December 1st, 2012, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's new console is far from a darling of the press - but few of the arguments made against the Wii U's business case actually hold water
Three times it's happened, and three times the naysayers have been wrong. When the Nintendo DS launched, its dual-screen layout was ludicrous - an experiment too far from a company desperate to be seen as innovative. When the Nintendo Wii launched, its decision to dump the traditional controller and ignore the graphical fidelity power-struggle was equally mad. Most recently, the Nintendo 3DS was a gimmick, a ludicrous anachronism in the age of the smartphone - and hell, they were almost right about that one, until the usually somnolent Nintendo startled us with an eye-watering price cut and an aggressive software launch schedule which sent sales up into the tens of millions.
"We live in a bit of a bubble in the games media; read enough sparkling repartee about the Wii in your comment threads and it's easy to forget the sheer mass of people who bought a Wii"
Since the US launch a few weeks back, and intensifying further around this week's European launch, the Wii U has attracted similar noises - and this time, even those inclined to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt are uncertain. After all, every great track record ends somewhere, right? Besides, the Wii U does seem a bit peculiar and anachronistic - a console that matches the performance of Sony and Microsoft's six- and seven-year-old models, shipping with a on odd, tethered hybrid of controller and touchscreen tablet... In an era of iPads and Nexus 7s and Kindle Fires, where LCD touch panels sprout from our every pocket and satchel, the Wii U's Fisher-Price take on tech that's already a reality for most of us all just seems rather hopeful and twee, perhaps even a bit desperate.
Besides, wasn't the Wii, in the final analysis, less of a success than it seemed? It sold great guns, sure - even after years of hearing about sales declines and the death knell of the console, it's still way ahead of either PS3 or 360 in installed base terms - but the software attach rate was low and many publishers (including, admittedly, quite a number who shipped nothing but utter crap for the console) have been left feeling burnt. Gamers, too, love to hate the Wii, even after all these years - it's the console that gathers dust, the console that made developers think we all wanted to wave our arms like fools instead of tapping buttons like the modern-day concert pianists we truly are. Yes, Nintendo still made a massive profit, floating briefly to the very top of Japan's stock market, ahead of heavy industry firms that dwarf it in every other respect - but unlike the Wii, Wii U hardware won't be profitable out the gate, Nintendo having learned some tough lessons about pricing from the 3DS' early troubles.
And so on, and so forth. You don't have to look very far across the games media to find analysis of the business and market cases for Wii U; some of it interesting, although sadly, the vast bulk of it written with all the business and market understanding of a socially ill-adjusted 15 year old who still hasn't quite grasped that his worldview is only one worldview among 7 billion, and that people who like other music, movies, games or hobbies are not necessarily the result of some terrible brain-damaging accident or a widespread failure of abortion policy.
We live in a bit of a bubble in the games media; read enough sparkling repartee about the Wii in your comment threads ("ffs more waggle crap, nintendo sux", et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum) and it's easy to forget the sheer mass of people who bought a Wii and both used and enjoyed it just as much as they expected - a few hours of entertainment here and there, brought out at Christmas or birthdays to keep the family from one another's throats, treated as a light exercise device or a surrogate baby-sitter or a catalyst for drunken dancing.
"Profitability has been a key argument since Satoru Iwata announced that the Wii U wouldn't be profitable on hardware sales at launch"
Which is not to say that the Wii U is a surefire success - far from it. It's simply to say that the challenges which the Wii U faces are not especially new challenges, nor are those most vociferously raising the issue of those challenges necessarily speaking from positions of either neutrality or insight. In the past few weeks we have seen repeated claims that the Wii touchscreen will be too confusing for the players who enjoyed the simplicity of the Wiimote - ignoring the fact that the DS, too, sported two screens, one of them touch enabled, and caused remarkably few brains to explode, not to mention the fact that touchscreen devices have proved insanely successful in markets where traditional interfaces have caused difficulty, such as young children and the elderly.
We've seen arguments that the Wii U will fail because the Wii "burned" consumers, founded entirely, it seems, on the views of core gamer writers and their core gamer friends - an important market, sure, but the Wii's installed base of nearly 100 million units didn't come primarily from that audience (and many of them will get on board, grudgingly or otherwise, for the simple reason that Nintendo's games and those of its preferred development partners are generally excellent).
Profitability has been a key argument since Satoru Iwata announced that the Wii U wouldn't be profitable on hardware sales at launch. Less attention was paid to the mention a while later that while a Wii U console wouldn't be profitable, a Wii U console plus one game would tip into the black - I'm not aware (though I'd welcome a correction from anyone with insight) of a dedicated games console that ever had an attach rate of lower than 1.0, rendering this argument effectively moot. (Margins, though, are worthy of discussion - perhaps some time down the line, when we have solid figures and a little more space for calm debate.)
Of course, there's third party support - but my god, if Nintendo has been around the houses with the "two screens are confusing!" argument, it's practically had the world tour of the third-party support debate. Every console Nintendo has ever made has been dominated by sales of Nintendo's own software and that of a close cadre of development and publishing partners - Ubisoft are probably the best example this generation, but Capcom and Squaresoft, to name but two, have both occupied similar "friend of Nintendo" positions over the years. Everyone else has a tough time, so every generation, lip service is paid to making things better for third parties - and every generation, Nintendo consoles are sold for the implicit, if not express, purpose of simply playing games made by Nintendo & Pals.
I don't know how the Wii U is going to fare, any more than anyone else does. As ever, a huge part of the equation is the software line-up and the quality of that software; moreover, whether that software can catch the imagination of the broader public in the way that Wii Fit, Brain Training, Nintendogs and the likes have done over the years. That's an almost complete unknown right now. The impact of tablets and smartphones can be speculated upon, but it remains pure speculation - we all thought smartphones would kill the 3DS, and it's up around the 25 million installed base mark now, so we obviously don't know as much as we thought we did.
"Most importantly, public sentiment around the Wii brand and its successor are simply a black hole right now"
Most importantly, public sentiment around the Wii brand and its successor are simply a black hole right now. Comments threads and forums are less than worthless as gauges of broad public opinion; Nintendo has undoubtedly done comprehensive market research, but none of that is in the public domain. If I were to highlight one area I genuinely think will harm Nintendo's market chances, it's the firm's downright Neanderthal approach to online services and digital distribution, which belie the console's Japanese origins (and Nintendo's often blinkered, domestic focus), Japan being one of the only places in the world where traditional games retail is still in rude health. Even at that, though, it's hard to say with any certainty how much weight the console's target markets place on that functionality.
I know analysts are paid to make predictions, not to shrug their shoulders and say "we don't know"; I know that journalists get more recognition and more hits for making bold, often controversial statements, rather than admitting ignorance and trying to outline the factors we don't understand yet. I'd like to think, though, that there's no harm in saying, occasionally, "we just don't know"; there are times when it's the most honest thing to say. That being the case, there is certainly merit in ignoring the poorly considered, logically and factually flawed cases being made for Wii U's imminent spectacular failure. It could happen, sure; but it sure as hell won't happen for any of the reasons being trotted out at present.
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December 1st, 2012, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
 While we can't say that extra-dedicated gamers are tripping over themselves to buy the offline-only Wii Mini, we've got good news for those who weren't looking forward to waiting until December 7th to buy a second system for the kids or parties. Walmart Canada tells us Nintendo's $100 console is cleared to go on sale as of Friday, a week ahead of schedule; our local stores haven't yet received stock, but it's early enough that we're not raising alarm bells. We've asked Nintendo about other retailers and will let you know if additional retail chains get the green (or rather, black and red) light.
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December 2nd, 2012, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has launched its Uplay app for Wii U in US.
The Uplay app allows you to sign in and track your Uplay account from the convenience of your GamePad.Users can grab the app for free via the Wii U eShop, launched directly from the Wii U Home Menu.
Uplau lets users "earn units that can be redeemed for exciting rewards such as new characters, maps, skins and weapons" within Ubisoft games.
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December 2nd, 2012, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
James Honeywell, head of consumer marketing at Nintendo UK, has said the platform holder is optimistic about Wii U's performance during the holiday period.
Asked if he thinks Wii U's UK launch can replicate the strong start the console has made in the US, he told us: "Absolutely.""The US has been a fantastic launch. Obviously that's a much bigger market, and so they've got more stock, but we're hoping for the same standard of success here in the UK.
"We've got a fantastic launch line-up, and we think it'll be sold out in the first few days, if not the first few hours. But after that we've got really strong deliveries of follow-up stock.
"We hope to live up to the same kind of success with the Wii," Honeywell added at last night's midnight launch. "As you can see, people are really excited about it. Time will tell."
Nintendo claims to have sold 400,000 Wii U units during the system's first week of availability in the US, with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime saying it's "essentially sold out of retail".
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December 2nd, 2012, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Nyko's first line of Wii U accessories is all focused on the problem of the GamePad's short battery life. The company has revealed five different devices to help extend playtime, from battery packs to power cables.
The UBoost is the traditional add-on battery pack, attaching to the back of the GamePad to extend playtime "upwards of 10 hours." It has a built-in kickstand, replacing the dock as a stand – though the dock still charges the GamePad with the device plugged in. The Charge Base Pro charges two Pro Controllers simultaneously.
Other accessories include replacement charging stands and AC adapters for GamePads, and the Charge Link, a handy USB charging cable. You can use the Wii U (or any other powered USB device) to charge the Wii U's controller. What a novel idea!
The Charge Link cable is out now for $15, while everything else is due sometime this year.
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December 3rd, 2012, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U has been out for two weeks, with most of the attention naturally focusing on the console’s tablet-y GamePad and blockbuster titles such as New Super Mario Bros. U and Assassin’s Creed 3. But $60 games aren’t the only draw on Nintendo’s new system. There are exactly five games on the Nintendo eShop for $20 or less: Nano Assault Neo, Little Inferno, Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition, Chasing Aurora, and Trine 2: Director’s Cut. You could call most or all of these indie games, depending on your definition of an independent developer.
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December 3rd, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U is finally with us, and with it comes the first weekly Top 20 for the machine thanks to data from UKIE GfK Chart-Track.
As was reported earlier, Nintendo’s first party duo of Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros U rule the roost in first and second place. Ubisoft scores the highest selling third party game with ZombiU, which charts in third.
Three multi-format titles occupy places four to six in the shape of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition and Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
However, there were some titles that didn’t perform as expected – FIFA 13, Darksiders II, Mass Effect 3 and Skylanders Giants were all left languishing around the bottom of the listings with very low sales numbers.
Four games missed out on the Top 20 – Funky Barn (505 Games), Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Ubisoft), Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (Tecmo Koei) and Transformers Prime (Activision).
Here’s the inaugural Wii U Top 20 for the week ending December 1st:
1. Nintendo Land (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros U (Nintendo)
3. Zombi U (Ubisoft)
4. Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (Sega)
5. Batman: Arkham City – Armoured Edition (Warner Bros)
6. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Activision)
7. Sports Connection (Ubisoft)
8. Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft)
9. Just Dance 4 (Ubisoft)
10. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Bandai)
11. Rabbids Land (Ubisoft)
12. Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Disney)
13. Tank! Tank! Tank! (Namco Bandai)
14. FIFA 13 (EA)
15. Darksiders II (THQ)
16. Family Party: 30 Games Obstacle Arcade (Namco Bandai)
17. Mass Effect 3 (EA)
18. Ben 10: Omniverse (Namco Bandai)
19. Skylanders Giants (Activision)
20. Game Party Champions (Warner Bros)
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December 3rd, 2012, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s Wii U console sold around 40,000 units in its first 48 hours on sale in the UK, MCV understands.
Retail sources suggest that effectively amounts to a complete sellout on the UK High Street. Stock is continuing to filter through to retail at a trickle but abundant supplies are not expected until the New Year.
Undoubtedly sales could have been considerably higher had stocks have been more plentiful.
Furthermore, MCV understands that the console has enjoyed a software attach rate in excess of 2:1.
The figures were arrived at through a combination of feedback from retailers and software sales data passed on by trade sources. Using this MCV was able to extrapolate estimated sales based on the previously confirmed Wii U bundle market shares.
UPDATE: These numbers exclude digital software sales from Nintendo's eShop.
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December 3rd, 2012, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s high-end Premium Wii U SKU was by far the most attractive to UK buyers over the console’s launch weekend.
That’s according to data from GfK Chart-Track, which says that the £300 bundle won around a 60 per cent share of the console’s launch weekend sales.
The ZombiU bundle accounted for 30 per cent, leaving Nintendo’s entry-level 8GB Basic pack grabbing just 10 per cent.
The machine was helped by a 24-strong launch software line-up what Chart-Track describes as “more than any other home console ever launched in the UK”. Wii launched with just 14 games, for instance.
The highest Wii U entry in the software charts was bundled game Nintendo Land, although it failed to break into the Top Ten, debuting at No.11. Fellow first party release New Super Mario Bros U entered the listings in 13th with Ubisoft claiming the highest charting third party title – ZombiU in 17th.
No other Wii U exclusives charted.
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December 4th, 2012, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Mutant Mudds will make the jump to the big screen on Wii U next year.
So revealed Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham via Twitter, where he said the game is targeting a 'Q1 2013' release - so anytime before March 31.The developer promised "even more unique content" for the Wii U version, but held off revealing specifics.
Watsham also confirmed that Mutant Mudds releases on iOS on December 12 for $0.99.
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December 4th, 2012, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Games industry analysts have weighed in with US sales predictions for the month of November, ahead of the NPD Group's release of official market data this Thursday.
Perhaps most interestingly, Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter and fellow analyst firm EEDAR both expect Wii U to have sold 450,000 units last month, a figure impacted more by a slower-than-expected production schedule than by disappointing demand, according to the former. In comparison, the pair forecast Xbox 360 sales of at least 1,350,000.Pachter also predicted a Wii U software attach rate of three games per console, suggesting that 1.3 million software units were sold in November, generating sales likely approaching $80 million.
Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz was less optimistic, forecasting that Wii U games generated roughly $50 million in retail software sales, which would be slightly above first month sales for the original Wii.
Elsewhere, analysts expect November software sales to be led by new releases including Black Ops 2, Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed 3.
Pachter forecast 8.5 million Black Ops 2 sales, "slightly below" last November's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, while Creutz expects the game to have shifted 7.9 million, down 11 per cent year-on-year.
However, Creutz points out that Modern Warfare 3 was on sale for an extra week during last November's NPD reporting period. "Call of Duty sales will not be comparable on an apples/apples basis," he said. "We think that getting a real read on the y/y performance of CoD will not be possible until December NPD data comes out.
Creutz also predicted Halo 4 sales of 2.9 million units, Assassin's Creed 3 sales of 2.6 million, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted sales of 469,000 units.
Wedbush / EEDAR November hardware sales estimates (change year-on-year):
- 360 - 1,400,000 (-17%) / 1,350,000 (-20%)
- PS3 - 700,000 (-22%) / 850,000 (-5%)
- Wii U 450,000 (n/a) / 450,000 (n/a)
- 3DS - 440,000 (-45%) / 800,000 (0%)
- Wii - 435,000 (-50%) / 170,000 (-80%)
- DS - 375,000 (7%) / 260,000 (-26%)
- Vita 190,000 (n/a) / 190,000 (n/a)
- PSP - 9,500 (-96%) / 8,000 (-92%)
- PS2 - 500 (-98%) / (n/a)
- Total - 4,000,000 (-18%) / 4,088,000 (-16%)
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December 4th, 2012, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has reportedly confirmed a Rayman Legends release date of February 26, 2013.
That's according to Pure Nintendo, a recently launched bi-monthly publication which says it aims to continue "the legacy of print magazines such as Nintendo Power" following a successful Kickstarter campaign.February 26 is a Tuesday, so if the report is accurate we can probably expect a UK release for the Wii U exclusive game the Friday before, or possibly the one after. We've contacted Ubisoft for confirmation of Pure Nintendo's story.
Update: Ubisoft has issued us with the following statement regarding the Rayman Legends release date: "Ubisoft confirms that Rayman Legends is scheduled for release in early 2013. The team is working hard to finalize the game and is looking forward to sharing more details with fans very soon!"
Original story continues: In October, the publisher delayed Rayman Legends from a 2012 release to a 2013 launch.
And Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said last month that Ubisoft Montpellier's progress with Beyond Good & Evil 2 was being slowed by the continued development of Rayman Legends.
Wii U launched last Friday in the UK. A number of multiformat titles saw a sales boost thanks to the release of Wii U editions, but the highest new entries on the UK all formats chart which were exclusive to Nintendo's console were Nintendo Land at No.11, New Super Mario Bros. U at No.14 and ZombiU at No.17.
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December 4th, 2012, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
The basic 8GB Wii U pack accounted for just ten per cent of sales during the console's launch weekend in the UK.
The £250 ($300 USD / $350 AUS) basic console comes in white and carries 8GB of storage, of which about 3GB is reserved for the player - barely enough to download launch titleNintendo Land.The £300 ($350 USD / $430 AUS) Nintendo Land bundle claimed 60 per cent of week one sales in the UK, while the £320 32GB ZombiU pack made up the remaining 30 per cent, according to data from retail monitor Chart-Track.
Both more expensive Wii U models come in black bundled with a game, GamePad charger, GamePad stand, as well as console stand feet. The ZombiU pack also includes a Wii U Pro Controller.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 held off competition from new entry Far Cry 3 to retain the top spot on the UK all formats chart during the week ended December 1.
A number of multiformat titles saw a boost thanks to the release of Wii U editions, but the highest new entries exclusive to Nintendo's console were Nintendo Land at No.11, New Super Mario Bros. U at No.14 and ZombiU at No.17.
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December 6th, 2012, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
 Given that he conceived the troop-crushing Odama, feudal Japan’s most unreliable military weapon, it’s hardly surprising that Yoot Saito should now have devised the world’s least efficient baggage-sorting system. Aero Porter sees you raise and lower sections of a tower of conveyor belts to lift or drop colour-coded cases to like-hued carousels. But a squeeze of either shoulder button moves all belts, and when you have five or six to keep an eye on – not to mention a strict time limit to load all baggage onto a flight before it departs – coordinating your index fingers is a good deal trickier than it might first appear.
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December 6th, 2012, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced a variety of items as part of today's Nintendo Direct presentations, including launch targets for several first and third party titles.
Wii Fit U will launch in the first half of 2013, and as announced at this year's E3 will come with the Fit Meter electronic pedometer.
Pikmin 3 has suffered an unexplained delay to the second quarter of 2013. The game was one of the titles originally scheduled to fall within the Wii U's launch window, which ends in March of next year.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon received two release targets. The 3DS effort is set for a spring 2013 arrival in North America, and a more specific March 2013 launch for Europe. The game had previously suffered a delay from a 2012 holiday release to the first half of 2013.
3DS title Animal Crossing: New Leaf will land in the UK, and supposedly other parts of Europe, in the second quarter of 2013 following its recent release in Japan.
One item of particular note is the news that 3DS eShop game Rhythm Hunter HarmoKnight by Pokemon developer Game Freak is getting a North American release.
Beyond the Pokemon franchise, a Game Freak developed title making it outside of Japan is rare. The game, which will be shortened to HarmoKnight, launched in Japan back in September. No word on if it will arrive in any other regions.
North American Wii U launch title Scribblenauts Unlimited will hit Europe on February 8th (cool, an actual release date instead of just a target). The game's launch window in Europe before today's announcement was 2013, so that's a bit less vague.
Wii U party game Game & Wario is slated for Q1 2013. The title, revealed back in June, is a spinoff of the WarioWare series that allows up to five players at the same time to take part in over a dozen minigames.
Caught your breath? Alright, back to it.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate on 3DS will launch in Europe during March 2013, 3DS title Fire Emblem: Awakening will launch in North America on February 4th, 2013, and the 3DS remake of PSOne title Dragon Quest/Warrior 7 is scheduled for release in Japan next Feburary as well.
The US localization of 3DS game Brain Age: Concentration Training has been pushed back to February 10th, 2013. It suffers over a two month delay from its original release date of December 3rd, 2012.
Finally, the apps.
The Google Street View app is heading to Wii U in Japan and North America, scheduled to make its debut on the eShop in Q1 2013. The app will apparently be free between the end of Jaunary and March of next year, and then will come at a cost from that point on.
Then there's the Panorama View app, which allows players to look around videos in 3D space. The app, which was originally shown as a tech demo at E3 2011, will arrive on the Wii U eShop next spring as a paid download.
No price points were revealed for either application, but a free demo will be released alongside the full version of the Panorama View app when it arrives.
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December 6th, 2012, 10:51 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U sequel now expected between April and June; Google Maps and Panoramic View also hitting next year
Pikmin 3 has been delayed Nintendo confirmed today. In a Nintendo Direct video, Treehouse's Erik Peterson said the colorful sequel will debut in the second quarter of 2013.
Previously, Pikmin 3 had been listed as one of the Wii U titles set for the system's "launch window," the period Nintendo generously described as running from its November debut through the end of March 2013. No reason was given for the game's tardiness.
Elsewhere in the Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo revealed that the Panoramic View software that lets users explore a live action video clip from 360 degrees with the GamePad would be a paid download. Similar functionality will also be built into the system's Google Maps function, allowing users to pan around the utility's street view functions to virtually explore the world. Both additions will be available next year.
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December 6th, 2012, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
 Buried amongst Nintendo America's amusing (and often silly) Direct presentation from today comes news of the next iteration of its popular lifestyle experience: Wii Fit U. Outside of a few brief screens and a very vague first half of 2013 release window, not much is known about the updated title save for one bit -- an included pedometer dubbed the Fit Meter. Functioning much like the Fitbit, this additional peripheral will, presumably, be clipped to users' clothing, gathering movement data that will eventually be transferred to the Wii U console for use in over 77 game-based activities. Health-tracking is fast becoming a crowded space, so it's no surprise the Big N would want to extend that plastic scale's functionality with some real-world info. We'll keep you updated on any further news as it's released. In th
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December 6th, 2012, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
 During today's Nintendo Direct presentation, Iwata-san had plenty of game footage to show to Japan-based fans, but he also casually mentioned that Google-powered maps and street vistas would arrive on the Wii U at the end of January 2013. As demonstrated by the man himself, you'll be able to swing the GamePad around to get the best view of anywhere that's been documented by Google -- including underwater. Navigation looks similar to the previously-seen Wii U Panorama View (which Nintendo confirmed would arrive Spring 2013) and although Street View isn't motion video, there's admittedly more to see from Google's cartography. You'll be able to navigate down roads, and use the vanilla map view and street view on both the big-screen and the GamePad. If you're liking what you hear, you'd better be quick: the app will launch free for two months, after which users will have to pay an as-yet-unmentioned price for access.
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December 6th, 2012, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
Good news for Wii owners in the UK who just can't wait to stream a bit of the old Twilight Saga on their console: Nintendo's last-gen gaming rig is getting access to Amazon-owned Lovefilm today, by way of a free app downloadable through the Wii Shop Channel. The console joins the PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360 (not to mention the Kindle Fire HD and iPad) in offering up the service's streamable movies and TV shows. Lovefilm's also promised that Wii Ufunctionality will "follow shortly." (Wii Mini functionality, on the other hand -- well, we're not holding our breath for that one.) In the meantime, please amuse yourself by checking out the press release after the break.
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December 6th, 2012, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
Vicarious Visions ceased development on Guitar Hero 7 after Activision publishing exec Eric Hirshberg visited the studio and reviewed the project, according to a new report.
In early 2011, Activision announced it was no longer investing in the Guitar Hero franchise as sales began to fall and analysts suggested the market had saturated.But new information provided by Kotaku claims that an undisclosed Guitar Hero 7 project was underway at Vicarious Visions since 2010 and up until it was axed in 2011.
A source connected to the matter described development of the game as a "disaster".
It is said that the game was to return to its roots by eschewing microphone and drum-kit support, and instead progress the series by developing a more complex plastic guitar.
"Not a real guitar, or even full six-stringed," said the Kotaku source.
"It had the classic Guitar Hero buttons on the neck with one extra new button, and six strings where the strum bar used to be. The strings were unresponsive and loose, and the guitars cost a fortune to make. No one could figure out a way to make it so your average Joe could buy one."
Activision has not commented on the article, which goes on to explain that problems multiplied as track listings were being decided on.
"When the songs started coming in, a great sense of dread came about everyone with an active brain," the source claimed.
"The game had all of the worst hits from the 1990s. They realized that, with our lack of budget and time, they couldn't get quality music so they bought bargain basement music like 'Closing time' and 'Sex and Candy.' There were some songs in there that had been used at least three times in the GH franchises before."
Vicarious Visions had lost a number of staff as a result of the cancellation. It is currently working on two or more undisclosed projects.
Though Activision closed down its Guitar Hero business in early 2011, the company has on several occasions hinted that the series could return.
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December 6th, 2012, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Canada communications director Matt Ryan, has explained that the Wii Mini was designed to keep costs as low as possible.
To keep costs low, and to provide a console with a release price of $99.99, Nintendo has decided to not include online functionality, an SD card slot, nor backwards compatibility with GameCube games.Speaking to Polygon, Ryan explains that, "we want the system to be as affordable as possible to everybody, and the widest audience possible. By taking out functionality, that allows us to keep the cost down."
Ryan says that "there are gamers who have not bought a Wii yet, and there are gamers who have a Wii and want a second one for the cottage, or the chalet, or whatever, who actually don't need the online functionality." It is these consumers that Nintendo is targeting with the Canada exclusive Wii Mini, set to launch this Friday.
Justifying the reason for not including online functionality, Ryan states, "a lot of the Wii experiences, and there's over 1,400 of them that are disc-based Wii games, don't require online functionality for you to have fun."
The Wii Mini has been designed for families, late adopters, or those who aren't much of a gamer. This target market isn't looking for an online experience, and as Ryan states the Wii Mini "isn't designed for the player who's looking to have an online experience."
When asked if Ryan was worried about it launching so close to the Wii U, Ryan said he wasn't as they are "fundamentally very, very different products."
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December 6th, 2012, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
Zen Studios has confirmed it will release Zen Pinball 2 via the Wii U eShop in December, and new gameplay footage is below.
The developer promises a list of new Wii U features, including "controlling the plunger on the touch screen, rotating camera views, accessing information via the dot matrix, and Free View control by tilting the Wii U GamePad".The Wii U version will also support full gameplay on the GamePad screen, independent of the TV, along with split-screen and 'hot seat' multiplayer.
As per previous Zen Pinball entries, you'll be able to download the game for free and play trial versions of the tables, which can be unlocked for unrestricted play each for a small fee.
Here's a list of the tables that'll be available in the Wii U version at launch:
Zen Classic Pack featuring Tesla, El Dorado, V12, Shaman
Marvel Pinball featuring Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Iron Man
Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles featuring Marvel's The Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet, World War Hulk, Fear Itself
Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue featuring X-Men, Thor, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight
Individual DLC Tables: Excalibur, Earth Defense, Sorcerer's Lair, Paranormal, Mars, Epic Quest, Plants vs. Zombies, Fantastic Four, Captain America
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December 6th, 2012, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has confirmed that Fire Emblem: Awakening for 3DS will be out in US on February 4.
The firm made the announcement today during the US Nintendo Direct broadcast, in which it also showed off new gameplay footage.Awakening is the latest game from Advance Wars developer Intelligent Systems, and continues series tradition with top-down turn-based battles unfolding in a grid system.
Here is the full US Nintendo Direct video - Fire Emblem Awakening footage starts at 24:35.
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December 6th, 2012, 22:04 Posted By: kadrim
Watch your favorite Videos directly on the Wii or Wii U Console:
The transcoding tool "Wiideocenter" has been updated to version 0.5.0 which fixes some minor bugs and adds preliminary Wii U support.
Just download the programm and run it on your PC where all the files are stored. Using the built-in browsers of the consoles you can use it, to transcode all your Videos and watch them on the TV or on the Wii U Gamepad.
Get it here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wiideocenter/
Enjoy ;-)
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December 7th, 2012, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Publishers are starting to be into the idea of retail games on the 3DS eShop. Today, Natsume and Warner Bros. drop some of their recent releases on the store, including the 3DS version of Scribblenauts Unlimited. There's so much we almost didn't notice Ninja Gaiden missing its release date! A few more Wii U retail games from D3 and Ubisoft also make the lineup.
There's even a Wii Virtual Console game, which makes this a historic week: for the first time, downloadable games have been released on four Nintendo consoles in the same week.
There's also a Skrillex video on Nintendo Video this week. So there's that.
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December 7th, 2012, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U Panorama View, an app that lets you view panoramic videos on the GamePad, changing the view by moving the device around, will launch in the spring in both North America and Europe, Nintendo announced today. It'll be an eShop release, allowing you to simulate flying with birds, view London and Kyoto, and more.
In advance of the full release, Nintendo will put a "free preview demo" on eShop, featuring multiple scenes.
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December 7th, 2012, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Rhythm Hunter HarmoKnight, a 3DS eShop game by Pokemon developer Game Freak, was released back in September in Japan. There's been no word on an international release for the rhythm action game, however, until today's Nintendo Direct.
The game, now called simply HarmoKnight, has been confirmed for a North American release, but no date was provided. In HarmoKnight, players run, jump and attack in side-scrolling levels to the beat of the background music.
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December 7th, 2012, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Despite lacking in innovation when first released, New Super Mario Bros. 2 gets continually newer as DLC arrives. The latest packs, arriving in Japan today for ¥200 each, include the Kiroku ni Challenge C Pack, a time attack course in which you get as many coins as possible, and another pack all about riding dangerous moving platforms.
These two DLC packs have not been announced outside of Japan yet, but there are still Nintendo Direct presentations at noon EST for both the US and Europe
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December 7th, 2012, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Relive the thrill of Wii U's day one firmware update today! A new firmware update is available now. "Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience," Nintendo notes.
Start downloading it now. "The new system update may take an extended amount of time to download," Nintendo says on its support site. "Depending on the speed of the Internet connection used, it could take an hour or more to download and install, even if you have already downloaded the previous update. Please be patient." We're looking at about 1:56 on our progress bar.
Remember: don't unplug your Wii U while this is happening!
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December 7th, 2012, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster

The Wii U's inconvenient day one patch will be greeting new console owners until next year. Speaking with Gamasutra, Nintendo America president Reggie Fils-Aime said the update won't be built into the system until early 2013.
"Nintendo developers want to make sure that the very best product is available to consumers," Fils-Aime told Gama. "That creates a dynamic where our developers are working on elements until the very last point possible. That's why the system update was required on day one – and this is quite similar to what's happened with other consumer electronic products."
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata had previously apologized for the inconvenience, noting he believed customers "should be able to use all the functions of a console video game machine as soon as they open the box." If you're getting a Wii U console over the holidays, make sure to practice patience during the update and, whatever you do, don't interrupt the Wii U doin' its thang.
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December 7th, 2012, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
$99.99. It’s the magic price that all hardware eventually aspires to. And it’s exactly the price the Wii Mini will launch at.
And that’s the point of the Wii Mini. Affordable gaming hardware for that ever alluring mass-market.
"Yeah, of course it is," Nintendo of Canada’s community director Matt Ryan told Polygon when asked whether cost-cutting was the reason for the console’s omission of online and memory functionality.
"We want the system to be as affordable as possible to everybody, and the widest audience possible. By taking out functionality, that allows us to keep the cost down.
"The reason that we took [online functionality] out was that we don't believe that everybody needs that to play games. I mean, a lot of the Wii experiences, and there's over 1,400 of them that are disc-based Wii games, don't require online functionality for you to have fun.
"There's a consumer out there, there are gamers who have not bought a Wii yet, and there are gamers who have a Wii and want a second one for the cottage, or the chalet, or whatever, who actually don't need the online functionality. When you look at that price, and you look at what you get for it, we're pretty confident that that's the right tipping point to get Wii Mini noticed."
Nintendo has since the console’s announcement maintained its claim the Wii Mini is not scheduled for a release outside of Canada. We all know that’s nonsense, of course – the idea that Kyoto would spend R&D on new hardware destined to only be sold at Canadian retail is absurd.
But that’s the current PR line, and it’s one that Ryan is still having to toe.
"Frankly, I don't know when the R&D department in Japan decided that this was the product coming, and when the decision was made that it was going to be in Canada only,” he added.
"It's not the fact that there's red in it, and we love red in Canada. That's not it at all. It's just, we're the market that's been chosen to launch this product, and no other territories has made the announcement that they're launching it. Whether or not we're a test market will have to be seen, but we plan on it working really well."
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December 7th, 2012, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Mature-rated video games like Ubisoft's ZombiU can only be downloaded from Nintendo's eShop between the hours of 11pm-3am.
This startling discovery, first reported by CVG, stems from a response issued to an Italian Wii U owner.
“We would like to let you know that Nintendo has always aimed to offer gameplay experiences suited to all age groups, observing carefully all the relevant regulations regarding content access that are present in the various European countries,” the customer support email read.
"We have thus decided to restrict the access to content which is unsuitable to minors to the 11pm - 3am time window."
TheGamersHub.net's Vaughn Highfield has since confirmed that the restriction does indeed apply to the UK.
It is also being suggested that the restriction only applies in Europe.
Considering Nintendo's efforts to win back the traditional core console gamer market with its new machine, the decision seems insane. And won't help persuade those who are unsure about a potential purchase of the machine to jump aboard.
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December 7th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Those looking for a way to criticise the Wii U launch last week had plenty of material at their disposal.
Weariness amongst parts of the specialist media and cynicism from the cutting edge online world has always cast doubt on it.
It was as if some people want Nintendo to fail.
Yes, I’m sure that on terms relative to the other consoles and devices, it was a slower start than some expected. But was it a success on Nintendo’s terms? With its typical long-term focus on momentum, and a Japanese launch only this weekend, we just don’t know yet.
Here in the UK, the Wii U arrival last week was good in ways some have missed or simply not acknowledged yet.
For a start, there technically was a Wii U game at No.1 in the form of the Black Ops II SKU. A tenuous link, but no less emblematic: Wii U has put Nintendo, finally – if belatedly – on an even footing with the other HD consoles.
It’s created more opportunities for third party current gen triple-A projects before the costs ramp up for next-gen ones.
Elsewhere, original Wii software sales were up £1m week-on-week, no doubt driven by the new console’s legacy playback functions.
Other Wii titles – associated with Just Dance and Disney – had risen in the rankings, too. You can’t deny the overall additive effect on the market that it contributes to.
Over £14m was spent on Wii U hardware and software last week.
If Nintendo can build the buzz and maintain the stock flow, that can grow as we get closer to Christmas.
And I think that’s what anyone sane really wants for Nintendo.
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December 8th, 2012, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has promised a steady flow of new titles and repromotions for Wii U throughout the early months of next year.
The platform holder told MCV during last week’s launch of its new console it is already hard at work on plans for Q1 2013.
The firm is no doubt eager to avoid a repeat of the 3DS launch, which had a strong first week followed by a steep sales drop off.
MCV understands Wii U sold around 40,000 units in its first 48 hours. The platform holder has already pledged to supply the High Street with regular shipments between now and the end of the year.
“We’ve got a very strong line-up, lots of titles and activities aimed at Christmas, but we’ve already got plans for Q1,” said head of consumer marketing James Honeywell.
“Lots of new titles like Monster Hunter, but also repromotions and things like that.
“We definitely want to maintain momentum in Q1 – that’s our focus right now.”
Nintendo will kick off Q1 with two releases in January: Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge on January 11th and Sing Party on January 18th.
Additional releases planned for Wii U’s ‘launch window’, which runs up to March 31st, include Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and LEGO City Undercover and reach out to as broad an audience as possible.
Honeywell says that the platform holder aims to “maintain that balance [between core and casual] throughout the quarter and onwards, for the duration of Wii U”.
“Nintendo always makes sure it launches games throughout the year,” he said. “We don’t really focus particularly on Christmas. We’ve got a strong line-up all the way through the year. We always have the marketing to support that. We have plans to take sampling all the way through the year.
“For us, it’s not just about launch, it’s about building momentum and maintaining that over a long period of time.”
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December 8th, 2012, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
"Nintendo of Europe is blocking Wii U content in the region that is rated PEGI 18+ between the hours of 3 a.m. and 11 p.m., according to a Eurogamer report. Under these stipulations, the four-hour window of 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. is the only time users can purchase games like ZombiU or Assassin's Creed III or even view trailers for such games. The story originated from a NeoGAF forum user, which reportedly received an email from Nintendo saying the following: 'Dear customer, we would like to let you know that Nintendo has always aimed to offer gameplay experiences suited to all age groups, observing carefully all the relevant regulations regarding content access that are present in the various European countries. We have thus decided to restrict the access to content which is unsuitable to minors (PEGI) to the 11 p.m.- 3 a.m. time window.' Eurogamer has since verified the claim. It received a message stating 'You cannot view this content' and 'The times during which this content can be viewed have been restricted.' Nintendo has yet to comment on the matter.
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December 8th, 2012, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U and Black Friday puts Nintendo over the top
[h=3]Nintendo of America[/h]
[h=3]The NPD Group[/h]
According to the NPD Group, Nintendo sold more than 1.75 million total hardware units in the United States in November. Though it only had seven days of sales due its November 18 release date, the Wii U sold more than 425,000 units in November. The 3DS was Nintendo's hardware leader for the month with 540,000 with units sold. The Wii sold 420,000 units and the Nintendo DS sold more 370,000 units, with the older systems reaching lifetime sales numbers of 40 million units and 53 million units respectively.
“The groundbreaking Wii U, the continued strength of Nintendo 3DS and the enduring appeal of Wii and Nintendo DS drove momentum on Black Friday and through November,” said Nintendo of America executive vice president of Sales & Marketing Scott Moffitt. “Wii U is off to a tremendous start in the United States, is essentially sold out at retail and has cemented its status as the 'must-have' product this holiday season.”
On the software side, New Super Mario Bros U for the Wii U sold more than 243,000 units, with a console attach rate of nearly 60 percent. Mario Kart 7 reached 2 million units in lifetime sales, becoming the second 3DS game to hit that milestone in the US.
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December 8th, 2012, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst says NPD showed disappointing tie ratio for Nintendo, Call of Duty sales down 17% year-over-year
The NPD Group's November US retail game sales were glum enough on the surface, but an analyst note this morning provided some deeper insight into the disappointing figures.
In a note to investors, Longbow Research's James Hardiman shed some additional light on the numbers, calling specific attention to the performance of Wii U software sales. While the original Wii saw two games sold for every console in its opening month on shelves in 2006, the Wii U posted a comparatively paltry 1.2 games sold per system. Hardiman chalked that up to either the inclusion of NintendoLand in Wii U Deluxe bundles providing a compelling enough experience that players didn't feel the need for another game, or the higher prices for the Wii U ($299 for the Basic system, $349 for the Deluxe) left consumers without the spare funds for software.
The analyst also noted a significant drop in Activision's flagship shooter series. Call of Duty: Black Ops II sold around 7.4 million copies during November, a decline of 17 percent from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's opening month sales last November. That may sound odd in light of Activision announcing Black Ops II actually reached the $1 billion sales mark a day quicker than its predecessor, but Hardiman noted that Modern Warfare 3 launched earlier in the month than its successor.
"We do not believe that Activision did itself any favors by putting out a press release on Wednesday touting that Black Ops II had crossed $1 billion in just 15 days, faster than the 16 days required for Modern Warfare 3 to reach the $1 billion mark," Hardiman said. "What management did not mention is the fact that with an earlier release date, Modern Warfare 3 was able to reach $1 billion a day before Thanksgiving, whereas Black Ops II was not able to get there until after Cyber Monday."
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December 8th, 2012, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Time says that the Wii U GamePad "has the potential to be a big deal"
Wii U got plenty of mixed reactions following its launch, and the new Nintendo console certainly didn't enjoy the widespread adoration the mainstream media heaped upon the original Wii, but that didn't stop Time Magazine from naming the Wii U as one of its standout pieces of technology for 2012. In fact, Time honored Wii U with a number two spot on its list, behind Apple's new iPhone 5.
"The Wii U's key innovation is its GamePad, a game controller with a built-in 6.2” touchscreen. It interacts with your TV in different ways in different games, and has the potential to be a big deal if game developers make good use of it," Time wrote in its feature.
The publication also praised Nintendo for the Nintendo TVii feature: "Also potentially huge: TVii, which combines streaming video from sources such as Netflix with your cable lineup and TiVo recordings. It's the first time that the famously game-centric Nintendo has poured its heart and soul into a non-gaming feature."
It's somewhat interesting that Time would highlight TVii, when it's not even available for public use yet. Putting a new console on its top 10 list simply for its "potential" also seems odd.
As for the iPhone 5, Time's number one choice, the publication wrote that it's "one of the most artfully polished gadgets anyone's ever built" and that "Apple still has no peer."
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December 8th, 2012, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
 You have to start somewhere. In a group interview between its CEO and several software developers, Nintendo recently touched on how the Wii U's primary controller, the GamePad came into being. Initially, development focused on a "Wii Zapper" with a small screen and a gyroscope connected to a Wii remote and nunchuk, feeding movement data to the display. This was soon subsumed into the 3DS, which was nearing the end of its design process. In fact, Nintendo titanShigeru Miyamoto recalled the original 3DS handheld plans to add the gyroscope, even though hardware features had been "set" internally. This early model, however, catalyzed the idea of a second screen for the players' hands and lead to the barebones hardware you can see above. Crafted from double-sided tape and two Wii remotes, the prototype brought forth ideas for Nintendo Land -- and if we're honest, is a fairly decent outline of what the final product resembled, with buttons and controls (including triggers) distributed across both sides of the screen. Interested in the full development story of both the GamePad and Nintendo Land? Then you'd best visit the source link.
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December 8th, 2012, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
All those digital games you've purchased on your "Deluxe" 32GB Nintendo Wii U have been accruing virtual points, and now you can cash out those virtual points for some virtual currency, as Nintendo's "Deluxe Digital Promotion" website is now live. All you've gotta do is sign in with your Nintendo Network ID on this website, click through some terms of service agreement business, and you're in like Flynn. The breakdown of dollars to points is 1 to 10 -- a game that costs you $14.99, for instance, equates to 149 points. For every 500 points, you can cash out for $5 / £5 / €5, which spits out an activation code you can then apply directly on the Wii U's eShop. Might we suggest using those points for Little Inferno?
As our superfriends at Joystiq point out, points won't collect for games downloaded through the original Wii Shop Channel (even when accessed via Wii U), nor on 3DS digital games, nor on season passes / digital subscriptions (such as Call of Duty Elite). Bummer! Of course, it seems likely that 3DS digital titles will eventually be added to that list when the handheld gets access to Nintendo Network IDs. Whether those points will retroactively apply is another question altogether; we're gonna go out on a limb here and call that possibility doubtful. Also, beware, the promotion is time-limited -- make sure to cash in your credits by March 2015. The promotion runs until December of 2014, and codes must be redeemed on the eShop by "the end of June 2015."
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December 8th, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Historically Nintendo's online presence has been lackluster to say the least. The Wii's digital storefront Wiiware had some great games like World of Goo, the Lost Winds series, and just this summer we saw the fiendishly difficult exploratory platformer La-Mulana make an appearance. Yet, by and large the service was forgotten. It didn't have the visibility or diversity of XBLA, PSN or Steam and customers tended to forget it existed. Nintendo certainly hasn't been doing it any favours by releasing a new model of the Wii that can't even go online to access its own shop.That could all change with the Wii U eShop which, according to several indie developers I spoke to, has addressed almost every issue WiiWare had.Martin Pichlmair of Broken Rules, whose 2D multiplayer flying game Chasing Aurora was a launch title in the US and is coming soon to Europe, noted that developers on the Wii U eShop can set their own price and release date. Furthermore, they can implement sales, promotions and price-drops. They can even add demos whenever they'd like.There's also more DLC support this time around. Devs can add updates with new features, instead of simply patches that fix broken games or bugs. There's even options to add microtransactions. "There is a process associated with this that makes sure that our game maintains or surpasses the level of quality it had before the update," explained Pichlmair. Chasing Aurora is by the team that made the excellent Wiiware platformer And Yet it Moves.
"The eShop interface appears to make games much more discoverable as compared to the original Wii, which is very important to smaller studios with zero marketing budget."
Kyle Gabler, co-founder, The Tomorrow Corporation
Trine 2 developer Frozenbyte's Joel Kinnunen - who previously published Trine on PSN and Steam and its sequel on the same plus XBLA - said, "the Wii U eShop is much better than XBLA and PSN from this point of view. Updates still need certification if they're meaningful (i.e. changes 'code') but it seems like that's not a very long process usually - i.e. not the two to three weeks wait that the other platforms have."There's also fewer size restrictions on eShop games. On Wiiware games had to be under a minuscule 40MB. On the Wii U eShop the size limit is much larger, if indeed there is one at all. "I don't think there is a size limit you should worry about," said Toki Tori 2 developer Two Tribes' Collin Van Ginkel. "There are full retail titles being offered, so it's at least 25GB."Pichlmair noted several other improvements to the way the eShop operates. You can now buy games with local currency instead of confusing Nintendo Points. The notoriously cumbersome friend codes are a thing of the past and people can add friends simply by sending requests like on any other digital gaming platform, and there's better visibility all around with games being promoted more frequently on the eShop's front page, complete with its own indie games section."The eShop interface appears to make games much more discoverable as compared to the original Wii, which is very important to smaller studios with zero marketing budget like us," said Littler Inferno developer The Tomorrow Corporation's Kyle Gabler.Pichlmair added, "There is a very well defined pipeline into the eShop and it will make it a much more lively place than good old WiiWare."
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December 8th, 2012, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
3DS game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate now has a formal 8th March 2013 release date.This impressive-looking 2.5D platformer picks up the Lords of Shadow story 25 years after the acclaimed console game. Serves as a precursor the flamboyant new Lords of Shadow 2, too.The story revolves around Trevor and Simon, who aren't market traders from East Enders but actually descendants of Gabriel Belmont, knight turned folk legend.I wonder if Christopher Lee is in it.
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December 8th, 2012, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster

Aksys Games is bringing Bit.Trip Saga, the Gaijin Games 3DS compilation that hit retail last year, to Nintendo's eShop on December 20. What's more, the collection will cost $14.99, saving players a whole bunch of dollars in addition to the convenience of the compilation being downloadable.
Bit.Trip Saga includes Bit.Trip Beat, Bit.Trip Core, Bit.Trip Void, Bit.Trip Runner,Bit.Trip Fate and Bit.Trip Flux. If our math is correct, that's only a couple dollars per game in the six-game bundle. What a deal!
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December 8th, 2012, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Rayman Legends will be released in the UK on March 1, publisher Ubisoft announced today. No date has been provided for North America or any other territory, other than the worldwide "Q1 2013" release window given in October.
There is good news for the impatient, however: UK residents desperate for floaty-limbed heroics and Lum vocals will have access to a Rayman Legendsdemo on the Wii U eShop starting December 13.
Update: Ubisoft announced a Feb. 26 release date for North America. The demo will have the same December 13 date in that region.
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December 9th, 2012, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
I'm back! This crack was started in 2000 but I never finished due to real life and almost 0 interest. This game's protection is very similar to Jet Force Gemini, except much worse. It uses an unknown feature that was introduced in the 6105 CIC chip. Jet Force Gemini was the first to use this feature even though Zelda:OOT was the first game to have the chip. I can only guess the reason was because it was requested by Rare to use in JFG, they must not have had time or didn't care on Zelda. Basically the new feature was an excryption key. You send the chip a 128bit string and it responds with a 128bit key.
On JFG they only sent 1 string which was easy enough to write a crack for. Back when I first worked on the Banjo Tooie crack I noticed they sent lots of strings and got lots of keys back that they used to decrypt the data they were loading from the cart. I was determined to figure out how the key generation worked. So I spent many weeks trying to figure it out. Eventually I gave up and started recording the decryption keys as I played through the game. I stopped at about 43 because I got bored and real life got in the way. Apparently there were only 224 left to find. I never did figure the actual algorithm out so this crack had the final version with all 267 strings, which Tooie and Azimer found.
When I made this, I also challenged some dudes in #n64dev to find the actual algo. X-Scale figured it out here: http://goo.gl/Ub9FG So this crack actually includes the algo instead of a lookup table. Please note this release date is over a year ago because I was too lazy to send Acey the crack to actually release. Ha. I gave it to some people to test and no one leaked it? WTF?
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December 9th, 2012, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
OpenTTD is an open source reimplementation of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe". As president of a start-up transportation company in 1950, you have a choice of building rail, road, air and maritime transportation routes to build up your transportation empire. Outsmart your competition by beating them to attractive passenger and commodities routes to become the game's highest-ranking transport company by the year 2050.
December 1, 2012
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December 9th, 2012, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
One or two player tetris-like game for Wii.
Two player rules based on the gameboy classic:
- 4 lines = 4 lines attack on opponent
- 3 lines = 2 lines attack on opponent
- 2 lines = 1 line attack on opponent
- 1 lines - no effect
Thanks to Pete for the soundtrack.
The graphics and sounds are customisable to an extent. All the images and the soundtrack can be changed by swapping the files in the images / sounds directory. The background JPEG can be swapped no problem, the PNGs for the blocks and so on need to be in the format required by GRRLib.
1.2 - December 2, 2012
- Added wall kicks - see http://harddrop.com/wiki/Wall_kick
- Updated to grrlib 4.3.2
- Minor cosmetic tweaks
- Added 'drop' function
- Increased well height
- Updated to build with Devkit
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December 9th, 2012, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
FIX94 after working fairly supported on googlecode Beta Wiiflow, provides a new version considered stable of the famous USB loader. bugs the most annoying logically have been eradicated. It supports the latest version of HBC and should be much more stable with plugins, the Gamecube mode and some USB storage devices recalcitrant.
Citation :Here is 4.0.5, and again it focuses on bugfixing, the bugs introduced with 4.0.3 are just too critical and still not fully fixed, I hope this time we have found the most annoying ones 
In short that revision fixes more memory leaks, hopefully fixes all the device mounting issues your guys had, also plugins should display correctly now, not with the half of it missing, booting gamecube games in neek hopefully works now, wiiflow should basically run in wiiu wii mode (you cannot boot wii or gamecube games yet, channels homebrew and plugins work), added support for the new homebrew channel 1.1.1 and newer, wiiflow will automatically reload the cache if a new version is found from now on to prevent bugs or missing games, the general boot method changed from everything wiiflow can boot, that is a bit cleaner, you shouldn't notice any noticable difference though, its more in the code, also I've added a battery bar so you can actually see the power level of your wiimotes, you can find it in the home menu, the debug messages should be cleaner and more detailed now, also the wifi gecko is improved, it should be at least as good as the sd gecko now, still it cannot print as much as the usb gecko.
Yea, that should be everything important for now, we will see us with the next release again, wiiflow is not dead just because of the wiiu, its wii mode can play wiiflow perfectly fine so I wont forget working on it if anybody thought that :P
Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/wiiflow/
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December 9th, 2012, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
The team Twiizers announced a few days ago, video support, work on a new version of its popular homebrew dedicated to Homebrew Channel and BootMii. It did not take long for them to finalize and publicly offer. HackMii Installer allows henceforth HBC installed in the sandbox Wii Wii U, making it the first homebrew to have write access to Wii NAND. Recall, however, that only the Wii mode is available and no hack and no fault is currently possible mode Wii U. The installer is of course compatible with the Wii.
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December 10th, 2012, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster

For their final project in a microcontrollers course, [Trudy] and [Josh] designed a pair of morse code transceivers. To send the message, they used an array of IR LEDs. The message is received using a Gameboy Color Camera, which takes care of basic image processing. This allows a 8-bit ATMega1284p microcontroller to handle transmitting and receiving messages.
The transmission LEDs form a square pattern with one LED in the center. The four outside LEDs are used to help the receiver locate the center LED, and the center LED is used for transmitting the message.
The Gameboy Color Camera is based on a M64282FP image sensor. This sensor uses an SPI-like protocol, which they implemented on the ATMega. It allows them to grab frames from the camera, and get the value of specific pixels. From this data they find the center LED and process the message.
The result can transmit messages of 200 letters at a time, but the speed is limited by the frame rate of the camera. If you have a Gameboy Color Camera lying around, their detailed write up might provide some inspiration and information on how to use it in a hack.
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December 10th, 2012, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 released a new version of his FCEU MM (NES emulator with improved - mappers support based on FCE Ultra). Changes:
- mapper 015 - typo fix;
- mapper 034 - fix;
- mapper 036 - Strike Wolf fix;
- mapper 099 - fixed VS SMB boot;
- mapper 115 - fix from fceux;
- mapper 202 - fix;
- mapper 212 - fix;
- mapper 217 - new discrete BMC mapper;
- mapper 252 - new mapper added;
- UNIF BMC-11160 - new UNIF BMC mapper;
- UNIF BMCG-146 - new UNIF BMC mapper;
- UNIF SMB2J - doesn't support smb2j anymore, which is proven to be a bad dump;
- DEBUG - added FDS read/write position display to debug window;
- fix for "Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen (J) [!]" boot, "Mechanized Attack" mapper bug, "Huang Di" debug mode by default disabled;
- fix FDS data write, memory leak.
- more crc mapper redefinitions;
- stack pointer default init changed, fixed SANGUO ZHI bootup
File: Download
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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December 10th, 2012, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- Prince of Persia (Translated Title)(R)[!]. Till the end of this world, another bunch o trash arrived last two months. Nothing special, but anyway... First of all, another russian translation from 1994 year of the same old "Prince of Persia", but this time, not only text translated, even title screen translated too. And as opposing to the known internet translation, it was done much much better.
- Zanac (FDS Conversion, Whirlwind Manu)(Unl)[U][!], Green Beret (FDS Conversion, Kaiser)[U][!]. Next, two more FDS conversions from Taiwan. Zanac by Whirlwind Manu differs from the Kaizer version floating on the net. It's using another mapper of course, and actually have only 4 playable levels, so this conversion is rather unfinished or reduced. Another dump of "Green Beret" has made, but this time is not Whirlwind Manu version as dumped before, but Kaiser version. Mappers surprisingly mostly the same and there is no visible differences in gameplay, but data itself is very different.
- 150-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p2][!], 1994_Super_HIK 14-in-1_(G-136)[p1][U][!], 300-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p1][!], 4-in-1_(OK-411)[p1][!], 450-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p1][!], 6-in-1_(MGC-023)(Unl)[U][!], 2000-in-1 [p1][!]. Finally, some more multigame crap.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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December 10th, 2012, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Youth protection regulations mean 18+ rated games can only be sold between 11pm and 3am
Nintendo has blamed German laws for restricting mature-rated game downloads on the Wii U eShop in Europe to between 11pm and 3am.
The news came to light when an Italian Wii U owner received a customer support e-mail detailing the regulations in place, designed to help protect young users.
“We would like to let you know that Nintendo has always aimed to offer gameplay experiences suited to all age groups, observing carefully all the relevant regulations regarding content access that are present in the various European countries,” read the e-mail.
"We have thus decided to restrict the access to content which is unsuitable to minors to the 11pm - 3am time window."
The restrictions mean that titles like Ubisoft Montpellier’s shooter ZombiU cannot be downloaded during the day.
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December 10th, 2012, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Digital Foundry assesses the power consumption of Nintendo's new home console
After a few weeks of hands-on time with Wii U, it's now pretty much confirmed that there is no revelatory increase in overall processing power compared to the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, but there is one technological element where Nintendo's design is leaps and bounds ahead of its vintage 2005/2006 competitors: efficiency. In terms of performance per watt, Wii U is the clear winner, providing an equivalent graphical and gameplay experience using less than half the power consumed by the other consoles.
"Wii U draws so little power in comparison to its rivals that its tiny casing still feels cool to the touch during intense gaming."
When the Wii U's casing and overall form factor was first revealed, we had genuine concerns that Nintendo could be heading for its own RROD challenge. Microsoft and Sony's woes with excessive heat are a matter of record: the process of heating up the main processors during gameplay and then cooling them down when the console was turned off caused the lead-free solder connections to eventually break over time, disabling the hardware. Since then the platform holders have shrunk the main processors, making them cooler, more efficient and less likely to fail, but the form factor of the units is still fairly large.
Initial Wii U tech demos showed that the hardware offered similar performance to the current-gen consoles, but the form factor of the machine was even smaller than the "slim" versions of its competitors. Indeed, Wii U is even smaller than the recently released PlayStation 3 "Super Slim". Wii U has a lot more ventilation than its predecessor, but the space available for a heatsink and fan is much smaller than that of both Microsoft and Sony's offerings.
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December 10th, 2012, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo may not be giving up its gaming IPs to smartphones just yet, but the Japanese gaming giant is willing to work with them if it means crosspromoting games on standalone Nintendo consoles. Take, for example, today's release of the interactive Pokémon "Pokédex," available for $2 across various iOS devices -- Nintendo clearly isn't against taking fans' money in exchange for a valuable service: information on over 640 Pokémon on-the-go ... if you buy the three upgrade packs for $5.99 apiece (!!), that is.
Support for the app extends all the way back to the aged iPhone 3GS, and through to the newest iPad (as well as the iPad Mini), so you'll be able to explore the wild world of Tepig from a vast array of iOS hardware. Of course, much of this could be meaningless to you if you grabbed the free versionpreviously available on Nintendo's 3DS, but then you put it off, didn't you? And now here we are.
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December 12th, 2012, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s Wii U hasn’t even been out for two weeks in the UK and hackers are already enjoying early success in cracking the console.
A renowned hacking site reports that the Wii’s Homebrew Channel is already up and running on Wii U. It doesn’t run in the Wii U’s UI but is bootable from the emulated Wii interface.
Homebrew Channel allows for the running of unofficial code on the console.
"Please note that this is not running in full Wii U mode,” the site notes. “Running this on a Wii U will probably work just like on a Wii. Also, due to technical limitations of the virtual Wii mode, BootMii will not work on a Wii U.
“If we are able to resolve this, we will make a new release with BootMii support. We can all try to hack the Wii U together from inside Wii mode."
As we’ve seen with the PS3, early hacking breakthroughs don’t always lead to full-blown piracy. But Nintendo will undoubtedly be worried. Its success with 3DS will give it encouragement, but its track record in these matters is not the best.
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December 12th, 2012, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Unconfirmed reports suggest that the Wii U sold 307,471 units in its first week on sale in Japan.
That’s 70,000 fewer units than the Wii sold in its debut week. It’s also nearly 15,000 fewer than PlayStation Vita sold in its first week.
The number comes from French games site GameKult.
The best selling game was Wii port Monster Hunter Ultimate 3, racking up 106,454 unit sales. The un-bundled Nintendo land sold just 66,583 units.
In other regions the Wii U sold 425,000 in its first week in the US and 40,000 in its first two days in the UK.
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December 12th, 2012, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster

[Jani 'Japala' Pönkkö] found a way to make his old Game Boy Advance exciting again. He poured a ton of time and craftsmanship into building a miniature arcade cabinet. He did such a good job it’s easy to think this is a commercial product. But when you open the back of the case to switch games one look at what’s crammed inside let’s you know this is custom work.
What’s most surprising to us is that he didn’t draw out a full set of plans before beginning. He simply measured the circuit board and LCD screen from the Game Boy and went with his gut for everything else. The case itself is crafted from baltic birch plywood, which was primed and painted before applying the decals. There is also a screen bezel made of acrylic with its own decal like you’d find on coin-op machines. These were made using printable sticker paper. The electronic part of the build involves no more than extending contacts from the circuit board to buttons mounted on the case. But he did also replace the stock speaker for one that produces better audio.
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December 12th, 2012, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Developer Two Tribes has delayed the Wii U release of Toki Tori 2 to "early in the New Year".
The game was planned for a December 20 release via the Wii U eShop. Despite Two Tribes calling it "the most complete game experience we've developed so far", it also says the game is "just not good enough to be released yet".Here's Two Tribes' full statement:
"Toki Tori 2 will miss its December 20th Wii U release date. It sucks, and we're sorry to disappoint you, but here's why.
"Toki Tori 2's a personal project for us. It's first game we've made without being tied to a license or publisher, it's something we're putting a lot of love in, and it's something that's just not good enough to be released yet.
"It's also the most complete game experience we've developed so far; the whistle and stomp concept is rather unique, the game world is filled with all kinds of creatures, we've added an interactive storyline and we'll allow you to explore the game's world as you see fit. All these things are in the game right now, but there are so many things that could, no... should be a better that we feel we would do you a disservice to you if we release it in its current form.
"So what now? We are busy making a plan to fix the the game's current weak spots, in all categories ranging from gameplay to graphics to technology. We are not ready to commit to an exact release date at this point, but it will definitely be early in the new year.
"In closing, we'd like to thank everyone for the support we've received this past year. We hope you'll stick with us until the release!
Toki Tori 2 is the sequel to the popular platform puzzle game released on WiiWare in 2008. Two Tribes has said it'll be "focusing on Steam (PC/Mac)" versions of the game after the Wii U version's release.
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December 12th, 2012, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe has outed its software release schedule for Wii U and 3DS over the coming months.
Of note is confirmation of Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels for a 3DS eShop release on December 27, followed by Mega Man 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos both in 'Q1' 2013.Here's the list:
Nintendo 3DS (Packaged Games):
Paper Mario: Sticker Star | Nintendo - 7th December, 2012
Scribblenauts Unlimited | Nintendo - 8th February, 2013
Wreck-It Ralph | Activision - 8th February, 2013
Super Black Bass | Koch Media - 15th, February 2013
Viking Invasion 2 - Tower Defense | Bigben Interactive - 22nd, February 2013
Crash City Mayhem | Ghostlight Ltd - 22nd February, 2013
SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked | Ghostlight Ltd - 22nd February, 2013
Imagine Champion Rider 3D | UBISOFT - February 2013
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed | SEGA - February 2013
Dr Kawashima's Devilish Brain Training | Nintendo - 8th March, 2013
Puzzler World 2013 | Ideas Pad Ltd - 8th March, 2013
Jewel Master: Cradle of Egypt 2 | Just for Games - 13th March, 2013
The Hidden | Majesco - 13th March, 2013
Pet Zombies | Majesco - 13th March, 2013
Face Racers | Majesco - 13th March, 2013
Nano Assault | Majesco - 13th March, 2013
Hello Kitty Picnic with Sanrio Friends | Majesco - 13th March, 2013
Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze | Little Orbit - 13th March, 2013
Mystery Murders: Jack the Ripper | Avanquest - 15th March, 2013
Puzzler Brain Games | Ideas Pad Ltd - 29th March, 2013
Funfair Party Games | Avanquest - 29th March, 2013
Midnight Mysteries: The Devil on the Mississippi | Avanquest - 29th March, 2013
Luigi's Mansion 2 | Nintendo - March 2013
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate | Capcom - March 2013
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate | Konami - March 2013
The Croods: Prehistoric Party | Namco Bandai - March 2013
ATV Fever | Enjoy Gaming Ltd - March 2013
Hello Kitty Picnic | 505 Games - Q1 2013
3DS Jewel Quest 4 Heritage | Media Sales and Licensing - Q1 2013
3DS Jewel Quest Mysteries 3 The Seventh Gate | Media Sales and Licensing - Q1 2013
Fire Emblem: Awakening | Nintendo - April 2013
Animal Crossing (temp name) | Nintendo - Q2 2013
Nintendo 3DS (eShop Downloads):
The "Denpa" Men: They Came By Wave | Genius Sonority - 6th December, 2012
CRIMSON SHROUD | Level-5 IA Inc. - 13th December, 2012
Hydroventure: Spin Cycle | Nintendo - 13th December, 2012
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (VC) | Nintendo - 27th December, 2012
escapeVektor | Nnooo - December 2012
Nano Assault EX | Shin'en Multimedia - December 2012
Ghosts'n Goblins (VC) | Capcom - 3rd January, 2013
Tokyo Crash Mobs | Nintendo - 17th January, 2013
Fractured Soul | Endgame Studios - January 2013
PICROSS e2 | JUPITER - January 2013
NightSky | Nicalis - Q1 2013
ATV Wild Ride 3D | Renegade Kid - Q1 2013
HarmoKnight | Nintendo - March 2013
Harvest Moon (VC) Natsume - Q1 2013
Legend of the River King (VC) | Natsume - Q1 2013
Pinball: Revenge of the Gator (VC) | Nintendo - Q1 2013
MEGA MAN 2 (VC) | Capcom - Q1 2013
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (VC) - Tecmo Koei - Q1 2013
Wii U (Packaged Games):
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge | Nintendo - 11th Jan, 2013
SiNG PARTY (with Microphone) | Nintendo - 18th Jan, 2013
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth | UBISOFT - 24th Jan, 2013
Scribblenauts Unlimited | Nintendo - 8th Feb, 2013
NBA2K13 | Take Two - 11th Feb, 2013
Rayman Legends | UBISOFT - 28th Feb, 2013
F1 Race Stars | Codemasters - 1st Mar, 2013
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate | Capcom - March 2013
The Croods: Prehistoric Party | Namco Bandai - March 2013
Aliens: Colonial Marines | SEGA - Q1 2013
Need for Speed Most Wanted | EA - Q1 2013
LEGO City: Undercover | Nintendo - Early 2013
Pikmin 3 | Nintendo - Q2 2013
Wii U (eShop Downloads):
Funky Barn | Tantalus - 6th December, 2012
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition | WayForward - 6th December, 2012
Toki Tori 2 | Two Tribes - 20th December, 2012
Zen Pinball 2 | Zen Studios - December 2012
Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien | Gaijin Games - Q1 2013
Mutant Mudds Deluxe | Renegade Kid - Q1 2013
The Cave | SEGA - Q1 2013
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December 12th, 2012, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America has issued a statement to clear up some confusion over how users with faulty Wii U consoles can keep their Wii U IDs and digital content.
At present, Wii U users are unable to transfer their Network IDs between consoles, or sign in on a different console, as is possible on Xbox and PS3. Nintendo says in documentation that the use of Network IDs on "other devices" will be possible "in the future", but what if your console develops a fault before this unspecified eventuality? Nintendo says you'll need to send your console to them."Nintendo of America's repair process includes the transferring of the Nintendo Network ID to a new Wii U console if a replacement system is needed," an NOA rep told Kotaku.
As the site reports, however, this means that you should not return your faulty system to the retailer for replacement, but to Nintendo, because the firm is unable to recover your account without physical possession of the system on which it was registered.
Users are currently able to create up to Nintendo Network IDs per console.
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December 12th, 2012, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
"BSNES author and game collector Byuu has decided to put his entire collection of SNES games up for sale — at the low price of 24,999USD. The collection covers *every* game ever made for SNES, all in the original covers. From the article: 'The seller, who goes by the name "Byuu" on Reddit, says that every single game in the collection comes with its original box and approximately 85 percent of the games come with their original manuals. The collection does not include unlicensed games, and every game has been professionally cleaned and tested. "They all work perfectly," Byuu says.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/300830169972You are bidding on a complete set of every North American Super Nintendo (SNES) game ever released. This set is the result of half a decade of collecting.
All 721 games sold at retail in the United States, Canada and Mexico are included.
Also included is every single box ever released. Note that Mario-All Stars+World, Super Scope 6, and Miracle Piano did not have individual game boxes.
Also included is 605 unique game manuals, comprising 84% of all manuals. I have approximately half of the rarest manuals here, but you can see specifics below.
Also included are 400-700 white box inserts, 400-700 white usage instruction booklets, 400-700 Nintendo Power advertisement cards and posters, 300-500 registration cards, and 100 or so posters.
Also included are 26 duplicate games, 15 duplicate boxes, and 50-100 duplicate manuals.
What is *not* included is any not-for-resale, unreleased, and unlicensed games.
Please see the list below for the full inventory.
This set was built by purchasing used carts, instructions and boxes from countless sellers. The conditions of each item vary, as indicated by the below list.
I have made an effort to ensure that the most desirable carts have intact labels. Any boxes that had seriously damaged front or back artwork were replaced. This is where most of the duplicates come from. But by no means is this a pristine set. We are talking about used games more than 20 years old. There will be creases, there will be folds, there will be finger smudges. The list below shows you the conditions for each item I have.
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December 13th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
It's Christmas, a time traditionally associated with joy, happiness and generosity of spirit. Currently available only in Canada, one might consider the Wii Mini something of a festive gift from Nintendo: a complete console package for just $99 CAD - that's around £63 GBP, or just over $100 in US dollars. Unfortunately, behind the attractive price-point we find a hardware proposition that reeks of the kind of spite and mean-spiritedness that Ebeneezer Scrooge would be proud of. This is a savagely compromised version of the original hardware that we can only recommend to the least discerning of gamers.
That said, we can imagine that this is exactly the audience Nintendo has in mind for the new revision of the console. With the console in hand, we find a machine designed with durability in mind: the plastics are rough to the touch with a matte finish that should defy scratching, giving the impression of a brick-like, weighty, child-proof piece of hardware. It's an impression backed up by Nintendo's chosen colour scheme - bright red on charcoal-black - making it look like a younger child's "my first games console".
Bundled in the box is everything you need to get going: the traditional Wii staples such as the sensor bar, power supply, AV cable and a rather spiffing, very Christmassy bright red Wiimote Plus (in matching rubber sleeve) with matching Nunchuk. Aside from the instruction manual, that's your lot, but it's all you need for the vast majority of the titles out there. Support is included for some additional Wii add-ons including the Balance Board, but beyond that, any semi-serious user is going to annoyed and frustrated by the sheer lack of functions and expandability offered by the new hardware.
We already know about the headline omissions of course: the slot-loading DVD drive has been removed in favour of a flip-top effort, while the legacy GameCube ports found on the original Wii hardware are gone, meaning that there's no chance of running vintage games on the new device (even though the optical drive can accommodate them easily enough). We would bemoan the resultant inability to use the brilliant GameCube pad for Virtual Console retro titles, but of course the Wii Mini has no VC or WiiWare support at all, owing to the removal of WiFi hardware. Nintendo presumably rationalised that it would not recoup the hardware cost of the board from eShop sales, so decided to omit it altogether in order to hit that $99 price-point - but it didn't stop there.
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December 13th, 2012, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Network Premium, the reward scheme for Wii U Premium owners, has gone live in the UK. (We're a few days late realising this, but thought it was still worth pointing out).The scheme allows those with a Premium Wii U bundle to earn a £5/€5 eShop voucher when they collect 500 points.These points are awarded when buying games, DLC and other content from the Wii U eShop. You'll get eight points per £1 spent, meaning you'll be eligible for your £5 voucherafter spending £62.50.It's a little less than the ten per cent back originally promised, but still a nice reward for those with the Premium bundle.Owners can now log in and check their points balance. All purchases to date will count and should be recorded.We just tried it ourselves and are a little confused by Nintendo's maths. We got 92 points for downloading Trine 2 (currently on sale at £10.99, usual price £13.99, although the site is telling us we paid £9.24). Our best guess is that Nintendo has given us points for the full price game - but with VAT removed. Let us know in the comments if you've had a similar experience.If you haven't yet bought anything on the eShop you won't be able to access the service. Those who have bought an item may have to wait up to 24 hours for access to be granted.
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December 14th, 2012, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster

Casemodding has moved far beyond the old portabalized Ataris and NESes of only a few years ago. Now, the new hotness is more modern consoles including the GameCube, Dreamcast, and the venerable N64. Two N64 case mods rolled into our tip line over the past few days, and we can’t think of a better display of case fabrication and console modification than these two.
First up is [Travis]‘s N64 handheld. The case was constructed out of a sheet of ABS plastic with Bondo used to make everything sleek and smooth. There’s a 7″ display in this handheld as well as two LiIon batteries able to provide up to three hours of play time. The fit and finish on this build is spectacular, a testament to [Travis]‘ patience and Bondo skills.
Next up is a very very tiny build claiming to be the smallest N64 portable. It’s the work of [bud] and is barely larger than an N64 cartridge. Inside is a 3.5 inch screen and enough LiPos to provide about 2 hours of gaming time. Unlike other (larger) builds, [bud] put the cartridge slot on the outside of the case allowing the cartridge to stick out at a 90 degree angle.
Both very awesome builds that really show off what can be done with a lot of sanding and body filler. You can check out the videos for each casemod after the break.
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December 14th, 2012, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Ubi marketer Tony Key talks about keeping Just Dance fresh and why it's like an annual sports franchise
Just Dance 4 has been one of the top sellers this holiday season, continuing its reign as the top dance title. According to Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key, the company invests a lot of time and effort into keeping the Just Dance brand relevant.
“Traditionally, that older male is the bread and butter of the industry and so many games are targeting that demographic, and we target it too, but if you want to do something different, find blue water and take risk, you have to think a little differently. Things like Just Dance don't come around very often, but at the end of the day, it takes tremendous effort to reach that non-standard audience. We have to spend considerable time with retailers for people who are not explicitly looking for games, so you have to reach outside the game industry to be successful. You have to have visible PR at Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien and Ellen DeGeneres for that outer circle of gamers, people who don't hear about games until they've released. This is the fourth try in keeping Just Dance relevant and we think we've gotten pretty good at it.”
Some would look at the tack that Ubisoft has taken with the Just Dance series and worry that they will wear out the franchise the way Activision did with Guitar Hero. Key, however, was emphatic that that Ubisoft would not let it happen, and compared its annualized nature to that of a sports game franchise.
"When Guitar Hero was able to bring people in, it was good for everyone in the industry, and the same goes for Wii Sports, Wii Fit and now Just Dance"
Tony Key
“Not publishing Just Dance 4 would be leaving money on the table... we believe in it and we feel like there's no reason we shouldn't do it. So it's about annualizing it. It's about making it the top dance game for yet another year,” detailed Key. “[Just Dance is] a reflection of what's happening in pop culture - as it evolves, so does the brand. Just Dance always has the best new music every year."
"I would rather not compare it to Guitar Hero; Just Dance is about the latest trends, and Guitar Hero is about great classic rock. I'd rather compare it to a sports franchise - every entry evolves the franchise and changes the roster, and that's what Just Dance does, and every year we're successful. It's not burnout we're worried about and we put a lot of work into keeping it fresh. It's more a console tradition now and we're the number one selling game on Kinect. So long as motion control is used on consoles, I think there's a place for Just Dance.”
Just Dance is a casual console game during a time when console games are becoming increasingly more hardcore. Key notes that by having games that appeal to a broad spectrum of gamers, it's better for the console business as a whole.
“The casual and less-core gamer is part of the ebb and flow of the industry. When Guitar Hero was able to bring people in, it was good for everyone in the industry, and the same goes for Wii Sports, Wii Fit and now Just Dance. When hardware transitions occur, it shrinks the business, and it's important to expand it again and doing so comes in part from capturing the hearts and minds of casual gamers. It would be a shame to relegate them to free-to-play and mobile... there's nothing wrong with those systems but there's no reason we can't have that experience on consoles as well.”
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December 14th, 2012, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
New digital downloads for US Nintendo gamers this week includes a few demos to grab for free.
Wii U owners can get free trials for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and Rayman Legends, while 3DS owners can play a snippet of 'Adventure Time: Hey Ice King Why'd you steal our garbage?!!'.Here's this week's full downloads list:
3DS eShop
- Crimson Shroud - $7.99
LEVEL-5 and Yasumi Matsuno have brought together the industry's most venerated creators in the world of RPGs to take up the challenge and lend their support to the production of CRIMSON SHROUD. A tribute to the table-top RPG, crucial decisions hinge on the roll of a die. Players roll dice in real time and chain skills together to earn bonus dice of greater and greater face value. Use your dice strategically though, or your foes may yet get the best of you!
- Adventure Time: Hey Ice King Why'd you steal our garbage?!! DEMO - Free
This is the first video game based on the radical, Emmy nominated Cartoon Network show about Jake, a wise dog with a big kind heart, and Finn, a silly kid who wants more than anything to become a great hero.
Wii U eShop
- Sonic & All-Star Racing Transformed DEMO - free
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is changing the rules with a new thrilling racing experience featuring Sonic the Hedgehog and a fantastic cast of SEGA All-Stars competing across land, sea and air in vehicles that fully transform from cars, to boats, to planes.
- Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition - $59.99
Developed by WB Games Montreal, Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition is the enhanced version of the award-winning blockbuster videogame created by Rocksteady Studios. The Wii U version delivers the same impactful story and gameplay as the original title, this time with enhanced gameplay mechanics and features made possible with the Wii U and the Wii U GamePad.
Also New This Week
Rayman Legends - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Art of Balance TOUCH! - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Ninja Gaiden (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Gardenscapes (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Meat or Die: Linda (Nintendo Video on Nintendo 3DS)
Chuck E. Cheese's Alien Defence Force (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Rytmik: World Music Edition (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Zombie Skape (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Real Bout Fatal Fury (Virtual Console for Wii)
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December 14th, 2012, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
In less than two years the 3DS has sold more in Japan than the PS3 has in over six years.
According to Media Create (via Nintendo Life), Nintendo's latest portable sold 211,499 units between 3rd December and 9th December, bringing its cumulative total to a whopping 8,799,378. Conversely, the PS3 has only sold 8,716,260 units in Japan.This is especially impressive when one notes that the 3DS only came out in March of last year, whereas the PS3 debuted in November 2006.The 3DS's prime portable competitor, the Vita, has failed to catch on in Sony's homeland where it only shifted 11,039 units last week. Comparatively, its eight year old single analogue stick predecessor surpassed it with 19,637 units sold.The only platform to topple the 3DS last week was the Wii U, which moved 308,142 units between its Japanese launch on 8th December and the cut-off period for this week's report on the 9th.Below is the full chart on Japan's hardware sales last week. Lifetime sales are in parenthesis. - Nintendo Wii U - 308,142 (308,142)
- Nintendo 3DS - 211,499 (8,799,378)
- PlayStation 3 - 36,994 (8,716,260)
- PSP - 19,637 (19,488,236)
- PlayStation Vita - 11,039 (1,074,621)
- Nintendo Wii - 6,714 (12,608,700)
- Xbox 360 - 1,216 (1,608,399)
- PlayStation 2 - 904 (21,829,112)
- Nintendo DS - 424 (32,875,469)
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December 16th, 2012, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
 Wii U’s principal innovation, the GamePad controller, manages to meet both accessible and social design goals. It has a friendly, unintimidating design, and although it seems to have been designed for a child, Nintendo clearly also had older gamers in mind. With approximately one billion touchscreen smartphones and tablets already in use, it builds upon a familiar interaction metaphor. The large touchscreen is not only accessible but also offers the potential of a different view on the game world, allowing new singleplayer and multiplayer experiences. But what will those experiences be?
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December 16th, 2012, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has released the first proper gameplay footage for Dragon Quest VII on 3DS.
The publisher confirmed back in October that the remake of PSone classic was in development with special enhancements for 3DS, due for release in Japan on February 7.ArtePiazza, who has previously worked on DS remakes of classic DQ games, is handling development on the 3DS title, renamed Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden (according to reported translations).
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December 19th, 2012, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Thieves have made off with over 7,000 Wii U consoles worth approximately $2.1 million.
According to ABC News, the heist took place at around 9pm on Saturday, December 15, when robbers pulled into a Seattle-based air cargo warehouse with two large trucks, and used forklifts to load them up with pallets of Wii U units.The heist went unnoticed until noon the following day when employees turned up to see empty crates where Nintendo consoles should be, says the report.
Local authorities have confirmed that the missing units were the new Wii U console, and at $300 per unit the police are dealing with a heist worth over $2 million.
"If we don't get any tips ahead of time, it will be the selling of these consoles that will lead to their capture," said a Sgt. Cindy West to ABC. "It's gonna be pretty hard to hide 7,000 Wii game consoles."
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December 19th, 2012, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U video aggregation feature goes live in US and Canada tomorrow; TiVo and Netflix integration pushed to 2013
[h=3]Nintendo of America[/h]
One of Nintendo's key selling points for the Wii U is ready to go live, as the company today announced its TVii service will launch in the US and Canada tomorrow. However, some aspects of the service won't go live until early next year.
TVii is a video content aggregation feature, allowing users to access services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video-on-Demand from their Wii U, with additional second-screen features enabled by the system's GamePad controller. Nintendo has also partnered with cable and satellite TV providers to allow their subscribers to view channels and programs through the console. The service will also feature a social layer, so users can post about what they're watching on Facebook, Twitter, or the Wii U's own Miiverse.
Initially, the TVii feature will only feature cable and satellite provider integration, with US users also getting to access their Amazon Instant Video and Hulu Plus accounts. Early next year, Nintendo expects to integrate Netflix and TiVo functionality into TVii for its US-based customers, although Netflix is already accessible through a dedicated Wii U application. TVii is a free feature of the Wii U, but customers will still need to be paying subscribers to any cable or video services they want to use.
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December 20th, 2012, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo DSi & DSi XL users please attention!
The lasted DSi 1.4.5X update has been proved blocks many flash cards.The following flashcarts have been confirmed to be compatible with the firmware 1.4.5
R4i Gold 3DS Card - r4ids.cn
r4ids.cn confirmed the R4i Gold 3DS with lasted Wood R4 Can work for DSi 1.4.5 by upgrade the fimware patch
R4i SDHC 3DS Card - r4i-sdhc.com
R4I SDHC 3DS support DSi 1.4.5 system running
Supercard DStwo
Supercard DStwo work on DSi 1.4.5 well ,please update the firmware 1.19 by following the official guide page.
Warning:Other flashcarts,like R4i SDHC 1.4.4,M3i zero,AK2i etc do not support DSi 1.4.5 system currently,please do not update your DSi system until you make sure your flashcart has been updated to 1.4.5 already.
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December 21st, 2012, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
 Nintendo TVii is now available on Wii Us in North America, arriving right on time with Nintendo's 24-hour window of "December 20." The service -- which promises to unify the console's disparate media services under a single application, dubbed "TVii" -- doesn't yet support the promised TiVo or Netflix integration it was announced with, but the former issaid to arrive in January, while the latter is expected in "early 2013." To start using it, just turn on your Wii U and select Nintendo TVii -- if you're already all up in Acorn Plains with your Raccoon Suit on, just head into the Home menu. Also, maybe take off that Raccoon Suit you're wearing before the family gets home.
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December 21st, 2012, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo TVii is scheduled for arrival on North American Wii U consoles at some point today, but it's lacking a few key features Nintendo promised when the service was first revealedback in September. Most notably, TiVo support was delayed until "early 2013," though Nintendo of America Director of Network Business Zach Fountain reveals a January launch in the first ever "Reggie Asks" (headlined by ... you guessed it, Nintendo of America president / interviewer Reggie Fils-Aime).Nintendo TVii's co-developer i.TV, represented in the interview by company head Brad Pelo, confirms our fear that TiVo DVRs will be the only supported DVR in the near future on the Wii U. Pelo thankfully adds, "In the future, of course, we hope to add support for other DVRs."
The group also discusses a main feature of TVii's second screen integration: "TV Tags." Beyond just viewing shows on the Wii U's GamePad controller, many shows (starting with "the top 100 shows in the US market," including sports, and evolving to integrate "what Nintendo TVii thinks is hot, what we think has momentum, and what we think our audience might find interesting") will feature social interaction and rich content (think: Miiverse-esque chat and stats for sports). Should TVii be as successful as Nintendo believes it will be, Pelo sees producers of popular television shows working with Nintendo to speak to their show's audience more directly. We're just hoping for a chance to talk about those crazy outfits Cee-Lowears on The Voice in real time on the Wii U -- let's make it happen, people!
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December 21st, 2012, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Here's this week's long list of new downloads for US Wii, Wii U, DSi and 3DS systems.
Topping the list this week is the arrival of more new Coin Rush Course packs for New Super Mario Bros. 2, and the release of Wario Land 2 on the 3DS Virtual Console.Here's the full list:
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
Wario Land 2 - In Wario Land 2, Wario must steal his treasure back from the devious Captain Syrup and the Black Sugar Gang. Scavenge for coins and treasures through multiple levels surrounding Wario's castle. Multiple paths, bonus games and creative game play await Wario as he goes on a challenging quest to find his stolen treasure. Wario Land 2 was originally released for Game Boy Color in 1999 and is now available as a Virtual Console title for the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
escapeVektor - Vektor has been trapped inside the CPU for what feels like an eternity and you are his only hope of escape. As he travels through the CPU, help him recover his memories and destroy the different enemy types sent to hunt him. There is a whole world to uncover within the CPU. Hiding away are 150 levels, 27 worlds and four unique abilities to unlock and upgrade. Online leaderboards allow you to compete against your friends. Use wildcards to double your score in each level and boost your ranking.
2 Fast 4 Gnomz - Demo Version - Join Bumb, Berzerk, Speedster and Uncle Time as they run, fly, bounce, glide and break their way through the magical lands of Gnomia to fulfill their mysterious destinies. Help them save the kingdom, find a princess and collect hundreds of precious lost socks. 2 Fast 4 Gnomz features 45 levels and four playable characters.
Nintendo Video on Nintendo 3DS
Dinosaur Office: New Year's Party - Dinosaur Office wraps up 2012 with a special Triassic period New Year's party. Don't miss a sneak preview on Nintendo Video starting Dec. 23, and the full episode beginning Christmas Day.
New Downloadable Coin Rush Course Packs
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Feel the rush with two new downloadable Coin Rush course packs. The "Mystery Adventures Pack" and "Impossible Pack" are now available for purchase from the New Super Mario Bros. 2 in-game shop.
Also new this week:
JEOPARDY! (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Wheel of Fortune (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Pilotwings Resort (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Pokémon Rumble Blast (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
3D Game Collection (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
BIT.TRIP SAGA (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
PIX3D (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Riding Stables 3D (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Anonymous Notes Chapter 3 - From The Abyss (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Cake Ninja: XMAS (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Castle Conqueror - Heroes 2 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi Shop on Nintendo DSi)
Vampire Crystals (Wii Shop Channel on Wii)
Vampire Crystals - Demo Version (Wii Shop Channel on Wii)
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December 21st, 2012, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity is the first game in the spin-off series to arrive for 3DS, and will hit store and the eShop in US on March 24.
According to the blurb, "Become one of five popular Pokémon from the fan-favorite franchise - Pikachu, Snivy, Oshawott, Tepig or Axew - and journey through infinite dungeons, battle and befriend other Pokémon, collect treasures and explore the game's vast, beautiful world".Mystery Dungeon offers up randomly generated dungeons, with items and power ups that'll change location each time a player enters them. Pokémon, items and treasure within a Mystery Dungeon will change location every time a player re-enters.
In Gates to Infinity, players can gain access to additional Mystery Dungeons through 'Magnagates'. "To open the Magnagates, players scan circular objects in the real world using the Nintendo 3DS Camera, allowing them to continue their adventure, even after they have completed the main Mystery Dungeons" explains Nintendo.
The game, which released in Japan in November 2012, will also feature wireless multiplayer. A UK release is yet to be confirmed.
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December 21st, 2012, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
3DS dominated Japanese hardware and software sales during the week ended December 16.
3DS games took six of the top ten places on the software chart and 11 of the top 20, while weekly sales of the system itself jumped by more than 100,000 units to 319,000.Second week sales of the second placed Wii U came in at 127,000 units, according to Media Create sales data republished on NeoGAF.
Software sales Dec 10 - Dec 16 (lifetime total)
- Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone - Neppuu / Raimei (3DS, Level 5) - 168.179 / New
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS, Nintendo) - 151.920 / 1.453.427
- Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS, Nintendo) - 92.363 / 221.416
- Yakuza 5 (PS3, Sega) - 82.941 / 439.698
- New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U, Nintendo) - 71.011 / 234.539
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS, Nintendo) - 70.076 / 1.571.161
- Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Super Deluxe Edition (Wii, Bandai Namco) - 69.307 / 243.917 (+18%)
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Dungeon (3DS, Pokemon Co.) - 53.529 / 266.053
- Toriko: Gourmet Monsters! (3DS, Bandai Namco) - 43.146 / New
- Nintendo Land (Wii U, Nintendo) - 41.497 / 113.618 (-42%)
Weekly hardware sales (previous week)
- 3DS - 319.025 (211,499)
- Wii U - 126.916 (308,142)
- PS3 - 42.976 (36,994)
- PSP - 33.002 (19,637)
- Vita - 14.446 (11,039)
- Wii - 10.346 (6,714)
- Xbox 360 - 1.760 (1,216)
- PS2 - 1.102 (904)
- DSi - 541 (424)
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December 21st, 2012, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
A surprise sale has popped up on the Wii U eShop, dropping the prices of three indie download games through early January.
According to the banner on the eShop front page, Trine 2 is $15.99 (normally $19.99) until January 7, Little Inferno is $9.99 until January 4, down from $14.99, and Chasing Aurora is $7.49, half off until January 3. These prices are for North America; a similar deal applies in Europe, with the addition of Puddle.
Given the extreme rarity of sale prices for WiiWare, it's a great comfort to see an eShop promotion so soon after the Wii U's launch.
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December 21st, 2012, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
More full retail games are flooding onto the 3DS eShop, including Nintendo-published games Mario Tennis Open, Pilotwings Resort, and Pokemon Rumble Blast. The best deal, however, is Bit.Trip Saga, which collects all six Bit.Trip games for $15. Game Boy Color classic Wario Land 2 is also up on 3DS today.
Meanwhile, on the Wii U eShop, this ... is ... Jeopardy! Nintendo TVii's launch date is also today, so, uh ... Jeopardy! again!
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December 26th, 2012, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
So you're the very definition of generosity and plan to put a Wii U under the tree for that special someone. Nintendo just provided a helpful tip to keep the kindness going beyond Christmas morning, if it's not too late: update that Wii U's firmware before you wrap the box. Unless the recipients are wired up with Google Fiber, they'll likely face a long wait as that 5GB patch arrives. The process will spoil the unboxingexperience, to be sure -- but so does realizing that it's another two hours before anyone can use the eShop and Netflix. Trust us, they'll thank you for it later.
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December 26th, 2012, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
 Nintendo lays claim to one of the more advanced implementations of dual-display gaming; its Panorama ViewFeature lets you move around the Wii U controller to see a different perspective than what's shown on the external TV screen. The company was just granted a patent for this very technology, and the document goes into great detail about the gyrosensors used to determine the controller's change in position. It's a lot simpler in practice than in theory -- just take a glance at the image above or peek at our hands-on demo of the concept at E3 2012 (embedded below the break).
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December 26th, 2012, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
I adore handheld gaming. I have ever since I first laid eyes on the original Game Boy in 1990. Vita and 3DS? Both day-one purchases. So it pains me to admit that my interest in dedicated portable consoles has hit an all-time low.
I've taken serious time to reflect on this, but I always come to the same conclusion; handheld consoles have lost their way.
Modern portables are just not what they used to be, or what I want them to be anymore.
I always loved handheld gaming for the convenience of portability, and I don't mean "gaming on the go" - the most overused term in handheld console marketing. I use my handhelds at home. But I don't always like to be confined to my living room TV. I enjoy gaming in the garden under the shade of my porch. I like gaming in complete ignorance of my wife's obsession with Vampire Diaries and Once Upon a Time - shows which dominate the TV for hours each week. I love gaming in bed before sleeping - that's a near nightly practice for me.But I also love portable gaming for its purity. As console games gradually became bigger, prettier, more complicated and inherently more expensive throughout the late '90s and early 2000s, portable gaming's inferior hardware forced it to remain true to the simpler origins of my lifelong hobby. I don't just mean 'old-school', but streamlined, fast, and direct.
Now, in 2012/13, we have portables that are more capable than the wildest dreams of my 12-year-old self. And having lived with them far beyond the initial honeymoon period, I really wish they weren't.
My point is, portable consoles' obsessive pursuit of "console quality gaming" has done more harm than good. It's their final attainment of this high-end performance that's ruining handhelds for what they really should be - portable, convenient and, crucially, instantly gratifying.
Let's start with that - load times. This grates on me more than any other aspect of modern portable gaming. I want to flick on my portable and I want to be playing a game within 20 seconds. I want to play a quick race during a commercial break. I want to blast through a quick mission while I wait for my wife to apply the finishing touches to her hairdo. Nevermind the scenario, I just don't want to bloody wait.
Yet it takes a hair under a minute to get to gameplay in Resident Evil: Revelations on 3DS. And no less than a minute and 28 seconds to get Vita from standby mode - not even full shutdown...standby - to actual gameplay in Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation. A minute and a fricking half.
I know, I know... huge open world, high-res textures - it's all 'triple-A'. I get it. Truly impressive on a machine that size, too. That much is undeniable. But this is exactly my point. I sit down on the throne, fire up my Vita and I'm half-way done before I even get in-game. Sorry, but that's a fail.
All those high-end visuals have an knock-on effect in other areas, too. Namely, battery life. Unfortunately, power cell technology hasn't progressed in equivalency with the increasingly power-hungry processors of today. Admittedly, most of the time it's not a huge deal - the 2.5 to four hour battery life of the 3DS and Vita is enough to see you through your average commute, or doctor wait time."There's no denying that this is abysmal performance" However, I recently took my Vita out to a racing track day where I knew I'd spend most of my time waiting to get on track in a car. My plan was to keep busy with Vita during downtimes. I started the morning with a fully-charged Vita. It was dead before lunch.
There's no denying that this is abysmal performance. Anything less than 6 to 8 hours and battery life becomes a serious concern - especially for long journeys or extended periods without access to a power outlet. Convenient, this is certainly not, and it even calls into question the true 'portability' of these machines before we even touch on their size.
Let's talk about that though. Surely, portables should be portable, no? I mean, truly portable. 'Put them in your pocket even if you might not use them' portable. 3DS is just too big for that kind of commitment, and to call Vita portable in that regard is almost laughable. It's a brick. Early '90s mobile phone levels of heft.
You could argue that very few portable consoles have actually been pocketable over the years, and you'd be right. Game Boy was massive. Game Gear? Ha! The crucial difference is that there was nothing like Game Boy back in 1990. 'Snake' - the Angry Birds of the pre-smartphone era and the title that unintentionally kick-started mobile phone gaming - wasn't even programmed for a Nokia device until 1997, according to the official Nokia blog.
Game Boy evolved though, and it attained true portability with the brilliant GBA SP. But modern handhelds have seemingly thrown this all away in favour of high-end performance, cameras and rear touch panels.
Both Sony and Nintendo's latest machines are undoubtedly impressive bits of kit, but if I could sacrifice some of that horsepower and a few of those cameras for a console that slips neatly into my inside pocket, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I find it deeply depressing to see how complicated portable gaming has become. Retail-only games, retail games for download, download-only games, Virtual Console ports, 'HD' remakes... and even now DLC. We've got internal memory, external memory cards, cloud storage and cartridges. Fire up the machines and we have firmware updates, game patches, network IDs... the list goes on.
Now, I don't want to sound like an enemy to technological progress. I'm a tech junkie; give me all the futuristic gizmos you can make. But has it gotten to the point where this technological 'advancement' is detriment to the core values upon which the portable segment was originally created? I think it has.
And what of 'triple-A' games on handhelds? Do we really need these big, complex, multi-million dollar behemoths with their convoluted story lines, bombastic QTE sections and fancy motion-capture cutscenes on our little pocket consoles anyway? I thought I did. I've come to realise I really don't.Here's a painful admission. I am ashamed to admit that I've racked up more gaming hours on my iPhone 5 than I have on either of my dedicated portables. Wait - don't facepalm just yet. This is NOT another 'smartphones > handhelds' rant.
I said I was ashamed to admit it. Why? Because I am absolutely a hardcore gamer. Because I like me real buttons. Because I refuse to accept those monetisation apps, disguised as so-called 'social games', as valid forms of gaming. And, crucially, because I am passionately against the notion that smartphone gaming is rendering dedicated portables obsolete in any way.
On the contrary, if dedicated portables are dying, I believe the blame is with their creators having lost sight of what portables should be.
So how can I, a thoroughbred hardcore gamer, have spent more time jabbing away at games on my button-less phone than playing, say, Resident Evil Revelations or Uncharted: Golden Abyss on my expensive portables? Because iPhone serves up many of the core values and aspects of portable gaming that the dedicated portables themselves seem to have forgotten - and with its own modern-age flair.
Factor one: It IS portable. I carry my iPhone everywhere. It's always there. It's capable of visuals almost on par with Vita - and certainly sharper in terms of screen resolution - yet all that tech fits into a profile so thin I forget its even in my pocket. I'm committed to gaming enough to carry my phone in one pocket and a handheld in the other, but as discussed earlier, not when said handheld is bulkier than Bill Gate's wallet.
Factor two: The lack of buttons is often touted as the iPhone's biggest disadvantage, yet it's this very thing that forces (good) iOS developers to streamline their ideas and be creative. There are some fantastic iOS games out there, some, full-fat adventures that are insane to imagine could even exist on a phone, others so ingenious in their simplicity that they nail those core portable values with quick, instant-fun.
And I'm not strictly in opposition to on-screen buttons either - I'm 10 hours into GTA: Vice City and having a blast. Plus the phone's motion controls, multi-point touch and always-connected capabilities only help to promote creativity in game design.
Factor three: Continuous and near-instant access to new games. Anywhere, anytime. I actuallyenjoy browsing the recently much-improved App store for games, and Apple's clear focus on gaming on the store has only helped this. The fact is, on the occasions when I've fancied playing a new game, I've got one on iPhone within minutes.
Factor four: The games are, on whole, very cheap. I'm never usually one to complain about the cost of video games since I believe £50 for anything more than 12 hours of entertainment is good value for money. But I've come to appreciate the joys of snagging a fairly full-featured game for under £6. Real games too - not cheap mini games.
Arguably, the 3DS' eShop and Vita's PSN offerings provide much of the low-cost, quick-hitting, streamlined experiences I've discussed through much of this piece, but these digital-only corners of Nintendo and Sony's consoles are not the focus of Sony or Nintendo's platforms. On 3DS and Vita, the more compact digital games are almost like the b-team offerings of the consoles' lineup. An underground, back-alley scene - left to a cast-away collection of small indie developers to provide these experiences, many in their infancy as game designers. Sure, games like Pullblox are an occasional 'me-too' performance from a big-name in-house developer, but these are few and far between.I want dedicated gaming portables to go back to doing the job they were originally created to do, with only the mod-cons that'd enhance their offerings, not hinder them.
And so it's here that I declare my undying love for one handheld that - almost - got it dead right. If you focus on form factor, performance and sheer usability, one portable outshines them all.
I love the PSP Go.
It was expensive. Holy shit, that thing was it overpriced. And that's what killed it. But the PSP Go, in my view, struck the perfect balance of performance and functionality versus compactness and convenience. It was small - easily small enough to slip into a pocket. Yet it was capable of decent 3D visuals (Ridge Racer still looks great), awesome 2D (Metal Slug, anyone?), and it had all the buttons a portable needs.
It wasn't perfect, but it was headed in the right direction. My dream portable would look just like the PSP Go. Four years of modern advancements would surely see it get a touch screen, more internal memory, a slightly faster CPU than the 333Mhz one that was in it, and a cellular data connection. Probably. And I'd take all that in the same slim casing.
But more than all that, I'd want to see good, honest, portable games. Not 'console-quality' or 'triple-A' - just portable games in all their instantly-gratifying glory.
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December 27th, 2012, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
WiiEarth allows you to use your Wiimote to navigate (and zoom-in on) the Earth, using Google Maps and similar services. You can switch between viewing with OpenStreetMap, Live (Maps, Satellite) and Google (Maps, Satellite, Terrain).
Version 2.3 - New logo
- Removed non-working OpenStreetMap
- Added '1' button functionality which switches the image source back
- Compiled with latest libogc
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December 27th, 2012, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
HorvatM has released an updated version of InsmEdit, the Insmouse No Yakata Editor. Version 1.1 adds a ton of new stuff:
Quote:*** What's new in this version ***
This version adds new features, such as level time editing and support for IPS patches. It also fixes bugs and improves the user interface.
Files created with version 1 will work normally with version 1.1. However, if a file saved in version 1.1 that includes starting position resources is edited and saved in version 1, starting directions in those resources may be lost.
The readme file has been updated to document new features. It also documents where in the Insmouse No Yakata ROM the data patched by InsmEdit is located.
The Example.imp file has also been updated to illustrate the new features.
*** Changes from version 1 ***
* IPS patch support.
* In addition to editing starting position, you can now edit the direction as well.
* You can now choose the music track played on each level.
* The layout editor can now shift layouts around the map.
* By pressing the middle mouse button or scroll wheel (whichever your mouse has), the position of the tile being pointed to in the layout editor will be remembered. You can then paste it into a starting position resource.
* The layout editor does not flicker anymore.
* Added the "Lamps" feature in the layout editor.
* Password indexes are now checked for validity. This applies to all resources that use them.
* The status of the "Grid" feature in the layout editor is preserved when editing different layouts. This also applies to the "Lamps" feature.
* The main window can now be resized.
* The readme file, if opened from within InsmEdit, will open to the right of the main window rather than over it.
* InsmEdit will now ask you whether you want to save changes to a modified patch when you choose "New" or "Open…" from the File menu.
* No more potential instability after opening a patch when a patch is already open.
* No more crash when choosing "Open…" from the File menu, then cancelling the resulting dialog box.
* No more crash when the resource limit is exceeded.
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December 27th, 2012, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
On Saturday the 8th, my colleagues and I from the development team at MeinAuto hosted one of 160 Code Retreat events that took place all over the world.
The "Global Day of Coderetreat" is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. Our task that day was to program Conway's Game of Like, a cellular automaton, or, easier put, a very simple evolution simulation, in six one hour long sessions under different preconditions, like for example using no conditional statements. After each session the code had to be thrown away to start from scratch in the next one.
The language to write in was our choice, so I decided to do something special and bring the Game of Life to the Virtual Boy.
Everything was done in pair programming, so for each sessions, I paired up with another developer and mostly worked in Java that day. In the one session I actually worked in C on a Virtual Boy version, I got it running just in time, though. Although the code was deleted in the very next moment, I was trained enough to write it again in like 20 Minutes after the event.
That particular version makes use of the Virtual Boy Virtual Image Processor's (VIP) characters and backgrounds being perfectly suited and therefore uses an array of 48x28 8x8 pixel cells. In the following days I also created a version using 4x4 pixel cells on 4 layered backgrounds and an experimental (and not fully working) one with variable sized cells that writes directly to the framebuffers instead of using the VIP. In case you want to have a look at the surprisingly small sources, here they are, including compiled binaries:
Conway's Game of Life VB (8px)
Conway's Game of Life VB (4px)
Conway's Game of Life VB (Direct Screen Draw)
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December 27th, 2012, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
"Flights of Fantasy" was a TV show dedicated to video games that was created in the mid-1990s and hosted by George Wood. Due to being broadcasted on a small Maryland public-access channel, the show was not widely known, until in the 2006, the NAViGaTR association archived the entire series, edited each episode and put it onto YouTube as renamed "Gaming in the Clinton Years".
Wood seems to have been a fan of the Virtual Boy as it was featured numerous times on the show. In episode #50 it was even predicted that the Virtual Boy would be more successful than the Playstation or the Saturn...
The team attended a few tradeshows, recording precious footage of Virtual Boy booths and demos at E3 and WCES in 1995, while most other publications did not care much about it. You can see Wood walking around the E3 show with a Nintendo spokesman while wearing a Virtual Boy cap in one episode.
Find a total of 7 videos here.
For more Flights of Fantasy you might want to check out the following Youtube channels:
Who wants to see my ...?
Flights of Fantasy TV Show
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December 28th, 2012, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster

The stockings have come down and the gifts have been unwrapped, but GameStop hasn't stopped kicking off deals for the season. The retailer's latest deals, which run now through Saturday, have Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed 3 for $39.99 each, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on sale for $49.99.
Far Cry 3 is also on sale for $49.99, and you can pick up Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier for $29.99, in addition to all of the other deals on recent and popular games. Finally, the company's offering a buy two, get one free sale on all used Wii and Nintendo DS games, and there's an ongoing promotion that will give you an extra 50 percent credit back whenever you trade any used games in. Just in case you didn't spend all your money on this year's previous sales, GameStop will be happy to help take the rest of it.
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December 28th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U is already odd, given that it's a two-screened home console with a pack-in game in which you dress your virtual self like Nintendo characters. But even on an unusual console, Knapnok Games' Spin the Bottle is one of the most unusual games to be announced. The party game uses the Wii U GamePad to issue weird physical challenges to players – and doesn't use the television.
We spoke to Knapnok designer Lau Korsgaard to determine how this weird hardware and this weird game found each other.
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December 28th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U's Basic Set is bundled withNintendo Land at Best Buy for the next few days. SideQuesting took note of the bundle, which has the basic set at the standard $299.99 price with Nintendo Land included. The sale runs until December 29.
What you'll be missing out from the Wii U's Deluxe version is the charging cradle, Wiipad stand and 32GB hard drive. Despite the free Nintendo Land, the Deluxe is better future-proofed for the extra $50.
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December 29th, 2012, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
c64-network.org is a Commodore 64 emulator written by Christian Bauer (http://frodo.cebix.net). It was ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom, and many C64 games are fully playable on the Wii with it. So go ahead and beat your friends in International Karate, Boulder Dash or Bomb Jack. This version is not the same as Troy Davis implementation, but Troys work is available in a branch in the subversion tree.
The emulator works in 480i, 480p and 576i mode. The emulation itself is not perfect, so not all games will run under Frodo. Unfortunately, I cannot do very much about this since I haven't written the emulator - just ported it. If you have multiple versions of a game, try each of them as often at least one will work.
v2.4.1 (C64-network.org)
- Compiled against libogc 1.8.11 and SDL-Wii r101
- Fixed full resolution in 576i video mode
- Fixed Restore key
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December 29th, 2012, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
davebaol publishes updated d2x cIOS's (based on Waninkoko cIOS rev21 and greatly improved / optimized) that many people expected since the release of the Wii U. Indeed, the big news is the possibility to install the cIOS backward compatibility mode on Wii Wii U (vWii). latter sees himself available in 2 versions for each console (Wii and Wii U) - version base, which has the best compatibility with virtualization NAND media at the expense of a single USB port, without plug n 'play (USB devices must be connected before launching the USB loader) - the alternative version which supports two USB ports, a plug n 'play, at the expense of less compatibility virtualization of NAND. Please note that each console has its own versions of cIOS. DO NOT INSTALL THE VERSION ESPECIALLY DEDICATED TO THE WII ON THE WII U, AND VICE VERSA. Mixing of version might cause undesirable results (including brick). If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult the official wiki for more details. versions Wii U (vWii) require, in addition to cIOS files, the following WAD (to dump a NAND vWii): IOS56-64-v5918.wad IOS57-64-v6175. wad IOS58-64-v6432.wad The installation of cIOS (both Wii Wii U) passes, for the moment, d2x cIOS Installer by. VWii on the Wii U, we must first install the IOS236 (suitable vWii) then use an older version of the installer (2.2) by choosing as IOS236 IOS startup. davebaol should propose shortly to update the install d2x (he got to dragbe write permissions on googlecode) to allow installation of cIOS without additional manipulation ... FIX94 offered his help for this. For version Wii, the installer 3.2FR work without problem. cIOS The archive will always be decompressed as it is in the same directory as the executable ! both versions below should be used ONLY on Wii: d2x cIOS v10 Beta52 d2x cIOS v10-alt ! both versions below should be used ONLY on Wii U (retro-compatibility mode Wii): d2x cIOS v10 Beta52 (vWii) d2x cIOS v10 alt-beta53 (vWii) Hacking Wii U reaches today a new overcome with support for USB loaders Part backward compatibility Wii. The next step will be to hack the Wii U Part strictly speaking, and all eyes are turning to the fail0verflow team ... Official website: http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios/
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December 29th, 2012, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Following the release of d2x cIOS vWii V10 Compatible (Wii mode on Wii U), it will not take long for FIX94 (main developer of wiiflow for those who do not know) to offer us a modified version of the installer originally developed by dragbe . installer This change will greatly simplify the installation of cIOS d2x on vWii since sailed with him all the patches required for installation without recourse to any IOS third party (eg 236 ). So just unzip the folder d2x-cios-install the archive in the apps directory of your SD card, so how to decompress the archive d2x vWii V10 in the same directory as the installer then you leave guide. REMEMBER, the d2x cIOS, from v10, now comes in two versions: one for the Wii, the other mode vWii the Wii U. It is important not to mix in a possible risk of brick. d2x cIOS To retrieve the v10 goes well, it happens here . PLEASE NOTE: modified installer does not need WAD of IOS 56, 57 and 58. It goes directly to those installed natively in vWii. d2x cIOS Installer 2.2 Mod
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December 29th, 2012, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Some time ago, we newsé an article about a possible hack of the Nintendo 3DS, without more information though. Similar to hack Wii U, we conducted our short survey and we came across several things that can leave quite interesting think that hack 3DS is in preparation and this for a while already. A hacker with the nickname Neimod currently working on a homemade dumper RAM, it managed to desolder the RAM chip original and then replace by a board configuration includes a custom RAM. The console is able to start with the installation. Here are some pictures of the work Neimod, which let's face it, is very impressive: On this we can see that the RAM chip was desoldered and dozens of son were welded to connect the power board.
We found other photos, leaving Neimod discover that its 3DS has several tests.
The photo below is a 3DS connected to a FPGA board thus permitting the 3DS -> PC.
According to a comment left with the picture , it also constitutes a 3DS unmodified, except at the card reader (SLOT1) to gain access to the connections of the chip.
(As you can see from the first pictures, the card reader has SLOT1 games been desoldered the chip RAM lying beneath it).
If you have more information about it, do not hesitate to contact us to share it! pictures Neimod Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos / neimod
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December 29th, 2012, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/wood-firm...update.339813/
Merry Christmas from The Goblin and Another World! Important Distinction
Now, there are so many fake Wood R4 versions which have nothing to do with me. Only Wood R4 for the original R4, R4i Gold (r4ids.cn), R4iDSN (r4idsn.com), and AK RPG are supported by me. I can only fix bugs for these specific releases. Do not post bug reports or ask for updates for clone cards running a fake version of Wood.
Change Log said: Compatibility: - 'apprends avec pokemon a la conquete du clavier (france)' fixed.
R4i Specific: - rts still in beta stage.
- soft-reset in rts menu now works.
- fixed sound trash after back from rts menu in many games.
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December 29th, 2012, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/
Patrik Rak has updated ZXDS, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator, to version 1.1.0. See the change log for what's new in this edition, and be sure to check out the project page and developer's blog for more details about the progress of this DS homebrew. Change Log (12/20/12) said: + Custom ROMs support. See roms/readme.txt for more info.
+ IF2 ROMs and 48k/128k ROMs can be loaded directly in load requester.
+ Both SZX and Z80 snapshots now support custom ROMs as well.
+ TR-DOS/Beta Disk support for all models, not only Pentagon.
Simply choose the model or reset the machine while a disk is loaded.
You can also autoboot any disk with current model by using R+A.
+ Beta 128 in 48k mode responds even to the standard Beta 48 entry points.
This makes both Beta 128 and many Beta 48 programs work at the same time.
+ True Beta 48 mode can be enabled with proper beta48.rom (such as TK90X's CBI95 ROM).
+ Added NMI aka Magic button - becomes useful with some custom ROMs.
+ Added custom keyboards for more games as well as one for more comfortable text typing.
+ Added Virtual TR-... View full quote+ Custom ROMs support. See roms/readme.txt for more info.
+ IF2 ROMs and 48k/128k ROMs can be loaded directly in load requester.
+ Both SZX and Z80 snapshots now support custom ROMs as well.
+ TR-DOS/Beta Disk support for all models, not only Pentagon.
Simply choose the model or reset the machine while a disk is loaded.
You can also autoboot any disk with current model by using R+A.
+ Beta 128 in 48k mode responds even to the standard Beta 48 entry points.
This makes both Beta 128 and many Beta 48 programs work at the same time.
+ True Beta 48 mode can be enabled with proper beta48.rom (such as TK90X's CBI95 ROM).
+ Added NMI aka Magic button - becomes useful with some custom ROMs.
+ Added custom keyboards for more games as well as one for more comfortable text typing.
+ Added Virtual TR-DOS games and ZX AAA demos sites to servers.cfg.
* Pressing Start twice upon startup now takes you to the last used files view.
* Few subtle changes (save slot media loading, ROM launch stats).
* Little optimizations (Z80 core, sound generation, normal speed load mode).
* Subtle emulation improvements (authentic SCF/CCF, MEMPTR and AY white noise).
* Minor bugfixes (grayscale border, step direction bit).
! Merry Christmas.
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December 29th, 2012, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/?page=2
Long-time GBAtemp member and store owner OzModChips recently tweeted a picture that got our community excited: a powered-on Nintendo 3DS console displaying a message - "WE HACKED IT!". The information has been confirmed by various sceners among which crediar. You may notice that the 3DS top screen is fully lit which confirms that this isn't just some NDS homebrew. The author of this hack is reportedly the well-known scener yellows8; he also stated that the hack was possible through a game save exploit (he did not mention which game though).
So, what do you think? Are we going to be getting 3DS homebrew anytime soon?
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December 29th, 2012, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES/GBA/GB/Lynx/PC Engine/PC-FX/Wonderswan/Genesis/SNES/VirtualBoy/PS1 emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Improved PS1 emulation.
- Linux joystick code is now less strict about proper device permissions.
- Reduced SNES/SFC input latency by 1 video frame.
- Added optional CD disc image memory caching feature, controlled by the "cd.image_memcache" setting.
- Resolved a problem with the NES/Famicom sound emulation code that could cause extreme CPU usage under certain conditions when emulating a game that has expansion chip sound(for example, FDS games).
File: Download
News source: http://forum.fobby.net
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December 29th, 2012, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/DSblog.html
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! To celebrate Xmas, Raiden Legacy for Android is now on sale (40% off) until December 27th! Get it now from Google Play!
I have a two week Xmas vacation starting now, and during this time I plan to make up my mind about what I will do with DSx86. At the moment it looks like it might make sense to port DSx86 to Android. I looked at the various x86 emulators available for Android, and there does not seem to be a free and fast version available. There is a free aDosBox, which however is not optimized for Android at all, so it runs really slow. The other DosBox ports and other x86 emulators seem to not be free, so there might be room for a free DSx86 port. My port should be considerably faster than aDosBox (and might even be faster than the commercial ports), but it will most likely lack in compatibility. But in any case there seems to exist a niche where my x86 emulator might fit into nicely.
Another interesting hardware for porting DSx86 to would be Raspberry Pi. It is considerably slower than current Android devices, so there would be a greater demand for a fast x86 emulator. This device would also need no keyboard (or mouse) emulation via touchscreen, so I would not need to spend time working on those. This device runs Linux (which is not all that far removed from the Android platform), so it might also be possible to target both Android and Raspberry Pi (and possibly even other Linux-based hardware running on an ARM processor) using mostly the same emulator core.
In any case, the first step would be to rewrite all hardware-specific stuff (mostly timer and interrupt-related) in DSx86 to be compatible with an underlying operating system that prohibits direct hardware access. I believe it will take me several weeks just to do that, so only after that I will need to look into actual hardware to port DSx86 to. After I make the decission, I will probably create a new subdomain and begin writing a completely new blog under that subdomain. The name of the port might be something like ax86 (for Android) or Pix86 (for Raspberry Pi) or something similar.
Happy New Year to all of you reading this blog, next year I will probably have something more specific to tell about the future of DSx86. :-)
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December 29th, 2012, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=12219
As you may or may not know, WinterMute is the developer behind devkitPro - the home of libnds, libogc and many other libraries used in the great majority of homebrew we use on a daily basis. Without him, there's no telling how homebrew on our beloved devices would look like, and he continues to update the toolchain free-of-charge for all the avid programmers and homebrew lovers to enjoy. He's also the author of DSi Savegame Exploits without which flashcart-based DSi Mode homebrew would've never seen the light of day. Thing is, he's looking for employment.
WinterMute is disabled, diagnosed with Dysthymic Disorder - this automatically makes the task more difficult for him. For quite some time, he was wondering whether or not he could turn devkitPro into his dream job, and now it would seem that this dream is close to becoming a reality. The kit will always remain free - that much is certain, but with a little help from the community, WinterMute will be able to become self-employed and receive additional grants from the government.
If you wish to know more, follow this link and if possible, help the guy out by dropping a few coins into his ChipIn embedded into this post or available on the devkitPro's homepage - the goal isn't all that large, and a token of appreciation for all his hard work is more than well-deserved.
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December 29th, 2012, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=12212

It appears to be that the 3DS has been hacked. GBAtemp member OzModChips recently tweeted a picture that shows a powered-on Nintendo 3DS console displaying a message - "WE HACKED IT!". The information has been confirmed by various scene members among which crediar and yellows8. yellows8 also stated that the hack was possible through a game save exploit (he did not mention which game though).
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December 29th, 2012, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
via http://ndssstactics.drunkencoders.co...seiya-tactics/
Hello Everybody,
Here is my new projcet : NDS Saint Seiya Tactics, an ambitious tactical RPG game based on the famous saint seiya series.
I have been a big fan of Saint Seiya for a very long time, it started when I was 6 years old, so really a long time ago 
I also loved one video game series in my childhood : the Shining Force series.
Combining these 2 passions is a dream that I have been working on for some years first on GBA and now on DS : the project Saint Seiya Tactics.
Hope you can encourage me on it, as I am working alone for this project.
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December 29th, 2012, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
The following applications have been added/updated:
17 December 2012
- 1bitInvaders v2.1 -> v2.2
- Avoidance v1.1 -> v1.3
- Bolt Thrower v0.7 -> 0.71
- Cherophobe v0.9 -> v1.2
- Cubicle Shooter City v0.1
- Elongated Reptile v0.1 -> v0.2
- FBZX Wii v5.0 -> v6.0
- GCMM v1.3 -> v1.4
- Genesis Plus v1.7 -> v1.7.3
- Goodbye World v1.1 -> v1.3
- Gravity Glide v1.2 -> 1.4
- Harmony’s Nightmare v1.1 -> v1.2
- Hero City 2 v1.2 -> v1.4
- Hypno Blast v0.2 -> v0.3
- Maze Generator v1.1 -> v1.5
- Music Painter v0.1
- Newo Asteroids v1.5
- OpenTTD v1.1.3 -> v1.2.3
- Pineapple Apocalypse RPG v1.1 -> v1.3
- Revolt Of The Binary Couriers v1.1 -> v1.3
- Sketch Fight v0.2 -> v0.4
- Texttris v1.2
- The Unmapped Forest v0.2 -> v0.3
- The Video Game v0.2 -> v0.3
- Three Point O v1.1 -> v1.3
- Toddtris v1.0 -> v1.2
- Tong v1.2
- Transitory Vectors v1.0 -> v1.1
- Two Point Five v1.1 -> v1.2
- UFO Racer v0.3 -> v3.5
- We Are Nowhere v0.2 -> v0.4
- Wii Chatter v0.2
- Wii Exhibit v0.1 -> v0.4
- Winters End v1.0 -> v1.2
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December 30th, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Project64 - a Nintendo 64 Emulator for Windows - has seen some new alpha builds for chosen testers in the holidays.
PJ64 is donationware since version 1.7: if you want to test, you have to donate money to the developers.
for the main .exe about 90% of the code now re-written from 1.6
- Changed vi refresh default from 1500 to 2200
Project64 Lots of changes (over 200 comits since last alpha)
- Advanced block linking been rewritten
- lots and lots of bug fixes
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December 30th, 2012, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...3890eda6209084
New update for WinDS PRO , PC application multi emulators including 3 for Nintendo DS ( No $ gba / DeSmuME / iDeaS ) and 2 for the Gameboy Advance ( VBA-M / VBA Link) and tools (customizable emulator / zoom / cheat / etc ...). Reminder: Uninstall the old version completely before installing the new one.
Nuevo WinDS PRO 2013
- Nuevo Skin 2013.
- Nintendo DS Nuevos trucos para los usrcheat.dat 2012.12.11 emuladores DeSmuME there NO $ Zoomer.
- DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulador para Windows 4428 32 y 64 bits.
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December 30th, 2012, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...3890eda6209084
WolfSpider conducted in August last version 0.1 of " DS Weather "application that allows you, through a wifi connection, get weather information of your city.
Hello, this is my first ever entry NEO Compo. This is a weather app for the DS Which displays the current weather conditions; like the current temperature, humidity, ect. For the MOST share everything in this app works perfectly, due to some bugs goal in the pretty much outdated libraries you may encounter Wifi A Few small bugs That may require a restart. All weather comes from Google Weather API can be found more info here. http://blog.programmableweb.com/2010/02 ... ather-api / Also, you can check out what the raw data looks like here: http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=chicago NOTE: This app will not work due to emulator was Wifi functions. I've you ever do find a DS emulator with online support then please let me know.
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December 30th, 2012, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...3890eda6209084
eglomer offers " Halguens "in its version 0.9, for the Nintendo DS MMORPG.
Halguens are a juego de rol online multiplayer estático there. In el, podemos elegir between facciones back diferentes, there dragones fénix para la guerra luchar in that mantienen tiempo desde immemorial. Between las caracter*sticas más del juego destacables tenemos: - Test the inicial para comprobar afinidad del jugador con cada Faccion. - del Actualizaciones client desde la consola (if descargan comprimidas descomprimen directamente y). - 5 armors completas para cada bando. - 25 diferentes para realizar misiones. - 4 of Niveles guarida. - 24 Guardianes (8 elementos, cada uno con 3 Guardianes). - Personajes entrenables hasta nivel 100. - donde ver el General Ranking estado de la guerra, as* como los mejores jugadores very cada of Faccion there nuestra propia posición. - posibilidad of realizar Capturas pantalla dual of that is in the guardarán carpeta 'Screenshots'. - Sistema MENSAJERIA between jugadores, independientemente ...
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December 30th, 2012, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Dolphin GLSL-master Git 3.5-292 is compiled. Dolphin GLSL-master Git is a branch of Dolphin. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.
Dolphin GLSL-master Git changelog:
* Missed a write to depth before discard in PreAlphaTest
* Beautify the generate pixel shader code
* This discard was missing in the alpha pretest area.
* Another small bit of cleanup as I'm reading it
* Very small cleanup in PixelShaderGen
* fix ubo for intel cards (also amd?)
* switch to glsl 130, more than OpenGL 3.1 isn't needed
* fix dual pass alpha
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December 30th, 2012, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Gekko Git (2012/12/29) is compiled. Gekko is an open source great Gamecube(NGC) emulator. Gekko is an experimental Nintendo GameCube (NGC) emulator started in 2006 by ShizZy and Lightning. It features a very advanced 32-bit dynamic recompiler and its own OpenGL graphics core, and is capable of booting many commercical titles.
Gekko Git Changelog:
* reenabled option to allow texture dumping, from texture_manager
* gutted original (and super old) GL2 video core from the project, the new GL3 renderer / multi-threaded video core is greatly superior in every way :-)
* removed renderer_gl2 from the project, this is old/unused code
* removed raster_font.* from the video_core, this is unused and deprecated GL
* added a utils module for utility functions to the video core, moved TGA dump function from texture_decoder to here
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December 30th, 2012, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DeSmuME SVN r4451 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Cocoa Port:
- The OpenGL 3D renderer now respects the "Rendering Threads" setting.
- Display output now auto-configures whether to run video filters in single-threaded or multi-threaded mode.
- Video filters now run much better in single-threaded mode.
- Do a lot of very heavy cleanup of the video filter code.
- Fixed bug in the UI where the HQ4xS option didn't work correctly in the user preferences.
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December 30th, 2012, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Super Mario Bros. 3 will be available for ¥500 on Japan's 3DS Virtual Console next Tuesday, January 1, Nintendo has announced. No announcement has been made regarding whether the port will ever see the light of day on North American and/or European shores, but the fact that it exists at all is a good sign.
New Years is a big deal in Japan, so it's not surprising that Nintendo would digitally re-release one of the most beloved games in its back catalogue to celebrate. As cool of a gesture as that is, though, we feel it lacks the flair and panache displayed by the game's original unveiling, as seen above.
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