December 3rd, 2017, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Back on the newsposting after a few days off, heres some new rom hacks released, mainly for Nintendo systems, heres the release info:
The following Hacks have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
Bug Fix
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December 3rd, 2017, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a load of new rom translations released in a range of languages, heres whats new:
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December 6th, 2017, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
Another day and a load more rom translations released, nice to see hackers releasing versions of games not originally released in many languages, heres whats new:
The following Translations have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
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December 6th, 2017, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the GameBoy Advance Emulator for Windows and Linux has been released:
The free VGBA 5.7 for Windows and Linux has been released last night. This release fixes rotated backgrounds in Top Gear Pocket and other racing games. It also corrects several DirectInput issues and makes directional pads work on Xbox gamepads. See below for the complete list of changes.
- Fixed rotated backgrounds bug (scenery in Top Gear Rally, etc).
- Fixed default window position to the middle of the screen in VGBA-Windows.
- Fixed DirectInput joysticks support in VGBA-Windows.
- Made directional pads work on XBox gamepads.
via https://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file...c-t-21969.html
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December 7th, 2017, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Just seen this post and im well impressed, heres the first part and a video:
For a while now it's been possible to play Gamecube games directly with the Wii U gamepad as a controller. Not only this, you can also play PS1 and N64 games from the gamepad as well! This essentially makes it into a portable experience, well if you're close enough to the console that is. For those who love playing things off-TV, this is a really amazing feature to utilize. You could also play from a TV with the gamepad as a controller if you prefer.
It's now possible to force vWii to use Wii U CPU speeds to get a performance boost on PS1 and N64 emulators! PS1 games are now playable at fullspeed, well at least mainstream games are but not everything works.
Use Section I for Gamecube games, if that doesn't work then you'll need to use Section III instead.
This guide assumes that you have a basic understanding of Wii U hacks. Such as booting into Homebrew Launcher, running CFW, installing with Wup Installer GX2, how to use Nintendont, etc.
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December 7th, 2017, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Its time for Nintendo DS to get a new emulator version release, heres whats new in the latest release of Melon DS:
melonDS is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator. melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators.
melonDS v0.6 Changelog:
So what's new in melonDS 0.6? Little emulation wise, a bit more UI wise.
First of all, I want to thank the artists who have been (and are still) drawing all sorts of rad icons for melonDS. For 0.7, I will pick the one I like the best (and it won't be easy, heh). Thing is, I want to put the icon in the melonDS windows, and I will need to add support to libui. Which also means embedding the icons in some portable format, because each OS does its own thing when it comes to window icons.
Emulation wise, the big thing is the sound fix I talked about in a previous blog post. I already went in detail over this, but, long story short, surround works now. And sound emulation is more accurate, that can only be good.
There. The rest is meaningless shenanigans.
UI wise, you get fancy display modes now. Those were also discussed in a previous blog post, so no big surprise there.
The only thing that was added is a toggle for linear filtering, for those who like pixels.
The rest is, well, little bug fixes. Under Windows, you can now load ROMs with non-ASCII characters in their paths. As a side note, under Linux and OSX, fopen() can take UTF8 paths, but Windows requires a separate codepath because herpderp. fopen() can only take ASCII, for anything outside of that you need to use the Windows-only _wfopen() which takes wide-char strings. In the end, the code is a bit ugly, but it works.
That's about it for this release. But stay tuned, 0.7 should bring in some Christmas fun. |
Windows, and Linux
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2804...-v06-released/
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December 10th, 2017, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
The recent releases of the NES MINI and the SNES MINI proove what homebrew and emulation fans always knew and that is the old classics still play great today, heres a new rom hack released of a Castlevania game, heres the info:
A new Castlevania adventure is available to play for NES!
Simon Belmont has just defeated Dracula, but now faces a new enemy. Choose from 5 different stages before facing an evil necromancer in the game’s final stage. Make sure to use the power of the holy relics as you complete each stage!
Featuring all new weapons, bosses, enemies, and gampeplay, Castlevania: The Holy Relics is a rom hack done by Optomon throughout the course of 2017, with graphical contributions by Setz, Bit-Blade, Dr. Mario and Boneless Ivar. Version 1.0 will be up shortly!
via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=25384
download - http://optovania.com/dsk/mod_the_holy_relics.html
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December 10th, 2017, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the FixNes Emulator, which as it sounds is a NES Emulator for Windows:
fixNES Alpha v1.0.4 is released. This is a NES Emulator.
fixGB Alpha v1.0.4 Changelog:
-added support for mappers 32, 49, 60, 65, 73 and 156
-added soft reset keyboard command ctrl+r
Controls right now are keyboard only and do the following:
Y/Z is A
X is B
A is Start
S is select
Arrow Keys is DPad
Keys 1-9 integer-scale the window to number
P is Pause
B is Disk Switching (for FDS)
O is Enable/Disable vertical Overscan
download - https://github.com/FIX94/fixNES
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/fixnes-alpha-v104.html
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December 10th, 2017, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the dolphin emulator for Windows:
Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version (2017/12/10) is compiled. This Version complements Official Dolphin-Master giving support for legacy devices, and reducing cpu usage on the graphic thread. The focus is the gaming experience and speed. At the momment the focus is only in Windows DX9/DX11.
Important Features:
Async shader compilation (Avoiding shader compilation time)
Galop's DX11 Texture Encoder/Decoder (Improve Texture decoding specially EFB TO RAM)
Pre compiled Vertex loader & Optimized vertex decoding using SSSE3 and SSE4
Dolpby Pro Logic II support for xaudio and openal
Larger internal resolutions (IRx6) to allow 4k gaming
Custom Texture improvements to allow direct compressed texture loading including mipmaps
DSP - Time Streching Option (Improve sound output to avoid sound skipping on slow machines)
DX9 support for old machines
Modified Post Procesing interface to support:
-Multiple Stages allowing more complex effects.
-Depth and native gamma as inputs.
-Custom version of DolphinFX that work under dx11 and ogl
-SSAO and DOF.
-Texure Scaling Support
-Bump Mapping with advanced material properties (1)
-Phong Specular reflection to improve ligthing quality(1)
Other Features
Multithreaded Shader Compilation
Early depth test implementation to correct related issues and increase performance
Fast-Depth option now control the use or not of the accurate early z emulation so enabling fast depth will give a speed boos in some systems
Fast EFB Access. Implement global EFB Access Cache to reduce GPU stalls caused by CPU access to the efb (This option is Hack Tab in Gfx Options)
Shader generation Path reorganization to improve performance
Implemented 3d support for Side by side/TopBottom 3d rendering
Many DX9 old bugs fixes (ZComploc, Tev emulation, etc)
Others fixes and little improves.
download https://github.com/Tinob/Ishiiruka
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/ishiiru...m-version.html
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December 10th, 2017, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Not long brought myself a WiiU and already hacked it for using wii, gamecube and VWii on it, heres a memory editor for Cemu the Nintendo WiiU emulator for Windows:
Cemu Memory Editor v2.0.0.8f is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games.
Cemu Memory Editor Changelog:
Changed run speed calculations (using proper big endian floats)
Added 2 timings options to lower CPU usage of the editor when many options are activated (this may be the reason some people reported stuterring or lower FPS on some cases)
Internal Loop (default 100ms) : the sleep time in ms of the main internal loop handling every queued operations
Spacing (default 0ms) : the sleep time between each cpu consuming operations
download https://www.reddit.com/r/breathofthe...memory_editor/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/cemu-me...or-v2008f.html
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December 10th, 2017, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres basically an unofficial version of the Nintendo WiiU Emulator for Windows:
Cemu Hook v0.5.5.4 is released. A nearly-complete h264 module for Cemu. An implementation similar to what an official one would be. Think of it like a pcsx2 plugin, implementing something not in the core
How to use
Extract contents of zip into Cemu folder
Cemu Hook changelog: - Don't corrupt frames when seeking to another point in video stream - Fix ALL (most?) OF THE H264 DECODING BUGS, add missing dbghelp exports so software relying on them doesn't break
download https://sshnuke.net/cemuhook/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/cemu-hook-v0554.html
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December 10th, 2017, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Gameboy Emulator BGB, heres the release details:
BGB v1.5.6 is released. BGB is a gameboy emulator which runs on Windows.
emulation of the GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and Super Gameboy
accurate emulation of the hardware, based on research with lots of test roms, useful for debugging/rom development. some highlights:
clock exact timing of LCD behavior/state changes
realistic initial ram values - random but with specific bit patterns, and simulated values left by bootroms (for example "nibbler (pd)" depends on this)
accurate emulation of LCD register writes during scanline (prehistorik man, demotronic demo)
emulation of inaccessible VRAM and OAM as on real hardware
10 sprites per line limit
clock exact emulation of sprites causing mode 3 to take longer
correct memory access timing (access happening at the last/second to last clock of an opcode)
accurate emulation of the differences between DMG and GBC, including timing differences, differences in hardware behavior, initial state, etc.
can run a GBC rom as on a DMG, and a DMG rom as on a GBC
powerful debugger:
assembler (change code and ability to save modified rom)
break on access
conditional breakpoints
singlestepping/tracing/animating/step out/step over
vram viewer: BG map, tiles, OAM, palette.
IO registers viewer
break on exceptions (accessing inaccessible VRAM, read unitialized RAM, echo ram access, access locked external ram, disable lcd outside vblank)
ability to modify all registers and state at any time
joypad window allows simulating button presses at any time while debugging
SGB multiplayer with up to 4 gamepads
graphics output: GDI (DIB), DirectDraw, Direct3D, OpenGL, null output
sound output: waveout, directsound and disk writer supported. support for writing the 4 channels to separate wav files
runs almost all roms perfectly, compatibility comparable with the best GB/C emulators
Accurate/high quality sound emulation, bandlimited rectangular wave synthesis for perfectly smooth sound
accurate video emulation including "high color" graphics, correct sprite/background priorities, 10 sprites/line limit, and mid-scanline register changes.
This emulator is fast.
Joystick/Gamepad support, everything mappable to every button
some user interface keys are configurable and can be mapped to joystick/gamepad buttons
MBC3 Real Time Clock emulation. RTC is saved/loaded in the .sav file, compatible with VBA
Auto delay/frameskip, emulation runs at 100% real speed and full 60 fps
GameGenie and GameShark cheat, load/save cheats (auto and manual), "cheat searcher", easy creation of new cheat codes
save/load state with quick (zsnes style) keys.
Load from ZIP and GZIP files
This program does not require DirectX or runtime libraries.
support for optional border bitmap and pseudo and real fullscreen modes.
limited TCP/IP game link support
BGB v1.5.6 Changelog:
- Fixed regression: choppy framerate and sound glitches after pause.
download - http://bgb.bircd.org/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/bgb-v156.html
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December 10th, 2017, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch firmware has just been updated, this console to me is the greatest idea ever, lets hope Nintendo get the games to support the console:
The official changelog doesn’t say much except for a fix with a recent motion controls bug:
◾General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience, including:◾Resolved an issue that caused motion controls to respond incorrectly when playing games that use the feature
via http://wololo.net/2017/12/05/nintend...-1-0-released/
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December 12th, 2017, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
A console that is a handheld that is a screen is to me one of the best ideas ever, heres the news from Nintendo press release:
Nintendo Switch hits 10 million sales worldwide since its launch on 3rd March 2017, with a range of award-winning games including The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey already available, with plenty more experiences to come in 2018.
Nintendo Switch is a home console that can be played on a TV, and also taken instantly on the go – it lets people play their favorite games anytime, anywhere and with anyone. And since every Nintendo Switch system comes bundled with two Joy-Con controllers, players can easily share the fun of compatible multiplayer games with friends and family right out of the box.
The robust and diverse library on Nintendo Switch features two of the most acclaimed video games of all time in Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. At The Game Awards last week in Los Angeles, Super Mario Odyssey won the award for Best Family Game. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was honored with the awards for Game of the Year, Best Action/Adventure Game and Best Game Direction.
Nintendo Switch is also home to fun multiplayer games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and ARMS that can be played online or with friends and family in the same room, as well as an ever-growing list of great third-party games like Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, FIFA 18, Rocket League, L.A. Noire, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Golf Story and Stardew Valley, Nintendo Switch is truly for any player.
“As you can see in people’s living rooms, on a plane or riding the subway, fans all over the world can enjoy playing Nintendo Switch wherever they go,” said Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime. “The response from fans has been great, and we’re doing our very best to satisfy demand during the holiday shopping season.”
After a record-breaking 2017, Nintendo Switch will continue its momentum in 2018. The system will see the launch of Nintendo-published games like Kirby Star Allies, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2 and a new game in the beloved Yoshi franchise, in addition to big third-party games like Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus from Bethesda, Mega Man 11 from Capcom, PROJECT OCTOPATH TRAVELER (working title) from Square Enix, Shovel Knight: King of Cards from Yacht Club Games and Runner 3 from Choice Provisions.
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December 12th, 2017, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the PC Engine emulator for the 3DS:
bubble2k16 offers us version 1.00 of " TemperPCE ", port of TurboGrafx emulator \ PC Engine " Temper " of Exophase for nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
Well, after many weeks of testing and debugging,
v1.00 is now released:
- Fixed Castlevania Rondo of Blood's flickering sprite problem.
- Added support for the SGX games.
- Fixed critical emulation bugs with some instructions in the original (slow) and fast cores. Games like Populous, Choujikuu Yousai Macross 2036, Alshark, Strip Fighter, Monster Lair that used to encounter ARM 11 exceptions or freeze the emulator should now work.
- Default the CPU core to use the Fast core, which is more stable than before.
- Added key mappings for fast forwarding (limited to 180 fps), opening emulator menu.
- Updated button configurations to allow you to map to a single 3DS key to multiple Turbografx keys.
- Minor optimizations for ADPCM and CD sound generation.
- Added ADPCM sample interpolation.
- Added feature in the menu, and fixed some menu bugs.
- Fixed issues with games that do mid-frame pallet changes. Games like Castlevania Rondo of Blood and Strip Fighter look correct now.
- Optimized the configuration file read / write engine.
- Fixed bug to allow non-CD games to also save RAM battery.
Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
- Fixed race condition that causes the sound to stop playing when resuming a game from the pause menu.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/temperpce_3ds
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...d524ac93c92884
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December 15th, 2017, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some news from Nesworld concerning 3DS Demos:
Anyway 2017 is almost over, so why not end the year with a few updates and the first one is a long overdue update to the 3DS demo "NFR" section. It has now been updated with all, to mw, known demo carts available in all regions and as something new there are placeholder pictures for those that has yet to receive a proper scan.
Anyway if you're interested then why not click on the link below
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December 15th, 2017, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at Romhacking have posted a load of new rom hacks, heres the listing:
Bug Fix
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December 15th, 2017, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
FixNes the Nes Emulator has been updated, heres the release info:
fixNES Alpha v1.0.5 is released. This is a NES Emulator.
fixGB Alpha v1.0.5 Changelog:
small change in multi-chip nsf playback, when both n163 and s5b are used make sure to give n163 priority to prevent possible write address overlap conflicts
Controls right now are keyboard only and do the following:
Y/Z is A
X is B
A is Start
S is select
Arrow Keys is DPad
Keys 1-9 integer-scale the window to number
P is Pause
B is Disk Switching (for FDS)
O is Enable/Disable vertical Overscan
download https://github.com/FIX94/fixNES
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/fixnes-alpha-v105.html
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December 15th, 2017, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
For hackers of Nintendo Wii heres a nice beta update of the USB Loader GX, heres the release info:
USB Loader GX SVN r1267 is released. USB Loader GX is a program to be loaded on a Wii console. The main purpose of this program is to load Wii games from a USB hard drive, but it includes much more than that.
USB Loader GX SVN Changelog:
* Set Nintendont as default gamecube mode for new loader install.
* Set the Nintendont video scale option on 2 lines.
* Added the Nintendont video scale option to individual game settings.
* Added parental control option to block change of loader's Layout (requested)
* Updated Language : FR, PT-BR, IT
download https://sourceforge.net/projects/usbloadergx/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/usb-loa...svn-r1267.html
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December 17th, 2017, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new browser exploit for the Nintendo Wii, i have 4 Nintendo Wiis Exploited and love playing emulators and older games on them, heres the news from Eurasia:
Fullmetal5 over at gbatemp.net has released a browser exploit for Wii called FlashHax. Quote: 'This is an exploit in the Wii's Internet Channel which can still be freely downloaded from the shopping channel. This exploit is entirely loaded over the internet so you don't even need an SD card for this. The goal in the future is to have a little app store where you can launch any homebrew app without having to go through the Homebrew Channel or mess around with preparing files on an SD card. Unfortunately this doesn't work for the vWii since Nintendo doesn't allow you to download the Internet Channel on the vWii. Although if you install the channel through homebrew it should in theory work (untested tho).' Thanks goes to hitman43 for the heads up
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...=7689&forum=88
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December 17th, 2017, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS Emulator MelonDS has had a quick bug fix release, heres the release notes:
melonDS v0.6b is released. melonDS is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator. melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators. There are a few other emulator projects that are part of it, which you might have already heard of. Either way, check them out!
melonDS Features:
* almost-complete 2D graphics
* 3D graphics (software renderer) with texturing, alphablending, lighting
* input: keyboard and joystick, touchscreen
* backup memory
* booting from the BIOS
* resizable video output window, preserving aspect ratio of individual screens
melonDS Changelog:
As promised, the quick fix release is out. There are a few other goodies too.
download http://melonds.kuribo64.net/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/melonds-v06b.html
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December 17th, 2017, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
What seems to be one of the best ways to get Nintendo 64 emulation on windows has again been updated, heres whats new:
m64p (2017/12/16) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
download - https://m64p.github.io/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/m64p-20171216.html
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December 17th, 2017, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Injectiine the Nintendo Wii U VC batch injector has had a new release, heres the full release info:
Injectiine v1.21 is released. Injectiine is a Wii U VC batch injector by CatmanFan.
Supported Consoles:
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
Nintendo 64 (N64)
Nintendo DS (NDS)
Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Injectiine Features:
* Batch interface
* Functional VC injectors
* Multi-line support
* Custom bootSound support (optional)
* N64 converter for converting *.n64 and *.v64 ROMs to *.z64 format
* MetaVerify for verifying converted TGA images
* snesROMUtil for verifying SNES ROMs and removing headers
* Option to pack game in either encrypted WUPInstaller format or decrypted Loadiine (GX2) format
* Option to select SM64 INI, DK64 INI, custom INI or blank INI when injecting N64 games
* Option to input your own options when using custom N64 INIs (UseTimer, RetraceByVsync, etc.)
* Option to define your custom INI/ROM name for N64 injects (e.g. Undop0.599, UNSMJ3.002, UNLEE0.123)
* Injectable NES Zapper emulation via Wii Remote
* Option to use decrypted base from Files directory
Injectiine v1.21 Changelog:
-Updated Loadiine compiling process
-Added option to use decrypted NES base from Files directory. All consoles available now support offline injection.
-Added Duck Hunt [EUR] as NES base (supports emulation of the NES Zapper via Wii Remote)
-Fixed offline SNES base injection
-Fixed offline NDS base injection
-Added fnr.exe automatic deletion which fixed bug where generated output folder was empty (NDS only)
-Updated readme.txt
-Updated changelog.txt
download - https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-...jector.491386/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/injectiine-v121.html
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December 17th, 2017, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch is a bloody smart idea, it may not be the most powerful home console but because of its ability to do so much its a gamechanger, heres part of the article from Kotaku:
When I was a kid, video games felt like they were for kids. They were platform games with furry animal mascots. They were as vibrant and sugary as the cordial I guzzled whilst playing them. Even zeitgeist games like Street Fighter II, while technically violent, represented the benign violence of the playground. It was Jean Claude Van Damme. A spontaneous crowd around 8-year-olds that can’t punch properly.
Then, when I was a teenager, video games were as clumsy as I was. The leap to 3D was as awkward as puberty. Video games had hair on their chest and nowhere to put all their bizarre, messed up sexual energies. The writing was like terrible teenage poetry. We stumbled over words, our voices breaking as we tripped over our slow-moving, train-wreck avatars.
“You were almost a Jill Sandwich”.
Video games were Resident Evil, Tomb Raider. We loved these video games then. They made sense in context. In 2017 it’s like cringing through a re-read of our crusty teenage diaries.
full article here --> http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2017/12/15/t...my-video-games
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December 19th, 2017, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
The virtual boy was a failiure , well before its time but heres a story that will excite many:
Digital Foundry have published a video feature about the Donkey Kong Country series that features behind-the-scenes stories from some of the games' developers.
It includes a brief section about Rare's experiments on a Virtual Boy version with quotes by Environment Art Director Steven Hurst. Read on for a full transcript under the video.
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December 19th, 2017, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
The out of archive guys are back with another long gone magazine for us to read, heres the details:
Again, due to ongoing health issues as well as scanner problems (having to throw out a years worth of scans due to a scanner defect that was noticed way too late), this update comes a bit later than expected, as a big part of the magazine needed to be redone from scratch...
But our first issue of the Nintendo Official Magazine is finally here. You might notice this it starts with issue 54 and that's for good reason. NOM is the continuation of Nintendo Magazine System and thus kept it's numbering despite changing the magazine's name. There's a ton of great content in this first issue so let's get started!
Let's start of with a look at Enix in an RPG Special. Then let's take a look at the included interview with Midway about Doom 64.
Besides these two great feature we also selected four reviews to preview the magazine as you download the full issue: Staring of with the classic Super Mario 64 as well as Pilotwings 64 and then looking at the slightly more dated Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. Enjoy!
more here http://www.outofprintarchive.com/cat...ne/NOM054.html
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December 19th, 2017, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some new NES roms never released before, heres the details:
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following new NES dumps:
- Panda Baby (Unl)[!].
Let's make some more dumps before the end of the year for a great justice... Today we have a rare guest - Panda Baby. This game was made on the same engine as Lion King III, Felix The Cat, The Hacker and other games by Dragon Co., but with an unusual ID (DY0001 for PCB, DJ08006 for Cart, while the regular cart labels for Dragon Co. are DHxxxx, which you can see at the pirates ID list on this site). Who exactly and when produced this game currently unknown and still the object of research but as against the other similar games this one is a seemingly rare so we have a great luck to have one here. Surprisingly, this game exploiting the same Donkey Kong Country background while using the Panda as the main character like the Shin-Shin Electronics version does. So we have another question here: are there any DKC versions ever existed? Maybe all these games are used Panda character instead by default? However, the game itself is so shitty so the AVGD won't play it at all.
- 90-in-1 Hwang Shinwei (Unl)[U][!].
Along with the Panda got an interesting multigame cart by Hwang Shinwei - Cartridge Story III. There are some later versions of this cart known on the net (150/210/260-in-1 bad dumps). But the main difference in this dump is a presence of previously undumped simple games by Hwang Shinwei. There are no dumps for part I and II still, as well as proper dumps of 210/260-in-1 carts. But I hope I can fix this the next year though.
This dump can be played only on later FCEUX. So you need either to build a current SVN repository or download the dayli build by official build bot.
- Super 86-in-1 [p1][!].
And finally, a simple multigame carts with a set of total rehacks of regular games. Some are known from the other dumps, some maybe not, don't know.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
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December 19th, 2017, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Joel16 offers version 0.7.9 of "3DSident", utility that like PSPident gives some (in) useful information about your nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
3DSident v0.7.9
Original Version:
Fixed blank WiFi page.
Fixed initial fw version only showing region code for some old 3ds users.
Brightness is now read through hardware registers, and from this, the raw values will now be displayed on o3ds/2ds as well.
GUI Version:
All of the above fixes.
WiFi mac address for each slot has been brought back.
3DSident v0.7.8
Original Version:
Display brightness values explicitly. (New 3DS/2DS only)
Select button on boot hides unique info. (Useful when taking screenshots and such, thanks for the idea @sirocyl).
Now uses ac:i to obtain WiFi slot info rather than config blocks.
Minor code clean-up.
GUI Version:
Display initial system version.
Display brightness values explicitly. (New 3DS/2DS only)
Display auto-brightness status.
Display power saving mode.
Display sound output mode.
Select button - toggles hiding unique info. (Useful when taking screenshots and such, thanks for the idea @sirocyl).
Display ticket count.
Now uses ac:i to obtain WiFi slot info rather than config blocks.
Minor code clean-up.
download - https://github.com/joel16/3DSident
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...889c9d99e60fce
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December 20th, 2017, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
MrHuu offers a first draft of "OpenTitus 3DS", port of the game engine "OpenTitus" for the nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
OpenTitus is the port of the game engine used in the DOS version of Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back (1992) and The Adventures of Moktar - Vol 1: The Zoubida (1991) released on Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST and MS -BACK.
OpenTitus is able to play:
Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back (1992)
Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida (1991)
You will need a New3DS and a copy of 'Titus the Fox' to use this build.
.cia builds and support for 'Moktar' will follow soon. There's other things to do first.
- Initial release
- Sprites have black background!
- Password input
- Something
-Place the 'OpenTitus' folder from the archive in: 'sd:/3ds/'
-Copy gamefiles from 'Titus the Fox - To Marrakech and Back' into: 'sd:/3ds/OpenTitus/titus'
D-pad - Movement
A - Throw / Pickup
B - Jump
Y - Show health bar
Start - Show status screen / Pause
Select - Exit
ZR - Audio On / OFF
ZL - Show Debug stats
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...3f67002e1080b8
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December 24th, 2017, 12:00 Posted By: wraggster
You cant beat the Xmas season for great Homebrew releases, well heres a translation of a classic Snes game that will get your mouth watering:
Almost 20 years after its original Japanese release, the immediate ancestor to the beloved tactics game Advance Wars is finally playable in English.
Super Famicom Wars was developed by Intelligent Systems, published by Nintendo and first released on May 1 1998. The game was available exclusively via the Nintendo Power rewritable cartridge system, making it one of the hardest Super Famicom titles to obtain.
The game was followed up by two titles for Game Boy Advance then yet another two for Nintendo DS in relatively quick succession. Since then, not much has been heard about the series’ future from either Nintendo or Intelligent Systems. This is a shame, really, since the Wars series’ upbeat take on turn-based military strategy is uniquely charming and accessible. So, in a way, releasing this translation makes a new game in the Wars franchise available to the English speaking world for the first time in almost ten years.
More details http://www.romhacking.net/translations/3354/
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December 24th, 2017, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another great release for Snes homebrew fans and rememeber that you can play Snes Homebrew on any Snes Emulator for any system:
Merry Christmas everyone! We here at D-D always try our best to give you a holiday ROM goodie, and this year we even made our Christmas release window! Santa says he hopes you like this little gem just in time for Christmas 2017!
Princess Minerva is a really interesting game. You control a squad of nine female warriors trying to stop a another group of female warriors from turning every young girl in the kingdom into a monster girl. Your party is divided into three sub parties which all fight battles at random. All Nine girls must be used in battle and you can’t control which team gets put into battle except in boss fights. It is a pretty fun and quite silly little turn based RPG that we hope you enjoy.
We highly recommend that you read the readme file as it will inform you about a few bugs to expect to encounter from the original Japanese rom and other things to expect during gameplay.
More info - http://www.dynamic-designs.us/
via http://www.romhacking.net/?page=news&category=3
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December 24th, 2017, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
The Xmas releases are coming, heres a new version of the Virtual Boy Emulator Rustal Boy, heres the release info:
Rustual Boy is a Virtual Boy emulator. It can be used to play existing Virtual Boy games, as well as be a helpful development/debugging tool for homebrew for this platform. The name "Rustual Boy" is a portmanteau of the words "Rust" and "Virtual Boy". Ok, the "Virtual Boy" part was obvious, but why "Rust"? In fact, Rustual Boy is written in the Rust programming language - a "systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety." Rust is a wonderful language with a thriving community, and as such provides a fantastic platform for an emulation project!
Rustual Boy v0.2.0a Changlog:
This is a quick end-of-2017 release that includes all of the many bugfixes/improvements we've added throughout the year, including improved game compatibility, better debugging features, audio bugfixes, and much more!
The executables in these archives are still considered early builds (hence v0.2.0, see status for more info) but you're more than welcome to grab one and give it a shot. If you run into any trouble, let us know! |
For Windows
thanks to http://www.emulation64.com/view/2810...020a-released/ for this news:
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December 24th, 2017, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
For Nintendo 3DS/2DS owners who have homebrew capabilities, heres a great release of a new NES Emulator for the console, heres the release notes:
VirtuaNES for 3DS v1.01 is released. This is a port of VirtuaNES to 3DS as an alternative to existing NES emulators. It used to be considered one of the best emulators before FCE and Nestopia, and it runs quite fast for lower spec-ed computers (at the cost of some emulation accuracy). But because of that, the Old 3DS / 2DS is able to benefit from this fast running emulator core. This runs full speed on an old 3DS / 2DS with support for tonnes of mappers. Although it doesn't support every single mapper, the library of games that can run on this are probably fairly huge already.
VirtuaNES for 3DS Changelog:
- Fixed cheats (previously cheats couldn't be activated whatever you did)
- Fixed mapper problem in Kabuki Quantum Fighter
- Added key mappings to fast forward (capped at 180 FPS), and open the emulator menu.
- Updated configuration menu
- Added feature to auto-save state
- Migrated and fixed some mappers from VirtuaNESEx (thanks to the authors of VirtualNESEx)
- The following mappers are fixed/added: 4, 7, 16, 23, 34, 47, 49, 52, 65, 69, 71, 73, 74, 86, 91, 92, 121, 132, 141, 148, 150, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 189, 190, 194, 198, 199, 212, 235, 237, 240, 241, 252
- Fixed VS mapper for Super Mario Bros
- Added ability to map any 3DS key to insert coin for VS games
- Fixed Lagrange Point VRC7 emulation for the Old 3DS by playing at 20KHz. The old 3DS was too slow to render sounds at 32KHz or even at 22KHz.
- Minor optimizations for sound generation.
- A number of games are fixed due to the mapper updates. Examples are: Crisis Force (Japan), Feng Yun (Ch), San Guo Zhi (Ch), and many others.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/emus3ds
via https://github.com/bubble2k16/emus3ds
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December 24th, 2017, 12:18 Posted By: wraggster
Since ive had a new burst of energy with my website ive also refound my lifelong love for Homebrew and Emulation and one area i do like is the ongoing love for the Nintendo Gamecube, mainly becuase of the Nintendo Wii and Wii U, heres the release notes for this emulator
Snes9xGx v2.0.1b8 is released. Snes9xGx is a snes emulator for GameCube.
Snes9xGx v2.0.1b8 changelog:
* Added: SD slot B options for freezes, sram and loading of roms
* Changed: SMB options no longer displayed in menus when run on a Wii
* Changed: Game auto resumes running after resetting when choosing the "Reset
Game" menu option
* Fixed (maybe): Reading of DVDs past the 1.36 GB barrier (Wii only) please
test! - svpe
download https://github.com/JakobAir/Snes9xGx-2.0.1b8
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/snes9xgx-v201b8.html
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December 24th, 2017, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo 64 was one of the greatest consoles released and with games you can only get on that system, heres a new version of the 1964 emulator:
EmuCR: 19641964 - Carnivorous Edition (2017/12/19) is compiled. Unofficial fork of 1964. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.
1964 - Carnivorous Edition Changelog
Cleaned up readme
Updated Glide64.ini to use hybrid buffer swapping for Perfect Dark/GoldenEye: X
New Glide64 texture pack for GoldenEye (HUD only)
Removed standalone Perfect Dark speed-hack (now included in 1964)
Unpacked UPX compressed dlls msvcp60d.dll and msvcrtd.dll (caused antivirus false positives)
Replaced ASPack'd zlib.dll with unmodified zlib.dll
Replaced saves with more complete saves
Updated readme guide and FAQ (thanks to Graslu and Oxygen)
Fixed typo in readme (thanks to Rekrul)
Updated GLideN64 (Public Release 2.0)
Inserted GoldenEye: X 5e CRC to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Inserted GoldenEye: X 5d CRC to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Removed GE-MP (unfinished and source of false positive antivirus detection)
Tweaked the default window size
Improved timing stability for GE\PD
Fixed GoldenEye TLB gamehack that caused issues with 24MB ROM hacks
Removed maximize button
Added option to increase PD speed-hack frequency
Reduced PD speed-hack inject rate (less aggressive)
Fixed bug that caused game to soft lock when unpaused
Fixed Memory Pak corruption on first write
Improved GE\PD ROM detection for loading default settings (supports Perfect Dark +)
Added PD speed-hack from Mouse Injector (more stable)
Will ask user for ROM folder on first launch
Profiling stats disabled by default
Changing states will display the new slot # in the Status Bar
Reverted relative filepath for saves\plugins as it caused issues with Windows 10
Removed CTRL+R hotkey for RSP plugin settings
Fixed bug with ROM properties window not displaying the correct defaults for GE\PD
Lock counter factor to 1 while Overclocking
Default counter factor set to 2
Extended overclock to 18 times (requires powerful CPU)
Removed overclock profiles (combined all in one exe)
Integrated overclocking into menu
Fixed save issue with uncommon characters in filepath
Removed registry functionality (uses 1964.cfg instead)
New icon provided by deuxsonic
Maximum Kernel Frequency on by default
New option - Set Maximum Kernel Frequency (thanks to deuxsonic)
New option - Disable Status Bar
Cursor is unhidden when opening plugin configuration windows
Backported 1964 1.1 cheat engine (better compatibility)
TAB now hides status bar (thanks to deuxsonic)
On first load, set input plugin to Mouse Injector in registry
Unpause only when entering fullscreen
Fixed cursor hiding while changing plugin settings
Fixed show\hide cursor bug (TAB now toggles cursor)
Changed filenames - caused emu detect issues in W10 (thanks to Stunning Cactus)
Auto enable\disable RSP emulation for GoldenEye 007\Perfect Dark (ROM name detection)
Adds ROM CRC to Project64.rdb when running new ROM (for Jabo compatibility)
Default plugins set to Jabo - Mouse Injector - Azimer
Default rdram\counter factor set to - 1 & 8mb
Romlist shows filename by default
Set Perfect Dark\GoldenEye: X to EEPROM 16KB (ROM name detection)
Two overclock profiles - six\nine times
Compiled non-overclocked 1964 version - for slow cpus\novelty
Mouse injector
Added geshowcrosshair to INI_Reset()
Now removes GE autostand code
Added Show Crosshair for GE option
Version 1.5 Released
Added Copyright notice for ManyMouse library
Fixed edge case where ManyMouse would fail to initalize (thanks to Marthur)
Inlined memory functions used by goldeneye.c/perfectdark.c
Refactored codebase to use headers more effectively
If Mouse Sensitivity is set to 0%, show None instead
Allow Mouse Sensitivity to be set to 0%
Removed PD speed-hack
Rewrote Hoverbike pointer scanning (less false positives)
Increased FOV ViewModel Warning (only displays above 75*)
Uses wide character filepath to access INI file
Mouse Acceleration is applied for GoldenEye cursor aiming
Fixed bug where bike pointer was incorrectly detected
Use double slash argument for fopen
Replaced atol with atoi
Version 1.4 Released
GE - While in menus, Aim button is binded to B button
New option - Mouse Acceleration
Fixed GE ROM hack crouch bug
Fixed keyboard race condition - input would not detect keydown every poll
FOV compensates for horizontal aspect ratio
UI Improvements
Version 1.3 Released
Fixed clear bug when profile was empty
Accept all device input if one player is the only active profile
Uncheck Cursor Aiming and speed-hack for non-overclocked 1964 (to avoid confusion)
PD - Improved speed-hack
New option - Field of View slider (thanks to SubDrag)
New option - Perfect Dark speed-hack toggle
Created MinGW makefile
Converted Mouse Injector to ISO C11
Version 1.2 Released
Increased sensitivity range to 500%
Replaced windows injection with direct injection
Removed ReadProcessMemory\WriteProcessMemory functions
Fixed secondary button load bug
Version 1.1 Released
Fixed bug where secondary buttons would not apply
Fixed revert button bug (reverted all players instead of current player)
New option - Autolock Mouse on Window Focus
Fixed edge case where foreground window is incorrectly set upon launching ROM
Cleaned up code and fixed comment typos
Optimized input and injection (bypass disabled players)
PD - Disable speed-hack if slo-mo cheat is detected (ignored for PD ROM hacks)
Removed Project64 support (unstable and incompatible with ManyMouse)
Fixed edge case crash when initializing plugin
Created icon for standalone speed-hack
Created standalone Perfect Dark speed-hack for N-Rage plugin
Informative message boxes now have icons
PD - Fixed rare case where radial menu direction would become stuck
PD - Clicking in radial menu now resets back to center
PD - Fixed bug where radial menu direction would apply after match ended
Increased mouse wheel tickrate
Fixed crash when opened config window after closing ROM
Supports 4 players
Converted to plugin
Mouse locks correctly on multi-screen setups
Now reads from driver (thanks to ManyMouse by rcg)
Replaced strcmp with strcasecm - possible source of emu detect issues
New option - Radial menu mouse control for Perfect Dark
New option - Toggle Crouch
PD - Disable speed-hack if player is using combat boost or match is slow motion
Capped emulator search rate
Capped injection rate for Perfect Dark speed-hack (was unstable)
Changed description for Aim Mode to Cursor Aiming
Crosshair Movement set to 50% by default
download - http://www.shootersforever.com/forum...pic.php?t=7045
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/1964-ca...-20171219.html
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December 26th, 2017, 14:00 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a reason why homebrewers and hackers are actually good for old commercial games, heres a release of the old black and white Mario Land 2 on the Gameboy boosted with colours and the slowdowns are gone, amazing work, heres the release info:
Merry Christmas!
This hack turns Super Mario Land 2, one of the best GameBoy platformers, into a fully colorized GameBoy Color game. Luigi has also been included as a playable character with his own physics.
It’s been completely done in ASM so it works on real hardware. Additionally, this hack uses GBC’s extra CPU, so all the slowdowns found in the original game are gone.
release link http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3784/
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December 26th, 2017, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
Some very interesting news from Eurasia concerning the release of a new Homebrew bootloader for the Nintendo 3DS, heres the release notes:
Derrek, profi200, d0k3 have released a homebrew bootloader for the Nintendo 3DS that is similar to android's fastboot. Quote: 'fastboot3DS is a bootloader for the 3DS console, intended to be installed to the FIRM0 partition. It allows you to assign homebrew in .firm format to bootslots, and to chainload bootslots via either a bootmenu or a button combo of your choosing. fastboot3DS also contains basic tools for NAND backups and restores.
download - https://github.com/derrekr/fastboot3DS
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3651
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December 26th, 2017, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster
RadeonUser has posted the release of Project64 Legacy Open Beta the Nintendo 64 Emulator for WIndows, heres the release notes:
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or simply Hello for those who do not partake!
I bring you our first beta release.
We felt we had been taking too long and needed to generate some interest.
What we offer here is an improvement over PJ64 1.6 and I consider it to be our Legacy (hence the name).
We have had great support from our friends, notably Azimer for his work on his audio plugin that he has graciously allowed us to release, Icepir8 for his video plugin (I will better support it soon, I promise ice!), Witten for his always excellent work on cheats, Nekokabu who always brings insight into problems with games (I'm sorry I haven't had the time to fix everything you've pointed out!).
And always a thanks to those that have stuck around, Clements, TrotterWatch, Squall but can't fully commit anymore like they used to (Life moving on stinks!)
Of course to those that found out how to fix the problems no one else looked at, zoinkity I love your work.
Luigiblood, just wow with your work into 64DD -- I'll be visiting that library you've built for us at some point!
Zilmar and Jabo the original two who I'll always love dearly.
Despite the differences we have had I cannot how any rancor towards you.
Yes I'm forgetting a whole lot of people!
Thank you all though, everyone.
Now I do have a favor to ask for anyone that uses PJ64 Legacy.
What I ask is that you please report any issues you run into!
Anything you feel is wrong or could be improved is welcome.
I must also ask for your patience.
I am programming on my leisure time and I just spent the entire Christmas holiday weekend doing nothing but programming and taking naps (I say naps but these were simply instances where I was no longer awake).
Oh, you probably want to know where the download is.
Unfortunately Gent is the one who set up this forum and website so we'll have to wait for him in the morning to do the posts!
So until then it's in the Downloads section under Open Beta Packages.
I'll upload here too and I'm sure Gent will get after me in his morning for doing something wrong.
Cheers though!
Have fun everyone!
full details here --> http://pj64sp.emulation64.com/forum/...hp?topic=260.0
news via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2812...acy-Open-Beta/
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December 26th, 2017, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the Multi Supporting system emulator for the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube Has been released, heres whats new:
General changelog
– CHEEVOS: Add badges for achievements, shows thumbnail images of achievements.
– CHEEVOS: Leaderboard support.
– CHEEVOS: Only disable savestates on hardcore mode if achievements are not available.
– COMMANDLINE: Fix fullscreen toggle switch.
– COMMON: Add ‘Automatically Load Content To Playlist’ feature, enabled by default.
– COMMON: Fix slowmotion ratio always being reset back to 1.
– COMMON: Optimized NBIO implementations now for Apple, Windows, and Linux. Uses mmap for Linux/Windows/BSD if/when available. File I/O should now be much faster for loading images inside the menu.
– COMMON: Native Blissbox support now for latest firmware as of writing (2.0). Implementation through libusb and/or native Windows HID.
– COMMON: New lightgun API.
– COMMON: New VFS (Virtual File System) API.
– COMMON: Fixed some playlist bugs.
– COMMON: New snow shader.
– COMMON: Fix Quick Menu title, no longer shows ‘Select File’.
– COMMON: Fix loading cores that require no content one after another.
– COMMON: Map Delete key to Y button for non-unified menu keyboard controls.
– COMMON: Fix for relative paths being normalised and generating a duplicate history entry.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix references to browserfs.
– FREEBSD: Support libusb HID input driver.
– HAIKU: Buildfix.
– INPUT: Map clear button to DEL key.
– LINUX/X11: Add RetroArch logo to window title bar.
– LINUX/X11: Input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– LINUX/X11: Support window transparency (requires a compositing window manager).
– LOBBIES: Fix for crash on join netplay rooms via touch / glui.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese-Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– MENU: Snowflake menu shader effect.
– OSX/PPC: Fix the GL2 renderchain, had to use EXT versions of framebuffer/renderbuffer functions.
– PS3: HTTP requests / downloads should now work.
– PS3: Core Updater now works.
– PS3: Improved font rendering, enable STB Unicode font renderer.
– PSP: Make it work with Vita’s Adrenaline.
– PSP: Fix audio sync.
– PSP: Fix content loading, port should be functional again.
– PSP: Use 64MB when available.
– SCANNER: Fix crash from Windows-incompatible format string.
– VITA: Improve packaging, installation times.
– WIIU: Disabled the controller patcher for now since it was the source of many stability issues.
– VULKAN: Various stability fixes for WSI.
– WINDOWS: Add MSVC 2017 solution.
– WINDOWS: Get rid of the empty console window in MSVC 2010 builds.
– WINDOWS: Raw input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– WINDOWS: Use configured OSD/text message color on GDI driver.
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Populate XInput VID/PID from DInput so autoconfig doesn’t rely solely on joypad names
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Fix crash that occurs in some situations with Steam running and a Steam Controller plugged in.
– WINDOWS: Improve version reporting under System Information.
– WINDOWS: Support window transparency.
– WINDOWS: Correct usage of GetWindowPlacement per MS docs, fixes game window position on Win95/98.
– WINDOWS: Added Visual Studio 2017 support.
download https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-0-released/
via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
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December 26th, 2017, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via NintendoMax comes an update from the FlashHax Team regarding their software for the Nintendo Wii:
It's been a while since any new entry points have been introduced and even though the Wii might be pretty much dead I thought it was still worth having another free entry point.
This is an exploit in the Wii's Internet Channel which can still be freely downloaded from the shopping channel.
This exploit is entirely loaded over the internet so you don't even need an SD card for this.
The goal in the future is to have a little app store where you can launch any homebrew app without having to go through the Homebrew Channel or mess around with preparing files on an SD card.
Unfortunately this doesn't work for the vWii since Nintendo doesn't allow you to download the Internet Channel on the vWii. Although if you install the channel through homebrew it should in theory work (untested tho).
Currently the only payload that is prepared is the HackMii Installer (v1.2) so you can install homebrew on a Wii that has a broken SD card reader.
Although good luck trying to get any homebrew apps to play nice without their SD card support.
Here is the current guide to FlashHax.
1. Make sure you are running 4.3U (untested but might work on other regions) with the latest version of the Internet Channel.
2. In the Internet Channel go to flashhax.com
3. When the page loads it should tell you to bookmark this page. Go ahead and add the page as a favorite.
If you get this far then you can start from here if the exploit fails.
4. Click the page label "Exploit" that just got added in the favorites menu.
You should be booted into the HackMii installer after a few seconds.
It is normal for the "Downloading payload" screen to take a few seconds (15 or so).
If you get stuck on a screen that says "Downloading payload", "Performing Hax", or "Everything is not ok!" then hold down the power button on your Wii to try again.
From now on all you have to do is click the Exploit page from the favorites menu to be launched into the installer.
As I said above this isn't that useful to do multiple times however I hope to have a landing page where you can select what app you want to launch. (Coming soon... maybe... I haven't really started on this yet)
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-free...ashhax.491674/
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December 26th, 2017, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that NIntendo have removed the Golf Game from the Nintendo Switch, heres some info:
Switch hacker SciresM reported that Nintendo’s recent firmware 4.0.0 has removed the golf game from the console. Specifically, he says all related APIs have been stubbed (meaning the function call is still here but does nothing), and the game itself has been overwritten with random data. It’s unclear why Nintendo made that decision. The golf game was a nice little touch and a good demonstration of Nintendo’s spirit. Mainstream media loved the easter egg once it was revealed by hackers.
via http://wololo.net/2017/12/25/iwata-h...rmware-update/
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December 28th, 2017, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
Not familiar with this emulator so heres the release info:
SNES/NES/GameBoy/IBM PC emulator for Windows was updated recently. Changes:
- [IBM] Added IBM PC XT.
- [IBM] Added 8088 CPU.
- [IBM] Added Floppy Drive.
- [IBM] Added Hard Drive.
- [IBM] Added VCF XT-IDE.
- [IBM] Added DMA, PIC, PIT, PPI.
- [IBM] Added MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA.
- [IBM] Added Microsoft Compatible Serial Mouse.
- [IBM] Added 83 Key XT Keyboard.
- [IBM] Added Tecmar Captain.
- [IBM] Added 80x86 disassembler.
- [NES] Added TV-NET controller.
- [NES] Added TV-NET.
- [ALL] Added 720x540 Window Size (VGA).
- [ALL] Added hotkey editor.
Download - http://www.crazysmart.net.au/kindred/
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
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December 30th, 2017, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at NEsworld have updated their Nes Homebrew section, heres whats new:
Yes I am back with yet another update, but that took me a little while to "get out the door". As the update was chugging along, it went past 800 entries in total and even then some... in fact the update is a massive 68 new entries and 4 updates to existing ones.
Most interesting is the release of the Legends of Owlia, Nomolos Storming the CATsle, full games now available free of charge thanks to Gradual Games who by the way is working on their third NES game.
December also brought Teletime, again free of charge. A Music ROM that previously only was available on cartridge.... and to add to that the Mojon Twins also made the full Super UWOL game available for free.
But why not head on over to the homebrew section and check out the new additions, which by the way now are listed in a seperate table for easier browsing. Oh and again, if you know of an NES homebrew that isn't listed here then please do let me know so it can be added, and thanks for visiting and thanks to all the people making NES homebrew! :-)
Visit the NES homebrew section here.
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December 30th, 2017, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a great rom hack release, and a stunner to end the year on:
Happy Holidays RDHN! Just in time for New Years, here is a unique mod of the tear jerking game, Mother 3!
This is a hack that affects both the gameplay and story/text of the role-playing game, Mother 3. Main Protagonist Lucas has been replaced with his twin brother Claus, who has a radically different personality from him, and unlike Lucas in the vanilla game, allows you to see his thoughts/personality via inspections upon many objects/characters, as well as changes how the characters react to him. Much of the text in the game is changed to accommodate this (though the most notable text changes are in Chapter 1 and Chapters 4-8, 2 and 3 aren’t changed very much). All of Lucas’s sprites have been changed to resemble Claus, and vice versa. (There are some issues with Kid Claus’s sprites when it comes to running to the north, but that’s an issue with how the game renders its sprites which cannot be fixed sadly.)-
The gameplay is also altered in terms of what PSI he and Kumatora can learn throughout the game, and how you can use those moves in battle, which also affects the strategy you’ll be using during battle depending on the version you choose. The details of each version’s differences/changes are detailed in the README included, though the story stays the same between all of them.
NOTE: Do know that the creator of this hack was only able to alter text, but not edit story events directly, so while the interactions and development for the characters differs in the story, the end results of certain events stay the same.
Special thanks to Lorenzoone for editing the Inventory/Battle Sprites for Claus, NoUsernameAvailable (yes, that’s what he asked to be called) for helping working on the ROM with Mother 3 Funland in order to change the color palettes of both Lucas and Claus so they could both have their proper sets of colors, and lastly, to Otherguy and Koops, who helped to alter all the enemy values for the Moveswap version of the hack so PSI alterations would work properly for Kumatora and Claus.
More here --> https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3374/
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December 30th, 2017, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Here we have a translation of the Gameboy game Glory of Heracles, heres the release notes:
Happy new years from aishsha and Pennywise. Today we’ve decided to release our translation of The Glory of Heracles - The Olympus Offensive - Snap Story for the Gameboy.
This project began over 5 years ago and is completely different from the already complete translation of the game. No offense to the other translation, but our translation is far superior and was begun at a time when it looked that other translation would never be finished. See readme for details.
more here --> http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/
via http://www.romhacking.net/?page=news&category=3
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December 30th, 2017, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new homebrew game release for the GBA:
I just finished making a GBA game.
The game is called LvR. It’s a two-player minigame compilation played with the L/R buttons. It has 5 levels and a tournament mode.
More info is on my site: http://www.quisseh.net/lvr.html
Two ways to play:
- Load ROM onto a flash cart and play on GBA/GBP/DS
- Run ROM in a GBA emulator (mGBA recommended)
- L -> move player 1 (blue) in levels; move cursor up in menus
- R -> move player 2 (red) in levels; move cursor down in menus
- START -> proceed with selected menu option
news via http://www.gbadev.org/
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December 30th, 2017, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Mesen the Nes Emulator has had a new release, here the release notes:
Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.
Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.
Mesen v0.9.4 Changelog:
New Features
Input: Added support for 20 more peripherals (including controllers, barcode readers, keyboards, mice, external storage devices, etc.)
Video: Added a 60.0 FPS mode to reduce dropped frames
Video: Added support for exclusive fullscreen mode (Windows only)
Video: Added option to rotate the display (for homebrew games)
Performance: Minor performance enhancements on Windows (~5%) and large gains on Linux by enabling LTO (25-30%)
Movies: Rewrote movie file format from scratch to be a lot more flexible, and editable by hand. (Old .mmo files are no longer supported)
Debugger: Several enhancements and a number of additions/changes to the Lua API.
Accuracy: Improved FDS IRQ emulation
Bug Fixes
General: Several miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.
Debugger: A large number of small bugs and usability issues have been fixed.
HD Packs: Fixed performance issues with HD Packs in CHR RAM games (over 2x faster) |
For Windows
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2816...v094-released/
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December 31st, 2017, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
GlideN64 the Graphics plugin for Nintendo 64 Emulators has seen a massive new update, heres the release news:
GLideN64 Public Release v3.0 is compiled. GLideN64 is a new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators
GLideN64 Public Release v3.0 Changelog:
Today is time to set new Release tag to master branch. Previous Public Release made year ago. Time to set the new milestone. Some statistics: since previous public release
* over 600 commits to master
* closed over 250 various issues
During the year I tried to describe main project's achievements. Lets make a brief retrospective:
The year started from a massive code refactoring. The source code changed drastically. Direct calls to graphics API totally removed from main code. Main code works with graphics via proxy class, which passes graphics call to a graphics back-end. Currently there is one back-end, which uses OpenGL. The refactoring allowed me and other developers to make OpenGL back-end dynamically adoptable for abilities of user's GPU. Thus, the same code works without recompilation for GL ES 2.0, GL ES 3.X, OpenGL 3.X, OpenGL 4.X. The more your GPU can do, the better and faster result you will get. With VAO/VBO support it became possible to use OpenGL core profile and finally port GLideN64 to MacOsX.
After the code refactoring I made major modification of frame buffer and video interface emulation. It was very large and complex work, but the results were rewarding. Fixed lots of old issues, the frame buffer emulation code became simpler.
Long awaited support for Resident Evil 2. The way this game programmed makes it hard to emulate on PC hardware. Many special code required to emulate it properly.
HLE fixes. Most users prefer to use GLideN64 in High Level Emulation mode (HLE), which not only runs much faster than Low Level Emulation (LLE) but also allows them to use widescreen mode and per-pixel lighting. HLE mode has its own issues caused by incomplete or missing implementation of game's microcode. Most of Nintendo microcodes are documented and their implementations work without issues. However, there are many custom microcodes, created by other developers. Documentation for these microcodes is not available for emu devs. To support custom microcode, its assembler code must be reverse-engineered. This work requires skills and patience. The first results in microcode decoding obtained in 2016, when Gilles Siberlin decoded microcode for Kuiki Uhabi Suigo. This year olivieryuyu, the main beta tester of GLideN64, decided to take microcode decoding task and step by step he achieved outstanding results:
T3DUX microcode decoded. Last Legion UX, Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Road - Brave Spirits and Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Road 2 - The Next Generation now playable with HLE.
Custom lighting method used by Acclaim games decoded. Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M., South Park, Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil, Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion now look much better with HLE.
F3DAM microcode decoded. This is custom microcode, which only one game uses: Hey You, Pikachu! Now this game is fully playable with HLE without major graphics issues.
F3DFLX microcode decoded. This custom microcode is used to draw vehicles in F-Zero. With implementation of this microcode, the vehicles got reflection effect in HLE mode.
Zelda Majora's Mask point-lighting. This game uses custom lighting method, which graphics plugins developers could not properly implement for many years. Finally, olivieryuyu decided to decode it and he succeeded.
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron. This game was co-developed by Factor 5 and LucasArts. Factor 5 created very complex and very large microcode to port this game on N64. HLE implementation of the game was near impossible because of amount of work necessary to decode and implement that microcode. This summer me and olivieryuyu decided to take it. We achieved first very modest results and started crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to support our hard work. Luckily, the campaign was supported and this support encouraged us in our efforts. The game became fully playable in HLE to the end of summer.
Also, Gilles Siberlin has very promising results with HLE implementation of BOSS ZSort microcode for World Driver Championship and Stunt Racer. It should be ready to next release.
Of course, the number of changes is much larger than I could highlight in this blog. Among the most noticeable changes are:
Fixes in software depth buffer render made Body Harvest fully playable. The game suffered from problems with collisions detection.
Emulation of YUV-to-RGB color space conversion allowed to work with YUV textures without hacks and finally fix problems with Projectile Effects in Killer Instinct Gold.
Both Vigilante 8 games became playable after fixes with frame buffer emulation. There are still many glitches in menus, but at least menus are rendered. Game play looks ok.
Gauntlet legends now can boot in HLE mode and works without flickering. This result requires changes not only in graphics plugin, but also in core and RSP, and currently available only with mupen64plus. Thanks LegendOfDragoon for support of this game in GLideN64.
Many fixes made in GLideNHQ library, which responsible for texture enhancement and hires texture packs support.
download here https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/gliden6...lease-v30.html
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