October 1st, 2018, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Oculus VR CTO John Carmack has pointed to the Nintendo Switch as the main competition for the new Oculus Quest wireless headset.
Oculus Quest was announced at the Oculus Connect conference this week, and it promises to fill up the gap between Oculus Go and Oculus Rift in terms of price and technology.
In his keynote address, Carmack elaborated on the technical side of the new device, which is wireless and offers "six degrees of freedom" tracking. However, in terms of "raw processing power" it is more in line with the last generation of consoles than the high-end PCs required to run Oculus Rift.
"Quest is in the neighbourhood of the power of a previous gen [console], like Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, just in terms of CPU and GPU and what you can expect to do on it," Carmack said.
Most games of that generation, he said, rendered graphics at 1280 x 720 at 30fps. With VR, the same image would be rendered at 1280 x 1280, twice, and at 72fps. That is, Carmack pointed out, 8.5 times as many pixels as an Xbox 360 game.
"It is not possible to take a game that was done at a high quality level - like a AAA title - for that generation and expect it to look like that in VR," he added. "It's too many more pixels to wind up rendering."
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October 1st, 2018, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch Scene has been on fire for the last few months, but even with all the great 'homebrew' already released, we feel there still could be alot more, and sometimes 'developers' need a little push to do so, as such GBATemp has recently put together an amazing 'homebrew bounty' for the growing Switch scene, and has already between themselves and sponsors raised $8000 (Eight Thousand US Dollars) to hand out to various developers in four different categories for their new releases, as follows: GBATemp will actually be running four different competitions over the next few months, one for each category of homebrew. The idea is to reward everyone, not just game developers but also those who work behind the scene to create the tools everyone needs.
CATEGORY 1: tools and utilities
This category is meant to reward authors of tools/utilities, as in, programs that run on a computer (not on the Switch itself) and serve a specific purpose such as patching tools, content extractors, development libraries, and much more. If you aren't sure whether your project fits in this category, look at the other categories below, and if in doubt, simply ask a moderator.
CATEGORY 2: Switch applications
Projects in this category are applications that run on the Switch itself. A few examples: video or media players, browsers, custom firmwares, homebrew loaders, etc... This category is not to be confused with category 1 which is for computer-based tools.
CATEGORY 3: emulators
The third category will reward emulators. This means emulators that run on the Switch, or who knows, perhaps the other way around too: Switch emulators that run on computers. If your project is an emulator and it's related to the Switch then it belongs in this category anyway.
CATEGORY 4: games
The last category: homebrew games. We accept new games as well as ports of existing games, of course.
Regardless of the category, if you wish to enter, you will be required to present either a new project, or a significant update to an existing project. As it is difficult to define the exact meaning of 'significant update', simply keep in mind that judges will look at your project individually and decide whether your update is significant enough to warrant their vote.
A few other noteworthy points:- In order to enter, you will be required to upload your project to the GBAtemp Download Center to allow other users to download your files easily. However feel free to also host your project on other platforms such as Github and similar.
- Our Patrons (members who support us on Patreon) will have a voting right, the combined patron votes will have a 50% weight on the outcome, the other 50% will come from internal staff votes.
- Although the competition hasn't officially started yet as we're only beginning Phase 1 (read below for more details), you can already begin working on your new project / project update to submit to the Homebrew Bounty. However you must publish it during the appropriate window in order to be eligible to win a prize.
- Winning projects will receive cash prizes as well as medals (image files) that they can include in their project if they like.
Click to expand...
Since our sites share in the gaming community in the scene world, we here at MaxConsole, are looking forward to all the new 'homebrew, emulators, tools, utilities' that will be rewarded to the authors that need to be shown that they have full support of the community and sites behind them for all their normally thankless hard work and efforts, and we support GBATemp in putting together this amazing 'homebrew bounty' and are looking forward to showcase the many winning projects once this contest is over.
FOR MORE INFO AND TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT PLEASE VISIT: --> GBAtemp Homebrew Bounty: 2018 Switch Edition (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/8...gbatemp.48593/
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October 1st, 2018, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Doom 3 has been ported to the Nintendo Switch by fgsfdsfgs
Initial Switch release. More of a PoC than an actual playable port.
Default graphics settings in the supplied dhewm.cfg are: shadows disabled, detail level set to "Medium".
Unzip dhewm3nx_v010.zip to the root of your SD card.
Copy over pak000.pk4 through pak008.pk4 from your PC Doom 3 installation's base folder to /switch/dhewm3/base/. Make sure the game is patched to the latest version (1.3.1). The Steam version is already patched. Doom 3 BFG files won't work.
You can now run the game using the NSP version of Homebrew Menu. It will run in applet mode using the Album HBMenu, but loading any map except the test box will make it run out of memory and crash.
download https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/dhewm3
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...611f1c921900ff
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October 1st, 2018, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
usineur has released Bermuda Syndrome for the Nintendo Switch
Copy bs.nro to /switch/bs/
Extract data files from the bermuda-syndrome.zip archive to /switch/bs/DATA/
Extract music files from the MUSIC.zip archive to /switch/bs/MUSIC/
Finally, you should have, into /switch/bs/ :
A folder named DATA with the following files and directories
A folder named MUSIC with track01.ogg to track12.ogg inside
Arrow Keys Move Jack
A Interact / Skip dialogues or cutscenes
B Run / Put away weapon
X Use weapon / Pull out weapon
Y Display bag
+ Open menu
- Toggle 1:1 / fullscreen
L / R Quick load / save
ZL / ZR Decrease / Increase game state slot
Cyx (Grégory Montoir) for original reverse work and modern engine.
First public release
download https://github.com/usineur/bermuda
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...611f1c921900ff
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October 1st, 2018, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Usineur has released another game for the Nintendo Switch:
Copy f2bgl.nro to /switch/f2bgl/ folder.
Copy datafiles to /switch/f2bgl/data/. Refer to the README to know which files/directories are required.
Datafiles are not provided in this release. Grab a copy of the game by your own way.
Full CD-Rom image is around 450 Mb.
In-game hotkeys
Left stick / Left D-pad Move Conrad (run)
Hold R + Move Conrad Walk, step aside (also in gun mode)
A Activate / Shoot
B Toggle gun mode
Y Reload gun
X Jump
ZR Use secondary weapon
ZL Use item
- Open inventory menu
+ Open saveload menu
Inventory menu
L Next category
R Consult item
A Select item
← Previous item
→ Next item
- Exit this menu
Saveload menu
↑ ↓ Toggle Save / Load mode
← → Previous / Next slot
A Validate
+ Exit this menu
Know bugs / issues
You may encounter graphics glitches and crashes. Some of them exists in the original engine which is still WIP.
Note: this port is based on the 0.2.3 version.
Feel free to report issues.
First public release.
Grégory Montoir, for the original engine;
Everybody behind libnx, SDL2, OpenGL, mesa, libdrm, ...
download https://github.com/usineur/f2bgl
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...611f1c921900ff
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October 1st, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
endrift has released a new version a new version of the Gameboy Advance Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
0.7.0: (Future)
- ELF support
- Game Boy Camera support
- Qt: Set default Game Boy colors
- Game Boy Printer support
- Super Game Boy support
- Customizable autofire speed
- Ability to set default Game Boy model
- Map viewer
- Automatic cheat loading and saving
- GameShark and Action Replay button support
- AGBPrint support
- Debugger: Conditional breakpoints and watchpoints
- Ability to select GB/GBC/SGB BIOS on console ports
- Optional automatic state saving/loading
- Access to ur0 and uma0 partitions on the Vita
- Partial support for MBC6, MMM01, TAMA and HuC-1 GB mappers
- GBA: ARMIPS/A22i-style and ELF symbol table support
- Initial Switch port
- GB Audio: Make audio unsigned with bias (fixes mgba.io/i/749)
- GB Serialize: Fix audio state loading
- GB Video: Fix dot clock timing being slightly wrong
- Qt: Fix GL display when loading a game from CLI (fixes mgba.io/i/843)
- ARM: Fix MSR when T bit is set
- GB Serialize: Fix game title check
- GB: Revamp IRQ handling based on new information
- GBA Video: Don't mask out high bits of BLDY (fixes mgba.io/i/899)
- GB Video: Fix loading states while in mode 3
- GBA DMA: Fix invalid DMA reads (fixes mgba.io/i/142)
- GBA Video: Add delay when enabling BGs (fixes mgba.io/i/744, mgba.io/i/752)
- GB Timer: Minor accuracy improvements
- GB Audio: Clock frame events on DIV
- GBA Timer: Fix timers sometimes being late (fixes mgba.io/i/1012)
- GBA Hardware: Fix RTC overriding light sensor (fixes mgba.io/i/1069)
- GBA Savedata: Fix savedata modified time updating when read-only
- GB Video: Fix enabling window when LY > WY (fixes mgba.io/i/409)
- GBA Video: Start timing mid-scanline when skipping BIOS
- Core: Fix audio sync breaking when interrupted
- Qt: Improve FPS timer stability
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading channel 3 volume (fixes mgba.io/i/1107)
- GBA SIO: Fix unconnected SIOCNT for multi mode (fixes mgba.io/i/1105)
- GBA BIOS: Fix BitUnPack final byte
- GB I/O: DMA register is R/W
- GB Video: Fix SCX timing
- GBA Video: Improve sprite cycle counting (fixes mgba.io/i/1126)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix savestate loading overwriting saves on reset
- GBA Video: Make layer disabling work consistently
- GB: Fix IRQ disabling on the same T-cycle as an assert
- Core: Fix ordering events when scheduling during events
- GBA: Reset WAITCNT properly
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading states in Hblank
- PSP2: Fix more issues causing poor audio
- GBA Memory: Fix Vast Fame support (taizou) (fixes mgba.io/i/1170)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix unmasking savedata crash
- GBA DMA: Fix temporal sorting of DMAs of different priorities
- FFmpeg: Fix encoding audio/video queue issues
- GB Serialize: Fix IRQ pending/EI pending confusion
- GB MBC: Improve multicart detection heuristic (fixes mgba.io/i/1177)
- GB Audio: Fix channel 3 reset value
- GB Audio: Fix channel 4 initial LFSR
- GB, GBA Video: Don't call finishFrame twice in thread proxy
- GB Audio: Fix channel 1, 2 and 4 reset timing
- Util: Fix wrapping edge cases in RingFIFO
- GBA Timer: Use global cycles for timers
- GBA: Extend oddly-sized ROMs to full address space (fixes mgba.io/i/722)
- All: Make FIXED_ROM_BUFFER an option instead of 3DS-only
- Qt: Redo GameController into multiple classes
- Test: Restructure test suite into multiple executables
- Python: Integrate tests from cinema test suite
- Util: Don't build crc32 if the function already exists
- GBA: Implement display start DMAs
- Qt: Prevent window from being created off-screen
- Qt: Add option to disable FPS display
- GBA: Improve multiboot image detection
- GB MBC: Remove erroneous bank 0 wrapping
- GBA Cheats: Allow multiple ROM patches in the same slot
- GB: Skip BIOS option now works
- Libretro: Add frameskip option
- GBA Memory: 64 MiB GBA Video cartridge support
- PSP2: Use system enter key by default
- 3DS: Remove deprecated CSND interface
- Qt: Options to mess around with layer placement
- GBA Savedata: Remove ability to disable realistic timing
- Qt: Add load alternate save option
- GB Audio: Improved audio quality
- GB, GBA Audio: Increase max audio volume
- GB: Fix VRAM/palette locking (fixes mgba.io/i/1109)
- GB Video: Darken colors in GBA mode
- FFmpeg: Support libswresample (fixes mgba.io/i/1120, mgba.io/b/123)
- FFmpeg: Support lossless h.264 encoding
- Feature: Added loading savestates from command line
- Qt: Allow pausing game at load (fixes mgba.io/i/1129)
- Wii: Move audio handling to callbacks (fixes mgba.io/i/803)
- Qt: Clean up FPS target UI (fixes mgba.io/i/436)
- Core: Remove broken option for whether rewinding restores save games
- FFmpeg: Support lossless VP9 encoding
- mGUI: Add fast forward toggle
download https://mgba.io/
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...611f1c921900ff
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October 1st, 2018, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
endrift has updated the Game Boy Advance Emulator for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS:
0.7.0: (Future)
- ELF support
- Game Boy Camera support
- Qt: Set default Game Boy colors
- Game Boy Printer support
- Super Game Boy support
- Customizable autofire speed
- Ability to set default Game Boy model
- Map viewer
- Automatic cheat loading and saving
- GameShark and Action Replay button support
- AGBPrint support
- Debugger: Conditional breakpoints and watchpoints
- Ability to select GB/GBC/SGB BIOS on console ports
- Optional automatic state saving/loading
- Access to ur0 and uma0 partitions on the Vita
- Partial support for MBC6, MMM01, TAMA and HuC-1 GB mappers
- GBA: ARMIPS/A22i-style and ELF symbol table support
- Initial Switch port
- GB Audio: Make audio unsigned with bias (fixes mgba.io/i/749)
- GB Serialize: Fix audio state loading
- GB Video: Fix dot clock timing being slightly wrong
- Qt: Fix GL display when loading a game from CLI (fixes mgba.io/i/843)
- ARM: Fix MSR when T bit is set
- GB Serialize: Fix game title check
- GB: Revamp IRQ handling based on new information
- GBA Video: Don't mask out high bits of BLDY (fixes mgba.io/i/899)
- GB Video: Fix loading states while in mode 3
- GBA DMA: Fix invalid DMA reads (fixes mgba.io/i/142)
- GBA Video: Add delay when enabling BGs (fixes mgba.io/i/744, mgba.io/i/752)
- GB Timer: Minor accuracy improvements
- GB Audio: Clock frame events on DIV
- GBA Timer: Fix timers sometimes being late (fixes mgba.io/i/1012)
- GBA Hardware: Fix RTC overriding light sensor (fixes mgba.io/i/1069)
- GBA Savedata: Fix savedata modified time updating when read-only
- GB Video: Fix enabling window when LY > WY (fixes mgba.io/i/409)
- GBA Video: Start timing mid-scanline when skipping BIOS
- Core: Fix audio sync breaking when interrupted
- Qt: Improve FPS timer stability
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading channel 3 volume (fixes mgba.io/i/1107)
- GBA SIO: Fix unconnected SIOCNT for multi mode (fixes mgba.io/i/1105)
- GBA BIOS: Fix BitUnPack final byte
- GB I/O: DMA register is R/W
- GB Video: Fix SCX timing
- GBA Video: Improve sprite cycle counting (fixes mgba.io/i/1126)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix savestate loading overwriting saves on reset
- GBA Video: Make layer disabling work consistently
- GB: Fix IRQ disabling on the same T-cycle as an assert
- Core: Fix ordering events when scheduling during events
- GBA: Reset WAITCNT properly
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading states in Hblank
- PSP2: Fix more issues causing poor audio
- GBA Memory: Fix Vast Fame support (taizou) (fixes mgba.io/i/1170)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix unmasking savedata crash
- GBA DMA: Fix temporal sorting of DMAs of different priorities
- FFmpeg: Fix encoding audio/video queue issues
- GB Serialize: Fix IRQ pending/EI pending confusion
- GB MBC: Improve multicart detection heuristic (fixes mgba.io/i/1177)
- GB Audio: Fix channel 3 reset value
- GB Audio: Fix channel 4 initial LFSR
- GB, GBA Video: Don't call finishFrame twice in thread proxy
- GB Audio: Fix channel 1, 2 and 4 reset timing
- Util: Fix wrapping edge cases in RingFIFO
- GBA Timer: Use global cycles for timers
- GBA: Extend oddly-sized ROMs to full address space (fixes mgba.io/i/722)
- All: Make FIXED_ROM_BUFFER an option instead of 3DS-only
- Qt: Redo GameController into multiple classes
- Test: Restructure test suite into multiple executables
- Python: Integrate tests from cinema test suite
- Util: Don't build crc32 if the function already exists
- GBA: Implement display start DMAs
- Qt: Prevent window from being created off-screen
- Qt: Add option to disable FPS display
- GBA: Improve multiboot image detection
- GB MBC: Remove erroneous bank 0 wrapping
- GBA Cheats: Allow multiple ROM patches in the same slot
- GB: Skip BIOS option now works
- Libretro: Add frameskip option
- GBA Memory: 64 MiB GBA Video cartridge support
- PSP2: Use system enter key by default
- 3DS: Remove deprecated CSND interface
- Qt: Options to mess around with layer placement
- GBA Savedata: Remove ability to disable realistic timing
- Qt: Add load alternate save option
- GB Audio: Improved audio quality
- GB, GBA Audio: Increase max audio volume
- GB: Fix VRAM/palette locking (fixes mgba.io/i/1109)
- GB Video: Darken colors in GBA mode
- FFmpeg: Support libswresample (fixes mgba.io/i/1120, mgba.io/b/123)
- FFmpeg: Support lossless h.264 encoding
- Feature: Added loading savestates from command line
- Qt: Allow pausing game at load (fixes mgba.io/i/1129)
- Wii: Move audio handling to callbacks (fixes mgba.io/i/803)
- Qt: Clean up FPS target UI (fixes mgba.io/i/436)
- Core: Remove broken option for whether rewinding restores save games
- FFmpeg: Support lossless VP9 encoding
- mGUI: Add fast forward toggle
download https://mgba.io/downloads.html
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16823
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October 1st, 2018, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
endrift has updated his Game Boy Advance emulator for the nintendo Wii.
0.7.0: (Future)
- ELF support
- Game Boy Camera support
- Qt: Set default Game Boy colors
- Game Boy Printer support
- Super Game Boy support
- Customizable autofire speed
- Ability to set default Game Boy model
- Map viewer
- Automatic cheat loading and saving
- GameShark and Action Replay button support
- AGBPrint support
- Debugger: Conditional breakpoints and watchpoints
- Ability to select GB/GBC/SGB BIOS on console ports
- Optional automatic state saving/loading
- Access to ur0 and uma0 partitions on the Vita
- Partial support for MBC6, MMM01, TAMA and HuC-1 GB mappers
- GBA: ARMIPS/A22i-style and ELF symbol table support
- Initial Switch port
- GB Audio: Make audio unsigned with bias (fixes mgba.io/i/749)
- GB Serialize: Fix audio state loading
- GB Video: Fix dot clock timing being slightly wrong
- Qt: Fix GL display when loading a game from CLI (fixes mgba.io/i/843)
- ARM: Fix MSR when T bit is set
- GB Serialize: Fix game title check
- GB: Revamp IRQ handling based on new information
- GBA Video: Don't mask out high bits of BLDY (fixes mgba.io/i/899)
- GB Video: Fix loading states while in mode 3
- GBA DMA: Fix invalid DMA reads (fixes mgba.io/i/142)
- GBA Video: Add delay when enabling BGs (fixes mgba.io/i/744, mgba.io/i/752)
- GB Timer: Minor accuracy improvements
- GB Audio: Clock frame events on DIV
- GBA Timer: Fix timers sometimes being late (fixes mgba.io/i/1012)
- GBA Hardware: Fix RTC overriding light sensor (fixes mgba.io/i/1069)
- GBA Savedata: Fix savedata modified time updating when read-only
- GB Video: Fix enabling window when LY > WY (fixes mgba.io/i/409)
- GBA Video: Start timing mid-scanline when skipping BIOS
- Core: Fix audio sync breaking when interrupted
- Qt: Improve FPS timer stability
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading channel 3 volume (fixes mgba.io/i/1107)
- GBA SIO: Fix unconnected SIOCNT for multi mode (fixes mgba.io/i/1105)
- GBA BIOS: Fix BitUnPack final byte
- GB I/O: DMA register is R/W
- GB Video: Fix SCX timing
- GBA Video: Improve sprite cycle counting (fixes mgba.io/i/1126)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix savestate loading overwriting saves on reset
- GBA Video: Make layer disabling work consistently
- GB: Fix IRQ disabling on the same T-cycle as an assert
- Core: Fix ordering events when scheduling during events
- GBA: Reset WAITCNT properly
- GBA Serialize: Fix loading states in Hblank
- PSP2: Fix more issues causing poor audio
- GBA Memory: Fix Vast Fame support (taizou) (fixes mgba.io/i/1170)
- GB, GBA Savedata: Fix unmasking savedata crash
- GBA DMA: Fix temporal sorting of DMAs of different priorities
- FFmpeg: Fix encoding audio/video queue issues
- GB Serialize: Fix IRQ pending/EI pending confusion
- GB MBC: Improve multicart detection heuristic (fixes mgba.io/i/1177)
- GB Audio: Fix channel 3 reset value
- GB Audio: Fix channel 4 initial LFSR
- GB, GBA Video: Don't call finishFrame twice in thread proxy
- GB Audio: Fix channel 1, 2 and 4 reset timing
- Util: Fix wrapping edge cases in RingFIFO
- GBA Timer: Use global cycles for timers
- GBA: Extend oddly-sized ROMs to full address space (fixes mgba.io/i/722)
- All: Make FIXED_ROM_BUFFER an option instead of 3DS-only
- Qt: Redo GameController into multiple classes
- Test: Restructure test suite into multiple executables
- Python: Integrate tests from cinema test suite
- Util: Don't build crc32 if the function already exists
- GBA: Implement display start DMAs
- Qt: Prevent window from being created off-screen
- Qt: Add option to disable FPS display
- GBA: Improve multiboot image detection
- GB MBC: Remove erroneous bank 0 wrapping
- GBA Cheats: Allow multiple ROM patches in the same slot
- GB: Skip BIOS option now works
- Libretro: Add frameskip option
- GBA Memory: 64 MiB GBA Video cartridge support
- PSP2: Use system enter key by default
- 3DS: Remove deprecated CSND interface
- Qt: Options to mess around with layer placement
- GBA Savedata: Remove ability to disable realistic timing
- Qt: Add load alternate save option
- GB Audio: Improved audio quality
- GB, GBA Audio: Increase max audio volume
- GB: Fix VRAM/palette locking (fixes mgba.io/i/1109)
- GB Video: Darken colors in GBA mode
- FFmpeg: Support libswresample (fixes mgba.io/i/1120, mgba.io/b/123)
- FFmpeg: Support lossless h.264 encoding
- Feature: Added loading savestates from command line
- Qt: Allow pausing game at load (fixes mgba.io/i/1129)
- Wii: Move audio handling to callbacks (fixes mgba.io/i/803)
- Qt: Clean up FPS target UI (fixes mgba.io/i/436)
- Core: Remove broken option for whether rewinding restores save games
- FFmpeg: Support lossless VP9 encoding
- mGUI: Add fast forward toggle
download https://mgba.io/downloads.html
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=16822
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October 1st, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Martin Korth has updated his nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance emulator for Windows and DOS.
No$gba v2.9b Changelog:
- web: created no$project patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/martin_korth
- dsi/emu: allows 8bit vram writes on dsi (if enabled in SCFG_EXT9.bit13)
- dsi/help: added note on dsi debug blowfish key used when SCFG_OP nonzero
- carthdr/help: added carthdr[0B0h] "DoNotZeroFillMem"=unlaunch fastboot ID
- dma/help: added note on dma-fill via 40000Exh being slower than stmia/ndma
- dsi/help: added note on broken cameras being more common than unknown cameras
- dsi/tsc/iomap: shows tsc page 0,1,3 registers (page 3 is hidden in aes tab)
- dsi/tsc/emu: basic emulation for reading/writing tsc page 0,1,3 registers
- dsi/startdirect: initializes GPIO registers (sound,powerbutt,wifimode)
- a22i: throws error message on forward references within .pack blocks
- nds/cart: supports flashcarts with arm9 code below offset 4000h (ievolution)
- nds/bugfix: resurrected BG0CNT/BG1CNT.bit13 (unlike GBA) (thanks chocoreep)
- dsi/help: info about ST NAND02G AH0LZC5 emmc chips (thanks barawer+trade girl)
- dsi/emmc: emulates different eMMC CSD's (matched to four known eMMC CID's)
download http://problemkaputt.de/gba.htm
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16832
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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October 15th, 2018, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Hackers have again been prodding at the Nintendo Switch:
Thanks to the hard work of scene developer @bodyXY you can now easy 'inject' whatever NES backup dumps of 'retro games' you want to play using the NES Online Classic Library interface that Nintendo so nicely added with v6.0.0 and make it so simple to mod, and now with v3.5 just released recently by @bodyXY it is even simpler and easier to get all the NES retro games you enjoy playing added. NES ONLINE Game Autoinjector- You need the NvnTexpkg.package (attached below)
- Extract NvnTexpkg.package into the same folder like NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector (v3.5, attached below)
- You have to create two TGA images in 32bit, once witch a size of 400x300 and another in the size of 355x512 (use Photoshop or whatever you want)
- Also, you need your "lclassics.titlesdb" file
- Sort Title = "Sort of the game"
- Publisher = "Publisher of the game"
- Game Code = "unique 5 letters combination between AAAAA and ZZZZZ (like "ABCDE")
- Copyright = "Copyright holder of the game"
- Game Title = "Title of the Game"
- Overscan = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box"
- Simultanus ="true or false"
- Fade In = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box"
- Volume = "a number between 0 and 99"
Output folder: (NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector).path/NES_ONLINE_MOD
Click to expand...
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/bodyXY/NES-ONLINE...ector/releasesUpdate 3.5
- Add PNG / JPG Support (auto-convert PNG/JPG to TGA)
- Bug fixes
Update 3.0
Update 2.8.1
Update 2.8.0
- Add Details-Picture to EU/US Version
- Add false/true radio-button
- Add new Game Code outset
- Textbox jump is fixed
- Input methods revised for error minimization
- More background checks for error minimization
- Bug fixes
Update 2.5.0
- Add FAMICOM-Support (NES ONLINE JP Version)
Update 2.0.1
Update 2.0
- Add ToolTip
- Add Game code verification
- Bug fixes
- and more background stuff
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NEWS SOURCE: NES ONLINE Game Injector (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...-bodyxy.48662/
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October 15th, 2018, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new toolkit released for the Nintendo Switch:
We at the NX++ team are happy to announce our new software dubbed the NXToolkit++!
We are working to improve this software every week with a new update to add more features! We currently have AutoRcm, Shutdown, Restart, Dump nand!
What we are working on:- TITLE MANAGER
- Install NSP
- Install Gamecart
To install the software please visit the appstorenx to download the latest build of NXToolkit++ if you would like to download offline download it from our Releases page and drag it to the "Switch" folder and enjoy the great features of NXToolkit++!
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OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://github.com/LordApple/NXToolkitPlusPlus/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...nx-team.48749/
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October 15th, 2018, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
After the success of portages such as Quake 1 to 3, here are now the adaptations of Doom on Nintendo Switch, through the Doom 3 and Doom64. Several options are available to you, or you choose to go on Doom 3, you will have to have the original game with including files pak000.pk4 pak008.pk4 files for Doom3 and 1.3.1 update, and for Doom64EX you must have the Nintendo 64 Rom to have the DOOM64.WAD and DOOMSND.SF2.
Be aware that Dhewm3, the port of the source engine of Doom 3 is very unstable, so it is better to settle for Doom64EX, which is a reimplementation of Doom 64 Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal. It is based on Doom3D, although it has been rewritten for OpenGL instead of DirectX.
Installing Domm64EX:- Have a Doom64 Rom
- Extract the wadgen folder from doom64ex_nx_v010.zip somewhere on your PC.
- Run it wadgen / WadGen.exe and point it to your Doom 64 ROM. This should generate the 2 files DOOM64.WAD and DOOMSND.SF2.
- Extract the folder doom64ex_nx_v010.zip at the root of your SD card.
- Copy DOOM64.WAD and DOOMSND.SF2 to / switch / doom64ex / SD card.
- Now you can enjoy via the hbmenu.
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OFFICIAL GITs: --> https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/dhewm3/ (and) https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/Doom64EX/
NEWS SOURCE: Dhewm3 et Doom64EX s'invitent sur Switch (via) Logic-SunRise
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...-switch.48748/
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October 15th, 2018, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
One problem the switch has is that exFAT is buggy as hell on the Switch console, and causes your MicroSD to corrupt over usage, as such its better to be using FAT32, and even tho XCI has been supported in 'split' format for a while, when it comes to NSP it was not, but that has started to change and Nintendo Scene Developer @AnalogMan has recently released his splitNSP v1.01 for all to enjoy!  As some have become aware, it's been found out that the official Nintendo SDK contains a PowerShell script for splitting NSP files into 4GiB chunks so that they can be installed from FAT32 filesystems. Seeing as the official script cannot be shared, I re-wrote it in Python3 (which makes it useable on more than just Windows) as well as added in an additional feature.
To run it you'll need Python3 installed. Once installed, call the script from Terminal or Command Prompt with the following:
python3 splitNSP.py filename.nsp
By default this will make a copy of the NSP and split it up into parts. Once created, you'll need to open the folder's properties and check the Archive flag. This is easily done on Windows, I'm still working on a way to do it for macOS since file flags aren't saved when copying to FAT32.
You can also activate quick mode with this command:
python3 splitNSP.py -q filename.nsp
This will not make a copy of the NSP and instead will split the original. This is useful if you're running low on space as it only requires that you have 4GiB of temporary space to run it. It's also much faster.
Once the folder is made and the archive flag is set copy it to your SD card (sdmc:/tinfoil/nsp/ if using tinfoil) and install it like any other NSP.
If you have any issues feel free to submit an issue and I'll try my best to work it o
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OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://github.com/AnalogMan151/splitNSP/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...alogman.48747/
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October 15th, 2018, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Scene Developer @zoogie has done some amazing new DSiWare magic, by now designing 'Frogminer' removing the need to have an purchased 'DSiWare' title on your Nintendo handheld to do the 'mining' operation, read all about this new magic trick below: In the past, installing B9S using DSiWare always required buying a game: either on a second, already hacked 3DS which would install the hacked save, then do a system transfer to the console you wished to hack (buying the game was necessary or it wouldn't transfer to the other console). Or, through seedminer, where you would bruteforce your moveable.sed so that you could buy the game on the console you wished to hack, and be able to inject the hacked save without need of a second, already hacked console. Now, it is possible to inject a copy of the vulnerable Japanese version of Flipnote Studio into a DSiWare title that is already present on every console: DS Download Play. This means CFW can now be installed for free, even on the latest firmware!
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Why a 'frog', you are asking now, well that is because the logo of 'Flipnote Studio' is well basically a pixelated frog, and to learn how to use him follow this wonderful guide.
NEWS SOURCE: Frogminer (Discussion & Support) (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/f...irmware.48698/
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October 15th, 2018, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Available at a suggested retail price of $299.99, the Nintendo Switch: Fortnite – Double Helix Bundle includes the Nintendo Switch system, the Fortnite game (which is free to download) and $45 worth of unique Fortnite goodies, including: - 1x unique Double Helix Outfit
- 1x unique Telemetry Back Bling
- 1x unique Pinpoint Pickaxe
- 1x unique Rotor Glider
- 1,000 V-Bucks (in-game Fortnite currency)
The 1,000 V-Bucks can be used to purchase other in-game items, and are enough to trade in for a newly released Season 6 Battle Pass, which will grant you access to even more cool in-game stuff like new outfits, new challenges and pets.
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October 15th, 2018, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Developer @SimonMKWii is back with yet another handy-dandy utility for having fun with your XCI/NSP packages, like 'datamining' and many other neat things as listed below, and this being a 'work-in-progress' project, we will see some cool updates! Features:- Makes datamining extremely easy.
- BFSTM playback.
- Extract individual folders, files, the ExeFS or the entire thing.
- Automatically finds the main nca within an XCI or NSP and opens it.
- Update support.
- You can open XCIs, NSPs and NCAs directly from explorer and load it into the program.
- Ensure you have your prod.keys file and title.keys file in <Home Folder>/.switch/*
- Open an NCA, XCI or NSP...
- ???
- Profit!
- Organise the title.keys file like so: <Rights ID> = <Titlekey>
- Organise the prod.keys file like so: <Formal name> = <Key>
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OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://github.com/simonmkwii/SwitchExplorer/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...nd-xcis.48679/
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October 15th, 2018, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Currently, the existing XCI/NSP tools either need a PC or can only do one or the other, but now scene developer @HiD has released the first version of dOPUS and it can manage both NSP/XCI installs directly on your Switch console itself. You can grab it here!  Features:- File browser like interface
- Install or "Install & Delete" NSP, XCI
- Install an extracted NSP or XCI (NCA folder)
- Extract NSP, XCI to a folder
- Convert XCI to NSP
--> Don't forget to place keys.dat to the root of the SDCard to use XCI features! <--
You can generate it using kezplez --> https://github.com/tesnos/kezplez-nx/releases
Keep in mind this is a first alpha release. If people like it and use it, I might add more features!
As always I'm not responsible for any damage caused to your switch or your data.
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NEWS SOURCE: dOPUS 0.6 - NSP/XCI file installer and manager (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...manager.48672/
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October 15th, 2018, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Co. NTDOY -1.78% plans to release a new version of its Switch videogame console next year to maintain the sales momentum of the device, according to suppliers and others with direct knowledge of the plan.
Sales of the Switch, introduced in March 2017, are still solid but are no longer delivering the favorable surprises that marked the machine’s first year on the market. Nintendo shares, which rose sharply last year, have trailed the broader stock market this year. The move to update the Switch suggests the Kyoto, Japan, company is moving quickly to ensure its flagship product doesn’t lose competitiveness.
Nintendo is still debating what new hardware and software features to include in the upgrade and weighing the cost of the features, people with knowledge of the discussions said.
One option is improving the display, they said. The current Switch uses a lower-end liquid-crystal display without some technologies that are standard in more recent smartphone LCDs.
Updating the display with these technologies would make it brighter, thinner and more energy-efficient. The updated Switch isn’t expected to adopt the organic light-emitting diode or OLED panels used in Apple Inc.’s AAPL 1.22% iPhone X series.
Nintendo is looking to release the new Switch in the latter half of 2019, perhaps as soon as summer, the people said.
A Nintendo spokesman declined to comment.
Between its introduction last year and June 30 of this year, Nintendo sold 19.7 million units of the Switch, a pace that compares favorably with Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 4, the most popular console among the current generation of videogame players. The Switch can be used both as a living-room console and as a portable game machine.
Nintendo has said it wants to sell 20 million units in the year through March 2019, and analysts say they expect sales roughly to match that goal assuming some popular software titles planned for late this year arrive on schedule. Nintendo has said it plans to introduce “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” on Dec. 7.
Videogame makers generally come out with new consoles every five to six years, and it is common for them to update the devices in the middle of their life cycles to keep the momentum going. Sony introduced the PlayStation 4 in November 2013 and updated it with a less-expensive version in September 2016 and a high-end model two months later.
A new Switch would follow that pattern. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto, who created many of its top games and now holds the title of creative fellow, said in February he wanted the Switch’s life cycle to be longer than usual, suggesting next year’s update of the hardware may not be the last.
The upgraded Switch would likely share many features with the current version and be compatible with existing Switch game software.
Software makers and others in the industry are watching whether Nintendo will clarify the future of its hand-held 3DS videogame device when it decides on the next Switch.
Nintendo has said it would keep selling 3DS machines because they are a safe and affordable option for children. But new game releases for the platform have been declining and some popular franchises, including Nintendo’s own “Pokémon,” moved to the Switch this year.
An executive at one software maker said the 3DS was increasingly overshadowed by smartphones that are well-suited to portable games. He said he was waiting for a “clear message” from Nintendo about what it would do with the 3DS series when it puts out a new Switch.
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October 15th, 2018, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Find xci2nsp releases here: https://gitlab.com/roothorick/dedbae/tags/This is an XCI to NSP converter that's smarter and faster than 4nxci. - A single, self-contained executable with no dependencies worth mentioning.
- Reads and writes the game exe/assets -- the part that actually takes more than a few seconds -- only once, without decrypting/re-encrypting. No interstitial files. This is as fast as I can make it; the bottleneck is the throughput of your HDD.
- Handles all known XCI/gamecard formats.
- Produces output NSPs with the human-readable game name, title ID, and version ID in hex (much more readable than CDNSP's decimal translation).
- Identifies and extracts embedded updates as a separate NSP.
- No fake tickets, no recrypting with titlekey crypto, no cruft in your ticketdb. Only the update NSPs have tickets, and they're real, official tickets.
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/d...nverter.48660/
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October 15th, 2018, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
This might just be the single biggest platform release at launch for a new platform ever for RetroArch! Right from day one, they are starting out of the gates on the Switch with over 44 libretro cores! You can download RetroArch for Switch here. Features:- OpenGL support
Thanks to Mesa/Nouveau support, this Switch version comes with full-blown OpenGL support (thanks to fincsdev). This means that all of the advanced features available on the PC should be available on Switch as well! GLSL shaders should be supported, overlays are supported, and thanks to OpenGL support, we can use hardware-accelerated menus such as XMB/MaterialUI (with full thumbnail support, theming, etc). In addition to all this, it allows us to port libretro cores that require the use of OpenGL later in the future, such as Parallel N64, OpenLara, and potentially more like Reicast/PPSSPP/etc!
- Touchscreen support (for MaterialUI/etc)
natinusala saw to it that this initial version received touchscreen support. Right now the DPI (Dots Per Inch) is kinda hardcoded for portable and not really meant for dock mode. This will be improved in the near future.
- Full networking support.
Online multiplayer (with peer-to-peer and MITM matchmaking) should be available from Day One. Take note that performance of the core heavily matters in terms of the kind of quality you get out of your online experience, since the netplay implementation is rollback-based. Aside from multiplayer, you can also download cores, update assets, and all the features you would expect on the PC version.
- RetroAchievements support
By registering an account at Retro Achievements and inputting your account details into RetroArch, you can obtain achievements for your games.
- Game scanning
Scanning of your games should fully work, except for perhaps PS1 images right now.
- Split Joy-Con support
If you go to Settings -> Input and enable Split Joy-Con (1 to 8), you can use a full Joy-Con as two separate controllers!
- Core downloader
From Day One, it should be possible to download and update new cores as they arrive on a daily basis without even having to wait for the next RetroArch stable!
- Runahead support
RetroArch Switch comes with runahead support from Day One! This is our game-changing feature that allows you to beat latency and even go beyond the fast response times of the original hardware. Performance of this feature is heavily dependent on the ‘performance’ level of the core and the Switch’s relative power. Try experimenting with cores, and don’t forget to turn it of for more demanding cores that balk under the pressure. Because RetroArch offers such a wide array of cores even for the same system, it’s entirely possible that one specific SNES or Genesis core is fast enough for the kind of runahead at x frames configuration that you are looking for.
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...witch-version/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/f...out-now.48659/
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October 16th, 2018, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
It's only been a week since Team-Xecuter made the big announcement of SX OS v2.1 with their 'cheat engine' and now they are back and on a roll with them adding 'Docked USB Drive Support' and many other nice improvements to their 'cheat engine' and a few bug fixes!  How do you do, dear SX OS users?
Today we are back once again with a much anticipated new feature as well as various improvements to existing functionality for SX OS. While this is still labelled as BETA we've had some good success with it internally, we're looking forward to your feedback.
Lets jump into the list of changes!- Docked USB drive support!
Yes. You read it right. You can now plug a USB mass storage device into your switch' dock and load XCI or install NSP content from there directly. No longer are you limited by the size of your microSD card when playing the switch from the comfort of your couch, but you can now enjoy TERABYTES of content by using external harddisks and such! The filesystem on the drive needs to be either FAT32 or exFAT, and the directories that are being scanned for content are equal to the ones you'd use on the microSD card.
- Updates to the cheat system
- More accurate progress indication during cheat search
People were reporting "freezes" during cheat searches, often times these were just due to impatience and a suboptimal UI from our end. The progress bars are more honest and update more frequently now!
- Cheat search for exact value requires no initial dump anymore
For 'exact value' searches a big initial dump file on your microSD is not needed, and since this is often the way people start a cheat search we decided to streamline the cheat finder process a bit. You are now prompted with a question whether you want to start an exact value search or arbitrary value search, in case of the former the process will be much faster.
- Automatically apply/disable cheats upon toggle
The interface for "applying" the cheats was a bit counterintuitive, you now no longer have to press the plus (+) button in order to apply cheats. They are automatically applied/disabled once you toggle them. Disabling cheats now properly works as well, so there's no need for having a dummy cheat any more to work around that limitation.
- Ability to add cheats using the UI
Identifying memory locations for cheats using just the console is nice, but previously there was no way of adding an actual cheat-code for a location you found to the cheat code library. This has been addressed, and there is now an interface for doing this directly from our menu.
- Show homebrew NSP icons in TX menu
Some homebrew NSP titles were not displaying their icons properly. This has been investigated and fixed.
- Fix error 2345-0021 when in docked mode opening TX menu
People who play/cheat in docked mode will like this fix. The frequent crashes that happened when opening the TX menu in docked mode are now a thing of the past!
That's it folks. Enjoy this BETA and let us know what you think. We have more tricks up our sleeves, more rabbits in our tophats. And we only have one gear: FORWARD.
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October 16th, 2018, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Rejoice once more! News has come from Nightcrawler’s Translation Corporation! The Song of the Angel English translation has been released! This is a milestone in the fan translation community as it is the first introduction of the Tenshi No Uta series to English audiences. Fans of Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean will be happy to know the game shares many of the same developers known as the ‘Wolf Team’, as well as sharing the main musical composer too! As a result, Song of the Angel is a very charming game with a great soundtrack. The atmosphere will certainly feel familiar.
Nightcrawler made every effort to ensure the hacking work is amongst the best seen on the SNES platform. Nearly everything was expanded and proportional font deployed throughout all dialog and menus. The result ensures the dialog was uncompromised, and menus are up to standards set on future generation consoles. As an added bonus, a number of original game bugs were fixed too! Liana of Metal Max Returns fame did the translation work. So, you can expect to experience a well written translation to convey the aforementioned charm of the original game.
For those not familiar with the game, Song of the Angel is a love story at its core. It blends together a tale of love, angels, demons, and even Satan himself! Gameplay is typical 1994 RPG fare with the addition of a Parley negotiation system. You’ll meet a wide cast of characters including old friends, new friends, a tyrannical count, a soothsayer, and more. You will walk, teleport, sail, and fly by the time your adventure concludes.
Some further details are available in the readme file for those of you interested in more about the project and game. For the rest of you in a hurry to get things done, go start playing!
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October 16th, 2018, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Nearly 25 years ago, Donkey Kong Country was released to the world, and it quickly won over gamers with its pre-rendered CGI graphics, became one of the best-selling Super NES games of all time, and spawned numerous sequels. And while its graphics might not have the wow factor they had in 1994, Donkey Kong Country’s gameplay holds up to this day.
While Donkey Kong Country is known for being difficult, many people have mastered it. Are you one of them? Donkey Kong Country - Expert Edition will put your platforming skills to the test. It removes the DK Barrels (which give you your characters back if you lose them) and Star Barrels (which act as checkpoints), so you can only take two hits in each stage before losing a life and being forced to start over from the beginning.
Additionally, all the Warp Barrels have been removed. If you think you’re just going to skip over Mine Cart Carnage, Stop & Go Station, or any other stage in the game, think again.
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October 16th, 2018, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Since the NES EarthBound Zero prototype was leaked two decades ago, many gamers have been frustrated by the game’s tedious pacing. EarthBound Zero (known as Mother in Japan), the famed prequel to EarthBound for the Super NES, is an old school RPG known for it’s high random encounter rate and for requiring large amounts of grinding to level up and purchase equipment, which has discouraged many potential fans from completing the game.
This problem was fixed in the fan translation of the GBA version of Mother, which added an item called the “Easy Ring.” Now, you can enjoy the benefits of the Easy Ring while playing the original NES version of EarthBound Zero. Q’s Gameplay Balance hack—which is included in his EarthBound Zero Tweaks collection—quadruples earned experience, doubles earned money, and significantly reduces random encounter rates, just like the Easy Ring mod.
If you enjoyed EarthBound for the SNES and Mother 3 for the GBA but could never get into the first game, then apply this patch, and give it another chance.
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October 16th, 2018, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sixtyforce the Nintendo 64 emulator for the Mac. It does this by dynamically translating the code that a Nintendo 64 uses into something your Mac understands. Nearly every part of a Nintendo 64 has been painstakingly recreated entirely out of software to pull off such an amazing feat.
- Support for Intel 64 bits.
- The code is signed for Mountain Lion.
- Update to use APIs modern as possible.
- The USB controllers can now be connected and disconnected when Sistyforce is running.
- Added default settings for multiple controllers.
- Improved reliability sauvgardes state.
- Fixed a bug that caused the left and right audio channels were reversed.
- Various fixes.
- Generating code 64-bit addressing.
- Fixed bugs in the kernel emulation.
- Fixed bugs with interrupts unmasked.
- Updated to use modern memory protection.
- Improved startup.
- Conversion faster textures.
- Improved restoration and registration status.
- Fixed problems of color combiner.
- Fixed clipping issues.
- Fixed the sky in GoldenEye.
- Support basic Conker's Bad Fur Day.
- Start the implementation of the buffer in real time.
- Remove obsolete preferences.
Sixtyforce v1.0.3 Changelog:
What's new in this version of sixtyforce:
* Added macOS Mojave dark mode.
* Added a rendering optimization.
* Integrated the SFGL plugin into the sixtyforce app.
* Updated the dynamic recompiler for the macOS Mojave hardened runtime.
Bug fixes:
* Fixed minor interface bugs on macOS Mojave.
* Fixed a cpu core exception that wasn't triggering in the delay slot.
* Fixed a rare cpu core bug that could write the wrong value to a register.
* Fixed a memory leak with sprite based backgrounds.
* Fixed two OpenGL thread safety issues that could cause crashes. |
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2899...v103-released/
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October 16th, 2018, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
fgsdfgs has ported Doom 64 over to the Nintendo Switch:
I ported Doom 64 EX to the Switch.
Doom 64 EX is a reverse-engineering project aimed to recreate Doom64 as close as possible with additional modding features.
hardware accelerated rendering;
sound and music;
analog controls;
all other features of Doom 64 EX probably work (except network games).
To install and run the game, follow these steps:
Obtain a Doom 64 ROM in either n64, z64 or v64 format. I think region and version do not matter, as long as the ROM is unmodified.
Extract the wadgen folder from doom64ex_nx_v010.zip to somewhere on your PC.
Run wadgen/WadGen.exe and point it to your Doom 64 ROM. This should generate two files inside the wadgen folder: DOOM64.WAD and DOOMSND.SF2.
Extract the switch folder from doom64ex_nx_v010.zip to the root of your SD card.
Copy DOOM64.WAD and DOOMSND.SF2 you got in step 3 to /switch/doom64ex/ on your SD card.
If you already have Doom 64 EX installed on your PC or something, you can just do steps 4 and 5 right away, using the files from your existing installation.
download https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/Doom64EX
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...097b76c#p40352
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October 16th, 2018, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
vgmoose has released a new version of his app store for the Nintendo Switch:
New Features:
Search functionality with on screen keyboard
Allow sorting of app list by: most recently updated, download count, alphabetically, download size, and randomly
Add new "Advanced" category including some system/hekate modules
Redesigned "App Details" screen to show much more information about each app such as long scrollable description, download count, download size, and last updated date
Added feedback reporting for any app to collect data about what works and doesn't work. This feedback will be passed along to the app's author if appropriate
All touch and controller controls refactored and more responsive to input (highlights, buttons, etc)
Add four-column "wide" view activated by pressing L or ZL in the app listing
New offline screen when internet connection isn't detected instead of empty progress bar
List other apps by the same author from the details page
Bug fixes:
Switched to curl instead of old hacky HTTP downloading curl
Empty folders are now removed upon uninstallation of a package
Corrupt cached icons should no longer freeze loading
Uses romfs for storing images instead of an external folder
Some settings for cleaning up any empty folders leftover by the old app and wiping the icon cache
download https://github.com/vgmoose/appstorenx
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October 16th, 2018, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
team Libretro have released a new version of the multi system emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
Thanks to the hard work of the RetroNX devs (natinusala and m4xw), we now have an official RetroArch release for Switch!
You can download RetroArch for Switch here.
Installation instructions
You will need a Nintendo Switch capable of running homebrew for this to work.
Download the RetroArch 7z file for Switch (download link above).
Extract its contents and just drag and drop retroarch and the switch folder onto the root of the SD card.
Open Hbmenu, and start RetroArch.
IMPORTANT: Please start RetroArch Switch with a fresh install (in case you already had RetroNX installed before)
and migrate savegames from /retroarch/cores/save{files, states} to the same folder on the new installation.
OpenGL support
Thanks to Mesa/Nouveau support, this Switch version comes with full-blown OpenGL support (thanks to fincsdev). This means that all of the advanced features available on the PC should be available on Switch as well! GLSL shaders should be supported, overlays are supported, and thanks to OpenGL support, we can use hardware-accelerated menus such as XMB/MaterialUI (with full thumbnail support, theming, etc). In addition to all this, it allows us to port libretro cores that require the use of OpenGL later in the future, such as Parallel N64, OpenLara, and potentially more like Reicast/PPSSPP/etc!
Touchscreen support (for MaterialUI/etc)
natinusala saw to it that this initial version received touchscreen support. Right now the DPI (Dots Per Inch) is kinda hardcoded for portable and not really meant for dock mode. This will be improved in the near future.
Full networking support.
Online multiplayer (with peer-to-peer and MITM matchmaking) should be available from Day One. Take note that performance of the core heavily matters in terms of the kind of quality you get out of your online experience, since the netplay implementation is rollback-based. Aside from multiplayer, you can also download cores, update assets, and all the features you would expect on the PC version.
RetroAchievements support
By registering an account at Retro Achievements and inputting your account details into RetroArch, you can obtain achievements for your games.
Game scanning
Scanning of your games should fully work, except for perhaps PS1 images right now.
Split Joy-Con support
If you go to Settings -> Input and enable Split Joy-Con (1 to , you can use a full Joy-Con as two separate controllers!
Core downloader
From Day One, it should be possible to download and update new cores as they arrive on a daily basis without even having to wait for the next RetroArch stable!
Runahead support
RetroArch Switch comes with runahead support from Day One! This is our game-changing feature that allows you to beat latency and even go beyond the fast response times of the original hardware. Performance of this feature is heavily dependent on the ‘performance’ level of the core and the Switch’s relative power. Try experimenting with cores, and don’t forget to turn it of for more demanding cores that balk under the pressure. Because RetroArch offers such a wide array of cores even for the same system, it’s entirely possible that one specific SNES or Genesis core is fast enough for the kind of runahead at x frames configuration that you are looking for.
44 Cores at Launch!
download https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...witch-version/
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October 16th, 2018, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
team Libretrohave ported the multi system emulator to the Nintendo 2ds/3ds:
General changelog
– CAMERA: Fix Video4Linux2 driver that broke years ago.
– CONFIG: Add ‘Reset To Defaults’ setting in Configurations. This will reset your config file to defaults.
– CHEATS: Add support for Rumble when increase or decrease by the rumble value.
– CHEATS: Add cheat variables to allow for updating large portions of memory.
– CHEEVOS: Prevent loading states before achievements are fully loaded.
– CRT: New porches and interlaced bug fix.
– CRT: New functionality, ability to switch between 15KHz and 31KHz, etc.
– COMMON: Support for “OEM-102” key (usually ‘\’ on Euro keyboards).
– DISCORD: Add ‘Ask To Join’ Feature.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Add stb_font support.
– INPUT: Add new menu toggle combos ‘L3 + R’ and ‘L + R’ (useful for Switch).
– IOS: Use safe area to account for notch for iPhone X and adjust main view.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese / Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MENU: Add dropdown lists for many settings.
– MENU: Fix crash that could happen when changing core’s options on Android.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to rename playlists.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to filter extensions inside archives when adding to a playlist.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Rename playlist entries with 2 single clicks.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Fix shader parameter checkboxes not working
– METAL: Add screenshot support.
– NETPLAY: Save lobby details received back from server after first announcement.
– OPENGL/GLX: Implement Adaptive VSync – GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
– OPENGL/WGL: Implement Adaptive VSync – WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear.
– RUNAHEAD: Fix performance degradation that could happen over time (after approx. 30 mins). Fixed input IDs outside of range 0-35 causing slow performance in runahead.
– SWITCH: Add stb_font support.
– SWITCH: Add Retro Achievements support.
– SWITCH: Add networking support.
– SWITCH: Add touchscreen support.
– SWITCH: Add OpenGL support.
– SWITCH: Merging of RetroNX Nintendo Switch port, based on libnx SDK.
– VULKAN: Fix race condition in threaded mailbox emulation.
– VULKAN: Maintenance fixes.
– WIIU: Fix menu lag when built with DevKitPro r32.
download https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-5-released/
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October 16th, 2018, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
team Libretro have released a new port of the multi system emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
General changelog
– CAMERA: Fix Video4Linux2 driver that broke years ago.
– CONFIG: Add ‘Reset To Defaults’ setting in Configurations. This will reset your config file to defaults.
– CHEATS: Add support for Rumble when increase or decrease by the rumble value.
– CHEATS: Add cheat variables to allow for updating large portions of memory.
– CHEEVOS: Prevent loading states before achievements are fully loaded.
– CRT: New porches and interlaced bug fix.
– CRT: New functionality, ability to switch between 15KHz and 31KHz, etc.
– COMMON: Support for “OEM-102” key (usually ‘\’ on Euro keyboards).
– DISCORD: Add ‘Ask To Join’ Feature.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Add stb_font support.
– INPUT: Add new menu toggle combos ‘L3 + R’ and ‘L + R’ (useful for Switch).
– IOS: Use safe area to account for notch for iPhone X and adjust main view.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese / Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MENU: Add dropdown lists for many settings.
– MENU: Fix crash that could happen when changing core’s options on Android.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to rename playlists.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to filter extensions inside archives when adding to a playlist.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Rename playlist entries with 2 single clicks.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Fix shader parameter checkboxes not working
– METAL: Add screenshot support.
– NETPLAY: Save lobby details received back from server after first announcement.
– OPENGL/GLX: Implement Adaptive VSync – GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
– OPENGL/WGL: Implement Adaptive VSync – WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear.
– RUNAHEAD: Fix performance degradation that could happen over time (after approx. 30 mins). Fixed input IDs outside of range 0-35 causing slow performance in runahead.
– SWITCH: Add stb_font support.
– SWITCH: Add Retro Achievements support.
– SWITCH: Add networking support.
– SWITCH: Add touchscreen support.
– SWITCH: Add OpenGL support.
– SWITCH: Merging of RetroNX Nintendo Switch port, based on libnx SDK.
– VULKAN: Fix race condition in threaded mailbox emulation.
– VULKAN: Maintenance fixes.
– WIIU: Fix menu lag when built with DevKitPro r32.
download https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-5-released/
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October 17th, 2018, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
@Aida-Enna has throw together a quick app for creating HTML files and converting files to Switch compatible formats.
He knows the GUI still sucks and his code needs to be optimized, but for now he has released an version we can enjoy as 'PoC', and he will be working on polishing it up to give us more options, so we can finally enjoy watching anything we want on our Switch consoles. Features- Generates customized HTML from a folder of switch-compatible video files (using https://gbatemp.net/threads/html-vid...ate-nx.520956/)
- Converts video files to Switch-compatible format with optional resizing. (requires ffmpeg pre-installed)
- Autocreates episode preview snapshots
- Automatically sets up directories, HTML/CSS/JS files. Just drop your videos into the vids folder!
- Video files containing subs will lose subtitles upon Conversion. This will be fixed in an update soon.
- Videos will not be resized yet. This will also come in a new version as I work on my ffmpeg-fu.
Follow each step, then hit "Generate project". It'll open the output directory when it's complete. Copy the videos you selected in Step 2 into the "vids" folder, then build the entire output folder (the stuff in the folder, not the folder itself!) with the Homebrew Web Framework.
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OFFICIAL GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/Aida-Enna/VideoSetupNX/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/v...-switch.48861/
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October 17th, 2018, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
spacemeowx2 has started a new 'work-in-progress' project called switch-lan-play and with his current v0.0.4 release, you can already try it out by connecting to: Public Relay Server(s):, and start enjoying playing Switch games remotely with your friends like you were in in-home LAN setup. Compatible Games (tested):- ✓ Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- ✓ Splatoon 2
- ✓ Pokkén Tournament
- ✓ ARMS
- ✓ Titan Quest
- ✓ RetroArch (Retrogaming {Hombrew})
- ✓ Mario Tennis Aces
How to enable LAN mode ingame:
- SPLATOON 2: Press [L] + [R] + [Left Analog] at the local play option > Hold down until the lan mode is activated.
- MARIO KART 8: Press [L] + [R] + [Left Analog] on the main menu screen.
- ARMS: Press [L] + [R] + [Left Analog] on the main menu screen.
- MARIO TENNIS Select Free Play from the Main Menu Press [Left Analog (hold down)] and press [L] + [R]
- POKKEN TOURNAMENT DX From the main screen select a game Press [X] + [Dpad-Down] and press [L] + [R]
GBATemp tutorial on how to set it up HERE.
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Official GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/spacemeowx2/switch-lan-play
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/w...emeowx2.48860/
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October 17th, 2018, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
MVG has released version 2.1 of"MAME-NX", a port of the arcade emulator MAME 0.72 for the nintendo Switch.
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October 17th, 2018, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Switchbrew has released a major update to nx-hbloader, a host process for loading NRO files for Switch homebrew applications. This new version makes some improvements such as now allowing for applications to run with the full amount of 3.2GB RAM, as opposed to the past, where it could only use ~400MB of RAM. Library applets are still usable, and older homebrew NRO files will still work, but they are limited to using 442MB of RAM max, this also counts when running it through the album app. Other changes were made, including making the program less prone to issues by disabling core3 access, and more. You can grab the .nsp at the GitHub for the project, and see the full changelog below.
- Now supports running as an application with access to the full ~3.2GB of RAM reserved for applications, while being backwards compatible with older NRO homebrew. Running as a library applet is still supported, although it only has access to 442MB of RAM.
- Granted access to all FS permissions.
- Granted user/host access to all services.
- Granted access to debugging SVCs.
- Disabled access to core3 in order to solve stability problems when using preemptively multithreaded threads & load balancing.
- Added support for RandomSeed homebrew ABI key, which allows NRO homebrew to use the libnx randomGet* functions without always getting back the same results throughout a single session of nx-hbloader.
- Custom NPDM built from source.
- Default kernel caps application type set to applet (2). Atmosphère users aren't affected by this change, since its native support for nx-hbloader automatically sets the appropriate application type.
The provided binary is an ExeFS PFS0 .nsp, which can be placed at /atmosphere/hbl.nsp, or loaded through some other ExeFS replacement method.
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nx-hbloader 2.0.0 GitHub
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/nx-hbloa...to-ram.521091/
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October 28th, 2018, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced it has partnered with the non-profit Institute of Play to bring Nintendo Labo systems to, arguably, the best place for such systems. The new program will see Labo curriculums integrated into around 100 US classrooms throughout the current school year.
Students in grades 2-4 will build various Labo projects in small teams, focusing on building basic concepts of STEAM, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving.
Teachers and administrators can apply to join the program through the Institute of Play's website. Those classrooms selected will receive guidance from Nintendo and the Institute, incuding a companion teacher guide developed by professional curriculum creators that will also be made available for free to anyone later this year.
The Institute of Play aims to select a diverse group of schools across the US for the program across urban, suburban, and rural areas. It also may prioritize schools that already have a focus on STEAM education.
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October 28th, 2018, 13:28 Posted By: wraggster
@SciresM has just released their 'fourth update': "This adds support for changing the override button/HBL tid at runtime, and modifies the display string in system settings to tell the user what atmosphere revision they're using (see pic below)." Enjoy!  0.7.3 is Atmosphère's fourth official release. The following was changed since the last release: - Loader and fs.mitm now try to reload loader.ini before reading it. This allows for changing the override button combination/HBL title id at runtime.
- Added a MitM between set:sys and qlaunch, used to override the system version string displayed in system settings.
- System settings will now display <Actual version> (AMS <x>.<y>.<z>).
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
PLEASE NOTE: fusee-primary.bin was last updated in: 0.7.0.
0.7.2 is Atmosphère's third official release. The following was changed since the last release: - Fixed a bug in fs.mitm's LayeredFS read implementation that caused some games to crash when trying to read files.
- Fixed a bug affecting 1.0.0 that caused games to crash with fatal error 2001-0106 on boot.
- Improved filenames output by the make dist target.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
0.7.1 is Atmosphère's second official release. The following was changed since the last release:
- Fixed a bug preventing consoles on 4.0.0-4.1.0 from going to sleep and waking back up.
- Fixed a bug preventing consoles on < 4.0.0 from booting without specific KIPs on the SD card.
- An API was added to Atmosphère's Service Manager for deferring acquisition of all handles for specific services until after early initialization is completed.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
0.7.0 is Atmosphère's first official release. It supports the following featureset:
- Fusée, a custom bootloader.
- Supports loading/customizing of arbitrary KIPs from the SD card.
- Supports loading a custom kernel from the SD card ("/atmosphere/kernel.bin").
- Supports compile-time defined kernel patches on a per-firmware basis.
- All patches at paths like /atmosphere/kip_patches/<user-defined patch name>/<SHA256 of KIP>.ips will be applied to the relevant KIPs, allowing for easy distribution of patches supporting multiple versions.
- Both the IPS and IPS32 formats are supported.
- All patches at paths like /atmosphere/kernel_patches/<user-defined patch name>/<SHA256 of Kernel>.ips will be applied to the kernel, allowing for easy distribution of patches supporting multiple versions.
- Both the IPS and IPS32 formats are supported.
- Configurable by editing BCT.ini on the SD card.
- Atmosphère should also be launchable by the alternative hekate bootloader, for those who prefer it.
- Exosphère, a fully-featured custom secure monitor.
- Exosphere is a re-implementation of Nintendo's TrustZone firmware, fully replicating all of its features.
- In addition, it has been extended to provide information on current Atmosphere API version, for homebrew wishing to make use of it.
- Stratosphère, a set of custom system modules. This includes:
- A loader system module.
- Reimplementation of Nintendo's loader, fully replicating all original functionality.
- Configurable by editing /atmosphere/loader.ini
- First class support for the Homebrew Loader.
- An exefs NSP (default "/atmosphere/hbl.nsp") will be used in place of the victim title's exefs.
- By default, HBL will replace the album applet, but any application should also be supported.
- Extended to support arbitrary redirection of executable content to the SD card.
- Files will be preferentially loaded from /atmosphere/titles/<titleid>/exefs/, if present.
- Files present in the original exefs a user wants to mark as not present may be "stubbed" by creating a .stub file on the SD.
- If present, a PFS0 at /atmosphere/titles/<titleid>/exefs.nsp will fully replace the original exefs.
- Redirection is optionally toggleable by holding down certain buttons (by default, holding R disables redirection).
- Full support for patching NSO content is implemented.
- All patches at paths like /atmosphere/exefs_patches/<user-defined patch name>/<Hex Build-ID for NSO to patch>.ips will be applied, allowing for easy distribution of patches supporting multiple firmware versions and/or titles.
- Both the IPS and IPS32 formats are supported.
- Extended to support launching content from loose executable files on the SD card, without requiring any official installation.
- This is done by specifying FsStorageId_None on launch.
- A service manager system module.
- Reimplementation of Nintendo's service manager, fully replicating all original functionality.
- Compile-time support for reintroduction of "smhax", allowing clients to optionally skip service access verification by skipping initialization.
- Extended to allow homebrew to acquire more handles to privileged services than Nintendo natively allows.
- Extended to add a new API for installing Man-In-The-Middle listeners for arbitrary services.
- API can additionally be used to safely detect whether a service has been registered in a non-blocking way with no side-effects.
- Full API documentation to come.
- A process manager system module.
- Reimplementation of Nintendo's process manager, fully replicating all original functionality.
- Extended to allow homebrew to acquire handles to arbitrary processes, and thus read/modify system memory without blocking execution.
- Extended to allow homebrew to retrieve information about system resource limits.
- Extended by embedding a full, extended implementation of Nintendo's boot2 system module.
- Title launch order has been optimized in order to grant access to the SD card faster.
- The error-collection system module is intentionally not launched, preventing many system telemetry error reports from being generated at all.
- Users may place their own custom sysmodules on the SD card and flag them for automatic boot2 launch by creating a /atmosphere/titles/<title ID>/boot2.flag file on their SD card.
- A custom fs.mitm system module.
- Uses Atmosphère's MitM API in order to provide an easy means for users to modify game content.
- Intercepts all FS commands sent by games, with special handling for commands used to mount RomFS/DLC content to enable easy creation and distribution of game/DLC mods.
- fs.mitm will parse the base RomFS image for a game, a RomFS image located at /atmosphere/titles/<title ID>/romfs.bin, and all loose files in /atmosphere/titles/<title ID>/romfs/, and merge them together into a single RomFS image.
- When merging, loose files are preferred to content in the SD card romfs.bin image, and files from the SD card image are preferred to those in the base image.
- Can additionally be used to intercept commands sent by arbitrary system titles (excepting those launched before SD card is active), by creating a /atmosphere/titles/<title ID>/fsmitm.flag file on the SD card.
- Can be forcibly disabled for any title, by creating a /atmosphere/titles/<title ID>/fsmitm_disable.flag file on the SD card.
- Redirection is optionally toggleable by holding down certain buttons (by default, holding R disables redirection).
- A custom crash report system module.
- Serves as a drop-in replacement for Nintendo's own creport system module.
- Generates detailed, human-readable reports on system crashes, saving to /atmosphere/crash_reports/<timestamp>_<title ID>.log.
- Because reports are not sent to the erpt sysmodule, this disables all crash report related telemetry.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
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OFFICIAL GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/releases
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October 28th, 2018, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
LibHac is a .NET or .NET Core library for opening, decrypting and extracting common content file formats used by the Nintendo Switch and has been recently updated by @Thealexbarney to version 0.1.3, so check out the changes to this update below: v0.1.3 Changelog:- Add basic save file editing. Any files already in the save file can be written to
- Check validity of save files
- Check validity of PFS files
- Check validity of SwitchFS and SD cards
- Check file hashes in HFS archives
- Partial NSO support
- When keys required to decrypt an NCA are missing, throw an exception with information about the missing keys.
- Add more sanity checks when reading an NCA.
- Read only the NCA header when first opening an NCA. This allows for reading of partial NCAs and slightly improves performance when opening an NCA.
- Fix bug in CombinationStream when reading across boundaries
- Add option to verify SwitchFS and SD cards
- Add option to export all keys
- Add PFS0 extraction
- Print more information about save files
Breaking changes
- The "Savefile" namespace has been renamed to "Save"
- The value passed to various functions to enable integrity checks is now an enum instead of a bool
- Probably a few other things
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OFFICIAL GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/Thealexbarney/LibHac/releases
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October 28th, 2018, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
In a recent interview by 'Sega Ages' and published on 'Famitsu', it seems Sega is infact working on an 'emulator' for running Dreamcast games on the Switch console, instead of using the normal re-mastering process for games using existing 'source code', they are going instead for the 'emulator' route for their Dreamcast library. Horii also explained that, because the developers still have the source code for many of their Dreamcast games, they could theoretically remake or port over certain Dreamcast games altogether. However, for the time being, Sega is leaning more toward simply emulating the games instead. Whether or not Sega will continue to push forward with their "Dreamcast on Switch" development is still a mystery, but at least we are one step closer to the possibility!
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Being an 'emulator' design, it will be interesting to see if and when 'hackers' & 'scene developers' will be able to unbox the emulator and use it to run other Sega DC games unofficially on Switch consoles that are currently exploitable with CFW's and payload/jig injectors.
NEWS SOURCE: Sega close to making Dreamcast games on Switch a reality (via) GoNintendo
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...reality.48990/
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October 28th, 2018, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
Last year, FUZE Technologies Ltd. announced they were bringing their hugely popular learn-to-code platform to Nintendo’s Switch console. Since the initial announcement the FUZE team have been working solidly to produce an environment for Nintendo Switch that is easy to use and accessible to all and are pleased to announce the launch date of 1st April 2019.Jon Silvera, Managing Director of FUZE comments: “Whilst we had planned for a before Christmas launch, we have decided to focus on the 1st April 2019. We want to give ourselves as much time to make F4NS as good as we know it can be, and this extra time will allow us to ensure the best quality and stability. As a small yet ambitious team, we are very much looking forward to releasing F4NS at a time when we know it is the best we can make it. We want to thank everyone for their support and patience – we promise it will be worth the wait!”
Reminiscent of original BASIC, but revitalised and redesigned to align itself with modern languages like Python, Java and C++, FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is both easy to pick up for beginners with simple, intuitive commands but powerful enough to write stunning quality games and apps in both 2D and 3D - perfect for anyone looking to expand the horizons of their programming ability.
Thanks to the incredible support from the gaming community, FUZE4 Nintendo Switch includes thousands upon thousands of visual game assets. From simple character sprites to full 3D furniture, castles and dungeons, it is possible to create games of any genre with the mammoth collection. Of course, there are also hundreds of music tracks and sound effects to ensure your games sound as awesome as they look.
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October 28th, 2018, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
StapleButter has released version 0.7 of "melonDS", a Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows and Linux:
Or atleast starting to do so. There isn't a lot in this release, but hey, we have to start somewhere.
Atleast, The Spark is back, somewhat. So I guess we can take melonDS somewhere.
Not a lot of novelty visually speaking, so there will only be one screenshot:
[fancypants side-by-side shito courtesy StapleGirl]
Nothing changed! 
Except, if you look closely, the bottom border of the blue platform thing.
Couldn't resist.
Fixed a small bug regarding shadows and antialiasing, that caused that.
What else? Miscellaneous fixes. melonDS shouldn't crash randomly when closing it anymore. And other things.
Oh, and savestates. Which were one of the popular demands, and which are finally brought to you.
Here is the outline of our implementation:
• 8 savestate slots, which are per-game. Savestate files are stored in the same place as save files.
• 'Undo state load' will revert to the state from right before loading a savestate. For example, if you loaded it accidentally.
• In savestate settings: 'Separate savefiles' allows saving to a separate save file after loading a savestate. The separate save file is bound to that savestate slot.
• Shift-Fx to save state, Fx to load state. x = 1 to 8 for regular slots, 9 for using an arbitrary file. F12 to undo the latest state load.
Have fun!
Revision d4d4965b2fffc69958685a25a9d9fc0c78b54567
• fix possible crashes when exiting
• wifi: add basic access point melonAP (very beta)
• fix SMULWx/SMLAWx opcodes, fixes Sims 2 music
• add support for loading BIOS/firmware files and config file from AppData or ~/.config/melonds or from the executable directory (hcorion)
• add 32-bit IPCSYNC reads/writes (Dirbaio)
• add savestates
• 3D: (hopefully) fix bug in shadow/AA interaction (visible in the MKDS character select preview, bottom border of the platform thing)
download http://melonds.kuribo64.net/comments.php?id=54
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ba2aa370dec6ea
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October 28th, 2018, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
LukeZGD has released a new version 0.5.0-2 of "DDLC-3DS", a port non-officiel of the visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club! for the nintendo 2DS/3DS.
Changes in v0.5.0-2:
Fix poem_scroll error
Other minor changes and improvements???
Some notes:
This will be the last release. There will be no more updates from me! But if you want, feel free to create a fork of the project and continue working on it.
For unfixed errors in the 3DS version, this release reverts everything back to v0.3.1, so that will maybe "fix" those, but remove some features as well. Because of this change, DDLC-3DS is no longer fully compatible with cross-platform scripts.
Changes in v0.5.0-1:
Fix some issues that prevent progress
Other minor changes and improvements??
Changes in both -3DS and -LOVE v0.5.0:
History/backlog feature
Scrolling for poems!
All scripts (excluding events) are now cross-platform! This means custom scripts such as translations should work on all versions (3DS will have problems with special characters)
Fix some issues and errors that prevent progress
Other minor changes and improvements
download https://github.com/LukeZGD/DDLC-3DS/releases
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October 28th, 2018, 16:20 Posted By: wraggster
dsfgfhj has released a sudoku game for the Nintendo Switch:
Slitherlink is a logic puzzle game created in 1989 by Japanese publisher Nikoli, famous for creating Sudoku, among many other puzzle games. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slitherlink for more info.
I discovered the game a few years ago on the Nintendo DS with 'Puzzle Series Vol. 5: Slitherlink', which was never released outside of Japan. It's such a good game I became addicted to it, just like with Picross and Nurikabe.
This is my version of the game for the Nintendo Switch. It's a rewrite of one of my previous projects for the Dingoo A320. It features 456 levels in four sizes: 5x5 (easy), 7x7, 10x10, 20x20 (hard). There's also a save state function, undo button, and more.
In SlitherlinkNX, you draw lines on a grid to create a meandering path, following the rules:
The path must form a single loop, without crossing itself or branching.
The numbers indicate how many lines surround each cell. Empty cells may be surrounded by any number of lines.
There is one unique solution for each level. You can draw small x's on segments that cannot be connected. You should be able to find the solution by logical deduction only, without guessing.
For Slitherlink beginners, I strongly recommend to consult the Wikipedia page, especially chapter 'Solution methods', which is a big help at the start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slitherli ... on_methods
d-pad: move cursor
X/A/B/Y: draw a line, then a cross, then nothing, in the corresponding direction
L + X/A/B/Y: draw a cross, then a line, then nothing, in the corresponding direction
R: undo previous action
+: open menu, allowing to: retry, save state, or quit
download https://github.com/Tardigrade-nx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ba2aa370dec6ea
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October 28th, 2018, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
rsn8887 has ported the linux game Rocksndiamonds to the Nintendo Switch:
**Rocks'n'Diamonds** is a Boulderdash type game by Holger Schemel with many unique features, such as the ability to play remade levels from Boulderdash, Emerald Mine and Supaplex and many more levels.
Installation (Switch)
extract rocksndiamonds_data.zip and mirrormagic_data.zip to the folder /switch/ on your sd card. You should have folders such as /switch/rocksndiamonds/levels and /switch/mirrormagic/levels and more. Make sure none of the folders has the "archive" flag set after copying.
copy rocksndiamonds.nro to /switch/rocksndiamonds/ and mirrormagic.nro to /switch/mirrormagic/
use hblauncher or any other method of choice to start the games.
download https://github.com/rsn8887/rocksndiamonds
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ba2aa370dec6ea
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October 28th, 2018, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
rsn8887 has ported the Amiga Game Magic Mirror to the Nintendo Switch
**Mirrormagic** is a game by Holger Schemel in the tradition of Deflektor and Mindbender. You guide a laser beam by adjusting mirrors before the time limit runs out.
Installation (Switch)
extract rocksndiamonds_data.zip and mirrormagic_data.zip to the folder /switch/ on your sd card. You should have folders such as /switch/rocksndiamonds/levels and /switch/mirrormagic/levels and more. Make sure none of the folders has the "archive" flag set after copying.
copy rocksndiamonds.nro to /switch/rocksndiamonds/ and mirrormagic.nro to /switch/mirrormagic/
use hblauncher or any other method of choice to start the games.
download https://github.com/rsn8887/rocksndiamonds
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...ba2aa370dec6ea
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October 28th, 2018, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
Hydr8gon has updated the port of the Nintendo DS Emulator to the Nintendo Switch:
melonDS was just bumped to version 0.7 a few hours ago, so here's another release from me as well! This release comes with an options menu containing four whole options (crazy, I know). I've also reworked some things to prevent flickering when navigating the menus.
The options added include:
Boot game directly - Disabling this will allow you to boot into the DS firmware instead of automatically running a game.
Threaded 3D renderer - Speeds up 3D rendering; you probably don't want to turn this off.
Vsync - While not technically being Vsync, the functionality is similar enough. Disabling this will let the screen render without waiting for a frame to finish. It'll give you a performance increase at the cost of screen tearing and minor artifacts.
Audio output - Self-explanatory. Disable to sacrifice audio for a small performance boost.
The first two options are actual melonDS options, while the last two are custom ones I added for the purpose of increasing performance. You still probably won't get full speed, and the trade-offs may or may not be worth it, but at least it's something.
This release fixes sound output. It was a really strange bug, but basically, there was nothing wrong with my code; I suspect either Atmosphère or Horizon itself to be at fault here. To fix it I've moved the audio process to a different core and it magically works again. This release also completely removes the audio toggle from the settings. I've determined that it has absolutely no impact on performance, so what's the point? If you still want to mute the emulator, the Switch has volume buttons. There's also one last little fix in this build that makes sure the B button can't back you completely out of the SD card. Hopefully I didn't miss anything this time!
download https://github.com/Hydr8gon/melonDS
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16848
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October 28th, 2018, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
LukeZGD has released a new version 0.5.0-2 of "DDLC-LOVE", which is a non-officiel port of the visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club! for the nintendo Switch.
Changes in v0.5.0-2:
Fix poem_scroll error
Other minor changes and improvements???
Some notes:
This will be the last release. There will be no more updates from me! But if you want, feel free to create a fork of the project and continue working on it.
For unfixed errors in the 3DS version, this release reverts everything back to v0.3.1, so that will maybe "fix" those, but remove some features as well. Because of this change, DDLC-3DS is no longer fully compatible with cross-platform scripts.
Changes in v0.5.0-1:
Fix some issues that prevent progress
Other minor changes and improvements??
Some notes:
This release has some errors that prevent progress. Use v0.5.0-2 instead.
DDLC-LOVE might not run properly on SX OS.
DDLC-LOVE will not run on PSP 1000 systems. It does not have enough memory for it.
Changes in DDLC-LOVE v0.5.0:
Initial PSP version release!
Add some missing Act 2 stuff!
(Switch) Updated LovePotion to 1.0.3
(Switch) Now uses lg.printf for better word wrapping
Changes in both -3DS and -LOVE v0.5.0:
History/backlog feature
Scrolling for poems!
All scripts (excluding events) are now cross-platform! This means custom scripts such as translations should work on all versions (3DS will have problems with special characters)
Fix some issues and errors that prevent progress
Other minor changes and improvements
download https://github.com/LukeZGD/DDLC-3DS/releases
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16844
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October 28th, 2018, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
After many years, the updated version of this translation is finally complete.
Updates include: Fully working on real Snes with no slowdown, VWF code updated, improved font, new character name graphics and script revision.
Thanks go to ChrisRPG for updating his VWF code back in 2007 which helped make this release possible.
Spanish and French v2.0 versions were released earlier this year using the latest asm code. Thanks to Semco and FlashPV for translating this game into their own languages.
Note this v2.0 update works on a real Snes, bsnes, etc but is freezing on the latest v1.56 release of Snes9x during the ingame VWF. It works on Snes9x v1.43.
via https://www.romhacking.net/translations/852/
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October 28th, 2018, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
It’s been a long road, but today AGTP releases a complete translation for Shin Megami Tensei if… on the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom. The patch is complete and without any known issues; the game will speak for itself. Enjoy.
via http://agtp.romhack.net/
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October 28th, 2018, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Here is an announcement for Super Family Circuit which is now fully translated in English! Now you can enjoy Namco’s overhead F-1 hit without any language barriers. Now you can play with ease as you race, create your own tracks and vehicles, compete in series, set time records, and win!
via https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3941/
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October 28th, 2018, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2902...-v12-released/
no$nes is a nocash NES/FDS/PC10/VS emulator/debugger for windows.
no$nes v1.2 Changelog:
- web: created no$project patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/martin_korth
- mapper 218: updated magic floor (ntsc fix, bigger boulder, smaller floors)
- mapper 218: ported herve couppe's starfight to nes
- apu: mutes all sound channels on apu reset
- a22i: refuses bytes >FFh (eg. important range check for 'mov [nn+x],y')
- xed editor: fixed scrolling upon backspace in first some lines (thanks yuki)
- apu: fixed PAL sound frequencies (nes_sound_factor) (thanks Dwedit)
- debug: vram viewer fixed missing invalidate's on each 2nd obj in oam-screen
- gui: changed icon (higher contrast, inverse/white plug, 12/16/32/48-pix sizes)
- fixed intcount on F2/F4 breaks (showing correct scanline in debug status bar)
- emu/help: added mapper 28 emu/specs (action 53 homebrew X-in-1 multicart's)
- emu/help: added some MMC5 details (irq,chr_bank_msbs + info on sound/multiply)
- help: added note on Orb-3D glasses (pulfrich effect with dark/clear glasses)
- added aspect ratio option (square pixels, or real PAL/NTSC ratios)
- gui: setup uses asia-compatible TabControl instead of unreliable PropertySheet
- gui: created own help engine (instead of microcrap's suicidal windows .hlp)
- added donate button in help dropdown, added uforce in controller summary
http://problemkaputt.de/nes.htm |
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October 28th, 2018, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch hacking scene continues to make improvements with each passing day. One of the latest additions to the scene is a new update for SDFiles, an all-in-one modular package that allows users to boot into multiple CFWs on their Switch, such as Atmosphere, Hekate, and ReiNX. This update to v10 of SDFiles brings about a multitude of improvements and changes, including SDFiles Toolkit, SDFilesUpdater, support for Atmosphere 0.7.0 and Hekate 4.2, an update to AppstoreNX, and other smaller fixes.
SDFiles Toolkit, newly announced with this update, offers an auto-boot configuration, which means you can easily pick your favored CFW to boot with, as well as selecting a custom button config for the Homebrew Menu. Notably one of the bigger parts of the v10 update, SDFiles Toolkit was created by WerWolv, known for also making EdiZon, another tool for the Nintendo Switch.
This new version also sees some advancements made to SDFilesUpdater, a tool that makes it easier for users to keep their SDFiles updated, as the name implies. As of v10, you can now have access to Module Selection, which lets you pick between certain sysmodules, and automates the update process for them, or grab it if you don't already have it downloaded. For more savvy users, an update channels feature was also included, which makes it far easier to switch between stable and nightly versions. Just like the SDFiles Toolkit, SDFilesUpdater also comes with a newer, simpler GUI.
SDFiles Toolkit
- We're happy to announce the SDFiles Toolkit made by our own @WerWolv98.
With this revolutionary tool you can select your button combination for the album replacement (Homebrew Menu) while in Horizon.
- This required completely new handlers to the loader and as such is currently an exclusive feature to the SDFiles
- But that is not everything the Toolkit has to offer! @WerWolv98 also took the time to implement Auto-Boot Configuration - That's right, you can now also select what CFW-option will be automatically booted through this homebrew!
- and all this combined comes with a beautiful and easy to control GUI!
- We also thank "zaki-PH27" for the icon of the Toolkit! And @CTCaer, @bodyXY (and thomleg50) for submitting awesome icons you can check out in the "Resources" folder.
- @StevenMattera also worked on enhancing one of the SDFiles staple features - The SDFilesUpdater. Over time the SDFiles have changed from a singular product to a modular project and as we want to give you more freedom in your CFW choice, projects such as https://sdsetup.com were created. The SDFilesUpdater was however one of the fastest and easiest way to stay updated with your switch. Today we're announcing a bunch of new changes such as:
- We also want to show of one of SDFiles biggest goals! Module Selection on your Switch! Yes, you heard it right. You can now select what sysmodule or feature you want on your switch and SDFilesUpdater will automatically update/add it for you! This gives you more customization than any other CFW-package on the market!
- But there is even more, Steven also worked on Update Channels! This gives you the ability to switch between the stable releases and nightly commits. You will never have to install something manually anymore if you want to test it!
- And last but not least, a beautiful true-to-horizon GUI.
Yes, StevenMattera has been working on adding a GUI for ages now and with this update the SDFilesUpdater becomes one of the most beautiful homebrews on the market!
- In cooperation with @vgmoose and @pwsincd we ported over some modules to AppstoreNX for easier access! Check it out in AppstoreNX v2, now included in the package.
Atmosphere 0.7 and Hekate v4.2
- As we 're slowly approaching just received Atmosphere v0.7 we adapted to the soon to come it and:
- Added fusee to the package
- Added Signature Patches for fusee with the amazing help of @The-4n
- Made exosphere the standard for each option
- Made LayeredFS standard for "CFW"
- Added No-LayeredFS option for those that still don't want to use it
- Switched from RajNX to Atmosphere Button Customization
- Added some custom handlers to dynamically update the buttons for SDFiles Toolkit
- Updated Atmosphere (Loader, SM, PM, fs_mitm (LayeredFS), exosphere and creport)
- Hekate v4.2 introduced folder wildcards and v10 now supports them
- Everything put in the "required" folder will always be loaded! (Similar to ReiNX)
- That folder also contains Loader, SM, PM, Exosphere and LayeredFS
- Removed AutoHOS power off
General Changes
- We like to welcome Checkpoint as a standard part of the SDFiles after the positive reception of it!
- Updated Homebrew Menu
- Theme Switching Support
- File Association Support (Useful for homebrew applications such as PyNX)
- Updated xor.play's song
- Updated ReiNX
- Updated EdiZon
- Updated Tinfoil
- Updated Homebrew Loader
- Updated SwitchPresence to Sun's fork
download https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/releases
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdfiless...ounced.521194/
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October 28th, 2018, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
Switchbrew has released a major update to nx-hbloader, a host process for loading NRO files for Switch homebrew applications. This new version makes some improvements such as now allowing for applications to run with the full amount of 3.2GB RAM, as opposed to the past, where it could only use ~400MB of RAM. Library applets are still usable, and older homebrew NRO files will still work, but they are limited to using 442MB of RAM max, this also counts when running it through the album app. Other changes were made, including making the program less prone to issues by disabling core3 access, and more. You can grab the .nsp at the GitHub for the project, and see the full changelog below.
- Now supports running as an application with access to the full ~3.2GB of RAM reserved for applications, while being backwards compatible with older NRO homebrew. Running as a library applet is still supported, although it only has access to 442MB of RAM.
- Granted access to all FS permissions.
- Granted user/host access to all services.
- Granted access to debugging SVCs.
- Disabled access to core3 in order to solve stability problems when using preemptively multithreaded threads & load balancing.
- Added support for RandomSeed homebrew ABI key, which allows NRO homebrew to use the libnx randomGet* functions without always getting back the same results throughout a single session of nx-hbloader.
- Custom NPDM built from source.
- Default kernel caps application type set to applet (2). Atmosphère users aren't affected by this change, since its native support for nx-hbloader automatically sets the appropriate application type.
The provided binary is an ExeFS PFS0 .nsp, which can be placed at /atmosphere/hbl.nsp, or loaded through some other ExeFS replacement method.
download https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbloader/releases
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/nx-hbloa...to-ram.521091/
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October 28th, 2018, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
melonDS v0.7 is released. melonDS is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator. melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators. There are a few other emulator projects that are part of it, which you might have already heard of. Either way, check them out!
melonDS Features:
* almost-complete 2D graphics
* 3D graphics (software renderer) with texturing, alphablending, lighting
* input: keyboard and joystick, touchscreen
* backup memory
* booting from the BIOS
* resizable video output window, preserving aspect ratio of individual screens
melonDS Changelog:
• fix possible crashes when exiting
• wifi: add basic access point melonAP (very beta)
• fix SMULWx/SMLAWx opcodes, fixes Sims 2 music
• add support for loading BIOS/firmware files and config file from AppData or ~/.config/melonds or from the executable directory (hcorion)
• add 32-bit IPCSYNC reads/writes (Dirbaio)
• add savestates
• 3D: (hopefully) fix bug in shadow/AA interaction (visible in the MKDS character select preview, bottom border of the platform thing)
download http://melonds.kuribo64.net/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/10/melonds-v07.html
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October 29th, 2018, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda has enjoyed great success with ports of its games on the Switch, but SVP of global marketing Pete Hines has confirmed that Fallout 76 will not follow the trend.
The reason is not Bethesda's will to see the game on Nintendo's platform. Rather, it seems to be down to the capabilities of the platform itself.
Speaking on a panel at PAX Australia last week, Hines maintained that the Switch is "a viable platform" for Bethesda, and one that is "part of every conversation with every dev we have now" about their future plans.
"If the game will work on it, we want it to be on every platform possible," Hines said, as quoted by Gamespot. "Fallout 76 is not because it just wasn't doable. But honestly, there is no game in development that we haven't had a conversation about [bringing it to Switch]."
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October 29th, 2018, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
thomasnet has released a new version of the savegame editor for the Nintendo Switch:
Mostly a bug fix release.
##Full changelog
Compiled with libnx 1.5.0 which fixes timestamps being 31121969_235959 when the switch hasn't been connected to the internet before and the timestamps being in UTC
Fixed visual glitch when pressing the L button while selecting an account
Fixed some more of the menu lag
Prevented useInstead from creating an infinite loop and freezing EdiZon
Added a warning message for SX OS users since it still causes issues
Cleaned up the code base and removed some more unnecessary debug prints
Added all the lastest configs and scripts
download https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...9e6f7089eefbaa
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October 29th, 2018, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a new version of the Savegame manager for the Nintendo Switch:
Switch: What's new
Added support for Hardware Acceleration. Checkpoint now relies on the GPU to render graphics and text, removing load from the CPU.
The interface now relies on SDL2 to render images and text.
Text rendering is optimized by using a customized version of SDL_FontCache which caches glyphs in memory rather than creating textures every frame. This also allows to use the system font already available in the console.
Checkpoint caches from PlSharedFontType_Standard and PlSharedFontType_NintendoExt fonts, so both regular characters and symbols are now supported to be rendered on screen.
Added option to set a title as Favorite. You can now edit your configuration file to set a title id to be a favorite title, so this will always appear at the top of the title list.
Fixed crashes caused by too many file descriptors opened.
Key behaviour changed. ( thanks @IBNobody )
You can now select rows in the backup list, creating backups and restoring a backup just with the button A.
Pressing Y will select the current title but deactivate/reset the backup list. It will also enable the backup touch button only. Creating a backup will then disable the backup touch button. This makes it more clear to the user what buttons / UI elements are relevant to multi-backup.
Fixed occasional crashes while changing account.
Checkpoint now uses latest libnx 1.5.0, which supports timezone and fixes wrong default backup names if your console never connected to internet.
Checkpoint is now compiled using C++17.
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...9e6f7089eefbaa
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October 29th, 2018, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a new version of the Savegame manager for the Nintendo 3DS
3DS: What's new
Added option to set a title as Favorite. You can now edit your configuration file to set a title id to be a favorite title, so this will always appear at the top of the title list.
Key behaviour changed. ( thanks @IBNobody )
You can now select rows in the backup list, creating backups and restoring a backup just with the button A.
Pressing Y will select the current title but deactivate/reset the backup list. It will also enable the backup touch button only. Creating a backup will then disable the backup touch button. This makes it more clear to the user what buttons / UI elements are relevant to multi-backup.
Checkpoint is now compiled using C++17.
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...9e6f7089eefbaa
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