January 1st, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
An independently filmed adaptation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, called The Hero Of Time, has been taken offline by Nintendo as of the end of December. The film's producers write: 'We came to an agreement with Nintendo earlier this month to stop distributing the film... We understand Nintendo's right to protect its characters and trademarks and understand how in order to keep their property unspoiled by fan's interpretation of the franchise, Nintendo needs to protect itself — even from fan-works with good intentions.' Filming for the feature-length, non-profit film began in August 2004 and the movie was completed in 2008. It premiered in various theaters worldwide, including in New York and Los Angeles, and then became available online in the middle of December, before it was targeted by Nintendo's legal team. As both an avid Zelda fan and an appreciator of independent works, I was extremely disappointed in Nintendo's strong-arming of a noncommercial adaptation to the Game of the Year for 1999.
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January 1st, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

You can now save money and get all the accessories you need for your Wii console with this 24 in 1 enhanced sport kit! 24 accessories includes all the must have for people caring for playing Wii Sport Resort!
Secure attachment enables full access to all buttons and directional control. The light weight plastic material assures that these accessories won’t be a heavy burden on your arms, allowing you to enjoy lengthier playing time without tiring as quickly. Precision built and balanced to emulate a realistic, fun and exciting experience! Support motion plus!
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January 2nd, 2010, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14298.html
Mednafen a multisystem-emulator has been updated. Mednafen emulates the following systems: Atari Lynx, Game Boy/Game Boy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES/Famicom, PC Engine (PC Engine CD), TurboGrafx 16 (TurboGrafx 16 CD), SuperGrafx, NeoGeo Pocket/NeoGeo Pocket Color, PC-FX and WonderSwan/WonderSwan Color.
Changes since 0.8.C:
Lynx: Fixed a bug in the cart loader code that would cause a crash if the ROM bank size was larger than the actual data available in the
file(as is the case with some homebrew programs). Thanks to "Wookie" for the patch.
Build files were regenerated using autoconf 2.64 and aclocal 1.11(previously, they were generated with autoconf 2.61 and aclocal 1.10.1).
Fixed a crashing problem when entering an invalid menu choice("0") in the cheat interface. Thanks to
tsenart for reporting the bug.
GB: The GameBoy module now respects the "filesys.disablesavegz" setting in respect to saved
battery-backed RAM.
Added support for "lurkers" on the network play server. Previous versions of Mednafen don´t lack support for this per se, but there
would be cosmetic issues with status messages printed to the internal console.
SexyAL: Fixed a bug affecting the return value from RawCanWrite() in the ALSA driver. The returned value was typically too
small by a factor of 4. The effects of this bug included potential long periods of garbled sound
during netplay.
Fixed the return value from RawCanWrite() in the JACK driver. It was being clamped to a value
that was too small by a factor of 4; however, the clamp value was already excessively large in a way
that this bug would should have only been triggered if the "soundbufsize" setting was excessively large.
The effects of this bug would be similar to the ALSA RawCanWrite() bug.
The ALSA and OSS drivers will now try to set audio output to 2 channels if the source data only has 1 channel, and 16-bit signed if the
source data is 8-bit(automatic conversion is done). This is done to allow for lower period/fragment sizes, as, in ALSA´s internals at least,
the minimum period sizes are expressed in bytes, not sound frames.
The ALSA and OSS drivers will now try to set lower period/fragment sizes than previous versions of Mednafen did. With default settings, for
ALSA, the new period/fragment size is 50% of what it was before, and for OSS, 25%. Also, there´s a new setting to override
the SexyAL´s driver´s preferred period/fragment sizes, named "sound.period_time"(default value of 0: no override).
The period/fragment size is expressed in microseconds. If the new, lower fragment sizes cause problems, the setting can be changed to "2666"
to approximate the fragment size selection in previous versions of Mednafen when using ALSA output, and "5333" when using OSS output.
Added a workaround to the OSS driver for a bug in ALSA(and hence, ALSA´s in-kernel OSS emulation) that could cause the emulator to run far
too fast for a short period of time if a buffer underflow occurred.
The ALSA´s driver´s RawCanWrite() method now(finally) uses snd_pcm_avail_update() instead of snd_pcm_delay().
This should improve performance and frameskipping behavior when the ALSA output is not routed directly to a physical device, such as the case with
PulseAudio(though PulseAudio is still not recommended :b).
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January 2nd, 2010, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
3DMaze v 1.0 released by Michelinux
Get out of the 3D Maze!
Imagine having a 3D labyrinth in your hands... you can rotate it in any direction to get a red ball out of it.
Motion Plus is not mandatory but recommended.
If you get lost press 2.
Dutch translation corrected
Spanish translation added
Motion tracking improved
Smooth transition when ball passes from one plane to another
Localized versons for languages that can't go into international version
Authomatically scale down font size if string doesn't fit the screen
Code cleanup
Changed menu text color to improve visibility
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January 2nd, 2010, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Schism Tracker 20100101 released by Storlek
Schism Tracker is an editor and player for tracked music (IT, XM, S3M, MOD, etc.), heavily based on the look and feel of the DOS program Impulse Tracker.
Change Log
20100101: Wii support added
Known Bugs
Saving over an existing file fails
No SD card insert/remove detection
USB disks are unsupported
Title scanning is very slow
The icon is boring
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January 2nd, 2010, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
kmilloz posted a new release of his Beats of Rage Mod which should work on Wii, Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP and GP2X:
Hi, with the launch of Openbor for Dingoo A-320, I made an update on my MOD, can now use the whip, attackbackward was improved ... for who played the first version, you'll like this ... compatible with the version 3.25xx. 
Download over at Lavalit --> http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php?ac...mod;dl=item313
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Homebrew Card Manager 2.2 released by Hunterm
Homebrew Card Manager is a easy to use, n00b-friendly launcher for use with Homebrew-focused SD cards.
Notice: The .NET Framework 4.0 beta (the one that came Win7) is required to run this application!
Version 2.2
replaced notepad++ with notepad2, it is more n00b friendly
added application manager cred to pbsds
updated credits
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Q1Rev Release 3 released by Izhido
A port of the original Quake engine to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.
Release 3
The source code comes from Q1DS (an initial attempt to port the engine to the Nintendo DS), which, in turn, comes from the original winquake, one of the projects that can be obtained at ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/source/q1source.zip .
The engine is feature-complete, it plays the game at 30fps with no hiccups or any similar problems. It can also be used as a client for Internet-based gameplay, as a "unmodified" NetQuake client.
New features in this release:
Classic Controller can now be used to play; controls are similar to those in use by the Gamecube Controller.
Pressing [A] to aim is now optional; a Menu Option was provided for such effect.
Bug fixes in the way the Nunchuk controller was handled, causing problems when moving on water.
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
QWRev Release 2 released by Izhido
QWRev: A port of the client component of the original QuakeWorld engine to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.
Release 2
The engine is a feature-complete implementation of the QuakeWorld 2.40 engine. Unlike Q1Rev, there are LOTS of servers around the world that are able to accept this engine as a client for netplay. Be aware, however, that some of them might need a modified version of the communications protocol. Experiment with as much servers as you want in order to get the desired results.
New features in this release:
Classic Controller can now be used to play; controls are similar to those in use by the Gamecube Controller.
Pressing [A] to aim is now optional; a Menu Option was provided for such effect.
Bug fixes in the way the Nunchuk controller was handled, causing problems when moving on water.
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Q2Rev Release 2 released by Izhido
A port of the original id Tech 2 engine (Quake II) to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.
Release 2
The engine is feature-complete, with sound & network play. For technical reasons, the Capture-The-Flag module is not included in this engine; you will need to play Q2CTFRev for that purpose.
New features in this release:
Classic Controller can now be used to play; controls are similar to those in use by the Gamecube Controller.
Pressing [A] to aim is now optional; a Menu Option was provided for such effect.
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Q2CTFRev Release 1 released by Izhido
Q2Rev: A port of the original id Tech 2 engine (Quake II) with ThreeWave's Capture-The-Flag module to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.
Release 1
The engine is feature-complete, with sound & network play. It is mainly intended for network play; while it's possible to play the single-player game with this engine, it becomes somewhat slow doing so. Due to the shortage of keys in the original Wii Remote + Nunchuk configuration, it is recommended that you "bind RIGHTARROW use grapple" in order to use the aforementioned weapon.
All features included in Q2Rev, Release 2, have been included in this build.
Retrieved from "http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Q2CTFRev"
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Categorii v2.0 released by Yossi
Do you have too many apps listed in your HBC? Do you rarely play apps starting with "W" anymore because it takes too long to scroll all the way down to there? Have you ever installed an app but never played it because it got lost in the clutter? Your misery ends now. Introducing, Categorii!
Fixed embarrassing situation where categorii would rename apps and then fail on the second rename leaving you with NO folder named apps.
Removed 1/2 second pause off the end.
Deprecated config.xml in favor of keeping link information in meta.xml
Added colored text to indicate success or failure at a glance.
Added password capability.
Automatically converts from 1.0 style configuration, to new style. (You only need to replace the old boot.dol with the new boot.dol file)
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/sysCheck-14-file499.html
syscheck is a homebrew develops by erikspyderThat as signcheck, to test your IOS and cIOS to search:
- Trucha Bug;
- Identify ES;
- Flash Access;
- Boot2 Access;
- USB 2.0 IOS Tree.
a file with the result will be created on the SD card.
What's new?
* Check for USB 2.0 IOS Tree;
* Display the current date and time in the report;
* Recompiled with the latest version of devkitPro;
* Code cleanup.
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January 3rd, 2010, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some more great WIP News about his Dos Emulator for DS:
Alpha version 0.01 feedback
Big thanks to everyone of you who tested the 0.01 alpha version and reported the problems you found, either by sending me the full DSx86dbg.log files or by posting on the GBADEV forum thread! The logs showed pretty clearly that DSx86 is still missing too many opcodes for it to support other games besides those I have specifically supported. Sorry about that, I thought it might be able to run some other simple games already. Also, the logs showed that quite many games want to use the graphics mode 0x0D (320x200 16-color EGA mode). I guess this should be the next graphics mode DSx86 will support.
Opcode tester program progress
Pretty soon after I released the 0.01 version, I noticed some serious problems with Leisure Suit Larry 3. After I fixed the missing opcode in 0.01, it still would not recognize any user input, instead it always said "Bad Said Spec" whatever I tried to type. I could not find the problem by debugging the code (and I tried for hours), so I then decided that now would be a good time to finally improve my opcode tester program. Until now the program had only tested for typos in the memory access, so that my opcode handlers don't change the wrong memory location (addressing with [SI] instead of [DI], for example).
I worked on the tester program for two full days, and added pretty complete tests for all arithmetic, logical, and move opcodes. It tests all modrm byte variations that DSx86 supports, and is smart enough to skip the variations I haven't yet coded. It checks for the correct result of the operation, and also for correct CPU flag changes.
When running the improved tester program I found about half a dozen bugs in my opcode handlers, including bugs in "TEST" opcode, which the original tester program had skipped completely, as it doesn't change any memory.
Now I feel much more confident that the new opcodes and modrm byte variations I add will work properly even when I don't currently know of a game that would use them. Thus, I have been adding quite a few new opcodes these past days since the 0.01 release, for example all "INC", "DEC" and "LEA" variations are now fully supported, same as all arithmetic 16-bit operations with immediate values, and most of the "MOV" opcodes as well. Still a lot of work to do with the remaining missing opcodes, but it is much nicer to keep adding them now when I can test the new variations immediately.
Auxiliary Carry and Parity flags
One big difference between the ARM and x86 processors is that ARM does not have the Auxiliary Carry (which works like the normal Carry flag, but for the bottom 4 bits of a byte) nor the Parity flag (which tells whether the least significant byte of the last arithmetic operation has an even number of set bits). I had hoped that games would not use these flags, but now I have noticed them both being used in games.
The AC flag is used in Leisure Suit Larry 3. When drawing data to the screen, LSL3 uses both the Carry flag (for the upper 4 bits) and the AC flag (for the lower 4 bits) to determine whether the new data is in front of or behind whatever is currently on the screen. It uses code like this:
That is, it compares the current value in BL with the value in memory, then loads the AH register with the resulting flags, and then tests for the bit in AH that has received the AC flag. A somewhat complex method, but since the x86 instruction set does not contain a conditional jump that would check the AC flag, this is the most straightforward method available.
Since the ARM processor does not have anything similar, I had to code a game-specific special case to handle this. I added some code to the LAHF opcode (which is quite rare) handler, so that it checks whether the next opcode is "TEST AH,10" (which could have no other purpose but to test the AC flag), and if so, it determines if the previous opcode is "CMP BL,[DI+7FF0]", and if so, it performs the compare again, but this time by shifting the values 4 bits left, so the resulting real carry will get the value that the AC flag would get in x86. This new carry is then stored into the AH register bit 0x10, so the following test will give the correct result. This seemed to solve the problem completely for Leisure Suit Larry 3.
Based on a log file I received, The Incredible Machine uses the parity flag. However, on closer examination of the code I believe this is actually a bug in the game. The game has code like this:
1E30:60EB 83F90A cmp cx,000A
1E30:60EE 7C0C jl 60FC ($+c)
1E30:60F0 0BFF or di,di
1E30:60F2 7A02 jpe 60F6 ($+2)
1E30:60F4 AA stosb
1E30:60F5 49 dec cx
1E30:60F6 D1E9 shr cx,1
1E30:60F8 F3AB repe stosw
1E30:60FA D0D1 rcl cl,1
1E30:60FC F3AA repe stosb
The way I interpret that is, that it first check if it has less than 10 bytes to move. If so, it jumps to simply moving them byte-by-byte. If there are more bytes, it first checks whether the low byte of the target address has an even number of bits set (?!), and if so, it jumps to moving the data by word access, else it first moves the leading byte, and then the remaining bytes using word access.
What the author probably meant, was to check whether the target address is even, and jump to word access if so. That would have been done by a code somewhat like this:
test di,0001
jz 60F6
That is, by testing whether the lowest bit of the address is set or not. Luckily for the author, x86 works fine with unaligned word access (unlike ARM), so this is a benign bug that causes no ill effects. What is annoying, though, is that I need to add a special case into DSx86 to handle a code that shouldn't be there in the first place!
SB ADPCM support
I also added the 4-bit ADPCM and 2.6-bit ADPCM audio support to DSx86 SoundBlaster emulation, both of which are needed by Solar Winds. It was reasonably easy to do, again using the DOSBox sources as a reference. My version does not sound quite similar yet, though, so perhaps I still have something wrong in my implementation. At least it does not crash, which is always the main thing when coding for ARM7. :-)
Annoying save game bug
I have been testing Leisure Suit Larry 3 pretty extensively, as it used to be one of my favourite games back in the early 90's. That was mostly because I had a Roland LAPC sound card (basically an MT-32 synth built into a PC ISA card), which the game supported perfectly. It even loaded new patches to the synth to make the music sound really really good (much much better than what the music sounded on any General Midi synth, for example, not to mention AdLib/SoundBlaster cards). I think the music plays surprisingly well even on my poor AdLib emulation in DSx86. It obviously does not sound great, like with the LAPC card, but it is close enough that it brings back memories. :-)
Currently there is a really annoying problem with save games of LSL3. For some strange reason DSx86 occasionally corrupts the save game directory file "LSL3sg.dir". This is pretty much the worst file to get corrupted, as losing it means you lose all of the possible several save games.
What is curious is that usually when this corruption happens, I can see the save game names at the top row of the DSx86dbg.log file, and the LSL3sg.dir file contains only "---------------", which should be at the start of the DSx86dbg.log file! I don't see how it could swap the file pointers, especially as the DSx86dbg.log file had not been open when I saved the game! This still needs a lot of looking into.
Future plans
Well, today my two-week Christmas vacation ends, so tomorrow I need to again start working "for real". I would like to release version 0.02 with a lot of added opcodes reasonably soon, but I don't yet know when that might be. Probably in a week or two. The next big thing to add would then be the support for the 320x200 EGA 16-color mode, but that will be for version 0.03 at the earliest.
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January 4th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA is unlikely to follow up MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill with further mature Wii titles according to studio director Constantine Hantzopoulos following the poor performance of EA's Dead Space Extraction at retail.
Despite both SEGA titles meeting sales targets, Hantzopoulos indicated in an interview with the 1UP podcast the publisher is sceptical about releasing similar games in future.
"I have to say that it was a space that was open and we took a gamble on it," he said. "We did some research, it said there was an audience out there.
"I won't comment about Nintendo, they did champion The Conduit as a 'this is a Nintendo game.' And, you know, I think they did okay by us. At the end of the day, I just think that you're seeing kids are skewing much younger towards next-gen.
"We put out some pretty decent content. I mean, House of the Dead: Overkill and MadWorld are great Wii games. They're both doing okay and at the end of the day we'll make our numbers - that's good. Conduit's done quite well for us. It's been slow burn. That’s the other thing you find out about the Wii. It's not necessarily first three weeks like most titles. And DS. It's a longer burn, actually.
"But that begs the question, are we going to do more mature titles for the Wii?" Hantzopoulos continued. "And it’s like, probably not. Look at Dead Space. We were stunned. That was my litmus test. Basically, it's like, okay, you got EA, who can put all the marketing muscle behind this, an established franchise that scored quite well on 360 and PS3. They should be able to actually hit this out of the park, right? We get numbers, real numbers aside from NPD, and I'm like, 'Woah'."
According to NPD figures, Dead Space Extraction sold 9000 copies in the US between its release at the end of September and the end of the NPD's reporting period in October.
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January 4th, 2010, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft Pune finishes first full title, with the firm at concept stage for next
An upstart Ubisoft studio in the Indian city of Pune has become the nation’s first to fully develop a DS title.
Ubisoft Pune – situated in the state of Maharashtra – spent seven months developing the DS title 100 All Time Favorites.
The game, which in the UK is given the title Master All Classics, is a collection of timeless board and card games from around the world.
The studio was formed after Ubisoft purchased Gameloft’s Pune-based development studio back in 2008. When acquired, that studio had about 120 developers and testers, though Ubisoft Pune has far fewer in-house staff, with around 40 developers on-site.
The Pune office has acted as an outsource for various projects, including the XBLA and PSN title CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars.
Now with its first full DS project completed, the studio's head David Blanchard spoke optimistically about the firm's future.
“Here in Pune, we are trying to go in two directions to consolidate ourselves in the online and handheld space,” he said.
"The creativity of Ubisoft Group goes into creating new IPs on consoles, deliver high quality games, and build multiple experiences around new IPs.”
A CV by one of the studio’s designers revealed that the group is currently in the concept stage of its second major project.
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January 4th, 2010, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Yorkshire Ripper using Nintendo console to keep fit whilst behind bars
High-security hospital Broadmoor – which is home to some of the UK’s most notorious killers – has issued 22 Nintendo Wiis to inmates in an effort to help keep them fit whilst they undergo treatment.
A source at Broadmoor claims that Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been spied playing the bowling game on Wii Sports.
The Sun’s original story prefers to focus on the fact that £5,000 of taxpayer’s money has been splashed on the equipment. The paper also claims that inmates already have access to PlayStation and Xbox consoles.
“When you think of their crimes and the misery they have caused, you have to ask if it's right for society to pay to entertain them,” a source affirmed.
“This cash could have been spent improving care in the wider NHS. In the meantime all we hear is laughter as patients play with their new toys.”
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January 4th, 2010, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo ushers in the new year with seven new downloadable games for the Wii and DSi, including Final Fight 3, Hell's Kitchen Vs., and five titles you've likely never heard of.
Even Hell's Kitchen Vs. for DSiWare (800 DSi Points) is a stretch, as I can't imagine I am in the majority when it comes to crossover fans of downloadable DSi titles and Gordon Ramsay's reality cooking show. I also can't imagine the game being anything like the show, especially with that E for everyone rating. How will I know my risotto is shit?
Hell's Kitchen is joined by two puzzle games on DSiWare this week, Nintendo's missile-firing Trajectile (500 points) and Aksys's Animal Puzzle Adventure (500 points), which sees players leading animals to barns while avoiding cliffs and other pitfalls. Totilo informs me that Trajectile is actually developed by Q-Games of PixelJunk fame, and is "so far, very good."
This week's WiiWare titles are all new to me. Triangle Studios' Heron: Steam Machine (500 Wii Points) is a game about managing steam pressure in a rubber ducky factory. Then we've got Big Blue Bubble's Pub Darts (500 points), which is about throwing darts at a pub, go figure. Finally, Digital Leisure whips out Fast Draw Showdown (500 points), a gun-slinging game that has you trying to out-draw the fastest guns in the West, or die trying. Fast Draw Showdown uses actual actors as targets, so you know it's got to be a quality product!
Finally (pun semi-intended) we've got Final Fight 3 for the Super Nintendo on the Virtual Console (800 points), which is of course the North American version of Final Fight 6, unless I am getting my Final games mixed up again.
And so begins the third year of the Nintendo Download. Are we off to a good start, or are things just warming up?
Nintendo DSiWare
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points™
Description: Trajectile is a puzzle game that's as much about firepower as it is about brainpower, requiring you to line up your shot and launch a flurry of missiles at enemy targets. Three types of missiles are at your disposal, each one with its own characteristics - but all of them can bounce off walls on their path to smash, blast or drill through enemies and blocks. Along the way, you'll find item blocks just waiting to be destroyed so that you can obtain special power-ups ... and cause even more destruction. Be careful though, as missile type and position are predetermined and you get only a limited number of launches per stage. Complete multiple classes containing numerous individual stages, earning medals when you clear stages in fewer than the given number of turns. Are you ready to take aim at becoming a Trajectile master?
Animal Puzzle Adventure
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Mild Suggestive Themes
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Animal Puzzle Adventure is a simple puzzle game where you have to lead various animals to their respective barns placed on the map, while avoiding pitfalls and cliffs and using the objects on the field to your advantage. There are 10 stages per level with a total of five levels, creating 50 stages in all. After clearing a stage, you unlock a piece of a photo. Once you clear all 10 stages in a level, the wallpaper for that level becomes unlocked and you can then view it in the gallery. With so many puzzles to unravel, you'll find yourself immersed in the puzzle-riffic world of Animal Puzzle Adventure.
Hell's Kitchen Vs.
Publisher: Ludia
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Hell's Kitchen Vs. is based on the U.S. TV phenomenon where world-renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through rigorous culinary tests. The game recreates the show's pressure-cooker atmosphere as two players battle head-to-head in an arcade-style kitchen challenge. Try to conquer your opponent in each time-management test, while taking the heat of Gordon Ramsay judging and rating your performance at every stage of the game.
Heron: Steam Machine
Publisher: Triangle Studios
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Wii Points™
Description: Heron: Steam Machine is a game about a factory where rubber duckies are being produced by a large steam engine. On this steam engine, there are four different gauges which you will have to watch carefully. By connecting the pipes, you will earn points and relieve some of the pressure, keeping the machine running just a little bit longer. If one of the gauges reaches its maximum, the machine will eventually blow up, and the game is over. If you were lucky enough to achieve a high score, make sure you enter your name in the list so other players can compete with you. In Multiplayer, you are able to cooperate with friends in maintaining the steam machine. When you play with two, three or four players, the screen is divided into sections with different background colors. Each player is able to solve his or her own part of the puzzle. Players are restricted to their own section of the screen, so you will have to work together to make the pipes fit properly. (Additional accessories are required for multiplayer play and are sold separately.)
Pub Darts
Publisher: Big Blue Bubble Inc.
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Alcohol Reference
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Pub Darts is a simple darts simulation which uses the Wii Remote™ controller's unique controls to mimic dart-throwing motion. The game is set in a local pub where the players will settle in to play some of their favorite dart games, including 501, Cricket, Around the Clock, Killers and Baseball. Controls function just like throwing a real dart. Players are able to create their own personal profiles, including selecting their avatar image from a collection of creative characters and the design they would like displayed on the dart flights.
Fast Draw Showdown
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Alcohol Reference, Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: When it comes to fast draw there're only two types of people: the quick ... and the dead! Now you have the chance to find out where you stand, or lie, as the case may be. You'll go up against the best quick draws in the business, including one of the world's fastest, Wes Flowers. Unholster your Wii Remote controller and show 'em who the fastest draw really is, in this live-action shooter. You can even take on a friend in multiplayer modes, and see which of you has the quickest draw. You'll need some serious speed and awesome accuracy to take on these gunslingers ... so get ready for some real fast draw action.
Virtual Console
Final Fight 3
Original platform: Super NES™
Publisher: Capcom USA
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Animated Violence
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: Following the defeat and subsequent disappearance of the Mad Gear Gang, a small group known only as "Skull Cross" is responsible for a new uprising of vandalism, terrorism and death. The government of Metro City is at a complete loss. Metro City's mayor, Mike Haggar, and Guy are prepared to take on the new gang, but before they can act, the door bursts open, revealing Lucia, Cody's old friend. "Metro City is under attack!" she shouts, "Skull Cross is loose, and they've got something up their sleeves." But before any of them can move, a mysterious man appears in the doorway. "My name is Dean," he says. "I know Skull Cross inside-and-out, and I hate them more than anything. I can help you, and you can help me. We must go!" All four fighters vow to bring Skull Cross down. It will be a tough assignment, and may even be their final fight!
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January 4th, 2010, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo ushers in the new year with seven new downloadable games for the Wii and DSi, including Final Fight 3, Hell's Kitchen Vs., and five titles you've likely never heard of.
Even Hell's Kitchen Vs. for DSiWare (800 DSi Points) is a stretch, as I can't imagine I am in the majority when it comes to crossover fans of downloadable DSi titles and Gordon Ramsay's reality cooking show. I also can't imagine the game being anything like the show, especially with that E for everyone rating. How will I know my risotto is shit?
Hell's Kitchen is joined by two puzzle games on DSiWare this week, Nintendo's missile-firing Trajectile (500 points) and Aksys's Animal Puzzle Adventure (500 points), which sees players leading animals to barns while avoiding cliffs and other pitfalls. Totilo informs me that Trajectile is actually developed by Q-Games of PixelJunk fame, and is "so far, very good."
This week's WiiWare titles are all new to me. Triangle Studios' Heron: Steam Machine (500 Wii Points) is a game about managing steam pressure in a rubber ducky factory. Then we've got Big Blue Bubble's Pub Darts (500 points), which is about throwing darts at a pub, go figure. Finally, Digital Leisure whips out Fast Draw Showdown (500 points), a gun-slinging game that has you trying to out-draw the fastest guns in the West, or die trying. Fast Draw Showdown uses actual actors as targets, so you know it's got to be a quality product!
Finally (pun semi-intended) we've got Final Fight 3 for the Super Nintendo on the Virtual Console (800 points), which is of course the North American version of Final Fight 6, unless I am getting my Final games mixed up again.
And so begins the third year of the Nintendo Download. Are we off to a good start, or are things just warming up?
Nintendo DSiWare
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points™
Description: Trajectile is a puzzle game that's as much about firepower as it is about brainpower, requiring you to line up your shot and launch a flurry of missiles at enemy targets. Three types of missiles are at your disposal, each one with its own characteristics - but all of them can bounce off walls on their path to smash, blast or drill through enemies and blocks. Along the way, you'll find item blocks just waiting to be destroyed so that you can obtain special power-ups ... and cause even more destruction. Be careful though, as missile type and position are predetermined and you get only a limited number of launches per stage. Complete multiple classes containing numerous individual stages, earning medals when you clear stages in fewer than the given number of turns. Are you ready to take aim at becoming a Trajectile master?
Animal Puzzle Adventure
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Mild Suggestive Themes
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Animal Puzzle Adventure is a simple puzzle game where you have to lead various animals to their respective barns placed on the map, while avoiding pitfalls and cliffs and using the objects on the field to your advantage. There are 10 stages per level with a total of five levels, creating 50 stages in all. After clearing a stage, you unlock a piece of a photo. Once you clear all 10 stages in a level, the wallpaper for that level becomes unlocked and you can then view it in the gallery. With so many puzzles to unravel, you'll find yourself immersed in the puzzle-riffic world of Animal Puzzle Adventure.
Hell's Kitchen Vs.
Publisher: Ludia
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Hell's Kitchen Vs. is based on the U.S. TV phenomenon where world-renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through rigorous culinary tests. The game recreates the show's pressure-cooker atmosphere as two players battle head-to-head in an arcade-style kitchen challenge. Try to conquer your opponent in each time-management test, while taking the heat of Gordon Ramsay judging and rating your performance at every stage of the game.
Heron: Steam Machine
Publisher: Triangle Studios
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Wii Points™
Description: Heron: Steam Machine is a game about a factory where rubber duckies are being produced by a large steam engine. On this steam engine, there are four different gauges which you will have to watch carefully. By connecting the pipes, you will earn points and relieve some of the pressure, keeping the machine running just a little bit longer. If one of the gauges reaches its maximum, the machine will eventually blow up, and the game is over. If you were lucky enough to achieve a high score, make sure you enter your name in the list so other players can compete with you. In Multiplayer, you are able to cooperate with friends in maintaining the steam machine. When you play with two, three or four players, the screen is divided into sections with different background colors. Each player is able to solve his or her own part of the puzzle. Players are restricted to their own section of the screen, so you will have to work together to make the pipes fit properly. (Additional accessories are required for multiplayer play and are sold separately.)
Pub Darts
Publisher: Big Blue Bubble Inc.
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Alcohol Reference
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Pub Darts is a simple darts simulation which uses the Wii Remote™ controller's unique controls to mimic dart-throwing motion. The game is set in a local pub where the players will settle in to play some of their favorite dart games, including 501, Cricket, Around the Clock, Killers and Baseball. Controls function just like throwing a real dart. Players are able to create their own personal profiles, including selecting their avatar image from a collection of creative characters and the design they would like displayed on the dart flights.
Fast Draw Showdown
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Alcohol Reference, Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: When it comes to fast draw there're only two types of people: the quick ... and the dead! Now you have the chance to find out where you stand, or lie, as the case may be. You'll go up against the best quick draws in the business, including one of the world's fastest, Wes Flowers. Unholster your Wii Remote controller and show 'em who the fastest draw really is, in this live-action shooter. You can even take on a friend in multiplayer modes, and see which of you has the quickest draw. You'll need some serious speed and awesome accuracy to take on these gunslingers ... so get ready for some real fast draw action.
Virtual Console
Final Fight 3
Original platform: Super NES™
Publisher: Capcom USA
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Animated Violence
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: Following the defeat and subsequent disappearance of the Mad Gear Gang, a small group known only as "Skull Cross" is responsible for a new uprising of vandalism, terrorism and death. The government of Metro City is at a complete loss. Metro City's mayor, Mike Haggar, and Guy are prepared to take on the new gang, but before they can act, the door bursts open, revealing Lucia, Cody's old friend. "Metro City is under attack!" she shouts, "Skull Cross is loose, and they've got something up their sleeves." But before any of them can move, a mysterious man appears in the doorway. "My name is Dean," he says. "I know Skull Cross inside-and-out, and I hate them more than anything. I can help you, and you can help me. We must go!" All four fighters vow to bring Skull Cross down. It will be a tough assignment, and may even be their final fight!
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January 5th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster

[Spatula Tzar] Turned on her NES one day to find it no longer working. Off went the case and out came the oscilloscope. After probing around for a bit, she found that one of the RAM chips was very hot. She hot aired off the bad chip implementing an “Impenetrable Aluminum Heat Shield of Science” to protect the rest of the components. In the chip’s place she soldered a wide DIP socket for which the NES engineers had thoughtfully left a place. Then, using a 128Mbit SRAM SOIC, she soldered it to 0.100″ headers to fit in the socket. As the original chip was only 16Mbit, unused address lines are tied high or low. The console is now fully functional again. Also checkout the comments on Oldschool NES ‘repair’ how-to.
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January 5th, 2010, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Bushing
The annual Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) is always a bittersweet experience for me — I always go there with projects that I hope to work on (this year: SPMP, a TV Plug’n'Play version of Bejeweled with an SPG chip inside, a couple of DSis + TWLFPGA boards, SD cards and a logic analyzer to work on BootMii/SD card fail), and I almost never get a chance to work on any of them. This year was no different, so I really should know better at this point.
We once again managed to snag a couple of tables in the Hackcenter for console hacking, and we did actually have a few consoles — mainly some Wiis and DSis in pieces. Hardware was exchanged, and we looked at soldering the 50+ wires needed to connect up a twlfpga board to a DSi and just sort of gave up due to lack of lighting and the chaotic environment. No, CCC is more of an occasion to meet old friends and make new ones. I was also selling Proxmark3s that I had made for the occasion, and had the chance to meet some of the people behind that project.
There were plenty of interesting talks, and the nice thing about CCC (compared to the American conferences I’ve been to) is that you can watch them from home, either live via streaming video, or download the video in a variety of formats after the conference. Here are some of the ones I considered to be personal highlights:
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January 5th, 2010, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
ARCTool v0.1b released by tpw_rules
ARCTool is a Python script for extracting Yaz0, RARC, and U8 archives. These are used in many Nintendo games, and sometimes have the extension arc, hence the name.
Initial release
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January 5th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
A distribution deal has been struck between Capcom and Nintendo for the release of Monster Hunter Tri in the PAL territories due to happen later this year.
Under the terms of the deal Nintendo will be responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of the game throughout European and Australian territories.
"Nintendo has identified Monster Hunter Tri as a key title for the Wii platform in 2010," said Michael Pattison, senior director of marketing for Capcom Europe. "We are really excited about partnering with Nintendo to further develop this franchise."
"Monster Hunter has a huge and passionate following in Japan and we are looking forward to introducing the Monster Hunter Tri to a whole new audience in Europe as the series makes its first appearance on the Wii," added Laurent Fischer, Nintendo Europe's managing director of marketing and PR.
The game was previously slated for an early 2010 release, but its delay was announced - alongside delays for Lost Planet 2 and Super Street Fighter IV - earlier this week. Capcom has confirmed the game will now come out in April.
Released at the start of August in Japan, sales had reached over million copies there by the end of September making it one of the best-selling Wii titles to date.
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January 5th, 2010, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced that the DS family of consoles has sold over 40 million units in Europe
The numbers come after last month's confirmation of 10 million sales in the UK alone, with Nintendo also adding that Wii sales have reached 20 million in the three year's since launch, making it the fastest-selling home console in the region.
According to Nintendo, 9.6 million Europeans have a copy of either Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus, and over five million copies of Wii Sports Resort have been sold since it launched in July last year.
The recently released New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which was released in November, has already sold over 2.5 million in Europe.
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January 5th, 2010, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced that it expects the Wii platform to have sold an additional 3 million units in the US in December, ahead of official figures to be released by the NPD Group on January 14.
The platform holder, which has endured a tough time in 2009, ended the year strongly - it also announced that total US sales of Super Mario Bros Wii are almost at the 4 million mark.
And additionally the company expects the DS handheld to set another new calendar year record for hardware sales in the country.
The expectations were outlined by Nintendo president Saturo Iwata, and although it's not yet clear how that performance will shape up to Microsoft and Sony sales last month, it'll be welcome news in a year that had seen a general decline.
"The millions of people who bought Nintendo hardware during the holidays can look forward to enjoying great games on those systems now and in the future," added Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive VP of Sales & Marketing.
"The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks for Nintendo DS, and Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros Wii are all currently providing Nintendo fans with amazing experiences and fun adventures for the whole family."
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January 5th, 2010, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Created by Eric Ruth Games, Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead is a great little NES-style "de-make" of Valve's Left 4 Dead. It's also been relesed on PC as a free download.
Eric Ruth (the sole developer behind the game) says, "Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead is a retro de-make of Valve's hit zombie killing masterpiece. Lovingly recreated in a fashion that would have been acceptable in 1986 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, this de-make stands as the flagship title of the upcoming Pixel Force series from Eric Ruth Games.
"Go alone, or invite a friend for 2 player co-op against the zombie apocalypse in all 4 of the original game campaigns. Two difficulties and all four of the survivors make a glorious 8-bit appearence, complete with first and second tier weapons scattered along your path to escape. So, grab your controller of choice and kick back with an award-winning retro take on the end of the world with Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead."
ou can download Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead here --> http://www.ericruthgames.com/
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January 5th, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nineties arcade champion NBA Jam is reported to be returning to life exclusively on Wii.
EA will make the game, revealed an ESPN report, under the watchful eye Mark Turnell - the former Midway man responsible for the original NBA Jam. No other details are given. EA UK has offered "no comment" on the matter.
If true, this puts an end to speculation sparked by EA Sports community manager Alan Quinto, whose December Tweet said the company was gearing for a new game announcement.
NBA Jam was released in North American arcades in 1993 and proved such a hit that machines needed their money stomachs emptied daily. Apparently the original arcade flock generated around $1bn in quarters.
Jam's draw was larger-than-life, two-on-two basketball, where there were next to no rules and gravity defying slam-dunks. Score consistently and players would literally be "on fire", gaining permanent turbo-boosts and more.
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January 5th, 2010, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
I just discovered a hullabaloo over at the Orange County Register's Mom Blog that began when blogger/mom Marla Jo Fisher explained why she keeps her household gaming free.
Part of the attraction for this story are the new ways Fisher demonizes games, which she thinks would hold her son back from growing up smart and fit.
This is kind of novel:
I truly believe that video games were created by Satan to turn otherwise normal children into his drooling, glassy-eyed stooges. After my son plays them at his friends' houses, he comes home irritable and testy for the rest of the day.
But this... this is new stuff:
Here's my question: When do kids ever think these days? When do they ever have brains free from electronics long enough to ponder the universe? To think of things that might someday lead them to a cure for cancer?
If Sir Isaac Newton had been playing a DS, I'm sure he never would have noticed the apple falling from the tree, so he never would have formulated the theory of gravity.
Fisher gets hit with gamer backlash in the comments section below her blog. That's not too surprising. More interesting is a dad named Kevin who writes about his kids' relationship with games.
Here's some from Kevin's comment:
My youngest son's case: he's 13 now, and loves his Xbox. The game he loves to play enables him create and design his own courses and let's others online use his course too. The menu system for this game is very complex, and develops analyical skills just to work through the whole thing. He is able to record his course runs and can "render" them and put them up on a forum for his buddies online to watch. He can do screen captures (get still pictures) of him playing. This has motivated him to learn Photoshop (totally on his own) so he can edit the photos and post them on his forum. He's now into creating videos of his games, creating title pages, splicing in pictures, adding video, adding music for other gamers to watch. I was amazed! I got him Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements (video editor) for christmas! He's 13!! He's certainly not the only kid out there doing this.
I'm not so interested in commenters here haranguing Marla Jo Fisher, but I am curious what parents believe their kids are getting out of playing games. A release? Development of skills? Entertainment?
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January 5th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Modern Warfare usually is discussed as a major franchise for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and is subject for debate on the PC. By at least one measure, it's significant on the Wii too.
Those who follow our monthly tally of Wii playing time (the so-called "measure of pleasure," as I've dubbed it) know that the average amount of time that Wii gamers spend playing 2008 Call of Duty: World At War is sky-high. At last count, gamers were averaging more than 51 hours with the game, which has sold more than a million copies, according to reporting I've done in the past. Only three games boast more hours per player: The similarly multiplayer-centric Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Guitar Hero III along with Animal Crossing: City Folk, a game designed to be played daily.
I was interested in seeing how this past November's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, a remake of 2007's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare would fare. I'll get to sales figures a little lower, but let's look at something impressive first: its average playing time per player. As of December 1, the game had an average playing time of 17 hours, 22 minutes. As of January 1, that average is up to 24 hours, 55 minutes. People who play this game are keeping at it, likely due to its online play.
There's a caveat to the rising numbers for Call of Duty on the Wii. Because I'm only tracking average playing times, a game that is owned by five people who each play the game for 50 hours, will have an average playing time that exceeds a game that a million people have bought and played for 10 hours each. There's also the issue that these average playing times are tallied by the Nintendo Channel, a Nintendo service that only pulls the data of Wii gamers who download the channel, opt-in for data-sharing and re-visit the channel.
There's a way to account for those caveats, to at least have some context. As of January 1, the Reflex Edition was listed as having a cumulative 237,615 hours of play time among people sharing their data with Nintendo. World At War, as of December 1, had more than 7 million hours logged by users sharing their data. Compare those totals to The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess, which has 45 million hours tallied as of Jan. 1, and it's obvious that not that many Reflex Edition players are out there and/or sharing their data... yet.
A better comparison for the Reflex Edition might be New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which was also released in November. That game has an average playing time of 15 hours, far fewer hours than that of the Reflex Edition but more than 1.5 million hours of that Mario game have been played and logged by the Nintendo Channel, dwarfing those 237,615 hours for the Reflex Edition. On the other hand, we've got September 2009's WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 which has a wonderful average playing time of 27 hours and 28 minutes, but across just a cumulative 90,066 hours played.
There's no starker contrast than with sales, of course. Nintendo announced today that New Super Mario Bros. sold three million copies in the U.S. through December. The NPD sales-tracking group, which has not released sales for December yet, told me today that, in its first month of release, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition sold 81,000 copies.
These Nintendo stats that we track measure the passion players have for the games they have, if not the popularity. Sales aren't the only stats that are interesting to look at.
Call of Duty games may not be the immediate blockbuster launches that they are on other platforms, but the playing time patterns here suggest that those who do have the game are as into the series as the most fervent fans on other platforms. World At War proved that on Wii. Reflex Edition seems set to do the same.
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January 6th, 2010, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6d2477a91da03b
WinterAce offers version 2.1 of Sprite Combat, a Peter Feuille Scissors custom.
v2.1 -> Music! Yes, now we have sound effects!
Featuring a snick of the story mode!
The ROM name is now without the version number (saving)
Even better fading (now even the text and sprites fade in!)
"Press B to go back." added in many places to help users
Refined the code a bit
Fixed some places where the text was Placed irregularly
v2.0 -> Hoof! Major Updates here:
Added a Help Doc
Added a nice doc Credits
Fixed bug where the scores do not reset to 0
Records that keep track of your no. of wins and losses
SAVING! Yes, there is saving now!
Minor Bug fixes to the text
Score required to win reduced from 20 to 10
New Game Icon!
Removed the white background on request
Changed the font for better readability
"Opponent's Score:" - "Opponent" and "Your Score" - "You"
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January 6th, 2010, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6d2477a91da03b
Ichiroh Satoh offers version 1.1.0 of its excellent Shoot Em Up "Super Star Shooter Wii.
What's new?
Ver1.1.0 fix and added features
Fix: Crash at the time of the start when connected GameCube controller.
Fix: SD card save support.
add: Supported 'GameCube Controller'.
add: Supported 'Classic Controller'.
add: Supported 'nunchuk'.
add: Game mode selection of title, 'Type-X' was added.
Special thanks to Anders Schlichtkrull and shadow1w2. Thank you for bug feedback!
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January 6th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6d2477a91da03b
aurel2108 realizes version 1.4 of its utility "Lamp DS", a flashlight for the DS.
Correction from v1:
- Added a backup of the config (active color mode and chug) when pressing Start
Fixed since v1.1:
- Check if the user to the latest version
- Added a mode teuf (changing color every two seconds)
- Press Select to enable or disable teuf
Fixed since v1.2:
- Added a small splash screen
Fixed since v1.3:
- Using images to tell if you have the latest version or not (and prettier)
- Improvement of variables to consume slightly less memory
- If pressed A after the splash screen: you do not check
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January 6th, 2010, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6d2477a91da03b
In the series OLDIES, I'll talk about the latest homebrew of Uncle Alekmaul about a game that people under 20 years old should not know, I mean Manic Miner, a platform game revolutionary for its time, released in 1983 on ZX Spectrum by Matthew Smith. The following year my brother CPC 464
In the original version, our little hero Willy must traverse 20 levels. The version created by Alekmaul, allows for 20 levels and an additional unpublished end (note that the original did not end).
Manic Miner is part of his game which was brought on a lot of machine so it is official or not.
Portage Official: Commodore 64, Commodore 16, Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, Dragon 32/64, Commodore Amiga, Oric 1, Game Boy Advance, MSX, SAM Coupe, mobile phones.
Portage Unofficial: PC (Windows / DOS), Apple Macintosh, Atari ST, ZX81, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Acorn Archimedes, Orao, Z88, PMD 85, HP48, Microsoft Zune and Nintendo DS.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles on Wii have been a "disappointment", the director general of Capcom France has revealed.
According to Antoine Seux, sales of other mature games, such as MadWorld and Dead Rising, on the platform have also suffered as core gamers have "obviously moved on".
Speaking in an interview with Gamekult, Seux said that Darkside Chronicles had sold a disappointing 16,000 units by December 23 - lower than hoped.
The sales, he continued, pointed to a very clear problem with core gamers moving on from the Wii and its audience becoming a much broader one.
Resident Evil 4 on Wii worked well, he added, selling over 140,000 units. But as it was released in June 2007 the market "had nothing to do".
The situation has since "radically changed" he notes, with an oversupply of games in 2009. Core games are selling less and less on the Nintendo console, he suggested, with sales of MadWorld, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop and The House of the Dead: Overkill all failing to make significant impact.
In contrast, games such as Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and New Super Mario Bros "work great", he added. But the Wii market is becoming complex.
Seux's comments echo those made earlier this week by SEGA studio director Constantine Hantzopoulos.
The poor performance of EA's Dead Space Extraction - a game with plenty of marketing muscle - "stunned" the company, said Hantzopoulos, who added that SEGA probably wouldn't release any more mature games onto the Wii.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Satoru Iwata has told a Japanese newspaper that the next generation of Nintendo handhelds will have to be able to read the movements of players.
Although the Nintendo president declined to comment on when the company's first post-DS handheld might be released, he said, in comments translated by Kotaku, that it would need "highly detailed graphics, and it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing".
Nintendo is known to be exploring specific options for the hardware on its next, non-DS handheld, which would fit the graphics bill. Eurogamer's Digital Foundry reported on insider information and analysis late last year.
Today's Japanese newspaper piece also stated that the next Legend of Zelda game, briefly trailed at E3 last year and as-yet unnamed, will be released this year, although it did not specify whether it was referring to Japan or the whole world.
Consumers should also expect the release of the Vitality Sensor too, with a press conference this July followed by a release as soon as possible.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata believes Wii has shaken off a shaky year and repositioned itself firmly as generation leader.
He spoke as the company internally estimated over 3m Wii sales across North America for December alone. That's up from 2.15m sales from the same month in 2008.
And that's impressive, considering Nintendo's depleted but nonetheless impressive Thanksgiving effort.
Iwata attributed the strong Christmas sales to two things: a stronger software lineup and price cut. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, released November, has already sold 4m copies.
"I think it's now safe to say the Wii has recovered from slowdown," Iwata told Reuters.
"But I'm not sure if it's prudent to use words like revival and recovery lightly before making absolutely certain we can maintain this momentum. So, I steer clear of such words today."
Iwata didn't announce specific figures for DS but said the handheld had likely broken 10m sales for 2009 in North America - a record for videogame hardware.
The Nintendo boss also praised the DS (and new arrival DSi) for not peaking after three years on the market, as is tradition, but selling strongest in its fifth (launched 2004 in the US) year on the shelf.
Yesterday Nintendo announced that the DS had sold 40 million units across Europe, which makes it the best-selling console ever. In home-console stakes - as in the ones under the telly - the Wii wins the prize, with 20m units shifted.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Satoru Iwata has told a Japanese newspaper that the next generation of Nintendo handhelds will have to be able to read the movements of players.
Although the Nintendo president declined to comment on when the company's first post-DS handheld might be released, he said, in comments translated by Kotaku, that it would need "highly detailed graphics, and it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing".
Nintendo is known to be exploring specific options for the hardware on its next, non-DS handheld, which would fit the graphics bill. Eurogamer's Digital Foundry reported on insider information and analysis late last year.
Today's Japanese newspaper piece also stated that the next Legend of Zelda game, briefly trailed at E3 last year and as-yet unnamed, will be released this year, although it did not specify whether it was referring to Japan or the whole world.
We should also expect the Vitality Sensor too, apparently, for which there will be a press conference this July followed by a release as soon as possible.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco has announced the world's first 3D shooter for Wii, known as Attack of the Movies 3D.
Developed by Panic Button, the game will be out this summer packaged with four pairs of 3D glasses - therefore four-player multiplayer should come as no surprise.
The idea is to plop you in the middle of classic-film-inspired sets that are alien-riddled, shark-riddled, robot-riddled, zombie-riddled and so on. Majesco's blurb promises you'll experience a "realism and dimensionality" that only cinemas have previously been able to provide.
You're also promised replayability as enemies will be unpredictable, paths branching, areas unique and environments "challenging" - a bit like the snow this morning.
There are no screenshots or video clips available at the moment.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA's just announced that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing will allow Wii owners use their Miis as drivers.
Won't it be fun to see yourself next to the likes of Dr Eggman, Amigo and even Sonic himself?
You'll even be furnished with a Mii special power to stay competitive should you smash your face into the dashboard after a nasty crash.
We've uploaded a couple of Mii-related Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing screenshots to give a glimpse of what to expect.
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is due out this spring on DS, Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360. 360 Avatar support was recently announced, too.
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January 6th, 2010, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Boy, that Satoru Iwata has been awfully mouthy recently. In addition to sounding off about the next DS having a motion sensor, he also told Asahi that it'll have a higher-resolution screen. A HIGH DEFINITION screen.
Upgrading the 256 x 192 DS, the next DS incarnation—after the DSi XL—will have a 1024 x 768 screen according to several sites, which is very close to a decent 720p res. Iwata also confirmed Nintendo is in talks with several networks for connected DS consoles, which is something he mentioned a few months back when he touched upon the likelihood of allowing ebooks to be downloaded over 3G
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January 7th, 2010, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today, we reported that Nintendo chief Satoru Iwata told a Japanese newspaper that a motion sensor in the successor to the DS would be "necessary." That reminded me of something Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto told me in 2004.
Just days before the official start of the E3 gaming trade show that year, Nintendo's chief game designer provided me a private demonstration of the then unreleased Nintendo DS. He introduced me to the system's dual screens, touch screen and microphone. And he told me the feature that Nintendo omitted.
As I wrote in The New York Times back then:
To keep costs down, Mr. Miyamoto said, some features were left out of the DS. Maybe next time, he said, he will be able to include a tilt sensor for gyroscopic control. For now, he is focused on double screens.
Nintendo had experimented with tilt controls previously, including a motion sensor in the cartridge for the Game Boy's 2000 game Kirby Tilt 'N Tumble. In 2004 Nintendo would release Wario Ware Twisted, a Game Boy Advance game with a cartridge containing a rotation sensor.
Iwata told the Asahi Shinbun this week that a DS successor would need motion detection: "[It will have] highly detailed graphics, and it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing."
Current Sony and Nintendo handhelds do not detect motion. The Apple iPhone does.
Just as some other long-discussed Nintendo projects such as Miis have come to fruition in recent years, now it seems that a motion-controlled Nintendo handheld may be upon us.
Kotaku has requested clarification on plans for a new motion-sensitive handheld and will update you if we find out more.
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January 7th, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is ready to head into the WiiWare courtroom this Monday, Capcom reveals. You'll be able to relive the classic lawyer-em-up for 1,000 Wii Points ($10), where your Hamilton will net you the first four episodes from the original GBA game -- Capcom says the final fifth episode will be available later as DLC for 100 Wii Points ($1).
And if you're scratching your noggin, wondering what the big deal is, feel free to check out some recent videos from the game.
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January 7th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster

We're not sure what the tagline will be – "Is it first-party? Or is it Memorex?" – but the storied consumer electronics company best known for its blank cassette tapes (remember those?) has been busy branching out, and a new series of video games accessories targeting Nintendo's various products is its latest endeavor.
The company has taken the opportunity at CES to unveil a Wii racing wheel, a Wii wireless sensor bar, some sleeves for everything from your Wiimote to your Wii Fit balance board, a charging kit for your Wiimotes, a rechargeable battery pack for Wii Fit, and some DSi goodies as well. Like most of these offerings, there isn't much you'll find exciting here. Check out the full specs in the press release after the break, or, if you're a visual learner, flip through the gallery for some eye candy.
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January 7th, 2010, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Added a "Player Profile" feature that displays all of the UberNES high scores and speed run times for players on the UberNES leaderboards;
- Added post-processing effects system, renderer can now apply various effects independently of the selected upscaler (i.e. hqx, NTSC);
- Added screen curvature/fishbowl post-processing effect:
-- Ray-traced rendering simulates curve of old CRT glass screens
-- Software-based implementation; works in GDI and DirectDraw
- Added "oversampler" post-processing effect:
-- "Native" NES output can be scaled to proper 4:3 aspect ratio
-- Can optionally crop edges of NES display to hide rendering artifacts
- Added scanline post-processing effect:
-- Variable-intensity scanlines can now be applied on top of NES display, regardless of selected upscaler;
-Render color depth can now be specified independent of desktop color depth;
- Added 16 and 32-bit color depth renderers for the GDI interface, which allows for much faster NTSC and HQX upscaling;
- Users can now fast-forward games they are playing.
- Redesigned NES database system, it is now much faster, easier, and more robust for users to create and re-scan their ROM collections;
- Improved performance and stability of NSF player;
- Emulation now consumes much less CPU;
- Improved joystick support.
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January 7th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14343.html
The NES Emulator Nintendulator has been updated.
With rather inconvenient timing, information regarding the inner workings of MMC5 PCM sound were posted yesterday, 1 day after the release of Nintendulator 0.700. Support for this feature (though it is not known to be used by any games) has been added.
Additionally, limited support for NES 2.0 format ROM images has finally been added - for now, this consists solely of handling images with more than 4MB of PRG ROM and 2MB or more CHR ROM.
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January 7th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14345.html
An update of the NES emulator nemulator has been released.
nemulator 2.1.1
* Fixed a bug that, in some cases, prevented SRAM from being saved to disk.
nemulator 2.1
* nemulator now includes a cycle-accurate emulation mode! This mode enables accurate emulation of games like Battletoads and Marble Madness and eliminates graphical glitches in many other games. The scanline-based (fast) mode is used in the menu, and the cycle-based (accurate) mode is used in-game. This is configurable in nemulator.ini.
* Added options to disable sprite limiting (to reduce flicker) and to mask the sides of the screen (to hide scrolling glitches). These are configurable globally and on a per-game basis; see nemulator.ini.
* Fixed bug that could cause random hangs on game selection.
* Improved audio resampling.
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January 7th, 2010, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://simonkagstrom.livejournal.com/47506.html
I suppose I should post more here, but I seem to always have something else to do.
Over the vacations I've continued working on the Frodo/Wii project. The focus of the work has been on improving the GUI (the menu), which has been the most frequent improvement suggestion I've got. It's sad in some ways since the current menu is functional, but I guess I should know that it's very important how a program looks in addition to how it actually works.
So I'm trying to improve on that situation and also make the code better, and I'm slowly getting there. You can see some screenshots here:
So it's still ugly you say? Well, I've got good news for you - you can change that! The new GUI is themeable, and the blobs you see here are really just PNG images and can be changed to whatever you want them to display. The font is also replaceable and you can make the background just as nice as you want! In the images, you can also see some of the features: The disk browser will load an information page for each game (if it exists), the virtual keyboard now pops up on top of the underlying code and there is integrated help bubbles for every option (almost).
I'm also doing a total refactoring of the code, which is why this has taken so much time. The old code was ported from an old Mophun project and was written in C. The new code is all C++, much easier to extend on and is not that tightly integrated into Frodo. It's currently a bit over 4100 lines of code, most of which is taken up by the virtual keyboard and the joystick binding code.
Alas, there are still stuff to do before this is in releasable state:
Make Frodo use 16-bit graphics (or really, whatever is the default for the platform)
Use the SDL joystick support instead of hardcoding the Wii stuff
Make it possible to actually save screenshots for the game information you see above
Finish up various pieces of the menu which are still missing
Integrate the new menu and throw out the old stuff (I'm doing the development outside of Frodo now)
Fool someone into drawing nicer graphics for the menu :-)
Various network updates (message sending etc)
So all in all, the release is at least some weeks off. An additional problem is that I went and bought an Android phone, a Samsung Spica, which obviously will take some time from the Frodo stuff! So far I'm happy with it, it's quite a step forward compared to my old phone and it's really the first phone which I've felt any urge to use on the Internet.
It will be interesting to see if it will ever get an update to a newer Android release. I took a look at the kernel patches for it, and unfortunately it seems very much like a quick hack. Google does not give much incentive for phone makers to keep their products updated.
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January 7th, 2010, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Yahtzwii v2.1 released by chris
It's Yahtzee for the Wii
v2.1 06/01/2010
Added German Language support.
Fixed minor bug where undoing your move would not display the totals correctly in certain circumstances.
Minor cosmetic changes.
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January 7th, 2010, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Neko-...-3-t17840.html
Rako updates its port of Neko Project II (directed by Yui) on the Wii. This homebrew is not to be confused with Neko Project II Wii 0.1B2.
This is a homebrew emulator NEC PC-9801 and initial needs a USB keyboard and mouse.
Beta Version 3
- Support USB
- Fixed some patch
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January 7th, 2010, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Genes...32-t17838.html
Originally developed by eke-eke, PapermanZero took over the project to bring a lot of novelty in this famous Megadrive emulator.
What's new?
- Selection for the "Loading device" option in the system (SD, USB, DVD and user selection - to load the device automatically after starting the application)
- Right Font Alignment for the Game List
- New Menu Structure
- New Mapping Button (B is always returning to the previous menu;
add X Button (Classic and GameCube Controller) in the Game List for switching to the previous folder)
- Intro and Credits Screen added to the main menu
- Some code rewrite
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January 7th, 2010, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://drunkencoders.com/2010/01/und...g-competition/
Dovoto has returned from a bit of underwater exploits and has found his site in a dismal state of disrepair. Not the least of which was the lack of a winter coding competition which apparently was not kicked off as he had intended. Fortunately a few days of winter remain and there is a chance things wont be a complete failure.
I had announced the compo some time back with a deadline of 31 January but somehow my desire to have this wondrous event posted on my site was forgotten in my rush to be off. To mitigate the damage I am officially announcing the competition now and setting the deadline as the last day of winter (19 March 2010).
Its time to start the donations, to kick things off Drunkencoders.com pledges $100 to the prize pool with hopefully more to follow. Good luck and happy coding and hopefully we will have the same great turn out we have had for the past 4 years.
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January 7th, 2010, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster

Nyko has what it plans to be the world's first Wiimote replacement with the Motion Plus add-on built-in. Dubbed the Wand+, the controller will retail for $39.99 and should be on shelves by March. In addition to those fancy gryoscopes, the Wand+ has a matte rubberized back and rubberized buttons that are pretty comfortable to the touch, there's a built-in camera for acting as a "regular" Bluetooth mouse, and the whole assembly is much lighter than a Wiimote / Motion Plus combo. Perhaps we won't die of acute carpal tunnel after all. Check out some action video after the break.
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January 7th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has sent out a statement explaining it has not deserted Nintendo's Wii and is committed to a multi-platform - not just PS3 and Xbox 360 - future.
"Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software," the statement read.
Yesterday, Capcom France leader Antoine Seux dismissed the Wii, claiming core gamers had turned their back on the console. "So for us at Capcom, the future is on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360," he said.
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January 8th, 2010, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster

Yesterday, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made the first public mention of the company's plans for a successor to the wildly-popular DS handheld. So we know, vaguely, what Nintendo want from the console. That's fine. Here's what we want.
But first, some caveats! This isn't pure fantasy. We're not going to be asking for HD graphics with simulated surround sound speakers and a wholly digital shopfront. Those are things Nintendo just will not bring to the table, at least not over the next few years.
Instead, we're going to say what we want, but within the parameters of what we believe Nintendo, a company as conservative as it is successful, could actually deliver.
NOTE: The picture above is not intended as a true "concept", or mock-up. It's just a DSi XL, modified to give you an idea of where we're headed with all this.
Iwata says the next Nintendo handheld will have "highly detailed graphics". Now, this doesn't mean "high definition"; that would be far too costly and tech-savvy than Nintendo have shown themselves willing to be in recent years. And besides, on a small handheld screen, you're not going to notice (or care) whether something is really 720/1080p or not.
It just means "highly detailed", something the Nintendo DS was not. It was a Nintendo 64 on a smaller screen. Just like the Game Boy Advance was a Super Nintendo. And the Game Boy a NES. Put the dots together and it's not hard imagining the DS's successor having the graphical punch of, say, a GameCube. Or, for that matter, a Wii.
A GameCube in your hands? That's something we'd like to see.
A big reason for the success of the DS was the accessibility of its touch-screen controls. Nintendo are also (usually) big on backwards-compatibility. So we'd say it's a lock that the next handheld will have some form of touch-screen interface.
But! We'd like to see some changes to the rest of the controls. Namely, the introduction of not just one thumbstick, but two. Sony had kind of the right idea including a nub on the PSP, but then blew it by only having one, meaning direct ports of not only PS2 games, but many successful PS2 control schemes, were out of the question. And the PSP has suffered from this ever since.
Including two thumbsticks might not be as aesthetically pleasing as Nintendo's Apple-copying designers may like, but sometimes you need to trade beauty for functionality. Plus, it would let Nintendo do what they're enjoying so far on the Wii, and that's re-release a ton of old GameCube games.
It's 2010. Time to cut your ties with the 4:3 aspect ratio, Nintendo. Widescreen is the industry standard these days, so the DS's successor needs to stretch its screens out a little. Those screens also need to be of a slightly better quality, especially the "spongy" bottom screen, which on the DS sometimes looks a little washed out.
And yes, we said "screens", not screen. The two-screen gimmick worked well on the DS when developers made proper use of it, and with Nintendo on top of the world and in no need of further zany attempts at differentiation (as the dual-screen layout was thought of when first unveiled), we're fine with the company's next handheld again coming with two screens.
Though, if costs could be kept down, two touch screens would be nice...
We're only copying Apple's name for the thing so we're all on the same page. Nintendo have shown with the DSi that they're finally comfortable not only with downloading games directly to a handheld, but downloading non-gaming applications as well. Thing is, with these games and apps available only for the DSi and DSi XL - and not the more numerous DS Lite - it's more a niche service than a full-blown aspect of Nintendo's handheld strategy.
But on a new platform, they can step things up a little. Really integrate it, make it a cornerstone of the device. Applications, small games, retro re-releases, even communications (with Nintendo unwilling to make a phone, a Skype application could plug the gap), they could really go to town. The only limits would be that Nintendo would of course control the store (so it wouldn't be flooded with crap), and there's always a question of size...
Ah, a tricky one. Adding a considerable piece of onboard storage would drive the price of the device up, and Nintendo don't traditionally release pricey devices. But it's got to come with something. A continuation of the trend set with the DSi would be fine; a small amount of onboard storage (though 1GB would be nice instead of the DSi's paltry 256MB) built into the handheld, then the option of inserting an SD card for more space, or for transferring stuff off the internal memory.
Nintendo should also learn a lesson from the Wii's early problems, and support the running of applications and smaller games directly from an SD card.
Nintendo have traditionally shied away from multimedia convergence with their devices, but this is gradually giving way, particularly with the more recent editions of the DS, which can do things like play music.
This new device, then, needs to have some sort of media functionality. Though nothing fancy; a basic mp3 player, a basic movie player, and we're good to go. I should be able to insert an SD card with music or movies saved in a basic format (.wmv, .mov, .avi), and the handheld can play them. Same goes for photos, too.
In essence, then, what they've "trialled" with the DSi, only refreshed and improved for an all-new console.
While the PSPgo has set a trend by going wholly digital, it's one we can't see Nintendo following just yet. Their #1 priority is accessibility, and since casual gamers aren't likely to be as comfortable making digital purchases as they are bringing a box home from a store, the next handheld's games should still come on a physical medium.
A cartridge similar to that used by the DS, only with a larger capacity (at least 4GB) would be fine, as it would provide the added bonus of making it backwards-compatible with the DS. It may not alleviate the rampant piracy issues currently afflicting the DS, but until the world becomes more comfortable with digital downloads, that's something Nintendo are just going to have to live with.
We've covered some possibilities on this already, but here's what we want: we want motion control with the precision of Wii MotionPlus, but used sparingly. This is a handheld device, used primarily while people are travelling or away from their homes. Games can't, and shouldn't, require people to go jumping around or waving them madly in the air. The odd tilt or lean would be fine.
Basically, learn from the Wii's mistakes: unless you're Nintendo, don't go motion-crazy for the sake of it.
One area motion control would be beneficial to Nintendo's new handheld is when you combine it with the App Store. Like, literally. If the new device has a touch-screen and motion sensing, developers could easily port the more successful iPhone games to Nintendo's handheld.
So, a quick run-down:
- GameCube-quality graphics
- Dual thumbsticks
- Improved Dual display (bonus: dual touch-screen)
- 1GB onboard storage space
- SD card compatibility
- Music & movie playback
- Advanced motion-sensing, equivalent to Wii MotionPlus
- Backwards compatible with the DS
And a few more things to finish off with:
- A free, integrated web browser
- NO MORE FRIEND CODES; a single user ID, like every other company uses, should suffice
- A telescopic stylus; the DS ones are too short for prolonged play
- Keep the microphone; some games use it well, while applications like Skype would find it just as useful
- A Mini-USB charger; when everything else you own is charged from mini-USB, using proprietary Nintendo chargers is stupid
- The camera on the DSi seems to be going down OK; if it's cheap, may as well stick it on the new handheld, let developers plan to actually release games that support it
- The systems and games must be region-free
- All that for $199 at launch would be just fine
So, there you have it! That's what we want from the new Nintendo handheld. It might not be fancy, it might not be terribly daring, but remember, this is Nintendo we're talking about. Now they've taken the plunge with dual-screens in the portable space and motion control at home, it'll be time for a little consolidation, which is why we see this device being to the DS what the Game Boy Advance was to the Game Boy: more of the same, just better.
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January 8th, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
An oblique reference to a DS successor helped turn Satoru Iwata's interview with Japan's leading newspaper into a full-on bombshell. Specifically, the Nintendo chief said such a device must be enabled for motion control. What could they be working on?
Motion control in a handheld is trickier proposition because, of course, you're manipulating the thing you're supposed to be watching. So offhand, an accelerometer seems like a no-brainer. And Shigeru Miyamoto himself referred to it as far back as 2004, before the original DS's debut.
An accelerometer would enable tilt-steering for a racing game, for example, plus shaking or waggle controls. It's not hard to imagine a game in which players tilt or flip their characters/vehicles/puzzle pieces back and forth across two screens.
But Iwata specifically told the Asahi Shimbun the device must have a sensor to "read the movements of people playing." Something like WarioWare: Snapped already uses the DSi's camera to recognize player motion independent of the device, through capturing a player's hand as a silhouette, for example. Maybe the DSi successor would improve that.
Finally, what will this thing be named? The DSe? The DS2? The DX? The Dii? Nintendo had some interesting working names for the DSi LL, maybe one of those could be recycled. The company would likely only break from the DS branding if it were a radically different device. Well, Iwata referred to successors of the handheld in dismissing speculation that Nintendo would not implement cellular functions or monthly service plans for connecting to a gaming service. And the DS is absolutely a proven winner. So something different sounds unlikely.
We've asked Nintendo for a clarification of their plans for a DS successor device, but haven't heard back yet. Until we hear something, let's put it to the mob: What can we expect to see? What DS franchises and hits can most benefit from motion controls? What does motion control on this platform offer that it doesn't on something like the iPhone - or even a console? We've got the rumor - let's start the speculation!
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January 8th, 2010, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- fixed a bug in the save state manager that was allowing saves for unsupported special chips;
- added save state support for SuperFX games;
- added save state support for SA-1 games;
- the "Apply UPS" checkbox actually works now; allows bypassing of patching prior to ROM loading;
- ROM loader will display internal ROM title and header info for uncompressed files ending in ".sfc";
- added Shift JIS to UTF-8 conversion for internal ROM titles;
- "open-folder" concept now requires folders to end in ".sfc" to avoid false positives;
- shrunk all GUI buttons and right-aligned them, as some of them were ridiculously long before;
- rewrote settings and tools windows to be driven via tabs instead of lists; this saves a lot of screen space;
- rewrote input mapping system to use a tree view instead of the confusing combo box hierarchy; hopefully more people will find the user interface GUI hotkey remapping section now;
- added support to map modifiers as individual keys (eg you can map the shift key to the SNES select button);
- rewrote the cheat code editor, it behaves exactly like the state manager now; there are 128 pre-defined slots, and it is easy to clear any or all of them
the cheat file will auto erase itself upon exit if all codes and descriptions have been erased;
- fixed title bar game name ordering; was "bsnes v058 - Game Name", is now "Game Name - bsnes v059"'
- fixed a bug where pressing escape inside the main window's menus would cause the program to quit;
- Windows: worked around QTBUG-7188 to fix the multi-file archive loading dialog; it was not updating properly before;
- Linux: added full-API PulseAudio driver with synchronization and latency control [RedDwarf];
- Linux: fixed a crashing bug involving OpenGL and glXSwapIntervalEXT();
- Linux: X-Video driver texture now resizes dynamically to support > 1024x1024 for any future filters to use;
- Debugger: single-stepping instructions now updates all windows marked to "auto update";
- Debugger: fixed execute breakpoints, they were disassembling at the wrong offset;
- Debugger: S-CPU bus breakpoints now mirror WRAM $7e:0000-1fff to $00-3f|80-bf:0000-1fff;
- Debugger: fixed a rendering issue when stepping through hires games;
- Debugger: added property system; can now view internal register states of all S-CPU and S-PPU registers (S-SMP and S-DSP coming soon);
- Debugger: added CGRAM palette viewer;
- Debugger: added OAM sprite viewer (no graphical output yet);
- Debugger: added options window -- so far only to control output of memory / execution usage tables;
- Debugger: updated usage and memory export file names to start with the loaded cartridge name;
- Source: cleaned Utility class, split some of the functionality out to Cartridge class;
- Source: greatly simplified SNES::Cheat class, SNES::Cartridge class; etc.
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January 8th, 2010, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14357.html
A second beta version of the Nintendo 64 emulator Mupen64Plus 2.0 is ready for testing. However, this time there is no source or binary package, but the source may be obtained as always from the public SVN access. Read more...
January 6th, 2010: The second Beta build has been tagged 1.99.2. I´m not creating official source and binary packages of this tag, because it is primarily meant to be a Developer Preview for the new native Win32 build of Mupen64Plus. That´s right, Mupen64Plus can now be built, run, and debugged from within Visual Studio. Check out the official annoncement at emutalk.
Mupen64Plus v1.99.2 - January 6, 2010
doc: added tarball of emuwiki api documentation from 2010-01-06 for backup purposes
clean-up: removed almost all of the ifdef WIN32 statements
bugfix: stop spamming console with "Core: couldn´t open memory pack file ´...´ for reading" messages
bugfix: stop spamming console with "Core: couldn´t open eeprom file ´...´ for reading" messages
new feature: MSVC8 project file for mupen64plus-core, refactored code for VC8 compatibility
Makefile improvements:
throw error if OS/CPU not supported
use DESTDIR in install/uninstall paths
Allow user-specified CC/CXX/LD paths
makefile needs to install Core header files so that plugins can be built later
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January 8th, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Super Mario War Wii 1.3 released by Tantric
Super Mario War Wii is a port of Super Mario War to the Wii, using SDL Wii. It should be fully functional. To make this port possible, I've had to rewrite significant portions of SDL Wii, particularly a complete re-write of the file, video, and sound systems. However, I'm hoping this work will encourage other developers to port more SDL-based games and applications to the Wii.
1.3 - January 7, 2010
Fresh port of Super Mario War 1.8 beta 2. This requires you to replace ALL old files. Enjoy!
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January 8th, 2010, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...d690702906c6bd
weeaboo has released a new version of "Touhou DS", a shoot Em Up Maniac shooter.
v0.9 2010-01-07
- On-screen keyboard was broken.
- Added support for writing scripts in LUA.
- Update to tools (new TextureConverter & repository creation tool).
- Improved collision system which lifts the maxsize=64x64 restriction and
gives a choice between line-segment and circle collision shapes.
- Added sixth stage + new playable character.
- Added the option to change starting lives.
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January 8th, 2010, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his Master System and Game Gear Emulator for DS:
Update of S8DS for the new year.
*Added option to turn off 3D display.
*Fixed color/saturation setting for SG/Coleco games.
*Fixed some bogus handling of the 3D display mode.
*Fixed "Perfect Sprites" mode, should now be used as default.
*Changed startup values for VDP regs 0,1 & 10, might break something.
*Changed sound renderer to be more correct.
*Removed PAL timing for GG.
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January 8th, 2010, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
Greenpeace has once again highlighted Nintendo as the most environmentally unfriendly of all its annually surveyed electronics companies.
This year's Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics study scored the company just 1.4 out of 10 for its chemical, e-waste and energy policies, the lowest of the 18 companies included.
The Japanese manufacturer scored zero on e-waste and on its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to a second year of increases, despite its pledge to cut them.
It did pick up some plus points for its chemical policies - for having PVC-free internal wiring in its consoles, banning phthalates and monitoring the use of other harmful chemicals.
The company has said it will eventually eliminate its use of PVC, however hasn't set a timeline for its phase-out.
Points were also gained for the low power Nintendo DSi AC adaptor and for disclosing CO2 emissions from its own operations, but they weren't enough to lift the company from last place, where it has remained for several years.
Microsoft fared little better in the guide, with a score of 2.4 points, which put it just one place above Nintendo at the bottom.
Of the three console makers, it was Sony that revealed itself as the most green, gaining one place to 7th in the chart with a score of 5.1.
Points were awarded for Sony's 17 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases from 2000-2008, with renewable energy now accounting for eight per cent of that purchased globally by the company, and it was also praised for its use of recycled plastics in its products.
Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Toshiba led the chart, while Apple was applauded for its rapid response to completely eliminating chemicals from its computer systems.
"It's time for a little less conversation and a lot more action on removing toxic chemicals," said Greenpeace campaigner Casey Harrell. "Apple, Sony Ericsson and Nokia are winning this game and HP is catching up, but the lack of action from other companies is ensuring that customers and the environment are still losing out."
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January 8th, 2010, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Friday WiiWare, Virtual Console and DSiWare update brings six new games to the table.
On WiiWare you can tear around hair-raising courses in Stunt Cars and relax with a baseball bat in Stop Stress: A Day of Fury.
Each of those costs 800 Wii Points (£5.60/€8).
On DSiWare you can learn how to paint with Art Academy: Second Semester, roll a ball around in Move your Brain - Rollaway Puzzle or push crates around in Sokomania.
In order, those cost 800 DSi Points (£7.20/€7), 500 DSi Points (£4.50/€5) and 200 DSi Points (£1.80/€2).
On Virtual Console you'll find Shadow Dance: The Secret of Shinobi. This is a pricey glimpse at yesteryear at 800 Wii Points (£5.60/€8), but cheap considering this was the first Shinobi game with an attack dog! Get real! That would kill your face!
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January 8th, 2010, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Friday WiiWare, Virtual Console and DSiWare update brings six new games to the table.
On WiiWare you can tear around hair-raising courses in Stunt Cars and relax with a baseball bat in Stop Stress: A Day of Fury.
Each of those costs 800 Wii Points (£5.60/€8).
On DSiWare you can learn how to paint with Art Academy: Second Semester, roll a ball around in Move your Brain - Rollaway Puzzle or push crates around in Sokomania.
In order, those cost 800 DSi Points (£7.20/€7), 500 DSi Points (£4.50/€5) and 200 DSi Points (£1.80/€2).
On Virtual Console you'll find Shadow Dance: The Secret of Shinobi. This is a pricey glimpse at yesteryear at 800 Wii Points (£5.60/€8), but cheap considering this was the first Shinobi game with an attack dog! Get real! That would kill your face!
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January 8th, 2010, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's revealed a 5th February release date for Wii game Endless Ocean 2.
As in EO, deep-sea diving is the catch of the day, although this time you can wade out of the depths to look at birds and things that look like jellyfish but aren't, probably.
The sequel also allows you to go diving with friends in multiplayer, where you can chat via Wii Speak and swap watery tales.
Missions in Endless Ocean 2 include tending to coral reefs, riding dolphins and hanging around with whales. You'll be plunging into icy Arctic waters, foraging through sunken wrecks in the Aegean Sea and exploring the riches of the Brazilian Amazon.
But life under water isn't all parrot fish and sea horses: there are dangerous predators down there, and you'll need your Pulsar gun at the ready to repel them when they strike.
Released in 2007, Endless Ocean stood apart from the shoal for being different, and it's encouraging to see Nintendo commissioning more from developer Akira.
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January 8th, 2010, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands... Engine Software has developed a hitherto yet undisclosed method of motion sensitivity for the Nintendo DSi (which we're guessing utilizes the camera). That got your attention, right? Well, wait'll you get a load of this: the company has been kind enough to try the thing out on a game of Tilt -- on video. According to our friends at Joystiq, the company's currently working on a DSiWare title that incorporates the technique. See for yourself after the break.
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January 8th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Icon Games has released its WiiWare arcade racer Stunt Cars on the Nintendo console. Priced at 800 points, the game offers over the top racing in an excessive, fantasy setting.
Already out for aalomist a month in the US, Stunt Cars features 24 'wild' tracks, and offers players four different multiplayer game modes for up to four players. An extensive single player campaign is also included, offering Race, Time Trial, Championship and Time Challenge modes.
The game is compatible with the Wii Steering Wheel made famous by Mario Kart, and lets gamers choose from a sextet of individually tuned cars which promise to deliver a balanced gameplay experience. A dozen achievement awards are also included.
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January 8th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is preparing a nationwide New Super Mario Bros. Wii tournament in search of Japan’s number one Mario master. Contestants will play New Super Mario Bros. Wii in a series of coin battles.
You can enter solo or as a two player team. Either way, each coin battle has rounds with four players competing for coins. Not all of the stages are based on the Coin Battle mode in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. World 5-2 and World 4-5 where a Lakitu throws coins instead of Spinys are also on the course list.
Start practicing, if you live in Japan. Regional tournaments start next month leading up to a final battle in Tokyo in March.
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January 9th, 2010, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14359.html
Game INI update of the N64 Emulator UltraHLE 2064!
Download Link - update ultra.ini
Unofficial ultra.ini Version
Whats new in
*Playable Games*
Lode Runner 3D (E)(J)(U)
*Intro works Games*
Excitebike 64 (E)(U)
Whats new in
*Playable Games*
Bokujo Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.2)
Jikkyou G1 Stable (J) (V1.1)
Jikkyou J. League 1999 - Perfect Striker 2 (J) (V1.1)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu - Basic Han 2001 (J) (V1.1)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 5 (J) (V1.1)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 6 (J) (V1.1)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 6 (J) (V1.2)
Pro Mahjong Kiwame 64 (J) (V1.1)
Star Fox 64 (J) (V1.1)
Wave Race 64 (J) (V1.1)
WinBack - Covert Operations (J) (V1.1)
*Almost playable Games*
Mario Golf 64 (J) (V1.1)
*Intro works Games*
Super Real Mahjong VS (Arcade)
Whats new in
*Playable Games*
Excitebike 64 (J)
*Intro works Games*
CyberTiger (E)
Gauntlet Legends (E)(J)(U)
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E)(FI)
NBA Jam 99 (E)
Pokemon Puzzle League (E)(F)(U)
Added new dumped roms.
thanks Nekokabu!
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January 9th, 2010, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
SpaceBubble 0.93 released by wplaat
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl). Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
08/01/2010 Version 0.93
- Improve main menu screen.
- Added 60Hz (640×480) TV Mode support.
- Increase local highscore list to maximum 100 entries.
- Store current game score in highscore area also when game is quited.
- Added extra help screen with WiiMote control information.
- Use GRRLIB v4.2.0 library as graphical engine.
- Use libogc v1.8.1 library as Wii interface engine.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment
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January 9th, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Web Server alpha v1.20 released by Cboomf
The web server for Wii has been updated once more, heres whats new;
Vast speed improvements (no more sleeping)
Compiled against libogc v1.8.1 and devkitppc r19 etc
Stability issues fixed
Restuctured faster code
Re-coded in c++
Various HTTP rfc compliance improvements
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January 10th, 2010, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
A pair of attachments would turn two Wiimotes into a set of sticks, presumably for an air-drumming game, according to a patent filed recently by Namco Bandai.
While the patent doesn't specifically reference the Wiimote, the drawings do look awful familiar, and so far it's the most notable example of a rectangular control with an accelerometer inside. A shock absorber inside the coverings helps protect the controllers while striking the attachment tips against a desk or a flat surface.
The sound made by the game depends on the angle at which the drumsticks strike the surface - tom, snare, cymbals and hi-hat are all referenced in the patent application.
While it doesn't look like a game changer for the rhythm genre, I do think incorporating an actual strike into the gameplay, as opposed to drumming against the air, is a good bet. But how much abuse these things can take is a good question. People playing the drums delicately don't have much fun. And then there's the whole finger-twirl thing. How are we gonna pull that off?
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January 10th, 2010, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.siliconera.com/2010/01/10...n-wii-in-2010/
Surprise, surprise: game publishers are still clueless about how to make games sell on the Wii. Whether they really fail to understand how to overcome this hurdle or deliberately turn a blind eye to their shortcomings is an argument that’s been ground to a fine paste, so I’ll refrain from instigating that particular debate again.
Instead, let’s take a look at this interesting quote from Gamasutra’s recent feature on third-party publisher reactions to abysmal sales of uninteresting games.
One thing’s for sure — the focus has changed. Stores like Target and Best Buy have reportedly told game publishers not to even bother approaching them with collections of mini games, which they will no longer pick up.
Now, hold on for just a second before you start to cheer for the retailers. Let’s try to understand the reality of the situation first. Keep in mind these are the same types of people that also refuse to stock copies of good games that we all love. They aren’t championing excellence; nor are they taking a stand against laziness. All said and done, it comes down to sales and how many of them you make in a given week or month. If crappy mini games were still selling, they’d be all over them.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, yes; this is still a good thing, regardless of the intentions behind the decision. Retailers refusing to accept mini game compilations probably means publishers will be forced to try something different in the following years. At least, the bigger publishers like EA, Ubisoft and Activision who can’t really afford to drop Wii support entirely. The question is, all things considered, are we going to see a rise in quality going forward due to this?
I’m inclined to say no. 2010 and 2011 have got to be scary years for third-party publishers that are faced with the reality of competing with a new Zelda and potentially Mario and Metroid launching this year and the next. One must also consider the Wii Vitality Sensor, which will probably be another runaway hit with long legs that carry it for years, if past efforts like Wii Sports and Wii Fit are any indicator. Unfortunately, most publishers just aren’t equipped to compete with Nintendo’s own games on the platform.
That begs the question, what will we see from third-party publishers over the next year or so? I’m going to venture a guess and say more ports. You’ll probably finally see Capcom port Resident Evil 5 to the system. Modern Warfare 2 from Activision is a shoo-in as well. What else does everyone expect to see? Fire away in comments.
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January 10th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii Team have released a new version of Homebrew Browser for the Wii:
10 January 2010 (v0.3.7)
Compiled with DevKitPPC r19, libogc 1.8.1 and libfat 1.0.6
Allowed ratings and download count in repos
Expanded the size of the HBB updated applications display when starting up
Added homebrew sorter support (HBB will check for boot.dol.bak and boot.elf.bak files)
Disabled write test as some cards failed it
Fixed bug that crashed HBB at startup when settings had Use SD but no SD was inserted
Fixed bug that would freeze or crash HBB when accessing a repo
Fixed bug when GC controller was plugged in, it might go straight into the menu and then exit
The Homebrew Browser has been upgraded to v0.3.7 to mainly fix a couple of small bugs as well as finally compiling with the latest DevKitPPC, libogc and libfat, and adding homebrew sorter support.
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January 10th, 2010, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
TowerDefense 0.91 released by wplaat
TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. If ten enemies reach the base the game is over. Good luck!
Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl). Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
09/01/2010 Version 0.91
Graphical changes:
- Added 25 animated enemy sprites. Thanks Applicant!
- Added game setting screen.
- Added intro screen 3
- Improve winter theme sprites.
- Improve first help screen.
- Improve main menu screen.
- Lots of other small GUI changes.
Game play changes:
- Make game harder to play!
- Less start money.
- Enemy minimum / maximum speed depend on wave nr.
- Increase weapon prices.
- Increase maximum concurrent monsters in action.
- Decrease weapons effective range.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
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January 10th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
GuitarsOnFire 1.1 released by Daid
Guitars On Fire is a Guitar Hero clone, like Guitarfun and FretsOnFire. It uses Frets On Fire compatible songs, which can be found all over the internet. Lots are to be found at FretsOnFire fan forum Everything is released under GPL, which means the code is open for everyone to view and modify if they wish. It borrows graphics from both Guitarfun and FretsOnFire, and contains some new graphics. It does NOT use any of the FretsOnFire code, and only a little bit of the Guitarfun code. So it's a different game with a different feeling to it.
Version 1.1
New Features:
Freestyle mode (Special thanks to WaxyPumpkin72 for the sound effects)
New difficulty/instrument selection menus
Online score list, see http://daid.mine.nu/guitarsonfire/
New results screen after playing a song
Much requested volume settings
Low battery warning icon during gameplay. And auto pause if a controller disconnects.
Restart option in pause menu
Samba share option (see readme.txt)
Some audio fixes to make more songs playable
Many small things in the menus, larger texts, better fitting texts.
Loading is a bit faster now, and no longer speeds up at 90%.
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January 10th, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has released a new version of his DS Emulator for the DS, heres the release notes
Okay, I decided to release version 0.02 now that I have fixed the most annoying problems in 0.01. There is still a lot to do with the opcode support, and then the next big project is to add support for the EGA graphics mode. I also need to improve the current graphics mode support, as there seems to be problems with the palette handling, at least. Space Quest 4 is running but for some reason it thinks DSx86 has a monochrome display so it uses a greyscale palette, and Bad Blood is showing only a few of the colors, all other colors are black.
This version seems to be running Leisure Suit Larry 3 fine, I haven't had the save game corruption problem recently either. As you can see from the picture below, I've played it for long enough that I have over 500 points, so it will run at least that far without problems. I took the picture from the About page, as I thought it was funny to actually play and enjoy a game that is just a bit over 20 years old. :-) Also Solar Winds runs now with Sound Blaster digital sound effects enabled, as I added the ADPCM sample support.
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January 10th, 2010, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...24abc4a1c8936c
Copper, already the author of numerous MAME emulators games for the DS offers version 2.0 of "Snowbros DS" which emulates Roma 6 sets to the game Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom. This new mount called NIFI can play 2 players on 2 DS, and yes nothing less!
Reminder: Put your roms in zip format. Preferably in a directory named / MAMERoms at the root of your linker.
V2.0: 10/01/2010
* Version NIFI
List of supported sets:
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan)
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January 11th, 2010, 11:05 Posted By: DesertDog

Romhackers.org and Zelda.com.br asked if I could create a Portuguese version of The Legend of Zelda: Molblin's Magic Spear DS, and with their translation, I did.
Code: Multiple:Option, Localization: The_Owl (zelda.com.br) / Revision: |N|NjA| (zelda.com.br), Sumomo (zelda.com.br), gamer_boy (Romhackers.org)
Download it from here: zelda_p_ds.rar (4MB)
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January 11th, 2010, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has responded to a Greenpeace report published last week which named it as the most environmentally unfriendly electronics company in its annual survey.
The Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics scored Nintendo just 1.4 out of 10 for its chemical, e-waste and energy policies. However Nintendo has argued that it takes environmental responsibilities seriously, and pointed out the Wii is more energy efficient than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
"We would like to assure customers that we take our environmental responsibilities seriously and are rigorous in our commitment to comply with all relevant laws relating to environmental and product safety, including avoiding the use of dangerous substances in our manufacturing processes and ensuring the safe disposal and recycling of materials," Nintendo said in a statement made to Eurogamer.
"We consider the environmental impact of our products over their entire life cycle, from planning to disposal. In the planning phase, for example, we make every effort to design energy-efficient products and select materials for component parts and packaging materials with careful consideration for the environment. We also consider the importance of reducing environmental impact at end-of-life disposal by clearly indicating the materials used in each product to make recycling easier.
"We also work to eliminate harmful substances from our products right from the initial stages of material selection and have established strict environmental control standards, with our 340 production partners all co-operating with us in our efforts."
The Wii is "notably the most energy efficient [console] of its generation," said the company, adding that the DS design had been improved to minimise energy consumption.
Nintendo was marked down in the guide in part because of its failure to submit information on energy and e-waste policies to Greenpeace. In the areas where data wasn't supplied, the company was scored zero.
The environmental group has previously slammed Nintendo for not making these policies public.
Microsoft fared little better in the report and came out just one place ahead of Nintendo with a score of 2.4.
Of the three console manufacturers, Sony came out on top with a score of 5.1 and praise for its reduced greenhouse gases output and increased use of recycled plastics.
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January 11th, 2010, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
HeartGold and SoulSilver DS releases to get branded pedometer as part of the SKU
Ahead of the release of DS pair Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver in North America on March 14th, it has been revealed that both games will come bundled with a bonus accessory – the Pokewalker.
Kotaku reports that branded pedometer offers more than simply a step recorder – it can also be used to increase a player’s in-game currency and experience. It can also be used to trade items with other players.
The recent DS releases have proved enduring popular in Japan with sales of nearly 1.5m across their opening weekend in Japan. The pair have since gone on to sell in excess of 3m copies in the region.
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January 11th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
discontinued in the UK, which means shops are being given no more stock to sell.
Soon, the only place you'll find a copy is the second-hand market.
"Unfortunately, Metroid Prime Trilogy is no longer being shipped," Nintendo told Coffee with Games (via VG247). "Having said that, you may be able to find what you seek through the second-hand videogame market.
"When first introduced, it was announced that there would be limited availability. However, a reason for this was not announced."
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January 11th, 2010, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
It must be tough for lesser-known games when the Nintendo Download contains a big-name title like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but Chronos Twins DX, ShadowPlay, and the rest of this week's offerings put up a good fight.
Good fight or no, it'd be hard for any title to compete with a port of the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (1,000 Wii points), especially when it features new Wii remote gesture-based controls for presenting evidence and objecting. The only downside is the game only contains four of the five chapters of the original game, with the final chapter showing up in May for 100 points. If you find that objectionable, then there are plenty of other games to download this week.
Take Chronos Twins DX from EnjoyUp Games (1,000 points). It's a neat little mix of action, platforming, adventure, and puzzle gameplay, with the player controlling the game's hero, Nec, through two different space time continuums at the same time. Or how about Deep Fried Entertainment's ShadowPlay (800 points), which challenges players to transforming shadows into new objects in more than 100 puzzles? That sounds semi-intriguing, doesn't it?
And hey, there's always DSiWare, which gets Touch Solitaire (200 DSi points), Jazzy Billiards (500 points), and Word Searcher (500 points) today. Those all sound...swell.
See? There are plenty of games to play besides Ace Attorney this week, and that's not even counting the Virtual Console's addition of Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (800 points), the mahjong game for the Sega Genesis!
So yeah, Phoenix Wright.
Phoenix Wright™: Ace Attorney
Publisher: Capcom
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence
Price: 1,000 Wii Points™
Description: Meet Phoenix Wright, the rookie defense lawyer new to the scene with the wildest cross-examination skills in town. Take on four intriguing cases to reveal dramatic, stunning and even comical court proceedings. Use the Wii Remote controller to investigate the crime scenes, question witnesses and present shocking evidence.
Chronos Twins DX
Publisher: EnjoyUp Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E 10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Animated Blood, Mild Fantasy Violence
Price: 1,000 Wii Points
Description: Enter into the original world of Chronos Twins DX to live a fantastic adventure full of innovative ideas. Thanks to its Dual Gameplay game system, you'll be able to control Nec in two temporal scenarios at the same time. Chronos Twins DX mixes action, platforms, adventure and puzzles to challenge your intelligence and ability.
Publisher: Deep Fried Entertainment
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Alcohol Reference
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: Welcome to ShadowPlay. Let your imagination run wild when light meets everyday objects to create fascinating shadows. Play and experiment, make a monster out of a pineapple, a dolphin out of a banana - the only limit is your imagination. ShadowPlay challenges players by transforming shadows into more than 100 exciting, unique puzzles. As more challenging puzzles are unlocked, players will have to find more creative ways to solve problems. You will never look at a slice of pizza the same way again! Winning a round will allow players to advance to the next level as well as score another item to use in the Free Play Mode, where you can unleash your imagination and create your own shadow art. Family and friends can also jump in to help tackle a puzzle at any time using Local Co-op Mode. ShadowPlay will provide tons of brain-racking fun for players of all ages. How do you ShadowPlay?
Nintendo DSiWare™
Touch Solitaire
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points™
Description: Touch Solitaire features two of the most popular versions of the world-famous card game - Spider and Klondike - with simple touch-screen controls and an easy-to-understand interface. In Spider, the aim is to arrange cards in piles of a single suit from King down to Ace, thereby removing the pile from play. When all cards are removed, you win the game. The goal of Klondike is to arrange cards from Ace to King in piles, one for each suit, on the four foundations. You win when all cards have been moved to the foundations. Various difficulty levels are available for Spider and Klondike, allowing beginners or experts to enjoy the game at their own pace.
Jazzy Billiards
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Challenge intelligent computers or even your friends to a traditional game of 9-ball while enjoying mind-soothing music with Jazzy Billiards. Take advantage of the intuitive stylus mechanic to aim and hit the cue ball with varying strength to sink the other balls. Defeat your opponents by being the first to sink the 9-ball. Jazzy Billiards' Stage Mode features nine different stages, each with an opponent of ascending difficulty. Find out how many computers you can defeat in a row with Challenge Mode, or challenge your friends to a game of 9-ball in Versus Mode.
Word Searcher
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: You'll need a sharp eye and a quick mind to complete these 100 themed word search puzzles. Word Searcher contains fun words from multiple categories including anatomy, world cities and U.S. presidents. Packed with a huge assortment of subjects to choose from, there's sure to be a puzzle anyone will enjoy. Help improve your vocabulary, memory and problem-solving skills with these challenging puzzles. Keep track of, and try to beat, your own play-through times again and again as words are scrambled every time you play. Get your thinking cap on and conquer all 100 today.
Virtual Console™
Shanghai® II: Dragon's Eye
Original platform: Genesis
Publisher: SEGA
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: The ancient pastime of mahjong solitaire is reinvented as an interactive video game where each tile you remove may be your last. Discover enchanting music, fun animation and exciting obstacles that are built in to this intriguing board game that will keep you engaged for hours. This classic title challenges you to clear the board by removing matching pairs of tiles. Play the traditional Shanghai® II or take the game to a new dimension with Dragon's Eye. Don't let the simple rules deceive you - the depth and intricacy of this challenge will become your new obsession very soon.
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January 11th, 2010, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The eventuality of Netflix becoming available on a Nintendo console has left the world of "if" and seems headed for "when." According to Engadget, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings described chances of the company's movie streaming service "getting on Nintendo" as "excellent." Netflix has been singing the same song since last October, when PS3's Netflix streaming was announced. We've contacted Netflix and asked whether it would like to announce any firm commitments about its plans for the Wii.
If there is anything "iffy" about Netflix streaming for a Nintendo console, it revolves around whether the service will be available for the current Wii console, or any possibly far-fetched followups.
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January 11th, 2010, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Personal virtual trainer demonstrates moves, gives advice, and provides motivation
Access almost 80 exercises for losing weight, lowering your cholesterol, and getting ready for swimsuit season
Personalized goals let you chose length and frequency of program on a calendar
Customize your environment and pick your favorite type of workout music
Chart your progress with graphs over an extended period of time
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January 11th, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
WIP version of Super Nintendo emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- added folder-up button to the file loading window;
- hid new-folder button except on path selection window;
- removed "Assign Modifiers as Keys" button; replaced with input.modifierEnable in the configuration file;
- fixed a Qt signal issue that was causing ROM loading to take an extra second or two longer than necessary;
- scale 5x setting will now maintain an exact multiple in both width and height for both NTSC and PAL modes;
- re-added group assignment and unassignment to the input settings window;
- re-wrote mouse capture code to be more intuitive, now uses buttons to set assignment;
- re-added input.allowInvalidInput check to stop up+down and left+right key combinations by default [Jonas Quinn];
- split "Tools Dialog" menu option into separate items for each tool (Cheat Editor, Cheat Finder, State Manager);
- added S-SMP and S-DSP property information readouts to the debugger.
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January 11th, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
RedSquare 0.94 released by wplaat
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly! Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl). Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
This evening RedSquare 0.94 is released by PlaatSoft. The following changes were made:
11/01/2010 Version 0.94
- Added improve score calculation.
- Added extra help screen.
- Improve webservice call to store high score.
- Added support for 60HZ (640×480) TV mode.
- Use libogc 1.8.1 library as Wii interface engine.
- Use GRRLIB v4.2.0 as graphical engine.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
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January 11th, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=2511
Wiikey Fusion, as many will know, has been the buzz of the Wii modding community for several months now. This revolutionary new way to mod a Wii to enable Homebrew etc to be played from SD card has caused a lot of excitement and anticipation. At the same time, a lot of people have emailed us to voice their frustration over how long its taking. When we first announced Wiikey Fusion back in September 2009, we did not think that it would take quite this long to launch. Initially, we had October 2009 as a preliminary launch date. However, introduction of a new protections in the form of a previously unused DI command (BCA read) in a recently released game forced us to reconsider the Wiikey Fusion architecture. While implementing BCA read emulation is quite straightforward there are several other Wii/Gamecube specific commands that potentially could be used in future protections.
As a result of what we discovered, we basically scrapped 4 months work and set about creating a brand new architecture which supports reading game-specific DI command handlers from games on DVD and SD card.
We're pleased to announce that this work is nearing completion, and that we're looking to begin shipments of Wiikey Fusion during January.
We'd like to thank everyone who gave us their support and trust from day one with this product. Without you, Wiikey Fusion would not have become a reality.
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January 11th, 2010, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ced6098c273f46
Morukutsu already written several homebrew missed on Wii and DS, brings her new DS project, "Inside The Machine 2," after "Inside the Machine.
For the record, this game is the direct result of Inside the Machine. In it, you direct Dade, who goes in search of his friend went on trip for several months. Walking in his footsteps, he will discover that the world has become more and more strange after the arrival of an alien on the planet. The latter, using the Earth as a toy will completely disrupt the planet, making it increasingly mad day by day. In the footsteps of his friend, Dade will be loaded with a new goal: to combat the threat posed by this alien.
For the technical side is not too different from the first (always based on μLib). Apart from that I learned many things I should not fail to add to the game is always the same engine, but also improved (particles & co). And for collisions and jumps that made the first opus not very cool to play, everything is correct smiley. The levels are bigger and the game will obviously be longer.
In terms of progress, there remains much to do. I have a personal map editor that will allow me to create levels quickly.
So far no playable demo then, but there is a video Smiley.
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January 11th, 2010, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ced6098c273f46
Lino and Actarus released a new version of the DS Emulator for Windows:
Hello everybody,
I am Actarus and I will release and I will write the new version of iDeaS.
Here's the changelog :
* Fixed some bugs in timers emualtion.
* Fixed a bug in alpha blending between OAM and layers.
* Fixed a bug closing the compressed files.
* Added some speedup at the emulation.
* Added new formats for the screenshots and fixed bug during the capture.
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January 12th, 2010, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
The OpenBor Team have released a new version of the Beats of Rage Engine for the Wii and Dingoo,
Heres whats new:
Plombo: Biker support is finally fixed! Now you can play more mods correctly on Wii and Dingoo, including the original Beats of Rage.
Plombo: Fix for loading mods from the data folder under Linux.
Shin-NiL: Added Dingoo specific function to detect correct amount of free RAM.
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January 12th, 2010, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14389.html
JMEBoy is a Game Boy emulator available for mobile phones using J2ME. JSwingBoy runs on PCs.
Changes history - JMEBoy v1.5.2:
1.5.2 (based on HG rev. 418)
- fixed problem that timer in "Super Mario Land" cycles between 400 and 500 (bug ID 2924635)
1.5.1 (based on HG rev. 410)
- added Dutch translation provided by ikben0het@users.sourceforge.net
- fixed the problem that the new main menu could not be used on some Sony Ericsson phones (bug id 2880965)
1.5 (based on HG rev. 407)
- menu redesign
- updates to the French translation, provided by Philippe Infarnet (feufeu84@user.sourceforge.net)
- performance optimizations
Changes history - JSwingBoy v1.2.14:
1.2.14 (based on HG rev. 418)
- fixed problem that timer in "Super Mario Land" cycles between 400 and 500 (bug ID 2924635)
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January 12th, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
HVE has released a new version of his game for the DS:
Here is a mini-game I made.
You are an earthworm and you have to beware of the bird who wanna eat you.
Eat flies in the mid-air and nutrients in the ground to get score and increase your worms' length.
If you get caught by the bird you lose and possibly get a place in the highscore.
Left & Right/L & R: Change the direction
A: 1.Increase the speed
2.Bounce, if held when going towards the ground
Down: Prevent the worm from bouncing, if A is held
Select: Press in the beginning to start "Free Mode" which is unlocked when you win the game.
If you come near the bird it will hunt you, and if you don't get caught it will fly to the ground and pick into it.
While the bird is picking, it won't see (nor catch) you.
Latest download link:
[Update 12-01-2010]: Fixed some bugs, added panning to the bird sound and fixed a collision displacement.
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January 12th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
The release of the Nintendo 64 Flashcart has meant a fresh restart for homebrew on the N64, heres a release posted at 64scener
It's no longer a secret, as of today ScummVM is officially available for the Nintendo64, ported by Hkz.
A prebuilt image with demo roms is available below.
Thanks to Hkz for the awesome release :-)
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January 12th, 2010, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
ScummVM for N64 bundled with Beneath a Steel Sky, news again from N64 Scener
Hkz has released another build of ScummVM 64 (1.1.0svn47213) but this time the "Sky Engine" is included which means that the build contains "Beneath a Steel Sky" instead of just demos.
In August 2003, the game was released as freeware so there's nothing illegal going on here... have fun and game away! :-)
Thank again to Hkz for the awesome release.
Oh and please note that the game requires FlashRAM to save.
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January 13th, 2010, 18:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Update: Nintendo's told Eurogamer that no release date has been confirmed for Other M in Europe and the uK.
Nintendo's announced that Wii action game Metroid: Other M - a collaboration with Ninja Gaiden studio Team Ninja - will be released this year.
"The next highly anticipated offering in the Metroid franchise is Metroid: Other M, which will be available this year," the company told G4TV.
The statement came after Nintendo was spotted discontinuing the brilliant Metroid Prime: Trilogy, presumably to show fans there was something to look forward to.
Zelda fans are not so lucky, as Reggie Fils-Aime still refuses to pin down a date for the new Zelda game on Wii.
"Right now, it's still in development. But the key message that Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma are telling us is that it really has to be perfect when it launches. That really is what the Zelda fan is expecting," said US boss Fils-Aime on the Nintendo Week show.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has been Link's only adventure on Wii to date, and that was a game originally designed for GameCube, with Wiimote controls tagged on.
At E3 2008, Nintendo overlord Satoru Iwata told the world that the Zelda and Mario teams were hard at work making new games. The Mario team was evidently busy with the now announced Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is due out this year.
But what the Zelda team is up to we're still waiting to hear. Shigeru Miyamoto said at E3 2009 that he "really wanted to announce a Zelda game for Wii", but explained that it was better for the team to focus on development rather than cobble together a demo for the show.
An E3 2010 reveal, then, is on the cards.
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January 13th, 2010, 18:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Netflix's Wii disc sign-up page (remember, you need the disc to access the movie streaming service) is now live. All you need to do is sign in to your account and press the big blue button on the page. Yup, it's really that simple.
We're currently trying to find out from Netflix if the launch and service on the Wii will be relatively similar to that offered on the PS3 -- beyond requiring a disc. We're also trying to narrow down that "spring" release window, if possible.
Update: "Spring is as specific as we can get," a Netflix representative tells Joystiq. We've also been told, "The Wii will have the same titles as all Netflix ready devices and a similar, easy and fast disc-based experience as the PS3."
Sign up page here
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January 13th, 2010, 18:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Speaking on the Nintendo Weekly show (via Youtube), President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime stated the company will be taking its time with the upcoming Zelda title for Wii, and that it won't see a release until its perfect.
"Right now, it's still in development. But the key message that Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma is telling us is that it really has to be perfect when it launches," he said. "That really is what the Zelda fan is expecting."
"So for all of those Zelda fans out there right now, I would say enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and know that the Zelda title for Wii is going to come out when it's perfect," he said.
Fils-Aime's comment doesn't exactly mesh with an earlier report saying the new title would ship in 2010.
Last week, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata was quoted by Asahi Shimbun Daily in Japan as saying the next Zelda for Wii will ship before the end of this year. Nintendo Japan has yet to officially make an announcement on its release date, however.
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January 13th, 2010, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter has said he doesn't expect the launch of Netflix on Wii, announced earlier today, to be as significant a move as it was on Xbox 360.
Despite a US installed base of close to 26 million, Pachter estimated that only a small percentage of users - fewer than 20 per cent - had connected their Wii to the internet. In contrast, he estimated around 75 per cent of 360s and 80 per cent of PS3s were used online.
As such it wasn't expected that Netflix activations would jump significantly when the service launched this spring. "We think that the Wii installed base will embrace the Netflix service only gradually," said the Wedbush report.
However, as the Xbox 360 installed base for the Netflix service approached saturation point, the addition of PS3, Wii and further electronics devices would enable Netflix to maintain its pace of new subscribers, it added.
To access the Netflix service through the Wii, users will need to insert a separate disc before watching a film - as will be required on the PS3 also. On the Xbox 360, users can simply access the service from the Dashboard - a feature which Pachter predicted has arisen from Microsoft's 360 exclusive arrangement with Netflix, which will run at least until the end of 2010.
In the wake of the Wii announcement, the guidance from Wedbush on Netflix shares was that they would underperform.
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January 13th, 2010, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has denied that the next iteration of the DS will feature a motion sensor and more graphical power.
Company president Satoru Iwata was reported as making the claims last week. But according to Nintendo there's been a misunderstanding.
"Mr Iwata did not make any comments regarding the functions of Nintendo's future hardware systems," a representative told Kotaku. "The answer to the reporter's question was misinterpreted."
Kotaku stands by its original translation of the comments, which appeared in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. Nintendo says it was the paper's reporter who was responsible for the mix-up.
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January 13th, 2010, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has filed an application to trademark the name Wii Relax in the US.
The application covers a wide range of possible uses for the name - it could refer to all manner of software or peripherals. But there's plenty of speculation it could have something to do with the Vitality Sensor accessory, particularly since the patent mentions "parts and accessories of consumer videogame apparatus, including those with pulse-measuring functions".
Nintendo also trademarked the Wii Relax name in Europe last year. Hmm.
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January 13th, 2010, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's "bitching" (and subsequent back-track) about poor sales of Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles was ill-aimed, WiiWare developer Bloober Team has told Eurogamer.
"With such a strong install base it's hard to believe that there's not enough people to appreciate mature, core content," said executive producer Marcin Kawa. "It's all about games and quality. I'm not surprised that another shooter on rails doesn't sell well. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that people expect something more than that..
"I bet No More Heroes 2 will do pretty good, as well as the new Metroid and Capcom's Monster Hunter. I hope that Last Flight will be successful and that's because we're making a game that was thought out as a Wii game.
"Instead of bitching," he added, "we'd rather create something that has value and doesn't feel like a third-rate port put together to make a quick buck."
Bloober's making Last Flight, a visually simple but striking action-horror game inspired by Golden Axe, although we've yet to see the similarities. Importantly, this is a WiiWare game aimed at a mature audience that Marcin Kawa is adamant exists on Wii, despite the public lethargy for critically acclaimed games like MadWorld and No More Heroes.
"Was it the right decision to develop a game on Wii? Should we make it less violent? Are we gonna sell enough copies to pay our bills? You know, typical questions, nothing unusual here," Kawa said. "And while we love and respect Capcom and Pachter, we wouldn't go that far and say that mature stuff doesn't sell or that it's the platform holder's fault.
"Our logic is far simpler: if the game doesn't sell, we did something wrong."
The first episode of Last Flight, of which there are four, will be released on WiiWare "really soon".
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January 13th, 2010, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is already working on a new Pokemon game. It’s called Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki (Pokemon Ranger: Path of Light) and sends adventurers to Oblivia.
According to Corocoro, players can choose to be a male or female character who is sent to Oblivia which has a Pichu playing a ukulele. Pokemon Nappers lead by the presumably nefarious Red Eye are this game’s enemy.
Rangers can use Pokeassists, a move that has Pokemon help capture other Pokemon, and ranger signs drawn on the touch screen to call other Pokemon. Pokemon Ranger: Path of Light also has a four player cooperative mode and has a special Deoxys which can be transferred to other Pokemon DS games.
Pokemon Ranger: Path of Light is scheduled for March 6 in Japan.
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January 13th, 2010, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The structure of savestates (also known as snapshots / freeze files) is incompatible with older versions! Snes9x 1.52 cannot read the savestates created by 1.51 or older. (zones)
- Highly acculate SPC700 and S-DSP emulation. (Blargg)
- Replaced APU emulation cores (SPC700 and S-DSP) with ones provided by Blargg's SNES_SPC library. This renders savestates incompatible with older versions. (BearOso, zones)
- SPC7110 emulation. (byuu, neviksti)
- Merged bsnes' SPC7110 emulation code. Note that the .rtc file of Far East of Eden Zero is incompatible with olderversions. (zones)
- Removed graphics pack support. It's no more necessary. (zones)
- Replaced S-RTC emulation code with bsnes' one to keep the good compatibility of .rtc files between the two emulators. As a result, Daikaijuu Monogatari 2 now outputs the .rtc file, and its .srm file is incompatible with older versions. (zones)
- Added savestate supports for DSP-2, DSP-4, ST-010 and OBC1. (zones)
- Added UPS support. (byuu)
- Fixed DSP-4 AI problem. (Jonas Quinn)
- Fixed invalid memory accesses in C4 and OBC1 codes. (zones)
- Fixed invalid memory accesses in BSX codes. My mistake. (zones)
- Fixed the read value of $213e, $4210 and $4211. (zones)
- Fixed the writing of word values at the memory boundary. (zones)
- Fixed the bug that the unnecessary SA-1 emulation
continues once any SA-1 games are launched. (zones)
- Removed old color blending codes. (zones)
- Removed too-old Snes96 and ZSNES snapshot support. (zones)
- Updated command-line options. (zones)
- Code cleaning. (zones)
- GTK+ : Added a port of Snes9x to the GTK+ toolkit. (BearOso)
- Unix : Reconstructed and simplified all the contents. Some features have been removed to be simple, and many options have changed. GTK+ port is recommended for most of Linux users. (zones)
- Win32: Now uses snes9x.conf to prevent problems with
modified meaning of settings. (OV2)
- Win32: Removed broken OpenGL mode. (OV2)
- Win32: Removed support for 8bit output. (OV2)
- Win32: Reworked settings dialogues to accomodate the new APU core and display settings. (OV2)
- Win32: Updated defaults to use D3D and XA2 (better Vista and Win7 support). (OV2)
- Win32: Direct3D and XAudio2 support. (OV2)
- Win32: Added Blargg's ntsc filter (three presets). (OV2)
- Mac : Fixed corrupted screenshot on Intel Mac. (zones)
- Mac : Fixed sudden abort in QuickTime movie export on Intel Mac. (zones)
- Mac : Changed sound settings for the new APU core. (zones)
- Mac : Changed the default folder which Snes9x looks for to 'Application Support' folder. (zones)
- Mac : Changed folder names: 'IPSs' -> 'Patches', 'BIOSs' -> 'BIOSes'. (zones)
- Mac : Added Blargg's ntsc filter. (zones)
- Mac : Internal changes for Leopard and Snow Leopard. (zones)
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January 13th, 2010, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...16de19c5792a3c
darkjoker proposes an adaptation of the Briscola for DS game cards traditional Italian.
Briscola Which is a game uses the cards from 1 to 7, jack, queen and king. The four card suits are swords, sticks, cups and money.
One of these suits is called "briscola", it means that that can read gets the other suits. Each player in any round play a card, the opponent play a card too and the winner gets the two cards. The winner then draws a card from the deck and the same is done by the other player. At The End Of The Game The winner is who realized more points.
Here I'll explain when a card can win another one:
1. The cards has the same steps, in this case the winner is always the card one year wich has hight value (in points)
2. The cards are of different suits, but one of them has is the briscola's suit. The winner is the one card has the briscola wich's suit.
3. The cards are of different suits and the none of them have the briscola's suit. The winner is the one card played on the ground before.
The points are:
Ace: 11 points
Three: 10 points
King: 4 points
Queen 3 points
Jack: 2 points
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January 14th, 2010, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced a European release date of March 5 for its new design of DS, the DSi XL.
The large-sized handheld launched in Japan in November, selling over 100,000 units in its first few days and topping the hardware chart following its first week on sale.
Two DSiWare titles will come preloaded onto the console in Europe - Dr Kawashima's: Little Bit of Brain Training: Arts Edition and Dictionary 6 in 1 with Camera Function - and the console will be available in two colours - wine red and dark brown.
The new DSi comes with 4.2 inch screens, which are 93 per cent bigger than the DS Lite screens, and a larger pen-like stylus that is easier to hold - both are geared at making entended gameplay and web browsing easier.
A price for the console in the UK has yet to be announced.
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January 14th, 2010, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has said that a new Nintendo console or an update to the Wii will not be announced in the coming months.
Speaking to Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Fils-Aime quashed speculation the company would announce new hardware at this year's GDC, saying "We are confident the Wii home entertainment console has a very long life ahead of it."
Following a slowing of sales for Nintendo last year, and ahead of Sony and Microsoft's launch of their own motion technologies, analysts had predicted Nintendo would announce its own hardware update shortly - probably in the form of HD support.
But Nintendo has remained firm in its stance that sales will be regenerated by a fuller software release schedule and by innovations such as the Wii Vitality Sensor, due in late 2010.
It was confirmed yesterday that Netflix would be coming to the Wii in spring - a service that gives users the opportunity to stream films via their consoles, and one that is already available through the Xbox 360. The move is one of Nintendo's few to date into the realms of multimedia outside of gaming.
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January 14th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe will release the Nintendo DSi XL on March 5. Compared to a Nintendo DSi, the system has a 93% larger screen and will be available in two colors: wine red and dark brown at launch. Each Nintendo DSi XL comes pre-loaded with Dr. Kawashima’s: Little Bit of Brain Training: Arts Edition, Nintendo DSi Browser and Dictionary 6 in 1 with Camera Function.
On the same day, Europe also gets Picross 3D, also known as Rittai Picross in Japan. Picross 3D is a multi-dimensional nongram puzzle where players chip away at a cube to reveal objects like dogs and flowers. Players can also design their own Picross 3D puzzles and submit them over Nintendo Wi-Fi to Nintendo. Periodically, Nintendo picks puzzles and releases them as free downloadable content.
Picross 3D was on Nintendo of America’s E3 list, but no release date has been announced. We played the Japanese version last year and wrote impressions of it.
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January 14th, 2010, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Lite is now two hardware iterations old. It launched back in 2006, and was a major redesign *of the original DS, from 2004. In 2010, Nintendo says it's not quite ready to part ways with the Lite.
"Our current plans are to continue manufacturing Nintendo DS Lite globally", a Nintendo spokesperson told website MCVUK. "The DS Lite has been a highly popular handheld console and has brought fun to an expanded audience of gamers — male and female; young and old — and sales remain strong. That said, it is true that our key focus in the UK for 2010 will be the Nintendo DSi and DSi XL."
The DS Lite will get support just like the Game Boy Advance did in 2005 or 2006. No, we imagine it will get less support. Why ever would Nintendo continue to support the DS Lite? The console can easily run R4-type devices that can be used to run pirated video games. The newer DSi would not initially run R4 cartridges. It has since been cracked, but the DSi has a layer of protection that just does not exist on the DS Lite. The DS Lite is the wild west, do whatcha like.
So why would Nintendo, a company who is spearheading a lawsuit to take down R4s, want to support hardware that can play R4 devices no problem? Why would Nintendo, a company that has an online store for its DSi, want to support the DS Lite?
None of this is to say the DS Lite is bad hardware — hinge cracks aside, it's Nintendo quality.
The DS Lite costs US$129.99, while the DSi is priced at $169.99. The recently launched and considerably larger sized DSi XL is priced at approximately $220 in Japan.
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January 14th, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Summary of ruling
On its December 3rd 2009 ruling, the 13th chamber of the Paris High Court (intellectual property specialist) found Divineo SARL France not-guilty in a case opposing Nintendo France and Japan. This case was related to the distribution of ‘linkers’ (Cyclo Evolution etc) for Nintendo DS and DS Lite. This decision follows other similar rulings in lower courts in other regions including Canada and Spain.
This decision has very promising far reaching implications that go beyond this specific case and defends the rights of all individuals as well small to medium sized companies in various industries.
Background of industry and parties involved
Nintendo is one of three main producers in the video game console market which also includes Sony and Microsoft. However, out of the three producers, both Microsoft and Nintendo have recently been found guilty of abusing their dominant market positions in exerting monopolistic market actions. It is acknowledged that attempts to establish total control of any market is an anti-competitive practice and can result heavy fines for those companies involved in such practices.
Divineo is a major player in the distribution of videogame accessories, with the same customer base as Nintendo, i.e. all the major retailers in this sector. Divineo is also a partner to a number of video game software producers who create games for Nintendo console and has also contributed to the success of some of the biggest third party game launches on the Nintendo DS.
Divineo SARL was sued by Nintendo in Hong Kong for the sale of linkers. However, Nintendo did not sue the biggest retailers at the respective time who were also selling linkers. These retailers included but are not limited to Amazon.com (U.S.A) and Yahoo.co.jp (Japan). Unable to defend itself due to a lack of finances which focused on such a remote destination, Nintendo managed to obtain a decision by default to fine Divineo SARL a fee of approximately 50 Million Euro’s. The respective amount was obviously absurd and lacked any objectivity as no sales took place to or from Hong Kong.
Nintendo appears to commonly deploy a tactic in which its selects to sue companies in remote jurisdictions as the opposing party usually lacks the financial means to defend itself. This can result in Nintendo gaining a decision by default and avoids the company having to face European law in which the opposing party can defend itself and be represented fairly.
Understanding the benefits of Linkers
Linkers (also known as flash carts) are accessories for Nintendo DS consoles that allow the loading of ‘homebrew’ software (games, applications) created by independent developers. Thousands of homebrew applications are available by development communities, making the homebrew catalog wider than the one offered by Nintendo. The respective catalog features a far more diverse range of software and functionality than offered by the game focused catalog of Nintendo. For example, the homebrew catalog enables functionalities such as multimedia playback, GPS, agenda and diary setting, various utilities and original game concepts.
Arguably seeing the benefits of the homebrew developments (such as media viewing), Nintendo produced an accessory largely inspired by linkers called the DSVision which is distributed solely in Japan. However, this product is not as powerful as linkers and the majority of software choice is controlled by Nintendo. Unfortunately, it also fails to provide compatibility with software created by individuals who are not working for Nintendo, not paying licensing fees or simply those applications deemed unwanted by the Japanese firm. Moreover, Nintendo also added functions that were first available on linkers, MP3, and video players to its new console (DSi) by default. Thus, Nintendo explicitly appreciate the value of homebrew functionalities by effectively offering their own versions by default on their new console.
Nintendo failing to respect inter-operability exception
Although it was obvious that none of the defendants were pirates, Nintendo constantly accused the defendants of piracy during its communication on the case. However, despite these false claims of piracy, the main charge filed from Nintendo was that the linkers sold by the defendants are breaking security protection on the console that prevents access to programs not approved by Nintendo. However, Divineo stated that if this protection exists from Nintendo, then it is illegal and abusive. The reason being is that the respective protection does not support European laws that prohibit a security protection from preventing a legitimate owner of a product from using independent software as they wish. Even if producers of linkers broke an eventual protection to access the console, they are entitled to do so to allow the inter-operability of their device with Nintendo console.
Based on this logic, it is clear Nintendo does not respect aspects of the French and European law especially in relation to the inter-operability exception. Instead of protecting its games, Nintendo simply blocked the access to its console. Its goal is not at all to protect its customer, like Nintendo stated in court. Nintendo follows a simple economic goal: Any company who wants to create a product for its console will have to pay them.
Why is the exception of inter-operability rightful and just as well as this ruling?
Nowadays, whether in video games or in the vast majority of industrial sectors, it is near impossible to create a company at the base of the industry. The launch of a new videogame console is financially impossible. The accessories business, like many others, gravitates around products created by companies with near-monopoly status. The inter-operability exception protects the existence of numerous companies which, without it, would be facing a death-sentence by the simple will of those corporate giants. It also protects the end-users by giving them a choice. It is the whole spirit of this law and its exception.
We can easily understand the reasons why the inter-operability exception is beneficial to not only independent developers, accessory producers and ultimately you, the individual:
Nintendo decided to ‘ignore’ this game, therefore only linkers can make it run. If linkers were illegal, this game, and hundreds of others, would not exist, simply because Nintendo says so. It seems right to us that an independent developer has the right to freely create software for a console or a computer without having to request the authorization from a company in a dominant position.
Microsoft decided to ‘kill’ memory-cards from Datel by locking them out. If Datel is not able to bypass this protection, it is impossible to offer this unique product that Microsoft customers ask for.
In fact, if this law did not exist, Microsoft could protect Windows access, and could legally refuse access to other browsers such as Google Chrome. In fact they were severely fined because they attempted to. Any hugely dominant company or group of companies in a monopoly-type position, could control what end users can do with the product they purchased. We can easily imagine the disastrous consequences and abuses that could quickly happen if this exception did not exist… Just like we can appreciate the innovations and additional functionalities that independent developers bring to all leading products of a sector.
These excellent laws and ruling protect the users, because it gives them free-choice on the use of their products. It protects companies as well because it lets them exist without needing an agreement from the giants of their industry. This law is democratic, fair, moral and follows what French and European consumers expect.
Nintendo problem and the fight against piracy
We understand that linkers, like MP3 players, DVD burners, multimedia HD/readers and numerous other products sold legally in all major retailers worldwide, can be used by pirates for reasons beyond their main legitimate uses. However, Linkers are devices that allow fantastic innovations on Nintendo DS. The creativity of independent developers brings daily added value to this console, and increases sales of the console without any doubt.
Unfortunately, Linkers are misused by pirates for illegal purpose, but there again laws were passed and prove that lawmakers understood the new challenges end users like companies are facing. New laws like the French HADOPI reinforce the power to fight piracy, because there lie the problem for Nintendo and any other software developer/distributor. Lawmakers are not going to sue Apple for its iPod but instead the real pirates that download or make available copyrighted music. The same laws apply to counter the true Nintendo (or other editors) games pirates. Not the one Nintendo is suing, which are simply legal accessories distributors, but the ones that pirate their games, share them, and download them on the Internet.
Looking to the future
Divineo France stopped distributing linkers in 2007, although they were extremely popular among specialized independent shops, which target advanced console users. For those advanced gamers, this accessory is a must have to use their Nintendo DS to its full potential. We are looking for a solution that allows Nintendo console owners to launch the numerous independent applications, while blocking pirated games. This solution is complex because once more the protection from Nintendo is inadequate and makes the development of a safer linker solution hard or even impossible. We are making progress and hope to soon offer all independent developers a true solution to use and distribute their homebrew freeware/shareware on Nintendo DS consoles, while still creating many videogame consoles and electronic accessories.
Thank you for your support and Happy New Year 2010
Divineo Team
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January 14th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...a30df25a9bce6e
Copper, author of numerous MAME emulators games for the DS offers version 2.0.1 of "Snowbros DS" which emulates Roma 6 sets to the game Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom and also allows through NIFI play 2 players on 2 DS.
Reminder: Put your roms in zip format. Preferably in a directory named / MAMERoms at the root of your linker.
V2.0.1: 14/01/2010
* Some multiplayer bugs fixed
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
List of supported sets:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan)
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January 14th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...a30df25a9bce6e
New version for Wind Pro DSi passes in 2.4.3, multi-application PC emulators including 3 for the Nintendo DS (No $ gba / DeSmuME / ideas) and 1 for Game Boy Advance (VBA-M) and tools (emulator customizable / Zoom / etc ...). On the menu, the latest version of iDeaS, DeSmuME and less bugs.
Reminder: Uninstall the old installation before installing the new version.
And all things you need to play:
- Better setup program
- Rewrited manifest files to use Windows Vista / 7 high dpi (NO $ GBA and his tools now works fine in 120 & 144 dpi high modes)
- New PMP NO $ 0.40 (Now supporting LovePlus, Tales of Hearts, 7th Dragon, Avalon Code, DQ4, DQ5, DQ9, FF4, Soma Bringer, Wizardry Asterisk & Eliminage DS)
- New iDeaS Final (Actarus)
- New Simplified Chinese translation for iDeaS
- New DeSmuME SVN 3281
You can right-click in "No $ gba - ideas - desmume - vba" to open the saved games folder instead! Quick & Easy!
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January 14th, 2010, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Boive
Brix DS is a physics-based puzzle game. It's quite simple: use the stylus to remove all the gray blocks so that you can safely dispose of the bomb. To make the game more exciting, I've mixed in different kinds of bricks for you to play with (there is a block description in the game) and I have also implemented lunar gravity. If you can breeze through the first levels as if they were nothing, the final levels will definitely not be as easy. There are 73 levels by the way, good luck stylus-ing your way out of all those bombs !
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January 15th, 2010, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
psiko_scweek has released 2 Cover Mods of the emulators Snes9X and FCE Ultra, the Snes and Nes Emulators for the Wii.
Firstly heres the changes to the Snes Emulator for Wii:
Changes -
* Based on SNES9x GX 4.1.5 by Tantric
* Added option to enable to disable Cover View from settings
* Changed folder from Images to Covers
* Added option to change the location of the cover images
* Fixed a small delay problem when exiting rom in List mode
* Updated with latest optimizations from the SVN
* Reworked the Auto-Update function to check for updates to CoverView mod.
* Fixed the image skewing, covers now skew properly like they should.
* Small tweaks to code.
Now heres the Nes Changes:
* Based on FCE Ultra GX 3.1.3 by Tantric
* Added Cover View to Menu Settings
* Added Cover Folder to File Settings
* Cover View now will display .NES and .FDS files
Both Versions can be downloaded from the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=283222
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January 15th, 2010, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Godrik proposes an adaptation of the arcade game Qix for the DS "QixDS" and the Wii "WiiQix.
How to play
The title screen is used to adjust the number of bullets on the screen by clicking the ball down the left. Press start to start
It creates walls draw a line one wall to another wall. A wall is a few seconds to solidify. If a ball hits a wall in court appearance, all the walls disappear uncured.
On DS, it simply draws a line with the stylus. On Wii, you must point and keep press A. Be careful to end the movement on a wall and not outside the screen.
On Wii you can leave the game anytime by pressing the Home
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January 15th, 2010, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Godrik proposes an adaptation of the arcade game Qix for the DS "QixDS" and the Wii "WiiQix.
How to play
The title screen is used to adjust the number of bullets on the screen by clicking the ball down the left. Press start to start
It creates walls draw a line one wall to another wall. A wall is a few seconds to solidify. If a ball hits a wall in court appearance, all the walls disappear uncured.
On DS, it simply draws a line with the stylus. On Wii, you must point and keep press A. Be careful to end the movement on a wall and not outside the screen.
On Wii you can leave the game anytime by pressing the Home
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January 15th, 2010, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax(french site)
You know necessarily "Zelda Classic" clone greatest game of all time: Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda is the exact replica of the proposed version on the NES. Zelda Classic has enabled the development of new quests, using traditional graphics and more sophisticated with the menu: the eternal enemies, objects and different challenges. Deviance of the Armageddon team explains that the 1.90 version of Zelda Classic is compatible with DOSBox Wii and proposes a package ready to take on our beloved Wii. A keyboard is essential.
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January 15th, 2010, 18:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo is likely to officially announce a new DS console this year, with the hardware on the market in under 15 months, according to EEDAR's Jesse Divnich.
A slowing of support from publisher partners and a desire to remain ahead of any competitors will result in new hardware, said Divnich, despite a record year for the format in 2009.
"Even though the Nintendo DS posted a record year in 2009, EEDAR expects Nintendo to make an official announcement on the DS2 within the next eight months," wrote Divnich.
"Nintendo has always had a controlling stake in the handheld market, despite facing numerous competitors, and EEDAR believes one of the biggest reasons for Nintendo’s success in the handheld market is their ability to remove opportunity gaps for competitors to enter. Nintendo’s transition from the GBA to the DS, a year earlier than anticipated, was a brilliant strategy to remove any upper hand the Sony PSP could have by being first to market."
New hardware will also help Nintendo fend off the piracy market, and entice publishers back to handheld gaming, said Divnich.
"Piracy continues to be an issue, not just for Nintendo, but for its third-party publishers as well. Whilst the release of the DSi has slowed down piracy, that slow down will only be temporary as hackers have already managed to bypass the new security systems built into the hardware."
He added: "Many publishers including Sega, Capcom, and now Ubisoft have all expressed that they may be reducing their exposure to Nintendo’s consoles, which will likely lead to heavy declines in both hardware and software sales for the Nintendo DS."
Earlier this week French publisher Ubisoft said that it was concentrating on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 formats in 2010, following poor sales of DS software in 2009.
"The considerable contraction in the DS market during the year particularly affected Ubisoft, leading to a €160 million, or almost 50 per cent, year-on-year drop in the Company’s casual segment sales," admitted CEO Yves Guillemot.
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January 15th, 2010, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo America boss Reggie Fils-Aime says the next Nintendo console, Wii 2 if you like, will not simply be about introducing a HD upgrade, but adding more new capability to its gaming offerings.
"Over 26 million consumers have bought a Wii, so the consumer is saying that, for them, the quality of the visual is not nearly as important as the overall entertainment - the overall value of that experience and that's really what's propelled us," Fils-Aime said during a video interview with CNBC.
"In terms of what the future holds, we've gone on record to say that the next step for Nintendo in home console will not be to simply make it HD, but to add more and more capability," he added.
"We'll do that when we totally tapped out all of the experiences for the existing Wii and we are nowhere near doing that yet, so lots of ongoing opportunity for the consumer in the current generation."
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January 15th, 2010, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Wii broke hardware sales records in the US in the month of December, shifting in excess of 3.8 million units to create a new single-month US sales high.
And the DS shared similar success with sales of 3.3 million (DS and DSi combined) throughout the month, giving the console the second highest selling month in US history. Adding its December sales to the rest of 2009 made the year the best for the DS to date with sales topping 11.2 million units - another sales record.
For the whole year, Wii sold 9.6 million units - down slightly on 2008's year end total of 10.17 million - with November-December sales accounting for nearly one-fifth (18.7 per cent) of that total.
"Wii, Nintendo DS Lite and Nintendo DSi combined to sell more than 7 million units in the month of December alone," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing. "Clearly there is overwhelming consumer demand for fun games, motion controls and value. This remarkable hardware sales surge presents a tremendous software opportunity for Nintendo and its third-party partners as we head into 2010."
Lifetime US sales for the Wii now stand at 27.2 million, and lifetime sales for the DS have reached 38.8 million, surpassing sales of the Game Boy Advance.
Nintendo first-party titles accounted for six of the top ten best selling games in the month of December - those included New Super Mario Bros Wii with sales of 2.8 million and Wii Sports Resort, which topped 1.7 million.
The platform holder also held seven of the top ten best selling games for the whole of 2009.
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January 15th, 2010, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has shrugged off the lack of HD support on Wii and "no loss" for Netflix users on the console.
Netflix is also available on PS3 which supports full HD content. Wii, for obvious reasons, doesn't, but Reggie says it's no biggie. "I'm sure Reed [Hastings, Netflix chairman and CEO] would support this is, the vast majority of content that's available for streaming through Netflix is not HD content."
He went on: "So there really is no loss for the Wii consumer that they can't get any HD content through our system," Fils-Aime told CNBC.
Netflix streamed movies will be available to Wii owners who subscribe to the Netflix service already at no extra cost
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January 15th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Several online retailers have listed the upcoming Nintendo DSi XL for a price point of around £150.
Leading e-tailers are already taking pre-orders for the handheld with GAME and Amazon charging £149.99. HMV and Play.com have both undercut the competition with prices of £149.94 and £195.95 respectively.
The consensus seems to be that £150 will be the standard price point for the XL, as MCV predicted this week when we announced the device’s UK release date of March 5th.
Listings on Play, Amazon and GAME claim the DSi XL’s RRP of £159.99. However, it should be noted that Nintendo does not set the recommended retail price of its products.
A Nintendo spokesperson told MCV: “As always, the final price to consumers is determined by the retailers.”
All sites are currently only offering the Wine Red and Dark Brown editions of the handheld.
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January 15th, 2010, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster

When the Nintendo Wii launched in 2006, it wasn't only the motion controller that was revolutionary. The ability to make your own cute avatar called a Mii shook up console gaming.
At a Nintendo seminar, company president Satoru Iwata revealed that between the United States and Japan, one hundred million players have their own Miis. In Japan, the number of Miis made exceeds 20 million. Nintendo has yet officially announced it, Iwata told the seminar, but the number for the United States is over 80 million strong.
Factoring in the consoles with multiple or quickly erased Miis as well as Miis from Europe and the rest of the globe and Miis that live on consoles not connected to the internet, and the number is probably higher. Maybe a gajillion Miis.
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January 15th, 2010, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster

Speaking with Japanese newspaper the Asahi Shimbun, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata was quoted about the DS handheld's successor. Nintendo has since claimed that Iwata's comments were "misinterpreted". That newspaper has fired back, saying its reporting was indeed accurate.
Nintendo took issue with the original reporting by the Asahi Shimbun, stating that the paper's reporter ran something that the Nintendo chief didn't say. Kotaku posted a direct translation of Iwata's reported remarks about a DS successor:
"[It will have] highly detailed graphics, and it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing."
When asked for a comment, Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America's senior director of corporate communications told Kotaku, "Mr. Iwata did not make any comments regarding the functions of Nintendo's future hardware systems. The answer to the reporter's question was misinterpreted."
Kotaku Japan contacted the Asahi Shimbun regarding Nintendo of America's claim that the answer was misinterpreted by the reporter. The newspaper, one of the largest and most respected in Japan, issued this statement (below) to Kotaku Japan: "The article quoted Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's comment accurately."
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January 15th, 2010, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
All the Mega Man Zero games in one place. On your Nintendo DS.
Capcom has just announced the Mega Man Zero Collection, which is a compilation of all four Game Boy Advance games in the Zero series.
Mega Man Zero was first released back in 2002 and praised for going back to the franchise's original 2D platforming roots. The Zero Collection will be released on the Nintendo DS on April 22 in Japan and priced at ¥4,190 (US$$46). Details are scant and no word about extra features or graphic updates.
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January 16th, 2010, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit Team have released a new version of Openbor the Beats of rage game engine for the Wii and Dingoo, heres whats new:
Plombo: Fixed menu selection issue with the Classic Controller in the Wii port.
Plombo: Fixed oversensitivity when using the GameCube controller on Wii.
Plombo: Fixed my Dingoo toolchain; now you can really play mods like the original Beats of Rage correctly on Dingoo!
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January 16th, 2010, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Wiitch 0.1 released by TheStripper
Batch Downloader for Wii that read from a text file a list of urls and then download them to selected device.
Save downloaded files to SD or USB device.
Use Wii front light to simulate file writing.
Turn off Wii when job complete or wait user with led flashing.
Possibility to change background image changing background.png in Wiitchdl folder.
Future Plans
Add SMB read of DLList.txt
Add SMB save support
Add USB NTFS save support (...is ntfs writing possible???)
Better GUI (maybe LibWiiGUI)
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January 16th, 2010, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Sheeft realizes version 0.5 of its Phoenix Wright-like "Doctor Lord", where you play a detective who must find a stolen object in a universe shifted. A new version is simply awesome to try it!
Sheeft wrote:
=============# CHANGELOG #===============
===== Version 0.5 | January 15
- Complete recoding in C + +
- Backup support (with a mini-menu express)
- Modified gfx
- Developed dialogues available
- Travel on the complete map
- Management of chapters and transitions
- Object management
- First puzzle
- Appearance of objectives (types of sub-chapters)
- Chapter I (almost) complete
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January 16th, 2010, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from corenting
Here's my new homebrew : a classic game adapted on the DS but I don't know the name in english.
It's in french.But you will understand with the README.
How to play :
The DS will think to a number between 40 and 70.
You will have to find it.
Choose a number (always between 40 and 70 of course) and press A.
The DS will say to you “Plus” if the number is higher than the one you choose.
The DS will say to you “Moins” if the number is lower than the one you choose.
The game continues like that until you find the good number.
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January 16th, 2010, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mark-io
This game recreates the look and feel of the original Sea Wolf coin-op arcade game released in 1976 by Midway It probably was the first video game i ever played. In Sea Wolf you take the controls of a submarine and torpedo enemy ships. There are five different types of ship and each kind has a specific length, speed and score value. Floating mines just below the water's surface can block a torpedo from hitting a ship. After launching five torpedoes, you must wait a few moments to reload.
This version is a strange mixture of old skool black & white gameplay and a 'modern' interface but i think it works. It started out as a little side-line experiment but kinda grew out of my control. It has a couple of nice features like positional audio with authentic sounds, animated and largely functional instrument panel, high score, Easter Egg surprise and a "secret" operator settings dipswitch.
Please download & let me know what you think. Its my first release so be gentle
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January 16th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo had a very happy holiday in the United States, shattering sales records by selling more than 7 million hardware units in December 2009 between the Wii and Nintendo DS. But Nintendo has a few more records to brag about.
The company announced that lifetime U.S. sales for the Wii have surpassed 27.2 million units. According to Nintendo, "No other home console has ever sold so many so quickly."
On the Nintendo DS front, Nintendo claims sales of more than 38.8 million, surpassing lifetime sales of the Game Boy Advance "franchise"—meaning GBA, GBA SP and Game Boy Advance micro combined. The Nintendo DS has managed to do so in a little over five years, toppling the eight and a half year old Game Boy Advance with sales of 3.31 million during the month of December.
Dual screens. Who knew it would work so well?
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January 16th, 2010, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14413.html
An update of the NES emulator My Nes has been released.
Version :
* APU fixed (new sound engine that increase the emulator speed to 150 fps generaly when you enable the Speed Throttling.)
All sound channels rewritten and the Triangle, Noize and DMC channels work 100%. Still some small bugs with the Rectangle 1 and 2.
Now some games work (like Karateka).
* Added wave recorder that records the sound with one audio format in this version (PCM 16-bit, 44100 Hz, MONO).
* Save / Load state fixed (100% works with any game and the ability to save in different 10 state slots).
* New video mode "SlimDX ARGB 32-Bit"
* Added debugger (BETA).
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January 16th, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Priiloader 0.3b released by DacoTaco
This project is a modified version of the officially discontinued Preloader
Priiloader is a modded version of Preloader. just like preloader, Priiloader places itself in boot sequence before the system menu. by this priiloader has the ability to:
patch memory just like StartPatch or Preloader. hacks.ini should be on the sd root(only once, they get copied to NAND) and can be found here.
save wii from banner & other kind of bricks that aren't ios/boot2/nand corruption related
start something else than system menu on power up (a dol file, bootmii, homebrew channel)
Change and fixed IOS Stub detection. All known IOS' are detected like they should. thank you Attila
Changed Autoboot setting so it would start system menu when having just updated/installed Priiloader
Fixed Hacks.ini bug when it was made in linux (or any ini that doesn't have windows' \r\n newlines and uses \n instead)
Fixed Bootstate handling. we should now handle all known bootstates correctly("invalid" bootstate 255 included). all unknown bootstates load priiloader instead
Fixed Bug with USB drives that could crash System menu
Fixed the Wii Blue Light on wiimail issue (when standby, forgot to merge the light init code from phpgeek)
Fixed Background issues when changing colour and not saving settings
Fixed various video related bugs ( out of screen text, text on top of the other, ... )
Fixed some ES_Identify Bugs (in a hacky way) when not using system menu IOS for system menu
Reload Hacks completly when LoadHacks() is called and hacks were already loaded once
Added the checksum function from priiloader to the installer. if the checksum fails it asks the user what to do. it checks when:
Coping (installation of priiloader) the System menu app
Restoring (uninstall of priiloader) the System menu app
after Writing the Priiloader app (the checking installation part)
Added basic HBC Stub Loading. if priiloader (or a dol loaded by priiloader) crashes you can press reset to load HBC
Added possibility to boot System Menu if no wiimote is detected. after 15 seconds priiloader booted press reset to boot system menu
Added a check when loading/installing binaries to see if the SD/USB is still present or not
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January 16th, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from xiao32
As you may have guessed from the name, PaDS is a button-tapper. It randomly says a button, and you either get it right or wrong. You have 60 seconds to gain as many points as possible. The graphics are pretty nice, and even have a nice little Sprite-Splitting effect, when you hit the correct button. It does save your high-score, so no, you don't have to use paper to keep track
Next release will have music!
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January 17th, 2010, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster

Another day, another story about some cheap, plastic Wii motion control accessory finding an application outside of gaming. In this case, it's the balance board, and not only this device helping stroke victims recover, it's saving them money, too.
In fact, doctors at the University of Melbourne found that the balance board, normally used for pseudo Yoga or navigating Mii's down a virtual ski slope, was so sensitive it could very well replace traditional laboratory-grade "force platforms" doctors use to assess a patient's balance.
When doctors disassembled the board, they found the accelerometers and strain gauges to be of "excellent" quality. "I was shocked given the price: it was an extremely impressive strain gauge set-up," said lead researcher Ross Clark, in an interview with New Scientist.
Even better, Clark's team has already published a paper that verifies the Wii balance board is "clinically comparable" to the nearly $18,000 lab force platform. That's great news for many smaller physio clinics that would otherwise be unable to afford the traditional rig.
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January 17th, 2010, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of the Sega Master System Emulator For DS:
Fixes for a couple of more games.
*Fixed Super Tetris & Frogger proto when machine is set to "Auto".
*Fixed PGA Tour Golf (low bits of VDP Stat not zero).
*Changed palette buffering to middle of screen.
*Changed default scale mode to "Scale To Fit".
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January 17th, 2010, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14418.html
A new version of Snes9x has been released today. There are binaries available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
The official sites are not updated yet, you can download the emulator from our database.
Read the announcement here: Snes9x v1.52 Announcement
The (hopefully) last fix for this release corrects the issue reported by creaothceann and a few issues I´ve encountered myself:
I´ve also made a special win9x build for sjyune:
And here is a list of the fixes:
-selecting "display messages before applying filters" prior to loading any rom could cause a crash
-hq4x and simple4x did not work correctly in DirectDraw and 32bit modes
-selecting filters with different scales for normal/hi-res modes caused incorrect message scaling
-the rom information window was always disabled
-avi recording crashed on < vista
-delete key mapping did not work after emulator restart
-parts of the window stopped updating when previously covered by other windows (only in d3d mode)
-display corruption in Super Metroid/Donkey Kong Country/... due to compiler optimization
Sorry about all the small bugs - it seems I focused too much on the sound changes and thus missed the rest...
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January 17th, 2010, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.dolphin-emu.com/news.php
Thanks to skid_au's latest work, F-Zero GX is now playable on the latest revisions of Dolphin. Everything except Story Mode seems to work nearly perfectly.
Check out nosound98's 720P video on YouTube.
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January 17th, 2010, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
TowerDefense 0.92 released by wplaat :
TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. If ten enemies reach the base the game is over. Good luck!
Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
16-01-2010 Version 0.92
- Added 6 animated weapons. Thanks Applicant!
- Improve enemy animated sprite frame sequence.
- Improve help and level select screens.
- Lots of other small changes.
- Weapons now fire on strongest enemy in range.
- Increase bonus money when wave is cleared.
- Increase initial weapon power.
- Decrease weapon prices.
- Added weapon sell functionality with minus button.
- User initials are now default based on Wii nickname.
- Bugfix: Monsters can not be shooted before launch.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
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January 17th, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Shooting Gallery updated to 2.0 by Arikado
Wii Shooting Gallery is a compilation of eight (8) shooting games. It is most fun when played with the Wii Zapper.
Still Targets
Horizontal Moving Targets
Vertical Moving Targets
Crazy Targets
Crisscross Targets
Teleporting Targets
Hogans New Alley
Wii Shoot In Space
Release Notes
2.0- Game rebuilt from scratch - Final release
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January 17th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/AnyTi...v4-t18095.html
MrClick we release a new version of DB AnyTitle Deleter. Pourappel is a homebrew based on both the version Sutton and that of Red Squirel.
AnyTitle Deleter DB 1.0 ID replaces the title by their name thanks to the corresponding file database.txt (from the mod Red Squirel) but also thanks to banner.bin file contained in the NAND of the wii which also contains the name for title
1.0 v4
* Checks the first. App file instead of just 00000000.app to allow more names to be found.
* 0x10000 type for TID, it checks the data and content folders. if there is 0 items in the data and only a title.tmd in the content, it puts a TMD! by the name (if the IOS will let it).
* There are 2 flavors, one that just uses the highest IOS counting down from 36 and one that uses 249.
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January 17th, 2010, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some WIP News concerning his Dos Emulator for DS:
Today I got fed up with the Packed File Corrupt problem, and decided to see if I could handle the required "LOADFIX" functionality automatically within DSx86. I looked at a couple of games that cause this behaviour, and used a hex editor and debugger to see if I can find a pattern in their header that would detect the use of the buggy /EXEPACK linker switch that cause this problem. I found the following things in common with the EXE headers of the problem games:
RelocationItems is zero.
HeaderSize is 0x20 (512 bytes) even though the actual header is only 28 bytes.
Initial SP is 0x0080.
Initial IP is either 0x0010 or 0x0012.
Practically all EXE packers have zero RelocationItems, so that alone is not a sufficient indicator of a buggy EXEPACK code, but I didn't find all of the above header settings in any packed EXE file that don't have the "Packed File Corrupt" problem.
I made a small code change into DSx86 where it detects the above EXE header signature, and allocates 64KB of RAM before allocating the memory for the program and running it. I also added new code to the FreeProcessMemory() code so that when the process exits it checks whether an extra block of memory was allocated and frees that as well when freeing the actual memory of the process. The end result was that the programs that have that EXE header signature only get 580KB of RAM, and don't give the "Packed File Corrupt" message any more.
I might need to adjust this detection algorithm in the future, to check also the start of the actual code (which seems to always be nearly identical to this):
1C59:0012 8CC0 MOV AX,ES
1C59:0014 051000 ADD AX,0010
1C59:0017 0E PUSH CS
1C59:0018 1F POP DS
1C59:0019 A30400 MOV [0004],AX
1C59:001C 03060C00 ADD AX,[000C]
1C59:0020 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
1C59:0022 8B0E0600 MOV CX,[0006]
1C59:0026 8BF9 MOV DI,CX
1C59:0028 4F DEC DI
1C59:0029 8BF7 MOV SI,DI
1C59:002B FD STD
1C59:002C F3 REPZ
1C59:002D A4 MOVSB
1C59:002E 8B160E00 MOV DX,[000E]
1C59:0032 50 PUSH AX
1C59:0033 B83800 MOV AX,0038
1C59:0036 50 PUSH AX
1C59:0037 CB RETF
Detecting this code before actually loading the EXE into memory is slightly more difficult than just looking at the EXE header, so I hope the current change will fix at least most of the problems.
Galactic Battle
I had a plan to work this weekend on adding support for EGA, specifically mode 0x0D (320x200 with 16 colors). Last week I searched for a small game that would use that mode, and I downloaded a couple of games that weren't suitable (had a lot of extra files) until I found Galactic Battle which seemed to be just what I was looking for. It is a small Space Invaders clone that uses mode 0x0D and PC Speaker sounds.
It did have the "Packed File Corrupt" problem, and I didn't have the above fix in the code at that time, but that was easy to work around by starting 4DOS without swapping. Anyways, this Friday I then began working on emulating the 16-color mode. During the last week I had been thinking about ways to emulate this mode, and I did come up with a solution that I thought might work, so I began coding it. I managed to get the code working pretty well already on Saturday, and I took the screen copy above from the Galactic Battle running in DSx86. It was quite playable, perhaps just a little bit slow.
EGA emulation
The 16-color modes are a lot more complex than any graphics mode I have so far supported. MCGA 320x200 with 256 colors is the easiest, as each pixel is simply a byte that is an index to a palette, exactly like the bitmapped background modes in Nintendo DS. The CGA mode was a little bit more complex, as it has 2 bits per pixel, but that was easily handled via a look-up table (LUT).
However, EGA and VGA 16-color modes are a different beast entirely. They use four separate memory planes, a byte in each plane has 8 neighbouring pixels, and each plane contains one bit of the 4-bit color. All these four planes share the same memory address (in segment 0xA000), and the plane that is being read/written is determined by writing a certain mask to a certain EGA/VGA I/O register. Thus, writing for example 4 neighbouring pixels of different colors might need 4 writes to the same memory position, and most likely also four reads and some bit masking so that the other 4 pixels in the same bytes don't get overwritten. A pretty complex scenario to emulate (and especially to do it fast!).
The real EGA has 4 times 64KB planes totalling 256KB of RAM, and I didn't want to spend more than this 256KB of RAM in my emulator. I also didn't want to assign less than this amount of RAM to the EGA/VGA memory, as many games use page flipping and assume that this much memory is available. So, I needed some way to make the memory behave like four different planes of 64KB each, but I also needed a way to blit this fast into the Nintendo DS VRAM, which is organized as 8 bits per pixel (that is, each byte is a separate pixel).
The straightforward method to emulate this might have been to allocate 64KB of RAM for each of the four planes, and use these planes like the original EGA/VGA uses them, each byte contains 8 pixels and the combination of the planes having a pixel set would determine the output color. However, I thought that building each output pixel (while blitting the screen) from a single bit in four different memory locations would pretty much kill the performance. There would be no practical way to use the ldmia opcode to load several words from the source buffer, and splicing each input bit to a separate output byte sounded like a really slow operation as well.
The idea I had during the week was that perhaps I could swap the way the memory is organized in the emulated EGA/VGA memory. I wanted to have all data that is needed to build an output pixel as close together in the source RAM as possible, and I also wanted the source data (when blitting) to have at least some resemblance to the output byte-per-pixel organization. So, I thought that keeping the 4 bits that are used to determine the color together might make everything faster. In the real EGA/VGA it takes 32 bits to contain 8 pixels, and I could also fit 8 pixels into 32 bits (a word) even if I used 4 bits for each pixel. So, in my current implementation each byte is actually a word, and each bit is actually a 4-bit color value.
I use a LUT to convert from an input byte (for example during a write to EGA/VGA RAM using a stosb opcode) to a word, which is then masked with a write mask based on a value written to the EGA/VGA register that controls which planes are accessed when a byte is written to EGA/VGA VRAM.
To make this emulated RAM fast to blit to the screen, I also interleaved the pixel positions so that the 4-bit pixels in a word are organized as 73625140. That allowed me to easily reorganize the word to two separate words containing 4-bit pixels 03020100 and 70605040 (or 8-bit pixels numbered 3210 and 7654) which can then be written to Nintendo DS VRAM. I copied the EGA palette to all the 16 16-color blocks so that I don't even need to clear the extra bits from the bytes, I can write the data as-is like ?3?2?1?0 and ?7?6?5?4 (after a shift right by 4 bits).
This a snippet of the blitting code. I read 4 words and write them to 8 words, as each 4-bits-per-pixel input value is converted to an 8-bits-per-pixel output value:
ldmia r1!, {r3,r5,r7,r9} @ Load 4 words = 4*8 = 32 pixels
mov r10, r9, lsr #4
mov r8, r7, lsr #4
mov r6, r5, lsr #4
mov r4, r3, lsr #4
stmia r0!, {r3-r10}
Here is an illustration of the changed memory layout. Hopefully you can make sense of it, it is pretty difficult to explain clearly.
Memory organization
- Pixels in bits of a byte: 01234567 (where leftmost is the highest bit)
- Colors:
- Plane 0: BBBBBBBB (each bit set means the corresponding pixel has a blue component)
- Plane 1: GGGGGGGG (each bit set means the corresponding pixel has a green component)
- Plane 2: RRRRRRRR (each bit set means the corresponding pixel has a red component)
- Plane 3: IIIIIIII (each bit set means the corresponding pixel has an intensity component)
- Pixels in bits of a word: 77773333666622225555111144440000
Example 1, setting two middle pixels to bright white:
Input byte: 0x18 = 0b00011000 (highest bit is the leftmost pixel on screen)
Write Mask: 0x0F = 0b1111 (all color components active)
Original EGA memory result:
Plane 0 (blue): 0b00011000
Plane 1 (green): 0b00011000
Plane 2 (red): 0b00011000
Plane 3 (intensity): 0b00011000
DSx86 memory result:
Emulated RAM: 0b00001111000000000000000011110000
Example 2, setting the two leftmost pixels to red:
Input byte: 0xC0 = 0b11000000 (highest bit is the leftmost pixel on screen)
Write Mask: 0x04 = 0b0100 (red color component active)
Original EGA memory result:
Plane 0 (blue): 0b00000000
Plane 1 (green): 0b00000000
Plane 2 (red): 0b11000000
Plane 3 (intensity): 0b00000000
DSx86 memory result:
Emulated RAM: 0b00000000000000000000010000000100
Opcode work
During the week I added many of the missing modrm bytes. I started from the beginning (opcode 0x00 = ADD r/m8,r8) and systematically added every single modrm variation. I am currently at opcode 0x38, all the smaller-numbered opcodes have all their modrm variations handled. This was mostly copy/paste work, as for example all and, or and xor opcodes behave exactly the same, only the actual operation in my opcode handlers differ.
This copy/pasting meant that the size of my CPU emulation source code increased quite a bit. Currently it has 46.507 rows and is about 1.38 megabytes in size. In version 0.02 it had 35.287 rows and was 1.08 MB, so it has grown by over 10.000 rows since then, and I still have a lot of modrm variations to add. I'm starting to worry about possible macro or label limits in the GNU Assembler, but I can of course split the file to several smaller files if needed. I'd like to keep the file as a single entity, though, as it currently has only a few well-defined dependencies to other files.
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January 17th, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...318be7d6000f60
Copper makes the 2.1 version of "Snowbros DS" which emulates Roma 6 sets to the game Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom and also allows through NIFI play 2 players on 2 DS.
Reminder: Put your roms in zip format. Preferably in a directory named / MAMERoms at the root of your linker.
V2.1: 17/01/2010
* Version compiled with devkit pro libnds R27 and 1.4 + (FIFO optimized)
* Improved routing speed emulation
* Fixed save the state of the emulator (the old files are not compatible)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
List of supported sets:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 2)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 3)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 4)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Dooyong license)
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan)
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January 17th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from spinal
OK guys, here is the first alpha release. Don't expect moonshell2 or anything, most of the features don't work yet, all you have is loading, no favourites, no settings, no information etc.
You will also need to use the windows app to set up the covers, there are thousands of commercial covers in here, plus a handful of homebrew ones.
Download Windows App (42MB)
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January 18th, 2010, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is giving Wii owners 500 free Wii Points - just for helping someone else get their console online.
To get 'em, you just need to enter the Wii Shop, selecting 'Online Ambassador' and entering the Wii number of the person you helped (or, indeed, who helped you).
Both parties will then get the magic free points. Good, eh?
For full details of the promotion, click through here and select 'Connection Ambassador Promotion'.
What are you waiting for?
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January 18th, 2010, 21:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has rejected the idea that its new DSi XL is exclusively for older (as in, OAP) gamers - claiming that the handheld will appeal to more people than previous DS iterations.
The increased screen and pen size of the DSi XL have led some to assume that the device is custom made for short-sighted grandmas and grandpas.
But speaking exclusively to CVG, Nintendo senior product manager for DS James Honeywell said:
"It's absolutely not [just for old people]. DSi XL appeals to as many people, if not more, than its predecessors.
"With bigger screens and a larger pen-like stylus it's likely that older users may find the DSi XL easier and more comfortable to use but there are many more people it can and will appeal to.
"Gamers will undoubtedly appreciate the bigger screens so they can experience their favourite and the latest DS titles bigger and in a greater level of detail than ever before.
"We certainly know that a lot of families who play DS together will enjoy the wider viewing angle the DSi XL allows so they can play together at home and the fact the bigger stylus is less likely to get lost down the back of the sofa is another bonus for them."
Check back later in the week for our full interview with James Honeywell - to learn even more about Nintendo's plans for DSi XL.
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January 18th, 2010, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
A UK resident has been sent down for 12 months after pleading guilty to illegally importing R4 cards.
Yun Can Meng got 12 months for importing not just one or two R4 carts but over 26,500. Chances are he was part of something big and illegal.
The Entertainment and Leisure Software Association's (ELSPA) Crime Unit, Hull City Council Trading Standards Department and the Humberside Police all joined forces to deliver the hammer of justice in Hull Crown Criminal Court.
ELSPA team leader Michael Ralinson said, "Our crime unit is pleased with the outcome of this trial and pleased to see the Court of Appeal's copyright judgement is being robustly enforced. Intellectual property (IP) theft is an important issue for the country's videogames industry - as is protecting it."
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January 18th, 2010, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese newspaper the Asahi Shimbun has claimed it did not misinterpret comments Satoru Iwata made recently regarding a new DS.
"The article quoted Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's comment accurately," the paper told Kotaku.
According to the original Asahi Shimbun article Iwata said, "[The new DS will have] highly detailed graphics, and it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing."
However, Nintendo later said his statement had been misinterpreted.
So who's right and who's wrong? Who knows.
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January 19th, 2010, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has already been talking up what a Nintendo DS successor might look like, so it wouldn't come as too much of a shock if we saw the device in the near term. That's what EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich believes, anyway. He has a research note out saying that Nintendo will be releasing a new handheld in the next 15 months, and make the announcement within the next eight months. The reasons are numerous, including the need to bone up on online distribution, rampant piracy, and just the regular march of technology that Nintendo is never unaware of -- just ask the routinely trounced handheld competition. Unfortunately, there's nothing "solid" in this report as far as we can tell, so we'll have to wait for some "unnamed sources" or our cousin's friend's dad's barber to weigh in and tell us how it really is.
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January 19th, 2010, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
While we’ve been told all of our lives Wiis and trains just don’t mix, they never said anything about Wii Nunchuks. One terribly abused joke later, [Ken] tipped us off about his Wii Nunchuk controlled train set.
By utilizing Digital Command Control (think pulse-width modulation) with an Arduino, he is able to have full control over the trains direction and speed. The other part of the equation is a Wii Nunchuk and adapter. The setup should be pretty self explanatory, but there is an Instructable for those that need more help.
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January 19th, 2010, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
News from the HackMi Team:
I have been spending some time on reverse engineering the Nintendo CIC ROMs. The CIC is the “lockout” chip in NES/SNES/N64 cartridges, used to get an iron grip on the market prevent people from copying games. It was manufactured by Sharp and is likely one of their old “one-chip microcomputers”, used in calculators and TV remotes and the like. I couldn’t find a document describing the instruction set it uses (or its architecture!), so I made it all up (combining information from lots of sources: old datasheets, old patents, and the low-res die photographs).
The N64 chips are different, and I haven’t seen a ROM dump of those yet, so all of the following is NES/SNES only.
There is one chip inside the console, and one in every cartridge; the code inside the chip decides what to do based on a pin strap (the console one will be the “lock”, and the cartridge one will be the “key”). The two chips run off the same clock, and they run the same code, so they run in lockstep (sometimes they execute different codepaths, but the code is careful to take the same number of cycles on both paths in these cases). The chips communicate over two wires, one from key to lock, one from lock to key. Both chips calculate what bits they will send, and what the other guy should send; if what they receive is not the same as what they should have received, they panic, and the lock chip resets the console.
Here is the pinout of the CIC:
DATA_OUT <-- | 1 P0.0 +5V 16 |
DATA_IN --> | 2 P0.1 15 | ?
SEED --> | 3 P0.2 14 | ?
LOCK/-KEY --> | 4 P0.3 13 | ?
| 5 Xout P1.3 12 | <-- RESET_SPEED_B
| 6 Xin P1.2 11 | <-- RESET_SPEED_A
| 7 RESET P1.1 10 | --> SLAVE_CIC_RESET
| 8 GND P1.0 9 | --> -HOST_RESET
+------------------+The LOCK/-KEY pin is the strap pin I talked about above. The SEED pin has a capacitor connected to it; the discharge time of that is supposedly somewhat random, the lock chip times it and uses that as a random generator, to decide which of 16 possible streams to generate. It tells the key chip which one it chose.
The lock chip can reset the key chip (pin 10 on the lock is wired to pin 7 on the key), and it can reset the console. The RESET_SPEED pins are used on the 3195 to decide at what speed to “blink” the reset line (it’s connected to a LED as well): about 0.4s, 0.6s, 0.8s, 1.0s each of on/off.
There are dumps of the ROMs here, here, and here. All credits for doing these go to neviksti; thanks!
All the bits in those dumps are inverted (0 vs. 1); if you want to play along with the disassembler I’ll give a link to in a second, you’ll need to fix that; also, that third ROM is 768 bytes, which I don’t handle in my little conversion script, so you’ll need to remove the extra columns (they are empty anyway). Or enhance the script if you want to.
Okay then, here is that disassembler. Usage should be self-explanatory.
This ancient CPU looks mighty strange to modern eyes. Let me try to explain the architecture:
First, it is a 4-bit CPU. Yessir. It has an accumulator register, A, and a secondary register, X, both 4 bits. All RAM accesses are done via a single pointer register B, which is 6 bits; the CIC chip only has 32 nybbles of RAM though. There is also a carry flag, C.
Then, there is the process counter, PC. It is 10 bits, but there are only 512 bytes of ROM (except on the 3195, it has 768). The ROM is divided into banks of 128 bytes. When the CPU increments PC, it never touches the bank number.
Well, “increments”. To save chip area, they didn’t use a binary counter, but a polynomial counter; “incrementing” works by shifting the PC by one bit to the right, and setting the the top bit to 1 if and only if the bottom two bits were the same.
There are no conditional branch instructions; instead, various instructions can skip the next instruction if some condition is true (the instruction still takes time, it just doesn’t do anything). Oh, all instructions take one cycle; except for the two byte instructions, which take two cycles.
Finally, there is a four entry stack for the PC; it’s not in RAM, it is separate.
Now the instruction set:
"skip" means "do not execute next instruction"
"M" means "the RAM nybble addressed by B"
"BL" means "the low four bits of B"
"BM" means "the high two bits of B"
"PN" means "I/O port number BL"
"x.y" means "bit y of x"
00+N adi N "add immediate", A := A + N, skip if overflow (00 is nop)
10+N skai N "skip acc immediate", skip if A = N
20+N lbli N "load B low immediate", BL := N
30+N ldi N "load immediate", A := N
40 l "load", A := M
41 x "exchange", swap A with M
42 xi "exchange and increment", swap A with M, increment BL, skip if overflow
43 xd "exchange and decrement", swap A with M, decrement BL, skip if underflow
44 nega "negate acc", A := -A (two's complement)
46 out "output", PN := A
47 out0 "output zero", PN := 0
48 sc "set carry", C := 1
49 rc "reset carry", C := 0
4a s "store", M := A
4c rit "return", pop PC from stack
4d ritsk "return and skip", pop PC from stack, skip
52 li "load and increment", swap A with M, increment BL, skip if overflow
54 coma "complement acc", A := ~A (ones' complement)
55 in "input", A := PN
57 xal "exchange acc and low", swap A with BL
5c lxa "load X with acc", X := A
5d xax "exchange X and acc", swap X with A
60+N skm N "skip memory", skip if M.N = 1
64+N ska N "skip acc", skip if A.N = 1
68+N rm N "reset memory", M.N := 0
6c+N sm N "set emmory", M.N := 1
70 ad "add", A := A + M
72 adc "add with carry", A := A + M + C
73 adcsk "add with carry and skip", A := A + M + C, skip if overflow
74+N lbmi N "load B high immediate", BM := N
78+N NN tl NNN "transfer long", PC := NNN
7c+N NN tml NNN "transfer module long", push PC+2, PC := NNN
80+NN t NN "transfer", low bits of PC := NNIt would seem that on the 3195, the sc and rc instructions are swapped, as are the coma and nega instructions.
If you look at the code in the ROMs, you’ll notice something strange with the ldi instructions: sometimes it runs two in a row. Descriptions for similar CPUs say that if you have two or more ldi instructions in a row, all but the first are skipped. The code still doesn’t make sense then; I suspect that this CPU does this skip only if some condition that I do not know yet is true.
This architecture is quite different from what we are used to today, and so it requires quite different programs; I’ll leave it to you to discover all the intricacies yourself though, it’s more fun that way!
I put a commented disassembly of these ROMs here. Some of that is a work in progress.
I hope you all find this as fascinating as I did!
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January 19th, 2010, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
CustomizeMii 2.1 released by Leathl
CustomizeMii is a custom channel creator for the Wii.
The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!
A mono version is available which runs under Linux / Mac OS X (Requires the mono framework to be installed!)
Thanks to icefire / Xuzz for the basic idea of this Application!
And No: This has nothing to do with piracy! It's for creating custom Channels for your Homebrew Apps (like the Homebrew Channel).
Version 2.1
Added CustomizeMii Installer (by WiiCrazy / I.R.on)
Fixed rough edges (artifacts) on images (will be fixed automatically)
Replaced the TPL preview window with the one from ShowMiiWads for easier handling
Added loop prelistening to the BNS conversion window (only for wave files)
Added drag & drop ability cause the file dialogs kept bothering me
Improvement in startup speed (thanks shadow1643)
Added creation/last edited time (only for CustomizeMii 2.1+ channels)
Added a button to translate the word "Channel" to every language
Improved detection of required TPLs
Little improvements and fixes
Changed the complex forwarder to be more configurable (choose any path you want)
ForwardMii is now bundled with CustomizeMii
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January 19th, 2010, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Wiixp...95-t18117.html
Wiixplorer is a file browser for the Wii achieved by dimok and r-win.
(He allows, among other delete homebrew directly from the console as HBC but without its freeze time other that is the case with homebrew Channel.)
As there were 23 rev since it is available it is a long sorry.
r95 - * Fixed Updater. Sorry otherwise you will not be able to update later on anymore.
r94 - * Finally fixed the bug that was causing the SMB to act weird. Now you can enjoy
the nice new speedup of the SMB. Now i can make this the next official revision.
* Fixed loading / saving of settings and other things to USB
r93 - * Added DVD Drive support (thanks joe (FTPii) for his libfst and libiso)
You can copy files / directories from a normal DVD or a WiiDisk now. Just insert a
disk and click the DeviceMenu Button.
* Added the option to load the config file from the USB Device
The app will try to find a config file on SD card first if none is found it will
try finding one on the FAT/FAT32 USB Device. If both searches failed the app
will try to look from Which device it was started and if that Fail the default
is set to SD. I could not test it completly Because of lack of time but i hope
some other people can.
r92 - japanese.lang fixed
R91 - * Language files updated.
r90 - * Added function to libtinysmb Disk to get information on the SMB. Now you can
also see the free and total space on SMB.
r89 - * Changed Properties to a Class
* Added total and free DeviceSpace to the Properties as wished by many. You can
find it if you do a properties of any folder on the device (not there on
Properties of a file)
* Added Properties for Archives also showing Size, CompSize and some more
* Fixed little memory leak from last rev
r88 - * Changed bash file to the autoupdate meta.xml file with revision number and date
* Changed Updater to also download and meta.xml icon.png
* Changed back to network background initialization (it's still buggy though, i
can not figure out yet why is not connecting smb proper)
* Added support 7zip extract now (though to extract filesize is limited by the
Wii's memory Because of the use of ANSI C source. Also big dictionary and
solidblock sizes slow down the extraction process.)
* Added support for RAR browsing.
R87 - * Added support 7zip
* New ArchiveBrowser now added (now you can browse directly through zip and 7zip
files by clicking on them as if they are folders)
* New added one file / folder at a time extracted from an archive (and ExtractAll
like before)
* New added RightClickMenu own for the archives containing (Open (not implemented
yet), mining (extracting the selected item), Extract All (extracting all the
items of the archive)
* Changed back to old way with update rXXX.dol
* Made the dynamic RightClickMenu to grow with the number of Choices in it
R85 - * Added TextEditing functions as promised long ago
* OnScreenKeyboard improved. Now you can point to a letter and edit at that
point. Also moving right left with the blinking line editing is possible with
the D-PAD.
R84 - * Lots of fixes and optimizations
* Added new optimizations from libwiigui by Tantric
R83 - First Fixed *
* Now we exit the main function returns 0 instead of exit (0)
R82 - * Too many changes to list here (Check out OOP branch for changelog). Mainly
architectural changes and updates like tinysmb lib and ntfs. Also checkout the
download section for new files for libogc devkitPPC R19.
r81 - * added forgotten files in last rev
r80 - * added meta.xml & icon.png update
* Added a PowerMenu, you can choose between idle or full shutdown
R79 - Fixed the non-working function updateDol
R78 - * Changed the way about the update language, language files are now downloaded
GBAtemp language from the topic. So u can get the last language file available
instead to wait the new svn commit.
* Now when u click on the adressbar in the languagefiles browser, u can change
The language file folder.
* fix compile warning with devkitpro r19
R77 - * Little fix for the "no new update window"
R76 - * Revert back to R70 Because of too many problems with the recent revisions.
(please no more commits till the architectural redesign is done)
* Put R75 to branches for later use (dj_skual you can work in that directory if
you want)
* Changed the way the update is working to keep it DownloadCount googlecode site.
r75 - * Language files updated
* Added a Home Menu (press Home on wiimote and exit select your choice) (perhaps
soon feature linked to the Gui like volume will go in the wiimote button cette
* Little modif in the otionbrowser
R74 - [No log message]
R73 - * Language files updated.
* Update Language file added in wiixplorer language in the quick browser
R72 - Reverted Updatepath to WiiExplorer, since that's the path the Homebrew Browser
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January 19th, 2010, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from aquaz
I presented RapidFire and Emoticone nearly one month ago, two Palib minigames I have made to see what can be DS development.
Now I present a gameplay demo of Alibis, a game much more ambitious than the previous ones. This could be call a Castlevania-like because of the original principle but in fact the gameplay is very different.

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January 19th, 2010, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.ds-scene.net/
A new update for Manic Miner in the Lost Levels.
A remake of the ZX Spectrum game from 1983.
v1.00 - First release - 27 October 2009
v1.01 - Minor bug fix, 'seal' display added to title
v1.02 - Fix to seal display, graphic changed in Game Over sequence.
v1.03 - Fix to crumbler behaviour, music moved to external file system.
v1.04 - Fix to minor title screen corruption when all modes are unlocked.
v1.05 - Tune added, Score modification for WillyWood, Small tweaks.
v1.06 - Fix to Save bug.
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January 19th, 2010, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Update 2.4.4 for Wind Pro DSi, multi-application PC emulators including 3 for the Nintendo DS (No $ gba / DeSmuME / ideas) and 1 for Game Boy Advance (VBA-M) and tools (customizable emulator / Zoom / etc ...).
Reminder: Uninstall the old installation before installing the new version.
News DSi 2.4.4
- New icon for iDeaS (256x256)
- New icon for DeSmuME (256x256)
- New translations for VBA
- New iDeaS Traditional Chinese translation
- New NO $ Zoomer Simplified Chinese translation
- New NO $ Zoomer Traditional Chinese translation
- New NO $ Zoomer Italian translation
- Better language detection DeSmuME
- Better setup program (lang configurations)
- New DeSmuME SVN 3284
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January 19th, 2010, 12:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Goldensun2 offers the v3.0 of its utility "Homebrew SD Manager" which allows for simplified management of your SD card for the Wii.
- Changing the interface
- The option to change the image of a homebrew has been deleted
- View a list of homebrew or icons
- Added speed faster
- Management of right click
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January 19th, 2010, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster
Massive marketing push to drive home Nintendo’s digital message hits UK
Platform holder Nintendo has silenced any critics that have accused it of failing to back its new digital services to kicking off a huge three week TV advertising campaign in the UK.
With the first TV spots airing last night, the new campaign is already running during prime time TV slots in shows such as Channel 4’s Big Brother.
One ad focuses on the Wii’s digital features, such as the recently launched BBC iPlayer Channel. Also outlined is in-game DLC, with Activision’s Band Hero used to demonstrate the technology. WiiWare features prominently, too, thanks to an appearance from Bonsai Barber.
The DSi campaign touches on a number of topics including the Facebook application, the console’s free and integrated games, DSiWare and the technicalities of getting your handheld online.
There’s plenty of in-store action lined up too, with POS designed to inform consumers about the benefits of getting their machines online – as well as explaining how they do it.
“The online capabilities of both Wii and Nintendo DSi are being pushed very much to the fore in 2010,” Nintendo explained in an exclusive MCV supplement.
“So it’s apt that the year starts with a high profile TV ad campaign and a significant in-store push.”
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January 19th, 2010, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo needs to do more to promote WiiWare to its users, as well as encourage the simple act of connecting the console to the internet, according to independent WiiWare developers.
While Wii buyers are, initially, herded in the direction of internet connectivity with a pre-installed video, Nintendo's digital services aren't being pushed hard enough, developers have told GamesIndustry.biz. Continued marketing by Nintendo is needed - in the form of targeted advertising - if users are going to keep visiting the Wii shop and spending money on digital titles beyond their first purchase.
"We feel that Nintendo is not doing enough to promote the service at all," said Jag Jaeger, VP of Las Vegas-based studio JV Games, whose WiiWare releases have included Pong Toss and Incoming! "We feel that the vast majority of Wii owners have absolutely no idea that they can even connect to the internet."
It's a view shared by many - analyst Michael Pachter recently estimated that as few as 20 per cent of Wii owners - in contrast with up to 80 per cent of PS3 users - had ever connected to the internet.
And Nintendo's launching of a dedicated 'Ambassador' scheme, which gives users 500 points for every person they help to connect to the internet through the Wii, indicates the company itself is all too aware of this problem - and is keen to correct it.
The company has also just embarked on a three-week long TV campaign - in the UK at least - focused around Wii and DSi internet connectivity, and its digital stores. The ads in particular show a user accessing WiiWare and purchasing Bonsai Barber - a third-party title from studio Zoonami.
This support for the service is exactly what has been lacking up until now, according to some studios.
"Nintendo, in my opinion, could do more to keep the WiiWare and DSiWare stores in customer's minds," said Nic Watt, CEO and creative director of Sydney, Australia-based studio Nnooo - creators of WiiWare's myNotebook and Pop.
"It is great that every new customer knows about and uses these services when they first connect their Wiis or DS. However, how many continue to frequent those stores? I think it is and should be Nintendo's responsibility to have a continued marketing presence to maintain people's awareness about the service."
In terms of Nintendo support once a developer has actually created a WiiWare title, experiences seem to differ vastly.
"Nintendo's stance to developers from the start has been: here's the service, follow our rules, you're on your own and we're not getting involved unless you create controversy," said Jaeger.
"Nintendo could really help by throwing developers a bone. Help create a more even playing field by allowing developers to use Nintendo resources. Even a more fair use of the Nintendo Channel would help. Pokemon will be advertised for months while third party titles get a week usually."
This problem with a lack of resources is compounded by the fact developers often have very little notice of when their game will go live on the service.
"We are not notified until almost the last minute when the title will really be released. That by itself makes it hard to plan any promotions," pointed out Jaeger.
"Basically the product goes onto the service, you get a press release by Nintendo, and you might be on the recommended list, then you are off to fend for yourself."
A further issue can arise when a US company is planning a European release and vice versa, due to the disadvantage a small studio is at when faced with language barriers and a lack of contacts in those territories - and has limited resources to throw at the problem.
"Being an American company we had no experience or contacts in Europe for our Beer Pong release," said Jaegar. "We essentially relied completely on Nintendo to help with marketing the title. We felt completely let down in this avenue as a small blurb on a press release typically has little effect."
Watt argues though that Nintendo provides adequate means for developers to market their games - citing the Nintendo Channel's various benefits, which include games videos and demos, Nintendo.com and a weekly email that goes out to subscribers.
He agrees that developers do get short notice on when their game will go live - and says that Nintendo could do more to inform the press on upcoming releases - but says that it's a necessary result of Nintendo's rigorous testing process.
And when it comes to the marketing of titles, that job falls singularly at the feet of the developer, he adds.
"It is hard and frustrating and doesn't feel like part of making a game, but if you want to break away from the publisher/developer model of funding, you have to accept the areas a publisher is traditionally good at and do those areas yourself.
"Nintendo are not publishing your game for you, they are putting it on the shop shelves. You don't expect EB to promote your game, so why expect Nintendo to?"
In terms of improvements to the service itself, those suggested included a direct WiiWare link, a universal payment system for DSiWare and WiiWare, full sized screenshots and new and improved ways to keep customers informed on new products.
But even with improvements pending, the success some developers have had with the platform is largely encouraging.
"EA were boasting last year about Burnout Paradise selling 20,000 units on PSN within its first month. One colour of myNotebook achieved that number inside its first month on sale. For us that is a significant milestone," said Watt.
Every WiiWare product Nnooo has released onto WiiWare has recouped development costs within its first six weeks on sale.
Unlike the iPhone, the Nintendo userbase is committed to gaming, with many fansites dedicated to spreading the word on quality titles, Watt points out.
"If you are looking for advice on what WiiWare and DSiWare game to buy, you can find a site in seconds with a review of that game," he said. "Show me a website for XBLA or PSN which does the same. How many users of the iPhone actually care about or research the software they buy? How many have bought an iPhone because it is the best phone and iPod out there? And how many of those users are actually actively looking for software, reading reviews or becoming informed about what is out there?"
"We are huge fans of Nintendo and truly love their system and will probably always support it," concluded Jaeger, whose studio is currently working on Dart Rage and a second version of Pong Toss.
"That said, Nintendo has always been really inept in their networking department. Creating a system so locked down that it becomes unusable defeats any purpose of creating it. Just to say you have it isn't enough."
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January 19th, 2010, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new product just released by Neoflash and for fans of N64 a Dream product.
A Little about the reviewer
Ive been an emulation and homebrew fan for as many years as i can remember (since around 1996 i think) but nothing i repeat nothing is better than playing on the real hardware.
Back in the Megadrive(genesis) and Snes days i owned a Super Wild Card and a Super Double Pro fighter, both cost about 300 pounds and ill admit that it was a great way to play games that i would never have been able to afford or because of stupid region lockouts.
So the day when Neoflash announced they were working on a Flash Cart for the Nintendo 64 called NEO Myth 64, i wanted one so badly, the chance to relive the best of the N64 and to play games ive never played was too much of a thrill to behold.
Now i must point out that being a webmaster of a homebrew site makes me no expert, im just as clueless as most newcomers, i like websites and i like posting news, i like to know that if i need a certain release i should be able to find it on my sites (hopefully :P).
First off Heres some screens of the N64 Flash Cart in and out its Packaging:
Front Side View in Packaging

Back Side view in Packaging

The NEO N64 Myth cart

Neo 2 Flash Cart - Which Holds SD Cards up to 8GB

The Neo n64 Myth Cart and the neo 2 Cart split apart

The USB Lead

You also get a Mini CD with a load of Drivers on for all Neo Products.
Specs of the N64 Flash Cart
Heres what Neoflash claim it does:
* Support the N64 rom size up to 512M
* Support all save type perfectly included the flash save, not need the same save type N64 game cart to work together
* Support 100% N64 games perfectly
* Download games from PC to NEO2 cart directly via USB port
* Upload/overwrite game save to PC via USB directly
* Multi-CIC support, can use any N64 cart to boot Neo Myth on N64 console
* Support Multi games, can download 2 games at the same time and swap the game via switch
* Can select the N64 menu run from Neo2 game cart or N64 inner menu flash (under developing still)
* Upgradeable! Support upgrade the N64 Myth cart CPLD logic core through the NDP upgrade kit
Getting Started
The N64 Flash Cart did come with a Mini CD of drivers but sadly there was no actual drivers for the N64 Flash Cart, so first off you need to head on over to Neoflash Forum to download the latest version of the software, once youve downloaded it (15MB) then click on to install to the directory it wants to, pretty straightforward for anyone.
Clicking on the Neo 2 Ultra Menu Icon (look on your desktop or in new programs) will lead you onto a screen that looks like this:

Now get your Neo Myth N64 Flash Cart and making sure that the cart that says 512M is inserted (or the Neo 2 Card with an SD Card inserted), connect the USB Lead to the Cart and Plugit into your Laptop or PC.
It Should have no problems and automatically find drivers installed when you installed the software above, i had no problems using Windows Vista but with Windows XP Pro SP3 it wouldnt load the drivers properly, i did post a thread at Neoflash and was given instructions on how to fix this. (Try a different USB Lead it may be that)
Adding Roms etc
Ok carrying on from the screenshot above if everything went ok youll be able to start the juicy part, first off i did a quick format of the card, it took around 30 seconds to do, so no real biggy.
Next on the list was to Add Roms to the Cart (Homebrew Roms and Emulators can be found at links Below)
Adding Roms is as easy as clicking the add rom button and going to whereever your roms are, for some strange reason the cart/software at the moment only holds 2 roms but i would think that will change in later versions of the firmware/software.
Once you have added the roms you require then click on N64 Burn, depending on how big your roms are will depend on how long it takes to copy to the cart, give it a few minutes, it also verifies each burn.
Now one thing to take into consideration is that if you have a USA N64, you will need a USA game plugged into the back of the N64 Myth Cart, If you have a Pal N64 youll need a Pal game plugged in.
I have both a USA and UK(Pal) N64 and thankfully the Power supplys/TV Leads are universal so im able to swap at pleasure.
Heres a pic of the Cart plugged into the N64

Now for Homebrew roms you dont need anything else to boot them but say you want to boot one of the games that requires the Expansion Pack

Games that need the Expansion Pack are the likes of Donkey Kong 64 and Zelda--The Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark, it also ups the resolution on many other games too.
Onto the Gaming
Ok youve Burnt your games onto the Flash cart and you have the Flash Cart installed in the N64 with the correct region game in the back, now its time to turn on:

It loads automatically into the game as you can see, if you did burn 2 games theres a little lever on the top of cart that you push over if you want the other rom to load at the start before you turn the console on.
Games ive Tested So Far
Donkey Kong 64 - Perfect
Star Wars Battle for Naboo - Perfect
Diddy Kong Racing - Perfect
GoldenEye 007 - Perfect
Perfect Dark - Perfect
PilotWings 64 - Perfect
Killer Instinct - Perfect
Star Wars Episode I - Racer - Perfect
Stunt Racer 64 - Perfect
Yoshi's Story - Perfect
Over at Neoflash theres a more complete list of whats working and save issues etc.
Today was one of them times when i was took back to the reasons i truly love the homebrew/Emulation scene. The Flash Cart seems easy to use, The adding of roms to the cart is as easy as they come so a big plus factor there, its a shame at this moment in time it only supports 2 roms, hopefully thats one thing that will be updated soon.
Having no drivers and documentation on the CD will make it a little hard for newbies but i would think that most people that are going to buy this are the hardcore N64 fans of old.
On the whole the roms it plays is great and if you have the expansion pack you can play just about every single N64 Game released and all homebrew and emulators too.
The price for the Flash Cart is $199 so it will put a lot of people off but to retro collectors/major emulation fans it will be very worth it, if you owned one of the back up systems for the N64 this will be much more preferable as theirs no moving parts to break. Yes for that price you can buy a heck of a lot of the games but theres some genuine gems that are very hard to trace these days and the homebrew factor makes it worth it for me.
My advice is to those who are tempted is go for it, the flash cart does what you really want it to and thats play Nintendo 64, a big thumbs up for Neoflash on this retro cart.
I suppose like everything it depends how big a fan you are and what finances you have to spend on gadgets, for me it does what i want it to and its also seen the re-emergence of a Homebrew scene for the N64, we have already seen releases of ScummVM for the N64 and theres also Snes, Nes, MSX, Master System/Game gear and Gameboy Emulators for the N64.
Links of Interest
Ic2005.com - Official Sellers of the NEO Myth 64 N64 flash cart and Neoflash Products.
Neoflash Forum for all discussion regarding the flash cart.
N64 Development forum at Neoflash.
N64 Homebrew News and Emulation Site at DCEmu.
Homebrew N64 Games at N64 Scener.
Homebrew N64 Demos at N64 Scener.
Icequake n64 Site
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January 19th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has chucked us a confirmed its release schedule for Spring 2010, highlights of which include the DSi XL, Picross 3D and Mario Ka... we mean Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing.
It also reaffirms the March 26th release of Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, as Nintendo announced last week.
Here's the full list:
Nintendo Hardware Q1 2010
Nintendo DSi HW (Pink) + Nintendo Presents Style Boutique bundle - 12 February
Nintendo DSi XL (Brown/Wine Red) - 5 March
Nintendo DS Q1 2010
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes (Ubisoft) - 11 February
Jonas Brothers (Disney Interactive Studios) - 5 February
Bleach: The 3rd Phantom (SEGA) - 12 February
Phantasy Star Ø (SEGA) - 12 February
Puzzle Chronicles (KONAMI) - 18 February
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgworth (Capcom) - 19 February
Alice in Wonderland (Disney Interactive Studios) - 4 March
Picross 3D (Nintendo) - 5 March
Pokémon HeartGold + Poké Walker accessory (Nintendo) - 26 March
Pokémon SoulSilver + Poké Walker accessory (Nintendo) - 26 March
Avalon Code (Rising Star Games) - March
Sonic Classic Collection (SEGA) - March
For the Nintendo Wii lineup, check here
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January 19th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has chucked us a confirmed its release schedule for Spring 2010, highlights of which include the DSi XL, Picross 3D and Mario Ka... we mean Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing.
It also reaffirms the March 26th release of Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, as Nintendo announced last week.
Here's the full list:
Nintendo Wii Q1 2010
Resident Evil Zero (Capcom) - 22 January
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Capcom) - 29 January
U-SING : 2 Microphone Edition (Mindscape) - January
Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep (Nintendo) - 5 February
Karaoke Revolution (KONAMI) - 11 February
Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll (SEGA) - 12 February
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (SEGA) - February
The Sky Crawlers (NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe SAS) - February
Alice in Wonderland (Disney Interactive Studios) - 4 March
Silent Hill Shattered Memories (KONAMI) - 4 March
Rune Factory Frontier (Rising Star Games) - March
Red Steel 2 (Ubisoft) - March
Fragile Dreams (Rising Star Games) - March
For the Nintendo DS lineup, check here
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January 19th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo may be a lot of things, but stupid it ain't. Cashing in on yet another gift-giving holiday, the console sales leader is bringing Americans a pair of freshly paint-licked Wii Remotes that should appeal to the his-and-hers demographic that seems to grow in number at this time of year. As you can see above, grabbing one will set you back $54.99, which is about the same price as the regular MotionPlus bundle. So, even if you weren't thinking about wooing your loved one with yet another Wii peripheral, at least the US now gets a 200 percent improvement in MotionPlus color choices. How is that not progress?
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January 20th, 2010, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's told Eurogamer that Metroid Prime: Trilogy has not been discontinued in the UK.
That means shops can still re-order the game from Nintendo and replenish depleted stock.
Earlier this month, a Nintendo spokesperson said the opposite, and told the internet that the game was "no longer being shipped". Those keen to buy the game were pointed towards the second-hand videogame market.
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January 20th, 2010, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
New Special offer from Play Asia:

Kirby Super Star Ultra for Nintendo DS re-imagines one of the most beloved Kirby games of all time. Kirby Super Star Ultra features new graphics and fully rendered animated cut scenes.
With so many adventures waiting to be unlocked, there will never be a dull moment as Kirby runs, floats, copies enemies and uses Helpers to fight King Dedede and Meta Knight.
On top of the main modes, there are also three new touch-screen-controlled mini-games that can be played with up to three friends via DS Download Play. Not only that, but players can go on Kirby adventures with a friend via local wireless as well
The soft and bouncy Kirby is having his Ultra Super Deluxe Adventure, and you are going with him. The Nintendo DS game is available for the unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90 only. The game is region free and in Japanese.
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January 20th, 2010, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Takara Tomy made an actual Mario Kart toy. This is more than Mario in a remote control go kart. We’ve seen that before. The Choro Q Hybrid! Mario Kart Wii Vs. series has cars, a racetrack, and a system where you can use items during the race.
Classic items like mushrooms, Koopa shells, and banana peels are in the game. The controller has LEDs that let you know which of the five items you have.
- Mushroom – gives the driver a speed burst.
- Banana peel – attacks an opponent behind you.
- Koopa shell – attacks an opponent in front.
- Thunder – freezes your opponent.
- Star – protects the driver from an attack.
Items actually effect cars so you’ll see Mario zip along straightaways after chowing down on a mushroom. The Mario Kart Wii Vs. set has cars for Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Bowser, and Wario. Head over to Inside Game’s report from Toy Forum 2010 to see more photos of the vehicles and racetrack. The Choro Q Hybrid! Mario Kart Wii Vs. cars are scheduled to go on sale in June.
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January 20th, 2010, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Copper offers a version of its emulator NIFI "Pang DS" which emulates 8 roms for MAME games & Pang Super Pang with the support of multi-player please.
V2.0: 19/01/2010
* Version NIFI
* Version compiled with devkit pro libnds R27 and 1.4 + (FIFO optimized)
* Reversal of game screens added
* Screen enhancement resized
List of supported sets:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Pang (World)
Pang (bootleg, set 1)
Pang (bootleg, set 2)
Buster Bros.. (U.S.)
Pomping World (Japan)
Super Pang (World 900914)
Super Pang (Japan 901023)
Super Buster Bros.. (U.S. 901001)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Games 2 NIFI
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Launch the server:
* Select the set
* Press A to start the game normally
* Once the rom initialized, press SELECT to start the server
* A screen waiting player appears
* The B button allows to return to normal mode if necessary
Launch Customer:
* Select the same set as the server
* Press START to start the game client mode
* A selection screen players waiting appararaît (Name + DS MAC address)
* If necessary (several players waiting) to select the right player with the PAD
* Press A to start the game with 2 players
* The B button returns to the menu if necessary
Confirmation server:
* When a player wants to play a confirmation message appears
* Press Y to start the game with a player or X to deny a player
* If the server has been launched on the title screen with at least 2 tokens the game starts automatically
In 2 players mode:
* Each player can then press START to join the party
* Each player can add chips by pressing X
* The DS server controls the player and the blue DS client controls the red player
* In case of deadlock over a second, it is possible to go solo mode by pressing SELECT
* Once back in solo mode 2 players control the blue player (the red is still present on the screen but uncontrollable)
* The loading condition is not available in 2 player mode but the state backup is available
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January 20th, 2010, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
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January 20th, 2010, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster

[Segher] has reverse engineered the hardware and command set for the NES CIC chips. These chips make up the security hardware that validates a cartridge to make sure it has been licensed by Nintendo. Only after authentication will the console’s CIC chip stop reseting the hardware at 1 Hz. The was no hardware information available for these chips (go figure) so [Segher] had to do some sleuthing with the tools at hand which include some rom dumps from the chip pairs. He was nice enough to share his findings with us. We’re betting they’re not of much use to you but we found it an interesting read.
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January 20th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
POWDER 112-1 released by insin
A port of POWDER to the Wii using SDL Wii.
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January 20th, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
IceVAN offers a remake for the DS's Run and gun "Sgt. Zero Helmet", produced in 2009 for the ZX Spectrum by mojontwins. All like Metal Slug, you must rush and knock everything to free the hostages in 4 different levels, a very good remake as we love them.
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January 20th, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
It could have happened to any man with any console. But for Chris O'Brien, newspaper columnist, it happened with the Wii. The father of two bought his kids a Wii for Christmas, but returned it. Too many hidden costs.
The San Jose Mercury News columnist recently explained the sticker shock that had him returning his $199 Wii and all the stuff he felt he had to buy along with it.
Hmmm. One controller + two kids = eye-gouging fights Christmas morning. I knew I needed another one, which cost $49.
Then I began looking for a couple of games to go with it. I knew we'd be paying a bit more for these. But as I looked at some games we wanted, like "Lego Rock Band," I realized that I needed other controllers, like a microphone, drums or guitar. These could run another $100 or more if I got all of them. So I passed and didn't get any games, figuring they could just play the games that came with it for now.
As I examined the box, I realized that I had forgotten that the Wii could also be connected to the Web. The problem here was that our cable modem is in the kitchen (don't ask) and the TV is in the living room. Guess that's a headache I'd have to figure out later.
As I was finally checking out, the cashier asked if I wanted any batteries. "Batteries? For what?" I wondered. She explained that the controllers ran on batteries. Gulp. I grabbed a package of rechargeable batteries, for about $30.
Having spent about $90 more than I expected, I had a few knots in my stomach on the way home and was kicking myself for not doing my research. Bad columnist. Bad.
He talked to his wife about it and returned everything.
If you want to know how O'Brien's Wii-less Christmas went, read the rest of his column. Gaming consoles may be dropping in price, but they never are as "cheap" as the price tag says, no?
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January 21st, 2010, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Indie developers have praised Nintendo's DSiWare channel for offering them an avenue which with to get their games directly to consumers, but have highlighted a number of ways in which the service could improve.
Echoing comments made by studios of WiiWare earlier this week, developers called for an increased advertising push by Nintendo focusing on the DSi's internet capabilities in order to increase the number of owners using it to go online, as well as a more user-friendly DSi Shop.
Developers also cited problems with marketing their titles, due to a convoluted system in place for gifting points to the press for them to download games, and questioned the lack of a ranking system in the store in order to properly rank titles.
"We're extremely happy that DSiWare even exists," said Jason Schreiber, CEO of Powerhead Games, the studio behind acclaimed DSiWare title Glow Artisan. "A year ago we had no way to put out Glow Artisan. From our perspective, how cool is it we self-published our own original DS game?"
But the service could improve further as Nintendo continues to grow it, said Schreiber, suggesting that a 'spotlight' section of the shop would make it easier for users to pick out good games.
It's essential the ergonomics of the whole shop are improved, added Mateusz Makowiec, VP of business developer at Teyon, creators of Robot Rescue and Ball Fighter.
"Browsing games in the DSi Shop becomes more and more difficult as the number of titles grows and there's a lack of trailers or demos," he said.
The lack of rankings within the store make it tricky to navigate games, agreed Thierry Platon, creative director at BiP Media, the studio behind DSiWare Viking Invasion. "Your game stays one week with the label 'new' on the DSi front page - if you are lucky Nintendo will only release three games on the same week - and after it's in alphabetic order.
"For now, there are few games on DSiWare - but at the end of 2010 this will be a real problem."
"As Nintendo grows its service I'd love it if great games were easier to find," added Schreiber. "There should be a one-click solution to buy DSiWare games online. Marketplace.xbox.com is an example of one way to do this, but any system that can turn a website link into a sale would be a win-win-win for all involved."
In terms of marketing titles, developers shared many of the same problems those developing WiiWare had encountered - little notice of when a game will go live on the DSiWare channel makes it difficult to plan promotions or get code to press in a timely fashion.
"When it comes to release dates [Nintendo] could work more closely with developers on this issue. It would make release dates more predictable for us and allow us to plan PR activities," said Makowiec.
It should also introduce some sort of promotional points for the press - "We'd like to be able to gift points for reviewing purposes - right now it's complicated," he added.
Schreiber however argues that while an Apple-like beta program to distribute pre-release games to the press would be welcome (if a lot to ask), the onus of marketing still falls primarily at the feet of the developer. Although he says it would be helpful if the press paid more attention to digital titles.
"May I politely suggest the press could be less concerned with games that aren't out yet in favour of finding great games players can actually buy? Indie games live and die based on the reaction in the press and word of mouth," he said.
Despite that, Powerhead released Glow Artisan "in the dead zone between Christmas and New Year with almost no hype," he says.
"We spent our marketing budget on the ESRB rating and crossed our fingers that the game was good enough to generate its own buzz. The nature of independent games - DIY everything, including marketing - requires patience at times. We expect Glow's popularity to grow as more people find it, play it, love it and spread the word."
Marketing for the service itself is a different matter, with most developers agreeing Nintendo could do more to push the DSi's internet capabilities and its digital store.
"I think Nintendo doesn't promote their digital services with the energy we expect from such a successful company," said Makowiec. "It looks like it's not their priority at the moment. Everything else is a consequence.
"I agree with Nintendo that digital download publishers should take care of PR activities for their games. However a promotion of the whole service would help everyone, including Nintendo.
"Due to limited resources, we can't build DSiWare or WiiWare awareness among DSi/Wii consumers. Nintendo could also improve their consoles' connectivity rate - I expect it still doesn't look very well."
Overall though, developers agreed the potential for the service was good, with all of them planning further DSiWare releases based on the performances of their released titles.
"We consider Nintendo digital platforms a tremendous opportunity to expand our publishing," said Makowiec. "Overall we're happy with the DSiWare potential and plan a lot of releases for this year."
"While many other developers and studios chase the great white hope that is the iPhone, we have stuck to a format which has a core fanbase who purchased the device because it plays games. These users want to purchase more software and are eager to look for it day in, day out," added Nic Watt, CEO of studio Nnooo.
How it evolves in the future is, of course, paramount to its continued growth - and some question whether Nintendo will follow the lead of more user intuitive and interactive services offered by, for example, Apple's store.
"It's hard to argue with success and Nintendo has historically done very well with its 'walled garden' self-contained gaming universe," concluded Schreiber.
"But the current trend towards networking everything socially isn't going away."
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January 21st, 2010, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
NoE tells MCV that there are no plans for a similar offer in the UK
From February 25th Japanese consumers will be able to get their hands on a brand new range of budget Wii software, Nintendo of Japan has confirmed.
Kotaku reports that the Minna no Osusume Collection – or the Everyone’s Recommendation Collection – will retail for YEN 2,800 (£19). Each title will be branded up with either bronze, silver, gold or platinum badges that are designed to represent that game’s ‘rating’.
Eight titles will be included in the initial offer, including Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Dragon Ball Z Sparking and Family Ski.
Hopes for a similar range in the UK have been scuppered by Nintendo, however, with a spokesperson telling MCV that it currently has no plans for a Wii budget range on this side of the globe.
The same goes for DS and DSi, the platform holder added – to date no Nintendo handheld has ever had a budget range.
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January 21st, 2010, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Who said 2D was dead?
Almost two decades on from when Sony’s first PlayStation ushered in a bright new 3D era and many predicted the slow demise of 2D gaming, Nintendo has proved once again that it’s capable of disproving everything we thought we knew about gaming.
NPD data, as spotted by IGN, has shown that sales of 2009’s New Super Mario Bros Wii have now hit 4.2m in North America – surpassing the 4.1m sales of 2007’s Super Mario Galaxy.
And this comes despite Super Mario galaxy being widely regarded as the one of the finest 3D platformers ever made.
Even more astonishing is the fact that NSMB Wii has hit the milestone in just 45 days on the market. It even managed to outsell the mighty Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in the US through December.
Whether Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is currently due for release later this year, can regain Mario’s 3D crown remains to be seen.
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January 21st, 2010, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft is combining Tennis, Table Tennis, Squash, Badminton and Beach Tennis into one Wii game. And it shall be known as Racket Sports Party.
Due on 26th March, RSP uses Ubisoft's Wii camera (launched with Your Shape) and Wii MotionPlus to help you smash balls around and enjoy an "unprecedented experience". You'll be able to pick up either the game alone or as part of a camera bundle.
There's multiplayer split-screen, six game modes and a host of extravagant locations to play at - a Morrocan palace, a Las Vegas casino, a Nile cruise ship, a New York loft, and on and on.
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January 21st, 2010, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster

For years we've waited for the news, patiently biding our time, but we need wait no longer. Somewhere in Hertfordshire, UK, 21-year-old Lisa Courtney ... has caught 'em all. Her 12,000-piece Pokémon memorabilia collection has landed her in the Guinness Book of World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition, and if a 12,000-piece set doesn't constitute 'em all, then we don't want to know what does.
Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to go tell Griffin about this so he can start writing Lisa creepy love letters.
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January 21st, 2010, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Let's get this straight: There are rumors about video games, and then there are crazy internet rumors about video games that are so intriguing you can't help but get excited about them, even though you don't believe they're anything more than products of an overactive fan imagination. This post is about the second kind.
Information has bubbled up from the Japanese 2chan message board about the new Wii Zelda game and, while 2chan's record on rumors hasn't been bad (they've broken information on Japanese anime, Resident Evil and other games that later turned out to be true), these rumors are crazy. Like Majora's Mask crazy.
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January 21st, 2010, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Lavalit have released a new version of Openbor for the Wii:
Plombo: Fixed (another) menu selection issue with the Classic Controller in the Wii port, as described by NickyP.
Plombo: Added support for Classic Controller and GameCube controller analog sticks in the Wii port.
Plombo: Added button mappings on GC and Classic Controller for Attack 3 and 4.
Plombo: Fixed case-sensitivity issue when loading mods from the data folder on Linux. Expect a Neo Edit Pack release for Linux soon!
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January 21st, 2010, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Heig-Boy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for Windows.
Heig-boy is a Game Boy emulator made during my studies with 4 other people. It is written in C, but the code has been made to be easy to understand. If you want to know a bit how an emulator could look like, then this is probably a better idea to start looking at Heig-Boy, rather than VisualBoyAdvance for example
Heig-boy features ColorIt functionality, which allows gamers to colorize their own games, with a script-based system. This system has been refined for the occasion. A new parser has been written and included in Heig-Boy, and VBA CE has been updated with it. Finally, a GUI to colorize your games more easily completes the collection.
On this page, you will be able to download Heig-boy and find resources about ColorIt, including a documentation on how to implement it in your own emulator, with some samples and the pre-written parser.
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January 21st, 2010, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
brkirch has released a new version of Gecko:
Fix Gecko Pause Start option
Gecko 1.9.3
Loading games no longer requires a second disc spin-up
Added support for the new Homebrew Channel ID
Fixed channel loading to use the selected hook type, instead of always using the VBI hook
Improved the 002 error prevention method for channels
Add support for using cIOS for rebooter
Fix dol/elf loading
Add support for System Menu 4.2
Bug fix for poke function in gameconfig.txt (thanks to WiiPower)
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January 21st, 2010, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...97-t18156.html
Updating in rev97 the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* r97
- Added source forwarder to the branches and modified / fixed stuff in it
NOTE TO dj_skual: I apploaded has compiled and ready to use deceit. You can take it
to insert into your channel.
- Added Memory Debugger if the source is compiled with DEBUG_MEM
- Changed the ImageViewer to a class and did lots of changes to it. Zoom
In / Out is now dynamic. The image starts of in the original size (except if its
over the maximum / minimum size)
Maximum sizes can zoom the image / is the load to screenwidth / screenheight for now
Because it over the app seems to freeze. Minimum size to zoom / load is to 4x4
pixel or 5% of the image size.
R96 *
- Language files updated
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January 21st, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Show of hands. Who has heard of the video game Dancetown? You know, the video game that National Public Radio reports might better whip you into shape than Wii Fit.
NPR's Morning Edition, the radio show I wake up every morning, got around to covering a study we covered in November that shows people can get more fit from non-gaming exercise. But the surprise in the report, revealed by NPR, is that a game called Dance Town — maybe this DDR-looking game? — is better for some of you than Wii Fit.
NPR Reporter: "Cedric Bryant is chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise which recently studied the fitness benefits of the Wii Fit and Dance Town. Dance Town is a video game where participants follow on-screen prompts to dance steps.. Bryant says the study found that generally, video game workouts alone arent enough of a good thing. Take the running games on the Wii for example."
Cedric Bryant, American Council of Exercise: "[Wii Fit's] Free Run and the Island Run yielded about five and a half calories per minute. Real running you would expect to get about twice that."
NPR Reporter: "The study found that just using the Wii isnt enough for people in their twenties or for older folk who are reasonably fit. But Bryant says Dance Towns moderate and hard levels are sufficient for many older adults, especially those who are sedentary."
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January 22nd, 2010, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
There's a 2D platformer on WiiWare today called Max & the Magic Marker that looks wholesome and accomplished and worthwhile. The idea is to traverse the eye-pleasing levels and overcome puzzles by drawing shapes using the Wiimote and they'll become real objects in the game. It costs 1000 Wii Points (£7/€10), and there's a PC demo on the proper website to try.
But I don't care: not when there are cowboy gun duels on offer. Because today - fresh from the laserdisc vaults - arrives Fast Draw Showdown, where filmed actors await a quick-draw shoot out. Just don't expect depth and substance. Costs 500 Wii Points (£3.50/€5).
On DSiWare today, there's more Electroplankton. This time it's the Nanocarp and Trapy creatures you'll be able to tap and make sounds with, providing you pay 200 DSi Points (£1.80/€2) apiece.
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January 22nd, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Japan has launched a new program to better differentiate its diverse Wii software lineup. According to the company, future Wii games that earn a CERO C rating (equivalent to ESRB's Teen rating) or above will be packaged in new black boxes. Likely, this initiative was started due to the upcoming release of Zangeki no Reginleiv, Nintendo's first CERO D–rated game (ages 17 and up) in Japan.
It seems this is a platform-wide mandate, as Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles looks to become the first third-party game to sport Nintendo's black packaging. By differentiating "hardcore" games from the rest of the Wii lineup, core gamers should have a much easier time identifying the titles they might like. As for helping "casual" folk make the quick decision, it's as yet unconfirmed if Nintendo will continue to use that striking red box for all Mario-themed games.
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January 22nd, 2010, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The game displays a map with locations of shrines, villages and cities
Fight monsters to gain EXP and/or money. When your collection of EXP
Make use of both the touch pen and buttons as methods of control
The RPG sets stage at Olympus, from the Greek myths, and tells the adventures of an amnesiac youth whom the fairies recognizes as Hercules. The youth has been wandering around aimlessly after being washed up the shore. One by one, he came across allies and some vital information about himself.
He is an immortal, and so are his allies. To find his source of immortality and come to terms with his own fate, he travels toward Olympus with the help of his friends.
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January 22nd, 2010, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
TowerDefense 0.93 released by wplaat
TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. If ten enemies reach the base the game is over. Good luck!
Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
22-01-2010 Version 0.93
- Added weapon fire mode information on weapon help screen.
- Improve weapon reload delay initialisation.
- Added donate screen.
- Bugfix: Weapon fire sprites were 22 degree misaligned.
- Introduce different weapon fire modes.
- Fire at enemy in range nearest to base (Gun / Rifle)
- Fire at enemy in range with highest energy level (Cannon / Missile)
- Fire at fastest enemy in range (Laser / Nuke)
- Rebalance weapon specifications. Mix features more!
- Optimised some draw methods for beter performance. Thanks Crayon.
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
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January 22nd, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Showm...3b-t18165.html
Leathl We are announcing the public release of ShowMiiWads 1.3b
ShowMiiWads is a file manager for Windows wads. and requires the. NET Framework 2
Fixed-reading and writing of Japanese characters (this time really!)
-Added Mobile Phones (for varying driveletters)
-Note: License upgraded to GNU GPL v3!
-Added extracing BootMii of NAND Dumps (code from Ben Wilson, thanks!)
-Batch of extracting VCPic's (VC Titles only, PNG's will be resized to 192 x 112)
Fixed-reading and writing of Japanese characters
-Fixed displaying of titles of DLC WADS
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January 23rd, 2010, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/mPlay...77-t18183.html
scip, Rodris, agentx and djdynamtie123 we have just released a new version of its media player for our Wii.
This new drive can read files from:
Samba SMB (manager partarge file)
Version 0.77
- Added function wiilight
- Synchronized with the official mplayer
- Added function Opencor-amr
- Timeout of the Wiimote now depend on the level of battery charge
- More information at startup
- Fixed the texture maximum resolution
- Minor changes on video
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January 23rd, 2010, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Consolesource

The Wode Jukebox is more than just a mod chip for Wii and really is a revolution in the way you will be able to play your backups and out of region games. Not only does the Wode Jukebox let you play backups of your original games and import games on disc for DMS to D3 drives but it also has USB support. This means that you will be able to plug in external USB devices such as USB drives and even USB hard drives to store and load your games from.
The Wii Wode Jukebox comes with an easy to use LCD screen built into the stand that displays what titles you have on the external USB storage and a neat little toggle switch to let you navigate the hard drive, just find the title you are looking for and at the press of a button the game is loaded directly off the hard drive. You can now have your entire collection of Wii games stored on a hard drive which are easily accessible using the LCD screen and toggle switch to load, all your original games can be kept in a safe place and in perfect condition.
Consolesource are offering free shipping at this time also.
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January 23rd, 2010, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Baro:
Hello you guys! I don't know if you remember this from the old board. It's Tanuki Tail, a Legend of Zelda style game I'm developing. The thing is still in progress and there's still a lot of things to do in the engine until I start making the actual levels of the game, because engine goes before content.
If you saw it in the old board, maybe you won't notice too much progress, but that's because I've been busy with college stuff, and also spent some time making the script compiler as a tool I will use for multiple things in the game.
But let's get into the stuff. As I already said, the game will be on the style of the zelda games (console versions, think of Minish cap and earlier), but instead of items you'll transformate yourself to gain a set of abilities (for example, transformate into a bird to be able to fly for a while, but also be smaller so you can sneak in small places, and that sort of things). The engine of the game is being designed so each transformation changes almost all your attributes: size, speed, jump, accelleration... Also, in the actual game, you will be able to select your next transformation by drawing in the bottom screen.
Right now I've done the basics, the collision system (perfectioned two or three times... I keep finding mistakes that take me days to fix from time to time), map loading (partially. I load maps divided in blocks of tiles, with collisions and block data separately), the basis of the script system and movement of characters, including things like pushing eachother and stuff. They don't attack yet though.
Although the game is in 2D, I'm making the maps having different heights for each block, having slopes, etc. This and treating the objects as cilinders give the game a slight idea of a rudimentary, theoretical 3D world.
I think the result of the engine can be very interesting. If everything goes well, I'll probably maybe perhaps likely release it as open source so it can serve as basis to other games.
Don't pay attention to ugly green things and ugly world map. Those are placeholders.
Untested on hardware. Works on No$GBA
Pad to move, A to jump. X and Y to change into an ugly test thing or go back to the cap dude. R to run a script I've put into the game (just a message).
You won't transformate if there's no room for your transformed shape. The green thing is taller and wider.
On the east part of the map (move right) there's something that looks like a +. They're slopes, you can walk into them while you're the dude. The green things can't climb them (this is done in purpose, there's a parameter that sets the maximum height a character can climb).
Check corners and inclinated walls. The engine turns away making movements smooth and avoiding getting stuck when running into those kind of walls, and other characters
The yellow thing at the bottom part of the map represents a building. Now, this will be very weird to explain because you don't see its volume, just the ground below it, but I'll try: you can enter through the dithered block in the south part in the building, and then there's a two floor staircase (slopes are those 4x4 blocks with 4 different colors in them). On the bottom screen you may see a clock, and a number that represents your height (sometimes they disappear), so when you climb the first slope (as the dude, the green thing can't even get in) you'll see your height increasing, as well as the position of the sprite.
The staircase goes up clockwise, twice around the center pillar (in yellow), then you can walk on the roof (height 88).
I hope you get this because heights, slopes, multiple slopes in a single block, parts of the block being collisions and others not, and all these things that make my blocks a quite easily customizable (for me as designer) volume are a very interesting part of the project.
Once again, press R to run a script that shows a message. The font (PAlib's original) is a placeholder that will be replaced by a better looking, taller, non-monospace font in the future.
Once again, take in account that subsequent maps will have a more visually explicit volume, so you actually know where are you walking.
The green 'enemies' will chase you if you're close enough, otherwise they will stay and face random directions. Remember you can push them away if you are cornered
Reply with comments, ideas and things you don't like, except the ungliness of placeholders, on which I agree beforehand
Enough of the engine: let's talk about the game and what will it be about
The game is being made entirely by me, currently. Slowly but steady.
So this will be the story of the game, more or less:
As you will see the story is not suitable for creationists. Too bad.
The game is set in a post-apocaliptic future, where an evil leader of a certain country launched an atomic bomb with unclear intentions, causing the continents to collapse and making them move and rearrange forming a pangea, the so-called "pangea subita". This leader took advantage of the chaos of this to take on the world, and now, decades later, his grandson is the current world ruler, in charge of small cities spread around the continent, as the human population was highly diminished. However, with no powerful enemies in this world, this tyrant is preparing a bomb similar to his grandfathers'.
You play as Pol Keine (the dude in the demo), a boy from the city next to the tyrant's headquarters, Lowheaven, who is trying, along with his friends, to sabotage the making of this bomb almost every night. But one night, while heading to the headquarters, a being from a different universe, where racoons evolved to be intelligent rather than apes (as in your universe), captures Pol and attaches to Pol the tail of a fallen Tanuki hero, granting him the ability to transform that every evolved mammal with tail in every universe possesses. With time, you'll learn to transform into stone, transform your arms into a cannon, or even transform into a bear god, so you can not only free your world from an evil ruler, but also the entire poliverse of an evil demon, angry because his species lost the ability to transform because of their evilness - just like humans. (By the way, demons are evolved goats and are the main bad guys)
Hope you guys like where this is going
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January 23rd, 2010, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from The incredible boss
This is the very first project I ever started with Palib, I never finished it. I 'found' it back when I was cleaning my hard-disk and decided to complete it to share it with the Palib community.
What is it all about? Just see if your EyeQ is as high as Einsteins IQ. Give it a try an improve your score. The more you play, the better you get ;-)
It plays better on real hardware, the stylus is just a bit quicker as your mouse
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January 23rd, 2010, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
SPECIAL84 offers "Pejnidi Diaforon", A puzzle game very well done, where you have to find the differences between 2 images.
Main features:
* 3 phases of the game with 5 levels each.
* Mode for either hand.
* Multi-language (Catalan, Spanish and English).
* Need to put the console horizontally.
* It has a ranking system to take certain skills with friends, or simply to see our score.
* The images are presented at random to give the feeling of being in a different game each time.
* Secrets.
* Fun Music.
* Fully stylus.
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January 24th, 2010, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...v2-t18203.html
Updating in rev99 the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
As the new forwarder WiiXplorer v2!
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* R099
- Fix for blackscreen on startup
* R098
- Added a HTML stream class easy process purpose
- Added a ChangeLog Class that can get a range of revision ChangeLogs
NOTE: ChangeLogs are saved on your UpdatePath under ChangeLog.txt.
You can call it by going to Settings and pressing the UpdateButton ChangeLog for current or you can also call it when a new Update is available to see the new ChangeLog.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Added widescreenfix To The Taskbar
- Centered Taskbar / CreditsWindow
- Added credits to dj_skual
- Added ".." for metafile is WiiDisk (thx dude)
- Made CreditsWindow to a Class
- Fixed bug: icons not changing in the upper left corner of the Explorer
- Changed max. zoom / load into limiting resolution to 1024x768 Which seems to be still stable. Please report if you get weird stuff by zooming too far.
- Meta.xml should now be updated on every commit
- Some more minor fixes
Changelog Forwarder:
- First public release.
- Updated to new libogc,
- Loading USB fixed.
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January 24th, 2010, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an Updated release from Ant512:
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
Version 0.44 is out now:
This release adds system-wide support for unicode (UTF-8). Virtually all of the new features are related to text storage, manipulation or display.
In addition to that, the FileRequester is now an official part of libwoopsi and there are dozens of fixes and improvements.
It is worth noting that this release does *not* include any font classes that can render text beyond the standard ASCII set. This will come in a future release - TrueType support is in the works. Alternatively, you can roll your own font class.
- Moved fatInitDefault() SDL function into woopsifuncs.cpp (Quirky).
- ScrollingPanel::raiseScrollEvent() only fires if events are enabled.
- Gadget::raisesEvents() retrieves its value from the GadgetEventHandlerList object.
- Gadget::setRaisesEvents() alters the GadgetEventHandlerList object.
- Removed the raisesEvents flag from the Gadget class.
- Bmp2Font produces working Font classes.
- Deleted badly-converted fonts:
- Latha;
- Lucida10;
- Roman 10;
- Trebuchet8.
- FileRequester no longer has transparent regions.
- FileRequester sorts correctly.
- FileRequester does not attempt to draw when drawing is disabled.
- FilePath uses WoopsiString::lastIndexOf() to change to parse path string.
- Dragging a screen that isn't the top screen so that it is not visible no longer causes a crash.
- Removed glyphs from NewTopaz and Topaz fonts.
- Changed NewTopaz font to PackedFont1 from PackedFont16.
- Changed Topaz font to MonoFont from Font.
- Fixed memory leak when enumerating directories in FileListBox.
- FileListBox shows dummy file list when in SDL mode.
- Graphical corruption in GraphicsPort::clipScroll() fixed.
- Fixed FileRequester layout.
- Replaced magic number double click time with define in woopsifuncs.cpp.
- TestPanel class in scrolltest example draws its border correctly.
- Fixed a crash in GraphicsPort::drawText() when trying to draw text outside the clipRect with a PackedFont1 font; should provide a minor speedup.
- ScrollingPanel draws its border correctly.
- Removed Text::getLinePointer().
- MultiLineTextBox::drawCursor() uses a StringIterator to locate the cursor position.
- MultiLineTextBox::drawCursor() does not read past the end of the string when the cursor is positioned beyond the string.
- Text::wrap() does not perform an invalid comparison between line index and char index when truncating the line positions array.
- Text::wrap() correctly appends the string end position in all scenarios.
- Text::wrap() always assumes text height is at least one row.
- Text::getLineContainingCharIndex() returns the correct value if the character is in the last row.
- WoopsiString::insert() explicitly calls its own setText() and append() methods to prevent the Text class from wrapping twice.
- Added WoopsiString::encodeCodePoint().
- PackedFontBase::isCharBlank() returns correct value if character not present in font (fixes horizontal alignment in MulitLineTextBox).
- Key repeat values stored in defines.h.
- FileListBox does not show "." directory.
- Minor optimisation when building the FileListBox contents.
- Split Label::calculateTextPosition() split into horizontal and vertical methods.
- TextBox switches to left-aligned automatically if contents exceeds size of box.
- Fixed memory leak and logic problems when deleting gadgets.
New Features:
- Added FontBase::getCharHeight().
- WoopsiString supports UTF-8 (Lakedaemon).
- Split glyphs into separate GlyphFont.
- GadgetStyle includes a glyph font.
- All gadgets converted to use WoopsiStrings instead of raw chars/char arrays, meaning they support UTF-8.
- Various changes in Text class to support UTF-8.
- Changed parameters to GraphicsUnclipped::drawText() (and subclasses).
- Added StringIterator class, for efficient iteration over a UTF-8 string.
- Removed dependence on WoopsiString::getCharArray().
- Promoted FileRequester gadget from bonus folder to main library.
- libfat enabled by default in test projects and template.
- Added WoopsiString::lastIndexOf().
- Added WoopsiString::subString().
- Added WoopsiString::indexOf().
- TextBox implements key repeats when left or right d-pad is held down; cursor moves repeatedly until end of string reached or d-pad released.
- MultiLineTextBox implements key repeats when left or right d-pad is held down; cursor moves repeatedly until end of string reached or d-pad released.
- Textbox contents scrolls horizontally as cursor is moved.
- Added key repeat event handling to the entire system.
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January 24th, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted a new release of his Dos Emulator for DS, heres whats new:
For the last week I have been working on the EGA support and also on the few remaining unsupported modrm bytes. For the EGA support testing I have been using Duke Nukem 2, which is currently quite playable. My EGA support is still far from complete, and thus the game has still some visual glitches, but they don't seem to affect the gameplay.
For some reason Duke Nukem 2 seems to take FOREVER to load, and it has a tendency to crash at the end of the inital intro (I haven't yet figured out why this happens), so you might want to hit Enter at the "NEO LA: THE FUTURE" screen to skip the intro and go to the main menu immediately. Also the music lags pretty heavily at the intro, and it feels quite sluggish overall, but luckily the actual gameplay seems to run at a reasonable speed.
I spent a long time debugging a problem with the EGA palette, until I realized that DN2 uses the VGA palette registers also in the 16-color EGA mode. I hadn't realized the VGA graphics work like that, so I kept debugging the wrong places in the code. I also had to add two new SoundBlaster DSP commands, for playing 2-bit ADPCM samples and for playing silence. A bit strange that there is actually an SB command for playing silence for a certain amout of time, but I guess it can be used for some audio synchronization stuff. Anyways, DN2 is now working well enough that I thought it was time to release version 0.03.
I have also added nearly all of the 8086 opcodes and their modrm bytes, there are only a few remaining. Many of the 80286 opcodes/modrm bytes are still missing, though, and you might also get "Unsupported opcode" errors if a game uses the ES register to point to the graphics screen, as I have only coded support for those modrm bytes that I have encountered in the games I have tested. If the "Unsupported opcode" error has an opcode with "es:" in it, then this is the cause.
The next version should have practically all the normal opcodes/modrm bytes supported, and I hope to improve the graphics support as well. The current 16-color routines should work with only minor changes on all the 16-color modes, including 640x350 and 640x480 modes, so adding support to those modes for the next version might also be possible. Whether games that use those modes will be playable within a 256x192 window is another matter, though.
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January 25th, 2010, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Worldwide sales of New Super Mario Bros Wii have now topped 10 million units, according to the latest figures.
Nikkei Net (translated by Kotaku) says the game sold over 10 million in eight weeks, with over 3 million copies sold in Japan, 4.5 million in the US and 3 million in Europe.
The numbers put it way ahead of Mario Galaxy's total sales to date - as of March last year the Wii title had sold just over 8 million.
Upon its release in Japan, New Super Mario Bros immediately became the fastest-selling Wii game to date in the country with over just over 930,000 units sold in the first week.
It has been awarded ELSPA's Double Platinum sales award indicating sales of over 600,000 in the UK.
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January 25th, 2010, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster

The Classic Controller Pro for Wii has been available in Japan for some time already, but it's making its way to these here parts this April.
The controller looks like it came from the PS2 factory, and it won't plug directly directly into your Wii. Instead, you have to plug it into your Wii Remote, which isn't that much of a hassle. It'll ship with Monster Hunter Tri, but will also be sold separately for $20.
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January 25th, 2010, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster

Money talks, and, in the world of custom hardware, occasionally yields some amazing results. Such is the case with Hailrazer's latest handheld console mod, the Kamikaze 64. It's a portable version of Nintendo's decidedly wired Nintendo 64 that someone commissioned him to build, probably after seeing his impressive NCube portable GameCube. This one is equally comprehensive, and while it doesn't compete against either of the supposed world's smallest portable N64s, it does offer the full suite of controls, plus input for a second controller, video output, and even includes the controller's I/O port on the back. (That means it's Controller Pak compatible, and its future owner can take his or her all-time greatest Mario Kart 64 ghost replays on the road.) No word on how much the mystery commissioner paid for this one, but we're thinking they got a good deal.
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January 25th, 2010, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
The Sunday Times reports of a plan by the Scottish prison system to raise "literacy" and "numeracy" skills among its prison population by giving the inmates access to Nintendo DS systems.
The program would be tested in a small number of prison libraries and would involve literacy experts working with the prisoners. Prison officials note that inmates already have access to PlayStations, so going with the DS is seen as consistent and, perhaps, an improvement:
The devices, fitted with "brain training" software, will be put on trial on the advice of Scottish government officials who believe they will reduce the chances of the prisoners reoffending after they have served their sentences by improving their employment prospects.
A government study into the education of prisoners, Learning in Custody: Report of the Offender Learning in Custody Workstream, concluded that convicts would benefit from the devices, which are currently being used in many primary schools to raise attainment.
"Initial findings suggest it is both motivational and enables less confident learners to close the gap on others," said the report.
A Scottish group representing taxpayers calls the plan "ridiculous," given that many Sottish citizens can't even afford DSes for their kids in these tough economic times.
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January 25th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
According to a recent "T for Teen" classification by the ESRB, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (better known as Dracula X: Rondo of Blood) appears to be heading to the Wii. An OFLC rating of the game back in December already hinted at the possibility of the game arriving on the Wii's Virtual Console (the Japanese version was released in April 2008), but the ESRB rating's description seems to clinch it, citing the "early-90s rendering" of "reddish blood-like bursts."
Previously, unless you were a resident of Japan who owned a PC Engine CD in the early '90s (or, more likely, a PSP owner anywhere in the world within the past two years ago), there wasn't an easy way for you to get your hands on "Akumajō Dracula X Chi no Rondo" (Rondo of Blood's Japanese title). But now, it seems that Wii owners outside of Japan will get the chance to check out the game.
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January 25th, 2010, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Today's most confusing headline is brought to you by the Google translation of a Nikkei Net report that New Super Mario Bros. Wii has topped ten million (not one-thousand million) units sold worldwide since its release in mid-November (and early December in Japan). Frankly, we're downright shocked that this kind of game -- with such an unsavory cast of characters -- could sell like gangbusters. C'mon, all they ever do is kill each other!
The figure Nintendo is not sharing is the number of relationships that New Super Mario Bros. Wii has destroyed. Three and counting for me -- making it at least 30 million worldwide! Let's just say, Mom and Dad and a certain someone who is dead to me aren't allowed to visit again until they learn proper Propeller Suit etiquette.
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January 25th, 2010, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Enjoy playing as your favorite loveable, but mischievous, singing groups from the cartoon series and movies in a unique storyline
Freedom to switch between unlocked locations with the associated music tracks which feature either The Chipmunks (Alvin, Simon, Theodore) or The Chipettes (Brittany, Jeannette, Eleanor), or a duet by both the bands, each with their own distinct personalities
Prove you have rhythm and timing in the main game and in 3 micro-games utilizing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk
Features the Grammy Award and American Music Award winning songs from the Alvin and the Chipmunks library, each song’s difficulty based on such things as tempo and complexity
2 global modes of difficulty, Normal and Expert, are available for replay and can be changed anytime during your game
Multiplayer Party mode lets you play as your favorite Chipmunk or Chipette and compete locally with up to 3 friends
Furry pop sensations Alvin and the Chipmunks are on a spectacular worldwide tour with their girl group rivals, The Chipettes. Watch the 'Munks bring their mega star power to the show and make the crowds roar! Test your rhythm on stage with these adorable dancing trios as they sing their hits and swing their hips to prove they’re the greatest musical act in the world!
Set in unique environments across the globe such as Cairo and Shanghai, the game allows players to instantly switch between vehicle and robot modes as they drive, fly, fight and blast their way through intense, pressure-packed levels. After engaging in single player action, for the first time ever players will be able to go online and battle friends in all-new multiplayer modes.
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January 25th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Create: Conquer aliens from “The List” by changing into an eagle and soar your way to victory
Explore: Solve intriguing puzzles and discover new areas within the alien universe while battling your way back to Earth
Fight: Battle a myriad of relentless enemies using wits, strength and speed
Nintendo DSi Feature: Aliens are everywhere, use your Nintendo DSi camera to determine who you can trust
Daniel X was born with the greatest superpower of all, the power to create. Now, the fate of the world rests on his shoulders—saving the world has never been easy, but it’s a fight Daniel is made for.
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January 25th, 2010, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

You've gotta catch'em all. The friends who have travelled throughout Johto region with you in the games have now travelled to the real world for you to collect. Cute, round and warm, the pokemon plushe series includes some of the lesser featured pokemon. From plants to reptiles, everybody gets to be in the spotlight and gets to be cuddled.
Not only are the plushes here today, there are mini figures. This volume features the fire type pokemon. Some of them are tricky, the others are legendary, some of them are cheerful and cute, the others are quiet. This series features Houou, the special pokemon you catch in Pokemon Heart Gold as well as Hinoarashi, Entei, Windy and Buban.
Careully crafted and colored, these figures captures the spirit of the pokemon.
The plushes and the figures are available today:
Plush Pokemon
Pokemon DP Korotto Manmaru Nuigurumi Evolution Plush Doll: Bakufun JPN N/A
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January 25th, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
WIP version of Super Nintendo emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- 21fx API moved to pre-finalized form as S-MSU1; more about this on the forum;
- OpenGL driver now uses GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER instead of GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE to support screen curvature shader;
- rewrote file open dialog; code is greatly simplified, interface is improved;
- all cheat code columns are now enquoted, and empty codes at the bottom of the file are omitted (format is compatible with previous releases still);
- debugger: added missing DMA variables to S-CPU properties viewer;
- snesfilter: added OpenMP (multi-threading) support to HQ2x filter;
- lots of other miscellaneous code cleanup work.
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January 25th, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14471.html
WiiColEm is a port of the ColEm ColecoVision emulator version 2.5.2 developed by Marat Fayzullin.
Support for driving and roller controllers
Tilt-based (Wiimote) driving support
Cartridge database w/ recommended controller settings and keypad descriptions for most commercial cartridges
Per-cartridge button mappings
On-screen keypad display
High cartridge compatibility (see below)
The following additions/modifications were made to the core emulation code:
"The Heist" now works correctly (memory initialization bug).
Added support for Opcode RAM expansion.
Added support for "Lord of the Dungeon" (original 32k or trimmed 24k).
Mode 2 masking now works correctly (supports Daniel Bienvenu games).
Mode 0 and Mode 3 now work correctly ("Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show" and "Smurf: Paint 'n Play Workshop" now work correctly).
Fixed graphic corruption that would occur when switching between games (VRAM and related state were not being reset correctly).
Fixed save/load state bug where the emulator would incorrectly report that the save was invalid (memory was not being cleared correctly).
Known Issues
Speed dial roller is not working (Super action controller)
Zip files are not currently supported
0.1-pre1 - January 12, 2010
Initial preview release
Cant find a download as of this time, keep checking the release page for more info:
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January 25th, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.retroactionmagazine.com/
NintendoAge is a free monthly e-zine that focuses on Nintendo. Most of its content is produced by the Nintendo community and features articles, interviews, the NintendoAge price guide and much more. The current issue and back issues are available to download in PDF format from the NintendoAge website. Content in the January 2010 issue includes:
Battle Kid: From Sprites to Cut Scenes
Find of the Year?
Game Rooms
Member Spotlight: SuperNESMan
NintendoAge Price Guide
Interview with a Nintendo Gameplay Counselor part 2
Weblink: http://www.nintendoage.com/
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January 26th, 2010, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...v3-t18203.html
Updating REV100 in the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
As the new forwarder WiiXplorer v2!
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* R100
- Fixed WiiXplorer not returning to SYSMENU when started with Forwarder
- Changed Forwarder and app entrypoint (Sorry dj_skual'll have to reupload a new channel the old one will not work anymore)
- Compiled and uploaded new Forwarder.dol (the old one will not work anymore)
- Changed the way DOL / ELF booting is working completely. Now almost all Homebrews should boot, this includes WiiXplorer booting itself up again
- Minor fixes
* R099
- Fix for blackscreen on startup
* R098
- Added a HTML stream class easy process purpose
- Added a ChangeLog Class that can get a range of revision ChangeLogs
NOTE: ChangeLogs are saved on your UpdatePath under ChangeLog.txt.
You can call it by going to Settings and pressing the UpdateButton ChangeLog for current or you can also call it when a new Update is available to see the new ChangeLog.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Added widescreenfix To The Taskbar
- Centered Taskbar / CreditsWindow
- Added credits to dj_skual
- Added ".." for metafile is WiiDisk (thx dude)
- Made CreditsWindow to a Class
- Fixed bug: icons not changing in the upper left corner of the Explorer
- Changed max. zoom / load into limiting resolution to 1024x768 Which seems to be still stable. Please report if you get weird stuff by zooming too far.
- Meta.xml should now be updated on every commit
- Some more minor fixes
Changelog Forwarder:
- First public release.
- Updated to new libogc,
- Loading USB fixed.
- Fix for new wiixplorer load.
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January 26th, 2010, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Dop-I...11-t18228.html
Dop-IOS MOD is developed by Arikado, SifJar and PhoenixTank the only difference from a DOP-IOS Marc is that this mod lets you choose what IOS sales person you want to install other IOS.
The basic version requires the mandatory cIOS249.
vVersion 11
- Possible use of any Wiimote or GameCube controller.
- Fixed installation NUS offline.
- The power button on the Wiimote and Wii walk now.
Note: If you are installing the power button will not extinguish the Wii until the installation is finished.
- The reset button on the Wii will now return to the loader.
Note: If you are installing the reset button will not leave until the installation is finished.
- Added a scan internal Wii and displays various information on the IOS installed.
Note: there is a bug that makes it does not take all the IOS installed. It will be fixed in v12.
- The console should better return to the screen now.
- The store chain was noted in crude version 18. It will now take the latest version of NUS.
- The IOS can now be installed using the WAD on SD / USB. The chains and the menu system will come in the v12.
- FakeSign Restorer (aka Trucha Bug Restore) will now install IOS 36 in one step.
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January 26th, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/mPlay...55-t18239.html
scip, Rodris, agentx and djdynamtie123 we have just released a new version of its media player for our Wii.
This new drive can read files from:
Samba SMB (manager partarge file)
- Rewrote dugetch2-Gekko
- Correction of chess progress
- Reactivation of the PNG encoder since the screenshot filter depends.
- Increase the level of optimization.
- Minor fixes.
- Increase the maximum volume
- No info
- More timing
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January 26th, 2010, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Revol...rs-t18242.html
A crap game is really shit Basically you control a white man who is attacked by something invisible to each of his steps and architecture of buildings and options reminiscent greatly pokemon!
The goal? I believe we must earn experience by killing things invisible! As if you were your own pokemon
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January 26th, 2010, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata was offered the chance to sign up the device that became Project Natal - but turned it down as he didn't believe he could launch it at a mass-market price.
That's according to a top insider (and we mean top insider) at the platform holder's Japan HQ, who told us that Israel firm 3DV Systems showed an early demo of the technology to Iwata and other Nintendo bigwigs at the end of 2007.
Despite being impressed with the prototype, Iwata was reportedly unsold on it as a peripheral for Wii - leaving the door open for Microsoft to snap up the tech and its creator a year later.
"Iwata-San only ever invests in something he can guarantee will work for a Nintendo audience," the exec told us.
"3DV showed off a camera that detected motion in 3D, and had voice recognition - but Iwata-San was unconvinced he could sell it at a Nintendo price point. He also had some worries around latency during gameplay."
The new information appears to confirm 3DV's involvement in the creation of Natal, which Microsoft has never certified.
Microsoft first showed off Natal at E3 2009. - with Peter Molyneux in particular stunning the audience with boy-sim Milo.
"Honestly - I've heard Iwata describe the prototype he saw at length, and it's definitely Natal," added CVG's source.
"What we witnessed at E3 was smaller and the facial [reading] stuff had improved, but it's the same technology. We remain unconvinced Natal will deliver on the more sophisticated elements of what Microsoft is promising at the price they're aiming for."
Microsoft will no doubt internally disagree with the claims. MS has dubbed Natal a'new console' in itself. The hardware is set to launch late this year, with an expected price point of around £50.
Iwata's alleged belief that the device would be too expensive fits with recent reports that Microsoft removed a chip from Natal to save on R&D costs, whilst some prominent development figures have also questioned whether Natal will have potential latency issues.
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has previously admitted: "This type of motion-sensing camera technology has been around for quite a while. [We've] ultimately made the decision not to take advantage of what they can do."
Unsurprisingly, both Nintendo UK and Microsoft would not offer us a comment on the "speculation". (Trust us, it ain't).
What do you reckon, readers - was Iwata right to say "no" to Natal? Or will he look back on the one that got away?
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January 26th, 2010, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster

There’s a warm place in our hearts for the original Nintendo Entertainment System. It’s too bad we don’t have that hardware sitting around anymore. But if you do there’s a chance it needs some TLC and there’s always room for a blue LED mod. [Raph] has a wonderful collection of NES hardware repairs and hacks that you should take a look at. These include replacing the power supply, fixing the cartridge connector, monkeying with the CIC chip, adding a reset button on the controller, converting the audio from mono to stereo, and yes, swapping in a blue LED. Oh, and as a side note, [Raph] gets a bit of extra hacker ‘cred for including “coded manually using VIM” at the bottom of his page. Classic.
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January 26th, 2010, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

It has been 3 years since Travis earned the Number 1 spot in the United Assassins Assoc. ranking, and investments from major corporations have caused the city of Santa Destroy to change,… but is it really for the better? You are Travis Touchdown – a punk anti-hero , Japanese anime Otaku, beam katana master and pro wrestling-fanatic assassin. Revenge (as well as yoga sex) will bring you back to the UAA tournament. This time though, you begin at the bottom of the ranking and will have to fight your way up to save Santa Destroy and avenge your best friend.
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January 26th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Possible additions to the game: the team is exploring adding new Capcom and Tatsunoko characters as well as online gameplay
Two-man tag team action: Players build their own perfect team and use Assist Attacks and each character’s special moves to create their own unique fighting style
Four button fighting controls: Easy-to-understand four button control scheme opens gameplay up to new players with familiar movements and combos
Depth of gameplay: Once the basics are mastered, players can go deeper into the fighting game controls to master Aerial Rave air combos, Delayed Hyper Combos, Mega Crash defensive moves, Assault attack moves and the Baroque extended combo system
Fast-paced action and huge attacks: Each characters has a unique arsenal of moves, including spectacular Hyper Combos that literally take over the screen with devastating results
3D characters, 2D fighting gameplay: As in Street Fighter IV, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars has bright, 3D rendered characters battling it out in familiar 2D style
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars is new version of the game that released in Japan in arcades and on the Wii in December 2008. Capcom is looking into adding new features to the game, including possible additions of several new characters from both Capcom and Tatsunoko, and is exploring the option of online gameplay. TATSUNOKO VS. CAPCOM ULTIMATE ALL-STARS will work with a number of different control devices, including the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, Classic Controller, GameCube Controller and various third-party joysticks designed for the Wii.
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January 27th, 2010, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Syscheck-15-t18247.html
This utility is offered by ErycSpyder
It is a derivative of Signcheck.
to recall this tool will check all IOS / CIOS on your Wii and get information on the different patches appliques:
- Fake Signatures (aka Trucha Bug);
- ES DiVerify (aka Identify ES);
- Flash Access;
- Boot2 Access;
- USB 2.0 IOS Tree.
Note: syscheck generates a report to the root of the SD card (SD: / sysCheck.csv).
Version 1.5
- Localization: French version
- Fixed: problem with IOS202
- Fix: Error Handling
- Improved: detection of IOS Stubs
- Improved: The "Wii Light 'illuminates when generating report
- Code cleanup.
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January 27th, 2010, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Homeb...32-t18252.html
Homebrew DS Manager is a Windows application created by GoldenSun2.
It displays the list of homebrew on your DS and the meta.xml and icon. Png and you can edit this information. You can also add / delete Homebrews card.
The v3.2 will display the file list. Wad in the folder "wad" and information on your SD (name, path, type, capacity ...)
- Fixed some bugs.
- There is no default folder for adding file.
- Added file management. Wad.
- Added information su SD card.
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January 27th, 2010, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...4c8e2d4ba99ffe
Pencil offers a small update to its utility Muti-Spot "WiiBuilder"Which allows developers to convert file jpeg, png, gif, bmp, xml, bmf, mp3, mod, etc ... in header (.c / .h) compatible with their project. But also send your. fraud directly to the Wii via WiFi, etc ...
Version 1.5
* Warnings for JPEG files (if any)
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January 27th, 2010, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Parisian developer-publisher Neko Entertainment has confirmed that it is bringing a new creative suite named Faceez to the DSi. Faceez lets owners of Nintendo's download-focused handheld personalise, mix and decorate photos of friends.
“Faceez is a fun easy-to-use photo suite that gives users the freedom to customize their photo library, through millions of possible colourful, crazy combinations and share them online with friends”, said Laurent Lichnewsky, managing director of Neko Entertainment, “From riotous facial animations that make photos come to life to over 150 accessories that disguse the identities behind them and much more, Faceez will be a unique and universally appealing addition to the DSiWare library in 2010."
By taking advantage of the DSi's built in camera Faceez lets users manipulate and animate their pictures, and provides over 150 items and accesories for players' amusement. The package also enables cut and pasting that can be used to mix together the features from various victims' faces.
While no final release date or price has been confirmed, Faceeze, which also boasts online support that lets users upload their creations to social networks, is expected to be available shortly.
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January 28th, 2010, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Marcan is back with a rather long post over at Hackmii:
Wow, time does fly. More than a year ago, on October 23rd, 2008, Nintendo finally released an update that fixed the strncmp (fakesigning) exploit in all forks of IOS. This disabled any direct methods to install unofficial content on all updated Wii consoles. At the time, version beta9 of The Homebrew Channel had been in the making for a while, so we decided to take the opportunity to use one of our stockpiled IOS exploits to work around the update and release beta9. These exploits differ from fakesigning in that they directly exploit the IOS runtime, injecting code that lets us take control and disable signatures altogether. Therefore, this was our first released IOS code execution exploit. HBC beta9 was released and worked great on all Wiis, as always.
In order to hinder Nintendo’s attempts at fixing it, and to avoid misuse by warez kiddies, sven and I had a lot of fun obfuscating the exploit over a couple afternoons. We decided not to release information about it, hoping it would last long enough to be useful for future installers and BootMii. Later we kind of forgot about this, but on a few occassions people have asked us to document it, and we proposed a challenge: we would document the exploit as soon as someone “broke” our obfuscation and figured out how the exploit works. The intent was to promote reverse engineering and also see just how long it would take people to crack it. Apparently, either people weren’t very interested or we did a pretty good obfuscation job, because it took pretty long
Well, I’m happy to say that today I received an e-mail from an anonymous hacker who successfully reverse engineered our layers of obfuscation. He (or she!) discovered the inner workings of the STM Release Exploit, as I will be calling it, and did so after three weekends of reverse engineering. Hats off to you, and thank you for taking the challenge!
This bug was discovered by accident, and in fact it is a real honest-to-goodness software bug that is not only exploitable, but a nuisance during regular use. To understand it, you need to understand how STM works.
STM is the IOS module in charge of random hardware functions such as handling the fan, “idle” (WC24) mode, the front slot LED (including the blink patterns), and the buttons. I have no clue what STM means, but I’ve seen it called “State-TM” somewhere on the Wii. One of the main functions of STM is to provide a way for PowerPC software to get notifications when either the Reset or the Power buttons are pressed. It’s worth noting that I have no clue why they did this –the PowerPC already knows about Reset via the legacy GameCube interface, and can be given direct access to Power including IRQ via the shared GPIO system, and IOS doesn’t use these buttons at all– but they did. It works like this: STM creates two devices, an “immediate” device, and an “event” device. The immediate device is used to issue commands to STM that take effect immediately, while the event device is the callback mechanism. The PowerPC code issues an IOS_IoctlAsync() call on the “event” device, and this call blocks (asynchronously) until there is an event (such as a button press). When this happens, the call returns with the event code, and the PowerPC code reissues it to listen for further events.
One problem with this approach is that the PowerPC needs a way to shut down the event callback. The IOS IPC mechanism doesn’t provide a way for the PowerPC to cancel an ongoing request; it must wait until its completion. When PowerPC code needs to hand off execution, it needs to clean up all references and file descriptors to IOS, so it needs a way to get rid of the event call. STM implements this by having a call on the immediate interface that forces the event call to return with a zero event code. So far so good. If you’re interested, check out stm.c on libogc (particularly the functions with EventHook in the name).
Full article --> http://hackmii.com/2010/01/the-stm-release-exploit/
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January 28th, 2010, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...01-t18282.html
Updating rev101 in the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Forwarder v3 always available
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* R101
- Fixed exchange of DVD being remounted
- Moved DVD mount to mount only when the DVD Icon is clicked when devicemenu is not loaded
- Fixed D-PAD after scroll
- Fixed Properties on RightClickMenu being off screen
- Pictures Made up fullscreen at startup when they are over the size for better SlideShow
- Some more minor bugfixes
* R100
- Fixed WiiXplorer not returning to SYSMENU when started with Forwarder
- Changed Forwarder and app entrypoint (Sorry dj_skual'll have to reupload a new channel the old one will not work anymore)
- Compiled and uploaded new Forwarder.dol (the old one will not work anymore)
- Changed the way DOL / ELF booting is working completely. Now almost all Homebrews should boot, this includes WiiXplorer booting itself up again
- Minor fixes
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January 28th, 2010, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new pre alpha version of fb4nds - Facebook for Nintendo DS, new for this release is the sending of messages:
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January 28th, 2010, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Larbi

check out this math game I made using Palib. it is my first DS game. I wrote it to help my son improve his math skills, addition, subtraction and multiplication to be more accurate. it works on any emulator but plays better on the DS. the handwriting recognition is better with the stylus.
The game can be downloaded from here : http://ndsmath.blogspot.com/
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January 28th, 2010, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...3d27b992e3f33c
Jan Mulder offers "Agenda DS", Which as its name suggests an agenda for the DS.
I do not know if it's finished, but I can not imagine anything to add.
It's like the name says calendar year.
You can browse (correct English?) Through 'your' agenda in the bottom screen.
To add a new activity and press NEW to delete the first one press DELETE.
in the top screen you see the activities in the right order (that's harder to program than you might think).
The first date will automatically disappear when it has been happened.
You can see the current time as well.
And also the time left until the next activity (it always thinks the month has got 31 days).
The dates are automatically saved to your FAT and they will automatically load too.
When the dates are being loaded it might be possible it has some bugs.
It works better in an emulator but then you can not save.
The dates in the browsing part are not correct.
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January 28th, 2010, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
First-party Nintendo software accounted for 47 per cent of Wii revenue in the US during 2009, and 38 per cent of all units sold at retail.
That's according to NPD data quoted by analyst Michael Pachter on forum Neogaf, revealing that 27.5 million first-party games were sold totalling $1.53 billion in sales, out of the overall 72.4 million units and $3.23 billion in Wii game sales during the year.
The average third-party game on Wii sold for $37.85, while the average first-party title from Nintendo sold for $55.63.
Pachter also pointed out that Capcom's Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles and EA's Dead Space: Extraction were were outside of the top 150 best-selling games on Wii, at 151 and 261 respectively. Earlier this month, Capcom in France expressed disappointment at sales of its mature Wii game.
The highest ranking Guitar Hero game for Wii was Guitar Hero: World Tour at number 30, which was outsold by Just Dance, Cabela's Big Game Hunter, Deal or No Deal and The Biggest Loser.
"The conclusion I draw from this is that the Wii audience is far more casual and harder to reach than the PS3 or 360 audiences, and they buy brand name software (with 'Wii' or 'Mario' in the title, or with a TV/product tie-in)," wrote Pachter.
"The average selling price of third-party titles says a lot, coming in almost $7 below the average for all Wii titles, and almost $18 below first party titles."
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January 28th, 2010, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has reported a 9.4 per cent decline in profits for the nine months ended December 31, 2009, from JPY 212.5 billion (£1.4bn / $2.5bn) to JPY 192.6 billion (£1.3bn / $2.1bn).
Net sales were JPY 1.18 trillion, or 23 per cent, down from JPY 1.54 trillion, with operating profit plunging 40.8 per cent from JPY 501.3 billion (£3.4bn/ $5.5bn ) for the nine months last year, to JPY 296.6 (£2.0bn / $3.2bn).
The company blamed slow sales in the first half of the year and appreciation of the yen, although it noted that sales during the third quarter were "robust" and holiday sales in some regions exceeded last year's performance. For the full year the company expects to sell 192 million games, up from the 180 originally forecast, due to bundling with hardware over the Christmas period.
Global sales of Wii hardware were 17.05 million units during the period, with game sales at 156.64 million units. New Super Mario Bros. Wii has now sold 10.55 million units, Wii Fit Plus 10.16 million units and Wii Sports Resort 13.58 million units worldwide.
During the nine month period DS units – which include the newly launched DS iLL – reached 23.35 million sold, with Pokemon HeartGold Version and Pokemon SoulSilver Version selling a combined 3.74 million units in Japan, and Tomodachi Collection 2.74 million units.
Sales of Pokemon Platinum Version reached 3.1 million units worldwide, and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, released in December, has now sold 2.45 million units globally.
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January 28th, 2010, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has released current life to date sales figures for the Wii and DS, in conjunction with its financial results for the period April-December 2009.
According to the figures, the Wii has now sold 67.4 million units worldwide - with 9.7 million units sold in Japan, 32 million in the US, and 25.7 million throughout the rest of the world.
In addition to the hardware, 509.6 million units of Wii software have been sold - 46.6 million in Japan, 275.8 million in the US, and 187.2 million in the remaining territories.
DS life to date figures stand at 125.1 million. The handheld reached the 100 million landmark in March 2009 - and the year was the console's strongest in the US, with record sales of 11.2 million (according to NPD figures).
Of that overall total, Japan accounted for 29.9 million DS sales, the US 45 million, and other territories 50.2 million.
Total DS software sold stands at 688.3 million units worldwide - 172 million in Japan, 261.9 million in the US, and 254.4 million in the remaining countries.
In its latest financials, Nintendo reported profits were down 9.4 per cent for the nine months ended December 31, 2009.
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January 28th, 2010, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
A new addition to the Excitebike series is set for release on the European WiiWare store next Friday. Excitebike World Rally echos the form of the 1984 NES original, returning to the side-on racing and level editing that assured the first title a popularity that lasts to this day.
Starring nine internationally themed settings, 16 levels and wi-fi connected multiplayer, Excitebike World Rally presents a distinctly retro-flavoured experience, and promises to offer fast, accessible gameplay and to-the-wire racing.
With a time trial-based single-player structure, the trick-focused sequel to the Excite Truck and Excite Bots boxed Wii releases includes all of the elements that have distinguished each of its predecessors, such as terrain altering power-ups and various speed boosting techniques.
Excitebike World Challenge will be priced at 1000 Wii Points in the PAL territory.
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January 28th, 2010, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
In the mood for several more Mega Man games simultaneously? Capcom just announced its plans to localize the Mega Man Zero Collection for Nintendo DS.
The collection contains all four games in the Mega Man X spinoff series Mega Man Zero, originally released on Game Boy Advance between 2002 and 2005. The press release promises "new modes," though it doesn't specify what those modes are. We know that the Japanese version includes some kind of artwork collection.
The collection will be released in "early summer 2010," just in time for us to have given up on trying to complete Mega Man 10.
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January 28th, 2010, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
WiiColEm 0.1 released by Raz0red :
WiiColEm is a port of the ColEm ColecoVision emulator version 2.5.2 developed by Marat Fayzullin.
Support for driving, roller, and super action controllers
Tilt-based (Wiimote) driving support
Cartridge database w/ recommended controller settings and keypad descriptions for most commercial cartridges
Per-cartridge button mappings
On-screen keypad display
High cartridge compatibility (see below)
The following additions/modifications were made to the core emulation code:
"The Heist" now works correctly (memory initialization bug).
Added support for Opcode RAM expansion.
Added support for "Lord of the Dungeon" (original 32k or trimmed 24k).
Mode 2 masking now works correctly (supports Daniel Bienvenu games).
Mode 0 and Mode 3 now work correctly ("Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show" and "Smurf: Paint 'n Play Workshop" now work correctly).
Fixed graphic corruption that would occur when switching between games (VRAM and related state were not being reset correctly).
Fixed save/load state bug where the emulator would incorrectly report that the save was invalid (memory was not being cleared correctly).
Fixed issue where noise channel wasn't starting when it should (Matt Patrol).
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January 28th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Xav-S...ta-t18293.html
Ketufe presents his games for the Wii Shooter Xav. As its name suggests, this is a shooter in 2D in which you play as a pinguin.
Version 0.3 beta
add 2 lives to start the game
point twice in the destruction of Rabbids
gain of 2 Lives Change Level
Version 0.4 beta
shooting speed improved the penguin
Adding life to recover by pulling
Adding to the destruction of enemy fire
gain of 50 points for destroying enemy fire
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January 28th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Arkan...15-t18301.html
the_marioga updates its ArkanoidFWii homebrew (there's been a while actually ^ ^), as its name indicates it is an adaptation of the game Arkanoid for Wii.
Usage: Move the bar with the cross [directional] of the wiimote and touch the ball.
Unfortunately, no changelog was provided
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January 28th, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Rokoban-v8-t18304.html
Rokoban is a port to Wii Game Sokoban. It was brought by Zalo.
The goal of Sokoban is to bring all the boxes on their final location. You control one character who can only push the boxes, not pull him. You win when all credit levels are on a final location.
Above: Move the character up.
Bottom: Move the character down.
Left: Move character left.
Right: Move character right.
Button 1: OK.
+ Button: Move the camera.
Home Button: Menu of the game.
Version 8:
Available languages: English and Spanish.
It contains instructions in the game itself.
Implemented menu with several options.
Ability to add more levels to play.
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January 29th, 2010, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 could see further price cuts this year, analyst Michael Pachter has predicted, which would lead to the Wii losing the price advantage it has over its competitors.
Following Nintendo's release this week of its Q3 financials, Pachter said that the company's performance had been largely in line with expectations, with solid holiday sales for the Wii and strong performances by Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros Wii - both of which sold over 10 million.
However, he predicted the console could lose its advantage next holiday as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 come down further in price.
"The Wii enjoyed a $350 price advantage over the PS3 at launch, and a $150 advantage until September. Now, the gap has narrowed to $100, with the feature-laden PS3 a tempting purchase for prospective console households," he said.
"The holiday Wii sales boost was primarily attributable to a $50 gift card promotion offered by Wal-Mart; while we expect similar promotions at holiday next year, we expect the other consoles to be lower-priced by then, further eroding the Wii's competitive price advantage."
Furthermore, the analyst said the DSi's relatively high $169 price point could put it at a disadvantage to the $199 iPod Touch - a more versatile device and one with a "coolness" factor that is difficult to overcome.
DS software was tracking slightly below Nintendo's 150 million unit guidance, he added - and that guidance was significantly below last year's 197 million units.
"It appears that piracy in Europe and some substitution of iPod Touch games has impacted DS software sales more than we expected, and we have adjusted our estimates for FY:11 to account for further pressure," he said.
Sales of DS hardware were also underperforming on expectations, but Pachter predicted the March launch of the DSi XL would allow the company to ship sufficient numbers to meet targets.
Nintendo reported a 9.4 per cent decline in profits for the nine months ending December 31, 2009 and blamed falling revenue on a slow start to the first half of the year and appreciation of the yen.
Holiday sales in some regions however outperformed those of the previous year.
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January 29th, 2010, 21:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Mistwalker, the studio established by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, is working on a new game for the Wii.
That's according to a website which has just popped up. There's nothing much to see other than a fancy title image, the Wii logo and the unsurprising letters "RPG".
The game is called The Last Story, which doesn't come as much of a surprise either - Nintendo trademarked said name last September.
But back then we didn't know Mistwalker was involved, which is significant. After all, this is the studio set up by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. Here's hoping more news will be revealed soon.
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January 29th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
There's an exciting planet-friendly WiiWare game on offer today called 530 Eco Shooter.
Exciting because Metroid developer Intelligent System made it. Pay 1000 Wii Points (£7/€10) and step into the shoes of Mack, a recycling plant worker. He's trying to prevent evil Cannoid creatures from using the world's can supply to destroy our planet. On his own he's useless, but armed with his recycling cannon he makes a difference.
It's basically Duck Hunt but with cans. The official 530 Eco Shooter website can tell you more.
Over on DSiWare, meanwhile, is Gameloft's action RPG Legends of Exidia. Swords: check, sorcery: check, levels: check, loot: check - it's all in there. Legends of Exidia costs 800 DSi Points (£7.20/€8).
Also on DSiWare are two more Electroplankton creatures to hit and make music on. They are Luminarrow and Sun-Animalcule, and they cost 200 DSi Points (£1.80/€2) each.
On Virtual Console there's Street Fighter Alpha 2. a SNES game, this mixed combos and counters into the Street Fighter pot. Three new characters also showed up: Rolento, Sakura and Gen. Street Fighter Alpha 2 costs 800 Wii Points (£5.60/€8).
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January 30th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
HeartGold and SoulSilver are still the rage amongst Pokemon gamers, but Nintendo isn't letting Pikachu and crew rest. In Japan today, the company announced that a new main entry in the series is being developed for DS.
By "main entry," we mean a game in the line of titles that includes Red & Green, Gold & Silver, Ruby & Saphire, and Diamond & Pearl. The new game is set for Japanese release this year, meaning it will come four years after Diamond & Pearl's original release over there.
Nintendo did not share details on the game today, only hinting that it would have new Pokemon, take place in a new region, and feature new gameplay concepts.
But with the announcement out of the way, and with a 2010 Japanese release, expect to start hearing details shortly.
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January 30th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
When will Japan stop buying Dragon Quest DS games? When?
On January 28, the Nintendo DS remake of Dragon Quest VI went on sale in Japan. Square Enix shipped over a million copies of the game to retailers across the country.
The game was originally released on the Super Nintendo (aka Super Famicom) in Japan back in 1995.
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January 30th, 2010, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Japan updated its 2010 release list today, adding Xenoblade and The Last Story to its upcoming Wii slate and dating Metroid: Other M for "Summer 2010." The Nintendo and Team Ninja game was previously "TBA" in Japan.
So what the hell are Xenoblade and The Last Story? Well, considering that Nintendo also dropped two titles from its release schedule, Monado: Beginning of the World and Cosmic Walker, we're guessing the games could have simply be renamed. Nintendo did the same with Dynamic Zan, now known in Japan as Zangeki no REGINLEIV.
If we're going to keep guessing, we'll get that Xenoblade is the new name for Monado. The game comes from Xenosaga and Baten Kaitos creators Monolith Soft. Plus, of all the games that might feature a Xenoblade, based on the screen shots Nintendo released at E3 2009, Monado is it.
How Cosmic Walker could become The Last Story, we're not sure, because we really don't know that much about the spacebound sci-fi adventure.
Kirby fans will be delighted to know that Hoshi no Kirby for Wii is still on the list. Keep hope alive!
Outside of Japan, there isn't much news for the Nintendo fan. Metroid: Other M is still listed as "2010" for the U.S. and Europe, the same for Super Mario Galaxy 2. There's a listing for The Legend of Zelda for the Wii in Japan—with a TBA date—but no similar listing for other territories.
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January 30th, 2010, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to revealing its latest financial figures, Nintendo has released some interesting facts about its two star performers, the Wii and DS. As revealed in the financials, the Wii has sold over 67 million units since its launch in 2006. Putting that in context, Nintendo reveals that the original Nintendo Entertainment System sold 61.91 units in its lifetime, which now makes the Wii the company's most successful console of all time. As for the DS, it has now sold 125.13 million units, surpassing Game Boy and Game Boy Color lifetime sales of 118.69 million units. That makes the DS Nintendo's most successful piece of hardware ever.
It's important to point out that Nintendo counts all four iterations of the DS in its life-to-date sales numbers. Considering each version has a number of improvements over previous versions, we're sure there's plenty of overlap among consumers. Still, there's no denying that Nintendo's latest hardware lineup has been incredibly successful, even if it was slightly less successful in 2009.
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January 30th, 2010, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Game programming may come to the masses in the most micro of forms with Nintendo's upcoming do-it-yourself mini-game collection WarioWare D.I.Y., one of a handful of new titles we got to go hands-on with this week.
I've been a longtime fan of the WarioWare series of seconds-long games since the original WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! for the Game Boy Advance. But I've never been a fan of creating my own content in titles like LittleBigPlanet or Forza Motorsport, in part due to my limited attention span.
But the addition of a game editor to the next WarioWare game for the Nintendo DS—and the accompanying WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase player for WiiWare—has changed that, turning me into an excited fan eager to start creating by offering a simple micro-game editor on top of the built-in 90 new WarioWare games.
While I didn't get to edit any games myself, I did get a chance to play some of the user generated micro-games already created for a demo version of WarioWare D.I.Y. and had the opportunity to see a game—one as simple and built from scratch.
The creation process is split into digestible chunks.
The first is creating the art for a game, painting backgrounds then dropping sprites (aka "stamps") on top of them to lay out the game's interface. In the creation process demonstrated to us, in which a Nintendo game evaluator constructed a game that involved launching a rocket, the background was built with a grass texture in the bottom half of the screen, a star-filled night sky above the horizon. A pair of moai heads from the game's clip art... sorry, stamps library, and a few trees were deposited on the ground.
Then came the rocket, custom drawn with the game's Mario Paint-like sketching program. It's about as fully featured of a drawing tool as you'd expect from a Nintendo DS game, with a not-too-deep color palette, erasers, copy and paste tools, fill buckets and a mirroring clone tool that made creating a symmetrical rocket (and its accompanying flames) a breeze.
WarioWare D.I.Y. also lets players add a few frames of animation to their sprites or lets them pick from a handful of appropriate classic sprites and patterns from games like Metroid, Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. The drawing tool also offers a grid overlay, should players want to draw and animate more precise sprites.
After sketching out and arranging that rocket and its animated flames on the playfield, the Nintendo rep steering our demo defined the simple rules for the game in the "Assembly" section of WarioWare D.I.Y.'s game editor—tap the rocket, the rocket takes off, the player wins. That's par for the WarioWare course in terms of micro-game complexity, rules which take far more time to set up than to execute during play. But it wasn't daunting, thanks to helpful descriptions and a clean, concise editor for adding objects and triggers to a game's AI, firing off animations and sound effects.
Speaking of sound, WarioWare D.I.Y. also comes with an equally capable sound editor. There is a selection of songs already built in to the game, which players can edit or tweak. Players can also create their own tunes from scratch using one of WarioWare D.I.Y.'s coolest features, which lets song writers hum into the Nintendo DS microphone, leaving the digitizing of notes up to the software.
WarioWare D.I.Y. lets players share, remix and upload their creations to the WiiWare version known as WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase, which also adds another 70 games designed by Nintendo to the DS version. Nintendo also plans to add new micro-games through the in-game NinSoft store after the two games launch.
Micro-game sharing can be done from DS to DS or from Wii to Wii, provided everyone has the required software and Friend Codes in place.
WarioWare D.I.Y. may be the last game in the series I purchase—at least until Nintendo ships new hardware and a WarioWare game designed around it—due to the near limitless amount of micro-games it will bring the player. That the games are so short and the editor appears to have been so smartly designed—and that WarioWare's distinctive art style(s) is so non-threateningly amateur in appearance—has almost assuredly made me into a future content generator.
Nintendo plans to release WarioWare D.I.Y. in North America on March 28 for the Nintendo DS. Won't you join me in micro-generating then?
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January 30th, 2010, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Reworked iNES mapper I/O handler.
- Reworked PPU color code and event scheduler.
- Fixed sprite 0 strikes.
- Fixed triangle channel output.
- Fixed triple buffering setup.
- Fixed graphics reset and triple buffering set.
- Fixed PPU timing and DMC IRQ clocking.
- Improved Allegro sound support.
- Changed APU sound queue/dequeue method.
- Removed timeslice from double buffering, increases CPU usage though.
- Mappers added: 46, 58.
- Mappers fixed: 0,1,16,34,43,64,68,69,72,79,83,88,90,92,97,113,184 ,187.
- Removed NESticle savestate support for good.
- Optimizations and some speed up.
- Other minor things fixed.
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January 30th, 2010, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14507.html
A new wip version of the ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy emulator DSP has been released.
29/01 - Added basic driver for Xain´d Sleena with sound. Sprites, backgrounds and colors are missing
28/01 - These days I´m having some troubles with the IO´s of Galaga (reaches the main screen, but goes crazy with coin insertion), so I shall change the driver to see if I clear my mind a little, and then return to it. I´ll start with the driver of Suna 8 bits (Hard Head and Hard Head 2) and the Xain´d Sleena driver. And between all this I will review the drivers posted by Francenm some months ago, Sauro, System1 and Warp-Warp.
DSP 0.9ß4WIP 28/01/10
+ENHANCE: New function to scroll a screen, but moved within another screen.
+ENHANCE: M6809 - Added opcodes $10EE, $10EF y $102C. Cleaned code of opcodes $10XX.
+ENHANCE: Added functions for not standard sizes sprites and transparent chars based on color table
+ENHANCE: NAMCO Sound - Simplified, now only uses one audio channel and voice are mixed internally
+BUG: At last! Fixed sprites cuts (Ghost´n´Goblins, Black Tiger, Pacman, etc). A lot of corrections in the sprites functions and data structures
-Mappy Hardware
+NEW: Added 8-voice polyphonic sound
+ENHANCE: Fixed scroll
+ENHANCE: Added graphical priorities
+ENHANCE: Fixed sprites.
+ENHANCE: Fixed the last graphical bugs
-Dig Dug 2
+NEW: Added driver
-Super Pacman
+NEW: Added driver
-Galaga Hardware
+NEW: Added driver, don´t work because the custom IO are not working
-Xain´d Sleena
+NEW: Added basic driver with sound. Missing sprites, backgrounds, colors, etc.
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January 30th, 2010, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Its been five years. Time for an update.
From the release notes:
All log, usage, and dump files are saved to the Log subdirectory (user configurable)
Hotkeys for Run, NextOp, StepInto, StepOver, StepOut, and SkipOp
All hotkeys are user configurable (hotkey page 5)
APU and SA1 now obey TraceOnce and Split
SA1 breaks up code blocks and obeys Squelch.
SRAM viewable in Hex Editor
Register editing
GSD has been integrated into the system changes the 1.51 base uses. This includes directory structures, config files, and other changes.
SkipOp no longer reprints the previous line if its the same one being skipped.
DMA trace now prints length in hex
Breakpoint addresses and the PC register will accept up to eight characters and will filter out common address notation
Merging usage files caused a crash due to incorrect array sizes
Execution breakpoints work for alternate RAM addresses (7E vs 00)
Usage maps were saved even if Auto Usage was off
Wrong bank for Opcode 4C (JMP)
Write breakpoints in PPU operations caused data errors (which frequently caused code to take branches it otherwise wouldn’t)
Tab stops in breakpoint window
This version is based on the 1.51 codebase. (Because I apparently live in a cave and didn’t know 1.52 had been released.)
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January 30th, 2010, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Dop-IOS MOD updated to v11.1 by Arikado and Lunatik.
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSs (with the trucha bug if you like), channels, and system menus. It also allows you to install a patched IOS 36 to use to install fakesigned content if you don't have any other usable IOSs like Trucha Bug Restorer does.
FIX: The shopping channel's revision was getting set to 0 which was causing the shop channel to think it needed to be upgraded when it was in fact installing the latest version.
Hopefully fixed Core Dump issue when running IOS36 (r3351) w/Fakesign Installer.
Hopefully fixed Core Dump issue when running cIOS249 r17
Fixed SysCheck csv output.
Fixed problem where when network couldn't initialize it would go into an infinite loop.
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January 30th, 2010, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/LuaFW...02-t18335.html
LuaFWii v5.1.4 MODv0.2 is a homebrew develops by the_marioga, it is a port of luaplayer for the Wii. It is a LUA file player.
The LUA is a programming language that does not need to be compiled to be run.
QUOTE ( "Update v0.2)
Improved code for faster and less error
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January 30th, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...02-t18338.html
Updating rev102 in the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Forwarder v3 always available
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* R102
- Removed selection of PowerOff Button on startup
- Code beatifying all lineend by changing from Windows to Unix \ n Standard
- Added uses of images for libGDA Which now supports more image formats and is very stable. Also removed all unneeded image libs (including PNGU).
- All ImageFormat now supported: JPEG/BMP/TGA/PNG/TIFF/GD/GD2
The images can now be loaded in any resolution as long as they fit into the Wii's memory.
* R101
- Fixed exchange of DVD being remounted
- Moved DVD mount to mount only when the DVD Icon is clicked when devicemenu is not loaded
- Fixed D-PAD after scroll
- Fixed Properties on RightClickMenu being off screen
- Pictures Made up fullscreen at startup when they are over the size for better SlideShow
- Some more minor bugfixes
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January 30th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Neoflash have released the software for the soon to be released Snes Flash Cart and the already released N64 Cart, heres the release details:
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.99 [Jan.30 2010]
* Finish the SFC/SNES function 100%
* Support multi SFC/SNES games, and select game on TV
* Support all SFC/SNES save type
* Support all SFC/SNES games (of cause, some special games need the DSP game cart support)
* Use use any SFC/SNES cart to boot
* Support action replay function (but the GUI not ready yet)
* Support backup/restore save data to PC
* Fix the 256M PSRAM support for N64 games
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January 31st, 2010, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=11288&f=19
Suidoken77 proposes a new beta version of its adaptation of the Action / Strategy "Plants vs. Zombies".
google translation wrote:
The changes are as follows:
"A new type of plant.
"A new type of zombie.
"Another aspect that improved graphics.
"A third level can not (really, I have been through, will be amended in the future).
A system for selecting plants at the first level:
It goes like this, before starting a menu with four stations that are now available (there will be more later, of course). The thing to do is drag a plant with arrow markers to assign the arrow on the concrete floor. If you're wrong, just back to playing the brand and the changes will be canceled.
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January 31st, 2010, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
WakeMiiUp 0.6 released by Superyoshi
WakeMiiUp is a Homebrew Application from Superyoshi. It is a alarm app just like Alarmii, but this app also aims to have more functions. It's most important feature is, that you don't need the TV to be on.
Does your TV make a buzzing noise, so you can't sleep? Switch the TV off and get waked up by light! Watching a movie on TV, but you want to be noticed when you gotta go to school? The light will tell you!
First public release.
- Fixed bug found by Tigeryoshi: If you set the alarm time to the saysterm time, it would automatically skip to the Alarm Step without pressing A.
- Fixed 1px gap in time display
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January 31st, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Syobon Action for Wii released by Scognito.
Syobon action Wii (original title しょぼんのアクション) is a 2D Japanese freeware video game notoriously known as a parody of the Nintendo classic game Super Mario Bros. but with extremely difficult levels (Wikipedia).
The game is available for Windows with source code too, so I wanted to port it over the Wii since New Super Mario Bros was too easy to play for me
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January 31st, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...03-t18338.html
Updating rev103 in the file explorer on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Forwarder v3 always available
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card.
* R103
- Added question for a reboot after updating the app (starting with next update from next)
- Fixed NTFS access. Several bugs in the libntfs for Wii are fixed now. You have full read / write / delete / rename access without anything going wrong or breaking your score now.
- Added the modified libntfs to the source
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January 31st, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Dop-I...13-t18357.html
Dop-MOD IOS is a homebrew developed by Arikado, and SifJar Lunatik which enables IOS to install and apply a patch to exploit the flaw and trucha of the System menu of all regions and versions and chains, to reintroduce the Trucha flaw in IOS as TBR, a report of émmettre syscheck , delete the IOS stub and get info on his boot2.
In contrast to DOP-IOS MarcThis mod allows you to choose which IOS sales person you want to install other.
SysCheck Fix: NAND Permission check was supposed to replace Boot2 Check, however it was accidently missed in the final build.
- Fixed syscheck report showed that "Disable" on certain IOS even if they were so patched.
- Fixed a memory leak.
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January 31st, 2010, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from uaiti
Few months ago I posted on this forum about the Drummer, a networked MIDI interface which enables multiple Nintendo DS to connect together to computer on which is running a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), such as Logic or Garageband. The idea was to have a collaborative musical instrument different from the usual table-based-interface collaborative paradigm, merging the benefit of collaboration with the need of mobility (on a stage for example). Users, using the Nintendo DS client can customize, play and record drums together. The Drummer was initially presented at the NIME 2009 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference, in Carnegie Mellon).
The product of those efforts resulted in the Drummer software, made using also the PALib. Since then, it got quite a bit of popularity over the internet, in Digital Music forums such as Create Digital Music.
We are releasing these days the second and simplified version of the software, named Drummer Lite. The improvement of this version over the previous one is that there is no need anymore to have a DAW installed on a computer in order to play the Drummer with your friends: simple wav files (which can be changed by the users) are played, having no need to use a synthesizer to generate sound anymore.
The Drummer Lite, as well as the Drummer, is free, completely open source, for Mac and Windows. Instructions and video tutorial can be found on the Drummer Lite's website: http://drummer.alsoplantsfly.com.
Any feedback is highly appreciated. If you find any good use for the Drummer, we would love to hear from you.
Thanks a lot and enjoy it!
Andrea Bianchi
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January 31st, 2010, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from iSubaru
Hello there
After last few of boss fights...er once again
After last few problems solved and brutal tests I can finally say about release of this game
You know probably Tic-Tac-Toe game
I got idea to make it more Rockman like
Base idea and code was made in 24 hours but rest was a bit annoying with polishing it to not leave it as plain Tic-Tac-Toe remake
OK enough of words time to credits:
- PA_Lib creators for great libraries that I use already about 3-4 years probably
- Capcom for great Rockman Classic characters and BGMs
- Sprite-INC for storing Rockman Classic sprites so I hadn't search for them much
- Tetris(C) 1985 - present && future for great Tetris BGM theme used here
- The Mod Archive for storing some of them so I hadn't search much
- Google for rest found
- CielSara for providing last 4 tracks used here
- BassAceGold for spending this few minutes of his priceless time to help me drill into ARM7 code and get temperature code used here
I hope I hadn't forgot anything/anybody
Part of credits is included inside of game
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January 31st, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a Beta Version of his Facebook app for the DS
Now, Im working on my first homebrew for NDS, a facebook's client. Im using the Palib, libnds and devkiPro.
Finally the beta version is ready, now you can chat with your friends 

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February 1st, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some more WIP News concerning his excellent Dos Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
This weekend I went thru most of the log files I have received since releasing the 0.03 version, and added or fixed a lot of the issues in the log files. Thanks to all of you who have been sending me the log files, they are very useful in my attempt to improve the compatibility of DSx86!
I also worked on support for two games, Duke Nukem 1 and the original CGA Elite. I've had requests to support both of those, so I decided to work on those two specifically. Both are currently running, DN1 was only missing a couple of minor things, while Elite needed a bit more work. I haven't supported the DOS "buffered input" call (which Elite needs for it's copy protection system) at all yet, and adding it was rather difficult. It needs an active keyboard interrupt to feed it the keypresses, and the interrupt architecture in DSx86 is not re-entrant, so I could not use the existing DOS interrupt handler coded in ARM C language. I actually had to code parts of the DOS interrupt handler in x86 ASM to handle the buffered keyboard input. It felt a bit silly to code stuff in x86 ASM for an x86 emulator, but that was the easiest way to get it to work. The routine is still missing some standard features (like INS key handling), but it is working well enough that I was able to type the copy protection words from the manual and go into the actual game.
I was thinking of releasing the 0.04 version today, but then decided against it as I haven't had time to test the new changes properly, and I also haven't had time to go thru every log file I have received. I'll use the next week to make sure I didn't break anything with the new changes, and possibly test a few more new games, and then release the new version next weekend.
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