November 15th, 2017, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Im banned from watching James Bond movies the wife hates them but some clever person has made a mod of the Goldeneye game for the Nintendo 64 and released it as GoldFinger 64, heres a video:
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November 15th, 2017, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Lets do some catching up on recent Wii Homebrew releases, i myself have now got a Nintendo Wii and also a Nintendo WiiU kitted out with Wii Homebrew, well impressed with it all, here in list form are all the releases missed from my last news posting:
Great to see the Wii Homebrew Scene Moving Along
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November 15th, 2017, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Its nice to be back newsposting and get away from the anxieties of life and this is a little news story that i obviously have not seen before but cool anyway. Someone has modded a Gameboy and stuck a raspberry pie inside it to make a rather awesome retro gaming machine. Check out this video:
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November 15th, 2017, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Some people are gods at what they do and anyone who can translate a whole video game from say japanese to english deserves massive credits, heres a catch up on everything released in the last few months:
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November 15th, 2017, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Having recently installed Nintendont im really getting back into Gamecube games once more and any news regarding game mods is awesome to hear, heres the news of the title:
The goal of AUF R is to create an improved version of the original 2002 Gamecube game 007: Agent Under Fire, specifically in the multiplayer mode which was excellent to begin with but had a handful of glaring issues such as: Slow match setup times due to having to constantly change the bad default settings with no way to save preferences, an overabundance of OP armor jackets, horrible automatic weapon accuracy, ugly bullet tracers, slow default running speed etc. The single player mode has also been tweaked for added challenge and more enjoy-ability as well. The mod is currently in version 1.1 and will likely not see another update unless better modding tools become available. The creator of this mod hopes that this improved version of the game, which is very much a blend of Bond and Quake, will give you and your friends hours of fun together. You can enjoy AUF R on emulators or on Wii/Wii U via Nintendont.
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November 15th, 2017, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Like most people i love playing Snes games on my phone or via emulators on PC and other systems. Just checked out PlayAsia for news and they have news that a new controller is being released Soon.
8Bitdo SN30 Pro Controller Gamepad is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows & Mac OS
Examples: iPhone, iPhone5S, iTouch, iPad, Samsung Note II, Galaxy series, Android Pad
Windows XP, vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 etc
- Rumble vibration
- Motion controls
- Turbo function
Heres a looksy:

Its going to retail at $39 for those of you interested. Check it out Here, Also comes in a UK coloured version Here.
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November 15th, 2017, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster

Hot on the heels of the Snes controller i just posted is a new 2.4g controller called the 8Bitdo SN30 2.4G Controller which also has a different colour version called the 8Bitdo SF30 2.4G Controller.
The SF30 2.4G wireless Controller for SFC classic Edition is a 2.4G wireless Controller for the SFC classic Edition and SNES classic Edition. Featuring a wireless connection and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. USB cable included.
•Upgradeable firmware
•2.4G Wireless Technology for SNES/SFC Classic Edition
•USB connection for Windows, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Android and more!
•2.4G Receiver powers directly from the SNES/SFC Classic Edition
•Acess the SNES/SFC Classic Edition HOME menu wirelessly
Looks awesome, ill check out the reviews at some stage
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November 15th, 2017, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure many of us have seen the Nintendo Classic Mini Nes and yes its quite hard to get a hold of one but maybe the japanese Nintendo Classic Mini Famicom might also be a good collector piece ?
Heres a video of it
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November 15th, 2017, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Virtual Boy the handheld that looks a little like todays VR headsets still gets lots of love, heres some news articles missed the last few months:
A quick history of the Virtual Boy IPD/Focus Adjustment Screen
VBDE 1.2.1 and VUEngine 5.1 released
Mansion of Insmouse: All Hallows' Eve
We have reached our first goal on Patreon
Support Team VUEngine on Patreon
Has that got your mouth watering, if it has head on over to planet VB here --> http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news/
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November 16th, 2017, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Gamecube home to Mario Kart Double Dash and a load of Quality games and also some fine emulators and homebrew, heres the last 10 news articles sourced from PDroms:
Hermes v0.92 (3DS, GC, Wii and Android Game Port) (Android)
FCE Ultra GX v3.3.9 (NES emu for GC and Wii) (GameCube)
Visual Boy Advance GX v2.3.5 (GBA emu) (GameCube)
Genesis Plus GX (15-10-2016) (Multiple emus) (GameCube)
RetroArch v1.3.6 (Multiple Emus for GC) (GameCube)
Sqrxz 4 – Cold Cash v1.01 (GC Game Port) (GameCube)
Xump v1.01 (Wii & GC Game Port) (GameCube)
Fruit’Y v1.00 (DC, Wiz, PSP, GC, Wii, GCWZ Game) (Dreamcast)
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November 17th, 2017, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at out of print archive have released a new magazine digitalized for reading now and in the future, this magazine is for the Early Nintendo Consoles:
Today we are extremely proud to be to be able to present a very rare issue from 1989. I'm talking about none other than the very first issue of Club Nintendo Magazine from the UK. It's taken me nearly a decade of searching on and off to get my hands on this very magazine. So be sure to grab it because you might have to wait till the next blue moon for a physical copy in excellent condition. 
From the way the magazine is put together, you can clearly see that they were still figuring things out a bit. The first preview article is an introduction to the Nintendo Entertainment System. Next up we have a review for the infamous Top Gun by Konami. Then we look at two all-time classics for the NES: The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros.
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November 17th, 2017, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at out of print archive have released a new magazine digitalized for reading now and in the future, this magazine is for the Early Nintendo Consoles:
We're delivering a huge amount of nostalgia in a tiny package this week, especially when the magazine weighs in at a slim 20 pages. This is the final issue of Club Nintendo for 1989. The other volumes normally go up to 6 issues per a year.
We were only just able to get 4 full previews out of these 20 pages, all of them are reviews/features for some timeless Nintendo Entertainment System classics. The first one is Life Force / Salamander from Konami. Next up is Mega Man by Capcom. The next one is Robowarrior / Bomber King by Hudson Soft and Aicom. And finally we have a classic by Rareware: Wizards & Warriors.
If you enjoy this issue, we should be able to have some great news next week that you might like. 
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November 18th, 2017, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch for those who dont know is the latest console to hit the market and probably the best youve ever come across, the fact it can be a normal console, portable machine and a monitor to play games on is so unique and clever, heres the kernal news:
Plutoo reports on Twitter: 'With kernelhax comes debugging syscalls, so I threw together a small PyQt gui on top of it. nxdbg -- Userland Switch remote debugger (over USB). A screenshot of it attached to the graphics driver. It works, suprisingly stable ' No word when or if it will be shared in public."
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November 18th, 2017, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news of an adapter for mutiple console use, first i have heard of it so here goes:
Cluster has released a NES/SNES/N64/SMD/DualShock gamepad to NES Mini, SNES Mini or Wii remote adapter. The design is based around an ATMEGA16A microcontroller with 16MHz crystal oscillator (also supporting ATMEGA8A @ 8MHz without N64 support). The project is still in Beta phase and packs an impressive set of features. You can play NES mini, SNES mini and Wii virtual console games using original NES/SNES/N64/SMD/DualShock gamepad. You can also connect Wiimote to PC via bluetooth and use original NES/SNES/N64/SMD/DualShock controllers with emulators.
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November 18th, 2017, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Snes Mini console is a massive hit for Nintendo, although we homebrew and emulation fans know how good playing games from yesteryear is, heres the news:
Cluster has released hakchi2 with support for the new SNES Classic Mini from Nintendo. You can find the release in his GitHub repository or in the download section here.
Changelog v2.20 (internal version
* SNES Classic Mini support.
* Automatic ROM conversion to special SNES Classic Mini's format. ~75% of games are working fine. You can use RetroArch mod for problem games.
* For expert users: you can select SNES game and press Ctrl+Alt+E to show hidden Preset ID editor.
* Individual profiles for different consoles, so you can use the same hakchi2 for both NES, SNES, Famicom and Super Famicom. You can select console type using "Settings menu".
* 7-Zip compression support for all platforms and emulators. You can compress or decompress any game using only one checkbox.
* Group operations. Now you can select multiple games in the main window, right click on them and do mass compression or mass cover downloading only for selected games. Hold control to select individual games.
* For expert users: NAND dump, NAND-B dump and memboot features. Don't use it if you don't known what is it.
* Some bugfixes and refactoring.
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...=7667&forum=82
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November 18th, 2017, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Some more hacking news for the Nintendo Switch:
ReSwitched is proud to announce that a large portion of our development, previously done behind closed doors, is moving to the open. From the beginning, we have strived to be as transparent as is possible; today’s shift follows through on that commitment.
PegaSwitch 3.0 is an extensive exploitation toolkit for Switch OS 2.0.0-3.0.0. With complete support for IPC, a brand new API, and automatic gadget hunting, it gives us a new window into the Switch platform. https://github.com/reswitched/Pegaswitch
libtransistor is our open-source SDK for the Switch. Designed from the ground-up to make use of the LLVM+Clang stack, we intend for it to be a highly-accessible, community-driven platform for homebrew development. https://github.com/reswitched/libtransistor
Mephisto is a high-performance emulator for non-game Switch binaries. Mephisto features a high degree of determinism, GDB debugging support (even allowing source-level debugging of sysmodules in IDA), and compatibility with a large number of Switch OS features. To clarify again: Mephisto is not for and will never be for games. But it is an invaluable tool for development. https://github.com/reswitched/Mephisto
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November 18th, 2017, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
So the hackers have found an hidden gem from the Nes days in the Nintendo Switch, awesome news eh ?
After a few busy days and mainstream media attention the usual suspects over at #switchdev on EFnet managed to figure out how to trigger the hidden golf game (title: flog titleID: 01008BB00013C000) in the Switch console. Quote plutoo: 'This is a tribute to Iwata who was headed Switch dev until he passed away in 2015. He is also the one who wrote the Golf game back in 1984.' As far as corporate Easter eggs go this one had a humble reason, respect with hats off to Nintendo in honor of their fallen CEO Satoru Iwata. Read on for instructions how to launch the game...
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November 18th, 2017, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
When you think of all the games that were announced and worked on but never released i personally think its a good thing to share the work years later and in this digital age why not release them ?, heres the news of the Die Hard 64 roms:
10ahu over at assemblergames.com has released the Die Hard 64 prototype ROMs for Nintendo 64 from Bits Studios. This was a game planned for a 1999 release by Fox Interactive but it was cancelled. Quote 10ahu: 'Here you go guys, in this rar file you will find all 3 roms of diehard 64 they work with the everdrive64. I couldnt make them work on pc with emulator, but i didnt try too hard.
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November 18th, 2017, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
The world of hacking never slows down, a major pull for me to get my backside back into newsposting, i still have a gateway 3ds card and still use it but Stargate is a new player on the block, heres their news:
A few weeks ago, we were contacted by long-time scene group about their new upcoming 3DS Flashcart, and were given a private demonstration of working on the New2DSXL and latest v11.5 firmware, using the upcoming MagnetHAX and other great things which have since become public last week, as such the team as decided to its time to announce their brand-new amazing 3DS Flashcart which they are calling StarGate 3DS, which is due for release next month in September, and pre-orders have already started on their site.
Quote from the Stargate 3DS Team: 'After a long challenging development period, we are very proud to finally announce the ultimate solution for Nintendo 3DS : StarGate 3DS !
Compatible with all consoles models & versions, all games formats whether they are designed for DS or 3DS, emulators and more, there is simply nothing StarGate 3DS won’t do.
Easy to use, StarGate 3DS is a must have companion for your 3DS/XL, 2DS/XL. No need to check your console version, no need to mess around with dangerous hacks, just PLUG & PLAY.
StarGate 3DS will be available in September 2017 and we are already taking pre-orders. Order now if you want to be among the first to enjoy the best that your console can do.'
Heres the news directly from the website:
Finally after the usual last minute problems & issues to solve, Stargate 3DS has entered production.
First shipment will go out first to reviewers and retailers next week, which will leave you plenty of time to all enjoy a Merry Christmas with your Stargate.
More videos and links to reviews will be posted here soon.
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November 18th, 2017, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new to me emulator, that emulates the NES, heres the details via our good pals at Emulation 64:
Nintaco is a cycle-accurate Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / Famicom emulator and NES Sound Format (NSF) player written in Java, ostensibly making it cross-platform. It supports the vast majority of games including those for the Famicom Disk System (FDS), Dendy and Vs. UniSystem along with a plethora of peripherals. It tracks play history, enabling the player to rewind time to undo mistakes, and to watch, export, edit and resume play at any point in the past. It supports netplay, save states, video and audio recording, video filters, screenshots, cheat codes, a debugger and a TAS editor. It can be controlled programmatically via an API. It provides automatic capturing of sprites and level maps. It even simulates R.O.B., the Robotic Operating Buddy.
Nintaco (2017/10/13) Beta changelog
Fixed malfunctioning Zapper trigger button API functions.
Clicking on the title bar, menu items or any point outside of the window no longer activates the Zapper trigger button. |
For: Java
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2793...1013-released/
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November 18th, 2017, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
The GameBoy Advance or GBA is one of the greatest handhelds ever released and the last of the handhelds before touchscreen, heres the story of a new emulator released via our friends at Emulation 64:
mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.
A new release of mGBA, version 0.6.1, is available. This version is a bugfix release, which contains many stability and accuracy fixes. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.
GB, GBA: Fix crashes when attempting to identify null VFiles
GB, GBA: Fix sync to video with frameskip
GB, GBA Savedata: Fix savestate-related save overwriting (fixes #834)
GB Audio: Fix NRx2 writes while active (fixes #866)
GB Core: Fix palette loading when loading a foreign config
GB MBC: Pocket Cam memory should be accessible without enabling
GB MBC: Fix SRAM sizes 4 and 5
GB MBC: Fix RTC initialization (fixes #825)
GB MBC: Fix RTC loading when file size is off
GB Memory: Initialize peripheral pointers
GB Memory: Prevent accessing empty SRAM (fixes #831)
GB Memory: Fix HDMA count starting in mode 0 (fixes #855)
GB Memory: Actually load latch time from savestate
GB Serialize: Fix deserializing video STAT
GB Video: Fix 16-bit screenshots (fixes #826)
GB Video: Fix potential hang when ending mode 0
GB Video: Fix read mode when enabling LCD
GBA: Reset active region as needed when loading a ROM
GBA: Fix keypad IRQs not firing when extra buttons are pressed
GBA BIOS: Use core’s VRAM variable instead of renderer’s
GBA Cheats: Fix PARv3 multiline blocks (fixes #889)
GBA I/O: Fix reading from a few invalid I/O registers (fixes #876)
GBA Savedata: Fix 512 byte EEPROM saving as 8kB (fixes #877)
GBA Savedata: Fix size of SRAM saves (fixes #883)
GBA Video: Fix broken sprite blending hack (fixes #532)
Python: Fix importing .gb or .gba before .core
Qt: Fix command line debugger closing second game
Qt: Fix LOG argument order
Qt: Fix timezone issues with time overrides
Qt: Fix sprite export pausing game indefinitely (fixes #841)
SDL: Fix potential race condition when pressing keys (fixes #872) |
CMake: Fix CPack dependencies for libpng 1.6
GBA: Detect hardware for Pokémon FireRed ROM hacks
GBA Cheats: Improve detection of raw cheats
Qt: Don’t rebuild library view if style hasn’t changed
Qt: Allow overrides to be saved before a game is loaded
Qt: Hide mouse immediately when loading
SDL: Fix 2.0.5 build on macOS under some circumstances
VFS: Make VFile.truncate work growing files on PSV (fixes #885)
For: Windows, macOS and Linux
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2790/mGBA-061-released/
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November 18th, 2017, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News of a new release of any Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows is god news for emulation fans, heres the news via our friends at emulation 64:
melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators. There are a few other emulator projects that are part of it, which you might have already heard of. Either way, check them out!
• new UI, more stable, less windows all over the place
• wxWidgets ditched, lost some weight
• 2D: allow reading BLDALPHA
• GPU: fix potential issues with VCount write
• implement 8bit accesses to some registers
• 2D: mosaic (not quite right for rotscaled sprites)
• 3D: fix culling
• allow 128KB firmwares from DSi/3DS
• 3D: more accurate fog
• 3D: more accurate polygon edges (but not perfect)
• 3D: antialiasing
• 3D: misc optimizations |
ATTENTION: The new UI library is incompatible with Windows XP or Vista, so there will be no such builds.
For: Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2789...S-05-released/
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November 19th, 2017, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Cemu is a nintendo wiiu emulator for windows, the Nitendo WiiU is at the moment my console of choice of both commercial and normal gaming, heres the news via emulation 64:
Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.10.0f Changelog:
# New in 1.10.0f:
general: Made RDTSC more robust against aggressive Out-of-order execution on some AMD CPU models |
For: Windows
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2788...100f-released/
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November 19th, 2017, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
RockNES v5.54 has been released! RockNes is a Nes emulator for Windows and one of the best, heres whats new via emulation 64:
RockNES is a Nintendo (NES) emulator that supports total PPU emulation, total intelligent emulation (including VRCVI intelligent, used by some Japanese games), battery backed RAM, Famicom DiskSystem, VS Unisystem, and some 70 different mappers. In gain, RockNES includes lots of different video modes, as substantially as the ability to loading and economise your back at any stage. You can flush record movies of gameplay.
RockNES v5.54 Changelog:
- Improved Famicom Disk System PPU IRQ timing (thanks Sour).
- Fixed "Skip Disk System license screen" option, working ok.
- Fixed scanlines in NSF mode (while playing a tune & drawing circles).
- Fixed version number in the file properties.
- Minor fixes and improvements./quote]
For: Windows
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November 20th, 2017, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via Emurussia of a new release of the multi system emulator for windows:
Super Nintendo/GameBoy/GameBoy Color/GameBoy Advance/Sega Master System (Mark III)/Sega Game Gear/Sega Mega Drive (Genesis)/NEC PC Engine (Turbografx-16) emulator previously known as bsnes has been updated recently.
- This release adds auto-saving RAM support and a new tool to save per-game text notes. It also adds 64 new SNES PAL game verifications to the icarus database, courtesy of DoNotWant and Smarthuman.
File: Download
News source: <!--noindex-->http://byuu.org
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November 20th, 2017, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a NES emulator for Windows, if you love the NES then make sure you try games like Nes Open Tournament and Captain Skyhawk as well as the usual Super Mario Bros etc:
NES emulator for Windows/Linux has been updated. Changes:
- Now puNES is UTF-8 compatible.
- Now puNES is a NSF player.
- Added support for the mappers: 6, 27, 30, 35, 43, 123, 134, 151, 155, 162, 166, 167, 168, 187, 188, 190, 196, 197, 250, 252, 253, 254.
- Added support for the UNIF mappers: TF1201, TEK90, EH8813A, Sachen-8259A, 11160, G-146, 12-IN-1, 411120-C, T-262, BS-5, 8157, 830118C, 8237, 8237A, NTD-03, 42in1ResetSwitch, CNROM, Ghostbusters63in1, 64in1NoRepeat, 70in1, 70in1B, H2288, KOF97, 603-5052, CITYFIGHT, TFROM, BB, T-230, 43272, AC-08, KS7013B, SA-72008, MTECH01, UNIF FS304, SA-70037, YOKO, SA-9602B, CC-21, LH32, NovelDiamond9999999in1, SL1632, SA-72007, Sachen-8259B, SHERO, SuperHIK8in1, SMB2J, AX5705, Supervision16in1, SA-0036, GS-2004, GS-2013, KS7012, KS7037, KS7016, KS7017, LH10, KS7032, SC-127, RT-01, MASLIB, BOY, 8-IN-1, HP898F, 158B, 810544-C-A1, KS7031, DRAGONFIGHTER, Super24in1SC03, VRC7.
- Fixed mappers: 15, 45, 52, 60, 108, 116, 114, 121, 205, 219, MMC5, Tengen, Waixing.
- Implemented auto eject and auto insert of fds disks when you switch side (ALT+S) or change disk.
- Added support for multithreading in the xBRZ filter.
- Added the option to select the output audio device.
- Added "Fullscreen in window" options.
- Added "Start/Stop record WAV" to record audio.
- Added "Hide Zapper cursor" option.
- Added the Overclocking option.
- Added full support to XInput (Windows version). No more input lag and no more problem with any controller.
- Added full support to Vs. System.
- Eliminated the "Software" mode in OpenGL version.
- Eliminated dependency from the "autoconf-archive" package.
- Eliminated the Audio Low Quality option.
- Separate management of software filters and shader. Many shaders give different results depending on the filter used because they have been designed for an input image of 256 * 240 pixels.
- Separate management of the size of window and software filters.
- Rewrote the overscan management.
- Rewrote the input management and added support for SNES Mouse, Arkanoid Paddle and Oeka Kids Tablet.
- Eliminated a lot of unnecessary code.
- Fixed many many bugs and increased the accuracy of emulation.
- Added other options and features that I don't remember now.
File: Download
News source: http://forums.nesdev.com
via http://forum.emu-russia.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6966
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November 20th, 2017, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Another Nes Emulator for Windows, nice to see a great console get so many emulators being worked on, heres the news:
NES emulator has been updated. Changes:
- Emulation engine rebuild from scratch, the code is now optymized and faster than ever... along with more accuracy.
- My Nes now is one package that can run on all platforms that support SDL and mono. Thanks to SDL2 to make this happening.
- Fixed a lot of bugs related to emulation, check out the commits in the source code for more details.
- My Nes now include a simple GUI engine, that allows to access games and config almost all emu settings without the need of leaving the app, even in fullscreen mode.
File: Download
News source: http://sourceforge.net
via http://forum.emu-russia.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6964
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November 20th, 2017, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of one of the iconic Snes Emulators for Windows, this is an emulator i remember from the days when i started checking out emulation sites and was amazed that computers could emulate consoles, heres the release info:
Snes9x v1.55 is released. Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan. Snes9x is the result of well over three years worth of part-time hacking, coding, recoding, debugging, divorce, etc. (just kidding about the divorce bit). Snes9x is coded in C++, with three assembler CPU emulation cores on the i386 Linux and Windows ports.
Snes9x changelog:
- Added support for the MSU-1 coprocessor. (qwertymodo)
- Added support for MSU-1 distribution pack. (qwertymodo)
- Added support for BS-X Satellaview memory packs and data files. (LuigiBlood)
- Improved BS-X memory mapping accuracy. (LuigiBlood)
- Fixed APU error causing issues with some games. (byuu, qwertymodo)
- Added option to ignore patch checksums. (qwertymodo)
- Fixed build warnings / undefined behavior. (bonimy)
- Correct pixel placement in hires. (BearOso, OV2)
- Fixed RAM mapping for Light Fantasy. (hex_usr, BearOso)
- Added Circuit USA APU timing hack. (BearOso)
- libretro: Merged some changes from downstream repository. (OV2)
- GTK+: Allow use of XDG config directory. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Add 10th save slot. (YamashitaRen)
- GTK+: Updated Spanish translation. (jristz)
- Win32: Switched to Studio 2017. (OV2)
- Win32: Fixed problems when minimized in d3d. (OV2)
- Win32: Split Patch/Rom directory. (OV2)
- Win32: Simplified compilation by removing or including some dependencies (included CG headers, completely removed FMOD and FMOD_EX, moved direct draw to compile switch) and reworking solution/configurations. (bonimy, OV2)
- Win32: Fixed crash with movie dialog (OV2)
- Win32: Changed hotplugging (OV2)
download -- https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/11/snes9x-v155.html
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November 20th, 2017, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
This is a front end for the WiiU emulator Cemu, i havent post about it before so here the release details:
CemUI v2.3.2 is released. CemUI is a Cemu frontend. CemUI is a simplistic, open source launcher "hub" for the Cemu WiiU emulator that stores your Cemu games in a nice easy-to-access fashion, developed and maintained by RedDucks and MrIlliteracy. CemUI is still in heavy development and may be unstable at times (mainly when using developer builds). There are many features planned not yet implemented.
Cemu GUI Changelog:
Minor bug fixes
Adding GPU and OS warnings
download --> https://github.com/RedDuckss/CemUI
via --> http://www.emucr.com/2017/11/cemui-v232.html
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November 20th, 2017, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows and if your a fan of N64 Emulation like me, you will love games like Golden eye and Perfect Dark, heres the release notes:
1964 - Carnivorous Edition (2017/11/14) is compiled. Unofficial fork of 1964. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.
1964 - Carnivorous Edition Changelog
Cleaned up readme
Updated Glide64.ini to use hybrid buffer swapping for Perfect Dark/GoldenEye: X
New Glide64 texture pack for GoldenEye (HUD only)
Removed standalone Perfect Dark speed-hack (now included in 1964)
Unpacked UPX compressed dlls msvcp60d.dll and msvcrtd.dll (caused antivirus false positives)
Replaced ASPack'd zlib.dll with unmodified zlib.dll
Replaced saves with more complete saves
Updated readme guide and FAQ (thanks to Graslu and Oxygen)
Fixed typo in readme (thanks to Rekrul)
Updated GLideN64 (Public Release 2.0)
Inserted GoldenEye: X 5e CRC to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Inserted GoldenEye: X 5d CRC to 1964.ini\Project64.rdb
Removed GE-MP (unfinished and source of false positive antivirus detection)
Tweaked the default window size
Improved timing stability for GE\PD
Fixed GoldenEye TLB gamehack that caused issues with 24MB ROM hacks
Removed maximize button
Added option to increase PD speed-hack frequency
Reduced PD speed-hack inject rate (less aggressive)
Fixed bug that caused game to soft lock when unpaused
Fixed Memory Pak corruption on first write
Improved GE\PD ROM detection for loading default settings (supports Perfect Dark +)
Added PD speed-hack from Mouse Injector (more stable)
Will ask user for ROM folder on first launch
Profiling stats disabled by default
Changing states will display the new slot # in the Status Bar
Reverted relative filepath for saves\plugins as it caused issues with Windows 10
Removed CTRL+R hotkey for RSP plugin settings
Fixed bug with ROM properties window not displaying the correct defaults for GE\PD
Lock counter factor to 1 while Overclocking
Default counter factor set to 2
Extended overclock to 18 times (requires powerful CPU)
Removed overclock profiles (combined all in one exe)
Integrated overclocking into menu
Fixed save issue with uncommon characters in filepath
Removed registry functionality (uses 1964.cfg instead)
New icon provided by deuxsonic
Maximum Kernel Frequency on by default
New option - Set Maximum Kernel Frequency (thanks to deuxsonic)
New option - Disable Status Bar
Cursor is unhidden when opening plugin configuration windows
Backported 1964 1.1 cheat engine (better compatibility)
TAB now hides status bar (thanks to deuxsonic)
On first load, set input plugin to Mouse Injector in registry
Unpause only when entering fullscreen
Fixed cursor hiding while changing plugin settings
Fixed show\hide cursor bug (TAB now toggles cursor)
Changed filenames - caused emu detect issues in W10 (thanks to Stunning Cactus)
Auto enable\disable RSP emulation for GoldenEye 007\Perfect Dark (ROM name detection)
Adds ROM CRC to Project64.rdb when running new ROM (for Jabo compatibility)
Default plugins set to Jabo - Mouse Injector - Azimer
Default rdram\counter factor set to - 1 & 8mb
Romlist shows filename by default
Set Perfect Dark\GoldenEye: X to EEPROM 16KB (ROM name detection)
Two overclock profiles - six\nine times
Compiled non-overclocked 1964 version - for slow cpus\novelty
Mouse injector
Added geshowcrosshair to INI_Reset()
Now removes GE autostand code
Added Show Crosshair for GE option
Version 1.5 Released
Added Copyright notice for ManyMouse library
Fixed edge case where ManyMouse would fail to initalize (thanks to Marthur)
Inlined memory functions used by goldeneye.c/perfectdark.c
Refactored codebase to use headers more effectively
If Mouse Sensitivity is set to 0%, show None instead
Allow Mouse Sensitivity to be set to 0%
Removed PD speed-hack
Rewrote Hoverbike pointer scanning (less false positives)
Increased FOV ViewModel Warning (only displays above 75*)
Uses wide character filepath to access INI file
Mouse Acceleration is applied for GoldenEye cursor aiming
Fixed bug where bike pointer was incorrectly detected
Use double slash argument for fopen
Replaced atol with atoi
Version 1.4 Released
GE - While in menus, Aim button is binded to B button
New option - Mouse Acceleration
Fixed GE ROM hack crouch bug
Fixed keyboard race condition - input would not detect keydown every poll
FOV compensates for horizontal aspect ratio
UI Improvements
Version 1.3 Released
Fixed clear bug when profile was empty
Accept all device input if one player is the only active profile
Uncheck Cursor Aiming and speed-hack for non-overclocked 1964 (to avoid confusion)
PD - Improved speed-hack
New option - Field of View slider (thanks to SubDrag)
New option - Perfect Dark speed-hack toggle
Created MinGW makefile
Converted Mouse Injector to ISO C11
Version 1.2 Released
Increased sensitivity range to 500%
Replaced windows injection with direct injection
Removed ReadProcessMemory\WriteProcessMemory functions
Fixed secondary button load bug
Version 1.1 Released
Fixed bug where secondary buttons would not apply
Fixed revert button bug (reverted all players instead of current player)
New option - Autolock Mouse on Window Focus
Fixed edge case where foreground window is incorrectly set upon launching ROM
Cleaned up code and fixed comment typos
Optimized input and injection (bypass disabled players)
PD - Disable speed-hack if slo-mo cheat is detected (ignored for PD ROM hacks)
Removed Project64 support (unstable and incompatible with ManyMouse)
Fixed edge case crash when initializing plugin
Created icon for standalone speed-hack
Created standalone Perfect Dark speed-hack for N-Rage plugin
Informative message boxes now have icons
PD - Fixed rare case where radial menu direction would become stuck
PD - Clicking in radial menu now resets back to center
PD - Fixed bug where radial menu direction would apply after match ended
Increased mouse wheel tickrate
Fixed crash when opened config window after closing ROM
Supports 4 players
Converted to plugin
Mouse locks correctly on multi-screen setups
Now reads from driver (thanks to ManyMouse by rcg)
Replaced strcmp with strcasecm - possible source of emu detect issues
New option - Radial menu mouse control for Perfect Dark
New option - Toggle Crouch
PD - Disable speed-hack if player is using combat boost or match is slow motion
Capped emulator search rate
Capped injection rate for Perfect Dark speed-hack (was unstable)
Changed description for Aim Mode to Cursor Aiming
Crosshair Movement set to 50% by default
download -> http://www.shootersforever.com/forum...pic.php?t=7045
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/11/1964-ca...-20171114.html
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November 20th, 2017, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of Mupen the N64 emulator for Wii and Nintendo Gamecube:
Mupen64GC Fix94 r2 is released. Mupen64GC is a N64 emulator for Wii & GC.
Mupen64GC Fix94 r2 changelog:
Extract the .zip to the root of your device that you use in the HBC, then you can use it.
If you want to use it in a standalone wii vc, do the same and build the wii vc using the forwarder dol below.
-copied over code from mupen64-360 and not64 so blast corps and donkey kong 64 boot up
-added pause hack for zelda ocarina of time so it pauses quickly now
-stretched out displayed image to fill screen better on wiiu gamepad
-better exit code so it now should not crash anymore if not booted from HBC
download https://github.com/FIX94/mupen64gc-fix94
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/11/mupen64gc-fix94-r2.html
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November 21st, 2017, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of Wii64 has been released, Wii64 is a Nintendo 64 Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamcube, heres whats new:
Did not really do anything with the wii64 beta 1.2 in the last week so I just pushed up a version to at least have a build up. https://github.com/FIX94/Wii64/releases compiled both rice and gln64 versions are included in that, so you can play around with it. oh, also to use sync by VI, open your sd: /wii64/settings.cfg in some editor and set "LimitVIs" to 1, to use sync by audio instead, set it to 0. By default I have it compiled right now to sync audio by, That to me just Seems like the better choice based repo is more exchange official thesis: -support for WiiU gamepad in wii vc fashion -option to toggle nand pagefile -Added back in sync to audio When VI is set to limit 0 -added deadzone for classic controllers and wiiu pro-controllers -using ios58 and can be used as a wiiflow plugin
download - https://github.com/FIX94/Wii64
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 21st, 2017, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo 3DS has been released, heres whats new:
v1.20 Released
Here are the release notes:
- Fixed slider problem in New 3DS (Where one of the eyes has always Sees black screen)
- Added button mappings and settings like rapid fire VirtuaNES / TemperPCE 3DS (thanks to AdmiralCurtiss)
- Added button configuration to open emulator menu and fast-forward (thanks to AdmiralCurtiss). Use with care, though. In some games, fast-forwarding can freeze / corrupt your game.
- Added a frame rate option to v-sync with the 60Hz 3DS refresh rate (thanks to AdmiralCurtiss)
- Added an option to auto-save state when exiting and loading when starting a new game. (thanks AdmiralCurtiss)
- Added an option to force saving of SRAM, required by Yoshi's Island. (thanks AdmiralCurtiss)
- Show 3DS battery level in the bottom right of the menu (thanks to ramzinouri)
- Increased scrolling speed in menu when holding down the D-pad.
- Added memory mapper support for Tengai Makyou Zero English patch (Version 1.0 released October 22, 2017)
- Original MOST Substrates BS Zelda (1-4, 1-4 2 Map, Ancient Stone Tablets 1-4), except for the Remix version of qui still boots into black screen (thanks ramzinouri)
download - https://github.com/bubble2k16/snes9x_3ds
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 21st, 2017, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new puzzle game released for the Nintendo 3DS:
Now with 100% more CIA!
Sliding-Puzzle is a homebrew game for the 3DS, made mostly in Lua with LövePotion.
And partially with java, for the setup of custom puzzles.
Added to CIA build of Sliding-Puzzle (TID is 0004000000C64900)
3x3 Slide-Puzzle (Skull Kid Theme)
Custom 3x3 Slide-Puzzle (Default Theme / Kirby Theme if CIA)
4x4 Slide-Puzzle (Samus Theme)
Custom 4x4 Slide-Puzzle (Default Theme / Pikmin Theme if CIA)
5x5 Slide-Puzzle (Mario and Luigi Theme)
Custom 5x5 Slide-Puzzle (Default Theme / Animal Crossing Theme if CIA)
Debug 3x3 Slide-Puzzle (Can be enabled from main menu with L + R + B)
All jigsaw puzzles randomized (Every time)
Timer to keep track of time (On every jigsaw puzzle)
Customizable jigsaw puzzle (Custom Folders Custom3x3, Custom4x4, and Custom5x5 )
'D-Pad' controls cursor movement on the main menu, When paused, and in every puzzle
'Start' breaks the current puzzle, and switches to the pause menu on the main menu
'a' selects an option When in a menu, and moves to a puzzle piece
Known Issues:
Will sometimes crash when picking a puzzle from the main menu (Both 3DSX and CIA)
Download - https://github.com/16BitWonder/Sliding-Puzzle
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 21st, 2017, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another Homebrew Puzzle game for the Nintendo 3DS:
1.7.0 Released
Powerups! (4 currently, but hey it's a start.)
You can now have 3 saved levels. (Since no one in the poll Voted lol.)
Breakout Beta 1.7.0
1.6.1 Released
You can now save and play your custom level.
Fixed minor (but annoying) audio bug.
Breakout Beta 1.6.1
1.6.0 Released
2 New levels.
Improved Engine
(Many minor improvements to the code.)
Level editor * added (press Y at title screen)
* Currently you can not save the levels or play 'em, goal if you think you've made a cool level design submit it to me and I might include it in a future update! [Submit the array number on the bottom screen.]
* Use the D-Pad or joystick to move your cursor (représentée par has ball) And use the L and R triggers to switch entre bricks
Breakout Beta 1.6.0
1.5.0 Released
New Graphics and Sounds Added
download - https://github.com/Magicrafter13/Breakout
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 21st, 2017, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
If your a fan of Minecraft and ill be honest i am not, but my 7 year old autistic son is, this is a homebrew version of Minecraft for the Nintendo 3DS:
And it's finally there, probably the first piece of homeowners is being released, ready to be underwhelmed: D
Ok, to be serious. I finally implemented loading and saving the world into the rewritten version of Craftus. That means it's almost on par with smeas 3dscraft (except theres only one block type and the world is flat, instead of being flat, but these things are easy to implement). The whole thing is more or less unchanged (see here: https://github.com/RSDuck/craftus_reloaded#known-bugs& # 41; So For Those of You Who are still reading this, you can download Craftus here: https: / /github.com/RSDuck/craftus_reloaded/releases Expect updates soon. I simply wanted to release this thing and now Were the loading and saving, finally is Implemented, it Seemed like a good time to me. When you find a bug, please postponement It should be remembered that it is possible to use the same method as that of a product.
download - http://gbatemp.net/threads/wip-relea...loaded.480518/
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 21st, 2017, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release that grants you access to all the rights for the 2DS/3DS, but like anything that afffects the Nand be extremely careful:
Manage files on your data storages: You would not have expected this, right? Included are all standard file operations such as copy, delete, rename files and create folders. Use the L button to mark multiple files and apply to multiple files at once.
Make screenshots: Press R + L anywhere. Screenshots are in BMP format.
Use multiple panes: Press R + left | right. This enables you to stay in one of the first pane.
Search drives and folders: Just press R + A on the drive / folder you want to search.
Format your SD card / setup has RedNAND: Press the HOME button, select SD format menu. This also allows you to setup a RedNAND on your SD card. You will get a warning prompt and an unlock sequence before any operation starts.
Run it without an SD card / unmount the SD card: If no SD card is found, you will be offered to run without the SD card. You can also unmount and remount your SD card from the root file at any point.
Direct access to SD installed contents: Just take a look inside the A: / B: drives. One the fly crypto is taken care of, you can access this the same as any other content.
Build CIAs from NCCH / NCSD (.3DS) / TMD (installed contents): Press A on the file you want converted, the option will be shown. Installed contents are found in 1: / titles / (SysNAND) and A: / titles / (SD installed). Where applicable, you will also be able to generate legit CIAs. Note: this works also from a file search.
Decrypt and verify NCCH / NCSD / CIA / TMD / FIRM images: Options are found inside the A button menu. You will be able to decrypt the standard output directory or (where applicable) in place.
Batch mode for the above two operations: Just select multiple files of the same type via the button, then press the button on one of the selected files.
Access any file inside NCCH / NCSD / CIA / FIRM images: Just mount the file via the A button menu and browse to the file you want.
Generate XORpads for any NAND partition: Take a look inside the X: drive. You can use these XORpads for decryption of encrypted NAND images on PC. Additional tools such as 3dsFAT16Tool are required on PC.
Directly mount and access NAND gold dumps standard FAT images: Just press the button to get the option. You can only mount NAND dumps from the same console.
Restore / dump NAND partitions or even full NANDs: Just take a look at the S: (or E: / I drive. This is done the same as any other file operation.
Compare and verify files: SHA-256 Calculate SHA-256. Do the same for the second file. If the two files are identical, you will get a message about them being identical. On the SDCARD drive (0 you can also write to SHA file, so you can check for any changes at a later point.
Hexview and hexedit any file: Press the A button on a file and select Show in Hexeditor. A button again allows edit mode, hold the button and press arrow buttons to edit bytes. You will get an additional confirmation prompt to take over changes. Take note that for some file, write permissions can not be enabled.
Inject a file to another file: Just one file in the clipboard (via the Y button). Press A on the file to be injected to. There will be an option to inject the first file into it.
GodMode9 v1.4.3
What's new:
[new] Hardcoded readme and readme viewer inside the HOME -> More ...
[enhanced] menu Vastly improved GBA VC Save injection method - will work 100% of time
[improved] Improved image mount handling
[improved] Improved text viewer color scheme
[improved] Improved FIRM decryptor (only applies to original N3DS FIRMs)
[fixed] Fixed script
[fixed] Fixed crashes when viewing certain text files
[scripting] Fixed and improved command
GodMode9 v1.4.2
What's new:
[new] Added NAND restore scripts by Kazuma77
[new] Allow R + DOWN to strength reload the file list
[new] Inject context entry for virtual queues menu (only if there's exactly one entry in the clipboard )
[fix] Fixed ntrboot detection. GM9 now again works as intended when flashed directly to a ntrboot card. Thanks @ihaveamac for finding this bug.
[fix] Fixed vanishing top bar on GodMode9TD (thanks @MelonGx for the find)
GodMode9 v1.4.1
What's new:
[new] Current battery state is visible via an icon on the top bar
[new] Bootloader function (previously undocumented, read the readme!)
[new] Completely rewritten and improved method of GBA VC dumping and injecting
[new] Exceptions dumps can be transferred via QR codes (
scripting) Allow customizing and disabling the script preview
[scripting] Added qr and chk commands
[scripting] Added HAX, ONTYPE and RDTYP environment vars
[fix] Fixed the swapped sd_cid, mem and nand_cid.mem
[fix] Brought back to 'Copy to 0: / gm9 / out' for dirs
GodMode9 v1.4.0
What's new:
[new] Support for NDS images
[new] Payloads menu inside HOME menu
[new] Release archive contains .firms for install via ntrboot_flasher
[new] Exception handler (works inside GodMode9 only), thanks to @Wolfvak
[new] Install for FIRM files (advanced users / ntrboot only, e veryone else use SafeB9SInstaller)
[new] New system information feature in HOME menu, thanks to @Myriachan
[new] Access to MCU registers (read-only) via the M: drive (again, thanks @Myriachan)
[new] Reverse LZSS decompression of compressed .code (A button for CXIs)
[new] NAND header rebuilder NANDs and lost NCSDs
[new] Recursive CMAC fix for drives A:, B:, S: and E:
[new] Build date
[new] File info feature for files, and improved / combined drive / dir info feature
[new] Nag screen if RTC is not correctly set (if year <2017) is detected)
[new] Visual progress update on large batch operations (scrolling filelist)
[scripting] Live text preview of Currently processed script
[scripting] Ability to build standalone script runners (see readme for info)
[scripting] Added fixcmac, boot, shaget, switchsd, extrcode, filescript scripting commands
[scripting] Enhanced the injectcommand
[scripti ng] Allow partial checks via the sha command
[scripting] findreturns the alphanumerical last / first match
[scripting] Dynamically updated environment variables
[fix] Vastly decreased boot times
[fix] Improved NDS cart dumper
[fix] code Improved screen init routines, fixing an array of smaller problems (thanks, @Wolfvak)
download - https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f402215c129dda
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November 26th, 2017, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Pasofami the Japanese Snes Nes and Gameboy Emulator for Windows has had a new update, heres whats new:
Pasofami Changelog:
■ Function
- It is a fix of a bug that Paso Famicom terminates when pause button is pushed at the interruption of Paso Famicom execution.
When Paso Famicom is started with association of extension, or when NES file is specified by parameter at startup
There was a problem that Paso Famicom terminated when pushing the interruption button.
Otherwise, the abort button is functioning effectively.
download -> http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA005758/
via http://www.emucr.com/2017/11/pasofami-v238.html
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November 28th, 2017, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Nintendo Multi System emulator, heres whats new:
byuu has released a new version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan.
This release restores soft-reset support for consoles, adds auto-saving RAM support, and adds a new tool to save per-game text notes. It also adds 64 new SNES PAL game verifications to the icarus database, courtesy of DoNotWant and Smarthuman.
via https://www.aep-emu.de/
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