October 1st, 2010, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Saturo Iwata has stated that the 3DS will automatically download firmware updates – a method that the exec hopes will help combat Nintendo’s handheld piracy problems.
Andriasang reports that the functionality will be included as part of the SpotPass feature set, which allows 3DS machines to autonomously connect to wi-fi hotspots and download content without requiring user intervention.
The platform holder has confirmed that over 1,000 retailers will house wi-fi capable 3DS hotspots, and the same may occur in the UK.
This will even occur if the device is in sleep mode. Nintendo has taken the decision, it says, because users are not very proactive at manually updating their hardware.
In addition, the larger usable ROM size of DS software will allow for the automatic updating of firmware when users insert new games into the device.
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October 1st, 2010, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
The graphical capabilities of 3DS will make the system hard for home console developers to ignore, according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.
Whereas traditionally PSP games have tended to feel much more like their console cousins, particularly in visual appearance, Iwata foresees more high-end titles making their way to Nintendo's handheld platform.
"The biggest reason why he developed the portable [with high specs] is because," Iwata told investors this week, "we didn't want developers to think that they couldn't develop their titles for Nintendo game machines due to the specs."
As reported by Kotaku, the likes of Capcom's Yoshinori Ono have said that 3DS enables them to do "perfect" ports of console games such as Super Street Fighter IV.
3DS specs were detailed by Nintendo earlier this week after the company slapped a February 2011 release date on the new portable.
A video showcasing the 3DS software line-up also got an airing, with highlights including traditional home console-based series like Street Fighter, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid.
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October 3rd, 2010, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is looking into making the 3DS automatically download firmware updates from the internet.
The move may enable Nintendo to combat piracy more effectively than it has done with the DS.
During an investor question and answer session (translated by Andriasang), an attendee asked CEO Satoru Iwata if Nintendo will implement anti-piracy measures via the internet. He replied: "As part of the functionality of SpotPass, we're looking into having automatic system updates via the internet."
SpotPass means 3DS units set to sleep mode will not only communicate with other 3DS units but the internet via Wi-Fi.
However, Iwata said piracy prevention is secondary to offering new functionality to owners. Once the system has found an access point, it will download rankings, ghost data, free software and notifications.
Meanwhile, Iwata said Nintendo expects to keep game prices around the same price point as current DS releases.
"We don't believe that the world is in a state where high priced software will sell well, so we don't believe it will be in a price range too far off from current DS software," Iwata said.
The 3DS, revealed at E3 2010 and dated and priced for Japan last week, is due out in Europe and the US in March.
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October 3rd, 2010, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster

Ever find yourself in the middle of a Game Boy game and your hand cramps up? Save that sore wrist for something else because now you can hack the Game Boy Advance to add Rapid Fire for the B button. [William] has developed a way to do this by creating a simple circuit that generates a square wave on the B button when it is pressed. To do this hack all that was needed was a short shopping list of:
•A Couple NAND Gate ICs
•2n2222 NPN Transistor
•0.1uF ceramic capacitor
•A Switch
•1M ohm resistor
•Some Thin Wire
After that you’re off to the races as [William] documents how he goes about transforming the Game Boy Advance and includes a ton of great pictures and a schematic. This operation ends with [William] placing the switch for Rapid Fire excellence next to the Right Bumper where it is inconspicuous and yet easy enough to access.
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October 3rd, 2010, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/inde...pic,11524.html
This is my first hacked Adventures Of Lolo 2 game for the NES system. It is harder than the original Adventures Of Lolo 2 game but slightly easier than Sivak’s Challenging Lolo 2 game. There will be some easy puzzles and some really challenging puzzles like the one up above.
I’ve hacked all 50 levels (including the boss) and the 4 PRO stages. All 54 levels have been tested several times to assure they work and there will be some surprises. Some of the color palletes have been changed too.
If you would like to see more information about this hack, feel free to visit my site to see some videos (of Youtube room demos) and pictures of more rooms. If you have any questions or concerns let me know. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy the hack!
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October 3rd, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
TetriCycle 1.0 released by Calvinss4
TetriCycle is Tetris projected onto a cylindrical surface. Rotate the cylinder left/right such that the descending piece falls into place.
TetriCycle can be distributed freely and should never be charged for.
7th Release: 9/30/10
Source code is now available!
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October 3rd, 2010, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
ThemeShooterTk 0.05 released by HoKaze
ThemeShooterTk is a cross-platform, Python based clone of ThemeShooter made by HoKaze.
It can be run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and most modern Unix-like operating systems so long as the following requirements are met:
Python 2.x (Python 2.6 and 2.7 should work fine)
Tkinter (should come with python)
Python Imaging Library, PIL (Tends to be included with python)
PIL: ImageTk Module (on Linux this tends to be kept seperate, look for the "python-imaging-tk" package)
What started off as a quick and dirty clone of the original ThemeShooter has since grown and whilst it may be behind the original and ThemeShooterX, it should hopefully suffice for some basic "themeshots." I do intend on continuing to add to it on the rare occasion I have time.
As of version 0.05:
Dummy text (with alpha)
Theme previews
Screenshot generation
Replaces missing images (apart from the background) with images from Dark Water v2 theme
Random bubble placement on both preview and screenshots
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October 3rd, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
ThemeShooterX 1.1 released by Leathl
ThemeShooterX is a Mac OS X version of ThemeShooter (Universal Binary, 32bit PPC and 32/64bit Intel). I made this when I started to learn coding for Mac and was in lack of ideas for applications. It should run under Leopard and Snow Leopard and might also run under Tiger, but I'm not able to test or ensure that, as I have no machine running Tiger.
There are a few differences to the original application:
Each opened theme gets its own window including a preview
You can choose 4:3 and 16:9 (widescreen)
Preferences (changed preferences only affect new opened windows):
Draw a pointer (hand) on Themeshots
Draw the description defined in theme.xml on Themeshots
Adjustable blur effect on Themeshots to get a TV-like look
Use application database (see below)
Application Database
ThemeShooterX contains a database including several applications (name, description, icon). You can add/delete applications to/from the database in the preferences window. If turned on, random applications from the database will be drawn on Themeshots instead of "Lorem Ipsum" text.
Version 1.1
Allowing zips without theme.xml file
Images will be checked for size
Warning for wrong sized images via log
New preference: Random bubbles (6 - 12 bubbles, random size and position, including collision detection)
Added grid-view themeshots
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October 4th, 2010, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://syslock.drunkencoders.com/201...-stroke-order/
Hello everyone!
It’s about three months since the previous stable release of my Chinese learning application for Nintendo’s handheld system. I was busy doing other things for a couple of weeks, but I finally managed to prepare a new release of Chinese Touch. Besides a couple of bug-fixes and slight user interface improvements, today’s version 1.4 has one new interesting feature: You can now easily look-up the stroke order of about 1000 Chinese characters from word list entries within Chinese Touch. This features is based on images created by the Stroke Order Project hosted on Wikimedia Commons , which have been prepared for and integrated into this release.
I really like this feature and I hope you will find it helpful too 
Well, there’re a couple of points left on my TODO list. Will see what’s next
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October 4th, 2010, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
More Dos Emulator for DS WIP News from Pate:
The last week, and especially this weekend, has been very frustrating when working on DS2x86. It behaves very erratically, mostly hanging randomly, and when I try to add some debug output to pinpoint the problem location, it suddenly runs fine! Then I remove the debug strings, and it hangs again, but in a different location! Extremely frustrating. There is probably something seriously wrong in my IRQ handling, or perhaps I have misunderstood something about the underlying hardware.
Everything seems to work fine as long as I stay in the 4DOS command prompt. My first goal is to get Norton Sysinfo running, but that has proven to be much more difficult than I have anticipated. Yesterday I got it to run up to the main screen (where it shows the overview of the system), but even that happened only in about once every 5 tries, the other four tries it hanged before reaching that far.
This morning I then removed some of the debug printing I had used to try to pinpoint the location, and then it suddenly reached the CPU speed test part without hanging! So, here is the first test result of the DS2x86 speed.
After that I tried to test with the fastest CPU speed of 396MHz, but could not get into the CPU speed test page without the system hanging. I then reverted back to the default 120MHz speed, but then everything started running in slow motion, and the one time that I got up to the CPU speed test page the speed showed something less than 4 times original PC!
I made some more changes to the code but was not able to get back to the CPU speed test page. After a lot of tracing and debugging it finally began to look like the self-modifying code I use to handle IRQs might be the problem (or at least one reason for the hangs). I changed the code to use a normal variable to determine when to handle an IRQ, and finally got rid of the SysInfo hanging before the main screen. I made some more speed tests, the first one is with the CPU running at 396MHz and the second is with the 120MHz speed.
As you can see, there is not much sense in the results. The first result above with the 14.2 times original PC (when I had not specifically set the MIPS CPU speed), along with the results from 396MHz speed make sort of sense, but the result after setting the CPU speed to 120MHz is really weird. That would mean the DS2x86 would run at less than half the speed of the original DSx86. Anyways, I'll continue fighting with this and try to make some sense to the constant weird behaviour.
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October 4th, 2010, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.ph...73e38c00f3981e
Previous Platdude games have focussed on a nice simple-ish Puzzle form, but last year a simple suggestion created a whole new brand of Platdude games.
This is the third of such games, and has been re-redesigned to fit neatly into a cute little DS sized package.
The rules are simple. You have to remove 70% of the blocks from the level, which disappear simply by being stepped on.
There are also spheres that you can throw at the blocks to remove them, too.
Along the way are many enemy creatures, who will kill you with a simple tap.
Throw the spheres at those to defeat them.
A simple rinse/repeat mechanic, with a multitude of gameplay settings, and highscores for each.
Should be easy enough!
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October 4th, 2010, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed that one in three households in the UK contain a Wii console, while over 11 million people - around one in six people - own a DS handheld.
The statistics, supplied by GfK Chart-Track, have been released alongside the company's Christmas line-up, which includes an array of UK celebrity spokespeoeple.
Topping the list is actress Dame Helen Mirren, who will be promoting Wii Fit Plus, while pop group JLS is fronting Wii Party.
Meanwhile, broadcaster Sir Terry Wogan will be endorsing Brain Training as pop-football duo Louise and Jamie Redknapp enthuse over New Super Mario Bros.
Other names involved in Nintendo's advertising plans include Alexandra Burke, Olly Murs, Ant and Dec and Jedward.
"This year's star line up is the best yet, demonstrating the wide appeal of Nintendo products," commented Nintendo UK marketing director Dawn Paine. "This Christmas, with the help of our celebrity friends, we will be helping the nation play together and have fun whatever their age."
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October 4th, 2010, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster

[Jarek Lupinski] wanted an instrument that would let him play chiptunes live, without a need for pre-programming a cartridge for playback during a concert. His preferred hardware is an original Nintendo Entertainment System because of its familiar nostalgic sound. After picking up a lot of 5 broken NES units he set out to build a midi-compliant device.
The five NES units he bought had nothing wrong with them other than the 70-pin cartridge connector. He fixed them all, then de-populated the board on one and tried to build out a circuit on a breadboard. After much trial and error, forum searching, and conversations with others who were familiar with the hardware he got the circuit working. He’s posted a schematic and had a board fabricated which takes the transplanted chips and transforms them into an instrument. Check out the test notes being played by an Arduino Mega after the break.
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October 5th, 2010, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
The DaedalusX64 Team have released rev 582 of their Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP, heres whats new
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 582
[!] Rewrite BranchZ, should work correctly now
[~] Tidy Harvest Moon fix
[!] Fixed and enabled RDP_Force_Matrix (needs work!!)
[!] Removed CullDl War Gods hack (no longer needed)
[!] Enabled CullDl for Wave Racer
[!] Removed microcodes which are redundant now
[+] CullDl, ModifyVtx, BranchZ, and Tri4 will use ucodedefs
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October 5th, 2010, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted a new update concerning his Dos Emulator for the DS:
Just a quick update to the blog post of yesterday. After I had posted the message, I still tested the code further, and found out that the SDK timers do not run at the proper speed. This was again one cause for the weird hangs, and it also made all my speed test results invalid. The 60Hz timer ran actually at 264Hz speed, and the main PC timer which should run at 18.2Hz (and which is used by Norton Sysinfo for the speed tests) ran at almost 24Hz.
I just got the timers running at proper speeds, and ran the speed test again, using the fastest 396MHz MIPS CPU speed. Here is the result that I now believe to be correct.
The MIPS version of my x86 emulator runs at about 3.5 times faster than the ARM version, however the MIPS CPU runs at 6 times the clock speed. The difference is due to the Lazy Flags handling, the lack of various ARM tricks in the MIPS architecture, and the IRQ handling not using self-modifying code. I hope to be able to add some MIPS-specific tricks to the code while I get more familiar with the MIPS assembly, but even the current speed should make it possible and worthwhile to add 386-opcode support.
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October 5th, 2010, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15675.html
JMednafen is a new Java-frontend for the multisystem-emulator Mednafen.
JMednafen - ChangeLog FILE
This file show any changes on the program
0.1.0 - Beta 1
- Added a menu entry for GNU/Linux under the "Games" section. This entry was tested under
KDE (4.X) and Gnome menus.
- Added a system icon for the program under GNU/Linux. This allow the user to select and
use it as they want.
- Improved code to can have in a single class file, all the configurations needed to be
system dependants, like the diagonal to use (/ or ), and the specification about which
SO is running at the current time.
- Fixed some errors in the text of the interface.
- Fixed an error in the creation of the configuration files.
- Minimized size of the configuration utility. The new size if defined by the All Consoles->Advanced tab.
- Fixed an error in the Command Shower window, where the window doesn´t have name.
- Improved the user manual.
- Fixed an error in the Disk selector window, where the window doesn´t have name.
- Fixed the Disk Selector window, now it can´t be resized.
- Fixed an error where, if the Config dialog was opened, and then the Command Viewer, and the the main window
is closed, the Command Viewer remains opened.
- Added an error dialog.
0.1.0 - Alpha 2
- Fixed bug about the path to create the launcher script. Now, the
program can create it in their own config path, under the home folder.
- Fixed bug where the program also try to run a file selected when
the user press the Cancel Button.
- Fixed minor bug in the text of the About Dialog.
- Fixed minor bug in the text of the PC Engine dialog.
- Improved some operations of the Command Launcher, this allow it to create
their temporal file needed using Java commands, not system commands. This allow the program to be more
system independent.
- Added a user manual into the program.
- Added the option (internal, not managed by the user) to "remember" the last
file/folder selected to launch a game, it will "remember" only when a game
is launched, not when the user is searching. Also, this prevents any unsaved
data to be loose if the program crash or is closed manually, because, every time
the program open a game, it will save the data.
- Added a file filter to the file selection dialog. This allow to the user to only
see the game files and folders.
- Fixed a bug that makes the program have a fake crash (...), the problem is about when none
config folder doesn´t exists, then, the program create it, but it fails... Whit this
problem solved, the program must run better.
- Added the option to set the Mednafen bynary file.
0.1.0 - Alpha 1
- All the program was coded again, this time, using NetBeans(C).
- Now, almost all the current options from Mednafen are supported.
- Now, the program is a pre-compiled JAR file.
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October 5th, 2010, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
HMV UK & Ireland CEO and MD, Simon Fox, has told GamesIndustry.biz that the retailer is "very excited" about the launch of the Nintendo DS handheld next year.
Speaking in the final part of a wide-ranging interview, to be published tomorrow, Fox explained the importance of a "fight back" in the handheld sector.
"I think the 3DS is the first really new handheld that we've seen for a long time - and I think it's vitally important that there's a fight back on the handhelds," he said. "The market is going to the iPhone and digital, so to have a really exciting new handheld gaming machine - with the software that goes with it - we're very excited about that.
"I think there'll be huge consumer interest. I think Nintendo always does a fantastic job of launching new products, so bring it on."
Fox also noted that he was currently happy with the price points of current generation consoles, following "important" price cuts last year.
"It made a big difference, and particularly in a tougher economic environment the price point of a console is massively price sensitive," he said, adding his satisfaction with the landscape "at the moment."
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October 6th, 2010, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
With Nintendo's Wii has arrived a new kind of videogame injury caused by the carefree swing of a motion-sensing Wiimote: "bystander injuries". And those particularly at risk are children, a new study has found.
An American Academy of Paediatrics study presented at a San Francisco conference detailed how, over a five year period between 2004 and 2009, interactive games - mostly Wii games (reports the BBC) - were responsible for 92 injuries. As well as cuts and bruises, patients were more likely to have hurt shoulders, ankles and feet. There are even records of broken ankles from Wii balance board-related tumbles and head injuries from overzealous playing partners.
Smashed televisions were a well publicised problem when Wii launched in December 2006, and forced Nintendo to introduce a gel Wiimote cover and "re-evaluate" the flimsy Wiimote wrist strap.
Lead author of the study, Patrick O'Toole, told MedPage Today that, "Younger children under the age of 10 should be supervised while videogames are being played to prevent bystander injuries which are more common with interactive games."
A Nintendo spokesperson, talking to the BBC, countered: "As with any new activity, people playing the Wii system should pace themselves and not overdo it." She added that instructions should be followed, breaks taken and "excessive and forceful" actions avoided.
Yet despite the fabulously dramatic nature of Wii-related injuries, Nintendo's motion-sensing console is a far lesser evil than traditional console gaming. During that same five year period, 604 injuries were accounted to "prolonged constant viewing of the screen and sitting tensely". The injuries were more severe, too, and included 65 seizures, eight cases of visual disturbance or eye pain and around 23 neck injuries.
"Many people play [traditional] games for much longer periods of time than exergames," chimed-in boffin Greg Norman from the University of California to the MedPage Today.
"Many of the exergames that I have experienced have short bouts of play with breaks in between levels and games. This may actually help players of exergames avoid the injuries of traditional video games."
"I have seen some close calls in my own home with my children," he added. "It shows that these games do need supervision when played by children."
Nevertheless, the chances of you injuring yourself while playing are slim: one in millions. But if you do come a cropper, please let us know - and maybe take a picture for the website too.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster

First of all, put away those credit cards, American readers, this is so far a Japan-only affair. Nintendo's celebrations of Mario's 25th birthday are extending beyond custom DSi and DSi LL consoles to a repainted Wii machine and a pretty sweet bundle to go with it. The sporty red number above includes one of the newfangled Wii Remote Plus controllers -- which can do MotionPlus tracking without the additional appendage -- along with a similarly rouged-up nunchuck, and, perhaps best of all, a preinstalled copy of Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Edition. That's still the game you know and love, but it now comes with bricks embellished with the number 25 on the front. You'll catch a screenshot after the break, while the Japanese audience can expect the tasty bundle to drop on November 11 for ¥20,000 ($241). Hey, if you really want it that bad, you've got a whole month to figure out an import strategy.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster

The Wii Remote Plus, which almost unimaginably crams MotionPlus tech into a standard-sized Wiimote, has been dated and priced for Japan. The controller will be released on November 11 for ¥3,800 ($46) -- the same price as the normal Wiimote -- and will be available in five colors: white, black, blue, red and pink. A red Nunchuk will be released, as well.
The old Wiimote will ostensibly be phased out, as Nintendo will also begin bundling the Wiimote Plus with Wii systems on the same day. Additionally, Andriasang reports that the Wii Sports Resort bundle, which originally included the MotionPlus attachment, will feature the Wiimote Plus beginning on -- you guessed it -- November 11. The bundle will retail for ¥5,800 ($70).
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October 7th, 2010, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Europe will be able to play Super Mario All-Stars on the Wii -- and, perhaps more importantly, collect some new Mario stuff -- on December 3. Nintendo of Europe announced plans today to release Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary in the region, in a deluxe package similar to the Super Mario Collection Special Pack coming out in Japan this month.
The new Wii package includes Super Mario All-Stars (SNES versions of Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and The Lost Levels), a history booklet, and a CD with selections from throughout the series, through Super Mario Galaxy 2.
With all the special edition items in Japan and this in Europe, we in North America feel left out of the festivities. We're checking with Nintendo of America about potential release plans for the collection here.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
During a GDC Online interview with Epic Games VP Mark Rein, the conversation moved from 3D games to handhelds (specifically, the very impressive Epic Citadel iOS demo). Naturally, I then took the opportunity to ask about a current hot topic that combines both subjects: the Nintendo 3DS. Is Epic working on 3DS software?
"No," Rein said. "It's below our [minimum specifications], from what we can tell. We don't have a 3DS, so there's no way for us to verify that," he added, "but everything we've been led to believe is that it's below our min-spec. You couldn't do a game that looks like [Epic Citadel] on it, for example."
He clarified that this means no plans for Epic games, as well as no plans for a version of Unreal Engine for other devs to use. "Like I said, we really don't know enough about it to make a formal comment, but I think if they considered that our engine would be good on it, they would have probably talked to us about it."
As Rein himself noted, the situation could change when Epic gets its own 3DS to experiment with -- but at least for now, upon first impression, the developer apparently considers the new device less capable than last year's iPhone 3GS, since that can run Epic Citadel just fine.
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October 7th, 2010, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster

What a beautiful image of NES cartridges showing their private parts. These are the raw materials for the Munchausen Flash Cartridge project. A combination of a modified game cartridge and special USB cable makes it possible to program NES cartridges while inside an unmodified console. The cartridge has an added flash chip that is running a bootloader. By connecting a USB-to-NES cable to the second controller port a game image (or custom code image) can be flashed to one of the three game slots on the writable cartridge. The bootloader provides a menu at power-up to select between the three stored images, or can go straight to the previously selected image by holding down A when the console is turned on. There’s even a recovery routine in case of problems. Check out the demo after the break.
One thing we find interesting from the forum thread is a mention that it is technically possible to run code on the NES directly from the PC. That would sure make it easy to perform live chiptunes on NES.
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October 7th, 2010, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•As players fight through hundreds of enemies, players can collect gems to upgrade to superior weapons and armor
•In the “Murasame Castle” mode, players help a lost Samurai fight his way out of a haunted castle. This mode is based on The Mysterious Murasame Castle, a game originally designed by Nintendo with input from developer Shigeru Miyamoto and released in Japan on the Famicom Disk System. In this mode, two players can battle cooperatively across long distances via broadband Internet access and Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection
•Samurai Warriors™ 3 features a variety of special moves such as - Spirit Charge: Hold the block button to block as well as fill up the Musou gauge. When the Musou gauge is full of electricity, players can press the A button on the Classic Controller Pro™ to execute a “Musou Attack” & Ultimate Musou Attack: When both the Rengi and Musou gauges are full, pressing the A button on the Classic Controller Pro unleashes an “Ultimate Musou Attack” that deals lethal amounts of damage to all nearby enemies
•Players can select the character’s dialogue to be spoken in either Japanese or English
•The game can be controlled with the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ controller combination, the Classic Controller™, the Classic Controller Pro or the Nintendo GameCube™ controller
descriptionPlayers can choose from more than 35 playable samurai, many based on actual figures from Japanese history. Each stage is filled with fast-paced action as players are challenged to complete a series of objectives by fighting through hundreds of enemies on foot or on horseback. Each samurai has different skills and weapons, and each one offers a different perspective on the overall story of the unification of Japan. Each samurai has a different motive for combat. Some fight to unite Japan, while others seek to protect the honor of their clan and loved ones.
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October 7th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

track listingAlice Cooper – “No More Mr. Nice Guy”
Alter Bridge – “Ties That Bind”
Atreyu – “Ravenous”
Bad Brains – “Re-Ignition (Live)”
Blue Öyster Cult – “Burning For You”
Bush – “Machinehead”
Deep Purple – “Burn”
Edgar Winter – “Free Ride”
Five Finger Death Punch – “Hard To See”
George Thorogood and The Destroyers – “Move It On Over (Live)”
Lynyrd Skynyrd – “Call Me The Breeze (Live)”
Pantera – “I'm Broken”
Poison – “Unskinny Bop”
The Ramones – “Theme From Spiderman”
Rise Against – “Savior”
The Runaways – “Cherry Bomb”
Steve Vai – “Speeding”
Strung Out – “Calling”
Styx – “Renegade”
Sum 41 – “Motivation”
Them Crooked Vultures – “Scumbag Blues”
The White Stripes – “Seven Nation Army”
descriptionIn Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, join with friends on an epic rock journey to save rock n’ roll. Featuring an impressive 90+ track set list and a host of all-new gameplay features, living room legends and their friends can strum, drum and wail in the most immersive music videogame experience to date. Delivering the quintessential rock music collection that focuses on guitar shredding hits from bands such as Black Sabbath, Slipknot and Megadeth and larger-than-life band anthems from Queen, Muse and KISS, players can unleash more rewards and unlockable content than ever before in Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock’s Quest Mode, the franchise’s first ever story-based mode, and Quickplay+, which invites challenge-starved fanatics to test their rock skills. Running on the powerful Guitar Hero engine that has been expanded and refined and with encores from the critically-acclaimed and fan favorite gameplay features that made Guitar Hero one of the most popular franchises of all-time – such as Party Play, Competitive modes and any combination of up to four instruments – the game offers a complete interactive and connected experience bringing friends and foes to the stage in the ultimate rock music experience.
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October 7th, 2010, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
From the get-go, Nintendo intended to develop their upcoming Nintendo 3DS as a console capable of better online functionality than its predecessors, the Wii and DS.
Nintendo hope that passive online functionality will draw more people to the system’s online features. You can read more about this and other improvements Nintendo are making to their online infrastructure for the 3DS here.
At a recent investor Q&A, Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, fielded a question regarding his views on the subject of the company generating significant profits from digital distribution of games and network services. Iwata replied:
“As for the aspect of profit, we are expecting that profits through the network activities will grow in the long run. However, as I have often said on these types of the occasions, we human beings do not change our habits very quickly. If this world was full of the so-called “early adopters,” who are highly sensitive to information and quickly respond to anything new, the world could change more quickly.
The fact is, the majority of us are not in that category. Accordingly, for some time in the future as well, the packaged goods business will remain to be our mainstream business. On the other hand, network elements are very important in order to heighten the value of the packaged products or in order to offer unprecedented fun, which can be a topic in society. Our current thinking is that we would like to aggressively explore such usage.”
Sony already offer an alternative to buying physical copies of several games by distributing them via the PlayStation Network. No such functionality has been confirmed as of yet with regard to the Nintendo 3DS, however.
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October 8th, 2010, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto has explained that the evolution of technology is what kept Mario fresh. Had videogames been a stationary medium like books, then Mario would have departed a long time ago.
"I'm always asked how I make the Mario series, but it's like we're thinking the games up on the run. I can only answer that each time is different, so I don't know," Miyamoto told famed Japanese copywriter - and one-time Nintendo employee (and inventor of the name Game Boy) - Shigesato Itoi (an interview conducted in place of Iwata Asks).
"Looking back, what's been easy about making the Mario games is that they could naturally change along with the progress of technology. For example, when you make live action SFX movies and as special effects technology advances, then you have new methods at your disposal.
"In the same way, as technology advances, the Mario games change, too. On the contrary, books have basically always been made the same way. If it had been necessary to keep making Mario games in the same way like that, we couldn't have done it. In that way, making the Mario games has been easy.
"But the technology changes, so we just have to adjust to that. And as technology changes, so does what you want to do.
"If it weren't for that," he added, "I don't think I could have stuck with it this far."
Itoi and Miyamoto talked at length about the nature of ideas and inspiration. The hope was that Itoi could help Miyamoto put into words how he created an icon like Mario. The interview marked the moustached plumber's 25th birthday.
One recurring theme was simplicity, something Miyamoto teaches young Nintendo game designers who provide needless explanations of tiny details. Miyamoto himself was taught this lesson - at least in part - by the technology restrains of the NES.
"We were making the software for the NES system back then, so there were also capacity limits," Miyamoto recalled. "Having said that, however, even when we are facing such limitations as capacity constraints, if anything bothers me, I would really apply myself to it. For example, deciding to have Mario enter a Warp Pipe from the top. Having him cross in front of it from the side wouldn't work.
"I thought it was strange how Mario was already standing there underground when that level begins. Why is Mario, who just passed in front of a castle, standing underground? I couldn't fit in a sequence showing him falling underground, so I decided to have him just plop down from the top of the screen, and-surprisingly-that was just fine. If someone had said, 'You should provide a little more detail here,' it would have turned out differently.
"The restrictions were often a big help. Players were able to imagine the details that weren't put in."
Other interesting tid-bits were Miyamoto remembering a discussion with "my master" Gunpei Yokoi, who in a meeting told the Mario-maker "you're pretty negative." "That really shocked me," Miyamoto said.
"But I wasn't intending to be negative," he added. "I thought about what he might mean and realized that when I think about something, I have a tendency first to draw up a list of what can't be done. For example, when it comes to what can and can't be done with the NES system, it was really important for me to know a lot about what can't be done
"So when I think about something, I draw up a list of everything that won't work. If there's an idea according to which doing one thing means something else won't work, I focus on what won't work. Certainly, that is negative. So which is better, negative or positive? Well, both are important, they need to coexist.
"Someone who only sees the positive is just a blind optimist," he declared.
"And while it's important to know the negative, someone who only talks about what's negative is just a pessimist."
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October 8th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has refused to attribute low sales of Wii and DS games solely to piracy.
In a recent investor call, CEO Satoru Iwata explained, "I do not think we should attribute bad software sales solely to piracy.
"Even with piracy, as long as we can create products which can attract attention from many consumers and which can greatly entertain them, that software can make it to the number one position of the hit software sales chart.
"So, we would like to consider it from both perspectives simultaneously. It is true there is always the influence of piracy, but it is important for us to increase the number of our consumers who are willing to shell out their money to purchase our products."
Maybe he's onto something. The phenomenal Super Mario Galaxy 2 shifted 4.09 million copies in its first five weeks on sale. Pokémon Black/White, which recently secured a perfect 40/40 from Famitsu, is rapidly approaching a similar figure in Japan alone.
Then again, maybe he's not. The excellent Metroid: Other M failed to trouble the UK all formats top 10 when it launched last month.
Iwata went on to re-emphasise that Nintendo will be making new efforts to tackle piracy on its forthcoming handheld, the 3DS.
"Of course, as a responsibility of the platform holder, we will tackle piracy. For example, when we launch new hardware, such as Nintendo 3DS, it is a good opportunity to beef up the countermeasures, and we are actually working on that now."
The 3DS launches in Japan on 26th February 2011 before heading to Europe and the USA shortly thereafter.
Nintendo's next big releases include Donkey Kong Country Returns, arriving on Wii on 3rd December, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for the DS a week later.
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October 9th, 2010, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has announced another batch of classic arcade titles for the Wii's Virtual Console service.
According to Andriasang, rock hard 1985 platformer Ghosts 'n' Goblins and classic 1984 top down shooter 1942 will be up for download soon.
Obscure but ace 1987 title Black Dragon rounds out the latest batch of titles to get a dusting down. It's a fiendish side-scroller very much in the vein of Ghosts 'n' Goblins. You might have played it on Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 on the PlayStation 2 or Xbox.
No word on a release date for any of the games yet but expect to pay 800 Points (£5.60) each.
These three titles join the recently announced Commando, SonSon and Exed Exes on Capcom's VC slate.
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October 9th, 2010, 12:40 Posted By: wraggster

Well, at least you've got options now. Just days after SanDisk's once-rare 32GB microSDHC card fell to $87, along comes Kingston with a nearly identical unit of its own. The difference? It's Class 4 instead of Class 2, which means that you can look forward to a 4MB/s minimum data transfer rate. Of course, you'll be paying dearly for the speed boost when it starts shipping on Monday with the card alone priced at $153. Slow and cheap, or pricey and snappy? Decisions, decisions...
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October 10th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster

Who'd have thought that adding extra grunt under the hood, a glasses-free 3D display up top, a wireless "tag mode," and automatic wireless updates to the 3DS would serve to degrade battery life? Certainly not our naive souls. The same Q&A that informed us about Nintendo's Spot Pass plans for the 3DS has been found to also contain some commentary on battery endurance from Satoru Iwata himself. The company chief says "it is inevitable that Nintendo 3DS will be a device which requires more frequent recharging than Nintendo DS" and notes that as a major reason why a charging cradle will be bundled into the new console's retail package. With tongue firmly wedged in cheek, Iwata suggests that perhaps Nintendo ought to advise users to deposit the 3DS into its cradle as soon as they get home, but the overall point is as clear as it is obvious: your more powerful handheld will require more power.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster

[Furrtek] hooked up his Game Boy printer for use with a PC (translated). The two-part hack started with a cable to attach the device via USB. A Nokia interface cable was used as a base to translate the USB signals into serial, and an ATtiny45 microcontroller added to talk to the printer. He did a great job of free-forming the circuit alterations and fitting it back into the plastic USB plug housing.The next step was to write some software. Using VB6 he coded an application that loads in an image, scales it to fit, and allows you to adjust the contrast that the thermal printer produces. For testing purposes he’s reusing old receipts. See it in action after the break.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
From the get-go, Nintendo intended to develop their upcoming Nintendo 3DS as a console capable of better online functionality than its predecessors, the Wii and DS.
Part of this is the ability to download content passively through a function called “SpotPass.” As part of the system’s online functionality, the 3DS will be able to passively download 3D content developed by Japanese television broadcasters, Nippon Television and Fuji Television, for free.
Nintendo hope that passive online functionality will draw more people to the system’s online features. You can read more about this and other improvements Nintendo are making to their online infrastructure for the 3DS here.
Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, realizes this is easier said than done, however. Describing it as what he calls a bitter learning experience at an investor Q&A, Iwata admits that Nintendo have struggled to encourage people to take their Wii and DS systems online.
In light of this, one of the major goals for the 3DS is to allow people to experience “Something New Every Day” through the system’s online features. In order to facilitate this, Iwata feels it is imperative that Nintendo encourage people to take their Nintendo 3DS systems with them wherever they go, which will allow the system’s SpotPass mode to download content passively for them, thus demonstrating the 3DS’s online functionality.
In Japan, Nintendo have teamed up with numerous Internet providers, retailers and fast-food joints to create numerous wireless hotspots for the 3DS (over 2,000 by March 2011). Iwata reveals that they plan to do the same in the U.S. and Europe. Speaking to investors, he said:
“We must be able to offer clear-cut reasons for the overseas users to be willing to carry around Nintendo 3DS when they go out. Although we have not come to a conclusion on whether we should explore the possibility of the likes of Nintendo Zone or, like our collaborations with NTT East and NTT West, should deal with the entities which are offering free Wi-Fi access points, we are eager to proactively expand the access points so that an increasing number of people in the U.S. and Europe too can feel that it is fun to carry around a portable gaming device wherever they go out.”
The Nintendo 3DS already contains hardware which allows it to perform the same functions as the Pokéwalker that comes with Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver, essentially acting as a pedometer that counts the number of steps you walk. This is one example of a function that could encourage people to take their systems with them on the go.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•As a Pokémon Ranger, players set out to stop the Pokémon Pinchers with the help of their partner, Ukulele Pichu™ (an energetic Pichu that always carries a ukulele)
•Players use the Capture Styler to circle Pokémon on the touch screen. The further in the story players progress, the more powers and abilities their Capture Styler gains
•By drawing special Ranger Signs on the touch screen, players can summon powerful Pokémon that they have befriended to help them progress in the game. Legendary Pokémon like Raikou™, Entei™ and Suicune™ can be summoned by drawing their Ranger Signs
•Up to four players can play together on certain missions using the Nintendo DS Local Wireless Connection, and discover more about the history of the Oblivia region
descriptionHelping Pokémon Get Out of a Pinch The third installment in the action-packed Pokémon Ranger™ series lets players take on the role of a Pokémon Ranger tasked with protecting Pokémon, people and nature in the Oblivia region. As a Pokémon Ranger, players investigate the nefarious actions of the Pokémon Pinchers, who have been disrupting the peace by chasing and catching Pokémon.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•The first original FINAL FANTASY title for Nintendo DS brought to life by the development teams behind the Nintendo DS remakes of FINAL FANTASY III and FINAL FANTASY IV
•Charming storybook visuals crafted under the guidance of art director and character designer Akihiko Yoshida (FINAL FANTASY III for DS, FINAL FANTASY XII)
•Combat is fun and intuitive with a battle system that operates on Action Points. Requiring nothing more than a simple selection of commands, players can dive right into a classic turn-based RPG battle experience
•The Crown Job System offers a selection of over two dozen jobs to choose from. Players can freely customize a character’s abilities and magic skills no matter which crown they have equipped. The possibilities are endless!
•Help friends advance in their adventure, or join forces to conquer tough dungeons. The multiplayer mode enables cooperative play for up to four players
descriptionIn the small kingdom of Horne, Brandt awakes on the morning of his fourteenth birthday. Today is the day he becomes an adult, and the custom of the realm says that he must go to the castle to present himself to the king.
Yet when he arrives at the castle he finds the king distraught and the youngest princess missing, abducted by the Witch of the North. With no one else to turn to, the king makes a shocking request: will Brandt save the princess?
And thus Brandt’s adventure begins...
Eventually he is joined by three other brave young souls. Together they will experience a journey full of joyous meetings and sad partings.
Though at first they don’t always see eye-to-eye, these four Heroes of Light will build bonds of trust and affection so strong that, in the end, they may even save the world.
This is the tale of their legendary quest.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Super Mario Wii chocolate eggs have rolled into our warehouse, this time, break the chocolate shell apart, enjoy its creamy sweetness and find the koopers.
There is a total of 12 figures that you can hatch, most of them you have already met, rescued, or defeated in the game, the last one is a secret version, let's see whether you'd hatch a monster or a mushroom.
The figures are quite small and some of them requires assembling. As a step up from the last set of chocolate toys, some of the figures in this series have joints.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Chocolate Egg Furuta Candy Toy JPN US$ 2.90
If you don't have a sweet tooth but want a Super Mario toy, come grab the key chains:
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Pre-Painted Key Mascot JPN US$ 3.90
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October 10th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Press down, pull back, get set and go! The Choro Q Mario Karts are super fast and super exciting to play. Race against your friends' and family's karts on a long stretch of smooth surface.
These Choro Q karts are compatible with the mini Takara Tommy karts, including the remote control ones, just remove the car shell and screw it onto the remote car chasis to set your Mario riding into all sorts of directions.
Let these karts draw cheerful lines of red and green across your home floor:
ChoroQ Hybrid! Mariokart Wii Zenmai Type: Bowser JPN US$ 7.40
ChoroQ Hybrid! Mariokart Wii Zenmai Type: Luigi JPN US$ 7.40
ChoroQ Hybrid! Mariokart Wii Zenmai Type: Mario JPN US$ 7.40
ChoroQ Hybrid! Mariokart Wii Zenmai Type: Wario JPN US$ 7.40
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October 10th, 2010, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Boooooooom-shaka-laka! EA Sports is bringing back the classic, most beloved arcade basketball game ever—NBA JAM—exclusively for the Nintendo Wii in 2010. Originally made by Midway back in 1993 for video arcades, NBA JAM was a humongous hit, with exciting, over-the-top, cartoony 2-on-2 basketball action that defied both traditional basketball rules as well as the laws of gravity and physics. It was the basketball game for people who didn't like—or even know how to play—basketball. And it even let you play as Bill Clinton—if you knew how to unlock the character.
Now EA Sports is reinventing the game for the 21st century with all-new graphics and physics, as well as new game modes and features. No word yet on whether Clinton is coming back, or the Mortal Kombat characters, or whether the new game will still cheat to ensure that the Pistons always beat the Bulls. One nice update that we can confirm: You won't have to keep feeding quarters into your Wii to keep playing! Hooray for the modern world! Slam-a-jamma!
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October 10th, 2010, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15695.html
A/NES PRO v1.11 a NES emulator for Amiga has been released.
So, here it is, finally a new A/NES PRO for you (all five or so? ). It´s not really a massive update. I think the most interesting part is the possibility of running NES-ROMs from a project-icon. This looks really cool on your Workbench, imagine having to start Zelda by clicking on it´s box-cover for example. Let me know if you create any good looking icons (I´ve included a few on my own in the archive). Anyway, the news are:
* One-screen mirroring fixed again (RC Pro Am is now almost 100%).
* Minor cosmetical fixes.
* ROMs can now be started from a project-icon!
* Minor optimizations.
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October 10th, 2010, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15686.html
PS2InfoGB is a port of the Game Boy emulators InfoGB for the Playstation 2 console and based on dlanor´s source of PS2InfoGB rev. 4.
=> Rev.6c
- Fixed: No-sound issue with some ROMs
- Fixed: Sound buffer overloading issue
- Added: Ability to remember position on browser list, after back to menu
- Added: Possibility to run ROM with longer file name than 32 characters, if
save device is set to MASS
- Removed: Save and Load config option from ingame-menu (all configuration files
will be saved automatically)
- Changed: Turbo config on/off option. Now it will force setting
buttons configuration after switching to ON
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October 10th, 2010, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Pandora

A port of GnuBoy.
Supports SRAM, up to 10 savestates, fullscreen scaling, proportional scaling.
Plays GB and GBC games.
Press 0 - 9 to select savestate slot, L to load and S to save.
Press Q for Quit.
* Launcher;
You'll start navigation in /media/ so you can select your SD Card and select any rom directory you want.
* DPad: Scroll up / down (left / right for Quick scrolling)
* B to run a game
* X to go back one directory
* ESC to Quit
* You can use the keyboard buttons to jump to a letter.
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October 10th, 2010, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.codemii.com/2010/10/10/hb...%93-week-41-2/
The following applications have been added/updated:
10 October 2010
» FCEU v3.2.2 -> v3.2.3
» FCE Ultra GX Channel Installer v1.0 -> v1.1
» HomebrewFilter r13 -> r15
» Jump ‘n Bump v0.3 -> v0.3.1
» robotfindskitten v1.73 -> v1.7320508.406
» Snes9xGX v4.2.4 -> v4.2.5
» Visual Boy Advance v2.2.1 -> v2.2.2
» VBA GX Channel Installer v1.0 -> v1.1
» WiiMC v1.0.9 -> v1.1
» WiiMC Channel Installer v1.4 -> v1.5
» Ziip v0.1
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October 10th, 2010, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.2.3 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.2.3 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.2.3 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
This wonderful channel is thanks to:
* wilsoff (channel coding)
* MrNick666 (artwork)
* Tantric (forwarder and installer)
* svpe and megazig (installer exploit)
* You must have IOS58 to use this channel. Either upgrade to System Menu 4.3,
or use the IOS58 Installer (http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS58_Installer)
* You must have HBC 1.0.8+ to run the installer. It is also recommended that
HBC be running under IOS58, but this is not necessary.
* This channel tries load apps/fceugx/boot.dol from SD or USB. You must have
FCE Ultra GX installed in one of these locations.
Installation Instructions
* Copy the installer files to your SD/USB device
* Launch the installer from HBC
* Click Install
* Done!
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October 10th, 2010, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Cheat File Collection ]=-
This massive collection of cheat files is courtesy of giantpune. To use them,
just copy the cheats folder to your fceugx folder (eg: sd:/fceugx/cheats).
Aside from the file extension, the name of each cheat file must match the name
of the ROM file in your roms folder that matches the game. You may need to
rename each file individually.
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October 10th, 2010, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Cheat File Collection ]=-
This massive collection of cheat files is courtesy of giantpune. To use them,
just copy the cheats folder to your fceugx folder (eg: sd:/fceugx/cheats).
Aside from the file extension, the name of each cheat file must match the name
of the ROM file in your roms folder that matches the game. You may need to
rename each file individually.
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October 10th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.2.5 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.2.5 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.2.5 - October 7, 2010]
* Sync with upstream SVN - fixes a few specific game issues
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.2.2 - October 7, 2010]
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.2.2 - October 7, 2010]
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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October 10th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.2.2 - October 7, 2010]
* Fixed "blank listing" issue for SMB
* Improved USB compatibility and speed
* Added Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
* Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
* Other minor changes
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October 10th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release from Tantric
This wonderful channel is thanks to:
* wilsoff (channel coding)
* MrNick666 (artwork)
* Tantric (forwarder and installer)
* svpe and megazig (installer exploit)
* You must have IOS58 to use this channel. Either upgrade to System Menu 4.3,
or use the IOS58 Installer (http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS58_Installer)
* You must have HBC 1.0.8+ to run the installer. It is also recommended that
HBC be running under IOS58, but this is not necessary.
* This channel tries load apps/vbagx/boot.dol from SD or USB. You must have
Visual Boy Advance GX installed in one of these locations.
Installation Instructions
* Copy the installer files to your SD/USB device
* Launch the installer from HBC
* Click Install
* Done!
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October 10th, 2010, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
WiiMC 1.1.0 released by Tantric and rodries
WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.
Attractive libwiigui-based interface, designed with the Wii in mind
Picture viewer
Music player
On-line media support, including SHOUTcast, YouTube, and Navi-X
FAT32/NTFS from SD and USB 2.0 (FAT32 recommended)
Network playback via SMB, HTTP, and FTP
Multi-language support: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish
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October 10th, 2010, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more news concerning his Dos Emulator for DS:
This week my work on DS2x86 has been much less frustrating. The DS2x86 framework seems to be mostly working. I still get an occasional black screen when starting DS2x86, but that happens only once in every 20 starts or so. I decided to work on the actual emulation core for now and worry about the hangs later. Early this week I tried to decide on whether to continue porting the existing DSx86 features (like graphics and audio features), or to start working on proper 386 opcodes and protected mode support. I decided to go for the 386 and protected mode direction, as that is much more interesting and lets me study and learn new things.
I decided to start by trying to make my old Trekmo demo from 1994 run. Pretty much like I started with DSx86 by attempting to run my LineWars II game on it, I again use one of my old assembly language programs for testing. Having assembler source code available makes it much simpler to compare the debug output of DS2x86 with the original sources, to see where I am in the code and what is supposed to happen there. My Trekmo demo uses the PMODE DOS protected mode extender created by Thomas "Tran" Pytel. PMODE is small, simple and straightforward, but still supports various methods of entering protected mode (like DPMI, VCPI, and direct custom code). The good thing is that it also works without any memory managers present, so I can immediately concentrate on the low-level protected-mode support without having to worry about virtual memory and things like that. I still haven't coded proper support for the touchscreen keyboard to DS2x86, but that is not a problem as I can put the launch of Trekmo to the 4START.BTM file, so it starts running immediately when I launch DS2x86. It runs until it reaches a yet unsupported 386 opcode, and so I spent the last week iteratively adding new 386 opcodes and running DS2x86 again and again.
I also noticed that adding all the 386 opcodes means quite a lot of work. In addition to the new opcodes (that do not exist at all in a 80186 processor), all the existing opcodes have three new address or size variations. There are two new prefixes, 0x66 and 0x67, the first of which converts the size of the values handled from 16 to 32 bits, and the latter converts memory addresses similarly from 16 to 32 bits. So, with all the combinations there are 4 different cases for almost every existing opcode, and only one of them (with neither prefix) currently exists. The worst case result is that the executable size will more than quadruple after I have added all the new opcodes! A huge amount of work, so I am looking into other ways to handle these. I do need to code some of them using the current method, to get a feel for how they should work and what I can do to optimize the amount of work, though.
Anyways, as you can see from the screen capture above, by this morning I have just reached the location where PMODE.ASM enters protected mode. Entering protected mode means doing four things:
Enabling the A20 address line. This is done by setting bit 1 (with value 2) of I/O port at 0x92, called System Control Port A. This is where I was at yesterday, and I had to do some changes to the memory address calculation routines to be able to directly address memory above the first megabyte in DS2x86.
Setting up the Global Descriptor Table. This is done using the lgdt ASM command.
Setting bit 0 (with value 1) of the CR0 Control Register. This actually puts the processor in protected mode.
Performing a far jump using a CS segment selector (looked up from the GDT we set up before) to clear the prefetch input queue of the processor.
The steps 2 to 4 are seen in the debug output above, and this is where I am currently at. I need to do some major changes to all code that uses segment registers (including all far jumps, calls and returns) to be able to distinguish between real-mode segments and protected-mode segment selectors. This will keep me busy for quite a while, but a good thing is that I can always look at how DOSBox handles these and then copy the features that seem to suit the DS2x86 architecture.
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October 10th, 2010, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.ph...ce8348938b7af3
I promised myself not to forget to post the announcement here as forum.gbadev.org is where everything started.
Colors! v1.1 for Nintendo DS has been released. Read about it at http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/a...ent_ds1_10.php
In September 2007, we released Colors! for Nintendo DS v1.06h. At that point, we had only caught a glimpse of how well-received this small homebrew application would become. Now, three years later, we have over 700,000 downloads and over 45,000 paintings in the Colors! Gallery, created by thousands of amazing artists from all over the world.
Today, we release the long-awaited update for the platform that started it all -- Colors! for Nintendo DS v1.1. Discover our best release to date, with a new brush, high resolution exporting, integration of the online gallery through Wi-Fi, and a core painting experience that has been tuned with great care, and with much consideration of feedback from all of you. Check it out at the Colors! Gallery.
In addition, we also release first issue of Colors! Magazine, a magazine you can read directly from the Colors!, without ever having to leave the application. The first issue is bundled with Colors! for DS v1.1 and features, among other things, an interview with one of the top painters in the Colors! Gallery: Munin.
Finally, many of you have asked for how to contribute to Colors! over the years, and we’ve finally added a donation button added to our site. Don’t hesitate to show your appreciation for the work we’ve put into making Colors! the best homebrew application on the DS. You can also support us by buying the Colors! iPhone application.
And for all our iPhone users out there: Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you. While our most recent focus has been on Colors! for DS, there are exciting times ahead. Stay up to date with all things Colors! at our new Facebook page where we will share the development of everything Colors!.
What's new in v1.1?
•Unlimited .drw length - There is no more 1MB limit for those huge painting projects
•Undo - A quick one-step undo, and better tools to be able to scroll through the playback of your painting
•Improved latency and performance - Colors! is quicker and more precise than ever. Sketching has never been more responsive
•Automatic full-screen pressure calibration - No more uneven pressure across the screen. It might even make your old throwaway DS usable again
•Gallery integration - Browse, download, like and share directly from your DS using Wi-Fi
•New UI - Cleaner, better, prettier. Just what you would expect from the most anticipated Colors! update ever
•Export painting - Repaint your painting in 2x or 4x directly on the DS. It's slow, but it's worth it
•Left/Right hand support - Configurate Colors! for left and/or right hand usage
•One additional zoom-level - Get a better view of your painting by zooming out a step
•New brush - A new bristle-like brush that gives a more organic feel to your paintings
•Colors! Magazine - A magazine in your pocket with interviews and a selection of paintings from the Colors! Gallery
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October 10th, 2010, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php...d=379&Itemid=1
NEO_SNES_Myth_Cart_Upgrade_Core_V2.1 released
the modify history:
[1] add soft-reset function
[2] fix the SD card read/write issue
about soft-reset function:
$00C050 SET 0X00 don't back to MENU
0X01 hold RESET over 3 seconds then back to MENU
0X02 press RESET then back to MENU
0X03 use software control back to MENU
about the software MENU
$00C012 SET 0X01 $003800~$003FFF RAM READ ON <CPLD RAM
$00C015 SET 0X01 $003800~$003FFF RAM WRITE ON <CPLD RAM
1.GAME $FFEA:XX YY move to 3FF0
2.GAME $FFEA XX YY need change to 00 3E
$3E00 PHP
LDA $004219
CMP #$30 ( SEL+START )
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6383
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October 11th, 2010, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Junction Point's Warren Spector has lavished praise on Disney for the quality of support he has received putting together ambitious Wii-exclusive title Epic Mickey.
"I've told every publisher, and I told Disney, I don't do budgets, I don't do schedules, and I make the games I want to make. If you don't want that, let's part ways now and we'll stay friends. Don't think you can change me because you can't. I think Disney found that out. And they've been hugely supportive, I've got to say," Spector told IGN at New York Comic-Con this weekend.
"There are not a lot of publishers who'd have the courage to stick with us. I mean Mickey Mouse with choice and consequence on the Wii - if this isn't the biggest budgeted, most serious third-party Wii title in the history of mankind I don't know what is. And only Disney would have supported that."
Spector also said that fans of his past work would still find a lot to their taste if they decided to join him for the Epic Mickey ride on 26th November.
"If Deus Ex fans give this a shot I think they'll find Mickey is quite a hero," he said. "Although they're making different kinds of choices and seeing different kinds of consequences the gameplay philosophy that is the underpinning of Deus Ex, Thief, System Shock, and the multiple games I've worked on, it's still right there. It's just different. There you go, it's not good or bad, it's just different."
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October 11th, 2010, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Black Ops DS developer n-Space "is down, but definitely not out" after the rug was pulled from under it by a "licensor" that had a change of heart.
CEO Dan O'Leary had to take "drastic action" and sent all but a core team home. He attributed the studio's near-closure to a number of factors, including an industry that is "frankly, a mess", and Wii and DS markets that have "nearly collapsed".
"After supporting 70-90 employees for several months without funding, Friday's lay-offs were unavoidable," O'Leary explained on the n-Space blog. "If all goes as planned, we'll be calling people back before the end of the week."
"Life as an independent developer is often a painful hand-to-mouth exercise of love," he elaborated. "This has never been more true than in the last few years. The games industry is, frankly, a mess. The economy has robbed customers of disposable income, reducing the number of titles that purchased per year. Huge-budget titles have to sell massive numbers to return a profit and the App Store has disrupted our industry in the same way iTunes changed consumer expectations for music.
"People that used to buy many games every year now buy a few AAA titles, supplementing their need with games that are free or cost less than a pack of gum. Anything in the middle is struggling.
"The Wii and DS markets have nearly collapsed," he said, "and 3DS is a brave new world the publishers are excited about but also very cautious to enter. Even for an extremely successful Wii/DS developer like n-Space, with a long history of delivering quality titles on time and on budget, this creates a very challenging business environment."
O'Leary said n-Space had several games on the slate for 2010. Among them were DS games COD: Black Ops and 007 GoldenEye for Activision, and Tron: Evolution (Wii, DS) for Disney.
One of these was finished and "several" were "soon to follow". "Then," O'Leary added, "with a last-minute change of heart from the [unnamed] licensor, that deal was dead.
"When the week ended without commitments from other publishers to offset this setback, I was forced to take drastic action."
O'Leary concluded: "Since 2008 the n-Space family has faced and overcome a number of tremendous challenges, and it seems our work is not yet done."
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October 11th, 2010, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster

First, the Super Mario Collection Special Pack was confirmed for Europe after being announced for Japan. Today, the special edition Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary DSi XL and Wii systems have been announced for the region as well, with each red system bundled with a Mario game.
The red Wii set, in stores October 29, includes Wii Sports and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. However, instead of the special version of Super Mario Bros. packed with the Japanese system, the European version includes the "original" Donkey Kong. This is probably just the NES game on Virtual Console, but the "original" terminology suggests it could be the arcade game. The red DSi XL bundle includes a copy of New Super Mario Bros. and will be out October 22.
None of this has been announced in North America. Happy birthday, Mario!
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October 11th, 2010, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster

First, the Super Mario Collection Special Pack was confirmed for Europe after being announced for Japan. Today, the special edition Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary DSi XL and Wii systems have been announced for the region as well, with each red system bundled with a Mario game.
The red Wii set, in stores October 29, includes Wii Sports and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. However, instead of the special version of Super Mario Bros. packed with the Japanese system, the European version includes the "original" Donkey Kong. This is probably just the NES game on Virtual Console, but the "original" terminology suggests it could be the arcade game. The red DSi XL bundle includes a copy of New Super Mario Bros. and will be out October 22.
None of this has been announced in North America. Happy birthday, Mario!
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October 11th, 2010, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
More than two years after launch, nobody has found everything that Mega Man 9 has to offer, Capcom has revealed.
There is still one secret that no gamer has discovered, and it links in with another hidden easter egg in the follow up, Mega Man 10.
Capcom Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez told MTV's Multiplayer blog that the secret was still at large, despite widespread internet campaigns to track it down. There's an 88 page-long thread on the publisher's own Ask Capcom site, for example.
Gonzalez wasn't forthcoming with any details regarding what the hidden content involves but did reveal that "there's a reason that people haven't found it yet."
How cryptic. Do drop us a line if you manage to figure it out, wont you?
The fiendish but brilliant Mega Man 9 hit PlayStation Network, WiiWare and Xbox Live Arcade in 2008. Mega Man 10 followed last year, but wasn't quite as successful.
Next up for the Blue Bomber is Mega Man Universe, due on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live next year.
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October 11th, 2010, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster

How does Nintendo's oft-delayed Wii Vitality Sensor work? According to a new patent filing, it's actually quite simple -- the unit fires infrared light right at your fingertip and reports how much passes through, just like the pulse oximeters the pros use. Games then translate the result to the unfortunately-named "relax fluid" number, which is the Vitality Sensor's equivalent of your Brain Age -- the more fluid you've got, the calmer you are. It's also allegedly sensitive enough to detect when you're breathing just by measuring the changes in your fingertip, as evidenced by a concept game where you have to closely adjust your inhaling and exhaling to get an avatar safely through a tunnel without hitting the presumably deadly walls. And now you know.
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October 11th, 2010, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking in an investor Q&A session last month, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that low sales of DS software could not be blamed entirely on the problem of piracy, instead citing lack of innovation as a central cause.
Answering a question about the company's revised financial forecast, which featured a reduced sales projection for DS and Wii hardware, the president pointed out that games like Art Academy had bucked the trend of poor penetration in some of the markets hardest hit by piracy.
Iwata singled out Spain as a market where DS games had a particularly hard time penetrating the sales chart, partly because of the difficulty in applying rigorous anti-piracy laws. However, he also made clear that DS games had always struggled to make a retail impact in the territory, and that games which managed to break into the public awareness could succeed nonetheless.
"Nintendo DS software could not make it to the hit software sales chart in the country for sometime," Iwata told investors.
"However, when we launched the Nintendo DS software Art Academy in Europe this summer, which shows you how to draw pictures, it was ranked number one on the software sales chart covering all the videogame platforms in Spain. If one software can attract many people and can become a social topic, that software can sell regardless of piracy."
Whilst Nintendo are obviously keen to deal with the piracy issue on DS and Wii, Iwata sees a lack of innovation in the games available as a bigger problem.
"Of course, as a responsibility of the platform holder, we will tackle piracy. For example, when we launch new hardware, such as Nintendo 3DS, it is a good opportunity to beef up the countermeasures, and we are actually working on that now.
"On the other hand, I do not think we should attribute bad software sales solely to piracy. Even with piracy, as long as we can create products which can attract attention from many consumers and which can greatly entertain them, that software can make it to the number one position of the hit software sales chart. "
Iwata also claimed that it is this lack of variety which is causing a downturn in software sales across the industry.
"For your information, the slower sales pace of games is not confined to Nintendo, but is now an issue the whole videogame market is facing. I understand that it is because consumers are having a hard time finding something new among the proposals videogame producers are making today. "
Nintendo has targeted the sale of four million 3DS units by the end of the fiscal year in March, 2011.
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October 11th, 2010, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster

Add some feedback to an original NES controller by making it vibrate. This feature is often known as Rumble Pak, a controller add-on for the Nintendo 64 which vibrated as a game feature. This version adds a small DC motor (in the upper right) with a screw soldered off-center to the motor shaft.
[Andy Goetz] and his friend built this as a robot controller, taking advantage of the latch and clock pins. Normally, nothing happens while both pins are held high, a signal that they easily patched into using an AND gate. This is actually a neat find, as the addition of an internal microcontroller could add bi-directional communication when the latch is high and the clock is strobed.
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October 11th, 2010, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Zoo Games haven’t revealed it yet, but they have a first person zombie shooting game for the Nintendo DS. After the ESRB leaked Zombiez Seeker we did some digging. First, this is what the rating board had to say about the unannounced title.
This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a young couple attempting to fend off various evil creatures after their car breaks down. Players use pistols, shotguns, and machine guns to kill the cartoonlike enemies (e.g., zombies, skeletons, vampires, evil clowns) that attack with knives or balls of slime. Players must reload each weapon manually to continue shooting; enemies grunt or shriek when hit by the gunfire. The words "bastard" and "damn" appear in the dialogue.
While Zombiez Seeker has shotguns and evil clowns to shoot, this game can’t be that violent. Zombiez Seeker is one of the rare FPS games rated "T" for teens. Thailand-based 7 Raven Studios is developing the game and this is what it looks like.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2993
The team of developers Mplayer EC proposes a new version of MPlayer to recall that the EC is a fork of the version of Mplayer of Team Twizzers.
This includes all the features in the various unofficial versions (DVD, SDHC, USB, Samba etc ...) and adds more management aspect ratio, correcting a problem with playing DVD (using a real fast cache) and the continuity of reading files in a folder.
- Sync with new versions MPlayer r32464 / FFmpeg r25423
- Moving the section. MEM2 bss to.
- Various fixes and changes.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2994
Xflak proposes a new version of its program (formerly called NUS Auto Downloader) that allows you to easily and automatically prepare your SD Card in order to implement the softmod your Wii by downloading the files needed for its operation.
New / fixed:
- You can now create wads for cIOS IOS56 rev20 with bases and IOS38. The recommended cIOS249/250 spend cIOS249 [57] and cIOS250-v19 [37] to cIOS249-v19 [56] and cIOS250-v20 [38]-v20.
- Bulk SNEEK Game Extractor now checks if there is sufficient free space exists in the destination folder before starting extraction process.
- Updated Options Pros and Cons of USB-Loader.
- Removed cIOS202 [38] and cIOS202-v5 [37]-v5 of the download page. These files can be created / downloaded by selecting their counterpart cIOS222/223 from the download page forward and changing their slot for the 202.
- Various minor changes.
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October 12th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Stppwii v0.3 released by madmanguruman.
This is my port of ledow's GP2X SDL port of Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection.
ledow was not involved in this endeavor, so please direct any questions to the discussion page and not to him.
What's new
Version 0.3:
Compiled against libogc SVN r4414 / SDL-Wii r95 / STPPC2X r185
New game added
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October 12th, 2010, 13:23 Posted By: wraggster
Super Mario games have, for 25 years, been some of the best in the business. But creating them was no sweat for Shigeru Miyamoto.
It would seem that the Mario creator's typical Japanese humbleness has escaped him, but Miyamoto says it's all thanks to advances in technology, not his mad skills.
Speaking in the latest 'Iwata Speaks' interview (which was conducted instead by Japanese copywriter, author and game designer Shigesato Itoi), Miyamoto said: "Looking back, what's been easy about making the Mario games is that they could naturally change along with the progress of technology.
"In the same way, as technology advances, the Mario games change, too. On the contrary, books have basically always been made the same way. If it had been necessary to keep making Mario games in the same way like that, we couldn't have done it. In that way, making the Mario games has been easy."
Itoi suggests it's been easy because of Miyamoto's "work method", but Miyamoto reaffirms that it was simply a case of following technology. "If it weren't for that, I don't think I could have stuck with it this far," he said.
He goes on to reveal he's always wanted to invent something like the Rubik's Cube or become a Manga artist, but has never really tried, and so he concludes: "I must be taking it easy".
Yeah. Inventing and evolving the world's biggest game character for 25 years - real lazy, that.
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October 12th, 2010, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
Electronics giant IBM has confirmed that it intends to remain at the heart of future console development – while at the same time confirming that the Cell processor remains at the forefront of its planning.
IBM currently provides the processors powering consoles such as the Xbox 360 and Wii. It’s also now the sole driving force behind the infamous Cell processor that it co-developed with Sony and lies at the heart of the PS3.
“We want to stay in the [console] business, we intend to stay in the business,” IBM’s systems and technology group CTO Jai Menon stated, according to PCWorld.
“I think you'll see [Cell] integrated into our future Power road map. That's the way to think about it as opposed to a separate line – it'll just get integrated into the next line of things that we do. We’re working with all of the game folks to provide our capabilities into those next-generation machines.”
However, Menon also reaffirmed his commitment to its Power series of processors, which the exec asserts will in future be able to do “the kinds of things you used to be able to do with the Cell”.
In reality, it would not make a fundamental difference what chips lay at the heart of Nintendo’s next machine, but certainly use of the Cell would be a fascinating development.
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October 12th, 2010, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese gamers broadly consider Nintendo's 3DS to be on the expensive side, according to a new survey by GetNews.jp.
19.2 per cent of the one thousand gamers surveyed deemed the ¥25,000 / $305 / £192 handheld too expensive, 28.3 expensive and 32.2 'slightly' expensive.
By contrast, 16.4 elected for reasonably-priced, 2 per cent for slightly inexpensive and 0.9 inexpensive.
The RRP was last week defended by Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata, who argued that it was unreasonable to expect handhelds to be cheaper than home consoles, as they do not require peripherals such as screens.
"You do not need any other hardware devices to be connected in order for you to play with it," he told investors recently.
"We do not think, 'the price relationship between portable devices and home consoles must stay intact simply because it used to be that way.'"
Iwata also claimed the device's rapturous reception at EA vindicated a higher retail price than that of the Wii.
The Nintendo 3DS will be launched February 26 in Japan, and March in Europe and the US.
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October 12th, 2010, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
American peripherals specialist Performance Designed Products has announced the launch of a branded Wii headset ahead of the arrival of Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops on November 9th.
Called the Headbanger headset (pictured), it allows for multiplayer online chat in the Wii version of the shooter. It will hit US some time in October for $24.99 and should be available in the UK before the game debuts worldwide.
The fully licensed device plugs in via USB, includes a built-in microphone and a ten-foot cable.
“The Headbanger Headset brings online multiplayer chat to the Wii, and what better game to introduce it to the world than Call of Duty: Black Ops?” PDP’s senior executive VP and CTO Tom Roberts stated.
“Serious Call of Duty players require voice chat for team-based online games and we’re making sure that they can be heard loud and clear.”
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October 13th, 2010, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster

Danish block building specialist LEGO has revealed an intriguing alternative to Nintendo’s standard WiiMote – the Play & Build Remote.
As is probably obvious, being a LEGO product the twist here is that users are able to build their own accessory. Well, partially at least. The unit comes more or less fully built, with buyers able to customise it by swapping around some of its decorative building blocks.
Kotaku says that the peripheral will be released in North America later this week for $40. There’s no word on a European launch as of yet.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster

While the rest of you suckers are going to be running around, perfectly content with your housetrained Mewtwos, we're going to take advantage of an upcoming promotion from Nintendo -- one which allows us to come face to face with the original event Pokémon: Mew. You too can lock down Number 151 by using the Mystery Gift option on your copy of Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver from October 15 until October 30.
The Mew you'll receive is only Level 5, meaning the world's your oyster when it comes to how you decide to raise the little guy. We're unsure of where we'd like to focus his stats, but we are certain that we're going to name him Joey, and make him wear a little baseball cap, and he will be our precious little perfect angel.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

River City’s extracurricular activities just got EXTREME! High schools from far and wide assemble their hooligans to complete against the mysterious Tobioka Conglomerate in the Super Sports Challenge. Brawl your way through the toughest rival schools around and show’em who’s the best! Based on the ever-popular Kunio series which includes games like River City Ransom and Super Dodge Ball Brawlers. Fight to the finish!: Complete in races against the toughest hard-knock schools in River City. Six school teams to choose from, each with six unique teammates wielding crazy fighting moves like Human Bomb, Pizza Shot, and Mach Strike!
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October 14th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

features•Over 45 new tracks from classic hits and legendary songs to today’s chart-toppers! To name just a few: I Got You by James Brown, YMCA by The Village People, When I Grow Up by Pussycat Dolls, and Tik Tok by Ke$ha
•Like its predecessor, Just Dance 2 features iconic dance moves choreographed by real experts in every style of music, rock, pop, hip hop, R&B, and world!
•All new modes deliver hours of multi-player fun! Dance Off: Create your own dance crew and compete against others in a true dance off! Party Mode: The party never stops in this mode as the music plays continuously
•Just Dance 2 is a workout in disguise, keeping you energized and motivated as you dance the calories away! You can also keep an eye on your fitness with the Just Dance Sweat Meter and a calorie burn counter!
descriptionJust Dance has got America dancing! The #1 Best Selling Music/Rhythm Game on the Nintendo Wii system is back to keep the party going with an all-star tracklist, the hottest dance moves of today, and a brand new beat for everyone to enjoy.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

features•Fight your way through many exciting battlefields until all heroes have gathered at the decisive battle of Sekigahara
•Single-player game evolves based on players decisions and actions
•Featuring unique playable samurai warrior characters
•Upgradeable weapon types allow players to extend or add special abilities
•Dramatic “Heroes’ Story” mode changes history based on players decisions as the story progresses
descriptionThe next evolution in producer of Devil May Cry 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi’s BASARA series is coming to Wii with Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes. Set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes follows players as they fight their way to the dramatic battle of Sekigahara. Players will take up the swords and spears of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents in many exciting stages that lead up to the main event.
Featuring unique playable characters, as well as supporting generals who will make it easier to command and lead armies, players will see the battle from the perspective of each military commander with the ultimate goal of re-writing history to rule all of 16th century Japan.
In the dynamic new “Hero’s Story” mode, the player’s decisions impact history with a redesigned story mode. Based on choices made by the player, new drama unfolds as friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and a new Sengoku story unfolds. Adding a new strategic element to the game, forces can fight for control/taking over of camps and ultimately entire battlefields
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October 14th, 2010, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15716.html
The NES emulator with the unusual name Sega Li has been updated.
13-07-08: 1.11.3
The main reason for this minor release is because my homepage moved to a new
- various small fixes (not just the remark above)
11-10-10: 1.11.4
I haven´t worked on Sega Li since late 2008. It would be a shame letting
the progress after 1.11.3 fade away on my harddisk, so, after a mild peak
of interest in the good old NES due to a friend currently developing a NES
emulator for the MSX platform(!), I spent this weekend fixing things up.
I feel asleep!!
- mappers: MMC1 SOROM/SXROM is autodetected by SRAM size (same as with MMC6)
- UI: added dialog for setting directories
- CPU: fixed several undocumented opcodes (blargg testroms)
- CPU: improved simultaneous NMI+IRQ/BRK behaviour (blargg testroms)
- improved power-on/reset timing and initial state (blargg testroms)
- UI: remember full screen/window setting on exit
- PPU: fixed PPU read buffer ($2007) changing during rendering
- mappers: proper support for iNES mapper #185 (copy protected CNROM)
- CPU: added dummy reads quirk on (ZP),Y and ABS,X opcodes (blargg testroms)
- removed ´firmware´ game NeSnake 2 from the release build, I´m pretty certain
that, unlike with meisei, people and Googlebots downloading my emulator have
a stash of NES romzies ready to be played. Lots of thanks to Matrixz for
having allowed me to include his game with Sega Li!
- UI: imported many bugfixes from meisei (my MSX emulator sharing the same UI)
- fixed system pauses with D3D if the window was minimized but still active
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October 14th, 2010, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15720.html
The sourcecode and a binary of the Gamecube emulator Gekko have been released to the general public.
After many years of work, we are releasing gekko into the public. It is behind Dolphin in terms of what is possible and functional though.
This release is due to a variety of reasons. Most of it is due to myself being the sole developer at the moment. I´ve been moving along on it however the pace is slowing down due to various issues in increasing speed and other events in my life"
"There are a few enhancements since the v0.3 release, mostly in the DynaRec but I can´t recall what all of the updates are."
"The code that is being made public was a large work between Lightning and Shizzy with a few others like Chrono chipping in.
Shizzy did most of the work on the graphic code and quite a bit of the original underlying code for low level and the interpreter cpu.
Lightning´s main focus was the dynarec. He also rewrote the HLE code while also reimplementing and reworking other parts of the code for speed.
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October 14th, 2010, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://retroactionmagazine.com/retro...amer-issue-82/
Mario on the front cover and four separate Mario articles in the magazine itself? Yes, Retro Gamer has gone Mario crazy to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nintendo gaming mascot, including ‘The Complete History of Mario’, ‘The Ultimate Guide to Super Mario Bros. 3′, ‘Retro Revival: Super Mario 64′ and ‘Endgame: Super Mario Bros 2′. Other highlights include ’2D Gaming: Here and Back Again’, ‘The Making of… Pilot Wings 64′, ‘The Making of… Leather Goddesses of Phobos’, ‘Classic Game: Impossible Mission’, ‘Same Name, Different Game: Bionic Commando’, ‘In the Chair with… Sid Meier’ and the usual regulars. The magazine has just appeared across stores in the UK and oversees readers should be getting it pretty soon as well.
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October 14th, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Pacman v1.02 released by Dashxdr.
This is the pacman emulator written by A.D.Price and released in 2008 then promptly orphaned.
Adopted October 2010 by Dashxdr who fixed the audio issues, cleaned up the source, and made this page.
The game requires the original pacman game roms to be placed on the SD card in SD:/pacman/roms. The files required are these:
We'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to acquire the listed files, they're not included with the emulator due to copyright concerns.
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October 14th, 2010, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=308
Fwirt has released a total of 6 Virtual Boy demos which function as example code as well as base code to start your own projects.
This folder contains a bunch of demos that I wrote at the beginning of the summer to help me relearn (and expand my knowledge of) Virtual Boy programming. I'm releasing them in the hopes that they will be helpful to someone else. They are aimed at people who already know how to program in C, but want some code examples for Virtual Boy to supplement the programmer's manuals. They are released under a modified BSD license (so basically do what you want with them but don't blame me...) Share and Enjoy! -Fwirt
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October 14th, 2010, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12522&f=19
Meetings & phan_b cleric_b have alisa © © Ã © download this project as © Ã © tudes "Uber Poject" platform game jump & run for the Nintendo DS
Uber Project, is a platform game jump & run for the Nintendo DS ©.
The game is da © rides on a planet unknown where he will grow in à © avoiding or fighting the enemy.
In the meantime, here's the synopsis of the game:
Macho Moucho ¯ ° are on board their ship in a remote corner of the galaxy, where € ™ s camera suddenly becomes uncontrollable. Sâ € ™ s unit € ™ à © crushes and two friends are © s sà © para It remains € ™ More than just a solution Moucho à ¯: Macho locate ¯ € ™ s € ™ s using a GPS and join him.
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October 14th, 2010, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2995
Xflak proposes a new version of its program (formerly called NUS Auto Downloader) that allows you to easily and automatically prepare your SD Card in order to implement the softmod your Wii by downloading the files needed for its operation.
New / fixed:
- Fixed a bug in the functions HackMii Solutions that caused the backup of boot.elf Hackmii Install the root of the SD Card instead of boot.elf MMM.
- WiiXplorer is now saved in apps \ WiiExplorer instead of apps \ WiiXplorer to improve compatibility with Homebrew Browser. Downloading WiiXplorer also creates an empty folder ("config \ WiiXplorer") to allow WiiXplorer to save user settings.
- Various minor changes.
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October 15th, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.tigsource.com/2010/10/12/blade-buster/
Blade Buster
Posted by Derek Yu October 12th, 2010
Blade Buster is a new homebrew NES shoot ‘em up by the doujin group High Level Challenge. The game is based on the two time attack modes from the 1990 Turbografx-16 vertical shoot ‘em up Super Star Soldier, in which you try to achieve the highest possible score in either 2 or 5 minutes. So there are only two short stages in the game, with the boss battles at the end of each one. Aside from the standard enemies, boxes, and gems, there are various hidden bonuses you can get for extra points.
It’s always nice to see a high-quality homebrew title come out for the NES, and Blade Buster certainly fits the bill, with nice graphics and music, and fun level design. The game also runs very well on FCEUX, my NES emulator of choice, putting lots of fast-moving sprites on the screen with almost no slowdown or flicker. Check it out if you’re a fan of NES homebrew or shoot ‘em ups!
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October 17th, 2010, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's dated the Wii Remote/Motion Plus combo controller leaked last month.
The Wii Remote Plus will release in Europe on 5th November in four colours: white, black, pink and blue. We've asked Nintendo how much it costs.
It has the same physical dimensions of the standard Wii Remote and all compatible peripherals, including the Nunchuk and Classic Controller, can be plugged into its base. It works in exactly the same was as the Wii Remote with a Wii Motion Plus plugged in.
Meanwhile, Nintendo announced that FlingSmash, which comes bundled with a Wii Remote Plus, will release in Europe on 19th November.
The Artoon motion-controlled side-scrolling platformer sees players fling ball-shaped character Zip at angles to smash objects.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
The uDraw GameTablet, THQ's new peripheral for the Wii, will launch on 14th November in the US.
The tablet will come bundled with art program uDraw Studio and will sell for around $69.99 (£43 / €50).
Two other games – platformer Dood's Big Adventure and board game conversion Pictionary – will both be available from launch with a budget $29.99 price tag. THQ plans to announce more titles soon.
A European release date hasn't been confirmed yet.
THQ is pretty psyched about its new gizmo. Last month CEO Brian Farrell claimed, "I've been in the industry a long time and I've never seen a reaction to the product like this be so universal. Retail loved it and said, 'Oh, Nintendo should have done this'. This is exactly the reception we wanted."
Eurogamer's Christian Donlan came away from his hands-on session with the chunky add-on reasonably impressed.
"If you're thinking that the last thing you need for your Wii is another peripheral, this might just be the device that changes your mind," he said.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster

If your pocket or purse makes room for a smartphone there's a good chance you've started managing your shopping lists digitally. Nintendo, however, is trying to make an ever-greater case for taking your DS with you instead, and if instant trading of content with strangers isn't enough incentive, maybe tracking groceries is. Nintendo of America has applied for a patent describing an "in-store wireless shopping network using hand-held devices." Those devices are, of course, game systems, and the images with the patent app all show a DS being used to track needed quantities of such exciting items as milk, eggs, and salsa. The picture below gives an idea of what the interface might look like, talking to a database of items and their locations to give shoppers an idea of where to find things in the store. Net result? Planning your route becomes a thrilling strategy game -- or at least keeps you from getting lost in the supermarket, ensuring you can continue to shop happily.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been troubled by audio issues or other annoyances in the WiiWare version of Cave Story, go download it again from the Wii Shop. Nicalis released an updated version of the remake this week, which addresses those sound issues and more.
According to the full list of changes we received from a reliable source, the looping in the original music has been improved, and the instrumentation in the remixed music is now mixed properly (so you can hear bass and drums, for example). In addition, the "typing" text noise is no longer far too loud. In non-sound-related changes, GameCube controller support has been added, and the "extra" modes are now unlockable instead of open from the beginning. Typos in the translation have also been edited, and transparency has been added to the graphics in several places, including when you open up the Home menu.
NeoGAFfer sfried notes that if you've saved Cave Story to an SD card, you'll have to delete the game ("channel") and redownload it. Otherwise, you can just grab the update from the Wii Shop.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
The 3DS has a touch screen instead of an arcade-spec joystick, which makes it a bit less than optimal for fighting games like Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition. But in bringing the fighter to 3DS, Capcom has done its best to concoct a little touch-screen-ade.
The game's website details the touch screen implementation, which allows players to assign their choice of moves to four sections of the screen. You can set things like Focus Attacks, special moves, Ultra Combos, or combinations of three simultaneous button presses, according to the examples shown.
Capcom has been known to make concessions like this for systems without ideal fighting game controllers. SNK vs. Capcom EO on GameCube allowed players to launch special moves by pressing directions on the right stick, for example, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom had optional simplified controls for use with the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster

We can't help but notice that there's something wrong with your Nintendo Entertainment System. No, it's not that its connector pins are totally jacked after two decades of rough cartridge insertion -- it's that it isn't covered, toe to tip, in the autographs of some of the gaming, tech and general nerd industry's most prominent figures.
You can rectify that problem by bidding on this NES, which has been signed by folks like Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, Wil Wheaton, MC Frontalot, Jonathan Coulton and many, many more. All the proceeds from the auction go to the Baystate Children's Hospital in Springfield, Mass. -- as do the proceeds from eBay user DanMckela's other auctions. Go take a look at his altruistic wares!
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October 17th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.codemii.com/2010/10/17/hb...%93-week-42-2/
The codemii.com website hosts the Homebrew Browser’s updates. This will be my blog where I try to give an status updates on the development progress of the Homebrew Browser
The following applications have been added/updated:
17 October 2010
» HomebrewFilter r15 -> r18
» Jewels v1.0 -> v1.01
» Pacman (emulator) v1.0 -> v1.02
» PongFWii v0.3
» Riivolution v1.04- > v1.041
» Stppwii v0.1 -> v0.3
» Yabause Wii r2604 beta14 -> beta16
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October 17th, 2010, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Rumbler Release Candidate 2 r2 released by RTM.
This is an application that makes the Wiimotes rumble. When you press +, the Wiimotes rumble, and when you press -, the Wiimotes stop rumbling. On the first Wiimote, press B to make all the remotes rumble, and A to stop all the rumbling.
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October 17th, 2010, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Jewels v1.01 released by Dashxdr.
Jewels game for Wii. Similiar to bejeweled. It's a Wii Homebrew port of gljewels
It's a puzzle game where you have to get 3 of the same jewel in a row or column by swapping neighboring jewels. The game features 3D solid color objects, anti-aliased fonts, textures rendered with varying transparency and colorization, multiple concurrent sound effects, Wii pointer control.
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October 17th, 2010, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
ThemeShooterTk 0.05 released by HoKaze
ThemeShooterTk is a cross-platform, Python based clone of ThemeShooter made by HoKaze.
It can be run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and most modern Unix-like operating systems so long as the following requirements are met:
Python 2.x (Python 2.6 and 2.7 should work fine)
Tkinter (should come with python)
Python Imaging Library, PIL (Tends to be included with python)
PIL: ImageTk Module (on Linux this tends to be kept separate, look for the "python-imaging-tk" package)
What started off as a quick and dirty clone of the original ThemeShooter has since grown and whilst it may be behind the original and ThemeShooterX, it should hopefully suffice for some basic "themeshots." I do intend on continuing to add to it on the rare occasion I have time. Please check the enclosed readme file for further information, bugs and what to look for in the future.
As of version 0.06:
Dummy text (with alpha)
Theme previews
Screenshot generation
Replaces missing images (apart from the background) with images from Dark Water v2 theme
Random bubble placement on both preview and screenshots
Beginnings of an application database of sorts (possibly expanded later)
Basic configuration file support for program settings (will be expanded later)
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October 17th, 2010, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mackyman7
Its not really a blimp racing.Its just a little well blimp getting to a door without hitting a block.Hope you like it.My first upload......Also i fixed the thing wher the screen shifts when you move.
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October 17th, 2010, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
More Dos Emulator for DS News from Pate:
This past week has seen slow but steady progress with the protected mode support in DS2x86. After the previous blog post, I started thinking about ways to make the existing real-mode code more compatible with the needs of protected mode, and 32-bit memory access. In the original DSx86 code I had used all the 16-bit registers shifted to high 16 bits, and I used the lowest byte of the currently effective segment (which I kept in r2 register) to tell whether a segment override is in effect. Most of the opcodes need to know whether a segment override is in effect to calculate the correct memory address when using BP-based indexing. While memory access normally defaults to Data Segment (DS), addressing memory with the BP register defaults to Stack Segment (SS). In DSx86 I kept the currently effective segment register in r2 highest 16 bits, with the lowest byte telling whether a segment override is in effect. The SS register value was kept in the high 16 bits of r3 register, with the DS register value in the low 16 bits of the same register. Thus, in the main loop I could easily reset the segment override to be off and r2 register having the default DS register value like this:
ldrb r1,[r12],#1 @ Load opcode byte to r1, increment r12 by 1
mov r2, r3, lsl #16 @ r2 high halfword = logical DS segment, clear segment override flags
ldr pc,[sp, r1, lsl #2] @ Jump to the opcode handler
Can't get much more efficient than that, when trying to perform two logically different operations, making r2 contain the currently effective segment and clearing a segment override flag. The BP-based memory address handling in turn checked whether a segment override is in effect and if not, made the r2 register contain the current SS value with the following code:
.macro mem_handler_bp_destroy_SZflags
tst r2, #0xFF @ Is a segment override in effect? Zero flag will be set if not
biceq r2, r3, #0x0000FF00 @ r2 = logical SS segment in high halfword, with garbage in low byte
I had used a somewhat similar approach in DS2x86, as it was just copied and translated to MIPS assembly from the DSx86 method. To prepare for protected mode, I wanted to change this method so that the register that keeps the currently effective segment (#defined to be "eff_seg", in reality register ra) directly contains a linear memory address (which in real mode would be the segment value shifted left 4 bits). So, I could not use the same trick of storing the segment override flag in this register. I really did not want to make the code slower than it currently was, so I actually spent two days just thinking how I could change the segment override flag handling so that the main loop would not slow down (my first priority), I would not need to waste a new register for just this flag (second priority), and that the BP register memory access would also be as fast as possible (third priority).
After spending two days thinking about this problem, the solution finally occurred to me. In the end the main loop did not get any slower, I did not need to use a new register, and the BP addressing was just as fast as before! Here is the resulting code, with some explanation following.
lw t1, opcode_table(t1) // Get the opcode handler address from the opcode table
move eff_seg, eff_ds // Set DS to be the effective segment
ori flags, FLAG_SEG_OVERRIDE // Fix the CPU flags, telling we have no segment prefix
jr t1 // Jump to the opcode handler
After assembling, the generated code looks like this:
8006453c: 8d290000 lw t1,0(t1)
80064540: 01e0f821 move ra,t7
80064544: 01200008 jr t1
80064548: 37390002 ori t9,t9,0x2
The MIPS assembler does a lot of changes to the original ASM code behind the scenes, due to the peculiar features of the processor. For example, all jumps and branches have a "branch delay slot" following them, which is actually executed before the branch is taken. The assembler reorders the opcodes so that the jump is moved before the preceding opcode, if the preceding opcode (ori in my example) has no effect on the branch instruction itself (which it does not here). If the jump can not be moved higher, then a NOP operation is added into the branch delay slot, wasting one CPU cycle. Also, as loads from memory (the lw opcode) cause a pipeline stall if the register that is loaded is used in the next opcode, you also lose a CPU cycle if you don't have any useful operations (that do not use the loaded register) to put immediately after the load opcode. Thus, there is no way to make the main loop code faster than what it currently is, so my first priority was fulfilled. I need to have one operation after the branch address loading, and I need to have an operation in the branch delay slot.
I managed to fulfill my second priority by using the x86 CPU flags emulation register (#defined as "flags", being in reality register t9). The x86 flags register has a reserved bit 1 (with value 2) that should always be set. I set this bit in the main loop, and then reset the bit to zero in all segment override handlers. Since the code that would need to use the full flags register value (practically only the PUSHF opcode handler) will never have a segment override, this will cause no problems in any code that handles the flags register.
The macro to handle the BP-register based segment handling looks like the following. The .set commands allow me to use the Assembler Temporary (AT) register myself, while normally the assembler uses this for all sorts of behind-the-scenes tricks and macro expansions.
.macro mem_handler_bp
.set noat
andi AT, flags, FLAG_SEG_OVERRIDE // at == 0 if we have a segment override
movn eff_seg, eff_ss, AT // If no segment override, put SS into effective segment
.set at
This is just as efficient as the original DSx86 code, just two assembler opcodes. The andi opcode puts just the flags bit 1 into the AT register (so AT is zero if the flag is not on, meaning a segment override is in effect), and the movn opcode moves eff_ss register into eff_seg register if the AT register is not zero (no segment override in effect). This fulfilled my third priority.
In addition to this change I changed all my memory address routines to not use shifted memory offsets, which was a lot of work. There were 266 locations in the code where the shift was used, but only about 220 of these were related to this address calculation and needed changing. I first used a simple find-replace operation in the editor to comment all of these out, and then used my tester program to see which opcodes got broken, and then fixed these one by one. In the end the whole code got about 3% faster! Not a big change, but it was very nice that adding a new feature made the code faster, and not slower as normally happens!
After such extensive code refactoring I finally got back to debugging the PMODE header of Trekmo in DS2x86. The PMODE header first goes to 16-bit protected mode (it jumps to a USE16 segment using the jmp 0020:138E opcode as you saw in the debug output of the previous blog post). Then it sets up the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) while in the USE16 segment, and then goes to 32-bit protected mode (USE32 segment) using a RETF opcode. It took me the rest of last week to add support for the operations PMODE does in the USE16 segment, so that finally today I got DS2x86 to run the RETF opcode properly and switch to the USE32 segment. This is where I am currently at. There is only a small amount of code remaining in the PMODE header until it jumps to my own Trekmo code (jmp 00014ED4 in the debug output, which is the jmp _main command in the following code snippet from the PMODE sources).
I also hacked my debugger memory dump routines so that by dumping address FFFF:30 I can get a formatted output of the Global Descriptor Table (GDT). The GDT that PMODE uses is shown below. You can see that for example selector 20 is a USE16 code segment, while selector 08 is the actual USE32 segment (where the RETF opcode returned to, and where I am currently at). In this case PMODE uses a GDT with a limit of 0x8F (so that all the items happen to fit nicely into the DS2x86 debug screen) and located at linear address 0x000042C4.
p_start: ; common 32bit start
mov eax,gs:[1bh*4] ; neutralize crtl+break
mov oint1bvect,eax
db 65h,67h,0c7h,6 ; MOV DWORD PTR GS:[1bh*4],code16:nullint
dw 1bh*4,nullint,code16 ;
mov eax,gs:[32h*4] ; set up for new real mode INT32
mov oint32vect,eax
db 65h,67h,0c7h,6 ; MOV DWORD PTR GS:[32h*4],code16:int32
dw 32h*4,int32,code16 ;
in al,21h ; save old PIC masks
mov ah,al
in al,0a1h
mov oirqmask,ax
jmp _main ; go to main code
The next big thing to do is to add proper protected mode interrupt handling using the IDT table, and I also need to improve my stack handling so that switching between 16-bit SP and 32-bit ESP stack pointer addressing works properly. Currently it is somewhat hardcoded to just work in the current situation in PMODE/Trekmo. Besides those features, I still have a lot of new opcodes to add, so these will again keep me busy for quite a while.
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October 17th, 2010, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...72d67c4f99218d
PypeBros offers version 1.3 of its new adventure game engine using its platform, "Bilu: Apple Assault".
Early release through because you're worth it, and at the request of my brother who is in contact with El Mobo (musician Fury of the Furries, among others) who would like to show him what gives him his music "in game". Instructions in the presentation of version 1.0.
Program, intro music for the menu, "Big Fist" and special music when you can throw shuriken. I would have expected to have the sequences "clear level!", "Try again" and "game over" planned, my trip to Paris but returned me the guts, we'll be happy with what we
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October 17th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...72d67c4f99218d
First recall the sting "Nintendomax DS Dev Competition 2010"Development of amateur competition on the DS.
The purpose of this competition is to create a game homebrew novel for DS / DSi games and applications are accepted but will be commonly classified.
The ink has flowed since the first announcement and some changes have already been adopted. We were joined by 2 sponsors www.consodreams.com and www.fls-games.com, So the jackpot has risen and will soon climb to $ 500 extra.
A contest splashscreen not originally planned has been launched between time => viewforum.php? f = 123
We rely on the generosity of our readers and those who support the amateur scene to continue to raise the pot through the wiidget ChipIn!.
* The first will receive 50% of all donations.
* The 2nd - 30% of all donations.
* The 3rd - 20% of all donations.
* The 4th - a surprise gift.
Splashscreen contest winner - 1 R4i.
You have until midnight December 31, 2010 to present your (your) project (s).
All good code .
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October 18th, 2010, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
3DS games Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater, PES, Contra and Frogger will all be released in Europe, Konami's confirmed.
We knew of their existence following the 3DS handheld's E3 2010 reveal in June, but now we have official word the quartet will be hitting our shores.
Details are scarce. We've got nothing on the 3DS Pro Evolution Soccer, Contra or Frogger, but there's an on-rails video of Snake Eater, which you can see below.
Today Konami president Kunio Neo promised "more news in the coming months". The 3DS will be released in Europe in March 2011.
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October 18th, 2010, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster

While we've already seen it get official in Japan, Europe is first from the gate with an official launch date for the new Wii Remote Plus: November 5th. Unfortunately, we've not been given a price. What we do know is that it will launch in the four colors shown above and integrate into a single Wiimote what used to required a separate Wii Remote and Wii MotionPlus add-on. Too bad Nintendo's pricing and availability announcement strategy isn't as simple.
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October 18th, 2010, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
It's not just the PS3 that will be doing its Netflix streaming disc-free from today: the Wii is joining in the fun as well! Americans and Canadians alike will be able to download and install Netflix from the Wii Shop Channel, provided they've signed up for a subscription of $8.99 (C$7.99 in Canada) or above. Notably, over three million Wii consoles are said to have been hooked up with Netflix since the service launched back in April, and this step should make that number grow even larger. Only question is what we're all going to do with those three million redundant discs now. We can't turn them all into coasters, any ideas?
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October 18th, 2010, 15:49 Posted By: wraggster

Remember that prototype Wii tablet tennis controller that was reviewed (and adored) recently? You know -- the one that had no official maker and no official release date? Turns out that very device is made by Shinobii Technologies, and the outfit is finally coming clean with a bona fide version that's suitable for public release. The TT Champion Bat is said to be a true 1:1 replica of an actual table tennis paddle in both size and weight, and the electronics required to interact with the Wii console are all integrated; in other words, this is your Wiimote when playing a tennis or ping pong title. There's also a rechargeable battery within to keep things humming along, and best of all, it'll soon be available online and at traditional video game retailers throughout the EU and North America for $69.99. Hello, stocking stuffer.
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October 18th, 2010, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
He may never be a Metacritic standout, but SpongeBob SquarePants has won the hearts of millions of little ones -- it doesn't matter what we think about his games. Having shipped 29 million copies of pure SpongeBob gold since 2002, THQ isn't about to let the money-maker off the hook. The publisher has renewed its partnership with Nickelodeon for multi-year rights to develop and release SpongeBob titles across major platforms and distribution channels.
The first game under the new agreement is being developed for 3DS, Kinect and THQ's own uDraw GameTablet for Wii. It will be released next year, and you'll probably have to buy it (and one of those new technologies) if you've got a kid between ages 2 and 11.
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October 18th, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
New Bonk, Bomberman, Tetris and Omega Five titles are all in development for 3DS, publisher Hudson Soft has confirmed.
Siliconera spied postings for a new game in the ancient Bonk platforming series on Hudson's website, alongside news of a new Tetris title for Nintendo's incoming handheld.
Hudson recently confirmed Bonk: Brink of Extinction for PlayStation Network, WiiWare and Xbox Live Arcade. The website does not state whether the 3DS game is a port of that title.
There's also a listing for a new Omega Five title. Again, no word yet on whether it's a remake of Natsume's impressive 2008 Xbox Live Arcade shooter or a new game.
Hudson clearly has a lot of faith in the 3DS – the Japanese publisher has already announced that Bomberman, Kororinpa and Deca Sports titles are in the pipeline.
The publisher would not confirm release windows for any of these titles. The 3DS itself, however, is due in March 2011.
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October 19th, 2010, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Doctor Who: Return To Earth's associate producer has told ONM that making the forthcoming Wii action game was a tough challenge.
The challenge faced by Asylum, the developers of Return To Earth, was to create an action game in which the main character doesn't use a weapon to see off his enemies.
"This was indeed a tough challenge at first when designing the Wii game being that it is a 3D action adventure," said Glen Parry.
"However it was obvious that the Sonic Screwdriver is a wonderfully versatile tool, which suits the Wii Remote perfectly, and has the ability to fire sonic blasts which the Doctor can use to manipulate platforms, environmental hazards, fix circuitry, distract adversaries and more.
"It also allowed us to emphasise gameplay aspects containing stealth, the environment and the use of distraction devices."
Did the lack of weapons cause problems for Evacuation Earth on DS as well? "The DS game is a puzzle adventure so has an entirely different pace and gameplay feel to it," continued Parry. "This game is more of a cerebral challenge as there are puzzles to solve and items to combine and use to progress the story."
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October 20th, 2010, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that whole Mario 25th anniversary thing? Nintendo's not ready to let you forget. It's just launched a new official 25th anniversary website that challenges you to make Mario-themed flipnotes.
The retro-decorated site, full of sprites from Super Mario Bros. 1, asks DSi and DSi XL owners to use the DSiWare Flipnote Studio software to create their little animations, in combination with some sound effect samples it provides.
You need to send them in to Nintendo between now and November 19 - although it doesn't mention any form of prize for the best ones, so we presume it's just for fun and Nintendo will post your creations on the site.
Head through the source link below for full instructions.
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October 20th, 2010, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Level-5's announced a 3DS Professor Layton Phoenix Wright crossover game.
It's called Professor VS Gyakuten saiban, and is a joint effort by Level-5 and Capcom, according to 1UP.
At a press conference in Tokyo the Japanese developer showed anime cut scenes. It's described as a combination of puzzles and crime mystery.
Shu Takumi, the main developer of the core Ace Attorney series, is in charge of writing the game's scenario. He used the key word "Majo Saiban" or "Witch Trial" in English, while on stage.
Level-5's president Akihiro Hino described the crossover as like two TV shows getting together and making a movie.
A somewhat shakey snap of an image of the game taken from Level-5's conference is below. Yes, we know. Bonkers.
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October 20th, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
The DS version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released this November, EA has announced.
You play Harry Potter as he tries to locate and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. Of course, good old Ron and really to old to be playing a school girl Hermione are at Harry's side, mustering powerful magic against Death Eaters and Snatchers.
The action takes place outside of Hogwarts, as it does in the upcoming film. It's all about combining powers in each of the environments. There's puzzle solving and quests, too.
Oh, and don't forget multiplayer. Here, you play either Harry or a Dementor in a race for the highest score.
The DS announcement trailer is below.
Deathly Hallows part 1 – also due out on the PC, PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 – was announced at E3 2010 in June.
The non-DS versions adopt a third-person shooter approach, thanks to a new HD engine developed by EA's Bright Light studio in Guildford. Will Porter went hands-on for Eurogamer.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•10,000+ adjectives reflect real life behaviors, personalities and characteristics of the objects they are applied to
•With more lengthy and in-depth experiences and scenarios
•Can’t figure that puzzle out? Now you have an option to purchase more explicit hints
•Dynamic merits during gameplay awarded upon the satisfaction of their criteria
•See your progress throughout each level
•Use the D-pad of Stylus controls
•Create both puzzle and action levels
descriptionIn Super Scibblenauts, the follow up to the critically acclaimed Scribblenauts players now have the ability to write any object that comes to mind and modify it in any way they desire using adjectives to reach the specified goal in each level. Adjectives can change the color, size, elements, behaviors, and many other aspects of the object they are describing. Multiple adjectives can be combined together to produce incredibly creative objects, allowing the player’s imagination to run wild for a truly unique and individualistic experience.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•The Lufia series makes its triumphant return!
•Six playable characters to choose from, each with their own special abilities and attacks! Switch between them on the fly to mix up your battle strategy!
•Action-packed real-time combat pits you against fierce enemies and towering bosses that fill both screens!
•Customize your characters with powerful Mystic Stones!
descriptionThe Sinistrals, the four legendary harbingers of doom, are out to resurrect the ultimate evil and bring the world to its knees. It's up to the fiery monster hunter Maxim and his eclectic band of adventurers to put a stop to them once and for all. Their adventures will take them across an expansive world packed with dangerous enemies, powerful items, and diabolical puzzles!
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October 20th, 2010, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
Level-5 is expanding the Professor Layton franchise into 3D with the new Mask of Miracle, but that added dimension isn't the only expansion taking place in this game. During the Level-5 Vision conference, CEO Akihiro Hino announced that the new 3DS puzzle title will have daily downloadable puzzles for a year. Previous Layton games have had weekly puzzles available through the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. (And if you didn't know that, you suddenly have a bunch of bonus puzzles waiting in your Layton games!)
Hino also noted that Mask of Miracle was originally developed -- and announced -- as a DS game, but added, "We redid it from scratch midway through." He also revealed that the story takes place across two timelines, with a younger Professor Layton and the present-day (in the game's world) version both solving puzzles.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Level-5 has changed Fantasy Life from a DS game into a 3DS game.
Final Fantasy veterans artist Yoshitaka Amano and composer Nobuo Uematsu have paired to make it.
This was another title revealed at the Level-5 presser in Japan today. Other titles included Time Travelers, Ni no Kuni and a hostess game for 3DS.
No details of Fantasy Life gameplay were offered
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October 20th, 2010, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•The look of the world is stunning, but it’s also interactive. Pulling on stray threads might reveal hidden areas. When Kirby literally goes behind the scenes, the virtual fabric warps and bends to show his location
•Thanks to his versatile yarn composition, Kirby can take on a variety of forms both in his common actions and when he transforms into powerful vehicles. When Kirby dashes, he zips around as a car. In water, he turns into a submarine. At times he can even transform into a massive robotic tank, a UFO and other vehicles
•Two players can play through the entire game together
•Gems and collectible items are scattered throughout the environments for players to find
descriptionKirby’s first console platform game since the Nintendo 64™ days introduces an amazing new look based on animated yarn and a world of cloth and textiles. The creative approach is woven directly into the game play and allows the ever-morphing Kirby™ to take on a variety of new forms. It’s a one-of-a-kind platformer that lets players explore high and low for hidden objects and fun adventure.
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October 20th, 2010, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t260664-mame4all-scds2-port
According to the topic subjects at the SC Forum, Alekmaul is working on a port of MAME4ALL to the SCDS2. As we do not currently have access to the development forum we can only speculate that he has ported his Native Dingoo Emulator. The Dingoo port made use of an older MAME set specifically set up for the MAME4ALL emulator. There has been no information released publically on which ROM set this emulator will support and if it will support more ROMs than the Dingoo port. Rest assured Tempers, more information will be released when we have access to it.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate social multiplayer experience where two virtual DJ’s can drop the needle on the groove and mix, scratch and sample; all while a vocalist grabs the mic and sings along to lyrics from today’s biggest hits, scoring players with pitch and range detection
•Picking up where the award-winning DJ Hero soundtrack left off, DJ Hero 2 one-ups its predecessor and spins together even hotter tracks blazing up the charts and legendary club anthems from the biggest artists in pop, dance and hip hop. Remixes of block rockin’ beats from Lady Gaga, Deadmau5, Kanye West, Chemical Brothers and Dr. Dre will definitely set the party off right
•DJ Hero 2 lets players put their own spin on the music with Freestyle gameplay that allows them to mix, scratch and sample during set points in the game. With the tracks synced to the beat, scratches recorded by the pros and samples pulled directly from the tracks being mixed, everyone will sound like a superstar DJ
•The critically acclaimed Party Play, first made famous in Guitar Hero 5, is one of a half dozen new multiplayer modes coming to DJ Hero 2. Digital disc jockeys and living room lyricists will be able to start and stop spinning on the fly, drop-in and drop out of lyrical gameplay, switch difficulty level without interrupting the party vibes or just let the game play the body movin’ beats on its own
•At the heart of DJ culture is the battle. Epitomized by scratch legend DJ Q-Bert, DJ Hero 2 brings the heat to the players with a variety of competitive game modes. With DJ Battle – featuring custom designed mixes and authentic call-and-response gameplay – Quickplay, Pro-Faceoff, Accumulator, Checkpoints and Streakers, the game will be the judge in determining the ultimate living room scratch master
•In the all-new Empire Mode, players start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ. Wowing the crowd with their tight sets and awesome freestyle abilities, players will progress quickly, soon finding themselves in command of a network of global clubs, and each with a selection of superstar DJs in their crew
•With the DJ Hero turntable controller in hand, DJ Hero 2 continues to transform video gamers into virtual DJ’s engaging in techniques including mixing, sampling, various scratch patterns and adding effects to the music mix. From beginners to experts, players spinning on the turntable controller will experience the unique sensation of having control of the music at their finger tips
•Virtual DJs can throw down the ultimate battle with Hero Feed, which brings bragging rights to the game by allowing players to challenge and track their friends’ accomplishments, whether the friend is online or offline
track listing2Pac
50 Cent
Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
Armand Van Helden
Basement Jaxx
Bobby Womack
Bruno Mars
Busta Rhymes
Calvin Harris
Chris Willis
Clinton Sparks
Colby O’Donis
Daft Punk
Damian Marley
David Guetta
Dizzee Rascal
DJ Shadow
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Edwin Starr
Flo Rida
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Harold Faltermeyer
House Of Pain
Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
Kanye West
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Kool & The Gang
Lady Gaga
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
LL Cool J
Major Lazer
Malcolm McLaren
Melle Mel & Duke Bootee
Missy Elliott
Mos Def
Nate Dogg
Naughty By Nature
New Boyz
New Order
Pharoahe Monch
Pirate Soundsystem
Puff Daddy
Pussycat Dolls
Robin S.
Salt N Pepa
Sam Cooke
Sam Sparro
Sean Paul
Sneaky Sound System
Snoop Dogg
Soulja Boy Tell Em
Sparfunk & D-Code
Static Major
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Chemical Brothers
The Crystal Method
The Egg
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Prodigy
Walter Murphy
Warren G
Wayne Smith
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Young Jeezy
descriptionDJ Hero® 2 will transform living rooms into nightclubs letting budding beat chemists, singing sensations and all of their friends fire up two turntables and a microphone to experience their favorite music together as they’ve never heard it before. The follow-up to the award-winning, #1 new videogame IP of 2009, DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate way for gamers to come together with a host of new multiplayer modes that pit DJ against DJ in unique Battle Mixes, invite vocalists into the spotlight with scoring based on pitch and range detection and bring the party to life with jump-in/jump-out Party Play gameplay. Featuring the biggest dance, pop and hip-hop hits by the hottest artists everyone knows and loves remixed by world-class DJs in an all-new way, the game’s soundtrack delivers over 70 unique mashups only available in DJ Hero 2. Further immersing players into the music, the game offers a heightened level of creative input and allows everyone to add their own touch, directly impacting the beats they’re spinning with Freestyle scratching, cross-fading and sampling, performed at set points in the mix.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Run, Jump, Play… Explore!
It’s time to explore with Active Life Explorer, the latest game in the ACTIVE LIFE series. Get up off the couch into the action in this all new Active Life experience. Take on a bold new adventure and use the Wii Remote™ and the ACTIVE LIFE Mat Controller to take on the role of a treasure hunter and explore exotic locales. Stop a getaway train, catch a bandit on horseback, run across a falling bridge, explore a dark mine cart, and more! Active Life Explorer is a fun way to get everyone active and their hearts pumping!
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October 20th, 2010, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
The binaries for devkitPPC release 22 are now available. As usual the windows binary is available through the Automated Installer/Updater, for other platforms check the devkitPPC getting started page on the wiki.
updated to gcc 4.5.1.
updated gdb to 7.2.
enabled paired singles by default
enabled link time optimization.
thread safe handle allocation in libsysbase.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
Exciting crossover 3DS game Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright is as of right now a Japan-only title, but with gamers' support it could come to the West, Capcom's said.
"The game has only been announced for Japan," wrote Capcom's jgonzo in a blog post.
"Want it available outside of Japan? Shout out in the comments! The more comments we get for this blog post, the better!
"Let's show Capcom Japan that there's definite interest in Europe and North America!"
Meanwhile, titbits of information have been revealed about the enticing game.
Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright is a tentative title. It's described as a "puzzle-solving courtroom adventure", and its release date is to be determined.
In the game, Wright and Layton and other major characters from both series will be transported to a surreal medieval city called Labyrinth City where they must work together to solve contradiction-filled puzzles in order to solve the larger mystery at hand.
Did you know the Ace Attorney series has sold 3.9 million units worldwide? Now you do. Capcom reckons it's one of its "strongest intellectual properties".
Professor Layton, though, has sold a whopping 9.5 million units worldwide since the first title in the series went on sale in February 2007.
"We feel that by drawing upon the strengths of both series, this collaboration will bring new, casual game players to the adventure game genre and into the world of gaming in general while strengthening the value of the two brands overall," Capcom said.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
I did a double take when I scanned Famitsu’s table of contents. "Zombie… Daisuki? You gotta be kidding me," I thought trying to visualize cute House of the Dead horrors.
In English, Zombie Daisuki is something like Loveable Zombie and its written in hiragana to look cute. Famitsu says its for Nintendo DS, but scans of the game aren’t out yet.
"One of Square’s otome line, no doubt," Ishaan joked. "They’re expanding their fanbase to the undead schoolgirls." Square Enix actually has an otome line now. My guess is Love Zombie Plus, but until we see the reveal we’re just imagining how absurd this game is going to be.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

NBA 2K11 is the latest installment in the best selling, and highest rated NBA videogame series. NBA 2K11 is the best way to plug into NBA culture. It’s the most fun, authentic NBA videogame experience and is for any sports fan with that competitive fire who wants to play the best NBA simulation on the market. It’s the NBA series that everyone is playing – from the most elite NBA athletes and superstars to the local court gym rats. NBA 2K10 delivered on its promise to TAKE OVER, and NBA 2K11 will on build on that momentum by dialing up all of its features – gameplay, AI, presentation, visuals, audio, online and more – to deliver the best basketball videogame experience EVER.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate social multiplayer experience where two virtual DJ’s can drop the needle on the groove and mix, scratch and sample; all while a vocalist grabs the mic and sings along to lyrics from today’s biggest hits, scoring players with pitch and range detection
•Picking up where the award-winning DJ Hero soundtrack left off, DJ Hero 2 one-ups its predecessor and spins together even hotter tracks blazing up the charts and legendary club anthems from the biggest artists in pop, dance and hip hop. Remixes of block rockin’ beats from Lady Gaga, Deadmau5, Kanye West, Chemical Brothers and Dr. Dre will definitely set the party off right
•DJ Hero 2 lets players put their own spin on the music with Freestyle gameplay that allows them to mix, scratch and sample during set points in the game. With the tracks synced to the beat, scratches recorded by the pros and samples pulled directly from the tracks being mixed, everyone will sound like a superstar DJ
•The critically acclaimed Party Play, first made famous in Guitar Hero 5, is one of a half dozen new multiplayer modes coming to DJ Hero 2. Digital disc jockeys and living room lyricists will be able to start and stop spinning on the fly, drop-in and drop out of lyrical gameplay, switch difficulty level without interrupting the party vibes or just let the game play the body movin’ beats on its own
•At the heart of DJ culture is the battle. Epitomized by scratch legend DJ Q-Bert, DJ Hero 2 brings the heat to the players with a variety of competitive game modes. With DJ Battle – featuring custom designed mixes and authentic call-and-response gameplay – Quickplay, Pro-Faceoff, Accumulator, Checkpoints and Streakers, the game will be the judge in determining the ultimate living room scratch master
•In the all-new Empire Mode, players start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ. Wowing the crowd with their tight sets and awesome freestyle abilities, players will progress quickly, soon finding themselves in command of a network of global clubs, and each with a selection of superstar DJs in their crew
•With the DJ Hero turntable controller in hand, DJ Hero 2 continues to transform video gamers into virtual DJ’s engaging in techniques including mixing, sampling, various scratch patterns and adding effects to the music mix. From beginners to experts, players spinning on the turntable controller will experience the unique sensation of having control of the music at their finger tips
•Virtual DJs can throw down the ultimate battle with Hero Feed, which brings bragging rights to the game by allowing players to challenge and track their friends’ accomplishments, whether the friend is online or offline
track listing2Pac
50 Cent
Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
Armand Van Helden
Basement Jaxx
Bobby Womack
Bruno Mars
Busta Rhymes
Calvin Harris
Chris Willis
Clinton Sparks
Colby O’Donis
Daft Punk
Damian Marley
David Guetta
Dizzee Rascal
DJ Shadow
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Edwin Starr
Flo Rida
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Harold Faltermeyer
House Of Pain
Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
Kanye West
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Kool & The Gang
Lady Gaga
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
LL Cool J
Major Lazer
Malcolm McLaren
Melle Mel & Duke Bootee
Missy Elliott
Mos Def
Nate Dogg
Naughty By Nature
New Boyz
New Order
Pharoahe Monch
Pirate Soundsystem
Puff Daddy
Pussycat Dolls
Robin S.
Salt N Pepa
Sam Cooke
Sam Sparro
Sean Paul
Sneaky Sound System
Snoop Dogg
Soulja Boy Tell Em
Sparfunk & D-Code
Static Major
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Chemical Brothers
The Crystal Method
The Egg
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Prodigy
Walter Murphy
Warren G
Wayne Smith
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Young Jeezy
descriptionDJ Hero® 2 will transform living rooms into nightclubs letting budding beat chemists, singing sensations and all of their friends fire up two turntables and a microphone to experience their favorite music together as they’ve never heard it before. The follow-up to the award-winning, #1 new videogame IP of 2009, DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate way for gamers to come together with a host of new multiplayer modes that pit DJ against DJ in unique Battle Mixes, invite vocalists into the spotlight with scoring based on pitch and range detection and bring the party to life with jump-in/jump-out Party Play gameplay. Featuring the biggest dance, pop and hip-hop hits by the hottest artists everyone knows and loves remixed by world-class DJs in an all-new way, the game’s soundtrack delivers over 70 unique mashups only available in DJ Hero 2. Further immersing players into the music, the game offers a heightened level of creative input and allows everyone to add their own touch, directly impacting the beats they’re spinning with Freestyle scratching, cross-fading and sampling, performed at set points in the mix.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Is 3D gaming on the verge of completely revolutionizing your world? If you're a hardcore PlayStation fan, you might believe the answer to that question is "yes." However, given the recent DisplaySearch findings on 3DTV adoption, we're thinking more of you fall in with the leanings of Microsoft's Phil Spencer, who is making it clear that he isn't pushing the technology at this point:
For better or for worse, people just don't really have TVs in their house right now that are going to do 3D in a way that's going to work... As a corporate mandate, I don't need to sell you a new TV, that's not part of my business model. Other companies maybe have that part of their business model. I don't.
"Other companies," eh? Yeah, we think you can figure out who he's talking about there. Phil isn't just dishing up the Haterade, though, throwing props to Nintendo: "I like the 3DS, you don't have to wear the glasses."
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October 21st, 2010, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster

Sure, we may not have the special Super Mario Bros. 25th anniversary Wii or DSi XL, or the Super Mario All-Stars re-release, but Europe and Japan don't have these pins -- or this screensaver.
The newest items in the Club Nintendo shop are these four commemorative Mario pins, each shipping in early November for a steep 450 Coins -- which means you can go ahead and forget about collecting them all. On the other end of the price scale is a new Mario screensaver, featuring footage from games throughout the series, which you can download for 10 Coins. Compared to the pins, it's a bargain! But it's also a screensaver.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
In early builds of Nintendo's classic platformer Super Mario Bros, the iconic plumber wielded a gun, creator Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed.
Speaking in an interview with Japan's Famitsu magazine, kindly translated by 1Up's cryptography department, Miyamoto explained, "During much of development, the controls were A for shoot bullets, B to dash, and up on the control pad to jump.
"The bullets wound up becoming fireballs later - we originally thought about having a shoot 'em up stage where Mario jumps on a cloud and shoots at enemies, but we dropped it because we wanted to focus on jumping action. The sky-based bonus stages are the remnants of that idea, you could say.
"In the end, we realised that being able to shoot all the fireballs you want while running gave Mario too much of an advantage, so instead we had it so you shoot only one fireball when you start running."
Nintendo's resident genius went on to discuss the inspiration for the game's mushroom power-ups.
"The first game prototype we had going wasn't very good because you couldn't see very far ahead of you. People wanted to have more of the world visible onscreen, but I didn't want to make Mario any smaller than he was.
"So we decided to build the world on the scale of a smaller Mario, then make him larger in the final version. That's the moment we struck upon the idea of starting Mario out small and letting him get bigger later.
"Since the game's set in a magical kingdom," he added, "I made the required power-up item a mushroom because you see people in folk tales wandering into forests and eating mushrooms all the time. That, in turn, led to us calling the in-game world the 'Mushroom Kingdom,' and the rest of the basic plot setup sprung from there."
So there you have it: one of the cornerstones of the modern videogame industry was laid on a foundation of guns and hallucinogens.
You can revisit Miyamoto's original masterpiece when Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition arrives for Wii on 3rd December.
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October 21st, 2010, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15762.html
Dynamic Designs have updated another English translation, this time for the Japanese SNES RPG "Slayers".
This release of Slayers incorporates menu refinements and corrections of typographical errors, including a good fix of the battle menu, per the graphic below, as recommended on our Slayers board by a game player. The new patch may be downloaded from either the Slayers project page or the Download page. Enjoy!
The Slayers English translation project is the joint work of D-D and Matt´s Messy Room.
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October 21st, 2010, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Keiji Inafune was "80 per cent certain" that the company would refuse Level 5's request to collaborate on a crossover Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright game, the Capcom producer has revealed in an interview.
"I thought it would be impossible," he said in an interview in this today's Weekly Famitsu, translated by Eurogamer, in which he spoke alongside his Level 5 compatriot Akihiro Hino.
Inafune said that he didn't expect veteran Phoenix Wright director Shu Takumi to agree to the project because "Phoenix Wright is handled very carefully within Capcom" - also joking that he expected it to be difficult since Takumi is someone who "doesn't listen to what people say".
Hino appears to have been the lynchpin in getting the hugely anticipated crossover game into production, with Inafune praising him not only for managing to charm Takumi into accepting the idea - and subsequently becoming the scenario writer for the project - but for coming up with the concept in the first place.
"Nobody but Hino could have thought of it," he said. "In a sense, we're rivals, so usually you wouldn't want to do this sort of thing..."
The game is a true collaboration, Inafune insisted, with strong involvement from both Capcom and Level 5.
"It wasn't a case of licensing out the Phoenix Wright characters and demanding our licence money. That isn't a collaboration, and users would see that. For this standalone game, we wanted to create a great history, which would have been impossible if both parties were not fully involved."
The Famitsu piece doesn't include a lot of new information about the game, which was announced this week and is currently only for Japan, but Hino did confirm that, as well as working together, the two puzzle-solvers will also face off against each other over the course of the story
"I think the fans of both games want to see a showdown," he explains, "and also want to see a scene where [Layton and Wright] join hands and take on a really big challenge... We want to fill the game with both aspects."
Hino also said Phoenix Wright's influence on the hugely popular Professor Layton games in the interview, acknowledging that "from the outset, Professor Layton owed a lot to Phoenix Wright in some ways...
"We researched the good and bad points of Phoenix Wright, developed the good points and overcame what I saw as the bad points - that's how we created Professor Layton."
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October 21st, 2010, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster

We've been waiting for it to get more official in more places, and Nintendo's finally spilling the beans on the American release for its Wii Remote Plus. As you'll surely know, the controller takes that unsightly MotionPlus attachment and bundles it right into an otherwise stock looking Wiimote, and will do so at a very fair price of $39.99. That new model will also be included in a new Wii bundle, in which the little console is so charmed by its new controller that it's blushed into a bright crimson (again). Or maybe it's the included copy of New Super Mario Bros. Regardless, that'll be $199, and that new, 25th Anniversary red DSi XL bundle Nintendo announced last month is official too, costing $179. All three launch in just a couple weeks, on November 7, so get ready to ditch those dongles.
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October 22nd, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
With his rotund shape and waddling gait, we would never consider Kirby to be a particularly hasty creature -- still, we never would have expected his latest adventure, Kirby's Epic Yarn, to take months to reach European and Australian territories. Nintendo Australia recently confirmed that the title, released earlier this month in the U.S. and Japan, would see 2011 launch in PAL regions. (Online retailer Play suggests that it'll only arrive in March.)
In the months between, a dedicated European fan could probably recreate the game using actual yarn. Hey, why hasn't anyone done that yet? Get crafty, you guys.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.codemii.com/2010/10/21/hb...ed-to-v0-3-9a/
» Really fixed bug with HBB calculating the wrong free space
» Fixed bug when trying to use other repositories apart from CodeMii
» Added setting to enable/disable HBB from checking for updates
The Homebrew Browser has been upgraded to v0.3.9a. Just a quick update, firstly to fix Repository issues and to *really* fix the free space bug hopefully for real this time . Also just a setting has been added to let you choose whether you want to be alerted of Homebrew Browser updates.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
TetriCycle 1.2 released by Calvinss4
TetriCycle is Tetris projected onto a cylindrical surface. Rotate the cylinder left/right such that the descending piece falls into place.
9th Release: 10/20/10
Added a Mirror powerup.
Added a Speed Up powerup.
Added a Junk Piece powerup.
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October 22nd, 2010, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
James Bond 007: Blood Stone will arrive in the UK on November 5th along with GoldenEye 007.
Activision had previously only set the release date for Wii and DS shooter GoldenEye 007. The publisher announced today that its all-new Xbox 360, PS3, PC and DS game, James Bond 007: Blood Stone, will join it in stores on the same day.
Blood Stone features an original mission that takes players across the world, from the rustic delights of Athens and Istanbul to the snowy wastes of Siberia and the jungles of Bangkok.
GoldenEye 007 is a re-imagining of the film and the classic N64 game, which includes new sections, modes and gameplay. It will be available as a standalone game or bundled with a gold Classic Controller Pro on Wii.
Actor Daniel Craig has lent his likeness to both titles, which mark Bond’s return to video games.
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October 22nd, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
THQ's UK marketing director, Jon Rooke, has told GamesIndustry.biz that the company is "confident and fully expecting" the Wii and DS markets to bounce back this Christmas, following a slow rest of the year - mirroring sales activity in 2009, when the Wii platform in particular took off in the final two months of the year.
The news comes as the publisher launches a major marketing campaign for its Kids, Family and Casual line-up called 'Great Games, Great Value' - a campaign which echoes a push back in 2006, when the company needed to plug a revenue gap at Christmas left by the delay in release of Disney Pixar's Cars movie.
"We had a number of key learnings from that initial campaign, one of which was that we never really partnered closely enough with retail on it," Rooke explained. "We had a great umbrella brand which worked for the consumer, wrapped a lot of titles together and allowed us to put titles onto TV which on their own might not have received the weight of spend we'd have wanted - but the delivery of that at retail fell short of where we wanted it to be.
"It was a successful campaign, however - it absolutely achieved what we were looking for at that point in 2006," he added.
That partnership with retail will see a range of ten titles sold under the GGGV umbrella brand in a move that has universally been welcomed, said Rooke - in part thanks to the challenge for retailers in having enough space to dedicate to family or casual titles, as well as the challenge of marketing spend for each title individually.
"We went out to retail, we presented the proposal, and the response was unanimously positive," he said. "They all loved the idea, that we were coming to them with a solution to a problem at Christmas, and every single retailer brought into the umbrella campaign. The process we've been going through ever since has just been fine-tuning those plans with retail - which titles are they taking, what are their hero titles.
"The whole campaign is focused with retail in mind, so all the TV will be tagged with a retailer. A 30-second ad might have two or three titles in it, and the end message will be something like: 'Great games, such as Megamind, available now from ASDA' - at whatever the pricing is."
While the decline in overall core videogame market numbers has been blamed in some quarters on a sharp fall in Nintendo platform software and music game genre sales, Rooke echoed comments made previously by THQ CEO Brian Farrell in believing the Wii behaves more like a toy than a traditional videogame product in terms of seasonality.
"When you look back, in particular at the Wii software market, last year - and we looked into this in a lot of detail - it started very strong coming out of Christmas [2008], then declined as you'd expect and flattened out through Summer and Autumn," Rooke explained. "Then in the tail end of October, and through November and December it really started picking up again - and in those last two months of the year it started doing massive volumes.
"It's one of those challenges that everyone forgets - what's happened before. The Wii is behaving a bit more like a toy - people get it out at Christmas, start playing with it again. It's not depressed in that people aren't engaging with the Wii - there are a lot of active users out there, they haven't put it away and it's still set up next to the TV in the living room. But they probably just haven't had a really compelling piece of software to get hold of to really engage with.
"I think seasonality is part of that, and we've always been forecasting through this year to be in a position where we're depressed at this point in time. But we're confident and fully expecting that market to come back; despite Kinect and Move maybe coming a bit into that space, we still see a lot of active users out there.
"Both Microsoft and Sony would have to sell a lot of those motion gaming peripherals to start to cut in significantly to that market," he added.
Titles to be marketed under the GGGV umbrella brand, and released on either November 19 or November 26, include: Barbie, Hot Wheels, Megamind, Truth or Lies, Superhero Squad, Pictionary, Penguins of Madagascar and The Biggest Loser.
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October 22nd, 2010, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15773.html
byuu has released another version of his SNES emulator bsnes.
"bsnes the project itself is not discontinued, by taking the project private I mean that I will be releasing the source code, and leaving it to others to distribute binaries. I am currently undecided on whether I will be distributing bsnes binaries based on the phoenix GUI or not. For this release, I have chosen to release a 64-bit Windows binary utilizing phoenix and the accuracy core. The current Qt GUI is still there, as are the compatibility and performance emulation cores."
"[...] my own personal binaries will be very stripped down and minimal, with no support for legacy cruft. The Qt GUI with all of the features that people are used to will be passed off to any willing developer to post binaries and to add additional features as requested by users. So essentially, for those who want to stick with the feature-filled Qt port, it just means you will need to wait a bit longer after a source update is made before Windows binaries are available to download.
It is very important to note if you choose to use my binaries, the phoenix port does not support: ROM images with copier headers, ROM images that do not end in .sfc (for SNES cartridges), .st (for Sufami Turbo cartridges), .bs (for BS-X flash cartridges), or (.gb,.gbc,.sgb) for Game Boy cartridges, compressed images, software filters, rewind support, fullscreen mode, IPS patches, cheat searching, movie recording, native OS file dialog boxes, asciiPad simulation, video region cropping, layer/channel toggle, slowdown, etc. It is meant to be minimal, and if this is a problem for you, please stick with the Qt port."
fixed a regression in the accuracy/compatibility CPU core with IRQ masking; fixes World Heroes 2
fixed OAM address reset on $2100 writes for performance PPU core; fixes Mahjongg 2 and others
DSP-1 always returns high 8-bits of status register; fixes Ace wo Nerae! freeze [Jonas Quinn]
performance core can now take advantage of serial support
pixel shaders now use a unified XML format; in the future they will support multi-pass shaders and textures
major code restructuring
first public release of phoenix GUI port
mightymo´s cheat code pack is now an external file for the phoenix port
phoenix port stores cheat codes in XML format as well, unifying all file formats to the same markup language
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October 24th, 2010, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
For some, the sound of one person banging on a plastic drum peripheral just isn't enough. Two? Not gonna cut it. Now four, that might get the decibel level high enough. Good thing, then, that Namco Bandai's next Taiko Drum Master game for Wii, Taiko Drum Master Wii: Everyone Party, will let four players cooperate and compete simultaneously when it launches in Japan on December 2.
In addition to the traditional song-playing modes, the game will sport several party minigames, including battling against crocodiles, fighting ghosts and collecting treasure while combating a giant squid. (We made one of those up.*)
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October 25th, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more Dos Emulator for DS News:
This past week was spent mostly just adding new 386-opcodes. Then by Friday evening I had reached a point in the Trekmo code where it tries to write a string to the screen. The easiest way to write to the screen in a DOS program is to call a DOS INT21 AH=09: WRITE STRING TO STANDARD OUTPUT routine. The DOS functions can not be called while in protected mode, so the PMODE header provides wrapper functions that first switch the CPU to real mode, then call the DOS function, and then switch back to protected mode. These functions are called via protected mode INT 33 (which curiously in real mode is a mouse interrupt), by giving the actual real mode interrupt number in AL register. The register values that the real mode interrupt needs as parameters are stored into memory variables for the protected mode INT 33 handler. Here below is the debug output of the "putdosmsg" routine in Trekmo.
putdosmsg PROC
push ax
push edx
add edx,_code32a
mov al,dl
and ax,0fh
shr edx,4
mov v86r_ds,dx
mov v86r_dx,ax
mov v86r_ah,9
mov al,21h
int 33h
pop edx
pop ax
putdosmsg ENDP
On Saturday morning I began working on the protected mode interrupt handling. The first step was to check the contents of the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) that PMODE uses, to help me in understanding the behaviour of the code. Here below is the start of the IDT table. It shows for the first 19 interrupts the segment_selector  ffset of the interrupt handler, the [Present, Descriptor Privilege Level, Gate Size] values of the descriptor, and finally in parenthesis the type of the gate. All of the IDT table entries in PMODE seem to be of the Interrupt Gate type, and they all point to a USE32 code segment.
I followed the algorithm that DOSBox uses in it's protected mode interrupt handling, but left out most of the tests for priority levels and different gate types. I need to refactor this code later, but for now I just want to get the code to work in this simplified situation in the PMODE header. After a while I managed to get the code to jump properly to the protected mode interrupt handler. The interrupt handler switched first down to 16-bit protected mode, and only then back to real mode. I did not have support in DS2x86 yet for either of these mode changes, so it took me a while to add that. By Saturday evening the code progressed all the way into the real mode DOS interrupt, and printed the string to the DS2x86 DOS text screen!
That was enough work for Saturday, so that was a good place to stop coding for a while. I was pretty happy to get that far with the protected mode interrupt handling (which I had feared to be a very complex issue) just in one day. Today I have been continuing with the code after the real mode interrupt handling, which is pretty much the reverse of the real mode interrupt call. After the real mode interrupt handler returns, PMODE header first switches to 16-bit protected mode, then sets up the GDT and IDT tables again, switches to 32-bit protected mode, and then finally returns to my Trekmo code from the INT 33 handler. I just an hour ago coded the "IRET" handling for the last step, and thus this is where I am currently at.
The next thing I need to do is to add protected mode IRQ handling. Trekmo waits for two seconds after displaying that string, before switching to graphics mode. This two second delay needs a working timer interrupt in protected mode, so I can not progress further in Trekmo until I have coded the IRQ handling. It should be relatively similar to the INT handling, though, so hopefully implementing it will not be very difficult.
I have no graphics mode support in DS2x86 yet, so I need to start working on that as soon as I get the IRQ handling done. I also soon need to start implementing the modrm bytes of the 386 opcodes properly. So far I have only implemented the few modrm bytes that I have encountered (just like I did when starting work on DSx86), so the code will not run anything besides Trekmo yet. I also need to enhance my tester program to test the 386-opcodes as well, to be sure that I have not coded a lot of bugs in them. But it is nice to see some progress all the time.
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October 25th, 2010, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...0484266abb5ded
Vinz Da offers version 1.0 Beta "Warheads: Scorched Earth"Remake of DOS"Scorched Earth"Video games turn based artillery for the Wii.
October 20th, 2010
* Version 1.0b IS ready
* Now, You Can Play Warheads in Europe, USA or China, one year or LCD Screen Cathodic are 60hz, 50hz and / or widescreen.
* Some new code of Preparing the incoming IA
* 9 New Weapons: Sandhogs, Phosphorus Bomb and Rollers!
* A terrific bug WAS found and corrected In The items shop.
* Some code cleaning.
* Added: Prices are printed Out With comma ($ 10,000,000)
* Added: When You Keep The Pointer was tank, you get information about STIs and shield power.
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October 25th, 2010, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Zoonami founder Martin Hollis has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes Nintendo has not sufficiently promoted its WiiWare download service.
Speaking ahead of his talk at this week's GameCity GameCity event, Hollis remarked that the download market had instead been cornered by the iPhone.
"Apple have had such massive success in capturing media attention - they've sucked all of the air out of it," he said. "I don't know that Nintendo's putting a great deal of energy into trying to generate PR for WiiWare or DSiWare."
The director still saw potential in WiiWare as a business model, however.
"My impression is that you can make a game if you've got a few thousand Euros, Dollars, Pounds - because you will need a dev kit or two.. [If] you've got two really talented guys, you can make a game, and you can sell 200,000 and upwards. Some of the titles are £8 or £10.
"So the opportunities are there for people, you have to make a game that fits in with Nintendo - has a Nintendo feeling."
Hollis also felt that the relative paucity of titles on WiiWare could be a strength.
"I think it's a very fine thing. The best thing about it is the size of the marketplace you can access. There's a huge number of people who have a Wii, and a goodly proportion of those download games from WiiWare - it's tens of millions of people, and it's not overloaded with games, unlike some other app stores I could mention."
"Our experience was extremely positive, but our title was a second-party title and it did have some TV advertising with a spot inside a larger advert for Wii," Hollis continued.
"We assume that has to have an impact. As for margins, it's always the case that, if you make a good game you're selling ten or a hundred times as many units as the guy who made a mediocre game, a game that's maybe a little bit sub-par. Not much, but just a little bit. So that factor completely overrides any other."
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October 27th, 2010, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Cartoon Network's stable of characters will make the jump to stereoscopic 3D this spring thanks to an agreement with Crave. The publisher announced a deal through which it would release an "action-packed battle game" on 3DS starring characters from various current and classic Cartoon Network shows, including Ben 10, the Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and not Adventure Time.
Developer Papaya Studios is also working on versions of the game for Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 for release in holiday 2011, but without the appeal of new hardware, those aren't nearly as exciting!
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October 27th, 2010, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo has announced a few more details about the new Pokémon Center it's planning on opening soon in the heart of Osaka. The retail outlet, which will swing wide its colorful doors on November 26th, will stuff 2,500 different kinds of purchasable Pokémon goods and a "Union Room," where players can congregate to trade and battle, into 9,000 square feet of retail space, making it the largest Pokémon Center on this, our planet Earth. We want to go to there.
It sounds like a pretty huge ordeal, but it's kind of a waste -- all anyone ever does in those places in run to the front desk, heal their dudes, then run back out for more adventures and stuff.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo claims to have sold over 65.3 million Wii Remotes in the US to date - 30.41 million of which were bundled with Wii consoles.
The results, originating from NPD figures, estimate that 46,000 Remotes are sold every day in America.
Of the 65.3 million total figure, 12.92 million shipped with launch title Wii Play and 18.56 million were separately-sold white Remotes. The remainder was assorted colour variations of the separately-sold SKU.
In addition, the NPD estimated that 52.9 million units of the add-on Nunchuck controller have been sold in the US to date.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Pac-Man Party will open its front door to Wii revelers from 26th November, publisher Namco Bandai has announced.
The first full retail Pac-Man title since the PlayStation 2's indomitable Pac-Man World Rally in 2006, Pac-Man Party does everything you'd expect it might: mini-games, and lots of them.
There's a single player mode that sees you taking in the various games on offer in a board game setting, or a four player 'Party Mode', which will come as a welcome surprise to anybody who didn't read the name on the front of the box.
All that not enough to secure a purchase? Classic Mode adds the original arcade game, with Dig Dug and Galaga on the guest list too.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
Zoo Games has announced a DS game based on ... some rubber bands. This December, Zoo will release Silly Bandz, the official game of those rubber bands in the shape of animals and Justin Bieber.
Silly Bandz tasks players with freeing Bandz from capture by launching other Silly Bandz at the structures in which they are trapped. Screenshots found on Amazon show an Angry Birds-esque experience: a side-scrolling game where players knock over colored block-structures and ... is that a giant magnet?
Of course, the actual game content doesn't matter at all, because it ships with a set of twelve video game-themed Silly Bandz -- and the office supplies are the real selling point here. In July, Zoo announced that this game would be released on iPhone as well (without free Bandz, of course), but that version has yet to be dated.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Shaun White Skateboarding is set to redefine the action sports genre by providing gamers the opportunity to literally transform a dull and lifeless city into a skating paradise. Extend handrails. Morph park benches into ramps. Turn alley's into half-pipes. The world is yours - Drop in
•Create incredible skate lines using city structures, stretch and twist handrails to dizzying heights, empty fountains to create bowls, make alleys into epic quarter pipes and so much more. New areas are revealed, better skate lines are created and buildings are transformed. Creativity is rewarded with points, gear and new skating opportunities
•Find or create skate sports you've only dreamed about. The city is stretched over massive districts with tons of challenges to complete, including race, collect, story-driven missions and more
•Jump online with friends to create your own maps or simply challenge everyone and anyone in cooperative or adversarial modes - then check the leaderboards to see how you rank against players from around the world
descriptionCreated in collaboration with the dual-sport super-athlete, Shaun White Skateboarding is a game that puts an innovative twist on the action-sports genre by allowing you to transform a dull, lifeless city into an extraordinary skating utopia.
As you skate you literally create the world around you. Extend handrails into endless grinds, carve alleys into half pipes, morph streets into ramps, and much more. Skate any way you want to build your own customized skating world and push the limits of what's possible.
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October 28th, 2010, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has already revealed that Kirby's Epic Yarn began life without Kirby. Now one of the developers has suggested that Epic Yarn is a strong enough concept that it could continue without him into other Nintendo series.
Technically both revelations came from the same instalment of the unmissably formal Iwata Asks, but the first, news that the game was originally about a chap called "Fluff", was from a partial translation of the Japanese transcript. This week's comes courtesy of the full English translation.
In it, HAL Laboratory's Tadashi Ikegami, who began in sound but worked on Epic Yarn as more of a manager, told Nintendo president Satoru Iwata that when he first saw the Epic Yarn visuals he thought, "they were perfect for Kirby".
"I think there's a lot of potential for expanding this style to other series, like making a game called Mario's Epic Yarn," he continued. "That's how well I thought the foundation had been laid, so I was really happy that from among all the characters available it was Kirby who was chosen."
There's no suggestion that Nintendo will use Epic Yarn beyond Kirby, but it's a nice thought. Elsewhere in Iwata Asks, developers from HAL, Nintendo and principal developer Good-Feel discuss how the project began, floundered and then flourished with the introduction of Kirby. There's also a video of Hirokazu Ando playing a melodica.
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October 28th, 2010, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster

Jadusable's tale of a haunted copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask wasn't just a well-executed creepypasta. It was also an ARG! Coded messages in Jadusable's 'recent activity' log led players into a narrative in which the occupant of the cartridge escaped and trapped the character of the hapless person who found it. Players interacted with the game in part by leaving comments on the YouTube channel, including the magical songs from the game.
Or they did, until Jadusable declared that the game was on hiatus due to lack of funds. Instead of walking away from an amusing web game, players actually donated money to the project in order to keep it going. Jadusable plans to release the next chapter of the game this holiday season, along with " an interactive videogame for download in tandem with the final phase of the story." Get caught up with the game here if you're interested in jumping into this world.
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October 28th, 2010, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://baro.drunkencoders.com/blog/167/
Finally, here it is a polished, mastered, perfectioned, improved version of BaSS, Baro’s Script Compiler!
HEY AND THE SOURCE IS UNDER GPL LICENSE (I tried to do my best to make it legible)
In case you haven’t heard of it (It was already available as Beta), BaSS is a set of tools that let you define an script language and compile scripts with it. The most immediate use of this is to write event scripts, e.g.: what happens when you speak to someone. But, it can be used for anything you find it useful for.
BaSS currently consists of three tools:
Luthier: Lets you define and describe your language: a set of commands and constructs (premade script fragments) that your scripts will use, as well as other options concerning how the script is compiled (endianess, size of some things, etc).
Performer: Compiles the scripts you make, using the references you’ve defined with Luthier.
Technician: Decompiles a script compiled with Performer, in case you need to retrieve a valid source that, when compiled, produces the same script.
The final results, the compiled scripts, contain an array of bytes that can be read by your program to run the script.
The program comes with a manual where this is explained more deeply in the introduction, and then details of everything the tools are capable of. At the end of the manual, there’s a suggestion section which can help you designing your command set and writing your script running function
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October 28th, 2010, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t260664-mame4all-...post&p=3225945
Alekmaul has just released his MAME EMU for the DS2. The emulator supports the MAME 0.37b5 ROM set, see below for more information. Based on the included documentation this is a port of his Dingoo MAME4ALL build, which leaves open the possibility for future Dingoo EMU ports to the SCDS2.
QUOTE(Why v0.37b5)
You need MAME ROMS which are compatible with MAME 0.37b5. This is a relatively older version. Many of the later version MAME roms will not work. Some ROMS can be easily converted (using freely available tools), others cannot. Later versions of MAME tend to concentrate on compatibility as the cost of performance. Earlier versions are more in line with the hardware capabilities of our target machine. These earlier versions have some significant programming speedups which have been removed in later versions. Two examples are the use of internal 8-bit graphic rendering and dirty buffer handling.
Later versions of MAME with ALL the drivers included can easily reach a size of 40-60MB - more than the amount of RAM available to the SCDS2 (which is 32MB). So basically we're talking trade-offs here.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo of America has announced plans to celebrate Super Mario Bros.' 25th anniversary by selling us Super Mario All-Stars again. On December 12, the Super Mario All-Stars Limited Edition will be released in North America, with the same contents as the European and Japanese releases: the game on a Wii disc, a Super Mario History CD with tracks from classic and modern Marios, and a 32-page Super Mario History booklet.
Nintendo says that sales will continue "while supplies last," which makes it sound like there will be only one run of the All-Stars collection. Considering the bonuses, that $30 price actually compares pretty favorably to buying All-Stars on eBay.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Game Boy classic Super Mario Land will be one of the first games to hit the 3DS's online store, according to a video shown to Nintendo investors.
The clip was aired during an investor update hosted by CEO Satoru Iwata in which Nintendo's boss showed off the new 3DS Store.
According to Andriasang, he promised that it would be much easier to use than the DSiWare shopfront and would also have a promotional function, hosting game trailers and release information.
To take a look at the new store and see Super Mario Land running on the 3DS go to the 40 minute mark of the video embedded on Nintendo's Japanese site.
Nintendo confirmed the existence of a Virtual Console for the 3DS last month. You'll be able to download classic Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance titles to its new handheld. Apart from Super Mario Land, the only other title confirmed so far is The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX.
The 3DS is due for release in Europe in March 2011.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
You know that Dragon's Lair omnibus you've been working on? The one that details every single version of all the Dragon's Lair games? We're sure you thought it was finally finished and ready to send off to the publisher, but it looks like it's time for another addendum: According to the ESRB, Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp is headed to DSi.
The first Dragon's Lair was brought to DSiWare by Digital Leisure last year, so it's likely the same will be the case for Dirk's second adventure. We know -- now you have to sit through months of approvals, edits and, of course, the costly resetting of the printing press, but you want the omnibus to be accurate, right?
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October 31st, 2010, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pilotwings Resort, Nintendogs + Cats and Steel Diver will be the first party 3DS launch titles, judging by a release schedule included in Nintendo's annual fiscal report.
The list, posted by GoNintendo, states that the four games are down for a Spring release in Japan.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is listed merely for 2011. Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Animal Crossing and Starfox 64 3D are all down as "TBA".
Nintendo gave us a sneak peak at all of these titles in a showreel last month - have a look below.
It's unclear which third party games are set to join Link and co. on launch day but EA's My Garden looks fairly likely to be among them.
The 3DS will launch in Japan on 26th February 2011, with European and US releases expected in March. It's going to be really, really cool.
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October 31st, 2010, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Don't expect Nintendo to follow Sony into the smartphone market – it's just not interested, according to NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime.
Reggie told Forbes, "Certainly we are adding more and more elements to fill out the experience and take away more and more time from competing devices. But our handhelds will always lead with games.
"3DS content will be dramatically unique to our platform, because I don't think a smartphone manufacturer will invest to put a 3-D parallax screen in their device and not have the content to bring it to life."
His comments come in the wake of persistent rumours that Sony is readying a PlayStation phone.
Fils-Aime also explained how Nintendo plans to stay ahead of smartphone overlords Apple – its self-proclaimed biggest rival. It's all about the games, apparently.
"What I have on Apple is content, because it's our content," he said. "That will give Nintendo a long-term competitive advantage."
That premium content he's bragging about no doubt includes mooted 3DS launch titles Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs + Cats.
The 3DS launches in Europe in March 2011.
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October 31st, 2010, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
There's no price cut planned for the Wii this year according to Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata.
Iwata told The Associated Press, "Of course, we cannot say it will never happen, but we are not thinking of it for the near future."
However, he did concede that a purchase incentive was required to attract new buyers.
"Those who really wanted it would have already bought it," he explained, "so now we need to reach those who considered it but never got around to buying it."
Iwata believes that incentive is coming in the form of the recently announced red Wii bundle, which adds New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the original Donkey Kong and a Wii Remote Plus to the standard Wii Sports package.
Nintendo's Christmas games line up for the Wii includes Donkey Kong Country Returns, Wii Party, GoldenEye 007, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colours and Just Dance 2. Japan and the USA also have Kirby's Epic Yarn, though Europe has to wait until 2011 for that.
Investors will be hoping Iwata's strategy is the right one. Sales of the Wii, which currently retails for around £150, have shown steady decline of late.
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October 31st, 2010, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Wii no Ma Channel currently provides videos to Wii users in Japan. During an investors presentation, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata introduced plans to add an online shopping component to the service. On November 1, three department store companies and Nintendo will launch the new Wii no Ma Shopping portal, which will carry goods from those department stores in addition to exclusive items like stickers and stamps with Mii images on them. "In addition to exclusive commodities only available at Wii-no-Ma," Iwata said, "there will always be more than 10,000 items to choose from, including foods, daily commodities, fashion items and furniture."
Iwata has high hopes for the shopping service: "Wii is a game console which can be enjoyed by any member of a family regardless of age, gender and gaming experiences, and by deploying services that are unique to Wii with such characteristics, we are trying to make it even more useful for facilitating communication between people," he said. "If we can maintain the high active-use ratio of Wii through that process, people will keep using Wii as a game console. Overall, we are also hopeful that we will be able to increase the social acceptance of video games, which is one of our long-term goals."
Don't expect to buy stuff through your Wii: the Wii no Ma Channel remains unavailable outside of Japan.
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October 31st, 2010, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.codemii.com/2010/10/31/hb...ed-to-v0-3-9b/
» Added secondary CodeMii server
» Added a connection test so HBB doesn’t look frozen if it can’t connect to the server
The Homebrew Browser has been upgraded to v0.3.9b. As you may have noticed the CodeMii server has been down for a few days, so I’ve now added a secondary backup server to the Homebrew Browser in case this happens again, downloads and ratings won’t work on the secondary backup server. Also a connection test has been added so you don’t have to wait for the read error -116 to happen and it will retry 3 times for 3 seconds before trying the backup server.
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October 31st, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
At a recent Nintendo financial results presentation, company president, Satoru Iwata, once again touched upon the topic of the effect of piracy in Europe on Nintendo DS software sales.
Piracy, Iwata concedes, is part of the problem.
But he also believes that the decline in software sales is the result of Nintendo’s inability to produce a piece of hit software whose success could be compared to that of Brain Age and Nintendogs. Iwata went on to state that while Nintendo are launching the 3DS next year, they will continue to take advantage of the current DS installed base.
"Already in next year, we will launch Nintendo 3DS, but for the existing Nintendo DS family of devices, while we’ll intensify the legal and technical countermeasures against the likes of [piracy devices] MagiCom, we’d like to change the situation by creating hit titles by leveraging, upon the already existing huge installed base of the hardware," Iwata stated to investors.
Art Academy, he went on to reveal, launched with higher than expected sales, which led to shortages in several regions. Meanwhile, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future has been selling in line with previous games in the series.
Hmm…Level 5 still have one last unlocalized Professor Layton DS game, Professor Layton and the Specter’s Flute, which is the start of a series of prequels that take place before the events of Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
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October 31st, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more news of his Dos Emulator for the DS:
DS2x86 has now progressed so far that I have managed to show the first title screens from my Trekmo demo! That is good progress, especially as I fought with a weird problem for the whole Sunday evening and Monday of the past week. Observant readers of my blog might have noticed something strange in the screen copy of my previous blog post. I myself only noticed the weirdness several hours after I had posted the blog post, when I was just proof reading the blog post again. The amount of EMS memory that 4DOS uses for swapping displayed 8197K! Normally it shows 224K, and there was no reason why it would suddenly start taking that much EMS (especially since I still only provide 1.5MB of EMS in DS2x86)! I looked at my latest changes in the code but did not see anything that would cause such a change, so I ran my opcode tester program, but that did not find anything wrong in any of the opcodes. I usually try to solve such weird issues before going to bed, as otherwise I just keep thinking about the problem and can not easily fall to sleep. This time it was already late Sunday evening so I had to leave the code like that.
On Monday after work I then began to really look into this problem. Luckily I had a working version in my backup directory, so I was able to run file compares between the source codes. The strange thing was that the real-mode opcode sources did not show any changes between the versions, while the problem was obviously in the real mode handling, as 4DOS stays in real mode all the time. After several hours of head scratching I finally figured out what the problem was. I had added a call to one of the real-mode opcode handlers from the protected-mode code, but had forgotten to make the required change into the real-mode handler that would allow it to be called from both real and protected mode. I had changed the main framework for this, though, which is why also the real-mode handling got broken. The file compare did not show this as the problem was that I had not changed the code where I should have, and the opcode tester did not find the problematic opcode because it was one of the simplest opcodes which I thought did not require a unit test! Argh! Well, several lessons learned again:
If you use unit tests to test your code, make sure the unit tests test everything!
No code is simple enough to not possibly get broken because of changes outside of the code.
When you change existing code because of global framework changes, make sure you change every code affected by this, not just the code you are currently working on!
Anyways, after fixing that problem I managed to add the protected mode IRQ handling during the week. By Friday I had reached the location in Trekmo code that switches to graphics mode (Trekmo uses triple-buffered Mode-X 320x240 graphics mode). On Saturday morning I added the Mode-X blitting routine, which I ported directly from the DSx86 ARM ASM code into DS2x86 MIPS ASM, I just needed to add on-the-fly conversion from palettized 256-color graphics to 16-bit graphics (which is the only supported graphics mode in DSTwo SDK). Surprisingly, my new blitting code only had a single mistake. I had accidentally used sw (store word) where I meant sh (store halfword), which caused an unaligned crash, but after fixing that the blitting routine worked fine! I got the initial title pages (two simple PCX images) to display fine, and then I again kept running into various as of yet unsupported 32-bit opcodes and modrm variations.
Now I am working on the missing 32-bit opcodes. I finally figured out a way to use the GCC ASM macro syntax to embed register names into the branch target labels, so I am currently creating a new and improved macro system that would allow me to add several modrm bytes for several opcodes with just tiny additions to a single macro. This would speed up my opcode implementation quite a lot, and also remove one potential source of bugs caused by typos. I found out that if you add \() at the end of the parameter name, the parameter will work even within a word, so that a macro call like this :
#define eax s0
.macro modrm_3_help oper jump reg
b \jump\()_\reg
modrm_3_help mov mov_r32_t0 eax
Generates code like this (as the symbolic register name s0 means register number 16):
b mov_r32_t0_$16
So, I think I'll get back to improving the macro system now instead of making this blog post longer. :-)
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October 31st, 2010, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12578&f=54
Zalo DS offers the 0.9 version of "Jumping Jack", a remake of the platform game of the same name, released in 1983 on the ZX Spectrum.
Have you ever stopped to think about The First videogame You Ever Played? I Know There Are Hundreds of people out there Answering That It Is Super Mario Bros, Tetris or Any Other famous one. For me it IS different. It Has to Be One of Those for Stored in a cassete our old ZX Spectrum 128k (wow!) I remember like myself or Something Like That 22 years ago Entering into my brother's old room That January 6th, Sitting There and playing it ... For the first time. It Is Hard To Believe That I still playing it Spend Some Time In Some emulators
So .. I Looked for a remake. I found Althought Some games based on it There Any That wasn't enought keeped me entertained so I Decided to do my own one. It Started as a very easy task But Then I Realize I Had To The 10 hazards model (oh. .. it is in. 3d, Sorry About That ^ _ ^ UU) and Animate the character hand .... blah, blah
Anyway, here it is! You Can Find It In The download section as usual or just after this paragraph. I hope you enjoy it as Much as I am doing and if You Have Any suggestions do not hesitate to send 'em
PS: oh ... yes ... The DS version ... I am sorry to say thats the poor DS is Not capable of moving the game well enought Beyond the 5th level, so I Decided not to publish it i would need a new set of graphics and I am not really sure I want to Do That ^ _ ^ U
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