January 1st, 2008, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
METALVOTZE has released a new Adult game for the GBA/NDS
Cant give any more details and make sure your over 18 before downloading it.
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January 1st, 2008, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has released a new version of his rather cool looking Ghostbusters game for the Nintendo DS.

Adding the fight against Grozer
The keys on the keyboard are still more red
- Opportunities to cancel purchases of objects
- The ghosts can be caught on the end of the journey
- The ghosts are no longer paralyzed when they are affected by emanations
- Fixed a bug on the bank accounts
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January 1st, 2008, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

* Your armour now longers glows $B1, but instead the correct colour.
* Scrolls of remove curse and enchant weapon are no longer scrolls of crash the game. Not only are they fixed in particular, but the underlying problem has some sanity tests so errors like this in the future should just result in bad grammer.
* Can now load bitmaps that are taller than necessary as custom tilesets. This ensures that we will have forward compatibility with larger tilesets of the future.
* Maces and clubs are made slightly more powerful, giving them the same average damage as their corresponding edged weapons: shortswords and longswords.
* Thrown knives to hit bonus raised slightly so they can be more equivalent to thrown daggers.
* While spears are meant for throwing, for a two handed weapon to have the same attack as a one handed longsword is embarrassing. They have been slightly powered.
* "..looks like your funeral" style messages now have ". " after it.
* Creatures casting force bolt will no longer target themselves.
* Fix rare case where you could start the game standing on another creature.
* When you are fetched by another creature, the map will scroll and FOV update immediately.
* Correctly save RNG state when building monsters inside of rooms, this ensures if populateRoom is invoked early in the map building it doesn't change the RNG seed for the rest of the map. This saves about 300 bytes per level for saved games for many map types.
* Climbing back up the stairs after winning the game will not trigger the win message again. (Clare Boothby)
* Changing levels will not display the new level as black if a long message requires your input prior to the full level change.
* Description text is given for lava, water, acid pools so those who first encounter them can e'x'amine them before jumping in.
* Unchanging prevents turning into a lich or ghast.
* Creatures with unchanging will no longer be tamed by Bind Soul.
* New level honouring ><0|V|. This is an optional level reached via a dimensional portal on level 20.
* If a creature teleported onto a trap that killed it, the game could crash. This has been fixed.
* If a creature is killed by zapping its own wand, there is no longer out of bound reads when determining if the wand should be ided.
* Stress test mode is accessible without needing a custom buld in a similar manner as Wizard mode.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance [382k].
Nintendo DS [735k].
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January 1st, 2008, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Abcd1234:
Welcome to the home page for my port of NetHack to the Nintendo DS. The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience. I think I've succeeded in that goal. I'm probably wrong.
An unscaled, scrolling map view on the lower screen, which can be interacted with using the touchscreen.
Minimap, message, and status information rendered to the top screen.
Support for 16- and 256-color BMP tilesets, including non-rectangular tiles (tiles must have dimensions which are a multiple of 8, e.g. 8x8, 8x16, etc).
Support for text mode, with optional full color and IBM graphics.
Popup command window for easy access to the full command set.
On-screen keyboard for text input and extended commands.
Keys are almost completely configurable.
Support for both left- and right-handed modes.
Save and restore.
Sleep mode.
December 31, 2007
Version 1.15a Released.
Yes, already. Fixed a map rendering bug in graphics mode caused by wall tile substitution in the NetHack core (this was evident when going from the regular dungeons to Sokoban, where the wall colours are supposed to change, but didn't).
Version 1.15 Released.
Added the CHORDKEYS configuration option, which allows the user to define which keys may be used in combination of others for the purpose of key binding.
Removed triggermode (yes, after just two versions), in lieu of CHORDKEYS.
Display help for key bindings if a chord key is pressed.
Changed extended command input to use a menu, rather than the virtual keyboard.
Added the ability to bind keys for toggling boolean options (eg, holdmode, hpmon, etc).
Added "Show Keys" command, which pops up a window listing the current key bindings.
Added hilite_pet support.
Added new option "keyrepeat", which controls whether or not keys repeat in the game (default on). Doesn't affect menus, command window, etc.
Now, you may ask, "why did you remove triggermode?!?". Well the answer is simple: CHORDKEYS allows the same functionality, only moar betar! Specifically, if you set CHORDKEYS as follows:
CHORDKEYS=up,down,left,right,rYou can then bind Up+B to Up, Up+Right+B to Up-Right, Right+B to Right, and so on. And this happens to be identical to triggermode. BUT, it also allows one to bind Up+X, Up+Y, and so forth, which is basically triggermode on steriods (and allows one to duplicate other key arrangements, such as that found in DSCrawl).
But note! If you change CHORDKEYS, your keybindings are reset! This is necessary, as there's no clean way to migrate an old keyset forward if the CHORDKEYS setting changes.
And yes, this modification is backward compatible with the old keybinding file, so your settings won't be lost (again, unless you change CHORDKEYS).
Lastly, in CHORDKEYS, the free shoulder button is always "r", whether or not lefthanded mode is enabled. Call me lazy...
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January 1st, 2008, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.45 + 2.54 XMenu [01-01-2008]
* fixed FF4 bug
* fixed some DLDI bugs
download: MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.45 + 2.54 XMenu [01-01-2008]
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January 1st, 2008, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
GP2x Store have let me know they only have a few flash carts left, heres the listing of price changes:
DS-X 4Gb Flash Cart
Offering a SINGLE unified solution which allows you to do the unthinkable and...
$94.99 Sale Price: $74.99
Supercard Lite Micro SD
Supercard Lite is a miniature mobile NDSL file Manager and Bakup device. To...
$54.99 Sale Price: $34.99
SuperCard DS One
As the first extra flash memory game cartridge, SuperCard team has been...
$54.99 Sale Price: $32.99
SuperCard SD Slot 2
SuperCard SD is a miniature mobile GBA(SP)/NDS/NDSL file Manager and Bakup...
$44.99 Sale Price: $24.99
Supercard Lite Rumble Micro SD
The Supercard Rumble uses a Micro SD and features a rumble system which can...
$34.99 Sale Price: $23.99
Get them while they are hot because once they are gone they are GONE, GP2x Store come very highly recommended not only by DCEmu but by many other big emu/homebrew sites.
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January 1st, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Agentq has released an updated version of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Hi Everyone,
Here is a second beta version of the 0.11.0 release of ScummVM DS. It needs lots of testing, since there are so many games that I don't have time to do much of it myself. So please download it. Please post, even it it works fine!
The new scaler makes text a lot more readable, at the expense of some slowdown in some of the newer games.
New function keys should make all the AGI games playable.
This is a beta release, therefore there are not full instructions. This is designed for those who already know how to use ScummVM DS. Full instructions for the older version 0.10.0 are provided on the ScummVM DS website. Please refer to these instructions, as this beta works in mostly the same way.
Also, I have been told that the same code which runs Day of the Tentacle and Sam & Max can also run some of the earlier HE games, so I have added these to the list below. They seem to work fine. Please test them too!
- Future Wars and Gobliiins now work again
- Swapping the screens while the software scaler is enabled no longer causes odd effects
- New games supported: Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version)
- Software scaler for improved image quality. Turn it on using the DS options screen (press select during the game). Thanks to Tramboi and Robin Watts for this feature!
- Function keys added to virtual keyboard (used in AGI games)
- Plenty of bug fixes
Supported Games
Build A:
Manic Mansion
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Passport to Adventure
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Bear Stormin' (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (DOS version only)
Build B:
Beneath a Steel Sky
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Build C:
Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
Elvira 1/2
Build D:
Sierra AGI games
Gobliiins 1 - 3
Bargon Attack
Ween: The Prophecy
Future Wars
Build E:
Inherit the Earth
Build F:
The Legend of Kyrandia
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January 1st, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Kyoufu Kawa has released a rather nice looking Pokemon RPG type game for the GBA (NDS) heres the last info from this release:
• Running speed is equal to walking
• Frame's not right after startup — might be strange SRAM contents.
• Type (dis)advantages are screwy
Open and understood, but not yet fixed
• Paralysis is applied after fainting — just that. Paralysis should check for fainted status.
• Help system doesn't set all things, so the cursor might be outside of the screen or the whole thing's a little darker.
Unconfirmed resolved
• Writes in mirrored or invalid VRAM areas
Resolved with a cheap trick
• Game freezes just before Cearn battle — somehow, the dialogue box statemachine doesn't like very long strings. "Fixed" by cutting Cearn's lines in half.
• Things on the map sometimes use the wrong sprite — randomizer gave weird results, fixed by using unsigned int
• Characters can move into the same spot when both are moving at the same time — because the sprite collission checker should test the tile being walked to. Thanks to tepples for suggesting this.
• When spotted by a trainer to the right, the player uses a "zapped" sprite instead of looking right — facing = ( facing + 2 ) % 4.
• Helping Hand — most enemy moves are now checked for sensibility.
• Growl, Tail Whip et al affect user
• Potions heal above max HP — thanks, Cearn!
Not bugs at all
• No Poké Balls to catch with — try pressing Right in the inventory screen.
• No weather effects — only fog is implemented, and has no effect on battle.
• No sound — sound has been left out of the demo to cut download size. Also, the engine used is illegal.
• Levelling up goes really fast — done on purpose. You get triple experience for demonstration purposes.
• Backpics do not use chosen colors — now fixed.
• Conversion failed — effect missing. Conversion is just one of them. Missing effects auto-fail.
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January 1st, 2008, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Unkwar:

I just give you a little game conducted between 2 evenings watered during this tough period which is the end of the year: A set of Battleboats
How to play:
In stylus ...
The game 1 player with 3 modes of difficulty, music, automatic positioning of boats ...
To do:
Manual positioning of vessels
Multiplayer modes
Possibly a way to test how wi-fi program the thing ...
Voila, I hope it entertain you, if you have any ideas for improvement, they are welcome.
I have not yet been able to test it on DS so if ever you find a bug please let me know.
PS: Sorry for the interface really ugly but good, I am really sous-doué Graphic ...
PS2: The bug his departure under my version of NO $ GBA but apriori everything going well on DS.
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January 1st, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Happy New Year to all of you. DSONE/DSONE(sdhc) OS3.0 SP1 released. We redesigned the realtime save program. Realtime save function speed is much faster than before. Especially for SDHC version. It can be saved and loaded in 2 seconds. It has become a very very applied function. We supercard team release it as a new year gift for all DSONE user. 
Main Feature:
Upgraded the Realtime save function speed. Now, save/load speed is much faster than before. SDHC version can save and load in 2 seconds.
Added RESET plug in. Homebrew software Imgview can press START to use RESET function.
Fixed DLDI data align problem.
Homebrew software do not creat *.sav and *.sci files to save the storage space.
Added the config database for each game. Player can setup patch info. for each game dividual.
Added write card check-up to avoid error when writting card.
Fixed some problems in patch database.
If realtime save make noise, please close NDS to sleep mode and open can fix the problem.
Important:Please backup the save before upgrade OS.
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January 1st, 2008, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
Carl Kenner has updated glovepie:
GlovePIE stands for Glove Programmable Input Emulator. It doesn't have to be used with VR Gloves, but it was originally started as a system for emulating Joystick and Keyboard Input using the Essential Reality P5 Glove. Now it supports emulating all kinds of input, using all kinds of devices, including Polhemus, Intersense, Ascension, WorldViz, 5DT, and eMagin products. It can also control MIDI or OSC output.
Control Games with Gestures, Speech, and Other Input Devices!
With GlovePIE you can now play any game, or control any software or MIDI devices, using whatever controls you want. This includes joysticks, gamepads, mice, keyboards, MIDI input devices, HMDs, Wiimotes, trackers, and of course, Virtual Reality gloves!
NEW! Wiimote Support!
Now you can use your Nintendo Wii Remote (Wiimote) to control PC games (or emulated games)! Also new in this version is support for TrackIR, FakeSpace Pinch Gloves, and Concept 2 Rowing machines. And it still supports the full range of other input devices added in the last couple of versions.
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January 1st, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has released a new version of his rather cool looking Ghostbusters game for the Nintendo DS.

The remake of the game with the same name
This game is a port of the game GhostBusters released on various platforms, the graphics are taken mainly from the version Sega Master System. The elements of the game are not quite the same, I took a bit of all versions and add my personal touch.
1/1/08 Version 0.5
- Ability to change the city when you have finished the game, for the moment it has the ability to have the game faster
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January 1st, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS Scene is an amazing scene with so many homebrew releases that are commercial quality games spanning so many genres and applications that make the DS the premier console for homebrew but still so much can be done, as fans heres a question for you?
What are your Hopes for the Nintendo DS both in Homebrew and the Commercial Arena ?
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January 1st, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Wii has been a staggering success since its release with games that have brought gamers and non gamers of all ages into the gaming world, on the homebrew front Nintendo closed the door to Gamecube homebrew and the freeloader but a few days ago our prayers were answered with news of the Wii Hacking which could bring full on Wii Homebrew soon, to all fans of Wii i ask you this question !
What are your Hopes for the Nintendo Wii both in Homebrew and the Commercial Arena ?
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January 2nd, 2008, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube has had its strongest year ever for releases in the Homebrew and emulation areas and with the ability to play GC homebrew on Wii its opened it up to a lot more users, with so many good releases this year heres a question for Gamecube fans!
What are your Hopes for the Gamecube in the forthcoming year ?
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January 2nd, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
The GBA Scene has slowed over the years but with the ability to play on the DS still keeps the scene alive and the quality is near commercial and in some cases better than. For fans of the GBA scene heres a question for you:
What are your Hopes for the GBA in the forthcoming year ?
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January 2nd, 2008, 08:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for Gamecube and Nintendo Wii.
* Replaced GUI
+ Menu system
+ Menu file browser
* Replaced file handling system
+ Modular file read/writes
* Gameplay resumable after exiting to menu
+ Game reset option
* Multiple ROMs may be loaded without crashing/freezing
+ Fancy splash screen and credits
* Fixed software graphics support
+ Working audio (choppy)
+ Partial support for little-endian ROMs
+ Rumble pak support
+ DVD loading
+ GX graphics
- Software graphics
* Any size ROM support from SD card
* Pure Interpreter support only for now
* Software GFX
* Controller/Mempak support
* Saving to SD card
* Text UI
* 4 MB RAM support (no expansion pack)
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January 2nd, 2008, 08:58 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for Gamecube and Nintendo Wii.
* Replaced GUI
+ Menu system
+ Menu file browser
* Replaced file handling system
+ Modular file read/writes
* Gameplay resumable after exiting to menu
+ Game reset option
* Multiple ROMs may be loaded without crashing/freezing
+ Fancy splash screen and credits
* Fixed software graphics support
+ Working audio (choppy)
+ Partial support for little-endian ROMs
+ Rumble pak support
+ DVD loading
+ GX graphics
- Software graphics
* Any size ROM support from SD card
* Pure Interpreter support only for now
* Software GFX
* Controller/Mempak support
* Saving to SD card
* Text UI
* 4 MB RAM support (no expansion pack)
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've got 42 shots of the awesome-looking No More Heroes, of which we recently posted NGamer's import review.
NGamer writes of the Japanese import version: "Violence, sex, things to see, things to collect, spectacular graphics and even better sound, a sense of humour, a sense of purpose, an insane logic running through every fibre - and enough swearing to get your telly banned by the BBFC. Killer7 creator Suda51 is back, all right."
As you can probably tell, they liked it. You can find the full review here, once you've thumbed through all 42 shots below.
Screenshots here
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA Japan has whipped the festive wrappers off of plans for a second SimCity DS game.
The sequel was spotted in the latest issue of Famitsu, handily scanned by DS-x2, and features a couple of shots and some words we cannot understand.
However, according to Kotaku the premise will be similar to Civilization, and let you build settlements through the ages, from cavemen to the industrial revolution.
We are still waiting to hear back from EA UK whether it will be available here, but will let you know when we do.
SimCity DS was released in July last year but failed to really live up to its obvious potential, preferring wacky mini-games and puzzles to the franchise's familiar strategical depth.
Still, it was far from awful and clearly demonstrated it can and does work on the handheld. Pop over to our SimCity DS review to find out more.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
via ars technica
A Nintendo customer service representative revealed to GoNintendo that the company currently has no plans of replenishing stocks of wireless Wavebird controllers in retail shops. Though the CSR notes that the original GameCube controller is still being shipped to retailers and is also available via the online store, the entirety of Nintendo's official support for the product is represented by a lonely wireless receiver—and no Wavebird to complement it.

Demand for original GameCube controllers is still going strong, thanks to the Wii's backwards compatibility, Virtual Console functionality, and a slew of new Wii titles that take advantage of the original hardware. With many gamers (including yours truly) preferring the long-lasting, hand-fitting familiarity of a GCN controller over the Wii's classic controller peripheral and Super Smash Bros. Brawl just over a month away, wouldn't now be the perfect time to capitalize on a Wii-branded relaunch of the industry's first great wireless controller?
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
US Nintendo DS owners will soon be able to download DS games through their Wii, Nintendo US boss Reggie Fils-Amie has told the New York Times.
The service will offer both complete games and demos, which will be directly downloaded to Wii via broadband, then wirelessly transmitted to DS.
Additional content for newer titles will also be a possibility, with new puzzles already confirmed for the upcoming Professor Layton.
Nintendo looks to be widening the range of services it provides as its user base also grows. At a baseball game last year in Seattle, fans could watch the game, order food and view statistics, all using their handheld console.
Whether this is just whimsical experimenting on the part of Nintendo's research team is a matter for debate, but it sounds interesting to us.
Currently there is no confirmation that the service will arrive in the UK, but given there's little reason for it not to, we speculatively expect to hear more later this year.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
US Nintendo DS owners will soon be able to download DS games through their Wii, Nintendo US boss Reggie Fils-Amie has told the New York Times.
The service will offer both complete games and demos, which will be directly downloaded to Wii via broadband, then wirelessly transmitted to DS.
Additional content for newer titles will also be a possibility, with new puzzles already confirmed for the upcoming Professor Layton.
Nintendo looks to be widening the range of services it provides as its user base also grows. At a baseball game last year in Seattle, fans could watch the game, order food and view statistics, all using their handheld console.
Whether this is just whimsical experimenting on the part of Nintendo's research team is a matter for debate, but it sounds interesting to us.
Currently there is no confirmation that the service will arrive in the UK, but given there's little reason for it not to, we speculatively expect to hear more later this year.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Quirky has posted news of his port of the classic Elite to the Nintendo DS:
A hectic few weeks in RL (I'm now a dad) have meant that I have not been able to dedicate much time to coding. However, I've ironed out the last few DS specific bugs in my port of Elite AGB and it is now playable. The only major issue left to resolve is the sound. The XM player that I wrote for the GBA version is incompatible with the DS by design, due to the hardware differences. I have integrated libntxm but it has a problem that causes notes to be cut short. The GBA sound effects use the GB sound hardware, which can be emulated on the DS using its PSG sound system. I got this working without too much hassle, but I get the feeling that it doesn't play nicely with libntxm either. The sound effects work when libntxm is not activated in the build, but adding it in causes the sounds to break.
I think the best option at this point is to remove XM playback - remove the crappy music ;-) - until I port my own XM player to the DS. This way I can make a release soon-ish before I get really sick of the whole thing.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster

Wiimote add-ons of all sorts have been flooding in virtually since the console's debut, but when it comes to sheer uselessness and dangerousness, it's tough to beat this latest bundle from the folks at Dragon Electronics, which offers no less than eight ways to accessorize your Wiimote and nunchuck. That includes a pair of daggers, an axe, and a pistol to name a few, which the company says should provide "amazing, exciting, fantastic and training body reaction." If that sounds like the added depth of realism you've been waiting for, you can grab a set of your own right now for just under $30.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This cover case has the special cutting design,100% compatible with your console and can give you comfortable feelings.
It can protect your console from dusty and scratches,prolong its life.It is for NDS Lite only.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The NDS Lite Airfrom Game Pouch adopt super material,soft and strong;has double zipper,can open 180 degree.It can give your console the best protection.
This pouch has a portable design,easy to carry.It is for NDS Lite only.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cluster:
I'm keen on IRC and I spend 24 hours a day in it. Not less I'm keen on my Nintendo DS. And no doubt, after the appearance of "dswifi lib" I was waiting for a good IRC client. Some clients appeared at last, but they seemed being made
anyhow. They were suitable just to connect to IRC from DS once, impress and forget about the program. They seemed to be very inconvenient and unfinished, to say nothing of absence of Russian in-out (Yes, I'm russian). So I set myself the
task of creating a new client for DS, which would be practically as convenient as IRC clients for desktop PC. Truth to tell, I met some difficulties connected with screen size. It's quite impossible to place on DS screens a list of
channels, a nick list, the chat itself and a keyboard display simultaneously. Switch buttons of these modes would also take large place. I tried some variants and decided that the good-enough solution is to make just one switch button: tap
it by stylus, hold - and then icons appear, drag stylus to a required icon and release. So the switching can be realized just by one shift of stylus or by buttons. Besides I wanted others to like this program, especially those who don't know what IRC is. That's why I suggest that they should use minimum of primary settings. You shouldn't even enter your nickname - it would be taken automatically from DS settings. Just connect to an access point and go ahead!
But I digressed from the topic. Well, what was finally made?
* A clipboard in all dialog boxes. You can even copy from upper screen, holding "L" button.
* Using up to three servers at the same time.
* DCC chat support and file transfer by DCC in both directions (I really don't know what for, but in fact  )
* Storing of logs directly to flash.
* Identification of server answers by numbers. I.e. not an interface only but the great deal of server answers is in English for non-english servers).
* An alternative mode of nicklist request. Now you can see user's "away" status plus a complete list of his modes on server.
* Flexible settings of colors, highlights, etc.
* The prototype of scripts for advanced users. You can set commands, which will be executed after opening or closing of DS (turn away automatically, for example). You can previously make a list of commands for channels, privates and nick list, where the appropriate variables will be substituted as well. I.e. mIRC popups' analog 
* All settings can be changed during a program work - it's no need to bother with ini files.
* Something like multitasking. At the same time you can download several files by DCC, get a list of channels and chat. Practically all tasks are working simultaneously, except the moment of connection.
* Russian in/out and interface (only for Russian version).
So, you can download latest english version here: http://clusterrr.com/dump/soft/ClIRC-0.04-english.zip
Homepage: http://clusterrr.com/
Read manual carefully
Please, send me any bugreports and english laguage mistakes 
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January 2nd, 2008, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo

Gizmodo reader Phil Nolan, a profesional 3D modeler and animator, got inspired by our Nintendo DS 2 mock-up and wish list and sent us his cool version of this dreamed-up third iteration of the Nintendo DS. It looks so yummy inside that I want to get it out for a date:
As you can see, he took the original design and added a whole lot of the iPhone and the PSP. Looks quite good to me, even while it still has some unresolved issues, like the hinge, which can't be like the MacBook because it will block the shoulder buttons. Still, a very doable, even slimmer form factor than the Lite which can perfectly fit all the not-so-crazy features we thought could make it to the next revision of the Nintendo portable console.
And before the anti-Apple camp gets up in arms, let's not forget that the original DS got redesigned with a clear inspiration on the Apple's all-white, all-shiny, all-simplicity iPod design. People didn't think the same could be done with the original DS and look what happened with the Lite.
Some more thoughts from the "buts" that people claimed about the first 2D mock-up:
"But the screen on top should be the same size"
Not necessarily. For compatibility, you can play original DS games letterboxed. Even new games could retain exactly the same format and keep backward compatibility if you want. The top wide-screen, however, could be used very well in most games. But specially, for media playback.
"But the it should be a totally new concept. Nintendo broke the rules and will do it again in the next generation"
That may be true, but the True Next Generation is years away. It took decades for Nintendo to change the paradigm of the original Gameboy to the Nintendo DS. Until the latter arrived, the first went through many iterations, each adding more things: smaller package, more power, color, backlighting, etc.
They milked the cow until it was dead. Then, they reinvented themselves with the DS. The next DS will be an evolution of power and features, not of basic concepts. It works great now, it sells like crazy, so you don't need to change it dramatically just yet. Nintendo just needs to keep the distance with the PSP and that will be it.
"But it will be too expensive to make"
Like I said in the original mock-up article, given the sinking prices of current components thanks to the proliferation of smartphones like the iPhone or multimedia players, a DS 2 with shaved corners, better screens and built-in multimedia playback will be very doable in 2008. Granted, it may not take this shape, but it will happen sooner than later.
More images of the mockup DS here
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January 2nd, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Old FlashAdvance cartridges for the Gameboy Advance used a Parallel Port device for flashing files to the cartridge from a PC. It's hard to find a newer PC (especially a laptop) with a Parallel Port. Based off of tftpds, FAS1 (FlashAdvance Slot-1) lets you place Gameboy Advance games in a folder "GBA" on a Slot-1 device (M3/R4/SuperCard/G6) and flash those files to a FlashAdvance 256 cartridge (only model tested) sitting in Slot-2 of your Nintendo DS.
Like tftpds, it uses Jeff Frohwein's GBA FLinker tool to do the writing, writing at a rate of 18s/meg. A full file (32 megs) takes about 9.5 minutes.
Also, it allows you to backup Bank 1 of your SRAM (64KB) to the cartridge in Slot-1. It also allows you to flash a 64KB save file from Slot-1 to the FlashAdvance cartridge.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
With the princess saved and the galaxy once again at peace, it's back to the status quo for the Wii, as Hudson has kicked off the new year by confirming plans to bring Deca Sports – a new "casual sports" title that promises to use the Wii remote in "unique yet accessible ways" – to the States this summer. The minigame comp will include ten different sporting events "for players and sports fans of all ages," which no doubt means casual gamers or those simply looking for a reason – any reason – to play the Wii.
Deca Sports'' laundry list of events reads like the developers dropped a bunch of activities into a hat and pulled them out at random, with beach volleyball and archery sharing space with snowboarding, soccer, and super cross. Other events include badminton, basketball, curling and figure skating. The game even includes kart racing, making this collection, if nothing else, eclectic. Still, while this sort of offering worked great as a console pack-in, now, more than a year after the Wii first seduced us with its sultry waggle, we can't help but feel that it's time for something meatier.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Wii owners who have opted for a third party recharge station could be putting their Wii Remotes at risk, it's emerged.
Offending hardware Psyclone Wii Recharge Station apparently fails to stop charging the Wii Remote once the battery is full.
This predictably causes Remotes to overheat and melt. In extreme cases, this has left noticeable scorch marks inside the Wii Remote, rendering it useless.
A warning on the Psyclone website advices users to not leave batteries in the recharge unit for an extended amount of time, although how long 'an extended amount of time' actually lasts is not made clear.
Nintendo hasn't announced a rechargeable system for the Wii Remotes, but given that 29 out of 31 reviews on Amazon give the Psyclone Wii Recharge Station only one star, sticking to disposable batteries (or rechargeable) until an official device is released doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Patrick Stewart have been misleading us about Brain Training, according to a recent study.
In a television advert the Australian actress claims, "I have quickly found that training my brain [with Nintendo's Dr Kawashima's Brain Training computer game] is a great way to keep my mind feeling young."
But cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Jason Braithwaite from the University of Birmingham believes that could be a load of old codswallop.
"There is no conclusive evidence showing that the continued use of these devices is linked to any measurable and general improvements in cognition. Practice at any task should lead to some form of improvement for that specific task," he said.
Challenging these celebrity endorsements is the work of Sense About Science (spotted by The Telegraph), which aims to avoid household names promoting "quackery and mumbo-jumbo".
However, it is far from the first time someone has picked up on the so called pseudo-science, with Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani keen that games should validate claims before making them.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mooseatplay:
We have put up a December 2007 release of Laser Hockey DS. Due to the holidays, game development took a back seat to game playing so there are only two minor changes from the November release.
The new internal build number is 0.1.7.
The scores display on each screen
The game goes into sleep mode when you close the lid
To add a spot of good news, there is a homebrew DS-DS wireless multiplayer library named liblobby from MightyMax. We will look into using that for multiplayer in the next build.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has released a new version of his rather cool looking Ghostbusters game for the Nintendo DS.

The remake of the game with the same name
This game is a port of the game GhostBusters released on various platforms, the graphics are taken mainly from the version Sega Master System. The elements of the game are not quite the same, I took a bit of all versions and add my personal touch.
3/1/08 Version 0.6
The 3rd city is accésible but is not yet over
There is a different atmosphere according to the city
Bugfix: Press Do not jump the screen of choice for cars
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
Our new hero Johnny Chung Lee has already put the Wiimote to use for various multi-touch and multi-point systems (not to mention head-tracking), but it looks like others are slowly starting to follow in his footsteps, and the folks at Cynergy Labs have now produced one of the most polished "hacks" to date. Dubbed Project Maestro, the setup is built upon Microsoft's Windows Presentation System (or WPF) and uses a pair of Minority Report-style IR gloves to give you "multi-touch at a distance."
That, as you can see in the video after the break, allows for an interface not unlike Microsoft's Surface -- without the "surface," of course. Unlike Johnny Lee's projects, however, the goods behind this one aren't available to the public just yet (for free or otherwise), but hopefully that'll change before too long.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has released Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Hello everyone
Being a fan of Starcraft some years now, we decided to recreate the game on Nitendo Ds.
Our team (commonly called the "StarDev") consists of the time for 2 people, me included. The project has been ongoing for 3 weeks, and today we offer some screenshots and the first version (0.01) "playable" StarLite.
Now you can create units, build buildings, and you fight for small marine red. Far be it from us pretend to get a match on Thursday Starcraft true, but we take pleasure in recreating gradually this universe fascinating.
We are aware that many bugs exist, and we try to correct them as they arise. Trying to turn a blind eye when appparaît bug.
Regarding Stardev, we are now hiring two or three programmers in order to move faster. If you are motivated and interested, please contact us.
Thank you for your attention, and do not hesitate to give your opinion.
The StarDev.
To do for the next release:
-- We are currently experiencing a lot of worries about the pathfinding and management of collisions. We hope that this problem will be set by the next version.
-- We are attacking also wifi ad-hoc mode, in order to be filled with 2 ds play against one another.
-- Finally, we rajouterons few new units / buildings.
How to play:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to test the game on an emulator, I urge you to use $ NO GBA, as it is the only emulator to my knowledge, which generates sounds correctly.
Tip: in order to appear more marine Mangement press several times on "A".
Download and Give Feedback on this excellent release for all Nintendo DS Fans 
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January 4th, 2008, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Jimmy Hopkins is supposedly ready to kiss the girls (and boys) at Bullworth Academy on Wii and Xbox 360 starting March 3. Bully: Scholarship Edition will feature "new content" and that's still all about we know at this point. Perhaps we'll get a little hands-on time with it at GDC, but we don't even really know if the Wii version will have waggle or if the Xbox 360 version will sport better textures.
Although there's still no official confirmation on Bully's release date, several retailers are listing March 3; we're following up with Rockstar and Take-Two for a polite confirmation -- otherwise we're resorting to swirlies.
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January 4th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Although an eventual release of Rock Band for the Wii has been teased since as early as April, Electronic Arts told GamePro this week, "We have not announced any plans for a Wii version at this time." Don't read too much into that, however, as all it says is there's been no announcement yet, as if we need to be reminded a press release hasn't been sent out. We doubt it's something we'd overlook, although our spam filters at Joystiq HQ aren't perfect.
What we really want to know is what's taking Harmonix so long to announce a Wii version. A last-gen PlayStation 2 version is already available (although it lacks online and world tour mode) and competitor Activision Blizzard managed to figure out a solution for DLC with Guitar Hero III for Wii. Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos already said back in April that "We will, at some time, bring Rock Band to every [important] platform."
Given the Wii's continued success in hardware sales, it's surprising that EA won't just admit to a Wii version in the works. And if they're really not planning to release a Wii iteration, then we fear the business reps have spent too much time "immersing themselves" in Grateful Dead jam sessions.
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January 4th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
We know what you're going to say: "But Joystiq, when Sega makes a crappy light-gun Wii port, you tease them about it. Why does Konami catch a break?" We're glad you asked and there's actually two reasons: First, because of the struggling, out-of-work FMV actors who can barely scrape together enough coin to buy the cheap, off-brand whiskey; and second, for the sweet, glorious return of bad guys with sunglasses (and, optionally, ski masks). Both of these remnants of gaming's glory days were seemingly lost, until resuscitated in Eugene Jarvis' recent arcade hit (well, insomuch as we have arcade "hits" nowadays), Target: Terror.
Konami is bringing all the freedom-loving fun home to Wii in Q1 of this year, with "support" for Nintendo's Wii Zapper peripheral (read: the Wiimote still fits in the plastic casing) along with a handful of unlockable mini-games (see: flaming killer golf cart attack mode below). Just remember, each and every copy of Target: Terror you buy helps put food on the table of an FMV thespian and isn't that worth whatever budget price they attach to this thing? We both know the answer to that one.
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January 4th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
If you browsed the Wii section of your local video game store this week you may have seen a glut of new racing games, a kid's basketball title and whatever Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom is. The shocker isn't that the Wii got a heap of shovelware, it's that this whole lot was coming from one publisher that you've likely never heard of: Destineer. MTV Multiplayer grilled the company's CEO about how a company goes from Nowheresville to releasing six titles in one week.
The answer? Well, basically, the company found them. Boss Paul Rinde told MTV that while in Europe, he ran across group called Data Design Interactive that was looking for an American publisher to work with, and a match in budget heaven was made. So, if you're wondering how many Wii games are waiting in the wings, there's your answer: They are littered across the ground, inviting strolling publishers to pick them at their leisure like ripened blackberries and foist them on to an unsuspecting public.
But is that necessarily a bad thing? And if so, who is it bad for? Rinde makes a fairly convincing case that the market isn't at full saturation, but what do you think?
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January 4th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sabatino:
i released wiitag maker v0.1
download: http://www.tino-studios.22web.net/up...agmaker0.1.rar
------------------Wiitag maker v0.1------------------usable functions in this program:-import template-import avatar-import gametags-type in your wii friend code/wii name-put the template a layer up/down (handy when you use png/jpg)functions that will come later:-export image-positioning of avatar/gametags (half done in this version)-positioning of text
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January 4th, 2008, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
i so want one of these 

With all the Wiimote couplings currently making the rounds, we're bound to see a few lightsabers out there. Of course, this is where Camy's Pro Gear Wii Light Swords come into play. The colored plastic Wiimote holders are available in three "ultra bright" colors -- including the red "Dark Knight," which we're almost positive is a copyright infringement. Nevertheless, the swords will cradle your Wiimote lovingly, with ample room for the IR signal to make its way to your console. Should you desire, you can flip a switch and light up the night sky with your fear-inducing -- yet rather stubby -- laser blade. Sure, we've seen similar, but these come in green. The swords are slated for a May / June release, no word on price.
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January 4th, 2008, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Oxtob

I really like the idea of the popular minigame Crayon Physics: You draw an object on the screen and it instantly becomes physical and interacts with other objects. The first thing that sprung to my mind when seeing it was "This would be awesome on the DS!" And Pocket Physics is what I came up with after two weeks. It isn't really a game, but more of a physical construction kit for your pocket. You can design scenes freely by drawing things with the stylus. Things can be solid, like ramps and floors, or dynamic, like balls or boxes. Like in The Incredible Machine, you can reset the scene, change it, and start the simulation again. It's even more fun if you have a DS Motion, which can be used to control gravity!
v0.2 (2008-01-03)
Pins! Pin things to the background or pin two things together
Numerical fixes in Box2d => (Hopefully) better stability
Removed dynamic timestep adjustment => Subjectively slower, but more reproducible results
Standby mode
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January 4th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Dragonminded on IRC posted an alpha for people to try and let him know if theres any bugs, DSOrganize is a great web browser/ pocket planner and more for the DS for those who somehow havent heard of it 
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via devfr
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January 4th, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has just released a new promo video of its upcoming Wii footy game, PES 2008, which demonstrates its revamped control system for the console.
While it's a Japanese site, there is little text in the trailer and instead the running time is mostly devoted to crisp visuals that hint the game could look great on the Wii.
The control system looks complex, but demonstration movies are hardly ever good indicators of final products. We anticipate that simply shaking the Wii remote around frantically every time you need to pass will be a good enough effort to pull it off.
That's our hope, anyway. Otherwise, our already terrible record at football games will be further pounded by one of the most challenging games we've seen in some time.
Visit the official website and video here.
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January 4th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Today's Virtual Console update comes in the form of Harvest Moon, the farm simulator that somehow makes chopping trees and growing vegetables more fun than it should be.
Available for 800 Wii points, Harvest Moon puts the player into the role of a young farmer who is put in charge of his late Grandfather's farm. Over two years, the player must develop the farm, get married and have children.
Which all sounds like the most mundane, mind-numbing bore fest we could possibly think of, but somehow it all adds up to a fun, addictive little game.
Even so, look to the Virtual Console next week, where we're hoping Nintendo return to releasing three titles in each update.
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January 4th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Wow, it hasn't been a good week for the New York Times.
Turns out that New York Times story didn't just mix up the DS and PSP's features, oh and misspell Reggie's name twice, it also screwed up what exactly was downloadable to the Wii as a full-blown game and what was just for demos.
That's right, according to Nintendo, the Wii will NOT be able to transmit or download full DS games. Apparently the New York Times confused DS demos with WiiWare titles. So you can download full on Wii games (which we knew), but only wireless DS demo games (which we also knew).
From Nintendo:
An article about the Nintendo DS video game system in the Dec. 31 Business Day section of the New York Times incorrectly referred to future capabilities of the device. The statement that complete Nintendo DS games will eventually be able to be downloaded into the device via a wireless connection with the company's Wii game console is incorrect. Users can download games to play on Wii, and, in the future, the Nintendo DS will be able to receive demo versions of some DS games from Wii, but not the entire game. The demo will be erased once the Nintendo DS is turned off.
Good lord, that's four mistakes in one story, five if you include the correction to the correction they had to run. A new record?
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January 4th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Wow, it hasn't been a good week for the New York Times.
Turns out that New York Times story didn't just mix up the DS and PSP's features, oh and misspell Reggie's name twice, it also screwed up what exactly was downloadable to the Wii as a full-blown game and what was just for demos.
That's right, according to Nintendo, the Wii will NOT be able to transmit or download full DS games. Apparently the New York Times confused DS demos with WiiWare titles. So you can download full on Wii games (which we knew), but only wireless DS demo games (which we also knew).
From Nintendo:
An article about the Nintendo DS video game system in the Dec. 31 Business Day section of the New York Times incorrectly referred to future capabilities of the device. The statement that complete Nintendo DS games will eventually be able to be downloaded into the device via a wireless connection with the company's Wii game console is incorrect. Users can download games to play on Wii, and, in the future, the Nintendo DS will be able to receive demo versions of some DS games from Wii, but not the entire game. The demo will be erased once the Nintendo DS is turned off.
Good lord, that's four mistakes in one story, five if you include the correction to the correction they had to run. A new record?
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January 4th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has released a smart looking game for the Nintendo DS with a space theme to it, heres the translated info:
A simple adaptation of the principle of Flash game to the DS does not motivating me, I took my time to find several ideas and to reach this version.
The game:
The goal is simple, it is necessary that each color or balls in the right area to finish the level. This is a dire blue balls in the bottom of the screen and the red balls in the top of the screen. The transition zone between the 2 areas is the black area.
I added options to choose the size of the ball (8x8, 10x10, 12x12, 14x14 or 16x16), and 5 levels of speed for moving balls, each can set the game following his desires.
START = Exit
PAD Left / Right or Motion DS = Move the black zone
R = Music (yes / no)
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January 5th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
NightFox has released a new version of colors for the Nintendo DS. Heres the release info:
Game is almost completed. Only rest wait for definitive music, some test for bugs and do the savegame to file (i'm little lazy today to do this, and minor graphics corrections (game title screen, credits, etc) Now game ends at 25th level (or if you fill the screen and gets game over). Keep in mind the important thing in this game is earn the maxium score posible using the combo system.
Oh yes, i added 7 bg's and bgm's, they switch every 4 levels and 1 special for last level
Hope you enjoy it
See readme for instructions and adition credits about free sound, mp3 and space bg's i used on my game
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January 5th, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Abcd1234:
Welcome to the home page for my port of NetHack to the Nintendo DS. The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience. I think I've succeeded in that goal. I'm probably wrong.
An unscaled, scrolling map view on the lower screen, which can be interacted with using the touchscreen.
Minimap, message, and status information rendered to the top screen.
Support for 16- and 256-color BMP tilesets, including non-rectangular tiles (tiles must have dimensions which are a multiple of 8, e.g. 8x8, 8x16, etc).
Support for text mode, with optional full color and IBM graphics.
Popup command window for easy access to the full command set.
On-screen keyboard for text input and extended commands.
Keys are almost completely configurable.
Support for both left- and right-handed modes.
Save and restore.
Sleep mode.
Version 1.16 Released.
Allow users to bind commands to individual chordkey presses (note, you can't bind combination presses, and commands are activated when the key is released).
Added support for binding run and fight movements (movements prefixed with 'g' and 'F', respectively).
Added the 'cmdkey' option, which lets the user define the key used to open the command window.
Added 'keyhelp' option which controls whether the bindings are shown on the screen (default is now off).
Added HELPLINE1 and HELPLINE2 directives. These take key lists, which determine which keys appear in the key help, and in what order.
Moved minimap colours into a palette file (minimap.pal).
Properly ignore all input when in sleep mode.
Various commands which didn't show a prompt now do (eg, wear, take off, eat, etc).
Fixed a bug in the default X keymapping. ie, it actually works now (the default was mistakenly set to "o," instead of just "o").
Fixed a bug where dismissing the "Toggle Option" key binding submenu without selecting anything would cause a crash.
Fixed a bug where responding to the "Press A…" prompt would result in the action bound to A getting executed.
Fixed keyboard colours, and changed the palette to plain text.
Regarding the keymapping code, the new cmdkey option adds interesting new possibilities. For example, by switching the cmdkey to 'start', you can free up both shoulder buttons for chording:
CHORDKEYS=r,lIt's interesting to note that the 'lefthanded' option is somewhat unnecessary now, as the same thing can be achieved with cmdkey and CHORDKEYS. However, I've left it in for backward compatibility, and it results in the L and R keys being swapped.
Note, make sure you copy over kbd.pal and minimap.pal from the distribution archive to your /NetHackDS directory (assuming you don't just unzip straight over the old copy)..
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January 5th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Brakken has posted more news of the Hardware addon for the Gamecube thats gives the ability to replace the DVD Rom drive for a IDE Hard Drive.
A very interesting piece of hardware indeed and perfect for homebrew, theres no eta on when it will arrive but screens can be found at both tehskeen and mirrored via Comments
My question to all Gamecube Owners is Would you buy one ?
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January 5th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

Happy New Year!
* Golden tridude is reflective as intended.
* Soul suckers now have encyclopedia entry. (Richard Quirk)
* I had forgotten to update the non-classic tilesets with some approximations of the new tiles. This has now been done.
* Creatures blown into something that kills them will no longer cause a crash.
* Fire elementals boiling water, falling in the resulting pit, and dying, will no longer crash.
* New ring: polymorph control; along with the required intrinsic. If you have polycontrol, you can chose the form of any creature you have slain.
* Creatures with polycontrol will try first to become their most evolved form. If they are already that, they'll stay the same, unless they figure they are close enough to death a polymorph might be worth a shot.
* Wand users that are almost dead may decide to zap themselves with polymorph in hopes of a better roll.
* Mini icons are flipped when moved to the off-hand. Most notably, the bow will point away from the character in all cases. The handle for the off hand has also been made symmetrical to the main hand so a symmetrical mini-me will work as expected. This required a two pixel change to the mini-me icon. (Akoi Meexx)
* Restarting the game would not delete any of the items in creature's inventory, leaking memory. This was very apparent during stress tests causing the DS and GBA to quickly run out of memory and PC based systems to eventually run out of MOB ids.
* Killing yourself with Acid Splash will no longer crash.
* Creatures who revert to normal form after teleportitis, auto-searching, being blown by the wind, boiling water they stand on, will no longer crash.
* Creatures reverting to their normal form from their own fireball will no longer crash.
* When in look mode, clicking will scroll to that tile and give a brief description. Clicking the current tile will end look mode and give the long form description. (Richard Quirk)
* Three more maps.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance [382k].
Nintendo DS [735k].
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January 6th, 2008, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
GameTrailers shows three Japanese Super Smash Bros. Brawl commercials made of in-game and animated footage. We know you Smash fans have been shaking since Nintendo pushed back the fighting title; let these clips deliver your Nintendo-fighter fix before the February 10 North America release. (Japan gets it at the end of this month, while other territories have to wait even longer.)
Keep your eyes peeled for random Nintendo background characters; that's our favorite game-within-the-game.
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January 6th, 2008, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
A.A. van Zoelen has posted a screen and info of his latest project for the Nintendo DS and it looks awesome

Heres his latest news on the subject
Progress is going quiet well with Ports of Call DS. So good even that i descided to put a little teaser online of the progress.
The game mechanics are in place and the basic elements such as trade and travel can be done. What is still left open is banking and map events. When i am finished with those parts i know how much memory is still available for sound effects and music.
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January 6th, 2008, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Alex has released a new version of his excellent Puzzle game collection for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new in this latest version:

PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection
on Nintendo DS.
27 games integrated: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, Samegame, Unequal, Flip, Inertia, Twiddle and Pyramid (adaptation of Cube).
Support of graphic themes
Daily challenge downloadable via wifi
Score submission via wifi
Global ranking computed from all scores submitted available on NDS/Website
Game translated into 7 languages:
Brazilian Portuguese
Version 3.6’s changelog:
- Fix bug in Mastermind (thanks stephen for having found it)
- Fix bug in Again/Undo button detection
- Fix bug in themes management => a maximum of 7 seven graphic themes are managed now, if you’ve more themes installed, they won’t be accessible in the game’s theme management.
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January 6th, 2008, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has released a new version of his rather cool looking Ghostbusters game for the Nintendo DS.

The remake of the game with the same name
This game is a port of the game GhostBusters released on various platforms, the graphics are taken mainly from the version Sega Master System. The elements of the game are not quite the same, I took a bit of all versions and add my personal touch.
5/1/08 Version 0.7
3 opportunity to catch different city in the 3rd.
Display lyrics at the start of Thursday
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January 6th, 2008, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
Birslip has posted a great looking game for the DS, heres the release info:

On the composition of drunken coders, I made a little game, which is a little void, but that is 3D, maybe it compensates? Well, the story is not there, you embody a character that responds on behalf of Uummarmiut (I can find worse name!), Which must seek its Christmas gift itself (what sadness ...). In short, under this concept a little corny did not conceal much, there are a dozen levels at which you Face fir, ice, bears and even yétis! With always with the idea to collect all gifts.
Some practical information anyway:
Move the stylus to move the guy
Up or X for the sauté
Cam left / right or double click to launch balls
Select Start, or to take a break
What's more you can change the difficulty, by clicking on "options" at the outset. In terms of music, they are not really me, I have bitten on I do not know what flash game then I bidouillé. The graphics is almost the same, the models come from the excellent egoboo Thursday except the tree and cubes (), but by contrast textures were made by myself (which explains a lot of things). I tried to make essemble fairly consistent, I hope I arrived, if not too bad!
I will distribute the sources, but as usual, I must comment and that j'enjolive parts. Well, if j'oublis do not hesitate to remind me!
Regarding bugs, there are probably, but not that prevents play. Good game!
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January 6th, 2008, 03:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via drunkencoders
A major release of Patater's DS programming manual is here!
This manual now covers additional aspects of Nintendo DS Programming including multiple sprites, multiple backgrounds, multiple palettes, the touch screen, Slot-1 devices, and more. The manual's case study has undergone a significant rewrite and covers more ground than ever before.
Are you excited?
(I used to be.)
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January 6th, 2008, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
Falafel has posted his first homebrew game for the masses, heres his release news:
hello everyone!
Well this is my first homebrew game
It's a 2 player game you can play during boring lectures ^_^
the objective is to get to the goal on either side of the field (the one with the moving cube in your colour is the one you have to hit)
and if you hit a point where you hit another line you "bounce" and you can put down an extra line.
if the screen goes red, red player wins.
green is the same but (guess what?) green player wins
and blue means your stuck and noone wins (or whatever you want to happen anyway)
press B to restart
Have fun!
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January 6th, 2008, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Virtua Peanuts team have released a new hoomebrew app that when you touch the touchscreen tells you the coordinates of where you touched, good for testing your screens fully working i suppose ;D
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January 6th, 2008, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Moose At Play have updated Laser Hockey DS. Heres whats new:
We have put up a build with a couple more updates.
Internal build: 0.2.0
* We have a nice looking title screen with a single button for Practice which just launches the same old game with no way out.
* Added a real player two paddle, it's blue.
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January 7th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Noxneo:
Chroma is an interactive application inspired by "The Colour Game," directed by the artist Joe Mc Kay, which was Set in 2003 at Smack Mellon Gallery in Brooklyn and in 2004 Berkshire Museum. (Link to the author's site).
Originally this "game" was for 2 player, however, due to technical limitations of the DS (try to play
2 persons simultaneously on a touch screen) it is the moment for a single player (and loses the coup
Part of its initial originality). However, a solution may be found in the future.
This game is played on DS with a SUpercard, R4 or equivalent device. For those of you who do not,
You can still use an emulator as no $ gba (download here) to play, opening the file. Nds.
On the screen are willing higher forms of color, and on the lower screen push buttons. The player
Control the color of a form by using the pushbuttons 3 (each controlling a component (red, green, or blue)),
Aim to reproduce the second color. A small margin of error is present at the beginning, which will decline with the game in the final version.
Here, it can be adjusted through the triggers L (drive less) and R (harder). Everything on relaxing music, Oxygen 3 Jean Michel Jarre.
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January 7th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
nikarul posted this:
Hey all,
Awhile ago I started working on a simple DS tile editor that runs on the DS. I haven't touched it in awhile, but I decided to go ahead and release the source code after updating it to compile and run with devkitARM r21.
I got it to the point where I could edit simple tiles and display them on the top screen as a hardware tile (or tiles, depending on the view mode) and save/load tiles to SRAM. It also has basic undo/redo functionality, as well as the ability to view consecutive tiles to see how their borders match.
The user interface is very primitive so be sure to read the README for how it works. It doesn't have any way of editing the palette yet, so its usefulness as an art tool is limited, but I'm hoping someone might find it a useful base to work off of if they are interested in extending its functionality.
You can find it at http://digitalbytes.net/projects.php#dusted
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January 7th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has updated Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Voila version 0.02 of StarLite.
Unable to start the WiFi mode, we decided to move StarLite with regard to its playability. So this was the work of this weekend.
The program,
-- A debut management collisions between "unity and building" (only for the marines for the moment).
-- A new map without any party "space", thus greatly simplifying the problem of pathfinding
-- An improvement at the level of gunfire from marine earlier, the marines shot at the first enemy they saw, at the risk of not capitalize on a navy closest to him, when the latter was. Now, the Navy simply pulls on the nearest unit.
-- In addition, the marines go out of barracks derénavant de facon coerente
-- And finally, the most important part: the construction of buildings is now limited to the place where you can really build a building ... which avoids two batiements overlap. Moreover, it is prohibited to build a building too close to a rude.
-- And ... no, still nothing for the left-handed, but that will come
Voila, it's not much, but to so many post, it would indeed merit a new update Thanks again for your support.
How to play:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to test the game on an emulator, I urge you to use $ NO GBA, as it is the only emulator to my knowledge, which generates sounds correctly.
Tip: in order to appear more marine Mangement press several times on "A".
Download and Give Feedback on this excellent release for all Nintendo DS Fans 
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January 7th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: Elven6
This is sure a odd story, apparently the Queen of England also has a iPod, and a Blackberry!
No, I'm not talking about Tom Cruise. I mean THE Queen as in "The Queen of England." According to UK online gossip rag The People, Prince William was given a Wii for Christmas by his girlfriend, Kate Middleton. Once it was all set up and playable, the Queen decided she wanted to have a go at bowling and apparently quite enjoyed it. If The People is to be believed (and really, the way the article is written gives them the credibility level of The National Inquirer) the Queen is quite a gadgeteer owning a cell phone, Blackberry and even an iPod that holds 100,000 songs. Now, the real question here isn't whether or not the story is 100% true (which, if you ask me, is up for debate) but more interestingly, what exactly does the Queen have on her iPod?
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January 7th, 2008, 16:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar has confirmed March 7 as the UK release date for its revamped version of Bully, titled Bully: Scholarship Edition.
According to IGN, the updated title will include eight new missions, four new lessons, new items and clothing, new two-player offline mini-games and unlockable Achievements on Xbox 360.
We off to see the new-look Bully later this week, so make a note in your diaries that we'll have first look action from the new versions early next week.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Majesco has come up with a bizarre idea to let you build your own house using the Wii.
Dubbed Our House, you erect your dwelling from start to end, using the Wiimote to lay foundations, hammer in nails, saw wood, paint and decorate, and generally do the sort of jobs you pay someone to take care of because good god it is hard work.
Still, here you will be shopping for raw materials in the Home Store, delving into mini-games to earn money so you can maximize the value of your gaff before your friends do. Once finished, you can pop your creation in an online neighbourhood thanks to the Wii Connect 24 channel.
For families or people with friends there's a four-player build-off to go absolutely bonkers over, as well as a Party mode to cut to the chase and get straight into mini-game mischief.
Our House is being developed by Budcat, who most recently ported Guitar Hero III to PS2, and it is tentatively due out sometime early next year.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has revealed a fancy new Yu-Gi-Oh! card battling game for DS due out this March.
It will go hand-in-hand with the real-life 2008 World Championship, and recreate over 2,000 of the cards that line the palms of spotty teenage tacticians.
Interesting additions come from wireless capabilities to take on friends from all over the earth or in your house - either on your own or in pairs - as well a voice chat system to talk about things before battle begins.
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 will have its own single player to get to grips with, too, in case you are a bit flustered about airing your abilities so soon, and you will be given three special limited edition cards to use in real-life as coasters or as motorbike noise-makers on your BMX.
Tom wanted me to tell you about it because "these aren't actually bad games", as you can tell from our World Chapionship 2007 review, but you have a long road ahead of you if you want to beat 2007 World Champion Toro Andres from Chile.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Virtual Console enthusiasts have two titles to choose from this week: Star Tropics and King of Fighters '94.
Originally released on the NES, Star Tropics melds adventure and RPG elements into an unpredictable adventure yarn.
Combining space aliens, Indiana Jones and the gameplay of Zelda, there's certainly worse ways to spend a few quid. But there's definitely better ways, too.
Second up is the NeoGeo fighting game The King of Fighters '94. The first in The King of Fighters series, this beat 'em up pits popular characters from other well-known franchises against each other.
The battle system is also notable, clearly inspiring most that followed it. Instead of using a standard best two out of three rounds fight set-up, players choose one of eight teams, with each team made up of three characters.
To win, all members of the other team must be eliminated before all your fighters are knocked out.
Star Tropics is rated E for Everyone-Mild Fantasy Violence and costs 500 Wii points, whilst The King of Fighters '94 is Rated T for Teen-Animated Blood, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Alcohol & Tobacco Reference, Violence. All of which can be yours for 900 Wii Points.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has just released eighteen new screenshots for Wii Chess. Yep, it looks like chess to us...
The pack is full of perhaps the most compressive set of screen grabs we've ever had the pleasure of receiving.
Don't take our word for it. See for yourself. Witness the glory of the Wii start-up menu when a Wii Chess disk is in the disc drive. See an in-game shot of what the strap-warning screen will look like. Pour over the internet connection error in all its graphical glory.
We can only think of two options for such a strange collection of screens. Either they were taken by a really overenthusiastic work experience person, or Wii Chess is so boring that the marketing department simply threw everything out in attempt to show at least one thing interesting.
We sincerely hope it's the former.
Screenshots here
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January 7th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cravesoft

The goal is to prevent the cat from leaving the screen by impairing its progression with blue pellets that are created using the stylus. At every turn the cat advance of a case until it reaches the edge of the plateau Thursday Support on the select button can generate a new plateau. The game is very simple once you understand the trick
Please let me have your comments if you find bugs.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has released a beta of the Game Xump for the Nintendo DS
Heres details via mollusk and his Pocket PC Site
Xump consists of a 20x12 playfield which is filled with various types of blocks. Your job is to make the blue blocks disappear from the playfield by stepping on them. There are five main types of block, each of which behave differently.
Grey Blocks: A grey block allows you to step on it with out disappearing when you stand on it. Your start point is always a grey block, the last block you step on must be a grey block as well.
Grey Arrow Blocks: Arrow blocks forward you AUTOMATICALLY in the given direction without warning, with exception to the two way arrow blocks which have either a vertical or horizontal black line.
Warp Blocks: Warp blocks always come in a double pack. If you jump in, you come out at the other warp block. Warp blocks are grey and have a hole in them, they do not disappear when you step on them.
Blue Blocks: Blue blocks have to be destroyed by stepping on them.
Darkblue Blocks: Darkblue blocks turn into blue blocks, be careful: Darkblue blocks are sometimes an essential part of the puzzle elements.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via devfr
Mathieu Veron performs "Finger Drum" that allows you to play percussion on your DS.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
DekuTree64 has released a new version of Animanatee for the Nintendo DS:
Heres the release details:
Yet another little art program for DS.
The controls are explained in the program, but here are the basic features:
- 2 layers ("BG" and "frame"). BG gets copied over when you create a new frame, so you can have a persistent background, or modify it as you go.
- 60 color palette, which can all be modified.
- 4 brush sizes
- Up to 10000 frames, or until memory runs out.
- Undo/redo. Up to 32 levels, or until it fills its 128KB buffer.
- Onion skinning (sort of, only shows one previous frame).
NEW in v1.3
- Error checking on file access.
- Changed export format to .avi instead of .flc.
- Added a button so you can save without exporting, since it takes a while.
- Added a progress bar when saving.
Things I'd like to add:
- Better onion skinning.
- Better save system. At the very least, thumbnails or something.
- Offsetting (like to scroll the background a few pixels per frame).
- Less stylus jumping.
- A Mario Paint style music sequencer.
- Playing a wav/mp3/etc. file along with the animation.
- Recording a sound track with the microphone.
Feel free to add to the list, or to vote for which of the ones on there that you'd like to see first.
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January 7th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

Oh yeah, the source is also now available. I look forward to receving patches to port to other platforms.
* Releasing a possessed creature on the otherside of a dimensional portal should no longer cause problems.
* Releasing possession after your body has died but left a corpse will no longer leave you as some weird ghost. This also prevents you from picking up your own corpse and eating it, which has dire reprecussions.
* Releasing possession after your body is a statue is likewise fixed (JCM)
* If you polymorph and drop something on the ground due to lacking space and that item merges with an existing item, it no longer crashes.
* New tridude rooms have a unique tridude to act as the leader to avoid infighting.
* Zapping a wand of create trap outside of the map no longer crashes.
* Rays bouncing off the map boundaries no longer risk crash.
* You can read equipped scrolls, books, and zap equipped wands and drink equipped potions. No particular advantage is currently conferred by such, other than looking cool, but it seemed odd you had to unequip things to do this. (Bill Walker)
* Starting inventory has been normalized and you start the game wearing your armour and weapon. Your bonus item may still be better, so you likely still want to look in your inventory at the start. This means no more starting the game with an evil -2 floppy had and dagger, but also no more starting with a +3 holy artifact warhammer. (David Damerell, Richard Quirk, Stu)
* Dying while possessing a creature and being on a different level from your body will no longer corrupt the mob list of your old level.
* Zapping a wand of teleport at yourself and dying after the teleport will no longer crash.
* Zapping a wand of teleport at yourself will no longer teleport items on the square you teleport *to*, and instead teleport them from the square you teleport *from*.
* Quit & Save will immediately put you at the main menu rather than letting you spy on the local dungeon life. (Clare Boothby)
* Help and tutorial docs now talk about how to use the stylus/mouse.
* [SDL], [DS]: Starting image now fills the screen. It has also been made darker as the original image was calibrated against the original GBA.
* [SDL]: Linux and Windows users will find their screen size a bit larger to bring it in line with the DS screen. There is method to my madness.
* The title menu now has an Options choice that lets you change the options and read the help without starting a game.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance [382k].
Nintendo DS [735k].
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January 8th, 2008, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Eke-eke has updated his Sega MegaDrive/Genesis emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube. This release addresses some issues that came up in the previous release and fixes SD card support for save data.
What's New?
- fixed interleaved rom detection: roms with .smd extension should now work fine
- fixed a recently introduced bug in VDP registers writes: fixes bad colors in Toy Story (intro)
- updated list of games using EEPROM: added Sports Talk Baseball (internal memory check fixed) and Brian Lara Cricket
- fixed VINT flag update when VINT is disabled: fixes NCAA College Football
- adjusted DMA timings in H32 mode: fixes flickering in Out of this World, Kawasaki Superbike Challenge & Formula One
- adjusted line rendering and HBLANK timings: fixes flickering in Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing, Deadly Moves/Power Athlete
- fixed unmapped ROM reads through Z80 Bank: fixes Zombie High (Proto)
- added support for custom ROM/RAM mapping used by Game no Kanzume Otokuyou
- fixed broken SDCARD support for SRAM and Savestate files
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January 8th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Volker has sent me a PM regarding the release of "motej" a PC side application allowing for use of the Wiimote on the PC. motej is an apache licensed JAVA library for wiimote communication. Currently, the source code, binaries and some demos have been released.
* Discover and connect to Wiimote devices
* Wiimote IR Camera in both basic and extended mode
* Wiimote Accelerometer
* Wiimote rumble feature
* Wiimote player LEDs
* Wiimote buttons
* Read Wiimote EEPROM memory
* Write Wiimote registers
* Wiimote Status Information
* Wiimote Calibration Data
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January 8th, 2008, 15:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
New information on the upcoming sequel Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk has emerged today.
The game will use an enhanced version of the Flex Range Linear Motion Battle system that was featured in Tales of the Abyss, and support up to four players.
In addition, the development team is also adding eight elements to the system. In Knight of Ratatosk, each location will have an affinity to a certain element, which can alter the course of the battle and be altered by the usage of player elemental attacks.
This ties into the story, where the two worlds of Tales of Symphonia have become one, creating dramatic environmental changes like deserts being covered in snow.
And as if that wasn't enough to ruin the balance in the world, a powerful spirit has only gone and fallen asleep, resulting in the collapse of the natural order of things.
Whilst it sounds crazy enough to keep any fan of the genre satisfied, there seems to be little that distinguishes this as a Wii title. The motion sensor can be used to execute special techniques, but this can be switched off.
Japanese gamers and import obsessive's will be able to get their hands on Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk sometime this spring.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Super Smash Bros. Brawl website continues its onslaught of screenshots leading up to the US launch. And here are seven new images.
The screens also reveal new information on the game, specifically confirming that the multi-man mode can now be played by two players online over Nintendo WFC.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

This is 4Gamers' 2.1 speaker setup for the Nintendo Wii. As you can see, the product carries the Official Nintendo Seal. It's also crafted to look like a Wii, with two Nunchuk speakers and a subwoofer that...somewhat resembles the console itself. In much the same way Britney circa 2007 somewhat resembles Britney circa 1999. Strangely there's no mention of it on 4Gamer's own neglected, outdated site, but advertisements for the set are starting to pop up here and there, so we'll go ahead and presume they're real and that 4Gamers really do intend to sell them to you. Sometime. Somewhere.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Nintendo aren't sitting on their collective asses with this DS and its inherent Wi-Fi capabilities. Speaking with Japanese news site Asahi, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata says he'd like to expand the device's non-gaming capabilities. Like how? Like say you've got your DS, you get off at a train stop and don't know where you are. He'd like you to be able to whip out your handheld, download a map, get your bearings and turn geographical adversity into triumph. Sounds great to us, but we also know any such service would launch in Japan and stay in Japan.
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January 8th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Lobo
Virus DS is a puzzle game (now with Xmass spirit) with simple objective to infuse the viruses with serum thus making them grow until they explode!
The game can be played with DPAD or Stylus
DPAD-move target
R-Music On/Off
Special Instructions:
No dldi patching necessary, put the .nds on the root (preferably) and play  !
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January 8th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: melw
Snowflakes is an action platformer / puzzle game. Roll your snowball around, collect snowflakes and complete the quest of rolling a giant snowman!
Pad to move the ball.
X/Y to zoom.
Touchscreen controls the camera.
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January 8th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: rugal
Collect Santas missing presents that have been scattered around two alternate dimensional area
Press A to jump. B to float down(maybe other way round)
L and R rotate camera
X and Y Zoom camera
Special Instructions:
Fall off the edge and you transport vertically up
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January 8th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: bogus
This is a demo project I worked on to experiment with the various graphics modes and input methods on the DS. It is meant to simulate the accumulation of snowflakes on a window.
Up = increase the number of snowflakes.
Down = decrease the number of snowflakes.
A = reset the number of snowflakes to default (300).
Left = increase the strength of the wind to the left.
Right = increase the strength of the wind to the right.
B = reset the wind to the default (none).
X = clear the snow drifts.
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January 8th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Jayenkai
You played it last year, and now it's back in a really minor way!
8 extra levels of varying difficulty, with a new "Light up all the Xmas Trees" theme, and a bit of snow.
Y and A to jump, B to grab! If you need more help, try playing the old levels first.
Special Instructions:
This was done as a nice Xmassy thing for the people at gbadev and PALib, and really it's just the old one with a Xmas theme strapped on for the heck of it.
I wasn't going to post it as an entry, but then I thought "Heck, why not!" so here it is!
I fully expect this game to fail miserably, and probably be disqualified for being such a cheap entry!
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January 8th, 2008, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Programix
The game can be played with a stylus as well as with a motion card. Drag a gift with the stylus and throw it into one of the windows on the upper screen. If you are playing with a motion card, move DS forward and to the left or to the right (to aim correctly) and while moving it, press [A]. This will throw a gift, same as with the stylus. You get 10
points for hitting a window and 22 points if you hit a window and the gift does not touch the window frame. You also get some extra points for achieving more successful hits in a row. The game has two modes. There is a timed mode where you have to reach the highest score in two minutes and there is a level-based mode where you have to reach a certain required score in 25 seconds in order to get to the next higher level where you have to reach a
little higher required score in order to get to the next higher level and so on.
Stylus OR Motion sensor and A button
Special Instructions:
Just don't forget to DLDI patch the ROM for correct saving of highscores
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January 8th, 2008, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Jayenkai
Ward away the evil snowmen with your super snowball rifle.
Tap to aim, hold to fire.
You can move using either the DPad, or the Face Buttons (for all you left-handers out there)
Special Instructions:
Watch out for the time, there's only 33.33 seconds on the clock! (or 2000 frames, to be more precise!)
Collect the Green Gifts for extra time.
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January 8th, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Lynx
A "game" to help children learn the names of letters and the sounds they make.
Just touch the screen..
Special Instructions:
Make sure the DSs date is set to December to see the "Drunken Coders" feature. Also note that this version has never been released.
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January 8th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: cbeley
Help Santa get back all the ornaments that were stolen by Evil Santa! Play though an infinite amount of levels (considering you are inhuman and have too much time on your hands) of ornament grabbing, granny evading, floating elf invader, fruitcake-tasting goodness!
You can control your character and navigate the menus using the touch screen and view additional screens using physical buttons when told to. While playing you can also fire using either the Up arrow or X buttons, or the shoulder buttons (which ever is more comfortable). Refer to on-screen help for special additional controls.
Special Instructions:
Refer to the short in-game instructions for more info on how to play by tapping “Save Christmas!” and then pressing A to cycle through the help screens. If you use online scores, be sure to have your DS set up for it using a game such as Mario kart DS. Finally, the 42 ornaments give you a few more points than the other ornaments. :-P
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January 8th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: GeekyLink
It is December, and Santa is preparing to give his toys to all the children of the world. But he got lost on December first when his sled crashed in the North Pole woodlands. Now he needs to find his way back in twenty-four days or else Christmas will be ruined for all the boys and girls of the world! To return, Santa must find and return as many presents as he can to his sled, by giving them to his elf friend, and then passing the level exit. But Santa must beware for lots of sneaky traps out in the woods, or else Christmas might never come! Let us hope Santa can return to the North Pole in time for Christmas...
The three of us that made this game have always loved puzzle adventure games, but it seems that lately they are just getting easier. With random NPCs always telling you what to do, and annoying endless lines of text to scroll through which basically tell you how to solve the puzzles, they just aren't the same. So our goal with Santa's Challenge was to create an older style puzzle game without all the modern conveniences, only on the DS. We tied this theme in more by trying to keep the graphics from being overly fancy and by using music with an older feel to it.
The game is designed so it can easily be played by a right or left handed person. You can move Santa by pushing the directions on the directional pad or by using the 'A', 'B', 'Y', and 'X' buttons. Also, you can tap a tile and Santa will move to that square. Santa always moves in the straightest path to the tile and he will not dodge obstacles for you. If you wish to stop him from moving on the path you set you can either set a new path by tapping a different tile or pushing one of the buttons, or you can tap Santa to make him completely stop moving. A special note is that if the path you set is the same number of squares up or down as it is left or right from Santa, his first move will always be vertical.
Additional controls:
Sometimes you may find yourself stuck or just wanting to restart the level, in this case pressing select will restart the level. By pressing start you can access the pause menu, from here you can go to the title screen, save your progress, or return to the game. Additionally You can change the song by pressing 'L' or 'R' and if you press both at the same time the music will stop completely. To get the music back, press 'L' or 'R' again.
Special Instructions:
How to Play:
For the most part we want you to have to figure out the game the way it was back in the day. But we'll tell you a few important points  The top screen represents your stats. The first row of numbers is how many moves you have to beat the level with, if you run out of moves you will have to start the level all over. The two empty spaces are used for holding ice skates and fire boots which allow you to walk on ice and fire respectively. The number next to the present represents how many presents you must find to beat the level, the number after the warp is the level number you are on. The number after each key tells you how many of that key you have. To beat a level you must reach the warp within the amount of moves provided. However, normally an elf will block your path. To pass the elf you must have collected the designated amount of presents. Finally, if you land on the same square with one of the Grinch's brothers they will steal your ice skates and fire boots.
A special note:
Please keep in mind this is a puzzle game. Certain levels are designed to look impossible but every level has been tested. There is a way to beat every level if you look hard enough. Also, note that the first several levels are easy, it doesn't start getting tricky until around level ten.
Final Note:
We would like to thank Drunken Coders for holding this contest, without it this project probably never would have been made.
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January 8th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: davgav
Help Santa to destroy the worm.
1 player:
Use the touchscreen or the keypad to move Santa, shot with A.
2 players:
1P-Use the keypad to move Santa, shot with L.
2P-Use the buttons (as a pad) to move Santa, shot with R.
Special Instructions:
To find more NintendoDS and PSP creations look at my Webpage: http://davgav.no-ip.org
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January 8th, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: scognito2
Ok this isn\'t a snow themed game, so -40 points for me, but the game is placed in Brazil where there is no snow right now!
The goal of the game is to let the frog jumping over all the tree trunks.
The only avaiable direction the frog can move are forward, left and right (no diagonals), with no jump distance limit!
Remember that the frog cannot jump backward!
Clean the stage for going to the next level (they are 10) or press START to go to the next one(this is only avaiable if you make the \"konami trick\" (you know what is that, didn\'t you?)) at the titlescreen
Thanks Kenney for the title screen and frog!
Any direction except the current mapped for back movement.
SELECT restart the level.
START go next level ONLY if you have the trick enabled.
You can use the stylus to touch the trunk to jump to.
Special Instructions:
Konami trick UUDDLRLRBA
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January 8th, 2008, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: aron
The Christmas Turkey is a game where you have been given the task to look after a turkey (The plot is implemented in the game). It appears like a platform game where you control a turkey. The game contains four levels, the aim is to collect all the 100 seeds on each stage as quick as possible. Your score is based on how much time that is left after you have collected all the seeds. So basically try to beat it as quick as possible and get a nice score!
The game is (as you might notice) made to look and sound NES-ish.
Finally, please play it on a real GBA to get the most out of it!
Use LEFT and RIGHT to move.
Use A to make a jump.
Hold B to move faster.
Press and hold A in the air to fly for a bit.
Hold A while falling to glide.
Press START to pause.
* Jump while running to make a slightly higher jump.
* You don\'t have to release the A-Button after a jump to start flying.
Special Instructions:
There are several lifes and time-ups at the levels, make sure to collect all of them to get a better score. The bonus for each level is simply based on how many lifes you got when you finished it.
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January 8th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: blackfrog
If you're in need of a quick gaming break, why not take a Bauble Break?! Bauble Break is a puzzle game similar to Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move. You must aim and shoot Christmas Baubles onto a playing field, trying to get groups of three or more to be connected, at which point they will break. See how many levels you can clear before your credits run out. See if you can get your name to the top of the high score list. When successful, hand off your copy of Bauble Break to a friend and let them try and beat your score. It's hours of fun for everyone
Press d-pad left/right to aim your Bauble Break Shooter Thing. Also pressing d-pad UP will bring it closer to the vertical. When you have it all set up, press A to fire your Bauble. Don't take too long, however, or it will get automagically fired for you!
If you want to swing your aimer around faster, hold R for SUPER DUPER BAUBLE BREAKER SPEED BOOST.
Also if you need to take a break for things like food or sleep, press START to pause the game.
Special Instructions:
If you don't like the current level's song, the pause feature will stop the current song when activated, and then pick a new song when you un-pause.
To enter in your high score, use d-pad left/right to pick your letter, and then START to move on the to the next letter in your name. UBER compression technology allows for FIVE high scores to be saved!!
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January 8th, 2008, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: Maple
Fill the empty present boxes with toys and get the assembly line going. Fill toys into like-colored boxes to score points. Mismatching colors or trying to put a toy in an already filled box will count against you. Rack up enough errors and it's Game Over. Consecutive fills without an error will result in an impressive combo Streak that further multiplies your score.
In addition to Normal Mode, there is Perfect Mode, where you must continue on without allowing a single error. Listen to two different wintery tunes and choose from 3 different starting difficulties.
Use the stylus to slide toys up, down, left, and right. Tap the chute button to send the lowest toy down into the present box waiting below on the conveyor belt. Press Start (or just close the lid) to pause the game.
Special Instructions:
No fancy FS-patching stuff here, just run the file as-is, and you're ready to go. Source code can be found at "http://radiofree1653.dyndns.org/~micha/console/ds/".
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January 8th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: birslip
Help «Uummarmiut» to find all gifts! You can also kill polar bears. This is an action/platform game.
Move the stylus to move the character.
Up or X to jump.
Left/Right trigger or double click to shoot.
Start or select to make a pause.
Special Instructions:
You can change the difficulty in «options».
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January 8th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: MystBoy
wecker ds is a simple alarm clock that wakes you up with an mp3 file.
Wecker is german and means alarmclock..
Chhoose the minutes with thew left butons and the hours with the riget ones...
Special Instructions:
the file must be in the root of your card it must be named wakeup.mp3 please don't forget the dldi patch! warning some cards are case sensitiv...
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January 8th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: david_o
This is my awesome game.
Press A to jump.
Special Instructions:
Blow on the microphone to activate SEKRIT POWERS.
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January 8th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: wykz
Saving Santa is an fast-paced, addictive mini game where you have to protect Santa on his journey around the globe during the Christmas Night. The dangers he faces are giant, monstrous snowflakes falling from the sky and you protect him by using your trusty magical bubble cannon.
draw circles around the falling monster snowflakes with the stylus.
Drawing circles costs mana. You gain mana by successfully trapping monsters.
Each time a monster snowflake hits the shield around Santa, you lose Health Points (hp). When your HP reaches zero, the game is over.
Special Instructions:
Put the data directory in the root folder of the homebrew card and then launch one of the nds files.
You may have to DLDI patch the .nds file because the game uses libfat\'s read and write.
The game works fine on my ds-x and m3 lite. I have not got it running on any emulator because of libfat.
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January 8th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: puzzlemaniak
PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS.
PuzzleManiak can also be used as an mp3 player.
* 27 games are available: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk),
Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling,
Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, Samegame, Unequal, Flip, Inertia, Twiddle and Pyramid (adaptation of Cube).
* Support of graphic themes
* Daily challenge downloadable via wifi
* Score submission via wifi
* Global ranking computed from all scores submitted available on NDS/Website
* Game translated into 7 languages:
o English
o French
o Italian
o Spanish
o Brazilian Portuguese
o German
o Dutch
* MP3 Support (thanks TOM)
* When the Nintendo DS is closed and an mp3 is playing, pressing buttons ‘L’ / ‘R’ will go to the previous/next song in your mp3 playlist.
=> This feature can be disabled in new ‘options’ screen
* Past Daily Challenges can be played again and again (without submitting your scores, for sure!)
* Press ‘Select’ to change screen’s brightness
* Several players can play the game on the same Nintendo DS => For each one, a profile is stored so that the user keep his settings like language,
colors, background, mp3 folder, mp3 options (repeat all, repeat one, mp3 path) and so on…
* The 3 players have their own score file, and a ‘overall local ranking’ is managed, so that you can train yourself against your scores,
but also against all scores on your NDS.
* When displaying scores, you can switch between your scores, scores of other players, local overall scores and overall scores downloaded via
wifi by pressing the Left / Right buttons.
* DLDI patching is required.
* PuzzleManiak file and “PZMK” folder must be extracted on your linker root.
Official Website : http://www.puzzlemaniak.com
All is done with the stylus.
Details of menus are there :
Games rules are visible by pressing the 'help' button in each game.
Special Instructions:
Just have fun!
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January 8th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Cobradragon1020 has released a beta of Halo for the Nintendo DS, this game is a submission to the drunken coders contest and was private messaged to me back in late December for me to post on the coders behalf, but i was hesitant having not heard of the coder and that fatquack was the original coder of the project, anyway heres the release info:

This is a beta of my game Halo Nds, also fatquack made the beginning for me but i did two of the levels. but he taught me to code while making the game so as a thanks for teaching me i put his banner and website name on the splash screen. Also i lost the source code and could not add a winter theme *weeps* i know i will lose alot of points probably and i didn't mean to lose the source but i did so no Christmas halo
D-pad left and right to choose level a to start level and in -game controls are left right to shift camera view and x to reload
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ViaDrunkencoders Comp
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January 8th, 2008, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

10-in-1 Wii Deluxe Kit, Includes Tennis Racket, Baseball Bat and Colorful Anti-skid Battery Shell.
1 x Wii tennis racket
1 x Wii golf club
1 x Wii baseball bat
1 x Wii sharp shoot
1 x Wii steering wheel
1 x Wii upgraded wrist strap
1 x Wii colored gloves
2 x Wii colorful anti-skid battery shell
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January 8th, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

1. Transform your Wii Remote and Wii Nunchuk into a full form fishing rod.
2. Custom-designed fishing rod & reel controller offers unparalleled realim - realistic casting, reeling and hook setting action.
3. Superior construction combined with precision finishing offers unmatched realism.
4. Comfortable handle delivers lightweight comfort and a secure grip under all conditions.
5. Universally compatible with most Wii fishing game software.
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January 8th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Dream Hyper Battle! Wii is based on the Shonen Jump action manga series and a port of the PlayStation2™ fighting game, now available on Nintendo Wi™. The game is a one-on-one, 3D fighting game featuring the favorite characters from the series. Next to a motion control function, this game also supports battles with the classic controller or the Gamecube pad.
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January 9th, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry from the Drunkencoders Comp
Submitted by: JimmyLord
'ramming Santa is some sort of strategy/puzzle/action game where you have to give commands to you player in advance then watch how it plays out.
Your goal is to pick up the gift and deliver it to the sleigh, just watch out for the competition.
Up to four players can play over Wifi, and a single player game with three AI's is included for practice.
Just use the touchscreen to select the five commands you want to program your player with.
Special Instructions:
There's slightly more detailed gameplay instructions in the readme, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out with a couple of missteps.
Online game stats can be found here: http://www.atouchofwar.com/Stats_Santa.php
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January 9th, 2008, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
ChiSaw has released a Lamp app for the DS, cant say anymore than that :P
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*edit DS not PSP *
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January 9th, 2008, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Invisionsoft:
I understand that a long time ago, when XtenDS was first released, people discarded it as trash because of it's lack of functions and options. I agree with them now, it was overly simple, however let's forget the past and concentrate on what XtenDS 7.2 has to offer.
If you don't know what XtenDS is, it is a gamemaker where you can make DS Games by just clicking to assign backgrounds, where you want sprites and more. See below.
+ Sprites - on either/both screens, any size that PALib supports, simple click to add, right click to remove, supports Magenta transparency
+ Backgrounds - on either/both screens, high 16 bit or average EasyBG mode, backgrounds too large automatically resized in either tile or stretch mode (ideal for photos, wallpapers, images from Google)
+ Sounds - 57 .raw files included, easily playable with XtenDS events system. Option to choose sound channel for sounds to be played through in preferences screen, can add own sounds easily converted with Switch/Audacity
+ Splash Screens - Set a condition (Start, stylus etc), screen - top/bottom, and image to show
+ If - Test condition using the inbuilt expression builder, easy to make conditions using drop down boxes, such as Pad.Newpress.A, also includes End If and Else functions for complex structures
+ Scripts - Easily execute scripts stored in XtenDS/Scripts folder. They will need to be in PALib C++ format, but a code editor/script manager is included with Insert Varilable tools, comment tool etc.
+ Move Sprite with D-Pad, ability to move a sprite on the screen using the D-pad with just one event added
+ More error handling and high compile-success rate with newer system
+ Emulator support - launches an emulator straight after compile with your game in it, you can configure 2 if the first falls out, e.g. exe not found
+ Ability to have the game pause when the DS lid is closed
+ Advanced Options - set Palet name, Transparent color, Background Quality, Sound channel, compile includes and more
+ System scan - finds errors with PALib/devkitpro setup, like missing environment variables, missing paths
Not only are all these changes positive, your games are strored in just 1 file (e.g. Monkeys.xds), meaning less chance for bugs, and they can be stored anywhere on your PC.
Much more is included than what I can think of right now, plus the install is less than 5 megabtes! Also, there has been a big documentation rewrite, it is now a full step-by-step tutorial from download to scripting.
Please try to forget what the Alpha was like, now we are striving for the best DS Gamemaker available!
Website: http://invisionsoft.co.uk
- Invisionsoft
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January 9th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Hits milestone in just over a month on sale
Nintendo's Wii Fit exercise package has sold one million units in Japan, in just over a month on sale.
According to Nikkei, the hardware and software bundle reached the milestone on January 6, after being introduced to the market on December 1.
Wii Fit was first unveiled by Shigeru Miyamoto at E3 last year, and represents Nintendo's continued push to expand the industry beyond the traditional videogame market.
The package consists of the Wii Balance Board peripheral and software that simulates an exercise workout, using more than 40 types of training activities, as well as keeping track of a users BMI and other stats on a new Wii Channel.
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January 9th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
FINALLY, some new and interesting information arrives on the official Smash Bros. Brawl blog, this time announcing Pikmin's Captain Olimar as a playable character. According to the blog, Olimar fights by plucking Pikmin from the ground, and most of his attacks are done indirectly through the adorable little creatures.
Olimar brings the number of new characters announced in Brawl up to an even twelve, equal to the number of veteran fighters announced. With everything all neat and tidy, could this be the last announced character for the game before its release? Do we have more secret characters to look forward to once the game is out, or has Nintendo gone and spoiled all the fun? We'll find out soon enough.
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January 9th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
SQUiRE has released a tool for decrypting Datel's Wii Powersaves. Datel's Powesaves are for use with your Nintendo Wii and allow you to use save files full of goodies (for you cheaters out there). The problem with this product is that the saves are encrypted so you're stuck using Datel's software. Well, not anymore.
"This util takes game saves made for this product and decrypts it to make it suitable to place on an SD card and then use in your Wii like a regularly shared save game. Yay!
Win32 and linux static binary provided. Also included is the current library of some 200 save games from Datel's servers."
More Info
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January 9th, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Alex has released a bugfix version of his puzzle game collection, heres whats new:
Version 3.6a’s changelog:
- Fix bug in Mastermind (thanks stephen for having found it)
- Fix bug in Again/Undo button detection
- Fix bug in themes management => a maximum of 7 seven graphic themes are managed now, if you’ve more themes installed, they won’t be accessible in the game’s theme management.
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January 9th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]
We just finish the new boot menu for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver, after you upgrade it,can make them support SDHC,and more function.
This is an universal menu, support all MK6 and R6, and it can auto detect the cart type.
How to upgrade :
[1] rename the "R6_Upgrade-0007-selfburn.nds" to "_boot_ds.nds", put it to slot-1 or slot-2 device and run it;
[2] when you see screen show "Install bootstarp" , then insert your MK6/R6 ,press A to continue;
[3] after it finish,re-power on, then you will see the new loader menu.
new boot menu download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4776.0.html
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January 9th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Move over, Our House. Our twisted curiosity has been now been consumed by the newly announced Cake Mania 2, the sequel to the online PC hit and DS title predictably known as Cake Mania.
The new game in what will surely turn into a franchise includes 200 levels of baking and frosting madness.
"We are continually inspired by the legions of fans of Cake Mania that simply can't get enough of Jill Evans and her baking adventures," said Daniel Bernstein, founder and CEO, Sandlot Games.
Surprisingly, Cake Mania 2 includes features not usually associated with cooking titles. For one, a branching, non-linear storyline lets players decide which path Jill should take, including six possible endings.
There even seems to be a character you can romance. The official announcement cites a mission to rescue an old flame in his underwater theme park, which begs the question exactly how bad was the break-up if Jill's ex felt the need to buy a business underneath the sea?
Also hinted is Cake Mania for the Wii. No word yet on a release date for either, but we'll be sure to keep you updated when we hear anything.
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January 9th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A recent US Patent hints that Bioware's upcoming RPG may be called 'Sonic Chronicles', it has emerged.
There is little information other than a filing for the name by Sega, and the connection to the unnamed role-playing game is based purely on the lack of new announced Sonic games in the pipeline.
The name has also been used by blogger and tipster Surfer Girl, who has decried the game to be the most inspired game in the Sonic franchise in years. Given some of the mediocre offerings in the franchise as of late, this comes as little surprise.
In related news, Sega has also filed a patent on something known as The Dark Brotherhood, a title which Surfer Girl claims is an action-RPG. Our money is going on it being the unannounced Sega project from Obsidian.
As a sidenote, we happen to think Sonic Chronicles and The Dark Brotherhood are some of the most uninspired titles we've heard in quite a while.
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January 9th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
More screenshots of the promising Populous port have just been released, revealing a remarkably faithful recreation of the PC version.
Originally released on the PC in 1989, Populous was a massive success and is regarded by many as beginning of the god game genre.
Players assumed control of a deity and were tasked with the duties of shepherding civilisation by direction, manipulation and divine intervention.
Unfortunately, those wanting to indulge their megalomaniac sides will have to look to their favourite import store, as Populous DS is still tapped to be a Japanese only release. Still, we can dream. Or import.
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January 9th, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release ive just found on checking my list of inactive sites, anyway on with the cool news
Heres the release from DavidW
Instead of a videogame, this is a useful NOTEBOOK for Gameboy Advance.
You can type notes in 59-pages, choose 30 or 60-characters across, and can change the background picture for each page.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has explained how Professor Kageyama's Maths Training will work when it's released on DS next month. Result! Or "solution", probably.
Kageyama Hidea is a Japanese primary school head-teacher, apparently, and he came up with this idea of writing numbers along the top and left of a 10x10 grid and then getting you to do various sums involving them, filling in the little boxes on the grid.
Sounds quite clever, and of course it's a "Training" game so the idea is that it stimulates you mentally if you play it every day, mixing in other among its maths "exercises" to build up a steady diet of number-crunching. You get to hold the DS like a book and jot down all your answers, too.
Depending on speed and accuracy, you'll be rewarded with bronze, silver or gold medals, and then given a tick, just like you got in school (well, probably not you, but you understand the principle), and then eventually you will be able to work out whether you have enough change in your pocket for a Snickers or whether you need to break into the emergency fiver.
Anyway, Maths Training is due out on 8th February, and given how much we enjoyed doing quick-fire sums in Brain Training we can only imagine it will be good, and wipe away the pain of Sight Training.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
WiiWare, Nintendo's download service for original content, will launch in March according to Engine Software.
The company is preparing Project Bang, a casual game aiming to take advantage of the Wii remote, for one and two players.
"Nintendo's WiiWare service is a new downloadable game content service that is scheduled to be launched in March 2008," stated Engine Software.
Engine is currently working on DS projects Dragonhunters for PlayLogic and GoPets: Vacation Island for Konami.
"We are very excited about our first game for the WiiWare service," commented Ruud van de Moosdyk, VP of development at Engine.
"When we acquired our official Wii license last year we already had several concepts written up that would be ideal for WiiWare, and Project Bang is the first to actually go into production."
Although the company hopes to have the game completed "early on in the service's operational status," it has not yet confirmed an exact release date.
WiiWare (Wii Software in Europe) was unveiled by Nintendo in June last year, and intends to offer developers a chance to produce small budget titles for digital download, much like Sony's PSN service and Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade.
GamesIndustry.biz has contacted Nintendo for clarification of the WiiWare launch period.
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January 10th, 2008, 19:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
For some reason known only to themselves, Nintendo are releasing two...unique titles on the Australian Virtual Console. The two games, which were classified on January 7, have never been seen on our fair shores, and a betting man would put good money on you never having seen them, either. The first one's Smash Ping Pong, a Famicom port of Konami's Ping Pong arcade game. The other one's *breath* Do Re Mi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken, the SNES sequel to Milon's Secret Castle. Could Nintendo be planning another Japan-only Virtual Console love-in similar to last year's "Hanabi Festival"? We can only hope.
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January 10th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker will be available for the DS on UK shores as from March 14, Square Enix has confirmed.
Wildly dubbed as Square Enix's answer to Pokemon, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker is the latest in the Dragon Quest Monsters series and the first to be featured in full 3D.
In Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (one of the most unwieldy titles seen in quite a few months) players must rise to the top of the ranks by gradually collecting and fighting over 200 monsters.
In this latest iteration, a number of new changes have been made to the game play. The random dungeons have been jettisoned, and instead the game is built upon predefined levels and a world full of quests to complete.
For those who are so inclined, you can also take your monster teams online and participate in the Wildcard World Cup, available via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
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January 10th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Could Nintendo's highly anticipated Super Smash Bros. Brawl be pushed back a month? According to the swirling mists of internet rumor the hot title could be slipping from it's current early February North American release window to sometime in March. I've received at several reports from different sources, including one video game store owner who claims to have received an email blast from his distributor alerting him to the delay. I contacted Nintendo earlier to see if I could obtain any sort of official word on the game's release, and of course received the usual reply. All together now: "Nintendo does not comment on rumors and speculation."
So far the game stores in my area are standing by the February release date, but then again I am a notorious preorder canceler, having once canceled 20 at a time in order to pick up a new DS, so they tend to walk on eggshells around me. If the rumor does wind up being true, it is only just another month. I'll just be in my bunker hiding from rabid Smash Bros. fans if anyone needs me.
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January 10th, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Smash Bros. Melee's Multi-Man mode, which pitted you against tons of wire frame models was a great way to take out your aggressions, especially if a wire frame model had just beaten you out for the big promotion or the WF Gang was picking on you in school. Smash Bros. Brawl's take on the lengthy battle mode looks to be even more satisfying though, with wire frames replaced by the the much more substantial-sounding Fighting Alloy Team.
More exciting is the revelation that a buddy will be able to join you in your campaign against the colorful robots from all the way across the country with online co-op. There's also just regular old two-player, for all the Smash Bros. fanatics' real life friends ... Hey, if you don't use a mode long enough, do you think it will actually get dusty?
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January 10th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst Jesse Divnich of prediction market simExchange projects Wii Play will become the top selling piece of Nintendo Wii "software" over the console's lifetime. Divnich believes Wii Play will finish with approximately 20 million units sold, while Super Smash Bros Brawl grabs the number two spot with an expected 13.95 million units sold. Wii Play's classification as software has been the source of mental chafing considering its main selling point is the bundled Wiimote in the $50 "game" (making the the actual game $10 after the Wiimote's normal $40 price is deducted).
Although the NPD numbers for December still aren't public, Divnich believes the Nintendo Wii sold 1.8 million units and the Nintendo DS broke a sales record with 2.9 million units sold -- currently the PS2 holds a December record of 2.6 million units sold during 2002. Divnich's piece of advice is that American publishers need to work outside the industry's status quo to get a hold of the "astonishing success" Nintendo is currently experiencing.
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January 10th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via tehskeen
The USB Gecko is now shipping from various retailers. This device, like the SD Gecko, allows you to run homebrew on your Nintendo GameCube or Nintendo Wii video gaming console. Homebrew, if you didn't know are programs such as games, emulators, media players and applications designed by amateur programmers and is totally free!
It also has a remote debugger which can be used by homebrew authors for various programming related purposes. Additionally, it can allows you to make legal backups of your original discs for safe keeping purposes.
If you were around you might remember we broke the story about this product in an exclusive news article a while back. Due to development and production issues the product was delayed, but now you can get your hands on one.
We've also taken the liberty of opening up a new downloads section specifically for the USB Gecko. While the main page does serve it's purpose for general downloads you should keep checking back for 3rd party additions to the already impressive library.
Visit - http://www.usbgecko.com
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January 10th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Emu_Kidid has released a new version of his sd-boot homebrew application. Using this application along with an SD->GC adapter you can boot .GCM files from your SD card using either your Nintendo GameCube or Nintendo Wii.
What's New?
* Compatibility Increased greatly (possibly a slight loss of stability though)
* Recoded the SD card reads (patch codes)
* Fixed file browser
* Fixed the issue of sector finding
* Fixed build process
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January 10th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
SaruCoder posted this news:
Hey guys, after a year of NDS homebrewing, this is what I've come up with:
The gist of the project was to see how platformers (such as MetalSlug) would do if they were played sideways on the DS.
I also want to say thanks to everyone who helped me here at this forum, especially tepples and wintermute because they know everything.
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January 10th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his version of Tetris for the Nintendo DS.

Update 0.2 with the following changelog:
- Setting the speed of departure
- Behavior improved mirror
- Changing the speed curve
- Showing where the piece will fall
- Adding a forgotten pentamino
- Fixed the score did not return to 0 when you start a new game
- Ability to start with boxes already filled
- Start to pause
- Adding to choronomètre
Update 0.3:
- Bugfix: The reserve does not rénitialisait when you start a new game
Fill-in the matrix when the party is over
- Affichahe of 3 parts to come
- Selection of the frequency climb of the matrix
- Bugfix regarding the elimination of lines
- The number of lines and the level at the end of the party
- Bugfix on the stopwatch
- Adding music
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January 10th, 2008, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
cuicui666 has updated his Japanese learning app for the Nintendo DS:
A new version has been released.
The main advantage of this version is that it works properly on the linker R4 and probably all other
The problem was Makefile, I inadvertently uncommented the following line:
# ARM7BIN: = -7 $ (PAPATH) / lib/arm7/arm7.bin
Voila, now, if anyone can explain what has used this line, I am taker
Version 0.5 can be found HERE.
For the curious, a first implementation of the recognition of writing is available.
It is very buggy, so be lenient
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January 10th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the Lazy1
This implementation of a DOS title with four colors CGA graphics plays out Very good. Besides sound and multiplayer is also a port on the 1:1 DS managed. It is a question with his Sopwith aircraft all Opponents and buildings in the level to destroy either the weapons (MG, Bombs, missiles), or a collision, alone or against a CPU, Propeller-driven machine. They loosen some gags as Graphical
Oxen, bird swarms and the flashes angestaubte optics. Even the Ansrpuchsvollen mastery of the physics engine needs some exercise, Making the game a bit more demanding but ultimately more
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January 11th, 2008, 03:42 Posted By: kcajblue
via DS Link,
DSLink software 2.31 version
English kernel update 2.31 verison
Kernel update procedure
1.Copy_DSLINK_.NDS file to TF card root directory.
2.Enter the DSLink interface to run this NDS file then appears the Kernel update interface for update.User can also enter the Kernel update program by long pressing START key to start the NDS.
3.Press SELECT key in the update interface to begin the update. There will be progress notice when updating,when it appears the notice to turn off the power that means update successfully.
Note:If any error happened when updating, user can follow the instruction or restart to update by long pressing START key again. User can backup _DSLINK.NDS to any GBA backup card that can run NDS file to update DSLink. ive been waiting for this update for a long time.
i was wondering when it was going to come out.
just found out about it today, but at least it got updated. 
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January 11th, 2008, 15:40 Posted By: JKKDARK
New update of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC, this beta being released now for Windows.
• Fixed a bug in LDRs ARM opcodes.
• Fixed a bug SMLAXY opcode.
• Fixed a bug in cycle N,S for ARM9.
• Fixed a bug in 3D pipeline for invalid coordinates.
• Fixed a bug in Auto Sort for Traslucent Polygons.
• Fixed a bug in Windows Mode Drawing.
• Added support for Hinge.
• Added None Save Type.
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January 11th, 2008, 16:39 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
This is the pdf covering my DVD compatiblity of modchips reseach. In this pdf I put several of the most well known modchips to the test and check to see if their compatibility with media (and I don't mean i.e. just not supporting rewritables) is different. Suffice to say, I was very surprised when I saw the results!
<quote introduction>
I started testing the compatibility of media of my Wii because I bought a set of +rw discs which didn't seem to work. Before taking them back to the store saying it was bad media I figured I would give it one more go. Now for some reason I switched mod-chips earlier and surprise surprise, the +rw disc which I though didn't work with my Wii suddenly started up and I was greeted by SDload! Because I couldn't quite believe what happened I switched around the chips again and indeed the other chip didn't work with the +rw discs. Putting the chip back in that worked before made me able to run SDload again.... Both chips advertise with being able to run +rw (and -rw) media though.
So I started thinking “ Maybe more of the media I rejected in the past wasn't bad media. Maybe there was a similar situation with those discs. Let's test! ”.
<end quote>
Click here to download the PDF!

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January 11th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
After Harvest Moon gave last week's Virtual Console update an air of warmth and happiness, StarTropics for the NES (500 Wii Points - GBP 3.50 / EUR 5.00) arrives this Friday, 11th January aiming to maintain the high.
The US-developed, narrative-driven top-down action-adventure sees players hunting down their missing uncle on foot and in a submarine. It sounds quite enchanting, but is 50 years old so probably isn't.
And then it's back to earth with a bang in SEGA's latest 16-bit, 800-Wii-Pointer (GBP 6.00 / EUR 8.00), Alien Storm, which is a side-scrolling action-adventure game where you fight aliens. It sounds a bit like Golden Axe, and you can play as people called Garth, Scooter or Karen, who was apparently absent in the Master System version. Thanks, Wikipedia.
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January 11th, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Videom Games
Two new TV spots for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games on the DS have arrived straight from Japan this morning, which should cause even the most jaded cynic to smile a little bit.
The infectious enthusiasm of the commentator certainly plays a part, but the videos reveal a vibrant and bold game that should be perfect to dip in and out of on train journey's and bus rides.
The only worry is whether the more active interactions like clapping will be mandatory. We're still getting over the looks we received when we tried to blow out candles in WarioWare Touched! on a crowded morning commuter train.
Not to mention the logistical nightmare of clapping whilst holding on to a DS.
Videos here
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January 11th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Clever Internet men have hunted down box artwork for the upcoming Nintendo DS version of Assassin's Creed, subtitled Altair's Chronicles, and an examination of the wordses and pictures sheds some light on how it will all work.
Apparently it tells the story of what happens to Altair prior to the events in the console Xbox 360 and PS3 versions already on the market, but the shots and feature details also suggest that it will be trying to deliver something to fit the other game's sense of scale.
For a start, it's all done up in a 3D rendered world, with fancy-looking graphics that allow Altair to perform the sorts of acrobatic moves he does on the big-boy consoles, including sword-fighting, stealth assassinations and combo attacks, with plenty of weapons at his disposal.
The game will also draw on the stylus for use in interrogating informers and pickpocketing, although specific mechanisms are left somewhat to the imagination by the screenshot to which the caption declaring as much is appended.
These are of course things Altair got up to on the consoles, where he had to track down nine evildoers in the cities of Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus as his mentor Al Mualim pranced around his castle at Masyaf throwing pigeons out the window.
It was a largely enjoyable game that we felt was badly let down by lots of repetition and a pretty silly storyline, but it's worth pointing out that we still felt compelled to go back and play it again. (In fact, second time round I did absolutely all of the side missions - it wasn't worth it.) Check in with our 360/PS3 review if you somehow missed all the fuss.
Ubisoft reps weren't around to tell us when exactly Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles will be released, but nothing is real and everything is permitted so as soon as we hear back we'll let you know.
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January 11th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Wii and DS titles pack out the entire top ten and 25 of the top 30
If ending 2007 on a dominant note wasn't enough for Nintendo, the first Japanese software chart of 2008 will be depressing reading for Sony and Microsoft in that territory.
All of the top ten in the software sales chart for the week ending January 6 were games for either the Wii or DS, with those platforms taking up 25 of the top 30 positions as well.
According to the latest Media Create data only three PlayStation 2 titles and two PlayStation Portable games prevented a complete whitewash.
Top of the list was Mario Party DS, selling just under 200,000 units, while Wii Fit broke the million total sales barrier in second and Wii Sports saw a revival in third.
Final Fantasy IV raced past the 500,000 mark in fourth, Super Mario Galaxy was fifth with Dragon Quest IV in sixth – but not one of the top ten was a new entry.
In total there were four Mario titles in the top ten, while Nintendo itself published seven of the games present – Square Enix was responsible for two, and Level 5 for one
The highest non-Nintendo title was Monster Hunter Portable 2nd for the PSP in 14th place.
The full Japanese top ten chart is as follows:
1. Mario Party DS (DS)
2. Wii Fit (Wii)
3. Wii Sports (Wii)
4. Final Fantasy IV (DS)
5. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
6. Wii Play (Wii)
7. Dragon Quest IV (DS)
8. Prof Layton and Pandora's Box (DS)
9. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)
10. Mario Party 8 (Wii)
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January 11th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Wii and DS titles pack out the entire top ten and 25 of the top 30
If ending 2007 on a dominant note wasn't enough for Nintendo, the first Japanese software chart of 2008 will be depressing reading for Sony and Microsoft in that territory.
All of the top ten in the software sales chart for the week ending January 6 were games for either the Wii or DS, with those platforms taking up 25 of the top 30 positions as well.
According to the latest Media Create data only three PlayStation 2 titles and two PlayStation Portable games prevented a complete whitewash.
Top of the list was Mario Party DS, selling just under 200,000 units, while Wii Fit broke the million total sales barrier in second and Wii Sports saw a revival in third.
Final Fantasy IV raced past the 500,000 mark in fourth, Super Mario Galaxy was fifth with Dragon Quest IV in sixth – but not one of the top ten was a new entry.
In total there were four Mario titles in the top ten, while Nintendo itself published seven of the games present – Square Enix was responsible for two, and Level 5 for one
The highest non-Nintendo title was Monster Hunter Portable 2nd for the PSP in 14th place.
The full Japanese top ten chart is as follows:
1. Mario Party DS (DS)
2. Wii Fit (Wii)
3. Wii Sports (Wii)
4. Final Fantasy IV (DS)
5. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
6. Wii Play (Wii)
7. Dragon Quest IV (DS)
8. Prof Layton and Pandora's Box (DS)
9. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)
10. Mario Party 8 (Wii)
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January 11th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
We know, we know. This Wal-Mart listing for Super Smash Bros. Brawl pre-orders at the bargain price of $19.82 is almost certainly a technical error. But, if you're going to buy the game anyway, we figure there can't be any harm in putting your name and two sawbucks down. Worse case scenario, your order gets canceled. Best case: You save $30.
That said, there is yet a third possibility that's downright mind-blowing. What if this is the actual price? Can you imagine how that would (continue) to move systems? Can you imagine what a sales juggernaut that would be? Sure, the Wii may not need the extra help, but come on, let us have our fantasy until reality brings it crashing down around us, OK?
Update: Super Smash Bros. pre-order price has been changed to $49.82.
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January 11th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

Cover Case provides a strong protection with highly convenience for DS Lite console. It not only protects the surface of the console, not only allows all the original functions being accessed directly, but also provides 2 DS cartridges slots to make them much easy to carry with
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January 11th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

Simple,intuitive,easy to use.The Wii Zapper gives you a unique way to play targe-style games on the Wii video game sysem.Designed to increase control and enhance game play,the Wii Zapper helps steady your hand and improve your aim on a range of action-style games.Just load your Wii Remote and Nunchuk into the Wii Zapper and use the trigger to rapid-fire at all targets in your way.
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January 11th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

This NDS Lite Touch Pen Set including a plastic pen,a copper pen and a retractable pen.It was made by plastic,copper and alliminum material,having high quality and good feelings.
It is for NDS Lite only.
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January 11th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
Price:USD 4.86

Ensure you are ready to maximize everything next generation console gaming has to offer with the Component Cable forthe Nintend Wii.Experience ultra-realistic images to the fullest on your standard or HDTV.Immerse yourself in the world of digital entertainment with superior quality sound and graphics enhanced by a premium quality component connection.Innovative,quality products for all your gaming needs.
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January 11th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Blow buildings apart, start raging fires and damaging lightning as you cause mayhem in towns, cities, and the countryside!
Unleash lightning, tornadoes, earthquakes and many other forces of nature. Use your wits or be thwarted by weather harnessing enemies that wish to stop you.
Compete for elemental dominance with up to three friends in two fast action multiplayer modes—Race and Tug-of-War.
Become the Master of Disaster!
Some people predict the weather, now you can create it. Use Mother Nature to create, control, destroy and exact revenge using all of the awesome forces of nature at your disposal.
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January 11th, 2008, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has posted a new beta test versionof ScummVM for the Nintendo DS, heres the release news:
Hi Everyone,
Here is a third beta version of the 0.11.0 release of ScummVM DS. It needs lots of testing, since there are so many games that I don't have time to do much of it myself. So please download it. Please post, even it it works fine!
The new scaler makes text a lot more readable, at the expense of some slowdown in some of the newer games.
New function keys should make all the AGI games playable.
This is a beta release, therefore there are not full instructions. This is designed for those who already know how to use ScummVM DS. Full instructions for the older version 0.10.0 are provided on the ScummVM DS website. Please refer to these instructions, as this beta works in mostly the same way.
Also, I have been told that the same code which runs Day of the Tentacle and Sam & Max can also run some of the earlier HE games, so I have added these to the list below. They seem to work fine. Please test them too!
- Fixed CPU scaler in FM Towns games
- Enabled use of CPU scaler in menus even when turned off in the game
- Fixed function keys F5 and F7 in AGI games.
- Rearranged DS Options Menu to make things clearer and not allow conflicting options to be selected together
- Future Wars and Gobliiins now work again
- Swapping the screens while the software scaler is enabled no longer causes odd effects
- New games supported: Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version)
- Software scaler for improved image quality. Turn it on using the DS options screen (press select during the game). Thanks to Tramboi and Robin Watts for this feature!
- Function keys added to virtual keyboard (used in AGI games)
- Plenty of bug fixes
Supported Games
Build A:
Manic Mansion
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Passport to Adventure
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Bear Stormin' (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (DOS version only)
Build B:
Beneath a Steel Sky
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Build C:
Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
Elvira 1/2
Build D:
Sierra AGI games
Gobliiins 1 - 3
Bargon Attack
Ween: The Prophecy
Future Wars
Build E:
Inherit the Earth
Build F:
The Legend of Kyrandia
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January 11th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Circus has released the first demo of his Yoshi 3D game for the Nintendo DS. heres a few screens :

Digg this
Heres the translated description:
Yoshi's Labyrinth will be a 3D game for FPS where you contrelerez Yoshi must find that the famous star that will enable him to get him out of the labyrinth.
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January 11th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from Alekmaul

Go, a small emulation news for a change.
Say hello to the next emulator that I will realize it is called DSOric and emulates a Oric Atmos.
This emulator is conducted almost entirely in assembler  . It will be available shortly, in the month of January.
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January 11th, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Monkeynz
Win2DS / DS2Win v0.80f
January 11, 2008
This is an unofficial build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been updated
with new code to enhance the speed and quality of the service.
0.80f "ultra-licious"
server - very yummy new icon (thanks TPDK!)
client - ULTRA speed option added for the (current) maximum possible frames per second
client - applied dswifi hack for faster TCP communications (thanks masscat!)
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January 11th, 2008, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via drunkencoders
The Moon Books Project, in co-operation with the filmmakers are proud to present to you, the only pirate movies you need to see this year: Steal This Film 2
Steal This Film Two (sometimes subtitled 'The Dissolving Fortress') was produced during 2007. It premiered (in a preliminary version) at a conference in Berlin, Germany in November. A cam version leaked soon after. It was officially released on file sharing networks on December 28, 2007 and, according to the filmmakers, downloaded 150,000 times in the first three days of distribution.
Thematically, Part Two examines the technological and cultural aspects of the copyright wars, and the implications of the internet for copying. It includes an exploration of Mark Getty's infamous statement that "Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st century'. It was selected for the Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival and is forthcoming at a number of other film festivals worldwide.
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January 11th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
SvSIP is a software that you allow to use your Nintendo DS [1] like phone. For this, it uses SIP protocol. This protocol is an open standard for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants. It is widely used as a signaling protocol for Voice over IP.
This software is under development, it currently allows:
to call to number with figures,
to receive calls,
to question IVR by using DTMF tones.
This new version uses the last versions of libnds, dswifi and pjsip libraries. They contain bug fixes, but it should not change the functionnalities of SvSIP.
Two options have been added to config.txt:
—use-ice, activates "Interactive Connectivity Establishment"
—nameserver, defines the server to resolve hostname. This option can be specified multiple times.
The keys are programed like this:
key function
A call or answer
B hang up
Y mdify the luminosity
start switch between console and graphic mode
start+select reboot
A+B+X+Y power off
I began to implement graphic mode for top screen. You can see hours and battery state.
Somehow the whole DS Scene missed this release back from late November, godknows how but these things happen sometimes.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his version of Tetris for the Nintendo DS.

- The music of the gameboy version of Tetris lvl starts at 200, that of the NES version is played in the lower levels. A faster music is played from 400 level
- Adding backgrounds changing all 100 levels, some are animated
- The resources are built up to level 499
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January 12th, 2008, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster

Nyko's wireless nunchuk peripheral was awarded CNET's best in gaming at CES this year. The wireless nunchuk "connects" through a dongle attached to the bottom of the Wiimote (seen above) and runs off two AAA batteries which allegedly provide 30 hours of use; the cost is $30 and should be out by late January or early February.
Nyko actually introduced many new peripherals at this year's CES. Coincidentally this would be the second year in a row that Nyko introduced a relatively useful product for the Wii, last year they came through with the Wiimote charge station which we're told has sold very well. Of course, not every Nyko product has to be reasonable, the Wii Party station is still one of the most atrociously awesome things we saw in the past year.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
French gaming site Jeux-France is reporting that the Nintendo DS adaptation of Mistwalker's Blue Dragon has been delayed without a future release window. The title was planned for a March release, although given its original September revelation, we thought the date was a bit suspect.
Despite the indefinite loss of a portable Blue Dragon, fans of Hironobu Sakaguchi's work can look forward to other DS releases from the studio, including ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat (already out in Japan) and Away: Shuffle Dungeon.
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January 13th, 2008, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
While the marriage of the story-heavy RPG architects of BioWare to Sega's speedy azure mascot may seem like a combination too oddball to believe, we assure you -- the same company who made Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic is in fact making a Sonic the Hedgehog RPG for the Nintendo DS. Need proof? French gaming site JeuxFrance.com has early scans of the next issue of Nintendo Power, including a few details about the game, and a handful of intriguing screenshots.
The game, titled Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, will feature eleven playable characters from the Sonic universe, as well as other mainstays from the series, such as chaos emeralds, rotund mustachioed antagonists, and rings. We'll have to wait to see whether the game will feature some BioWare mainstays, such as murderous robots, or opportunities to swap tartar sauce with a member of another species. Oh, wait -- we guess that's a Sonic thing, too.
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January 13th, 2008, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has posted a new release of his Windowing System for the DS, heres whats new:

Changes mostly limited to API improvements and a few new gadgets. There's a new Pac Man demo, though, ported from a JavaScript version I wrote for the canvas tag a while ago, and a debug console that will pop up when you press any of the d-pad keys whilst the Pac Man window is active (just flip it to the top screen or move it out the way).
I've also added an optional SDL layer that simulates the features of libnds that Woopsi uses. This means that you can create, build and debug Woopsi applications for your native development platform, then build exactly the same code for the DS. Writing apps is much easier when you can take advantage of VC++'s step-through or Xcode's memory leak visualiser. You just need to replace a couple of files in the "woopsi" folder with the files in the "sdl" folder to enable it.
Note that the SDL layer does not simulate anything other than the features Woopsi needs; if your app uses anything other than the Woopsi API (ie. it hits the hardware) you have to develop the hard way again.
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January 13th, 2008, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Cobain:
This is my first program on DS, which enabled me to learn how to use PA_lib and libfat. The object of this game is to put the body on the goals. For the moment you are limited to 14 levels but later on I will create a low data online. For the moment the graphic its ugly but it's not my cup of tea ...
V0.4 on 12/01/08:
- Adding 10 levels
- Addition of a multi-lingual support
- Addition of funds at the game
- Adding a son
- Lib addition of a "MY_lib => MY_ini"
- Correction of the bug when you move the body
- Remake of Menu
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January 13th, 2008, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cobain
Overview: This game is presented in several enigma as a result you will have to solve
- Reedition of any sources of the game
- Adding an Enigma
- Re-establishment of the click between enigmes
- Change in how to remove it with the keyboard
- Ferification of fat that evite to make two versions (one with and one without)
How to play: it is the first enigma
Thanks to:
-- Ali Banana allow me to continue its project
-- Persons who Devfr m'on restore sources that make me go faster
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January 13th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all today i finally got around to getting my hands on the TOPTOY DS (TTDS) a new flashcart for the Nintendo DS from Neoflash. Heres my review of the TOPTOY DS (TTDS).
Where to Buy
Buy from IC2005 $59.00 (£28.00)
I am not an expert on anything even though i webmaster one of the biggest homebrew sites, i am infact a fan just like most others and more of a noobie than an expert, if i dont know i ask, so from me youll get a review in a way that as long as it works then im happy, i am no expert so you wont get a massively technical explanation youll get a straight yes or no.
What is the TOPTOY DS (TTDS) ?
Heres the description:
* Slot-1 1:1 Original small size
* Build in passme function
* Not need patch, just need drag and drop, then plug and play
* Support all roms, compatibility = 100%
* Support homebrew app & game, auto DLDI patch in memory
* Support moonshell MP3/Movie player
* Support cheat code function, more fun now
* Support 4-class brightness adjust in menu (NDSL only)
* Pure hardware save, never lose data
* Automatically detect and generate save type
* TF menu core upgradeable
* Supports FAT/FAT32, works on any OS
* Supports any TF card speed without any lag in the game
* Built-in power-saving function
* User friendly skin able interface. Touch screen or button operation
* Supports skin DIY
◇Support normal TF and SDHC, up to 4096GByte.
◇Support soft reset in the game
◇Support wireless multi-player (WIFI Game)
◇The save data can use in NDS Emulator directly
Heres Some Photos of the TOPTOY DS
The Cart

The Packaging and Contents

Neoflash are one of the worlds biggest and well known makers of flash carts for the Nintendo DS and the toptoyDS is the latest one to grace the DS Community.
The Toptoy DS comes in a sturdy plastic packing which means that no damage should occur on route to your house, Inside the packaging comes the Flash Cart, a Mini USB adapter for Micro SD Cards (they go inside the flash cart) and a Mini CD containing drivers/firmware for the Flash Cart.
The Flash Cart itself takes Micro SD Memory Cards which are fairly cheap these days, so you can easily go up to 4GB and yes thats a shedload of Homebrew 
OK now my DS Lite hasnt got a power lead so i couldnt do a thorough review but heres my findings
When i first switched on it booted up with a question mark and an error with no menu so i went to Neoflash and installed the latest one from them. I just unzipped the file and dropped it on the root of the Micro SD Card.
I then booted up and was presented with a Nice and functional Menu screen with the list of games and apps i put on to try.
Needless to say i tried some commercial roms of games i own ie Mario 64, New Mario Bros, Nintendogs and Theme Park all loaded perfectly and saved too, no slowdowns or glitches to report of. With the commercial games it does tell you some info but me being me takes no notice of it 
Then onwards to the Homebrew stuff and my first to try was the latest version of DSOrganize the browser cum filofax type for the Nintendo DS and believe me Nintendo Should actually make this a base app that is on every Nintendo DS, anyway it played perfectly.
I then tried another fave A Touch of War the RTS game and yet again perfect. One game that stalled on loading was Starlite the Starcraft Clone for the DS, it had a blue cross signal so must be imcompatible i presume.
Moonshell was last on my list whilst trying to preserve my battery and it worked flawlessly.
An easy to use Flash Cart with excellent compatability both on Commercial and Homebrew Games, simple to use and easy to understand just drag and drop. One big feature is the ability to auto DLDI patch in memory.
The ability to use any size Memcard makes this a decent buy and well recommended.
Score out of 10, well for me id give it an 8.5/10
For those who have the TopToyDS Please give your reviews via Comments
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January 13th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
First off thanks to rememberthe8bit for the news tip
DWEdit has released a new version of the excellent Gameboy Colour Emulator for the GBA(and DS).
Heres the release info:
New version of Goomba Color! Just bugfixes if you were using the WIP versions, but major changes if you were stuck using Alpha 6.
*Finally fixed the problems with extra layers going out of sync (notably the bug where it takes out screen border)
*Lots of other little changes
Other notable bugs fixed:
* When a rom does a repeated stack push crash (such as recursively executing RST instructions), it no longer corrupts the emulator's memory.
* No longer uses NES-style sprite-bg priority, because a GB is not a NES.
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January 13th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
It's been almost a year now since the rumor of a Wii version of the Sam & Max series surfaced after Telltale Games began searching for a Wii programmer to add to their staff. Now, a German press release for JoWooD Productions' latest creation, a Wii adaptation of the PC adventure title Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None, has all but confirmed a Sam & Max adventure on Nintendo's console, which JoWooD is apparently porting.
A translation of the press release specifically mentions that "Sam & Max will soon be hunting criminals on the Nintendo Wii," though Telltale Games, the developers of the PC adventure, have not yet confirmed their intent to port the game to consoles. However, the press release seems on the level, and based on earlier evidence, we're fairly certain that we'll be seeing everyone's favorite revolver-toting, anthropomorphic dog and hyperkinetic rabbity thing on the Wii in the near future.
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January 13th, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his version of Tetris for the Nintendo DS.

-Version 0.5:
- Bugfix regarding the elimination of lines
- Addition of émimination Push: when each column contains at least 1 block, the matrix is pousée down. The parite ends when 20 holes left.
- The matrix is hidden after the lvl exceed 999.
- All resources have been integrated
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January 14th, 2008, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Gravity Control: With a push of a button, you change the law of gravity and alter courses by turning walls into new tracks filled with shortcuts and alternative pathways.
Gravity Dive: This gravity-defying dive creates the ultimate speed boost, hurtling objects from the path and allowing you to grind on objects and cars that are floating in the air. Hapless competitors are left far behind.
You can now air board on walls and pull gravity-defying tricks and even grind on cars that are floating in the zero-gravity environment. With these new moves, cornering becomes more intense and the pace is brought to heart-stopping speeds!
You can compete against your friends in three exciting Multiplayer modes: Free Race, World Grand Prix and Survival mode. In the Wii version, you can also download ghost data to hone your racing skills and beat the top riders.
The fan-favorite Sonic Riders series returns with a whole new form of chaotic racing by manipulating gravity itself! These gravity-altering powers can transform walls into tracks, or create a "black hole" that sucks you through for the ultimate speed boost, and allows for an entirely new way to gain a leg up on your competitors. From illuminated highways in a bustling metropolis to the outer reaches of space, you will race at the speed of light on 16 dynamic courses. Sixty different vehicles allow you to grind rails and pull off daring tricks on futuristic tracks, including solar loop-de-loops, height-defying vertical drops and tons of other edge-of-your-seat moves. As Sonic or one of 18 colorful characters, you will compete with up to three friends at heart-stopping speeds in three exciting multiplayer modes. With all the action, speed, and addictive gameplay that only Sonic can deliver, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is set for hyper-drive!
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January 14th, 2008, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Sleuth your way through five uproarious all new court cases
Experience fully animated gameplay and voice-over dialogue
Enjoy the vocal talents of series regulars like Gary Cole, Lewis Black, Peter MacNicol, John Michael Higgins and more
Visit and explore familiar locales from the show
Interact with favorite series characters – let Mentok take your mind! Get shrunk by Reducto! Avoid Phil Ken Sebben's quadruple entendres!
Investigate and collect evidence for courtroom battles with semi-evil prosecutors
Press, confront and break witnesses for your chance to reveal lies and scintillating secrets
Step into the shiny wingtip shoes of Harvey Birdman, third-rate superhero now third-rate attorney. Visit familiar locales from the show, interview off-the-wall cartoon characters, paw through their personal items looking for clues and then take the whole kit and caboodle to court. With five cases going to trial, mind-taking judges and attorneys armed with shrink ray guns, he'll need some law books. With pictures this time.
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January 14th, 2008, 16:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo is no closer to narrowing down a European date for DS game Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.
But it has confirmed the US release for 12th February, which is useful for those who like importing their games.
It would seem that Phoenix Wright will no longer be the star of the Ace Attorney series - looks like Capcom will be introducing a whole new cast of characters instead.
Last we heard, Apollo Justice was due to arrive here in March. But we're still waiting on Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, which is lurking mysteriously in "2008".
You can always torture yourselves and read our Trials and Tribulations review, where John Walker tells you how good it is and how he wishes he was new to the series because then he would get to see it with fresh eyes. It's quite moving actually.
Alternatively you could run around in circles and never stop.
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January 14th, 2008, 16:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Go Nintendo reader Andy works at Target, and loves him some Nintendo. So he's the kind of guy to pay attention to things like changes in the way Target catalogue their Wii SKUs. Changes like the one he noticed the other day when scanning a Wii console through the register. Where previously the product would be displayed as "Wii Console", it's now coming up as "Wii White". Why emphasise the colour? No reason. Oh, unless you're about to release other colours, and need to differentiate between them. That might be a reason.
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January 14th, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Not a great day for Smash Brothers fans today. Coming on the back of news that the release has slipped again, today's post reveals... the challenges screen.
Apparently, Super Smash Bros. Brawl contains a variety of rewards that you can unlock when you meet certain conditions during play.
The rewards come in the form of trophies, stickers and music that you can play.
For those achievement whores out there, unlocking one award also reveals the conditions you need to fulfil in order to unlock adjacent awards.
You can even use one of your golden hammers to unlock awards that you find too difficult to achieve on your own.
Sounds awesome. With cutting-edge features like this, it's no wonder the title has been delayed yet again.
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January 14th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
If you saw our new release list this week, then you know that a torrent of mediocrity is forcing us to do things we don't want to do. First it was an American Idol take-off, which every media outlet from Semi Fan Bi-Monthly to Bi Fan Semi-Monthly has done before us. Now ... the hordes have forced us to post the above, semi-Pac-Man-related video just so this post has some entertainment value, and we couldn't be more sorry.
Pac-Attack (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): Though Pac-Man itself is a classic, we can't understand games that think the character identity of a soulless, yellow pizza is strong enough so that it can be transported to other games. In this case, it's a puzzler, both literally and figuratively.
Riot Zone (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): From the intro of this side-scrolling beat 'em up: "The Bossman's still in the DragonZone! Whear's that warrant you promised?!" We assume your purchasing decision is now clear.
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January 14th, 2008, 18:22 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
Well, I'm on fire . I recently received my sample of the USBgecko 3d party developement unit and started playing around with it (and made PCB shots ).
USB gecko is 3rd Party Memory Card Interface Adapter which allows homebrew and hobbyist developers the ability to connect their Gamecube(tm) or Wii(tm) console to there PC which has a USB 2.0 Port. In case you haven't heard about the USBgecko yet, it's a third party unit that combines two products --> SDgecko and Nintendo's BBA. This is because the unit allows for you to boot DOL/BIN files on your Wii/Gamecube but is also able to act as a developers debug port. Homepage of the USBgecko.
Linky to the first public review of the USBgecko
Cheers and happy reading!
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January 14th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster

Normally when we see somebody filing a lawsuit with interface-related patents in question, we're talking about some vague thing filed a couple months after that product went into production and with little relation to the real-life technology under fire. No such luck for Nintendo this time around: Patrick Goschy, an ex-Midway employee, has a YouTube video of himself demonstrating something astoundingly similar to a Wiimote / Nunchuck... eight years ago. His demo shows his hacked-together controllers providing a surprisingly-responsive interface for a bit of Ready 2 Rumble Boxing on the Dreamcast. Goschy, who appeared on Fox News in Chicago last night, says that he has had no formal involvement with the Wii, but holds the related patents and is taking Nintendo to court over its implementation. Rumor has it that Nintendo might have to sacrifice as much as 47 seconds of retail profits were the company to lose in court. Video is after the break, brace yourself for a complete lack of pants.
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January 14th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Elegant Leather Case being made of special antifriction leather and refined velutinous liner,providing strong protection for your NDSL. It can hold a game cartridges.The magnetic closure makes it quite stylish.
Protect your NDS Lite console from scratches ,shock and dusty
Adopt special antifriction leather, high quality
Magnetic closure ,makes it quite stylish
Can hold 3 game cartridges
For NDS Lite only
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January 14th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This NDS Lite Leather Case Pro being made of special antifriction leather,providing strong protection for youe NDSL.The simple yet fine design makes it stylish.
Protect your NDS Lite console from scratches ,shock and dusty
Adopt special antifriction leather, high quality
Simple and stylish design
For NDS Lite only
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January 14th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The historic sports action face-off of the video game industry now comes to the Nintendo DS?in dual-screen glory with new DS-only features! Utilizing the Touch Screen and stylus technology, players will make their favorite characters - including Mario, Sonic, Luigi, Knuckles, Yoshi and Tails - run faster, jump higher and compete like true champions. Up to four friends can connect wirelessly and compete for the much sought after gold medal in actual Olympic events from track & field to swimming in the ultimate showdown between Team Mario and Team Sonic.
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January 14th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Five sphere-pushing scarabs, each dropping different power-ups
Prove your expertise by earning 25 spectacular skill badges
Ranking system progressively increases power-up effectiveness
13 powerful blessings can be activated to make any level manageable
Embark on a thrilling adventure through the lands of ancient Egypt in the latest installment of the hit LUXOR series. Enjoy 88 gorgeously-rendered levels of brilliantly crisp and stunning graphics portraying pyramids, temples and many more of Egypt’s amazing marvels. Guide your mystical winged-shooter, swooping back and forth, as you destroy an onslaught of magical spheres before they reach the pyramid lying at the end of their path. To help eliminate enemy spheres, LUXOR: Pharaoh’s Challenge features more explosive power-ups than ever before!
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January 14th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster

Well last week we posted a pretty sweet looking portable Dreamcast, and this week we're posting a pretty bitter looking portable Gamecube. Now I hate to rag on any modder, because at least they're trying, but this person should have tried harder. I mean it looks like it was carved out of a huge bar of soap. That being said, I want it badly.
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January 14th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
The next release for Wiideo Center is ready for download!
From the changelog (since the last major Version 0.3.0):
- added support for image-based (.iso .img .bin) playback of DVD/VCD
- added support for vob files (no language/chapter selection though)
- added new picture mode for slideshows
- added subtitle support (.srt subtitles)
- added support for chapter selection in videos
- fixed minor problems for video playback
- about-dialog implemented
- added "-systray" flag for startup in minimized mode
- added setting for custom http-port
- added setting for auto-update feature
- added manual update check
- improved segment handling
- added .flv support
- improved utf-8 support (for non latin1 languages)
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January 14th, 2008, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

Many minor fixes in this version as I continue the quest for polish. I am also proud that I have my first attempt at a Mac version: OSX only, of course, but I think I made a Universal Binary. Mac users will recoil in horror at it being a tar.gz - I know there exists this magical .dmg that will settle your hearts, so please elucidate!
* "You are too big to swap" has two os in the first too. (David Damerell)
* Many encyclopedia typo fixes. (David Damerell)
* Wands that fizzle now conjugate "fizzle" according to the wand rather than the zapper.
* When you learn the charges in a wand, there is no longer an incorrect article prefixing the wand name.
* [DS] Now using devkitPro r21 rather than the hybridized version. Thanks to Richard Quirk for finding the work around and sending me code.
* [DS] Thanks to Richard Quirk's patch, POWDER should consume less power when waiting for a key press.
* [DS], [SDL] Paged text will now show the background all the way to the edges of the window rather than being cut off at the GBA's resolution.
* When items teleported, their location in the map array wasn't being updated, allowing them to be potentially accessed after being deleted.
* Cancelling autopickup after already picking one item up when there is a thing to eat no longer causes you to eat said thing. And, incidentally, potentially killing you if said thing was a slug corpse. (Brendan)
* "The fighter foobar's death" will now auto-capitalize Foobar.
* [DS] Save locations are now specified with absolute paths so it doesn't matter where the actual POWDER executable is. (Johnboy554)
* [DS] The output of POWDER on the DS is saved to /data/powder. This is also used for reading - graphics tiles must now be in /data/powder/gfx. This should keep your flash card clean and (apparently) this matches the standard homebrew definition. If you want to keep your old highscores, move the POWDER.SAV into the aforementioned directory. (Phillip Conrad)
* Backspace key on the virtual keyboard is a double key to accomadate the fact it is too compact. (David Hong)
* Wearing multiple pieces of artifact armour with attack boni will increase your chance of doing an armour attack. This means it is beneficial to add more attack armour rather than it only being wise to only equip the most powerful.
* bmp2c and bmp.cpp both now properly handle non-Intel endianness. (Ben Hjelt)
* Icons are now present on SDL builds and in the windows .exe. I also think that, thanks to Richard Quirk's help, they'll be present in the DS in Moonshell, but I haven't been able to verify.
* A wand once again crumbles into dust rather than crumble.
* An interesting graphical upgrade. Monsters and items are now on a separate layer from the terrain. This means they can be drawn transparently on top rather than always being black bordered. This is made optional as the default tiles are not optimized for this look - you can turn it on with the Opacity option of the Options menu.
* One more room.
The Windows version is shipped with the SDL .dll. You may replace this .dll with the latest version. POWDER conforms to section 3 of the LGPL: you can download a tarball of the SDL code here or directly from http://www.libsdl.org.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance [382k].
Nintendo DS [735k].
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January 14th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Neopiro
Hello, it was doing last night's game with cars 3d "misleading" (you can see the thread and the demo for this forum) where to go to sleep, I think I would like to have a flashlight in ds, since the menu the supercard, is fine, but the bottom, being black does not give all the light that could give and for the stairs without turning on the light to not melestar anyone, is going very well.
Well, this is the first version and the latest ^ ^ so I just hope you enjoy it and I comenteis that you think.
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January 14th, 2008, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Lazyone has posted a new release of his Mac Emulator for the Nintendo DS, Heres the release info:
This should work with most homebrew devices, I cannot guarantee
all of them since a few have broken DLDI drivers.
You can test your driver by following the instructions here:
Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this, it’s been such
a long time though I don’t remember everyone.
If you did help out in some way please comment or email me
so I can update the post/zip with a list of credits.
About documentation:
If you sent in documentation but it’s not in the zip there
is a good chance I lost it.
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January 15th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vaccha
This is a puzzle game. There is a grid of 3 columns and 3 rows. And there are 9 images with 3 shapes and 3 colors. On the right are the next 3 images (from top to bottom). You place the top image into a blank cell by touching the latter. Then a line with certain patterns will disappear and you score. The goal is to score as high as possible.
Line rules:
Vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines with the following patterns will disappear and you score.
1. Same shape and same color.
2. Same shape and distinct colors
or same color and distinct shapes.
3. Distinct shapes and distinct colors.
Score rules.
1 line: 1 point
2 lines: 4 points
3 lines: 27 points
4 lines: 256 points
1. Question mark: Help.
2. Grid: new game.
3. Right images: the next 3 images, top to bottom.
4. High: high score.
5. Score: current score.
6. Number: number of images placed.
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January 15th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
dominik81 has posted a fantastic release for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
Here it is, the very first sneak peak at my Nintendo DS port. While it looks pretty much the same as the last screenshots I posted, a lot has changed internally and it is running much smoother now. Through the elimination of the wasteful _chatmessage_backup (a 440KB global variabl ) it is now possible to load bigger maps, up to 128x256.
Other notable changes are:
- based on r11844
- maps up to 256x128 running (but saving only works for 64x64 right now)
- saving and loading works
- in openttd.cfg you can define a path where your data resides
- loading time greatly reduced from 45 seconds to 15 seconds
- rewritten the blitter to free 96KB of main RAM
Some serious bugs still remain:
- pathfinder crashes
- open road station gui, then click on road depot icon -> crash
- station gui crashes / not displayed correctly
To get it running you probably need to DLDI patch it. I have a R4DS card which takes care of patching by itself. Please report any bugs / hardware issues here.
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January 15th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Factor 5 has said it will mark its return to developing for Nintendo hardware with a fancy new Wii game.
President Julian Eggebrecht spilled the beans to IGN, revealing development was already underway.
Factor 5 made a name for itself with the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series that started on N64 back in 1998. No help from Wikipedia, promise.
Eventually it broke onto the GameCube in 2002 with Rogue Leader, and we jumped up and down and sang and danced and awarded it a meaty 9/10. Third game, Rebel Strike, not so much.
Recently Factor 5 also disappointed us with the good looking but monstrously shallow and repetitive PS3 outing Lair, the one where you ride around on dragons and kill things.
Details on its Wii plans are non-existent so far, although we know it will not re-use old technology and probably maybe theoretically squeeze lots of performance juice from the hardware.
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January 15th, 2008, 17:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Did you import Wii Fit over the holidays? Do you find your knees aching after a few days of heavy digital workouts? Or maybe your feet don't agree with the cold of your hard wood floor, so you haven't been using the title regularly.
Hori has the solution to complete your Wii Fit experience. The peripheral maker announced today the Wii Fit Mat.
Officially licensed by Nintendo, this green mat is meant to be placed beneath Wii Fit's balance board. At 4mm thickness, it helps absorb the shocks from a heavy workout. And with 1,830mm of length to work with, you'll never again have to directly touch the floor!
The Wii Fit Mat will be released to Japan in late February at a cost of 3,280 yen [£15 or $30].
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January 15th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Pokemania shows no sign of letting up. Today in Japan, Nintendo announced the latest entry in the franchise, Pokemon Ranger Batonnage.
This new entry in the Pokemon Ranger series will bring the exploits of the Pokemon Rangers back to the DS. You once again take control either a female or male Pokemon Ranger and capture Pokemon by drawing circles around them with the stylus. Pokemon that have been caught accompany you on your adventure and can be used to clear obstacles.
While the details are admittedly scarce, we have a few screenshots that should speak many thousands of words. A Japanese release for Pokemon Ranger's return is set for March 20. Expect an international release to follow.
Screenshots here
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January 15th, 2008, 18:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The folks behind Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga may be Nintendo property now, but they're still working with the Bandai Namco Group. According to the latest issue of Famitsu, Monolith Software is developing Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier. The game will be published in Japan by Banpresto this Spring.
In Endless Frontier, you play as a bounty hunter called Hawking Browning who's out to... well, we're not sure what his goal is, but at least he's surrounded by chicks! Joining Hawking on his journey are the female android Ashen Brade, the heroine Kaguya Nanbu, and the princess Suzuka.
Outside of the human (and humanoid) characters, the game will feature robots -- not too surprising, since it's a Super Robot game and all. While Famitsu couldn't get confirmation from producer Kouji Ishitani and director Soichiro Morizumi, it appears that the Super Robot characters will act as your enemies.
Gameplay details are a bit scarce right now, but it is known that the game will feature random battles. Hawking and his party face off against enemies on the bottom screen using a battle system that allows for devastating combos through simple button presses.
The game will also have a world map which you traverse as you explore the Endless Frontier, a territory that is said to be closely connected to the Super Robot Taisen OG world in some way. We're not sure how much RPG-style exploration you can expect, though, as a screen in the magazine shows the player selecting their next location from a menu.
Given the Spring release date, we expect to hear a lot more on Endless Frontier in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for further details and hopefully first screens.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Nintendo of America just sent word that the US version of Smash Bros. Brawl is getting another delay, albeit much shorter than the last one. Instead of February 10, Brawl is now expected to come out one month later on March 9. The reason, according to Nintendo, is that "development is taking slightly longer than expected." The official US Smash Bros site has already been updated to reflect the change, as well as include a brief note of apology.
The Japanese SSBB site also notes that Brawl is delayed one week in the region, from January 24 to 31. Europe's release date is still TBA 2008.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Perhaps in an effort to appease fans disappointed with news that Brawl has been delayed again, the daily update reveals a new stage.
Dubbed the 'Distant Planet', the screenshots look like they could be taken straight out of a Wii Pikmin game (if only) and the quirky terrain could offer some unique challenges.
With so much to be aware of, we're wondering how difficult it's going to be to concentrate on the important stuff like fighting.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sam & Max is NOT confirmed for Wii, the adventure series developer Telltale has said in response to an announcement from JoWood that it's on the way to Nintendo's console.
"While it's no secret that we want to bring Sam & Max to the Wii - and it is something we're actively pursuing - we don't have any official news right now", a Telltale spokesperson has said.
"When we're in a position to confirm that we'll be porting Sam & Max to the Wii, we'll make an announcement about it."
In a press release, publisher JoWood said yesterday: "One of the next projects: As Sam & Max adventure of the year, chosen by the readers of the German computer game magazine 'PC Games, Sam & Max will soon also for Nintendo Wii to hunt criminals".
Telltale's Sam & Max games are adventure titles that have been released in episodic form on PC. Starring a dog and rabbity thing as detectives, it's currently in its second season.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Are you still a ways off from finishing your quest in Blue Dragon on the Xbox 360? Then you'd better stop reading now, as this story is full of mega spoilers!
Are you sure you want to continue?
Okay, here goes!
The latest issue of Famitsu has a tiny update on Blue Dragon DS, the sequel to that Xbox 360 RPG that you've hopefully finished if you're reading this. While still a bit on the vague side, we were able to extract a few new details.
Blue Dragon DS takes place a year after the events of the original. As per that game's ending, the world has split in two and is comprised of a bunch of little cube-shaped mini worlds.
Shu's portable adventure begins when Zola and King Jibral come upon an evil shadow emerging from one of the cubes. Jibral sends Shu and friends out to investigate.
As previously announced, gameplay in Blue Dragon DS is real time strategy as you control an army of shadow-wielding troops against an army of enemies. Shadows are the key to your success, as they have special attacks that can deal simultaneous damage to multiple enemies.
You'll find a few new shadows in the game. While everyone returns from the original, you'll also be able to make use of three new shadow casters: King Jibral, Zabo (the robot villain from the original) and Unchi. That's right, Unchi, the poop-shaped enemy from the original, is now a playable character and he and his shadow look alike.
The Feel Plus developed Blue Dragon sequel will hit the Japanese DS in March. Hopefully by then we'll have gotten a more specifics on the game.
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January 15th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster

So, we got some more information from Patrick Goschy so he could set his story straight, and were surprised to learn he still had the original prototype controller! According to Goschy, he really has no plans -- or standing -- to sue Nintendo, since Midway owned all of his patents, and as far as he can tell, Nintendo bought the patents from Midway, since Nintendo references one of the patents in its application for the Wiimote. Apparently he just wants the recognition: "I just wanted to people to know. Wanted the truth to come out. Did this 8 years ago, and the Wii has been such a huge deal, I wanted the truth to get out there. It wasn't these two or three Japanese guys that came up with this thing." His guess is that Nintendo saw the video demo he did -- which was seen by hundreds of employees of Midway -- and probably payed a pittance for the technology, thanks to Midway's mismanagement. Right now Goschy is doing engineering consulting work to pay the bills, and when asked if he could take a few shots of his controller alongside Nintendo's, told us that he "can't afford a Wii." He's going to do a redo of the original video -- hopefully with pants this time -- if he can scrounge himself up a working Dreamcast.
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January 15th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
The CMP Group, organisers of the annual Game Developers Conference, have announced that Nintendo will be hosting three sessions at this year's event.
The first session will cover the development of Wii Fit, Nintendo's new balance-sensing peripheral and game. "Wii Fit: Creating a Brand New Interface for the Home Console" will be presented by project lead Takao Sawano, presenting the philosophical and cultural ideas as well as the practical challenges of bringing the title to life.
Another session - "Planning the Wii Menu: From Pre-Launch to WiiWare" - will outline the challenges Nintendo experienced in building its online portal. It will be presented by Takashi Aoyama, team leader for Nintendo's Network Group.
The third Nintendo GDC session will be the first postmortem of a major 2008 title - "Building Characters: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl Postmortem." Presented by developer Masahiro Sakurai, a veteran of Kirby and Smash Bros., the session will focus on what worked and what didn't work integrating a variety of characters and online play in adapting the game to the Wii.
This past October, the release date for Brawl - which Nintendo originally promised for Christmas 2008 - was pushed back to February.
According to a recent statement on the game's official web site, Super Smash Bros. Brawl has now been delayed until March 9.
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January 15th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
cuicui666 has updated his Japanese learning app for the Nintendo DS:
Version 0.5a (2008 January 14): ------------ * Renamed Japanese Training.txt --> README.txt * Fixed bug for hard difficulty * Sound is now ok on R4 and M3
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January 16th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Today has seen a new release of ScummVM for many systems, heres a description first followed by the news for this release:
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Todays release news:
ScummVM. Do you hear it? Do you smell a new version? It's now here. And as usual and regularly, it is packed with tons of new features. Hold on, and take a look at the list:
Support for the FREEWARE adventure Lure of the Temptress (available for download here)
Seven other new supported games: I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream, Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version only) and 3 Sierra pre-AGI games for children
Two newly available ports: iPhone and Maemo
Support for the Mac version of The Legend of Kyrandia and the Amiga version of Nippon Safes
Better support for Sierra AGI games
Improved support for modern 64-bit systems
Support for FLAC encoded music in Broken Sword 1 for the purists among you
Better support for non-English versions of games, including eastern languages
Sound compression for SAGA games
Heres the release notes:
New Games:
- Added support for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark.
- Added support for Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus.
- Added support for I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream (demo and full game).
- Added support for preAGI game Mickey's Space Adventure.
- Added support for preAGI game Troll's Tale.
- Added support for preAGI game Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Added support for Amiga version of Waxworks.
- Added support for Lure of the Temptress.
New Ports:
- Added iPhone port.
- Added Maemo port for Nokia Internet tablets.
- Added ARM assembly routines for code in the sound mixer and SCUMM video playback, resulting in some nice speedups on several ports.
- Improved the way keyboard input is handled internally, resolving some odd quirks in some game / port combinations.
- Added optional 'confirm exit' dialog to the SDL backend.
- Added support for TiMidity++ MIDI server.
- Added DMedia MIDI driver for IRIX.
- Improved detection of new game variants and localized versions.
- Completely reworked internal access to files. (GSoC Task)
- Added option to delete games from the list with Del key.
- Added support for "~/" prefix being substituted by $HOME in paths on POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OS X etc.).
- Added support for AGI256 and AGI256-2 hacks (GSoC Task)
- Added support for Amiga menus and palettes (GSoC Task)
- Better support for early Sierra AGI titles
- Fixed crashes related to OmniTV playback in The Feeble Files.
- Improved work on 64-bit systems.
Broken Sword 1:
- Added support for FLAC encoded music.
- Added support for Macintosh version.
- Added support for Amiga version of Nippon Safes, Inc.
- Many bugfixes
- Added support for Adlib music.
- Added missing music patterns playback in Amiga version.
- Added subtitle skipping (via '.' key) in older games which didn't have this feature so far (e.g. Zak, MM, Indy3, Loom).
- Added support for Chinese COMI.
- Better support for eastern versions of games.
- Various fixes for COMI and other games.
- Added support for original save menus (browse only). Use Alt-F5 to activate.
- Added support for Spanish version of NES Maniac Mansion.
- Better support for German version of C64 Maniac Mansion.
- Fixed bug with cursors in Windows versions of Humongous Entertainment games.
- Added support for compressed sound effects, voices and music.
- Added workarounds for some glitches/issues present in the original game.
WinCE Port:
- Switched compilers again. Now using cegcc ( http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/).
- Plugins now supported for WinCE (but not used in this release).
- Redesigned 'Free Look' action, mainly for the lure engine's requirements.
- Smaller optimization setting to counteract the growth of the executable.
- Various bug fixes.
GP2X Port:
- Support F200 Touchscreen
- Various fixes to input code
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January 16th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nothing good can come of this. Not content with plaguing the PSP and PS2, Jackass the Game is on its way to the Nintendo DS sometime this year.
Jackass is a free roaming adventure title that attempts to mimic the TV shows banal stupidity and nauseating stunts like a fifteen old delinquent whose only life goal is to appear as a human fireball on YouTube.
In a gross misjudgement of the appeal of the franchise, we're told you can customise your character with a "near limitless combination of customizable items and outfits." Clearly there's the appeal for the DS audience right there.
You can also raise your characters attributes like a RPG levelling system and battle your friends in a multiplayer mode. If you have any, that is. Which you won't obviously, if this is the sort of thing you waste your money on.
If that doesn't paint you a mental picture, then check out the screenshots that show off the quality of writing in the game. Our favourite is a tie between the farmer guy who asks you to eat crap and the chap in the helmet who appears frozen in mid sentence, presumably because he's too stupid to remember what he was trying to say.
"Everyone's favorite group of 'asses' are back," reads the official release. They're right about one part of it, anyway.
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January 16th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sheik, Zelda's alter ego in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, has been confirmed as a playable character in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
For those who can't remember (like me - Zeldapedia is lifesaver sometimes) Zelda passed herself off as a male Sheikah in the N64 classic.
Sheik joins an already eclectic cast of characters from a game that earned a perfect score from Japanese gaming bible Famitsu, making it just the 7th game to earn such an accolade in the history of the mag.
In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda can transform in Sheik by triggering her down move. With Needle Storm, Chain and Vanish powers, she sounds like she can hold her own, although we have no idea what any of them do.
Whether Sheik is just Zelda in disguise or in fact the transformation of Zelda into a man is debated in fan circles.
The screenshots of the Smash Bros version imply Sheik is all woman, but apparently Smash Bros isn't canon in the Zelda universe, so the debate shall continue alongside other important matters like how tall Bowser is and whether Luigi is gay.
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January 16th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: JKKDARK
GlideHQ is a texture enhancements module for Glide64 (a graphic plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators).
- Fixed various issues with enhanced textures
- Fixed text issues with hires pack for Zelda MM
WARNING: format of texture cache is changed. You must remove all files in pligin\cache folder before use of this version.
Update 5b.
- MarioKart works the same, as with Update 4.
Update 5c.
- Fixed backgrounds in Zelda OOT in texture enhancement mode.
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January 16th, 2008, 18:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The good citizens over at NeoGAF have picked up the latest issue of Famitsu, and revealed that Super Smash Bros. Brawl has garnered a perfect score from the Japanese magazine. Well, at least we now know it'll be worth all the delays.
Brawl is only the seventh game in Famitsu history to receive a 40/40. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the first back in 1998, followed by Soul Calibur, Vagrant Story, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Nintendogs, and Final Fantasy XII. Of course, Famitsu's score just represents the opinions of four reviewers, so we'll have to wait for more reviews to come out before we decide whether or not this is worth the purchase (yeah right).
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January 16th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
With their focus on fun for everyone, Nintendo's Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ systems are leading a new movement in the world of video games. Games based on brain exercises. ... New experiences that surprise even core gamers. ... Grandparents buying video game systems - for themselves! Surely, these are unprecedented times.
"The video game industry has never had so many new players, and they've never had so much fun," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing. "Our momentum is not limited to one system or one game. We're going broad and bold in 2008, with something for every member of the family."
Nintendo DS and Wii finished as the No. 1 and No. 2 best-selling systems of the year, respectively. Nintendo continues its momentum into 2008 with a strong lineup of games. In the first half of 2008 alone, more than 65 new Wii games will add to the current library of more than 195 and 80 new Nintendo DS games will add to the current library of nearly 500. Nintendo DS opens the first half of the year with games that demonstrate the breadth of the Nintendo DS library. Advance Wars®: Days of Ruin is a treat aimed squarely at core gamers, while Crosswords DS™ is for all consumers, whether they currently play games or not.
Likewise, the first half of 2008 brings a diverse array of Wii games from Nintendo, including core games like Super Smash Bros.® Brawl; games with universal appeal for gamers old and new with Mario Kart® Wii, which uses the easy-to-pick-up Wii Wheel™; and Wii Fit™, which comes with the Wii Balance Board and has appeal for new consumers well beyond the traditional video game audience. On top of all that, new downloadable WiiWare™ games will make their debut. These unique games have much lower entry barriers for developers and let consumers enjoy an incredibly diverse selection of content.
Third-party publishers also continue their strong support for Wii and Nintendo DS. Some of the innovative Wii games for the first half of 2008 include Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts, No More Heroes™ from Ubisoft, DeBlob from THQ, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts and Okami from Capcom, in addition to compelling Nintendo DS games like FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Rings of Fate from Square Enix, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword from Tecmo and Quick Yoga Training from Ubisoft.
The following is a partial list of Wii and Nintendo DS software for the first half of 2008. Note that details are subject to change.
Jan. 7: Kidz Sports Ice Hockey from Destineer
Jan. 8: Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law from Capcom
Jan. 15: Furu Furu Park from Majesco Entertainment
Jan. 21: Endless Ocean™ from Nintendo
Jan. 22: One Piece™: Unlimited Adventure™ from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Jan. 29: Bomberman Land from Hudson
January: No More Heroes™ from Ubisoft
January: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation™: Hard Evidence from Ubisoft
Feb. 8: Kawasaki Jet Ski from Destineer
Feb. 11: Go Diego Go!: Safari Rescue from 2K Play
Feb. 12: WWII Aces from Destineer
Feb. 12: Dream Pinball 3D from SouthPeak Games
Feb. 18: MX vs. ATV Untamed from THQ
Feb. 25: Agatha Christie And Then There Were None from DreamCatcher Games
Feb. 26: Baroque from Atlus USA
Feb. 26: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors from Square Enix
Feb. 27: Kidz Sports Soccer from Destineer
Feb. 27: London Taxi: Rush Hour from Destineer
February: Garfield® Gets Real from DSI Games
February: Yamaha Supercross from DSI Games
February: Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore from Konami
February: Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30™ from Ubisoft
March 3: Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed from THQ
March 9: Super Smash Bros.® Brawl from Nintendo
March 10: Worms: A Space Oddity from THQ
March 25: Okami from Capcom
March: MiniCopter: Adventure Flight from Aksys Games
March: Alone in the Dark from Atari
March: Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts
March: Obscure: The Aftermath from Ignition Entertainment
March: Target: Terror from Konami
March: Nitro Bike™ from Ubisoft
March: Emergency Heroes™ from Ubisoft
March: Rebel Raiders from XS Games
April 15: Castle of Shikigami III from Aksys Games
April: Pro Evolution Soccer from Konami
April: Wild Earth: African Safari from Majesco Entertainment
April: Super Pick Ups from XS Games
May 6: Speed Racer from Warner Bros. Games
May 13: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian from Disney Interactive Studios
May: BlastWorks: Build, Trade, Destroy from Majesco Entertainment
May: King of Fighters: The Orochi Saga from SNK Playmore
May: THE DOG Island™ from Ubisoft
June 8: Wonderworld Amusement Park from Majesco Entertainment
June: Catch of the Day from Electronic Arts
June: Ford Racing Off Road from Empire Interactive
June: Cooking Mama Cook Off 2 from Majesco Entertainment
June: Rygar: The Battle of Argus from Tecmo, Inc.
June: DeBlob from THQ
June: Wall-E from THQ
Spring: Mario Kart Wii with Wii Wheel from Nintendo
Spring: Major League Baseball® 2K8 from 2K Sports
Spring: Don King Presents: Prizefighter from 2K Sports
Spring: Top Spin 3 from 2K Sports
Spring: Kung Fu Panda from Activision
Spring: LEGO: Indiana Jones from LucasArts
Summer: Deca Sports from Hudson
Summer: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts
Summer: Active Life™: Outdoor Challenge™ from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Q2: Wii Fit from Nintendo
Nintendo DS
Jan. 21: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin from Nintendo/Intelligent Systems
Jan. 21: Mazes of Fate DS from Graffiti Entertainment, LLC
Jan. 22: Mega Brain Boost from Majesco Entertainment
Jan. 24: Aquarium by DS from Bold Games
Jan. 24: Fantasy Aquarium by DS from Bold Games
Jan. 29: Pet Pals: Animal Doctor from Majesco Entertainment
January: N+ from Atari
January: Barnyard Blast from DSI Games
January: Command & Destroy from DSI Games
January: Miami Nights: Singles in the City™ from Ubisoft
January: Brain Challenge™ from Ubisoft
Feb. 4: Paws & Claws: Pet Resort from THQ
Feb. 5: Homie Rollerz from Destineer
Feb. 5: Nanostray 2 from Majesco Entertainment
Feb. 10 (street date): Professor Layton and the Curious Village™ from Nintendo/LEVEL-5
Feb. 12: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney from Capcom
Feb. 12: New Zealand Story Revolution from Ignition Entertainment
Feb. 12: Dream Pinball 3D from SouthPeak Games
Feb. 19: Spitfire Heroes: Tales of the RAF from Destineer
Feb. 19: Zoo Tycoon II from THQ
Feb. 25: Bratz: Super Babyz from THQ
Feb. 26: Bubble Bobble Double Shot from Ignition Entertainment
February: My Horse and Me from Atari
February: M&M'S® Kart Racing from DSI Games
February: Garfield® Gets Real from DSI Games
February: Yamaha Supercross from DSI Games
February: Insecticide from Gamecock Media Group
February: Anno™ 1701: Dawn of Discovery from Ubisoft
February: Assassin's Creed Altair's Chronicles™ from Ubisoft
February: Petz® Wild Animals: Tigerz from Ubisoft
February: Puppy Palace™ from Ubisoft
February: Real Soccer® 2008 from Ubisoft
March 1: Project Exile from Graffiti Entertainment, LLC
March 3: Let's Ride: Friends Forever from THQ
March 4: Diary Girl from Konami
March 4: Go Pets from Konami
March 4: Disney Friends from Disney Interactive Studios
March 4: Eco-Creatures: Save the Forest from Majesco Entertainment
March 8: Plushees from Destineer
March 8: River King: Mystic Valley from Natsume Inc.
March 8: Harvest Moon DS Cute from Natsume Inc.
March 11: FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Rings of Fate from Square Enix
March 11: Lost in Blue 3 from Konami
March 11: Pro Evolution Soccer from Konami
March 25: Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword from Tecmo, Inc.
March: Alone in the Dark from Atari
March: Drone Tactics from Atlus USA
March: Double Sequence from DSI Games
March: Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts
March: Myst from Empire Interactive
March: Naruto™: Ninja Destiny from Tomy Corporation
March: Petz® Bunnyz™ from Ubisoft
March: Imagine™ Figure Skater from Ubisoft
March: Commando from XS Games
April 15: Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys from Ignition Entertainment
April: Super Dodgeball Brawlers from Aksys Games
April: Rondo of Swords from Atlus USA
April: Quick Yoga Training from Ubisoft
May 5: Crosswords DS from Nintendo
May 6: Speed Racer from Warner Bros. Games
May 8: Organize It from Summitsoft Corporation
May 13: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian from Disney Interactive Studios
May: Winx Club: Mission Enchantix from Konami
May: Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles from Aksys Games
May: Garfield® Fun Fest from DSI Games
May: 1 vs. 100 from DSI Games
June 8: Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness from Natsume Inc.
June: Shining Stars® from DSI Games
June: Catch of the Day from Electronic Arts
June: PipeMania from Empire Interactive
June: Wall-E from THQ
Spring: Sid Meier's Civilization® Revolution™ from 2K Games
Spring: Don King Presents: Prizefighter from 2K Sports
Spring: Top Spin 3 from 2K Sports
Spring: Kung Fu Panda from Activision
Spring: LEGO: Indiana Jones from LucasArts
Spring: The World Ends with You from Square Enix
Summer: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts
Summer: Tamagotchi Connection®: Corner Shop® 3 from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Q2: Bangai-O Spirits from D3 Publisher of America
Q2: Pokemon® Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time from Nintendo
Q2: Pokemon® Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness from Nintendo
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January 16th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
With their focus on fun for everyone, Nintendo's Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ systems are leading a new movement in the world of video games. Games based on brain exercises. ... New experiences that surprise even core gamers. ... Grandparents buying video game systems - for themselves! Surely, these are unprecedented times.
"The video game industry has never had so many new players, and they've never had so much fun," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing. "Our momentum is not limited to one system or one game. We're going broad and bold in 2008, with something for every member of the family."
Nintendo DS and Wii finished as the No. 1 and No. 2 best-selling systems of the year, respectively. Nintendo continues its momentum into 2008 with a strong lineup of games. In the first half of 2008 alone, more than 65 new Wii games will add to the current library of more than 195 and 80 new Nintendo DS games will add to the current library of nearly 500. Nintendo DS opens the first half of the year with games that demonstrate the breadth of the Nintendo DS library. Advance Wars®: Days of Ruin is a treat aimed squarely at core gamers, while Crosswords DS™ is for all consumers, whether they currently play games or not.
Likewise, the first half of 2008 brings a diverse array of Wii games from Nintendo, including core games like Super Smash Bros.® Brawl; games with universal appeal for gamers old and new with Mario Kart® Wii, which uses the easy-to-pick-up Wii Wheel™; and Wii Fit™, which comes with the Wii Balance Board and has appeal for new consumers well beyond the traditional video game audience. On top of all that, new downloadable WiiWare™ games will make their debut. These unique games have much lower entry barriers for developers and let consumers enjoy an incredibly diverse selection of content.
Third-party publishers also continue their strong support for Wii and Nintendo DS. Some of the innovative Wii games for the first half of 2008 include Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts, No More Heroes™ from Ubisoft, DeBlob from THQ, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts and Okami from Capcom, in addition to compelling Nintendo DS games like FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Rings of Fate from Square Enix, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword from Tecmo and Quick Yoga Training from Ubisoft.
The following is a partial list of Wii and Nintendo DS software for the first half of 2008. Note that details are subject to change.
Jan. 7: Kidz Sports Ice Hockey from Destineer
Jan. 8: Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law from Capcom
Jan. 15: Furu Furu Park from Majesco Entertainment
Jan. 21: Endless Ocean™ from Nintendo
Jan. 22: One Piece™: Unlimited Adventure™ from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Jan. 29: Bomberman Land from Hudson
January: No More Heroes™ from Ubisoft
January: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation™: Hard Evidence from Ubisoft
Feb. 8: Kawasaki Jet Ski from Destineer
Feb. 11: Go Diego Go!: Safari Rescue from 2K Play
Feb. 12: WWII Aces from Destineer
Feb. 12: Dream Pinball 3D from SouthPeak Games
Feb. 18: MX vs. ATV Untamed from THQ
Feb. 25: Agatha Christie And Then There Were None from DreamCatcher Games
Feb. 26: Baroque from Atlus USA
Feb. 26: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors from Square Enix
Feb. 27: Kidz Sports Soccer from Destineer
Feb. 27: London Taxi: Rush Hour from Destineer
February: Garfield® Gets Real from DSI Games
February: Yamaha Supercross from DSI Games
February: Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore from Konami
February: Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30™ from Ubisoft
March 3: Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed from THQ
March 9: Super Smash Bros.® Brawl from Nintendo
March 10: Worms: A Space Oddity from THQ
March 25: Okami from Capcom
March: MiniCopter: Adventure Flight from Aksys Games
March: Alone in the Dark from Atari
March: Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts
March: Obscure: The Aftermath from Ignition Entertainment
March: Target: Terror from Konami
March: Nitro Bike™ from Ubisoft
March: Emergency Heroes™ from Ubisoft
March: Rebel Raiders from XS Games
April 15: Castle of Shikigami III from Aksys Games
April: Pro Evolution Soccer from Konami
April: Wild Earth: African Safari from Majesco Entertainment
April: Super Pick Ups from XS Games
May 6: Speed Racer from Warner Bros. Games
May 13: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian from Disney Interactive Studios
May: BlastWorks: Build, Trade, Destroy from Majesco Entertainment
May: King of Fighters: The Orochi Saga from SNK Playmore
May: THE DOG Island™ from Ubisoft
June 8: Wonderworld Amusement Park from Majesco Entertainment
June: Catch of the Day from Electronic Arts
June: Ford Racing Off Road from Empire Interactive
June: Cooking Mama Cook Off 2 from Majesco Entertainment
June: Rygar: The Battle of Argus from Tecmo, Inc.
June: DeBlob from THQ
June: Wall-E from THQ
Spring: Mario Kart Wii with Wii Wheel from Nintendo
Spring: Major League Baseball® 2K8 from 2K Sports
Spring: Don King Presents: Prizefighter from 2K Sports
Spring: Top Spin 3 from 2K Sports
Spring: Kung Fu Panda from Activision
Spring: LEGO: Indiana Jones from LucasArts
Summer: Deca Sports from Hudson
Summer: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts
Summer: Active Life™: Outdoor Challenge™ from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Q2: Wii Fit from Nintendo
Nintendo DS
Jan. 21: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin from Nintendo/Intelligent Systems
Jan. 21: Mazes of Fate DS from Graffiti Entertainment, LLC
Jan. 22: Mega Brain Boost from Majesco Entertainment
Jan. 24: Aquarium by DS from Bold Games
Jan. 24: Fantasy Aquarium by DS from Bold Games
Jan. 29: Pet Pals: Animal Doctor from Majesco Entertainment
January: N+ from Atari
January: Barnyard Blast from DSI Games
January: Command & Destroy from DSI Games
January: Miami Nights: Singles in the City™ from Ubisoft
January: Brain Challenge™ from Ubisoft
Feb. 4: Paws & Claws: Pet Resort from THQ
Feb. 5: Homie Rollerz from Destineer
Feb. 5: Nanostray 2 from Majesco Entertainment
Feb. 10 (street date): Professor Layton and the Curious Village™ from Nintendo/LEVEL-5
Feb. 12: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney from Capcom
Feb. 12: New Zealand Story Revolution from Ignition Entertainment
Feb. 12: Dream Pinball 3D from SouthPeak Games
Feb. 19: Spitfire Heroes: Tales of the RAF from Destineer
Feb. 19: Zoo Tycoon II from THQ
Feb. 25: Bratz: Super Babyz from THQ
Feb. 26: Bubble Bobble Double Shot from Ignition Entertainment
February: My Horse and Me from Atari
February: M&M'S® Kart Racing from DSI Games
February: Garfield® Gets Real from DSI Games
February: Yamaha Supercross from DSI Games
February: Insecticide from Gamecock Media Group
February: Anno™ 1701: Dawn of Discovery from Ubisoft
February: Assassin's Creed Altair's Chronicles™ from Ubisoft
February: Petz® Wild Animals: Tigerz from Ubisoft
February: Puppy Palace™ from Ubisoft
February: Real Soccer® 2008 from Ubisoft
March 1: Project Exile from Graffiti Entertainment, LLC
March 3: Let's Ride: Friends Forever from THQ
March 4: Diary Girl from Konami
March 4: Go Pets from Konami
March 4: Disney Friends from Disney Interactive Studios
March 4: Eco-Creatures: Save the Forest from Majesco Entertainment
March 8: Plushees from Destineer
March 8: River King: Mystic Valley from Natsume Inc.
March 8: Harvest Moon DS Cute from Natsume Inc.
March 11: FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: Rings of Fate from Square Enix
March 11: Lost in Blue 3 from Konami
March 11: Pro Evolution Soccer from Konami
March 25: Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword from Tecmo, Inc.
March: Alone in the Dark from Atari
March: Drone Tactics from Atlus USA
March: Double Sequence from DSI Games
March: Ninja Reflex from Electronic Arts
March: Myst from Empire Interactive
March: Naruto™: Ninja Destiny from Tomy Corporation
March: Petz® Bunnyz™ from Ubisoft
March: Imagine™ Figure Skater from Ubisoft
March: Commando from XS Games
April 15: Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys from Ignition Entertainment
April: Super Dodgeball Brawlers from Aksys Games
April: Rondo of Swords from Atlus USA
April: Quick Yoga Training from Ubisoft
May 5: Crosswords DS from Nintendo
May 6: Speed Racer from Warner Bros. Games
May 8: Organize It from Summitsoft Corporation
May 13: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian from Disney Interactive Studios
May: Winx Club: Mission Enchantix from Konami
May: Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles from Aksys Games
May: Garfield® Fun Fest from DSI Games
May: 1 vs. 100 from DSI Games
June 8: Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness from Natsume Inc.
June: Shining Stars® from DSI Games
June: Catch of the Day from Electronic Arts
June: PipeMania from Empire Interactive
June: Wall-E from THQ
Spring: Sid Meier's Civilization® Revolution™ from 2K Games
Spring: Don King Presents: Prizefighter from 2K Sports
Spring: Top Spin 3 from 2K Sports
Spring: Kung Fu Panda from Activision
Spring: LEGO: Indiana Jones from LucasArts
Spring: The World Ends with You from Square Enix
Summer: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from LucasArts
Summer: Tamagotchi Connection®: Corner Shop® 3 from Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Q2: Bangai-O Spirits from D3 Publisher of America
Q2: Pokemon® Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time from Nintendo
Q2: Pokemon® Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness from Nintendo
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January 16th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: gg2008
Just to let you know that marovada has now made a windows version of Wee Basic - you can code and test basic programs for the NDS on your PC.
Wee Windows: Windows version of Wee Basic
1. Key mapping
D-Pad: use PC arrow keys
A, B, X and Y: PC keys F1, F2, F3 and F4
Keyboard: Use PC Keyboard
(Do not use the on-screen keyboard in the emulator as it is only there to show if the keyboard is hidden or not on the real DS. Other than that it does NOTHING).
2. Mostly self explanatory. Use ‘run’ in menu to run your basic program ( a DS emulator will suddenly appear!)
3. To install: change ppt to zip. The unzip all files into a single folder of your choice.
4. Known issues
-pressing F12 crashes when using key()
- stylus coordinates cannot be used - they don’t scale to the DS
- only capital appear when using the input function
- residual keypress on run
Be gentle with me. It’s only a first release
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January 16th, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster

This time from Game Informer, we have some fresh new details on LucasArts' The Force Unleashed (Wii) and the mythological WiiSaber. As we'd heard rumblings of before, swinging the Wiimote will not be 1:1 with the onscreen saber. Force powers will be motion controlled, but whether or not the Wiimote will do double-duty between lightsaber and said powers is uncertain. The only example we know of is Force Push, which requires the player to (you guessed it) push with the nunchuck.
I'm really, really hoping this will be good. And until we have the game in our hands to decide, expect bajillions of such updates as we get more info.
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January 16th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster

Empire Interactive today announced that MYST, the popular adventure-based video game, will immerse North American fans in a new experience created specially for the Nintendo DS. Adventure-seekers will be captivated by the mesmerizing worlds and environments that have been enhanced and recreated with an original soundtrack, re-mastered video and an all-new age - the Rime Age - that was never included in the original MYST. Taking full advantage of the system's technology, the game uses the stylus as the key method of interaction and the dual screen as a vehicle to provide additional information for a greater challenge. MYST for the Nintendo DS is scheduled to ship in North America in March 2008.
The new interface for MYST enhances the gameplay in all-new ways. The upper screen of the system provides information and allows players to view magnified images, while the bottom screen is used to access mini-tools and navigate throughout the realistic worlds of MYST. Additionally, to aid in their expedition to uncover clues and solve the mysteries of MYST, players have a new arsenal of mini-tools at their disposal, including a magnifying glass, camera, notebook, and map. Now, players can closely inspect and interact with clues and items, take snapshots for future use, keep notes in a diary, and pinpoint key locations within the game.
"As one of the strongest video game franchises in history, with more than 12 million games sold, we felt it was only natural to partner with Hoplite Research and Cyan Worlds to bring MYST to an innovative system like the DS," said Karim Farghaly, vice president of sales, Empire Interactive. "The DS addition to the MYST game library allows players to take advantage of the new features created exclusively for the DS, while still maintaining the integrity of this classic game, creating a refreshed, on-the-go adventure experience for players of all ages."
"It was important for us to work with a partner that understood family adventure titles to support the North American launch of MYST for the Nintendo DS," said Manny Granillo, president, Hoplite Research, LLC.
Under obscure circumstances, a mysterious person known as the Stranger (the player) finds a bizarre book titled MYST. Upon opening the book, the Stranger discovers the first page is occupied by a single moving image - the Linking Panel - showing a glimpse of an island. By touching the Linking Panel, the player is transported to the island to explore the breathtaking environments.
MYST is an engaging experience that draws adventure-seekers into beautiful yet eerie worlds with unique settings in varied times and places. While venturing through the six worlds of MYST, players help individuals trapped in parallel dimensions - without ever actually encountering living beings - by solving a multitude of puzzles, mazes and problems. Close observation and precise logic will help players unlock the secrets of MYST. The non-linear gameplay of MYST is designed unlike any other adventure game, with no instructions, inventory, death or dialogue. MYST is about the experience encountered throughout the breathtaking worlds and environments.
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January 17th, 2008, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Perhaps a sign that America is finally getting its obesity scare under control, Nintendo has cautiously scheduled Wii Fit for a Q2 2008 release. Despite last week's rumor, today's announcement is the first official word from Nintendo that its latest balancing act is being prepped for the US. Whether that means the board's 300-pound weight limit is being increased to accommodate US standards or Nintendo is simply gambling that Americans will have shed a few pounds by next quarter (to prepare their summer beach bodies, 'natch) has yet to confirmed. So how's your body mass index loookin' for the Q2?
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January 17th, 2008, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-eke has posted a new test release of Genesis Plus, heres whats new:
emu_kidid send me the correct way to use ipl_config() witha Qoob modchip.
here is a new testing dol, let's hope it fixes the problem
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January 17th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Senzo has released a new version of his Noughts and crosses game for DS
Well, we have a new version of the 3 bay, has some bug q correct but he made good progress XD, the chips are placed alone in the boxes and I have started the matrix to determine the winner in the v0.4 already know who won the game; ). Without further delay some catches and liaison.
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January 17th, 2008, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Björn Geisler has updated his Ebook reader for DS, heres some info:
* Only recognizes files in. Txt
* Its interface leaves much to be desired in terms of image but it is easy to use.
* This in English.
* The reading of the text will in vertically as if it were a book.
* You can save 3 booksmark marks or book well save our progress in reading.
* Not occupies a lot of space in our card.
Well, now they explain how to do work.
1) Download the file DSreadmore Alpha Version
2) After unpacking the file to be downloaded.
3) Open the folder and they find themselves with 4 components: 1 folder called Fonts, 2 files reading READ ME (these can erase those) and the program. NDS.
4) Parchean the homebrew. Nds DLDItool with the program according to your flash card.
5) They create another folder called States that is where you keep your reading progress.
6) saving files. TXT wishing to read.
7) Copy this entire folder in the flash card and enjoy reading them.
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January 17th, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
We are still alive and judging I figured I would give a bit of an update on the process.
We have about 1/2 of the judging results in and promises that all we be complete by Sunday. This should coincide with a few touch ups that need to be done to the results display page. What this means to you is that, should things go well, the results will be posted Monday.
As usual, this is about a week later than promised. Having finished my own first pass at judging I just wanted to thank the scene for turning out so many quality entries. This was the best turnout for the winter compo by a fair margin.
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January 17th, 2008, 06:28 Posted By: DanTheManMS
New release from Dwedit:version 2008-01-16
* Fixed double speed timers mode
* Adds SGB borders to games which support both GBC and SGB mode
* Fixed controller input in SGB mode
The SGB borders thing appears to mean that more games will support the "SGB+GBC" mode. A few did before, but more will now (like Zelda: Link's Awakening). Don't forget to reset the game after changing this setting to see the changes.
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January 17th, 2008, 16:37 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo DS emulator for Windows.
• Fixed a bug in CPU Speed Mode.
• Fixed a bug in Bind Textures.
• Fixed a bug in Use Temp File for compressed file.
• Fixed a bug in Fog Effect.
...and other small fixup.
Audio PlugIn
• Fixed a bug in Load State capabilities.
DirectInput PlugIn
• Fixed a bug in choosing buttons.
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January 17th, 2008, 17:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has confirmed that Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 will be arriving on the Wii in March, 2008.
So far, the main focus of PES 2008 on Wii has been on the baffling controls and whether or not they can possibly work.
Now though, more info has been given out that could divide opinions further. According to Konami, "The Wii game mirrors the real sport's use of open space and the exploitation of defensive lapses and accurate passes essential in creating scoring opportunities". Whatever the hell that means, we don't know.
More understandable is the point and drag system, whereby players use the Wii Remote to guide their characters around the pitch. Pointing at nearby players selects them to receive a pass or latch on to a through-ball.
Shaking the Nunchuk can be used to perform sliding tackles and send the goalkeeper out to clear a ball.
PES 2008 for Wii features six modes, and includes the obligatory RPG-lite experience point system, where players can upgrade their team members after matches and unlock extra skills. It supports Mii's and works online too.
Konami's bringing the game in today, so stay turned for some serious impressions.
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January 17th, 2008, 17:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
New details have come in on the (slightly) anticipated Wii version of The Force Unleashed, which finally brings saber-swinging Jedi antics to Nintendo's console. Unfortunately though, it's sounding like a far cry from the 1:1 saber swinging we were hoping for.
According to the latest Game Informer, The Force Unleashed will not use the WIi Remote for 1:1 lightsaber swinging, but instead your Force Powers will be motion controlled. Force Push, for example, is pulled off by (you guessed it) "pushing" the remote towards the screen.
It's Marvel: Ultimate Alliance with Storm Troopers then. Not that we weren't expecting that.
We've still got our fingers crossed that Lucasarts will give us the beautiful Wii Lightsaber action we've been demanding since Wii's announcement, but at the moment we can only prepare for disappointment.
Guess we'll have to play out our Star Wars fantasies with the toy swords for the time being then...
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January 17th, 2008, 18:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The wind is picking up and dropping rain off on our heads as we tumble into work each morning, but the good news this week is that we can quickly dispatch the raindrops from our raincoated shoulders by flapping our arms about to a bundle of new Wii games.
What's more, you'd actually buy some of them. Geometry Wars: Galaxies and Zack & Wiki are must-haves - the former a smashing evolution of the Xbox Live Arcade Geometry Wars game with some very agreeable control options and tons of content, and the latter the closest thing we've had to an adventure game that isn't rubbish or hideously overrated since Fahrenheit, probably.
As for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, it's as happy to see you as you probably will be to play it. Which is fairly happy, as you will know if you've read today's review. You float through dreamy worlds going through hoops, collecting orbs and circling things to murderise them. Then you do it all again for a better rank.
Meanwhile, Ghost Squad isn't quite so exciting - at least according to our beloved former editor Kristan - although I rather enjoyed playing it at Games Convention, if only for the amazing characters who stand there at the end of each level staring into each other's eyes as the camera zooms away to reveal the scores.
Oh, and Wii Chess code is inbound in the next day or so, according to Nintendo, so presumably it's either cack or was late in from the duplicators.
Finally, we probably won't bother with the sixth, Balls of Fury, which has managed to pick up 10, 12, 15 and 27 out of 100 according to the eminently trustworthy Metacritic, which isn't even a very good score if you add all the numbers together (can't figure it out? Report back here on 8th Feb for Maths Training).
Oh, and John Walker always complains bitterly if this page isn't a mess of surreality and pointlessness, so here's a video someone sent me of a man's chin singing the Automatic song off SingStar PS3 (when it's working, anyway).
This week:- Balls of Fury (Wii)
- Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii, DS)
- Ghost Squad (Wii)
- NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)
- Wii Chess (Wii)
- Zack & Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii)
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January 17th, 2008, 18:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates will launch on DS on March 21.
Featuring wireless play and unique action-based gameplay, the exclusive Nintendo DS title promises to be the most accessible Final Fantasy ever.
Sounds like great news, though considering that we still don't fully understand the battle system in Final Fantasy VII, it's not exactly a difficult goal to achieve.
Echoing similar obsessions of Jackass DS of all things, Ring of Fates will include hundreds of different items and costume combinations to make your character unique. Does everybody think that all DS players want is a high-tech Barbie dress-up game or something?
Bad news for cheeky importers, though. The UK version contains additional content over the Japanese version, with four new quests available. It's worth buying twice over anyway, though. Just check out the glowing review from NGamer and these screenshots to prove it.
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January 17th, 2008, 18:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Fans of point-and-click classic Myst will have a chance to relive the experience this March, when publisher Empire Interactive brings a DS adaptation of the title to the US. Myst DS has been out in Europe since last Fall, but this will mark the title's debut in the States.
A tad more than just a straight port, the DS version of Myst features remastered video, a bonus area previously available in the realMyst remake, and touch-screen features such as note-taking and shortcut icons. The game will also feature the ability to take snapshots of certain screens for later reference, hopefully cutting down on all the tedious backtracking and rote memorization made so popular by the groundbreaking PC game. It seems that developer Hoplite Research put a lot of thought into this adaptation, making it a tempting buy for anyone who actually enjoyed the original.
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January 17th, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard has released a new version of his rather cool Mario Galaxies game for the Nintendo DS:

Heres whats new
-2 Languages English and French.
-8 Worlds and 8 levels.
- Support DLDI (A patch if necessary).
- Backup hiscore.
- Addition of the Pause.
- Adding sound and music.
- Adding CheckLid
- Using the EFSlib of Noda for. Mods.
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January 17th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

Most of my effort has focussed on UI related issues with this release. My vision for the Action Bar is now realized. You can populate it with your own choice of actions or spells.
Akoi Meexx has been working extremely hard at a total-conversion tileset for POWDER which I'm proud to now make the default tileset!
I've moved my primary playing platform to the DS. I'm extremely happy with the current stylus interface. I have not had to use the buttons at all. This is fortunate as in the winter one can use the stylus with gloves, but I've had issues trying to use the buttons.
* The PPC Mac and Linux versions will no longer have psychedelic colours, but instead look normal. (Ben Hjelt)
* [Mac] The Mac port now uses a .dmg making installation a snap! Note your .txt and .sav files will be saved to whatever directory you put the POWDER program into.
* [SDL] The window icon was accidentally half brightness - it is now in its full glory.
* There is now an action bar along the top of the screen as well. Further, you can reassign action bar entries when in the verb screen. Merely drag and drop to until the bar matches your dream layout!
* There is now actionbars on the left and right of the screen. It is recommended you don't use the top few of these as they will obscure your text output.
* Your action bar settings are saved across sessions. If you mess things up, the Options menu has a Defaults entry that will revert them to the defaults.
* From the Zap menu you can drag and drop spells to the action bar. This lets you cast specific spells with a single click.
* On reading a spell or skill book, you will be given the full text of the spell or skill you are trying to learn. You will then have to confirm your selection. This requires two extra button pushes, but I hope such learning is rare and this helps people discover the spell text as [Select] is a tad bit obscure.
* The background for the inventory screen has been changed into a series of boxes rather than the odd C symbol. This is also done on the layer beneath the items.
* When you possess another creature and equip items, your original body will no longer mirror your new weapon choices.
* Renaming yourself will change your actual name (the one for the win screen and character dump) rather than just your body's name. (Grothias)
* Linux port is now statically linked against libstdc++, so those of you who don't have old libraries installed should be able to run it. (Martin Read, John Overmars)
* The final inventory screen will no longer go to full-examine when you click on an item. Instead, it acts like the normal inventory where it does the short description on click and changes the item bar to reflect whether you can view the item. Similarly, the only way to quit it is to now press the inventory button again. (Or , of course) (Honourable mention to Richard Quirk who submitted a patch for this after I had already coded it)
* Possess now takes Diagnose as a prerequisite.
* The haunted island and other similar rooms that have monsters have been double checked to ensure they don't allow stairs. (Martin Read)
* [DS] Richard Quirk finished the earlier fix to support r21 of devkitPro. It turns out my refusal to use short-enums was the source of the incompatibility.
* Requesting info ('i' or [Select]) on the cancel option of a spell book reading menu will no longer crash. (Ciaran Walsh)
* You can drag items around your inventory screen to reorder them. You can drag into your equip slots to put them on or drag off equipped slots to remove them. (Richard Quirk)
* it's to its correction in cockatrice description. (Richard Quirk)
* Eating items now grants ten times the foodvalue, bringing them more in line with eating corpses. (Brendan, Michal Bielinski)
* One new map.
* Brand new tileset - the Akoi Meexx tileset. This is a total conversion which has been made the new default tileset. Never fear, if you want the naked pink guy, you can change to the Classic tileset.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance [382k].
Nintendo DS [735k].
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January 17th, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has updated Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Voila version 0.03 of StarLite.
On the agenda:
-- StarLite is now using 3D Sprites, which allows to see 1024 in total.
-- The wireless Ad-Hoc mode is now functional. It is a saying that you can play with 2 DS in the same piece, one against the other!
Here's how to follow in order to play a new version:
-- Copy the file StarLite.nds on 2 DS. (So far, everything is normal)
-- On the DS numero 1, copy at the root of your memory card file "equipe.txt" with the content as simple character "1" (without a return line, no spaces)
-- DS on the number 2, copy the same file, still has its roots, but this time containing the only character "2".
This file helps to inform the DS that you are the player 1 or 2 player!
-- Run Starlite, and wait for the 2 games is launched on 2 DS. You can now begin to play.
Why this file "team"? In fact, we have not had time to create a menu to select its colour and number team. And this menu will permit synchronize the start, which is not the case here ...
But all that will come in the next version.
In conclusion, you can see for yourself that this is indeed the beginning of WiFi mode, but it works! (Plant it again from time to time, but it takes care)
Known Bugs:
-- Some of the crashes DS.
-- The death of a marine leaves desired: If you kill a marine enemy is your Promis who dies, we will correct it tonight!
Download and Give Feedback on this excellent release for all Nintendo DS Fans 
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January 17th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Niateph posted a new release of Byook for the Nintendo DS:
Byook is a system of adventure game combining books and video games for Nintendo DS.
The DS, held on the side, symbolizes the open book and invites the player to delve into the story.
Gommant few letters, playing with words, altering the meaning, and it guides the story and discovered the consequences of his choice.
When the story intensifies, the virtual book comes to life and leaves room for Thursday: page is overshadowed by scenery and words are born playable characters. Became player, the player saw his book while a narrator tale scene played.
The text and the game gradually merge to form a new way of living a story: figures of speech playable, fun gameplay literary puzzles, games on the words and so many others!
16/01/2008 : Horus 0.5
+By drawing a box on the touch screen you can now make the In-Game menu appear.
- You can't make it appear when you are in game mode with the text screen up.
+When the texts change they appear in a different color.
+There are ink stains at some points of the text. By clicking on it you can change various things including gameplay functions or scenario orientation.
-There is no more sound since we are shifting to ASLib.
+Page displaying system has been recoded.
+Copyright screen are here !
+Hieroglyphes riddle has been modified and is supposed to be easier to understand.
+Pages' numbers are here !
+Various endings depending of your choices and success in the riddle.
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January 17th, 2008, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
With the launch of Nintendo's WiiWare just around the corner, we expect developers to begin coming out of the woodwork with support for the new download service, the latest of which is Canada-based XGen Studios. Wait, who? As a company known for, of all things, web-based Flash games, XGen has not specified what its initial WiiWare project will be, simply stating that it will release the game alongside the service's launch in early 2008.
On closer inspection, the announcement actually makes a modicum of sense for XGen, which has created browser games for a variety of web portals, including EA's Pogo Network and MTV. The studio's catalog of web games already included labels for those titles it feels are "Wii Compatible," paving the way for game development for the system itself. XGen notes that its first WiiWare title will be based on one of the studio's multiplayer titles, modified to use the Wii remote. But with titles like Fishy, Chicken Jockey, and Balloon Duel, how can you pick just one?
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January 17th, 2008, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS comes in a wealth of colours but which one is your favourite
Heres the rundown of colours available at the moment.
So thats all the colours of DS Lite at the moment but which is your favourite ?
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January 18th, 2008, 17:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Atlus, publisher of the Trauma Center franchise, is bringing a fantasy strategy RPG to DS called Rondo of Swords.
The plot sounds like absolute nonsense, with a king dying mysteriously and a kingdom plunging into darkness and an evil army invading and only a magical sword can save the kingdom and restore peace to the land. Told you so.
However, the features sound quite promising. A deep party management system allows you to send your party members off on errands or go on quests to level up on their own, so you don't have to suffer the tedium of grinding through thousands of boars to get XP.
The game also includes multiple storylines and endings that are determined by your actions. Your decisions will apparently affect the character you become and the ending you receive.
How the game plays is still somewhat of a mystery though. The 'unique combat system' uses route maneuvers and momentum counters, whatever they are. And skills are not just skills, but "dynamic strategic devices that you choose to build or not." Your guess is as good as mine.
Rondo of Swords will be released on April 15 in the US and possibly Europe. We've contacted Atlus for confirmation on the release date and clarification of what the terminology babble above means, and are waiting for a reply.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Two new retro truffles are now available for you Wii owners to gorge on this weekend, with both the N64 classic 1080 Snowboarding and the PC Engine Streets of Rage clone Riot Zone coming to the Virtual Console.
1080 Snowboarding is Nintendo's largely successful jaunt down the virtual slopes, which you may like to think of as an 8.6 in numerical form, as Matt Casamassina did back when this place was called IGN64.com. At 1,000 points it's a fairly safe punt, and to this day it remains one of the better representations of the sport.
For the reasonable sum of 800 points you can pick up Riot Zone, a side-scrolling beat-'em-up from the time when such fare was all the rage. It came out on the PC Engine in 1992 and while it won't set your world on fire you may want to don a global technicolour t-shirt, stick a cassette of The Prodigy Experience on the stereo and beat seven shades of brown out of some chunky sprites in a fit of early nineties nostalgia this weekend. And in that case Riot Zone certainly fits the bill.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Mistwalker fans get the tissues ready! Publisher AQ Interactive announced today a delay in the Japanese release of Blue Dragon DS and Away: Shuffle Dungeon, two DS games from the Hironobu Sakaguchi studio.
Originally scheduled for February 28, Away will now be released to Japan some time in the summer. Blue Dragon DS won't be far behind, as it to will slip from its planned March release to the summer season.
As reason for the delay, AQ cited a need to further improve the quality of the two titles in order to satisfy customers both within Japan and internationally.
That sounds like a confirmation of an overseas release for one or both games, so not all the news is bad.
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January 18th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
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January 18th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster

Flashlinker Europe have today posted that they have Silver DS Lites with FlashMe Installed, good for those who want it but for me i dont want to be putting custom firmware on my DS, each to their own i suppose.
What are the benefits of FlashMe on a DS now ?
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January 18th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sokoknight is a Sokoban clone which is a transport puzzle game. The player pushes boxes around a maze and tries to put them on floor tiles marked with a cross. Only one box may be pushed at a time and it cannot be pulled, so if you push it into a corner, you're lost. When all boxes are on the crosses the level is done.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Lyon4

Hello everyone.
I finally decided to launch me in offering my very first homebrew.
It is far from being finished (interface is minimalist, most search filters are absent), but it is already functional, so as long as you enjoy.
Above all else, this homebrew will serve only those who play the card game Magic: the House.
So if you do not know, homebrew this is not for you.
It provides fast oracle texts (ie, official texts) of all existing cards (except prohibited cards tournaments) and includes a search engine to look for certain cards following criteria (for the moment only the colors or Costs converted Mana)
For now, the interface is rather brief. I will summarize what the different buttons.
In the Main screen:
Stylus: It lets you scroll through the list and select a card (for the text appears at the top)
Up / Down: Allows forward / backward in the list of half a page.
A: advance in the list until the first map beginning with the next letter
L: declines in the list until the first map beginning with the letter earlier.
X: go to "research" (you can also get there by clicking on the top right corner of the screen)
In the menu found:
Stylus: to select / unselect. You click OK (or X) to the search and return to the main screen
X: the equivalent OK.
How does research? :
For the moment, only the "mana" of this menu functions (you can go see page "type" by clicking on the type, but it is no use at all for the moment)
Mana menu:
- Party "with" if you unchecks color, the color maps with n'apparaitront more, unless they have a different color, which is checked.
- "Without" of a color is selected, the cards with at least that color n'apparaitront more.
- "Converted mana cost": it's simple, only appear cards with a ccm between the two values (to be equal to a ccm vleur, simply save the min and max the same values by clicking Egal on)
- For the rest: a map corresponding to a test will not unchecked. (Eg if unchecks colorless, maps colorless (artifacts, land ,...) n'apparaitront more.
Version 0.2 (0.1 remained at home):
Main developments:
- Oracle on external file (dldi)
Coming up:
-- Other filters for the search engine (type, text, etc ...)
-- Improve the interface (I had thought about doing a menu on the right side of the screen)
-- Oracle.lyo compress the file so that it takes up less space (1.5 MB for the moment).
-- Automatic update of the oracle. (Feasible)
-- Download images of maps (there will help me)
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January 19th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard has released a bugfix version of his rather cool Mario Galaxies game for the Nintendo DS:

V0.71 Fixes a bug in the Font
Heres whats new from v0.70
-2 Languages English and French.
-8 Worlds and 8 levels.
- Support DLDI (A patch if necessary).
- Backup hiscore.
- Addition of the Pause.
- Adding sound and music.
- Adding CheckLid
- Using the EFSlib of Noda for. Mods.
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January 19th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GamersHell
Sega has released the first trailer and nine new screenshots from Sega Bass Fishing, the next installment of its fishing series now developed exclusively for the Nintendo Wii and due to ship early this year. The game features 20 different types of lures, time-of-day and season selection, 15 beautifully designed lake environments and four types of fresh water bass.
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January 19th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
The rumors of Bully's Wii and Xbox 360 semester starting in March were pretty much on the money, with Rockstar confirming North America starts class on March 4 and the UK getting a delayed opening 'til March 7. As is evidenced by the Xbox 360 screenshot above, Rockstar isn't making the awkward teenagers of Bullworth Academy any prettier for their now-gen premiere. The game is pretty much a port of the PS2 version with some improvements -- hopefully the loading times will be one of them.
Bully: Scholarship Edition features eight new missions, four new classes and some other minor upgrades like achievements for the Xbox 360 and waggle-added gameplay for Wii. The tuition for this trip to Bullworth will be $50 on both systems. We'd say just pick Bully on the cheap for your PS2, but achievements or waggle will probably make another spin with Jimmy Hopkins on a new system worth it.
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January 19th, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released an Oric Emulator for the Nintendo DS.
Heres the translation :

Here is an emulator of Oric 1 / Atmos for DS!
This emulator is based on no other emulator but it pocketoric ( http://www.edl.chez-alice.fr/index_gb.htm), which gave my desire to achieve an emulator of this type on DS.
It was created in 1982 by Oric, newly created British company with, among others, former engineers of the company Tangerine. Marketed early 1983, it is based on a 8-bit 6502 processor running at 1 MHz, 16 kilobytes of memory and a keyboard keys composed of 57 of the same plastic as the calculator keys. A few months later, he emerges with 48 kilobytes of memory.
Despite his keyboard pivot that some may find uncomfortable to use, and some bugs in the ROM, its low price (2000 F and 1000 F) gives it a success in France and the United Kingdom. Advertisements device as a printer or a floppy drive make it even more popular. He was elected computer of the year in France in 1983 and Atmos will be in 1984.
Its production ends in the summer of 1984 when it is replaced by Oric Atmos.
Sales of Oric-1 in France have reached 50,000 units in 1983 (out of a total production of 160,000 units), and those of Atmos 27,000 between February and June 1984.
In April-May 1984, prices in the UK are Atmos £ 170, £ 150 printer and Microdisc £ 260.
It is important to note that this is the first computer to enter public overwhelmingly in Mr. everyone, with a modest price and a connection to the TV is a popularization who created many vocations for Informatics and is still the cornerstone of the computer at home, the passion is still alive as evidenced by many sites: CEO, defence force, Oricgames, ...
Released in 1984, Atmos is a Oric-1 debugged (motherboards are identical between the two machines, with the only difference that bears the ROM version number 1.1).
The gearbox was changed and the old keyboard Oric-1 was replaced by a semi-mechanical keyboard (always supported the keys on the same membrane as the Oric-1). Price decreases successive contribute significantly to its success in France (1200 F to 990 F).
The Atmos has been handicapped by a load tapes unreliable.
Some drives competitors will be offered for sale, either by the player whose Oric called microdisc (selling price in France: 3600 francs), or by the company TRAN, de La Valette-du-Var, whose door model Jasmin's name followed by Jasmin II, which has the peculiarity of being able to access both sides of a diskette without returning these disks were formatted 3 "just as the Amstrad CPC6128
On 1 June 1985 Eureka (French company) bought Oric, retains the name Oric International and released on STRATOS IQ164 (prototype at the base by the British) under the name Téléstrat. The Micro was eagerly awaited by the media and especially promising. At this time, there are more than 120000 Oric in France.
Finally, in January 1986, further proof that Atmos has been distributed in other countries, a German firm in Dusseldorf, MSE offers a floppy drive 5 ¼ "for this machine. TRAN, for its part, announced a card for to make Oric, equipped with the player Jasmin, 100% compatible with the IBM PC! That, "the magazine Théoric not without malice," will give new impetus to Atmos. "
Despite all the goodwill of the company Eureka, Oric shut down a few months later. The Téléstrat comes too late. Also based on a 6502 (microprocessor 8-bit), it is upon exit concurencé by computers 16-bit type of Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. His only added value to a Oric Atmos lay in a Basic extended connectors largest (taken joystick or mouse) and a predisposition to telematics. The MIDI musicians that waiting was actually not functional. The Atari offered them the opportunity (standard).
Eureka throw in the towel in 1988 for lack of money.
I would also link in the history of the site oric fired, it is very instructive to understand all the problems of money that the firm developing the Oric had.
Compatibility List
You can send directly from DSoric, the compatibility of files that you test. The page is updated directly from the DS.
It can be found here: Compatibility files with DSoric
Technical Specifications
Main Processor: MOS Technology 6502A running at 1 MHz
Memory (RAM): first in 16 Kio, then 64 Kio Kio including 16 with the overlay in ROM.
Only Memory (BIOS): 16 Kio with the BASIC
Resolution: 240x200 pixels in 8 colors
Its General Instrument AY-3-8912: 3 lanes on 7 octaves and a white noise generator, integrated loudspeaker.
7-pin DIN connector for external tape player
Centronics parallel connector for thermal printer or not
34-pin connector port extension floppy drive 3 "(Microdisc then Jasmin), or V23 modem
5-pin RGB connector cable connector (PAL) provided
This text is taken from the french on wikipedia oric 1.
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January 19th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has released the first version of TrailBlazer3D, heres the release info:

One of 3Disation TrailBlazer.
19/1/07 Version 0.1
How to play:
Use the stylus to move.
Let the stylus to slow.
Effects of cubes:
- Green: Slowing
- Yellow: Accelerate
- Purple: Stopping
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January 20th, 2008, 13:23 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-eke has posted a new test release of Genesis Plus, heres whats new:
Last shot...
tell me if you can read the text in this one ...
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January 20th, 2008, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nicolas Pillot has released Scrabble Assistant DS, sadly these release is only in French but heres the news anyhow 
Scrabble Assistant DS is a utility program designed to run on the Nintendo DS plateform. It has been designed to run on homebrew-enabled flash carts. A simple "DS homebrew" google search will give you pointers if you have no idea what these things mean.
This utility is meant to ease the life of the board version of the Scrabble game players.
The idea came from the fact that if you have no dictionnary, you have to trust other players' words. So here comes the "Verify" function. And sometimes, when you have "good" letters, and you make your choice with a word, you feel that you could have done better... So here comes the "Search" function. And you have to bear with the cumbersome score calculation. So here comes the "Scoring" function. [To be implemented in an upcoming version]
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January 20th, 2008, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
Despite the family-friendly Wii console being less high-spec than its rivals, it still managed to be last Christmas's must-have gadget, says Richard Fletcher
They started queuing outside the Argos store in Coventry at 6.30am in the hope of picking up the year's must-have Christmas present. The object of their desires? The Nintendo Wii, a video-game console unlike any other. Four hours later, the queue outside Argos was 20 deep, despite the fact that the store had just one console in stock. On eBay, the elusive Wii, which sells on the high street from £180, was changing hands for as much as £1,000, while some desperate parents even crossed the Channel after reports that shops in Calais had stocks.
It wasn't only in the UK that Nintendo struggled to keep up with demand for the hit console. Despite desperate efforts to increase production and distribution around the world, a cottage industry of websites - including Wiitracker.com and wiialerts.com - has sprung up helping shoppers find a Wii.
On Thursday Nintendo will reveal to investors and analysts exactly how many consoles it managed to manufacture and ship around the world, alongside the Tokyo-based company's third-quarter results. The market is certainly expecting good news. In the past year, shares in Nintendo have soared more than 100 per cent. "It was an unprecedented winter shopping season for Nintendo," says Yuta Sakurai, an analyst at Nomura Securities.
But the unexpected popularity of the Wii has not only led to shortages from Coventry to Cincinnati. It has also shifted the balance of power in the $30bn-a-year videogame industry: after years of underperformance, Nintendo is challenging Sony and Microsoft for market leadership.
Only a few years ago Nintendo was an also-ran. The group's GameCube had proved a flop. Consumers had shunned it in favour of the Playstation 2 and Microsoft's Xbox, and serious questions were being asked about the company's future direction.
advertisementHaemorrhaging market share in the cut-throat games market, observers asked whether the company was going to go the way of other complacent Japanese companies. Mario, the animated plumber who symbolised Nintendo's dominance of the computer games market in the 1980s, had run out of tricks, they said.
The revival of Nintendo's fortunes have in large part been credited to one man, Satoru Iwata, who was appointed president in 2002, the first non-family related manager to lead the business.
Following the failure of the GameCube, Iwata concluded that the company could not win the bitter battle for the core gamer - 18-35 year-old men whose main interest is shoot-'em up games. Sony and Microsoft could concentrate on producing a new generation of high-specification consoles, but Nintendo would go a different way.
The result was the Wii: a console based around an innovative motion sensor which requires gamers to swing to hit the virtual tennis or golf ball (leading to thousands of minor accidents and injuries).
In terms of specification the Wii was not even in the same league as the PS3 or XBox 360, Sony and Microsoft's next-gen successors to the hugely popular PS2 and Xbox. Many in the industry wrote it off when it was launched - but the console has proved a huge hit with a new generation of gamers.
While the PS3 and Xbox 360 have focused on the traditional gaming market, the Wii has cannily focused on families rather than hardcore gamers.
Terry Duddy, chief executive of Argos parent Home Retail Group, says that the Wii "has become a family entertainment product". The lack of a traditional toy in the retailer's top 20 sellers this Chrstmas is, he suggests, largely the result of the Wii's popularity with families.
"The Wii is exploring new territory," adds Lisa Morgan, chief executive of UK-based games retailer Game Group. "Wii has not been selling to your typical hardcore gamer. There have been a lot more family purchases." Game was one of the few retailers to report a bumper Christmas last week - thanks to the popularity of Nintendo's consoles.
So where now for the company that has been dubbed the "Apple of the videogame world" ?
Late last year Iwata announce plans to develop the Wii's internet connectivity, giving it new channels and access to more downloads. Carl Gressum, an analyst at Ovum, believes that sorting out the production should be one of the key priorities. "Given the lower technical specifications of the Nintendo Wii it is interesting to note the console is still severely supply-constrained," he says.
Developing new games is also key, he adds. "Nintendo needs to keep up the game innovation around the interface otherwise the novelty factor could wear off."
Sakuri at Nomura has no doubts about the long-term popularity of the console. He believes that by 2012 Nintendo could have sold 100m Wii's around the world.
"Around 80 per cent of Wii consoles are in family living rooms. The company has managed to embed the system in people's lifestyles."
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January 20th, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: Smiths
I've released v1.4 of FlashAdvance Slot-1 (FAS1), the tool that allows you to flash a FlashAdvance Pro cartridge in Slot-2 from your Slot-1 device.
After using it so much to backup saves, I realized I didn't have a quick "now load Slot-2" key combo put in place. So that's now been added with L+R+START.
And here's a call to any Flash2Advance owner still remaining out there with some programming skills. See the README.TXT for information on where to find F2A programming routines that could potentially be implemented in FAS1 to support those cards.
Downloads and Source @ http://fas1.googlecode.com/
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January 20th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vaccha
This is a puzzle game. There are a grid of 3 columns and 3 rows and 9 images with 3 shapes and 3 colors. On the right are the next 3 images (from top to bottom). You place the top one into a blank cell by touching the latter. Then a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line with certain patterns will disappear and you score. The goal is to score as high as possible.
Line rules:
Horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines with the following patterns will disappear and you score.
1. Same shape and same color.
2. Same shape and distinct colors
or same color and distinct shapes.
3. Distinct shapes and distinct colors.
Score rules.
1 line: 1 point
2 lines: 4 points
3 lines: 27 points
4 lines: 256 points
1. Question mark: help.
2. Grid: new game.
3. Right images: the next 3 images, top to bottom.
4. High: high score.
5. Score: current score.
6. Number: number of images placed.
My high is 285 points. Please post your high here.
0.2.0pre - Some bug fixes and add some documentation and background image.
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January 21st, 2008, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
We reported last week that Factor 5, developers of the amazing Rogue Squadron series for the Gamecube and the nightmarish Lair for PS3, has rekindled their relationship with Nintendo, and are currently working on an unnamed project exclusively for the company's home console. According to gaming site Kombo (and their anonymous inside source), the project is a brand new Kid Icarus game, designed from the ground up for the Wii. Given F5's renewed partnership with Nintendo, and the Kid Icarus buzz already in the air due to protaganist Pit's inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it's a definite possibility. However, until we hear something from the new lovers, this is just hearsay at best.
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January 21st, 2008, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Senzo has released a new version of his Noughts and crosses game for DS
In this new version I corrected every bug, I added new graphics, and has also implemented the winner of the game.
Here les dejo catches, I hope you like it..
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January 21st, 2008, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nicolas Pillot has released Scrabble Assistant DS,
Scrabble Assistant DS is a utility program designed to run on the Nintendo DS plateform. It has been designed to run on homebrew-enabled flash carts. A simple "DS homebrew" google search will give you pointers if you have no idea what these things mean.
This utility is meant to ease the life of the board version of the Scrabble game players.
The idea came from the fact that if you have no dictionnary, you have to trust other players' words. So here comes the "Verify" function. And sometimes, when you have "good" letters, and you make your choice with a word, you feel that you could have done better... So here comes the "Search" function. And you have to bear with the cumbersome score calculation. So here comes the "Scoring" function. [To be implemented in an upcoming version]
0.1 input interface
0.2 check existing word
0.3 anagramme research
0.3a added infinite loop
0.3b corrected bug in word input length
added display limitation to 1 screen
0.3c param?trage de la longueur des mots
et r?duction de la base ? 8 lettres
0.4 merged gfx and engine
0.4a RELEASE (2008-01-16)
0.4b added "input clear" button
full object-oriented implementation
0.4c switched french wordlist to ODS5.TXT
increased french word length to 11
0.5 RELEASE (2008-01-17)
added language support
en: added sowpod list, word length 15
en: added twl06 list, word length 15
fully automated language build process
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January 21st, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his release of TrailBlazer3D, heres the release info:

One of 3Disation TrailBlazer.
19/1/07 Version 0.1
Version 0.2:
20/1/07 Version 0.2
- Addition of levels 2 and 3
- Viewing the score
- Acceleration of the game at every level
How to play:
Use the stylus to move.
Let the stylus to slow.
Effects of cubes:
- Green: Slowing
- Yellow: Accelerate
- Purple: Stopping
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January 21st, 2008, 18:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A demo of Exit DS - a brilliant puzzle game in which you have figure out escape routes from a series of dangerous buildings - is now available for you to play.
Use the stylus to guide your long-coat-wearing dude through the hazards and dangers of the building he seems so prone to get himself stuck in, while trying to figure out a way to reach the exit using the items at hand.
It's pretty damn cool, and don't worry if you don't have a DS because the demo is actually played on your PC. Those clever people at Taito have constructed the little taster using Flash, playable on your web browser.
Just hit this link to go straight to the game itself.
We hope it gets a western release soon - the Japanese version is out this month and we don't even have a date yet.
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January 21st, 2008, 18:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We, much like our friends at Nintendo Wii Fanboy, don't have a lot of substantiation for this rumor, but we thought we'd pass it along anyway: Nintendo Power has been speculating that Super Smash Bros. will arrive on the Wii's Virtual Console alongside Super Smash Bros. Brawl's March 9 release date. Similar timing was used for Metroid and Super Mario Bros. 3 with Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy respectively.
We understand those tie-ins, each of the new games are markedly different from their predecessors, but we have a hard time believing we'll be enjoying Brawl in March and wish that we could play a shittier version. But hey, maybe that's just us.
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January 21st, 2008, 19:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
A small slip-up on the Nintendo of Japan website has revealed three previously unannounced characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Fan favorites Ness and Jigglypuff will be returning from the previous Smash Bros. titles, while the pokémon Lucario will also be joining the ever-growing ranks.
Nintendo of Japan recently posted a 5-minute video explaining the many features of Brawl. In one section of the video, the sticker-collecting feature is shown off. A small set of icons along the bottom shows which character can equip each sticker, and originally showed small icons depicting Ness, Jigglypuff, and Lucario.
Nintendo of Japan has since updated the video, conspicuously whiting out these icons and effectively assuring us that this is "for real." More than simply confirming new characters, this news also confirms that the Brawl roster will exceed those characters announced on the official blog, which is just good news for everybody. Check out the original, unedited footage after the break. The icons appear very briefly around 4:20.
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January 21st, 2008, 19:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Vido Games
The code monkeys behind the scenes of the Official Nintendo Magazine's website have been pulling weeks of all-nighters to give the site a brand-spanking new look.
"The site has always kept readers up to date with the latest Nintendo news but now it's bigger and better than ever thanks to far more content, including more news, reviews and trailers," says online editor Tom East, who's clearly been taking notes from us.
"You'll be able to read reviews of all the latest Wii and DS releases on the site and there's an archive of past ONM reviews," continued East.
Every Friday will also see the latest Virtual Console releases reviewed on the website, which is something we should be doing in all honesty. Maybe we'll just link to the good ones.
It doesn't stop there though. Keep 'em peeled for a new, improved video player hosting all the latest Wii and DS games in action as well as breaking Nintendo news as it happens and daily blogs from the ONM team. It's as if they're trying to make us look bad, or something...
Head on over to www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk and register for the ONM forum and newsletter. Then get stuck one of the largest Nintendo communities in the world. Play nice now.
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January 21st, 2008, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rogue Squadron developer Factor 5 is developing a Wii iteration of Kid Icarus, according to one bold report.
Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht confirmed last week that the company is developing a brand new Wii title that wouldn't use old GameCube technology.
Kombo doesn't state who the sources might be and reveals no other details on the project, but a few things ring true. Icarus protagonist Pit will appear in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl for one, and also Shigeru Miyamoto speculated at E3 2005 that the franchise could come to Wii at a later date.
Still, we're not taking this as anything but a rumour for now. We've made a few calls and left a few voice mails.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Two sources have confirmed that (the reportedly very neat) Arkanoid DS won't sleep properly when you close it, if you've got the paddle controller in. The reason has yet to be determined, but Lawrence presumes that the paddle still consumes power even if the game is in sleep mode, because you can't 'sleep' the GBA cart, in which the paddle resides. So the game itself is still sleeping, but it's consuming power at a normal rate, and so will drain very quickly. Thought people should know!
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January 21st, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Battle your way through a lengthy campaign through many twists and turns of a highly engrossing storyline.
Exchange friend codes with a close circle of military geniuses, then declare war over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on over 170 two-, three-, and four-player maps . You can communicate with each other using full voice chat!
Pit your skill against the world as you take on random players on over 170 maps. You can choose to fight against people of your own skill level or engage whoever dares try you!
Use the Touch Screen to design your own maps, controlling every aspect from troop placement to terrain features. Use the stylus to paint and create your perfect map, then link to a friend via local wireless communication or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and swap your topographical masterpieces.
After a cataclysmic meteor strike exterminates 90% of the population, the survivors must battle barbarians, disease, and strongmen who seek only to secure their own power.
Advance Wars has been reinvented. Set amidst a world in chaos and featuring new characters and settings, a gritty look, an engaging storyline, and online Wi-Fi battles and map trading. Try you hand with new COs and units, realistic graphics, and a new environment.
Strategy fans will rejoice over the long-awaited inclusion of Wi-Fi play, which adds depth and re-playability. Use Nintendo WiFi Connection and battle against a friend halfway across the world, or use the map editor to create, trade and battle on your own custom maps.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Live the glamorous life you have always wanted in this groundbreaking social simulation game. Create a new you in the colorful backdrop of Miami, where your ultimate goal is to become a rich and famous model, singer or actress. Freedom has no limits, so prepare yourself for a star-studded, thrilling adventure filled with night clubs, yachts and beaches. Prove you’ve got what it takes to make your dreams come true!
Miami Nights: Singles in the City™ offers tremendous advances and new features over and beyond any social simulation game available on Nintendo DS™. You will benefit from an unprecedented freedom of action, massive customization options, and longer multiple-goal scenarios.
As in reality, life choices will transform your character into a unique, progressive individual, ultimately helping you reach your goal of becoming a star.
This game is based on the successful Gameloft Nights franchise on mobile, which has generated more than 4 million downloads.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Break down the evidence and bring suspects to justice in five all-new, bizarre crimes. Unravel longer cases, search bigger crime scenes and uncover hidden evidence in unique locations like never before.
Master new forensic tools and find more evidence than ever. Use the new Garage Lab to examine large pieces of evidence like cars and trucks. Recreate gunfights with ballistic lasers, uncover shocking secrets with video analysis, and much more.
Experience your very own CSI episodes as you piece together clues with the real CSI actors. Take part in dramatic interrogations, create grisly crime reenactments and explore atmospheric crime scenes inspired by the show.
For the first time CSI fans will be able to play on the Wii™ home video game system from Nintendo. Use the Wii Remote™ to navigate through a crime scene. The user interface has been completely redone with a console audience in mind so that it is more user-friendly and more like the show than ever.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play 30 unique mini-games utilizing the Wii Remote
Two single player modes include Free Battle (choose any of the 30 Mini Games and play at your own pace) and Challenge Mode (choose 5 of the 30 mini-games, play them in succession and get judged on your scores).
Face off against a friend in 3 multiplayer modes: finish with the high score in Challenge Mode, practice in Free Play Mode or check your compatibility in the Love Challenge.
Furu Furu Park is a unique arcade experience that features 30 different mini games that all take advantage of the range of motion possible via Wii Remote play. Take on a friend in three multiplayer modes including Love Challenge where you can try your best to impress the girls!
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January 21st, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Are you ready to careen around the world-famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway in a hand-built 1960s speed machine that hits speeds of nearly 180 mph, yet rides only 7 inches off the ground? Can you survive a moving minefield of crashes, spinning cars, rolling tires, oil slicks and 32 rivals competing for the perfect racing line?
Set from 1961-1971, a period of loose rules and ever-faster cars, Indianapolis 500 Legends lets players experience the traditions, rivalries, terrifying speeds and jaw-dropping maneuvers of the world famous Brickyard as they take on the arcade-style gameplay inspired by the birth of modern racing.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Six-Person Online Multiplayer: A first on the Wii. Challenge up to five of your friends and cover them with mud as you burn past them to the finish line.
Rocket to Victory: Use the nitro rocket to propel your bike to speeds the Wii has only dreamed of seeing until now.
Massive Replayability: On top of the killer online multiplayer, Nitrobike features 20 turbocharged racing environments and 67 kick-ass events.
Be One With the Speed: Wii Remote™ rumble, blur effects, and screen shake will ensure this is the fastest experience you’ll encounter on the Wii.
Rack ’em Up: Wreck your bike into a frame of king-sized pins in the four-player bowling game.
You Gotta Be You: Career mode, upgradeable bikes, and lots of unlockable characters will ensure you stand out as the most Xtreme of the Xtreme.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Remember all that talk about a mystery developer being tapped by Nintendo to work on Smash Bros. Brawl? A couple of weeks before the game's Japanese release, and the developer has finally been revealed. When pounding the eggs out of Yoshi as Mario, you'll be experiencing the handy work of the makers of the Grandia and Lunar franchises.
That's right, GameArts! The Japanese developer, known for its RPG series as well as the Sylpheed shooting series is the mystery developer mentioned by Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai in a Famitsu article from 2005. The major project mentioned by Sakurai in that article was, it turns out, Grandia III.
Sakurai broke his silence on the studio in the latest installment of a dialog/interview series in which Nintendo president Satoru Iwata asks questions of his development staff. You can read the full text of the interview, in English, at the official Wii site.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Ignition Entertainment today announced that it would be bringing Neves, the well-received DS puzzle game from developers Yuke's Media Creations, to the European market.
The game, which earned a respectable 7.5 when reviewed by IGN last November, is a take on the ancient Chinese game Tangram, whereby players are called upon to create a defined shape from seven pieces. Fans of Tangram may want to check out Thomas Hill's 1848 tome Geometrical Puzzle for the Youth in which the game first got its moniker, or check out the chucklesome 1903 spoof history of the game, Sam Lloyd's The Eighth Book Of Tan, in which the mischievous author managed to convince people that Tangram was invented some 4,000 years ago by a god named Tan.
Alternatively, you can buy Neves when it comes to these shores at some point in the first quarter.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
505 Games has announced plans to launch Draglade in Europe this spring.
A DS exclusive, Draglade is described as a new fighting game where you use rhythm and combat to see off enemies. It follows the adventures of four young Grappers, whatever they are, named Hibito, Guy, Kyle and Daichi.
The live in the world of Draglade, where scientists have created a powerful sound weapon called Glade. It generates music when used in combat and a popular spectator sport has been invented as a result. Hardly a sumo wrestler doing tug-of-war with an orang utan though, is it.
Battle arenas will be displayed on the top screen, while you can mix and match moves on the touch-screen. You can also create "bullets", which unlock special moves and can be traded with other players over Wi-Fi Connection. The L button can be used to create rhythm-based Beat Combos, which you can customise to suit your fighting style.
An exact date has yet to be "locked down", but Draglade has been confirmed for a March release.
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We recently went hands-on with the Wii version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 and it was nice surprise to find out that the final game will feature a one-on-one versus mode online. Oh, here are some new Wii shots too.
Details on the mode were sketchy at best, but given it's one-to-one we're betting on it unfortunately using Friends Codes. There's no other option for the moment. Boo.
While we wait for more details, be sure to check out these, which attempt to demonstrate how the control system works on the Wii.
They don't exactly clarify things, but take our word for it that they work excellently and the game is shaping up to be one of the highlights for the Wii.
Screenshots here
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster

The DS has already proven some of its versatility by ordering food and dishing out replays at Safeco Field, and it looks like Disney's set to expand those non-gaming capabilities even further, with it now testing a system that turns the handheld into an interactive tour guide. Dubbed the Disney Magic Connection, the app appears to be fairly extensive, including not only maps of the Magic Kingdom, but details on wait times at various attractions, directions to the nearest washrooms and ATMs and, of course, the odd game. Unfortunately, at least in its current state, you'll only be able to take advantage of those features with one of Disney's pre-set up DSs and not your own -- no word if that'll change once the system moves beyond the testing phase.
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Since announcing plans to re-imagine Templar Publishing's popular Ology series of children's books as video games last October, Codemasters has kept mum on the project, stating only that the first title in the series, Dragonology, will ship for the Wii and Nintendo DS during the second half of this year. Now Kuju's recently formed studio Nik Nak has confirmed that it is handling not only the development of Dragonology, but the follow up Wizardology as well. Nik Nak's efforts only extend to the Wii versions of the games, which are expected to take a more action-oriented approach to the material, so we're left to guess on whose lap the DS versions will fall.
Details remain scarce on the titles, though Nik Nak notes that the games will "tap into children's insatiable appetite for all things magical and mythical," and that the Wii remote will make them accessible to both new and seasoned gamers alike. Accessible, sure, but will the waggle-enhanced gameplay make learning about dragons or casting magical spells more fun?
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Just four short months after a faulty version of Guitar Hero III was released on Wii, Activision will be ready to start shipping out replacement copies in February. Though Wii owners will have been toiling with mono sound until that point, they'll finally be able to experience the bone-crunching intensity of two separate channels of audio slamming into them at whatever volume level their moms have deemed acceptable.
The happy news was apparently related to customers in an email Activision recently sent out to affected customers, in which it said it "expected" to have new discs ready next month.
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Gesture interaction is looking to be one of the next big technologies. All of a sudden it seems to be popping up everywhere, with both Synaptics and the Macbook Air sporting multitouch enabled touchpads. This project from Cynergy Labs is a sort of a mashup of Microsoft Surface with a touchless IR gesture recognition system, based on a Wii sensor and infrared-emitting gloves:
It’s pretty cool for being developed in eight days, but I’d almost prefer something like this, since it offers the same sort of functionality without having to wear gloves.
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from myersn024
Alright, here it is: Clonemines V0.2
This version has a lot of changes. The first thing that you'll notice is the reduction of the playable area. It was reduced from the full top screen down to 16 X 10. This is the same size as the playable area of Lumines for the PSP. The second major change is that block deletion takes place every 10 seconds instead of 15. Furthermore, block deletion also happens independent of a block being dropped. There's still no sweeper line or destroyer block. The sweeper line should be in the next release, but I'm still not sure about the destroyer block.
Anyway, there's still some bugs that will need to be worked out, and chances are better that you'll run into them in this particular version (bear in mind that they're still very very few and far between). That being said, all the bugs should be worked out with the next version, which will probably be the final release.
As always, comments, questions, and bug reports are welcome.

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January 23rd, 2008, 14:51 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Razorwire
Nuclear launch detected. The greatest thing to come out of France since fried potato sticks has been crushed under the heel of a faceless attorney. According to a forum post by one of the homebrew project developers, they have been forced to abandon StarLite for legal reasons.
Until Blizzard realizes that StarCraft on the DS would easily sell 3 times as many copies of World of Warcraft, does anyone have a copy of the last version (0.03) of Starlite? Thank you.
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January 23rd, 2008, 16:16 Posted By: 160R
Wonder what is USB Gecko?
View this amazing video released today:
Released by Adictron, this is the first video about USB Gecko.
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's Wii console has sold over five million units in Japan, according to the latest data from Famitsu publisher Enterbrain.
As of January 20 2008, the home console has sold a total of 5,019,337 units since launch, reports IGN.com.
The Wii has achieved the five million milestone in 60 weeks. Nintendo's DS reached the same figure in 56 weeks, while Sony's PlayStation 2 sold as many units in 66 weeks.
Two software titles have topped the two million sales mark so far – Wii Sports (2,663,938) and Wii Play (2,139,626), while Mario Party 8 (1,153,648) and Wii Fit (1,113,626) have both sold over a million copies.
Super Mario Galaxy is the fifth best-selling game on the system, with 843,961 units sold.
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Disney fans have posted pictures and screenshots online confirming that the Mouse House plans to use the Nintendo DS as a travel guide, as we reported yesterday.
The service uses a cartridge that contains all relevant information and software for the guide.
The DS did bypass the menu screen and boot straight into the program, but this could be due to the DS probably being a debug kit.
However, the Disney DS was fully GPS enabled and consequently always knew where you were standing.
Whether or not this is some novel way Disney's network operates or additional hardware somehow built into the Disney DS is still unknown.
The pictures show off some of the features of the guide, including a visual map and a character locator. Perfect if you really need to grab the autograph of an out of work actor posing as Cinderella.
Also shown are trivia games, ride information and queue times. In all seriousness, it all looks extremely polished. Full credit should go to Disney for doing something like this.
Hopefully, London Underground will follow suit and we'll never get stuck on a train inexplicably skipping our stop ever again.
Images here
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Having finished giving Bully a kicking, British newspaper The Telegraph has turned its attentions to the Nintendo Wii.
The paper is reporting a "spate" of injuries "dubbed 'Nintendo Wii syndrome'". There's no indication of who dubbed it that, or who's been counting up the "thousands of minor accidents and injuries" caused by playing Wii Sports.
However, the Telegraph did find a man in Cheshire who runs five osteopathic clinics. The man, Martin Davies, said he has noticed "a sharp rise in Wii-associated injuries" post-Christmas.
"We noticed we were getting a number of middle-aged parents coming in having played for far too long on the Nintendo Wii that they had bought their children," Davies reported.
"The older patients in particular are finding their neck, shoulders and elbows are painful and some said they had been playing Wii for up to 10 hours."
Of course, playing real tennis for 10 hours never results in pain or injury.
Davies is advising patients to limit their playing time and perform warm-up exercises before each session.
"But it is not all bad," he said brightly. "One parent reported that his son had lost a stone in weight since getting a Wii for his birthday." Perhaps because they had to buy it on eBay and cannot now afford food.
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January 23rd, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A supposedly leaked screenshot of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl character select screen reveals that the full has got an massive 44 playable fighters.
So far only 25 of those have been confirmed on the game's official site, but if this screenshot turns out to be genuine, Nintendo has been keeping a fair bit secret, even when we thought it'd all been revealed.
The screen (pictured below) shows characters like Baby Bowser, King K. Rool (DK Country), Krystal (Star Fox Adventure), Ganondorf and more as fully playable characters.
Take a look for yourself and get all excited. March 9 is the US date. Europe can't be that far behind (it had better not be).
Image here
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS and GBA, heres whats new:

Wow! Five years and 100 releases!
For those expecting massive changes on the 100th release, I am sorry to disappoint you. Massive changes implies massive instability, so I have acted cautiously in preparation for this milestone.
Remove flash when clicking on inventory items. (Richard Quirk)
Properly remove base item from inventory during drag. (Richard Quirk)
Creatures have only 30% chance of doing a last-ditch self-poly rather than always doing so. A bit less optimal from their point of view, but more playable from our point.
Dequipping items using drag-and-drop leaves the cursor at the source position, not the end position, as the end position isn't where the item ends up anyways.
Verb List in the Command Menu now named Command Menu to be more clear. (Grothias)
Keybinding for the Command Menu, 'V', added, so you can restore your Command Menu if you drag it off without doing a full reset. (Grothias)
ActionBar settings should now be properly reset on every version upgrade, avoiding the embarassing bad settings seen in the 098->099 upgrade. (Richard Quirk)
FullScreen option changes to Windowed when you are already in Full Screen. (Kantaphon Tongmee)
Identify spell allows you to use the stylus to select an item.
Top row of ActionBar is mapped to F1-F15 on SDL platforms. (I don't have a machine with F13-F15, so can't confirm if they work) (David Damerell)
Top action bar shows up when in cast or command menu mode even if action bar is disabled. This is because it allows you to assign your F1-F15 keys.
Pressing F1-F15 during Command Menu or Zap screens will bind your current command/spell to the relevant slot, so there is no need to invoke your mouse.
Soul Suckers will properly target you when you are more than one square away.
When you look around with the stylus you will no longer replicate your original overlay icon. (Richard Quirk)
[DS] When I made [X] and [Y] remappable, I also accidentally swapped their meaning. Since the swap was done in the last month while the original meaning was around for 10 months, I've decided to swap them back. This means [X] is now Verb List, or [Start] equivalent, and [Y] is Inventory or [Select] alias. The rational is that the relative location of [X] and [Y] line up with [Start] and [Select] If you grew used to the swapped version, remember that you can remap them back by hitting [Select] in the Command Menu. (Matthew Rollins)
The Dip and Identify menus require you to chose a Checkbox or X button rather than just picking what you click on first. This allows you to explore your items with the stylus to figure out what you want to act on.
Moved the help icon to the top left which, thanks to the keyboard shortcuts, means hitting F1 gives you help.
Having a custom tileset will no longer cause you to revert to the classic tileset after ever load. (Matthew Rollins)
One new room.
Linux .tar.gz extracts into a powderXYZ directory rather than to the current directory, better matching the expectations of people on that platform.
Windows, DS, and GBA users now have a .zip format since .tar.gz can be hard to figure out on Windows platforms.
Leech the right version:
Gameboy Advance .
Nintendo DS .
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his version of Tetris for the Nintendo DS.
- Code for online ranking. The page where you can enter and where you will see the high scores can be found here
- Rotation random triominos in 3D
- Mirror of pentaminos in 3D
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from la1n:
wardive is an adaptive game with locative levels. it converts wlan-waves into game objects.
# new features in 1.1o:
- new shield management
- musixs by trackermaster
- 3d-enemy-models partially generated from hotspot names
- more eyecandy
- save hotspotlist
- some bug fixes (cristal model)
# description
wardive captures the wlans in the immediate area like a wardrive-tool and creates a game. it reads the names of the hotspots in your immediate area and turns them into enemies which try to take over your wardive-cristal. try to fend them off with your touch pen, put your shields up. and don't just stay in one spot. take metro-wardive for a walk or on a ride through town. find out how may enemies hide in the area you are in or pass through. each time you play,metro wardive captures different data and creates a new level for you. metro wardive is an adaptive game with locative levels. it changes according to its real life location as much as to its virtual data world.
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nightfox of a new release of the puzzle game for the Nintendo DS:
Well, game is almost complete!
Just rest to do some test to find bugs and add some screens for endgame and credits.
Add-ons for this version
- Fast keys for drop, left and right
- Options menu to enable/disable combo/score display
- Save records to disk
- Save options to disk
- Minor changes on code
- Increase dificulty
- Enjoy
Please, send your comments and bugs to nightfoxweb@terra.es. to fix them before launch the final version
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6y2lzj5imn0
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sonny Jim posted this news:
I've just finished porting SAMBA to DSLinux and it should be showing up on the official builds on Kineox shortly. This will allow you to connect to your DS using standard Windows Networking.
To enable, first get wireless working and follow the instructions here. To connect to it via Windows you can (reportedly) go to Start->Run and type in:
And enter in root/uClinux as the username/password. The password is held seperately from the system password and can be changed using smbpasswd.
Please note that this will probably require a supported RAM expansion in Slot-2.
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January 23rd, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka:
WireWorld DS is a DS port of a cellular automation under the same name.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
Well, it's my first DS homebrew.
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it.
Thanks to whole #dsdev for helping me fix all the bugs.
Source code will be offered if anybody will want.
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January 23rd, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MonkeyZ:
DS2Win Fusion is a program designed to allow you to do ALL the things you could do with your PC, harnessing the
wireless capabilities and touch screen for maximum usability. Play movies, games and browse the net, check emails,
the sky is the limit! All you need is a windows PC and a wireless router or card.
This is an customized build of the Win2DS client and server, both the client and server have been enhanced
to provide new features, higher speed and service quality.
Note: This release will probably need to be DLDI patched before using (unless you have a R4DS like me and its done automatically)
0.81a "the oracle"
server - completely rewrote server in Delphi and it is now perfectly stable, i think! =)
server - implemented CRC checking for better detection of duplicate screens
server - cursor no longer flickers when capture transparent pixels is enabled
server - all options can now be configured without restarting the server
server - JPEG quality is now configurable for zoomed and fullscreen views
server - JPEGs are no longer saved to disk before sending to DS which should speed up things a lot
server - extra quality setting added for mid-range CPUs
server - movie player beta (no sound, only works with fairly standard AVI files)
server - added option to run on windows startup
client - FAT support added (DLDI patching now required) only IP address is saved for now
client - disabled screen updates while lid is closed to save battery power
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January 23rd, 2008, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Gorgull has released a new version of Protein DScratch
The goal of the Protein project is to get a creative audio/visual toy you can play with anywhere you go - it is in some ways similar to ElectroPlankton concept.
DScratch is the first module (or "protein") made using my Protein engine - it's a little audio manipulation software running on Nintendo DS, which ables you to play with an .wav audio sample, a recorded audio sample or even audio streaming from DS's embedded mic. Moreover, DScratch sends MIDI through wifi connection, which ables you to control external applications, like a VJing software or audio sequencer, and can be motion-controlled.
--> # !!! a brand new WavePlayer (direct streaming from filesystem) = no more limit in file size !!! <--
# enhanced turntable behavior
# enhanced cross-fader cut
# volume control added
# xml config file added (waiting for a real control panel - I definitely hate coding GUI :-p)
# samples preview and info in file browser (press X)
# enhanced "BitCrusher" effect (renamed from DownSampling FX)
# scalable sample display
# fixed green led behavior (blinking while wifi activated now)
# a lot of bug fixes
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January 23rd, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Flashlinker Europe:

- Protect your NDS Lite against damage
- Tough case, with secure zip
- Comes with a strap for extra support
- Extra specialized storage flap that holds your DS games securely
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January 24th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
New today from SuccessHK

The NDS Lite Battery Charger charge the NDS Lite's battery quickly and efficiently .
It has built-in LED indicator - orange light goes on when charging, green light goes on after charging finished. And it is for NDS Lite only.
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January 24th, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
New today from SuccessHK

Get into the game like never before with the Snipper for Wii. The Snipper is ideal for shooting games on the Wii and is fully compatible with all software designed for the Wii Blaster.The Snipper is designed for one handed operation,giving an pistol-like grip for all your shooting games.The accessory pass through port also allows for use of Nunchuks and other accessories while the Wii remote is docked in the Snipper.The tactile trigger also provides a smooth,natural activation of the B-button for less hand strain.
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January 24th, 2008, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster

With Super Smash Bros. Brawl delayed to March, we just assumed that the Smash Bros. Dojo would be running dangerously on figurative fumes, posting about how the cursor changes when one hovers over portraits or scraping the barrel bottom for more alternate costume choices. We certainly never thought they'd drop the Mushroomy Kingdom on us, the best looking stage yet. It's a Wii-creation of World 1-1 from the original Super Mario Bros., a constantly side-scrolling level that only makes us long for a remake of the NES classic. We'd totally buy this via WiiWare, Nintendo, if you're listening.
That bit on the right? It's the alternate version of the stage that appears randomly, a 3D take on World 1-2 from the same game. Who knew we'd get so turned on by a torch nestled under some polygonal bricks?
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January 24th, 2008, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster

This portable gaming beast not only plays games from three classic Nintendo systems, it runs on the power of the sun. Out of the box, the player can handle NES/Famicom, Gameboy and Gameboy Color titles, as long as you can get the ROMs transfered to an SD card. Of course, I won’t tell you how to do that, but that’s what search engines are for, right?
In addition to taking on retro gaming sans batteries, the Mobile Power Station plays popular audio and video files, including MP3, WMA and MP4 (converted to AVI) formats. The compact player features a 3.5 color display, 2GB of built-in memory and an SD slot for up to 2GB more. The jack-of-all-trades can also display or speak E-books, has a voice recorder, and even a built-in LED flashlight. Heck, it’s even got a USB-out connector so you can use the solar panels to charge other devices.
So what are you waiting for? You can grab one yours gadget importer Chinavasion for about $123 USD.
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January 24th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
(faster 3d rendering, backup detect, rtc-irq, better texture interpolation,)
(perfectly accurate edge-marking, translucent-poly-id, shadow-poly support,)
(capture in vram display mode, debug gui/warnings, cpu/ipc/div/sqrt details)
- free-download: old no$gba v2.6 gaming version now free for everybody - enjoy
- debug/symbols: resize function for Alt+L symbol list window (saved in .ini)
- debug/internal: changed computer_id handling for compatibility with win vista
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to mis-use clipmtx_result for detecting their emu
- nds/debug: allows to override mis-declared-thumb-functions by crude $t labels
- nds/rtc: triggers IRQ when SI changes HI-to-LO (only when SI-IRQ is enabled)
- hll-version: demangles strange new "_ZN3txt3txtEii" and "_Z3txtii" type labels
- nds/gba/rcnt: allows to generate SI interrupts manually by toggling RCNT bits
- nds/gba/rcnt: internally memorizes rcnt-output bits (additionally to inputs)
- nds/rtc: passes rtc 1Hz/2Hz/4Hz/8Hz/16Hz or per-minute IRQ to rcnt SI input
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses clean 80286 shift opcodes (instead slow 80386 shrd)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: new scaled side_clip_x allowed to re-remove pre_add_mask
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled side_clip_x coords from 0..len to 0..7FFFFFFFh
- nds/3d: soft-accuracy: texture/color interpolation with variable pre_add_mask
- nds/details: emulates all newly discovered ipcfifo/div/sqrt technical details
- nds/help: added tech specs on div/sqrt (readonly results, start/stop timings)
- nds/help: added tech specs on ipcfifo (edge triggered, underrun, fifo-disable)
- nds/help: added user settings 076h (language mask) and header 01Dh (ique flag)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: recurses surrounding depth values (less only)
- nds/3d/help: added more technical notes on edge marking (depth and polygon_id)
- nds/a22i: auto generates chinese crc upon .fix directive (only if version=2)
- nds/help: added info on chinese title in icon/title region (addr/version/crc)
- cpu/internal: reduced 32bit test/and to 8bit (al/bl/cl/dl instead eax/ebx/etc)
- cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned thumb bx/blx and arm bx/blx (with warning)
- cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned rd=r15 in arm alu opcodes (thanks jonathan)
- nds/3d/help: added double-blended-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-alias)
- nds/3d/help: added translucent-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-aliasing)
- nds/backup: supports re-detection (games with faulty initial initialization)
- nds/backup: added bus-width auto detection (redirecting to new general types)
- nds/backup: added new types (3x general types) (and 1x sanyo, thanks flubba)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: handles edges at screen border (via clear_id)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: applies edges in respect to surrounding pixels
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: internally stores edge_flag for possible edges
- nds/debug: allows some games to initialize not-existing port 4001004h to zero
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to use faulty ldmib with base-inclusion-writeback
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to use invalid stmib/ldmib user bank writeback
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to write more serious nonsense to (R) baseband regs
- nds/timings: re-fixed arm7/arm9 sync (new arm9-66MHz timings vs arm7-33MHz)
- nds/video: supports capture from 2d/3d engine in vram display mode (nanostray)
- nds/help: added note on undoc nds7 port 4001080h (used by ds-lite firmware)
- nds/help: added optical mouse sensor (slider controller) (thanx daniel palmer)
- nds/help: added firmware wifi internet access point settings info (thanks cue)
- nds/help: added user settings 066h (year) and 075h (ext language) (thanks cue)
- screenshot: converts 32bpp images to 24bpp (smaller and more standard files)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: prevents rendering of translucent polys with same poly_id
- nds/3d: soft-detail: supports shadow polygons (mask/render, step 1 and step 2)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled perspective correct clp.x from 0..len to 0..7FFFh
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texcoord_clipping (no_repeat,repeat,flipped)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calc tex_clip proc, collapsed 32:32 tex_xy to 16:16
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-explodes edge_color_table, optimized alpha blend
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: processes two rgba-pairs and tex_xy-pairs at once
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: nonlinear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
- nds/3d: soft-detail: stores fog bit in framebuffer (opaque/trans=replace/and)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: linear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: merged texture addressing and blending into single proc
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texture blending (modulate/toon/highlight)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calculates soft3d_tex_blend_proc for blendtype/mmx
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses mmx (if present) (otherwise stays 80386 compatible)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: collapsed scanline_rgba from 32:32:32:32 to 8:8:8:8 bits
- detect: added no$gmb-386/486/cpuid detection, internal: rdtsc (3d/re selftest)
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January 24th, 2008, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Official Licensed by Nintendo
Edition size: 2,500 worldwide
Artist: Par 'Pelle' Tringstorm
Height: approx. 17cm without base
Hand cast and hand painted
Individually numbered and comes with an Authenticity Card
With the instantly recognizable bulky round orange shoulder pieces, Samus Aran’s Varia Suit has served the interstellar bounty huntress well. Her Varia suit, with the ability to resist even the most extreme of temperatures, has helped Samus on her quest of aiding the Galactic Federation in defeating the Space Pirates and eradication of the deadly Metroids.
First 4 Figures is extremely proud to present Samus Aran’s Varia Suit, the first collectible statue in First 4 Figures’ highly anticipated suit series based on Retro Studios’ Metroid Prime game trilogy.
First 4 Figures has used the official game files in order to create an extremely accurate recreation of the Varia suit, with pose inspiration taken from official Metroid Prime Varia Suit artwork.
The suit series will include, but not limited to, Samus Aran’s Light Suit, Dark Suit and Phazon suit.
Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted with metallic paints to give an authentic representation of the suits.
Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity.
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January 24th, 2008, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Official Licensed by Nintendo
Edition size: 2,500 worldwide
Artist: Par 'Pelle' Tringstorm
Height: approx. 17cm without base
Hand cast and hand painted
Individually numbered and comes with an Authenticity Card
With the instantly recognizable bulky round orange shoulder pieces, Samus Aran’s Varia Suit has served the interstellar bounty huntress well. Her Varia suit, with the ability to resist even the most extreme of temperatures, has helped Samus on her quest of aiding the Galactic Federation in defeating the Space Pirates and eradication of the deadly Metroids.
First 4 Figures is extremely proud to present Samus Aran’s Varia Suit, the first collectible statue in First 4 Figures’ highly anticipated suit series based on Retro Studios’ Metroid Prime game trilogy.
First 4 Figures has used the official game files in order to create an extremely accurate recreation of the Varia suit, with pose inspiration taken from official Metroid Prime Varia Suit artwork.
The suit series will include, but not limited to, Samus Aran’s Light Suit, Dark Suit and Phazon suit.
Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted with metallic paints to give an authentic representation of the suits.
Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity.
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January 24th, 2008, 15:49 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Smash Bros. Brawl -- delayed!
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G -- delayed!
Sakura Taisen and Mysterious Dungeon Shiren -- also delayed!
Okay, so the two latest delays from Japan probably won't cause much of a meltdown on message boards when compared to the earlier announced delays of Smash Bros. and Monster Hunter, but we're sure a few Sega fanatics will need the warm, comforting bosom of a lover tonight.
Sega Japan announced today that two of its high profile first quarter titles have been pushed back. Dramatic Dungeon Sakura Taisen, originally set for DS release on 2/21, will now arrive a month later on 3/19. Even bigger is the delay for Wii's Mysterious Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 which, instead of its original 2/28 release, will now make it out in June. These dates are all Japan only.
As expected, Sega cited a need to up the quality of the two titles as reason for the delays.
While Sakura Taisen probably doesn't have a chance of release in America, Shiren is set for US release under the name Shiren the Wanderer 3. As the US version is currently with a TBA release date, expect the TBA to come post Summer.
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January 24th, 2008, 15:49 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Smash Bros. Brawl -- delayed!
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G -- delayed!
Sakura Taisen and Mysterious Dungeon Shiren -- also delayed!
Okay, so the two latest delays from Japan probably won't cause much of a meltdown on message boards when compared to the earlier announced delays of Smash Bros. and Monster Hunter, but we're sure a few Sega fanatics will need the warm, comforting bosom of a lover tonight.
Sega Japan announced today that two of its high profile first quarter titles have been pushed back. Dramatic Dungeon Sakura Taisen, originally set for DS release on 2/21, will now arrive a month later on 3/19. Even bigger is the delay for Wii's Mysterious Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 which, instead of its original 2/28 release, will now make it out in June. These dates are all Japan only.
As expected, Sega cited a need to up the quality of the two titles as reason for the delays.
While Sakura Taisen probably doesn't have a chance of release in America, Shiren is set for US release under the name Shiren the Wanderer 3. As the US version is currently with a TBA release date, expect the TBA to come post Summer.
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January 24th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo Europe has revealed sales of the Wii and DS in the region have reached over six million and 20 million units, respectively.
First-party software sales in the region have also reached impressive figures, with four Wii titles sailing past one million units sold.
Wii Play has sold 2.3 million units, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1.3 million units, Mario Party 8 one million units and Super Mario Galaxy 1.3 million units.
Dr Kawashima's Brain Training; How Old is Your Brain? has now sold over 5 million units in Europe, while its sequel More Brain Training has clocked up 2.8 million units. However, the top-seller is the Nintendogs series, which has sold over 8 million units in the region.
New titles for Europe in 2008 include Wii Fit, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, and Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method for the DS.
Earlier today, Nintendo announced nine month profits to December 31 of JPY 258.93 billion (USD 2.43bn/EUR 1.66bn), almost double that of the year previously.
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January 24th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo Europe has revealed sales of the Wii and DS in the region have reached over six million and 20 million units, respectively.
First-party software sales in the region have also reached impressive figures, with four Wii titles sailing past one million units sold.
Wii Play has sold 2.3 million units, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1.3 million units, Mario Party 8 one million units and Super Mario Galaxy 1.3 million units.
Dr Kawashima's Brain Training; How Old is Your Brain? has now sold over 5 million units in Europe, while its sequel More Brain Training has clocked up 2.8 million units. However, the top-seller is the Nintendogs series, which has sold over 8 million units in the region.
New titles for Europe in 2008 include Wii Fit, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, and Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method for the DS.
Earlier today, Nintendo announced nine month profits to December 31 of JPY 258.93 billion (USD 2.43bn/EUR 1.66bn), almost double that of the year previously.
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January 24th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Hmm heres a release that we will post as unconfirmed or rumour for now
Team Wab (previously worked on PSP Scene) have released a Tetris Clone for the Nintendo Wii, heres the details:
Wab is really proud to bring you the first and only Real WII Homebrew.
This release is called WABTRIS, a small tetris cover, WIIMOTE powered !!!
Stay tunned for the soon coming source code of it...
you just have to decompress, burn the iso, and boot it with ANY modchiped WII, and follow the instructions.
remember this is an "autobootable" dvd image, so you won't go to channel menu !
Download (not working at time of posting)
Remember at the moment this is unconfirmed but interesting, more news as we find out more
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January 25th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Skull Kid was a curious little fellow, often finding trouble in the most unexpected of places with his fairy friends Tatl and Tael. One day in the forest, the trio happened to come across the most peculiar of people, a traveling mask salesman.
When the merchant was paying him no mind, the Skull Kid took a very precious mask. This was no ordinary mask; this was a special mask, a dark and cursed mask. This was Majora's Mask. Donning the strange artifact, the Skull Kid would harness a power far beyond his imagination. Little did he know, however, that he was to become a puppet, an unsuspecting pawn to the very mask itself. Possessed and corrupted, the once lighthearted and amusingly mischievous imp inadvertently unleashes a powerful and threatening force upon the peaceful inhabitants of Termina.
Now time is running nigh, as the will of Majora swiftly mobilizes its servant into drawing an ominous moon from the heavens on a collision course towards the helpless people below…
First 4 Figures is proud to present the Skull Kid, the second collectible statue in First 4 Figures’ Legend of Zelda collectible statue series. The pose captures the unimaginable power that the Skull Kid felt when wearing the mask. Accurately keeping scale with current and future statues in the series, the Skull Kid statue stands at approximately 9 inches, including the base. Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted. Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity.
Edition size: 2,500 worldwide
Artist: Par 'Pelle' Tringstorm
Height: approx. 19cm without base
Hand cast and hand painted
Individually numbered and comes with an Authenticity Card
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January 25th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Skull Kid was a curious little fellow, often finding trouble in the most unexpected of places with his fairy friends Tatl and Tael. One day in the forest, the trio happened to come across the most peculiar of people, a traveling mask salesman.
When the merchant was paying him no mind, the Skull Kid took a very precious mask. This was no ordinary mask; this was a special mask, a dark and cursed mask. This was Majora's Mask. Donning the strange artifact, the Skull Kid would harness a power far beyond his imagination. Little did he know, however, that he was to become a puppet, an unsuspecting pawn to the very mask itself. Possessed and corrupted, the once lighthearted and amusingly mischievous imp inadvertently unleashes a powerful and threatening force upon the peaceful inhabitants of Termina.
Now time is running nigh, as the will of Majora swiftly mobilizes its servant into drawing an ominous moon from the heavens on a collision course towards the helpless people below…
First 4 Figures is proud to present the Skull Kid, the second collectible statue in First 4 Figures’ Legend of Zelda collectible statue series. The pose captures the unimaginable power that the Skull Kid felt when wearing the mask. Accurately keeping scale with current and future statues in the series, the Skull Kid statue stands at approximately 9 inches, including the base. Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted. Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity.
Edition size: 2,500 worldwide
Artist: Par 'Pelle' Tringstorm
Height: approx. 19cm without base
Hand cast and hand painted
Individually numbered and comes with an Authenticity Card
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January 25th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
This week's Virtual Console update brings only one new title to the table, but it's a classic. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers is now available to you for the small cost of 800 Wii points.
Original released for the SNES way back in 1993, The New Challengers brought new fighters Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long and T. Hawk to the contest as the titular challengers.
There's really no reason for not getting it, unless you're lucky enough to own an Xbox 360 and subsequently already own Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting for it.
What? You haven't bought either version yet? What are doing reading this, then!
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January 25th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The Sega Master System never really got the appreciation it deserved here in the U.S. In fact, research shows that only .8 kids in America owned one, and who ever wanted to hang out with eight-tenths of a kid? Gross, we had reps to protect. Now though, it seems the system will finally get the respect it deserves with releases from the system headed to the Wii's Virtual Console.
The beauty part is that, since it used the same hardware as the Master System, Game Gear games will also have a shot at VC fame. The first entries will be Fist of the North Star for 600 points and Fantasy Zone for 500 points. They'll only be rolling out to Japan at first in February, but look for other territories to follow close behind.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Naughty Dog veterans Jason Hughes and Andrew Gilmour have formed the Texas-based Steel Penny Games, and are hard at work on the development of a WiiWare title.
The company was organized in 2007, and the team has spent the past year building a proprietary engine geared toward the Wii platform's capabilities, and creating a new intellectual property which it hopes will span a series of games.
Set to focus initially on digitally distributed titles, Steel Penny's first release will be a WiiWare game in mid-2008. The company says the title "blends a challenging puzzle game with dramatic fantasy environments and appealing characters".
Hughes, an industry veteran of 13 years, and most recently a senior graphics tools engineer at Naughty Dog, said he was "impressed with the egalitarian approach Nintendo has taken toward WiiWare developers.
"It allows the risk burden to shift back onto the creative developers." He went on to describe Steel Penny's strategy as "the modern equivalent of the garage method for an independent to gain a foothold in the industry".
Gilmour, who has been working in the games industry for 20 years, was previously a senior background artist at Naughty Dog.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Ulala, the lead of SEGA's bemani series Space Channel 5, could be brining her groove to the Wii with sources suggesting a new entry in the series is making its way to Nintendo's console.
German magazine N-Zone broke the story, going on to say that SEGA has gone as far as licensing several Michael Jackson tracks for Ulala to bust some moves to. If true, the game would follow other SEGA franchises such as Nights and Samba de Amigo, which are also being revived on the Wii.
A SEGA spokesperson denied the validity of the story, so for the time being it is merely the whisper of a rumour. However, Space Channel 5 on Wii does make a snug fit and if any more concrete details emerge we'll post them here. Or in the words of our babel-fish translation of the German article - as soon as us closer information is present to space Channel 5 for Wii, read their it naturally here.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The surprises keep on coming as Smash Bros. Brawl approaches its January 31 Japanese release date. Today, Nintendo Japan updated the game's website with details on a new feature: Virtual Console demos!
Smash Bros. Brawl will include demo versions of a number of classic titles that are now available for download on the Virtual Console. Nintendo confirmed that demos of the following games will be included: Super Mario Bros., Ice Climber, Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, Hoshi no Kirby, Fire Emblem, Super Metroid, Mother 2, and Star Fox 64. Others titles may be hidden away as well.
Of the above games, only Mother 2 (the second installment of the series known internationally as "Earthbound") is not yet available for Virtual Console download in Japan.
You'll be able to play the games for a brief period of time before the screen goes green and you see the following message: "The time limit has expired. Now ending the demo and returning to Smash Bros.."
The point of including the samplers is to let players experience their favorite Smash Bros. characters in their original form. We wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo also hopes that some players will like what they see and decide to download the full versions on the real Virtual Console.
A few games such as Super Metroid will have existing save data. Does this mean that you'll be able to select from multiple game situations? We'll have to wait until next week's Japanese release to find out!
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January 25th, 2008, 18:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A man on the inside has told Eurogamer that Okami Wii will be out here in summer. He sleeps in the walls.
His words scupper suggestions from retailers that it will be out the same week as the US version that arrives on 25th March.
But Capcom Europe has remained reluctant to comment, leaving us with an initial and probably US forecast of spring to go by.
Okami is an action-adventure that Kristan bangs on and on about, claiming it was his joint favourite game of 2007. Which is probably why he gave it 10/10.
You play as a god who runs around as a wolf and saves the world from evil using a paintbrush and some much needed advice from his calligrapher bug friend Issun. Imagine the best bits of Zelda bundled with innovative combat system and heart warming art.
The translation to Wii is being handled by Ready at Dawn of Daxter and God of War PSP fame. Its paintbrush flourishes should fit the controls immaculately.
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January 25th, 2008, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Abcd1234:
Welcome to the home page for my port of NetHack to the Nintendo DS. The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience. I think I've succeeded in that goal. I'm probably wrong.
An unscaled, scrolling map view on the lower screen, which can be interacted with using the touchscreen.
Minimap, message, and status information rendered to the top screen.
Support for 16- and 256-color BMP tilesets, including non-rectangular tiles (tiles must have dimensions which are a multiple of 8, e.g. 8x8, 8x16, etc).
Support for text mode, with optional full color and IBM graphics.
Popup command window for easy access to the full command set.
On-screen keyboard for text input and extended commands.
Keys are almost completely configurable.
Support for both left- and right-handed modes.
Save and restore.
Sleep mode.
Version 1.17 Released.
* Added support for tapping menu section titles for selecting items in that section.
* Changed menus in keyboard mode to show item accelerator characters.
* After insisting I'd never do it, action menus (read, zap, eat, etc, etc) now display only relevant menu items (with an option to show all).
* Made 'cursor' a compound option, which can take three values: 0 (always on), 1 (disabled over hero), and 2 (always off).
* More refinements to touchscreen handling to ensure that stylus raises are promptly registered (fixes periodic hangs).
* Fixed directional prompting when keyboard mode is enabled.
* Fixed detection spells (such as "detect monsters"), etc, so they properly wait for user input.
* Fixed key bound option toggling, after I completely broke it in the last release.
* Fixed crasher triggered by popping up a menu immediately after resuming a saved game with the 'name' option set (yes, someone hit this .
Note, make sure you copy over kbd.pal and minimap.pal from the distribution archive to your /NetHackDS directory (assuming you don't just unzip straight over the old copy)..
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January 25th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via drunkencoders
Hi this is a very early version of a tool im developing.
This tool will convert 3D .obj files into GL values to use in your DS Project.
very primitive at the moment and will only convert vertex's but not normals or texture co-ordinates. new update on the way soon.This is the first tool I have ever written so I hope its usefull to people. Readme included in zip file.
-Rhys Thomas
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January 25th, 2008, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka
Subleq DS is a mod of original subleq.
Subleq consists of just one command "subtract and branch(jump) if negative or zero)
Each subleq command consists of 3 words: a, b and c.
a, b and c are memory addresses.
If b - a is negative or zero, jump to c. Otherwise, go to the next command.
The code IS in the memory, so Subleq DS is self-modyfing.
Special memory addresses are addresses that don't execute subleq; instead, they execute
a command they're made to do. The addresses are put to b.
Command positions:
-1 - outputs a.
- 64kb of memory (thus, up to 64kb of code)
- Speed (fix the source code if you want it faster)
Well, if you think this is slow, I'd like to tell you that it uses 15 vblanks,
because only then you can see the results pretty fast.
If you still think it's slow, check the source.
How to use
1) DLDI patch subleqDS.nds
2) Put it on your flashcart device.
3) Put "test.slq" (a subleq file) in the root of your flashcart device.
B - switch between silent mode (only output is shown on the screen) and
debug mode (everything is shown).
Q: Can you implement an (put any real CPU here)?
A: No. I want to do fun things.
Q: Why is it so slow?
A: Go and check the source code.
Q: Can you add (some feature)?
A: Go and implement it yourself, you have source.
Q: This sucks!
A: Do any better from scratch and I'll agree.
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January 25th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka
WireWorld DS is a DS port of a cellular automation under the same name.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
- DLDI compilancy
Well, it's my first DS homebrew.
About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it.
+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
+ Added clear function
+ Added "kill electrons"
/ Made the lower-right icon show the right icon.
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January 25th, 2008, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Excerpt of a review from Neoflash:
Neoflash's newest flash card will be a surprise for some people as it is not only a slot-1 flash card but it also has full motion sensing capabilities built right into it. There are already homebrew games and applications that take advantage of the DS Motion Card and DS Motion Pak,
and since the R6 Gold uses the same motion sensing technology, it means you'll be able to make full use of the device from the moment you open the box.
This card, like all others, has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it's micro sd based (including newer SDHC cards) so storage should never be a problem. You can easily fit all your mp3's or whatever on whichever sized card you have. On the other hand, the hardware saving slows down the loading process. With it's motion capabilities as well as hardware save support it's obviously trying to please both groups of flash cart users. Homebrewers will be happy, as it has very good homebrew support, and those who like to play 'backups' will be happy to.
I for one will be recommending this to any fellow homebrewer that asks.
Full Review with screens Here --> http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4811.0.html
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January 25th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster

It's not the first third-party Wiimote we've seen, but if the very purple device you see above is what it purports to be, it could well be the very first to actually hit the market, albeit in Europe-only for the time being. Dubbed the "Riimote," this one comes to us from peripheral maker Snakebyte, which apparently isn't providing many details on the remote just yet but is promising that it'll be available in Europe on Feburary 8th for the not-so-bargain price of €39.99 (or just under $60). Those slightly less nostalgic about a certain purple game console than some of us can also rest assured that the controller will also be available in basic black, although it seems you'll have to stick with the official gear if you want to keep everything coordinated.
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January 26th, 2008, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Endless Ocean is an underwater exploration through the pristine waters of fictional Manoa Lai Island. From the moment players experience their first dive, they’re introduced to a magnificent world of sun-pierced water, vibrant color, and flourishing sea life. With no time limits, point systems or possibility of failure, it’s a pick-up-and-play game for the entire family to enjoy. Intuitive controls and the game’s encouraging “explore at your own pace” approach create a momentary retreat.
The beauty of Endless Ocean is that players can do as much or as little as they like. The relaxed and calm atmosphere of the game gives divers the freedom to explore special locations such as shipwrecks and underwater ruins, discover and interact with sea-life, complete fish logs or simply relax in the soothing environment.
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January 26th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Are you ready to careen around the world-famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway in a hand-built 1960s speed machine that hits speeds of nearly 180 mph, yet rides only 7 inches off the ground? Can you survive a moving minefield of crashes, spinning cars, rolling tires, oil slicks and 32 rivals competing for the perfect racing line?
Set from 1961-1971, a period of loose rules and ever-faster cars, Indianapolis 500 Legends lets players experience the traditions, rivalries, terrifying speeds and jaw-dropping maneuvers of the world famous Brickyard as they take on the arcade-style gameplay inspired by the birth of modern racing.
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January 26th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released;

Separate signal input ports for Wii™ and PS3™
One RGBHV signal output, 15 pin, can be connected to PC monitor or HDTV
Red and white stereo signal output with RCA ports
Green RCA port is a colorless video output port, which is used to adjust the output format of game consoles.
No need for an extra power supply
160cm length VGA cable
Transfer pictures from the Wii™ and PS3™ console that can be displayed on a PC monitor or HD TV. The resolution of the pictures is 480p (640*480) when connecting with the Wii™ game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console. The resolution of the output pictures is 480p/720p/1080i/1080p when used with the PS3™ game console.
The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75hz. Audio output signal port is compatible with speakers and a headphone. Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console.
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January 26th, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Remember those wacky kids who tried to beat the four 3D Zelda games in a single two day sitting, and failed miserably due to technical difficulties and general overzealousness? Well, they're back, comically tiny TV and all, to take on the N64 cult classic Paper Mario, in an attempt to raise more donations for Child's Play (their first outing netted a total of $1200 for the charity).
These weekend warriors (called the Four48 crew in honor of their first ambitious marathon) are planning on sitting down with a new game every Saturday morning, and not getting up until the ending credits roll. You can watch their exploits on their video webstream (and donate to a worthy cause) on their site. We highly suggest it -- if watching these guys trudge through classic games doesn't trigger your nostalgia gland, at least it's interesting to watch bedsores develop in real time.
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January 26th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
We're (supposedly) nearing the release of what could arguably be considered the Wii's most anticipated title ever, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and we're all drowning in a deluge of information about the game. However, as much as we hate to add to the noise, you simply must watch the above video, which shows a few short, but sweet, gameplay clips from the Subspace Emissary story mode.
It looks like Nintendo has improved the side-scrolling gameplay featured in Melee, and has crafted personalized single-player (or co-op) stages for a number of characters in the game. With videos like this dropping regularly, and with only a month and some change until the game drops, we're going to need to invest in a fairly sizable drool guard to preserve our poor, saliva-covered computer monitors.
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January 26th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster

I was impressed and a wee bit jealous last year when I posted about four year old George's Mario themed birthday party but these photos from Ethan's Mario/Video Game themed party have left me longing for the days when I could have a cool themed birthday party without people looking askance. An awesomely decorated cupcake table (above), Mario and Luigi papercraft favors, homemade Boo and Kirby pinatas, Mario and Luigi hats, a Yoshi Egg Hunt and a tastefully and detailed decorated back yard. If only cool stuff like that had been available when we were kids we might have been spared the horrors of party clowns.
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January 26th, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Anton Romanov has released JabberDS, heres the details:
A Jabber client for the Nintendo DS.
Uses DSGUI for GUI
User defined keyboard layout
User defined fonts (DSGUI's BFont format)
Supports any Unicode characters availible in font
Roster operation (Add/Remove/Rename/Subscribe/Unsubscribe contacts)
Multi User Chat
DLDI patch
JabberDS want's it's settings file as /data/jabberds.xml
Edit it to your likings
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January 26th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth_FF7 has updated his release of TrailBlazer3D, heres the release info:

One of 3Disation TrailBlazer.
26/1/07 Version 0.3
- Adding a level
- Addition of 2 players.
How to play:
Use the stylus to move.
Let the stylus to slow.
Effects of cubes:
- Green: Slowing
- Yellow: Accelerate
- Purple: Stopping
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January 26th, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
DekuTree64 has released a new version of Animanatee for the Nintendo DS:
Heres the release details:
Yet another little art program for DS.
The controls are explained in the program, but here are the basic features:
- 2 layers ("BG" and "frame"). BG gets copied over when you create a new frame, so you can have a persistent background, or modify it as you go.
- 60 color palette, which can all be modified.
- 4 brush sizes
- Up to 10000 frames, or until memory runs out.
- Undo/redo. Up to 32 levels, or until it fills its 128KB buffer.
- Onion skinning (sort of, only shows one previous frame).
Experimental version 1.3a for those who are still getting corrupted saves. In daninski's files, it seemed to be writing out the correct number of bytes, but just big spans of zeroes in a couple of frames. I don't know if any DLDI drivers are using DMA or anything, but missing data seems suspiciously like a cache coherency problem, so I added a cache flush before saving.
NEW in v1.3
- Error checking on file access.
- Changed export format to .avi instead of .flc.
- Added a button so you can save without exporting, since it takes a while.
- Added a progress bar when saving.
Things I'd like to add:
- Better onion skinning.
- Better save system. At the very least, thumbnails or something.
- Offsetting (like to scroll the background a few pixels per frame).
- Less stylus jumping.
- A Mario Paint style music sequencer.
- Playing a wav/mp3/etc. file along with the animation.
- Recording a sound track with the microphone.
Feel free to add to the list, or to vote for which of the ones on there that you'd like to see first.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
The port of Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe to the Nintendo DS has been updated, heres whats new:
Changelog for Alpha 4:
* based on r11899
* added a start icon and description
* the random seed works
* loading original TTD saves disabled (256x256 too big for DS)
* press A anytime (even after crashes) to toggle the console
* Fix: trains can load and unload now
* Fix: road depot window (and similar) doesn't crash any more
* Fix: YAPF is completely disabled now. If the player enables it or it is enabled in a savegame, an error message is displayed and it is turned off
* Fix: saving games with bigger maps is now possible. Due to this savegames have to be uncompressed. Still 256x128 maps is the biggest possible due to memory limitations.
* Reduced viewport memory. crashes due to not enough memory available shouldn't happen so often any more.
* The game bow the start menu at the beginning
* Added a 128x64 version of the title screen savegame
* Added a key combination for the cheat menu
* Some bugs not mentioned should be fixed due to general improvements
Known bugs:
* graphical glitches (mostly during scrolling) because the nds blitter needs to be rewritten
* minimap glitches
* trying to create mäps bigger than 256x128 crashes
* the screen resolution is too small making it impossible to click some windows
* ships make the game crash (unconfirmed)
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January 27th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
NHervé posted this:
I've decided to start modding DesMuMe. I release here my first mod. It does not improve game compatibility but it has more features. It is only for Win32 users.
-First, I've added joystick support through SDL. That was easy.
-Next, I've added support for SDL sound core under Win32. That was easy too, the SDL sound core was here already.
-Added Vertical resize option. It was harder, I spent some time to add this. When activated, the window can be resized only vertically, the screens keep their size and the gap between the screens will be filled with your favourite colour (approximative). This allows users to set a gap depending on the game to get better gameplay.
In Mod 2 I'll try to :
-get New Super Mario Bros to work
-increase speed
-add Avi Capture option
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January 27th, 2008, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has released a new version of the Gameboy Colour emulator for the GBA(DS):
Version 2008-01-26
* Tilemaps now updated in sync with tile graphics
* Lots of little optimizations and other internal changes
* No longer runs in Multiboot Mode
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January 27th, 2008, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Jordi Pérez
Here you can find all kinds of resources to develop and design your own graphical adventure games for the Nintendo DS portable console. The main tool that can be found is the free program 'Icarus Adventure System' (100% Spanish) that you do not have to know to create your games.
'Icarus Adventure System' lets you create your entire adventure compacted into a single file ROMs. NDS ready for transfer to your DS or for sharing over the Internet.
Downloads at Homepage above
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January 27th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Oxtob:
Here’s a new release of the DS port of Box2D. Robert Kavaler helped me out a lot on this by porting the changes to the SVN version of the (still work-in-progress) Box2D 2.0 and adding a nice build system. Although this is a patch of an unstable version of Box2D it works very stable. By using the DS’s hardware division and sqrt functions I improved simulation speed. Instead of the patches library, the archive now contains a patch with instructions how to acquire and patch Box2D.
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January 27th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Oxtob:
Here’s a new version with a larger drawing area, dual screen support, updated physics and more!
I really like the idea of the popular minigame Crayon Physics: You draw an object on the screen and it instantly becomes physical and interacts with other objects. The first thing that sprung to my mind when seeing it was "This would be awesome on the DS!" And Pocket Physics is what I came up with after two weeks. It isn't really a game, but more of a physical construction kit for your pocket. You can design scenes freely by drawing things with the stylus. Things can be solid, like ramps and floors, or dynamic, like balls or boxes. Like in The Incredible Machine, you can reset the scene, change it, and start the simulation again. It's even more fun if you have a DS Motion, which can be used to control gravity!
v0.3 (2008-01-27)
larger paper (3x3 screens)
scrolling using either D-Pad, ABXY, or pen (hold L or R)
dual screen support (overview on top, zoomed view on bottom)
open shapes (drawn shapes are only closed if the end is close to the start)
Using the actual shape for picking => o more accidential deletions
updated to box2d 2.0 (svn r20)
using ds hw div/sqrt in box2d
if simulation is behind time, 2 steps are performed at once => subjectively faster
faster and better drawing code
pins are hidden during simulation
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January 27th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via tehskeen
Here is a screen shot of an error in Zelda for the Nintendo Wii. So, what's so important about this particular error? Well, let's compare this to the GTA Exploit for the Sony PSP. Yes, that's right.
Bushing along with Segher have been able to modify a save game from Zelda to crash the machine and to run their own code on it. Note that you won't even need to "mod" your Nintendo Wii to run this exploit.
Yes, that's right - an exploit for the Nintendo Wii has been discovered and it allows you to run custom code. The method is pretty simple. Copy over a save file for Zelda, load it and the code runs. Don't get too excited yet. They have only been able to run 4 lines of code, but this is in a days work.
Segher was the one to find the exploit and Bushing has been testing it out with the aid of the USB Gecko. The process is far from simple as once you modify a save game it requires it be to signed with 3 keys. Here's some info from Bushing.
"Once the Wii decrypts the save game, it checks its signature. Every Wii has its own private key which is used to sign save games, and when you save a game, the Wii actually saves three bits of data:
* The encrypted save game
* The signature for the save game (using your console's private key)
* A copy of your console's public key, signed by Nintendo."
Of course, the end user wouldn't have to go through this process unless they were wanting to inject their own code into the save game, but that shouldn't be necessary because when I asked Bushing what his goal was he answered:
"Assuming we don't run into a wall, it should be able to lead to a homebrew loader. I hope. No promises.  "
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January 27th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: Lordus
Here is a new release of jEnesisDS. I am not absolutely satisfied with the state, but i think it's usable already.
Major changes in the new version:
- Custom Z80 ASM core implemented.
- Custom YM2612 and PSG emulation, running on the ARM7. So there is sound now 
- Many parts rewritten. Speed without Z80 core should be quite a bit faster for most games.
- Idle-loop detection completely rewritten. Shouldn't break any games anymore. Therefore the option to disable it was taken out.
- Some changes to the HW renderer. Some glitches should be gone, others were probably introduced. Will be rewritten for the next version.
- Tweaked H-Int auto detection, so less games should need the "ON" option to boot now.
- Mode-Button added (L+R+Start)
- Skipped option screen at startup, so you get directly into the game selection.
There is still a lot to do and i hope you wont have to wait as long for the coming version.
I know very well, that the sound is not perfect, but it's the best i could do in the time working on it, so please don't complain..
I am sure that i can improve it and i am positive that all games will run at full speed with sound one day.
If a game runs too slow, disable the Z80 by turning "Fake Z80" on - of course that will most likely turn off the sound as well (Except for games that have their sound driver on the main CPU, like Sonic, Gunstar Heroes and others).
Any feedback is welcome of course (except bad one ;P)
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January 27th, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
asiekierka posted this:
Subleq DS is a mod of original subleq.
Subleq consists of just one command "subtract and branch(jump) if negative or zero)
Each subleq command consists of 3 words: a, b and c.
a, b and c are memory addresses.
If b - a is negative or zero, jump to c. Otherwise, go to the next command.
The code IS in the memory, so Subleq DS is self-modyfing.
Special memory addresses are addresses that don't execute subleq; instead, they execute
a command they're made to do. The addresses are put to b.
Command positions:
-1 - outputs a. (in relative mode it's still -1, but it shouldn't be a problem)
- 512kb of memory (thus, up to 512kb of code)
- Speed (fix the source code if you want it faster)
Well, if you think this is slow, I'd like to tell you that it uses 15 vblanks,
because only then you can see the results pretty fast.
If you still think it's slow, check the source.
How to use
1) DLDI patch subleqDS.nds
2) Put it on your flashcart device.
3) Put "test.slq" (a subleq file) in the root of your flashcart device.
- removed test code
- fixed a bug or two
- first release
- do not use it, or do not even download it
B - switch between silent mode (only output is shown on the screen) and
debug mode (everything is shown).
Start - pause/unpause.
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January 27th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
asiekierka posted this:
WireWorld DS is a DS port of a cellular automation under the same name.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
Well, it's my first DS homebrew.
About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it.
+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
+ ADDED LOADING (and saving)
! sorry, but saving is buggy. I don't want to work on WireWorld DS anymore though.
/ fixed the start/stop button toggling too fast
* Improved drawing engine (requested by 0xtob, thanks for his algorithm)
+ little improvments
- DLDI compilancy (just wasted file size for now)
+ Added clear function
+ Added "kill electrons"
/ Made the lower-right icon show the right icon.
/ Fixed many 0.02 bugs
/ Somebody from #dsdev changed globals to locals.
/ Changed YX's to XY's.
! Pre-release version
! Didn't have many bugs, but still
+ Added the lower-right "state indicate" icon
/ Fixed 0.01b bugs
! Pre-release version
! Had a lot of bugs
+ Added cellular simulation
/ Fixed bugs from 0.01
! Pre-release version
! Had a lot of bugs
* Ported from Pascal to C
+ Added the editor
! I even don't want to talk about this one, but i will for history's sake.
! Stopped after we (#dsdev) didn't find anything to write stuff to the map.
! The first ever version.
Thanks to whole #dsdev for helping me fix all the bugs.
Source code will be offered if anybody will want.
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January 27th, 2008, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MelW:
Snowflakes is a game where you roll a snow ball and try collect the snowflakes scattered around the field. Your goal in the end is nothing less but to roll a giant snow man! This version is slightly updated from the Drunkencoders 2007 Christmas compo, fixing few bugs and adding features like support for the DS Motion Card and an ending screen where you can actually see what's going on.
I don't intend to do any further updates, even if there's still tons of unfinished parts in the game. If someone were interested in helping with the level design or making better quality graphics, perhaps then...
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January 28th, 2008, 01:53 Posted By: JKKDARK
Spacy and I have talked over this, and we have came to the conclusion that now VBA-M Windows builds are quite stable and quick. These can be pretty much considered to be in a beta state, so there might be some remaining bugs.
For those of you who have been living under a large rock these last couple of months, we recommend you read this.
For those that know, well you might be interested in our latest Windows revision, SVN 338...
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Windows x86 build
Windows x64 build
Source code for Linux/Mac/Windows builds
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January 28th, 2008, 12:50 Posted By: la1n
wardive is an adaptive game with locative levels for nintendo ds (homebrew). it converts wlan-waves into game objects. the wlan conversion uses a streamsearch algorithm which was also used in streamfishing and searchsongs.

what's new?
- new shield management
- musixs by trackermaster
- 3d-enemy-models partially generated from hotspot names
- more eyecandy
- save hotspotlist & some bug fixes (cristal model)
- some video material
- new visualisation
Download NDS-Program
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January 28th, 2008, 15:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
ASSEMbler posted a comparison of the Untra 64 beta controller, another beta in the transition to the original Nintendo 64 controller, and the last one.
From ASSEMblergames:
As part of my ongoing storage dig / eventual sale, I've been finding some real gems from old caches of game hardware I put away.
There are several versions of the Ultra 64 controller, starting with prototypes, working samples, and then transition to the N64 controller we all know. There are some major differences between the two. Let's start with some nice clear pictures, as never seen before.
What we have above is an Ultra 64 controller, using a hand assembled PCB that doesn't even have the memory card components. It features many
interesting changes you'll see in the diagrams below. It took a minor act of God to get this item, so please don't ask.
The total comparison:
1. The "C" cluster.
Alpha: Contoured non rounded buttons. No "C" marking or rounding.
Beta: Colored, raised, and rounded buttons. Still no "C" designation.
Final: Now called "C"
2. The Analog stick (see picture below)
Alpha: Wide travel, huge top stick with full movement.
Beta: Smaller travel, smaller top, square shape guides movement.
Final: Even smaller top, 8-way guide.
3. The Ultra 64 logo.
Alpha: Nice big logo
Beta and Final: Nintendo logo. Boo.
4. The shoulder buttons.
Alpha: Small, shallow travel.
Beta-Final: Wider for western hands. Less contoured. Deeper travel.
5. The Digital pad "D" pad.
Alpha: Flat, contoured, non rounded, slightly recessed.
Beta, Final: Deeply recessed in a concave impression.
This show how much nintendo really thinks about the controllers they use. The many slight changes make the controller much more usable and in the
end it was fondly remembered as one of the best system controllers of all time. Eventually I will find my Ultra 64, but it's not as exciting as the pad as all they did was change the fron dome sticker for the N64.
I hope you enjoyed this little walk back in time to 1994.
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January 28th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Five schools in Worcestershire have been using the Wii in physical education classes to encourage youngsters to get active.
The initiative is being lead by the Droitwich and Worcester City School Partnership, which boasted positive heart rate-quickening results to UK newspaper the The Daily Mail.
"The use of computer games to increase physical activity levels and raise attainment to some would seem contradictory, but with rigid structures in place and by using specific games students soon found themselves being active and engaged almost without realising it," enthused a spokesperson for the Partnership.
But not everyone sees the benefit. The Mail claims a recent study proved playing a game on Wii only expends 2 per cent more energy than playing on traditional consoles.
And Nick Seaton from the Campaign for Real Education is worried it will encourage children to play videogames instead of doing conventional exercise.
"I think most sensible parents will think this is surrendering to the laziest pupils, it cannot possibly be any replacement for serious games and competition between peer group," said Seaton.
As we all know videogames are often cast as villainous in the mainstream media, blamed for causing children to eat less healthily and burn less calories and attack old ladies and play quiz games.
Slightly ironic that Nintendo should come under fire for moving away from a seated gaming environment then, particularly as its new Wii Fit product quite literally tells you how fat you are before making you bob around and head footballs.
"We now want to turn the living room into a fitness centre for the whole family," said Nintendo UK marketing mouth Dawn Paine. "Perish the thought, but video games can now make you fit."
Apparently as many as one in five boys and girls will be obese by 2020. Hover boards to follow.
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January 29th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Dragonminded has released a new version of the excellent PDA and More Software for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Fixes found in 3.2
* Added multi track support to SID files (finally!).
* Added support for the gbs file format.
* Added confirmations to text editor on save or exit.
* Added /describe to irc.
* Added basic cookie support.
* Tied Y to the stop function on the web browser.
* Changed IRC receive mode to hopefully squash memory error.
* Changed internet enabled applications to allow downloading/processing while the lid is closed.
* Decreased memory footprint to allow larger images to load again.
* Fixed annual dates causing every day to underline in some cases.
* Fixed e^x freezing in some instances.
* Fixed inconsistent save message on scribble screen.
* Fixed IRC bug that appeared while typing with fixed width irc.
* Fixed aac/mp3 streams skipping sometimes.
* Fixed bad font characters in the smallest font.
* Fixed a html rendering crash with css pages.
* Fixed random crash that happened when switching tabs in web browser.
* Fixed garbage display in hbdb if you cancelled the list then pressed left or right.
* Fixed graphical issues with themes loaded.
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January 29th, 2008, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hazuki62
It is only a demo of a viewer of dolls for ds that I had done that.
To find out what is going on this site:
There are plenty of bugs right now that I can not correct due to lack of time.
I will finish this project as soon as I would have the opportunity.
- To change the piece use the left and right arrows of pad
- Use the stylus to move clothing and objects
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January 29th, 2008, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jesse
While I should have been working on Colors!, I couldn't really stop thinking about a new project. It's hopefully only a short detour, since it's close to finished now. I wanted to throw a pre-release out there for some testing. If a few people would like to try it out and let me know how it works on other flashcarts, I would appreciate it very much.
Hyena - an audiogame player, featuring Lone Wolf - Flight From The Dark
Know issues (at least on R4):
* 1 in 10 random crash on startup
* Skips the first line 1 times in 10
* Doesn't restart properly if you die in combat
* The sound sounds "metallic"
* Loading and resampling images takes embarrassingly long time (up to 10 sec)
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January 29th, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bboyzahid
As you know, DS is already capable of streaming audio, so i thought why not video?
If this project is successful, it should be able to stream live tv on the ds.
I'm not much of a programmer so i'll need help creating this.
Whoever is willing to participate in this project feel free to contact me at bboyzahid@hotmail.com
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January 29th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
While the Nintendo Wii's hardware may be sub par compared to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 – and is unlikely to enjoy the full potential of three physics engines – motion control enthusiasts will be able to enjoy five exclusive levels in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
According to Krome Studios' Ed Tucker (via CVG), "On the Wii we have places where the story veers off and we go and explore something, take the game in a different direction, like the Jedi Temple level." Krome is handling the Wii, PSP and PS2 versions of the title. No mention of exclusive content PS3 and Xbox 360 owners might have.
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January 29th, 2008, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In this adventure game directed by Goichi Suda (of Killer 7 fame), you play as Travis Touchdown, a normal guy (with an otaku geek streak to him) who wins a Beam Katana through an online auction and uses the weapon to start a new career as a professional killer. One day, an assassin named Helter Skelter appears before Travis and the two face off in a battle. Travis emerges victorious and finds himself in the presence of Silvia Christel, a mysterious French woman who claims to be an agent with the UAA. Silvia gives Travis official rank of 11 in the organization. Now, it's up to you to become #1.
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January 29th, 2008, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Compete in stylized Olympic venues with authentic sports and events to choose from including track & field, archery, skeet shooting, table tennis, gymnastics and more.
Select your favorite playing style from the all-star cast of Mario and Sonic characters with four player types to choose from: all-around, technical, speed, and power. For example: Mario (all-around), Peach (technical), Yoshi (speed), Bowser (power), Sonic (speed), Knuckles (power), Tails (technical), Amy (all-around).
Game Modes: Try out each event individually with Single Match mode, compete for the highest overall score in a series of events in Circuit Mode, or take on challenges created specifically for each character in the Mission Mode. Up to four players can play together on the Wii. DS allows up to 4 players to compete via wireless connection.
Unlock special Dream Events featuring environments, objects and power-ups from the universes of Mario and Sonic.
Two of the most beloved icons in the world, Mario and Sonic, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
Developed on the Wii™ video game system and the Nintendo DS™ system, this momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars have appeared together in a game.
Featuring an all-star cast of characters from the amazing worlds of both Mario and Sonic, players will be able to compete as or against a range of familiar characters including Mario, Sonic, Luigi, Knuckles, Yoshi, Tails and more.
Innovative usage of the Wii and DS control systems to maneuver your favorite character will allow players to race the likes of Mario and Sonic down the 100m track, leap over the high jump or churn water in a swimming heat, all while competing for the much sought-after Olympic gold medal. With up to four players on the Wii and on the DS, the stage is set to catch the fever this holiday with Mario and Sonic.
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January 29th, 2008, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience An Original One Piece Story – Play through a brand new One Piece adventure made exclusively for the Wii™ Console.
Multiple Modes of Play – Play through the exclusive new storyline in Adventure mode or test your skills in the Survival mode, or bring a friend and fight in a Team Battle!
More One Piece Characters Than Ever – Play as any of the eight Straw Hat Pirates in the Adventure mode, and unlock over 40 different playable characters in VS. mode or Survival mode!
Grab The Loot – Find bountiful amounts of items, unlock special moves, and, open up new costumes. Each of the 8 Straw Hat Pirates has 3 costumes – Normal, Special, and Unlimited!
All Hands To Battlestations – Each character has a number of unique moves to learn, such as Luffy’s “Gum Gum Storm” and Nami’s “Cyclone Tempo”.
Avast ye land lubbers! Hoist anchor and set sail for a brand new One Piece adventure exclusively for the Wii™ Console. Join Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates as they search for the ultimate treasure in a brand new quest.
After a massive island rises to the ocean surface from underneath their pirate ship, the crew finds itself stranded in a mysterious land. Assume the role of any of your favorite Straw Hat Pirates to explore the massive island, swashbuckle with powerful enemies and brutal bosses, and find out what hidden powers the island contains!
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January 29th, 2008, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Get three full brain games on 1 game cartridge!
Brain Boost Beta Wave includes five different types of progressively difficult brain training games where speed and accuracy count: Find the Match, Shape Recognition, Addition, Remember Sequence and Moving Dots.
Brain Boost Gamma Wave includes: Remember Colors, Remember Numbers, Remember Circumstances, Remember Faces and Remember Images.
Plus a third never-before-released third game on the same cartridge that includes: Match the Kanji Characters, Dots, Colors, Find the Goal and Total Amount of Money.
Two game modes within each: Brain Training and Multiplayer.
Each game type contains 4 difficulty levels with 20 multiple choice problems in each.
Receive your overall score for right brain development after completing a brain training series.
Play a friend in any of the 15 game types to see who’s the bigger brainiac.
Increase your level of difficulty by answering correctly. Answer incorrectly and your difficulty level will decrease resulting in a lower score percentage.
Now you can boost your brain power with 3 full games on 1 cartridge! The brain produces five wavelengths: alpha, beta, delta, gamma and theta waves. Brain Boost Gamma Wave and Brain Boost Beta Wave are individual games designed to develop the right brain by increasing your recognition of images/shapes/spatial patterns, illustrations and intuition. In Mega Brain Boost, you’ll get both of these previously released titles, plus a third entirely new game! All three games utilize Makoto Shichida’s “right brain development theory” to train your brain.
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January 29th, 2008, 16:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
NanaOn-Sha's Masaya Matsuura has said that developers in Japan are beginning to question the longevity of the DS format and its appeal to a gaming audience.
The respected Japanese developer observed that the younger consumer is very conservative when it comes to new software, and that titles aimed at a more mature market are not having the impact they did when the format first launched in the region.
"Some people have said already that the DS software's bubble has burst," commented Matsuura to Gamasutra.
"We have to keep increasing the chance to make more unique titles, but for us it's getting much more difficult because the game market - especially in Japan - is still very conservative.
"Many people know that the DS has very unique titles, like Brain Training, or something like that, but it's not for younger-aged market. It's kind of older people, like me."
With multiple developers and publishers jumping on the bandwagon to create 'training' style games, Matsuura said that sales of such titles have inevitably tanked.
"[One company I know has] some kind of learning type of game. The first one sold over 200,000, but the second one is 8,000. So these kind of things are going to happen," he said.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has told Eurogamer the latest rumours to emerge about Mario Kart Wii are nothing more than speculation.
As reported by Aussie-Nintendo, Nmag Gamepro magazine claims the game will feature 32 courses - half of which will be brand new, half old favourites.
The mag also claims Baby Peach and Boo will appear as drivers, snaking will make a comeback, Battle mode will be playable online and the controls will be similar to those in Excite Truck.
Or not. According to a spokesperson, "Nintendo has not announced any further information on Mario Kart. We've spoken to the magazine and it's just pure rumour and speculation on their part."
So what do we know about MK Wii? It'll work with the new Wii steering wheel, and up to 12 players will be able to race online. Plus it's got motorbikes. For more info, visit the gamepage. Mario Kart Wii is due out in the first half of this year.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
West Yorkshire police have figured out an ingenious way to track down the owners of stolen Wiis; by using the console's Miis.
When a Wii was stolen by a 32-year-old man arrested earlier this month, the Northern (to us, anyway) coppers used the console's 16 Miis to call out for the poor original owner, who's left with only a Wii-shaped dust hole on their carpet.
16 Miis are stored on the system, say police, with names including Seb, Pheebes, Nicks and Evie. Sounds like it might've belonged to Pokemon trainer Gary.
"The Nintendo Wii looks new and is thought to have been stolen before January 1," said Officer Neil Johnson in a statement, possibly after eating a plate of Northern favourite chips 'n gravy.
"It may have been a Christmas present. If anyone has devised these characters listed and the Wii has gone missing, then please contact us urgently."
Police have the console's ID number and are calling for anyone who can claim the Wii to phone them.
The moral of this story then is clearly that if you're going to nick a Wii, delete the bloody Miis before you try and sell it down the pub.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We almost forgot a Wii version of Animal Crossing was on the cards, but Nintendo's Japan outfit has decided to remind us by slapping a dirty great "2008" release date on the dig-'em-up via a financial report.
Wii Music and Disaster: Day of Crisis have also been re-confirmed for 2008, along with a Wii Kirby game.
It's encouraging to see that the Wii instalment of Animal Crossing (announced alongside the 'Revolution' in 2005) finally has something that looks like a release date. But as its a Japanese date; North America and Europe could have to wait until 2009 before we get our dirty mitts on it (especially with all that text).
We still don't know anything about it either, although we reported on the MMO rumour (via Edge) late last year.
We'll be happy either way as long as Nintendo don't just do a quick "extra Wi-Fi and Famicom games" bodge job. No more N64 graphics, please!
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January 29th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Activision has registered the trademark "Guitar Hero On Tour" in the US, but the publisher's British representatives had no comment to make on that this morning.
Inevitably there is speculation that this could be the name of the DS version of Guitar Hero mooted last year.
It's certainly not the name of anything on Activision's release schedule, and the publisher is another of those spoilsports that refuses to comment on rumours or speculation.
Developer Vicarious Visions has previously hinted at an actual peripheral to go with the DS game, although we somehow doubt it will be an enormous PS3/360-style guitar that you plug in to the cartridge port or anything.
We asked Activision for more details on the DS version of Guitar Hero and they told us to go away, which is fair enough because it was two in the morning and how did we get their home address.
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January 29th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson Entertainment, the North American publishing arm of Hudson Soft, today announced Bomberman Land for the Wii and the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system, and Bomberman Land Touch! 2 for the Nintendo DS are now available at retail. Published by Hudson and distributed in North America by Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., all three versions are now available for a suggested retail price of $29.99 each.
Bomberman Land brings an exciting single player campaign element to the Bomberman property while holding true to the multiplayer mode that has
made it so popular in the past. The series troduces a multitude of attractions, many of which can be played in multiplayer mode. Both the PSP system and Wii feature 50 attractions. While the Wii version
is full of interactive games that use intuitive Wii Remote controls, all of the PSP system's attractions can be played and shared in multiplayer. The Nintendo DS version features more than 40 types of
attractions that either use the stylus or the microphone to play. In addition, the Bomberman Land series contains a robust single-player
Story Mode, where adventurers explore a fantasy land, take on quests and solve puzzles to restore the peace and tranquility of the beleaguered Bomberman world.
The biggest feature on each platform is the classic multiplayer Bomberman experience that gamers know and love. The PSP system and Nintendo DS allow up to four players to compete globally. While both versions offer shared multiplay, the Nintendo DS title allows eight people to play locally. The Wii version, on the other hand, features six "Battle Modes": Normal, Points, Stars, Crown, All-Out and a Wii exclusive mode designed specifically for the Wii Remote. Each "Battle Mode" includes 20 maps, making it the game to have for the ultimate
"As one of the most recognizable video game franchises in the industry, the Bomberman series has always been known for its fun and addictive
gameplay, and these three new installments are no exception," said John Greiner President and CEO of Hudson Entertainment. Packed with fun attractions, a compelling single-player mode and a competitive
multiplayer experience, these new games will keep players coming back for more."
For more information on Hudson Entertainment, BOMBERMAN LAND or BOMBERMAN LAND Touch! 2, please visit
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January 29th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via drunkencoders
A new version of the great Open Source Spider Solitaire DS game is out: v3.1.0
The main change is smoother graphics, and a particle-fireworks system.
Complete change log
- Added a Particle-system for Fireworks when completing a game
- Added animation when Dealing
- Added animation when selected cards are dropped on an invalid pile
- Fixed bug; Clicking to deal when no cards left to deal would still go
through the motions, playing the sound and internally updating the
deal data
- Fixed bug; Black squares appearing when too many cards on screen
- Fixed bug; Flashed white before smooth-fading out after win
- Fixed bug; Dealing an Ace onto a King-2 pile would not release the
pile as complete
- Compiled under DevkitARM r21 and libnds 20071023
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January 29th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nicolas Pillot has updated Scrabble Assistant DS,
Scrabble Assistant DS is a utility program designed to run on the Nintendo DS plateform. It has been designed to run on homebrew-enabled flash carts. A simple "DS homebrew" google search will give you pointers if you have no idea what these things mean.
This utility is meant to ease the life of the board version of the Scrabble game players.
The idea came from the fact that if you have no dictionnary, you have to trust other players' words. So here comes the "Verify" function. And sometimes, when you have "good" letters, and you make your choice with a word, you feel that you could have done better... So here comes the "Search" function. And you have to bear with the cumbersome score calculation. So here comes the "Scoring" function. [To be implemented in an upcoming version]
UPDATE: Release v0.6 (2008-01-28)
- added scoring function (1-9 players)
- added scoring log paging
- added scoring new/undo functions
- added negative scoring optin (for endgame)
- added compressed list, word length 2-15 for all
- added search result paging (900 results)
- added search result sorting (length, points, alpha)
- added search/check custom-lock combination
- major UI refactoring, with sound, finger-friendly
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January 29th, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
the R6 menu 3.0 beta V31b [2008-01-28]
download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.....msg33080.html
* Fixed some TF compatibility bugs,now should support many TF already
* Add homebrew auto-DLDI support
* Can load rom now,but not 100% yet
* Hold L+R button when power on then can boot slot-2 (passme)
* Use RIGHT and LEFT key can roll the page in menu
* Can show the file type and save mode in the menu
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January 29th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Dwedit has updated Goomba Color the Gameboy Colour emulator for the GBA (DS)
version 2008-01-29
Fixed an IRQ issue that affected Final Fantasy Adventure
Fixed junk graphics when backgrounds are supposed to be disabled
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January 29th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
via Atomicpc
Last night, Atomic talked to Wii hacker Bushing about every conceivable aspect of Wii hacking. To make things even more incredible, the first “Hello World” program to ever to run on a Wii was executed during our discussion.
Over the next four pages you’ll find all the details you could ask for about the world’s first proper Wii hack: no mod chips required. It's powerful stuff.
We've also got some analysis and screenshots of the hack over here for you.
Atomic: First off, what's your programming background?
Bushing: I've been programming since age 8 (on an Apple IIc); I spent a lot of time growing up, hacking on Linux. I did Electrical Engineering and Comp. Sci in college, and now I do software development professionally.
Atomic: What was the appeal in hacking the Wii?
Bushing: Mostly that it hadn't been done. I don't play many video games, but I saw one at my boss's house at a party this summer, and it was fun, so I bought one. And I like to hack everything I own, and it was a big flashing target because I knew that nobody had yet been able to do it.
Atomic: Is this your first gaming console hack?
Bushing: Yup. I'd done "mods" before -- installing chips, and stuff -- but this is the first original thing I've worked on.
Atomic: How did you get started on this particular hack?
Bushing: I mentioned to a co-worker that I was interested in Wii-hacking, and he introduced me to tmbinc and Costis, both of whom are already somewhat known for these things. We began talking online, trading code, and ideas.
Atomic: You mentioned some others, who is everyone in your team?
Bushing: Me, Segher, Tmbinc, and also Costis and Adhs have helped out.
Atomic: Now you’ve got your hands on a (presumably) small chunk of arbitrary code. What's its function? What can we do with it and gain from probing it?
Bushing: Well, it's not actually that small -- Nintendo includes the newest version of the system software on almost every Wii game. If you're running on an older version of the software, it will let you upgrade using the disc. So, we were able to get a (mostly) full copy of the software used to do, well, everything on the Wii.
But it was strange, because it didn't work at all when we tried to disassemble it as PowerPC code -- and then we discovered it was actually ARM code. We couldn't see this chip anywhere on the Wii board, so eventually figured out it's buried inside the graphics chip.
The graphics chip's name is "Hollywood", so one of us (segher) named it the "Starlet".
It performs all of the security for the Wii, and also controls almost all of the peripherals. It's "The Enemy".
Atomic: So how did you get at the code, and how is it being disassembled?
Bushing: I'm disassembling it using IDA Pro under VMware Fusion. tmbinc was able to use a "tweezer hack" to extract the encryption keys from the memory of his Wii, and then we were able to write software to decrypt games and firmware.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster

Oh sure, we've seen homegrown Wii Zappers before, but nothing screams janky like an iteration crafted from spare plastic acrylate sheets, or better yet, your recently finished box of Corn Flakes. That's right kids, you can save yourself quite a few buckaroos by simply swallowing your pride, heading down to the read link and printing out a template to create your very own Wii Zapper accessory. 'Course, the sky's really the limit with this one, but may we be the first to ask that you not use colorful sheets of cardboard if at all possible? Thanks.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster

Gaming peripheral maker Nyko today announced an adapter that promises to cut the cord on your existing wired Wii Nunchuks (metaphorically, of course). Not to be confused with the standalone wireless Nunchuk Nyko announced last month, the new adapter will connect to an existing wired Nunchuk, allowing it to communicate with a Wii remote up to 15 feet away (handy for people with a 15-foot wingspan!).
Don't worry about the Nunchuk cord drooping limply across your leg either -- according to the release, the adapter comes with a "self-standing Nunchuk sleeve" that has "a convenient compact cord management system keeping the existing Nunchuk cord organized and out of site [sic]."
The adapter, including two required AAA batteries, will retail for $19.99, making it $10 less than Nyko's standalone wireless Nunchuk (though the whole package is $10 more when combined with a $20 wired Nunchuk). Wire-hating gamers who already own four Nunchuks might want to look for it in February.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
While 11 of the Wii's 14 best-selling games are made by Nintendo itself, the console maker isn't concerned that third party titles will always be behind in sales. According to a third quarter financial report (via Develop), "We identified the same thing in the DS' first period, and the situation continues to change little by little. For the Wii too, we believe that as time passes, the proportion of high-selling titles that come from our licensees will increase."
Nintendo notes that since the DS launched just over three years ago, only 28 of the 50 titles that have shipped over a million were first party. That's still a sizable portion, but nowhere near the disparity found in its motion control-loving relative. As for the success of Nintendo's software, the report noted that internal teams have been familiar with and developing titles for the hardware for much longer than anyone else because they "know the Wii's special characteristics best."
The problem of third-party games and Nintendo consoles heralds as far back as the Nintendo 64 and was recently observed by No More Heroes creator Suda51. Of course, it's probably a lot more complicated than third-party developers growing more accustomed to the Wii's "special characteristics." It should be noted that, of the top 15 best-reviewed Wii games according to Metacritic, only six are from Nintendo.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
With a healthy collection of casual DS favorites to its credit, the once financially gridlocked publisher Majesco has much thanks to lay at the feet of Nintendo's touchable portable. Now the company has announced that it plans to give players an early taste of its latest project, a tree-hugging RTS for the DS, by releasing a demo for Eco-Creatures: Save the Forest over nearly 10,000 Nintendo DS Download Stations across the U.S.
It's unclear how much of the game will be included in the demo, or if in fact this move will save any trees at all. What we do know, however, is that the download will be available from now until sometime in May – well beyond the game's expected March 4 release -- giving those of you with access to a station plenty of time to warm up to Majesco's green-minded ways.
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January 30th, 2008, 02:25 Posted By: VampDude
Via: tech.tm
Nintendo shares dropped 9.7% in Tokyo yesterday, the company's valuation adjusting to market conditions, according to those in the know.
Shares soared last week as Nintendo revealed record profits and a dramatic increase in market share, however a weakening dollar and a rising yen worries investors who are concerned this could hit Nintendo's earnings.
Shares fell 5,000 Yen to 46,800 on Monday.
"This has little to do with the company itself, but a lot to do with market sentiment," explained Mizuho Asset Management fund manager Yoshihisa Okamoto speaking to Reuters.
"In the United States and Europe, shortages of the Wii and DS are getting serious. Nintendo will surely boost production in the next business year," added another analyst. "And higher output will lead straight to higher sales of its game machines and game software. I think we are going to see Nintendo chalking up strong profit growth next year, again."
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January 30th, 2008, 15:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo Australia has announced that the DS has sold one million units in the region, according to data from research specialist GfK.
The Wii is also enjoying strong sales as it clocks up 300,000 units sold in the 58 weeks since launch, putting it on a par with the last reported sales figure for Microsoft's Xbox 360.
According to data reported on consumer site Vooks, the DS sold 509,869 units in 2007, 133,691 of which were sold during December.
The Wii sold 73,318 units during the December period.
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January 30th, 2008, 15:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In what we're taking as an effort to preserve our sanity, Eidos will be releasing Monster Lab on Wii and DS this year, a game that's not (a) a port, (b) a mini-game collection or (c) a self-improvement non-game. Huzzah!
Players take on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create their own monster.
They can then take their monster out into the world and explore the land, hunting other monsters, taking on quests and finding ingredients to make more monster parts.
Okay, so it's not Bioshock, but compared to the slim pickings presently coming to the Wii we're overjoyed just because there's actually gameplay in this Wii game.
The game also works online, where players can challenge and compete with their friends in multiplayer combat, or trade to collect monster parts necessary to build stronger monsters.
Whether or not the DS and Wii versions communicate, we're unsure. We're chasing some answers though.
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January 30th, 2008, 15:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In a further blow for Wii owners praying for some new games, a US retailer has listed the DS game Lost in Blue as a goer for Wii later this year.
For those who didn't play it, Lost in Blue was an adventure game where players took control of teenager Keith who is stranded on a desert island with the visually impaired teen, Skye.
During the day, Keith must explore the island, while gathering food and supplies to bring back to the cave he and Skye live in, so she can cook him his evening meal. Good girl!
The tasks Keith performs take the form of un-rude mini-games, which we all know Wii owners adore, so expect to scrub down potatoes by shaking the Wii Remote or something.
We've put a call into Konami about the listing.
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January 30th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The obscurely named title DS Novel is tapped to come to Europe sometime this year, Nintendo's latest financial report has revealed.
Yesterday, we reported Nintendo had confirmed Animal Crossing and Kirby were coming to Wii this year, but DS Novel is a name all new to us.
Based on the name, it could well be an English version of DS Bungaku Zenshuu, the non-game that contained a hundred Japanese literary classics on its cart.
The title has prompted us to consider changing our name to Computer, Videogames and any other tosh Nintendo decides to toss out.
But that would be the unwieldy cvgaotndto.com. Maybe we'll split the Nintendo channel into 'proper games' and 'random crap', then.
Bungaku Zenshuu sold 33,000 copies in its first week when released in Japan, but we question the cross-over appeal to western audiences.
Is there anyone who in England who would prefer reading from a 3-inch screen instead of flicking through a paperback? Could you even fit a sentence on the screen of a DS?
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January 30th, 2008, 19:03 Posted By: bandit
The snakebyte Riimote for Nintendo Wii™ will be availabe Europe-wide on February 8, 2008 – snakebyte Nunchaku, Wireless Nunchaku, and Retro Controller shall follow in spring
The video gaming accessory pros from sunflex Europe are ready to launch their snakebyte Riimote – a wireless controller for use with Nintendo Wii™ on February 8, 2008. The Riimote will be available Europe-wide for 39,99€ (RRP) and comes in Glossy Black and Lipstick Pink (especially for girls) including security straps and matching non-slip rubber sleeves.
Furthermore, sunflex plans to complement the new controller range for use with Nintendo Wii™ with the snakebyte Nunchaku, the Wireless Nunchaku, and the Retro Controller in spring. On top, additional colours are in the pipeline.
Please find printable picture material of the snakebyte Riimote and the other upcoming products in our media pool:

Source: SunFlex
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January 30th, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Two popular import retailers have warned consumers that Nintendo Japan is struggling to fulfil day-one pre-orders for the highly anticipated Wii title Super Smash Bros. Brawl, due for release in the region tomorrow (Jan 31).
The game is likely to be one of the biggest first-party Nintendo titles released this year – excitement is high from Nintendo's loyal fanbase following a perfect 10 score from respected Japanese magazine Famitsu.
"Please note that Nintendo has badly cut pre-orders placed by all distributors and is only shipping very limited quantities into the market this week," states Play Asia on its website.
"Our first shipment of Super Smash Bros. Brawl has reached us today, only covering about 15 per cent of all pre-orders that we have received," added the importer.
National Console Support says the troubles are more likely a delay than a shortage, and initial supplies should be topped up over the coming week.
"Our initial shipments of Smash Bros. are scheduled to arrive on Thursday of this week. We were able to obtain more copies than we originally expected after receiving the bad news from suppliers on Sunday night," reports the company.
"Some of our suppliers in Hong Kong won't be getting any copies until this weekend which makes it more of a delay than an actual shortage," it continued. "We also note that most of our Japanese vendors will receive the bulk of their supplies on February 2 and February 4 which is a few days later than the official street date."
The title has already been delayed in the US, where it is due for release on March 9, and a European release is currently pencilled in for the second quarter.
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January 30th, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Tecmo has whipped the wrappers off Fatal Frame for Wii at a press conference in Japan.
Its official title is Rei: Tsukihami no Kamen, which roughly means Fatal Frame: The Mask of the Lunar Eclipse.
According to translations from IGN, attendees were shown a two minute CG trailer. Tecmo kept the specifics to itself, mentioning only buzz words "memories", "moon" and "mask".
Stills from the footage show a lovely girl wandering around dark locations with a torch.
Nintendo will be on hand to help with the release, handling sales and promotional duties, as well as lending development aid to veteran studio Grasshopper.
Big names this time around are Keisuke Kikuchi, Makoto Shibata and sits-on-a-toilet Goichi Suda - who has just finished work on the impressive No More Heroes (review published today).
Nintendo says Rei: Tsukihami no Kamen should be out in Japan this summer.
Fatal Frame, known as Project Zero round these parts, is a suspense-focused horror title that scares the snot out of us. It has previously appeared on both Xbox and PS2 but never on a Nintendo console - making its Wii exclusivity seem a bit bizarre.
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January 30th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo's UK website is listing the release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl as June 1, 2008. We repeat, this is not an online retailer like Gamestop or Amazon doing the guessing. It's Nintendo!
While the main gamepage for Smash Bros still lists the game as sometime in 2008, a box out relating to all news articles about the upcoming game shows us the specific date.
To view an example for yourself, take a look here. We've grabbed a pic just in case it magically changes over the next few hours and we start to think we're seeing things.
We've contacted Nintendo UK just to make sure no one's playing silly buggers. More soon. All good hopefully.
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January 30th, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Square Enix has at last opened the floodgates on the second the second DS entry in the Front Mission strategy series. The latest issue of Famitsu has a full report on Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness, which is currently 78% complete.
This newest Front Mission game has its origins as a cell phone game. According to Koichiro Sakamoto, producer of 2089, the game was successful as a mobile title, but Square Enix learned through a survey that fans of the Front Mission series don't really play cell phone games that much, so they decided to bring the title over to the DS.
Square Enix has made some major changes to the title for the new platform. The game has received a complete visual overhaul. The story has also been reworked into something that players can enjoy as a complete storyline. Even the game's cast has seen some changes. Events are presented using full screen artwork, something that the mobile version lacked.
Gameplay has been updated for the DS as well. You can now use the stylus to set up and command your troops. Although, you won't have to if you don't want to. The game will allow players to select button or stylus controls according to their preference. Yes, the mixed controls of Front Mission 1st are gone.
Unfortunately, Square Enix has had to skip out on one feature from Front Mission 1st: multiplayer. Sakamoto cited space problems as the reason for the missing feature.
Making up for the lack of multiplayer, the game's single player mode will have plenty of volume, with so many branching paths that you'll have to play multiple times to experience everything.
Front Mission 2089 is still without a final release date, but given the quick turn-around with DS games, we don't expect to have to wait too long.
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January 30th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Early copies of Super Smash Bros. Brawl going on sale in Japan have resulted in floods of spoilers making their way onto the Internet.
They revolve around previously unmentioned characters, bosses and stages. Best look away now if you want all this to be a surprise when the game comes out here in Q2 2008.
The new characters cropping up in footage are Luigi, Lucario, Cartoon Link, Captain Falcon, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Ness, Marth, Falco, Ganondorf and Jigglypuff. It is unclear how you will gain access to these.
Fresh boss sightings include Ridley, Master Hand, something called Tabuu and some big robots.
Stages we didn't previously know about are Classic Mario Bros., Sonic Green Hill Zone, F-Zero Port Town, Luigi Mansion and Electroplankton.
Other snaps of note show an enormous Diddy Kong and Zelda, both of whom look a trifle annoyed, and a quick picture of everyone together probably singing songs and holding hands.
Pop over to US blog Joystiq for the relevant pictures and a video with lots of game-spoiling footage.
Or you can get excited by the opening cinematic we hoisted up on Eurogamer TV recently.
If you are trying to import Smash Bros. Brawl, good luck - Japanese retailers are having trouble meeting local demand as it is.
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January 30th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson Entertainment, the North American publishing arm of Hudson Soft, today announced Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, and the Nintendo DS have gone to gold master. Published by
Hudson and distributed in North America by Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., both versions are planned to ship February 12th, 2008 for a SRP of $29.99 each.
In the game for the PSP system, players are trained in weaponry and mystical forces as Warriors of Ancient Arts. On a quest and ready to uncover the fate of a legendary kingdom, gamers will prepare to battle demonic forces and monstrous creatures. Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts features hundreds of variations of weapons, armor and
equipment that can be chosen and upgraded throughout the adventure to defeat enemies. Unique for the PSP system, players have the ability to choose their warfare style with more than 150 different kinds of fighting arts, including Big Bang Arts, allowing three players to team up to triple their destructive power in Ad-Hoc Multiplayer mode.
In the Nintendo DS version, gamers find themselves in a land plagued by a legion of undead, monstrous soldiers. The story takes place centuries after the events of the PSP version, as a legend foretells
of a hero who will rise to face the threat. Gamers must rediscover the lost Ancient Fighting Arts of Westria to restore peace to a once vibrant kingdom. With more than 60 different fighting arts across 8 lost Ancient Fighting Art schools, players can become a skilled warrior to successfully wage battle against dangerous enemies such as
the Demon God's undead soldiers, mutated monsters, and an army of ancient automatons. The game offers hundreds of weapons, armor and
equipment; all can be reworked along the way. Players can also choose from three hero races and three character classes to form a unique warrior for battle. For a group effort, 3 players can join forces to battle the Demon God's minions via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
For more information on Hudson Entertainment or Dungeon Explorer, please visit http://www.hudsonent.com/.
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January 30th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nipil:
I just finished a little tech-demo, and i thought i'd share it here. Its name is "Ragdoll-demo", and as you can guess, is about ragdoll physics. One of the reasons i did this was that i wanted to use the nds motion pak i purchased  Anoher reason was that i wanted to get a better feeling on how this kind of physics was working.
Info and download :
Have fun.
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January 30th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Montspy:
Ultra-FastReflexes is a game of ... Reflexes (bravo!) For DS
[V 0.1] Discover this game on PSP
[V 0.1] Adaptation on DS
How to play:
When you press "Start", the game starts
Images each has a corresponding button on the DS or stylus appear, hold down the right button as soon as possible
Be careful not to make a mistake, otherwise it's lost!
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January 30th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from TmbInc:
After bushing had shown the first homebrew exploit, a lot of stuff has happened in the Wii-world. The exploit was based on a hole in the disc hashing&verification, but the original finder (segher) decided that he doesn’t want the bug to be published. While this caused some controversy, the reason behind this was that the hole could be patched very easily in a future firmware version, as no original function relies on it. The next goal was to find a bug which could not be patched so easily, for example a savegame exploit. Patching such game exploits is considerable harder. Of course you could patch the game code when it is loaded (like some gamecube games are fixed in compatibility mode by the “gamecube compatibility IPL”), but we could just move on to another game. We wouldn’t lose that much power if a game bug is fixed, vs. a critical system bug. I can totally understand that people are annoyed by us not doing full disclosure. Nevertheless we try our best to balance our different interests. It’s not always easy, even inside a team. Still, the rule is: If you find a bug, it’s your choice what you do with it. If you don’t like that, find your own bug.
I’ve concentrated less on the high-level things, I’m generally more interested in the system design and security architecture. So I’ve digged into the bootloader.
What we knew before was that there is a fixed block of code called “boot1″, which is supposed to be the first code executed from flash. It’s ARM (”Starlet”) code, btw, the powerpc (Broadway) is booted much later. We didn’t knew how boot1 is encrypted (rumours ranged from an LFSR-based streamcipher to AES), nor if and how it was hashed. But what we had was a program called “BC” (title id: 1-100), extracted out of a system update. We are absolutely not sure why BC does even exist (it might be used to return from GC mode to Wii mode, but why would you want to do so?), but what BC is doing matches what boot1 could be doing: Reading a bunch of sectors from flash, decrypting them, and checking a signature against a previously decoded cert chain, then jumping there. Once we re-coded the algorithm, it was clear that this in fact decrypts boot2. Encrypting a new boot2 requires signing the new hash. Now it turned out that “BC” also contains “the bug” (well, a similar one), so chances were big that boot1 also does. But flashing a new boot2 is dangerous if you have no return - there is a backup mechanism to boot another copy of boot2, but we cannot count on that for several reasons (for example, if our new boot2 code hangs, the backup would not be tried, as boot1 thinks that everything is right).
It also became clear that once we are able to execute starlet code, it will be a lot of trial&error. So what I did was to revive my old FPGA-based NAND flash emulator, which I once built for the Xbox 360. I wired the Wii’s flash pins to the FPGA. Now the Wii flash has different properties (large block, larger size, different ECC algorithm used), but I could adapt it in a matter of hours. I had to fix the RESET handling (the Wii is waiting for R/#B to go low for a short moment of time), and some minor things, but then it worked! I could boot from my FPGA instead of the original Flashrom. So I could do code changes in a matter of seconds, instead of always reprogramming the flashrom (potentially external). Because my FPGA board has “only” 512MB of RAM, I couldn’t fit the whole flash contents into the RAM. As part of the NAND emulation happens on the embedded PowerPC core in the FPGA (a Virtex 2 Pro), I just added an ethernet MAC, and used lwip to fetch the flash pages from a TCP server. That made the development cycle even easier, as I could now just modify the virtual NAND content on my PC!
bushing prepared a fixed boot2 for me (he just changed a dummy byte), and hey, it worked! I could now run code on the Starlet! First thing would obviously a “hello world”, but where to output? I’ve wanted a software UART, like I had done in GC mode before using the EXI_CS line, but I wasn’t be able to find any useful GPIO. Finally I was able to blink the sensorbar!Unfortunately, all those IOs aren’t TTL, and I didn’t wanted any level shifting.
An hour later I finally got the idea which I should have got in the first minute: Using the already existing NAND interface. I would just issue a non-standard command (the Starlet NAND controller is simple enough to be able to issue any command), and use the address bytes as payload. I’ve added the proper code on the FPGA side (luckily I hadn’t even to change my VHDL code…) to output the address bytes of the private command to the FPGA’s UART.
Some hours later I’ve dumped boot1 (it still was in memory), and some hour later I’ve dumped a new piece of code, which turned out to be decrypting something from the beginning of the NAND flash into memory, then calculating a SHA-1 hash over it, and compares that to a hash read from some “internal memory” (which we believe is an OTP area). It turned out that this was - the bootrom! Hooray! I decided to call this piece of code “boot0″.
So, to sum things up:
First thing which ever executes on the Wii is the “boot0″ code, which is probably stored inside the hollywood in a mask rom.
boot0 loads the first 0×2F pages (”boot1″) from flash, decrypts them with a fixed aes key, calculates a SHA-1 hash (with some obscure bugs specialities, I still couldn’t calculate it by hand), and checks that versus the expected values, read from some internal memory.
If the hash bytes in the “internal memory” is all-zero, the hash check is skipped. This is probably used for production, and maybe for devkits.
boot1 then searches a certain header in flash, where it extracts specific information where to find boot2.
At that position, some certificate chain is checked, and finally the boot2 “tmd” is verified, and the hash extracted.
The boot2 payload is load from flash, decrypted, and hash-checked (against the hash from the boot2 tmd).
boot2 will then load the firmware, or whatever. That’s not my region of interest at the moment.
If I had to evaluate the quality of the security, I’d have mixed feelings. Having a bootrom is a good idea. We’ve seen systems trying to work around that (for example the gamecube), but while of course a whole decrypt, hash, sign check is possible in pure hardware, it often gets simplified (gamecube, for example, had a static keystream, no hashing, and a big fat hardware bug). Then the bootrom is larger than 512 bytes, and should be large enough to use some real algorithms (especially since the hardware offers SHA-1 and AES, so all that needs to be done is to setup the engines) instead of bogus ones. Having a OTP area, which stores a fixed hash is also a nice method, since it allows changing boot1 without swapping the bootrom. They could have done RSA in the ROM (like Microsoft on the Xbox 360), but this way is also ok, and it removes a great deal of complexity out of the bootrom. Also, while the boot0 code doesn’t look nice, it also doesn’t look terrible. Some GCC version string inside shows that the code is not hand-assembled but compiled. This is generally also a good sign, since it’s easier to verify a C code than an assembler code. Unless a bug shows up in the bootloader (which I don’t want to rule out yet, we just haven’t found one so far), I’d consider this as a good concept. What I don’t like is that the encryption key is fixed in ROM (it could have been in the OTP area as well), as well that the hash check is skipped when the OTP area is empty. While production probably requires this, they could have reverted to a backup hash, so that with an unprogrammed OTP, only a certain, previously determined software would run (which would then burn the correct key into the OTP, given it’s field programmable). If there is a hardware attack to null the OTP area (which might be hard, but we don’t know), this would make the ROM giving up (nearly) all security. But that’s really more a theoretical risk.
However, there is no revocation mechanism. boot1 cannot be updated on retail machines, as the hash is OTP. And boot1 is buggy. New produced Wiis could contain a fixed boot1, of course, even without modifying the mask rom, thanks to the flexible approach with the OTP hash. boot1 looks everything but nice to me. The whole decrypt function is completely chaotic (and while this might be just an optimizing compiler, I would bet the source looks similar..), doesn’t do nearly as much header sanity checks as required, and contains, as said, at least two completely critical bugs. Given that in the early stage of booting a real chain of trust is used (each code inherits all security priviledges from the caller), this is what breaks the security.
On the hardware side, what I would have liked is a possibility to turn off the bootrom (and not just mask it behind an MMU), and PEOPLE: You designed a perfectly cool AES engine into the hardware. You also have a secure key store (the OTP). WHY didn’t you JUST added the possibility to use the OTP area as key material for the AES engine, and disallow reading of these areas by the CPU? You could have hidden the boot1 key in hardware, for example. Or even the boot2 key. Or even really important stuff. But everything is exposed to software. Once you’re in, you own it. That IS a security problem. Security by obscurity doesn’t work, but obscurity while doing the security (without sacrifying any real security, that’s the important part) often helps to gain time. It isn’t important whether your product is hacked in 10 years, it’s important if it’s hacked TODAY. By doing some tricks here and there, you can make it much harder to hack your product, gaining time. Still, and that’s very important, you need real security. Obscurity is no replacement for security!)
I have to add that I really liked our teamwork, even if it wasn’t easy all the time. It really helps if more than one person is working on something, even (or especially) if everybody is working in another direction, but all on the same topic. I would also like to thank d. for sharing his NAND logs with me (he also built a nand sniffer&emulator, long before mine was ready), it helped a great deal in determining what went wrong. And of course I have to say that I’m happy about everyone who is taking part of this discoveries, be it public or non-public, be it in an overcrowded or three user channel. There is a lot to be learned about the Wii, and I’ve always liked being part of the gamecube development community (at least up to a certain point, but that’s another story). It amazed me how much good work came from a relatively small group of people. Let’s continue on that!
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January 30th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
I_Am_Ghost has released an unofficial build of BathDPG a tool to create DPG format movies for the homebrew MoonShell multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. He's added a more refined GUI, drag & drop support along with Language settings via an INI file.
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January 30th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
VUI Data lets you view your Nintendo Wii Saved Game files on your mobile phone.
VUI Data for Nokia
"VUI Data" is a mobile phone software from Tea Vui Huang for use with Wii-compatible SD Cards.
On Nokia mobile phones, you need to switch the SD Card between WII MODE and MOBILE MODE.
You must first copy at least one saved game data to the SD Card before you can use it with VUI Data.
Install "VUIData.jar" on the Nokia Phone
- Using PC Suite or
- Copying to the SD card and launching it fffrom the file explorer
- Sending it to the phone via bluetooth anddd opening it in the SMS inbox
To use with mobile
1. Take SD Card out from the Wii
2. Insert SD Card into notebook or SD card reader
3. Run "PrepForMobile" on the notebook
4. SD Card will now be in Mobile Mode. It is ready for use with VUI Data, but will not be recognised by Wii
5. Take SD Card out from the notebook or SD card reader
6. (optional) Take the microSD/miniSD card out of the SD card adapter if needed
7. Insert SD Card into the mobile phone
8. You can now view the Wii Saved Game data on the SD Card with VUI data
To use with Wii
1. Take SD Card out from the mobile phone
2. (optional) Put the microSD/miniSD card into a SD card adapter if needed
3. Insert SD Card into the notebook or SD card reader
4. Run "PrepForWii" on the notebook
5. SD Card will now be in WII Mode. It is ready for use with Wii, but it will not be recognised by VUI Data
6. Insert into Wii and use as normal
Created by Tea Vui Huang
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January 30th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco has announced that its Cooking Mama franchise has surpassed sales of 1.6 million units in the US.
The original game appeared on the DS in 2006 and itself sold over 1 million copies. It was followed by a Wii edition - Cooking Mama: Cook Off - and a DS sequel in 2007.
"The success of Cooking Mama has been akin to catching lightning in a bottle," said Majesco CEO Jesse Sutton.
"A unique concept, iconic main character and gameplay execution that fully utilizes the stylus and Wii Remote have proved to be a winning combination.
"We appreciate the continued support from all of Mama's fans and look forward to launching the fourth title in the franchise later this year," he said, referring to the upcoming sequel to the Wii game.
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January 30th, 2008, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
After yesterday's boatload of leaked Super Smash Bros. Brawl information, another leak about another major Nintendo series would seem to good to be true. And it probably was, because while GoNintendo is reporting the coming issue of Germany's NMag has some new information about Mario Kart Wii, Eurogamer is reporting that Nintendo has dismissed the widely-publicized report as "just pure rumour and speculation on their part."
Which doesn't mean it won't end up being true. NMag's reported predictions range from the incredibly obvious (the controls will be similar to Excite Truck) to the only slightly obvious (powerslides and snaking will return) to the non-obvious but still unsurprising (online battle mode, Baby Peach and Baby Boo as characters).
Come on NMag ... if you're going to speculate, you might as well throw some really crazy stuff out there. Here, we'll get you started: Sonic will be a playable character, but he won't have a kart, he'll just run! Wart from Super Mario Bros. 2 will be featured in a boss race! On-track coins can be used to purchase Wii Shop points! Commenters, take it away.
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January 30th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Non-Slip Premium Edition Wii Dance Pad incorporates the Super-Sensitive-No-More-Delay technology, which boosts the pad's responsiveness when you step on the pad, as well as six super sensitive directional buttons and arcade sized circuitry found on the standard Non-Slip dance pad. The Non-Slip Premium Edition Wii Dance Pad also features a non-slip grip bottom that prevents the pad from moving even on Expert step charts!
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January 31st, 2008, 03:58 Posted By: VampDude
Via: worthplaying.com
Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed delivers an all-new sci-fi action gaming experience, where players control Crypto as he travels the world in the 1970s, unleashing massive destruction on foot, in his UFO and for the first time, in the Big Willy mech.
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon follows Crypto on a journey of enlightenment and Hi-Fi destruction as he faces his most dangerous enemy yet and lampoons the pop culture of the Funked Out 1970s. Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed will serve as the story prequel to "Path of the Furon," taking advantage of the unique Wii Remote controller and allowing Crypto to unleash massive destruction in an all-new character in the series - Big Willy, a prototype alien mech, masquerading as a fast food restaurant mascot.
Designed from the ground up for the Wii, Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed fully utilizes the Wii Remote to deliver an all-new sci-fi action gaming experience. As the storyline prequel to Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon, players control Crypto as he travels the world in the Funked Out 1970s, unleashing massive destruction on foot, in his UFO and for the first time, in the Big Willy mech. Designed by THQ's internal development studio Locomotive Games, Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed will also be available on the PS2 and PSP.
Control Crypto as he travels the world in the Funked Out 1970's, unleashing massive destruction on foot, in his UFO and, for the first time, in the Big Willy mech. Set within an original storyline, Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed takes players around the world, lampooning hallmarks of the funkiest decade-the '70's. Take on humans and other enemies with a devastating arsenal of weapons and mental abilities-or take to the sky in your UFO to unleash massive destruction from above. Freely demolish 5 invasion sites as you take on over 30 story missions and 30 sandbox missions through three modes of play-Crypto, UFO, and Big Willy Mech.
Features :
* Big Willy - A prototype Furon Mech masquerading as a fast food restaurant mascot - Big Willy can destroy tanks or buildings with his massive power, pop humans brains with ease or singe targets with his laser Eye Beams.
* High Fidelity Destruction - Manipulate or destroy virtually anything in the world; on foot, in the air (UFO) or with your Big Willy, a giant Furon mech.
* Open World Game play - Explore 5 open world game environments and play through a variety of story missions and side-missions, or destroy everything and anything in sight via open-world sandbox gameplay.
* Multiplayer Modes - DAH! Big Willy Unleashed features all new multiplayer modes.
Release Date : Q1 2008
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January 31st, 2008, 16:29 Posted By: VampDude
Via: HEXUS.gaming
A newspaper report suggests that in North America approximately 90 percent of DS gamers are now using the notorious R4 piracy chip to get their illegal fix of hand-held gaming.
“The implications are massive. In America it's thought 90 percent of Nintendo users are playing pirated games because of R4,” explained John Hillier, Manager of ELSPA's Intellectual Property Crime Unit in an interview with the Sunday Post.
The Sunday Post also contains a report about the situation in Scotland where it’s believed the chip is sold for approximately £40 from various websites and traders. The Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA) say that the chip “gets around the protection built into the Nintendo DS to prevent playing of unauthorized games. The R4 in effect blinds the console and makes it think it's seeing a genuine game. Trading standards and police are finding these devices in raids on people who sell pirated games.”
Hillier told the newspaper that the offence for selling these chips could lead to up to two years in jail or an unlimited fine.
ELSPA say that the R4 chip has devastating consequences on the gaming industry, that’s despite Nintendo reporting record software sales recently with 5 million units sold of Dr Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? 2.8 million units sold of More Brain Training From Dr Kawashima: How Old Is Your Brain? And Nintendogs recently hitting the 8 million mark.
“That's the real danger – you may think you're getting a good deal but using the R4 is risking the future of the games industry," concluded Hillier.
Source :: Strategy Informer
edit: Correction issued http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=88787
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January 31st, 2008, 16:36 Posted By: VampDude
Via: HEXUS.gaming
Black for the boys, pink for the girls, I presume.
Haven’t these multi-coloured Wii-motes already been released? I’m sure I spotted that lipstick pink one in my wife’s bedroom drawer the other day.
Well, Sunflex Europe claim that their new range of snakebite Riimotes, will be released in the UK of February 8th and will include a glossy black Wii-mote and the aforementioned lipstick pink one.
The controllers will be wireless and will come with a strap and matching non-slip rubber sleeves.
The company will also be releasing a snakebyte Nunchaku, a Wireless Nunchaku, and a retro Controller in the spring. You may be delighted to know that they’ll also come in a range of pretty colours. Black for the boys, pink for the girls, I presume.
You can check out the full range of products on the official Sunflex website.
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January 31st, 2008, 18:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Majesco has officially unveiled Major Minor's Majestic March. the first Wii title from PaRappa the Rapper developer NanaOn-Sha.
You're put in the boots of Major Minor, who has a special baton to conduct a marching band through the streets of eight whimsical locations.
That baton is controlled by waving the Wii remote. You need to keep tempo by waving your arms around so you can attract more band members and play better songs. If you are rubbish, your band will fall apart.
There are around 15 different instruments to collect like flutes and drums, and you can bang out around 30 popular tunes. Now it says popular here, but all we used to think when they crashed past our window was can we get away with dropping heavy things like plant pots on them please.
Still, PaRappa papa Masaya Matsuura and artist Rodney Greenblat are at the helm. And Major Minor offers variations on band make-up and a spot of baton twirling during intermissions to keep you interested.
Major Minor's Majestic March is due out in Europe early next year.
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January 31st, 2008, 18:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Wii disc slots will be glowing across the US this morning as Nintendo issues an update for the Check Mii Out channel.
The update applies a number of various tweaks and improvements to the Mii voting channel, including more streamlined ways to see all the Mii characters you've uploaded so far, the addition of parental controls within the channel, and the viewing of recent Mii's has been upped from 50 to 500. That should be enough to wade through.
As usual you will need to apply the update before you next use the channel. The patch can be found within the Wii Shop channel.
We'll be in touch with Nintendo about the update for us UK peeps when they're all at work.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Dr Ryuta Kawashima, known to millions as him what did the Brain Training for DS, has revealed he hasn't made a single yen off the profits.
That's not because Nintendo's being mean, though - it's all his own choice.
As reported by AFP, 17 million Brain Training games have been sold around the globe, netting royalties of JPY 2.4 billion (GBP 11 million). Under the terms of his employment contract with Tohoku University, Kawashima could take up to half the proceeds while the rest would go to his college. But the good doctor said his annual salary of JPY 11 million (GBP 50,000) is plenty enough to live on.
"Not a single yen has gone in my pocket. Everyone in my family is mad at me but I tell them that if they want money, go out and earn it," he revealed.
Kawashima doesn't play Brain Training himself these days, reckoning the research work he does keeps his mind in shape. As for his body - "If there is time for physical exercise, I want to use it for research." So when he wanted to lose 20kg last year, Kawashima just stopped eating so many pies.
He's not too keen on his sons spending hours playing games either. They're banned from going near the things on weekdays, and only get one hour at weekends. Kawashima once destroyed a game disc when they broke the rules.
"What is scary about games is that you can kill as many hours as you want," he said. "I don't think playing games is bad in itself but it makes children unable to do what they should do such as study and communication with the family."
Apparently Kawashima has been fascinated by brains since he was a teenager. While most of us were listening to bad music and discovering self-love, he was thinking how to put "my brain in a computer so it would be around to see the last day of humanity".
These days Kawashima is working with Toyota to design a car that will help elderly people stay alert and avoid accidents. Better hurry up: "I'm confident I'll go senile. Researchers, especially those in medical fields, are said to die of what they are studying. Since I've been studying the brain, I'll die of a brain disease." Little hope for those of us likely to die of Wii mini-games then.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has dismissed suggestions a 1st June date has been set for the UK release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl - despite said suggestions having appeared on the company's own website.
As reported by CVG, the SSBB gamepage on Nintendo UK's site yesterday gave a date of "01/06/2008". It's since been amended and now simply reads "2008".
Eurogamer contacted Nintendo to find out if this represented an accidental revelation of TRUTH or it was all just a big mistake.
"June 1st is a Sunday," a spokesperson wisely pointed out. "So yes, most likely a mistake."
Ah well. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is out now in Japan and (spoilers, mind) lots of new details about the game have already emerged. There are also plenty of videos to check out on the gamepage.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: MrTyzik
My team Moose At Play has released build 0.3.1 of Laser Hockey DS. Details can be found at http://moose-at-play.blogspot.com.
We have added DS-DS wireless connecting. We can't say multiplayer yet because you can't actually play the game against a friend. One player can host, another can join. Once a connection is established, both players should drop into the usual practice mode. Your mileage may vary. Let us know if anyone gets that far.
Internal build: 0.3.1
Added multiplayer buttons Join and Host
Added DS-DS initialization
Extra update when performing screen switches
Now drawing right before the V-Blank
Added status text on connection error
Wireless no longer turns on before it is supposed to
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January 31st, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: VampDude
Via: worthplaying.com
Posted on Thursday, January 31 @ 09:07:47 PST
Developed by the creative team behind PaRappa the Rapper Masaya Matsuura and New York artist Rodney Alan Greenblat, Major Minor’s Majestic March turns the Wiimote into a “special” baton that the bandleader, Major Minor, uses to keep tempo, recruit new band members and pick up valuable items.
Major Minor’s Majestic March turns the Wii Remote into a “special” baton that the bandleader, Major Minor, uses to keep tempo, recruit new band members and pick up valuable items. While marching through eight whimsical locations that contain various hair-raising events, Major Minor strives to create the most impressive parade ever. Players can add up to 15 different instruments to their dynamic procession—including brass, woodwinds, and percussion—to alter its composition and resulting performance. Players are scored on how well their band maintains its rhythm and manages obstacles that could otherwise throw the procession into disarray. The band keeps tempo to more than 25 popular marching band songs from around the world, composed into original medleys for each stage.
In a town where marching bands are prevalent and everyone is looking to be the best, Major Mike Minor is fairly ambivalent towards marches despite hailing from a long line of illustrious Drum Majors. After his parents present him with a “special” baton that magically attracts band members to fall into rhythm behind the leader, will Major Minor finally fulfill his potential and share the joy of marching with the world?
“There’s something magical about marching bands that truly captures the imagination. The concept of leading a virtual band that’s reliant on your musicianship is a perfect fit for the interactive capabilities of Wii,” said John Merchant, Marketing Manager, Majesco Europe. “The combined musical and artistic superiority of Matsuura and Greenblat make them a natural choice to deliver this innovative title exclusively to the Wii audience.”
* Major Minor’s Majestic March marks the return of the creative team behind the renowned PaRappa the Rapper franchise-legendary game designer and multimedia musician Masaya Matsuura and famed New York artist Rodney Alan Greenblat.
* Your Wii Remote is Major Minor’s “special” bandleader baton, used to keep tempo, recruit new band members and pick-up valuable items. If your rhythm is unstable confusion will result; band members will drop out and you could ultimately fail the stage.
* March in 8 different whimsical locations that contain various hair-raising events. Use your best efforts to create the most impressive parade ever whilst nimbly avoiding obstacles.
Add 15 different instruments to your procession, from brass to woodwinds to percussion.
* As the makeup of the band changes, so does the performance; it all depends on which members you select! Try different combinations each time you play.
* Numerous modes of play.
* March and keep tempo to more than 30 well-known marching band tunes from around the world, composed into original medleys for each unique stage.
* Dazzle the crowd with your incredible baton-twirling displays during brief intermissions.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Mario man Shigeru Miyamoto has delved into Nintendo's past to discuss where the company might be going in the future.
Frank and honest in his answers, Miyamoto criticised the GameCube controller and how his ambivalence towards it made him consider the problems in the gaming industry in general.
"We made it as a culmination of everything leading up to it, but it really underwhelmed. This line of thinking doesn't give us anything else to shoot for, does it?
"The GameCube controller is a product of us feeling that, without this or that, people wouldn't be able to play the games we make.
"But then we realised that was a problem, that we were thinking based on that controller as the premise."
Miyamoto went on to explain the two main ideas behind the DS. "The first was something Mom won't hate," he said.
"It had always been that if your Mom caught you playing Mario she would frown, but if she walked in while you were watching a Disney movie she'd be all smiles".
"The other theme was 'making it so you could bring the system to school.' Why can't a game system help out at school, right?
"I wanted to make titles like [the Japanese/kanji dictionary released only in Japan] even if they didn't sell. If we could succeed in getting them out there and take that next step, people might be able to take their DS's out into public or to school."
Miyamoto also tackled questions about the Wii Fit peripheral, saying, "If it continues to gain popularity overseas, that's something I look forward to, since it means more Wii Balance Board titles might come out."
Finally, he hinted at where he sees the DS going in the future. "Once people can use it in a wide range of public places, we could probably set up servers and create a good environment that links together play at home and play on the go-then work game technology into that.
"When you take your DS out on the town, you'll be able to do all kinds of fun things with it in public spaces. This year we plan to challenge ourselves with that kind of system."
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January 31st, 2008, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Other sites have this now, but hey, they sent it to me first, even if I sat on it for a while! Vintage Computing has done a very nice chart comparing Virtual Console prices versus current used game prices on a game by game, platform by platform basis. Predictably, the PC Engine/TG-16 has the greatest discrepancy, costing almost $900 more to purchase in hard copy, even with three titles unavailable for hard copy pricing. Is the discounted price worth the poor emulation in the wrong resolution? I'm just glad I've got most of the games already... The chart was completed by JJ Hendricks of the Videogame Price Charts blog.
Simultaneously, Gamesniped has linked an auction for every U.S.-released Turbo Grafx and Turbo CD game, with three sealed consoles. Usually these things don't strike a chord with me, but when it's the turbo...that's quite a hot batch of stuff. It also comes with a Kisado Converter for imports (those aren't made anymore). Good stuff all round, only $9,999.99! Yikes. Thanks to Flavor for the link.
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January 31st, 2008, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from SUccessHK

In multiplayer games, characters from all Nintendo universes meet up in Nintendo locales to duke it out. In the solo mode called "The Subspace Emissary," the world of Smash Bros. is invaded by an entity called the Ancient Minister and his army of creatures, called "The Primid." Normally, characters come alive in the world of Smash Bros. to do battle, then turn back into trophies when defeated. However, the Ancient Minister starts turning characters into trophies to harness their power, then detonates bombs that suck pieces of the world back into his realm of Subspace. Eventually, all the characters must work together to defeat the invading creatures from Subspace - this is accomplished by playing through side-scrolling levels.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Look, what our friend the crazy modder has done now: mixed a 1981 Octopus Nintendo Game & Watch with a cellphone with his bare hands, probably creating the best retro game handheld/cellphone combo ever. What makes this Octo-phone better than the WiiPhone is that, first of all, people won't think you're a recent release from the local Mentalist Correctional Facility who believes he is having a rational four-way conversation with God, Peter Sellers and Poon-tang the Seven-Legged Donkey on a Wiimote. And secondly, it's Game & Watch, the first game I ever had *goes all misty-eyed*:

Game & Watch cellphone
As an 11-year-old, I managed to persuade my mum to buy a Double-Screen Donkey Kong Game & Watch for me when we visited NY, and then, what with the bleeps and the profanities emanating from my seat during the eight-hour return flight, she confiscated it. Between ordering a double whisky from the trolley dolly, and settling down with a Harold Robbins she'd picked up at JFK, she left my Donkey Kong in the seat pocket in front of her, tucked between the vomit bag and the safety instructions.
And there it stayed. When we arrived back in London, neither of us, groggy from the cloud of fug produced by the woman with the fuschia nails, tight perm and camel toe in the row behind us, who had chain-smoked a whole carton of ***s during the journey while she chatted up the fat man next to her, thought to rescue the Game & Watch from its hiding place.
In the car I cried all the way home. And what made it worse was that when I got back to school and told my friends that Mum had bought me one, but we'd left it on the plane, none of them believed me and, between the bleeps of their Game & Watch consoles, accused me of being a fantasist. You know, the older I get, the more I think they were right
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January 31st, 2008, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster

Hey, is that Mario Kart Wii final box art? Maybe! It seems to have all of its facts straight, now that the Mario Kart Wii title has dropped its "tentative" moniker and that the ESRB has given it an "E" rating. The logo is certainly different than the one shown in Nintendo's own press room, but we're willing to let that slide in our evaluation of box art authenticity. Then again, it's box art, so who ultimately cares at this point if it's legit? Kidding, of course, as box art is serious business.
We're certainly down with the rumored look and feel, but that packaging to accomodate a Wii Wheel that we don't really want or need seems a bit excessive.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from jamontoast
Just letting you guys know, Chris Liu has updated his chinese ebook reader, Dolphin Reader.
This is a great little reader that now allows multiple books, persistant bookmarking, easy to read fonts (2 sizes) and assignable text and background colours! You can now convert your books to .dr files and Dolphin Reader can read them.
The previous version required you to compile a txt file into the nds, but this release allows Dolphin Reader to access the FAT32 directory from Slot 2 cards.
Avaliable here:
To work:
1. Copy the .nds rom to your card.
2. Place a .txt file in the /Book/ directory
3. run conv.cmd
4. your book should convert into .dr files in the /DRBook/ directory
5. Enjoy your books with sideways reading action!
Cheers Chris!
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January 31st, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kasikiare
Hello all!
I have written this Java application which provides a graphic user interface for exporting 3D models in (.3ds, .X, .m2d, .mesh) format to .bin that I think is the most used in NDS Homebrew Software.
Furthermore I wanted to integrate another GUI for convert .bmp to .bin in the same application.
Here are the binaries of my NDSModelExporter at http://www.box.net/shared/ri2qblig48
For make 3D exports I use NDS Mesh Converter which is coded by PadrinatoR and you have the source code at this location http://www.box.net/shared/7hdxqq54c4
To make BMP2Bin conversions I have used bmp2bin which is in the binaries of DevKitARM toolkit.
Special greetings to Dark Knight Ez for open the source of his DisplayList library.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Askot has released a new version of his modified port of SNES9X v1.43 for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube. SNES9X is a Super Nintendo emulator which allows you to play your favorite oldschool SNES games on your video gaming console.
Please do understand there are two different SNES9X emulators for the Wii/GC. This one is based on v1.43 of SNES9X for the PC and features faster game play, but lacks some features found in v1.51.
What's New?
- Add SD card subdirectory browsing:
+ Set the cursor over [..] and push A button to browse.
- Modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD): [ala eke-eke style]
+ Use B to quit selection list.
+ Use L/R triggrers or Pad Left/Right to go down/up one full page.
- Some menu rearrangment and a little of sourcecode cleanup:
+ Everytime you pressed B button on any option, playgame started, not anymore until you select Play Game option.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
via nin scene
Kyuzumaki has given me the permission to release an unofficial build of his RomeR program. RomeR is a Windows program which allows you to edit the internal header of an NDS file, so that you can change the description and icon, etc. In this unofficial build, none of Kyuzumaki’s internal code has been modified, but the GUI has been touched up a bit. RomeR requires the .NET Framework 2.0 in order to function.
Here are the changes in v1.0.3 Unofficial Build:
The interface has been reorganized.
The icon preview has been shrunk, you can view the icon in a larger state by pressing the ‘Preview Enlarged’ button.
Several languages have been added, including Dutch, Italian, and Japanese.
The language selector has been removed, so you can use the Options menu to change the language.
Various helpful texts have been added, one of which informs the user on how to create an icon with the correct specifications.
The application icon has changed, along with the about box background image.
The CLI Mode has been removed, due to bugs I encountered when trying to compile the release.
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