about something called WiiConnect24. The console can be connected 24/7, allowing developers to push content to consoles even while you are sleeping. Networking software is included in the hardware.
10:30: We're aiming for a system that is ew everyday.
10:30: Finally, we wanted to reach people who had never played games. The new console and controllers are very important, but most important is the software. We needed games that allow core gamers and non-gamers to happily and immediately compete with each other.
10:31: One package addressing that need is WiiSports, a game including tennis, golf, and baseball, that will be be a launch title. He promises to help destroy the wall between gamers and non-gamers. Wii can provide everyone with fresh new experiences.
10:33: Iwata exits to more applause and Reggie returns. Reggie says We'd like to invite all of you up on stage to play. That can't happen, but they do have three people selected through Nintendo's promotion with AOL.
10:33: Miyamoto will select one final grand prize winner to play the Wii onstage. Miyamoto comes to the stage, says that the game to be played is tennis. He gives a demonstration, holding the remote like a racket. Twisting the remote while swinging yields topspin.
10:35: Miyamoto pulls an envelope from his jacket and reads the name...The winner is...Scott Dyer. Scott comes up from the audience, all smiles. He's going to play doubles with Miyamoto. They're going to play doubles against Reggie and Iwata.
10:36: The game features avatars of Reggie, Iwata, and Miyamoto, with a big question mark on a body for the contest winner. When the audience sees the personalized avatars, there's general laughter.
10:37: They're only playing three points. Dyer burns Reggie with a cross court shot. Another one. His angles are Wimbledon-worthy. It looks like the Miyamoto/Dyer team won, and they decide on a rematch. The second game is tied...no, Miyamoto takes game point for his second win. Tennis will be playable on show floor.
10:39 Reggie: The bottom line of every E3 is what's hot and what's not. Here's our take. What's hot is what you can feel... It's about the heat of emotion, not the chill of technology... We were the disruptor 20 years ago and we still are today. DS was only the first example. Wii will come next. He says Nintendo knows that seeing is just an impression. Playing is believing and tells the audience he hopes he will see them all on the show floor tomorrow.</blockquote>
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May 9th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
Perhaps you heard a loud rumbling sound several moments after our friend, Krazy Kutaragi, took the stage at the Sony E3 press conference and revealed what was, according to him, a big "secret" regarding the new old and improved PS3 controller. The source of the noise was undoubtedly the countless gamers rolling their eyes in unison at a new "innovation" that, if you're at all interesting in gaming, is unlikely to have struck you as very innovative at all. It's arguable that Nintendo's Wii merely uses parts that have been around for ages and isn't particularly innovative in that sense, but it's difficult not to raise an eyebrow when a competing console manufacturer decides to implement a control interface that, until recently, was considered unorthodox. It was pretty shameless.
But there's no need to be pointing fingers and gyroscopic contraptions in an effort to blame one for stealing from the other. A better reaction would be to consider how the two devices compare, though the technical qualities are less important than the factors related to gaming. Consider that Nintendo's system has been built to utilize the more wobust wiimote right from the start, with every single game being created to take advantage of the primary controller in some way or another. The Sony press conference gave the impression that the opposite was true with the PS3, with Phil Harrison stating that Warhawk had been "adapted" to take advantage of the Dual Shake's newly announced abitlies. How late was the decision made to add the new functionality to the controller? My guess is that the idea can't have been implemented too long ago, as none of the other PS3 games at the conference seemed to make use of motion sensing. In which case it seems that, at least initially, the Wii wil simply have a greater quantity of games that boast integration with the unique controller. Given the increased development time, it's fair to expect Nintendo's first volley of games to be a good deal more intricate in those regards as well.
Sony's strategy of combining a traditional controller with a weird one is valid (it's an added feature, after all), but it may end up being more limiting, almost to the same degree that Nintendo's controller is limiting when it comes to traditional controls. While Nintendo's controller allows for more aerobic activities such as swinging a sword and aiming a gun (note the examples my violent mind immediately conjures up), the Dual Shake's design makes that sort of thing somewhat less practical. This not only puts a confinement on what developers can do, essentially forcing a balance between traditional and non-traditional controls, but puts Sony in an unpleasant position of being put alongside a competitor that's likely to have a much cheaper product. If you want to play unique games built upon motion sensing concepts, it's clear which system is the better choice (hint: the cheaper one).
On the other wand-waving hand, however, one could argue that those who prefer traditional games and have less interest in unusual mechanics would be far better off with a system that, in a sense, offers a glimpse of both worlds. As always, it boils down to the games and how well each system takes advantage of its specific capabilities. The Wii doesn't have much choice in that area, but the PS3 does run the danger of having a host of games that have tacked-on motion sensing functionality as opposed to more elaborate experiences. But then, the games on the PS3 don't depend on the controller nearly as much as Wii titles do. It'll be interesting to see which games will make the most out of the controllers they're given and we expect to be able to add more to this discussion after Nintendo's press conference . Nothing stopping you from adding to it right now, though.
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May 9th, 2006, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Dynastab posted several updates of his Homebrew for the DS, heres what he posted:
I've added new updates to my site. Just some little hacks, at least one or two of which someone might find useful (thats the goal.)
MandelBrot Cube, a laZmike Cube Demo Hack. Pretty nifty if just showing how to modify texture memory real time and use transparency in 3d. Source included.
Life Cube, a laZmike Cube Demo Hack. Flood fill of color cycling life exploding in perfect 3 dimensional symmetry about each face is a sight to be seen imo. Binary included.
Sub Pixel Font Class, a Sylfurd SPFD hack. I've moved Sylfurd's Sub Pixel font renderer into a more easily useable class. Should be useful to someone! Source included.
DynaStabs Template. I've created my own template that should come useful when I start new projects in the future. It's easier to remove includes and lines of code than copy headers, edit make files, and such each time for the same basic functions. Source included.
Please leave a comment, good or bad. Also looking for advice on stopping tearing with massive amounts of texture updates. bLaStY's glTexImage2D hack?
More info etc at his site here --> http://dynastab.drunkencoders.com/
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May 9th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sgstair posted this news:
I thought I might mention that I’ve put some thought into the new DSTunnel protocol, and have written up some basic documentation on how I want the protocol to work, what kind of messages will be present, and how the system should behave. When I get some time I’ll be properly putting this into code, and hopefully getting a bug-free implementation going this time - some of the premises of the protocol have changed since last attempt, this one will act as a cross between a true p2p udp network and a server-client network, based on configuration and network ability… it will determine whether a p2p or client/server system is more effective based on connection speeds and lag times, and configure the network in an attempt to create the best performance for an arbitrary group of peers.
Additionally, since I know a bit more about what I’m up against now, I’ve designed some mechanisms in the protocol that will make managing some aspects of timing a lot easier… no idea if they’ll work as well as I hope, but they should at least work better than last attempt (which uh, really screwed a lot of timing stuff up) - Also I’ve designed the interface between the transport protocol and the hardware interface to be a lot more streamlined, and I will probably introduce a simple plugin system so people can write their own custom servers easily.
All this when I have time….
More info --> http://blog.akkit.org/
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May 9th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
BigRedPimp posted this news:
My good friend MrMr[iCE] has made a web-based editor for Lox which I’ve been tweaking. Also, WinterMute (of devkitPro fame) has made an editor for use on the NDS. It will save to any device (I hope) that uses Chishm’s FAT libraries (GBAMP, MK2/MK3, SC SD/CF, etc).
More info --> http://dsdev.bigredpimp.com/
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May 9th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
PepsiMan posted this News update:
When using IRC clients in DSLinux, the bottom few lines of the screen are corrupted when the chat is scrolled up.
I’ve looked into this problem, and it is a bug in the framebuffer console code - when scrolling the screen upwards in SCROLL_PAN_REDRAW mode with a limited scroll region set up, the wrong part of the screen is copied to the bottom few lines.
Having discovered this, the fix is quite simple.
This bug is present in the latest Linux kernel too, so I’ll be sending this fix upstream.
More Info --> http://www.dslinux.org/blogs/pepsiman/
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May 10th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
For 18 months, hundreds of thousands of new players have joined together to disrupt the portable video game market. They proudly identify themselves as owners of Nintendo DS™, Nintendo’s remarkable hand-held system that continues to overturn traditional thinking. As the movement grows and becomes stronger, developers worldwide have taken notice. Both new and traditional players will be well-served in 2006, as more than 100 new games of all kinds hit the market for Nintendo DS.
On June 11, Nintendo DS itself gets a makeover when Nintendo introduces the lighter, brighter Nintendo DS™ Lite in the Americas. The redesigned system features a more compact size and screens with four adjustable brightness levels. The Polar White system will sell as low as $129.99 at retailers nationwide.
“We remain committed to going where others can’t – or won’t,” says George Harrison, Nintendo of America’s senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications, during Nintendo’s annual media briefing in Los Angeles prior to the start of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) video game trade show. “By grouping our innovative DS games together under the umbrella term ‘Touch Generations,’ new players will easily be able to identify games designed for them.”
To date, Nintendo DS has sold through more than 16 million units worldwide. Nintendo DS demonstrates that marrying improvements to the interface with amazing software results in a dramatic shift in the way that both game makers and the public think of video games. With new ways to play and new categories of software, the success of Nintendo DS is setting the stage for Wii™.
More than 100 games will be available for Nintendo DS this year alone from publishers worldwide. Some of the biggest fan favorites will come from Nintendo:
New Super Mario Bros.®, a new 2-D Super Mario game that anyone can enjoy.
The Legend of Zelda®: Phantom Hourglass builds on the cel-shaded fun of The Legend of Zelda®: The Wind Waker™ with touch-screen controls and wireless competition.
Chibi-Robo™: Park Patrol sends everyone’s favorite robotic helper on a new mission in the great outdoors.
Elite Beat Agents™ brings the cult import hit Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! to the Americas.
DK™: King of Swing DS sends Donkey Kong® on a swinging new adventure.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215™ turns Nintendo DS into a film noir mystery.
Pokémon® Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team for the first time lets users play as a Pokémon, speaking and interacting with other characters in a world populated only by Pokémon.
Gamers also can anticipate creative new Nintendo DS games featuring Star Fox®, Wario™ and Kirby™, as well as a wild adventure set on Yoshi’s Island®.
From the start, Nintendo DS challenged convention, and consumers responded en masse. Nintendogs™ taught people that they could communicate with simulated puppies – and with one another. Mario Kart® DS, Animal Crossing™: Wild World and Metroid® Prime Hunters have attracted millions of people around the world to play via Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection. Brain Age™: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day demonstrated that gamers could no longer be defined by age, while both Brain Age and Animal Crossing have expanded the video game market to female customers. The next wave of Nintendo DS games stands ready to capitalize on these triumphs.
The worldwide innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Nintendo DS™, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo GameCube™ systems, and upcoming Wii™ console. Since 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 2 billion video games and more than 360 million hardware units globally, and has created industry icons like Mario™, Donkey Kong®, Metroid®, Zelda™ and Pokémon®. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in the Western Hemisphere. For more information about Nintendo, visit the company’s Web site at www.nintendo.com.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
For more than 20 years, video game players have used body language to “help” them play. With Nintendo’s upcoming Wii™ console, those movements become a real part of the play. After grabbing the Wii Remote for the first time, hesitation gives way to concentration. Confidence builds. Excitement morphs into pure delight. And everyone watching says the same thing: “Hey – let me try!”
What drives this phenomenon? A remarkable controller and games that enhance the experience … realizing that the swing of your arm – not the movement of your thumb – causes a baseball to leave the park or a sword to find its mark. The Wii console introduces the next leap in gaming, one where players not only control their characters on the screen, but they also become them.
“The Wii console gives every game developer a tool to create new experiences, not just linear advancement,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales & marketing. “It will attract all kinds of new players, and thoroughly satisfy the hard-core gamers.”
One of Wii’s launch titles will be Wii Sports, a new type of product designed to expand the video game experience to everyone, regardless of age, gender or gaming experience. These games will form the bridge that connects current gamers to newcomers. Wii Sports will include a tennis game that lets up to four players swing at, hear and feel the ball. Anyone can pick up the Wii Remote and start hitting straight shots and lobs, with top spin or a slice, using their forehand or backhand, simply by simulating the arm and wrist movements of a real tennis game. In the baseball game, players can hit or pitch a baseball using the Wii Remote as the characters on the screen mimic their movements. And in the golf game, players can drive the fairways or putt for the cup simply by swinging the Wii Remote as if they were swinging a real golf club. Games can be played with small, precise hand movements, but it’s likely people will want to immerse themselves physically in the reality of the experience.
The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess also will launch at the same time as Wii. It will thrill gamers with its captivating storyline, stunning game play and gorgeous look. The game makes use of the unique Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller for elements like fishing and special sword attacks.
Other Wii games in development include Metroid® Prime 3: Corruption, which redefines how first-person shooters look and feel. Players use the Wii Remote as their pinpoint-accurate arm cannon, while the Nunchuk attachment can be used to deploy a variety of functions, such as the Grapple Beam. The amazing Super Mario® Galaxy represents a crowning achievement for legendary Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and his team. Mario™ floats from planet to planet while performing massive zero-gravity jumps in an environment new to gaming fans.
Excite Truck™ builds on a classic Nintendo franchise, but features a radical play mechanic in which players hold the Wii Remote sideways like a steering wheel. On jumps, they must balance it to make sure their vehicle lands squarely and earns a turbo boost. Many games make racing look real, but Nintendo also makes it feel real. WarioWare™: Smooth Moves contains about 200 microgames that will have players holding the Wii Remote to their hips to do a hula-hoop motion, curling it like a barbell or putting it on their head and doing squats.
The Wii console already enjoys strong third-party support. Nintendo is working with every major publisher worldwide to create fresh intellectual properties and host strong, classic franchises on the console. Gamers can look forward to multiple offerings, including:
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam™, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Call of Duty® 3 from Activision
Sonic and Super Monkey Ball games from SEGA
DRAGON QUEST SWORDS™: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors™ and CODENAME: FINAL FANTASY® CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Crystal Bearers™ from SQUARE ENIX
Madden NFL from Electronic Arts
Rayman Raving Rabbids™ and Red Steel™, the only original first-person game built from the ground up exclusively for the Wii launch, from Ubisoft
and a SpongeBob SquarePants title from THQ.
Gamers also can expect ground-breaking offerings from Atari, Buena Vista Games, Eidos, Konami Digital Entertainment, Majesco, Mastiff, Midway Games, NAMCO BANDAI Games, Atlus and SNK. Nintendo and publishers large and small worldwide will introduce original franchises of all kinds, aimed both at pleasing the hard-core crowd and encouraging new generations and demographics of people to play.
“Once again Nintendo has challenged the status quo and opened new creative landscapes for us,” says John Schappert, EA Canada’s senior vice president and group studio general manager. “We look forward to creating original experiences for the Wii console while seeing how some of our best sellers play using the extraordinary controllers.”
In addition to a healthy selection of new games, Wii will enjoy one of the largest launch libraries in video game history thanks to its built-in Virtual Console and backward compatibility with Nintendo GameCube™. The Virtual Console provides downloadable access to Nintendo games from the NES®, Super NES® and Nintendo® 64. The Virtual Console also will feature a “best of” selection from Sega Genesis titles and games from the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson).
Wii will launch worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2006. Prices and other launch details will be announced at a later date.
The worldwide innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Nintendo DS™, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo GameCube™ systems, and upcoming Wii™ console. Since 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 2 billion video games and more than 360 million hardware units globally, and has created industry icons like Mario™, Donkey Kong®, Metroid®, Zelda™ and Pokémon®. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in the Western Hemisphere. For more information about Nintendo, visit the company’s Web site at www.nintendo.com.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Anyone can tell you how video games look. Nintendo wants you to experience how they can feel.
Today Nintendo unveils the next leap in gaming by demonstrating its upcoming Wii™ home console, which lets users manipulate action on their television screens through the precise, life-like motion of the Wii Remote.
Continuing Nintendo’s long tradition of developing highly innovative products that redefine the standards for the industry, Wii (pronounced “we&rdquo will allow players to “feel” games in a way never known before: the adrenaline of a tennis match, the thrill of making an airplane bank or the rush of gripping the wheel of a speeding truck. The control scheme is simple enough that everyone, no matter what their prior gaming experience, can use it with ease and will want to try it.
“Not only is Wii compelling to current game players, but it also will entice new players with new experiences,” explains Nintendo President Satoru Iwata. “To expand the total number of game players, we must make our experience both friendlier and more compelling. With Wii, it is.”
Iwata made his comments during Nintendo’s annual media briefing in Los Angeles prior to the start of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) global video game trade show. Thanks to Nintendo’s leadership in innovation, Wii will challenge conventional thinking and will be a disruptive element in the video game industry.
Players manipulate their games through the motion of the remote control-like Wii Remote, which also includes a built-in speaker. In a four-player tennis game shown during Nintendo’s media briefing, the Wii Remote became a virtual tennis racket, from the vibration of the hit to the sound of the ball. The Wii Remote’s sensors are delicate enough to enable players to hit straight, add slice or put top spin on the ball.
Depending on the game, the Wii Remote could be a weapon, a baseball bat or an airplane. The applications are limited only by imagination. The Nunchuk controller attachment also includes a motion sensor, a development that suggests additional creative possibilities for this dual control system: Games could involve the use of a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Or a clamp and a scalpel. Or a pair of boxing gloves.
A new, immersive playing experience represents the most important factor to keep the industry healthy and growing. For more than a year, Nintendo has demonstrated living examples of how this strategy continues to work to the benefit of players, Nintendo and the marketplace. New interfaces can change the gaming landscape almost overnight, as evidenced by the success of the hand-held Nintendo DS™ system. To date, more than 16 million units have sold through to gamers of all types. Between now and the end of 2006, more than 100 new, envelope-pushing games will launch for the system to continue the tremendous momentum it enjoys worldwide.
Wii will be available in the fourth quarter of 2006 and priced affordably for the mass market. It will feature a very quick startup, silent operation and low power consumption. These elements make the “sleepless” WiiConnect24 experience possible. Users never need to turn it off. The combination of the new interface, including the Wii Remote, the Virtual Console and WiiConnect24 (which takes advantage of the console’s low power consumption) represents a true leap forward in gaming.
Games in development for the Wii console include a third chapter in the Metroid® Prime series, a new Mario™ game and The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess. Additionally, dozens of developers worldwide are working to bring new experiences to the Wii console. Nintendo will expand the gaming circle to as many types of people as possible, including lapsed gamers and people who have never played before.
Along with Wii Sports, which includes the tennis game, the highly anticipated The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will launch at the same time as Wii and thrill gamers with its captivating storyline, stunning game play and gorgeous look. The game makes use of the unique Wii Remote functions for elements like fishing and special sword attacks. The game also will be playable on Nintendo GameCube™, but without the widescreen format or special controller functions.
The worldwide innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Nintendo DS™, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo GameCube™ systems, and upcoming Wii™ console. Since 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 2 billion video games and more than 360 million hardware units globally, and has created industry icons like Mario™, Donkey Kong®, Metroid®, Zelda™ and Pokémon®. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in the Western Hemisphere. For more information about Nintendo, visit the company’s Web site at www.nintendo.com.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Nintendo has given itself a hearty pat on the back in recognition of its success with the DS handheld, quoting sales of 16 million units and claiming that it's shifted "millions" more than Sony's PSP.
During the company's pre-E3 press conference, which naturally focused heavily on the new Wii console, Nintendo was keen to reaffirm its strategy of introducing 'disruptive technology' - suggesting that the Nintendo DS is was the first true realisation of the company's vision, and a perfect example of getting things right.
Nintendo's senior VP, marketing and corporate communications, George Harrison took to the stage, and took a pop at Sony by stating that since the DS launch 18 months ago, "true gamers have bought into true hardware disruption and software disruption." He added: "It's a different approach to portable play."
"The DS launched at the end of 2004, and it did very well," Harrison continued. "Then the PSP arrived and some of you questioned whether we were up to the challenge. Once the early adopters had cleared away, it was clear that it was all about the games, as it always is," he concluded.
Just to prove the point, Harrison detailed figures for Nintendogs, citing 6 million sales worldwide in 13 months, before mentioning that the DS Wi-Fi service has reached 1.3 million users and provided over 40 million gameplay sessions since its launch.
With the Western launch of the brain training games, Nintendo hopes to duplicate the 5 million sales success it achieved in Japan, and early signs are apparently very good. The company is also preparing to launch the new DS Lite in a few weeks in North America, which it believes will be even more popular than the original handheld.
Looking ahead, Nintendo is confident that the best has yet to come, detailing a number of high profile titles including a new Mario game, Final Fantasy III and the DS exclusive Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass, before stating that there will be more than a hundred new games for the system by the end of the year.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
As part of its pre-E3 conference in Hollywood, Nintendo has revealed a further hardware feature of the Wii console - WiiConnect24, a system which will allow the machine to continue to perform network functions even when in standby mode.
The idea behind the function is that rather than being turned off, Wii will go into a low-power mode which still has some vital systems running - including the ability to download content or interact with players on the network.
Announcing the feature in front of a large audience in the Kodak Theatre, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said that it could be used by developers to push new content to the system while players are asleep - but claimed that the functionality does not stop there.
One example he gave was of the possibility for other players to visit your village in Animal Crossing even while you have left the console "switched off" - so you could return to find that they have left a message or gift for you in the game.
"We designed a machine to provide a variety of services even when it seems like it is turned off," Iwata explained, going on to describe Wii as the "system that never sleeps."
"What we are aiming for is a system that is new every day," he told the audience.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference has revealed new details of what we can expect from the Wii and its remote controller - but there's still no word on a price point or release date.
"If all you want is next-generation, you're in the wrong place."
So spoke Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime in his opening presentation at today's pre-E3 press conference. "It's not just next, it's what's absolutely new," he continued. "Playing is no longer just about looks, it's about the feel."
And, as far as Nintendo's concerned, it's about the feel of the Wii's unique new remote controller. As shown in a series of video clips and on-stage demos, the controller can be used as a drum stick, a fishing rod, a golf club and a conductor's baton. Or, to give just a few more examples, to play tennis, fire guns, or control Mario.
Yes, Nintendo's mascot will most definitely be making an appearance on Wii, along with fellow classic character Zelda. According to Fils-Aime, two versions of the long awaited Twilight Princess will be released - one for GameCube and one for Wii.
It was at this point that yet another unique feature of the Wii controller was revealed - it has a speaker. This means that when the player is using it to fire an arrow in Twilight Princess, for example, he or she will hear the bow string go taut, and the sound will travel from the controller to the screen before impact occurs.
Other big name games glimpsed during the conference included Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles, next-gen Sonic the Hedgehog and Rayman, plus Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam. A pair of Ubisoft representatives were on hand to show off Red Steel, a first person shooter that makes use of the Wii's 'nunchuk' controller as well as the remote.
In total, Fils-Aime said, there will be 27 Nintendo Wii games playable on the show floor when E3 begins tomorrow. But he declined to reveal how many games will be available at console launch - or details of when precisely it will go on sale and how much it will cost. He did confirm that the Wii will launch during the fourth quarter of this year, but as far as further details go, he simply stated: "We believe it's in our interest to keep the details private."
Fils-Aime went on to defend the name Nintendo has chosen for its next-gen console, beginning: "First, we want to thank everyone who wrote good things about it the day you heard it. Both of you."
"At first every distinctive name sounds strange," Fils-Aime continued, illustrating his point with examples such as Lexus, Ikea and Google. Wii, he said, means "just what it sounds like... It's the sound of the future."
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was also on hand to discuss the Wii, although instead of responding to criticisms of the name he took the opportunity to reaffirm the company's commitment to inclusive gaming.
"When I became president, we decided on a new goal for our company: expanding the total number of people who play games... The solution is to reinvent the relationship between player and game, the game controller interface," Iwata said, in a speech which heavily echoed the one he made at the Tokyo Games Show last September. But despite the emphasis on bringing new players to gaming, Iwata was also careful to observe that "core gamers always represent our most important audience."
And if core gamers are frustrated by problems such as long load times, Iwata went on to argue, "How can we expect mass market to put up with it?" So, the Wii's Opera browser and Virtual Console games saved to ROM will take just a few seconds to load.
Iwata then showed off another hardware feature, which means the console is constantly connected even when it's switched off. So, for example, a player might wake up to find a new in-game Animal Crossing item has been delivered during the night. The Wii, Iwata, said, is "the system that never sleeps... What we are aiming for is a system that is new every day."
Following a lengthy presentation on the past and future of the Nintendo DS - of which more news to follow - Fils-Aime returned to conclude the event, and express his thoughts on how Nintendo's latest offerings will fare at this year's show.
"The bottom line of every E3 is simple - what's hot and what's not. It's hot if it's disruptive, it's not if it's predictable," he said.
"Wii and the DS represent the same thing: risk. Risk allows progress. We don't run from risk, we run to it. Change is good."
To finish, Fils-Aime encouraged all attendees to play the games on the show floor, stating: "Seeing is just an impression. Playing is believing."
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May 10th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
If there was one highlight of Nintendo's press conference earlier today, it was the Wii Remote. While Sony showed off what games on the PS3 would look like, Nintendo's focus was on what they would feel like. So, it's not surprising that, from the moment a tux-clad Shigeru Miyamoto bounded onstage and conducted a virtual orchestra using the remote, to a climactic tennis game, the unique Wii controller was the centerpiece of the show. So, what did we learn about the Wii Remote today that we didn't already know? For one thing, Nintendo confirmed that the remote does indeed include a speaker, which is used mainly to provide ambient sound connected to actions: fire an arrow, and you'll hear the bowstring being pulled right in your hand. There's also a microphone for voice-controlled gaming. The Wii Remote also includes motion sensors in both the nunchuk and the trigger controller, allowing both left and right hands to act independently and direct onscreen actions. While using the Remote may not be as intuitive and simple as Nintendo's execs want us to believe, one thing's certain: it definitely looks like a fun way to play golf. Or baseball. Or tennis. Or the drums. Or drive a car, truck or plane. Nintendo also had an answer for anyone who isn't quite ready for the Wii Remote: the Wii Classic Controller. We'll stick with the Wiimote for now, but will pick off one of these for when we just have to kick it old skool
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May 10th, 2006, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Speaking at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that two versions of long awaited Zelda game Twilight Princess are in development - one for GameCube and one for Wii, which will of course make use of the remote controller.
Fils-Aimes described it as "by far the best Zelda game we've ever made," before handing over the controls for a real-time demonstration of exactly why that is.
The game uses the analogue 'nunchuck' attachment to control Link's movement, with items assigned to the wand's d-pad. Targeting is achieved by holding the Z button, and there's a fairy on the screen to keep constant track of your movements with the wand, making sure you don't end up pointing at the ceiling when something's biting your legs, for example.
Attacking is a matter of pressing the B button or moving the wand in a circular motion to perform the spin attack, and jabbing or flicking the wand makes Link perform a shield strike, knocking enemies off guard and leaving them prone to a more serious kicking.
Putting the sword aside and moving onto the bow, you can point the wand where you want to aim, and a targeting reticule appears. If you move the wand outside of that reticule, the camera circles your target.
When you draw back the bow to fire, the speaker in the wand - yes, there's a speaker - lets you hear the sting pulling taught, and when you fire the arrow, you'll hear it and feel it fly from the wand towards your target on screen. The whole thing played out beautifully and looks like a really impressive use of the new technology.
The remainder of the demo, brief as it was, was filled with more examples of sword and bow battles, and how the wand can also be used for fishing - in exactly the way you'd expect, except with fewer maggots, probably.
Visually, the game looks pretty stunning, but as Nintendo kept repeating after almost every game they showed, Wii is not about what you see, but what you feel. Expect more updates once we've had a feel of some Zelda Wii on the show floor.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Speaking at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that two versions of long awaited Zelda game Twilight Princess are in development - one for GameCube and one for Wii, which will of course make use of the remote controller.
Fils-Aimes described it as "by far the best Zelda game we've ever made," before handing over the controls for a real-time demonstration of exactly why that is.
The game uses the analogue 'nunchuck' attachment to control Link's movement, with items assigned to the wand's d-pad. Targeting is achieved by holding the Z button, and there's a fairy on the screen to keep constant track of your movements with the wand, making sure you don't end up pointing at the ceiling when something's biting your legs, for example.
Attacking is a matter of pressing the B button or moving the wand in a circular motion to perform the spin attack, and jabbing or flicking the wand makes Link perform a shield strike, knocking enemies off guard and leaving them prone to a more serious kicking.
Putting the sword aside and moving onto the bow, you can point the wand where you want to aim, and a targeting reticule appears. If you move the wand outside of that reticule, the camera circles your target.
When you draw back the bow to fire, the speaker in the wand - yes, there's a speaker - lets you hear the sting pulling taught, and when you fire the arrow, you'll hear it and feel it fly from the wand towards your target on screen. The whole thing played out beautifully and looks like a really impressive use of the new technology.
The remainder of the demo, brief as it was, was filled with more examples of sword and bow battles, and how the wand can also be used for fishing - in exactly the way you'd expect, except with fewer maggots, probably.
Visually, the game looks pretty stunning, but as Nintendo kept repeating after almost every game they showed, Wii is not about what you see, but what you feel. Expect more updates once we've had a feel of some Zelda Wii on the show floor.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Nintendo DS owners can look forward to a handful of potential blockbuster first party titles over the coming year, with the Japanese company revealing the likes of Diddy Kong Racing, Yoshi's Island 2 and Starfox during the latter stages of its pre-E3 conference this morning, with more on Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, recently shown during GDC.
We caught a quick glimpse of an updated DS version of Diddy Kong Racing, Rare's fondly remembered N64-era Mario Kart clone. Using roughly identical-looking mechanics as Mario Kart DS (and clean, impressive 3D visuals), this looks like being another obvious big-hitter for the legion of karting fans, particularly if it includes the same Wi-Fi functionality.
Also shown off briefly was an updated version of Final Fantasy III, sprucing up the gameplay and graphics of the ageing RPG classics in ways that should give Square-Enix lovers palpitations.
Zelda, meanwhile, will "pick up from where Wind Waker left off," and using the same cute cel-shaded visual style that caused such a stir a few years back. The brief gameplay footage showed touch control battles, with players loosing off cannons on board their ship, and a scaled-down isometric viewpoint for the main dungeon exploration.
But that's not all - also announced (but not given any airtime) were the likes of Mario Vs DK: March of the Minis, Yoshi's Island 2, Starfox DS, DK King of Swing DS, Mario Hoops 3 on 3, Touch Generations, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (available as Red Rescue Team on GBA), Elite Beat Agents (the Western take on Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!), and Chibi Robo: Park Patrol.
In total, 100 new DS games are promised, but Nintendo wasn't giving much away in terms of release dates, except to say that they're all coming "this year" according to the accompanying press release. In all, a pretty busy time in prospect for DS owners, and plenty of big names to look forward to among a clutch of innovative unknowns.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Nintendo has finally shredded the wraps around Shigeru Miyamoto's new Mario game. It's called Super Mario Galaxy and it uses the Wii's freestyle controller to allow Mario to run, jump, catch hold of shooting stars using the pointer, and flick objects at enemies on rotating worlds.
As you may already have read, Nintendo's also planning to release Zelda: Twilight Princess in Wii and GameCube versions - the latter shorn of the gesture and pointer control options, and also devoid of widescreen - with both due out on the same day as the console during Q4 2006.
Also on show during Nintendo's pre-E3 conference were Excite-Truck, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Warioware: Smooth Moves, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Sonic Wild Fire (also referred to as Hyper Sonic at one point), and several original titles.
Those included Ubisoft's FPS game Red Steel, one called Necro-Nesia, Nintendo title Project HAMMER, which is what it sounds like, and Wii Sports, the focal point of several demonstrations. Sports includes tennis, baseball and golf games with stylised bobblehead-esque characters, all played using the freestyle controller. During a demo, Miyamoto was racing back and forward across the stage to return forehands and backhands, showing how you can serve, lob and apply top-spin.
Many of the games were shown as CG videos, or in some form of video - and there was also a crowd-pleasing introduction featuring Miyamoto in full conductor's get-up using the wand like a baton to control an orchestra, whose music soared and slowed to reflect the speed and character of his movement.
What's more, Nintendo said there would be 27 games playable on its stand tomorrow, as well as many more on video.
For more on Nintendo's conference, check out our walkthrough of the important points, including depthier looks at how some of the games work, or dive directly into our archive of live-text commentary, delivered line by gasp by line by rubbish joke during the conference this morning. We'll have video on Eurogamer TV as soon as humanly possible.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
The Nintendo conference seemed to be the perfect opposite of Sony's conference yesterday. It was polished, the presenters were poised, and the demos conveyed exactly the message they were aiming for. Notable info includes 27 playable Wii titles on the E3 floor, a speaker in the Wii controller, a StarFox title for the DS, and a confirmation of motion sensor in the nunchuck attachment. There will be two versions of Twilight Princess (one for Wii, one for GC) and they'll both be out on Wii launch day. Launch is slated for Q4 of this year. The presenters kept the launch price and date under wraps as the tone of the event was inspiration, not information. The number of playable games available this week confirms their commitment to a launch date this year, and the hilarious tennis game played onstage by the Nintendo honchos and the contest winner made their 'playing = believing' slogan really hit home. More flash than substance, but a solid presentation overall
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May 10th, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
There was a lot of excitement for Nintendo's pre-Electronic Entertainment Expo press conference today, and the company did not disappoint. Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's EVP of sales and marketing walked the enthusiastic audience through the company's next-gen plans, as well as its upcoming GameCube and Nintendo DS games.
First-party titles--especially Nintendo's classic franchises--claimed the lion's share of the spotlight. Nintendo fans will be particularly excited about Super Mario Galaxy (working title), which is a Mario platformer for the Wii, and the revelation that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be a Wii launch title. In fact, Twilight Princess will get two launches: a GameCube version will hit shelves on the same day as the Wii version.
Also in development now are other follow-ups to classic series, including Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Fire Emblem, WarioWare: Smooth Moves. Nintendo is working on a number of all-new titles, announced for the first time today:
-Disaster: Day of Crisis is an action game where the player tries to recapture a hijacked nuclear weapon against a backdrop of natural catastrophes, including floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.
-Excite Truck is an arcade racer that features trucks getting big air in the vein of the NES classic Excitebike.
-Project H.A.M.M.E.R. is an action adventure game in which the player will use both the nunchaku controller and the Wii remote to control a cyborg armed with an immense hammer.
-Wii Sports is a sports game that incorporates golf, tennis, and baseball. According to Iwata's comments during the Nintendo press conference, the game is designed to allow new gamers to compete on an even footing with experienced gamers.
All told, Nintendo says that when the E3 show floor opens here tomorrow, 27 Wii games will be playable. That includes both first-party and third-party titles, and Nintendo has released an extensive list of third-party Wii titles now in development. See below for an alphabetical list of publishers and their games.
-Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
-Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
-Call of Duty 3
AQ Interactive
-Boxing Action (currently untitled)
-Dragon Ball Z Budokai: Tenkaichi 2
-Trauma Center: Second Opinion
-Family Action Game (currently untitled)
Buena Vista Games
-Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action
-Disney's Meet the Robinsons
-Resident Evil game
-SIMPLE series
-Original Action Game (currently untitled)
-Title TBD
Electronic Arts
-Madden NFL '07
-Medal of Honor Airborne
-Title TBD
From Software
-Action game (currently untitled)
-Title TBD
Hudson Soft
-Bomberman Land
-Flight Game (currently untitled)
-Title TBD
-Sengoku Action
Konami Digital Entertainment
-Soccer Game (currently untitled)
-Bust-A-Move Revolution
Marvelous Interactive
-Bokujo Monogatari ("Ranch Story")
-Kawa no Nushitsuri
-Original simulation game (currently untitled)
-Mr. D. Goes to Town (working title)
Midway Games
-The Ant Bully
-Happy Feet
-New Vertical Scrolling Shooting Game
-New Action Game
-Character Action Game (currently untitled)
-SAN-X All-Star Revolution
Namco Bandai Games
-Final Furlong
-Mobile Suit Gundam
-SD Gundam G Breaker
-One Piece Unlimited Adventure
-New Action Game (currently untitled)
-New RPG (currently untitled)
-Title TBD
Natsume (developed by Marvelous)
-Harvest Moon
-Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
-Sonic Wild Fire
-Metal Slug Anthology
Square Enix
-Codename: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
-Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
-Turn IT Around!!
-Let's go by train!
-Cooking Mama--Cooking with International Friends
-Super Swing Golf PANGYA
The Game Factory
-Title TBD
-Avatar: the Last Airbender
-SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
-Disney/Pixar Cars
-Action Game (currently untitled)
-Battle Action (currently untitled)
-Open Season
-Rayman Raving Rabbids
-Red Steel
Vivendi Universal Games
-Title TBD
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
-Title TBD
When E3 kicks off tomorrow, we'll bring you more info on these games and hands-on reports for those that are playable on the show floor.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Though Wii and DS got most of the love at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference today, the GameCube is still a contender. Its replacement, the Wii, won't even arrive until an as-yet-undisclosed date sometime in the fourth quarter of 2006, so there's still plenty of time to rack up more hours on the GameCube. Today, Nintendo released a partial list of games currently in development for its current-gen console, showing a healthy pipeline of new releases that extends right up to--and past--the Wii launch.
See below for an alphabetical list of publishers and their games, as well as planned launch dates where available.
2K Games -MLB 2K6: available this month
Activision -Over the Hedge: available this month -X-Men: The Official Game: available this month
Atari -Backyard Baseball 2007: June 2006 -Backyard Basketball 2007: November 2006
Buena Vista Games -Disney's Meet the Robinsons: March 2007
D3 -Dreamworks' Flushed Away: October 2006
Eidos -Tomb Raider Legend: September 2006 -Bionicle Heroes: October 2006
Electronic Arts -Madden NFL '07: August 2006
LucasArts -Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy: September 2006
Midway Games -The Ant Bully: Q3 2006
Namco Bandai Games -Pac-Man World Rally: July 2006 -One Piece: Grand Adventure (formerly Grand Battle 2): August 2006
Nintendo -Baten Kaitos Origins: September 25, 2006 -DK Bongo Blast: Q4 2006 -Super Paper Mario: Q4 2006 -The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Q4 2006. As announced during the Nintendo press conference, Twilight Princess will launch in two versions on the same day: a version for Wii and a version for GameCube.
Sega -Super Monkey Ball Adventure: Summer 2006
THQ -Disney/Pixar Cars: June 2006 -Monster House: July 2006 -Avatar: The Last Airbender: September 2006 -The Barnyard: September 2006 -Bratz Diamondz: October 2006 -Nicktoons Vortex Island: October 2006 -SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab: October 2006
Tomy -Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2: Q3 2006
Ubisoft -Open Season: September 2006 -Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent: September 2006 -Rayman: November 2006
Vivendi Universal Games -The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning: October 2006
When the E3 show floor opens tomorrow, we'll bring you more info on these games and hands-on reports for the ones that are playable on the floor.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
As part of a game reel showcasing a slew of games headed to the Wii, Nintendo showed the first footage of a new game in the Fire Emblem series. The very brief snippet seemed to consist entirely of an anime cutscene, so nothing resembling gameplay was shown. However, the footage contained brief scenes of a young man fighting for his life in close quarters, and also showed a female character with a sparrow alighting from her outstretched arm. It's reasonable to suspect these two will be the protagonists in the game.
The Fire Emblem series is known for delivering richly complex stories and challenging turn-based battles. Stay tuned to GameSpot for more information about Fire Emblem for the Wii.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Nintendo has announced the full list of first-party handheld titles that will be shown at E3. The list features a heavy DS bias, with only one Game Boy Advance game on the list in the form of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, but the company has treated us to a few brand-new product announcements that we've detailed below. More information should be available at the show itself, but here's what we know about the new games so far.
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol is an adventure follow-up to the previous Chibi-Robo game. The story follows Chibi-Robo as he ventures into the great outdoors, where the flowers have been transformed by evil monsters. The character can use buggies, cars, and boats across lawns and ponds. He is also equipped with a squirter to fend off enemies, and dances to give life back to the park flowers. No release date has been given for the game as yet.
Clubhouse Games is a card, board, and clubhouse game collection that includes checkers, darts and poker. The game can be played by up to eight people from one game card over wireless game sharing, and will feature a Pictochat-like interface for communicating with friends. The game will also feature bowling, backgammon, bridge and billiards, and forms part of Nintendo's Touch Generations library, which is intended for nongamers.
Custom Robo Arena is an action role-playing game set in a sci-fi landscape, where players fight toward the Custom Robo championship. You will be able to upgrade your Robo with unique parts and create a unique warrior that can be taken online over Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. There's also multiplayer with multicard play and DS download play. The DS touch screen is used to customize the robot as well as clean it up after battle.
Diddy Kong Racing DS was also announced by Nintendo today, although the company didn't offer any more information prior to the show. We'll have to see if the company chooses to show it at the show when it opens on Wednesday.
DK: King of Swing DS is an action game starring Donkey Kong. A sequel to the GBA game, King of Swing DS sees Donkey Kong swinging and climbing across levels that make full use of the console's dual screens. Adventure mode will feature Diddy Kong as a subcharacter, and there will also be new moves, items, and minigames available. There is also a four-player mode that will make use of multicart and DS download play, and will offer the choice of Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, or Funky Kong.
DS Air is the working title for a new flight simulator from Nintendo. The aim will be to take elite strike fighters and hunt down a mad dictator, and it will be a realistic sim with customizable fighters and weapons. Locations include land, sea, and air, and DS Air will feature a co-op mode that can be played over Nintendo Wi-Fi.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is an intriguing new graphic adventure game that places you in Los Angeles in 1979. As Kyle Hide, an ex-cop turned salesman, you must investigate the mysterious room of the title and solve the mystery of Room 215. Holding the DS console like a book, you use the touch screen to grill characters, search for clues, and solve puzzles.
Kirby is a provisional title, but Nintendo has announced that it is a new action game in which Kirby's copy abilities have been massively boosted. You can use the stylus to mix and match copy abilities, so that you can burn trees with fire ability or freeze water with the ice ability. The title also has subgames that can be played locally by up to four players, both via multicard and DS download play.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, due for release in Q4 2006, sees gaming favorite Link tackle a new adventure. This time, he's washed ashore a mysterious island and must find the way back to his companions with the aid of a fairy. The game will be played almost entirely using the stylus--not just when controlling Link, but also when solving puzzles and making notes on the map. There's also a two-player wireless minigame available, involving a race against time to collect Force Gems.
Magical Vacation (working title) is a game that tasks players with the rescue of their teacher and classmates from the Will O' Wisp magical academy. As players progress through the game, they will fight monsters to earn experience points and buy new weapons, gaining levels and power as they go. As well as the solo game, players can team up with up to five friends wirelessly to take on enemies in a special "Amigo" dungeon. The game will be controlled almost exclusively with the stylus and features turn-based combat that accommodates melee and ranged attacks.
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 is due for release on September 11 and, as you'd expect, sees Mario enter the world of basketball. Each team will contain three figures from the Mario universe, although it's only possible for four human players to play simultaneously, so expect some NPCs to make up the numbers.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis is an action-puzzle sequel to be released on September 25 that puts the player in control of Mario toys in a bid to save Pauline--one of the franchise's early characters, not seen for decades. In addition to playing through the normal game solo, players can create their own maps and send them across the world via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, as well as downloading those that others have created.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, slated for a September 18 release, turns the player into a Pokémon character for the first time. The land is being ravaged by numerous natural disasters, and you must team up with a partner Pokémon to rescue others in trouble and save the day. Most of the game is set in dungeon environments, and players will employ various strategies to progress. No multiplayer element to the game has been announced yet but is available for the GameBoy Advance under the title Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team.
Starfox DS is a 3D space-based shooter due for release on August 28 and has the player jumping aboard an Arwing fighter and blasting through a branching set of missions. Players can also dogfight with their friends, or play cooperatively--either with seven other players using the local wireless functionality, or with three others across the world on the global Wi-Fi Connection. In co-op mode there's an added strategic element that will see the team commander drawing on the map the route the group should take through the level.
Sudoku Gridmaster will be released on June 26 and feature more than 400 of the popular number puzzles. There are four difficulty settings and plenty of in-game tips to enable the player to become an expert, with all of the puzzles hand-picked by the experts at Nikoli, the original creators of sudoku. As you solve puzzles you'll win stars that will let you unlock new challenges.
Tenchu: Dark Secret is the latest instalment in the stealth-action franchise and will be released on August 21. You play a ninja assassin assigned to protect a princess across more than 40 single-player missions, using a mixture of sneaking skills and fighting techniques. Players can also challenge a friend to wireless one-on-one combat and buy, sell, and trade items across the global Wi-Fi connection.
The full list of Nintendo DS titles announced by Nintendo is included below, with release dates where possible.
Big Brain Academy - June 5, 2006
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol - June 5, 2006
Children of Mana - Q4 2006
Clubhouse Games - Q4 2006
Custom Robo Arena - Q4 2006
Diddy Kong Racing DS - TBA
DK: King of Swing DS - TBA
DS Air - TBA
Elite Beat Agents - Q4 2006
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Q4 2006
Kirby - TBA
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Q4 2006
Magical Vacation (working title) - Q4 2006
Magnetica - June 5, 2006
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 - September 11, 2006
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis - September 25, 2006
New Super Mario Bros. - May 15, 2006
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - September 18, 2006
Pokémon Ranger - TBA
Star Fox DS - August 28, 2006
Sudoku Gridmaster - June 26, 2006
Tenchu: Dark Secret - August 21, 2006
Yoshi's Island 2 - Q4 2006
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May 10th, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
The existence of Star Fox DS was revealed at Nintendo's E3 press conference earlier today and our tractor beam has successfully pulled in the first shots and details about the game.
Still a working title and pencilled in for release on 28 August in the US, Star Fox DS promises to introduce a new element of strategy to the space shooter by giving players a commander's view of the 3D rendered missions, as Fox McCloud and friends battle to protect the Lylat system.
The touch screen will be used to chart interstellar routes before engaging enemies, capturing bases and progressing across the map.
Up to eight players will be able to blast each other into tiny bits of space debris over a local wireless connection or up to four players can lock lasers after hooking up using the Nintendo WiFi Connection service.
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May 10th, 2006, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
Revealed at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, Super Mario Galaxy is Nintendo's debut Wii outing for its moustachioed mascot and we can bring you the first few details about the game.
As the title suggests, Super Mario Galaxy takes place in space as Mario, with the normally hapless heroine Princess Peach in tow, heads off in pursuit of an escaped creature. On the interstellar adventure the pair will explore various planets and alien landscapes, and will encounter a variety of new and familiar enemies.
The game will take full advantage of the Wii controller's motion-sensing features and the dungaree-wearing hero will have a host of new moves - including some gravity defying jumps - executed by tilting, pointing and shaking the Wii-mote.
More should be revealed when E3 opens its doors tomorrow.
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May 10th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his Greenboy Arcade emulator for the GBA (Also DS/gamecube gameboy player)
Heres whats new:
*Added 16bit sound mixing.
*Fixed soundclicks in rom selection menu.
*Fixed volume attenuation.
*Optimised some CPU ops and fixed some other.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Metroid Prime 3 has been given its full official title of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, with its first official screenshot from the E3 floor.
There are also a few new details too. You'll be charged with destroying corrupted Phazon seeds, which involves a considerable amount of space exploration and an eventual showdown with Dark Samus.
Nintendo is also promising a "quantum leap in first-person control". Moving Samus is activated by the Nunchuk controller, while aiming is achieved via the pointer. It's being labelled by the publisher as "the ultimate device for the first-person shooter genre", with the promise of controls outside of the usual genre boundaries.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Time article already leaked it, but if it's official confirmation and screens you're after, then yes, WarioWare: Smooth Moves is bringing its crazy-assed fun onto the Wii. And when we say 'crazy-assed', we mean it - Nintendo hints that this is the wackiest WarioWare blast yet.
The game revolves around the discovery of a Foam Baton, which awards the game brand new 'smooth' moves, translated into mini-game merriment via the Wii remote. There'll be roughly 200 'out there' challenges to enjoy. No news on how many players can participate as yet, but we're sure we'll find out. One day.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.'s a Nintendo Wii action-adventure in which players control of a cyborg prototype decked out with "an extraordinary weapon" - ooer - and battling robots that are assaulting US cities.
No prizes for guessing that the Wii Remote and Nunchuk play a key role in the action. Apparently, you'll be swinging the Wii Remote, which in turn swings the cyborg's "hammer of amazing strength" (the extraordinary weapon), to batter foes and using the Nunchuk in your other hand to manoeuvre through the environment. Nintendo promises non-stop action and plenty of destruction, with enemy robots smashed to smithereens by your super-tool.
A release date for Project H.A.M.M.E.R. will be announced at a later date.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Even though we enjoyed Nintendo oldie Excitebike, we can't help but feel that Excite Truck sounds like one of the most ironic gaming titles ever. Is there anything to get excited about in a truck racing game?
Well, very possibly actually. This new Wii announcement may feature basic accelerator and brake button control, but by tilting the Wii Remote, you'll find yourself with a makeshift steering wheel used to physically steer your beast.
Add into the equation massive jumps, bigger landings and off-road courses that get deformed in real-time, and Excite Truck may actually be reasonably exciting after all. No details on release date or number of players yet, but stay tuned.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Sports? Is Nintendo not aware how slightly crude that reads in European territories? Obviously not, because it's been announced and it's a compilation of three (liable to increase) sporting ventures for you to get your batting hands around. Keep your dirty minds at bay, people.
Designed to make full use of Wii controller's tilting and swinging abilities, 1-4 players will be able to swing a racquet in Tennis, deftly performing lobs, slices and spinners while the console controls your movement. Baseball is for 1-2 people, and is all about timing. Golf, finally, is a single-player game with enhanced interaction.
It's possible that further games could be added to the Wii Sports roster before its TBA release. Don't suppose there's any chance of a cricket game, is there Nintendo?
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May 10th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's Nintendo DS crime-y, puzzle-solving-y, lawyer-y and courtroom drama-y game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is getting a sequel.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All, as the new DS game is called, finds defense attorney Wright tackling four new cases littered with fresh characters. As with the first game, you'll be navigating the game interface via the touchscreen, collecting evidence, cross-examining key witnesses to the crimes, analysing testimonies and ultimately attempting to serve justice.
In addition, Justice for All has new gameplay features, including Psyche-Lock and a new life bar that represents Phoenix's status in court. Elaborating on Psyche-Lock, Capcom has explained that "some witnesses may be keeping the truth under tight lock and key (aka the "Psyche-Lock" state), so in order to break them down, successfully open up their Psyche-Locks with a series of correct questions or catch them on their inconsistent testimony," and has this to say about the new life bar:
"...by presenting incorrect evidence or following misguided attempts to break Psyche-Locks, Phoenix's life bar will go down; the only way to regain this stat is to successfully open a witness's Psyche-Lock".
So far, Capcom has only announced Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All for North America, where it'll release in early 2007. We'll be sure to keep hitting Capcom on the head with a gavel and demanding a release for Europe.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Welcome to Disaster. In fact, Disaster: Day of Crisis. In development for Nintendo Wii over at Monolith, Disaster's an action game dealing with a wave of natural disasters striking the US of A and rogue Special Forces operatives taking advantage of the chaos and stealing a nuclear weapon. It's down to Ray, a former member of an elite rescue task force, to save the day. Sounds a bit like a plotline from 24.
Anyway, not much else has been said about the game, other than that it'll apparently use "cutting-edge physics and gripping visuals" to "re-create the sheer terror of major catastrophes. Oh, and this: "Players race a car down a mountain to escape a roaring pyroclastic flow, dodge toppling buildings during a devastating earthquake and swim for their lives in a raging flood. No matter what happens, fight to survive."
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May 10th, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Looking forward to Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a cast-iron certainty when you're a games journalist. But that 'looking forward to'-ness literally bubbled over when we heard about the Wii version's interactive sword-wielding, fishing-rod fun, courtesy of its special controller.
This latest, non-format specific E3 trailer, despite its brevity, has done little to lessen our pounding heartbeats. Battles on horseback, monstrous foes, fantastical lands - it looks lovely. If you're a Nintendo fan, you'll be just as excited as we are about its impending end-of-2006 release.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
If Nintendo was looking for something that it could wave under the noses of its rivals and say "ha ha, look what we've got", then point to the Resident Evil game, just exclusively announced for Wii by Capcom.
The revelation was made known at E3, with Capcom resisting the temptation to release gameplay and story details, only saying that the survival horror game will make good use of the Wii's inventive controller.
"The next-generation console Wii is garnering much attention with its groundbreaking new controller," read an official company statement. "The new Resident Evil game for the console will combine the series' intense gaming experience and atmosphere with the revolutionary control system of the Wii."
The decision has clearly been born out of the enormous success enjoyed by Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube. Resident Evil 5, which is in development for Xbox 360 and PS3, could possibly also appear on the Wii - we just don't know. We're pretty excited by this, so stay tuned for any further news.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
They've always said that the previous iteration of the "Revolution" controller wasn't quite final, but now that Nintendo has unvieled what is presumably the final controller design for the Wii (though Nintendo is still calling it a prototype, and might tweak a few things), we thought we'd lay out what exactly this Wiimote is, and why it makes Nintendo so darn smarmy all the time. First off, the new version unvieled by Nintendo on Tuesday includes a built-in speaker -- the addition of which lengthened the controller slightly -- along with minor interface tweaks like swapping out "a" and "b" for "1" and "2" buttons and other icon changes. GameSpot is also reporting that this Bluetooth wireless version is quite a bit heavier than the feather-light wired prototypes, and that the nunchaku attachment is tweaked slightly in shape and button design. As for the actual operation of the controller, that is managed by sensors within the Wiimote, in tandem with a sensor bar located on your TV, which can watch for movement in full 3D space. A better equivilant to Sony's new PS3 controller design unveiled on monday would actually be the Wiimote's nunchucka attachment, which also includes an accelerometer. While all of this motion sensing might provide an easy learning curve in some instances, the number of buttons available to the user, including dual trigger buttons ("c" and "z") on the nunchucka, a trigger and face button ("b" and "a") on the Wiimote, along a bunch of other face buttons, could make things a bit more complicated than anticipated. With that said, we'll be playing with the Wii on the E3 show floor tomorrow so we're sure it won't take long to find out if our fears come to fruition.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer:
Time for another snippet from our old friend Internet Reports, for whom E3 is like a thousand Christmases rolled into one.
The latest rumour concerns a new next-gen title that's based on one of the NES's best remembered classics - Duck Hunt.
As everyone over the age of 20 will recall, Duck Hunt came with a light gun that let you shoot birdies on the screen. That might sound a bit rubbish to you youngsters, but it was cutting-edge in those days, and didn't half take our minds off the permanent impending threat of global nuclear holocaust.
Now, it seems, a new version of Duck Hunt is in development for the Nintendo Wii. Which sounds plausible, since the Wii's remote controller is clearly ideally suited to shooting things at your telly.
Internet Reports says it'll be playable on the E3 show floor - and if it is, you know where we'll be. Well, those of us who are already over there, obviously. The rest of us won't be flying to America just for Duck Hunt. Sadly.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
Nintendo's pre-E3 conference Wii line-up was just big-name game after big-name game, with Zelda, Mario and Metroid Prime all putting in an appearance.
We've managed to capture the first footage of these famous franchises in motion - and plenty of new names, too - in these two high quality movies. And you can see them all simply by right-clicking each of the links above and downloading the movies.
The first clip focuses more on happy, smiling, ethnically diverse souls demonstrating how easy it is to play with the Wii-mote, while the second slice of footage concentrates more on the official products and third-party releases already set to appear on Wii. And with 27 of these games playable on the E3 show floor, remember to stay tuned for our hands-on impressions, which should be along very shortly.
Movies here -->
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May 10th, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
The Opera browser for Nintendo DS is a version of the Opera browser for logging onto the internet with the WiFi-enabled Nintendo DS. Using the DS card, you can connect to a network via a HotSpot or wireless router, and begin browsing on two screens. With an on-screen keypad and stylus, users can easily navigate the Web from their Nintendo DS with PDA-like functionality. The two screens are used for multifunction purposes — both can show one web page together, or one can show a zoomed-in view of the page, and when typing, the bottom screen shows the text being entered while the top shows the webpage you are on.
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May 10th, 2006, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
The GameCube may have lost the battle to be current-gen market leader some time ago, but Nintendo has confirmed its ongoing support for the console with the announcment that a brand new Mario game is in development.
The Pre-E3 press conference was obviously geared towards the launch of Nintendo's latest 'disruptive technology' platform, the Wii. But that hasn't stopped the Japanese giant from showing an immense amount of support for both the DS handheld and Wii's predecessor, the GameCube.
Although the conference highlighted a few specific high profile games such as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the E3 expo has revealed that there's plenty more on offer for GameCube owners - including a new platform exclusive starring Nintendo's long-time mascot.
Entitled Super Paper Mario, the new game is a curious blend of classic 2D side-scrolling platform action and the pseudo-3D graphics style of the Paper Mario series. Apparently, the game will also blend platform gaming with RPG elements, although exactly how it's all going to sit together is unknown at present.
What is known is that Mario, Peach and Bowser will all be available as playable characters, and there are elements of the new DS Mario game included - like being able to 'super-size' Mario until he fills the screen.
There's also the long awaited Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to look forward to, along with a range of third-party GameCube titles. These will include Tomb Raider Legend, Lego Star Wars II, Super Monkey Ball Adventure, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Rayman and a new Spyro game.
So while the console didn't get a look-in at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference yesterday, it's clear that GameCube owners have at least a couple of reasons not to head down to the trade-in shop just yet.
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May 10th, 2006, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Konami today unveiled Pro Evolution Soccer 2006 for Nintendo DS and we've been playing it non stop.
The biggest surprise is that it actually beats Pro Evolution Soccer on PSP hands down, offering smoother play and killer visuals. Konami producer Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka previously apologised for the lacklustre PSP debut but has clearly made amends on DS.
DS exclusive elements include the ability to adjust formation settings mid match with the stylus. The lower screen also acts as a radar and shows player stats. Player animation looks spot on and the only minor disappointment is the lack of 3D replays. Wi-fi play works brilliantly and Nintendo fans finally have a football game worth shouting about. Expect Pro Evolution Soccer 2006 to arrive in September.
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May 10th, 2006, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
We thought that the thick triple-raspberry iced bun we had at lunch was sweet, then we smacked eyes on Yoshi's Island 2 and that really made us feel like we'd overdone the saccharine. Bucket, please.
This ultra-cutesy platformer features Baby Mario, Baby Peach and Baby Donkey Kong, as they investigate missing kids and a mysterious hovering islands. Super-colourful, platforming fun across two screens - it's out at the end of the year.
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May 10th, 2006, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sweep away the recent tirade of movie punch-ups (Freddy Vs. Jason? Pfffrt), sparring off fat plumbers against a giant ape is where it's at. Continuing an age-old rivalry that started almost since the dawn of pixels, Nintendo has announced Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 for DS.
Fully named Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March Of The Minis, this action puzzler is a sequel to the GBA game of a similar name. It's a bit different though - here you'll control the Mini Marios rather than big Mario himself, using the stylus to guide them through danger-infested courses.
The game also comes complete with a map editor, with creations trade-able via wi-fi, and features original Donkey Kong-kidnapped star, Pauline. It's set to release on September 25, 2006.
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May 10th, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
While everyone's focus was firmly on the unveiling of the Wii and its games at this year's Nintendo media event here at E3, the company still managed to unleash a torrent of information on brand new games heading to its DS handheld over the coming months and further. Surprisingly, despite the quality on show, Nintendo didn't do much in the way of trumpeting their arrival, so it's entirely possibly you missed some of the gems buried in all that Wii hyperbole.
For your procrastinating pleasure, we've selected the very cream of the crop in our DS round-up below - you'll find all the information we currently know about these new games, alongside all the screens Nintendo has made available so far. Without further ado, let's get rolling!
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol
Release: TBA
Type: Adventure
Players: 1-2
Developer: Skip
Eschewing the Sanderson household found in the brilliant GameCube game, this follow-up sees the diminuitive chore-bot taking to the great outdoors. Apparently, playground equipment is mysteriously vanishing and evil monsters have transformed the local flora into something unsavoury. It's up to you to restore the park to its former glory.
Apparently, you'll be able to ride buggies, cars and boats across lawns and ponds this time around, as well as using your squirter to vanquish foes, dance around to reinvigorate the plant life and build playground equipment to cheer everyone up.
Clubhouse Games
Release: Q4 2006
Type: Card, Board and Leisure games
Players: 1-8 (via Wi-fi Connection, DS Download Play or Multi-Card Play)
Developer: Agenda
This looks like one of those non-gamer games Nintendo's been churning out lately. Apparently, there's over 20 classic board, card and party games at your disposal - including checkers, darts, poker, bowling, backgammon, bridge and billiards. There's multiplayer functionality for up to eight players via online or DS to DS and it features a PictoChat-style conversation interface. Probably won't be top of your list, this one, but we thought we'd share anyway.
Custom Robo Arena
Release: Q4 2006
Type: Action RPG
Players: 1-2 (via DS Download Play, DS Multi Card Play and Wi-fi Connection)
Developer: Noise
Custom Robo comes to DS with Wi-fi Connection support! You'll explore a sci-fi universe in your bid to win the Custom Robo champonship, acquiring new parts and weapons for your Robos on your way. Nintendo says there are literally millions of possible part combinations available and you'll use the touchscreen to customise your charges. There's one-to-one multiplayer available too, either online or via DS LAN.
Diddy Kong Racing DS
Release: TBA
Type: Racing
Players: TBA
Developer: TBA
A bit of a mystery this one, thanks to a lack of official fact sheet. Although it's clearly based on the excellent Rare-developed N64 game, it's unclear if this is a simple port or a brand new racer featuring the most annoying monkey in the world. Either way, it looks like we can expect multiplayer action, including Mario Kart-style online racing.
DK: King of Swing DS
Release: TBA
Type: Action
Players: 1-4 (via DS LAN and Download Play)
Developer: Paon
By the sounds of it, this one's pretty much the same as King of Swing on the GBA - this time though, the pole swinging action is spread across both screens, meaning you'll have more play area to monkey around in. Apparently, there's a new sub-character, new moves, items and mini-games and you can go head-to-head with your mates in 1-4 player challenges via DS Download Play and DS LAN. Characters here, if you're interested, are Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong and Funky Kong.
DS Air
Release: TBA
Type: Flight Simulation
Players: 1-4 (via DS LAN and Wi-fi Connection TBC)
Developer: Nintendo
Hell's Bells! It's a realistic flight sim for DS developed by Nintendo, this one. It says you play a team of elite strike fighters here, and it's your job to bring down a mad dictator intent on taking over the world. You can customise your fighters with state of the art weapons, dogfight over land and sea and play co-operatively via DS LAN and online.
Elite Beat Agents
Release: Q4 2006
Type: Rhythm Action
Players: 1-4 (via DS Download Play)
Developer: iNiS
Okay, brace yourselves here. It's Ouenden, but not as you know it. It seems the absolutely amazing rhythm action title has undergone a complete overhaul for western audiences. The team of ninja cheerleaders from the Japanese version has been turned into secret-agent types (called Kahn, Derek, Morris and J, tentatively) and it looks like all the original situations, artwork and music has been redone as well. We can't say we much like the stuff we've seen - but as least the addictive underlying gameplay has been left in tact. Nintendo says you'll be able to assist a lost dog in finding his way home and help a babysitter charm her hunky football playing friend - we'd rather make pots and save the world from giant rats but hey.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Release: Q4 2006
Type: Graphic Adventure
Players: 1
Developer: Cing
The second DS from Cing, the team behind Another Code sees players taking on the roll of Kyle Hyde, an ex-cop turned salesman trying to track down a missing friend in 1979 Los Angeles. Apparently, you'll find yourself led to an old hotel with a strange room where wishes are granted - presumably the Room 215 of the title, eh? Holding the DS like a book, you'll use the touchscreen to question characters, search for clues and solve puzzle. We loved the old-skool charms of Another Code, so we're hoping for good things with this one.
Release: TBA
Type: Action
Players: 1-4 (via DS LAN and Download Play)
Developer: HAL
Kirby's back on DS and this time you're looking for a strawberry shortcake thief, of all things. The pink one's floating, jumping and battling action is back, but his copying abilities have been massively upped - you'll be able to mix and match copy abilities using the stylus to drag them together on the touchscreen and these will all have an effect on your environments as well as your enemies. Trees and grass can be burned with the Fire ability and the Ice ability freezes water - there's probably a bunch more, but Nintendo isn't telling right now. Finally, there's also a sub-game mode where you'll be able to battle up to four friends.
Magical Vacation
Release: Q4 2006
Type: RPG
Players: 1 in single-player mode, 1-6 in multiplayer dungeons
Developer: Brownie Brown
We heard about this one ages ago back on the GBA and wondered where it had gone. It seems developer Brownie Brown has been fashioning its RPG into a new DS game where you'll explore strange planets in your hunt for your teacher at Will O' Wisp magical academy. Apparently, the stylus is used to control everything, including combat, conversation and outfitting allies. There's also a special dungeon to explore with up to five friends wirelessly, where unending challenges and incredible awards are yours for the taking.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Release: September 25
Type: Action Puzzle
Players: TBA
Developer: NST
It's the sequel to the engaging GBA puzzler, but this time there's a twist. Instead of hunting for Mini Marios, you'll be guiding them around stages and obstables using the stylus - which sounds a bit Pikmin-y to us. Interestingly, although ultimately probably not integral to the gameplay, Pauline - the original damsel in distress from Donkey Kong - is back, giving Peach a well-deserved break from all that kidnapping malarky.
Nintendo says you'll be able to create your own maps using the level editor and share them via the Wi-fi Connection service. There's also a player-ranking system in the works too. Super.
Star Fox DS
Release: August 21
Type: Sci-Fi Space Shooter
Players: 1-8 (via DS LAN and Download Play), 1-4 (via Wi-fi Connection)
Developer: Q-Games/Nintendo
Hooray! Star Fox is back! Hopefully too, this will lay the horrible memories of Rare's Star Fox Adventures and Namco's Star Fox Assault to rest forever. From what we've seen, it looks at least on par as the brilliant N64 version visually and Nintendo's promising new strategic elements with a commander's view of missions. You can use the touchscreen to draw the routes you and your teammates take, then battle through enemies, storm bases and advance through the map. There's also a promised multiplayer component using both LAN play and Nintendo's online service.
Tenchu: Dark Secret
Release: August 21
Type: Stealth Action
Players: 1-2 (via Wi-fi Connection and DS LAN)
Developer: From Software
You're a ninja assassin and you've got to protect the princess! You'll stalk enemies, sword fight, plant explosive traps in the shrubbery and use your formidable arsenal to overcome the odds. There're more than 40 single-player missions and you can build your own weapons and items. What's more, there's LAN-based multiplayer missions across three modes and you'll be able to buy, sell and trade items via the Nintendo Connection service.
Yoshi's Island 2
Release: Q4 2006
Type: Platformer
Players: TBA
Developer: Nintendo
Well, this one took us by complete surprise. It's the sequel to one of the finest platformers ever made and it's coming to a DS near you at the end of this year. This time around you'll get to play as Baby Mario, Baby Donkey Kong and Baby Peach - each giving your Yoshi special abilities. The platform action will be spread across both screens - a bit like Sonic Rush - and it's looking lovely.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Looks like Nintendo didn't show us everything they're working on for the Wii yesterday. Safely ensconced under glass in Nintendo's booth is this little toy, a prototype "Zapper Style" shell for the Wii Remote. Needless to say, something like this will go a long way to adding some verisimilitude to certain games, or, as the Nintendo brass like to say, it's all about the feeling. Wonder if there's any recoil on this thing?
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May 10th, 2006, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Good news for fans of Trauma Center: Under the Knife, the quirky, er, surgery sim for Nintendo DS - a new instalment in the series is currently in development for the Wii.
Our old friend Internet Reports has been hinting at this for weeks, of course, but now it's been officially confirmed. The game will be titled Trauma Center: Second Opinion, and will no doubt task you with using the Wii's remote controller to slice, dice and sew up your patients.
There's no word on whether our hero Dr Stiles will return, but Internet Reports reckons there may be some kind of feature which will involve linking up your Wii with your DS. He could just be having us on though, the scamp.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion is due out STAT. All right, it won't be here till winter at the earliest, and possibly 2007, but we just wanted to write that. And if anyone can tell us how to complete that stupid level in the DS game where all the aneurisms burst and you fix them but some more burst and IT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE, we'd be very grateful.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
There's just a couple of weeks to wait until Chibi-Robo arrives on European GameCubes - and as you'll know if you read our review, it's well worth looking forward to.
So hooray for the news that the houseproud robot will also be getting an outing on the Nintendo DS. Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol will see our hero leaving the family home and exploring his surroundings, specifically the local park.
It seems that playground equipment has been mysteriously disappearing of late, and evil monsters have been mucking about with all the flowers. Only Chibi can save the day and make the park worth visiting once again.
He'll get to ride buggies, cars and boats, racing round the park's lawns and cruising across the ponds. When Chibi dances, plants will come back to life and playground equipment will reappear, and if he has any trouble from those pesky monsters he can simply use his squirter to see them off.
Nintendo has yet to announce a release date for Chibi-Robo DS, but the GameCube version will be in the shops on May 26th.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
One of the biggest attractions at this year's E3 is Nintendo's Wii, which features the motion-sensing controller many have nicknamed "the Wii-mote," because of it looks like a television remote control. Gamers aren't limited to just that controller, though. Additional peripherals can be used in its stead or even attached to it.
A separate analog joystick attachment has been known about for a while, and Nintendo revealed the classic controller yesterday, a pad that has two analog sticks as well as a more traditional button set-up.
Today, in the Wii section of Nintendo's booth, a new, unannounced peripheral was shown off in a display case. Dubbed "The Zapper," the new addition to the Wii family is a casing that houses the Wii-mote and the analog joystick in a configuration that looks like a gun.
The purpose seems simple--instead of holding both attachments in one hand (the analog joystick controls movement and the Wii-mote controls aim), one hand can control both.
Old school gamers will recognize the Zapper name. In 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System was sold with a light gun named the Zapper, which was used to shoot hapless ducks and snickering dogs in Duck Hunt.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
We just spent 20 minutes of time playing Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii. The menu screen prompts a quick shake with the nunchuck to start the game, upon which your able to choose either "game" mode or "fishing" mode. I fired up the fishing sim first. This mode has a very relaxing feel to it. The controls felt very natural and really make you want to catch a fish. Our good friend Ryan from Engadget was next to me and I could tell he wanted a shot. Unfortunately, I lost my big catch when the fish was positioned by my trusty canoe, which was a bummer.
The "game" mode controls work very nicely too. You can tell Nintendo did a good job adapting form the original GC controls to the new dual Wii controller setup. Using the left accelerometer is especially fun. The bow and arrows, along with the tornado attack is a little tricky, but hopefully with time, one can master it.
We've merely scratched the surface with this title, but so far, I would call it a solid implementation of the new "free style" remote. Stay tuned for more in-depth impressions as we get them.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Some info about the Final Fantasy III Game for the DS:
The only FINAL FANTASY® that was never localized—the third installment of the original series—will finally reach North American shores!
Lauded as “legendary” by the Japanese fan base, Final Fantasy III has been reborn, incorporating the latest in portable gaming technology. Using the features of the Nintendo DS to their fullest, Final Fantasy III features graphics that have been reworked and remodeled in 3D, while maintaining the mythical FINAL FANTASY look and feel.
Now is your chance to complete the circle. The Legend of FINAL FANTASY III is reborn.
The Gulgan thus prophesied:
This earthquake is only the beginning.
The great tremors that swallowed the crystals, the light of our world, only to spawn monsters from the depths of the scarred land, are nothing but harbingers of what is yet to come.
Something is coming...fathomless, ominous, and full of sorrow...
But hope is not yet lost.
Four souls will be blessed with the light, and so it shall begin...
A chance encounter with a sentient crystal changes Luneth’s life forever.
Luneth must leave the peaceful village of Ur behind, and seek three others who share his destiny. Together,
the four young adventurers set out on a dangerous journey to banish the darkness that threatens their world.
The missing link in the evolution of FINAL FANTASY is unveiled—North American gamers experience a legend reborn. A dynamic job-changing system brings a nearly infinite number of party variations. The Touch Screen interface takes full advantage of the DS capabilities—explore dungeons, dispatch foes and cast spells by using the stylus. A complete visual overhaul breathes new life into a classic—colorful 3D graphics bring FINAL FANTASY III into the new millennium.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Opera Software, a world leader in Web browser technology, today announced that Nintendo's much anticipated new generation game console, Wii, will use the Opera browser.
Users of the Wii console will browse the Internet using their consoles. Navigating via the innovative new Wii Remote controller, users can visit Web sites in between gaming sessions.
Nintendo is clearly visionary in leading the gaming industry into the new era in gaming, and a wonderful partner for Opera, says Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Nintendo, and work with them to deliver the best gaming experience on the Wii console and the Nintendo DS™.
For our Wii console launch in 2006, we required a browser that was fast and secure with support for the latest standards including AJAX. Opera proved perfect for our purposes and is an exceptional addition to both the Nintendo DS and the Wii console, said Genyo Takeda, senior managing director and general manager, Integrated Research & Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Opera and Nintendo announced their partnership to deliver the full Opera browser for the Nintendo DS on February 15, 2006. The Nintendo DS browser is scheduled for release in Japan this summer. Nintendo has not yet announced its global launch plans for this product.
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May 10th, 2006, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his MrDo Single Game Arcade emulator for the GBA (Works on DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)
Heres whats new:
*Added 2nd soundchip.
*Added 16bit sound mixing.
*Fixed soundclicks in rom selection menu.
*Fixed volume attenuation.
*Optimised some CPU ops and fixed some other.
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May 10th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via DS Fanboy
If you spend a good deal of your time watching classic Dracula movies or, uh, the Weather Channel, you would no doubt be interested in Hideo Kojima's new DS game, Lunar Knights. Featuring loads of snarling vampires and weather effects, Gamespot notes that the game follows the adventures of two warriors looking to spill the blood of some blood-suckers. The stylus is used for plenty of actions in the game, just as you'd expect, but the interesting part comes in with the use of the DS' top screen. As your characters traverse the bottom screen, the weather above them (so to speak) will change and affect their abilities to successfully fend off the vampires plaguing the planet. If the thought of umbrella-wielding heroes slaying in the rain doesn't appeal to you, you are most likely dead inside.
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May 10th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* added unit-routing (yet releatively cpu intense)
* fixed another mem leak (24Bytes per Frame)
+ added a debug mem output (bytes allocated for user/bytes in chunks allocated for malloc)
* resource producing units
* fixed a bug placing buildings with id bit0 = unset
* modified gameTimer to allow it to be fastened/slowed-down at any time
+ added resource commands to .maps (STARTMONEY, ONEVENT GIVEMONEY)
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May 11th, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
A world of transformations awaits as Capcom today announced Mega Man® ZX for the Nintendo DSTM, an original new action game that joins the Mega Man universe. A dynamic Biometal system plays the central role, offering players the ability to transform into different Model types, each with their own unique abilities and advantages. Utilizing new Models presents a variety of gameplay experiences, allowing players access to different powers and the ability to expand the game field, opening new and hidden areas for exploration. In addition, there is an option to play as either a male character or, for the first time ever in the Mega Man series, a female main character. Capcom plans to release Mega Man ZX across North America in Q3 2006.
In Mega Man ZX, hundreds of years have passed since the battles between humans and Reploids (robots). After fierce wars between the two sides, peace was finally restored and the two groups were able to establish various cooperative nations within the “Inner” area of the universe. However, danger zones remained in the undeveloped “Outer” section where independently evolved robots called “Mavericks” began wreaking havoc. A group called the Serpent Company scours the Outer universe to provide energy created from otherwise unattainable items to the Inner population and also serves to protect these peaceful nations from Maverick attacks over the years. On an excursion to the Outer region, they discover relics of ancient technologies in the ruins. These relics, called Biometals, are living, conscious materials, with records of information and weapon data from history housed within.
Players assume the role of either a human male character named Vent or his female counterpart, Aile, who are employees of the Girouette Express, a courier service that takes jobs transporting anything to anywhere. On a job accompanying their boss, Girouette, to transport a package containing Model X and Model Z Biometals, they are attacked by a mysterious group of Mavericks who seeks to take the material for themselves. During the scuffle, the Model X Biometal is absorbed into the main character, causing a transformation into Model X form while the Model Z Biometal fuses with Girouette. Facing innumerable enemies, Girouette lends his newfound power to his employee and the two substances combine to form Model ZX. With powerful abilities at their disposal, they must discover who the menacing enemies are and what they are ultimately after.
In Mega Man ZX, players traverse an open map structure as they face various foes in order to acquire Biometals. The crystallized Biometal data collects at the weak points of bosses, so only by defeating them will players acquire the necessary substances to transform into different Models. The specific powers of each type will help access previously inaccessible areas and progress through the game. Each Model type offers distinct abilities including the ability to break walls, burn enemies with fire, dash through water and more.
Mega Man ZX includes the following features:
Two playable characters – play as either a male character named Vent, or as a female named Aile
This is the first time ever in the Mega Man series where a female is the main playable character
Vent is bigger and more powerful while Aile is smaller and more agile
Each character has their own specific cut scenes
Biometal is the key – in order to gain the best transformation possible, strategically attack bosses without damaging its Biometals, otherwise its effects may become downgraded and must be repaired to regain its full potential
Transformations offer a range of different abilities
In human form, speak with townspeople and perform basic movements like walking and jumping
Model X form, drawing upon the Biometal data of Mega Man X, features a long range buster shot, basic actions, dashing and wall kicks
Model ZX form also includes the abilities of Model Z’s Z-Saber for short range attacks in addition to the Model X abilities
Biometal allows transformation into additional Model X types with distinct abilities – Model HX, Model LX and more
Expanding environment – unlock additional areas of the map by using different Model X forms’ powers
Real time info system – engages both screens of the DS system
Not only do different Model X types offer powerful abilities for players as they battle on the top screen’s “real world,” they can also trigger helpful Cyber Elves that display useful information on the bottom “Biometal screen” counterpart utilizing special abilities of Biometals
While the main action happens on top, beneficial data ranging from an enemy’s weak point, locations of hidden items and more are displayed on the bottom
The type of data displayed is different with each Model type
Overdrive invoke system – utilizing the Biometal Gauge, power up for a limited time to unleash devastating attacks; however once depleted, players revert to human form
Regenerating bosses – based on certain conditions, a boss that had been defeated will reappear again, allowing multiple opportunities to gain items from the repeated battles
Missions and Quests– progress the story by completing main missions while optional quests scattered throughout the map offer valuable information and items
Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment. Founded in 1983, the company has created world renowned franchises including Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Breath of Fire, Devil May Cry and the Onimusha series. Headquartered in Osaka, Japan, the company maintains operations in the U.S., United Kingdom, Germany, Tokyo and Hong Kong. More information about Capcom and its products can be found on the company’s web site at www.capcom.com.
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May 11th, 2006, 15:23 Posted By: hicaow
not sure how we missed this one! .. great app , supports all that good stuff now as well ..
Well here is possibly the last version of Win2DS. Finally has the the new WiFi features (WEP and DHCP all that), so you won't need to have all your WFC data fully filled out, or manually connect each time, or turn off WEP to keep the government from stealing your packets. There was a bit of a delay because I tried to add TCP support, but it is a pain in my ass and slow anyway. I will give this release a little time for bug reports and such, then I will probably release the source, because I think I'm done with this project.
Win2DS v0.5a
-Fixed screen corruption on M3.
-Tweaked the way the keyboard works for hopefully more compatibility.
-Complete overhaul of the GUI. Now makes full use of the touchscreen and has a Windows-like interface.
-Uses the new WiFi 0.3 lib. WEP, DHCP, automatic settings, and all that fun stuff should work now.
-Added GamePad Mode.
-Maybe some other stuff I don't know it's been a while!
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May 11th, 2006, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has defended the company's decision not to incorporate high definition technology into the Wii - but says the console's successor will be an HD system.
Speaking at an E3 Q&A session to unveil Wii title Super Smash Bros., Miyamoto said: "If you look at the technology that's out there and the companies that Nintendo has partnerships with when creating the system, obviously if we had decided to create an HD system we could have very easily."
"But a videogame isn't just graphics. A videogame is a combination of the interface you use to interact with the game, a combination of the graphics, the sound, perhaps the network... We thought at this time going in the HD direction was leaning too much to the graphics."
Miyamoto went on to observe that the penetration rate of HDTVs is "really not that high yet," adding: "Of course I think five years down the road it would be pretty much a given that Nintendo would create an HD system, but right now the predominant television set in the world is a non-HD set."
Nintendo has continually reiterated its intention to focus on offering a console which is accessible to a broad audience, rather than one which boasts cutting-edge specifications - despite the fact that both rival systems from Microsoft and Sony will feature HD technology.
"We thought it would be better to create a system that allows you to interact with any TV set you have in your home in an entirely new, different way, and even kind of turn that into a toy for your TV that anyone can pick up, interact with and enjoy - rather than only the people who have a very high-tech, specific kind of TV set," Miyamoto said.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed that the company does not intend to produce any further iterations of the Game Boy Advance, despite the success of the GBA SP and GBA Micro.
In an interview with Reuters, Iwata said: "I would have a second thought about using our resources on what would be the next generation of Game Boy Advance, considering the strong support DS is now enjoying."
"The Japanese game market is now evolving around DS. We don't need to do something that will pour cold water on the situation."
More than 74 million Game Boy Advance units have now been sold, a figure which includes sales of the original handheld, the more compact, backlit GBA SP, and the diminutive Game Boy Micro.
At the company's pre-E3 press conference earlier this week, Nintendo said that consumers have snapped up more than 16 million DS units since the handheld launched in the US on November 21st last year.
However, the company will not be focusing all of its attention on the DS over the coming months, since the Wii is due to launch this winter. Iwata promised that there will be a strong day one software line-up, stating: "I am aware that we cannot win user support by offering only a few titles at the launch like we did for Nintendo 64 and GameCube."
"We want to make it a double digit and we are able to do that." Titles already confirmed for launch include The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the Wii Sports compilation and Ubisoft shooter Red Steel.
Iwata said he believes Nintendo can be the market leader in the next-generation console cycle, despite the fact that poor sales of the GameCube have left the Japanese giant trailing in third place this time around.
"We are fighting not with Sony or Microsoft, but with indifference among our potential customers," Iwata said.
"We are the only one who has clearly made it a mission to lure those who don't play games and those who have quit playing games, and to break down a wall in a household between players and non-players. If that goal is achieved, there is a good chance that we can be number one."
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May 11th, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Rare has officially confirmed its involvement in the development of Diddy Kong Racing on Nintendo DS, marking the first - but not necessarily the last - collaboration with its former partner since the studio was bought by Microsoft.
Arguably producing some of their best work with Nintendo, there was serious and justifiable doubt as to whether or not the two companies would work together again after Microsoft coughed up $375 million for Rare - but it's all turned out all right.
In a post on the company website, Rare revealed: "Yes, Diddy Kong Racing is our first official DS project."
Apparently it's "based on the N64 classic but improved and expanded in ways that only the DS allows," and will feature remodelled and retextured tracks. You can also expect a new mode called TT's Wish Races which that lets you design and race around your own custom-built course.
There's also a bunch of new characters to play with, customisable vehicles, new weapons and gameplay modes, plus eight-player single and multi-card Wi-Fi play. Oh, and touch-screen and microphone functionality - and Rare says that's only the half of it.
No release date for the title has been set yet, but check back for more details soon.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
Gamasutra reports that, though they're not willing to say they have one in the works right now, LucasArts is interested in a Wii lightsaber game. From the article: "At the end of the demonstration, Gamasutra inquired as to whether the company planned on creating a lightsaber game for the Wii, after many commented on the suitability of the system to the concept - especially after an internal speaker was revealed in the controller being used to demo the concept. This question produced a number of knowing smiles around the room from LucasArts employees, followed by the comments: 'We know' and 'We are looking into it', as possible concepts for the game were discussed. However, the firm has not yet made any official announcements regarding planned Wii titles."
Id love to play a lightsaber Game 
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May 11th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
In a surprise news conference this evening, Nintendo unexpectedly revealed Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii, and released a promo video of the title. Smash Bros. Brawl will feature online play; a Nintendog item that blocks your view of the playfield by jumping up on the screen and demanding to be petted; bizarre Dragonball Z style superattacks; your choice of traditional Gamecube or motion-sensing Revmote control; and new characters in the form of Samus (without the suit), Meta Knight, Kid Icarus (!), and... Konami's Solid Snake, complete with a cardboard box he hides in. The only bad news is despite earlier reports it would be a launch title, Smash Bros. Brawl will not be out until 2007."
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May 11th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
One of the many Wii features touted by Nintendo has been the Virtual Console that allows Wii owners to download and play games from the company's extensive NES, SNES, and N64 game library using system emulation software. The library isn't limited to legacy Nintendo platform games, either. Nintendo has signed deals to bring Sega and Hudson Soft TurboGrafix 16 games over the Wii Virtual Console as well.
Nintendo's Wii Virtual Console demo station featured five signature games from the system's past: Super Mario Bros. from the NES, Super Mario World from the SNES, Super Mario 64 from the Nintendo 64, Sonic the Hedgehog from the Sega Genesis, and Bonk's Adventure from the TurboGrafix 16. The navigation menu only allowed us to scroll through the five title selection pages, so we didn't get a chance to select and download games to run.
The Wii Virtual Console stations used the gamepad Wii classic controller instead of the motion-sensing Wii-mote used with modern Wii games like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption or Super Mario Galaxy. We spent time playing all five games and didn't notice any differences between the Virtual Console versions and the originals, although we must admit that it's been about decade since we last played these games on their native systems. Games played in a letterbox on the widescreen booth display, but screens still looked sharp and vibrant.
The button settings were fairly intuitive for most games since the layout of the Wii classic controller can safely mimic the controllers of past consoles. Super Mario 64 had the least familiar mapping with player movement bound to the left analog stick, camera angle bound to the right analog stick, and the Z button bound to a tiny button stuck on top of the controller, just to the left of the right shoulder button. Hopefully, Nintendo will allow players to set their own button bindings in shipping Wii systems. The select and pause buttons function as expected, and players can press the home button in the center of the controller to open a quit game prompt to go back to the game-selection menu.
After seeing the Wii handle five flagship console games without a problem, it appears that the Virtual Console emulator is poised for a successful launch.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Nintendo is showing dozens of Wii games to attendees of the Electronic Entertainment Expo this year, but they're not making it easy on them.
Much like last year, the front end of Nintendo's E3 booth this year is dominated by the redesigned Nintendo DS Lite. The Game Boy Advance and GameCube are nowhere to be found, with a slew of first- and third-party DS games, including the new DS Pokemon, taking up all the kiosk spaces in the openly accessible front portion of the booth.
Red Steel The Wii controls a sword! The Wii controls a gun!
Watch | Download
All of the Wii games are walled off in the back half of the booth, and anyone who wants to see the Wii needs to wait in a line that will be very familiar to anyone who lost half a day of the Expo just to check out Zelda: Twilight Princess last year.
Before the show even opened this morning, the line of people with exhibitor badges waiting to see the Wii was snaking around the perimeter of the booth. There's a sign warning attendees that the wait in line is an hour from that point, but it serves as little deterrence. The Nintendo faithful are lined up to that sign, out of the booth entirely, down the aisle, and then around the back of the publisher's exhibit space.
Helping them to pass the time are a number of monitors along the wall of the booth that show people who talk to and interact with the attendees, waving to them, explaining the uses of the Wii controller and the like.
GameSpot News got a peek behind the Wii wall, where dozens of Wii systems were set up. Visitors were steered toward an elevated platform, where four Nintendo employees were using the Wii. Two were playing tennis against each other, one was playing Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and another was playing Wii Music Maestro.
After passing by a display case that showed off the hardware, several games were set up in well-equipped alcoves. Further along, the more accessible stations were lined up along the circumference of the inner chamber in Nintendo's booth.
Watching gamers side by side playing with Nintendo's next-gen console is quite unlike it would be on any other system. People are swinging the controller back and forth, holding it sideways, shaking it around, mocking football tosses, and swinging it side to side like a maestro's baton. Because of these active movements, Nintendo is slowly letting people in to avoid crowds that could hinder the free movements.
Want to see just what it was like to enter the Wii portion of Nintendo's booth? Watch GameSpot News' journey into the center of Nintendo's booth to get some hands-on time with the system.
The playable Wii games at E3 are listed below:
Red Steel
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii Sports (including Golf, Tennis, and Baseball)
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Excite Truck
Wii Music Orchestra
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Sonic Wild Fire (working title)
Sonic the Hedgehog (on the Virtual Console)
SD Gundam
Necro Nesia
Final Furlong
Bomberman Land
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Super Monkeyball Banana Blitz
Several Wii controller demos
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May 11th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
After sitting down with Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for a few minutes, we feel the verdict is still out. Granted, we didn't get to sail Wind Waker style with the stylus, and were kicked off early, so take criticism with a grain of salt. The game feels like a traditional top-down Zelda title only you direct Link with a stylus rather than a directional pad. We cruised around a mini dungeon for a bit and could see right away that the game has potential with touch controls.
1-on-1 Battle Mode versus another E3 attendee was a good time. One player guides Link to collect and safely return Triforces to base, while the other controls three "baddies" that try to stop Link from doing so. Though it felt like a rehash from gaming's past, it was fun to play. More to come.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

X-Men: The Official Game lets you become a part of the action in the X-Men universe. Become five of the X-Men and obliterate enemies using a combination of stealth and melee fighting, in action and time-based missions.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

X3: The Official Game lets you become a part of the action in the X-Men universe. Become five of the X-Men and obliterate enemies using a combination of stealth and melee fighting, in action and time-based missions.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

FIFA Soccer 2006 lets you become a soccer player or manage a team to its destiny! Get out on the Pitch as you play a complete, authentic, and intelligent soccer experience. Pull the team together when the game gets rough, and make sure your team chemistry keeps teams in the game.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

An official bridge between the events of the two films, X2: X-Men United and X3: The Last Stand, X-Men: The Official Game follows main characters Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Iceman as they embark on a 28-mission journey to defeat Hydra, the Brotherhood, and a collection of other surprise villains. Features include character-specific level geometry and super-powers, voice-overs from select members of the motion picture cast, and an original narrative written by Chris Claremont and Zak Penn.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
May 11, 2006 - Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.
IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?
Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.
IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?
Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.
IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?
Tezuka: Yes.
Fantastic News for both DS and Wii fans Free Online Play too 
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May 12th, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
May 11, 2006 - Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.
IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?
Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.
IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?
Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.
IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?
Tezuka: Yes.
Fantastic News for both DS and Wii fans Free Online Play too 
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May 12th, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
YoungMX has released a new version of DSOrganize the origizer applicaion for the Nintendo DS
Whats New:
* Changed color on INI/LNG syntax hilighting.
* Added htm/html as an editable type, complete with syntax hilighting.
* Rudimentary homebrew database, not very reliable due to early version of tcp, and not finished yet.
* Enabled 'sleep' mode when lid is closed for power saving.
* Touch area is bigger now for L/R/Start on screen.
* Possibly fixed the issue with browser crashing.
* Fixed random feature in music playback to never choose the same song twice.
* Added ogg playback.
* Added Id31.1 to mp3 playback.
* Added double click mode in browser.
* Added code from moonshell to boot sccf/scsd, this might or might not work.
* Changed sound code to anti-alias sound, the method moonshell uses to make sound cleaner.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
I have finished my homebrew opus, a clone (even though it features an original theme/story, graphics, and audio) of the popular PSP game Lumines. I wrote it using my own resouce conversion tools and audio/interrupts libraries. I hope people enjoy it. It plays great on the Visual Boy Advance emulator (and even better with a gamepad)!
More info --> http://akumaatr.nintendev.com/gleam.html
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May 12th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via GBADev
This is the latest release of the Super Smash Bros. ADVANCE demo. You can try out the state and physics engine for the game. Check out the readme.txt for information on controls, or contact info. The source is included, as usual, and should compile fine with DevKitAdv.
Older info:
Some friends of mine and I have taken on a huge project. We are attempting to port Super Smash Bros. to the GBA. We want this to look, play, and feel as clost to the original games as possible, at least fighting wise, so it will be a pretty long project to work on. This here is a demo showing early camera movement for the stages.
The source (and some screenies of concept) are included in the zip. If you wish to offer advice or comments, we are: thegamefreak0134
Download at Link Above
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May 12th, 2006, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his Colecovision emulator for the GBA (Works on DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)
Heres whats new:
Just a smal update to the Coleco Vision emulator.
*Fixed soundclicks in rom selection menu.
*Fixed rare lockup bug in game select.
*Fixed double 16x16 sprites in scaled mode.
*Fixed reseting of scalemode on restart.
*Fixed graphics mode1 a bit.
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May 12th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted this news:
Newsfeed (RSS/ATOM)support
You can set up the feeds you want to read in the settings / feed settings menu. NDSMail also looks for a file called ndsmail.fed in the flash card's root directory. ndsmail.fed is a text file, each line contains the URL (full URL with http://) to a RSS or ATOM feed.
To download the feeds, press on the button in the main screen to switch to mode, then press Receive.
Please note that I did not disable the New/Reply buttons in feed mode yet, pressing them will give unpredictable results.
I added 2 feeds as defaults so you can test it right away.
Bug where settings file got corrupted should be fixed (can't test it)
Shows status while connecting to access point
Some mail display bugs fixed
Many more things I can't remember
Note that most bugs with incomplete/corrupted messages are because of a bug in dswifi which will be fixed soon.
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May 12th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
lazmike posted this news:
The Second tutorial is up and features 2 scripts: the first is to export multiple selected meshes with the same texture map applied and the second will export a separate function for each selected mesh.
Some people were asking about exporting custom models, so here's a starting point. The next one will include exporting the ST texture coordinates.
More Info --> http://lazmike.nintendev.com/
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May 12th, 2006, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Liranuna posted this news:
I was more then bored. This started as a fun “Competiton” between me and laZmike (#dsdev) And ended with a fun game! Poke the Bunny. Danger! It bites!
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May 12th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Globoeil: has updated His Game Maker, heres whats new:
Updates in v.0.28:
-Scrolling works!! (But with a graphical bug that I will fix in a next version)
-Added a third BG; over the 2 first. You can now do beautiful maps!
-All the BG elements have changed
-Added water(just graphics, not animated)
-Corrected bugs
-Now you can choose width and height of your map (in elements) when creating new map
-Corrected a display bug when adding element with the Stylus
-increased compression of maps
-Increased max size of maps by 33% (512*384>>>512*512 like in RM2K!)
-increased saving/loading speed of maps
-Added security in VGMDS for disk access
-Now all element are configured "blockers" by default.
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May 12th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
After months and months of agonized waiting, we've finally managed to get our hands around Nintendo's hugely unconventional new controller for its next-gen console, Wii - and OMFGetcetc, it's a brilliant, phenomenal bit of kit. Everything you've heard and hoped for is true - you ain't seen nothing quite like this before sunshine. We'll go through the ins and outs of the Wii-mote elsewhere and hop straight to those all important games. First up, the most accessible - and damn, if it's not the single most concentrated pile of immediate fun we've ever had in a game - Wii Sports.
You'll have seen this already if you were watching Nintendo's media event on Tuesday - it's the game Uncle Reggie, Mister Iwata and King Miyamoto challenged one lucky winner to, in the form of Wii Tennis. Also bundled in with Wii Sports - already confirmed as a launch game - you'll find Golf and Baseball. Nintendo's also suggesting there might be a couple of additions to the sports package - potentially Airplane, which is showing under the Wii Sports umbrella here at E3.
We've got some first hands-on impressions below, as well as a couple of screens snapped directly from the show floor. It's worth pointing out that Wii Sports is in no way indicative of the power of the console from a graphical perspective. They've all been designed to be simple, stylised and approachable. As with all the Wii games on display, everything ran at a constant 60 fps - and when you see the gorgeous Mario, Zelda and Metroid in action, you're going to be mighty impressed.
Undoubtedly the jewel in Wii Sports' crown is Tennis, which sees up to four players wielding the Wii remote in wholly intuitive racket stylee. Like all of the offerings in the package, it's a doddle to pick up and play, but it's incredibly basic as far as a sports game goes. Although you can perform all the usual tennis tricks like forehands, backhands and serves (by flicking the remote upward then volleying it as hard as you can), your onscreen representations will find their own way to the ball automatically, meaning you don't need to worry about positioning. Really, all you're tasked with is deciding how to hit the ball and how hard, with the remote detecting the speed of your swings.
Despite it's simplicity though, it's a brilliant piece of design as far as introducing the world to Nintendo's new philosophy goes - and it's incredible how unintrusive the Wii remote actually is, fitting snugly into your hand. Of all the game's we've played so far, this is the one most likely to convince you of Wii's brilliance, in the shortest amount of time. As far as longetivity goes, it's a bit questionable, but as a party game, it promises to be a ball.
Admittedly we're less convinced by Golf and Baseball - both are even further simplified versions of the sports, without the thrill of the simultaneous multiplayer hijinx found in Tennis. It's hard to talk about Golf without pointing out that we're absolutely rubbish at it in the real world - so it probably speaks highly of the Wii remote's ability to replicate real-life activities when we say we were shit at Wii Golf too.
Having selected whether you're right or left handed, you're presented with a traditional behind-character view of the golf course. Next, unsurprisingly, you adopt your favourite golfing posture and swing away. Initially, you can take as many practice swings as you want - hold down the trigger or top button though and its the real deal. As you'd imagine, the remote senses your swing speed, effortlessly - and utterly intuitively - translating all that into how far the ball travels and where it ends up. Adjusting your intended path is a bit more old-skool though, achieved by pressing the d-pad either left or right.
From what we've seen, it's not the most sophisticated thing in the world and is probably best described as Monkey Golf with a fancy controller. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's probably got limited appeal.
Same story here too - although it's worth pointing out that Nintendo's deliberately marketing its Wii Sports package as a mass-appeal arcade style diversion with sporting allusions, rather than anything resembling a sim.
You can probably guess what Baseball entails by now: Use the remote as if it's a bat and swing away. Again, simplifying matters hugely, the game measures the speed of your swing and converts it into distance on the screen - the further you thwack it across the field, the more likely you are to score a home run. There're no fancy complications or cut-scenes if you do though - it's simply a case of the onscreen HUD marking one of your ten innings with the appropriate icon and you're off again. Your longest strike and number of innings is recorded at the end of the game and that's it.
Finally, Airplane stands as the oddity in Nintendo's Wii Sports line-up. Although it's collected alongside Tennis, Baseball and Golf on the show floor, it doesn't really bear much resemblance to the games currently confirmed for the Sports label. In fact, Airplane plays more like a Wii-enabled version of Pilotwings - which should be plenty to make fans clamouring for the classic franchise's return get at least slightly damp. The demo sees you guiding a plane through the skies over a sparsely rendered island, skirting through hoops for points in time honoured fashion.
Despite the lack of graphical lustre - especially compared to the genuinely sumptuous and next-genny Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda and Metroid - Airplane plays brilliantly, demonstrating yet another means of utilising Nintendo's curious controller for an entirely new way to play. Holding the remote between your thumb and index finger like a paper airplane, you steer by tilting to the left and right and rise and fall by dipping back and forward. You can even perform a barrel-roll by tilting one way then quickly snapping back in the opposite direction. Although it's slightly awkward and alien at first, it soon feels like second nature. In the short time we had, we managed to skirt under bridges, scale mountains and brush rooftops with ease.
If Nintendo fleshes this one out, it'll be a damn fine and genuinely engaging addition to Wii Sports. Of course, if they opt to turn it into a fully fledge Pilotwings game, we won't be complaining either.
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May 12th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
When we found out Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to give us a second round to ask him about the latest in the world of Nintendo here at E3, I found that same inner-child fanboy Peter reminisced about when we last interviewed him start to emerge. Suddenly I wanted to play all those games I grew up on again, but we had to know how he thinks the Wii is going to change the future of gaming. Vlad Cole and I somehow managed to pull ourselves together long enough to ask him about whether the sedentary gaming world is ready for full-body frenetic gameplay, how he's influencing the next generation of Nintendo games and game designers, the media agendas of the 360 and PlayStation 3, and even a little on HD gaming.
So, thank you very much for meeting with us, I really appreciate it. The Wii represents a major step forward for Nintendo in terms of functionality and capabilities. One of the things we're really curious to know is what Wii is going to enable you as a game maker to create that you've never been able to create before.
Well, I think the greatest strength of the Wii is that it allows you to create games that are very intuitive and very easy to pick up and play, such that people who've never played a video game before can easily pick up the controller and start playing. And that's kind of the concept behind the games like Tennis and Golf and Baseball and the Wii Sports Series, and these are really kind of the very basic games that we're looking at doing.
And then of course thinking about the types of games that the gamers have come to know and play over the years, the unique features of the Wii controller, such as the direct pointing device on the Wii Remote will allow gamers to now more directly interact with the types of game screens that they've seen, where they're pointing directly at a place on screen to interact with it.
Is there a type of game that even now you still can't or for whatever reason create?
I can't think of any off the top of my head. I don't really have any ideas that stew in my brain for long periods of time. I really just focus on what I'm working on at the moment.
The one thing that I have been thinking about for a long time is this problem we've had with 3D games, where as we've been making 3D games, 3D worlds and the control schemes have becomes so complicated. People who don't play games can't easily jump into those interactive worlds and experience them. And I think we've been able to overcome some of that difficulty with the functionality of the Wii controller. So now as we go forward and create software I have to continue to think of ideas of how to take advantage of that to overcome that barrier.
When it comes to designing these games, specifically with regard to the Wii controller, what kind of role is it that you play now within Nintendo, and how do you oversee the process of game design?
Well, I am overseeing a large number of games at one time. But at the same time, out of that large number I always try to choose maybe two or three games that I focus on, and that I try to involve myself directly in.
So then that would beg the question, which games specifically bear your mark? Which two or three of the most recent spate of games show your signature on them?
Well, obviously I have to kind of take responsibility for Super Mario Galaxy, and Zelda: Twilight Princess, as those are two of my most important franchises, so I'm always involved in any new development on those. On top of that I'm also working on the Wii Sports games. We have a number of very young directors, about six of them, each of whom is responsible for one of these sports games. So they're all working underneath me, and I'm giving them quite a bit of direction as well.
Being that there's some delegation of game design to other people, what is it that you think is really the hallmark of your contribution to these games?
Well, game development takes a very long period of time to complete. And over that period of time you experience any number of elements that you devote a lot of time to -- and maybe you make some mistakes on and you have to go back and redo. So I think my biggest contribution is to be able to step in and try to pinpoint where those types of errors might occur before a lot of work is done on them; to keep that type of effort at a minimum. It would be best have those young directors kind of experience those mistakes for themselves and learn from them, but at the same time, in the idea of trying to keep the development time lines down it's also important for me to step in and kind of point them out, and help them overcome those mistakes.
And then on top of that, I think something else that's very important is bringing all those directors together and communicating with them in a group, so that the other directors can also learn from the experiences that everyone else has had, and learn from the mistakes that they have made.
I would love to have a specific example of a mistake that was corrected by you; you stepped in and you made some changes, and you taught others what not to do in that situation. Can you think of a good example?
This is a kind of a slightly different case then what I just explained, but one example I can give would be with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which as you know takes advantage of the Wii remote for aiming with the bow. Some people found that when they were aiming with the bow, as they release the button to fire the arrow your aim would move slightly, and that would make it more difficult to hit the enemy. So the natural thinking was that maybe on the software and programming side we could make it so that even if your aim moves just a little bit as you release you'll still hit the target, kind of almost like an auto-aim type of feature. That was kind of the natural thinking in terms of how we could improve that.
But I went back to the team and I said, well, you know, if you think about it though aiming a bow is not something that's very easy to do. So the fact that you have to be very precise adds reality, it adds realism to the game. So rather than try and take that type of aiming system and change it into something that's more along the lines of a shooting game, it's better to retain that type of realism and challenge the player to really kind of get into the feeling of shooting a bow. I think often times people kind of have these old habits in creating games, that they always tend to try and resolve issues in the same way, even though resolving that issue may not be the best solution for that particular piece of software.
It's interesting that you talk about the experience of actually using a bow and this kind of kinetic movement, because one of the things we wanted to know was how essential to the experience of using the Nintendo Wii is this full body motion that we've been seeing with a lot of the titles that are on display here?
I think what's really important is to think of how the player feels while they're playing. For instance, with the Tennis games, you don't necessarily have to do big swinging motions to play it, you can actually make just very simple motions; you could even just tap the controller back and forth on your hand and still execute the actions on the screen. But in fact for most players getting a good swing in and actually playing the game with those sweeping motions is a lot more fun. Simultaneously, something else that we've tried to think of is, as we're creating the games is does the game look like it's fun to play when you see someone else playing it? I think that's very important, this idea of when other people are looking at the player are they being encouraged to actually try and play the game as well. And so really it's a balance between these two, and I think that's something we'll be working on going forward.
So yeah, there's a plane demo out on the show floor that you can control just holding your controller like that and tilting a little bit, but we find that holding it like an airplane and doing the dives yourself and pulling up and doing loopty-loops is much more fun.
This more active gaming style is a departure from today's gaming, which tends to be sedentary. What's the backup plan if gamers aren't willing to follow into that more active sort of gaming? Do you see more games being made for the classic controller?
Of course we will have games that will be functional with the classic controller as well. And in fact if you try Zelda in the living room setting on the show floor you'll see that you can actually sit back and with very little motions play Zelda and have a very good time with it. Those gamers who aren't interested in doing those very sweeping motions, they don't have to. But in fact, I think, they're going to find as they're playing that they're gradually going to start doing those motions because it's so much more fun to actually be that involved in what is going on the screen and it adds that much more realism and I think there a large number of players out there that are really excited for that type of control scheme.
Even when you're just sitting there with this more laid back style of gameplay, I think everyone's going to find that just using the pointer in and of itself is very convenient and a very good addition to the control experience as well.
Your chief competitors are adding multimedia experience to their consoles -- movies, downloads -- a lot of different experiences that aren't gaming related, and yet they plan to mix those with gaming. How do you plan to address if the gamer thinks this is important? Will the Wii console, by comparison, look less attractive to the gamer?
As we see the other consoles get more and more PC like in their nature, it's only natural to try and use more PC-like functions in terms of downloads and things like that. You know, Nintendo really focuses on entertainment and we've really created the Wii to be this entertainment device that couples with your television set that anyone in the household can find entertainment value in. So in that sense we're not focusing so much on extemporaneous functionality so much as what kind of core entertainment value we can include in the hardware that everyone in the household will be able to enjoy.
One of the functions that we've added to the hardware that we think will really add to this is the Wii Connect24 feature, where Wii is the only hardware system that is connected to the internet 24 hours a day, that also means your television will then be connected to the internet 24 hours a day and that would allow for different types of functionality and different types of entertainment for everyone in the household. Additionally, we're not looking at including unnecessary types of functionality that would unnecessarily increase the cost of the system, we want it to be very affordable so everyone can really enjoy it and then will take advantage of these functionalities. Wii Connect24 will not necessarily allow for the downloading of massive content, but rather using that functionality allowing for packets of data to be traded back and forth between different players, and having that give birth to different styles of gameplay.
How do you think high definition will change gaming?
I think at some point there will be a point down the road where most everyone does have an HD TV. But right now I don't think that what gaming needs is more high definition graphics, I think what's more important is the interface for how you interact with your games, how your games connect to the internet and take advantage of that functionality, and even more simply just how everyone in the household is able to interact with the hardware itself and find entertainment value in that, thereby allowing us to increase the people who are engaging the game. I think these are far more important issues for us to be thinking about rather than simply prettier graphics for the same games that people have seen.
As a possible counterpoint to that, what about the idea that the DS itself is an portable HD device? You had just one screen initially and then you add another screen and look at all the gameplay possibilities that extra screen real estate opened up to you. And that's what HD gaming can do to an extent: it gives you all this extra area to display other information, so it's not necessarily prettier graphics, but extra space for more of the same fidelity graphics.
I think that in the future there is definitely a possibility to take advantage of that type of functionality, but what I think is more important right now is reinventing the interface. The reason that I say that is because if we continue to do the same type of things we've been doing with gaming with the same interface, and we simply take advantage of the new capabilities that HD would allow us to take advantage of, that's not going to expand the audience, it's just going to be the same people playing video games that have always played video games. And if we continue to go down that path, we're just going to see the video game audience shrink, as we've seen elsewhere. Really, what we need to do is take advantage of this opportunity to reinvent the interface, use that opportunity to welcome more people into gaming, expanding that audience, and then later on perhaps going down that road and taking advantage of the types of advances that HD technology would allow at a time when everyone has an HDTV.
I think what was more important to the DS' success was the implementation of these new interfaces like the touch screen -- being able to interact directly with the game simply by touching the screen – or the voice input using the built-in DS microphone. Or being able to display larger fonts on the screen so that people who haven't been playing video games before can actually pick up the DS, make it feel like a book, and feel more natural interacting with this technology device that normally they wouldn't. Coupled with that is the idea that the software is very appealing as well to people who haven't played video games before: things like Nintendogs and the Brain Training games. I think it's this combination that has really contributed to the success of the DS rather than just the improvements in graphics or the area of the screen.
So what non-Nintendo-platform games are you most looking forward to playing on either the Xbox 360 or PS3? I assume as a gamer and designer you play all sorts of games.
I actually haven't had a chance to even be out on the show floor so I don't even know what's available to play. Although I do want to see how Sony's little sensor is working. (Laughs)
What do you like better: E3 or the Tokyo Games Show?
(Laughs) I haven't been to Tokyo Games Show in many years and we haven't shown any software at Tokyo Games Show in many years, so I actually prefer E3.
Thank you for your time, Miyamoto-san!
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May 12th, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has stressed the importance of forging a link between the DS handheld and the new Wii console, stating that the technology for interconnectivity is already in place.
Speaking to gaming blog Kotaku, the legendary games designer said that the option for consumers to connect the two 'disruptive technology' platforms has already been implemented in the Wii console - but that Nintendo has yet to cement plans with regard to how best to utilise it.
Using the DS touch-screen and microphone input to affect Wii gameplay as well as downloading content from Wii to be edited and then uploaded back to the console from the DS were just a couple of the suggestions presented, but no firm announcements have been made thus far.
Miyamoto stated that the connectivity functions for the two devices would likely be available by the time the Wii launches during the fourth quarter of the year, or very soon afterwards.
Central to Nintendo's next-gen strategy is the expansion of the gaming audience and a move away from 'core gamers' to a broader demographic, who will want to play the Wii regardless of age, gender and previous experience of videogames.
Software innovations aside, the company believes that its revolutionary motion-sensing controller is key to breaking down the barriers and encouraging a new, non-gaming audience to join in.
Miyamoto hopes to further encourage this expansion of the consumer audience by offering a personal attachment to the new controller. Effectively, each person in the household could have their own controller, which is tied to their own gaming preferences and will ensure that the Wii automatically customises the look or settings of various games, depending on which controller is used to switch the machine on or join a new game.
Whilst Microsoft already offers a personalised gamertag and user profile for it's Xbox 360 console (with similar plans announced for the PS3), Nintendo appears to be taking the idea a step further, offering a personalised controller that enables the console to instantly recognise personal preferences and game settings - a move which could prove to be exceptionally useful in helping the company achieve its ambitions in the next-gen market.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
As much as we love the idea of the tiny speaker built into the Wii controller, we wonder just how far some game developers will go in terms of realism. Take Red Steel for example, the lush new Ubisoft game in which you get to wield the Wii controller like a ceremonial katana. Will the controller gurgle as you slash your opponent's jugular, or maybe emit a nice squelchy noise as you poke them in the kidney? We can but hope.
Sadly no word from Ubisoft on controller death-throw noises to date, but what we have learned is that the game centres around the murder of a Japanese Yakuza big-wig and the kidnapping of his daughter. You get to travel from Los Angeles to Japan in an effort to unravel the mystery and rescue the girl.
Judging by these screens, the first-person slashing, running and gunning action is spectacular to say the least, and another reason why the Wii launch line-up is starting to look very exciting indeed. You get to replicate slashing and shooting movements with your revolution controller, as well as executing deadly combos with multiple swords.
You'll probably have to pinch yourself hard to remind yourself you're not in a John Woo movie. Oh, and there's talk of freezing time, and split-screen multiplayer options and apparently you can even choose to spare your enemies if they beg. We won't be doing that.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday we brought you the fantastic trailer, today we bring you 28 eye-caressing Super Smash Bros. Brawl screens, featuring Snake, Mario, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby in his fetching chef's hat, Link and Wario (in evil pre-fart pose) among others. Gaze at them with love and hold them close to your heart forever.
Oh, and if you missed the Super Smash Bros. Brawl trailer, you can find that right here.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Grip your shaft firmly with both hands. Head down, knees bent, draw back, then let rip! Tecmo's Super Swing Golf Pangya will be encouraging Wii gamers to do just that when it tees off on Nintendo's next-gen console next year.
Wii's motion-sensitive controller is to be exploited to the max in this "casual" golf diversion - as the player holds it just like a golf club, the backswing dictates the shot's power, while the rotation at the point of impact defines the amount of hook or slice on the shot.
It's based on the downloadable PC game Pangya (www.pangya.com/english/index.asp). Curiously, while much of PC Pangya's appeal was its focus on social online multiplayer rounds, Tecmo's Wii interpretation concentrates on single-player modes (including Story, Freeplay and Challenge) and offline party-style multiplayer modes. The game is also going through a major graphical overhaul to bring it in line with next-gen expectations, with improved character textures and more detailed models, new costumes, and redesigned courses.
Super Swing Golf PANGYA is on course for an early 2007 release.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
The registry information for wii.com shows that it was originally registered by timber and paper firm Willamette Industries, Inc. in 1994, a time when Nintendo's Super NES was duking it out with Sega's Genesis and Saturn. Just to put things in context, the original Sony PlayStation wasn't even out on the August day that Willamette Industries snapped up wii.com--it wouldn't hit shelves until the end of the year.
A lot of things have changed since then: two console generations have come and (almost) gone, and Willamette Industries is no more. The company was gobbled up in a hostile takeover by forest product behemoth Weyerhaeuser in 2002. Along with Willamette's plants, real estate, and equipment, Weyerhaeuser also gained ownership of its intangible assets--like the wii.com domain name.
Registry information shows that Weyerhaeuser is doing a good job of maintaining its claim to the domain: its registration fees are paid until 2009. The only way that Nintendo might be able to obtain the domain for its own use is by buying the domain outright from Weyerhaeuser.
Will Weyerhaeuser sell wii.com if the house of Mario comes knocking? GameSpot contacted the company to ask exactly that question. but Weyerhaeuser's legal department had not responded as of press time.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Well, we couldn’t really resist this one. The queue for the Wii earlier this morning was around a four-hour wait. An E3 record, so SPOnG were informed. Check out these pics we just took of the guys patiently waiting in line to experience Nintendo’s new toy.
Also check out what was perhaps one of the coolest stand features we have seen at this year’s show. To entertain, titillate and flirt with the guys in line, Nintendo has employed a number of people to sit behind the wall and have a video image of themselves projected out to the patiently waiting gamers in the line. Also, impressively, some of these people happened to be very hot models.
One poor fella had been there so long it seems that he has fallen asleep against a wall, as you can see from the pic on the right. SPOnG spent some time speaking to one young lady (pictured right) who gave away the fact that she was a model from Los Angeles by asking us “so, have you guys played this game yet?”.
No love. We haven't yet. That’s why we are in the lengthy queue to wait to play it. Doh! We’ll let her off for her LA dizziness though. She did have cracking legs.
The unprecedented demand for the chance to have the first go on a new Nintendo console speaks volumes. The Wii, so it would seem, is the not-so-surprise hit of the show this year. SPOnG has, annoyingly, been too busy running around meeting PRs, developers and publishing execs in an effort to get a good overview of everything that’s on show this year.
Unlike many other gaming sites, rushing to upload a million news stories about new screens of every single new game announced at the show this week (we actually overheard one of our peers earlier in the media room bragging about how “we’ve put up 200 news pieces man!”), SPOnG is going to take a novel approach to telling you all about the good, the bad and the ugly coming out of E3 2006.
Instead of bombarding you with screenshots and copy/pasted press release overload, we are going to take a stand back and digest what we’ve seen, before we tell you everything you need to know about the main highlights of the show and the best games we’ve seen whilst we’ve all been running around the convention centre this week.
And we have seen some of the greatest videogames yet known to man, so watch this space over the coming days and weeks to find out more about what you are going to be playing in six month’s or a year’s time. The future is bright. We expect the Wii queues at a game store near you to be equally as long as they were in the West Hall this morning. For anybody who cares in the slightest about videogames, or just about having fun one thing is sure from E3 this year. This winter is going to rock.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:45 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK, heres the details:

Design escpecially for NDS with high clarity materials to protect your game screen from dirt and scratches. The double layered design protects your game screen from dust and grime.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:48 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK, heres the details:

Unou no Tatsujin Ganbare Trainer combines the mini games of Namco's Gun Bullet (Point Blank) arcade series with the brain training of Namco's Unou no Tatsujin (Right Brain Master) series. The game includes over forty mini games from Gun Bullet, with the focus primarily on using the touch pen to shoot targets. The brain training takes place in Brain Massage mode, where you go through a series of four tests and have your concentration, reaction, accuracy and judgment levels reported on a graph. The game also includes an arcade mode and a mode for two player competitive play.
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May 13th, 2006, 10:15 Posted By: wraggster
Looking back at the history of Nintendo, you can see that every video game console which they released was priced at $199. Even when the PlayStation, PS2 and XBOX came out at $299, Nintendo kept their launch price at $199.
It is probably safe to assume that Nintendo will keep the same price strategy for Nintendo Wii, and analysts seem to agree. Nintendo has lost a great deal of market share over the past few years, especially with the GameCube. However, with the release of Nintendo Wii, they have a chance to win back some of this market share, and the pricing of the console is probably going to be on of their biggest strategies. With the lower end XBOX 360 and PS3 systems starting at $299 and $499 respectively, a price of $199 will drive a lot of sales for Nintendo.
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May 13th, 2006, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
Hudson has announced that, barring unforeseen nuclear disasters or time-travel mishaps, they'll be releasing 100 different titles on Nintendo's virtual console service. The only name we have for now is Bonk's Adventure which, given the absence of the other 99 titles, doesn't leave us feeling particularly informed. Games like Lode Runner are most certainly destined for Wii emulation, but which other, more obscure Hudson games should we be getting excited about experiencing again?
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May 13th, 2006, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
Having spent two days now with Nintendo's Wii controller, here's what we think up to this point. We'll have to see a little more (sorry Reggie, I mean play) before fully believing, but we're glad you'll keep using a traditional control scheme through the GameCube's controller on new games.
Solid hardware design. The controller(s) have added weight and feel very good in your hands. Nice plastic, yo!
Built-in speaker value add. While Zelda fishing, the reel audio sample was a nice touch.
Works well with certain games, i.e. tennis, baseball, Zelda (spin attack) where stroke motions are, would be similar to real life ones.
Doesn't work well with certain games, i.e. Madden where stroke motions differ than real life ones (you don't pass a football by flicking your wrist).
Rumble feature feels weak. Nuff said.
If no real-life motions are associated with a game, does motion control add value to the gaming experience? (undetermined)
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May 13th, 2006, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
Encouraging gamers to slice people open with a scalpel and prod at their various internal organs, Trauma Center: Second Opinion (cool title!) clearly fits in well with Nintendo's all-inclusive family strategy for the Wii. Okay, so it's a sequel to last year's DS doctor sim, Trauma Center: Under the Knife, meaning that you're generally gutting people for their own good. I managed to track down Tomm Hulett of Atlus USA and, after threatening him sufficiently, managed to extract the following information:
The game should be released within the Wii's "launch window" (i.e. before the end of the year).
Two playable characters will be available, each one following a different path in the story.
Unlike Derek (the original game's main character), the new doctor will not possess the "Healing Touch", instead boasting some other, sure to be wacky power.
The game was almost called Trauma Center: Relapse.
Thanks to the wiimote, Second Opinion will be much more intricate than the DS version and allow you to use more surgical tools.
The nunchuck analog stick is used for selecting tools.
The game will not be fully voice-acted. Only a couple of voice samples will be matched to on-screen text, much like the Legend of Zelda titles.
Tomm hinted that you'd be able to use the wiimote and nunchuck as a defibrilator.
Speaking of which, the Atlus meeting rooms just happened to be situated right next to the wall mounted defibrilator pictured to the right. Must be one for the fanboys.
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May 13th, 2006, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
One of the first titles to fully demonstrate the functionality of Nintendo DS was the unlikely hit Nintendogs, a game that let players care for and train their very own virutal puppy. The title used the stylus with great results and so many felt that the franchise would also perfectly suit the Wii's console, whose innovative remote is in many ways similar to the stylus.
We chatted with Nintendo EAD's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, about a possible Wii sequel to Nintendogs and although he was careful with his words, he suggested that the Big N has already thought of the idea. Here's an excerpt from our interview:
IGN Wii: Will you bring Nintendogs to Wii?
Tezuka: It's definitely a property that we're looking at because it was so well received and it did so well for us. There are definitely conversations about where we can take it next. Nothing specific yet, but it's definitely something that's in our minds.
More as it develops.
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May 13th, 2006, 10:52 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has again updated his Mail app for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
- correctly converts some tags like line breaks, so mail/feed display is a lot nicer.
- file writing probably did not work at all in 0.40
- better error handling / access point reconnect
- default settings in nds file, so users without filesystem support can hex-edit their settings
For those who are waiting for SSL, it will not happen before the release of a new version of dswifi.
As always, I'm working on cool new features, stay tuned 
If you find any feeds that do not work with NDSMail or just feeds you would like to share, please post them in comments.
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May 13th, 2006, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has updated moonshell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
New Beta release from what i can tell
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May 13th, 2006, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
More WIP News from ETK of his Megaman Clone for the DS:
have changed some things on the game and on the event editor, here are the changes in the game:
-Added background music
-Changed map gfx
-Fixed compatibility between MegaETk and the event editor
-Fixed dash bug that makes you fall sometimes in the small pits
-Fixed more things maybe, but I allways forgot (o.O)7
Event editor changes:
-Fixed compatibility between event editor and megaetk
-Fixed a lot of bugs (which I don't remember now)
-Added option to add items
-Changed size of some text boxes
-Improved "data.mee" that event editor creates to save all the data (level folders etc...)
-Now it can read the "level1.c" files (the array data) and renders it! Now I don't have to put the monsters on the tool each time I want to edit it :P
Do you prefer this map gfx or the old one?
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 14th, 2006, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have announced they are in stock of the Solar Charger for the PSP/DS & GBA, it looks like a GBASP in design, heres the details:

Recharge the PSP, Nintendo DS or GBA-SP without a power source
Portable and environmentally friendly
Built in 1800mAh Li-ion battery
Cables to connect to PSP, DS & GBA-SP provided
Recharges in 4 hours in bright sunlight
Can be used in Sunlight or Cloudy Conditions, plus can also be used in artificial (indoor) light
More info at Divineo UK
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May 14th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Ever wonder who will be responsible for the motion sensing part of Nintendo's motion-sensing Wii remote? PixArt Imaging Corporation, "a market leader in CMOS sensor SoC (System-On-a-Chip) and related application semiconductors," has issued a press release announcing a strategic relationship to provide object-tracking technology to Nintendo:
PixArt's Multi-Object Tracking™ engine (MOT sensor™) technology can track multiple objects in an unbelievably quick and responsive way. As a result, Nintendo can enable its new gaming controller to interact with people by tracking the movement of the Wii Remote. The playing experience will be unprecedented, exciting and easy, even for young children or older people who cannot operate the traditional gaming controllers.
It's not clear from the release whether PixArt's tech will improve the performance of the remote or if this is what was used in the E3 demo units. God know there are plenty of people who can't operate traditional gaming controllers.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
We realize both controllers are still technically beta hardware, but if we had to choose based on the what we played with at the show, out the door we're gonna have to vouch for the Wii controller first and foremost. Both worked (in the basic-most sense of the word), and both provided a new level of immersion to gaming. But even assuming both functioned equally well, Nintendo's controller's shape and design proved to be more versatile in lending itself to a wide variety of uses and scenarios in movement-based gaming than did Sony's. The simple fact of the matter is Nintendo designed their controller from the ground up with the intention to play with movement, while Sony merely tacked the ability onto their own already-classic design. Now, if you want to talk about a scenario where you've got a severe button masher of a fighting game that needs a thorough going over on both platforms, you're going to have a completely different answer; but as long as we're talking about these controllers' performance with their newfound functions, we have to tip our hats to Nintendo.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
It's strange how almost every single picture of the Wii fails spectacularly to depict the console's actual size. In reality, the system is ridiculously small with an aesthetic that deftly illustrates how far Nintendo has come in terms of design after they churned out the monstrous looking N64. We're not shallow enough to attach much significance to a console's appearance, but there's something unnervingly attractive about that small white box and its various attachments.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his Master System/Game Gear emulator for the GBA (Works on DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)
Heres whats new:
I thought I would release this yesterday but it was too sunny so I had
to spend some time outside and drink a few beers.
I'm sorry but there are no savestates in this release either, I will do that for the next release though.
*Fixed volume attenuation.
*Fixed soundclicks in rom selection menu.
*Fixed a bug with the new sprite collision.
*Fixed some bugs with the sprites in Mode 0 & 2.
*Fixed a rare background bug in Mode 0, 1 & 2.
*Fixed cpu timing for both PAL & NTSC (confirmed on real HW).
*Better update timing in PAL mode.
*More colorful SG-1000 palette.
*Optimised BIT7 instructions.
*Optimised some of the shift instructions.
*Optimised DD/FD instructions.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his Mr Do Single Game Arcade emulator for the GBA (Works on DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)
Heres whats new:
IFixed a smal bug in Murdoc that shut off the sound if you restart it, just download it again.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his Green Beret Game Arcade emulator for the GBA (Works on DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)
Heres whats new:
Smal fix to the Green Beret emulator, now also plays Mr. Goemon.
*Added Mr Goemon.
*Fixed sound after restart.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Angor has updated his Lua game for the Nintendo DS, Heres whats new:
Finally the game starts getting a friendly commercial-like look! Main improvements from previous version are:
Great graphics update and removal of all text: splash screen, animated menus, results screen
New game mode added: time limited match
More info --> http://snowballbattle.blogspot.com/
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May 14th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
+ Added crash debuginfo, which prints out the registers content at crash situation (not including not terminated loops)
+ added (partitial) debuginfo on R+L+A+B keypress, showing the current SVC-mode location. (for detecting not terminating loops)
* speeded up the no-route-to-target recognizing
* fixed units using the wrong animation. Units allways faced the target, now they face the next steps location
* updated some of the ingame gfx with the rendered versions
* reduced the stack-load of .lst parsing functions
* speeded the routing function a bit
* fixed a routing crash
* fixed a rout-failure when target or startpoint is marked as non-passable
* buildings are not selected in multiselectings anymore
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May 15th, 2006, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
The latest Mario Game is now here to buy, heres the info:

The first new 2-D Mario platformer since Super Mario World has arrived. Boasting incredible 3-D graphics to accompany classic 2-D game play, this fast-paced adventure will have Mario fans cheering as they make their way over fields, under water, through castles and into the air. New and familiar enemies are everywhere, not to mention mind-blowing challenges made possible by the dual screens of the Nintendo DS. Not only that, but players can link wirelessly with a friend to play as Mario and Luigi in multiplayer mode.

More info and to buy go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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May 15th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
New Super Mario Bros Review
Awesome Platform game for the NintendoDS
Lik Sang US$ 44.90 (~23.69 GBP)

The first new 2-D Mario platformer since Super Mario World has arrived. Boasting incredible 3-D graphics to accompany classic 2-D game play, this fast-paced adventure will have Mario fans cheering as they make their way over fields, under water, through castles and into the air. New and familiar enemies are everywhere, not to mention mind-blowing challenges made possible by the dual screens of the Nintendo DS. Not only that, but players can link wirelessly with a friend to play as Mario and Luigi in multiplayer mode.
The Review Itself
This has to be one of the most wanted games in years and it doesnt let you down, graphically its perfect for what it needs to be, its not photo realistic but then again this is Mario and the Cartoony graphics work great here.
The 2D platform action with some 3D Visuals takes the best from all the other 2D Mario games and with spruced up graphics and some fantastic new ideas and ways to try and get the princess back, you will be impressed.
The Gameplay is perfect, you start off on easy levels by the time you get to World 5 things are really hotting up, the learning curve will please all and introduce a lot of new gamers to the wonders of platform gaming at its best.
The Music in the game reminds me of the first time the Super Nes version was played with those great stereo sounds, yes you have heard most of the tunes before but dont we all love the Mario tunes.
This game has all you can expect from a Mario game with lots of hidden surprises and new ideas used too transform Mario, seeing the plumber is supersize mode then into mini mode and later wearing a shell on his back ae just 3 of the games new surprises.
The storyline isnt much different from other Mario games but when your dealing with games this good we will let them off.
Another Major Triple AAA title for the Nintendo DS, the best Platform game for any system for years and especially since Yoshis Island, a must buy.
Overall i would give it a 9.7/10 its fantastic.
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May 15th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: jojotjuh
moonshell 1.2+p3 is released.
heck, need to get used to those numbers <.<
changes (google translate!!!!)
M3 teaching, the ~~~~. (In the habit which you do not contact by your [wagamama] [tsu] temporary. The plug there is no I. moonshell121p3.zip Version 1.21+3 MSPV40β was installed. External memory (32MByteDRAM of SuperCard built-in) it is the test of cash. It tried to use MSPV40 with BMP/PNG/JPG/PSD plug in. (Presently other than SC the same operation is) dynamic font package compilation performance was added to Setup.exe until recently.
so, it seems it uses the ram of supercard now.
wich is 32 MB
good for supercard users i guess
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May 15th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Ah, if only real surgery was this easy, Wayne Rooney would be back to fighting fitness in no time.
Anyway, we're talking about Trauma Center in case you were wondering. Previously limited to stylus activity on DS, the surgery sim has now been officially unveiled for Nintendo Wii in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Details on the Wii version are scarce at the moment, but a quick look at the screenshots that have been released - view them on this here page - suggests much of the same wound-sewing, medicine-mixing action from the DS game is set to return.
We'll have more Wii Trauma Center details soon, all being well. Or should that be unwell...?
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May 15th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Nintendo has announced that more than 3 million copies of DS title Animal Crossing: Wild World have been shipped around the globe.
It's proved so popular, in fact, that a big screen adaptation is now on the way. Japanese director Jouji Shimura will take the helm for the animated movie, which is set to hit cinemas over there in December.
There's no word on a European release date yet, but we'll keep you posted.
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May 15th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Pro-G has some new details on the handheld versions of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. DS owners will have bragging rights with wireless 2-player co-op mode and 4-player versus mode, as well as customized touch screen controls.
PSP gamers also have the co-op mode, in addition to a timed challenge mode that features unlockable characters from the first game. Unlockables are cool, but this is sure to introduce some continuity problems in the storyline. Then again, keeping track of all the Star Wars timelines ain't like dusting crops, boy! There, I said it.
All eight versions of LEGO Star Wars II are scheduled for a September 12 release date.
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May 15th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii (pronounced "we") grabbed attention with its controller based on motion sensors rather than buttons.
The positive reaction, coupled with news that it will hit the shops before Christmas to compete with the Sony PlayStation 3, encouraged investors.
Nintendo shares climbed 6.2% to 19,710 yen having gone as high as 19,890 yen - its highest level since April 2002.
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May 15th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Press Release from Nintendo:
The GameCube wasn't Nintendo's biggest success, but the company is looking to change its downward spiral in the console business with the Wii. Speaking to the Japanese press on the 9th, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said that for the Wii, hardware sales "two to three times that of GameCube is a possibility."
This would put the Wii at between 40 and 60 million units worldwide. Not quite PlayStation numbers, but it's possible that Iwata is just giving a conservative estimate.
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May 15th, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
zzo38computer has released DS Basic, heres the info:
You can run BASIC on Nintendo DS. This program is based on a program called Integer Tiny Basic, I ported it to Nintendo DS and changed a bunch of stuff. You cannot edit programs on DS yet, but you can copy program to CF card and run.
Some things about DS BASIC:
You can press START is short for typing "RUN".
If you press SELECT it will list the .BAS files on the card to load.
There are no string variables, only numbers.
You can not do complex IF statements (as in A=0 OR B=3), but you can do something like IF A*(B-3)=0. Commands or editing (SAVE, NEW, LIST, etc.) don't work yet, but I hope to add them in next weekend.
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May 15th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* each building unit can now only invest in one build at a given time.
* if a routing fails after the way was blocked just infront of the unit, the unit ai waits 1sec till retry
* fixed exception stack
* fixed crash when IRQ appears walking through a sorted tree (Increased stacksize)
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May 16th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
It looks like we weren't the only ones impressed by Nintendo's Wii at E3. Microsoft and Sony console executives have been spouting praise - kind of - for Nintendo's console, recommending punters buy the system alongside their own next-gen machines.
Microsoft honcho Peter Moore inadvertently sparked the debate, when he made a comment about the pricing of the Playstation 3 compared to its rivals: "Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3?" Moore asked. "People are going to buy two [consoles.] They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii... for the price of one PS3."
In an interview with Gamepro, Sony's Phil Harrison agreed with Moore's basic point, though unsurprisingly suggested that the PS3 would make a far better Wii counterpart: "I think Peter Moore is exactly right. I think Nintendo will be the second system consumers purchase after PlayStation 3," he said. "I know what Peter was getting at with his price point issue but he's not comparing apples to oranges. It's clearly a case that PlayStation 3's price is justified by PlayStation 3's value."
Completing the holy trinity of console execs, Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan also joined the debate in an interview with Engadget. When asked if the Wii and Xbox 360 could be complimentary, Kaplan responded: "I think they could be. For a hardcore gamer who really wants a plethora of ways to pick from, someone who really wants to spend a lot of time gaming."
"The hardcore gamers, the gamers that are their customers, they love to play and they will probably want our system and their system," Kaplan added. "I do think the casual gamers that we are expanding into will own only one, and it will be ours."
Considering PS3's, erm, large price point, we reckon only the world's four richest will be able to afford all three next-gen consoles. So make your choice now - which console will go alongside your Wii?
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May 16th, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
In a story at Forbes, Merrill Lynch predicts that Nintendo will severely undercut the competition with a $200 price point on the Wii." From the article: "An executive from SEGA, one of Nintendo's largest publishers, told Forbes.com on Tuesday that he expects the Wii to sell for less than $200. Post said the Nintendo machine, which features a wireless controller that responds to players' body movements, 'will appeal to a broad demographic of both hard-core and casual gamers.
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May 17th, 2006, 00:02 Posted By: magurin
kevinc posted this news and release:
Hi! This is my second attempt at a program for the DS, a small MSN messenger, so I'm looking for testers...
It doesn't have many functions, since I'm not sure how much the wifi library can handle, but at least you can -theoretically- connect and chat. The program uses GBFS, I think some cards can't handle that...
The wifi config is taken from the firmware, so make sure you have it available. L acts as a quick backspace, left and right to change tabs, Start to connect/disconnect. Your password is shown -since the keyboard seems to be quite buggy- so be warned :]
I'm not sure whether this will work at all, since I've only checked it on my DS, but anyway...
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May 17th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
The UK headquarters of Japanese gaming giant Nintendo is set to move from its current location in Slough to a new, larger office in Windsor, which should accommodate the firm's staffing needs as it prepares to launch into the next-generation console market.
It's not known how much Nintendo UK will be able to expand in its new offices, but following the huge success of the DS handheld and with the launches of DS Lite and Wii on the horizon, it's no surprise that some expansion is required.
Ironically, Nintendo's decision to move to the Berkshire town comes as publisher Take Two plans to move its European operations, which have been based there for around ten years, to Geneva in Switzerland, copying a move made by EA in recent months.
Nintendo's UK office, however, is just that - a UK office only, with the firm's European arm being administered from the firm's regional headquarters in Grossostheim, Germany.
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May 17th, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Will Wright confirmed that Spore will be available "on all platforms," including cell phones - and presumably Wii. While Wright did not specifically name-drop "Wii," we must assume that "all platforms" includes Wii. In addition, Wright, by his own admission, is a bit of a Nintendo fanboy: "I'm rooting for Nintendo," he told GameSpy. Despite this statement, Wright was critical of the Wiimote, observing "the way the Wii controller works depends a lot on how close you are to your TV."
Interestingly enough, Wright currently favors the DS as his platform of choice. Any chance Spore will end up on Nintendo's handheld? [Update: Spore has been confirmed for the DS. Thanks, Sense.]
Spore is tentatively set to debut on the PC early next year (April/March 2007).
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May 17th, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Capcom's funky cartoon-style GameCube™ action game Viewtiful Joe at US$ 12.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Lights! Camera! Action! Welcome to the world of Viewtiful Joe! Capcom's innovative superhero action game that mixes funky cartoon-style visuals with classic side-scrolling gameplay and introduces the world's quirkiest million dollar action hero…Joe! More than just any ordinary dude, Joe must transform into the ultimate superhero. It's up to you to activate the correct view mode like "slow" or "zoom in" in order to clobber your enemies with beautiful style! You can alsospeedupor slowdownyour visual effects for even more "viewtiful" moves. Viewtiful Joe redefines action games by mixing innovative "viewpoint" fighting into an amazing stunt-filled action movie universe!
Capcom's GameCube™ action game Viewtiful Joe is now available at discounted US$ 12.90 only. This is the Japanese first print of the game.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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May 17th, 2006, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Agentq has released a new version of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS:
Changes in this version:
Added MP3 compressed speech support (although it can cause the games to slow down)
Fixed save path bug
Improved touchscreen accuracy
Fixed GBA flashcart reading bug
Fixed some graphical glitches
Fixed Loom save bug
Fixed another Loom audio bug
Please note, if you use an SD card, you risk data corruption, as the drivers are not fully stable. Please back up the contents of your SD card before you play.
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May 17th, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamasutra
According to the report, the recently redesigned DS Lite took an impressive 60.19 percent of April hardware sales, amounting to 690,000 units and the Nintendo DS made up 12.01 percent of the hardware market share, and 138,000 units. The slimmer and lighter version of the Nintendo DS went on sale in Japan on March 2, 2006 for ¥16,800 ($140). The handhelds' closest competitor was Sony's PSP, which amounted to 11.34 percent of the hardware market (130,000 units).
The best-selling conventional console was the PlayStation 2, with 112,045 units (9.77 percent), the Xbox 360 struggling to break 10,000 units, and the GameCube down at 4,500 units. Interestingly, Nintendo's other portable handhelds, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Micro, and Game Boy Advance, took 2.69 percent, 2.63 percent, and .02 percent of the hardware market respectively, around 61,000 units.
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May 17th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
ETk has posted this update about his Megamon clone for the DS, heres whats new:
This is bug it is made of lazyness and stupidity
I have continued the event editor ^^ changes:
-Able to have multiple levels and save them all in his own '.c' file
-Fixed scroll bug which makes impossible to add monsters/items in some locations
-Fixed "setup" code, it now asks one folder to save the data.. (not like before that it was asking the same folder 500 times and need to press Update button another 500 times)
-Fixed the textbox of current tile selected. It was displaying the wrong tile number
And what about the game? changes:
-Added shoot sound
-Added laser sound
-Now the monsters that appears in the screen are deleted (if they are far away from the hero (~256px aka screen width))
Maybe I have fixed another bug, but you know... I allways forgot ^^
Btw, I have turned back on the old gfx, looks like ppl prefers it.
More info -->http://etk.scener.org/
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May 17th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Have you guys ever heard of this game called Maplestory? Apparently, clever as they are, developers Wizet have you in NO WAY acquiring syrup to generously cover shortstacks of buttermilk pancakes so that you may fill your body and soul with their warm, fluffy substance. As much of a crime as that is, their focus, which is a 2D side-scrolling MMORPG, isn't too disappointing in contrast according to some. Actually, if the grapevine is to be believed, it's a downright enjoyable experience more so than consuming pancakes (crazy, I know). If you're curious, you could just download it and find out for yourself or have a gander at the rather robust Wiki for some more information.
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May 17th, 2006, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
The Nintendo DS is continuing to prove hugely popular with Japanese consumers, accounting for more than 70 per cent of sales - while the Xbox 360 is struggling to break the 1 per cent barrier.
According to data provider Media Create, 138,000 Nintendo DS units and 690,000 DS Lites were sold during the month of April - accounting for 12.01 per cent and 60.19 per cent of sales respectively. Total DS sales rose by 206 per cent compared to figures for April 2005, which can be at least partly attributed to the launch of the DS Lite on March 2nd.
The PSP was the next best-selling piece of hardware last month, with just over 130,000 units sold and an 11.34 per cent share of the market. The PS2 is still going strong for a console at the end of its life cycle - 112,000 units were sold, making for a 9.77 per cent market share.
In fact, the PS2 far outsold Microsoft's next-gen console, which launched in Japan last December. The Xbox 360 is also trailing behind the GBA SP and the Game Boy Micro (both of which have market shares of around 2.6 per cent) - 10,701 units were sold in April, accounting for just 0.93 per cent of hardware sales.
The original Xbox, which has never been able to secure a foothold in Japan, is also continuing to fair poorly. It lagged behind the GameCube (0.4 per cent) and GBA (0.02 per cent) with just 121 units sold last month and a 0.01 per cent market share.
As for software sales, Konami topped the charts with Winning Eleven 10 for PS2 (460,500 copies sold), followed by DS title Animal Crossing: Wild World (317,000). Other DS games appearing in the top ten include Brain Training, Tetris and Pokémon Ranger, but GBA game Mother 3 was the third best-selling game of the month.
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May 17th, 2006, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Since its unveiling last year, the Wii controller's inspired all sorts of frenzied speculation as to what sorts of games it might be used for. On many a gamer's wishlist though, one thing crops up again and again - lightsaber duelling, courtesy of Nintendo's spacially-sensitive remote.
While rumours were rife that we'd see just such a game revealed at E3 this year, it wasn't to be. However, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has further added fuel to the flames in an interview with The Seattle Times. On the subject of adding a speaker to the Wii remote, Iwata suddenly gallops off at a wholly unexpected tangent, revealing, "We really want [George] Lucas to think about making a game where this can be used as a lightsaber. It should be fun."
So, intergalatic wand-waving, accompanied by that familiar "fzzzzt-wuuuuuuuujjjjjjj" noise: Iwata definitely seems to want it, and we saw a couple of LucasArts bigwigs loitering around outside the Nintendo press conference last week too, which can only be a good sign.
Could this grandest of dreams yet become reality? Come on George, leave the shitty prequels alone and jump to it!
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May 17th, 2006, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
Us being the lucky sods that we are, we managed to spend almost the entire duration of E3 clamped around the Wii this year. Probably the most impressive game on display, in terms of intuitive control, insane action and graphical finesse though was Retro's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - as you might have guessed from our gushing hands-on.
Speaking to website Nintendo Now, Retro's lifted the lid on some of the previously undisclosed features we can see when the game hits at the launch of Wii. First up, it seems that Samus' ever present ship will play a big part this time around, with the ability to control it remotely (not to be confused with Wiimotely) via your visor.
It appears that you'll be able to use the ship to launch bomb-runs, lift massive objects and position it to create temporary platforms. Not only that, but it'll play a vital part in interplanetary travel, although Retro seems keen to stress you won't actually have direct flying control.
There's also news of a new 'Hyper Mode', born out of Samus' corruption by the Phazon from the first two Prime games. Once in Hyper Mode, Retro game director Mark Pacini, explained "you'll become very powerful for a short period of time, but you'll also have a possibility of dying because you're using this ability.
"So the player has to learn how to balance this system, where you might want to go into Hyper Mode and use all your Phazon - your health switches to a different management system - and you might just use all your Phazon really quick and get through a tough area and then you're out of Hyper Mode.
"But because you can manage this bar by how much you shoot, and your shots take out a certain number of Phazon units, you can actually stay in Hyper Mode for a longer period of time and be powerful for a longer period of time, at the expense of possibly dying. So it's kind of a system where hardcore people who are really good at the game might kind of take advantage of that system at a high risk."
On top of that, there's also a new weapon stacking system, which applies to your beams, missiles and grapple beam. Essentially, this means that every new weapon you collect will boost your existing weapons, while still retaining the inherent properties of each. On the subject of weapons, Retro revealed that new additions this time around include a beam that shoots straight through materials and an X-ray visor, for solving puzzles and locating targets under surfaces.
On the subject of multiplayer, it seems that Retro has ditched the idea, following the largely lacklustre modes in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Senior producer Bryan Walker revealed, "We added [multiplayer] in Metroid Prime 2 and it was fun. It was an experiment for us. In Metroid Prime 3, we really wanted to go back to the roots of Metroid, a very immersive single player first-person adventure. But that said, we're also very excited about the Wii Connect24 functionality, and we're discussing a number of options for Metroid Prime 3 to take advantage of that, and add value to the overall experience." On this last point, Retro confirmed it's "discussing" the possibility of downloadable content, including weapons upgrades.
Last but not least, it appears Retro is keen to take onboard comments arising from E3, specifically addressing issues of controller sensitivity which, many people agreed, was a little too high on Nintendo's stand. "Since this is new technology", Pacini divulged, "we're always learning new ways that things do or don't work. As far as the sensitivity issue, that's something that there is a learning curve for with the Metroid Prime games.
"It is a little bit more complicated in the control scheme, but after, we're kind of estimating, fifteen or twenty minutes, [...] you come back again and are like "How did I ever play without this?" As far as tunable sensitivity, absolutely. That is something that we found that people want - more and less sensitivity. I don't think we're going to be able to come up with one control scheme that works for everybody."
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May 17th, 2006, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have done a fantastic handson of the New SuperMario Bros game with screenshots galore and indepth coverage of the game in full, heres a snippett:
Some would say it's been 20 years in the making: New Super Mario Bros., proudly shown during Nintendo's Media Briefing for this year's E3, sure is a highlight of the series that gamers worldwide are welcoming back with a current release on Nintendo DS. A true classic returns, based on the ingenious gameplay of the original title of yesteryear, in an all-new form: 80 levels of platforming goodness await. There are eight new worlds to explore, while on a quest to save lovely Princess Peach once more (Bowser Jr. beware!), which will take players through Plains, Desert, Tropical Island, Forest, Ice, Mountains, Sky and Bowser's Lair. On top of that, fresh moves and power ups are at your disposal, making it easier to kick some Goomba butt and navigate the diverse environments. In order to round out this ultimate trip to Mushroom Kingdom, lots of mini games got included, as well as wireless multiplayer modes. It's colorful, stuffed with merry Nintendo tunes and more fun that you could shake a Fire Flower at: New Super Mario Bros. is out now!
Check the full article out at Lik Sang
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May 17th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from SuccessHK

Backyard Baseball 2007 is the fifth iteration of the best selling youth baseball video game of all time and the only kid's game to hold the coveted Major League Baseball (MLB) and Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) licenses. Backyard Baseball 2007 features a roster full of top MLB pros as kids and includes all 30 MLB teams, uniforms, and logos. In addition, the game's kid-friendly, non-violent format, and high level of diversity makes it especially popular with parents.
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May 17th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
A new Snes Emulator for the GBA (Works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player)
Heres the info:
Version 0.1 Release
- First beta release, no changes
Snezziboy SNES Emulator on the Gameboy Advance; Snezziboy Builder provided to the emulator core to the SNES demo ROM to produce a GBA executable ROM. Compatible with SNES Advance superdat
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May 17th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
A very interesting press release
Nintendo Becomes the World's First to Offer Standard Bluetooth Wireless Game Controllers and Integrated Wi-Fi in the Upcoming Wii Console
IRVINE, Calif., May 10, 2006 -- Broadcom Corporation , a global leader in semiconductors for wired and wireless communications, today announced that the Wii™ game console from Nintendo will include Broadcom® Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi® technologies. Featuring the first Bluetooth wireless game controller system to ship "in the box" with a leading game console, along with the first integrated Wi-Fi solution for online gaming, Nintendo's Wii demonstrates the industry's highest level of commitment by a game console manufacturer to deliver a robust, state-of-the-art wireless gaming experience.
"The Wii game console will take advantage of the most popular wireless technologies to deliver an advanced user experience that no other competitive console can match," said Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director, General Manager, Integrated Research & Development Division for Nintendo. "Broadcom's ability to supply and support custom features for both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi has enabled us to provide our customers with a unique gaming experience powered by high-performance, field-proven wireless solutions."
Gaming devices are among the increasingly diverse array of consumer electronics that integrate some form of advanced connectivity, which enables users to engage in dynamic online gaming while interacting with their game consoles in new and exciting ways. The new Wii console from Nintendo is at the forefront of this trend, integrating cutting-edge wireless capabilities that transform the gaming experience. Broadcom's extensive communications portfolio and experience in enabling wireless connectivity in mainstream consumer devices has contributed to the notion amongst equipment manufacturers that wireless connectivity can enable new categories of products.
"Nintendo's visionary approach to wireless connectivity provides a compelling illustration of how Bluetooth and Wi-Fi complement each other to provide a unique and convenient user experience," said Robert A. Rango, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Broadcom's Wireless Connectivity Group. "Broadcom's leadership and ability to add custom features to our standards-based Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies provide advantages to product developers seeking dual mode solutions that avoid interference, while delivering advanced performance and features that no other supplier can match."
Advanced Wireless Capabilities
The Wii console is the first major gaming platform on the market to introduce Bluetooth technology as a standard feature, eliminating the cables between the console, hand-held game controllers and other accessories. Broadcom Bluetooth technology used in the controllers significantly increases the level of performance in the game controller, with special enhancements that provide low latency to accommodate the fast rate of interaction between the controller and the console.
Nintendo further leveraged the versatility of Broadcom's highly-integrated Bluetooth solution to realize its vision of enabling new and intriguing ways for gamers to interact with their games, and to allow game developers to boldly exercise their creativity to deliver captivating new gaming experiences. Enhancements were made to ensure that the Wireless Controller system delivers the same reliable, low-latency responsiveness that gamers are accustomed to in wired controllers. In addition, Broadcom's Bluetooth chip solution features exceptionally low power consumption, maximizing battery life to simplify upkeep and maintenance.
The Wii console also includes Broadcom's single-chip 54g® Wi-Fi solution, which provides a high-performance wireless link for playing online or multi-player games. The console takes advantage of key features including Broadcom BroadRange™ technology, which allows users to maintain higher data rates further from the access point. Broadcom's family of 54g® chipsets deliver maximum performance, coverage, security and ease-of-use, and are featured in the industry's leading brands of networking equipment, PCs, broadband modems and consumer electronics.
Both Bluetooth and 802.11g Wi-Fi products operate in the 2.4 GHz radio frequency band, introducing the possibility of radio interference between the two radio signals. To address this concern, Nintendo drew upon Broadcom's extensive co-existence experience to optimize the wireless performance for optimal simultaneous throughput of both technologies, minimizing the possibility of radio signal collisions, blocking and other phenomena that could degrade the performance of either device.
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May 17th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Revfanboy
EBgames.com has a listing up for the Wii version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, selling for $59.99 and shipping on 11/1/2006. Now, EBgames.com has been incorrect in regards to pricing and release dates in the past, so that is easily taken with a grain of salt, however the proposed boxart looks like the real deal, regardless of the 'for display purposes only' disclaimer.
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May 17th, 2006, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via GBAdev
I wanted to send in this game/demo which I made about two years ago.
It's one of my first attempts to create a platformer on the GBA. I used the graphics from the pc version of Bernard & Hank. You play with the character Bernard, he can shoot, jump and walk a little on the map. It was the start of a GBA version from our platformer. But I couldn't get the character picking up coins without error.
I didn't include the source code. Because I don't want the graphics ending up somewhere on the net.
However, source code is available upon request.
Download at link above
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May 17th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Hey, I've been mainly lurking for the past three months but now I have my first small game to present. It's still a Beta version, but there are currently no known issues and it runs well on the hardware, and on the emulator as well.
The game is written in C pretty much from the ground up, making some minimal use of libc and libgba, but mainly just by bit-proding (I've put in a couple years writing microcontroller code for a living, so it comes pretty naturally at this point, or at least one the rust was dusted off that part of my brain). There are three levels, each somewhat more difficult than the previous.
You can find a copy at http://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1308
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May 17th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
The long-awaited Catapult v1.50 has been released. This is the first 'fully-featured' freeware release, with the following core features:
- new networking system
- level object support
- new commands
- three new demo projects
- updated users guide, etc...
More Info
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May 17th, 2006, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
I have built a MIDI out interface for the Gameboy Advance using a 2-player link cable, two resistors and a female DIN-5 plug :-). All the syncing work is made by software (timer interrupts) and there is an example open source application that sends some example MIDI messages.
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May 18th, 2006, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted this new product:
With its comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look, Communicator Headset for DS works with both the original Nintendo DS and the new DS Lite. It’s fully WiFi-compatible too, whether using Nintendo’s device or Datel’s own WiFi MAX.
Communicator Headset works with any DS game with voice control. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, you need never shout into the console’s built-in mic or struggle to hear your in-game sounds again.
Communicator Headset is also ideal for online DS games which allow voice communication. Nintendo’s Metroid Prime: Hunters lets you chat to your online opponents in the virtual lobby before and after the game. It’s so much easier and convenient with the Communicator Headset to cut out background noise.
With more and more Nintendo DS games making use of the device’s in-built mic, and for those inevitable occasions where listening to the in-game sounds is the only option, Headset Communicator is the ideal choice.
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May 18th, 2006, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Majesco has announced plans to publish a new instalment in the Bust-A-Move series for the Nintendo Wii.
Bust-A-Move Revolution (we suspect they came up with that name some time ago) will feature all the bubble popping fun of previous games, but with a twist, since you'll be playing the game with the Wii's unique remote controller.
"We intend to maximise the intuitive nature of the Wii controller to create a revolutionary offering of the highly popular Bust-A-Move franchise," said Majesco's Ken Gold.
Bust-A-Move Revolution is down for an early 2007 release.
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May 18th, 2006, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial GBA Game Released:

Calciobit is a football simulation for the Game Boy Advance in which players build their own team, strategies and challenge other teams in soccer tournaments. The title Calciobit is a combination of the italian word for soccer "calcio" and "chobitto" another way of saying "asobu" (to play) in Japanese. The game was created by the team already responsible for Derby Stallion and Best Play Pro Yakyuu.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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May 18th, 2006, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Blog of this Nintendo DS Emu for Windows:
While working on fixing some things in Dualis I decided to try to add some CompactFlash emulation capability to DeSmuME. After some code massaging I got file reading working, as can be seen in the screenshot below from the CF version of DSLua. I have supplied the code to the people responsible for DeSmuME so this functionality should be available in future versions.
More info --> http://dualis.1emulation.com/blog/
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May 18th, 2006, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has updated moonshell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
New Beta release from what i can tell and something to do with M3 
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May 18th, 2006, 12:51 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted this news:
OK, here is a short update of what I'm working on at the moment. SSL is on high priority now. I'm currently trying to figure out how to extract and decode the server public key from the server certificate. If anyone knows about this stuff, please contact me.
I'm not doing much bugfixiing for NDSMail at the moment, as I'm waiting for new version of sgstair's wifi lib & chishm's fat lib. I think that especially the recv bug causes a lot of crashes.
As always, new version out soon 
More info ---> http://blog.bronto-online.de/
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May 18th, 2006, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via Drunkencoders
If you are a beginning programmer and you want to program a game with Wifi, you probably do not know how you to start out. Or if you quite simply do not desire to plunge into complicated network code, I've created a small library to make it simpler to do.
The library's functions create interfaces like Berkley sockets (functions with dswifi or under Linux), and also corrects small a bug in the current version of dswifi (in gethostbyname).
For instace, it incorporates two modules: TCP and HTTP. The TCP module makes it possible to communicate via TCP with a server or to simply create a TCP server on the DS. The HTTP module (not yet completed, nor documented, but usable: referer to the examples) creates a very simpe HTTP request (GET) in order to connect to a web page.
More info ---> http://thoduv.drunkencoders.com/
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May 18th, 2006, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Drunkencoders
Tembargo updated the game for the DS, heres whats new:
- New name Temby! Towers and design.
- Posting score and level. And to increase speed according to time and the points of the score.
- Pressing left or right lets one change the horizontal location
- "T" block functional (the first line of game erases), one uses the option with the button ' R'.
- Test of music by DJ Costello.
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May 18th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: hicaow
"A new piece of software lets you listen to internet radio on your DS via a wifi connection"
the disscussion via 1emulation
I know that I've waited, I've begged, and I've drooled at the thought of this app ever being made. I don't know if any of you have wanted an Internet Radio Client as much as I have... but here we are. The first working release of Dissonance.
I would appreciate it if someone with a fully compatible router can test Dissonance for me. I would also appreciate if word did not spread off of this board for a day or two, until I can get some testing done (so keep it SECRET. I will notify the usual authorities when I get some testing data). On my router, it works for a few minutes, then locks up solid during a recv. I am wondering if it's my router, or something more sinister. So please, give me a hand.
Thanks sgstair for the library that makes all this possible.
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May 18th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
After getting hold of our Japanese DS Lites two months ago, we can't imagine ever going back to the plastic monstrosity that is the original Nintendo DS. Most of the time we're so fixated with the DS Lite's luscious sheen, that we forget most inhabitants of good old Blighty are still deprived of this sexy white (and navy) handheld.
We've long pegged a late June launch for the DS Lite over here in the UK and Europe, with our own sources - and wider developments - suggesting that the DS will likely debut in the latter weeks of that month.
Further credence to this theory has arrived courtesy of French website Puissance Nintendo, who are pointing to June 23 launch in Europe. Furthermore, the website claims that, as in the US, the European Lite will initially only be available Crystal White, at a handsome price of 150 EUR (about 101.63 GBP - although don't expect that price tag in stores, obviously).
Advertisement:Puissance Nintendo also offers a selection of DS Lite 'lifestyle' posters for the European marketing campaign - dotted around this page for your entertainment and hilarity.
While this date and info are by no means official information, they certainly add a deal of weight to our own theories - as does the fact that New Super Mario Bros. (an ideal launch companion, wouldn't you say?) comes out a week after that supposed June 23 date.
Further more, big June/July releases Brain Training and Big Brain Academy both have DS Lites proudly displayed on their boxes, suggesting that the redesigned handheld will be released sometime around this educational pair.
When we picked up the phone and gave Nintendo a call, it was unavailable for comment. So, for now, we'll just have to do some of that old wait-and-see until the company deigns it time to reveal all.
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May 18th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
In celebration of the recent release of Metroid Prime Hunters on DS, Nintendo has announced that it will be holding a nationwide tournament, seeking out Britain's best bounty hunter in HMVs across the country.
Known as the 'Hunt Is On Tournament', the event is set to take place on May 20 at HMV stores in Birmingham, Edinburgh, London and Manchester. All four stores will be linked via the magic of video so you can stare down your opponents and make them do a little poop in fear. It's a common tactic that, distracting your enemies with their own fetid pants.
Anyway, winners of the tournament will win an all-expenses paid trip to Seattle to meet the makers of the game, while runners-up will recieve HMV vouchers which, presumably, Nintendo is hoping you'll spend on its own products. Or a DVD of Debbie does Donkey Kong.
Advertisement:It says here that the tournament will run thusly: 11am to 1pm with practice, 1pm to 4pm for local heats and 4pm onwards marks the grand final. If you fancy a bit of interga-blastic tete-a-tete, then get yourselves down to HMVs at Birmingham High Street, Edinburgh Princes Street, London Oxford Street and Manchester Market Street on May 20. We'll be there!
Actually, no we won't. We'll be having a lie in.
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May 18th, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has been sharing a few thoughts in an extensive interview with The Street.com, captured at E3, and touching on some of the significant issues arising from the show.
Deflecting initial questions on the Wii's price point like a Jedi master, Iwata told The Street, "Sorry, but give us more time before making the announcement. Of course, it's going to be an affordable price point." However, the Nintendo president was clearly in a jovial mood and couldn't resist a quick dart at the PS3's weightier price, adding, "If we put the PS3 as the standard price point, any price point is going to be affordable."
Here on CVG, we're currently expecting the Wii to rumble in at around 150-200 of our great British poundies during launch, but we quite like that Iwata gag, particularly with many industry watchers now seeing it as a gamers 'second console' to accompany their 360 or PS3.
Moving on to address concerns that the big N might neglect hardcore gamers in its overall attempt to broaden the market, Iwata said, "If we had not shown the Legend of Zelda or if we had not shown the Red Steel during the [E3] briefing ...then I'm afraid that people might have misunderstood Nintendo's [motives]. If all they had seen was Wii Sports or something like that, people [might] say, 'Oh, Nintendo has already lost interest toward the games for the serious gamer.'
"The fact of the matter is it's not the case. By taking advantage of the unique controller and very unique play style of Wii, we will not only invite the newcomers but also excite the existing gamers. Now that's the kind of message we really wanted to deliver."
As to who would win or lose the next-gen console war, it appears Nintendo is to rise above such things, with Iwata concluding, "So, what we are focusing upon is not only the current gamers, but also those who are not playing with video games at all. That is our goal, so that's why we are not caring so much about our competition with Sony or with Microsoft. We do not care if we can [beat] Sony or if we can [beat] Microsoft or if we can win in the current market-share battle in the same arena at all. That's not our focus. Our focus is whether or not we can increase the game population."
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May 18th, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
The president of SNK USA has confirmed the company's support for the Nintendo Wii - adding that while both the PS3 and Xbox 360 will do well, Microsoft will struggle to secure a market share in Japan.
In an interview with Advanced Media Network, Ben Herman said: "We have a game for Wii and... The first child is usually closest to your heart. But we do have some strong expectations that Sony will do very well. I'm sure Xbox 360 will continue to do well."
However, Herman continued, "Xbox 360 is doing great here in the States, but it's not only about the US... It's the world right now.
"The 360 has not taken a foothold [in Japan]... PS3 is coming, and certainly, even though it is very expensive, the reality is that the Japanese market will support Sony."
Herman also declared that the original Xbox "done", stating: "They haven't announced that it's over but believe me, it's over. That category is gone. There will be nothing new from us for Xbox."
SNK has previously announced Metal Slug Anthology, a Wii game which will make use of the unique remote controller. There are also plans to develop a sixth instalment in the Metal Slug series - but it won't necessarily appear on all next-gen consoles.
"It's a 2D game so we can't bring it to PS3 or Xbox 360 as is," Herman said.
"Quite possibly it will come to a Nintendo system because Nintendo is certainly does not have a high-definition requirement, but we're still analysing our plans for that."
As for how much the Wii is likely to cost - according to Herman, "We all expect something in the $200-$250 range."
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May 18th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Atari's planning to release a compilation of Hasbro board games on a DS cart this June.
"Monopoly, Boggle, Yahtzee, Battleship" is very much what the title suggests - touch-screen enabled versions of each of the games mentioned, complete with Wi-Fi capabilities for multiplayer.
There are no further details, but Atari has released some screenshots, which suggest a mix of 2d and 3d graphics and are at least as interesting as this news item.
Via Eurogamer
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May 18th, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Another game has been confirmed as a Wii launch title - and this time it's the turn of Trauma Center: Second Opinion, the sequel to the quirky DS medical sim.
According to IGN, you will indeed have the option to purchase a copy on the same day you pick up your Wii console - which will be some time towards the end of the year.
Once again you'll play as genius surgeon Dr Stiles, using the Wii remote to slice open and stitch up all manner of unfortunates. You'll also get to use a brand new set of defibrillator pads, rather excitingly.
The most fun you've had playing doctors and nurses since the age of 11? You never know.
Via Eurogamer
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May 18th, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's issued a big old pile of summer release dates for DS, Cube and GBA. Naturally most of them we've heard before - hell, some of them out now, like Pokemon Link and Metroid Prime Hunters - but there are, among them, a handful of things we didn't explicitly know.
So, since there isn't much more to this story and I can't think of any good reason to segue into a duck joke, here's an abridged version of the list featuring the most interesting bits:
Nintendo DS
Super Princess Peach (Nintendo) - 26 May 2006
Rainbow Island Revolution (Marvelous/Rising Star Games/ATARI - June 2006
Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? (Nintendo) - 9 June 2006
New SUPER MARIO BROS. (Nintendo) - 30 June 2006
Big Brain Academy (Nintendo) - 7 July 2006
Elecktroplankton (Nintendo) - 7 July 2006
Harvest Moon DS (Rising Star Games) - Sept 2006
Tenchu Dark Secret (Nintendo) - Sept 2006
Club House Games (temporary name) (Nintendo) - Sept 2006
English Training (temporary name) (Nintendo) - Sept 2006
LEGO Star Wars II (Eidos/TT Games/Activision) - 12 Sept 2006
Cooking Mama (Digital Bros) - Sept/Oct 2006
Chibi-Robo! (Nintendo) - 26 May 2006
Super Monkey Ball Adventure (SEGA) - 2 June 2006
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (Rising Star Games) Sept 2006
LEGO Star Wars II (Eidos/TT Games/Activision) - 12 Sept 2006
Game Boy Advance
Final Fantasy IV Advance (Nintendo) - 2 June 2006 1 June 2006 (Italy)
Via Eurogamer
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May 18th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
We've finally managed to get our hands on the first shots of Sonic Wild Fire, the new Sonic game that's currently in development for Wii.
Our hands-on with Sonic Wild Fire revealed that the game makes full use of the Wii remote. To guide Sonic through the level, you must hold the remote horizontally - like a set of handlebars - and tilt it left or right to steer him. To slow him down you must tilt the remote towards yourself; button 2 on the Wii-mote is used to jump and this can be combined with a thrust forward to execute Sonic's spinning attack.
In the shots on the right you can see a more sedate platforming bit with Sonic attempting to collect coins while avoiding some huge spikes. As Sonic teeters on the ledge the Wii controller is titled in time with his movements in order to get him to the end safely.
Wild Fire - currently the game's working title - is Sonic's first solo outing since the original Sonic the Hedgehog released for Mega Drive 15 years ago. It sees the prickly one trying to recreate the lost pages of an Arabian Knights story book which means the levels have a certain Arabic look to them, with colourful mosaics and oases.
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Via gamesradar
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May 18th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Game Brink is hosting the official Final Fantasy III trailer, a remake of the original FF III on the DS. The entire 2-minute trailer consists of approximately 10 seconds of total gameplay footage. The majority of the trailer is pre-rendered CG and self-promoting hype. here's how the trailer breaks down:
0:00 to 0:36 -- Fluff text, decreeing this game as "The only Final Fantasy that never reached Western shores."
00:37 to 00:45 -- hand-drawn artwork from the game.
00:46 to 1:19 -- Some beautiful CG work of the main characters riding Chocobos alongside a rising airship.
1:20 to 1:31 -- Actual gameplay footage.
1:31 to 1:37 -- More CG, including our heros facing off against a giant Cerberus-style beast.
1:38 to 2:00 -- More fluff text: "Complete the Fantasy."
To be fair, the CG video was impressive and what we see of the gameplay we like. Final Fantasy III is due out late this year.
See The Trailer Here
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May 19th, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via Emuholic
kuwanger released a new version of the excellent GBA frontend PogoShell. New in this release:
Faster jpg viewer
Faster sorting
A nice "Please wait..." message for the file list
Theme switching (use settings to switch theme, exit from it, then restart pogoshell (ie, turn on/off your gba))
Makefs.py now reads your pogo.cfg to find the plugin folder, so that it can be sure to keep all plugins in the lower section of a ROM (important for xrom)
More information and the downloads can be found on our forum post by Kuwanger here. Dont forget to leave any feedback for him.
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May 19th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
If you caught our hands-on impressions of Nintendo's Wii Sports package, you'll probably remember us frothing over the possibility that the E3 Airplane demo the company showed might well blossom into a full-blown Pilotwings - and, frankly, about time too. However, Wii Sports and Animal Crossing producer Katsuya Eguchi, has tossed his watery load over any fevered flames of realistic hope.
Speaking to IGN, Eguchi explained that the plane demo on display in LA was made by his Wii Sports team with the intention of including it alongside the already announced Tennis, Baseball and Golf - although its appearance in the Wii Sports package has yet to be finalised.
Given that initial plan, it doesn't look good at all for fans clamouring for Pilotwings Wii - especially as Eguchi revealed, "I think the possibility that it will become part of the Wii Sports series is greater than the possibility of it becoming a new Pilotwings."
On the plus side, Eguchi reiterated that one of our all time favourite franchises - Animal Crossing - will definitely be making its way to Wii, although development is still in the very early planning stages. "Right now we're currently considering our options in terms of what we can do with the various features of the controller and through WiiConnect24", he divulged.
It seems that the Animal Crossing team already has big plans for Nintendo's new controller though, as Eguchi stated, "With regard to the controller, basically it could become potentially your axe, your shovel and your fishing rod. You can imagine what can happen there. Again, we don't know if this will happen for sure because it's kind of a trial and error process."
Lastly, following the franchise's tremendously successful first steps into the online world with Animal Crossing: Wild World on DS, Eguchi laid down some of his online intentions for Wii: "With regard to WiiConnect24, you could have someone visit your town even when you weren't actively playing and maybe leave you a letter or a gift. Also, through Wi-Fi Connection, players could play simultaneously."
Although Animal Crossing Wii is still looking like being a long way off, we're already twitching in prospect of beating Tom Nook to death with the Wii-mote. That'll teach him to touch our bells.
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May 19th, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
When the first trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl emerged last week, our gathering of crack reporters stood around and stared at the nearest PC in various states ranging from goggle-eyed shock to juvenile s******ing - largely thanks to the wholly unexpected appearances of Pit, kind-of nude Samus, Solid Snake and a (faintly disturbing) farting Wario. Now though, the game's producer Masahiro Sakurai has revealed a little more on the game, set for launch next year.
In his latest column in Famitsu, as translated by IGN, Sakurai discusses the reasoning behind his - somewhat controversial decision - to eschew the fancy features of Nintendo's brand new Wii remote in favour of a more traditional control scheme for the game: "I was given the task of creating Smash Bros. Of course, the topic becomes, how should we use the special remote controller? During the planning stages, we gave a lot of thought to this."
Ultimately though, Sakurai's team decided to rein in their plans for the game's control, deciding that constructing an elaborate new system just for the sake of it, would make things too difficult.
Also in his column, Sakurai touched on Brawl's online functionality, revealing some of the problems his team is encountering. Although the exact nature of the game's online play is yet to be announced, Sakura stated that, "There are some annoying areas. While it's definite that the switch to online raises the possibilities for a game, there are lots of considerations, like manners, and level differences." Despite this, Sakurai appreaciates the value of online gaming: "It increases the opportunity to interact with players who are playing the same game".
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May 19th, 2006, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton has lashed out at Sony's new motion sensing controller, suggesting that the PlayStation creator has copied Nintendo's ideas - past and present.
Speaking to MCV in the wake of Sony's E3 press conference last week, Yarnton was quick to point out Sony's change of attitude since Nintendo unveiled their motion sensing Wii Controller late last year. "I'd love to dig up some old Phil Harrison comments and say 'hang on a second - six months ago when we launched our controller you said one thing, and now why are you doing this?'" Yarnton thundered.
Yarnton also slammed the lack of force feedback in Sony's redesigned PS3 controller, blaming patent issues for the omission: "Historically we're always developing new things. We know Sony have had a lot of issues with their rumble feature and they've had to withdraw it - because they didn't innovate, they copied."
Yarnton went on to suggest that Sony has not only followed Nintendo's lead, but copied their ideas in the past: "I don't know what [Sony's] decision making process is but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in gameplay has come from us," he said.
"With Nintendo, I'm trying to think of anything we've copied... but I can't," concluded Yarnton. We're sure you'll let him know if they have and what you think of his assertions in the comment section below.
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May 20th, 2006, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Hot off the presses this one as highly secret sources have just revealed to CVG that a DS Lite launch announcement is imminent.
Unfortunately our furtive tipsters say we'll have to wait until Monday for full disclosure, but they seem certain Nintendo is finally set to confirm a UK and European release next week, when we'll have both the day and a confirmed price for the super sexy revamped handheld.
You may remember yesterday's story when we explained why we heavily tipped a late June launch for the DS Lite over here in the UK and Europe, with our own sources - and wider developments - including the release of Super Mario Bros. DS, making the latter weeks of June most likely.
Advertisement:Well now it seems Nintendo is almost ready to come clean and so we'll give you our final prediction of a June 23 launch with the DS initially only being in available Crystal White, at the rather attractive price of 150 EUR or about 101.63 GBP - say round it down to 99 Quid for cash, governor.
Tune back in on Monday when all the DS goodness is finally unveiled.
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May 20th, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Nintendo's PR Manager, Matt Atwood, has confirmed accusations that Wii demo stations at E3 were not running inside the Wii case and instead were running inside Gamecube housing using Wii-spec hardware. 'The Wii hardware we exhibited at E3 2006 was made specifically for the E3 show and is not the final mass-production version. Some of this hardware was cased in Nintendo GameCube housing.'
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May 20th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
A new Snes Emulator for the GBA (Works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player)
Heres the info:
Version 0.1 Release
Included the built version of the snezzi.gba into the package. (Silly of me to have forgotten this!)
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May 20th, 2006, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
GBA Emu for windows and Dos updated, heres whats new:
- no$fmw: detects post-header gap-size (typ. 0h,3E00h,4600h) (old: fixed 3E00h)
- dos: fixed v2.2d bug: init_gba_color_xlat_table (old: init_color_xlat_table)
- help: added note on possiblity to move nds7 ROM to (non-)secure area at 200h
- help: added note about blank secure areas (nintendo devkit, 800h zero-bytes)
- help: added cart.NEF/SRL/NLF-combo description in symbolic debug info chapter
- elf/cartloader: crash-fix (occured if newly loaded labels at code-window-addr)
- cartloader/cmdline: supports spaces in "quoted" path\filenames (thanks peter)
- screenshots: fixed palette size (set to zero for true color) (thanks jasper)
- help: changed DMA 4 to DMA 3 (probably makes more sense, thanks jasper vijn)
- nds/debug: accepts labels below 2000000h (ie. ITCM labels, at 1000000h and up)
- nds/help/no$fmw: added chinese as extra language (newer/chinese consoles only)
- vram viewer: OAM redbox works at negative y-coordinate (thanks peter schraut)
- bugfix: joypad_adjust uses "@@seg" instead "vals" for [local_if_adr] access
- nds/tcm: 80x86 intrwait [dtcm+3ff8h] works if DTCM is off, or covered by ITCM
- nds/freeware: stores [memaccess_addr] (required for tcm/interrupt emulation)
- elf: ignores "@1234" and "@456" style dummy labels (used in ldr rd,=txt_ptr)
- nds/cartloader: shows warning on 2K-encrypted-carts (if missing biosnds7.rom)
- nds/cartloader: shows warning on faulty secure area (rom-offset below 4000h)
- cartloader/cmdline: accepts all "unpacked_extensions" (new ones: nds srl elf)
- elf: reload/recent files: reinitializes dsk_path (used to load source-lines)
- nds/controls: joyp/penirq works for BOTH arm7+nds9 (@@skipinp, old: @@skipadj)
- elf: shows continous source lines from ONE section (hides .nef DUPE sections)
- elf: ignores strange "$a" and "$d" dummy labels (found in some elf/nef files)
- nds/cartloader: supports cart.NEF debug info (for cart.SRL binaries) (if any)
- nds/cartloader: supports (not existing) nds-elf's with zero-based phys.addr
- internal/cartloader: replaced @@target_rom flag by pre_size detection values
- internal/cartloader: removed ancient @@elf_method load-by-section-headers
- nds/cartloader: accepts ext .SRL (nintendo's alias for raw .NDS rom-images)
Download here --> http://nocash.emubase.de/
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May 20th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSFanboy
The latest numbers are in from Japan and everyone's favorite handheld received another week of near-stroke due to excessive heat from so much time spent in the spotlight. Software on the system also flew off the shelves. Without further ado, here are your numbers for 5/01/06 - 5/7/06:
Tetris DS (Nintendo): 160,148 (378,247 total)
Motto Otona no DS Training/Brain Training 2 (Nintendo): 112,392 (2,164,256 total)
Winning Eleven 10 (Konami / PS2): 100,860 (561,409 total)
Brain Training/Brain Age (Nintendo): 84,075 (2,136,857 total)
Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo): 83,564 (2,645,481 total)
Pokemon Ranger: Diamond & Pearl e-no Michi (Nintendo): 69,415 (496,834 total)
Eigo Zuke/English Training (Nintendo / DS): 59,614 (998,343 total)
Mario Kart DS (Nintendo): 37,037 (1,353,596 total)
Mother 3 (Nintendo / GBA): 34,591 (291,428 total)
Dragon Quest Mystrious Dungeon Yangus (Square-Enix / PS2): 33,279 (215,237 total)
DS Lite - 161,010 (1,383,391 total)
PSP - 37,946 (720,552 total)
PS2 - 32,030 (591,846 total)
DS Phat - 24,428 (842,947 total)
GBA SP - 7,144 (127,727 total)
Gameboy Micro - 3,830 (89,331total)
Xbox 360 - 2,019 (46,143 total)
GameCube - 1,460 (47,340 total)
GBA - 87 (2,608 total)
Xbox - 44 (1,446 total)
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May 20th, 2006, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all one by one im redoing the sites but from today on you will notice the Personal Info area at the top which will show your avatar (if your a member) and also if you have new private messages etc.
We have also gone back to a shtml site which makes things much easier for me.
and on with normal newscasting 
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May 20th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
News from Julien 'Gollum' Frelat of his GBA Emulator for Windows and a New DS Emu in WIP:
Just to inform you that I am working on several projects in my very very little spare time that are related to BoycottAdvance:
- I restarted from scratch a Java version of BoycottAdvance. As I usually develop things faster in Java, all bug fixes will be incorporated back into BoycottAdvance Windows.
- I started a very preliminary Nintendo DS emulator (BoycottDS). Do not expect anything as for now, there is a lot of work to do first...
- I added two missing ARM opcodes to run the "CPU Test rom by DeadBody (PD)" that will go into the Official Windows release soon.
- I have plans on static or dynamic recompilation GBA emulation (I will see how it goes).
I hope to post more news asap.
More info --> http://boycottadvance.emuunlim.com/News.htm
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May 20th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has updated moonshell.
Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
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May 20th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
The name Wii replaces the traditional term "we" in sentences much like the ones used to first introduce the name to online readers.
Phrases for the ads include, "Wii will put people more in touch with their games" and "Wii will change everything".
Clicking the ad will divert readers to wii.nintendo.com, a website that explains the philosophy, controller, software, and hardware of the platform.
Wii stole the show at last week's Electronic Entertainment Expo as industry vets were dazzled by new games like Wii Sports, Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
Via Punchjump
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May 20th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Homebrew game:
Space Empires Advance (SEA) is a port of the Space Empires computer game to the GameBoy Advance. SEA is a turn-based strategy game in which you design the ships in your fleets, construct and battle them with other players, colonize on other planets, and even control your empires researched technology. SEA supports up to four players, human or CPU, and features Multiboot and Save Swapping, so that you and a friend can have 2 games going, and swap the games after each turn. The galaxy is randomly generated for each game, to always keep the gameplay new and exiting.
This alpha release (1.4) features the title screen, main menu, a working New Game menu, and duplication(multiboot is used to duplicate the game). At the end of the New Game menu, a Galaxy is displayed, followed by a system view of the individual solar systems. L and R can be used to cycle through them. This part will be moved to another place later.
Menu Controls:
Up/Down: Navigate menus
(A): Select
(B): Back
Text Entry Controls:
Up/Down/Left/Right: Choose letter
(A): Add letter or press button
(B): Jump to the Back button
(Select): Jump to Default button
(Start): Jump to Done button
You can get more information, and the latest release of SEA, at this website:
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May 20th, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA homebrew release, heres the info:
Hey, I just started doing GBA development so I made a little game to test the waters and see how different it is VS. PC Development. Wolf-Pac is similar to the old school Pac games, but not exactly a clone. It was done in Mode 3 and uses Raster Graphics, it features one level and most of the elements of the old Pac games. It is kind of a tribute to my Dad because he was like a Pac-Master back in the 80's. It was also a good exercise and got me good and warmed up for some more deving.
You can check out some of my other projects and news at:
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May 21st, 2006, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Press release info from Datel:
MAX Media Dock is an amazing new storage device for your DS and DS Lite console.
MAX Media Dock allows you to store and access content saved on any Compact Flash card, releasing the potential of your DS as a full media playback device!
MAX Media Dock is compatible with readily available Compact Flash cards which offer some of the best value flash memory around. Cards up to 8GB can simply be snapped into the MAX Media Dock providing access to huge storage potential on your DS.
MAX Media Dock includes the Max Media Player/Dock DS cartridge which allows you to navigate and run content stored on your MAX Media Dock’s Compact Flash card though an intuitive, stylus controlled browser interface.
To get all that content onto your MAX Media Dock use the built in High Speed USB 2.0 port to connect the Media Dock to your PC. Windows will automatically recognise your card allowing you to quickly and easily Drag and Drop content onto it.
With MAX Media Dock you will also be able to enjoy numerous games and applications developed by talented programmers in the DS’s thriving ‘Homebrew’ community as well as watch high quality video and listen to MP3s!
MAX Media Dock is also available with 1GB and 2GB Compact Flash cards included, see alternative items.
MAX Media Dock is perfect for Movies, Music, Games, Home Brew and more!
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May 21st, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
It's fairly well-known by now that in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Link will be traveling between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm, a dark, grey place that causes him to transform into a wolf.
Well, according to Eiji Aonuma, by way of an interview conducted by magazine Electronics Gaming Monthly, the Twilight Realm has received a makeover and will now feature a vibrant set of colors, distinguishing itself from Hyrule in that way. No screenshots of the changed look have made its way onto the internet at the time of this post, so hopefully we'll see something pop up soon.
Via Revfanboy
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May 21st, 2006, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nikolas posted this news
Hello people. I've been recently working on a Tales of Dagur save editor/cheat tool called DarkMagic. Now, DarkMagic has reached a point where it can actually be useful, so I thought about publicly releasing it now. Thanks to LiraNuna for releasing Tales of Dagur's source code ^_^. I will also release source code for DarkMagic soon.
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May 21st, 2006, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like Nintendo left the classic 1Up trick in the New Super Mario Bros. game. To get unlimited lives just go to world 2-4 and near the end you will see a turtle walking down the steps. Jump down on him, but don't kick the shell. Next, get on the step below the turtle shell, push up against the step and then jump straight up without touching the D-pad. You;ll start to bounce on the shell and the 1Ups will start to just roll in.
Via Kotaku
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May 21st, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
* fixed a tree sorting bug introduced with the 20.05.06 version
* modified guilayer->Close() to actually remove the layer from the gui (mem save)
* fixed GE_TIMER not passing GUI on event
* fixed: wrong stack & link register shown on crashdbg
* speeded unit enumerating functions and reduced stackload
+ added first gui implementation for menu's
* ip settings are no longer hardcoded
+ ip settings are now loaded from & saved to "net.conf"
* fixed darkenscanline did randomly (wrong flag-check) not modify the first pixel
+ new map option VIEWPORT=(x,y) to set the starting viewport
+ added internal volume control for soundstreams (for upcoming options menu)
+ added internal volume modifier for all effects (max effect volume)
+ added custom gametimers (in preparation for time caused events)
+ new map option MAPNAME= to name a map (will be shown in multiplayer or saves)
+ started to work on the hosting list
* fixed all compile warnings (no more compiling spam )
* fixed a long searched error in the sorted tree. (possible invalid return of GetBrother())
+ added more test functions to multiplayer test. (atm IP & Such are hardcoded according to my test environment)
* fixed timing issues with streamed sound/increased the rinbuffer size
* added more failure checks to streaming, new control functions (Stop,IsPlaying)
* fixed a mode wrong wifi mode while scanning for APs
* if the game finishes, the current sound stream is stopped (it endlessly looped the last cache before)
+ The multiplayer test should now be able to associate to any not wep-protected AP
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May 21st, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: Öhr
Moonlight has released a new version of his all singing all dancing app/shell for the Nintendo DS which has so many features you need to try it out, heres whats new:
Version 1.3 FinalBeta
ImageControlTimeOutSec item was deleted to [System] section of global.ini.
[ImagePlugin] section was added of global.ini.
MSPV40 was built in. An external memory of GBA cart (M3/SC) is used as cache.
MSPV40 was used by the BMP/PNG/JPG/PSD plug-in.
The dynamic font package function for creation was added of Setup.exe.
Function to extract all storage files was added of Setup.exe.
A thumbnail function was added.
[Thumbnail] section was added of global.ini.
The double screen option is unstable. Please think that it is not possible to use it basically.
[HiddenItem] section was added of global.ini.
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May 22nd, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
ETk posted this wip news about his megaman clone for the DS:
Uhm.. next level finally added. Had to update the event editor and game again.
Game Changes:
-Added teleport.
-Fixed palette bugs when change level.
-Event code optimized.
Event editor changes:
-Added option to edit level name and path
-Added Teleport type events
-Can save automatically the event data now
-Changed pointer
-Changed colours, location, etc..
-Fixed some minor bugs
No new demo yet, sorry
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 22nd, 2006, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has released SylphAMP, heres the info:
SylphAMP is a Winamp-to-NDS interface; install it in WinAmp as an output plugin and all the audio is streamed to a DS on the local network rather than sent to the speakers.
See the readme for instructions on how to use. Bear in mind this is an early alpha-style release with possibly the most horrific UI in existance. And it isn't very functional either. But if you want to stream MP3s and so on from WinAmp to your DS, it just about manages that most of the time
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced that the DS Lite, the redesigned version of its multi-million selling dual screen handheld, will launch in Europe on June 23rd, priced at GBP 99.99.
The original DS has already proved hugely popular with consumers around the globe, with 16 million units sold so far. The new model is around 60g lighter and two thirds of the size of the original, and features four screen brightness settings. It will be available in Europe in a choice of two colours - white or black.
Nintendo has lined up a healthy selection of software titles to coincide with the launch of the DS Lite. Brain Training, the mind exercising game which has taken Japan by storm, will launch here on June 9th. A new edition of Nintendogs - subtitled Dalmatian & Friends - will hit the shops a week later, followed by New Super Mario Bros. on June 30th.
July 7th will see the arrival of music maker Electroplankton and Big Brain Academy, a more lighthearted version of Brain Training.
via GIbiz
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has described Sony's decision to include motion-sensing technology in the PS3 controller as "flattering", whilst criticising the company for simply producing the same games with better graphics.
In an interview with Canadian publication the Edmonton Sun, when asked if he thought Sony had copied Nintendo's idea for the Wii's remote controller, Miyamoto replied: "It’s kind of what always seems to happen. But the fact that they looked at what we were doing and decided it was a good path is kind of flattering; it kind of reinforces in our minds that we’re doing the right thing."
"What they’ve done is just take your standard controller and add in this motion-sensing device that’s similar to what we did back on the Game Boy Color many years ago. Maybe if they were to completely copy and go with a remote and a nunchuk and two motion sensors, I might be a little more concerned. But I don’t think they’re anywhere close to that."
Miyamoto went on to discuss Sony and Microsoft's showings at E3, stating: "They’re talking about the next generation of the same old videogames - it’s the same old experiences with new graphics."
"And while there are people who enjoy that, we’re really talking about the next leap in interactive entertainment, and really bringing interactive entertainment not just to videogame fans but to everyone."
However, questions have been raised as to whether gamers want to play with a controller that requires plenty of physical movement, rather than one which allows them to simply sit on the sofa. But according to Miyamoto, there are plenty of options available: "The fact of the matter is, if you want to, you can play in much the same style as you did before."
"You can sit with Zelda and just with little movements you can control the game perfectly well. Similarly with tennis, by kind of slapping the Wii remote against your hand, you can play the game that way if you really want to."
"As people get better and better at the individual games, it may be that their motions drift from the more exaggerated to the less exaggerated. But at the same time, I tend to find that moving around a bit more tends to be more fun."
As for the Wii name, which has met with a mixed reception in the UK, Miyamoto said that some Japanese gamers have also found it hard to get used to: "In Japan, a lot of gamers thought it was a strange name, and the comment we got the most was that it doesn’t sound like the name of a game system."
"What we did find with the casual gamers or the non-gamers - because it does sound so different and unique - it doesn’t sound like a game system. And that’s a plus for them."
Via GIBiz
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
We learnt it the hard way - the tube isn't the ideal place to train your Nintendog. After several dirty looks and a series of unpleasant exchanges, we never took Nintendogs on the train again.
We're obviously not going anywhere near the tube with it then, but that doesn't mean you can't train your virtual doggies in public when Dalmatians & Friends waddles into the shops on June 16. Officially announced today, the new editon of Nintendogs will have six of the most popular mutts from previous versions available, including - wait for it - Dalmatian.
So not strictly a new release, Dalmatians & Friends is more of a remix of previous Nintendog flavours. But with Nintendogs sales now surpassing six million worldwide and 2.5 million in Europe, we're sure there are plenty of people willing to give up their cash regardless.
Nintendogs: Dalmatians & Friends is out on June 16. We're off to make a, ahem, secret pre-order.
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Following Sony's announcement that it expects roughly fifteen titles to be available at the PS3's launch, 'net reports suggest Nintendo's lucky Wii launch number could be sixteen. However, it looks like the list has been compiled based on hearsay and information revealed at this year's E3, rather than being the official Nintendo-sanctioned definitive line-up.
Many sites are currently listing the following games as primed for release come the Wii's launch later this year and - based on what we know so far - it seems more or less accurate, if not conclusive:
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Wii Sports
Red Steel
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Madden NFL 2007
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Metal Slug Anthology
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Blitz: The League
Rayman Raving Rabbids
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Disney/Pixar's Cars
However, we put in word to Nintendo Europe who responded thusly: "Nintendo has not announced its launch line up and will not until closer to launch. All that has been said is that titles available in the launch window could include Zelda, WarioWare and Mario."
Furthermore, Nintendo revealed that reports of the Classic controller and light gun add-on arriving at launch are incorrect. However, there's further news on what we can expect to be unpacking when we pick Wii up on launch day: "We have not confirmed which controller attachments will be available at launch either, other than we plan to include one Wii Remote and one Nunchuk controller [in the Wii bundle]."
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like we've got some bad news for those in our audience anticipating a DS Lite in black -- looks like Apple isn't the only one making the dark version of their portable a little more inaccessible than its white counterpart. So far as we know we're still slated for that June 11 launch of the "Polar White" DS Lite in the states, but unless they're gonna surprise us with some additional colors it looks like Europe will be getting black first come June 23rd. And don't be fooled by Nintendo's press shots above, we don't think there's a muddy gray / brown shade en route as well, just black and white due Europe for about £99 or €149.99 ($185 or $191, depending on your region).
Screenshot via Comments
via engadget
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Accessory at Lik Sang

MAX Media Player turns your Nintendo DS into a powerful home entertainment device, with movie playback, music on the move and a convenient picture viewer.
At the heart of MAX Media Player for DS is Datel’s exclusive MAX Media Player. Just insert the cartridge into your DS’s game slot, and boot up our fully featured browser. From here, you can play your MP3 audio tracks, watch videos and view your JPEGs on your DS’s screen.
MAX Media Player for DS comes supplied with a 4GB hard drive unit, which you plug into your DS’sGBA cartridge slot. It draws its power directly from the DS – no additional batteries are needed. And 4GB is a lot of storage space. Enough, in fact, for up to ten full-length movies. Or over a thousand music tracks. Or thousands of digital pictures.
First of all, you connect your MAX Media Player HDD unit to your PC with the USB cable supplied. Open the Media Manager PC application (also supplied), and use it to transfer your media to the 4GB hard drive. It’s easy – the PC application even converts movies to a format your MAX Media Player can understand, and resizes your digital images so they fit perfectly on the DS screen. Now you can kill time on that long journey by watching movies on the move or listening to your favourite sounds. You can take your digital holiday snaps round your granny’s or down the pub without printing them out too!
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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May 22nd, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Spong
Newsweek, America’s second largest circulation weekly magazine in the U.S. is running a story this week suggesting that Nintendo’s recently unveiled Wii “could cap off a remarkable comeback.”
This follows laudatory pre-E3 reports in Time magazine, America’s first largest circulation weekly magazine, earlier this month – which you can read about on SPOnG right here.
Nintendo’s PR machine, so it would seem, is quietly seeding the story of Wii right where it needs to be – bang in the centre (center? – Ed) of the US mainstream. Aside from Miyamoto appearing on Larry King to demonstrate the device, it’s hard to see what else it can do to spread the word (and SPOnG would not be at all surprised if this is part of the company's ‘Q4: Wii US PR strategy’!)
Newsweek’s N'Gai Croal offers a quick round up of E3 to non-gaming readers, and introduces Nintendo who is, in his opinion: “placing a double-or-nothing bet on the Wii, which closely resembles a television remote. The hope is that its more appealing, intuitive, gesture-based interface…will lure a wider audience of women, parents and the elderly.”
Croal goes on to offer some context, outlining how Nintendo's share of the U.S. game market, “plunged from a high of 90 percent during the '80s to less than 14 percent today; it's fared only slightly better in Japan and worse in Europe.”
Now, however, he goes on to say, “thanks to new management, a new strategy and a timely assist from its long-profitable handheld-gaming division, Nintendo is finally poised to regain some of its lost market share in the home-console business.”
Satoru Iwata is introduced as ‘the difference maker’ who, “started a task force inside the company to figure out why nongamers didn't play games, and how to attract them to the pastime. Beginning with the successor to Nintendo's popular Game Boy Advance handheld, Iwata and his team determined that they could draw a new audience only by radically changing the machine's interface. The result was the Nintendo DS.”
The DS succeeded, as SPOnG knows, due largely to what Newsweek refer to as the “genius of the company's master game producer, Shigeru Miyamoto.” Newsweek gives the now often used examples of Nintendogs and the Brain Training games to back up this argument.
The Wii is introduced in the piece as “the second part of Iwata and Miyamoto's expand-the-audience strategy” and as “instantly appealing… in a manner reminiscent of Apple's retro-futuristic iPod.”
Miyamoto admits to Newsweek that the first set of Wii games are essentially little more than new ways of controlling the same old games, but also stresses that that won't be the case forever. "Two years from now, we'll have a strong lineup that can only be played using this interface," he says.
Newsweek then goes on to interview a number of leading third party publishers to ascertain their opinions on the Wii, including EA’s John Schappert, supervisor of two large studios in charge of Wii development, who tells the publication: "We looked at the success Nintendo had on the DS by starting with a clean slate, and that's the approach we're taking on Wii."
Laurent Detoc, head of U.S. operations for Ubisoft, (who "spent a hell of a lot of time playing Goldeneye") had apparently long wanted to establish closer ties with Nintendo, so jumped at the chance, when Nintendo approached the team to make a first person shooter for Wii.
"I would use the dominance of the DS in Japan to predict the future for Wii, since the vision for Wii is similar," Michihiro Ishizuka, president of the Konami’s game division, told Newsweek.
"Not only will fan boys buy it [Wii], but it will also be the second console of choice for PS3 or Xbox 360 owners,” added analyst Michael Pachter of the U.S. research firm Wedbush Morgan.
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May 23rd, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President, recently talked with GameDaily about the rumors surrounding the $249 Wii price point, his take of the PS3 price point and controller, and to reassure us that the GameBoy is far from dead! 'You may want to check our past records of price points when launching past hardware... I think you'll agree that we always come up with an affordable price point
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May 23rd, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his all singing all dancing app/shell for the Nintendo DS which has so many features you need to try it out, heres whats new:
Version 1.3 FinalBeta 3
- External memory driver's M3 built-in memory can use 28MByte (about 4250x3400 pixel).
- The bug to which the Jpeg plug-in did not decode 8bit mono image was corrected.
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
ETK again posts an update about his Megaman clone for the Nintendo DS:
More changes!
-Hero can shoot in all 360º
-Shoot angle can be changed with stylus (the hero aims where you want)
-Changed hero animation while walking
-Changed hero gfx while jumping
-Changed the door gfx
-Added FadeIn and FadeOut effect when level starts
-Added a smoke effect when hero dashes
-Added 'AutoRun' button
-Now you can shoot with L button (for when you use the stylus)
-Changed: Jump while using dash (will make you jump far)
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
SGstair posted this news:
Work is progressing on the dswifi library, you can see the progress as it is being made here, on my SgstairChecklist wiki page.
It’s not ready for a full release at the moment, but there’s even better news:
Now, thanks to some help from WntrMute, I’ve reorganized the dswifi library to make building easier and have added it as a module to the devkitpro sourceforge CVS server (see file listing here).
Keep in mind that this certainly isn’t the best option for everyone, but for those of you who are sufficiently capable this will put you at the cutting edge of dswifi library development, which can only be a good thing with the ndshb.com DS wifi game coding competition coming to close in about a month and a half. Having the latest wifi codebase could give your app the edge it so desperately needs! :P
In all seriousness though… Feel free to download and compile the libraries, it’s an utterly painless process if you can get CVS to cooperate, the new build system dumps 4 output files (libdswifi7.a, libdswifi9.a, libdswifi7d.a, and libdswifi9.a - arm7 and arm9 release and debug versions respectively) into [root]/lib, and the include files you need are in [root]/include. [NOTE! the old lib used “libdswifi7r.a” and “libdswifi9r.a” for the release versions - the ‘r’ has been dropped for the new version.]
If you find bugs…. let me qualify: if you find bugs that are not explicitly listed in my checklist, please feel free to bug me about them. Please do try very hard to explicitly define the bug though, generally “recv doesn’t work” isn’t nearly as helpful as “I noticed that recv fails in xxxx circumstance and tried a bundle of other things but it worked ok for them” - in other words just don’t be extraordinarily vague.
If there are known bugs that are hindering your progress, you may also bug me about them, I’ve got a rough set of priorities in my mind about what order to tackle the bugs in but if you have something you need to have working correctly, I can usually adapt my workflow to fix it more quickly.
As always, bug me via email, leave a comment here or on the wiki, or stop by on the IRC channel - #dswifi on EFnet
Have fun, and good luck with your (hopefully wifi related :P) projects.
More info --> http://blog.akkit.org/2006/05/21/dswifi-goes-on-cvs/
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Pepsiman posted this news:
I have ported mathomatic to DSLinux. This is a great tool that can help you with most math problems. I hope it works well on all builds, because it is a bit memory hungry. I had to trim some defaults down to make it work. I have tested it on DSMEM and .nds.”
More info --> http://www.dslinux.org/blogs/pepsiman/?p=63
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Despite the fact that Ubisoft insists on using those promo shots of the crazed goth teen with the mile-high hair travesty piled on top of her head, we're still quite excited by Michel Ancel's imminent return to the Rayman universe in Rayman Raving Rabbids, set to launch with Nintendo's Wii.
Speaking to IGN, Ancel has divulged a few nuggets regarding how the game will utilise the Wii's fancy new controller - and, frankly, we're a bit scared. Firstly, and most traditionally, Rayman's movement - including walking, run, jump and roll - will be performed using the nunchuck attachment, while the brand new fighting system works via the Wii remote.
You'll be able to perform Rayman's trademark puch move by literally punching with the controller in your hand, but that's not all. Apparently, the sensitivity of the remote means the game will recognise when you're punching from left to right and so on, meaning you can strategically bring down an onslaught of foes.
Ancel also reveals that grappling can be performed with a quick move of the nunchuck to latch on to nearby enemies. It's then possible to spin them around and launch them as projectiles by whirling the nunchuck around your head. Try not to get the cable wrapped round your neck then, obviously.
Apparently, Rayman's dive attack is achieved by launching yourself in the air and gesturing downward with both bits of the controller, performing a ground stomp worthy of Mario himself, we imagine. You can also perform kung fu moves by shaking the remote at will.
Once you've mounted a creature in the game - both eagles and sharks are given a mention by Ancel - you can ride them around by tilting the remote in the direction you want to travel. Ancel describes this as being "very natural to control".
Finally, and more mysteriously, it also seems you'll be able to dance with your bunny opponents, although Ancel stops short of revealing too much on this one: "I will let your imagination fly on that one!"
Rounding up the interview, Ancel gives his thoughts on developing for Nintendo's new system. "The hardware is perfect to develop games. It's easy to program so you can concentrate on developing new ideas and pushing your gameplay," he explains, "The controller is definitely innovative. This controller opens new ways to play games. As gamers, we will rediscover how to enjoy videogames. As developers, we must rethink our controls and gameplay to push the interactivity and immersion even further. "
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May 24th, 2006, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted this news:
I finally found a way to add write support for Supercard SD so you can save your settings. This was the first time I could actually test the save settings feature, and I found out it is very bugged. I already fixed this, but it I want to work on newsfeed support before releasing a new version. This will also contain the latest version of dswifi.
More info --> http://blog.bronto-online.de/
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May 24th, 2006, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Snezziboy the SNES Emulator for the Gameboy Advance has been updated, heres whats new:
Fixed vertical-sync so that games appear much smoother now.
Fixed the TXS instruction so that processor flags are not updated
Fixed the IO for WRAM write at IO addresses $2180-3 (Megaman7 sprites now appear)
Incorporated SNES Advance's SBC/ADC accurate implementations (Super Mario World now works)
Used a jump table to implement scanline skipping for $42 and $DB opcodes
Fixed scanline skipping to proceed to the next immediate interrupt when NMI, V+H IRQ is enabled. (MegamanX, Megaman7 runs faster)
Fixed 256 color background update (for mode 3) (Super Mario All-Stars title and menu selection now visible, Super Mario Bros, The Lost Worlds subgames seem playable with appropriate speed patch)
Fixed VRAM allocation for modes 2 and above (able to see blobs that have been dropped on the field) Known Issues:
VRAM writing sometime still screws up (Kirby's avalanche: can be worked around by pressing L+R+start to go to the config, and exiting the config screen again)
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May 24th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
The guys at Orange lounge radio have made a few interesting discoveries whilst investigating the potential launch date of Wii. On their latest podcast, presenter Rob Roberts speaks to a regular guest who works in the distribution industry. He claims that they've had confirmation of launch dates for a number of Wii titles.
According to the show, two Wii titles have an October 18th launch date. This date coincides with the anniversary of the launch of the Nintendo Entertainment System in the U.S, so could be the date Nintendo have in mind.
Roberts may have hit the nail on the head when he suggested that there may be a late summer launch date, followed by the launch of the NES retro download service on October 18th.
Via Hexus
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May 24th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

Hardcore gamers the world over invested in Flash Carts for their GBA handhelds, running home brew games or programs shared among users or downloaded from the internet. With a Flash Cart and an emulator, for example, you could play games for older machines such as the Mega Drive/Genesis or the Sinclair ZX Spectrum on your handheld. It was your ticket to a whole new world of home brew software and emulation gaming. Then came the Nintendo DS. It’s fully backwards-compatible with the GBA, but you could only use a Flash Cart in GBA mode. There was no easy way of accessing DS programs on your Flash Cart. Until now?
MAX Media Launcher for the Nintendo DS and DS Lite is the perfect solution for accessing DS media from any GBA flash storage device. Simply snap in the Max Media Launcher cartridge, and that's it! Media, freeware, executables and other files stored on your flash card can be launched. The Flash Cart revolutionised the GBA home brew scene, and with MAX Media Launcher, it will do for the DS too.
MAX Media Launcher is compatible with most types of flash cards including M3 and NEO.
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May 24th, 2006, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

Unique design
The stylus is retractable
It can turn to be a ballpen after remove the cap
Compatible with NDSL, NDS and other PDA devices
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May 24th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
One of the more interesting factoids to come out of Nintendo's showing at this year's E3 was the widely-held belief that Nintendo was openly courting third-party peripheral manufacturers with the tantalising carrot of an open invitation to make the most of the Wii hardware.
Specifically, one Nintendo developer-relations meeting offered the Wii sensor technology under licence to any accredited company looking to have bespoke controls for future Wii projects.
Have a look at this interview excerpt with SNK's Ben Herman posted by Advance MN, in which the Sopranos-sounding executive concretes some of the gossip floating around the show. "[Nintendo] were very happy to have us back on board. They didn't come chasing us, but they allow us to have creativity. One of the things about the development kit for Wii is that, they said to us, create accessories. Do add-ons. If there are companies like Logitech and the like that are going to create all kinds of accessories that Nintendo. . .Nintendo's not going to corner the market or say that these are the only accessories that will plug in and play. They essentially are saying "be creative." Today I went to see the presentation. They had some accessories that had not really been shown. They have a classic joypad. They're working on a gun. Other third parties as far as accessory makers will work on other accessories and you know. . .just have fun with it."
Of course, we all know about the Zapper-holder for the Wii and the Classic Pad, though Nintendo openly inviting third-parties to release their own peripherals does come as something of a surprise.
Via Spong
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May 24th, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
According to reports breaking of late, the Nintendo Wii could be much more powerful than even the most optimistic fan might have hoped. Several sources, believed to be taking information from western developers equipped with near-final development kits for Wii, have seemingly leaked some impressive specs for the machine that, if true, slash the power void between Nintendo and its two home console rivals.
According to an article on Daily Tech, widely ignored during E3 but since gathering some pace, "...the Wii will ship with a PowerPC 750GX CPU jointly developed between IBM and Nintendo. Nintendo says the codename of the processor is Broadway and was manufactured using a 90nm fabrication process. IBM claims the 750GX GPU is based on the 750FX processor designed by the company several years ago. The chip can run at frequencies up to 1.1GHz and includes a 4-way set-associative single core with 1MB L2 cache."
The big news here is the mooted use of a PowerPC 750GX CPU running at 1.1GHz with 1MB L2 cache well beyond the expectations of most.
The piece continues, "On Nintendo's official Wii hardware "specifications" page, the GPU of the console is listed as still being developed with ATI. Whether this means that the GPU is still being tuned or there was simply a grammatical error on the site is up in the air. Very little is known about the Wii's GPU, codenamed Hollywood except that it is part of ATI's R520 family."
The mention of the R520 has sent shockwaves of quivering anticipation around gaming circles, as if the news proves true, Nintendo would essentially be able to boast a massive leap forward from the GameCube with the Wii possessing the graphical grunt of a well-equipped gaming PC. The outlined chipsets are also highly versatile, a feature Nintendo will likely employ to throttle the Wii for standby use during WiiConnect dormant sessions.
For reference, Nintendo's own blurb on the performance of the Wii, an interesting if guarded read, can be found here.
The merging belief that there were two kinds of Wii hardware on show at this year's E3 has brought some understanding to the gulf in visual quality between certain titles. It does seem likely that the majority of Wii software was running on modified GameCube development kits, with other titles, specifically Mario Galaxy looking as though they were delivering far beyond what the Wii's predecessor could ever have achieved. This was in stark contrast to titles such as Metroid which looked unchanged from its GameCube outings.
We'll update you on the progress of all things Wii at time trickles on.
Via Spong
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May 24th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia
Naruto, Sasuke and other Ninjas of the Konohana clan return in Tomy's action packed Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu sequel for Nintendo DS™. The fourth installment in total and the second one on Nintendo DS™ promises to be bigger and better than any of the previous ones. The game features a total of more than 30 characters from the anime, new moves (such as an Air Attack, Throw Action, Rising Attack and Super Jump), a new Chakra control system, new missions and up to 4 player game play.
Tomy's Nintendo DS™ action game Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu is now available at discounted US$ 24.90 only.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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May 24th, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Lik Sang:

Working very closely with Peter Jackson and Wingnut Films, Ubisoft has created a game reflecting the visual interpretation, character dynamics and dramatic narrative of Jackson's epic take on the classic King Kong story. In this epic adventure [loosely based on the gameplay of the console version, with all-new levels and play elements], you will experience the fateful legend of Kong from the perspective of both man and beast. Survive Skull Island as unwitting hero Jack Driscoll in first-person shooting action, and unleash the staggering power of the 25-foot-tall King Kong in third-person action sequences.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Lik Sang:

Simple DS Series Vol. 8 The Kanshiki Kan is a port of PlayStation 2 Simple Series vol. 70: The Kanshiki Kan. This game has you solve a number of mysteries by heading to the crime scene and collecting evidence and fingerprints which are then handed off to an expert for analysis. Your job is to manage evidence and string together a correct picture of the crime; go off on the wrong path and your superiors will grow angry and take you off the case.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Lik Sang:

Like last year's game, Ultimate Spider-Man approaches the action in a very Viewtiful Joe-inspired design. The characters, objects, and environments all utilize the Nintendo DS system's 3D capabilities complete with a free-flowing, almost dynamic camera to follow the action. But the gameplay itself is strictly restricted to a 2D plane instead of the exploration heavy design of the upcoming console versions. But it's a decision that works for the unique nature of the Nintendo DS hardware. The Nintendo DS version is a completely unique experience, and what's more the development team have worked in some really great dual screen and touchscreen elements into the mix.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 03:10 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Lik Sang

A unique touch-oriented puzzle game, the basic idea behind Touch Panic is that you're trying to arrange panels to create an uninterrupted path for a rolling "panic" ball. The pieces of the board consist of curved and straights lines, which must be connected in order to make a clean path. You can tap a panel to make it slide or rotate into a more suitable position. Tapping the panic ball makes it dash forward. The game also gives you access to 50 special moves, called "tricks," which you must unlock by collecting Touch Balls in the main mode of play.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Riding high on the success of Chaos Field, Milestone ported their second Naomi arcade hit to the Dreamcast earlier this year. Radilgy certainly impressed too, and now they're keen to show GameCube and PS2 owners what they've been missing. A relentless shmup starring mech like warriors, along with your trusty upgradeable gun you'll also pack a windshield wiper style laser sword which reminiscent of Radiant Silvergun, blocks your foe's projectiles, plus a concentric barrier which absorbs shots and inflicts damage on enemies within its range.
Beyond the original Arcade Mode, both Radilgy GeneriC (Radilgy GC) and Radilgy PreciouS (Radilgy PS) also have unique Score Attack modes, and visually you're in for a treat as well. Graphics seem almost hand-drawn in a toon-shaded style, and multi-colored blobs spray from all sides while enemies pop to death in an explosion of rays and puffy detonations. Due this week you can grab your sword, ignite your vulcan cannon and steer your mecha into a bullet-storm where it'll take all your skills just to stay in one piece!
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May 24th, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Here's a fun game to try at home: whenever someone asks you a question, look at the ground and firmly state, "I'm sorry, I can't give you that information". Frustrating, isn't it? Anyway, it seems that Opera executive vice president Scott Hedrick invented that little past-time before the rest of us.
Speaking to IGN, the ee vee pp remained tightlipped on much regarding Opera's deal with Nintendo to implement web browsing functionality in the upcoming Wii console. However, using our special magnifying glass of sheer scrutiny, we gleaned that Opera plans on offering Nintendo a fully equipped "custom version of the Opera browser, incorporating the Wii remote control into this unique browsing experience" for its new console, although media player functionality has yet to be announced.
As for the thorny issue of user input, given the Wii's lack of keyboard (unless Nintendo has something up its sleeve), Hedrick explained, "The Wii remote control is an extremely advanced tool. Opera plans to use this to its full advantage and it will provide an intuitive way to surf the Web. Imagine the possibilities in terms of surfing with a motion sensitive remote control." He continued, "I cannot specifically comment on the lack of keyboard, but many devices running Opera don't have keyboards, such as the Nintendo DS, and feature on-screen keyboards to solve this problem."
It's currently unclear how Nintendo plans to distribute the browser right now, but Hedrick was prepared to reveal that "it will not be sold as a separate item, as it is for Nintendo DS." Whether this means the browser will be incorporated into the Wii's operating system or available as a download via its Virtual Console service remains to be seen.
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May 24th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo USA have posted the sale of the M3 Adapter SD version. standalone., heres the details:

M3 Adapter is made for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS. You can use your PC and normal Compact Flash Card Reader to transfer and convert you movie & music files to the Compact Flash Cards. Then, insert M3 Adapter with CF/SD Card into GBA(SP) or Nintendo DS, and the files will be available after boot up of the console.
Its features are just the same as any other MP3 Player on the market but also playing games and movies instead of playing music only.
One of the coolest features of an M3 Adapter is that you can directly run third party software on it – that includes emulators of the video game system.
Buy at Divineo USA
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May 24th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Despite not being playable at E3, Super Smash Bros Brawl for Wii was the talk of the show thanks to its highly amusing trailer, which revealed the characters due to feature in the cartoony scrapper - including newcomers Pit and Meta Knight who we've managed to dig up the latest screenshots of.
Meta Knight is of course the nemesis of Kirby, the gurning ball, and usually appears as a boss in many of Kirby's games. Meta Knight isn't as evil as his menacing armour might suggest as he's a chivalrous and noble warrior, even offering a sword to the unarmed Kirby at the start of one battle.
Pit is the angelic hero of the Kid Icarus games, who helped the imprisoned Goddess of Light, Palutena, defeat the evil Medusa. Pit's main weapon is his Sacred Bow of Palutena from which he can shoot arrows of light.
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May 24th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
leading peripheral manufacturer Logitech has confirmed that it will be providing third-party peripherals for Nintendo's Wii. Of course, this wouldn't usually be worthy of note, however, Nintendo's offer to make the Wii motion and position-sensing technology open to publishers, developers and companies like Logitech, means the emerging platform could well be the home of some very weird, very intuitive controllers.
"Logitech is always considering the newest platforms, technologies and opportunities to provide great peripherals," Logitech's Ruben Mookerjee, Director of Product Marketing for Interactive Entertainment told us. "The new Nintendo Wii platform is intriguing and with their innovative controller approach, we think it will be successful in the marketplace. At this time, we cannot comment on any products we are working on or specific platform support; however, given Logitech's history of working with Nintendo, especially with the Logitech Speed Force Wheel, we look forward to supporting the platform."
This comment follows yesterday's news that Nintendo had briefed developers, publishers and third-party peripheral companies that it would be more than happy for them to develop any device they felt fit to best suit the innovative tech employed by the Wii.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has released a new version of NDSMail
Heres whats new:
- Supercard SD Write support
- Settings-stuff fixed
- Improved feed support (now even displays most HTML feeds)
- uses the latest version of dswifi
- misc. bugfixes
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May 24th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
It won't be long now. In just a little more than two week's time, Nintendo will launch the long-awaited redesign for the Nintendo DS system. The DS Lite is coming, with its brighter screen and smaller, tighter design, and Nintendo has released to retailers the box art for the next generation Touch Screen system.
The DS Lite will launch in one color: Polar White, a very iPod-like hue. The system will release on June 11th for 129.99, the same price as the current generation Nintendo DS.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Info via Megagames
The new details mention a microphone built-in to the headset which will allow the controller to be used as a straight-forward VoIP phone. The news also mentions that users will be able to use the phone for video calls although it does not clarify exactly how a camera will come into play in the setup. The interesting news however, relates to the phone/address book details which will be stored on the controller suggesting that Nintendo expects each user of the Wii in the household to own their own Wiimote.
The inclusion of a microphone built-into the controller, along with the speaker announced at E3, will also offer gamers more freedom during online play as they will be able to communicate with fellow gamers without the need for a headset. This makes sense as most images we have of people playing with the infamous device, show them standing up and at some distance from the console.
Just when you think Nintendo has no more Wii related mysteries the company hits you with another one and this time it is the addition of Wiichannel.com to the list of Nintendo owned domains. Rumors of a Wii dedicated interactive channel that will carry animations, games and game trailers, TV shows and other audio/visual content have already started doing the rounds but as most of us have found the hard way, Nintendo is not playing by the book on this one; so expect nothing and anticipate everything.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Wii got back. IGN has posted some near-pornographic shots of a nude Wii, revealing its backside in what we can only assume is some drug-induced lapse of common sense on the part of the console. Really, it's always been such a well-behaved machine! IGN has even been so bold as to post pictures of cables plugging into its backside with reckless abandon.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
David Brady posted this news:
After my release the other day, I was extremely tired. I had been working on Dissonance for about a week with 16 hour days, and I really felt in need of a break. So I've been spending all my time since then playing all the Half-Life that I could. I played through Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force, and Half-Life: Blue Shift in preparation for Half-Life 2: Episode One. But I've quenched that need for the time being, so I can concentrate on Dissonance again. I've built a new binary of Dissonance against sgstair's cvs release... so it might fix some obscure bug. However, I don't notice much difference myself, and so my source has not been updated.
Anyways, due to the discussion going on on the dswifi forum, I can say that the next release will likely have two key features. Higher volume, (or adjustable pre-amp), and support for some sort of playlist. Right now, I am thinking about just appending an M3U or something to the end of the ROM, and calling it a day for now. But the grand plan is to support the shoutcast directory. It's just a lot of work getting there.
More info --> http://grey.drunkencoders.com/
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May 24th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has updated his awesome looking RTS game for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
Time for another update, this time with online play! I've spent some time the last few days fixing various sync bugs in my code, and this is the first version with which I've managed to play a complete network game without any noticable problems, so I figured I'd take my chances and release it before I did find something. I included a fairly bare bones lobby, you can host and join games, but you won't know who you're playing against unless you recognise the other persons ip address. The game's currently limited to 1 on 1.
Taking a cue from blubb, you'll need to forward port 9999(UDP only) if you want to be a server, otherwise you'll get listed in the server list but no one will be able to join.
You'll also need your ds firmware configured to connect to your router using Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, or some other wifi enabled game.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Dustin has released the first version of his Collection of mini games, heres the info:
Collection is an assortment of mini games that I am producing. At the moment there are only 4 but I hope to get more up quickly. Ideally after I get 20 or so of these games together I might make some sort of adventure mode where games are unlocked as you go along but we'll see. Also I'm working to emplement FAT saving of highscores as highscores are kinda the point of the game. If anyone has a suggestion for a game or wants to help by making a highscore style mini game in PAlib (I don't know how to do regular NDSlib yet unfortunatly) feel free to send it in to nitsud at gmail dot com.
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May 24th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Orkus has released the 4th version of his Puzzle game made with palib for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new for this release:
- 0.4 (21.05.06):
* added menu screen
* new levels
* fixed jump bug (jump too far after 3 green tiles)
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May 24th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Didou posted this:
Well, I just quiclky come to show you the early stage of my terrain rendering engine...
It begins to run not so badly, even if it's pretty not optimized. Next, stuff to make a real game will be to add... Ideas ???
Anyway, I still have some deltas, constants and tutti quanti to refine...
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May 24th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's celebrity game designer and the mind behind Mario, Donkey Kong, and The Legend of Zelda, is rarely seen without a smile and the exuberance of a boy on Christmas Day.
It's rare to hear the industry vet say something negative about anything, but in an interview with CNNMoney's Chris Morris, Miyamoto does talk about something that he didn't initially like--the name "Wii."
"When we first thought about it, myself and others felt that the name Revolution was very appropriate to what we were doing," he told CNN. Like several of the Nintendo faithful, he did eventually come around, citing the Wii's main mission of being as nonthreatening to nongamers as possible. "So we thought [Wii] was more friendly and inviting," he said.
One way of getting the non-gaming crowd into games is to actually put them into the game. Those who saw the Nintendo pre-E3 press conference this year will recall the doubles tennis match played between company bigwigs Miyamoto, Reggie Fils-Aime, Satoru Iwata, and a contest winner. Each player's character (save for the contest winner) had cartoonish representations of themselves rather than a generic player model.
Miyamoto implied that this process of personalizing characters may not be limited to just those with the best parking spaces at the company. "We have some different ideas about how to take advantage of that functionality--and we will be sharing that type of functionality with third parties."
On the mainstream console front, Sony first put characters' faces in games with the PlayStation 2 game Tony Hawk Underground in 2003, and further explored the idea with the EyeToy camera peripheral. Microsoft has already announced a camera for the Xbox 360, due for release this fall. While Miyamoto did not go into detail, his carefully chosen words could mean a camera peripheral is in the works for the Wii.
One of the biggest bits of news at this year's E3 was the pricing of the PS3 at $599 for the high-end model. Miyamoto, like other gamers, did a double take when he heard the news. "I knew...it was going to be expensive. Even then, it was a bit of a shock. But I think it's clear that they don't want to lose a lot of money per unit."
Sony was also behind one of the other surprising announcements of the expo--the PS3 controller would be motion sensitive, like the Wii's. One word often associated with Nintendo is "innovative." How does Miyamoto feel about Sony's...sincerest form of flattery?
"That always seems to happen and we kind of expected it," he said. "We've gotten used to others copying what we do--and we're having a lot of fun with it."
Via Gamespot
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May 24th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
If you haven’t seen it already, check out the latest bed-bound Japanese advert for Nintendo’s New Super Mario Bros, played on a 'can’t-make-them-fast-enough' DS Lite.
You will see the lovely Nanako Matsushima, the well known Japanese actress and model (if anything, you probably know her for her role in the splendid horror film Ringu) reach a stage of ‘heightened pleasure’ through playing with the Big Fella on her little DS Lite. Jumping around on her bed on her knees, screaming with joy. As all girls do, in secret.
Before you check out the ad by clicking right here, also bear in mind that a rough English translation of the above commercial goes like this: “Ah, something came, something came, something came. Ahh. Jump! Jump! Jump! A big one appeared. Huge. Waaaaaah. Yippie! What's this? What's this? I'm so happy! Wow, sooo strong. Oh, it's over. *laughs* "
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May 25th, 2006, 12:34 Posted By: jojotjuh
moonlight posted this on his site:
my dear
To dear homebrew developers and dear M3/SC/EZ4/G6/MK/MML and other hardware developers.
MoonShell is free.
Remodeling and uploading to the public are free.
Partial use of the source file is possible, too.
(Attention!! The GPL library is not permitted to be recycled partially.)
The G6 exclusive use and the EZ4 exclusive use, etc. are also possible.
Permission is unnecessary. The report mail to me is also unnecessary.
MoonShell (and plug-ins) was made by using devkitPror17 and libnds-20060201.
The subutility was made by using Delphi7.
The DPG decoding slows if libnds-20060410 is used. This is not recommended.
A new device can be easily added by processing the following. (We wish sincerely to express our gratitude for Chishm. )
gba_nds_fat_2006-02-09_unicode_M3SD_ReadAlignDetect/disc_io.c/c and io_xxxx.c/h
I do not understand excluding Japanese. really!
It is my personal hope.
MoonShell uses the GPL library.
However, I do not compel the source files making public.
I do not complain even if the remodeled source file is not made public.
However, I am interested in the source file.
Especially, the CF/SD access library of 'G6 and EZ4' is convinced that there is demand for the great number of people.
It is felt that it is useful also for the homebrew applications other than MoonShell.
However, I do not compel it. It acts freely without permission and I do not care.
I am sincerely wishing NDS to prosper... bye!!
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May 25th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has predicted sales of six million units by next March for its upcoming home console, the Wii. That's according to Reuters, anyway. Furthermore, the company expects to have flogged over 17 million units of software during the current financial year.
Nintendo's predictions arrive as the company announced a 19 percent fall in annual operating profits, blamed on dwindling sales of the GameCube - that little purple thing in the corner of your room, just in case you've been wracking your brains, trying to remember what the hell it is for a while.
An annual operating profit of 110 billion yen is expected by the end of March 2007 - less than the predicted 113.74 billion yen by, er, some yen. Nintendo is hoping that the forthcoming Wii will give them ample excuse to roll around in a giant money pit shouting, "Rub my back Martha, there's a barnacle in my bathrobe!".
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May 25th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Speak to those who managed to worm their way into the Nintendo stand at this year's E3 and some of them will whisper the word "Elebits" breathily into your ear. Then lick your chin. You see, Konami's new Wii, erm, yank-'em'up was, for many people we spoke to, the surprise of the show.
Despite it's simplistic appearance, the game's a bizarrely transcendental experience. The basic idea is to roam the environments - in E3's case, a kitchen and garden - using the Wiimote to push, pull, yank and fondle everything in your path, in a desperate bid to hunt out the mischievous, titular Elebits. Once you've found them, it's possible to harness their electrical abilities to boost your own powers, meaning you can lift and shift objects of greater size.
Basically, it's a game about throwing stuff around. Hooray then! Konami has released a bunch of - it has to be said - not particularly inspiring shots of the game, but we've stuck them up mainly as a way of wedging Elebits into your cranium for later reference.
Disappointingly, none of the shots seem to have followed Nintendo's guidelines of whacking a gigantic picture of somebody playing the game in an excitingly frenzied manner alongside the screen.
Screenshots Here
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May 25th, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Fears that Nintendo's Wii might be neglecting hardcore gamers in its bid to reach the mass market have been allayed this morning with the news that EA's Medal of Honor: Airborne may well be parachuting onto Wii in November of this very year - at least over in the US.
How do we know? Well Medal of Honor: Airborne has just been listed by US online retailer EB Games with a launch date of November 1, this year.
Perhaps even more significantly, it's been given a retail price of $49 which seems a fairly decent indication of what premium Wii games might cost you over in the good ol' US of A.
Of course prices and release dates are subject to change, especially in the heady world of online retail, but at least the listing gives a first indication of what we might have to cough up for Premium Wii titles - fifty bucks, which roughly equates to around 26.71 of our great British poundies. It looks like we're going to be getting some pretty decent value out of Nintendo on game prices.
Still financial considerations asides, it's the prospects of using the Wiimote and Nunchuck controllers in Airborne which have us most excited. Will be able to use them to steer our parachutes in some intriguing dropzone action? The running and gunning should certainly be a unique next-gen experience compared to PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Airborne.
The possibilities seem endless and perhaps you have few suggestions of your own to make in the comments below. Either way, we look forward to spraying some more Airborne Wii your way soon.
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May 25th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed its next-generation console, the Wii, will retail in the US for $250 or less, and no more than ¥25,000 ($220/£119/€174) in Japan. It also expects to have shipped more than 6m of the machines by March 2007, the company said today.
That's as many machines as the total number of PlayStation 3 consoles Sony is expecting to ship in the same period. Sony's box is more than twice the price of the Wii. Both Sony and Microsoft have suggested consumers will buy a Wii alongside each company's more advanced console because the Nintendo machine is relatively so cheap.
Nintendo made the announcement in Osaka this morning after reporting a 12.5 per cent rise in full-year net profits to ¥98.38bn ($876.7m) but a 19 per cent drop in operating profits. The gain arose from the relative strengths of the Yen and the Dollar during the 12-month period, which ended 31 March 2006. Annual sales were down 1.2 per cent to ¥509.25bn ($4.54bn).
For the current fiscal year, due to end on 31 March 2007, Nintendo said it expects to announce an operating profit of ¥110bn ($980.19m). The boost will come largely from sales of the Wii and ongoing demand for the DS, particularly now the redesigned DS Lite will soon ship in Europe and the US. ®
Via The Register
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May 25th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's Executive VP of Sales and Marketing, talks about what went wrong with GameCube and how Nintendo will not make the same mistakes when launching Wii. Reggie admits that the initial software lineup for the GameCube was simply not 'diverse and strong enough from a first and third-party perspective,' and by Nintendo's showing at E3 2006, the Wii will launch with a wide variety of games for may types of gamers
Via Slashdot
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May 25th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed to Famitsu.com, at the company's recent press conference unveiling its financial results, that Wii would arrive in Japanese stores with a maximum price tag of 25,000 yen. After taking in account various factors, the conversion to other currencies comes down to a launch price of: 225 dollars, 225 euros, and 150 pounds.
Via Slashdot
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May 25th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
The executive vice president of Opera for Devices, Scott Hedrick, has revealed that Nintendo Wii owners will be using the console's unique remote controller to surf the web.
In an interview with IGN, Hedrick said: "The remote control is an extremely advanced tool. Opera plans to use this to its full advantage and it will provide an intuitive way to surf the Web."
"Imagine the possibilities in terms of surfing with a motion sensitive remote control."
Hedrick declined to give details of how the control system will work, stating only: "I cannot specifically comment on the lack of keyboard, but many devices running Opera don't have keyboards, such as the Nintendo DS, and feature on-screen keyboards to solve this problem."
He went on to say that Opera won't be sold separately from the Wii - but stopped short of confirming whether or not it'll come with the console as standard. However, it's clear that Hedrick believes online gaming will play a key part in the success of Nintendo's new console: "As Nintendo touts Wii as always connected it is natural that a browser should be a part of their strategy, as a gateway to the Web."
"I believe that Web technology will increasingly be a part of the gaming experience, whether it's live content being pushed onto games or you're just checking your Web mail while playing Mario Kart."
"We're seeing access to the Web in more and more places and in more and more ways, it was simply a matter of time before it spread to game consoles."
Via GI.Biz
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May 25th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
There was no more room at the top of Nintendo of America's corporate ladder, so the company just added some rungs. The US arm of the Japanese game giant announced today that company president Tatsumi Kimishima has received a promotion to the new roles of CEO and chairman of the board.
Before coming to Nintendo, Kimishima spent 27 years with Sanwa Bank of Japan, where he served in several management-related jobs. After leaving Sanwa, he served as chief financial officer of The Pokemon Company in 2000 and president of Pokemon USA in 2001 before becoming president of Nintendo of America in 2002.
Taking over the roles of president and chief operating officer is Reggie Fils-Aime, who has led audiences through the past several E3 press conferences as executive vice president of sales and marketing. He achieved celebrity status among Nintendo fans for his speech at E3 2004, when he declared, "My name is Reggie. I'm about kickin' ass, I'm about takin' names, and we're about makin' games."
Fils-Aime joined NOA in December 2003, after working in high-level positions at VH1, Procter & Gamble, and Pizza Hut. As the company prepares for the fourth-quarter launch of its Wii console, Fils-Aime will juggle duties between his former role in sales and marketing and his new position overseeing NOA's daily operations.
A third promotion announced today sees senior vice president of business development Mike Fukuda bumped up to executive vice president of business development. Of the three executives promoted, he has the longest tenure with Nintendo, having been with the company for 12 years. In his new role, he will oversee the creation of games and hardware tailored to Nintendo's North American audience.
Via Gamespot
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May 25th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
While DS and PSP game sales duke it out, GBA software quietly outsold them both last month. The portable boys at Modojo write: "Believe it or not, there are 11 GBA games that should be on the radar of hardcore gamers. We ran down why people should pay attention and offered up some media for all of them. It may be on its last legs, but '06 is shaping up to be arguably one of the GBA's best years yet."
Battle B-Daman & Battle B-Daman 2, Yggdra Union, Scurge: Hive, and Metal Slug (pictured) are just to name a few. Follow the link for the full listing of 11 games. Any readers out there still prefer GBA over the fancy smancy current and next-gen consoles?
Via Joystiq
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May 25th, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Staying consistent with Wii's inferior processing and graphical specs, official Wii documentation given to development studios confirms the absence of Dolby Digital 5.1 optical outputs. It is likely that Nintendo will continue to use Dolby Pro Logic II for simulated 5.1 audio as it has with the GameCube. IGN writes: "There is a single proprietary audio/video jack on Wii and users have the option to plug in different cables depending on their preference. According to developer documentation, Wii owners will be able to insert a composite, S-video or component audio/video cable into the jack, but all three come standard with stereo left and right channel audio cables."
Though a Dolby Digital solution could still surface being that final Wii tech specs have yet to be announced, don't expect it. Not that Nintendo's target audience will.
Via Joystiq
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May 25th, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
New product from SuccessHK

High speed for data transfer
Recharge your PSP/NDS/iPod via PC USB port
Light weight. Easy to carry
No driver installation
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May 26th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
zzo38computer posted this news/release:
Now I posted V2.0
Now you can edit and run program on Nintendo DS, and some things are fixed and some new commands. (You have to type NEW before typing in a new program, though.)
If you find any bugs or anything else, tell me. Also tell me if is good
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May 26th, 2006, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
A Nintendo UK spokesperson has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the Wii console will go on sale in Europe at around the same price point as has been announced for the US and Japan.
Nintendo stated yesterday that the Wii will cost YEN 25,000 or less (GBP 120) and USD 250 or less (just under GBP 135) when it hits stores later this year. A spokesperson has now told GI.biz that "UK pricing will be in line with Japan and the US."
However, it seems probable that the console will cost slightly more due to UK VAT - with a price point of around GBP 150 looking likely.
Nintendo has confirmed plans to ship 6 million Wii units by the end of March 2007. However, allocation figures for each territory have yet to be revealed.
Via gibiz
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May 26th, 2006, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
After the initial wave of disbelief and derision that met the renaming of Nintendo's new home console, Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton believes a stellar performance at E3 has extinguished any lingering doubts over the controversial 'Wii' moniker.
Speaking on the final day of E3 in an exclusive interview broadcast today on Eurogamer TV, Yarnton dismissed suggestions that his office still faced a unique PR and marketing challenge with the innovative system – in the UK, 'wee' is a colloquial term for the act of urination – insisting Wii's playable unveiling had emphatically silenced the critics.
“We haven't had anyone talk about the name as such apart from in a positive manner now,” he said. “That's died and gone, and what people are talking about is a fantastic product.
“If you look at Nintendo, which has been around for over 100 years, there's always been very much a philosophical approach to what we do, very much a holistic approach to gaming, and we're looking to be all-encompassing for everyone,” he added. “When we started looking into the name 'Wii', that's what we were talking about – everyone, rather than a single thing. It's a very simple word that we've created to come across with that message to everyone.”
Nintendo's post-show critical reception has indeed moved the debate on, with a largely positive response to the console in the press. And Yarnton is now relishing the prospect of a powerful debut in Europe.
“At this stage we've announced we'll be releasing this year and that's where it stands,” he insisted when asked if he could guarantee the UK would receive Wii before year-end. “If you look at the E3 stand we've got 27 titles on show in comparison with some other companies that have a very limited range, so I think we're really geared up for a solid launch.”
Elsewhere in the interview, Yarnton reveals why the success of DS has ended Nintendo's third-party crisis, dismisses the importance of cutting-edge visuals and reveals he is “flattered” by Sony's move to “copy” the Wii controller with its motion-sensing PS3 pad.
Via GIbiz
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May 26th, 2006, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Internet cogs are whirring at full capacity this morning as rumours spiral uncontrollably regarding the possible inclusion of a mic on Nintendo's upcoming Wii console's remote controller. Admittedly, it's all based on speculation, largely fuelled by the discovery of the domain Wiikaraoke.com registered by Nintendo, but hey - who cares!
Some 'net pundits are pointing to Wiikaraoke.com's existence as further evidence that the Wii's remote will be microphonically enhanced and that - in line with Nintendo's family friendly, party game push on the new machine - signals a brand new vocally-focussed franchise for the company. Cue frenzied yodelling of "OMG!11 NINTENTO COPYED SONYS SINGSTARR!!!" on messageboards everywhere, probably.
This news comes on top of various 'net reports this week erroneously pointing to an official (yet non-existant) announcement regarding an in-built Wiimote mic. Many of these have included news of voice-over IP functionality for the new console and - while still purely speculative - does seem at least a reasonable supposition.
Given the fact that Nintendo's DS already sports such a feature, it would seem likely that mic capabilities will find themselves on Wii come release. Of course, the fact that Nintendo made such a song-and-dance about the fairly underwhelming Wiimote speaker at E3 also suggests that there's something about it the company isn't yet telling us. As such, we're not going to dismiss the existence of a Wii karaoke title and other mic functionality for the time being - instead we'll conclude with the tried and tested "wait and see".
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May 26th, 2006, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
Just when we'd got used to the idea of calling its new console 'Wii', Nintendo has gone on a domain name spending spree and bought some rather interesting dot coms monikers, much to our collective amusement.
First off let's get the childish humour out of the way; heading up Nintendo's domain name swag are office favourites Wiipower.com, Wiicreator.com, Wiilove.com, Wiicooking.com, Shallwii.com, Wiigirls.com and indeed Wiiboys.com. At the moment the domains all redirect to Nintendo's American website, but we'd love to see the final article Nintendo has planned for Wiiboys.com. A site for vertically challenged chaps possibly?
Advertisement:Anyway restraining our playground humour for a moment, some of the dot coms we've uncovered actually make sense, but some suggest new Wii revelations in the form of: Wiianimation.com, Wiifitness.com, Wiikaraoke.com, Wiimusic.com and Wiilanguages.com - all of which have us scratching our heads in Friday morning confusion. A Wii fitness game? A Singstar-style karaoke game? All will no-doubt be revealed in the fullness of Wii time.
Whilst we trawl through the list looking for more side-splitting toilet humour, why don't you spend your morning searching for hidden Wii domains or inventing some of your own?
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May 26th, 2006, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
Despite heading for a sluggish 2007 release, Smash Bros. Brawl has quickly become one of the most anticipated Wii titles amongst the gaming public.
As with the Gamecube instalment, series director Masahiro Sakurai is drip-feeding screenshots and information via his own official Smash Bros website, which today has sent a fresh batch of Wii screenshots spinning into our laps. Detailed in today's screens are Zero Suit Samus and Wario, who are looking extremely attractive, despite the Wii's apparent humble system specs when compared to the PS3 and 360.
Smash Bros. Brawl is penned for release in 2007, and will feature a new roster of characters including guest star Solid Snake and a smashing online mode. We can't wait and if you want to missed the splendid promo movie revealed at E3, cast eyes right and feast on its goodness.
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May 26th, 2006, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
One of the nicest touches during Nintendo's E3 press conference was the personalised player caricatures representing Satoru Iwata, Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aime on display during the trios' demonstration of Wii Sports Tennis. Now, it seems that more than a mere in-joke, Nintendo's forthcoming console may enable gamers to create their own avators for inclusion in a variety of games.
Speaking to CNN Money, Miyamoto explained, "We have some different ideas about how to take advantage of that functionality - and we will be sharing that type of functionality with third parties."
Quite how this will work is anyone's guess, but it's concievable that - given Nintendo's notion that everyone at home should have their own personalised Wiimote - the console will let players design their own characters, possibly by combining a set of pre-made facial features linked to a personal profile stored on the Wii (or even the remote itself, given 'net rumours that each will contain a small amount of memory).
Presumably then, this information would be available to any game that wants it. If this turns out to be true, it would seem that Baseball, Golf and Tennis in Wii Sports would most likely be the initial candidates for this feature, with more to follow.
In the interview Miyamoto also expressed his thoughts on the PS3's price tag and strangely familiar motion-sensitive controller features. On the former, Miyamoto revealed, "I knew before [the Sony announcement] that it was going to be expensive," said Miyamoto. "Even then, it was a bit of a shock. But I think it's clear that they don't want to lose a lot of money per unit."
As for that controller, Nintendo's design guru bullishly noted, "That always seems to happen and we kind of expected it. It reinforces for us that we've been on the right path all along. We've gotten used to others copying what we do - and we're having a lot of fun with it. [...] On the flipside, I suppose they must be worried about any other functionality we may announce."
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May 26th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted the release of this Commercial DS Game:

Latest release in the popular war game series Daisenryaku. This issue features new maps and weapons and the usual Nintendo DS features. The DS version will have greatly simplified systems to make the game suitable for beginners, for example the hexagon units in the battle field are changed to squares. You can use the stylus to control the game, and press the SELECT button to swap the top and bottom screens to issue commands to the troops and plan your strategies.

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May 26th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has released a new version of SylphAMP - this can be installed on Winamp as an output plug-in and will send the audio to your DS
Heres whats New
-Hopefully improved sync a bit
-Lowered lag between PC/DS
-Less garbage playing when pausing/stopping song
-Display playlist on DS
-Very basic UI
-Support entering any IP as server to connect to
In theory you could connect to your home PC via the internet. In practice I haven't tried this (and until NTL upgrade my broadband next month, I won't have enough upload). You'd need to forward port 9883 from the router to the PC running Winamp; it also needs an absolute minimum of 350Kbit upstream from the PC to the DS to work, preferably a bit more.
Once I implement options on the PC side to downsample the audio either to 22KHz and/or mono, it'll be more usable on lower speed connections.
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May 27th, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
What started as a guy simply trying to rescue his whiny girlfriend from an angry ape 26 years ago has since grown into one of the most recognizable faces in video gaming: Mario. GameDaily explores the different types of Mario games over the years, from Jump Man to Mario Kart, to the new Wii title, Super Mario Galaxy." From the article: "Mario Bros. was released in a combination cart with the shooting game Duck Hunt, and gamers ate it up aplenty. (It was so popular, in fact, that the game was released for the Game Boy Color and remains one of its highest sellers to date.) Super Mario Bros. 2 would arrive years later and would take a drastic turn in gameplay, as it was actually based on a Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic and not the "true" sequel that was released in Japan only (at the time- it would resurface in the SNES release Super Mario All Stars). It was a hit, and would see a release alongside the launch of the Game Boy Advance years later under the name Super Mario Advance
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May 27th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo named the first DS installment of its 3D space-based shooter series as Star Fox DS earlier this month, it appeared the company was tapping into the same well of creativity that produced titles for Tetris DS, Super Mario 64 DS, and Mario Kart DS. Now it appears that the Star Fox DS moniker was only temporary, as Nintendo's Web site now lists the game as Star Fox Command.
Star Fox Command puts players through a branching set of missions in the familiar Arwing fighter. There's also multiplayer co-op and competitive game modes for up to four players on the Wi-Fi Connection, or eight players locally. Co-op mode will also allow a player designated as team leader to plot out a course through the level using the system's touch screen.
Star Fox Command is set for release August 28, according to the Web site. Nintendo reps were not immediately available to confirm the new name.
Via Gamespot
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May 27th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
The Legend of Zelda series has won numerous awards in its near two-decade run, but one magazine is calling out the game's hero, the boyish elf Link, as a perfect 10. The June issue of Out, a magazine focusing on gay and lesbian culture, named the green-leotard-wearing hero as the Hottest Video Game Character in its "What's Hot Now" section for his role in the upcoming GameCube and Wii release, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
From the mag: "When darkness enshrouds the land, Nintendo's sexy farm-boy-turned-wolf sets out to save the day in this upcoming game. His weapons: a sword, a bow, arrows, and kick-ass grooming skills."
This isn't the first time Link has been associated with gay culture--he was the inspiration for Xandir P. Wifflebottom, the homosexual video game character in Comedy Central's Drawn Together.
Gay characters have largely been passed over by game designers, with many leading men and ladies being the prototypical alpha male or buxom sexpot. The Sims, Fable, and a few others allow same-sex marriages, but most games fail to even broach the issue.
Via Gamespot
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May 27th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Many of you have already heard of these cheap DS design rip-offs. And they are everywhere, but this one has got to be my favorite, I mean it’s like they are not even trying. This is the “COMPACT G” being modeled by the lovely Misako. And boy does this thing look fun. Let’s get a closer look.
Via 4-color
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May 27th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Datel have updated their Max Media Player for the DS, heres whats new:
Version 1.01 released!
The first upgrade to MAX Media Player has been released. Version 1.01 features a sleak built in MP3 player.
- Built in MP3 player with player controls, loop, shuffle. Just double tap an MP3 to launch
- Power-saving 'Auto Screen Off' after 5 seconds of inactivity
- Improved support for M3, NEO, SuperFlash
How To Use This Updated Version
-Unzip the zipped folder, extracting the 'bootme.nds' file to your desktop.
- Connect your Media Player's hard drive or Media Dock to your PC and drag bootme.nds into the root of your device.
- Plug the hard drive or Media Dock back into your DS and boot MAX Media Player. The software will automatically load!
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Buy Datel 4GB Max Media Player Now: <a href="http://www.divineo.co.uk/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=ds-media" target="_blank">UK</a> / <A href="http://www.divineo.com/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=zz-ds-dmp4" target="_blank">N. America</a> / <a href="http://www.divineo.cn/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=nds-dmp4" target="_blank">Asia</a> / <A href="http://www.divineo.es/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=nds-dmp4" target="_blank">Spain</a> / <A href="http://www.divineo.de/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=nds-4gdhdd" target="_blank">Germany</a> / <A href="http://www.divineo.it/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=nds-dsmax" target="_blank">Italy</a> / <a href="http://www.divineo.fr/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=nds-dmp4" target="_blank">France</a>
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May 27th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Whilst first day sales are now somewhat something of the past, NEW Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS appears to be a welcomed exception. According to a Japanese blog, the game has already sold a massive 480,000 units from just ONE DAY on sale (released on 25th May in Japan). This automatically places it above the previous fastest selling DS title, Brain Training 2, which sold 414,556 over its first four days on sale.
Now, considering retailers originally asked Nintendo for between 1.2 and 1.3 million units of the game, and the fact that Nintendo has officially shipped 800,000 units for the whole first week, it looks like NEW Super Mario Bros. will become the fastest million seller on the DS, dispelling all thoughts of the non-game craze taking sales away from true gaming titles. But until next Wednesday / Thursday, when Media Create releases its official sales information, we will not know the extent of the game's sales. Although starting at 480,000 on day one, it could easily tap out at 650,000 for the whole week.
Via Cubed
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May 27th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
News from Pepsimans site:
stsp writes: “The cvs repository has been moved from sourceforge to a small independent ISP in Berlin. This means we can now include cryptographic software in dslinux without restriction. The first program that uses cryptography and is officially included in dslinux is the dropbear ssh suite. I comitted it into CVS yesterday, it should show up in the builds soon. Both the client and server are available, as well as a key converting tool for compatibility with openssh keys. Check the dropbear documentation for details. Note that the server is run from inetd. We still have to make /etc/inetd.conf writable so the server can be used.
Thanks to john again for doing the initial port of dropbear.”
More info --> http://www.dslinux.org/blogs/pepsiman/?p=64
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May 27th, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has added a chatroom to discuss his RTS game for the DS:
I added a chat room here to, hopefully, help people coordinate games. I guess I could eventually add something along these lines into the game itself, I just really don't feel like it 
More info --> http://www.atouchofwar.com/
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May 27th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
ETk has posted some new news about his MegaETK game/ Megaman clone:
Now it's the time to add new monsters, weapons, items and levels :P.
-New monster
-New weapons for the monsters
-Added some frames to weapons to avoid rotation code
-Added new item: Shot +1
-Added code to do multiple shots (the new item function)
-Fixed a rotation bug which makes the sprite rotate even if it's deleted.
-Fixed shoots 'start xy'. They now appear at the correct pixel
-Fixed shoot angle
-Improved collision between sprites
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 27th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
DragonMinded has updated his Organiser app for the DS
Fixes made to the current version (1.9 Final):
Changed INI keynames to bold black, items to blue, like html syntax hilighting.
Made browser take off .sc for .sc.nds files on top screen.
Fixed text overflowing bug in browser display top screen.
Fixed text overflow bug and shortening bug in todo, address and scribble applications.
Fixed edit calendar date bug.
Fixed the crashes when turning the screen off or on.
Fixed graphics corruption when lid was down and songs changed.
Fixed cursor glitch on all text input fields with only one line where cursor dropped down.
Changed new/rename file screen to be three lines instead of one, for long files.
Fixed memory bug in calculator.
Fixed keys being rather nonresponsive under mp3/ogg playback.
Added confirm delete option to scribble pad, todo, and addressbook.
Added text/html viewer, with up to 10 bookmarks per file.
Fixed potential cursor disappearing bug on the browser screen.
Fixed html viewer so if HTML tag is not found, that it still allows for rendering.
The handwriting recognition is not nearly 100% done. Also, the app currently only works when the DSOrganize directory is on the root of the card. I will be fixing this as time goes on, but for now it stays like this. I will be adding a jump to date option soon.
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May 27th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Birslip has updated his mini games collection with this update:
24/05/2006 : Small update, with new songs of HtheB!
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May 27th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nikolas posted this:
Okay, I got bored and decided to release DarkMagic's sources, so here they are. I've coded DarkMagic with Dev-C++. Dev-C++ uses GCC to compile so DarkMagic should be compilable on any OS that has GCC.
More info --> http://koti.welho.com/plahtin6/
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May 28th, 2006, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK now have the DS Media Launcher for sale at their store, heres the details:

MAX Media Launcher for the Nintendo DS and DS Lite is the perfect solution for accessing DS media from any GBA flash storage device. Simply snap in the Max Media Launcher cartridge, and that's it! Media, freeware, executables and other files stored on your flash card can be launched. The Flash Cart revolutionised the GBA home brew scene, and with MAX Media Launcher, it will do for the DS too.
MAX Media Launcher is compatible with most types of flash cards including M3 and NEO.
Buy at Divineo UK
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May 28th, 2006, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Krullo has released a new version of the Nes emulator for the Gamecube, heres the info:
TyRaNtM sent me a nice new background that's now in use.
* Change of font (Comic sans).
* Turbo button function added.
* Nice "scroller" added.
* Changed some keycombos. See the scroller for more info .
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May 28th, 2006, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted this news about his DS Mail app:
It seems there are some problems with the new Supercard MiniSD. Apparently it is not 100 % compatible with Chishm's FAT lib, or at least the modifications I made to it in order to add write support for the Supercard SD. Perhaps some more SC MiniSD users can report their experiences, and if other homebrew apps work.
As for the good news,SSL is coming closer 
More info --> http://blog.bronto-online.de/
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May 28th, 2006, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Gamedaily did this article on the next gen controllers, heres there findings:
360 Controller
The Xbox 360 controller isn't anything blazingly new in terms of control, but a fine modified version of the Controller S pad into wireless form that provides a great deal of comfort and ease of control. Something could be done to prolong the battery life or at least give an indication as to when it needs a change, but past that little setback, this is a great controller that works with a number of game types, be it a complex first-person shooter like Gears of War or a simple card game such as Uno.
PS3 Controller
Sony's PS3 controller has a long way to go. Despite the fact that it has gyroscopic features built in and returns to the same old Dual Shock formula that the previous controllers did, it feels cheaply put together and seems to have most of its innovation borrowed from that other competitor, the Nintendo Wii. There's not really an original hook here to keep gamers thinking that the PS3 is innovative, even though the controller has that sense of comfort. Fortunately, the very final edition will see Sony giving it a little heft and a push of originality.
Wii Controller
The Nintendo Wii-mote is a solid controller and a grealy designed tool that should help boost the company back into the next-generation race. The system itself could use a little more of a technical boost to live up to this peripheral's potential, and some of the games aren't as smooth controlling as others (playing Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam with a sideways Wii-mote takes getting used to), but it still plays wonderfully and could lead the way for a new direction as to how games are played. Hell, even Sony's stealing some ideas.
So who's the overall winner? Well, actually, I sense a tie between the Nintendo Wii-mote and the Xbox 360 controller. Both of them seem to offer a great deal of comfort and style in the way they handle, all without having to worry about some damn wires and with decent (if unnoticeable) battery life. They're both different in their own way, but they both work really well at what they do. As for Sony, well, they have a long way to go before they get back on the brazen path that their Dual Shocks have beaten over the years. Maybe we'll see a redesign next year that'll hold the fort just as well as Microsoft and Nintendo's controllers do.
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May 28th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
ETk has posted another update of his Megaman clone WIP news:
New map tiles and tool!
-Optimized and improved Collision system
-Added a small bar for the weapon power ups
-Added an effect to the arm when you shoot
-Other minor updates
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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May 29th, 2006, 03:57 Posted By: wraggster
Datel have released their rather cool Media Player which should shake the DS scene a bit and also gave our site a nice little recommemdation 
Thanks to Soully for the heads up
Heres the linky
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May 29th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Lite accessory in many colours:

Product Features
Protect your NDS Lite and accessories against damage
Officially licensed by Nintendo, and produced by Hori Japan with the Nintendo DS brand on the front
Shock absorbing material
Includes storage pockets for 2 NDS games, sylus and cables.
Officially licensed and branded protective carry case, stylistically designed to keep your DS Lite and accessories protected from minor bumps, drops or scratches. Includes storage pockets for 2 NDS games, sylus and cables.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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May 29th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
New Nintendo themed toy thing in many different flavours:

Product Features
Re-arrange the pins to create many different sprites from Nintendo's The Legend Of Zelda.
Officially licensed by Nintendo
From Nintendo's 1986 hit, The Ledged Of Zelda comes this Dot Pin Set. Packed with various colored pins and two pin boards you can create one of many different classic sprite style designs.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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May 29th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: jojotjuh
Moonshell the great Nintendo DS Media app that does everything from display pictures to play movies and music has once again been updated.
Heres whats new:
- bug was long time. The problem that the character on a right edge of the text plug-in is lacked was corrected. (Thanks HyperHacker)
- EZ-Flash4 was supported. (Thanks EZ4 Team)
- Because it had forgotten to delete RTC24Hour of [System], it deleted. (Thanks Xtreme)
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May 29th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Via 4colorrebellion
The DS lite version of the Rumble Pak is now available in Japan’s Nintendo Online Store. Japanese DS gamers can now enjoy some smooth rumbling without having to deal with the original Rumble Pak sticking out 1cm from their DS lite.
Back when the DS lite was announced in January, the Rumble Pak was already rumored to see a redesign exclusive for the new, smaller portable, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it in American stores by next month. Future titles to support the DS Rumble Pak are Mario Hoops 3-on-3, Star Fox DS and Magnetica.
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May 29th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSFanboy
A couple of new games this week for the DS Fanboys, but unless you are a 6-year-old (and the probability is high), you are only going to be interested in one: Scurge: Hive. If you are up for the role of "bounty hunter," check this game out and let us know what you think.
DS Releases
Miss Spider Harvest Time Hop
Scurge: Hive
Gameboy Advance
Juka and the Monophonic Menace
Scurge: Hive
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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May 29th, 2006, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via Land of the Legend
After showing you the lowdown of the game through 22 minutes of videofootage, the latest issue of Nintendo Power has revealed some new details about Link's new double screen adventure- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
The first Nintendo DS Zelda game was originally planned to be a Four Swords game, but now that Eiji Aonuma has the chance to revive The Wind Waker, he choose this path. Phantom Hourglass will set the tone for all future DS Zelda games.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass will see the return of Bow and Arrow, Hookshot and some sort of musical instrument, alongside the items we have already seen.
It is not likely Ganondorf will return in Phantom Hourglass. However, before his defeat in The Wind Waker, his evil influence spread across the Great Sea.
The King of Red Lions will not see a return in Phantom Hourglass.
There is one master dungeon you need to complete in the game. You can only progress so far though, so to proceed you need to work your way through other dungeons.
The Darknut-like enemies we have seen in the multiplayer mode is a new type of enemy, called the "Chaser". These enemies will chase you through the entire dungeon, but by using certain pots, Link can get immune for certain moments.
Though Eiji Aonuma did not want to give any details on this yet, he confirmed that the microphone will be used in Phantom Hourglass.
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May 30th, 2006, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS game:

This amazing first-person battle game uses wireless technology to connect up to four players simultaneously. Each player gets a Metroid® suit of a different color, and then tries to destroy the three opponents. Touch the stylus to the bottom screen to rotate the camera, aim and fire, or to transform into a Morph Ball. The game features the same artwork, sound, graphics, architecture and ambience found in the huge hit Metroid® Prime.
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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May 30th, 2006, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Wiifanboy
There's just so much enthusiasm coming from this commercial for Super Swing Golf Pangya, it's hard to ignore it. Or to breathe. If you make it through to the end, you may even glimpse Kasumi, fresh from getting her head kicked in by a despicable clone in Dead or Alive 4.
Movie Here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/Uukx3-ZPV1g
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May 30th, 2006, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
The Chuckster has updated his Drum Machine app for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new etc:
Now that I'm starting to get a bit more time, I released a major update. A TR-808 sample set has been added which adds a lot of new sounds to the drum machine. I added a 909 GUI with touch screen support using the image headspin gave me at the DS Dev forums. The drum machine can now load Wave files along with Raw files, but it can't handle arbitrary sample sets yet. Half-volume and full-volume drums are supported, too, in order to have accents.
I'm going to have to release this for media devices only, though, because at this point, providing another binary with all of the samples hard coded into one ROM would make the source code a nightmare. After all, I designed it from the ground up to support some sort of file system. Also, I made the code much more modular and object-oriented in order to make room for more of the planned features. I fixed up the documentation a bit to explain the new things, and I made up a new the demo song with a four to the floor beat, an 808 solo, and part of the Amen Break by the Winstons.
Update - Nobody could run the GBAMP version, so I made a version that works on everything with the samples hard coded into the binary. Check the download links above. It even works in Dualis with sound.
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May 30th, 2006, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
LiraNuna posted this news:
Recently I started re-writing my WonderSwan emulator WonDerS for the DS, to use the DS’s HW instead of some crappy framebuffer renderer. I only implemented 4bit tiles for the moment, but the results are amazing! more then 120% speed boost! Here are some screenshots to tease you  .
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May 30th, 2006, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
News from Dynastab:
I’ve re-implemented the Conway’s Game of Life yet again. This time its much faster, but not yet as trippy as the last version (which you can see in my blog archives). It’s incredibly addicting for me.
The rules to the game are simple, but amazing patters can emerge.
Notes: Touchscreen while zoomed/scrolled is not working properly, if someone has advice on coordinates for a zoomed and scrolled view, let me know.
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May 30th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
A reader survey by Famitsu magazine has revealed that nearly 70 per cent of respondents are most looking forward to the arrival of the Nintendo Wii - while more than 85 per cent believe the PS3 has been priced too high.
Readers voted the PS3 release date and price announcement as the biggest news to come out of this year's E3, with 88.4 per cent stating that the console is too expensive. Just 10.9 per cent believe the price is about right, while 0.7 per cent think it is too low.
A total of 68.8 per cent of respondents said they were most interested in the Nintendo Wii, with the PS3 trailing behind at 21 per cent. Just over 7 per cent voted for the Xbox 360, with the remainder expressing the most interest in the Nintendo DS.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the most popular game to be shown at E3, followed by Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Super Smash Bros. Famitsu readers also placed Dragon Quest Sword, Super Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy III, Monster Hunter 3 and Biohazard in the top ten, with Halo 3 ranking in last place.
Via GIBiz
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May 30th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Undoubtedly, one of our favourite games at this year's E3 was Nintendo's latest proper Mario jaunt, Super Mario Galaxy. Ditching the traditional Mushroom Kingdom-bound hopping and jumping in favour of some unusual interstellar planetary diversions, it's something of a departure for the series.
Now, Nintendo's legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto has explained some of the reasons behind the shift away from classic 3D Mario games in Galaxy, speaking to MTV News. "Our biggest focus with 'Super Mario Galaxy'", Miyamoto revealed, "is having different spheres or planets Mario can visit, with the idea being if the planet gets very, very large the scenery will look more like he's running across a plane. But if the planet is very small it almost looks like he's running around a ball.
You can essentially run over the spheres almost endlessly. But when you do that you're moving in a 3-D space but without the typical camera issues that we've had in 3-D games in the past."
Again citing Nintendo's desire to simplify its titles, while still appealing to the traditional gaming audience, Miyamoto continued, "What that allows us to do is take a game like 'Mario' that has been a very jump-based game in the past, and turn it into a game that is more [about] Mario running around a lot and going to different places and kind of enjoying that."
Quite whether we want a Mario game that's more about running than jumping, we're not sure at the moment. Still, from what we've seen so far, it's all good news. Finally, touching on one other aspect of Mario Galaxy, Miyamoto explained some of the games unique remote uses: "[It will] take advantage of the Wii remote's pointing capabilities to allow you to directly interact with things on the screen by pointing at them or clicking on something to get Mario to go exactly where you want to go.
"In that sense, I think it's going to allow for a much more intuitive camera system and much more intuitive control scheme that will allow people who have never played a 3-D 'Mario' game before to feel comfortable enjoying "Super Mario Galaxy."
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May 30th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft boss Bill Gates believes that the motion-sensitive controllers for PS3 and Wii don't make for 'mainstream' gaming.
Speaking in response to Sony's recent announcement that the PS3 pad will join the Wii remote in being motion-sensitive, Gates said that "there's room for innovation here, but moving that controller around isn't something that's mainstream for most games".
This conflicts with what Nintendo believes, as the company sees the unique capabilities of Wii as a way of encouraging non-gamers to get involved with console gaming. However, Gates mentioned that Microsoft released a motion-sensitive PC controller in 2000 but it wasn't that popular as the movements required to use it were not particularly natural.
"It's tough because sometimes you move the controller and you don't mean to fly into the ground, you just want to put the controller down," said Gates. "People aren't that good at totally standing still: even pilots actually sit in a chair when they do their flying, so there's a lot to be learned about these controllers."
This somewhat matches how we felt when getting hands-on with the Wii-mote, as there was certainly a learning curve involved for some games, such as Ubisoft's shooter Red Steel. Whether this will be enough to put off gamers and have them running back to the security of the 360 pad remains to be seen.
Via Gamesradar
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May 30th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Over the weekend, several Japanese retailers listed Nintendo's Wii console for pre-order. The listings cropped up early on Friday, were live for around four hours, then pulled. The interesting thing is that a consistent pricepoint was used - 25,000 Yen - equal to £120, $220 and €174 as the current rate of exchange. We believe that the move was triggered by Nintendo's confirmation to journalists in Japan and the US that its new console would not pass the 25,000 Yen/$250 price.
However, the removal of the listings isn't the end of the story. Later that day, several new listings appeared, seemingly led by consumer tech store PC-Success, this time with a much lower price of 18,000 Yen. At the time of writing, this figure equates to a mere £85, $160 and €125. Though again, the listing was removed hours after going live, along with any trace of the whole Wii price bubble...
So what does any of this mean? Well, the good news is that the Wii is going to be cheap. Nintendo isn't ready to announce its pricing, though around the £100 mark in the UK shouldn't come as too much of a shock.
We'll update you as we learn more.
Via Spong
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May 30th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has underlined that it will ready six million Wii hardware units for the console's launch period, confirming off the record briefings to retailers during the latter part of last week.
"The company plans to ship six million systems to retailers around the world between its launch in the fourth quarter of 2006 and the end of its fiscal year on March 31, 2007," said Nintendo in a statement to shareholders. The company also confirmed the pricepoints mooted of late. "Following its overwhelming debut at E3 2006, Nintendo today announced the current fiscal year unit shipment forecast for its new home game system, Wii. Nintendo also confirmed that the price of the Wii system, which incorporates unique freehand control, will not exceed $250 in America, or 25,000 yen in Japan."
You might note that there's no mention of what 'Wii Europeans' can expect, though as soon as Nintendo Europe makes an announcement, we'll let you know.
Via Spong
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May 30th, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
The Ninja DS site has been updated with new pics and specs of their new flash cart for the Nintendo DS, heres the specs
- 4-5 MBYTES/Second SD CARD TRANSFER SPEED (Depending SDCard)
- 2MBYTES FLASHROM - 1Mbyte Available for HomeBrew Flashing
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May 30th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Several sources on the Intertron suggest that Miyamoto recently confirmed a StarFox game for the Wii...sort of. The article cited is an interview from the latest issue of Famitsu, wherein Shigeru Miyamoto suggested that a StarFox game (if Nintendo were to make one, mind you) could make some involving and intricate use of the Wiimote. A shocking revelation indeed, especially in the wake of a Virtual Console that is likely to feature the original, and dare we say good, StarFox titles. No offense to those that enjoy frolicking around on the ground in the company of dinosaurs, of course.
If Nintendo take Miyamoto's ideas and develop a full game (and they almost certainly will), we can only hope they keep the Fox's feet off the ground and well within the space opera house.
Via WiiFanboy
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May 31st, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Cheap Ass Gamer
A busy week for the CAG Moderators...
Trakan reports he was shopping at his local Target when he noticed a display case full of DS Lites. Knowing that the release date is June 11th, Trakan kept his cool and simply asked if he could buy one. The rest is street date breaking history.
UPDATE: Other CAGs have reported successfully purchasing DS Lites from Target & Walmart.
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May 31st, 2006, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's still not talking about when Wii comes out, but it is happy to shed some light on its DS and GameCube (yes remember that) line-up over in the US, where it's first party party time!
In fact, one of the biggest dates on the list was a Cube title - with Super Paper Mario now down for an October 9th release, while its Cubepatriot Baten Kaitos Origins is down for September 25th.
Also in October, Nintendo says Square Enix's much anticipated Children of Mana action RPG is due out on DS on the 30th - and that's actually the farthest off of a number of other DS games listed, including Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Sept 25), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Sept 18), Star Fox DS (already confirmed Aug 28) and Clubhouse Games (Oct 9).
Meanwhile, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, i.e. the GBA one, is due out at the same time as the DS version - on September 18th.
And if you're not happy waiting for all of those, you can start importing both Big Brain Academy, the next in the brain training series, and puzzle title Magnetica from June 5th. Shiny!
Via Eurogamer
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May 31st, 2006, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gizmodo
Kotaku is giving Nintendo DS Lites every Friday in June. If that weren’t hot enough, each one comes with one or two games and there will be a drawing for the grand prize winner—who will get an even hotter black DS from Ireland. Interested? All you have to do is crack the code. Some of the clues are hidden in the posts of Kotaku, and remember: “nrytt xrfwy ktwdt zuzsd ptyfp znyjx.” Anyone have their copy of Codebreaker handy? – Intern Blake
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May 31st, 2006, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, the developers of the Nintendo Amusement Park held test trials in New York City for their real life obstacle course, which is inspired by Super Mario Bros. The current prototype utilizes a simple bungee cord, which when attached to a 'player,' allows for an exaggerated, albeit somewhat uncontrolled, jumping ability. Smoosh blow-up goombas, grab coins (i.e. pop yellow balloons), punch power-up boxes, and munch on magic mushrooms; all in what's being called: 'Physically Augmented Reality.'
The Nintendo Amusement Park team hopes to have a polished version on display at E3 2007 and is actively seeking collaborators, sponsors, and investors, as well as partnerships with Nintendo and Disney. Good luck with that.
Via Joystiq
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May 31st, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Europe's recently-appointed head of sales and marketing Laurent Fischer outlined the company's plans for the PAL roll-out of the Wii, reassuring us that Europe will not be left out in the cold.
When asked directly if Nintendo will launch the Wii into Europe during 2006, alongside the rest of the world, Fischer stated, "The announcement has been made that it will be released in 2006," he said. "To me, by the end of 2006, all the various countries are going to have Wii released. I have no other, more precise information."
Of course, European gamers have, for a long time, been left out in the cold by Nintendo hardware release staggering, though recent drives to bring PAL territories and all the troublesome localisation work they require closer inline with the release dates of Japan and the US have made headway. Having the Wii launched in time for Christmas in all territories should be high on Nintendo's agenda. Offering the game-buying public a console at less than half the price of either Sony or Microsoft, combined with an astute marketing campaign, should form an attractive deal to parents and gamers during the Festival of Consumerism.
Via Spong
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May 31st, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted this news:
M3 team, maker of the M3 Adapter, now release a new revolutionnary passkey system with the PassCard! Fully in stock today.
Heres some info:
Passscard is the perfect flash card boot-up solution for DS LITE & NDS .
It is compatible with most types of flash cards including M3, Neo, SC & G6 etc.
Plug & play! Simply insert both PASSCARD & flash card into the slots of NDS and that's it: Music, Movies, Freeware, Homebrew games and other files stored on your flash card can be launched.
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June 1st, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
In a recent interview with MTV News, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto voiced his concern for the stereotypical image of gamers as kids alone in a dark room. He says that Nintendo wishes to change that image with the Wii, a sentiment made obvious by the wide array of people shown playing Wii in Nintendo's recent promotional videos." From the article: "I think it's time to break free from that stereotypical definition of what a gamer is, because until we do, we'll never truly be part of the national or worldwide culture.
Via Slashdot
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June 1st, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
The Guardian Gamesblog discusses the newly announced Touch Generation of games for Nintendo's consoles. From the article: "This is, of course, a pointless piece of product re-positioning, symptomatic of modern business's obsession with branding above and beyond the call of sense. More importantly though, it's about Nintendo reveling in its E3 success. It is about a company that has effectively spent the last decade in its own self-made ghetto, turning to the industry and saying, 'I told you so' ... The wider world is coming back to videogames - and Nintendo is speaking its language. Anyway, the first three new releases in the Touch Generations line-up will be Big Brain Academy, the second title in the brain-training series, Magnetica, a marble-based puzzler, and Sudoku Gridmaster, a Sodoku game with over 400 puzzles. They're out this summer.
Via Slashdot
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June 1st, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
LiraNuna has released a teaser of his Wonderswan emulator for the DS called WonDerS.
Heres the info:
Just to tease you all with the power of the DS, I am releasing two special builds, which emulates the same first ROM I added when I first released WonDers half a year ago (Wow, it’s been a lot since…)
The ZIP file contains two builds: A build without any speed limits - to show you the real processing time, and a 60FPS limited build for your enjoyment
I also added the old versions of WonDerS.
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June 1st, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Snezziboy the SNES Emulator for the Gameboy Advance (nintendo ds too) has been updated, heres whats new:
Fixed the TSC instruction so that the C register is updated regardless if M bit.
Fixed the TDC instruction so that the C register is updated regardless if M bit.
Fixed the RTL/RTS/RTI instructions so that it can properly return from the subroutine that had been JSL/JSR-ed from $xx:8000
Made fixes in the memory map for games with no SRAM size, so that ROMs that try to detect for absence of SRAM (protection against copying) will get what they expect. (Bust-a-move makes it to the main screen, but the game itself is unplayable due to the use of HDMA)
Made fixes to the $DB (modified STP instruction) to jump correctly. (Tetris Attack now works)
Fixed the PEI instruction; it was previously pushing $0000 always onto the stack
Fixed BIT instruction to update the N/Z flags correctly when BIT-ing in a non-immediate mode.
(Super Mario World fades correctly after each stage) (Megaman7's collision detection is now accurate)
Fixed register $4016 for joypad auto-reading and latching (Donkey Kong Country now recognizes joypad input)
Reworked SRAM reading and writing routines
(Donkey Kong Country seems playable; some screens are remain garbled)
Fixed bug with VRAM writing (Darius Twin's in-game screen no longer garbles-up randomly)
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June 1st, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
With DSRobot you can turn your Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite to a powerfull programable Robot.
DSRobot offers
the following advantages:
20 Digital Input/Output for multipurpose use.
Customizable with you own Motors and Sensors
Wireless programming and controling.
You can use your DSRobot with NinjaDS to make the robot works alone.
Programmable in C or C++ with devkitpro and a custom library to manage the signals.
You can use PAlib (very easy NDS library to program you first DSRobot
Upgradable Software & Hardware.
www.dsrobot.com will offer you kits for update your DSRobot.
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June 1st, 2006, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Pfhreak posted this:
Now, this is hardly a finished game, but since the deadline is (apparently) today, I'm gonna toss this to the judges for consumption. Here goes:
In Daemon, the player assumes the role of highly advanced space superiority fighter in a top down scrolling shooter (or SHMUP, should you prefer.) The catch is that the player is not a human pilot fighting to save the Earth, but rather a complex computer algorithm capable of changing itself and the ship it flies to suit the needs of the battlefield. The ship, initially quite weak, can 'slot' three types of upgrades: chassis/powerplant upgrades, Navigation/Computation upgrades, and Weapons/Munitions upgrades. You have a surprising amount of diversity to choose from (only six in this incomplete version, over 30 in the complete version) many with prerequisites. You may, for example, require an additional power plant before you can slot your Twin Shot Array. This pick and choose style of upgrading gives a large amount of flexibility and customization to the player, and is part of the 'evolution' tie in.
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