April 1st, 2019, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
FUZE Technologies Ltd apologetically announces a slight further delay in the release date for their highly anticipated ‘learn to code’ games programming application for Nintendo Switch. Managing director Jon Silvera commented,
“in all honesty we’re all a bit disappointed to have delayed further but there really was no option. The 31st of May is a comfortable date as we’re already in the final stages, no new features are being added just testing and adding as much tutorial and help content as we can. FUZE4 Nintendo Switch is special as there really is nothing like it. We always knew we could come up with the goods but none of us realized quite how impressive the final release version would be. It’s fast, intuitive and very accessible.”
“From a personal perspective I could not be prouder. We’re a small team with limited resources. The team has worked tirelessly for almost two years. It’s been an incredible journey and one I hope will put the younger team members in very good stead for their lives ahead.”
“Finally, Nintendo’s awesome Switch made it possible for us to realize the answer to the original question that began this journey. The question, could we recreate the accessible coding environment those of us who grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s was exposed to? The answer, after seven years of hard, but very enjoyable work, and thanks in no small part to Nintendo, is a resounding yes. Beyond our own expectations YES! Go code.”
Click to expand...
Along with a video apology they’ve managed to include a vast array of demo clips taken directly from the application to highlight what is possible. Every demo is 100% FUZE.
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April 1st, 2019, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
A full English translation of the 2007 NDS game D.Gray-Man: Kami no Shitotachi (The Apostles of God) has been released!
A spin-off of the bestselling manga/anime series, the game retells it’s opening chapters.
Set in a fictional 19th century, Exorcists battle against the Millennium Earl who seeks to obliterate mankind. His creations, the Akuma are born from the souls of the deceased and can only be destroyed by Innocence, a mysterious substance possessing extraordinary powers.
Allen Walker, cursed to see the suffering of these lost souls, joins the Black Order in their war to gather the pieces of Innocence scattered throughout the Earth.
Oozing in nostalgia, this game is a fun play for new or old fans alike!
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April 1st, 2019, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Claus is back, in an updated, finalized hack of Mother 3! In this hack, the roles of main characters Lucas and Claus are swapped, making Claus into the main protagonist, which greatly changes the story due to Claus’s drastically different personality compared to Lucas. Much of the text and story is altered to better showcase Claus’s personality and thoughts, as well as how others react to him. There are 3 different gameplay versions, one normal version for those who want to play only for the story, one moveswap version that makes Claus the offensive PSI user and KUmatora the defensive/healer, and a combined PSI that makes Claus and Kumatora’s PSI movesets like Paula and Poo from Mother 2, where they both share good amounts of offensive and defensive PSI. All versions have Claus’s instrument sounds changed too to be his actual instrument sounds, and not Lucas’s.
This new update fixes an error where 2 areas of the late game did not have any altered dialogue (those being the Toilet Dungeon and Porky’s Minigames), as well as polishes up dialogue across the game and adds in new tidbits into areas that weren’t there before. You’ll have to find them for yourself.
On top of that, the King Porky Statue boss fight has been altered to be winnable by normal means as he now has much more manageable HP and slightly nerfed stats, but he’s still a big challenge (and as such, you can no longer one shot the boss with the New Year’s Eve bomb). However, as a result the rewards for beating him are much greater, as you can get Lucas or Kumatora’s Ultimate Weapons from him, as well as making the EXP for beating him slightly greater. If you already happen to have one of these Ultimate weapons, you can now sell them for a lot of DP as compensation as well.
This is a hack by the fans, for the fans, as a fresh new way to experience and enjoy the story of Mother 3. 
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April 1st, 2019, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nice de Shot for the SNES is now fully playable in English! Now you can navigate through this Golf title with easy without the language barriers. In this game you navigate through lush golf courses such as your normal green ones, ones with geysers shooting out from the ground, caverns, ones with Greek pillars, and some other interesting locations! We hope you enjoy this release!
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April 1st, 2019, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
fixNES Alpha v1.2.7 is released. This is a NES Emulator.
fixGB Alpha v1.2.7 Changelog:
-added support for mapper 224
-improved vrc7 audio emulation, now volumes behave more accurately
-added newly dumped data for accurate vrc7 instruments
Controls right now are keyboard only and do the following:
Y/Z is A
X is B
A is Start
S is select
Arrow Keys is DPad
Keys 1-9 integer-scale the window to number
P is Pause
B is Disk Switching (for FDS)
O is Enable/Disable vertical Overscan
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April 1st, 2019, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
My Nes GTK v3.2 is released. My Nes GTK is a nes emuator written in .net C#. It can run an Windows(R) and Linux platforms. It uses GTK# for menus, SDL.NET for emulator window.
- My Nes GTK Interface Features
Uses GTK# which is an easy-to-use multi-platform interface.
A good launcher interface, allows to easily select and run games.
Uses NesCart DB to show and use accurate game information.
Allows to easily edit and change the emulation settings.
- My Nes SDL
Run game in windowed or fullscreen mode with useful video options like keep aspect ratio.
Ability to save snapshots of current game.
Save and load state ability.
- My Nes Core Features
• Accuracy, My Nes pass almost all known nes tests by emulating the real hardware behaviors without any kind of emulation
• Multi-threaded Emulator, the emulation process run in thread separated from renderer threads.
This may improve
performance especially with multi core cpus.
My Nes Emulation Specification
• CPU 6502: All CPU 6502 instructions implemented including the so called illegal opcodes.
• Interrupts: Implement exact interrupt timings like interrupt check before the last instruction behavior
• PPU: Implement the Picture Processor Unit as described in the wiki docs
http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/PPU_rendering with exact timing
• Palettes: Implement the palette generator of NTSC video as described at
• TV Formats: NTSC, PALB and DENDY.
• Sound: Implement all Nes 5 sound channels, MMC5 external sound channels and VRC6 external sound channels.
• Sound Playback: Frequency can be 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz or 48000 HZ. Bit rate fixed to 16 bit, channels fixed to Mono.
Also, My Nes implement the exact Mixer as descriped at http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/APU_Mixer
(i.e. low-pass and high-pass filters).
• Mappers And Boards: Implement about 97% of known and documented mappers
• Controllers: 4 players joypads, each joypad is playable through Keyboard, Joystick or XBox360 Game Controller (XInput).
Also Game Genie is implemented as well.
My Nes GTK v3.2 Changelog:
* My Nes GTK is rebuilt from scratch, performance and usubality is improved slightly.
* My Nes GTK is now become compatible with new My Nes Emulation Engine (version 7)
* My Nes SDL is now updated to the latest renderer implementation and options. Emulation rendering performance and quality is improved slightly.
* My Nes, My Nes GTK and My Nes SDL all now share the same emulation engine core (Core.dll), thus, any new updates regards
the My Nes emulation core is applied to this version too.
* Added refresh info button which allows to refresh game snaps, states ... etc after playing a game.
* Improved Input Setting dialog, allows to configure inputs more easily.
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April 1st, 2019, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
higan v106r125 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r127 release.
byuu says:
now that it seems we're finally going to get some real alternative choices in
SNES emulation, I felt a bit emboldened to start performing some more radical
changes I put off for a long time. This WIP rewrites huge swaths of the SNES
DSP core to separate internal registers from underlying RAM. This allows me to
emulate the randomized memory registers at power-on, while not breaking games
due to also randomizing the actual DSP registers. This is part of Jonas Quinn's
findings about a year and a half ago, which is aimed at improving the chances
Magical Drop doesn't crash, as on real hardware.
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April 1st, 2019, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintaco (2019/03/31) is released. Nintaco is a work in progress. It is a NES-Famicom-Dendy emulator written in Java 8, ostensibly making it cross-platform. The full source will be made available per LGPLv2.1.
Getting Started
If double-clicking the jar does not automatically launch the emulator, try: java -jar Nintaco.jar
Configure input: Options | Button Mapping...
If you are using an 8 button controller, such as a USB NES gamepad, try mapping Rewind Time to Start + B.
If you want to resume at arbitrary points in the past: Tools | Watch History... and Resume Here
Nintaco (2019/03/31) changelog
Fixed bug introduced in the last build that inhibited loading FDS and NSF files.
Fixed issue that prevented FDS games from being debugged.
Introduced ability to shoot offscreen.
Added 97 NES 2.0 mappers.
Updated the cart DB.
Updated the FAQ.
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April 1st, 2019, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Swiss r646 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.
Swiss Changelog:
Add L/R trigger + L/R D-Pad page skipping support into the file browser
Fix unknown drive variant crash
Tidy up info pages 1 & 2
Separate out workarounds for GCVideo.
Round screen position for GCVideo.
Add AVE compatibility setting.
Hide incompatible video modes.
Reintroduce 960/1152i, now functional.
Add 540p forcing.
Minimize stack usage.
Fix free space calculation.
Optimize memcpy for bulk uncached-to-unaligned cached.
Implement partial read buffer for IDE-EXI.
Fix Spider-Man 2 and DSI crash dumps.
Find stateBusy.
Add game-specific patch for F-Zero GX.
Place breakpoint on command block state as a loading hint.
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Release from Hydr8gon
NoiES for Switch
I present to you my own original NES emulator for the Switch, NoiES! This entire emulator was written from scratch by me. I started this project just to teach myself about how emulators are made so that I can work on larger projects in the future, but it went farther than I originally expected and is now pretty much a full-fledged emulator, apart from some minor inaccuracies and some missing mappers.
But there are already other NES emulators for the Switch, why use this one?
Well, no reason in particular. As I said before, this was more a learning experience for me, but I ported it to the Switch for the homebrew bounty and I might as well release it. I suppose the biggest advantage I can offer is that since I developed the entire emulator core myself I am very familiar with it and can easily dive in to fix bugs and add new features.
Minor inaccuracies?
Yes, well, I've yet to test my CPU timing for cycle accuracy so no promises there. There are also some minor timing issues with the PPU, particularly with the MMC3 IRQ counter, which can be seen in the slight vibration of the status bar in Kirby's Adventure. Another odd bug I found is that I can't seem to navigate the items menu in The Legend of Zelda. Oh, and the audio system is still kind of a work in progress, so you might notice crackles (especially in docked mode!), missing sounds, or things that sound slightly off. (Wow, doing a great job selling it here)
Right. Every ROM has a mapper; it's basically what loads different portions of the ROM memory into the CPU memory for execution. I've implemented mappers 1 through 4, which should cover a large portion of the NES library. If you have any particular games you want to play that aren't supported, tell me the mapper number (the emulator will tell you which one it is if it isn't supported) so I can place higher priority on implementing it.
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Release from Jan200101
NXBlood is a port of NBlood for the Switch which itself is a attempted Source port of the 1997 game Blood
the port is relatively feature complete compared to the existing version of NBlood
All credit to the actual port of Blood go to Nuke.YKT for his fantastic NBlood
- move NBlood.nro into your /switch folder
make a folder called nblood on the root of your SD and copy the following files into it
copy nblood.pk3 into the nblood folder
start NXBlood
if you do want to change your controls anway you can edit the nblood.cfg in your /nblood folder
Left Joystick - Movement
Right Joystick - Looking around
Right Joystick pressed - Crouching
A - Use
B - Jump
Y - Use item
ZR - Fire
ZL - Alternative Fire
R & L - Switching Weapons
Up - Holder Weapon
Left & Right - Switch items
Down - Toggle Map mode ( does not view map )
Minus - View Map
Keyboard and Mouse are fully supported and you are free to use them
for NBlood
- Source Code: https://github.com/Jan200101/NXBlood
- Binaries (.NRO): https://github.com/Jan200101/NXBlood/releases/latest
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste offers version 3.4 of " pFBA (portable Final Burn Alpha) ", porting the emulator Arcade Final Burn Alpha for the nintendo Switch.
pFBA 3.4:
pfba: add spectrum hardware
pfba: fix spectrum roms not detected / handled correctly
pfb: fix crash on some rs (Forgotten Worlds cps1, gaiapols ...)
pfba: remove now useless force 50hz option
pfba: update fba to latest git (2019-03-28)
psnes: update to latest git snes9x (2019-03-28)
psnes: fix save states loading
psnes: use bigger font size for menus
psnes: fix crash in Some games (cool world ... )
psnes / PELS: fix Roma uppercase not detected
PEMU: menu: add hand / Roma delimiter options
PEMU: menu: make gains' wider options, exchange option value selected color, highlight size set to selected value
pemu: fix a inputs changing with roms inputs change
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste offers version 3.4 of " pSNES ", port of the Snes9X emulator for the nintendo Switch.
pSNES offers an excellent user interface with screenshots and information on roms, based on that of pFBA .
pfba: pfba: add spectrum world
pfba: fix
pfba: fix crash on some roms (Forgotten Worlds cps1, gaiapols ...)
pfba: remove now useless force 50hz pfba option
: update fba to latest git (2019-03-28)
psnes: update to latest git snes9x (2019-03-28)
psnes: fix save states loading
psnes: use bigger font size for menus
psnes: fix crash in Some games (cool world ...)
psnes / pnes: fix uppercase roms not detected
pemu: menu: add main / roms options
delimit pemu: menu: make options values
pemu: fix a inputs changing with roms inputs change
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste offers version 3.4 of " pNES ", port of the Nestopia emulator for the nintendo Switch.
pNES offers an excellent user interface with screenshots and information on roms, based on that of pFBA .
pNES 3.4
pfba: add spectrum hardware roms filter
pfba: fix spectrum rpm not detected / handled correctly
pfb: fix crash on some rs (Forgotten Worlds cps1, gaiapols ...)
pfba: remove now unnecessary force 50hz option
pfba: update fba to latest git (2019-03-28)
psnes: update to latest git snes9x (2019-03-28)
psnes: fix save states loading
psnes: use bigger font size for menus
psnes: fix crash in Some games (cool world ...)
psnes / pnes: fix uppercase roms not detected
pemu: menu: add main / roms options
delimit pemu: menu: make options values
pemu: fix a inputs changing with roms inputs change
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April 2nd, 2019, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Badda
This is a port of the VICE C64 emulator to 3DS.
VICE - the Versatile Commodore Emulator - http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/
@spinal_cord made a C64 emulator (Breadbox) but it does not work anymore with recent firmwares and he is not updating it anymore, so I gave it a shot to port the Vice C64 emulator to the 3DS. Vice does support SDL1 but porting was not quite as easy as "just compile": A new sounddriver for the 3DS needed to be written, devkitpro libraries do not support all functionality required by full fledged Vice - so I had to strip them in quite some places. And last but not least, Vice source code really is a complete mess - one can tell that dozens of developers have been fiddling with this software now for more than 25 years.
Anyways - this is the first early alpha release of Vice3DS. The emulator already runs pretty stable (all games that I tested worked great) but a lot of things are still to do.
Download here: https://github.com/badda71/vice3ds/releases
Extract the archive to the root of your SD card and run vice3ds in HBL.
Preconfigured button functions:
Select: open Vice menu
Shoulder left: Open virtual keyboard
Start: quit emulator
The Circle Pad and X-Button are mapped to Joystick Port 1
The Directional Pad and A-Button are mapped to Joystick Port 2
This (and a lot of other things) can be changed in the Vice menu (Machine settings -> Joystick settings -> Swap joystick ports)
Vice3DS can only run on a N3DS because it needs the extra CPU power (runs on 804MHz).
- Strip Vice menu of entries not relevant (or causing a crash) on 3DS
- Permanent soft keyboard on bottom screen
- Nicer UI, move Vice menu to bottom screen
- Make CIA
- Strip code to only include parts relevant for emulation of C64 on 3DS (this will be the most difficult, I believe)
If anybody wants to help with these TODOs, you are welcome to help me with a pull request on github 
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April 11th, 2019, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Competition and Markets Authority has launched an investigation into multiple business practices of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.
Responsible for preventing anti-competitive business activities in the UK, the CMA announced today that is has written to PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo requesting information about online gaming contracts.
The CMA intends to examine whether the contract terms are fair, how easy it is to cancel a pre-order or obtain a refund, and how the auto-renewal process is regarding things like regular reminders and default settings. It is also calling on consumers to get in touch and share their experiences.
Currently the CMA has no view on whether the companies are in violation of consumer protection law, though enforcement action could be taken if the "practices are misleading or their terms are unfair."
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April 11th, 2019, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
This week we return to N64 Magazine from exactly 21 years ago, with issue 13 from March of 1998, which coincided with the first birthday for the Nintendo 64.
We start of with an Interview with the GoldenEye Team at Rare. Then we take a Future Look at 1080° Snowboarding. After this we look at the review for the Japanese only release of Sim City 64. And to finish things off, we look at the review for Tetrisphere.
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April 11th, 2019, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.
bsnes v107.1 Changelog:
GUI: added high DPI support
GUI: fixed the state manager image preview
Windows: added a new waveOut driver with support for dynamic rate control
Windows: corrected the XAudio 2.1 dynamic rate control support [BearOso]
Windows: corrected the Direct3D 9.0 fullscreen exclusive window centering
Windows: fixed XInput controller support on Windows 10
SFC: added high-level emulation for the DSP1, DSP2, DSP4, ST010, and Cx4 coprocessors
SFC: fixed a slight rendering glitch in the intro to Megalomania |
news via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2968...1071-released/
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April 11th, 2019, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.15.4b Changelog:
# New in 1.15.4b:
general: Fixed memory searcher tool not displaying some values
general: When certificates for online mode are missing or corrupted Cemu will now print a warning to log.txt when they are accessed
H264: Stability improvements
GX2: Fixed crash when R10_G10_B10_A2_SNORM texture format is used
GX2: GX2ConvertDepthBufferToTextureSurface() will now reset global depth clear to 0.0 as a side effect since Dragon Quest X relies on this behavior
nlibcurl: Fixed crash bug in free() wrapper
nlibcurl: Implemented curl_multi_fdset()
nn_boss: Fixed crash when running unregistered task
nsysnet: Stability improvements
# New in 1.15.4:
general: GamePad view now works with OSScreen API (used by some homebrew)
debugger: Various stability improvements and bug fixes
H264: Added full h264.rpl module implementation (#25)
CPU/JIT: Implemented PSQ_L type 9 (single U16 load) (#30)
GX2: Fixed a bug when determining vertex winding order for primitive RECTS with non-standard vertex shader attribute mapping
GX2: Fixed a bug in texture copy operations with non-zero mip levels (#19)
GX2: Added support for texture formats X24_G8_UINT and D32_FLOAT_S8_UINT (#9)
GX2: Minor optimizations
nlibcurl: Several crash bugs fixed
input: Added support for hot plugging configured controllers while a game is running
nn_boss: SpotPass files are now cached across Cemu sessions and only redownloaded if they are outdated
nn_boss: Added support for RawDlTaskSetting API in tasks and file handling (#31)
nn_boss: Fixed incorrect http headers in web requests
nn_boss: Fixed a bug in task.StopScheduling()
nsysnet: Improved robustness
(#xx) refers to bug tracker issues fixed by this change. See
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2967...154b-released/
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April 11th, 2019, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
GLideN64 is a new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators
GLideN64 Public Release v4.0 Changelog:
Today is time to set new Release tag to master branch.
Previous Release 3.0 was a revolutionary one because of massive changes in plugin's architecture and new possibilities opened by these changes. This release is rather evolutionary. It continues tendencies started in the previous version. Of course, new features had been developed too. Lets see:
Solution for HLE problems
The main theme of the new release is solution of HLE-related problems. It started with long long awaited HLE implementation of BOSS ZSort microcode made by Gilles Siberlin.
Then olivieryuyu and me completed our "Mission Impossible 2" : HLE implementation of microcodes for "Indiana Jones" and "Battle for Naboo".That was a huge and incredibly hard work. Successful completion of that task ultimately closed "HLE not supported" issue. All N64 games now can be run in HLE mode. olivieryuyu wrote an article about this microcode: "The masterpiece graphic microcode behind the Nintendo 64 version of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine and Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo". I highly recommend to read it.
Next step was to fix issues caused by incomplete or incorrect implementation of some HLE commands, which caused HLE-only glitches. We started with re-implementation of S2DEX microcode, which is designed to draw such 2D objects as sprites and backgrounds. olivieryuyu decoded that huge and tangled microcode and we made new HLE implementation of it, trying to reproduce original algorithms as close as possible. That work took us circa six month.
We also fixed several small HLE issues, where glitch was caused by an issue in some command. Such fixes also required microcode analysis. Thanks to olivieryuyu's efforts we fixed:
missing transition effect in Dark Rift menu
Coin Block Blitz mini game in Mario Party
Conker's Bad Fur Day lighting fix
Missing graphics in Sim City 64
Regressions fixes. |
The second big topic of this new release is fixing of regressions.
Unfortunately, each big release is brings not only new features and fixes, but also new bugs. Complete testing is very hard and tedious process. Fortunately, users are founding and reporting us about issues. One of my goals for this release was to fix all known regressions. I combed project's bug tracker for such bugs. To my surprise, many reported issues were actually old and very old regressions. I even found regressions, which were made before the very first public release. I fixed all these issues and I hope that this release will not bring many new ones.
New features.
1. As you know, GLideN64 has special mode for precise emulation of N64 depth compare. This mode helps to fix many minor and some major issues with depth compare, but it has some limitations:
serious performance drop in some games
incompatibility with Multi-Sample Anti Aliasing (MSAA)
Logan McNaughton aka loganmc10 found OpenGL extensions, which helped us to weaken the performance issue greatly. Now you can use N64 depth compare freely if your hardware supports required extensions. This mode is still incompatible with MSAA, but now we have a solution. I implemented Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing (FXAA) , which you can enable along with N64 depth compare.
2. Ultimate solution for "remove these darn annoying black boarders" issue: Overscan feature. Now you may crop output image as much as you want.
3. User profiles. You may create profiles with different settings and switch between them. For example, you may create a profile with 2D fixes enabled to play 2D games, or create a profile with N64 depth compare + FXAA enabled.
New supported games
I already mentioned implementation of new microcodes, which finally made it possible to run any game with HLE. However, there are still games, which can't run properly because they do something weird what GLideN64 does not expect and can't emulate yet. Example of such game is Super Bowling 64. The way that game programmed makes it hard to emulate on PC hardware. Finally I found a way how it can be done. That fix then helped me to solve split screen issue in NASCAR 2000. Another example of hard to emulate issue is multiplayer mode in GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark with 3 or 4 players. It was fixed too.
It is impossible to list all solved issues. We closed more than 175 issues during this release cycle .
You may read my change-logs on Patreon for details.
Thanks to all backers of "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine" crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. We hardly would take that task without your support.
Thanks to all my patrons on www.patreon.com/Gliden64 I very appreciate your support.
Thanks to all users of https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64. Your bug reports and feedback greatly help us to improve quality of the program.
Very special thanks to olivieryuyu, the author of incredible microcode decoding
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2964...-v40-released/
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April 11th, 2019, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
reNXpack is a tool for repacking Nintendo Switch nsps to work on lower firmwares
- Repack games, updates and dlcs with lowest encryption keys
- Convert titlekey encrypted ncas to standard encrypted ncas
- Patch required firmware version and required application version to zero
- Support nsps containing multiple games, updates and dlcs
Some nsps may not work on lower firmwares due to lack of required IPCs
You should load your keyset file with -k or --keyset option followed by a path to it or place your keyset file with "keys.dat" filename in the same folder as reNXpack
By default, Created nsp files are located in the same folder as reNXpack with 'titleid_reNXpack.nsp' filename
You can change output directory with -o, --outdir option
reNXpack creates "renxpack_extracted_nsp" folder as a temp directory, It deletes the directory content before and after conversion
If you use -t, --tempdir option to choose a temporary directory, Make sure it's an empty directory and it's not the same as output directory otherwise reNXpack deletes it
*nix: ./renxpack [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>
Windows: .\renxpack.exe [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>
-k, --keyset Set keyset filepath, default filepath is ./keys.dat
-h, --help Display usage
-t, --tempdir Set temporary directory path
-o, --outdir Set output directory path
Current version: v1.01
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April 11th, 2019, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
When it comes to emulating the Nintendo GameCube or Wii, the Dolphin emulator reigns supreme. With features like upscaling, netplay, and so much more, it's a shining example of the sorts of peaks that emulation can reach. Netplay is especially one of those magical features, allowing online players from around the world to sync up and play local games as if they were together in the same room. Through the many years of development, Dolphin's netplay function has improved, though it has always required an extra bit of effort on the user's part to make sure everything worked right. For all those users that have struggled with tinkering around through multiple settings menus, the Dolphin team has introduced a brand new feature in their latest update, which makes it leagues easier to start up and join online netplay matches.
Thanks to the new Netplay Server Browser, players can create private or public lobbies for specific games, removing the need to find your IP and copy and paste it to everyone involved. You can also sort by region, which helps for those that care about their ping, or by the specific title, and can see at a glance how many players are in a room before joining. If you're interested, all you need to do is update your Dolphin to any version that is 5.0-9908 or later, and select "browse netplay sessions" from the tools menu.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/latest-d...easier.535606/
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April 11th, 2019, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
After a lot of work, I am very happy to share this with all of you.
Currently it only supports "IR JIT" (which is basically a more optimized Interpreter) and "Interpreter", proper JIT (dynarec) support is still in the works.
Audio & Video support works, many core options cause Issues tho.
It is mandatory to "Close Content" after changing any Core option and restarting RetroArch, else it will potentially crash, don't close the RetroArch menu!
Special thanks to hrydgard for everything he has done for the PPSSPP Project.
If you want to support his work, consider buying PPSSPP Gold https://central.ppsspp.org/buygold even if you don't use it!
I will PR it once the libretro port is finished, also implemented half of what's needed for a Standalone port 
Source is on my Github, but it's highly WIP and needs a custom RA and a custom ffmpeg, so you should just wait if you want to build it yourself
Libretro Docs (important informations for this core): https://docs.libretro.com/library/ppsspp/
Official Game Compatibility Tracker (your mileage might vary): https://report.ppsspp.org/games
GitHub (WIP Switch): https://github.com/m4xw/ppsspp/
GitHub (Official): https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp
Installation Instructions
Drag & Drop the "retroarch" folder to the root of your SD, overwriting any file (it will not touch any options).
Assets are bundled, so you don't have to bother with that.
If you are using ANY method of loading RetroArch OTHER than Atmosphere's title redirection feature, DO NOT report issues that you encounter.
These issues can skew testing and could very well be caused by loading through an unsupported method.
Video slowdowns are related to missing hardware accelerated decoding (nvdec), it's not a libretro/PPSSPP Issue.
FMV cut-scenes will be fine.
Download Link: https://m4xw.net/nextcloud/index.php/s/eS4dA7fZt9P6amy
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/ppsspp-s...elease.535468/
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April 12th, 2019, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
@JK_ 's Switch overclocking app Freebird has just received an update, marking the release of version 0.9.1 (beta). The new version attempts to fix the sleep mode bug, adds a new GUI for its Freeset companion app, includes four new profiles (as well as a Global one which takes priority above all others), gives you the choice to maintain your defined clock speeds when waking up from sleep and also allows you to save your config between reboots.
All of the new features and changes mentioned above can also be found in the official changelog: Freebird 0.9.1 (Beta)
- Attempted sleep mode fix
- Ability to control whether clock speeds are maintained when waking up from sleep
- New GUI
- 4 Different power profiles + Global profile that overrides all.
- Ability to save config for reboots.
Click to expand...
The developer also advises users to post suggestions, issues and ideas on the official GBAtemp thread (linked below). For Atmosphère users, it's highly recommended to update to version 0.8.6 (or later) before installing the homebrew, as it includes a fix for a bug that was present in previous versions which would lead to crashes when overclocking the CPU.
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April 12th, 2019, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
Don't let your calendars decieve you: it may not look like so, but today is actually June 15th! @SciresM and the rest of the team have just pushed yet another update to his Switch Custom Firmware, version 0.8.7, aka the fourteenth official release.
A good number of bugs were fixed, some related to the fatal sysmodule, others with the loader causing errors while launching specific games, but there are also new features and improvements too: SHA256 is now hardware accelerated (which should bring a performance improvement whenever it's used), a couple of extensions were implemented in smcGetInfo, additional instructions were added to dmnt:cht doubling the number of values that can be stored, better crash detection and reporting is now possible thanks to usermode exception handlers being enabled in Exosphère and, most importantly for end users, a save redirection feature is now available, allowing users to redirect savegames to the SD instead of the NAND.
This last highlight is completely optional and it needs to be enabled by setting atmosphere!fsmitm_redirect_saves_to_sd to 1 in system_settings.ini. Still, users should be advised that the feature is experimental and should be enabled at their own risk. It's a good idea to back up your saves if you do so!
On a last note, it should be underlined that save redirection is not emunand, but a separate feature that may work alongside it once the latter gets released.
As usual, you can read the full changelog below: The following was changed since the last release:
- A few bugs were fixed that could cause fatal to fail to show an error under certain circumstances.
- A bug was fixed that caused an error when launching certain games (e.g. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice).
- Loader had support added in ams-0.8.4 for a new (7.0.0+) flag bit in NPDMs during process creation, but forgot to allow this bit to be set when validating the NPDM.
- dmnt's cheat virtual machine received new instructions.
- These allow for saving, restoring, or clearing registers to a secondary bank, effectively doubling the number of values that can be stored.
- SHA256 code has been swapped from linux code to libnx's new hw-accelerated cryptography API.
- Extensions were added to smcGetInfo:
- A ConfigItem was added to detect whether the current unit has the RCM bug patched.
- A ConfigItem was added to retrieve the current Atmosphère build hash.
- Exosphère now tells the kernel to enable user-mode exception handlers, which should allow for better crash reporting/detection from Atmosphère's modules in the future.
- Opt-in support was added for redirecting game save files to directories on the SD card.
- Please note, this feature is experimental, and may cause problems. Please use at your own risk (and back up your saves before enabling it), as it still needs testing.
- This can be enabled by setting atmosphere!fsmitm_redirect_saves_to_sd to 1 in system_settings.ini.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
For information on the featureset supported by 0.8.0, please see the official release notes.
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April 12th, 2019, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
higan v106r132 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r132 release.
byuu says:
- improved waveOut DRC handling to match bsnes v107.1
- removed Famicom::APU::setSample() and replaced with Emulator::Stream
- updated genius, map-analyzer, board-editor to new version of hiro
- updated genius, map-analyzer, board-editor to use nall::Instance
hiro objects
- removed Emulator::Game (failed experiment at code reuse which was
never used consistently)
- resynced Super Famicom/boards.bml to include 1CB5B-01 and 1K1X-10
- Super Famicom: hard-forked bsnes; removed ppu-fast and speed hacks
from higan
- UI: removed "Show Hacks" from the settings menu
- Super Famicom: minor cleanups on PPU variable types (nothing
- fix carry flag calculation bug in uPD7725/uPD96050 core
- don't render the screen during overscan area if overscan is
disabled; fixes Top Gear 3000 sprites
- note: I don't know if overscan can be enabled mid-scanline, but
it's somewhat likely ...
- added code to validate all peripheral locations on system load to
remove renamed/deleted peripherals from the tree
- remove FDS disk slot on cartridge disconnect rather than cartridge
- all cores: scheduler.reset() called inside load() rather than
power(); as peripherals often create threads prior to power()
- removed binary=library rules from Makefile; since higan doesn't have
any use for it (it remains an option in bsnes)
- added icarus support for MSX2 and MSX2+
- added higan stubs for future MSX2 and MSX2+ support
- added MSX keyboard skeleton class (need to decide how to name the
keys before implementing the actual key bindings)
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April 12th, 2019, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Swiss r646 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.
Swiss Changelog:
Add L/R trigger + L/R D-Pad page skipping support into the file browser
Fix unknown drive variant crash
Tidy up info pages 1 & 2
Separate out workarounds for GCVideo.
Round screen position for GCVideo.
Add AVE compatibility setting.
Hide incompatible video modes.
Reintroduce 960/1152i, now functional.
Add 540p forcing.
Minimize stack usage.
Fix free space calculation.
Optimize memcpy for bulk uncached-to-unaligned cached.
Implement partial read buffer for IDE-EXI.
Fix Spider-Man 2 and DSI crash dumps.
Find stateBusy.
Add game-specific patch for F-Zero GX.
Place breakpoint on command block state as a loading hint.
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April 12th, 2019, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
The classic MS-DOS shooter by Ken Silverman finally running native on a portable platform! This is based off the enhanced SDL port for Windows and Linux with enhanced textures and 60fps rendering.
Includes the complete game and uses Adlib emulation for the music. If there are any bugs or feedback then please let me know. The game is also in the Homebrew AppStore.
Known bugs:
Highscore and game saves can't get a keyboard input for name entry so they default to the name Ken or use the Switch account name if you are signed in. If there's an available on-screen keyboard for this part then let me know!
Replacing the data files with the files from Ken's Labyrinth 1.0, the game loads fine but none of the controls work
Change log:
3.2.2: 2019-04-02
* USB keyboard and mouse support for Nintendo Switch
3.2.1: 2019-03-03
* Anisotropic filtering now supported on Switch
3.2.0: 2019-12-18
* New audio device selectable in the setup menu: Adlib random instruments. This will play
the music tracks with randomly selected instruments. If you don't like the instrument settings
you can select it again and it will load a different random set.
* Changing audio settings now no longer requires you to quit the game. All changes are immediate
* Switch - Now dynamically switches to 1080p from 720p when connecting to the dock and vice versa.
The setup menu will also reflect the current mode.
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April 12th, 2019, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from romain337
Here is a quick and dirty port of GrafX2 the famous paint editor that we all love.
I just created a Makefile and put all the needs inside, then added a bunch of defined(__SWITCH__) here and here. Just diff the source (included) against the original to see what changed if you ever want to add things on it.
I do not plan to support this project so feel free to take the source and maintain it on github yourself. Maybe in 6 month or more I'll add proper mouse support or something.
Things that don't work:
- on screen keyboard (it appear but nothing can be typed with it)
- no lua scripting
- no tiff support
- 1280*720 resolution. It seem like a bug in SDL2, but really, I don't know.
Things that work:
- drawing \o/
- loading/saving (if you can type into the textbox).
- ...
All credits to the original authors of this program.
The original project is on gitlab:
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April 12th, 2019, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Hydr8gon
NoiES for Switch
I present to you my own original NES emulator for the Switch, NoiES! This entire emulator was written from scratch by me. I started this project just to teach myself about how emulators are made so that I can work on larger projects in the future, but it went farther than I originally expected and is now pretty much a full-fledged emulator, apart from some minor inaccuracies and some missing mappers.
But there are already other NES emulators for the Switch, why use this one?
Well, no reason in particular. As I said before, this was more a learning experience for me, but I ported it to the Switch for the homebrew bounty and I might as well release it. I suppose the biggest advantage I can offer is that since I developed the entire emulator core myself I am very familiar with it and can easily dive in to fix bugs and add new features.
Minor inaccuracies?
Yes, well, I've yet to test my CPU timing for cycle accuracy so no promises there. There are also some minor timing issues with the PPU, particularly with the MMC3 IRQ counter, which can be seen in the slight vibration of the status bar in Kirby's Adventure. Another odd bug I found is that I can't seem to navigate the items menu in The Legend of Zelda. Oh, and the audio system is still kind of a work in progress, so you might notice crackles (especially in docked mode!), missing sounds, or things that sound slightly off. (Wow, doing a great job selling it here)
Right. Every ROM has a mapper; it's basically what loads different portions of the ROM memory into the CPU memory for execution. I've implemented mappers 1 through 4, which should cover a large portion of the NES library. If you have any particular games you want to play that aren't supported, tell me the mapper number (the emulator will tell you which one it is if it isn't supported) so I can place higher priority on implementing it.
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April 25th, 2019, 23:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo's latest financial figures paint a pretty positive picture, with excellent sales of exclusive games such as Smash Bros. and Pokémon Let's Go, as well as continued strong sales of older titles such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has notched up an impressive 13.8m copies sold since its launch last December - more than the entire userbase of the Wii U. (For comparison, the Wii U's Smash Bros. sold 5.3m copies.)
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee have sold a combined 10.63m copies, while revamped Wii U port New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe has shifted 3.31m since January.
In total, 23 Nintendo Switch games sold more than a million copies each last year.
Nintendo Switch hardware sales have now hit 34.74m units - almost triple the Wii U's final tally, and a third of Wii's final total. It has overtaken N64, which sold 32.9m.
All of that said, Nintendo had planned to sell slightly more consoles than this. Originally, it had bullishly aimed for 20m over the 12 months ending on 31st March 2019, before revising this to 17m. In reality, it sold 16.95m. Some new Switch hardware revisions may help.
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April 26th, 2019, 00:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Hexus
Insider sources talking to Bloomberg have revealed a couple of interesting news nuggets with regard to the popular Nintendo Switch console lineup. Both a new cheaper Switch console and a modest upgrade to the existing model have been flagged. The Nintendo Switch originally launched back in March 2017, and retains its launch RRP of US$299.
Nintendo's Switch is growing in popularity, even as it gets so long in the tooth. According to analysts quoted by Bloomberg, 17.5 million Switch consoles were sold in the financial year ending in March 2019, and the forecast for the coming year is 18.5 million. Furthermore, if the Switch goes on to be approved for widespread sale in China we could be looking at a significant revision in these sales numbers.
To stay relevant in its existing markets, Nintendo seems to be planning some tweaks and revamps for the Switch console this year. Unnamed insider sources speaking to Bloomberg said that in late June they expect a new cheaper Nintendo Switch to be launched. The E3 gaming show runs from 11th to 14th June, so perhaps it could be revealed there before launch/availability later in the month…
While the sources mention the new Switch will be cheaper, that is all the new detail that we have. However, back in Feb we learned from reports that the Switch was in line for a redesign which would make it smaller, more focussed on portability, and playing on the go. It was pondered at the time that one of the ways the console pack could be made cheaper would be the unbundling of the dock.
That's not all for Switch switch-ups in 2019 though. Bloomberg sources also indicated that the existing Switch could be in for a "modest upgrade" later this year. However, it was emphasised that this upgrade would not be a more powerful version. Nintendo doesn't want to divide or confuse its customer base with a Pro or X-version of the Switch, for example.
Nintendo will share its most recent financials tomorrow, and the figures plus guidance for the coming year could provide an interesting insight to its plans.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
I was never a Nintendo kid. Game consoles weren't allowed in my household growing up, so my formative gaming moments all took place on hardware with more "educational value" -- specifically a series of Amstrad CPC home computers followed, much later, by a Gateway 2000 PC.
When I first started writing about games, Nintendo wasn't having a particularly great time in the home console market. It was the late 1990s, and while Pokémon was keeping the Game Boy comfortably afloat, PlayStation ruled the living room with the N64 so far behind that "second place" felt like a charitable turn of phrase. In the next generation, as much as I liked the GameCube, there would be no question about where it stood relative to the all-conquering PlayStation 2.
Without the deep love of the company's franchises that informed many of my colleagues, I found it hard to understand why everyone maintained that Nintendo was an important and vital industry player. Yet as I found my feet and learned my way around the industry, meeting people who were experienced veterans, movers and shakers who'd make time to impart a bit of knowledge to a wet behind the ears writer working on a declining industry trade newspaper, I heard one piece of wisdom echoed over and over again. In the long-term, nobody won by betting against Nintendo. "The moments when everyone assumes Nintendo's on the ropes are when it comes swinging out of left-field with a product nobody sees coming"
Around 20 years later, I feel that Nintendo has proved this point fairly comprehensively. The company goes through rough patches, but they are never more than temporary declines; the moments when everyone assumes that it's on the ropes are the moments when it comes swinging out of left-field with a product that nobody sees coming.
When Game Boy had clearly reached the end of the line and Sony had unveiled a sleek, beautiful and powerful handheld which looked set to dominate the portable gaming market just as PlayStation had the living room, Nintendo swerved hard and created the DS -- a device that was roundly mocked at its reveal for being weird, and ugly, and clunky, and turned out to be a singularly visionary design that secured Nintendo's hold on handheld gaming for another decade. When Microsoft and Sony's escalating contest over graphical prowess and media functionality threatened to make the console market simply too expensive for a pure gaming company to compete in, Nintendo created the Wii; a low-powered console that couldn't even utilise high-definition displays and replaced the standard joypad with a weird little motion-sensing wand. It proceeded to outsell both of its rivals.
This week, Nintendo announced its financial results for the year ended March 31 and its early projections for the upcoming year; only a few days previously, NPD's data for US game and hardware sales in the first quarter appeared. Taken in concert, they tell a robust story: Nintendo has done it again. Coming off the disastrous failure of the Wii U and the steady (albeit relatively well-managed) decline of the 3DS handheld, the Switch console might have looked like a bit of a Hail Mary; if so, Kyoto's fervent prayers for intercession have been answered.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nearly one third of Nintendo Switch owners have a paid subscription to Nintendo's recently launched online service.
Since going live in September last year, global membership for Nintendo Switch Online has reached 9.8 million, excluding free trial accounts.
This number does however include discounted family memberships for up to eight consoles.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Shareholders seem disappointed in Nintendo's latest financial results as the company's share price took a hit the next day.
Reuters reports shares fell by as much as 5% in early trading at Tokyo, with analysts attributing this to the company's less ambitious sales projections for Switch.
Nintendo expects to shift 18 million units of the console in the next financial year, reaching a total global install base of 53 million units.
This would only be a 1.05 million increase on the 16.95 million sold in the previous fiscal year. Sales were below Nintendo's original expectations of 20 million units, and still just shy of its revised forecast of 17 million.
Nintneod also only forecast for a 5.4% rise in Switch software sales, with a full-year target of 125 million units.
Analysts told Reuters they believe this to be too conservative, given that the 2019 line-up for Switch includes the next generation of Pokémon titles, new instalments in the Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion series, plus a remake of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
There are also rumours of updated Switch hardware models, expected to be released as early as this summer, which should boost sales significantly.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Software sales drove revenue and profit growth for Nintendo in the last fiscal year, with 23 Switch games selling more than one million units.
The two biggest sellers were Nintendo's major launches for the year: Super Smash Bros Ultimate with 13.81 million units, and Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon Let's Go, Eevee! With 10.63 million units -- the third and fifth best-selling Switch games to date.
Nintendo's other big first-party release, Super Mario Party, sold 6.4 million units, but it was beaten by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which sold 7.47 million units despite having launched in April 2017.
In total, 23 Switch games became million-sellers during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, and 118.55 million units of software were sold overall -- an 86.7% increase over the prior year.
Nintendo's digital software business also increased, with full-game downloads on Switch almost doubling year-on-year to reach ¥118.8 billion ($1.1 billion).
In terms of hardware, Nintendo fell just short of its forecast with 16.95 million units of the Switch sold. That is an increase of 12.7% year-on-year, but it is shy of the 17 million units it expected to sell, which was itself cut from an earlier projection of 20 million units.
As of March 31, Nintendo Switch had sold 34.74 million units worldwide.
Nintendo earned ¥1.2 trillion ($10.7 billion) in revenue in the fiscal year, a 13.7% increase. It earned ¥194 billion ($1.7 billion) in profit, up 39% year-on-year.
Rumours of two new versions of the Switch continue to swirl, with the cheaper and more portable of the two expected to launch in the summer. However, Nintendo has yet to reveal plans for anything other than software.
In that sense, though, Nintendo has a busy year ahead, with Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit this month, Super Mario Maker 2 in June, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses in July. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, a new Animal Crossing, and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening are scheduled to launch in 2019, though firm dates have not been set.
It will also launch Dr. Mario World and Mario Kart Tour for mobile devices, the latter of which is about to start a closed beta test.
Update: Bloomberg reports that speaking to reporters in Osaka, Japan, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said that new Nintendo Switch hardware would not be announced at E3. He did not specifically squash reports that a smaller, cheaper Switch console would launch this fall.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Tencent has been granted permission to distribute Nintendo Switch by the Guangdong province of China.
Before now, Nintendo's popular hybrid console was not officially available in China, but thanks to a decision by the provincial authority of Guangdong, that is about to change.
According to Reurters, a statement on the government website of Guangdong indicates that the Nintendo Switch with a "test version" of New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe can be distributed by Tencent Holdings.
A representative from Nintendo confirmed that Tencent had applied for permission in Guangdong to start selling the hardware. However, it is not clear whether further approval from the central Chinese government will also be necessary.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Update: A more precise translation has given a clearer idea of exactly where the "more powerful" version of the Nintendo Switch is at in development. Here's a segment, shared by USGamer:
"Beyond the smaller, budget-focused model lies the development of the overhauled next-generation model intended to replace the one currently available. Nintendo is believed to be experimenting on a number of different things for the device, including usability, improved image rendering, and changes to the operating system, among other things. One development source contends, however, that it still remains unclear at this stage who at the company will end up taking the lead on conceptual development for the new console."
The original story, with a correction due to the clarity brought by the above statement, is below:
A rumored upgraded version of the Nintendo Switch may still be in the experimental phases of development, and may not be ready to be unveiled as soon as has been previously predicted.
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April 29th, 2019, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
L4T Ubuntu is a version of linux based on nvidia's linux for tegra project. It uses a different kernel compared to previous releases which allows it to use features not yet in mainline. Such as audio, docking support and vulkan. Features- Dock support with USB
- Bluetooth (both controllers and audio)
- Nvidia GPU drivers - Vulkan and OpenGl
- Audio - Headphones, speakers and over HDMI when docked.
- Joycons and pro controllers are supported fully when not attached to the the console
- Touchscreen
- Display
- WiFi
- CPU frequency scaling - The CPU scales from 200mhz to 1.7ghz (what switch is binned for) depending on the load its under. Fans are adjusted to account for this
- Full sdcard speed
- Hardware video acceleration when using the built in videos app (means you can watch videos without battery draining massively)
Click to expand...
Downloads: Sdcard image: https://download.switchroot.org/swit...9-04-28.img.gzHow to install
- Download the image from the downloads section and extract.
- Write it to your sdcard using a program such as etcher or dd.
- Boot hekate and select L4T from the configs menu.
- Wait for around 2-4 minutes while it initially loads
- Go through the setup process - make sure not to dock the console in this period.
- Once the initial setup is finished and you are on the login screen it is advisable to reboot:
- Hold the power button for 10 seconds.
- Load hekate again and select L4T as a payload.
- Log in and open the "Disks" app
- Select the second partition of your sdcard and click the gears icon
- Choose resize and change the size to the full amount of available space.
- Enjoy, you now have fully featured Ubuntu on your switch!
- Wired joycons do not work (connected to console)
- Docking while having a ssh session open can cause the display to not turn off correctly
- No sleep mode
- USB OTG - works fine in dock though
- Vulkan is buggy in dolphin
Misc Info
- Pair (joy/pro)cons by opening the bluetooth menu in settings and pressing the + button in the bottom left corner. Then press the sync button on the controller and select its name in the pairing window. Once both joycons are paired press each of their shoulder buttons to use as one controller
- To use dolphin add the "dolphin-emu/ppa" ppa and install the dolphin-emu-master package.
- To update the system run "sudo apt update", "sudo apt upgrade". This will apply all switch and ubuntu updates aside from kernel updates, they will be posted here if ever needed.
- To limit cpu freq, run cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_available_frequencies.Ffind the one you want, then run: echo <freq you want> | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq
- To force max freq run echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor
- A gui to configure overclocks and fan profiles is coming soon, along with support for using 2.0 ghz cpu
Credits: Langerhans, Ave, Natinusala, CTCaer, NVIDIA, Everyone else in switchroot - more info on that in the future.
Click to expand...
Sources: They can all be found at https://gitlab.com/switchroot with the other kernel repos on http://nv-tegra.nvidia.com
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April 29th, 2019, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Happy 30th Anniversary, Princess Daisy!
Super Mario Land gets a full colorization hack by toruzz called Super Mario Land DX which changes the original Super Mario Land into a Game Boy Color game. Celebrating Daisy’s 30th Anniversary of her gaming career on Easter Sunday in 2019, a colorized remake of Super Mario Land was made to celebrate the occasion.
The full colorization of this game remakes the 8-bit original with updated graphics for enemies and characters to resemble the modern Mario games.
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April 29th, 2019, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Here is an announcement for SD Gundam - Gachapon Senshi 3 - Eiyuu Senki. This is the 3rd installment of the SD Gundam series on the NES which is now fully playable in English! Now you can choose from the 4 different campaigns of the SD Gundam world without the language barriers to keep you from playing this game. Enjoy the translation! Also part 4 will be the next one released as the current progress is halfway done at the moment.
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April 29th, 2019, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
An update is now available for the Metroid: HD Custom Edition mod for the Mesen emulator (version 1.3).
The first version of this pack was released in August 2018. While the initial release improved upon many aspects, limitations of an NES era game were still very apparent. Most notably, the running and jumping graphics of the pack were considered by some to be choppy and awkward. Thanks to contributions from kya and mkwong98, substantial improvements have now been made in these areas.
For jumping, the graphic problem was rooted in the behavior of the original NES gameplay. The original game shared running graphics with jumping graphics. This proved to be problematic as the HD pack changed the proportions of the player sprite substantially. As a result, creative freedom was limited and finding a pose that was acceptable for both scenarios proved to be very challenging. Fortunately, mkwong98 proposed a solution that separated the linked graphics by using an advanced feature of Mesen called the “spriteNearby” condition. This strategy was very promising. However, the solution did involve writing manual lines of code for every relevant tile address used by the game for jumping. During development, there were fears that this approach may overwhelm Mesen. This was understandable as the proposal did involve over 16,000 lines of additional coding just for jumping.
After the revised package was finished, initial boot time was impacted. However, once the game started, the emulator accommodated the new additions without crashing and at full speed. This is a testament to Mesen’s ability to handle substantial amounts of incoming information coming from custom HD packs.
For running, the pack was initially limited by the small number of movement frames used by the original Metroid. Low frame counts are commonplace with retro games. In fact, some players would even say this characteristic fits well with the low-resolution nature of an 8-bit game. However, once the resolution was increased via the first release of Metroid: HD, players naturally expected enhancements to other areas as well (such as frame count). Improving one aspect without the other resulted in a gameplay experience that some may describe as jarring. Unfortunately, it is much more difficult to customize frame counts with the standard HD Pack creation method.
Kya initially proposed a method to overcome this shortcoming using additional advanced features of Mesen called “frameRange” and “memoryCheckConstant” conditions. However, one problem in implementing the proposal from kya related to the fact that artwork could not extend beyond existing tiles. For an artist, this constraint could be thought of as a canvas that is not only small, but constantly changing shape.
After experimenting with various approaches, an unusual solution to this issue was discovered. Kya froze the running animation entirely by hacking the ROM. Some may consider this strategy to be counterintuitive as the final goal was to add running frames rather than subtract. However, the new hack solved the issue of a constantly changing canvas size. In addition, the frame with the largest number of tiles available to edit was used in the solution. This allowed for maximum creative freedom and all running frames are now inserted and controlled entirely through the HD pack in the updated version using the “frameRange” and “memoryCheckConstant” conditions.
New features of the latest pack include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Enhanced running and jumping graphics
- The download now includes pre-assembled zip files for alternate graphics (Megatroid, Fusiontroid, and 8BitTroid)
- The minimap is now an automap
- A new and secret area is now available in Brinstar
Download the latest version here: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=26811.0
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April 29th, 2019, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Here’s a brand new hack of the SNES port of Prince Of Persia! It’s a complete hack from the title screen up to the staff roll!
It tells an original story, across 10 main levels plus 5 training levels to introduce some new mechanics for this hack, all of them adorned with a mix of old and new background/foreground sprites, and a custom colorization for the entire game. Also, here for the first time in a PoP SNES Mod, an original musical composition for the title/prologue screen as well as a musical arrangement for the Menu music.
Thirteen months of hard-on-and-off work, to bring a fresh experience to this SNES classic!
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