October 1st, 2006, 11:07 Posted By: wraggster
Whenever a coder leaves any scene its sad, in this case hes the coder of the rather excellent DSOrganize, obviously theres events beyond this site thats affected his decision:
**** the Scene
I'm flat out tired of this bullshit. There is nothing but rot left in the DS scene. From SC splitting the scene to card makers not releasing drivers and everything inbetween, it is just ****ing ROTTEN. I quit. Good ****ing riddance. I hope you are happy. If you want to complain about this, go see the people in #dsdev and #mellowdsdev on efnet
Later he posted this:
How DARE You StoneCypher
This isn't about the shit you have caused in #dsdev and #mellowdsdev. This isn't about the lies you spread, or any of the bullshit you cause. This is directly between you and me. How DARE you use my blog comments to spread your ****ing shit on how I am a liar. You have some nerve after all that you have said to me and about me. I don't care how vehemently you deny these alligations to the public. For all I care, you can spread your propaganda all over the scene channels and all over the forums. But I KNOW that you know what you did, and I KNOW you know how you treated me, and yet, you use my blog against me.
Lets hope issues get resolved, more info here --> http://dragonminded.blogspot.com/
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October 1st, 2006, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that theres gonna be a Nes Wii controller, excellent for gettting the perfect feeling whilst playing NES games via the Virtual Console.
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October 1st, 2006, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Some Official Nintendo Wii accessories have been unveiled - The smaller bag is the game and accessory case which holds up to 8 games at a price of £14.99. Then theres the Wii console carry bag which holds the Console and a ton more priced £29.99
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October 1st, 2006, 11:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Europe confirmed that only one friend code per console and not per person using the Wii:
Update: Since posting it has come to my attention that you will only get one friend code per Wii and not a friend code per account on the Wii.
"If we chose to, we could allow each family member to have their own account. But that just isn't what Wii is about. To give a very straightforward example, we're aiming at a console for everyone to use, but if we allowed everyone to have their own account, you would need to enter a password to use the console. To switch on Wii and be presented with a screen asking for your user name and password...well for me, that would have been unacceptable. In discussions, pretty much everyone agreed on this point"
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October 1st, 2006, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what the author of Stella and Doom for the DS posted at his site:
My graphics card has been overheating. I moved some of the PCI cards away from it and took canned air upon it, but the damage has already been done. So that puts an end to my programming for a while because anything graphically intensive (even X Windows) causes it to lock up. I would greatly appreciate help in this way. If you have any extra cards laying around or happen to work for NVidia or ATI and can spare me a card, your help will not go unnoticed, so drop me a line using the Contact link to the left.
I've made some contributions in my spare time to the DS homebrew community, and a lot of people use and appreciate such projects as StellaDS and DS Doom, which I have made free of charge for everyone to enjoy. I've also helped as much people who have had technical problems with my software as I've had time to. Not to mention, I have shared the source code to three of my projects, making my intellectual property available to any budding programmers to look at. Hopefully, the right eyes are reading this (and a lot do  .
I also snuck in some time to make a short page for DS Doom that has a few extra DS Doom related stuff (stats, Carmack quote, movie) and points to the actual DS Doom site.
More info --> http://thechuckster.homelinux.com/
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October 1st, 2006, 11:27 Posted By: wraggster
More DS Scene drama seems to be the topic today, always interesting to watch from a distance but not if your in the middle of it, heres whats said at Kraln.com:
So, there’s this person who is spamming various crud about a ds developer on IRC. The spammer seems to think that somehow, this developer has ‘fragmented’ the ds development community, and pushed many talented people away.
I think whomever this spammer is, needs to realize a few things.
IRC is not where a community lives and dies, especially something like DS homebrew. There are forums, wiki’s, mailing lists etcetera which don’t have anything to deal with irc drama.
Spamming a room of legitimate developers is supposed to accomplish what, again?
Anyway, I’ve pasted a screenshot from this demo that the spammer has been posting. Real mature. Probably some underage nerd from the netherlands or something doing all this.
More info --> http://www.kraln.com/
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October 1st, 2006, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Paco_777
Here is My first DS project : "Comic Book DS".
It's a comic book viewer.
You can already download a sample of a comic book "La Vie de Norman"
A fully fonctionnal V1 should be soon available, allowing everyone to convert their comic books.
More information and download here :
hope you'll like it !
Download at Link Above:
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October 1st, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Well it looks like the Wiimote retail box has been unveiled by who knows how on Flickr via a NeoGAF forum post. We realize it's just an accessory box but are trying to stay consistent with every single unveiling of such an elusive console. If a single Wii is dropped from a shipping pallet come November, rest assured we'll cover it here.
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October 1st, 2006, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
We lost track of Cooking Mama, assuming it would never wash up on shores outside of Japan. We were surprised when it popped up in a recent release list and picked up a copy right away. This quirky cooking simulator features Japanese-heavy dishes, with a lot of deep-frying and uncommon oceanic ingredients. Reviewers have been giving it points for originality, but docking it for longevity:
Yahoo! Games (70/100) - "So while there isn't all that much on the menu, the fast-paced and simple gameplay can't fail to raise a smile, at least for the first few plays. Most will set it aside after that, but it's priced at a decidedly value-conscious $20 -- less than the cost of a good steak."
GameSpot (69/100) - "You might glean a bit of info on what goes into some of these dishes, but this isn't a virtual cookbook. There are no precise recipes to be accessed anywhere in the game. There's also no multiplayer component of any kind, though the advertised four-player wireless icon on the back of the box might lead you to believe otherwise."
IGN (70/100) - "The big question: is any of this fun? Though the entirety of this game is simply doing what you're told as quickly as possible, it's actually an amusing game if you're not expecting much out of it."
Give Cooking Mama a shot, especially if interested in the culture of Japanese food. We don't think it would hold up without the menu of shumai wontons, octopus dumplings, and other unique treats.
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October 1st, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
WhiteX from Emulation 64 has posted a review of Lego Star Wars 2 for the Nintendo DS:
Heres an excerpt:
Lego Star Wars remounts the Star Wars movies entirely with very funny Lego parts, last year´s Lego Star Wars appeared on Home consoles, GBA and PC platforms with solid graphics and larger than life characterizations, now, the plastic dudes are back for one more round with the first three movies and a rather troublesome DS version.
Presentation/graphics 7
The presentation is very good, there´s a hub zone located on the Tatooine cantina where you can see the little guys doing a lot of funny things, all graphics look polished and both friends and foes are very well drawn on their Lego doll counterparts, the game is full 3D with little to be ashamed of it´s big brothers, aside from the bugs.
Yes, this version shows a lot of unnecessary bugs, mostly graphical, and it is quite hard to overlook them, I mean, you have it all, dissapearing characters, missing scenarios, "ghost walls", garbled graphics, you name it, if it is a graphic bug, it is there.
Music/sound effects 7
All the cool Star Wars songs are here but not with their origina renditions but "video game-ized" versions, not the worst thing in the world but it could have been much cooler, the sound effects are the original ones, so a lightsaber looks and sounds like a lightsaber.
Gameplay 7
it is quite the same of last year´s, you go around beating the empire trooper by trooper using the good guys of the Star Wars universe packed in groups with each having unique features that prove themselves useful on different areas of various stages located around the three movies, you solve some simple puzzles using the force of Jedi characters to make way for a blaster wielding person to use a towing cable to lift themselves up to a control that makes a platform for your Jedi double jump on it, i guess you already got the idea.
Oh! there are ship controlling segments too and they are not the best thing in the world, the ships control is jerky, not very intuitive and the stages are very uninspired with a feeling that you don´t really know what to do, that feeling by the way permeates the "on foot" segments as well.
Full review here --> http://www.emulation64.com/reviews/37888/
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October 1st, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Over the years, the industry has shown a knack for granting no more than two consoles a fighting chance at any given time. Atari and Intellivision were doing fine in the early 1980s until ColecoVision crashed the party. Then you had Nintendo and Sega own the next few console generations, easily vanquishing systems like 3DO and Atari's Jaguar.
The elasticity of that theory was stretched when Microsoft rolled out its Xbox in 2001. At that point, Sony owned the market with its PlayStation and had introduced the PlayStation 2 a year earlier. Nintendo was the distant silver medallist in the process of upgrading its gamers to the GameCube platform.
Microsoft's introduction came at Nintendo's expense as Sony was able to own two-thirds of the global market. However, with Microsoft and Nintendo running neck and neck domestically, the industry was able to absorb all three players as legitimate standards. Game publishers were left with little choice but to service all three systems, even though both Microsoft and Nintendo made sure that they had their own proprietary "must have" franchises to keep their owners loyal.
Four years ago, I suggested that Nintendo drop out of the console race and stick to its handheld and software strongholds. I don't see it that way anymore. In fact, even though Nintendo is taking some pretty risky chances in launching a revolutionary system, I think the climate couldn't be better for Nintendo.
However, before digging into the prospects of Nintendo, it's important to explore why the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are vulnerable.
I'm one unhappy camper when it comes to my Xbox 360. I had to ship it out to McAllen, Texas, two weeks ago when I got the dreaded "three red flashing lights" hardware failure error.
It's a common flaw. Microsoft even has an entire page devoted to it, and it's also one of the prompts on its customer service line. I've owned just about every major console since I was old enough to earn an allowance, and this is the first one that went bonkers on me within the first year of ownership. Thanks to what I see as a pretty skimpy warranty -- and my boneheaded ways for not looking into an extended warranty -- I'm out $139 plus shipping. I still don't know if I'll be getting my original unlucky machine back or some other refurbished reject, but at this point, my faith in Microsoft is about as buggy as my 360.
Naturally, I reserve the right to change my mind once Halo 3 hits stores next year. Until then, I'll just gripe about seeing red (literally) and feeling gypped after overpaying for software titles that don't offer a whole lot more than their sixth-generation versions.
Then we have the PS3. The company has teased gamers with product delays. Now, a problem with its Blu-ray drive finds the company nearly halving the number of units it expects to have on the market in time for this year's holiday selling season. The price tag -- at $499 to $599 -- is also steep given the limited resources of younger gamers.
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October 1st, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
3 Screenshots of the Supercard Rumble Flash cart have been released and yes it a flash cart that has the rumble feature:
Does Rumble interest you ?
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October 1st, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
franck569 has updated his homebrew game for the DS:
Heres what he posted:
The game is now really playable, one bug persist but its playable. 4 level are added ( add more is really simple and quick, i will do it more later, after fix the bug ) the score and combo are added
new graphics, more simple but generate by the game, dont store in the rom
If you loose, you return to the level 1, if you finish the 4 level, you return to the first but without loose you score. I will add a system for upload your score, and check the score of other player.
( i have cheat for the screen of level 2, so the score is not really ok )
todo list :
- one bug to fix
- score upload system
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October 1st, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
bjoerngiesler has updated his FTP app for the DS, heres whats new:
Fixed Wifi allocation bug. Do not use 2.2 anymore! Use this instead!
Stupid bug fixed that broke GBAMP support
Booting now verified on SuperCard and GBAMP
CDUP support
More bugfixes
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October 1st, 2006, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sasq has released the first non beta of his homebrew game for the DS, heres the release info:
This is port of Linley's Dungeon Crawl to Nintendo DS. Dungeon Crawl is a rogue-like (similar to Nethack, Angband etc). It has close to 400 monster types and over 200 spells.
This is not just a straight port. Some effort has been made to make this port playable on a portable console - formatting the output into windows, designing an input system with shortcuts that is quick to use etc. I have personally played it many hours and I think the controls are pretty comfortable.
Changes since V1.0 BETA
Realtime clock now used for tagging your score (and you can see time played by pressing 'C')
The inventory remembers last selected item. You can also use X to jump between sections.
Right Shoulder now mapped to CTRL - you can disarm traps and attack non-hostiles with R+Direction etc
Files can now be placed under /CRAWL/ - which will be used for both loading and saving if it exists
Fixed some more text layouts to fit the screen
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October 1st, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Darkmath has updated his 3D space shooter for the Nintendo DS, looks like hes added new backgrounds too.
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October 1st, 2006, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Beda has released a new version of a rather nice looking puzzle game? for the Nintendo DS:
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October 1st, 2006, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
IM sure like all DS fans we want more accessories for our DS or DS Lite, personally id like to see a TV Hook up which may come with the Wii ? who knows.
But what would be the killer accessory for you ?
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October 1st, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
For what is a powerful console, the Gamecube has a severely lacking homebrew and emulation scene, what can we do and the homebrew community as a whole to make it better and entice new developers to join the Gamecube scene ?
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October 2nd, 2006, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Here are the first screenshots of the Wii's innovative Channel's with English text. The new shots show the Message Boards, Virtual Console and Mii Channels in action, with the crazy squiggles of previous shots replaced with text us normal folk can understand.
According to sources at Nintendo, the Wii Channels are still in development and so these shots aren't final, but it's all looking pretty good to us. One thing though- it looks like every retro game you download from the Virtual Console will get its own Channel thumbnail, with one shot showing five retro games each on different thumbnails.
Could be messy business if, like us, you plan on grabbing a fair few titles. We're hoping users will have the option to assign these games to thumbnails from a more compact list of downloaded titles.
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October 2nd, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
We are now offering different brands of the Original (No Clone or Fake available here ! ) MiniSD , MicroSD , Flash Drive with low price.
- All miniSD cards are bundled with an SD adaptor
- Built-in security features enable users to download, store and play secure content
- Capacities ranging from 128MB to 2GB
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October 2nd, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced that it's currently working on a new Itadaki Street game for the Nintendo DS.
For those who aren't familiar, Itadaki Street is a board game-based series that's big in Japan. It revolves around opening up shops and charging other players rent when they occupy your areas on the board.
Back in February, you may recall, Squenix revealed that a PSP version is on the way, and that it'll star playable characters from Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
Itadaki Street DS will also feature DQ characters, but the game's true star will be our old friend Mario. He'll be joined by a host of other familiar faces from the Super Mario Bros. series, including Slime.
Little else is known about the game so far, other than the fact you'll be able to play online via Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connect service.
There's no telling whether the Itadaki Street DS will make it to Europe - but with Mario's big fat face making an appearance, you never know...
Via Eurogamer
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October 2nd, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Wii console will feature a system called Play History, a permanent record that keeps tabs on what you're playing, when you're playing it and for how long. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata hopes Play History will "stop games being regarded with hostility in the family".
The Play History record cannot be deleted and is designed to "allow parents to discuss with their children how much they are using the console," says Shinichiro Tamaki, of Nintendo's research and development department, during an interview on Nintendo's official website. But the original idea, from Iwata, was far more controversial.
"I came up with a suggestion," Iwata explains, "perhaps a rather outlandish one! What I thought was that if a parent said that their child was only allowed to play games for one hour a day, how about making it so the console actually turns itself off after an hour? Of course, the console would save the game data before it switched off!"
Nintendo's research suggested Iwata's idea was unworkable, despite some people thinking that "without such an extreme solution, mothers would always hate computer games". Eventually, the idea lead to the alternative of a Play History feature.
Whatever your thoughts about the feature - it's effectively just a more sophisticated version of the play time stats you get with many saved game files - Play History shows just how focused Nintendo is in making Wii a console that is bought for the whole family, not just a single gamer. Whether Ninty's ambition will be realised is another question - we'll just have to wait and see.
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October 2nd, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Following on from Sony’s successful showing at TGS last month and Microsoft’s equally successful X06 event in Barcelona last week, it’s nice to be able to sit down on a Monday morning and remind you of the latest news from the third contender in the next/new-gen race. Read on for all the latest news (with trailers) on some of the hottest Wii features and titles in development – Zelda, Wario, the Virtual Console plus, from the team that brought you Killer 7, the awesome-looking Heroes.
One of SPOnG’s most anticipated Wii titles - after Zelda - is the manic micro-gaming genius that is Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. While it doesn’t look like we’ll be playing Smooth Moves till early 2007, we’re still eager to see the final version. You can read our initial preview on Wario's first Wii outing on SPOnG to get a flavour of what’s in store.
You might also want to check out this handy trailer that’s just gone up, courtesy of GT TV, which gives a good idea of how the game plays (ie incredibly easy to pick up, dastardly difficult to put down).
Next up, also courtesty of GT TV, there's a peek at the Wii’s Virtual Console which, with a back catalogue of games to die for, is surely going to give Xbox Live Arcade a serious run for its money in the casual/retro download arena.
And there’s more. SPOnG first heard about the new Wii title Heroes last week, and while details are still scarce, we can tell you that it is being developed by Grasshopper Studio/Marvelous Interactive (and being overseen by Suda 51, the Killer 7 guy). We can also direct you here to see the jaw-droppingly good trailer on Project Heroes which gives you a pretty good idea of what the game’s about.
If you like Manga and loud rock and roll, plus having massive shiny weapons for arms, then this is one for you. Best line in the trailer: “Your shining armour and fine words won’t get you anywhere!”. Quite.
Last, but by nowhere near least, there’s the full seven minute Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer which of course, is a must see if you haven’t yet swooned over it. The montage trailer contains all you need to see, from fishing to boss battles. Fill yer boots.
Roll on Vee-Wii Day on December 8.
Tons of Videos at Spong
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October 2nd, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Got several new screens of Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop for you to look at.
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October 2nd, 2006, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Archeide posted a new MAX MEDIA version of SNEmul DS!!
SNEmulDS 0.2 has been rebuilt for Max Media devices. Thanks to korbob for pointing me about libfat changes.
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October 2nd, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has released Astro Licker for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
Mad as ****, he comes from space and eats you all!
Very incomplete, but very cool.
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October 2nd, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has released Wright Flight for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
Traditional Gravity Force action but in two layers. Multiplayer via dswifilib. Very under construction, but very promising.
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October 2nd, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Kaktus621 has released a new version of his Icy Tower game:
Heres whats new:
V1.52: Added Graphics for the Sub-Menus + a small Bugfix
V1.53: Re-Made a lot of the Icy Tower Code => Level Generating works, but there's no scroll
V1.54: Changed Credits Text a bit
V1.58: Scrolling Works again in Icy-Tower ! But there's still a small collision bug...
V1.59: Collision bug fixed, but there's a new Problem , Level goes only to 128 Stages, I'm going to fix it
R V1.6 : Level nearly unlimited (I set Array size to 1000, should be enough ^_^ especially when there'll be time limit)
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October 2nd, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Some more news from the Command and Conquer Clone for DS Project:
I downloaded the latest stable releases of the libs from sourceforge, but found my game started to instantly crash Dualis. Looking at the logs I think it was an undefined call to the ARM9 processor. By a process of elimination I narrowed it down to the initialise function for the file system. I tried to downgrade my libraries with no luck
I could carry on developing with the SDL port, but I'm at a point where I really need to make my DS changes first, and I can't with this problem. I had another go at grabbing the files from the sourceforge CVS and tried another program, the great TortoiseCVS. WinCVS is lame. I have been able to check out the files I wanted, and maybe later tonight I'll be able to get up and running again.
More Info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Christ posted this news/release:
"METRO-PARIS" is my first (little) application for DS, developped with this great tool: PA_lib !
It's a simple Paris metro map.
You can scroll the map using the right side buttons or with the stylus.
You can zoom in/out with the icons (or L/R and Up/Down buttons).
I've tried to do something simple and fast
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk posted a great new App for the Nintendo DS:
Heres the full info:
I put together a very quick rough draft of a multilingual translator... It's sloppy, coded in a few hours time, just to see if I could manage a fast enough code
There is NO interface, just some text output, sorry !
Dictionnaries can be added easily using PAFS
http://www.palib.info/Roms/NewTranslator.zip French-English English-French
http://www.palib.info/Roms/NewTranslator2.zip (supports French-Spanish and French-German (and vice versa...), but the rom weighs 20MB
oh, and some french characters aren't in the current font, I'll add those some other time
Databases come from here :
French databases : http://www.freelang.com/dictionnaire/index.html
English databases : http://www.freelang.net/dictionary/i...tml#list_alpha
I'll add the base program with no dictionnary...
To add dictionnaries, download the .wb files from one of the websites... Add in the Files folder, run PAFS.bat, and you're set
No dico version : http://www.palib.info/Roms/Translator.zip
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has successfuly taken Mario to the court with Mario Basket 3 on 3, and now it's attempting to do the same with board games. The Final Fantasy publisher announced today Itadaki Street DS, the latest installment in its long-running board game series, and the first to feature the world's most famous plumber.
While the PlayStation 2 and PSP entries in the board game series featured a Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest crossover, Square Enix has teamed up with Nintendo this time around. Itagaki Street DS will feature characters and themes from both Dragon Quest and Super Mario Bros.
Sadly, aside from the logo, which hints that Mario and Slime will appear in the title, we don't have details on which characters and stages will appear in the game.
Gameplay details are also a mystery at this point. Square Enix has announced that WiFi support will be included, so you'll be able to play over the internet with your buddies.
Although relatively unknown in America, Itadaki Street is quite popular in Japan thanks in part to its connection with the Dragon Quest series. The focus of the game is on raising money by opening up shop and charging other players as they pass over your real estate.
Recent installments have earned worldwide attention thanks to the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest crossover, the first such cross-licensing for the two mega properties. With an appearance by Mario, and Dragon Quest's recent worldwide success, perhaps we'll at last see this series in our parts.
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
The DS already has a bunch of kanji learning programs (we count at least five), but what about those who want to brush up on their Japanese as a whole? Enter Capcom, whose latest DS title aims to teach proper Japanese.
At least that's what the Megaman publisher's latest game seems to be about. Official details on "Tadashii Nihongo DS" haven't been given out -- not in Japanese, and certainly not in English -- but seeing as how the title translates to "Proper Japanese DS," we're probably not too far off.
As a note, rather than attempting to appeal to the small, but important, but small (but important), group of foreign-born Japanese learners out there, this game is probably meant to help brush up the language skills of native Japanese speakers. We'll let you know how much it helps the non Japanese type once we've gotten our hands on the title.
And that will be... well, we're not sure just yet. Tadashii Nihongo DS appeared out of nowhere today on a list of titles to be shown in the Capcom booth at the upcoming Games Festa 2006 in Osaka, which is sort of like the Tokyo Game Show except a $250 bullet train ride to the south from the world's biggest city (rather than a $6 train ride to the east), and on a much smaller scale. We're talking tents here!
The game will presumably be playable at the Osaka game show, but aside from that, we don't have a release date.
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
First there was Pokemon Red and Green. One game, two versions. Sales doubled, and everyone wanted in on the act.
Enter Capcom, whose Rockman (aka Mega Man) character enjoyed popularity amongst Japanese youths following the airing of a successful Saturday morning anime (or as they call them over here, cartoon). Capcom's released its Game Boy Advance Mega Man Battle Network games in two packages, each containing a separate set of characters.
Battle Network died on the Game Boy Advance. And in its place came Ryusei Rockman, or Shooting Star Rockman, or Shooting Star Mega Man, or Mega Man Star Force (only one of these is the tentative American title... we'll let you figure out which one!). And in place of two SKUs came... three.
This latest Rockman game will hit Japan on 12/14, Capcom announced today. It will be available in three forms: Dragon, Leo and Pegasus. Each version will cost 4,800 yen and will feature a different version of the blue hero for when the five year old main character, Subaru, decides he needs to transform in order to get things done..
Capcom is positioning this title as its big 20th anniversary celebration event for the series. It's unclear if the company hopes gamers will actually buy all three versions. But with the Ryusei Rockman anime (cartoon) starting up on Japanese TV this Sunday morning at 8:30, we're sure there'll be enough diehards who do just that. And then next time, maybe there'll be four!
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Gumpei Yokoi, the creator of the WonderSwan system (as well as countless Nintendo properties before the company let him go after the Virtual Boy debacle), never saw his system hit retail due to a car accident that cut his life short in 1997, but Bandai honored his life by naming the premiere WonderSwan game "Gunpey," a play on his name. Gunpey may have been born on the now-defunct Bandai handheld, but the company's ready to bring the game to other properties: Gunpey DS will be shipping later this year and we've been given an early look at the upcoming touch screen version.
Gunpey is an action puzzler with a very simple concept: slide tiles vertically in their column in such a fashion that forms lines that connect one side of the bin to the other. Doing this will remove the tiles from play, leaving room for other tiles to enter the action. Combos can be formed by manipulating other tiles into the network while it's activated, creating multiple chains of lines that link both sides of the playfield.
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October 3rd, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have updated the Wifi voice chat app for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
The touch panel response accuracy has been improved.
The draw tool was optimized a little.
The label according to the language was put up to the private room number.
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October 3rd, 2006, 06:34 Posted By: emuking
The release date for the DS-Xtreme has been announced by the DS-X development team
Read below for their latest post on their site also try the link to find out additional information about the DS-Xtreme 
As production reaches its final stages we are delighted to announce the much anticipated “official” release date of our new product, the DS-Xtreme. Targeted release date is now set for Thursday the 12th of October. Initial stocks are scheduled to ship out of factory on the 12th and then direct out to your favorite reseller by Monday the 16th. Demand has far exceeded all expectations, so all pre-orders will be fulfilled as a priority. If you have not yet placed your order hurry to avoid disappointment!
You can preorder this latest new flashcart for the Nintendo DS from Divineo Spain, Divineo Germany, Divineo USA, Divineo China, Divineo UK
via www.ds-x.com
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has confirmed to Eurogamer that the Wii's region locking will extend to GameCube games.
A company spokesperson also said that Virtual Console game releases would not be universal - in other words, European gamers will get European versions of the games.
The news paints a slightly clearer picture of the circumstances surrounding Wii's backwards compatibility in the run-up to the console's 8th December launch.
The console is known to be compatible with all GameCube software, and peripherals including controllers and memory cards, while Virtual Console will deliver titles from systems including NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Megadrive and TurboGrafx at the rate of around 10 per month.
In answering our queries, culled from some of your recent forum threads, Nintendo also said that it expects to release RGB and component video cables that fit current pricing models.
It declined to comment on recent reports, supposedly surfacing in Nintendo Power, that Virtual Console will also host Commodore 64 games in future.
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:21 Posted By: wraggster
One serious Nintendo fan attempts to prove that size does matter by building a large-scale Nintendo Entertainment System. The massive wooden replica is eight feet wide, three feet high, three feet deep, and weighs over 400 pounds ... and that's without a game cart or controller. With those specs, it clocks in only slightly larger than the original Xbox, or the 360's power brick.
A mysterious crafstman, who posts on NESforums.net as Nationalgamedepot, originally built the NES as a bed but now plans on using it as an entertainment center. Hopefully he'll take orders, because this looks spiffy. Plus, if you get yourself a giant NES controller, you've got a complete set. Miniaturization be damned.
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Ars Technica explores lower-than-expected GameCube sales in the wake of Wii's birth as Nintendo's fifth generation home console. The piece discusses runaway costs of video game development, Wii's admittedly risky business, the engineering of the game box, and Nintendo's overall "less is more" approach to console design this go around. From the article:
"'More glitz' is always welcome in any new generation, but at some point one runs into laws of diminishing returns. [One Nintendo engineer] wondered if advances in technology could be used in a different way. The Wii was designed to take processor technology improvements and use them to make the unit run with less heat, by making the chips smaller. This enabled features that other consoles couldn't duplicate, such as the ability to leave the console powered on all the time [read: WiiConnect24]."
The article suggests that "always on" technology and internet connectivity via WiiConnect24 were just as important in the Wii planning process as motion-controls. An idea is one thing (and don't get us wrong, WiiConnect24 sounds intriguing), but execution is another.
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
After months of secrecy, Nintendo unveiled the Wii's remaining features at a series of press events around the world last month. In addition to the much-rumored prices and release dates, the system's last secret was revealed to be the Wii Channels system. Key amongst the various channels is the ability to create your own virtual avatar in teh Mii channel, and play that character in titles like Wii Sports.
Yann, one of our amazing readers and the designer of the equally incredible orange Joystiq tee, just sent us over his latest creation: A Mii channel implemented in Flash. How accurate is it? Yann says, "The Mii parts are drawn from videos and stills of the working Mii channel and, apart from the second page of eyebrows which is still missing (couldn't find any picture or video of it), everything is true to the real thing."
Despite an unintimidating interface, I'm completely unable to create a Mii that looks like Mii ... errr, me. I've created several, one of which looked strangely like Dick Nixon. Any of our more artistically inclined readers have better luck creating a Mii that looks like them?
Try it out
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Silicon Protector Skin is made of high-grade silicon, providing a comfortable and improved feel for extended game play. It is also a stylish and robustsolution to protect your DS Lite console from damage and scratches. The protector Skin has been designed to allow full access to DS Lite controls with quick and easy installation.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:03 Posted By: wraggster
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. announced today that new screenshots from Tamagotchi® Connection®: Corner ShopTM 2 are now available for download. Based on the wildly popular Tamagotchi® virtual pet, Corner Shop 2 will be released for the Nintendo DS this winter. Taking on the role of shop keeper, players will partner up with their favorite Tamagotchi pet as they work to fulfill the whimsical desires of customers in a variety of mall stores.
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2 features all new shops such as the Bowling Alley and Sushi Bar, as well as old favorites like the Flower Shop and Concert Hall. Stacking cheeseburgers made to order, loading wasabi onto pieces of sushi, and hand tailoring gym bags with pink ribbons are just a few of the services offered to the Tamagotchi shoppers. As players tend to their customers’ needs, they earn “Gotchi Points.” These points can be used to care for their Tamagotchi partner by purchasing stylish new outfits, rock’n stereo systems, and much more. Players can also connect to their friends via wireless to trade items, give gifts, or send each other screenshots and notes.
For more information on Tamagotchi products, please visit: www.tamagotchi.com
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
"In fairness, for the Americas, we haven't made the business decision for how and what we're going to do with the browser. We recognize for most people a browser is pretty standard. The concept of charging a significant amount of Wii points to get the browser is somewhat challenging. We're going to work through that."
Fils-Aime seems to contradict the press release, suggesting Nintendo of America simply hasn't decided what will happen with the browser, and that we really could end up forking money over at launch. We'd like to hear Nintendo's rationale on why this is a necessary move for the Americas -- what makes Japan's desire to web browse on Wii any different?
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October 3rd, 2006, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
Some new screenshots of the game Charlotte's Web have just been handed to us from Sega Europe.
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- 5 different versions of super mario bros characters
- Total 10 boxes in a factory sealed container
- 4cm - 9cm height for each figure
- Candy is included in each box
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October 3rd, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
The continued success of Nintendo's DS handheld, combined with a weak yen, has resulted in the company raising its net profit projections for the year to March by 18 per cent.
Nintendo now expects a net profit of 100 billion yen (EUR 667 million), up from 83 billion previously projected.
The company expects to shift 82 million DS game units along with 3.3 million GBA sales during the period.
Nintendo recently announced it expects to sell 10 million DS hardware units in Europe by the end of the year.
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October 3rd, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo revealed today that it will release an Ethernet Kit for Wii, which allows users to connect the console to a standard internet router without wireless support.
It's undoubtedly good news after concerns that the lack of an Ethernet port on the Wii meant that the console could only connect to the internet via wireless link-up.
For people without a wireless-enabled router, this would mean purchasing a new router or the almost non-existent Nintendo WiFi Connector (that USB dongle thingy). But with the Ethernet Kit available, non-wireless gamers have nothing to worry about.
Those of you who connect your DS to the internet with the Nintendo WiFi Connector can use the same device to connect the Wii. And most wireless routers will also be compatible with the Wii's built-in WiFi technology. So everyone should be online with Wii. Bring on Mario Kart!
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
So I'll tell you exactly what I told both Perrin Kaplan and Reggie Fils-Aime when they asked me the same question, which is, I believe Wii is $50 too expensive and three weeks too late.
As a gamer, I want Wii to sell for $200 for a number of reasons. It has about one tenth the processing prowess and one fifth the RAM of, say Xbox 360, and it also lacks a true hard drive. It doesn't play DVDs. It doesn't play music CDs. Yes, you read that correctly and yes, it's true. In fact, in many ways, it could be called a turbo-charged GameCube. So why the $249 price point?
Well, there are certainly reasons for it. It's easy to shrug off Wii as the least powerful of the three consoles, but consider what Nintendo has done. Wii is roughly half the size of GameCube and it still packs twice the power. It has roughly double the processing prowess, approximately double the RAM, an additional 512MBs of useable flash memory, built in 802.11b/g wireless capabilities and a full docking station for GameCube controllers. The console is backward compatible, in fact, with every GCN title ever made. And I haven't even mentioned its Wii Channels system or, most importantly, the Wii controller, which could represent one of the biggest hardware innovations the industry has seen in years.
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk updated his translator for the DS, heres the info:
Here is one the first projects I actually release, while all the others stayed on my hard drive... TranslatorDS !
It has the advantage of supporting a freely-available dictionnary format, giving access to hundreds of different languages... Dictionnaries can be added easily using PAFS
Simply choose the dictionnary when loading, then press Start to change the skin...
Here are 2 examples with pre-included dictionnaries :
French-English English-French
French <-> Spanish, English, German, weighs 20MB though ^^
To add dictionnaries, simply download .wb files, and use the ‘naked’ version to add them...
Naked Version Source Code !!
Simply add the .wb files and gif files (skins...) in the ‘Files’ folder, run PAFS.bat, and you’re set !
French databases
English databases
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
The DS has a new fastest selling game, and not surprisingly, it begins with a Poke. Pokemon Diamond & Pearl sold 1,586,360 units in its first four days of sales over in Japan, sales tracker Enterbrain reported today. This demolishes the previous record holder, New Super Mario Bros., which managed 865,024 units in its first week.
In case there was any concern about Pokemon's popularity being on the wane, here's another stat for you. Enterbrain's sales figures make Diamond & Pearl the fastest selling Pokemon title ever, topping Gold & Silver, which sold 1,425,768 units in its first week in 1999.
A separate sales tracking service, Media Create, has provided stats on the individual versions of the game. Diamond was apparently the more popular of the two, with 813,237 units sold, compared to Pearl's 762,029 units. The total doesn't match the Enterbrain figure, but this is usual for the different sales tracking data.
Diamond & Pearl will hit American in 2007, and is expected to see similar success at retail.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
There's been no official announcement regarding Pro Evolution Soccer coming to Wii from Konami, but PES producer Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka has confirmed to CVG it's in development and testing right now.
According to Seabass, the game is playable on Nintendo's next-gen system and they're experimenting with various controller options.
The team is said to be looking at using the Wii remote and Nunchuk for throw-ins, passing and even shooting.
Seabass also revealed that he's heard whispers of EA getting busy in R&D, by looking at strapping a remote device to a player's foot for shooting. Quite what that turns out to be we don't know, but you can bet that it'll have FIFA in the title.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS game released:

Originally released as an arcade game by Taito in 1986, Bubble Bobble starred two dinosaurs - Bub and Bob who co-operate to make their way through a hundred levels to rescue their girlfriends. This addictive two player game went on to be released on most console formats. Now the game is reborn on the Nintendo DS with all new graphics, split screen action and the classic gameplay. 100 new exciting levels to explore. All new power bubbles and bubble attacks. Microphone activated challenges and Bubble mini-games. Includes a perfect re-creation of the original Bubble Bobble arcade machine game.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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October 4th, 2006, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS game released

The no holds barred, sci-fi fighting franchise is reborn on the Nintendo DS. Guilty Gear Dust Strikers features all 21 Guilty Gear characters from previous versions, but now the battle takes place on multiple levels across both DS screens with up to 4 players at once. Players have to navigate different types of floors and traps as they battle versus CPU characters or via wireless connections in "battle royal" rules where the last person standing is the winner. The game features six modes of play including Arcade, Story and VS Battle plus seven unique touch screen mini games and a Robo Ky Factory where you can customize your fighting moves.
More info/ buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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October 4th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial DS Game released:

Game Boy Advance's Kawaii Koinu popular game title is now available on Nintendo DS. You can choose from 18 different kind of 2D animated cute puppies that act just like real life dogs. Several modes of play are available, such as contests or missions. Of course, the puppies will recognize your own voice and the game also include touch pen compatibility.
More Info/ buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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October 4th, 2006, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
The dig against the Wii is that it's pretty much a GameCube. With a new controller. But, so what? In a recent interview, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto confirms that:
The hardware is basically a GC. We've upgraded our development tools to new versions but, you can still use GC programs as they are. With that in mind, I thought we could remake GC titles for the Wii and modify them to work with the Wii remote so that they're more fun to play.
Not only that, Miyamoto thinks Wii-makes won't command full price as its easy to find the original GameCube titles second hand. Though, fret not, Miyamoto notes that the Wii does have better graphic capabilities than the GameCube, and there will be eye candy games for the Wii. So, it's the GameCube, but better. What's wrong with that?
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October 4th, 2006, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
What is up with that glowing blue Wii light, Nintendo? It's on, it's off. Sometimes we see it, sometimes we don't. Take the recent Fusion Tour, where it was turned off. What. Is. Up.
Go Nintendo took matters in its own hands and pinned down a local Nintendo rep and squeezed out the following info out: The final retail Wii will have the blue light, but not constantly during play. Instead, it will glow when the console is fired up, so players in pitch black rooms will be able to insert game discs. There will only be a green light on during play.
Furthermore, the rep did not know if there was an option which would allow players to keep the blue light on 24-7. As far as the rep was aware, there was no such choice. Bad news for gamers who like to look at their consoles during play.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS Game Card Armor Case for DS Lite
Fashionable Color
Super Guard Function
12pcs package
What's inside the box of Nintendo DS Game Card Armor Case for DS Lite
Game Card Armor Case (x12)
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October 4th, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Based on the best-selling collectable miniature game from WizKids Games, Mage Knight: Destiny's Soldier offers intuitive touch screen controls and gameplay true to the popular tabletop gaming franchise. In a world ravaged by war, a retired soldier is forced to take up arms once again. The Solonavi are corrupting the Land, and a great army of warriors must be gathered to stop them. It is this soldier’s destiny to bring these warring factions together and fight against the Solonavi. His army is the Land’s only hope to prevent its total devastation. Players assume the role of Destiny’s Soldier, creating and commanding an army of their own to defeat the Solonavi and bring peace back to the Land. With the use of the touch screen controls on the Nintendo DS, players can virtually pick up units, deploy them, issue commands and roll dice just like they would in the tabletop game.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
A screenshot of the Gamecube Emu for Windows called Gekko has been revealed at Ngemu
Check out the screen Via Comments, no other info was posted:
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October 5th, 2006, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
First the Wii managed to finagle its way onto Toys R Us' questionable Hot list for the holidays, and now Nintendo's console is on Toy Wishes magazine's Hot Dozen list.
While the list is sort of all over the place, the reasoning for including the Wii by the mag's editor-in-chief is rock solid.
"The toy industry is in transition from what we consider toys to family entertainment, and this falls under that category," Silver said of the Wii.
No other consoles or portables make an appearance on the list, which is detailed after the jump. Hmmm, maybe Nintendo's strategy is working afterall.
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October 5th, 2006, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
We got an interesting insider email (via the notoriously reliable third-party source of an anonymous friend of an also anonymous manager) of what went down at the recent Gamestop manager's conference. The details spilled, while all firmly in the rumor file, are pretty interesting as an inside glimpse into how the nation's biggest game store is reacting to next gen. Namely: the Wii kiosk will require a credit card to use in store, Zune won't be doing gaming in the near future and Gamestop hates Sony.
First of all, according to our insider, the managers were told that only GameStop would be receiving the Wii demo units. He said the reason for that was because GameStop is going to require customers to give over a credit card as collateral in order to play one of the Wii units. Nintendo apparently tried using various security methods for the Wiimote, but couldn't really find one that didn't hamper the experience." I'm not sure why they're not using the wired Wiimotes we all saw at E3 and GC06, but okay.
Another tipster emailed us to tell us that Gamestop was getting the only Wii kiosks as a thank you for selling the most Nintendo consoles, for what it's worth.
Microsoft also said at the conference there were no plans to do anything for Zune in regards to gaming, but that it might lie in wait in the future. This apparently explains why Gamestop will sell the Zune: "GameStop is just trying to get cozy with Microsoft, and selling the Zune is an easy way to do that."
Finally, which consoles are Gamestop's managers most excited about? According to our tipster, Nintendo and Microsoft both garnered standing ovations. However, everyone sat still and tight-lipped when Sony took the stage. To be fair to Sony, though, this largely seems to be an issue of them failing to buy off the managers: "They pretty much half-assed the conference, not really having anything playable and only giving the attendees a couple aging Greatest Hits games (Shadow of the Collosus? Really?). Microsoft, on the other hand, brought Gears of War for people to play and also told the managers that they'd be sending them the Gears Collector's Edition and Viva Pinata when they came out. Nintendo came with playable Wii units and told the attendees they'd be sending them 3 good upcoming DS games, the Wii Classic Controller, and 7500 Wii points. This obviously isn't anything big, but seems to be another example of Sony seemingly not really caring about anything other than Blu-Ray and silly rhetoric."
Yeah, more bribery, Sony! Anyway, we've asked Nintendo for a response, but they are still "looking into it."
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October 5th, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Oshare Majo Love and Berry (Love and Berry Dress up and Dance in the USA) has been Sega’s attempt to make an electronic card game for girls. Similar to MushiKing, a beetle battling game designed for boys, you get cards by playing an arcade machine. These cards can be used dress up your character with outfits and new hairstyles. For Oshare Majo Love and Berry DS, Sega is bundling in a card reader that plugs into the DS’ GBA slot so the same cards can be used in the DS game. It seems likely that Sega will release DS versions of MushiKing and Dino King in the future with a redesigned card reader.
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October 5th, 2006, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
Baby Mario isn’t alone in Yoshi’s Island DS, he’s joined by Baby DK, Wario, and Peach. Each baby gives Yoshi different powers when Mario is on his back Yoshi gets extra speed, Peach gives him the ability to fly and DK gives Yoshi extra strength. Yoshi has all of his trademark egg-throwing, ground pounding, flutter jumping and vehicle morphing movies from previous games in the series. Similar to Yoshi’s Touch and Go action takes place on both screens. See the screenshot of the Shy Guy on stilts? The only way to hit him is nail him with eggs from below.
So why is Yoshi going on an adventure? When all of the babies are hanging out on Yoshi’s Island Kamek attempts to snatch them away. Baby Mario, Peach, DK and Wario escape, but Baby Luigi gets nabbed by Kamek. Yoshi and all of the babies jump to rescue him. Poor Luigi he’s always getting in trouble.
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via siliconera
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October 5th, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Last year, Bandai localized Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop and released it to the US shores after it did absolute gangbusters in the Japanese market. Though they certainly love those virtual pets in Japan more than they do in this neck of the woods, Tamagotchi Connection did pretty darn well stateside, so much so that the company is currently working on bringing its sequel to the Nintendo DS this Christmas. Namco Bandai sent over an early version of the product so we can see where these critters are going for Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2.
Anyone who is familiar with the original game will find themselves right at home in Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2. The look, sound, and gameplay feel of the original has been extended by development team Dimps to incorporate different mini-game challenges without straying from the original Nana-on-sha design. Where the previous game revolved around your chosen Tamagotchi partner's run-in with his father to build up all the shops, in this one, you're performing tasks to impress the Princess, who will in turn upgrade the shop you're working in...if you manage to flatter her with your service, of course.
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October 5th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from Nintendo:
Super Mario World® 2: Yoshi's Island™ for the SNES® was revered as one of the greatest side-scrolling platformers ever made. The lighthearted art style and compelling game play defined a genre. Now, return to the colorful wilds of Yoshi's Island in a new platforming adventure for the Nintendo DS. Kamek has captured Baby Luigi, and now Yoshi™ and his band of babies must rescue him.
This time, Baby Mario™, Baby DK™, Baby Wario™ and Baby Peach are along for the ride. Each one gives Yoshi access to unique powers: While they cling to his back, Baby Mario gives Yoshi speed, Baby DK gives him strength, Baby Peach gives him the ability to fly and Baby Wario gives him magnetism.
All of Yoshi's classic abilities are on full display. Players gobble enemies and either spit them out immediately, or turn them into eggs that they can throw at items and enemies. Pound the ground to flatten whatever's underneath, and flutter jump to traverse precarious heights. In certain areas, Yoshi can even morph into special vehicles.
Thanks to the power of the Nintendo DS, all of the lush vistas and perilous paths of Yoshi's Island span two screens. Players hit objects on the top screen while using the touch screen, and tackle super-tall enemies that fill both screens.
Hidden in every level are flowers, stars, red coins and character coins, so even after players finish the game, the challenge continues.
Game storyline: A mysterious floating castle has suddenly appeared over peaceful Yoshi's Island. Soon after its arrival, kids begin to disappear. Baby Mario, Baby Peach, Baby Wario and Baby DK manage to avoid being kidnapped, but Baby Luigi isn't so lucky. Now Yoshi and the four young superstars and must set out on a wild and colorful quest to rescue the kids and investigate the ominous castle hovering overhead.
Characters: Yoshi, Baby Mario, Baby Peach, Baby DK, Baby Wario, Baby Luigi, Bowser, Kamek.
How to progress through the game: Players run, glide, climb and fight your way through five levels as Yoshi, gobbling up enemies as they go. As they play through different levels, different babies will join the party. Depending on the baby on his back, Yoshi can adopt different abilities. The main game play comes from using different babies' abilities to defeat foes and advance past obstacles. Each level is also stuffed with hidden items like stars, red coins and character coins, which give players bonuses when they collect them.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Yoshi returns with all the abilities we know and love: He can swallow enemies, turn them into eggs, throw eggs and flutter jump. However, depending on the baby he's carrying, he also adopts new abilities. Baby Mario gives Yoshi the power of speed, while Baby DK gives him strength and the ability to climb vines. Baby Peach lets Yoshi float, and Baby Wario's giant magnet grabs metal items like coins.
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October 5th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Another press release:
Ironstone Partners and Winning Moves today announced a new licensing deal which grants exclusive Worldwide Video Game Rights to enable Ironstone to bring the highly successful Top Trumps brand to the video gaming market.
Top Trumps is a card-based game which gained popularity in the 1970 and 80’s and combines luck, strategy and subject knowledge in a game-concept that has hooked children for several generations. Packs start from £2.98 retail and sales in the UK hit £10 Million each year. The brand has enjoyed many years of success with its strong licensing programme which includes brands such as Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter and recently, Doctor Who.
Ironstone will develop games for the Sony’s PlayStation®2 (PS2), Nintendo DS™ and PC gaming platforms and will also work with Winning Moves to create proprietary Top Trumps characters.
“We are tremendously excited to be working with a brand with such fantastic heritage as Top Trumps”, commented Ironstone’s Managing Director, Paul Gouge, “our track record working with high-value concepts in the gaming space and our award winning studio Rockpool Games, will ensure a great success for Winning moves”.
Winning Moves, Head of Interactive, James Rankin added, “We’re delighted with how quickly Ironstone have understood our brand values and implemented them in such high quality products. We’re looking-forward to a long and successful relationship bringing many more video gaming products to market”.
For more information see: www.peppermintm.co.uk
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October 5th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has announced Heatseeker, an aerial combat game firing afterburners on Wii, PSP and PS2 in early 2007.
Strapping you into the cockpit of modern-day and near-future fighter jets, the title's very much an arcade experience with the publisher promising plenty of explosive destruction.
"If you like fast and furious action, and blowing everything in sight to bits, then Heatseeker is a dream come true. Expect the greatest military aircraft armed to the teeth with the latest hardware, big explosions, great smoke trails, and gung-ho heroics", enthused Heatseeker's senior producer Andrew Wensley.
Apparently, when wannabe fighter aces - you - takes to the skies, they'll face off against "a seemingly-impossible amount of airborne enemies" and be trying to prove aerial combat skills cut the mustard as they combat in the US, the Caribbean, across Antarctica and into the Far East.
Plus, beans have been spilled on the game's Impact Cam, which allows players to follow loosed missiles 'home' and observe the results of a strike from numerous angles.
Codemasters is developing Heatseeker in collaboration with IR Gurus, which brought us air combat game Heroes of the Pacific.
Speaking about the game, Ben Palmer, exec producer at Gurus, said, "The Heroes air combat engine is being advanced and getting armed to the teeth with the latest military hardware. It's set in a realistic now-time world, that's cohesive and believable, but the speed of play will feel like lightening".
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October 5th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Never before has a moment so clearly sorted the normal, average men from the frothing fanboys; jumping around like a stupid idiot, I made my allegiance clear as I acted like a hooting American and threw my proverbial knickers in the air when we got a personal invite to Nintendo's UK headquarters to play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
The version we played this week was not all that different from the E3 build, except for one crucial tweak; updated Wii controls allowing us to swing Link's sword with a flick of the controller and risk accidentally twatting colleagues when the controller-strap wasn't on.
There's no discussion that Wii Twilight Princess is the Gamecube game with an additional wand-waving control scheme, but the question is; is it worth the effort and price of a shiny new Wii? From my hour-long bash I certainly found sword-combat much more enjoyable with the Wii controller; flicking my wrist and slashing with the remote seemed like a far more natural an intuitive method of control than simply punching buttons.
The Z button locks on to foes as normal, while a shake of the Nunchuk expansion performs a devastating spin attack, which certainly felt nice. There's also new finishing moves chucked into the mix which, when executed on a downed-enemy with the A button, send Link into a lunging-stab attack which usually finishes off what's left of your aggressor. Nintendo has previously demonstrated this same move being executed by performing a downwards stabbing motion with the controller, but we're not yet certain which method will make it to the final game.
The crown of Zelda's new Wii tricks however, are the excellent ranged aiming-controls, which allow you to use the Bow and Hookshot as precisely as you like in a lightgun-esque shooting set-up. Ranged controls feel very natural and lend themselves to the Wii controller incredibly well, with a simple point-and-click set-up using an on-screen cursor to mark out your target. Literally from the very moment I lifted the pad, I was sniping enemy-archers from a mile-away and making short work of anyone foolish enough to approach my new toy. It's undeniably more accurate and more enjoyable than vanilla pad controls, and making the sound of an arrow travel from the remote speaker to the television is perhaps the most satisfying thing I've done this week (sadly).
But beyond the control scheme, we know that Twilight Princes is going to be fantastic; Nintendo has touted it as the 'best Zelda game ever', which is no modest promise when half of the series backlog is already hailed as some of the greatest games of all-time. The dungeon I played through was the same fire-based local seen at E3; starting with a small dock area full of archers, crates and a giant crane to exploit the new tricks of my special metal boots.
Perhaps it's the voice of ignorance speaking, but the camera appeared troublesome when navigating tight spots and ladders, though the inclusion of a quick motion-powered first-person view was certainly welcome. Our on-screen pal, Navi helps keep track of where you're pointing, which was useful when in other games I spent most of my time pointing the pad at the ceiling.
The properties of my fancy footwear - presumably the prize of the dungeon - were exploited further in the demo when in true Zelda style I dramatically discovered a giant, flaming dungeon boss - who we're guessing had some kind of sacred stone or crystal lodged into his face.
With the Zelda franchise now in its 15th entry, it can't be easy to come up with new boss concepts, but the bods behind Twilight Princess have come up with an excellent method of dispatch for this baddy. The flaming nasty lashes at Link with two massive chains attached to his ankles, occasionally stopping to perform the odd fire-blasting attack.
(Warning: spoilers ahead) To clobber him, you've got to niftily land an arrow shot in the shiny jewel in his forehead - something we're sure will be far more troublesome without the Wii's excellent light-gun-esque aiming - and then use your new boots somehow to send him flat on his face.
It has to be said; even though the Wii is severely lacking in the horsepower department compared to its rivals, this boss battle is as dazzling and intense as anything higher-abled consoles have offered us so far.
Slowing things down a bit, an equally important part of our Zelda hands-on was the fishing demo, which gave us our first sample of the new hook, line and sinker motion controls which no-doubt have fans of previous series' fishing games very excited. Unlike previous instalments, Twilight' puts you on the open lake in a rugged fishing boat, where you can paddle around freely scouting out the best spots for catching top trout.
This in itself opens up a lot more possibilities than before; after spending so much time casting out in Ocarina of Time's tiny pond, our social lives have little hope of recovering from Twilight Princess's massive lake, which features waterfalls, shorelines and alcoves where different kinds of fish congregate and lie (or er, swim). After unsuccessfully luring flounders in the centre of the lake, my fishing partner - a rather attractive young lady - recommended I cast out by the waterfall, where loe-and-behold I managed to snatch not one, but two bites. If Wii fishing turns out anything like Ocarina of Time's, then we'd also expect fish to deviate depending on the time of day - and perhaps now with Wii's fancy internet-clock features; time of year as well.
Holding the A button and then casting out with a swing, the Wii controller's on-board speaker is really noticeable at this point, winding and clicking with the movement of your line. In fact, if I had my eyes closed - and perhaps had one or two beers in me - I could've fooled myself into thinking I was sitting inside a whet, dinky fishing boating waiting for the Hyrullian Loach to splash his way towards my line.
The whole activity feels a lot more hands-on than in previous games; tugging and waving at the Wii controller gives your lure a realistic nudge - again, giving the illusion that the Wii pad is in fact attached via-string to a hooked-worm in your telly. After a ceremonial wait a fishy bites and the struggle begins; reeling in your catch is a multi-task of motions, using the Nunchuk to wind and the controller to pull - just as if you had a big fishing rod controller nestled between your mitts.
The mix of rumble, on-board controller noises and tugging gestures gives the illusion that you are in fact tugging against some kind of opposing force (even though you're obviously not), and makes landing your catch all the more satisfying. Sure, it's only a 63cm catfish, but after that effort I'd gladly serve it up with some chips and a nice bit of parsley if it weren't but a bunch of triangles and dots on-screen.
And that about wraps up our brief hands on with Nintendo's latest adventure epic. The Japanese giant has promised the best Zelda game yet, and after years of development and delays, and promising hands-on sessions like this one, we're quietly confident that maybe - just maybe - it can deliver on that promise. Stay tuned for more Zelda as Wii's launch date of December 8 approaches.
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October 5th, 2006, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt of a long and thought provoking article:
Earlier this year, analysts fantasized about the great ‘CONSOLE WAR’ to erupt between Sony and Microsoft. Imagining cannons firing and rockets shooting, the professional and unprofessional (game reporters and forum nerds) panted over the possibilities. Their words were colored with the ‘war’ context. “What feature would Sony FIRE back next?” they wondered. “Microsoft has a head start to SEIZE the market and has the potential to TAKE-OVER the market!”
Poor marketplace! You are to be treated like a battlefield by these bloody thoughts! War! War! War! And the executives of the console companies are talked about as if they were crazed generals all commanding their troops to steal as much “share” of booty as possible from the poor ‘assaulted’ marketplace! Like ‘King of the Mountain,’ a console will be declared ‘victor’ for this console cycle until the next ‘CONSOLE WAR’ breaks out again in 2011 where we drink the same delusions.
The reason why analysis is usually off on the so-called “console wars” is because the mental context by game reporters and, sadly, some professional analysts is ‘war’ instead of ‘business’. Tycho’s term, ‘Retard Rodeo’, aptly describes the fanboy feuds on message forums where people scream, “1080p OMG!!!” “But Microsoft stole it! LOL!!!” “But they aren’t using it well! LOLLERSKATES!” They have no interest in talking about the business strategies or even doing five minutes of research on them. So it is no surprise to hear, “The Wii? LOL, that controller is gimmick waggle wand! zOMG I AM SO FUNNY! HAR HAR HAR!!”
My last couple of articles have generated… interesting… feedback. Some were amazed that the previous article was nine pages long (and yet this article is longer. So what? Just because nine pages is difficult for you doesn’t mean it is so for everyone). A reporter was stunned by my salacious adjectives (and yes, I do intend the puns). But, mostly, the Retard Rodeo bucked wildly with the charge that I was a frothing at the mouth Nintendo fanboy complete with Pokemon toys. They charged that I was simply echoing Nintendo marketing and that the disruption business strategy does not really exist.
This means I failed in my duties of communication. So let me hold up a mirror to hopefully illustrate to you the essentials of the disruption business strategy and why it is at the heart of the so-called ‘Console War’.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
We've seen the North American, but where's the Japanese Wii box art? A-squint-and-you'll-miss-it Super Monkey Ball image popped up on Sega's site, and *surprise*, it's all pink and written in Japanese. Granted the Japanese title is different and various box art for games is not really news, but I'm actually a little surprised. I guess all the other early Wii games might have different art, save for Cars, which will look EXACTLY the same.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
How do celebrate ten years of Pokemon? With an orchestra, that's now. Club Nintendo sends word of a classic concert that features wall-to-wall Pokemon tunes. The event strikes up a tune in Tokyo at the MIELPARQUE on October 28th, at Well City in Kitakyushu City on November 5th, the Hyogo Performing Arts Center in Nishinomiya on November 12th and the Well City in Sapporo on December 10th.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Briefing.com reports (subscription only) that, according to UBS, 2 million Wii consoles were completed in Q3 (July-September) to support Nintendo's upcoming Q406 global console launch, beginning November 19th in North America. In addition, "at least 7 mln and potentially as high as 9 mln more units are in the build plan for 4Q06." The report continues, "this production ramp handily exeeds [sic] a publicly announced tgt for 6 mln units to ship by yearend"; however, Nintendo had previously announced plans to ship 6 million units by the end of their fiscal year (ending March 31, 2007) and only 4 million by the end of the calendar year. The language appears to indicate the possibility of building, if not shipping, as many as 11 million Wii consoles by the end of the calendar year!
With production exceeding expectations, why release the console so much later than many anticipated, and right on top of the PlayStation 3's November 17th launch? It all comes down to software. While Nintendo may have warehouses full of Wiis, they need a launch lineup and reliable system software to go along with all that stockpiled hardware. But Zelda has to be done ... we would have been happy with just that, promise.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Just released in German-language territories, adventure game Undercover: Operation Wintersun, an exciting hunt for a Nazi nuclear bomb in the Second World War, will get a prequel on the Nintendo DS: publisher ANACONDA is announcing Undercover: Dual Motives, where players take control of physicist and reluctant spy Dr. John Russell in his early days, investigating at a British research facility.
Austrian developer Sproing is already hard at work on the handheld adventure game. Undercover: Dual Motives features both classic adventure gaming elements for on-the-go, as well as using the unique capabilities of the DS to implement novel ideas.
In addition to John Russell, players have access to a second playable character in Audrey, the secretary of the facility’s director. Both screens of the DS are used, when Russell and Audrey investigate. Working separately, the player is in control of one of them at a time, directing them via the touchscreen and stylus. The other screen displays the currently inactive character, which he can switch over to at any time. The challenge: cleverly using the individual abilities of the two different characters in order to solve the game’s logical puzzles – even if they are in different rooms.
“This opens up a lot of new possibilities for puzzle design in adventure games, which will make Undercover: Dual Motives a very special gaming experience not only for genre fans”, explains Harald Riegler, Creative Director at developer Sproing. “Of course, we are aware that Undercover: Dual Motives is one of very few adventure games on the Nintendo DS. We want to use this platform to apply the unique capabilities of the DS to the game and the genre, but we also want to win new types of players for the Undercover franchise and the adventure gaming genre”, adds ANACONDA PR Manager Claas Wolter.
Undercover: Dual Motives will be released worldwide by ANACONDA, starting with German-language territories at the end of March 2007.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Hardware sales in Japan were up 30 percent in September over last year, fueled by continuing high sales of DS – 660K for the month.
However, the hardware business fell by 2.3 percent (14.5 billion yen) compared to August. On the software side, a total of 730K copies were sold during September, with 500K copies of DS games, 108K for PSP and 106K for PS2. The software business was up by 25.7 percent (17.1 billion yen) compared to last month and by 17.4 percent compared to last year.
With 230K copies sold in September, New Super Mario Brothers on DS was the dominant product and has now reached the three million mark - the third DS title to do so.
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October 5th, 2006, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
DrNeo posted this news:
NEO2-SD/TF Menu v1.0 BETA 7A release
* Fixed some bug
* Make more nds game workable
How to upgrade :
[1] unzip the menu file to your HD
[2] drag and drop it to your SD/TF card
[3] turn on your NDS
[4] choose the menu file what you want
[5] press "A" to upgrade
[6] after the upgrade,you can see the build time was changed at the top of menu.
[7] now you can enjoy the new menu already.
download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,3294.0.html
Ill be posting my review and thoughts on the new Neo2SD flashcard maybe tonight if i get time 
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October 5th, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Campanile posted this news:
Hi, this is my latest project, it's a remake of Insaniquarium.
Id didn't actually planned to release this demo so soon, but after I lost my last few days of work with some stupid things I sometimes do.....
The project is (almost) full object oriented, for now the controls are simple (the upper screen menu is ineffective ), just press A to add a fish, and touch the screen to drop a pellet...
For the demo, you will have 10 fishes max, and 5 pellets at a time, all free
Fishes will grow as they live and eat, will levelup sometimes (that's what the not so goodlooking spark is trying to show), and can starve to death too (wich will free a brand new fish slot).
Main todo is to make the fishes feel like swimming in water instead of flying like robots.... and yes, it needs a gameplay too
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October 5th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamestop
The Sims 2 Pets has really been packing in the star power. So far, the game is getting musical contributions from teen pop duo AJ & Aly, sexed-up girl group Pussycat Dolls, alterna-rockers The Flaming Lips, nerdcore group Hot Chip, and others.
Now the game is moving beyond just the audio stylings of well-known musical artists. Electronic Arts today announced that actress-turned-pop-singer Hilary Duff will be featured as a playable character in The Sims 2 Pets. In keeping with the theme of the game, Duff's real-life Chihuahua, Lola, will also be included in the Pets.
Duff and Lola will "appear in different scenes on each of the [game's] platforms" and will be fully interactive. Players will be able to dress up Duff and maker her do their bidding, or have their own created Sims characters mingle with her.
The Sims 2 Pets will be released on the PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and DS on October 17. PSP and Game Boy Advance versions will ship later this year.
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October 6th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Archeide posted this news:
AlekMaul has made a great job by making a version that use GBFS for those who doesn't have a compatible device (like G6). You cannot save, but you can put a .SRM file with your ROM(s) to have access to your progress. i will try to use the NDS SRAM for saving SNES SRAM in a next version.
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October 6th, 2006, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Retaining the core principle of the original arcade classic, you'll control giant chimps and Godzilla-like creations as they stomp on cities and buildings.
We remember Rampage being most fun in multiplayer, and Total Destruction will boast a four-player mode that allows gamers to either co-operate or battle in seven urban environments.
It's not the most anticipated game coming to Wii, but it'll be a laugh with four players all going for it. These new screens show some huge bosses in action too.
At the time of writing, Midway was unavailable to comment on how the game will take advantage of Wii's unique controller, and a release date is yet to be confirmed. We'll shout at them every day until they give us the info.
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October 6th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Midway has told CVG that it hopes to have The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, a battle adventure game based on the Cartoon Network series, ready for Wii on day one in the UK. A Midway spokesperson said: "We're aiming for a launch release in the PAL territories and it is being developed by Midway internally."
The development team is "currently testing the usage of all of the Wii functionality", but the company wouldn't disclose further specifics.
The single player adventure will boast 40 missions of cartoony fightsn, and a Battle mode will let four players go head-to-head in a selection of deathmatch arenas.
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October 6th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
The Wario Ware series has always been nuts, with its nonsensical three-second mini-games coming at you one after the other. But with full-body motion of the Wii version, Smooth Moves is totally berserk.
Making full use of the Wii's motion-detecting Remote (no Nunchuk needed), Wario Ware: Smooth Moves has you performing all sorts of wacky movements to complete its rapid mini-games.
The cool thing is the Wii Remote is held differently with each game, and just before the mini-games appear, you're briefly shown a picture of how the controller should be held. Then you have a couple of seconds to get it ready.
It's mental. One second you'll be holding the Remote like a cup, and tipping it towards you to make the on-screen man drink a glass of water (do it to fast and the water spills everywhere). Then you have to quickly change to holding it horizontally with both hands like a pole, and tilt it left and right to help a clown keep his balance on a giant ball. Then you're holding it like a dumbbell, and pumping your bicep to make the on-screen weightlifter do the same.
Our favourite mini-games are the ones based on previous Nintendo games. An Animal Crossing game saw us yank the remote back to whip a fish out of a river. A Super Mario Bros. game lets you flick the remote upwards to make Mario jump to hit a coin block. And you'll be reaching towards your TV to grab a dog's paw in a Nintendogs mini-game.
But Smooth Moves doesn't settle at you just moving your hands and arms. Sometimes it'll ask you to hold the Remote against a particular part of your body. So you'll be holding it at your waist, and twirling your hip to spin a hoola-hoop around the waist of your virtual counterpart.
Or, you'll be asked to place the controller on your head and do squats to make a crazy body-builder pump his legs. Of course, since the Wii can only detect the position of the controller and not the rest of your body, you can cheat by imitating these motions with more effortless arm movements, but you're girlfriend and your granny won't know that. Let them live the dream.
If you play by the rules, Wario Ware is as bonkers as it is tiring, but that's what makes it as fun as the Dancing Stage games that have dominating arcades for years.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves is a confirmed launch title in Japan, but is not yet on the list for day one in the UK.
We're hoping it'll appear in time for Christmas. Forget singing carols and popping crackers. We're all about Wario Ware after a fat lunch.
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October 6th, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
The premier Soccer game sees a new release:

FIFA 07 delivers complete authenticity with licenses for all the world's top leagues, including MLS and Mexican 1st Division in North America, and 26 others from over 20 nations. This year, you have the power to shape your club's destiny in the EA Sports Interactive Leagues, a new online mode that enables you to pit your club against supporters of your real-world opponents. The online interactive leagues feature the F.A. Premier League, Bundesliga, French League and the Mexican 1st Division.
Buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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October 6th, 2006, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Next Generation is reporting on comments from Ubisoft, indicating that they are heavily relying on the Wii to fend off advances from business adversary Electronic Arts. From the article:
"Ubisoft vowed to stay independent [after EA made inroads to a buyout], and it plans to keep it that way. 'Our goal is not to sell to EA but to beat EA,' said Laurent Detoc , president of Ubisoft North America in a Reuters interview this week. He hopes that an early adoption of the Wii platform will help push Ubisoft up from the fifth largest independent publisher in North America to the fourth. Worldwide, the company is ranked fourth, although that excludes Japan."
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October 6th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
A dystopian Mario surveys his savage mushroom kingdom, resting the hand of a conqueror upon the pink hotpants of his waspy, Fran-Dreischer like bride. It's Evil Mario, a painting by Norante, who really ought to do more video game themed work.
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October 6th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Wondering what the Japanese development community thinks about the next generation of gaming? The latest issue of Japan's Weekly Famitsu provides a few clues.
The magazine conducted a survey with 58 developers at 19 Japanese game companies. Included in the mix were directors, programmers and designers -- the people who are making the games, rather than the people making the business decisions.
First up, a question on how much the developers expect out of the next generation systems. For the PS3, 48% said that they have extremely high expectations for the system, with 32% having just high expectations. 18% said that they don't expect much of the system at all.
The Xbox 360 got a poorer rating, with 45% saying they're not expecting much of it at all, 40% having high expectations and 13% having extremely high expectations.
And then, we come to the Wii, which seems to have the favor of the entire Japanese development community. 36% have high expectations for the system, with 63% claiming extremely high expectations. Only 1% of responders said that they weren't expecting all that much from Nintendo's new system.
Moving on to games, of the PS3's lineup, most developers were excited by Metal Gear Solid 4 (12 votes). This was followed by Final Fantasy XIII (10 votes), The Eye of Judgment (7 votes), Afrika (6 votes) and Heavenly Sword (4 votes). Other games mentioned include Bladestorm, Gran Turismo HD, Lair and Resistance.
Not surprisingly, Blue Dragon took the top spot for Xbox 360, with 18 votes. This was followed by Lost Odyssey (14 votes), Culdecept Saga (8 votes), Dead Rising (4 votes) and Gundam Operation Troy (4 votes). Other games mentioned include Lost Planet, Gear of War, Riot Act and Idol Master.
For Wii, Zelda was the overwhelming winner, with 26 votes, followed by Super Mario Galaxy (8 votes), Wii Sports (5 votes), Animal Crossing (3 votes) and Smash Brothers X (3 votes). Other games mentioned include Wario Ware, Fire Emblem, Sonic and Elebits.
The survey takers were also asked to name their favorite parts of each system. Visual power took the top spot on PS3 with 19 votes, followed by overall hardware specs (10 votes), Cell's computation abilities (9 votes), the built-in hard disk (3 votes) and the use of Blu-Ray (3 votes). Some developers also mentioned PSP connectivity, online functionality, the 6-axis control system and even the brand power associated with PlayStation and Blu-Ray.
For Xbox 360, Xbox Live was mentioned the most, getting 18 votes. This was followed by the system's ease of development (13 votes), connectivity with Windows Vista (12 votes), visual power (6 votes) and overall hardware balance (4 votes). Developers also mentioned the system's demo download service, ranking system and strength of sales in the North American market.
Nintendo's unique controller was mentioned most for the Wii, taking 34 votes. It was followed by Wii Connect 24 (9 votes), the Virtual Console (6 votes), ease of development (4 votes) and the console price (3 votes). Other developers mentioned the hardware size, the concept of moving your body, and the focus on light users.
Finally, Famitsu put all three systems against one another. In the category of system sales, 60% of those surveyed expect Wii to come out on top. PS3 took 37% of the vote compared to Xbox 360's 3%. The PS3's price point was cited as reason for the low expectations.
Most developers want to try out Wii development. 63% selected Wii as the system they most want to develop for, compared to the PS3's 32% and the Xbox 360's 5%.
Wii also won out in the category of which system the developers want the most, personally. 49% selected the Nintendo hardware. PS3 was chosen by 42%, with Xbox 360 coming in last at 9%.
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October 6th, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Paco_777 has released Comic Book DS PC Converter so now you can create your own Comics for DS:
Comic Book DS is a program making it possible to read your Comic Books on your Nintendo DS.
It can be also used as a photo viewer.
It is composed of two parts:
The PC part, PictoDS, developped by Nicom00k, converts your pictures into a .nds file (those pictures can be in a folder, a .zip, a .cbz, a .cbr, a .rar)
The DS part (the generated .nds file) allows to display the different pictures in a fast, pleasant and intuitive way (well, I hope  ).
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October 6th, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Lick posted this on his site:
I found the bit in the UserSettings that stores the Nintendo DS Lite boot-up brightnesslevel. By reading/writing to this address, we can make the Lite boot-up with the desired brightnesslevel. Unless I’m slow, this hasn’t been done before.
Anyway, the bits are at the Language and Flags variable in the UserSettings. Bit 4 and Bit 5 will have to value of 0-3 (2 bits) indicating which brightnesslevel is stored.
(For read-only, libnds provides PersonalData->RESERVED3.)
- Lick
More info --> http://licklick.wordpress.com/2006/1...e-missing-bit/
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October 6th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
BassAceGold posted this news/release:
Hello! I have made simple game. In this game you control the yellow square and try to avoid touching the top of the screen as you fall through the maze and get a high score. Currently the graphics suck and may be harmful to your eyes so please be cautious when first starting up
Brace yourself for the ugliness!
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October 6th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Wifi voice chat software for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
The touch panel response accuracy has been improved.
The user interface has been improved.
The click noise of the voice reproduction was reduced.
The network packet was optimized.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
The Final Fantasy, much to our enjoyment, never ends. What started as a final attempt became an RPG icon. Final Fantasy has dominated for nearly 20 years now as new installments are released. Square Enix, in their attempts to reach every gamer possible, has made plans to re-release older titles on the GameBoy Advance.
They have already released Final Fantasy I/II Dawn of Souls and Final Fantasy IV. Carrying on with the tradition, Final Fantasy V and VI are making their way into our homes.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Stonebone posted this news/release:
New version of our Tetris Attack clone released. Changelog:
1.2 (20061006)
* Fixed some crashes in wifi mode
* Players return to menu after dying in 3+ player games so they can chat and quit.
* A new server gui written in C++/CLI (needs .NET Framework 2.0)
* Close button added to keyboard dialog and others
tetattds is a game for Nintendo DS based on the game Tetris Attack by Nintendo / Intelligent Systems. The aim is to line up three or more panels in a stack to make them 'pop'. The game is over when the stack reaches the top of the screen. If more than three blocks are removed it is called a 'combo'. If pieces falling down lines up it is called a 'chain'.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk posted this news:
I initially wanted to release an official version, but as I played around a bit everywhere in the code I decided it would be safer to test it a little first
Main changes/additions :
- 16cText, corrected a bug, added a few stuff and a really nice TypeWritter example...
- Microphone works, check out the example, though it's not perfect right now for some reason
- Sound panning added, check out examples and demo...
- PAGfx small speed increase, added a better purcentage count and estimated time left
- PAFS now has 64 characters in the names instead of 22...
- Sprite moving functions and DualSprites should be fixed now...
Download and more info here --> http://teamnnc.free.fr/phpBB2/viewto...3dae9419db4e0a
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October 6th, 2006, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Hey, Orbital Media is back! Who is that? Orbital Media is the development studio that brought us Racing Gears Advance back in early 2005. Now don't bother trying to remember what else they did, since the list of games on the market ends there. Way back at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005, Orbital wowed us with its action RPG game, Scurge: Hive. Now, over a year after the intended release, gamers will finally get to experience what Orbital has to offer, and we're giving the game another look to refresh everyone's memory.
Meet Jenosa Arma. Like all female bounty hunters, she is as beautiful as she is deadly. Jenosa has got a rather nifty cybernetic suit that not only allows her to kick butt and take names, but it keeps her head uncovered so her giant hair doesn't get messed up. Hey, a girl has her priorities. Don't let Jenosa's stylish do fool you. She's a tough broad, and, with a cybernetic gauntlet that shoots energy beams, she'll fry your ass.
Jenosa, with the help of her android navigator, Magellan, is off to answer a distress call from a research lab on a distant planet. Seems the scientists in the lab were studying a rare and dangerous alien life form known as Scurge. The Scurge have the ability to infect biological, mechanical, and energy based entities. Luckily for Jenosa, her cybernetic suit helps fend off the infectious aliens, but it doesn't stop them completely
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October 6th, 2006, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
When Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam was announced for Wii, fans didn't really know how to receive it. While the game makes use of Nintendo's innovative Wii controller, it's also a different breed than most Tony Hawk titles, and that sends gunfire of skepticism into the minds hardcore Tony fans. After getting our hands on the game, however, we're finding that while the game is certainly a fresh take on the license, it's also pretty fun, and could be a great answer to a freshman Tony effort using the new Wii controller.
For DS fans, however, the situation is a bit different. With an already amazing rendition of the Tony Hawk series on the system with Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, we expected the team at Vicarious Visions to continue working with its engine, possibly following the Project 8 path towards a more traditional Hawk title. Instead, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam is now coming to the DS as well, and while the game may be the same style as the Wii version, it's apparent that the solid engine, gameplay, and customization from Sk8land is still playing a huge part in Downhill Jam DS.
At the recent Activison press event in Los Angeles, California, we had a chance to be the first to try out the new online modes in Downhill Jam DS, as well as the unique voice chat function which can be used both locally and over Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection. Before we get into the multiplayer details though, there are definitely a few things to note about the gameplay in Downhill Jam. For starters, the game is based on the Wii version, with a few of the levels directly inspired from the console list. Players can race, slalom, and trick down huge courses inspired from the likes of San Francisco, Edinburgh, Kilimanjaro, Rio, Hong Kong, and Hoover Dam. The levels are surprisingly massive as well, and offer alternate routes and lines to explore.
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October 7th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
When the Xbox 360 went on sale last November, it was instantly beset with supply problems. Many consumers who preordered the consoles months in advance couldn't obtain a console until the following year. Even then, many early adopters were forced to settle for a hard drive-less "Core" 360 or found their units beset with a higher-than average rate of hardware problems.
The PlayStation 3 looks like it will suffer similar supply issues when it hits US stores next month. After being delayed from its spring debut, the console also saw its initial shipment drastically slashed from 2 million day-one units worldwide to just 500,000--100,000 for Japan's November 11 launch and 400,000 for North America's November 17 launch. Though the PS3 has been delayed in Europe until March 2007, Sony still asserts it will ship 2 to 2.4 million units of the console by 11:59 p.m. on December 31.
By Sony's own account, the primary reason for its PS3 woes is the console's optical disc drive. Sony is experiencing difficulty manufacturing the laser diodes for the drives, which will use Blu-ray Discs. The next-generation video format is squaring off against rival HD-DVD, which is not-so-coincidentally supported by Microsoft.
However, unlike Sony, Microsoft decided not to incorporate a cutting-edge disc format in the Xbox 360, which will get an optional external $199 HD-DVD drive later this year. Nintendo went even one step further. Its Wii console won't even support DVD playback, and its graphical and processing power are roughly only twice that of its current-generation console, the GameCube.
Now, Nintendo's emphasis on simplicity and proven technology is apparently paying off. According to a report from UBS Investment Research, the Kyoto, Japan-based game giant is not only meeting its manufacturing goals, but it is surpassing them.
Citing industry "checks," UBS analysts Alex Gauna and Steven Chin claim that Nintendo already made 2 million Wiis by the end of September. They go on to predict that, "at least 7 million and potentially as high as 9 million more units are in the build plan for Q4 06. This production ramp handily exceeds a publicly announced target for 6 million units to ship by year's end." (Emphasis added.) If 2 million Wiis are already made, that could being the manufacturing total to a whopping 9-11 million units, although they all would not likely ship by year's end. [CORRECTION: GameSpot initially reported overall production of Wiis for 2007 would be 7-9 million. We regret the error.]
Besides being music to Nintendo fans' ears, the report should also hearten shareholders of the Broadcom Corporation, which makes the wireless integrated circuits in the next-gen console. Broadcom supplies "one Wi-Fi and two Bluetooth ICs [Integrated Circuits] into each packaged Wii, with the potential to enjoy additional Bluetooth sales from additional controllers."
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October 7th, 2006, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster

The Nintendo DS Browser went on sale across Europe today, letting users access the Internet as well as play games. The browser, which is made by Opera Software, has been available in Japan since July. No US release plans have yet been announced.
The browser is on a DS cartridge, which once attached lets users connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi at any of Nintendo's 6,000 free Wi-Fi Connection hot spots and other public-access hot spots. There are two separate software packages--one for the original DS and one for the DS Lite--because of hardware differences. Each will only work on their specific console.
Any Web page should be viewable on the DS, according to Berit Framnes, public relations officer for Opera Software, who said, "There are no sites that you can't access. However, it does not support Flash, so you will be unable to view Flash animations or videos."
Users can choose from two different viewing modes--the faster is a fit-to-width mode that's similar to Opera's browser for mobile phones. This shows Web pages in a single column across both screens. Alternatively, surfers can choose DS mode, which shows an overview of the page on the lower screen with a magnified image of the selected part of the page displayed on the upper screen.
The browser also makes use of the touch screen by showing a virtual keyboard on the lower screen to make typing in URLs and e-mails faster than text messaging.
"It's so people can access the Web on the go. We see people using this in the library or waiting at the airport. It's a cheaper alternative than a mobile phone because the Nintendo Wi-Fi points are free," Framnes explained.
When asked if there were any plans for a US or Australian version, Framnes said, "Nintendo haven't released that information, but we're just as keen as everyone else for it to happen. I think it's just a matter of getting all the hot spots set up and a partner to provide a proxy filter so parents can block content."
Buy DS Browser (£24.99)
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October 7th, 2006, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
One female Nintendo fan proves how big a fan she is by flashing her pants. Some one has a nice wife 
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October 7th, 2006, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the full launch list:
Nintendo Wii's Seventeen Japanese Launch Titles
Trauma Centre NEO (Atlus)
Crayon Shin-Chan: Saikyou Kazoku Kasukabe King Wii (Banpresto)
Elebits (Konami)
Ennichi no Tatsujin (Bandai Namco)
Hajimete no Wii: Your First Step To Wii (Nintendo)
Kororinpa (Hudson)
Machikuru Domino (Success)
Necro-Nesia (Spike)
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Nintendo)
Red Steel (Ubisoft)
SD Gundam Revolution (Bandai Namco)
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Sega)
Super Swing Golf Pangya (Tecmo)
Tamagotchi no Pika Pika Daito-ryo-! (Bandai Namco)
Wii Sports (Nintendo)
Wing Island (Hudson)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Nintendo)
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October 7th, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK:

Product Features
With familiar favorites like checkers, darts and poker, 42 All-Time Classics will appeal to everyone
Players can challenge up to seven friends with one game card via Multi-Card Play or DS Download Play.
42 All-Time Classics is one-stop gaming that will appeal to everyone's tastes
42 All-Time Classics is part of Nintendo's Touch Generations library, which includes uniquely engaging titles that have appeal beyond core gamers.
More Info at Amazon UK
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October 7th, 2006, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK:

Product Features
Both display screens in full 3D a first
A feast of missions and objectives that help to advance the story.
A high degree of freedom in deciding what missions to do next and where to travel, making each game a different experience from the last.
A three-dimensional, cartoon-like world.
Villages, mountain tops and even the surface of the moon become pinball tables.
Fast paced arcade action.
Fabulous sound and music.
State-of-the-art ball physics, giving fast and responsive control.
Wi-Fi features include:
2 player multi-play for each mini game, called duel.
Three kinds of mini games linking the pinball tables in Story Mode - as you proceed unlock them.
Each mini game has 4 very different visuals.
Magic Bridge: You race against the other player and first past the line wins.
Gravity: your goal is to make your enemy submarine sink by picking up driller icons.
More info at Amazon UK
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October 7th, 2006, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK:

Product Features
Play as Boog and Elliott and relive the movie adventure
Interact with Beth, Shaw, and all your animal favourites from the Open Season film
Features the same cast of voice actors as the movie, including Ashton Kutcher, Martin Lawrence and Billy Connelly
Throw skunk bombs, hurl rabbits, use acorn-firing squirrels, and pull outrageous woodland pranks to scare the pants off the hunters
Roll in a giant snowball, ride the rapids on a floating outhouse, zip through tunnels in a crazy mine cart ride, and take on more madcap adventures as Boog discovers how to go from Mild to Wild
Challenge your friends or team up together in hilarious 4-player mini-games
More info at Amazon UK
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October 8th, 2006, 08:37 Posted By: ACID
The klaxon alarm is shrieking! Something is wrong! The Professor wrestles his damaged spaceship to a crash landing on a mysterious planet.
In the aftermath of the crash, The Professor discovers that the power sources of his ship, known as Cells, have been scattered across the surface of this strange world. To retrieve them all, The Professor enlists the aid of a brave young man named Terry — and a brave video game player known as you! The Professor and Terry will ask for your help during the course of the adventure, using the Nintendo DS to "contact" you along the way.
Will The Professor gather the Cells and return to outer space? Will you learn the goal of the mysterious organization that seeks to gather the Cells for itself? The future of an entire world has been placed in your hands!
More info / preorder here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1agj.html
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October 8th, 2006, 08:52 Posted By: ACID
Nintendo is known for using their brilliantly designed character franchises to help sneak their hardware into people's homes. Games like Mario Kart, Metroid, and Mario 64 DS help move Nintendo DS consoles off the store shelves. Now, The Legend of Zelda is coming to the Nintendo DS too, making a DS specific premier in a game called Phantom Hourglass expected to release later in 2006. But what can we expect from the Hourglass? A 3D adventure made to look like The Wind Waker? A top-down adventure like the excellent GBA titles that have come so far, such as A Link to the Past? Let's take a look at what we know about Zelda: Phantom Hourglass in the days after its announcement.
So when will this Zelda Windwalker look alike come out?
Heres a video from Nintendo.
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October 8th, 2006, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
The five Wii launch games that everyone needs to own. Start saving those pennies...
With the launch of the Wii just two months away, hype for the innovative new console is reaching critical levels. Every gamer in their right mind should be putting down some serious cash, ready for the launch - unless, like us, you plan on blowing your November wage on it, then doing without food for a month. Who needs food when there are so many games to buy? But if you can't afford them all, here are the five that you simply must buy...
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
This one's a no-brainer. When a new Zelda game comes out, you buy it, no questions asked. But Twilight Princess is extra special; not only will it be the first Zelda game to launch alongside a Nintendo console, but Shigeru Miyamoto has promised this will be the best Zelda game ever - and we believe him.
We drool over every new screenshot that Nintendo releases. Seeing Link battling against giant armoured guards, with sparks lighting up the detailed textures on both combatants and bright metal shards flying everywhere is a sight to behold. It's the game that puts end to concerns about Wii's graphical capabilities. And we know that everything we've see so far only scratches the surface of what that game has in store. December 8 can't come soon enough.
Red Steel
Ubisoft is backing the Wii in a big way, with seven games confirmed for launch from the publishing giant. And Red Steel looks like the coolest one of them all. Aside from the fact that we love anything that's even slightly Japanese, the game's Tokyo setting and Yakuza theme makes for one massively intriguing plot.
Ubisoft is really trying to make something special out of the functions that the Wii Remote provides. The motion-operated gun controls will set the standard for all future FPS games on Wii. And although the sword-fighting mechanics were met with mixed reactions at E3 06, they have come a long way since then, and have improved massively. Check back next week when CVG will tell you exactly how well this game plays after an extensive hand-on.
Call of Duty 3
The Call of Duty franchise has undoubtedly dominated the WWII FPS genre since its first release on PC in 2003. Three years later, and after the stunning sequel that rocked Xbox 360 and PC, the third game in the series is launching an offensive on Wii.
So, the Wii version won't look as good as the Xbox 360 or PS3 versions. But we do know that Activision is cooking up some awesome control mechanics for the Wii, including thrusting your hand forwards for a melee attack, and motion-detected weapon changing. We're hoping it'll get some awesome motion-activated grenade-throwing action in there. Imagine how cool that would be.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Monkey Ball on Wii looks genius. From the moment we first saw the Wii Remote and learned of its tilt-sensing capabilities, Monkey Ball was the game we dreamed of.
Sega has made our dream a reality. You tilt the remote to tilt the level - it was the obvious application. But it works so well. We predict it'll take some getting used to, and our super-fly Monkey Ball skills might go a bit drunk when we first pick up Banana Blitz, but we will stick with it, conquer it, and show the world what it means to be a Monkey in a ball.
Of course, then there are the minigames, of which Sega is cooking up a whopping 50 in total. That's awesome, by the way. But as long as Monkey Target's in there and as good as it was in the past two games (Monkey Ball Adventure doesn't count), that's all that matters.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Okay, so this one might not be available on day one, but it's expected to hit shops soon after December 8. And when it does our Wii Remotes are going to take a battering.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves can't fail to make for hilarious party sessions. We played it earlier last week (read the full hands-on report right here) and we had a blast of a time - and the demo was only for a single player. But the real fun will start when the final game lands with all of its crazy minigames, and full four-player compatibility.
Do you remember those over-excited Japanese girls in the original Wii controller trailer that jumped around ridiculously while playing Wario Ware? That'll be us. Loving it.
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October 8th, 2006, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like peoples in the retail industry are getting pretty stoked about the Wiis about to make it into their respective stores. We got our hands on the CompUSA hardware / software markup sheet for Nintendo's new console, as well as some spy pics of some Target Wii endcaps and the variety of accessories those will be stocking, as well. No, we're not that hard up for stuff on the console, but we do think that $12.50 is a pretty weak margin on the console, while, as expected, games, and accessories have a much fatter profit for retailers. Anyway, check it out (price on the left is, of course, retail; price on the right is cost):
WII CONSOLE - 249.99 / 237.50
WII REMOTE CONTROLL - 39.99 / 32.00
WII POINTS CARD - 24.99 / 17.00
WII THE LEGEND OF ZELDA:TW - 49.99 / 40.00
Masses of Wii Screens via Comments
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October 8th, 2006, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has released a new beta version of the Port of ScummVM to the Nintendo DS:
ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to play Lucasarts' back catalog of point and click adventure games on modern computers. I didn't write ScummVM, that honour goes to the ScummVM team. ScummVM is written in portable C++ and has been ported to many differnet platforms, and I have made a port of it to the DS. This means that you can play all these classic games on the DS with full sound.
Heres whats new:Beta 3:
New high quality audio mode
Max Media Dock now works (tested)
NinjaSD support added (untested)
M3 driver updated (untested)
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October 8th, 2006, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
Super Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai made an appearance at last week's Tokyo Game Show as part of a talk event hosted by Metal Gear Solid producer Hideo Kojima. The topic of Smash Bros. Brawl came up only once, with Sakurai assuring that development is proceeding smoothly with the game.
It turns out that Sakurai had a bit more to say on the subject, but he was holding out for an interview with Japan's Weekly Famitsu. This week's issue contains the text of the interview.
Mostly, Sakurai reinforced statements he'd made in the past about his big Wii project. Smash Bros. Brawl will definitely see Japanese release in 2007, he said, although he wouldn't commit to a more specific time frame.
Following a discussion in which Sakurai commented that many Wii games seem to be tailored around the Wii controller, Famitsu asked if Smash Bros. Brawl won't be using the controller's special functionality at all. "At the very least, you won't be using it during normal play," responded Sakurai.
Smash Bros. Brawl seems to be getting all of Sakurai's attention at the moment. Famitsu asked if he's working on anything aside from the Wii title and a recent concert that he lead in Tokyo. Apparently, Sakurai has gotten many offers, but he's turned them all down. "I feel the need to fully take on the responsibility when taking on a job. This has become even more important since becoming a freelancer. If you take on two projects, you definitely won't be able do a good job with a game as big as Smash Bros. Brawl."
While Nintendo didn't have a presence at the Tokyo Game Show, and thus didn't show off anything from Smash Bros. Brawl, it's possible that we'll learn more when the big Japanese Wii tour kicks off in November.
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October 8th, 2006, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
Some screenshots of Wii accessories have been posted but they arent totally flattering
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October 8th, 2006, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas posted a new release of his game for the DS, heres whats new:
* Added version number into the save data. Only the latest save format will be supported in the coming releases.
* The client's IP will be reloaded from dswifilib after making a connection to an AP.
* Key input reading on the ARM7 side is done from the very first frame.
* Started to work on the game configuration menu screen (added gas and gravity).
* Keeping the layer change button pressed doesn't make your plane to change the layers more than once.
* When changing layers the front layer grows bigger before becoming the back layer.
* Added gas (meter and functionality).
* Changing layers eats gasoline.
* Now the player doesn't collide with the layer graphics while changing the layers.
* Made the camera independent (so the screen isn't centered on the player all the time anymore).
* Touching layer graphics will kill the player.
* Added respawning.
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October 9th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
trooper posted this news/release:
Hi !
Here is my first homebrew : a Go clock to be used while playing on a real board (i know there are a few chances it could be usefull for a lot of people but who knows...) .
The switch between the two chronos is made by touchnig the screen and it can be paused with start.
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October 9th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: SuperJMN
I would like to inform you that there's a recently popular movement that has created a formal petition for region-free Wii games. The petition is targeted to Nintendo in several languages (including English, Spanish and French) and can be seen on this page from PetitionOnline (http://www.petitiononline.com/wii1234/petition.html)
The supporting website URL is http://freewii.freehostia.com, written in Spanish as the promoter is spanish. They have about 2000 signs in only 3 days and the initiative is being very well taken and the most important websites in Spain already have news about this petition.
I would like to spread the word in the international scene to increase the popularity and make the petition a success.
I'm sending this e-mail to Gizmodo, Ars Technica and DCEmu UK (via "send news" forum).
Thank you.
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October 9th, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt from the article:
You know how the Wii controller works. You know what it can do. You've seen the press shots and read the games previews. But how does the controller actually feel?
No matter how many Wii game previews you read, finally getting your hands on the controller in December (or November, if you're a super-keen importer) will be a totally new, slightly unusual feeling. But we analysed, poked, prodded and playtested the controller to death in a recent hands-on session with Wii to bring you these detailed impressions of exactly what the controller is like and how it performs.
Please note, Nintendo was quick to stress that the controllers we used were not final retail units, and so may still differ slightly from the end product you'll be excitedly plucking off the shelves. But apart from a couple of the controllers still being hard-wired to the consoles (instead of being fully wireless), they felt pretty near to complete to us.
The Wii Remote is, as you'd expect from Nintendo, a solidly-designed, comfortable piece of kit. At roughly the length of an average biro pen, the remote has curves in all the right places to make reaching all the buttons an effortless ordeal.
When held in the remote position, your thumb sits nicely over the A, with the D-pad easily within reach. On the flipside, your index finger rests completely naturally on the B trigger - a curved button that is strangely satisfying to press.
Earlier versions of the controller felt light and relatively cheap - as expected for a demo containing almost none of the final controller's technical guts. But we immediately noticed that these newer controllers were, on the contrary, rather weighty. Just think, as well as the buttons and usual circuitry, there's a force-feedback motor, speaker, battery pack, accelerometer thingies and the sensor panel and trickery all packed into that small unit so it's bound to have some heft. It's good - it feels like quality. And it feels expensive (which at £30, you might say it is).
How does it perform? Superbly. The feature that's most intriguing to begin with is its pointer functionality, as this is the first function you see in action, used to navigate almost all game menu screens we've seen so far on Wii.
Full Article
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October 9th, 2006, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA's Game Boy Advance port of the original Sonic The Hedgehog game, announced as part of Sonic's 15th anniversary celebration earlier this year, is due out on 14th November - and SEGA's offered a few more details of what's going into it.
Dubbed "Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis", the GBA title promises "perfectly ported" versions of each of the Megadrive original's seven zones, along with a special Anniversary mode that allows you to use the Spin Dash ability as well.
You'll also be able to take advantage of a proper save feature, recording progress and high scores, rather than having to start again every time you load it up like the old days version, with unlockable songs from the original soundtrack completing the package.
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October 9th, 2006, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
505 Gamestreet has announced The Professor's Brain Trainer: Logic and The Professor's Brain Trainer: Memory for Nintendo DS.
Created in conjunction with renowned brain and neurology professor Dr. Makoto Shichida, of the University of Newport (there's something awfully familiar about all of this), Brain Trainer tests, trains and improves a player's brain functions by getting them to complete challenges and solve problems using the DS' dual displays and touch-screen functionality.
What on earth is going on, eh? Anyway, you can see how this particular brain training game is shaping up in the first seven screenshots, which seem to apply to both versions. And if you're wondering about the distinction - Logic focuses on maths ability and concentration, while Memory deals with memory (amazingly), visual association and, er, concentration again. Maybe they weren't concentrating.
Screens Here
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October 9th, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: jojotjuh
HtheB and KevinC!!! have released a new version of their MSN Clone for the DS, heres the details:
As maybe you notice, beup was freezing at "doing handshake". Microsoft changed their server, so it's been corrected now. Sorry for the late upload, but you can download the new working
Have fun! ^_^
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October 9th, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Game released:

It's game night and everyone’s invited. Play more than 20 classic board, card and party games alone, with friends or via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. With familiar favorites like checkers, darts and poker, Clubhouse Games is for everyone and part of the Touch Generations library. Video game newcomers will appreciate the easy-to-use interface. Players can challenge up to seven friends with one game card via Multi-Card Play or DS Download Play. Can't play checkers without shouting "KING ME!" across the table? The in-game (PictoChat-like) feature takes table talk to a new level. There's no need to lug around cards or boards when you want to play a quick game. Clubhouse Games is one-stop gaming that will appeal to everyone's tastes, whether they’re in the mood for bowling, backgammon, bridge or billiards.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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October 9th, 2006, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
There's bits and pieces of information floating around that revolve around Iwata Asks interviews on Nintendo's website. What I found interesting was the tidbit about the updatable operating system: 'Wii is the first system from Nintendo that we can continue to be involved in (via operating system updates) after the customer buys it. This means that Wii will greatly expand and diversify the ways in which people will enjoy games in the future.' The Wii is reported to operate on top of a proprietary form of the Linux kernel, although there are already efforts to make a GNU/Linux for the console. So, the answer to the age old question is that it already runs Linux
Via /.
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October 9th, 2006, 22:05 Posted By: SukkoPera
RCC is a ROM-managing tool written taking inspiration from RomCenter and ClrMamePro. It is capable of reading DAT files in their formats and to scan directories searching for ROMs. It can also copy or move the found ROMs to another directory, while renaming them, making life easier to ROM collectors.
RCC is developed under GNU/Linux, but should also work on other UN*X-like operating systems and on Microsoft Windows, if you compile the sources.
This is the first public release, so feedback is very appreciated .
Download: http://www.nogood.it/sukkopera/misc/rcc-0.3.tar.gz
(I know this is not strictly a GBA-related news, but it can help to manage a GBA ROM collection, too. Actually that's what I developed it for! Anyway moderators feel free to delete this post if you find it OT.)
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October 9th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that a system for guiding visitors through art galleries using the Nintendo DS Lite is about to undergo its first field tests. The software, which is being developed at Nintendo HQ in Kyoto, will use the DS to provide spoken explanations of the artwork, and show detailed pictures of the art on the DS screen. While viewing the art on the DS screen may seem to defeat the purpose of going to an art gallery, visitors will be able to use the touch-pen to zoom in on any area of the piece for a closer look--a useful feature if the art happens to be behind glass or otherwise inaccessible to close inspection. The first real test of the system will be conducted at an unspecified art exhibition in Tokyo next month.
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October 10th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
Turbo acceleration eats twice as much gas as before.
The gas bar is now divided into four sections, for clarity (as changing layers eats one section).
Made the multiplayer game logic a bit clearer.
Added lives.
It's possible to disconnect from the game server during a match.
It's possible to end a match on the server, and start a new one (no need to restart it anymore).
The game is still missing a lot of things, but hey, next week next version. 
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October 10th, 2006, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Opera have posted a comp to win a DS Browser on their site, heres the info:
How well do you know the Web?
Instructions: Analyze the thumbnail images below and guess which Web sites the images are from. The first ten to get the correct answer win a Nintendo DS Lite with a Nintendo DS Browser. The next 50 winners will receive the new "Opera Powered” wrist strap for their Nintendo DSs or mobile phones.
Please note: The images below are not actual representations of a Web page viewed in the Nintendo DS Browser. They are for the purposes of the game only.
More details
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October 10th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSFanboy
Featuring more than 20 classic board, card, and party games, Clubhouse Games allows gamers to play alone or take things online via Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connect service and is the latest entry in Nintendo's Touch Generation line of games. Released in Europe as 42 All-Time Classics, the gameplay of both titles is identical. Featuring plenty of gameplay and a budget price, Clubhouse Games has plenty to offer. Is what it offers worth the price of admission, however?
IGN - 80%: "The entire package is about casual, portable pick-up-and-playability when you've got some time to kill. That being the case, the variety on offer here is simply staggering. The fact that Nintendo's poured so much energy into ensuring everything is solidly entertaining - with particular props going to the multitude of mulitplayer and online options - just sweetens things further."
Cubed3 - 80%: "Whilst games like Billiards border on the unplayable you will cherish that cart next time you are stuck in a tunnel on the way home from work/uni/college/school and can pull out your DS for a quick game of blackjack or solitaire. Or to see if you can finally get 3 strikes in a row for the bowling mission. It this is a highly personal choice for any gamer as strictly speaking these games are nothing new; but in terms of affordability, replayability and downright fun we feel it's worth it."
Nintendo Power - 70%: "If you plan on playing with your friends, it's indespensible; if you'll be going at it alone, there's a fair amount to do but you may lose patience with the scoring and lack of single-player variety. [Nov. 2006, p.87]"
The points made that many of these games can be played for free via several different online outlets is certainly a valid one, however with the convenience of clumping all these games together for a small price, along with Wi-Fi Connect support, we certainly feel the package is worth the price. What about you, fine reader?
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October 10th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty's latest assault on the WWII FPS scene has reached the staging post in preparation for next month's invasion (on Xbox 360, Xbox and PS2), but prior to the launch of the offensive, new screenshots have been deployed along with a trailer you may have yet to clap eyes on. Feast your peepers on the CoD 3 action occurring on this very page.
Just in case you've been living under a rock, Call of Duty 3 finds players strapping on combat boots as US, British, Polish and Canadian troopers and battling the Nazi war machine. Activision and developer Treyarch have chosen to focus on the Normandy Breakout for the sequel, one of WWII's most brutal campaigns that saw Allied forces advancing across France in the wake of the D-Day landings.
Screenshots are from the Xbox 360 and Wii versions of Call of Duty 3 (we reckon the trailer's from the 360 version). The game is also releasing for the PS3 and looks pretty similar to its 360 cousin. You should also flick eyes up and check out yesterday's preview for a more in-depth look at the 360 CoD 3 assault.
Screenshots Here
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October 10th, 2006, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could launch with as many as 24 titles and Wii with 30, according to a new document detailing the two consoles' launch plans.
In a report on new hardware launches spotted by Next-gen.biz, Wedbush Morgan Securities released its "anticipated" launch line-up for the two consoles with the aid of the companies mentioned below, although both SCEA and Nintendo are yet to confirm their full launch rosters.
The list reads as follows, with WMS's own estimated sell-in numbers included:
PlayStation 3
Resistance: Fall of Man - Sony
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - Sony
Genji: Days of the Blade - Sony
Gran Turismo HD - Sony
NBA 07 - Sony
Call of Duty 3 - Activision (600,000)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Activision (310,000)
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - Activision (300,000)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Bethesda Softworks
Fight Night 3 - Electronic Arts (400,000)
Madden NFL 07 - Electronic Arts (700,000)
NBA Live 07 - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Need for Speed Carbon - Electronic Arts (800,000)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - Electronic Arts (400,000)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight - Namco Bandai
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Namco Bandai
Ridge Racer 7 - Namco Bandai
Full Auto 2: Battlelines - Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega
NBA 2K7 - Take-Two Interactive (400,000)
NHL 2K7 - Take-Two Interactive (200,000)
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII - Ubisoft
Rainbow Six: Vegas - Ubisoft
F.E.A.R. - Vivendi
Wii Sports (bundled with hardware) - Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Nintendo
Excite Truck - Nintendo
Call of Duty 3 - Activision (200,000)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - Activision (200,000)
Rapala Tournament Fishing - Activision (50,000)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam - Activision (300,000)
World Series of Poker - Activision (50,000)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - Atari (200,000)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Atlus
Madden NFL 07 - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Need for Speed: Carbon - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Elebits - Konami
The Ant Bully - Midway m (100,000)
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy- Midway (50,000)
Happy Feet- Midway (100,000)
Rampage: Total Destruction - Midway (50,000)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - THQ (200,000)
The Barnyard - THQ (200,000)
Disney's/Pixar's Cars - THQ (300,000)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab - THQ (300,000)
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII - Ubisoft
Far Cry: Vengeance - Ubisoft
GT Pro Series - Ubisoft
Monster 4x4: World Circuit - Ubisoft
Open Season - Ubisoft
Prince of Persia - Ubisoft
Rayman Raving Rabbids - Ubisoft
Red Steel - Ubisoft
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft
It could be a very expensive Christmas then, if these predictions turn out to be correct. And with the exception Prince of Persia Wii - which Ubisoft previously announced for release next year - we'd say the report is a pretty fair stab as well.
It's also important to note that we're expecting even more titles for the European PS3 release list, considering its debut this side of the pond has now been pushed back to next year.
But we are of course taking the analysts' word with a very large pinch of salt, and we'll let you know when either company give official word.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
HowStuffWorks has up an article describing how the Nintendo Amusement Park works. This is the New York city area theme park in the making with a physically augmented ride themed around Super Mario Bros. They plan to make the side-scrolling course 100 meters long with a safe and fully interactive course with foam crash padding platforms powered by hydraulic actuators."
From the article:
"It's really a single 'ride' — a real-life interactive adventure that allows players to dress up as Mario or Luigi, enter the Mushroom Kingdom and perform the actions that the heroes perform in the video game. Players can jump over obstacles, land on and ride moving platforms, and smash enemies. They can even collect gold coins and punch power-up boxes."
More info
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October 10th, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some plucky chap has had a cake cooked by his wife in the shape of the Wiimote, Screenshot via comments
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October 10th, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard whisperings of Wii-mote sensor interference back at TGS, and recent chatter of OMG-Wii-mote-hates-sunlight has hit the intertubes. Game site Go Nintendo directs our attention to an Nintendo-interviews-Nintendo in which company CEO Satoru Iwata quizzes Product Development dude Akio Ikeda about apparent problems:
Iwata: This so-called 'beam' connecting the user and the television was something that had never been attempted before. Didn't you run into any difficulties during development?
Ikeda: In the early stages of development we ran into a number of problems that we hadn't anticipated, like the fact that the controller would react to fluorescent light, for example. Creating a mechanism that prevents the controller from responding to fluorescent light and sunlight may sound like low-profile activities, but it still gave us a lot to work on.
No worries! Iwata and the boys are on it! Bring on the sunlight.
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October 10th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: Kramer
Five new gameplay videos have popped up on youtube courtesy of JeuxFrance.
These are must see videos that show almost everything the game has to offer.
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October 10th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from the DS-xtreme Website with news about their upcoming DS Flashcart.
...It plays music too!
There have been a lot of question asked about the music playback capabilities. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about what you can expect.
Yes, it plays music
To give you a little background, for a short while I personally was on the fence about what we should provide regarding music playback. There is so much great homebrew out there already which does an excellent job at it. And as fun as it can be, it doesn't often make sense to reinvent the wheel so-to-speak. We also want to support and drive the homebrew community and want to make sure people are exploring all the great stuff that has been created.
On the other hand, we want to ensure that you will be able to take the device out of the box, plug it in, and immediately be able to copy your songs over and play them. It is a benefit for the users who are not quite as familiar with the homebrew scene. We also have this great skinning engine which will lend itself well to the creation of some fantastic media player skins.
To make a long story short (too late), I and the other members of the development team spent a lot of time reading the forum posts and talking to you guys, and it really felt like the consensus was that it would be a good idea to include it as an out-of-the-box feature. So, we did it
We didn't want to give you a simple "Ugly-long-list-of-filenames-in-a-single-directory-from-which-you-can-pick-one-and-play-it" type music players. Instead, we scan the filesytem for music files, and automatically organize them into a music library for you, by artist, album, genre etc. From that music library you can either pick an artist, genre, song, album etc. and play it immediately, or you can queue it up into an on-the-fly playlist. We also provide full shuffle and repeat functionality. And of course it's all completely run by our skinning engine. Finally, there's one other super fun feature which I will hold off on discussing, as I'm sure I wouldn't do it justice in words. I believe we should have a video up soon so you can check it out.
I hope I was able to answer your questions adequately.
You can preorder this latest new flashcart for the Nintendo DS from Divineo Spain, Divineo Germany, Divineo USA, Divineo China, Divineo UK
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October 10th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard Microsoft's thoughts many a time, but what does Sony's crew down-under think of Nintendo's radical console?
Michael Ephraim, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, recently spoke with Australian newspaper, The Age, discussing his company's plans for the PlayStation brand this Christmas, and, more interestingly, how Nintendo will affect what's in-store.
When asked about Nintendo's goal of attracting the mass market - something that Sony has achieved with impressive results - Ephraim said, "Nintendo is a great company as far as games development goes, they have been around for a long time, they know how to deliver an entertaining product. My only question for this Christmas on Wii is the price point. Even though it's affordable, at $400 plus whatever you need to buy accessories-wise, I'm guessing you need to spend about $500 to take home a Wii and enjoy it," he said
While playing may equal believing, Ephraim has yet to experience Nintendo's revolutionary system, but said, "I've heard good things about it. For this Christmas, I think that price point is still not family entertainment because $500 is a lot to fork out, but we welcome the Nintendo heritage of gaming where they can appeal to a broader audience because long-term that is critical for the industry."
"What we've done on PlayStation 2 with social gaming has broadened the audience and we're glad that [Nintendo is] attempting to do similar things to open up the market to families and never-before gamers. Time will tell. For this Christmas I think the price for what it specifically does as a video games machine is a bit pricey," said Ephraim, continuing by believing that it's a long term plan, for which Sony has "great respect for."
Ephraim also shared his thoughts on the handheld scene, and specifically the success of the Nintendo DS compared with the PSP. "The DS really appeals to a lot younger, very female skewed [audience], and the DS has done a fabulous job," he said. "PSP is a product that if you go back to the analogy of PlayStation and PlayStation 2, they are leaders in their field as far as the consumer offering. Price points, perceptions, or consumers coming to grips with what the device truly offers and the value that it offers, does take time."
Nintendo's Wii hits Australian shores in just over 57 days, while people wanting Sony's PlayStation 3 will have to wait until March 2007, at the earliest, when the system is expected to debut for around a 'grand'.
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October 10th, 2006, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
Christ posted this news/release:
AMAP4DS (a map for DS) is a PARIS-METRO DS homebrew major update (v2.0).
AMAP4DS is a simple, fast and easy to use map viewer for the Nintendo DS.
The application's name has changed. The new name is "AMAP4DS" (a map for DS) following by the name of the map included.
Ex : "AMAP4DS-Paris-Metro", not so difficult to understand
I project to release several new maps soon.
- 4 zoom levels
- Large map resolution: 192 x 192 to 1024 x 1024 pixels
- Scroll the map => Stylus or Pad
- Zoom "+" => "Plus" icons, or Space between the two "Plus" icons, or Zoom indicators top, or "R" button, or "X" button
- Zoom "-" => "Minus" icons, or Space between the two "Minus" icons, or Zoom indicators bottom, or "L" button, or "B" button
- Setting distance between the two screens (screen space) => "Black box" icon, or "SELECT" button (not available in the lowest zoom level)
- Show credits => "?" icon, or "START" button
- Larger map (1024 x 1024 max)
- Better map design
- 4 zoom levels (new "low" zoom level with upper screen magnification - "Thumbnail" mode)
- Zooms are now centered to bottom DS center screen
- "Screen Space" icon. You can choose the distance between the two screens: You choose between 0 pixels (no hidden part between the two screens) or 96 pixels (real hidden part between the two screens)
- Proportional scrolling. Slow scrolling for slow Stylus move (map moves at the Stylus speed), fast scrolling for fast Stylus move (map moves twice the Stylus speed).
- "Zoom indicators" icons to zoom and to display actual zoom level
- Filters to avoid abnormal stylus jumps
- Filters to stabilize horizontal and vertical scrollings
- Better global ergonomy
- Economy mode: Switch off the screen lights and pause mode when you close the DS without switching it off (first step to bio-softwares
I hope you will have nice underground trips with this homebrew
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October 10th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Press Release News from Xtreme Enterprises
During the design phase of the SHOCK! DS lite replacement shells, we worked on a few issues: First was the fact that there were limited color releases in many continents (thus depriving certain groups of desirable colors). The second was the sound issue : The stock DS lite speakers is sometimes so weak that it hardly seems audible. The third and most serious, is the fact that the DS lite hinge is so fragile that even if handled with tender loving care, it cracks and causes agony to its owner. The fashionable game gadget, marred forever...
With the release of SHOCK! shells, these issues become a thing of the past. With 6 colors to choose from, users will be spoilt for choice. A slight modification to the speaker shell will enable louder sound transmissions. And finally, we have also reinforced the hinges to ensure a problem-free usage. Installation will be made even easier as we release full video instructions later on, in addition to our already detailed pictorial tutorial.
Upon our release of the Strat Clear prototype installation pictures earlier on, we received tremendous response from all quarters of cyberspace (even print magazines) asking for more details about Project SHOCK! and its release dates. Many were really pleased that the Xtreme Enterprise brand name has now been extended into the Nintendo product lines since it means that great quality and service can now be expected in aftermarket products. By further collaborating with major online retailers around the world, it is expected that the SHOCK! shells will soon be able to reach your favorite online retail shops sooner than you think.

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October 11th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's monthly Japanese conference reveals winter line-up as well as a smidgen of new Wii and DS information.
18 games will go on sale for the Wii in Japan this year, 16 of which will be available alongside the console on its December 2nd launch.
Apparently, Nintendo's marketing department is following the same strategy as it did with the DS, trying to capture a new audience of non-gamers in much the same way it did with its dual-screen handheld.
In addition to announcing that Big Brain Academy will appear on Wii next spring, top games bloke Shigeru Miyamoto plans to release a "health pack" for the Wii, saying that he wants to get the whole family using the console every day to manage their health and perform exercises. We don't like the sound of that; where's our kebab trainer?
The line-up of Wii accessories was also discussed, with the usual array of video cables (composite, s-video, component and Japan's D-terminal) making the list, along with a LAN adaptor for 2800 yen (12.6 GBP) and a 512 SD memory card for 3800 yen (17 GBP).
Elaborating on its much-touted Virtual Console, Nintendo plans to have 30 titles from the Famicom, Super Famicom and Nintendo 64 consoles available by the end of the year, with another 30 from the Mega Drive and PC Engine formats, although it didn't reveal any specific games.
Pricing will range from 500 (2.25 GBP) to 1000 yen (4.5 GBP) and points cards of the 1000, 3000 and 5000 varitety will be available in store, with the latter coming bundled with a free classic controller.
Interestingly, Nintendo also confirmed it will be using similar delivery methods to the Virtual console to bring "Compact Software" to Wii. Although details are still sparse, this will apparently be Wii software available for download for lower than regularly published games. Should Xbox Live Arcade be worried?
Moving on to DS, a new piece of cooking software was also revealed, following-up the success of the recently-released Talking! Cooking DS Navi which has sold over half a million copies.
DS Complete Menu Collection is a collaboration with cooking mag publisher Orange Page, and will release alongside a bizarre magnet stand that will allow budding-chefs to stick their DSs to the fridge. Finally we can show off our Picto Chat are to the whole family.
Finishing off with its almost-dead GameCube, Nintendo decided that the GameCube version of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will only be sold on Nintendo's online store, perhaps looking to avoid confusion at retail.
Unfortunately Nintendo was unavailable for comment on the availability in Europe, but at least the Wii version is shaping up nicely.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
The basic modes of multiplayer confirmed to us today are deathmatch, team deathmatch and an intriguing game type dubbed Mission mode.
We all know what deathmatch and team deathmatch incorporates, but Ubisoft is planning something very unique for the Mission mode. As the game fires up, your Wii Remote will ring like a phone. You'll then press the 1 button and answer it - yep, just like a phone. A voice will then tell you your objective, which must be completed before your rivals in order to win the round or game.
These objectives include one of the three or four deathmatches (it wouldn't really work with just two) being a 'mystery' player that must be hunted down by the others. The mystery player's goal is to survive the time limit while the other players must seek him out and make a kill for the victory.
So how do you seek out the mystery spy or object? Well it's all down to some fancy uses of the Remote's speaker. It'll bleep faster the closer you get to your objective (think weapon or person), which is a bit like when we used to play that 'hot and cold' game as kids, or just how Andy plays it at home today.
The closer you get the hotter you are, (and the faster the bleeps) or the colder you get the further away you are, (and the slower the bleeps). That makes sense, right?
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October 11th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
M3 Adapter have just released an English 'budget' version of the widely acclaimed M3 Perfect adapter for Nintendo DS/DS Lite. The M3 Pro takes all the features from the M3 Perfect beside the fact that it is not compatible with GBA (over 32M), with a lower price!
Full details:

Overview of the product
The M3 Lite is the answer of M3 team to the Nintendo DS Lite. It is a full blown M3 adapter that will perfectly fit into your Nintendo DS Lite GBA cartrige slot without sticking out, and with all the functions of the M3 Adapter. It is using Micro SD card and comes with 3 cases (Black, White and Ice Blue) for perfect integration in the design of your Nintendo DS Lite.
Specifications & extra information
Compatible with GBA games (max 32M) without any patching required and without any problem during gameplay. NDS games require patching.
Excellent Save compatibility. It support all saves types with the RTC function.
Capacity is very flexible and only depends on the card you use, which now are up to 2GByte (16Gbit) on the market.
GOLDEN FINGER (CHEAT Code ) employs the IPS system that prevails in the world, with more diverse and powerful distinctive functions than CHT. The unique Auto IPS feature completely prevents computer crash.
With unique Super Real Time Save Function, easily operates and it can revive without limits.
Micro SD Card + Reader can be used as a U disk and it only needs drag here and there when the game is burning.
Saves money: Micro SD card can also be used in digital camera and other products, and you can share your card as you need it without the need to buy a dedicated card for your NDS/GBA.
Supports GBA Games (32M Max), FC games, Emulator games, GBA Movies, E-book, Cartoon books, browse
pictures, enjoy music and so on.
Supports 4-key reboot to Rom menu function, and supports 4-key reboot beginning function.
Very safe for your Micro SD card.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese developer Level 5 is working on a new DS game called Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village, aiming to combine a fantasy setting with the sort of brainy puzzles that have become a bit popular on the handheld.
Announced in Tokyo earlier today, the game stars Professor Reiton (Layton), an English chap, and a young schoolboy called Luke. That's about all we could grasp, although the official website makes it look a bit like a cross between TinTin and Oliver Twist.
Anyway, Layton will be produced by Akihiro Hino, but the puzzle side of it will be given some attention by Akira Tago, author of a series of books in Japan (reports suggest them to be of the "brain-teasing" sort). Level 5 obviously has some pedigree on the RPG front, having worked most notably on things like Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy and Dragon Quest, so it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.
And it shouldn't be too long before we - or the Japanese at least - do, either, with Layton due out on 15th February 2007.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will limit sales of the Cube Twilight Princess to its online store in Japan, the platform holder said today at a conference in Japan. Japan Japan Japan.
On the plus side, reports from the retail briefing did give us some more idea of the situation regarding accessory pricing and Virtual Console game availability.
On the latter point, next spring Virtual Console will start to play host to "Compact Software", Wii games delivered online at lower prices than their boxed counterparts - something Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has hinted at in the past.
Nintendo also said that by the end of the year 30 classic games would be available across the Nintendo platforms - NES, SNES and N64 - with 30 more from the Megadrive and PC Engine stables.
The pricing for the latter has yet to be established, but ought to be in line with the Nintendo-format retro titles, which will cost 800 Wii points for NES, 1000 for SNES and 2000 for N64. You can read about how points translate to pounds elsewhere.
The company added that in addition to composite, s-video, component and Japanese-only D-terminal audio/visual cables, punters would be able to buy a 512MB SD memory card for 3800 yen (GBP 17 / EUR 25) when the console launches in the Far East on 2nd December, with network adapters for online play and downloads going for 2800 yen (GBP 12 / EUR 18). Nintendo Wii will work with the DS' USB Internet dongle though, for those who have that.
Other details to come out of the conference include news of a special "Health Pack" for Wii - with Shigeru Miyamoto claiming he'd like to get the family exercising together - and a new DS recipe collection game, due out on 7th December with Wi-Fi Connection support, for which the company is also planning a magnet stand, allowing you to slap your handheld on the surface of the fridge when you're not pouring over recipes. Bizarre.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Commercial Release:

A remake of the SNES Final Fantasy entry, with a complete make-over to enhance the clasic, including improved visual designs for the GBA and a host of brand-new elements have been seamlessly merged with the original games to provide unexpected surprises for longtime fans. Featured additions include new dungeons, new job classes, and other exciting additions.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Although Nintendo skipped the Tokyo Game Show, Japan-based Nintendo fans will have an opportunity to see what the big N has been working on at a series of shows planned for November. The event, which was announced on Nintendo's Web site today, will be called Nintendo World 2006. This name recalls both the Nintendo World Touch DS! event held across Japan prior to the DS launch in 2004, and Nintendo's old Space World shows, which haven't been held since 2001.
The event will take place November 3 and 12 in Nagoya and Osaka, respectively. The event will also visit the Makuhari Messe, the very site of last month's Tokyo Game Show and a previous Space World site, for two days on November 25 and 26. There is no admission charge. Visitors will be treated to hands-on Wii demonstrations and sneak peeks of the newest DS titles.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Despite report to the contrary, GameStop will not be the only retailer to get playable Wii demo units before the launch of the new console.
Nintendo of America finally got back to me today on the issue:
Playable Wii setups will be available at a variety of retail outlets. We expect that anyone who wants to try Wii will be able to through multiple different methods. In addition to retail outlets, Wii will be playable at a number of mall tours throughout the country, the nationwide Nintendo Fusion Tour and other grass-roots consumer events.
After a bit more badgering on my part, Nintendo clarified that retailers will either receive a traditional pre-built, self-contained interactive kiosk with a TV, Wii and controllers or just the Wii and controllers, which they will then need to set up themselves with their own television.
GameStop once more proves that they are the kings of hyperbole.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Carrying Bag
Protect your DS Lite
Store everythings you need with DS Lite
Make your DS Lite easy to carry
Available colors: White / Grey / Blue
More Description of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Carrying Bag
This carry bags can contain everything you need with your DS Lite on the go.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Crystal Case
Made from polycarbonate.
Protects your DS Lite console from nicks and scratches.
Cutouts for all controls on the console.
Rubberized Grips for improving handling.
Available colors: Clear Blue / Clear / Clear Grey
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October 11th, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Multi-Function Case
Protect your DS Lite from minor bumps, drops or scratches.
High quality, simply style.
Includes storage pockets for 2 DS games, replacement stylus and 2 movie players.
More Description of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Multi-Function Case
This Multi-Function Case is specially designed for DS Lite. It is convenient for placing and carrying the console and games.
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October 11th, 2006, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure take our favorite mermaid on an aquatic adventure. Uncover a fun mystery as you touch on key moments of the film, with multiple levels of interactive gameplay. Share music wirelessly with other friends, singing into the DS microphone to unlock clues and using the DS stylus to dig up and polish treasure.

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October 11th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Bubble Bobble Revolution, Bub and Bob return to play through levels displayed across the two screens of the Nintendo DS. They scroll horizontally to provide a wide, panoramic play area. Use their bubble-blowing skills to beat back the competition!

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October 11th, 2006, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Rainbow Islands was a hit in the 1980s for it playful visuals and challenging platform action. Rainbow Islands Revolution takes the core elements of the original hit and transfers them to the Nintendo DS. You'll use rainbows as a weapon and tool, to fight and trap enemies. You'll use the rainbow-firing action and the cute visual style to handle these intense platforming challenges.

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October 11th, 2006, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Angor
First game I create in C/PAlib! It is a basic yet operational implementation of SameGame, a simple puzzle game that came built it in my old phone and was very useful in waiting/queueing situations. The main goal here was to get used to the new programing enviroment (devkitPro / C / PAlib) and I have to say that I succeeded since I only took two day to program it.
Regarding the game, you can find an extensive game description of SameGame at Wikipedia . In short: You have a rectangular playing screen initially filled with colored blocks. By choosing adjoined blocks of the same color you can remove them from the screen and the usual gravity action takes place. You can play with two main objectives in mind:
To connect the blocks of a kind as many as possible (to make a big score).
To remove all the blocks in the screen (usually resulting in considerable bonus).
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October 11th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Shizzy posted this news:
The time has come to unveil the Gekko website! [d.o.u.g] has done an awesome job designing Gekko's homepage. I'll be keeping this website up to date with all the new information, advancements, rants and releases from the crew.
ShizZy started the Gekko project in the month of November last year. With the help of Aprentice that joined him in December of the same year, they got Pong running in early 2006. ZeZu, a long-time programmer in the emulation scene, helped Gekko for about three months. Then Thakis came along. Better known for his THP Player and his reverse engineering of the GameCube's file formats, he has worked on the graphics side of the project, making the first graphics plugin for Gekko. Finally, Lightning joined the team in July this year. It wasn't long before he fixed a major bug preventing commercial games from booting.
Also this:
My good friend Chrono has just informed me that Crash Bandicoot goes in game in the latest build of Gekko, something that I was not recently aware of. Also, thanks goes to him for putting the finishing touches on the website and giving you guys more screenshots to look at, without him you'd all still be staring at pong ;-)
More Info --> http://www.gekko-emu.com/
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October 11th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has released a new beta of ScummVM for the DS, heres the details:
What is ScummVM DS?
ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to play Lucasarts' back catalog of point and click adventure games on modern computers. I didn't write ScummVM, that honour goes to the ScummVM team. ScummVM is written in portable C++ and has been ported to many differnet platforms, and I have made a port of it to the DS. This means that you can play all these classic games on the DS with full sound.
ScummVM DS is under constant development, so don't be surprised if you find bugs or games that don't work.
Runs nearly all of Lucasarts' SCUMM games up to and including Sam & Max Hit the Road
Runs many non-Lucasrts point-and-click adventures too
Supports sound
Supports multiple games without reflashing
Supports using the DS touch screen for controls
Suports saving games to compatible flash cards
All games run at pretty much full speed
Whats New:
New M3 driver
Fix to CD audio when using Zip files
Added option to disable turning the DS off (as it causes problems on some cards)
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October 11th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ancor productions
For a very long time, we've been working on a small adventure game for the GBA, which has now been completed and is available for download at
Hopefully you'll enjoy the game
kind regards,
Roman Schaub
Sascha Brandt
Ancor productions
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October 11th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mick Waites:
I am pleased to finally announce that I have released Xor version 1.03 for GameBoy Advance.
This version has a fix for the three new levels that had problems in version 1.02. If I'd got round to testing the levels before uploading the build then it would have helped...
Anyway, this new version, as before, works with your old saves. IE all you progress won't be lost by downloading this new version.
There is also one other fix in this version. I'd managed to revert the level "The Decoder" back to it's original state when I added the new levels to version 1.02. This meant that the clues you get to decoding the password in version 1.02 are absolutely useless for my password. If you've finished this level in version 1.02 - first of all "Well done!" it's a difficult game. Secondly, complete the level again on version 1.03 and you'll be able to see the correct clues for my password.
More info --> http://www.gbadev.org/demos.php?showinfo=1255
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October 11th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Takayama Fumihiko:
I released Vulkanon-2.0.
Vulkanon is a bullet hell shmups for GBA.
Please enjoy a large amount of barrage that challenges the hardware limit of GBA.
* Changes in Vulkanon-2.0
- The sound composed by Nullsleep was added.
- The stage composition was redesigned, and the stage volume improved.
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October 11th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Christ has released a new Map for the DS, this time of London Underground:
AMAP4DS (A map for DS) is a simple, easy to use and fast map viewer. It is first designed for metro and bus maps. It is not distributed alone but always with a specific map. You can find free several maps downloads below. Due to DS technical limitations it is not possible, for now, to load your own maps into AMAP4DS. If you need a map you can't find here, please, send me an email: christophe@andreani.net , I may add it in a near future :-)
AMAP4DS-London-Underground" is a London (United Kingdom) underground map for the Nintendo DS.
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October 11th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Check NDS by Bong is a new homebrew release which helps you check if your DS is acting up.
Try it out and let us know how you get on
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October 11th, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Ign
Today Electronic Arts announced it will ship Superman Returns: The Videogame November 20 (the day after the Wii launches, for those keeping track). The game, which features storylines from both this summer's Superman Returns film and more than 60 years of DC Comics' content, is being developed by EA's Tiburon Studio in Orlando, the same studio that develops Madden NFL Football.
In Superman Returns: The Videogame, you explore and protect the city of Metropolis, which is not only expansive (with 80 square miles and over 9,000 buildings), but also changes dynamically as you progress through the game. Citizens will flee in terror from danger, but also exit their cars to cheer and snap photos as you fly overhead to save them. You must face the internal conflict within Superman at every turn: will you pause your pursuit of super villains to stop a massive tornado sweeping through the city and save its civilians? Every decision made is critical to Metropolis' existence and can affect the collateral damage meter, which ultimately keeps the player in the game.
Superman Returns: The Videogame ships November 20 and will be released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Nintendo DS. The version shipping for the Game Boy Advance is titled, Superman Returns: Fortress of Solitude.
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October 12th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
DS-Xtreme is coming soon providing a Single Cart Flash Cart thats basically a normal looking DS cartridge with memory built in and then you have the Boot Cart/Flash Cart combos.
Which will you prefer and why ?
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October 12th, 2006, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
After recent news that the GameCube version of Zelda: Twilight Princess will only be sold online in Japan, Nintendo has told CVG: "Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube will be available via the usual retail channels in Europe."
Just in case you're wondering, "the usual retail outlets" does indeed mean that the game will be sold down your local shop. So we can all calm down, everything's going to be fine.
Nintendo wouldn't confirm whether or not the GC version of Twilight Princess will launch simultaneously with the Wii version on December 8 (or even a week after), but we'll keep banging away.
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October 12th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced plans to put new Wii and DS titles in the hands of Japanese gamers during a tour of the country next month.
With the Wii set to go on sale in the region on 2nd December, "Nintendo World 2006" will give potential buyers the chance to sample software.
Despite having taken playable Wii software to E3, and on a global press tour last month, Nintendo has yet to give the Japanese public a chance to get their hands on it - as Tokyo Game Show does not feature in the company's annual planning.
Nintendo World 2006 will take in Nagoya on 3rd November, Osaka on 12th November, and the Makuhari Messe - the traditional home of TGS - in Tokyo on 25th and 26th November.
There will be no admission charge for any of the events, which will run for seven hours each day.
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October 12th, 2006, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
Well, we don't know much about it, but my job, o faithful reader, is to suck hard when I taste the flimsiest stream of liquid trickling from the game industry's PR tit.
Beginning in Spring 2007, Nintendo will apparently begin the "Wii Compact Software" line of games which will allow players to download certain Wii titles to their console rather than purchasing a disc. Pricing and storage details, as well as what software will be made available, were not provided.
Well, that's certainly a little cooler than the VirtualConsole. Are we going to see Nintendo's equivalent of XBLA, where smaller developers might get the chance to offer cool, tiny games to home users? Or are these more likely to be little quasi-useful widgets aimed squarely at the house mother set Nintendo's trying to appeal to with the Wii?
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October 12th, 2006, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
It's the most infamous DS game we've never played. And we know surprisingly little about Doki Doki Majo Saiban. Intertube reaction has run the gamut of amused (us) to critical (others) and in denial (others). Some are claiming the title is flat out porn, while some state that there's no way Nintendo would let that happen. We doubt that the game is at either end of the pole and still giggle at the newly minted touch-a-girl-to-see-if-she's-a-witch sub-genre.
Earlier today, I contacted SNK Playmore Japan to see if we could find out more regarding the title, such as whether or not it was an adult title and what it's CERO (Japan's ESRB) rating would be. The response? Some of the screenshots on the internet are not official, which common sense tells us is easy to separate. And regarding the rating, it hasn't been announced. As an official statement, we were sent a short description of the game's story that has been circulating since TGS. Here's a quick and dirty translation:
Story: Previously, there were a few witches in the world. Current day. People don't know it, but the number of witches have grown. So God has chosen two mischievous middle school students, Akuji and Tenshi ("Angel") Ruru, to search for witches. Using the touch pen, players engage in a witch hunt adventure.
SNK didn't provide any more information beyond that. This description along with some screens shots of girls in short skirts and cleavage. So, is it porn? Doubt it, and always have. A quick look at the actual SNK images show that the game probably isn't intended for children. Still, we are delighted about this touch-a-girl-to-see-if-she's-a-witch sub-genre. Sounds wicked!
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Via Kotaku
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October 12th, 2006, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo and AiLive have unveiled the development kit behind Wiimote motion capture for gameplay. While the news is a bit inside baseball it is pretty fascinating how easy Nintendo is making it to program games for that use their Wiimote's special functions.
AiLive LiveMove essentially lets you capture Wiimote motions in real-time and instantly attatch them to a function in your game.
"In early 2006, I challenged Dr. Wei Yen and his AI scientists to develop AIware for the Wii Remote. When Nintendo's development teams saw LiveMove, we instantly recognized how it would greatly increase our ability to explore and experiment with new concepts and make our lives easier," says Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director/General Manager of Integrated Research & Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. "This revolutionary tool liberates the imaginations of game creators. We are more than happy to share this collaborative LiveMove tool with independent Wii software developers all over the world. From a cowboy's lasso to a samurai's sword or a chef's cooking utensils, we just can't wait to play the developers' new, 'unexpected' applications."
One of the examples the website offers is for a team making a zombie cowboy game. Instead of forcing a programmer to waste all of their time programming and testing out different motions on the Wiimote for gameplay, some non-programming creative lump can sit in his or her office swinging the controller about until he finds the moves he likes. Then it's just a matter of ringing up programmers and saying "All done," apparently the kit does the capture and most of the heavy lifting.
It's genius that Nintendo recognized the importance of streamlining development for the more unusual aspects of the Wii. It will get that many more developers to think about creating games for their console using the special features. And, according to the release, the kit costs only $2,500 per seat. Cheap!
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October 12th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News about Wii and PS3 Preorders at SuccessHK
Pre Order Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3
Additional information about the list of Virtual Console games and the pricing structure will be revealed in the coming weeks.
All Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-orders are subject to the following conditions:
Non-binding: Pre-order of Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 is absolutely not binding and can be cancelled or modified at any time.
No prepaid required: To pre-order Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3, you neither need to make any deposit, nor enter your credit card details.
No price confirmation: The price of Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 on Superufo.com will be announced on or before the official launch of console.
No supply guarantee: Superufo.com does not guarantee on final supply and shipping date.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Now as launch details and prices have been officially confirmed, why does Superufo not take regular pre-orders at retail price?
A: Superufo's buying price on import hardware and software is always depending on market supply and demand. From our experience, especially new hardware is often not available in sufficient supply (see NDS, NDS Lite, PSP, PS2 launch, etc.). Distributors and wholesalers will decide their price on launch date, depending on the market situation. Therefore it's impossible for us to confirm a price before the release date.
Q: How does the pre-order process work? Do I have to pay any deposit?
A: All Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-orders at Superufo.com are non-binding and can be modified at any time. You are not required to pay any deposit or to enter your credit card details. On or a few days before launch, you will receive another e-mail from Superufo.com with pricing and shipping details. At that time, you can confirm, modify or cancel your order.
Q: What happens if the launch lineup changes? Can I modify my order?
A: Yes, you can modify or cancel your preorder at any time.
Q: When will my Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-order ship?
A: Superufo.com will notify all Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-order customers on pricing and supply situation on or before official launch date by email. Depending on your preorder position and supply situation, we will process all pre-orders at first come, first served basis. The earlier you have pre-ordered, the higher your chance for a quick order processing.
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October 12th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo on Wednesday announced that it has sold close to 3.5 million Touch Generations portable games in the U.S.
Introduced in Mar., the Touch Generations brand offers casual games for the Nintendo DS handheld.
The company will release a new version of the popular Touch Generations game Nintendogs called Dalmatians & Friends to U.S. retail on Oct. 15. The game will allow owners to adopt, train, and care for a puppy from six breeds.
In addition, the new Touch Generations offering Clubhouse Games drops to stores on Wednesday, Oct. 11. The game features 40 traditional party games like checkers, darts and poker.
Via punchjump
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October 12th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
The launch of Nintendo's Wii console could be the most destructive videogame event for more than 20 years. More destructive than the launch of PlayStation, which in effect killed Sega as a console producer and relegated Nintendo to a humiliating court jester role. More destructive even than the 1983 collapse, when Atari released so many gut-bustingly awful games it almost killed the industry.
Wii is unprecedented and unpredictable. Eschewing the ruinously expensive hardware war, in which console manufacturers seek to out-muscle each other with ever more complex hardware, Nintendo has built its comparatively modest machine around a novelty controller: the Wii Remote, a wireless, motion-sensing device that can be used variously as a sword, tennis racket or fly swat, depending on the game.
This presents two huge problems. First, game publishers sell 90% of their products on the quality of the graphics. Boasts such as "intense next-gen visuals" and "awesome animation" are burned into the brains of marketers.
But Wii is challenging this approach. Screenshots of launch games like Call of Duty 3 and Excite Truck reveal jagged polygons and mediocre distance drawing.
Then there's the Wii Remote. On a practical level, this bizarre device requires developers to re-think the way games work, replacing button combinations with movements. But then there are the devastating psychosexual consequences.
The barbarians - and by this I mean women and older people - are at the gates, armed with Wii Remotes. My wife will figure out how to use this device as quickly as I do, because it does not rely on the spatially illogical mapping of actions on to small plastic buttons. For many men this is a terrifying, emasculating prospect.
If there's one thing western publishers are more scared of than women and old people, though, it's Nintendo. Companies are already grumbling about the decision to bundle the internally produced title Wii Sports with every console sold. The impact on sales of third-party launch games is likely to be significant.
Some, however, welcome the impeding chaos. Last week Laurent Detoc, president of Ubisoft's North American division, told Reuters that he believes Wii can help his company topple EA from its dominant position as king of publishers. This could be the first of several stalking horses.
An immense power vacuum is looming. Terror, catastrophe and motion-sensing gaming await.
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October 12th, 2006, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new version of his highly polished Colecovision emulator for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Add NinjaDS support (tested)and Max Media, EZ4 (not tested)
Add G6Lite support with GBFS
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October 12th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Bubble2k has released a new version of his Snes emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
DS-specific Fixes and Features:
- Overhauled the graphics engine to make use of the DS VRAM
(most games have less graphical glitches now)
- Implemented Mosaic effect.
- Aligned the SNES ROM to 64KB boundary.
(Chrono Trigger now works like Snezziboy on the DS)
- Modified Snezzi builder to allow building of 32Kbyte ROMs.
(32Kbyte Demos seem to work fine noW)
- Reallocated memory to various parts of the ITCM/DTCM/VRAM
- Implemented line-by-line mechanism for the following graphic registers:
- - Horizontal/Vertical scroll offsets
- - background disable/enable (hide/show)
- - tilemap address
- - screen brightness
- - screen transparency
- - screen mode (allows mid-frame switch between screen mode 1-6 to screen mode 7 and back)
(does not support mid-frame switch between modes 1-6 to modes 1-6)
(Chrono Trigger works fairly well aside from backgruond priority issues,
which causes any game screen that has a warp zone to fill up with white/blue circles, 16x16 tiles are still not supported)
- - Mode 7 rotate/scaling registers
(F-Zero is playable!)
- Fixed Megaman7/XMen speed problems by protecting the ROM region, and allowing only Read access. (Previous it was allowing Read/Write access)
- Implemented delayed NMI/IRQ triggered. NMI/IRQs are now triggered 4 SNES clock cycles after the point in which they are fired.
(Chrono Trigger intro now gets past the Courtroom Trial Scene, and possibly some other lock ups)
- Fixed a bug with the writing to register $211A
(Contra 3 title screen/Castlevania 4's bridge now works again)
- Fixed a bug when reading from $2137 register that causes the horizontal and vertical counters to latch incorrectly.
- Fixed a critical bug with the MVP instruction to load the source and destination banks in the correct order.
- Fixed a critical bug with the MVP instruction to decrement the X and Y registers per move (previously it was incrementing the X and Y registers.
- Revised the per scanline timing downwards:
FastROM: 227 cycles
SlowROM: 200 cycles (???)
- Fixed the 16-bit decimal mode SBC to subtract correctly; operand was previously incorrectly set up
(Knights of the Round no longer gets stuck at the score countdown screen)
- Fixed computation of the Mode 7 registers to the GBA's/DS's rotation modes.
(Super Soccer's intro where the ball flies toward the screen shows up
correctly now)
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October 12th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Kaktus|621 posted this news:
Version 1.7 of my Homebrew was released just in this moment
It has lots of Updates ;-) for example :
* Multilanguage Support (French, English, German), depending on the Setting in your NDS Firmware
* Lots of Small Updates in IcyTower
* The "Euro Quiz" game was added.
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October 12th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Egon has released a new game for the DS, heres the full info:
New SuperPang DS!! (v 0.1a)
That's my first project on a DS, it is in a very early alpha stage, but it's already playable. I plain to port the game completely, and add some extra content. By this time, there's a single infinite level.
The project features ADPCM music and sound, and graphics ripped from original arcade and supernintendo version.
At this stage of the project I would like to get feedback from playing issues, glitches, errors. Any comments wellcome
Known issues are:
- The collision is not as precise as it should (it uses rectangles...)
- The player is not invincible just after died, so it could enter in a die-loop if plenty of balloons (press B in that case)
- Maybe the balls are a bit on the speedy side 
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October 13th, 2006, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Red Steel, a Wii launch game, will be the first game to demonstrate how the controller can give FPS games a new sense of emersion. So it was with much excitement that CVG trekked to Paris to see how refined the controls are in the near-finished game.
For those of you who haven't been desperately following trade-show hands-on reports like a gaming hawk, Red Steel's control system is an interesting one, mixing gunplay and sword fighting to interesting effect.
In shooting stages, forwards, backwards and strafing movement is familiarly handled by the analogue stick on the Nunchuk expansion. However, unlike tradition FPS games, which have your gun's aim locked to the centre of the screen, Red Steel lets you use the Wii Remote's pointer functionality to aim anywhere on the screen you choose. An on-screen crosshair allows you to easily keep track of exactly where you're aiming, accurately tracking your every move. All you have to do is squeeze the B trigger on the underside of the Remote and shoot.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A tough Polycarbonate case for Nintendo DS Lite that not only protects your console but also come with a twin set of fashionable soft silicon insert to give a new look to your Nintendo DS Lite. 3 sets are available, Orange/Pink, Black/Navy and White/Ice Blue.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A set of 2 official touch pens featuring Mario and Luigi on them!
-Official licensed product.
- 2pcs per set - 1pcs Mario Touch Pen, 1pcs Luigi Touch Pen.
- H126mm x W14mm x D14mm
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October 13th, 2006, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced the launch of LiveMove, a new development tool designed to make the process of producing titles for the Wii easier and faster.
LiveMove was created by Californian artificial intelligence specialist AiLive with involvement from Nintendo. It allows developers to "train" the Wii remote within minutes simply by performing motions.
"LiveMove will allow the game industry to move away from indirect digital control to more natural analog control for the first time," said AiLive chairman Dr. Wei Yen.
Nintendo's senior MD of integrated research and development, Genyo Takeda, added, "In early 2006, I challenged Dr. Wei Yen and his AI scientists to develop AIware for the Wii Remote. When Nintendo's development teams saw LiveMove, we instantly recognized how it would greatly increase our ability to explore and experiment with new concepts and make our lives easier.
"This revolutionary tool liberates the imaginations of game creators. We are more than happy to share this collaborative LiveMove tool with independent Wii software developers all over the world. From a cowboy's lasso to a samurai's sword or a chef's cooking utensils, we just can't wait to play the developers' new, 'unexpected' applications."
LiveMove is now available for a mass adoption license fee of USD 2500 per seat.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
After announcing at its monthly conference that Japanese gamers would be forced to use Nintendo's own online shop to purchase the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Nintendo UK has confirmed to GamesRadar that European gamers will be able to grab a copy from shops as per usual.
"Nintendo has no online store in Europe to buy products, therefore The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be available in the UK via the usual retail channels," our Nintendo contact has assured us.
Nintendo was unable to provide us with a confirmed UK launch date for the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, although we expect it to appear before Christmas, after the launch of the motion-sensitive Wii version.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Dubbed "Sparkly Jewelry Seals," these stickers seemed aimed at Japan's young female gamers (or grown men very secure with their sexuality). One set of stickers turns pink when in UV sunlight, and the other turns green in dark places. Going on sale October 16th in The Land of the Rising Sun.
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via kotaku
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October 13th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
The majority of sixty polled developers at 19 Japanese publishers agree on one thing: They kissyface the Nintendo Wii. When Famitsu asked about expectations for next generation consoles, Wii got overwhelmingly high marks compared to the PS3 and the Xbox 360.
What games were the developers excited about? Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, along with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. But, Twilight Princess was the overwhelming winner.
Interesting part: Developers were asked which part of each system they liked best. Visual power and overall hardware specs took the PS3's top spots. For the Xbox 360, it was Xbox Live and ease of development. And for the Wii, it was the Wii-mote and Wii Connect 24. This is contrasted with which system they wanted personally—with the Wii edging out the PS3 in a close race.
Pitted against each other, 60 percent of developers said the Wii would win, 37 percent said the PS3 and 3 percent said the Xbox 360. Aren't you just dying to know who that 3 percent are?!
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October 13th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Video game console makers Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are harnessing the power of online communities -- the secret sauce behind Web phenomena like eBay and MySpace -- in a bid to usher in a new era of game play.
Microsoft's Xbox Live online service has been credited with creating buzz and upping the appeal of its next-generation Xbox 360 console last year. The service has a loyal community of users who number in the millions and log in to compete, chat and collect gamer points that translate into all-important bragging rights.
Not surprisingly, both Sony and Nintendo are hoping to put their own stamps on the community building process with their next-generation consoles, the Playstation 3 and the Wii.
While the designers behind the Playstation 3 are expected to follow a model similar to Xbox Live with a robust online component offering games, music and movies, Nintendo is taking a different approach with its console, which hits stores on November 19.
Known for its contrarian approach, iconic characters like the Mario Brothers and ultra-cute games such as "Nintendogs," Nintendo's Wii will include the tools users need to mint a "Mii," a customized, cartoony version of themselves.
The company's Mii Channel character creation software lets users choose from dozens of features, including eyes, hair, lips and eyebrows to create a virtual character, also referred to as an "avatar" in video game parlance.
Video game chat boards are already attracting crowds of Miis as "Mii generators" such as http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.jo...006/10/mii.swf have popped up on the Web.
These sites are giving users the chance to practice their Mii creation skills, and generating lots of excitement about the Wii launch.
When Wii owners first turn on their new consoles, they will find their characters in "Mii Plaza," a virtual waiting room where the Miis wander around, bumping into one another.
They can then use the Wii remote, or "Wiimote," to drop Miis into a game or email.
Up to 100 Mii characters can exist in the Mii Channel at a time. In addition, up to 10 of them can be saved on Wiimote and carried to a friend's house.
Miis dropped into a game, such as the "Wii Sports" title shipping with the Wii at launch, will replace generic characters in games, whether they are the star of the show or part of a crowd.
Messages from parents to children can be delivered by the adult's Mii-doppelganger.
Nintendo expects the Mii Channel to bridge the generation gap between gamers of all ages.
"A younger player can create a caricature of their parents, and it might entice them to play (a game)," said George Harrison, Nintendo's senior vice president of marketing.
Harrison says that right now, he only knows two games that will be Mii compatible; the aforementioned "Wii Sports" and "WarioWare," which is due in January.
He expects third-party video game publishers to make Mii creation tools available and expects more Mii-compatible titles by the middle of next year.
"It's true potential isn't even known yet," Harrison said.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
The a rumor circulating that first-party Wii games will be priced higher than previously announced is still a lingering question of debate. EB Games and Gamestop websites started everyone talking yesterday after listing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy at $59.99.
This could very well be another instance of retail websites getting their pricing wrong and releasing it to the public. However, if true, Nintendo will have gone against statements made at last months New York Wii press conference where they clearly said first-party titles will retail for $49.99. We contacted Nintendo early yesterday morning and they are aware that this information is out there, but have yet to make a statement.
We receive numerous tips every day from readers scouring the EB Games and Gamestop websites looking for any little detail of information. It would be really nice if the company would realize that consumers are taking their website pricing as gospel and running with it. This is either a case of another EB Games and Gamestop website screw-up or Nintendo broke its word. Both sides of this coin ain't pretty.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Little Einsteins, Playhouse Disney TV series, now comes to your GBA! Take kids on wild adventures with characters from the show. Multiple challenges await -- from steering Rocket to avoid obstacles in the air, matching pieces of music, dancing over flower buds and making art come to life. A different piece of art opens each mission. Fly over mountains and through canyons, as well as gather instruments to play music.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Taiwan plans to import a larger number of Nintendo DS Lite game console in October but observed that some distributors are hoarding inventory on hand in order to earn a better profit during Christmas time, according to Hakuyu, the official DS Lite distributor in Taiwan.
The distributor said it plans to import 10,000 DS Lites for the Taiwan market on October 30, following a consignment of 6,000 units in September. Hakuyu said supply from Nintendo is still unstable as distributors from other regions are all demanding more game consoles amid increasing sales.
Supply is further aggravate as some distributors are holding on to their inventory of DS Lites in order to earn a better profit during Christmas. Hakuyu said it would evenly distribute the upcoming batch of DS Lites to all sales outlets.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
The latest batch of rumours from US publication EGM have now been revealed from the November 2006 edition's dedicated column.
They are as follows:
Despite earlier rumours of a Virtua Cop game on Wii, an FPS spin-off will likely come to the PlayStation 3.
Road Rash and Desert Strike are heading to the next generation of consoles in the near future;
Microsoft is trying to coax Blizzard into making World of Warcraft an XBOX 360-exclusive for the console scene, by creating a keyboard peripheral for the system;
Electronic Arts is working on a Wii-specific version of The Sims;
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October 13th, 2006, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Bubble2K has released a new version of his Snes emulator for the DS, heres whats new:
the nosound version to enable buttons.
reverts to original the SNES cycle timings used by v0.27 wip.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Preview at CVG, heres an excerpt:
We grab a Wii Remote and take on the crazy Rabbids in this insane mini-game-themed adventure
Titles made up of mini-games are all the rage at the moment. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and its three-second brain busters looks set to be one of the best multiplayer games on Wii, and Sega is going all-out with an astonishing 50 mini-games in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz.
Now Rayman is joining the trend, with a mix of long and short mini-games all tied together with a totally bonkers plot.
Rayman's world has been invaded by those crazed rabbits who, although appear to be tough a sinister, are actually just a bunch of imbecilic buffoons. They have taken Rayman prisoner and locked up the Globox people. Now, purely for their entertainment, they set Rayman daily challenges which he must complete. And so you have your mini-games.
When you start the game you're locked in a prison cell. It's dark, damp and you have nothing in the way of luxury. After a short poke around the cell, a big, mean-looking rabbit stomps in, grabs Rayman by the neck and carries him to a coliseum where you see doors around the outer walls.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
1up has a hilarious article up looking at the state of Wii Preorders across the U.S.. Despite the fact that preorders began (and likely ended) this morning at EBs and Gamestops across the country, the employees of the megalithic game store were less than fully prepared. From the article:
"WEST VIRGINIA: GameStop #1330: 'We don't know. I mean, we're gonna be doing reserves. We're just waiting for them to tell us we can.' WISCONSIN: EB Games #4626: 'It looks more like we'll just sell that one. Because there will be 2 to 4 million units available on launch day, and EB/GameStop will be getting 70% of them that first come first serve would be doable. Even a smaller store like ours could be getting upwards of 50 units day one.' WYOMING: EB Games #4294: 'Any day now, man. Any day now.'"
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October 13th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Xbox and women don’t mix too well. Despite Microsoft’s PR hyperbole about wanting to reach new markets (read ‘the ladies’) we all know that the company’s Corporate VP ‘of games’, Peter Moore’s ideal consumer is a young, male college graduate, who's also a sports fan and who enjoys playing Madden online with his buddies.
In other words, a jock. Moore admitted as much himself in an interview earlier this year.
Despite making noises about broadening the appeal of Xbox to the fairer sex, Moore is also reported in today’s Washington Post, “the coming lineup of games for the [360] system features mostly the same old violent, guy-oriented titles that have long given the industry a bad rep.”
Gears of War, which SPOnG has played and can confirm is truly going to be up there as one of our games of the year, is hardly being marketed to female gamers. This is not a sexist attitude on behalf of Microsoft, merely a calculated commercial strategy. And if there are ladies out there who have a deep love for visceral, violent action games, then please tell us more in the forums.
To be fair, Microsoft’s superb Pokémon-a-like Viva Pinata, is going to broaden the 360’s appeal amongst younger gamers – but will they be able to market this and other similar titles well enough to encourage the mums to get involved in playing the game with their children?
The Post news goes on to heap praise on Nintendo for managing to convert a writer/photographer called Tracey Clark, a mother of two girls, ages 8 and 3 and writer of a well-known blog about motherhood-related issues. The Clark family doesn’t own any game consoles.
Nintendo rocked-up to Clark’s drive last month in a truck containing four large-screen televisions and four Wii consoles, to let the Clark family and friends spend the day playing Wii.
Previously unsold on videogaming, Clark told the Post this week, “I think it’s fantastic marketing…moms are who spend the money; moms are the ones who go shopping for their kids.”
SPOnG just spoke with Nikki Sharpe, a friend and mother of four boys, from the ages of eight up to sixteen, who expressed a similar opinion when quizzed about the Xbox 360 and the Wii, telling us, “I don’t really know anything about the Xbox 360. My eldest has a PS2 and wants a PS3 whenever that comes out.”
She continued, “I’m actually looking forward to playing Wii with all the boys when it comes out, which is a first. I’ve never personally had any interest in computer games whatever, but this one looks a bit different, a lot easier and like it might be more of a laugh for us all to play together.”
SPOnG just spoke with Rob Saunders, Nintendo's UK PR manager, who told us that the company will be announcing their trade marketing plans with details of how they intend to appeal to the mothers of the UK later next week.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Adventure gamers
The smallest adventure platform is starting to get crowded from all the developers climbing aboard. The Nintendo DS, already with three current adventures in production and another new game recently announced, will soon be home to an adaptation of Sinking Island, the upcoming mystery by White Birds.
Written by Benoît Sokal, Sinking Island is the first game in a planned series of adventures starring middle-aged private investigator Jack Norm. The third-person game takes place on a private tropical island that is literally sinking under the weight of the colossal art deco-styled hotel built upon it. In a classic whodunit with a twist, the hotel's billionaire owner is murdered, and there are ten suspects on the island, each with a strong motive for having done the deed. It's up to Norm to determine the true culprit. The catch? With the island sinking and the game occurring over a simulated three day period, lower level environments (and the evidence they contain) are only available until they're lost forever to the sea, so players will need to make best use of locations and time in order to succeed.
According to White Birds co-founder Michel Bams, development on the point-and-click PC version of Sinking Island is progressing well and still on target for its projected completion next February. The French developer kindly provided some exclusive screenshots (still works in progress, as post-production has yet to be done) to show off the game's environments, which can be found in our Sinking Island image gallery.
The surprising news, however, is that White Birds has also begun pre-production on a DS version of the game. Believing there to be a strong market for more mature games on the popular handheld (an opinion we certainly share), White Birds will retain the same storyline, characters, and gameplay of the PC version, and adapt the controls and presentation to the unique features of the DS. The main screen will be the lower one, while various secondary interface features such as the inventory, map, and notes will be shown on the top screen. The following is a mock-up of the game provided by the developer:
Mock-up of Sinking Island DS
Looking even further ahead, the story for Jack Norm's second adventure has already been written, though so far White Birds has only revealed that the case will take place in New York.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Cubed
Earlier today an anonymous reader sent in an interesting rumour for the upcoming Metroid Prime finalé, Corruption. Apparently industry sources suggest the reason for the delay was to implement Wii Connect 24 features, refine the graphics/expert mode and possibly integrate Wi-Fi multiplayer features with the success of the DS version. Whilst there's a strong chance of some of these being false, the prospect of online battles and DS connectivity sure adds incentive to the wait.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Of more than 66,000 pieces of Tony Hawk's American Sk8Land fan-created artwork submitted via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Activision showed off the 50 winning pieces of art selected to appear in the upcoming Nintendo DS game Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam.
The winning logo and skateboard deck art will be included as design options in Downhill Jam along with artwork from the game's developer, Vicarious Visions.
"We're very impressed with number of entries we received and the details fans put into these designs," said David Nathanielsz, executive producer, Vicarious Visions. "In Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam we are including a vastly improved art editor and expect to see even more impressive artwork created by our amazing community, which continues to grow month after month."
Downhill Jam boasts an art editor with the ability to create art which can customize the look of the player. Gamers can take generous liberties with the design of their skater's clothing and share outfits with others via the DS' Wi-Fi connection. The game will also feature voice chat and local wireless and online multiplayer for up to four skaters.
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam for the DS is due out on October 24. The Wii version is due out with the system's launch on November 19.
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October 13th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
New Release from Birslip, heres the translated whats new:
Following this topic, an alarm clock, to awake you with music. And yes, contrary to that of the DS, that Ci makes it possible to read musics with the format mp3.
- Version n°1.
How to play:
Good, here is a version more completed a little. And here instructions:
- Download RéveilHumain.zip.
- Put at the root of your memory board the file wake.mp3
- Launch ReveilHumain.nds, or .ds.gba or .sc.nds, that depends on the material used.
- Regulate the hour of the révei, while pressing on the small arrows.
- Once the regulated hour, support on “Alarm”, it should reduce, that wants to say that alarm is engaged.
- Close your DS. Deaden. And wanted hour, the mp3 will be played!
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October 14th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Several reader comments had good things to about Nintendo's new Touch Generations game, Clubhouse Games. The pick-up and play title includes 42 classic board, card, and party games with 35 games playable online over Wi-Fi. In addition, up to eight people can chat online, the game supports local network play using one cartridge (always a plus), and the Rumble Pak is supported cuing a player's turn to play (Wikipedia). With a current average review score of 81%, here's a roundup of reviews:
IGN 85% - "There's a little something here for everyone; for every game that you couldn't care less about, there are two or three games that'll suck your attention for days and days ... Clubhouse Games is that one true cartridge that should be in everyone's Nintendo DS collection."
WHAM! Gaming 80% - "If you are looking for a compilation of mini-games to pass the time once and awhile, Clubhouse Games will fit the bill quite nicely."
Modojo 80% - "Clubhouse Games is an example of substance over style, and I love it. While the games won't win any awards for graphic achievement or soundtrack, they're still quite fun to play."
Nintendo Power 70% - "If you plan on playing with your friends, it's indispensable; if you'll be going at it alone, there's a fair amount to do but you may lose patience with the scoring and lack of single-player variety. [Nov. 2006, p.87]"
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October 14th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Would-be crime-fighters, take pen to calendar: Justice League Heroes is officially scheduled to arrive October 17. The action RPG from Warner Bros. Interactive and developer Snowblind will arrive for PlayStation 2 and Xbox, while the Nintendo DS will get a version with a separate storyline, and Game Boy Advance players can tackle Justice League Heroes: The Flash. A PSP version of Heroes will arrive in November.
To prep players, Warner Bros. is offering a prequel story, in comic book format, via the iTunes Store.
Featuring an original story by comic book veteran Dwayne McDuffie, Justice League Heroes puts players in control of a DC Comics super-team. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Zatanna join unlockable characters Green Arrow, Aquaman, Huntress, and Hawkgirl in a quest to fight evil -- and look good doing it.
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October 14th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster

News/release from blackos
Hi !
I've just finished a very simple application for my girlfriend. Actually she's learning to read and write music, and, as a very beginner, she was needing a little piano keyboard to check if she's singing right or wrong sound......
So, I made this tiny app. to help her. Maybe this could be useful to anyone else ?... I don't know... I hope. I've never coded in C before this first try, so, please, don't expect a wonderful application.
have fun.
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October 14th, 2006, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Everyone else has played a Wii for around ten minutes in the UK, if at all. A handful of lucky journalists have got ten mins per title. Today, we can tell you what it's like after more than two hours of raw playing time, and that's what gamers everywhere need to know.
Hailed as the largest innovation in gaming history by some and as the biggest gimmick ever to strike the realm of console gaming by others, the Nintendo Wii is sure to top many gamers Christmas lists. The sexy, minimalist white box with its soft, blue glow around the disc port deserves a spot on any lounge TV unit, surely?
What we’ve been lacking up until now though has been lengthy play times on the Wii itself. Ten minutes at E3 2006 just doesn’t cut it. Will you get tired too quickly? Do you have to stand around or is it feasible to sit? Is waving the remote a fine art or is it just like waving a stick in a goldfish bowl and hoping to strike lucky? Finally Entertainmentwise's Kim Kaze is able to answer these and other pressing, REAL questions; after an extended, lengthy play test of four Wii launch titles at the UK offices of Nintendo themselves. No interruptions, no queue, no noise and advice from one of the QA Team to assist with game play questions. Also, this time there were controllers without wires of any kind. Who could ask for more?
We also got to hold a Wii unit in our hands and gain real perspective of how it’s going to feel to handle the unit itself and the literal size as it will be when we slot it into our lounge TV units at home.
First of all, it’s important to remind you that the Wii is selling on two very important and unique points:
1) It’s for everyone; the hardcore gaming nut through to grannies, girls and irregular gamers.
2) The remote which acts as the primary control device is utterly wireless and more than just a tilt sensor; every movement of the remote is detected in any fashion and relates to game play.
No other console either out now or set to launch this side of 2010 offers this. Coming close, Nintendo’s DS handheld has been used as inspiration for many of the Wii features relating to the casual gamer, but that’s where the similarities end.
Some gamers have shown concern that the activity level required to play Wii games, especially the sporty titles, may be too high. There are concerns that you have to stand for long periods of time and use body actions such as swinging your arm above your head or at the side of your body. After playing non stop for two hours, did this happen to me?
Full article
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October 14th, 2006, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Nintendo official DS Earphone and Microphone is designed for the player's comfort and enhance the hearing of the sound and voice receiving. It is also compatible with Nintendo voice games.
It is designed for use with voice-enabled games, and provides mono sound.
Specifications & extra information
- Earpiece-style headset for NDS & NDS Lite
- For use with voice-enabled games, and provides monoaural sound
- Official Nintendo Product
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October 14th, 2006, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster
Could this be another great piece of hardware for us homebrewers to get the most out of, well heres all the details about the SuperCard Lite Rumble, the Flash Cart with Rumble built in for the Nintendo DS Lite:

Product Features
Built-in RUMBLE system
100% DS games compatibility with perfect save function.
New Power Save design, extend playing time
High speed R/W system, support high speed flash memory card, without any slow down.
More Description
The SuperCard Lite RUMBLE (microSD) is a New revolutionary flash kit that uses a standard microSD memory card for its primary memory. MicroSD memory is relatively cheap and is normally used for equipment like digital cameras, but now you can use your microSD memory card for your Nintendo DS Lite!
New to the SuperCard is the Rumble Pak, have fun playing your games while your system shakes!
The SuperCard Lite RUMBLE (microSD) allows for more than just gaming. Now you can use watch movies, play music, browse pictures, read E-Books and more!
Preorder now for USD 32.99 (around 17 pounds) from Linkers4u.com
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October 14th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Great new release for Nintendo DS by GBAdree:
Hi all, this is my latest project for nintendo ds :
Sokoban is a classic puzzle game created in 1980 by Hiroyuki Imabayashi.
Rules are very simple, imagine yourself a warehouse keeper, you must push boxes in a crowded warehouse to their correct positions with a minimal number of moves. Boxes can only be pushed, never pulled. You can push only one box at a time.
This NDS port has a total of 360 levels set out in two chapters.
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October 15th, 2006, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
Ok all DCEmu visitors and members/coders a new competition from Datel has been announced, heres the info:
Fifty prizes of Datel DS goodie bundles are up for grabs…
The Nintendo DS has a thriving home brew scene, with skilled programmers creating all sorts of wonderful games and applications. They’re easy to use too – just get a home brew solution such as Datel’s MAX Media Dock, download the software from HERE and transfer them to your media dock. You can then launch them through MAX Media’s intuitive desktop.
To celebrate the success of MAX Media Dock for the Nintendo DS, Datel is looking for the best home brew games around to offer as downloads or to possibly be bundled with future products. They don’t have to be new games – if you’ve already released a game onto the home brew scene, feel free to submit it for the competition. We’re not after exclusive publication rights either. If your game’s one of the lucky winners, you can still distribute it on the net and issue updated releases. In fact, if you’ve already written a game, entering the competition will be no effort at all!
But what’s in it for you?
Easy – we’re giving away up to 50 bundles of Datel DS goodies, worth £100/$180 each! And if that’s not enough, your game will also get a much increased distribution, with Datel’s seal of approval bringing it to the attention of professional DS coding teams who might – just might – be looking for new recruits.
To enter, just send a copy of your game with a few simple instructions to homebrewcompetition@datel.co.uk by Tuesday 31st October. If you’re one of the winners, we’ll get back to you after this date.
So basically this is a great way for Datel to have more support for its Max Media Player, so to all coders this is a great chance to get some freebies
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October 15th, 2006, 12:56 Posted By: wraggster
Noddybox has released a new Sinclair ZX81 for the Nintendo DS, heres the release information from the site:
If you'd have told me 25 years ago that I'd be playing 3D Monster Maze on the bus on a device powered by batteries, I'd have said you were mad...
DS81 is a basic emulation of the Sinclair ZX81. It currently doesn't support loading of external files, but includes a few games to try out. Note that I did not write these games, or own the copyright to them. They are included in good faith (as far as I know the authors do not mind this work being distributed), and if any of them want their work removing I'll gladly oblige:
ZX81 ROM © 1981 Nine Tiles Networks Ltd
City Patrol © 1982 Don Priestley
Sabotage © 1982 Don Priestley
3D Monster Maze © 1983 Malcom E. Evans
When you run DS81, following a splash screen, you'll be presented with a ZX81 display on the top screen and a soft keyboard on which you can type. If you click on the bottom part of the touch screen you'll be presented with a menu where you can choose a tape, reset the ZX81 and set the sticky state of the shift key on or off.
Once you have selected a tape, simply type LOAD "" on the ZX81 to load it! All the included games map the joypad and buttons to sensible settings for each specific game.
Fantastic News for the Old retro fans 
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October 15th, 2006, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Discostew
This is my very first public demo of anything involving the GBA or DS, and it is just a simple test of Rigid Skinning of a mesh with bones. I'm just assuming this is considered Rigid Skinning because each vertex is linked to a certain bone, and are manipulated that way (I've been taking close observations of how Maya did skinning). All matrix calculations were done by manual code, though I'm hoping to figure out the problem I'm having with trying to use the DS's matrix registers (could just be an emulator thing, since I have nothing to get testing on real hardware).
Everything was entered by hand (bones, vertices, etc), but I hope to learn a bit of Maya scripting so that I could export a model (and maybe animation) in the format I use to be used. I also hope to some day find out how Smooth Skinning works, since Rigid Skinning has it's limits.
You can download my demo here....
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October 15th, 2006, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
Added PAUSE (written on the screen) when game is paused
Added third gun
Normal acceleration and turbo boost can now be used at the same time
Gas bar is drawn only if gas is enabled in the game configuration menu screen
Changed the way gravity works
Added a new menu page: PLAY, and compressed the tabs.
Moved network play to PLAY menu page.
Added animated menu hotspots (to show the user what he can really click)
The menu screen scrolls up at the startup
The names and ready statuses of the players are displayed on the PLAY menu page
Added level selection to PLAY menu page, and the second test level to the game 
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October 15th, 2006, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard from a number of readers today that the Nintendo World Store at the Rockefeller Center in New York City has ended its pre-order program for the Wii. I just talked to one of the sales reps at the NWS who did confirm that the flagship location stopped taking reservations at some point during Friday afternoon and have no plans to open up any further pre-orders. The staff expects that they will have enough consoles on hand to fulfill all pre-orders as well as meet the needs of those who come in on launch day to purchase one. We'll see about that!
Unfortunately, the staff would not confirm exactly how many consoles were reserved by the New York Nintendo faithful.
Expect long lines (duh!) if you're going to camp out for the Wii at the Nintendo World Store, but the staff seems confident in their supply.
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October 15th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Japan this week dropped new Wii Experiences videos to demonstrate the innovative new machine, due out Dec. 2 in Japan.
The videos depict players from around the world playing various sports offerings in Wii Sports. A single camera placed in front of the television displays player movement and reaction to the games, while a single camera behind the player occasionally references the on-screen action.
Players in the videos are male and female and range from young to middle-aged to the elderly.
Wii will drop in Japan for 25,000 yen with one Wii Remote and one Nunchuck controller. The U.S. SKU will include Wii Sports for $249.99.
Nintendo hopes Wii will attract video game players of all ages, including those who don't normally own video game machines.
The strategy to offer a more natural input method and casual games has proven successful with the company's Nintendo DS handheld. The DS and DS Lite has sold more than 21 million units worldwide to outperform Sony's more powerful PSP handheld.
Via Punchjump
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October 15th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Emu_Kidid has released an update to GCOS. GCOS is a complete BIOS replacement for softmods or GC mods.
Whats New etc:
- Boots on many setups with the one .dol
- Automatic Disc type detection (iso/multiboot/original/backup/etc)
- Boot .iso/.gcm straight from ISO9660 DATA DVD-R
- Audio Fix (for games like starfox/waverace/zelda collectors)
- New Drivecode
- XenoGC supported (DuoQ untested)
- Re-wrote entire disc boot structure (checks for pre-patched/lidopen etc)
- Modchip detection (bit buggy)
- New GUI
- Disc ripper skips garbage
- Set the language of the original ipl
- Chose between 2 disc/In game reload(WIP)/disable
- Displaying the game banner
- QoobPro Flash Exploration
- Fixed Dol upload code once again
- Cheat Engine (thx Fuzziqer Software)
- Wave Bird issue fixed
- Reboot to qoob bios if you tap reset in GCOS
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October 15th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Tehskeen
The Genesis Plus Project Team have updated and released their Genesis Plus emulator for the Nintendo GameCube. Of course this "emulator" will let you enjoy most (if not all) of your classic Sega Genesis titles on your GameCube. At any rate, this time around it's a precompiled release which means you can run it directly on your console without having to compile it. So what are you waiting for?
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October 15th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has released a new version of his Nes emulator for the GBA and also the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
New version uploaded, fixes a stupid IRQ bug. This bug made "Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake" crash, and Dragon Quest briefly scroll to the wrong position for one frame when changing areas.
Really stupid bug. I was assuming RTI enabled interrupts. *pounds head against desk* Stupid Z80 experience and lack of 6502 experience...
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October 15th, 2006, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
What a great day for the DS Scene, heres a new emulator release by Davr:
Here is the second release of my TI-85 emulator port. New features include:
Saving & Loading State
Support for loading Virtual TI save states
ROM & Save/Load support for non-libfat devices (GBA Flashcarts, EZ4, G6)
Can turn frameskipping on & off (when skipping is on, speeds things up a bit)
Can toggle between real speed and full speed. (full speed is actually faster than a real TI, but it makes it hard to play games)
Comes with an included save-state with several games already loaded. (Usgard shell, ZKart3D, ztetris, solytare, jezzball, Lunoid8, mineswp, and PhoenixZ)
Toggle between proportional and stretched scaling modes
Tip: If you want to load some apps to the emu, right now an option is to use Rusty Wagner's excellent windows-based Virtual TI. Create a save state from there, and rename it to 'ti85.sna' and place it on your CF/SD card.
Make sure to read the included README.txt file completely!
NOTE: Make sure your TI-85 Rom is version 10.0! Other versions have not been tested, but may work. However, they will definately NOT work with the included save state. To check rom version, on your calculator type '[2nd] [MODE] [ALPHA] [S]'. Press any key EXCEPT [ENTER] to exit this screen. (Pressing [ENTER] will erase your memory)
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October 15th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Another great release for the Nintendo DS thats based on the gameplay of Amplitude for the PlayStation 2., heres what Dark Knight ez posted in this new release:
Hey all.
It's been a month since I released AmplituDS, and it's time for a huge update.
To quickly summarize the new features:
- Fixed the garbled background present on M3 and some other cards
- Multiple difficulty levels (mellow, normal, brutal and insane)
- Powerups (autoblaster, freestyle, scoredoubler)
- Support for FAT (Chishm's latest official FAT library)
What does this all mean? Well, first of all, the gameplay is now more similiar to the game I based this on. Second of all, you can now create your own stages. It takes some effort but it's definitely worth it. I will be creating new stages myself as well, and hopefully other people will get excited about this too, and help me out with making AmplituDS more diverse.
You can find all information on the website. Make sure to also read the online readme linked to, because it contains information on how to set AmplituDS up and how to use the newly available powerups and such.
Hope you all like it.
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October 15th, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe Andreani has released a new version of his excellent Map for DS App for the Nintendo DS, heres some info:
AMAP4DS (A map for DS) is a simple, easy to use and fast map viewer. It is first designed for metro and bus maps. It is not distributed alone but always with a specific map. You can find free several maps downloads below. Due to DS technical limitations it is not possible, for now, to load your own maps into AMAP4DS. If you need a map you can't find here, please, send me an email: christophe@andreani.net , I may add it in a near future :-)
New v2.1 downloads:
"AMAP4DS-Beijing-Subway" is a nice design Beijing (China) subway map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Tokyo-Metro1" is a nice design Tokyo (Japan) metro map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Tokyo-Metro2" is the official Tokyo (Japan) metro map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Tokyo-Metro2-Jap" is the Japanese official Tokyo (Japan) metro map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Toronto-Subway" is a nice design Toronto (Canada) subway map for the Nintendo DS.
Download at Official site here --> http://www.andreani.net/ds/
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October 16th, 2006, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bawls has released ATDS otherwise known as Anti-theft DS, heres the release info:
ok this will most likely be the last release. This is an app that will help return your DS if it is stolen and the thief access' the memory card, this app will send you an email with his IP . this file is only about 3 kb so it should not concern people about space. just have this on your stick just in case. I made a flavor of ATDS for the conservatives out there which shuts down ur computer if ur not the owner and try to access the DS stick.
ok here is what this release is about :
# should send a popup to everyone on the network that that person stole the DS.
# updated server code
OK to get started.
1.Right click on my computer and click properties
2. Go to the Advanced tab
3. Click on Enviormental Variables at the bottom.
4. You will see 2 white boxes. one above the other. click into the lower one labeled System Variables.
5. Click New
6. A box will popup asking variable name and variable value
Variable Name = thief
Varable Value = false
7. After you Add the info click the OK box. Keep clickin the ok box until you have exited to your desktop.
Great now you are considered the DS owner
drag all the files in the attachment into the root of your DS (X:/)
now you have to setup your email
1. Right click the .htm file and click edit or open it with notepad
2. Near the end you will see a crazy email adress (asdf92j4509sdjfi340i5df@ gmail.com)
3. replace this with your email adress. In my case it would be trainstroker@gmail.com
4. save this .htm file and close it
Great now the rest is optional
there is a .ico files for you to choose from. you can find more online but for now lets use one of this one. by default you are using NDS.ico. if you wish to change that do the following
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. change icon=NDS.ico to icon=whatever_icon_you_wa nt.ico
ok now to change the PSP title
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. Change label=NDS to label=Phils Amazing DS or whatever you wish.. just be sure to not change label= just whats after that.
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via bawls
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October 16th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Archeide has posted a new release of SNEmulDS!
SNEmulDS 0.3a changes are :
It's not a real release yet, it's a preview release because i'm disappointed with my save feature which stopped to work properly for me. It seems it comes from my SD card but i'm not sure.
I need help from people who had no problems saving with 0.2... This new release have sound! I need to know if this new reelase reload music correctly...
Whats New:
Sound support using PocketSPC engine (thanks to gladius). The sound is not very good yet because of bad synchronising
Improved stylus support
Max Media support (use SNEmulDS_maxmedia)
SPC jukebox lets you listen to your favorite music while playing another game with better sound quality than with the real sound emulation
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October 16th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking in an DS Lite Retail Guide that recently came bundled with trade weekly MCV, Nintendo handheld product manager James Honeywell spoke about how DS sales compare with PSP.
"Up until the end of last year sale between the two formats were fairly evenly matched, with DS slightly outselling PSP," he said. "Since the beginning of the year, with our stellar line-up of releases, we have pushed our sales through the roof. Then with the fantastic launch of DS Lite in June we have begun to pull further and further away.
"Right now, with the combination of DS and DS Lite we are outselling the competition by a ratio of 3:1. This increase in hardware sales has also driven an increase in DS software sales, moving ahead of PSP in the total number of units and also, more interestingly, we have now seen that the same third party titles are selling more on the DS than on other formats.
We are seeing publishers start to rethink their strategies switching development from other formats to the successful DS platform and, more importantly, creating bespoke titles that fully utilise the DS features rather than simply porting content without taking advantage of the great things you can do on DS."
We're loving the DS at the moment and are already beginning to lose sleep over the huge anticipation for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass!
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October 16th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Swing your mouse pointer downwards to check out six sunny new shots of Jack Carver unleashing his feral abilities in Far Cry Vengeance on Wii.
Graphically, we can't see any improvements over the Far Cry Instinct Evolution on Xbox, but we're looking forward to seeing if Ubisoft has used the Wii controller to sharpen up the relatively loose controls of the Xbox game.
Far Cry Vengeance is one of eight Ubisoft titles due to launch aside the Wii on December 8. Eight games - crikey, they've been busy.
Screens At CVG
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October 16th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Can tilting the Wii Remote provide an immersive driving experience or do we need an official Nintendo racing wheel?
The movement-sensitive Wii Remote provides developers with untold gameplay possibilities, not least the opportunity to form a makeshift wheel using its tilt-sensing functionality.
Quick to exploit this gameplay mechanic, Nintendo's Excite Truck and Ubisoft's two racers, Monster Trucks and GT Pro Series, all have players holding the controller on its side, tilting it left and right to steer the vehicles round the course.
CVG has played both Excite Truck and Mosnter Trucks, paying particular focus on how well this new control style works. The first and most important thing to note is that the technology itself works fine, both games picking up our movements with the greatest of accuracy and making for a solid gameplay experience.
Although Excite Truck made us, and many forum goers, concerned that this control system might be a little too loose, there were numerous gameplay videos revealing journalists, who you'd assume to be seasoned gamers, driving like they had their eyes shut.
But with Nintendo promising to give players a sensitivity option, and after a recent hands-on with Monster Trucks, which was far easier to control than Excite Truck, we have every confidence that the Wii controller forms a perfectly functional steering wheel.
The problem? There are two: the Wii controller isn't shaped anything like a steering wheel, and it's not locked to a central pivot point, like a normal wheel. The first problem has a negative effect on the illusion of it all - how can you feel like your driving a big truck when the 'wheel' in your hand is just a little white stick. It's nothing like the steering wheels on arcade machines, or even as visceral as the PS2 steering wheel with force-feedback.
Ubisoft's answer is a plastic wheel attachment in which you slot the Wii Remote to recreate the feeling of a wheel. It doesn't contain any technical parts - it's simple a plastic shell that the Remote fits into. Yes, this solves the first issue, and in a recent playtest, we found Ubi's attachment to be very comfy indeed, and getting it free with every copy of Monster Trucks and GT Pro Series makes it an even more attractive proposition. It will also work with Excite Truck, and any future driving game of the same control style because, as we explained, it's simply a frame in which to hold the Wii Remote, not a technical component.
But that doesn't solve issues of the wheel lacking a central pivot. Without this pivot your hands have no externally enforced stability. You might say that, with your hands simply left to float on their own as you viciously tilt the Remote left and right, this is a further compromise of the visceral feeling you should get from a steering wheel.
The obvious solution would be for a publisher or third-party peripheral manufacturer to create a wheel frame similar to Ubisoft's, but with a brace attachment that locks it to a table top or sits between your legs while in a seated position.
This would provide the perfect central pivot, but then problems of compatibility arise with games like Monster Trucks, which has you physically moving the controller in circular motions to perform stunts. If the wheel is locked to a pivot, these movements wouldn't be possible, rendering the game unplayable.
We think a detachable wheel would be the ultimate solution - giving gamers the option to attach the wheel for a locked, pivotal experience when compatible with the game they wish to play, and releasing the wheel to play more physically demanding games like Monster Trucks.
On the other hand, players who intend simply to use the Wii Remote alone to throw their Wii-racers around courses can expect responsive control, and even despite the controller's size and shape, it surely enhances the illusion further than an analogue stick ever could - which is the whole point of the Wii.
But what really matters, though, is YOUR opinion, so get yourself into the comments section and throw down your thoughts, opinions, ideas and idealistic driving game fantasies. And check back next week for a full hands-on preview of Ubisoft's Monster Trucks.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii controller's resemblance to a TV remote sure hasn't been lost on us -- hence the affectionate "Wiimote" moniker that most people have assigned to the unique little controller -- but it doesn't look like it's been lost on Nintendo either. They've just shipped Wiimotes of the channel changing variety to Platinum members of Nintendo Japan's Club Nintendo rewards program. Platinum members also received a wall calendar with artwork from main Nintendo franchises, but somehow we're guessing they'll be a bit more excited by this TV remote that fully apes the form of one of the most discussed game peripherals of all time. The excitable kids professional reviewers over at IGN are sure pumped. They've posted up an unboxing of their unit, along with the inevitable comparison shots with other gaming peripherals, TV remotes and slices of bread, etc. Of course, even with those snazzy Japanese labels for each button, we can't imagine this thing would be too incredibly useful as a TV/home theater remote, but it should do fine for fanboys in search of a little wrist conditioning to get in shape for the Wii launch.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Finally the US Version of the game has been released:

Put a puppy inside your Nintendo DS! Described as a "puppy simulator", this innovative new title gives you a small amount of money to purchase your own puppy...and from there, the sky's the limit! Using the Nintendo DS's built-in microphone, you can name your dog, and then teach him tricks! Nintendogs also makes heavy use of the DS Touch Screen. Use the stylus to pet your dog, rub him on the belly, or touch his nose! But be careful: different dog breeds have different personalities, and not all like to be treated the same way.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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October 16th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
With the advent of new input styles in the PS3 and Wii, many gamers are wondering what it will be like to actually play with the new controllers. Via Aeropause, an article on IGN says that the SIXAXIS controller is flimsy and poorly designed. Meanwhile, via Joystiq, an article on British site Entertainmentwise reports that the Wii isn't physically exhausting at all, as some people feared. After two hours of playtime, in fact, they loved the experience. From the article:
"Some gamers have shown concern that the activity level required to play Wii games, especially the sporty titles, may be too high. There are concerns that you have to stand for long periods of time and use body actions such as swinging your arm above your head or at the side of your body. After playing non stop for two hours, did this happen to me? No. I'm not exactly Wonder woman in terms of fitness and I can assure you, as a regular player there was enough action to warrant perhaps making sure one has access to a tap before playing (you're going to want a drink if you play for as long as we did!) and possibly ensuring plenty of moving around space in your living room. The key to the Wii control is that even the most active title on the launch line up, Wii Sports, doesn't require you to make large body motions unless you want to."
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October 16th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Over the weekend, bored gamers leafing through their Sunday papers had their interest piqued by a promotional insert from Toys "R" Us. The retailer has teamed up with the NBC game show Deal or No Deal--which itself is being turned into a PC game--to entice consumers into its stores as the holiday shopping season approaches.
Howie Mandel wants you to play with your Wiis.
The inserts each contained a game piece which echoed the show's format--it had two suitcases, one marked "deal" and one marked "no deal." The "deal" case gives customers the "deal" of getting 10 percent off a single item at Toys "R" Us. The "no deal" suitcase offers the bearer a chance to enter the Deal or No Deal contest by (predictably) turning up at a Toys "R" Us location before October 28 and having the game piece's bar code scanned. One such piece will award the owner a grand prize of $1 million. Another will dole out the first prize, a free five-day trip to Los Angeles and an appearance on Deal or No Deal with its host, Howie Mandel.
So why should gamers care about a contest that considers glad-handing a once all-but-forgotten stand-up-comic-turned-talk-show host a high honor? Other than the million bucks, the contest is targeting gamers by handing out 50,000 Nintendo devices. According to the official contest rules, 25,000 Wiis will be awarded as second prizes, and 25,000 DS Lites are will be awarded as fourth prizes.
Before they start banging down Toys "R" Us stores, gamers should take note of two things. First, according to the official rules, the odds of winning either a Wii or a DS are 1 in 5,743--which, as far as contests go, isn't actually that remote. Secondly, winners won't be officially recognized until they are notified by mail on or after November 24--meaning winners won't be able to pick up their consoles until Thanksgiving.
Those interested in entering the contest who didn't grab a paper on Sunday can get a free entry form by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below by October 22.
"Deal or No Deal NP"
c/o Little & King Co., LLC
31 Merrick Ave., Suite 150
Merrick, NY 11566
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October 16th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Over the weekend, bored gamers leafing through their Sunday papers had their interest piqued by a promotional insert from Toys "R" Us. The retailer has teamed up with the NBC game show Deal or No Deal--which itself is being turned into a PC game--to entice consumers into its stores as the holiday shopping season approaches.
Howie Mandel wants you to play with your Wiis.
The inserts each contained a game piece which echoed the show's format--it had two suitcases, one marked "deal" and one marked "no deal." The "deal" case gives customers the "deal" of getting 10 percent off a single item at Toys "R" Us. The "no deal" suitcase offers the bearer a chance to enter the Deal or No Deal contest by (predictably) turning up at a Toys "R" Us location before October 28 and having the game piece's bar code scanned. One such piece will award the owner a grand prize of $1 million. Another will dole out the first prize, a free five-day trip to Los Angeles and an appearance on Deal or No Deal with its host, Howie Mandel.
So why should gamers care about a contest that considers glad-handing a once all-but-forgotten stand-up-comic-turned-talk-show host a high honor? Other than the million bucks, the contest is targeting gamers by handing out 50,000 Nintendo devices. According to the official contest rules, 25,000 Wiis will be awarded as second prizes, and 25,000 DS Lites are will be awarded as fourth prizes.
Before they start banging down Toys "R" Us stores, gamers should take note of two things. First, according to the official rules, the odds of winning either a Wii or a DS are 1 in 5,743--which, as far as contests go, isn't actually that remote. Secondly, winners won't be officially recognized until they are notified by mail on or after November 24--meaning winners won't be able to pick up their consoles until Thanksgiving.
Those interested in entering the contest who didn't grab a paper on Sunday can get a free entry form by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below by October 22.
"Deal or No Deal NP"
c/o Little & King Co., LLC
31 Merrick Ave., Suite 150
Merrick, NY 11566
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October 16th, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers eager to take home a Wii the day it first hits retail are getting a better idea of what games they may be able to bring home with it today as another publisher revealed its launch day contributions. However, those looking for violent games about gangsters, espionage, or World War II may be a bit let down.
THQ, which has found retail success with its games based on children's properties, is holding with its strategy for its contribution to the Wii's launch. The publisher confirmed four titles for the system that will be available on November 19, the day the console launches in the US, and each one has been given a family-friendly E-for-Everyone rating.
The four games are Rainbow Studios' Cars (based on the Pixar Studios film of the same name), Avatar: The Last Airbender and Blitz Games' SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (both based on Nickelodeon cartoons), and the film-to-game adaptation Barnyard.
THQ vice president of worldwide marketing Kelly Flock said, "As the number-one third-party publisher of software across all Nintendo gaming systems, THQ's library of popular mass-market brands aligns perfectly with Nintendo's strategy of creating fun and accessible experiences for the new Wii system."
The four games from THQ up the number of North American launch titles for the Wii to more than two dozen. Nintendo previously stated that approximately 30 Wii games would be on store shelves by the end of the year.
THQ has not yet confirmed retail prices for any of the games.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Crash: Boom Band is a great set of wild new party games. Roll the dice and dive into one of the 40 multiplayer action-oriented mini-games, where you can communicate with other players through the revolutionary DS Motion Panel Communicator. Enjoy Crash's wacky and zany sense of humor and play as one of 8 of your favorite characters -- including Crash, Coco, Crunch & Neo Cortex

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October 16th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Avatar: The Last Airbender is the hot new game based on Nickelodeon's new hit show. Set in a fantastic, Asian-influenced world of martial arts and elemental magic, Avatar: The Last Airbender follows the adventures of Aang, the successor to a long line of Avatars. Their quest is to save the world from the merciless Fire Nation, while avoiding capture from pursuers including Prince Zuko. Play as Aang, Katara, Sokka and Haru as they grow into an unstoppable team utilizing the kung fu inspired bending arts through the Avatar universe. Players will explore the four Avatar nations in beautifully detailed environments and battle new enemies.

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October 16th, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
A new update from the coder whos name i dont know:
Feeling the burn now! But the end IS in sight. I've managed to do some very minor work on the map editor and that is all. The project is still going, but has slowed right down because of little free time. Don't worry guys i'm going to see it through, I want to play C&C on the DS as much as the next guy ;D
Dont we all , More info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/
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October 17th, 2006, 07:24 Posted By: wraggster
Taste 'em. Nine new screens of Ubisoft's mental truck racer grinding its way to Wii on December 8.
Although it's a port of the Xbox version, the added motion blur, intensified explosions and other graphical tweaks made for a pretty good ride.
The controls are tight too - we went hands-on with the game in Paris last week and found it easier to handle than the demo of Excite Truck we played, although Excite Truck is still extremely early.
Check back tomorrow for a full hands-on report of Monster 4x4 World Circuit.
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October 17th, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
I've finished my "review" of the Neo2-TF cart. The new NDS(L) (dust-cover-size) backup device from the NeoFlash team.
I say "review" because it isn't a real review. It is similar to the Neo2-SD review here on DCemu.co.uk the device simply isn't finished yet (firm- and software wise). There is no GBA game support (unless you have a slimloader) for example. So instead of writing a full review I've written as much I can judge at this time (leaving out the use of the device, aiming at build quality and packaging).
Hope you have fun !
p.s. I'm also working on a review of the M3lite and I've finished my write-up of the Opera DS browser. See here for details.
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October 17th, 2006, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Adding to the already lengthy list of Wii launch games, THQ will add four games to the December 8 rush.
Offerings include two movie licensed games, Disney Pixar's Cars and Barnyard, and two quirky titles based on Nickelodion cartoons, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Spongebob Squarepants: The Creature from the Krusty Krab. Thq is clearly aiming for the kids with these.
Hardcore gamers will, of course, be concentrating their excitement on games like Zelda: Twilight Princess, Red Steel and Call of Duty 3 to name a few.
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October 17th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii launch is almost on us, and to further add to the hype of Nintendo's new machine we've got the official Wii Sports box art for PAL territories direct from Nintendo.
This simple but fun game, which includes boxing, bowling, golf, tennis and baseball modes, will be tucked away inside the box with the Wii console, offering everyone who grabs the machine a taste of the Wii Remote's many functions.
The Wii, in case you've been asleep for the past two months, will launch on December 8 for £179.99. If you've not pre-ordered one, do it now.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via eurogamer
Elite Beat Agents - the Western take on brilliant Japanese DS rhythm-action import Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan - is due out on 6th November in the US and finally we have the track-listing.
It is, according to designer Keiichi Yano, who spoke to Wired, based on the concept of "roaring songs you would want to hear if you went to a college frat party", offering a mixture of "oldies but goodies, great new songs, and a wide array of genres". There are 19 songs at this point, although they're not revealing the final song.
Walkie Talkie Man - Steriogram
ABC - Jackson Five
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne
I Was Born to Love You - Queen
Rock This Town - Stray Cats
Highway Star - Deep Purple
Y.M.C.A. - Village People
September - Earth, Wind and Fire
Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
Material Girl - Madonna
La La - Ashlee Simpson
You're the Inspiration - Chicago
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Without a Fight - Hoobastank
Believe - Cher
Let's Dance - David Bowie
Jumpin Jack Flash - Rolling Stones
Makes No Difference - Sum 41
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents, in case you haven't been keeping up, see little icons appear on screen with shrinking rings around them, where the idea is to tap the icons with the stylus as the rings shrink to fit the outline, all in time to the music. It's very fast-paced, with icons dotted around the screen and variations that have you dragging the stylus back and forward along short arching pathways to match the beat, along with some hilariously quirky background imagery. It's an incredibly addictive and well balanced challenge, and probably the best new rhythm-action game since Gitaroo Man, iNiS' last effort. Even the multiplayer mode is rather excellent.
Anyway, for all Yano-san's explanations, there's likely to be a bit of grumbling about the absence of Japanese music; Ouendan was comprised entirely of really good facsimiles of J-Rock tracks, with the occasional stirring J-Pop melody to even things out, and it really did the trick. Still, that's all the more reason to dig the original out again - or buy it anew, if you haven't already, since it's fairly cheap and perfectly playable in Japanese.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from Lik sang:

A block-shifting/line-building puzzler challenging gamers to connect as many lines together as possible by moving set blocks with line parts on top. The basic Gunpey gameplay has square pieces, each containing a diagonal line, rising from the bottom of the screen toward the top. You move the pieces up and down, attempting to form a line from left to right. The panels then disappear. The game ends early if the pieces reach the top of the play field.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Dear Taito: we know that making games is hard. Heck, that's why we pay you guys to do it. Still, perhaps in the future you might want to budget for more than 30% of the game to be play tested?
Because your latest game? Bubble Bobble Revolution? It's clear no one bothered playtesting this past level 30, the level in which a big boss who is supposed to appear to allow you to proceed absolutely, positively doesn't.
And this? It's not cutting it:
We have been looking very hard into this issue with Nintendo and have now determined that all of the cartridges that have been shipped in North America are faulty. Needless to say we are extremely sorry that this situation has arisen and would like to apologise to you for this issue.
We have already started the process whereby a corrected version is to be manufactured and will ensure that all customers have their copies replaced. Unfortunately this will take 8-10 weeks (simply because of the time required to manufacture new carts). We will update you with what you will need to do to get a replacement game, as soon as this has been determined.
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October 17th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Despite a rather disappointing debut into the arcades, the Mario Kart series will be racing to arcades again to swallow more coins from die-hard Nintendo fans' pockets.
A Japanese flier, which surfaced on NEO GAF, reveals that Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 will include a range of crazy new karts, as well as two new racers: Waluigi and a little Tamagotchi.
If you live in or around London (or are just desperate), you can sample the antics of the first game in 'Fun Land' in Trocadero, Piccadilly Circus. We wouldn't encourage you to bother though - it's not proper Mario Kart.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
In case your time has kept on slippin' ... into the future, the November issue of EGM (and today's date) reminds us that Sony and Nintendo next-gen offerings are only a month a way; Nov. 17 and 19 respectively. With that, the gamer mag has a feature comparing PS2 and GameCube launches by the numbers to see if history can teach us anything about the launch potential of the PS3 and Wii.
PlayStation 2
Number of launch titles: 29
Average EGM review score: 71%
Launch pro: Diverse and high number of games
Launch con: Majority of launch titles were "rushed-out rubbish"
PS3 launch outlook: EGM believes Sony can have a successful launch depending on the final number of launch titles which is still unknown. Like everyone else, they believe availability will at least hurt the system's initial potential.
Number of launch titles: 10
Average EGM review score: 77%
Launch pro: "Not a lot" despite what the print mag calls above-average third-party games.
Launch con: Lack of games (see above) sans a big franchise
Wii launch outlook: $250 price, Wii Sports packed-in, and upwards of 25 launch titles including Zelda are a good thing. Third-party publisher's ability to deliver games and those searching for "next-gen" graphics may be turned off by Wii, however.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite 2in1 Folding Grip
Folding Grip
Adjustable folding angle
More Description of Nintendo DS NDS Lite 2in1 Folding Grip
The two sides of this grip will splay automatically, so you can play game in a more comfortable way.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite 4in1 Folding Grip
Folding Grip
Adjustable Angle
Retraction Link Cable
More Description of Nintendo DS NDS Lite 4in1 Folding Grip
This 4in1 Folding Grip allows using all the DS Lite original features. The folding grip makes your gaming more comfortable. The attached 4800mAh battery allows long time playing.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, Spyro embarks on an action-packed adventure that redefines his history. Players will experience the awesome power of the purple dragon as they unleash devastating fury attacks, Upgradeable breaths and ground-to-aerial melee combos in frenzied battles with hordes of menacing enemies and bone-chilling bosses.

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October 17th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
EA have just sent us some yummy screenshots of the latest Sims game coming to Nintendo DS.
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October 17th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Kevin has released a new version of his Wi-Fi status viewer for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
1.3.7 - October 15, 2006
- Added 4 games incl. Lunar Knights and Jump! Ultimate Stars
- Added Clubhouse games and Open Season to now online
- Fixed a lot of small bugs
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October 17th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Agentq has released a new beta of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
M3 Driver can now be enabled/disabled
NinjaDS driver now works properly (tested)
Fixed delay on startup
Fixed long delay on starting Kyrandia
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October 17th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Archeide has posted a new release of SNEmulDS!
SNEmulDS 0.3b changes are :
It seems indeed that save feature was broken for most users in alpha release. This beta version of 0.3 includes a simpler save system that should work for all devices that support saving. Another little change : larger items in all file selections and a back button in the Select ROM selection.
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October 17th, 2006, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Paco_777 has released a new version of Comic Book DS, heres whats new:
Comic Book DS is a program making it possible to read your Comic Books on your Nintendo DS.
It can be also used as a photo viewer.
changes since 1.1 :
* BugFix PC: No more size differences between .nds file generated from an archive or a folder.
* BugFix PC: Application is visible in taskbar.
* BugFix DS: Fixed inverted thumbnails in Left Handed/Landscape mode.
* New PC: In config path, PictoDs allows to set an 'input path' (by default your home directory).
* New DS: Screen Space option added (to take into account, or not, the space between the 2 DS screens).
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October 17th, 2006, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via Palib
Jayenkai just posted about his new game : Stringy Things
The current version of Stringy Things contains 3 games.
1) Strings : Trace the stylus over words to score points.
2) Scrab : Create words on the board, in a criss-cross fashion using the tiles provided.
3) Triplets : Try to create words which contain the 3 letters provided, in the order shown.
More releases will occur.
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October 17th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk posted this news:
I just released a first shot at a new application : MapViewerDS. It's pretty useless for now, but allows the user to view one of the 30 metro/train maps, from cities all around the world...
Commands are simple : Stylus to move around, and Up/Down to zoom in/out...
Please come by the forum and let us know what you think, or if you have any problems using it...
The system uses PAFS, so it'll be simple for everyone to add their own maps...
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October 17th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
theNinjaBunny posted this news/release:
Just a simple ipod-like menu for the touch screen of our Nintendo DS. It works pretty close to the real one! And it’s so customizable (no graphics needed, all it’s done by code)
How it works? : It’s VERY VERY simple, using the menu will modify a variable called “ipod_state”, that variable has values as “IPOD_LEFT” (moving to the left), “IPOD_RIGHT” (the other side), “IPOD_PLAY” (when the play butto is pressed), ... etc (IPOD_BUTTON is the central button, IPOD_OFF is holding for seconds the play button, and IPOD_LIGHT for the menu one)
You only has to write a program to get the value of ipod_state (with a “switch(ipod_state)” for example)
Controls : Move the wheel right or left Click over the 5 buttons Long-click implemented (i mean, if you hold “menu” or “play” it will do the action) (this is not 100% accurated)
Customize it! Since it not use any images you could put the image you want. You could also determine how big is and where to put it!
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October 17th, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
bitkari posted this news/release:
Hi folks,
I've cobbled together a little game demo called "escape". I'm just trying to get the hang of the basics, so it's rather elementary.
The aim of the game is to guide your craft from your launch pad through the cavern to the exit at the top.
Use the left and right shoulder buttons to fire your thrusters, and be careful not to hit the walls!
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October 17th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
For any hardcore DS gamer there's one specific facet of touch gaming that simply needs to be dead on. When dealing with competitive gaming, a good stylus is as important as a solid d-pad or perfectly tuned analog stick, and though the DS Lite stylus is a fine first attempt, gamers are finding alternate options in the form of third-party accessories.
A few of the hotter styli out there are making a huge splash on gaming message boards, as well as in our IGN offices. Our resident DS man "Cranky" Craig Harris, for example, stands behind his classic PDA Panache DS Lite Pro stylus; a beautiful metal styli that's sturdy enough for gargantuan man hands, but still small enough to fit in the DS Lite. For Bozon's money, it's the Comfort Stylus, a bendable pointer that's perfect for wrapping around your finger or thumb, great for DS first-person shooters or for switching quickly between a d-pad/button game over to quick menu interface. Regardless of what you chose, there's a ton of options out there, and the list just got a bit bigger.
Prime Global Enterprises, maker of the Comfort Stylus, has announced today that a new version of the stylus is available for gamers. While the design hasn't been completely overhauled, the Comfort Stylus is now available in blue, white, light pink, and of course classic red. In addition, the stylus has been lengthened by a quarter of an inch in size, and is now built with the tip if the pointer overlapping the rubber coating, which was one of our initial issues with the design. While we haven't gone hands-on with the new stylus yet, the design seems to have fixed the initial problems with the tip, making it more durable overall.
You can check out the official web page for the Comfort Stylus here, which now includes the new product and shipping information. Here's hoping for a DS Lite-specific Comfort Stylus in the near future.
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October 18th, 2006, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from the DS-xtreme Website with news about their upcoming DS Flashcart.
As Leto had mentioned in our last post, there is one additional feature of the media player which we had not announced. As I'm sure most of you are aware of by now (and many of you had guessed right away!) this is our Dancing LEDs feature, which flashes the 2 DS-Xtreme full color LEDs in unique patterns in time with the music. We've had some great fun playing around with some of the possibilities with our LEDs, and have put together a short video for you here.
We have a few more little surprises planned for you with these LEDs coming up as well, so stay tuned!
You can buy this latest new flashcart for the Nintendo DS from Divineo Spain, Divineo Germany, Divineo USA, Divineo China, Divineo UK
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October 18th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Pokemon Battle Revolution has been revealed as the first Wii game to use DS as a compatible controller.
Instead of using the Wii-mote to select your pet's attacks during a battle, by setting up DS's WiFi connection with the Wii console you'll be able to use the handheld's touch-screen to make your offensive selections.
Also the first game to feature Wii's online multiplayer, Pokemon Battle Revolution is planned as a launch title for Japan, before being released some time next year in the UK.
Nintendo is obviously serious about a feature it attempted to push between GBA and GameCube, with The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles among the only titles to make any decent use of the compatibility between the handheld and console.
With Wii's controllers being less suited to games that don't heavily feature motion-sensitive gameplay, however, a DS could become a useful tool thanks to its easy to use touch-screen ability. We're hoping to see more developers push the unique aspects of Wii, and the link with DS could be yet another innovative strength for Nintendo's new console.
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October 18th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Pokemon Battle Revolution has been revealed as the first Wii game to use DS as a compatible controller.
Instead of using the Wii-mote to select your pet's attacks during a battle, by setting up DS's WiFi connection with the Wii console you'll be able to use the handheld's touch-screen to make your offensive selections.
Also the first game to feature Wii's online multiplayer, Pokemon Battle Revolution is planned as a launch title for Japan, before being released some time next year in the UK.
Nintendo is obviously serious about a feature it attempted to push between GBA and GameCube, with The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles among the only titles to make any decent use of the compatibility between the handheld and console.
With Wii's controllers being less suited to games that don't heavily feature motion-sensitive gameplay, however, a DS could become a useful tool thanks to its easy to use touch-screen ability. We're hoping to see more developers push the unique aspects of Wii, and the link with DS could be yet another innovative strength for Nintendo's new console.
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October 18th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
The good people at Wiixors snagged some decent shots of the back of the Wii box at an EB Games and, besides making us want one of our very own, it has caused a few rumors to pop up -- namely, what is the Wii Startup Disc?
The rumors seem to be split into several camps: One says it's nothing more than the Wii Sports disc; others say it's an OS disc; other still say it's the Wii Opera browser, some sort of tutorial, or something far more insidious ... like a firmware update. It's a mystery.
If it's just the Wii Sports disc, why wouldn't the box say that? There's already a huge notice on the front of the box proclaiming the Wii Sports disc to be inside, so what else could it be? What do you want it to be?
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October 18th, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK

* A whole new way to capture Pokemon - Circle Pokemon using the Capture Styler with the DS stylus
* Use each Pokemon's abilities to clear obstacles and complete missions
* Train your Pokemon to help you capture other Pokemon
* Compatible with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

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October 18th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Featuring fishing, air hockey, shooting and Pose Mii mini-games
Looks like good, simple fun, doesn't it? The fishing, air hockey and shooting gaems are pretty self-explanatory. Pose Mii is an interesting game that has you twisting and pointing the Wii Remote to manipulate a Mii, positioning it to fit into the poses shown in the bubbles.
Wii Play, which is one of three first-party launch games, aims to get families playing the Wii with a selection of simple games like pool, pinball and the games pictured below.
For £39.99, Wii Play will come bundled with a Wii Remote, which costs £30 on its own anyway. So anyone planning on grabbing another Wii Remote for their new console can't go far wrong splashing out an extra tenner to get Wii Play too. It all makes sense.
Screens Here
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October 18th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Enterbrain has released its analysis of the Japanese game market for the first half of the fiscal year 2006 (March 27th to September 24th). The best selling game has been New Super Mario Brothers (Nintendo) on the DS with 3.09 millions copies sold. Nine out of the top ten selling games are DS titles.
The others are:
2- Motto Otona no DS Training (Nintendo, DS): 1.53 millions copies.
3- Winning Eleven 10 (Konami, PS2): 1.04 million
4- Otona no DS Training (Nintendo, DS): 900,000 copies.
5- Oideyo Dobutsu no Mori (Nintendo, DS): 870,000 copies.
6- Tetris DS (Nintendo, DS): 840,000 copies.
7- Final Fantasy III (Square Enix, DS): 730,000 copies.
8- Otona no DS Training Eigo (Nintendo, DS): 670,000 copies.
9- DS Oryori Navi (Nintendo, DS): 500,000 copies.
10- Tamagochi no PuchiPuchi Omissetchi (BNG, DS): 500,000 copies.
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October 18th, 2006, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo unveiled the Wii controller at the 2005 Tokyo Game Show, it hinted that the nunchaku-like analog stick attachment was just one of many possible add-ons for the remote. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo this year, Nintendo showed off one such attachment in its booth. Dubbed the Zapper, it appeared to be nothing more than a shell that would hold allow a user to hold the Wii controller and its analog stick attachment comfortably in a one-handed, gunlike configuration.
Nintendo isn't the only company playing the shell game. Ubisoft will include a steering wheel attachment for the Wii controller with two of its eight Wii launch titles: GT Pro Series and Monster 4x4 World Circuit. The wheel will be compatible with a number of Wii racing titles.
However, the publisher confirmed for GameSpot today that it will also sell the wheel separately, so gamers eager to hit the streets with expected launch titles Need for Speed Carbon or ExciteTruck might be able to make use of the add-on without picking up Ubi's racers. Both GT Pro Series and Monster 4x4 World Circuit will retail for $49.99, while the steering wheel attachments will also be sold separately for $19.99.
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October 18th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Infantile Paralysiser peeps have released a new version of their Image viewer for the Nintendo DS:
Version 0.22 2006/10/18
The corner icon was added.
The backlight of NDSLite is changed.
When the cap is shut, the backlight is turned off.
The resume function is added.
The memory leak bug of the file selection was corrected.
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October 18th, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
Shooting holes into the background layers with missiles now possible
Fixed bugs in the collision detection code
Settings are now saved when changing a menu page but user has to change some of the values that go into the save file (to limit the SRAM access)
Added new explosion and smoke graphics
Small explosions when bullet hits anything
Lots of explosions when a plane crashes and the plane isn't drawn
Bigger explosions
Bigger smoke that vanishes faster
Turbo boost consumes 50% less gas
All particles are now drawn on top of the layers
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October 18th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
CraigT has released his Spectrum emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres what he posted:
Quite a few changes have been made since the last update, including an overhaul of the keyboard graphics, a new snapshot loading screen and a currently incomplete control screen.
A few CPU bugs have also been removed, which has fixed problems in a few more games (such as Renegade and Cobra).
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October 19th, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
When the Eragon videogame releases next month it will feature the voices and likenesses of the stars from the upcoming movie on which it is based. Edward Speleers (who plays the title character Eragon), Sienna Guillory (Arya in Eragon, Jill Valentine in Resident Evil: Apocalypse), Garrett Hedlund (Murtagh in Eragon, Don Billingsley in Friday Night Lights), and Robert Carlyle (Durza in Eragon, Gaz in The Full Monty) will all be making the transition from film to binary code.
In the game, players will control Eragon and, atop his trusty dragon Saphira, ride into epic battles against an evil king's sinister forces. Eragon can overpower foes with some slick combos, utilize magic attacks, and can call in Brom or Murtagh at any point to give him a hand.
The Eragon videogame will ship November 14 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, PSP, Nintendo DS, mobile, and PC, followed by the feature film on December 15.
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October 19th, 2006, 15:42 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Although some titles have slipped, Nintendo is still planning a healthy Christmas and early 2007 line-up for the DS handheld
Nintendo has announced some DS game release targets for early 2007, and slipped a few of its planned Q4 2006 releases into the near year as well.
Mario Slam Basketball (the game known as Mario Hoops 3-on-3 in the US) had been down for a 10th November release, but is now listed as Q1 2007, while both Star Fox Command (previously 24th Nov) and Actionloop (previously 27th Oct) are now due out on 26th January 2007.
It's hardly a barren landscape between now and the end of the year though, with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and Yoshi's Island 2 still down for 10th November and 1st December respectively, and Tenchu Dark Secret added for 24th November.
Moving into Q1, Nintendo has a wider range of software, including key third-party titles like Children of Mana (Square-Enix) and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All (Capcom). Diddy Kong Racing DS, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, Pokémon Ranger, Harvest Moon DS and Magical Starsign are all also listed for Q1 2007.
Nintendo also plans to release the pink edition of the DS Lite console itself on 27th October, as previously announced.
Source: gamesindustry.biz
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October 19th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Wario Ware Smooth Moves misses Christmas. Nintendo confirms January 15 in the US with a European details to follow
Being a confirmed launch-day release in Japan, we were hoping to see Wario Ware Smooth Moves in Europe in time for Christmas.
This now seems highly unlikely after Nintendo confirms it won't hit US stores until January 15 2007. Nintendo would not disclose the European release date to CVG, but it's pretty safe to assume we won't be seeing Wario Ware over here before the US release.
If you're desperate for crazy, 10-second micro-game action you could import the Japanese version, which will launch with the Wii on December 2. Needless to say, you'll need a Japanese Wii to play it on.
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October 19th, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via Eurogamer
Nintendo has announced some DS game release targets for early 2007, and slipped a few of its planned Q4 2006 releases into the near year as well.
Mario Slam Basketball (the game known as Mario Hoops 3-on-3 in the US) had been down for a 10th November release, but is now listed as Q1 2007, while both Star Fox Command (previously 24th Nov) and Actionloop (previously 27th Oct) are now due out on 26th January 2007.
It's hardly a barren landscape between now and the end of the year though, with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon and Yoshi's Island 2 still down for 10th November and 1st December respectively, and Tenchu Dark Secret added for 24th November.
Moving into Q1, Nintendo has a wider range of software, including key third-party titles like Children of Mana (Square-Enix) and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All (Capcom). Diddy Kong Racing DS, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, Pokémon Ranger, Harvest Moon DS and Magical Starsign are all also listed for Q1 2007.
Nintendo also plans to release the pink edition of the DS Lite console itself on 27th October, as previously announced.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
You know that feeling when you're trying to buy something at a store, but the clerk follows your every move making you feel like you're about to gank something? Sucks, doesn't it? Well that might be the case this fall when play testing the Wii at some retail stores. Says Nintendo VP George Harrison in speaking with IGN:
"We have spent considerable time designing in-store displays that will best showcase the Wii console's unique games and provide an entertaining experience for players while still fitting well into a retail environment. Wireless controllers will be used and we are asking retailers to have staff available to help consumers have a successful first experience with Wii."
Asking retailers is one thing. Doing is another, especially on a retailer's dime. (Who's gonna staff someone full-time to safeguard Wiimotes or help swing a virtual tennis racket?) Even if demo units feature wireless controllers, expect tethers for convenience and to discourage cleptos, at least as a store policy.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

FIFA 07 throws you into the rollercoaster ride of a football season. Employ real world tactics, make realistic decisions, and think like a player in order to win matches.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

For the first time ever, players can create pets for their Sims to love, train, play with and take to the park. Create-a-Pet allows players to mix, match and create the perfect dog or cat for their Sim. Labradoodle? Shnoodle? Puggle? Choose breeds and customize your pets. Put your pets to work in a variety of different careers including Show Business, Security and Service. Hang out in Central Park, the community center where you can interact with other Sims while shopping for various pets accessories. Play "doc" as your run the town Pet Care Center! Gain status based on your Sims pet care skills, from performing examinations to healing, playing and training.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Veteran agent Sam Fisher is back. But he's never faced an enemy like this before. To stop a devastating terrorist attack, he must infiltrate a vicious terrorist group and destroy it from within. For the first time ever, experience the relentless tension and gut-wrenching dilemmas of life as a double agent. As you infiltrate a terrorist organization in its American headquarters, you must carefully weigh the consequences of your actions. Kill too many criminals and you'll blow your cover. Hesitate too long and millions will die. Do whatever it takes to complete your mission, but get out alive.
The fourth game in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series thrusts players into a new breed of gameplay that promises to innovate and revolutionize the Splinter Cell franchise. Ubisoft takes the saga of Sam Fisher into entirely new territory, expanding the story and depth of his character.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
This Christmas gamers will be filled with seasonal cheer by a selection of exciting first party games for the Nintendo DS. Owners of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite will be able to keep themselves busy over the winter months with games including Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, Yoshi’s Island DS and Tenchu Dark Secret.
This year Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite owners will also be able to pass time surfing the internet with the Nintendo DS Browser .
Never know what to do with all those gift vouchers you get for Christmas? Nintendo has the answer with a selection of top games to look forward to at the start of 2007 including Star Fox Command, Diddy Kong Racing DS, Mario Slam Basketball and Pokémon Ranger.
Nintendo DS Hardware / Software
Release Date Q4 2006/ Q1 2007
Nintendo DS Browser - 6 Oct 2006
Sudoku Master - 27 Oct 2006
Nintendo DS Lite Pink Edition - 27 October 2006
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - 10 Nov 2006
Tenchu Dark Secret - 24th Nov 2006
Yoshi’s Island DS - 1st Dec 2006
Star Fox Command - 26th Jan 2007
Actionloop - 26th Jan 2007
Harvest Moon DS (Rising Star Games/Nintendo) - Q1 2007
Mario Slam Basketball - Q1 2007
Magical Starsign (tentative name) - Q1 2007
Diddy Kong Racing DS - Q1 2007
Mario vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis - Q1 2007
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All (Capcom) - Q1 2007
Pokémon Ranger - Q1 2007
Children of Mana (Square-Enix) - Q1 2007
Euro dates only on that press release
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October 19th, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Today Atlus announced its DS adventure game Contact has shipped to retailers and will be in stores tomorrow, October 19. Contact is that new game where you play as yourself, and everyone seems to have a hard time describing its unique gameplay.
It seems The Professor needs your help to fix his spaceship, and you'll have to contact him through your DS to offer your assistance. During the game, you'll monitor The Professor on the top screen, and control his assistant Terry on the bottom. There's also an Animal Crossingish multiplayer mode that lets you make contact with your friends.
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October 19th, 2006, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Enira of a Notepad App for the DS:
Be aware that this is a beta. This code has never seen any hardware so I do not know how it will react.
But it worked whilst emulated.
In this beta, the text file gets written into the SRAM. (So no fancy screens etc...) (Thanks Mollusk for the idea.)
About the project:
Know Issues:
-The scrollbar should be optimized.
When the text autoscrolls because you are moving beyond your screen limits, the scrollbar doesn't updates.
-The cursor resets to 0 when scrolling (Will be optimized next time for sure)
-Quite some glitches/bugs I suppose.
Further implementations: ( When Santa delivers me a piece of hardware to develop )
-FAT implementation so SRAM will be chucked out.
-Config file to save where you left
-Config file to store costum grafitti's
-Basic improvements in grafitti: 'wizard' modus that makes the grafitti adept to your writing style.
(The more you practice the 'wizard' the accurate your writing becomes)
About the DSe Notepad.
Start: Only when asked to reset SRAM.
X: Switch screen
Y: Add Breakpoint
Left: Move cursor left
Right: Move cursor right
Not used:
L (Suggested: Scroll Up)
R (Suggested: Scroll Down)
Switch Screen:
The X button allows you to switch the text to the lower screen so you can set your cursor somewhere in the text.
Press X to switch your screen again.
Breakpoints (that's what I call it) are markings in the text ,like a cursor (but red), that select an amount of text.
Press once to add the first breakpoint, press Y again to add the last breakpoint and press again to unselect.
Once an area of text is marked with these breakpoints you can copy/cut it.
About the Input:
Input can be done both ways.
a) The keyboard
b) The stylus
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October 20th, 2006, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
This week's big new release is the US edition of a unique NDS role playing game, Contact. Before we get to it though, on the topic of different DS titles, recently SNK revealed Dokidoki Majosaiban (translated; Exciting Witch Trials), and as bizarre as Japanese games have always gotten, we're still surprised by them. Utilizing your stylus on girls with, as they say, "throbbing witch judgment", you search suspected witches. The first screenshot is shown below on the left, but we also have some concept fan art inspired with the idea of a sequel on the Wii; a job for another Mini Skirt Police title perhaps?

Contact - NDS (US)
The DS's original abilities have touched various genres to date, and now it's time to do the same for an RPG. Titled Contact, you yourself are the central character in the adventure designed by Gouichi Suda of Killer 7 fame, with characters born out of Atsuko Fukushima who's worked on everything from PoPoLoCrois on PSP, to movies like Akira and Kiki's Delivery Service. Events kick off when a professor takes a boy named Terry around the galaxy in his space ship, but trying to escape a terrorist, they crash land on an unknown planet. Separated, the only link between them is you and your DS. The professor talks to you from the top screen, giving you directions to help Terry on the lower screen. Using your stylus you interact with the characters and try to help them locate the pieces of the ship’s power source.

There's plenty of real time battles to fight along the way, and various stickers are used to power up and unleash special attacks. Then there's animal-training, item-collecting, monster-hunting, and retro style mini-games to enjoy. By switching Terry's costumes it gives him new abilities too, for example opening up the skills to be a chef, a fisherman, a firefighter, a pilot or others. Over the Wi-Fi, if your friends have a copy they'll be transformed into NPC's on your own game. They'll then have the power to level up specific skills, give you rare items, or just make fun of you when you mess up. A fresh and lighthearted RPG, the US edition of Contact is in stock this week and like every DS title, it's region free and will work on every handheld the whole world over.
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October 20th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Wii version of Wario Ware won't be released in the West until after Christmas by the looks of things.
Nintendo has confirmed the game is due out in the US on 15th January, despite showing up as a launch title in Japan, and there's been no official word on a European date.
That's a bit of a shame, as Wario Ware has been widely acclaimed as one of the most exciting of the Wii's early games. Certainly from our experience with it, it rekindles a sense of innovation and hilarity that was sorely lacking from the DS version.
Still, hopefully it won't be long before European Wii consumers will be chopping, balancing, pumping and steering their way through Wario's latest. We'll let you know.
Nintendo Wii itself, of course, is due to launch in Europe on 8th December, following a 19th November US launch.
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October 20th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
At a retail-targeted event in London last night, Nintendo confirmed that it will be pulling out all the stops to promote the Wii and DS this Christmas - with a budget of more than GBP 12 million set aside.
A huge marketing campaign is planned for the launch of the Wii, which will go on sale across Europe on December 8. Plans include TV and cinema advertising, plus an extensive press campaign and sampling initiative.
Nintendo plans to spend GBP 6.5 million (EUR 9.7 million) on promoting the console between now and December. A further GBP 4.5 million (EUR 6.7 million) has been earmarked for the January - March period.
There are also plans to give DS sales a further boost as the Christmas season approaches. Nintendo has set aside a marketing budget of GBP 6 million for the handheld, and plans to ship another 1 million units by the end of the year.
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October 20th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Last week, Nintendo announced that it would be selling the Japanese GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess exclusively through its online store. This begged the question of whether or not the game would be made a Web-order exclusive elsewhere, as well, a question Nintendo representatives didn't answer at the time.
Now the GameCube edition of the game has disappeared from the online stores of gaming specialty retailer GameStop and that of its subsidiary, EB Games. As of press time, a GameStop representative had not responded to GameSpot's requests for comment on the product's removal from the sites.
While GameStop may not be soliciting preorders for the current-gen Twilight Princess anymore, other online retailers like Wal-Mart and Best Buy still have product pages for the game up and are taking preorders. Nintendo's own official Zelda site also still lists the GameCube Twilight Princess as coming out December 11.
Originally announced in 2004, the GameCube edition was once scheduled to release day-and-date with the Nintendo Wii system and then was pushed back a few weeks to December 11 in the US, with no reason given. The GameCube version was on display at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 and drew hours-long lines from hordes of Zelda fans, but it was nowhere to be seen at this year's E3, with the Wii lineup (including the next-gen edition of Twilight Princess) instead being the cause of the lines around Nintendo's booth.
[UPDATE] Since this story went live, Nintendo has contacted several online media outlets, including Joystiq, to deny the GC Zelda has gone the way of the dodo. "Online reports about the Nintendo GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are incorrect. The amazing game will be available at retail outlets nationwide on December 13," a rep reportedly said.
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October 20th, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Eidos Interactive, one of the world’s leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, is pleased to announce ZENDOKU, a new puzzle game for PSP and Nintendo DS platforms. Developed by Zoonami Ltd, ZENDOKU blends exciting puzzle battle action with addictive Sudoku gameplay.
Set against a whimsical Far Eastern backdrop with a light-hearted martial arts theme, ZENDOKU offers a variety of colourful characters and a comprehensive range of single-player and wireless multi-player game modes.
Choose your character and use the unique controls of your handheld console to attack or defend against your challenger, or race against the clock, all while completing one of an infinite number of ZENDOKU’s puzzle permutations.
With an intuitive play style, an accessible learning curve, and entertaining character storylines, audiences everywhere can find the path to enlightenment with ZENDOKU.
“ZENDOKU brings a fresh and accessible approach to the enormously popular Sudoku puzzle craze. We look forward to working with Zoonami and take ZENDOKU to a global audience.” said Larry Sparks, Head of Brands Management, Eidos.
“ZENDOKU’s focus is fun and innovation,” said Martin Hollis, CEO, Zoonami. “We’ve turned a familiar paper and pencil game into a puzzling, battling, micro-gaming, fighting extravaganza.”
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October 20th, 2006, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Admittedly, the basic nature of Wii Sports limits the variety of shots you can get, so they all look rather similar.
Still, these look like shots of the final game and, although it's no graphical shocker, you can see in these shots how much Nintendo has polished it's visuals since the E3 version shown in May.
Let's just shut up about graphics on this one though - it's good fun and comes with the machine, so even if you consider yourself too 'hardcore' to like it, your parents and grandparents and little siblings certainly will. December 8 is the big day, guys, and grans.
Screens here
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October 20th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo UK
NDS DS-Xtreme 4Gbit - All pre-orders for this item have now shipped - we have a very limted number left!
Heres more details about the DS-Xtreme:

The DS-X (DS-Xtreme) is a revolutionary storage, homebrew and media player flash cart compatible with all DS Lite and original DS consoles.
Offering a SINGLE unified solution which allows you to do the unthinkable and push the limits of Nintendo’s ™ top selling handheld console. The DS-X does NOT require the use of a passme, external memory or any unsightly GBA cart, just one intelligently designed piece of kit, the same size as an ordinary DS cart, giving an unrivalled experience to any DS enthusiast.
Its plug and play in its finest hour, an in-built USB port on the DS-X paves the way for you to communicate easily between the DS-X OS and your computer. Drag ‘n drop all your favourite media and homebrew as you please directly onto the included 4GBit (512-Mbyte) memory with minimal effort as the DS-X will be instantly recognized by your machine.
Does NOT require anything else to operate. All is in the cart, and the USB cable to connect to your PC is INCLUDED!
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October 20th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
CraigT has updated his Spectrum Emulator for the DS, heres whats new:
Just a quick sneeky release to add support for the SuperCard SD (and possibly other SD based devices).
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October 20th, 2006, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA
We will receive the first small batch of DS-Xtreme early next week (~oct 24th). We will be able to fullfill the majority of the pre-orders. The newest pre-orders will have to wait approximately 10 days, for the second batch of DS-X to arrive.
Thanks alot, and be sure we'll ship all pre-order as soon as we can.
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October 20th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Activision, Atari and Ubisoft games will carry a Suggested Retail Price of $109, while EA has indicated that it will stick to a $99 SRP. THQ has yet to deliver any details.
Nintendo’s own stance has not yet been publicly finalised either, however it’s Wii Remote will retail for $69.95, the Classic Controller and Nunchuk attachment will sell for $29.95, while the Wii Play bundle, containing the game and a controller, will be available for $79.95.
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October 21st, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
Grasshopper Manufacture is certainly developing a reputation for unpredictability. Opinions on their last Nintendo foray, Killer 7, were all over the place -- some loved the twisted rail-shooter, others hated it, and many just scratched their heads and offered up a simple "wtf, mate?" Their new Atlus-published RPG Contact, while a little more straightforward, seems to be getting the same wide range of responses. As this is a metareview, Contact seems like a metagame; it's the little things that are praised, the inclusion of other games, references to games, influences from games, the touches from old school games. Unfortunately, the actual game seems to have suffered a bit -- even the most praise-worthy reviews indicate some gameplay issues.
1UP - 80%: "Savvy players will almost certainly enjoy all these little references and arty concepts, so it's a shame the entire package won't hold up to their scrutiny. In crafting their gaming curiosity, Grasshopper has made some design choices that are simply curious. The autobattle system is far from engaging ... fighting enemies in Contact is a woefully straightforward process. It's impossible to dodge or block attacks. In fact, the player can only watch as Terry trades hits with his target."
Games Radar - 60%: "Contact is a mixed bag and will delight some while disappointing others. It feels "classic," but the flipside of that is "outdated." Even though it's chock-full of personality and pomp, Contact falls short on fun, with some disappointing shortcomings. Casual RPG fans will have no problem finishing this game in less than 14 hours and a lot of that time will be spent backtracking through previous areas and grinding to boost your stats before boss fights. Also, weapons and special attacks unlocked near the end are just as unimpressive as the ones you begin with. Contact does sport an incredible surprise ending that adds depth and changes your perspective on all the main characters in the game. However, its impact is greatly diminished by the extremely short play time."
Yahoo Games - 70%: "The linearity is one area where Contact is particularly disappointing. You'll end up stuck because you can't figure out how to trigger a certain bit of scripting (pay attention to the dialogue!), or maybe you can't figure out the trick to defeating some inscrutable boss battle. Or perhaps you haven't quite leveled up enough to easily dispatch the latest round of monsters in a new area. At times like these, all of Contact's charm can't save it from the tedium that bogs down a lot of RPGs. But it's still as solid as they come, not terribly spectacular, but the perfect fare for devotees of the genre."
So it seems Contact definitely reaches out with its intriguing concept, and Grasshopper knows how much we like references and in-jokes, but RPGs have evolved over time for a reason. Some of that evolution should have perhaps been maintained for this title.
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October 21st, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Robotdawn have released a new homebrew game called Invasion, heres the details:
Survive as long as you can by fending off heatseaking missiles using your UFO's shockwave defense.
As a homebrew Nintendo DS game, Invasion requires some form of hardware for running homebrew or an emulator to play it.
How to play
Use the stylus to guide the UFO around the screen. Fire shockwaves by pressing any button or a direction on the d-pad. Pause the game with the start button. You can select your preferred background music by tapping the speaker icon on the main menu.
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October 21st, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Dustin posted this News/release:
OK, so here's the beta version of my new little game. It's pretty simple but I think it's also pretty fun. You are this small "ship" (it's kind of abstract everything's just balls). You can move in any direction and you must not get hit by the enemies which are flying at you from every direction. You have no weapons but can slow down time to better dodge the enemies. To do this you simply press b and everything but you will slow down. You can only slow time for a little while though. The amount of power you have left is shown on the bottom screen. As your power drains the bottom screen turns from a bright red to black. To regain your power you must grab one of three power ups.
1. gives 10 points and restores half your power
2. destroys all enemies on the screen and restores half your power
3. restores all your power
And that's it. You gain points by staying alive and by grapping power up number 1. Now this is only the beta as I want to get peoples opinions so I can change stuff. Here is a list of things that I know are not in here yet.
1. Highscores and saving
2. Multiplayer (2 people on one DS will be added)
Here's some stuff I would like feedback on...
1. Music (how important is it and what would go well)
2. Maybe more power skills (like slowing down time) for the player.
3. Enemy movement patterns
4. Powerup affects
5. A better name
6. anything else you think would be cool
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October 21st, 2006, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
The Board game known as Omalone has been updated to v1.7, heres whats new:
Only UI fixes (for instance, closing the NDs will pause the game now). Go to the download section to get it. A 2.0 version is planned soon, with Wifi inside...
For this Wifi version we'll need testers.
Please contact us : omalone.nds at gmail.com
There will be nothing to earn, except a great game for all of us !!!
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October 21st, 2006, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
StudioXcel posted this:
Help Wanted: Scorched Earth DS #1
Just popping in
Objective: Port the childhood favourite "Scorched Earth" to the DS with updated graphics, physics, and gameplay.
Information: I was looking through some vintage games on some sites, and came across Scorched Earth. It was (and still is) and amazing 2D tank game for the PC (circa 1991-1995) that had amazing physics (for that time) and boundless gameplay. After a quick battle with my friend, I decided I want to share this game with a new generation. After soon realizing I am not able to conquer such a project easily at this moment, I was left with one decision: Seek help.
Plans: Gather a team (2-4 people).
- Project Manager
- Head Coder
- Graphics
- Other
Decide on plan of attack with the project.
Develop game....
Conclusion: I hope I can get some interest in this project, and hopefully get it as a finished project. I have some great aspirations for this, and I know there are people here that are very capable of this project.
Contact me at JGudbranson@gmail.com if you are seriously interested or just want more information.
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October 21st, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Christ has updated his site with new maps for his AMap4DS proggy, heres whats new:
Some new (metro) maps are released for your Nintendo DS:
- AMAP4DS-Barcelona-Metro
- AMAP4DS-Guangzhou-Metro
- AMAP4DS-Madrid-Metro
- AMAP4DS-Montreal-Metro
- AMAP4DS-New-York-Subway
You can download them on my homepage:
I keep going the underground world tour
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October 21st, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
papafuji posted this news/release:
hello everybody,
my name is papafuji - and i'm new on this forum -
just a message to say that Babylon, a very fast a minimalist strategy board game has been released... wifi connection has not been coded yet, but one and two players modes are available...
you can find it here : http://gugusse.central.free.fr/papafuji
have fun with it
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October 21st, 2006, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, we were exposed to Buena Vista Interactive's original Nintendo DS title Spectrobes. It was here that the game made its public debut, but honestly, E3 isn't a very good venue to show off a deep concept like Spectrobes -- so it's a good thing that Buena Vista made the trek over to our offices this week so we could get a better idea of what to expect in this upcoming action RPG.
Spectrobes is in the works at Japanese development studio Jupiter -- you might recognize the name as the team that worked directly with Square Enix and Buena Vista for the Game Boy Advance "continuation" of Kingdom Hearts. That relationship has apparently strengthened with Buena Vista, as the two companies are working together to establish a brand new RPG universe for Nintendo DS gamers. Spectrobes has a lot in common with Pokemon, but there's a lot here that's unique to Jupiter's design, and it's at least a game that pushes a lot of the unique capabilities of the DS hardware.
Full Article
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October 21st, 2006, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Meteos was one of the first puzzle games to hit the Nintendo DS, and its unique touch screen controlled action-based tile-swapping gameplay, as well as its quirky visual style makes it one of those games held in high regard with early-adopting Nintendo DS owners. It's an excellent game, and Buena Vista knows it -- the company now has the rights to the property and is working with the game's original development team -- Q Entertainment -- to offer up a second run of the design. Buena Vista stopped by the office this week to show us a work in progress version of Meteos: Disney Magic, and if you think it's just a Mickey Mouse-skinned version of the original game, read on.
First of all, for those not familiar with Meteos, here's a breakdown of the gameplay: blocks of various colors rain down from the top of the screen, and the only way to get rid of them is to arrange three or more of the same color either vertically or horizontally using the stylus to drag them around. Unlike other puzzle games like Tetris or Puyo Pop, in Meteos these tiles don't disappear when matched. Instead, they turn into "rockets" which are used to boost the tiles on top of them off the screen. The more tiles you match while they're rocketing off the screen, the more powerful the boost...which comes in handy when the gravity in some levels get a little "heavy."
The biggest change to the design of Meteos in Meteos: Disney Magic is its new orientation: you now play the game on the system by holding the DS like a book a la Brain Age. This change gives players a lot more vertical real estate without hindering the rest of the design. Number two: in Easy and Medium difficulty, you can now swap tiles left and right, so long as there's tiles on one side of them. In the original design, you could only slide tiles in the same column, up and down. Because of this, many players utilized a "scribble" technique to randomly boost tiles away by quickly slashing at the screen. With the left/right idea, it makes scribbling less helpful -- players that plan have much better potential for winning now since they'll be pulling off combos that just couldn't be possible by scribbling up and down.
But yes, just as the name suggests, the Meteos design is now "skinned" with Disney themes. We've played levels from The Lion King, Winnie the Poo, Toy Story, and Nightmare Before Christmas, each with their own set of tiles that match the property. And like the original Meteos, each "book" has its own gravity...Nightmare Before Christmas had the heaviest we've experienced in our hands-on, while The Little Mermaid, being underwater, had the floatiest. There will be the same multiplayer focus that's in the original design, so expect single and multi-cart support in Meteos: Disney Magic. But no Wi-Fi Connection support. Bummer.
The game's still Meteos, though, even with the cute Disney franchises branding the puzzle games. The new "book" orientation and the horizontal and vertical sliding mechanics add a significant amount to the already excellent puzzle design. The game's scheduled to hit shelves in February.
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October 21st, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Well just sitting here at the DCEmu Newsdesk in Nottingham and a nice piece of news was just delivered, a fantastic looking replacement DS Case thats actually nicer than the original. Check out this screen:

Heres some details:
The Magnum Chrome Premium Edition is the highest range of the SHOCK! series of replacement cases and serves to complement the present range of color selections (including originals). Not only does it replace the scratchable surface of the present DS Lite casing, it pushes the limits of aesthetics and places the DS Lite in the same league as high-end electronics.
The whole idea behind the Magnum Chrome Premium Edition is to eliminate the possibility of external scratches forever. By using the expensive process of copper-nickel-chrome electroplating, we were able to achieve a permanently superior protection layer that is both highly durable and aesthetically pleasing.
If you were to change to the Magnum Chrome Premium Edition ONLY, the process comprise of only 4 replacement parts. It should take you less than 10 minutes for assembly as we have simplified the prcedure to a mere 3 steps which is very similar to replacing the faceplate of the PSP :
Step 1 : Peel open the screw pads and unscrew the screws. Remove the battery, top cover and bottom case (and of course, the GBA cart cover).
Step 2 : Swap the 3 bottom case parts (the battery cover square screw placeholder, the stylus holder and GBA cart metal guide). Put the power and volume button on the new case. Replace the top, bottom cover and the GBA cart cover with the Magnum Chrome parts.
Step 3 : Re-screw the parts back into place and paste all the screw pads back. You now have a new SHOCK! armour that is second to none!
More info and check out the other colours at NDS Central
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October 21st, 2006, 05:06 Posted By: Bonic
This is my first homebrew game! I used PALib for this game too.
What it has that people love: Sound, No lag, Sonic, Level Builder.

What it has that people hate: Route10 is messed up, game has location glitches, don't jump like a crazy idiot. No AI, my code is not finished. 360 Engine, What the freak? Dude, I don't got time like that!
Note: This is a alpha, its very buggy, point any glitches you find, and if you want to help me, post some coding tips.
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October 21st, 2006, 11:49 Posted By: scorpei
Hi all,
Just popping in to say that I've finished my review of the M3lite. Though the device has been out for a while (and there is no real change with any other M3 adapter except for size).
Link, home.
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October 21st, 2006, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
New Nintendo DS release:

Justice League Heroes for the Nintendo DS, developed by Sensory Sweep Studios as a prequel to the console title, lets gamers use the stylus to control and unleash the superpowers of Batman, Superman, The Flash and Wonder Woman. Gamers use objects within the destructible environment against enemies at will and also call in devastating attacks from other DC Comics super heroes, like Aquaman and Green Arrow, to help save the world from certain destruction.
More Info /buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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October 21st, 2006, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq:
The success of the X-Men Legends series proved that there is still a market for good hack-and-slash RPGs. But Warner Bros. Interactive wasn't about to let Activision and Marvel Comics have all the fun -- not when the WB is home to DC Comics and some of the most beloved superheroes of all time. The resulting Justice League Heroes falls a little short of its mutant counterparts, despite the efforts of Snowblind Studios (Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Champions of Norrath) and Justice League Unlimited writer Dwayne McDuffie. Die-hard fans will be disappointed by the omission of some popular Leaguers, although the alternate costumes and their unique modifiers might make up for that. More unforgivable is that the members of Gotham City's impressive rogues gallery are absent from a JLH villains roster that sorely needs them. How about a Batman Legends next?
Game Informer (73/100) was generally displeased, but cited a first for The Man of Steel: "It only offers two-player offline cooperative play. Enemy types and environmental architecture are highly recycled. The plot reads like a kindergartner's first attempt at writing. On the plus side, this is the first game that successfully makes Superman a fun character to play."
1UP (65/100) wasn't content throwing down with Lex Luthor, Braniac, and Gorilla Grodd: "Maybe the drama would have been more believable if the villains weren't downright dumb. A talking gorilla, an intelligent robot, and a killer bee? That's all you got, DC? Where are all the Batman villains? The Joker, Two-Face, Catwoman -- now those are villains worth fighting. Not some dude who calls himself 'The Key'."
IGN (64/100) thinks JLH's character balance is a little off: "Surprisingly, Zatanna is the most potent character in the game. She can heal, cast an over-powered fire attack at low cost (when leveled up), and can turn 95% of all enemies into harmless rabbits. Sadly, Batman is easily the most useless and joyless character you can select. Even Aquaman is more fun to play. Batman's powers, such as calling in a fleet of bats, just don't cut it."
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October 21st, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Egon posted a new release of his Superpang game for the Nintendo DS:
Just uploaded the new demo version 0.1b. It features:
- Revised bounce of balloons
- Tighter collisions
- All three weapons
- Mini game style with score and high-score
I’ve just scored 22.470! How much can you score?? Leave comments
As always, please leave comments, sugestions, bugs… whatever!
- Press start to begin playing
- Press left&right to move
- Press A to shoot arrow weapon
- Press Y to shoot sticky arrow weapon
- Press X to shoot bullet weapon
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October 21st, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have released an updated build of image viewer for the DS.
Heres whats new:
The reduction rate can be chosen from 25%/50%/100%/150%/200%.
The screen effect can be skipped by double-clicking.
The batch conversion of two or more folders can be done with img2ipk.exe.
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October 22nd, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted this news concerning the newly released DS Flash Cart:
The first batch of the DS-Xtreme will be available around 24th or 25th , all the back orders will be shipped at once when we receive the shipment. New orders are welcome.
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October 22nd, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has posted a new beta of his port of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Beta 6:
Fixed held keys not being detected on startup
Fixed SCSD driver
Fixed broken icon
ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to play Lucasarts' back catalog of point and click adventure games on modern computers. I didn't write ScummVM, that honour goes to the ScummVM team. ScummVM is written in portable C++ and has been ported to many differnet platforms, and I have made a port of it to the DS. This means that you can play all these classic games on the DS with full sound.
ScummVM DS is under constant development, so don't be surprised if you find bugs or games that don't work.
Runs nearly all of Lucasarts' SCUMM games up to and including Sam & Max Hit the Road
Runs many non-Lucasrts point-and-click adventures too
Supports sound
Supports multiple games without reflashing
Supports using the DS touch screen for controls
Suports saving games to compatible flash cards
All games run at pretty much full speed
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October 22nd, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
CraigT posted this news:
Thanks for all the feedback on compatibility with various homebrew methods over the last few days and apologies if your choosen method isn’t working at the moment.
Since the only hardware I own is a SuperCard CF it was always going to be difficult to get all devices working straight away. With help from The Caffeen Kid, I was able to test v0.1a on a SuperCard SD before releasing it.
The main problem with other hardware is due to the FAT file system driver. I am using an unmodified version of Chism’s nds_fat_lib which has issues with some types of card, including the M3.
There is an unofficial version of the nds_fat_lib that has been modified to increase
compatibility, which has been included in the Rein project. I plan to merge this version into SpeccyDS for the next release.
Chism is also working on a new driver named fatlib which is currently in alpha stage. The driver is a huge improvement over the old nds_fat_lib but it does have a few key features missing, such as listing the files in a directory, which SpeccyDS requires.
If fatlib is released before the next version of SpeccyDS then I will start to use that instead.
Other than that, thanks for all the kind words!
More info --> http://speccyds.wordpress.com/
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October 22nd, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: JKKDARK
Seven Nintendo Wii Virtual Console Titles Revealed
We now know seven of the titles for the Wii Virtual Console, and they’re all recognizable and beloved blasts from the past. The information comes by way of “The Office of Film and Literature Classification”, which is an Australian governmental department and not the product of the Patriot Act.
The titles from Nintendo Entertainment system are as follows: Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and Pinball. And from the next-gen of its time SNES system, we’ve got F-Zero, Simcity, and Super Mario World. All of the titles are rated G.
Have no fear, this list is far from complete. There are many more Virtual Console titles expected, with Nintendo having already promised at least 20 VC titles by years’ end. And after that, gamers should expect 10 a month for a long, long while. NES games are expected to run $5 a pop, SNES for $8, while N64 will cost a somewhat steep $10 each
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October 22nd, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, lately the DS section has expanded nicely and with the release of the Wii and the whole Nintendo forums getting busier i thought it would be a good time to have some new subforums for Nintendo DS/Wii etc
Now first up on the list is a DS Porting ideas forum which i agree with.
I also think that a subforums for each DS Flash Cart would be good ie , M3, DS Xtreme, Supercard, Neoflash and also a Friends Code forum
For Wii i say we need a friends code forum, Wii Hacking and Development and Wii Emulation and Homebrew
All will be subforums so the main index doesnt swell but there is a need to expand and to be ready for future developments.
Let me know what you think.
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October 22nd, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, lately the DS section has expanded nicely and with the release of the Wii and the whole Nintendo forums getting busier i thought it would be a good time to have some new subforums for Nintendo DS/Wii etc
Now first up on the list is a DS Porting ideas forum which i agree with.
I also think that a subforums for each DS Flash Cart would be good ie , M3, DS Xtreme, Supercard, Neoflash and also a Friends Code forum
For Wii i say we need a friends code forum, Wii Hacking and Development and Wii Emulation and Homebrew
All will be subforums so the main index doesnt swell but there is a need to expand and to be ready for future developments.
Let me know what you think.
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October 23rd, 2006, 01:59 Posted By: JKKDARK
PS3 Claim Wrong, Nintendo Wii Online Confirmed As Free
There were many people who wound up confused after reading Sony's recent console comparison chart. After all, the chart stated that the Nintendo Wii online functionality will only be free for six months, which direclty contradicted reports from the Big N. Everybody can now breath a deep sigh of relief.
Gaming publication Total Video Games contacted a representative of Nintendo UK to clear this confounding matter up. A spokesman for the company confirmed that the Wii will indeed be free to play online, exactly like DS.
The aforementioned documentation from Sony was distributed during the recent Games Day in the States, in which Sony compared its PlayStation 3 against the other next generation consoles which will be on the market this Christmas.
The chart itself appears extremely misleading for the average consumer. Xbox 360 is described on the documentation as requiring the external HD-DVD drive for play, when in reality the device is optional.
So what was it then that caused Sony to state that the Wii’s online functionality will only be free for six months? Believe it or not, it must "mixed up" with the Opera Web Browser, which will be free for consumers for the initial six months.

Sony is pervert. They are always saying lies! 
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October 23rd, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Go Nintendo has early scans from the upcoming Toys R Us "Big Toy Book", supposedly hitting newstands with the October 29th edition of your local newspaper of choice. The shots, from a Toys R Us employee, they say confirm that Toys R Us will allow customers to reserve the Wii on or around that date.
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October 23rd, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Enira has released a new version of his notepad clone for the DS.
Whats New
- Removed the s32 letter variable and replaced it by strlen()
- Resized drawing position (You cannot draw outside the box borders anymore.
- Separated code for loading and saving file, and write headers for future FAT implementation.
- Fixed static cursor when scrolling
- Added breakpoints reworked. Updates now while scrolling. Separated code and fixed minor bugs.
- Reworked main function
- Added scrolling is now possible with R and L buttons
- Added function to hide keyboard and allow caps input
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October 23rd, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
DSFTP is a full-fledged FTP server, with the additional ability to boot .nds files directly from the FTP prompt (currently only tested on SuperCard CF and DS, but should work on most).
DSFTP is a stand-alone program that you can use to run a FTP server on your DS. It is also a software component that makes it easy for you to add an FTP server to your own program with a couple lines of code. With this, you can speed up the build process radically, because you can upload the new version of your program to your own running program, and reboot it immediately. This can even be automated via the command line. No swapping of flash cards ever again! Please refer to the Development section of this document for a quick introduction.
The downloadable archive (get it here) contains the following:
The compiled .nds and .ds.gba files of the stand-alone DSFTP server
The library and headers for the DSFTP software component
Full documentation in PDF and RTF format
The full source code for the stand-alone server program, as an example for how to use the software component
Heres whats in this version:
Noteworthy changes:
o UNZP added (submitted by Bertrand Augereau)
o DS->PC file transfer speeded up a lot (patch to DSWifi submitted by masscat)
o Linked with Devkit R18 again (fixes some showstopper bugs)
o More bugfixes
On the topic of bug reports: reports via email are much preferred to reports posted in the forum, because I can track them much better that way. My email address is right there on DSFTP's GUI. Please include as much information as you can: What you see on the screen, the log output, your hardware configuration, DSFTP version used, etc.
As always, donations are welcome. :-) My Paypal address is the same as my email address.
Have fun!
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October 23rd, 2006, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
A new release from Lick, heres the details:
LoveLite allows you to permanently (that is: power-off-proof) adjust your Lite brightness setting. It’s a project that came out of an earlier experiment (see below). There’s also a very sensitive Power Off button so you don’t have to push the powerbutton (the real one) twice.
I never ran ALite, but I heard that ALite doesn’t permanently save the brightness. So I made LoveLite.
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October 23rd, 2006, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

From the publisher: You turn on your DS. What you see is a Professor in a spaceship under attack by an enemy ship. You watch as he crash-lands on a planet and abducts a young boy named Terry.
What happens next is unprecedented. The Professor turns and asks you--yes, YOU--to guide Terry in a quest to locate the lost "cells" which power his ship. It's already too late--you've been Contacted.
This journey will take you across deserts, into a military fortress, through an otaku paradise, and into a foreboding castle. You'll play old-school arcade games, collect over 100 items, and help Terry collect costumes and build stats. You'll even interact with the Professor and his space dog Mochi. But you won't be alone. Through the magic of the Nintendo WiFi Connection, you can Contact your friends. Their "Terrys" will come live in your game, on WiFisland.
It's weird, it's wacky, it's totally unconventional--and it's coming soon, only for the Nintendo DS.
Atlus' Contact for Nintendo DS™ is in stock today, shipping at US$ 39.90 only.
Game features:
Abundant gameplay activities including animal-training, item-collecting, monster-hunting, and old-school mini-games!
Dual-screen functionality with mission maps, interior/exterior viewpoints, and more!
Real-time combat with special abilities and powerful "Decal Attacks"!
Character design by Atsuko Fukushima, whose credits include the PSP hit PoPoLoCrois!
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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October 23rd, 2006, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

From the publisher: The students of Will O’ Wisp magical academy have a little problem: Their teacher has mysteriously disappeared. After commandeering a handful of rockets to rescue her, they’ve wound up on a strange (and sometimes scary) adventure through outer space. Now players must rescue both their classmates AND their teacher – and just maybe the whole solar system while they’re at it.
Madeleine, a respected and powerful teacher at Will O’ Wisp magical academy, tells her students that she will undertake a dangerous mission in space and trains them for combat should the need arise. After not hearing from her for some time, the kids stumble upon a hangar of rocket ships. One by one, they board individual ships and crash land on distant planets alone. Players hop from planet to planet assembling the group of classmates. Once together, they learn of an evil sorcerer – a former student of the academy who now has ambitions to destroy reality – and set out to stop him.
Another hot US Version Nintendo DS™ game is shipping today, Magical Starsign is available at US$ 39.90 only.
Game features:
Explore strange planets. Players see the sights of this strange, sci-fi fantasy setting as they uncover the secret behind their teacher’s disappearance in this epic role-playing game.
The stylus controls everything, from combat to conversations to outfitting allies. Simple controls make it easy to play but a challenge to master.
Players can link up wirelessly with five friends and explore the amigo dungeon together – they’ll find unending challenges and incredible rewards as they delve into the depths of this unique multiplayer experience.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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October 23rd, 2006, 12:54 Posted By: wraggster
Shash has posted some new news about his progress on DeSmuMe the Nintendo DS emulator for Windows:
Been busy with real life and stuff... So only 2 old screen shots today, and no chit-chat:
Both of them have a few bugs: the first one texturing is missing, due to texture coordinate generation failing, and the second one has problems with some of the block types of compressed textures.
Have fun 
More details
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October 23rd, 2006, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from PataterSoft
The Theme
The theme of the Thanksgiving Harvest Homebrew Competition is simple: Harvest Season and Thanksgiving. Any game or demo that has a turkey, cornucopia, thanksgiving holiday related food, autumn leaves, pilgrims, etc. in it would meet the theme.
Official Rules
The Thanksgiving Harvest Homebrew Competition is a means of providing the Nintendo DS homebrew community a platform for friendly competition around a common theme. Only Nintendo DS game or demos adhering to the theme will be considered. All games and demos entered must not contain any pre-existing game code or pre-existing demo code. Any entry is allowed to use universally available pre-existing non-game and non-demo code, such as the libraries libnds, pa_lib, libfat, and libwifi. All games and demos must not contain pre-existing content. Any entries submitted after November 20th, 2006 at midnight Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) will not be considered. Entries not adhering to the submission rules will not be considered.
Winners will be announced by November 23rd, 2006 by midnight GMT. Entries will be judged on creativity, adherence to the theme (festiveness), execution, and polish.
How to submit
Email your submissions to compo [at] kraln (dot] com. Include your binary and a quick readme which should include a brief overview of what it is exactly that you are submitting.
Make an archive with the .nds file in zip or tar format. The inclusion of source code is recommended but not required. Please note that all entries, including source code, will be made available to the general public at compo end. If you do not want your source code distributed, do not submit it with your entry.
1st Prize: $50 USD
2nd Prize: $25 USD
3rd Prize: $15 USD
Wildcard: $10 USD
Prizes subject to change (we expect more prizes). Quebec residents are ineligible for prizes.
Details for coders at link above
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October 23rd, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Contact has just leaped to the top of our DS Import list, after Rising Star confirms it won't reach European shores until February 2006.
This is disappointing news for DS owners that were looking forward to the title which sees players interact with two separate worlds - one on each screen - in a strange pet-simulator with stat-building RPG elements.
No need for tantrums though, the game is now out in the US. Why not jump on the import bandwagon and ship it in for under £30.
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October 23rd, 2006, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Need for Speed Carbon on Nintendo's Wii console will provide four different control options in an attempt to make motion-sensitive racing as easy to pick up as possible.
The default setting sees the Wii-mote used as a steering bar, held parallel to the ground and turned like a wheel in order to manoeuvre your car on screen, but the three other setups offer more ways to take on your street-racing rivals. Hit the images tab for more explanation in pictures.
Carbon's other control schemes use the Nunchuk. First, you can roll the Nunchuk left or right to steer while holding the Wii-mote at a 45-degree angle, raising or lowering it to accelerate or brake. Or in another setup you could hold the Wii-mote pointing straight up, dipping it to accelerate and using the Z button on the Nunchuk to brake. Finally, you can also opt to use this Wii-mote option while steering with the Nunchuk joystick.
With no 'normal' set up - using the Wii-mote's ability to act as a standard controller - EA seems to be serious about experimenting with some interesting solutions for motion-sensing gaming. "Non-gamers had no trouble picking it up," producer Larry LaPierre told US publication Newsweek of NFS Carbon's default steering-wheel setup.
"The Wii market is more casual, so that's why this is the default control," LaPierre explains, adding that "experienced gamers don't like it much. So we have alternatives". We're still unconvinced that 'experienced gamers' will choose the Wii experience over identical (and better looking) games on other platforms. But what do you think of the odd controls you'll be wrestling with on Wii? Why not hit the forums and release your views?
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Wing Island is a novel flight sim swooping on to Nintendo's Wii this year and here's the first handful of shots to give you an idea of the quaint, non-violent missions you can expect to fly through. Hit the images tab above for more airborne views.
Wing Island's appeal is in its unique controls - you hold the Wii-mote just like a toy plane, tipping, pitching and rolling your hand to pilot your on-screen bi-plane through a selection of missions, including Spot the cows, Deliver the medicine and an air battle checkpoint chasing raceathon. Performing a "neeeoowwwwrrrhhhhmmmnnn" noise at the same time is entirely optional.
For instance, Spot the cows tasks you with soaring across an island looking for the milk-giving farm animals and clocking them by flying close. Deliver the medicine has you dropping medical supplies from the air to a stricken island village, while at other times you might be flying through crevices and over cliffs in formation, collecting a set number of balloons in a time limit.
We had a go with Wing Island and found that the controls work pretty well. Our only worry is that it can get very uncomfortable quickly, and your wrist isn't versatile enough to bank and dive in both directions - just try it for yourself with a toy. But with a tweak to the sensitivity, Wing Island should be an entertaining, if very basic, aerial adventure with Wii.
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
RawmeatCowboy (yum) got some of the first shots of the illuminating Wii gift card that will be available at Target. It's all part of an elaborate scheme to get you to buy more shit at Target. The card is obviously too thick to easily fit in a wallet, so Target expects you to forget the gift card at home and be forced to buy their goods without the gift card. Geniuses! Actually this card looks pretty snazzy—even if it is thick as hell.
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced that just in time for the 20th anniversary of the Castlevania series, consumers who pre-order Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for the Nintendo DS at Gamestop, EB Games and GameCrazy locations nationwide will receive, at the time of purchase, a limited edition box set at no additional cost containing items that document the history of this legendary franchise. Highlighting 20 years of one of the most celebrated video game series of all time, the Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin limited edition gift with purchase comes in a highly collectible wax-sealed box and includes the following items:
Art Book: This 48 page book details the artwork of every game in the Castlevania series and features an embossed cover.
20th Anniversary Soundtrack CD: Spanning 20 years of music that has defined the Castlevania series, this soundtrack contains songs from nearly every Castlevania game ever made, including four never before released tracks from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
Stylus and DS Game Case: Emblazoned with the Castlevania logo, this extendable stylus is sure to give virtual vampire hunters the edge in their next handheld encounter with Dracula, while the transparent game case lets gamers keep both Castlevania DS adventures out of harm's way.
Timeline Poster: Detailing key events and characters in the history of Castlevania, this fold out poster features a timeline on the front and a Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin poster on the back.
Breaking new ground in the Castlevania series, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin lets players continue the battle against the evil minions of the night as two playable characters, Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin. Players can choose to use Jonathan's whip-cracking melee abilities or Charlotte's magical prowess individually or team up together for the first time in the history of the franchise as they explore all new levels and environments. Players can also play online with friends and wirelessly trade items using the Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection service.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin will be available for the Nintendo DS this December. For more information, please visit www.konami.com
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kikizo
Dr Kawashima's Brain Training has until now done a fantastic job of keeping the DS in the limelight. Supported by a relentless, long-term advertising campaign, the game has toughed it out in the top 10 since the beginning of the summer and kept the DS on people's minds. But what else does Nintendo have in store for the portable this year?
Unfortunately, not much, by the looks of the latest release list Nintendo sent out on Wednesday. Several big DS games have fallen victim to the slow localisation process and now find themselves taking residence in the first quarter of next year.
There are just four DS games coming from Nintendo over the rest of this year. The biggest of these is Yoshi's Island DS, the follow-up to the uniquely styled Super NES hit. Outside of this, DS fans are going to need to keep an eye on import stores if they want to keep up with the new stuff this year.
The Christmas season is the time for gifts, though, and Nintendo is cashing in on this with a new, pink edition of the DS Lite. Scoff if you must, but the similarly hued version of the original DS sold well in the UK.
Below is the full list of DS games and hardware updates coming from Nintendo between now and the end of March.
Nintendo DS Browser - 6 October
Sudoku Master - 27 October
Nintendo DS Lite Pink Edition - 27 October
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - 10 November
Tenchu Dark Secret - 2 November
Yoshi's Island DS - 1 December
Star Fox Command - 26 January
Actionloop - 26 January
Harvest Moon DS - Quarter 1 2007
Mario Slam Basketball - Q1 2007
Magical Starsign (tentative title) - Q1 2007
Diddy Kong Racing DS - Q1 2007
Mario Vs Donkey Kong 2: March Of The Minis - Q1 2007
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All - Q1 2007
Pokémon Ranger - Q1 2007
Children Of Mana - Q1 2007
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
Not to be confused with the many awesome mods we've seen, this design of the DS Lite is nothing short of official. Revealed to Famitsu, the new DS Lite design is for the upcoming game Love and Berry. The title already has its own special e-reader attachment set for release, so we assume this special edition DS Lite design is meant to be the knock-out punch in a combo that is sure to leave Japanese gamers down for the count.
Check out the New DS Lite Colour coming soon via Comments
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October 23rd, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
Here's what's new in v0.1.0:
* When the player has died three times, GAME OVER is displayed.
* Added manual zooming to game settings. If not enabled, the game uses auto zooming.
* When out of gas, machine gun shoots bullets less often.
* Missiles create bigger explosions.
* Enlarged big explosions.
* Added mines.
* Mines and missiles have limited supply (currently five per plane).
* Added support for creating circular holes in the background graphics (previously
only rectangles were supported).
* When the player's plane explodes, a circular area of pixels is removed from the
background graphics.
* Increased max gravity by 50%.
* Added some preliminary sound effects.
* Sound FX and the music can be turned off in the game configuration menu page.
* The planes are now 3D!
* Gravity is taken into account when dead reckoning the opponent planes.
This is what we'll demo at the IGDA pub night tomorrow. Well, there might be a couple
of new things tomorrow, can't tell you yet.
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October 24th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Ive been posting news about this flashcart for weeks and today i finally got a chance to try it out for myself, firstly heres a pic of it:

The DS-X (DS-Xtreme) is a revolutionary storage, homebrew and media player flash cart compatible with all DS Lite and original DS consoles.
Offering a SINGLE unified solution which allows you to do the unthinkable and push the limits of Nintendo’s ™ top selling handheld console. The DS-X does NOT require the use of a passme, external memory or any unsightly GBA cart, just one intelligently designed piece of kit, the same size as an ordinary DS cart, giving an unrivalled experience to any DS enthusiast.
Its plug and play in its finest hour, an in-built USB port on the DS-X paves the way for you to communicate easily between the DS-X OS and your computer. Drag ‘n drop all your favourite media and homebrew as you please directly onto the included 4GBit (512-Mbyte) memory with minimal effort as the DS-X will be instantly recognized by your machine.
Thats the info now check out the DS-Xtreme Review.
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October 24th, 2006, 07:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Also known as "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All" outside of Japan
Play from the first person perspective through four shocking new cases
Two distinct gameplay segments
Investigation phase – survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence that will be used in court
Court phase – present findings from the investigation to support your case, listen to testimonies, examine witnesses, and determine what is fact from fiction so you can prove your client's innocence
New "Psyche-Lock" feature – some witnesses may be keeping the truth under tight lock and key (aka the "Psyche-Lock" state), so in order to break them down, successfully open up their Psyche-Locks with a series of correct questions or catch them on their inconsistent testimony
New life bar represents Phoenix's status in court – by presenting incorrect evidence or following misguided attempts to break Psyche-Locks, Phoenix's life bar will go down; the only way to regain this stat is to successfully open a witness's Psyche-Lock
Use the DS touch screen to navigate the game’s interface and become deeply involved in court room proceedings by using the microphone to yell "Objection", "Take that" and more!
Colorful cast of characters include both new and familiar faces
Language: English/Japanese (selectable)
Enter a courtroom like no other in the sequel to Capcom's surprise hit Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All (aka. Gyakuten Saiban 2 in Japan) introduces four new cases featuring new characters, plot twists and gameplay features. Players resume the role of Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney who must prove his client's innocence against the toughest of odds and most ruthless of adversaries.
As in the first Phoenix Wright game, each case involves two distinct storylines. In the investigation phase, you survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence that will be used in court. Then it's on to the court phase, where you pesent findings from the investigation to support your case, listen to testimonies, cross-examine witnesses, and tease out fact from fiction so you can prove your client's innocence. All presented in a comical anime style.
Just like its predecessor, Gyakuten Saiban 2 features full English/Japanese text support. Just press the lower button on the game's start screen to switch the game into English.
Gyakuten Saiban 2 is the second game in the popular court room battle series from Japan and ported from the original GBA™ version Gyakuten Saiban 2 to the Nintendo DS™. The game is released as "Best Price" budget release version right away.
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1iyq.html
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October 24th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview with Game Informer, Suda 51 revealed new gameplay and plot details regarding Heroes, the psychedelic-looking shooter in development for Wii.
"The hero is Travis Touchdown, and he's a professional killer. There is a sort of killer association where the killers are ranked, and Travis wants to get from the 10th rank to the 1st... Travis will have to kill each of the 10 killers that are ranked higher to become the best killer," Suda explains.
Heroes will be a free-roaming third-person shooter that "takes place in Santa Destroy, a small town on the East Coast of America. The player will be able to move freely in the town and there will be main missions and sub missions. There will be smaller enemies between the boss fights."
Interestingly, the "Light Saber" will be Travis' only weapon, which can be seen in use in the awesome trailer for the game. Players will wave the Wii Remote to perform various slashing moves although Suda explains that "quick cuts", which allow players to kill opponents in one slice, will prevent the player's arm from tiring.
Coming from the minds behind the distinctively stylised Killer 7, we're expecting Heroes to be an innovative and unique shooter with intense action and plenty or hard-hitting violence.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
In the latest issue of US publication, Electronic Gaming Monthly, president of Factor 5, makers of the Star Wars Rogue Squadron games, expressed his disappointment with Nintendo's new Wii console.
Factor 5, currently developing Lair for the PS3, deemed the Wii a "GameCube 1.5" in reference to its relatively similar technical specifications, also describing the console's audio ability as "relatively mediocre".
We guess that means the Wii won't be getting any more Rogue Squadron games for the development studio.
Furious Nintendo fanatics should feel free to shout hysterical "GAMEPLAY over graphics" statements in the comments section below.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
More bad news for DS owners; Konami has delayed the release of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin to February 2007.
With the extra development time, the final game will include online spell trading, as well as a shop system that allows you to buy and sell items found in the game over the internet.
The game will also include a two-player co-operative Boss Rush mode, which lets you and a mate take on the game's many bosses one after the other.
It's disappointing to see so many of the biggest DS titles skipping the Christmas holiday to next year (Zelda: Phantom Hourglass in particular), but when they sound as good as Portrait of Ruin does, we're willing to wait.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Konami is revitalising some of the best games in its history in a new retro compilation package, Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits for DS.
The most exciting games in the package include Gradius, Track and Field and the awesome Contra (better known as Probotector over here), which will contribute to some serious button wear on our DSes. Also on the 12-game list is Rush 'N' Attack, Yie-Ar Kung Fu, Roc 'N Rope, and Circus Charlie, with more yet to be announced.
The great news is that each game will be included in their original form as well as an updated and "remixed" form that will take advantage of the many DS functions. It will also allow players to select between horizontal and vertical screen settings, which use the two screens to imitate the configuration of the original arcade display.
Even more interestingly, the game will include a bonus feature that gives players the history of each of the titles in the compilation, and even let you listen to over 100 game songs and sound effects, for teary-eyed moments.
Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits is due to release in the US in March 2007, but a European is yet to be confirmed, although we're hopeful it will make it here because it sounds ace. We're already pestering Konami about it - keep your eye on us.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Cooking Mama, a game that has players preparing meals on the touch screen of the DS, looks like the sort of game that would only see the light of day in Japan.
But after a successful launch in the US, the game will now be making its way to Europe in December.
Bizarre as it sounds, Cooking Mama looks like a lot of fun. Controlling a superstar Chef in the making, players have to prepare various meals with tuition and scrutiny from the all-knowing Mama, using the stylus to slice, fry, stir and mix various ingredients together.
Open your mind to the weird and wonderful, then scroll your browsers down to take a peak Taito's innovative new game, now with lovely English text.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Zoo Digital tells CVG it's got four Wii games up its sleeve for release next year
The list includes Toot & Puddle, Sea Monsters, Balls of Fury and what would appear to be a dual-game package that includes Chicken Shoot and Egg Catcher.
A Zoo Digital spokesperson (or zoo keeper) was unable to disclose any further details on any of the games to us.
Here's Zoo Digital's full release schedule for 2007:
Actua Pool - DS - 26 Jan 07
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - PSP - 02 Feb 07
Princess Natasha 'Student-Secret Agent-Princess' - DS - 02 Feb 07
Uno/Skipbo/Uno Freefall Compilation - DS - 02 Feb 07
March of the Penguins - GBA/DS - 02 Feb 07
Another World - GBA - 09 Feb 07
Chicken Shoot + Egg Catcher - DS/Wii - 04 May 07
Hot Wheels All Out - GBA - Q1 07
Harlem Globetrotters World Tour - DS - Q1 07
Freedom Wings - DS - Q1 07
Wiffle Ball Advance - DS - Q1 07
Uno 52 - DS/GBA - Q1 07
Uno Freefall - GBA - Q1 07
Frisbee Freestyle/Frisbee Golf - DS - Q2 07
B-17 Fortress in the Sky - DS - Q2 07
Toot & Puddle (Call of the North) - GBA/DS/Wii - Q3 07
Sea Monsters (Nat Geo) - DS/PS2/Wii - Q4 07
Balls of Fury - DS/Wii - TBC
Barbie Compilation - GBA - TBC
Lionel Trains "On Track" - DS - TBC
We can't wait to get our hands on Ball Of Fury.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
When gamers rip their Wii out of the box this December, the console's WiFi-compatible functionality will allow them to surf the internet on their TV, and here are the first shots of it in action.
The simple-looking web browser will be controlled using the Wii Remote's pointer. A panel across the bottom of the screen appears to include back and forward-page buttons, an 'eject' button that presumably exits the browser, and a button with a star on it which we know to be for bookmarks. We're waiting on feedback from Nintendo as to what the other button does.
The browser will be a downloadable option to all Wii owners, and will be free for the first six month, after which users will have to pay a small fee. Just to make it clear, these charges are only applied to web browsing. All of Wii's other online services, including online gaming, will be permanently free.
For your viewing pleasure (and salivating anticipation), we've also included brand new shots of the Mii editing screens and message boards in use, as well as the banners you'll see before booting various Wii game discs, including Zelda, Wii Play and Wii Sports.
December 8 can't come soon enough.
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October 24th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
In their recent press release concerning revenue forecasts, Ubisoft pledged seven more Wii title, in addition to the seven announced at launch, bringing the total to 14 Wii games by March 2007.
The first concern we have is the seven launch titles. Prior to the press release, we knew of eight confirmed launch titles (listed after the break). Which game is not making the launch window? Ubisoft's press release did not provide any further elaboration of the seven Wii launch games, but we think prime candidates for delay are Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Blazing Angels.
That leaves us with six unknown non-launch titles due for release before March. Of them, one will be a "non announced new brand." Does that mean the other five will be sequels, adaptations, or other franchice iterations?
Ubisoft releasing 14 titles within as many weeks of the Wii launch is a big gamble. The publisher-developer aspires to topple EA as the No. 1 publisher worldwide, but is this a route of quantity over quality? If Ubisoft's titles prove to be consistently high caliber (or, at least, pretty decent), then perhaps their assault on the Wii library will prove fruitful. However, if a string of titles within that period turn out to be low quality garbage, then Ubisoft is doing nothing to help the company long-term.
The eight previously-confirmed launch titles for Wii:
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Red Steel
Far Cry
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Monster 4x4 World Circuit
Open Season
GT Pro Series
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
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October 24th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Modojo examines what they call "a series of mistakes" made by Nintendo in managing the Game Boy and claim the handheld line all but dead. The portable site blames a lack of advertising, a high Micro launch price of $99, and poor peripheral support for the suggested demise and even likens the Micro's performance to that of the Power Glove and Nintendo 64 disc-drive. Ouch!
From the article: "When it was announced that the Nintendo DS was going to be a portable gaming device that not only played Nintendo DS games, but GBA games as well, it pretty much defeated the purpose of owning a GBA in the first place ... Nintendo pretended to support the three pillars as a way to fight Sony's looming release of the PlayStation Portable. If the new dual screen and touch screen didn't appeal to the mass market then Nintendo could fall back on the Game Boy."
When rumors surfaced back in May that Nintendo would discontinue the Game Boy from an interview with Reuters, Iwata denied the claim in speaking with Game Daily saying his original quote was taken out of context, and only that Nintendo is currently focusing its efforts on the DS and Wii before planning a GBA successor. You make the call: Will Nintendo kill off the Game Boy, or not?
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October 24th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
A Best Buy employee who wishes to remain anonymous sent in the above pre-launch Wii setup for the retailer including a 22-page memo documenting which stores will participate in the promotion. The letter, written by VMSM (third-party Nintendo marketer?) and addressed to "Best Buy Retail Management," names 249 participating stores and includes installation instructions for two, four-foot "Coming Soon" billboards with one count-down clock. Billboards are expected to hit stores on November 1.
While it looks big, keep in mind those white boxes could denote existing inventory. More interesting, however, is the display copy: "When you hit a drum, swing a raquet or a bat, why should you have to press a button?" A new slogan that perhaps effectively communicates Wii's take on the game interface.
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October 25th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
New DS game release:
Pinky Street: Kira Kira * Music Hour is a rhythm action game, based on a series of three touch panels for you to interact with as the beat rolls by. You hold the Nintendo DS™ sideways, with the touch panel on one side for gameplay and the other side showing a full-body view of your dancer and her competition. Your movements will be completed with your stylus.
Up top is a meter showing the song's beat and one of three color blips for an upcoming beat. That color will light up one of the three touch panels when it reaches the beat, and you must take action in that panel to hit the note. Sometimes the note will be just a single tap, other times it will light up with arrows that you must stroke for the music hit. Build your "Rainbow" combos and beat your opponent on the dance floor either in single player or multiplayer mode.
The game also contains a full story mode to play through. Included in this is a large mall town to explore, with several points of interest for your smiley-faced female dancing idol. You can go shopping for outfits for her or visit clubs to play games. There's even a cute photo booth for fashion-crazy girls (and pervy boys) where your 3D character will strike a number of poses as you take pictures of her.
Pinky Street: Kira Kira * Music Hour for Nintendo DS™ is shipping today as standard version (US$ 48.90) and First Print Limited Edition (US$ 59.90), which includes a figure of the game's main character. The latter has only arrived in limited quantities today, but more supply is confirmed later this week, covering all remaining preorders as well as new orders.
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October 25th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
New DS game released:
Tales of the Tempest, the first Tales title for the DS concerns Caius, a boy with the ability to unleash the beast inside him, and his quest to find his true parents. The game is presented in 3D and uses a battle system similar to Tales of Rebirth. Enemies and allies are all on 3 lines, with the player switching between them at will. The Touch Screen may be used for special attacks never before seen in the Tales series, allowing lots more variety in battle. The big feature of this game is the ability for certain characters to transform into werewolves, gaining extra power and speed at the cost of techniques.
Namco's Nintendo DS™ RPG game Tales of the Tempest is finally in stock today, available at US$ 48.90 only. Also shipping at the same time is Hori's Tales of the Tempest DS Lite Accessory Set, containing a Tales of the Tempest branded Protector Kit (up/down part) and a slim type Card Case DS.
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October 25th, 2006, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
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Brainiac and his villain cronies have developed a master plan to conquer the world and eliminate the Justice League forever. Using the extraordinary super powers and expert fighting techniques of the Justice League, players must save humanity from Brainiac's destruction and the even darker forces that are lurking in the universe. Features Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Zatanna. Key voice talent and engaging storyline, with in-game banter and 3D cinematic cut scenes
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October 25th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS Lite Quick Battery Charger
Quick charge function
3 Hours fully charge
Compatible with original or 3rd party lithum rechargeable battery
come with mini battert cover screw driver and USB power cable
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October 25th, 2006, 01:14 Posted By: JKKDARK
Sega announces Dominic Scott Kay to lend voice to Charlotte's Web game
SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced that actor Dominic Scott Kay, who voices the role of Wilbur in Paramount Pictures'/Walden Media's presentation of a Kerner Entertainment/Nickelodeon Movies production, the holiday release Charlotte's Web, will reprise his role in the DS™ and PC versions of the Charlotte's Web video game. The game is scheduled for release on November 14, 2006 and will also be available for the Nintendo Game Boy® Advance and mobile phones.
"I love video games and I'm really excited to have my voice in Charlotte's Web," said Kay, who made his debut in the 2002 hit Minority Report. "I think it is so cool that the first game I've ever worked on is based on a story that everyone loves. I can't wait for it to come out so that I can play it with my friends and family."
Players of all ages will explore the charming world of Charlotte's Web as Wilbur and Templeton the rat in four interactive environments, including Zuckerman's Barn, a Junkyard, the Countryside, and the County Fair. Each area offers numerous challenging levels, a colorful cast of characters, and a variety of mini-games. Through his familiarity with Wilbur in the upcoming movie, Kay is able to bring his big-screen movie magic to the character in the DS and PC versions of the game.
"We are excited to have a talented actor like Dominic Scott Kay join the project," says Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "Kay's colorful performance and energetic voice brings Wilbur to life, and makes this magical gameplay experience feel just like the movie."
Charlotte's Web will be available on the Nintendo DS System, PC, and Game Boy Advance this fall. The game is rated "E" for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Rating Board.
Charlotte's Web is a new, live-action adaptation of E.B. White's beloved classic, which is the best-selling children's paperback of all time. In Charlotte's Web, a very small pig finds that the most powerful force in the world is the bond of friendship. Wilbur, a pig and the runt of the litter, has a youthful manner that makes him seem naïve to the other animals in his new barn, but to Charlotte – the spider who lives in the rafters – he is a welcome friend. Their friendship is shown to be a lasting one when the other animals reveal that the pig's days are numbered. It seems that only a miracle will save Wilbur's life, but a determined Charlotte spins words into her web in an effort to convince the farmer that Wilbur is "some pig" and worth saving. The magical story of loyalty and sacrifice comes to life in this live-action adaptation.
The motion picture Charlotte's Web will be in theaters nationwide on December 20th, 2006. The film has been rated G by the MPAA. More information on the film can be found at http://www.charlotteswebmovie.com.
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October 25th, 2006, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
VH1 announces its latest contest, Digging for DS. We’re giving away five (5) Nintendo DS Lites each with one (1) Nintendo DS Game over the next five weeks. (Actually six weeks - we’re taking a break from the contest during Thanksgiving week). The contest is simple. Each Monday check in here at Game Break for the week’s five questions. Send an email with the correct answers to vh1gamebreak@vh1.com by midnight on Thursday of that same week and we’ll pick a winner on Friday. You can dig for the answers to all the questions either in the archives of Game Break or in the games on games.vh1.com .
The fine print is all right here for your reading enjoyment, but if you’re itching to get started here are the first five questions. Happy digging and good luck!
Week 1
1. What is the first unlockable celebrity character in VH1’s Escape the Paparazzi game?
2. What is the license plate number that appears in the first screen of the online demo of Mystery Case Files: Huntsville?
3. How many points is a Shadow Lord worth in Joust?
4. What was the first Nintendo DS title written about in Game Break?
5. How long has it been (in years) since the release of Nintendo 64?
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October 25th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heran Bago released his first game : Marbl ! Basically, you play as a marble. The direction pad makes you build momentum in one direction. You can also jump and dash. It's also not bad visually, I'd like to imagine. not too bad for 80% MS Paint...
The demo uses sound as well as hardware rotation. So to play it perfectly, you should really use the real hardware.
If you must use an emulator, please use DualiS. It's the only one right now that I've tried that can emulate both the rotation and the sound. Even then, the sound emulation isn't perfect. Believe me, I've checked around.
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October 25th, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has issued an official statement on a couple of tiny bugs gamers have been discovering in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, the latest entry in the zillion selling Pokemon series.
Following the Japanese release of the games two weeks back, Nintendo states that two bugs have been reported. This will only make sense if you've actually played the games (and seeing as how Diamond & Pearl have only been released in Japan so far, we're sure that means just a few of you), but here are the specifics.
A: After entering the Union Room from the second floor of the Pokemon League, when you try to go up to the second floor of the Pokemon Center, you get stuck in a wall never to return.
B: In a special room in the Pokemon League, if you face the automatic entrance and use the "Naminori" skill, you get stuck in a wall never to return. Nintendo warns that you shouldn't do this, as it could lead to a loss of data.
Nintendo has posted solutions to both bugs. They're pretty specific, so for the few who actually imported the Japanese versions of these games, we'll point you in the direction of Nintendo's official Q&A page.
One of Nintendo's solutions, for those silly enough to have saved their game while stuck in a wall, suggests that players take the DS to a retail DS Station, which, starting 10/27, will be able to fix the problem. That's a first for the service!
The US versions of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, due out next year, should have these problems fixed.
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October 25th, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
A little less than two months to go before the sequel to Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow hits the Nintendo DS. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is a promising follow-up that removes gimmicky touch-screen elements in favor of a hardcore Castlevania experience on the dual-screen handheld. We've already had tons of hands-on play with versions in the past, but Konami stopped by the office so we could check out the multiplayer component that can be experienced both locally and over the internet.
There are two different "connectivity" modes: a cooperative Boss Rush mode as well as a Shop players can set up to sell item for a decent profit. The shop is exactly what it sound like it is: a player chooses a set amount of items from his or her inventory and sells it for the in-game value to prevent cheating (you know, give a buddy a super rare item for a single penny? Not going to happen). When players sell their item to a friend, the item doesn't leave their inventory...they're selling a "copy" of it to the other player. This is good for players that might not have an item that the other player managed to secure deeper in the game. While in the other players' store, they're visually represented by their choice of Castlevania creature on the other person's screen.
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October 25th, 2006, 05:39 Posted By: Bonic
SonicDS 1.2 Beta, is a big improvement of the alpha! Heres a list of things that have been added/fixed!:
Plays larger levels
Improved the engine
Has AI, but I didn't add it to the Sample files(If you want AI, build it with your level)
You can jump from under platforms!
Can play more music!
Has death engine(Not in samples)
Sonic has a faster jump
Hold Y to speed up alittle.
Has rings!(Not in sample)
Sonic The Hedgehog!(LMAO)
This game still has no lag, sound, a level builder(Improved), and Sonic!

Works on any emulator!
Sample Levels: Route 48, Stick World
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October 25th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has extended its cosy little publishing love-in with Oblivion makers Bethesda to cover the latter's forthcoming Star Trek games for PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PSP and DS, with games for each due out here this December.
So that's Star Trek: Legacy, which features voice work from all five Star Trek TV captains and is due out on Xbox 360 and PC, Star Trek: Encounters for PS2, and Star Trek: Tactical Assault for DS and PSP.
Interestingly, the latter will be up against another Ubi-published sci-fi title, also for DS and PSP: Star Wars Lethal Alliance. Fight! Fight! Fight!
As you may know, Star Trek: Legacy is due out on 21st November in the US, although Ubi hasn't specified a particular time in December for its arrival here, while Encounters is out now in the US and Tactical Assault will hit DS this week and PSP on 14th November across the pond.
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October 25th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has sorted out a bit of confusion about whether it will sell its component (i.e. progressive-scan capable) Nintendo Wii cables in the shops.
Earlier this week, IGN reported that American gamers would be forced to buy their US$ 29.99 component cables off the Internet, through Nintendo's store, Best Buy, Circuit City or EB Games.
But, says Nintendo, that shouldn't be the case over here. "At present in the UK we plan to sell Wii accessories through the normal retail channels," we were told this afternoon.
Nintendo Wii supports pretty much every TV ever, despite its quirky new control system, but with its competitors banging the "high definition" drum pretty hard, Nintendo recently reconfirmed that it will support 480p resolution.
And, having seen the system several times since E3, we can confirm that it looks very pretty when they do.
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October 25th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
It's just a rumor for now, but it seems like EBGames/GameStop wants to stop a repeat of last year's Xbox 360 eBay fiasco by cutting off employees who auction off their consoles.
This scheme is going to be hard to police, but retailers will probably scan employees' console serial numbers and compare it to serials listed on eBay—which if employees are smart, won't be. Unless EB/GameStop HQ buys up auctions and THEN compares the consoles to the listed serial numbers, it's unlikely that anybody will actually get caught.
Most likely just a scare tactic, but one less console sold on eBay means one more console in the hands of someone who actually wants to play.
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October 25th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Wii. Like it or not, the name and the console it represents arguably receive more favorable buzz than any other current game platform. Is it because of a departure from the traditional definition of next-generation gaming, the industry's fascination with its prospects, or that motion-controls with inferior graphics are in-fact a blast to play on a large scale? Hopefully by late November (post launch), we'll be closer to a definitive answer, but some are still obviously and understandably coming to terms with how Nintendo defines next-generation gaming:
Ars Technica on the concept of next generation: "That 'next-gen hardware experience' that I've come to expect as a birthright of console gaming will be missing from the Wii. Things that were graphically and computationally unthinkable in the previous generation will not suddenly become possible with the Wii ... Zelda: Twilight Princess is a launch title for the 'next-gen' Nintendo console. This is a GameCube game, people!"
Factor 5, developer of the excellent GameCube launch title Rogue Squadron II, is "extremely disappointed" with Wii calling the console a "GameCube 1.5" while ragging on the system's inferior graphics and audio capabilities.
While I'm sure everyone got the 2005 E3 memo stating that Nintendo wouldn't embrace power advancements with Wii, I thought "next-gen" was in the eye of the beholder? The two above critics appreciated Nintendo's previous systems (by their own admittance in one way or another), so maybe they just feel slighted by not getting a GameCube 2. Any readers out there feel the same this close to Wii's launch? The line has been drawn.
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October 25th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
New accessory for Nintendo DS:

Official European Version
Contains two shells to protect top and bottom
You can play with attached protector covers
Personalize your Nintendo DS Lite with your favorite Super Mario Bros. characters. The DS Lite Protector offers protection against shock, dirt and scratches. Contains two shells, protecting from top and bottom.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1im0.html
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October 25th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
New accessory for Nintendo DS:

Personalize your stylus with stickers from your favorite Super Mario Bros. characters. It's your choice between Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach. The pack also contains six cartridge cases with Mario characters.
Box contents
1x Stylus (white/longer than standard stylus)
3x Stickers
1x Stylus Holder
6x Cartridge Cases (2x Mario, 2x Luigi, 2x Princess Peach)
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October 25th, 2006, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS Silicon Finger Pen for DS
High sensitive and quality of elastic silicon material
Lightly touched or slided with console screen
Comfortable and easy to use
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October 25th, 2006, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have released a new build of the image viewer app for the DS.
Whats New
- The slide show mode was added.
- If the START button is pushed, it becomes a slide show mode.
- It returns to the previous when the SELECT button is pushed.
- The starting position can be set by pushing the L+SELECT button in the view mode. (From four corners.)
- The user interface was changed a little.
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October 25th, 2006, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Free wireless internet on the go is an attractive proposal. The great thing about the DS Opera Browser (available now) is that it lets you view the REAL internet - not some cheap mobile version with ridiculously limited web page availablilty.
This means that you can log into your hotmail account to check and send emails, leap onto a news site, have a natter on your favourite forum or swing by CVG.co.uk to check out the latest gaming headlines.
Getting set up is identical to setting up your DS for online gameplay. Once you've found your access point, the DS takes a few seconds to log in and then it's ready to go. Unfortunately, everything you do after that will be anything but quick.
On the surface, this is a great piece of software. The interface uses the touch screen superbly and makes browsing without a mouse and keyboard as effortless as it could possibly be. You can view pages in two configurations; SSR mode and Overview mode.
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October 25th, 2006, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Check this out! Toys R Us and Nintendo of America have erected this immense three storey high Wii advert across the toy retailer’s flagship Times Square store this week.
Aside from questions of what this must have cost (and who picked up the tab) SPOnG was intrigued to know what regular New Yorkers thought of the ad. As gamers we are clearly all aware what Wii is and what the father and daughter are holding in their hands on the ad.
But what about the non-gaming/casual market that Nintendo is gunning for with Wii? The lapsed, the ladies and the elderly?
SPOnG asked our man in Manhattan to get out there on the street to poll a select band of passers-by.
Here’s what they had to say:
“What's a "why"?” (Meredith, 28)
“It should have a Nintendo logo on there, Nintendo is like Kleenex.” (Chris, 29)
“It just looks like they both have remotes.” (Derek, 24)
“It looks like the guy from land of the lost and his daughter... Is it something to do with wifi?” (John, 35)
“I dunno, is it a new TV or something?” (Chet, 34)
“Why do they have two remotes?" (Ali, 27)
So there we go. While our street-level straw poll is admittedly limited to a narrow demographic of twenty and thirty-somethings, it is still clear that the non-gaming public needs a little bit more educating on what a Wii actually IS.
What do YOU think of the ad? Do you think it does its job? Or is it, as the non-gaming public we polled above suggest, perhaps too clever for its own good?
Let us know in the forums.
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October 25th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
via wired
Nintendo's all about the Touch Generations this holiday season, with Brain Age leading the charge. Just to make sure we journalist types don't forget about training our brains, Nintendo sent out this lovely cerebral snowglobe. OMG RARE. I'll sell this on eBay for $1500 because I'm going to say that it's a PS3. With me luck.
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October 25th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from Mollusk:
Main changes :
- 16c background code improved, more examples (animations !)
- Gif2Frames added, cuts an ainmated gif into frames for you
- FATlib code changed, do not use this beta if FATlib was vital to you...
- Sound code rewritten, now multiple sounds per frame will work
- Makefile updated, no longer screws sounds when a non-padded sound is included
- PAFS and PAGfx bugfixs, nothing major though
- Platform Game wiki tutorials 4 and 5 files added, 6 will come...
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October 25th, 2006, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Jayenkai posted the news:
This release contains the following 7 games.
1) Swaps : Find a new word, by replacing the letter shown, with any other letter.
2) Crosses : Create words on the board, in a criss-cross fashion using the tiles provided. (Was previously labelled Scrab, but I changed it in case Hasbro came to kick my ass.)
3) Towers : Build words upside down, inside the tubes provided.
4) Triplets : Create words which contain the 3 letters provided, in the order shown.
5) Strings : Trace the stylus over words to score points.
6) Anagrams : Get the longest word possible from the letters provided. Each set of letters can be made into a single longer word.
7) Dice : It's Yahtzee, and it has nothing to do with words!
Also, now includes Single DS Multiplayer gameplay.
Click the little fellow, bottom right, to decide the number of players.
Set the time limit to something small.
Select a game.
Each player gets a round to themselves, with the highest scorer being declared the winner.
(Note : Doesn't work as intended with the Dice game. I gotta fix that!)
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October 26th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Its been long overdue but tonight we have 12 new subforums covering all the nintendo Consoles here at DCEmu. anyone starting new topics should please start in the new forums, the admin and mods should have all 1000+ topics moved into correct forums as soon as possible.
It will take a few days so give us time 
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October 26th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Its been long overdue but tonight we have 12 new subforums covering all the nintendo Consoles here at DCEmu. anyone starting new topics should please start in the new forums, the admin and mods should have all 1000+ topics moved into correct forums as soon as possible.
It will take a few days so give us time 
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October 26th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
After the critical success of DS, the company saw net profits of 54.35bn Yen (£242.8m) between April and September.
The handheld sold 10.9m units worldwide in the same period. And the success looks set to continue as Nintendo raises its worldwide sales forecast for the DS from 17m to 20m units for the one-year period ending March 2007.
It would seem Nintendo's drive to pull in new gamers with software such as Brain Training, Nintendogs and Animal Crossing is working a treat.
With Yoshi's Island DS, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass and many more triple-A games on the way, it's not about to stop.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has raised its DS shipment forecast to 20 million units after net profits rose by more than 48 per cent during the first half of the financial year.
Profits for the six month period ending September 30 stood at YEN 54.35 billion (EUR 361 million) - up from YEN 36.6 billion (EUR 243 million) a year previously.
Revenues were up by almost 70 per cent to reach YEN 298.8 billion (EUR 1.98 billion, while operating profit more than tripled to YEN 67.11 billion (EUR 446 million).
Nintendo attributed the rise to increase global sales of the DS handheld; 10.9 million units were sold during first half of the year, up from 3.57 million units during the same period a year ago.
As a result, Nintendo has upped its forecast and now predicts sales of 20 million units, rather than 17 million, by the end of the financial year. The company also expects to sell more DS games, raising its projection from 7.5 million to 8.2 million units. The forecast for Wii sales remains at 6 million consoles and 17 million games by the end of the financial year.
Nintendo also earned foreign exchange gains worth YEN 24.1 billion (EUR 160 million), due to a weak yen.
There was no change to the company's end of year forecast, which predicts net profits of YEN 100 billion (EUR 665 million) and revenues of YEN 740 billion (EUR 4.9 billion).
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October 26th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are the hottest-selling games in Japan at the moment. The games sold an unprecedented 1.6 million copies their first week and have since gone on to ship around 2.5 million units in Japan.
The official Pokémon Web site issued a statement yesterday regarding a problem in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl software.
Although occurring only rarely under special conditions, according to Nintendo, the bug causes players to become stuck in walls in certain rooms. In some instances it can even lead to the malfunctioning or loss of saved game data. The games' Web site gives instructions on how to get around these issues.
In addition, it was announced that a patch will be distributed through DS Stations at participating stores throughout Japan and at all Pokémon Center branches on October 27.
It seems unlikely that these problems will affect North American or European gamers, because the fixes will almost certainly be added to the games before they go on sale.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Portable remakes of Super NES-era Final Fantasy games, such as Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS, have proven quite popular among Japanese gamers. Now, Square Enix is prepping Final Fantasy VI Advance for the Game Boy Advance. Released in Japan in 1994, FFVI was both the first title in the series to use the active time battle system and the last FF game for the Super NES. Today in preparation for the game's November 30 launch in Japan, an official Web site has gone live. At the moment, the site provides just basic information on the history and gameplay of FFVI, as well as a couple of character sketches for Tina and Lock.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Today Japanese gaming site Game Watch released a few details about Ryoukiki no Susume, an edutainment game for the Nintendo DS by Taito. Reportedly, the game's objective is to "increase the number of usable hands" for the user.
In Ryoukiki, players are encouraged to use the hand they normally don't. That is, righties play with their left hands, and lefties play with their right. The idea is to activate the less-used hemisphere of the brain--in left-handers, the right hemisphere is said to dominate, and vice versa.
This is accomplished by running users through a series of touch-pen-based minigames using their wrong hand. The games range from easy tasks, like popping colored bubbles with the touch pen, to more difficult challenges, such as dragging a cursor around the screen to collect certain shapes while avoiding others. The game will use the wireless capabilities of the DS for head-to-head competitions and ad hoc play and to distribute a demo version of itself to other players.
The game is set for release this December.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
In less than a month, the Nintendo Wii will be available across America. However, it now appears that retailers are already setting up retail displays for the next-gen console, which itself won't be available until Sunday, November 19.
According to a series of online reports, the local Target in Lafayette, Louisiana, has already launched displays offering Wii merchandise. Called "endcaps" in retailer parlance, the display offers a variety of accessories for the next-gen console, including colored sleeves for the so-called "Wiimote" controller in red, blue, green, and black. Also on display are booklets for Wii game discs, which will be the same size and shape as regular DVDs, even though the console does not offer DVD playback like the Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, or PlayStation 3 do.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Many high profile games for Nintendo's soon to be released Wii console will go on sale for less than £30 at the machine's launch, including Far Cry Vengeance, Super Mario Galaxy and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
All three games are on sale for £30 with web retailer ChoicesUK.com, and other big games like Call of Duty 3 are priced at an also-reasonable £33.
The bargains don't stop there, either, with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Red Steel, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Splinter Cell Double Agent and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves also offered with a wallet-friendly £30 price tag.
The full retail price for these titles is quoted as £40 but ChoicesUK aren't the only site to give decent discounts, with Play.com also slashing the cost of many Wii games to £33.
With Wii arriving at a more-than-expected £180, it's great to see that the games - which, although boasting motion-sensitive gaming, can't compete with the visual clout of 'true' next-gen titles - will turn up at an impulse-buy price.
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October 26th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Pikachu is not your friend. Doesn't matter if toy maker Tomy has dubbed this torture device "Tomodachi Pikachu" (Friend Pikachu), the yellow pocket monster is the enemy and must be destroyed. And the 150 plus Pika words this stuffed demon speaks, thereby encouraging small children like my son to repeat over and over again? Hogwash. Those red light-up cheeks are a mere foreshadow to the blinding rage the product will ultimately unleash. That being said, I'll probably buy it for my son's birthday
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October 26th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
We were skeptical about AiLive's motion-making development tool when it was announced earlier this month, but after seeing a tech demo of LiveMotion in action, we're convinced it can produce novel work. The problem is the price. At $2,500, LiveMotion is only attractive to a select crowd and excludes smaller parties who will likely turn to Microsoft's XNA project for a more affordable creative outlet.
Nintendo should consider setting up a program, like XNA, that would invite indie game makers and hobbyists to explore Wii's ingenuity. The DS's success has shown that there's an interest, a market, for small quirky games -- it's what Jaffe was getting at; an era of churn'em-out hits. With Wii, Nintendo could p0wn this niche.
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October 26th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:

Play-Asia.com has opened preorders for three upcoming Nintendo licensed First4Figures Collectible Statues, based on the popular The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime franchises. All figures are strictly limited, hand cast and hand painted, individually numbered and come with an authenticity card. Don't miss this chance and submit your preorder now. Only available as long as supplies last...
Official product descriptions:
Very little is understood about the demigod know as the Fierce Deity. With his history shrouded in mystery, the dark and mighty warrior was trapped into a mask, a mask which allows the wearer to inhabit the Fierce Deity's powerful body. Powerful and evil, could this mask's dark powers be as bad as Majora? When young Link dons the Fierce Deity Mask, he manages to harness its power without being corrupted and is transformed into Fierce Deity Link for ultimate showdown with Majora…
First 4 Figures is proud to present Fierce Deity Link, the first collectible statue in the First 4 Figures highly anticipated Legend of Zelda collectible statue series. With inspiration taken from the official Majora’s Mask Fierce Deity Link artwork, the statue has faithfully recreated Fierce Deity’s powerful and mysterious character and pose. Raising his double helix sword high above his head, he is ready to take on any his enemies. Towering at over 14.5 inches to the tip of his sword hilt, Fierce Deity Link will be in scale with the others in the series.
Cast in high quality poly-stone, the statue is hand finished and hand painted. Comes packed in a foam interior full colored box with a card of authenticity. Highly limited at only 2,500 pieces available worldwide.
The Legend of Zelda - Fierce Deity Link Statue is on preorder to ship November 2006 at a price of US$ 99.90 only.

Edition size: 2,500 worldwide
Artist: Ryan Lim
Base Concept Artist: James West
Height: 14.5 inches
Hand cast and hand painted
Individually numbered and comes with an Authenticity Card
More Details Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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October 26th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
Gamasutra is reporting on reporting, with financial information from some of the large gaming companies becoming available this week. Nintendo, who had already previously raised projections, saw their profits up 72% over last year. This dramatic increase was credited largely to the DS, with 10.9 million units sold in the first six months of this year alone. Sony, on the other hand, dropped profits by 94% over this time last year. The company attributes this largely to the battery recall and PS3 start-up costs. From the article: "The company's games division reported a ¥43.5 billion ($366.6m) loss, from a ¥8.2 million ($69,000) profit in 2005, thanks to research and development, manufacturing and marketing costs related to the launch of the PlayStation 3. Sales and operating revenue were down by 20.5 percent to ¥170.3 billion ($1.43bn). A decrease in hardware sales worldwide was attributed to a drop in price for the PlayStation 2 and PSP. Software sales also decreased overall, although individual PSP sales were up on the previous year. Combined profit from the PS2 and PSP business was described as 'relatively unchanged'."
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October 26th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers who missed out on Wii preorders at EB Games and GameStop earlier this month are getting a second chance at launch day giddiness. Toy monolith Toys "R" Us will begin taking preorders for the Wii on Sunday, October 29, the retailer confirmed today.
A $50 down payment is required to get the all-important voucher that will guarantee one of the $250 systems the day it is released, November 19.
However, that may not be the only console the store takes preorders for on Sunday. Over at Gaming Age Forums, a poster who claims to work for Toys "R" Us says that PlayStation 3 preorders will also be taken on October 29, which, if true, could make for strange bedfellows among those camping out on Saturday night for a good spot in line.
According to the poster, who goes by the nom de plume "jetsetmario," each store will have roughly 12 to 25 Wiis, four to 10 60GB PS3s, and one to four 20GB PS3s.
More evidence of PS3 preorders comes from Toys "R" Us' "Big Book"--the retailer's holiday print advertisement that is mailed out, available in-store, and circulated with newspapers. Scans of the ad, which will be released later this week and tells customers to "reserve [a PS3] now," hit the Internet and are causing a whirlwind among those eager to secure a hard-to-get PS3 on launch day.
Representatives from Toys "R" Us were unavailable for comment on PS3 orders as of press time.
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October 26th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Game|Life has scored some precious hands-ons with Ubisoft's Wii launch titles and also managed some time with the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All (DS) import while traveling to and from the Ubisoft offices. Check out the coverage:
Monster Truck 4x4 and GT Pro - "...just old games with Wii controls shoehorned in, and how do you really get excited about that?"
Red Steel - "I didn't play Red Steel at E3 ... So I had no firsthand knowledge of the game until today. And what I played was great. Apparently they've made great strides between E3 and today, because the controls ... were spot-on..."
Rayman Raving Rabbids - "...this might be the best non-Zelda game of the launch, and easily a great showpiece for the controller's abilities."
Splinter Cell: Double Agent - "After spending a half an hour struggling to complete the first level of Double Agent on Wii, I went home, popped in the PS2 version, and blasted through it unscathed in minutes."
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All (DS import) - "Not only is the game bilingual, it's actually a global product. When plugged into an American DS system, the title bar on the console's menu screen reads -- instead of Gyakuten Saiban 2 -- 'Phoenix Wright: Justice For All.'"
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October 26th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
knight0fdragon posted this news/release:
So here is an update to my photocup game the graphics should be better and I fixed some bugs. Some comments would be nice so that I can have something nice and polished done, and I will work on the photo parser to allow a bigger range for the touching of tiny dots.
Also if some people can test it on various flash cards, I would really appreciate it, thanks.
Also should support DSRumble and WarioWare Rumble
Cards I have tested it on:
Supercard CF -> runs, and saves
XG2 flash Lite -> runs, and saves
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October 26th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from The Dude:
Here is my version of the game Boggle for the DS.
It has wifi multiplayer support by connecting to or hosting a server. This allows you to play against and to chat with other players.
The object is to create words by connecting the letters on the 4x4 board of dice. Letters must be adjacent to each other (can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal) and you may not use the same die twice for one word.
The minimum word length is 3 and you get 1 point for 3-4 letter words, 2 points for 5 letter words, 3 points for six letter words, 5 points for 7 letter words and 11 points for words longer than 7 letters.
To join a server, select the "Join Server" option and input the IP of the server you would like to join. The IP you input should be saved in SRAM and loaded the next time you start. The default IP is the IP of a server that I am currently running, although I do not know how long I will have it running for.
You can start a server on the DS by selecting the "Start Server" option. Port 8070 must be forwarded from your router to your DS to allow other users to connect.
You can also run a dedicated server on your PC by running the included BoggleDSServer.exe program. Port 8070 must be forwarded from your router to your PC to allow other users to connect.
Thanks to my buddy Xander for the graphics.
Please leave questions, comments and bug reports.
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October 26th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe Andreani has released a new version of his excellent Map for DS App for the Nintendo DS, heres some info:
AMAP4DS (A map for DS) is a simple, easy to use and fast map viewer. It is first designed for metro and bus maps. It is not distributed alone but always with a specific map. You can find free several maps downloads below. Due to DS technical limitations it is not possible, for now, to load your own maps into AMAP4DS. If you need a map you can't find here, please, send me an email: christophe@andreani.net , I may add it in a near future :-)
AMAP4DS V3.0 offers one more zoom level (5 zoom levels available) and larger map resolution: up to 1536 x 1536
New v3.0 downloads:
AMAP4DS-Paris-Bus" is a Paris (France) bus map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Osaka-Subway" is an Osaka (Japan) subway map for the Nintendo DS.
"AMAP4DS-Munich-U-Bahn" is a Munich (Germany) U-Bahn (subway) map for the Nintendo DS.
Download at Official site here --> http://www.andreani.net/ds/
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October 27th, 2006, 14:58 Posted By: wraggster
Swing your eager over to that little thumbnail on the right to see the latest Red Steel trailer, which shows off the game's four-player modes including an insight into how the innovative 'Killer' mode will work.
As well as the usual deathmatch mode, Red Steel will feature a Killer mode that will have players individually receiving mission objectives from the speaker in their Wii Remote.
About half way through the trailer, one of the Remotes bleeps and then says: "you are the target". Obviously, that player then has to try to stay alive for as long as they can whilst the other three players try desperately to be the one that gets the kill.
You will also see the four players performing over-exaggerated diving manoeuvres on the sofa, and hiding behind bits of furniture in the room. If any of that were actually necessary we wouldn't have the energy to play the game for more than five minutes. Rest assured, lazy gamers, that when you eventually play the game the controls are so sensitive that you'll barely even need to move your wrists.
Red Steel will have players shooting and slicing their way through the streets of Tokyo from December 8.
Trailer Here
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October 27th, 2006, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Those cutesy little muts trot away with The Sun Family Game and Bliss Girls Choice awards
Nintendogs, the game that crops up every time Nintendo brags about how successful the DS is, has snagged two awards at the prestigious Golden Joysticks.
Taking home The Sun Family Game of the Year and bliss Girl's Choice awards, Nintendo's innovative pet simulator has been recognised for expanding the appeal of videogames to those elusive female types that usually avoid control pads like bad smells.
Nintendogs and Nintendo's mainstream-targeting Touch Generation games have worked wonders for the DS, which has seen soaring worldwide sales. And now the ladies are on board, us videogame-obsessed guys might actually be able to speak to real girls without having to leave our Mario T-shirt at home.
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October 27th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
New Super Mario Bros. takes Nintendo Game of the Year award
It seems Nintendo's "He's is Back!" slogan used in the game's TV commercials couldn't have been truer
Mario fans have been calling out for the mascot to return to his 2D platforming roots to follow up on the legendary Super Mario World on the Super NES, and when New Super Mario Bros. landed on DS, it was destined to do well.
We thought the game was a tad on the easy side but then, so did everyone who had previously tackled the hellish, cannon-filled airships in SMB.3 or swooped their way to the secret exit on Cheese Bridge. But for the mainstream, its innovative two-screen platforming was perfect, and its nods to the old games make it retro cool.
Luckily, you won't have to wait another 15 years for more 2D Mario action because Super Paper Mario is on its way to Wii and, although it's some way off yet, it's looking brilliant.
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October 27th, 2006, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Although the Wii won't be on sale for weeks, Nintendo is already enjoying robust financial numbers. Today in Tokyo, the company reported a 54.4 billion yen (around $459.5 million) profit for the first half of its fiscal year, which ended on September 30.
The figure is a 48 percent increase from the 36.63 billion yen (approximately $309.2 million) the company reported during the same period the prior year. The Kyoto-based game giant rang up 298.82 billion yen (approx. $2.52 billion) in overall six-month sales, a massive 69 percent increase from the 176.36 billion yen (around 1.49 billion) it took in from April-September 2005.
To anyone following the game industry, the reason for Nintendo's success will be unsurprising. The company announced it has sold more than 10 million units of its DS handheld this year, a trend which accelerated after the sleeker DS Lite was released this spring. So far, the company has sold 26.82 million units of the DS and DS Lite since the platform debuted in late 2004.
Brisk sales of DS hardware translated to brisk sales of DS software. New Super Mario Bros. has sold 6.76 million units worldwide since it went on sale in May. Another popular game, Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day, sold 4.59 million units during the April-September period--bringing its lifetime sales total to 8.51 million units. The game hit Japan in May 2005, arrived on US store shelves in mid-April 2006, and came to Europe in June 2006.
Despite its surging sales, Nintendo's full-year outlook remains the same since it revised the figure upwards three weeks ago. The Mario factory now predicts its net profit for its entire business year, which ends on March 31, 2007, will be 100 billion yen (about $850 million), a 20.5 percent increase from its previous estimate of 83 billion yen (about $705 million).
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October 27th, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii Kiosks are going up all over Japan, allowing Nintendo faithfuls, a.k.a. the entire population between 2 and 80, to have a go at the Wii before launch. And by "have a go", we mean look but don't touch.
The big screen shows the instructional video over and over, similar to the infinitely repeating instructional video at the Star Trek: The Ride Ride we rode on in Las Vegas—much to the despair of said ride workers.
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October 27th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong:
Nintendo has released another batch of videos on the official Wii website, showing a number of families and individuals enjoying Wii Sports bowling, baseball
Whilst gamers hanker for Red Steel, Zelda: The Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption it seems that Wii Sports, has become the flagship title at the centre of Nintendo’s plans to take Wii to the great unwashed, non-gaming masses.
There is of course a great and serious danger inherent in this strategy, which nobody so far seems to have picked up on.
Not that it won’t work. It will. But what do you do if you want to play any of the ‘proper’ games mentioned above, yet you can’t get your gran and your annoying little sister off of Wii Sports?
SPOnG foresees many a family argument over who gets to control the Wii-mote this coming Christmas holiday period!
More Info --> http://us.wii.com/experience_gallery.jsp
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October 27th, 2006, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Press release:
Release Date: 2007
The pony you always wanted in the palm of your hand!
Choose from 7 breeds and create and customise your very own pony. Make sure it is well groomed, clean and happy. Take it for trail rides to keep it fit and watch out for birds, animals and hidden rare gifts to collect. Make your pony beautiful with gifts and matching sets of accessories ensuring your pony is the best pony in the whole stables!
Brush with the stylus to make sure it’s the best-groomed pony in the stable
Clean your pony with shampoo and conditioner to give it a shiny coat
Find new trail entrances and hidden gifts by touching the screen on a trail ride
Spot animals on trail rides with the stylus
Use the stylus to write the name of your pony
Place rosettes and update your secret diary everyday
Use the stylus to remove stones from your pony’s shoes
* Keep up to 3 ponies in your stable at any one time
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October 27th, 2006, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralyser have released a new version of the Image Viewer for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Version 0.26+2 2006/10/26
The bug that became a mirror image if it rotated by 90 degrees in the slide show mode was corrected.
Version 0.25 2006/10/23
Even if the reduction ratio was changed, the cursor position was maintained.
The reduction ratio change icon was brought together in the pop-up menu.
The function was allocated in UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT and L button (Or, A/B/X/Y and R button) respectively.
The preservation folder of the IPK file can be specified with img2ipk.exe.
When a thumbnail mode was begun, the cursor position was corrected in the screen inside.
A small bug was corrected.
The user interface was changed a little.
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October 28th, 2006, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
Call it a bonus, call it a gimmick, but we're bound to see Wii games getting packed with wacky control schemes. First up Metal Slug Anthology, promising five nontraditional schemes in addition to GameCube controller support. We suppose it'll add some replay value, but some of these just look like annoyances:
"Nunchuk Control Stick" - movement and fire controlled with Nunchuk; grenades tossed by flicking Wiimote
"Tilt Wii Remote" - tilts control movement; d-pad "up" to jump (no nunchuk attached)
"Wii Remote" - classic controls; flick to toss grenades (no nunchuk attached)
"Arcade" - hold Wiimote vertical against surface (emulates joystick); nunchuk fires and jumps (flick it for grenades)
"Nunchuk Only" - Nunchuk controls all (except weapon switch and alternate attack)
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October 28th, 2006, 12:04 Posted By: scorpei
Hi all,
I've finished my review of the DS-Xtreme adapter. I've tried to cover most things but if you feel there is something missing or wrong don't hesitate to ask/say so on my news page. I will add it to the FAQ section of the review if it's a useful question.
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October 28th, 2006, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via Menshealth
Karl, Birmingham, MI asks
Q: How can I get my girlfriend into playing video games?
The Girl Next Door Answers:
Calling her over to watch as you pistol-whip a hooker in GTA or solve the riddle of the moon druids in Myst IV is not the way. Maybe you should buy that new Nintendo system with the stupid name, Wii. It was designed in part to suck video-game-dissing women into the virtual world. Personally, I'm addicted to Rockstar Games' Table Tennis and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
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October 28th, 2006, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
rosered has made a rather excellent case for his/her Nintendo DS Lite, made from wool it looks like a New Controller.
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October 28th, 2006, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
In a year full of strange (or unique, depending on your perspective) DS game ideas, perhaps the strangest (or most unique) was Konami's Stock Sales Trainer. Developed by Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima, this game promised to do for stock trading what Brain Age did for brain training.
The Konami game isn't even out yet, and we already have another stock trading game on the way. Capcom has announced Kabu Trader Shun (Stock Trader Shun) for the DS. Picture the Phoenix Wright series with stock trading instead of the courtroom drama, and you'll have the basic idea behind this unique adventure title.
In Kabu Trader, you play as Shun Aiba, an 18-year old who's always dreamed of being a stock trader. Shun has just been summoned by his father's sole pupil, Toru Narasaki, who promises to teach Shun the tricks of the trade.
In addition to offering all the story and dialogue of an adventure game, Kabu Trader features an action-based trading mode. You face off directly against rival traders in the game's Versus Trade battles, making use of special Trading Arts to reach monetary goals as quickly as possible. New Trading Arts can be purchased in a Trading Shop. You also earn new arts by improving your trading rank and advancing through the storyline.
During the versus trade battles, the top screen shows a stock price chart, with the bottom showing how much money you and your rival have. You can select to buy or sell stocks, but aside from this, we're not sure how this "battle system" works just yet.
The look of the game and its anime-style characters will remind some of the Phoenix Wright series. Like that series, the game uses cut-in animation scenes to intensify battle scenes. At a glance, one could mistake this for a stock-trading mini game in Capcom's popular courtroom drama series.
Despite the apparent similarities, the producer and director of Kabu Trader are different from those of Phoenix Wright. The producer of the new game is Tatsuya Kitabayashi, who previously produced Irregular Hunter X and Rockman Rockman for the PSP. The director is Ikuo Ando, who did planning on Demento and headed up scenario for Breath of Fighter V. In a recent interview conducted by Weekly Famitsu, the two revealed that development on Kabu Trader Shun began in Spring of 2005.
To get a first look at the title for yourself, head on over to the game's official flash website. Shun is the girlish guy with glasses. Toru is the dude with the goatee. The female character is Hanako Kirikagura, another one of Toru's students and the daughter in a family of entrepreneurs.
Stock Trader Shun is set for Japanese release in 2007. A US release hasn't been announced, but given the popularity of Phoenix Wright, we'd say it's a strong possibility.
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October 29th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
News from Extreme Enterprises:

This just in. The Astro Yellow completes the SHOCK! color range (first series anyway) that will surely grab your mates' attention. As a reminder, the SHOCK! series of DS lite replacement shells will be shipped to our resellers in the first week of November and thereafter to all direct customers. Hesitate no further if you're already thinking of changing the case of your liking. This will be available very soon!
NOTE: All our shells are coated with very high quality acrylic finishings which provides excellent protection and durability. This special coat is able to withstand ultra-long periods of abrasive use (common to gaming) as well as resistance to the saltiness of sweaty palms and smears that causes color fading. Overall, a greatly enhanced case that will give you a customised look that will last. We hereby present the Astro Yellow:
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October 29th, 2006, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Kevin has released a new version of his WFCStatus app for the Nintendo DS:
added 6 games including Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam and Megaman Starforce.
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October 29th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s Planning General Manager Mitsuaki Hagishima was interviewed recently in the latest issue of Nintendo Dream in Japan. In summary, Hagishima revealed that Nintendo does not have any plans for a different colored Wii, however they do plan to release different Wii-mote colors. The reason for Nintendo releasing in the United States first was in order to get the console in before Thanksgiving.
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October 29th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sektor has released a new version of Hexen for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new etc:
This is a port of Hexen to the DS. Rich did all the hard work. I just added support for more devices and changed the controls. It has sound and touchscreen support. Save games don't work. You need the retail hexen.wad, it is not compatible with the shareware version. Saves are written to /data/hexen/ but if you try to load them, you will get an error like "Corrupt save game: Segment [108] failed alignment check".
It uses Chishm's libfat to read the hexen.wad. Libfat is compatible with MK2/3, GBAMPCF, M3CF, M3SD, SCCF, SCSD and NinjaDS. I'm not sure about DS-X.
If you have a G6, EZ4Lite or a 256mbit flashcart then you will need to use the GBFS version. The GBFS version requires the .wad file to be attached to the .nds, rather than stored seperately.
- dpad to turn and move.
- touch screen to look around.
- A button fires.
- Y button jumps.
- L button cycles through inventory.
- R button cycles through weapons.
- X button uses objects (doors, switches)
- X button + dpad to strafe
- B button uses the selected inventory item.
- Select brings up the menu and exits out of it (acts as escape).
- Start selects menu items, or toggles the automap when not in a menu.
- X+Up/Down on dpad flies up/down while in fly mode.
Touch screen sensitivity can be changed in options menu. There is a special ds menu for changing gamma and other ds-specific things (such as level warp and give all cheats).
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October 29th, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
CraigT posted some new WIP news of his Spectrum emu for DS:
Some of you who have used SpeccyDS 0.1a may have noticed a problem with the sound.
Occasionally, a small scratch or pop will be played. You can hear it when the Spectrum is playing a fixed tone, such as the BEEP command, or during the lose-a-life music in Chuckie Egg.
I knew what was causing the problem, the ARM9 processor (which runs the emulation) was feeding too much data to the ARM7 processor (which plays the sound), but couldn’t originally get the two processors to synchronise correctly.
I had another look at it last night. I scrapped the original timing code on the ARM9 and replicated it with the timings on the ARM7 to make sure they are running at exactly the same frequency.
This seems to have fixed it. The BEEP command sounds much better and plays a nice constant tone. I quickly played a few levels of Chuckie Egg and didn’t notice any more problems. It also means SpeccyDS runs at a more accurate speed than before (it was running slightly too quickly in v0.1a).
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October 29th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
Tharandur posted this news/release:
My first post
This game is a Magical Drop version based in Naruto's universe. The controls are easy:
(A) -> Catch
(B) -> Throw
(R) -> New line (used like a speed-up, the lines appear automatically)
(START) -> Pause, quit announces,...
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October 29th, 2006, 16:03 Posted By: jojotjuh
I just saw this zip file on the supercard site called supercard-i/o and it contains three asm files including one with the supercard micro in it so i dont know if this is old news but these are fat drivers for all supercard versions out there.
EDIT: confirmed, these are NEW. since they are also made fro the rumble series (which dont work like the normal cards.)
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October 29th, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: Kramer

BigBen Interactive, a company that makes accessories for consoles such as the PS2, Xbox, and Gamcube, are launching into the world of the Wii with a strange peripheral attachment for the Wii-mote.
The device looks almost exactly like the Wii's Nunchuck, but instead of having an analogue stick, it has a 'D-Pad', and it is black. One question remains with this device. How are gamers supposed to play 'Zelda' with a D-pad? It is possible, but not convenient.
Just to answer the question of some of the guys at the Nintendo forums, we do not yet know when it is coming out, or if it is necessarily coming to the US. We here hope that it isn't. For the price, we bet that it will be about $15 dollars, considering that the official Nintendo one will be $20 or so, and this one appears cheaper to make. Oddly enough, it doesn't appear that there is a wire to attach it to the 'Wii-mote', it could be because the device is wireless. As you can see on the side, there is a 'On' and 'Off' switch.
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October 29th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo fanboys gushed all over YouTube (and their pants!) today at a new promotional trailer for the Wii. For those who have yet to pick up on the console maker's subtle formula for making commercials, we'll guide you through the process:
Find a group of people of varying age, ethnic background, gender, and height.
Give them all Wiimotes.
Have them stare into the camera and smile while they wave their arms maniacally.
If need be, splice footage as a means to explain why people may be shaking their arms maniacally at the screen (else the audience might think these Wiimotes are magically controlling us -- you, sir, will not make a marionette out of me).
The video manages to splice footage of most of the high-profile launch titles, including the how-is-it-not-ready-for-launch Wario Ware Smooth Moves -- apparently the developers are taking some extra time fine tune the game's complex graphics.
You might notice a dichotomy between the groups playing certain games. Wii Sports had a family of players, Excite Truck attracted a teenage audience of male and female. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Twilight Princess, however, were both played by the loner twenty-something male sitting in a dark room. Are you trying to tell us that our 80-year-old Irish albino grandmothers won't get a kick out of wielding two samurai swords in a Yakuza-inspired environment?
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October 29th, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
9. Nintendo DS Lite
Now I'm not saying that I haven't seen women playing with Sony PSPs, but the DS is the more female-friendly platform. Why? Gals say it's the games. I say his-and-hers matching DS units means game on--which is better than game off.
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October 29th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Mollusk:
The rules are simple : the bottom left virus is activated. Every virus of the same color it touches becomes activated too. You can change the activated color by clicking on the colors below... Activate all viruses in less than %d moves, and you win !
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October 29th, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Co. Ltd. plans to launch its videogame business in Russia later this year, competing with Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp. in a growth market, business daily Nihon Keizai Shimbun said on Sunday.
With the U.S., European and Japanese game markets maturing, the Japanese video gamemaker known, for game characters such as Mario and Pokemon, needs fresh markets with strong growth potential.
Nintendo's European unit has already appointed a local agency to start selling its game hardware and software in November, the newspaper said.
Nintendo officials were not immediately available for comment.
The Kyoto-based company saw its operating profit more than treble in the fiscal first half to September thanks to its hot-selling DS hand-held games.
It will start rolling out its new game console, the Wii, next month in the United States, staging a three-way battle with Sony's upcoming PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's already-available Xbox 360.
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October 29th, 2006, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
New release from POSPI
This is my first DS game so I hope you all like it. It's a 2 player deathmatch game where you both play on the same DS. The object is obviously to kill your friend, which you can do by knocking them off the bottom of the screen or using one of the 18 weapons that are randomly populated into the level, which also happens to be randomly generated.
All the action takes place on the top screen, whilst the bottom shows the scores and that type of thing. It's been intentionally designed to be very retro and so there's no real use of the DS's more unique features.
Still in beta stages, and a little unstable (especially on emulators). If you get a lot of crashes there's a debug version so you can let me know what class & function it's dieing in. Planning to add wifi multiplayer, statistics saving, stylus menu controls and of course stability and bugfixes somewhere down the track. *Glances at top of screen* - maybe I'll enter it in this cool dev compo when it gets better as well 
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October 30th, 2006, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
CNN has paired up with Nintendo to bring news updates to the console. Heres some info from Edge the UK Magazine:
Laurent Fischer interview
- He doesn't expect all of society to immediately jump on board from day 1. At first it will probably be mainly the hardcore and casual gamers buying it, but little by little he expects more people to come on board through word of mouth, advertising etc... much like the DS. He says word of mouth has played a huge part in the DS's success in Europe.
- He says in Europe the DS has done a wonderful job of capturing the female gamer and the casual gamer, but getting the non-gamers still has some way to go yet. NOE's goal is to get the DS selling as fast as it is in Japan where on a weekly basis they're still not able to fulfil the demand, becaue they're attracting such a broad audience. "In Europe I don't expect us to be in that position for some time, but we're on the way. It will take one year, certainly and with the Wii it will take the same time. We know it's a long way to get out of the videogaming ghetto"
- He says when creating games Nintendo doesn't say "this is going to be a gamer's game and this is not." He says a lot of hardcore gamers enjoy Brain Training, because it's something different and another good example is Animal Crossing. Nobody at Nintendo thought Animal Crossing would be a very massmarket game. It started out as a hardcore game with people around the world going crazy for it, then it became a bridge between the hardcore, casuals and the wider population, which included females and people looking for a different concept. In Japan they were surprised by the strength of Animal Crossing's sales and every week NOE says "WOW" at the sales. He said on the GameCube it only sold 150,000 in Europe but the DS game has already passed 850,000
- He says for months and months he had to sit and see journalists politely smiling when he told them DS is stronger than the PSP, but he knew from the start it would take off eventually, because he tested it on the people around him. He said his wife kept stealing his DS which has never happened with their other consoles and his neighbour - an awful old lady - became addicted to Zoo Keeper. She'd played Tetris long ago and now she was hoooked on Zoo Keeper. "If there was one person who wouldn't play a videogame, it was her"
- He says he's not worried that people can download the old (Virtual Console) games on the PC. He says it's important to be able to play them on your TV screen and doesn't think playing a NES game on the PC is something you'll really love. "Of course, you can play them on your PSP via emulation too! [laughs] Actually most PSP owners I know are using them for Nes and SNES games"
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October 30th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe Andreani has released new Maps for his excellent Map for DS App for the Nintendo DS, heres some info:
AMAP4DS (A map for DS) is a simple, easy to use and fast map viewer. It is first designed for metro and bus maps. It is not distributed alone but always with a specific map. You can find free several maps downloads below. Due to DS technical limitations it is not possible, for now, to load your own maps into AMAP4DS. If you need a map you can't find here, please, send me an email: christophe@andreani.net , I may add it in a near future :-)
AMAP4DS V3.0 offers one more zoom level (5 zoom levels available) and larger map resolution: up to 1536 x 1536
New v3.0 downloads:
New York Subway
Paris Metro
Paris - RER
Salzburg (Austria) S-Bahn
Download at Official site here --> http://www.andreani.net/ds/
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October 30th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from the ScummVM Site
There were lots of important bugfixes and small improvements. We are also glad that three additional platforms are now officially supported: Nintendo DS, GP2X and GP32. You can already download official DS and GP2X binaries, and the GP32 port will be available soon.
Some of the most significant bugfixes are:
Many fixes for Humongous Entertainment games and better support for international versions of the games
Improved detection of the FM-TOWNS version of Indy3
Several fixes for The Feeble Files and more non-English versions are supported now
Some parts of the Kyrandia engine were rewritten so the game needs less CPU power now, and thus works better on lower-end devices
The PSP, PS2 and WinCE ports were greatly improved
The PalmOS port is again up-to-date and features separate build for Tapwave Zodiac
The WinCE port supports 2002 devices again
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October 30th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has "no plans" to release DVD-capable Wii outside of Japan
The enhanced Wii console, capable of DVD playback - mentioned in the latest issue of Edge - may never see the light of day outside of Japan.
Talk of the DVD-compatible Wii in Edge has caused a stir on the 'net, despite Nintendo confirming back in September it had no plans to release such a console outside of Japan.
In a statement Nintendo confirmed that "in Europe (and the Americas), we have no plans for a DVD option either internally or as an accessory at this time. DVD players are now sold so cheaply and the penetration rate is so high that we did not think it was worth including [DVD playback] and raising the price of Wii."
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October 30th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
A hands-on preview in UK magazine Edge uncovers several new gameplay gems for the latest Zelda quest, which it deems to be "a fanboy's wet-dream".
As you all should know, the game has a light world and a Twilight realm - areas of Hyrule that have been engulfed in a dark shadow of evil. Apparently, light is returned to Twilight-covered areas of the game by "hunting down shadow insects and collecting the tears of light they've consumed, restoring one of the four great Light Spirits."
The preview discloses interesting details concerning Link's abilities in wolf form. "As a wolf, Link controls almost exactly as he does in human form; every attack has its equivalent. Dashing with the A instigates a burst of speed, and though he cannot access items, D-pad shortcuts allow him to dig and access his senses."
These senses are used to detect digging spots, shadow insects and spirits of Hyrule citizens. These spirits apparently do not engage in conversations with Link, but you can sort of listen to their mutterings, no doubt to gather essential information.
It is already known that Link transforms into a wolf when in the Twilight realm. But Edge interestingly reveals that: "Link can also re-enter the light-world in the form of a wolf. There, people fear him but he can talk to animals."
Link's relationship with animals plays a huge part in many areas of his quest. As well as the return of Link's horse, Epona, who he can summon with a horseshoe-shaped reed, he will also interact with a hawk (again summoned with a reed), which he can launch at meddling monkeys or bees' nests.
Some of the mysteries behind Midna, the strange character riding on Link's back when in wolf form, have also been answered. When teamed with Link, Midna will apparently take on a Navy-style role, offering helpful hints and tips as the player explores. She can also help out with battle, conjuring a force field around Link that can instantly destroy groups of enemies in the Twilight realm that will otherwise revive each other.
Edge also reveals the existence of "a highly unusual character called Ooccoo - a chicken homunculus with a human head - who appears in dungeons, takes residence in your inventory and allows you to warp out and return to exactly the same spot, should you need supplies."
Edge was is full of praise for Twilight Princess. Yes, we're all going to buy it anyway, but that's always encouraging. Will it be better than Ocarina of Time, though. All evidence seems to suggest it might just be...
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October 30th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Japanese game site ITmedia Inc. revealed that Taito plans to give fans the opportunity to try out three of its upcoming Wii titles. The demos will be available at the Nintendo World promotional event, which is being held in cities throughout Japan on November 3, 12, 25 and 26.
The first title, Cooking Mama: Minna to Issho ni Oryouri Taikai!, will let players hone their domestic engineering skills by preparing and cooking virtual meals with the Wii remote. The next title, Densha de Go! Shinkansen '06 Sanyo Shinkansen Hen will let players test drive of one of Japan's famous bullet trains. Last but not least, fans will be able to sample Furu Furu Park, a collection of mini-games ranging from puzzles to sports and shooting.
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October 30th, 2006, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
According to Best Buy's Retail Stock System (RSS), the number of available Wii systems per store is already established. The RSS states that there will be as few as 24 Wiis for the stores sitting out in the country, and as many as 120 for the more popular Best Buys situated in highly populated areas.
Also tied to this report is the status of Wii software availability. Each Best Buy may stock around 60 copies of Red Steel and 30 of Trauma Center: Second Opinion, although there was no word if the number of copies would increase with the number of available systems. However, it would make sense that the stores that received over 100 Wiis would receive more software copies.
Lastly, there is the possibility that some Best Buys have already received their first Wii shipments as the rumor listed "10/28 or 10/29" as the first time the store would get Nintendo's new system. Of course, the street date of November 19 remains the same, but it's an interesting tidbit nonetheless.
Nintendo was unable to be reached for confirmation, however several Best Buy employees were able to verify the projected numbers.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS is very popular in Japan and taking full advantage of its popularity is the Nation Western Fine Arts Musuem. From the musuem counter you can borrow a DS which comes with a special catridge preloaded with the musuem details. Each room in the musuem has an access point so once you enter a room the screen automatically displays information relevant to the room. Browsing through the menus is very easy using the touchscreen. If you find a painting interesting just browse to the painting on the DS choose print and using Wi-Fi the picture is printed which you can collect upon leaving the musuem.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamepro:
Wow, you're up on your stuff. I can confirm that there was a GameStop retreat and Reggie did in fact say there will be another big Wii revelation around launch time.
As to what I think this new announcement might be? I have no idea. However, I'd think it would most likely be specs related (since Nintendo is still hush-hush about what the Wii actually incorporates). My second theory is that the revelation will be about Wii's online capabilities.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco announced today that it will be publishing Cooking Mama: Cook Off for the Wii in early 2007.
Developed by OfficeCreate and licensed from Taito, Cook Off is a follow-up to the quirky kitchen adventure for the DS, Cooking Mama. Cook Off will make special use of the Wii Remote to let gamers mash, chop, slice, stir, and cook more that 300 real-world recipes from around the world. Cook Off will attempt to offer aspiring sim-chefs realistic graphics and real-time cooking effects to help keep you from burnin' your biscuits. Cook Off will also offer 2-player kitchen competitions, also known as a "cook off", to help find the Iron Chef in your family.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
few new details have come our way on Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, the DS spinoff of Final Fantasy XII. Dengeki DS Style (a new magazine focusing on the DS and Wii) has an interview with director and scenario writer Motomu Toriyama and co-producer Eisuke Yokoyama, in which the two offered some hints on the game's battle system and storyline.
The game's story takes place following Final Fantasy XII, although Toriyama said that a specific time hasn't been set. Vaan, a pirate, is in search of a treasure, and has just arrived on the floating continent of Puruvama. The game will take place both on this floating continent and on the ground below.
It would be impossible to put in all of Ivalice (the FFXII world), said Yokoyama, but you'll be able to go to the main locations. You'll also be able to see how the characters have gone on to live following the events of Final Fantasy XII, so those who've played the PS2 RPG (it's almost out in America!) will have some bonuses to look forward to.
Due to the portable nature of the DS, the game is being made to be playable in a short bursts. You'll progress through the story speedily, said Toriyama. The story will be comprised of episodes, building up to a large storyline which promises to maintain the Final Fantasy style drama.
Asked if the game would use FFXII's ADB system, Yokoyama said that the battle system is mostly new. However, in order to keep FFXII players from getting confused, there will be a number of shared elements. The Gambit system will be a part of this title, although it will be simplified in order to accommodate beginner players. Also, the battle system will be fully playable with the stylus.
Dengeki asked a question about the number of party members capable of joining your group. To this, Yokoyama responded that Fran and Balthier will definitely join in as party members (they were shown in the Tokyo Game Show trailer, after all). Due to the new game systems, Yokoyama expects there to be more party members than in FFXII.
Summon beasts will apparently play a big role in the game. Toriyama expects Revenant Wings to have the most summon beasts of any Final Fantasy game ever. The summon beasts will be the key to battles, said Toriyama, and their use will be different from that of previous titles.
Revenant Wings will make use of all those nifty features that make the DS so special. In addition to full stylus control, Toriyama hopes to make full use of the dual screens not just for events, but for battles and all game systems as well. The only area being left in the dark at this point is Wi-Fi compatibility. Toriyama feels that the battle system is good for competitive play, but the game won't feature Wi-Fi support unless lag can be eliminated.
Even with all these details, there's still a lot of mystery surrounding Revenant Wings. Screenshots have yet to be shown, for instance. With FFXII set for US release shortly, expect details on this followup to slowly begin trickling out.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
We aren't experts in the fine art that is speaking Japanese, if you hadn't already noticed. On top of that, translated pages aren't exactly the best place to get info either. If you've ever doubted that a sentence in English could not make sense, spend five minutes trying to read one of Google's translated pages. They could make Winnie The Pooh look like a perverted old bear.
From what we gathered, this is the intro to Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. There's lots of ass kicking and no monster gets spared. We were surprised to not hear any voice acting but we are hoping to see that get worked on in the extra months Konami has taken to improve the game.
As always, the video is after the break unless you want to wait and see the intro for yourself when the game is released like a sissy. Enjoy!
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October 31st, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via DSfanboy
The Pokemon website has updated and provided us with more information on some of the Wii/DS connectivity of the title. Now, the page mentions a need for software on the DS, yet does not tell if this software will be included with the Wii game, downloadable from the Wii, one of the DS games, or need to be separately purchased. Personally, we're assuming it'll be downloadable, but the article does make mention of it acting much in the way Wi-Fi does in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl.
The site also mentions that you can bring some of your Pokemon from Pokemon Diamond & Pearl into the Wii game through the use of 'coliseum mode.' This allows you to bring 6 of those Pokemon into the game and persistently record their battle information through Pokemon Battle Revolution.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
New release from knight0fdragon
So here is an update to my photocup game the graphics should be better and I fixed some bugs. Some comments would be nice so that I can have something nice and polished done, and I will work on the photo parser to allow a bigger range for the touching of tiny dots.
Also if some people can test it on various flash cards, I would really appreciate it, thanks.
Also should support DSRumble and WarioWare Rumble
Some new updates:
download images from HTTP now, so all I would need to do is make changes or additions and upload it to the web.
Has more fat support, uses latest libfat, along with gbfs support.
for FAT cards:
photocup binary and data folder are needed
for FLASH cards
photocup binary is needed only
To switch between files on DS and files on the HTTP, go into settings, then hit the more button and select the world.
adding your own URL to the server is not yet supported
also saving high score to the web will be my next goal.
Cards I have tested it on:
Supercard CF -> runs, and saves
XG2 flash Lite -> runs, and saves
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October 31st, 2006, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Christ:
Hello, I'm glad to announce that the AMAP4DS source code is available ! The source code is the v3.0. Now, you will be able to add your own map to display it on your DS screens using the AMAP4DS v3.0 map viewer engine. A lot of people ask me for several maps to add to AMAP4DS. I do my best but it will be faster if anybody - who wants - adds his favourite map by himself. I still keep adding new map too, so with your help, we should map the entire world very soon The AMAP4DS-Open-Source v3.0 package (with tutorial included) is downloadable for free on the Christ Homepage: http://www.andreani.net/ds/ Let me know about your creations, and good... maps ! Christ
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October 31st, 2006, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has updated his Puzzle DS Game, heres the info: via translation
* Play drank
To make one by one Slip the parts of the puzzle or by batch, to rebuild the image and thus to resolve the following level.
* Poured
The version without FAT does not memorize your records, nor the levels which you resolved.
* Levels
There are 20 grades bottom on the topic of Christmas. The last 2 levels are rascals.
* Orders
Use of the Stylet only.
R = Music (yes/not)
Start = Return to the principal menu
* Thanks
With MOLLUSK for its superb bookshop PA_LIB.
With ALEKMAUL for the management of the safeguard with FATLIB.
WITH ALEXIS BOUSIGES for his translations.
With SPACE1, TURK182, ***AL, ALEXIS, X-BLASTER, MOLLUSK and ALEKMAUL to have played testers.
* Bugs
. At the end of the level, during the rebootstrapping of management of the sprites, one paté the screen has appears very quickly.
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October 31st, 2006, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via Mollusk
Kukulcan released CaissesDS, a very complete and good-looking Sokoban clone. It contains an skin system, both for the background and the box graphics, as well as 500 puzzles (some old ones, and some new original ones). Probably one of the best homebrews out there
I won't detail the whole changes and all, so I'll just invite you to go on to his website... It's in french, but I'm ready to bet you'll find the screenshots and downloads easily 
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October 31st, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Zarxrax
Here is the first program I have written for the DS. I suck at programming, so it is not very good.
This program is created to help me study Japanese (although it is not useful for that purpose yet). It is a basic flashcard program, displaying text on 2 sides of a card. In addition, it has a drawing pad where you can scribble an answer before you flip the card over.
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October 31st, 2006, 07:46 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial release for the NintendoDS at SuccessHK

In Nicktoons Battle For Volcano Island, the fate of Volcano Island is in your hands! An ancient evil, known as Mawgu, threatens to take control of Volcano Island. It's up to our Nicktoons Heroes to defeat Mawgu. Join SpongeBob, Timmy Turner, Danny Phantom, along with new recruits Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, and Samantha Manson for all out battle on... Volcano Island!

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October 31st, 2006, 09:00 Posted By: freemaan
I've released a new version of IRCDS.
New things:
-nicer GUI
-more stable
Sorry, no SSL/Blowfish for now :/
Check readme.txt inside the archive for more info.
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October 31st, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that there are plans to launch a new version of the Wii featuring DVD playback functionality in Japan.
The Wii's original spec sheet said the console would come with a DVD player as standard, but Nintendo later elected not to include the feature - observing standalone players are now widely available at low cost.
However, an article in the latest issue of Edge magazine states that an "enhanced" Wii with DVD function is due out in Japan some time next year.
Speaking to GI.biz, a spokesperson declined to comment on when the new machine will hit the shops, but did confirm, "There are currently plans to release a version of Wii in Japan featuring DVD playback."
He added, "There are currently no plans to bring this model to Europe or the US."
The Edge article also claimed that CNN has already signed up to provide content for the Wii news channel in the US and Japan - but according to Nintendo's spokesperson, "We have currently announced no deals with any news or weather service provider for Wii channels."
He also dismissed suggestions that Nintendo originally intended to price the Wii at GBP 150 / USD 200, but was forced to increase the price to GBP 180 / USD 250 following pressure from retail chains concerned about profit margins.
"Price is set by retailers, not by manufacturers, so there is no truth in this assumption," the spokesperson said.
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October 31st, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
The New York Times reports on Nintendo's visit with the AARP. The Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons held a products show this past weekend, and Nintendo showed up in force to demonstrate the 'new generation' of gaming products they're offering. From the article: "Over the weekend, the company proved that it believed its own press releases. For the first time, it took its products to Life@50+, an annual event sponsored by AARP, and held this year in Anaheim, Calif. The event, intended for those over 50, attracted more than 20,000 people and featured a wide range of panel discussions, celebrities and exhibitors showcasing products for older Americans. 'Nintendo has never gone after grandparents before,' said Amber McCollom, a senior manager of public relations for Nintendo. 'We're targeting this audience for themselves, not just their grandchildren.'"
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October 31st, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Ars Technica reports that someone has dug up the details on the Broadway chip used in the Wii.
Looking at the details, the site reports that the Broadway chip is really just an over-clocked Gekko chip, used in the GameCube, that runs cooler and with less power.
A poster at the Ace's Hardware message board has dug up a new IBM datasheet for the 750CL, which is a new derivative of the IBM 750 (a.k.a. the G3). Based on the information revealed in the datasheet, the 750CL is basically just a 90nm die shrink of the Gekko hardware that's intended to run at up to 900MHz. IBM almost certainly would not go to the trouble of launching an updated version of Gekko on a new process, unless what many have said all along is in fact true: Broadway is a faster, lower-power version of the GameCube's Gekko hardware. This confirms what we've all suspected, the Wii is really the GameCube 1.5... but that's only looking at the specs. What Nintendo is really selling with the Wii is a new way to play games, not a new way for developers to show us the same games we've been playing for years. So when you open that box on Nov. 19, remember it's really just about the controllers.
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October 31st, 2006, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Major new game released for Nintendo DS:

In ages past, an island called Illusia floated at the center of the world. At the heart of the island towered an ancient, enormous tree that stretched up to the very heavens. For ages past, chaos and sorrow had engulfed the world until at last its salvation appeared in the form of a boy, a girl, and a holy sword.
Time flowed on and peace returned. The sword and the tree remained, and they soon came to be known as the Sword of Mana and the Mana Tree. Followers of the Mana Tree returned to Illusia as the world started slowly but surely down the path to recovery.
Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.22 GBP)
Buy Now at Play Asia
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October 31st, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Another Major Nintendo DS Release and in English:

Experience a whole new way to capture Pokémon! Circle Pokémon using the Capture Styler with Nintendo DS stylus control.
Use each Pokémon's special abilities to clear obstacles and to help capture other Pokémon.
Capture and interact with more than 200 of your favorite Pokémon.
Work your way up the Pokémon Ranger ranks by succeeding at official missions throughout the Fiore region.
With the help of Pokémon, set out on a fun-filled adventure! You play as a Pokémon Ranger in the Fiore Region, where you work to preserve nature and protect Pokémon.
Pokémon Ranger is unlike any Pokémon game you've played before. You control your character using the stylus, and all Pokémon are captured using a Capture Styler instead of a Poké Ball. Since you're a Pokémon Ranger and not a trainer, you must release each captured Pokémon back into the wild after they help you. It's a whole new way to explore the Pokémon universe!
Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.22 GBP)
Buy Now at Play Asia
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November 1st, 2006, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Australians keen to try out the Nintendo Wii won't have to wait until its December 7 local launch. Today, Nintendo unveiled details for its nationwide Play Wii tour. Starting this weekend, Nintendo will be visiting shopping centres around the country with playable Wii demo units that will allow gamers to get a taste of the House of Mario's next-generation console.
The road show will take three different forms--large shopping centre set-ups with multiple Wiis, standalone demo units for individual retail stores, and demo stands at major consumer gaming events. Aussies will get their first public taste of the Wii this weekend, with Nintendo visiting Melbourne's Highpoint Shopping Centre on November 4 and 5. The Wii will also make an appearance at this weekend's GAME1 Electronic Gaming Expo and Tournament being held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.
The Play Wii tour then rolls around the country, visiting major suburban shopping centres and stores in the states of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia. ACT, Tasmania, and Northern Territory residents will unfortunately be left out..
Nintendo Australia spokesman Vispi Bhopti told GameSpot AU that all demo units, including in-store units, would be staffed by Nintendo representatives. Featured games include Wii Sports, Wii Play, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Excite Truck, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
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November 1st, 2006, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is looking like a simian-shaped lump of fun in this new gameplay trailer for the motion-sensitive Wii game - just hit the movies tab above to see for yourself.
Concentrating more on the new Wii-mote-friendly minigames, the trailer shows little of the traditional Monkey Ball puzzle-board gameplay. You will, however, be able to spot one of the newly-introduced stage bosses being attacked by a jumping monkey. That's right, a jumping monkey. Developer and publisher Sega is mixing things up this time round and we're liking the changes so far.
We also like the look of the squash minigame, which lets you move around the court with Wii's Nunchuk controller while swinging your racquet with the Wii-mote. But the boxing game is the one we'd like to play most; we would say "how could anyone punch such cute monkeys in the face like that?" but, let's face it, everyone's going to love giving Gon Gon a good pounding.
If any game is perfectly suited to Wii's unique interface and social gaming slant it's Super Monkey Ball, so we'll be watching this one carefully in the build-up to its launch-window release.
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November 1st, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
After spending "several hours" with Wii Sports, IGN's Nintendo editor Matt Casamassina doesn't like the game due to flawed controls with the exception of Wii Bowling which he calls "totally rocking." Regarding Tennis, he had this to say: "You don't control anything except the swing of your player's racket. The movement of these Mii-alike athletes is all done automatically by the game. You simply swing the Wii remote back and forth to make your on-screen character do the same thing."
True dat. Though we enjoyed the game at E3, it's unproven how long the fun lasts with tennis (from our limited play test). Regarding Baseball, Casamassina contends: "When you want to throw a curve ball, you don't actually motion it, as you might suspect. No, why would you want to use a gesture for a console whose primary purpose is to promote unique and innovative ways to play? To throw a curve ball, you first select it on the D-Pad and then make a standard throwing motion."
Though no one should be expecting deep gameplay from the pack-in, a flick of the wrist puts spin on a moving bowling ball but not a breaking curve? Bush league.
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