May 5th, 2018, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
Time for some Nintendo Switch Hacking News:
Now, that everyone that owns a Switch can launch their own 'frozen rockets' via an USB-C connection and shorting the pins 1&10 on the right Joycon rail, why not have some fun with it, and that is just what scene developer @LetsPlentendo has decided to do, a payload that does nothing, but display your own custom image on the Switch display screen when launched. 
How to use
use the convert_image.pde tool (you'll need Processing) to convert an image file to a text file. Place image.txt on the root of a FAT32-formatted SD card and insert it into your Switch. Compile the project, enter RCM mode and use fusée-launcher to launch the program. Enjoy!
Update v0.2:
I've been optimizing the program, and now it can display a fullscreen image (1280x720) not in 4 minutes, but 3 seconds! I've also remade the image converter program in Python. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear about them!
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/LetsPlentendo/swi...iewer/releases
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...payload.46928/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Dont really have interest in this Switch News but catch up i must:
Another day, and yet another scene release for Nintendo Switch, this one is cool little 'interface' for launching your frozen rockets! 
- Python 3
- Git
- everything that fusée-launcher requires
(use pip instead of pip3 if you're on Windows, or if you have pip as your python3-pip install)
(use python instead of python3 if you're on Windows, or if you have python as your python3 install)
(you may need sudo -H if you're getting a "No access to USB" error)
More info and Troubleshooting: --> https://github.com/moriczgergo/rocontrol
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...-gelée.46927/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
The awesome multi system supporting emulator has a new release, heres what systems this release is for starting with PC, Apple Mac, Android, IOS, Playstation 3, Playstation Portable, PSVita, Xbox Original, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Raspberry PI:
RetroArch 1.7.3 has just been released! Grab it here. This latest version has also been uploaded to the Google Play Store. If you’d like to show your support, consider donating to the team. Check here in order to learn more.
RetroArch now has a WIMP GUI, powered by the powerful multimedia framework Qt! This feature is available currently for Windows and Linux. macOS users will have to wait a while longer for this feature to arrive to their platform.
The WIMP GUI works as a companion to the main RetroArch window. You bring it into view by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard. From there, you can do many tasks:
- Select a game from any playlist
- Browse the file system or any attached media storage device and load a game.
- Scan directories for content and generate system playlists.
- Associate cores to an entire playlist or associate only one entry of a playlist to a specific core
Some things we’d like to note:
- This has been the combined work of bparker and Tatsuya79 that have worked tirelessly on this for a month. We are aware of several features that we’d like to implement, such as playlist editing, grid view layouts, etc.
- We are open to feedback on the GUI.
- You will likely not see this WIMP GUI on Android or iOS (or any game console for that fact) anytime soon. WIMP interfaces don’t lend themselves well to devices that rely on touchscreen or gamepad-based controls.
- (For Linux users) The Qt GUI should definitely work on X11. If you’d like to run it on Wayland, make sure you have the appropriate packages installed for Qt5 in your package manager. Be aware that Qt 5 cannot gracefully fail right now in case a platform module/plugin is missing from your system. This means that if you invoke the companion UI by pressing F5 on Wayland, and for whatever reason the platform module that Qt relies on in order to work on Wayland is not there, there is no way for RetroArch to gracefully fail there and just not show the companion UI. There will be a crash instead. Unfortunately we have talked to some Qt developers and they see no other way around this for now. The same situation applies for DRM/KMS right now. If we can find a better solution to this, we will certainly return to it.
- (For mac Users) You will have to wait a bit longer for this to arrive to the Mac port unfortunately. Hopefully that wait is not too long.
- We would like to still improve initial bootup times for the companion UI. Right now, on first initial startup, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds (depending on your harddrive and its performance), but on subsequent boots should only take 2 seconds or less for first startup. Hopefully by resorting to Link Time Code Generation and other avenues we can shave off some more seconds off this boot time.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-3-released/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/re...eleased.46926/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an update for owners of the Snes Flash Cart:
RedGuyyyy continues to fix up his Super FX support for sd2snes by releasing yet another new build with some great bug fixes and new features, check it out below:
Latest Changes:
- v10: Fixed bug in starfox related to use of dithered color for plot instruction.
- v10: Fixed power slide demo by forcing init of memory to $00.
- v10: Fixed very small cycle hole with go and irq bits. May fix a rare crash.
Older Changes:
- v09: Updated timing parameters.
- v09: Added support for ingame hooks. Disabled for Doom.
- v08: Fixed timing to improve match with real carts. Thanks to all the people that contributed.
- v08: Fixed 8b multiplies to support 0 cycles of additional latency.
- v08: Fixed ram word accesses to do serialized byte transfers.
- v08: Changed ram accesses to use second ram chip.
- v07: Fixed ram timing for more ram chips with worse timing by adding additional fpga clock.
- v07: Fixed menu config save bug with gsu speed option.
- v06: Changed synchronization of ron/ran to be aligned with cycle end.
- v06: Added gsu menu speed option.
- v05: Changed save to sd to only operate when it detects a carttype that has saveram.
- v05: Fixed sram init bug.
- v05: Reverted cache invalidation change. Looks like it's not the cause of problems.
- v04: Fixed CBR write/cache flush bug.
- v04: Fixed potential PBR write bug.
- v03: Fixed bug with how save ram size is detected. Should fix most (all?) startup problems for games and some graphical glitches.
- v03: Fixed icache invalidation bug.
- v03: Added periodic saving back in. Saves are now backed up every few seconds.
- v02: Fixed doom graphical glitch.
- v02: Fixed in-game hooks by temporarily disabling with gsu games.
- v02: Fixed save problem with non-gsu games.
For the latest updates, progress reports, check out the links below:
OFFICIAL GITHub Page: --> https://github.com/RedGuyyyy/sd2snes/releases
NEWS SOURCE: gsu (superfx) support (via) Krikzz
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/su...0-build.46730/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some more Nintendo Switch Hacking news:
The original author of 'Hekate' designed his payload 'backup function' to only backup the main system partitions of the eMMC module on the Switch, one of reasons for that is Switch on lower firmwares only supports smaller SDCards formatted as FAT32, which can't of course store one large 32gb backup file, as such three different developers have now forked the source code release of 'Hekate' to allow backing up the nand completely using the old-school chunks system, check them out below and pick the one that you like the best to use for now on your Switch, and remember there is no way to 'write to nand yet', plus no 'custom firmware' either! 
rajkosto said:UPDATED: --> v3: do not split dumps if writing to exFAT, add RawNand dump option
hekate_ipl fork that lets you dump all the possible partitions (USER and BOOTx are separate menu options)
(also updated my hekate dumped parts to single RawNand.bin script here: https://pastebin.com/vdCqxrci)
Unrelated: formatting your sdcard partition as exFAT with 128KB cluster size seems to make dumping way faster. My latest fork binary release is at https://github.com/rajkosto/hekate/releases/tag/rel_v3 and seems to be the most reliable of the bunch.
NEWS SOURCE #1: Hekate Ipl | Page 9 (via) GBATemp
CTCaer said:CTCaer mod v1.1 - Automatic RAW eMMC partial dumping
The only difference with the official hekate -ipl for this payload is support for automatic partial dumping for your Switch's eMMC. Additionally, there are some other quality of life small changes. It automatically starts partial dumping (even in exFAT formatted SD Cards), based on the available free space and it supports FAT32 and exFAT.
Before proceeding, read the release description in the following link: Download v1.1
There's also a windows script provided, that joins these 15 files into one. You can then use rajkosto's biskeydump and HacDiskMount to manipulate your raw eMMC dump.
naehrwert for the original code: https://github.com/nwert/hekate
@rajkosto for his hekate - ipl commits and tools: https://github.com/rajkosto/hekate
NEWS SOURCE #2: [RCM Payload] Hekate mod - raw full nand backup (via) GBATemp
sweetlilmre said:I modded the Hekate release to add exFAT support and to add another menu option to include the USER partition when dumping the emmc. The payload can be found here: https://github.com/sweetlilmre/hekate/releases/tag/v1.1
Testing takes a long time, but I have tested a Fat32 vs exFAT dump of everything excluding USER and the files are identical.
I am testing the USER dump now, I assume that it will work provided that you have a big enough SD Card to handle it.
EDIT: That said, I've tested it on my switch and it seems to work well.
I take no responsibility for any damage / issues incurred with this release, use at your own risk.
Credits to naehrwert for the original code: https://github.com/nwert/hekate
NEWS SOURCE #3: [RCM Payload] Hekate mod - exFAT support and USER dump (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/up...-backup.46918/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Switch hacking news is massive at this time, heres more:
biskeydump continues to be updated by scene developer @rajkosto, which is a 'payload' designed to dump all your Switch BIS keys for usage with later on with eMMC contents decryption on your desktop or laptop, and his latest version 6 build which will now outputs the dumped keys text to the RCM host (your PC) if you use TegraRcmSmash 1.1.0 or newer with an additional argument (see README).
biskeydump v6 (License/GPLv2)
Dumps all your Switch BIS keys for eMMC contents decryption, to be used with fusée gelée.
With all your BIS keys and your RawNand.bin (or the physical eMMC attached via microSD reader or using a mass storage gadget mode in u-boot/linux) you can explore/modify your eMMC partitions using my HacDiskMount tool (if running Windows) from https://switchtools.sshnuke.net
- Build biskeydump.bin using make from the repository root directory, or download a binary release from https://switchtools.sshnuke.net
- Send the biskeydump.bin to your Switch running in RCM mode via a fusee-launcher (sudo ./fusee-launcher.py biskeydump.bin or just drag and drop it onto TegraRcmSmash.exe on Windows)
- Either read out and note down the text printed on your Switch's screen, or scan the generated QR code with your phone to have a copy of all your device-specific keys
- Alternatively, use TegraRcmSmash 1.1.0 or newer with a dummy argument so it keeps listening for usb comms, and you will get all the keys inside the console window, sample cmdline: TegraRcmSmash.exe -w out/biskeydump.bin BOOT:0x0
This section is required by the original license of Atmosphere, GPLv2.
- This originates from https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere
- everything except fusee-primary and key_derivation/masterkey/exocfg from fusee-secondary has been removed
- tsec.c has been slightly modified (to not try and copy fw from static array)
- sdmmc.c has been modified to have simple switch to boot0 function and only output debug info under an ifdef (default disabled)
- miniz (from https://github.com/richgel999/miniz) has been included to facilitate crc32 used in tsec.c
- qrcodegen (from https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator) has been included so that a QR code image of the dumped data can be displayed
- main.c has been modified to get tsec fw, query for tsec key then call key_derivation.c functions using that key, then dump device and bis keys
- key_derivation.c has been modified to use passed-in tsec key and not use any keyblob data (via #ifdef guards)
Responsibility:I am not responsible for anything, including dead switches, loss of life, or total nuclear annihilation.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/rajkosto/biskeydump
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ajkosto.46893/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
Another awesome release for Nintendo Switch:
@DarkXPSX informs us via twitter earlier today, that TegraRcmSmash has now been released for usage on Windows boxes by scene developer @rajkosto, allowing you to launch Fusée Gelée from Windows, so no more need for using Linux boxes to launch the payloads for Switch'es in recovery mode!
Driver setup
- Get your Switch into RCM mode and plug it into your Windows PC. It should show up somewhere (like Device manager) as "APX"
- Download and run Zadig driver installer from https://zadig.akeo.ie/
- From the device list, choose APX (if it's not showing up in the list, go to Options menu and check List All Devices)
- For the driver type, cycle the arrows until you see libusbK (v3.0.7.0) in the text box (IMPORTANT!)
- Click the big Install Driver button. Device manager should now show "APX" under libusbK USB Devices tree item.
- TegraRcmSmash.exe [-V 0x0955] [-P 0x7321] [--relocator=intermezzo.bin] [-w] inputFilename.bin ([PARAM:VALUE]|[0xADDR:filename])*
- If your Switch is ready and waiting in RCM mode, you can also just drag and drop the payload right onto TegraRcmSmash.exe
- An example cmdline for launching linux using coreboot is something like this (the empty relocator is important): TegraRcmSmash.exe -w --relocator= "coreboot/cbfs.bin" "CBFS:coreboot/coreboot.rom"
- After that, you can use imx_load as you would on Linux (Windows binaries available at https://github.com/rajkosto/imx_usb_loader/releases)
- Alternatively, setup your u-boot cmdline to just load everything from microSD to not bother with imx_load

- Download the binary package for libUSBK from https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusbk/ (by pressing the big green Download button)
- Run the installer exe and make note of where it installed to (default is C:\libusbK-dev-kit)
- Open your Advanced system settings and set the environment variable LIBUSBK_DIR to the path you noted
- Open TegraRcmSmash.sln with Visual Studio 2017 and build the Release or Debug configuration!
ResponsibilityI am not responsible for anything, including dead switches, blown up PCs, loss of life, or total nuclear annihilation.
Binary releases Available at https://switchtools.sshnuke.net
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/rajkosto/TegraRcmSmash
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ajkosto.46901/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
Now heres a major release, a Custom Firmware for the Nintendo DSI, how awesome is that, heres the release details:
The Nintendo DSi scene was set on 'fire' again after long-time scene developer @no$cash dropped the world's first 'coldboot' exploit for now retro DSi handheld onto the world called 'ULaunch' and now scene developer @Robz8 has released the world' first DSi 'CFW'. 
Here it is, the first DSi CFW!
Video by Alex S (with SRLoader installed) and Video by @Apache Thunder (When RocketLauncher was planned for a release. With WarioWare Touched (DSiWare version) installed.)
Robz8 said:With this CFW, you can run custom DSiWare, alongside region free and 3DS-exclusive DSiWare (WarioWare Touched), on your SD card, via NAND to SD redirection! You can also run blocked flashcards (such as R4 Ultra).
Full guide (from stock to HiyaCFW)
- @Apache Thunder, @nocash123, StuckPixel, @shutterbug2000, and @Gericom.
- @Drenn: .bmp loading code from GameYob, for custom splash screens.
- me: Logo graphic, and settings screen.
- WinterMute/devkitPro: For the majority of the base code like nds-bootloader which this loader uses.
Q: Can I use a custom splash for HiyaCFW?
A: Yes you can, but only top splashes work for now. Place it at "sd:/hiya/" and name it splashtop.bmp. Make sure it's actually saved as a .bmp file, with the size of 256x192, with no color space info, and is 16-bit (A1 R5 G5 B5).
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/Robz8/hiyaCFW/releases
OFFICIAL GUIDE: --> https://dsi.cfw.guide/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/hi...dsi-cfw.46922/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch releases keep on coming:
Scene developer @naehrwert has released the very first 'payload' for the Switch that does some very cool things, for one it replaces 'bootloader/package1', so it can load 'custom firmwares', but that only works on v2.0.0 or lower (for now), and second it can display all your console-unique fuses/key info, and in the tools section it can so far 'backup' your eMMC o the inserted FAT32-formatted SD Card, but it currently only does the main system-unique partitions found within 32gb NAND, it skips over your 'user/game' 26gb section, but still its useful enough to generate future 'emunand' setups and explore your eMMC and make changes with the current released tools, all at of course at your own risk, as well you could just brick something, but if you love living on the leading edge of the scene, try it! 
- So it has come to this. Presenting 'hekate_ipl' (grab it here https://my.mixtape.moe/rugfcr ), our PoC bootloader/package1 replacement - run it with your favourite shofEL2/FG launcher. Example config here https://gist.github.com/nwert/9cff14...522d2cf7d53253 … (place it on the root of your SD card).
- you probably want to create a backup of your eMMC before trying out any shenanigans with patched kernels/etc., that's why we've included a dumper for you, currently it skips the USER partition, all other partitions take ~5mins to dump.
- oh and sleep mode is broken right now because configuring the MC config in PMC is hard and we're really good at procrastinating
- we'll fix it sometime soon
- almost forgot, firmware launching is limited to 1.X and 2.X for now, support for later versions is being worked on
- sure, sometime later this week - just a bit hesitant bc the last source I've shared (hwinit) is now widely being used without zero attribution
- https://github.com/nwert/hekate - I'm outta here

The above is all the recent tweets by the author since this announcement set the Switch scene on fire yesterday, and now last tweet came earlier today and is finally a link to his 'magic dust' (source code) behind his amazing frozen rocket payload, and already people having started to fork it in as you can see in our latest post here.
NEWS SOURCE: @naehrwert (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/switch-release-hekate_ipl-by-naehrwert-source-code-released.46915/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
Yet another release for the Nintendo Switch:
For some reason since the 'Switch' scene exploded like a rocket last week, i never been so hungry, maybe because all I am posting recently is things like this release by scene developer @moriczgergo, whom has made a portable setup for those with a RPi handy! 
- A Raspberry Pi Zero (any RPi works, but the Zero tends to run off of any power bank)
- A power bank (for powering the RPi)
- A non-powered USB hub (why?)
- A USB-A to C cable (don't get a no-brand one: it may not have a needed resistor, and it may wreck your Switch or your USB source)
- A USB-A to Micro cable (for RPi power)
- A USB Micro to USB-A Female cable (only for the RPi Zero: for plugging in the USB hub)
SD Setup
- Download a fusee-framboise image.
- Flash it to your RPi's SD card. (If you don't have a flasher software installed, I recommend Etcher.)
- Plug the USB Micro to USB-A Female cable into the RPi. (only for RPi Zero)
- Plug in the USB hub into the USB-A Female cable.
- Plug in the USB-A to C cable into the USB hub.
- Plug in the USB-A to Micro cable into the USB hub, and into the RPi.
You should just be able to plug in your Switch, put it into RCM, and the payload should automatically launch.
Replacing the payload
To replace the payload, you have two methods: (both need sudo)
- Replace fusee.bin in /etc/fusee-launcher/ with another payload. (recommended)
- Copy another payload into /etc/fusee-launcher/, change modchipd.sh to point to it, and restart the fusee-launcher service, or reboot.
You can change the payload over the air. Here's how to do it: (your RPi needs wireless, and you'll need a mobile/normal hotspot to do this)
- Set a root password with "sudo passwd", and take note of it.
- Change your default pi user's password from "raspberry". (optional, recommended)
- Turn on SSH: it's in Interfacing Options of raspi-confiig.
- Configure your Pi to connect to your phone's network.
- Reboot to connect to it, run ifconfig, and take note of the settings.
- Set a static IP based on your ifconfig data.
- Take note of your static IP. (you should probably take note of it on your phone)
- Use an app that supports SFTP to connect to your RPi with the new root password. (iOS)
OFFICIAL SITE: -->https://github.com/moriczgergo/fusee-framboise
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ée-rig.46916/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres one of the major releases for the Nintendo Switch Scene:
Scene developer @SciresM is back finally with a much needed update to his 'HacTool' that now handles all the newly discovered 'Switch File Formats', and recently released Keys (not supplied with his package, but support is when you 'find them'), so enjoy!
Keydata can be baked in at compile-time, or loaded from an external key file. See README.md and KEYS.md for details. In addition, a secure boot key + TSEC key + boot0 file pair can be passed in with an external key file to derive all keys it is possible to know given the information one has.
New Features:
- Added support for NAX0 (Nintendo Aes Xts File(system), SD Card content)
- Added support for key derivation using EKS (keyblobs) and sbk/tsec key
- Support was added for pre-1.0.0 "NCA2" content.
Bugs fixed:
- BKTR did not support the non-single bucket case, affecting games with huge patches (Splatoon 2, maybe others)
- Too many small ones to count

The following Switch file formats are supported:
- HFS0
- PFS0
- RomFS
- Package1 (PK11)
- Package2 (PK21)
- INI1
- KIP1
- NAX0 (New)
Compilation is still annoying, so a pre-compiled build is provided for Windows users.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/SciresM/hactool/releases
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...sciresm.46914/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Switch releases keep on coming:
The original 'fusedump' by scene developer @moriczgergo has been scraped and now been replaced with moonflower which is much more stable payload for use with your frozen rocket experiments on your Nintendo Switch console, so check it out below:
moonflower (License/GPLv2)
A fuse and GPIO dumper for the Switch, to be used with fusée gelée.
NOTE: Your dump may contain sensitive info that you probably don't want to leak.
- Build moonflower.bin, or grab one from our releases.
- Run fusée gelée with moonflower.bin instead of fusee.bin.
This section is required by the original license of Atmosphere, GPLv2.
- This originates from ktemkin's fork of Atmosphere (branch: poc_nvidia).
- exosphere has been stripped out, only fusee remains.
- main.c has been modified to print the fuse and GPIO data.
- Makefile has been modified to only build moonflower.
- .gitignore has been modified to apply to the new directory structure.
- README.md has been modified.
- shutdown_using_pmic() (src/main.c) is from rajkosto's biskeydump.
Responsibility: Don't blame me if damage happens to your Switch. (There shouldn't be any damage tho'.)
- rajkosto, for helping me out with GPIO stuff, and for the PMC shutdown code.
- ktemkin, for making fusee gelee, and releasing a fusee payload POC.
- SciresM, for making Atmosphère.
- Everyone in the ReSwitched Discord. <3
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/moriczgergo/moonflower
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...czgergo.46895/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
Whats this another Switch release:
Currently, there is no way to access the Switch eMMC on the console itself, as its 'disabled' when using the 'fusée gelée' exploit, but thanks to scene developer @rajkosto, whom earlier released a payload called 'biskeydump', you can at least get your console unique BIS keys, and then using his latest release, HacDiskMount and a way to attach the eMMC removed from your Switch, or an NAND backup, you can now access it! 
Allows to open Switch eMMC RawNand dumps (and physical devices) and lets you perform operations on the individual partitions within, such as dump/restore from file, or mount them as a drive letter in Windows (with transparent crypto performed provided you have your BIS keys).
- - Fix crypto not working correctly at all on CPUs without AES-NI
- - Partial support for dumps on 4K physical sector drives
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ajkosto.46894/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
If your interested in Switch releases, heres another one:
Scene developer @DavidBuchanan314 has put together a nice android app, that can help launch those frozen rocket payloads coming out for the TegraX1 (coldboot) Recovery Mode Exploit, so you can now be more portable if you have an compatible phone handy! 
Changelog v0.2:
- Fix APK signatures for installation on pre-7.0 devices.
- Various code quality improvements (thanks @langerhans )
My first Android app: Launch Fusée Gelée payloads from stock Android
Heavily based on Fusée Gelée and ShofEL2. fusee.bin is bundled as a default payload. This app is currently in "Alpha" state, it's my first Android app and there is some rather disgusting code (Potentially blocking tasks on the UI thread ). This will be improved soon™.
- Launch the app.
- (Optional) go to the Config tab, and select a custom payload file.
- Plug in your Switch. (On my Nexus 5, I use a micro USB OTG cable, and an A-to-C cable)
- Put it into RCM mode. (Note: your switch will power on by itself when plugged in, be sure to hold VOL+).
- Grant permission to the app to access the USB device.
- Enjoy!
Note: The app does not need to be running in order to launch the payload. The phone can even be locked!
- Why use this over a web-based launcher?: No internet required, and can auto-launch even if your phone is locked. Plug and play!
- Can it load Linux?: soon™
- Will it brick my phone/switch?: Hopefully not, but I an certainly not responsible if it does!
- Does it need root?: Nope!
- Refactor the code so it's less hacky
- Improve UI/UX
- Implement loader for fail0verflow's Linux
For anyone who wants to look at the exploit source, the magic happens here.
Does it work on your device? Report here
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/DavidBuchanan314/NXLoader
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/nx...anan314.46912/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:55 Posted By: wraggster
More Switch News:
Scene developer @hexkyz recently updated the 'SwitchBrew Wiki', to document the 'TegraRCM' in full, and at the same time dropped a rather useless (but hilarious) 'unpatchable' bug. - That he found in the 'TSEC firmware' for v5.02 that not very useful but still its there:
Package1ldr loads a firmware blob into TSEC early on boot. This piece of code runs on the TSEC in Authenticated Mode and has the sole purpose of generating the per-console TSEC key (see Cryptosystem).
As a way to mitigate attacks, the TSEC firmware blob is split into 3 stages: Stage 0 which is unencrypted and unsigned, Stage 1 which is unencrypted but signed and Stage 2 which is encrypted and signed. Stage 0 loads a static pre-generated signature into the Falcon's CPU crypto registers, loads Stage 1 into the Falcon's CODE region and jumps to it. Execution will proceed into Stage 1 in Authenticated Mode if, and only if, the loaded signature matches the one Falcon calculates internally for Stage 1.
Among various things, Stage 1 will attempt to do a "backwards" security check by calculating a CMAC over Stage 0 and comparing it with a known hash stored in the TSEC firmware's key data (a small buffer stored after Stage 0's code). If the hashes don't match, execution aborts.
Stage 1 stores the calculated Stage 0's CMAC in the stack, but forgets to clear it. Since the stack is located in Falcon's DATA region, loading the TSEC firmware blob and dumping the DATA region afterwards (via MMIO) will reveal the calculated hash. This allows using Stage 1 as an oracle to generate a valid CMAC for arbitrary Stage 0 code. Replacing the CMAC in the TSEC firmware's key data region results in Stage 1 accepting any Stage 0 code, thus rendering this security measure useless.
Additionally, since signed Falcon code can't be revoked without an hardware revision, an attacker can always reuse the flawed Stage 1 code even if a fix is issued.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> http://switchbrew.org/index.php?titl...541&oldid=4515
NEWS SOURCE: @hexkyz (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/switch-bug-found-in-v5-02-tsec-firmware-compromises-itself.46910/
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May 5th, 2018, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
My eyes, heres yet another switch release:
GBATemp Forum Member @ksamj202 has been kind enough to setup two 'web-friendly' domains for accessing the Web Fusée Launcher released earlier this week be scene developer @altas44 on his GITHub, and it works great except only on Chromebooks and most Android phones, but not on Windows Chrome, but at least it gives you another option to launch the payloads via USB. 
- Put the Switch in RCM, and connect it to your device.
- Select either the example payload, or upload one.
- Press 'Do the thing!'
- On the consent screen that appears, select 'APX' and hit confirm.
- If all goes well, the payload will launch!
Random stuff:
- This is pretty poorly tested. I just kind wrote it and whatever. I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong!
- This does NOT work on Windows due to a limitation in the Chrome implementation of WebUSB (and probably other reasons!)
- This does NOT currently work on any browser but Chrome, because they don't implement WebUSB.
- On Linux, you might get an access denied error! If you do, you can try creating a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules
- With the following contents:
- SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0955", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
- This has been tested and appears to work on Linux, OSX, Android (unrooted) and Chromebooks. Your mileage may vary.
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://github.com/atlas44/web-fusee-launcher
WEBFG SITES: --> https://fusee-gelee.firebaseapp.com/ (or) https://switch-fgw.firebaseapp.com/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...auncher.46907/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has posted a new homebrew release for the Switch:
Scene developer @Markus95 has used the nice work by @Cpasjuste to help him port over 'Streets of Rage' to the Switch to enjoy! 
Markus95 said:Having finally updated my switch in 3.0.0 I decided to adapt my MOD Streets of Rage to the base developed for PS3 but also available on PSP, PS Vita and PS TV, so that it works on Switch. It understands for the moment only the mode EASY, the mode NORMAL and HARD will arrive soon, like the correction of some graphic bugs visible in this first release.
changelog - v0.2:
- Public release
- Addition of PS3 cutscenes
- Addition of PS3 internships
- Added the PS3 intro
- Addition of PS3 music
- Added visual effects not present in the PS3 version
- Adding the complete EASY mode
- Decompress the SOR_Switch.rar archive
- Copy / paste the Openbor folder in sd: / switch / ...
The full version of MOD Streets of Rage is being tested and will be released soon, as well as a beta version of a new MOD being developed (preview in the video )
PS: I want to thank @Cpasjuste for his huge work without which these MODs could not be adapted on Switch.
via http://www.logic-sunrise.com/news-98...-rage-mod.html
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...age-mod.46906/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
An old group has come back to release games for the Snes:
OLDSKOOL in the past released a ton of games, and now they just released 'Socks the Cat Rocks The Hill, unreleased SNES
Socks the Cat Rocks The Hill made history when a prototype was discovered, and then in form of Kickstarter last year it was released finally in brand-new SNES cartridge format, but in true spirit of real warez scene group, OLDSKOOL has now released the dump of it, along with two new 'intro/changers' for games Hind Strike and Creepy Bird, along with nice letter to the whole scene regarding recent and past drama that always seems to drag down the all spirit of just enjoying our consoles in ways official companies don't love!
download http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ol...eleases.46904/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news regarding Yuzu the Nintendo Switch Emulator:
The amazing emulator developer folks behond 'yuzu' which will be very first emulator on our PCs that can 'emulate' the Nintendo Switch, is making progress, since two weeks ago they reported the first 'indie' games booting up, now an actual Nintendo first-party game starts to work, of course still many long months maybe years before we see Super Mario Odyssey running in 4k on our high-end Desktop PCs.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://yuzu-emu.org/
NEWS SOURCE: @yuzuemu (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/yuzu-boots-its-first-switch-exclusive-1-2-switch.46903/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
More Nintendo Switch Hacking news:
It is easy to dump a 'binary', but then how do you study it, normally you use a program like IDA PRO, but then its still hard, but when scene developers like @SciresM releases IDC scripts, then it makes it a ton easier, you can start almost right away, studying the flow of coding! 
SciresM said:For anyone who's interested in REing the Nintendo Switch's "Loader" sysmodule, here are my IDCs (which I used to reimplement the module the past week): https://gist.github.com/SciresM/5f43...17dd3e43e656d0 (1.0.0, 3.0.0, and 5.0.0).
Note, as usual, if you just wanna know how it works, see Stratosphère
NEWS SOURCE: @SciresM (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/release-idcs-for-the-switch-loader-1-0-0-3-0-0-5-0-0-by-sciresm.46887/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:07 Posted By: wraggster
Some Switch news from BigBlueBox:
The 100th Warez Release like their previous 50th Release is special in two ways, one it mentions how big 'N' is changing their games to make it easier to do DMCA takedowns on sites that host the dumps, and also at the same time they released a set of useful KeyBlobs.
BigBlueBox --- Proudly Presents: The Snack World: Trejarers Gold
Wow, its Game 100 release time, and boy did we pick one this XCI is different than all the others so far how can that be you wonder.
Well let's begin first we have a new Partition on the Cart previously its was Update.Normal.Secure this one is Update.Logo.Normal.Secure this new Partition Logo contains a Plaintext Logo so guessing this means they want to go after people hosting and file a copyright claim.
Secondly, the Normal Partition is Completely Blank still there but Blank, assuming this is the force the new ASIC, so no displaying on <4.x Firms. So that sums up this strange XCI. Switch tools will need to update to support.
Now onto the 100th release present, we are still astounded we are the only Scene group dumping though, I guess it made this release come faster and it's not the last boring Master Key, so enjoy these: (keys removed, please see below)
Thanks Level 5 for this different ROM, please release in English. Here's to the next 100 releases. Enjoy as Always!
As always unlike other sites, we post the real shit, so here you go, have fun, but first a quote from SwitchBrew on what a KeyBlob is:
There are 32 keyblobs written to NAND at factory, with each keyblob encrypted with a console-unique key derived from the console's SBK, the console's tsec key, and a constant specific to each keyblob. Despite being encrypted with console unique keys, though, the decrypted keyblob contents are shared for all consoles.
more info http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/bi...release.46886/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an awesome release for the Nintendo DSI:
Yesterday, was a crazy day for 'Nintendo' with all the ongoing Switch drama and releases, but yesterday also saw another 'coldboot exploit' released, this time by famous GBA emulator author no$cash which is designed for installation our now classic retro DSi handhelds, and you can now check out today's updated version attached below with improvements from yesterday's first release:
Version v0.6: added write-protect flag to the .tmd file (avoiding Data Management to delete it).
- It's gaining control with full SCFG_EXT access rights immediately after power-up (before even starting the launcher).
- Installation requires a working DSiware exploit with SD/MMC access, or a hardmod.
- The exploit works with all retail DSi models, regardless of region and firmware version.
- Once when installed, it will start the file 'bootcode.dsi' from SD card (if present).
- Or, otherwise, it will resume booting nintendo's launcher (with disturbing healthsafety and bootmusic disabled, and removed RSA, whitelist and region checks).
CAUTION: This is still in mostly untested beta stage.
Currently, this should be used only if you have an eMMC backup & an installed hardmod - so you can unbrick if something goes wrong. Further how-to-use info is shown in the .dsi file's installer menu.
Note: The background GIF's are showing Herzogin Cecilie. I've also considered Principessa Jolanda for actual launch failures, and the Skyluck for intentionally grounded vessels. But then, the photo with the half sunken ship's figurehead nearly kissing the waves is so strong that I've chosen that one.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://problemkaputt.de/gba.htm
FORUM SUPPORT THREAD: --> http://4dsdev.kuribo64.net/thread.php?id=171
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/un...ndo-dsi.46865/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a major new exploit for the Nintendo Switch:
@fail0verflow decided to have the 'last word' in the on-going 'scene drama', by releasing things 48 hours early, and at same time taking one more 'dig/poke' at the other teams, saying they 'found this bootrom bug first', but at same time saying others found it also! 
Choosing whether to release an exploit or not is a difficult choice. Given our experiences with past consoles, we’ve been wary of releasing vulnerability details or exploits for fear of them being used primarily for piracy rather than homebrew. That said, the¹ Tegra bootrom bug is so obvious that multiple people have independently discovered it by now; at best, a release by other homebrew teams is inevitable, while at worst, a certain piracy modchip team might make the first move. 90 days ago, we begun the responsible disclosure process with Google, as Tegra chips are often used in Android devices. The disclosure deadline has now lapsed. The bug will be made public sooner or later, likely sooner, so we might as well release now along with our Linux boot chain and kernel tree, to make it very clear that we do this for fun and homebrew, and nothing else.
… is what we were planning to say, but then someone published the 0day bug two days before our 90-day disclosure window was set to expire on April 25th. Oh well. Yes, this is the same bug that is exploited by fusée gelée, and that was just leaked by some other group (but we found it first).
This is going to be a bit rough since we didn’t have the blogpost/repos ready (procrastinators as we are), but without further ado, here’s the scoop.
What’s this all about anyway?
The Tegra X1 (also known as Tegra210) SoC inside the Nintendo Switch contains an exploitable bug that allow taking control over early execution, bypassing all signature checks. This bug is in the RCM mode, which is a USB-based rescue mode intended for initial flashing of Tegra devices and recovery of bricked devices. Normally, RCM mode only allows signed images to be loaded, but thanks to the bug, arbitrary code execution is possible.
This means that in order to gain code execution on the Switch you need to do two completely independent things:
- Enter RCM mode
- Execute the USB-based exploit
Each can be accomplished in several independent ways. Note that this is what iPhone users would call a “tethered jailbreak”, in that it needs to be performed on every boot via USB.
Entering RCM mode
On the Switch, RCM mode can be entered in multiple ways:
- From prior kernel-mode code execution on the system, e.g. using a WebKit exploit and kernel exploit as an entry points
- If the eMMC is removed, the Tegra will enter RCM mode on boot
- If you hold the Volume Up, Home, and Power buttons on the Switch (not joy-cons) at the same time.
Note that the Joy-Con home button won’t work here. You may be wondering about the secret home button on the Nintendo switch itself. As it turns out, what Tegra calls the Home button is actually connected to Pin 10 (the rearmost pin) on the right hand side Joy-Con connector. You can just use a simple piece of wire to bridge it to e.g. a screw on the rail (easiest), or pins 10 and 7 (or 1) together (10 and 9 won’t work). You can also 3D print a little jig to do this easily, using the innards of a Micro USB connector (which has the same pin pitch as Joy-Con connectors), or use a disemboweled Joy-Con as a donor for the connector. The latter is also useful, because the Joy-Con rails are UARTs and we use the right hand joy-con port as the console for coreboot, u-boot, and Linux.
Executing the USB-based exploit
The USB exploit requires a USB host. The exploit also requires using very long control transfers, which unfortunately some OSes are not happy with. You can either use vanilla Linux on a PC with an xHCI controller (USB 3.0, or any USB port on most recent systems), or a PC with an EHCI (USB 2.0) controller and this kernel patch.
This could conceivably also be executed from an Android phone (at least those with xHCI controllers), although porting the exploit to Android is left as an exercise to the reader. Bonus points for doing it from another Tegra device. Like another Switch.
Linux on Switch boot chain
Our boot chain is 99% open source, based on the Pixel C boot chain (because who wants to use Nvidia’s messy L4T kernel fork and proprietary bootloaders?). It looks like this:
BootROM Exploit → coreboot loader → coreboot → ARM trusted firmware → coreboot → u-boot → Linux
The only closed-source component, which is optional, is the Tegra210 DDR4 memory training code. For unknown reasons, this is released as a binary blob for the Pixel C, which gets copied into memory and jumped into. This blob can be obtained from the Pixel C factory image as follows:
./build/util/cbfstool/cbfstool bootloader-dragon-google_smaug.7900.97.0.img extract -n fallback/tegra_mtc -f tegra_mtc.bin
Make sure you get a tegra_mtc.bin with this SHA256:
edb32e3f9ed15b55e780e8a01ef927a3b8a1f25b34a6f95467 041d8953777d21
Although this blob contains hardcoded tables and a “do everything” entrypoint for the Pixel C, it is possible to jump in one level deeper into the call tree and pass in custom tables, which is what our patched coreboot does to configure DDR4 on the Switch. Without this blob, the stack will still work, but the memory will run at ~200Mhz, which needless to say rather cripples performance.
The boot process looks like this:
- The Tegra starts up the Boot ROM on the BPMP (arm7) core, and enters RCM mode.
- The host-based USB exploit code puts a small (~2.5K) loader (cbfs.bin) into SRAM memory, using an RCM command.
- The exploit is triggered, causing the ROM to jump into cbfs.bin.
- The host code then goes into CBFS server mode, dynamically serving coreboot.rom via the USB RCM pipe to the Tegra.
- cbfs.bin uses this CBFS server to request the first 28KiB of coreboot, which is the coreboot bootblock, into SRAM, then jumps into it.
- The coreboot bootblock initializes basic peripherals, then loads the romstage into SRAM using the CBFS service from USB and jumps to it.
- The coreboot romstage initializes SDRAM (at the basic fixed boot speed) and other peripherals.
- The romstage then downloads the entire coreboot ROM into SDRAM (still using the Boot ROM RCM mode USB routines) and switches to RAM-backed CBFS.
- The romstage now loads the ramstage (from the RAM CBFS), starts up the CCPLEX (Cortex-A57), and shuts down the BPMP.
- Now on the CCPLEX (at EL3), the coreboot ramstage performs the rest of the basic system initialization, including DDR4 training if the MTC blob is available.
- The ramstage now jumps into ARM Trusted Firmware, which initializes the TrustZone implementation. This is required to provide certain OS services.
- ARM Trusted Firmware returns to the coreboot ramstage, now running in EL2 mode.
- The ramstage loads and jumps to its final payload, U-Boot.
- U-Boot starts, initializes some more hardware, and, by default, goes into USB download mode, with its own USB driver.
- Using imx_usb_loader on the PC side, you can load arbitrary U-Boot payloads, such as a Linux kernel and its initramfs, and run them.
The code
Have a look at our Git repositories:
Sorry, we don’t have a guide for the Average User to use this, nor should they, most likely, since a lot of things are very rough around the edges. If you’re serious about developing, you should be able to figure things out yourself or ask questions on IRC.
The Git history is quite ugly, as we haven’t had a chance to clean things up yet. Please do not stare too hard.
Coming soon
Proper write-up on the exploit, stories of porting Linux (yes, there’s more to it than a panel driver ;-) ), upstreaming status, how batshit insane DDR4 is, and more. Probably, anyway. We’re pretty bad at writing blogposts.
¹ There are actually many Boot ROM bugs, several of which have been found by multiple people.
Linux on the Nintendo Switch
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://fail0verflow.com/blog/2018/shofel2/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...exploit.46871/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
More Switch news:
Nintendo 'scene' is on fire today, and @fail0verflow has decided to release their GITHub Repo pages to the public for viewing, most are still 'work-in-progress' and no official tweet has been announced yet by the team, but they do say to 'stay tuned' to after April 25th. 
f0f GITHUB links:
So from the looks of it, soon we will have full disclosure after their 90-day window closes in the next few days, so Stay Tuned!
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...go-live.46868/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is being sued again by Gamevice on the claim the design of the Nintendo Switch and its Joy-Con controllers infringes the design of Gamevice patents for controllers that also slide onto handheld gaming devices.
Additionally, Reuters on Tuesday reported that Gamevice had lodged a complaint against Nintendo with the U.S. International Trade Commission. In a statement, the ITC said it had begun an investigation into “certain portable gaming console systems with attachable handheld controllers and components,” naming Nintendo.
The nature of the complaint is the same as one Gamevice filed in August 2017 and withdrew two months later. It alleges that Nintendo was fully aware of two patents Gamevice held for designs that affix joystick controllers to opposite sides of a mobile device. In 2015, Gamevice launched this device (also called the Gamevice, pictured at top) and it supports Apple and Samsung smartphones and tablets. Nintendo announced the Switch in late 2016 and launched it in March 2017.
“Defendants [Nintendo] direct and instruct customers to assemble and use the components [the Joy-Con controllers] in an infringing manner,” Gamevice said in its complaint. “Defendants are aware that, absent infringement, the bundled Switch system will not have a substantial use because the Joy-Con Controllers need to be assembled in the infringing manner to recharge.”
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May 7th, 2018, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
A new day and new Switch Hacking News:
The original 'Hekate-ipl' for Switch doesn't do complete eMMC dumping, and there been few other forks that improved on this, but @CTCaer version is improving rapidly, and as such needs its own news thread to report on it and his updates, so check it out below:
Hekate - ipl / CTCaer mod v1.2 - Automatic RAW eMMC partial dumping
Changelog v1.2:
- Write errors to SD card are now fatal (as per FatFs/Diskio guidelines). You can still choose what to do though:
- Abort and try again right away from the last part (recommended)
- Continue (and potentially have a corrupt dump)
Fix SD card not mounting (by fixing the switch to low voltage 1.8v for these cards. Normally happening in Samsung sd cards)
Add high speed support for high voltage SD Cards
The main difference with the official hekate - ipl is support for automatic partial dumping for your Switch's eMMC. Additionally, there are some other quality of life small changes.
- It automatically starts partial dumping (even in exFAT formatted SD Cards), based on the available free space. Supports both FAT32 and exFAT.
- If you have enough space and an exFAT formatted partition, it will automatically choose to dump the raw eMMC as one big file.
Detailed release notes:
- This release lets you dump the USER partition, or the whole RAW eMMC.
- The automatic partial dump is only activated if you don't have enough space in your SD card to dump the whole eMMC.
- The partial dumping is done in 15 2GB parts.
- This way you can even use a 4GB sd card to dump the whole eMMC.
Normal dumping Procedure: If you have enough space, it will automatically dump your eMMC as one big file.
Partial dumping Procedure:
- Run hekate-ipl_ctcaer_1.2payload
- Select "Dump RAW eMMC"
- When this is finished, press any key and Power off Switch from main menu
- Move the files from SD card to your PC to free some space
Don't move the partial.idx file!
- Unplug and re-plug USB while pressing Vol+
- Run hekate-ipl_partial_dumping again and press Dump RAW eMMC to continue
- Join the files with your favorite cmd or app
Notice 1: Users that only have a 2GB or 4GB SD card, use the hekate-ipl_ctcaer_1.2_GBparts payload.
Notice 2: If you have an unfinished partial dumping and want to start anew, delete the partial.idx file first.
Warning: When dumping the eMMC, in parts, you should not power on the switch normally and boot to Switch OS before done. Otherwise your finished backup will probably corrupt, because Switch OS writes on your eMMC even if it seems you done nothing.
There are also windows and linux scripts provided, that join these 15 2GB files into one. In windows, you can then use @rajkosto biskeydump and HacDiskMount to manipulate your raw eMMC dump.
naehrwert for the original code: https://github.com/nwert/hekate
@rajkosto for his hekate - ipl commits and tools: https://github.com/rajkosto/hekate
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases/tag/v1.2
NEWS SOURCE: [RCM Payload] Hekate mod - raw full nand backup (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ate-ipl.46936/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Linux released for the Nintendo Switch, here the details:
There is ton of info regarding getting Linux up and running on your Switch since the big explosion of frozen rocket payloads for Nintendo Switch, but its filled with complex setup, different distros, patches needed, and still missing info, but GBATemp'er @natinusala has assembled what he calls Painless Linux, so those that want to be on leading edge of Switch payload development can check it out:
Grab it while it's hot: https://github.com/natinusala/painless-linux Everything is explained in the README of the repository.
Now you can boot Linux from any system (Windows, Mac OS, Linux or Android), without any extra work :
- Download the disk image
- Burn it on your SD card using Etcher or dd
- Clone or download the repository and use the provided scripts (for Android you need to copy 2 files)
The system is an improved version of @00Cancer's GNOME Arch Linux image :
- sudo
- chromium browser
- scripts to manage GPU clock profiles (courtesy of @Gigaa)
- SSH server enabled by default
- automatic root filesystem expand to fit your SD card
I will try to keep it updated, with incremental updates, if applicable. I will also keep this post minimal, as everything is already in the README.
Have fun with your almost functional Linux!
Now its not perfect, no Linux is YET on the Switch, there is still 'battery discharge issues', 'WiFi issues', 'LCD burn-in problems', and various other smaller issues, so as the tutorial author above suggests you must read the README before trying it out, and accept the risks, and understand the issues, and be patience for updates by the teams involved to finish making this less-painless Linux.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/natinusala/painless-linux
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ainless.46934/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Award-winning music creation software KORG Gadget is now available for the Nintendo Switch. Plentiful instrumental gadgets combined with a simple and intuitive graphical interface enable speedy music creation. With this new music creation studio, one can create and perform music by actively twisting and turning the Joy-Con™.
There is also a multi-player mode in which up to four people can collaborate in making music. Connect via an HDMI cable to enjoy playing on the TV in your living room, or use it with a projector for big live performances. Everyone can enjoy this new game-like DAW experience.
- Employs the intuitive KORG Gadget user interface
The KORG Gadget's most amazing feature is the intuitive music creation workflow, enabled by the KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch user interface. Sound, Phrase, Sequence, and Mix are contained in an intuitive layout, and allow for seamless music creation. Also, it can also be set to “scale mode” to match the song. Even those who are unaccustomed to synthesizers are able to enjoy creating songs.
- 16 unique synthesizer and drum machine gadgets
The KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch includes 16 gadget instruments required for music creation. In addition to numerous unique synthesizers, ready-to-use drum machines and Kamata jointly developed with BANDAI NAMCO STUDIO are all included. All gadgets have sophisticated adjustable parameters for rapidly producing all manner of sounds. You will find inspiring sounds quickly and easily.
- Actively create and perform by operating the Joy-Con™
Joy-Con™ sensors allow for enjoyable creation and performance of HD effects. For example , turn the Joy-Con™ to turn the knob on a gadget, or twist to enter or play the notes of a scale that matches the song. In both cases, HD vibration matching the movement is transmitted to the hand, so you can experience sensory feedback that has never been available in software before. In addition, it is also possible to perform and input using the Joy-Con™ buttons and sticks. Try challenging yourself in various ways.[
- Multi-player mode allows for collaboration by up to 4 people
We've added a multi-player mode that allows up to 4(*) people to collaborate on a song. This new style allows four people to play simultaneously on a screen divided into four parts. Each player can be responsible for his or her own part, or you can make it a DAW competition - perhaps erase or add the notes of another player, and turn music creation into a game!
*To play with four players, 4 sets of Joy-Con™ are required. Also, LAN and WAN communication are not supported.
- The Living room, mobile: Play wherever you'd like
Using the Nintendo Switch dock's HDMI cable, the KORG Gadget can be played on your TV. You can create a song on the big screen, or enjoy collaborating with up to four people. Also, by outputting to a screen, you can even using the Joy-Con™ for a live performance. Create music with this studio anytime, anywhere by choosing between TV Mode, Table Mode, Mobile Mode, etc.
- http://www.korg.com/us/products/soft...ntendo_switch/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
If you have a pal with a 3ds and the right game this could be a killer way of hacking your 3DS:
If you lucky enough to have 'two 3DS consoles' there is simple way to get CFW on one them using a combo method of the previous Seedminer exploit and DSiWare Injection system, but his tutorial posted below makes it clear how to do the complex transfer setup.
Hello! I think I've found a new method that combines Seedminer and DSiWare Injection, I'll explain this method here:
- Console 3DS Source with a CFW and Godmode9
- Console 3DS Target
- DSi Ware compatible on the NNID account of the source console (list in step 1)
- A mail address
- Preparation on the source console
Check that you have a compatible DSIWare game on your NNID account and therefore in the list:Go to GodMode9 then press "HOME", then go to "Scripts" and "Backup Sysnand", do the requested actions (Unlock the write if requested), then save the NAND from gm9 / out in the computer, then reinsert the SD card into the source console.
- Preparation on the target console
Go to Parameter and others then format the console, your NNID will be untied but can be used at the end of the hack.
Go to Parameter and Others then go to Data Transfer then from a 3DS and receive data via another console.
Do the same thing on the target console except that you select Send data instead of receiving.
- Data transfer
Save the contents of the SD card of the source console in the computer, then reinsert it in the console, if you want to keep your friends on the source console they will be automatically put back in place thanks to the restoration of the NAND, on the target console will need to be added, make the data transfer.
- Hack of the target console with Seedminer
Once the transfer is finished, finish the initiation of the console and then connect directly to the internet, then go to the Nintendo Eshop and normally as you get the account of the source console you must have the compatible DSiWare, download then once the download is complete you will have to go to settings and in Data Management and DSiWare to copy it to the SD card.
Then go to this thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/seedmine...g-help.496114/ and follow the instructions for all steps.
- Data Restoration
After doing all the steps from 1 to 15 on the FC mining and help thread you will have to put everything back in order so here are the different things to do:- Select the NNID of the target console in order to put it back on the source console:
Contact Nintendo and tell them that you no longer have access to the old console and then follow their information.
Once the NNID untied you can put it back on the source console.
For the target console, reformat it (you will not lose the hack) then re-download the CIAS required software on 3DS.guide and finally connect your NNID account, everything should go for the best without contacting Nintendo on the target console.
- Restore the NAND from the source console
Go to Godmode9 with Start at the start of the console then press HOME and go to Scripts / Restore SysNAND, do the required actions then wait, then restart the console, you will then need to return the contents of the SD card previously saved in the computer .
- Deactivate sending system information on both consoles:
Go to setting and network then spotpass and Sending system information to No.
- Add friends if needed:
If necessary, re-add to the target console any friends lost during the transfer and formatting.
- Edit mii and pseudo if needed:
If your Mii or your nickname is different, go to the mii editor and put everything back in order.
You can now enjoy all this hack that I myself tested with my friend and it's worked successfully!
NEWS SOURCE: [CFW] NEW METHOD! (DSi Ware required) (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ne...console.46821/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo are trying to stop the hackers, heres a new firmware update:
Yet Another Firmware Update has rolled-out for the Nintendo Switch console, as such until more reports are in DON'T UPDATE if you hoping for future easy 'exploits' or CFW, but already it seems big 'N' has patched out the trick to 'youtube' videos playing, etc. 
v5.0.2 Changelog:
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience, including:
- Resolved an issue that caused motion controls to respond incorrectly when playing games that use the feature
- Resolved an issue that caused user icons for recommended friends to not display correctly
The following titles were updated:
- Sysupdate titlelisting title
- ptm-sysmodule
- bsdsockets-sysmodule
- hid-sysmodule
- ppc-sysmodule
- System Version Title
- "myPage" sysapplet
titleID+titleversion for sysupdate title: 0100000000000816,335675432
Switch Update Report: --> https://yls8.mtheall.com/ninupdates/reports.php?date=04-16-18_08-05-10&sys=h
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ni...-switch.46814/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
If you loved last year’s retro-inspired Sonic Mania game on Nintendo Switch, but were still longing for the Blue Blur of old, then Sega just made you very, very happy. The company announced that its ‘Sega Ages’ line of retro game revivals from the Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive), Master System and arcade eras would be headed for Nintendo’s portable console.
Sega made the announcement during a recent fan event, only today confirming a wider western release, Polygon reports, with none other than the first-ever Sonic the Hedgehog leading the first wave of such ‘Ages’ games when they land in Japan, North America and Europe this summer – so, any time after June 21 – likely for digital purchase.
Joining Sega’s leading mascot will be Phantasy Star, Thunder Force 4, Alex Kidd in Miracle World and the original arcade version of Gain Ground. The latter of which was a Sega arcade game first released in 1988 that’s similar to classics like Jackal and Contra.
Retro gaming fans will be particularly pleased to know that Studio M2, the developers responsible for several previous Sega re-releases, will be leading the charge on this project. So, expect to see pixel-perfect versions of these iconic games on your Switch.
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May 7th, 2018, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
An article from Eurasia which is sensible in these times of mega releases for the Switch:
This morning, after waking up a bit groggy, I checked my Twitter feed and it was like watching fireworks in reverse consisting of leaks, exploits, rushed releases and rage quitting hackers. You might wonder what triggered it all, so lets start with a little recap. Yesterday the Tegra X1 BootROM was released for Switch along with IDC debug info for IDA Pro, and various hackers started to play around with this including myself.
A few hours after this, not sure about the time frame, a bug for Tegra X1 was posted anonymously on pastebin.com (mirror). Quote: 'Tegra X1 RCM forgets to limit wLength field of 8 byte long Setup Packet in some USB control transfers. Standard Endpoint Request GET_STATUS (0x00) can be used to do arbitrary memcpy from malicious RCM command and smash the Boot ROM stack before signature checks and after Boot ROM sends UID. Need USB connection and way to enter RCM (Switch needs volume up press and JoyCon pin shorted).' Apparently this isn't just any bug, it's in hardware, and actually not possible for Nintendo to patch without releasing new console hardware.
The bug info somehow opened the floodgates; teams and individuals previously holding information regarding Switch suddenly released everything they had in a flurry. To name a few; plutoo, SciresM, ktemkin, and last but not least fail0verflow. The leaks and releases are still ongoing."
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...7742&forum=107
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May 7th, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an update to the Nintendo Wii U Emulator CEMU:
The latest Cemu update is now available to everyone, putting the emulator at version 1.12.0, and adding some new features. Notably, native Wiimote support has been added for games that support it, and some major UI changes have occurred. As mentioned in the changelog, the game list now shows icons and more columns, giving users more information at a glance. Smaller changes such as Friend List support, shorter load times, and bugfixes have been added as well. The above video gives a visual summary of the new additions from the update.
# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.12.0d
# Patreon release date: 2018-04-25
# Public release date: 2018-05-02
# New in 1.12.0d:
general:Fixed crash when selecting wiimote as emulated controller
# New in 1.12.0c:
general:Fixed graphic pack custom shaders sometimes not loading
# New in 1.12.0b:
general:Fixed a bug where wiimote input provider was not displayed in input settings
# New in 1.12.0:
general:Improved game list
Added game icons
Added ability to quick jump to an entry by typing the first letters
Added ability to navigate with arrow keys
Added columns for time played andlast time launched
Added option to create gameprofile (if it doesn't exist)
Sorting of entries is no longer case-sensitive
Display a notification while the game list is being refreshed
Game list no longer refreshes automatically when Cemu is restarted
general: Friend list support
Covers most friend features that are used by games
Wii U friend list app also supported and can be used to manage friends
general: Faster loading time of Cemu when many graphic packs are installed
general: Fixed syntax of settings.xml
input: Added native wiimote support (as separate input provider)
CPU/JIT: Added support for branches with a destination outside of the current scope of the recompiled function
zlib(rpl): Added API compressBound
nlibcurl: Fixed various bugs in multi_perform API
nsysnet: Added API gethostbyaddr, NSSLAddServerPKIExternal
Official Site
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii-u-em...d-more.502807/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an update for fans of the NES game:
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos has been graphically enhanced! This graphics pack ports the graphics from Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for use with the NES version of the game and its 8-bit audio. It also goes several steps further than that. Graphical effects removed from Trilogy are kept intact (or “restored”), including lightning in Stage 3-1, ice glow in Stage 5-2, and fades in cutscenes. Various graphical anomalies and errors in Trilogy have also been fixed.
This pack is designed for use with the U.S. release of the game. It also requires Mesen v0.9.5 or later. As with other NES graphics packs, this pack needs to be extracted to Mesen’s “HdPacks” folder. All the files - .png files and hires.txt - need to be included in a subfolder in that directory with the same name as the game ROM being loaded. Make sure that “Use HDNES HD packs” is enabled in video options.
Link to main project thread
via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=26216
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May 8th, 2018, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
I think a mistake by Nintendo because retro gaming is a big feature on any of todays consoles and always a money maker:
If you've been wondering when you will finally be able to enjoy Virtual Console games on the Switch, you might be in for some disappointment...
Answering to Kotaku, a Nintendo Spokesperson said that “there are currently no plans to bring classic games together under the Virtual Console banner as has been done on other Nintendo systems.”
“There are a variety of ways in which classic games from Nintendo and other publishers are made available on Nintendo Switch, such as through Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo eShop or as packaged collections,” the Nintendo spokesperson added. “Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online will provide a fun new way to experience classic NES games that will be different from the Virtual Console service, thanks to enhancements such as added online play, voice chat via the Nintendo Switch Online app and the various play modes of Nintendo Switch.”
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May 8th, 2018, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Jayenkai is on a roll with his releases for the 3DS, heres yet another:
Micro Clampett is another game by Jayenkai hitting the Nintendo 3DS. Read more about it here.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/micro-clampett-v2018-05-03-nintendo-3ds-game
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May 8th, 2018, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Dont often get Snes Homebrew so this WIP update for a Snes Game is very much wanted:
Taco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom got another mini progress report in form of a screenshot.
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May 9th, 2018, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
One of the main apps you will need if your putting custom firmware on your 3DS/2DS:
GodMode9 Explorer by d0k3 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console. It gives you access to your SD card, to the FAT partitions inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND and to basically anything else. Among other functionality you can copy, delete, rename files and create folders. You can find the source here.
Changes:[new] Support for PNG (for splashes, script previews, screenshots) (thanks @Wolfvak)
[new] Display the SD FAT volume label in the drives listing
[fixed] Several smaller bugfixes and improvements
[deprecated] Deprecated PCX support in favor of PNG
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/godmo...ds-application
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May 10th, 2018, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Time for a new switch release, heres the details:
@SimonMKWii is back with another handy-dandy utility for those working on their Switch game library! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
New Sick of searching through public pastes and out-of-date databases to figure out the name of the game from its title ID?
Well, I present to you... ShogunTool! -- (Now v3)
- Usage:
Simply put in a title ID and select a region, that's literally it!
- Features:
Returns the game's image, title, publisher, release date and description directly from Nintendo's servers.
- Requirements:
The ShopN common cert, downloadable here.
- What's next:
Add support for demo titles.
Return the base title for add-on and update title IDs.
v3 Changelog:
- Fixed issue with displaying colours
- Fixed hard-to-read text size
- Added update ID detection, converts to game ID
v2 Changelog:
- Adjusts window colours based on the eShop page colours
- Fixed a few bugs
- Demo titles now get parsed, but do not display as demos.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/simonmkwii/ShogunTool
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...onmkwii.46949/
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May 10th, 2018, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
Another release for the Nintendo Switch:
BernardoGiordano has finished the porting of the popular 'Checkpoint Savegame Manager' from the 3DS handheld over for usage of Switch'es that can run the Homebrew launcher, sadly that is currently limited to v3.0.0 and @Scarlet reports that v2.3.0 works as well, but if you been following the fast-moving Nintendo Scene you will know that will change soon, as video teasers of HBL running on v5.0.x firmwares have been released earlier this week, sadly the second downfall with this 3DS savegame manager port is that it needs the 'touch screen' to use it, which means only backing up your 'saves' via portable mode, not while in 'docked mode', but hey still a ton better then waiting until September 2018 for the 'official' cloud save feature from big 'N', which does not work in all games, and also requires you to be forking over at least 4 bucks a month for it! 
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/...ses/tag/v3.1.0
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/re...-switch.46955/
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May 10th, 2018, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
The advice is not to upgrade your firmware to try this, confused ?, heres the news:
OK, with that big WARNING above out of the way first, now onto the trending front-page Nintendo Switch Underground Scene News of the hour, for those loving to live on the edge of leading technology hacks, and got all their nipples wet and hard earlier today after seeing the 'teaser tweet and video' posted by @SciresM, you can now enjoy the same joy of shitting your homebrew pants, just don't come crying to us with your RCM 'battery issues' afterwards!
Hello everyone, this is a fork of hekate-ipl I made that works on 5.0.x. You can get it from here. Also please don't ask anyone for support, this is just a temporary fix before real stuff comes out.
Also an important thing - credits:
- Most importantly - naehrwert - for making hekate-ipl (this is just a small modification in keygen and secmon patches)
Atmosphere team - for the Loader and SM kernel module reimplementations
- Switchbrew/hbmenu team - for the nx_hbloader and nx_hbmenu projects
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/Jan4V/hekate-ipl-50x
So there you go, if you love to live dangerously, you can check out the links above, but remember most 'homebrew' still only works on v3.0.0, but there is reports the 'Tetris' game does work with this 'temp launcher', but that is about it so far, so for now its best to wait!
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...bl-menu.46947/
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May 10th, 2018, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Some exciting news for Nintendo Switch owners:
Scires posted a short video showing homebrew working on 5.0.1 with a side note that while it doesn't properly reboot into the Switch's OS yet, he hopes to have it working soon without too much trouble!
Currently he has replaced the Album button with custom code, in this case the Homebrew Menu, and shows off a Hello World demo launched from there.
Edit: A comment on his twitter post shows someone playing Tetris from the HB Menu who is apparently on 5.0.2 -- which is good news for everyone that updated!
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/sciresm-...mebrew.503346/
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May 10th, 2018, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another commercial release for the NES, awesome eh ?
Tower Defense 1990 is a new commercial NES / Famicom game by Retro Wonder Workers. It’s a castle defense game. Defend the peasants in your castle from hoards of approaching enemies. Build towers which shoot projectiles. Collect coins and gems, and upgrade the towers for even more firepower. Lose all your peasants and it’s game over!
Although the game seems still in development, a person on Twitter claimed to recieved his professional copy of the game. So it can’t take too much time to be ready available for everyone.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...rcial-nes-game
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May 15th, 2018, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
carstene1ns is back with another release for the Nintendo Switch:
Copy the executable from the zip archive to your "sdmc:/switch" folder, best is to use a "nxengine-evo" subdirectory, as it will save settings and savegames there.
Default Controls:
Hat - Movement
A - Fire
B - Jump
X - Map
Y - Enter
L/R - Change Weapons
Minus - Pause/Menu
Plus - Inventory
The engine lets you reconfigure the buttons used.
Source Code at GitHub.
Download: See attachment and also available on my website.
alpha - first release
beta - shipping data files inside romfs, resolved a crash when exiting
download https://github.com/carstene1ns/nxeng...ee/switch-port
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16557
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May 15th, 2018, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Got a Stargate 3DS Cart, heres news for you:
Today, we are happy to release an easy mode for CFW (custom firmware) install for Stargate 3DS.
With this update, you can, with the usual Stargate's ease of use, add a fully compatible Luma install and enjoy all the features. Cheats for Luma is also available for users who needs this feature.
This CFW is fully approved by Stargate team, tested to work in perfect harmony with Stargate firmware, so you will enjoy the best of Stargate and also all the functions from Luma CFW. For people who want a minimal CFW, we also include the excellent Rei-Six CFW, also fully Stargate compatible.
An advanced mode with tons of features will be release next for the most experienced users. Coming soon! With some more surprises and updates under way, we are working hard to bring you more and more and make the most advanced 3DS/DSi solution even better!
We want to thank Team Luma, Aurora Wright and TuxSH who are behind the excellent Luma CFW which required a lot of work to reach this quality level. We also would like to thank Team Rei-Six (Crimson Maple and Reisyukaku), great work there. And finally d0k3 for his brilliant GodMode9 multi-purpose hack tool (which was used in the creation of our script runners).
Thanks & greetings!
more http://www.stargate-3ds.com/?p=559
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/re...s-users.46982/
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May 15th, 2018, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
No words, can do describe well what you seeing in this video, so best to just watch it and be in awe like we were when watching it earlier!
Today, Team-Xecuter is proud to present a first video presenting a product from our new Nintendo Switch SX Family range. And live ease of use! We are sure you will be as excited as we are.
Don't be too impatient, we will start taking preorders by the end of the week.
We are carefully working with our distributors to ensure we can meet demand as much as possible. This is products we have receive so many inquiries for that we know we won't be able to ship all preorders on day one, but we will make sure all orders come to you fast.
And of course, every unit will have Xecuter built quality, full customer support and warranty. No unit is shipped without proper Team Xecuter testing.
No risk: Your satisfaction is guaranteed!
Stay tuned for more info in coming weeks, with support forums site, product launch site, preorders, and more news coming soon, and remember this is just one of more upcoming SX products from Xecuter, its going to be great Rocking' time to gaming on a Switch! 
Xecuter Presents First Exclusive Video For Our First SX Product
OFFICIAL SITE: --> http://team-xecuter.com/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ex...product.46981/
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May 15th, 2018, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
The switch releases are here again:
Scene developer @SimonMKWii is back with Huh? An 2nd massive release on the same day for the Nintendo Switch, that will soon prove to be very useful for all!
Wait... you thought I was done with the massive releases??? Here's one more! This is HACDN, it's like ShogunTool, but on steroids!
- Everything ShogunTool did, plus game download capabilities!
But won't this allow piracy?
- No, as this application cannot download titlekeys, and you can only extract titlekeys from your Switch for games you have legitimately purchased.
- Put in a title ID, get info and then click "Get the Game NCA!"
It will save the main NCA in a named folder (e.g. Super Mario Odyssey) in the "Games" folder.
Note: The application may go into "not responding" mode while downloading, this is normal.
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...onmkwii.46978/
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May 15th, 2018, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Simon is back with another Switch release:
Scene developer @SimonMKWii is back with handy-dandy utility for the Nintendo Switch, that will soon prove to be very useful for all!
Want your cert to access Nintendo's CDN, but you're not on 3.0.0 anymore so you can't run the PegaSwitch script? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Included in the pack is everything you need to generate a pfx certificate file from a NAND dump!
- First, make sure Python3 and both the asn1 and pycrypto modules are installed.
- Next, copy your PRODINFO.bin partition into the folder
- Now, add the required keydata into "00_generate_ssl_kek.py", then run it; this will output the ssl_kek.
- Add the generated ssl_kek into "01_decrypt_privk_extract_cert.py", then run it, that will decrypt your private key and extract your cert.
- Then, run "02_convert_to_der.py", which will convert the extracted files into DER.
- Lastly, run "03_save_as_pfx.bat" to save it as an installable PFX certificate!
- Voila! You can now find your generated certificate in the new folder named "Out"!
How 2 get dem keyz???
- The first key is generated by XORing the AES_KEK (kek_mask 0) with the CryptoUsecase_RsaPrivate seed (kek_seed 1).
- The second key is the original master key, you can extract it from your keyblobs using hactool.
- The third and fourth keys are plaintext in the ssl sysmodule NSO.
- Or alternatively, you can skip this entire step by finding the ssl_kek online, not giving links for obvious reasons... (Trust me, it's out there!)
Massive thanks to @SocraticBliss for helping me out with the python stuff and @SciresM for the RSA calcs required in script 02.
NEWS SOURCE: CertNXtractionPack (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...onmkwii.46977/
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May 15th, 2018, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Havent got one of these yet so glad they are coming out again:
Well, there you go, if you been waiting, searching, hunting for NES Classic so you can enjoy playing those wonderful retro games again from your childhood era, or to show your new family what video games are really all about, none of this boring running around killing people in Call of Duty, no its jumping over pipes, collecting coins, and not getting hit by falling barrels, true 100% fun in full 8-bit glory!
The NES Classic Edition system is a miniaturized version of the groundbreaking NES, originally released in 1985.
Just plug the NES Classic Edition into your TV, pick up that gray controller, and rediscover the joy of NES games.
What's in the box?
- NES Classic Edition system
- One NES Classic Controller
- HDMI cable
- AC adapter
- 30 pre-installed games
NES Classic Controller included
Works with NES Virtual Console games on Wii U, too
Play NES games the way they're meant to be played—with a full-size "original" controller. The included NES Classic Controller can also be used with NES Virtual Console games on your Wii™ or Wii U™ console by connecting it to a Wii Remote™ controller.
Plus these fun features
Save your game with Suspend Points
Pick up right where you left off with four Suspend Point slots for each game. Just press the Reset button while playing to return to the HOME menu and save your progress to a slot. Have a perfect run going? You can lock your save file and resume at a later time so there's no danger of losing your progress.
Choose your look with Display Modes
- CRT filter: Looks like an old TV, scan lines and all.
- 4:3: Gives you the original NES game look, with a slight horizontal stretch.
- Pixel Perfect: Each pixel is a perfect square, so you see the games exactly as designed.
A perfect gift for collectors or anyone who loves games! / Only $59.99(msrp) / NES Classic Edition returns June 29, 2018.
MORE INFO: --> https://www.nintendo.com/nes-classic/
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May 15th, 2018, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Prince of Persia makes its way onto the Switch:
@usineur has just ported over SDLPoP for the Nintendo Switch, so check out this classic game below:
usineur said:Hi there, I just wrote a port of SDLPoP for Switch. SDLPoP is an open source engine rewriting of the Prince of Persia dos game.
Here you can find everything you need to install and run it: https://github.com/usineur/SDLPoP/re...tag/switch-1.0
It's my first port for on this device, so do not hesitate to report bugs on Github or here. Note that It has been only tested on 4.1.0.
Feel free to post any video of the port in action, i will add it to this post
Have fun, usineur
NEWS SOURCE: SDLPoP, an open source port of Prince of Persia for Switch (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/release-sdlpop-an-open-source-port-of-prince-of-persia-for-switch.46971/
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May 15th, 2018, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
More Switch News:
Scene developer @rajkosto is back with yet another great release of 'switchtools' on his site, this one allows you to access the internal eMMC 32 NAND module and the inserted MicroSD card as devices on your PC just by loading is special 'memloader v1' payload! 
Get my memloader payload from https://switchtools.sshnuke.net
- Extract the contents of the "sample" folder in the zip to the root of your microsd, before inserting it into the Switch
- Run the memloader.bin payload using your preferred launcher (fusee-launcher, TegraRcmSmash, NXLoader, whatever)
- On the screen, choose ums_emmc.ini to have the eMMC appear as a USB disk, or ums_sd.ini to have the microSD appear as a USB disk on your PC (with volume buttons), then press the Power button to launch selection
- The screen should clear (but the backlight should still be on) and you should hear a device plugged in notification, and the disk drive should appear (in windows, eMMC does not get a drive letter because there's nothing to mount)
- This is going to be quite slow (3-6MB/s) as it doesn't run the switch memory at its high frequency (because this requires a non-redistributable proprietary blob), and also u-boot does not use UHS-I modes of the microSD (keeps the IO at 3.3v only), however it's still quite useful for adding/replacing some files on your microSD, or exploring the eMMC partitions via HacDiskMount (the USB disk device is openable as a Physical Drive inside of it)
- (On Windows, if after launching the ums ini, in device manager you see a device with a yellow exclamation mark, right click and uninstall it, then click the Scan for Hardware changes button to get it to appear properly)
Memloader source code available at https://github.com/rajkosto/memloader
NEWS SOURCE: How to access your Switch's eMMC or microSD card as an USB disk on your PC (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/switch-release-memloader-v1-by-rajkosto.46970/
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May 15th, 2018, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Yet Another Switch Release:
TegraRcmSmash has now been updated by scene developer @rajkosto, allowing even more options to launch various Fusée Gelée payloads with ease from any Windows-based box.
Driver setup
- Get your Switch into RCM mode and plug it into your Windows PC. It should show up somewhere (like Device manager) as "APX"
- Download and run Zadig driver installer from https://zadig.akeo.ie/
- From the device list, choose APX (if it's not showing up in the list, go to Options menu and check List All Devices)
- For the driver type, cycle the arrows until you see libusbK (v3.0.7.0) in the text box (IMPORTANT!)
- Click the big Install Driver button. Device manager should now show "APX" under libusbK USB Devices tree item.
- TegraRcmSmash.exe [-V 0x0955] [-P 0x7321] [--relocator=intermezzo.bin] [-w] inputFilename.bin [-r] [--dataini=coreboot.ini] ([PARAM:VALUE]|[0xADDR:filename])*
- If your Switch is ready and waiting in RCM mode, you can also just drag and drop the payload right onto TegraRcmSmash.exe
- An example cmdline for launching linux using coreboot is something like this (the empty relocator is important): TegraRcmSmash.exe -w --relocator= "coreboot/cbfs.bin" "CBFS:coreboot/coreboot.rom"
- A simpler way to load coreboot/other AArch64 payloads is to use https://github.com/rajkosto/memloader and either put the files on microsd or use the --dataini parameter
- After that, you can use imx_load as you would on Linux (Windows binaries available here)
- Alternatively, setup your u-boot cmdline to just load everything from microSD to not bother with imx_load

ResponsibilityI am not responsible for anything, including dead switches, blown up PCs, loss of life, or total nuclear annihilation.
Binary releases Available at https://switchtools.sshnuke.net
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/rajkosto/TegraRcmSmash
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...ajkosto.46901/
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May 16th, 2018, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter are back with big news for the Nintendo Switch:
Couple of days ago we released, the very first exclusive video of the SX Family modding product from the long-time scene group Team-Xecuter for the Nintendo Switch, and now today the team is back with more news to release that includes the suggested retail pricing, along with a shipping date of June 15th, and a brief description of each SX product along with the updated tease that preorders will be starting soon at their Official TX Resellers websites which are located around the world with fast direct shipping!
Today, Team-Xecuter is delighted to announced the first 2 products in its Nintendo Switch SX Line: Xecuter SX Pro and Xecuter SX OS
You will find below a brief description for both products. More details and pictures will be released in the days to come. We have started preorders, RRP pricing is listed below.
Production has started and at current preorder volume, all preorders will be delivered by June 15th. The earliest birds will receive their unit/copy a bit before that date.
You can find a list of resellers HERE. We will add more resellers in the days to come, meanwhile, if your country is not listed, our partner AxioGame.com delivers worldwide with free shipping.
Xecuter SX Pro

- The ultimate kit for your Nintendo Switch!
- Includes: USB dongle, tool (use once to install OS) and OS software license.
- Compatible with all regions.
- Compatible with all firmwares.
- Real time game switching.
- More features to be announced soon.
- Weight: (50g)
RRP: $34.95 (excluding shipping cost & local taxes when apply)
Xecuter SX OS

- Xecuter SX OS software license
- Requires: Tools to be installed on your Nintendo Switch
- Compatible with all regions.
- Compatible with all firmwares.
- Real time game switching.
- More features to be announced soon.
Only $24.95 (excluding local taxes when apply)
Stay tuned for more news over the coming days, as Xecuter is back this time to be Rocking' the Switch world for all to enjoy! 
Xecuter Presents First Exclusive Video For Our First SX Product
OFFICIAL SITE: --> http://team-xecuter.com/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/a...d-sx-os.46981/
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May 16th, 2018, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
A quick update for this app for the Nintendo Switch:
Scene developer @SimonMKWii is back with Huh? An 2nd massive release on the same day for the Nintendo Switch, that will soon prove to be very useful for all!
This one's been a long time coming...
- Download your eShop purchases directly on your PC
- Ugly user interface
- Guaranteed at least 50% more safe than HACDN v2, but still, use at your own risk, I can't guarantee 100% safety.
- Put in the title id of a Switch game you purchased on the eShop, put in your device id and then click download.
The title ID is the identifier of a game, you can see a reasonably up-to-date listing on SwitchBrew.
The device ID is extractable from your PRODINFO partition.
- Requires your cert, hactool and a filled keys.txt file.
You can extract your cert from a NAND dump using my toolkit.
Get the latest build of hactool here.
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...onmkwii.46978/
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May 16th, 2018, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to see emulators making their way onto the switch:
Scene Developer @jakibaki has been kind enough to port over the GBC Emulator to allow it work on higher firmwares, check it out:
Since retroarch isn't working on anything higher then 3.0 right now I ported the gameboy color emulator khedgb to the nintendo switch. Right now it doesn't have many features (no rom-selection screen, no analog-stick-support) but it's enough to finally enjoy pokemon on the nintendo switch
Simply put the rom to sd:/switch/roms/rom.gbc (exactly this name for the rom!) and start the homebrew. This emulator can't detect when you used the ingame save-feature so you'll have to press the X-button every time after using the in-game save feature. Otherwise the save will get lost after restarting the emulator!
Please don't expect too much from this, I just made this so I could play pokemon and it's not going to get many features. As soon as retroarch gets updated for 5.0 this will instantly become obsolete.
UPDATE: Added audio support and proper scaling! (Many thanks @cpasjuste for the scaling-hint!)
UPDATE2: Fixed a bug where after saving the game for a few times the emulator would crash.
source (you need the sdl2-libraries from the devkit-pro pacman to build this)
NEWS SOURCE: GBC Emulator port - khedgb (via) GBATemp
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...-khedgb.46990/
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May 16th, 2018, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to see the Nintendo Wii get some homebrew support:
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.
Changes:– fixed bug: num of plugged joystick > max num supported joystick_scan
– improved detection of joystick for android in SDLActivity.java mapping DPAD to keyboard buttons
– improved Android Hats/Axes detection add it into PollEvent() events
– added plug and play feature.
via https://pdroms.de/wii/openbor-v3-0-b...-wii-misc-port
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May 16th, 2018, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Its amazing in these years to see a new Snes release and commercially too:
Fork Parker’s Crunch Out is a collaboration between Mega Cat Studios, Devolver Digital, and Take This for the label’s first-ever Super Nintendo Entertainment System release starring the company’s larger than life CFO, Fork Parker. The game aims to raise awareness of the all too real issue of game dev crunch through a playful look at the pressures of game development, exaggerated by the menace that is a game publisher executive.
via https://pdroms.de/supernintendoenter...cial-snes-game
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May 21st, 2018, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Nintendo Switch update:
Updated to v5, now gets title names using a different method. This one's been a long time coming...
Features:- Download your eShop purchases directly on your PC
- Ugly user interface
- Guaranteed at least 50% more safe than HACDN v2, but still, use at your own risk, I can't guarantee 100% safety.
- Put in the title id of a Switch game you purchased on the eShop, put in your device id and then click download.
The title ID is the identifier of a game, you can see a reasonably up-to-date listing on SwitchBrew.
The device ID is extractable from your PRODINFO partition.
- Requires your cert, hactool and a filled keys.txt file.
You can extract your cert from a NAND dump using my toolkit.
Get the latest build of hactool here.
Click to expand...
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/simonmkwii/HACDN/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...onmkwii.46978/
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May 21st, 2018, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release for Switch:
We already have the wonderful update to HACDN v3 by @SimonMKWii, but here is another way to D/L your shit, thanks to @Reisyukaku for working more on the CDNX project and making it secure, of course no one knows for sure if anything is 100% safe, or if big 'N' might just swing the 'ban hammer' in waves at some point in the Switch land, so please understand the risks first! So it's my understanding that insecure CDN downloaders had been floating around, and so in the interest of discouraging people from running potentially dangerous code, I'll make this release thread for my implementation.
This implementation uses the same routines the console does in grabbing NCAs, as well, there are settings you can enter to aid in anti-detection. As with most things, use with caution as there's no 100% safety guarantee.
Also this is very much so a work-in-progress! I don't have enough time in the day to work on it constantly so PRs are welcome.
Click to expand...
Source: https://github.com/Reisyukaku/CDNX
Release: https://github.com/Reisyukaku/CDNX/releases
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...syukaku.46993/
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May 21st, 2018, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Marice has released a Pixel fixer for the Nintendo Switch:
This program displays different colors to detect dead/stuck pixels on your Nintendo-Switch screen.
It can cycle colors on your Switch screen very rapidly to try and repair stuck/dead pixels.
ScreenTester-NX v0.2
Just unpack the zip to the root of your SD-Card (make sure to keep folder structure intact)
Added Menuscreen
Added rapid color cycle mode (to repair stuck/dead pixels)
Few minor changes
ScreenTester-NX v0.1
Press A for White
Press B for Red
Press X for Green
Press Y for Blue
Press + to return to hb-menu.
Press HOME to return to Switch-OS
download https://github.com/Marice/ScreenTester-NX
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...26ce6c0abcf7d1
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May 21st, 2018, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has released an updated version of Dukem Nukem 3d for the Nintendo Switch:
copy "eduke32" folder to "/switch" folder
copy "DUKE3D.GRP" and "DUKE.RTS" to "/switch/eduke32" folder
enjoy !
"Open", // KEY_A
"Jump", // KEY_B
"Inventory_Left", // KEY_X
"Inventory_Right", // KEY_Y
"Run", // KEY_LSTICK
"Crouch", // KEY_RSTICK
"Previous_Weapon", // KEY_L
"Next_Weapon", // KEY_R
"Quick_Kick", // KEY_ZL
"Fire", // KEY_ZR
"Map", // KEY_MINUS
"Menu", // KEY_PLUS
More informations:
http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/Installati ... figuration
Hi, just updated (recompiled) with latest sdk, not sure if it will change things for fw > 3.0.0.
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/eduke32
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...26ce6c0abcf7d1
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May 21st, 2018, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has ported one of the main killer apps to the Nintendo Switch, heres the news:
Here is a port of the excellent ScummVM engine to the switch. I don't have the time to write a lot of information's right now.. i'll update this post later.
In the meantime, here is the (very minimal) release information from the release page :
runs at a pretty good framerate even with HQ scalers
default gfx is 2x fullscreen. The game is rendered at 2x the resolution, and (linear) scaled to fit screen. My personnal choice would be fullscreen tv2x thought. 3x fullscreen/windowed is probably a good choice too (less "linear blur")
no sfx in some "scumm" engine games (curse of monkey island, full throttle) ! 
intro in "the secret of monkey island" CD version hang, audio play fine and can be skipped. Other versions seems to works fine.
mp3 decoder doesn't seems to work (crash), but this format should not be used anyway
fix "scumm" engine SFX (imuse/dimuse)
fix mp3 decoding (libmad? does it worth it?)
add touch support (mouse mode)
merge latest changes from official repo
compile with latest sdk
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/scummvm/releases
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16571
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May 21st, 2018, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
jakibaki has released an updated version of his Gameboy Colour Emulator for Nintendo Switch
Since retroarch isn't working on anything higher then 3.0 right now I ported the gameboy color emulator khedgb to the nintendo switch. (Works on all versions as far as I know)
Right now it doesn't have many features but it's enough to finally enjoy pokemon on the nintendo switch 
Simply put the rom into sd:/switch/roms/gbc and start the homebrew.
This emulator can't detect when you used the ingame save-feature so you'll have to press the X-button every time after using the in-game save feature. Otherwise the save will get lost after restarting the emulator!
Please don't expect too much from this, I just made this so I could play pokemon and it's not going to get many features.
As soon as retroarch gets updated for 5.0 this will instantly become obsolete.
source (you need the sdl2-libraries from the devkit-pro pacman to build this)
Added audio support and proper scaling! (Many thanks @cpasjuste for the scaling-hint!)
Fixed a bug where after saving the game for a few times the emulator would crash.
Added joycon-analog-stick-support!
Removed the debug log.
Added a simple file picker! You can now play multiple roms 
Audio is much better now (not perfect yet though). Many thanks to @renhei for the fix-suggestion!
Changed rompath from sd:/switch/roms to sd:/switch/roms/gbc in order to avoid confusion with the gba emulator. Also double joycons now work in unattached mode!
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16568
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May 21st, 2018, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Shrike has released a new version of his Snake Clone:
NEW UPDATE: SNAKE Version 3 (with 2PlayerMode, vibrations & BIG performance updates)
Hey I'm back (again) and I have a brand new version of Snake for LovePotion with me (thx TurtleP & Co for all the help <3 Bless your discord server).
This time you can battle your friends and family !
I also improved some of the graphics and fixed some of the bugs of the first two versions.
Graphic & Performance Improvements:
There is now a score for player 1 and 2.
Vibrations are now implemented but you need to (re-)activate them from the switch main menu
Also in 2Player-Mode you will have a timer where you can see how much time is left.
Performance is now much better because of LovePotion is working much faster now. Almost every bug from version 2 is now fixed because of that.
Additional I now have a "Intro Preloader" which you can see in the video below..
Oh.. and the hbmenu entry has now it's own icon and name 
How to play in 2-Player-Mode:
To activate 2-Player-Mode, the second player just needs to press "+" on the right joycon.
In this mode you will loose your tail when you die and after 90 seconds the player with the longest tail wins ! :yay:
New in this version: There is now a timer where you can see how much time is left.
How to run:
Extract inside your /switch folder and run LovePotion.nro with hbmenu
Use the DPad keys or left-joystick for navigation (Player2: x,y,a,b or right-joystick)
Press "+" on the right joycon to start into 2PlayerMode
Restart the game to get back to SinglePlayer
Battle your best friend for a round of good old snake....
..... ?
download http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16566
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May 21st, 2018, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Jakibaki has released an updated version of his GBA Emulator for Nintendo Switch:
I ported the gameboy advance emulator gdkGBA (originally made by gdkchan) to the nintendo switch! (Works on all versions as far as I know)
Unfortunately this emulator doesn't support in-game-saving (it crashes when you attempt to save!) so I added an savestate feature:
Press Plus+R so save the current state and Plus+L to load it again.
Simply put the rom into sd:/switch/roms/ and start the homebrew.
As soon as retroarch gets updated for 5.0 this will instantly become obsolete!
source (you need the sdl2-libraries from the devkit-pro pacman to build this)
Known issues:
Sound is a bit weird (it seems like sometimes the wrong instruments play)
After loading a savestate the sound gets even more weird for a while (or until the music changes)
Some games seem to crash the switch after a while.
Sound now much better now! Many thanks to @renhei for the fix!
Changed rompath from sd:/switch/roms to sd:/switch/roms/gba in order to avoid confusion with the gbc emulator. Also double joycons now work in unattached mode!
Merged gdkchans changes to the ppu. Some games that had problems with artifacts on screen (I tried harvest moon) now look much better!
Download http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16565
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May 21st, 2018, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
astronautlevel2 has released a new version of the Theme manager for the 3DS:
A number of bugs were introduced in v2.0.0. This release focuses on solving those bugs and also adding a few miscellaneous features.
Fix use after free in the QR reader which could cause crashes
Fix bug not letting you start the QR reader after previewing a theme
Fix a number of crashes related to BGM preview
Disable home button to prevent issues with themes not being properly applied (instead press START and then HOME to ensure everything is saved properly)
New/changed features:
You can now choose specific themes to not have BGM when doing a shuffle install (press B twice on the theme when queueing)
No-BGM install has had its behaviour changed. No-BGM now makes the BGM silent. Use BGM-Only install to replicate the old behaviour of No-BGM.
Loading bar added when downloading themes (either from browser or QR) and when doing the initial load.
downloads https://github.com/astronautlevel2/Anemone3DS
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16562
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May 21st, 2018, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
More Virtual Boy News:
Thunderstruck has released a simple "translation" patch for Virtual Lab, which is basically a hack, since all texts in the Japanese version also have an English translation next to them. The patch removes the Japanese text and moves the English text on the Precaution screen a bit to mimic what an official US release might have looked like. Get it here.
via https://www.planetvb.com/modules/new...hp?storyid=448
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May 21st, 2018, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Another Bit of Virtual Boy News:
vuefinder83 has found a previously unknown, hidden menu in Nester's Funky Bowling that lets you play all sound effects, music tracks, animations as well as display the credits.
On the Automatic Pause Screen, hold Up on both D-Pads, then press the L and R Triggers to make the menu appear.
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May 25th, 2018, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Modchip news for the Nintendo Switch:
Another team has entered the growing fast Nintendo Switch scene, @evilsperm (aka) @Aboshi2011 an developer member from Team Rebug tweeted out earlier today, a cool proto-render picture of their upcoming SwitchME project, a tiny open-source modchip that can be soldered inside the Nintendo Switch console with only 4 or 5 wires.
evilsperm said: We are creating a cheap opensource mod chip solution for the Switch. For now its a 5 wire solution, but might be able to get away with 4, I will also need 3-4 testers. This thing is tiny, so not for soldering noobs! Show me your soldering skills if you want in on the list 
Click to expand...
It has to be noted, this is in the very early design stages, only 'prototypes' are being developed right now by their team, but they looking for a few testers that are good at soldering skills, so if you advanced user with expert skills, contact them and get on-board the project.
There is no ETA on release, or anything else at this stage, so please don't bug the team about anything else except your soldering skills.
NEWS SOURCE: @Aboshi2011 (via) Twitter
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/t...witchme.47042/
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May 25th, 2018, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some curious news regarding the N64:
After the wild success of Nintendo's classic console rehash in the form of the NES Classic and SNES Classic, many fans were wondering when, rather than if, the House of Mario will release its next classic console: the N64 Classic. Well, the latter might actually become a reality!
As spotted by JapaneseNintendo, a Nintendo 64 trademark was applied by the Big N, including video game program, controller, joystick and TV game machine and more. While this by no means confirms that an N64 Classic is on the way, as companies usually renew trademarks to protect their IPs, there have been a few hints that the N64 will be next in the Classic line. Commercial success of the NES Classic and SNES Classic aside, last summer Nintendo filed a graphical trademark for an icon depicting the N64's three-pronged controller in a style very much akin to the NES Classic logo. Coincidence?
The application also makes several mentions regarding downloadable software, in particular mobile ones. As such, it could also be pointing towards future Nintendo-branded mobile phone games.
So what do you make of this news? Is Nintendo preparing for the eventual N64 Classic? Or is the company planning something entirely different, like an N64 Best Of compilation for the Switch? Share your thoughts below!
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendo...or-n64.505156/
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May 25th, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will be bringing more titles to their Nintendo Selects banner for the 3DS, along with two new system bundles. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo, and Super Mario Maker 3DS will all be available at a discounted rate in Europe, and will be available starting on June 29th.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo – Moving to a new town and making new friends is a big step… but it’s even bigger when you’re the mayor! Get ready to enjoy a whole new life in a town shaped entirely by you. You can use Animal Crossing amiibo cards and figures to invite animals to your village, help you out in minigames or get new items.
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D – Go on an adventure with the swingin’ king of the jungle! Donkey Kong and his simian sidekick Diddy Kong are back for more action-packed platforming antics in Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, an enhanced version of Wii adventure Donkey Kong Country Returns, only on Nintendo 3DS family systems.
Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS – Create your own courses and play with many different ideas in Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS. 100 original courses designed by Nintendo await you in Super Mario Challenge, each one containing additional challenges to defeat and medals to earn.
Click to expand...
The new bundles are for the New Nintendo 2DS XL. One of which is a White and Lavender colored system, and comes with a download for Tomodachi Life. A Lime Green and Black bundle with Mario Kart 7 will also be released, on June 29.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/europe-t...lineup.505021/
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May 25th, 2018, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newo Asteroids is a game made in the style of classic Asteroids. In 2064 on a Wednesday, aliens disturb the asteroid belt sending asteroids hurdling towards the earth. It is your job to destroy every last asteroid in the solar system and bring peace to the galaxy.
[h=3]Version 2.98 - May 2018[/h]- Random colours by default
- Fixed leaderboard
- Added debug menu
- Down sampled all the sound effects
- graphics updates, bug fixes, stability #
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May 25th, 2018, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
This sounds awesome, i wonder if it will work on my crappy vr headset:
VirtueBoy Advance is a new emulator gameboy advance designed to work on devices that can use stereoscopic 3D, such as VR headsets, by Myles Johnston.
It has many options to adjust the 3d effect, so can be tailored to your tastes, with good compatibility, and now able to select the rom from within the emulator itself, be sure to keep checking back, as constantly updated.
You can download from http://virtueboyadvance.iintendto.com/
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2861/VirtueBoy-Advance/
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May 28th, 2018, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Some good news for Switch Back Up Fans:
Soon we going to need some good management tools for our (cough) pirated warez, ie. using those nice BBB releases for playing on our Nintendo Switch consoles via the SX Family of products, and future other open-source modchip/CFW releases, so to that end this XCI Exploder, its not perfect, but it does the job needed, extracting certs., injecting them, trimming the ROMs, splitting them, and so on.
Enjoy the ready to go package below, complete with the needed keys and other tools!  -- Now we just need someplace, somewhere, a website to appear with unused 'certs.' to inject, and tool to dump your own private ones from original game cartridges that you own!
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/e...backups.47046/
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May 28th, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
usineur is back with a port of Another World for the Nintendo Switch:
Copy rawgl.nro to /switch/rawgl/ folder
Copy data folder from data.zip to /switch/rawgl/ folder
Left Turn or move left
Right Turn or move right
Up Jump
Down Crouch
A or B Run / Shoot
- Enter code to jump at a specific level
+ Pause
3DO version is also compatible. Replace datafiles of the DOS version if wanted.
Anniversaries editions are not supported in this release.
First public release
download https://github.com/usineur/rawgl
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...e84fffb34899ea
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May 28th, 2018, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
tumGER has released Hit the Button for the Nintendo Switch:
Press The Button / Hit The Button is a game written to test the PyNX Controller features.
In this game you have to press the shown button as fast as possible and the challenge is that the time you have to press the button gets shorter and shorter with every turn.
PyNX v0.5+ is REQUIRED
PyNX v0.5+:
Extract the files
Drop the extracted folder (switch) into the root of your sd-card
You should now have a folder called HitTheButton inside your ./switch/ folder
Launch PyNX and select HitTheButton
Future Goals:
- Multiplayer (Possible, I'm just lazy)
- Music (Currently not yet possible)
- Images (Currently not yet possible)
- Wonderful GUI (Currently not yet possible)
- Split the game into different background tasks to make it more fluid (Currently not yet possible)
download https://github.com/tumGER/HitTheButton
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...e84fffb34899ea
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May 28th, 2018, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Cheeze has released Pong for the Nintendo Switch:
This is my pretty basic attempt at implementing pong for the nintendo switch using c++ and sdl2. Im no expert at writing programs or nothing. It still needs a lot of work, as of now its single player vs an extremely basic a.i. (who cheats, allegedly) or 2 players.I will continue development until it is fully featured. anywho enjoy!
Version 0.2
added 2 player support
made sound play when a player scores
Copy the switch folder to the root of your switch sd card.
download https://github.com/I-EAT-CHEEZE-YO/switch_sdl_pong
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16608
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May 28th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Joel 16 has released a port of 3dshell for the Nintendo Switch:
Work in progress port of 3DShell (Multi purpose file manager) to the Nintendo Switch.
Current version: 1.00 (Beta)
- Delete files folders.
- Copy/Move files and folders.
- Displays file size. (files only ATM)
- Image viewer (PNG/JPG for now - as long as the images are within the switch's resolution.)
- Press X to bring up options.
- Press A to confirm/enter directory.
- Press B to cancel/leave directory.
- D-Pad is currently used for navigation only.
download https://github.com/joel16/NX-Shell
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16606
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May 28th, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a Nes Emulator for Nintendo Switch:
To Install:
Extract the LaiNESwitch folder to your SD:/switch folder and run your favorite homebrew loading method
Crashes for all games which loaded and ran only briefly
Menu bugs (mostly by removing most of them as they weren't needed)
Exit cleanly
Scaffolding for render quality improvements for when hw acceleration becomes available
Next up:
Add support for 2 players
Make the menus even better
download https://github.com/Kevoot/LaiNESwitch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16604
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May 28th, 2018, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a Nes Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
UPDATE_3: NES ClasSwitch Alpha v0.0.3 Release
This update adds full speed gameplay and full screen scaling.
UPDATE_4: NES ClasSwitch Alpha v0.0.4 Release
This update adds support for several new mappers: (0, 1, 2, 4, 7) all games using these mappers should now run on the emulator.
If you want a list of compatible games google "nes big ass mapper list" and it should be the first page.(I can't post links yet) From there you can see what mapper each game uses.
Audio support is still in the works as well as save states.
Once these last things are implemented I will work on making the UI much better.
UPDATE_5: NES ClasSwitch Alpha v0.0.5 Release
This is a small update I thought I'd post for people wanting to play multiplayer.
This update adds joystick support for movement and multiple controller support for multiplayer.(NOTE: since there is no controller setup menu at this point its currently set up to use 2 full joy con controllers for 2 payers(i.e. 4 individual joy cons.) in future releases I will add a controller setup menu so you can configure it however you want... ex: 2 individual joy cons as 2 separate controllers.)
download https://gbatemp.net/threads/nes-emulator-port.504776/
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16603
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May 28th, 2018, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste is bak with a new version of the Final Burn ALPHA EMULATOR for the Nintendo Switch:
pFBA 1.55:
update to FBA
update/fix save states and nvram support (you NEED to delete old folders : "config" and "saves" to prevent crashes)
remove m68k cyclone asm core support
switch: disable single joycon support for now
fix console roms, no prefix needed anymore, roms need to be in their respective directories :
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba/tree/new
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16598
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May 28th, 2018, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Marice Lamain has released and updated a Chip 8 emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
CHIP8-NX - v0.3 - Should work on all fw.
A working early stage CHIP8 emulator for the Nintendo Switch.
Feel free to help and improve the code!
* All possible joycon buttons mapped to 1-15
* Exit to HBmenu using PLUS button
Changes in v0.3:
* Has rom selection menu now.
* Now uses the full screen of the Nintendo Switch.
* Supports held down key presses now.
* Minor tweaks.
Just extract the release .zip to the root of your SD-card.
Roms go in: /switch/roms/chip8 (some public domain roms are included)
Known bugs:
*Sometimes takes a second try to load a rom.
*Need a better solution for the button layout.
- Ported to the Switch from this source: https://github.com/floorislava/SDL2_Chip8_Emulator
download https://github.com/Marice/CHIP8-NX
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...t=16596#p40105
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May 28th, 2018, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
SuperrSonic has released a new version of the Media player for the Nintendo Wii:
Hello there, I've been maintaining a personal version of WiiMC, at the time I just wanted to correct the aspect ratio in 4:3 mode (672->704) and remove deflicker filtering. But soon after, I started experimenting and looking for features I never use and remove them to increase memory. I removed the picture viewer, NTFS/EXT libs, themes, and disabled a large amount of codecs.
I allocated more memory for the GUI, and added some new things:
-Enabled ADX audio decoding
I mean this is a gaming console so why not support game music formats?
So far only ADX files from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams seem to play incorrectly.
-GameCube controller support
Every button from the wiimote (Form Baton) is currently mapped.
Please note that there are still some things that require the pointer.
-The option to disable the H.264 deblock filter on a per video basis
To disable simply change the extension of your video to ".dash".
Disabling this increases decoding speed a lot, but decreases visual quality, however depending on the video you can get away with it quite well. Keep in mind that the Netflix app for Wii does this for both main and baseline profiles.
-Added an option to enable the volume normalizer audio filter. (A restart is needed when changing from methods)
-Added an option to always zoom videos to 4:3 ratio. (H zoom should be ~133%, this setting only works if your Wii is set to 4:3 mode)
-Added an option to enable deflicker, 480i and 480p supported.
-Added an option to scale screen width to 720.
You will find these new options in the settings menu. For volnorm set it to "2" to enable volnorm method 2.
-Added Screen Burn-in Reduction support
To enable simply go to Settings->Global, it will dim the screen if the screen saver is active after 4 seconds.
This setting requires ahbprot disabled.
-Added an option to switch to 240p mode.
This setting can be found in the global section.
Update May 16, 2018: Added Wiimpathy's autoboot file support, added 240p switching.
Update April 22, 2018: Enable GC controller to work in window prompts, add max VI width setting, hide YT quality levels from the settings menu.
Update April 17, 2018: Enable seeking in http streams, added new options to the settings menu, added global setting for skipping deblocking, added burn-in reduction.
Other minor changes:
-subfont-autoscale set to 0
-add .thp as a valid video extension
-disable forced marginV = 20
-sub settings now start with marginV 20
-re-use ffmpeg vorbis (whoops)
-removed some misc libass settings that might have affected performance.
Update June 17, 2017: A fix for specific videos(MKV files with certain framerates) that would hang if using frameskip.
Update June 10, 2017: Added a full version including all the features of WiiMC-SS, without removing anything.
WiiMC-SS features:
704(square) screen width.
Attractive pointer.
GameCube controller support.
Enabled ADX decoding.
Optional 240p mode.
Exposed the volume normalizer filter.
Added ".dash" extension, using this extension will skip the deblock filter.
Made the deflicker filter optional.
Removed picture viewer to increase memory.
Removed NTFS and EXT libs to increase memory.
Disabled some minor codecs to increase memory.
Default to gray theme.
download https://github.com/SuperrSonic/WiiMC-SSLC
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=16586
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May 30th, 2018, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Game Boy Advance Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
A quick port of VBA-next(VBA-M https://github.com/libretro/vba-next). I developed it on 4.1 so, it definitely works on this version. It's partly based of 3DSGBA https://github.com/shinyquagsire23/3DSGBA.
vba-next-switch v0.5
UI improvements
Fast forward is now on the R button
There's an option to swap the function of the L and R buttons with ZL and ZR's function.
Some minor adjustments and bug fixes(see the commits made)
vba-next-switch v0.4
Reduced lag from emulator and main thread image synchronisation
Increased filename buffer
Filenames are sorted alphabetically
Note: this release was originally named 0.3b, but since Github sorts the releases weirdly, I decided on renaming the release
vba-next-switch v0.3
Better audio in almost all situations
More robust string and path handling
Added autosaving
Added settings menu (press Minus to open it)
Added screen scaling (Options: Nearest Integer, Nearest Fullscreen, Bilinear Fullscreen. The last one is a bit slow so I don't recommend it)
Added RTC support
Fixed #8 (analog sticks can be disabled via the settings)
Thanks to @jakibaki, who contributed both the autosaving and the RTC support
download https://github.com/RSDuck/vba-next-switch
via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...9c51906fc39bc7
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May 30th, 2018, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a Nes Emulator for the Ninteno Switch by waywardson07:
UPDATE_6: NES ClasSwitch Alpha v0.1.0 Release
This release Includes:
- audio support added (not perfect but it is working)
- increased stability (will not crash when exiting and loading new roms, roms run better, etc...)
- rom exit and app exit key mapping changed... (to exit a rom and return to main menu press: - and +, to exit the app press: ZL and ZR) Download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...9c51906fc39bc7
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May 30th, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news for the WiiU Scene, the PSP Emulator PPSSPP has been ported:
The Wii U homebrew scene is still alive, proven by a new emulator for use on the Wii U: PPSSPP. The gameplay is choppy for most games that have been tested, Ridge Racer and Street Fighter Alpha 3 among them, but this emulator's release is an alpha build, meaning there's certainly more to come and refining to be done eventually. This adds yet another system to the Wii U's emulation repertoire.
more info https://gbatemp.net/threads/ppsspp-d...thread.505602/
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May 31st, 2018, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Havent got one of these flash carts for the 3DS, but heres the news anyway:
A few weeks ago, we released an easy mode for CFW (custom firmware) install for Stargate 3DS. As it was requested by numerous Stargate users. Today, we bring you an update for it (more details inside the file).
We also, as promised, release today a ‘Complete’ CFW install for Stargate 3DS. Please note this is for advanced users, and the Easy Mode is what most Stargate users will require. But now you have the choice between a simple install and the full package for the people who want it all.
Please note both install pack are NOT required to run Stargate and if you want to just run ROMs the simplest way possible, your Stargate as it comes is the best solution still. Both packs are available with the documentation inside in our DOWNLOAD SECTION HERE!
Click to expand...
That’s it for today, we go back to work for more updates in the future to bring more and more to what is already the best solution for your 3DS: Stargate 3DS!
OFFICIAL SITE: --> http://www.stargate-3ds.com/?p=567
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/s...kage-v1.47093/
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May 31st, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
If you want homebrew or hacks on the switch dont update , but for normal users here the news:
Another update means another batch of stability, as noted in the Nintendo Switch patch notes for the new firmware 5.1.0. The previous firmware update was on April 16, 2018. No major changes have been detected at the time of writing.
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/switch-f...leased.505828/
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May 31st, 2018, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Its unreal to see Commercial Nes Releases in this day and age, do consoles ever really die ?
Do you have what it takes to find the Five Crimson Emblem Seals to defeat the Black Slayer? The Holy Diver cartridge has been resurrected, nearly 30 years after its original release in Japan. Published by Retro-Bit®, the Holy Diver Collector’s Edition is loaded with exclusive collectibles and available for a limited time only. Costs are $59.99.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...rcial-nes-game
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