October 1st, 2009, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Dop-IOS MOD to v5.
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSes (with the trucha bug if you like).
Mirror of the update made to Dop-IOS v8; All IOS installations updated to reflect the current state of the Wii
Download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Dop-IOS/Dop-IOS_MOD
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October 1st, 2009, 03:03 Posted By: wraggster
Conanac has updated Turnip to v0.2.
This is a simple application based on the Animal Crossing City Folk (ACCF) game, and it provides a player with:
1. Information of turnip prices for the week (Sunday morning to Saturday afternoon in that corresponding week)
2. A derived or add-on game (a game that some or all of its inputs come from other game data) which uses those turnip prices information
3. A functionality to change turnip prices for the week (by reading the information from the xml setting/input file)
30 September 2009 (v0.2)
Added changing turnip prices functionality
Added xml setting/input file functionality
download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Turnip
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October 1st, 2009, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
Hackmii have stunned the wii scene with a quartet of new releases and most importantly fixes the attempt by Nintendo to kill homebrew:
heres the release notes:
As you all know, Nintendo pushed a huge update yesterday. Turns out it’s a rather lame attempt to block, among other things, our installer. They also remove The Homebrew Channel and DVDX on every system menu startup, but for that they just hardcoded the used title IDs. So let’s play this silly game: let’s switch title IDs!
Beware: Everything installable with this installer works with every system menu version, you do not have to update to v4.2! We even advise you not to update! On the last article bushing wrote:
The [boot 2 update] code [from Ninty] is so buggy that we decided to write our own for the HackMii installer.
It’s really sad, but that wasn’t exaggerated at all. The first reports about bricks due to this official boot2 update are reported on Nintendo’s forums. Replies, which Ninty doesn’t like, are getting deleted. Anyway, it’s up to you if you want to risk it.
If you already updated to v4.2, this version is the only one that works. If you don’t have HBC installed, use e.g. Indiana Pwns to launch this installer.
If you want to update to v4.2, you should install HBC before updating. Because of the new title IDs, the HBC and DVDX version from this installer won’t get deleted on v4.2. Installing the new HBC before updating ensures that you have a working HBC afterwards.
If you updated to v4.2:
BootMii/boot2 was wiped only if your boot2 version was v2 or v3. Just reinstall it.
BootMii/IOS will still be there.
DVDX got deleted, reinstall it.
General advice: Don’t use some random update application, just update through the system menu if you really want to update.
General note: If you install anything with this installer version, update all the components you have already installed. E.g.: BootMii required some changes too, so the HBC with the new title ID gets loaded.
Note about DVDX enabled applications: Because of the new title ID, all current applications will fail to load DVDX. libogc needs additional code that checks for the new title ID. All DVDX enabled apps need to be recompiled afterwards.
Because Ninty fails to deliver new features with the latest update, I guess we have to compensate for that. Focus on this release are the promised improvements for HBC.
The changelog:
HackMii installer (v0.5):
New exploit to enable (un-)installation of all components on fully updated Wiis.
Fix hangs on some setups (they’re all related to retarded IOS patches).
BootMii beta 4 (v1.1):
Properly write the keys to nand.bin.
This fixes the “NAND dump is from another Wii†issue on restoring beta 3 backups. If you don’t know how to fix those dumps, you have to backup the NAND again. Dumps from all other versions are not affected.
The Homebrew Channel v1.0.5:
Faster startup.
Prefer boot.elf over boot.dol when launching apps.
New shiny fonts, tweaked to the last subpixel.
Widescreen support.
If your Wii is set to 16:9 in the system menu options, HBC won’t strech the picture like it did on older versions. Unfortunately the fonts might look a little weird then, it really depends on the used display unit. Blame the lack of true widescreen support on the Wii for that.
Grid view.
Hit 2/Y while browsing applications to switch between the old and the new view. This shows 4 columns on 16:9 setups, 4:3 users only get 3.
Device hot-plugging.
You can remove and insert devices (front SD slot, USB mass storage, and SDGecko in both slots) at all times now without reloading HBC.
To change to another device, hit 1/X to bring up a simple option dialog.
Application sort order.
You can now choose how to sort the shown entries. Current options: either by the name or by the release date.
Note that for the latter sort order a valid release_date tag has to be present in the meta.xml file.
Again, hit 1/X for the options dialog to set this.
wiiload overhaul.
On-the-fly compression: Uploaded files are automatically compressed on PC side: This makes it way faster, especially on bigger files. ScummVM, anyone?
Improved USBGecko support: Faster uploads, and you don’t have to stop reading debug messages from the device while uploading files.
libftdi support: Because ftdi-sio fails, especially on OSX.
Note: Because of these improvements, older wiiload version and 3rd party upload clients are incompatible. Use the bundled v0.5, binaries and source code are included.
Basic application management.
To add apps: Just wiiload a ZIP archive, it will then get extracted to the active device. The ZIP file must be structured in a certain way, check this description for the details.
To delete apps: There’s a new button on the application dialog.
Allow PPC side hardware access.
Also known as the magic HW_AHBPROT register.
TMD version bumped to 2, in case anyone needs to check for e.g. HW_AHBPROT.
Either grab the new installer here, or use the HBC online update (a confirmation dialog should pop up when launching HBC).
As always: Please link to this post instead of mirroring the binary, thanks.
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October 1st, 2009, 03:32 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's sales numbers for the Nintendo DS platform are down this year compared to 2008, as part of the global slowdown following the economic collapse.
According to the publisher's UK Games For Everyone boss, Mark Slaughter, Ubisoft's aim this year is to defend the market share established by the Imagine range of games for girls as the company builds up to another busy Christmas period.
In an interview looking at the success of the Imagine range, and the challenges of bringing it to market, Slaughter explained that the company's big marketing spend, combined with strong retailer relationships, were two factors that helped the games to cut through a crowded DS marketplace last Christmas.
"But I think we face similar challenges again this year, because of the way the DS market is declining - and things change over the period of a year," he explained to GamesIndustry.biz. "What we did last year was set out our stall quite early, we shared with retailers exactly what we were going to do and showed them our level of investment, and our plan.
"They got behind it, and the momentum then - from advertising through to retail support - really delivered strong sales in the last five or six weeks of the year. I think we sold 300,000 units in the last four weeks of 2008, and I think that was the evolution of all of the different factors - strong selling, a strong retail team, strong backing and significant marketing spends with Fearne, Holly and the X-Factor.
And when questioned further on his comments regarding the DS market's decline, Slaughter added some more details.
"I mean the DS market from last year to this year, in terms of software sales," he said. "Overall, for everybody... there is a decline in the DS market in its entirety. So instead of that being a growing market, within Ubisoft we have to find out how much of that pie we can actually defend.
"It's our objective this year to actually maintain market share," he continued, going on to explain some of the reason for the downturn. "Pricing is very important, and where people may have been buying two or three games last year, this year they may only be buying one. The average purchasing is going down.
"There is still a massive installed base, so the market is still there - but I think you've got to be clever about what part of that market you're taking. We're still forecasting big numbers this year for Imagine.
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October 2nd, 2009, 05:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ruben
Well, that was quick xD
Long story short, I got bored a few days ago, so I wrote out the whole music engine in assembler, got bored again, and ported it to the DS just cos I can =D
Sonic AS has 16 channels polyphony for the DS, and variable polyphony on the GBA. It has support for variable music players, and the DS version can handle PCM8/16 and ADPCM data, as it uses the hardware channels. The GBA version can also have either nearest neighbour interpolation (that is, no interpolation; this is fast), or linear interpolation, with .23 fixed point accuracy, which can be toggled by changing the variables in sasInternal.inc.
Since it's written in all assembler, the memory footprint is rather low.
All processing is done on the ARM7 side, with the ARM9 simply signaling to play/stop, etc.
As per usual, it comes with all sources, assets, etc., and yeah.
You can get it here.
I think that's the final music player I will code, as I am finally happy with it, so yeah, no more spam from Aik-kun. ^_^'
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October 2nd, 2009, 05:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ruben
Well, that was quick xD
Long story short, I got bored a few days ago, so I wrote out the whole music engine in assembler, got bored again, and ported it to the DS just cos I can =D
Sonic AS has 16 channels polyphony for the DS, and variable polyphony on the GBA. It has support for variable music players, and the DS version can handle PCM8/16 and ADPCM data, as it uses the hardware channels. The GBA version can also have either nearest neighbour interpolation (that is, no interpolation; this is fast), or linear interpolation, with .23 fixed point accuracy, which can be toggled by changing the variables in sasInternal.inc.
Since it's written in all assembler, the memory footprint is rather low.
All processing is done on the ARM7 side, with the ARM9 simply signaling to play/stop, etc.
As per usual, it comes with all sources, assets, etc., and yeah.
You can get it here.
I think that's the final music player I will code, as I am finally happy with it, so yeah, no more spam from Aik-kun. ^_^'
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October 2nd, 2009, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
The menu system 4.2 for the Wii seems to be a worry for the hack, the fault Bannerbomb of Comex which was blocked with the new updated Nintendo sees operational again with a new release exclusively on Wii in version 4.2. The principle remains the same but this time directly on the SD card icon on this menu that the launch takes place.
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October 3rd, 2009, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Dop-IOS MOD to v6.
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSes (with the trucha bug if you like).
The downloadable IOS List is actually up to date now.
Download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Dop-IOS/Dop-IOS_MOD
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October 3rd, 2009, 03:48 Posted By: wraggster
Crayon has updated WiiBuilder to v1.4.
WiiBuilder is a Windows software to use for Wii homebrew development.
Version 1.4
Option to choose the version of the HBC running on the Wii
Compressing the file before sending it, available for HBC 1.0.5
ZIP file could be sent to HBC 1.0.5
MOD file converted to C array
Tabs are replaced by buttons
download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiBuilder
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October 3rd, 2009, 03:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- fixed loading of files and folders containing non-ANSI characters (Chinese, Japanese, etc);
- fixed a slight lag on startup due to the new file browser;
- fixed path selection setting, screenshots will now be saved to the correct directory;
- hid memory editor scrollbar since it does not work yet;
- disabled window positioning on Linux due to bugs in the Compiz compositor
added icons from the Tango icon library to the menus and panels.
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October 3rd, 2009, 04:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has told our sister site >Eurogamer that UK Wii consoles broken by firmware update 4.2 will also be repaired free of charge, as in the US.
"We are aware of a very small number of reported problems with Wii consoles after updating to the Wii System Menu 4.2," said the platform holder in a statement.
"The symptoms described usually occur when a Wii console has been modified. However, there are a very small number of people reporting problems when a system has never been modified.
"If anyone is experiencing problems with their Wii console after downloading Wii System Menu 4.2, and believe their system has not been modified, please contact our customer service centre. If we find that you have a normal system and the update has caused your system to not work, we will repair it at no charge," added the statement. "Please do not return anything to our customer service department without contacting them first for advice."
The problem occurs during installation of firmware version 4.2, which reportedly crashes part-way through the update. The firmware was designed by Nintendo to clamp down on modders and the homebrew movement.
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October 3rd, 2009, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Fan of Lemmings? You've gone around the 292 levels of Lemmings DS and you want more! It is possible "Lemmings Mario Bros DS"A pack of custom maps proposed by Madmaxou which includes 85 levels and 14 music on the theme Super Mario Bros..
After install lemmings ds in your micro SD, you must place the folder SUPER MARIO BROS LEVEL in:
- Lemmings DS
- Levels
--- 1 Player
---- Custom
Place this folder in the Custom and make sure that:
- Lemmings DS
- Levels
--- 1 Player
---- Custom
And in this case there is:
Mario Bros. Begin.lds
Mario Bros. Level 1-1 A.lds
If it does that, it will not work:
- Lemmings DS
- Levels
--- 1 Player
---- Custom
Well, now start Lemmings DS, go into the Custom Level menu, then play!
NOTE: If you already have a game folder in Custom, you need to play with the buttons navigate left and right
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October 3rd, 2009, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
DacoTaco has released Bootmii Booter
Bootmii Booter is a small (almost useless) program meant to be chosen as installed file in preloader. this (as the name says) boots the Bootmii IOS using a IOS_Reload. using this as installed application makes it so you dont have to start the homebrew channel and then load bootmii
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October 3rd, 2009, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's finally dropped the curtain on Miyamoto's "Demo Play" idea for upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii and it turns out the option is less of a handholding through the entire game and more of an instructional tool on overcoming those tough spots.
Nintendo of Europe updated its site, saying that while watching the demonstration go down in real time, the player can choose to intervene whenever they wish and take control themselves. We can't imagine the need for this system much in NSMBW, though. We're sure the game tape can be solved through a combination of running, jumping and, uh, running and jumping.
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October 4th, 2009, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
America wasn't the only nation visited by the specter of techno-death this past week when Wii System Update 4.2 was released upon the unsuspecting masses. A number of UK Wii owners have also complained the maligned patch has bricked their unmodified gaming hardware. Don't be sad, our overseas compatriots! You're not alone in your anguish.
Fortunately, Nintendo recently confirmed to Eurogamer that the "very small number" of UK-based owners of 4.2-bricked Wiis can get the same free repair service we're eligible for. As long as you haven't diddled around with your console's guts or brains, you can send in your dead Wii for resuscitation at zero cost. Or rather, Wiisuscitation. (Man, Wii portmanteaus are never going out of style.)
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October 4th, 2009, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Digital Worm
Hello homebrewers!
I had recently become very interested in Nintendo DS homebrew games and apps, so I thought a good way to start was with PAlib! I just compiled my first game.
A little background on this game:
I was in my computer programming class (of which I was just relearning everything I already knew anyways) and the class was assigned a project. The project was to create a game in BASIC that would teach elementary school kids some kind of skill (spelling, speed math, history facts, etc). The game I made was called FireWall. In the game, there were viruses trying to attack a computer. Each virus had a multiplication expression and the computer had a number on it. You had to click the correct virus to keep playing the game.
To my surprise, many of my highschool friends really liked the game. So for my first homebrew game, I decided to create a remake of FireWall (not a port! the DS one is still very different).
So I hope you enjoy my first DS game.....and GIVE FEEDBACK!!!
Download and screenshots on my website:
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October 5th, 2009, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster

Earlier this year, Nintendo announced that it and 54 software game companies were filing a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court against companies that import "R4 Revolution"-type devices, using the Unfair Competition Prevention Law as the legal grounding.
According to Nintendo, such devices hurts the growth of the entire game industry and steps must be taken regarding the legality of R4 carts. It's important to note that this legal injunction is for Japan only.
Nintendo is asking for the cease of marketing, sales and importation of these Chinese-made devices. The R4 allows easy software piracy by fitting right into the DS's cartridge slot. Data is stored on a Micro SD and downloaded from websites via a flash drive, and the R4 has a small slot that the Micro SD card goes into.
In addition to the suit, Nintendo is turning the heat up on retailers who sell the devices by launching website devoted to collecting information about R4 sellers. "It's getting increasingly difficult to track down R4 sellers as day by day they get more ingenious, flourishing online and complicating matters," said Nintendo in a written statement. Because of this, Nintendo is calling on the strength of the masses to eradicate the sale of these devices.
The website Nintendo has set up has an anonymous form that can be filled out. Selectable choices include retail stores, internet shops, online auctions selling R4 devices. Another choice includes "game software uploads" — or those sites or individuals making DS games available online. There's also spaces for dates and time, a box for details and another box for the shop's address or home page.
As recently as last week, countless retailers in Tokyo's Akihabara and Osaka's Den Den Town were openly carrying and selling R4 devices.
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October 5th, 2009, 14:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Adventure Game with Puzzles
Use the touch screen and stylus for simple point-and-click gameplay
Several mini-games offer hours of entertainment
Intended for players age 3-6
Vivid Environments
The summer is nearly over and Moomin is getting ready for the annual Autumn Party. But there are many things that must be done before the big night - and Moomin needs all the help he can get.
Join the residents of Moominvalley as they prepare for the Autumn Party. Visit the wizard's tent and gaze into the magic crystal ball. Help Moominpappa test his speed, or visit the Snork in his workshop and see what he's up to. Collect all the pieces to Moomin's Autumn Party activity and get everything ready so that the party can start!
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October 5th, 2009, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Choose your very own style – make-up, dresses and more!
Get the moves and learn how to pose!
Terrific mini-games to challenge you!
Gorgeous dresses and awesome locations! Enter the fantastic world of fashion! Discover the style that suits you best! Find out what it takes to become a top model and create your own look! Have tons of fun as you glide through the glitter and glamour of a catwalk career starting with the first casting session at a model agency and culminating in a fabulous photo shoot on a Caribbean island!
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October 5th, 2009, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Each mini-game solved throughout the investigation gives players valuable pieces of evidence to help solve the case.
The literary world of the Hardy Boys is brought to life through classic video game point 'n click style gameplay. Check out the Hardy Home, Bayport Police Station and other places most have only experienced through the pages of a book.
Features the voice and likeness of Hollywood teen stars Jesse McCartney and Cody Linley as Frank and Joe Hardy.
Use your cell phone to give pal Nancy Drew and other characters a call and get insight on the case.
Choose Your Dialogue - choose from a variety of responses to make your Hardy Boys' experience your own.
In The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft, the vault of the Spencer Mansion is robbed, and the Bayport Police call on the Hardy Boys to help tie up some loose ends, but they soon find themselves in the middle of a major criminal investigation that takes them on an adventure all over Bayport, and even into New York City. But the pieces don't add up, and Frank and Joe find themselves embroiled in a drama of sinister proportions. Is the recent theft linked to something from the past? Can Frank and Joe find and decipher the clues in time to prevent another crime from happening?
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October 5th, 2009, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

World-renowned creator and character designer Tetsuya Nomura and his team once again unite the magical world of Disney with the characters of FINAL FANTASY, inviting fans to an enchanting gaming experience
Multiplayer Mode – for the first time in KINGDOM HEARTS. Four players can team-up as their favourite Organization XIII members
Fully 3D environments and characters, gigantic boss battles and an orchestral soundtrack push the Nintendo DS capabilities to the full
A wide variety of missions to complete across a range of huge worlds. Lots to explore including Standard Missions, Trial Missions and multiplayer Mission Mode
Limit Breaks! The special near-death ability from FINAL FANTASY VII is brought to the world of KINGDOM HEARTS allowing for explosive special attacks
Panel System – organise your weapons, spells, abilities and even levels with this new system that makes you strategically think about what you can carry
In KINGDOM HEARTS, Sora turned the Keyblade on himself in order to release Kairi’s heart, but his heart was also released in the process. This brought about the creation of Roxas, Sora’s Nobody. Unlike most Nobodies, however, Roxas has no memories of his past. He joins Organization XIII and slowly begins to discover the truth behind his existence and the Organization itself. He meets and befriends the fourteenth member of the Organization, who also has no recollection of her past. What will Roxas see during his time in the Organization? What is the connection between him, Sora and the fourteenth member? And what becomes of them? Dive into the heart of the KINGDOM HEARTS storyline’s biggest secrets.
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October 5th, 2009, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

The player starts off as a human that seeks to reconcile and recreate old alliances with the dwarves, halflings, and elves. As the story progresses, the player can choose a character of any of the races, each with specific strengths and weaknesses that can be customized further
With five basic job classes (Fighter, Mage, Priest, Thief, Bard) and numerous advanced classes each with their own specific skills, abilities, and weapons and equipment that change the appearance of the player’s character, the customization options are almost limitless
Battles take place in real-time, and all enemies are visible on the field map with no random encounters. These foes may be fought or avoided as the player sees fit
Specify the race and job class of your accompanying party members as you hire mercenaries at the local tavern
Party up with a second player online to explore the land of Eldar together
The lands of Eldar have long been known as the origin of chaos, a place where monsters and demons wreak havoc, indiscriminate in their madness. Legend tells of how the Spirit King, whose coming was heralded in by a meteor shower, gained control of the creatures and waged an unrelenting war upon civilization. Order and life were brought to the brink of destruction, but an alliance of the four races was able to drive them back and seal the evil. Centuries more have passed and once again the lands are slowly being overrun by the reemerging monsters. Without a known cause or even a united front to repel them, it would seem that this time, Eldar will fall. It is up to the main character to take up the forgotten mantle of the hero, reunite the races, and confront the hordes of monsters.
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October 5th, 2009, 15:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

All inputs are performed using the stylus on the Touch Screen, including a revolutionary new trackball that controls Dorothy’s direction and speed based on how the trackball is rolled with the stylus
Turn-based combat can be automated with computer suggested moves for easy, one-touch implementation. For experienced RPG players, actions can be customized manually and additional hidden boss battles await
A new interpretation on one of the most beloved tales of all time, showing what happens after Dorothy and her friends reach the Emerald City
Ranking among some of the best visuals seen on a DS, the brilliant colors of the Land of Oz come to life, while the original soundtrack captures the spirit of the magical land
Dorothy, together with her dog, Toto, has been swept away from her home in Kansas by a tornado, only to realize that she has touched ground in an unfamiliar new land. A voice calls out to her to follow the Yellow Brick Road if she wishes to return home, but that path is an arduous one with multiple obstacles and foes. Three of the foes bested by Dorothy on this path; Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man, offer to join Dorothy on her journey. As the four new friends complete the journey to the end of the Yellow Brick Road, they encounter the larger than life Wizard of Oz within his magical castle. Despite his almost limitless power, there are four witches running amuck within his land that he just can’t control. Dorothy and her friends are tasked with defeating the witches with a return trip to Kansas as the reward, but is this new mission beyond the Yellow Brick Road everything it appears to be?
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October 6th, 2009, 04:07 Posted By: wraggster
GRRLIB 4.1.0 is now available for download.
GRRLIB is a C/C++ 2D Graphics library for Wii application developers. It is essentially a wrapper which presents a friendly interface to the Nintendo GX core. With it, coders can quickly and easily start creating graphical applications.
As of v4.1.0, GRRLIB is supplied as a standard C/C++ library (aka. archive) called 'libgrrlib'. Because GRRLIB processes JPEG and PNG images, it requires the installation of the 'libjpeg' and 'libpngu' libraries. 'libpngu', in turn, requires 'libpng' and 'libpng' requires 'libz'. GRRLIB also has FileIO functions to allow real-time loading and saving of graphical data, and thus also requires 'libfat'.
4.1.0 - October 5, 2009
Completely new file structure with sub-folders:
libgrrlib <- 2D graphics library
+-- libfat <- File I/O
+-- libjpeg <- JPEG image processor
+-- libpngu <- Wii wrapper for libpng
+-- libpng <- PNG image processor
+-- libz <- Zip (lossless) compsression (for PNG compression)
Installer for vendor libraries (jpeg, png, pngu)
Makefile for GRRLIB
Many (all suitable) functions are now inlined
Support for the recent changes to libogc
Alpha compositor function added
Correct use of pointers (no more struct passing)
Speed improvement, bug fixing and more...
Download here --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/GRRLIB
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October 6th, 2009, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
emukidid posted this interesting article over at the emulatemii site:
Since that first post I made, all the way back on the 27th of May 2007 over at tehskeen.com .. the emulator sure has progressed! Back at the time which I created that thread, I considered myself a rather experienced coder, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the long road of development we had ahead of us. Looking back, I think we were all a little naive at how quickly this could be done. It wasn’t until we had an alpha version out that we realized what hard work lied ahead of us. Wii64, then known as mupen64gc simply because we only thought it would ever run on a Gamecube, would soon change my knowledge of N64 hardware, coding and debugging forever.
It was only a few months after that post in which tehpola (mainly) and I quickly got together a mupen64 port which would actually do something on a GC. One of the first games we ever saw emulated in mupen64gc was Rampage World Tour. I remember it would run with bad graphics, no sound, very bad input, direct saving (which would take up to a minute each time a single byte wanted to save), and on top of all that, it wouldn’t even reach past 4 or 5 FPS before eventually crashing anyway due to a limited software rendering graphics plugin. We eventually got Super Mario 64 to work with the software rendering plugin at around 4-5FPS too, but we soon realized we would need a better hardware accelerated plugin.
A little bit of trivia, we actually emulated the public domain ROM “Fire Demo by LaC†before anything but we didn’t see it running as the software graphics plugin was rendering the screen too dark
Very shortly after our initial work and after our search for a graphics coder, sepp256 joined the project. He was keen to learn about the N64, and showed us quick results by porting the mupen64 software rendering graphics plugin to work with some GX hardware acceleration and Super Mario 64 was running at around 35% of the speed. Around this time (October 2007), we released the first alpha for the general public to see, known as the “Basic GX Build†which was followed shortly by the “DVD Loading Buildâ€, enabling users to load ROMs from their Gamecube DVD drive. These builds had quite a large number of graphical glitches, extremely screechy audio, and general lack of features, however the emulator was starting to show positive progress.
As time progressed and we entered the new year of 2008, there was new hope on the horizon, Wii homebrew would soon be possible thanks to Team Twiizers, so we were quite motivated to move forward. The mupen64gc project would continue, with many bugfixes, a GUI with a menu system now slowly coming together, threaded audio emulation, a ROM cache, a TLB cache, native saves working and even more graphics plugin bugfixes and improvements than you could poke a stick at! There was yet another alpha version released for the GC at this point to show the public some more progress, labelled “New Year’s Editionâ€. This was the first official alpha release to feature the GX graphics plugin and the version 1 menu (pink coloured backdrop made by brakken from tehskeen).
Shortly after this, we were given the ability of being able to load homebrew on the Wii (thx Team Twiizers!), this was great news for us as we would now have so much more CPU horsepower and memory to play with, not to mention the new peripherals. It didn’t take us long to have our code working on the Wii, and we quickly realized how much more power we had in our hands thanks to the Wii. Word got out around the scene, and we were special enough to have a build labelled “Wii64 Tiizer Edition†be included in the Homebrew Channel initial release. This alpha build was pretty far along, but used a very early port of the glN64 graphics plugin port and the Pure Interpreter for everything.
After May 2008’s Tiizer edition release, we started to see a very large influx in the amount of unofficial builds popping up with Wiimote support, and 100’s of different button mappings and other attempts to better the emulator. As a result of this, we were bombarded with bug reports which weren’t even ours to fix, and even more so, there were bugs introduced in the unofficial builds because of bad tool chains people were using to build the emulator which took us a while to track down the causes of (thinking they were problems in our code too). After that, things went a little quiet for a bit as we all continued on with our real lives, but development continued to trickle into the public googlecode repository as we made changes.
Shortly after this time, sepp256’s port of Orkin’s glN64 graphics plugin work was showing major progress and we would soon have a working port on the GC/Wii with hardware acceleration via GX. Although, this was never yet marked with a milestone alpha version as there was a silent boom of progress in another part of the emulator we were awaiting to happen. Around early January 2009 and after a few rewrites, the dynamic recompiler was actually starting to run games and most homebrew demos. This was not a quick step, and whilst things were actually starting to run on the new core, there were major issues. The first notable thing to run on the dynarec was “Fire Demo by LaC†.. which is quite interesting since it was the first thing to run on the pure interpreter. By “runâ€, you’d all probably think, full fps, etc .. , but in truth, it only executed enough code to emulate 90 video interrupts which showed us about 3 frames of graphics on screen. It wasn’t realized until I coded a N64 demo by hand to print the instruction execution count to the screen that we would need to be a lot more accurate in our emulation.
During early February 2009, we decided to setup a private SVN to get us through what was basically going to be a complete rewrite of the most major part of the emulator, the MIPS to PPC dynarec. You can imagine our relief at the time, it would be the first time in a long while that we could now work on the crucial parts of the emulator at our own pace and not have to worry about people compiling every single small changed revision and making complaints. We did this because the working copy of the source code would be obviously broken until major work was done in the areas of the Dynarec and the menu.
During this time, there was a great increase in progress, tehpola was hard at work on the dynarec, sepp256 was making progress in leaps and bounds on the glN64 bugfixes and the new menu system, and I was tinkering with various areas of the emulator such as thinking about ways to fit the expansion pak support into the emulator and testing everyone’s code out. From this point on, the positive progress never stopped, sure there were hard times when we would find bugs that not even days of debugging would solve, but we always moved on. Some bugs were so hard to debug on the Wii that tehpola found it easier to resolve them by porting his dynarec to the PS3 (which is further explained in this article).
In about a 7 month period after this, which leads us up to this beta 1 release, to sum things up, we managed to transform the emulator to go from only running 3 frames of a homebrew demo to playing The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask with 2xSaI filtered textures, framebuffer effects, expansion pak support, all at a very playable frame rate with a nice new menu backing the emulator with artwork from Wii homebrew artist drmr.
The future of Wii64 is looking pretty optimistic with many bugfixes and optimizations up our sleeves to better it. We expect to have a minor version out shortly to address some of the bugs which users have come across in beta 1.
I hope on behalf of the team that everyone enjoys emulating their old favourites with the Wii64 beta 1 release as much as I had developing and testing the emulator. Since release, we have had some very positive reviews from you all, which have provided us with motivation to get working on beta 2 and making the emulator more compatible and feature rich in the coming versions. We also really appreciate everyones support towards our hardware and hosting donations fund.
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October 6th, 2009, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
emukidid posted this interesting article over at the emulatemii site:
Since that first post I made, all the way back on the 27th of May 2007 over at tehskeen.com .. the emulator sure has progressed! Back at the time which I created that thread, I considered myself a rather experienced coder, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the long road of development we had ahead of us. Looking back, I think we were all a little naive at how quickly this could be done. It wasn’t until we had an alpha version out that we realized what hard work lied ahead of us. Wii64, then known as mupen64gc simply because we only thought it would ever run on a Gamecube, would soon change my knowledge of N64 hardware, coding and debugging forever.
It was only a few months after that post in which tehpola (mainly) and I quickly got together a mupen64 port which would actually do something on a GC. One of the first games we ever saw emulated in mupen64gc was Rampage World Tour. I remember it would run with bad graphics, no sound, very bad input, direct saving (which would take up to a minute each time a single byte wanted to save), and on top of all that, it wouldn’t even reach past 4 or 5 FPS before eventually crashing anyway due to a limited software rendering graphics plugin. We eventually got Super Mario 64 to work with the software rendering plugin at around 4-5FPS too, but we soon realized we would need a better hardware accelerated plugin.
A little bit of trivia, we actually emulated the public domain ROM “Fire Demo by LaC†before anything but we didn’t see it running as the software graphics plugin was rendering the screen too dark
Very shortly after our initial work and after our search for a graphics coder, sepp256 joined the project. He was keen to learn about the N64, and showed us quick results by porting the mupen64 software rendering graphics plugin to work with some GX hardware acceleration and Super Mario 64 was running at around 35% of the speed. Around this time (October 2007), we released the first alpha for the general public to see, known as the “Basic GX Build†which was followed shortly by the “DVD Loading Buildâ€, enabling users to load ROMs from their Gamecube DVD drive. These builds had quite a large number of graphical glitches, extremely screechy audio, and general lack of features, however the emulator was starting to show positive progress.
As time progressed and we entered the new year of 2008, there was new hope on the horizon, Wii homebrew would soon be possible thanks to Team Twiizers, so we were quite motivated to move forward. The mupen64gc project would continue, with many bugfixes, a GUI with a menu system now slowly coming together, threaded audio emulation, a ROM cache, a TLB cache, native saves working and even more graphics plugin bugfixes and improvements than you could poke a stick at! There was yet another alpha version released for the GC at this point to show the public some more progress, labelled “New Year’s Editionâ€. This was the first official alpha release to feature the GX graphics plugin and the version 1 menu (pink coloured backdrop made by brakken from tehskeen).
Shortly after this, we were given the ability of being able to load homebrew on the Wii (thx Team Twiizers!), this was great news for us as we would now have so much more CPU horsepower and memory to play with, not to mention the new peripherals. It didn’t take us long to have our code working on the Wii, and we quickly realized how much more power we had in our hands thanks to the Wii. Word got out around the scene, and we were special enough to have a build labelled “Wii64 Tiizer Edition†be included in the Homebrew Channel initial release. This alpha build was pretty far along, but used a very early port of the glN64 graphics plugin port and the Pure Interpreter for everything.
After May 2008’s Tiizer edition release, we started to see a very large influx in the amount of unofficial builds popping up with Wiimote support, and 100’s of different button mappings and other attempts to better the emulator. As a result of this, we were bombarded with bug reports which weren’t even ours to fix, and even more so, there were bugs introduced in the unofficial builds because of bad tool chains people were using to build the emulator which took us a while to track down the causes of (thinking they were problems in our code too). After that, things went a little quiet for a bit as we all continued on with our real lives, but development continued to trickle into the public googlecode repository as we made changes.
Shortly after this time, sepp256’s port of Orkin’s glN64 graphics plugin work was showing major progress and we would soon have a working port on the GC/Wii with hardware acceleration via GX. Although, this was never yet marked with a milestone alpha version as there was a silent boom of progress in another part of the emulator we were awaiting to happen. Around early January 2009 and after a few rewrites, the dynamic recompiler was actually starting to run games and most homebrew demos. This was not a quick step, and whilst things were actually starting to run on the new core, there were major issues. The first notable thing to run on the dynarec was “Fire Demo by LaC†.. which is quite interesting since it was the first thing to run on the pure interpreter. By “runâ€, you’d all probably think, full fps, etc .. , but in truth, it only executed enough code to emulate 90 video interrupts which showed us about 3 frames of graphics on screen. It wasn’t realized until I coded a N64 demo by hand to print the instruction execution count to the screen that we would need to be a lot more accurate in our emulation.
During early February 2009, we decided to setup a private SVN to get us through what was basically going to be a complete rewrite of the most major part of the emulator, the MIPS to PPC dynarec. You can imagine our relief at the time, it would be the first time in a long while that we could now work on the crucial parts of the emulator at our own pace and not have to worry about people compiling every single small changed revision and making complaints. We did this because the working copy of the source code would be obviously broken until major work was done in the areas of the Dynarec and the menu.
During this time, there was a great increase in progress, tehpola was hard at work on the dynarec, sepp256 was making progress in leaps and bounds on the glN64 bugfixes and the new menu system, and I was tinkering with various areas of the emulator such as thinking about ways to fit the expansion pak support into the emulator and testing everyone’s code out. From this point on, the positive progress never stopped, sure there were hard times when we would find bugs that not even days of debugging would solve, but we always moved on. Some bugs were so hard to debug on the Wii that tehpola found it easier to resolve them by porting his dynarec to the PS3 (which is further explained in this article).
In about a 7 month period after this, which leads us up to this beta 1 release, to sum things up, we managed to transform the emulator to go from only running 3 frames of a homebrew demo to playing The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask with 2xSaI filtered textures, framebuffer effects, expansion pak support, all at a very playable frame rate with a nice new menu backing the emulator with artwork from Wii homebrew artist drmr.
The future of Wii64 is looking pretty optimistic with many bugfixes and optimizations up our sleeves to better it. We expect to have a minor version out shortly to address some of the bugs which users have come across in beta 1.
I hope on behalf of the team that everyone enjoys emulating their old favourites with the Wii64 beta 1 release as much as I had developing and testing the emulator. Since release, we have had some very positive reviews from you all, which have provided us with motivation to get working on beta 2 and making the emulator more compatible and feature rich in the coming versions. We also really appreciate everyones support towards our hardware and hosting donations fund.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
Copper, already author of several emulators of arcade games for the DS offers "Pang DS" which emulates 8 roms for MAME games & Pang Super Pang.
V1.0: 05/10/2009
* First release
* Version compiled with devkit pro libnds R26 and 1.3.8 + (FIFO debugged)
* The rom file is unzipped automatically by the emulator
* Saving the hi-scores
* Save the state of the emulator
* Best viewed with scrolling
List of supported sets:
Pang (World)
Pang (bootleg, set 1)
Pang (bootleg, set 2)
Buster Bros.. (U.S.)
Pomping World (Japan)
Super Pang (World 900914)
Super Pang (Japan 901023)
Super Buster Bros.. (U.S. 901001)
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October 6th, 2009, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii price cut has given sales of the console a significant boost, Nintendo US president Reggie Fils-Aime has said, and with key holiday releases such as Super Mario Bros and Wii Fit Plus the platform holder hopes to attract even more buyers to the console.
By combining the price reduction with marketing incentives such as getting potential consumers to try out Nintendo products, Fils-Aime hopes the company will attract the "fence sitters" to the machine - that is the 50 million US consumers who say they are interesting in videogames but do not have a console. The number of people in this category is 150 million globally, he revealed.
"There are literally millions of consumers out there who want a Wii and had been on the sideline," he told the FT. "They'd been waiting for that little nudge to go out and pick it up - the price decline, the sampling, the launching of key software like Wii Fit Plus - we believe it's what's pushing them over the edge to get into the category."
While the company said it was too early to release precise sales figures, Fils-Aime said the consumer response had been very strong to the Wii price reduction.
This year, sales of the console have dropped off, with August seeing a 39 per cent year-on-year decline according to NPD figures. In the five months following April, sales were 50 per cent below last year's levels and major releases such as Wii Music and Animal Crossing performed below expectation.
However, Fils-Aime said the biggest releases had been kept back to the second half of 2009, with Wii Fit Plus, Wii Sports Resort and Super Mario Bros all being saved for the holiday season. He added that over 140 new Wii titles were being launched by third-party publishers over the next three months.
The Wii's price was reduced by USD 50 in the US at the end of September and by 20 per cent in Japan.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Challenging Storymode with 20 levels
3 difficulty settings from beginner to expert
Unique 3D Sudoku Ballâ„¢ feature for a brand new puzzle experience
90 standard Sudoku puzzles plus additional Story puzzles add up to 240 Sudokus in total
Sudoku Ball™ – Detective is Sudoku with a twist: play your favourite puzzle game in a completely new, entertaining detective scenario, and experience multitudes of challenging puzzles to solve a mysterious crime! An exclusive Sudoku ball design adds even more to your Sudoku experience.
Inspired by murder mystery games and famous English detective stories, in Sudoku Ball™ – Detective the player takes the role of a detective in a small town where a murder has been committed.
It is up to you to find the murderer, by completing different styles of Sudoku puzzles representing separate stages of the investigation:
Search clues, pick locks, investigate evidence in the lab, and chase your suspect!
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October 6th, 2009, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

DECA SPORTS, the hit sports compilation game that has had over 2 million units shipped, is back with this exciting multi-sports competition across 10 NEW sporting events! With easy-to pick up and play controls just like before, DECA SPORTS 2 will make all of your family and friends experts in a broad multitude of new sports. From the familiar to the lesser-known international games, DECA SPORTS 2 includes: Ice Hockey, Dodge Ball, Tennis, Darts, Speed Skating, Mogul Skiing, Petanque, Kendo, Motorcycle Road Racing, and even Synchronized Swimming!
Now the Locker Room features a Team Editor, where you can custom-create your teams! Personalize everything from their names, colors, emblem, and even the looks and sporting attributes of the players themselves. Also included in the Locker Room is a Tutorial Mode, in which you can practice and learn the nuances of each of the 10 sports!
Just like the first game, DECA SPORTS 2 comes with a single player mode in which you can play Open Match (one game in one sport), Tournament (one-sport bracket-style), Challenge (complete a specified goal in a sport), or the ultimate competition in Deca League (vs. 4 teams in all 10 sports).
However, there’s something incredibly new in this sports compilation. DECA SPORTS 2 now has not only local multiplayer, but also online multiplayer! Face off against friends and family, anywhere in the country, in 2-4 player competition in Open Match, VS., and Tournament modes. As the only Wii sports compilation game that utilizes the Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection for online multiplayer, DECA SPORTS 2 allows you to compete against other ‘DECAthletes’ across the country!
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October 7th, 2009, 06:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Jayenkai proposes an adaptation for the DS "Gets blockman"He recently encoded on PC. It is like a pacman but with a very attractive option because if you lose go back to a square already passed.
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October 7th, 2009, 06:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
By opening its archives, Jayenkai we noticed that another achievement that we had not seen "Blockman. Another Pacman like, where you must save your children and bring them to the door, avoiding the ghosts of the famous series.
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October 7th, 2009, 06:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13553.html
An update of the NES emulator My Nes has been released.
Version :
Up To BETA !!
* PPU improved, more games are playable (more than 900 games)
* Add support for mappers #: 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 34, 64 and 66
* Draw size can be changed also video filters
* Supports 16-bit & 32-bit colors in video
* Debugger removed.
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October 7th, 2009, 07:07 Posted By: wraggster
In his latest "debriefing" on IndustryGamers, EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich suggets that the average score for Wii games may be improving because a significant portion of titles aren't being reviewed. Strictly comparing January to June, in both 2008 and 2009, the analyst group graphed the total number of titles released for the three major platforms and the percentages of those titles that were not reviewed (see above). The number at the bottom of each bar represents the number of titles released for the platform in the stated time period; while the percentage at the top corresponds to the quantity of those titles that was not reviewed.
Divnich recognizes that "while the Wii has experienced a rise in average review scores (from 60 to 66 in one year), this has come at the benefit of critics ignoring some titles that could have possibly dragged down the Wii's average." However, it's possible that such reviews could have also raised the average score -- we know, that's unlikey, but still. Additionally, the report notes that the unreviewed Wii games weren't "core-targeted titles," which also holds true for unreviewed games on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Divnich maintains that Wii games are getting better, but he concludes, "It is just coming at the cost of not reviewing the increase in casual and low-budget titles." He believes that a similar issue could appear occur with respect to PS3 and Xbox 360 as the consoles' casual demographics increase in conjunction with the continued growth of their install bases.
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October 7th, 2009, 07:08 Posted By: wraggster
During a recent interview with CNBC, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime addressed the Wii's recent price drop (surprise: it's seen positive results) and the company's strategy for the upcoming holiday season. The manufacturer is counting on a strong showing for its DSi handheld, with Reggie revealing that 2.2 million units have now been sold, presumably in North America alone.
Of course, Nintendo couldn't have possibly sold that many handhelds without the help of retailers and according to Reggie, Walmart has been the biggest customer. We're not surprised -- Walmart is supernatural, after all.
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October 7th, 2009, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
Copper has released a new version of his arcade emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports the Pang games, this release fixes bugs and supports the following games:
Pang (World)
Pang (bootleg, set 1)
Pang (bootleg, set 2)
Buster Bros. (US)
Pomping World (Japan)
Super Pang (World 900914)
Super Pang (Japan 901023)
Super Buster Bros. (US 901001)
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October 7th, 2009, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
4.1.2 - October 7, 2009
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
4.1.2 - October 7, 2009
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
3.1.0 - October 7, 2009
* New default palette - more accurate colors!
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* New timing and frameskip code - allows PAL gamers to play NTSC games
* Fixed FDS/Game Genie errors
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
3.1.0 - October 7, 2009
* New default palette - more accurate colors!
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* New timing and frameskip code - allows PAL gamers to play NTSC games
* Fixed FDS/Game Genie errors
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his GBA Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
2.0.8 - October 7, 2009
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* Fixed MBC2 saving/loading
* Fixed some GB-Z80 instructions
* DVD loading in GameCube should work now (untested and unsupported)
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his GBA Emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
2.0.8 - October 7, 2009
* Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
* Fixed MBC2 saving/loading
* Fixed some GB-Z80 instructions
* DVD loading in GameCube should work now (untested and unsupported)
* Many, many other bug fixes
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October 7th, 2009, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo won't be cutting the price of the Wii any further in response to slowing sales and the sluggish economic climate, and will instead rely on innovation to drive consumers to buy its products.
Speaking in an interview with CNBC, NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime said consumers will spend provided they're given great value for money.
"We say that based on the experience of launching the Nintendo DSi this past April, we've already sold 2.2 million units, so we're feeling very good about the holiday," he commented.
"We define value as what you get for what you pay. With Wii - with the USD 50 price drop - you're getting a lot more value."
Console sales for August versus July show that Wii sales are up ten per cent. The Xbox 360 has seen a six per cent rise since its price drop, and PlayStation 3 a 72 per cent rise after a price drop and the introduction of the new slim model.
A further price cut for Wii however is "absolutely not" going to happen, said Fils-Aime.
"We lasted 34 months without having to cut the price. We were able to reach over 20 million consumers here in the US at USD 249. The next group of consumers we will get at this USD 199 price point, and we've already seen very strong results after just one week on the marketplace."
He pointed out that instead innovation and new experiences will continue to drive sales - "it's going to be our solution to this current economic environment" - and that Nintendo is dedicated to delivering this innovation with products such as the DS Vitality Sensor.
Fils-Aime also assured consumers there would be no stock shortages from Nintendo this Christmas.
"We're prepared. We have a tremendous amount of product in inventory, we've been flowing product in for retail. We do not expect to have shortages on our products.
"If we do experience them, I'd love to have that problem, but we're not seeing that this year."
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October 7th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
The war on terrorism can be a real hassle, just ask anyone who has flown recently. Fortunately, science and the Wii have joined forces to try and cut-down on those mammoth airport security lines with the Fidget Monitor.
CNN walks us through a number of experimental programs being tested by Homeland Security's Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST.
The different systems check a person's heart rate, breathing, eye movement, body temperature and, yes, fidgeting.
There are a number of different devices and technology involved in all of this detection, from thermal imaging to cameras used for eye tracking. But the most interesting to many of you will likely be the improvised fidgeting monitor.
Researchers took a Wii balance board — a device people stand on to interact with certain Nintendo Wii video games — and altered it to show how someone's weight shifts. Studies are now under way to determine whether there is a level of fidgeting that would suggest the need for secondary screening.
Fortunately, the screening wouldn't rely strictly on a person's Wii Fit Age to determine if they're a terrorist or not. Instead, screeners would look at all of the body signs before unjustly labeling a nervous flier a possible suicide bomber.
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October 8th, 2009, 04:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
M! K, author of several applications for the DS, offers a first draft of "TheSmsCenter" which will allow you to send SMS (Short Message System) for free from your Nintendo DS. An inclusion in the service in question is required in advance to benefit only in France and Italy.
In a preview .. big news and production / dev homebrew that term has arrive .. (more 10mois of dev though)
Purpose: Sending SMS from your DS / DS Lite / DSi ... not a fake but a reality thanks to Mik and homebrew called TheSMSCenter
homebrew will be release soon .. it will be downloadable for free .. it's going to need beta testers .. so go there happily and make up any bugs / problems to correct and improve service
The service will be available for sending SMS in France and Italy ... other "roads" will open (USA, UK, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, etc ...) based on feedback from users and if support is obtained .. (is not won, or the time I submitted this project to the engineer in orange .. I was kindly sent to competitors .. history kicked into touch ... ImagePost sankyou Orange France)
short despite having received no support ... the achievement of that homebrew was possible ... to send free SMS is possible here is the proof .. now the various lobby / operators may not wish to be that this is spread .. they still count you sell at high prices sms
To use the service must be registered, have a valid email address and mobile number as well (you can tell me that it's no good but then we have to do it otherwise there would be abuse and this allows identify the cases or those who would / could try to be malicious using this service)
The user may decide to send sms on mobile in France or Italy .. every 3 minutes .. yeah have to put "safety net" to prevent spammers .. useless to try to send sms a premium-rate numbers .. it will not work ImagePost
In short this homebrew is just a demonstration of the interaction between the mobile and handheld console Big N.. I will not dwell on the technical side .. ya just a little SMPP, GSM Modem, SMS Server Routing , Database SQL, etc ...
DS / DS Fat / DSi ---- --- BASIC SQL Server Routing SMS
!----------- SMPP ----------------- Mobile Phone
!------ -------------- Modem GSM Mobile Phone
Wifi Connection between homebrew and SQL Base, SIM card and GSM modem (not legal) or SMPP Service (backup day or GSM service this project will be sadly cut by the mobile operator) for connections between server routing SMS and the mobile network
In short, a true gas plant ImagePost .. the big question will be tested to the load and ensure that we can maintain the free service .. so functional as it is an amateur project be indulgent.
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October 8th, 2009, 04:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
The Team Twiizers proposes a new version of Installer HackMii, containing a new version of the homebrew channel "The Homebrew Channel 1.0.6 '. In fact, the version 1.0.5 contained a bug that freezer console.
For those who already have the Homebrew Channel installed and want to switch to firmware 4.2, you must install the HBC v1.0.6 DVDx v2 and foremost. For others, you should use the new Indiana Pwns exploit to launch the Installer.
HackMii Installer v0.6 is capable of installing:
* BootMii beta 4
* The Homebrew Channel 1.0.6
* DVDX v2
HBC v1.0.5 freezes. Like forever. But only for some users. Fixed that, and some other minor hiccups. Launch HBC to update it. Now grab fresh install. BootMii and DVDX unchanged.
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October 8th, 2009, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
brkirch and Link provide an update of the Gecko OS they resumed development following the departure of nuke, it has broken all relations with the middle of the hack Wii.
This "new" version, though unofficial, has received approval from the development team responsible for the USB Gecko (although it is possible to use Gecko 1.9.x if you do not have the USB Gecko).
New / fixed:
- Use cIOS temporarily disabled. The System Menu 4.2, which uses the stubs IOS249 planted Gecko. Workaround: Use an old IOS35 or 36 via DOP-IOS
- Changing the ID Homebrew Channel and now formerly HAXX JODI (HBC 1.05 and 1.06)
- Possibility to use wallpapers widescreen and alpha
- Fixed code for loading files dol / elf
- Changing the method of prevention for the error 002 on the channels
- Added the hook on the selected channel patch
- Added a workaround for the problem with the function ES_Identify revisions in the new IOS
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October 8th, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Finally, a console Pokemon game where you won't pit Pokemon against one another in menu-based battles! Poke Park Wii: Pikachu's Big Adventure is set to hit the Japanese Wii later this year, complete with plenty of mini-games.
The new game was unveiled at a Nintendo Japan retailer briefing earlier today, so we only have a few unofficial details at present. From what we've heard, players will work through a variety of attractions in tandem with various Pokemon. Events require that you use certain Pokemon types -- for instance, a flying Pokemon for the Sky Race event, and a water Pokemon for the Marine Slider event
The big question is who exactly "you" are. Given that Pikachu is in the title, we have a feeling that this could be one of those all-Pokemon games, which should means lots and lots of cuteness come the December 5 Japanese release.
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October 8th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo will add Frontier's LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias to WiiWare tomorrow. The sequel will cost 1000 Wii Points (approx. £7/€10).
LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias returns with the same cartoon platform charm, but adds changeable seasons, swimming and cyclone powers to the mix. "This is nothing if not a safe bet," concluded Eurogamer's Oli Welsh, rounding-up the imminent WiiWare hopefuls.
Also out tomorrow on WiiWare will be Happy Holidays Halloween, a themed card-making, er, game that costs 500 Wii Points (approx. £3.50/€5).
More exciting is DSiWare game Dragon Quest Wars: a turn-based multiplayer take on the Dragon Quest series. This costs 500 DSi Points (approx. £4.50/€5).
Accompanying DQ Wars is Photo Clock, which displays pictures behind clock bits. Wow; 200 DSi Points (approx. £1.80/€2).
Nintendo has two more for Virtual Console in the shape of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap and Final Fight 2 - a series that belies its name. The former costs 500 Wii Points (approx. £3.50/€5), the latter 800 Wii Points (approx. £5.60/€8).
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October 9th, 2009, 04:14 Posted By: wraggster
Flarup has updated Sand Traps to v2.0.
Sand Traps is an original multi player puzzle/platform game for Wii homebrew.
The objective of the game is to tilt the board using your wiimote, in order to guide the sand towards the green exit. In each level you need to save a certain percentage of the sand. If the sand 'falls out' of the board it is lost. If the sand touches the red stone it is also lost.
In some levels you can add new stone, and in some levels you can also remove it again so you can reuse it elsewhere.
Version 2.0
Code cleanup
Added end-screen when all levels in a map are completed
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October 9th, 2009, 04:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from filtered perception
Guitar-ZyX(tm) is a LiveDVD/USB operating system distribution, that can
immediately boot both your Nintendo(tm)-DS, and your x86/64 PC, into
a guitar pre-amp f/x processing appliance, complete with wireless dual screen
touchpad remote control. You can even velcro or embed the NDS in your
guitar if so inclined. In addition to switching among 77+ different
f/x presets, the NDS remote control's touchscreen can also linearly control
any two of about a hundred independent f/x parameters in real-time. I.e.
a very cost effective TouchScreenWhammyPad.
Guitar-ZyX-0.3.1 uses the excellent Rakarrack open source guitar-f/x
software to provide effects. Guitar-ZyX-0.3.1 is derived from Fedora(tm)-10
and has compatable full access to the upstream software repositories
including updates.
Guitar-ZyX is entirely free and open source software, with all source
available, for both the PC and NDS components. All necessary compilers
and build tools are also included, allowing anyone to modify and enhance
in any way their imagination and code-fu skills allow.
For information on many other features, and the best current documentation,
please review the latest release notes, available here -
or visit the main project page
Guitar-ZyX is currently an *alpha* release. NO WARRANTY. Use at your
own risk. Interested alpha-testers are encouraged to provide feedback
on what works, and what still needs to be improved.
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October 9th, 2009, 04:33 Posted By: wraggster
Everything is improved with waggle. It's a fact. Scientifically proven. And yet, Level 5 CEO Akihiro Hino has still seen fit to crush everyone's hopes of a waggle-infused Professor Layton. Hino told Official Nintendo Magazine that the upcoming Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel will conclude the trilogy, though it will soon be followed by the first episode of a new trilogy, entitled Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny. That's wonderful, and we're sure handheld puzzle enthusiasts will be thrilled, but Hino notes -- probably followed by a cruel, derisive laugh -- that there are currently "no plans for a Wii release."
Frankly, we're shocked at the revelation, as a Wii release of Professor Layton seems like the mannerly, logical thing to do. We're sure the world-famous Hershel Layton would agree.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13584.html
VisualBoyAdvance Rerecording is a Nintendo GBA and GB/GBC emulator (based on VisualBoyAdvance).
Lua: register entire LuaBitOp library.
Lua: add movie.active, movie.recording, movie.playing, movie.length, movie.rerecordcount, and movie.setrerecordcount.
fix the difference of reset timing between movie play and movie recording.
some little workarounds for scripts which don´t have "while true do emu.frameadvance() end" loop.
do not reset lag counter on reset when vba is recording a movie.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

The Spore universe finally comes to the Wii in Spore Hero, an entirely new simulation adventure with an RPG feel. Guaranteed to please existing fans of the franchise as well as those coming to it for the first time, in both the game's single player and an exciting two-player versus modes players create a creature hero, take on quests for non-playing characters and fight to save your planet. Along the way you will unlock hundreds of collectable body parts and abilities that open up new gameplay options and that put the direction of your character's unique evolution in your own hands.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

Create your Spore hero and prepare fight to become the galactic champion. An arena style fighter, Spore Hero Arena allows players for the first time to build fully 3D Spore creatures on your Nintendo DS and take them into battle. In addition, you can explore planets all over the galaxy, fight creatures, and gather parts to customize and enhance your mighty hero. Join the fight and compete in a variety of arena battles against dangerous enemies in your quest to become the galactic champion and save the galaxy.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

Disney Sing It: Pop Hits, the third game in the video-based karaoke video game franchise from Disney Interactive Studios, will feature songs and music videos from Radio Disney favorites such as Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato and Hannah Montana. Fans can also sing to chart-topping tunes from Colbie Caillat, Coldplay and One Republic. Players can sing solo, duet or compete head-to-head with friends and family in multi-player mode.
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October 9th, 2009, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This Logitech Speed Force Wireless Racing Wheel for Wii works exclusively with Need for Speed: Undercover by Electonic Arts and will have you enjoying a more realistic driving experience! Are you tired of tangled cords and complex joysticks? Well, not to worry because this racing wheel uses a 2.4 GHz wireless technology and does NOT compromise the simplicity that Wii is known for. You can use this from up to 30 feet away from your console! Feel every movement as you cruise through courses! This racing wheel recreates bumps, crashes, and traction loss with jaw-dropping realism! Get comfortable and ready to drive; the lap rest is expandable so you aren't restricted to a table or desk. Built-in gas and brake controls put precise, fast action within easy reach. Also included is an AC power supply so absolutely NO BATTERIES are necessary!
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October 9th, 2009, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Use your stylus to draw various runes and cast powerful spells
All combat actions, like escape, attack, items, and casting, are executed using the touch screen
Easily navigate through the vast world of A Witch’s Tale with the dual screen. Your location and the land map will be displayed on the top screen
Search out and collect all the playing cards to unlock the secret Blackjack battles, where you can take on both enemies and friendly units
1,000 years ago, a tribe of powerful witches who used potent, dangerous magic lived beneath the world. One day, the witches invaded the surface world. When all seemed lost, the mystical Alice appeared. She used the witches’ own magic against them and sealed them away. They say the Witch Queen still lurks beneath the land, waiting for her chance to return to power.
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October 9th, 2009, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster

Rumors of a rainbow-splashed Wii and Wiimote lineup have been running for just about ever now, and while we've seen Nintendo cave and offer a black Wii, blue Wiimote and black Wiimote in select locales, the company has yet to push colors in a big way as it has on the DS lineup. Hopefully, all that's gearing up to change. At a small, quaint retailer event over in Japan, the Big N revealed that a blue and pink Wiimote would hit the Land of The Rising Sun on December 3rd, though pricing on the new hues remains undisclosed. In related news, a few new Japan-only Wii console / game bundles were also made public, and while the Samurai Warriors 3 package will indeed include a glossy black Wii, you'll need a round-trip ticket to Akihabara in order to claim one as your own. For shame.
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October 10th, 2009, 05:25 Posted By: wraggster
devkitPPC release 18 and libogc 1.8.0 have been released -
The final build of devkitPPC release 18 and associated libraries were uploaded to SF yesterday. These are now available through the windows installer. For the download links for other platforms see the getting started section of the wiki.
devkitPPC release 18
Update gcc to 4.4.1
Update newlib to 1.17.1 – please note this is not an official newlib release, just a snapshot we used to obtain some requested functions.
Update to gdb 7.0
wiiload is now version 0.5, this will require the latest version of the homebrew channel in order to upload code.
filesystem IO now defaults to unbuffered meaning that the full length requested on read/write is passed to the devoptab pseudo device drivers.
The powerpc-gekko prefix has now been replaced with the more standard powerpc-eabi, this will allow portable autotools based libraries to build OOB for devkitPPC. Users of the template projects will be unaffected.
libogc 1.8.0
Fixed AA video mode support
DI bugfixes
SDHC fix for IOS 60 and greater
tinysmb – added keepalive, automatic SMB reconnection, non-blocking sockets, DNS lookup, port 139 support,anonymous passwords and share-level security support
USB storage bug fixes
MEM2 sbrk patch (extends memory into MEM2 when MEM1 exhausted)
Added ISO 9660 DVD devoptab
Added Wiimote battery level support to WPAD
Basic Wiimote speaker support
Added USB HID support
Added USB keyboard & mouse support
Added SD Gecko SDHC support
Fixed TLUT loading
IOS no longer reloaded on start, this should be done by the loader (HBC does this already)
Quit back to Wii menu on exit() if HBC reload stub signature not found.
libfat 1.0.5
Implement read ahead cache
Fix issues with short aliases
Fix timestamps
Set access and modify times on directory creation
With thanks to Tantric, Dhewg, Rodries and Shagkur for their contributions to these releases.
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October 10th, 2009, 05:27 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of SDL Wii has been released, compatible with the latest devkitPPC/libogc.
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and video. It is used by MPEG playback software, emulators, and many popular games. SDL is written in C, but works with C++ natively.
SDL support on Wii is currently incomplete. Although SDL is useable, you will likely experience problems until this is rectified. Please contribute any improvements you make to the SDL Wii SVN.
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October 10th, 2009, 05:30 Posted By: wraggster
R-win has updated Sendelf to v 5.0
Graphical client that sends files over TCP from windows computers to Wii consoles. This version does not require the .NET runtine, and also does NOT require the C++ runtime. Be sure to manually uninstall the previous version, since this version uses another type of installer.
Mainly for the Homebrew Channel, but still works with the the standalone server by Svpe.
V 5
- Added compression support for the homebrew channel
- Changed installer to the default Windows Installer
- Fixed USB Gecko support
- Fixed some random crashes
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October 10th, 2009, 05:32 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Dop-IOS MOD to v7.
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSes (with the trucha bug if you like).
IOS code cleaned up some more
Now installs/updates channels
Now installs/updates the system menu
A handful of fixed bugs
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October 10th, 2009, 05:34 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released DOSBox Wii 1.0
A port of DOSBox to the Wii using SDL Wii.
1.0 - October 9, 2009
Home menu and on-screen keyboard (a proof of concept showing SDL + libwiigui)
Small speed increases via SDL Wii improvements
Compiled with devkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0
Updated to latest DOSBox SVN
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October 10th, 2009, 05:44 Posted By: wraggster
news via gxmod
agentq provides a new version of its port of SCUMM game engine (VM) on Nintendo DS. In addition to traditional bug fixes in all genres, this update adds two very nice features:
* An area reserved for the mouse under the keyboard to use the 2 at a time.
* An automatic scrolling mouse approached the edges of the screen (with the control option set to "laptop-style trackpad).
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October 10th, 2009, 14:54 Posted By: wraggster
The Lemon Man has just updated Signcheck to 0.3b
signCheck is a homebrew application which does several checks on your wii's IOS. It can check if fakesigning (aka trucha bug) can be used, if nand, usb 2 ios tree or boot2 ios tree is accessible by each ios. At the end of the test it will output a .csv log named signCheck.csv to your sd card root.
0.3b - Fixed a little bug wich was leading to incorrect results on some ios (thanks Deviling Master for pointing this out).
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October 11th, 2009, 04:40 Posted By: wraggster
illinialex24 has updated WiiSCU to v 0.22
WiiSCU by Wack0 (updated by Illinialex24) (mod of IOS51+shop by tona) - powered by PatchMii. The application gives you the option to install new versions of channels and IOSes without touching the system menu.
Remember to be careful with IOS60 if your on 4.1 or lower, the new version (0.22) fixes the stub issue but it still can be dangerous if your internet or power goes off.
The new version has the source included because of the copyright. The current source download is for v0.21.
Fixed the IOS60 stub issue by getting v6174 instead of the latest version.
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October 11th, 2009, 04:42 Posted By: wraggster
BlackAce83 and TiMeBoMb have released StartPatch v4.2.2(U, E, & J).
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as StarFall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates, which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP (Need To Install BOTH) - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
Force Disc To Use IOS249 - Forces Discs to use IOS249.
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October 11th, 2009, 05:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
1964Video a Nintendo 64 Graphics Plug-In has been updated.
(Based on Rice´s 6.1.1 beta 10 source code)
# CRC-fix avoids slowdown in Castlevania, Smash Brothers and probably other
games, when hires is enabled
# Support for static hires backgrounds as used in Zelda
# Experimental texture caching. This has still improvement potential but might
nevertheless become quite usefull
with large hires textures
# Hires-textures will not be rechecked and (in case of enabled cache) reloaded
if a savestate is loaded or if you
switch between fulscreen & window mode. This avoids nasty wait time
# Fix to avoid crashing under Vista and Windows7
# Some smaller things, I forgot
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October 11th, 2009, 05:09 Posted By: wraggster
You know that sweeping feeling of guilt that comes over you every time you're pulled over as part of a "standard traffic stop?" Yeah, those natural emotions are about to make you look incredibly suspicious on the way to your next flight -- or it will if the FAST project is ever turned into reality. The Homeland Security-funded Future Attribute Screening Technology effort, which has already ate away at $20 million in taxpayer dollars, essentially hopes to let flyers keep all of their clothes on while forcing them to stand on a Wii balance board (or similar) and have an array of sensors watch their every reaction to a battery of questions. The problem? Every innocent person on the planet's going to start sweating and shaking just being in that kind of scenario, and only the trained terrorists of the world are apt to be able to put truth aside and fake the machine into thinking everything is cool. Oh sure, we're being a little dramatic here, but seriously -- maybe the TSA should just require a complete life history as a prerequisite to boarding.
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October 12th, 2009, 04:55 Posted By: wraggster
Leathl has released ShowMiiWads 1.0
ShowMiiWads is a 'Wad File Manager' for Windows. It displays information about wad files, edits them and give a preview of the Banner and Icon. New in this Version is the included NAND Backup Browser 'ShowMiiNand' which displays all titles installed in your NAND Backup (No BootMii Backups!).
Due to some people stating this as a piracy tool, I just wanted to clarify that I'm all against piracy and this tool was never intended to be used for!
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October 12th, 2009, 05:01 Posted By: wraggster
Attila has released Pimp my wii 1.1
Pimp My Wii is an app that will install missing and outdated titles to your Wii console. The program will detect missing or outdated IOSes and check that you have the latest version of the Wii System Menu. It also checks if you have the latest Wii Shop Channel. If you don't have the latest versions of those titles, the program will download or read them from USB or SD, and install them. When using this program, you will have all advantages of 4.1 cumulated with those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks!
The program is automatically displayed in English or French depending of your Wii's language. It is also compatible with NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL Wii consoles. (Korean Wii is theoretically compatible, but IOSes specific to this version will not be installed).
Version 1.1:
Correcting a bug that made 3.3 and 3.4 Wii without any IOS containing Trucha Bug unable to downgrade IOS15.
Correcting a message about an outdated cIOS.
If Your IOS 249 is a stub (with a official 4.2 update), it will tell you that you don't have any cIOS.
Another check to verify that the loading of the "best" IOS has worked.
Adding the new title id of HBC to verify that it has been installed.
Added IOS 70 and the update of every other IOS.
Still install 4.1, NOT 4.2.
Updated the Wii Shop version to v17.
No more patch on IOS 61 to prevent problems with Wii Shop and to let Homebrew Channel use it (without upside down).
New stub verification based on size of IOS.
It now tell you which IOS are stub.
Internal improvement of the default choice for IOSes patches.
Let you navigate through the list of IOS with "minus" and "plus" (or Trigger L / R for GameCube pad).
Now detect if IOSes 30, 50 and 60 are stub (non usable) and install an older version (non stub, so usable) and replace the revision number inside. It may prevent brick if you install a lower System Menu without installing associated IOS (or if you downgrade your Wii then upgrade using a DVD of a game).
Now prevent installing System Menu 4.1 if your IOS 60 is a stub.
Downgrade of IOS 15 now works for Wii 4.2.
Added a description of each choice in the menu.
Added an "minimal installation" mode to just downgrade IOS 15 if necessary and patch IOS 36 to include the trucha bug inside.
Added an individual description on each IOS when asking for install.
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October 12th, 2009, 05:06 Posted By: wraggster
ahigerd has released wit r51:
WIT, the Wii Interface Toolkit, is an event-driven C++-based development toolkit intended for Wii software development.
The intent of WIT is to encapsulate most of the mundane details of the Wii platform behind a consistent programming interface while remaining relatively lightweight. The Wii Remote and Nunchuk, the Classic Controller, GameCube controllers, and the Guitar Hero 3 controller are all managed through the same event system, allowing all forms of input to be handled consistently without requiring the developer to write separate code for each controller type. The Balance Board accessory is also supported. WIT's design is inclusive, allowing the developer to use native API calls and third-party libraries without restriction or interference.
A secondary goal is to be the most thoroughly documented homebrew library available. Every constant, function, and class exposed by the WIT API is fully documented.
The current implementation of WIT is based on libOGC, but the toolkit API is backend-independent and should be readily portable to the official WiiWare SDK; likewise, a desktop-based Wii simulator using native graphics and input backends (perhaps through wiiuse or simulating the Wii Remote with a mouse) would be possible.
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October 12th, 2009, 06:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Teles...05-t15435.html
TelesketchFWii is a game for your Wii develops by the_marioga This is the adapatation game slate magic we all had when we were kids.
Description: If you had to Etch A Sketch No one has played one, you can do a major in the TV of your screen, thanks to your wii is a homebrew TelesketchFWii that, even though it lacks much room for improvement assures you a little diversionary XD.
Menu: Select the Pad with the wiimote, the crosshead
Play Pad: Draw with the digital control pad, the crosshead
JoyStick Play: Draw with the nunchuck joystick
Playing with IR: Draw with infrared control
Clears the drawing with A, B Salt to menu
6 catch up drawings with the +, -, 1 and 2
Back to home homebrew channel with
Future releases:
Marjoram is the Graphics
2-Player mode is added to cooperate at all games
It adds 2 player mode 1vs1 all games
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZYJ8UQI9
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October 12th, 2009, 14:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Ghuntar offers the Alpha version of its 010 clone Gauntlet on the DS "Ghuntlet". The project is coded in Lua, so you'll need the interpreter Nano Lua.
Last news:
- Added the "portal" which are generators of monsters (like Gauntlet)
- Adding doors and keys (the first opening if you have the second Wink)
- The feature skirt which does not remain trapped against the walls.
- A little optimization
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October 12th, 2009, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
BALROG made a new game coded in Lua for the DS, "CarPaying. In which you must dodge cars that will darken it.
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October 12th, 2009, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Copper, Proposes a new version to fix the backup status of the emulator "Pang DS"Who emulates 8 roms for MAME games & Pang Super Pang.
V1.0.2: 12/10/2009
* Fixed loading state of the emulator (thank you Conderock)
List of supported sets:
Pang (World)
Pang (bootleg, set 1)
Pang (bootleg, set 2)
Buster Bros.. (U.S.)
Pomping World (Japan)
Super Pang (World 900914)
Super Pang (Japan 901023)
Super Buster Bros.. (U.S. 901001)
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October 12th, 2009, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
sonic master offers a version of 10.0 "X-Soft"Application that includes several utilities (paint, MP3 player, clock, notepad, etc. ...) taking up the theme of Windows.
Version 10.0
* Improving the basis of any homebrew.
* Improved some icons.
* Timer more functional, now you can start, pause and "despausarlo" (press the play is also reset).
* Bar of the intro has a more fluid movement.
* Save a sound that was recorded in the recorder and load it whenever you want (reproduced in the same way).
* Improved system design, now offers, among others, in more colors.
* Now that the alarm does not sound normal sounding, if not launched its annoying and repeated for 10 seconds, which will better warn you.
* Now when you save a text also save the position of the last letter, which, when loaded, will continue to write if you stopped.
* Improvements to the sentence itself and must keep pace, are now able to save that earned the most points and on logout or restart the recording every time you exceed the max score, the score points will max your sacaste.
* Compatible with Xsoft More.
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October 12th, 2009, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
sonic master offers with version 10.0 of "X-Soft"A plugin that lets you change settings such as username, password, etc. ...., 'Soft X-Plus v1.0"
Xsoft More:
This is the blessing of Xsoft is a plugin that unleashes new capabilities to:
* Allows you to change the nickname in Xsoft (without modifying the DS).
* I added an icon on the desktop folder you start Xsoft Plus (boot goes to / NDS / xsoftplus.nds if no homebrew to load).
* Options to unlock Xsoft passwords, an option lets you set a password, one, change the number of own goals from the penalty spot in the 999 and the last, which lets you set the pace scoring 999.
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October 12th, 2009, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
Flarup has released Sand Traps 2.0.1
Sand Traps is an original multi player puzzle/platform game for Wii homebrew.
The objective of the game is to tilt the board using your wiimote, in order to guide the sand towards the green exit. In each level you need to save a certain percentage of the sand. If the sand 'falls out' of the board it is lost. If the sand touches the red stone it is also lost.
In some levels you can add new stone, and in some levels you can also remove it again so you can reuse it elsewhere.
Version 2.0.1
Eliminated possible duplicate/non-working map entries in main menu
Updated to version 4.1.0 of GRRLIB
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October 12th, 2009, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
brkirch and Link provide an update of the Gecko OS they resumed development following the departure of nuke, it has broken all relations with the middle of the hack Wii.
This "new" version, though unofficial, has received approval from the development team responsible for the USB Gecko (although it is possible to use Gecko 1.9.x if you do not have the USB Gecko).
New / fixed:
- The loading of game no longer requires a reinterpretation of the disc
- Added support for new ID Homebrew Channel
- Fix loading string to use the selected type of hook, instead of always using the hook VBI
- Changing the method of prevention for the error 002 on the channels
- Added support for using the CIOS on reboot
- Fixed file loading dol / elf
- Added support for the System Menu 4.2
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October 12th, 2009, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, Nintendo held an event for Japanese retailers. New Super Mario Bros. Wii was dated and priced for Japan, apparently. Nintendo's resident game wizard Shigeru Miyamoto talked and demoed the game as well. But what did he say?
We don't know. All we know is that the manager of Japanese shop Games Maya quotes Miyamoto as pointing out, "Even if a year passes, Mario is still sells."
If past Mario titles are anything to go by, Miyamoto isn't probably right — he is right.
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October 12th, 2009, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Rako proposes a fourth alpha version has been ported on wii emulator NEC PC-8801, "QUASI88".
Brief Change Log
* Oct. 9, 2009, ver. 0.6.3 alpha4
o Adjust recent libralies
o Support play by wiiremote
o Save Configuration
* April 21, 2009, ver. 0.6.3 alpha3
o Manipulate the menu by wiimote
* April 6, 2009, ver. 0.6.3 alpha2
No Sound Support
* April 3, 2009, ver. 0.6.3 alpha1
o Initial release
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October 13th, 2009, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pdroms.de/news/20215/
genecyst has updated his game "Holy Hell" and let us know about this via the PDRoms webboard.
Holy Hell is a puzzle game with shmup elements. The goal of the game is to reach the end of every level trying to chain more blocks of the same color together.
You guide a little ship powered with four different colored weapons. Every weapon can destroy only blocks of its same color, so you must switch between them to blow up everything...
Brown blocks cannot be destroyed and must be dodged...
- 37 levels
- speed increase every 5 levels
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October 13th, 2009, 03:29 Posted By: wraggster
Tehpola has posted some wip info of the N64 emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
It was probably around two years ago that I first got a recompiler working that could actually recompile something. I had written some MIPS assembly code in a computer architecture course which would compute factorials. I fed my MIPS code into my recompiler and it computed factorials on the Wii. At the time, that was really exciting for me, but the recompiler was very far from doing much useful. Over the two years, a lot of the original recompiler was overhauled, and I made a couple attempts at rewriting the recompiler more or less from scratch; however, in the end, I came back to the once-reworked original code, and continued to improve on it. After a while I was starting to run more than carefully crafted demos, and after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, we have a dynamic recompiler which will stably run several games at full speed. This is the first release with a working dynarec. It generates native code for almost all of the N64 instructions; it has, as far as I’ve seen, an accurate cycle count (as relative as mupen64, anyways); and already several optimizations have gone into it. Its still not perfect, several games won’t run at all, and not all games that do run are full speed, but we’re working on improving on that for subsequent releases. For more technical details on the dynarec, see Wii64 Dynarec Part 1 and Part 2 (I’m still planning on continuing the series when I have a chance).
Also, due to sound quality issues with the RSP plugin we were using (rsp_hle-ppc), we’ve begun fixing mupen64’s rsp_hle to be endian agnostic. I believe that rsp_hle-ppc was derived from an early version of the RSP plugin which would later become the rsp_hle in mupen64. Unfortunately, whoever had done all the significant improvements to it since had neglected to maintain endian-neutrality. So, we had to either use the dated, but working, rsp_hle-ppc or work to fix rsp_hle, with all its improvements, so that it would work on the big-endian systems. Up until this release we’ve been using rsp_hle-ppc which has resulted in some sound quality issues, and some games’ sound just didn’t work (StarFox 64, for example). With Beta 1, we’ve fixed up many rsp_hle endian issues and hope to get those changes upstream to other projects so that people can enjoy better sound on other big endian systems. There are still issues, but overall, the sound quality has improved, and certain games which previously had garbled sound (Starfox 64) now sound excellent.
Working on this emulator has been a huge learning experience for me, and I hope everyone is excited about the Beta 1 release as I am.
Since the release we’ve started updating the google code SVN with all the commits we had made to our private repository. We made sure to include a source archive with the binary, but felt that having the whole source history publicly accessible would give more insight into our code and motivations and allow others to see the progression in our work. It will take some time before all the code has been migrated because we’re checking to make sure we don’t have any conflicts, but hopefully it will be appreciated.
In the not-too-distant future, we’re planning on releasing a Beta 1.1 version which will improve some minor changes which were brought to our attention after the Beta 1 release. Hopefully, although these will only be small changes, they will address some of the larger annoyances people have reported.
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October 13th, 2009, 03:29 Posted By: wraggster
Tehpola has posted some wip info of the N64 emulator for Wii/Gamecube:
It was probably around two years ago that I first got a recompiler working that could actually recompile something. I had written some MIPS assembly code in a computer architecture course which would compute factorials. I fed my MIPS code into my recompiler and it computed factorials on the Wii. At the time, that was really exciting for me, but the recompiler was very far from doing much useful. Over the two years, a lot of the original recompiler was overhauled, and I made a couple attempts at rewriting the recompiler more or less from scratch; however, in the end, I came back to the once-reworked original code, and continued to improve on it. After a while I was starting to run more than carefully crafted demos, and after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, we have a dynamic recompiler which will stably run several games at full speed. This is the first release with a working dynarec. It generates native code for almost all of the N64 instructions; it has, as far as I’ve seen, an accurate cycle count (as relative as mupen64, anyways); and already several optimizations have gone into it. Its still not perfect, several games won’t run at all, and not all games that do run are full speed, but we’re working on improving on that for subsequent releases. For more technical details on the dynarec, see Wii64 Dynarec Part 1 and Part 2 (I’m still planning on continuing the series when I have a chance).
Also, due to sound quality issues with the RSP plugin we were using (rsp_hle-ppc), we’ve begun fixing mupen64’s rsp_hle to be endian agnostic. I believe that rsp_hle-ppc was derived from an early version of the RSP plugin which would later become the rsp_hle in mupen64. Unfortunately, whoever had done all the significant improvements to it since had neglected to maintain endian-neutrality. So, we had to either use the dated, but working, rsp_hle-ppc or work to fix rsp_hle, with all its improvements, so that it would work on the big-endian systems. Up until this release we’ve been using rsp_hle-ppc which has resulted in some sound quality issues, and some games’ sound just didn’t work (StarFox 64, for example). With Beta 1, we’ve fixed up many rsp_hle endian issues and hope to get those changes upstream to other projects so that people can enjoy better sound on other big endian systems. There are still issues, but overall, the sound quality has improved, and certain games which previously had garbled sound (Starfox 64) now sound excellent.
Working on this emulator has been a huge learning experience for me, and I hope everyone is excited about the Beta 1 release as I am.
Since the release we’ve started updating the google code SVN with all the commits we had made to our private repository. We made sure to include a source archive with the binary, but felt that having the whole source history publicly accessible would give more insight into our code and motivations and allow others to see the progression in our work. It will take some time before all the code has been migrated because we’re checking to make sure we don’t have any conflicts, but hopefully it will be appreciated.
In the not-too-distant future, we’re planning on releasing a Beta 1.1 version which will improve some minor changes which were brought to our attention after the Beta 1 release. Hopefully, although these will only be small changes, they will address some of the larger annoyances people have reported.
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October 13th, 2009, 04:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's resident gaming legend, Shigeru Miyamoto, foresees long-term -- nay, long-tail -- sales for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a prospect that isn't completely insane when you take a few things into account:
The game has Mario in it. Its DS counterpart is the second highest-selling DS game of all time and has sold consistently since its release in 2006. It's super fun. So, when Miyamoto says that the game "will continue selling even after one year has passed" during a play session in Japan (translation), we have a tough time arguing with the guy. Any sane person would, right?
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October 13th, 2009, 12:53 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has today released what could be for the first release a near perfect emulator for the DS, heres the release notes from Flubba:
More or less a port of SMSAdvance to the NDS now under the name of S8DS, as it's a SEGA 8-bit emulator for the DS.
The biggest difference from the GBA is probably that you don't have to use a builder to add roms, you can use zipped files directly and the screen doesn't have to be scaled to fit.
*Pretty much everything works perfectly.
*Supports zipped files.
*No scaling needed for most games.
*Can scale to correct aspect for PAL, NTSC & GameGear.

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October 14th, 2009, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is to release a DSi successor in late 2010, according to reports which also suggest nVidia is to supply the new handheld's processing chip.
According to sources speaking to BSN, Nintendo has struck a deal with nVidia to supply the chip for its DSi successor, currently in development.
While the exact processor being used hasn't been revealed, it's thought Nintendo might opt for the single chip Tegra in contrast to the DSi's dual ARM processors. Tegra debuts in February 2010, and a second generation could be available in time for the DSi successor.
Given the fact the DS hardware is based on 16-bit and 32-bit ARM, it seems likely the next generation DS running on a CorTex-A9-based Tegra would be backwardly compatible with the DS application library, added the report.
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October 14th, 2009, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
Three of the top five biggest selling games over the last decade are likely to be Wii ones, according to the latest US sales data from the NPD Group.
The data puts Wii Play in first place as the single best selling SKU since 2000, with more than 11.1 million units of the Wii remote-bundled game sold in the US. The second biggest selling game, GTA: San Andreas, has sold 8.25 million to date.
Nintendo's Wii Fit is also fast catching up with the Rockstar title, with 7.9 million sales, and Nintendo sales and marketing EVP Cammie Dunaway told IGN it's expected sales will have grown further over September despite the imminent release of Wii Fit Plus.
"When we see the September sales, we think that's going to be strong and that'll put us over the eight million mark. And then with October, we'll just have to see."
Just behind Wii Fit is GTA: Vice City with 6.9 million units sold, and a third Wii title - Mario Kart Wii - currently stands in fifth place with 6.7 million units.
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October 14th, 2009, 15:49 Posted By: wraggster

See that up there? That's an exercise bike. And a Wii. Amazingly enough, there's a strong correlation between the two, and unless the entire world is being pranked here, BigBen interactive is actually looking to ship a "full-size" Wiimote-compatible fitness machine with its next game. We can't even fathom how quickly this thing is bound to fall apart (or how absurdly expensive it'll be if there's even a smidgen of quality), but we're more than anxious to learn of an MSRP. Now, if only Ford would pump out a Wiimote-friendly Focus to use in the next installment of Mario Kart, we'd be set.
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October 14th, 2009, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster

Black versions of the Wii remote and nunchuk will go on sale on Nov. 16, Nintendo announced this morning.
The new black remote controller will be available with a black Wii MotionPlus add-on for $50. The black nunchuk will sell separately for $20.
"The Wii Remote revolutionized not only how people play games, but also who plays them," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "The new color lets people customize their setup, and the controllers make great stocking stuffers for players of any age."
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October 14th, 2009, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
According to Bright Side of News' secret sauces sources, Nvidia is in talks with Nintendo about the hardware for the successor to the Nintendo DS. Nintendo is reportedly interested in Nvidia's Tegra line of chips for mobile devices, like the one in the Zune HD. Considering that the Zune HD can do things like play HD video, it sounds like a power boost over the existing DS hardware. The lower-end Tegra APX has a clock speed of 600 MHz, compared to the current DS cores, which run at 67MHz and 33MHz.
However, BSN believes that the potential timing of the announcement (late next year) suggests that Nintendo could use the next generation of Tegra chips, which, the site says, use "GeForce 9 based hardware." And if they're cheap enough, Nintendo might consider it! The only question (well, the only other question, besides "is any of this true") is whether the capability to play ported console games is really a good thing for the DS.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This PS2 to Wii converter is the best way to save your time and money. It allows you to make the most use of PS2 controllers on Wii, so that you do not need to look for other Wii controllers one by one. The PS2 controllers applicable to it include guitar, joypad and arcade stick.
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October 14th, 2009, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Traditional one handed pistol-like grip. Tactile trigger activates the "B" button Aiming sight increases accuracy Wii Remote easily slides into grip and locks into place Accessory pass-through port for other attachments like the Nunchuk and Classic Controller One hand remains free to operate the Nunchuk or other attachments simultaneously.
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October 14th, 2009, 18:56 Posted By: davidtube

Thank you to all the members of DCEmu who voted in the R4 DS Homebrew Contest. The votes have been counted and the results are in.
You can see the full top 10 along with interviews nearly all the developers. If you're a DS homebrew fan, don't miss this.
Top 20 R4 DS Homebrew
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October 14th, 2009, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
Game INI update of the N64 Emulator 1964
Download Link - 1964 Rom Ini
Changelogs :
Update : October 11, 2009
Changes :
New game :
* Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (U) (GC) [!] (Thanks Clements)
Status changes :
* 007 - The World is Not Enough (E) (M3) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* 007 - The World is Not Enough (U) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* 40 Winks (E) (Proto) --> Playable
* Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (J) [!] --> Playable! (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Banjo-Kazooie (U) (v1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Bomberman 64 - Arcade Edition (J) --> Playable
* California Speed (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Cruis´n USA (E) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Cruis´n USA (U) (V1.0) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Cruis´n USA (U) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Cruis´n USA (U) (V1.2) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Dark Rift (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Dark Rift (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Diddy Kong Racing (J) [!] --> Playable
* Disney´s Tarzan (E) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* Diddy Kong Racing (F) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* Diddy Kong Racing (G) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* Diddy Kong Racing (U) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* Doom 64 (U) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Duke Nukem 64 (F) [!] --> Playable
* F-1 World Grand Prix (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* F-1 World Grand Prix (F) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* F-1 World Grand Prix (G) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* F-1 World Grand Prix (J) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* F-1 World Grand Prix (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Flying Dragon Fighters (Hiro no Ken Twin) (J) [!] --> Playable
* Hamster Monogatari 64 (J) [!] --> Playable
* Hexen (F) [!] --> Playable
* Hexen (G) [!] --> Playable
* Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.2) [!] --> Playable
* Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.3) [!] --> Playable
* Hydro Thunder (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1 and 1964 audio 2.7)
* Hydro Thunder (F) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1 and 1964 audio 2.7)
* Hydro Thunder (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1 and 1964 audio 2.7)
* International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E) (M2) (Fre-Ita) [!] --> Playable
* J. League Tactics Soccer (J) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Jikkyou World Soccer - World Cup France ´98 (J) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Jikkyou World Soccer - World Cup France ´98 (J) (V1.2) [!] --> Playable
* Legend of Zelda, The - Majora´s Mask (E) (M4) (V1.1) --> Playable
* Les Razmoket - La Chasse Aux Tr�sors (F) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Audio 2.7)
* Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (E) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (U) [!] --> Playable (Use 1964 Video Plugin 1.0)
* Mario Golf (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Mario Golf 64 (J) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Mario Golf (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Mia Hamm Soccer 64 (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Michael Owens WLS 2000 (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Off Road Challenge (E) [!] --> Playable
* Off Road Challenge (U) [!] --> Playable
* Pachinko 365 Nichi (J) [!] --> Playable
* Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Pokemon Stadium (I) [!] --> Playable
* Pokemon Stadium 2 (I) [!] --> Playable! (Game uses D-Pad)
* Powerpuff Girls, The - Chemical X-traction (U) [! --> Playable
* Puyo Puyo 4 - Puyo Puyo Party (J) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* RTL World League Soccer 2000 (G) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Shadowgate 64 - Trials Of The Four Towers (E) (M2) (Ita-Spa) [!] --> Playable
* South Park (G) [!] --> Playable
* Star Fox 64 (U) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Supercross 2000 (E) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Supercross 2000 (U) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Telefoot Soccer 2000 (F) [!] --> Playable (Use Glide64WX Napalm R1)
* Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six (F) [!]--> Playable
* Turok - Rage Wars (E) (M3) (Eng-Fre-Ita) --> Playable
* Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (E) (Kiosk Demo) [!] --> Playable
* Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (E) (M4) [!] --> Playable
* Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (U) (V1.1) --> Playable
* Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable (slowdown)
* WWF No Mercy (U) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.1) [!] --> Playable
* Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.1) [! --> Playable
* Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.2) [! --> Playable
Settings changes :
* Legend of Zelda, The - Majora´s Mask (E) (M4) (V1.1) --> Expansion pack : Yes.
Games renamed :
* 40 WINKS --> 40 Winks (E) (Proto)
* Banjo-Kazooie --> Banjo-Kazooie (U) (v1.1) [!]
* BOMBERMAN64 --> Bomberman 64 - Arcade Edition (J)
* Diddy Kong Racing --> Diddy Kong Racing (J) [!]
* Doom64 --> Doom 64 (U) (V1.1) [!]
* DUKE NUKEM --> Duke Nukem 64 (F) [!]
* Frogger 2 (U) Alpha--> Doraemon - Nobita to 3tsu no Seireiseki (J) [!]
* HEXEN --> Hexen (G) [!]
* HEXEN --> Hexen (F) [!]
* I.S.S.2000 --> International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E) (M2) (Fre-Ita) [!]
* J. WORLD CUP 98 --> Jikkyou World Soccer - World Cup France ´98 (J) (V1.1) [!]
* J. WORLD CUP 98 --> Jikkyou World Soccer - World Cup France ´98 (J) (V1.2) [!]
* Kirby64 --> Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.1) [!]
* Kirby64 --> Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.2) [!]
* Kirby64 --> Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.3) [!]
* POKEMON STADIUM --> Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.1) [!]
* POKEMON STADIUM --> Pokemon Stadium (I) [!]
* POKEMON STADIUM 2 --> Pokemon Stadium 2 (I) [!]
* RAINBOW SIX --> Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six (F) [!]
* SHADOWGATE64 --> Shadowgate 64 - Trials Of The Four Towers (E) (M2) (Ita-Spa) [!]
* South Park --> South Park (G) [!]
* STARFOX64 --> Star Fox 64 (U) (V1.1) [!]
* TACTICS SOCCER --> J.League Tactics Soccer (J) (V1.1) [!]
* THE LEGEND OF ZELDA --> Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.1) [!]
* THE LEGEND OF ZELDA --> Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.2) [!]
* THE MASK OF MAJURA --> Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.1) [!]
* Turok 2: Kiosk --> Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (E) (Kiosk Demo) [!]
* Turok 2: Seeds of E --> Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (U) (V1.1)
* Turok 2: Seeds of E --> Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (E) (M4) [!]
* Turokl: Rage Wars --> Turok - Rage Wars (E) (M3) (Eng-Fre-Ita)
* Waialae Country Club --> Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (U) (V1.1) [!]
* Waialae Country Club --> Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.1) [!]
* WWF No Mercy --> WWF No Mercy (U) (V1.1) [!]
* ZELDA MAJORA´S MASK --> Legend of Zelda, The - Majora´s Mask (E) (M4) (V1.1)
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October 14th, 2009, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
1964Video a Nintendo 64 Graphics Plug-In has been updated.
(Based on Rice´s 6.1.1 beta 10 source code)
* added support for a WIP folder for enabling the reloading of newly designed
textures of retexture artists. WIP has to be a direct subfolder of the main
folder of the hires pack. Nested folders are possible
* fixed a bug with texture dumping
* fixed the counter display for texture loading. Now it indicates the real
amount of loaded textures and does not restart at 1 for each sub folder
* adjusted displayed messages
* added hint for caching option (forgot to port this from my private codebase
last time)
* started to comment the hires code in TextureFilters.cpp. It should now be
veeery easy understandable even for beginners
Edited wiki page through web user interface.
added further todo´s
1964Video: Add the hires background loading technique to another background
loading code.
Microdev please check this as it doesn´t seem to cause any regressions not sure
if there is any improvement but there may be in some games.
Edited wiki page through web user interface.
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October 14th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
BlackAce83 and TiMeBoMb have released StartPatch v4.2.2K.
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as StarFall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates, which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP (Need To Install BOTH) - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check (Not In KOR Version) - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
Force Disc To Use IOS249 - Forces Discs to use IOS249.
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October 14th, 2009, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Michelinux has released FlyingSaucers v0.1
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game.
Point at the flying saucers with wiimote and shoot at them pressing B
Avoid being hit by their missiles moving left-right with nunchuk
0.1 very first release with poor graphics and no sound. Feel free to send me better images or sounds if you are clever than me :-P
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October 14th, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Minishlink has updated the MLlib to 1.1.5b, compatible with the new devkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0.
The MLlib (or Minishlink's Library) is a simple library to develop on Nintendo Wii. Technically, it's a wrapper of libogc and others librairies. Coding with this lib on Wii is way easier and faster now ! :-) I created this because I needed a library with I could code with easy functions. It uses GX for drawing, libpng for handling PNG, and libs of libogc...
1.1.5b - October 14, 2009
Now compatible with DevkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0. Go update them !
added: ML_GetFPS()
added: ML_AnimateSpriteEx2(ML_Sprite *sprite, bool enabled, u8 waitForXRefreshBetweenFrames, u8 from, u8 to, u8 timesLooped)
fixed: bug when you had more than one Wiimote
fixed: bug when using ML_Cursor with animated or tiled sprite
fixed: ML_AnimateSpriteEx wasn't doing his job properly, skipping one frame.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
BALROG proposes a new version of its game coded in Lua for the DS, "CarPaying. In which you must dodge cars that will darken it.
Major news for users:
-Slight reduction in maximum speed of enemies.
-Adding sound and a background (this is very basic: the VRAM is full so I added an image).
-Small change the appearance of enemies.
-Improved collision, which suffered from some flaws in the previous version.
Reduced-size mask vehicle collision: thus, we can now brush enemies.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Giovannini offers version 2.7 of its utility updated cheats code, "UsrCheatUp. Utility that allows to update your database cheat code from your DS and Wi-Fi.
What's new:
* Fixed issue with DSone and M3i not previously self-dected
* Added program update system: press X to check UsrCheatUp if an update is available, then press start to update or B to go back
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October 14th, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
In the latest edition of Iwata Asks, Nintendo boss and wannabe chat-show host Satoru Iwata interviewed his most famous employee, Shigeru Miyamoto, about Wii Fit Plus. Miyamoto told his superior that he regarded the new fitness title as an "enhanced version", not a sequel.
"We began developing Wii Fit Plus with a kind of typical game developer's way of thinking: since the first one has sold well, we should come up with a sequel," he confessed.
But, although there are some 20-odd new exercises and mini-games, and a new method of combining physical and mental exercises, Miyamoto felt it was more important to improve the "convenience factor" of the Wii Fit so players wouldn't stop using it after a while.
He focused work on streamlining the interface and including personalised training routines in the My Wii Fit Plus menu. The usability of the latter so obsessed him he remade it four times, which seemed to alarm the man who signs his timesheets. "Really? You remade it four times?" Iwata said.
"As we'd managed to come up with such a solid core, I personally felt that we should get this on the market quickly with the intention of saying to Wii Fit users: 'Use this to get an enhanced version of Wii Fit!'" Miyamoto said. "It's not number two! It's not what you'd call a sequel with a regular game - it's actually an enhanced version of the software."
This worried Iwata, the executive confessed. "The more I heard you talk about it, the more I felt that it was an enhanced version which was the same as new versions of operating systems or business software. That's why, if I'm being perfectly honest, I was rather worried at the start about how Nintendo would handle this kind of software, as it's not something we've ever dealt with before."
The pair also had great fun discussing the new feature of Wii Fit Plus - presumably top of Peter Molyneux's wish-list for the game - which allows you to weigh your dog.
Known dog-lover Miyamoto expressed his disappointment at getting this into the first game. "I did go through a period when I regretted the fact that users couldn't weigh their dogs. Dogs are the classic pet, after all," he said.
"On the title screen for the original Wii Fit, all of the Mii characters from the users' family gather together briefly. I thought of this scene as somehow being the Wii "home", so of course it was somewhat sad not to have any pets included."
He was so sad he made a Mii of his dog so that it wasn't left out, and insisted designers came up with representations of dogs and cats, and a method of weighting them, for Wii Fit Plus.
He also revealed, in news that will surprise Miyamoto-watchers everywhere, that he has just got a cat himself. "From now on, I will also be showing consideration for cat lovers."
To his boss's evident puzzlement, Miyamoto goes on to insist that users could have "a lot of fun" weighing everyday objects with Wii Fit Plus - and revealed a curious fact about himself.
"I've always enjoyed guessing the lengths of objects, which is why I carry a measuring tape around with me," Miyamoto said.
"For instance, I might guess that the table in front of us is about 1.2 metres long. Then I'd actually measure it with the measuring tape to check. If I got it right, I'd think: 'I'm on form today!' But if I missed the mark by a long way, I'd think: 'I've been slipping a bit recently!'" said the world's most revered games designer.
Iwata, amazed, said that he did not know this about his star employee. "I've realised today how much I still don't know about you!" the executive said.
"Well, I love measuring things," said the creator of Mario. "Iwata-san, why don't you try carrying a tape measure around with you?"
"I'm the type of person who'd prefer to have machines automatically measuring and recording things, so I don't think I'm cut out to be a fellow measurement-obsessive!" said his boss.
"You're missing out! It's a lot of fun, I'm telling you!"
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October 15th, 2009, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Two of the most beloved icons in the world, Marion and Sonic, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
This momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars have appeared together in a game.
Featuring an all-star cast of characters from the amazing worlds of both Mario and Sonic, players will be able to compete as or against a range of familar characters including Marion, Sonic, Luigi, Knuckles, Yoshi, Tails and more.
Innovative usage of the Wii control systems to maneuver your favorite character will allow players to race the likes of Mario and Sonic down the 100m track, leap over the high jump or churn water in a swimming heat, all while competing for the much-sought-after gold medal. With up to four players on the Wii, the stage is set to catch the fever this holiday with Mario and Sonic.
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October 15th, 2009, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Two of the most beloved icons in the world, Marion and Sonic, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
This momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars have appeared together in a game.
Featuring an all-star cast of characters from the amazing worlds of both Mario and Sonic, players will be able to compete as or against a range of familar characters including Marion, Sonic, Luigi, Knuckles, Yoshi, Tails and more.
Innovative usage of the DS control systems to maneuver your favorite character will allow players to race the likes of Mario and Sonic down the 100m track, leap over the high jump or churn water in a swimming heat, all while competing for the much-sought-after gold medal. With up to four players on the DS, the stage is set to catch the fever this holiday with Mario and Sonic.
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October 15th, 2009, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
A lawsuit has been filed by Capcom, Nintendo and 53 other DS software manufacturers against four companies importing and selling R4 Revolution for DS devices.
Filed with the Tokyo District Court, the companies are seeking an injunction to prevent distribution of the piracy enabling devices, and compensation for their losses as well.
In February, the court ruled in favour of the game companies and made it illegal to import and sell the R4. However, in an official statement Capcom said there had been no sign of their disappearance from the market.
Despite repeated warnings requesting their discontinuation, the publisher noted that in many cases vendors were ignoring requests, forcing the renewed legal action.
"We are expecting the entire society, including users, to recognise that our company and other software manufacturers have extremely sustained damages from proliferation of illegal instruments such as the Game Copying Devices," Capcom said in the statement.
"The computer industries have sustained serious damages because of those vendors, and we expect to influence the society to eliminate such illegal instruments from the market."
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October 15th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Euro boss Laurent Fischer adds that retail remains Nintendo’s core business
Nintendo has denied suggestions that its push into the digital download market has a negative impact on physical retail.
On the contrary; Nintendo's European boss Laurent Fischer gave our sister site Develop two main reasons why WiiWare benefits retailers.
In an interview published today he said:
“The first is having more people being able to play games. We know from all our experience that what people enjoy on the services makes their appetites for playing games far bigger. That’s the first benefit to retail.â€
Said Fischer: “The other way is that WiiWare is a laboratory. What we know is that some of the games that are – you could say ‘tested’ through this platform – they may one day get access to the normal retail channels. That’s because the developers have managed to polish their software through the WiiWare experience. That is going to provide sales.â€
Fischer went on to claim that retail remains the company’s core business.
“Other download services are complementary,†he said. “They just provide something that can’t exist alone in the retail system.â€
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October 15th, 2009, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
blabla offers "Pokemon Mini-Game"A Lua homebrew coded which includes 10 mini-games on the theme of Pokemon. Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS to operate.
The game contains 10 mini-games including 3 secrets to discover (SVP, Start direct shell.lua!)
So you start with 7 mini-games.
Here are the 7 mini-games:
Pika Quiz answers 5 questions!
Pika Dash: Pass your opponent!
Pikboutton: Press 10 times to win!
Cons Pikachu Mew Mew Battle (thank you for Quent lib rpg!)
SpaceShipDash: Do not leave the screen!
Shoot Bomber: Destroy the bombs!
Get Pokeball: Collect the 8-ball poke in 10 seconds!
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October 15th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Wisen realized "Dice Roller DS"A dice simulator for the DS.
Y's who?
- Seven types of dice: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100
- Ability to run from 1 to 99 dice
- Added bonus (1 to 99)
- Details of each roll
How it works?
- L / R: cursor Main
- Cross directional: moving cursors secondary
- A: choosing a number or a die
- B: run!
- 10 + button allows you to enter numbers above 9. A cross, the red number and blue for the Bonus, appears when this mode is activated 10 +.
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October 16th, 2009, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
DacoTaco has released a modified version of Preloader 0.30
This project is a modded version of preloader for the official (discontinued) version or here for other third party modifications.
stuff on top off 0.30:
-added autoboot Bootmii IOS
-added Bootmii IOS booting option to menu
-let preloader remount sd on alot of occasions
-try and boot the HAXX Homebrew channel Title ID if JODI isn't found
-various file access bug fixes.
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October 16th, 2009, 03:23 Posted By: wraggster
Warpfish has released Smashing! 2.0
Smashing! Is a rather posh 3D arcade shooter by Warpfish for the Wii.
For more information on this and future releases please visit http://www.warpfish.co.uk
Version 2.0
4 new areas
Original Game modes re-vamped
Now a total of 7 Single player game modes
Now a total of 9 Multi-player game modes
New songs
Nunchuk Reload
Online Scoreboard
Crosshair animation and roll
Updated menu
Supports both NTSC and PAL correctly (we think)
Obeys Wii video shift settings
Song select
In game restart
Instructions updated
More accurate target hit detection
Get Ready, Shoot and Finished stages with sounds
Some environmental effects
Target colours now consistent across areas and modes
More sensitive reload
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October 16th, 2009, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
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October 16th, 2009, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
At a New York City roundtable event, Nintendo's resident wunderkind Shigeru Miyamoto showed Joystiq and several other press outlets his latest creation: New Super Mario Bros. Wii (more on that later). During the Q&A that followed, when asked if he was particularly surprised by the reception of any of his games, Miyamoto responded that while he wasn't "truly surprised" by the reaction it got, he thinks "there may still be some possibility with ... Wii Music," the Big N's poorly received music title.
"The development team members, the directors of Wii Music were I think, maybe a little bit shocked by the reaction and had hoped it would get a better response than it did," Miyamoto explained through a translator. "So I think if we were to do anything, it would be a matter of getting back together with them and trying to understand what their expectations were and where the gap was between their expectations and what the resulting product was."
That doesn't mean Miyamoto doesn't have any insight into the game's failure to connect with gamers. He explained that the "gap between the positives and the negatives seems to be pretty big," referring to the games reception. "The thing that's interesting about Wii Music is there are people who are very versed in music and play the game and their evaluation of it is very high but at the same time there are a lot of people who play it and don't have a very good opinion of it."
As if to prevent any "Wii Music 2 confirmed!" headlines from finding their way online, Miyamoto clarified, "We have talked about it but it isn't anything that's concrete at this point." As unusual as it is to see a Nintendo product miss the mark, it's similarly unusual to hear the company acknowledge as much.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

JU-ON: The Grudge is a “Haunted House Simulator†where accessibility and instant scares are given priority over everything else. Using the Wii Remote as a flashlight, explore haunted areas such as an abandoned warehouse, a dimly-lit hospital, and a mannequin factory. Much like a haunted house, you must proceed forward even after being frightened.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Become a Pokémon and experience the world in a whole different way. Enter into a spectacular adventure to save the Pokémon world
Uncover new chapters in the immersive Pokémon Mystery Dungeon storyline by playing new Special Episodes
Play as one of 19 different Pokémon (including five additional starter Pokémon). Find out which one you will become. Interact with more than 490 Pokémon as you explore
Trade items with your friends via a local wireless connection. Also, you can trade with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness and see what happens
Send a demo dungeon to your friend’s Nintendo DS™ or Nintendo DSi™ system via a local wireless connection
With a wireless broadband Internet connection, access special Missions or rescue fallen friends over Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is the newest installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video game series. The game expands on the fun found in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness. Players become a Pokémon and team up with a partner Pokémon. Together the two set out on an adventure of exploration and discovery, ultimately saving the world from destruction. With additional Pokémon to become, new “Special Episodes†and enhanced communication features, this is a grand adventure with a moving story and stunning finale. This game is a great starting point for players to enter the world of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and for returning players to discover even more secrets.
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October 16th, 2009, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
VisualBoyAdvance Rerecording is a Nintendo GBA and GB/GBC emulator (based on VisualBoyAdvance).
Lua: add memory.registerexec
Lua: add register manipulation functions for GB
Lua: memory.[get|set]register now works for GBA games (r0...r15, cpsr and spsr).
Lua: re-implement memory.registerwrite with gens style code. add stub of memory.getregister and memory.setregister.
LuaGui speedup
minor edit
add dlls for SubWCRev
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October 16th, 2009, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sam carmichael has released Sar
Sar is a a Nintendo Wii game made in America where you can move around in 3d over a colorful terrain. You can switch between 3 camera types with the button (still, following, pointing), jump with the button, zoom with buttons, rotate the camera with buttons, and move around (as if on flat ground) with on the remote in a fully 3d environment. to exit.
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October 16th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Lemon Man has just published Taiko
Taiko is an opensource NANDloader for Nintendo Wii channels but focused on the use with Wiiware/Virtual console channels. The NANDloader its a lil piece of code embedded in each channel and bootstrapped by the sysmenu when you click the "Start" button on the Wii.
Nearly 100% compatibility with any channel.
Exclusive LZ77 0x10/0x11 decompression code.
Builtin Video mode patcher.
002-error blocker.
Ram patching engine.
How to use it
You must replace by hand the title nandloader either with FSToolbox or some other software, then press reset when you boot the game and the taiko menu will appear. At the moment the configuration saver is broken and wont save the settings for each game, feel free to submit a patch for the issue
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October 16th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kayvon
RED - by B. Perry
Based on "Red" by Case Hollingsworth
Shoot with the stylus.
Hold any button while shooting for a super shot.
Press [SELECT] to change the soundtrack.
Press [START] to pause.

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October 17th, 2009, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo returns to its roots next month by releasing a new, 2-D, side-scrolling Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii, it's trying to do more than simply hop on the retro bandwagon many publishers have ridden in recent months. Speaking at a roundtable discussion in New York this week, Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto talked about how they're trying to satisfy fans of the series who want challenging gameplay in addition to attracting new or casual players just looking for an entertaining platformer. Quoting:
"... you can play the story mode single-player all the way through from beginning to end, and at any point along the way, you can add players from the world map and have up to four players cooperate to complete the levels. And beyond that, there are two dedicated multiplayer modes, one of which is free-for-all, which lets you select the stages from story mode ... so you can easily find the stage you like. And then there’s also a coin battle mode which is a competitive multiplayer mode, in which you’re actually competing for points and you’re getting ranked based on how many points you’ve collected. The free-for-all mode has kind of a similar feel to something like Mario Kart where you just happen to have four people over and you want to sit down and play a quick match in your favorite level."
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October 17th, 2009, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13663.html
The SNES emulator Snes9x v1.51 rerecording, which is based on SNES9x, has been updated.
add memory.registerexec
Lua: add SA1 registers and PBPC (returns 0x10000*PB+PC)
1.43: (ASMs changed!) ugly huge update which fixes the PB/PC value. Now memory.getregister should return a stable value. However, modifying the PB/PC on a memory hook function still doesn´t change the next instruction position.
defined PC_t to fix PC/PB register value (NOTE: reassemble all ASMs before compiling!)
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October 17th, 2009, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released libwiigui 1.05
libwiigui is a GPL licensed GUI library for the Wii, created to help structure the design of a complicated GUI interface, and to enable an author to create a sophisticated, feature-rich GUI. It was originally conceived and written after I started to design a GUI for Snes9x GX, and found libwiisprite and GRRLIB inadequate for the purpose. It uses GX for drawing, and makes use of PNGU for displaying images and FreeTypeGX for text. It was designed to be flexible and is easy to modify - don't be afraid to change the way it works or expand it to suit your GUI's purposes! If you do, and you think your changes might benefit others, please share them so they might be added to the project!
Extensible classes
Built-in TTF, PNG support (uses FreeTypeGX and PNGU/libpng)
Built-in sound support (OGG and PCM)
Integrated hotspot support
Automatic handling of navigation via controller pad
Window focus support
Sophisticated object positioning
Comprehensive object state and event system
Support for animated effects
Included template and sample class extensions (eg: on-screen keyboard)
Update History
1.05 - October 16, 2009
Text alignment corrections
Compatibility with devkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0
Removed outside dependencies - uses only devkitpro portlibs now
Added grayscale method to image class (thanks dimok!)
Other minor optimizations
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October 17th, 2009, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
BlackAce83 and TiMeBoMb have released StartPatch v4.2.3(U, E, J, & K).
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as StarFall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates, which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
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October 17th, 2009, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
kvance offers "DSMZX v2"A second version of porting MegaZeux DS for almost 2 years after the first version.
DSMZX is a game engine that allows MegaZeux to run games created by / for MegaZeux.
This is a port of MegaZeux to the Nintendo DS. Extract it to the root of your flash card so the files are in / games / megazeux. Apply the appropriate DLDI patch.
Because of the small amount of main memory on the DS, a SLOT-2 device with extra memory (eg SuperCard) is recommended. Without it, large game worlds will run out of memory.
Once The Game loads, the top screen shows a zoomed-in portion of the screen, and the bottom screen shows the entire screen scaled to fit. The stylus can be used to perform mouse clicks and pan around the top screen. Use the right trigger to toggle a software keyboard.
DSMZX currently builds against devkitARM-r26, libnds-1.3.8, and 1.0.4-libfat. The libnds keyboard graphic has been replaced with this fixed version with better transparency.
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October 17th, 2009, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
A version MegaZeuX was also focused on the Wii by Alistair John Strachan there was almost 1 year and no one has published. We are making up the delay in offering this archive for the Wii.
MegaZeux can create role-play and run games created by / for MegaZeux.
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October 17th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
The Goomba fork, Goomba Palatted, has been updated. Please see the change log for more information.
QUOTE(Change Log)
• Support EZ4, Supercard, and F2A exit natively.
• Adds Gameboy Color Palettes, mixed by Asaki.
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October 17th, 2009, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zhedelta
This is my first project: Plain Pong. If you haven't realized yet, it is a Pong clone. I've made it taking this video as inspiration (read: copying/ripping the resources):
I've seen many other Pong clones around here, so I wasn't going to make a thread with my version... But in the end, I suppose that if just one person enjoys it or if somebody spots a bug that helps me to improve my coding/PAlib knowledge, it will be worth it, so here it is:
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October 18th, 2009, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster

[Bradley] decided to tackle the challenge to recreate the original Nintendo Entertainment System’s processor in a Field Programmable Gate Array. Say what? The original NES is a Legacy System, still used but no longer manufactured. If a system breaks, it becomes more and more difficult to repair or find replacements parts as time passes. By using a programmable integrated circuit such as a CPLD or a FPGA to clone the functionality of the original hardware, legacy systems can live on long after the original hardware has given up the ghost.
It took [Bradley] about a year to fully implement the NES processor as part of his Master’s project at Bradley University. He used what was known about the processor combined with some detective work with logic probes along the way. The programming was done in VHDL and those files are available for download (click on Documentation).
With the ubiquity of NES emulators on every device known to man you probably won’t be replicating this unless you want a reason to play with a FPGA. What interests us is the hardware solution this type of work provides for obsolete hardware that still serves a useful purpose. If you’ve used a FPGA or similar device to keep an old system running, let us know about it in the comments.
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October 18th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
byuu has released a new version of its SNES emulator bsnes for Windows and Linux.
bsnes v0.053 released (2009-10-18)
This release greatly polishes the user interface, adds a new cheat code search utility, adds the snesfilter library, and adds Qt-based GUI support to both snesfilter and snesreader. snesfilter gains 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle support, plus full configuration for both the NTSC and scanline filters; and snesreader gains support support for multi-file ROM archives (eg GoodMerge sets.)
Statically linking Qt to bsnes, snesfilter and snesreader would be too prohibitive size-wise (~10MB or so.) I have to link dynamically so that all three can share the same Qt runtime, which gets all of bsnes and its modules to ~1MB (including the debugger build); and Qt itself to about ~2.5MB.
However, there is some bad news. There´s a serious bug in MinGW 4.4+, where it is not generating profile-guided input files (*.gcno files.) There is also a serious bug in Qt 4.5.2/Windows when using dynamic linking: the library is hanging indefinitely, forcing me to manually terminate the process upon exit. This prevents the creation of profile-guided output files (*.gcda files.) It would be tough enough to work around one, but facing both of these issues at once is too much.
I´m afraid I have no choice but to disable profile-guided optimizations until these issues can be addressed. I did not know about these bugs until trying to build the official v053 release, so it´s too late to revert to an all-in-one binary now. And I´m simply not willing to stop releasing new builds because of bugs in third-party software. As soon as I can work around this, I´ll post a new optimized binary. In the mean time, despite the fact that this release is actually more optimized, please understand that the Windows binary will run approximately ~10% slower than previous releases. I recommend keeping v052 for now if you need the performance. Linux and OS X users are unaffected.
save RAM is initialized to 0xff again to work around Ken Griffey Jr Baseball issue
libco adds assembly-optimized targets for Win64 and PPC-ELF [the latter courtesy of Kernigh]
libco/x86 and libco/amd64 use pre-assembled blocks now, obviates need for custom compilation flags
added a new cheat code search utility to the tools menu
separated filters from main bsnes binary to libsnesfilter / snesfilter.dll
added 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle filters [kode54]
added full configuration settings for NTSC and scanline filters (12+ new options)
further optimized HQ2x filter [blargg]
added Vsync support to the Mac OS X OpenGL driver
added folder creation button to custom file load dialog
fixed a few oddities with loading of "game folders" (see older news for an explanation on what this is)
updated to blargg´s file_extractor v1.0.0
added full support for multi-file archives (eg GoodMerge sets)
split multi-cart loading again (BS-X, Sufami Turbo, etc) as required for multi-file support
cleaned up handling of file placement detection for save files (.srm, .cht, etc)
file load dialog now remembers your previous folder path across runs even without a custom games folder assigned
windows now save their exact positioning and size across runs, they no longer forcibly center
menus now have radio button and check box icons where appropriate
debugger´s hex editor now has a working scrollbar widget
added resize splitter to settings and tools windows
worked around Qt style sheet bug where subclassed widgets were not properly applying style properties
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October 18th, 2009, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
BHSPitMonkey has released Helii 0.2
Helii is a game in which you steer a helicopter through a tunnel. As the game progresses, the tunnel varies in size/shape, and obstacles are introduced.
First public release
Added obstacles
Cave shape is now unique to each play
Added flaming death animation
Added outro sequence
Improved smoke trail
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October 18th, 2009, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
GeeXboX is a media center program built on Wii Linux. It uses MPlayer with a graphical front end. It can play videos and music (with visualization) and display photo slideshows.
Specially added features in the Wii port are: bluetooth (remote control, obex file push, networking and audio partially working), USB storage, USB Ethernet, http/telnet/ftp server, netstreaming, image viewer, goom visuals for audio playback, .... Most of added features are fully or partially tested, some are not, yet.
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October 18th, 2009, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Michelinux has released FlyingSaucers 0.2:
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game.
Point at the flying saucers with wiimote and shoot at them pressing B
Avoid being hit by their missiles moving left-right with nunchuk
0.2 3 game levels, little graphics improvements, code cleanup
0.1 very first release with poor graphics and no sound. Feel free to send me better images or sounds if you are clever than me :-P
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October 18th, 2009, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
BALROG offers a small update of its "Pong like" Lua-coded for the DS "PingPong". You will need the interpreter Nano Lua to execute.
Version 1.95:
Fixed problem with sound.
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October 18th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
CashMan has released Wii Home 1.3.1
Wii Home is a "plugin" for Preloader
Wii Home is a homebrew which launches at startup of the Wii. You can, on the menu, select if you want go to the System Menu or to the HBC. You can also customize Wii Home with a theme of your choice.
Compiled with DevKitPPC r18 and libOGC 1.8.0
Now compatible with Homebrew Channel => 1.0.5
Changed default font
Added UTF-8 characters support with the new font
Better English translation
Better French translation
Better Spanish translation
Using Dollz 3.0 to have a little size (943 ko -> 559 ko : 384 ko earned)
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October 18th, 2009, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
FS Toolbox is a NAND browser that can dump files from the nand to sd card and write files from sd card to the nand, with this you can edit files on the nand to test stuff out and to have backups of your files if something ever goes wrong.
You can set the pointer onto a TMD file in the selected title id and then press 2, you will be able to select the IOS version the channel uses and fakesign it after that.
NEW FUNCTION : Dump the full nand fs to your SD! Just press 1 and it will start
0.4 - October 18, 2009
GC controller support
Access rights warnings
Display the file ids and permissons
Various small changes and fixes
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October 19th, 2009, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Hold onto your smelly socks, because Mario voice actor Charles Martinet has a bombshell. Nintendo is, are you ready, making, wait for it, another, braces, Mario game.
Unbelievable, huh? The voice actor tweets, "Awesome new Mario Game! And it's not NSMB Wii, and it's not Galaxy 2, but it's going to be crazy fun!" And it's going to be from Nintendo! And you'll be voicing acting it! And we'll all buy it!
Kotaku is happy to hear Nintendo is work on a new Mario game — though, that fact alone is hardly surprising. If Nintendo wasn't working on one, then we'd heave reason for alarm.
But you know what else is unbelievable? As of posting, Charlie Martinet doesn't follow anyone on Twitter. Somebody tell him he's doing it wrong. STAT!
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October 19th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Looks like our old friend, Matthias -- the developer of the USB SNES cart reader -- is back on the scene, and this time he's going commercial. His newest project, Snega2USB, adds Sega Genesis, read and write for battery-backed SNES games, open source firmware, and up to four gamepads to the homebrew fave of classic gaming fanatics world o'er. This is a work-in-progress, but all the pieces are in place to have all orders met on the December, 2009 street date. Pre-orders will be taken until October 31 for $90 in the United States or €75 in Europe.
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October 19th, 2009, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

More realistic, more fun, more exciting and more amazing! Improve comfort and grip performance on games with it. It can be used in the air, mounted onto the table top stand. Automatic centering the steering wheel and centers itself for real driving simulation. Secure suction mounts table attachment. Adjustable steering angel with customize angle lock, multi-angle X, Y, Z axis, Left, Right, Upward, Downward tilt movement. Lock mechanism can be engaged to allow players to custom set and lock their racing angle to their own performance.
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October 19th, 2009, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Command your forces into one of several formations, each with its own strengths and weaknesses
Collect all the Vaettir Arms (180+ Arms to find!) scattered throughout the game and strike fear into the hearts of your foes with the awesome power of the Valhalla Break!
Using the power of ad-hoc wireless connectivity you can trade items with your friends, rent out your heroes to aid friends in need, or battle them for fame and glory!
Equip different weapons to change the class, abilities, and appearance of your soldiers! Choose wisely to unlock the legendary secret class!
The Story So Far…
When a strange girl hands Ernesto, the young prince of Valencia, a mysterious sword and tells him to save his friends, he thinks nothing of using the magical blade to fight off an undead attack. Little does he know that such a small choice will spark a war that will rage across the continent of Yulamecca and beyond…
“Hero’s Saga Laevatein Tactics really brings back the spirit of SRPGs of old,†said Frank “Bo†deWindt II, Project Lead, Aksys Games. “You can definitely see bits and pieces of many SRPGs, like Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre, lending their influence to help inspire a stellar game.â€
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October 19th, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Charges the battery (included), without having to remove the silicon shell or Wii MotionPlusâ„¢ from the Wii Remoteâ„¢
Power supply through the Wii™ console –charges even if it is switched off
Two status lights indicate the charging process
Separate on/off switch at the rear end of the wireless charger
Rechargeable Li-Ion battery with 600mAh (suitable for the original WiiRemoteâ„¢)
Here is something convenient for you. As you can see, quite a lot of cool games are coming out on Nintendo Wii and there will be a great chance for your batteries to run out. Slipping the cover off and resetting the remote controls can be a real fuss especially if you have to do it at a regular basis.
Make use of this charger, you don't have to remove the Motion Plus or the silicon shell during the charge. Simply plugging one end to the remote and the Wii console, you will have your batteries charged. There are lights that indicate the status of your batteries, switch the charger off once you are done.
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October 19th, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Travel to 6 different bakery environments including the Jurassic Period, Medieval England and the Future. Each environment has its own unique cake styles
Customize Jill's bakeries with 50 unique kitchen upgrades: Ovens, Shoes, Frosters, Display Stands, Microwaves, TVs, Toppers and Frosterators. New upgrades include the Fridge and Hot Drink Machine!
Serve 30 new demanding customers, from Medieval Wizards to Ancient Egyptian Mummies
Unlock three different mini games, including Servo-Rama, Cakey-Makey and Match Cakes
Receive trophies for completing specific tasks and follow your accomplishments in the Trophy Room
As Jill Evans nervously prepares for her big wedding day, disaster strikes when a mysterious ‘timebender' crashes to the floor. As her friends and family rush to pick up the shattered pieces, her loved ones suddenly vanish. Now, in order to rescue them and get back before the ceremony begins, Jill must travel through time and work her cake-making magic on everyone she meets in this all-new adventure.
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October 19th, 2009, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
After a half-dozen hours of installing and compiling various combinations of MinGW and Qt, I've finally found a combination that once again allows for profile-guided optimizations: MinGW GCC 4.3.3 and Qt 4.6.0-beta 1. Though Qt 4.4 still has broken PGO, the latest Qt beta no longer has the process freeze issue upon termination.
This release is essentially the same as v053, but it's now at least as fast as v052 was, and ~10% faster than v053, which lacked profiling.
I did add in two quick changes, however: first, when starting in fullscreen mode, the video output size was being incorrectly set to the windowed size; second, by requiring save states to match the CRC32 of games, it made debugging with them impossible, so I've turned off the CRC32 matching.
News source: http://byuu.org
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October 19th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The SNES emulator Snes9x v1.51 rerecording, which is based on SNES9x, has been updated.
win32: improved Edit action of Lua console. it tries to open a script by other ways if there is no association with "edit" action.
win32: Lua Console: ShellExecute now opens a script with "edit" rather than "open"
Lua: add/replace print, tostring, addressof, and copytable.
adapt gens style lua console (only style, it still runs with single instance, and the output console does nothing yet); it somehow works well.
separated Lua dialog code to luaconsole.cpp, for future enhancement.
add line comment ´// 1bit flag, how should lua engine handle it?´ (emulation flag)
Lua: separate emulation flag from register ´p´
pack flags into register on every frame, P register value fixed. 1.43: memory.registerexec callback now returns instruction size.
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October 19th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
BHSPitMonkey has updated Briickout to version 0.2:
Briickout is a very simple Breakout clone, using some simple physics to make the paddle controls a bit more interesting. There is very little special functionality as of now.
Sexy new graphics
Visual ball spin effect
Pause functionality
Ball waits for user input before appearing
Code cleanup
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October 19th, 2009, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
chris has updated Yahtzwii to version 2.0
It's Yahtzee for the Wii.
v2.0 19/10/2009
Includes Painted Yahtzee game.
Added music.
More attractive background for Scandinavian rules.
Slightly enhanced intro and outro.
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October 19th, 2009, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
chris has released a port of robotfindskitten:
robotfindskitten is a port of the ASCII zen simulation robotfindskitten to the Wii.

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October 19th, 2009, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Unoff...il-t15628.html
Molokai presents his backup converter to Wii64. This allows you to use your backups N64 with Wii64
OK, so while I was trying to test some bug EmulateMii for the team, I needed a completed save file. However, I did not want to go through the trouble of manually swapping the whole endian 97KB completed save file (for Majora's Mask), so I wrote my own save converter. After extensive debugging, it should work with any 32-bit Windows installation now (64-bit is as yet untested). I do not have it set up for either Mac or linux (and mac is not likely, since I can not test it, and some of the commands I use are platform specific), but if anyone wants to convert the code for themselves, by all means, I'll upload the source for you (it's really not all that fancy, so I do not really care).
Just to let you guys know, as far as I know, only. Fla and. Sra files need to be converted (. Eep might need some garbage data at the end, but I have not tested that yet. If it does, I 'll add that into my converter and make another release.. eep's do not need to be endian swapped, however). And this only takes those files, as well as certain file sizes.
This converter is strictly drag and drop, but it can take a dropped file from anywhere to convert it, and preserves the original save while saving the converted one in the Wii64 Saves subfolder.
Also, if your converted save does not work, make sure it's got a (U) / (E), etc., on the end of it (or, to make it easy, look at what makes Wii64 have the save file name and copy that).
Let me know what you guys think (and team EmulateMii, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by releasing this).
And I'm sure, once EmulateMii release the beta 2 with their converter, mine will become obsolete ... But since we do not know when that will happen, until then, enjoy mine!
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October 19th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has updated his Master System and GameGear emu for DS
Just a small fix for S8DS.
*After loading game GUI is automatically closed.
*Added internal Bios (for Ace of Aces & Shadow Dancer).
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October 20th, 2009, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Kuwanger proposes a new version "Goomba Paletted"Game Boy emulator monochrome Game Boy Color for the GBA / NDS. The strength of this modified version of Goomba is the ability to recolor the game by changing their color palette.
2009-10-18 - Changed border format to support more tiles. Borders Adds Super Game Boy, dumped by Asaki.
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October 20th, 2009, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from RyouArashi
Hexxagon DS is a remake of an old DOS board game played on a hexagonal board.
Each turn a player can move one of his own pieces by duplicating it onto an adjacent tile or simply
jumping one tile further. All enemy pieces next to the piece just moved will change color and
turn into the player's pieces. Once the board becomes full, the player with most pieces wins.
Click a piece to select it an show all possible moves for this piece.
Click on a highlighted tile to move or re-click the piece to deselect.
For green outlines to piece will duplicate, for yellow outlines it will jump.
This is a preview release an does not contain all features of the final version.
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October 20th, 2009, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from best_guitar
It's my first game, it's a vertical shoot'em up, the controls are D-Pad to direction and X to shooting. I hope the game will funny for you!

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October 20th, 2009, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jamesarney
I said that i would do xp But i have decided to change my mind so im now doing microdos Vista ds here is waht i haver got so far
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October 20th, 2009, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hero2
ContactsDS is a contacts organizer for the NDS. It is a WIP, has the simplest of features at the moment, and is insufficient. Nevertheless, I will be updating the app very often, so check for updates in this thread.
Update 0.02:
Minor Bug Fixes
Update 0.01:
Minor Bug Fixes
Copy "ContactsDS.nds" and "contacts.list" to the root of your card and run normally. (NOTE: some cards require that you DLDI patch ContactsDS first)
Scrolling the cursor:
Use the D-Pad Up button to scroll up and D-Pad Down button to scroll down
Adding a contact:
To add a contact to the list, just press the R trigger. ContactsDS for ask for the contact's name. Use the On-Screen-Keyboard (OSK) to type in the name and tap "Rtrn" to continue. ContactsDS will now ask for the contact's home phone number. To skip this, enter "0" and tap "Rtrn", this will be fixed in the next release. ContactsDS will now ask for the contact's cell phone number. You can skip this in the same way as the home phone number by entering "0" and tapping "Rtrn". The contact will now be added to the list and show up each time you use ContactsDS.
Removing a contact:
Removing a contact is as simple as scrolling the cursor down (or up), next to the contact's name and pressing the L trigger.
Viewing contact information:
To view a contact's information, scroll the cursor til the cursor is next to the contact's name and press the A button. The contact's information will be displayed. To return to the list of contacts, press the B button.
You can exit the "Add Contact" mode by pressing the B button at anytime.
Any reviews are welcome as well as ways inwhich the app could be improved. Thank you.
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October 20th, 2009, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo UK seems to have gone tin crazy of late -- first announcing a Limited Tin Edition of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, exclusive to GAME, and now offering a similar package for The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. This is, of course, wonderful news for people just starting their tin game box collections.
Retailer Gamestation is taking pre-orders on the Spirit Tracks: Limited Tin Edition for £39.99. However, Nintendo told CVG that the box is actually a pre-order bonus, and will be available from Gamestation's parent company, GAME, with early purchases of the regular £29.99 game. So, basically, don't buy this thing from Gamestation just yet!
While the box doesn't seem to be designed to hold coins like the Mario one, it is designed to hold the two figurines that will be included. We're really hoping (and almost certain) this is a mockup, and that it doesn't come with oddly flat figurines and a game box that tells you to "Pre-order your copy today!"
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October 20th, 2009, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Bloomberg predicts that platform holder may have to cut its profit forecast for the first time in six years
Falling sales of the Wii and the decreasing value of the yen could force Nintendo to lower its profit forecasts for the first time in six years – that’s the warning from US news agency Bloomberg.
The predictions are that the platform holder’s net income is set to fall by around 11 per cent to $2.7bn.
“Nintendo may cut its profit projection about 30 per cent because of sluggish sales in the first half, the price cut for the Wii and currency-related impact,†Deutsche Bank AG analyst Satoru Kikuchi explained.
“Investors are expecting the company to fully reflect its business environment in its forecast.â€
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October 20th, 2009, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced the black SKU of the Wii console will be available in the UK and Ireland from November 6.
The limited edition SKU will hit the rest of Europe from November 20, and come complete with black Remote, Wii MotionPlus, Nunchuck, and both Wii Sports games.
Nintendo will also sell a black version of the Classic Controller Pro and individual MotionPlus, Remote and Nunchuks separately from November 20
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October 20th, 2009, 16:30 Posted By: hotelsinus
Hi there.
We are close to th first test release of TonesythDS,
Matrix Synth for ds. 
- Patterns and preset save not working at the moment.
- 4 Waveforms implemented
- OSC MOD Amplitude (ring) modulation is working and really fun, the others didn't.
- REAL ADSRH is working 100% and realtime display the results.
- Sound generating is about 7-8sec when you hit the OK button in "generate" section.
- Filter section not working
- Sequencer is wait for the previous patter before the next is coming.
- Play and start working
- X is clear the actual pattern
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October 20th, 2009, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
r-win & Giantpune have released GeckoReader and libgeck
GeckoReader is a program to be run under Windows that will open a command prompt and output what it reads from a USB gecko. You must have the USB gecko installed, set up the COM drivers, and have .NET 2.0 for this to work properly. Then whatever buffer is sent from the Wii/Gamecube should pop up on the screen.
Also included is libgeck. It is a very small lib that you can link your programs with that should aid in debugging. Just link this in the makefile with -lgeck and put the .a and .h files in their directories in your devkit folder. Since this is a wrapper for the libogc functions, you need to link that as well. Or you can just copy the .c and .h files to your project and #include them. The gecko must be in slot B.
First use
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October 20th, 2009, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
It sounds like Nintendo's plans for the next console are going to continue largely in the direction they've always been going (you know, the one that has resulted in millions of dollars). Shigeru Miyamoto told Popular Mechanics that, despite not having a solid plan yet for upcoming hardware, motion controls are likely to stick around.
"With both the Wii remote itself and Wii MotionPlus, what we've been able to do is introduce an interface that is both I think appealing and at the right price for a broad audience," Miyamoto said. "And while we don't have any concrete plans for what we'll be doing with hardware in the future, what I can say is that, my guess is that because we found this interface to be so interesting, I think it would be likely that we would try to make that same functionality perhaps more compact and perhaps even more cost-efficient."
This could result in a single unit that combines the base Wiimote functionality with the extra accelerometer of the MotionPlus, which makes sense. Or, more excitingly, Miyamoto could be talking about the system being more "compact" and "cost-efficient." Either way, it's starting to look less and less likely that the Wii 2 will be just like its competitors, but with Mario games on it.
In much more important news, Miyamoto said that he'd never heard of The Wizard. Bill Trinen's got a night of translating horrible Fred Savage dialogue ahead of him!
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October 20th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One Super Sized story and 6 action-packed campaigns featuring Wolverine, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Silver Surfer and Falcon
Team up with a friend to electrocute enemies, wrap them in webs, and save Super Hero City
2 bonus unlockable campaigns featuring Spider-Man and Dr. Doom
Choose from over 20 Marvel characters from the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Avengers series and use their unique super powers to smash, bash, and zap your enemies
Create your own combo attacks to takedown the competition with unique character powers
Go head-to-head with your friends and fight as your favorite Super Hero or Villain
Welcome to Super Hero City! Assemble your squad and fight your way to victory to save the citizens of Super Hero City from the evil schemes of the super villains in this multi-player adventure game inspired by the action-packed animated Marvel TV series.
Fight through campaigns full of adventure or wage an all-out battle in the streets of dynamic environments as you mix and match heroes and villains with their own unique powers and abilities.
Hero up! Pick your battle–fight for good, fight for evil or just fight for fun!
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October 21st, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Pimp-Wii-13-t15662.html&
Pimp My Wii is being developed by Attila and now in version 1.2. This is a homebrew that will install the securities that are missing or outdated on your console.
I quote:
Version 1.3:
- New menu option "Downgrade IOS 15. You choose the IOS to use to downgrade the IOS just 15 that will restore the trucha bug in it.
- Now when you pass a simple test there is no initialization Internet / sd / usb and no longer proposes to downgrade the IOS in some cases.
- When no IOS has been found useful, it now takes the place of IOS 36 if present, otherwise the 28 or 33 or 55 or 30 and if the IOS used by the System Menu. It avoids the problem -1035 on IOS 70 on Wii 4.2 When the downgrade.
- Added a mode info "who writes on the SD card info on the tracks installed. It displays the status of the bug Trucha, function ES_Identify, the possibility of downgrade (version check) and check stub for the IOS. For all securities it also displays if an original title or not.
- If pimp my wii detects a former MIOS and that you have not installed the original (ie a cMIOS), he tells you he will be replaced by a normal MIOS.
- Displays the navigation keys.
- Provides installation of the EULA in install mode manually.
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October 21st, 2009, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...ha-t15651.html
Dimok just update the version of WiiXplorer. So it is a browser developed by Wii Dimok and R-Win. The interface uses the lib LibWiiGui created by Tantric and images Neorama. Biensur You can compile your own versions by visiting their website.
- Copy / move / delete files / folders on SMB / USB / SD.
- Ability to rename files
- Information about the files / folders
- Exploration SD / USB / SMB
- Address bar with the path
- Boot files .dol / .elf via a double click
- New style / images Neorama
- Support files TXT/PNG/JPEG/MP3/OGG
Revision 72
- Discount Road upgrade to WiiXplorer to match the path used by the Homebrew Browser.
Revision 71
- Updated language files.
- Fixed a bug with the automatic update if / missing.
- Change the file update by default.
- Added a screen to connect the Wii when you press the update button when you are not yet connected to the Internet.
Revision 70
- Updated language file.
- Added translator in the credits.
- Link to translation page added to the meta
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October 21st, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has once again updated his Master System and GameGear emu for DS:
Just a small fix for S8DS.
*Fixed Bios handling a bit (GG games works again).
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October 21st, 2009, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
kvance offers a version of Corrections "DSMZX"Porting MegaZeux for the DS.
DSMZX is a game engine that allows MegaZeux to run games created by / for MegaZeux.
Update: Build 2.1 adds fixes for hardware EZFlash
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October 21st, 2009, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Chris proposes Robotfindskitten, Port for the wii simulation Zen ASCII of the same name. You're a robot and your goal is to find the kitten.
v.1.7320508.406/wii: Abysinnian 18/10/2009 (later that day)
Made Balance Board control more sensitive.
v.1.7320508.406/wii 18/10/2009
Original release.
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October 21st, 2009, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
M! K offers version 2.0 of its excellent utility "TheSmsCenter", Which allows to send free SMS from your Nintendo DS.
A free subscription to the service in question is required in advance to benefit only in France and Italy.
Changelog v2.0:
• Fixed some bugs (sending message should be smoother now)
• Fixed Up / Down bug in THEWALL on DS (1.0 in the previous release the two keys were reversed)
• Recoding of ConnectWifi which is now more stable than before: even if you lost the wireless connection, the DS automatically reconnects when you turn under the cover of your network
• Adding Phonebook1.0 to store up to 10 contact (or more). For each contact, you can specify the name, number.
• new keyboard
• New menu organization (tap the gray navigation bar on the right of the touch screen to make it visible)
• Now your number is defined as the sender of the SMS (the one you provided during registration) (currently it only works for the SMPP server only)
• Adding smileys on THEWALL (see the table on the left side of page THEWALL to know the channel correlation-> smile)
• Terms & Conditions Updated: item 3 was added: "All the messages sent by the features users will be stored in log files to ensure the security of the entire community. Once again, these files will not released for any reason, but they are available by the competent authority "- [smscenter.supercard.fr / terms.php].
Remember that if you do not want to accept the new item added in this update, you can request removal of the account, send me an e-mail via the form available on the official site.
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October 21st, 2009, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has begun dishing out free Wii Points to anyone helping their friends and family get online.
This is known as the Ambassador Promotion scheme. We've told you about it before.
From today, then, 500 Wii Points (around £3.50 / €5) will be awarded every time a new person takes their Wii console online.
Gold status is earned at 10 recruits, a perk of which is free access to any NES title on Virtual Console. Platinum status is obtained at 20 recruits. Get there and all NES, SNES and N64 games on VC are yours for free. You'll also have amassed a whopping 10,000 Wii Points (around £70 / €100).
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October 21st, 2009, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has cleared up confusion over second-hand sales of the new Wii Speak peripheral.
MTV multiplayer recently reported that each peripheral comes with a special code. These codes, said the article, were to be used to access the new Wii Speak channel, and could be replaced if lost or stolen. Uproar ensued as various bits of the internet accused Nintendo of trying to stop second-hand sales of Wii Speak.
However, a Nintendo UK representative has now told Eurogamer there's nothing to worry about.
"Nintendo can confirm that when consumers purchase the Wii Speak accessory, they are provided with a Wii Download Ticket with a unique number. The ticket, which can be redeemed via the Wii Shop Channel, will enable the user to download the Wii Speak Channel free of charge to a single Wii console," the representative stated.
"Any consumer who may have misplaced their Wii Download Ticket number for the Wii Speak Channel or require a new number following a Wii exchange may contact their local Nintendo Customer Services department, where they can request a replacement Wii Download Ticket number."
So in other words, if you buy a Wii Speak for your Wii you get a Wii code for the Wii Speak channel, and you can get a Wii replacement if you Wii lose it or Wii buy a second-hand Wii Speak without the original Wii code. Wii thank goodness for that.
The Wii Speak microphone and speaker accessory is out on 5th December, priced at around GBP 25. For GBP 59 you can buy it bundled with Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, which is out the same day.
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October 21st, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Leathl has released ShowMiiWads 1.1
ShowMiiWads is a 'Wad File Manager' for Windows. It displays information about wad files, edits them, gives a preview of the Banner and Icon and more. New since Version 1.0 is the included NAND Backup Browser 'ShowMiiNand' which displays all titles installed in your NAND Backup (No BootMii Backups!).
Due to some people stating this as a piracy tool, I just wanted to clarify that I'm all against piracy and this tool was never intended to be used for!
Version 1.1b
Fixed a bug with slang files, so external translations can be loaded again
Fixed crashes caused by old ShowMiiWads?.cfg Files
Version 1.1
64 bit Version is now available
Improved speed. Now, information is loaded at application startup and saved in a file. Whenever it reloads, the information is read out of the file, only new files are added. If you need to completely refresh the whole list, use 'File -> Refresh' (F5). When the language is changed, only the Channel Titles column will be reloaded
Multiple selections are now possible. If you want to select a whole folder, just left click the header once.
Added Splash Screen with ProgressBar to show the loading status (can be disabled)
Added Option to remove all folders
Added Option to refresh single folders
New Icon (Thanks to NeoRame!)
Bugfixes and tiny improvements
Application will now ask you to download a new version, if available
Italian translation added (Thanks to Tetsuo Shima)
Spanish translation added (Thanks to putifruti) (Incomplete, 2 sentences still Eng)
Norwegian translation added (Thanks to pesaroso)
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October 21st, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Tgames has released StartPatch 3.2.0E
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as Starfall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
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October 21st, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/sysCheck-11-t15690.html&
syscheck is a homebrew develops by erikspyderThat as signcheck, to test your IOS and cIOS to search:
- Trucha Bug;
- ES_Identify;
- Flash Access.
a file with the result will be created on the SD card.
* Fix detection Stubs (stay frozen on "Testing vulnerabilities in IOS" issue);
* Fix IOS Revision number displayed on reload;
* Code cleanup.
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October 21st, 2009, 22:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo Europe has distanced itself from strong "rumour and speculation" surrounding a new DSi Speak Channel.
It all started on the Nintendo customer support website, where GoNintendo spotted the following line:
Redeem a Nintendo DSi Download Ticket number, such as for the Nintendo DSi Speak Channel, enter the number off the Nintendo DSi Download Ticket in "Settings and Features" off of the main Nintendo DSi Shop page, then select "Nintendo DSi Download Ticket."
The Wii Speak Channel uses the Wii Speak microphone peripheral to allow people to chat together and in separate rooms if they wish. Mii avatars attempt to mouth what you're saying. You can also leave audio clips on message boards and record audio captions for pictures.
It's that exciting.
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October 21st, 2009, 22:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Shigeru Miyamoto has said he is content for Nintendo consoles of the future to behave like the Wii. The main design-push will go into making consoles smaller and even more profitable.
"While we don't have any concrete plans for what we'll be doing with hardware in the future, what I can say is that - my guess is that because we found this interface to be so interesting, I think it would be likely that we would try to make that same functionality perhaps more compact and perhaps even more cost-efficient," Miyamoto told Popular Mechanics (via Gamasutra).
The key to the current Wii interface's success, said Miyamoto, was appealing to a broad audience at the "right price".
Nintendo's next console is heavily rumoured to be an HD update of the Wii, presumably with backwards compatibility and upscaling. Miyamoto, doing his press-rounds recently, added fuel to the fire when explaining that Nintendo was "in step" with HD technology progression and would look to "take advantage" of such technology.
For the moment, however, Nintendo has clammed shut. The next time we're likely to hear about such projects - including the Zelda game Miyamoto is "focusing on" - will be at next year's E3.
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October 22nd, 2009, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Simon Kagstrom has posted a new release of the Amiga Emulator UAE on our forums, heres whats new:

I've built a version 4. The only real feature in it is "Mario kart wheel" support for games where it makes sense. It's also rebuilt against the latest devkitppc/libogc and SDL. It does not fix the mouse issue (see the bug report for details).
Give Feedback Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...p?p=2148277501
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster

We’ve received tips from a few different people about a new Bluetooth module that connects as a game cartridge for the Nintendo DS. This is a homebrew solution and not an official Nintendo add-on. The cartridge houses an ATmega168 microcontroller which provides the interface between the DS and a Roving Networks RN-41 bluetooth module.
They’ve provided a schematic for the device but we didn’t see any board artwork or pictures of the internals so you’re on your own for board layout. The libraries needed to use the bluetooth connection with homebrew software are up for download. This should provide a nice way to use the DS with a Bluetooth GPS module, or perhaps as a discrete Bluetooth sniffer and spoofer.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

It’s time to hit the town, explore new worlds, customize accessories, enjoy awesome mini-games, and collect six exclusive country pets with Littlest Pet Shop: City Friends. The second edition of the Littlest Pet Shop video game brings the party to you with a new cast of quirky pets and their best friends. Play tons of new mini-games and explore new towns with your favorite pets. With enhanced multiplayer features, you can even double your fun by playing with your best friend. Venture on quests, deliver invitations, serve up ice cream, and style your pets as you get ready for the biggest Littlest Pet Shop party of the year. And be prepared for a few surprises along the way, like an all-new mystery pet that just might show up at your party.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Charm Girls Club My Fashion Show challenges girls on exciting fashion design assignments to become the ultimate fashion megastar! Isabella is a world famous fashion designer who is sponsoring a reality fashion show to discover the hottest new design talent. You've been selected as one of the finalists and with your BFFs backing you up, you're ready to work your way to the top!
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Grab your saddle and get ready to explore new worlds, customize accessories, enjoy awesome mini-games, and collect six exclusive country pets with Littlest Pet Shop: Country Friends. The second edition of the Littlest Pet Shop video game brings the party to you with a new cast of quirky pets and their best friends. Play tons of new mini-games and explore new towns with your favorite pets. With enhanced multiplayer features, you can even double your fun by playing with your best friend. Venture on quests, deliver invitations, serve up ice cream, and style your pets as you get ready for the biggest Littlest Pet Shop party of the year. And be prepared for a few surprises along the way, like an all-new mystery pet that just might show up at your party.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Charm Girls Club My Fashion Mall takes girls through a series of mini-games and mall drama" that allows them to make it the most fashionable mall ever! Emilie's uncle just opened the new Teen mega-mall but it's so not cool. As the experts on what's in", you and your BFFs are called in to transform the mall from drab to fab! Over 50 virtual charms to earn throughout game play.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Charm Girls Club My Perfect Prom takes girls through the thrills and drama of planning, fundraising, decorating, getting ready and attending the big night! It's party time at Charm Valley Academy! You're on the social committee and you've got to make it the best prom ever. Just look out for the Queen B's because they're jealous and will try to sabotage your success.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

The waves are calling, so get ready to explore new worlds, customize accessories, enjoy awesome mini-games, and collect six exclusive country pets with Littlest Pet Shop: Beach Friends. The second edition of the Littlest Pet Shop video game brings the party to you with a new cast of quirky pets and their best friends. Play tons of new mini-games and explore new towns with your favorite pets. With enhanced multiplayer features, you can even double your fun by playing with your best friend. Venture on quests, deliver invitations, serve up ice cream, and style your pets as you get ready for the biggest Littlest Pet Shop party of the year. And be prepared for a few surprises along the way, like an all-new mystery pet that just might show up at your party.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

This hard cover is designed for NDS i. Protected by this box, your console will not get dust on it, or scratched. It bears the characters of Dragon Ball on its surface, which might be interesting to children. Two styles are available.
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
SifJar has updated WiiSCU to v0.23
WiiSCU by Wack0 (updated by Illinialex24) (mod of IOS51+shop by tona) - powered by PatchMii. The application gives you the option to install new versions of channels and IOSes without touching the system menu.
Remember to be careful with IOS60 if you are on 4.1 or lower, the new version (0.22) fixes the stub issue but it still can be dangerous if your internet or power goes off.
The new version has the source included because of the copyright. The current source download is for v0.21.
v0.23 (unofficially contributed by SifJar)
Fixes Shop Channel installation issues by getting v18 instead of just getting latest version
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
chris has updated Yahtzwii to version 2.01
It's Yahtzee for the Wii
v.2.01 22/10/2009
Corrected the dice in Painted Yahtzee to use the correct number/colour combinations instead of just using random colours (thanks Roberta Poor)
Auto-detects rumble settings.
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Jigen has released Startpatchmod
StartPatch Mod is a modification of StartPatch which allows you to select which IOS to use to patch your System Menu v4.2.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
A way to launch homebrew
An IOS capable of ES_Identify
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Benjani13 proposes a new game coded in Lua for the DS, "Mario Sokoban".
Games requiring the interpreter or Nano Micro Lua Lua.
Cest really the very first version, only the game and some levels, I'd add levels, or a menu, a little message type bravo to finish and why no other characters as Mario (thank you to blah for the idea and the Sonic sprites)
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
blabla offers version 2.65 of "Pokemon Mini-Game"A Lua homebrew coded comprising 15 mini-games on the theme of Pokemon. Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS v3 to operate.
1.0> 2.65
- Top Menu
- Best Graphics
- Less bug
- From Her!
- Five new mini-games
- Secrets revealed ...
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Rako offers the first beta version has been ported on wii emulator NEC PC-8801, "QUASI88".
Oct. 18, 2009, ver. 0.6.3 beta1
* Recompile by devkitPPC & SDL-r18-r81-Wii
* Support play by Classic & Gamecube Controllers
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October 23rd, 2009, 15:44 Posted By: vorbis15
Hi, we all know libnds from the DS homebrew scene. Now, according to this website/page, a new DS library called libdual is coming in November 2009.
It will be posted by Mark Bet and it says that it`s an official Nintendo DS library. I guess what that means is that it will integrate all parts of the DS.
Well, that`s all I found so far. I hope its good 
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October 23rd, 2009, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
A few Wii 2 rumors are floating around: it might have HD and a new controller, and could arrive next year. Now in an interview with Popular Mechanics, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto says it may also be more compact and cost-efficient.
"While we don't have any concrete plans for what we'll be doing with hardware in the future, what I can say is that, my guess is that because we found this interface to be so interesting, I think it would be likely that we would try to make that same functionality perhaps more compact and perhaps even more cost-efficient."
And as for things like DVD playback without a homebrew hack? A glimmer of hope, though nothing definitive:
I think originally video-game systems were viewed as a toy, and they were something you played with…As time goes on, I think we're going to see how the system of the video-game console and this interactive interface is going to gradually bleed in to other elements of, say, home electronics and daily life.
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October 23rd, 2009, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster

Have you always wished that you could develop games for the Super Nintendo but couldn’t because you were only 4 years old when it was released in 1990? Here’s a second chance. [Max] and his team have created a SNES developer’s cartridge that allows you to load your own code, run it on the SNES, and debug as needed. At its core is an Atmel AVR ATmega644 that is running a boot loader, allowing for firmware updates via USB. Once the system is powered on, ROM code is sent over USB to the 16 megabits of onboard SRAM. A debug terminal can be connected with an RS232 converter, providing status information and allowing some register manipulation.
We can believe there are a few hardcore SNES fans out there who will take the time to write custom code. We could also see this being used for the purposes of SNES sythesized music. But is there a wide demand for this type of hardware? If you’ve ever looked into developing for the SNES, let us know in the comments.
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October 23rd, 2009, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Michelinux has updated FlyingSaucers to v0.3
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game.
Sound effects added
Balance board support added
Bugfix and improvements
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October 23rd, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Tgames has released StartPatch 3.2.0U:
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as Starfall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
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October 23rd, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
BScrk has released Wiiero 1.2
Wiiero is a Liero clone specially developed for the Wii. Destructible terrain plays a major role in the gameplay. Wiiero is a two player game (the single player mode will be developed later).
Wiiero plays exactly the same way as Liero; it has the same game modes (Deathmatch, CTF, and Tag) and most of the same weapons. It also contains some new (optional) weapons.
Wiiero 1.2
no known bug
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October 25th, 2009, 09:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

Grab your best friend and check out the pet party of the year. With Littlest Pet Shop Friends for Wii you can adventure in new worlds, customize accessories, play awesome mini-games, and collect a ton of adorable Littlest Pets. The second edition of the Littlest Pet Shop video game brings the party to you with a new cast of quirky pets and their best friends. Play tons of new mini-games and explore new towns with your favorite pets. With enhanced multiplayer features, you can even double your fun by playing with your best friend. Venture on quests, deliver invitations, serve up ice cream, and style your pets as you get ready for the biggest Littlest Pet Shop party of the year. And be prepared for a few surprises along the way, like an all-new mystery pet that just might show up at your party.
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October 25th, 2009, 09:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

In Charm Girls Club Pajama Party for Wii, girls can play over 30 mini-games! Girls will be up all night bed bouncing, hair teasing, pillow fighting, dancing, scooter racing, posing, and playing together in ways that will keep the giggles coming!
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October 25th, 2009, 09:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

The seventeenth overall release in Electronic Arts' popular FIFA Soccer franchise, FIFA Soccer 10 enables gamers and soccer fans alike to enjoy the nonstop action and fun of the #1 simulation of the sport on the Wii gaming platform, regardless of their skill on a real or virtual pitch. With FIFA Soccer 10, players can create themselves in game, join a club and compete against gamers around the world in online competition. Game features include extensive play modes and improvements, as well as multiplayer options including 2-4 player support both online and offline.
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October 25th, 2009, 09:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

The seventeenth overall release in Electronic Arts' popular FIFA Soccer franchise, FIFA Soccer 10 enables gamers and soccer fans alike to enjoy the nonstop action and fun of the #1 simulation of the sport on the Wii gaming platform, regardless of their skill on a real or virtual pitch. With FIFA Soccer 10, players can create themselves in game, join a club and compete against gamers around the world in online competition. Game features include extensive play modes and improvements, as well as multiplayer options including 2-4 player support both online and offline.
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October 25th, 2009, 09:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games is a sports game that takes players on the DS and DSi to Vancouver, Canada, host city of the official 2010 Olympic Winter Games. This gaming experience invites players of all ages to face-off in intense winter competitions in lifelike Olympic venues where they can choose from a legendary cast of playable characters, including new faces to the series like Donkey Kong and Metal Sonic. The game features easy to use controls, 4-player multiplayer support utilizing DS single-card download play and multiple play modes allowing for a more interactive and realistic gaming experience.
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October 25th, 2009, 10:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13711.html
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October 25th, 2009, 10:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13711.html
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October 25th, 2009, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
CashMan has released Wii Home 1.4
Wii Home is a "plugin" for Preloader
Wii Home is a homebrew which launches at startup of the Wii. You can, on the menu, select if you want go to the System Menu or to the HBC. You can also customize Wii Home with a theme of your choice.
Added the possibility of launching a channel of your choice :
Create a channel.txt file in the WiiHome folder. In the file, write the first number :
1 for a title that begins with 00010001
2 for a title that begins with 00010002
4 for a title that begins with 00010004
8 for a title that begins with 00010008
After, write the title of the Wii Channel in letters (for example the title of the Wii Shop Channel is HABA)
So, for the Wii Shop Channel the complete channel.txt file is 2HABA because the complete title ID in hex is 0001000248414241. 00010002 is replaced by 2 and 48414241 is HABA in hex.
Ability to launch the Homebrew Channel or channel of your choice by pressing the 1 button to change the second option button.
Added an emergency button. Pressing the RESET button will jump on the Wii Menu.
Added the version of Wii Home. To see the version press the + button.
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October 25th, 2009, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Kuwanger released a new version of the Gameboy emulator for the GBA:
Whats new:
Goomba Paletted v2.38 - 2009-10-21 - Support up to 256 borders and 256 palettes. Adds a list for border/palette selection (modification of Dwedit's list in Goomba Color).
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October 25th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Ruben has a new demo for DS and GBA "AS Sonic", a MIDI file player.
But just so you know:
DS-runs with variable channel count (to allow stuff like libnds sound)
GBA code-mixing has been heavily optimized
Music-code has been revised
Fixed-pitch bend stuff
-Added code SFX
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October 25th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Ruben has a new demo for DS and GBA "AS Sonic", a MIDI file player.
But just so you know:
DS-runs with variable channel count (to allow stuff like libnds sound)
GBA code-mixing has been heavily optimized
Music-code has been revised
Fixed-pitch bend stuff
-Added code SFX
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October 25th, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Ant512 proposes a new demo of its graphical user interface library for creating homebrew on the model of the windowing Amiga Os, "Woopsi.
- Fixes:
- Removed framebuffer-hitting code from DimmedScreen gadget and replaced with call to GraphicsPort:: dim ().
- ListBox removes itself from its object when ListData deleted.
- Keyboard cursor example shows.
- Moved DimmedScreen into woopsi folder as an official gadget.
- CycleButton: getPreferredDimensions () rect populate with the correct values.
- Const fixed Gadget: getRefcon ().
- Gadget:: disable () and Gadget:: enable () redraw the widget by default.
- Fixed clipRectToHierarchy () bug introduced in switch to non-recursive function in last release.
- RadioButtonGroup redraws when resized.
- RadioButtonGroup returns correct size from getPreferredDimensions ().
- Updated copyright notice in defines.h.
- Bitmap:: getPixel () works correctly for large bitmaps.
- Bitmap:: drawBitmap () flushes correctly mem for DMA copy.
- Gadget:: show () clears rect sibling cache of gadgets with a lower z-index to Ensure that they do not draw over the top of the newly-shown gadget.
- A disabled overlaps another gadget that intercepts clicks correctly now, no longer Allowing them to fall through to the gadget below.
- New Features:
- TextBox and MultiLineTextBox cursor moves when d-pad left / right are pressed and gadget has focus.
- Added test folder:
- CycleButton test;
- RadioButtonGroup test.
- Added class to BinaryFiles bonus folder.
- Added class to BitmapIO bonus folder - load / save BMP files using libfat.
- Added BitmapLoader example.
- Added SuperBitmap: drawBitmap () overload to handle Bitmap objects.
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October 25th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Schmendrick has posted a new release of his homebrew for the DS:
New release! See first post
No wifi yet though I can't get it to work correctly for now, and I tried several examples (can't compile when I put them in my project).
Wouldn't upload a new version without some changes though:
- Fixed worm options saving, colors and name are now saved!
- Fixed level boundary problem, you can no longer exit levels 3 screens wide
- Map display! Both in level editor AND in-game. No worm locations yet though
- Ninjarope rope shows now! (see screenie)
- Changed menu look and made it more consistent (ish)
- Moved AI enabling to options, and this is saved too
- Enabled up to 4 worms! One player and up to 3 AI worms
- Do not play CTF or Simple CTF with more than 2 worms, this isn't implemented yet
- Also the AI worms don't go for flags, so it's kinda useless anyway..
- Worms and objects shouldn't 'hop' as much
- Banned some dysfunctional weapons by default
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October 25th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from maRk2512
After a long time here's a new update for 'StoneAgeDS'
What's new?
- ROM is compiled with the latest version of PAlib (090801, libnds 1.3.7). Hope this fix problems with some flashcards.
- Bugfix for map 61 (Thanx to 'astroraptor' - i think you really love this game... )
- Improved endsequence - enjoy!
Have fun!
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October 25th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from RyouArashi
Hexxagon DS is a remake of an old DOS board game played on a hexagonal board.
Each turn a player can move one of his own pieces by duplicating it onto an adjacent tile or simply
jumping one tile further. All enemy pieces next to the piece just moved will change color and
turn into the player's pieces. Once the board becomes full, the player with most pieces wins.
Click a piece to select it an show all possible moves for this piece.
Click on a highlighted tile to move or re-click the piece to deselect.
For green outlines to piece will duplicate, for yellow outlines it will jump
Update: WIP Release 1
New features:
- some new ingame graphics/animations
- started working on Menu system
- Multi-language support (currently English and German)
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October 26th, 2009, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Slappy has released ZEngine v0.1 :
ZEngine is a game library which is designed for any platform that SDL and OpenGL are available on. ZEngine is a set of classes and a main ZEngine class which are designed to make game development easier and more organized. As of 0.7.7 ZEngine can use OpenGL to do the 2D display, so it is much faster and can take advantage of hardware accelerated features. This file provides a simple overview of using it, more on the subject can be found in the docs and at http://github.com/jamesturk/zengine/
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October 26th, 2009, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster

If homebrew SNES development was an obscure affair in the days that the platform reigned supreme, undertaking such a project almost two decades later can be nothing left than a labor of true geek love. But if you've always dreamed of writing the next great first-person shooter for a retired game platform you're in luck: the Quickdev 16 is a cartridge that includes everything necessary for bringing your creations to the Super Nintendo, including the Atmel AVR ATmega644 with boot loader, USB connection for placing your code on the cart, 16 megabits of SRAM, and an RS232 converter for a debugging terminal. Works with Windows, Mac, and Linux systems as long as you know your way around a command line (and if you've read this far, you just might). Available now for $120 including shipping.
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October 26th, 2009, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...42&format=news
BALROG provides an update of his game coded in Lua for the DS, "CarPaying. In which you should avoid cars that will darken it.
Major news for users:
-Sounds are now played correctly.
-The enemies now appear in random order. (before it was always Top-Left-Right-Bottom)
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October 26th, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
A new Nintendo DSi with a larger screen will be available by year's end in Japan, reports website Nikkei (subscription required).
The report states the screen will now be close to the size of Sony's PSP, nearly double that of the current DSi screen area. This will not only allow for higher display of graphics and text, but possibly new applications as well, such as reading electronic books and watching video.
The new DSi will be priced at 18,900 yen ($205 USD), the same as the current model at retailers. The report states Nintendo is considering releasing the new DSi overseas.
We've contacted Nintendo of America for a response and possible release. Keep checking back.
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October 27th, 2009, 16:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is to release a fourth major iteration of the Nintendo DS with new and larger screens, according to reports from Japanese business newspaper Nikkei Shimbun (warning: Japanese text only).
Although there are few details, the normally reliable source suggests that the new version of the portable will feature larger 4 inch screens. This would compare to 3.25 inches for the current DSi model, 3.8 inches for the PSPgo and 4.3 inches for the PSP-3000.
According to the Nikkei Shimbun the new iteration, which comes almost exactly a year after the DSi first launched in Japan, is meant as a response to the iPhone rather than the PSP. It is implied that in terms of other features the portable will be similar to the existing DSi.
The new hardware is expected to be priced at the same level as the current model DSi and will be sold in parallel rather than replacing it. Nintendo has made no official comment and a Western release has not yet been mentioned.
Although well on course to being the best-selling video games console of all time, sales of the Nintendo DS have been slowing over the last year - particularly in Japan. New hardware iterations and colours have been a common means of renewing short term interest in a format, although two new models in as many years is unusual for Nintendo.
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October 27th, 2009, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo denies a lowering of the trade price is behind widespread hardware discounts on upcoming console
Whilst we’re used to aggressive price battles in the software market, hardware prices are typically resilient – which makes the current price war surrounding the upcoming Black Wii all the more surprising.
A number of leading online retailers – such as Amazon, Play, ShopTo and GAME – are offering the upcoming new SKU for £164.99 on pre-order. This represents a £15 saving on the RRP.
However, Nintendo has told MCV that it has not further cut the machine’s RRP beyond the trade cuts announced last month.
“The latest reduction in the trade price of Wii in the UK saw it return to the level it was prior to the price increase in April this year,†a spokesperson told MCV.
“This was the same trade price that Wii launched at in Dec 2006. Retailers are able to sell at whatever price they want to.â€
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October 27th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
According to reliable Nikkei news service, a new DSi is coming to Japan this year and will feature a 4" larger screen for the current model's price of ¥18,900. Nintendo has responded to this report.
When asked by Famitsu.com, a Nintendo spokesperson stated, "Our company isn't doing any interviews [about this]. We think it's a speculative article."
But is it true?
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October 27th, 2009, 22:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Majesco has announced that it's picked up Ghostwire: Link to the Paranormal for DSi, which is only the second DSi-exclusive cartridge game that we're aware of.
It's all about using the DSi's camera - and the "ghost tuner" Nintendo somehow forgot to put on the hardware spec list - to find spirits, shadows and demons in your own environment. Time of day and light levels will influence your hunt, as well as the personalities of the ghosts.
"Once you find the spirits, you document them and find out why they haunt our world. They can also give you riddles to solve. Ultimately you can help them to find peace," says the website of Swedish developer A Different Game.
There's more info and a trailer at the official Ghostwire blog. Majesco - whom we salute for last year's amazing Air Traffic Chaos - will release Ghostwire on DSi in late 2010.
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October 27th, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
BALROG offers version 2.2 of its game coded in Lua for the DS, "CarPaying. In which you should avoid cars that will darken it.
Major news for users:
-Fixed various bugs and flaws.
-Adding music.
-Added a menu that appears to launch the game, which lets you change certain settings.
-Now, the enemies always move at the speed 1 during their first trip.
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October 27th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
"Nano Lua"Successor Micor Lua (Lua interpreter code for the DS) is now in version 2.3.
* Functions described in the doc
Bug fixes:
* Remove Font.print ()
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October 27th, 2009, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
Nibbles has updated nesDS! Included in the archive are two updated files. The first includes the latest Pocketnes mappers and 6502 core added to nesDS. The second file fixes some issues with vertical scaling in the no-blend mode. Finally there is a font pack, in the form of IPS patches, for games which need a bit of a font tweak for the tiny DS screen. Happy gaming!
The mapper build fixes games like Dragon Warrior 1-4 and Final Fantasy 1-3. Please test these games and then click on the "source link" below to report your findings. The more bug reports we see the better the chances are of getting nesDS updated again!
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October 28th, 2009, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster

We're not sure who's winning the ratings war in Houston, but we're going to give the upper-hand to KHOU based on these shots alone. As you can clearly see in the image above (and the enlarged versions there in the gallery), this newscaster is wielding a Wiimote. It's hard to say if the news station actually has their slide transitions setup to change with a swing of the controller, or if weather map zooming is handled with something typically used for gaming, but one thing's for darn sure -- lightning rounds of Wii bowling during commercial breaks are definitely happening.
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October 28th, 2009, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster

You know, we've been pretty skeptical about the whole "fit" part of the "Wii Fit" phenomenon, and for good reason: as studies have shown, the health benefits of gaming, whether you're sitting, standing, or faux-bowling, are minimal at best. Still, for a number of consumers at home and abroad, the game conjures up notions of leading an active lifestyle. So perhaps it is no surprise, as the Telegraph reports, that Britain's National Health Service is using it to promote its Change4Life initiative -- even going so far as to allow the company to append the Change4Life logo on its upcoming Wii Fit Plus release. And how about those who cry foul -- specifically, those who point out that the deal includes Nintendo shelling out money to help promote the NHS-funded program. See how one might get the idea that this is a "pay to play" affair? To the government's credit, it does stress that it's endorsing an exercise, not a video game system. "Active video games, where kids need to jump up and down or dance about as part of the game, are a great way to get kids moving," a spokesperson said. Rob Saunders, the British spokesman for Nintendo, had this to say: "If you are worried about your bingo wings or your flabby bum, the game will give you specific exercises to target those areas." Bingo wings? Flabby bums? Why didn't you say so in the first place?
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October 28th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
'There was a lot of talk yesterday about an article in the Japanese publication Nikkei which claimed that Nintendo was readying a new iteration of its DS line of handheld gaming systems,' writes blogger Peter Smith. 'The report claims the new unit will have 4" screens (the current unit has 3.25" screens) and is designed for older gamers who have trouble seeing the small screens of the current DSi. This new model is otherwise identical to the existing DSi and will ship by end of year in Japan.' As an 'older gamer' himself, Smith calls on Nintendo to stop this annual upgrade madness and do something truly innovative for a change, and he calls on gamers to put some pressure on Nintendo and not buy the new DS
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October 28th, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Oh Japan, why must you make Miyamoto sad? The legendary game designer recently spoke to MTV Multiplayer about his disappointment with the performance of the Star Fox series in his native land.
While the majority of Shigeru Miyamoto's works enjoy huge success in Japan, there is one franchise that has been steadily declining in popularity. Miyamoto spoke to Multiplayer about the sad decline of the Star Fox series.
I'm a big fan of the 'Star Fox' games. Every time we make a 'Star Fox' game I'm hoping people will enjoy it as much as I do. Of course the goal every time is to try and make it more and more fun but, at least in Japan, the people that purchase the 'Star Fox' games has decreased over the years. But we still try to make them more fun and hopefully people will see the appeal in those games.
Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that there hasn't been a full-on flying Star Fox console title since 1997's Star Fox 64? Star Fox Adventures for the Gamecube was a rather huge deviation from the winning formula, and while Star Fox: Assault did have ship combat, it was watered down with sloppy on-foot missions. Give Japan an all-flying, all-shooting Star Fox title for the Wii and the fans will come.
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October 28th, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Backup the game save data from the NDS cartridge to PC computer
- Support Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
- Editing game save data becomes possible
- Firmware upgrade will be available to support new games
- Compatible with NDS and NDS Lite
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October 28th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One of the coolest jobs in the world is the DJ! Feel the rhythm in your blood and the sway to your music as you swipe at the discs in DJ Hero. You have another mission, you have to save your best friend in the family action game Ratchet & Clank Future.
From the publisher: Expanding upon the revolutionary easy to pick up/challenging to master gameplay mechanics developed and refined in Guitar Hero®, DJ Hero™ delivers an all-new interactive music experience that allows players to rule the party and not only experience, but to hear music in an all-new way.
With over 100 individual songs, including hip-hop, R&B, pop, rock and electronica, DJ Hero delivers the most diverse and international collection of music ever assembled in a music game.
Created exclusively for DJ Hero, the turntable controller immerses fans into the authenticity of DJ culture and a sea of music as they utilise and master various DJ techniques including scratching, blending, cross fading and sampling.
It leaves room for creative expression with a variety of effects and player chosen samples and scratches, transforming a face in the crowd into the life of the party.
The realistic DJ game is available for your home consoles today:
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
Nintendoâ„¢ Wii
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US US$ 129.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
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October 28th, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

All the excitement of a prime-time TV game show in your very own living room! With MR. POTATO HEAD as your host, you are guaranteed to have a thrilling night of familyfriendly fun. HASBRO FAMILY GAME NIGHT lets up to four players become contestants with a wide variety of fun and engaging party games. Win and collect parts for the coveted Golden Potato to become the ultimate game show champion!
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October 28th, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Journey to the heart of Africa where you control the wild kingdom! Interact with exotic animals in the wild including lions, elephants, gorillas and more as you explore the jungles and savannas of Africa. Discover the animals?secret abilities. Solve challenges to earn new items, animals, and levels. Collect unique items to receive badges. Get in touch with your wild side and discover the ultimate secret of the kingdom with SimAnimals Africa!
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October 28th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

All the excitement of a prime-time TV game show in your very own living room! With MR. POTATO HEAD as your host, you are guaranteed to have a thrilling night of familyfriendly fun. HASBRO FAMILY GAME NIGHT 2 lets up to four players become contestants with a wide variety of fun and engaging party games. Win and collect parts for the coveted Golden Potato to become the ultimate game show champion!
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October 28th, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Journey to the heart of Africa where you control the wild kingdom! Interact with exotic animals in the wild including lions, elephants, gorillas and more as you explore the jungles and savannas of Africa. Discover the animals?secret abilities. Solve challenges to earn new items, animals, and levels. Collect unique items to receive badges. Get in touch with your wild side and discover the ultimate secret of the kingdom with SimAnimals Africa!
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October 28th, 2009, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
On a recent episode of Attack of the Show, Morgan Webb and Blair Herter discussed Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. The two eventually moved on to the topic of A Crack in Time being one of the very few action-platformers available on the market. Webb felt that in some ways, Super Mario Galaxy may be a bit like an action-platformer, but also stated that the game “feels like its aimed so much for kids.†She went on, implying that it’s sort of insulting to play Galaxy as an adult.
“…And let’s be honest, there are no other action-platformers out there…This is it, this is it…This is the only game out there for people who like action-platformers. I mean, I guess Mario Galaxy, but Mario Galaxy feels like its aimed so much for kids. Whereas this is like for everyone, but you feel like you’re not being insulted when playing it as an adult.
Personally, I don’t believe Galaxy (nor Rachet and Clank) is the least bit insulting, regardless of one’s age. Obviously children have played the game, but so have plenty of adults.
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October 28th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released DOSBox Wii 1.1 :
DOSBox Wii is a port of DOSBox to the Wii using SDL Wii. It also features a Home menu powered by libwiigui.
1.1 - October 27, 2009
Fixed "black screen" issue with numerous games
Minor optimizations and bug fixes
Updated to latest DOSBox SVN
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October 28th, 2009, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...58&format=news
The Headsoft Team, which has recently developed Warhawk DS, Just put online version of 1.00 "Manic Miner The Lost Levels DS"Remake of the game platform Manic Miner (ZX Spectrum, 1983). To improve the compatibility with linkers, 2 versions are available .
We recommend the EFS version for most people. For people exeriencing problems with the safe-show EFS should try the FAT version. This game requires a patch DLDI compatible card to play.
* EFS Version - Just copy the included ManicMinerLL.nds file to your backup card and play.
* FAT Version - MMLL Copy the folder included in the archive to the root of your sd card. Copy the ManicMinerLL.nds to anywhere on your card.
* DSTT Cards - There may be some problems with this card. We are not 100% sure why but this card does not seem to like. Nds binaries that are larger than 2.7 MB. We may release a new version in the near future with all music from loading EFS / ATF to make a smaller and binary compatible DSTT. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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October 28th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ppiimm123
this is my first game named TanksDS
its a version of wii play tanks for the DS
this is version 0.000000000000001
controls in main menu
just touch
ya cant use options menu
controls ingame
D-Pad + stylus to move pointer
havent done collision(Need help with that)
controls in multyplayer menu
touch if you want to be the host or join
multiplayer doesn't work (need help how to connect to a socket)
PS. if someone can help me with collision or connecting to a socket i like to hear
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October 29th, 2009, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has cut its full-year profit forecasts as sales of its Wii home console fall, with net income expected to be JPY 230 billion (USD 2.53 billion) for the year ending March 2010 - down from the JPY 300 billion (USD 3.30 billion) of previous forecasts.
For the six months to September 2009, Nintendo reported a JPY 69.5 billion (USD 772 million) profit, down 52 per cent from JPY 144.8 billion (USD 1.59 billion) a year earlier.
First half sales fell to JPY 548 billion (USD 6.1 billion), a drop of 34.5 per cent. The company has blamed a Wii price cut and the strength of the yen on the lowered performance.
For the six months to September, sales of Wii home consoles were 5.75 million, compared to 10 million for the first six months of the previous year. It expects to sell 20 million Wii consoles by the end of March 2010.
"There were fewer [Wii] software titles that briskly drove hardware sales this six-month period versus the same period a year ago,†said Nintendo in a statement.
Worldwide unit sales of Nintendo DS consoles – including the DSi launched in April in Europe – were 11.7 million during the six months, bringing life-to-date sales to 113.48 million.
While the most recent Pokemon titles performed well, the company admitted that "there were few noteworthy titles released overseas" with game sales for the handhelds reaching 71.15 million units during the period.
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October 29th, 2009, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has cut its full-year profit forecasts as sales of its Wii home console fall, with net income expected to be JPY 230 billion (USD 2.53 billion) for the year ending March 2010 - down from the JPY 300 billion (USD 3.30 billion) of previous forecasts.
For the six months to September 2009, Nintendo reported a JPY 69.5 billion (USD 772 million) profit, down 52 per cent from JPY 144.8 billion (USD 1.59 billion) a year earlier.
First half sales fell to JPY 548 billion (USD 6.1 billion), a drop of 34.5 per cent. The company has blamed a Wii price cut and the strength of the yen on the lowered performance.
For the six months to September, sales of Wii home consoles were 5.75 million, compared to 10 million for the first six months of the previous year. It expects to sell 20 million Wii consoles by the end of March 2010.
"There were fewer [Wii] software titles that briskly drove hardware sales this six-month period versus the same period a year ago,†said Nintendo in a statement.
Worldwide unit sales of Nintendo DS consoles – including the DSi launched in April in Europe – were 11.7 million during the six months, bringing life-to-date sales to 113.48 million.
While the most recent Pokemon titles performed well, the company admitted that "there were few noteworthy titles released overseas" with game sales for the handhelds reaching 71.15 million units during the period.
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October 29th, 2009, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has confirmed it is to release a new version of the DSi with larger screens in Japan on November 21.
Rumoured earlier in the week, the company officially announced the console at a press event held in Tokyo.
The console will feature two 4.2 inch screens – a 93 per cent increase on the screen size of the DS Lite - reports Kotaku.
It will be targeted at gamers who want to use their console for browsing the internet and display reading intensive software in a bigger font and retail at JPY 20,000 (USD 220), compared to the current DSi's price of JPY 18,900 (USD 208).
The DSi LL will come bundled with two touch pens and three pre-installed DSi Ware titles – two brain training games and the DS Easy Dictionary. It will come in dark brown, wine red and natural white colours.
Nintendo has confirmed the console will launch in Europe during the first quarter of 2010.
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October 29th, 2009, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has confirmed that the new DSi will launch in Europe in the first quarter of 2010.
The system was announced today in Japan, where it will be known as the DSi LL, and will feature 4.2 inch screens when released in November.
"Nintendo today confirms that a new Nintendo DSi XL console is launching in Europe in the first quarter of 2010," said the company in a statement.
"The retail price of the Nintendo DSi XL is expected to be higher than that of the Nintendo DSi. Further details will be released soon."
The console will retail in Japan for JPY 20,000 ($220 / £134).
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October 29th, 2009, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster

Remember that wacky zoom lens attachment for Nintendo's DSi that was launched back in January? Amazingly, the product design team convinced everyone else in the company to move ahead with plans for production, and now it's making its way out to cold, steel shelves. $24.99 buys you a hard shell case for your handheld along with a detachable optical zoom lens, which supposedly gets your sensor eight times closer to a given subject than Nintendo ever intended. You'll also be mocked eternally if you're ever caught using this in public, but hey, maybe you're thick-skinned.
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October 29th, 2009, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
The title says it all. Nintendo announced new life-to-date numbers for both the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo Wii.
In the last six month period ending in September, Nintendo sold 11.70 million DS units and reached life-to-date sales of 113.48 million units — both numbers are worldwide. Worldwide DS software sales for the period were 71.15 million.
Regarding the Wii, Nintendo sold 5.75 million units worldwide during the last period, marking life-to-date worldwide sales of 56.14 million units. Software sales during the period were 76.21 million.
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October 29th, 2009, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
The title says it all. Nintendo announced new life-to-date numbers for both the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo Wii.
In the last six month period ending in September, Nintendo sold 11.70 million DS units and reached life-to-date sales of 113.48 million units — both numbers are worldwide. Worldwide DS software sales for the period were 71.15 million.
Regarding the Wii, Nintendo sold 5.75 million units worldwide during the last period, marking life-to-date worldwide sales of 56.14 million units. Software sales during the period were 76.21 million.
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October 29th, 2009, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo has announced a new DSi redesign, dubbed DSi LL. How does it stack up to the DSi and the DS Lite? Let's compare.
Screen Size
• DSi LL: 4.2 inches
• DSi: 3.2 inches
• DS Lite: 3 inches
Hardware Size
• DSi LL (across): 161mm
• DSi (across): 137mm
• DS Lite (across): 133mm
• DSi LL (front to back): 94.4mm
• DSi (front to back): 74.9mm
• DS Lite (front to back): 73.9mm
• DSi LL (thickness): 21.2mm
• DSi (thickness): 18.9mm
• DS Lite: 21.5mm
Touch Pen Size
• DSi LL (short pen): 96mm
DSi LL (long pen): 129.3mm
• DSi: 92mm
• DS Lite: 87.5mm
• DSi LL (including Battery Pack, short Touch Pen): 314g
• DSi (including Battery Pack, Touch Pen): 214g
• DS Lite (including Battery Pack, Touch Pen, GBA Cover): 218g
Charging Time
• DSi LL: 3 hours
• DSi: 2 hours 30 mins.
• DS Lite: 3 hours
Battery Life
• DSi LL (Lowest Brightness): 13~17 hours
• DSi (Lowest Brightness): 9~14 hours
• DS Lite (Lowest Brightness): 15~19 hours
• DSi LL (Second Lowest Brightness): 11~14 hours
• DSi (Second Lowest Brightness): 8~12 hours
• DS Lite (Second Lowest Brightness): 10~15 hours
• DSi LL (Middle Brightness): 9~11 hours
• DSi (Middle Brightness): 6~9 hours
• DS Lite (Middle Brightness): Not setting such exists on DS Lite
• DSi LL (Second Highest Brightness): 6~8 hours
• DSi (Second Highest Brightness): 4~6 hours
• DS Lite (Second Highest Brightness): 7~11 hours
• DSi LL (Highest Brightness): 4~5 hours
• DSi (Highest Brightness): 3~5 hours
• DS Lite (Highest Brightness): 5~8 hours
Supported Software
• DSi LL: Nintendo DS, DSi, DSiWare
• DSi: Nintendo DS, DSi, DSiWare
• DS Lite: Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance
Input Outport Slots
• DSi LL: DS Card Slot, SD Memory Card Slot, AC Adaptor, Headphones, Mic
• DSi: DS Card Slot, SD Memory Card Slot, AC Adaptor, Headphones, Mic
• DS Lite: DS Card Slot, Game Boy Advance Slot, AC Adaptor, Headphones, Mic
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October 29th, 2009, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
“We didn’t release strong software continually [for the Wii] and let the good mood cool down,†said Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo, in an earnings press conference.
In Japan, Nintendo started the year with New Play Control: Mario Power Tennis and other New Play Control titles. This strategy allowed Nintendo to release roughly one first party game a month. Unfortunately, their made for Wii titles such as Takt of Magic and Another Code R weren’t blockbuster hits.
Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe only published a portion of Japan’s line up so games were spread out more overseas.
Take a look at Nintendo of Japan’s line up and decide if it was weak, strong or needs key franchises like Pokemon to keep the Wii growing.
New Play Control: Mario Tennis
Another Code R
New Play Control: Metroid Prime
New Play Control: Pikmin 2
Takt of Magic
New Play Control: Chibi-Robo
New Play Control: Metroid Prime 2
Wii Sports Resort
Endless Ocean 2
Wii Fit Plus
Sin & Punishment 2
Mario & Sonic at the Vancouver Olympics
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
PokePark Wii: Pikachu’s Big Adventure
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October 29th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...61&format=news
New beta version available for the puzzle game "Holy Hell" from genecyst.
change log:
- Blocks movement now works perfectly
- Added support bar which charges by absorbing atom bomb blocks
- When load bar is full you can release with R Which atom bomb delete blocks at any screen of the same color of you without breaking chain count
- Chain shooting always count increase at the same color blocks, using absorbing ability and reach for bombs blocks that you can not shoot.
chain reached 100 it reset itself and add 1000 pt. at the score.
- No. of colors you can choose grows up any 10 levels (you start with the only possibility of switching between green and cyan, after ten levels you switch cyan-green-red and so on ...)
- Smooth animation
- Reduced drastically slow down
- General big optimization
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October 29th, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from iainprice
Just thought I'd put my last version of my game up if people are interested but work will not be continuing on this project due to too many problems with the code...... I can't get streaming sound without killing sound effects.... the ad hoc multiplayer isn't fast enough, I havent made the master chief model or animated the other models, the textures are too basic, the collision detection with the ground is too poor..... i dunno, just seems still far too much to do and i have run out of steam.
I was going to try to pretend it was an offical release by bungie but it is just the next step from my renegade game.....
Anyway here it is.....
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October 29th, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2542
Ac_KOur member prodigy, already publishes an update of his application, which allows for reminders to extract different data or manipulate the dump made with your console BootMii.
News / Corrections:
- Added support for raw-nand and nand-cut
- Added the opening of the nand-key.bin KEYS.BIN at all or to open a nand-nand-cut or raw
- Added version detection of boot1 (only dump BootMii yet)
- Extract the decrypted boot1
The next version should allow the total extraction and navigation of the file system.
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October 29th, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.ps3news.com/Nintendo-Wii/...oming-in-2010/
According to Artik of French site Logic-sunrise.com, the Nintendo Wii 2 is allegedly set to arrive in 2010 and include Blu-ray and 1080p support.
This rumor appears to stem from an internal source of the marketing department at Nintendo France, however, little information is available to substantiate it unfortunately.
To quote from Ripten (linked above): "It could be that it wasn’t posted on the French site itself although that wouldn’t make much sense.
All in all, the rumored “leak†states that Nintendo is working on a Wii sequel with the following:
• The Wii2 system will feature a Blu-Ray drive with a secondary aim of stopping piracy.
• 1080P and lower resolutions will be supported, for blu-ray movies and games.
• The release date is scheduled for third quarter of 2010.
• The release will be worldwide and on the same day for all countries.
• A scheme will be available in which it is possible to trade in the original Wii for a cheaper price on the new Wii 2."
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October 29th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Vquicksilver has updated WiiToo!
WiiToo! is a minimal precompiled stage4 made to let you run Gentoo on your Wii using MIKE and Mini. It provides all the basic software required to compile and install new programs on it, and some other software ready to be used. The kernel used is plain vanilla-sources & Wii-Linux patches, so expect WiFi working out of the box.
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October 29th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Michelinux has updated FlyingSaucers v0.4
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game
Added clouds in the sky
Solved issue with TVs cutting edges of the image
Menu improvements
Explosions position corrected
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October 29th, 2009, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Toad King has released SDL MAME Wii 0.3
Arcade Emulator based on SDL Mame. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.
Emulator Menu: WiiMote Home Button / GameCube L-Trigger
Insert Coin: WiiMote Minus Button / GameCube R-Trigger
Start (not all games use this): WiiMote Plus Button / GameCube Start Button
Up/Down/Left/Right - WiiMote D-Pad / Nunchuck Joystick / GameCube D-Pad
Button 1/2/3/4 - WiiMote 2/1/B/A / GameCube A/B/X/Y
Back (Exits current game) - WiiMote Plus + Minus Buttons / GameCube Z Button
Lots of ROMs are supported, but not all of them. If you don't see the ROM in the list in the emulator, then support for that ROM isn't included. This is to keep the size of the emulator low enough to run effectively on the Wii. A list of all the ones that are can be found here: http://www.toadking.com/wiimame.txt
Just because a ROM is supported does not mean it will run. Even games for early boards like CPS-1 can fail to run due to RAM limitations. If the emulator suddenly kicks you out to the Homebrew Channel, look in the MAME app folder (/apps/MAME) for a file called errors.txt. If it says something about failing to allocate space, then odds are the ROM can't run on the Wii. The emulator might also crash outright and leave you with a code dump if RAM runs out.
Only software rendering is supported. This makes playing games without using the frameskipper slow, but the auto-frameskipper feature is enabled by default.
No USB support yet.
Stereo audio is disabled.
The joystick on GameCube controllers can't be used.
The default UI font is way too small. A custom font is included, called Helvetica LT. (http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_supp.html)
0.3 - October 29. 2009
Added support for many more ROMs
Fatal errors are now logged in errors.txt
More default control changes
0.2 - October 27, 2009
Fixed rom selection bug
Changes to the layout of the configuration files to make it more like other Wii homebrew
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October 30th, 2009, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata has admitted that sales of the Wii console have stalled, in part due to a lack of must-have software.
The company released data yesterday that showed sales of the home console were down over 40 per cent in the six months to the end of September 2009, with 5.75 million Wii's sold worldwide, compared to 10 million the previous year.
"Wii has stalled," Iwata told a press conference, reports Andriasang. "We were unable to continually release strong software, and let the nice mood cool. We were unable to show a new game to become 'the next thing.' In the game market, once you’ve lost the momentum, it takes time to recover," he offered.
"With the price drop, sales returned to a certain level, but they just did not reach the level of last year around this time," he said. "We decided that it would be difficult to sell enough to recover from the poor performance of the first half of the year.
However, Iwata was upbeat about forecasts for the full-year, with expectations the company can sell 20 million consoles by the end of March 2010.
"In order to reach it [the 20 million units target], we will have to move quite a large quantity, but it's a figure we released after having felt the momentum returning."
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October 30th, 2009, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
A Canadian judge permitted the release of a 12-year-old boy on bail on the contingency that the child behaves. To get his release, the boy gave the court his Wii.
The Winnipeg Sun reports that Canadian judge Marvin Garfinkle accepted the unusual arrangement as a way to induce good behavior from a child who has repeatedly been charged and released by Canadian authorities.
The paper reports:
The boy's first run-in with the law was last February when he allegedly used a rock-filled sock to smash the door windows of his elementary school. Days later, he chased a classmate and punched him several times in the face.
Police released him on an undertaking but it wasn't long before he was in trouble again, this time for breaching a court order he not attend his school. He is accused of breaching that order at least three times.
While the judge has deemed the boy "out of control," the child's lawyer said, "He's a 12-year-old who is generally quite scared."
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October 30th, 2009, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
It would appear that Nintendo made the right decision in finally getting around to releasing Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box worldwide, as the company was able to trade that box for one filled with cash money. The company released a supplement to its earnings report, listing the million-selling first-party Wii and DS games of its Q3 (April-September), and Diabolical Box made the list with 1.26 million units sold. The entirety of that 1.26 million comes from outside of Japan, since it wasn't a first-party game in Japan, and it was released in 2007.
The other new additions to the million-seller club on DS: Tomodachi Collection, the Mii communication game, and Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, which mysteriously managed to rack up 10,000 overseas sales despite not having been released outside of Japan. Is Nintendo tracking import retailers differently somehow?
On Wii, Wii Sports Resort has reached 6.97 million units worldwide, and Wii Fit Plus has already sold 2.13 million, a nice complement to the 4.28 million that the first Wii Fit sold in the last quarter
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October 30th, 2009, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
It's been a while since we've heard anything about the tragic case of Jennifer Strange, the mother who died from water intoxication during an attempt to win a Wii in KDND-FM's "Hold your Wee for a Wii" radio contest. Yesterday, a California jury finally ruled on the wrongful death suit filed by the victim's family back in 2007. Entercom Sacramento LLC, subsidiary of Philadelphia-based Entercom Communications Corp., must pay Strange's family $16.5 million after being found liable for the actions of its employees at KDND-FM.
Money certainly can't replace a loved one -- most especially not a mother. We offer our condolences to the family of Jennifer Strange and ask that you remain respectful in your comments below. Hopefully, the money will go a long way in benefiting the three children and other family members she left behind.
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October 30th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster

The addition of larger 4.2" LCD screens on the Nintendo DSi XL (or DSi LL) may initially lead one to believe it's targeted at old folk. But its larger, wider viewing angle screens give the portable platform additional appeal.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said at the company's semi-annual financial briefing that the boost in LCD screen real estate is obviously easier on the eyes, but that "Nintendo does not offer such new product for such limited purposes only."
"Many people see a portable video game device as the device that can be played by yourself wherever you are," Iwata contends. "In fact, portable video game systems so far have been developed by prioritizing the portable nature and single-player modes."
Not the DSi XL! It addresses the lack of "a beautiful view from any angle," Iwata says, offering a "new play style."
"Nintendo DSi XL realizes beautiful game screens even for those who look at them from an angle," Iwata claims. "You do not have to peek closely into the monitor of another player's video game to get a good view anymore. Nintendo DSi LL is going to offer a new play style, where those who are surrounding the game player can also join in one way or the other to the gameplay. When you look at the home console video games you can understand that the fun of great games can be conveyed to and shared by those who are watching the player play."
In other words, Nintendo is attempting to transform the image of the Nintendo DS from portable platform only to portable platform that's also a console to be played at home in groups.
Iwata pointed to the Nintendo DS Mii collecting game Tomodachi Collection—a bestseller in Japan—as an example of a title which "whose appeal can by multiplied and enjoyed by bystanders."
The Nintendo DSi XL, Iwata says, is the "first portable video game system aimed to be played with others in person." In doing so, Nintendo expects DSi XL to accentuate the "fun feature" of software, potentially making the game "an unexpectedly huge hit."
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October 30th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto once said that the people on Nintendo's financial side would love to see a New Super Mario Bros. 2. His company just showed another reason today why that might be a good idea.
As part of Nintendo's release of its financial results for the first half of its current fiscal year, the company reported that the DS' New Super Mario Brothers, which was launched in 2006, has sold 19,940,000 units worldwide.
So it beats Mario Kart DS, which is at 16,090,000 and Mario Kart Wii, which is at 18,360,000 copies sold.
Other big-sellers on NIntendo's chart include Wii Sports (bundled with the Wii in North America and Europe) at 50,540,000, Wii Play at 23,430,000 and Wii Fit at 22,500,000.
Hefty sales for all these games, and a sign that next month's New Super Mario Bros. Wii has a shot at some huge numbers.
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October 30th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has announced a 22nd January European release date for Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil Zero on Wii. The same game goes on sale from 1st December in the US.
Zero originally appeared on GameCube in 2003, and is a prequel to the first Resident Evil. Not as essential as Resident Evil 4, but creepy nonetheless.
The Wii adaptation adopts motion-sensing controls. Any other enhancements have not been mentioned.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Versatile advanced drawing tool features allow for more intricate detail. Use additional colors, new guides, and new brush tools to create a multitude of unique items though out the game
Ability to draw multi-limbed creatures means you can create your own hero in any form - human, animal or something entirely different
Choose to turn your hero into a blob or a spider, each has its own abilities to help you advance through the levels
Explore 4 new worlds and sail on a special ship YOU create. Collect color drops to progress through the game and unlock content including challenges, quests, customization options and much more!
Trade heroes, weapons, items and hero accessories with friends who have the game too!
Once again, the Raposa need your help to save their civilization! Drawn to Life returns to the DS in an all new journey, featuring even more ways to customize your hero and your gaming experience!
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October 30th, 2009, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Work out to the beat using your DanceDanceRevolution Wii Controller or now introducing compatibility with the Wii balance board
Exciting new costume customization of your DanceDanceRevolution dancer including your Mii
Extensive new modes, including a fresh new Work Out Mode, fun new Story Mode, Kids Modes with much simpler controls and Lesson Mode to practice timing and the direction of arrows so that new dancers can learn the basics
DanceDanceRevolution®: Taking the revolution to another level! DanceDanceRevolution enhances the entire series' across all platforms! DanceDanceRevolution is sure to be the life of the party and get you into shape with outrageous multiplayer fun, huge smash hit soundtrack, entirely new modes and more! There is now a DanceDanceRevolution for everyone!
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October 30th, 2009, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Record and play back performances, and apply special effects
Attempt to outbid opponenets on predicted scores
Harmonize with friends to earn higher scores
Earn pins and themes to customize console wallpapers
Disney Sing it: Pop Hits is the only video-based karaoke video game that delivers the latest hits in pop music and lets you and your friends belt it out and have the ultimate fun singing experience. Disney Sing It: Pop Hits features hits and music videos from some of your favorite Disney stars and shows, as well as other hit artists featured on Radio Disney including Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Colbie Cailat, Demi Lovato, Hannah Montana, Jessy McCartney, Coldplay and One Republic.
Grab the mic and take centerstage in single player mode or take the karaoke challenge with your friends in multiplayer modes. Warm up those vocal chords and learn how to sing from a pro in the expanded Sing It Pro mode led by Disney Channel Favorite, Tiffany Thornton from Sonny With A Chance.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pull off huge air and combine massive tricks for even bigger points (rail slides, 360's, 720's, flips, superman's and raley's).
Multiple locations with unique jumps and obstacles including California, South Africa and Australia
4 great games utilizing the Wii Balance Board: Windsurfing, Jet Skiing, Kite Surfing and Wake Boarding. 3 levels of difficulty will test your balance on the Wii Balance Board!
Cooperative gameplay during Wake Boarding: Player 1 drives the jet ski, while Player 2 is on the wake board
Race against other players during multiplayer mode in Windsurfing, Kite Surfing and Jet Skiing
Water Sports gives players the opportunity to go Kite Surfing, Wake Boarding, Wind Surfing and Jet Skiing all without having to get wet or leave your living room! Challenge yourself on the Wii Balance Board, race against your friend in multiplayer mode, or work together in cooperative Wake Boarding. Water Sports is designed to be an easy to learn but difficult to master game for the family that feels more like an arcade game than a simulation.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Compete in 7 different full-length sports including, skiing, snowboarding, sledding, tubing, bobsledding, curling and biathlon
Challenge yourself on 22 different tracks
3 Game Modes: Career, Quick Play, Multi-player
It’s time to grab all of your friends and come down to White Mountain for the ultimate winter sports challenge. Think you’re the fastest snowboarder around? What about skiing? Well, the only way to find out is to step up and show everyone what you’ve got.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
BScrk has released Wiiero 1.3
Wiiero is a Liero clone specially developed for the Wii. Destructible terrain plays a major role in the gameplay. Wiiero is a two player game (the single player mode will be developed later).
Wiiero plays exactly the same way as Liero; it has the same game modes (Deathmatch, CTF, and Tag) and most of the same weapons. It also contains some new (optional) weapons.
Release 1.3: 2009-10-30
Deadlock on final screen fixed
Improved GC and Classic contollers usage
Coredump if GC controller pluged before wiiero start fixed
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October 31st, 2009, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
BlackAce83 and TiMeBoMb have updated StartPatch to v4.2.4x
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as Starfall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.
Added IOS Selection.
IOS-Reload 250 Why 250 it doesn't get removed from a Nintendo Update
IOS-Check, to check if IOS250 is installed if its not installed StartPatch will now tell you how to install it.
Download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/StartPatch
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October 31st, 2009, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Consolesource

The all new iEDGE offers support for NDS, NDS Lite, and the new DSi. More importantly the iEDGE supports firmware flashing to protect your investment against any future DSi system updates
Order the iEDGE for as low as $24.95.
Supports DSi/DSL/DS
Fully upgrade-able bootstrap to combat future DSi firmware updates
Supports DSi firmware v1.4+
Plays commercial NDS ROM
Plays homebrew NDS ROMS
Frequently updated OS for best compatibility In game reset
Automatic ROM protection patcher
SlowMotion mode
Save game saves directly to Micro SD
Automatic save game type detection
Supports clean ROMs
Supports MicroSDHC cards up to 32GB
Multimedia playback such as movies and MP3’s
Action Replay compatible cheat system
Multi language user interface
Micro SDHC card reader included
Full download play support
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October 31st, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Consolesource

The Wiikey fusion is a brand new mod chip for Nintendo Wii by the Wiikey Team. This revolutionary mod chip will allow you to play your backup ISOs from any SD card or DVD.
The Wiikey Fusion, like all cable based modchips used a security flaw in the DVD Drive to get backups to run. The flaw was an audio debug line, that Nintendo left open. In the latest d3-2 drives that started appearing in Wiis in Europe and North America at the start of August 2009. If your DVD drive is a D3 version 2 it will not be able to play backups in disc format, but will be able to run ISOs from SD cards!
The reason we have added a tick for “any future DVD drives†is because the Wiikey Fusion is a total DVD drive emulator. In fact, you can actually take your DVD drive out if you want, and just load games from the SD card?
Order the WiiKey Fusion Mod Chip for as low as $44.95.
Wii Region Compatibility
The Wiikey Fusion works on every single region (PAL, NTSC-u, NTSC-j and KOREAN). There is a little region selector (dipswitch) on the modchip. Before installing the product you flick a switch for your region and plug in the modchip!
Wii Game Compatibility
Like all modchips from the Wiikey team, the Wiikey fusion will work with every single games from your region. There are no patches needed, no fixes to ISO, the modchip can boot any game without errors. You plug it in, and forget about it 
Cross region compatibility is a little bit different. The Wiikey Fusion will allow 50~80% of games to work from other regions (backup or original). The % changes from 1 region to another, and is the same as any other modchip from the team.
The product will also allow Gamecube backups, and Gamecube games from other regions to work.
SD Card Slot ISO Loading, how does it work?
To be sure the Wiikey Fusion is 100% solderless, it comes with a SD card slot that you can use (you can route it to be an external slot hanging out the back of your wii). If you have a soldering Iron handy you will need to solder just 2 wires from the Wiikey Fusion to the SD Card slot on the wii if you would like to use the Wii’s own Sd card slot.
As we mentioned, its option to solder the wires, if you want to have it 100% solderless, you can still enjoy all of the features.
Anything that works through DVD, will load through the SD card slot in ISO format, including gamecube ISOs!
Wiikey Fusion Installation
Its very easy, just like the Drivekey! Open wii, disconnect the ribbon cable, plug in modchip, connect ribbon cable to modchip, close wii! The product is a fusion of the Drivekey product, and a SD card ISO loader (which is a worlds first)
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October 31st, 2009, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Birslip put online version 0.4 of its multi Shoot 'em up "Dududu", in which you control a plane using your stylus and must shoot the birds!.
Well too bad for Flash ... it will be for the promotional site! Cheesy
To celebrate, a new version (and DS), with the addition of a map (with full of sheep!), And the pattern a little shmup ...
PS: to choose the level you must press L or R in the menu (nothing will happen, but that's normal, it's a beta! L -> Level brand new, R -> Old level! )
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October 31st, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Benjani13 proposes a new version of its game coded in Lua for the DS, Mario Sokoban "which is now called" Sokoban All Stars ".
Games requiring the interpreter or Nano Micro Lua Lua.
There is now a small menu that explains the game and keys, and another to choose your characters.
You have the choice between 37personnages from the world of Mario, Sonic and some others (link, samus ect), hence the name change of my Homebrew.
The only change in the game and we can not leave the screen and I added a few levels.
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October 31st, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
BALROG offers version 2.0 of its "Pong like" Lua-coded for the DS "PingPong". You will need the Nano Lua interpreter to run it.
Major improvements to the user:
Correction of most bugs.
-We can now be paused.
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October 31st, 2009, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
blabla offers version 3.1 of "Pokemon Mini-Game", a homebrew coded in Lua, which now includes 16 mini-games on the theme of Pokemon. Game that requires Nano Micro Lua Lua DS or DS v3 to work.
Version 3.0! (2.65> 3.0)
It adds a mini-game called Chance Race or should be betting on a pokemon and hope he wins!
But the big news is the multiplayer mode with 3 mini-games!
I updated my homebrew! 3.0> 3.1
This version sorts all the files!
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October 31st, 2009, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
A small update "Manic Miner The Lost Levels" by team "Headsoft" appeared this morning, a remake of the game platform Manic Miner (ZX Spectrum, 1983). Nothing on this small change but it requires some bug fixes.
We recommend the EFS version for most people. For people exeriencing problems with the safe-show EFS should try the FAT version. This game requires a patch DLDI compatible card to play.
* EFS Version - Just copy the included ManicMinerLL.nds file to your backup card and play.
* FAT Version - MMLL Copy the folder included in the archive to the root of your sd card. Copy the ManicMinerLL.nds to anywhere on your card.
* DSTT Cards - You need to be running the DSTT v1.17a unofficial firmware available from here.
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October 31st, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Jeff Lait offers the 112th frame of his Rogue like "Powder" for many platforms including the DS, PSP and GBA.
Thanks go to Jonathan Buchanan Powder for porting to the Wii! Whee!
Largely this version is bug fixing. The most important bug to fix tile loading was with that made it difficult to use custom tiles. I hope I have these squashed, and the Ibson Gray tiles should now * actually * be present. In addition, Chris Lomaka has granted us some new tiles! Yay!
Thanks to Snow Leopard SDK deleting the old one and upgrade me being compling blindly on a remote mac hidden in an underground bunker somewhere, this is likely a 10.5 + only release.
* Your tame creatures now have a heart beside them badges to identify them as such.
* Switching to a different res tile will no longer cause a crash. (Inu)
* Building the tile choice list now comes from the internal allbitmaps.h rather than being hardcoded, so Ibson the Gray's tiles will show up as expected. (Inu)
* Entering a level with active lava / water from a level Which has no active lava / water, when the new level is already created and previously visited this game, will no longer stop the updating of said lava and water. (Nathan Bogue)
* Hopefully backspace will work on OSX. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping in space if you lack prohibited spacewalk. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping when buried prohibited. (Nathan Bogue)
* Kobold thieves are properly pluralized. (Nathan Bogue)
* Living frosts are now bloodless. (Nathan Bogue)
* Digging upwards on special levels has more significant results. (Nathan Bogue)
* Remove the console window on Windows.
* Shattered trees will drop their occupants. (Nathan Bogue)
* Items that fall down holes will no longer be mapped. (patch by Richard Quirk)
* PSP Makefile should be happier with newer devkits. (patch by Joe Buck)
* Left and Right on menus will scroll fast, just like L and R do, but this also applies to the command menu where L and R are the quick keys bind. (patch by Joe Buck)
* [SDL] Shift-arrow will swap with a critter, Alt-arrow will jump. (patch by Andreas Bohm)
* Ctype.h is included in map2c.cpp now. (Ben Hjelt)
* New tileset from Chris Lomaka.
* One new room.
* Load game shows up first in the menu if it is available to make it harder to accidentally choose new game. (Enrique Garcia Cota)
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October 31st, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Jeff Lait offers the 112th frame of his Rogue like "Powder" for many platforms including the DS, PSP and GBA.
Thanks go to Jonathan Buchanan Powder for porting to the Wii! Whee!
Largely this version is bug fixing. The most important bug to fix tile loading was with that made it difficult to use custom tiles. I hope I have these squashed, and the Ibson Gray tiles should now * actually * be present. In addition, Chris Lomaka has granted us some new tiles! Yay!
Thanks to Snow Leopard SDK deleting the old one and upgrade me being compling blindly on a remote mac hidden in an underground bunker somewhere, this is likely a 10.5 + only release.
* Your tame creatures now have a heart beside them badges to identify them as such.
* Switching to a different res tile will no longer cause a crash. (Inu)
* Building the tile choice list now comes from the internal allbitmaps.h rather than being hardcoded, so Ibson the Gray's tiles will show up as expected. (Inu)
* Entering a level with active lava / water from a level Which has no active lava / water, when the new level is already created and previously visited this game, will no longer stop the updating of said lava and water. (Nathan Bogue)
* Hopefully backspace will work on OSX. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping in space if you lack prohibited spacewalk. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping when buried prohibited. (Nathan Bogue)
* Kobold thieves are properly pluralized. (Nathan Bogue)
* Living frosts are now bloodless. (Nathan Bogue)
* Digging upwards on special levels has more significant results. (Nathan Bogue)
* Remove the console window on Windows.
* Shattered trees will drop their occupants. (Nathan Bogue)
* Items that fall down holes will no longer be mapped. (patch by Richard Quirk)
* PSP Makefile should be happier with newer devkits. (patch by Joe Buck)
* Left and Right on menus will scroll fast, just like L and R do, but this also applies to the command menu where L and R are the quick keys bind. (patch by Joe Buck)
* [SDL] Shift-arrow will swap with a critter, Alt-arrow will jump. (patch by Andreas Bohm)
* Ctype.h is included in map2c.cpp now. (Ben Hjelt)
* New tileset from Chris Lomaka.
* One new room.
* Load game shows up first in the menu if it is available to make it harder to accidentally choose new game. (Enrique Garcia Cota)
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October 31st, 2009, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster

News of a new, extra-large, extra-priced portable from Nintendo was met more with confusion than enthusiasm when it was unveiled this week.
The DSi XL has screens that are an inch bigger than the DSi, comes with a regular sized and extra large stylus and is closer to size of a netbook than it is to something you would want to squeeze into a pocket or purse.
But while Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says he envisioned the device, due to hit North America early next year for an undisclosed price, being used to expand the horizons of portable gaming from a single player experience to one enjoyed by a group, analysts and pundits don't seem to be biting.
Maybe that's because when Iwata unveiled the two-camera, two-screen DSi to the world earlier this year he said one of the prime reasons the company was rolling out the more customizable handheld was because they wanted to increase the number of their portables in a home.
The thinking went, if you put all of your music, all of your photos on your DSi and you customized it with special clocks and calculators you wouldn't want to share, you would want your own.
Now, almost exactly a year after announcing the DSi, Iwata unveiled the DSi XL, a device he says is designed specifically to do the opposite.
"Nintendo DSi LL is going to offer a new play style, where those who are surrounding the game player can also join in one way or the other to the gameplay," Iwata told analysts. "When you look at the home console video games you can understand that the fun of great games can be conveyed to and shared by those who are watching the player play."
While Iwata never really explained the seeming reversal of opinion, it is telling that unasked Iwata pointed out that the DSi XL wasn't designed just for seniors in mind. That, despite the fact that the DSi XL comes with an over-sized stylus and is pre-loaded with two Brain Training games and a Japanese dictionary.
Industry analyst Michael Pachter describes the XL as a "nice to have" but not "must have" item, one that won't drive sales.
"It appears to be geared toward people who want the latest model of every device, people who have difficulty reading, and people who can't hold a skinny stylus," he said.
But Pachter adds that he thinks that the DSi XL will eventually replace the DSi.
As for the notion of in-room collaborative gaming, Pachter doesn't see it being very successful. Instead, he says, Nintendo should concentrate on expanding their online gaming offerings, releasing more titles that allow DS and DSi owners to play online via Wifi.
Dan Ackerman, senior editor at Cnet.com, agrees.
"Communal gaming, and the very important social utility it drives, will likely come from people sharing the same experience, but on their own personal screens, like with FaceBooks games or local WiFi gaming," he said.
Nintendo was ahead of the curve in adding touchscreen technology to the DS, Ackerman points out, and he sees the increase in screen size on the DSi Xl as an acknowledgement that the iPhone and iPod Touch are becoming a juggernauts in the world of portable entertainment.
With rumors that the DSi will be getting its own video and audio chat program, another possibility for the DSi XL is that it could be used to try and tap into the same market as the increasingly popular, tiny and inexpensive netbook computers.
But Ackerman doesn't see that happening either.
"While the DS has definitely found a niche among older and other non-traditional gamers, I'm not sure it'll displace the growing popularity of Netbooks (or iPhones) as the default on-the-go entertainment/information platform," Ackerman said. "Especially as basic Netbooks fall below the $300 mark (or less with subsidized mobile broadband plans), and Netbook-friendly apps, such as Facebook games, skyrocket in popularity."
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October 31st, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
You may simply be able to chalk this one up to some freewheeling speculation and rumination, but Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata went pretty far out on a limb in talking about the future of the company during a recent sit-down with the Financial Times, and indicated that Nintendo may just be looking outside the gaming industry for a little inspiration. Apparently, Iwata is intrigued by the Kindle "because it's a new business model in which the user doesn't bear the communications cost," which he says wouldn't "fit Nintendo customers because we make amusement products." He did go on to note though, that "in reality, if we did this it would increase the cost of the hardware, and customers would complain about Nintendo putting prices up," but said that "it is one option for the future." At the same time, however, Iwata also seemingly downplayed the short-term potential for download-only games, saying that he thinks "it will take quite a long time" for the industry to shift to them -- although he did hedge his bets somewhat by pointing out how unpredictable the games business is.
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October 31st, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
This really only concerns a few rather annoying site admins from the Wii Scene but rather than say nothing and let them get away with telling lies and bullyboy tactics i feel that i need to point this out.
The News of SDL MAME that i posted was from the page at WiiBrew a site that is a non drama base of the Wii Scene that does not support piracy.
So for those from other sites watching the home of the emulator seems to be http://wiibrew.org/wiki/SDL_MAME_Wii and no mention of other sites, as for dcemu getting its news from tehskeen, funny that i actually look at sites like nintendomax, wiibrew, openhandhelds archive, pspita and a heck of a lot more sites.
Dont believe the drama of a person who uses every moment to bash others and then sadly posts a suicide post to get hits.
Oh yeah forgot to mention, i would never link to tehskeen again because of the personal attacks and lies about me posting porn on tehskeen forums, anyone with a real brain would know i dont do stuff like that, can you really trust someone who tells such lies, yes in the past i was sometimes lazy with sourcing but i source everytime now so the lies continue.
Anyway sorry for that news break, back to normal news now.
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October 31st, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Pimp-...1-t15902.html&
Pimp My Wii is being developed by Attila and now in version 1.3. This is a homebrew that will install the securities that are missing or outdated on your console.
Version 1.31:
- Switch to version 18 of the Wii Shop.
- Try 10 times to load the IOS if IOS_Reload failed.
- Indicates whether now access the full NAND (NAND access) is possible in the IOS.
- Indicates when a test if HBC is upside down because of IOS used modified.
- Now for initializing network you must press A to B to do or go offline.
- Print more errors during the downgrade of IOS15. Even with error -1017 when ES_AddTitleFinish, the downgrade can
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October 31st, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sylus101
Hey everyone... I'm new to 3D on the DS so there's a lot of tweaking to do, but I'm very pleased with the results so far and wanted to see if I could draw a little feedback if at all possible. This is... I guess about 3-4 weeks starting with no knowledge of OpenGL nor modeling.
This is just an untextured/uncolored mech (with a few lights on her) walking. The mech was modeled in Blender and converted using the PLY export and a plytods conversion utility found with a google search.
DPad rotates the head and guns. I've got some bleed (not sure if it happens on hardware, my new Acekard comes on Monday) on the gun barrel but should be able to work that out. I need to test on hardware to get the poly count and might have to simplify it more and rely on textures to get it looking nicer... but time will tell.
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