March 1st, 2012, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster

Got an email today from shop i used to visit alot about the release of a USB Flash Cart for Gameboy and Gameboy Colour games, this can be used on not only the Gameboy and Gameboy Colour but also the GBA and GBA SP:
Heres the details:
· Build-in 64M memory. (2 pages, 32M per page)
· Supports GB / GBC / GBA / GBA SP
· Supports GB / GBC ROMs (include LSDJ)
· Multiple game ROMs burning is allowed
· Connect to PC via USB cable
· Supports Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (Beta)
· Easy replaceable battery (for SRAM - CR1220, 3V). No soldering is needed.
- Game saver is stored in SRAM. It could only store one game saver at the same time !
- Also compatible with GB Transferer I & II
- The USB <> miniUSB cable is include in this package !
- Switching between BANK 1 and BANK 2 after POWER OFF the handheld for a second, then POWER ON again. Green LED is ON, if switched to the second bank. If not, BANK 1 is active.
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March 2nd, 2012, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Binding of Isaac turned down due to 'questionable religious content'
Nintendo has rejected indie title The Binding of Isaac from appearing on the 3DS.
Taking to twitter, developer Edmund McMillen said the action adventure game, available on Steam, had been turned down due to “questionable religious content”.
“After a long internal debate Nintendo has decided not to allow the Binding of Isaac on the 3ds,” said McMillen.
“As many assumed the reasons were due to the games 'questionable religious content'. Thank God Steam exists.”
Despite the disappointment, he later said that the indie developers were not on bad terms with Nintendo, and would still look to bring future titles to their platforms in the future.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
With the beginning of a new month comes a new selection of downloadable Club Nintendo rewards. This month, you can trade your hard-earned Club Nintendo Coins (earned by registering purchased games) for Art Style: Cubelloon WiiWare, or the Game Boy games Mario's Picross and Radar Mission on 3DS eShop. They cost 100 Coins each.
As with previous monthly selections, these are all games that you can buy through the Wii Shop or 3DS eShop with real money. You simply have the additional temporary option of using your Club Nintendo stash.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster

Japan is set to receive a brand new 3DS color and a heap of new bundles. Starting March 22, Japanese 3DS fans can pick up the handheld in "Cobalt Blue" -- not to be confused with the lighter "Aqua Blue" model. March will also see the release of four new 3DS bundles. A Monster Hunter 3G bundle will be released on March 17 in both black and red flavors. White and pink Super Mario 3D Land bundles are slated for March 24. These will include both Super Mario 3D Land and a preinstalled copy of the Virtual Console version of Super Mario Bros.
There will also be a bundle celebrating the release of Fire Emblem Awakeningon April 19. The bundle will include a special cobalt blue DS (pictured), a copy of the game and a card worth 1000 Nintendo Points. We can only hope the cobalt 3DS makes its way outside of Japan. Then again, we're still waiting on the Ice White 3DS here in North America.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Following the dismissal of a patent infringement lawsuit Nintendo of America's senior vice president of legal and general counsel, Rick Flamm, has stated the company "vigorously defend patent lawsuits when we firnly believe that we have not infringed another party's patent", adding that Nintendo "refuse to succumb to patent trolls".
The lawsuit was filed in 2010 by IA Labs, accusing Nintendo of infringing patents with the tech behind various Wii hardware including Wii Fit, the balance board and Wii MotionPlus.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
You can expect much more in the way of Resident Evil games on the 3DS, if the latest comments from Capcom producer Masachika Kawata are anything to go by.
The first RE title for the system, Resident Evil: Revelations, was released on 3DS in January and has clearly met the publisher’s expectations.
"The incredibly positive fan reaction to Revelations has definitely given me motivation to make another 3DS RE title," he told IGN. "I have some ideas in mind. However, I have a lot of other projects that need to be taken care of first.
"I must admit hearing players say how much they enjoyed Revelations does kind of make me want to forget the other projects and get stuck right into making another RE game for fans to enjoy.
"Game development is always a very taxing process, no matter what the project, and the only thing that gets us through is the belief that, at the end of the journey, there are people waiting to enjoy the game. So if a game sells particularly well, then we have good reason to make more titles like it."
The news also offers a boost to Nintendo, whose 3DS is clearly finding a foothold in the hardcore market.
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March 4th, 2012, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
Happy Leap Day everyone! To celebrate this special occasion, the team over at Dynamic Designs have a special treat for you: the complete translation for Burning Heroes on the SNES.
A lot of people in the community have been anticipating this little gem for quite some time so go and check out the patch in the translation section, and please stop by Dynamic-Designs for any feedback you may have.
It’s time to get all hot and bothered!
RHDN Project Page
Relevant Link: (http://www.dynamic-designs.us/)
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March 4th, 2012, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
I started this project a couple of weeks ago.
This is a hack of Lei Dian Huang: Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo,otherwise known as Pokemon Yellow.
This is an amazingly accurate famicom port of Pokemon Yellow. It’s made by the Shenzhen Nanjing, the makers of the Final Fantasy VII and IV famicom ports. It also uses mapper 163. But unlike other games made by this company, this one is of very high quality. In some ways it’s even better than the game boy version.
This game was praised for it’s high quality, but criticized for the music. But this hack completely replaces the original songs in the game with ones that are more accurate to the original, and less annoying. The original 14 songs were replaced, with more than 20 new songs. Almost all are based on Pokemon R/B/Y, some are based on G/S/C.
This hack also translates many of the game’s menus. Pretty much anything that could be translated without hacking the game’s text system.
Have fun! 
RHDN Project Page
Relevant Link: (http://www.romhacking.net/)
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March 4th, 2012, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Few days after the release of the SU 2011 sound engine, another (totally unrelated) program brings music in Virtual Boy homebrews to new heights with the first rhythm/music game to come to the system. thunderstruck's "GameHero" is a Guitar Hero clone for the Virtual Boy that let's you play 24 video game theme songs. Thanks to backup battery support, your best scores per song get saved. Highscore tables will be made available soon, so start rocking!
Release Thread
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March 4th, 2012, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
After months of silence, Team Twiizers gives us an update of its popular installer "HackMii", which contains new versions of the Homebrew Channel (1.1.0) and BootMii (1.4). The main novelty lies in the support new wiimotes , so far unsupported by libogc and which resulted in a suppression of the wiimote as a homebrew was launched without the possibility of resynchronizing. Beware though, the team says that although the HBC now supports the homebrew also need to be recompiled with the latest libogc to exploit these wiimotes. Various bugs have been corrected (including one that affected the wii wifi which is not set), the interface has been improved with unicode support, adding a new font rendering engine and a Japanese translation.
changelog :
* Added support for RVL-CNT-01-TR Wiimotes
* New TrueType font renderer (FreeType) with antialiasing and theming
* The new default font is Droid Sans
* Added full UTF-8/Unicode support (font dependent)
* Added Japanese translation
* IOS is always reloaded, use ahb_access to keep AHB access enabled
* Fixed HBC framebuffer tearing/lag/sync/corruption issues
* Aligned HBC graphics to the pixel grid (sharper graphics)
* Aligned font rendering to the pixel grid in both 4:3 and 16:9 mode
* Fixed/improved text layout
* Fixed support for huge meta.xml files (e.g. very long descriptions)
* Renamed "Coder" to "Author" in app descriptions ( is now an alias for )
* Fixed missing theme app entries (sometimes)
* Changed many crashes into explicit errors / a panic screen
* Speed and stability improvements when launching apps (cleanup after IOS)
* Reload stub: support any BAT setup (or even real mode)
* Reload stub: do not depend on existing exception vectors
* Reload stub: do not touch HID4
* Reload stub: disable IRQs ASAP
* Fixed bugs in device hotplugging support
* Added nicer error message triggered when HBC runs out of memory while loading an app
* Removed the coder/version labels
* Fixed memory leaks while loading themes and in app entries
* Reduced the minimum theme size (for xml-only themes)
* Increased the maximum theme size up to 20MB (for huge fonts)
* Reduced memory fragmentation when loading apps/themes (less OOM errors)
* Fixed sorting by release date
* Fixed crashes with incomplete meta files
* Themes now affect language choice (due to font differences)
* HBC now allows apps to load code at 0x3400
* Fixed various buffer overflow / error conditions
* Fixed/improved thread synchronization and race conditions
* Theme ZIP files can now contain .txt files, which are ignored (README.txt, etc.)
* HBC can now take screenshots (Nunchuk Z+C, in that order)
* Updated to devkitPro r24 and latest libogc/libfat git
Note: If your Wii is connected to the internet, HBC will automatically offer the update to his next start. HackMii Installer 1.0 Official Site: http://hackmii.com/2012/02/the-homebrew-channel-v1-1- 0 / thank you to the-green for the info.
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March 4th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3671 | utunnels | 2012-03-03 23:58:31 -0500 (Sat, 03 Mar 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Fix a possible loophole that crashes while doing a branch jump. (Hopefully, because it never crashes on my PC anyway).
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March 4th, 2012, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
You thought HBC was dead? Can’t say I blame you!
Our usualy update cycle tends to follow Nintendo’s updates: Nintendo plugs one of our exploits, and we release a new version with a new exploit. At the same time, you get all the new goodies and bugfixes that we may have accumulated since the previous version.
However, Nintendo’s care for the Wii lately has been rather sparse. We’ve been working on HBC every now and then behind the scenes: a bugfix here, a new feature there, and so on. Meanwhile, we waited and waited and waited for an update to break the current version. Alas, crickets.
And yet! Recently, Nintendo did break The Homebrew Channel. No, it wasn’t a system update. It wasn’t a new Wii model (though they did release a new Wii, it turns out it works just fine). What they came up with was a new Wiimote, which, completely by accident, happens to be incompatible with the previous version of The Homebrew Channel.
You see, way way back in 2006 when the Wii came out, someone figured out that you could send commands to the Wiimote in a certain way. Libraries were developed, and eventually we had support on the Wii itself with the advent of Wii homebrew. And yet, nobody though to question the way we were sending the commands. Nobody bothered to check whether the Wii itself was doing the same thing.
As it turns out, it wasn’t. It was using a different method of sending data to the Wiimote. The Wiimote itself supported both – until the new RVL-CNT-01-TR model came out, that is. They probably had to trim the firmware to make space for the Motion Plus stuff.
HBC 1.0.8 was released 18 months ago, and we’re at over 3.1 million unique installs – that’s 3.4% of all Wiis sold to date, and this is only counting on-line HBC installs! Today, we bring you the HackMii Installer v1.0, featuring The Homebrew Channel v1.1.0 and BootMii 1.4. Here’s what you get:- The new RVL-CNT-01-TR Wiimotes are now supported. Unfortunately, although HBC itself will work, there’s no way it can make existing homebrew work with it too – authors will have to recompile using the latest libogc SVN. C’est la vie!
- HBC now has a new font renderer with TTF support. The new renderer uses FreeType to render fonts with kerning and antialiasing, which looks much, much better than the old crummy bitmap font engine. You can use multiple fonts, sizes, and colors, under the control of a theme. The rendering is optimized for the screen resolution in use (4:3 or 16:9) for the best quality (note: this means the fonts will look a bit different between both modes, as they are hinted at different resolutions). The new default font is Droid Sans.
- Unicode (UTF-8) support. HBC has been using UTF-8 in meta files for a while, but only supported the latin-1 subset. Now you can display any character present in whatever font you’re using.
- HBCは日本語を話します! HBC wa Nihongo o hanashimasu! Yup, with Unicode support comes a Japanese translation, courtesy of JEEB. However, to enable it, you need to install a theme with a Japanese capable font. Check out the themes page to get it.
- While adding the new font engine we also fixed a bunch of underlying issues. The meta.xml system should now be quite a bit more tolerant and stable.
- We’ve added screenshot functionality for theme creators who want to show off their themes. Plug in your Nunchuk and press Z+C (in that order) to create a png screenshot on your SD card.
- The crashes when using no_ios_reload with a bad/disabled network config have been fixed – by removing <no_ios_reload/> mode. Instead, we always reload IOS, but don’t fret – you can still use AHB access, thanks to a trick that we implemented. Use <ahb_access/> (<no_ios_reload/> is actually just an alias for that now).
- “This update provides behind-the-scenes fixes that will improve the overall system performance”. And unlike Nintendo, we actually mean it; there’s an assortment of fixes for quite a few minor (and some not so minor) bugs and glitches, including those that come with the latest libogc and libfat (e.g. 4K sector support) and some issues when launching apps and hotplugging devices.
The full release notes with all the gory details are available on WiiBrew.
As usual, either grab the new installer here, or use The Homebrew Channel’s online update (a confirmation dialog should pop up when you start your current version, if you are connected to the Internet). Have fun!
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March 4th, 2012, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
elhobbs has updated cQuake to r40. This DS/DSi Quake port uses the latest libnds, which allows it to be played with the extra speed of Cyclo iEvo's DSi mode, and through the Sudokuhax exploit. This version includes a DSi mode fix for texture heavy areas that would cause the framerate to slow down. See what's new in the change log, and join the on-going discussion linked below for more information about this game.
QUOTE: Change Log 03/02/12- increased mdl vertex limit x2
- added main ram texture caching in dsi
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March 4th, 2012, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
WiiMC, the media player for Wii made by Tantric has been updated to version 1.2.3. See the change log below for what's new in this release, and give the project's homepage a visit for more information about this homebrew.
QUOTE: Change Log 03/03/12- Synced to MPlayer r34780 and ffmpeg 83c418e68ee5
- Compiled with latest libogc and devkitPPC r25
- Improved network initialization
- Improved music playlist sorting now it is per-folder (patch by entropy)
- Added playlist reset with minus key (patch by entropy)
- Added a new Through setting for music playlists (patch by entropy)
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March 4th, 2012, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator have been updated recently. Changes:
- bugfix: window sizing was slightly wrong on windows 7;
- bugfix: window icon would disappear when coming out of fullscreen on windows 7;
- bugfix: rom browser mode changes didn't update the window properly;
- bugfix: multiple monitors should work now;
- bugfix: input Z-axis was be read incorrectly;
- bugfix: california games bmx event fixed;
- bugfix: NSF works again properly;
- bugfix: stereo audio splits channels again;
- all save and open dialogs now default to the user documents folder;
- rom browser is now faster when used with a network share;
- kaillera should be significantly more reliable to use;
- improved timing and removed extended vblank;
- rewrote artwork rom browser mode into tile view;
- cheat memory search;
- replaced 2xSaI with HQ filters.
File: Download
News source: http://jabosoft.com
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March 4th, 2012, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
It was in November last year when I last released a version of the original DSx86, so I wanted to spend some time bringing it closer to the current level of DS2x86. Here is a list of the fixes and improvements I had time to add into it, during the past week: - Further "Jitter" mode screen scaling quality improvement.
- Implemented "scasb" opcode EGA VRAM access version (Titus the Fox).
- Implemented INT 6 (illegal opcode) for opcode 0x66 (Titus the Fox).
- Fixed the VideoParameterTable to have correct VGA Misc Register values in text modes.
- Fixed the "Smooth" mode initialization when used in dsx86.ini.
- New experimental proportional font used in 80x25 text "Smooth" mode.
The new experimental proportional font system was originally implemented by "sverx" a few weeks ago, after we had a discussion about various possibilities to fit the whole 80x25 text mode area into the NDS 256x192 pixel screen. I asked him whether a proportional font would be possible, and he then spent some time experimenting. After looking at the results we agreed that the system might actually work. I have been busy with DS2x86 so I only had time to implement his algorithm into DSx86 this weekend.
The algorithm divides the horizontal 256 pixels (for 80 characters) into four blocks of 64 pixels (20 characters), and then draws characters from a 4x8 pixel font, using only 3 or even 2 pixels for narrow characters (like a space, 'i' and 'l'), and if that still results in more than 64 pixels, the algorithm forcibly strips some other characters down to 3 pixels as well. Thus, when you type on the command prompt also the previously typed characters may move, and the cursor position is only an approximation.
Here are some examples of the result. The SYSINFO screen looks a bit weird, as the algorithm has had to move the line drawing characters around in an attempt to make the text parts readable. However, even with that problem, the text is far clearer than what the "Scale" or "Jitter" modes will achieve.
I was also requested to look into Titus the Fox, so I implemented a few previously missing features to make it run. However, there are still problems with the palette, so the game does not look quite correct. It does look correct in DS2x86, as there I use separate EGA and VGA mode palettes. In DSx86 I have only a single palette which attempts to work in both modes, and due to the way that game changes the palette registers the result is not quite correct. I plan to look into this problem in the future versions, but it might be a bit tricky to fix without causing problems in other games.
[h=4]DS2x86 and Little Big Adventure[/h]After releasing the latest DS2x86 version, several games needing VESA SVGA screen mode have managed to at least start up. One of them is Little Big Adventure (LBA). However, there is a problem in the current DS2x86 that makes LBA hang whenever a key is pressed. I spent a little while looking into this problem, and found out that it is caused by DS2x86 not clearing the "Buffer Full" bit in the keyboard status register. The LBA keyboard reading is programmed so that it loops reading the keyboard data register until the "Buffer Full" bit is clear, and thus the game hangs after a key is pressed.
There is a way to hack the game using the DS2x86 inbuilt debugger, so that the game will not hang. Here is the procedure for doing that. Note that the actual values may change a bit depending on the version of LBA you have, so I try to give instructions about how to find the correct address to hack.- Start LBA on DS2x86, and let it run up to the initial "Little Big Adventure" splash screen.
- Press a key, so that LBA hangs.
- Click on the X button on the top right of the virtual touchpad keyboard, to drop into the debugger. You should get something like the following showing on the bottom screen:

The important things to check here are that the second row shows CPU: PROT, USE32, CPL=0, Paging=0. Also, there should be a row stating DS=0160 ES=0160 SS=0088 CS=0158, and below the "NV UP ..." etc row the number should start with 0015 with 4 numbers or letters folowing.
- If the important values mentioned above are not similar to what you got, simply click on the G (for 'Go') character on the bottom row, and then on the rightmost v character (which is 'Enter') to continue the game, and then try dropping into the debugger again. Note that if you make a mistake and click on the wrong character, you can use the < symbol (for 'Backspace') to erase the last typed character.
- Next, we need to find the location in the code where the game tests for the "Buffer Full" bit. This is done by opcode in al,64 followed by opcode test al,01. In my version of LBA those two opcodes are at addresses 159D76 and 159D78, like this:

To look for those opcodes, let's first check whether your version is the same as mine, so using the bottom row, give the following command: U159D60 and click on the rightmost v. If you can see the in al,64 and test al,01 opcodes in the result, check the address of the test al,01 opcode and add one to it. Note that the addresses are in hexadecimal notation, so the next number after 9 is A, not 10. In my case the address we are interested in is 159D79.
- If you can not see those opcodes in your case, then you need to look for them, starting from where ever you dropped into the debugger. The keyboard reading code in my version of LBA is at addresses 159C81 .. 159D7A, with the location we want being very near the end of that area. So, depending on where you dropped into the debugger in your version of LBA, you should be able to locate those opcodes after a few tries.
- After we have found the opcode, we need to change it. That is done with the E command in the debugger. In my case the full command is E158:159D79 2, that is, we want to change the bit 1 in the test al,01 to 2, so that the opcode will become test al,02. This will always return zero, so the game will continue.
- After giving that command, you may use the U command again to check that the opcode did actually change.
- If the opcode was changed, give the G command (for 'Go'), and now the game should not hang after a key press any more!
Note that this only changes the instance that is running, so the next time you start LBA you need to do this again. However, the next version of DS2x86 has this problem fixed, so if you don't want to experiment or have trouble locating the correct opcode, you only need to wait for a week or so until I get the next DS2x86 version released. [h=4]DS2x86 progress[/h]I have also done some minor improvements to DS2x86 during the past week. One was that LBA keyboard status bit fix, and I also worked on improving the quality of the scaled SVGA screen modes. I changed the SVGA graphics transfer code to transfer 512x240 pixels instead of the 320x240 pixels per frame. This dropped the maximum framerate down to 38 fps, but since the original code did not quite reach 60 fps either, this has no noticeable effect. However, moving more data allows me to have more pixels on the NDS side to scale, so the scaling quality will improve.
Lastly, I also debugged a SoundBlaster problem in Mortal Kombat. It did play SB sound effects, but they were just screeching instead of proper samples. I found out that the physical RAM address where my SB emulation tried to play the samlples was at the beginning of the emulated RAM area, which meant that the program had given a zero address for the sample memory area! I debugged the game also on DOSBox, and thre I found out that the game detects SoundBlaster by first attempting to use DMA channel 0, checking for a SB IRQ, and if it does not happen, moving on to DMA channel 1 etc. In DS2x86 I only emulate DMA channel 1, but I launched an SB IRQ regardless of the DMA channel in use. Thus the DMA 1 address was left at zero, but the game detected SB at DMA channel 0, and then used that channel within the game as well. I fixed that by skipping SB IRQ launching if the correct DMA channel is not running, and this fixed the SB problems in Mortal Kombat.
I am currently attempting to find the nasty bug that causes both Warcraft 2 and Command & Conquer to crash with an BSOD exception that only shows the beginning of the exception string. It looks like this is caused by something clearing much of the RAM area, so that also the error strings get cleared. I have not been able to find out what causes this, but I'll keep working on this during the next week.
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March 4th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
devkitARM has been updated to release 37.
New binaries for devkitARM release 37 are now available through the Automated Installer/Updater if you're on windows, for other platforms check the devkitARM getting started page on the wiki.
release 36 •update gcc to 4.6.2.
•update newlib to 1.20.0.
•update gdb to 7.4.
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March 5th, 2012, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
NICE64 is a Nintendo N64 emulator based of the code from 1964mod.
Core Changes & Fixes
Reduce random game hang after several switching between fullscreen and windowed mode for certain game scenario (try not to do too many switching)
Re-write and refactor portion of framebuffer codes
Optimize memory allocation
fix random ini gamename corruption caused by memory corruption (finally!)
issue originates from 1964 v1.1 official source
reduce memory usage by ~11.5MB compared to 1964 v1.1 official emu
minor refactor and codes cleanup
should result in minor speedup as well
Fix position shift after closing "About NICE64" popup box
Fix romlist column resize not remembered immediately
write to ini immediately
Fix weird crashing bug for loadspecificplugin from 1964mod v1.5.2
Re-write portion of Play, ChangeWindow, Closerom, DockStatusBar, Showcursor and romlist functions codes
fix random visual of romlist display when emu window is resized for gameplay
fix random incorrect windowed display when gameplay starts in fullscreen
fix romlist item position shift after closing rom etc
reduce flickering when switching between windowed & fullscreen or closing rom in fullscreen mode
implement item visibility to determine correct romlist and boxart item shifting and positioning
simplify romlist and boxart handling codes
Fix cheat codes bug that may randomly cause cheat codes not to work correctly (not fully verified!)
Plugin Changes & Fixes
Re-write DC & RC handling codes
Fix Conker old regression
in-game game pause no longer cause black bg image
Fix Doubutsu no Mori missing/corrupt bg image and menu
implement special swapmode=0 handling
implement missing framebuffer codes etc
all known issues should be fixed
Fix Dinosaur Hunter bootup freeze cause by cheatcodes
Fix Nushi Tsuri 64 - Shiokaze ni Notte crash (still very buggy!)
General framebuffer codes cleanup and refactor a small portion of the codes
General Bugfixes
fix Mystical Ninja(U) intro random slowdown when it starts after certain games
fix Mario Golf64 random black border corruption
fix Mario Golf64 zooming image display gap inside the black border
fix HyperBike flickering on the mini map of race track path & intro cutscene (lower left corner)
fix Conker random incomplete white text bubble in "Scaredy Birdy" scene(conflict with motionblur)
improve blurry text against motionblur needs e.g. Super Robot Taisen intro
fix Pokemon Stadium regression caused by earlier "broken stadium roof fix"
remove black layer over pokemon display slot after a win
fix Pokemon Stadium 2 regression caused by earlier "pokemon eyeball fix"
fix transparent black texture on pokemon body
partial fix to over-sized pokemon portrait in stadium battle
fix Pilot Wings(U) thin gap along the top black border
fix Pokemon Puzzle League fb transition effect
set "read every frame" as default (speed is still good)
fix Mimic Mansion black bg image during transition effect for "read every frame"
fix Rainbow Six in-game speed slowdown again (speed is now consistent max VI/s)
1964mod Audio:
Other Changes & Fixes
Update Nice64_Readme and Nice64_Instruction_Manual
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March 5th, 2012, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...b02e78b06d72f5
Rough Up and La Paz offer " Mind Departure ", Mega Demo / Music Disk for Game Boy Advance, produced on the occasion of the Datastorm 2012 .
A Gameboy Advance musicdisk / Megademo. La Paz joined Rough Up With Two new members, as a scientist and deadguy Soulcollector on the ink. To celebrate the 10 year independence Both with La Paz and the new injection flowing Into Rough We Give you Up: Mind Departure - a 6 track vinyl GBA and mind stimulator, Including LSD simulator year. Credits: Scientism by deadguy Ink by Soulcollector Monofonik development by Qwan Enjoy!
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March 5th, 2012, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Mupen64Plus 20120303 is compiled. Mupen64Plus is a N64 emulator and plugins for Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD. Mupen64Plus is a plugin-based N64 emulator for Linux which is capable of accurately playing many games. Included are four MIPS R4300 CPU emulators, with dynamic recompilers for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit amd64 systems, and necessary plugins for audio, graphical rendering (RDP), signal co-processor (RSP), and input. There are 3 OpenGL video plugins included: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and Glide64.
Mupen64Plus Features:
* Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
* 3 OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, Glide64
* Hi-resolution texture support in Rice Video
* LIRC Infrared remote control support
* Rumble Pak support
* Graphical R4300 debugger
* Cheat system with gameshark code support
* Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
* GTK2-based GUI
* Qt4-based GUI
* Command-line options for integration into other systems
* Installation support for multi-user systems
Mupen64Plus 20120303 Changelog:
- bugfix: when the front-end specifies an override for the configuration directory, always use this path, so that we don't load the config from there and then save it back to the default user path
- re-indented all .c files in src/memory/. old formatting was horrible. tabs must die
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March 5th, 2012, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
GameBoy Online (2012/03/02) is released. GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
GameBoy Online Changelog:
- Made the LCD blur user-configurable
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March 5th, 2012, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Assassin's Creed III will be released for Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Wii U on October 31, publisher Ubisoft has confirmed.
The largest project in Ubisoft's 25-year history, Assassin's Creed IIIis set in 1777 as the American Revolutionary War rages across North America. The new protagonist, Ratohnaké:ton - yes, that's a colon - is of Native American and English descent but soon adopts the name Connor, passing from untamed frontier to colonial towns and rural battlefields.
Assassin's Creed III has been in development for three years, with twice the production capacity of any previous Ubisoft project. It runs on Ubisoft-AnvilNext, a new engine which the publisher says "delivers breakthroughs in visual quality, character models and artificial intelligence."
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said: "Assassin's Creed III features the franchise's most expansive setting so far, along with an exciting new hero and exponentially more gameplay.
"Whether you're a longtime fan of Assassin's Creed or if you're new to the franchise, you're going to be blown away by the scale and marvel of Assassin's Creed III."
Further details will be revealed in the next issues of our sister publications Nintendo Gamer (out March 23), Official PlayStation Magazine and Official Xbox Magazine, both of which will be on shelves on March 20.
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March 6th, 2012, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, that headline is correct.
One of the more peculiar stories in the world of video games this weekend contained four bizarre components – the Pokémon Video Game Championships, a team of Spanish players, a Birmingham hotel… and handfuls of faeces.
Nintendo Life reports that following a day of hot competition at the Birmingham-based event, some players were awoken in their hotel by a somewhat unsavoury incident.
“After 30-40mins in my room relaxing with a quick snooze I awoke to the sound of banging coming from down the hall from where the 'Spanish Team' were staying in,” a user on the Pokemon World forums wrote.
“It seems that at some point after they had turned up and when we went to Wetherspoons the Spaniards had decided to have a 'poo' fight in the corridor and this had upset the staff and several guests (naturally) at the hotel enough to call the police and have them leave.”
It should be noted that the event itself, which is organised and run by The Pokemon Company, passed without any excrement-related incidents.
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March 7th, 2012, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Scaleform, Kynapse and HumanIK to be available for next-gen games
Nintendo has agreed a deal with Autodesk to license the middleware firm’s tech to developers working on Wii U titles, it has been revealed.
Licensed Wii U studios can now gain access to Gameware products such as interface development software Scaleform, AI tool Kynapse and character animation tech HumanIK.
Nintendo’s next-gen home console is anticipated to launch later this year.
"Autodesk Gameware technology is used by the industry's elite development teams and has been adopted across the industry,” said Autodesk SVP Marc Petit.
“Through our relationships with key companies like Nintendo, we can put our solutions into the hands of more game developers. Adopting Autodesk Gameware helps streamline the production process, freeing more resources for innovation in new areas.
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March 7th, 2012, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's 3DS handheld has passed 4.5 million sales in the United States since its launch last March, the company has announced.
It means that, despite its slow start, 3DS sold almost twice as many units in its first year on shelves as its predecessor: first-year DS sales totalled 2.3 million. 3DS has brought in $1.2 billion in revenue, compared to DS's $540 million.
Nintendo Of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said: "Nintendo 3DS closes its first year with a lengthy list of accomplishments but we're still just scratching the surface.
"With a massive lineup of first and thirdparty games, and more on the way, a budding library of entertainment options and an engaged and growing installed base, Nintendo 3DS has an incredibly bright future. We're just getting started, but this platform is built for the long haul."
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March 7th, 2012, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo decided to let us all in on what's happening on the eShop in the next couple of months, and we couldn't be happier with the advance notice. This Thursday, 3DS owners (even non-Ambassadors) can buy the NES Punch-Out!! -- the Mr. Dream version, of course. It'll be followed a week later by a trio of Sega Game Gear games, including Shinobi, Sonic Triple Trouble, and Dragon Crystal.
There's also new new stuff coming to eShop. Ketzal's Corridors, coming "soon," seems to be the game known in Japan as Speedthru, a 3D puzzle game like the Wii's ThruSpace -- in which players rotate Tetris-like shapes to go through oncoming walls. In April, the DS homebrew drawing app Colors! becomes a for-real, official thing on 3DS as Colors! 3D. Other releases include Fun! Fun! Minigolf Touch! and a demo for Rhythm Thief. Find the full schedule after the break.
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March 7th, 2012, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo to offer physics and animation tech to studios worldwide as tools for future console
Tools company Havok has entered into a deal with Nintendo that will see the former's middleware used by Wii U developers the world over.
The agreement, which focuses specifically on the Havok Physics and Havok Animation solutions, will give the development community access to the Havok technology especially to create htitles for the forthcoming console.
“We are very excited to be at the forefront of the new platform,” said David Coghlan, managing director of Havok. “We are honoured to be providing Havok technology to Wii U developers in order to create great games in all genres. Gamers around the world expect high-fidelity realism and want to immerse themselves into new gaming experiences.
"This license agreement will give game developers everywhere easy access to Havok’s industry-leading technology. We are sure this license agreement will result in the creation of great interactive experiences for consumers on the Wii U platform!”
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March 7th, 2012, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo 3DS will get its first £19.99 RRP boxed game this summer.
And publishers say titles with ‘satisfying, attractive price-points’ is just what the handheld needs.
The first is Boulderdash-XL 3D – a 3DS version of the puzzler’s XBLA revamp. This £19.99 release is due in June, courtesy of publisher Reef Entertainment and distributed by Creative.
Reef’s Wii ‘family FPS’ Real Heroes: Fire Fighter 3D is due in September priced at £24.99, followed by Alien Chaos 3D later in the year.
Ubisoft is also releasing a budget range of five titles priced at £24.99 each: Fantasy Petz, Funky Barn, Imagine Babies, Imagine Horsez and Monster 4x4.
“We noticed strong catalogue sales of several launch titles on 3DS once they had hit a certain price-point – these titles became the stalwarts of the chart, your Raymans and your Rabbids,” Reef’s general manager Will Curley told MCV.
“We thought we could spice up this space with some new, quality games that give full value in terms of gameplay longevity.
“What seems to be selling on the 3DS so far are colourful, character-led action games. This deviates from the staple puzzlers that people associate with the App Store.”
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March 7th, 2012, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Back in 2011, we featured an interesting DS platformer called Fractured Soul, which was being published by the tiny Graffiti Entertainment. Then ... we didn't hear anything, and the game later showed up in remade polygonal form on 3DS as Fractured Soul 3D, with a new publisher, Ignition. That was last year.
So what happened? Why are there two versions with two publishers? And ... what's happening now? I asked Grant Davies, co-founder of developer Endgame Studios, what the deal is with the dual versions of the dual-world, dual-screen action game.
First, the DS game. "We sold the distribution rights for that to N3V Games," Davies said. "Basically, what happened was, toward the end of the project when they were looking to place it with distributors, the DS market kind of fell down at that point -- the 3DS was coming out. They had a bit of trouble placing it with distributors." N3V signed up with publisher Graffiti, and the game just hasn't made it to retail. N3V owns the rights, so the fate of Fractured Soul DS is now in their hands -- Endgame can't seek a new publisher or take its game back.
Instead, Endgame remade it with new graphics for 3DS. And ... that publishing deal also fell through. "With the 3DS, we got involved with a publisher on that one [Ignition]," Davies said, "and they got to the point where they could no longer honor their contractual obligations to us."
This time, however, Endgame still has the rights. "Now it's no publisher," Davies said, "and we have the rights, and we have a completed game, so that's why we're kind of thinking maybe eShop is the way forward." Endgame is now looking at self-publishing digitally, perhaps breaking the finished retail-sized game into two downloads for 3DS. Fracturing it, if you will.
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March 8th, 2012, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has licensed several slices of well-known technology for developers to use creating Wii U games.Developers can wield both Havok's physics tech and user-interface toolset Scaleform when making Wii U software.This middleware technology allows for quicker and easier game development using familiar tools, something Nintendo may consider useful for ensuring Wii U sees plenty of multi-platform titles from third-party developers.Scaleform is used to create HUDs and menus and can make snazzy-looking in-game affairs like the suit-based inventory seen in Dead Space.It is part of a larger suite of tools from tech company Autodesk, all of which Nintendo has their hands on for Wii U. Also included is AI toolset Kynapse, as well as character animation tool HumanIK.Havok's physics and animation tools will "give game developers everywhere easy access to Havok's industry-leading technology," boss of Havok Dave Coghlan said. "We are sure this license agreement will result in the creation of great interactive experiences for consumers on the Wii U platform!"
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March 8th, 2012, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed another all-new game for the 3DS eShop digital store; Ketzal's Corridors.
Ketzal's Corridors is "a fast-paced, Aztec-themed action-puzzle game", says Nintendo."The game lets players race against the clock in 96 shape-matching missions and three multiplayer modes."
As you can see via the trailer below, it has players rotating Tetris-style blocks to fit them through holes in walls as they charge through a corridor.
The game also boasts a separate puzzle mode, by the looks of it, and will don head-to-head multiplayer.
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March 9th, 2012, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster

With February's NPD numbers upon us, Nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy 2 has joined a prestigious club. The portly plumber's second Wii title has now crossed the 5 million sales mark. Nintendo notes that the Wii has now amassed nine titles that have passed 5 million in sales, which it says is "nearly twice as many 5-million sellers as competing current-generation consoles combined." The company added that Just Dance 3 is quickly approaching the 5 million mark, with 4.61 million copies sold to date.
On the handheld front, two other Mario titles, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land, both moved more than 100,000 units. In addition, Nintendo notes that Pokemon Black and White have surpassed 4 million units in combined sales.
In hardware, Nintendo sold 228,000 Wii consoles, 262,000 3DS units and 135,000 DS units.
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March 11th, 2012, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
The third episode of Nintendo TV, Future Publishing's Mario pyjama-wearing video show, has been released.
The game of the month is Namco Bandai's 3DS fighter Tekken 3D Prime Edition, and there's also a tour of Aardman Animation's offices to look at the making of the 15 Shaun The Sheep episodes that are headed to 3DS.
The team also interviews Nicholas Cage, asking which of his films would make a good Nintendo game. Nintendo TV episode three is also available on the 3DS eShop.
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March 11th, 2012, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Engine Software is porting the classic arcade laserdisc game Mad Dog McCreeto 3DS, for release on eShop. That merits at least a reserved "Yee-haw." Engine's VP of development Ruud van de Moosdijk told Nintendo World Report that the downloadable six-shooter shooter will be released "very soon." Engine tracked down publisher Digital Leisure and asked for the rights to create a 3DS version.
You might be thinking that it seems prohibitively expensive to remaster a random arcade game like that, full of real recorded video, in 3D. You're probably right. Whatever the reason, Engine is opting not to use stereoscopic 3D for the port. " "There's really no 3D in the 3DS version," van de Moosdijk said, "because how were you gonna do that?"
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March 11th, 2012, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
It's been over ten years since the first Toki Tori came out (though it has been remade and ported in the interim). We're guessing, then, that longtime fans of Two Tribes' birdy puzzle platformer are really ready to get a look at Toki Tori 2.The readiest. Please enjoy the above trailer immediately, in that case.
Two Tribes plans to release Toki Tori 2 first on Steam, later in 2012. Versions for iOS and Wii U will follow, suggesting the company had a good experience on the original Wii -- Toki Tori was one of the first WiiWare releases, back in 2008.
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March 11th, 2012, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Yasuhiro Wada has been engaged in the games industry for over 20 years, but lately he's been more into management than actual game production. With the formation of Toybox Inc, however, he joins the ranks of Japanese developers like Yuji Naka and Keiji Inafune – developers who left top management positions at major companies to pursue more active creative roles at smaller startups. While his name might not be the biggest in the biz, he's responsible for one of the most quietly influential games in the industry: Bokujou Monogatari, known outside of Japan as Harvest Moon.
Wada grew up in the countryside, where he dreamed of eventually making his way to the big city. When he finally did get to Tokyo, however, he learned that there are some elements to good ol' country living that deserve appreciation. It was this experience that served as the inspiration for a game idea: A non-combative game that conveyed the simple pleasures of country life. It wasn't an easy pitch, and Wada had to build rapport at his company first with a portfolio of small successes. It took about 2 years to build both the record and the budget necessary to propose Harvest Moon to his higher-ups, but his patience paid off in both development and marketing experience.
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March 11th, 2012, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster

When a new platform hits the market, designers inevitably start thinking about how to exploit all of the new possibilities at their disposal. For producer Masachika Kawata, it was a chance to take Resident Evil back to its roots.
"We all agreed that, this time around, we wanted to make a scary Resident Evilsimilar to the original," Kawata said during a GDC talk that broke down the development of the recent 3DS survival horror game.
That might bring a slightly rueful smile to the faces of longtime fans. Resident Evil 4 gets a lot of love among mainstream gamers and critics; but by admitting that he wanted to make a "scary" game, Kawata seems to be tacitly admitting what many older fans have felt for a while now -- Resident Evil had become an action series.
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March 12th, 2012, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
tueidj , GBAtemp forum member, has an initial overview of what is now developing and the least we can say if this proves true (and it is not a vulgar fake) is that it promises enormously and will represent a major advance in the hack of the Wii. This is indeed a loader for Gamecube games, as Dios Mios Lite, but that could exploit the full capabilities of the Wii . It speaks well of devices specific to the Wii, normally completely unavailable when it is in Gamecube mode (wiimotes, additional RAM and CPU among others). The trick is setting up the most ingenious and from a simple observation (and a lot of "Nintendo haters" rabachent all the time): the Wii is, anatomically speaking, a GC which was boosted memory and processors (CPU and GPU). Technically, it can run applications Wii Gamecube mode, the moment she found her little (RAM, CPU, etc.. The Gamecube). It would therefore be in the presence of a GC loader running in native Wii mode , including extra! That even Nintendo has failed (or willing) to do what no loader launched in GC mode can never do. USB ports, SD, wiimotes ... and why not wifi online mode and then returned to the GC games (although tueidj remained fairly skeptical about it, it would require an enormous amount of work) Here is an overview of the thing, a video worth much more than just words:
You will find below my translation of the orginal subject, which reveals the intentions, promises and limitations on this project: SO WHAT: Devolution is a loader designed to launch GC games on Wii. Dolphin was the codename for the Gamecube, the Wii's Revolution, mix everything and you get "Devolution". WHY: To ensure that the way "official" can not do. I hate the Gamecube and mini-discs. And buying a wii slim, you can not even play Gamecube games. FUNCTIONS: Devolution has the following objectives: - Use alternative means to run games GC (SD and USB) - Use of alternative controllers (wiimote + classic controller instead of joysticks GC) - Use alternative means of backup (SD, USB and NAND) - Supporting the actual games using streaming audio. It is theoretically possible but remains unproven (eg is it that the hardware will be fast enough to achieve what I have in mind). Alternative means of launch are already implemented (that's right, GC functional USB loader! ). The emulation memory cards is half done (read but not write support yet). Support for wiimotes and audio streaming has not yet been started. RESTRICTIONS: This is not a warez loader. You will need to have the games you want to launch. I do not plan to ask for donations, however, if a game is inconsistent and very special that you want this to be corrected, you will provide me with the game OR the money for its purchase, I not spend my money to buy For example, a copy of MGS. HOW: It's complicated (but not impossible). Simply, the Wii is a Gamecube with a few extra, as GC games are the hardware they wait, do not count extra. One big advantage of Devolution is that it requires no software modification of the console, and no substitution of MIOS or cIOS or chain, just an application that starts from HBC or the feat of your choice. WHO: Me only. This is a solo project, started from zero. No borrowing of source code or use the libogc. It could be that things change in the future when I need a bluetooth stack. This has nothing to do with any other project (of my own or other developers) and not any code subject to the GPL is used so do not even try to ask sources. OF other information were accurate more slowly unveiled by tueidj over the (many) questions raised about it. We will follow over the water of new ads to complete the topic. Official site: gbatemp.net (tueidj is a developer who has already participated actively in projects Wii, and its reputation is really not to question . Time will tell, however if the dream will come true one day or another.)
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March 12th, 2012, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
just to make available the final version 8 of its popular cIOS d2x. This incorporates all corrections made over the beta versions, and is therefore more transparent with respect to games (stealth mode), while improving its compatibility (supports sizes of virtual sectors to override certain limits WBFS format, by example) Changelog: [d2x v8] - Enhanced stealth mode to Prevent cios detection. - Added ioctl command to enable / disable Stealth Mode When a game is not running. Stealth Mode is enabled by default. - IOS reload block is now enabled by default. - Fixed reload IOS block failure When The original IOS required by the game is not installed. It works for real and emu nand. - Fixed return to channel failure When The menu system is not installed on nand emu. - Fixed missing Cache flush When Removing error 002 After IOS reload block. Syscall is now kernel_set_version Used INSTEAD. - Added direct access to syscalls. This allows you to invoke a syscall from inside Another syscall. - Added support for paths starting with '# `which are Used To open files is real Even If nand nand emu is on. Also, access to paths thesis is protected by stealth mode. - FAT files are now on Opened-through path to fix after 16. Now Disney Universe and all the games using long paths work Properly in nand emulation. - Disabled in FAT file sharing control unit to Overcome a stupid conclusion made by developers in The Beatles Rock Band. See issue 11. - Fixed black screen in partial emulation When starting a game we never Launched Before real nand. See issue 14. - Added support for virtual drives WBFS Sector size is to bypass the 500 limit game (thanks fig2k4). The optimal size is 4KB Sector, that 'allows up to 4084 games. Note That this feature is only Useful for the loaders That Do not use the fraglist for WBFS partitions, for example NeoGamma, WiiFlow and CFG. - AHBPROT now is really enabled. - USB Gecko rewritten completely Call functions. Now it's really plug and play and the cios works Even When debug mode is enabled and USB Gecko is connected only to the Wii (tnx to mini source). - Removed the unused method 1 for IOS reload block. - Minor exchange and code clean up. This new version still does not seem to integrate the last module EHCI (including avoiding the lag in music games) promised for some time, but the version 9 beta looks set to benefit. The coming weeks we will reveal more about it probably. Warning, this is compiled files, which require treatment (batch file) to be encapsulated in a WAD file. You can also install it using the d2x cIOS Installer 3.1. This will decompress the archive of cIOS d2x V8, verbatim, in the same directory as the executable installer . cIOS V8 Final d2x d2x cIOS Installer 3.2 Fr (Unofficial) Official site: http://code. google.com/p/d2x-cios /
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March 12th, 2012, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster
Wire3D 1.0.1 released by antibyte
Wire3D (Wii Independent Rendering Engine 3D) is an open source, object oriented, multiplatform 3D engine written in C++, supporting homebrew Wii and Windows (DirectX). It provides a framework to developers for writing platform agnostic 3D applications (including physics using the Bullet Physics library) that run on Wii and Windows out of the box.
v1.0.1 - Wire
- debug build uses custom operator new/delete
- unified handling of platform dependent index buffers
- fixed ResetDevice issue when D3DPOOL_DEFAULT objects are used
- Importer
- turned importer into lib
- handle render states that are defined per material (additionally to per node/leaf defined render states)
- handle vertex and index buffer access usage types
- keep record of number of imported materials, textures, nodes, geometries, vertex buffers, index buffers
- fixed memory leak
- Tools
- added Bullet Physics lib to solution for wii and win
- added Unity3D exporter
- fixed 3rd party lib gcc warnings
- http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wire3D
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March 12th, 2012, 13:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/t322375-bsnes-v08...cessor-project
BSNES has always reached for a near perfect experience, thanks to its low-level approach to the entire aspect of emulation. The project has also aimed to support all of the co-processor games. As of today, the final co-processor is now supported (ST018). BSNES is now the only SNES EMU to support a 100% compatibility of all known officially released games, and it accomplishes this without any hacks!
The source news thread has a reply which links back to the ROM files, and thus we can not link to it here. Google is your friend!
QUOTE: Change Log- emulated the 21.47MHz ST018 (ARMv3) coprocessor used by Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi 2
- fixed PPU TM/TS edge case; fixes bottom scanline of text boxes in Moryo Senki Madara 2
- fixed saving and loading of Super Game Boy save RAM
- NEC uPD7725,96050 ROMs now stored in little-endian format for consistency
- cartridge folder concept has been reworked to use fixed file names
- added emulation of serial USART interface (replaces asynchronous UART support previously)
- [*]
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March 12th, 2012, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
Pogo Cats is a new NES Homebrew. The goal of the game is to make it as far as possible while collecting items along the way. Please see below for more information.
QUOTE: Object/Item Information- Spring coil: Jumping with the spring coil will give you about 400 points
- Coin: Gives 500 points
- Flying Heart: If you collect this item, your jump speed and jump size will get increased for a short time.
- Tornado: If you come to close to it, it will blow you away. Jumping onto a tornado will make you jump several screens high (gives about 1000 points)
- Black Hole: If you come to close to it, it will suck you inside. If you touch it, you will loose lots of points.
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March 12th, 2012, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES, GB & GBC emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- emulated the 21.47MHz ST018 (ARMv3) coprocessor used by Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi 2;
- fixed PPU TM/TS edge case; fixes bottom scanline of text boxes in Moryo Senki Madara 2;
- fixed saving and loading of Super Game Boy save RAM;
- NEC uPD7725,96050 ROMs now stored in little-endian format for consistency;
- cartridge folder concept has been reworked to use fixed file names
added emulation of serial USART interface (replaces asynchronous UART support previously).
File: Download
News source: http://byuu.org
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March 12th, 2012, 13:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/DSblog.html
This version has the following fixes and improvements: - Improved keyboard emulation (fixes Little Big Adventure hang after key press).
- Improved SVGA mode scaling quality.
- Fixed SoundBlaster DMA channel masking (fixes Mortal Kombat sound effects).
- Implemented opcode AAM in protected mode (Warcraft 2 Setup - System info).
- Fixed a BSOD problem when moving mouse in Warcraft 2 and Command & Conquer.
- Improved BSOD error reporting, no more partial exception messages.
- Implemented support for 80x50 text mode (Little Big Adventure Setup).
- Implemented mouse function INT 33 AX=00A1 (Knights of Xentar).
- Fixed a problem in AdLib hardware detection (Warcraft 2).
After I got the DSx86 version 0.41 released last weekend, I continued improving DS2x86. I had already managed to fix the keyboard emulation for LBA and the SB effects for Mortal Kombat, so I focused on the weird partial BSOD error message that happened in Warcraft 2 after moving a mouse. Before I could test that, I needed to use the setup program to disable audio, and while doing that I noticed that the setup program crashed due to an unsupported AAM opcode. This opcode behaves the same in real and protected mode, I had just forgotten to add it to the protected mode opcode pointer table, so that was an easy fix. However, finding the cause for the BSOD was considerably harder.
It took me three days to work on the BSOD problem. It seemed I got nowhere during the first two days, so on Wednesday I then decided to rewrite the whole BSOD system. Ever since I originally coded the BSOD system it has been the MIPS side that generates the full exception string and sends the whole screen back to the NDS side. Now I thought that perhaps with the new transfer system it would be better to transfer just the raw data from the MIPS side, and then build the string on the NDS side. After I did that, I got some proper-looking addresses on the BSOD screen. However, the exception cause was weird, it was 0x1F which is not mentioned in any MIPS reference material I have. Also, the crash address was in the middle of a page table clearing routine, which did not make much sense. If there was something wrong at that point, the code should have crashed on the first of the 16 similar opcodes, not on the 10th!
My exception handler walks the stack and looks for values that are in the range 0x80000000 .. 0x801DAFD0 (or where ever the first symbol from the library file is located). These numbers are between -2147483648 and -2145538096 in decimal notation, and such values are rarely used as parameters to functions, so this will usually give a proper list of function return addresses. The first eight of these values have been shown in the BSOD crash dump ever since I originally coded it, but this time the values it printed did not make much sense in relation to the crash location. Thus, the next step was that I added full register dump into my BSOD crash printout, hoping that that would give some more info about what exactly caused the crash. This is what the new BSOD crash dump displayed:
Now I finally had enough information to help me find the crash cause. The registers could not possibly have such values at the crash location 0x801B5C14, so it seemed that the crash location was reported wrong. However, the stack and register values very clearly pointed to my MouseEvent() routine which was called from the MouseMoved() routine. Since the crash happened after moving a mouse, these seemed to be correct values. But the crash address still pointed to within the PageTable clearing routine... And at that point I finally figured out the cause of the crash! The MouseEvent() routine gets called inside an interrupt generated originally from the NDS side data transfer request. The crash location points inside the PageTable clearing routine, probably because that was what the code was doing when the interrupt occurred! And my MouseEvent() routine uses the PageTable and does not expect it to be clear!
I changed the MouseEvent() routine not to use the PageTable (as it did not actually need to use it, it was just a convenient way to determine the location of some memory variables), and that got rid of the BSOD crash! I also some time later found out why the original message was cut after 4 characters: I overwrote the string in the new transfer system. This also caused the exception cause to show 0x1F instead the correct 0x03 "TLB miss on store" it should have displayed in the rewritten BSOD handling. This is also fixed now.
After that fix I then did some other minor fixes, for example I added a 80x50 character text mode handling, which was used by the Little Big Adventure setup program. I also found that WarCraft 2 sometimes detected AdLib hardware and sometimes not, so I spent some time debugging that problem and noticed that my handling of the detection routine was very poor and unreliable. I improved that routine so that now both WarCraft 2 and Little Big Adventure seem to play both FM music and SoundBlaster digital effects fine. There is still a potential problem where some SB IRQs might get missed when paging is on, which may cause SB digital audio to stop working after a while. This needs some better IRQ handling in general, so fixing this is on hold until I can figure out some improved ideas for that.
Anyways, this version should now have some worthwhile improvements, let me know of the problems you encounter, and again crash logs and BSOD error info is very welcome! Thanks again for your interest in DS2x86 and DSx86!
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March 12th, 2012, 13:24 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of the multi plattform Nintendo 64 emulator Mupen64Plus has been released.
Mupen64Plus v1.99.5 - March 10, 2012
Audio-SDL Plugin
added version number to SDL-audio plugin config parameters, to support future changes
updated audio plugin for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
makefile fixes and improvements
Console-UI Front End Application
New option to disable internal core speed limiter (for benchmarking)
Updated Console-UI front-end for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning
Added config version number for UI-Console section
makefile fixes and improvements
Core Emulator Library
New feature: support for N64 internal real-time clock
use X-Scale´s PIF-CIC algorithm instead of the hard-coded challenge-response pairs
New config parameter for path to save SRAM/EEPROM/MPK files, so they can be separated from emulator snapshots
updated core for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
split core configuration data into 2 sections: Core and CoreEvents. Added version numbers and upgrade handling to both
Accurately emulate the RSP DMA operation (from Bobby Smiles)
bugfix: #290 - OnScreenDisplay text is sometimes captured in screenshots
bugfix: when the front-end specifies an override for the configuration directory, always use this path, so that we don´t load the config from there and then save it back to the default user path
bugfix: #468 - On-screen-display problem under OSX
bugfix: Use option SaveStatePath from config file
bugfix: don´t call SDL_Quit() until the core library is being unloaded. fixes some front-end use cases
bugfix: #410 - segfault in dma_pi_write()-->strlen() if /home/username/.local/share/mupen64plus/ owned by root
bugfix: for Interpreter cores, use proper math functions for ceil/floor/round/trunc instead of x87 rounding modes
many makefile fixes and improvements
Input-SDL Plugin
Improved input setup behavior (auto-config) to make some use cases more friendly
Updated input plugin for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
Added version number to SDL Input plugin parameters
Add new parameter for mouse sensitivity, handle mouse movement differently so mouse is easier to use as controller
New auto-configuration for controllers:
- raphnet technologies GC/N64 usb converter
- Logitech Chillstream Controller
- Jess Tech Colour Rumble
- Xbox 360 linux userspace driver
- Generic X-Box pad
- Saitek P2900 Wireless Pad
- Jess Tech USB 4-Axis 12-Button Gamepad
bugfix: #392 - when switching between rumble pak and memory pak, simulate removing the pack, waiting 1 second, then inserting the new one
bugfix: #424 - problem with USB devices supporting multiple controllers per device
bugfix: #409 - PS3 controller not auto-detected in Gentoo when connected via bluetooth
bugfix: correctly handle USB devices with multiple game pads, from Peter Helbing
makefile fixes and improvements ´
Rice Video Plugin
Hires texture loading: support for 8-bit PNG images
New config option for forcing vertical sync
Check OpenGL attributes after creating video window and report any that failed to set
Updated video plugin for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
Update to Video API version 2.1.0.
Bugfix: hi-res textures: Scale highres textures by precalculated scaleShift exponent
Bugfix: dont call CoreVideo_Init() inside of the !InitializeGFX() function. This will fix some front-end use cases
Bugfix: Fix z coordinate in 3d line rendering
Bugfix: double infinite loop in GetValidTmemInfoIndex
Bugfix: Perfect Dark randomly crashes due to divide-by-zero error
Bugfix: crash in loading Celda 2009 hi-res texture pack for Zelda Ocarina of Time
makefile fixes, improvements, and code cleanups
RSP-HLE Plugin
Handle JPEG decompression, used in Ogre Battle 64 and Pokemon Stadium
updated RSP plugin for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
bugfix: #102 - Missing backgrounds in Ogre Battle 64
many makefile fixes and improvements
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March 12th, 2012, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES emulator HalfNES has been updated.
halfnes-0.045 (3/8/2012) - Fixed some undocumented opcodes to allow homebrew game Driar to run
- Fixed bug with special characters in ROM filenames causing a crash
- Added gamma correction to NTSC filter and changed filter parameters yet again
(still not sure what looks best, and there are a few artifacts here that don´t
show up on the real thing unless you´re using a cheap capture card.
If you want to experiment, the brightness, contrast, and gamma correction is at
the top of the NTSCFilter file in the code.
Please use it with smoothing on or it´ll look bad no matter what.
- now change the aspect ratio when ntsc filter is used.
- Added mapper 85 (VRC7) (Lagrange Point and Japanese Tiny Toons 2)
- Partially implemented VRC7 sound (envelopes and vibrato are still missing)
- Small speed improvements (except in the ntsc filter, that´s just as slow).
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March 12th, 2012, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of DSP Emulator has been released.
DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.
DSP 0.12b3 03/06/12
+ Delphi
- Added a project to compile in Delphi XE2 (and in then future 64-bit)
- Fixed problems when you pushed a button on the main window, it loose the focus of the game window
+ Lazarus/Free Pascal
- Added the ZlibEx libraries in Windows and Linux (32bit) eliminated the problems of compression/decompression in Spectrum (DSP and SZX formats) and Coleco snapshots
- Fixed a bug finding out the length of a file
- Added the NES driver, now all drivers are equally in Delphi and Lazarus
- Changes to the code to begin the compilation on 64bits. It works on linux (except Zlib libraries), but not in Windows yet.
- Fixed bug when displaying the preview image of the drivers in the selection menu
- Added choice of base directories in the configuration menu
- Fixed problems with window focus in games like Delphi, but only on Windows not Linux
+ MB88XX: New CPU, missing some opcodes
+ Namco IO: Added Namco IO 53XX (some bugs on MB88XX)
+ Fixed bug, the driver was working was not marked in the main menu
+ N2A03 Sound: Added sound chip (missing DPCM)
+ Timers: Improved response for very fast timers
+ Cleaning/improving the code in the load ROMS/Snapshots/Tapes to enhance stability
+ Fixed bug which showed twice the error message when the ZIP file is missing
+ Added redefine keys to ´insert coin´/´start player´ in main menu
+ Samples
- Improved playback system
- Added possibility to repeat the sample immediately or only when it ends
- Added automatic loop function
- Added a function to stop all the samples
+ Fixed when not showing anything on the screen if the screen was inverted and the video was not 1X
+ Fixed a bug that did not properly cleaned and audio samples sounded strange noises
+ Fixed aestetic bugs
+ Lazarus/Free Pascal: Fixed the button to enable/disable fast load, not working
+ Corrected PZX tape loading
+ Fixed the background color when loading a snapshot
+ Added sound (N2A03)
+ Fixed sprites
-GameBoy / GameBoy Color
+ Fixed startup of the GameBoy Color when the BIOS file is not present
+ No longer displays error message when unable to load the BIOS
-Donkey Kong Hardware
+ Fixed sprites (displaced 1 pixel)
+ Added invert screen
- Donkey Kong: Added full sound with samples
- Donkey Kong Jr.: Added driver with full sample sounds
- Donkey Kong 3: Added driver with sound (2xN2A03)
+ Fixed audio did not work without samples
-Super Basketball
+ Fixed scroll 1 pixel
+ ROMs updated to version I
+ Added invert screen
-Exed Exes
+ Fixed audio CPU IRQ generation
+ Fixed cuts on sprites
-Irem M62
+ Simplified video system and initiated video screens
-Burger Time
+ Updated audio NMI generation
+ Fixed loading audio ROM
-Green Beret
+ Fixed video rate to 60.60fps
+ Fixed generation of IRQ´s and NMI´s
-Ghost´n Goblins
+ Fixed a stupid bug in the video cache
-Galaga Hardware
+ Digdug: Added driver with sound. Some errors in reading the IO´s (dipswitches)
-Mario Bros.
+ Added full sound with samples
+ Added invert screen
-Capcom System 1 (CPS1)
+ Fixed vertical scroll
-Sega System 16A
+ Fixed a bug initializing the palette
+ Added driver with sound
-Pirate Ship Higemaru
+ Added driver with sound
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March 12th, 2012, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of the Game Boy and Game Boy Color Emulator Gambatte has been released.
Note: wip2v2 merely fixes a typo causing a build error on *nix with GCC 4.6 or newer.
Rough changelog since wip1:
- XvBlitter: Try grabbing all adapter ports before giving up. Fixes XVideo
engine unnecessarily unavailable while mplayer running.
- Don´t call glTexSubImage2D in blit() because that tends to block on OS X (and
quite possibly other implementations), use paged-flipped sw double buffer.
This should fix OS X being less audio underrun-resistant than other platforms.
- Add GBC DMG palettes. Wasn´t able to use the .pal-files by nitro322, but
thanks nonetheless.
- Use mapped GBC palette by default for recognized DMG game titles.
- libgambatte: Add ROM title getter.
- Add Turbo A/B input mapping with configurable number of frames per press.
- Add Quit input mapping.
- Support Game Genie codes.
- Support 01xxxxxx Game Shark codes.
- Support .gz files.
- Avoid using magic header values to detect file type to avoid potential conflicts
with ROM content.
- Gambatte Qt: Support command line parameters.
- Gambatte Qt: Work around WMs messing up if full screen is set too early.
- InputDialog: Protect against Qt signaling redundant inputbox focusIn events
causing joystick mutex relock, which could basically break joystick input.
- Always pause on file dialog for all platforms. Too much screwiness with
the way native dialogs work in Qt, and I think this may be overall nicer either
- AlsaEngine: Limit number of iterations of snd_pcm_writei loop to make sure we
don´t get an infinite loop in weird cases.
- Allow loading HuC1 ROM images.
- Provide option to use heuristics to support certain multicart MBCs disguised as
MBC1 (Bomberman Collection, Mortal Combat I & II, Super Chinese Land 1,2,3 Dash,
maybe others)
- Default fast-forward speed 8.
- libgambatte: compilation and warning fixes for clang.
- Better facilitate overriding CC and CXX from the command line.
- Mac OS X build fixes for newer SDKs.
- Redirect some error printing from stdout to stderr
- Minor fixes, refactoring and clean-ups.
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March 12th, 2012, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
MacFCEU is a Mac OS X port of FCE Ultra.
Fixed throttle timing with new precision.
Fixed wave overflow case (if it exceeds disk space).
Implemented NSFe and Open Recent.
Increased throttle precision from 2MHz to 16MHz. It may require some toggling.
0.7a3, from 0.7a2, fixes:
Sound latency issues (throttle´s always on, w/ callback method).
A few movie bugs.
Numerous little bug fixes.
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March 12th, 2012, 13:39 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...403c0e22d3e593
Orion Jones has version 1.03 of " Mot Mot Motus ", adaptation of the hit TV Motus for the Nintendo DS.
I'm embarrassed to repeat this topic up again, but a friend found two bugs and I have not been able to help correct them. March 11th 2012 Change log: -Fixed a display bug, and a bug on controlling the position of letters. He moves in version 1.03.
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March 12th, 2012, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...403c0e22d3e593
HB trickster we offer version 0.2 of his homebrew Diddy's Adventure , game in which one embodies Diddy Kong through various levels and to meet different puzzles to finish them.
Changes from v0.1:
- Multiple language (English and French for now)
- Possibility to replay or turn off the console at the end of the game
- Total of 3 levels and 6 puzzles
- Fixed transparency tilesets on doors and key
- Adding a background music level
- Change of aid that appear when you get to a question or to a key
- Change some Wallpapers
- Added a secret. A .. you discover how to access
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March 12th, 2012, 13:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Fceux SVN r2457 is compiled. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
* middle button click on FCEUX sends message to TAS Editor
* Shift/Ctrl set focus to Piano Roll, double Shift / double Ctrl scroll Piano Roll to respective cursor
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March 12th, 2012, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com
NESICIDE v.7 is released. NESICIDE is an Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). NESICIDE is a NES development application written with MFC and works only on Windows. The goal of NESICIDE2 is to bring this application into the modern age; it will support all 3 major platforms, as well as feature an easier to use interface. It will also have a community element that will allow users to share code, multimedia, and even entire projects/games. This is a new project and much is left to be done.
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March 12th, 2012, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com
GameBoy Online (2012/03/08) is released. GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
GameBoy Online Changelog:
- add -o-linear-gradients for Opera
- Merge pull request #20 from miketaylr/operagradients
- remove Opera errors and workarounds (CORE-41012 and CORE-43903 have been fixed)
- Merge pull request #21 from miketaylr/operafix
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March 12th, 2012, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Epic VP Mark Rein will be shocked if the Wii U isn't a hit for Nintendo when it launches later this year.Sepaking to Eurogamer at GDC in San Francisco last week, Rein argued that parents are ready to upgrade their kid's Wii to Nintendo's new system."I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people," he predicted."I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller."Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That's what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great."Rein added that Nintendo's brand recognition and beloved IP should see it fly off shelves, though he suggested that it might have been quicker off the mark with getting the machine to stores."It's a great brand that a lot of parents really trust and they're probably ready to buy their kids an HD Wii that does that much more than just being an HD Wii."I'd love it if they'd done it last year, but I'm excited for them to do it this year. I'd be shocked if it doesn't do well."Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller?"I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we've yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they're going to shock us."Earlier this year Nintendo president Satoru Iwata suggested that, more than ever, the company will be looking to partner with third parties when developing high-spec core games that fall outside of its traditional comfort zone.Might Epic step up to the plate with a new IP for the system, a la Gears of War on the Xbox 360?"If I had 10 development teams I'd make a game for every single platform and make that the special game for that platform," replied Rein."If you're the special game on that platform you do really, really well. Gears was one of the special ones on Xbox 360. Infinity Blade is a special game on the iPhone and iPad. Shadow Complex was a special game on Xbox Live Arcade."But we don't have 10 development teams so it's just a matter of picking and choosing what we do and doing the best thing we can for the idea that we have."Epic currently has two titles in development: Infinity Blade: Dungeons for iOS and Fortnite for as-yet unconfirmed platforms.
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March 14th, 2012, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster

At Hack a Day, we’ve seen dozens of intervalometer builds that open and close a camera shutter remotely. [Luke Skaff] decided to take these builds to the next level byautomating a camera’s focus and shutter with a Nintendo DS.
[Luke]‘s build is based on the Open Camera Controller project that puts the power of an intervalometer, sound trigger, sequencer, and HDR bracket shooting into the hands of professional photogaphers. The Open Camera Controller is built to run on a Nintendo DS with an AVR-based card attached to the Game Boy Advance cartridge port.
The Open Camera Controller attaches to a camera’s shutter port, but [Luke] stepped things up a little bit by using a USB host controller and implementing the picture transfer protocol. Now, instead of [Luke]‘s controller telling his camera when to open and close the shutter, the focus of the camera can be adjusted as well. [Luke]‘s build uses an Xilinx CoolRunner-II CPLD and a USB host controller to convert the DS cartridge port to a USB port every DSLR can connect to.
[Luke] still has a mess of wires on his hand, but even we can see the power that inexpensive automation would bring to the world of digital photography.
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March 15th, 2012, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's next major GTA may not launch this year after all
[h=3]Rockstar Games[/h]www.rockstargames.com
[h=3]Take-Two Interactive[/h]www.take2europe.com
GTA V was unveiled late last year with a trailer that clearly got gamers excited for Rockstar's latest, and while the consensus had been that the title would ship at some point during 2012, now some are beginning to doubt that.
It's not a delay per se, since Rockstar and Take-Two never mentioned an official release date, but Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia is now reporting based on retail channel checks that GTA V may launch in the fourth fiscal quarter for Take-Two (ending in March 2013).
Take-Two's fiscal year will therefore still benefit from the blockbuster release - the company is expecting earnings per share of $2.00 for the year - but the publisher will miss out on the key holiday sales season. Then again, GTA has typically not launched in the holiday period anyway.
Bhatia outlined the keys to this release timing: "We believe releasing GTA V in F4Q instead of F3Q will provide four advantages to TTWO: 1) a less crowded window away from the big holiday releases such as Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed etc. Recall, the previous GTA title (GTA IV) was released on April 29, 2008, i.e., also away from the holiday period; 2) smoother earnings in FY14 especially if GTA V launches in the last month of FY13 (March 2013); in other words it will result in stronger GTA V catalog sales in FY14; 3) a larger installed base including the potential for launch on Nintendo Wii U; and 4) an extra couple of months to polish the game."
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March 15th, 2012, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster

So what's cooler for '80s geeks than a Lego set, a Game Boy or a Transformers robot? Why, a Lego Game Boy Transformer, of course. At least, that's the idea behind the latest pièce de résistance from building-block lover Julius von Brunk, who not only got the touch but also got the power to create his very own Game Boy-inspired Lego Transformer. The "Domaster" -- no relation to the exercise machine for perky thighs -- borrows heavily from fan favorite Soundwave and even features a Tetris cartridge that transforms into a little birdie that looks like Laserbeak. Two fake AA batteries double as blaster cannons so folks can mutter "pew-pew" at pictures of Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf. Yes, it isn't as big as China's Optimus Prime and it can't play Super Nintendo games like this Game Boy costume. On the plus side, at least this thing won't ruin your precious childhood memories.
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March 15th, 2012, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
With the arrival of a new system on the 3DS Virtual Console -- the Sega Game Gear -- comes a new hardware emulator. And the one Sega and developer M2 put together is really, really nice! Nicer than I'm used to for Virtual Console games, honestly, and including a full suite of tweaks and features.
Do you want to play your game inside a tiny 3D Game Gear? You can do that. Would you like said Game Gear to be a rare limited-edition color variant? You can totally do that too. Excited by the application of more than minimal effort toward the presentation of retro games, I recorded this quick video.
Though I didn't bring it up here, there's also a "performance" option that, I believe, allows for system-accurate slowdown (or lack thereof). I didn't see any difference with Sonic, so it wasn't going to make for great video. Sonic arrives tomorrow on the 3DS eShop, along with Shinobi and Dragon Crystal.
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March 15th, 2012, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster

Those who have not followed the Mario Party series in recent years could be forgiven for dismissing its 9th console entry as yet another attempt to milk an aging franchise. Hell, even as someone who's been mini-gaming around the Mushroom Kingdom since it required being tethered to an N64, I had trouble mustering enthusiasm for the latest sequel. Allowing that big "9" on the box to mislead you, however, would be a mistake on the level of hiring Bowser as a babysitter.
You see, Mario Party 9 -- the series' first entry in nearly five years -- feels surprisingly more like a thoughtful reboot than a phoned-in rehash.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Director Koichi Hayashida has said that he wanted to make this entry easier than past titles
Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida intended for the title to be an "entry point" into the series for consumers. The game includes a very easy first half before ramping up the difficulty greatly in the second half.
"We thought of setting the difficulty level about as low as we could go realistically for this game because we saw this as an entry point to the Mario games for a lot of people," director Koichi Hayashida told Joystiq. "So the way we see it is someone would pick up Super Mario 3D Land and play that, and then maybe they would move onto Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario 64 after that."
Hayashida admitted that even he had trouble with previous Mario games.
"Speaking as a Mario game fan personally, I should admit that I had trouble trying to clear the first two Super Mario Bros. games," Hayashida said. "So for me, I wanted to create a game that I could at the very least clear. Even if it meant using Assist Blocks, I was able to clear this one, of course."
The game has been a big success on Nintendo, having sold 5 million units by the end of January 2012. Super Mario 3D Land was still number 8 on the Media Create sales chart for Japan last week.
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March 18th, 2012, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Today we have three new article scans from GameFan magazine for you, thanks to SPACE HARRIER.GameFan Volume 3 Issue 8Small preview of "Mansion of Innsmouth" and "Jack Bros.".GameFan Volume 3 Issue 9Full page preview of Galactic Pinball, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer, Mario's Tennis and Red Alarm.GameFan Volume 3 Issue 12Review of Jack Bros. plus a full page preview of Wario's Treasure Hunt, Panic Bomber and T&E VR Golf.http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=338
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March 18th, 2012, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- Queen Bee V (Unl)[!]. Let's continue. One of my long standing undemped carts from my Japanese frined Pongbashi. Queen Bee V by Nitra finally dumped. So sad it took so many time for dumping, even if mapper for this cart very good known a long time ago and have at least one more game working on it: "Time Diver Avenger" by the same Nitra. I don't even understand why previous attempts in dumping it has failed, but this time it took about 15 minutes to write mapper 250 dumping sequence and runit on my new hardware. Enjoy finally. You can play this dump on any known emulator, though.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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March 18th, 2012, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Improved 640x480 stretched mode.
- Improved/fixed APU timing to match the behavior of the hardware. - Improved savestate code, old files are not compatible (must be version 4). - Tweaked mouse support for gameplay, now you can adjust the number of frames between mouse polls.
- Fixed mapper 4 (MMC3), IRQ code rewritten.
- Fixed mapper 5 (MMC5), added extended attribute mode (Koei games playable).
- Fixed mapper 7, now all 512 KB of ROM is accessible.
- Fixed mappers 9 and 10, Punch Out works with no glitches.
- Fixed mapper 90, plus support for 211 (Donkey Kong 4 works).
- Fixed mapper 232 (BF9096).
- Added WRAM control to the mapper 1 (MMC1).
- Added keyboard keys 1, 2, 3 to cycle between game screen blitters, but can be disabled in the config file.
- Added an option to setup the video resolution to match the desktop.
- Added an option to disable $4011 raw writes.
- Added Famicom Disk System header viewer, much like the NSF header viewer.
- Adjusted DMC sound decay and proper $4011 raw, no sound pops.
- Multiple instances of RockNES.exe are no more allowed.
- The disassembler now points to the line within the CPU PC value.
- The close button ("X" corner) now works while the GUI is active.
- There's a new menu item [!], called "Quick Menu".
- Added a new submenu, "Other options", to be improved. Currently, you can disable hotkeys 1,2,3, and setup quit to OS confirmation.
- Fixed CHR ROM bank masking.
- The config file rocknes.ini is now loaded from the application path.
- A few cosmetic changes and minor internal fixes.
- Documentation updated.
File: Download
News source: http://rocknes.net
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March 18th, 2012, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
ZX Spectrum emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
+ Proper save requester, including support for basic file management operations.
+ Alternate between two different directories by tapping the save/load file icon again.
+ Quickly switch models in load requester with various L/R+X combinations.
+ Risky operations now use confirmation requesters.
+ It is now possible to step the emulation frame by frame.
+ Added pouet.net and Tipshop pokes library to servers.cfg.
* Implemented HTTP redirects, required by some pouet.net sites.
+ Directly poke decimal, hexadecimal, or binary values in the data dump view.
* Switched to PNG for background and icon graphics. The BMP support remains,
but note that some names have changed - check skins/readme.txt for details.
* Augmented the 128k keyboard graphics with symbol characters. Thanks, Paddy.
* The selected keyboard is now saved to the config file.
* Distinguish the load and save slot screens with colored slot frames.
* Disable the keyboard matrix effect during multiplayer session.
It is often difficult enough to configure the controls even without it.
* Switching to maximum speed while loading tapes in fast mode now disables
the display updates entirely. Handy for slight speed boost if you feel desperate.
* Other subtle changes (nicer boot message, increased cheat poke limit).
* Fixed loading of Pentagon SZX files (ROM paging, step direction).
* Minor bugfixes (libfat mkdir and aliasing, ZIP long name skipping).
! Happy birthday, ZXDS.
File: Download
News source: http://zxds.raxoft.cz
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March 18th, 2012, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
For the past week I have been working on getting Jazz Jackrabbit running. It uses Borland RTM DOS Extender instead of the more common dos4gw extender. It has been a while since I last worked on it, and it has never progressed very far, so I thought that it was about time that I really looked into supporting the Borland RTM extender properly. Thus, I began debugging the game. Here is a list of the changes and improvements I have so far needed to do for that game.
- Pretty soon after I began working on it, I noticed that it does not progress even as far as it did when I last worked on it a long time ago. It crashed with a "Page Fault in InitPage!" message when running a "repe stosw" opcode. The segment it tried to write to had a base address of 0xF0000004, which obviously was not within the 16MB of emulated memory. I spent some hours debugging it, comparing the behaviour to DOSBox, and finally I noticed that the game runs some memory allocation stuff twice in DS2x86, but only once in DOSBox. It seemed to enable various memory allocation handlers depending on the memory managers present on the system, and DS2x86 reported that both HIMEM.SYS and extended memory is available. I looked at DOSBox sources, and it reports that no extended memory is available if HIMEM.SYS features are enabled. I made DS2x86 also report that no extended memory is available, and then Jazz progressed up to the same crash location as it did a while ago. A bit silly that the game enables several memory managers at the same time, but of course on the real system only one method of handling extended memory is available at any one time.
- The next problem was that the DS segment got an invalid value 0x15B9 in a "mov ds,ax" opcode. The segment descriptor tables only had valid values in the range 0x0000..0x011F, so that value was far outside that range. This problem was a bit weird, as the code looked like this:
00E7:48C2 mov ax,15B9 inc bp push bp mov bp,sp push ds00E7:48CA mov ds,axThat is, the invalid value was loaded into AX register as an immediate value from the code segment! I spent a couple of days trying to debug this, but could not find the cause. Finally I decided to run the game in DOSBox, writing to a log file every single opcode and the resulting register values, up to the point where the game crashes in DS2x86. This log file was around 30 megabytes in size and had 483957 rows (for 161319 opcodes). Of course I did not need to check the result of every single opcode in DS2x86 and compare it with the log, but even checking the situation only after various function calls meant quite a lot of searching.
Pretty soon I discovered that the game allocates some DOS RAM using a "LAST FIT" memory allocation strategy, that is, it requests a block of memory from the end of the DOS 640KB memory area. DS2x86 has never supported this strategy, it always allocates the next sufficiently large free block. This has not caused problems before, but this was obviously a potential problem. I wanted to make sure that this was the cause, though, so I actually spent a couple of days comparing the behaviour of the game in DS2x86 to the DOSBox log file. Finally I found the problem. The game frees a block of memory that still contains a part of the RTM DOS extender data, then allocates the LAST FIT memory block, clears it, and then copies the already freed RTM DOS extender data to the extended memory. Since DS2x86 allocated the new block over the freed RTM DOS extender data, it was cleared when the game cleared the newly allocated memory block. This cleared block was then copied to the extended memory, and when it was later used to set up various segment selectors, the selectors got invalid values because the block did not contain the data it should have contained. I implemented the "LAST FIT" DOS memory allocation strategy into DS2x86, and this enabled Jazz Jackrabbit to progress further.
- The next problem was that the game crashed in a "les di,[bp+06]" opcode. This opcode loads both the ES segment selector and a DI register from memory. The selector was 0x01A7, which was in the correct range, but the corresponding descriptor had a base value of 0x545404AA! This was obviously again far outside of the supported 16MB emulated memory area. I also noticed that the descriptor did not have the "Present" bit on. This bit is used to cause a Page Fault when a segment selector is loaded, if the page is not present in memory. I checked in DOSBox, and indeed the game wants to cause a Page Fault at that point. I did not support Page Faults in that opcode in DS2x86 yet, and adding Page Fault handling to that opcode again allowed the game to progress further.
- After fixing the previous problem, the game simply exited to DOS with a message "Loader error (0000): unrecognized error". This seemed to mean that all the work I had done so far were only for the Borland RTM loader, and that the actual game had not even started to run yet. I again ran the game in DOSBOX and generated an even larger log, this time it was over 120 megabytes in size until I stopped it running. After some more searching in this file, I noticed that at some point it runs interrupt 0x2F with AX=0xFB42 and BX=0x1002. Looking at Ralf Brown's Interrupt List this interrupt was called "Borland RTM.EXE 1.0 - EXECUTE COMPILED PROGRAM", which looked like it might be the "loader" that the error message talks about. I tried to break the game execution in DS2x86 at this interrupt, but the game did not get that far before printing the error. The code in question looked like the following:
02E6:0710 push es mov ax,ds mov es,ax mov bx,0146 mov dx,0154 Pointer to "C:\GAMES\JJRABBIT\rtm.000" string mov ax,4B00 int 21 DOS 2+ - EXEC - LOAD AND EXECUTE PROGRAM jnc 0725 jmp 085802E6:0725 mov ax,4D00 int 21 DOS 2+ - GET RETURN CODE (ERRORLEVEL) cmp ax,0300 Is the return code == 0x0300 (terminate and stay recident, no errors)? je 0734 call 0805 jmp 076B02E6:0734 pop es mov ax,FB42 mov bx,1002 mov dx,[01E0] int 2F Borland RTM.EXE 1.0 - EXECUTE COMPILED PROGRAMI noticed that DS2x86 ran fine up to the 02E6:0725 address, but did not get to the 02E6:0734 address. So, it looked like the return code was not correct. And indeed, even though the "rtm.000" program stayed resident in memory, my INT 21 AX=4D00 handling never returned anything in the AX high byte! I fixed the INT 21 AX=4D00 handler to set the AX high byte properly, and then the game again progressed further in DS2x86.
- The next problem was similar to the "les di,[bp+06]" problem above, but this time the opcode was "mov es,[bp-02]". I added the Page Fault handling to this opcode as well, and then I got the actual game to start and print the welcome text strings!

- The problem was that after printing the welcome strings, nothing more happened. It looked like the whole MIPS side had hung, as I could not even drop into the debugger. So, I began hunting for the location where the hang occurred, by looking for returns from routines, and then tracing over the subroutines they called until I got to higher and higher level, and found the routine that made the system hang. After that I then burrowed deeper and deeper into the hanging routines, until I was at the lowest level, and found out that the system did hang immediately after the game gave a 0x1C (start 8bit auto-init DMA playing) command to the SoundBlaster DSP port. I checked the emulated SoundBlaster variables in DS2x86, and noticed that at that point (which actually begins the digitized audio playing) the length of the memory block to play was still zero! When using auto-init DMA, the length needs to be given using a separate DSP command 0x48, but the game never does that! Instead, it looks like there is a bug in the game code, as it has set the DMA block size to 0x7FF before starting the playing, but the DSP command 0x1C is given like this:
0417:25DE cmp word [22ED],0200 jbe 25F8 Jump if SoundBlaster DSP version <= 2.00 mov al,1C call 22F5 Send DSP command 0x1C (start 8-bit autoinit DMA) mov ax,[22F1] ax = 0x0800 dec ax ax = 0x07FF call 22F5 Send DSP command 0xFF (undocumented!) mov al,ah call 22F5 Send DSP command 0x07 (undocumented!)0417:25F7 retLooks like the game coders have mistakenly used the same system as when using the DSP command 0x14 for normal 8bit DMA playing, which needs the length of the playing buffer as parameters, first the low byte and then the high byte. DOSBox simply ignores the zero length, same as those 0xFF and 0x07 DSP commands, but all of these caused problems in DS2x86. I hacked the DSP command 0x1C handling in DS2x86 so that if the SB transfer length is zero, the DMA transfer length is used instead. This seemed to help, as the game dropped into debugger for those unsupported 0xFF and 0x07 SB DSP commands, but then started up properly, began to play music and then started up the demo game!
There are still some graphics problems in Jazz Jackrabbit, but it looks like it will be playable in the next DS2x86 version. These fixes will probably help with other games using Borland RTM DOS Extender as well, though I haven't tested other such games (I'm not even sure if I currently have any other game that uses it). I'll still need to silently ignore those invalid SB DSP commands, and look into the graphics problems. Also, it looks like the AdLib hardware detection fix I made for Warcraft 2 in the 0.35 version broke the detection method that Mortal Kombat uses! That was a bit annoying. It looks like I still need to work on that.
Thanks again for the debug logs and other information you have sent me! I have not yet had much time to look into those, as I have been focusing on Jazz Jackrabbit, but it looks like I should be able to look into some other problems during the next week as well.
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March 18th, 2012, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES emulator puNES for Linux and Windows (SDL) has been updated.
Added Dendy Emulation.
Implemented mappers 221, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235.
Implemented a sort of "FCEUX Compatibility mode" and now many other FM2 works well (at least several of the most recent).
Bug Fixes.
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March 18th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...0d90ed5b047251
KnightFox proposes a new update of its library C / C + + for developing games / applications for the Nintendo DS, the " NightFox's Lib ".
New release of the library with the Following changes: - Fixed alignment bug VRAM That Caused 8 × 8 Sprites Will not displaycorrectly In Some boxes. (Thanks to Frox to detect the fault). - Library recompiled with the devkitARM R37.
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March 18th, 2012, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=14254&f=54&sid=f9f60998c3e1d7dac00 d90ed5b047251
Tantric and rodries offering version 1.2.4 of " Wii ™ ", an excellent media player for the wii. Successor of MPlayer CE, it is recommended to install the IOS 58 in advance for use of the media who find USB. The update is automatic from the Wii ™ Wii if you have a wifi connection.
Version 1.2.4 has-been released. Full changelog: Synced to MPlayer r34805 and ffmpeg 8fbf825ecc32 Fixed a bug with 4KB Sector Drives Added padding below subtitles Fixed display of non-Latin characters in 1.2.3 1.2.3 Fixed freezing issue in online media Fixed Issues in 1.2.3
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March 18th, 2012, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...0d90ed5b047251
jyuka02 launches a first draft of " BITS - The Road to Victory "friendly Mini RPG for the Nintendo DS.
Bit is a mini rpg .. It Has a turnbased battle system, can explore the map aussi .. this is not 100% finish .. im still working on it the story line is intended Already finish .. there 's aussi the hanging problem .. Hope you enjoy Any comments or suggestions to Improve the game Will Be Appreciate .. thanks ..
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March 18th, 2012, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
DeSmuME SVN r4214 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Fix compilation with gcc 4.7
Add missing headers
From Andrea Musuruane, #3507136
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March 18th, 2012, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
Dolphin Git 3.0-461 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.
Dolphin Git changelog:
* Fixed Pokepark 2! Maybe... Don't trust save states, although I think they are correct. File fd's were too large. Let me know if file related loading stops working in some games. fds are many to 1, not 1 to 1. ES has two instances available at a time. Sadly a clean up requires changing IWII_IPC_HLE_Device Constructor, as a deviceID doesn't make much sense per device. I won't do this until we have less branches :|
* Some code clean up. I am terrible at coding styles...
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March 18th, 2012, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
Gekko SVN r129 is compiled. Gekko is an open source great Gamecube(NGC) emulator. Gekko is an experimental Nintendo GameCube (NGC) emulator started in 2006 by ShizZy and Lightning. It features a very advanced 32-bit dynamic recompiler and its own OpenGL graphics core, and is capable of booting many commercical titles.
Gekko SVN Changelog:
Removed many fastcalls from CPU
Fix Linux build.
Fix a possible deadlock when CPU stepping is enabled.
Implement call stack functionality in core debugger. Call stack view in gekko-qt already makes use of it.
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March 18th, 2012, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
Fceux SVN r2467 is compiled. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
* Taseditor: fixed known WinXP bug with scrollbar arrows
* Taseditor: 2x faster scrolling
* Taseditor: branch description text size = size of edit fields
* Taseditor: observing Piano Roll with right button
* Taseditor: holding Shift when drawing lines
added sf# 3502658 to TODO list
sdl: doc typo fix
* Taseditor: set/pick Markers by doubleclick, throw Markers away
* Taseditor: clicks on Input don't change Selection
* Taseditor: selection by dragging from Frame#
* Taseditor: better way to check doubletap for Shift and Ctrl keys
* Taseditor: no more "allow keys in Piano Roll"; new accelerators: Ctrl + arrows, Shift + arrows, Home/End/Page Up/Page Down, Ctrl + Home/End, Shift + Home/End
* Taseditor: showing row_last_clicked when Shift or Alt is held
varous bugfixes, xstring trimming functions logic bugs, etc
some refactoring, some wtfs... 
fix to previous
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March 19th, 2012, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
GameBoy Online (2012/03/14) is released. GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
GameBoy Online Changelog:
- LLE APU unstable branch.
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March 19th, 2012, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
To help players operate Kid Icarus: Uprising with its unconventional (and uncomfortable) circle-pad, L button, and stylus-based control scheme, Nintendo has packed a 3DS stand with every copy of the game. That way, you don't have to awkwardly support the whole weight of the system with your left hand while aiming with your right.
The motivation may be unfortunate, but the accessory itself is quite nice, securely holding the 3DS in place when in use -- with rubber pads to keep the system from sliding around -- and folding flat when not. See for yourself in our gallery. Kid Icarus: Uprising (and this stand) arrive in North America this Friday
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March 19th, 2012, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Gaijin Games has told Eurogamer that Runner2, which we recently played in a very early state, will be released in November of this year, despite originally being slated for "early 2012." As Eurogamer notes, that puts the PSN/XBLA game somewhere within the Wii U's release window. Accordingly, co-director Mike Roush told the site that a Wii U release is "definitely something we're thinking about."
Gaijin's plans for the PS3/Xbox releases were made before the announcement of the Wii U. "When we made these decisions we never knew about Wii U, he said. "So rather than us 'leaving Nintendo', it's that these decisions were made a year ago," Roush said. "We would never leave Nintendo, we love them to death."
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March 19th, 2012, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
ill-popping puzzler Dr. Mario is out on the 3DS eShop this week. The version available is the Game Boy edition, first released in 1990.It can be yours, this Thursday, for £2.70/€3.Otherwise, it's a sparse week for the eShop.There's a free demo of Pyramids, an Egyptian-themed puzzler. Then there's Aahh! Spot the Difference, an observation game by Gamelion, available as DSiWare for £1.80/€2.http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...shop-this-week
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March 22nd, 2012, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster

A bipartisan bill has been introduced that would, if passed, require cigarette-esque warning labels on video games. Authored by house reps Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Joe Baca (D-CA), the Violence in Video Games Labeling Act (H.R. 4204) would require all games rated "E" or higher, regardless of actual content, to bare a label that reads "WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior."
This isn't the first time Wolf and Baca have tried to introduce such legislation; "The Video Game Health Labeling Act of 2009" was essentially the same bill, although it only applied to games rated "T" and up. Its proposed warning label also made mention of "other violent media," which is absent from the dynamic duo's latest draft.
"Representative Baca's facially unconstitutional bill -- which has been introduced to no avail in each of six successive Congressional sessions, beginning in 2002 -- needlessly concerns parents with flawed research and junk science," says ESA representative Rich Taylor in a statement to Gamasutra.
Taylor goes on to say that the supporting evidence used by Baca in the past has been "exhaustively reviewed" by "numerous medical experts, research authorities, and courts across the country, including the United States Supreme Court," which collectively found the data "lacking and unpersuasive."
Baca's resolve, however, refuses to waiver. "The video game industry has a responsibility to parents, families and to consumers to inform them of the potentially damaging content that is often found in their products," Baca toldThe Hill. "They have repeatedly failed to live up to this responsibility."
When asked to comment, a fictional ESRB representative said "What am I, chopped liver?"
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March 22nd, 2012, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, there's a sequel to Disney Epic Mickey. A tweet from Geoff Keighley first confirmed the title (of a game his show will reveal on TV as a "world premiere") as Disney Epic Mickey (2): The Power of Two. Then a piece from the AP went ahead and confirmed everything else.
It's coming out for Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360, and features drop-in, drop-out co-op play with Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Oswald is AI-controlled when another person is not around, and can be controlled at any time by a second player, who then wields Oswald's "remote" ability to control electricity.
Other new developments for this now-official game include full voice acting, including the first voice work for Oswald in Disney history. That voice acting will be used to make the game a for-real musical. "I'm such a geek about musicals," Junction Point studio head Warren Spector told the AP. "I love the co-op and next-gen stuff, but for me, when a character breaks into song, which they do on a regular basis in this game, it's magic."
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March 22nd, 2012, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Video, the bizarrely unpredictable passive-delivery video service for 3DS, is getting an infusion of new music. If you've left SpotPass on, your system is likely already downloading music videos including the 3D video for The Shins' "The Rifle's Spiral," as well as Wale's "Sabotage" and B.o.B.'s "So Good."
Future releases include OKGo's "Skyscrapers," Skrillex's "Breakn' a Sweat," Death Cab for Cutie's "Underneath the Sycamore" and "Save World Get Girl" by chiptune/rock band I Fight Dragons.
We were just wondering what bands did with the expensive music videos they were still producing in 2012 for some reason. The answer, it turns out is YouTube and Nintendo Video.
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March 22nd, 2012, 13:07 Posted By: wraggster
Today sees the release of a new flash cart for the Snes, what makes it different to other Snes carts is the fact you it uses Micro SD Cards and needs no messing with additonal software, just burn and go.
heres all the details:

Product Features of Superufo Pro 8 Superdrive:
- Rom Cartridge Emulator for SNES / SFC with 32Mbit memory (battery backed up)
- Backup your cartridge
- 2Mbit for firmware updates (actual V9.0 installed)
- Cheat code function
- Real-time save (infinitive replay) - USB port for file transfer
What's inside the box of Pro 8 Superdrive:
* Pro8 superdrive x 1
* micro SD to SD Card adapter x1
* Driver CD x 1
* USB cable x 1
* Manual x 1
More Description of Pro 8 Superdrive
Pro8 superdrive is a Game Cartridge emulator for your SNES / SFC Console . It allows you to play your favourite backup game on your SNES console via Pro 8. Besides the game cartridge emulation function, it has more features as below : 1. Game Cartridge emulator 2. Game save function 3. Real-time game save function. 4. Firmware flash rom ( firmware updatable ) 5. Memory card support SD, HC-SD, TF and MMC 6. USB support for files transfer 7. Cheat code function ( Thousands of cheatcodes build-in ) 8. Multi game files format support ( UFO , 078, SMC, FIG and Bin ) 9. Regional Protection Patch function ( auto patch and play ) : allows you to play imported games from different country 10. Original game cartridge back up function. ( backup your existing game cartridge).
The price is 89 Euros making it significantly cheaper than the Neoflash offering and a damn sight easier too.
Those interested should head on over to The FlashLinker Shop
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March 22nd, 2012, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has confirmed that it will publish 3DS rhythm gameTheatrhythm Final Fantasy in Europe.
Due this summer, Theatrhythm features more than 70 pieces of music from the Final Fantasy series, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. As the below video shows, it's no regular music game: there are RPG elements too, with players choosing a party of four, taking them into battle and levelling up.
No firm release date was set, with Square Enix saying the game will launch this summer in Europe and PAL territories. Theatrhythmperformed reasonably well in Japan on its release last month,selling 67,000 copies in its first week on shelves.
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March 23rd, 2012, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Also predicts lower price point for next Xbox console
Analyst Cowen and Company has shed doubt on the ability of Nintendo's next console, the Wii U, to significantly impact publisher shares.
"We note that while the WiiU will launch later this year, we do not view it as a likely driver of third party publisher shares given their historically low exposure to Nintendo platforms," said the report authored by Doug Creutz.
This is in contrast to the effect of new consoles from other hardware manufacturers like Microsoft.
"Although not yet confirmed by Microsoft, we believe the next generation Xbox console could launch in the fall of 2013. In past console cycles, the video game publisher stocks outperformed the S&P 500 for the 12 months leading up to the key console launch of that generation by an average of plus 57 per cent."
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March 23rd, 2012, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster

It looks like Ubisoft's Your Shape franchise will be jogging its way over to Wii U, according to a song licensing arrangement spotted by GoNintendo. Independent music publisher and licensor Royalty Network states that the song "Evacuate the Dance Floor" was requested for use in a game titled Your Shape Wii U.
Given that Your Shape is already available on the Wii, it's not too surprising to see it heading to Wii U. Our only concern is how the Wiipad will be able to support our body weight. And you can forget about multiplayer.
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March 23rd, 2012, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
3DS strategy role-player Fire Emblem: Awakening will make full use of the handheld's wireless features to provide new content.StreetPass and SpotPass functions are supported, Andriasang reports, for interaction between players and access to new downloadable content.StreetPass will be used to collect your friends' characters, allowing them to join your army's ranks.Awakening's SpotPass features will allow Nintendo to release bonus side-mission maps for you to download.Players will also be able to team up for local co-operative battles, each featuring three participants apiece.Fire Emblem: Awakening is the latest in Nintendo's long-running strategy series and is due for release in Japan next month. A European launch is on the cards sometime later this year.
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March 23rd, 2012, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
This week's new Nintendo downloads list doesn't have any games you'll go mental for.
It does, however, have a game staring a "samurai guitarist" who apparently lives in a future filled with zombies, which all sounds a bit mad.It also has a bunch of filler just to make sure the list isn't one game long.
Here it is:
Nintendo eShop
Zombie Slayer Diox - Zombie Slayer Diox is a rhythm-action game with a side-scrolling twist. Don the jeans and leather boots of a samurai guitarist living in a future time when zombies have taken over most of the world. (For Nintendo 3DS)
Nintendo Video
"Sabotage" by Wale - Wale kicks off a run of 3D music videos from Nintendo Video with the video for his track "Sabotage," off his sophomore album Ambition. Be sure to check it out and stay tuned for more 3D music video premieres from other top artists coming soon! (For Nintendo 3DS)
Nintendo eShop and Nintendo DSiWare
1st Class Poker & BlackJack - This collection offers many varieties of poker, blackjack and video poker, including Texas Hold'em, Double Flop Hold'em, Omaha and Pineapple. Play solo or try the local multiplayer mode. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi)
Nintendo eShop
Meet Nintendo Spokesdog Uggie - For a limited time, Nintendo 3DS owners who have installed the free Swapnote application can receive a special Swapnote inspired by Uggie, the acclaimed canine actor who recently signed on to become Nintendo's spokesdog. And if you haven't already, visit the Nintendo eShop to watch a video of Uggie's first day of training to spread the word about the nintendogs + cats game. You'll also find a demo version of nintendogs + cats available to download at no cost. (For Nintendo 3DS)
Also new this week:
- Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math: The Island of Diamonds (WiiWare)
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March 23rd, 2012, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Following the phenomenal success of Nintendo DS was always going to be a tall order.
The handheld has sold 13m units in the UK alone since its 2004 debut, making it the largest-selling games machine to hit the market.
One year ago this coming Sunday (March 25th), Nintendo’s answer to the insurmountable pressure of succeeding this powerhouse arrived on shelves: the Nintendo 3DS.
Undeniably, 3DS got off to a shakier start than expected. But 12 months on, Nintendo is keen to remind people that its newest handheld has come a long way.
“Industry expectations around the launch of the 3DS were high,” says Nintendo marketing manager James Honeywell. “3DS was the fastest-selling Nintendo handheld device ever and the sales are comparable to DS sales within a similar timeframe.”
Matthew Castle, associate editor at Future Publishing magazine Nintendo Gamer, suggests the hype for 3DS escalated out of control: “After dominating E3 2010, we expected something bigger from 3DS. What looked like one of the strongest launch line-ups of all time became one of the most disappointing.
“Even the most die-hard Nintendo fan can’t survive on N64 ports for six months. Thankfully, Nintendo got its act together in time for Christmas: finally charging the right price and releasing the games that caused such a stir the year before.”
The software line-up was one disappointment shared by Nintendo fans and the press, but the 3DS’ shortcomings were arguably blown out of proportion.
Within days of its launch, The Sun and other outlets plastered their pages with talk of headaches induced by the 3D effect. Some games publications were also critical, comparing slow Japanese 3DS sales to the market-leading PSP.
“I think some went out of their way to find fault – although that didn’t stop them from taking a big chunk of Nintendo’s advertising budget,” observes Jason Brooks, HMV’s senior games buyer.
Castle adds: “Labelling 3DS a ‘headache machine’ was textbook scaremongering. The real problems Nintendo needs to learn from were the ludicrous pricing and the confusion between DS and 3DS. 3DS followed four iterations of DS – it was all too easy to mistake it for a fifth. No wonder we hear rumblings about regional Nintendo offices wanting to change Wii U’s name.”
Brand confusion was one lesson the platform holder learned and acted upon. By the end of 2011, PR campaigns had been drawn up around the message of ‘This is not DS. This is Nintendo 3DS’.
Nintendo continues to increase its efforts marketing the broader functions of 3DS: downloadable eShop titles, new SpotPass content and videos from Aardman Animation to name a few.
However, critics are quick to remind Nintendo not make the same mistake and lose focus on software.
“Does anyone need low resolution videos of Eurosport? Nope,” says Castle. “Nintendo wants what it had with DS: a mammoth games library.”
A major shot in the arm for the 3DS was Nintendo’s decision to cut the trade price by a third last August. This saw retailers bringing the handheld down from the £230 mark to the much more appealing sub-£150 region. And that turned more than a few heads.
“The price cut was intended to help expand the gaming population and maintain the momentum achieved at launch,” says Honeywell.
Within months, 3DS received another boost in the form of its Christmas line-up, headlined by smash hits Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.
From its slow launch, the 3DS stormed into 2012 with millions of unit sales under its belt.
More big games arrived this year. Resident Evil: Revelations and Metal Gear Solid 3D are already with us, while Nintendo’s next flagship title – Kid Icarus: Uprising – is out today (Friday, March 23rd). Still to come are Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Tennis Open, Animal Crossing and a new Layton – not to mention guaranteed system sellers.
Castle adds: “Dr Kawashima turned DS fortunes around and New Super Mario Bros is a proven money-spinner. Both are heading to 3DS in the next financial year.”
Brooks adds: “It would be great to see Nintendo build on the base it has created by getting its value price message more strongly out there and supporting it with some more top titles.”
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March 25th, 2012, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
This is going to sound pretty weird, because it involves clues to something you likely don't remember or know. The short version: Nintendo Power's table of contents reveals a game called "Unchained Blades" for 3DS, as a download.
The long version: this is the reveal of something publisher XSEED was cryptically teasing yesterday, with a series of images on Twitter including aTyrannosaurus Rex, a blade of grass, and a still from Ghost's famous pottery wheel scene. And now you're confused.
It's now clear that the clues refer to the dungeon crawler released in Japan asUnchainBlades Rexx. (get it: "Unchained" Melody plus "blade" of grass plus T. "Rex.") It was a retail game over there, but being in Nintendo Power's "Download" section suggests that XSEED is improving the distribution method along with the name.
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March 25th, 2012, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
During all the Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two pre-announcement kerfuffle this week, we caught wind of a supposed 3DS versionthat, until now, has gone unmentioned by Disney Interactive. While we've still yet to receive an official announcement, Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion has appeared on the cover of the April issue of Nintendo Power, which is close enough for us.
Dreamrift, the studio formed by Henry Hatsworth alumni that brought us Monster Tale, is listed as Power of Illusion's developerin an online preview of the cover story. The article also lists the game's release window as Fall 2012, indicating a concurrent launch with The Power of Two. Nothing else is currently known, but we're hoping Power of Illusion gets some adorable accessories like its console cousin.
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March 25th, 2012, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster

Darksiders 2 is set to launch on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on June 26. The Wii U is slated to launch sometime around the "year-end season." When Nintendo unleashes its newest system on the world, Darksiders 2 will be there.
Word comes from Hayden Dalton, lead designer at Vigil Games, who revealed the info in an interview with Digital Spy. "That's been very interesting to see what those guys are doing, and they're making efforts to make sure we do use it in more than a slapdash way," Dalton said in regards to how Darksiders 2 will use the Wii U's unique controller. "It's basically the core game, but then with added abilities to do certain things that you can't do on the other consoles."
"We're not basically heavily changing the core game to support the control system, but the control system will be an enhancement of the core game," Dalton said. One example he provided was possibly being able to switch equipment on the fly -- as the player is running, they can tap on the controller and instantly change equipment, rather than having to pause and navigate through a menu. "That's huge, it's not breaking up the game in a way, I'm not going into a menu and assigning it, I'm literally just tapping as I'm playing."
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March 25th, 2012, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Krikzz has released an update for the Everdrive64, the OS is now upgraded to version 1.23 with the following changes.- Fixed problem with sram version of DK64
- Fixed bugs in FAT system.
The file can be downloaded here
or from the Everdrive64 review here on this very site :-)
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March 25th, 2012, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
As stated above, Marshallh has released an upgrade for the 64drive menu with the following changes.BUGFIXES:- Controller deadzone fixed. This was causing jumpy scrolling for controllers with nearly new analog sticks.
FEATURES:- Automatic region select. Reads the image header to determine the expected region and sets accordingly.
The update can be downloaded directly from retroactive's website, here.
Or from the review of the 64drive here on this very site.
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March 25th, 2012, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Ctr-Gcs : DacoTaco Edition 0.2b released by DacoTaco
Ctr-Gcs : DacoTaco Edition is a tool built to create or restore full, raw memory card backups and GCI save files just like the GC application Ctr-gcs did. These dumps can be saved to restore later or be used in emulators like Dolphin-emu. Unlike ctr-gcs however, this utility can read or write to unofficial memory cards; no matter what its size is.
The program will read & write the dump to the SD card (in the ctr-gcs folder) as MemoryCardA.raw or MemoryCardB.raw
Also please note that if you restore a corrupt dump to a memory card, or if the program shows an error while creating or restoring a dump, you may end up with a corrupted memory card.
0.2b (match 25th 2012) - fixed a few looping errors
- fixed DSI crash before restoring a raw image
[h=3]0.2 (march 23th 2012)[/h]- made program loop instead of 1 operation per time
- fixed minor bugs
- renamed raw dump file. its changed to MemoryCardA.raw or MemoryCardB.raw
- made the save file (on memcard and CGI list) scrollable incase you have more then 29 entries
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March 25th, 2012, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Yabause Wii is the Wii version of Yabause, a Sega Saturn emulator, and is the first for Wii to emulate the complex processes of the Sega Saturn. The Wii port is not released officially. Some unofficial versions have been released. Note that the Wii port is in testable status, and won't be officially supported until a later date.You must not ask the Yabause Team about unofficial versions.
Unofficial r2858 beta24 - Mar. 25, 2012 - compile with devkitPPC r25 and recent libogc (support new remote plus)
- based on the original yabause r2858 (including mainly improvements of VIDSOFT & SCSP drivers)
- branch software video driver to two drivers: old one and new one
- some minor fixes and changes
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March 25th, 2012, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3673 | utunnels | 2012-03-23 02:07:29 -0400 (Fri, 23 Mar 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/openborscript.h
Add current_branch to openborvariant to get the branch name current level belongs to.
Fix in game player select icon palette.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
NightFox has updated SpiritsDS, his homebrew based on the 1987 platformer Spirits, originally released for MSX, Spectrum, and Amstrad. No change log was included, only an optimistic note from the author that the game is now completely playable. Check out the video above for some gameplay action, and for more information visit the project's page linked below.
QUOTE: Release Notes 03/14/12
•All right!
Finally we have a totally playable version!
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March 25th, 2012, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
Filou HB has released Pong for the DS, a new homebrew version based on the famous classic of the same name. Give the game a whirl and check out some video game action, 1972 style.
QUOTE: Release Notes 03/20/12)
I had some free time this weekend, so I decided to make a Pong! Well yes, why not? After all, it's still the first video game was becoming famous. Feel free to review and especially tell me if there are bugs.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/index.php
Nightmare Busters is a new original SNES Homebrew, released on an actual cart. Described as "a masterful run and gun game for the Super Nintendo", it is being sold at $68 in the US and $75 worldwide. The original print run was doubled to 600 units and sold out in just under 3 weeks! The team has mentioned that their are no current plans for a second release, but it remains a possibility.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- Super TV Test Ver. 4.12 (TR-04.U02, 28.05.(96) x2)(R)[!]. Thanks a lot to WWWebber for today's carts! One more time we have something previously unseen. This time we have programms made by another unknown Moscow developers, only thing we know is a telephone number (095)383-92-92 (old Moscow telephone number prefix, now 495), which is currently assigned to regular apartment, and unknown if it was the same owner previously.
According to the advertising texts, there is at least 7 test carts exists made by the same developers, this one is RT-04 code, and this is a set of TV test screens. This programm much more complex than previously known test programms by Ryumik, and have animated logo, help and advanced menu.
One more funny thing. At the end of ROM there is a bunch of text exists. Actually this is complete source code on the C languace for files with specific format converter and parser. This is not clearly known it's functions, but it's not a problem to figure it out. Additionally I must say, that all texts in this programm are packed with some bit-wise algo, so unusual for regular programmers for NES. 
- F-1 Race (R)[!], Rally (Zippy Race)(R)[!]. Two more games translated to Russian language by the same developer exists, according to the same telephone number inside.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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March 25th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
This version has mostly fixes for Borland RTM extender and Jazz Jackrabbit. The full list of changes looks like this: - Implemented "rep stosd" for Mode-X with irregular map mask (Micro Machines 2)
- Forced INT 15 AH=88 to report no extended memory (Borland RTM DOS Extender)
- Implemented "LAST_FIT" memory allocation strategy handling (Borland RTM DOS Extender)
- Implemented "LES reg,m16:16" page fault handling (Borland RTM DOS Extender)
- Implemented INT 21 AH=4D proper return mode reporting (Borland RTM DOS Extender)
- Improved SB emulation to not hang after invalid SB command (Jazz Jackrabbit)
- Implemented support for reading data from file to Mode-X VRAM (Jazz Jackrabbit)
- Implemented proper AdLib timer handling (Mortal Kombat etc SB detection)
- Fixed a bug in ARM9 SB audio buffering scheme (Mortal Kombat, Supaplex, etc)
During the last week I managed to fix the graphics problems in Jazz Jackrabbit. Those were caused by the game reading data from file directly to Mode-X graphics memory. So far I had only supported reading data directly to EGA memory (which is done by Heimdall, for example), but not to Mode-X graphics memory as I have not had a suitable program to test this with. Now both EGA and Mode-X direct reading is supported. I also finally implemented proper AdLib timer handling. That is used by many games to detect the presence of AdLib-compatible audio system, including SoundBlaster FM audio. Now the AdLib timers increment at the proper speed, so that the AdLib/SoundBlaster detection in various games should now be more reliable.
After I got Jazz Jackrabbit working, I also spent some time trying to track down the bug that causes various games to crash after a while, especially if SoundBlaster digital audio is in use. I did not manage to find the problem, though. I added various counters and tracing features, but the problem is that even when I let the games run for up to half an hour, they did not crash, and my counters showed that the SB IRQ emulation had been executed for hundreds of thousands of times. It is really difficult to find a problem that happens so rarely that executing the potential problem code works fine for thousands of times before failing.
I did however managed to find and fix a bug in SoundBlaster digital audio buffering scheme, that in certain situations could cause the whole ARM9 side to hang. I encountered this problem when testing Mortal Kombat after the AdLib detection change, so I used that game to track down the cause for the bug. I had earlier noticed that this hang also happens occasionally in Supaplex, but at that time I was not able to track the bug down. Now neither of those games should cause a hang any more.
Next I would like to study Windows 3.11, as it would be interesting to get it running. I have already logged it in DOSBox, so I just need to trace and compare that log with the behaviour of DS2x86, similar to what I did with Jazz Jackrabbit, to find out why it currently crashes. I suspect there are still various features in my protected mode and paging support that are missing, so it is not a big surprise that Windows 3.11 does not work quite yet.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
This Firmware update will allow you to use your R4i Gold 3DS on DSi Firmware 1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6.
Readme |
This patch is designed for r4ids gold 3ds released by www.r4ids.cn, In order to make your r4ids gold 3ds run on NDSi V1.44, you should update your card with this patch. Please follow the instructions below:
In case of card broken(no card found, no Icon displayed): Using the patch: R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds
You should get a NDSL and another flashcard(called "A"), which works properly on NDSL.
1.Download the latest WOOD R4 firmware from www.r4ids.cn and unzip it to the root directory of your tf card;
2.Copy R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds to your tf card;
3.You should get a NDSL;
4.Just power your NDSL on and boot up R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds with "A" card;
5.Take "A" card out of the NDSL;
6.Reinsert your broken R4i Gold 3DS card into the NDSL;
7.First of all, press KEY_B to check your cards's status
8.Press KEY_A and the updating process will begin;
9.You should keep your NDSL powered on during the updating process;
10.IF the result shows SUCCESS, it means you have updated your R4i Gold 3DS successfully and this card can work on
NDSi V1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6;
In case of card non-broken(Icon showed up but error): Using the patch: R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds
1.Download the latest WOOD R4 firmware from www.r4ids.cn and unzip it to the root directory of your tf card;
2.Copy R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds to your tf card;
3.You should get a NDSi or a Nintendo 3DS whose version is under V1.4.4 to complete the updating process;
4.Just power your NDSi on and boot up R4iGold3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds;
5.Attention:do not take out your R4i Gold 3DS card;
6.Please press KEY_B to check your cards's status and decide to update your card or not.
7.Press KEY_A and the updating process will begin;
8.You should keep your NDSi powered on during the updating process;
9.IF the result shows SUCCESS, it means you have updated your R4i Gold 3DS successfully and this card can work on
NDSi V1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6
If you meet any questions, please send mails to support@r4ids.cn to get technical support.

R4i Gold 3DS Fix for DSi Firmware 1.4.4
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March 25th, 2012, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
This Firmware update will allow you to use your R4iDSN 3DS on DSi Firmware 1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6.
Readme |
This patch is designed for r4idsn 3ds released by www.r4idsn.com, In order to make your r4idsn 3ds run on NDSi V1.44, you should update your card with this patch. Please follow the instructions below:
In case of card broken(no card found, no Icon displayed): Using the patch: R4iDSN3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds
You should get a NDSL and another flashcard(called "A"), which works properly on NDSL.
1.Download the latest WOOD R4 firmware from www.r4idsn.com and unzip it to the root directory of your tf card;
2.Copy R4iDSN3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds to your tf card;
3.You should get a NDSL;
4.Just power your NDSL on and boot up R4iDSN3DS_V144_Patch_NDSL.nds with "A" card;
5.Take "A" card out of the NDSL;
6.Reinsert your broken R4iDSN 3DS card into the NDSL;
7.First of all, press KEY_B to check your cards's status
8.Press KEY_A and the updating process will begin;
9.You should keep your NDSL powered on during the updating process;
10.IF the result shows SUCCESS, it means you have updated your R4iDSN 3DS successfully and this card can work on
NDSi V1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6;
In case of card non-broken(Icon showed up but error): Using the patch: R4iDSN 3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds
1.Download the latest WOOD R4 firmware from www.r4idsn.com and unzip it to the root directory of your tf card;
2.Copy R4iDSN 3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds to your tf card;
3.You should get a NDSi or a Nintendo 3DS whose version is under V1.4.4 to complete the updating process;
4.Just power your NDSi on and boot up R4iDSN 3DS_V144_Patch_NDSi.nds;
5.Attention:do not take out your R4iDSN 3DS card;
6.Please press KEY_B to check your cards's status and decide to update your card or not.
7.Press KEY_A and the updating process will begin;
8.You should keep your NDSi powered on during the updating process;
9.IF the result shows SUCCESS, it means you have updated your R4iDSN 3DS successfully and this card can work on
NDSi V1.4.4 and 3DS 3.0.0-6
If you meet any questions, please send mails to r4idsn@163.com to get technical support.

R4iDSN 3DS Fix for DSi Firmware 1.4.4
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March 25th, 2012, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
changelog 1.46: |
- 'club penguin - elite penguin force (germany)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - tempete de glace (france)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - tempete de feu (france)' fixed.
- 'pokemon plus - nobunaga no yabou (japan)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - blizzard (europe)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - firestorm (europe)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - ventisca eterna (spain)' fixed.
- 'inazuma eleven 2 - bufera di neve (italy)' fixed. |
Wood R4 v1.46 | Wood R.P.G v1.46 | Wood R4iDSN v1.46
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March 25th, 2012, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES emulator puNES for Linux and Windows (SDL) has been updated.
0.56 - Added mappers 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 222, 240, 241, 244.
- Correct a bug in the Windows version that did not allow proper configuration of some gamepads / joysticks.
- Other bugfixes.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Project64K is a Nintendo64 emulator with Kaillera support.
Project64k 0.37
- Deleted Manifest (caused Issues)
- Updated Plugins
- Fixed buttons overlay in Kaillera game room
- Deleted high memory Resource files
- Deleted Full Screen toggle (It causes you to get stuck in Full Screen)
- Added cheats into Auto Settings registry file
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March 25th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The especially for Satellaview and Xband emulation created bsnes fork bsnes-sx2 has been updated.
For additional information visit the BS-X Project homepage.
bsnes-sx2 v007 (03/21/2012)
- Super Famicom Box emulation (which doesn´t work) added.
- Fixed Page Erase Memory Pack command.
- Added Satellaview Second Stream support. ($218E-$2193)
- Added Hardcoded Time Stream Channel (0x0000)
- Time Stream Channel now have Month and Day data.
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March 26th, 2012, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...83f1f4281b9002
Thanks to its community, the Lua interpreter for Nintendo DS " Micro Lua DS "is now in version 4.5.
And here is version 4.5 of MicroLua! This version adds the ability to MicroLua to communicate several NDS locally! On the joys of local multiplayer ======================= [[MICROLUA 4.5]] ============== ========= ......................................... ........................ | | | | | | By the MicroLua forum, from the original project by Risike | | | | CHANGELOG file by Reylak | | | | New features -II .... Improvements III-... Bugs New features | ---------------- + * MicroLua HAS Nifi connection now! You Can Make Several consoles * __ communiquer With Each Other Improvements | ----------------- + * When an image can not be loaded, the function now make a Will * __ Specific Bug fixed | + --------------- Canvas.setAttr * () and Canvas.getAttr () now Have a proper __ * Behavior Regarding to ATTR_VISIBLE box. ((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))
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March 26th, 2012, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...83f1f4281b9002
Xaychru04 offers version 0.1 of " INVBall "puzzle game for the Nintendo DS.
Thurs coded in lua, requires the latest version of the interpreter MicroLua DS to work.
Hello everyone, This is my first Homebrew: INVBall! Behind this name hides a game very annoying when your goal is to bring a bomb to a place without touching the walls. Simple words like that but you will see that is a subtlety ... * Laugh * sadistic But hey, this is my first homebrew so do not expect something wonderful Smile There is a level editor to create your own levels with the controls will be explained below. I've done 7 levels for you, they are of increasing difficulty. Controls: INVBall played entirely with the stylus. controls the level editor are: placing a stylus-tiles -Up and Down to change the tile, note that the tile selected appears in the middle of the screen if you leave these keys support. to change L-screen, allowing you to edit the top screen. -Select to display the grid. -X to display the reverse of the screen from top to bottom. (You will understand the usefulness if you play) -Start to save. And-B to exit
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March 26th, 2012, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...83f1f4281b9002
Papymouge offers version 0.1 of " Battleship "board game adaptation of the same name for the Nintendo DS.
Thurs coded in lua, requires the latest version of the interpreter MicroLua DS to work.
Small puzzle games using Nifi.
Played with two consoles, manages salons, normally several DS can play together in groups of two without the hassle (to test). To place the boats is a clicking / slide, for turning a double click. To shoot, you select the box and then click on the button fire. (Nothing too complicated in a way) To exit a game in progress, the 'Start' button. Requires version of Nifi microlua. This is a version without raw potato management who loses or who wins, it is for the time served as is just to show what can be done with microlua Nifi and, of course it will improve ...
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March 26th, 2012, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Darksiders 2 director ponders straight port to new Nintendo console
Nintendo’s next generation console will perform at a level similar to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, according to a game director at Texas studio Vigil Games.
Marvin Donald said the studio was able to port its current project, Darksiders 2, to Wii U development kits with relative ease.
“So far the [Wii U] hardware’s been on par with what we have with the current generations,” he told Game Reactor.
“Based on what I understand, the resolution and textures and polycounts and all that stuff, we’re not going to being doing anything to up-res the game, but we’ll take advantage of the controller for sure.”
An independent studio source previously told Develop that the Wii U performs about twice as fast as the Xbox 360, though none of the console’s details have been confirmed. A separate report suggested its performance was many times greater than current-gen.
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March 26th, 2012, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Pendleton Ward has announced a game adaptation of his hit cartoon series Adventure Time is in development for Nintendo DS.
“The Adventure Time DS game will release later this year sometime,” Pendleton Ward announced on Twitter (via Tiny Cartridge). “I'm gonna be working on it with WayForward Technologies.”
WayForward Technologies recent titles include Mighty Switch Force and Aliens: Infestation.
Ward clarified that the title will be a DS game, after originally stating the game was for the 3DS (though with the backwards compatibility of the 3DS, it’s basically a nonissue).
The show’s creator previously stated that if he ended up ever getting his hands on ‘the largest budget in the world’, he’d look to create a huge Oblivion style game set in Adventure Time’s highly imaginative universe.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
In Assassin's Creed 3, the Wii U's WiiPad will act as a link to the Animus, providing players a constant map and navigation tool, and displaying Animus database updates on the touchscreen without interrupting the main game,NintenGen reports, via the latest issue of Nintendo Gamer. The Wii U's Animus integration will also provide character bios and act as an encyclopedia for the game's goings-on, making fact-checks for historical accuracy easier than ever. The above trailer isn't specific to the Wii U, but does show off some character and weapon descriptions that the Wii U is purported to support.
The Wii U will provide weapon-selection options, meaning the switch between dual-wielding and single-weapon combat will be a one-touch process. The WiiPad screen will also be an alternate view for Eagle Vision, allowing players to move the controller itself to search their surroundings.
Today we have a heap of new Assassin's Creed 3 information for your eagle eyes to devour; scavenge for the good bits right here.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster

Back in late 2009, creative director Alex Hutchinson and a handful of others started drawing up plans for what would become Assassin's Creed 3. In those two years, the team rethought core elements of the series: cities, combat, and the franchise's signature "free running" mechanic. Even the engine, Anvil, was examined and updated (now dubbed "AnvilNext").
But before all of that, Hutchinson needed a setting and a character. He wouldn't tell us why or how he settled on the American Revolution (nor would he say what other ideas came up), but he did explain why he believes it'll be a success. "We really believe this is the strongest setting so far in an AC game. Why? Because we think it's the most relevant setting," he said during a group presentation. "This is the birth of the nation. But even for other countries, especially in Europe, it's a key historical event."
By the way, for all his U.S pride, Hutchinson is an Aussie and he lives in Canada. We assume he's spent a lot of time watching Independence Day.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
20 years ago, Nintendo and Sega kids punched each other in the face for liking rival consoles. Now you can download Game Gear games on Nintendo's handheld.
The first Game Gear games hit the 3DS eShop this week in Europe, with Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble (£4.50) and Shinobi (£3.60) kicking things off to a good start. Those are joined by Dragon Crystal (£2.70).Elsewhere, Hints Hunter (£1.80, 200 DSi Points) has arrived for DSiWare (and 3DS eShop), while the Wii Virtual Console gets the awesome Mega Man 5 for 500 Wii Points.
Game Gear emulation arrived on the US 3DS eShop earlier this month.
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March 27th, 2012, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Reports suggest that the forthcoming Epic Mickey game for 3DS,Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, will be a sequel to the Megadrive Sega classic, Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.
According to a preview in Nintendo Power the game, developed by DreamRift, is a side-scrolling platformer that uses the stylus to paint objects into existence. Each level is based on a Disney film, including Sleeping Beauty and Tangled.
DreamRift was founded by Peter Ong and Ryan Pijai, previously lead designer and lead programmer of EA's excellent DS puzzle-platformer Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure. Its first game was 2011 DS platformer Monster Tale for Majesco.
Power Of Illusion joins Junction Point's Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two for PS3, 360 and Wii, which is due for release in autumn.
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March 28th, 2012, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft is ready to take advantage of Nintendo's Wii U digital strategy - and will use the lessons learned from the PS Vita to do so.Ubisoft supported Sony with a number of PS Vita launch games, including Lumines and Rayman Origins. But with Vita being the first console to offer every game digitally as well as boxed, Ubisoft was required by Sony to make digital versions of its titles.Now, with Nintendo set to reveal the inner workings of its Wii successor at E3 in June before a launch in time for Christmas, Ubisoft is once again sorting out its digital strategy for new hardware, and preparing for the possibility of making its games available to download as well as buy in shops."We'll absolutely take advantage of whatever the policies will let us do with the platform from the standpoint of providing digital content," Ubisoft's digital boss Chris Early told Eurogamer."Nintendo has not announced a lot of their digital programs at this point of time. Our key is, as you see from us from a content perspective in supporting the platform, is we're going to be there like we were with the Vita, and support the policy side of it as well. With the Vita all of our games are available digitally, and they're even optimised from that standpoint because that was a policy in place we were able to design to."So from the same standpoint, I expect when the Wii U comes out and there are digital policies that are there, we will be in support of them as well."While Nintendo has remained quiet on its digital strategy for Wii U, it has revealed snippets of information on the matter.In June last year Nintendo told Eurogamer the Wii U will offer a significantly improved online experience to that of its predecessor, pointing to the 3DS's refined online set-up as an indication of where Nintendo's aspirations lie for Wii U.Then, in January this year, Nintendo unveiled its Nintendo Network, which covers both the Wii U and 3DS. This includes a number of features Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 gamers will be familiar with, including add-on content sales, the digital distribution of boxed games, and the introduction of personal accounts.

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On the digital distribution of boxed games, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata said: "This concept was built into the design of the Nintendo 3DS, and we already have the necessary infrastructure. We will prepare the same infrastructure for the Wii U. However, we have not decided the concrete timing of when we will start it. The decision must be made by taking into consideration such factors as the relationship with the wholesalers and retailers, and the best way to be embraced by consumers, as well as the environment surrounding the market and consumers, such as the required memory capacity on consumers' SD memory cards."However, as an option for the future, the significance of this business field will increase."Ubisoft has a number of Wii U titles in the works, including Assassin's Creed 3 and Ghost Recon Online, and Early said Ubisoft's goal was to make sure gamers can buy content wherever and however they wish."I just want you as a player to be able to get our content however you want to," he said. "I don't really want to penalise you for wanting to get it digitally, or penalise you for wanting to get it physically. Whatever your choice happens to be. Because I know retailers will get a certain type of customer that maybe can't pay online. So there's always going to be a reason there, right?"And the discoverability process is one we're still struggling with on the digital market. You have a long tail where there are all kinds of products you can get to, if you can figure out which one you want. But the flip side is the problem with the retail level, which is, you can walk in and see all kinds of products for a brief period of time, because then shelf space has to change and turnover and the product I wanted from last month might not be there anymore."So each channel has its challenge. Our challenge as a publisher of content is, how do we make sure you as a player can get it wherever. We will see an on-going evolution of content available digitally. I don't think that will be to the exclusion of other ways of giving the content."Earlier this month Microsoft was reported to be working on a disc-less next Xbox. Early said Ubisoft would adapt should Microsoft go down such a route, using its experience gained making all its Vita games downloadable to help."Well, as you can see with the Vita, we're also subject to the policies and constraints of the manufacturers," he said. "So if somebody makes a disc-less console, then we're going to be adapting to what that is."In the case of the Vita, it was not difficult to adapt to having the content available day and date. It was just a policy decision on Sony's part to do that. And then understanding that we have to think about who has what size of memory card added in there, how are we going to fit within that, what's the ease of download/re-download acquisition? So there are other thinghttp://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...gital-strategys we have to consider based on the hardware platform itself and the policies around it."
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March 28th, 2012, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster

The 3DS is one year old in North America today, and Nintendo's North American emissary, Reggie Fils-Aime, has embarked on a journey to give each and every 3DS owner some special gifts. Or, rather, his Mii is. North American 3DS owners who check out their Mii Plaza today will find a new guest has arrived: none other than Reggie himself. Surprise! He's been playing Kid Icarus: Uprising lately.
In addition to bringing his imposing mug to your Mii Plaza, Reggie also has a puzzle piece for Puzzle Swap and can be used as a level 5 hero in Find Mii. This probably goes without saying, but his character kicks ass. See him in action after the break.
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March 29th, 2012, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Over the weekend, we reported that XSEED was localizing Unchained Blades as a 3DS download. The publisher officially announced the title today, revealing that it's actually localizing both the 3DS and PSP versions of FuRyu's dungeon RPG, for digital release. It's an oddly fruitful day for first-person dungeon RPGs!
XSEED talked up the old-school Game Arts cred of the game, which is directed by Lunar writer Toshio Akashi and features a story by Grandia's Takashi Hino. That story involves a group of monster people ("cowardly golem prince," "medusa priestess," etc., all designed by different artists) questing to win back the transformative power of a "dragon emperor."
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March 29th, 2012, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U will be the definitive version of the game by virtue of the system's innovative new controller, so says Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford.Speaking in an interview with Vox Games, Pitchford seemed hugely enthusiastic for Nintendo's forthcoming touch screen-enabled home console."The Wii U version has so much more to offer... no other platform can do what the Wii U can do," he said."If you love [Xbox] 360 games, you are not used to being in a world where you have this new interface. But once you get used to that, you imagine the possibilities. There are some opportunities that are just not possible on any platform that does not have that device."He confirmed that the Wii U version of Gearbox's forthcoming shooter will feature a number of unique features, though didn't offer specifics."I don't want to give spoilers away on some of the things we are thinking of or things we have actually implemented already, but there are a lot of cool opportunities with that device that are going to make a very unique and compelling experience on that platform."We have given it a lot of attention. I think it will not be too long [before] Nintendo opens up their kimono a little bit more about that platform and where it is going, and we will be there right with them talking about how Aliens is using it."Pitchford isn't the only developer to wax lyrical about Nintendo's new machine this month. Epic Games co-founder Mark Rein told Eurogamer "I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people," when we asked him about the platform at GDC.Nintendo still hasn't set a release date for the hardware, though it is expected on shelves this year.
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March 30th, 2012, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of the Nintendo 3DS leapt to almost 100,000 units in Japan last week, spurred by the release of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Unit sales rose 40 per cent from 64,017 to 94,011 during the week ending March 25th, according to data published on Neogaf, as reported by Gamasutra.
3DS console bundles also helped lift sales, including new Monster Hunter Tri-G and Super Mario 3DS Land bundles.
The second and third best-selling consoles of the week were the PS3 and PSP, with sales of 25,750 and 19,875 respectively.
Kid Icarus was the top-selling game of the week with 132,526 units. Other new releases included Devil May Cry HD Collection at No.4 with 43,791 unit sales, and Ninja Giaden 3 at No.5 with sales of 29,797.
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March 30th, 2012, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
The most noteworthy digital release this week on Nintendo systems is a demo of a game that came out in February. Yes, that means it's a really slow week, but to be fair Mutant Mudds is veryworth trying.
DSiWare's sole release is '90s Pool, which, as far as we can tell, is "'90s" only because the words "'90s Pool" are on the top screen at all times. Where's Luke Perry? Where's the Ace of Base cover music?
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