August 3rd, 2015, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
 When I entered the doors of the building, an approximately 7-foot Piranha Plant greeted me. Inside, I saw large question block cushions scattered throughout and 25 Wii U stations. Off in the corner was a Mario mascot, posing for photos in front of a big green pipe. If you thought I was in Nintendo Land, you'd be wrong. I was in Facebook's Menlo Park, California, offices. It was the second day of a two-day hackathon collaboration with Nintendo, where employees had the opportunity to create levels with the upcoming game Super Mario Maker. And the ultimate prize? The winning level design would be available to download when the game launches.
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August 13th, 2015, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
 Prepare for joyful levels full of farts, curse words and all manner of silly sounds. When it launches for the Wii U on September 11th, Super Mario Maker will feature an option to add custom, recorded sounds to your own Mario levels, alongside pre-recorded noises and musical notes. That's just one feature shown off in a seven-minute overview video Nintendo released today. Check out how you'll edit levels, make music, use Amiibo, add perfect long jumps and unlock new elements in a handful of Mario universes. Maybe start perfecting your animal noises now.
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August 13th, 2015, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Nintendo released a new downloadable Wii game for Wii U. It’s not what you might expect—the new release isn’t Mario, nor is it Zelda. It’s Pandora’s Tower, a niche action game published by XSEED and released here for the Wii in 2013, way toward the end of the console’s lifespan.
Now, there’s anything wrong with Pandora’s Tower—by most accounts it’s a great action game—but man, Nintendo’s Virtual Console strategy continues to be baffling.
In January, Nintendo declared during a Nintendo Direct that they’d be releasing Wii games for download with native support on Wii U, starting with Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Metroid Prime trilogy, and Punch-Out. This was great news! Then nothing happened for six months.
No Zelda: Skyward Sword, no Zack & Wiki, no Donkey Kong Country Returns, and none of the other classic Wii games we saw over the past decade. Last month Nintendo released Kirby’s Return To Dream Land, and now, today, we get Pandora’s Tower, making for a total list of five Wii games you can buy digitally on the Wii U and play using the newer console’s features, like GamePad support.
Combine that with the paltry list of software for other consoles, the baffling lack of GameCube games, and the fact that there’s still no unified account system, and we’ve got a service that continues to be inadequate. Meanwhile, look at all the N64 gamesyou can play on Xbox One!
Still, enjoy Pandora’s Tower.
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August 15th, 2015, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Praising Mario is Missing is no way to impress someone with your gaming acumen. But it’s true; I thoroughly enjoyed Mario Is Missing as a young kid. My father didn’t know much about video games, but he did know that ‘Mario’ was a signifier of quality (or, at least, it should have been). So he bought me Mario Is Missing for my birthday, and I popped it into my Super Nintendo, expecting to see the sequel to Super Mario World.
Instead, I got… well, take a look at some online reviews. Just a quick visit toGamespot unearths some visceral gems: “Truly the worst Mario game in history.” “I wasted 15 bucks on this crap.” “Nintendo made a huge mistake.” “I neither learned nor enjoyed myself playing this absolute waste of time.” The user reviews on other websites are similar, if not worse. Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett dismissed it in an article with one word: “awful.” And that’s the narrative I see all over the Internet; it’s always the overarching slam. ‘Critically panned.’ ‘Universally panned.’ ‘Overwhelmingly negative reviews.’ ‘Critical flop.’
A brief primer for the uninitiated: Mario Is Missing! was released in 1992 for the PC and Super Nintendo (it got remade for the NES in 1993). Even though it stars characters from the Mario-verse, it was developed by Software Toolworks — also responsible for classics such as Mario’s Time Machine and Mario’s Early Years! Fun With Letters. The notable aspect of these games, which gave them some legitimacy, was that they recycled sprites from Super Mario World. Mario Is Missing! was also the first Mario game to star Luigi, and the advertisements framed this as a can’t-miss event. ‘Luigi! In his very own game. Stepping out of his brother’s spotlight!’
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August 19th, 2015, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster

Haven't had any luck scoring the Amiibo you need to unlock certain goodies in a Wii U or 3DS game? A very, very unofficial accessory might help. Axiogame's Amiiqo device uses an Android app to load the data from any Amiibo (it can store up to 200), including those that already have some gameplay under their belts. The company isn't shy about the true purposes of its $89 gadget, either. While you can use the Amiiqo for a "personal backup," it's really meant to both grab bootleg Amiibo data and help you cheat. It even comes with info for 10 characters out of the box.
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August 20th, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
 Anyone who's been holding out for a new Nintendo handheld, we really hope you didn't buy a 2DS last night. Nintendo has dropped the retail price of the2DS -- its dual-screen, non-3D handheld -- from $130 to $100. The 2DS is a single plastic block (no clamshell) with two screens, an analog pad, directional pad, four action buttons and a stylus, and it plays most of the games available on the 3DS and DS. The $100 2DS includes a digital copy of Mario Kart 7, just like the former, pricier version.
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August 20th, 2015, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
It had been sold as one of Nintendo’s major business pillars for the future, but could Nintendo’s Quality of Life adventure be over before it has begun?
Fortune reports that following the death of CEO and president Satoru Iwata last month, several analysts have speculated that the company may not be soon on pursuing the executive’s personal health-related aspirations.
“I think it’s been pushed to the back burner,” IDC research director for gaming Lewis Ward said. “It’s supposed to be released in the US by the end of March [2016], but I haven’t heard anything.
“[However,] I do think Nintendo has always had an interest in ‘Blue Ocean’ markets and health care and the intersection with their hardware and their software is something they’ve viewed as an opportunity.”
Outspoken analyst Michael Pachter was even blunter in his appraisal: “I think it’s probably dead – just like the Wii Vitality Sensor was before and they didn’t tell anybody.
“They have been completely invisible as a company since [Iwata] got sick. “The whole point of helping with lifestyle was getting people to buy more Nintendo devices – and I think they’re hurting so badly in devices that they’re trying to [stop] the haemorrhaging there.
“I would say they’re probably focused on just getting their mobile initiative working. That’s far more important than [QOL].”
Neither Nintendo nor its QOL partner ResMed responded to requests for comment to Fortune’s claims.
“We will attempt to establish a new platform business with which we can leverage our strengths, but which is independent from our video game platform business,” Iwata said of QOL upon its announcement in January 2014. “What Nintendo will try to achieve in the next 10 years is a platform business that improves people’s Quality Of Life in enjoyable ways.
“The theme of ‘health’. It has been a long time since people started to say that the console era has now shifted to a new mobile era, with wearable technology in the spotlight at CES this month. Yet again, it is our intention to go into a new blue ocean. With that said, we wish to achieve an integrated hardware-software platform business that, instead of providing mobile or wearable features, will be characterized by a new area of what we like to call non-wearable technology.”
The first QOL product, a sleep sensor, was revealed in October.
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August 20th, 2015, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Well here’s a story we didn’t expect to be bashing out on a mid-week summer holiday morning.
A Super Mario Happy Meal toy has today rubbed a few people up the wrong way after finding itself at the centre of a completely bizarre controversy.
A Mirror story has alleged that a Plymouth man has confiscated said toy from a child because it appeared to be wanking. The swivelling arm of the toy – which was designed to look as if it were tossing a boomerang when a trigger on the back is yanked – instead appeared, to the eyes of some at least, to be performing a sex act.
"They should not be giving out toys that look like that. My kids started doing the action and it was so wrong,” 25 year-old father of five Tyler Atfield was supposed to have said. "I confiscated the toy and my daughter was upset, but without the boomerang, it doesn't look right."
However, as if the whole saga were not bizarre enough, a report from local paper The Plymouth Herald stepped up with the revelation that Atfield reckons he’s actually been stitched up by a mate, who impersonated him when giving the quotes.
“It’s all a big practical joke that someone has played on me," he told the paper following the publication of Mirror’s report. "It couldn’t be another Tyler Atfield because I am 25 and I have five kids and I live in St Budeaux.
"One of my mates text me telling me to Google it, and it was the top result. I don’t have a clue who’s done it. I just can’t believe it, it’s made me embarrassed to go out on the street to be honest.”
McDonalds completely refused to join in the masturbatory pun fun, however.
"Super Mario toys are a much loved part of our Happy Meal promotional range,” the company dryly stated. "This particular toy has been available across the world since 2014 without any complaints so we are surprised that Boomerang Mario has been misconstrued in this way.
"We hope the vast majority of our customers continue to enjoy the Team Mario range in the way the fun children's toys were intended."
Let’s admit it, though – Eurogamer totally nailed it with this headline.
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August 21st, 2015, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
My strongest memory of the Virtual Boy: almost buying one at Blockbuster for $20. The Virtual Boy wasn’t on my radar until my collectionist urge started growing, and even then, I couldn’t justify buying a machine that made my eyes hurt. Benj Edwards does a terrific job tracking the history of Virtual Boy, how Nintendo published a piece of hardware even they weren’t really confident in. Also, I had no idea Game Boy/Virtual Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi wanted to retire! (It makes you wonder how many times Miyamoto has thought about it, only to stay on.)Nintendo chief Yamauchi approached 1994 with trepidation. The whole industry knew the year would see the launch of two major next-gen consoles, the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation, while Nintendo’s own next-gen contender, the Ultra 64 (later renamed Nintendo 64), would not be ready until 1996.
After the Virtual Boy degraded from a wearable VR system into a tabletop oddity, Nintendo probably should have cancelled the project. But with tough competition in mind, Yamauchi encouraged R&D1 to complete the Virtual Boy and ready it for release as soon as possible to buy time prior to the launch of the Nintendo 64. “It’s clear from the people I talked to that many people in the marketing department saw the Virtual Boy as a niche system that could fill a market gap, and thus pressed to hasten its release,” says Makino.
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August 21st, 2015, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo launched its Virtual Boy gaming console twenty years ago today. Expectations were high after the company sold tends of millions of its previous devices, but the Virtual Boy only sold about 770,000 units. It was conceived at the height of the '90s VR craze, but the technology of the time just couldn't produce the kind of experience that Nintendo (or gamers) envisioned. An article from Benj Edwards provides insight into the Virtual Boy's development and its inevitable failure.
"A major problem with the idea of making VR32 wearable, according to Makino, was that Nintendo engineers were concerned about placing a chip with high radio emissions near a user's head, since the safety of EMF radiation on the brain had yet to be thoroughly studied. Its proximity also produced visual noise in the displays. 'This meant that the internal CPU had to be covered by a metal plate,' says Makino, 'which made the whole system too heavy, forcing the goggle concept to be abandoned.' Not long after, Yokoi's console evolved from a strap-on headset into a heavier device that one could prop up onto one's face using a clumsy shoulder stand. Again, Nintendo's legal department feared liability issues; the device might cause children to fall down a stairwell while playing. ... Hobbled by liability concerns, VR32 soon evolved into a bulky red viewport mounted to a bi-pod that rested on a table."
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August 22nd, 2015, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
You don’t have much to choose from when Super Mario Maker begins. You get one set of building blocks, with more unlocking each day. It’s possible to do cool things right from the start, but challenging since you don’t have so much to work with. Your first level will probably be very straightforward, since you’re just beginning, with later ones really reflecting your genius.
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/wings_thumb.jpg
 I wanted to make a bullet hell level. Something involving a Fire Flower. But, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get it to work. I didn’t have fireballs right away. What I did have were wings and a bunch of enemies. So, I thought about adding wings to some characters, shove them in pipes so they’d continually generate, and see what happened. I decided to do so first with a Spiny, because what’s more terrifying than a spiky creature with wings?Turns out, the Spiny was scarier than I thought! A winged Spiny will occasionally curl into a ball and shoot off spikes. To be exact, after four seconds of flying, the Spiny sent off four diagonal spikes, which would fly off diagonally and eventually disappear.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/08/21...4JxJ1dXO5kA.99
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August 22nd, 2015, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has patented a home console concept that does not include an optical disc drive. It may or may not be for the company's mysterious upcoming game console, codenamed NX.
Look, ladies and gentlemen, there's no disc drive anywhere...
As seen in a Nintendo US patent discovered by astute NeoGAF readers, this upcoming hardware's early version version didn't include such a drive.
"The example system is not provided with an optical disc drive for reading out a program and/or data from an optical disc," the patent stated. "An example system includes an internal hard disc drive storing a program and/or data, a communication unit transmitting/receiving a program and/or data via a network, and a processor executing a program stored in the hard disc drive to perform game processing."
Furthermore, it appears that the console's controller will include its own "display unit", ala the screen on the Wii U GamePad.
If it is for NX then there's still always a chance things will change before launch. After all, the Xbox One nearly didn't have a disc drive, we discovered after the fact.
Nintendo teased the NX back in March, but didn't reveal anything about it other than it's a "dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept" and more details will be revealed next year.
We've reached out to Nintendo for comment on this one, but it seems unlikely that we'll receive any confirmation one way or another this early. In the meantime, try to take this with a grain of salt.
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Today we are proud to present a new firmware update: Gateway Ultra 3.4!
* Fixed new antipiracy check
* Improved firmware spoofing
After we noticed issues surrounding some of the latest game backups not functioning
as 3DS files but working just fine as CIA files, we decided to investigate.
What we discovered was truly remarkable: a new kind of antipiracy check! Yes, that’s right!
This took us five minutes to fix and here we are today.
We also improved the firmware spoofing a bit, as now an additional kernel version check is disabled.
This is mostly useful for New 3DS users that are still on 9.5 emunand and want to play firmware spoofed games that require a higher kernel version.
This fix can also be useful for users that want to keep using an older Gateway Ultra firmware and while still being able to play newer games.
That’s it for today folks!
Support the innovators, and as always ENJOY!
PS: Cheat support is coming! We have a proof of concept ready and we are working on integrating it in the next update.
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
A GameCube Memory Card manager. GameCube/Wii Memory Manager is an application to backup Nintendo GameCube savegames.
Gcmm is a project started by dsbomb and justb, which is based on Askot's modification to add SD support to the mcbackup libogc example.
I (suloku) have updated the code to newest libraries to port it to the Wii system, and what I find more important: restoring savegames now works properly.
[What's New 1.4d - august 08, 2015 - By suloku]
- Fixed bug in card.c that prevented writing to the last block of the memory card, preventing restoring a savegame that would fill the memory card (thanks to undergroundmonorail)
- Fixed bug in card.c that prevented correct block freeing when deleting a file and only was fixed by using the memory card on official software (the wii/gamecube save manager or probably also games)
- Added libogc fix for a bug in card.c (the bug didn't affect GCMM, it was fixed in 1.4b, but I didn't change card.c)
- Changed button presses for single savegame delete to prevent unvoluntary savegame deleting
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Excellency game Puzzles with a theme simple : you must banish all blue blocks there on stage, to achieve this you walk on them . It seems simple does not it? Well this game will show you the simple ideas do not always make easy games .This game is very good and you will think hard.
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
So you finally got a hack for your 3DS because you missed out on cubic ninja before the prices went through the roof and you’re all psyched about the fact you’re going to get to relive your youth and pour hours upon hours of your life into GBA games that you once loved such as Gen 3 Pokémon, Chain of Memories and Advanced Wars (to name a few). You get your emulator up and running and holy heck, is it’s slow. Now you’re wondering if it’s your bios or your homebrew launcher or god knows what, right? Yeah, I was in the same position until I came across this comment from shinyquagsire23 (the dev behind CitrAGB):
Dynrec only works on o3DS and N3DS on versions 9.2 and below with Ninjhax 1.0. As of now, the module which does kernel hax, libkhax, is broken under ninjhax 2, and as such 9.2 and below units with this version of ninjhax will fail to gain kernel access and fail to launch. Hence the current 3dsx which forces interpreter mode for now. So dynrec will not be a thing on 9.3-9.9 unless new arm11 kernel exploits are found.
I actually tried getting dynrec working for 9.2 and below peeps on CFW, assuming the CFW disabled SVC checks. However I’m being plagued with icache issues the same as libkhax, even if I force a complete icache clear. It’s strange.
So basically what this means is that those of us who have updated their console to be able to access the eShop to be able to download the YouTube and Ironfall applications are in rather an unfortunate position until a hack with kernel access is released on firmware 9.3+ and as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, the likelihood of this (at least from what I have gathered) seems to be relatively slim.
It isn’t all doom and gloom though. You can of course run all the homebrew found on 3dbrew and there are a few diligent users of GBATemp who have been testing various GBA roms using CitrAGB in its current state and have found that there are games that are playable and have created a list: http://pastebin.com/cNSun3JK
If you wish to contribute to this list contact Greymane on GBATemp: https://gbatemp.net/members/greymane.368011/
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
A couple days ago, Smealum announced Tubehax for the 3DS: an exploit that allows all 3DS owners to run homebrews on their favorite console, up to the latest firmware (3DS firmware 9.9). Some people apparently had troubles running specific homebrews, and Smealum released a patch to address some of the issues.
What is Tubehax?
Tubehax is an exploit on the 3DS that triggers through a network request in the Youtube app. All people need to run the exploit is the free Youtube app from the Nintendo eShop. Tubehax was released alongside IronHax, an exploit that triggers in the game Ironfall (the Ironfall game has since then been removed from the Nintendo eShop)
This brings the number of exploits to run Smealum’s Homebrew launcher to 3, the first one (Ninjhax) being run through game Cubic Ninja.
A 4th exploit was announced recently, that will be triggering through Zelda Ocarina 3D.
3DS Homebrew Launcher
Tubehax – Homebrew issues?
Of course, no release is ever perfect, and several people complained about non working homebrews. It is safe to assume Smealum is too busy at this point to answer each individual email he’s getting, but he is aware of (at least soome of) the issues.
He recently issued a new version of the homebrew launcher, that corrects at least problems running citrAGB, the GBA emulator.
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
Earthbound upgraded!
Hack features the following:
- Increased difficulty via different enemy attacks
- Redrawn, repaletted, and brand new sprites
- Repaletted tilesets
- All new PSI and mechanics to many abilities
- Translated more faithfully to the Japanese text
- New items
- Revamped items and stats, including new menu windows
- New overworld enemy sprites
Much much more!
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
After a lot of useful feedback from people who played the first version, the new and improved version of the extensive Final Fantasy 4 hack, Unprecedented Crisis, is ready for release.
There are quite a few things fixed and/or improved over version 1. The readme explains them in more detail, but the highlights are:
- Smoother difficulty curve, particularly the underworld.
- Fewer damage floors and more ways to avoid them.
- New commands! Cid gets “Dash” which allows him to ram into an enemy like Umaro from FF6, and Kain gets “Lance” (Lancet) which drains HP.
- Starting inventory; sort and trash now start at the top.
- Automatic party size tracking; you can no longer choose to overfill your party and wreck your game.
- More hints given about where to go and what to do. You should definitely check out Baron’s Training Room and the Agart Inn.
- Many other minor fixes and improvements.
- http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2461/
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August 23rd, 2015, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
FF4kster, the all-in-one editor for Final Fantasy 4 has once again received a long overdue update. This update doesn’t feature any new major compoentents, but rather a large collection of smaller things, including:
- The monster editor now allows you to edit “special size” details (the “size” bytes used by bosses), as well as showing a preview for the monster palette when selecting it.
- Triggers and map data now have safeguards preventing data overflow.
- The solobattle and trigger editors now preview the formation details.
- The feature editor now contains an entry for “6-letter spells”; changing this range will affect what spells can be put into player spell sets.
- The map editor now displays how much room is left for adding new map data, and allows you to change “glitch worlds” into usable maps, and vice versa.
- The event editor has been cleaned up and improved; the sub-menus now expand when you’re selecting the parameters.
- Many other miscellaneous bug fixes and minor improvements.
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August 23rd, 2015, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Associated Press and British Movietone have recently started uploading their massive video archive to YouTube. The channels will "include more than 550,000 video stories dating from 1895 to the present day".
On the 20th anniversary of the Virtual Boy's Japan launch, an interesting two-and-a-half minute compilation of raw video footage from the Virtual Boy booth on the Shoshinkai 1994 show has been uploaded.
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August 23rd, 2015, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Are you going to change the card SD / Micro SD for your Nintendo 3DS / New Nintendo 3DS and use emuNAND ? You do not want to wait for the new emuNAND update? ¿ Do you want to lose the data you had in the emuNAND ? If any of the answers to these questions is "yes", this application can make your life easier . This PC program called emuNAND Tool lets you copy the emuNAND hidden from your SD / Micro SD card partition, save it in the PC as a .bin file and then return it to inject any other SD / Micro SD card to continue using the emuNAND same when we make the change of SD / Micro SD.
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August 23rd, 2015, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Want to have fun with your Nintendo DS in those moments in which time seems to move too slowly? If the answer is "Yes" the Homebrew is for you. SurviballDS is a Homebrew where we will in the skin of Link , eternal defender of Hyrule and hero among heroes, with the sole purpose of avoiding all the balls we can and go racking up losing five lives at our disposal. How long can you survive before the balls kill you? It's definitely a game easy to understand but hard to master , that every user of Nintendo DS should have in your flashcard.
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August 23rd, 2015, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
The GBADEV.ORG team (krom & SimonB) just wanted to mention that the site is turning 15 years old today. Yay!
We have been planning sort of a come back for the past couple of years but other things have gotten in the way. Sorry about that heh! But this summer we have taken steps to move the site to a new server so that it can live on for another few years, and we promise to update it every now and then. Really!
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and dont forget that the forum is still up and running if you need any help with developing for the GBA!
Here's to another 15 years!
krom & SimonB
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August 23rd, 2015, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
[source: emu_kidid @ gc-forever.com] In case anyone has missed the news in the Game Boy Interface thread, there has been further development on making use of a pre-existing Super Smash Bros. Melee memory card exploit to load homebrew on GameCube. Thanks to Extrems who co-developed the changes with Dan Salvato, users can now load DOL files that are stored in .gci format on a memory card (primarily developed for loading the Game Boy Interface DOL). This is great news since it has opened up another way to load arbitrary homebrew which will come in handy for users who do not wish to modify their systems, and especially after the recent sold out status on the SD Media Launcher for the NTSC region.
The SSBM exploit will require a way to get a custom save file onto the memory card ahead of time (either a GameCube that can already boot homebrew or a backwards compatible Wii) & GCMM, along with a copy of the game (all regions supported).
You can try out the SSBM exploit from here, and then grab the Game Boy Interface .gci files from the official release thread.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
While still working on putting the finishing touches on the arcade cabinet I mentioned last time, I got distracted building a neat little Game Boy mod. I got my inspiration after seeing the great work by the author of SuperPiBoy and several other modders.
Seeing it as a good excuse to get rid of an older Raspberry Pi board I had hanging around, I got a Dremel tool, a broken Game Boy DMG from eBay and set to work.
Early on I decided to make the changes to the case as unobtrusive as possible, and other than the somewhat unseemly RCA video jack (which I had to have), I think I’ve accomplished what I was after:
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
A bloated and poorly Implemented Version of checkers for the 3ds, in glorious ASCII art I'm Currently Reviews entering my 2nd year at UK, so do not expect a clean gold steady game. This is more a less a test of the portability of code I've written for a freshman year class To use the compiled version of: Currently only tested using the method for tubehax launch homebrew is 8/18/2015. Drop into the root of your SD card.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa offers version 0.9 of "S8DS" Excellent emulator Master-System, GameGear, SG-1000, Othello Multivision and Coleco Vision for the Nintendo DS. The Roma in ZIP format are supported and must be in a directory named s8ds to root of your linker.
S8DS revision history
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
V0.9 - 2015-07-25
(FluBBa). Added SRAM Support
Fixed folder browsing a bit.
Fixed Some nasty bugs qui affected saving of settings and more.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
iamevn offers the 0.1b version of "For Anyone Who Walks A Lot" utility to collect coins free with walking, for Nintendo 2DS / 3DS course.
Currently a little ugly goal this is in good enough conditions to release.
The idea Is That if You Walked a lot in a day and-have Reached the 10 play area per day limit, you can just run this little program and It Will make up the difference for you. To install, just extract the folder in the zip file ('for-anyone-who-walks-a-lot /') into the / 3ds / folder is your SD card. You do need the cache.bin file that's in there so do not delete it! (I do a CIA plane to build too soon, just-have to get things set up for that) Please let me know if you find bugs Any Either here is on the github repo! I'm going to add aa vault for you to store and deposit coins in play / from so you can get around the 300 area Hopefully limit and pretty it up a little while I'm working is other stuff.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
nop90 offers the 0.2 alpha version of "Handy 3DS" porting the emulator Atari Lynx "Handy320" (Dingux) for Nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
Ver. 0.2 alpha (21 August 2015) Fixed some bugs are GUI and modified it's layout Added configuration parameters save one SD and autoload on startup Added png in skin folder for empty saveslot and Load Game screen (can be modified Respecting picture sizes) Modified the name of top screen background image and Proposed a better picture Cleaned all the code related to frameskip (Does not make sense with HW rendering as it's is very lightweight) Disabled state saving on exit (not very usefull and Caused Some Strange crashes) Implemented a basic and very crackling sound output (disabled by default Practically have not usable at the moment) Some code cleaning
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Pencil offers version 1.8 of its utility Muti-Spot "WiiBuilder" that allows developers to convert jpeg, png, gif, bmp, xml, bmf, mp3, mod, etc ... in the header (.c / .h ) compatible with their project. But also to send your .dol directly to the Wii over WiFi, etc ...
Version 1.8.0 Now available in 64-bit. No IOS Reload Was renamed AHB Access. The tag ahb_access Will replace no_ios_reload in HBC XML file. Removed function to generate a PNG file from a file GRR. This feature only available for GRRLIB Was 2.0 (or less).
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante offers version 1.5 of "Custom Home Menu Manager" utility for management of custom theme for Nintendo 3DS.
Changelog: - Removed auto-preview system. Now full preview (+ BGM.ogg preview.png) is done with Y button. - Solved After Causing if you freeze-have a lot of themes. - Now entre themes is moving faster. - Added possibility to move faster in themes list with left dpad and right.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Zalo offers "Whack Mania 3DS", an excellent port of the Android / iOS version of the game Mole (Whac-A-Mole) "Whack Mania" for Nintendo 3DS.
So i have finally finished the harbor of a game I released A couple of years ago for IOS and Android called Expired Whack Mania.
It is Basically a Whack a Mole game goal with very nice graphics (I Worked with very professional people here) similar to Mario Galaxy. Instead of the classic game Where the mole holes APPEAR it was flat on here They APPEAR around a planet and you need to rotate it in order to smash em. There are A Few game modes --other goal I prefer to take a look you give me your opinion has
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
MRJPGames offers "Mastermind 3DS" modern adaptation of the famous board game Mastermind for Nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
A mastermind of release for 3DS. IMO It has nice graphics, in a modern style (ios 7 / lollipop). Fully functional, the computer has Generates random code and you get 7 Attempts to crack it. Black pines mean a proper color and proper square, white pine okay okay okay purpose color mean not the site. Works With Any Version of ninjhax, shoulds and work with ironhax When released. Update (08/11/2015): Local multiplayer (we Sami 3DS) Creates code 1 player, 2 player tries to crack the code Added color option (6.7 or 8 colors) If you do not guess the code Correctly It Will now display the correct code on screen. Controls: Touch: use it -screen buttons up / down: changes selected color screen on bottom right / left: change selected circle has: input Attempt
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
shutterbug2000 offers a demo version (closer to the PoC) of "3DOS" port of the PC XT emulator / virtual machine 8086tiny for Nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
So, I've DECIDED to put out my latest project. "3DOS" said Port of 8086tiny to the 3DS It's "functional" It Does not purpose-have input support (* should * be fairly easy to do) and only text mode bearer (qui is strange at times due to the terminal output for the 3DS / ctrulib not Having "ANSI escape?" qui I think 8086tiny uses for Some printing. If anyone knows how to convert this to just gold ASCII whatever lit. I know), purpose graphics are supported using SDL, so it shoulds not be too hard Make That work. I've attached a copy of the emulator, along with the bios for it and file a copy of freeDOS, qui Will make it to the command prompt, you can not order anything input.
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August 23rd, 2015, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Steveice10 proposes the 1.4.6 version of "FBI" open source utility for the Nintendo 2DS / 3DS for installing the CIA files.
The CIA files are chains that may contain 3DS Games / Applications / Games Eshop / Homebrew / etc ... who settle in the system menu of the console. For comparison, the CIA files for the Nintendo 3DS what the WAD files for the Nintendo Wii. The application is accompanied by another "utility sockfile" that allows sending files to the FBI CIA utility via an internet connection.
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August 24th, 2015, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo has lately been willing to license its characters for movies (see Donkey Kong's appearance in Pixels), but it's been a long time since there was a flick based on its characters -- maybe it's still having traumatic flashbacks toSuper Mario Bros. from 1993. Whatever the reasons, it might just have a change of heart. Shigeru Miyamoto tells Fortune that the firm is thinking "more and more" about including movies as part of its strategy. He used to see movies as passive content that was at odds with gaming, but a shift to treating Nintendo as an "entertainment company" has once again raised the prospects of movie adaptations.
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August 24th, 2015, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster

If you thought that 8-bit Mario Amiibo from E3 was huge, you ain't seen nothing yet: Mega Yarn Yoshi is coming to take the "biggest Amiibo" crown. The beautiful toy you see above is an officially licensed super-sized version of the popular Yarn Yoshi Amiibo. It's a fully-functional NFC figure, so you'll be able to use its foot to interact with various WiiU titles. It'll activate the "Double Yoshi" feature in Yoshi's Wooly World, create an A.I. fighter in Super Smash Bros.or get a sweet Mii costume in Mario Kart 8. Priced at $39.99 and scheduled for release this November 15th, it's likely to sell very quickly. You'll want to keep a close eye on pre-orders as this green giant is going to cost a bomb on eBay once stocks run out.
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August 24th, 2015, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
 In a bizarre turn of events, police have taken two men into custody for threatening the Pokémon World Championships in Boston. Investigators from the Boston Police Department (BPD) were tipped off after James Stumbo and Kevin North, 27 and 18 respectively, posted an image of an AR-15 and shotgun on Facebook, saying "(we) are ready for worlds Boston here we come!!!." Police searched their car yesterday and discovered the two weapons, along with hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a hunting knife. What makes it bizarre is that both players had actually qualified for the World Championships -- no easy feat -- and Stumbo was even the Nebraska state Pokémon champion.
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August 24th, 2015, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo sent out a press release today outlining exact UK release dates for every Wii U and 3DS game this year, and all the forthcoming amiibo. Here they all are, in one handy spot.
(Looking for American dates? Our Kotaku US friends have you covered.)
Wii U Hardware and Bundles:
Super Mario Maker Wii U Premium Pack: WiiU Premium pack + Super Mario Maker + Hardcover Artbook* + Mario (Classic Colours) amiibo (11th September)
Wii Remote Plus Toad (20th November)
Wii Remote Plus Bowser (20th November)
Xenoblade Chronicles X Wii U Premium Pack: Black Wii U console + game + Artbook + Map (4th December)
Wii U Games:
Disney Infinity 3 (28th August)
Devil’s Third (28th August)
Super Mario Maker (11th September)
Skylanders SuperChargers (25th September)
LEGO Dimensions (29th September)
Just Dance 2016 (23rd October)
Guitar Hero Live (23rd October)
Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (30th October)
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th November)
Star Fox Zero (20th November)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th December)
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival [Incl 2 x amiibo figures – Isabelle & Digby, + 3 x amiibo cards] 2015
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August 24th, 2015, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo sent out a press release today outlining exact UK release dates for every Wii U and 3DS game this year, and all the forthcoming amiibo. Here they all are, in one handy spot.
Nintendo 3DS Hardware and Bundles:
New Nintendo 3DS + Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Pack: White New Nintendo 3DS console with mounted cover plates, game pre-installed + special amiibo card (2nd October)
New Nintendo 3DS XL Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Edition: White special design New Nintendo 3DS XL console + game pre-installed + special amiibo card (2nd October)
Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer accessory for amiibo (2nd October)
New Nintendo 3DS Animal Crossing cover plates (2nd October)
New Nintendo 3DS + Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Pack: Black New Nintendo 3DS console with game pre-installed + Dragon Ball cover plates + SNES software, Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 2, Download Code ticket (16th October)
Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 2 - Fashion Forward Pack: White New Nintendo 3DS + game pre-installed + cover plates + Theme download code (20th November)
New Nintendo 3DS Hello Kitty cover plates (27th November)
New Nintendo 3DS Yoshi cover plates (27th November)
Nintendo 3DS games:
Little Battlers eXperience (4th September)
Skylanders SuperChargers Racing (25th September)
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (2nd October)
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (23rd October)
Pokémon Omega Ruby Starter Box: Pokémon Omega Ruby game, Pokéball Cartidge Case & Hoenn Pokédex Poster (30th October)
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Starter Box: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire game, Pokéball Cartidge Case & Hoenn Pokédex Poster (30th October)
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (6th November)
Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 2 - Fashion Forward (20th November)
And finally, the amiibo:
Classic Colours amiibo –Mario (11th September)
Super Smash Bros. Collection amiibo – Mii Brawler, Mii Sword Fighter, Mii Gunner, Duck Hunt Duo, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch (25th September)
Series 1 Animal Crossing amiibo Cards Pack (2nd October)
Series 1 Animal Crossing amiibo cards Colllectors Album + 3 Cards Pack (2nd October)
Modern Colours amiibo – Mario (23rd October)
Super Smash Bros. Collection amiibo –Mewtwo (23rd October)
Chibi-Robo Collection amiibo – Chibi-Robo (6th November)
Super Smash Bros. Collection amiibo - Falco (20th November)
Green Mega Yarn Yoshi amiibo (27th November)
Animal Crossing amiibo - Isabelle, Digby, Tom Nook, Mabel, Lottie, Reese, Cyrus, K.K. Slider (2015)
Phew. Anything you're looking forward to?
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August 28th, 2015, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Walmart’s exclusive Super Mario Maker Wii U bundle is now available for pre-order.
The bundle’s listing can currently be found on the US retailer’s website, ahead of its September 11th arrival.
Nintendo revealed the bundle earlier this week, announcing the $299.96 package will include a 32GB Wii U, a digital copy of Super Mario Maker, a Super Mario Maker Idea Book, and "a special, 30th anniversary Mario Amiibo Modern Color that you can only find at Walmart and Sam’s Club."
Super Mario Maker itself is set to launch on September 10th in Japan, September 11th in US and Europe, and September 12th in Australia.
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