January 3rd, 2015, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster

To complement the recent launch of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the latest Nintendo eShop update is headlined by Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire.
For those unfamiliar, Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire is, as its name suggests, a pinball adaptation of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, the same games that provided the basis for the recent Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire remakes. In Pokemon Pinball players are still working toward catching all the Pokemon available, but the core series' lengthy adventures are replaced by complex table layouts and bouncing silver balls. Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire is nowavailable from the Wii U eShop for $8.
The other half of this update is the GameBoy Color platformer Bionic Commando: Elite Forces. It's not the best in the series, but it's also not the worst, and it is notable for relatively novel gameplay and what the developer's were able to do with the aging handheld hardware. Bionic Commando: Elite Forces is priced at $6.
Capping off the update are a list of sales. Joystiq favorite Shovel Knight is 33 percent off on both Wii U and 3DS until January 8, Unepic is 30 percent off on Wii U until January 29 and the 3DS eShop is hosting 50 percent discounts on bothDress to Play: Cute Witches! and Dress to Play: Magic Bubbles! until February 1.
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January 4th, 2015, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sqrxz 4 is another instalment in the Sqrxz Jump'n'Die franchise, pardon: certainly we mean Jump'n'Run, series, based on the original !SQRXZ! game created by Marcus Vesterlund and John Holmvall. After Sqrxz saving Yve in “Sqrxz 3 – Adventure for Love” it was truly a happy moment. Being still heavily in love they decided that the time for a tiny wedding ceremony has come. The celebration party was marvellous and still people talk about this heart breaking moment. Couple of months later both were sure that the time for an own small family has come. Although those are happy news Sqrxz is consequently short of money and a growing family requires a solid financial base. Picking up a newspaper and reading the job offers, a single add caught Sqrxz’s attention. An expedition in search of ice marbles needs a brave explorer. After all, he has gone trough a deep jungle to rescue Yve and made it back. This sounds like a job for Sqrxz! After meeting Dr. Branxz, who looked a bit creepy and shady, the deal has been set up and Sqrxz is brought to a mysterious island… full of shiny ice marbles. “Not a single one should be left there”, Dr. Branxz said, that just one missing marble will result in a pay refusal and not taking Sqrxz home. If you think Dr. Branxz didn’t do his homework, he very well did: His spy satellites spotted exactly 354 marbles. Challenging, isn’t it?
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January 4th, 2015, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Giana's Return is a multi platform sequel, taking place few years after the The Great Giana Sisters. Evil Swampy and his followers have stolen the magic ruby, which made it once possible for Giana and Maria to return from their dream. Many creatures are after this ruby, but does it really has power, or was it just a coincidence?As this is not bad enough, Swampy fell in love at first sight with Giana’s sister Maria and shamelessly kidnapped her. She simply has been at the wrong place at the wrong time.You will now have to take on the role of Giana and get back the magic ruby. And most important of all, save your beloved sister Maria and get home save! Good Luck!
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January 4th, 2015, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Take control of the Red Baron himself in this high flying, fast paced shoot em up! Fight enemies on land, in the air, and at sea as you take on classified missions to destroy the enemy’s bases. In this version, all of the simplistic, childish graphics were replaced to give all who play and more realistic experience. Don’t wait, download it now and get ready to take flight!!! Download Page
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January 4th, 2015, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Just in time for Christmas, Final Fantasy VI Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition has been updated to version 1.6!
With this updated release, two versions come in the package. One is the complete Uncensored Edition, without any further bug fixes to give the unchanged experience as if it was just released on the SNES. The second version adds a modest amount of bug fixes that don’t, for the most part, alter any gameplay, but fix problems that should have been fixed upon its initial release 20 years ago!
Both versions have a few tweaks that were needed such as updated item descriptions, and Raiden is now no longer a downgrade to Odin.
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January 4th, 2015, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
HorvatM has released a new, superior assembler for the V810 processor used in the Virtual Boy, called simply "Matej's V810 assembler" or "MV810ASM" in short.
Quote:It has a working expression evaluator, local labels/identifiers, can automatically assign addresses to global variables, supports VB-specific instructions, recognizes both the "$" and "r" way of referring to registers, automatically aligns everything, has clear error messages, and you can just use it in any way you want. It also has a ROM-hacking mode with which you can apply a hack to a ROM in one step, no hex editing required.
You can get it for multiple platforms on Matej's Website. For more info and discussions check out the respective forum thread.
Also check out the source to Matej's Faceball control scheme hack for a practical ROM hacking example.
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January 4th, 2015, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Happy new year! It's 2015 and it will certainly be a great year for all you fellow Virtual Boy fans! Not only will your favorite website turn 15 years old in a few days, but this year will also mark 20 years since the Virtual Boy hit the market in 1995.
The community here at Planet Virtual Boy is going to celebrate the Virtual Boy's 20th anniversary all year long with all kinds of cool projects. New homebrew games & tools, fanart, music, ROM hacks, competitions... whatever we can come up with. It's #VirtualFest!
Please see the official thread for an always up-to-date list of #VirtualFest projects. Of course, the greatest projects will also hit the frontpage news.
So, what will be your project?
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January 4th, 2015, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
We've got a nice little suprise for you at the beginning of this new year.
Let us take you back 26 years in time with our first release of the classic European Club Nintendo magazine. This magazine was distributed in a lot of European countries. The only variable being that the text was directly translated into the appropriate languages. We chose the UK version since this will be most convenient for the majority of our readers.
This magazine started of as only being 20 pages, which grew to 36 pages later on in it's life cycle. Therefor we selected only two preview articles to give you a feel for the magazine before hitting the download button. The first article is a short review for Kid Icarus, while the second one takes a look at the game on the cover: Rush'n Attack. Enjoy!
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January 4th, 2015, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Anyway here is what I have been working on for the last 24hrs
It lets you copy cartridge savegames from the SD card to the game cartridge and also the other way around.

The only supported flashram games right now are:
- Jet Force Gemini (Flashram Type 1)
- Majoras Mask (Flashram Type 2)
- Pokemon Stadium 1 (Flashram Type 2)
Also confirmed working for me are:
- Super Mario 64 for 4K Eeprom
- Perfect Dark for 16K Eeprom
- F-Zero X and Zelda OOT for SRAM.
I only tested it on the Neo2 SD, I'm not sure if it will also work with the Neo2 Pro.
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January 4th, 2015, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
The 3DS scene just keeps getting more and more interesting and with a new year comes a new breakthrough in 3DS emulation. The hard working team behind the Citra Emulator have announced that they have managed to get Ocarina of Time 3D running in game in a stable and playable state. Click on the link below to discuss this great achievement and to keep up to date with its developments.
via http://gbatemp.net/
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January 4th, 2015, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
ZX Spectrum emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- Upon startup, let Start show the most recent files only if there are any.
- Properly handle save slot medium if all ten medium slots are still being used.
- When statistics become full, don't discard entries which might still be part of the recent list.
- When global statistics are loaded, pick the latest version under all circumstances.
File: Download
News source: http://zxds.raxoft.cz
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January 4th, 2015, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
The provided example works like this. The map is made up of a series of objects placed in a grid. The map data is then stored into an array allowing for map objects to be rendered as necessary. This allows for a large, interactive, and randomly generated map and more!
All this has been done before by me and others on the forum, but I extended this idea to that of an open world game and added support that gives the game the effect of walking around outside as well as exploring various buildings and going to different floors inside of the buildings without needing the use of several DSGM game rooms.
To work the demo, use the dpad to move your character around (i know the camera isn't fixed right, but this is just for demonstrations only). The blue blocks are meant to symbolize walls/roofs of buildings. The door sprites act as doors to buildings. Walk up to a door and press A to walk in and out of buildings. The up and down arrows represent ascending (up arrow) and descending stairs (down arrow). Walk up to them and press A to walk up or down the respective staircase to travel to a different floor of the building.
Although this example isn't randomly generated, it could all be done so if I just added a few "Random(min, max)" calls. This engine could be used to do many things, but I haven't finalized a target project yet. I originally started this a while back to use for another sequel to my "The Living Dead" series. It would be an open world game zombie survival game with the ability to scavenge houses and stuff like that (kinda like games like DayZ). Also though about a grand theft auto type game, but am open to any kind of suggestions really. I hope you guys enjoy!
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January 4th, 2015, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
That's the maximum number of sprites you may load with the lib I'm working on.
I started this a while back when Foxi4 made that 3D Sprites example then after studying how Foxi4 made his Nitro Sprites Loading lib I imitated the process for loading 3D Sprites.
I'll release the lib and examples to go with it soon.
I don't know why I'm unable to render the frames correctly in the program...
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January 4th, 2015, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Marat Fayzullin has released new version of its GameBoy emulator VGB-Windows.
I have just released VGB 4.5 for Windows and Linux. To give you all something to do for the holidays, VGB-Windows is now free for everyone to use and share. The new release adds dozens of new features and fixes accumulated since VGB 3.5 has been published several years ago. VGB 4.5 emulates GameBoy Light, GameShark, the tilt sensor, MBC7, TAMA05, and MMM01 memory mappers. There have been major fixes to GameBoy CPU and LCD controller emulation. The noise sound channel is much closer to the original in this version. I have also added support for translation patches (.IPS), custom palettes (.PAL), Instant Replay (F , and a semi-automatic Cheat Hunter tool (F5) to search for new cheat codes. See the complete change list below.
- Added GameBoy Light emulation.
- Added TAMA5 mapper emulation (Tamagotchi 3).
- Added MMM01 mapper emulation (Taito Variety Pack and Momotaro Collection 2).
- Added MBC7 mapper emulation (Kirby´s Tilt´n´Tumble).
- Added optional DI+HALT CPU bug emulation.
- Added proper noise channel emulation.
- Added 93cXX serial EEPROM emulation.
- Added tilt sensor emulation.
- Added support for .IPS files. For "mygame.gb", use "mygame.ips".
- Added support for .PAL files. For "mygame.gb", use "mygame.pal".
- Added "instant replay" feature letting you go back in time ([F8]).
- Added tool that lets you hunt for new GameShark cheats ([F5]).
- Added "vertical scanlines" emulation, as found in old LCDs.
- Added "raster effect" emulation, as found in newer LCDs.
- No longer compressing .SAV files, to avoid confusing the users.
- Made LYC IRQ happen instantly when LYC set to the current scanline.
- Made LCD controller reset scanline when it is reenabled.
- Now enabling LCD controller on startup (Aerostar, Alfred Chicken, etc).
- Now disabling IRQs on startup (Robocop 2, Shadowgate, etc).
- Now checking IRQs when ISWITCH/IFLAGS modified (Final Fantasy Legend).
- Now "ticking" RTC while not playing (time progress in Pokemon, etc).
- Now clearing scratch RAM after reset.
- Now locking out opposite arrow keys.
- Now resetting DIVREG on writes.
- Fixed IRQ priorities, with VBlank IRQ getting top priority.
- Fixed sprites-over-window display to avoid hiding sprites.
- Fixed corrupted Super GameBoy backdrop on startup.
- Fixed saving and restoring sound chip state.
- Fixed saving and restoring SGB colors.
- Fixed "JR offset" and "JR Z,offset" instruction timings.
- Fixed exit from HALT instruction.
via http://www.aep-emu.de
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January 4th, 2015, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante offers version 1.0 of '3DS Briscola', portage of the card game traditional Italian La Brscola for the nintendo 3DS.
Hi, does someone knows Broccoli?
Broccoli is a popular italian card game and i made years ago a Briscola card game for PSP (PSPBriscola).
Pspbriscola was coded in LUA (LPHM7) so i managed to port it to my LUA interpreter (lp-eds) because lp-3ds syntax is very similar to LPHM7 syntax.
This port has been realized very fast so many things can be bugged, also, codes are very shitty because PSPBriscola is one of my first homebrew ever made (so there are routines that can be improved and also code isn't idented).
Some functionality of this hb:
-Customizable Cards Set (Neapolitan, Sardinian, Roman, French Poker, Bergamo's Cards, Sicilian)
-Customizable Table Background
-Customizable Music Background
-Dual Language: English and Italian
-Tutorial to learn how to play (sorry for the bad english in this tutorial)
-Singleplayer mode (only one difficult which is the corrispondent of Hard Mode in PSPBriscola v. 1.4) and Local Multiplayer mode (only one console)
-Screenshot during game by pressing L button
Thanks to:
-shadow_95 for the Sicilian and Roman sets
-Simoncrue for the Bergamo's cards set
-Brian_User for the Sardinian set and for coloured tables
-the_biglollo for the final icon
-sono for the test icons
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January 4th, 2015, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Neopop for 3ds. An ugly port by Seagal.
copy neopop folder to 3ds folder on your 3ds sdcard
Copy a. ngc file into neopop folder and rename it to rom.ngc
Execute neopop. 3dsx through homebrew channel
(try to) enjoy
Controls (eds-ngp):
x-exit emulator
I know, the emu is slow, the controls are baggy, there isn't sound, even the neo geo pocket picture is not displayed correctly. But as I will not have more time to touch the code in a month or so, i decided to releases this as is. Merry Christmas.
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January 4th, 2015, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
So when I first heard about finally being able to create homebrew for the 3ds, I started thinking about what I would like to make first.
I love music first and foremost (I'm a pianist and I compose my own music) and I also like to code. This is my first attempt at ever doing anything in C + + and I am very proud of myself for what I've done so far.
The homebrew is a 3DS Piano application. The current name is just called "Piano" but I might change it later, I don't know.
Right now when you start the application it's just a simple keyboard that you can use your stylus on to play each note. You can hold down a note to hold the note out, or you can just do a quick tap for a staccato. You can also just run the stylus across the screen and it will do an awesome glissando.
Also, it currently has a full octave ranging from C3 to C4. I plan on adding a way for more notes later.
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January 4th, 2015, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
3DS Homebrew Browser
Download homebrew from the internet!
What does this do?
The homebrew browser allows for easy loading of new homebrew software onto a homebrew enabled 3DS. You should already be able to run the Homebrew Menu/Launcher to run this code. Your 3DS should be connected to the internet for this to work.
How to use
Drop the homebrew-browser folder into the /3ds directory on your 3DS's SD card. Don't rename the folder or the application - there are some paths that are presently hard-coded and rely on these paths existing.
The basic use of the browser is via the +Pad or OPad and the A button. Use the pad to navigate up and down the list, and the A button to download the highlighted app. The L and R buttons filter by category - they are games, media, emulators, utility, and miscellaneous. Select will change the sort order. X opens the debug console on the top screen.
Similarly, the main controls can be touched as well - to navigate, drag the scroll bar. To download a title, tap on it.
Submitting/removing an app
Presently, the server's source is not yet available, but if you would like your app to show up in the browser, please send an email to zeta0134@darknovagames.com. We may add apps that are licensed with GPL or other distribution-friendly licensing automatically; if it's popular and announced publically, we'll probably add it for you. If you would like your app removed or some detail about its listing changed, don't hesitate to contact us.
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January 4th, 2015, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
About the game
The goal of this game is to guess a random number between 1 and 1000 right. The only hint to find the right number is the hint that the number is lower or higher.
New version avaible: 1.1
-Detection of the system language (GER/ENG)
-Completely touchscreen compatible (no buttons must be pressed)
-Saving of the Highscore (delete the saved score by pressing "SELECT" in the
main menu)
-Some minor improvements
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January 4th, 2015, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
2048 was a big hit not so long ago, and I still see many people at my school playing it. So I thought it would be pretty cool to be able to play 2048 on the go on the 3DS.
It's currently in beta, and there is no 3D yet, but I am working on making this a good version/port of the game!
For those who do not know what 2048 is a short description:
Gabriele Cirulli made the original, which was based on a game called 1024. It was originally a small puzzle game you could play in the browser. You use the arrow keys to move the tiles with numbers, if they collide and have the same value they merge into a double of the first value. Every tile is a power of 2. After it started spreading many ports were made to mobile phones, and many other devices. This one is no different really, the main thing missing are the nice animations. But I'm uncertain if I'll be able to recreate those!
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January 4th, 2015, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
prboom3ds - a version of doom based on prboom 2.5 and code brazenly stolen from dsdoom and other ports. it has 3d and sound - while not exactly perfect it does run. it requires the doom wad files in the root of the sd card as well as the prboom.wad
lots of graphical glitches and you need to play with the 3d slider to make it look decent.
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January 4th, 2015, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
New version for this hb, now it can be considered a real game-homebrew! 
- Added timing for your play, test your accuracy and your speed!
- Added possibility to take screenshot of your result.
- Added new default levels
- Added possibility to load custom levels, you need only Paint to create new levels
To create custom levels, make your own level in BMP format and put it in levels folder named as NUM.bmp where NUM is the number of the level.
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January 4th, 2015, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Some people wanted an IRC client, this is alpha quality but it's usable and pretty stable. I'll be releasing the source later, maybe tomorrow. Configure it just by editing mapleIRC.settings.
A - Open keyboard
R - Reconnect
START - Exit
ToDo(B is for beta release)
Colour support for backlog
Scrolling through backlog {b}
User list {b}
Multiple channel support
Check if actually connected to the Internet
Highlights / pings
GUI for settings
Nicer keyboard
ACTION support {b}
Clean up code
Put config and log in same dir as 3dsx {b}
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January 5th, 2015, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
It's got all the important bits: Mario jumping, the castle, Princess Peach looking surprised. Along with the usual caveat that it's a fan-made, non-profit, please-Nintendo-don't-shut-us-down disclaimer.
Here's the latest development video showing the progress to date. You can keep up to date with the project over at its Facebook page, where the developers occasionally stream their ongoing work on Twitch.
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January 6th, 2015, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Citra Git (2015/01/05) is compiled. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.
Citra Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #407 from Subv/arbiter
AddressArbiter: Ported arbitration type 2 from 3dmoo.
* AddressArbiter: Ported arbitration type 2 from 3dmoo.
(Thanks 3dmoo!)
* Merge pull request #415 from Dante38490/master
Loader: Add support for loading NCCH ROMs with the .3DS extension
* Fix correct espace
* Add support load 3DS room
* Merge pull request #408 from Subv/mutex
Mutex: Add the calling thread to the waiting list when needed
* Mutex: Add the calling thread to the waiting list when needed
This will happen when the mutex is already owned by another thread. Should fix some issues with games being stuck due to waiting threads not being awoken.
* Merge pull request #386 from archshift/y2ru
Stub the y2r:u service
* Stub the y2r:u service
* Merge pull request #406 from chrisvj/license-headers
citra-qt: Added license headers to files.
* citra-qt: Added license headers to files.
* Merge pull request #405 from lioncash/type
skyeye: Remove duplicate typedefs
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January 6th, 2015, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Yanese v0.52 is released. Yanese is a free Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator running in Windows XP,Vista, 7 and 8 under x86 and x64 processors.
Yanese v0.52 Changelog:
- Video: NES Aspect Ratio was working bad becouse i wasn't appling linear interpolation. Now looks really good.
- CPU: Flags operation emulation changed.
- Video Recording: 1- Mp3 Quality -> poor: 64 CBR , normal: 96 CBR and high: 128 CBR 2 - There was a bug when the video was recording and closed yanese that left the video file unplayable. Fixed it.
- Save States: 1 - Since i changed the CPU internally flags operations previous save states format doesn't work with this version. Sorry. 2 - Fixed and issue when tried to load save state and the background on and off deffered from the save state file.
- Emu Info: I changed the emu emu info out (pause, suspend, etc) to look (i think) better. You can see it in the screenshots below.
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January 6th, 2015, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Fceux SVN r3091 is compiled. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
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January 6th, 2015, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DeSmuME SVN r5067 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
GTK Port:
- Fix compiling issue. (Regression from r5061.)
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January 6th, 2015, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Dolphin Git 4.0-4922 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.
Dolphin Git changelog:
- SI_GCAdapter: properly clean up libusb
- Globals.h: Variable naming consistency
- Gameini updates.
- JIT: simplify ISI handling.
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January 6th, 2015, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
3dmoo Git (2015/01/03) is compiled. 3dmoo is an open-source Nintendo 3DS Emulator Prototype. It does not run games (yet).
3dmoo Git Changelog:
* armemu: Fix a missing Q flag check for SMLSD
* Fix hard coded physical addresses.
* Reschedule threads after svcCreateThread, svcSignalEvent and svcSendSyncRequest.
* Fix some threading bugs with PROPER_THREADING.
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January 6th, 2015, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo fans have been eagerly anticipating the 'new' 3DS and 3DS XL handhelds since they were first announced last August. Both models hit store shelves in Japan last October, followed by Australia and New Zealand a month later, but since then we've heard very little about an international release beyond "2015." Now, Nintendo is taking its console tease even further with a new Nintendo 3DS 'Ambassador Edition' for Europe. The company is offering the special handheld to select Club Nintendo members and, weirdly, it isn't limited to people in the original 3DS ambassador program. So if you have an active Club Nintendo account, you should probably check your inbox or head here to see if you're eligible.
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January 6th, 2015, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Got a few hundred quid burning in your pocket? A soft spot for classic gaming, and a love of Ray Parker Jr.? Then eBay seller ultimatecustoms1982 has a convenient way to scratch all three of those itches at once with this custom-made original NES consoleshoe-horned inside of a die-cast replica of the Ghostbusters' Ecto-1.

The starting bid is $500 (£329), and quite frankly that's a steal. The sum of this creation's parts — a Hot Wheels 1/18th-scale Ecto-1 replica and a Retrobit NES system (not original hardware) — don't quite add up to the asking price. But what you're paying for here is craftsmanship, since that Ecto-1 model needed heavy modifications to elegantly fit a cartridge slot, controller ports, and the requisite AV hookups. So who you gonna call? Your bank to ensure you've got enough cash on hand to outbid everyone on this one. [eBay via GoNintendo]
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January 8th, 2015, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo's iconic characters have appeared more than once in third-party console games (hello Soul Calibur fans), but mobile games have largely been off-limits. However, there are new signs that the gaming giant is taking a more relaxed approach to the handheld world. GungHo has unveiled Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition, a take on the popular puzzle battler that includes many of the characters from Nintendo's most sacred cash cow. It's not surprising that there's only a 3DS version so far given Nintendo's usual disdain for smartphone games, but the regular Puzzle & Dragons is also available (and successful) on both Android and iOS -- it wouldn't take much to get the Mario variant on non-3DS systems. Will that happen? Probably not. Even so, GungHo's game is further proof that Nintendo isn't as protective of its franchises as it used to be.
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January 10th, 2015, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U Smash Bros owners unwilling to pay the current high prices for the official GameCube adapter now have another option.
As spotted by NintendoLife, import site Play Asia is currently taking order on an unofficial GameCube controller adapter that’s compatible with Wii U, PC and Mac. It costs just £13.25/$19.99 and is due in stock this month.
It appears to be a new time and has not yet received any user reviews, so the purchase would probably be a bit of punt – albeit a relatively cheap one.
Prices for the hard-to-find official peripheral that arrived alongside the Wii U game last year have soared, with prices on Amazon stretching from £759 to £147.50. The accessory is out of stock at most other retailers.
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January 10th, 2015, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
There is currently a factory sealed copy of extremely rare (there are only two copies in near-mint condition on Earth) NES game Stadium Events listed on eBay. It's reached a bidding high of $100,000, and it still has six days to go. Unfortunately, there is likely foul play involved.
As Wired outlines, auctions like these have a history of attracting trolls. This auction is, according to GameSpot, definitely legit—an ultra rare sports game recalled days after its 1987 launch being sold by a former Nintendo employee—but it's happening on the Internet, paradise of consequence-free pranks.
Wired's report points to Stadium Events' bidding history, which blasts off into ludicrous land right around the $30,000 mark. At that point, a single user begins incrementally escalating the price over and over and over, all the way up to $90,000. This user has only ever bid on one item—this one—and all they stand to receive for not ponying up is a strike against their eBay account. So basically, a slap on the wrist, a "boo-hoo" from behind a brick wall of feigned empathy. Big whoop. A couple other "buyers" use the same tactic to carry it up to $100,000 and beyond.
This is hardly the first time something like this has happened. As Wired points out:"This has happened a few times recently: Witness the profoundly ugly copy of Nintendo World Championships, estimated to be worth about $5,000, but bid up by trolls to just under $100,000. Later, the seller said that the game was sold privately for $5,000, the price at which he had set the auction's original opening bid. The 11,000-game collection that the Guinness Book called the 'world's biggest' was auctioned on another site called GameGavel for over $750,000, but to this day it has not yet sold at any price."
And yet, websites report that games have "sold" for Stupidly Outrageous Sum Of Money, and no one's the wiser. Another troll job in the bag. Drinks on me back at the Troll Enclave.
So keep your eyes peeled for this stuff. Don't always believe what you see. Even if you're not directly feeding the trolls, sometimes they're feeding off you.
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January 11th, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
A factory-sealed copy of ultra-rare 1987 NES game Stadium Events is currently on eBay for $40,000 (£26k).

The title is considered to be the rarest officially-released game for the console due to it being recalled mere days after its initial 1987 launch.
Stadium Events was released by Bandai as a test title for its Family Fun Fitness Control Mat - an early version of the technology now found in Dance Dance Revolution floor pads.But Nintendo bought the technology for itself, just as Stadium Events was being released. The company ordered an immediate return of existing copies so the game could be rebranded with Nintendo's updated version of the controller mat, now named as the NES Power Pad.2000 copies of the game were produced before the change occurred, although only 200 made it onto store shelves.Of those 200, only a handful were actually sold and made it into circulation. Of that handful, only two copies are known to still be in their original boxes. This is one of those two.The seller explains that he previously worked at Nintendo and has owned his copy since the early 1990s."This listing is for a complete, excellent+/near mint, sealed copy of the game and the one of few to ever be sent to the Video Game Authority in Roswell, Georgia for official grading, verification and authentication," the seller explained."Once the game arrived safely, the professionals at VGA gently cleaned the item, verified it, graded it and sealed it in a professional quality acrylic case where it will remain for the rest of its life."Bidding on the item originally began at $5000. The sale is due to conclude in just under a week's time.
Aution Here --> http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53...mtid=824&kw=lg
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January 12th, 2015, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
With Nintendo’s official GameCube controller adapters for Wii U in high demand you may find that you have to pay a high price for one. But, Play-Asia’s newly released GameCube controller adapter costs only $19.99 and you won’t have to wait for it come back in stock, at least, not right now. It comes with four ports to support as many GameCube controllers, and yes, it is compatible with Super Smash Bros for Wii U. It also supports vibration feedback with, apparently, no delays. On top of that, due to a little switch on the side, Play-Asia’s adapter also works on PC, so it might also appeal to any of you using Wii emulator Dolphin. Read more at http://www.play-asia.com/gamecube-co...iliate_id=3527
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January 13th, 2015, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
We would like to say thanks to our users for testing the public beta and reporting bugs.
We are still working through the feedback but so far we have already fixed the SPI Test bug in Diagnostics menu,
and released it as Gateway ULTRA 3.0.1, available in the Downloads section.
The downgrade packs have now also been added to the Downloads section, please download the proper dgpack for your region if you want to downgrade.
We want to caution users using the downgrade feature: it is a dangerous operation as it will write to sysnand and if something goes wrong it may brick your 3DS.
We currently recommend that ONLY USERS WITH A NAND MOD try this, and report back any issues.
If you want to restore your NAND.BIN from SD Card to sysnand, simply hold UP when entering the Downgrade menu will launch the restore menu.
This can be used to go back to your original NAND, such as before downgrading.
As always ENJOY!
Buy Gateway 3DS Here --> http://www.yeahgeek.com/gateway-3ds-...ml?ref=5116575
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January 13th, 2015, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Yeahgeek:

Sky3DS Flashcard Features:
Plug & Play, easy to use, Multi-rom support.
Support any 3DS system version(including the newest V9.4.0-21U/E/J).
Support all New3DS/3DSLL, 3DS/XL, 2DS consoles(US,EU,JP).
Support eShop and online game.
Compatible with any MicroSD 2GB,4GB,8GB,16GB,32GB,64GB,128GB SDHC cards.
Play any 3DS games
Sky3DS Flashcard FAQ:
Q: I have a new 3ds with the firmware 9.3.0-21J version. your new flashcard can work on this version or not?
A: Yes, Sky3DS card can support the newest 3DS V9.3.0-21J version.
Q: Will it be able to play New3DS exclusive games?
A: Yes, SKY3DS can play any New3DS exclusive games.
Q: Does the sky3ds support all of the 3DS games? can this flashcart work on NEW 3ds?
A: Yes, It can play all of 3DS games, and support the New 3DS console.
Q: Can this flashcart play 3ds game online ? ex : pokemon and doing a wonder trade or battle with people online.
A: Yes, Sky3DS card can play 3DS game online as a genuine gamepad did, can also save,load,edit etc....
Q: Does it require special thing to do first before using SKY3DS?
A: Don't need to do any special thing, just drag and drop the downloaded ROMs in MicroSD card by the Disktool we provided, and enjoy it.
Q: Does the sky3ds have emunand? Also will there be a region unlock? So I can play games on my EU 3DS from Japan or US?
A: No, don't need any emunand at all, it can support any 3DS system version even the newest V9.3.0-21J version. Because it's region locking like a real gamepad, you can't play US or JP's games on your EU 3DS console.
Q: Does saving work on games like Animal Crossing, Pokemon X and Y,also does this allow cheats and homebrew?
A: Yes,you can save, reload, edit on any 3DS games as a genuine gamepad did. Sorry, no cheats, no homebrew at the moment.
Q: I want to know when this card will be in sale and where to buy it?
A: We will release our SKY3DS card within 1~2 weeks, you can buy it from one of our resellers online.
Buy Sky3ds Here --> http://www.yeahgeek.com/buy-new-blue...ml?ref=5116575
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January 14th, 2015, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster

If you own a Wii U and wish you hadn't missed out on years' worth of classic games for the original Wii, you're in luck. Nintendo has revealed that full-size downloadable Wii games are coming to the Wii U's eShop, starting today. Only Super Mario Galaxy 2will be available at first, but that'll soon be followed up by Punch-Out on the 22nd andMetroid Prime Trilogy on the 29th. It'll probably be a while (if ever) before you're playing an epic like Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword without finding a hard copy, but you have to start somewhere.
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January 14th, 2015, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
 Back when we reviewed the new, dual-analog input-enabled Nintendo 3DS handheld, we weren't quite sure when it would make its way to the rest of the world -- that changes today. The slightly more powerful handheld launches on February 13th, 2015 in North America and Europe. To make it up to those who've waited patiently while the likes of Japan and, kind of, Europe got in on the extra shoulder button action, Nintendo's made a cabernet-hued console for us to wrap our fingers around. And what good is a new console without games to play on it? Nintendo has us covered there as well, with The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and Monster Hunter 4Ultimate. You know, in case you're already bored with the latest portable version ofSuper Smash Bros. There are even "New" 3DS XL Monster Hunter and Majora's Maskbundles headed to stores on February 13th with fancy designs.
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January 14th, 2015, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo announced the New 3DS XL this morning, fans had one big question: where's the smaller one?
In Japan, where the New 3DS launched last year, there were two versions of the system: LL and XL. The LL, a smaller model that's around the same size as the original 3DS and has customisable faceplates, went on sale alongside the XL in the east.
But in North America, only the XL is for sale. We asked the folks at Nintendo of America for an explanation, and here's the (non-)statement they sent over:Different territories make their own business decisions regarding individual products and timing. We think New Nintendo 3DS XL makes the most sense for our market. Nintendo makes different systems at different price points for a whole range of consumers, and New Nintendo 3DS XL simply expands those choices even further.
So Nintendo, is it ever going to come out here?We have nothing to announce at this time.
Oh. OK.
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January 14th, 2015, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will launch on February 13 worldwide, Capcom announced during this morning's Nintendo Direct livestream. The game will be accompanied by its own themed (new) 3DS XL, featuring a brushed silver cover and blue logo.
The latest Monster Hunter game launches on the same day as the standard, red and black versions of the new 3DS. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Monster Hunter 4G in Japan) is the updated version of Monster Hunter 4, which first launched in September 2013 in Japan. 4G reached Japan in October 2014.
Update: Nintendo offered a new trailer for the game, found after the break. Additionally, GameStop announced that the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 3DS XL will be exclusive to the retailer, and is available for pre-order today. The system will come with the game pre-loaded on it for $230, and customers will have to pay for the bundle in full upon pre-ordering it.
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January 14th, 2015, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster

With the launch of the New 3DS XL stateside, there will also be a Majora's Mask 3D limited edition released on February 13. The bundle will feature a gold-tinted New 3DS XL featuring five of the game's masks, which transform Link into various characters from the Majora's Mask universe. The remastered Nintendo 64 game will launch on February 13 as well.
Hopefully we'll have more than three days to snag it before an angry moon crashes into us.
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January 16th, 2015, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
 The folks at Analogue Interactive know that making a good looking game console only goes so far, and that it's what's on the inside that truly counts. It's with that in mind that the solid aluminum Analogue Nt -- the outfit's take on the original Nintendo Entertainment System -- sports fancy innards in addition to its machined casing. AsPolygon writes, the system's motherboard is custom as well, sporting a fancy black printed circuit board, transparent solder mask and raised copper traces. We've embedded a picture after the break. Sounds pretty snazzy, right? Well, the outfit's still promising audiophile and videophile quality out of their little aluminum box that could, and units still command a $500 starting price for pre-order. You might balk, but remember, this is the same company that charged $1,300 (minimum) for a wood-encased Neo Geo. Comparatively, this is a steal.
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January 16th, 2015, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster

Rrrrrrrr... Vroooooooooooom! Whooooooooom! Fire! Boom! Fire! Boom! Whooooooooooom! Thwoooooooosh! Fire! Boom! Beep beep beep! Be careful! Wooooooooooooooosh! BOOM!
Fine... we'll put down our arm-wings and stop runningaround the room, but only to tell you 3D After Burner 2 is out on the eShop today. The latest in Sega's 3D-enhanced Classics range includes 23 stages, new difficulty settings, visual additions like smoke transparency, and multiple arcade cabinet styles.
Also, there's a new "special mode" that's unlocked after you beat the game. In it, shooting down planes builds up a meter that, when full, lets you slow down time to avoid attacks and take down foes with ease. So it's a bit like the Climax Gauge in After Burner Climax, or Neo in The Matrix. Whichever you prefer.
Alright, that's too much time not playing Human After Burner. Don't worry, we've included the full list of new eShop releases below the break and you'll find all thenew eSales here.
Get ready! Whoooooooooooooooooosh!
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January 16th, 2015, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has launched a Build Your Own Bundle for the New Nintendo 3DS on its UK store.For £159.99, you’re able to choose your color of New Nintendo 3DS, either black or white, one of nine sets of cover plates, and then add a free Mario Holder (compatible with 3DS, DS, and DSi Lite).This bundle also comes with a charger that isn’t included with the regular £149.99 New Nintendo 3DS. Altogether, you’re saving between £25 – £30 with this bundle if you were to buy its contents individually.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/01/16...tD6bUVHZ9Bg.99
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January 16th, 2015, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster

Pre-order the exclusive Nintendo NEW 3DS XL Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Edition for $229.99 at GameStop!New and improved features coming with this system include:
- Face tracking 3D screen
- Built-in amiibo and Near Field Communication support
- Faster processing power than the previous edition
- New C-Stick (an additional joystick) for enhanced controls
Check it out: http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds...clusive/119889
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January 18th, 2015, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Grab Super Smash Bros. - Nintendo 3DS for $34.99 at Amazon! Battle it out as Nintendo’s greatest heroes and villains—at home or anywhere on the Nintendo 3DS system! Smash rivals off the stage with epic moves, then beef up your fighters with customizations and equipment. Find fun extras faster by beating hordes of classic enemies in Smash Run and mastering mini-games. Now you’ll never have to stop smashing!
Check it out: Amazon - Super Smash Bros. - Nintendo 3DS
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January 19th, 2015, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster

As fun as Super Mario World is to play, wouldn't it be nice if you could coach from the sidelines every now and then? The University of Tubingen has developed an artificial intelligence that lets you do just that. Its Mario AI project makes Nintendo's plumber both aware of his environment and responsive to your advice on how he should behave. You can teach him that stomping on Goombas will definitely take them down, for instance. Mario even has his own systems for feelings and needs. He'll explore the world if he's sufficiently curious, and he'll chase after coins if he's "hungry."
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January 19th, 2015, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- CoolBoy 400-in-1 (Alt Version, 403 games)(Unl)[U][!]. HardWareMan once again delivered a new ROM, thanks a lot! He accidentally appears to have a new version of TeamEurope's cart released here 4th January. Previous version is older revision (internal signature of old version is "400 IN 1 zyx-8b2799", and new version is "400 IN 1 zyx-8b2922"), it has a lot of free space (about 700k). So this empty space was used in newer revision, three more new game hacks was added to the menu, so we now have 403-in-1 technically. There are many changes inside the newer ROM, but mostly this is shifted parts of various games, the rest of the games in list are identical to previous version.
Three new games is a title and sprite hacks of japanese Ninja Gaiden 3, Adventure Island 1 and 2.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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January 20th, 2015, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Marat Fayzullin has released new version of its GameBoy Advance emulator VGBA-Android.
Unfortunately, the Android version was removed temporarily with questionable complaints by Google from the Google Play Store.
Google has removed my VGBA app from Google Play, claiming that "screenshots violate third party intellectual property" and "the application icon looks deceptive". As ludicrous as both these claims are, I am currently talking to Google, trying to resolve the issue. But it looks like I will have to republish VGBA under a new package name, meaning that everyone who needs an update will have to pay for it again.
Because I do not want people to pay twice for the same thing, I am currently working to extend VGBA with new features that make it worth the extra money. I should have a new version published the next week. In the meanwhile, you can find the new free VGBA-Windows and VGBA-Linux 4.8 packages at the VGBA home page. Most changes are platform-specific, optimizing the way GBA screen is rendered.
Have fun!
New in This Version:
- In VGBA-Windows, both full-screen and windowed modes now use Direct3D.
- Fixed switching between full-screen and windowed modes in VGBA-Windows.
- Ported fixes from VGBA-Android 4.8 to VGBA-Windows.
- Removed .STA files from the "Open File" dialog to avoid confusion.
- Fixed the documentation.
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January 20th, 2015, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
StapleButter offers version 1.3 of " blargSnes "excellent emulator for the Super Nintendo 3DS Nintendo.
Version 1.3:
* Usage of geometry shaders and other speedups to rendering
* Hardware renderer: offset-per-tile, hi-res modes, and more fixes by DiscostewSM
* Much better sound quality, support for noise, echo and pitch modulation (thanks DiscostewSM again)
* Two added scaling modes: 4:3 and cropped 4:3
* Better open-bus emulation, and ability to execute code in open-bus regions (fixes Home Alone)
* Overall more accurate timings, IRQ fixes, etc
* ROM selector is no longer locked to the /snes folder
* the usual forgotten novelties, surprise
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January 20th, 2015, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Quick Reboot
Today i introduce you to a basic but usefull 3DS Homebrew: Quick Reboot! With this app you can quickly reboot your 3ds! It also has a security check: if this app gets booted with the L button held, it doesn't reboot. This is usefull if you opened Quick Reboot App by accident...
How to install:
You can install this app in many ways. As a Gateway's 3ds file, as a .cia file, as .3dsx and smdh files (for ninjhax) or with DownloadMII! You can find files below. Or you can just build it your self! Download all this repo to you computer and run BUILD.BAT (your system has to be properly configured or it won't build anything!)
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January 20th, 2015, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
AlbertoSONIC offers version 2.0 of " 3DS Paint ". Utility that allows you to draw what you want on the Nintendo 3DS. The archive contains 4 binary (.3ds, .cia, .3dsx and .elf), each for its own launch means.
Cliquez pour agrandir
New 2.0 update brings:
- Whole app rewritten
- Now it exit without crashing, fully working on both NINJHAX and GATEWAY
- Much smoother (30fps paint, 60fps menu)
- Debug features
- A main menu!
- Now you can save your drawings to SDCARD (.bmp image output)!
- HUGE performance improvement
- Less load for 3DS's ARM11 cpu
- Developed and built with latest CTRULIB
- New icon!
- Now using an UI framework!
- "Pop" sound when changing color! (Only for ninjhax users)
- New font!
- Screen Flickering fixed!
- Huge bugfix!
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January 20th, 2015, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Big Red Menu is the first CIA manager (installer/uninstaller) for 3DS completely legal and opensource.
It's wrote in both C++ and LUA (Heavy edited LPP edition) and ACTUALLY works only AS CIA.
So to install Big Red Menu, you'll require BigBlueMenu or devMenu but, after its installation, you can delete these Nintendo copyrighted tools and starts to use Big Red Menu.
Smealum for libctru
Aurelio for helping during the writing of the lua_uninstallCIA code.
Note: Big Red Menu lists only SDMC CIAs to prevent users to brick their 3DS with some NAND CIAs importing.
Instead adding NAND and GAMECARD support is very easy.
A - Uninstall/Import CIA
Select - Switch between Imported CIA and SDMC
Start - Exit homebrew
Note that Big Red Menu will list only dirs and CIAs file from SDMC so you'll not lose time finding your CIAs to import.
For ORGANIZ3D users, style might be familiar
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January 20th, 2015, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante , very active on the 3DS scene, offers version 0.5 of " ORGANIZ3D "manager and multimedia file player for the Nintendo 3DS.
v0.5 now downloadable!
- Solved issues with huge BMPV files. Now every type of BMPV is currectly reproduced.
- Added extdata managing support (list,open with HEX Viewer, dump and restore extdata files)
- Added CIA build (Thanks to Technicmaster0 for basic workaround) with sound support
- Fixxed a bug with touchscreen. Now it fully works.
- Added possibility to extract icons from SMDH files (Left/Right digital pad when SMDH file is opened)
- Added possibility to show infos in SMDH files
- Added possibility to launch 3DSX homebrews (Only for ninjhax users)
- Solved crashes with big images, now they can be loaded and viewed entirely thanks to Circle Pad
- Made 3DS build more lookeable with proper banner and icon
- Solved a bug which obscurate first item of the listed directory in some cases
- Added Rename function for files and directories (B button)
- Now multimedia files can be stopped and resumed with left and right digital pads
- Added Theme system to filebrowser with two themes as samples.
- Solved alpha blending. Now is correctly calculated alpha channel for images.
I edited first post with all new functions/features and infos.
Please note that EXTDATA managing is still in a BETA phase so BACKUP YOUR Nintendo 3DS FOLDER BEFORE USING ORGANIZ3D RESTORE FEATURE.
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January 20th, 2015, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Technicmaster0 offers version 1.0 of " Useless Homebrew "Project DS port of the same name Rydian for the Nintendo 3DS.
About the game
This is a port of the "Useless Homebrew 1.1" written by Rydian for the DS. This is a port so that you can play the game on the 3DS.
You can change the state of the switch and see what happens.
How to install
NINJHAX: Simply copy the "3ds" folder into the root of your big SD card.
GATEWAY: Put the ".3DS" file into the root of your MicroSD card.
CIA INSTALLER: Put the ".CIA" file on your big SD and install it with DEVMENU.
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January 20th, 2015, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Jay van Hutten offers version 1.0 of " Flappy Bird ", a remake of the famous game of the same name of obstacles for the Game Boy Advance.
Don't we all hate Flappy Bird? Hasn't this game been ported to every possible platform already? The answer was no, and I figured someone had to do it. I wanted to make it as close to the original as possible and therefore the game is played in portrait mode. Sorry emulator users! If you flash the game to a cartridge, set the save type to SRAM and save size to 64 kbit.
Written in C, compiled with DevKitARM.
Use the right button on the d-pad to flap
For a soft reset, press A + B + START + SELECT
Hold SELECT when booting to delete your save data
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January 20th, 2015, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
3DText is a very simple text viewer for 3DS. It supports all characters on an average keyboard, nothing too fancy. 3DText cannot write text documents, it can only read them. If you decide to edit the source on Github, you can change the file to read from to anything, or keep it at "test.txt". It can read files that aren't even in .txt format, as long as you change and build the source properly. I made this using ctrulib, so there's a lot of useless stuff in the source code.
v0.9 (current):
-Press Start to exit
-Line breaking when it reaches the end of the screen
-New .smdh and logo
-View text from other file formats
-View text
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January 20th, 2015, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
yellow8 offers version 1.1 of " 3ds homemenu extdatatool "Application for Nintendo 3DS, to install custom themes from the Home Menu.
How to import your own custom theme:
Place edited body_LZ.bin from Theme Customisation Tools in sd:\3ds\3ds_homemenu_extdatatool or wherever your theme folder is. If you have a custom BCSTM file (currently only possible to make with Brawlcustommusic database), rename it to BGM.bcstm and place it in the same folder. Then open 3ds_homemenu_extdatatool, enable theme cache and import theme cache from SD to ExtData. That's it. :P
Dev Units:
I wonder if Dev Units have access to themes, but anyway how to make it work:
Use SaveDataFiler to dump Theme ExtData which ID depends on your console's region, either 000002CC, 2CD and 2CE. Go to Config app, other settings and change Menu to Test Menu. Restart your 3DS, go to SaveDataFiler and reimport edited ExtData. Return to Home Menu with Config app.
Technically should work like Dev Units method, but you can't go to Test Menu. So it's quite problematic. :S
If you want to make Custom Theme work nicely, change your base theme to anything besides default theme beforehands. If you don't, your theme will disappear after you put your 3DS to sleep mode.
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January 20th, 2015, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
mastermodr94 offers the 1.0 version of " Simon "electronic adaptation of the famous board game of the same name for the Nintendo 3DS.
So I have been teaching myself how to code in C and how to code 3ds games and this is my first working version of my Simon Game. The game is fairly self explanitory, It will play you a pattern and you have to follow it. Every turn the pattern goes up by one. The game will keep track of your current session's high score.
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January 20th, 2015, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante offers version 0.8 of " 3DSurfer "Player audio (.WAV only) for the Nintendo 3DS.
Here you are, this is a little and simple wav player coded with Lua Player Plus.
It uses streaming functionality so, i coded it to show up how to use big wav files with LPP.
In next releases, i'll add some features like file info showing (samplerate, time), playlist feature and other formats support.
Maybe i can add also a loop function if someone is interested.
A - Select file to open with filebrowser
B - Pause/Resume file
Start - Exit homebrew
DPad - Move through filebrowser
Your wav files must be in /MUSIC folder.
Sourcecode can be found in the homebrew itself (index.lua).
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January 20th, 2015, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Rikku2000 offers version 0.5 and 0.7 Beta " 3DSXLoader "Utility / assistant for the PC to easily load your homebrew to .3dsx format with emulators" 3DMoo "and" Citra ".
3DSXLoader is an Rom loader for 3DSX files, to use with Citra and 3DMoo Emulator.
- Overall Update:
--> Update The Interface 3DSX Files can now Direct load from List
--> Add File Directory to Config menu and Default Emulator Setting
- Fixed Bug in Config menu
- 3DMoo will now start in 3DSXLoader Emulation (Citra coming soon)
- Edit the Config menu (Citra can be Configured with Keys and Settings)
- Fixed Loading wrong 3DSX Rom File
- Add 3DS Theme Music
- Fixed Loaded File
- Fixed a bug in Config
- Added Config menu
- Init Version
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January 22nd, 2015, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Few companies are as adept as Nintendo at selling you the same software over and over again, but Nintendo’s former indie boss has questioned how long this can continue for.
On 3DS, for instance, NES games such as Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Ice Climber, Double Dragon and Galaga still cost £4.49 a piece, despite the fact that some date back as far as the early ‘80s. SNES games from the ‘90s cost much the same.
However, while this strategy has until now held up reasonably well in the face of cheap smartphone software pricing Dan Adelman has questioned the long-term viability of this pricing strategy not because of the comparative expense but more because nostalgia doesn’t last forever.
“Nintendo understands its importance to a lot of people’s childhoods, so they really want to avoid undoing that goodwill,” he told Dromble. “Everyone has a game that, for them, was their biggest memory as a child.
“I haven’t seen any research on this, but I suspect the majority of sales on Virtual Console are from people who have already played the game as a child. I’m sure there are some cases of people going back and playing games they missed, but if I had to guess, I’d say that’s around 25 per cent of the market. The other 75 per cent are people reliving memories.
“It’s hard to say whether the old prices will stay in the long run. My gut says that demand overall is not very price sensitive. Even $10 for N64 games is not going to break the bank for anyone. I think the bigger factor is fatigue. A lot of people have scratched that nostalgia itch, so they may not feel a need to play those games again.”
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January 22nd, 2015, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Over the past few decades, we've come to learn two important things about Nintendo. One is that they make brilliant video games. The other is that they make absolutelybaffling decisions.
Whether it's the lack of a unified account system or their persistent Virtual Console stubbornness, Nintendo's choices are frequently questioned by even its most loyal fans. People always wonder: why does the company behind so many smart games seem to make so many dumb decisions? Why does it seem like Nintendo is always in its own world, where they're steps behind their biggest hardware competitors in terms of online infrastructure and other features they should've got right by now?
Dan Adelman, the former Nintendo indie champion who left last year to do consulting for independent game developers, has some insight into why Nintendo is so... Nintendo. And it's really interesting. In a newly-published (and fascinating)interview with Nintendo fan and reporter Emily Rogers, Adelman gives us at least one reason the company does what it does.
Here's a big explanation (emphasis mine):Nintendo is not only a Japanese company, it is a Kyoto-based company. For people who aren't familiar, Kyoto-based are to Japanese companies as Japanese companies are to US companies. They're very traditional, and very focused on hierarchy and group decision making. Unfortunately, that creates a culture where everyone is an advisor and no one is a decision maker – but almost everyone has veto power.
Even Mr. Iwata is often loathe to make a decision that will alienate one of the executives in Japan, so to get anything done, it requires laying a lot of groundwork: talking to the different groups, securing their buy-in, and using that buy-in to get others on board. At the subsidiary level, this is even more pronounced, since people have to go through this process first at NOA or NOE (or sometimes both) and then all over again with headquarters. All of this is not necessarily a bad thing, though it can be very inefficient and time consuming.The biggest risk is that at any step in that process, if someone flat out says no, the proposal is as good as dead. So in general, bolder ideas don't get through the process unless they originate at the top.
There are two other problems that come to mind. First, at the risk of sounding ageist, because of the hierarchical nature of Japanese companies, it winds up being that the most senior executives at the company cut their teeth during NES and Super NES days and do not really understand modern gaming, so adopting things like online gaming, account systems, friends lists, as well as understanding the rise of PC gaming has been very slow. Ideas often get shut down prematurely just because some people with the power to veto an idea simply don't understand it.
The last problem is that there is very little reason to try and push these ideas. Risk taking is generally not really rewarded. Long-term loyalty is ultimately what gets rewarded, so the easiest path is simply to stay the course. I'd love to see Nintendo make a more concerted effort to encourage people at all levels of the company to feel empowered to push through ambitious proposals, and then get rewarded for doing so.
Too bad, right? On one hand, this conservative decision-making is undeniably one of the reasons Nintendo has survived for over 100 years now; on the other hand, come on. Go read the rest of Adelman's interview, too—it's full of interesting nuggets for anyone who's curious about Nintendo's motives and decision-making process.
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January 22nd, 2015, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
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January 24th, 2015, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster

You can grab a Little Mac takeaway right now, because Punch-Out!! is on the Wii U eShop with a $10 price tag. Like last week's Wii re-releases, the 2009 boxer is available at 50 percent off in its first week, but be warned: After 9AM PT/12PM ET on January 29 it goes up to $20.
That offer is part of Nintendo's Throwback Sale, which you can check out herealong with the last week of the current Super Indie Collection Sale. Otherwise, you'll find the complete list of this week's new eShop releases by ducking and weaving below the break.
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January 25th, 2015, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
If the idea of Mario's ride ingesting Shy Guys and spitting them out as eggs in Yoshi's Island made you uneasy, this 3D first-person recreation of the game's first level will not help at all.
Bestvegeta has taken the opening level of one of Nintendo's best platformers and made it weird. It's one thing to watch Yoshi merily devouring his foes from the sidelines, but when it's your tongue doing the deed it's something else entirely.
Had I made this video I would have embraced the horror a bit more. Maybe made the Shy Guys scream as they were dragged towards Yoshi's gaping maw. Tweak the audio mix so you can hear their muffled cries as if they were coming from inside of your body. Ever been freaked out by your own imagination?
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January 27th, 2015, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
According to How Long To Beat, a typical Zelda run takes about ten hours to beat. This speedrun by Darkwing_Duck_sda, though? 30 minutes and 29 seconds. The next Zelda record, according to Zelda Speedruns, is also held by Darkwing, and it clocks in at 30 mins 37 seconds. After that comes in LackAttack24 at 30 minutes and 41 seconds. As always, seconds make all the difference.
And if you're curious about how this run is done, this page might be of interest—most notably, here's the explanation behind a common glitch that you can see in the speedrun above:To clip through a wall (screen scroll glitch), you must stand toward that wall and be a specific amount of pixels away from the wall (either 5 or 7, the amount escapes me at the moment) and then move one frame in a side direction. This will cause Link to turn around, but stay on the same pixel. Then you can move through the wall. You only get to move through a half step of solid wall, but that's enough to clip through things that are set diagonally, or push you through the screen transition "wall." Clipping through the edge of the screen sends you to the other side.
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January 27th, 2015, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster

About a decade ago, Nintendo released a Game Boy Advance carrying case in the shape of a Game Boy Advance. It was the obvious answer to the original brick Game Boy carrying case every eight year old had in 1990. This jumbo-sized Game Boy Advance case also makes a really good platform for a console mod, which is exactly what [frostefires] got when he put an N64 in one.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this bit of old Nintendo paraphernalia used to house an N64. A few years ago, [Hailrazer] used the same GBA carrying case as the body of an N64 build. There were a few shortcomings in that build, most importantly the removal of the D pad. [frostedfires]’ build fixes this oversight.
Inside the GBA enclosure is a 4.3 inch screen, a replacement Gamecube joystick, an SNES D pad, and of course the entire N64 circuit board with a few modifications.
[frostedfires] entered this into a ‘Shark Tank’-ish competition at school, and this build was so impressive he won first place. Link to the full build thread here.
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January 30th, 2015, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo posted a huge increase in profits and raised its earnings forecast, but cheap yen is masking weak sales.
Nintendo profits for the nine months ending December 2014 hit 59.52 billion yen (£332.6m), which is up almost six fold on the year before. This is primarily down to the launch of hit 3DS products such as Super Smash Bros and Pokemon, whereas Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 were big sellers on Wii U.
However, 3DS sales faltered somewhat as the console begins to reach saturation point (it will be four years old in March).
The firm also revised its forecast, and it’s mixed news for the business. The firm expects net sales to fall by 40m yen, while operating income will half. That would be a reason to worry, however, a favourable exchange rate means that the firm will actually post a bigger profit than expected. 70 per cent of Nintendo’s business takes place outside of Japan, so a weak Yen can make a serious difference to its bottom line, as proven this year.
So how did Nintendo’s products perform? Well top of the pile is Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, which sold a huge 9.35m units, followed by Super Smash Bros which shifted 6.19m units. In total, 53m 3DS games were sold last year.
The No.1 game on Wii U was Mario Kart 8 with 4.77m sales, followed by Smash Bros once again with 3.39m units sold.
3DS continues to sell huge numbers in Japan, boosted this financial year by the arrival of New 3DS and New 3DS XL. However, 3DS saw a significant decrease in sales across Europe and US and as a result the number of 3DS’ sold during the nine month period was 7.08m, a drop on 11.65m posted a year previous.
The New 3DS launches in Europe and America next month.
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January 30th, 2015, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster

The New 3DS is off to a "good start" according to Nintendo, after the enhanced handheld shipped 1.84 million units by the end of 2014. The company launched the New 3DS and its XL variant in Japan back in October, before bringing them to Australia the following month.
The New 3DS' arrival helped take the "3DS family" beyond the 50 million mark, and as of December 31, 2014, the 3DS total is 50.41 million units shipped worldwide. On the other hand, Nintendo says 3DS sales haven't grown sufficiently in North America and Europe this fiscal year; both regions are waiting for the New 3DS to launch there next month. Between April and December 2014, Nintendo shifted 7.08 million 3DS systems worldwide.
While the Wii U has gathered steam in recent months, it's still tracking a long way behind its handheld sibling. Nintendo shifted 1.91 million consoles worldwide during the busy holiday quarter of October to December 2014, taking its nine-month figures to 3.39 million, As of the end of 2014, its two-year lifetime total is 9.2 mllion systems and 52.87 million software units.
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