Nintendo DS Emulation NEWS
SuperCard / SuperPasskey Review
Flashcart/Adapter for Nintendo DS and Flashcart for GBA
SuperPassKey Buy
Here USD 20.65
Supercard Adapter Buy

Superpasskey Adapter
If you are a programmer, NDS SuperPass Key gives you the ability to test
your programs on the DS hardware, not just in an emulator. If your not a
programmer, it allows you to download demo's from the internet and play
them on your DS. SuperPass Key is easy to use. The only requirement is that
you need a flash cart or Super Card and a commercial DS cart to work with
it. If you use it with SuperCard, please download the SuperCard SoftwareV2.41
and SC Kernel software V1.50 to upgrade your SuperCard before converting
NDS games to SD/CF card.
Note: If the serial number of your NDS start with '12' or later(e.g. NU12255608(4)),
your console is not compatible with SuperPass.
If you have backups of your Nintendo DS Commercial games (dont bug us as
we dont support piracy) then you can easily convert them to play on your
Flash Cart.
Supercard SD Adapter
Super Card SD TO GBA SUPER CARD is a miniature mobile GBA(SP) file Manager
and Bakup device. Fore backuping files it uses SD card. It allows you to
run a variety of software, Play Game, Watch movie, E-book, Music and Photo
albums. All version of Super Card support GBA, GBA SP and NDS.
Super Card is easy to operate. Just use the bundled software to convert
GBA games and copy them to SD card. Then, you are ready to enjoy the games.
Review Itself
The SuperPasskey/Supercard SD Adapter came in a small box with no instructions
which disapoints me, but i found the original website where they were manufactured
and downloaded the software needed and also the latest firmware version.
Luckily the Supercard was on the latest firmware version at the time.
The software for the supercard is primarily for converting Nintendo DS
Commercial roms so the Supercard can run them, (some sort of patching program),
i found this hit and miss (remember that this site will not tell you where
to get Nintendo DS Commercial roms we are only interested in Emulation and
Homebrew), sometimes it would convert and sometimes not, i did manage to
get Nintendoogs working but it crashed on saving and so it works out that
for any commercial DS game you need a corresponding DS game thats of the
same save size although thats all changed with the release of This
patching software which converts games and you dont need the corresponding
DS cart.
The software worked great and so that was one test down although no one
tells you that you need to change any file that ends .nds.gba to .gba.nds
and if you do that they boot into Nintendo DS mode instead of GBA Mode.
Homebrew works perfect on the card and DS emulators too.
I especially like the Built in emulators so instead of getting your favourite
game and then converting to a GBA file you just put say a .nes file in and
it plays perfect.
This review hasnt touched on all the details of this product but this is
one great product and good for both homebrew and playing your backed up
Nintendo DS commercial games and also the best GBA emulators.
The Superpasskey/supercard is a good buy for any DS Homebrew fan once you
get past the confusing first few days.
Ill give it a 8/10 for a good Nintendo DS Flash Cart :)
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