January 1st, 2005, 12:56 Posted By: bazdobson
Hey found this site and i have really found it useful. I have one question though.
I have bought a Nintendo DS 110V (For Nintendo DS / Japanese) and a Multivolt AC Adapter [UK] (For Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance SP™) from Lik-sang.com.
So is this ok to use in the uk now....what i mean is if i plug it in a UK plug with the UK adapter its not going to blow up or fry my house?
Thanks for your help!
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January 1st, 2005, 16:28 Posted By: mariokartds-woo
why should i wait for the uk release of the DS? what will the differences be between the UK model and Jap/US models?
there is no compatibility issues with jap/us/uk games...i can get a converter (or use an SP one) to charge the battery...and i won't have to pay as much if i import...
why does it take nintendo so long to release over here. what is the difference between the different countries DS's? surely it's the same!!?!?!
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January 2nd, 2005, 13:02 Posted By: wraggster
The best Gamecube emulator for windows has had a new bugfix Final Release and the source has been cleaned up.[br][br]Download Here
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January 3rd, 2005, 11:16 Posted By: forgetmenot
It is now offical that there are now NEW super nintendo systems in stores everywere. the snes holds new titles such as super mario world feturing yoshi the greatist mario charactor in his first mario game ever. anyone who disagrees post a coment below thnx
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January 4th, 2005, 02:51 Posted By: portner
Hey there everyone...Wishing u a happy new year 2005.
I would like to know what is the UK proposed price of the NDS? in brunei its BND$488 with free Simz, the Urbz...which is about UK160.
And the pictochat has some japanese character at the top...but the words and help and stuff are in english...
What are those japanese characters at the pictochat thingy? how do i differentiate between japanese and american models NDS?
Is there such thing as setting the languages of the NDS?
IF so...please let me know all information that i enquire...
Thanks to all 
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January 4th, 2005, 09:04 Posted By: M2c
Laptops - Ipods - Invidia cards - Gameboy DS - Hard drives - and more, all without a Credit Card
We all heard about these offers right. Well im going to give you a step by step instructions on how to do it.
Ok, first off you must get a email account at walla.com or airsoftemail.com, dont worry its free. I used walla. The reason for this is you
wont need a credit card if you have one of these account, plus all the spam thay sent will be on that account. Sneaky,huh.
Now go to http://prize.exfuga.com/index.php?rid=4685
Ok, now you just have to sign up. Than go back to the homepage and click on the complete offers link. Than choose the Ebay Auctions offer.
Which takes you to the ebay sign up section.
When your signing up to ebay, make sure you use your new email account from walla.com or airsoftemail.com. thats very important!!!
After your done signing up, ebay is going to send a conformation email. For some reason i never got my conformation email the first time,
which might happen to you. So what i did was, i went back to this site http://prize.exfuga.com/index.php?rid=4685
Than i logged on, went to the ebay aucton offer again. Resign again using the same email account. than ebay should say, you already registered
but you must conform you email to fully register. Now just click on the resend the conformation link. Than check your email.
Which should work, finally.
You dont have to worry about all this crap, if you get your conformation email the first time you register. Ur Lucky
Ok,now the fun part. After you sign up with ebay, Bid on something you know you wont win. Like a $1.00 on a ipod or $1.00 on Halo 2.
Whatever, it doesnt matter, as long as you bid on something.
Congratulations, you just completed your Ebay Auction offer!!!
Now in about two to three days go back to http://prize.exfuga.com/index.php?rid=4685 and click on the refer friends link.
It should say "Congratulations! Your Offer Has Been Successfully Completed". If not check back in one more day.
Above that theres going to be referral url. Copy that referral url and give it to your friends and tell them to do the same thing
you did. Or you can do what i did and make a torrent, upload it so thousands of people can see it.
If you dont know how to make a torrent go to http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourc...orrent-2.1.exe to download MakeTorrent 2.
And Thats It. That bloody simple. But you must hurry, ebay offer might not last long.
Before you now it, youll be listening to your ipod while playing you gameboy ds.
No Joke!!!
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January 4th, 2005, 10:02 Posted By: rydude123
in my school theres a debate on the n:ds. every1 knows its multi regional, so it can play imported games but just 1 question:
is EVERYTHINg exactly the same as if we were to be patient and buy a european ds. i know the plug will need a converter and stuff, but can u do pictochat with european ds's? can u play multi with eurapian ds's, are u able to download the same content? if there is an answer, can u please reply the name of the site u got the info from as im desperate to import a ds but dont know if i'll have the full potential of it. thankyou
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January 4th, 2005, 11:22 Posted By: forgetmenot
with DSes aded touch skreen i cant even imagin all the kinds of games you could make with it. they could make a kick ass anamator games with the mike to add sounds.
If any one els has thought of a clever idea feel free to share it with us
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January 4th, 2005, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has revealed that it is bringing the legendary Castlevania series to Nintendo's DS handheld in the form of a sequel to the GBA's Aria of Sorrow.[br]Titled only Castlevania at the moment, the new DS game is set one year after the events of Aria of Sorrow. You'll play Soma Cruz once more as he infiltrates the Cult headquarters of Celia Fortner to face her demonic legions.[br][br]Castlevania DS will be a side-scrolling 2D platformer in the vein of the GBA and earlier console versions, with all the action taking place on the bottom screen while a map and your status details are displayed on the top screen. [br][br]The touchscreen will not be used routinely during gameplay as Konami want to stick with the immediacy of the D-Pad and buttons, so unfortunately we'll have to forget those ideas of whipping demon backside with the stylus. However, when you defeat a boss you'll have to seal its soul by drawing a mystical shape on the touchscreen. Muck it up and the boss will pop back to life, and you'll have to knock it out again. We've also heard rumours that you'll be able to mix spells with the touchscreen.[br][br]Konami plans to use the DS's wireless features in interesting ways, too. The Enemy Soul system from Aria of Sorrow makes a return (when you seal away a boss using the touchscreen you'll steal their soul) and you'll be able to trade souls and other items with your mates via wi-fi.[br][br]Even more excitingly, Konami has hinted that players will be able to create their own maps and trade them with others. Could we see thousands of user-created Castlevania levels keeping our monster-mashing going for months after we've completed the single-player game?[br][br]No screens or release dates available yet, but we expect Castlevania DS to emerge from the gloom sometime in Autumn.
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January 4th, 2005, 13:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br]This won't be just another game release: on January 11th 2005, Capcom's latest installment in the series that originated the Survival-Horror genre is going to shake you to your very core. The arrival of Resident Evil 4 will have to be celebrated as an unique event in the history of the franchise. Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi mentioned in a recent interview that he and developer master-mind Shinji Mikami were tired of making the same stuff over and over again after seven or so years of Resident Evil; instead, they chose to come up with something new and original, deciding to go in a new direction with this one.[br][br]Recreating the title, Capcom Production Studio 4 achieved a videogame experience so incredibly intense, it needs to be played behind closed curtains, in total darkness and with your doors locked shut. You might even want to tell your family and friends not to knock, that way keeping you from near heart failure while you're absorbed in the frightening on-screen action. It's a take-no-prisoners approach the developers were opting for: superb full-3D environments, the most gorgeous visuals Resident Evil has ever sported and a mysterious storyline that keeps you on the edge until the very end.[br][br]Umbrella is no more. The evil corporation that let loose a virus which turned every living thing in its reach into a mindless, brain-munching zombie or similar appalling creature, has been destroyed by the government inside out. The events in Resident Evil 4 take place some six years after RPD Officer Leon Kennedy first struggled with not quite dead beings in the second episode of the series. Now an US agent, Leon gets dispatched to Europe to find the kidnapped daughter of the president and in turn has to face something even worse than bio-chemical mutation.[br]
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January 4th, 2005, 14:02 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released an updated version of the Snes emulator for the GameBoy Advance (also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player) called Snes Advance, this release fixes some PAL games.[br][br]Download Here
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January 5th, 2005, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth2k has followed up on Flubbas updating of Snes Advance with a newer release of his Secret of Mana fixed version of the Snes emulator for the GBA (Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player too)[br][br]Download Here
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January 5th, 2005, 14:20 Posted By: swordstalker
i hav started this to find out how far everyone is on donkey konga, i got it on christmas day but had to miss 10 whole days of playing in the days i hav played i hav got the eletric drum set, 3 mini games gold on all monkey and gold on all chimp apart from paras los rumberos no gorrillas and no memory, i hav beat my stepbro loads
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January 6th, 2005, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
With the DS safely in stores and flying off shelves in both Japan and the US, and Europe eagerly awaiting a date and pricepoint, Nintendo wasn't expected to make any big announcements at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.[br]There were no surprises. Rather than unveil new hardware or big up future platforms, Nintendo chose to concentrate on its successes in 2004 and the games that would appear on DS, GameCube and GBA in 2005.[br][br]Having already shifted in excess of 1.3 million units in the US alone since it launched on November 21 last year, the DS has been a huge success and Nintendo was keen to emphasise its future. "Publishers and game players have only just begun to tap the potential of Nintendo DS," said George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications, "and 2005 will continue the excitement we've experienced in 2004."[br][br]Nintendo discussed how 120 games were planned for release on DS during 2005 and singled out examples such as Wario Ware Touched! and EA's Need for Speed Underground 2 as triple A titles.[br][br]And while the DS is undoubtedly Nintendo's golden child at the moment, the Japanese giant was keen not to forget about GameCube and GBA. "Solid sales during the holidays" were cited for GameCube and Star Fox Assault, the new Legend of Zelda game and Capcom's Resident Evil 4.[br][br]Don't expect GBA to disappear now that DS is on shelves, either: 8 million of the handhelds were shifted in the US in 2004, making it the best selling games platform of the year. Titles to look forward to in 2005, according to Nintendo, include WarioWare Twisted!, Mario Party Advance and Pokemon Emerald.[br][br]In fact, some of the most interesting news from Nintendo came not from the showfloor but from the enthusiastic gob of Reggie Fils-Aime, the company's vice president of sales an marketing. In an interview with US games mag EGM, Fils-Aime talked about Revolution, Nintendo's next-gen machine, suggesting that it will be unveiled at E3 and will offer even more gaming innovation than the DS. [br][br]He also reconfirmed that Mario 128 had not vanished into a black hole but was still in production for the GameCube rather than the Revolution.[br][br]Not a great deal of stunning news from Nintendo at CES then, but it has been spoiling us recently with DS announcements. Here's looking forward to the European pricepoint and release date, which we should know by the end of the month.
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January 6th, 2005, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
After we brought you the skinny on the DS version of Castlevania the other day, Konami has confirmed that it's bringing the classic vamp-lamper to Europe this autumn.[br]Set in the year 2036 and following on from the GBA's Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania DS (there's no over-inflated subtitle yet, but expect one soon) sees you playing as Soma Cruz as he tries to infiltrate the castle headquarters of an evil cult trying to resurrect legendary bloodsucker Dracula.[br][br]Castlevania DS, which is being developed by the same team that worked on Aria of Sorrow, remains a side-scrolling platformer with the top screen displaying a map and your status information while the bottom screen displays the action.[br][br]Konami reckons that "by utilising the Nintendo DS' sophisticated capabilities such as the Dual Screen functionality and Touch Screen technology, we are able to bring a fresh new dimension to this title and provide a truly unique gameplay experience for the gamer."[br][br]Other than mentioning the 'Magic Seal' system, where you have to draw a mystical shape on the touchscreen with your stylus to trap defeated bosses, Konami refused to go into further detail about how it'll exploit the DS's control capabilities.[br][br]On the wi-fi side, though, Konami re-emphasised the ability to trade captured evil souls with your mates. As you progress through the game these captured souls and hundreds of other items will enhance your abilities and make kicking demonic knackers even easier.
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January 6th, 2005, 11:03 Posted By: wraggster
While Sony and Microsoft used this year's Consumer Electronics Show to look to the future, Nintendo instead bathed happily in the reflected glory that their future has already arrived - and it is selling rather well, thankyouverymuch.[br][br]With 1.3 million of their clamshell DS consoles already delighting US gamers, the Japanese giant didn't seem that interested in unleashing any sensational secrets on the show floor. Relaxed US big cheese George Harrison commented, "Publishers and game players have only just begun to tap the potential of Nintendo DS. 2005 will continue the excitement we've experienced in 2004," before changing into a silk smoking jacket and retiring to his oak-panelled study. [br][br]While his rivals danced, shouted and juggled just to attract the attention of the world's media, Mr H preferred to point a weary finger at the 120 games that are already planned for DS, including Need for Speed Underground 2, WarioWare: Touched!, Pokemon Dash and Yoshi's Touch and Go.[br][br]But perhaps this seemingly low-key approach has worked: Nintendo also announced that the US snapped up another eight million GBAs during 2005 and that this still massively popular handheld has another 125 titles due for 2005, including WarioWare: Twisted, Mario Party Advance, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and Pokemon Emerald.[br][br]Just before dozing off in his opulent leather armchair, our George had just enough energy to confirm that 60 new Gamecube titles are also on the way this year, including Star Fox: Assault, Geist, Donkey Konga 2, Resident Evil 4 and (can it really be?) Killer 7.
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January 7th, 2005, 05:43 Posted By: stuartfanning
Help please. I have just received a Japanese DS unit with Japanese instruction I cannot read. I want to switch it from manual to automatic set up but cannot figure out how to.
The instruction given on the Nintendo US site don't help as I get different screens coming up when I switch on the Power.
Can anyone with a Japanese DS unit advise to how to switch it to automatic so that a game plays when inserted. Thanks.
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January 7th, 2005, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
Almost 250 titles are planned for the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance systems this year in the USA, according to information from Nintendo of America, which is currently celebrating strong handheld sales in 2004.[br][br]The new Nintendo DS console sold through 1.3 million units in North America by the end of last year, adding to eight million sales of the Game Boy Advance hardware during 2004 to make for an impressive year for the firm's handheld products.[br][br]Nintendo of America claims that over 120 titles are in the pipeline for the Nintendo DS in 2005, along with over 125 GBA titles - which will, of course, be compatible with the new DS hardware thanks to the GBA cartridge slot.[br][br]Key DS titles which Nintendo is promoting for early this year include first-party games WarioWare Touched!, Pokemon Dash and Yoshi Touch & Go, along with EA's Need for Speed Underground 2 and Atari's Retro Atari Classics.[br][br]On the GBA, meanwhile, the firm's first-party lineup is also impressive, with WarioWare Twisted!, Mario Party Advance, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and Pokemon Emerald set to be joined early in the year by Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, which curiously appeared in Europe before Christmas but not in North America.[br][br]While trumpeting the success of its handheld range, however, the company did not release any figures for hardware sales of the GameCube during 2004 - a silence that says quite a lot, although with a strong software line-up for 2005 on the platform, it will undoubtedly be hoping to see some improvement in its retail performance this year.[br][br]The company claims that 60 titles will be released on the Cube in 2005 - a relatively small number, but one which includes high profile titles such as Star Fox Assault, Geist, Donkey Konga Jungle Beat, Resident Evil 4, Killer 7, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - and possibly even the new Legend of Zelda game.
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January 8th, 2005, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
For the second time in as many weeks, Nintendo revealed its trademark characters will appear in a non-Nintendo game. Nintendo and Konami today announced that the two gaming companies are co-developing a new Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo GameCube. Titled Dance Dance Revolution with Mario, it will be released in Japan this summer. No American release plans have been disclosed. [br][br][br]As the title suggests, Dance Dance Revolution with Mario is a new installment in Konami's DDR dancing game series, featuring characters from the Mushroom Kingdom. Details on the game haven't been disclosed yet, but from the released images, DDR with Mario seems to play similarly to DDR, with familiar backdrops featured in the 3D installments of the Super Mario series. [br][br]As in other DDR titles released by Konami, gamers will play the game using a step-sensitive controller mat, timing steps with the beat as dictated on the screen. Aside from the standard dancing game mode, DDR with Mario will also feature various original mini-games as well. [br][br]It seems as though Nintendo is loosening its iron-fist-like grip on its exclusive characters. It's rare to see Nintendo characters in games not published by Nintendo, but this news and Wednesday's announcement of Mario and friends being featured in the GameCube version of Electronic Arts' NBA Street V3 may prove that Nintendo is trying to give its favorite plumber a little more exposure. [br][br]Dance Dance Revolution with Mario will be on display at the Next Generation World Hobby Fair 2005, which will take place in four locations in Japan starting January 16.
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January 8th, 2005, 12:43 Posted By: swordstalker
I think they should make add-on packs for donkey konga which has diffrent songs, it would make it more intresting, does any1 agree
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January 8th, 2005, 13:07 Posted By: wraggster
DwEdit has released a new version of PocketNes v9.97 with support for 256k roms on the GameBoy Advance Movie Player, heres some details:[br][br]New version, supports complete 256k games! [br]Only if the games are 128k PRG + 128k CHR though, 256k PRG games like Final Fantasy won't work. "[br][br]Download this release from Here
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January 8th, 2005, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Latest kernel build updated to 2.6.10 This latest release includes Rob's preliminary read-only support for SD cards. Available at the Latest Kernel Build section of the download page. [br][br]http://www.gc-linux.org/
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January 9th, 2005, 10:12 Posted By: simmo2004
Whilst I know the restrictions placed on Cube's PS2 etc prevent imports being played without mods etc. - does the same apply to gameboy games (SP DS). Iwas considering buying a US unit but wondered if any of my uk SP games willl be playable.
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January 9th, 2005, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
Got a Nintendo DS and any Games then if any of you write a decent review (long but truthful) of the Console and any games you have ill post the review on my Nintendo DS site 
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January 10th, 2005, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
In the shadows of launch titles like Super Mario 64 DS, Feel the Magic XY/XX and Wario Ware Touched! is Daigasso! Band Brothers (the working title is Jam with the Band in America). This little gem is a music game similar to a Bemani title. It features over 50 songs with a blend of J-Pop, TV themes and Nintendo melodies. What is hidden inside the title is a full out MIDI composer. You can use the stylus and the touch screen to write your own songs." An aspect I found interesting with this title is that it can use the microphone to sample sounds, which can then be mixed with the composer
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January 10th, 2005, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Ive started this topic to point out a few things, never trust anyone who says email me ive got a Nintendo DS for Sale, either buy from a Reputable site or off Ebay, dont let con artists rip you off.[br][br]Heres a list of Legit Sites with a small description of each.[br][br] GBAx.com [br][br] GBAx.com are a great UK import site with a fantastic reputation and the price is decent too.[br][br] Lik Sang [br][br] Lik Sang are one of the worlds biggest and best importers.[br][br] Success HK [br][br] Success HK are another great Hong Kong company with a great reputation.[br][br]Theres also Divineo UK, Divineo China and finally Play Asia.[br][br]All of those shops have a good reputation although you can decide for yourself who offers the best deals.[br][br]ill add more sites as i get more info. [br][br]Again do not get conned by email sellers and pyramid schemes.
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January 11th, 2005, 09:51 Posted By: dunnster
first post please bare with me I know it's probably been asked however,
I've bought a 110v DS from the states, if i walk into game/chips/toys r us and by a power adapter over the counter will it work ok even if it only says 220 or 230v on the plug?
Is it safe to use, has any one done this and found it to be ok.
best wishes
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January 11th, 2005, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS handheld will launch in Australia on February 24th at a price point of AU$199.99 (116 Euro), with Nintendo's official announcement this morning fuelling fresh speculation over the European launch.[br][br]As with the US launch of the device, a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters will be bundled with the system, and Nintendo is promising the largest initial hardware shipment in its history in the country.[br][br]The unexpected Australian announcement has led to new speculation over the European details for the system, which are expected to be revealed at a conference event in Paris towards the end of this month.[br][br]Although Australia, as a PAL territory, is generally lumped in with Europe by games companies, a Nintendo spokesperson this afternoon warned that anyone basing expectations on the Australian details could be "disappointed", and pointing out that the Australian Dollar is currently very weak.[br][br]The announced price for Australia translates into just over UKP 80, and retail sources today indicated that the DS could sell for as little as UKP 89.99 in this territory - although Nintendo's official SRP is expected to be higher, around the UKP 99.99 mark.[br][br]The late February launch date is also earlier than expected, and while Nintendo has confirmed that the European date will be different, it does suggest that the console will arrive a few weeks earlier than previously anticipated in Europe, giving it a head start on the planned launch of the PlayStation Portable in late March.[br][br]The Nintendo DS has already shipped 2.8 million units in the USA and Japan, and Nintendo hopes to bring the worldwide total to five million by the end of its financial year on March 31st.
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January 11th, 2005, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Dolwin which is a great Gamecube Emulator for windows has been updated with a new release, heres what Or9 posted:[br][br] - overall source code is rewritten and cleaned-up [br]- stable plugin specifications [br]- precede video timing [br]- improved debugger (more commands) [br]- memory cards are finally emulated [br]- compressed GCM files feature [br]- some HLE optimizations [br]- integrated MAP maker for HLE [br]- MEGA *ton* of bug fixes (see changes.txt) [br][br]Core : 0.10 has totally reanimated core. We rewrote whole interpreter and memory core. It is not perfect, but its fine to run some advanced software. [br][br]Download from Here
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January 11th, 2005, 12:05 Posted By: Zaneblade
Where are the zombies?" Gamers and journalists alike have asked the question more times than we could count. And always developer Capcom has replied with the same answer: that there are none. This is Resident Evil 4, the latest from the Japanese studio that revolutionized the survival horror genre. And in this fundamentally changed new sequel, the walking dead have gone back to their graves. Instead of recycling a formula that Capcom itself conceded was growing tired, the development team behind the ambitious project opted to create a striking new Resident Evil experience minus some of the ingredients that spiced up previous franchise games.
read the full review here (well worth a good read)
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January 11th, 2005, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has again released another version of Snes Advance the Snes emulator for the Gameboy Advance( Also Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player), heres whats new in this release:[br][br]2005-01-11 (FluBBa)[br] Fixed with joypad reading (Super Mario Allstars).[br][br]Download Here
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January 12th, 2005, 10:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo announced today that Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku will be released for the DS on February 24. The game will be priced at 4,800 yen ($46). In English, the title roughly translates to Another Code: The Two Memories. No American release date has been announced. [br][br][br]In the adventure game, originally announced under the title Another, players assume the role of Ashley, the daughter of government researchers working on a secret device simply called "Another." When she was a child, Ashley's mother was killed and her father vanished--but when she turns 13, she receives a letter from her estranged father and follows its clues to an island in the hope of finding him. [br][br]This is where Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku picks up. Players lead Ashley through the game, following her as she attempts to locate her father. Another Code uses a top-view 3D format, and gameplay is controlled on the lower screen by tapping the stylus in the direction you want to move. The upper screen shows scenes and conversations.
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January 12th, 2005, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
Our antipodean cousins are known for many things: mediocre lager, panto-padding actresses and the no-longer-incarcerated Germaine Greer. One thing, though, that no one associates with them is modesty and now they've managed to get another one over us - they have a DS release date and a discount price. Bah.[br][br]And while that 24 February date is sure to set a few proud hearts fluttering, it is really the confirmed price of the console that has set them bragging - it's a mere $199.95 (Aussie dollars). If you aren't familiar with the daily balance of global currencies, the current exchange rate translates the price of the handheld to around £81 or 116 euros. Which is excellent news for the southern hemisphere's gamers, especially since the lucky tykes also get the DS demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters included.[br][br]Now while this is not a definite indication of how the DS will be priced in Britain, it does seem to hint that the well-established estimate of £129.99 may be wide of the mark. The main motivation behind this comes from the fact that Australia also uses the PAL TV system and so tends to be lumped in with the rest of Europe when it comes to new releases. [br][br]If all this speculation just leaves you looking for a definitive answer then gamesradar.com is the place to stay because Nintendo are expected to finally reveal the UK price of DS on 27 January, in Paris. More importantly, we'll be there in person to bring you the first confirmed details of the price, release date and launch line-up.[br][br]Nintendo DS is out now in Japan and the US and will reach Britain sometime in March
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January 12th, 2005, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sephiroth2k has followed FluBBas Snes Advance release with a new version of his Secret of Mana Snes Advance Build, theres also been a new Superdat released too.[br][br]Download the new Superdat Here [br][br]Download the Secret of Mana Snes Advance Build Here [br][br]Snes Advance is a Super Nintendo emulator for the GBA but also works on the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player.
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January 12th, 2005, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
Gary Linscott has released a new version of his SNES sound chip emulator using dynamic recompilation for the GBA, also the Gamecube via the Gameboy Player and the Nintendo DS.[br][br]Heres whats new:[br][br] New in 0.3, complete rewrite of DSP, all CPU opcodes addded, lots o' bugfixes. This release should have better sounding songs for all songs that play back, but the compatibility might not have gone up too much. There is a timing issue that I have to address, but I figured if I'm going to rewrite things yet again, I my as well release the current build. Have fun :-) [br] [br][br]Download Here
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January 13th, 2005, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is to pump an extra 5 billion yen into advertising and research and development over the next financial year.[br]Usually trawling through Japanese business newspapers is about as enjoyable as stuffing broken glass down your pants and then taking a vinegar bath. The Nikkei Financial Daily, however, has come up with this little gem.[br][br]According to a report in the business publication, Nintendo's R&D budget will now come in at 22 billion yen. That's a 39 percent increase on last year and should ensure that the boffins will have plenty of cash to come up with crazy new game and hardware ideas.[br][br]The boost is directly related to the recent release of the DS in the US and Japan. Nintendo has sold over 2.8 million units so far and is eager to ensure the handheld is stocked with new software that exploits its innovative gaming features. [br][br]It's also likely that Nintendo's next-gen home console, currently labelled Revolution and expected to be ready for release into 2006, will swallow up some of the cash. Indeed, Nintendo's energetic vice president of sales and marketing last week talked about how Revolution will offer even more gaming innovation than the DS. We can't even begin to imagine what Nintendo's got up its sleeves, but we should find out at May's E3.[br][br]The increase in advertising budget is expected to cover the costs of Nintendo's high profile DS advertising.[br][br]It's encouraging to see that Nintendo, which already has a proven track record of changing the ways we look at and play games, is committed to researching new ideas and ensuring that loads of new games are available. We'll have to wait and see whether this approach is successful in the long-term, or whether Sony's and Microsoft's more traditionally 'straight' approach to gaming will win out.
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January 14th, 2005, 05:48 Posted By: Ben
My DS arrived yesterday and i'm not disapointed.I got mario 64 ds and wario ware ds with it and both are briliant.I ordered my ds from gbax.com and would highly recomend them to anyone thinking of importing a ds.
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January 15th, 2005, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers in Japan are reporting new tidbits on upcoming Nintendo games, according to sources who attended a meeting this week in which Nintendo officials delivered details and release dates for new titles to store owners. [br][br][br]Nintendo said it shipped 1.45 million DS units in the month after the handheld's release--90 percent of the total number of units it's manufactured. Officials added that the handheld sold much faster when compared with the launch of its Game Boy Advance. Nintendo said that a survey of 1,292 DS owners revealed that 52 percent of users were "extremely satisfied" with the handheld, while 39 percent were "somewhat satisfied," showing that more than 90 percent of owners were happy with their DS. [br][br]Nintendo's GBA has also been selling briskly--it shipped 500,000 units during the holidays. The GameCube sold fewer units than it did in the same period last year, but GC games like Mario Tennis, Mario Party 6, and Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 have been doing well. [br][br]During the meeting, Nintendo disclosed Japanese release dates for a number of upcoming DS titles: Tiger Woods PGA Tour is due on February 17, Meteos is due on February 24, Pac-Pix is due on March 10, Bokujou Monogatari: Colobockle Station is due on March 17, Touch! Kirby: Mahou no Efude (Touch! Kirby and the Magic Wand) is due on March 24, and Yakuman DS is due on March 31. [br][br]The Bokujou Monogatari series is known in North America as Harvest Moon. The DS installment, titled Bokujou Monogatari: Colobockle Station, takes place once again in the Forget Valley of Mineral Town, which should be familiar to fans who played the GameCube's Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Colobockle Station will feature the cast of characters from both the GC title and the GBA's Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. [br][br]In Colobockle Station, you can insert the Friends of Mineral Town GBA cartridge into your DS slot and have information from your GBA game delivered to your house within the game as a newspaper article. Colobockle Station displays its main field view on the upper screen, while the lower screen is used for interacting with characters and selecting menu options. As the game's title may imply, Colobockle Station also features a colobockle that acts as a DJ while you're playing the game on the upper screen. In addition to playing requested music, the colobockle will broadcast real-time information on Forget Valley. [br][br]In Namco's anticipated "scribble action" game Pac-Pix, you draw pictures of Pac-Man and make him eat the ghosts floating around the screen. Since the last time we reported on the game, we have learned that you can also draw pictures of a bomb to destroy blocks that are protecting the ghosts, and of arrows to shoot ghosts floating in unreachable areas--namely, the DS's upper screen. [br][br]Yakuman DS is the family-oriented mahjong game from Nintendo that features characters from the Super Mario Bros. series, although the game allows you to turn off the characters if you want less clutter on the screen. Yakuman DS allows up to four players to play on a single cartridge. [br][br]Demos of Meteos and Pac-Pix will be distributed to retailers before their release. While details haven't been disclosed on how exactly the demos will be given out, they will most likely be available as game data that can be downloaded onto the handheld via its Wi-Fi connection. [br][br]Touch! Kirby: Mahou no Efude and Pac-Pix will reportedly come with a free stylus that can be used for the DS's touch-sensitive panel. The Kirby stylus is said to be a standard-size DS stylus that's as pink as Kirby, while the Pac-Pix one will be a yellow stylus with a Pac-Man-shaped character at the end. While the shape and size is subject to change, the Pac-Pix stylus is reportedly much longer than the default stylus--around 5 inches, which may be useful for DS owners who have issues with the standard one. [br][br]Nintendo also revealed information on a number of GameCube titles. Though it hasn't been confirmed, one retailer reported that Star Fox Assault will include three classic Famicom (Japanese NES) titles as bonuses that are unlocked as you play through the game. The three Famicom titles will be classics from Namco: Star Fox Assault: Xevious, Battle City, and a shooter named Star Luster that was never released in the US. Star Fox Assault is slated for release on April 14 in America and on April 24 in Japan. [br][br]Donkey Konga 3 for the GameCube will feature 50 songs, a new record for the series. Aside from the usual J-pop and anime themes, Donkey Konga 3 will include a number of game tunes from The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Star Fox Assault, Pac-Man, Mappy, and more. The game also boasts a new shuffle mode. Donkey Konga 3 is expected to hit stores March 17. [br][br]Finally, Bokujou-Monogatari: Shiawase no Shi, the next installation of Harvest Moon for the GameCube, will feature an all-star cast of characters from the series. For the first time in the series, the game will feature a rival character who builds a ranch simultaneously with the player and manages a competing farm. The game is due out March 3.
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January 15th, 2005, 14:09 Posted By: wraggster
In a full-page interview in Thursday's Kyoto Journal, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata commented on the current state of the company's next-generation game console--being developed under the working title "Revolution." [br][br][br]Iwata said the Revolution will cause a "paradigm shift" in video gaming, and reconfirmed that details on the machine will be unveiled at the upcoming E3 in May. He added that the machine will most likely come out somewhere between 2005 and 2006, when Sony and Microsoft are expected to release their next-generation consoles. Currently very little is known about the Revolution except that it may not use a conventional controller and may be able to connect to a PC monitor as well as the traditional TV screen. [br][br]"The keyword for the DS was 'innovative product,' but it will be 'paradigm shift in [game] play' with the Revolution," Iwata said in his interview with Kyoto's popular local newspaper. [br][br]"The concept behind our new console, tentatively named 'Revolution,' is the same as the DS. We want it to broaden the [video gaming] audience range, and we don't want it to be something that people will see as too irrelevant to them, too difficult to use, or as something that wastes space. We'll announce specific details at the E3 ... It will most likely come out between this year [and] next year, which is considered to be the transition period for home consoles," Iwata said. [br][br]Iwata said the DS and PSP aren't directly competing, because Nintendo is aiming for nongamers and retired gamers with its handheld, while Sony is targeting the traditional gaming audience. He added that his company will also attempt to avoid competing in the next-gen console market. [br][br]"Similar to the relationship that the DS has with the PSP, we won't fight over the same share of the pie with another company. We have no intention of fighting over shares of the market in a way that will shrink it. For us, success will depend on whether we can call back people that have stopped playing games, and whether we can also bring in a new base of customers. That way, our share [of the market] will increase since the market will grow bigger," Iwata said. [br][br]Iwata also took time to comment on the success of the DS. "We shipped 2.8 million units in Japan and America by the end of last year, and most had reached the hands of our customers by early after New Year's. Its sales are very good when compared to the launch of other game machines we've sold in the past. We feel that the DS has gained a wide range of audience. Aside from video game fans, people that haven't played games in a long time, or never played games before, have been picking up the DS," Iwata said. "According to research, the sales of game hardware for one month, starting in late November, increased by 75 percent compared to the past year, and game software sales also rose by about 10 percent. I believe that the DS is hindering people from losing interest in video games." [br][br]When asked by the Kyoto Journal what he thought of the PSP, Iwata stated relatively bluntly that Sony is going in a direction that Nintendo doesn't believe in, though he softened that by saying he welcomes Sony's entrance into the market--since it should expand the total gaming audience. [br][br]"In the past, the video game industry grew on high-quality graphics and data volume," Iwata said. "We decided to move into a different direction, since we believe that those days have ended. But by watching the PSP, we see that there are also people that have different thoughts from us. But it's up to the consumers to make the judgment, and it'll also be good if we can expand the market size by bringing out our best points." [br][br]Iwata also commented briefly on Nintendo's entrance into the movie market, hinting that although the company is strongly considering the move, it isn't completely sure if it will be going into the business just yet. [br][br]"We're strongly considering the matter. I've been in contact with the script writers, directors, and the production companies. We're looking into the potentials between movies and video games. But if we decide to really go into the movie business, it will be around summer of 2006 at the earliest."
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January 16th, 2005, 03:38 Posted By: wraggster
An updated release of the Snes sound chip emulator for the GBA has come out, heres whats new:[br][br]Fixed a bug involving decoding BRR data crashing the emulator[br]Fixed a long standing BRR decoding bug that caused some samples to be borked[br]Fixed a TCALL bug that was crashing some SPC's[br]Included new rom builder[br]Bumped the mixing rate down to 16Khz, songs play much closer to full speed.[br]Included new BRR resampling method, use if your song displays BRR error[br][br]Download Here
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January 17th, 2005, 15:56 Posted By: Zaneblade
I have been looking to try and create a backup for a game (mario tennis) to see if it works! my p.c has a DVD R but when i put a gamecube disk into my p.c but it cant read it the GC disk!
is there a certain type of software that i have to use? if so can any1 recomend 1?? i dont want to waste any disks because they cost alot so i want to get it right!
i have not got a disk yet but i have seen them for £12 for 1 so *im dont think it will be worth it in the end but i wana see if it will work!
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January 17th, 2005, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Gebea a great GBA emulatot for windows has been updated with a new release, heres whats new:[br][br] CPU: Fixed some dataproc instructions writing to r15[br]CPU: Fixed LSR#32 and ASR#32[br]CPU: Fixed r15 for dataproc instructions with register-specified shift[br]CPU: Fixed flags for long multiplies[br]CPU: Fixed the carry flag for logical operations with zero-amount immediate shifts[br]CPU: SWI now also works in ARM mode[br]GPU: Added support for text BGs larger than 256x256[br]GPU: Added correct mapping of OBJ data for both 1D and 2D mode[br]GPU: Added OBJ rotation and scaling[br]GPU: Fixed scrolling for 16x16 color BGs[br]GPU: OBJs are now rendered in reverse order (OAM entry 0 is drawn last) [br][br]Download Here
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January 18th, 2005, 02:33 Posted By: tringo
Hi - i have had a nintendo ds pretty much since the day of the US release. I've got 4/5 games and for the most part i am very happy with the DS - some good looking games coming out soon which is the only complaint i have so far - lack of quality.
Anway - i think one of the exciting things about the DS is the opportunity to link up wirelessy and play other people. However - i dont know anyone else with a DS and am very interested in playing people over the internet just like XBOX live. i have a wireless network at home and was wondering if anyone had come across any information regarding when it will be possible to connect to the internet via my wireless network for online gaming. I have done quite a few searches but with no luck.
Any information would be great - thanks ;-)
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January 18th, 2005, 03:01 Posted By: tringo
Just a quick question regarding the firmware that is on the DS. Does anyone know how this will be updated if and when necessary? I pressume it will be via a wireless internet connection but i cant seem to find any information on it.
Anyone have any information on this?
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January 18th, 2005, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
Dwedit has released a new version of PocketNes which works only on the GBA Movie Player (which also works on Nintendo DS too)[br][br]Heres whats new in this release (v5)[br][br] Pocketnes v9.97 compy, Release 5 [br]Supports 256k compressed roms in multiboot mode! [br]Also fixes bugs. No more junk on the screen at bootup, probably fixes the SMB1 problems as well. [br][br]Now you can play 256k PRG games! [br]256k PRG games will have load times during gameplay, since the GBA doesn't have enough ram to hold the complete uncompressed rom. You might feel the game hiccup when changing areas or making a text box appear/disappear. [br][br]You MUST first compress large games with the included nespack tool before you try to play them. [br][br]If you don't like the load times, let me know. There's another solution that will involve eating up 16k of SRAM from a gba cartridge, but will eliminate the load times. [br] [br][br]Download Here
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January 18th, 2005, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has taken a unique approach to publicizing its DS handheld in Japan, including giving away free copies of Touch! Catch! Yoshi! during the morning news on a major TV station. Now, the company is going to invade late-night radio. [br][br][br]Nintendo announced yesterday that it will collaborate with Nippon Broadcasting (one of the most listened-to stations in the country) to run music played in the game Daigasshou! Band Brothers (known as Jam with the Band in America) on its station every Wednesday night for several weeks. [br][br]The company will hold a contest, starting in mid March, in which players can submit songs featuring instruments from the game. The contest is open to professional musicians and amateurs. [br][br]Songs will be judged on originality, humor, and anything else the judges deem interesting, according to the station. All submissions will be played on the radio, and selected artists will get to perform their music in a live broadcast using the DS and the game, along with their instruments. The winner will receive a free Nintendo DS and $100,000 yen ($975) as winnings. [br][br]This Band Brothers promotion may just be the beginning: According to retailer sources, Nintendo plans to continue bolstering the console's sales throughout Japan using the slogan, "Thanks for 1.5 million [DS] sales."[br]
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January 19th, 2005, 13:46 Posted By: wraggster
Theres been a patch released for the Gamecube emulator Dolwin, heres the games improved in this patch:[br][br] The following games go further with the patches included in this pack.[br][br] 1080 Avalanche (USA) - GTEEE6[br] Alien Hominid (USA) - GAHEA2[br] BeyBlade: V-Force (USA) - GBTE95[br] Custom Robo (USA) - GXCEA5[br] Disney no Magical Park (JPN) - GMTJ25[br] Harvest Moon (USA) - GYWE8D[br] Intellivision Lives! (USA) - GIVEA6[br] Mario Kart Double Dash (EUR) - GM4P76[br] Mario Kart Double Dash (USA) - GM4E62[br] Need For Speed Underground (USA) - GNDE61[br] Nintendo Puzzle Collection (JPN) - GPZJ56[br] Pac-Man Vs. (USA) - PRJEFA[br] Paper Mario 2 (JPN) - G8MJ68[br] Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire (USA) - GPXE57[br] Pokemon Colloseum (USA) - GC6EE9[br] Resident Evil 1: Rebirth (USA) - GBIE20[br] Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (USA) - GLEEE4[br] Serious Sam: Next Encounter (USA) - G3BE34[br] Smashing Drive (USA) - GSDE92[br] Soul Calibur 2 (EUR) - GRSP17[br] Super Mario Sunshine (EUR) - GMSP64[br] Wario Ware Inc. Mega Party Games (USA) - GZWE85[br] Wario World (USA) - GWWEB7[br] WWE: Wrestlemania X8 (EUR) - GW3PAB[br] Zelda: Collector's Edition (USA) - PZLED4[br] Zelda: The Wind Waker (USA) - GZLEC8 [br][br]Download the patch for Dolwin Here
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January 19th, 2005, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his excellent PC Engine emulator for the GBA/Nintendo DS (gba slot) and also the Gamecube Gameboy player. Heres whats new in this release:[br][br] V7.1 - 2005-01-19 (FluBBa)[br] Added Super CD-Rom emulation on EZ3 cards.[br] Optimized VDC write.[br] Optimized VRAM read/write. [br][br]Download Here
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January 19th, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has begun accepting preorders for the Play-Yan, a peripheral that makes it possible to play MP3 and MPEG-4 files on the DS and the Game Boy Advance SP. The Play-Yan will go on sale February 21, and is offered both by itself for 5,000 yen ($49) or bundled with MediaStage 4.2 software for 6,000 yen ($59). The peripheral will be available only through Nintendo's Japanese-language Web site. [br][br][br]MediaStage is a Panasonic-made Windows application that lets users encode movies for the Play-Yan, manage files, and play them on a PC. However, it requires Windows XP Professional SP1 or Home Edition SP1 or higher. MediaStage does not encode MP3 files. [br][br]Unlike the PSP, the Play-Yan doesn't come with a direct connection to a PC. Playing media files on the DS or GBA SP will be a two-step process: first downloading the data to an SD card (which must be purchased separately) from a PC, and second inserting the SD card into the Play-Yan and snapping the Play-Yan into the handheld's cartridge slot. [br][br]The Play-Yan allows users to select a movie from a list of thumbnails. When playing music, it offers a shuffle mode and a repeat mode to loop a single track or all the tracks, plus configurable bass and surround sound. Also, songs can be organized into folders. One thing that the Play-Yan doesn't support is still images, so putting JPEG files onto the SD card won't do any good. [br][br]On the GBA SP, the Play-Yan can play up to four hours of movies or 16 hours of music (when running on earphones). On the DS, it can play five hours of movies or 20 hours of music with earphones. The GBA SP will play music files in mono on its internal speakers, while the DS's internal speakers will play files in stereo. Using the earphones--which Nintendo suggests, since the Play-Yan is designed for that--will allow stereo playback on both the GBA SP and DS. Movie files will play only in mono sound for both handhelds. Also, the Play-Yan won't work with the classic GBA. [br][br]Nintendo first announced its Play-Yan plans a month ago, just one week after Sony launched its PSP in Japan. [br][br]The full specifications for Nintendo's Play-Yan are as follows: [br][br]Name: Play-Yan (Model AGS-006)[br]Size: 58.5mm x 43.4mm x 11mm [br]Weight: 16 grams[br]Media: SD Memory Card (64MB to 1GB) [br]Headphone output: Stereo Minijack[br]Battery Life, GBA SP: Movie - 4 hours; Audio - 16 hours*[br]Battery Life, DS: Movie - 5 hours; Audio - 20 hours *[br]* Battery life calculated with use of earphones; may differ depending on environment and SD card. [br][br]Compatible Files: [br]Video [br]File Format: ASF (SD-VIDEO Standard) [br]Video Format: MPEG-4 Video[br]Screen Resolution: 128x96 (Sub-QCIF), 176x144 (QCIF), 240x176, 320x240 (QVGA), 352x288 (CIF) [br]Bit Rate: 64kbps to 1Mbps[br]Frame Rate: 6fps to 30fps[br]Sound Format: Bit rate - 32kbps; Sampling rate - 8kHz[br][br][br]Audio [br]File Format: MP3 (MPEG1 Layer-3) [br]Bit Rate: 32kbps, 40kbps, 48kbps, 56kbps, 64kbps, 80kbps, 96kbps, 112kbps, 128kbps, 160kbps, 192kbps, 224kbps, 256kbps, 320kbps, CBR, VBR, ABR[br]Sampling Frequency: 32KHz, 44.1KHz, 48KHz[br]ID3 Tag: v1, v1.1, v2, v1/v2 mixed, v1.1/v2 mixed [br][br]Examples of Recordable Length on a 512MB SD Card: [br]Movie Recorded on a DIGA DVD recorder: [br]Superfine Mode (320x240, 15fps), 1050kbps: Approximately 1 hour[br]Fine Mode (320x240, 12fps), 430kbps: Approximately 2.5 hours[br]Normal Mode (176x144, 12fps), 300kbps: Approximately 3.5 hours[br]Economy Mode (176x144, 6fps), 100kbps: Approximately 11 hours [br][br]Movie Recorded on a PC Using MediaStage: [br]512kbps 240x176 (30fps): Approximately 2 hours[br]384kbps 240x176 (30fps): Approximately 3 hours[br]256kbps 240x176 (15fps): Approximately 4 hours [br][br]Audio: [br]128kbps: Approximately 9 hours (accomodates about 170 three-minute songs)
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January 19th, 2005, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the GBA (which also works on the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player), heres whats new:[br][br] 2005-01-20 (FluBBa)[br] Fixed more with status for joypad polling (R-Type 3).[br] Fixed HCountLatch (lots of games). [br][br]Download Here
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January 20th, 2005, 05:50 Posted By: Goku
Everybody is talking about Snes9xGC running on an actual Gamecube, but how the **** do they make it run on it? Mini-CD's/DVD's, modchips, adapters, what do they use to run in on the GC?
I really want to play SNES on my GC, but I'm trying to get some more information, and it's a little bit hard...
I'd like to learn a little bit more about:
- Snes9xGC;
- Max Drive Pro;
- Emulation on GC
Please help me!
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January 20th, 2005, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of the 'hog are in for a treat this year: Team Sonic are planning new Sonic The Hedgehog games for both GameCube and DS.[br]Speaking to Nintendo Official Magazine UK, Team Sonic boss Yuji Naka said, "We are in development with a new GameCube Sonic game, which we hope to release before the end of 2005."[br][br]Specific details about whether the game would be a freshly spikey experience or more akin to Cube's Sonic Adventure weren't discussed. When we contacted Sega directly to dig the dirt we were told that they weren't "speaking about that at the moment". Boo![br][br]Slightly more details available about the DS Sonic game, although that's mostly because Team Sonic showed off a DS tech demo at last year's E3 where you rubbed the touchscreen like a nutter to make Sonic run. This feature will remain, but Naka-san is keen to ensure that the capabilities of the handheld are fully exploited. "We are taking our time to make sure the game makes use of the DS's many new features," he told NOM.[br][br]Personally, we'd quite like to see a minigame where you have to flick fleas from Sonic's mangy blue hide and batter the crap out of Tails, who for some reason rubs us up the wrong way.[br][br]More Sonic info soon.
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January 21st, 2005, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
Another flashfire of Euro DS speculation has been sparked on the internet today after German gaming site Gamefront quoted retailer sources as pinning down the handheld for an early March release at a price of 149 Euro - just over £100.[br]This was rapidly followed up by speculation from other websites that the release date would in fact be Friday March 11, a date that has been whispered around the industry for a couple of weeks.[br][br]Unsurprisingly, Nintendo remain unphased. A spokesperson told us, "We have not announced any details regarding price or launch date of the Nintendo DS in Europe. Everything published to date is entirely speculative and we will be announcing our plans for DS in Europe in the near future"[br][br]The plans will in fact be officially announced next Thursday, January 27, at a press conference in Paris.[br][br]Both the rumoured price-point and release date are fairly well-educated guesses, although we've been told by sources close to Nintendo that even retailers - who usually get the drop on pricing and release dates first - are still in the dark about DS.[br]Looks like we'll just have to wait for the official date to be totally sure.[br][br]We'll have it first here.
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January 22nd, 2005, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Remember when we told you Nintendo would be adding video playback abilities via a $49 adapter for the DS? The company is now taking pre-orders for the device, called Play-Yan, and it is, in fact, selling for $49. It is also listed as being compatible with the SP. In addition to playing both ASF and MPEG-4, it will also play back MP3 files. It will use SD cards for storage (up to 1GB), and battery times are currently posted at 4 hours for video playback and 16 for MP3. Other devices do already exist for video playback, but a Nintendo-made one can’t be a bad thing. Can it?[br][br]
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January 22nd, 2005, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Dwedit has released a new version of the Nes emulator for the GBA from the PocketNes v9.97 source code with Built in Cheat finder, this new version has a much faster Cheat Finder.[br][br]Download Here
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January 22nd, 2005, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Dwedit has released a new version of his special release of the PocketNes emulator which is a Nes emulator for the Gameboy Advance, this special version supports the GBA Movie Player Only, heres whats new in this release:[br][br] New version! [br]I rewrote the decompression code into optimized ARM assembly, so now it runs more than 4 times faster! No more long load times, and megaman 2 plays more smoothly. [br] [br][br]Download Here
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January 22nd, 2005, 20:31 Posted By: Goku
Hey, can we flash emulators and roms to that Movie Player with Compact Flash cards?
I was wondering if it's possible... CF cards have up to 1 GB today and are cheaper.
That woud be great!
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January 23rd, 2005, 05:41 Posted By: nobodyshere
Does the gamecube have any regional lockout?
I have a PAL gamecube console and I want to play games from America.
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January 24th, 2005, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
In more next-gen console news, ComputerandVideoGames.com has rumourmongering info on the new Nintendo console. Interesting bits like gyroscope sensing controllers and an online service make for intriguing ideas, but no details yet on what's going to make this console a revolution. From the article: "And what's revolutionary about Revolution? The inside source claims that talking about that "would get him into too much trouble" ... He is quoted as saying: "if you think too hard you'll never guess what it is. It's nothing 'new', technically speaking. It's just something that hasn't really been applied to videogames yet."
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January 24th, 2005, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
Speculation has been mounting over the weekend about the European price and release date of Nintendo's DS. The latest to add their voices to the cacophony of online chatter have been German retailers, who are claiming that the handheld will cost 149 euros (just over £100) on the continent. [br][br]This was rapidly followed by more mumbling and rumblings that the release day would be Friday 11 March, a date that has been doing the rounds as an industry estimate for weeks.[br][br]And while the story has the sound of an educated guess, Nintendo are still holding fire on verifying either the price or launch date. But we won't have to wait long for confirmation: DS's price, date and launch line-up will all be unveiled at a Nintendo press conference in Paris this Thursday. We'll be there and will bring you the latest DS news direct from Nintendo the moment it's announced.
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January 24th, 2005, 17:26 Posted By: jsk11
I've got the gba movie player and downloaded pocketnes v.997 r6.
When I use the included compresion software and try to play it it goes into a startup loop.
One game I tried was smb3.nes which started as 385 kb
and compressed to smb3_k.nes at 166 kb.
also I'm tryng to use the sram save feature with a gba cart. I've tried it with metoid nes and can't get it working ???
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January 25th, 2005, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours have been doing the rounds since the Nintendo DS became available last year that the handheld would be able to play games online via its wi-fi connection. While tech-heads have been working their digital socks off to crack the problem, Nintendo has remained silent on the possibility of online DS gaming.[br]Not any more. "The DS does have online capabilities that Nintendo is exploring," a spokesperson for Nintendo confirmed to us today, "but plans for these capabilities have not been announced yet."[br][br]With our juices flowing from this tasty - and official - morsel, we pressed our sources close to the Japanese games giant for more information. We were informed that an online service for DS is definitely on the way, and that you'll be able to download/upload information as well as play games online. In addition, we learned that at least two third-party developers already have the DS online, and have even managed to get more than 16 DSs linked wirelessly at one time. [br][br]The likelihood is - and this is only speculation at present - that DS online would work is a similar fashion to the rumoured plans for PSP's wi-fi networking we reported yesterday (catch up here). You'd need to be in range with a wireless access point to the internet (a PC, a public wireless hotspot like a café or airport, or even a Nintendo Revolution...?), which would then upload and download information from your DS and send it across the network. In this way you could play against DS owners around the world. [br][br]While no final plans have been detailed by Nintendo for DS online, it seems we're extremely close to an announcement - possibly at Nintendo's unveiling of the European pricepoint and release date for the handheld on Thursday, January 27 in Paris. We'll be there. [br][br]These revelations follow more speculation about Nintendo's online plans for DS aroused by a reader's letter to IGN's DS subsite. Responding to a query about the DS's wi-fi capabilities Craig Harris, the editor-in-chief of the site, made the following statement:[br][br]"There's been rumblings at Nintendo that indicate that the company will finally unwrap its DS online plans very, very soon. If we've been hearing things correctly, Nintendo will finally and very, very soon, reveal its own "Xbox Live"-like service for developers to adopt. "[br][br]From what we've been told today, Mr. Harris is right on the money. But what about games to exploit this new online capability in DS? Harris offers, "And the first game out of Nintendo to use this service will be one of those massively killer Nintendo brands that people have been wanting to play online for years..."[br][br]Pokemon Emerald would seem the most likely choice out of Nintendo's upcoming releases, but consider speculation season open.[br][br]So that's the exciting DS news, but where does this leave Nintendo's next-gen Revolution? Rumours stemming from an alleged inside source at Nintendo we reported on yesterday mentioned that Nintendo were working on an online gaming strategy that would debut on DS and carry over to Revolution. Now it looks like that claim is far more reliable since it would make perfect sense for Nintendo to debut an online gaming network on DS, and then refine it for the arrival of their next-gen home console.[br][br]Good news, or what? The reality of the situation is that Nintendo needs an online gaming strategy for both DS and Revolution. While the company has argued in the past that online gaming is not an immediate concern, the success of Xbox Live and PS2's online component, coupled with the imminent threat of a PSP that looks to be preparing an online gaming onslaught, networking is going to be an essential element of gaming in the future.[br][br]Unfortunately it seems that we'll just have to wait for Nintendo to make the full announcement about the DS's online capabilities. We're optimistic, though - we know the Japanese giant has some surprises up its sleeve for the European DS announcement on Thursday, and details about the innovative handheld's online future would be the perfect way to hammer home its status ahead of a launch on this continent...
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January 25th, 2005, 14:02 Posted By: swordstalker
considering the fact that super mario 64 is a analog game maybe they should give a free analog stick with the game
it would shift a lot more copies
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January 25th, 2005, 14:05 Posted By: swordstalker
i think minish cap has a dissapointing ending because you can not explore hyrule with the knowledge vaati is gone
who agrees
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January 26th, 2005, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's normally fat profits have taken a serious hit in the three months between October and December, falling 43% and forcing the company to slash its full-year target by one fifth.[br]But it's not all bad news: the Nintendo DS smashed its December 2004 sales target of 2.8 million by shifting a grand total of 2,840,000 million units in the US and Japan. [br][br]Nintendo has reacted enthusiastically to the figures by raising the March 31 sales target from 5 million to 6 million units. The touchscreen handheld will get a beefy sales injection in March when it goes on sale in Europe - we'll know the exact date and pricepoint tomorrow.[br][br]Ironically, Nintendo has identified the DS as one of the reasons for poor software sales in the last quarter. Speaking to Reuters, Nintendo's Senior Managing Director Yoshihiro Mori said, "DS software is not selling because users are playing the pre-installed PictoChat game. Even if they buy a game, multiple players can use it to play against each other, eliminating the need for each to buy their own game." [br][br]"We also included a demo game with the DS machine in the United States," he added, "and pushed back some game releases into the next business year."[br][br]Of course, the DS can also play the GBA cartridges new owners will probably already have, which will also have done its part in keeping game sales quiet.[br][br]More worryingly, weak sales of GameCube were also singled out as a reason for the profit drop. Nintendo shifted 3.46 million Cubes between October and December, causing the company to drop its year end sales estimate for the home console by 12.5%.[br][br]Nintendo must be thanking their lucky stars for the GBA. Even though the plucky little handheld has effectively been superseded by the DS, Nintendo still managed to flog 14.34 million of the little buggers before Christmas. In the UK alone sales shot up 45% to 1million in the three months before Santa popped down the chimney - making it the best-selling hardware over Christmas and taking the total number of GBAs in this country alone to 4 million.[br][br]Don't worry though. It's not the end of the world for Ninty. Even though profits fell last quarter the Japanese gaming giant is still expected to make a net profit of 70 billion Yen when the financial year ends in April, so it's unlikely that Miyamoto-san will be selling his stocks anytime soon. Plus, Nintendo announced earlier this month that they'd be increasing spending on advertising and research and design to ensure a smooth launch for the DS and support work on the next-gen home console, Revolution.[br][br]All the latest Nintendo news is right here. Stay tuned.
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January 26th, 2005, 13:07 Posted By: wraggster
Joat has posted on his site about his release of the worlds first Homebrew Demo for the Nintendo DS, it appears you can use a Flash Cart in your GBA port that uses a passthrough device to enable homebrew to work, he also has details of the passthrough Here. In case the site goes down heres a Mirror of the pages
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January 28th, 2005, 18:16 Posted By: soccerboi00
sorry guys but I clicked delete my post because it had an error when uploading the pic, and instead of just deleting my post, it deleted everything in the gamecube forum. :-[
i checked it on both firefox and ie and they both have nothing in the gamecube forums. this is a bug that should be worked out.
EDIT: Whoah, how did that happen? it's back to normal! and no I was not drunk, im 15. You guys can just ignore this post because im to afraid to press delete post again ;D. can somebody give me an idea of what might have happened?
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January 28th, 2005, 20:53 Posted By: soccerboi00
I was playing with gctool and I opened up the donkey konga gcm and i browsed through it and found .mid files. Excited, I extracted the gcm and played one of the mids and it was a rhythm track, not the actual song.
I wonder if you edited the mid with an editing program, if it would change the rhythms in the game. I'm pretty sure it would, but I don't have viper gc or pso to try it out.

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January 28th, 2005, 21:40 Posted By: waves
hey all
I couldn't find a satisfying answer in the forums here so I just start that new topic.
I have a MAX DRIVE PRO which allows to execute any .dol files on the gamecube.
I am searching for a tool which allows me to convert SNES roms (*.smc files) to *.dol! Does anybody have an idea where I could get such a tool?
thanks a bunch for your help!
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January 28th, 2005, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Pick a Nintendo DS in Europe or Old Blighty when it launches on March 11 and you'll get your hands on a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters which, as with the Japanese and US DS packages, comes included in the box. You'd be right to drool, because although at first a first-person game under the control of a stylus might sound daft, as we've reported previously after a minute of play suddenly it feels about as natural and intuitive as breathing.[br]Plenty of different options are on offer in the demo - assuming it's identical to the US and Japanese version - including the likes of Regulator (timed level attack), Survivor (pretty self-explanatory) and Morph Ball modes. Metroid Prime: Hunters also supports multiplayer of course, which really tests your stylus manoeuvring skills to the limit.
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January 28th, 2005, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Did you see Ice Age? That animated movie with the woolly mammoth and the sabre-toothed tiger and the funny little rat thing with the weird eyes? It was genius. Robots is the new film from the team that created Ice Age (it's in cinemas in the US from March 11).[br]Vivendi announced that it would be bringing Robots to PS2, Xbox, Cube and GBA last year, but the DS version has flown under our radar. Not any more - we've got our rusty mitts on a whole bunch of screens.[br][br]You'll play the role of Rodney Copperbottom, the unlikely leader of a rebellion against an evil tyrant planning to turn the robotic inhabitants of a huge mechanical metropolis into spare parts. A side-scrolling platform/adventure, Robots will apparently let you use parts of your metallic anatomy to solve puzzles and defeat enemies.[br][br]The touchscreen looks like it's going to be used for maps, inventories and minigames. The functional use of the second screen looks fairly complimentary to the top-screen action, and some bonus games should sate your hunger for stylus-swishing.[br][br]Robots will be a European DS launch games, so we'll only have to wait until March 11 to find out if it's a heap of scrap or the nuts (and bolts).
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January 28th, 2005, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
He's been around a bit has our Bomberman. You could say he's a real 'blast' from the past, if you wanted. Now he's bringing his explosive puzzle action to DS.[br]Ubisoft has picked up Bomberman DS for a European release in summer and it's detonated the first screenshot our way.[br][br]The top screen shows the usual Bomberman play area, while the touch screen holds a map of the full level (allowing much bigger, more complex stages) and inventory information. [br][br]The DS's microphone will also be used: "just 'SHOUT' and win your battle" it says here, which makes the game sound a little easy. We reckon you'll be able to drop bombs by saying, um, bomb. Or something. Try not to make it sound like you're saying 'bum' or people around you will think you're mental. And on that note, don't say bomb if you're in an airport or train station. Maybe it's not a good idea after all...[br][br]Up to 8 people will be also be able to blow the socks off each other via the beautiful enigma of wireless multiplayer.[br][br]And don't worry if you're a PS2 owner desperate for a bit of a bomb fix: Ubisoft is also bringing Bomberman Hardball to European PS2s. This little beauty fuses the classic gameplay of the series with a whole stack of extra play modes including baseball, golf, tennis and five different 4 player battle modes. [br][br]There's also a new 'Life' mode that ties in to your system clock, giving you a "dynamic view" of your Bomberman's day-to-day activities, which is fantastic because we've lost count of how many sleepless nights we've had wondering what Bombermen get up to when they're not blowing stuff up. You'll also be able to customize his-her appearance by playing minigames, if you're that way inclined.[br][br]Bomberman Hardball is due this spring.
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January 28th, 2005, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
That's what we need on DS. Fifteen years ago we were so addicted to Tetris that if we could have mainlined one of those long straight blocks into the bits between our toes we would have gladly done it.[br]What do we have in 2005? (Apart from, um, Tetris DS... maybe we should have thought this intro through better). Anyway, we've got Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits. The man with the powertool is the perfect puzzling fare for Nintendo's diddy little touch screen machine, and we've been hands-on and got the screens to prove it.[br][br]If you don't know how Mr. Driller works, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! Basically, you're a little man with a drill and you have to drill through a whole bunch of coloured blocks to get to a certain depth. Blocks of the same colour disappear together letting you fall farther, faster, thus letting you complete the level quicker and score more points. [br][br]Of course, deep level drilling isn't all fun and games. Blocks above you will become unstable as you drill under them and eventually they'll come crashing down. Fail to get out of the way and you'll end up flatter than a very flat pancake. Plus, oxygen is a problem too - you have to pick up capsules of air to keep breathing as you get deeper and deeper.[br][br]Just like all the best old-school puzzle games, Drill Spirits is simple enough to hook you in instantly but has enough depth to keep you playing until your eyeballs melt. Unfortunately the DS's touch screen is fairly redundant: you can use the stylus to control your driller with drags and taps, but the D-pad and B button offer much more direct control.[br][br]While the game initially feels a bit pointless since you can just keep drilling straight downwards, you quickly discover that to get the fastest times and highest scores you'll have to scurry across the blocks like a rocket-propelled rat, deftly dodging tumbling towers and keeping an eye out for the deepest single-colour collections. [br][br]The need for perfectly timed movements and flawless drilling tempo to cut back on your level clear times eventually turns Drill Spirits into a hypnotic rhythm action experience, which becomes all the more intense when you introduce a ruddy great drill chasing you from above. These big enemies not only perforate your skull if you take too long, but they also chuck random head-squishing blocks down the tunnel at you.[br][br]It all adds up to what should be a thoroughly addictive DS experience. It's a proper downer that Namco saw fit to remove the Japanese version's wireless multiplay from the American version, but hopefully us Europeans will have it reinstated.[br][br]Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits is a European DS launch title, so you'll be able to pick it up at the same time as your spanky new handheld.
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January 28th, 2005, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Imagine if everyone totally ignored the full possibilities of a new technological innovation. Imagine if Henry Ford had decided that horses could pull the automobile to save on petrol. Imagine if John Logie Baird had decided that TV was fine without the moving pictures. And imagine if the best thing anyone could come up with for the DS's touchscreen was a menu.[br]Which brings us to Spider-Man 2. Activision and Vicarious Vision's DS version of last year's impressive film tie-in is web-shooting our way for the European launch of the handheld (March 11, if you've been scratching your arse for the last couple of days).[br][br]Spidey 2 on DS replaces the free-roaming 3D gameplay of the home console version for a side-scrolling 2D platformer with some nifty - if totally superficial - 3D background effects as you turn corners. The top screen displays the action while the bottom screen is completely swamped with a huge touchscreen menu that lets you select which of the eight special Spidey skills you can use in combat.[br][br]Let's just say it's not pushing the features of the DS to the maximum. You touch the screen to choose, say, a sliding tackle or a web blast, and then activate said power with a touch of the right shoulder button. You only start the game with three skills unlocked, with the others becoming available as you progress.[br][br]As you can see from our screens, it's a fairly wasteful use of the capabilities of the touchscreen. Not only does it spoil 50% of your potential playing area with a huge menu, from our hands-on playtest we also found it impractical. Taking your fingers off the attack buttons to choose another skill in the middle of a punch up is a totally unnatural way of playing a game, and more often than not results in you getting a beating.[br][br]There are some moments when the screen is used in a much more fun way: when you face off with certain boss characters the touchscreen becomes a first-person viewpoint, with you blocking and attacking your opponent with the stylus. This kind of touchscreen action is fun. Choosing things off a menu is not.[br][br]Not that DS games need to use the touchscreen in new and innovative ways to succeed. Look at Mr Driller: Drill Spirits, which is far better played with the D-Pad and buttons. [br][br]Similarly, as a pure platform game played with D-pad and buttons Spider-Man 2 is unambitious but well put together. The controls are tight, the web-slinging mechanic feels ace, and the button-bashing combat is satisfyingly simple. If the gameplay can manage to stay fresh and exciting as the levels progress then it won't matter a jot what the touchscreen's doing.[br][br]It's just disappointing that Spider-Man 2 seems to use the touchscreen just because it's there. If Vicarious Visions had just dropped the touch controls and used the display space to concentrate on the platforming action the effect could be been far more beneficial.[br][br]Of course, we'll have to wait for the final UK release of the game to pass definitive verdict on whether Spider-Man 2's use of the DS's features cut the mustard. It'll scuttle out from under the floorboards on March 11.
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January 28th, 2005, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
The DS version will take place a year after Castlevania Aria of Sorrow, with central character Soma Cruz finding himself at the centre of a mysterious cult's plan to resurrect their evil lord and master, Dracula. Cruz must infiltrate his enemy's home base, a towering replica of Dracula's castle that is apparently teaming with monstrous creatures.[br][br]In the quest to defeat your enemies, you'll also be able to make extensive use of the DS's touch screen technology with a Magic Seal system allowing you to connect a series of symbols to unlock enchanted openings and disperse enemy magic. [br][br]Also aiding your battle against dark forces is the ability to collect the souls of your enemies to gain powerful new attacks and skills, with the DS's Wireless Connection letting you trade acquired souls with fellow players to enhance your character's strength[br][br]"The game's rich storyline and strong characters coupled with the adoption of the new technology in the Nintendo DS has allowed us to bring the series to a whole new level" says Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of Product Management of Konami of Europe. "By utilising the Nintendo DS' sophisticated capabilities such as the Dual Screen functionality and Touch Screen technology, we are able to bring a fresh new dimension to this title and provide a truly unique gameplay experience for the gamer."[br][br]Sounds like intriguing stuff, we'll have more on Castlevania DS as it emerges from the crypt.
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January 28th, 2005, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
This has been done before, but not released or never really made public. It's something which I'm not totally sure I will carry on with - mainly did it "because I can". So after 2 hours of hacking... here is Gentoo on the Gamecube:[br][br]Is anyone actually interested in this? Give me some feedback. [br][br][br]http://gentoox.shallax.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=383[br]
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January 29th, 2005, 15:30 Posted By: soccerboi00
hey wraggs, you think you could set up a nintendo revolution board? ps3 and xbox next have one so the revolution should too.
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January 30th, 2005, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Using a passthrough and some homebrew demos, someone has Linux running on Nintendo’s new dual-screen portable gaming unit. It appears to use some external hardware, which makes the whole thing currently not-so-portable, but the idea is that all the hardware could be put on a single cartridge. Once in there, a portable dual-screen Linux system with touch-screen input and WiFi could be pretty darn useful. And fun. And only $149.[br]
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January 30th, 2005, 17:43 Posted By: swordstalker
Yesterday I bought Paper Mario 2 and found a petalburg koopa to help me with the hooktail castle but recently today i was on the pokemon minisite because nintendo server was full and there was petalburg woods wat is happening at nintendo
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January 30th, 2005, 23:22 Posted By: autolycis
hello, first time using this. I need help with wind waker. I am at the part of trying to collect my fire and ice arrows and when I waro to mother and child isles, there is no fairy there to talk to. I had gone there earlier before my magic meter was lengthened and she told me to come back when I was ready. but according to walkthrough, I am.
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January 31st, 2005, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has released another unofficial version of the Nes emulator for the Nintendo DS, GBA and Gamecube Gameboy Player this time with the Cheatfinder added to the top of the PocketNes Menu with a faster version of the cheatfinder too.[br][br]Download Here
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January 31st, 2005, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released another version of his PC Engine Emulator for the Nintendo DS, GBA and Gamecube Gameboy Player.[br][br]Heres whats new:[br][br] Optimized screen rendering.[br] Fixed a transfer instruction to work with SCD RAM. [br][br]Download Here
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January 31st, 2005, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Theres been another release of the GBA/Future Nintendo DS emulator for windows, heres news from the site:[br][br] I've been informed that my data-processing shift handling is a touch broken. And the informant would be right about that; my code for eASR, eLSR and RRX is so badly divergent from the spec, I don't know how it even made it into the codebase. Looks like I'll have to get on with fixing that. [br][br]Download Here
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