July 1st, 2006, 12:53 Posted By: wraggster
3 new DS Flash Cart Releases by Mr Modchips, heres the info on all 3:
PassCard by M3

Passcard is the perfect flash card boot-up solution for DS LITE and NDS .
It is compatible with most types of flash cards including M3, Neo , SC and G6 etc.
Plug and play! Simply insert both PASSCARD and flash card into the slots of NDS and that's
it: Music, Movies, Freeware, Homebrew games and other files stored on your flash card can be launched

M3 Adapter is an amazing product for those who want to download free games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) / NDS. You can use your PC and normal Compact Flash Card Reader to transfer and convert you movie & music files to the Compact Flash Cards. Then, insert M3 Adapter with SD Card into GBA(SP) / NDS, and it will be available after boot up the console.
Its feature are just the same as any other MP3 Player on the market but also playing the games, movies instead of playing music only.
One of the coolest feature of a M3 Adapter is that you can directly run third party software on it – that includes emulators of the video game system.
NES, FC ,SNES, GB, GBC, SMS, GG, PCE Rom and more …
General Feature:
The only perfect 3 in 1 SD game adapter:
Highest DS game compatibility with perfect save function. (Only 2 titles incompatible.)
Fast-Read: Game size larger than 256Mb will not be slow-down too by using the Fast-Direct reading mode.
Support 3 reading mode: Normal, 1X DMA(Direct), 4X DMA mode(Fast Direct).
Support reading games data from CF directly, game size almost unlimited. (Only depends on SD capacity)
Highest SD card compatibility (Feedbacks are welcome if any SD still have problems.)
Save Management System (SMS) supports storing more than one save file for each game. (Maximum 200 files)
The save system supports storing game save data safety. No file(s) storing in card will be unexpectedly loss.
Support playing MP3 files directly. Individual files can place in any directory of SD. (use MoonShell-MP3 player special version for M3, No conversion is necessary before playing MP3 music.)
NDS Multi-Media Player. Support full-screen viewing, fast and smooth.
Work fine with “FLASHME”
No games will be slow-down.
Highest game compatibility. Support running all flashcard games.
Support running emulator games. (GB, SMS, PCE, NES etc.)
Best Instant Save Function and Reset function. User friendly design, only one convenience key-combination need to enter, easy for users to control all functions. No complex key-combination needs to enter.
Build-in RTC IC and battery. Able to run RTC games.
No patching or conversion is need before playing. Just copy and play.
Movies: Cool & Unique!!!
World’s first full-screen NDS movie Player. Fully compatible with all .GBM movies. And a lot of .GBM movies/cartoons are available for downloading in Internet.
Build-in “Crystal Engine”
One 256M-SD card can carry around 120mins cartoon or movie.
Support converting from the most popular A/V sources:
Dobly AC3 audio frequency file (*. AC3)
target's file of DVD video (*. VOB)
wave form sound file of Microsoft (*. WAV)
MPEG-1 Audio Layer-2 file (*. MP2)
MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 file (*. MP3)
Real media file (*. RA, *. RM, *. RAM, *. RMVB)
MPEG-1 media file (*. Mpeg, *. Mpg)
MPEG-2 media file (*. M2V)
Windows media file (*. AVI, *. ASF, *. WMA, *. WMV)
VCD video file (*. DAT)
QuickTime media file (*. MOV)
MPEG-4 media file (*. AVI)
DivX media file (*. AVI)
Software Downloads
Both versions are £69.95
Buy them all at Mr Modchips
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July 1st, 2006, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
walaber posted a new release of his DS game:
Just a few fixes in this version... probably nothing that fixes compatibility b/c I simply can't reproduce the bugs here. This version adds a few new Complete levels, and also fixes the slowdown that could happen in Complete and EggDrop.
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July 1st, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Multimedia App for the Nintendo DS that does everything just about :
Heres whats new
The ARM7 code was rollbacked to 'Version 1.31 FinalBeta 3'
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July 1st, 2006, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Not content with conquering Japan and America, the newly revamped, newly released, New Super Mario Bros. now set its non-insidious sights on Europe, land of collosseums, queens and curiously leaning constructions. Nintendo of Europe has announced that the game has shipped to stores, just in time to be snatched up over the weekend. Expect Mario to hit his presumed homeland of Italy in full force, devouring mushrooms and smashing bricks, though sadly not fixing leaky plumping. .
Via pspfanboy
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July 2nd, 2006, 03:44 Posted By: Mr_Biggs
Bronto posted this
"SSL support is almost ready. It works fine for me,however I have the guys over at the gbadev forums test it before the public release. This and germany's terrific victory over Argentina in the world cup are my top news for today "
Download the Test Version via Comments _ At your Own Risk
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July 3rd, 2006, 12:37 Posted By: scorpei
I've uploaded my revised WifiMe/WMB* howto.
You can try it out here.
I hope this revision will make it easier for you all.
Feedback via comments.
*My Howto about using your rt2570 (f.e. Nintendo USB stick) to NiFi your DS, under Windows or without having to install any OS using Knoppix.**
**You either boot Knoppix on your Machine (via live CD) or use VMplayer inside Windows
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo prsident reassures that ramping Wii production won't effect availabilty of DS Lite
Just in case you're sitting there, on your little stool, under your umbrella, rotating your digits in idle speculation this Monday morning, wondering whether Nintendo's impending Wii stampede will likely effect production of its DS Lite, then we have the answer for you RIGHT HERE. Sorry, here: No.
According to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, speaking at last week's shareholder meeting, Wii and DS Lite are being manufactured on completely different production lines (no, really?), meaning both consoles should be plentiful come Christmas time.
Not only that, Nintendo is planning to fire Lites out of its secret duct at a high rate during the holidays, presumably ensuring it can capitalise on the number of old people desperately holding back the inevitable onslaught of dementia and upsetting knitwear by doing maths with a little white stick.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
New Accessory from Divineo China

Connect your PSP/NDS to the internet, play online games, organize your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house EASILY, CHEAPLY and WIRELESSLY.
How it works? SIMPLE! Just plug our WiFi LINK adapter into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. Then a wireless internet connection has been done, go ahead for online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP/NDS gamers from all over the world.
If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi LINK too.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
You may remember us passing along a rumor last month from Cubed3 which claimed that Nintendo would be launching the Wii on November 6th; as usual, we took the info with no small amount of skepticism, but now that date actually seems to have been confirmed, and in the most unlikely of places: this month's issue of Sports Illustrated for Kids (Disclaimer: Engadget and SI for Kids are part of the same loving corporate family). Generally not known for getting the inside scoop on the video game industry, the magazine nonetheless seems confident enough in its sources to have published the supposed release date as fact without even the hint of a disclaimer, which combined with the Cubed3 info, makes us think that they might be onto something here. Obviously any deets related to the launch and pricing of this console are up in the air until the official word comes down from Japan, but with Xbox 360 already firmly entrenched and the PS3 scheduled to roll out a little later in the month, it certainly makes sense that Nintendo would be looking to leverage even the tiniest advantage.
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July 4th, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
Tob posted this news:
Hi everyone!
Finally, here's a new (major) version of NitroTracker featuring a sample editor for editing recorded/loaded samples with the stylus.
Also you can now adjust volume, relative note and finetune.
Here's what changed in detail:
sample settings:
relative note
a basic sample editor that has:
selection with stylus
loading of wavs with low sampling frequencies works now
lesser memory usage while loading
better sample drawing code
I don't want to promise too much, but my (short-term) plans include:
Sample looping (all types)
A recording timer
Sample drawing
As always, if you have suggestions or comments, drop me a line to me@<thisdomain> or use the wiki or the gbadev-forum.
So long, and have fun!
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July 4th, 2006, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Davido2 has released an IRC Client for the DS, heres the info:
IRC Client. Requires a Windows computer with .net installed to configure.
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July 4th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Qw3rty released a new game for the DS, heres the info:
Very nice battleship style game where you can move your ships as you play.
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July 4th, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Knight Of Dragon posted this new release:
Very interesting multiplayer concept. Find the differences between to photos. Compete against someone, or play together.
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July 4th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted a new test release of his Mail app for the DS:
uploaded new ssl test version with some bugfixes, most notably the reply button and crashes when receiving mails. non-ssl is working again,too
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July 4th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
SPOnG first told you about the rather bizarre concept ofPoint Blank DS back in March.
Well, Atari has just sent us a bunch of new screens from the forthcoming handheld version of the classic shooter (erm, don’t you mean poker? – Ed) which you can see right here.
We loved the Point Blank lightgun but remain on the fence about whether or not the game will successfully translate to the DS, where you will use your stylus to tap things on the screen, as opposed to using your gun to shoot them.
As we said originally, on paper and in theory the game sounds like it could be interminably dull. Yet on paper and in theory, many of Wario Ware’s mini games also sound very dull.
The game is now down for a Q4 release (this means autumn/winter to those who don’t speak games industry). There is a four-difficulty level Arcade Mode with 40 different touchscreen action sequences based on those from the arcade and PlayStation games, where you get to blast (tap) away clay pigeons, aliens, cardboard cut-outs and other zany targets. We’ll bring you more info and news as we get it.
Screens at link above
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July 4th, 2006, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Chadkeck has released a homebrew game for the DS called SpritesOut, heres the info:
SpritesOut is a tile flipping game like Lights Out (for the Game.com). If you don't know that game, it's just where you flip the tiles and the tile to the top, left, bottom, and right flip also. The objective is to clear the board of the tiles. I didn't bother to look if someone else had done a game like this for the DS already, so if you know of one, please let me know so we can share ideas.
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July 4th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Jimmy L has released a bomberman type game for the DS, heres the info:
Drop da bombs and take out your enemies! Up to 8 players at one time.
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July 5th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
A little yellow birdie with blue trainers and a red beak has told Eurogamer that a DS version of New Zealand Story is heading to Europe this autumn.
Apparently it's being brought to us by Rising Star Games, who are also responsible for Rainbow Islands Revolution and Bubble Bobble Evolution.
The birdie didn't reveal any details of how the gameplay will work, or whether you'll have to use the DS's stylus to guide our old friend Tiki the Kiwi round New Zealand as he fights to rescue his friends from flying teddy bears, hungry sealions, big pink whales and the like.
But we're excited anyway - because, let's face it, New Zealand Story is officially the best old days game EVER.
We contacted Rising Star to confirm the rumour, and unfortunately all they would say - in a very nice tone, mind you - was: "We're terribly sorry, but we don't comment on rumours."
That's not quite a denial, though, is it... So here's hoping the birdie's right. All together now: "Bididididip-deow-neow-neow-neow-neow, bididip, bididip, bididip; bididididip-deow-neow-neow-neow-neow, bididip, bididip, bididip; binky-bonky bungbungbungbung, binky-bonky bingbingbingbing, bonky-bonky-bonky-binky (bong) bing-bong-bing-bonk...
Via Eurogamer
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July 5th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the DeSmuME Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres whats new
key config dialog,
proper X/Y key implimentations,
FAT emulation.
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July 5th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
SimonB posted this:
Qwak! Fully developed, and looking for a home on GBA.
Qwak is an arcade-style action game featuring a crazy gem-grabbing duck. Players grab all sorts of goodies in each level, all the while tossing eggs at enemies to take them out of the picture. The original Amiga game featured more than 80 levels, and all of them have been moved over to the GBA by the title's original developer, Jamie Woodhouse. More info here: http://www.jamiewoodhouse.co.uk/pages/promo_qwak.htm.
Any publisher interested in this ready-to-go GBA title, should contact Bob Koon at Ziggurat Interactive by sending him an email at bobk@zigguratinteractive.com.
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July 6th, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from arog
After reading this thread (Emulators for linux?), and since I just loaded an old laptop of mine with Ubuntu 6.06 the other day, I decided to see what Windows emulators would work with Wine.
I don't think there's any need to develop in Linux and debug in Windows, you've got 3 pretty good emulators (DeSmuMe, Dualis, No$gba) to choose from!
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July 6th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Lupi posted this news:
Well, finally exams are over, I'll try to work more on this game, but I'll be limited because of my car test lol, and then september exams, I can't find any time!!!. Anyway, I'll try to post some screens later this week.
Implemented class 'objeto' and class 'enemigo', several objects included in class 'objeto' like chests with keys, doors to change level, and some switchs. Two enemies included in class 'enemigo' the same two I had, but optimized, I'm planning to make some more enemies based on Minish Cap Sprites (sorry, is just my sprites are horrible :P )
More info --> http://usuarios.lycos.es/lupidangame/
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July 6th, 2006, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
johanb123 posted this:
OK - I realize that everyone who downloaded yesterday's post is rather confused...I only had the server running for about five minutes at a time, and the game is hard-coded to connect to that. So today, I offer you the source and the server programs so that you can test it all out (which I still haven't done). The server is written for windows (it's almost entirely ripped from here), but a *nix port would be trivial.
And remember...this is still untested, so if you do get a chance to try it out, let me know how it goes.
In other news, to get around the only-one-flashed-DS-problem, I'm doing an Allegro port.
more info -->
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July 6th, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
ETk posted this news about his Megaman clone for the DS:
I have done some great progress since last update
I'll nearly finish all what I have to code to start designing the levels, add the menu and release the game ^^
-Fixed Collision system (yes.. once again)
-Fixed "load event" code (loading items, monsters, etc..). This was making the game load a monster and unload infinite times at the same time (incl. gfx glitches)
-Fixed hero arm. There is no space between the arm and hero in some angles now ^^
-Fixed x,y locations for where the shots appear (hero and monster shots).
-New level system: now all level gfx+pal are saved once (making the .nds file smaller)
-Added option to select tiles gfx and palette for each level (tool updated for this too). This is the 1st step to make the level editor too
-Added 2 more particle colours
-Optimized particle creation code (particles will be more "boom" now.. like moving more)
-Now if all 128 sprites are in use, the game will show an Error message saying that if you continue it will have gfx glitches
-Added more debug options
-Added sounds: weapon 1 shot, item, hit floor (when falling)
-Added an option to change what the shots will do when they make collision with walls: disappear, bounce forever, bounce X times
-Added a counter for kill sprites (needed for flamethrower and future new effect)
-Added new weapon: flamethrower
-Added new weapon: bouncing-ball
-Now monster will have gravity effects
-New AI for specified monsters: jump if there is something in front of you that will not allow you continue walking (stones, etc..)
-Added new monster: Blue Monster (doesn't have a name yet xD)
I also changed/added something more but I forgot it again :3
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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July 6th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
On the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Nintendo has cheekily dispatched a goodie-bag to US President George "Dubya" Bush containing a DS Lite and a copy of Brain Age.
Bush is renowned for his tortured syntax and general mangling of the English language, which many people believe reflects some equally confused internal thought processes. Among the "Bushisms" he has uttered in the past are: "I can only speak to myself," and: "You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone."
Could a daily work-out on Brain Age (the US equivalent of Brain Training) iron out those thought processes? Will Nintendo's newest handheld machine lead to a withdrawal of troops from Iraq and reasoned dialogue with Iran and North Korea, which both appear to be harbouring nuclear ambitions? We can but hope...
via CVG
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July 6th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
With Nintendo still keeping schtum regarding Wii's price and launch date - and with an official announcement not expected until September - speculation is, unsurprisingly, running rife on the 'net.
Now, those pesky analysts have stepped in to fan the flames further. It seems that P. J. McNealy of American Technology Research has suggested Wii may actually launch before the generally expected November release, hitting shelves around October or even late September.
In his analyst's note from June 21, McNealy stated that Nintendo already appears to be manufacturing final retail units of its Wii console, noting that "October is a reasonable time-frame [for the console's launch]". Indeed, this seems to be generally accepted amongst those in the know, with website CNN Money referencing similar expectations for a September/October launch from undisclosed industry 'insiders'.
Such a launch would give Nintendo a significant advantage over Sony - both in terms of the number of retail units the company would have amassed come release-day and by beating the PS3 to shelves by almost a month. Obviously, there's no official word from Nintendo yet but, with that announcement expected in September, we don't have too long left to wait.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment studio is busying itself, following the success of Lumines and Meteos. It's working on two new puzzle games for the DS and PSP, to be published by Bandai-Namco, which Mizuguchi himself will exec-produce.
Both games are inspired by the obscure 1999 WonderSwan title Gunpey: the PSP will get a game called Gunpey-R (short for Gunpey-Reverse), while Oto wo Tsunagou! Gunpey Reverse (which will surely be renamed for the European market) will grace the DS.
Gunpey is, as you would expect from the makers of Lumines and Meteos, a simple puzzle game - based on movable squares containing diagonal lines, which you must shuffle until you form a line from left to right, at which point the pieces disappear. Gunpey-R for the PSP will employ the "skin" concept from Lumines, in which players collect themes with associated music and animations. The DS version will major on stylus-based manipulation, and each panel cleared will liberate a sound, which players can use to make their own music.
Bandai-Namco has announced that both titles will reach Japan this autumn, but has remained tight-lipped about any European release. We'll keep you posted.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Of all the games we saw at E3 this year, Star Fox Command on DS was undoubtedly the most confounding - given that it mixed the franchise's pure arcade shooting action with a slightly tenuous dollop of turn-based strategy.
Now, Famitsu has uncovered new info about the game, set to hit Japan on August 4. Firstly, it apparently features more than 30 stages set across a whole host of locales - inlcuding space (dur), oceans, deserts and flaming caves. What's more, a number of pilots from previous Star Fox games are set to make a return.
There's also support for Nintendo DS rumble pack, for all your in-flight juddering and - best of all - the game's set to feature four-player multiplayer battles, either DS to DS or via the Nintendo Wi-fi Connection Service.
After the flaccid Star Fox Adventures and execrable Star Fox Assault on GameCube, we've got our fingers crossed that Star Fox Command will be a return to form for everyone's favourite feral fighter pilot.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Commercial Game Release:

Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favorite characters as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. The game is a story-based racing adventure game that relives all of the key moments of the movie. It features more than 10 playable characters from the film and an open world environment with more than 50 races.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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July 6th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
New Gamecube Commercial Game Release:

Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favorite characters as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. The game is a story-based racing adventure game that relives all of the key moments of the movie. It features more than 10 playable characters from the film and an open world environment with more than 50 races.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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July 6th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
New Nintendo DS Commercial Game Release:

Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favorite characters as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. The game is a story-based racing adventure game that relives all of the key moments of the movie. It features more than 10 playable characters from the film and an open world environment with more than 50 races.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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July 6th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
If Wii watchers were happy when Sports Illustrated for Kids came out with a November 6 release date for the system, they'd likely be elated to read a new CNN/Money report from Chris Morris that suggests the console could arrive as soon as late September.
In his article, Morris points out that the Xbox 360 went on sale 69 days after manufacturing of the system began. He then cites a June 21 analyst report from American Technology Research's P.J. McNealy indicating that the Wii has already entered manufacturing. McNealy is quoted in the article as saying that October is "a reasonable timeframe" for the release. Morris also cites other, unnamed industry insiders as expecting a September or October launch for the system.
As for the official Nintendo line on this article, a representative hadn't returned GameSpot's request for comment as of press time. However, earlier today the company did respond to the Sports Illustrated for Kids article, saying in part, "We remain committed to launch the remarkable Wii console in the fourth quarter of 2006."
That would rule out a September launch, but not October. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has previously said the console would hit shelves in the US before Thanksgiving.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
It may not be too difficult for US or European gamers to make a few phone calls, go for a drive, and return home with one of Nintendo's new DS Lites, but that doesn't appear to be the case in Japan. The results of an informal DS Lite poll by Japanese technology news outlet ITmedia were released today, and if their numbers are to be believed, Japan is still knee-deep in DS Lite mania.
The poll simply asked visitors who are in the market for a Nintendo DS Lite to answer whether or not they had bought one yet. Although Nintendo's revised version of the DS handheld system went on sale March 2, only 44 percent of those who wanted one said they'd been able to find one. Thirty-nine percent said they were still looking, while 16 percent said they had more or less given up.
However, given that Nintendo has pledged to increase production to two million units a month and is determined to deliver 10 million units by the end of the year, relief can't be too far off for the DS deprived.
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July 6th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Snezziboy the SNES Emulator for the Gameboy Advance (nintendo ds too) has been updated, heres whats new:
Fixes and Features:
Fixed a critical bug with the register reads and writes (might be slower)
Improved cycle counting (again) for block move and DMA operations.
Added feature to handle mid-frame change of background offsets. (Able to see water in Super Mario World, Able to see scrolling clouds in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros, Able to see fixed status panel in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros 3, Able to see scrolling name entry in Zelda: A Link to the Past)
Fixed reading register $4212 to indicate auto-joypad read status.
Fixed writing register $4016 to reset only when the correct bit is set.
Fixed joypad registers to send joypad input only from the first controller.
Fixed HiROM mapping.
Added Mode 20/21 ROM Access Speed.
Fixed a bug with the INC/DEC opcode that was previously returning the wrong flags. (This fixes Super Mario Bros 2's glitch where the character suddenly warps to the top of the screen)
Fixed messed up colors when in 256-color palettes.
Fixed fading to use always the brightest fade color per frame
Slightly improved VRAM allocation for background graphics
Implemented Mode 7 Graphics
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July 6th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Snezzi DS the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo DS has been updated, heres whats new:
Fixes and Features:
- Fixed a critical bug with the register reads and writes (might be slower)
- Improved cycle counting (again) for block move and DMA operations.
- Added feature to handle mid-frame change of background offsets. (Able to see water in Super Mario World, Able to see scrolling clouds in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros, Able to see fixed status panel in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros 3, Able to see scrolling name entry in Zelda: A Link to the Past)
- Fixed reading register $4212 to indicate auto-joypad read status.
- Fixed writing register $4016 to reset only when the correct bit is set.
- Fixed joypad registers to send joypad input only from the first controller.
- Fixed HiROM mapping.
- Added Mode 20/21 ROM Access Speed.
- Fixed a bug with the INC/DEC opcode that was previously returning the wrong flags. (This fixes Super Mario Bros 2's glitch where the character suddenly warps to the top of the screen)
- Fixed messed up colors when in 256-color palettes.
- Fixed fading to use always the brightest fade color per frame
- Slightly improved VRAM allocation for background graphics
- Implemented Mode 7 Graphics
- Added more configuration options:
SMART - Don't allocate for disabled BGs may see less garbled graphics, slow refresh on every enabling/disabling/flicker of BGs
FAST - Allocate for disabled BGs may see more garbled graphics fast flickering of BGs (needed by games like Megaman 7)
SHARED - Shared with BGs (may result in less space for BG graphics)
EXCLUSIVE - Not shared with BGs (allows more space for BG graphics)
- Added Quick Configuration Feature:
o L+R+SELECT+UP: Cycle through the following BG Priority Sets
set 1 = (P1, P2, P3, P3)
set 2 = (P2, P1, P3, P3)
set 3 = (P0, P1, P2, P3)
set 4 = (P1, P0, P2, P3)
o L+R+SELECT+DOWN: Cycle through the FORCED BG MODEs
opt 0 = as required by game
opt 1-7 = the respective modes
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July 6th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what they say:
''There’s no change in our plan to release the console in the last quarter of this year. We are planning an announcement in September and it may be causing some confusion.'' - Yasuhiro Minagawa, spokesperson for Nintendo Co. Ltd.
While the statement doesn’t completely debunk a rumored launch in September, it makes it a very tight squeeze. The October release date is starting to look more and more likely, hopefully a mid to late launch.
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July 6th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Ficedula has released a new version of his music app for the Nintendo DS
Version 0.04 is out; the list of changes isn't long, but at least one of them is a relatively big one...
Changes in v0.04:
-Fix bug scrolling playlist
-Allow clearing/add files to playlist from DS
Donations button for anybody feeling crazy enough to give up hard cash in exchange for downloads: is here.
From the readme...
Modifying the playlist:
-In the plugin configuration from within Winamp, make sure to set a "root folder". The DS
will only be able to see files inside here (sharing your whole hard drive automatically
would be bad...)
-Also check the file extensions SylphAMP will look for. This is hack because Winamp doesn't
appear to have a "scan folder" command in its API
-When you connect, the top screen should give a list of folders you can choose. Hold down
left shoulder button then use Up/Down/A to move around the folder tree.
-Once you've found a folder you want to play, press START (still holding down L-shoulder).
SylphAMP should clear your current playlist, then add all the media files inside the selected
folder to the playlist. It does recurse.
I've tested it with a playlist of ~3000 files; it's kind of slow to download the whole playlist
to the DS, but it does work.
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July 7th, 2006, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Popular strategy game The Settlers is coming to the Nintendo DS, publisher Ubisoft and developer Blue Byte have announced. It should reach the shops before the end of the year and, amazingly, it will be the 13-year-old franchise's first outing on a handheld.
The game will start with a Roman ship landing on an apparently uninhabited island - and in true Settlers fashion, you will have to establish a settlement - and then train an army to defend it.
Naturally, The Settlers will make extensive use of the DS' touch-screen for designing and organising your settlement. The game will include two campaigns - Roman and World - and there will be a free mode in which you can play against the CPU. It will have 30 different occupations for characters, six types of soldiers and four races: Romans, Vikings, Nubians and Asians.
We'll let you know when a more concrete release date emerges.
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July 7th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Despite World of Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment having yet to officially confirm projects for next-generation consoles, what we'll describe as 'a very strong suggestion' that the studio has plans for the new machines has finally emerged.
In a job posting for the role of Senior Producer on console games appearing on Blizzard.com, accompanying word on the responsibilities and requirements attached to the position is a note that "Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii production experience" is a plus.
Unsurprisingly, there's no mention of games in the job posting, but it's speculated that the position could be linked to StarCraft: Ghost meaning, possibly, next-gen versions of the game are planned. Earlier in the year, Blizzard announced it was indefinitely postponing production on Ghost - confirmed only for current-gen - and weighing up options.
.For anyone not familiar with StarCraft Ghost, it is/was an offshoot of the StarCraft sci-fi RTS games and stars a female stealth operative called Nova, who's charged with undertaking the usual dangerous set of missions in the StarCraft universe.
Anyway, all we can do is keep bums parked in seats and await official word from the developer on next-gen initiatives.
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July 7th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's DS handheld has helped to significantly boost the Japanese games market, with software sales climbing by 30 per cent during the first quarter, according to a recent survey.
Market analyst company Enterbrain - drawing data from almost 35,000 retail stores across Japan - reports that Q1 revenue from hardware and software sales reached 277 billion Yen (1.9 billion Euro), compared to 207 billion Yen (1.4 billion Euro) in the same period in 2005.
The growth has been primarily attributed to Nintendo's DS, which has managed not only to outstrip sales of Sony's rival handheld system, the PSP, but also rules the software charts week after week.
Nintendo has sold more than 2.5 million units of its recently launched DS Lite to date, with a further 1.3 million sales of the original DS backing up the unassailable dominance of the platform in its native market.
A glimpse at the Japanese software sales charts on any given week will reveal at least half of the top ten games being DS exclusives, and any successful attempts to dethrone the DS appear short lived - such is the popularity of the handheld and its innovative 'touch' software titles.
Nintendo continues to capitalise on its success, sales of New Super Mario Bros. reaching in excess of 100,000 units in its sixth week on sale in Japan and reclaiming the top spot in the software sales charts.
The industry is set for further substantial growth in the coming months, boosted by the anticipated launch of both Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii console later in the year.
But whilst the industry waits with baited breath for the next-gen console boom to revive the hardware and software sales, Nintendo has already made significant steps to grow the Japanese market with the undeniable success of its touch screen handheld device.
via gibiz
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July 7th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Via Captains Log
At first look, it looks like a GameBoy Micro, but it's not. It's called the One Station. A video game store in SM North EDSA's CyberZone has been selling these knock-offs at P1,999 each. The handheld is actually a portable Famicom/NES and uses a cartridge specially made for the game system. It's powered by 3 AAA batteries and can be plugged into a TV set, for a bigger game screen.
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July 7th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
We're not sure this'll manage to get all the rumor mongers to pack up their bags and go home for a couple of months, but Nintendo responded to the rampant speculation on Wii price and launch date by stating today that they'll announce both of those little details in September. This makes a September launch increasingly unlikely, but doesn't say much more than that. After the announcement a McNealy analyst stated: "Our position remains that the Wii could retail as low as $199 instead of $249, and October is a reasonable timeframe." So, really, we're still stuck with a fairly large launch window within which we're sure to hear a few more "sure thing" dates rumored, but really, would we have it any other way?
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July 7th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
After the 1996 release of Super Mario 64, magazines for years mentioned Super Mario 128 - a game that would feature both Mario & Luigi for release on the N64 or its 64DD add-on. Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto lays the game to rest as one of his lost projects. From the article: 'Super Mario 128 was just one of many experimental games we had. Suddenly, everybody started talking about it. I'm in the all-too easy habit of starting a project only to later on not do much of it. There is a great deal of unfinished work on my desk. I worked on a prototype for the Nintendo 64 game with Mario and Luigi in it for some time." As it turns out elements of Super Mario 128 live on in Super Mario Galaxy on Wii
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July 7th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
With the Nintendo DS Internet browser scheduled to go on sale later this month in Japan, Famitsu.com readers were asked to give their opinions regarding the product. The results of the poll were published in the July 21 issue of Weekly Famitsu.
Of those who answered, 55.3 percent said they were interested in Web browsing on the DS, citing the convenience of being able to check Web-based e-mail, the touch-pen support for text entry, and the ability to browse the Web using Wi-Fi stations in stores or at free wireless hot spots.
In contrast, 27.7 percent stated they were not interested in the browser, and 17 percent answered that they were unsure about it.
Among the reasons people cited for not being excited about the DS browser were that they already use other devices to access the Web, a lack of support for Flash or other multimedia formats, and lack of access to a wireless LAN.
via Gamespot
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July 7th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
ClubSkill.com reports that a leaked screenshot from Jump, a Japanese publication, reveals that Final Fantasy III will make use of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, at least in part, by allowing friends to send 'letters' to each other. Exchanging these emails is said to trigger special events in the game.
Fair enough, but we're still holding out for some true co-op functionality, or even just a simple battle mode. C'mon Square Enix, we play games to take a break from emailing!
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July 8th, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
It was announced a while ago that around 600 Nintendo DS download stations would be added in stores around the UK. Go into a store, hit download play, choose the DS Download Station download, and choose a game!
However, no-one actual knew where these were. So, here’s a list of where the download stations are!
Warning: it IS very long.
More info --> http://www.britishgaming.co.uk/?p=1013
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July 8th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Delfare posted the release of a new game for the DS, heres the info:
it's a FPA game
move : key Up,, key down
move the eyes : stylus, key left, key right
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July 8th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Normmatt posted this news:
Some good news heres a new release fixing a few nasty bugs … hopefully.
Speed Increase since last release
Loading multiply roms without closing should now work fine
Basic frame skipping (dont use unless your experimenting as it could cause glitchs)
Savestates should also be alot better
New KeyConfig dialog
Anything else ive missed
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July 8th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
I'm following up on the first issue of Sega Visions magazine with the first issue of the beloved Nintendo Power. I can still remember when this issue first came out. I would have just been starting the third grade and I could help but be fascinated with the infamous claymation representation of Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom.
The original Super Mario Bros was still filling our little elementary school minds and after flipping through this magazine, we were impressed yet fairly confused about this new Super Mario Bros 2 game. It seemed so different from the original game, but of course, Nintendo Power knew how to spin the remake of Doki Doki Panic into something we would all anticipate like nothing before.
In addition to the huge SMB2 preview, there is also a good walkthrough of Zelda and a ton of other Nintendo nostolgia to be found.
Via Racketboy
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July 8th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
We'll never stop speculating on just who will win in the upcoming console wars. It's in our nature to do so. Thankfully, however, there's a site dedicated to tracking current consensus amongst interwebbers as to provide hard, undisputable fact to back up our claims (mostly typed in caps and grossly misspelled) across message boards everywhere. That current consensus is that the Wii will be winning in the war to come between man and machine consoles, gaining a very favorable 55.5 percent selection amongst visitors, with the Xbox 360 coming in at about half that with 26.2 percent, and the PS3 tanking at 18.3 percent.
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July 8th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
PSP’s impressive start in the handheld market has been soured this week as rival console Nintendo DS began to pull ahead in the race for portable supremacy.
The latest industry estimates suggest that the June 23rd launch of DS Lite, while deemed unspectacular by some at the time, has boosted hardware sales for the year so far ahead of Sony’s PSP.
And Nintendo is eclipsing the competition in the software charts – this week’s biggest selling DS game New Super Mario Bros outsold top PSP title Tomb Raider: Legend by a ratio of over five to one. The Nintendo format also claimed the prize for being the overall top-selling full price console platform this week.
As the summer months shift gamers’ focus toward handhelds, the sector as a whole seems to be gaining strength all the time.
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July 9th, 2006, 13:33 Posted By: wraggster
Bubble2k has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the GBA, heres whats new:
Quick fixed a minor problem in the header detection algorithm in the Snezziboy builder. (This may require a more proper fix later...)
Fixed a bug with the XCE code that was emulated wrongly.
Fixed the VRAM allocation so that Illusion of Gaia works correctly again.
Remove the wraparound bug that causes clones of Samus' ship during the Super Metroid demo.
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July 9th, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
Gary Linscott has released 2 new versions of the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
v0.24 (Quick Fix Release)
Fixes and Features:
- Quick fixed a minor problem in the header detection algorithm in the
Snezziboy builder. (This may require a more proper fix later...)
- Fixed a bug with the XCE code that was emulated wrongly.
- Fixed the VRAM allocation so that Illusion of Gaia works correctly again.
- Remove the wraparound bug that causes clones of Samus' ship during the
Super Metroid demo.
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July 9th, 2006, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
Dr Neo has revealed the specs on the upcoming DS Flash carts from NeoFlash:
Neo2-SD & Neo2-TF Specs
* Run the clean rom from TF(SD) directly,not need any patcher
* Support all clean rom (100% compatible), included the "Ultimate Spiderman (japanese)"
* Support multi-clean rom
* Build in the SD/MMC slot
* Build in battery AD monitor
* Build in universal IR remote,can support TV/HiFi/PS2/XBOX,and the remote code is upgradable
* 100% GBA hardware save
* Build in 3 set separate RTC
* Build in 16 bit DMA
* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer
* Build in 2M sram
* Build in 16M flash menu
* Build in 128M Zip RAM,support compressed ROM
* Build in 256M flash memory
# NEO2-SD support SD/Mini-SD/MicroSD(TF)/MMC/RS-MMC, up to 4GByte
# NEO2-SD support GBA/SP/GBM/NDS/NDS-lite all platform
% NEO2-TF support MicroSD(TF)only, up to 4GByte
% NEO2-TF support NDS-lite only
Good or not, let us know
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July 9th, 2006, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
Didou has released a new homebrew game for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
QBX is a thinking game in which the aim is to make lines in a 3D cube 5x5x5-sized. The shape comes from above and can only be translated forward/backward and left/right. The cube, can only rotate around its 3 axes. The shape does not fall automatically. Hence, you have time to place it. Then you chose when you want it to fall. Then, it will go down in one shot.
How to play
You have to move the shape and rotate the cube in order to make the shape going inside the cube to make lines. Any line made of 5 little cubes will then disapear.. To move the shapes and rotate the cube, keypad is used(up/down/left) (A/X/Y/B ). This choice can be configurated. The bottom screen additionnaly proposes 5 big buttons (to be able to lay our big thumbs, full of chocolate  ) that allow to (from left t right)
- Drop the shape
- Zoomer in
- Reset zoom
- Zoomer out
- Drop the shape (this, way, lefties and righties won't have to complain
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July 10th, 2006, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has released an excellent new version of his Mail app for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
* SSL support! This means GMAIL is finally supported
* fixed "ERROR: mail can't be displayed (RM02)" when switching between mails and feeds
* added button/tab for feeds
* added checkbox element
* info screen with update function
* download mail manually (A-Button) working again (verify)
* latest wifi lib
GUI fixes
Improve HTML parser and display HTML mails
include new (bigger) keyboard
find better font + include international font support
feed settings screen seems to have problems
extend access point selection screen
update function
jpg support
.nds attachment support
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July 10th, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Scott has released a new game for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
The DS is a nifty little handheld, with some pretty unusual hardware, but also nice extra stuff built in, like the touch screen, microphone, and of course two screens. Twin Isles is a Civilization/SimCity-type game that I'm working on.
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July 10th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
News from Moppi Productions
Memon was fooling around with some console coding and ported the flower effect from ASM'04 invitation to PSP and Nintendo DS.
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July 10th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
HtheB has released a new version of BEUP, this release looks even more like the original MSN Messenger.
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July 10th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Manufacturers producing chips for the Nintendo Wii have reported an increase in orders which could suggest that the console is on track to launch with a headstart over the PlayStation 3.
According to a report by the Commercial Times, partially translated by Digitimes.com, ATI has seen the contribution from its consumer electronics business rising by 5 per cent over the course of the year to reach the 20 per cent mark. ATI supplies the graphics chip for the Wii.
The remote sensor for the Wii's unique controller is produced by PixArt Imaging, which is also reporting a rise in orders; the company has said that shipments of the chip may reach a million units in August.
This would support suggestions that the Wii will launch with a reasonable lead over the PS3, which will hit Japan on November 17th and the US and Europe a week later. Nintendo has yet to give a release date for the Wii, but has confirmed that an announcement will be made in September. It seems highly likely that the release date and price point will be revealed at the Tokyo Games Show, which will take place from September 22nd- 24th.
In addition, the Commercial Times reports that Silicon Integrated Systems, which manufactures chips for the Xbox 360, has also experienced an upsurge in orders recently - poviding further corroboration of speculaiton that Microsoft is ramping up its production schedule for the console in order to meet market demand this Christmas.
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July 10th, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

MAX Media Dock is an amazing new storage device for your DS and DS Lite console.
MAX Media Dock allows you to store and access content saved on any Compact Flash card, releasing the potential of your DS as a full media playback device!
MAX Media Dock is compatible with readily available Compact Flash cards which offer some of the best value flash memory around. Cards up to 8GB can simply be snapped into the MAX Media Dock providing access to huge storage potential on your DS.
MAX Media Dock includes the Max Media Player/Dock DS cartridge which allows you to navigate and run content stored on your MAX Media Dock’s Compact Flash card though an intuitive, stylus controlled browser interface.
To get all that content onto your MAX Media Dock use the built in High Speed USB 2.0 port to connect the Media Dock to your PC. Windows will automatically recognise your card allowing you to quickly and easily Drag and Drop content onto it.
With MAX Media Dock you will also be able to enjoy numerous games and applications developed by talented programmers in the DS’s thriving ‘Homebrew’ community as well as watch high quality video and listen to MP3s!
MAX Media Dock is perfect for Movies, Music, Games, Home Brew and more!
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July 10th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Last month, we brought you news that a new DS game starring Zelda's old chum Tingle is in development.
Well, now a new website for Mogitate Tingle Bara Iro Rupee Land - otherwise known as Fresh Tingle's Rose Coloured Rupee Land - has appeared on the net.
Head on over to take a look and to play a bizarre Flash game. It's all in Japanese so who knows what you're supposed to do or what on Earth's going on, but still, worth a look for hardcore Zelda fans.
As you may recall, the new Tingle DS game will see you playing as our hero when he was 35 years old, and had yet to take on the Tingle form. You'll be guided on your journey by a fairy called Pingle and an old bloke called Rupeeji, and the action will take place in the magical Rupee Land. There's still no word on when the game is due out, unfortunately.
More info --> http://www.nintendo.co.jp/tincle/
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July 10th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Despite official confirmation from Nintendo, The Daily Star have nonchalantly revealed the price and launch date of Wii.The article, which reads as a factual based piece on Wii and its functions, states that the next-gen console will retail at £170.00 and the launch date will be the end of November.
All recent indications point to the fact that Wii will be released before the November 11th Japanese PS3 launch date and Nintendo of America have said that the official announcement will not be until September.
Either the reporter, Paul Malley, has had a huge insider tip-off, or the facts have been misinterpreted. We've emailed the reporter for clarification on the article, that appeared in Saturday's Daily Star.
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July 10th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
chism posted this:
After many hours, days, weeks and months of work, I have gotten the new libfat to a stage ready for testing.
Keep in mind that this is still in alpha stage. Functionality will be added and possibly changed in future releases. Also, it requires at least DevKitPro r19 to function.
More info --> http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?p=91774#91774
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July 10th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from Siliconera
The DS is rapidly becoming a haven for RPGs. Final Fantasy III, Contact, Magical Starsign and Deep Labyrinth are all coming out in the USA later this year. What’s Deep Labyrinth you say? It’s a first person RPG made by Interactive Brains and published by Atlus for North America. When Interactive Brains created the game they recruited some of the legendary talent from Chrono Trigger. Masato Katou worked on the scenario design and Yasunori Mitsuda composed the score for the game. To get a better idea about Deep Labyrinth we pulled Zach Meston from Atlus aside to ask him a couple of questions.
More at link above
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July 10th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Been following this for ages and well im a massive C&C fan , heres what Nukomod posted on his blog:
Here's a little preview of the sort of direction I'm planning on taking the interface in. I want it all to look very familiar, but at the same time take advantage of the DS. You can now see more of the units/buildings available to build and a bigger minimap. You can tap on select/sell/repair modes too, though this is not final. Under neath the units is a build queue of up to 10, although this would only be used in 'enhanced' mode. The arrow on the top left of the screen is used to swap the screen over, so you can use the stylus on both views.
Check out the screens below, lets hope this baby becomes a reality and if anyone sees the author tell em wraggy wants to beta it 

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July 11th, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
A member of the Spanish gaming forum Canal Nintendo has posted an image that appears to feature another mystery port located near the bottom of the left side of Wii.
Last month, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime debunked rumors that the front flap concealed anything more than a SD card port, adding that Wii will be compatible with several memory options. If this newly discovered detail is indeed another port, could it just be another expansion slot? ... Probably.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
The current issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine (September) states that they had exclusive Resident Evil Wii information, but it didn't turn up in time for the printing process (printing sucks). The article goes on to say that the news will break in next month's October issue and contains the teaser "Here's a clue," along with a silhouette that is easily noticed as Leon Kennedy.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Because somebody out there has to care. In a follow-up interview to one conducted way back in February, Aussie developer Krome Studios confirms that their furry friend from down under will indeed make an appearance on Nintendo's next console. After commenting on the studio's current projects, Konami's Hellboy and The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, the tricky-to-pronounce Steve Stamatidiadis notes that "the Wii is the perfect platform for a TY game and you can bet your booties that we'll be doing one down the track."
Since our considerably valued booties are on the line, we'd also wager that the Wii version of TY the Tasmanian Tiger will involve chucking the wiimote like a boomerang in order to defeat at least one evil robot kangaroo. With a talking animal jumping over platforms and such, the game will no doubt be a veritable explosion of creativity (and other Australian stereotypes). Somebody can't wait.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
European sites seem to have all the good Wii info lately. A German site, GamesCathedral, is posting freshly gleaned details (from where, who knows) on the mysterious Fire Emblem Wii. As you'll remember, this game's brief, anime FMV appearance in the E3 press conference made many feel all glowy and warm, yet no further details could be pried from the lips of Nintendo's faithful (ninja) executives.
Apparently, the newest incarnation of Fire Emblem will feature two protagonists, one male and one female. The male, interestingly enough, is Sothe...the very same Sothe of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance fame. A direct sequel, perhaps? PoR was critically acclaimed for all kinds of rocking, and a continuation would hardly be ill-received. The female lead is a bit murkier, though it might be Ilyana from the same game.
Finally, the article states that the game might be in full 3-D, a first in the Fire Emblem series. No more isometric view? Oh, our minds ache already.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
Rumors are coming in that a programmer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl has recently said on his blog that the game will be featuring destructible environments and customizable characters. The environments are said to feature terrain that will reflect damage through burning and crumbling. Whether this can be used as a weapon in the game is yet to be determined, as well as the validity of the statement on a whole.
As for customizing characters, supposedly the game will employ a new stat system that allows you to customize the play style of each character, inputting data to balance its speed, strength, etc. to the player's liking. Also, it is said that each character will have an arsenal of moves that the player may map to the character, allowing for even more customization.
While this is all a huge rumor right now, we sure hope that it turns out to be truth.
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July 11th, 2006, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ posted this news:
ScummVM DS is now officially part of the ScummVM project, and I am the official port maintainer. This means that the DS port is in the subversion repository along with the other ports, and everyone who checks out the source code will get my port along with it.
It also means that the DS version will be released alongside the other ScummVM versions, from the next version onward, and will be downloadable from the official ScummVM site, and on Sourceforge too. Also, bugs and feature requests in the DS port can be reported on the ScummVM bug tracker, and the port will get it's own forum too, where I will be able to support users who have problems.
This doesn't mean that ScummVM DS will suddenly support every game, or that all the bugs will disappear. In fact, the version in SVN has one less feature than my released 0.61 build, namely that you can't delete saves anymore. This is going to be added in a general fashion for all games, so I will implement that when it comes along. It's still just me working on the port, but if other people break the DS version, they will have some reason to fix it, while they didn't when it was unofficial. So that will make it easier for me. All in all, it's a pretty good thing.
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July 11th, 2006, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
Our Friend WhiteX of Emulation64 has posted a review of the game Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest,

More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
Heres the review
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead man´s chest
PotC is the tie-in to the movie starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, it comes in the form of a hack and slash game, a brawler if you want, while it is not the best game ever, it certainly have enough good points to make it worth your while.
Presentation/graphics 7
Full 3d with lush environments, a great variety of enemies to be cut down and detailed and well animated characters make the graphics on this one a very positive point. There are also several different weapons, all with different animations and on screen representation, as well as a 3d gameplay, that´s right, you are not confined to the "2d rails" like The Incredibles or Kim Possible, on PotC you can fight your way giving the back to the screen. However the lack of a proper intro or cutscenes allied with the extremely bad minigames pulled down the grade a bit.
Music/sound effects 5
The music is quite forgettable, the sound effects are doing their job and there are some voices to go with
some combos, the cutscenes use written text, so we are deprived of the actors´s voices.
Gameplay 6
It is a brawler so there is the infamous "3-hit combo" and you can get away with the most of the game with it but if you want to try something new, there are unlockable combos that make quite the difference on the gameplay, for an example, most of the enemies defend a lot, so there is one combo that break defenses if you time it right you can ally it with the first two hits making it the third of a devastating combo, or use it to break the defense and use a two hit combo using the kick button on the second hit taking staggering 70% of a sub boss energy on a single combo, cool as hell!
There are some annoying collision problems, specially with larger enemies, that spoil some of the fun but it is nothing major.
DS factor 5
The lower screen is used with some statiscs and the touching capabilities only appear with the hideous minigames. The good use of the 3d engine made it come up a bit.
Learning curve 8
You can go 3-hit combo right from the beginning, very easy, but if you want the more powerfull combos, use an hour.
Lasting appeal/game modes 5
They packed some unlockables to make you revisit stages but most of them are concept art, you may want to unlock Elizabeth and the Rapier but there´s not much worthy to unlock besides the weapons. Have i said that the minigames are horrendous?
Final considerations
It is an honest brawler and it is way better than most portable movie tie-ins, it is superficial if you want it to be because you can and must use the combos to improve its depth. The scenarios and the characters are very nice and so are the enemies, for the DS standards. I say rent it, see if you like it, because the game is weirdly large than buy it.
Oh! And stay the hell away from the minigames.
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July 11th, 2006, 13:01 Posted By: scorpei
I've just finished my howto for WMB-/WifiMe-ing with OpenSuse, the old howto moved to a new url (to make room for the menu to choose which howto you want).
Check out the new howto here.
Enjoy, and many hours of happy DS-ing and Linux-ing!
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July 11th, 2006, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai's American arm has confirmed that a version of recently revealed handheld puzzle game Gunpey is getting a release on Western shores - well, in the land over ye olde pond anyway - lining up for an end-of-year debut. Accompanying this news are first screenshots from the title, which we've uploaded here for you to pass mince pies over.
Originally the concept of legendary developer and Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi, Gunpey's been re-imagined for PSP and Nintendo DS by Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment studio. In a nutshell, players have to flip lines located in squares as they - the lines, not the players - climb their way up the screen, with the objective of connecting the lines from left to right to make them disappear. It'll all be accompanied by music and funky backgrounds, with two-player multiplayer being stuffed in to boot.
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July 11th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Total sales of DS consoles in Europe now over 5 million units
Nintendo has this morning announced sales figures for the DS Lite in Europe, revealing that 200,000 units of the new handheld were sold through in ten days following its launch - despite concerns that it would be swamped by World Cup fever.
Total sales of the DS and DS Lite in Europe have been nudged over the 5 million unit mark by the early success of DS Lite, which is priced at around 150 Euro and rolled out in two colours - white and black - on June 23rd.
According to Nintendo of Europe's marketing director Laurent Fischer, the launch of the console has reinforced the company's claim that it is broadening the market for videogames into new demographics.
"Retailers across Europe said that they had never seen such a vast array of different people buying the product, everyone from business men to young women to grandfathers," he commented.
The firm is also celebrating the success of several of the software titles for the Nintendo DS - with Nintendogs still by far the most powerful title on the platform in Europe, with over three million units of the software now sold in the region in the wake of the launch of the most recent version, Dalmatian and Friends.
Animal Crossing: Wild World has also been a success, with 600,000 copies sold since it launched in March, while Dr Kawashima's Brain Training has reached 250,000 sales across Europe - a far cry from its 2.5 million selling performance in Japan, but the title looks set to continue to sell steadily for some time
via gamesindustry
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July 11th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
This week, Japanese shopping site Trend One began offering life-size replicas of Nintendo's most famous plumber. The Mario figure is 155 cm, or a little over five feet tall. According to the site, this is Mario's actual height as given in the games' background story. The product's manufacturer is unspecified, but the advert claims the character likeness is fully licensed from Nintendo. This Super Mario also features a supersized price tag of 248,000 yen (about $2,170), and a superlimited production run of 30 units.
via gamespot
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July 11th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
While most of us have moved on and accepted the name Wii, CNET still holds a grudge at the sudden shift from Revolution. In their roundup of the worst of the worst for the past three months of 2006, CNET slaps Nintendo with the dubious title "Worst name change." They keep their disgust short and sweet:
"Nintendo Revolution" sounds cool. "Nintendo Wii" sounds dumb. That's about all there is to say.
Other gaming-related worsts include And 1 Streetball for "Worst electronic referees" and X-Men: The Official Game for "Worst game based on a movie." It seems X-Men had to beat out some real stinkers, but it had what it took to get the job done. As CNET says, "Plugging your game controller into a ham sandwich while pushing buttons and making your own sound effects is more engaging."
What has been your worst gaming experience of the past few months
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July 11th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like Toys 'R Us of Australia is in fact giving away an unspecified free game with Wii pre-orders of $249. Gameworld Network reports: "After contacting Toys 'R Us for comment, they have indeed confirmed that everyone will receive a free game with their Wii as part of the package, but they did not know which game this might be... Sounds to us like Nintendo might be planning to include Wii Sports, as many have speculated."
While "Wii" doesn't even show up at Toys 'R Us' US site, the Big N has neither confirmed a launch price nor a bundled game so at the moment, this sounds more like a local Aussie promo.
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July 11th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Nintendo's Japan exclusive platform adventure Legend of Stafi 4 for Nintendo DS™ at US$ 29.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
Nintendo's popular Japanese platform series returns on Nintendo DS™ with a brand new adventure. Sticking to the 2D roots of the series, the game is a classical platform title. The action is shown on the top screen, while a map is displayed on the bottom screen.
Just like in the previous Gameboy Advance™ predecessor Legend of Stafi 3, Stafi's younger sister Stapi is available as playable character again. Stafi and his sister are chasing a criminal that has robbed a hidden treasure from the Ami Kingdom. Although this action game is fundamentally operated with the digital pad and action buttons, touch pen elements have been included when gathering information during the search for the criminal.
A total of 100 different items as well as 130 "characters" make Legend of Stafi 4 the biggest platform adventure so far in the series.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 11th, 2006, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
GBArl.it. has updated the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows:
In the emulator:
- Corrected bug in the 3D
- Corrected a bug in the menu
- Added the function Open and Execute
- Improved the speed of execution (of 2 fps)
- Reduced the key rom
In the source:
- Corrected of the bug that did not allow to make to execute the emulator
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July 11th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba posted this news:
I've kind of taken a vacation from the GBA for a few weeks but I've still got SMSAdvance V2.0 coming up , just want to fix sample playing in the sound core if it's possible. If anyone of you out there got any bugs to report, now is the time to do that.
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July 11th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Cubed
French heavyweight company Ubisoft has announced it is set to support Nintendo even more by bringing a real-time strategy classic to the Nintendo DS. In collaboration with Ubisoft's Blue Byte team, the former PC-only game Settlers will début on the DS later this year.
The game will be based on the series' 'popular gaming mechanism' of building construction and ensuring their is sufficient infrastructure. Providing better road networks results in a stronger economy, and you continue from there. It is set to make full use of the stylus control via the touch-screen, and make good use of the two screens. Below are some of the key features to watch out for:
Two campaigns: "Roman" and "World"
A Free Gaming Mode, letting all people play against an AI opponent
Thirty different occupational groups and six different soldier types
Four types of people (Roman, Viking, Nubian, and Asian)
Varying environments (woods, lava, icy areas, swamps, and so on) across seven vast continents
Easy-to-use interface and controls thanks to the stylus
Action on the top screen can be switched with the bottom at any time to suit you requirements
Variable zoom is included for watching your Settlers
Ralf Wirsing, Business Development Director of Ubisoft in Germany and Studio Manager of Blue Byte, had this to say:
"[ We are ] happy to be able to offer the successful Settlers series to the handheld fans. Strategic games are also very interesting for Nintendo players. Gladly enough, the gaming principle of The Settlers supports the functions of the Nintendo DS in a unique way.”
Let us hope this succeeds and convinces others to bring the likes of Command & Conquer, Cannon Fodder and StarCraft to the DS...
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July 12th, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: Kaiser
Ebgames.com has listed the up-and-coming Resident Evil game specifically designed for the Wii. The significant thing about the page they set up is the release date March 30th 2007. Is this an official release date by Capcom? Time will tell when Nintendo's official magazine spills the details on August 6th.
Check out the product page here.
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July 12th, 2006, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has denied a report in British tabloid the Daily Star that Nintendo Wii will launch "at the end of November, priced around £170".
"It's pure speculation on the part of the newspaper - we have made no announcements regarding Wii price or software," a spokesperson told our sister site Eurogamer this morning.
The Daily Star report was based on a recent press event for Nintendo Wii hosted in London, where Nintendo showed off a number of the games featured at E3 to lifestyle and newspaper press.
Speculation as to when the Nintendo Wii will launch has been particularly rife recently, although the company has steadfastly stuck to its "Q4" estimate.
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July 12th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
We've only heard brief details on the Nintendo Wii version of Call of Duty 3 from Activision to date, but the publisher is at least giving us an idea of how it's shaping up visually as first screenshots from CoD 3 Wii drop into our laps. In the screenshots, you can also see how VERY COOL you'll look when using the Wii controller to manoeuvre tanks and aim down the iron sights of the M1 Garand rifle!
Activision recently informed us that plenty of details on CoD 3 on Wii should be unleashed in around a month's time. It doesn't match PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game graphically, but naturally with the console's motion-sensing tech being employed Call of Duty 3 on Wii should be a little more unique. Enjoy the screenshots and then check out our in-depth preview from yesterday for further game details - yep, it's a preview of CoD 3 on Xbox 360, but it'll still give you a good idea of what to expect from game content.
Just in case you were unaware, the WWII FPS sequel focuses on the conflict's brutal Normandy Breakout campaign, which saw Allied forces battling across northern France in an effort to liberate Paris from the clutches of the German army. That man in the hat wouldn't last a second.
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July 12th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
As part of its most recent retail product fair over in Japan, Nintendo has announced a bunch of new DS-related bits and pieces - the most interesting of which is a mic/headphone set for the handheld, scheduled for release on September 14 for around 1,200 Yen (or 5.67 GBP if you prefer).
It seems the device is designed for games supporting VoIP, such as Metroid Prime: Hunters and the forthcoming Pokemon DS titles Diamond and Pearl. If you'll excuse us as we zip off on a speclative tangent for a moment, we'd also wager this means we can expect a similar Xbox Live chat-style service for Wii when it hits later this year too, which has got us jiggly with all sorts of low-level thrills.
Also announced at the retail event were the arrival of the DS Lite Jet Black for Japan (which, of course, we've already got in Europe - thanks Nintendo!), set to arrive on September 2. The DS Lite Jet Black will also be bundled with Winning Eleven DS on September 21.
Speaking of bundles, there's a rather swish and sexy white limited edition Final Fantasy III DS bundle, including the game and pimped-up handheld, which will hit stores on August 24.
No word whether we'll get the Final Fantasy III DS (probably not, we'd guess) or mic/headphone set (more likely) over here yet, but we'll let you know just as soon as we hear anything. Of course, import fans should keep their eyes glued to our friends over at Lik-sang.com, if any of that little lot has got your fingers itching.
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July 12th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
With the 'net alive with speculation that Nintendo may launch its Wii this October rather than the originally anticipated November, giving the company a significant headstart on the PS3, more news has hit giving further credence to the whispers.
Website Kotaku has word from a 'Deep Throat', suggesting that a large development team currently working on an undisclosed Wii title has felt the crack of Nintendo's whip recently. Apparently, the source states that "Alpha, Beta and Final times for the game just got vastly reduced and the common belief among the team is that the Wii will in fact be hitting this October."
It's an interesting nugget of information, although its authenticity is obviously questionable, given its vague nature. However, if true, it would certainly tie-in with earlier analyst reports also suggesting that a Wii launch in October is quite probable.
With Nintendo still sticking to its guns, promising that all will be revealed this September, it's not inconcievable that Wii could be out the door the following month. Of course, there's only one way to find out for sure - and that's to hang around waiting for Nintendo to finally flap open its gob.
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July 12th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
We're all aware that a digital camera/webcam for the Sony PSP is right around the corner, but how many of you knew that you could also snap photos with your Nintendo DS? Don't feel bad; we didn't know it was possible either until we spotted modder Kako's handiwork on YouTube -- apparently he's taken a Treva CMOS chipset, done a bit of rewiring, and written software that allows the unit to output images directly to his DS Lite.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has reclaimed its position at the top of the UK handheld sales charts for the first time since PSP's launch, thanks in no small part to the success of DS Lite.
With over 200,000 DS Lites sold in its first 10 days on sale, the handheld is now the best-selling full-price console on the market.
The bad news for Sony doesn't end there, though, with New Super Mario Bros for DS outselling PSP's top-selling game Tomb Raider: Legend by over five copies to one.
With Nintendogs reaching three million sales in Europe and Dr Kawashima's Brain Training introducing the console to people who previously didn't play games, it seems Nintendo has won back the punters with universally appealing software.
Indeed, Animal Crossing: Wild World held a top 10 position for 14 weeks in the UK All Formats chart recently, while four DS-exclusive titles were present in the top 10 last week. Quite an achievement.
We'd say it's time for Sony to release the perpetually-delayed PSP Gran Turismo 4. It'd sure make for an interesting battle this Christmas.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Insert Credit
Nintendo and Square-Enix have done it again!! Or, well, someone's done something. The something in question this time is this Limited Edition Crystal White Nintendo DS Lite engraved with Final Fantasy III characters. The units will be serial numbered, ensuring maximum online auction prices, street violence, and toothy grins at used game shops!! The engraving is based on original drawings by artist Akihiko Yoshida!!
The picture almost makes it look silver. Unfortunately, no, it is not silver. That'd be fingerprint hell, anyway.
An interesting tidbit from the Famitsu story: "Though it has been confirmed the units will be individually numbered, Nintendo has yet to confirm quantities." Watch there be like fifty-two of them! I'm serious!
The game is also, incidentally, currently the number-eight top selling game on Amazon.co.jp. It was number one for a while. Japan is quite seriously looking forward to paying 5,980 yen on the game, a whole thousand-some more than the typical DS game. Squeenix, as has been observed many times over, just don't like releasing software for normal prices. They like to be able to count their customers' devotion in cash.
Final Fantasy III, for the unitiated, is the Final Fantasy game people who dislike Final Fantasy games are most likely to say is their favorite Final Fantasy game. It's also number two on insertcredit.com's hot list of "top eleven games to say you've played when really you haven't." Come the time of the North American release, you might find yourself backed into a corner by some friend who says, "Hey, that Final Fantasy III is coming out on DS today! You like it, right? You're buying it, right? Wanna go buy it together, celebrate the completion of the Final Fantasy series' releases in official English translations together?" If this happens, here is some basic advice for the after party:
1. It pioneered the job class system, making it more original than Final Fantasy V.
2. The story is better than Final Fantasy VI because it allows me to use my imagination.
yes, i am messing with YOU
That should take care of you.
The special edition DS Lite will launch on August 24th, 2006, the same day as the game. It will cost 22,780 yen. Keep in mind that a normal DS Lite sells (if you can find one) for 16,980 yen. So yeah, the price of the limited edition console equals exactly the price of the game plus the price of the console. Of course, one could include the "engraving" as part of the package. Though for the sake of argument, let's just put it this way: in Japan, the cost of a six-pack of beer is precisely the price of a single can times six.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

Konductra is a touch-based puzzle game where players match colored tiles, create patterns, and work to block opponent's lines. It also features online play over WiFi.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

An adventure game based on Columbia Pictures' CG-rendered movie, Monster House is a thrill-ride tale about three kids who must do battle with a mysterious home that is determined to eat every trick or treater in sight on Halloween. The Monster House videogames allow players to experience key moments of the movie as all three playable characters from the film as they explore the house room by room, while also taking on unique adventures that were inspired by the film.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

An adventure game based on Columbia Pictures' CG-rendered movie, Monster House is a thrill-ride tale about three kids who must do battle with a mysterious home that is determined to eat every trick or treater in sight on Halloween. The Monster House videogames allow players to experience key moments of the movie as all three playable characters from the film as they explore the house room by room, while also taking on unique adventures that were inspired by the film.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

An adventure game based on Columbia Pictures' CG-rendered movie, Monster House is a thrill-ride tale about three kids who must do battle with a mysterious home that is determined to eat every trick or treater in sight on Halloween. The Monster House videogames allow players to experience key moments of the movie as all three playable characters from the film as they explore the house room by room, while also taking on unique adventures that were inspired by the film.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
WhiteX of Emulation 64 posted a new review of the game Rockman ZX, heres some info about the game:

A new series of adventures in the Rockman franchise, Rockman ZX features two playable characters -- a male name Van and a female named Eile -- who can expand their Hunter armor from normal to X mode and Z mode by collecting "Live Metal" as well as call upon special powers.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
Heres the review:
Rockman ZX
Rockman ZX (RMZX) is the first original Megaman game to hit the DS, it is an
old school 2d action packed platformer and a sequel to the GBA Zero series.
This review is a non spoiler one targeted at people that may want to import
the game since it is out only in Japan for now.
Presentation/graphics 10
A perfect score, RMZX has the most beautiful and detailed backgrounds,
character sprites and animations i have ever seen on the DS.
Even better than Castlevania, it is the best you can get for a 2d game, while
not using the DS 3d capabilities, ZX gives it a run for it´s money on sprite techniques.
Also to note are the gorgeous special effects, anime cutscenes and the full voiced
ingame script.
Music/sound effects 9
The music set the stages tones just fine, melancholic on the raining area,
fiercy on the burning one and so on...
The sound effects do their job well, along with the voices on combat, they
help you get the feeling of a powerfull war being waged upon you.
Once again, all the dialogue is voiced and it will be dubbed again for
the English release.
Gameplay 10
RMZX is a very fun game, it starts with the main character, Vent or Aile,
merging themselves with the Biometal Model X, that is no more than the
power and memories of Megaman X of the X and Zero series, after that you
go finding models of Zero and the "Guardians" from Megaman Zero series.
The thing is that each model has it´s own set of abilities and you can change
models on the fly, that mix of different styles combined with different perils make the gameplay shine.
You can go with model Zx and come to a platform you can´t reach, change to model Hx and
jump-dash with it, while at the high ledge, you see an enemy below, no problem, change to
model Fx, edit your shots trajectory and nail the pesky guy from your safe place, brilliant.
The stages come on a Metroid-esque style, much like the later Castlevania games, you go
from area to area, accomplishing missions and defeating the bosses, each model comes with
a card key to unlock doors color coded with them while the innate abilities of the models
help you reaching places that you could not do before acquiring them, the map could be more
organical though.
The Biometals are acquired from defeated bosses as any Megaman game, the catch is that they are
on a specific place within the boss body, while hitting there causes more damage, it also damages the Biometal, making it more expensive to repair, yes, you will use energy cristals to repair your Biometals,
so the question is, do you want to risk losing a battle to save E-cristals?
DS factor 7
It utilizes the lower screen for the Guardians Biometals, each with a distinct effect, the 3d engine is not used but one of the less utilized DS feature is very well developed here, the GBA slot.
If you insert MMZ3 or MMZ4 you can battle 8 more bosses from those games,
it is a nice way to take the dust out from the old GBA carts.
Learning curve 7
Well, it took me 5 secs to learn it but, hell i am a hardcore Megaman fan!
For the casual gamer, it may take some 15 minutes to get the hang of it,
but mastering all the models may take some 5 hours of your life, i recommend
for newcomers to the series to use the easy difficulty setting, if you can stand the heat, go normal.
Lasting appeal/game modes 8
It can last very long if you want to unlock everything, find all the data disks, play both Vent and Aile.
EDIT: there are minigames, don´t know how to unlock them, but if you go to the arcade on area C-2, one of the machines will be on and you´ll get to play a soccer minigame for 20 e-cristals, since there are more four
machines, it may have more minigames.
Final considerations
This could be very well considered the best Megaman game ever and it is.
It is a must have for all the die hard fans and a very good game for the newcomers, one of the best of the DS.
What more can you ask, anime cutscenes, full voiced dialogues, big game, multiple gameplay styles, it has it all.
Videos - http://www.rockmanpm.com/?p=video/zx
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July 12th, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Lazyone has posted some screens and news of his progress of coding a Mac emu for the DS, heres the info:
Thanks to the help of the people in #dsdev the display corruption bug has been fixed, shown below is the emulated Macintosh Plus looking for a startup disk.
Slightly corrupted output from the Macintosh Plus emulator MiniVMac, but proves that early macintosh emulation is possible.
I will be working on this while I try and track down a sound bug in wolfenstein 3d and get a few more features in before another release
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July 12th, 2006, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
simonjhall has released a wireless debugger for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
This is a wireless debugger for the Nintendo DS. It allows homebrew developers to interactively debug their applications running on a real Nintendo DS.
Things it can currently do:
- suspend the program at user-defined breakpoints
- step individual instructions, assuming the program has paused at a breakpoint
- step whole lines of source code
- inspect memory locations - and assuming a symbol table is present in the original ELF - variables and other structures can be read and their values can be changed
- inspect the state of all registers in the user ARM execution mode - including the program counter, link register, stack pointer and status register
- evaluate all types of ARM branch and condition instructions, allowing you to follow the execution of code properly in most circumstances
- it has a blacklist function, which defines which functions shouldn't be stepped into (when a b/bl/bx instruction is encountered). This is useful to prevent the debugger from stepping inside itself, or functions used by the debugger. If you do step into the debugger, it will probably get into an endless loop and hang.
- it can break on invalid memory access, signalling a SIGBUS message to the host debugger
- it can break when an invalid instruction is executed - this signals a SIGILL message to the host debugger
- both these exceptions destroy the original instruction in memory, so if you read the original opcode back from DS memory you'll get the breakpoint stub opcode instead. To get the real opcode, disassemble the ELF instead. If there's demand for having the real opcode left in memory I'll make the changes required to fix this.
- with minimal work, it ought to be able to co-exist with applications which use sgstair's wireless library
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July 12th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
ETK has posted some more WIP news about his Megaman clone for the DS:
Hey guys what's going on? This time I have fixed more things than added because I can't continue adding things if there is something I have to fix... well.. I can.. but I have to do it sooner or later XD
The most important updates are a 'new bubble effect' and a 'level complete screen'. Well, here are the list of changes I made:
-Fixed: The bug that doesn't let you jump while you dash is fixed now.
-Fix: Dash jump is shorter than a Normal jump
-Fix: Now you can only dash when you crouch
-Fix: fixed sprite gfx glitches when they are created out of screen
-Fix: the arm will not disappear when you are on x=0
-Fix: the shots appear where the arm is, and not in the center of megaetk
-Fix: fixed bouncing shots
-Fix: fixed arm gfx glitches when there is an item that doesn't rotate
-New: added bubble raising effect
-New: added E-Points to use in the future to buy power-ups, weapons, etc..
-New: added Level complete screen
-New: added new static-monster that aims to you and shots with angle
-New: added small and medium sized particles. (Only using small and medium now, big particles aren't cool :P)
-New: particles movement changed-> if there is a shot going to right and collides with a wall, the particles will go to left. same with shots going to left, up and down..
-New: added a time counter
-New: hero can aim with D-Pad holding the Y button now.
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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July 12th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
HtheB has improved some more the look of the MSN Messenger clone for the DS.
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July 13th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Flash Cart for the DS Market and one that looks very interesting too, heres some info:
Ninjapass for the Nintendo DS and DS Lite is the perfect solution for accessing DS media from any GBA flash storage device. Simply snap in the Ninjapass dsflash cartridge, and that's it ! Media, freeware, executables and other files stored on your flash card can be launched. The Flash Cart revolutionised the GBA Homebrew scene, and with Ninjapass dsflash , it will do for the DS too.
Check it out Here --> http://www.winsunx.com/list.php?mod=Brand_Ninja
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July 13th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
If you really love your DS lite, watching this video may seem cruel and unusual. You might start to cry little a little sissy, actually. But on the bright side, you’ll learn that Nintendo makes extremely durable portable devices that, as a result, have absolutely nothing in common with iPods or Microsoft products. I’ve never had a Sony entertainment product die on me… so ladies, when you break up with your lying, sneaky, tax-cheating boyfriend steal his PSP and send us a video of what you did with it. Until then, here’s five different videos people smashing and setting their xboxes on fire. Hehe FIRE FIRE!!
Watch the madness here
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July 13th, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
The innovative Wii has clearly caught the eye of the world's biggest entertainment software company. Today, Electronic Arts announced that it has six games in development for Nintendo's upcoming console.
In addition to the previously announced Madden NFL 07 and Need for Speed Carbon, gamers can expect to wave the magic Wii-wand to the tune of a new Harry Potter game. Nintendo's Wii Sports won't be the only place to play 18 on the Wii--a Tiger Woods PGA Tour game for the console is also in the works. The Wii will also hit the slopes with SSX, and in what can be considered another sign that the new console isn't just a kids machine, the street thugs of The Godfather are headed to Wii-town.
But that won't be all. In a statement today, the company says that even more Wii games that are currently in development will be announced in the coming months.
"Once we started to experiment with Madden on Wii, there was an explosion of innovation. Everyone in the studio is energized by the creative opportunity afforded by both the hardware and controller," said EA senior vice president John Schappert.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Just to keep you up with everything Zelda, we've got our hands on a collection of concept artwork from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to share with you.
The art includes sketches of new creatures and locations from the new game, which is due for release this year for GameCube and Wii.
Star of the game is, of course, Link who must explore the vast land of Hyrule in order to uncover the mystery of the Twilight Realm, which has plunged the world into darkness. This time Link has the power to transform himself into a wolf as well as having the aid of a mysterious figure called Midna.
In the pictures you can see the new design for Gorons and some freaky pictures of clown-like characters Raka and Tobi.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
When will Nintendo ship its next-generation games console, Wii? Nintendo's not giving a precise date, of course, but some retailers are beginning to hazard guesses. Whether they're based on inside knowledge or the latest internet rumours we leave to you.
Amazon.co.uk, for example, presents an array of Wii-compatible games, all of which are due to ship on 24 November. So too, it seems is the console itself, which has even managed to garner a pair of five-star reviews. Not bad for a machine you can't see outside of a Tokyo lab.
The famous etailer has no price posted for the console, but importer Renchi.com wants £136.75 for it. No great insight there: that's the dollar-to-sterling conversion price based on the assumption Wii will cost $250 Stateside.
Shopto.net, on the other hand, has a more realistic UK price: £150 - kind of what we'd expect based on what Nintendo has said about the US price and what we know of the inevitable UK mark-up. The online retailer also says the console will ship on 15 October.
GIven the recent suggestions by market analysts that the Wii will debut sooner rather than later, presumably to get in ahead of Sony's PS3, Shopto.net's date sounds interesting. Of course, it may not know, and the suggestions that Nintendo is already ramping up Wii production may simply indicate the manufacturer wants to make sure no consumer gets left out on the big day. Whenever it is..
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July 13th, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Didou has released a new version of his thinking game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
I fixed the screens flipping problem.
By the way, I added a few animations.
I changed some of my UGGLY  ) textures.
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July 13th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
bob_fossil posted this update of his game for the DS:
- Up / down / right d-pad buttons now do the right thing in the spell select menu.
- Fixed some more text colours.
- Hopefully, touch screen input is a little bit more relible.
- Touch screen
- works in 'DISMOUNT WIZARD' message.
- works in player select screen
- Fixed end game colour cycling.
- Cursor could go out of bounds if you tapped across the bottom of the screen.
Still broken:
- Creatures aren't highlighted at start of movement round.
- Sleep mode option doesn't work.
- Wizard death routine.
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July 13th, 2006, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
News from DSFanboy
Japanese magazine Corocoro has several scans that reveal a plethora of information regarding the upcoming Pokemon incarnations Diamond and Pearl. While plenty of trivial boring inconsequential details were given about specific Pokemon and moves, the highlights are as follows:
The tentative Japanese release date for both games is September 28th, 2006.
The new legendary (read: boxart worthy) Pokemon are Diaruga (Diamond Version), who controls time, and Parukia (Pearl Version), who controls space.
The antagonists are known as Team Galaxy, who will be featured in Pokemon Ranger as well.
In battles, the bottom screen will be used for menus and the like. Easy viewing of other Pokemon's status?
WiFi features will be in full force, but they utilize...gulp...the dreaded Friend Code system.
That's right, folks, Friend Codes are back. Nintendo seems unwilling to let go of this rather archaic system, though it might be slightly more excused in the Pokemon universe...a grand list of fifty thousand players offering and looking for certain Pokemon types might make things a bit too easy. The ability to pick up a quick match with a stranger, however, would not be unwelcome...
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July 14th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
With the recent release of the DS Lite and also the many advances with new flash cards and passme devices being released it gets very confusing for newcomers to choose which is best.
So to all you DS Homebrew fans out there, Whats the est Way to Get Homebrew working on the DS ?
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July 14th, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
Have your say and tell us which is the best Gamecube Modchip Ever, help newcomers choose the very best modchip for their console.
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July 14th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
From the EGM rumor mill (which is often a bit more reliable and well-connected that some rumor sites) comes rumbling that Nintendo may re-release Earthbound in America as a DS title. To make the deal sweeter, Nintendo would make it a compilation and have touch-screen capabilities.
There are three games in the Mother trilogy -- Earthbound is technically Mother 2 -- so the compilation could include the first two titles, the latest two titles (Mother 3 was released in Japan for GBA earlier this year), or all three titles. So far, only Earthbound has been released in the US.
Despite EGM's general reliability when it comes to rumors, the continued popularity of Earthbound, and the Ness love shown in Smash Bros, we are not getting our hopes up just yet. Nintendo recognizes the popularity of the series in the US -- they would be blind not to notice -- but the likelier outcome is Earthbound being made available on the Wii's Virtual Console, and possibly downloadable to the DS.
via joystiq
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July 14th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
No words needed really. Look at that! A Pikachu DS Lite, available in a limited run of 150 to members of Nintendo's Pokemon fanclub. Ah well.
You see, it doesn't actually matter as the 150 units might as well be available only on Mars to people with 72 letters in their name.
The Pokemon Daisuki Club edition of the Lite is the second Japan-only limited edition hardware to be seen this week alone, following on from this rather snazzy version for the looming Final Fantasy III.
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via spong
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July 14th, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

In Bubble Bobble Revolution, Bub and Bob return to play through levels displayed across the two screens of the Nintendo DS. They scroll horizontally to provide a wide, panoramic play area. Use their bubble-blowing skills to beat back the competition!

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July 14th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Taito has tapped into its arcade collection for this DS remake of the 1987 classic Rainbow Island coin-op. You use the stylus to freely draw rainbows, taking out enemies which appear on the playfield. The game includes seven islands, each with four stages.

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July 14th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Go pick on someone your own size! After bullying an innocent ant colony, a young boy named Lucas is magically shrunk down to ant size and embarks on a remarkable adventure. Play as Lucas, experiencing the dangerous and thrilling life of an ant as you battle, explore and forge new friendships with natives and other species in his new ant world. Help Lucas evolve from recluse to hero in his quest to save the colony from extermination. Based on the exciting moments from Warner Bros CG animated movie directed by John A. Davis (of the Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius series.)
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July 14th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Yamato Delgado dreams of playing B-Daman, the ancient sport of the B-DaWorld—and his dream comes true when he's chosen to wield Cobalt Blade, the most powerful B-Daman ever. Yamato must use Cobalt Blade to compete in B-Daman tournaments and defeat the evil B-Daplayers of the Shadow Alliance, who will stop at nothing to take over the B-DaWorld. Yamato will also meet characters both familiar and unknown on his journeys, including the warm-hearted Alan and the sinister-looking Goblin. Only a few have what it takes to become a B-Daplayer; will Yamato become the B-Dachampion?
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July 14th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Polly Pocket: Super Splash Island Join Polly and friends for a day of fun, fashion and surprises! Play cool, water park games and go on exhilarating rides with Polly Pocket! Collect power-ups and prizes to gain special skills as you speed through each race to earn tickets, alone or with a friend! Then hop aboard the most thrilling ride of all ?The Giant Water Slide!
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July 14th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Air, Land and Sea Rescue:
Pilot a Fire Department Helicopter or a Marine Patrol Police Boat. Be a life-saving Paramedic racing to the hospital! Rescue people from raging fires and rising waters, and save the day! When you get the call, will you be a hero?
Emergency Response
Play as either a Police or Suspect in this great chase game set in MATCHBOX County. Four different terrains provide a varied and colorful backdrop to this fun and exciting pursuit!
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July 14th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge and Hot Wheels World Race is the hottest, most extreme Game Show out there! Fearless drivers impress the audience by beating the competitors and performing wild stunts to win Episodes and better cars. At the end of the season, the driver with the most guts will cruise away in a Gold plated car as the 'Hot Wheels Champion'. Do you have what it takes? In Hot Wheels World Race, racing is taken to a new level as players are thrust into the unique futuristic Hot Wheels fantasy world where life revolves around the most intense stunt racing ever imagined. Players race against the clock on extreme tracks featuring split/multi-level courses, obstacles and speeds unlike anything ever experienced before.
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July 14th, 2006, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Aside from the interesting control scheme, Madden 07 on the Wii looks very much like any of the Madden games on the GameCube. We didn't see many close-up shots of players, or any replays or special effects in the demo, but the action on the field moved smoothly. The players all move well, and although there's not tremendous detail in the backgrounds and fields, the focus is on the movement of the players. And by players, we mean the people playing the game.
Madden 07 for the Wii looks like it's shaping up to offer a different, but no less entertaining, game of football. Based on the demo we saw, it looks like the controls are quite versatile and are being put to good use in Madden. It also looks like it will be a fun game to play, especially with two players on the same console flailing about as they scramble to break a tackle or lay out a receiver. And lets face it, this is the closest most people will ever get to actually playing in the NFL.
More info at Gamespot
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July 14th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Cory1492 has updated his site (Which was down when i tried it yesterday) with a new release for the DS Scene:
Any rate, at the sortof request of Slade from Sosuke and for my own use while my PSP is out of comission, I made a human readable version with a variable width font. Seems to have broken the FAT init/access entirely on M3 SD though ??? this one is strictly compiled with EZ4SD and SuperCard in mind. Basically, I got sick of looking at M3’s cheesy book reader (that took all of 2 minutes), moonshell doesn’t have placeholders and I really cant sleep all that well without a good (or even not so good) book to read. Of course, going to sleep reading with the M3 will lose your place if you aren’t awake enough to press the start then A button. So, here it be (though really I cant say its any type of “comeback” wrather than making some time in a busy schedule to sit in a hot room in front of a heater, aka PC, to get something done that I feel I need and others may like)
also this
It would appear that some newer versions of SuperCards didn’t work well with yesterday’s build, though it still works fine on mine. Thanks to Eric for bringing this to my attention, here is yesterdays build for EZ, and another for SC using RAIN’s FAT driver for SCSD instead, though I left in the SCCF for the SC build as well. Enjoy!
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July 14th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
With the year half over, Nintendo Power has put together their top 10 games of 2006 so far:
Big Brain Academy
New Super Mario Bros.
True Swing Golf
Drill Dozer
Super Princess Peach
Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll
Tetris DS
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
What would be your Top 10 DS Games ?
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July 14th, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: Mazza
Fixes found in 2.1
* Fixed wav playback bug!
* Fixed crash bug relating to extremely long file extensions (thanks BackBon3)
* Fixed issue with saving bookmarks.
* Fixed some issues with shoutcast playlists and streams.
* Fixed a weird issue with renaming.
* Changed vCard parsing, should be far more compatible with vCard files now, especially vCard 3.0.
* Changed calendar/day planner written dates to reflect DD/MM/YYYY setting
* Changed bookmarks to auto delete oldest one when you add more than the maximum.
* Added default homebrew save path. Edit the ini file for this option.
* Added .cfg as a text type.
* Added sort by date option on the homebrew database.
* Added messagease keyboard style.
* Added support for 8bit wav playback.
* Added simple proxy support. See the ini for details.
* Added support for loading many more tracker formats, and mp2.
* Added wav file recorder for voice memos.
* Recoded keyboard from scratch, making it bigger, and fixing the shift bug.
* Took out crappy handwriting recognition.
* Improved keyboard speed by a bit, hopefully making typing easier.
More information can be found here
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July 14th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
While we haven't even received the first game yet, Sega has let loose word that a sequel to the popular fighting game Bleach for the DS is in development. In the latest issue of Shonen Jump magazine, a single-page spread confirms that the game will be seeing the light of day, as well as depicting some of the combat to come.
So Japan is getting a sequel, now how about working on getting the first game to US shores?
Via DSfanboy
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July 14th, 2006, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
According to the latesy issue of Corocoro, the successor to the Rockman.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) series, Shinsei Rockman ZN has been renamed to Ryusei no Rockman. The game will also feature a new main character named Seiga Subaru. Ryusei no Rockman is set to ship in Japan this winter.
via dsx2
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July 15th, 2006, 13:28 Posted By: wraggster
New Game Released from SuccessHK:

In addition to the familiar Bomberman gameplay, Bomberman Land features a host of minigames which you can play solo or with your friends via Wi-Fi connection.

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July 15th, 2006, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
New Game Released from SuccessHK:

Popular arcade game "Mawasunda!!" has been upgraded and comes on NDS! Twenty five mini games are included. By using the touch pen, players can enjoy differently from the original one. Turn it around quickly, sometimes slowly... various acitions are necessary. "Power", "Brain" and "Technique" are the most important to play this game.

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July 15th, 2006, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Big N has been relatively hush-hush about the details of its innovative new Wii console and controller, choosing to release information during major events and then going quiet on the subject. But in official Wii developer documentation obtained by IGN, the company defines many of the hardware specifics and functionalities for its upcoming Wii controllers. We have some of those revelations below.
One of the big questions about the Wii-mote has remained how it will be powered. Official documentation on the topic offers some answers. The pointer will accept two AA alkaline batteries, which will keep it going for a considerable amount of time. If the precision aim functionality of the pointer is being used in games, the device will run for approximately 30 hours. If only the accelerometer functionality is being utilized, the Wii-mote will operate for 60 hours on two AA batteries.
The controller communicates with the Wii console via Bluetooth technology on a 2.4GHz band.
The Wii-mote features 6KB of "non-volatile" memory, whose exact purpose remains a mystery. IGN Wii speculates that this throwaway memory could possibly be used in conjunction with the Wii-mote's recently revealed internal speaker. It's also possible that this memory could enable players to store custom settings for the controller. However, official documentation does not specify one way or the other. In fact, Nintendo is currently offering developers no means to interact with the controller's internal speaker despite showing off games such as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which spotlighted the hardware feature at E3 2006 in Los Angeles.
Recent photos of the Wii console's front flap showcase a button called SYNCHRO, whose purpose seems fairly obvious. The SYNCHRO button is, according to documentation, used to identify Wii controllers that can be used with the console. It assigns each controller a wireless ID number. Evidently gamers first press the SYNCHRO button on the console itself and then find and press another SYNCHRO button located inside the battery compartment of the Wii controller. Documentation also suggests that gamers can hold down the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wii-mote to accomplish the same task.
All of the buttons on the Wii controller are digital in nature. This includes (obviously) the D-Pad, as well as A, B, 1, 2, -, +, Power and SYNCHRO. The C and Z buttons on the nunchuk unit are also digital.
The sensor bar that interacts with the Wii-mote must be placed "above or below" the television set. The bar itself is about 20 centimeters in diameter and features two sensors, one on each end.
The Wii-mote's LEDs serve two roles. The first is to show which player is communicating with the console at a given moment. Player 1 will light up on the far left, Player 2 the next over, and so on. The second purpose is to illustrate battery life. Upon booting up, four LEDs blink when the controller has between 75% and full power. Three LEDs blink to show 50% and 75% power. Two LEDs blink to show 25% and 50% power. And one LED blinks to illustrate anything below that.
The Wii-mote features a built-in rumble motor that can be turned on or off. It does not offer varying degrees of rumble sensitivity. However, according to documentation, more intense vibrations can be simulated if developers rapidly trigger the motor on and off.
Light sources from fluorescent and halogen lamps, plastic, mirrors and more may occasionally interfere with the pointer, based on official documentation. To eliminate this interference, the pointer must identify the sensor bar and mark its two coordinates. When pointing with the Wii-mote, the unit is actually interacting with the sensor bar, which then translates data to the television, in effect simulating a direct aim to the television.
Interestingly, according to documentation the Wii-mote is able to act as something of an eye, measuring coordinates between 0-1023 on the X axis and 0-767 on the Y axis, which means that it is more or less seeing a megapixel image. Whether or not this data can be interrupted into visual information remains unknown, but we're not ruling out the possibility that the pointer could sub as a camera. This is, of course, purely speculative on our part, but stranger things have certainly happened - like, for instance, an internal speaker.
Developers tell IGN Wii that they are expecting to get classic Wii controllers in early September, which suggests that Nintendo is serious about providing this third input alternative for Virtual Console endeavors.
We contacted Nintendo of America for comments on our latest findings.
"There are many details that we've divulged about the console, but there is also more to learn," said the subsidiary's PR manager, Matt Atwood, in a telephone conversation. "However, Nintendo does not comment on rumors or speculation."
Nintendo's new generation console is officially set to launch sometime before the Thanksgiving holiday. However, rumors persist that the machine could debut as early as late October. Nintendo is expected to hold a briefing in September to reveal price and release date. IGN Wii will have more on the system as information becomes available.
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July 15th, 2006, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
Our regular snoop around retail websites has revealed a potential release date and price for the Wii. A spokesperson for the website Shopto.net has spoken to Pro-G stating that they believe the Wii will retail for £149.99 when it's released in October this year. This will be in line with prices rumoured for a few months, but the October date is marginally earlier than the November date industry insiders had expected. The information is said to come directly from Nintendo, although is subject to change before release.
That's not all. According to the spokesperson, the Xbox 360 will retail for under £200 before Christmas, although which system will fall below this key price point isn't clear. Our best guess is that it will be the Core pack, which currently retails for £210.
via prog
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July 15th, 2006, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
Dragonminded has released a new version of his organiser app for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Fixed wav playback bug!
Fixed crash bug relating to extremely long file extensions (thanks BackBon3)
Fixed issue with saving bookmarks.
Fixed some issues with shoutcast playlists and streams.
Fixed a weird issue with renaming.
Changed vCard parsing, should be far more compatible with vCard files now, especially vCard 3.0.
Changed calendar/day planner written dates to reflect DD/MM/YYYY setting
Changed bookmarks to auto delete oldest one when you add more than the maximum.
Added default homebrew save path. Edit the ini file for this option.
Added .cfg as a text type.
Added sort by date option on the homebrew database.
Added messagease keyboard style.
Added support for 8bit wav playback.
Added simple proxy support. See the ini for details.
Added support for loading many more tracker formats, and mp2.
Added wav file recorder for voice memos.
Recoded keyboard from scratch, making it bigger, and fixing the shift bug.
Took out crappy handwriting recognition.
Improved keyboard speed by a bit, hopefully making typing easier.
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July 15th, 2006, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto posted this news:
Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on NDSMail for the next 7 days or so.
It seems there are some problems with mini-SD flash cards (SC miniSD,M3 miniSD). This is rather strange, as they should be compatible to the SD cards. I think this is caused by the special version of the fat lib I'm using. The new libfat looks very promising, but it does not support the SC SD yet.
If I had one of the flashcards causing trouble, I could improve compatibilty ( hint hint )
a friend of mine proposed a great feature:
If none of the preferred access points is found, the app will try to connect to any of the (open) access points in range. So if you are in a public area, chances are that you will find an open, non-protected access point. (Note that this may be illegal in some countries. But I know that at least in germany you are allowed to connect to any access point that is not protected).
More info --> http://blog.bronto-online.de/
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July 15th, 2006, 14:13 Posted By: wraggster
LS5 has released a new version of BatchDPG, heres some info:
BatchDPG is a DPG conversion alternative for dpgenc, the converter included in the MoonShell package. BatchDPG was primarily created to offer better quality than the default converter, but has numerous other advantages. These advantages include: support for any video file that can be played in a DirectShow based media player, automatic framerate calculation, easy to add subtitle support, mono audio encoding, ability to set a maximum bitrate to avoid the video freezing for some time, less out-of-sync issues apparently caused by a bad resampling algorithm, and -ofcourse- batch support.
AviSynth v2.56 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 must be installed before BatchDPG can be used.
Whats new:
- Lower resolutions selectable.
- BatchDPG now actually reports something semi-useful when conversion failes, and doesn't create any useless output.
- Nice GUI and tray icon.
- Source released. Includes the source of headermaker
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July 15th, 2006, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Multimedia playing app and much more for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
The Japanese font like LC was added to CP932-2.
An accurate Chinese font by czw was added to CP950 (big5). (Thanks czw!)
The main body of NDSROM is the same as Ver1.32.
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July 16th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release list with the date of when the opera browser is coming to Europe.
29 - 42 All Star Classics (formerly known as clubhouse games)
29 - DS & DS Lite Browser
XX - Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (THQ)
XX - Contact (Rising Star)
XX - Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Konami)
XX - Rayman IV (Ubisoft)
Until confirmed take it as a rumour
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July 16th, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Drunkencoders
Converting movies straight from YouTube to DPG? Under Infantile Paralysiser newest post he has a codec that works beside FFDShow for rendering .FLV files which our the ones used on YouTube.com I'm not exactly sure all that he says in his post lost in translation... But if you install FFDShow and his .FLV Codec then open the Video Decoder Config. go down to FLV and turn from disabled to libvcodec i think it is, just not disabled, then you will be able to play them in WMP. Now you can convert them with the Moonshell DPG Encoder for use of watching YouTube videos on your NDS. Very nice Infantile Paralysiser props for this one. Goto his page if you need more info on it.
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July 16th, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
JessTicular posted this:
Spring Physics is the simulation of tension forces between two or more connected points, such as would be found in (funnily enough) a spring, or cloth, or jelly.
This tech-demo is designed to showcase a single spring acting upon two points, and the cumulative effect of multiple points joined together to make a string.
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July 16th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
chatterbug89 posted this news/release:
For the past few weeks I have been working on a game I call, Super Snake DS and it is now at a point where it's actually a game. ^^ Super Snake DS is yet another snake game, but with static and moving obsticals, mini games, and boss levels (Not implented in this pre-release version).
Object of the Game
The object of the game is to meet the requirements of the level for each sublevel before deing. If you die before you've met the level requirements, you lose a life or posibly get a Game Over. Also, there are 5 sub-levels to a level. Finally, after each level, you get to play a mini game to gain extra points and or lives.
This Version...
At the moment, there are only 7 levels ( which comes out to 35 sublevels), and once you beat level 7, you just end back up at level 1. Also, there is currently only one minigame (A nice Card Matching game), but in the future, there will be Triva minigames concerning the level just played and others which I haven't come up with yet. Also, I have a few ideas for Boss battles, but I haven't started implenting them yet.
Gameplay is pretty self explainable. In the final release, there will be a short in game tutorial  Also, as for the question of what is good and what is bad. Look for hints in the level Objectives Message on what you shouuld be tryign to eat and what you should avoid. Sometimes it's said directly, sometimes it's not :-P
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July 16th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Gotta feel sorry for this dude who went out and the Dog chewed up his DS Lite.
Take a look at the screenshot via the comments
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July 16th, 2006, 22:41 Posted By: Mazza
The Popular IRC Client by Ficedula named SylphIRC has been updated to version 0.05v
Changes in this version include
-Fixed PMs going into wrong window
-Added "Open PM" command - open a new PM window to a user
-(Hacky) fixed case sensitivity issues on channel names etc. (for the moment, puts everything in lower case)
-Source released
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July 17th, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
THQ president and CEO Brian Farrell has offered a ringing endorsement of Nintendo's next-generation Wii console, commending the Japanese giant's back-to-basics approach to "fun" gaming as a welcome tonic in an industry which "takes itself too seriously".
Speaking in an exclusive interview with our sister site Eurogamer TV, the US publisher boss revealed his company's enthusiasm for the system, which it intends to support heavily from day one with its biggest properties.
"We love the Wii - it's all about having fun, right? Games are about having fun and sometimes this industry takes itself a bit too seriously," Farrell said. "If you watch people with that Wii controller, it's just fun to play with.
"A lot of our properties, like Cars and Spongebob and others, really map well... Potentially even wrestling - I can think of a lot of great things to do with the controller for that product as well," he added.
Nintendo's positioning of Wii, as well as Sony's inclusion of motion-sensing as standard in the PS3 pad, presents an interesting series of challenges to a multi-format publisher like THQ, used to releasing the same content across a number of systems.
Farrell welcomed the strategies of all the format holders and while refusing to rule out platform exclusives, admitted that unique features rather than unique titles would be the focus.
"It's all about competition between the platform holders and we love that actually," he insisted. "Their job is to drive hardware into the market - for a software publisher, that's nirvana. The more hardware, the more intense the battle to drive hardware into homes, the better the addressable market for companies like THQ.
"Because of high development costs it's going to be harder and more costly for someone to do an exclusive title," Farrell continued. "We've done exclusive titles in the past; we're always open to having those discussions. I think what you'll see with the Nintendo Wii, though, because it is a unique platform, you'll see unique if not exclusive titles."
Elsewhere in the interview, with key titles like Company of Heroes, Saint's Row and S.T.A.L.K.E.R on the horizon, plus the expectations for current Pixar blockbuster tie-in Cars, Farrell was bullish in his outlook for the year ahead and on his firm's ability to close the gap on arch-rivals Activision and EA.
"Our goal at E3 was to put a flag in the ground as a true next-generation games company, and I think we've done that," Farrell claimed. "He who has the best games wins - that's what's great about this industry. We've built out our global infrastructure, we have a world class development organisation, we understand what gamers want. So once you have that infrastructure and that know-how in place, it's all about the games."
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July 17th, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Wiimote camera functionality further hinted at in official documentation for Nintendo's forthcoming console
Since Nintendo's unveiling of the Wiimote microphone for its forthcoming console, rumours of camera functionality have been persistantly whizzing around the internet. Now, further fuel has been poured onto the flames of speculation in an official developer document for the Wii.
According to the document, obtained by IGN, the Wiimote is apparently capable of 'viewing' a one megapixel 'image', measuring X axis coordinates of 0-1023 and 0-767 on the Y axis. It's unclear whether this information can be interpreted into an actual visual form, but its interesting nontheless.
On top of that, there's a bunch of other tidbits about the console in the documentation. For starters, the Wiimote will be powered by two AA-sized batteries, which can apparently last for up to 30 hours when pointer functionality is enabled on the controller, and 60 hours with just the accelerometer features in use. It seems the controller's rumble can also be turned on or off, presumably extending the battery life that little bit further.
Interestingly, the Wii's sensor bar contains four LEDs, serving a number of features. As well as indicating which player is interacting with the console at a given moment, they also show how much battery power remains in the controllers at the console's start up. 75% and upwards, four LEDs will illuminated, 50%-75%, three will light, while 25%-50% is indicated by two and one LED represents anything below that.
There's also a bit more information regarding the synchronisation routine necessary for the console to interact with the Wiimote. Under the front flap on the Wii, you'll find a 'SYNCHRO' button - simply press that then hit the 'SYNCHRO' button inside the battery flap. Each controller is then assigned a unique ID number. It seems that you'll also be able to hold down the '1' and '2' buttons to perform the same task, reducing the need to fumble round the back of the controller.
Rounding up the Wii info shower, it seems the Wiimote contains 6kb of memory, which could be related to the speaker or might even be used to store personal data - as has been suggested repeatedly on the 'net - for that extra dollop of Wii personalisation.
With plenty more apparently to be revealed about Wii, we're getting anxious for Nintendo's planned September meeting where, hopefully, all our questions will be answered.
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July 17th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA
We were recently happy to hear from the G6 team that the G6 Lite will be shipping within approx 2 weeks time, we hope to fulfill all pre-orders as soon as stock arrives and would like to confirm that we are only stocking the English version.
Heres more info about the G6Lite:

The G6 Lite fit into the GBA cartridge slot of the DS Lite without any extending.
Compatible with all GBA , DS and DS Lite.
Support all DS software, GBA software , Media, Music, Photo, eBook, etc
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July 17th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts' Jeff Brown has revealed the extent of the publisher's support for the Nintendo Wii, and believes that the console's place as second in line to either a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 could be very good news for Nintendo.
Speaking to Eurogamer during EA's summer showcase Brown, who is EA's corporate communications VP, noted: "everybody's saying that the Nintendo Wii is so unique that it's going to be the second system people buy, meaning if you own a 360 or a PS3, you'll probably also buy a Nintendo Wii."
"The funny thing is, some people say that discursively, like it's some sort of dig at Nintendo - and what they don't get is that if you're second on everybody's system, you're first overall."
Brown also revealed that EA plans to offer the Wii more support than it did the GameCube. "This is not a business plan, but there are a lot of people at EA who are walking around whispering: '40 / 40 / 20 per cent'," he said. EA has already pledged six titles to Nintendo's next-generation format, and Brown says that interest in the console internally has gone up after it received a spectacular welcome at E3.
"One of the things that we noticed after E3 is we thought, you know, we're going to support Nintendo, they've got an extraordinarily loyal base of consumers all over the world, and we had a number of games we planned to make for Nintendo Wii. That said, we were very surprised by the level of enthusiasm we saw at E3 and subsequently for the Wii," he told Eurogamer.
It's inevitable though, Brown said, that EA will direct its support based on market behaviour. Asked whether EA is equally committed to all three next-gen formats, he responded directly: "No."
"I don't want to be indiscreet, but the truth is EA is most committed to the platform with the biggest installed base. We've always been very practical and open about the fact that this is a business; if you do well in business, you get to keep making more games, and you can hire more people to make more different kinds of games - as long as you remember that this is a business first."
Brown also poured scorn on suggestions that the PS3 will be put in an impossible position by its unusually high price point.
"Everybody writes these big stories like 'Oh my God, what will this mean? Will they stumble for the next for years, can they recover?' When Sony first put out the PlayStation 2 there were hardware shortages, and some manufacturing glitches, and everybody was like 'Can they recover?'," he told us.
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July 17th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Nintendo has outlined its DS release schedule for the second half of 2006, pinning down a number of titles including Yoshi's Island 2, English Training, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and the Opera web-browser.
Yoshi's Island 2 will arrive latest, on December 1st, but in the meantime we can look forward to the Opera browser on October 6th, Mario Slam Basketball and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on November 10th, and Hotel Dusk on November 24th.
Sadly there's no more news on when we can expect Harvest Moon DS - we're just told it's due out in Q4.
The same goes for Nintendo's Cube schedule, or what's left of it, with Zelda down for Q4 along with the other Harvest Moon title, Magical Melody. There's no sign of Super Paper Mario on the schedule, despite the game's confirmed October 9th US date.
There's only one other item of note really, and that's the enigmatic inclusion of "42 All-Time Classics" for release on September 29th. We've asked Nintendo what all that's about, so we'll let you know when we do.
Update: Which is now. 42 All-Time Classics is known as Game Fortune Bag (Daredemo Asobi Taizen) in Japan and Clubhouse Games in the US. It features various board, card and party games like draughts, darts and poker. You can read more about it in our DS game E3 round-up.
Latest DS release dates:
42 All-Time Classics - September 29th
Nintendo DS Browser - October 6th
English Training: Have fun improving your skills - October 13th
Sudoku Master - October 27th
Actionloop - October 27th
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - November 10th
Mario Slam Basketball - November 10th
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - November 24th
Yoshi's Island 2 - December 1st
Harvest Moon DS - Q4
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July 17th, 2006, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
Last year it was dead pixels but now it seems it's the hinges that are dismaying Nintendo DS owners.
The smaller, sexier version of the dual-screened handheld was only released here last month but many gamers are reporting that cracks have appeared in the hinges that link the top and bottom screens.
Most of the reports have come from Japan and Europe and describe a small fracture appearing on the top screen part, just where it joins the hinge of the bottom screen.
Anyone had problems ?
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July 17th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
More details of Nintendo's revolutionary Wii controller have come to light after developer notes were leaked recently. Nintendo has always been secretive about the technology behind the Wii remote and has promised more revelations before the console's autumn release, but this latest info has made the picture a little clear.
The remote will be powered by two AA batteries which will allow for 60 hours of game time if only the motion-sensing accelerometer function is used. If the precision aim functionality is used at the same time, however, the game time will be halved to 30 hours.
Bluetooth technology is used by the remote to communicate with the console via a 2.4GHz band, and the sensor bar that picks up the remote's movement is 20cm in length, has a sensor at each end and must be placed above or below the TV. The remote must mark these two sensors as coordinates in order to prevent interference from light sources and mirrors.
With 6KB of non-volatile memory available in the Wii-mote, it seems that gamers could well be able to store gamer-specific button configuration - other possible uses aren't known at the moment.
The remote and the console must synchronise using the 'synchro' buttons found on each device. This assigns an ID number to each controller - a process that can be done by holding down the 1 and 2 buttons together. All buttons on the controller are digital.
The four lights at the base of the remote will have two functions, firstly to indicate which player number the remote is - player one, two, three or four - and secondly to illustrate how much battery life the controller has when the console is being booted up.
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July 17th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from Spong
SPOnG told you all about the forthcoming Pokemon DS titles, Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond, earlier last month and we've just heard a little bit more about how the WiFi battles and trades will work in our favourite Nintendo kiddy-crack trading and battling franchise.
Website 'The Pika Club' reports that you'll be able to save 32 friend codes into your Friends List, which is to be kept inside your "Friend Notebook." After this you then both head to the Pokemon Centre's basement where you can start trading or battling via the WiFi booth.
What is extremely cool is the fact that you will be able to chat to your friends as you play, via either text chat or VOIP voice chat.
Watch this space in a few months time for the sure-to-be appearing misguided tabloid sensationalist headlines about 'Pokemon Paedophile threat' (you know the nonsensical type of thing we mean, like this!)
More importantly, watch this space for all the latest on Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond.
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July 17th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo faces a potential hurdle in deploying the Wii in the UK, as looming legislation seeks to outlaw the use of standby functionality in home electronics. The Energy Review, the latest draft of which was issued late Friday, targets all areas of electrical consumption and specifically refers to an intention to outlaw standby on TVs and set-top boxes. It's likely any games machines will be lumped together with the set-top box.
However, headlines in the games press over the weekend, many foretelling the premature death of WiiConnect24 in the UK, are likely well off the mark or at least, wholly premature. The Energy Review may well outline targeted energy cuts in fields related to home console gaming, though timelines for the implementation of any actual law-making are vague.
The UK government has simply backed a Europe-wide objective issued earlier last week entitled "The Eco-design for Energy Using Products Framework Directive", a directive lobbyists for the electronics industry immediately went to work on dismantling, pointing out progress they have made under their own volition as evidence than any further moves need not be forced by government.
However, the bottom line is that the Wii and it's interesting WiiConnect24 online gaming system will not be impacted. The device ships in a few months, well before any proposed legislation is in place. It is also likely that in the event the European directive becoming law, Nintendo will argue that Wii is not in standby mode and that it's method of downloading is preferable to one requiring full power usage.
Nintendo's only comment on the power usage of WiiConnect24 was made by company president Satoru Iwata who stated the mode would use as much power as a 'miniature lightbulb'. However, it's quite obvious that this phraseology was intentionally vague, as the power usage of lightbulbs is determined largely by the bulb technology rather than size, a small LED using far less power than a Thomas Edison classic.
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July 17th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Now more than a few Japanese retailers are reporting that they have a ship date for the Wii version of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2. They are telling people to mark their calendars for October 19th. People are equating this launch date to a same day Wii launch. If this is true, then the Wii looks like it will launch late October, early November in other territories.
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July 17th, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Delfare has updated his 3D FPA Game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
new version :
add ennemy(box with a wall texture)
add L and R buttons to fire
add life
add gun with blending
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July 17th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Cory1492 posted this news:
EZ4 version of ETool 3.13 (b) – update – now uses a 64K .sav file and a hand patched header to make it write it out so those games that are of 2mbit in size and can be compressed with the DS app to under 64K are accessible. Should have thought of this fix a lot sooner and am quite sorry I didn’t.
DSBook - For those of you already bugging me to port the ASCII version of DSBook to use UTF-8 or Chinese fonts… patience is advised. Part of the new font I created includes a text based font layout builder and in due time (I have to work on some memory issues) it will be able to show anything that can be represented by single byte hex (plausibly even half glyphs). For now, get the full release of DSBook (the subpixel one) and RTFM. I’ll be happy to answer questions pertaining to DSBook-ASCII, and requests with the ASCII limitation in mind will be considered – just don’t title your emails DSBook and expect me to know through telepathic means that you are actually looking at the ASCII version :-P
More info --> http://nds.cmamod.com/index.html
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July 17th, 2006, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Didou has released a new temp version of his QBX game for the DS, heres the info from his homepage:
QBX is a thinking game in which the aim is to make lines in a 3D cube 5x5x5-sized.
The shape comes from above and can only be translated forward/backward and left/right.
The cube, can only rotate around its 3 axes
The shape does not fall automatically. Hence, you have time to place it. Then you chose when you want it to fall. Then, it will go down in one shot. The version released on the 15th of July 2006 is here (temporary version).
QBX will be sumbitted to the Neo Summer Coding Contest 2006. Sources will of course be available, as always, as soon as the Neo contest dead-line is over.
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July 17th, 2006, 20:17 Posted By: Darksaviour69

One of Sega's prototype Dreamcast controllers looks very similar to the Wiimote. So, what were Sega planning back in 1998? And did Nintendo copy their idea?
The mysterious Dreamcast controller prototype discovered by GWN looks similar to the Wiimote, but do they have any connection? Notice the lightgun adapter at the top right which looks very similar to the Wii gun adapter shown at E3!
Full story at Gwn.com
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July 17th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Homebrew Scene and also the GBA Homebrew Scene has hundreds of fantastic releases some as good as commercial games but to a newcomer they are just names on sites until they discover them.
What would be great is for the people who visit here to post the best emulators, games and apps from the GBA and DS Scenes.
What release or releases can you 100% recommend to any newcomers or experianced Homebrewer.
Please answer via the comments
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July 17th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
The homepage for the Command and Conquer Clone for DS has posted this news:
I've also done some minor tweaks to the source code, including a fix for the DS input handling. The next few steps will be in the asset system, which will manage the loading of the palettes and tiles etc. This will tie together the file system and the graphics system.. then hopefully very shortly we'll see something resembling a C&C map on the DS screen itself  But don't be fooled by thinking that by seeing C&C tiles on the DS it's almost done... it's still a long way to go...
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July 18th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
It may have slipped under the radar at this year's E3, but Mario's forthcoming GameCube outing Super Paper Mario has quickly become one of our most anticipated games of the year.
Super Paper Mario takes 2D Mario and co. from their similarly named RPG habitat and puts them in some old-school platforming mischief spread over eight worlds - snippets of which you can see in the brand new screens on this page. However, with its 2D/3D perspective gameplay elements and RPG trappings, Super Paper Mario isn't your usual side-scrolling platformer.
Super Paper Mario is currently scheduled for Q4 (in the US at least) and, alongside DK Bongo Blast, is likely to be Nintendo's last Gamecube fanfare. Sob.
Screens HERE
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July 18th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America is trumpeting the success of the DS handheld in the United States, where the platform was the top-selling game system in June by a huge margin thanks to the launch of DS Lite.
Between the old and new revisions of the hardware, the DS sold some 600,000 units in June - almost double the sales of the next hardware platform on the list, and representing more than a third of total system purchases, Nintendo claims.
Perhaps more impressively, software on the system is also showing strong performance - with New Super Mario Bros topping the US chart for a second month with sales of an additional 450,000 units, a performance which rivals the title's stellar sales in Japan.
The firm's two brain training products, Brain Age and Big Brain Academy, sold 350,000 units between them - while the Nintendogs games, despite being launched ten months ago, still managed to sell a combined 100,000 units in June.
One of the key drivers for the success of the DS in Japan and, to some extent, in other territories, has been the longevity of its software - with titles such as Brain Age continuing to sell strongly over a year after their introduction in the Far East.
Nintendo also took the opportunity to talk up the success of the Wi-Fi Connection service, which was rolled out late last year and will be shared by the Nintendo Wii console when it launches in autumn.
Over 1.7 million discreet users have now used the service worldwide, giving Wi-Fi Connection the fastest adoption rate of any game network ever launched - with the firm hoping for further growth in coming months with the launch of new WFC-enabled games such as Star Fox Command, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, and Clubhouse Games.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Rack up another game showing for the San Diego Comic-Con. Nintendo is offering Comic-Con attendees the chance to meet Charles Martinet--the voice actor who spits out the mascot's lines in the Mario games--while they check out the company's display of games for its handheld. Among the games Nintendo will show off at the Comic-Con, taking place July 20-23, are Elite Beat Agents, Mario Hoops 3 on 3, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, and Star Fox Command--all for the Nintendo DS. Nintendo is encouraging convention-goers to visit the company's booth dressed up as Nintendo characters to win prizes, which range from game systems to 8x10 postcards featuring Martinet, who will sign autographs.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Several official hidden Wii pages have surfaced on Nintendo.com with some new tidbits of information, though nothing major like a launch date and price. Regardless, this is what is being speculated:
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam and Super Smash Bros will be playable online (as expected)
Wii will use controversial (non-friendly) friend-code system for online play
More Wii Party games including Wii Music on the way?
Nintendo Wi-Fi to remain free (as expected)
Looks like some web developer forgot to develop off-site and use Lorum Ipsum. Bad for him. Good for us.
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July 18th, 2006, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster

News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi: The Genie & the Amp (US version) for Nintendo DS™ at US$ 14.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Follow the fantastic adventures of two very cool pop-stars in HiHi Puffy AmiYumi: The Genie & the Amp.
A massive writer's block is thwarting the girls' attempts to finish their new album. Frustrated, Ami and Yumi kick a dusty amplifier, releasing a genie! Using the genie as a guide and helper, Ami and Yumi collect musical notes from 10 time periods.
Playing as Ami or Yumi, you solve challenging puzzles, battle scary enemies and unlock minigames in single-player or two-player wireless co-op mode.
Published by D3, Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi: The Genie & the Amp for Nintendo DS™ is now available at discounted US4 14.90 only. This is the US release version of the game.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 18th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SUCCESSHK

From the makers of Final Fantasy, curiously enough, comes this 3D basketball game starring Mario and party. Drop it through the hoop as you play with control primarily played with the DS stylus and touchscreen for ball handling. The game features special moves for Mario, Luigi, Peach and others, and includes power-ups such as the ability to turn enemies into coins.

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July 18th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of his Sega Master System emulator for the GBA (works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player), heres whats new:
*Added "Go Multiboot" menu option.
*Added menu option for disabling background/sprites.
*Fixed a bug in the screen on/off behaviour.
*Fixed a bug in SRAM loading when using a BIOS.
*Fixed default config.
*Fixed Pause & Reset buttons when linking 2players.
*Removed the save management menu when multibooting.
*Optimised tiledecoding.
*Optimised some of the SBC instructions.
*Optimised EI instruction.
*Optimised IO port access.
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July 18th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Anger has posted this news about his Lua Game for the Nintendo DS:
As mentioned in my previous post I am currently working in a new DS homebrew game. A lot in this game is still to be defined so i cannot tell much since it can change anytime. A few elements more or less defined currently are:
Thematic: medieval phantasy (not quite original though, but quite a lot of fans out there...)
Gameplay: somewhere between hack'n slack and RPG
Artwork: I will create the game artwork (whether drawings or 3D models) as oposite to borrowing from other sources (as was the case of Snowball battle game). This would be extra work on top of the programming but also a challenge and game freedom
View: prerendered models in isometric perspective
Here comes the first screenshots of the game still in alpha develpment stage (splash screen + ingame).
Currently game menus are operational and the hero can walk on the scrolling map. I will add some real playable elements before releasing the first public beta
Screens and more here --> http://snowballbattle.blogspot.com/
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July 18th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
jdoucet has released a killer homebrew game for the DS that when you see the screens you may recognise, anyway heres the info:
This time I release FP-r4; this new version gets a lot of new features:
There is a helpWithDotBall feature when you lose (see the screenshot)
It is now possible to edit level files and re-include them in the game without a need for a complete devkitARM toolchain.
You can include new background and mod files for each level very easily.
The new version has been compiled with the latest devkitARM 19a
Next step is wifi multiplayer game which will be achieved very soon (I’ve made a lot of progress in this way).
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July 18th, 2006, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
News from LIK SANG

Originally released on the Famicom more than 16 years ago, Final Fantasy III sheds its 8-bit look and appears in a revamped version on the NDS. A graphical overhaul using the system's 3D capabilities infuses the tale of four young heroes in search of magic light crystals with an up-to-date visual glamour that is bound to enchant all FF fans worldwide. You heard that right, as the NDS incarnation of Final Fantasy III will for the first time ever receive an US release on October 3rd, while the Japanese copy is expected to be in stock and shipping on August 24th. FFIII sported a versatile job system, that was later seen in Final Fantasy V and Tactics. Here, apart from traveling from dungeon to dungeon and engaging in random encounters, you train your characters in various job classes, gaining new abilities and commands along the way.
While on the hunt for crystals which in the end will be required to secure peace once again, players utilize full stylus control to handle the action. Wander through the diverse environments, chat and enter combat simply by tapping the touch screen. Those that'd rather opt for a traditional control system will rejoice, as Square Enix included D-pad and button combo usage as an alternative as well. The game itself runs at a steady 30 frames per second and looks better than the original version of FFVII on the PlayStation, which is indeed saying a lot for the graphical power of the NDS.
To celebrate this Final Fantasy III rebirth, Square Enix is offering a Nintendo DS Crystal White special edition in Japan, which features characters sketched by designer Akihiko Yoshida. These fine units will be stamped with an unique serial number, but alas only released in a very small run it seems. We'll do our best to have at least a few of these expensive beauties up for quick grabs, but might only be able to get a couple in stock, as this item is anticipated with bated breath in Nippon.
Those that consider themselves Final Fantasy purists when it comes to the earlier releases, can rest assured that the magic is still there. The shift to 3D helps to make the world more believable and adds to the overall mesmerizing atmosphere: in-game structures like homes and shops, characters and the regions to wander through all offer a detailed splendor in this "lost chapter" in the series. Revisit a freshly reworked highlight in the Final Fantasy line or experience the epic story for the first time; either way, you'll be hard pressed to find a more rewarding roleplaying effort on the Nintendo DS. Pre-orders are very welcome already, shipping free worldwide! An import gamer's delight, both the Japanese and US version of FFIII will work on any NDS system the globe over, no matter its origin. The region-free capability of the Nintendo DS sure is a blessing!
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July 19th, 2006, 11:49 Posted By: Mazza
R.Britt posted this update on the C&C DS Project.
I put the code in to load a palette file and tile graphics.. though the formats are open to change. But I'm pleased to say it seems to work fine  The screenshot on the right shows the 'TEMPERAT.PAL' palette loaded, with each block on the tile showing one of the 256 colours, and then repeated to fill the screen. The shot on the left replaced some of those tile graphics with ones loaded from disk, and then I changed the map by hand in code to line up a few of the tiles properly on the top left corner. It's not corrupted memory or anything you're looking at don't worry
The next step will be to start writing a map format that will load in the correct layout of tiles, then we'll start to see something resembling better a C&C level, woohoo!
I'm not entirely sure what it means but it sounds good Images attatched
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July 19th, 2006, 11:52 Posted By: Mazza
Lupi has provided us with screens of the RPG he is developing. Here is what he had to say.
Well, as promised, a few screens in-game, there are more enemies, but they don't appear in the screenshots. Those stone pilar things open when the switch or the eye are activated. I still have to finish one more enemy, then I will continue doing more levels.
PD: Excuse my english please xD
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July 19th, 2006, 11:55 Posted By: Mazza
Lazyone has posted this about his Mac emulator for DS -
I'll clear up a few things here:
You do need to obtain a valid macintosh plus rom file inorder to use this emulator, there are utilities available to use which can dump from a working mac plus.
If you only own the rom chip itself or your mac plus is broken, the rom is available for download in some places.
The emulated screen is just under 2x bigger than the DS's screen at 512x342. This limitation is handled by centering the background over the cursor.
As for speed, I have it running at between 16 and 22fps load/desktop which for some games and apps is very usable. Sim Ant for example, works very well and is very playable at 16-18fps.
There is also TONS of room for improvement in the 68k core, especially with memory operations. ( And I cannot use cyclone due to license incompatibilities )
One thing holding me back now is the lack of a keyboard, I simply can't draw one good enough. So if someone wants to donate keyboard graphics...
So come on people donate keyboard graphics 
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July 19th, 2006, 11:57 Posted By: Mazza
OK, yesterday, I got my Max Media Launcher (which fits fine in slot 1, by the way) - so I got the chance to test out the multiplayer with two DSes...and it doesn't work. I'll probably be able to devote a nice chunk of time later this week to coercing it into working. Also, WinterMute recently added exception handling to devkitpro, which is making tracking down other bugs much easier as well. Look for some sort of release this weekend.
Looks like we'll be playing mulitplayer Peurto Rico DS some time soon 
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July 19th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA
We are pleased to announce that we will stock the newly announced SuperCard DS Lite, a 'no sticking out' solution for DS Lite consoles which also allows the use of MicroSD cards. We are offering a special pre-order price of $49.99 right now, which is subject to change upon release to $54.99.
Reserve yours today - due to the high demand, we are only allowed to order in limited quantities!
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July 19th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Wii will use the same "Friends Code" system that DS users are used to, according to a brief glimpse of since-pulled Nintendo website pages.
Speaking at E3, Nintendo's Takahashi Tezuka said as much anyway - when asked whether Wii's version of Wi-Fi Connection (Nintendo's online service) would also use a Friends Code system, he said "Yes".
But those of you hanging onto the belief that he was simply guessing, and Nintendo planned to go back to the drawing board (or, better yet, simply steal Microsoft's drawing board and re-badge it) are going to be disappointed.
As you'll know if you read this on the since-departed Wii site page that bore this: "Nintendo has your online safety in mind. Thanks to our unique Friend Code system, you can control whom you play with online. Playing online is a great way to connect and reconnect people you want to play games with!"
Friends Codes, 12-digit identifiers specific to your DS or, in this case, Wii, allow players to create lists of preferred opposing players. Except, obviously, it's a bit of a faff to type in a randomly generated 12-digit number for every one of your pals.
Elsewhere, Nintendo's online Wii service is a bit more contemporary, with a Virtual Console system for downloading old SNES, MegaDrive and TurboGrafx games, along with new, budget-priced games.
Thanks to a system called WiiConnect24, you'll also be able to leave your Wii on standby and have it download things and allow people to do things like visit your Animal Crossing village while you're somewhere else.
And while Nintendo hasn't ruled out the prospect of premium downloadable content add-ons for games, it has committed to a free online gaming service - just as it did on the DS.
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July 19th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
A new trailer for the forthcoming Animal Crossing movie has popped up on the Internet.
As previously announced, the movie is being helmed by Japanese director Jouji Shimura and should hit cinemas over there in December. The trailer's not very long, unfortunately, but it'll at least give you a taste of what to expect.
A new website for the movie has also been launched - though you'll need a working knowledge of Japanese to make any sense of it, sadly.
There's still no word as to whether the Animal Crossing movie will make it to Europe, but we reckon there's a reasonable chance what with the game having sold stupidly well over here.
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July 19th, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Just a few weeks ago, we brought you news of a rumour that a DS version of classic platformer New Zealand Story is in development.
Rising Star Games declined to confirm or deny back then - but now they've officially announced that the game is on the way, and will be released in late 2006.
Just like the 1988 original, the new version of NZS will see you playing as little yellow birdie Tiki the Kiwi. All of Tiki's friends have been kidnapped by a dastardly sea lion, and it's your job to run around rescuing them.
According to Rising Star, "The setting for each of the game's levels will remain untouched," pleasingly, "Although the layouts will be remixed and re-jigged to provide fresh challenges."
Naturally, you can expect a graphical overhaul - but one that will "update New Zealand Story's visuals whilst retaining the clean lines of its arcade ancestor." Marvellous.
"With New Zealand Story Revolution, we're not going to be taking away anything that made the original such a charming classic," promised Rising Star exec Martin Defries.
"Its delicate balance will be carefully recreated and with the new features we've included, New Zealand Story Revolution will be an even more manic platform adventure than the original."
We'll be bringing you a proper preview of the game awfully soon.
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July 19th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS Game:

Part of a series of non-game tools for the Nintendo DS, this is a portable cooking guide. In creating this product, Nintendo has made use of voice technology from Sharp to give the game synthesized voices. In addition to being spoken to, users can also use their own voice to navigate the software, allowing the user to concentrate on their cooking and not on the DS. Nintendo also allows users to input the contents of their refrigerator to get recipe ideas and have the DS display handy ingredient lists while users are out shopping.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamespot
Following in the footsteps of their emo brethren Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and My Chemical Romance, Hawthorne Heights have signed on to headline the fourth annual Nintendo Fusion tour.
The 40-city jaunt gives fans a chance to rock out while checking out the Nintendo DS Lite and the much-anticipated Wii console. Nintendo has not announced what games will be featured, or to what extent gamers will be able to sample the Wii.
"Nintendo always picks great rock bands, and we are happy to follow in that tradition this year," Hawthorne Heights singer JT Woodruff said in a statement. "But mainly, I am an old-school video game nerd."
Relient K, Emery, Plain White T's, and the Sleeping are also on the bill for the tour, which kicks off September 27 and concludes November 11. Exact cities and dates will be announced later this month.
"Video games are as important to the pop culture landscape as music," Nintendo's George Harrison said in a statement. "The Nintendo Fusion Tour has become a launching pad for the best in entertainment, from the hottest new bands to the best upcoming Nintendo products."
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July 19th, 2006, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
DFC game analysts continue to explore the industry ramifications if Sony fails to deliver on its PS3 promise. From the article: "[T]wo things are clear: 1) the high price of the PlayStation 3 is going to slow overall industry growth, especially for software and 2) if Sony does not change its current strategy for the PS3 the system will probably end up in third place in installed base. Microsoft and Nintendo have been handed that golden opportunity and both companies have a chance to make their systems the market leader."
The article notes that the console remains the largest segment in the gaming market but "its importance is clearly declining." This suggests that companies with diversified gameplay offerings are poised for better long-term success.
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July 19th, 2006, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
After a lackluster GameCube performance in terms of meeting sales and financial expectations, many publishers were reluctant to develop first generation titles for Nintendo's upcoming Wii. The Street writes: "'No one's going to make money on the software except Ubisoft,' whose Red Steel title Nintendo showcased at E3, says one hedge fund manager... 'Everyone got caught flat-footed.'"
Midway Games' VP of publishing Miguel Iribarren claims a large reason that publishers could miss out this holiday season is because Nintendo stayed quiet on Wii until E3. "We didn't have the information to work off of," said Iribarren. "I think everyone pushed [Wii development] to the back burner till they got the information on the machine itself and the business model."
Strike the missed holiday opportunity (assuming Wii does well) as obvious. So is Nintendo staying quiet on Wii to blame for the lack of third-party launch titles, or the GameCube's poor performance which influenced publishers to make a more conservative business decision?
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July 19th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
We posted about the problems some users are having with the hinges of the new Nintendo DS lite, heres Nintendos Official response:
We are not aware of any problems with the hinge of the DS Lite, however if someone experiences a problem with their DS Lite they should contact their local customer services department. The DS Lite carries a one year warranty for manufacturing defects, if the fault is covered under the warranty it will be repaired free of charge if not then customer services will provide a cost for repairing the product.
For warranty repair information, all technical enquires [sic] including servicing products, guarantee information, troubleshooting, part orders and release dates in the UK, please contact our Customer Service department (Monday - Friday 8:30am-7pm).
Could a certain factory be sending out duff DS lites ?
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July 19th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a video of someone who has overclocked their DS Lite, why you would is beyond me, but check the vid out here -->
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July 19th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via DS Fanboy
Nintendo and Toys 'R Us are teaming up to hand out some virtual gifts through Animal Crossing: Wild World. The gifts available, which are implied to include Mario in one way or another, number six, however only one will be available to download per town. You'll have to trade for the others. The process with which to acquire one of said six items goes:
Insert your Animal Crossing: Wild World Game Card into your Nintendo DS. Power up.
Purchase Bottle Mail at Tom Nook's Shop.
Write a message and release your Bottle Mail into the river or at the beach. Save and end your game.
Visit the specially marked Animal Crossing: Wild Word promotion in the video-game section of your nearest Toys 'R Us July 23-30. At the main menu, tap Tag Mode.
Watch and wait for something to arrive in your town!
Restart your game and comb the beach for Bottle Mail containing a special rare item!
Let us know what you get!
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July 19th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
aitotat has released a new version of his Tetris clone for the DS, heres whats new:
Version 1.1
Controls are now customizable
Added auto repeat for moving left/right and soft drop
There are now two rotate buttons: clockwise and counter clockwise rotate
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July 19th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Star Fox returns to its roots with a blistering space shooter on the Nintendo DS. Initially named Star Fox DS, Nintendo has finalized the title and is now known as Star Fox Command.
Features :
Lylat needs help. Players hop into their Arwing fighter and fight through a unique branching storyline of missions, all rendered in gorgeous 3-D.
Star Fox DS brings a whole new strategic element to the series with a commander’s view of the mission. Using the touch screen, players can draw the routes they and their teammates will take, then battle the enemies they encounter as they take over bases and strategically advance across the map.
Players can blow their friends out of the sky as they dogfight with up to eight players over a local wireless connection or take on up to four players from around the world on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Screens Here
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July 19th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Kevin has released a new version of his Nintendo Wifi Connection status viewer, heres whats new:
- Added feature "MPH Leaderboards"
- Added feature "Top 3 Players' Favorites"
- Fixed bugs in MPH license & Tetris score table
- Fixed login data showing decimals (again!)
- Hunters License only available if gspid is entered
- Some visual adjustments and other fixes
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July 20th, 2006, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster

News from Lik Sang
Datel passed word to us about a new Action Replay coming up for the Nintendo DS. Unlike the previous Action Replay Duo Max, which was more of a GBA device with an extra power-saves function for NDS titles, this new version is a pure Nintendo DS product. It comes as a NDS cart slotting in the top connector of your system. It offers a cheat-code feature, and tons of codes are preloaded for all the hot games, including the latest stuff like New Super Mario Bros and co. New codes can regularly be downloaded on Codejunkies in order to unleash new superpowers in new software titles. The adapter is expected to be in stock before the end of July and we are collecting preorders from this minute on for US$ 29.90 only.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Company lines and press releases aside, very few games can truly be called a phenomenon. The Brain Training series on the DS however is exactly that, and in particular with the English releases this year and their fantastic price points, they've become the talk of the town. This is quite simply unheard of for 'educational games', but after decades of exercising players' thumbs, Nintendo has moved onto our minds. Here we'll look at what all the fuss is about, and right now we have both titles in stock and shipping free worldwide within 24 hours. Since the DS is completely region free too, purchasing them is a no-brainer as these will work no matter which corner of the globe you bought your handheld from.
The series was inspired by the work of Professor Ryuta Kawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist whose Brain Training books have sold over a million copies. His studies evaluated the effect of performing reading and mathematic exercises to help stimulate the brain, and the result is as Nintendo's main man Reggie Fils-Aime says, "a treadmill for the mind." Combined, the two titles sold over 5 million copies in Japan alone, and just for a fun comparison, that’s just more than The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker sold the entire world over!
Regular readers of our Weekly Gaming Update may have also noticed the games haven't dropped off Japan's Top 10 Weekly Sales Charts for, well the entire of 2006. Likewise in the States they’ve been on the Top 10 lists of Amazon and Best Buy since their release, and over in Europe the first title came out just recently and sold 250,000 copies in just a single month. This is indeed a gaming phenomenon.
Much more on this article at the link above.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
It's been an unlikely wet fantasy of followers of games based on Anime/Manga ever since the first Naruto title hit a gaming platform. As soon as a cooperation between Q Entertainment, the fresh production studio formed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Lumines, Meteos, Ninety-Nine Nights), and Anime big guys 8ing was announced, anticipation soared. We are talking about a brilliant cross-over that brings together popular Shonen Jump franchises Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Naruto in the release of Battle Stadium D.O.N. for PlayStation 2 and GameCube! Imagine the possibilities, who wouldn't want to take part in a battle, where Son Goku faces Naruto Uzumaki? Or Luffy against Hatake, Freeza vs. Chopper, Vegeta fighting Rock Lee, etc.? Brace yourself for epic standoffs, where four players can have a go simultaneously.
Both the PS2 and GC versions of Battle Stadium D.O.N. are in stock as of today, pre-orders have been shipped out already, while new orders are very welcome for US$ 64.90 each (delivered!). Cool thing about the GameCube copy is that it plays perfectly on all GC systems world-wide if you use the Freeloader, which works as an easy Import Game Enabler.
Another addition is a new combo system called "Burst", which gives you a chance to change your character's form when entering that mode after building up your power. Fighting takes place on a 2D plane, where familiar stages like Tenkaichi Budokai Arena from Dragon Ball Z, Pirate ship "Going Merry" (One Piece) and various Hidden Leaf Village spots (Naruto) let you fight it out in colorful, lovingly crafted locations. Furthermore, look forward to legendary environments Planet Namek, Room of Spirit and Time, West City, Giant Jack, Valley of the End or Forest of Death for example. There's lots of interactivity and power ups to use on top. Killer action throwing fast-cut visuals at you, in an never-ending onslaught of battle screams, while colorful flashes of martial arts moves thunder across the screen. Don't forget to breathe once in a while!
Some might think of Battle Stadium D.O.N. as a console Jump Superstars, which graced the Nintendo DS a while back and has been fully embraced by the gaming community the globe over. Now a similarly genius playstyle can be enjoyed on the "big" platforms with this release. Battle Stadium D.O.N., after all is said about the related Japanesque Anime and Manga craze, is simply a fun, hysterically engaging Beat'em Up; it will pump you up so much that upon announcing your "last go", it might still keep you playing through another long, rewarding gaming night.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:42 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Seems like every second day there is a new flavor of Nintendo DS Lite coming from Kyoto lately! After the initial three colors, the handheld has been recently made available in a Black iteration over in Europe and today was the release day for the Noble Pink edition over in Japan. We received a first batch yesterday night while the balance of our delivery is expected to reach our warehouse tomorrow. Unit retail price is set at US$ 199. We should be able to ship all preorders within the next 48 hours, new orders placed from this minute on are likely to be processed this coming Monday - provided that there is no shortage in the meantime, as our sources on the ground in Nippon report demand to be very high on the new unit. This has a reason: all other colors are sold out all the time, and out of 100 Japanese gamers searching to buy a Nintendo DS, only 55 to 60 in average can find one, and this for the last 2 months, according to some recent surveys. With Final Fantasy III coming up next month, the market is about to get even crazier on the island: DS fans will just snatch whichever color they can.

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July 20th, 2006, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
It might seem unlikely considering that Mario was born and developed in Japan by Japanese minds, but America forever changed how our favorite plumber played. Why? Because Nintendo thought the U.S. and European gamers couldn't play. As a consequence, they never released the real Mario 2 outside of Japan because it was too hard, and instead released Doki Doki Panic with the Mario name. Since then, the entire Mario franchise has picked up traits from Doki Doki Panic, like the card game at the end of each level in Mario 3. This article takes a look at what elements really belong to Mario and what belongs to Doki Doki Panic. It's interesting to see that, point for point, Nintendo changed almost nothing about Doki Doki Panic before releasing it in the states and Europe as Mario 2
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July 20th, 2006, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
By now, virtually any Marvel Comics fans worth their salt has seen the trailer for Spider-Man 3. But while the third installment in the Sam Raimi-directed blockbuster film series isn't due until May 2007, gamers will get a new Web-slinger adventure later this year--on portables, anyway.
Today, Activision announced an all-new title, Spider-Man: Battle for New York, for the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. Developed by Australia-based Torus Games (Fantastic 4 for the GBA), the title has not yet been rated or priced, but is slated for release this fall.
Based on the Spider-Man comic books, Spider-Man: Battle for New York pits the red-and-blue suited super-arachnophile against his old foe, the Green Goblin. However, unlike other Spider-Man games, this title will let gamers play as either the titular superhero or his armored nemesis. Their respective goals will be to save and destroy New York City using gravity-defying acrobatics and missile and web attacks.
Heavy on action, Battle for New York will offer gamers an assortment of combination moves to use in combat. It will also incorporate role-playing elements, allowing players to customize their villain or hero with various powers. Gameplay on the DS will take advantage of the handheld's touch-sensitive screen, where players will engage in "Spider Sense" minigames, and its Wi-Fi connectivity, which will allow for head-to-head ad hoc multiplayer battles.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:55 Posted By: wraggster
It looks as though the Wii will be in the hands of European gamers no later than Friday November 3rd, as an oversight in Electronic Arts' release schedule planning pegs a Wii game with the above street-date.
The game is Need for Speed: Carbon and although no other details were offered, this news should come as a welcome insight to those eagerly awaiting the new Nintendo home console's release across the EU.
However, EA is not alone in letting its plans slip. THQ also showed its cards a little early, pegging SpongeBob: Kreature from the Krusty Krab for the Wii in October. Of course, games often hit the streets before their host hardware comes available. Either way, the Wii now looks closer than ever.
We'll let you know as we get more.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sega announced today Japanese release plans for Oshare Majo Love and Berry DS Collection, a DS adaptation of the company's popular girls-oriented arcade fashion game. The title will see Japanese release on 11/22, carrying a price point of 6,090 yen.
This is about $10 more than a standard DS game. So what gives? In order to replicate the arcade experience, Sega's decided to include a card reader with the game. The reader, officially known as the Oshare Mahou Card Reader (Fashionable Magic Card Reader) plugs into the GBA slot of your DS. You can then make use of the same Oshare Mahou Cards that you collected when when playing the arcade version of the title.
via IGN
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July 20th, 2006, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
News from Guardian:
Wii will get a lot of positive press between now and launch, mainly because it offers a new story - gaming is for everyone - and is easily accessible to even the most cack-handed journalist. Criticism will be thin on the ground as any issues - such as aching wrists or control frustrations- are only likely to come to light after a lengthier play then is possible at a press bash. Or so you'd think.
Nintendo's recent Wii event, which saw the console in the UK for the first time, was aimed at press who hadn't played the console at E3. Bad news for gamesblog but good news for the likes of Arena magazine. The latter, not exactly known for their games coverage, have got an interesting piece that voices some of the physical concerns I raised in May. I was quite tired after 10 mins, so lengthy Wii sessions could be a real workout. The concerns over space are relevant too, though I'd be less concerned about the TV size. Many early adopters will be big telly owning gamers, with the kit already to hand. If Wii does breakthrough to the true mass-market then it is still likely to be stuck under the main TV next to the DVD player. Historically Nintendo's consoles have generally been the children's bedroom choice - to be played on a smaller screen - but the Wii's sleek design and party friendly gaming makes me think it will live with the adults.
Pretty much everyone with an interest in gaming is looking forward to the Wii - including me - but there are some issues getting swept under the carpet in the pre-launch hype.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
A product tester, by the name of Shane D. Lewis, recently spilled the beans in regards to what he believes month we should expect the Wii to launch in the US. Oh, November, you say Shane?
"In a chic downtown Toronto hotel, my expectations are duly dismissed when I play the games everyone will anticipate once Nintendo's next-gen system launches in November (Yes, November, according to product tester Shane D. Lewis of Nintendo of America)."
We advise you take this with a grain of salt, fine reader, as Shane is only a product tester and in no way associated with Nintendo's well-oiled PR machine. Personally, we're shooting for validation of an October launch, because...well, we want it as soon as possible.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
At one point, Crash Bandicoot was the closest thing Sony had to a true mascot for their system. Over the years, as our favorite marsupial's popularity has waned, he's made appearances on several other systems, including Nintendo's own DS. At a recent demonstration for Crash Boom Bang!, a party title for the DS, a Vivendi spokesperson confirmed that the company has plans to bring the series to the Wii.
Although unconfirmed, the spokesperson seemed to imply that the Wii title would also be a party-style game. Vivendi is planning for a 2007 release.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
The official Nintendo of Japan website was recently updated with some new information. Thanks to the Babel Fish, implanted in the skulls of all Wii Fanboy staff members, an accurate translation is as follows.
512MB of internal flash memory for storing applications, data, etc.
Opera browser (optional)
Short start-up times for applications stored in flash memory, such as virtual console games and the browser.
That's interesting. Nintendo will certainly not offer two retail packages that differ only in the inclusion of a piece of software, and we doubt the browser will be sold as a traditional game at retail outlets. Therefore, the probable scenario is that Nintendo will offer the Opera browser as a download through their Virtual Console service, and most likely make you pay to do it. While we gnash our teeth, we also understand that those guys at Opera want a piece of the pie...and hopefully, it won't be terribly expensive.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming Need for Speed: Carbon is being released on just about every platform known to man. A few days ago, EA released a press statement stating that the game would be released on November 10th for the PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Gamecube, PC, Nintendo DS, PSP, GBA, and PC. (The PS3 version will likely be delayed in America till November 17th, PS3's official NA release date.) But what about the Wii version? We knew it was coming, but it was odd that it wasn't included in the statement.
As it turns out, EA has issued another press release, this time giving the Wii release date as November 3rd. Not only does the Wii get the game a full week earlier than any system, but this is strong evidence for a possible launch date. Not that we haven't had any other possible launch dates, but having a specialized release preceding every other version is certainly peculiar...
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July 20th, 2006, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
Keith Epstein posted this news:
The GBAccelerometer, a tri-axis accelerometer for the GBA that I developed, is now available for purchase from jandaman.com. It can be used for creating tilt and motion sensitive games. Source code examples are provided.
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July 20th, 2006, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
We are now taking preorders for the highly anticipated G6 Lite 4G version, which should start shipping to you on the 27th of July. First preorders will be delivered first, so do not wait!
IMPORTANT: This is the ENGLISH full retail version, not the Chinese version sold online by other sites.
Some Info:

The G6 Lite *ENGLISH* is the flagship product from G6 Flash. It has internal memory and comes with 4G memory card (1G = 1 Giga bit = 1024 bit ). It supports both DS and GBA games but also includes emulators for playing FC, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, PCE, SEGA-MS & GG. The unit has a built in media player for playing the following formats:
- Dolby AC3 audio frequency file (*.AC3)
- target's file of DVD video (*.VOB)
- wave form sound file of Microsoft (*.WAV)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-2 file (*.MP2)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 file (*.MP3)
- Real media file (*.RA, *.RM, *.RAM, *.RMVB)
- MPEG-1 media file (*.Mpeg, *.Mpg)
- MPEG-2 media file (*.M2V)
- Windows media file (*.AVI, *.ASF, *.WMA, *.WMV)
- VCD video file (*.DAT)
- QuickTime media file (*.MOV)
- MPEG-4 media file (*.AVI)
- DivX media file (*.AVI)
The G6 Lite also has a built in PDA program with full english menus
Specifications & extra information
- G6Flash 3rd Generation 4 in 1 Multi Media Card is the innovative & the most powerful device of GBA(SP) & NDS Console. It doesn’t like other general Flash Cards just only for playing game. It has all functions of other Flash Cards that had before, and now you can use our Multi Media Card on GBA (SP) / NDS and watch movies, play music, browse pictures, read E-Books …... As one of important & exclusive functions, it's a true USB disk (Standard FAT Format), and it can be used for saving and transferring any files and materials on the GBA or PC rapidly and conveniently. You can save all media materials with enough capacity 1G / 2G / 4G. Such as: Movie, Music , Games & PC data ….
- Games Compatibility Can perfectly and directly run all games without needing any adding patches or any converting before playing. (Can directly run GBA games, and Emulator games, FC=NES / SNES / GB / GC / S-MS... and can perfectly hold various saving modes and RTC function )
- Super Real Time Save Function
- Instant Save Function, unlimited revive.
- High compatibility. Can be compatible with most games.
- No need any database or X-code for using this function.
- Easily operate, the user only press A, B, L, R key at the same time, it is very suitable for NDS, GBS(SP), GBA.
- Not only it has one real time save record and but also can offer up to 3 real time save records.
- Works as U Disk, just plug & play, with fast burning speed
- It's a Flash card with the fastest speed of Read / Write in the world. Only take about 10 sec. to download 128M games from PC.
- It doesn't need any drivers (Except Win98). It's so easy to operate that you even needn't know more about PC software operation, and you just need do duplicating or pasting operation. It likes simple operation mode of USB disk on the PC interface.
- Media Player Function: It is the official GBA Movie Player has exclusive function of Crystal Engine.
- Movie function:
Crystal engine.
High clear picture processing system.
The new boundary of GBA video and audio.
- Picture function:
Direct compatible BMP picture documents.
specialized transformation software.
Many kinds of pictures browsing pattern.
- Music function:
BBE enhancement sound effect.
Clear, nature and bright treble.
Strong, powerful and vigorous bass.
Accurate and incomparable localization.
- Ebook function:
Direct compatible TXT Text documents.
Easier to seek text format.
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July 20th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts has denied that a Need For Speed: Carbon release date posted in error on its press website reflects the launch timing for the Nintendo Wii.
Earlier there was much excitement when the European date for several versions of Carbon went up as November 3rd. The PlayStation 3 version was left as "TBC", but the Wii was included with the rest.
"The date was put there by mistake and it is now listed as 4th Qtr 06. We will make an announcement shortly and with the US already confirming their date we expect to be around the same time but it's still TBC," an EA representative told us this afternoon.
"Naturally it goes without saying the Wii release date was also an error and not an insight into the console's launch," he added, having clearly noticed what we were really interested in.
Nintendo has previously said that the Wii will be released in the fourth quarter of 2006, and that the actual date will be announced in September.
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July 20th, 2006, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nibris has announced that it's found a publisher for its atmospheric horror game, Sadness. However, due to a non-disclosure agreement, the Poland-based developer can't reveal the publisher's name just yet. Here's a hint: with themes like narcolepsy, nyctophobia, and paranoid schizophrenia, it's not Nintendo -- or is it ... ?
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July 20th, 2006, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Arena Magazine - self-titled "Worlds Smartest Men’s magazine" - has written a rather scathing preview of the Wii, after being invited to Nintendo’s recent playtest event in Covent Garden.
SPOnG is somewhat baffled by this, as we were there. We played plenty of WarioWare: Smooth Moves and plenty of Wii Sports and we are fairly confident that we will be spending most of our Christmas break this year playing the same games. Plus, more importantly, we will be successfully encouraging previously videogame-shy family and friends to do the same. And we are fairly confident that gamers across the world will be doing the same - young and old, Ninty fanboys or not.
And whilst the other assembled ‘lifestyle’ hacks in attendance seemed to be pretty much in agreement that the Wii totally delivers on the hype, the man from the low-circulation style mag targeting a swiftly disappearing demographic of men in their thirties and forties who still need fashion and style advice from a magazine, decided to buck the trend.
Yes, somebody in a lifestyle magazine has decreed that the Wii is actually the rubbish Emperor’s New Clothes. In a poorly written piece entitled ‘Wii, Wii, poo, poo’ Arena claims:
The more I play the Wii, the more practical problems enter my head, seemingly lost on others in the rush to join the blanket of praise. More concerns than reservations, they are however sure to be part of the bigger picture after the initial “Oooh, look what I can do with my hands!” hype has died down…
1 The physical issue
After a hard day of work/surfing the internet, a relaxing blast on a shoot ’em up or a decent sports sim can be cathartic, not needing much more than a small thumb movement and a couple of button presses to see off hordes of screaming Nazis or score a backhand-return while you lie virtually comatose on the sofa. But with the Wii, vegging out is no longer an option – it’s all about motion, whether it’s thrusting the controller forward to bayonet in battle or leaping about a ‘virtual’ court on a third-set tie-break. Does that feel like ‘rest’ to you? After the office and the gym, doesn’t it all sound too much like hard work?
2 The ‘big TV’ issue
Nintendo has made a huge deal out of the fact that the Wii isn’t following the next-gen herd, concentrating on how we play games, rather than just swanking up the graphics. But while it may not need a high-definition telly like the PS3 and Xbox 360, it DOES need a big ****-off one. As the PS2’s gimmicky EyeToy gadget proved, motion-sensing games don’t work on small TVs – you need the on-screen gaming area to be as large as possible to properly read your body’s graceful movements (come on, play along). So, despite the Big N pitching itself as the cheap and cheerful option (£170 is the latest unconfirmed price doing the rounds – almost a third of the price of the PS3), you may still find yourself having to fork out for that entertainment centre of plenty after all.
3 The space issue
We’ve already established that the Wii suddenly makes video-gaming a physical activity, which is fine if you have a sizeable front room. However, those whose living dens are a little on the small side, or those banking on setting it up in their specialist ‘games nook’, might want to think again, as even in a spacious demo space I was bumping into people and fairly solid walls left, right and centre trying to hit baseline winners on Wii Tennis. Quite what this means for Nintendo’s considerable child clientele, who predominantly have their consoles in their bedrooms, is anyone’s guess. Fancy watching the Premiership on the 14” in the kitchen while the little terrors take over your personal man space of an evening? No, didn’t think so.
Despite the fact that most of the above twaddle is either factually just wrong, or at the least pretty misinformed (you can play any Wii games whilst sat down should you choose and you don’t need a big telly, as it’s the wand which senses the Wiimote’s movement) let us know if you have any genuine concerns about the Wii which you feel are not being voiced, or are being sidelined by the almost universal praise amongst the games and (rest of) the lifestyle media.
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July 20th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Dr Neo has released screens of a new Neoflash product that will revolutionize the DS flash cart scene, basically you have the Flash Cart which can be inserted into different cases for use on different consoles
Screens Here
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July 20th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Neoflash team have released screens and info of their new Flash Cart for the Genesis and 32X which can be split so you can use the Genesis roms on your DS, heres a screen:
The first photo release for NEO MD 3in1 flash cart, it can support up to 1Gb neo2 serial.
In fact the NEO MD 3in1 flash cart is one USB Slim loader IV + MD interface,so it can burn any MK3/MD5/32X rom to the neo2 serial through the USB link cable,and play the MK3/MD5/32X rom on your SEGA 16 bit console immediately.
And of course you can burn the GBA/NDS roms to it and play on any GBA/NDS console too,just like the MGD2 idea,but it's more easy to use and can support different console directly.
That's why we call use neo2 serial flash cart on MD/SNES/N64 is NEO MYTH project.
NEO MD 3in1 can support NEO2-lite and NEO2-SD(TF)

Exciting isnt it, i need to buy a megadrive 
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July 21st, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Wosret has released a new version of the Nethack game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
The configuration file has been changed from NetHack.cnf to defaults.nh
The configuration settings tile_file, tile_width, and tile_height now work correctly.
A 24-bit Windows bitmap can now be loaded as the tile_file.
The game should now switch the font used on the top screen from RGB to BGR if it detects that it is running on a DS Lite. This should keep the text from appearing blurry on the DS Lite. (Thanks to Telephasic for letting me know about this bug)
The X and Y buttons will switch the fonts on the the top and bottom screen between RGB and BGR. Use this if the text on either screen appears blurry.
The standard version now uses Sata's version of chishm's FAT library. This should still work on all CF devices; if it does not, send me an email and I will go back to posting both versions.
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July 21st, 2006, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Nintendo finally got back to us about reports of cracked DS Lite hinges. Here's the official statement we were sent:
"In the U.S., the reported number of small cosmetic cracks in the plastic hinge of DS Lite systems represents less than 0.02 percent of the total units sold. This cosmetic issue in no way impacts the gameplay or integrity of the DS Lite. Nintendo stands behind the quality of our products and encourages DS Lite owners to contact our Customer Service Department if they are not happy with the functionality of their systems."
The 0.02% figure is based solely on reported cracked hinges, and as such, does not reflect the actual percentage of defective DS Lites. While merely cosmetic -- know that some reports claim the damage can worsen -- the crack, in our opinion, should be considered under the DS Lite's warranty. But don't go crying to Customer Service just yet ... if the instance is as rare -- and harmless -- as Nintendo claims, these imperfections will no doubt end up as collector's items sold on eBay. Who wants to place the first bid on ours?
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July 21st, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Browsing the web on a handheld console or mobile phone has never been the most pleasant experience. The new Opera browser for the DS looks like it might change all that. On the eve of the Japanese launch, a story at Pocketgamer outlines the features and links to a video of the new browser in action."
From the article:
"The video illustrates the browsing technique, which sees the lower touch screen used for scanning zoomed-out pages and interaction via the stylus, whilst the top screen displays the zoomed-in detail. It also shows both text entry and handwriting recognition systems for rapid entry of URLs, as well as a host of standard browser features including bookmarks
News via Slashdot
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July 21st, 2006, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Famitsu.com hit the streets of Tokyo today to find out how the new Noble Pink Nintendo DS Lite was selling. Rather well, it turns out.
At the Ikebukuro electronics shop Big Camera in Japan, customers began arriving as early as 3 a.m., forming a line that grew to 160 people by opening time and to over 400 by 11:30 a.m. It also seems that many Noble Pink buyers purchased it along with Nintendo's new talking cookbook software, Shaberu! DS Ryori Navi, which also launched today.
The popularity of the new color was not limited to the Ikebukuro area. A Big Camera representative told the site that lines reached 130 people at the company's Yurakucho branch. Over in Akihabara, Famitsu.com conducted an impromptu demographic survey at the Yodobashi Camera Multimedia store, where lines swelled to nearly 200 people by 9 a.m.
Although a store representative said there were almost twice as many women in line for a DS Lite than usual, Famitsu observed that men still outnumbered the ladies by a wide margin. When asked why they were purchasing the pearly pink DS Lite, many of the guys said they were buying on behalf of female family members. Out of the 25 men Famitsu spot-interviewed, 16 said they were buying the item as a gift.
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July 21st, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Kotaku's own video game sleuth and my personal fashion mentor, Brian Crecente, did a little investigative work to find out if Nintendo is repairing the broken hinges of Nintendo DS Lites. If you recall yesterday another Kotaku poll showed that 14 percent of readers' DS Lite hinges were broken. So this is obviously quite a problem, even though Nintendo is reporting that only 0.02 percent of DS Lites would be experiencing the defect.
Crecente discovered that Nintendo doesn't warranty physical damage, but they will take a look at this specific case. Basically they ship you out a UPS label, you ship it to them. They check to see if the damage was misuse and repair if it was determined to not be from misuse. So if it is busted, they will likely fix it. If they don't, let's revolt! We are in need of a good revolt, it's been a while.
via gizmodo
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July 21st, 2006, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will be facing a battle this holiday season far worse than anything its Link character has ever suffered through. Sony and Microsoft ( will be pitting their console units against the Nintendo Wii -- and all three will be vying for the undivided attention of early-adopting hardcore gamers.
Nintendo does have one ace up its sleeve, however -- the Mario brand. In fact, there's some good news on that front, according to recent sales data. Marketing research firm The NPD Group reports that the latest software featuring the most celebrated plumber on the planet has been doing gangbusters business at the retail shelves.
New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system moved 453,000 copies last month, good for the pole position in the sales chart; in fact, it was No. 1 for two consecutive months. Even though Mario has been around for years, he's still proud and popular and ready to put on the jumping shoes.
Why is this important for the Wii launch? To my mind, a release of an "old-school" Mario game serves as a vital reminder of what Nintendo is all about. Gamers who may not have enjoyed 3-D releases such as Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube are happy as clams right about now. New Super Mario Bros. takes the brand back to its roots and will perhaps entice DS owners into at least thinking about springing for a Wii come the fourth quarter. Along with the planned virtual console scheme, gamers looking for some nostalgic fun will be served well.
This latest Super Mario title will certainly help move DS units. It also will further differentiate the platform from the Sony PSP -- after all, you can get your Mario fix only from a Nintendo product. Doing well in the handheld-gaming industry is old hat for Nintendo; now is the time to leverage that success as much as is conceivable to drive those Wii sales. It's sort of like the theory behind the Apple iPod -- sell a lot of the popular devices and then try to convert those users into adopters of the Apple OS.
Nintendo doesn't want a repeat of the Gamecube performance, a scenario in which it couldn't really get a "cool factor" going against the PlayStation and Xbox. With the Wii coming in for less than $250, and with the summer bonanza of Mario and his platform-jumper action, Nintendo has an opportunity to tell gamers that it knows how to distribute great systems and program great games at a reasonable cost of investment to the gamer. (Sony's PlayStation 3 will cost $500 or more.) But it will also have to move as many consoles as it can to instill confidence among third-party concerns such as Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS - News) and THQ (Nasdaq: THQI - News).
The support of third parties can significantly alter the prospects of any new console, and the Wii will go only so far with Mario. Nevertheless, Mario -- along with Link and the Zelda franchise -- are important assets for Nintendo, and they both will serve the company well.
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July 21st, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo, bless its kind and benevolent heart, has conjured up a brand new site for its latest GBA title, Rhythm Tengoku - a (gasp) rhythm action game from the team behind the rip-roaring WarioWare games.
Rhythm Tengoku, as far as we can tell from the brief but barmy video on the site, follows the same formula as WarioWare, taking the form of a bunch of hugely stylised mini-games - only, this time around, there's no Wario and you're tasked with tapping the GBA's buttons in time with the music.
A cursory glance around the Japanese website reveals that the game is set to hit stores in the East in August 3, and there's some slightly bonkers gameplay footage as well as what appears to be the Rhythm Tengoku dancing around while some woman shouts at them.
No news yet whether we can excpect to see Rhythm Tengoku over here, but import fans should keep that eyes on our friends at Lik-sang.com to get some of that good old rhythmic loving.
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July 21st, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sega's VP Scott Steinberg has stepped in to remind everyone that his company's been behind Wii since day one - following recent analyst reports that many third-parties are likely to miss out on the potential success of Nintendo's Wii this Christmas, having underestimated the buzz surrounding the console following this year's E3.
"It's true that a lot of third parties have been flat footed when it comes to having games ready for the launch window," Steinberg explained, speaking to Next-gen.biz, "but Sega is certainly not one of them. Some third parties have shown a lack of imagination when dealing with this new platform. The way the Wii is being built you have to design for it. Ports and upgrades are no good. That thinking takes a little bit of creativity and not every publisher has the necessary creative people available."
On the subject of Sega's relationship with Nintendo and the reason why the company chose to support Wii, Steinberg revealed, "Sega has become a lot closer to Nintendo, which is ironic given the history of the two companies, but that proximity has given us a great view of how they wanted to get out of the polygon race and stop battling the technology companies and instead find a very comfortable position in family-friendly fun games like Super Monkey Ball. [...]
"That's what makes the Sega story unique - we have family-friendly games with a great Nintendo pedigree - we are one of the few companies that can say we had a great run with GameCube."
Steinburg acknowledged that, given the relative lack of success enjoyed by the 'Cube, it was unsurprising some companies were skeptical about Wii. However, he noted, "If you were applying a GameCube to Xbox to PS2 ratio to Wii, then you might have ignored Wii. But Nintendo's core competency is creating games and they have a platform here that allows publishers and developers to get creative in ways that are different from the other platforms. It's a real sea change."
According to Steinberg, it's easy for publishers to fall under the spell of PR when considering which platforms to support.
"We are all heavily influenced by the propaganda machines of the hardware companies and you could argue that Nintendo didn't kick into gear until E3 2006, when they seemed to go from zero to 60 in one day. They were being beaten up by pundits one day and lauded the next. The industry realized they had been ignoring Nintendo which was a massive error."
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July 21st, 2006, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Following Activision's announcement earlier this week that a brand new Spider-Man titles is currently in development for Nintendo's DS and GBA, titled Spider-Man: Battle for New York, the publisher has splashed a bunch of new shots across the 'net for your viewing pleasure.
Battle for New York sees you donning the lycra as Spider-Man to defeat the nefarious Green Goblin as he rampages through the city - alternatively, you can adopt your nemesis' guise and go on a quest to destroy New York. With the focus squarely on action (with a bit of RPG ability tinkering thrown in for good measure), Battle for New York on DS also throws in some mini-games as well as multiplayer battling.
Both versions of Spider-Man: Battle for New York are set for release at some currently undisclosed point in the future.
Screens Here
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July 21st, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The G6 Lite *ENGLISH* is the flagship product from G6 Flash. It has internal memory and comes with 4G memory card (1G = 1 Giga bit = 1024 bit ). It supports both DS and GBA games but also includes emulators for playing FC, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, PCE, SEGA-MS & GG. The unit has a built in media player for playing the following formats:
- Dolby AC3 audio frequency file (*.AC3)
- target's file of DVD video (*.VOB)
- wave form sound file of Microsoft (*.WAV)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-2 file (*.MP2)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 file (*.MP3)
- Real media file (*.RA, *.RM, *.RAM, *.RMVB)
- MPEG-1 media file (*.Mpeg, *.Mpg)
- MPEG-2 media file (*.M2V)
- Windows media file (*.AVI, *.ASF, *.WMA, *.WMV)
- VCD video file (*.DAT)
- QuickTime media file (*.MOV)
- MPEG-4 media file (*.AVI)
- DivX media file (*.AVI)
The G6 Lite also has a built in PDA program with full english menus
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July 21st, 2006, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS release:

In Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, players play as Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann as they explore and brawl across land and sea on a memorable quest in search of the legendary Dead Man's Chest. The game features thrilling moments from the movie and expands the fantasy of the franchise by offering exciting new adventures and locations inspired by the rich "Pirates of the Caribbean" universe.
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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July 21st, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Gladius has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Hacked together the new sound sync. mechanism tonight and it appears to work great! SMW now has nearly perfect sound (insofar as I still haven't emulated echo effects on the arm7) and a bunch of other games are sounding much, much better.
As an added benefit, the cores are really tightly synced, so compatibility should go up as well. Yay Smile.
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July 21st, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
One of the big questions surrounding the Wii launch is, of course, exactly how many Virtual Console games might be available for download. According to insiders, Nintendo and its officially announced partners are collectively working hard to prepare somewhere between 20 and 30 classics. The games themselves will represent some big hits from the NES, S-NES, TurboGrafx 16 and SEGA Genesis platforms. It is not yet known if other publishers will have Virtual Console games ready in time for the launch of Wii later this year. Nor is it known if Nintendo or third parties will choose to showcase their original Virtual Console efforts at launch.
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Grey posted this news:
I figure I haven't updated this site in over a month, so I have some explaining to do... I think that this weekend is a good time to start working again. But just to show all my loyal fan something, here's a copy of my current README, straight off my SVN server. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I am going to get to work on actually implementing sound.c. =) If anyone has any suggestions or comments on how to make this better, or any obvious problems with my layout, please let me know, as I would love to hear it.
More Info --> http://grey.drunkencoders.com/
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Dsfanboy
The videos just keep on rolling today.
Next course up in our delectable entree of tender cuts of game footage for the day is a trailer for the farming sim Harvest Moon DS. Should you be the type of person who is thrown into bouts of rage when viewing farming duties such as tending to soil, cleaning livestock, and playing simple card games (the bane of every good farmer's existence), you might want to avert your gaze, instead opting to close your browser window and enjoy a nice bubble bath. May we suggest you go with the Pina Colada scented variety? We like the way it makes you smell.
Video HERE
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
Recently released figures of the first half of 2006 paint a clear picture of the Japanese game market: It's one dominated by Nintendo's portable system--but expect the latter half of the year to be a match-up between next-generation systems from Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony.
The latest Weekly Famitsu, dated Friday, August 4, details the results of Japan's gaming market during the first half of the 2006 fiscal year, from December 26, 2005, to June 25, 2006.
Handhelds are dominating the Japanese market. Sales of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite have reached 4 million units--a 63 percent share of the hardware market, according to Famitsu. The Game Boy Advance SP and Micro hardware picked up a little over 5 percent.
Nintendo's gain in the market contrasted with Sony's loss, as both the market share of the PlayStation 2 and the PlayStation Portable dipped. The PS2 dropped out of the dominant position it held in the first semester of 2005, plummeting from 29.6 percent to 13.5 percent. The PSP's share slipped 10 percent from the same period last year, although it managed to sell close to 1 million units, giving it 16.1 percent of the market.
Last but not least, the Xbox 360 sold 64,392 units for a 1 percent share--despite Microsoft's attempt to harness World Cup fever with a limited-edition 360 package featuring the Japanese soccer team's motif.
Compared with the same period in 2005, total hardware sales soared from 4.3 million to nearly 6.2 million units. In software, sales of top 100 titles for all consoles for the first semester of 2006 totaled more than 36 million, up from the roughly 24 million sold in the first half of 2005. Software sales closely mirrored the dominance of the DS in hardware. Of the top 10 selling games, seven were Nintendo DS titles, while three were for the PS2--the opposite of first-semester 2005, when three titles were DS games and the rest PS2 titles.
The period's top game, selling more than 2.5 million copies, was the DS title Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu: Motto Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training--otherwise known as the sequel to Brain Age. Following closely in sales were Final Fantasy XII on the PS2 (about 2.3 million copies) and New Super Mario Bros. on the DS (about 1.7 million copies). Animal Crossing: Wild World on the DS placed fourth, and the original Brain Age was fifth. The remaining top 10 games, in order of popularity, were Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigozuke (DS), World Soccer Winning Eleven 10 (PS2), Mario Kart DS (DS), Tetris DS (DS), and Monster Hunter 2 (PS2).
Looking at the top 100 overall, things weren't so lopsided. The PS2 had 45 titles in the top 100, while the DS had 32. The sole Xbox 360 game, coming in at number 72, was Tecmo's Dead or Alive 4, while Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence made the cut at number 100.
Early 2006 belonged to the DS, but, Famitsu predicted, the latter half of the year will be marked by a three-way struggle between the PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
According to Impress Watch, the Pokemon Company has announced that it will be giving away 150 "I Love Pikachu" special-edition DS Lites. The Nintendo portables will be identical to the Ceramic White model that has been released, except it will feature images of Pikachu, the most recognizable Pokemon.
In order to enter the contest, fans should check out the I Love Pokemon Club Web site using either their mobile phones or PCs. One hundred of the special DS Lites will be given to visitors to the PC version of the Web site, and 50 will be given to visitors of the mobile-phone site.
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
LiraNuna has posted a new released of his Wonderswan Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
This is the final release of dualSwan. No further development will be made.
Here is the changelog:
dualSwan v1.2.1 (21/07/2006)
Fixed window mode 0×20
Added support for M3SD and SCSD
Source: Moved menu handlers to menu.c/h
Final release
I did not test M3SD or SCSD myself, but it should work, as chishm’s FAT library does.
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto shared info with IGN about the Wii:
Nintendo game master Shigeru Miyamoto, speaking with Japan's monthly Nintendo Dream as part of the magazine's 10th anniversary festivities, has shared a few intriguing details on the Wii, its controller, and his upcoming games.
Miyamoto first spoke about the origins of the system. "It was very important to have it become 'something that would be best to have there,'" he said, speaking of Nintendo's desire to make the Wii an attractive machine for households. Miyamoto feels that game machines had the status of a desirable household item at one point, but they lost it. The change happened when games "lost their fundamental nature as pure entertainment."
Wii development started with thoughts of "what kind of machine would make for a console that one wants to keep in the home?" The answer was something that doesn't get in the way, something "not frightening." The Wii project also began with the notion of making something "anyone can play, simply using one hand."
Of course, every Wii includes, in addition to the Wii-mote, the nunchuck accessory. Miyamoto explained the origins of the secondary device and its name. When Nintendo first made demo units, the development staff referred to the device as a nunchuck simply because it looked like one. American staffers referred to the device as nunchuck as well, so it became a development code for the device. Eventually, Nintendo investigated the copyright status of the term "nunchuck," learned that it was free to use as a standard word, and went with it.
Nunchuck isn't the precise name for the analog expansion unit that will ship with every Wii, though. Anything that's attached to the Wii-mote in similar fashion to the analog expansion unit is said to be in a nunchuck style position. Anything that's fixed to the remote similar to the gun expansion that was shown at E3 is said to be in zapper style position.
Earlier in development, the Wii-mote was referred to as the "Core Unit." The devices that attached to it were referred to as the "Peripheral Unit." This naming originated when Nintendo came up with the idea of splitting the controller into separate units. The biggest cost to the controller comes from wireless functionality and power consumption. Nintendo realized that by placing these costly capabilities into one device, the Core Unit, they would then be able to make and release a variety of Peripheral Units at cheaper cost to users.
Miyamoto also touched upon one of the last areas of the controller's functionality, its speaker. "We had a lengthy discussion on the matter," said Miyamoto about the decision to include either a speaker or a microphone in the controller.
There was apparently even some consideration of including neither in order to keep the controller from becoming too complicated, but this was vetoed. "Because you're using a wireless, rod-shaped remote control to play, it's important to have feedback and reaction to the actions that you take," said Miyamoto. "Controllers until now have used rumble, but we felt that rumble would be insufficient, and ended up keeping the speaker in."
He let out one bit of information, confirming first if it was okay to reveal it. Nintendo is making a game in which four players play together by passing a single controller around. The controller calls out player names in order to indicate whose turn it is.
He also suggested another idea, a game where the controller quietly gives out secret information to individual players as their turn comes about.
One of the main driving forces for the inclusion of the speaker was third parties. Nintendo actually considered removing the device for cost reasons, but found third parties requesting that it be left in.
Interest wasn't as high inside Nintendo from the start. "When we first started talking about the speaker, there was absolutely no reaction," revealed Miyamoto. This changed when people heard the sound effects generated by the speaker while swinging a sword in Zelda and noted that it sounded like swinging a Light Saber.
Asked about reactions from E3 which claimed it difficult to go back to using a standard controller after having used the Wii controller, Miyamoto said, "That's because once you've gotten used to free style using the remote control, going back to a controller where you use both hands, you're unable to move your hands and end up feeling a lack of freedom. However, I have absolutely no intention of being negative about current controllers. We are, after all, preparing a standard style controller in the form of the Classic Controller."
Miyamoto feels that some games will actually work better with the classic controller. He mentioned F-Zero as one such game.
The dialogue turned at one point to, of all things, left-handed and right-handed gaming. Miyamoto is left-handed, and he said that he's recently been trying to get used to using the remote/nunchuck pair in the "reverse" way -- that is, the remote in the left and the nunchuck in the right hand. While he's been getting used to playing like this, he feels lefties who've grown accustomed to playing games the current way will have an easier time of playing Wii games like everyone else.
In practice, regardless of game, you'll be able to play with either device in either hand. Miyamoto actually expects kids who've never played a game before to hold the remote in their left hand and the nunchuck in their right hand.
One of Nintendo Dream's closing questions for this interview asked Miyamoto to list the games in whose development he's directly involved. "Wii is the main [platform]," he said, "and I'm working on a number of titles, but there are some that have yet to be announced so I can't give an exact number." Pausing to think for a bit, he concluded that he's working on "a lot of games." "Of the games that have been announced, I'm working fully on Zelda, and also working on Mario Galaxy and Wii Sports. I'm also working on the product that was referred to as 'Remote Pointer Demo' at E3."
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Quite some time ago, Suda 51 announced he was developing an exclusive game for the Wii. As the rather insane mastermind behind the bizarre Killer 7, this was caused a noticeable stir...yet, at E3 2006, nothing was shown.
Flash forward to today, where rival fellow Wii-centric news site The Wiire managed to hack obtain the official trailer for the game, slated to be shown at E3 by cancelled at the last minute. Though they promise to put up a higher resolution version in the near future, the three and a half minute trailer shows some good stuff.
Cel-shaded in a style similar to Killer 7, Heroes seems to share the assassination themes of its forebear. A man named "Travis Touchdown" uses a lightsaber to kill "Helter Skelter" and...well, maybe you should just take a peek yourselves. It's pretty insane.
Seriously, props to The Wiire for obtaining and hosting this video; we would have all our readers head over to their site to check it out. This is exciting, exciting stuff, and Heroes promises to be a HUGE game for the Wii. It's being developed by Grasshopper Manufacturer, and is tentatively scheduled for release in the summer of 2007.
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July 22nd, 2006, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Gamedaily BIZ has a nice little feature up where they ask if Sony can do something that someone has never done before: dominate the industry for three generations. Based on a report run by BusinessWeek Online, they analyze Sony's high-priced offering and claim that developers are instead diverting resources to the more cost-effective Xbox 360 and Wii. To quote the article:
"At its autumn games preview on July 13, for instance, traditional Sony ally Electronic Arts spent far more time showing off innovative Nintendo games than it did titles for the PS3," emphasized BusinessWeek. "EA announced six Nintendo Wii launch titles and showed long working demos for two of those. But it offered only a short clip of a car-racing game for PS3. EA says it's still testing the potential of the PS3."
Makes sense since the development costs are already extremely high as it is and with the incredibly-cheap process by which developers can make games on the Wii, a process more expensive on the Xbox 360, however less expensive than on the PS3, we're sure to see this occur even more should the Wii strike gold once released to retail.
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July 22nd, 2006, 13:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via dsfanboy
Seeing as how Japan keeps extremely accurate hardware and software sales numbers on a weekly and monthly basis, it comes as no surprise when famed Japanese gaming rag Famitsu releases composite data for the first half of 2006. The question here is not "Did the DS Lite own faces?" but rather, "Exactly how MUCH face did the DS Lite own?" (This was a weak attempt at justifying the picture you see to your right...to be honest, I just thought it was hilarious, and decided to post it.)
Let's take a look. From December 26, 2005, to June 25, 2006, the DS and DS Lite have captured a whopping 63% of the hardware market (around 4 million units). That's not the portable market, that's the whole flippin' thing, folks. Second place belongs to the PSP at 16.1% of the total market, followed by the PS2 at 13.5%. GBA/GBASP/GBAMicro follow at 5%, and the Xbox 360 trails with a rather silly-sounding 1%.
In terms of software, the DS managed to claim seven of the top ten best-selling games in the period. The sequel to Brain Age took first place with over 2.5 million copies sold, followed by Final Fantasy XII for the PS2, and then New Super Mario Bros. in third.
That's a lot of face.
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July 22nd, 2006, 22:45 Posted By: Mazza
Yes it is now possible Prodigy has released Bubble Wrap for DS, here's what he has to say.
Who doesn't love to pop bubble wrap? So why not pop it on the go with your DS? Thats why I made a quick virtual bubble wrap for the DS.
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July 22nd, 2006, 22:49 Posted By: Mazza
Tipiak has released this homebrew game for DS
Updated the main post with version 2.0 of the game. I await your reactions not only on the graphic modifications but also on the level of gameplay.
Version 2.0: Graphic modifications and adjustments to some gameplay elements. Added bonus balloons and pictures of the next balloons.
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July 23rd, 2006, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
chism posted this news:
New lib out. The source is in DevkitPro CVS, or you can just use the precompiled GBA version or the precompiled NDS version.
A few bugs in the FAT handling code have been fixed thanks to loopy. There is now a fatInitDefault() function to make it even easier to use. There may be a few other bugs fixed that I've forgotten about. Also, there is now full Supercard SD support.
Some of you may notice that I use ASM code in the SCSD driver. This is allowed within libfat, and is part of the reason I made it a proper library. That being said, I only used it because it was necessary for hardware timing accuracy, and I'd still prefer the drivers to be written in C.
More info --> http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?p=94008#94008
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July 23rd, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot
Since E3, Square Enix has been urging role-playing game fans to "complete the fantasy" later this year, when the RPG magnate releases Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS. After all, the game previously existed only on the Japanese Famicom and, thus, is the one entry in the Final Fantasy pantheon never to be released in the Western hemisphere, nor in English. Luckily, the new release will be far more than a simple port of the 16-year-old game. As anyone who's been keeping up with this remake's progress knows by now, Final Fantasy III will appear on the DS with a full 3D makeover.
From the sound of it, Final Fantasy III will be getting more than just a cosmetic upgrade; Square Enix appears to be adding some new features to the existing gameplay as well. Longtime fans of the series will remember the Mognet feature in Final Fantasy IX on the PlayStation, which let you send mail to in-game characters, as well as help deliver letters between various characters to pick up a few side quests. A similar mail feature was also included in the GameCube-exclusive Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Square Enix tipped us off that the Mognet will be making a return appearance in FFIII on the DS, this time with more functionality than ever.
It looks as though this mail system will work similarly to the way it did in FFIX: you'll be able to approach any of the moogles inhabiting the game world and speak to them, which will let you then send mail to any character you've met previously on your journey. This will sometimes let you open up new quests that will yield rewards you wouldn't be able to access otherwise. In the example shown in our new screenshots, the player has sent another character a letter asking how the person's kids are doing. Through this exchange, it becomes apparent the children have wandered into a dangerous cavern and become lost, which establishes a side quest that will have you delving into the cave to rescue the little troublemakers (and no doubt defeating some nefarious enemies in the process). Presumably, you'll be able to pick up some nice items and such by completing side quests like this one.
Mailing in-game characters will be a good way to pick up optional side quests--which will potentially offer tasty rewards.
What's more, Final Fantasy III's Mognet will let you use the DS's Wi-Fi capability to send mail to other players who have the game. Though it's not clear yet whether this will be possible over the Internet or merely through local wireless, the former option is certainly more sensible, since there wouldn't be much point in sending an in-game message to someone with whom you're already physically in the same place. At any rate, Square Enix says it'll be revealing more information on the Mognet feature as development continues, so in the near future we'll have more info on how exactly this will work.
The DS has been a little light on RPGs since its release, so we're all the more excited about getting a Final Fantasy on Nintendo's capable little handheld--and a brand-new one at that, at least for fans who don't speak Japanese. The visuals look great so far; will the antique RPG gameplay stand the test of time? We'll find out when Final Fantasy III ships in early October, and we'll bring you more as soon as possible.
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July 23rd, 2006, 11:51 Posted By: Mazza
Tsunami0ne posted this:
This is a program I whipped up for personal use. If you use the latest Xbox Media Center and activated the webserver on port 80, you can use this program to navigate through Xbox Media Center.
All the xbox pad buttons should be mapped the same on the DS (although I think I switched X and Y accidently.) Black and white buttons are on the touch screen.
Features are skimpy right now, I will be adding more in the future if time permits me.
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July 23rd, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: scorpei
I've finished my review of the G6lite.
My review is of the chinese version of the G6lite, but with English (G6lite, not G6) boxart.
I hope you all like it!
Link: here.
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July 23rd, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster

Retrowarez have let me know they are selling the Action Replay Max Duo for Under 10 pounds (18$), heres the info
Take control of even the toughest games and show ‘em who's boss! Even the odds by arming yourself with infinite health, bullets and time. Unlock secret levels, characters and vehicles. Now YOU can become all-powerful and beat ANY game! Action Replay MAX DUO is already loaded with unauthorized cheats and Powersaves for all the latest and greatest DS and GBA games, and you can update it with new ones quickly and easily using MAX DUO's unique USB Link system.
So what are you waiting for? Action Replay MAX DUO contains everything you need to put the power in your hands today!
Preloaded with loads of cheats and Powersaves for the latest and greatest games.
New cheats and Powersaves can be easily added and saved via built-in USB Link.
Colorful hi-resolution graphics
More info --> http://www.retrowarez.com/item.asp?dvdId=3703
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July 24th, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
emu_kidid has gave some info about his work on the continuation of the Nes Emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres what he posted:
I've started to work on nesDS (thx loopy)
So far i've done the following:
- Added Save State save/load
- Added SRAM save/load
- Added Setting save capabilities
- FrameSkip option
The following things are being worked on:
- Fix games like double dragon 2
- Update to latest libFAT (to support SCSD Saving)
A older version by loopy can be found at http://www.cs.utah.edu/~tew/nesDS/
Expect a WIP binary in a few days.
DS Emulation will have the release for you the minute it happens 
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July 24th, 2006, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
r.britt posted this news about his Command and Conquer Clone for the DS:
More Map Editor / Super Tool
I've added some of the missing features to the GUI and stuff, but I'm still 50/50 whether the environment I've chosen to code this in was the right choice. I'm writing it in Blitz 3D, but I'm trying to use a generic GUI system. The problem is Blitz has no function pointers or real classes etc. which makes it a pain in the arse...
Map Editor
Due to work and stuff not had much time to work on the game last couple of days. I have began work on the map editor/game though. I'm going to try and build all my tools into one, so they can easily share format import/export code and you can do everything in one place. The tool will also support command line options so you can tell it to do stuff in a batch file...
More info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/
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July 24th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
It seems like news of DS Lite bundles and color variations are springing up every day. Sometimes, twice in one day! Earlier, we reported on a limited edition Crystal White DS Lite that features Pikachu artwork on its top. Following that story, we learned of another way to get the DS Lite, this time involving Konami's Winning Eleven series.
Nintendo will be releasing a special bundle to coincide with the 9/21 Japanese release of World Soccer Winning Eleven DS. The copmany will bundle the game and a specially crafted Jet Black DS Lite unit in one for a price of 19,800 yen (excluding tax). This will follow the 9/2 Japanese release of the standard Jet Black DS Lite.
Like the Pikachu DS Lite unit, the system included with Winning Eleven will have a special graphic printed on the top. Konami has yet to give a hint as to what's been chosen to represent the game, but we'll be sure and let you know once we've seen something.
via ign
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July 24th, 2006, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
via cubed
Below is a survey conducted by Game Informer to find out the thoughts of anonymous developers about the current set of systems from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo:
Are you excited for the Wii?
Yes - 77%
No - 23%
If you port to the Wii, how hard is it to adapt your title to that system?
Hard - 67%
Not so Bad - 33%
Easy - 0%
Is the PS3 too expensive?
Yes - 63%
No - 37%
How would you rate the PS3 development kits at this point?
Good - 20%
Bad - 20%
Average - 60%
Which system are you more excited to develop for?
Microsoft XBOX 360 - 37%
Sony PlayStation 3 - 16%
Nintendo Wii - 32%
PC - 5%
Nintendo DS - 5%
PlayStation Portable - 5%
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July 24th, 2006, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
Star Wars. Or how to kill nostalgia dead in three easy steps. Still, without dwelling on that particular bitter pill too much, fans of George Lucas' opus (hello? are you still there?) should be thrilled to hear that LucasArts has dropped a few more hints suggesting that a (much-rumoured) lightsaber game might well be on its way to Nintendo's Wii after all.
Speaking at Comic-Con in San Diego and reported on IGN, LucasArts' rep Steve Sansweet confirmed that the company has plans to bring games to all-three next-gen platforms, including the Wii, in response to a question posed by a member of the audience.
More intriguingly though, Sansweet referenced the fact that (as has already been noted the internet over) Nintendo's motion-sensoring Wiimote bears an uncanny resemblance to Star Wars' iconic lightsaber. Whether this means every budding Jedi will finally get the game of their dreams is anyone's guess - but with such comparisons coming straight out the gob of an official LucasArts rep, it's looking increasingly likely.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo announced today that sales of its hand-held, dual-screened video game player, the Nintendo DS, have topped 20 million worldwide (guesstimates say 21,270,000). Nintendo expects DS (Lite) sales to be 17 million between April 2006 and March 2007. From today's financial report: "The company raised its full-year sales forecast of the DS handheld game players to 17 million units for the year ending March 2007, up from 16 million unit sales projection made in May. Sales of DS game titles are projected to rise to 75 million units, from 70 million." The report references PSP owners as just combat-game fans, while the DS is said to target a wider audience with more diverse games such as the 6 million seller Nintendogs
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July 24th, 2006, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
news from gamesindustry
Nintendo has released its Q1 financial statement, showing continued strong sales for the DS handheld and its associated software - which have helped drive the company's profits up by ten per cent.
For the period ended June 30th, the company posted a net income of 15.6 billion Yen (105.9 million Euro), compared to 14.1 billion Yen (95.7 million Euro) for the previous year.
Net sales for the quarter reached 130.9 billion Yen (888.9 million Euro), up a massive 85 per cent on the 70.7 billion Yen for the same quarter a year earlier.
It's been suggested that the ongoing success of the DS and the recently introduced DS Lite have been responsible for growing the Japanese gaming market by 30 per cent - and the handheld has also performed well in the West.
After a positive US launch for the DS Lite, the company brought the redesigned handheld to Europe, shifting in excess of 200,000 units in the first ten days after launch.
As a result, Nintendo has significantly raised its full fiscal year forecast for the period ending March 31st, 2007. The company is projecting annual profits of 83 billion Yen (563.3 million Euro), compared to its earlier forecast of 65 billion Yen (441 million Euro).
Net sales are predicted to reach 640 billion Yen (4.4 billion Euro), up 40 billion Yen on earlier estimates from the firm.
Nintendo is committed to expanding the reach of the gaming market with the introduction of its novel gameplay ideas and controller innovations such as the touch-screen device, and looks set to further expand its reach with the forthcoming release of its low-cost, high innovation games console, the Nintendo Wii.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba updated his Colecovision emulator for the GBA (Also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player)
Heres whats new:
*Added "Go Multiboot" menu option.
*Added menu option for disabling background/sprites.
*Fixed multiboot transfer.
*Optimised tiledecoding.
*Optimised some of the SBC instructions.
*Optimised IO port access.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what he said
Two out of three of the players have bet you don't need it. Nintendo has bet you don't even need HD for the next five years.
Nintendo's perspective has always been different. The platforms that are being built now are not just game consoles. You use it for all kinds of other kinds of applications. In the case of Nintendo, they wanted to build a game console. They built a wonderful game device. Their focus is games and enjoyment. They will be myopically focused on that. I think that is terrific. Their perspective is different from the other two. If I'm going to buy a next-generation game console, I'm going to want next-generation media.
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July 24th, 2006, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
Starting Now at Game Stores in the UK, heres the details:
Q. What's this Nintendo 24 Hour Spectacular! business all about then?
A. Simple, it's a great deal, every hour, for 24 hours, where all deals will relate to Nintendo. The golden rule to bear in mind is when its gone, its gone.
Q. These offers end a bit quickly don't they? How do I take advantage?
A. If you're one of the of customers who completes checkout before either the stock or the time runs out then you'll have grabbed a great bargain! Remember that thousands of people are watching the event ready to jump on these offers - and not everyone is going to be able to do so.
Q. How do I buy a product from the promotion?
A. Hit the "Buy" button and follow the checkout process through as you normally would - if you haven't used it before, don't worry, it's easy to follow.
Q. One minute it said there were 50 units left, but the next thing I know they've all gone!?
A. The stock ticker updates as people buy items from the sale, but you need to hit "Refresh" on your browser in order to see the latest information.
Q. Can I buy more than one unit of an offer?
A. No, not of the same offer - it's limited to one per customer. The system just won't allow you to buy two or more of one product. However, you can, of course, take advantage of as many different offers as you want to. .
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July 24th, 2006, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Jimmy L Posted this news on his site:
Wow, It's been a while since I've done an update. As you may know, we won the ndshb WiFi Game Competition with our entry 'Explosive Gas' earlier this month. If you haven't seen it already, you can check it out here, and if you have, I've posted an update that fixes a couple of network issues and a client side crash bug.
I also fixed a bug in my ima2raw tool that melw, over on the gbadev forums, noticed. Files that were converted were coming out up to 1k larger than the originals. So if you're using this tool(which I doubt you are  ), go grab the update, your games will be slightly smaller.
Heres some info about the Explosive Gas Game
The game is fairly straightforward, be the last man standing(and not on fire) to get a point. The controls are simple as well, use the d-pad to move around, and hit any button to drop a bottle of hooch. When you start the game you can only drop one bottle and the flames from the explosion will only travel one square. Two powerups can be found in the old boxes and crates that are lying around, a can of gas, which will increase the range of your flames, and a two-four, which will allow you to drop more bottles at once.
In order to host a game, you'll need to have your router forward port 9999 to your ds. You can find the ip address of your ds on the wifi menu screen in the game. If you don't have port 9999 being forwarded to your ds, you can still host a LAN game, just be sure that the other ds's that try to join use the 'Join LAN game' option rather than the 'Join Game' option in the menus.
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July 25th, 2006, 12:22 Posted By: scorpei
Hi all,
As I promised, I would give a special treat to my WMB/WifiMe howto at the end of this month.
I wonder if anyone (that I didn't tell in advance) can guess what it is.
I've made 5 video's showing how to set up your system (starting from part4B, Booting VMplayer/Knoppix) for the Windows/Knoppix/No-Os installed/Everything that runs VMplayer part of my howto.
I hope you will all like this addition, and that it will help clear things for you.
Thus making it easier for you all to WMB/WifiMe with your Nintendo USB stick (or any other compatible rt2500usb/rt2570 device)!
Link: here.
Special thanks go to ratx, who is mirroring the video's for me at this time!
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July 25th, 2006, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
According to Nintendo, since its launch on November 24 2004, the DS has sold more than 21 million units. Apparently, that equates to 23 units per minute, or one-ish every two seconds.
Needless to say, Nintendo's pretty chuffed with itself, with NoA senior vice president George Harrison gushing, "We're thrilled to be announcing this milestone today, especially since Nintendo DS was North America's top-selling video game system of any type in June. We attribute this success to Nintendo's overall strategy of offering something for everyone - from five-year-olds caring for their Nintendogs to 65-year-olds tuning their mental agility with Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day."
With DS sales ballooning further, thanks to the recently released - and rather luscious - DS Lite, Nintendo has seen a revenue increase of 85 percent for the period of April to June this year, compared to the same timeframe in 2005. That, number crunchers, means a rise to 130.9 billion yen (1.1 billion USD), from 70.7 billion yen (605.9 million USD). Profits-wise, Nintendo has seen a Q1 increase of 10.2 percent from last year, with the figure rising from 14.1 billion yen (120.8 million USD) to 15.6 billion yen (133.6 million USD).
With Nintendo predicting its forthcoming Wii console will flog six million units between release and next March - alongside 17 million Wii games - things are looking rosy for the company right now. Reports that Satoru Iwata is going out for a curry with his mates to celebrate are currently unfounded.
via CVG
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July 25th, 2006, 15:14 Posted By: wraggster
New From Divineo China

This stand for NDS Lite is also a charger that features a super bright Red Led effect when charging your NDS Lite. It also can store up to 10 NDS Lite game cards.
Available in Enamel Navy, Ceramic White and Charcoal Black colors. Please select your preferred color in the comment box of the checkout.
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July 25th, 2006, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
The creator of the DS music composer Electroplankton has come up with a new harebrained scheme that could be the best thing to happen to music since the stylophone.
Together with Yamaha, Toshio Iwai is developing the Tenori-On - which translates as "palmtop sound". It's a big square thingy, basically, containing a 16 by 16 grid of LED buttons. Each time you press a button, it'll light up and play a sound - and if you keep pressing it, the sound will repeat.
"I want to handle both light and sound simultaneously and pleasantly," Iwai states on the Tenori-On website. Don't we all.
"I have, in collaboration with Yamaha, been developing Tenori-On with particular attention being given to the beauty of the light and sounds, the ease of performance, and as a musical instrument for the future, the design and quality of the product as a whole."
Apparently Tenori-On is still in development, but it's in good enough shape for Iwai to use in his musical performances.
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July 25th, 2006, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS game released.

Probably one of the first games announced for the Nintendo DS, Jinsei Game was cancelled by Atlus during its developpement process but finally made it to the Nintendo DS. Jinsei Game DS is based on the internationally successful Jinsei Game series and lets players compete in a virtual version of the board game.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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July 25th, 2006, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS game released.

Crash Bandicoot Festival is the latest episode in the Crash Bandicoot game series. This new episode which commemorates the 10 years of Crash Bandicoot is a paty game featuring dozens of mini-games to enjoy with your friends thanks to the NDS wireless capabilities.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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July 25th, 2006, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS game released.

From the makers of Final Fantasy, curiously enough, comes this 3D basketball game starring Mario and party. Drop it through the hoop as you play with control primarily played with the DS stylus and touchscreen for ball handling. The game features special moves for Mario, Luigi, Peach and others, and includes power-ups such as the ability to turn enemies into coins.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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July 25th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
We're big fans of Star Wars here on CVG, despite the rather lame latter day Johnny-come-lately Episodes I-III. Anyway you may remember from way back when (okay E3, although it seems an eternity ago now) that we broke a rather tasty exclusive on the new Darth Vader/Star Wars next-gen game currently underway at LucasArts.
If you don't, you can check out the goods - including some rather gorgeous concept art and sinister Vader pics - elsewhere on the site. However, those lovely concept paintings aside, info on Vader's been locked down tighter than a drum, with little emerging on the title other than the info we gleaned at E3.
Until today that is, when that doyen of modern video watching (which we boldly predict will eventually make conventional telly obsolete) YouTube.com has come up with some spectacular pre-vis concept footage for the next-gen title. Our Rebellion spies tell us that this is the actual footage which was presented to George Lucas himself when LucasArts was pitching the game. So now you can see what George did, before presumably giving it a big thumbs up.
with Jedi scattering Stormtroopers to the winds, duffing up TIE fighters and generally giving a thorough exhibition of their force-ful powers. Okay it's probably a fair ol' way from the finished article, but certainly gives a reasonable indication of what next-gen Star Wars may look like.
More Star Wars next-gen goodies coming soon we hope. Our advice? Probably best to view it now before LucasArts has it hauled down.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Source: Several product listings on major game retail and rental Web sites (see below).
The official story: "We can't comment at this time."--Midway rep.
What we heard: Though they may now hold respectable jobs and/or be pillars of the community, many gamers in their late 20s and early 30s grew up dreaming of laying waste to major metropolitan centers. These youthful fantasies came courtesy of Rampage, the Midway Games arcade classic that put players in the oversized paws of one of three giant monsters: the King Kong-esque ape George, the Godzilla-esque reptile Lizze, and the oversized werewolf Ralph. Its gameplay comprised climbing skyscrapers, smashing foundations, crushing military vehicles and eating any hapless humans which cross said monsters' path.
The title was a solid hit in arcades from its 1986 introduction well until the 1990s and beyond--a functional unit attracted crowds in San Francisco's North Beach district until it died in 2004. However, console versions of the franchise have had a rather spotty record. Rampage World Tour (PlayStation, Saturn, Nintendo 64, and Game Boy Color) garnered mediocre reviews when it hit stories in 1997 and 1998, as did Rampage 2: Universal Tour (PlayStation, N64, and GBC) in 1999, Rampage Through Time (PS), and Rampage Puzzle Attack (GBA) in 2001.
Besides a poorly received 2005 GBA port of the original game, the Rampage franchise lay fallow until this April, when Midway released Rampage: Total Destruction for the GameCube and PlayStation 2. Though the game also garnered a lukewarm response from reviewers, it now appears the revamped version of the monster mash will be making its way to next-generation consoles--and a certain popular handheld.
According to retail-posting product listings on CD Universe and GameFly, Rampage: Total Destruction is coming to the Nintendo Wii. Though neither listing had any details on the game, it is almost certain that it would take advantage of the next-generation console's motion-sensing controller, which would in turn transform adults pushing 34 into stomping, jabbering Gorgo wannabes in their living rooms. For those who would prefer to crush buildings on the go, GameFly is also listing Rampage: Total Destruction as coming to the Nintendo DS, Nintendo's dual-screen handheld.
So will Rampage tear it up on Nintendo's latest gadgets by year's end? Though Midway wouldn't comment, a source close to the publisher strongly hinted that both versions would be announced shortly. "It won't be long now, " he or she said, essentially confirming that Midway, having already announced Ant Bully for the next-gen console, is joining the third-party rush to jump on the Wii-wagon by year's end.
Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: Mazza
The Supercard Team sent this email to their distributors,
I am glad to tell you that our new product SuperCard Lite (MicroSD) will released soon. You can order at this moment, and we can ship to you before our release date. So, we can begin to sell SuperCard Lite at the same time all over the world.
SuperCard Lite Main Feature:
1. Use MicroSD Flash.
2. Can be insert into NDSL GBA slot without any stick out.
3. High Speed than SuperCard MiniSD and SuperCard SD version, running
DS game almost whithout any break when using high speed MicroSD Flash.
We are making the website of SuperCard Lite, I hope can finish it soon.
This news is pretty old but we have some pictures although I can't confirm they are real, check them out after the jump.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
In a portable games press release out today, Nintendo beckoned the blogosphere to bite the following speculation: "Perhaps the secret to the launch information for Wii is somehow encoded in the text of this news item." The bait has been taken. Gaming Target writes:
The fourth quarter begins on October 1. Now look at the list. At least one game is released every Monday in the fourth quarter except for the following dates: October 2, November 20 and November 27. November 27 is after Black Friday, so it's out. November 20 is after the launch of the PS3, so that's out too. That leaves us with October 2. The Wii will launch on October 2.
We like their sound decoding work but heaven forbid the company decides to release the console on the same day as another platform game.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Linkers4u.com have announced they are taking preorders for the new SuperCard Lite which is shipping on the 28th July, heres the info and screens etc:

Price is $43
Product Features
Use MicroSD Flash
Compatible to SuperKey, SuperPass, Max media Launcher...etc.
Higher Speed than SuperCard MiniSD and SuperCard SD version
Fits into NDSL gba slot PERFECTLY
More Description
SuperCard Lite (MicroSD) is Specially designed for NDS Lite Consoles. For backuping files it uses MicroSD card. It allows you to run a variety of software, Play Game, Watch movie, E-book, Music and Photo albums. Super Card is easy to operate. Just use the bundled software to convert NDS games/HomeBrews and copy them to MicroSD card. Then, you are ready to enjoy the games. *SuperCard Lite is designed for NDSL consoles only.* *SuperCard Lite must be work with PassMe device in order to play NDS games/HomeBrews, e.g. SuperKey, Max Media Launcher...etc.*
Interesting it uses MicroSD - same as my new phone 
Preorder at Linkers4u.com
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July 25th, 2006, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
Lazyone has released the first Alpha test version of his Mini Vmac Macintosh emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres the info from the release:
The zip file linked to below contains:
Mini vMac application file (minivmac.nds)
50MB Disk image with System 6.0.8 installed and a few utilities and games (mac_hd.img)
Readme.txt (something which you must read first)
Ofcourse you will need to supply your own Macintosh Plus rom inorder for this to do anything, and must have a device supported by chishm’s FAT library.
The archive is around 8mb, all files ( including the rom ) must go in the root of your memory device.
If you would like to donate some spare change towards a supercard CF please use the link on the right.
It may help me support 4mb emulation aswell as increase compatibility of all homebrew I develop.
Target amount is $45 CDN, I will pay for all taxes and shipping.
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July 25th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
A leaked listing of games for Wii has revealed that Wii games will be priced at 49$, check out the listing via Comments
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July 25th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from Nintendo:
The fourth quarter of 2006 will herald a new era for Nintendo with the launch of its remarkable new Wii™ home video game system. But that's not what this news item is about! How could that be, you ask? Perhaps the secret to the launch information for Wii is somehow encoded in the text of this news item. You might want to pore over it for a few hours before staying up all night to debate phraseology and comma placement with your friends online. Or maybe it's all just a scam to get you to read the other games we have launching this fall. One of the two.
As the weather cools down, the Nintendo portable game offerings heat up. FINAL FANTASY® V ADVANCE makes its way to Game Boy® Advance SP on Nov. 6. As series go, Final Fantasy is to video games what James Bond is to movies. Final Fantasy loyalists will enjoy an opportunity to debate which installment was best.
Nintendo DS™ owners are the big winners. Every week or so, another huge DS title hits, from the Touch Generations title Clubhouse Games™ to fan favorites like Elite Beat Agents™ and Yoshi's Island™ 2. Clearly a gamer's idea of paradise, here is Nintendo's upcoming DS lineup:
Oct. 9: Clubhouse Games™
Oct. 16: Nintendogs™ (Dalmatian)
Oct. 23: Magical Starsign™
Oct. 30: Pokémon® Ranger
Oct. 30: Children of Mana®
Nov. 6: Elite Beat Agents™
Nov. 13: Yoshi's Island™ 2
Dec. 4: Custom Robo™ Arena
Dec. 4: Kirby™ Squeak Squad
And, for Nintendo GameCube™ owners, The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess will be available for you this fall. An enhanced version also will be a launch title for Wii. That will all happen on … Oh look, we're out of space.
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July 25th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Datel have released a new press release today about 2 products that are incoming for the DS, heres the info:
Action Replay DS Blows your Games Wide Open!
It's here - the handheld game enhancer you've all been waiting for. Action Replay DS gets right to the heart of your DS games and blows them wide open with Infinite Lives, Infinite Health, All Vehicles, All Levels and more. As well as cheats, you can also play around with goofy, weird enhancements like Giant Heads, Tiny Characters, Massive Jumps and all sorts of similar silliness. All you need to do is enter one of our special cheat codes from CodeJunkies.com, swap the AR card for your Game card and you're away - you can play with cheats and enhancements the programmers never wanted you to have.
Action Replay DS is really easy to use. All you need to do to activate one or more of the codes stored in your Action Replay card is insert it into your DS or DS Lite, and switch on. When it boots, remove the Action Replay card and replace it with your game card. The game is recognised by Action Replay, and you're offered a list of cheats to activate. These crazy codes have been cunningly cracked by Datel's dynamic dudes, who put in many hours making sure every DS game is trained and tamed. For example, codes for the ever-popular Mario Kart DS include Unlock All Nitro Courses, Unlock All Retro Courses and Unlock All Characters, Cars and Classes. You can Freeze Time, give yourself Power-Ups and Trophies, and bag instant Three-Star Ranks. You can opt to instantly complete any mission with a Three-Star Rank too. There are similarly-sensational enhancements for the rest of the DS roster too.
But what if there are no codes for your game stored on your Action Replay card? How do you enter the Action Replay codes into your AR for DS? After all, you must update your codes database when you buy a new game, right?
Well that's a doddle too. If you have an internet-enabled PC, just run the software app that was supplied with Action Replay DS, and connect your Action Replay to your PC's USB port using the supplied cable. You then press the 'Update' button to download the latest codes database, featuring every code ever cracked, to your Action Replay DS. Alternatively, you can download just the codes you need as XML files, and then transfer them to Action Replay through the app.
If you're into serious handheld gaming, Action Replay DS is a must. It's got everything you need to get to the heart of your game, letting you play them in ways the programmers never intended. And remember, just like the PS2 version, Action Replay DS is not just for cheating.
Action Replay DS : $24.99
Hot on the heels of Action Replay DS will be Trainer Toolkit for NDS, a
pro-level game hacking system intended for technically minded gamers/hackers that lets you hack your own codes for use with Action Replay DS. Using the PC trainer software and dev-board hardware, dedicated individuals can now earn the respect of the underground community as creators of truly awesome codes!
Codes can be shared by creating links that make them directly available in Action Replay DS's Code Manager software. Trainer Toolkit for NDS is coming soon - keep watching this space for details.
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July 25th, 2006, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
r.britt posted this news:
I've got a request for everyone who reads this journal and has a spare ten minutes... I'm interested in seeing different takes on the GUI layout for the game and how the interface should work - including key presses and stylus movements. A picture, something similar to what I did before, would be really cool, but whatever you can manage would be useful. Feel free to describe the picture too, and explain how the controls would work.
I want the game to have a level of customisability but I want the defaults to be really intuitive. I'd love to see what you all come up with! Either leave it as a comment here or email: nukomod@meatcity.co.uk
Any questions? Just comment 
More info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/
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July 25th, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Wintermute:
A second bugfix release of devkitARM is now available for download.
This release fixes the malloc problems with GBA code. The elf2flt code has now been removed due to user issues and the minor fact that it no longer works with an arm-eabi target. Some minor fixes have been made in the newlib stdio patches.
More info --> http://www.devkitpro.org/
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July 26th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese security software developer Digital Arts Inc. is now offering an Internet content-filtering service for the Nintendo DS Web Browser, according to Nikkei BP. Called i-Filter for the Nintendo DS Browser, the service promises to block Web sites that contain pornographic or other undesirable content for a monthly fee of 315 yen (about US $2.70).
The service uses the Nintendo DS browser's proxy feature to restrict access, eliminating the need to install separate software. Digital Arts claims it has blocked around 5.46 million sites, or over 163 million Web pages. Employees at Digital Arts choose which Web sites to blacklist by inspecting them firsthand--a method the company touts because it means that sites are less likely to be blocked indiscriminately.
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July 26th, 2006, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Joshua Zimmerman has posted a review of
Nintendos New DS Browser, heres an excerpt:
The game come in two parts. A regular DS game cartridge and a GBA game cartridge. Because of the size difference between the DS and the DS Lite, Nintendo has put out two separate boxes for this game with two separate sized GBA packs. As you can see my DS Lite GBA pack is clear and funky looking. I guess your meant to keep the GBA pack in at all times. Whatever Nintendo.
The Opera browser asks you a bunch of question the first time you put it in, most of which I didn't understand because I suck at Japanese. If you already have configured wireless spots on your DS the game will see these settings and try to connect to one of these spots. If not, configuration is quite easy.
Heres the conclusion:
So overall the browser works. You can view webpage and do e-mail, though the lack of flash, sounds, and Messager services combined with its horrible slowness makes the browser a real disapointment. For 4,000¥ its not really worth it unless you're going to be around a lot of wi-fi spots and don't have a computer near you.
View the whole review HERE
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July 26th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
davr posted this news:
Minor update here, no new features. Only change from last version is I'm testing with the new alpha version of libfat. Currently loading is DISABLED as libfat does not support directory listing yet. If you want a fully functional version, please see this previous post.
I have tested saving on GBAMP and Supercard CF. Please, test it on your devices and let me know if saving works correctly. As I recieve reports, I will update the info below. Thanks.
Tested, working: GBAMP, Supercard CF
Tested, seems to create 0kb files? M3 SD
Untested, but should work on: M3 CF, Supercard SD, Neoflash MK2/3
Untested, may or may not work: Max Media Player/Dock, EFA2
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July 26th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Dynastab posted this:
Kinda got it to do what I wanted, but not really.
On a different note; I think I understand a lot of the theory behind the 2D core at this point. There are some questions that I have though, just looking for general procedures.
When you have one tileset and one map, how can you create a second, different map with the same tileset? How do you ensure that the tiles match up correctly on both maps? Re: gfx2gba and gimp efficiency.
How do you organize your image data in memory?
How do you maintain multiple sprites in memory?
What’s the deal with transparency and tiled bgs?
You don’t really need |BIT(15) color data in palette data do you?
Download Here --> http://dynastab.drunkencoders.com/?p=34
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July 26th, 2006, 11:22 Posted By: Mazza
We now have some hi res shots of the Supercard Lite and also one of it in the DS Lite and yes it does fit flush with a small black slot for the micro sd. Check out the pictures in the comments.
Damn that thang looks sexay! 
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July 26th, 2006, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have done a great hands on feature of the new Opera Browser for the Nintendo DS:

Yesterday evening, we received the first batch of the highly anticipated Opera Browser for Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite. While preorders are getting shipped out, we took the software for a test drive in our Wi-Fi enabled Gaming Room. New orders are welcome in the meantime, for US$ 49.90 only.
The Opera Browser comes in two separate parts, one cart for the Nintendo DS slot, another one for the GBA "accessory" port. The latter is actually the reason why there are two different versions depending if you got an original NDS or a Lite. The size is reduced with the Lite adapter so that it doesn't stick out of the handheld. The menu interface is available only in Japanese language and cannot be changed to English or any other tongue. It remains very easy to use for any import gamer though. As a matter of fact, the icons at the bottom of the screen are pretty self-explanatory. From left to right, it goes: Forward, Back, Refresh, History, URL Entry, Bookmarks, Find, Settings, Help, Screen Mode, Picture On/Off, Zoom, and Screen Switch. URL input can be performed in roman characters, simply typing on the virtual keyboard with the stylus. Everything is a touch away. No such thing as a language barrier on this title. Also, the cartridge is of course region free and will therefore work with any Nintendo DS system bought anywhere in the world, same as any Nintendo DS game.
Full article Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3872&lsaid=219793
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July 26th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
With the DS enjoying huge success at the moment, thanks to its mighty catalogue of quality titles, many are finally taking advantage of the system's region-free capabilities by importing games and avoiding the lengthy delays we frequently endure in Europe.
Now, Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing and corporate communications, Perrin Kaplan, has tackled the issue of possible region-free capabilities on the forthcoming Wii. Unfortunately, given Kaplan's somewhat acrobatic approach in response to the question, it's still unclear whether region-free Wii is a possibility - although it seems Nintendo is at least considering the issue.
Speaking to IGN on the subject of region-free, Kaplan explained, "Clearly, the success of Nintendo DS has offered a lot of lessons about what works in the marketplace -- and we certainly intend to keep our fans satisfied. For the Wii system, we are finalizing all the relevant details and will be making announcements in the coming months."
Kaplan continued, "We know that isn't what you all want to hear (or read) but at least we are being honest! We will share a lot of ways people can play globally, regionally, without boundaries. You're right that the region-free approach has proved to be a successful and attractive feature for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Nintendo DS -- we have even blown the doors off our own anticipated numbers! Cost, ease-of-use and player privacy are the three things that were a focus for us with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Those priorities also will apply to the Wii system."
Of course, you could argue that Kaplan deliberately misunderstood the question, seemingly interpreting the notion of region-free as 'being able to play against people anywhere in the world'. Still, as vague as the whole thing is, it's still nice to think that we might finally be able to enjoy games from all markets without the arduous wait often imposed by Nintendo's European arm.
Of course, for a definite answer to the region-free question, we'll just have to wait until Nintendo is ready to spill its mighty satchel of Wii beans this September. Bah.
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July 26th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Nintendo of America has outlined its DS release schedule for the fourth and final quarter of the year, and since it features several games absent from Nintendo of Europe's recent counterpart and you'll be wanting to import them, you'd best pay attention.
Not content with that, and perhaps aware how tedious July can be, Nintendo's even teasing us about the Wii release date. "Perhaps the secret to the launch information for Wii is somehow encoded in the text of this news item. You might want to pore over it for a few hours before staying up all night to debate phraseology and comma placement with your friends online. Or maybe it's all just a scam to get you to read the other games we have launching this fall. One of the two," the text reads. Those jokers.
RPG fans are surprisingly well represented, to kick off, with Magical Starsign (the second of the Japanese Magical Vacation games, fact fans) due out on October 23rd, and Children of Mana turning up on October 30th, as keen date-spotters already know.
Those of you who had Yoshi's Island 2 pencilled into their diaries on December 1st, its European release date, may also wish to revise, as it's out a little earlier in the US on November 13th.
Good news for fans of brilliant Japanese rhythm-action import Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, too, because iNiS' westernised sequel Elite Beat Agents will be with the yanks on November 6th.
Other games you might want to talk to your importer about include Pokémon Ranger, which is out on October 30th and not to be confused with the DS and GBA Pokémon Mystery Dungeon titles we'll be receiving over here on November 10th.
Then there's Custom Robo Arena, which is listed as December 4th, which is also the day when, if your eyesight's really impressive, you can expect to see Kirby Squeak Squad materialising on American shop shelves. The latter was shown briefly during Nintendo's E3 conference, you may recall, and is more of a traditional platformer than its DS predecessor Kirby: Canvas Curse/Magical Paintbrush. Let's hope it can maintain the quality level.
Finally, there's also Clubhouse Games on October 9th, but that's better known to us in the land of the really annoying sun as "42 All-Time Classics", and since we'll be getting it on September 29th there's really no need to charter a jet. The same goes for Nintendogs Dalmatian edition, which ships on October 16th in the US and is already out here.
Finally, it's worth noting that Nintendo is promising The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for GameCube will show up in the US during fall, i.e. autumn, which means we can expect it before the end of the year basically - no surprises there.
Here then, in its entirety, is the US DS schedule announced by Nintendo of America:
Clubhouse Games - October 9th
Nintendogs Dalmatian edition - October 16th
Magical Starsign - October 23rd
Pokemon Ranger - October 30th
Children of Mana - October 30th
Elite Beat Agents - November 6th
Yoshi's Island 2 - November 13th
Custom Robo Arena - December 4th
Kirby Squeak Squad - December 4th
Aaand just to save you looking it up again, here's the recently announced Nintendo of Europe DS release schedule for the same period:
42 All-Time Classics - September 29th
Nintendo DS Browser - October 6th
English Training: Have fun improving your skills - October 13th
Sudoku Master - October 27th
Actionloop - October 27th
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - November 10th
Mario Slam Basketball - November 10th
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - November 24th
Yoshi's Island 2 - December 1st
Harvest Moon DS - Q4
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July 26th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has recently released its 2006 DS line-up for the US and, while it is an undeniably exciting list, there is one game that's conspicuously absent - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
The beautiful looking adventure is a continuation of the Wind Waker story which finds Link lost and alone at sea, and promises innovative control of the elf with the stylus and touch-screen.
Phantom Hourglass was playable at this year's E3 and was down for a winter 2006 release but hasn't appeared on Nintendo's latest US release schedule,
So far there's been no official comment from Nintendo about Zelda's absence, but hopefully it's only a minor delay and we can look forward to the Phantom Hourglass early next year.
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July 26th, 2006, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Scott has updated his Civilisations type game for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
Twin Isles is a Civilization/SimCity-type game that I'm working on for the Nintendo DS. Second release. You'll need a homebrew enabled DS to be able to run it.
Since the first release:
Single Player Scenarios
Techtree has been balanced, new techs added
War, and Missle Launches
CPU player to play against
Save/load functionality
... and lots of other minor stuff
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July 27th, 2006, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Well, if we were a patient suffering from some hideous, incurable disease, the last thing we'd want is some rookie doc fumbling around our insides with a giant nunchuk controller. But if you play the Wii's Trauma Center: Second Opinion, that won't be far from the deal. Thankfully though, you'll be the doc...
The game - technically a 'remake' of the acclaimed DS surgery sim - was announced back in May, but it's only now that details are leaking, courtesy of Famitsu. You'll be catapulted into the year 2018, starring as young surgery upstart Kousuke Tsukimori in a bid to save humanity against the fatal disease Guilth, which is apparently even worse than man or bird flu. (Shock!).
As we say, the game is more a Wii-only remake of the DS version rather than a bona-fide sequel. You'll reportedly get far more action-oriented gameplay, with the Wii 'nunchuk' enabling you to perform precision cuts. There will eight tools for you to 'muck' around with, with various actions, such as dabbing and using tweezers, beefing up the gameplay.
There will also be new surgical procedures, including heart ops and broken bones, nurses yelling instructions and three difficulty levels to challenge your surgical credentials.
Finally, the overall presentation is being upped a notch too, with more adult character designs and voices contributed by famous Japanese actors. Overall, it should rumble the pants of all video gaming Casualty/Holby City addicts out there. It's currently slated for a release in Japan later this year.
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July 27th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
We're always up for a bit of Mario platforming action, so we'll certainly be giving our Gamecubes a dusting-off when Super Paper Mario arrives later this year.
Mario's final Cube outing (or at least, we think it is) takes the old school 2D Mario formula and mixes it up with some 3D environments, and RPG elements swiped from the other Paper Mario games. This time around Mario's not going solo; you can also play as Peach and Bowsert too and by the looks of these screenshots, we reckon you'll be able to switch between them on the fly.
Super Paper Mario is out on October 9 in the US, with a European release hopefully following shortly thereafter.
Screens Here
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July 27th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
After taking a bit of departure in Rare's Starfox Adventures and receiving a disappointing shooter effort from Namco, we're hoping that the new DS offering, Star Fox Command, will signal a return to form for Nintendo's veteran space shooter series.
Releasing for DS in just a few months time, 'Command adds a few interesting features to the tried and tested Star Fox formula, including taking advantage of the DS hardware for touch-screen flight controls. Using a new commander view you can now look at the action from a top-down map perspective, and using the stylus draw flight routes across the map for yourself and your team mates. Obviously this adds a whole layer of strategy to the old Star Fox formula and the promise of multiplayer dogfights over Nintendo Wi-Fi also has us excited.
Star Fox Command is out in the US next month, with a European release following on October 20. We'll let you know how it turns out.
News and Screens at CVG
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July 27th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
All the back orders will be shipped at once , new orders will be shipped in 3 days.

The G6 Lite *ENGLISH* is the flagship product from G6 Flash. It has internal memory and comes with 4G memory card (1G = 1 Giga bit = 1024 bit ). It supports both DS and GBA games but also includes emulators for playing FC, NES, SNES, GB, GBC, PCE, SEGA-MS & GG. The unit has a built in media player for playing the following formats:
- Dolby AC3 audio frequency file (*.AC3)
- target's file of DVD video (*.VOB)
- wave form sound file of Microsoft (*.WAV)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-2 file (*.MP2)
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 file (*.MP3)
- Real media file (*.RA, *.RM, *.RAM, *.RMVB)
- MPEG-1 media file (*.Mpeg, *.Mpg)
- MPEG-2 media file (*.M2V)
- Windows media file (*.AVI, *.ASF, *.WMA, *.WMV)
- VCD video file (*.DAT)
- QuickTime media file (*.MOV)
- MPEG-4 media file (*.AVI)
- DivX media file (*.AVI)
The G6 Lite also has a built in PDA program with full english menus
Buy at Divineo China
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July 27th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: scorpei
Hi all,

I've been at my PC all day but now I've updated my howto's again .
I now support the rt2500 (PCI) card (I have no rt2500 PCI card, so please report any bugs or etc. here or on the DSlinux forums) and have added a slow-system part/version of my howto.
If I am correct the rt2500 should be functional in newer versions of Knoppix.
I still use the same Linux WMB app with the rt2500, so maybe it helps compatibility.
The slow-system part/version requires no compiling to be done, shaving down a lot of time if you have a slower system.
Hope it helps some people!
Slow-system link.
Normal link.
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July 27th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is launching 42 All-Time Classics for DS on 29 September, the 'classics' being various card, board and parlour games such as poker, chess and draughts. And as the title suggests, there're 42 of them.
Each of the games makes use of the handheld's unique touch-screen function making games like backgammon, darts and snooker easier to play than ever before.
Multiplayer is available for most of the games, with some enabling eight players to compete at once using DS's WiFi connectivity.
To make the most of the multiplayer contest, All-Time Classics will have a built-in Picto Chat function so you can send and receive messages from your rivals. This means you can trash talk during chess or bluff during Texas Hold 'Em.
Via Gamesradar
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July 27th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is considering the option of making Wii region-free and therefore allowing Japanese and US versions of Wii games to play on UK consoles.
Nintendo will "share a lot of ways people can play globally, regionally, without boundaries," Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing and corporate communications at Nintendo of America, revealed in an online interview, when quizzed about the possibility of a region-free console.
She also admitted that Nintendo could learn a lot from the success of the region-free DS, saying that it showed them what works in the marketplace and then said that Nintendo "intends to keep [its] fans satisfied".
While the answers were intentionally vague, it's interesting that the notion was not dismissed out of hand.
It must be noted that Nintendo handhelds Game Boy and Game Boy Advance were both region-free, while the Nintendo consoles that were out at the same time were not; so the fact that DS is region-free isn't the sign of a new trend. But it does seem that Nintendo is registering that a region-free format can make for a more successful format.
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July 27th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Add Gearbox (Brothers in Arms series) to the growing list of third party Wii developers. Speaking with IGN, company president Randy Pitchford confirmed, "Gearbox Software is enthusiastically supporting the Wii."
Currently, Gearbox is developing Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway for PS3 and Xbox 360. It's unclear if a version of this same title will be released for Wii -- similar to what's being done with Call of Duty 3 -- or if Gearbox will design an entirely new game for Nintendo's console, which, if this is the case, will still likely be a Brothers in Arms installment. Several months ago, an alleged Ubisoft (publisher of Brothers in Arms) release list was leaked onto the internet and featured an unnamed Brothers in Arms title for Wii.
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July 27th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
It has emerged that Red Steel is likely to be the most expensive Wii launch game by a country mile, with the development budget for the well-received FPS running to an impressive 10 million Euros, about $12.7M or GBP £6.8 million. Which is quite a lot given most publishers are estimating overall dev costs for turning out a Wii game at less than half that amount.
The news comes via a French radio interview conducted with Ubisoft's Montreal development studio, which yielded little more than the rather impressive pricetag a major Wii game can command and that we can expect about 13 hours of end-to-end play in Red Steel's main single-player mode.
This will however come as very welcome news to Nintendo fans and everyone else eagerly awaiting the arrival of the low-priced and innovative machine later this year. There was a very real risk that the Wii would see a lot of cheaply-made (if very playable) gimmick software somewhat cynically churned out by publishers hoping to cash in on early adopters.
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July 27th, 2006, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS Lite may be one of the sleekest and sexiest handheld systems the company has ever released, but that doesn't mean it's the most durable. Or even unsusceptible to defects or design issues. The system has only been on the market for a little more than a month now in the US -- add another couple of months to that thanks to the earlier launch of the system in Japan. And in that time, tiny issues have sprouted up from the purchasers of the first generation units.
Don't consider yourself lucky if you've escaped the wrath of these defects with a pristine Nintendo DS system - perfection is the way it should be, and the chances are high that a perfect system is what you'll get. Status quo. Instead, consider yourself unlucky if you happen to find one or more of these symptoms in your handheld unit.
If you feel that you do have a defect, Nintendo of America's customer service is notoriously top-notch. Representatives will do everything in their power to make sure you're happy with your purchase, and if you do end up with a problematic Nintendo DS Lite system under its 12-month warranty. If it breaks on your own accord, you may be required to pay a repair fee. Contact information for Nintendo's customer service is located on the bottom of your Nintendo DS system.
Symptom: Dead pixels on one or both screens
Description: This is easily the most common of the handheld market, and it's not solely an issue with the Nintendo DS. Any LCD display is susceptible to an always off or always on pixel in its display, a defect that slips through the quality assurance check at the LCD manufacturing plant. The Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance SP, and PSP have had this issue since they hit the market - cellphone, computer desktop PC, and HDTV LCDs are also at risk.
"Dead" pixels can be black, white, red, green, blue - essentially a "dead" pixel is one where one of the millions of dots on the screen remains on or off even when it's supposed to be a specific color. They're noticeable on a very white or very black image, but stick out like a sore thumb because they don't move when the image does.
Recommendation: It's all depending on your tolerance for unmoving tiny dots, and where the dead pixel is located on the screen. Contact Nintendo's customer service if the pixel gets unnerving and distracting, or you have more than one to deal with.
Symptom: Cracked hinge.
Description: On the external portion of the Nintendo DS Lite system, a single - but obvious - crack will form along the hinge. According to sources, this is caused by an overtightening in the Nintendo DS Lite manufacturing process. It's a common defect, but in the swing of things, it's an uncommon occurrence.
Recommendation: The crack is only cosmetic on the plastic surrounding the hinge mechanism - it doesn't affect the integrity of the hinge itself. If the crack really affects you in a Tony Shaloub's Monk sort of way, then Nintendo will replace your system if you contact them.
Symptom: D-Pad has weak diagonals.
Description: The D-pad has four internal contact switches: up, down, left and right. In order for Nintendo DS games to recognize a diagonal direction from your thumb, it has to press two contacts at the same time: up + right, up + left, down + right, down + left. The Nintendo DS Lite system seems to require a little more pressure to activate a diagonal direction. If you let up on the pressure, even if the D-pad is still pressed into the system, your on-screen character may end up just going in one of the up/down/left/right directions.
Recommendation: Unfortunately, this is just the way the DS Lite's D-pad was built. Most of our systems have this issue. One of our systems in particular feels like it has a physical abnormality inside of the unit that causes a plastic-against-plastic "pop" effect. This is the extreme case - if your D-pad "pops," contact Nintendo for a replacement. Otherwise, just learn to press more firmly for the diagonals.
Symptom: Shifting Touch-screen
Description: Pressing on the corners or edges of the Nintendo DS touch screen will cause the panel to slightly "give" under the thumb. It's a slight, insignificant, but noticeable shift.
Recommendation: It's a harmless "settling" of the touch screen panel over the LCD screen that you shouldn't be concerned about. Though we've had a touch screen that eventually lost its sensitivity and it had to be replaced. If your Picto-Chat sessions start getting all screwy and scribbly that's not due to your lousy penmanship, contact Nintendo for a replacement/repair.
Symptom: Yellowish screen.
Description: One of the screens has a slightly yellower tint than the other.
Recommendation: Live with it. This is something that's only noticeable on bright white screens - like, say, the boot up screen where it displays the Nintendo DS logo and the Seizure warning on a flat white screen where you can compare the two displays on the same level. Two of our DS Lite systems have the differing coloration, but we only noticed it when a reader asked if we had the problem. Unless there's a drastic difference in contrast, you shouldn't worry.
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July 27th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Ben Harklin over at Nintendo Central has constructed a real (big) beauty: a semi-portable GameCube. He writes: "After a month of on-off work, I've finished my handheld Gamecube. Calling it a Portable Gamecube is an [overstatement] because I'm still tethered to the wall and it is still bulky and heavy."
And we thought the GameCube was known for its cute, little size. Hey, whatever it takes to play Smash Brothers on the go.
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July 27th, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Beyond DS:
Touch me (I'm famous) is a little homebrew game I developed for the Nintendo DS, making use of the touch screen feature. It's a combination between a shooting game and a rhythm game.
The song heard during the game is a sample from "Sweet euphemisms" by Soso.
- How to play
First of all, you have to hold the DS vertically, the same way as in Brain Training for instance. There is no "left-handed" mode at the moment, sorry about that (one day, maybe..).
The aim of the game is to blow everything up. To do so, you have to tap the enemies with your stylus, but always according to the rhythm: either on the beat (represented by the periodic flash effect), or on the back beat .
A "BOMB" shows up in case of success.
- Buttons
o Stylus : start the game, shoot enemies
o R : if pressed when starting the game, the background pictures will stay in black and white
- Score
o BOMB an enemy : +10 points
o TOUCH an enemy (without BOMB) : +3 points
o Multi-BOMB (several enemies BOMBed at once) : +20 points
o BOMB combo bonus : + 10 * maximum_BOMB_combo points
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July 27th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
ETk posted this news about his Megaman Clone for the DS:
The game menu with level selection is almost done, now you can select level, scroll down, see unlocked levels, etc.. I also have added the first boss ^^ .. no hp bar yet.
-Added: Game menu to select level, check hero status, etc..
-Added: Boss loader, etc.. all functions to play with a boss and move it
-Removed: level complete screen, it will go directly to shop now
-Fix: Hero's arm now blinks when hero does.
-Fix: Fixed collision with max X on map.
-Fix: Fixed arm position when using the stylus and moving to the wrong way..
-Fix: Sprites animations are paused when pausing the game.
-Most important Fix: After adding the level select menu. The game was running at very slow fps (3-6), after 1 hour I fixed that (phew..) optimizing and removing unneeded code 
-Added: First step to save data.
I still have to do a lot of things... List:
-Finish level select screen
-Add something to the upper screen for title screen, level select screen and 'in game' screen
-Add a shop
..and when I finish that.. this:
-Add more levels
-Add more monsters
-Add more bosses
-Add more weapons
-Add 1~3 skills
-Add sounds and music
More info --> http://etk.scener.org/
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July 27th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Jimmy L has released a new version of his game for the DS which fixes some bugs, heres the info about this game:
The game is fairly straightforward, be the last man standing(and not on fire) to get a point. The controls are simple as well, use the d-pad to move around, and hit any button to drop a bottle of hooch. When you start the game you can only drop one bottle and the flames from the explosion will only travel one square. Two powerups can be found in the old boxes and crates that are lying around, a can of gas, which will increase the range of your flames, and a two-four, which will allow you to drop more bottles at once.
In order to host a game, you'll need to have your router forward port 9999 to your ds. You can find the ip address of your ds on the wifi menu screen in the game. If you don't have port 9999 being forwarded to your ds, you can still host a LAN game, just be sure that the other ds's that try to join use the 'Join LAN game' option rather than the 'Join Game' option in the menus.
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July 27th, 2006, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Since Castlevania hit the Game Boy Advance just after the system's launch, it's been nothing but pure gold. Even Harmony of Dissonance, which is considered to be the weakest of the series, is still an amazing package that does the series justice. But while the GBA titles were great games, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for DS is the only one that, in this reporter's opinion, comes close to the pinnacle side-scrolling adventure game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. In fact, it's the pursuit of dethroning what is considered by many to be one of the world's greatest games - my personal favorite - that keeps the Castlevania series reaching to such heights, as we see it again in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
Whether or not this is will be your first Castlevania game or not, Portrait of Ruin is destined for greatness. Spring-boarding off the previous DS adventure, Portrait of Ruin again combines the now legendary gameplay that brought the Castlevania series into the next generation. Rather than sticking with level-based gameplay that was (despite the pun), very two-dimensional, Konami gave new life to the series by adding in a very balanced level up structure, free-roaming environments that feature some of the best adventure level design since Super Metroid, and a ton of diversity in gameplay. If a player wanted to go through the whole game bare knuckled, they could. If they wanted to focus on magic rather than steel, it was an option. The Castlevania series has morphed into the definitive "go anywhere, do anything" 2D series, and it's secured its place in history for it. Portrait of Run is no different from its predecessors, though it brings a different kind of variety to the table altogether
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July 28th, 2006, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
Seriously, everybody loves the Wii. What's more, with developer support for the console growing day by day, another major software house has stepped up to be counted - this time, Gearbox, developer of the acclaimed Brothers in Arms series.
Speaking to IGN, Gearbox's president Randy Pitchford revealed, "Gearbox Software is enthusiastically supporting the Wii." However, as for the kind of support we can expect from the company, Pitchford stated, "At this time, we don't have any announcements to make about specific games we may be developing for Wii."
Speaking about Nintendo's forthcoming console itself, Pitchford enthused, "I think it's great. I'm very much looking forward to playing." Furthermore, he offered his own take on the machine, from a developer's standpoint, "The strengths of the Nintendo Wii include the price, the unique interface, the sure-bet library of games based on the great Nintendo properties and the promise back catalogue of classic games from Nintendo and others that they have partnered with. The weaknesses of the system include its lower relative power when compared to other next-gen consoles and the unique interface requiring more dedicated focus specifically for the platform (which makes it more difficult to amortize larger AAA budgets across more customers from multiple platforms)."
Of course, while we still have no official word on which titles Gearbox will be bringing to Wii, we can't help but cast our minds back to earlier this year, when an apparently leaked Ubisoft release schedule noted a Wii-bound Brothers in Arms game was in the works. Given the publisher's support for the console so far, with Rayman and Red Steel both set to debut as Wii exclusives, it wouldn't surprise us if Ubisoft was indeed intent on bringing another of its major franchises to Nintendo's increasingly bulging next-gen game line-up.
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July 28th, 2006, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has released a new batch of screenshots showing off Red Steel, its Yakuza-based FPS with controller-waving Wii sword fighting action.
Going by our initial E3 play impressions, the first-person sword slashing and gun fighting offers something really different - to say the least, which is why we're really looking forward to getting our hands on the game when it releases alongside the Wii later this year.
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July 28th, 2006, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

A clear case to protect your Nintendo DS lite from scratches and shocks. Easy to set up, it allows you to play while console is protected.
Manufactured with non toxic soft plastic material!
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July 28th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster

Those lucky chaps over in Japan can now play the latest StarFox game for the Nintendo DS which gets released today, heres some info about the game: Thanks starfox wiki
The game will feature more than 30 missions.
There will be multiplayer co-op and competitive game modes for up to six players on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or eight players locally.
Similar to the canceled game Star Fox 2, each wingman appears to have his/her own unique spacecraft.
The player can plan his and her wingmates' routes using the touch screen.
Boosts and loops will be performed by touching virtual buttons on the touch screen.
The game will utilize the DS rumble pack.
Star Fox Command will feature voice acting, at least in the Japanese version.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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July 28th, 2006, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia, all the following for DS/DS Lite:
DS Lite Tamagotchi Bag (blue) US$ 14.90
DS Lite Tamagotchi Bag (pink) US$ 14.90
DS Lite Tamagotchi Bag (white) US$ 14.90
DS Lite Tamagotchi Protective Seal and Stickers: Vol.1 US$ 6.99
DS Lite Tamagotchi Protective Seal and Stickers: Vol.2 US$ 6.99
DS Lite Tamagotchi Protective Seal and Stickers: Vol.3 US$ 6.99
Tamagotchi Card Case DS: Vol.1 US$ 6.99
Tamagotchi Card Case DS: Vol.2 US$ 6.99
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 28th, 2006, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Spong
Whilst there have been third party combined microphone/earphone DS headsets on the market for some time, SPOnG is happy to finally see Nintendo’s own offering, which releases in Japan on September 14.
Finally, we will be able to use chat-enabled games and microphone-enabled DS games on public transport, without looking like Rosemary, the telephonist from Hong Kong Phooey (if you are not sure what we mean, check out the pic to the right of the lady wearing Datel’s DS headset).
So, if you, like SPOnG have been having problems with playing games such as Nintendogs and Metroid Prime Hunters in public spaces (whilst slyly whispering into the DS’s microphone) you need worry no more. However, we cannot be held responsible for how other people on the bus or the tube might respond to you petting your virtual dog or smack talking with your mates on Metroid.
We put a call in to Nintendo UK to find out about a planned European release date and a few more technical specs for the headset (we presume the downside of this is that it transforms your DS’s stereo sound into mono). However all we got back from Nintendo was the usual, “We have made no announcement yet on this.”
Never mind, it’s only a headset. You’ll can get one on import come September. In the meantime, keep whispering.
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July 28th, 2006, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
The new screens featured in today's article are representative of the Wii version, which is the farthest along. Although Nintendo's console is not as powerful as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, it does have an edge over the current generation, and Ancel believes that Ubisoft will be able to deliver a beautiful experience. "We did a lot of good looking games on this generation of graphics processors," he explained to Nintendo Power. "The Wii hardware is more powerful than those, so that's good enough for us." The team is concentrating less on polygonal benchmarks and putting its artistic foot forward for Raving Rabbids, and the in-game shots really do speak for themselves.
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July 28th, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
wosret has released a new version of Nethack for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
The configuration-file option hilite_pet now works.
Commands can be assigned to the A, B, X, Y, Select, and Start buttons and also L+[button], R+[button], and L+R+[button]. A command can be up to 15 keypresses long (modifier keys do not count, so Ctrl-A, Alt-A, etc. all count as one keypress). To assign a command to a button, press Alt-B at any time during the game.
The screen is now redrawn only when something changes instead of every frame. If you notice that the screen does not update correctly in certain parts of the game, let me know at wosret@gmail.com.
The game should detect a DS Lite and switch the font on the top screen if it detects one. If it does not work and the text is still blurry, tap the bottom-right corner of the screen anytime after you enter your name or create a file called "swapfont" in the NetHack directory of your CF or SD card. The font now automatically be switched every time you start the game.
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July 28th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
I tested both of these out with a Supercard, and an M3, and it works beautifully! It really is so simple to use, even the technically challenged can do it. All you do is plug this thing in the top, put your favourite flashcard in the bottom and you’re away! Both carts tested sit flush with the DS just like a regular cart. Booting up the DS with the switch on ‘GBA’ boots directly into the respective menus on the Supercard/M3 cards that were tested. If you have an MK2/3, which goes through the NDS slot, you can flick the tiny switch on the MK4, which boots directly into NDS mode. You can then select to boot to the MK4-mini/4 where a simple menu allows you to either boot into GBA mode again, or swap the MK4 in the slot for an MK2/3 device.
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July 28th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Much of the coverage of the next-gen skirmish so far has focused on Sony and Microsoft. The already-impressive Xbox Live vs. the PS3. Just the same, for the first time in many years Nintendo is definitely in the running for top spot. About.com has a piece looking at what the big N is bringing to the next-gen party this November. From the article:
"While Nintendo is trend setting with controllers like the Wiimote and, to a lesser extent, the nunchaku dongle, other companies will be following along. Nintendo's game plan from the genesis of the Wii has been touch and gamer-friendly games. They see the future of gaming in the Wiimote. Everyone else, at this point, seems to be just catching up."
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July 28th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Business Week Online, there's a fairly good breakdown of the impending launch showdown between Nintendo's Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3. Based purely on stats and current trends, Business Week predicts the Wii may possibly outshine the PS3 at launch in ways that maybe weren't foreseen when both consoles were originally announced. As they say, "With sales and profits rising and its share price at a four-and-a-half-year high, few would disagree that these are heady days for Nintendo."
To back up this rainbow road set up for Nintendo, BW points to the success of the DS vs. the PSP and also the development community's response to both companies. Some of those key factors noted in the article include:
Key to the DS's popularity has been Nintendo's knack of persuading people who wouldn't normally look at games to splurge on a DS.
Analysts add that the DS is also more popular with game designers. That's because the DS, with its dual screens, touch-screen technology, and voice recognition, offers something different from the PSP, which in many respects is a portable version of the PS2 with games to match.
And as with the DS, the Wii seems to appeal to gamemakers. In a recent survey, Famitsu, a Japanese game-industry publisher, asked software creators which platforms they would most like to create games for in the future. More respondents plumped for the Wii than any other platform. DS ranked second.
This is not to say Sony won't outsell the Wii as years pass, but all indications are that the Wii will come out with a bang. Anyone actually think the PS3 launch will be more successful at this point?
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July 28th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
The December 1991 issue of Nintendo Power was recently unearthed, revealing eerie similarities between lil' Jimmy Peterford's "ultimate game system" fantasy and Nintendo's forthcoming Wii. As it turns out, Peterford nailed the Super Mario Galaxy name and likely came within a few dollars of the actual Wii launch price with the $259.95 figure he offered up. But the connection between Peterford's seemingly innocent wish and Wii doesn't end there...
Digg commenter, EvolvedAnt, draws these additional parallels:
Peterford's prediction: "My fantasy game system would be a complex 512-bit system."
Wii: "...comes with 512 MB built-in flash memory."
Peterford: "It could display 27,876,992 colors at one time..."
Wii: "...can display 16.7 million colors."
Peterford: "...could play any game from any video game system that ever was..."
Wii: "Virtual Console."
Peterford: "There would be a miniature band inside that knew how to play any song!"
Wii: "Nintendo E3 2006 press conference started with a [virtual] band playing music that plays based off of the Wiimote." ['Wii Orchestra' tech demo]
Peterford: "You could even buy your own special chip that would allow you to make your own games for it!"
Wii: "Quote from http://wii.nintendo.com/hardware.html: 'It also will be home to new games conceived by indie developers whose creativity is larger than their budgets.'"
Peterford: "The system would come with six 27-button controllers..."
Wii: "If you count every button on the Wiimote, as well as Nunchuk, and include each axis of sensitivity for rotation, x, y, z as well as lateral movement sensitivity, as a separate method of input, you get a number very close to 27 if not on the dot."
Okay, so some of those parallels are a stretch, but heck, Nostradamus wasn't all that accurate either. Of course, the other explanation is that Nintendo stole the Wii concept from some kid out of Glen Cove, New York nearly 15 years ago. Alas, we'll never know...
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July 28th, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Give Nintendo props: Between the 'New Super Mario Bros.' big launch, reams of positive Wii press and killer sales on its iPod-inspired DS Lite, all's currently rosy in the Mushroom Kingdom. But as the DS Lite's ($129.99) June 11 launch -- two-thirds the original brick-sized handheld's dimensions, 20 percent less heavy and only half as likely to incite public ridicule -- illustrates, not every Nintendo launch has ranked so high in the public opinion.
Don't get us wrong. The same visionaries who delivered 'Metroid,' 'Star Fox' and Captain Lou Albano as a certain portly plumber know a hit when they see it. Still, for every innovation the legendary manufacturer has rocked our world with, there's an equally dirty skeleton in its closet that Nintendo's Reggie "Kick A$$ and Take Names" Fils-Aime and co. wish you’d forget.
In the spirit of love and remembrance, we recap the Big N’s rollercoaster of a resume. Here, you'll find Nintendo's finest (and not so fine) contributions to the interactive entertainment biz.
Full Article at AOL
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July 28th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Much like the recent Activision release schedule that featured three probable Wii launch titles, Ubisoft UK has confirmed a general release month for its high profile, day one shooter Red Steel. A press email sent out today clearly states: "Red Steel is set for release on the Nintendo Wii in November 2006."
So, following the logic: if a = b and b = c, then a = c, Wii will launch in November. There. We solved it! And whadaya know, that crabby ninth grade algebra teacher was actually right, math is applicable in the 'real world' -- even for video game blogging. Imagine that.
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July 29th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a NEW Wonderswan emulator for the PSP, heres the release info:
Surprise! A WonderSwan Color emulator for the GBA, it's actually not that much to cheer about as it's dead slow, but it works as far as playing Final Fantasy. To speed it up I need to rewrite the cpu core and even that will probably just make it slightly faster, so it looks like it's a dead end but I did give it a try
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July 29th, 2006, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
Source: Nintendo fan site Nintendo Now and game blog Kotaku, both using sources.
The official story: See below.
What we heard: Could it really be two whole months since the last worthwhile Wii rumor? The drought is apparently over, as two rumor-licious Wii tidbits are out and about.
The first comes by way of Nintendo Now, a Web site dedicated to Nintendo...now. Some of the site's authors milled about Nintendo's booth at the recent San Diego Comic-Con, and spoke to several people at the company's setup. One unnamed source dropped the bomb that there was "a strong possibility" that Nintendo would drop its own bombs at the Leipzig Game Convention, which takes place in Germany in late August.
With the Wii still fairly well veiled and launching sometime in Q4 this year, it's obvious that there are still plenty of details to be unleashed upon Nintendo's Wii-thirsty fans. The Leipzig Game Convention and September's Tokyo Game Show appear to be the obvious choices to pull back the curtain, so the likelihood of some news coming out of both shows isn't exactly a revelation, and is all but certain.
As far as a firm release date and pricing go, that will likely be held off until after Leipzig, as Nintendo brass have said that those bits of info will be disclosed in September.
The source also told Nintendo Now "definitively" that the company will hold its own show to demo the Wii, an idea that game blog Kotaku also picked up on. Kotaku's sources say the Wii will be the centerpiece of a cross-country tour to show off the console to the masses, with the idea being that hands-on time with the Wii will convince potential buyers to part with their cash and pick up the system.
As far as cross-country tours go, Nintendo has announced the Fusion Tour, which will "include a sneak peek at the Wii console" and feature some musical acts. However, the extent of the sneaking and peeking at the system (hands-on? Tech demos?) haven't been disclosed. A Nintendo rep would only say, "We haven't announced specific details yet but hope to in the weeks ahead."
Nintendo's marketing strategy with its new products has been "playing is believing,"--that is, give it a shot and you'll like it. At this year's Game Developers Conference, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told a tale about how the company, as an assignment, gave copies of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day to employees and had them show the game to friends and family members in order to drum up interest. The idea worked, and Iwata attempted to replicate that by giving attendees of the Nintendo GDC press conference their own copies of the game, with instructions to let others try it out.
Hands-on time with the Wii at E3 was particularly successful, and personal demos of the console seem to fit into Nintendo's strategy. Expect the Wii to be shaking hands and kissing babies all across the country later this year--however, it's unlikely it will be the musically focused Fusion Tour.
Bogus or not bogus?: Though nothing is official, this appears to be two scoops of not bogus.
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July 29th, 2006, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
Beginning October 3, gamers still handling Nintendo's Game Boy Advance can grab some of its best games for less. Nintendo is preparing a second round of reduced-price Player's Choice games for the GBA, a Nintendo representative told GameSpot.
The soon-to-be inducted games are The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (which includes the Four Swords), Mario Kart Super Circuit, Pokémon FireRed Version, Pokémon LeafGreen Version, and Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.
They join Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission, Megaman Battle Network, Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, Super Mario Advance, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3, which are already part of Nintendo's reduced-price hall of fame.
Recently, the DS has been Nintendo's star portable, racking up white-hot sales figures, including selling nearly 600,000 units during its first 19 days on sale in the United States. But the company's most successful platform is the venerable Game Boy Advance. To date, Nintendo has sold 75.8 million GBAs worldwide--a figure the company predicts will reach 77.6 million units by March 2007.
Still, DS gamers can get their paws on the new, cheaper GBA titles, because the Nintendo DS is backward compatible and can play Game Boy Advance games.
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July 29th, 2006, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
Just as we were about to sneak off to the pub for a Friday afternoon ‘sharpener’, Ubisoft go and spoil it all by sending us a load of new information on one of our most anticipated Wii launch titles, the mighty Red Steel.
We told you earlier this week that Red Steel is likely to be the most expensive Wii launch game by a country mile, costing a whopping €10million ($12.7M/ £6.8M) to make.
Many have it pegged as a key ‘make or break’ title for the platform. SPOnG hopes that the developers have cracked some of the problems they had with the gameplay mechanics back at E3, specifically the overly sensitive swordfighting sections of the game. If they manage to fix that issue, then this is going to be a major fps action title, to stand alongside Metroid in the Wii’s line-up.
Back to the game, and Ubi just sent us a load of new screens, some of which you can see here, and all of which you can see at SPOnG’s dedicated Red Steel page.
They also sent full details on the main characters in the game and on the storyline, which we’ll merely copy and paste and include in full right below these words, as we know you are probably as hungry as we are for as much Red Steel info as you can get.
ISAO SATO (Miyu’s father, an important Oyabun, saved by the hero in the first sequence)
Isao Sato is the father of Miyu, your fiancé. During a meeting in a Los Angeles restaurant, you help to prevent an attempt to assassinate him. He is Oyabun to one of the most important Tokyo families and, for the last several years, has attempted to carry out his business dealings in a more legal fashion. His sword, the Katana Giri, is the traditional symbol of Oyabun’s power in his family. The attackers fail at their attempt and kidnap Miyu, with hopes of putting pressure on him. Wounded during the attack, Sato hands his sword to you. Your promise is to return his daughter and your fiancé to him before he dies.
TOKAI (Main enemy)
Tokai is the main villain in Red Steel. A young Yakuza godfather (Oyabun), he is driven by a thirst for power and the desire to tear apart the Yakuza system. He is a brilliant archetype of modern change and wants, above all, to bring about the downfall of traditional constraints, in order to rise to power through illegal activities, in all possible markets. Despite his goals, his official stance is one of respect towards tradition. His attempt to take power hides a strong personal ambition and an implacable obsessive desire for revenge. To achieve his desires, he must have the Sato sword.
OTORI (Your Japanese mentor)
Your first contact in Japan, Otori will become a veritable mentor. An ex-Yakuza who left the organisation for moral reasons and for his daughter, Mariko’s, future, he owns a Dojo, where you will spend a lot of time. Along with other traditional martial arts, he is a sword master and will share his wealth of knowledge with you. For him, the sword is not a weapon, but a necessary tool in learning self-mastery. The reasons for using it must be noble and justified. Having already been involved with the Japanese mafia, he refuses to help you directly, by implicating himself in that world.
HARRY TANNER (Boss of the Club)
Tanner is your first real link with the Japanese underworld. He runs a club in which the Yakuzas spend a lot of time and has quite a few connections with them. Because he is a victim of Tokai’s campaign and is friends with Sato, he agrees to help you in your quest. Tanner organises a meeting with the distressed Yakuzas. You will often return to see him in the night club, to obtain information and for weapons training.
His club attracts not only the Yakuzas, but also members of the jet set, who enjoy slumming it in a decor which contrasts modern Japanese design with the by-gone charm of the American gangster era. The main attraction is a private shooting range where VIPs come to have fun and test any weapon they like, with the advice of the revered Kajima.
MOTHER REIKO (Legitimate Geisha Boss)
Mother Reiko is one of the Yakuzas who meets in Harry’s club. Shocked by the disappearance of Sato, she comes to ask you to free the Geisha neighbourhoods from the clutches of “Mama San” and Tokai’s pimps.
MAMA SAN (Tokai’s Mistress)
Mama San is Tokai’s mistress. Head of the Geisha district, in the chaos following Sato’s kidnapping, she elegantly manages to change some of the Geishas’ strict esthetic codes, modernising their look and making them sexier. Beautiful, but venomous and fatal, they become the modern “female Yakuzas”.
Mama San recruits shibouya girls (bad girls in the Shibouya Street) in the street to work for her.
KENZO (Financial Clan boss)
Kenzo is the boss of the Shiba Financial Group bank. Although he is powerful, he is very cowardly, even paranoid, and easily falls into Tokai’s clutches after Sato’s disappearance. You will have to get to his office, fending off Tokai’s men along the way, to convince him to join in his effort.
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July 29th, 2006, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
Mick Waites posted a new release of his excellent GBA game, heres the info:
Version 1.03 of Xor is now available for download. This version fixes the problems in three of the new Procyon's Mazes maps. Two of them could not be completed and a third had map quadrants missing. All have now been tested in this new version and can be completed.
More info --> http://www.gbagames.dsl.pipex.com/
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July 29th, 2006, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a rumour, true or not its interesting:
Just got word of an interesting (and totally unconfirmed) rumor from one of our insiders. It seems that Nintendo is giving Wii development kits to smaller studios. A developer in a big coastal American city apparently received a mysterious package from Nintendo. Office staff, programmers, and even the president weren't aware what was inside. The box was opened, and viola, Wii dev kit. This could be a ploy on Nintendo's part to get as many companies working on Wii games as possible. If this is true, it certainly shows Nintendo has improved its stance towards third party studios, as opposed to the iron-fisted days of yore. As I mentioned, this is totally unconfirmed, could've been some mix-up or miscommunication on the developer's end, but it does come from a good source. Do what you will with this tidbit.
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July 29th, 2006, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
DragonMinded has released a new version of his DS Organizer app.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed a weird bug in html syntax hilighting.
- Realigned all text that was above keyboards to make it look better.
- Possible support of the EZ4SD series. Please give feedback.
- Started IRC client. Configuration for now is located only in the ini file.
- Further worked on keyboard accuracy/speed, it is very nice now.
- Fixed L/R bug in browser confirm delete.
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July 29th, 2006, 12:10 Posted By: wraggster
Linkers4u.com have posted the news that the new much slimmer Supercard DS LIte is now in stock, this version fits perfectly into your DS Lite and when used with a suitable boot cart ie Passkey 2 or passcard etc then you have a rather excellent DS Homebrew Set up, heres the info if you need it:

Price is $43
Product Features
Use MicroSD Flash
Compatible to SuperKey, SuperPass, Max media Launcher...etc.
Higher Speed than SuperCard MiniSD and SuperCard SD version
Fits into NDSL gba slot PERFECTLY
More Description
SuperCard Lite (MicroSD) is Specially designed for NDS Lite Consoles. For backuping files it uses MicroSD card. It allows you to run a variety of software, Play Game, Watch movie, E-book, Music and Photo albums. Super Card is easy to operate. Just use the bundled software to convert NDS games/HomeBrews and copy them to MicroSD card. Then, you are ready to enjoy the games. *SuperCard Lite is designed for NDSL consoles only.* *SuperCard Lite must be work with PassMe device in order to play NDS games/HomeBrews, e.g. SuperKey, Max Media Launcher...etc.*
Buy at Linkers4u.com
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July 29th, 2006, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the news from Liclklick:
Okay I went too far, I touched the 3d engine of the DS!
Yes you heard it right, I’m going to use the 3d engine for this project, seeing it being faster and allowing alpha blending and scaling, it must be better right? (If not, tell me quick!)
Anyway, I digged up an old 2d collision library I wrote when I was doing other stuff (for the PC), fixed a few bugs, reordered some things to make them work with the devkit compiler. Then suddenly I noticed that the library isn’t complete! It didn’t check solid objects, but it only checked lines (in my circle triangle intersection code). Luckily it’s easy math so yeah, done
More info --> http://licklick.wordpress.com/
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July 29th, 2006, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
Primetime00 posted this news:
I'm satisfied with this enough to make the first release. Make sure you read the instructions!
This version is still very limited. I've only tested it with my linksys router, and a few AIM usernames. I hope that you are able to log in. We'll see.
Anyway, let me know if it works.
Thanks for the support!
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July 29th, 2006, 12:38 Posted By: wraggster
KevinC has updated the MSN Messenger for DS Clone, heres whats new:
New features:
- Selectable avatars from card.
- Shows typing users.
- Shows date of last message (and a clock!)
- Emoticons on display names / text.
- 302 xfer for @msn.com accounts.
- Select presence before logging in.
- Option to auto connect.
- Stand by when lid is closed.
- Scrollable text in chat tabs.
- Overall GUI revamping.
- Reducing socket reading delay from 500 ms to 200 ms because of a more stable wifi lib, making the overall connection speed about 2.5x faster. (reducing it further doesn't change much, most of the times sockets are empty).
- Fixed avatar sending / receiving (read incorrect session id in some cases).
- Fixed listboxes, text areas to reduce constant flicker.
- Text fields are now edited in another window, so as not to cram textboxes in the same window as the keyboard.
- Added a clearing button to text fields.
- Fixed lots of bugs related to closing windows / opening windows that caused random crashes.
- Fixed "invisible tabs" bug.
- After closing tab, previous tab is selected, instead of the contact tab.
- Fixed bug where garbage was present on some principal descriptions.
- Fixed bug where the program was likely to crash if a principal was selected and then left.
- Selectable bigger brush on Inks, bigger eraser.
- Wider color selector.
- Removed START button as logoff, replaced with a button in contact tab.
- Added check box to invert RGB subpixel alignment on top screen for DS Lites.
- Fixed Ink transmission, caused incorrect messages if resulting GIF was too big.
- Fixed keyboard inaccuracy issues (I hope).
- Added support for Caps Lock.
- Remapped buttons:
A for Accept / Update / Send / Open Tab
B for Cancel / Back
X for Close window
L, R for Move to Left tab, Right Tab
(in textbox editing, L is still backspace)
Left, Right for moving cursor left, right
Known issues:
- Beup will refuse to open downloaded avatars if their size isn't 96x96 (the standard).
- Beup will refuse to open inks if they are wider than 256 px (can't present those).
- The official MSN client will refuse to send avatars if the last one was sent less than 5 minutes ago. That means that if you chat with somebody, disconnect, and then open the tab, avatar download may fail. (wait a few minutes, then try again).
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July 29th, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of the board game for the Nintendo DS by johanb123, heres the details:
Here it is - the first successfully tested multiplayer implementation. There are still plenty of glitches to be smoothed out, but I did get through most of a four player game (two humans, two AIs). You must have your connection saved to the WFC settings (with Mario Kart DS or any other official wifi game - yeah, it's a pain - sorry), and it will occasionally crash while obtaining an IP address...so if you get a red screen before the game starts, just try again. I know it's pretty weak, but I did promise something this weekend, so here it is.
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July 29th, 2006, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from Nintendo
OK, I have to admit I'd put away my Animal Crossing: Wild World for a little while. I adore this game, so I knew I'd get back to it eventually. Along came the lighter, brighter Nintendo DS Lite and I finally picked it up again. Let me just say, the DS Lite totally rocks!
I've completely rediscovered Animal Crossing: Wild World on the DS Lite, and just in time too… did you know that all this week at Toys "R" Us you can get 6 different Mario-themed items for your house? It's almost overwhelming how cool these items are! Click here for more info.
I grabbed my game and DS, hustled on down to my local Toys "R" Us and before I knew it I got my first item – Starman! No way was I gonna settle for just 1 item, I wanted all 6 right away, but I also couldn't wait to see what the shiny, yellow star looked like in my house.
You can't tell from this screenshot, but it plays Mario's invincibility music. Now my house has Mario music. So awesome!
I stayed at Toys R Us until I got all 6 items, and boy was it worth it (I even got some items twice). I couldn't wait to redecorate. I sold some furniture, moved some items and put in a diner floor, which, if you ask me, is the perfect flooring to showcase the Mario items.
Here's what I think of all 6 items:
Green Pipe – now I control the piranha plant [mwa-ha-ha].
Flagpole – touch it and the flag slides up and down. Sweet!
1-up Mushroom – I can get all the 1-up's I want. I can't seem to stop, it's so easy and so satisfying: touch, 1-up, touch, 1-up, touch, 1-up …
Starman – flashes and plays that funky invincibility music.
Fire bar – how cool to have that awesome castle sound in my house!
? Box – it's yellow, it's brown, it's yellow, it's brown. Touch it and it makes cool sounds.
Now it's time to hook up to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to share my extra Mario items with my friends!
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July 29th, 2006, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The cast in Mario 3 on 3 Hoops is similar to other Mario sports games. You have Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi Princess Peach, Daisy, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Bowser, Bowser Jr, Hey Ho (Shyguy), PataPata (Koopa Paratroopa), Boo, Birdo and Yoshi in it. Unlike other Mario sports games this game was developed by Square-Enix so as a surprise they brought in characters from the Final Fantasy series. Hidden as unlockable characters are a moogle, white mage, black mage, ninja and a cactuar in the game. Square-Enix also brings in a mimic into the game, a treasure chest that turns into a monster. The addition of these characters fits the game better than it sounds. Instead of an anime look these bonus characters have a style that is similar to Mario and his buddies.
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July 29th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
More news from the exciting Command and Conquer for DS Project:
Managed to squeeze some time in to do some map editor work. My job has been quite demanding lately so I've not had time to do any code on this, but I have spent some time thinking about the best way to do certain things, hence the post asking for interface feedback below (please continue to discuss ideas in the comments of the below post! You've had some great input so far).
The editor is now exporting map files (hoorah) so the next step is to load them in to the game. This should just be another afternoons of coding  Hopefully I'll get scrolling with the D-Pad put in at the same time. Next I will have to explore the limits of the memory requirements - I need to find what the absolute maximum number of unique tiles I could use are, then apply that limit to the map editor so you cannot go over budget. I hope the limit doesn't prevent some of the original C&C maps being converted, but we'll see. I'll have to post in the forums when I come to this point on the best way to store extra tile graphics. The basic limit is under 64kb per layer, and if a C&C map uses all the possible tiles it needs something like 450kb... a little increase in memory! The DS does have 4mb though so I'm sure I can find somewhere to store it. I may have to just copy the tiles over for the portion of screen I want to draw as needed. Might cause a slight performance hit but we'll see. Any ideas let me know.
Here's a quick screenie of the map editor - very basic right now but pretty easy to expand. C&C templates aren't being used, so you have to place each tile by hand right now. It's pretty tedious because you have to find all the right bits of cliff to line them up etc. Don't worry the final map editor will use templates and be very friendly  I didn't bother to match up all the tiles 100% so it looks a little weird in places, but oh well ;p
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July 29th, 2006, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has posted this new update to his game:
Another small update with two requested features put in. You can now hit 'X' at any time to display names over the players. And as a server, between rounds, you can turn the 5 second auto round start on or off using the 'B' button. I also tighened up some of the network stuff, so servers should now appear in the list instantly.
Download Here --> http://www.atouchofwar.com/
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July 29th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nick Schaedel sent this news to me 
Hey there,
Just thought I'd plug our interview with the developer of Konductra for DS. We had recently had a long talk with him about working as an
independent developer on the DS. You can read the feature here:
Check it out and let us know what you think 
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July 30th, 2006, 11:36 Posted By: wraggster
We havent seen much of Loopy in ages but Emu_kidid has started to work on updating the Nes emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new in this release:
A nesDS WIP build release..
- Added Save State save/load
- Added SRAM save/load
- SCSD write support
- CF cards and various other cards added but not tested
The following things are being worked on:
- Fix games like double dragon 2
- Finalize the move to the new FAT drivers
- Zip support
Note: I am not responsible for any corruption of data on your media, please be cautious when using this as it is not in it's completed stage.
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July 30th, 2006, 12:12 Posted By: wraggster
Turambar has ported Pizza Worm to the Nintendo DS. Heres the release info:
I made a port of Pizza Worm for the DS. For those who don't know, Pizza Worm is an old game where you are a worm that eats pizza and grows bigger, and unlike other similar games, you can rotate in any angle. You can find the Official homepage of the original pc game at http://www.zorlim.net/pizza_worm/ (which now seems to be down for some reason...)
The game was written in pascal, so I basically had to rewrite the hole thing.
To use it, you have to place the highscores file (PWORM.000) in the root of your card. It uses the alpha version of chishm's libfat, so since it's alpha you probably should backup you card first.
In the highscores screen, you can press R for a 2 players game in the same DS. Player 2 uses A and Y to move. You can then press L to get back to 1 player mode.
Also it remembers the last entered name, and you can submit the highscore using START, so you don't have to take out the stylus every time.
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July 30th, 2006, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Playeradvance site and forums are the breeding grounds to probably the best DS Homebrew games on the net (i wish i could read french better) so heres a game thats new and not posted here before.
The game is by Delfare, heres the translated release notes:
warrior training is a play which contains several mini-plays (for moment 3: a snake, WORM-like as well as a play of shooting in 3D)
has to make:
to correct the bugs when certain plays are started again
to improve graphics
to add the support of the wifi
to add other plays
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July 30th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Tipiak has released an excellent Homebrew Brain Training type game for the Nintendo DS with 15 mini games which are in 5 different categories, heres the translation:
DS Academy is a kind of Like Brain-Training. It is composed of 15 “mini-plays” distributed on 5 categories (memory, language, figure, perception and analyze). The seizure of the answers relating to certain plays is carried out by recognition of writing. Lastly, the scores obtained with the various plays are safeguarded. It is also possible to carry out a test made up of a mini-play of each category. At the end of the test, one obtains a certain number of points corresponding to the level of his brain.
Here, I hope that you will like Ca and not to hesitate not to leave your impressions.
Download and Play this Excellent game via Comments and Leave Feedback for the Coder:
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July 30th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: scorpei
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that I have now put up revision 3 of my howto.
This includes working rt2500 support and a Dutch version of my howto (that was a lot of work :S).
Hope you all enjoy!
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July 30th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres info about Nintendos Wii from an unknown developer:
The Wii Hardware
- Nintendo Wii’s ‘Broadway’ CPU operates at 729MHZ with a maximum bandwith of 1.9gbyte/sec.
- Nintendo Wii’s ‘HollyWood’ GPU is clocked at 243MHZ, the internal memory of it includes 3mb of embedded graphics memory and 24megabytes of high speed main memory.
- 64megabytes of GDDR3 (MEM2) as the external main memory. Just like the internal memory, it can be accessed from the CPU and GPU with a maximum bandwidth of 4gbytes/sec and can also store programs in the MEM2.
- The GPU of the Wii is identical to the GC’s but it is on average 1.5X faster.
Wii's Optical Disc Drive
- Opitcal Disc Drive (ODD) supports single and dual layer Wii disks, discs eject with software or button and the maximum read speed is the equivalent of DVDx6.
- Two main disc types supported the single sided 12cm single sided 4.7gb and the double sided 8.51 GB. Nintendo GC discs also supported. Some of the capacity of the discs are used by the system and games can not use full disc space.
- Inserting a disc will start the Wii console, even if it was already in an off state. Pressing the eject button will change the console to an on state to take out the disc also.
General Overview
- An optional wired LAN adapter that connects to a USB port is in the pipeline for users who do not possess a wireless LAN set-up currently.
- Internal non-removable 512MB flash memory used to storage game save data and downloadable content thus eliminating the Need for a memory card.
- Both Wii discs and Gamecube discs can be played via an intelligent mode swap. When running in GC mode, the Wii’s CPU and GPU will lower to the respective speeds of the GC and some of the MEM2 functions as ARAM.
- Software development environment is an upgrade to the ‘Dolphin SDK’ used with the GC; the same libraries are used so developers can get up to scratch easily as well as the possibility of ports being easier.
- The following interfaces are included with the Wii; SD card slot, Wireless controller, two USB 2.0 ports, wireless LAN, 4x GC controller ports, 2x GC memory card slots and an AV multi output jack (only an analog jack).
- Supports Wii disks (one sided 12cm) and GC discs (one sided 8cm) and console auto switches depends on what disk is inserted
- More than just the Nunchaku is planned as an extension. GC peripherals such as DK bongos can be used in both Wii and GC modes.
- Three power status, on, off and unplugged. To prevent mistaken turn offs, the power button must be held for about a second.
The Wii Control System
- The Wii controller features; Direct Pointing Device, Three axis accelerometer, Wii power button (remotely turn console on/off), buttons, wireless connectivity, indicator LED’s, rumble, battery powered (two AA alkaline batteries) and ability to connect extension unit.
- The Wii controller supports three types of operations; by itself, with a nunchuk extension or with a classic controller. Classic controllers will ship to developers during August 2006.
- The SYNCHRO button on the Wii controller exchanges wireless ID numbers when pressed at the same time as SYNCRHO on the Wii console. Wireless communications are only possible with consoles which have been authenticated.
- The rumble motor can be turned on and off and the intensity can be changed.
- The Wii remote has a pointer for fine movements as well as a motion sensor +/- 3.4G suitable for larger body movements, the nunchuk attachment has a sensor of +/- 2G
- The sensor bar must be placed above or below a TV set, the pointer measures coordinates between the ends of the bar which are about 20cm apart.
- The Wii remote has four status, disconnected, communicating, establishing connection and pairing wait status.
- The pointer can measure co-ordinates within bounds of rectangle centered upon the sensor bar, thus it can also measure points beyond the screen. It also responds to strong light sources, windows, fluorescent lamps, fireplaces, mirrors etc.
- Due to players hands shaking while holding the controller, a ring buffer allows a precise direction to be created to hold and average accelerator samples.
Thoughts on the console ?
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July 31st, 2006, 01:10 Posted By: basilb
The Supercard website has put up a new version of the software used to transfer files to its various flashcarts. You can choose your relevent version 2.542 here.
further updates have been made, patcher software is up to version 2.55 now, but firmwware is currently being revised.
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July 31st, 2006, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been looking forward to Timesplitters and Second Sight dev Free Radical's bullish next-gen game, Haze, you might want to set your sights on a console a bit meatier than Nintendo's upcoming Wii.
According to the developer's official Haze FAQ, the game - currently scheduled to appear on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 - won't be finding a home on Nintendo's new console because, as Free Radical puts it, "Sadly, the cutting-edge technology we're using requires more power than the Wii has available. If we could, we would."
Although Wii fans might be a little disappointed by the news, all is not completely lost. With Free Radical traditionally big supporters of Nintendo's machines (what with the developer's beginnings as the Golden Eye team, back with Rare in the N64 days), there's every chance we'll see some Wii-related goodies in the future - particularly given that the studio still has a perfectly good GameCube engine from its current-gen Timesplitters titles.
Still, if Haze was looking like your bag, there's always time to switch your pennies across to finance an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (Okay, maybe saving for the latter might take a tiny bit longer, but you know what we mean).
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July 31st, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
If Wii fans weren't already a-tingle over news that Hideo Kojima's grizzled action hero Snake, of Metal Gear fame, was heading to the console, courtesy of Nintendo's highly anticipated Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there could be even more reason to get their knickers in a knot now.
According to reports whizzing round the 'net, the latest issue of magazine Nintendo Power has word that Kojima's involvement with the game won't end after he's signed off the rights to get Snake prancing fist-to-face with Mario et al. Apparently, the Metal Gear supremo will be designing Snake's Smash Bros. stage himself: "If you want to talk about something big, how about the news Hideo Kojima, Snake's creator, is designing Snake's level in Brawl? Snake's inclusion means we're not only getting one of the best characters in gaming, but one of the best developers as well."
Exciting, no? With Kojima at the helm, there's every chance Snake will recieve one of the finest fighting debuts the series has seen yet. Question is though, will the developer's finally honed talents manage to surpass our very favourite Smash Bros. stages (which we were about to list, before realising we had way too many)? Only time and, indeed, actually playing the game will tell.
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July 31st, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK (cheapest Price ive seen $40?)

The DS gets its own unique Arwing shooter, this time with touch-control flight mechanics unique to the DS. Lylat needs help. Players hop into their Arwing fighter and fight through a unique branching storyline of missions, all rendered in 3D. Star Fox DS brings a whole new strategic element to the series with a commander's view of the mission. Using the touch screen, players can draw the routes they and their teammates will take, then battle the enemies they encounter as they take over bases and strategically advance across the map. Players can also blow their friends out of the sky as they dogfight with up to eight players over a local wireless connection or take on up to four players from around the world on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Yeah i posted this when lik sang released it but heres a better description, the wifi gaming sounds awesome
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July 31st, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via Joystiq
Nintendo's portable just keeps getting stranger. Already heralded as an educational pet simulator, brain trainer and a Japanese-English dictionary, the DS is about earn a new title: interactive cookbook. Chris Kohler of Game|Life takes a look at Shaberu! DS O-Ryouri Navi (translation: Talk! DS Cuisine Navigator), a DS title that features over 200 recipes that are broken down to many steps and read aloud to you by the narrator. You can bark voice commands at your DS, such as "next page" and "more detail" for even simpler instructions.
Like all bizarre DS titles, the cookbook was a hit in Japan, selling more than 120,000 copies in its first week available. Kohler continues, comparing last week's Japanese hardware sales of the DS and Sony PSP (hint: Nintendo's portable outsold Sony's more than seven times over). Is this popularity due to Nintendo's ability to capture nearly every demographic in Japan?
Kohler's final point highlights the Long Tail theory developed by Wired magazine editor in chief Chris Anderson, which proposes that the combined sales of of many lesser-known products from a company account for more revenue than the sales of its most popular products. Here, Kohler's quick calculations show that nine titles like Shaberu! DS O-Ryouri Navi would equal the sales of New Super Mario Bros. and likely would cost less time and money on development. The discussion leads up to a comparison of Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console to Xbox Live Arcade. Nintendo is offering their entire back catalogue as is, while XBLM sells only the highest-quality products, hand-picked and sometimes seldom released. From the perspective of a consumer, who really has the most advantageous online structure here?
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August 1st, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
A reader, He Who Must Not Be Named, sent us a promotional image he somehow got his grubby hands on. It's a promotional illustration for the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console, presumably featuring characters from all the games that will be released in emulated form.
Screenshot Via Comments
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August 1st, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info:
The ds wifi library has a new release and is now available from sourceforge. This will also be included with the soon to be available devkitPro Updater 1.3.5.
The following items have been significantly improved or resolved since the 0.3 release (this is a rough list, mostly taken from a list of outstanding issues that have all been addressed now)
gethostbyname has problems with IP addresses (fixed, awaiting release)
wifi_lib_test tcp connection bug (fixed, awaiting release)
misc other berkley-like support that's missing in the current version.
(getsockname/getpeername) (fixed, awaiting release)
Internal TCP Error possibly causing loss of data (fixed, awaiting release)
Better access to stats (done, awaiting release)
"keepalive" message to ensure AP connection remains open (done, awaiting release)
Improved syncookie implementation for more reliable incoming connections
modified timeout code to use exponential backoff
inet_addr support added
TCP connection closing errors (probably fixed)
TCP loses data apparently when rx buffer is filled (fixed)
Latency issue, something is causing the lib to have higher pings after a while (fixed)
possible bug with recv not returning data it should (fixed)
Problem with DHCP (should be fixed, it's possible some routers still deny DHCP - if you have one that does this please let sgstair know)
Connect() now blocks, when socket is not in non-blocking mode
select() support that should be sufficient for all applications is in CVS. (partly done, next release)
TCP MSG_PEEK support added for recv();
Shared key authentication
many TCP speedups and optimizations
Download Here --> http://www.devkitpro.org/
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