June 1st, 2018, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
weird news but here it is:
You own some SNES cartridges, but you only have NES console, well no problem, as you can now run SNES games on your original NES! Tom Murphy, aka Tom7, has found a way to manipulate NES cartridges so that they can truly outperform what would usually be expected from them. Tom hacks the circuit boards of these cartridges, equipping them with Raspberry Pi 3 mini-computers. The Pi plays host to a number of SNES ROMs which are all filtered through a special program, translating the necessary data into something the NES can read and essentially display on a TV.
If you want to see all of this happening in action, check out the video below. The idea starts to take shape at around 5:40, and if you skip ahead to 16:12, you'll see Tom placing the finished NES cartridge into the system, allowing the NES to play the SNES classic Super Mario World. This is some kind of Back To The Future-style wizardry that goes well over our heads, but it's pretty amazing to see.
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This isn't the only interesting project that Tom7 has created, though. A few years back he created a computer program that could learn how to play NES games on its own, with just tiny amount of instruction from the player. Somehow, though, seeing Super Mario World be played on a NES just seems even more crazy. We're all used to Virtual Console, where retro games are played on newer systems, but reversing that is very interesting indeed.
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Now then, who's up for some Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Game Boy Color? -- Nah, I want to see Super Mario Odyssey for the newest console, the Nintendo Switch, running on my NES console, or better yet the NES Classic Mini, to prove you don't need the latest shit
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...-on-nes.47096/
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June 1st, 2018, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres todays first Nintendo Switch hacking news:
Scene developer @rajkosto has recently updated his 'HacDiskMount' app that allows you to explore your Switch eMMC NAND dumps. Allows to open Switch eMMC RawNand dumps (and physical devices) and lets you perform operations on the individual partitions within, such as dump/restore from file, or mount them as a drive letter in Windows (with transparent crypto performed provided you have your BIS keys).
Changes: - (29.05.2018) - Fix crash in open physical disk if there's a removable drive with no media
- (30.04.2018) - Fix crypto not working correctly at all on CPUs without AES-NI
- (30.04.2018) - Partial support for dumps on 4K physical sector drives
- (25.04.2018) - Initial release
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OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...ajkosto.46894/
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June 1st, 2018, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Not played the game itself but heres good news for some:
With E3 within only a few weeks, this is the time for rumors to be at their most wild and speculative. Especially when it comes to popular games. There's also been quite a few games leaked prior to the actual press conferences, such as Team Sonic Racing, Rage 2, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey, leading to the actual confirmation of these games potentially weeks earlier than intended. When Walmart isn't "accidentally" letting the existence of these titles out to the public, a good way to get an early confirmation of a game is by checking out each country's Ratings Board. This has lead to the discovery of games like Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered, Okami HD, and Super Bomberman R multiplatform, far before the actual reveal.
The latest roundup of interesting new ratings from the Korean Game Ratings Board shows three game releases that could potentially be happening: Borderlands 1 GOTY for XB1, PS4, and PC, Sunset Overdrive for PC, and lastly and potentially most interestingly, Fortnite for the Nintendo Switch.
This also follows a " leak" from 4chan stating that Fortnite, Paladins, Dragon Ball FighterZ and more would be getting announced at Nintendo's Direct at this E3. Once more, after correctly predicting the Fallout 76 tease, Kotaku has corroborated this specific rumor, and claims that they have a source at Epic Games that has confirmed this as truth. Of course, it's all to be taken with a grain of salt until June 12, the day of Nintendo's conference.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/fortnite...-board.505971/
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June 1st, 2018, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Some good news for Switch hackers:
As I announced some weeks ago, I've written a program which allows you to make your life easier. Because of long threads and misunderstandings I felt that I need to make a program which has everything included, necessary to get into homebrew.
You can add/remove packages (.zip-files) and extract them. There is already Hekate4 and 5 and the Appstore preinstalled.
For the payloads it uses TegraRcmSmash by @rajkosto and the necessary drivers.
You can there as well add and remove payloads you want to use. Included packages so far here: biskeydump,fusee testpayload, hekate_ctcaer_2.0
I tested the homebrew launcher with hekate on my 4.1.0 Switch with a Windows 10 PC - everything worked out perfectly.
And yes people I know - this isn't groundbreaking, but an All In One Package and that exactly was what I wanted.
An updater is also included, so you should be notified once something new is available.
There is a installer version as well as a portable version. Just make sure to extract everything if you choose portable.
Linux integration will follow sometime later - maybe you even want to contribute to that.
SHAIO Install/Usage Guide:
For Devs: https://github.com/getraid/SHAIO
Download: https://github.com/getraid/SHAIO/releases/latest
Current Version:
If you liked/disliked stuff or want other features please let me know either here or in github via Issues
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/shaio-sw...in-one.505929/
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June 1st, 2018, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Very interesting item of news for Gameboy Colour
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a non public 8-bit demake of Mortal Kombat 3 for the Game Boy Color by PSC. This project is in private beta since ages, but it still comes along. The project is non commercial and non profit.
If you guys would like to play a version of the beta with more characters (Jax, Kung Lao, SubZero), just email me: z80artist(at)mail(dot)com It’s a bit glitchy, but may be fun while waiting for the upcoming major update.
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/ultimate-m...ublic-gbc-game
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June 1st, 2018, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Cave Story for the Switch has been released:
NXEngine has been ported to Nintendo Switch by carstene1ns and is a reimplementation of the original Cave Story / Doukutsu Monogatari game engine, using its data files. The game itself is a pretty famous side-scrolling platformer from 2004. This release has nothing to do with Cave Story+ (published by Nicalis and being an actual, official Switch game).
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-switch/nx...do-switch-misc
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June 2nd, 2018, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the multi nintendo system emulator:
higan v106r34 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r34 release.
byuu says:
- sfc/ppu-fast:
- don't use mosaicSize unless mosaicEnable is set
- fix background tiles that aren't 8x8 in size
- flush (render) queued lines whenever VRAM or OAM are modified
- queue tile outputs to buffer for object rendering final pass
- fix object window mask indexing
- disable color bleed when output width is 256 pixels
- handle reset(bool) events
- implemented save states
- icarus: fixed SPC7110-RAM-EPSONRTC mapping typo [hex_usr]
- bsnes: fixed overscan masking mode when output height is 240
- sfc/ppu-fast: should not have deleted the tilecache freeing in
- ruby/input/carbon: change setPath() call to setPathID()
- Rendering Ranger R2 crashes at startup, seems to be an issue with
the expansion port device
Bug reports on the new fast SNES PPU are now welcome.
Download https://gitlab.com/higan/higan
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/higan-v106r34.html
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June 2nd, 2018, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to see a new release for the WiiU Emulator for WIndows:
Cemu v1.12.1b is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.12.1b Changelog:
# New in 1.12.1b:
general: Fixed section labels for game profiles created via the game list context menu
general: Added UI option to disable precompiled shader cache
general: Added game profile option to disable precompiled shader cache (see example.ini for details)
# New in 1.12.1:
general: Upgraded Cemu to VS2017 and also updated the following libraries:
wxWidgets (3.1.1)
libcurl (7.59.0)
openssl (1.1.0h)
zlib (1.2.11)
general: Fixed settings.xml getting corrupted when multiple instances of Cemu were running
general: Game list now loads the game icons asynchronously to improve Cemu startup time
general: Load graphic pack shader files asynchronously to improve Cemu startup time
general: Added fallback font in case no other shared data fonts are found (prevents some games from crashing)
general: Generally improved AES128 implementation. AES-NI is used where possible (if supported by CPU) and the fallback software-AES implementation is now much faster
general: If NEX or independent token API request returns with an error message, print it to log.txt
general: Updated game profiles
HID: Added preliminary USB/HID support
In order for a device to be detected, plug it into your PC before you start Cemu. No extra configuration necessary
Tested USB peripherals:
Skylanders Traptanium Portal confirmed to work, other similar 'Portal' devices still need testing
GCN controller adapter (in Wii U mode) not yet working
input: Fixed some XInput issues for Steam Big Picture controllers (if you are having trouble configuring a controller, launch a game in Cemu first)
input: Various improvements to native wiimote support
nn_idbe: Implemented API DownloadIconFile() and DecryptIconFile()
snd_core: Fixed loop counter for PCM16 voices
snd_core: Fixed AXGetDeviceMode()
snd_core: Fixed AXSetVoiceSrcRatio (now clamps ratio value correctly between 0.0 and 8.0)
GX2: Implemented GX2SetPointSize and GPU7 support for point width
GX2: Added API GX2SetComputeSampler, GX2SetComputeTexture, GX2SetComputeShader, GX2DispatchCompute
GX2: Shaders using SSBOs no longer fail to compile
GX2: Texture cache will now drop unused textures after 50 minutes even if the texture data is potentially not restorable
RPL: Fixed a bug in RPL loader where import mapping would exit early if an invalid (nameless) import was found
coreinit: Zero-sized file reads no longer return an error
coreinit: Optimized thread context switching to be slightly faster
nn_fp: Fixed a bug in AsyncLogin callback
nn_boss: Fixed a crash that occurred when a game tried to access non-existent BOSS files
download http://cemu.info/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/cemu-v1121b.html
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June 2nd, 2018, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nes emulator for Windows updated:
My Nes v7.2.6677 is released. My Nes is a portable open source NES/FAMICOM emulator written in C#. It's EXACT nes cycle emulator, very accurate and uses exact ppu scanline timing. My Nes compatibility is very high, and most of the games that supported run perfectly.
My Nes Features:
- Roms browser with bility to disblay additional information of each rom like snapshot and info.
- Save/Load state in defferent 9 slots or in file using save/load state as feature.
- Sound recorder which record sound of current playing rom in wav format (Mono, 44100 Hz, pcm 16-bit).
- Developer console with full access emulation commands.
- Support INES (*.nes) file format.
- Can read from archive (*.zip, *.7z and *.rar)
- Profiles for control mapping.
- CPU :All 6502 opcodes (with the undocumented opcodes), IRQ and NMI.
- PPU :8x8 and 8x16 sprites with transparency and priority, background tiles and sprites evulation, internal ntsc palette generator, default PAL palette, Cycle based ppu, real scanline and scancycle timing, Emphasis and monochrome effects.
- Sound : all the 5 channels, MMC5, SS5B and VRC6 external sound channels. Format: MONO PCM 16 BIT 44100 Hz.
- Systems : PAL , NTSC
- Mappers : # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 105, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 133, 140, 142,159, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 193, 200, 201, 202,203,204,205, 212,213, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251 and 255. Almost full set !!
My Nes v7.3.6725 Changelog:
- Added: APU io-bus emulation.*
- Added: APU now emulates the real nes clock rates, which clocks on the other cpu's cycle.*
- Improved: Sound quality by adding high-pass filters as original nes hardware, see http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/APU_Mixer.
- Fixed: SDL2 video renderer eat up memory when FPS is shown.
- Fixed: SDL2 video renderer crashes in some cases.
download http://sourceforge.net/projects/mynes/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/my-nes-v736725.html
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June 3rd, 2018, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a save game manager for the 3DS:
Added: custom configurations. This means you can now:
Hide arbitrary titles by passing their title ID inside of the configuration file.
Backup system titles savedata.
Add more custom folders to look for saves and extdata throughout the entire SD Card, for each title.
For more informations about how to setup your custom config.json file, check out the README.
Added: touch-less backup and restore by using L and R.
Added: fast scroll in the UI by holding the arrows.
Fixed: some graphic elements overlapped in the wrong way because of bad depth value.
Fixed: page count is now fixed when the UI has specific amounts of titles.
Fixed: cursor now wraps properly in the UI when scrolling the title list with the directional arrows.
Refactoring and tons of small fixes to enhance the user experience.
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16622
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June 3rd, 2018, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a save game manager for the Nintendo Switch
Added: touch-less backup and restore by using L and R.
Fixed: occasional crashes on various firmware versions are now fixed.
Fixed: now the user interface uses the Shared Font: this means you're now allowed to see the correct name for games with non-ascii characters in their name.
Fixed: now you can backup a save using the default backup name (datetime + username) if you have accented characters in your username.
Fixed: control speed is now slower.
Refactoring and tons of small fixes to enhance the user experience.
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16623
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16623
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June 4th, 2018, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice bit of NES News:
Babel Blox is a new NES game by Sly Dog Studios. A demo is now ready to download – the game itself might be commercial once done. In the land of Shinar, the people are building a tower to elevate themselves to the level of God. Take on the role of God, and scramble the language of the people and scatter them on the earth! Use twitch-style skills to recognize different languages and stop blocks from being added to the construction of the tower. Choose from a variety of languages to use, and get the people separated!
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...-demo-nes-game
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June 4th, 2018, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
The former BSNES emulator has had a new update:
higan v106r36 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r36 release.
byuu says:
- nall: renamed array to adaptive_array; marked it as deprecated
- nall: created new array class; which is properly static (ala
std::array) with optional bounds-checking
- sfc/ppu-fast: converted unmanaged arrays to use nall/array (no speed
- bsnes: rewrote the cheat code editor to a new design
- nall: string class can stringify pointer types directly now, so
pointer() was removed
- nall: added array_view and pointer types (still unsure if/how I'll
use pointer)
download https://gitlab.com/higan/higan
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/higan-v106r36.html
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June 6th, 2018, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter provide more info on the Modchip for the Nintendo Switch
Its only been a couple of days, since the exclusive pics of TX factory, and now we have a brand-new demo video from the SX team! Welcome to one of the last Team Xecuter announcement before we let the reviewers take over!
As promised, here is a new video of our latest SX OS running games and homebrew under 5.1.0. This is pretty close to what you will have in the V1.0 of SX OS. But we are still working...
As a quick fact update, during our latest tweaking before launch, we now have 10 (instead of original 5) successive boots without the opportunity to auto recharge. Standby time remains the same (approximately 1 week) and battery drainage has been dropped from 25mA to 13mA while console is awake and dongle plugged in. - Q: Can I play my Switch running SX OS while being docked?
A: Absolutely. You just need to have it undocked when you power up your Switch to load SX OS. Once done, dock it and play for as long as you don't completely power it off again.
- Q: I know I'm asking too much and it's early, (sorry) would it be possible to get Bluetooth audio (or even Bluetooth controller) support within the CFW.
I know a lot of people would dig that on other forums (including a clean internet browser that has YouTube unblocked) if this is possible?
A: If it is doable, we will try. Please read text below about such requests, you are fully entitled to request anything, we will do our best in order of user's most wanted features.
We receive hundreds of email daily with hundreds of request/suggestions. We thank you for them. We do not reply to everyone, although most people do receive a reply, but rest assure we read them all. And we take note. We have requests for emunand, Nand back up, themable SX OS, soldered version... the list goes on!
SX OS and its affiliated products (first one being SX Pro) are a work in progress. You paid not only for a device but also for support. And we will bring it to you. Most on demand or important features will be added first, some are already being worked on as you read this, and we will take it step by step.
Thank you for the trust you placed in us, we will deliver!
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June 6th, 2018, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch scene is the hottest of the hacking scenes at the moment and heres some more awesome news:
Team REBUG tweeted out a picture of there first prototype testing model that has arrived, and @evilsperm is going to install it later on tonight and get to work on the next stage, as they work on a simple 4/5 wire internal modchip for the Nintendo Switch console, which has only been 2 week since they first announced the SwitchME project and asked for few testers with professional tiny soldering skills.
It has to be noted, this still in very early design stages, first internal tests have to be done by team members before even the selected testers can get a chance and also the final design will be shrunk more and alot smaller over half the size pictured above, so please remember don't bug the team too much right now, and stay tuned for more news updates here in this thread!
NEWS SOURCE: @Aboshi2011 (via) Twitter
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/t...hme-omg.47042/
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June 6th, 2018, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a great exploit for the Nintendo DSI:
This is an exploit for FlipNote that will allow running homebrew on your Nintendo DSi. Lovingly hand crafted by fincs and WinterMute, inspired by “ugoopwn” US region “leak” by Shutterbug.
Simply copy the contents of the archive to the root of your SD card, open FlipNote and follow the steps in the video above. Make sure that you’ve switched off “Start on Calendar” or the exploit won’t work.
The archive also contains dslink which can be used to transfer code over wifi but only with a WEP or open connection currently. DSiWareHax will install all the DSiWare savesploits for vulnerable DSiWare you have installed and fwTool will allow you to back up your NAND with included no$ footer for emulation.
Please note: fwTool currently has no NAND restore options for the simple reason that it’s horrifically dangerous atm. I have some things in progress that will be safer but, for now, please don’t use any of the forks that add dubious NAND writing options. They can and will brick your console.
Click to expand...
Source & Download: --> https://davejmurphy.com/͡-͜ʖ-͡/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/d...eleased.47145/
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June 6th, 2018, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the gameboy advance emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
A VBA-M port for Nintendo Switch. It's based of the libretro port(the actual emulator) and 3DSGBA(the GUI, although heavily refactored).
After porting 3DSGBA(which often crashed probably because of a huge amount of memory leaks), I tried porting mGBA which ran not so well. That's why I decided to experiment with a lighter less accurate emulator, which lead to this port.
Needs libnx and devkitPro to build. Just run make.
Quite high compability(haven't tried many games)
Save games and save states
In rare occasions the audio has problems
Video and Input not frame accurate(see Speed hack)
Speed hack
Before implementing this "speed hack" the emulator had regular slowdowns. Although I found out about these things by myself, these things might be common knowledge to emulator devs. These were the things which apparently slowed the emulator down:
The thread/core it's running on
The VSync
The first problem was solved by running the whole emulator in a second thread with a very high priority pinned to a core not used by the system.
Omitting the wait for vertical synchronisation lead naturally to artefacts. So I decided on only running the emulator inside the second thread, locked using sleep thread to 60 Hz. At the same time the main thread is locked by the vsync and only receives the framebuffer while sending the input. I left the audio in the emulator thread.
This leads of course to the problem that both threads, although locked to 60 Hz, may not run in sync, so the input or the graphics of a frame may be skipped or out of sync sometimes.
Complete UI overhaul. Now it looks almost native!
Setting to offset the real time clock
Again thanks to @dene-, who's responsible for the UI improvements and @jakibaki who's our expert for RTC and saving.
download https://github.com/RSDuck/vba-next-switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...11fe5e0fab1ebc
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June 6th, 2018, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
STJr and carstene1ns have ported the homebrew Sonic game to the Nintendo Switch:
Hoi, I have ported SRB2 to Nintendo Switch!
This is no proper release yet, but mainly a test build. Button configuration is not final yet (MINUS is mapped to ESC for now)
and also the startup time needs to be improved (currently it seems to wait for a network timeout for about a minute :unsure .
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...11fe5e0fab1ebc
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June 6th, 2018, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu Coder Jayenkai is back with a new game for the Nintendo Switch:
Another week, another game!
Time for some "Blockman Gets" action.
A simple enough premise, and one you've no doubt seen plenty of times before. Guide Blockman through the maze of pills, and gobble up everything you can find.
But you can't go back!!
This game takes the classic dot-muncher game and twists it into a Puzzle mechanic that'll keep you munching for hours.
download https://agameaweek.com/?Game=426
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...11fe5e0fab1ebc
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June 6th, 2018, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Snes Emulator gets a new release:
bsnes-mcfly v106r04 is released. Some of you may have noticed that Olympian Magic has seen no updates for over 3 weeks. I didn't put it on hiatus just for the sake of taking a break. No, the reason it went on hiatus is this project: bsnes-mcfly. This is a port of the Qt GUI from bsnes v073 to higan v106. In development versions up to v106, it was previously known as “bsnes-classic” in an attempt to replace AWJ's fork also named “bsnes-classic”. However, AWJ has shown that bsnes-classic is still alive, so this project had to be renamed.
Some of you may have noticed that Olympian Magic has seen no updates for over 3 weeks. I didn't put it on hiatus just for the sake of taking a break. No, the reason it went on hiatus is this project: bsnes-mcfly. This is a port of the Qt GUI from bsnes v073 to higan v106. In development versions up to v106, it was previously known as “bsnes-classic” in an attempt to replace AWJ's fork also named “bsnes-classic”. However, AWJ has shown that bsnes-classic is still alive, so this project had to be renamed.
This version of the Qt GUI has the following features:
Compatibility with higan v106, including v106-style gamepaks (cartridge folders)
Low-level emulation of the HG51BS169 (Cx4) and ARM6 (ST018)
Newer MSU1 features such as audio resume
Concatenated firmware in game ROMs, as well as a firmware/ fallback directory.
No cartridge folders are created within the user's home directory. It is all handled in memory.
Database lookup of SNES and Super Famicom cartridges. The database is embedded right into the application along with heuristics for games not in it, so icarus is not required.
Compressed archives: Zip, GZip, BZip2
Support for Zip and GZip provided by nall instead of snesreader
BZip2 support by Rob Landley under the zero-clause BSD license
Copier extensions: SMC, SWC, FIG, UFO, GD3, GD7, DX2, MGD, MGH, 048, 058, 068, 078, BIN, USA, EUR, JPN, AUS
All of these extensions are also available for use with BS Memory and Sufami Turbo slot cartridges.
Optional FuSoYa header (512 bytes at the beginning of the ROM)
WASAPI and ASIO audio drivers
Exclusive mode for Direct3D and WASAPI
Separate directories for save RAM, save states, and other mutable game files
Turbo buttons
asciiPad (more advanced turbo switches with Off, Turbo, and Auto settings)
Simultaneous up/down and left/right (must be enabled in the settings file)
I needed to use a really evil compilation trick to enable this feature without modifying higan directly.
IPS, UPS, and BPS soft-patching
IPS and UPS patches are applied before removing the FuSoYa header, and BPS patches are applied after.
Movie recording and playback
Can omit the address/data separator or use a colon, when higan v106 mandates the use of an equals sign or a slash.
Game Genie (GGGG-GGGG)
Cheat search (works only on WRAM at 7e-7f:0000-ffff)
Software filters
2xSaI, Super 2xSaI, Super Eagle
HQ2x, LQ2x, Scale2x
blargg's snes_ntsc
Phosphor3x (was included in some bsnes v08x versions)
OpenGL shaders
Curvature and Edge Detection from higan v092
HQ2x, Pixellate, Scale2x
HDR-TV, Watercolor (these were marked “Archive” in bsnes v083 and not restored when bsnes v085 went back to XML from BML)
Sepia (converted from Direct3D)
Only 1 copy of nall for the overall project instead of a separate copy each for bsnes, snesfilter, and snesreader
Features missing from bsnes v073
Compressed archives: Z (compress), 7z, RAR, JMA
Most of these have restrictive licenses. Need to think carefully on how to implement them...
Selecting one of multiple files in a single Zip archive
snes_ntsc configuration dialog
Because the palette size was increased from 32768 to 524288, changing a setting causes bsnes to freeze while it recreates the palette. This dialog had to go.
Binding the Pause/Break key to an input
Direct3D shaders
As consolation, the Sepia shader was converted to OpenGL
download https://board.byuu.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2061
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/bsnes-mcfly-v106r04.html
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June 10th, 2018, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an updated release for the all in one hack for Nintendo Switch:
Even tho the SX PRO is coming next weekend, there is those that want to do 'Switch Hacking' on their own, or just use SX OS with PC, and if you one of those 'down-to-earth' (bare-bones) modders, then check out this handy-dandy All-In-One package of Switch tools! This windows applications allows you to easily extract premade packages for the microsd card, which goes into the switch. Also this tool has TegraRcmSmash by @rajkosto and the drivers included which allow you to launch payloads from your windows machine.
v1.0.0.3 Changelog: - Add the .stub file needed to make hbl work on 5.1.0 (hekate5x.zip) (thanks @Karthik99999)
- Updated CTCaer v2.2 -> 2.3 (This fixes the sleep bug) (thanks @Karthik99999)
- Updated HacToolGUI to newest version. (thanks @peter17ji)
- Fixed Bug in SDTools -> When "delete" was pressed without anything selected, it crashed
Hopefully you find this program useful. --- Have fun!
Click to expand...
- How to use Follow this image guide: https://imgur.com/a/zljwjZM
- Download You can download either an installer (recommended) or a portable version(extract everything, else it won't work) here
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/getraid/SHAIO
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...1-0-0-3.47179/
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June 10th, 2018, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
The piracy scene is on fire again, after someone 'leaked' an 'Switch Cartridge Dumper', but as @AnalogMan points out below, it does have some limits, like no support for newer (cart2)-type games which have moved the 'logo partition' and only dumps to ExFAT.  Well, this got leaked in ReSwitched discord just a bit ago, so might as well share it. This is a cart to XCI dumper. It has some limitations such as: - ExFAT only, it does not split the larger backups
- Cannot dump newest games with a logo partition (cart2)
I did not make this but I have tested and verified that it works. Place the NRO file in your sdmc:/switch/ folder and run with Homebrew Menu. Have fun.
NOTICE: Remember, these dumps contain your PRIVATE certificates for your specific cartridge. Sharing such a thing with others could lead to getting all of your consoles banned. Before you ask, scene releases do not have their certs, they were blanked out with 0xFF's. Other than the blanked out cert, the dumps made by this tool are exactly the same as scene dumps.
PS: WAIN stands for " Without An Interesting Name".
Click to expand...
As NOTED ABOVE, these dumps you make from your original game cartridges are complete including your 'private certs' which is great if you want LESS RISK by going online with your piracy backups, instead of using a NULLed warez release from BigBlueBox, but if you want to be nice and share your 'backup' online with (cough) friends, become a true pirate, with wooden leg and eye patch, you need to use a program like our own MaxConsole XCI Exploder which has options to extract/inject certs., trim/split XCIs.
NEWS SOURCE: XCI Dumper (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...-dumper.47167/
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June 10th, 2018, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some interesting news for owners of the Nvidia Shield:
The similarities between the Nvidia Shield and Nintendo Switch have been pointed out countless times since the console's launch. Especially due to the Tegra X1 chip. When it was revealed that select Nintendo Wii games would be ported to the Shield (for China only), it got people wondering how well they would run, and if its emulation would be passable enough for use on the Nintendo Switch.
Digital Foundry, a team of reporters that are dedicated to finding how well games run thanks to frame-by-frame comparisons, have decided to tackle Super Mario Galaxy for Nvidia Shield, to test how well the game runs. You can see their entire analysis in the video above.
If you'd rather see a written report, the parent company of Digital Foundry--Eurogamer has done an in depth article on it as well.
Based on our tests, Nintendo and Nvidia's emulation work has a lot in common with Xbox One X's enhancement of Xbox 360 games, in that Super Mario Galaxy benefits from a 3x increase in resolution on the X and Y axis, resulting in a 9x boost to pixel count overall. That yields a curious 1920x1404 resolution - a 30 per cent boost over standard 1080p that's downscaled to the display output. It's a curious state of affairs, but almost certainly down to the fact that Wii games usually operate at around 640x480, with the emulator stretching out the horizontal resolution for widescreen support. The emulator effectively works in reverse, running natively on the X axis and downscaling the vertical instead.
There are other aspects of the presentation worthy of comment too. Looking at Xbox 360 titles enhanced for Xbox One X, we often see a mixture of upscaled 2D bitmaps and vector-based fontography that scales up to the emulator's chosen resolution. Super Mario Galaxy has native type and even some native resolution bitmaps that are subtly different to the originals, while other elements are still based on the 480p core art from the Wii release. It's unclear whether this game received a Chinese launch originally, so there may well be new artwork injected here - there's certainly proof here of a clear improvement over the Western code running under the Dolphin emulator.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/digital-...shield.506751/
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June 10th, 2018, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x one of the major emulation scene emulators is back with a new release:
The full changelog can be seen below.
- Increased the speed of SA1 emulation to match hardware (BearOso)
more closely.
- Fixed negative SA1 division (BearOso, Jonas Quinn)
- Changed the location where we poll input to potentially (Brunnis, BearOso)
reduce lag.
- Fixed the interlace fields being swapped after skipping (BearOso)
- More updates for BS-X support. (LuigiBlood)
- Updated xBRZ to version 1.6. (zenju, OV2)
- Added a DMA timing hack for rpgone's Koryu no Mimi (OV2)
- Updated HDMA to not update indirect addresses until after (BearOso)
transfers are completed.
- Improved cheats support. This stores cheats in a human- (BearOso, OV2)
readable and editable format as gamename.cht. Cheats are
converted from the old format on load. They can be added
in many different formats, but they will convert to the
simple address=condition?byte format.
Also, now included is mightymo's cheat database, and the
ability to match a game and automatically load cheats
from it.
- Don't reset a pending NMI on vblank end. Fixes Super (furrykef)
- Redo NMI timing. Fixes Secret of Evermore (PAL). (BearOso)
- Test for transparency before dithering on SuperFX. This (RedGuy(yyy))
fixes some graphical artifacts in Star Fox.
- Change some of the SDD1 guesswork mapping. Fixes a Tales (BearOso)
of Phantasia hack.
- Return PPU1 MDR for reads of $2137 instead of CPU MDR. (BearOso)
Fixes Mario's Time Machine graphical glitch.
- Memset less memory for sprite calculations. (Nebuleon)
- Don't spuriously update register 14 when running SuperFX. (BearOso)
Fixes graphical glitches in Doom.
- Added a SuperFX clock modifier variable. (BearOso)
- Write CPU MDR during some DMA and HDMA transfers. Fixes (BearOso)
Speedy Gonzales and Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler.
- Calculate next IRQ time in advance instead of continously (BearOso, OV2)
checking for it.
- Added some IRQ timing quirks. Fixes at least Marko's (BearOso, OV2)
Magic Football.
- Fixed wrong tile selection in offset-per-tile mode. (BearOso)
- Advance the VRAM pointer even if VRAM writes at the time (kps501)
are invalid.
- Return 0x80 instead of 0xff in DSP1 simulation. Fixes (kps501)
Powerfest '94 Mario Kart.
- Initialize controllers on reset. Fixes Looney Tunes (kps501)
B-Ball multitap.
- Attached APU instruction tracer and made some additions (BearOso)
to debugging output.
- Fix line doubling in interlaced mode. (kps501)
- Added support for M.A.C.S. rifle peripheral. (kps501)
- Fixed a bug where the MSU1 channels were reversed. (qwertymodo)
- Win32: Added dynamic rate control support for XAudio2 (OV2)
- Win32: Added different volume level configuration for (OV2)
regular and turbo speed.
- Win32: Added option to disable EPX scaling for messages (OV2)
- Win32: Improve multi-rom loading. (OV2)
- Win32: Add libpng and zlib dependencies as submodules for (qwertymodo, OV2)
easier compiling from source.
- Win32: Fixed icon registration. (OV2)
- Win32: Better support for running while unfocused. (OV2)
- Win32: Changed icon. (BearOso)
- Win32: Report hidpi support. (BearOso)
- Win32: Added mute hotkey and hotkeys for saving/loading (OV2)
from file.
- Win32: Disabled hotplugging in favor of a menu option to (OV2)
reconfigure joysticks.
- Win32: Added a reduce input lag option. (BearOso)
- Win32: Added ability to use GLSLP shaders with OpenGL, (OV2)
including a dialog to tweak custom parameters.
- GTK+: Added dynamic rate control support for audio to (BearOso)
reduce buffer overflows and underflows.
- GTK+: Increased SDL requirement to version 2.0. This (BearOso)
improves joystick compatibility.
- GTK+: Improved GTK+ 3.0 support and made it the default. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Added ability to start from a snapshot on the (julien2512)
command line.
- GTK+: Added automatic input rate handling. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Use 16-bit 5-6-5 pixel format for better colors. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Now disables the compositor in fullscreen mode. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Changed icon. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Require libepoxy for OpenGL support. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Add full compatibility with GLSLP shaders, with a (BearOso)
parameters dialog to configure them.
- Unix: Add xinerama support and window position hints.
download https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x/releases/tag/1.56
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/snes9x-v...ut-now.506640/
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June 11th, 2018, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
If your one of those after a Modchip for the Nintendo Switch heres some good news for you:
It is only a few days away before SX OS lands on your Nintendo Switch console, and you can enjoy the world of 'backup games' and 'homebrew' support on the latest v5.1.0 firmware, and as such TX has released one more announcement before the reviewers get their hands on the SX PRO which is shipping out this week worldwide to various resellers with preorders, so check it out below:
Welcome to the last Team-Xecuter announcement before we let the reviewers take over!
Please find final product & packaging pictures with this announcement. This is from one of the 100 review samples that will be shipped this week. If you are on the review copies list, you do not need to email us: We will send you tracking once shipped.
For reseller information, the packaging dimension and weight with product and cable: Weight: 30g. Dimensions: 10*7*1.4cm
We want to confirm that SX OS official launch date is June 15th. Remember this is the day we ship units to vendors, so your own tracking number from the reseller will be a few days later. Also, because this is very large product launch, we can't deliver all preordered units on D-day. If you placed your order late, you might have to wait a week more for your distributor to receive more stocks after he clears its first preorders.
We are working 24/7 right now to make the delay to deliver all preorders as short as possible.
As usual, a few Q&A that came back regularly:- Q: Is SX affected by the dreaded "battery desync" problem?
A: As far as we are aware this battery desync problem currently only occurs when running Linux on your Switch.
While extensively testing SX OS, including booting SX OS with AutoRCM we have not ran into a single battery desync issue ourselves.
SX OS itself isn't based on Linux. We *do* allow people to run Linux (and other payloads) through our "external payload" functionality. This is at your own risk.
If we had to give the community a hint as to where to start looking into this "battery desync" problem we'd suggest looking into how the Fuel Gauge IC (MAX17050, I2C1 addr 36) is being used by Nintendo's OS and by Linux.
- Q: If I boot in OFW mode and play my original purchased game online, am I safe?
A: Yes, you are safe to play original games online in OFW mode.
- Q: Does SX OS plays the original games in CFW mode?
A: Yes, it does.
- Q: If I download eShop games to an SD card, can I also run SX OS on that card?
Or do I need separate cards for Nintendo eShop games and SX OS games?
A: You can use the same SD card.
Next week, the first reviews will be online, we are sure they will be excellent as we expect!
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June 11th, 2018, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Just found this on Maxconsole but no clue to which console its for lmao, i presume the Nintendo Switch but who knows:
GBATemp'er @jakibaki has taken the 'leaked' WAINCartDumperNX which is closed-source, and rip it apart and added the changes to the previous GITHUB repo that clearly the leaked author had taken the code from, and as such now we have 'open-source' dumper that can be updated! I added xci-dumping-support to the open-source-cart-dumper!
This supports all the features that the open-source dumper had plus the dumping of xci-files. Like the closed-source-dumper this doesn't support the new cartridge-format yet (mainly because I don't own any cartridge with the new partition yet). - Dumped cartridges are dumped (splitted) to the sdcard in /dump-X.xci
- On linux/mac the files can be merged by using the following command:
cat dump-*.xci > path/to/full-game.xci
- Windows:
copy /b dump-*.xci full-game.xci
Please note that sometimes that dumps can get corrupted so please check if hactool can decrypt the all the files and if it can't try again.
Known issues: Dumping doesn't seem to work on some low firmwares (I could only test it on 5.1) 
Click to expand...
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/jakibaki/switch-game-card-dumper
NEWS SOURCE: Open-Source XCI-Dumper (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...-dumper.47183/
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June 11th, 2018, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release for the Nintendo Switch:
The piracy scene is on fire again (with a ton of usual scene drama on top to fuel the flames), after someone 'leaked' an 'Cartridge Dumper', but as @AnalogMan points out below, it does have some limits, like no support for newer (cart2)-type games, but the version attached is now updated with features to dump to FAT32 and to dump only your 'private certs', so check it out: Well, this got leaked in ReSwitched discord just a bit ago, so might as well share it. This is a cart to XCI dumper. It has some limitations such as: - Cannot dump newest games with a logo partition (cart2)
I did not make this but I have tested and verified that it works. Place the NRO file in your sdmc:/switch/ folder and run with Homebrew Menu. Have fun.
NOTICE: Remember, these dumps contain your PRIVATE certificates for your specific cartridge. Sharing such a thing with others could lead to getting all of your consoles banned. Before you ask, scene releases do not have their certs, they were blanked out with 0xFF's. Other than the blanked out cert, the dumps made by this tool are exactly the same as scene dumps.
PS: WAIN stands for " Without An Interesting Name".
New & last version, 0.0.3. Support for FAT32 dumping as well as dumping without cert. There will likely be no more updates to this tool to support cart2 games.
Click to expand...
As NOTED ABOVE, these dumps you make from your original game cartridges are complete including your 'private certs' which is great if you want LESS RISK by going online with your piracy backups, instead of using a NULLed warez release from BigBlueBox, but if you want to be nice and share your 'backup' online with (cough) friends, become a true pirate, with wooden leg and eye patch, you need to use a program like our own MaxConsole XCI Exploder which has options to extract/inject certs., trim/split XCIs.
NEWS SOURCE: XCI Dumper (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...-v0-0-3.47167/
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June 11th, 2018, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Not often do we see Snes Homebrew games but heres a WIP update:
alekmaul is all about to get Deflektor to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / SNES / Super Famicom. Who remebers this game from the Atari ST?
Further notes:Here is a preview of Deflektor for SNES. Based on code gave by Foxy (thanks to him  ), and adapt by me to SNES. All from Atari ST original version is in the game, you will also have the Spectrum intro with all levels scrolling effect and a fast gameplay to try to solve this puzzle game. One big thing on this game, you will be able topost your High Score with your mobile phone 😀 !
via https://pdroms.de/supernintendoenter...-wip-snes-game
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June 12th, 2018, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Previously heavily rumoured to be arriving on the Switch - Nintendo announced today, during their E3 Direct that the massively popular Fortnite officially lands on Nintendo Switch today.
Fortnite Battle Royale on Switch will be available for free on the Nintendo eShop some time today depending on your region.
Squad up and play the #1 Battle Royale game! Download now for FREE. Jump in to be the last one standing in the free 100-player Battle Royale. Build huge forts. Outwit your opponents. Earn your Victory. Squad up together online with friends in the same room or around the world.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/fortnite...-today.507176/
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June 12th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo comes out strong with a 25 minute video covering Smash Bros, now subtitled "Ultimate". The game features every single character to ever appear in the series, and will make a few tweaks to gameplay. Ridley, Inkling, and Daisy join the fight.
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June 12th, 2018, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Duke Nukem 3D is still a great game today with real personalitie:
EDuke32 is a port of the classic 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D (or Duke3D for short) to several OS’es. EDuke32 adds many new convenient features and modernizations for casual players and many editing features and scripting extensions for mod authors. Ported to Nintendo Switch by cpasjuste.
How to install:
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June 12th, 2018, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release for the Nintendo Switch:
NX-Shell is a multipurpose open source file manager for Nintendo Switch by Joel.
Features:* Added a menu bar – Use the Y button to access it. (Can only open settings for now, so the settings icon stays highlighted. The animation is something I tend to improve upon in later releases)
* Added dark theme mode. (Can be enabled/disabled in settings)
* Added .ZIP extraction. (Press A on a .zip file)
* Added Sorting options under settings. (Sort by alphabetical – ascending and descending order, by date (currently doesn’t work properly), by size – smallest and largest).
* Add support for GIF/BMP images in image viewer. (GIFs will be displayed as a static image)
Improvements and Fixes:* Progress bar is now properly displayed for copying/moving/extracting files.
* Improved many textures as well as some internal improvements in handling textures and some fixes with font alignment in certain areas.
* Fixed copy/move being enabled at the same time. If you press B in the options dialog it will cancel the item that is currently in the copy/move list. Instead, X should be used to open/close the file options dialog. The row/column will also reset when the B key is pressed.
* Freed some textures that weren’t previously freed, also free entries once we are done using them.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-switch/nx...ch-application
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June 12th, 2018, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the multi nintendo system emulator:
higan v106r40 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r40 release.
byuu says:
- hiro: added BrowserDialog: penObject() [match file *or* folder
by filters]
- hiro: BrowserDialog accept button is now disabled when it would
otherwise do nothing
- eg openFile without a folder to enter or file to open selected
- eg saveFile without a file name or with a file name that matches
a folder name
- bsnes: added support for gamepaks (game folders)
- bsnes: store all save states inside per-game .bsz (ZIP) archives
instead of .bst/ folders
- this reduces the number of state files from 10+ to 1; without
having folders sort before files
- hiro: both gtk2 and gtk3 now use cairo to render Canvas; supports
sx,sy [BearOso]
- higan, bsnes: fast PPU/DSP are now run-time options instead of
compile-time options
- bsnes: disable fast PPU when loading Air Strike Patrol / Desert
- bsnes: disable fast DSP when loading Koushien 2
- bsnes: added options to advanced panel to disable fast PPU and/or
fast DSP
download https://gitlab.com/higan/higan
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/06/higan-v106r40.html
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June 19th, 2018, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter have released their Modchip for the Nintendo Switch:
Earlier today, we leaked the news that SX OS was finally going live later on this evening, and it did so a little while ago and there has already over 1k downloads and many happy SX OS users around the world are already enjoying wonderful homebrew, powerful Linux and the very latest in Switch games on their now fully unlocked Nintendo console, so check out below their official launch PR, and when you read thru it below, notice the nice gift that TX is allowing us, 'homebrew' for FREE, no license is needed! SX OS is a custom firmware that can be used with the SX Pro tool kit (strongly recommended for ease of use and safety) or for advanced users as a stand alone OS.
Once you download SX OS from our website, please follow the basic tutorial also available on the same page to install it on your Nintendo Switch. A complete tutorial and advanced manual will be available in the days to come.
If you did not purchase a SX Pro or a SX OS license, Team-Xecuter still provides FREE homebrew support and loading from a non activated SX OS install. This is a small gift to all 'sceners' who are only interested in homebrew. After all, Team-Xecuter also comes from the homebrew scene and after all these years, we are still glad to contribute now and then to this scene who brought us where we are now.
To unlock ROMs loading and more advanced functions, you need to purchase a SX Pro – our top selling product – or SX OS license. They are available from resellers worldwide. A list of trusted distributors can be found HERE. - If you did purchase a SX Pro, then your license is included in your dongle. Simply follow the instructions from our quick tutorial.
- If you purchased a SX OS license, then once your vendor email it to you, please use it and follow instructions from our quick guide to activate it.
OK, we know you are eager to test it out, so we will stop here. SX Pro and SX OS are a year in the making. It required massive team work from all of Team-Xecuter members to reach this V1.0 we believe will be your best purchase on Nintendo Switch.
Click to expand...
As usual here is a few Q&A for the early SX OS users that have already downloaded our SX OS: - Q: How do I re-enter TX boot menu
A: Press and hold vol+ and keep holding until you see the TX splash screen
- Q: How do I access my albums while in SX-OS CFW mode ?
A: Hold down L while opening album
- Q: How do I access HomeBrew ?
A: Hold down R while opening album
- Q: How do I load my backup roms ?
A: Simply enter album an select you rom file, all rom files should be placed in the root directory of the console micro SD
- Q: HomeBrew menu loads but none of my apps are showing, what is wrong ?
A: Please try re-format the micro-SD card using a windows machine, we have encountered this issue when using OS-X ex-fat formatted cards.
But as usual, it is a work in progress. We received a lot of requests for new features to be added in future updates, and our skilled developers are already working on it even as V1.0 is only being rolled out.
We really value your purchase, and we will do our best to bring you the best new updates and features in the years to come.
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...he-wild.46981/
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June 19th, 2018, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Not sure i fully understand this news but ill post it so its out in the open:
Evil Bowser is back and has stolen the keys to the Nintendo's EDEV castle, whom cares about the used up Princess when you can have all the development master keys instead, the rumor is an EDEV unit was sold recently on eBay and so of course it didn't take very long before all that good shit like TSEC+Fuses+NAND was dumped and shared.
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/n...-leaked.47239/
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June 19th, 2018, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice Zelda game for the Nintendo Switch:
I managed to complete the game. I had a couple times early on that it crashed but after those times I had no issues.
I managed to use your NRO file and edited it to run the Zelda Return of the Hylian Solarus Edition. It runs pretty well too. It's a much shorter game but some may be interested in playing it.
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8
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June 19th, 2018, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a great new Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
Hi, here is something i'm working on since a while now, but as my time is very limited... There is now other alternatives but... well 
copy "psnes" directory to "/switch/" directory on sdcard
copy roms to "/switch/psnes/roms/" directory on sdcard
pSNES "should" work on any firmware (based on libnx and snes9x.git)
pSNES actually support save states, 2x, 3x, fit, fit 4/3 and fullscreen hardware linear scaling and a simple (but nice?) ui.
pSNES ui support titles images (png), named as the rom name with png extension instead zip, in the "previews" directory (to be created if needed).
pSNES does not actually support high resolution games...
pSNES use a database file for rom handling. You'll need a "db.xml" file located alongside the application. The current "db.xml" file comes from "Hyperspin" website, and only contains USA "good rom / no-intro" set. Your rom files must be zipped and named as per this set. You'll find in the "database" directory this file as backup/reference (Super Nintendo Entertainment System - hyperspin.xml) + a complete set from dat-o-matic (http://datomatic.no-intro.org). Rename this file to "db.xml" and (re)place it in the same directory as the executable to use this one. You can make your own database file with filtering from this great website.
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/psnes
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8
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June 19th, 2018, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
BernardoGiordano has released a new version of his Savegame manager for the Nintendo Switch:
What's new
General Checkpoint improvements to enhance the user's experience.
The whole UI has been completely redesigned. This affects many things in the user experience.
Titles are now displayed by icons. You can display up to 20 titles at the same time. If you have more , you'll find them in the next pages.
Saves for the users are now listed separately and sorted for user.
You can change the selected title or the current user by using the dedicated buttons or using the touchscreen.
Detailed informations are now displayed on screen.
Space has been really optimized to be fully occupied with useful informations.
Selector animations. You all love them right?
Memory leaks related to the title icons have been fixed. Also, icons are now stored more efficiently to take less space and reduce the initial loading time.
Even though the User Interface will be this one pretty much forever, the code underneath will be redesigned as well. It's been refactored too much times and it's too messy for my taste. It'll be rewritten to be cleaner soon™.
download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8
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June 19th, 2018, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
SuperrSonic has released a new version of the media center for the Nintendo Wii:
Hello there, I've been maintaining a personal version of WiiMC, at the time I just wanted to correct the aspect ratio in 4:3 mode (672->704) and remove deflicker filtering. But soon after, I started experimenting and looking for features I never use and remove them to increase memory. I removed the picture viewer, NTFS/EXT libs, themes, and disabled a large amount of codecs.
I allocated more memory for the GUI, and added some new things:
-Enabled ADX audio decoding
I mean this is a gaming console so why not support game music formats?
So far only ADX files from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams seem to play incorrectly.
-GameCube controller support
Every button from the wiimote (Form Baton) is currently mapped.
Please note that there are still some things that require the pointer.
-The option to disable the H.264 deblock filter on a per video basis
To disable simply change the extension of your video to ".dash".
Disabling this increases decoding speed a lot, but decreases visual quality, however depending on the video you can get away with it quite well. Keep in mind that the Netflix app for Wii does this for both main and baseline profiles.
-Added an option to enable the volume normalizer audio filter. (A restart is needed when changing from methods)
-Added an option to always zoom videos to 4:3 ratio. (H zoom should be ~133%, this setting only works if your Wii is set to 4:3 mode)
-Added an option to enable deflicker, 480i and 480p supported.
-Added an option to scale screen width to 720.
You will find these new options in the settings menu. For volnorm set it to "2" to enable volnorm method 2.
-Added Screen Burn-in Reduction support
To enable simply go to Settings->Global, it will dim the screen if the screen saver is active after 4 seconds.
This setting requires ahbprot disabled.
-Added an option to switch to 240p mode.
This setting can be found in the global section.
Update June 11, 2018: Exit during video playback when using autoboot, default value for burn-in is now taken from system settings.
Update May 16, 2018: Added Wiimpathy's autoboot file support, added 240p switching.
Update April 22, 2018: Enable GC controller to work in window prompts, add max VI width setting, hide YT quality levels from the settings menu.
Update April 17, 2018: Enable seeking in http streams, added new options to the settings menu, added global setting for skipping deblocking, added burn-in reduction.
Other minor changes:
-subfont-autoscale set to 0
-add .thp as a valid video extension
-disable forced marginV = 20
-sub settings now start with marginV 20
-re-use ffmpeg vorbis (whoops)
-removed some misc libass settings that might have affected performance.
Update June 17, 2017: A fix for specific videos(MKV files with certain framerates) that would hang if using frameskip.
Update June 10, 2017: Added a full version including all the features of WiiMC-SS, without removing anything.
WiiMC-SS features:
704(square) screen width.
Attractive pointer.
GameCube controller support.
Enabled ADX decoding.
Optional 240p mode.
Exposed the volume normalizer filter.
Added ".dash" extension, using this extension will skip the deblock filter.
Made the deflicker filter optional.
Removed picture viewer to increase memory.
Removed NTFS and EXT libs to increase memory.
Disabled some minor codecs to increase memory.
Default to gray theme.
download https://github.com/SuperrSonic/WiiMC-SSLC
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8
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June 19th, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Martin Korth has released a new version of the gba emulator for nintendo ds:
No$gba v2.9 Changelog:
- webpage: added credit card payment option - plz send money if you like my work
- dsi/exploit: released unlaunch.dsi (first ever released dsi bootcode exploit)
- utility/upload: added dslink-compatible wifi upload function (nds/dsi only)
- utility/upload: wifiboot 2.1 dslink-clone (proper cache init/initback)
- utility/upload: wifiboot 2.0 dslink-clone (dwm-w024 and arm7i/arm9i areas)
- dsi/emu/cartloader/help: takes WRAMCNT from MSBs of MBK9 entry in cartheader
- dsi/emu: mirrors read-only SCFG_EXT7 bits from SCFG_EXT9 and vice-versa
- arm/cpu/help: notes on cache clean vs invalidate and cache-write-bufferability
- dsi/help: added caution of forward references in Device List structure
- dsi/cartloader: rejects large modcrypt areas (eg. crypt.size>arm7i.size)
- dsi/cartloader: supports small modcrypt areas (eg. crypt.start>arm7i.start)
- dsi/modcrypt/help: added notes of several weird modcrypt corner cases
- arm/debug: I/O map cpmem9 shows PU dc/cc/wb (data/code cache and wbufferable)
- spi/powerman: emulates dslite/dsi registers: powerman[4] and powerman[10h]
- dsi/korea/help: notes korean font file (diff names, crisp clear, less tiles)
- dsi/korea/help: korean firmware version numbering as in china, 1.4.6 is newest
- dsi/help: added note on smaller cert.sys files (for korea or before dsi-shop?)
- dsi/wifi/emu: emulates sdio cmd5,cmd3,cmd7,cmd15 and reset_control.bit8
- nds/wifi/help: added description for 48080DAh W_RX_LEN_CROP register
- dsi/wifi/help: sdio init via cmd5,cmd3,cmd7,cmd15, rtc.fout, scfg/gpio etc
- dsi/wifi/help: added sdio pins on daughterboard and pinout for ar6013g chip
- dsi/sdmmc/help: described 40048F6h (bit0 = SD_WRPROTECT_2 for eMMC chip)
- dsi/scfg/help: details on scfg_ext7 and scfg_a7rom, updated mbk chapter
- dsi/scfg/emu: emulates scfg_ext7 and scfg_a7rom access right bits
- dsi/scfg/emu: emulates arm9.mbk1-5 writes in respect to arm7.mbk9 setting
- dsi/emu: removed most in_32 notyet warnings, added more out_xx notyet warnings
- dsi/mmc/emu: warning if .mmc file without footer (need CID and Console ID)
- dsi/help: added notes on bits in SCFG_A9ROM/A7ROM being set-once bits
- dsi/wifi/help: described 4004C04h.bit8 needed for DWM-W024 in NDS-wifi mode
- dsi/sdmmc/help: notes on SEND_OP_COND, and on ALL_GET_CID vs max CARD_CLK_CTL
- dsi/exploits/help: added some notes on recently released exploits and tools
- dsi/biosdumping/help: notes on voltage errors and CE2 idea from dark_samus
- dsi/help: added info on valid ARM9+ARM7+ARM9i+ARM7i areas for NDS and DSi mode
- dsi/help: added info on RSA signatures for newer non-whitelisted NDS carts
- dsi/carthdr/help: added notes on Access Control entry (request AES keys)
- dsi/carthdr/help: digest, modcrypt, twl-total can be ZERO (optional entries)
- dsi/sdmmc: added provisions for SDHC emulation, filesys viewer supports FAT32
- arm9/emu: allows exception vectors at 00000000h or FFFF0000h (thanks dave)
- dsi/help: added details on ECC keys/certificates (using ECC curve sect233r1)
- carthdr/help: added some more cart headers entries for dsi (and nds with rsa)
- help: specs for DSi RTC extras (up counter, alarm date, and FOUT selection)
- debug/elf: processes/skips dwarf4/dwarf5 DW_FORM tags (for homebrew PSX games)
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8
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June 19th, 2018, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice bit of old school nes news:
Zatos Hacks is very pleased to finally release the 100% complete English translation of Little Master, finished 17 years after the project started!
The project was started in 2001, but was later abandoned due to running into some technical issues *and* for leaving the scene after making some inappropriate posts on some ROM hacking forums. Zatos’ brother, Fyr, wanted to start learn ROM hacking in April 2018 and was persistent in getting Zatos to teach him. That persistence resulted in a collaboration project for Space Hunter for the Famicom. After this, Zatos decided to finally return to Little Master, and give the game the finished translation it always deserved.
Zatos would like to give a big thanks to Fyr for getting him back into ROM hacking again, otherwise this game would never have been finished.
Thanks also to:
Alexander Beetle & Tomato for the original translations back in 2001
danke for a large number of retranslations in 2018
danke for figuring out how the unit type text was stored
many others who are mentioned in the readme file
It is highly recommended to read the readme file included with the patch. It goes into a lot more detail regarding Zatos’ history and the history of the project. There is also information about experiences with the project in general, that might be interesting for newcomers or experienced ROM hackers.
Enjoy the game!
via https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3647/
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June 19th, 2018, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
If you have a hacked 3ds/2ds then leave well alone, heres a new update:
Just when you think the 3DS just can't possibly get more stable, Nintendo is there to remind us. A new system update 11.7.0-40 was pushed out to consoles on June 18. The age-old quote straight from Nintendo detailing the changes made is below. Of course, with the 3DS still getting official games and support from Nintendo, it's very likely we'll continue seeing software updates for a while yet, even if they're sporadic.
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June 19th, 2018, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news for Switch users from Eurasia:
"I just got word that loading backups seems to be working on Nintendo Switch, check Jan4V's forum thread over at gbatemp.net for more info. Quote: 'Note that saves don't work for me atm, you should wait for mememenu/similar. Minecraft works, others not tested.' There is also a video of the method in action posted on . Thanks goes to bombchomp and pOOBAH for the heads up. Read on for short tutorial..."
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3689
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June 20th, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Dont often see much virtual boy news, so heres a nice news item:
trailboss has announced MAIDEN, a rail shooter that aims to land on Virtual Boy and Steam in early 2019.
Quote:MAIDEN is a rail shooter in which colossal humanoid robots known as Maidens fuel a global struggle over resources. You control a team of pilots fighting their neighboring country over an energy mine. Your team is underfunded, understaffed, and ill-prepared for the battle ahead, but you're willing to fight until your dying breath. You'll venture across cities, deserts, forests, and mountains both in air and on land. The world of MAIDEN comes alive thanks to a mixture of hand-drawn pixel art and prerendered 3D models. MAIDEN aims to be the ultimate Virtual Boy technical showcase.
A Kickstarter campaign is said to happen next month. Check out the MAIDEN Development Thread for more information and regular development updates.
via https://www.planetvb.com/modules/new...hp?storyid=449
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June 26th, 2018, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has turned to Mario Kart to improve sales of its Labo product.
The Switch concept has been positioned to boost the platform's appeal among mainstream audiences and families, yet despite performing solidly in its first week, the two Labo products - the Variety Pack and the Robot Pack - have yet to light up the charts. The game utilises cardboard creations that work with Nintendo's hardware.
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June 26th, 2018, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter release new version of OS for their Nintendo Switch Modchip:
Earlier this weekend, we were informed by TX that they were busy putting the finishing touches on yet another major update to their very popular SX OS, and now with v1.2 you have what everyone was screaming for since the first release, the latest 'card2' games!
SX OS v1.2 UPDATE It's been a busy week at the Team Xecuter headquarters, after releasing v1.1 of SX OS we got (yet again) a good amount of feedback from the community.
Let's jump straight into the changes for version 1.2 of SX OS:- Added Card2 support
A small dozen (currently released) games were not compatible with SX OS, we tracked down these incompatibilities with these so-called "CARD2" games and fixed them. You can now fully enjoy `Sushi Striker' and other games!
- Added downgraded fuse support
In v1.1 we added a protection against programming fuses. What was not added was a bypass for the "fuse checks", this has now been addressed. Advanced users who want to enjoy "downgraded" firmwares can now do so!
- Improved homebrew compatibility
Without going into complicated details, homebrew compatibility has been improved once again. Give your problem homebrew titles another spin, and let us know if any problems remain. We're sure this should be a big improvement.
As always, updating SX OS is simply a matter of replacing "boot.dat" in the root of your microSD card. No need to re-activate your license or anything.
Stay tuned for more updates. We're far from done!
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June 26th, 2018, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new New release of the Nintendo Switch app:
Once you have a nicely hacked (modded) Nintendo Switch console, you need a easy way to manage all your homebrew, games, and custom files on your SDCard, without using the PC all the time, and this homebrew does just that, install it, and manage away, plus this latest update adds a ton of new features, and even an 'audio player', so its well worth upgrading to and using on your Switch console. Similar to other software with ‘Shell’ in its name like VitaShell, NX-Shell is a file manager for hacked Nintendo Switch devices by Joel16. As of right now, it only lets you access the SD card (i.e no access to system partitions just yet) and has the following features: - A Cyanogenmod/LineageOS-esque theme which is present in Joel16’s other work such as 3DShell and CyanogenPSP
- Dark mode which is great if using it in the dark
- The ability to copy/move/paste and rename files and folders
- A picture viewer with support for PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF images
- An audio player with support for MP3, WAV and OGG formats among others – added in this release
- Many other features such as a ZIP extractor and the ability to sort files and folders
NX-Shell Beta 3 brings along:
- Touchscreen support by StevenMattera.
This is a great addition since NX-Shell UI’s has an Android-esque feeling which of course implies the presence of a touchscreen
- An audio player that supports MP3, OGG, WAV, MIDI (reported to be not working), FLAC and MOD formats.
Of course, it supports pause/play functionality but you can only go between files via next/previous when listening to MP3 files.
- An on-screen keyboard, based on the stock Android 5.0+ one, that enables you to create new folders and rename files as both actions require some type of text input; something that was not possible before this release.
- The right/left d-pad buttons can now be used to skip to the beginning or end of a directory.
- Some bugs were fixed including one which stopped NX-Shell from working properly when opening empty directories
As demonstrated by the above, this update is pretty substantial and it’s strongly advised to install it whenever you have time.
Click to expand...
NX-Shell Beta 3 GitHub page (download link + changelog + donation link): https://github.com/joel16/NX-Shell/releases/latest
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/n...eleased.47269/
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June 26th, 2018, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
MrHuu has released a port of OpenTitus for the Nintendo 3DS:
OpenTitus is able to play:
Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back (1992)
Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida (1991)
You will need a New3DS and a copy of 'Titus the Fox' to use this build.
.cia builds and support for 'Moktar' will follow soon. There's other things to do first.
- Fixed password input
- Updated source to 0.8.1 including:
- Fixed sprite issues
- Added Amiga Skylines
- Initial release
-Place the 'OpenTitus' folder from the archive in: 'sd:/3ds/'
-Copy gamefiles from 'Titus the Fox - To Marrakech and Back' into: 'sd:/3ds/OpenTitus/titus'
D-pad - Movement
A - Throw / Pickup
B - Jump
Y - Show health bar
Start - Show status screen / Pause
Select - Exit
ZR - Audio On / OFF
ZL - Show Debug stats
download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...bcef4b90311f15
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June 26th, 2018, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Keeganator has released a new version of Wolfenstein3d for the Nintendo Switch
Here's a release of Wolfenstein 3D for Nintendo Switch
Sound has a few issues with popping and crackling, hope to fix it soon.
Should work on all firmwares.
A = Fire
B = Open
X = Strafe
Y = Run
D-Pad = Move and Turn
To /switch/wolf4sdl/ on SD Card
download https://gbatemp.net/threads/wolfenstein-3d-port.508755/
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...bcef4b90311f15
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June 26th, 2018, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news for Nintendo Switch owners:
Through a new YouTube upload by Switch hacker Rei/Reisyukaku, we've been given a tease for an upcoming new custom firmware for the Switch. Nothing was officially stated by the dev as to what features or differences it'll have compared to other options, but from what the almost 40-second long video shows, we can see an edited boot screen, and that it can definitely boot into the hbmenu, with some homebrew listed. The dev's official site lists ReiNX as a custom firmware for the Switch, and says a Github page is coming soon.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/reisyuka...opment.509044/
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June 26th, 2018, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Some news from eurasia:
As a growing number of Switch owners install exploits to run backups or homebrew, the inevitable ban wave is upon us. There is a lot of speculation about what the specific causes are for these bans, so Draxzelex over at gbatemp.net has started a project in an attempt to map out the exact reasons for a ban. It's an interesting approach, but it could fail, for example if Nintendo uses a score based system in the console monitoring certain system events accumulating towards ban with a total score threshold, then no method is safe and the data collected to prevent ban would be useless. The reason to have some kind of score based ban system is not just about making it hard for the user to identify the cause, it also makes sense technically to reduce the risk of false ban on legit users."
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3691
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