December 11th, 2018, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's absence already looms large over the 2019 Electronic Entertainment Expo, and the event's still six months away. While the Entertainment Software Association trade show has lost one of the "big three" platform holders for the year, it doesn't need to be overly concerned that one of the others will follow suit.
Speaking with IGN, Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime stressed that E3 is still a crucial part of the company's plans.
"E3, those five days, is the opportunity for the world to find out what's new for video games as entertainment," Fils-Aime said. "And during that time, we generate more engagement than...whether it's CES or Comic-Con, or other big entertainment events. People tune in to find out what's new and to have first playable experiences for our industry. That's why E3 is important to Nintendo."
However, Fils-Aime also noted that things change. Nintendo in particular has changed the way it participates at E3, skipping its stage show/media briefing in recent years in favor of a pre-recorded Nintendo Direct-style video released at a set time.
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December 11th, 2018, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Digital Extremes has announced that its third-person shooter Warframe reached one million downloads on the Nintendo Switch, less than three weeks after its launch on the platform.
Warframe has seen a strong year despite being a nearly six-year-old game that got off to a rough start. Last month, the game saw a new record concurrent user peak on Steam, seeing over 132,000 players at a time. Currently, the game has been holding a steady average of 50,000 average concurrent players on PC alone.
The game is free-to-play, with microtransactions to support it. Earlier this year on its anniversary, the game had seen 38 million players across all platforms.
Though Digital Extreme did not specify when the cut-off for the milestone was, the game's Switch version likely saw an increase in downloads after a trailer debuted at The Game Awards last night.
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December 11th, 2018, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
As it has been wont to do over the years, Nintendo has saved a blockbuster release for the final few weeks of the year, this time in form of the grandly titled Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
Unveiled at E3 earlier this year, this generation's entry in the long-running beat-'em-up crossover series positions itself as the definitive Smash Bros experience, featuring every fighter from previous entries -- plus a cavalcade of new faces.
In his Eurogamer review, in which he awards Ultimate the coveted Essential rating, Martin Robinson describes the game as "an enthusiastic grab bag of gaming history, where familiar call-backs are met by deeper cuts and references to obscure NES RPG series by the beloved, departed Data East.""Nintendo Switch's big Christmas game [is] riotously good fun for anyone"
Tom Hoggins, The Telegraph
He continues: "That enthusiasm is infectious, too -- Smash Bros is, and always has been, a smile of a game, an endless festival featuring all your favourites plus a few more besides. Yes, it gets a bit messy sometimes, but the best festivals always do."
Robinson's referring not only to the range of characters, but also the plethora of stages, items, musical tracks and other references to games past -- both from Nintendo and the other developers it has allowed to share this scrappy fighting platform.
While the nods to their favourite titles have pleased many a critic, it's the sheer wealth of content that has impressed the most, with a solid mix of single-player and multiplayer modes for Switch owners to dive into.
"There is an almost bewildering amount of wonderful stuff and nonsense, making the Nintendo Switch's big Christmas game riotously good fun for anyone that cares to get involved," says Tom Hoggins in his four-star review for The Telegraph.
He continues: "The accessible but deceptively deep brawling isn't necessarily for everyone, while its kitchen-sink approach could be overwhelming for those that don't already have a commitment."
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December 11th, 2018, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
SciresM has yet again updated his CFW that brings evenj better support when it comes to auto-generating the bootup keys you need, so if you been using 0.8.1 and having issues, then its time to update yet again!
SciresM said: It's December's first June 15th today:
Atmosphere 0.8.2 has released: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atm...ases/tag/0.8.2 …
This fixes a number of bugs, including "Key Derivation Failed" errors on boot, sleep mode compatibility with debugmode=1, and 1.0.0 compatibility.
Click to expand...
Please remember if/when Nintendo releases v6.3.0 or any update to their v6.2.0 firmware, NOT to UPDATE until its verified this 'TSEC exploit' is still possible, because once it blocked, it will be very tough for any CFW author to move forward in releasing new updates!
NEWS SOURCE: @SciresM (via) Twitter
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/a...support.49932/
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December 12th, 2018, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Ultimate sold more than 1.2 million units in three days in Japan, according to data from the Famitsu sales tracker.
Famitsu's data indicated that the latest first-party exclusive for the Nintendo Switch sold 1.24 million units between December 7 and 9. The figure is all the more impressive for not including digital copies of the game.
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December 12th, 2018, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is confident of hitting its high unit sales forecast for the Switch, according to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, but any shortfall will be balanced by historic levels of user revenue.
The company's target for Switch sales this fiscal year is 20 million units, contributing to a 38 million target for the two years since the console launched. However, at the end of the September quarter, the Switch had sold just under 23 million, leaving a significant deficit to be made up before the end of March 2019.
That picture has caused a loss of faith within the investment community, but NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime told Forbes that Nintendo remains on course to reach its own lofty goals.
"We're feeling confident in our momentum and it's not just a stellar launch of Pokémon, it's not just what appears to be a stellar launch for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate," he said. "That Black Friday through Cyber Monday time frame was critically important to us, the remaining shopping days now through Christmas are critically important to us.
"More days right after Christmas as consumers receive gift cards or take unwanted gifts and monetize into things like Nintendo Switch are important to us."
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December 12th, 2018, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Just following up after releasing Super F1 Circus 2 in English, an English translation patch for Super F1 Circus 3 is now available and ready to play! All the dialogues and menus are completed to make the game more easy to enjoy. Enjoy the F1 racing with the release of part 2 and part 3 of the F1 Circus series!
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December 12th, 2018, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Here is an announcement for the release of our patch on Super F1 Circus 2 which is now fully playable in English. For anyone who enjoys F1 top down view racing games, this is one to try out. Now players can navigate through the menus with ease and play without any language barriers as you customize your F1 machine to win!
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December 12th, 2018, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
It’s been almost 30 years since the original Dragon Warrior was released for the NES in North America. But, what if Dragon Warrior never existed and the game was localized as Dragon Quest in English like it is now from the start? By porting the script from Square-Enix’s official mobile release, that dream is now reality. With rom expansion, the script is now double in size. All the monster, spell, and item names are updated to modern localization standards. There’s even a new logo done with the authentic font. Whether you’ve played Dragon Quest Builders or you’re used to modern Dragon Quest releases, you’ll feel right at home here now.
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December 12th, 2018, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Unfortunately, Nintendo decided not to include a video player with the Switch so if you want to watch any video on it, you’d better hope it’s available on YouTube (or the few other services like Hulu/Nico Nico that have an app for the Switch). However, that problem is being fixed by work from the homebrew scene so that you could watch anything on your Switch.
First, we got PlayerNX (without audio) and now, a video player has been integrated into NX-Shell’s code by its developer, Joel16.
Currently, the video player is at the following state: https://github.com/joel16/NX-Shell/b...s/NX-Shell.nro
via http://wololo.net/2018/12/11/switch-...6-2-0-support/
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December 12th, 2018, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
melonDS v0.7.1 is released. melonDS is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator. melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators. There are a few other emulator projects that are part of it, which you might have already heard of. Either way, check them out!
melonDS Features:
* almost-complete 2D graphics
* 3D graphics (software renderer) with texturing, alphablending, lighting
* input: keyboard and joystick, touchscreen
* backup memory
* booting from the BIOS
* resizable video output window, preserving aspect ratio of individual screens
melonDS Changelog:
As title says.
We're not showing screenshots because they wouldn't be a good medium for conveying the number of changes in this release.
The biggest change here is that the core timings were entirely renovated to try being closer to the hardware.
First of all, after several days of gruelling testing and guesswork, we were finally able to understand the GX timings, and emulate them properly for the first time. But, as we weren't gonna stop there, we also renovated the timings for DMA and memory accesses, so that both of them are closer to their hardware counterparts. DMA and ARM7 should be pretty close to perfection now, ARM9 less so but it's still more realistic.
We have also been fixing the emulator's main loop, so that the ARM9, ARM7 and system clocks shouldn't desync anymore.
All of this, with a few added optimizations, fixes a whole bunch of issues, from things flickering to audio crackling to games outright going haywire (hi RaymanDS). Your games are now running better than ever!
... or not. That's also the point of the 0.7.1 release, I want to hear about any issues caused by the timing renovation, so we can get them fixed for the epic 0.8.
We already have one such issue, all of this is causing sprite flickering in Pokémon Platinum. Quick attempts at fixing this went nowhere, so we will have to investigate this proper.
There's also a number of misc fixes. For example, the 3D glitches that showed up in Mario Kart DS were fixed, but there's already a lengthy post about this.
There's a small fix to 2D windows, nothing really noteworthy, just fixes a game that was setting up backwards windows.
The input system no longer requires a dpad to be mapped to directional keys for joystick axes to work.
The code that looks for local files (melonDS.ini, BIOS, firmware...) was modified to explicitly check the directory melonDS is in, if that is not the same as the working directory. So in these cases it will no longer fail to find its files. Also, if melonDS.ini is absent, the preferred directory for creating it is the directory melonDS is in.
And, finally, we finally got rid of the old savemem type autodetect code. Considering its complexity and the amount of failures, it was a trainwreck. So instead, now, melonDS will pull that information from the provided ROM database (romlist.bin).
Edit- If your game is still failing to save: you might have an old failed save file lying around, try deleting it. When a save file is present, melonDS determines the savemem type from the file size, so if a file is present with a wrong size, you will have to delete it.
download http://melonds.kuribo64.net/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/12/melonds-v071.html
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December 12th, 2018, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Swiss r520 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.
Swiss Changelog:
Big revision jump here since I've merged in my gui-rewrite branch which included a backend GUI rewrite to support a threaded UI amongst other fixes. There will likely be bugs in the rewritten GUI which I'll need to iron out as more people start to use it.
@Extrems changes:
Improve PAL 50Hz forcing.
@Streetwalrus changes:
Build fixes
@emukidid changes:
GUI rewritten to be threaded, will make more advanced UI functionality possible
Fix SD (non HC/XC) issues when running games
Compile with latest libOGC/devkitPPC
Fix device init issue where device size would zero out
Fix SDGecko being locked at 16MHz when it was the default device
Fix issue where pressing up/down on device select caused weird behaviour
Fix multi-game disc sizing
Fix DVD device size calculations
download https://github.com/emukidid/swiss-gc
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/12/swiss-r520.html
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December 12th, 2018, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Cemu v1.15.0e is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.15.0e Changelog:
# New in 1.15.0e:
input: Fixed gamepad show screen and mic button
# New in 1.15.0d:
gfxPacks: Added support for overwriting aoc mounted files (put files relative to /aoc/)
# New in 1.15.0c:
general: Added top center and bottom center alignment for overlay
gfxPacks: Fixed bug in expression parser
# New in 1.15.0b:
gfxPacks: Fixed error in internal path for content folder
# New in 1.15.0:
general: Added PowerPC debugger
Supported features so far:
- Disassembly and memory view
- Breakpoints and stepping
- Memory breakpoints
- Support for live patching of PPC instructions
- Partial support for symbols (Cafe OS functions are named)
- Expression support
general: Added configurable graphical overlay for displaying stats
Current available stats include:
- Cemu CPU usage
- Total CPU usage per core (global)
- Memory usage
- Drawcalls per frame
general: Minor changes to logging
general: Added debug option to dump Wii U RAM to files
PPC/JIT: Improved support for code invalidation
input: Added a low battery warning for XInput wireless controllers (Win8+ required)
input: Overhauled deadzone and axis range calculation
input: Added button threshold setting (applies if an axis is mapped to a button)
gfxPacks: Added support for file replacement via graphic packs
gfxPacks: Variables of type double are now always inserted into the shader code as a valid GLSL double
snd_core: Added API AIGetDSPSampleRate and AICheckInit
nn_acp: Fixed ACPGetNetworkTime incorrectly returning a 32bit timestamp instead of 64bit
nn_nim: Added API GetECommerceInfrastructureCountry, MakeTitlePackageTaskConfigAutoUsingBgInstallPolicy and CalculateTitleInstallSize
GX2: Added support for texture format R32_G32_UINT
download http://cemu.info/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/12/cemu-v1150e.html
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December 13th, 2018, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has said that Red Dead Redemption 2 not being available for Switch is principally down to timing.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Fils-Aime admitted that Nintendo would "love" to have Rockstar's blockbuster sequel on the Switch. However, understanding why it isn't means "an understanding of just the development process."
"Red Dead has been in development for years, time that predated any communication of Nintendo Switch," he said. "So, from the developer's mentality, they need to move forward and finish the game they've been working on and then be in a position to look at other opportunities."
Red Dead Redemption 2 earned more than $700 million in just three days on sale, and Red Dead Online is now live. As such, Rockstar may be in a position to start looking at other popular platforms.
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December 13th, 2018, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
We are pleased to let you all know that SX OS v2.4 BETA is ready for release.First of all, sorry to keep you waiting longer than we initially anticipated. We have been working around the clock to bring you this new release. We want SX OS to be synonymous in your mind with constant quality. We are here to stay and we are here to keep supporting your purchase till end of life.
Now, lets have a look at what v2.4 brings to the table:- Support for firmware 6.2.0
Nintendo threw us a small curve-ball while we were in the middle of reworking some other parts of SX OS. That being said, SX OS is now fully compatible with the latest official firmware 6.2.0.
- EmuNAND functionality reworked
Our initial release of EmuNAND used a storage mechanism that wasn't what a lot of people were looking for. In our last release we decided to switch to using the microSD for EmuNAND storage, which in turn made some users that *did* like the old method of storing EmuNAND on the system NAND unhappy. We have reintroduced the support for EmuNAND-on-system-NAND as well as introduced a third storage method for your EmuNAND partition. You can now also opt to use a separate partition (as opposed to files in the regular (ex)FAT filesystem) as a storage backend for your EmuNAND. With three flavors of EmuNAND storage supported now, all of you can rejoice!To recap, you now have three way of settings up EmuNAND now:
- EmuNAND on system NAND: repurpose part of your Switch internal storage for EmuNAND
- EmuNAND on microSD as partition: repartitions your microSD card with a separate EmuNAND partition
- EmuNAND on microSD as files: EmuNAND is stored on microSD as files instead of repartitioning
WARNING: Setting up your EmuNAND as partition on your microSD card will format your microSD card. After setup nothing but the boot.dat and license.dat will remain.
- Homebrew R button interfering with ingame L+R buttons fixed
In the last release we introduced a method of invoking the homebrew launcher for any title by holding down the [R] button during application/game startup, this gives homebrew additional capabilities that it wouldn't normally have. However, this seems to have caused some interference with some games, this has been fixed.
- Embedded Homebrew Menu
Previously, you had to copy a `hbmenu.nro` file to your microSD card in order to use the homebrew launcher. This has been fully integrated into the SX OS boot.dat file now. Effectively this means all you need for setup is to copy our boot.dat file, simple!
That's all we have for now, people. That doesn't mean we're done. Its not over until we have liberated every single console out there. A lot of our current attention is focused on bringing you a solution for these "unhackable" switches. That does not mean we're not improving SX OS as well. Keep those feature requests and bug reports coming!
Enjoy the festivities this month, and don't forget to pick up a SX Pro / SX OS for your loved ones!
–< Team-Xecuter – Rocking the Switch in 2018 and beyond! >–
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December 13th, 2018, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Legal paper filings can be read in the attached PDF below. Mr. 'Mikel Euskaldunak' was selling modded NES Classic Min’s pre-loaded with over 800 ROM’s for only just $15 dollars more above the official retail price. He was also selling Switch units with 'payload' injector dongles and including some pirated Switch games on an MicroSD card. - Doubly wrong, and most likely will be found guilty on 9 charges. In addition to infringing its copyrights directly, Nintendo claims Euskaldunak and countless other currently unnamed defendants are also inducing users to infringe them and are liable for contributory copyright infringement as well.
"Defendants provide users of the modification with the tools to infringe and instructions on how to use the modification in a manner least likely to be caught or arouse suspicion," writes attorney Kenneth Parker in the complaint, which is posted in full below.
Nintendo also claims the defendants are infringing and diluting its trademarks. The company is asking the court to order an injunction barring defendants from continuing to make, sell or otherwise distribute technology that circumvents its controls.
Click to expand...
Like when Sony went after PSJailbreak and GeoHot, they have added on '100' John Doe's to this court filing, so if they get a 'ruling' they can then change the 'John Does' to real people once they have trace them down and figured out their names, etc.
NEWS SOURCE: Nintendo Sues California Man for Allegedly Rigging Consoles and Pirating Games (via) HollywoodReporter
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December 17th, 2018, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Tencent has announced today that its first console game, Arena of Valor on Nintendo Switch, has surpassed one million downloads on the console since its launch on September 25 of this year.
"This is a very important milestone for not only the game, but also for us as a publisher coming to the West," product manager Edward Gan said to Variety. "We've been able to take a game from its mobile roots and redevelop it for the Nintendo Switch, the first of its kind mobile home console, and I believe that gamers saw this natural fit which has resonated through their adoption of the game."
The US was the greatest contributor toward this miletone, showing strength in the game's Western viability on console after it had a weaker Western debut on mobile than its Chinese counterpart, Honor of Kings.
That said, the free game did bring in $15 million in lifetime player spending as of it's one-year mobile release anniversary in the West this past September.
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December 17th, 2018, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Super Smash Bros Ultimate debuted at the top of the EMEAA chart, making Nintendo's latest Switch exclusive the best-selling product across retail and digital in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia.
Smash Bros also topped the retail chart, which is just the latest sign that Nintendo has another big hit on its hands for the Switch. The eagerly anticipated game has already broken franchise and platform records in both the UK and Japan, though Nintendo still hasn't released an official sales number at the time of writing.
The other major new entry in the GSD charts was Just Cause 4, which placed second in the digital charts, seventh in the retail charts, and fifth in the combined charts. Avalanche Studios' sequel received a mixed response from critics, with Metacritic scores of 65 on PlayStation 4 and 71 on PC and Xbox One.
In the digital chart, Battlefield V was the number one game, but the biggest surprise was a resurgence of content for Company of Heroes 2. Expansion packs for Relic's real-time strategy game occupied the sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth spots, despite all of them having charted below 350th place in the previous week.
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December 17th, 2018, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
The long awaited Mega Man 4 Voyage is finally here! This ROM hack changes the original game so much that it can almost be considered a new game altogether, with an original storyline, new places to explore, new boss AIs, new fortress bosses and an enormous soundtrack of almost 40 songs. Defeat the 8 robot masters and visit Dr. Wily’s castle to meet Mecha Dragon, Doc-Splash Woman and some other old and new friends!
For more information, please check out the project page. Enjoy!
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December 17th, 2018, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
While a Nintendo Switch version of Rainway might never exist, and Moonlight for the Switch is still a non-working WIP, a new homebrew software is here to fill that game streaming void. In-Home-Switching is a program that allows you to stream games from your PC right to your Nintendo Switch. By booting into Atmosphere CFW and running the program on both your computer and Switch, you can play your PC games on your Switch in both handheld or docked mode. In order for the application to function at its best, running it will overclock your system to 1785MHz. According to tests done by the creators of In-Home-Switching, you can reach about 40-60fps when streaming 720p. Currently, there is no audio support, but it's a planned feature, as well as MacOS and Linux support.
Source: GitHub
Source: Required Drivers
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-swit...switch.526128/
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December 17th, 2018, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
After a successful SX OS launch earlier this week (to support firmware v6.2) many of our users were asking where the SX Installer was that was teased in our new 'Features Showcase' video that was also released. 
With great excitement we present to you SX Installer v1.0 – Now Available for download at: –> sx.xecuter.com
This full featured app takes care of installs and so much more! In fact, an overview manual is now being prepared along with screenshots and detailed information on how you can better utilize all of the features we have packed into it.
This manual will be available on our SX Portal page when it is completed, in the meantime we have opened up a dedicated 'support forum' for the app, and have decided to release it now, to get it in the hands of our loyal SX OS users so you can right away start enjoying the many functions and features it has to offer.
Basically, at its core SX Installer is an advanced NSP Installer, that allows you to simply list, view, in one easy step, automatically install all your NSPs, along with the matching Game Updates, and DLC Packages, and these can be search and grabbed from many locations, including: FTP, HTTP, NUT Server (separate app on your PC), SD, USB HDD and NAND.
But that is not all it can do, as you can see from the quick overview below of the main functions. SX Installer has the ability to directly launch XCI games, and even launch your Classic Retro 'Game ROMs' for various different emulators installed, and of course your favorite homebrew apps. It even has a built-in file browser!
PLEASE NOTE: (currently .xci launching is only supported in firmware 5.x or below – 6.x support is on it's way!)
To get started, unpack the downloaded sxinstaller.zip and move all of the contents to the root of your SD card. The "sx.nro" file should be stored in /switch/sx/
Below is just a quick overview of the main functions of our SX Installer App:- Ability to show titles in table view, or icon cover view.
- Install NSP's from FTP, HTTP, NUT, SD, USB HDD, and NAND.
- Ignores firmware requirement when installing.
- Ability to queue multiple title installs.
- Ability to search titles.
- Ability to list and delete tickets.
- Ability to export all title keys installed on the system.
- Ability to overclock to install faster in some situations.
- UI Translation into 12 languages.
- Title meta-data translation into 12 languages.
- Downloads and displays game artwork (internet connection required).
- Ability to list, view, and delete application records (lets you uncleanly forcibly uninstall a DLC or update)
- Ability to list installed titles, and launch them (launching is 5.x and below only)
- Ability to list XCI's mount them, and auto-launch (launching is 5.x and below only)
- Ability to list and install new games available, with the option to install all new games
- Ability to automatically install the latest patch and all DLC with a game.
- Ability to protect users from running malicious unsigned code accidentally by blocking all unsigned code installation unless explicitly enabled.
- Ability to list and install newer updates available for your game(s), with the option to install all updates
- Ability to list and install newer DLC available for your game(s), with the option to install all DLC
- Ability to list all incomplete installs (like when the SD gets corrupted, or you swap SD cards without copying data), with option to reinstall all of them.
- Ability to list and launch NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBA, SMS, SG, SCD, GG, and SG1000 RetroArch games.
- List and launch Homebrew apps
- File browser that lets you explore your file systems, delete files (SD only), and copy files (only SD is writable)
That's it for now! Have fun diving into all the cool features this app has to offer. Keep your eyes peeled for the full manual. It will be posted as soon as it's ready!
–< Team-Xecuter – Rocking the Switch in 2018 and beyond! >–
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December 17th, 2018, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Hot on the heels of our 2.4 beta release!We are happy to bring you a small update which fixes some outstanding bugs and introduces some new functionality.- Fixed payload menu freezeIt was reported that since v2.4 the "payload" menu used for launching external payloads was freezing up. This has been fixed, you can now enjoy your external payloads again!
- Fixed installer incompatibility with recent NSP filesSome recent NSP content (like the Super Smash Bros update) wasn't installable using our NSP installer. All your recent NSP's will work now!
- Firmware 4.1 booting againA small regression got introduced in SX OS v2.4 leaving users with a (emunand) firmware on 4.1 unable to boot. We wasted no time to figure out the root cause, and SX OS should now be compatible with every firmware version again!
- White squares on split XCI filesSome split XCI content was not showing the icons properly, instead rendering a white rectangle. This is a thing of the past now!
- Add support for split NSP filesWe've had support for splitting XCI content for a while now. This is needed for bigger games for people who enjoy SX OS from a FAT32 formatted microSD card. NSP content is now also supported in a split format. The file extensions used should be in the format of: .ns0, .ns1, .ns2, etc.
That's it for this small stopgap release. Keep an eye out for our coming updates!
(As usual, please remember all our latest releases & apps, can be found on our sx.xecuter.com portal website)—< Team-Xecuter - Rocking the Switch in 2018 and beyond! >—
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December 17th, 2018, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
SX OS has grown a whole lot since its initial v1.0New features, new add-ons like SX Dumper or SX Installer and more.
It was time to update our manual to address all these new functions with comprehensive and simple instructions.
You can now find our SX OS V1.3 English Manual in our download section. Other languages will be added very soon.
And in fact, if you are interested in helping us translate our SX OS v1.3 Manual in your language, please contact us at wholesale AT xecuter DOT com. FREE Licenses are available for people willing to work on these translations.
(As usual, please remember all our latest releases & apps, can be found on our sx.xecuter.com portal website)—< Team-Xecuter - Rocking the Switch in 2018 and beyond! >—
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December 17th, 2018, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x v1.58 is released. Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan. Snes9x is the result of well over three years worth of part-time hacking, coding, recoding, debugging, divorce, etc. (just kidding about the divorce bit). Snes9x is coded in C++, with three assembler CPU emulation cores on the i386 Linux and Windows ports.
Snes9x changelog:
- Move the LICENSE file to the base directory and use a stub
in all the source files referring to it.
- Adjust Chou Aniki timing hack.
- Use 1-based numbering when displaying pressed keys.
- Hide controller port if disabled when displaying keys.
- Fix movie playback.
- Fix interlaced modes when overscan crop is enabled.
- Allow overriding -flto. (orbea)
- Use shared snes_ntsc implementation.
- Remove extra LGPL licensing to avoid confusion.
- Don't translate config file entries. Fixes breakage on
non-C languages.
- Fix issue where config file doesn't contain all configurable
- Remove config options for Netplay, Joystick, and JMA. SDL 2.0
is now mandatory.
- Updated gettext and removed intltool. update-po should now catch
all translatable strings.
- If available, reduce input lag option will now use fences instead
of glFinish to prevent hogging the CPU.
- Onscreen text can be variable width and will show up in some more
cases now.
- Add audio device selection (XAudio2 only)
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December 17th, 2018, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
melonDS v0.7.2 Hotfix is released. melonDS is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator. melonDS is part of a second wave of DS emulators. There are a few other emulator projects that are part of it, which you might have already heard of. Either way, check them out!
melonDS Features:
* almost-complete 2D graphics
* 3D graphics (software renderer) with texturing, alphablending, lighting
* input: keyboard and joystick, touchscreen
* backup memory
* booting from the BIOS
* resizable video output window, preserving aspect ratio of individual screens
melonDS Changelog:
It appeared that, due to an oversight, melonDS 0.7.2 would crash when loading a ROM if the physical microphone init failed.
This has since been fixed, and a hotfix has been pushed. If you downloaded melonDS 0.7.2 before this post, just redownload it to get the fixed version.
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December 17th, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Swiss r528 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.
Swiss Changelog:
Big revision jump here since I've merged in my gui-rewrite branch which included a backend GUI rewrite to support a threaded UI amongst other fixes. There will likely be bugs in the rewritten GUI which I'll need to iron out as more people start to use it.
@Extrems changes:
Improve PAL 50Hz forcing.
@Streetwalrus changes:
Build fixes
@emukidid changes:
GUI rewritten to be threaded, will make more advanced UI functionality possible
Fix SD (non HC/XC) issues when running games
Compile with latest libOGC/devkitPPC
Fix device init issue where device size would zero out
Fix SDGecko being locked at 16MHz when it was the default device
Fix issue where pressing up/down on device select caused weird behaviour
Fix multi-game disc sizing
Fix DVD device size calculations
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December 22nd, 2018, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Here is an announcement for the English translation patch of Super Naxat Open! All the text in the game has been translated making this golf game easier to navigate through. Unlike your typical golf title you can use magic abilities to pull off trick shots. You also have choices of different players as well as caddies each with their own strengths and weaknesses. We hope you enjoy this translation!
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December 22nd, 2018, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Here to announce another racing title release for the SNES, Bike Daisuki! Hashiriya Tamashii - Rider’s Spirits which is now playable in English! This game which is almost similar to a Super Mario Kart racer but instead of karts you are on motorcycles! We hope you enjoy this release and be warned as some of the tracks can be frustrating…
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December 22nd, 2018, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
This time it is SX Dumper which goes to v1.0.3 with a new function to dump cert only.
1.0.3 Change log:- Add option for cert only dumping output:
Selected folder/certificates/gamename [cert crc32].cert
- Various stability fixes and lib upgrades
(As usual, please remember all our latest releases & apps, can be found on our sx.xecuter.com portal website)—< Team-Xecuter – Rocking the Switch in late 2018 and beyond! >—
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December 22nd, 2018, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Your friends from Team Xecuter are back with a fresh release of your beloved SX OS. This new v2.5 beta release introduces two exciting new functionalities that you all have been requesting.
Let's waste no time on chit-chat, and see what's new in this release:- Fixed sleepmode in case of fuse mismatch
Sleep/standby mode would break when your emuNAND was on a different firmware version than your actual system NAND. This has been resolved now. So from now on you can run the latest and greatest firmware in emuNAND while at the same time keeping a lower firmware on your original system's NAND. Nifty!
- Added initial support for "Internet Local Wireless Play"
Many of you have been requesting for us to add support for "local wireless play" tunneling over the internet. We have integrated this functionality into SX OS for you. This currently requires you to use a bit of software, LAN-Play on a computer to facilitate the tunneling. This software can be downloaded from the LAN-Play website: www.LAN-PLAY.com. Check out their project, they are are doing an amazing job. To enable "Internet Local Wireless Play" simply head into the SX Menu and head over to the "options" page. There's a toggle for enabling and disabling this functionality at will now.
That's all for today. This marks the half-way point of SX OS 2. This year has been amazing and we want to thank the loyal and ever growing TX Switch user community, you guys are the reason this is all possible!
Our resident hard- and software wizards are hard at work at bringing you even more groundbreaking functionality and products. Keep an eye on us!
—< Team-Xecuter - Rocking the Switch in late 2018 and beyond! >—
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December 22nd, 2018, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
higan v106r68 is released. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
* Update to v106r68 release.
byuu says:
- nall: converted range, iterator, vector to 64-bit
- added (very poor) ColecoVision emulation (including Coleco Adam
- added MSX skeleton
- added Neo Geo Pocket skeleton
- moved audio,video,resource folders into emulator folder
- SFC heuristics: BS-X Town cart is "ZBSJ" [hex_usr]
The nall change is for future work on things like BPA: I need to be able
to handle files larger than 4GB. It is extremely possible that there are
still some truncations to 32-bit lurking around, and even more
disastrously, possibly some -1s lurking that won't sign-extend to
`(uint64_t)0-1`. There's a lot more classes left to do: `string`,
`array_view`, `array_span`, etc.
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December 22nd, 2018, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Mednafen v1.22.0 is released. Mednafen is a multi-game-system emulator, for various platforms, including emulation of the following systems:Atari Lynx,Famicom,GameBoy (Color),GameBoy Advance,Neo Geo Pocket (Color), NES(both NTSC and PAL),PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD) and SuperGrafx,PC-FX,WonderSwan (Color).
Mednafen v1.22.0 Changelog:
December 11, 2018:
SS: Added support for directly loading <= 1MiB bootable cart ROM images, with the expected file extension being "ss", for debugging and testing purposes. December 2, 2018: SS: Added "Fighting Vipers" to the internal database of games to use the data cache read bypass kludge with, to fix the problem of the computer-controlled opponent sometimes losing the will to not be a statue. December 1, 2018: PSX: Memory cards are now backed up on startup(maximum number of backup copies kept for each memory card is 5). November 30, 2018: PCE: Increased CD read startup delay per tip from dshadoff. Fixes ADPCM voice playback issues in "Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari" when text speed is set to fast. MD: Fixed a few errors in the internal automatic multitap database, per tip from clobber. SS: Added setting "ss.cart.auto_default". NES: Removed apparently erroneous iNES header correction database entry for "Dragon Quest II" that was breaking the game. November 6, 2018: VB: Added the ability to toggle the state of the low battery sensor bit; configure the device on virtual input port 2(e.g. ALT+SHIFT+2) to assign a key/button to this function. November 4, 2018: PSX: Added a pseudorandom component to Pause command timing to address loading-related hangs in "Colony Wars - Vengeance (Europe)" and "Army Men - Air Attack (Europe)". PSX: Generate a seek error if the tray is opened while the CD drive is not stopped; fixes broken disc switching in "Arc the Lad III". November 3, 2018: PSX: Improved emulation of the behavior of CDC command 0x0A per tests on a PS1; fixes hang in "Goryuujin Electro". November 2, 2018: PSX: Don't set the autopause track test value unless autopause is enabled; fixes missing music in "Pitball". PSX: Delay first CD-DA report after playback begins, per tests on a PS1; fixes missing music in "Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends". October 31, 2018: PSX: Improved timing of CDC command 0x0A per tests on a PS1; fixes missing music and hangs in "Grind Session". PSX: Altered seek and pause timing and behavior per tests on a PS1; fixes hangs in "Incredible Crisis", "Ballerburg - Castle Chaos", "Transformers - Beast Wars Transmetals", and "Simple 1500 Series Vol. 057 - The Maze". October 28, 2018: The settings management code will now throw an exception if a floating-point setting is NaN. Fixed a crash that occurred when "debugger.autostepmode" was set to "1" and a game was loaded for a system for which debugger functionality was not implemented. NativeVFS, FileStream, and GZFileStream methods taking a path will now throw an error when the path contains a null character. October 23, 2018: SNES-Faust: Added recognition of files with "fig" and "swc" file extensions as SNES ROM images. October 9, 2018: Altered the variants of MDFN_rtrim(), MDFN_ltrim(), MDFN_trim(), MDFN_zapctrlchars(), MDFN_strazlower(), MDFN_strazupper(), and UTF8_sanitize() that operate on a mutable std::string to take a pointer to the std::string instead of a non-const reference, and added variants that take a const std::string reference and return a std::string result. October 8, 2018: Dropped support for "game set" hashes used to change the naming of save state and save game files. The feature was mostly broken by changes made years ago, and is redundant now with M3U support. Save game files for multi-disc PC-FX games created in previous versions of Mednafen will need to be renamed to be seen by this and newer versions of Mednafen. Other files, including save states, should generally be unaffected, unless the user has changed filesys.fname_* settings to use the %F specifier where they wouldn't by default. Removed usage of the deprecated "register" keyword in some old code. October 7, 2018: Adjusted placement of MDFN_FASTCALL and NO_INLINE to fix some compilation errors with MSVC. In addition to nonvolatile memory backup files as before, any missing directories in the file path for input-recording movies, save states, screen snapshots, and nonvolatile memory files are now created as necessary, to increase the versatility of the filesys.fname_* settings. October 6, 2018: Implemented partial virtual filesystem support via classes VirtualFS, NativeVFS, and ZIPReader. Emulation modules' loading of files referenced from the main file being loaded is now done through its associated VFS. This does create a small backwards-compatibility issue with PSF-family(PSF, SSF, GSF, etc.) files, in that previously a ZIP'd PSF-family file that referenced a library file would have the referenced file loaded from the directory containing the ZIP file, but now will have it loaded from within the same ZIP file. October 4, 2018: NGP: Replaced min/max macros with usage of std::min/std::max. September 30, 2018: Modified usage of std::swap in OwlResampler.cpp to not explicitly(and unnecessarily) specify the template argument, to fix a compilation error on MSVC. Reworked FileStream.cpp to fix some issues causing errors on MSVC. GBA: Fixed a regression introduced in 0.9.47 that partially broke compatibility with save states created in previous versions(< 0.9.47), while preserving compatibility for save states created in versions between and including 0.9.47 and 1.21.3. September 29, 2018: SNES-Faust: Added RAM cheat support(main WRAM only for now). SNES-Faust: Added emulation of PPU-area open bus/bus read latches; fixes missing sprites in the water stage of "Mario's Time Machine". SNES-Faust: Corrected H/V latch reading to use two separate high/low byte toggles. September 24, 2018: SNES-Faust: Made minor changes to the CPU emulation core to not require computed goto support in the compiler. September 23, 2018: Added "blend" and "blend_rg" deinterlacers. Moved multithreading management code into the core. Encapsulated most(ish) core Mednafen code in the "Mednafen" namespace. Slightly improved the quality of audio output by SwiftResampler when running at the higher quality settings. September 22, 2018: Moved NES audio resampler so it can be used by any emulation module, and renamed it to "SwiftResampler". Added an SSE intrinsics-utilizing MAC loop to OwlResampler as a fallback(for the inline assembly) when compiling with MSVC. Added an SSE2 intrinsics-utilizing MAC loop to SwiftResampler as a fallback(for the inline assembly) when compiling with MSVC. September 21, 2018: Wrote new Kaiser-windowed sinc generation code, and modified OwlResampler and the NES resampler to use it. It shouldn't have any particularly noticeable end-user effects, other than slightly different startup performance(assuming no mistakes were made ). September 11, 2018: SS: Emulated input devices' internal states were not being reset on virtual power toggle; fixed. September 5, 2018: SS: Reorganized SCSP DSP emulation code to make the lifetime of variables clearer, for a possible x86_64 dynarec in the future. August 30, 2018: Modified SHA-256 hashing code to allow for piecemeal hashing of data, instead of requiring the hash to be generated from one contiguous chunk of memory. August 8, 2018: PSX: Fixed a startup crash that could occur with a malformed or corrupted SYSTEM.CNF file. July 31, 2018: Replaced MD5 hashing code with newly-written code. July 29, 2018: Replaced SDL threading code with new code that uses pthreads directly. July 28, 2018: Replaced Q subchannel CRC16 calculation code from cdrdao with newly-written code. July 24, 2018: gzip-compressed ROM/disk image files are now recognized by file extension instead of header magic. June 13, 2018: SS: Fixed an emulation inaccuracy with the handling of the SH-2 "mac.l" instruction when saturation is enabled, per tests on a SS. Download: Mednafen v1.22.0 x86
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December 27th, 2018, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
rsn8887 has ported version 1.81 of "Uae4All2", the Commodore Amiga emulator for the nintendo Switch.
Download and unzip uae4all2_switch.zip
Copy the resulting folder uae4all2 to /switch/ onto your SDCard, ensure none of the "archive" flags is set.
You should now have the executable /switch/uae4all2/uae4all2.nro and a folder /switch/uae4all2/data/ with the keyboard icons and other data files on your SDCard.
Obtain and copy BIOS files kick13.rom (Amiga 500), and kick31.rom (Amiga 1200) to your SDCard into /switch/uae4all2/kickstarts/.
Optional: copy over additional BIOS files kick12.rom, kick20.rom, kickcustom.rom (for e.g. version 3.1.4 or any other user-supplied BIOS) to the same folder.
Use your favorite Homebrew Launcher or Homebrew Loader to start Uaeall2
MD5 of verified working kickstart rom files, you can test yours at onlinemd5:
kick12.rom (256 kB): (MD5) 85AD74194E87C08904327DE1A9443B7A
kick13.rom (256 kB): (MD5) 82A21C1890CAE844B3DF741F2762D48D
kick20.rom (512 kB): (MD5) FA4ACC75B49E880679FE02716AF24D71
kick31.rom (512 kB): (MD5) 646773759326FBAC3B2311FD8C8793EE
Other files might work, too.
You can purchase legal bios roms from Amiga Forever. They work. But since they are encrypted, you have to copy over your .key file along with the roms.
allow higher CPU speed hack (for Alien Breed 3D)
allow optional custom kickstart named kickcustom.rom (for 3.1.4 etc.)
buttons can now be mapped to quickload/quicksave for fast savestates
a button can be mapped to "fast mouse", hold it down to speed up mouse
"slow mouse" or "fast mouse" buttons now also affect touch and real mice
populate custom controls with sensible defaults instead of all blank
improve keyboard input (fixes Celtic Legends)
on Switch, improve single/dual joycon mode switching
Download https://github.com/rsn8887/uae4all2
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...3fc8dabc42965c
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December 27th, 2018, 11:21 Posted By: wraggster
MrHuu offers a new version of " OpenTitus 3DS ", port of the game engine " OpenTitus " for the nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
OpenTitus is the port of the game engine used in the DOS version of Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back (1992) and The Adventures of Moktar - Vol 1: The Zoubida (1991) released on Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST and MS -BACK.
OpenTitus is able to play:
Titus the Fox: To Marrakesh and Back (1992)
Lagaf ': The Adventures of Moktar - Vol 1: The Zoubida (1991)
You will need a New3DS and a copy of' Titus the Fox 'to use this build.
.cia builds and support for 'Moktar' will follow soon. There's other things to do first.
- Low frequency audio for old3DS
- .cia builds
- GitHub release
- Support for 'Moktar'
- Fixed password input
- Updated to 0.8.1 including:
- Fixed sprite issues
- Added Amiga Skylines
- Initial release
-Place the 'OpenTitus' folder from the archive in: 'sd: / 3ds /'
-Copy gamefiles from 'Titus the Fox - To Marrakesh and Back' into: 'sd: / 3ds / OpenTitus / titus'
D -pad - Movement
A - Throw / Pickup
B -
Y Jump - Show health bar
Start - Show status screen / Pause
Select -
ZR Exit - Audio On / Off
ZL - Show Debug stats
Download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16894
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December 27th, 2018, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
dborth offers version 4.4.0 of " Snes9x GX ", port of the Super Nintendo emulator " Snes9x " originally made by Tantric for the Nintendo Wii.
[4.4.0 - December 23, 2018]
* Updated core to 1.58
* Improved WiiFlow integration
* Added Wii U GamePad support (thanks to Fix94!)
* Added setting to change sound interpolation
* Fixed mangled image when switching between HQ2x and scanlines filters
* Added BS-X BIOS loading
* Fixed Tengai Mekyou Zero black screen
* Fixed Chou Aniki black screen
* APU Hacks for 1.58 core to fix Earthworm Jim 2
* Adjusted SA1 settings to fix Super Mario RPG slowdown with 1.58 core
Download https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=16893
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December 27th, 2018, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
dborth offers version 4.4.0 of " Snes9x GX ", port of the Super Nintendo emulator " Snes9x " originally made by Tantric for the Nintendo Gamecube.
[4.4.0 - December 23, 2018]
* Updated core to 1.58
* Improved WiiFlow integration
* Added Wii U GamePad support (thanks to Fix94!)
* Added setting to change sound interpolation
* Fixed mangled image when switching between HQ2x and scanlines filters
* Added BS-X BIOS loading
* Fixed Tengai Mekyou Zero black screen
* Fixed Chou Aniki black screen
* APU Hacks for 1.58 core to fix Earthworm Jim 2
* Adjusted SA1 settings to fix Super Mario RPG slowdown with 1.58 core
Download https://github.com/dborth/snes9xgx
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16892
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December 27th, 2018, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjutse has released a new version of the Multimedia Player for the Nintendo Switch:
pPlay is a video player for the Nintendo Switch. pPlay support most popular video formats, have subtitles (embedded ass) and http streaming support.
Copy "pplay" folder to switch sdcard (/switch/pplay)
Use left/right to switch menu's and windows... select a media and... have fun.
You should really use an NSP HBL (HomeBrew Loader) or any other way to unleash all switch memory to launch pPlay, else you'll have some memory problems/crashes: https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbloader
pPlay should be able to play most media. While 720p should be mostly fine, 1080p support can vary with medias and bit rates. If so (audio de-sync for example), increasing buffering can help in most situation. This can be done in the main menu (left). Please note that increasing the buffer size will have some side effect like longer loading and seeking time, but also to stop a video (buffers needs to be released). This is more visible when using http streams, of course.
pPlay can stream media from an http server with directory listing enabled. To do so, you must edit the pPlay configuration file (pplay.cfg) to add your server address (NETWORK = "http://samples.ffmpeg.org/" . Please note that you need a good and stable network connection for this, and you will probably have to set buffering to "VeryHigh" for smoother experience.
pPlay will extract media information in background, but i did spot a very few files which make the device crash. If so, you can disable this in pPlay configuration file (pplay.cfg): CACHE_MEDIA_INFO = 0;
pPlay will push the cpu speed when a 1080p media is played, and restore previous speed when paused or stopped. This is safe but can be disabled in the main option menu (left).
Please note that there is a (big?) delay when switching video/audio/subtitles streams to see the change. This is worked on but in the meantime, be patient 
v1.2 :
player: disable screen dimming and auto sleep when playing
player: fix pcm* audio format (unable to initialize audio resampler error)
player: fix "unsupported sutbtitle format" error (subtitle will be disabled)
pplay: add ftp support (ftp://user assword@ip ort/), WIP (very slow loading time..)
pplay: fix media information caching of long path/filename
pplay: force loading of media information on load if not cached
Download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pplay
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16888
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December 27th, 2018, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
minkcv offers version 0.4.1 of " Vapor Spec ", port of the virtual machine " Vapor Spec " for the nintendo Switch.
Vapor Spec for Nintendo Switch
Vapor Spec for Nintendo Switch Homebrew.
Vapor Spec is a virtual game platform. You can develop games for Windows, Linux, and the Nintendo Switch.
Building the Vapor Spec platform for the Switch
You can skip this and go to the section below.
See the devkitPro Getting Started page.
Install dependencies
pacman -S devkitA64 libnx switch-tools switch-sdl2
then, after cloning this repo,
$ cd vm-switch
$ make
Should produce vm-switch.nro for switch homebrew.
Running Vapor Spec on the Switch
See the Releases Section for download all the necessary files.
Put the vm-switch.nro and the vaporspec folder in your SD card.
The SD card should now look like this:
switch /
vaporspec /
(other game files)
You can add other games by adding a line in gamelist.txt with the following items separated by semicolons.
The name of the game
The filename of the game binary
The filename of the game rom (optional)
Example gamelist.txt (note the last semicolon is still required even when no rom is used):
pong; pong.bin ;;
March, mars.bin; mars.rom;
tetris; tetris.bin ;;
Download https://github.com/minkcv/vm-switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16886
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December 27th, 2018, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
Hydr8gon offers version 0.7.2 of " melonDS ", port of the Nintendo DS emulator of the same name for the nintendo Switch.
-Updated to melonDS 0.7.2
-Removed temporary timing hack
-Optimized menus
-File browser now remembers the last folder you launched to ROM
-Added ability to close / open the lid of the in-game menu
-Added option to adjust audio volume
-Added microphone input (if you have a headset with a microphone connected) or white noise input
Download https://github.com/Hydr8gon/melonDS
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16884
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December 27th, 2018, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
derrekr has released a new version of the homebrew clone of "Sonic Robo Blast 2" for the nintendo 3DS.
A port of Sonic Robo Blast 2 to the Nintendo New3DS/2DS consoles.
Download srb2_3ds from the latest release on Github and extract the files to /3ds/srb2_3ds on your SD card.
Download SRB2's game files here or from srb2.org and extract them to /3ds/srb2_3ds as well. You may also copy the files to the root directory, but make sure config.cfg is located in the same directory as the game files.
Make sure you have dumped your DSP firmware and dspfirm.cdc is present.
Building requires 3ds-sdl and 3ds-sdl_mixer to be installed (use devkitPro's pacman).
Known Issues/Limitations
Does NOT run on o3DS devices. The Nintendo New3DS' HW allows higher CPU clock frequencies and adds another layer of cache. On o3DS it's extremely laggy and would probably require modifications to the level design in order to run it at a decent FPS.
No stereoscopic 3D rendering
No support for MIDI music
No netplay
Lower screen isn't really used
Missing walls (general OpenGL mode issue in srb2)
CEZ2 is extremely laggy
Thanks to fincs, WinterMute, Monster Iestyn, Sryder, AlamTaz, Steel Titanium for help with development. Thanks to profi200, fincs and WinterMute for testing.
download https://github.com/derrekr/srb2_3ds
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16891
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December 27th, 2018, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Prepare for a new Picross challenge, which plays homage to gaming history…
Mario’s Picross X is a full hack of Mario’s Picross, with 256 new puzzles to solve.
All of the puzzle solutions in Mario’s Picross X are based on retro gaming sprites and images, containing characters such as Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Link and Jet Set Willy.
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December 27th, 2018, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sixteen years ago, AGTP released a translation for Super Robot Wars 3. Today, AGTP releases the immediate followup: Super Robot Wars EX. Lots of progress has been made in those years, and the work done to EX presents a new gold standard for translation hacking to the SNES SRW primary canon. The release is complete and should be issue-free; enjoy!
As an aside, the work on EX has been successfully back-ported to Super Robot Wars 3, and an update to that patch that both fixes the numerous name translation mistakes and improves the technical presentation is in the works. A further update on that is forthcoming. In the meantime, EX works well as a stand-alone game or as a mid-story palette-cleanser for The Elemental Lords.
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December 27th, 2018, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
Jumping forwards one year from last time, we end up in February of 1994 with issue 16 of Super Play.
Since this month was rather slow when it comes to UK SNES releases (to put it mildly), we look towards the import scene to get our monthly gaming fix.
Starting of strong with R-Type III in Japan by Irem. Then we look towards Actraiser 2 by Enix for a gorgeous, yet disappointing sequel to the original.
In the UK, we see Zool being ported to the SNES by Gremlin. And over in the USA, we have Paladin's Quest by Asmik Ace and Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team.
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December 27th, 2018, 11:42 Posted By: wraggster
A new stable version of @Reisyukaku's Nintendo Switch custom firmware, ReiNX, was released today, bringing it to version 2.0. Various notable features were added, including but not limited to full 6.2.0 support (which was initially featured in a commit made on the 9th of December but was not added to a stable release until now), a recovery chainloader and, most interestingly, a partial implementation of SX OS' services - namely ldr:cht (used for cheats), usbfs (self-explainatory) and tx (general purpose, including licensing and a few rommenu functions). While said services are still in early stages, they can still be considered noteworthy additiom as it's the first time an open source CFW tries to add features only found in TX's offering aside from signature patches.
Thanks to the implementation of these services, it's now possible to boot SX OS' Rommenu and use some, not all its features under ReiNX (source here)
You can find the full changelog below:
•Full 6.2 support
•warmboot w/ sig checks disabled
•partial implemented services tx, ldr:cht, usbfs
•Recovery chainload
•landscape gfx
•all kips active by default (required)
•lots of stability updates (TM)
download https://github.com/Reisyukaku/ReiNX
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/reinx-2-...upport.527009/
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December 28th, 2018, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendulator 0.975 beta (2018/07/24) is released. Nintendulator is an open source Win32 NES emulator written in C (plus some assembly optimization). The original goal was to emulate the NES down to its hardware quirks; though it's fallen behind over the years, recent builds have caught up once again and can emulate certain behaviors most other emulators neglect to handle. However, this emulation precision comes at a price - a 1500MHz (estimated) or faster CPU is required to emulate at full speed.
Supported file formats include .NES, UNIF, FDS (fwNES format), and NSF. Mappers are handled using external DLLs, complete with extra sound channels for most games which provide them. Other notable features include writing to FDS images (by storing the differences in the SRAM folder), Game Genie support (limited to 3 codes), customizeable controllers (including 4 player), input movie recording and playback (with re-recording), AVI capturing, and a debugger.
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