July 1st, 2007, 01:52 Posted By: mcdougall57
There's nothing wrong with making an infamously violent fighting series such as "Mortal Kombat" available on the family-friendly Wii console. Ultimately, the Wii could be the best machine yet for appealing to all types of gamers, including players who like the blood-and-guts genres.
But there is a huge problem with making a Wii-enhanced version of a game -- in this case, Midway's just-released update of "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon" -- that doesn't work well enough to justify spending five cents on it or five minutes with it.
The remote-activated motion controls are a mess. Simple gestures, such as making a half-circle motion with the main Wii remote, are supposed to initiate characters' "super moves" (a flying bicycle kick, for instance). But the gestures only register some of the time, or register as a different move than was intended. You can't engage in a fight with any confidence of being able to attack effectively, so what's the point of playing?
You also can use a GameCube or Wii "classic" controller, but that throws aside the basic reason for playing on the Wii.
To some extent, the motion-recognition may depend on how precisely each move is executed, explaining why the controls will seem more or less reliable to different people. But anything less than 99 percent dependability is disastrous for this type of game.
personally im pretty dissapointed and i thought they would of brought something new and unique to the table but allas it looks like were sticking to the standard gamecube controller which as quoted throws away the basic reason for playing the wii
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July 1st, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the GBA & Nintendo DS emulator for Windows and DOS.
- web: updated magicflr.zip (with NDS and e-Reader source) (additionally to GBA)
- web: uploaded hotmail.htm (hotmail is deleting ALL emails that I am sending)
- web: updated ereader.zip package (using new bmp/raw/bin/ori/plus directives)
- ereader/a22i/japan: uses 8bit/16bit charset depending on invalid 8bit chars
- ereader/help: notes on non-vpk mode, and on z80-wait-opcodes, 5bit-card types
- ereader/a22i/jap/ori: inserts dummy-sub-titles, and z80-stub to start gba-code
- ereader/a22i: .ereader_create_bmp/raw/bin .ereader_japan_ori/plus directives
- debug: supports vert_splitter for code/stack sizing (instead outer-edges only)
- ereader/loader: supports multi/single .raw/.bin files (auto-converted to bmp)
- no$fmw: fixed dtcm/pal/oam zerofill init (memory wasn't mapped/enabled there)
- gui: added OFN_ENABLESIZING to all filemenues (win98 and up; ignored by win95)
- ereader/a22i: also creates RAW dotcode (multi-strip) (all strips in 1 file)
- debug: adjusts small-gamescreen size in nds-mode (256x192 instead of 240x160)
- bios-clone: 80x86-mode redirects nds-callback/gba-sound to rom-image (if any)
- gui: defaults .hlp window-width to correct 80 columns (not more, not less)
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July 1st, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Guyfawkes posted this news concerning the GBA/DS/PSP/GP2X/Tapwave Zodiac and GP32 Coding Competition he is running at the moment.
Heres todays reminder:
A quick reminder that you have a week until the July 7th 2007 at 23:59 GMT deadline for the GBAX 2007 Coding Competition. One additional and important note is that if your entry is over 20MB in file size please get in contact with us beforehand to arrange an upload to our FTP as our email only allows up to 20MB attachments. Alternatively if you have your own web space simply upload it there and let us know the URL. Full details on the competition can be found on the new site at http://gbax.gp2x.de/gbax2007.html, good luck!
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July 2nd, 2007, 03:37 Posted By: bandit
The SuperCard Team has called out Team Cyclops and is calling them FAKES! They feel that Team Cyclops is an exact duplicate of SuperCard's own products and that the fakes will damage your data.
All CYCLODS Fake SuperCard have common features:- The Fake will corrupt your SAVE DATA.
- The Fake is very hard to insert and plug out.
- CYCLODS microSD/MiniSD/SD version can only use our SuperCard SD version firmware and software, it can not use SuperCard Lite version firmware and software.
- Play a lot of DS games will white screen. Especially the 0094 -- Akumajou Dracula - Aoitsuki no Juujika (v01) (JP).
- CYCLODS microSD version can NOT totally insert into SLOT 2 of NDSL.
This is the package of CYCLODS.

CYCLODS microSD version can NOT totally insert into SLOT 2 of NDSL.
CYCLODS microSD version has a battery. Original SuperCard Lite do not need a battery.

CYCLODS micro version menu only change the down screen picture, actually it use our SuperCard SD version software.

Source: SuperCard
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July 2nd, 2007, 09:42 Posted By: x999x
I don't know if anyone has done anything with mods for Quake DS, but with the help of Simon I finally managed to get Rocket Arena working. I also included custom maps that are low on poly count to help increase the game's speed.
You can play Rocket Arena from the non-wifi version of Quake DS, and it comes it two flavors, Rocket Arena and Deathmatch.
The Bots are powered by Mr.Elusive's Omicron Bots, which learn the maps and your pathing to make them very competitive. There's a set number of random bots with their own skin and abiilties. You can add and remove bots until you find one with the challenge level you are comfortable with.
A full version fo Quake is required, as well as using PakExplorer to modify your PAK0.PAK file to run this mod. Without a commandline, there's no other way possible. You're simply overwriting files, and adding new files that the mod needs. I cannot distribute the PAK file premade, but I can provide the files you can add to your own.
I'm waiting on an reply from Simon Hall before I release these PAK file additions, but in the meantime, here's a pic and youtube:
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July 2nd, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
MrD has released a new version of Lemmings for the DS and it features a heck of a lot of levels of Lemmings for those who are fans and best of all its all for free because its a homebrew release:

Heres the release details:
All 120 levels from the original Amiga Lemmings
All 100 levels from Oh-No! More Lemmings and now…
All 72 levels from Xmas Lemmings ‘91, ‘92, ‘93 and ‘94!
That’s Fun, Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem, Tame, Crazy, Wild, Wicked, Havoc, Xmas 1991, Xmas 1992, Frost, Hail, Flurry and Blizzard!
Other features include:
DLDI support - You can enjoy all of the features of Lemmings DS on any of the devices listed on this page (even the R4!) after following a simple patching process.
Automatic progress saving - Lemmings DS automatically keeps track of what levels you have completed! (No more annoying passwords!)
Make your own levels and traps using the included level editing tools, and share them with others online.
Did we mention it’s completely free? - Download and play Lemmings DS today!
These new levels are due to the hard work and patience of DragonsLover, Mindless, WNivek and all of the talented toolsmiths of the Lemmings Forums.
You can keep your level progress from older versions by copying over the progress.txt files from the Lemming DS you already have.
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July 2nd, 2007, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have released a new version of DSMplay, which is a media player for the DS.
Heres whats new:
It tried to indicate more accurate frame rate in Version 0.7 2007/06/30. It corresponded to DSM2 which utilizes finite difference compression and intermediate frame insertion.
The compressed skin file was supported.
It can handle also the not yet compressed bmp file of time before Ver0.61.
You stopped the attachment of ffmpeg.
If it copies from Ver0.61, you can use.
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July 3rd, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
Update: Changelog:
There wass a small error in the emulator, it didn't create the file.sav.
* Fixed a bug in smulwy and smlawy opcode.
* Fixed a bug in ldrd and strd opcode.
* Fixed a bug in swi opcode.
* Fixed a bug in GXFIFO register.
* Fixed a bug in GXSTAT register.
* Fixed a bug in texture slots management.
* Fixed a bug in textures management.
* Fixed a bug in FAT emulation.
* Fixed a bug in read byte in video memory.
* Fixed a bug in visualization layer disabled.
* Fixed a bug in Extended Palettes Slots.
* Fixed a bug in touch position detection in rotation mode.
* Fixed a bug in IRQ management.
* Fixed a bug in plugins management.
* Fixed a bug in BGxCNT.
* Fixed a bug Unable to read.
* Fixed a bug in Extended Mode Background Size.
* Added cheats features.(Action Repaly DS only)
* Added Plain ARM7-CPU memory access.
* Added support for ELF format.
* Added visualization source code in debugger window.
* Added LZ77UnCompVram bios function.
* Added Windows 0 and 1 rendering.
Audio Plugin :
* Added Savestate capability.
* Added Change Volume feature.
* Fixed a bug in SOUNDxCNT register.
* Fixed a bug in calculation resampling frequency.
Avi Capture Plugin :
* Added support for compressed formats.
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July 3rd, 2007, 17:33 Posted By: ganondorf
Ok, so I really enjoy re-texturing n64 games and bringing them back to life again. I think that everyone with artistic skills or someone in the learning should give it a try.
When we retexture a game, we are replacing the original texture (graphics of a game) with new ones. When a texture is replaced, we call it re-textured.
Here's what you will need:
*N64 emulator, only project 64 or 1964 will work.
*A n64 rom that you will retexture. note that not all games are compatible with the emulator.
(sorry I cant provide you with a source for roms or illegal copyrighted materials)
*The correct plugins for your emulator.
You will need ricevideo plugin (I will explain it later)
*An image editor. I use Adobe Photoshop, but you can use other things. If you want something free, then I recommend Gimp http://www.gimp.org/downloads/
*Last thing you will need is common sense.
Lets get started.
1. Pick an emulator. I use project 64.
2. You need to put the proper plugins. When you have the plugins, put the file "RiceVideo.dll" in the emulators plugin folder. (am I getting confusing?)
The emulator's plugin folder is located like this program files>project64.16>plugins
When you download the plugin, it should also come
with a file named "BMGLib.dll". Put that in the emulators directory folder
program files>project64.16.
3. Configuring your plugins for project 64.
Open up pj64. Go to options then setting.
Were it says "Video graphics] plugin" you should be able to change it to Rice's Video plugin" if you put the materials in the correct places.
Now still in the settings, go to the options tab and make sure "Hide advance settings" is not checked.
When everything is done correctly, click ok.
No go to options and open up "configure graphics plugin". Click on the "texture filter" tab. Then put a check mark on "Load Hi-res textures if available".
Close the emulator and open it again.
Congratulations, if you have successfully opened the emulator without any errors, then your emulator is configured and ready to go.
If you do have errors, post them and I will try to help you. Also try looking back and make sure that you did not miss anything.
Retexturing Tutorial. Part 2:
Dumping and replacing textures tutorial comming soon.
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Relive the movie's most intense action scenes through the eyes of Remy.
Over 30 challenging missions and mini-games.
Explore 6 action-packed, open-world environments.
Go head-to-head with multiplayer games.
Features voice talent from the film.
Wii specific mini-games including cooking, sewer fishing and more!
Fast-paced game packed full of missions, mini-games, daring heists, frenzied pursuits, and wild chases!!
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Relive the movie’s most intense action scenes through the eyes of Remy.
# Use Remy’s wide array of moves, including running, jumping, dashing, wall-to-wall jumping, scrambling up walls, rope climbing, tightrope walking, and hiding.
Microphone: Blow into the microphone to cool off dishes before they burn.
Multiplayer: Play head-to-head from a single game cart.
Touch Screen: Use the stylus to navigate the world of Ratatouille in full 3D.
Fast-paced game packed full of missions, mini-games, daring heists, frenzied pursuits, and wild chases!!
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Grab a Rental Pass, customize your Trainer, and battle your way to the rank of Pokétopia Master.
Compete against friends across the country using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!
Transfer the Pokémon you've raised in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl and watch them battle on the big screen!
Battle against up to three other friends with Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl while using your Nintendo DS as a controller.
Pokémon Battle Revolution takes place on an island called Pokétopia, where your goal is to battle your way through challenging Colosseums to become the Pokétopia Master. Pokémon Battle Revolution is the first Wii - Nintendo DS linked title, which means that you can transfer your Pokémon from Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl wirelessly and watch them battle in full 3D!
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The ONLY official guide from the insiders at Nintendo! THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!! Conquer the Colosseums of Pokétopia with the Official Player's Guide from Nintendo Power! 3-D gallery of EVERY Pokémon in the National Pokédex COMPLETE accessory list for decking out your Trainer in style Comprehensive Trainer information for EVERY Colosseum Tips to get the most from Nintendo WI-FI CONNECTION Complete strategy for Pokémon Battle Revolution for Wii!
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Pages: 256
Full stats: The guide will cover statistics for the Pokémon that you'll be able to bring to the arena for battle.
Strategies: You'll find tips and tactics on how to best use your Pokémon teams against your opponents.
DS and Wii connectivity: The book will detail how to best use the DS and Wii in conjunction with the Wi-Fi connection.
Pull-out poster: Giant poster included!
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

On the floating continent of Mardias, a war has broken out between the Kingdoms of Valaim and Nightweld that threatens to upset the balance of power in the land. Our hero, Fazz, and his ragtag band of mercenaries are thrust into the fight and are hired to protect one of the Ruins of Ixia from the Valaimian forces. Unbeknownst to them, an insidious evil begins to rise from the shadows... Will Fazz be able to stop it before Mardias is destroyed?
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Climb behind the trigger and help our distressed farmer friend obliterate hordes of no good cluckers! Great comic sound effects, and catchy original songs to fashion a world where hunting fowl is a blast! Brilliant animation takes you through forests and villages, through deserts and mountains, winging winged adversaries and piling up points!
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Dual Time Periods – Experience New York’s gritty underworld as the most lethal wheelman for hire in the both the 70’s of the past and the modern times of today.
Experience White Knuckle Steering – Features realistic steering and 80 cars and motorcycles including old school classics and modern day marvels.
Replicate Real Gun Movements – Shoot, smash and steal your way through New York City’s underground using an arsenal of short and long range assault weapons.
Fully Customizable Vehicles – Build your perfect ride with custom body work, engine upgrades, tunable suspensions, custom paints and accessories like bullet proof glass and tinted windows.
Mini-Games and Side Missions – Earn extra cash to upgrade your vehicles by completing side missions and mini-games like Hitman, Street Racing, Motocross and Demolition Survival.
High Speed Hollywood Action – The perfect combination for high speed driving - fast cars, open level missions with no loading time, realistic physics and destructible environments.
For the first time ever, experience the Driver franchise that’s sold over 14 million copies on Nintendo Wii with Driver Parallel Lines. You were the fastest wheelman on the street. You were a legend. You were money. Until they set you up and sent you down. Twenty-eight years inside for someone else’s crime. Now you’re getting out. Guess what? You got a new job, it’s called getting revenge.
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

B-17 Flying Fortress puts you in the heart of the air war over Germany and the occupied territories in autumn of 1944. 25 heart-pounding missions over France, the Netherlands, and Germany. Man each gunner position, avoid deadly flak encounters, drop your bombs accurately…and once you're done, fly back home to the waiting ticker-tape parade!
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The player assumes the role of high school student Akuji. He has been asked by an angel, Lulu, to locate a witch or sorceress (depending on which news outlet is doing the translation) that has snuck into his school. In order to find the witch Akuji must search the suspects' bodies for a "witch mark". The preferred method is by using touch (using the stylus to guide his hands).
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The all-time arcade favorite TouchMaster is now on the go exclusively for Nintendo DS! Choose from 23 addictive and fun games that use the touchscreen and stylus perfectly. With classic titles like Solitaire, Mahki, Crystal Balls and Hot Hoops as well as Trivia with more than 20,000 questions, TouchMaster is a great pick up and play for everyone.
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Wii owners, you can't hide from them. They're everywhere. They've even infiltrated Majesco, who is now working on Furu Furu Park containing another 30.
Attacking your Wii this autumn, it's got breakout clones, baseball, number-based memory puzzles, asteroid-punching, karate and other Japanese-influenced madness. Some of it sounds cool. But how many times have you hit a baseball with your Wii Remote already? A million times, maybe? That doesn't matter. Like we said, you can't hide from it.
Soon, you'll be living your life in small, 30-second intervals. Doing a single task for long lengths of time will become a distant memory.
Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are your only hope - the light at the end of a long dark, mini game-filled tunnel built using mini-game bricks.
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As reported back in May, Soul Calibur is punching its way to Wii in a new adventure-based game dubbed Soul Calibur Legends. Many thought the game was being toned down with the new 'adventure game' focus but Namco's making the game as brutal as ever by placing an emphasis on weapon-based combat that uses the Wii Remote.
Speaking exclusively to CVG, director Jin Okubo told us, "Many people have already experienced the sword play and action of Soul Calibur, but we really wanted to expand its potential - and that's why we decided to go in a new direction. We'd like to make Legends appeal even to people who have never played a game in the Soul Calibur series."
So how can we expect the Remote to be used? "By swinging the Wii Remote as players please, in-game characters will perform the exact sword actions that players are thinking of," Okubo added. "The Nunchuk is mainly used for body movement, but by shaking the Nunchuk it's also possible to block incoming attacks, evade dangerous situations, and to perform other unique moves. And there are various moves that can only be pulled off by combining Nunchuk and Wii Remote actions."
Look out for the full interview in the coming days where Okubo talks further on the control system, the characters we'll be seeing, the game's new direction and game modes other than adventure. We'll also have a batch of new and exclusive screens too!
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly offer from Play Asia

Jump Ultimate Stars is the sequel to one of the best selling games of 2005, Jump Super Stars. It is the second collaboration between Nintendo of Japan and Jump magazine, this time incorporating 300 characters from 40 Shonen Jump properties.
The "Koma" battle system will still be used in this sequel with the original 4-by-5 grid and touch screen support. However a number of improvements have been made, including calling support characters into battle via L/R button, without using the touchpad. Characters can now cling on to ledges when falling adjacent to them and some of the stages include areas that can be reached by destroying walls, even the floor and ceiling.
As another major improvement, Jump Ultimate Stars now supports Wi-Fi battles, which allows gamers all around the world to combat against each other.
Nintendo's Jump Ultimate Stars for Nintendo DS™ is one of the hottest selling NDS™ games at Play-Asia.com. The item is now available for one week at a special discount of US$ 29.90 only.
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've seen screenshots from Ultimate Mortal Kombat on DS already, but this is the first time we've seen the game in motion - eyes right for brutal handheld beat-'em-up action. Oh, and, ah, Puzzle Kombat.
At UMK's beating heart lies a port of the Mortal Kombat 3 arcade machine, and the news that the DS game features online play has whipped up excitement. It's due out November - enjoy the trailer.
Trailer here
Screenshots here
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
This week, Japan got three games that we don't have yet in the US-- no surprise there. But we already had Splatterhouse on our Virtual Console, so we totally win in that one specific competition that isn't really a competition.
The non-Splatterhouse games include another shooter, a Paleolithic puzzle game that we'd never heard of, and a completely awesome ninja game that we'd love to see over here ASAP. And, since it did come out over here (as Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master), we are not crazy to expect it!
- Star Soldier (Famicom, 1 player, 500 Wii points)
- Flappy (Famicom, 1-2 players, 500 Wii points)
- The Super Shinobi II (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii points)
- Splatterhouse (PC Engine, 1 player, 600 Wii points)
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Neoflash have released the Neo2twin.
Heres the info about it:

* Come with the newest MK5-key
* Universal BOOT! Can boot almost slot-2 cart
* Built in 2M SAVE RAM
* Drag and drop, Plug and play
* 1:1 original size
* Support load the NDS rom from SD/MiniSD/TF card
* Come with SL4 USB loader
* GBA RTC Support! Support all Pockmon serial
* Compress Function! Built in 512M flash and 128M RAM, can load the compressed GBA rom to RAM and run directly
* Best GBA rom competibility! Can load almost GBA clean rom
* SMS game save function! Support VBA save format
* Support ALL GBA/GBM/GBA-SP/NDS/NDS-L console
* Have SD and Micro-SD 2 version can choose
Buy at ic2005.com
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Kevin has released a new version of WFCStatus.
Heres whats new: - June 29, 2007
- Fixed gamehub checker
- Added "Most Active Cities/Titles"
- Disabled MPH Top 10 and leaderboards *
- Disabled Now Online *
* Caused by changes on nintendowifi.com
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July 3rd, 2007, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mollusk:
A new day, a new play...
Sumiguchi showed me a play flash yesterday: http://kongregate.com/games/Kalinium/orb-avoidance I found that fun, I began a quickly made clone. The play ugly, is badly carried out, short, without interest, and I would probably not finish it, but I place it at the disposal with the sources for those which would like to play with. Azn
The rules of Kongregate are simple: neither the balls should be touched, nor the squares... The square is fixed, but the balls are irremediably attracted par votre corps (l'effet Axe) the stylet, therefore attention. There are 3 types of balls, with a different speed and a behavior. 
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July 3rd, 2007, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Neumann has updated his Simpsons themed game Homer and the lost Donut to Beta:
Heres whats new:
01/07/07: v0.6b
- Addition of the credits.
- Addition of level 12.
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July 3rd, 2007, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
puzzle maniak has been updated to v1.6, heres the release notes:
Version 1.6 released, with a new game integrated, Galaxies :
You have a rectangular grid containing a number of dots.
Your aim is to draw edges along the grid lines which divide the rectangle into regions in such a way that every region is 180° rotationally symetric, and contains exactly one dot which is located at its centre of symetry.
* Rules are now available in french.
* A bug on high scores saved has been fixed.
* Patching with appropriate DLDI is still needed.
You must to upgrade to this version if you still want to use the wifi features !
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July 4th, 2007, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Mario can play golf!
Now, you can operate Mario with a controller freely.
It can also swing leftward or rightward when you press the A or B button.
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July 4th, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

If you want to use the online features of your Wii console and you don't have a wireless router, you can use the Wii LAN Adapter.
NOTE: The Wii LAN Adapter is NOT required to connect your Wii console to the internet using your high-speed internet connection. If you own a wireless router, you should be able to go online without any additional accessories.
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July 4th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This Mini Power Cooling System is specially designed for Wii to expedite the ventilation and lower the temperate of the console thus prolong the life of your Wii.
Specifications & extra information
- Easy to install (just plug)
- No external power required (use USB power)
- Keep your USB ports free as it has 2 USB plug on the back
- Convenient and small to fix perfectly with any Wii console
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July 4th, 2007, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This Official S-Terminal Cable is specially designed for Wii to provide better signal transfer for your audio and video, thus improving the output quality.
Japanese packaging but fully compatible with different regions of Wii console.
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July 4th, 2007, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia (euro version)

Players hold their Nintendo DS like a book and use the touch screen to grill characters, search for clues and solve mystifying puzzles.
Simple point-and-click touch screen navigation players of any skill level can play.
Innovative sketch animation character design, film noir camera angles, and dynamic lighting.
Kyle Hyde, a disgraced New York detective turned salesman, arrives at a run-down Los Angeles inn called Hotel Dusk. Once there, Kyle soon becomes involved in a 30-year-old mystery that involves lies, betrayal, kidnapping, and murder. And over the course of the night, he will also discover something very special about Room 215… a room that is said to grant wishes.
But who is Kyle Hyde? Why is he haunted by his past? And what happened in Room 215? Only by taking stylus in hand and navigating through the story's twists and turns can you learn the answers.
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July 4th, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

In the last Chibi-Robo adventure, our diminutive hero restored happiness to the Sanderson home, but in this DS sequel, he’s taking on the great outdoors.
Playground equipment in the park is mysteriously disappearing and the flowers in the park have been transformed by evil monsters. It’s up to Chibi-Robo to save the day and make the park a nice place to visit again.
This time around, Chibi-Robo gets to flex his mechanical muscles in new and interesting ways. He rides buggies, cars and boats across lawns and ponds, fights mysterious enemies with his trusty squirter, dances in the park to give life to the plants there and builds playground equipment to make the park a better place.
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July 4th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Mr D has yet again updated the excellent game of Lemmings on the DS, heres whats new:
Version 7.04:
* All 120 levels from the original Amiga Lemmings
* All 100 levels from Oh-No! More Lemmings and now…
* All 72 levels from Xmas Lemmings ‘91, ‘92, ‘93 and ‘94!
* DLDI support
* Automatic progress saving
* Make your own levels and traps
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July 4th, 2007, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Neumann has updated his sliding Puzzle game
Heres whats new:
- Possibility of playing with the directionelle cross.
- More effective Mixture.
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July 4th, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
sephiroth ff7 has updated his puzzle game Cube BreakOut, heres whats new:
03/07/07 Version 2.6
- Correction of some bugs
- Better graphic aspect of the interface and the menus
- Addition of motion mode
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July 4th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nameless has yet again updated his astrology program for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Version 0.7:
- Addition of the remaining objects of Messier (62 to 110)
- Posting of the size of the posted field
- The passage in fast review takes account of the last selection now
- Possibility of changing the color of stars/Messier in the options
- Selection of the pull knobs colors and easier luminosity
- The selected pull knob is posted differently
- Possibility of moving the pull knob selected with gauche/Y and droite/A
- Correction of a bug in the posting of the pull knobs
- Correction of a bug in the system of research when Messier was selected
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July 4th, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Schyzophrenic has updated his Mad City game.
Heres whats new:
Version RC2 Small update of the program following the some returns which I had:
Correction of the bug which prevented from making 3 parts of continuation (for the most justified)
Correction of the bug which prevented from starting again a part on no$GBA. The play is now completely compatible with the emulator
major Reduction in the difficulty
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July 4th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Today over at Divineo China the first Monitor for the Nintendo Wii has been released, the monitor has a 7" Screen with built in sensor bar. Can be used in the car for those who want portable gaming.
Heres a pic of the Monitor:
Heres a description/specs:
- This 7" high resolution monitor LCD is specially designed for Wii. With the built-in stereo speakers, sensor bar, dual headphone jacks and volume control, you could play Wii in any occasions.
- High resolution image with 112,320 pixels
- Input DC 12V , work with Wii power supply or car adapter.
The monitor is priced at $ 89.95 around £45 and available now at Divineo China
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July 5th, 2007, 01:46 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Today
Rumors are circulating in the gaming industry that Namco Bandai’s Beautiful Katamari, will no longer be coming to the PS3. Now if you recall, earlier this year the game was supposedly coming to the Nintendo console in the first place, but the idea was axed because the developer was worried about Wii sales and was unsure about the new console as a whole. So, up until recently, Namco Bandai was working on versions for only the Xbox 360 and the PS3.
We were told that the reason for shunning Sony, was mainly due to port issues with the PS3 compounded with slow sales of the console. This has forced Namco Bandai to re-port Beautiful Katamari for the Wii after all, and this sudden change of heart is partly due to the fantastic sales figures reported for the Nintendo console. Now, until we get confirmation from Namco Bandai, please consider this a rumor. Granted, it would be nice to have this game for the Wii, but it may end up just being an Xbox 360 exclusive instead (the game’s original creator has been critical of Nintendo’s platform).
Any Wii owner and fan of the series can tell you that this would be a perfect fit for the Wii and a great addition to Nintendo’s library.
We will give you more information as details become available.
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July 5th, 2007, 06:39 Posted By: kcajblue
DSLink software 2.20 version
1.Add 170 games Cheat files, so far 832 games are available for Cheat. And the former Cheat data has been supplemented and modified.
2.Fix 1158 saver problem, and add the corresponding Cheat data in this update, and now can be used normally.
3.Fix 1137 saver problem.
4.Fix 0696,0960,0961,1040,1050 problem that it can not be saved when use Cheat.
5.Add gameinfo.ini setting files, user can select game saver format on his own, so if some game software identifies some errors that make the saver unavailable, user need not to wait for the software updating, but add the corresponding record ands select the saver type by himself.
6.English game name library is updated to NDS:1162.
DSLink software game name library kernel game names
And: Recently, we will update the software to make DSLink support SDHC standard large capacity MicroSD(TF) card, so according to the SDHC standard, it can support 32G byte(256Gb) TF card.
gameinfo.ini file format:
;game ROM name(RomName): User can select DSLink special encrypted format or non-encrypted format, we recommend to use the non-encrypted format and use game ROM name only. Do not contain the last 4 game version codes, so it can correspond to all language version ROM directly.
;Saver tyle(SaverType):saver type automatically identified(default)
; 2:EEPROM 512K
; 3:FLASH(2M-8M)
For example(1158 is FLASH 4M saver type)
1:Please manually delete the romname.lst of the directory of system_ in the TF card, DSLink software will automatically install the new romname.lst while add ROM.
2.Thanks the friends for developing EmuCheat.
Check for download: DSLink companion software download remember, dont get the DS Link confused with the DS Linker.
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July 6th, 2007, 21:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sonic the Hedgehog leads the Virtual Console charge today, as his second quest, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, hits the European download service.
The first game is good 'n all, but this is proper Sonic - the Down-A- turbo spin move, Tails being an idiot behind you. It's good to see it on Wii.
Also from the Mega Drive comes Ecco: Tides of Time, the sequel to his first deep sea adventure in which he takes on the alien minions of the Vortex Queen. Or just get lost in insanely tough mazes.
And if you'd rather smash faces than solve underwater puzzles, Golden Axe II also arrived, as well as the Turbografx vertical shooter, Dragon Spirit.
The three Mega Drive titles go for 800 Wii Points (£6), while Dragon Spirit costs 600 (£4.50).
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July 6th, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It was bound to happen - Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii will be taking the fight to the gorgeous, sunset-lit world of Twilight Princess.
The battle takes place on the Eldin Bridge, which may look really flat and dull, but as you can see in the screens parts of the bridge break during the fight.
King Bulblin - the moody pig-riding dude who you play joust with in Link's quest - will also trample through the field, battering unlucky combatants.
Other screens below show Mario doing a standard smash, and the king of the Koopers transforming into Giga Bowser - his Final Smash move that makes him grow to a giant's size and hammer his foes.
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July 6th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome release from Chism for all those who brought the Games'n'Music flashcart:
via drunkencoders
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July 6th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from beodeulpiri:
Tangram is the ancient china puzzle. It's good for your brain training.
This game has total 72 stage that is made with manual work terribly.
It has two control method that is shape recognition of stylus movement and key pad control.
Shape recognition is easy control method when sprites are departed from each other.
But when sprites are at a short distance, Shape recognition is difficult to control because of interference of the other sprite. So you will have to use key pad control.
Magnifier button is helped with you one tan position at each stage randomly.
#Shape recognition
-. click and drag : movement
-. Straight left,right,up,down line : flip
-. sloping left, right line : rotation
#Key pad control
-. Pad left,right,up,down : movement
-. Y, A : rotaton
-. X, B : flip
-. Trigger L, R : tangram selection change
-. select key : stage change on play
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July 6th, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk has released an new version of his flash game port for the DS, heres whats new:
July 6:
* Reduction in the size of the arrows
* Explosions (that becomes interesting especially when one makes of it péter more than 4-5 Azn)
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July 6th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
sephiroth ff7 has updated his puzzle game Cube BreakOut
heres whats new:
05/07/07 Version 2.7
- Addition of Horizontal motion and Vertical motion for bricks
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July 6th, 2007, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard has released a new DS Lua maze game
Heres the info:
Here one 1st version of my Labyrinth DS:
Version 0.1a:
- Level 1 and level 3 complete. The level 2 steps thus finished it is jumped.
- Possibility of displacement with Pad or the Stylet.
- A bug with the direction, it is necessary to support once on Bottom before being able to be useful itself of the high direction not awkward, to solve. More visible with the level 3 so much qu one do not have to support on bottom one passes to traver the walls.
To launch script 1-Labyrinth with Lua player DsLua 0.6.
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July 6th, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from Dr Neo
NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.90 ( for all NEO2/3 serial , and NEO2 TWIN too )
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4431.0.html
* Add SMS mode select (that launch from GBA manu)
* Change the save flow, and fix some SMS bug
* Fix the bug if enable BOMA and ZIP together
* Display NEO2/3 Cart Type in the screen
* Support GBC file now
* Can enable or disable SD in the gba menu
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July 6th, 2007, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash

MK-R6 Gold (Motion) and Silver released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4433.0.html
the MK-R6 Gold SPEC:
* 1:1 original NDS cart size
* Support ALL version of NDS & Lite
* Simple PLUG and PLAY
* Drag and paste, not need any extra patch
* NDS brightness adjustable
* Support Auto Sleep Mode
* Build in MagicKey pass2
* Build in 2M EEPROM Save
* Build in 2M SRAM buffer
* Build in 16M menu flash,and programable
* Support homebrew, like moonshell
* Suitable for MicroSD (TF)
* Build in X,Y,Z 3-axis high speed accelerometer
* Build in GYRO sensor
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July 6th, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
The Japanese site for Soul Calibur Legends is up and running, complete with screenshots and a few character profiles, and lots of room to expand for later content. Despite the change in gameplay, the site gives us warm and fuzzy feelings of familiarity. While this isn't the same ol' fighting game that we're used to from Soul Calibur, the mood of the series is definitely intact.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
THQ has brought forth their intention to publish a new game for the Wii, titled de Blob. The game, which will be developed by Blue Tongue and Helixe, was a IGF student game finalist and falls into the action puzzle category. de Blob tasks players with spreading color, so that they may "liberate an alien city from the evil, monochromatic I.N.K.T. Corporation."
de Blob is currently slated for a February 2008 release.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
We recently reported that Atari would show a Jenga game at E3. We wondered if it was going to be just Jenga or some kind of expanded game based on the concept of Jenga. It's just Jenga.
What does the Wii bring to the table (so to speak) that the original game doesn't have? Well, the ability to play Jenga on top of a castle, or in front of a lighthouse, or in someone's living room-- and the ability to do so as an icon of a snowman.
Where Wii Jenga fails and real Jenga exceeds, however, is in the graphics. The original Jenga's wood texture looks absolutely lifelike, while the texture is quite blurry and unrealistic on the Wii.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Stand out from the crowd with the ultimate Wii case: the ii-case that includes LEDS shining in the dark, with XCM Chameleon technology to rotate between colors!
The ii-case is not only a full replacement transparent Wii case, but it also includes a LED system to enlight your Wii. Very complete, it includes Air Flow cover and DVD Rom cover (in metal).
The Chameleon version includes a system of color rotation for the ultimate light effect.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

includes LEDS shining in the dark.
The ii-case is not only a full replacement transparent Wii case, but it also includes a LED system to enlight your Wii. Very complete, it includes Air Flow cover and DVD Rom cover (in metal).
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July 6th, 2007, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The ii Case HOT ROCK CASE is a new innovation in case modding technology. With a built in Digital LED thermometer, the HOT ROCK CASE is able to alert the user by changing the LED color when the Wii console reaches certain temperatures. Color changes takes place in 5 degree increments. For example, if your Wii console's temperature reaches over 55 degree Celsius, the LED will display 'RED' and start flashing. This will alert the user to turn off the console and check for potential problems and the reason for this heating.
And besides that, it looks amazing with a revolutionnary custom look!
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July 7th, 2007, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Officially Licensed Merchandise
Contains 1 out of 5 New Super Mario Bros. Mini Figure Gashapon (shipped randomly!)
Limited availability
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July 7th, 2007, 00:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nindendo DS Fanboy
A particularly war-torn cat has managed to leap from the confines of its bag, letting loose with it word that the Call of Duty franchise is coming to the DS. Hot on the heels of rival franchise Brothers in Arms, Activision's Call of Duty franchise is another FPS making its first debut on Nintendo's handheld. Judging by the screens we've seen, along with who's actually developing it (n-Space), we've got high hopes.
IGN has an interview with producer Sam Nouriani, who has confirmed the game has been secretly in development for quite some time now. He also confirms that the storyline of the DS game runs along with that of the console versions, but does not have you playing as the same characters. As for the rest of the interview, Sam confirms some on-rail segments and tells us to expect all of the wonderful things the franchise has brought to consoles to appear on the DS.
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July 7th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

For Airplane games, adapt different aged player to using
Ingenious structure design, flexible and diverse angle regulation
One cupule accompanied, it provide you a rigid support on many surfaces
Lessen your tiredness from the longtime playing.
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July 7th, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Intec's Z Sword brings action to life!
Just snap your Wii remote in place and battle your enemies in Zelda or in any Wii sword adventure game! Custom designed to match your Wii console. Experience gaming realism like never before!
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July 7th, 2007, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA is the US Version of the SD Media Launcher(1 Gig) For Nintendo Wii/GameCube
Heres the details:

There's a wealth of really excellent home brew material out there for the GameCube, but how do you get it to run on your happening console? Our GameCube/Wii SD Media Launcher has the answer...
With GameCube/Wii SD Media Launcher, you can run all your home brew Cube software on an unmodified GameCube, or on a Nintendo Wii in GameCube Mode. All you need to do is download the program of your choice from one of the many web pages dedicated to amateur programming on the Cube (Google for 'GameCube home brew' to find dozens of sites). Drag and drop it onto the 1GB SD card supplied with the Media Launcher, then plug it into your Wii or GameCube. Launch the application CD on your console and the home brew program is run from there. Easy!
Everything you need is in the box. The pack includes a software CD, 1GB high-speed SD card, a USB SD card adapter and an SD media adapter to fit in your Cube's memory card slot.
BUY US Version
BUY UK Version
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July 7th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Wired Blogs
The popular anime and manga series Bleach will hit the Wii and Nintendo DS as two popular import games come to America and Europe, Sega announced today.
Bleach: The Blade of Fate for Nintendo DS is an online 2D fighting game that is considered to be one of the best Japan-only titles on the platform.
On Wii, Bleach: Shattered Blade will let you use the Wiimote motion controls to control its 3D, cel-shaded fighting game action.
The anime on which the games are based is produced by Viz and currently runs on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block. The games are slated for a fall 2007 release, alongside the premiere of the show's second season.

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July 7th, 2007, 01:42 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Nintendic
SEGA Europe have announced release dates for some of their key titles on the Wii and DS over the coming months. Titles include NiGHTS, Ghost Squad and of course Mario & Sonic Olympic Games. We’ve got all the details for you inside.
According to a post on GameFront.de, we can bring you full listings of when you can get your hands on SEGA titles this year. The titles and dates are as follows:
Nintendo Wii
Alien Syndrome (07.09.2007)
The Golden Compass (30.11.2007)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (30.11.2007)
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Christmas 2007)
Ghost Squad (Winter 07/08)
Nintendo DS
Sonic Rush Adventure (September 2007)
The Golden Compass (30.11.2007)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (30.11.2007)
Some big games in there, especially for the Wii. All in all a very strong Q4 showing from SEGA for Nintendo formats, further highlighting their support for both the Wii and the DS. Anyone who isn’t looking forward to NiGHTS and of course the first ever collaboration of ‘arch-rivals’ (at least in the corporate sense) Mario and Sonic with a special Olympic Games sports titles. We’ll have more on these games as and when details become available.
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July 7th, 2007, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Shuny has released a tool for downgrading the firmware on DS-Xtreme Flashcarts, heres the info:
.:: DS-Xtreme Downgrader by Shuny ::..
1) Introduction
This tool, which is a modified version of the updater 1.2, downgrad your DS-Xtreme into version V 1.1.0 which is known to be stable.
2) How to use this tool ?
Just launch the DS-X downgrader, press "Downgrad Device". Wait, unplug your DS-X, plug it, copy the content of the included folder "DS-X OS V1.1.0' at the root of your device.
3) Notice :
If you see any english error, please write to me
Enjoy !
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July 7th, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Sgstair:
* Now reads WFC settings from correct location on 512k firmware
* added numeric DSWIFI_MAJOR DSWIFI_MINOR DSWIFI_REVISION defines to headers
* added DSWIFI_VERSION string define to headers
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July 8th, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has updated his email app for the Nintendo DS
Heres What's New?
* address book added
* online update feature added
* SMTP bug fixed (?)
* if no password was specified, ndsmail will allow you to enter it while connecting
* feed settings screen improved
* UI code improved
* HTTP module automatically converts "URL-encoded" strings
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July 8th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
sephiroth ff7 has updated Cube BreakOut with another new release:
06/07/07 Version 2.8
- Better detection of motion card
- Addition of motion mode for the mode 3D 1J
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July 8th, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Neumann has released a new shooting game called Abstract Shoot. :
It is a small shooting game very strongly inspired by this play (not it is not a bearing) which consists in drawing on the red squares which pass that and there.
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July 8th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Spoon has released a new game in ascii, heres the translated details:
Good I made yesterday a small "play" in ASCII, the whole being to find a word (Spoon, yes that made a little egocentric person) in a magma of letters which flicker in all the directions, a little as "where is Charlie" but in ASCII... Epileptics, go your way!
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July 9th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Gedeon34 has released a new homebrew solitaire game for the Nintendo DS, not my cup of tea but each to their own.
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July 9th, 2007, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Gedeon34 has released a new version of setDS, the main new feature in this release is the supporting of Wifi.
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July 9th, 2007, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jespa
My last release for jespa3d engine,
UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT : Move the player.
A/B : JUMP/DOWN the player
L/R : View UP/DOWN the view.
START : Fly mode.
SELECT : View info.
New features:
- Rendering sprites in 8 views
- Fast rendering for sprites not power of 2.
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July 9th, 2007, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
New released today at Play Asia

Platinum Sudoku is the highest quality, most feature-rich and accessible Sudoku game available on Nintendo DS. Sudoku fans from beginners to experts will be able to play Sudoku wherever and whenever they want, benefiting from rich game play depth, customizable options, an intuitive interface and sophisticated graphics.
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July 9th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
New released today at Play Asia

Play to win and see if you can make it to the World Series
Train your players in action-oriented mini-games
Earn power-ups trigger special effects, like a massive windstorm to prevent sluggers from belting a big home run
All kinds of mini-games and Exhibition modes
Wii ganmeplay - use your Wiimote as a bat or a glove
The Bigs elevates America's favorite pastime to new heights with the larger-than-life ballparks, heroic gameplay, and incredible player models. Setting this MLB experience aside from anything you've ever seen before are spectacular power-ups, stunning special effects, and a totally unique career mode. Featuring fantastic pitching, batting and fielding animations, The Bigs brings new meaning to the term highlight reel. Jump into the game yourself with create-a-player mode Multiplayer online support for up to four people Pinball-inspired action mode lets you mix things up a little.
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July 9th, 2007, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
New released today at Play Asia

Compatible with 3 consoles (Wii™, PS3™, Xbox 360™).
Works on both PAL & NTSC system.
Double scan conversion (31.5KHz for NTSC, 31.25KHz for PAL,67.5KHz for 1080p).
Output resolution: up to 1080p
Plug and play installation.
Connect compatible YPbPr device to your VGA monitor
Integrated YPbPr to RGBHV converter
Supports 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p
Applications: TFT LCD monitor, CRT monitor, Set-top box, Display projector
Works on LCD TFT monitors
Video output: VGA
Automatic video source mode detection (film/graphic)
Motion-adaptive interfiled de-interlacing
Use power from USB port, no extra power supply needed
Comes with 3pcs of XCM cables, 1. PS3™ shielded component cable, 2. XBox360™ shielded component cable and 3. Wii™ component cable.
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July 9th, 2007, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China

We are now taking pre orders for the new version 16GB of the G6 Real!! This new G6 Real 16GB will release on the 12th of July!
More info about the G6Real:
- 100% Game compatibility
- Extremely simple to use: just drag and drop files to the G6 Cart . No drivers or any software required .
- Work as U disk with USB 2.0 ultra fast burning speed. Standard FAT system
support .
- Build-in high speed memory. (Run game without lag or slow down. Speed of all the games is same as original.)
- Exclusive Super Cheat Function: Fully AR Cheat Code compatible engine. A Ready-Made Cheat Code database file is available for download (English, Chinese, Japanese)
- Supports reading individual cheat code file too. (xml, cht, dht)
- Special Game features can be enabled during game playing: (such as SlowMotion mode…)
- Software reset function
- The highest download play compatibility. (Mario Kart, New super Mario etc...)
- 100% clean dump supported without the need for any patching. (no update is
necessary for patching.)
- Hardware automatically game save type detect . (No need to update the save
type database file frequently.)
- Excellent homebrew support thanks to the DLDI auto-patcher .
- Upgradeable system . No size limitation of Flash rom .
- Robust and skinnable GUI .
- Built in PassMe (NO need for any boot cart/passcard etc.)
- Supports Slot-2 expansions card. (Rumble, Ram , Browser memory and Gba
Game card etc.)
- Boot Slot-1 automatically. Users may also select to appear Console Main Menu first or begin G6 Main Menu directly (Convenience for download play.)
- Includes a fully touch screen and button control operating system /GUI Menu
- NDS-GBA Linkage works fine .
- The strongest media features: Build-in Media-Extend application + Moonshell media player. MP3 ,OGG music and DPG /DSM / GBM movies )…
- Super E-book function, supports Word/ Txt file directly
- Super picture viewer function , support *.BMP¡¢*.JPG¡¢*.GIF¡¢*.PNG directly
- Built in PDA (Worldwide Time ,Memo , Note ,Phone book ,Calculator ..)
- Supports DS sleep mode .
- Brightness adjustment within GUI .
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July 10th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from TheOnlyEnglishRose
DSdiag is a Nintendo DS Diagnostics Tool. It allows the user to check backlights, check if their device has a compatiable FAT driver, test the SRAM, check if their audio hardware is functioning correctly, check if their device supports GBA modes, tests WiFi by getting the DS's IP address, check for a Motion Card/Pak/MK6-Motion, check if there is a Rumble Pak inserted, check if their flashcart supports reseting from homebrew, tests the microphone to see if it is working, checks if the internal BootLoader of the GBAMP is functioning correctly by boot a .nds file of choice. DSdiag also writes the test results to a UTF-8 encoded plain text file. It also features a nice, clean Metroid-like theme.
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July 10th, 2007, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from qwerpoi
DSNotes is an application for the Nintendo DS, designed to provide a way to quickly jot down and save notes or small sketches. The program has been designed for lightning-quick saving, browsing, and loading of notes (stored as black and white bitmaps, each only 6kb in size). You can check out the readme.txt for more info.
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July 10th, 2007, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Shaun Taylor
A simple organizer for the Nintendo DS. Includes scheduled events, address book entries, todo lists, scribble pad, IRC, calculator, web browser, homebrew database, text/html editor/viewer, bmp/png/jpg/gif viewer, mp3/ogg/wav/ flac/aac/m4a/ mod/xm/it/s3m/ sid/nsf/spc and streaming aac/mp3/ogg player, wav recorder, support for plugins, etc.
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July 10th, 2007, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Lordus
"jEnesisDS" is a Sega MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator for the Nintendo DS.
It started as a port of my Java Genesis/32X emulator jEnesis. By now, the code has been
completely rewritten and many parts (CPU core, parts of GPU) are written in ARM assembler.
It didnt quite want to release it yet, but decided to do so entering it in the GBAX competition.
There is no sound emulation yet, just some code to fake the Z80 and make more games boot.
Unfortunately this can affect some games, that use the Z80 for timing, but should be O.K for most
Compatibility is already quite good, but not anywhere near the Java version, due to the missing
Z80 emulation and some "shortcuts" taken to speed up the emulation.
jEnesisDS has a quite accurate software renderer, which i decided to disable for this release,
because it is a compile time option atm and cannot be choosen in the settings yet.
The hardware renderer is not complete and shows certain glitches with some games, but is already
quite usable with most games. If a game is missing sprites (Eliminate DOwn) try disabling
H-INT emulation.
You have to play a bit with the settings to make some games boot or work better.
Some games work faster with "Idle Loop Detection", others without (Castlevania, Gunstar Heroes),
and some games just boot if it is disabled.
The same goes for H-INT emulation. If a game doesnt boot just try changing those options.
Very few games will just boot, if checksum autofixing is disabled (Dynamite Heady, Thunder Force IV).
Currently i see no way to include scaling into the HW renderer, so you have to live
with parts of the screen being cut off or use the SW renderer (once it is enabled in a future release).
v0.4 * Initial Preview Release
- Custom ARM asm Motorola68000 CPU core
- Hardware and Software renderer (this release defaults to the HW renderer and the SW
renderer can not yet been choosen through the settings.
- VDP emulation with all DMA modes
- Horizontal & Vertical Interrupts
- Support for PAL/NTSC and all country codes (all games will run at 60Hz though)
- .smd, .bin & .gen support
- partial SRAM save/load support (doesnt work for all games yet)
- Line based renderer
- Scroll Layers A+B & Window rendering with priorities (horizontal Windows arenot emulated in the
HW renderer yet)
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July 10th, 2007, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Mollusk
Skinz Sudoku is...a sudoku ! Just launch a game of the desired level, click on a tile, and write the desired number using the stylus. You can undo/redo a few thousand times if needed. Press Select to change skin.
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July 10th, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Rockman ZX Advent follows two heroes, Grey and Ashe, on two separate but intertwining adventures as they search for answers amidst a chaotic war between humans and robots. They will fight a menacing force in a battle unprecedented in the Rockman series.
The title takes full advantage of the Nintendo DS features to enhance the action-packed gameplay and story line . A dynamic "Biometal" system will allow players the ability to change into several forms, including eight bosses, each with a variety of unique abilities and powers.
With a touch of the Nintendo DS screen, players can easily switch back and forth between the Biometal and Map navigation screens. Depending on how they take on a boss, players will be rewarded from a list of nearly two dozen items.
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July 10th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Dragon Quest Swords: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou (aka. The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors) is an innovative action/role-playing game being developed exclusively for the Nintendo Wii™. The game utilizes the Wii's motion-sensing controls as players use the Wii™ remote to slash, parry and blast their way through a land filled with Dragon Quest foes. The direction you swing the Wii controller will determine the slash your character makes in game. You will progress through the game using your sword, shield, and magic to vanquish enemies and earn experience points.
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July 10th, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA has confirmed that Wii sing-along Boogie will come with its own karaoke microphone when it's released in Europe on 31st August.
The publisher also released a full tracklist for the game, which will include hits from The Jackson 5, Britney Spears, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kool & The Gang.
Boogie is billed as the Wii's answer to the incredibly popular Sony hit, SingStar - a karaoke game that lets you belt out your favourite songs and scores you on how well you perform.
However, EA is attempting to take things a step further with Boogie, by using the motion-sensing abilities of the console to track your movements so you can dance along, too.
"This is a breakthrough game with a landmark soundtrack," said Steve Schnur, big cheese of music at EA. "We've brought together generations of the biggest hits in pop music history for a game that takes Wii innovation to a whole new level. Boogie is truly the ultimate family fun experience."
The full tracklist can be found below. It looks pretty good to us.
- ABC - The Jackson 5
- Baila Me - Gypsy Kings
- Boogie Oogie Oogie- Taste Of Honey
- Brick House - The Commodores
- Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
- Celebration - Kool & The Gang
- Dancing in the Street - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
- Dancing Machine - Jackson 5
- Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls / Busta Rhymes
- Fergalicious - Fergi
- Get Right - Jennifer Lopez
- Get The Party Started - Pink
- Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
- Groove Is In The Heart - Dee-Lite
- I Want You Back - The Jackson 5
- I'm A Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
- It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
- Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
- Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas
- Le Freak - Chic
- Let's Get It Started - Black Eyed Peas
- Love Rollercoaster - Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Love Shack - The B-52's
- Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...) - Lou Bega
- Milkshake - Kelis
- One More Time - Daft Punk
- One Way Or Another - Blondie
- Oops I Did It Again - Britney Spears
- Pop Muzik - M
- S.O.S. - Rihanna
- Stars - Simply Red
- That's The Way (I Like It) - KC And The Sunshine
- Tu Y Yo - Thalia
- U Can't Touch This - M.C. Hammer
- Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai
- Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
- We Are Family - Sister Sledge
- Y.M.C.A. - The Village People
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July 10th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
You've seen the shots, and you hardcore Sega fans will be pleased to know that the lid has finally been lifted on in-game footage for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams on Wii, and it's looking pretty cool.
The first video is a very Disney-like trailer that sets the scene for what's to come.
The second video is where the real meat lies though - three-and-a-half minutes of uninterrupted gameplay footage.
The gameplay looks smooth, fast and not unlike the much-loved original, albeit much better looking.
But does it live up to fans' expectations? Sound off with your first impressions in the comments below.
Video clip
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July 10th, 2007, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

The official box art for the Japanese release of Forever Blue has just been unveiled. A few vague details were leaked earlier this month confirming the non-game will be exploration-based as you swim the ocean cataloging and photographing the sea life you encounter. With the little blue Wi-Fi logo, the box also confirms online multiplayer exploration. Although a North American or European release has not been mentioned, we're still filing this one under the "Japan gets all the cool boxes" category.
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July 11th, 2007, 00:47 Posted By: JKKDARK
New update of the Nintendo DS emulator for Windows, Linux, MAC.
- big endian fixes. [cyberwarriorx]
- big endian fixes. [marcus_c]
- opengl improvements. [masscat]
- Added support for setting NDS firmware language value. [masscat]
- Function added for setting firmware language. [masscat]
- Mac/msys compilation fixes. [cyberwarriorx]
- Fix compilation when pkg-config macros are not available
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July 11th, 2007, 03:02 Posted By: parkermauney
Via NintendoWiiFanBoy

Activision and RedOctane have finally unveiled the Wii's Guitar Hero 3 controller. Like the one for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, it's based on the Gibson Les Paul shape, with a removable solid white faceplate. However, unlike the version for the other systems, it's got a big cavity in it for the Wiimote, which a lot of us expected.
Does the fact that we have already bought about $40 worth of this controller make the $90 price for game and guitar too high? It's an old argument, but now that we have a little more information, it may be worth thinking about again.
Personally, I'm about to sh|t my pants. 
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July 11th, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
When Sega and Nintendo revealed that Sonic and Mario would be in a game together it was is a big deal. Following 20 years of rivalry the two gaming icons would join forces to promote sport to kids around the world.
Back when the game was announced we caught up with Sega Europe boss Mike Hayes who explained, "Obviously we were lucky enough to secure the Beijing 2008 Olympic licence about a year ago and so we were thinking about what we could do with that. Speaking to the IOC (International Olympics Committee), they really pushed home the spirit of sport for everyone, and their wanting to get younger people into the Olympics.
"So rather than just doing a simulation we thought that we had some great characters that young people love and are very iconic. The idea started there, and then we thought that is would be perfect if Nintendo could bring Mario into it so we talked to Nintendo and they agreed it was a great idea. So it was actually from the Olympics that this was born."
Screenshots here
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July 11th, 2007, 19:17 Posted By: gl.tter
I've just released WiiYourself!, a fully-featured native C++ Wiimote library.
It supports just about everything, including all Bluetooth stacks & audio. Source is available and contributions are welcome.
This marks the release of my totally-free & fully-featured Wiimote native C++ library.
Originally based on Brian Peek's excellent Managed Wiimote Library over at MSDN's Coding4Fun website (check it out if you need .Net support), I've since rewritten and extended it considerably:
What it's good at:
supports multiple Wiimotes, Nunchuk & Classic Controllers
reads battery level / buttons / acceleration / IR / triggers / joysticks (with deadzones)
estimates orientation (including Pitch and Roll)
can set LEDs & rumble (with optional async duration)
supports all Bluetooth stacks (auto-detects output method)
(experimental) speaker support (square wave & sample playback!)
threaded to multitask smoothly
extensive debug output.
Current limitations:
only runs on Windows (could easily be extended, contributions welcome)
needs more testing (join my mailing list)
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July 11th, 2007, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JessTicular
I've previously posted here about my Spider Solitaire DS game, and would like to let everyone know of a new version: v3.0.0
The main updates to v3.0.0 are completely new graphics, as well as a
complete engine re-write.
This version also brings with it:
- Complete re-write of the display engine
- Added sounds
- Added Ghosted cards for those which are selected
- Added a 'Congratulations' section showing score and turns
- Changed movement to be free rather than snapping to piles
- Source is much, much cleaner now, and due to modularity, should
allow for future versions of Solitaire and possibly other card games.
More information and a download of both the source code & binary of the game are available at:
Webmasters, I would ask that you please do not mirror the files, nor link directly
to them, but instead link directly to the project page (above).
Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy the game.
Jess - http://jt0.org
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July 11th, 2007, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
via engdaget

Let's not bandy about here, we're pretty much God's gift to green shell snipes, and hook us up with a few red shells and perhaps a banana or two and you can pretty much kiss your Flower Cup goodbye. Nintendo just announced some extensive online functionality for its upcoming Wii-based Mario Kart title, including an undisclosed amount of "more" online competitors, which is always a plus. Nintendo is also packing a free Wii Wheel with each copy of the game to help ease the newbs into the Kart action. No word on how much the new wheel will cost on its own, but we'll be seeing both it and Mario Kart in the first quarter of 2008.
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July 11th, 2007, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
via 1pstart

Nintendo has just announced a new Wii Peripheral. It is a step-pad type device which allows you to stand, sit, do push-ups, and other aerobic exercises such as jump-roping alongside a new title, Wii Fit. The game will monitor your health rating, and provide many mini games to get your fat butt in shape.
The device measures your balance, and even calculates your weight (body mass index.) It is wireless via bluetooth, and will ship later this year with the software title.
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July 11th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: bandit

At the E3 press conference, Nintendo has revealed it is to release a Wii Zapper enclosure for the Wii remote. It will house both the remote and the Nunchuk in a two handed gun configuration and will be compatible with a number of titles including a new Medal of Honor game as well as Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. The Zapper will be bundled with first party software and sell for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
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July 12th, 2007, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's DS title The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has returned to number one in the Japanese charts, according to data from Media Create.
The latest Zelda title has sold 75,000 units in the week ended July 8, holding off competion from another DS title – Chibi Robo! Park Patrol which enters the charts at number two.
The only other new entry in the top ten is PlayStation 3 title My Summer Vacation, which sold 29,000 copies in its first week.
The top ten best-selling games in Japan follow:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)
2. Chibi Robo! Park Patrol (DS)
3. Super Robot Wars: Original Generations (PS2)
4. Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day (DS)
5. Wii Sports (Wii)
6. Itadaki Street DS (DS)
7. My Summer Vacation (PS3)
8. Wii Play (Wii
9. More Brain Training (DS)
10. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
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July 12th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has admitted that shortages of the Wii console are likely to continue for the rest of the year, with retail facing the possibility of a second Christmas without enough stock to meet consumer demand.
Yesterday at the company's E3 conference, Nintendo revealed a host of new products including the Wii Zapper and the Wii Wheel peripherals, and new software in the form of Wii Fit.
But George Harrison, senior VP of marketing has told Reuters that the firm cannot guarantee it won't see the same problems it had last year with supply unable to meet demand.
"There is no guarantee that we are not going to have 'out-of-stocks' this holiday season," said Harrison.
"If you see one, buy it. Don't assume that you can come back later and find one."
Harrison said that Nintendo is trying to find the right production schedule, but the console sells out within days whatever the region.
"We're trying to figure out what's the reasonable monthly level, and as we've seen every time we ship product to the market, whether it's on Japan or here in the US or Europe, it sells out in a matter of days."
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July 12th, 2007, 21:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
This is what we like to see - a multi-format game actually making an effort to be a proper Wii game, not a cut-down port with Wii Waggle. Kudos to EA.
FIFA 08 on will have plenty of extra Wii-flavoured goodies. FreeMotion is what EA is calling the new control system that lets you "use motions to control everything from tackling to shooting and throw-ins to freekicks."
There's a 'Footii Party' mode too, but wait... this isn't your usual range of crap mini-games. It'll boast three cool games - a mint-looking Table Soccer game, Juggling (or kick-ups where we're from), and a game called Boot It, a cartoony penalty-taking game that uses your Mii.
Playing as your Mii, you use Remote gestures to shoot and save the ball, and can take on a special Ronaldinho Mii - crazy teeth removed.
Of course, there's a serious game in there, as EA stresses. There are over 570 teams and 14,000 players, and the online Interactive Leagues are coming to Wii too, allowing you to play matches over the internet and build up points on huge online leagues.
FIFA 08 is coming home to Wii later this year. No specific date has been announced.
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July 12th, 2007, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Forget swimming with real dolphins. Who want's to get in the sea where sharks might come and bite yours and the dolphin's asses off when you can do it on Wii?
Endless Ocean, formerly known as Forever Blue, is a deep sea diving sim that lets you explore the depths looking to discover dozens of types of fish, and train your own dolphin.
Now, for a videogame, that sound knob, but the strange fact is this game looks bloody good and we actually look forward to having a poke around. Check out the tranquil video and tell us you don't think it looks nice.
Video clip
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July 12th, 2007, 21:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has been shoving Super Smash Bros. Brawl screens at you daily for the past few weeks, but if you live in UK you aren't getting a sniff of the action until next year.
In a shock revelation, the game that Miyamoto originally mooted to be a Wii launch game is now set for a frustratingly vague "2008" release in Europe.
The Americans, on the other hand, will be brawling from December 3. Life just isn't fair. Time to go mental.
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July 12th, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Long lasting battery power for your Wiimote combine with a dedicated charger that fits into any USB plug! This is the rechargeable battery power pack for Wii.
Specifications & extra information
- Easy to set up and use
- Can stand by 168 hours
- Long life mega power battery
- Comes with power charge cable
- 3 hours quick charge function
- Can be use continuously over 24 hours
- Built-in power charge working indicator.
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July 12th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: mcdougall57
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July 12th, 2007, 23:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've got the latest Nintendo release schedule that reveals the much anticipated European release dates for two of its biggest upcoming games.
Samus' massive Wii debut isn't far off because Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is hitting stores on October 26. YES!
And Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (aka The Best Game on DS) is sailing it's way to our little island a week before that: October 19.
In another slightly more surprising revelation, Nintendo also confirms that Advance Wars 2 is on the way to DS, and it'll be out later this year. Wowzer!
Needless to say, you'd better have some cash saved up because those are some of the most essential purchases of the year for every Nintendo fan.
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July 12th, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: mcdougall57
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July 12th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Dragon Blade follows a young adventurer who seeks six legendary pieces of the "Dragon Blade," each infused with the soul of different guardian dragons. In an attempt to build the ultimate weapon and vanquish evil, the young protagonist embarks on a quest to find and seal away each of the six dragons, taking their souls and abilities in the process.
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July 12th, 2007, 23:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
During a recent one-on-one interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, the famed Nintendo producer talked briefly about progress on the Wii version of Animal Crossing, Here's what he had to say:
"The Animal Crossing team has been very busy working on a variety of different projects. Actually, the Mii Channel was put together by the director of the most recent Animal Crossing game. His name is Mr. Nogami. Recently he said he really wants to get back to work on Animal Crossing again, so hopefully we'll be able to show something to people before too long."
The title was announced previously and is expected to make full use of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.00 [July.12th 2007]
(please format your neo2 again before use it)
* Improve the FAT core a lot,more faster than before
* Support load GBA ROMs form SD directly and run,load 128M rom need 15s
* Disable the SMS fuction temporary,for debug
* Can copy and converte the GBA ROMs to SD directly if want the ROM compress and BOMA support, just need to add the ROMs on the SD page then will compress and export to SD
* Can drag and drop the GBA ROMs to SD directly too if don't need the BOMA and compress support
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4452.0.html
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July 13th, 2007, 17:02 Posted By: Malax
Hi DCEmu Community!
I started developing a Jabber-client for the Nintendo DS. Currenty, its not very advanced, but it works. I already talked to some friends using my DS . Now my concern: What do you think about a Jabber client for the Nintendo DS? What do you guys expect from a jabber client? Im in doubt there are many jabber users out there, but if you use it: Please post your opinion!
My plans so far:
Implement the basic Jabber protocol described in RFC 3920 and 3921.
Implement some XEP's like Groupchat, VCard, File transfer and so on. (Jingle would be sooo cool, but currently far away)
Are there any XEP's you want to see in DSJabber? I hope you like the idea and visit the project's blog at: http://malax.de/dsjabber (English, dont be afraid of a .DE domain ;-))
PS: Sorry about my bad english, it isnt my native language. ;-)
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July 13th, 2007, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Alex has updated Puzzlemaniak once more, heres whats new:
Bug in galaxies should have been fixed… (let me know)
Rules are now available in 5 languages : English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Thanks to the translators.
This version has been compiled with the last version of dswifi lib (0.3.2).
DLDI patch still needed.
You’ve to remove all old files starting by “PuzzleManiak” from your linker before launching version 1.7
If wifi is not working for you, please tell me your configuration in the forum. And version 1.6 is still working for the daily challenge.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Neumann has updated his shooter game Abstract Shoot.
Heres release info:
It is a small play of shot very strongly inspired by this play which consists in drawing on all that moves while avoiding the projectiles.
12/07/07: Version BETA 0.5
- Addition of information on the screen the top (time, score, life bars).
- the enemies are of two types different (lents/rapides with more or less from life; and they balance projectiles).
- the gun is from now on mobile.
- gfx improved.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Club Nintendo fans in Europe have been told this week that they risk losing their entire stock of Nintendo 'Stars' if they don't agree to new privacy terms.
Customers have until July 15 to agree to new terms which give "permission to gather information about your online activities on our web site and with Nintendo’s products," a Nintendo statement said.
The company said the move was necessary "To allow us to implement additional features on our website, to improve our products and to adapt them to our users’ needs and preferences."
However, a stern warning later in the email - sent out on June 29, and again yesterday - revealed that users must comply with the new terms by Sunday or have their entire memberships deactivated.
The email stated: "If you choose to DECLINE our new Privacy Policy , you will from [July 15] onwards no longer be able to use your Stars in the Stars Catalogue, as we will be forced to deactivate your Nintendo membership."
The new privacy terms will give Nintendo the authority to track users' browsing habits on the Nintendo site, as well as their Wii console useage. The statement said: "Nintendo will collect information about the way you use your Wii and the Wii Network Services including, but not limited to, information about the games you download and/or play and how long you play them."
However, closer inspection of the new privacy terms revealed an incentive to allow Nintendo access to users information. By linking the Wii Shop Channel account to the Club Nintendo account, users will be able to redeem Stars (included as a scratch card within every first party Nintendo title) to get Wii Points online, claim Stars for Virtual Console games purchased, and be able to check statistics from Wii games with online functionality - all depedant on availability, Nintendo said.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo 64 RPG classic Paper Mario has joined the Wii Virtual Console line-up today.
The addition of the 2001 classic brings the number of N64 titles available via the Wii Shop to six, joining Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Lylat Wars and F-Zero X. Each costs 1000 points to download, which equates to about GBP 7 - or just over 10 Euros.
Back in the day Tom awarded the game a whopping 9/10, commenting that it was "the best RPG on the Nintendo 64, and acts as a superb gateway to the genre," and "an RPG rich with ingenuity and style" with "all-important Mario moments that only a true fan will understand."
He even said, back in October 2001, that people should "buy it and forget about the GameCube". Now that it's about one eighth of its original £60 price tag (dear god), we reckon this one might prove a popular download, especially with the long-awaited Super Paper Mario arriving on Wii here in Europe in two months time.
In the meantime, you might want to trawl the bargain basement for 2004 Cube classic Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door. Another game Tom dished out a rare 9/10 to, and fully compatible with the Wii, of course.
Elsewhere on the VC service this week is Air Zonk, a TG-16 game from 1992. Said to be a side-scrolling shooter, our friendly neighbourhood Wikipedia entry claims the game is "widely considered to be an excellent shoot 'em up." We'll be putting it through its paces ourselves today, and bringing you another VC round-up tomorrow morning to find out if they're talking a load of rose-tinted rubbish. As ever, 600 points is the fee for this slice of retro blastery.
We're losing count a little bit, but with think this pairing brings the European VC total up to 105. Not bad going, Nintendo, but some free trials would be nice.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have today posted that the G6 REAL 16GB Flash Cart for Nintendo DS has now been released. Heres the full details for those of you who want to know:

- 100% Game compatibility
- Extremely simple to use: just drag and drop files to the G6 Cart . No drivers or any software required .
- Work as U disk with USB 2.0 ultra fast burning speed. Standard FAT system
support .
- Build-in high speed memory. (Run game without lag or slow down. Speed of all the games is same as original.)
- Exclusive Super Cheat Function: Fully AR Cheat Code compatible engine. A Ready-Made Cheat Code database file is available for download (English, Chinese, Japanese)
- Supports reading individual cheat code file too. (xml, cht, dht)
- Special Game features can be enabled during game playing: (such as SlowMotion mode…)
- Software reset function
- The highest download play compatibility. (Mario Kart, New super Mario etc...)
- 100% clean dump supported without the need for any patching. (no update is
necessary for patching.)
- Hardware automatically game save type detect . (No need to update the save
type database file frequently.)
- Excellent homebrew support thanks to the DLDI auto-patcher .
- Upgradeable system . No size limitation of Flash rom .
- Robust and skinnable GUI .
- Built in PassMe (NO need for any boot cart/passcard etc.)
- Supports Slot-2 expansions card. (Rumble, Ram , Browser memory and Gba
Game card etc.)
- Boot Slot-1 automatically. Users may also select to appear Console Main Menu first or begin G6 Main Menu directly (Convenience for download play.)
- Includes a fully touch screen and button control operating system /GUI Menu
- NDS-GBA Linkage works fine .
- The strongest media features: Build-in Media-Extend application + Moonshell media player. MP3 ,OGG music and DPG /DSM / GBM movies )…
- Super E-book function, supports Word/ Txt file directly
- Super picture viewer function , support *.BMP¡¢*.JPG¡¢*.GIF¡¢*.PNG directly
- Built in PDA (Worldwide Time ,Memo , Note ,Phone book ,Calculator ..)
- Supports DS sleep mode .
- Brightness adjustment within GUI .
retail price : $ 79.95 £40
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July 14th, 2007, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new version of his excellent Arcade emulator for the Nintendo DS:
heres whats new:
Version 4.0 of the 13/07/2007 New Design (thank you still in Lobo) and new Logo (thank you still in DayDream) Addition of its SN76496 and AY-8910, many plays have the sound now. Solomon' S key does not have any more Pb of background. Addition of Video Hustler, The Billiards, DigDug (2 sets), Hexa, Bank Panic grass. Galaga (and clones) become playable. Pinball Action becomes playable. Pb of background in Phoenix (and clones) are solved. In the same way how Pb of background in 1942! Addition of compressed the Zip support. Addition of the check of the CRC of the files to avoid the pbs compatibility. Addition of the management of the high scores. SELECT to add corners to the place of A (A becomes the principal shooting). More mode “Player 2”. More clones (less plays but that originals  ). Mario becomes Masao to have the sound. Ms Pacman becomes ms Pacman (bootleg) and the file zip mspacmab.zip. Piranha becomes Piranha (hack) and the file zip piranhah.zip. Jr Pacman becomes playable. Pb of shooting in solved Arkanoid. Use of EFSLIB, thank you Noda  .
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July 14th, 2007, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
via drunkencoders
JRoque is an Spainsh newcoder who had developed CheatOh. A Cheat viewer for Nds and Wii.
It isn't an Action Replay or something like that. It's a viewer of codes and cheats.
It's a beta, so it don't have a lot of codes and cheats, but JRoque had say that next versions will increase the codes.
CheatOh! - by. JRoque
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July 14th, 2007, 14:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Felix123:
The clock from the TV show 24, now on your DS! With realistic font and sound! It's open source (GNU GPL v2), so modify as you wish.
Ported from 24 Konfabulator widget by Timo Graw. Idea from Darkflame.
Future improvements:
Better sound
Soft reset(couldn't get it working...)
Alarm clock(Anyone know what would make a good alarm sound?)
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July 14th, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder at SuccessHK

Transforming the traditional Sims gameplay for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms, MySims moves the player to a delightful but disorganized town where ?thanks to the easy and unique controls ?they can re-shape everything and make it their own. Players begin by creating their own toy-like Sim that reflects their personal style and attitudes. From pig-tails and baseball caps to dreadlocks and Mohawks, the options are endless and the style is unlike any Sims game to date. By unlocking cool new clothing, hairstyles and accessories, players explore the game's incredible depth of customization and expression... and the characters are just the beginning! At first, the town is rundown, but the player can make it much more dynamic. Using a selection of building blocks, unique patterns and engaging creativity tools, players can design furniture and appliances, architect new homes and businesses, and re-define the entire MySims landscape!
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July 14th, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder at SuccessHK

Boogie is a unique music/rhythm-based game that takes advantage of the innovative Wii controls to get gamers off their couch, playing and dancing to a new beat. The game will have gamers dancing, singing and starring in their own music videos. Players can also choose and customize different characters in the game to best show off their dancing style and karaoke skills, utilizing the innovative gameplay that matches the unique Wii controls
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July 14th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder at SuccessHK

Transforming the traditional Sims gameplay for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms, MySims moves the player to a delightful but disorganized town where ?thanks to the easy and unique controls ?they can re-shape everything and make it their own. Players begin by creating their own toy-like Sim that reflects their personal style and attitudes. From pig-tails and baseball caps to dreadlocks and Mohawks, the options are endless and the style is unlike any Sims game to date. By unlocking cool new clothing, hairstyles and accessories, players explore the game's incredible depth of customization and expression... and the characters are just the beginning! At first, the town is rundown, but the player can make it much more dynamic. Using a selection of building blocks, unique patterns and engaging creativity tools, players can design furniture and appliances, architect new homes and businesses, and re-define the entire MySims landscape!
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July 14th, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
A security bulletin released 4 days ago by Adobe, tells us that the Flash Player used by the Internet Channel can be exploited to execute arbitrary code because of an input validation error in flash. This might be a opening for hackers to create some kind of homebrew launcher, and Nintendo has to pay to get a unaffected version of the Flash player from Adobe. This means that this security hole might not be patched as fast as the last one. Official bullentin
via Wiili.org
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July 15th, 2007, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
Some news about whats coming up in the next version of SNEmul! :
Sorry, no new release yet… I’m busy with work and vacation …
Hope to add new features like screen scaling, new GUI, memory pak compatibilty and some nice things soon…
Anyway, I wanted to wish an happy birthday to.. old SNEmul core!
It was the 14th july 1997, the start of the SNEmul DOS emulator project!
10 years ago… it seems to me like it was yesterday!
A lot to thanks to all SNEmul(DS) users for your support and help!
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July 15th, 2007, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Play your Wii in total freedom without that messy (and fragile) sensor bar cable with Dragon wireless sensor bar. With a range of 5 meters to the Wii console and 5 meters to the Wiimote, you can set up your playing area as you wish.
Specifications & extra information
- Compact size design
- Can be placed anywhere
- High quality and efficient
- Wireless function and easy to set up
- 7 meters operating range to Wii console
- 5 meters operating range to Wiimote controller
- Maximum 12 meters operating range
- Requires 2 pieces of alkaline dry AA batteries (72 hours of continuous play time)
- Compatible with any Wiimote
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July 15th, 2007, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

When you hear about the Wii Party Station by Nyko for the first time there's a moment where you think how ridiculous it is, but when you see it, you realize it could serve some purpose. An utterly ridiculous purpose, but a purpose nonetheless. Is it designed for "family fun" Wii play -- no. It is clearly designed for a bunch of guys sitting around and having a party.
The unit has four removable can holders which have liquid built inside of them so it can be refrigerated or frozen to keep drinks cold, a storage unit underneath, and a removable chip holder. All of this makes for super easy cleaning. There is a fan for hand drying -- like a bowling alley. And four displays for keeping score if you're tracking who won which games (assuming you're playing various games). The non-corporate line would be to use those displays to keep track if you're playing the Mario Party drinking game so that nobody goes overboard -- but that's a story for another time.
The unit runs off AA batteries and holds 4 Wiimotes (a hybrid of the Nyko Wiicharge Station with this would have been sweet). The unit looks like it would sit in a dorm room coffee table or a house shared by a bunch of guys. Is it a little ridiculous? Sure. But it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see it being useful to certain demographics -- and the Wii is all about the demographic spread.
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July 15th, 2007, 19:28 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
I've had the WiiFreeEasy Connect units for a while now, but had not posted my review online yet. This mainly because of the new update to the WiiFree code (including the LCD). I have contacted the WFEC team about this new update, however have not heard anything yet.

Regardless the current version is available and thus I release my review. You can read it:
For those of you who do not know the WiiFree Easy Connect;
The WiiFree Easy Connect is a product inspired by the WiiFree team and other like them. Due to the fact that (WiiFree) code is freely available it is very easy to create your own Wii Mod-chip. Some people however still prefer a quicksolder install. The WiiFreeEasyConnect gives you the option to quicksolder a PIC socket (stuck on a pre-made PCB) the WiiFree while having the PIC and Led's on the outside of your Wii via flatcable connection.
A small sneek at my review;Although this is a space normally filled with information about the chip's performance in this case that would be useless. I can however say that all home-brew chips that I was able to test (WiiFree Yaosim, Wiiskas) worked, so in theory you can indeed put all chips on there provided they are made for PIC 12F629 and have the same pin-out as the WiiFree.
Hope you enjoy the read!
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July 15th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
News /release from Gideon34:
I discovered this small play which I found very sympathetic but the installation was too long so that it is pleasant to play. I thus decided to adapt it to the Nintendo DS which with the style was the ideal console.
It is enough to make cross the river to the character. For that, it is necessary to make him take the boards to move them in order to create its way progressively. The number of boards is limited cavity, it is thus necessary to make them follow… because the character to carry only one board at the same time!
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July 15th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Philip:
Following on from my previous release of Population: Tire, I now present another classic Videlectrix game... Secret Collect. Created for the Strong Bad Email video games as an example of a game on the Atari 2600, it features a red blob that "looks kinda like Strong Bad" collecting yellow blobs that "look nothing like Strong Bad".
Game get!
No DLDI, no nothing... just unzip somewhere useful and run.
I started off the project trying to make the .nds file as small as possible... just 'cause the game seemed to lend itself well to that. I kinda stopped bothering with that halfway through, but it still ended up as only 25kb, which is nice.
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July 15th, 2007, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
News from Spacy51:
Hi there.
I already finished this project a while ago:
A very simple GPL'ed multiplexer/demultiplexer for dpg files.
It either takes seperate MPEG1-Video and MPEG1-Audio streams and creates a DPGv3 file (also writes GOP-List for faster video navigation),
or it takes a dpg file and demultiplexes it into its video and audio stream.
The source code was badly inspired by the original dpgtools' delphi source code. However, I did not actually copy/paste it, since I wrote my utility in M$ compliant C (using secure string functions).
This package also includes several command line encoding scripts for easy video and audio encoding to the right format using ffmpeg. There are also all in one scripts which do the encoding & muxing with just one drag&drop.
I recommend reading the included documentation.
Using ffmpeg & dpgmux, I finally managed to get quite impressive video & sound quality at framerates of 20-25 fps.
Here's the download at Google Code:
Source code is obtainable via SVN at the project page.
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July 15th, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: DanTheManMS
New release from Nutki:
Here it comes. Not as many fixes as I expected to put in this release, but did not want to delay it any longer. There is no change to sound core so don’t expect any improvement there.
Remember what I said about no hardware bilinear upscaling in NDS in the last note? Actually I was wrong - you can get it with some simple tricks. So now you can toggle between no scaling / nearest neighbour / bilinear with Y button.
Lameboy DS 0.9
* fixed: joypad register emulation (fixes Wario Blast)
* fixed: GBC hdma (fixes Pokemon Crystal graphics)
* fixed: interrupt flags emulation (fixes Bouble Bobble)
* fixed: V-blank interrupt timing (fixes Altered Space)
* fixed: split window emulation (fixes Donkey Kong graphics)
* fixed: GB timer initialization (fixes Pokemon Pinball)
* added: fake serial interrupts (fixes many early games)
* added: RTC emulation
* added: pseudo bilinear upscaling mode
RTC feature needs more explanation. I tested it with only one game - Pokemon Crystal, so it can be considered beta. The emulated time is always synchronized to NDS RTC and not affected by fast mode. It’s the same behaviour as in VBA and opposite to GNUBoy’s. Also save style is compatible to VBA, with one issue: I think there is no way to check time zone in NDS (as it is not set) so I fixed it to +2h. If your timezone is different you will get timeshift between Lameboy and VBA.
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July 15th, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
FooFoo Pmed me this a few days back:
Just put up some pics and a new video of my nintendo ds lite. Ive installed a prototype lighting chip in it. Its got a few nice functions. When the lid is closed thee lights "breath" like the iBook power button. Plus the usual music pulsing and a few others.
Video is here
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July 15th, 2007, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Alex has released another update to his Puzzle game collection this time fixing wifi problems from the last release:
Forget the crappy wifi Version 1.7, let’s play with Version 1.8 !!!
A new game as been integrated is this version: Slitherlink.
Bug in galaxies should have been fixed… (let me know)
Rules are now available in 5 languages : English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Thanks to the translators.
And wifi is back (comparing to version 1.7….) !!!
DLDI patch still needed.
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July 15th, 2007, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
New software update from the G6 Team:
* Best performance, run games without any lag or slow down.
* Build-in high-speed memory. No need to worry about the compatibility and the speed of SD card.
* Automatically detect save type, no save type database file need to update.
* “Real Clean Data ” supported design, without the need of modifying the game program. No need to update firmware frequently.
* The new user-friendly cheat code supported software has been released. An AR compatible cheat code engine added. It supports all most popular cheat code file type. (xml, txt, dht .db). Each individual cheat code file can be applied to different games. A ready-made database file is available for download too (3 languages is available currently: English, Japanese, Chinese). The selected Cheat Code items will be stored automatically, users are not necessary to select the items every time.
* A new “Slow Motion” features has been added for helping some novice players to easy pass through levels. 5-level of slow motion effect lets users to adjust. The slow motion can be enabled or disabled during game play too.
* Perfectly supports “Multiplay Games” and “WiFi Games”. The highest compatibility of “Download-Play Games”.
* The strongest multi-media features: Both “MediaExtend” and “MoonShell” are included.
* MoonShell and MediaExtend supports MP3, DPG JPG, GIF, BMP files etc.. And MediaExtend can support DSM,GBM and WORD files too.
* Perfectly supports all Slot-2 Expansion Pak such as DS Rumble Pak, Ram Pak, Ds Browser, GBA game card etc. (Two optional Expansion Pak products are coming: I) Browser Ram+ Rumble II) GBA+ Browser Ram+ Rumble.)
* Upgradeable System
* USB2.0 high-speed design. (Around 30s for copying a 128MB data)
* Standard file system based design (FAT16/FAT32): Simple and Direct. (Just Copy->Insert->Play.)
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July 16th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: jak66
New version of ScummVM for DS by AgentQ
-Changed word completion keyboard to get word list from pred.dic main dictionary instead of the game dictionary (pred.dic must be placed in agi game data directory)
-Fixed several key repeat bugs
-Improved control system for Goblins 3
-Added icons for builds D-F
-Added snap-to-borders option to make it easier to get mouse to the edges of the screen
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July 16th, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Valeuf
Air Hockey is a small play without claim, which was especially the occasion to make me the hand on excellent PAlib de Molusk. It was necessary me to find a small play on what a I were going to be able to exert me! At the beginning I wanted to make a same-like but the idea with already taken twice! Then I remembered an old play which I played a few years ago. It was a simulation of AirHockey named slam! (if people remembers…).
Then unfortunately I always have 36.000 projects and not time to advance just like I want. But veiled a version 0.1 with already some small things.
14-07-07: v.0.1.
* To play against a IA
* To choose the limiting score
* To choose the speed of play
* To put the play in pause
* To return to the menu with B
* Appropriations of the play
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July 16th, 2007, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
Lordus has mesaged me this morning to tell me exciting news of a new version of his Genesis Emulator for the Nintendo DS
Heres the release news from Lordus:
As promised, here is the updated version with the newer cpu core.
I decided to split the HW and SW renderer versions, because it makes my life a bit easier...
The SW renderer version is included as a separate binary in this release and features 2 different scaling types:
"Jitter" might look better for action games, "Blend" mostly makes text more readable.
There is also a new option in the HW renderer: Force Update
If enabled, it reduces the chance of tile corruptions, but can also lead to massive slowdowns, if a game updates more tiles than the DS can handle in rapid succession.
So "off" is basically faster. You can however switch to "on" temporarily, if the tiles got corrupted to force a one-time update (Viewpoint).
Hope you like it
Download this excellent update and give feedback over at the release thread on DCEmu Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...t=68175&page=4
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July 16th, 2007, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said he believes the Wii could outsell PlayStation 2 over the course of its lifetime to become the most popular console ever.
"Sony's PS2 sales of 100 million units is an extraordinary number that our home game console business has not achieved," Iwata told Reuters.
"But if we can make our bid to expand the gaming population a continued success, we could exceed that."
More than 120 million PS2 units have been shipped since the console launched in 2000. Nintendo sold 5.8 million Wii consoles between December 2006 and March 2007, and is predicting that a further 14 million will be sold by March next year.
Iwata confirmed that Nintendo's hardware division is already making a profit. He also said the company's strategy of targeting new audiences has been a success.
"I wouldn't say there is no overlap between the group of customers Sony is targeting and the group of users that Nintendo is targeting," Iwata conceded. "But that overlap is quite small."
via gibiz
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July 16th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Hey, can you do us a huge favor? Just try hiding your disappointment when you get to the end of this week's Virtual Console releases. We've had like a million readers come through this post, and we think the way their faces drop when they see third entry is starting to hurt her self-confidence. She can't help who she came in with, try to remember that.
Paper Mario (Nintendo 64, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points): A spiritual successor to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, this game is, frankly, fantastic. It combines some really solid RPG mechanics with visual panache. Consider it required downloading if you haven't been through it.
Balloon Fight (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): Though it may not be as glitzy as Paper Mario, Balloon Fight is still undeniably a classic. The only question is if you'll be willing to part with five bucks for a game that was not only playable in Animal Crossing, but was also, at one point, stored on playing cards.
Silent Debuggers (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): Hey, we warned you, please be nice, this has been a tough day. ... Oh, you're laughing now. That's great. Listen, maybe you're just rushing to judgment. We've embedded a gameplay video after the break, maybe you'll watch it and see that you were wrong all along. She's a totally radical first-person shooter, you'll see!
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July 16th, 2007, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
DWEdit has released a new WIP version of the Nes emulator for the GBA and DS, heres the info:
This version is very buggy, since many changes were made.
I think I already released this version, but now the Boot Glitches which made it almost unreleasable are now fixed!
(yep, I had already released this version 7 months ago... but now there are a couple new fixes)
* Palette updater fixed, no longer writes out of bounds
* Duck Tales Fix (supports changing 8x8 sprite origin between left and right pattern table per scanline)
* 'dirty tiles' system for CHR-RAM games
* Different code for updating the sprites
* These two together fix sprite glitches in Battletoads, Wizards and Warriors 3, and more.
* Also a buggy and broken dirty tile system for CHR-ROM games
* New per-scanline scrolling code fixes Slalom, horribly breaks Rad Racer
* sprite visibility per-scanline buffer updated in sync with rest of buffers
* Fixed a little bug which caused harmless extraneous memory writes
* Yes it's really buggy. Has a new 'new frame' system which fails in lots of games.
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July 16th, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Melw
Dicewars DS is a multiplayer version of a popular Flash based strategy game for Nintendo DS. Your task is to conquer the whole game field by rolling dice. Each turn you may attack any opponent's territory from one of your adjacent territories as long as your territory has more than one die on it. When attacking, If you roll more than the defender, you win.
Latest release: 0.2.0 (network game disabled in this version)
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July 16th, 2007, 17:40 Posted By: JKKDARK
via CVG
Despite there being very little talk about GBA nowadays, Nintendo honcho Shigeru Miyamoto insists there's still life in the single-screen handheld.
Speaking to Kotaku, Miyamoto says the hardware is still selling well (doesn't every human on earth own seven by now?) and because of that Nintendo is still supplying hardware to the market.
But he goes on to admit that Nintendo's focus has shifted to newer platforms. "[Nintendo's] internal development teams have their hands full with creating content for Wii and DS. We're focusing on that and not creating new software for the GBA at this time."
But he cites the GBA's huge library of games as the key factor that's keeping the old handheld going. "There are still a lot of games on the platform that the current consumer still have not played so there's still life in it yet."
But if you're on the look out for new games, your choices are limited. Crash of the Titans, Avatar: The Last Airbender and a few other movie-licensed games are all that's to come in the foreseeable future.
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July 16th, 2007, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
zeblackos has posted an update to his homebrew game Plop Invaders:
Good, new version of PLOP Invaders!
V 0.51…
Large update in fact: modification of gameplay, small zic etc…
Ca occurs on the first page from this topic.
It is the most idiotic trick which I made for a long time… then, I hope that you will like that!
I nevertheless advise you to make the effort of going up to level 6 isn't… Mollusk? if not, you go louper a trick…
Here… excuse the concise side of the post, but I post since a cybercafé…
Like hab, suggestions and critical welcome. MasterDje, I await your opinion which proves obligatory henceforth!
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July 16th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has recalled all copies of Mario Party 8 in the UK due to it containing an offensive word.
The title was released for the Nintendo Wii on Friday and has seen heavy promotion over the weekend with TV advertisements.
"Unfortunately we have discovered that a small number of games contain the wrong version of the disk due to an assembly error," reads a statement from the company.
"We have therefore decided to recall all copies of the game from UK retailers so that this mistake can be corrected."
Last month, Ubisoft was forced to pull all copies of DS game Mind Quiz in Europe after it was found to contain offensive comments.
Nintendo said it will announce a new release date for Mario Party 8 shortly.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Koch Media has announced a deal with Mindscape to distribute its upcoming Nintendo DS titles in the UK.
"We're very proud to work with such a strong name as Mindscape and their games will perfectly compliment our Nintendo DS line up for this Christmas," said Koch Media's Craig McNicol.
Koch will distribute the Nintendo DS titles Deal or No Deal, Real Adventures: Pet Pals, Crazy Pig, and Real Adventures: Wild Horses, which are all scheduled for release in Q4 2007.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft and Left Field Productions announced Nitrobike for the Wii last week - a fast-paced motorbike (sorry, "/\/+0]231|{e") racer that aims to repeat the success of LF's own Excitebike 64.
Due out this Christmas, it features lots of rocket-propelled motorcycles darting around against the clock and against other players, with a "unique online mode" promised to back up its offline multiplayer and, of course, one-player offering.
Ubisoft served up some Nitrobike screenshots during E3 to help get you in the mood, but other than that, there's not much to say. Do you want to hear what Jay Cohen, Ubisoft's vice president of publishing, had to say about it?
"Ubisoft is thrilled to be introducing the first Motorcross game available for Wii," is how he began. Then: "Nitrobike's fun and fast-paced gameplay is sure to be a hit for Wii owners for the holiday season." So that was worth it.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
THQ has announced it will be bringing de Blob to Wii and DS next February.
Originally created for the Internet by a group of Dutch students, the game challenges you with reviving a dull and monochrome city by rolling a big blob of colour into things. Stylistically it looks similar to the Katamari games, with vivid and cartoon-inspired graphics.
THQ's Australian studio Blue Tongue Entertainment will be creating the Wii version, and its Hexile studio will develop it for DS. Both will be built with each platform's strengths in mind.
"With de Blob's innovative control scheme, a swing of the Wii Remote or flick of the DS Stylus sends de Blob ricocheting and swinging through the city with splashes of colour in his wake," said Steve Dauterman, big cheese of product development.
"Gamers will be able to liberate the lifeless city of Chroma and create a collaboration of energy, music and colour that is a reflection of each player's gaming style."
Pop over to the original game's website to try it out.
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July 16th, 2007, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA has released more details for the recently confirmed DS version of Orcs & Elves, an action role-playing game originally conceived for mobile phones.
The extra grunt of Nintendo's handheld has let developer id Software bring in 3D graphics, as well as splash out on more levels, items and monsters from the new Dwarven kingdom area. And touch-screen input is said to be an area the team is keen to get to grips with.
"Orcs & Elves was a perfect fit for the DS," said John Carmack, founder and technical director at id Software. "We were able to take excellent advantage of the 3D hardware and unique user input capabilities, and expand the game to include a lot of wonderful features that we just couldn't fit on the cell phones."
A sequel for Orcs & Elves was also announced by EA, banishing fears that the first game was a one-off pet project for the Doom and Quake developer.
The story here starts as King Brahm is slain on Mount Zharrkarag, putting the fate of the land on your shoulders - a novice thief who has just stolen a legendary wand. You must deliver this magical relic to the town under siege before it's too late, encountering allies, enemies, and lots more new content from seven vast and interactive environments.
"Orcs & Elves II is a polished gem of a game for the mobile platforms, opening up new parts of the world to explore while carrying forward and improving all the elements that were loved about the original game," continued Carmack.
Orcs & Elves on DS and Orcs & Elves II for mobiles are due this Christmas.
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July 17th, 2007, 01:25 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
*RTC (real time clock) experimental (experimental) mounting. Same period it does in the date of PC.
*GDB (GNU Debugger) experimental of stub (experimental) mounting.
*Improvement of geometry engine interface.
*Both sides correcting the fact that it has the fact that it has reversed with primitive drawing of the geometry engine.
*The rewriting GXFIFO. And it works to the DMA transfer to GXFIFO. ('The A `) without fail by mistake the [ru] [kore]
*Drawing up the explanatory file of desmume.exe.ini
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July 17th, 2007, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
New at Divineo USA

The trouble with most games consoles, is you can't modify the game code when it's running. Sure, you can use tools such as Datel's own Action Replay game enhancers to input all sorts of cheats and enhancements, but there's no straightforward way for amateur programmers and techie tinkerers to get inside the disc drive's memory, investigating how it works and trying out modifications and tweaks you've programmed yourself. Thankfully, if you're a Wii owner Datel has come to the rescue with Drive Doctor, the ultimate aid for the hardcore tinkerer and amateur programmer. With Drive Doctor for your Nintendo Wii, you can gain a unique insight into the under-the-bonnet operation of your console, examining, analysing and altering the Wii drive's memory...
Drive Doctor connects to your PC via a high speed USB (cable supplied). It allows you to view and modify the DVD drive’s memory in real-time. Drive Doctor's powerful ARM7 processor, running at 60MHz, makes read and write operations quick and easy. You can then review its innermost operations, watching your Wii software in action through Drive Doctor's PC application. You can even add data of your own, all from your PC. Drive Doctor’s memory and command views give you a unique insight into the innermost workings of your Wii’s drive memory, and even lets you make on-the-fly adjustments. You can read status, write data, send control commands, report the drive status and more. By injecting your own code into the data stream, you can create your own effects and experiment with modifying the program. It’s fun! And as the Wii home brew scene grows and prospers, the device will also come in handy for playing freely-downloadable software straight from your console.
Fitting Drive Doctor requires a little soldering, so make sure you have your precision soldering iron handy (not supplied). Full fitting instructions are supplied. It’s a fairly simple task, requiring you to connect just five wires. After that, the unit just clips to the back of your console. It remains in place even when not in use - just unplug your USB cable and you can use your Wii in the usual way. It's styled to match the console, and completely unintrusive when not in use.
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July 17th, 2007, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly special offer from Play Asia

A planet called Meteos has started to explode. Fragments of the planet become and endless stream of meteors, putting your planet in peril. There's only one means of saving the planet. Send the falling meteors back into space with the power of the Nintendo DS -- use the touch pen to move blocks around the play field, as lining up three or more of the same color blocks either horizontally or vertically will group the blocks together into a clump and go flying back into space to help stop the onslaught of debris.
Meteos is produced by Tetsuya Mizuguchi of Space Channel 5 fame, and is designed by Masahiro Sakurai of Nintendo's HAL Laboratories.
Bandai's Nintendo DS™ action puzzle classic Meteos is now available at discounted US$ 14.90 only.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer.
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July 17th, 2007, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Compatible with Wii special controller battery pack
Include the 2 pcs special battery pack for Wii controller
Easy installation
Can use 60 hours
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July 17th, 2007, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Compatible with Wii special controller battery pack
Include the 2 pcs special battery pack for Wii controller
Easy installation
Can use 60 hours
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July 17th, 2007, 18:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Disney/Pixar's animated adventure, a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Fans will be able to relive some of the film's most thrilling moments and experience the sights, sounds and most importantly, the smells, of Paris a la Remy in this game based on the movie.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
First we strong-arm Shigeru Miyamoto into telling us that the GameBoy isn't really sticking around much longer and now NOA's veep of marketing George Harrison is saying they may not ever use the name again.
"This year in our marketing you really won't see much push against Game Boy itself, so it will kind of seek its own level. It's hard to say in the future if we will ever bring back the Game Boy trademark," he told GameDaily BIZ in an E3 interview (full transcription coming soon).
"It was a big risk for us to actually pass on it and call the new product the Nintendo DS, but it was part of Mr. Iwata's philosophy that if we're going to make a radical difference and try to reach a new audience, then we have to change the name... We had to make a break even though we had one of the greatest trademarks in the history of the industry."
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July 17th, 2007, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square Enix, a huge supporter of the DS platform, has expressed great interest in the Wii Balance Board and the possibilities for balance control being used it "future RPG titles".
Discussing the use of Nintendo's hardware in Square's games, FFXII: Revenant Wings producer Eisuke Yokoyama told IGN: "There are no actual plans to take Final Fantasy into the fitness genre. But that whole system and mechanism of using your weight and balance to control games is something we're interested in incorporating into future RPG titles," he said.
It'll be interesting to see how a Balance Board-controlled Final Fantasy game would work.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It would have seemed Monolith's unique natural disaster-themed adventure, Disaster: Day of Crisis, had died in a storm because it made no appearance at E3, despite being heavily mooted for a 2007 release.
Day of Crisis, along with Monolith's other Wii exclusive title, Project H.A.M.M.E.R, was among the first games to be unveiled for Wii, and was expected at E3 this year in a near-complete form. So where is it?
"Disaster is still under development," a Nintendo spokesperson told CVG today, but went on to admit "we've shifted development resources from Project H.A.M.M.E.R. You may hear about it in the future, but it's off the schedule for now."
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July 18th, 2007, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash
How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?
[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";
[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;
[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.
download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4470.0.html
Mk6 burn-R6 Homebew Menu V0.1 [July.17th 2007]
[1] This is the first demo version,can load homebrew from TF and run
[2] The "NEO_MENU_v1.5_R6_Demo_V0.1.nds" is for load the nds game,but it's demo version too
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July 18th, 2007, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ThousandKnives
I thought I would post the project I've been working on here. It's just a port of a game I did for a 72-hour competition about 4 years ago. But, I thought it would make a good project to start with to learn how to program for DS.
I started from the DevKitPro template and used LibNDS. It should run on any emulator or actual hardware. It's written in C++. Graphics are mostly by my partners from the competition Jawsh and Pegwo. I had to do a lot of working with them to get it to fit on the DS screen, and added a bunch of new graphics (mostly background tiles). Maps were made using Tiled and a custom program I wrote to convert XML to C headers.
Missing features:
-Saving high scores
-Arm7 sound handler
-Multiple scrolling backgrounds
Although I note these missing features, I pretty much consider this "finished" and will probably move on to another project at this point, but I would appreciate any feedback.
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July 18th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: Kojote
Mollusk has released a new beta version of his coding library / development enviroment PAlib. He reorganized some more code, reduced the rom size (and ram usage), along with other changes.
New Stuff
[16bit] Double Buffering added
[Image] ImageSplitter added, an app to split up big images with frames into several smaller sprites. See example to use the app. It's basic and doesn't manage any 'error'
Updated Oldies
[Text] Now supports %x for Hex output
[16cText] Added PA_16cTextLineSpacing(u8 spacing) and PA_16cTextLetterSpacing(u8 spacing)
[iDeaS] Updated to
[Size] Optimised a bit more how PAlib code is organized, saves a few kB everywhere for some projects
[Reco] Added PA_RecoInfo.Difference and PA_RecoInfo.Shape for the shape found and the amount of difference (test to find the values you like to that shape
[Wifi] Updated to latest version
Things Fixed
[RTC] Reverted back to older code, now works
[Linux] PAlib compilation fixed
[3DSprites] Fixed bug of 3D not showing after using scrollable backgrounds. Big thanks to Sumiguchi
[Timers] Chris Liu fixed the Timers !
[Sprites] Fixed PA_GetSpriteAnim (thanks to Doud !)
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...roup_id=142901
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July 18th, 2007, 03:43 Posted By: c99koder
My first Dreamcast release has now become my first Nintendo DS release.
Introducing DreamZZT for Nintendo DS! DreamZZT is an open-source game creation system compatible with Epic Megagames' ZZT engine.
Aside from the Nintendo DS support, this release also introduces experimental support for SuperZZT games. SuperZZT games can be loaded and played, however the SuperZZT-specific enemies are not yet supported, and SuperZZT games cannot yet be saved.
This is a beta release. Be aware that some features may not be fully tested and some bugs may be present. Please feel free to use the bug tracking system on the DreamZZT site to report any bugs you may encounter.
For downloads and screenshots, see the DreamZZT DS wiki page on the DreamZZT site.
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July 18th, 2007, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia
Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu 5 is the fifth installment of the Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu (Ninja Council) series, which is based on the popular manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. The game is based on the Naruto: Shippuden series and features online Wi-Fi play, as well as other modes. Playable characters include Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Gaara, Temari and many more.
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July 18th, 2007, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Wizlon has released a public beta of his game thats being entered in the DevFr Coding Comp:
Collect the sarcho***us and the key and move onto the next room. Collect treasure for points.
Scrolls can be used to destroy mummys for points. Once a scroll has been collected, contact with a mummy will start touch control. Draw the characters on the bottom screen fast enough to expel the dangerous bad guys. One mummy is hiding in a block every level, try not to reveal it. Collect hourglasses to increase your time meter. Every 5th level the tides are turned and you can user your collected time to attack the mummies, once you run out of time you are vunerable again.
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July 19th, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
Mk6 burn-R6 Homebew Menu V0.3 [July.18th 2007]
[1] Fixed some major bugs of the loader, now i think all homebrew can run very well, Thanks chishm's help very much!
[2] Have updated the game roms loader V0.2 ,now can auto backup/restore the game save file to TF.
[3] Built in the Moonshell V1.71, thanks moonlight
download : http://www.neoflash.com/driver/R6_Ho..._Menu_V0.3.rar
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July 19th, 2007, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese publisher Enterbrain is reporting that more than three million Nintendo Wii consoles have been sold in Japan.
The Wii was launched in Japan on December 2, 2006. Sales of the PlayStation 3, launched in Japan on November 11, 2006, only recently passed the one million mark. The Wii retails for 25,000 Yen, or about half the price of the basic PS3 model.
Enterbrain also reported that sales of Nintendo's DS handheld have eclipsed the 18 million mark. The DS has been available in Japan since December of 2004.
via gibiz
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July 19th, 2007, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Chuck Studios
NDStation is a flasher for the EZFlash 3-in-1 Expansion Pack which allows you to package a ROM within a .NDS file and therefore run it from your Slot 1 flash card's main menu. Its purpose
is to make things feel more integrated and unified on your flash card.
Usage: |
To use NDStation, run the NDStation.exe included in this package. Some of the functions are self-explanatory, such as choosing the GBA ROM image you wish to use and where you want it to be copied. Game title defines the embedded title in the ROM. The first line is automatically set to the basename of the ROM chosen, although it can
easily be changed. Clicking "Customize the NDS" will open a menu where you can change the icon for the NDS file. A border option is also available but is inactive as border support is not yet implemented in the DS-side application. "Preview NDS" gives you a
rough idea of how the NDS will appear on R4DS's menu. "Go..." builds your .NDS file, and is finished when a message box pops up and says "Complete!" Don't forget to DLDI patch the NDS for your card.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wizlon:
Basically my game is called Om Mummy Evolution, It's a Pac Man type game, with a twist!
The game features an "evolution" game mode where the graphics cycle through videogame history including grayscale graphics, vector graphics, gameboy green graphics going onto traditional Amstrad 8 bit colour! Wow, technology is great. The gameplay is also more advanced than the original game, now thats evolution! (wow, I'm really shameless aren't I?)
I hope you enjoy this game as much I enjoyed making it!
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July 19th, 2007, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Beodeulpiri has posted a newversion of his board game for the DS.
Heres whats new:
- Removed limitation of max. 126 stones as changing 3D sprite.
- Patched AI bugs.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk has updated his clone of the flash game Orb-Avoidance.
Heres whats new:
July 17:
Change of the explosions, now made up of truths pieces of sprites
Addition of a system of combo
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July 19th, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Puzzle games collection for the DS, heres whats new:
This is a beta version because the new version of the dswifi lib has been integrated, as the new version of PAlib.
And wifi is not working on my DS again.
But I would like to get feedback from you before compiling it with the old dswifi lib version.
So please give me feedback (on forum for instance).
Anyway, in this version I’ve (as expected):
- added icons for Dominosa as requested in the forum
- added icons for Slitherlink as requested in the forum
- fixed bug of ‘online scores’ not available on the NDS (but as wifi is not working for me…)
I’ve also, as requested by LinkinG (king of Daily Challenge), a new feature: when playing, when left icon is selected (so in left click mode), if you stay pressed on L-button the right mode click is enabled. As soon as you’ll release the L-Button, the left click mode will be enabled again. In one word: try to press L while clicking on a game, and you’ll understand This feature doesn’t work on game Sudoku.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Italian Coder Aurelio has released a new Alarm Clock for the DS, the translation is rubbish so thats all i can tell you apart from future versions are hoping to have MP3 Support.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Aurelio is back with a new release which is basically the start of a shell for the Nintendo DS. Future versions will support quite a bit but dont ask me what because google is crap at translating italian to english :P
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July 19th, 2007, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Worst part about limited edition DS Lites? You're stuck with it long after the game is out, pigeon holing yourself. Good thing Square Enix's non-Square-Enix-looking game Subarashiki Kono Sekai is getting a custom DS Lite case. This is a very good idea! Peripheral maker Hori is releasing the casing for ¥1,449 (US $12) when the game drops on July 27. Hori's also got a Subarashiki Kono Sekai extendable touch pen if you're into that sorta thing.
In related Subarashiki Kono Sekai, Square Enix still hasn't secured the US rights to the title "It's A Wonderful World," the game's English language moniker. Though, apparently Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura is dead set on getting that English title so watch as his minions make it happen.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
WiiConnect24, a system built into Wii to keep the console constantly connected to the internet when on standby, is reported to be causing consoles to develop faults.
A number of disgruntled gamers are hitting internet forums saying their consoles have broken after being left on standby with WiiConnect24 enabled for long periods of time.
Although Nintendo says the console only consumes a tiny amount of power when in WiiConnect24 mode, supposedly comparable to a small light bulb, the console gets very hot - far hotter than when the console is on and being played - because the internal fans are deactivated in WC24 mode.
is suggested that this heat is cooking the main CPU, causing it to become faulty.
Nintendo has told CVG: "we've had no reports in the UK of anything like this happening," and advises users to contact the Nintendo Service Centre for further advice on 0870 60 60247 should a fault occur.
In the meantime, if you're worried about your Wii burning up, just deactivate WC24 - it's proved to be a non-essestial feature so far anyway.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Games industry icon and developer, Dave Perry, says that Wii's popularity will eventually die down as gamers "drop their Wii controllers" in favour of the more graphically advanced experiences offered by Xbox 360 and PS3.
He went on to predict: "When a game comes out - a game like a Halo or something, something they haven't seen before - they'll drop everything and they'll drop their Wii controllers when it does."
He doesn't seem to be referring to the non-hardcore gamers to which the Wii appeals, who generally aren't willing to spend large amounts of money on the high-performance consoles.
He also had a pop at the Wii's controller interface. "The Nintendo Wii isn't the final solution to that sort of interactive interface. I think we'll always see more and more interesting approaches to interface, and I really don't think the Wii is the ultimate solution to that," he told Disposable Media.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sega released the first screenshots of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games at E3 last week, and now you can see the game in motion in the first trailer.
You'll have to forget the videogame logic of the two characters for this one though, because the skills of the two mascots have been levelled out to put everyone on an even playing field.
"Coming under the Olympic banner, I think the Olympics acts as a neutral ground for the two characters," president and chief operating officer of Sega Europe, Mike Hayes, told CVG back in March.
So you'll be seeing Mario and Sonic in competitive races, even though you know deep down that Sonic should finish the race before Mario even starts.
Looks like good fun though, especially in multiplayer, and it'll be out in time for Christmas, too. Look out for our detailed impressions of the demo we saw at E3 soon.
Trailer here
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July 19th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
We suspected that the Wii controls would make Jenga significantly more difficult than the real thing, but that isn't the case, according to Siliconera's Spencer Yip. Instead, he found that it often required real effort to make the tower fall down. He tested this by smacking the tower with his virtual hand a few times, which caused shifting, but not collapse.
He was slightly down on the idea of an easier Jenga, but we could see ourselves making it fun for ... a few minutes. Imagine putting every piece on top of the tower so that it sticks out halfway, creating a tower that builds outward at a 45% angle. Can't do that with real Jenga! Seriously, though, the defining image of Jenga is of the tower toppling in a humiliating cacophony and spectacular dispersion of blocks. We don't know if it's going to feel like Jenga without constant failure.
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July 20th, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: Kojote
Via DEV-FR.org:
"A few months ago on the Maxconsole forums we came with the idea that there should be a Bittorrent Client that can run on the DS. I had completely forgoten about it until yesterday and I look around and found an opensource mini-library called libtorrent. It is desgined to run on machines with lower than normal resources (like the NDS) and it is opensource which means that porting it should be a bit easier. I am going to check into it to see if I can get it to compile using the devKitARM compiler. Please do note: I am not promising ANYTHING. If I do get the lib to compile I still don’t know if I am going to put a gui on it. Either way you should hear from me again about this in the next few days."
Source: http://blogs.moddz.com/nat1192
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July 20th, 2007, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.45 + 2.52 XMenu [07-20-2007]
* Optimized the flash low-level core, need re-format the MK5 first,please backup your game save file to PC in advance
* Added 3 format mode to the format page when boot up your NDS and hold SELECT+START
* Fixed one game save bug
* Changed the "wait to loading" screen, and can set the color in global.ini
Downlaod: MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.45 + 2.52 XMenu [07-20-2007]
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July 20th, 2007, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Neumann has posted a new version of his game Abstract Shoot.
New for this release are powerups and some new themes and also different graphics. also a quick bug fix rellease has just happenned.
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July 20th, 2007, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

What's better than experiencing the bowel-shaking, wall-rumbling, thunderous bass of a custom made subwoofer? Why, having that bass emanate from perfect replicas of the "question mark" and brick blocks from Super Mario Brothers, (thus making it the perfect thing to play back your recordings of the SMB Tesla coil), of course. According to the owner, the subs sound great, but the low-end gets a little muddy whenever the question mark gets turned into a metal plate.
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July 20th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
via fngspot
Well, I finally got the 'OK' from my boss to talk about what I've been working my butt off on..... It's a product for the Nintendo Wii called "PowerSaves".
The Wii Power Saves is PC software and a 512MB SD memory card for $19.99. The SD card comes preloaded with 30+ Power Saves for the Nintendo Wii. So, if you don't have a memory card reader, or don't feel like installing the PC software right away, you can still access a bunch of content right off the bat.
If you're familiar with the Xbox ActionRepaly, you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say "PowerSave". However, if you've never played with the Xbox AR, or have never even heard of it, you're probably saying "WTF is a PowerSave?" Well, it's not the 'pick up where so-and-so left off' game save that you may expect. PowerSaves are unique game saves that have been 'enhanced' to allow gamers to start off with special abilities, extra ammo, health, levels, and some even enable little extras that game developers never expected you to have access to.... Yeah, kind of like the infamous "Hot Coffee" cheat for Grand Theft Auto... but trust me, after all of the ruckus those PS2 codes and the Xbox save caused, I won't be doing anything like that again.
A more appropriate example of a unique PowerSave would be for The Ant Bully. There's no 'programmers cheat' that I know of that will allow you to enable the debug camera mode.... but there's a power save for it. With a press of the 2 button, the camera can be freely moved anywhere in the level, and with a press of the A button your character is instantly transported to that location.... pretty cool, but then again, it's for a not-so-popular game.... ok, how about starting off Super Paper Mario with 999/999 health, 999 coins, 99 strength, and every recipe? What about starting Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition with super health & ammo? Maybe starting off with the best weapons would be a little more fun? Well, I'm workin' on it!
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July 20th, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting heads up this week's European Virtual Console update, joining the ranks of SNES titles by demanding 800 Wii points for the pleasure of its company. Its little brother, regular SFII, is already available.
Also on the VC this week is the original NES version of Metroid, at 500 Wii points. It's the first of Samus' excellent adventures to appear on Nintendo's downloadable service. Look out for the latest of our Virtual Console Roundups to see how it's aged.
And, finally, there's Silent Debuggers for TurboGrafx-16 at 600 Wii points. Not one I'm familiar with, if I'm honest, but Wikipedia declares that it's another Data East title and a first-person shooter, no less, in which players explore a cargo station in search of treasure. The overall goal is to "debug" a computer to turn off the self-destruct sequence that otherwise dooms you.
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July 20th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Super Smash Bros. Brawl has plenty of surprises in store it seems, and this is one of them: a new mystery gameplay mode that appears to allow you to fight with trophies.
Fans of the previous game will remember the several dozens of trophies that were awarded for completing certain tasks in the game. But in Melee, they were nothing more than ornamental collectibles.
Game creator, Masahiro Sakurai, only partly explains what happens in the new mode, which he files under '???' on the official site. "In this world, trophies fight," he says. "Those are the rules of this world. But... when someone... or something... breaks those rules, the world will pay a terrible price..."
Whatever he means, this mode promises to be something special because the principle of Smash Bros. is that you smash opponents off the stage - where they fall to their death - but the stadium pictured below has no edges, and so nowhere to fall. Interesting...
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July 21st, 2007, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Since we've already sent both of the other major consoles through the wringer -- along with the two most popular handheld units -- it wouldn't really be fair if we didn't come together as a family and give Nintendo's Wii the most bitter critiquing of its young life, now would it? There's no real debating the fact that this innovative gaming platform has not only become a success in and of itself but fundamentally influenced the way we interact with our devices as well, yet it's certainly far from the perfect product, and there are a number of things we're sure you'd like to see added / changed / removed. For instance, it would pretty sweet if I could use this thing as my DVD player too. Or, why is it so dang hard to befriend someone? And of course, this being 2007 and all, where's that HD already?
Bonus: While no one really complains about this much anymore, as we recall, the name "Wii" wasn't all that well received among haters and fanboys alike when it was first revealed. Since this post is all about changes, we also want to know: if you could go back in time, how would you have branded Nintendo's worldwide hit?
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July 21st, 2007, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

While there doesn't appear to have been any official announcement from Nintendo as of yet, Canadian retailer Future Shop is now offering a new "Crimson/Black" DS Lite, which so far appears to only be available in a bundle with Brain Age 2. What's not clear is if this is exclusive to Canada (or, less likely, exclusive to Future Shop), but it seems like we should be hearing more about it soon enough, as it's apparently set to be released on August 20th (coinciding with the launch of Brain Age 2). While those in the states are out of luck for the time being, our Canadian friends can pre-order order the bundle now (which also includes a nifty carrying case) for $159.99 Canadian (or just over $150US).
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July 21st, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Takaishi has posted an updated version of his Ouendan clone.
Heres whats new
In this last version it adds the DLDI because many were complaining which it did not load the bottom, although theoretically does not serve don't mention it the DLDI, because it is not reading anything from FAT. But I leave them here, to have if it works to them. Otherwise, mándenme a mail with the information of the card that uses.
Also I made a great change in the code and to my to seem the circles at least they are synchronous perfectly. Although this change not note much until they compare from half of the level in this version with the rest.
What follows to program is to increase sensitivity of spinner, because at this moment single has 4 points of recognition. I believe that about 32 would have to be well.
As always, doubts, commentaries and suggestions can make them arrive at my mail.
The song at this moment is: Ayumi Hamasaki - Trauma to 6000hz
I hope to be able to add stream of audio being able to raise it 22025hz or something but decent: p.
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July 21st, 2007, 11:42 Posted By: Baboon
I just popped into town and was trying to track down the recently recalled Mario Part 8 for the Wii. As previously posted the game has been taking off the shelves in the UK because of the word 'spastic' within the game. I tried everywhere but alas I couldnt find it... that is untill I went into Toys R Us (In Plymouth, Devon) where theyve still got loadsa copies to pick up. 
Time for some spastic party action. 
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July 21st, 2007, 23:01 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
Emulate BIOS functions
Implement 2D background rotate and scale
Implement bitmap mode background and sprite
Optimize 2D window handling
Optimize mmu implementation
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

Got an old Pokemon Pinball cart laying around? Then you, friend, have a one-way ticket to frugal gaming fun ... with rumble! Xyzzy has just posted a tutorial on Instructables on how to build a rumble pak that fits smoothly into your DS lite GBA slot. Yes, Nintendo released a smaller version of the pak for the Lite, but you'd have to spend money and be like a normal consumer if you did that. With Xyzzy's plans, you can make a mess, destroy a game cart, and probably injure yourself too!
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke has released a new version of Genesis Plus the Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube.
What's New?
- corrected TeamPlayer support: fix multiplayer in Gauntlet 4 (Sept. version), Pengo and a lot of others
- added J-Cart support: enable multiplayer in Codemasters games (Pete Sampras, Micromachines games, Super Skidmarks)
- added serial EEPROM autodetection: fix games with bad SRAM informations in header (NBA Jam TE)
- added SVP faking: display 2D graphics in Virtua Racing (the game is however still unplayable)
- added support for more internal IO registers: fixe some unlicensed games (Wisdom Tree games...)
- added preliminary support for unmapped protection device: fix some unlicensed games with special built-in hardware (Squirell King, Lion King 2...)
- added "Soft Reset" combo (in game, use L+Z triggers): this should be like pressing the RESET button on a real Genesis and this is required
in some games to enable special features or even complete the game (ex: X-Men).
- added separate configuration for PortA/PortB inputs (GAMEPAD, MULTITAP or NONE, see Joypad Config): this let you setting PORTB as unplugged, which is needed in some games to access special modes or enable cheat codes (Alien Storm, X-Men...)
- Freezestate & SRAM files are now compressed (using zlib)
- FreezeState & SRAM files can now be saved/loaded to/from SDCARD: located in /genplus/saves/ from the root of your SDCARD
- changed initial ROMS directory for SDCARD user: now looking for /genplus/roms/ from the root of your SDCARD
- added user-transparent SRAM autoload (detection order is MCARD then SDCARD, SLOTA then SLOTB)
- "System reboot" is now used for console reboot and SD/PSO reload (if detected)
- added new font: now use original IPL font, extracted from Bootrom
- modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD):
. use B button to go up one directory
. use Z button to quit the file selection menu
. use L/R triggers to go down/up one full page
. use Left/Right buttons or Analog stick to scroll the selected entry's filename when it can't be full displayed
- various menu rearrangment, minor bugfixes & sourcecode cleanup
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-eke has also updated SMSPlus the Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube.
What's New?
- added 3D Glasses faking: fix graphics in games requiring 3D Glasses
- fixed VDP & Z80 SP registers initialization (usually done by BIOS): fixe games not working without BIOS (Ace of Aces, Shadow Dancer,...)
- completed game database for specific configuration (mappers, region, peripherals), based on Meka database
- added 4.7GB DVD support for WII drives (the maximal allowed size for Gamecube DVD is still 1.35GB)
- removed MPAL video timings, always use 60Hz NTSC: fix display problems for PAL wii users (no more PAL50 version needed)
- added Console Reboot option in main menu (System Reboot), also used for SDLoad reboot
- Freezestate files are now compressed (using zlib)
- FreezeState files can now be saved/loaded to/from SDCARD: located in /smsplus/saves/ from the root of your SDCARD
- changed initial ROMS directory for SDCARD user: now looking for /smsplus/roms/ from the root of your SDCARD
- added new font: now use original IPL font, extracted from Bootrom
- modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD):
. use B button to go up one directory
. use Z button to quit the file selection menu
. use L/R triggers to go down/up one full page
. use Left/Right buttons or Analog stick to scroll the selected entry's filename when it can't be full displayed
- various menu rearrangment, minor bugfixes & sourcecode cleanup
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-eke has updated Gnuboy GX the GameBoy Mono/Color emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube!
What's New?
. added RTC Synchro: in-game RTC (Real Time Clock) is now synchronized with system RTC on SRAM load
. added GBC/GBA palettes color for GB Mono [Askot]
. fixed some palettes [Askot]
. added user-transparent SRAM autoload (detection order is MCARD then SDCARD, SLOTA then SLOTB)
. added 4.7GB DVD support for WII drives (the maximal allowed size for Gamecube DVD is still 1.35GB)
. removed MPAL video timings, always use 60Hz NTSC: fix display problems for PAL wii users (no more PAL50 version needed)
. added Console Reboot option in main menu (System Reboot), also used for SDLoad reboot
. Freezestate & SRAM files are now compressed (using zlib)
. FreezeState & SRAM files can now be saved/loaded to/from SDCARD: located in /gnuboy/saves/ from the root of your SDCARD
. added user-transparent SRAM autoload (detection order is MCARD then SDCARD, SLOTA then SLOTB)
. changed initial ROMS directory for SDCARD user: now looking for /gnuboy/roms/ from the root of your SDCARD
. current emulator options can now be saved/loaded to/from SDCARD SlotA: the file is dev0:\\gnuboy\\gnuboyGX.cfg [Askot]
. added L+R combo to save SRAM in MCARD SLOTB during gameplay [Askot]
. added new font: now use original IPL font, extracted from Bootrom
. modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD):
- use B button to go up one directory
- use Z button to quit the file selection menu
- use L/R triggers to go down/up one full page
- use Left/Right buttons or Analog stick to scroll the selected entry's filename when it can't be full displayed
. various menu rearrangment, minor bugfixes & sourcecode cleanup
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-eke has updated yet another emulator for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube. This time he's updated NeoPop the NeoGeo Pocket Color emulator!
What's New?
- added 4.7GB DVD support for WII drives (the maximal allowed size for Gamecube DVD is still 1.35GB)
- removed MPAL video timings, always use 60Hz NTSC: fix display problems for PAL wii users (no more PAL50 version needed)
- added Console Reboot option in main menu (System Reboot), also used for SDLOAD reboot
- Freezestate files are now compressed (using zlib)
- FreezeState files can now be saved/loaded to/from SDCARD: located in /neopop/saves/ from the root of your SDCARD
- changed initial ROM directory for SDCARD user: now looking for /neopop/roms/ from the root of your SDCARD
- added new font: now use original IPL font, extracted from Bootrom
- modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD):
. use B button to go up one directory
. use Z button to quit the file selection menu
. use L/R triggers to go down/up one full page
. use Left/Right buttons or Analog stick to scroll the selected entry's filename when it can't be full displayed
- various menu rearrangment, minor bugfixes & sourcecode cleanup
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007]
(please click the "Menu Upgrade" button to upgrade,not need format again)
* Fixed the bug of upgrade NEO3 menu
* Added the function for backup/write NEO2/3's menu flash / SRAM / PSRAM
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Wintermute has released an updated version of DSBasic
Heres the release info:
I had a quick look at this and got rid of all the warnings and converted to use libfat so, in theory, all you should need is a suitable dldi for your card. The file selector code needs a bit more work really but it seems to work.
includes updated source and precompiled nds.
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Jesse has updated his excellent graphics app for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new etc
* Updated to new libraries, which solved some SuperCard issues (Seems like SuperCard Lite is still not working properly)
* Handles built-in calibration data properly
* Saves files to colors catalogue instead of in root
* Flip-Y function
* Basis of New UI
* Misc feature and bug-fixes
Current features
Plain circle brush where pressure controls opacity
512x384 image resolution with 1 stage zoom
Replay the whole painting process of an image
Hue-circle and luminance/saturation-triangle style palette
Simple Load/Save support
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Chuck studios, heres the release info:
Wow, version 1.1 already. This one has PSRAM loading for ROMs smaller than 16MB, thanks to a great code snippet by cory1492, and support for a custom borders! Borders have a weird graphical error, but only the first time the NDS is run. I have no idea why.
Also now included is a Linux and Mac GUI written by dg10050. The installer is located at:
http://www.dpgdownloads.com/ndstatio...tation_install And the readme is available here:
Bugfixes are a small graphical hiccup in the GUI and an error in compilations caused by some cheap hacks I used, also in the GUI.
An important note about mixing PSRAM and NOR ROMs:
* * If you run a NOR ROM, then use a PSRAM ROM, your NOR ROM's
* * save will no longer be present on the 3-in-1. To get it
* * back you must run the NOR ROM's flasher again.
The next release should be able to detect if a NOR ROM is already flashed and simply restore the save. Also, border support will be implemented soon. Future plans include compression, something no other 3-in-1 flasher has!
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
sephiroth ff7 has released a new horizontal space shooter homebrew game for the Nintendo DS.
How to play:
Look at ship.txt to see how the code functions.
Open it with ship_compile to compile it.
Other information:
For the moment the play reads the file only if it is named “ship.shp”
Stage far from advanced, just to show operation.
Separately the idea of the customization, I do not know too what I will do of this shoot' em' up.
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

The underground scene of game-created music is really thriving, with the latest example to emerge from under the radar being a drum machine hack for a GameBoy. A bright yellow GameBoy, 1MB of flash memory, a serial interface, and a custom ROM is all that's needed to put out some beats: with a little help from some solenoids and flat surfaces, of course. Putting it all together is the hard part, and half the fun we suspect.
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

You’ve got the cards. You’ve got the chips. But have you got the nerve? See for yourself!
With the new World Championship Poker® featuring Howard Lederer All-In, it’s like you’re right across the table from some of the world’s top poker-playing personalities Howard Lederer, Annie Duke, Robert Williamson III, Marcel Luske, Thomas Bihl and Erin Ness.
Are you up to the challenge? Sit down, shuffle up, and let’s deal!
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July 23rd, 2007, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marovada:
I have made a BASIC interpreter for the Nintendo DS. I call it Wee Basic. It is DLDI compatible and includes a demo BASIC program to show you the available commands and syntax. Best of all you can program on the DS itself.
You can download it freely from my blog: http://freescifistories.wordpress.com/
I will be posting more information on my blog when I get an opportunity, including a more detailed walk through of the demo program.
Note that I cobbled the editor together very quickly & I will have to better it over time & iron out some bugs.
As with all homebrew, use at your own risk.
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July 23rd, 2007, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Exdream:
After I worked for the university on a radial layout for a graph, I had the idea to convert the radial menu from one of my favorite games Secret Of Mana to the Nintendo DS.
In this early version there is only on layer and you can select some icons with the stylus. You can also choose different numbers of icons and change the radius.
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
Unlike last week and the week before it, we're actually able to report on game releases this week. Well, actually it's only a game release, but that's still better than nothing. Releasing on both the PSP and Wii this week, gamers will be able to pick up:Are you looking forward to picking up Sega's shooter this week?
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July 24th, 2007, 06:03 Posted By: Kojote
After last week's beta, here comes the final v1.9 of PuzzleManiak. PuzzleManiak is a collection of minigames for the NDS.
- added icons for Dominosa as requested in the forum
- added icons for Slitherlink as requested in the forum
- fixed bug of 'online scores' not available on the NDS

Download: http://www.puzzlemaniak.com/
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July 24th, 2007, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly special offer from Play Asia

Wario is back with 200 all-new microgames and all-new ways to play them!
In WarioWare: Twisted!, you control the action by rotating the entire Game Boy Advance left or right and, sometimes, pressing the A Button. This must be the first game to include a screen warning you to spin your game system around -- but not yourself!
Want a wind-up music box with a statuette of Mona on her scooter, a ski-jump game or piano lessons? WarioWare: Twisted's got 'em, along with scads more bonus games, figurines, music, instruments, and other souvenirs from Wario's home burg, Diamond City.
Nintendo's Gameboy Advance™ mini game collection Mawaru Made in Wario (aka. WarioWare: Twisted!) is now available at discounted US$ 16.90 only.
Game features:
Each Game Pak is equipped with a Gyro Sensor that detects sideways motion
Play over 200 all-new, lightning-quick microgames by rotating the GBA or pressing the A Button
Unlock over 130 souvenirs from Diamond City, including bonus games, moveable figurines, music, instruments, and many other novelties.
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July 24th, 2007, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Taiko no Tatsujin DS is a rhythm action game. Like other Taiko games, the player plays the notes of a chosen song's drum part as they are displayed on the screen. The taiko drums can be played using the touch screen or the buttons.
Taiko no Tatsujin DS has the ability to engage in 4 player wireless multiplayer. Users can also dress up and add decoration to the cartoon taiko characters.
Namco's Taiko no Tatsujin DS for Nintendo DS™ is shipping today at US$ 48.90 only.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has announced that it's bringing CSI to Wii and 360 for the first time ever this autumn.
The game's called Hard Evidence and is being painstakingly pieced together by Telltale Games, the brain behind Sam & Max's episodic crime capers.
The story will revolve around the Las Vegas team from the popular show on telly, featuring familiar faces Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows to name a few. We think it should have been that ginger one with the dramatic voice from CSI: Miami as the star. He's our favourite.
Anyway, the aim of the game is to solve various murders by using a vast array of forensic special moves. Procedures. So you'll be investigating crime scenes for bits of hair and all sorts of things the lazy cops handily skimmed over.
Those of you interested on playing this on Wii will be treated to motion-sensing navigation around various environments, while Xbox 360 owners are promised super-flashy cinematic graphics. Both versions will feature new and specific controls to make catching the bad guys a cinch.
It's also going to be the biggest and best offering so far, with longer cases to solve and more tools at your disposal - taken straight from the TV series, apparently.
It's already been confirmed for PC, and will launch simultaneously on all platforms.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
These new NiGHTS screens are pretty and all that, but they're not of NiGHTS flying around, doing his usual gem-collecting trickery.
They look like shots from a CGI intro in which you're introduced to two children, Helen and Will, whose dreams you presumably have to save.
See the images here. Leave feedback via comments.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
A rather cool release from KeithE:
Here is an application to turn your DS into a motion sensing USB gamepad. You'll need a DS Motion Card or MK6-motion or R6 gold for the motion sensing, and an MK5 (or clone) GBA slot USB linker. Plug all the cards in, plug the USB cable into your computer, and run the application. Presto - a motion sensing game controller.
There is no GUI, and no customization/calibration. Calibration can be done with your OS joystick calibration utility. No drivers for the computer are needed.
I made this several months ago, and was procrastinating releasing it. Darkfader asked for it, so I quickly updated it with the new DS Motion functions.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
ThousandKnives has posted a new release of his shootemup for the DS:
You are the Martian- you are BRUTE! You are going to destroy earth and you're starting with this name.
I have uploaded a *minor* update of this game. The widespread feedback on this game has changed my mind about leaving it quite yet- though I'm still not sure how far it will go.
The game now uses Libfat and thus will crash certain emulators (I'm looking at you Dualis). Not sure about slot 2 devices, as I don't own one and so I haven't tested that. Works on my slot 1 perfectly, and will run on No$GBA though scores will be lost after powering off.
In this update:
- Better sound effect support
- Board to keep Top 10 scores & name entry.
- Various map edits
- First boss actions tweaked
- Powerup frequency reduced
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July 24th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Due to unprecedented demand for the CycloDS Evolution, retailers have sold out and we’re in the process of manufacturing a large batch to keep up with demand. The next batch of CycloDS Evolution will be available in about ten days from now. We’re also pleased to announce that starting with the next batch the case colour will be available in either black or white
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July 24th, 2007, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
If you have your Wii set in WiiConnect24 mode you will be waking up to your Wii's glowing disc tray alerting you to some cool surprises in the next two months, according to teasing statements from Nintendo America honcho, Reggie Fils-Aime.
WiiConnect24 has had minimal use since the console's launch in the last year, but Reggie has said the surprises Nintendo promised at last year's E3 are "still coming".
"We announced at E3 [this year] a new channel: the Check Mii Out Channel. And we still have plans...", teased Fils-Aime.
"The surprise is coming... by the end of September," he goes on to reveal. "I think you'll like this surprise," he told GameHead.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Zeblackos has once again updated his impressive looking puzzle game for the Nintendo DS.
Cant tell you whats new as google translation is rubbish :P
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July 24th, 2007, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Mario Party 8 was pulled from shelves last week after it was revealed that the game contained the word "spastic" in its script. It will now be re-released next Friday August 3.
At one point in the originally released version of the game, the blue wizard known as Kamek said: "Magikoopa magic! Turn the train spastic! Make this ticket tragic!" Bad wizard.
"The offending word has been replaced at code level and the software reproduced," said Nintendo.
"We are confident we have taken the correct appropriate levels and action necessary and in all new versions of the game there are no issues - however we cannot 100 per cent guarantee that every copy of the initial batch was returned to us and as such there may still be a small number of copies of the game in circulation," Nintendo told MCV.
Look for copies of Mario Party 8: Spastic Edition selling for big bucks on eBay soon.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
NightFox has updated Spirits DS. Heres the release notes:
After long time of inactivity (our graphics artist and musician was out last 3 moths) i'll post a little update, with new background graphics for 1st lv.
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July 24th, 2007, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
A test release from Philip:
I'm trying to write an electric tuner for the DS, but I'm having trouble with the timing. Namely, the timers in the DS aren't that accurate - they're well within the range you'd expect from a video game system, but to be accurate to, say, the nearest cent, the timers need to be accurate to ±1/20%... way more than the DS is designed for.
I'd like to think that, with enough calibration, this problem can be gotten around... but it depends on how consistent a DS's timer is, in the same DS... I know from a quick experiment in IRC that WinterMute's DS's timer runs about 2% slower than mine (it reports the sound as about 40 cents higher)... but on the few tests I've run on my own DS, it rarely disagrees with itself more than about a cent. If it's always about the same on a single DS, then running some sort of calibration the first time you run it should be enough.
This is where you need your help:
Download the tuner.
Put the .nds file on your DS and run it.
Put your DS next to your computer speakers, and play the two .wav files in the zip.
Post your results here. Specifically, the reading in the top-right of the lower screen.
Run the tests a few times, and see if you get consistent results... if possible, test it in the middle of the day, and at night... temperature might affect it, depending on how the timers work in the hardware.
If all (or even most) DSs get similar numbers every time, even if they don't agree with each other, then the project can probably go ahead... otherwise, I'll probably have to scrap it, which'll be sad.
So yeah, the more data I have, the better, so if as many people as possible do this for me, it'll be great. I don't think I'm asking much, just run a program, and play a couple of sounds... should take 1 or 2 minutes, at most, at a couple of times during the day.
Oh, and one last thing: The program, as written, isn't particularly good for tuning actual instruments yet, even without the calibration problems... it's good for sine waves, and not much else. That'll get fixed before release... it's just got something in there right now that's simple and works.
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July 24th, 2007, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Spinal has once again updated his app for the Nintendo DS, heres the details:
A while ago, I created a simple button tester so I could test the keyboard layout of a DS emulator.
After sharing it with the DS community, some forum users had suggested that I add a couple of features and turn the simple button tester into a fully fledged diagnosis tool. Soon more and more people suggested feature that DiagnoSe should have and some of those features have been added. I have had learned a lot from coding DiganoSe and have had fun doing it. I hope that some people find use for this application.
Features include testing
• Direction Pad and buttons
• Touch screen accuracy
• Wifi settings
• Microphone
• Speakers
• Screen lights
• Motion card/pak (sold separately)
• Rumble pak (sold separately)
• Boot GBA game
• Fix stuck pixels
• Reset to card menu (supported cards only)
• Power off DS
• Set screen brightness (DS Lite only, not saved in firmware)
• Battery monitor
• Temperature monitor
• GBA screen select (not saved in firmware)
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July 24th, 2007, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
Have any of you ever heard of a sport called gateball? It's some kind of Japanese croquet-like game for kids. It's also the basis for this week's most out-of-nowhere Virtual Console offering from Hudson. We can only say that because, over the years, we've gotten used to the other, objectively weirder game in which the protagonist throws his tethered head at enemies. The other games are both significantly less whaaa? than either of these: NES Open Tournament Golf and a classic Mysterious Dungeon roguelike. - Mario Open Golf (Famicom, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points)
- Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Shiren the Wanderer (Super Famicom, 1 player, 900 Wii Points)
- Dynamite Headdy (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points)
- Appare! Gateball (PC Engine, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
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July 31st, 2007, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new version of his Arcade emulator for the Nintendo DS thats been compiled with the latest version of LibNDS, apart from that i think thats all whats new:
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July 31st, 2007, 14:09 Posted By: wraggster
Chrunchy2 has released a new version of the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube, Heres whats new:
[What's New 2.0.1b8]
* Added: SD slot B options for freezes, sram and loading of roms
* Changed: SMB options no longer displayed in menus when run on a Wii
* Changed: Game auto resumes running after resetting when choosing the "Reset Game" menu option
* Fixed (maybe): Reading of DVDs past the 1.36 GB barrier (Wii only) please test! - svpe
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July 31st, 2007, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from the official site:
I'm planning to release the current version of my Forth (2.0) as a frequently-updated, no-cost beta during August and September. Here is what the pricing scheme will be for the commercial release, which should be in September or November. There will be 3 options for sale:
1. Download binary (256MB image) and .pdf manual - $30
2. Printed manual - $50
3. Mini DVD-R, includes option 1. For people with modded Gamecube's. - $50
A closed demonstration program is planned. I'll put a video online, for people who aren't set up to run GC programs. I originally thought I would make a game and that would be my demonstration but I decided that I'd rather concentrate on making a good game without having to worry it being a good "demonstration" too.
The manual will feature entertaining paragraphs, well-organized diagrams, and reference tables. I'm just mentioning that to prepare people who would be expecting the current popular documentation format which sadly consists of endless step-by-step instructions and obvious yet pretensiously-technical-sounding explanations. (Drivel like "The Position Field lets you modify the current object's Position property." We won't be having any of that here.)
About 6 months after 2.0, 3.0 should be released. 3.0 is going to be a faster, more forgiving, tighter, cleaner, meta-compiling version of 2.0. I have plans to write a seperate Forth that will tap into the 3D and DSP power of the Gamecube and hopefully the Wii. And another for the Windows platform.
The selling points of my programming language are its simplicity and its custom-tailoredness.
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July 31st, 2007, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
Diddl has released an unnofficial version of DSDoom for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
# small menu to choose between wad type (doom1, doom2, tnt, plutonium)
# change standard path dependent on wad type for wad files and save files. (/dsdoom/doom; /dsdoom/doom2; /dsdoom/tnt; /dsdoom/plutoinium)
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July 31st, 2007, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
The R4DS Team have released a kernal update to their DS Flash Carts with support for Download Play games, awesome if working properly
1)Solved the soft reset of some games
2)Solved the white screen issues of some games
3)Adding the on/off option for real-time cheats switch
4)Updated moonshell to v1.71 and supporting soft reset
5)Full download play support(Please use trim_tool 2.0 to trim ROMs)
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July 31st, 2007, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
Jao has released a Pac-man type game into the Dev-Fr Coding Compo.
Heres the details:
"Get out" is a PacMan-like game, you must escape from a classroom without been caught by teachers around, you can hide on free places.
There is 12 levels, the game becomes very hard at the end because the speed and the number of teachers increse , I dont think much of you can end this game.
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July 31st, 2007, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Costello has released a rather excellent web browser for the DS, heres the release info:
DSHobro 0.2, aka. DS Homebrew Browser.
DSHobro is a homebrew that lets you surf the web on your DS. It is based on a PC application that parses web pages, and sends the result to the DS. Version 0.1 alpha was released long ago, in april 07, but was just a tiny demo of the possibilities offered by the PC/DS mechanism. DSHobro 0.2 now takes full advantage of this mechanism and allows you to really surf the web, actually read text and view images (text is clear enough to be read) and so on.
Some of the usual navigation possibilities are available such as the "back"/"forward"/"refresh"(...) buttons. Also, the server application supports multiple simultaneous connections, allowing several people to use DSHobro at the same time, with only one instance of the program.
You may also use DSHobro from a remote location: if you run the server on your own PC, you can surf the web with your DS from any wifi access point (if you know your PC's ip address).
Step 1: run the "Server.exe" application on your PC. Tweak the settings if you need to, and click the "Start!" button.
Step 2: run "DSHobro.nds" on your DS. Enter your PC's IP address, and the port that you selected during step 1.
Step 3: surf!
DSHobro was developped for both right-handed and left-handed persons. You may then use your DS with the hand of your choice.
* Bottom screen: preview ("miniature" version of the web page).
* Top screen: a portion of the web page, with 1:1 scale (zoom 100%).
* D-Pad, or A/B/X/Y for left-handed: horizontal and vertical scroll on the page.
* L/R: swap screens
* Select: display interface
* Start: refresh display
* Stylus: when the bottom screen shows the miniature version of the page, clicking with the stylus focuses the top screen on the zone that you clicked.
When the screens are swapped, a click with the stylus means a real click on the page (ie. clicking on a link, on a button...)
These features are similar to a regular web browser:
Back: go back (display previous page)
Forward: go forward (display next page)
Refresh: refreshes page
"Globe" icon: go to http://costello.dev-fr.org to check for updates
Home: goes to homepage, aka. www.google.com
Also, if you press Start, the PC won't actually redownload the web page, but only send the current page again to the DS. It may prove useful when you click somewhere on the page and it doesn't load a new page (ie. opening a frame, a menu, ...)
DSHobro 0.2 is better than 0.1a, but there are still a lot of things that it can't do.
These things are (among others):
- Enter text in forms and text fields
- View flash animations/videos.
- Use java, activeX or whatever
- Manage bookmarks
- many other things...
All of the above features are not available in v0.2
But it doesn't mean I won't be able to implement them in later versions!
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July 31st, 2007, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Thoduv has entered 2d mario type game into the Dev-Fr 2007 Coding Compo.
Lapinou is nice a small rabbit "carrotivore" which is, for a reason that nobody until there could explain, wedged in a kind of infernal tower, between two edges of screen. But did not fear for our rodent friend, who although having a little varied food, is rather revived and crafty one. With force of reflexion, this one thus found the solution with its imprisonment: this solution is simple, it acts to go up. To go up? Eh yes, precisely, I hold see strange blocks of grounds as suspended on the medium of the vacuum by a divine force extremely favorable to the survival of the species of the rabbits, which commme know it to you, is necessary for the good regulation of the quantity of carrots in the ecosystem, but in short. More astonishing still, these famous magic blocks seem to show the way, to form a staircase towards the freedom of our dear Lapinou. Then it takes its courage with its two ears, warms up the legs, and starts to leap of blocks in blocks. But horror: it proves that those are rather fragile kind and exhaust themselves quickly under the weight of the rodent doped with the carrot juice... Your mission (if you accept it): incarnate this rabbit in distress, and return to him his freedom.
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July 31st, 2007, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
Tippy has released an awesome looking homebrew RPG game for the DS, heres the release details:
You are Ock the caveman. The dark magician, Dark Magician has been terrorizing a local modern village, infesting the world with monsters everywhere. The bravest warriors have all been slain in an attempt to thwart the monsters and the Dark Magician. All the rational men left refuse to stop the Dark Magician and Merlin, the good magician, being too old, has to call upon someone... so he goes back in time and picks up a caveman. He realizes that cavemen are much stronger than regular men and much dumber than them and with that fact he has chosen upon a caveman to handle these foes and his reward? EVOLUTION! yeah, he gets to become a regular human after evolving for a couple of times.
Be warned though, you cannot unequip/ use certain weapons until you have leveled up a bit and evolved. A first level caveman can only have on a spear. A second level can have a club/spear. And a human can have anything on.
So go ahead and defeat the monsters and mingle with the towns folk. Some of them are only available during certain hours though, and I probably should have added more than a few side quests.
Y - start battle if you want. You will randomly encounter thtem though.
A - talk to people/ use stuff
B - cancel
X - when it's highlighted over an item it will show a description of the item
Select - Inventory
R/L - in Inventory, will go to next place like spells or Equipped weapons
Stuff I'll add but didn't have time to:
- Some of the gfx are corrupted since I loaded too much Oh well.
- tHE ITEM descriptions are off for some reason
-Dying. Yeah you never die in here.
-More Battlebackgrounds. As you can see, I'm right near the limit for Homebrew so Icouldn't squeeze in more battle backgrounds and had to stick with 1. In fact I had to get rid of quite a few gfx to get under the 4MB limit.
-Saving. This game is fairly short, so I don't think you even need it.
-Bugs. I didn't test this all that much so I don't know how it'll turn out.
-ColMap in Houses. I kept getting weird bugs so the Collision detection is turned off
in the houses
-More Sound Effects, Like I said, I was running into the limit so I couldn't
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July 31st, 2007, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
Drake has released his first game coded with palib for the DS, heres the info:
I've just made a pong clone with PAlib.It's my first NDS game.
It's a simple pong with a player and AI enemy.
-Move the player by pad or stylus.
-Pause the game pressing START
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July 31st, 2007, 15:49 Posted By: wraggster
MasterDje has released an educational app for the DS, heres the info:
28 years of portable consoles
On the well-known principle of the chronological planks, I tried to point the great stages, the great exits and other evolutions in the field of the wandering play.
Knowing that constraints of order puericultrices obliged me to make as fast as possible, to hold the deadlines, this project of approximately 10j intense (intense engraves) will be altered basic in roof as soon as I have a little time...
Large a thank you with Rene, of www.silicium.org, me having authorized "to borrow" photographs, figures and infos...
Do not hesitate to throw there a glance, the "museum" of data processing is enthralling!
btw its in french only, download at Official Page Here
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July 31st, 2007, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
Stravingo has released a weather station app for the DS, heres the translation.
Hello with all,
after having made two plays on DS (Ka-Boom and Setsuzoku No Puzzle), I launched out for my third realization in the development of a utility. Here thus DS Weather Report, which I subjects in the applications category of the compo Dev-Fr. How its name indicates it to anglophone among you, this application enables you to have a station weather in the pocket! You will be able to see the situation current weather on a chart (for the moment limited to Western Europe) which you can make ravel and zoomer. Information weather is downloaded by Wifi near the waiter of The Weather Channel. To make function the application, it is thus necessary to be for Access Point.
You can reach a detailed weather report like with a forecast over 5 days for more than 40000 cities in the world in three manners:
Maybe while clicking on the position of this city on the chart if it is a European city.
Maybe by selecting the city in a list classified by country (2280 European cities).
Maybe while entering directemment its code weather (more than 40000 cities in the world).
This bulletin is posted on the screen top, the duration of remote loading is 1 to 3 seconds.
To obtain weather information of ALL the cities appearing on the chart, press on X. The remote loading lasts between 30 seconds and 1 min. You will then see the temperatures and the pictograms on the chart for all the cities.
The topic "Evolution" of the compo was not expected that for the plays, but my application also answers it since it makes it possible to know the evolution of the weather in real time like its evolution over 5 days
By the way, all the prog is in English (shame one me) but a translation in French is laid down.
Another thing: the program WILL NOT FUNCTION on an emulator because of the requirements in Wifi, to only thus test on hardware.
A: Fact of cycling the types of information posted on the chart (names of villes/icônes/températures). The first time that one supports on A, information weather are downloaded if they did not have it déja be by a support on X.
B: Allows to select a city, either in a list of cities classified by country, or while entering its code.
X : Reactualize the temperatures by downloading information of all the cities whose names appear on the chart.
Y : Help and appropriations.
Select : Selectionne the current city as being the favorite city. This information is stored on the linker.
Start : Fact of appearing on the screen top the weather of the favorite city.
L/R : Zoom out/zoom in.
Cross : Displacement of the chart.
Stylet : Selectionne a city on the chart, selectionne a city in the list, etc.
1) Take the format of ROMANIAN corresponding to your linker (either DSWeatherReport.nds, or DSWeatherReport.sc.nds)
2) Patchez the ROMANIAN with DLDI.
3) Copy the ROMANIAN from your linker, as well as the file "cities.dat" to place in the same repertory.
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July 31st, 2007, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Syntech
Since I couldn't find a stop watch program for my NDS I decided to hack one together myself. Based on the Timer Demo from Chris Liu, which I found here, I created StopWatchDS.
The .gba file runs under NO$GBA Emulator, the .nds file runs on my R4.
Since this is my first program for the NDS, it is only text based (sorry, no fancy graphics ).
Well, not much more to say about it for now.
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July 31st, 2007, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
Schyzophrenic has released a Quiz game for the DS, heres the release info.
In the train I embetais myself maliciously while returning of my week end in my parents. I look at then around me. What do I see? A girl behind a magazine! Which is you the report/ratio will say to me? The magazine pardi! (and the girl a little also Azn)
To sail on the current wave of the feminization of the video game, like working actively for the bringing together of the geeks with young people and pretty young ladies of the external world, I developed SpsychoD (pronounce SpsykoD): a simulator of tests!
Yes, yes, of the tests as in our preferred magazines Cheesy
Now you can make tests with several or as a recluse with your small DS! More need for coltiner the large BIBA with full with pub to make the test. Finished insatiable research and the unutterable frustration of the research of the lost pencil! Azn
Now SpsychoD is there and the life to the extreme will simplify you! Wink
Imagine, at the edge of the beach, the feet in water and in charming company... You will be able to make the test with two without needing to take along a trunk with you Smiley
Operation is simple: you choose a test, you answer the questions and you read the résutlat! It is all http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/2...nstitremf2.png
To make its lifespan interminable, you have the possibility of creating YOUR own tests. With this intention, it is enough to fill the form, to put it in the repertory "Files" located at the same level as your Romanian and of launching PAFS.bat! And your test is available in the application.
This release is only available in French but can be downloaded at the official Release Thread
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July 31st, 2007, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sumiguchi :
Here is a game that DayDream and I made for this competition. It is a space shoot'em up game. You must battle through waves of enemies to save Trinity and all of humanity.
There are two playable characters and you must progress through the game as both characters. (Progress for each character is stored seperately) There are some difference - primarily in the bombs. Alice has radial bomb controlled by the stylus and Mortymer has guided missles also controlled by the stylus.
The game is easier if you play as Alice but I think you can get higher scores with Mortymer once you master your bomb navigation technique.
Modes of Play
There are 10 missions, 10 Zones and 2 training missions to play. Missions allow you to unlock new areas and upgrade your ship. In Zone, you always start with basic weapon capabilities and can *ahem* evolve by collecting power ups. Be sure to enjoy the stereo sfx with headphones. Audio options are in the pause menu during gameplay
There are multiple levels of evolution in this game. You will see it in the story and through some funny naming references, but also throughout the missions you will see you ship & capabilities evolve. In intense battles you will see the explosions evolve into massive blasts. Once you have upgraded your ship by playing through the missions, the upgrades persist with you - so you can go back and play Mission one with all the new capabilities. So in this way, the game really evolves to allow you to max out scores.
I hope you will submit your scores online to show your capabilities in case of a similar strike against Earth.
Requires DLDI Patching
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July 31st, 2007, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
X-Blaster has released a new space shooter for the DS, heres the info:
Meteora is a play based on the principle of "and if weather had been a play of action".
You have the control of a planet and you owe the defendre against another planet enemy.
To overcome it you have the mana your planet whom you can relacher and to send on your enemy. You have also different capacity of god who will allow you to increase your mana, to send larger mana, etc...
For that it will be necessary to use your breath, your stylet, your brain also if you do not do too many hyper ventilation.
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July 31st, 2007, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Campanile has released a port of a great flashgame to the Nintendo DS, heres the release notes:
Grow RPG and Grow Cube are original plays EYEMAZE
=== Grow RPG ===
A virgin world pret with all the evolutions.
Two forces, bad, good, disputing its control.
Aidez Link has to build a perfect world in which it will overcome the Red Devil.
Each element will evolve/move according to time and other elements in place,
good combination will bring to Link the forces to overcome, another will send it
towards an adventure lost in advance...
Touch the elements to be positioned, follow the evolutions, and start again!
Animations can be accelerated by leaving the supported stylet.
* Bugs known *
- Problems of priorities at times for any reason which I can seize
- Some problems of sounds
- It is possible of bourriner the buttons, which will carry out to the reset of the play.
=== Grow Cubes ===
To come!
If you finish the play, subject only once your score, all
flooding will cause the suppression of the scores.
To play with the solution, they is not cool. Keep there if you find it,
do not seek on Google if you do not find, will perséverez.
=== Thanks ===
Palib http://www.palib.info/
Dev-Fr http://www.dev-fr.org/
Eyemaze http://www.eyezmaze.com/
Sumiguchi http://www.sumiguchi.ca/
=== Contact ===
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July 31st, 2007, 16:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nameless has updated astrological app for the DS.
Heres whats new:
For summary, it acts of a interactive planetarium including/understanding all stars of the sky (until magnitude 5), as well as the objects of Messier (with their images). It is possible for you to post the lines of the constellations as well as a grid, and to personalize posting. It also includes a system of star search per constellation.
Version 0.8 (28/07/07):
* Addition of 47 constellations: Whale, Eridan, Orion, Unicorn, Puppy, Hydre, Sextant, Cut, Corbel, Hare, Large Dog, Poop, Compass, Pneumatic Machine, Graver, Dove, Furnace, Sculptor, Poisson Southern, Microscope, Crane, Phoenix, Veils, Furnace bridge, Southern Rule, Wolf, Centaur, Compass, Triangle, Telescope, Southern Crown, Peacock, Cross of the South, Indian, Toucan, Hydre Male, Clock, Reticle, Sea-bream, Table, Painter, Careen, Flying fish, Caméléon, Mouche, Bird of paradise, Octant.
* Addition of a documentation supplements in French
* Framing of the name of star selected in the system of research and posting its magnitude on the higher screen.
* Corrections of some bugs graphic (constellations which were not posted any more) and cleaning of the code.
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July 31st, 2007, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has released a new quizz game for the Nintendo DS, heres the details:
After having created Necro-Quizz, my friend ***al gentillement asked me to create Quizz on the literature, and considering that I did not have really project which justified me, and which I could not too what carry out for contest DEV-FR, I considered that it was a good idea while sticking to the théme evolution. What enabled me to learn has to draw directly on a screen, has to use rotations and zooms on the sprites and some other small things.
A series of 20 questions will arise at you on a total of 1500, and will have you the choice between 4 answers, only one is the maid of course.
A histogram of your evolution will take shape in real time on the screen top.
In red the bad answers and in green will be represented the good answers.
So that the histogram is clearer, the red and green colors, are equipped with 2 nuances which are posted in turn for a better legibility.
A histogram to know the evolution of the percentage of good answer is present on the screen top and on the right.
And when you pass the battery of the 20 questions you have the right has a synthése your answers, with a comment for the 21 possible notes (0 to 20).
To help you, at the end of 30 seconds a flash viendrat to erase a bad answer, and if you wedge always, 30 seconds later a news bad answer will be unobtrusive. No penalty for the flashes, such was my choice and no possibility of activating them earlier.
Screen top:
You will be able to look at your evolution on 20 parts.
Screen of bottom:
They are the stats of all your parts, with the total of the number of part, your best score, the worst score, the total number of good answer, the total of bad answer, and the total of appeared flash.
To answer the questions you can use either the Stylet or buttons X Y B or A.
Run of the Left background = Pad or Right Pad
To change the form of the background (4 forms available) = High Pad
To change the color of the background (6 colors available) = Low Pad
R = Music On/off (2 musics available)
Sadly the game is only in french, download at official Release Thread
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July 31st, 2007, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Christ:
I've released AMAP4DS v3.2 Open Source.
If you want to add your own map to your DS using AMAP4DS, you must download the "AMAP4DS-Open-Source" package below.
Unzip it to read the "AMAP4DS-Open-Source-Tutorial.txt" tutorial file.
To add your map, you will need some skill in computer science and graphic design.
I did my best to write this tutorial, contact me if you have any questions.
You can send me your new maps to be published on this website to share your work with the community !
This new version should work fine with the R4 linker. No more touch-screen problems now. Thanks to Mollusk !
The new maps will be released with v3.2. The old v3.1 maps will be converted soon, I hope
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July 31st, 2007, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rema
I have the honor to present PanikGastrik to you, my very first homebrew, and precursor of a new kind on DS: the homebrew scatologic!
More seriously, it is about a puzzle them experts will have recognized that it is about a remake of the famous play “Hour Rush” - but with excrement.
You are in the middle of the intestine grèle of a student to the doubtful diet and. in short, it is panic there inside, you will have to make evacuate our hero (Mister excrement) in direction of the rectum, and this, with less possible movements (eh yes, one avoids the saltos when one with the runs generally)!
How to play:
The play is entirely playable with the stylet (or with the fingers for more pleasure, cf higher).
Other information:
Obviously, the play is coded with best the lib of the world, alias PAlib which it is too well this lib coughed.
Moreover, I use lib EFS of noda for the safeguards, with the result that bein… it appears that it is usable on emulator, but me I cannot make in any case.
/! During the first launching on hardware, the splashscreen can remain posted a certain time (~30sec max) because it is at this time that one initializes the brothel for EFS (to speak in technical terms).
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July 31st, 2007, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yJay:
So, here comes my first nds-project and first submition to a compo. Hope you like it
Is the mathematic chaos theory also fascinating you and you got an NDS?
So here comes something for you're keen to download!
ndsMandel is a fractal browser for the NintendoDS. It's been compiled on a Dell Inspiron 1501 using devkitPro 1.4.4 and PAlib 070717beta.
It currently features the world famous Mandelbrot set displayed as a fractal, aka Appleman which is infinitely browsable and whose colour and details (how many different steps within the iterations are marked) is customisable. Also ndsMandel supports saving the current screen to disk by using DlDi (please not that this function is still untested as I do not own a NintendoDS yet), so please patch it for your hardware and report your experience here.
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July 31st, 2007, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Aurelio has released a new version of DsOS, heres the details:
Hi this is my entry for this competition.This is my first competition so i don' t know what i have to write here .
So now i explain what is the dsos and what will be.It will be an operative system for the ds.Now is like a group of application for the ds.It now have a little file list function (only for folder, .raw files, .bmp files, .jpg files and .gif files) and you can open this kind of files; then there is a alarm function, a chat function and a power-off button.Now i've added a battery status detect(thanks spinal).
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July 31st, 2007, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
dean.rather has has released a Pong Variant for the DS, heres the info:
It's not quite as lame as your run-of-the-mill PONG clone, because after you win a round it gets a little more complex!
Known Bugs
Online ranking doesn't work.
Saving high scores doesn't work.
Comparing high scores sometimes doesn't work.
Future Features
I'm currently working on a pacman type phase at the moment where you will have to avoid getting hit by a rampant pacman
More phases.
Working sound effects. (Their currently in there.. just disabled)
Online (maybe network w/ a server) multiplayer.
New Graphics
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July 31st, 2007, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Lazyone has posted a new version of Wolfenstein 3D for the DS, heres the release notes:
It has been too long since I released anything for this project, there are a few more bugs and
missing features but from what I have seen it plays very well.
- Compiled with the latest libfat (should now work with most/all DLDI devices)
- Sound (no music)
- Status bar on bottom screen
- Saving
- Music
- Builds for registered versions and spear of destiny
- Configuration
- Enhance sound
A note on saving:
Currently saving is broken between builds, if you make a savegame with this version and upgrade
the wolf3d binary your save will crash.
Turn left: DPAD Left
Turn right: DPAD Right
Forward: DPAD Up
Backward: DPAD Down
Strafe Left: L Shoulder
Strafe Right: R Shoulder
Shoot: A
Use: B
Next Weapon: X
Run: Y
Copy the wolf3d folder into the root of your media card, run.
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July 31st, 2007, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Calcprogrammer1
DSFile v0.5 is out! It now supports copying files and deleting files, as well as browsing. The controls for copy, paste, and delete are located on the menu bar of the bottom screen. When deleting it will ask press A to delete, B to cancel.
Version .0000000000....0001:
Stuff. It showed a list of files, and sometimes moved up and down
Version .1
Thanks to simonjhall, Copying works!
Version .5:
Interface updated, Copy buttons implemented, and delete implemented.
Version .5 part 2:
Copying shows a status display, removed init code that crashed when slot-2 is not inserted, Y is a sort of refresh, but it doesn't work well (for inserting a slot-2 card after program is running).
When I'm all done, I'll release the source, but I'm keeping it closed source until it's finished.
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July 31st, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Jesse has posted a new version of the excellent paint app for the Nintendo DS:
New for this version is the fuzzy brush, remembering pressure calibration between sessions and a lot of minor changes.
(I suck at remembering what I've changed, sorry.)
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July 31st, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from titoboy666
Here's my first NDS project.
Made with PALIB, this game is a remake of an old Amiga game (one of my favorite). Graphics and musics are from the original game.
Goal: In Cube-X DS you have to make all the cubes disappear before the timer runs out by making two or more cubes touch on at least one side.
You can play Cube-X DS using the stylus or the D-Pad and buttons.
This game includes: 150 levels, highscore, music, passwords, and even a level editor!
Have fun and please leave comments and feedbacks on my blog!
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July 31st, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from m-a-r-k-u-s:
I'm just finished my first palib game. It's called "Memory DS"...
It has only a one player - mode with 2 different cardsets and you controll the game with the stylus.
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July 31st, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Wow what a week to be offline, ive now caught up with the releases for this week, you will have to check the site and forums to catch everything that was posted today. Thanks to all for visiting us and be sure that DCEmu is back to normal now (well mostly )
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July 31st, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's two sku Pokemon title for the DS has taken the first and third positions in the Chart Track all-formats top ten this week, becoming the fastest-selling DS game and the second fastest-selling Pokemon release.
Pokemon Diamond is at number one this week, with Activision's multi-format Transformers: The Game at number two having just missed out on the top spot by 217 units, following a sales boost of 76 per cent due to the release of the accompanying movie.
Pokemon Pearl is at number three, with former number one Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from EA at number four and Nintendo's Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree at five.
DS hit More Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima is at six this week, followed by Wii Play at seven and Activision's other movie license, Shrek the Third, at eight.
Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training continues to perform well at nine and EA's sports franchise Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 is at ten.
The other two new entries in the top forty this week are EA's Rugby 08 at 22 and Activision's DS game Transformers: The Game – Autobot, at number 38.
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July 31st, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via engadget

Looking to collect a little acceleration / braking data on the cheap? Even if you're just scouting alternative uses for that oh-so-handy Wiimote, a recent project from klee just may suit your fancy. A proud owner of a 2000 Volkswagen Jetta managed to rig up a Wiimote-based tracking system that gathered information on g-forces, acceleration, turning, and overall speed, and thanks to a little Excel computation, the results are neatly graphed once the outing concludes. Of course, you may need a little help in the script writing department, by judging by the looks of things, most everything you need is awaiting you in the read link -- you know, except your own Wiimote and a Vee-Dub.
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July 31st, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview with Dean Takahashi, Shigeru Miyamoto said that Nintendo may introduce some new characters next year "in the same way [Nintendo] came up with Pikmin when [they] introduced the GameCube." While that's all well and good for getting us pumped for The Next Big Thing, we're more interested in Miyamoto's explanation of why it's taking so long.
"I guess I don't necessarily see my job as creating new characters as it is creating new experiences," he said, later adding, "For characters, we came up with the concept of the Miis and that allows people to come up with their own characters." So don't forget you read it here first, the next big Nintendo characters are Chuck Norris, Kenny, Dr. Zoidberg and, of course, indie rockers Wilco. Wow ... the next Smash Bros. is going to be awesome.
Via Joystiq
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July 31st, 2007, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Smoothly zoom in and out for customized views. One screen for world play, the other for resource management. Player can switch when desired to play entire game with stylus on lower screen
Train and build your army to be prepared for any attack. Expand your kingdom by occupying enemy buildings and borders. Construct military buildings in strategic locations as your kingdom and army grows.
Plan harvest and transport of a variety of raw materials and resources. Your kingdom depends on these resources for food, shelter, and expansion.
Each time you play will provide a different experience with 2 campaigns, 4 nations to explore, varied climates, 6 types of soldiers, and 30 occupations to manage
The Roman crew of a ship is going to conquer an uninhabited island (or so it seems). For its survival, the crew has to plan its expansion wisely: build roads, hunt for food, gather resources, and mine for precious minerals. But will they be prepared for what else they find? Let’s just say that keeping a large, well-trained army will be necessary to defend the kingdom you have built.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl take place in an all-new region called Sinnoh. When you set off on your travels, you'll be able to play as either a boy or girl Trainer. Pokemon fans have caught glimpses of Mime Jr., Lucario, Munchlax and Weavile in Pokemon movies, and these Pokemon will be debuting in this adventure.
Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl will challenge you to explore the Sinnoh region in an incredibly deep RPG adventure. Before your quest is complete, you'll meet over 100 new Pokemon and challenge countless Trainers along the way. Like previous core Pokemon titles, these games feature an engrossing storyline and well-balanced RPG action.
Nintendo's Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for Nintendo DS™ is shipping today as multi lingual European editions at US$ 49.90 only.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

The hit TV show is coming to your favorite video game system! The premise is simple: You have 26 briefcases in front of you. Each one contains a different amount of money. Open each case one by one, and try to find the briefcase with the biggest amount of money. Deal Or No Deal?
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July 31st, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Dynasty Warriors: Fighter's Battle challenges you to team up with the greatest fighters in the Dynasty Warriors series. Use your tactics and commander cards to fight through 12 stages and conquer territory. With your awesome Musou attack you have the power to stop the hordes of enemy soldiers ready to strike. Unite all of China and victory will be yours! Wireless Vs. mode for up to 3 players Game controls and visual design created expressly for Nintendo DS
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July 31st, 2007, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Obstacles – Use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk™ to overcome obstacles scattered throughout the island! Swinging bridges, pitfalls, falling rocks and insect nests.
Bugs – Squash, smash and stump giant bugs and eerie mutants using the Wii Remote.
Survive – Exterminate hundreds of insects by mastering dozens of weapons with different attack techniques! Rifles, grenades, sickles, rocks and much more…
Time travel – Enter the “Cave of Time” and travel back through time to save the lives of your friends.
Creepy environment – Explore the devilish island, survive the creatures in a world only visible through your flashlight.
Secrets – Discover weapons and unlock special items to help you in your quest for survival.
As Ray, you wake up alone in a deep and fog covered forest. Your friends are nowhere to be found. It was supposed to be a cozy night camping in the woods…until strange creatures rose from the darkness… You must find your friends, survive the horrific forest and get off the island in one piece.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia

Baby-sitting a whiny newborn is about as fun as a head cold on the first day of summer vacation. But when Baby Mario falls from the sky, the Yoshis seize the opportunity to do a lot more than change diapers.
The big-hearted Yoshis vow to reunite Baby Mario with his twin brother on the far side of the island. It won't be easy, but the Yoshis are determined to take on a meddling Magikoopa and his entire cast of underhanded underlings.
Brilliant game-designer Shigeru Miyamoto has crammed the island's jungles, caves and snowcapped peaks with one brain-bending surprise after another. Hidden rooms, secret passages, charming minigames, demented bosses and all-new pals await your discovery.
Nintendo's GBA™ classic Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island is now available at discounted US$ 19.90 only.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Original zapping gameplay for Nintendo Wii. Comfortable single handed trigger grip or combine with dual handed barrel grip. Lock and load. Sturdy construction Wii Remote and Wii Nunchuk slide locking mechanisms. Ergonomically balanced and weighted Blaster control system. Complete range motion detection for Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Full access to all Wii Remote and Nunchuk buttons, joysticks, direction pad, and triggers. Provides realistic comfort during Blaster gameplay.
Product Features of Nintendo Wii Blaster for Wii
Comfortable single handed trigger grip or combine with dual handed barrel grip.
Lock and load. Sturdy contruction Wii Remote and Wii Nunchuk slide locking mechanisms.
Ergonomically balanced and weighted Blaster control system.
Complete range motion detection for Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
Full access to all Wii Remote and Nunchuk buttons, joysticks, direction pad, and triggers.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Team Cyclowiz have updated their firmware for the Wii Modchip:
Official firmware version 3.5 was just posted in the support section, with dual layer media support. CycloWiz supported dual layer media since day one, but the 3.0 upgrade partially broke it (only the first layer could be read), so only users that didn't upgrade are able to read dual layer media for now. The new firmware fixes this issue. We'll make sure it doesn't get broken in future upgrades. We've made a simple test program to help us in that task: it checks if both the first and the second layer of a dual layer disc could be read. You can also find it in the support section, burn it on a regular DVD+/-R disc
The laser power may have to be tuned before beeing able to read DVD+R DL media (as with DVD-RW media). Less than 50% of test Wii we have can read those discs without any tuning. There is a variable resistor on the optical pickup head itself, that needs to be lowered. In our tests, the original value was typically around 700-800 Ohm, and we had to lower it to around 500 Ohm, but this might be different on each drive. Just make sure you don't go below 50 Ohm or so.
By the way, the test tool is not CycloWiz specific and can be used to test any modchip, it'd be interesting to see which ones are DL compatible. As of today, all of the commercial Wii games are released on single-layer discs, but the drive firmware supports dual layer discs .
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August 1st, 2007, 00:01 Posted By: Kojote
It's time to choose your favourite homebrews! Check out the following links to choose your 5 favourite games, and your 5 favourite applications.
Here is the complete list of games
And the complete list of applications
Next step: list here your 5 favourite homebrew, of the two different sections (games and apps). The rules are: one post per member, no double-accounts (we can detect it), no voting for yourself.
The first homebrew in your list gets 5 points, the second gets 4 points, the third 3 points, the fourth 2 points, and the last 1 point. If you choose your homebrew, you'll get -50 points Wink
That's all folks
Source: http://www.dev-fr.org/index.php/topic,901.0.html
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August 1st, 2007, 00:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
Though Nintendo UK denies that it has received any reports of Wiis being bricked due to the WiiConnect24 service, you can never be too safe with any $200+ investment. Xtremetuner has created a hardware mod with the specific intention of guarding the console from overheating while it is in standby mode.
WiiControl acts as an external interface that monitors and displays the temperature of the system on its LCD screen. When the mod detects temperatures beyond 35°C, it automatically activates the Wii's fan, even in standby mode. An audio warning will also notify the user if the temperature ever exceeds 44°C. The fan is disabled once the console has cooled down to 30°C.
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August 1st, 2007, 00:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy
Action gamers and masochists (two sets whose Venn diagram, we imagine, contains a fairly large intersect) will be very happy with today's Japanese Virtual Console update, which provides one of the most painfully, awesomely difficult action games we can think of. Seriously, good luck holding on to that golden armor long enough to actually use some magic.
Oh, also there's another N64 game, which is something of a rare event! This week's Virtual Console releases are:
- Dai Makaimura (Ghouls & Ghosts) (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points)
- Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64, 1-2 players, 1000 Wii Points)
- Power League 4 (PC Engine, 1-4 players, 600 Wii Points)
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August 1st, 2007, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
The easiest way to find out whats best is to let others tell you and to newcomers to the DS Homebrew community you dont want to be spending money on a product thats hard as hell to use.
So and this is asking all DS users, what in your opinion is the best flash cart for the Nintendo DS at this time?
Answers via Comments
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