January 1st, 2009, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Suloku
Wii/GameCube memory card manager is a project which has evolved from the mcbackup libOGC example back on 2006.
That example was intended to backup gamesaves over network and Akot added SD card support (trhought the SD gecko adapter) on 2007.
In early 2008 justb and dsbomb rebaptized the project to it's current name, added support for savegame deleting, showing the savegames information and developed a nice GUI for it.
Now, here is gcmm, ported to wii and libfat. More important, mcbackup has never correctly restored the savegames, though it may sometimes work, it seems to be pure luck.
This has been fixed. Enjoy.
-Backup savegames to front SD (wii) or SD gecko (gc)in GCI format.
-Restore gci savegames to memory card.
-Delete savegames.
-Only supports the GCI format. Anyway it's the most used and ther are tools to convert other formats into GCI.
-Protected gamesaves will only be able to be restored on the card it was backuped from. Even though, some protected savegames will still not work as some save protection rely in the situation of the gamesave on the memory card.
-Official Nintendo memory cards won't work in Wii mode for now due to a change in the DSP.
-Add full raw memory card image backup and restore. Thanks to Masken for information and sources.
Additional notes about protected savegames:
Protected savegames rely on the serial ID that is given to the memory card when it is formated. That's why they won't work in other cards and why they won't work on the same card if that has been formatted.
Restoring a raw image to a diferent card has still to be tested to see if that will permit using a protected gamesave on another memory card.
Thanks to:
-Justb & dsbomb
-CowTRobo & Samsom for very useful old sources
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January 1st, 2009, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Suloku
Wii/GameCube memory card manager is a project which has evolved from the mcbackup libOGC example back on 2006.
That example was intended to backup gamesaves over network and Akot added SD card support (trhought the SD gecko adapter) on 2007.
In early 2008 justb and dsbomb rebaptized the project to it's current name, added support for savegame deleting, showing the savegames information and developed a nice GUI for it.
Now, here is gcmm, ported to wii and libfat. More important, mcbackup has never correctly restored the savegames, though it may sometimes work, it seems to be pure luck.
This has been fixed. Enjoy.
-Backup savegames to front SD (wii) or SD gecko (gc)in GCI format.
-Restore gci savegames to memory card.
-Delete savegames.
-Only supports the GCI format. Anyway it's the most used and ther are tools to convert other formats into GCI.
-Protected gamesaves will only be able to be restored on the card it was backuped from. Even though, some protected savegames will still not work as some save protection rely in the situation of the gamesave on the memory card.
-Official Nintendo memory cards won't work in Wii mode for now due to a change in the DSP.
-Add full raw memory card image backup and restore. Thanks to Masken for information and sources.
Additional notes about protected savegames:
Protected savegames rely on the serial ID that is given to the memory card when it is formated. That's why they won't work in other cards and why they won't work on the same card if that has been formatted.
Restoring a raw image to a diferent card has still to be tested to see if that will permit using a protected gamesave on another memory card.
Thanks to:
-Justb & dsbomb
-CowTRobo & Samsom for very useful old sources
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January 1st, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster

We were in support of Robert Peloni, the sole developer of homebrew RPG Bob's Game, when he began a 100-day lock-in to convince Nintendo to sell him the SDK he needed to release his game on DS. At least, we were on day 12 of said protest. We're 21 days in now, and things are getting ... well, they're getting a little odd.
What kind of odd? Well, Peloni has started releasing the addresses of Nintendo execs and offering semi-creepy holiday greetings to Reggie. Oh, also, he's begun threatening to ... well, as he said:
"If I cannot legitimately publish my game, the only option left to fulfill this goal is to bundle a KILLER APP with a DSi enabled 'homebrew device.' ... 'bob's game' is being translated into many languages, including Japanese, and will be released worldwide. Unfortunately, this has the potential to significantly cut into Nintendo's bottom line."
We still hope Bob can work something out, we just ... well, we can see why Nintendo might be a little hesitant about working with him.
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January 1st, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from westy92
This is the first metronome ever coded for the Wii game system. This application will help you keep a tempo while practicing an instrument.
Version Date Changes
1.2 1/1/2009 Added tempo markings, removed delay when changing bpm.
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January 1st, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jimay via gxmod
jimay introduced the first homebrew on Nintendo DS, which is none other than the adaptation of a classic arcade game: Bubble Bobble.
yet little has been implemented:
the character and his movement
map of the collision
the creation of bubbles and their movement
management of the character of collisions
the bursting of the bubble by Me
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January 1st, 2009, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from manny via gxmod
manny offers a first version of its clone of the game Lunar Lander 70 years of dating.
The game uses the Wiimote instead of buttons on the original game. For now Wiilander is not "playable" in the proper sense but you can navigate the planet.
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January 1st, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Comex via gxmod
Comex provides updates unofficial DVDx which you can use it on a Wii update 3.4.
As a reminder, DVDx unchoked DVDs from video on your Wii.
If your Wii is equipped with a chip you need to use more of PatchMii DVDx Installer.
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January 3rd, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster

You know what they say -- if you can't buy it, mod it. Michael "Bibin" Moffitt's backlighting job on this Game Boy Pocket is a case in point. Unwilling to shell out the dough for a Game Boy Light on eBay (but more than willing to destroy two old LCDs in pursuit of his mad dream), this guy removed the reflective layer and adhesive behind the handheld's display ("almost as hard as reasoning with a rabid PlayStation 3 fan," he writes) and built a backlight out of an LED, some perspex, and a diffusive layer. That's it -- now our man is playing Donkey Kong, in the dark, in all its monochromatic glory, and with no noticeable change in battery life. Hit the read link for plenty of naked GBP pics.
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January 3rd, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
01/01/2009 Version 0.70
- Added global highscore screen
- Global highscore information is fetch from internet.
- Improve button graphics.
- Improve release notes screen.
- Added new cool background music.
- Network thread status is displayed on welcome screen.
- Bugfix: Local highscore is now always loaded correctly.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 3rd, 2009, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yohanes via wiibrew
I just learned about developing applications on Wii 3 days ago. I was wondering what application should I make, and I noticed that there was no Apple II emulator for Wii yet. Apple II/e was my first computer, so I thought it will be fun to be able to emulate it on my Wii. AppleWin is a good Apple emulator, but it is very windows specific, fortunately someone already ported it to Linux using SDL, and the name is LinApple.
Someone already made an early SDL port to Wii, but it is missing threading support (which is needed by the emulator). After reading things at wiibrew.org and devkitpro.org, I decided to complete the threading part. The next problem is the input. I want to be able to write BASIC applications, so I decided that the SDL port must support keyboard input, someone already made LibWiikeyboard, so I can just plug it in SDL (actually this is a hack, to correctly handle SDL requirements, there are some things that needs to be changed, in LibWiikeyboard and in the SDL gamecube implementation).
Next part is the porting process itself. The difficult part is making sure all the endiannes conversion of 6502 (Apple II CPU) to Wii’s PowerPC is done correctly, because I don’t have a USB gecko to debug it. Currently the port works, but don’t expect too much from this first release. I can already play some games, but I haven’t tested many other things.

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January 3rd, 2009, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
Frezzy made his 2nd homebrew for the DS, it is always a utility, "VocableDS". "In which you create your own form of vocabulary and perform tests.
v1 - First Release
* You can create vocabulary lists which can be 100 words big. A word and its translation can be 50 characters big!
* The filename 15 characters can be big.
* The character sets of English, Spanish, German and French are included.
* And of course you can test yourself!
* You can decide if you want to be asked for the word or for the translation.
* You have only a choice between 15 more files cuz is not displayed!
* The file must be created by VocableDS.
* At the end of a vocabulary test you can see how much of the words you've answered correct or wrong.
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January 3rd, 2009, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from maRk2512
Small update: Game show's a message when EFS or MikMod init failed.
Have anyone problems with this game on a DS ONE card?
Please post me a short message!
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January 3rd, 2009, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
If you've ever wondered "Does anyone actually browse the web on consoles?," Market Share has an answer for you: yes, but not very many people. The firm reports that .04% of all web browsing is performed on PS3, compared to the .01% of Wii, the only other current-gen console with a browser.
Of course, PS3's browser is built-in; Wii's particular version of Opera costs 500 Wii Points ($5) and, well, people have to seek it out among the other WiiWare offerings. So, tell us, are you reading Joystiq on a console, and if so, which one?
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January 3rd, 2009, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
Does Wii Fit work? It's hard for me to tell, personally, as my Little Debbie Zebra Cake intake ratio is tied proportionally to my progress in the non-game. See, I'm not a scientist.
Thankfully, researchers at the University of Mississippi — specifically researcher Scott Owens — are evaluating Wii Fit's ability to make you more physically fit, doing it more scientifically, with control groups and larger sample sets. That's more respectable than me trying to remember if I played Wii Fit last week and tallying discarded Zebra Cake shrinkwrap.
The study, which kicked off in the Fall of 2008, will monitor the physical fitness of eight families. Researchers will chart the progress of the Wii Fit-using families, with and without the software, comparing it to the data collected in-game.
While we anxiously await the results, how's your own Wii Fit regimen treating you? Which regions could be described as "of steel"? Hey, keep it PG.
Determining if Nintendo Wii Fit works
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January 3rd, 2009, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster

Apple users have long gloated that Nintendo's sleek new form factor with the DS looked great alongside their Apple products, but it looks like the DS can be made to fall in with other products, too. BenHeck.com forumite goteking produced this awesome Vaio-branded DS Lite by setting the logo into a replacement shell. The result looks pretty nice next to his laptop.
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January 3rd, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
We live a fairly fast-paced, jet-setting lifestyle -- an unfortunate side-effect of which are the hours of frequent layovers we are forced to suffer while flying between Hugh Hefner's Sky Villa in Vegas and our private, opulent island getaway off the coast of O'ahu. These long stretches are made even more unbearable when we forget to pack our handhelds -- a situation that often causes us, in a sheer fit of boredom, to overdose on Dramamine and attempt to ride the baggage carousel.
Luckily, we'll never again have to know the firm, rubber-gloved grip of an annoyed Air Marshal -- Best Buy recently began offering DS Lites and select DS titles in their Best Buy Express vending machines. These machines are located at several major airports throughout the U.S., and sell a number of important devices for travelers, such as headphones, chargers, and most recently, Pokémans catching simulators.
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January 4th, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has posted an update to his game:
Wiibreaker is a simple brickbreaker game I made because one of my artists for Wii Shooting Gallery, Azza123, said there were no brickbreaker games out for Wii homebrew. Thus, I have created WiiBreaker. In total, this first release took about two weekends to write.
Once the ball falls below the screen 3 times, you lose.
Version History
0.3 - All of the artwork, including the icon, has been redone by Azza123 - Bricks are randomly assigned different colors - Signifigant changes to the overall game - SDHC Support - Power Button Support - Bug Fixes - User Generated Backgrounds - IR Sensor Control Scheme - A far better menu (font support and its sorta interactive) - Pause Feature - Balance Board Control Scheme - Sound Support (sucks, but its there and turned off by default) - 1 Highscore for each control scheme
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January 4th, 2009, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
03/01/2009 Version 0.71
- Bugfix: Global highscore xml data is now always processed right.
- Network thread status is now showed on the welcome screen.
- Improve sound effects (Thanks nowhereman).
- Updated credits screen information.
- Updated help screen information.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 4th, 2009, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Crayon
Wii-Tac-Toe is a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Nintendo Wii. It was programmed in C++ using devkitPro along with GRRLIB.
The game can be played alone vs the CPU or with a friend using one Wiimote. The game AI does not always do the same moves, so the fun never stop.
To win the game, you have to place three marks (O or X) in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. If the grid is filled completely and no one has won, well, it's a tie game. Start over and try to beat your opponent.
Version 0.4
French, German, Dutch, and Spanish translation
Improved text quality due to FreeType, thanks to wplaat and DrTwox
Console/remote power button support, power off the Wii in standby mode
Console reset button support, reset the Wii to Main Menu
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January 4th, 2009, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Scognito has released a new version of his game for the Nintendo Gamecube and Wii, heres whats new:

2009-01-03 - v0.2 - Christmas Santa Edition
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January 4th, 2009, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Scognito has released a new version of his game for the Nintendo Gamecube and Wii, heres whats new:

2009-01-03 - v0.2 - Christmas Santa Edition
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January 4th, 2009, 22:29 Posted By: argor
from Richard42
Mupen64Plus v1.5 is ready!
It has been just over half a year since the last major Mupen64Plus release, so it's been a long time coming, but I'm happy to present version 1.5! This release is more evolutionary than revolutionary, with many code cleanups and improvements to existing features. Please try it out and report any problems that you have on our Google Code Issue Tracker.
Major New Features
* Rom Cache System by Tillin9, Okaygo, and Hasone.
* Qt4 GUI by slougi, Tillin9, and others
* Support for Macintosh OSX platform with Intel CPUs
Minor New Features
* Debugger improvements
* QT GUI: translations for English, Norwegian, German, and Dutch
* Configurable key commands for special emulator functions
* Our own custom test ROM, courtesy of Marshallh
* jttl_audio: added GTK GUI configuration dialog
* soft reset function (hit F9)
* jttl_audio: both SDL-based and OSS-based volume control methods are now supported
* LZMA, BZip2, 7-zip archive support
* Multi-file Zip support
* GTK GUI: user-configurable columns in ROM browser
* LIRC - added support for speedup, slowdown, pause, and frame advance
Bug fixes
* There are dozen of bugfixes included, fixing problems with: save states, certain games, crashing bugs, GUI bugs, performance issues, and visual artifacts.
Mupen64Plus has a Home Page over at Google Code, with lots of useful information, screenshots, a bug tracker, a discussion forum, etc.
To download Mupen64Plus v1.5, just grab the package that you want:
The MD5 sums for these packages are:
473d51a5e42dc61d6a643f90bf28dabc Mupen64Plus-1-5-bin-32.tar.gz
477ce6e34de1cf1c0025867e0af85410 Mupen64Plus-1-5-bin-64.tar.gz
c224b045d343ff02f6f933d328861b01 Mupen64Plus-1-5-src.tar.gz
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January 4th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows has seen a new release, heres whats new:
This new release is the product of hundreds of new code improvements: We now have an almost 100% reworked 3D core, which is shared amongst all ports for the first time, and have better save states. Compatibility has been improved across the board. The huge number of reworked systems and small fixes is noticeable on some games and homebrew games are running better–or even running at all for the first time. And this work has not stopped, so stay tuned for what’s coming in the future!
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January 4th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Emulatemii team have posted some WIP news of the progress of the N64 Emulator for Wii and Gamecube:
Just a tiny status update about the progress within the last few weeks to bring us into 2009.
I finally realized what was going wrong with a couple of games, we weren’t using 16Kbit EEPROM type saves for certain games that require it. A fix should make its way to the SVN in the next few days for this. Notable games that are now booting thanks to this fix are: Banjo Tooie, ExciteBike 64, Yoshi’s Story.
As for some news on the dynarec front, I coded up a few rough demos and a bug a two was revealed to us from these demos. Also, tehpola has been working hard at debugging the emulator on his PS3 to correct & find solutions to the bugs we’re finding (see article below to see why it’s done on PS3). Every little bit gets us one step closer to the finished recompiler.
Also, the soft graphics plugin has been updated to render the framebuffer through hardware to aid us in debugging (with a faster framerate).
Seasons Greetings.
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January 4th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Emulatemii team have posted some WIP news of the progress of the N64 Emulator for Wii and Gamecube:
Just a tiny status update about the progress within the last few weeks to bring us into 2009.
I finally realized what was going wrong with a couple of games, we weren’t using 16Kbit EEPROM type saves for certain games that require it. A fix should make its way to the SVN in the next few days for this. Notable games that are now booting thanks to this fix are: Banjo Tooie, ExciteBike 64, Yoshi’s Story.
As for some news on the dynarec front, I coded up a few rough demos and a bug a two was revealed to us from these demos. Also, tehpola has been working hard at debugging the emulator on his PS3 to correct & find solutions to the bugs we’re finding (see article below to see why it’s done on PS3). Every little bit gets us one step closer to the finished recompiler.
Also, the soft graphics plugin has been updated to render the framebuffer through hardware to aid us in debugging (with a faster framerate).
Seasons Greetings.
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January 4th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yohanes via wiibrew
I just learned about developing applications on Wii 3 days ago. I was wondering what application should I make, and I noticed that there was no Apple II emulator for Wii yet. Apple II/e was my first computer, so I thought it will be fun to be able to emulate it on my Wii. AppleWin is a good Apple emulator, but it is very windows specific, fortunately someone already ported it to Linux using SDL, and the name is LinApple.
Someone already made an early SDL port to Wii, but it is missing threading support (which is needed by the emulator). After reading things at wiibrew.org and devkitpro.org, I decided to complete the threading part. The next problem is the input. I want to be able to write BASIC applications, so I decided that the SDL port must support keyboard input, someone already made LibWiikeyboard, so I can just plug it in SDL (actually this is a hack, to correctly handle SDL requirements, there are some things that needs to be changed, in LibWiikeyboard and in the SDL gamecube implementation).
Next part is the porting process itself. The difficult part is making sure all the endiannes conversion of 6502 (Apple II CPU) to Wii’s PowerPC is done correctly, because I don’t have a USB gecko to debug it. Currently the port works, but don’t expect too much from this first release. I can already play some games, but I haven’t tested many other things.
version 0.0.2:
- Fixed text overlay
- Disable saving options (dangerous for now, because you might overwrite your files)
version 0.0.3:
- Sound support
- Fix joypad problem
- Invalid disk image will not freeze the emulator (in case of invalid disk, Master.dsk will be reloaded)

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January 4th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul celebrates 2009 with a new release of ThomDS, heres whats new
V2.0: 04/01/2009
* Mode graphics with alpha lerp for better readability
* Updating the intro like that of my other emulators
* Switch to the standard library management via DLDI FAT
* Sort files in the selection and transition to 512 files displayed
* Added sending the compatibility of a game via WIFI
(see http://www.portabledev.com/pages/ds/...ers-thomds.php)
* Improved emulation buzzer (try the speech software Vox
to see ^ ^)
* Improved display speed (direct and assembler)
* The directory THOMDS is no longer required, files can be everywhere
* Added the management of state backup MO5 (load / save state) with
save 999 files per tape
* Add the moving of the tape
* Mode stylus via R & L
* Management of the stylus on the screen after the most accurate screen mode
* Management mode of the DS (the cover closed pauses execution)
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January 4th, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Media App/Shell for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Version 2.00 beta.2 2009/01/04
Start the application that can be tied to an external file extension. (MoonShell2 is still not able to come back) (/ moonshl2/extlink/readme.txt).
As related apps, ImageViewer (extension IPK) were added.
Bonus features "to reverse the screen up or down the file list" [/ auxiliary tools / bonus features / SwapDisp.txt] added.
Even the disk format to a small cluster size is the most 8GByte to start. (SDFormatter recommended)
When the next image file of less than 512 pixels, to fill the launcher as a wallpaper file list.
The touch screen text (non-scroll bar area) that can scroll.
When you close the panel, L / R has an option to disable the button.
Launch_Tab0_Launch.png and Launch_Tab1_NDS.png change the image size of 256x192 pixels.
3 seconds or more in any SELECT of the screen to save the screen capture button and continue. (Help create skins)
A + B + L + R Fixed a bug that did not work properly initialize command of the entire set at the same time when you start pressing.
And the option to hide the file extensions, a bug fix will not appear until the folder name extension.
Fixed a bug that appears in the list of file extension is not supported.
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January 4th, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
QLeap published a new unofficial version of AnyRegion Change that will allow you as its name suggests to change various settings for your system, of course, the region and language.
This version improves the original level of support for Wii and Korean support Systemmenü patched with tools such as StarFall.
News / corrections:
- Region Free full Wii / NGC (mod04)
- Autoboot systematic fashion Recovery (mod04)
- Fixed some bugs particularly when replacing a 3.3k Systemmenü another 3.3k, SD cards are no longer mounted correctly.
- Improved Region Free with some modchips.
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January 5th, 2009, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
We're automatically skeptical of any reports coming out of an organization who uses the letter "Z" to pluralize, but we find it difficult not to believe in a recent finding from VGChartz (sigh), who claim that Wii Sports has surpassed Super Mario Bros. as the best-selling video game of all time. After compiling last week's software sales, they've concluded that Wii Sports has barely crept past the 40.24 million mark that kept SMB on top of the pile for a bajillion years.
Of course, its worth noting that both games were bundled with their respective platforms (except in Japan and South Korea, whose Wiis were Sports-less), greatly boosting their sales. We wouldn't be surprised if the report proves to be accurate -- nor would we be shocked if Nintendo is currently looking for the highest, broadest rooftop from which they can proclaim their latest sales triumph.
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January 5th, 2009, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
It's a brand new year for Nintendo Wii downloadables, and while this week sees only a game a piece released for the Virtual Console and WiiWare, there's enough Kirby and crab battles for 20 titles.
Yes, I said Crab Battles. Today Konami releases Sandy Beach for WiiWare (500 Wii Points), a title that lets you build sand castles, fortify them with cannons, and defend them against hordes of invading crabs in Crab Battle mode. Crab Battle mode. That is the most beautiful combination of words ever. I just hope we can attack their weak spots for...you know.
The pink puffball makes his triumphant return to the Virtual Console this week with the release of Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the Super Nintendo (800 points), another classic tale of sucking and blowing as only Kirby could do it.
While I might go with Kirby this week, there's just something about a cheap game with a Crab Battle mode
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January 5th, 2009, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
VisualBoyAdvance-M is a Nintendo GBA and GB/GBC emulator for Windows (based on VisualBoyAdvance).
- ADDED "change backdrop color" button to palette view and added corresponding hack to the core rendering engine for all graphic modes.
- Enable/disable refresh button in MapViewer when automatic refresh is enabled.
improved code beauty.
- ADDED video layer reset "OptionsVideoLayersReset" function to commands list, CTRL+0.
- ADDED information messages when enabling/disabling layers.
- MOVED rewind interval to Tools menu.
- Added default "screenshots" directory.
- Set default directories "battery" and "savestates".
- Code cleanup.
- Automatically & silently create directories in a relative path.
- FIXED building with GCC/MinGW.
- FIXED: Added PNG include dir.
- corrected typo.
- When time permits I'll add a resource checksum instead.
- Include change to work with in-project msvc dependencies.
- Added info about "file_extractor" dependencies.
- Standardised the output paths, dropped "file-extractor" from the solution and added the dependancies\msvc files into the project.
- Used the latest names for the zlib and libpng dlls and libs ... change if yours are different and linking fails.
- Branch for MFC changes.
- REMOVED gbafilter.cpp/h because it was not used anywhere.
- small resource file fix.
- ADDED support for .ips .ups .ppf files to the GUI.
- ADDED patch files to Win32/MFC project.
- ADDED Microsoft compatible replacements for fseeko64, ftello64 and __off64_t.
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January 5th, 2009, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sverx posted this today:
There were errors that were blocking the program after failures in loading a module. Now you're able to resume and choose another tune.
No other changes. Download at the same link.

Heres the initial newspost with all the details in:
Hi! I've spent some hours these days to build this little tool (...forgive the UI...) that plays XMs directly from your FAT device. It's twice useful:
- it gives you a chance to listen to your XMs on the DS before you incorporate them in your project
- it gives me a chance to have some feedback (so please let me know if some modules doesn't load / doesn't play correctly)
Up, down, left and right keys navigate the directory, A enter directory / load the XM file, B to stop it.
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January 5th, 2009, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from AntonioND
This is a 3D engine, which aim is to make easier the procces of making a 3D game for the DS
-Loader of models and textures from FAT.
-Dual 3D, as easy as normal 3D.
-Can load BMPs of 8, 16, and 24 bits and convert them into textures.
-Hardware-accelerated effects like fog and toon shading.
-You can take screenshots of both screens in dual 3D mode or the 3D screen in normal 3D mode.
-Animated model support.
-2D over 3D system.
-Very basic physics engine.
-API functions.
-2D text in 3D mode, any character size allowed.
-More things...
-Improve physics engine.
-You can ask me for the things you would like to see.
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January 6th, 2009, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster

BenHeck.com forum member goteking apparently built this camera-in-a-Famicom-cart a little while back, but this is one instance when we're more than happy to catch up a little late, even if we may quite not be able to bring ourselves to gut a cart of our own. As you can likely imagine, this mod mostly depends simply on choosing the right cart-sized camera, and goteking found that a standard Sony Cybershot point-and-shoot fit the bill quite nicely, though there's certainly plenty of other possiblities out there (bonus points for anyone able to make an Game Boy cart camera). Hit up the link below for a few more pics of the camera, plus a glimpse of some of goteking's other projects, including a VAIO DS and a VAIO Eee PC.
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January 6th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts announced today that Scrabble will make its way to the DS and PSP in March, and to Xbox Live Arcade at a later date. Beginning in spring, XBLA will not only receive the perennial wordsmith board game, but also Boggle, Battleship, Yahtzee, Connect Four, Sorry! and Sorry!Sliders.
In a very interesting development, XBLA will also receive a branded "Hasbro Family Game Night" channel. Chip Lange, general manager of EA Hasbro, says it'll allow players to easily find family-friendly digital board games. We only wish that Microsoft would extend such a courtesy to the high-quality European board games that are also available on the service
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January 6th, 2009, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster

Dragon Quest IX might be out until March, but someone on the Japanese internet claims to have obtained an early copy. Thing is, it's totally fake for two reasons. They are:
• The cover art illustration has already been released by Square Enix as previous promotional material.
• The package's barcode is the same as the Dragon Quest IV barcade.
So there you go. This phoney baloney appeared during the winter holidays and got many in Japan green with envy. They, too, wanted an early copy of the game!
Even though the game's not out for three months, it's already available for pre-order. Japan's all excited for DQIX. You could say the country has DQIX fever. Can you feel it?
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January 6th, 2009, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
MTV decided to find out. Using the Wii’s Nintendo Channel - which tracks the playing habits of 1.6 million Americans - they've yanked out some data on what games you're playing, and for how long.
The most-played game on the console (at least among those 1.6 million)? That one's easy. It's Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the average player (just the average player!) putting in 64 hours and 51 minutes. Or, in layman's terms, more than a lot of people put into Oblivion.
Second is Guitar Hero III, at an average of 58 hours & 41 minutes, while Twilight Princess came in third at 46 hours, 29 minutes. Perhaps the most interesting (and sad) of the lot, though, is #13 on the list: Okami. It says the average time spent playing Okami has been a relatively paltry 19 hours & 43 minutes, meaning that's a hell of a lot of people who don't even get halfway through the game before calling it quits.
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January 6th, 2009, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sometimes a character is all you need to sell a game. Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is one of those kinds of games.
Who wouldn’t want to play a game with a samurai toaster?
Being a 2D sidescrolling shooter with 13 levels, four player co-op, and good looking sprite artwork makes Eduardo the Samurai Toaster sound like this year’s Castle Crashers. Like we predicted two weeks ago when we discovered the game this is going to be a WiiWare deal. Semnant Studios plans to release it soon, like this winter soon.
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January 6th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Iron Master turned out to be a totally different game than I imagined. I thought it was going to be some kind of RPG. In reality it’s more like “forging papa”, a clever description care of Insert Credit.
In Iron Master: Legendary Blacksmith players make swords, shields, and other fantasy arms with the stylus. After the arms are made you sell them in a weapon store you run. As a creative curiosity Iron Master: Legendary Blacksmith looks neat. The biggest surprise about the project is Barunson Creative, a South Korean company, already has an English trailer ready. No publisher has been announced for North America yet, but Barunson Creative’s plan was to distribute Iron Master: Legendary Blacksmith internationally.
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January 6th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Patients are able to practice using their prosthetic limbs with the help of Wii Fit and the balance board.
Seacroft Hospital in Leeds England recently garnered attention for utilizing the Wii in conjunction with Wii Fit as a means of rehabilitation and physical therapy.
Physiotherapists at the hospital are among the first in the country to incorporate sessions of Wii Fit into the schedule of patients learning to use a lower prosthetic limb. Senior physiotherapist Lynn Hirst states that many times patients have trouble "getting their weight through the prosthetic limb." However, with the aid of the balance board, Wii Fit allows patients to see "where they are taking their weight."
Many of the Wii Fit games are similar to actual physical therapy exercises, and Hirst adds that there are many "lively games" that help "[improve] their core stability and their balance." For example, Wii Fit's skiing helps patients learn balance, control, and cooperation between a real and prosthetic limb.
For many patients, coping with an amputation can be difficult and frustrating. Prior to having tools such as Wii Fit, patients would only have the word of the trainer to depict their progress. Now, using the Balance Board, patients are able to visually see their center of gravity and rehabilitate themselves with games rather than tedious and strenuous physical therapy. Regardless of age, patients seeking rehabilitation have connected with the colorful game and are inspired to push their hardest in order to return to their normal lives.
Sixty year old David Crossland, a patient at Seacroft Hospitalm serves as a prime example. As a result of complications relating to an old accident Crossland's leg recently needed to be amputated. He describes the therapy with Wii Fit and the Balance Board as "marvelous" and adds that "it makes sure you have got your balance," which is important when "learning to walk again." Furthermore, it has allowed him to do things like "ski down a mountain or head a football during sessions using the machine – even though he has a prosthetic leg."
Hirst, Crossland's physiotherapist, states that the Wii Fit therapy has been "absolutely fantastic" for Crossland and all of her other patients. Being the first institute in the country to adopt the system, Hirst hopes that others will follow suit with similar programs.
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January 6th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Of all the big players, Nintendo is in the enviable position of not actually needing to worry about releasing a new console – after all, when you’re selling Wiis faster than stores can stock them, why bother spending more money on another console? Having said that, we believe, given Nintendo’s past hardware release trends, that a Wii 2 (or 1.5) may come sooner than expected.
Nintendo has shown that it’s not afraid to tweak existing products – just look at all the Gameboy and DS iterations. This approach sees small innovations added to existing hardware. It’s entirely possible that the Wii will receive similar treatment, particularly given that it falls somewhat behind the 360 and PS3 in terms of HD compatibility.
The Wii 2 will undoubtedly include DVD support, higher resolutions and more memory. Possibly a camera, microphone (although the recent Animal Crossing game introduces chat already) and much better online integration. So really, we’re expecting a Wii upgrade rather than a fully fledged console.
However, and this is the kicker, Nintendo are never entirely predictable. When they revealed the Wii, most people thought it was doomed to fail. In many people’s eyes it has, but it certainly hasn’t from a financial perspective. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has been quoted thus when asked about Nintendo’s next console (taken from several interviews): “We are always preparing for the next hardware. We are under development…
But the hardware is a kind of box that consumers reluctantly buy in order to play our games… Every hardware needs some revolutionary features. This time around, it happened to be we had a revolutionary user interface. Will it be the same for the next generation? I really can't tell… It's natural for the current customer to expect Nintendo is going to once again do something different. If the people are expecting so many different things from Nintendo, it's going to be difficult for us to go beyond that expectation again."
So a Wii 2 is definitely in production, Nintendo aren’t sure if they want to/need to surprise people anymore (rolling in money will do that to you) and…they’ll probably just release an upgraded Wii like we’re all expecting them to.
The question Nintendo need to answer is will the so-called casual gamers actually be interested in an upgraded version of the Wii? After all, old people and families are hardly going to care that much about HD resolutions and DVD playback – they just want to use this Wii Fit thing everyone’s talking about on Today Tonight. It really then becomes a case of trying to claw back the loyal gamers, many of whom now believe Nintendo has abandoned them in search of, well, profit.
Nintendo can continue to sell bucketloads of consoles, as well as concentrate on their handheld output, and still be in a very comfortable position. We think that they will upgrade the Wii, possibly even release another console sometime down the track. But for now their focus is on riding this current wave of success – and really, who can blame them?
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January 6th, 2009, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has tooday released a new port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres some details:
The port is playable with sound and both joysticks available. It has only been tested in 480i mode on a PAL TV (the 50Hz mode gives me a headache), and there are some sound glitches and probably some other minor bugs.
Download and Give Feedback and Compatability reports at the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=178591
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January 6th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yohanes via wiibrew
This is an Apple II emulator for the Wii based on the AppleWin/LinApple. You must have a USB keyboard to be able to use this application.
F1 for help
F2 to start emulation (restart apple IIe)
F3/F4 to change disk image
F9 to change color scheme
F10 to exit emulation (or use the home button on Wiimote)
0.0.2 (January 4, 2009)
Fixed text overlay
Disable saving options (dangerous for now, because you might overwrite your files)
0.0.3 (January 4, 2009)
Sound support
Fix joypad problem
Invalid disk image will not freeze the emulator (in case of invalid disk, Master.dsk will be reloaded)
0.0.4 (January 6, 2009)
new keyboard driver, now work with most USB keyboards
0.0.5 (January 6, 2009)
Support Gamecube controller (Wiimote support is planned for next version)
updated some bug in keyboard handling

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January 6th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
kriogeN are CGDplayer updates that passes is a version 0.92.
CDGPlayer to become a real MP3 player - Karaoke.
To use this drive, you will have two song files with the same base name: a musical file. Mp3 file and one of configuration. Cdg. Example: tataYOYO.mp3 and tataYOYO.cdg.
Both files are in the folder mp3g pleasure.
The cross-pad allows to move in the menu button B and the selected song haul.
The Home button current song to return to the menu allows selective songs, or you sort of homebrew.
Changelog in English:
0.91 -> 0.92
- Remember the directory where is happening.
- Rollback directory button B.
- Support Joliet on DVD.
DVDx 0.9 -> 0.91
- USB (+ button)
- Main menu for the choice of unit (Button -)
- Indication of the unit in which it is (CD, DVD or USB)
- Border Command preset.
- Fixed a problem that did not allow to use the program with PAL 50Hz.
0.9 -> 0.9 DVDx
- Now use the MP3 cache. No longer should desincronizarse music and lyrics, and load much faster.
- Pressing 1 reloads the data on the SD card. You can change the card by another with different songs.
- Pressing 2 refills data DVD. You can change the DVD. DVDx necessary and that the disc is recorded in ISO9660.
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January 6th, 2009, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
kriogeN already written several homebrews Wii, such as the Uno, offers its last crétaion to our beautiful white Orquesta.
Summary translation of the author notes:
(I apologize in advance of the various mistakes in translation)
You play the role of a conductor. Select a song you want to play.
A screen will appear 3 digits separated by a "." :
The first figure is the frequency with which the song is played (the normal frequency is 44100),
The second is the maximum frequency
The last is the value of the instantaneous frequency.
Every 1.5 seconds, the frequency reproduction of the average between the frequency of reproduction and the maximum frequency with the last 1.5 seconds.
As this is the time for a demo, the selected song is repeated constantly and you have to press the Home button to exit the game
You can add your own songs. The format of the songs is RAW PCM Stereo 44100Hz Signed 16-bit Big Endian.
The author says that this is more of a Proof of Concept and he does not know yet if it has time to devote to the further development of this game
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January 6th, 2009, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has been giving Japan periodic updates on Dragon Quest IX, but until now, these have all been focused on the gameplay side of things. Today, the company detailed one additional area of gameplay and also shared some preliminary character and story details.
Your adventure in DQIX begins in the world of angels. Angels work to gain thanks and appreciation from the residents of the ground below. These feelings are turned into Star Aura, which can be offered to the World Tree, eventually opening a path to the land of the gods.
You happen to be an angel yourself. Dragon Quest IX's story begins when something goes awry as you make your offering of Star Aura. The identity of that "something" will presumably be revealed only once you've played the game.
Joining this initial report on DQIX's storyline is a look at one of the first named characters in the game. Named Sandy, this blond-haired fairy has dark skin and speaks like a "Gal," or a young girl. Square Enix is being a bit vague at the present, and will only say that Sandy has a major role in the game's story.
On the gameplay side of things, Square Enix offered first details on a "quest" system. Quests are mini-adventures that you attempt to tackle apart from the main story. You find and take on quests by speaking with people around town. Quests that you've accepted are added to a quest list and can be dealt with in whatever order you like. Clear a quest, and you earn rewards, and may even unlock related quests.
While Square Enix didn't specifically mention this, it's presumable that quests will tie in closely with DQIX's multiplayer mode, offering groups of players something to actually do when adventuring together.
With Dragon Quest IX's March 26 Japanese release date just a couple of months away, we can probably expect a constant flow of new information over the coming weeks. This is, after all, likely to be Japan's biggest game of the year.
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January 6th, 2009, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
In what is perhaps his softest attack on credulity yet, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has predicted that life-to-date sales of Nintendo's Wii console will overtake the PlayStation 2's two-year sales when it comes time to tally December's NPD-compiled North American sales results. In other words, Pachter believes that the Wii has flown off shelves faster than the PlayStation 2 did in its first two years of existence. The gall of that young upstart! (The Wii, not Pachter.)
While Nintendo's astonishing performance in November may render Pachter's bet a safe one, trumping the massively mainstream PlayStation 2 is nonetheless what we in the business call "a big deal." If December's NPD results reinforce the analyst's claim, it may even fuel his assertion that 2009 will offer more Wii hits from third-party developers -- albeit in the form of "mainstay" fare. Still, if the Wii is to become the new PS2, maybe someone will give the system its Shadow of the Colossus.
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January 6th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

This has got to be the most work for the least return I've ever seen in a mod. The Geekothon points to a modder who completely gutted his DS Lite so he could:
A: Make it play videos
B: Turn it into a Pez dispenser
C: Add video camera support
D: Swap out the logo
That's right. He tore apart a perfectly good DS so he could cut its case open and slap in a VAIO logo. Why? I don't know, but someone better getting cracking on the Pez mod, but soon.
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January 7th, 2009, 04:06 Posted By: morganDS
I just wanted to let everyone know that my graphDS project is NOT dead and that there will be a new release very soon (probably within a week). I have had very little time to work on it the past few months due to college, but I'm beginning to work on it again since I've found more time. New features in this version will include the ability to nest catalog functions, a totally new data type that allows you to work with 3-dimensional vectors, bug fixes, and probably a few other things that I have forgotten. Thanks for your patience and continued support.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Things aren't going so well in the world of EA. Disappointing sales of games like Mirror's Edge and Dead Space have forced the company to restructure, letting go of 10% of its workforce. However, we see newfound hope for the company's bottom line with its latest Nintendo-focused efforts. EA is planning on expanding the MySims franchise with two new games that truly broaden what's possible in gaming.
MySims Party promises to turn any gathering into an "instant party" by offering -- wait for it -- a variety of minigames to play with. Shake the Wii Remote to partake in 50 minigames, ranging from snowboarding to dancing. The DS version will feature 40 stylus-powered minigames. 2K Games also created a similarly innovative title, which sold over a million copies.
In addition to the wildly innovative MySims Party, EA has another sure-fire hit on its hands. Nintendo fans will absolutely adore MySims Racing. We don't want to spoil the game's unique offering, so we placed that trailer after the break.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Things aren't going so well in the world of EA. Disappointing sales of games like Mirror's Edge and Dead Space have forced the company to restructure, letting go of 10% of its workforce. However, we see newfound hope for the company's bottom line with its latest Nintendo-focused efforts. EA is planning on expanding the MySims franchise with two new games that truly broaden what's possible in gaming.
MySims Party promises to turn any gathering into an "instant party" by offering -- wait for it -- a variety of minigames to play with. Shake the Wii Remote to partake in 50 minigames, ranging from snowboarding to dancing. The DS version will feature 40 stylus-powered minigames. 2K Games also created a similarly innovative title, which sold over a million copies.
In addition to the wildly innovative MySims Party, EA has another sure-fire hit on its hands. Nintendo fans will absolutely adore MySims Racing. We don't want to spoil the game's unique offering, so we placed that trailer after the break.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
According to a post by its developer on NeoGAF, the multi-touch intensive iPhone/iPod Touch adventure, 1112, may be headed to WiiWare. Alexandre Leboucher states that a friend working at "a small Wii/DS game company" approached him about bringing the game to Wii, and Leboucher is asking for feedback on an appropriate Wii Points value (part one of the episodic series is $7.99 on the iTunes App Store).
Leboucher says he feels the game is technologically well-suited for Wii, but has concerns about WiiWare's 42 megabyte limit; the game's first episode on iPhone is 128MB.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Fit was released in Japan in December 2007. Proved to be, despite its liberal use of the word "fit", a hit. So much so that it's now sold three million copies.
Yup. Three. Million. Which is up 200,000 from the last round of numbers we saw (gotta love those Christmas sales!)
Think Iwata & co give two hoots about the science of it all? Nope. They care about counting all that money.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sega's NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii was once planned for release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but shifted platforms against the wishes of Sonic Team producer Takashi Iizuka.
Sonic the Hedgehog-centric site TSSZ News cites a now-deleted personal blog "Boss Rush" written by former Sega Europe employee Ben Andac as its source for the revelation. Andac, posting under the more anonymous title "jpeg," wrote of then in-development games like Sonic Unleashed and the then still to be announced NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.
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January 7th, 2009, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Like switching your characters between a variety of jobs? Then Dungeons & Dams is the game for you! Maybe. Acquire’s upcoming DS game isn’t an RPG. Similar to their Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida series it’s a simulation.
You select warriors from one of many job classes and watch them slay monsters bent on razing your town. What do you do while this is going on? Build dams to a make a path for water which floods the dungeon and any monsters you can’t take out with your adventurers.
Acquire dug deep for classes in Dungeons & Dams. Sure, the list has knights, wizards, and other fantasy staples. You can use those. Alternatively, you can make a party with a luggage carrier, item scout, shield basher, and a chef armed with a giant spork just for the sake of variety.
Basic Jobs
Porter (pictured)
Advanced Jobs
Heavy Knight
Bomb Magician
Guard Knight
Chef (pictured)
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January 7th, 2009, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have today posted a load of Korean DS Lite Consoles and they are at an appealing price of $139, DS Lites are region free so this may interest some of you.
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January 7th, 2009, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo revealed a while back that the New Play Control version of Mario Power Tennis would be receiving a fresh control update. Just a week before the Japanese release, the company has gotten specific, with an official website detailing the controls.
For those who don't read the Nihongo, here's the lowdown on how you perform all the shots. Mostly, your motions with the Wiimote mimic what you'd do with a real racket.
Swing the Wiimote from down to up to toss the ball up, then swing to serve.
Top Spin
Swing from lower right to upper left for forehand. Reverse for a backhand.
Slice Spin
Swing from upper right to lower left for forehand. Reverse for backhand.
Flat Shot
Swing from right to left for a forehand. Reverse for a backhand.
Swing the Wiimote from down to up.
Swing the Wiimote from up to down.
When presented with a smash opportunity, a star will appear on the court. Move your character over the star, then swing up to down to perform a smash.
Outside of these standard tennis moves, each character has access to individual special shots. These are performed through button combinations.
As previously announced, there's a big difference between Mario Power Tennis and the Wii Spots tennis game. In Mario Power Tennis, you can use the Nunchuck to manually move your player around. This is just optional, though, and those who simply want to swing can opt for auto movement.
Those who are hoping for standard button controls may or may not be out of luck. We're actually not sure if the moment if the game will support play through the Classic Controller. The official site only states that the game cannot be played with GameCube controllers.
We've added new screenshots of the Wii version of Mario Power Tennis to our media gallery. In addition to the screens, we'd suggest heading to the official site and attempting to navigate the Japanese for small video clips showing the individual special shots.
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January 7th, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Dhewg has released a new build of the SCUMMVM interpreter for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new:
After some months of absence, here's finally an update:
For those interested in building the Gamecube/Wii port, i finally wrote down build instructions. Sorry for the massive delay!
A fresh build is available too: SVN revision 35709.
* Compiled with devkitPPC r16 and its updated libogc and libfat, boosting the overall SD performance
* Renamed the Wii's internal sd slot device back to "fat:", so it loads properly with the homebrew channel (The initial change got introduced by the new libfat version)
* SDHC support (Wii internal SD only)
* Readded SD Gecko support for Wii
* USB mass storage support
* The root directory now yields a list of mounted devices, you can now use any combination of internal SD/SD gecko/USB at the same time
* Tweaked the video mode a little, hopefully this will eliminate the black borders
* Dropped MPEG2 video support, please use DXA instead (available on the download page)
* Proper Component/480p detection for Gamecube (contributed by Hkz)
* Fixed a libogc bug, Drascula and 7th Guest don't hang anymore
* Updated Tremor and FLAC, .ogg audio files should work fine now
* Enabled new game engines: Groovie and Tucker
Some of these changes were already present on the builds provided by Bossk, thank you for giving the Wii users their daily fix!
To avoid problems by these changes, please remove any old "scummvm.ini" files on your SD card ("/apps/scummvm/scummvm.ini" as well as "/scummvm.ini" [if present])
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thanks to tehskeen for the news
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January 7th, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Dhewg has released a new build of the SCUMMVM interpreter for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new:
After some months of absence, here's finally an update:
For those interested in building the Gamecube/Wii port, i finally wrote down build instructions. Sorry for the massive delay!
A fresh build is available too: SVN revision 35709.
* Compiled with devkitPPC r16 and its updated libogc and libfat, boosting the overall SD performance
* Renamed the Wii's internal sd slot device back to "fat:", so it loads properly with the homebrew channel (The initial change got introduced by the new libfat version)
* SDHC support (Wii internal SD only)
* Readded SD Gecko support for Wii
* USB mass storage support
* The root directory now yields a list of mounted devices, you can now use any combination of internal SD/SD gecko/USB at the same time
* Tweaked the video mode a little, hopefully this will eliminate the black borders
* Dropped MPEG2 video support, please use DXA instead (available on the download page)
* Proper Component/480p detection for Gamecube (contributed by Hkz)
* Fixed a libogc bug, Drascula and 7th Guest don't hang anymore
* Updated Tremor and FLAC, .ogg audio files should work fine now
* Enabled new game engines: Groovie and Tucker
Some of these changes were already present on the builds provided by Bossk, thank you for giving the Wii users their daily fix!
To avoid problems by these changes, please remove any old "scummvm.ini" files on your SD card ("/apps/scummvm/scummvm.ini" as well as "/scummvm.ini" [if present])
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thanks to tehskeen for the news
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January 7th, 2009, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Duhow has released an unnoficial version of the media Player for the Nintendo Wii:
MPlayer r27458 with Spanish language by Duhow.
Added help, more commands, changed buttons (Similar to GeeXboX) and translated in Spanish.
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January 7th, 2009, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Justwoody
MahJongg Wii is a Mahjongg solitaire tiles game written specifically for the Wii, developed with devkitPro tools and using the GRRLib for rendering, sndlib for music and sound, and wiiuse for wiimote.
How to play
The goal is to clear the board by removing all the tiles. Tiles must remove in pairs. A pair consists of two tiles which both are a) "free" and b) identical (or of the same type).
A tile is "free" when:
No other tile is lying above or is partially covering it
No other tile is lying to the left or to the right of it (it can "slide" in one or both these directions)
Two tiles are identical if they look exactly the same. The exception to this are the Flowers and Seasons tiles. They are non-identical numbered matching tiles and belong to the same type. All the Flowers tiles match one another and all the Season tiles match one another.
There are four of each tile in the game except for the Flowers and Seasons tiles which appear only once.
It's not as easy as it sounds; you can end up with having matched the "wrong" pairs and you may find yourself stuck, with unmatchable tiles blocking other key tiles so you can't clear the layout. You must be careful before removing a pair, you should look for where the remaining pair is in the layout and plan ahead. If all four of an identical tile are free, remove them to 'unclutter' the field. It's not only a game of pure luck, you have to play strategically.
v0.7 06/01/09
Download - Mahjongg Wii v0.7
Changed to automatically select the language based on the Wii menu language settings (Nintendo only support Japanese, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch) but as Mahjongg Wii supports more languages, I have kept the language selection screen, but moved it to be accessible via the game options screen
Added three new tile layouts - fortress, crab and spider
Changed placement algorithm to handle complexity of new tile layouts
Added a layout selection screen which can be accessed by selecting change layout from options menu
Changed all the backgrounds from png to jpeg and at same time doubled their resolution so they now look much cleaner
Added hint functionality to the game (not hover hint) so that if it the icon is pressed a hint selection is highlighted in flashing yellow and 30 seconds are added to the time as a penalty
Added Wiimote rumble when a tile pair is successfully selected
Added an option to turn the rumble feature on or off
Added the saving and loading of configuration data to SD card (mahjongg.cfg on root of SD)
Added SDHC support
Added Danish language support
Wrote language selection paging - now with 9 languages per page with the plus and minus buttons (or on screen equivalents) used to move between them
Added button B usage as an alternative back button whilst in the menus
Added callback functions so that power and reset on the Wii now work and power button on the wiimote now turns the Wii off
Fixed several bugs
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January 7th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Wplaat has updated his game for the Nintendo Wii, heres the details
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
06/01/2009 Version 0.72
- update urls on intro screens to www.plaatsoft.nl (My new domain).
- Bugfix: google analysic requests are now working again.
- Bugfix: Score cheating with 1 and 2 button is now not posible anymore.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 7th, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from naleksiev
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January 7th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has announced Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game, a game based on the acclaimed television drama series of the same name. Designed for the Wii, Nintendo DS, and PC, Grey's Anatomy is set for a early 2009 release.
"Ubisoft is thrilled to be collaborating with ABC Studios to turn this phenomenal television series into an interactive experience," said Christian Salomon, vice president of worldwide licensing at Ubisoft. "In Grey's Anatomy: The Video Game, fans will have a chance to take on the roles of all of their favorite doctors in an all-new original storyline. As each doctor, players will make important personal and professional decisions, explore the direct relationships with each other, and perform the delicate surgeries the series is known for, all through fun and engaging game play."
We're not exactly sure how you make a game based on drama-filled television series, but with it coming out in early 2009, it looks like we won't have to wait too long to find out.
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January 7th, 2009, 23:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Wii has its unique set of merits. But a lack of hard drive, minimal online play and awkward friend codes are some of the issues highlighted by gamers. But Nintendo IS listening, insists Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime.
"We listen to our fans all the time," Reggie said when challenged on Nintendo's attitude towards such complaints.
"Nintendo fans are some of the most passionate in the world, and believe me, they make their opinions heard. We're not claiming our way of doing things is better or worse than anyone else - it's just different," he added.
"We listen very closely to what people have to say, both pro and con, and keep those feelings in mind as we plan ahead," Fils-Aime told GameDaily.
We don't expect any major changes to Wii in the remaining years of its life, but we have high hopes for the next Nintendo console.
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January 8th, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Given the success of the Wii in its home territory (and everywhere else for that matter), two things were bound to happen: love sims and pachinko games. While we've heard nothing about the love sims, despite the Wiimote clearly being the ultimate love sim peripheral, the pachinko games are on the way thanks to Yamasa Entertainment.
WiiWare will be getting Sugu Slot Duo New Pulsar R&V from Yamasa. While the Japan-only game was previously announced, the pachinko specialist shared details today.
Pulsar R&V includes simulations for two machines: New Pulsar R and New Pulsar V. Users can look forward to auto play along with all the features people have come to associate with pachinko game conversions. Thanks to the Wiimote, however, this first WiiWare pachinko game will have something past pachinko games have required a pricey peripheral to achieve: real lever controls for true single hand play!
Those who can't get enough of real pachinko at a pachinko parlor, and those who don't know what pachinko is in the first place, can look forward to New Pulsar R&V on January 13. Pricing is set at 1,000 WiiPoints.
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January 8th, 2009, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

- Just snap your Wii remote to Intec's Remote Fishing Rod, cast and you'll turn those fish tales into reality; no bait required
- Custom-designed to match your Wii Console.
- Experience gaming realism like never before!
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January 8th, 2009, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High quality Stereo Earphones Mega Bass with Volume Adjust/Wifi Microphone for NDSi with 24K golden electroplate plug. The built-in high quality and high sensitive microphone supports Wifi conversation and without Echo.
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January 8th, 2009, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

You can now save money and get all the accessories you need for your NDSi console with this 18 in 1 ultimate pack! 18 accessories includes all the must have for people caring for their console.
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January 8th, 2009, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster

What would CES be without a little video gaming, huh? Thanks to Nyko, we won't ever have to find out (at least in 2009), as it's bringing a smattering of new Nintendo Wii accessories to the desert. Kicking things off right is the simply titled Wand, which is said to be the "world's most advanced alternative to the Wii remote." Aside from doing everything the Wiimote does, the April-bound device also features the firm's Trans-Port technology, which "enables control and vibration feedback to be electrically replicated on a compatible attachment accessory." Up next is the Charge Station EX ($34.99 this April), which improves upon its successor by adding a LED battery indicator and a "new sleek look." Finally, the Kama Charge Kit is an all-in-one charging solution while simultaneously stores and charges both the Wiimote and Kama controllers in one unit.
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January 8th, 2009, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
A new report, entitled "Media Democracy," by research firm Deloitte claims that the average media-consuming Brit spends 6.6 hours per week playing video games. The most staggering finding in the report is that a quarter of respondents owned a Wii, while another quarter said they intended to buy one by the end of this year. That would mean the Brits owning a Wii would outnumber those who assisted in the great Adipose breeding program.
The research report also found that gaming is now considered "family time" for those between the ages of 26 and 42, with interest in the activity declining after 40. Speaking of which -- we can't confirm whether The Doctor has picked up a Wii, but we do know Her Majesty has done some Wii Sports bowling.
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January 8th, 2009, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is giving one gamer a chance to take on Australian Open Champion, and third best tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic in a game of Wii Tennis. But wait, there's quite a catch.
To be eligible to enter you must be able to travel to Melbourne any day during the first week of the Australian Open, which runs from Jan. 19 through Jan. 23... on your own dime if you don't live in Australia.
If you're OK with that, or live in Oz, than just hit up the link to submit 25 words or less explaining why you should get the chance to play tennis on Wii against the pro.
The good news is that even those who don't get to take on Djokovic can try their Wii Tennis skills out on professionals if they make it to the open. Lacoste's sponsored athletes including Tatiana Golovin and Richard Gasquet, and tennis legend Mats Wilander will be at Lacoste Centre Court, located at Melbourne Central Shot Tower Square on Level 1 to take on challengers.
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January 8th, 2009, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
After selling millions and millions of DS units, you'd think Nintendo president Satoru Iwata would be bracing himself for a decline in sales. Heck, no!
Iwata sees DS sales as something that will continue to grow. His logic:
Some say the market for the DS is saturated, but I disagree. In Japan, a country with a population of 127 million, we've sold 23 million DS units. The United States is inhabited by over 300 million people, and there are more than 490 million people in the European Union. Sales of the product could grow further in foreign countries considering their populations.
Emerging markets for the DS, according to Iwata, include the likes of Russia and India. The Nintendo exec isn't only optimistic about DS sales, but also the gaming industry as the global economy craters.
"However, the current economic recession is something that happens only once in 50 or 100 years. We have to monitor the market very carefully," says Iwata. "Nintendo workers who know only the good times of the company are increasing. I hope to give them a sense of the potential critical nature [of the economic situation]." Just tell them stories about the GameCube days. That should do it.
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January 8th, 2009, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Bomberman 2 is the European name for Custom Battle Bomberman, the latest Nintendo DS Bomberman game. The highlight of Bomberman 2 seems to be mixing and matching parts to make the ultimate Bomberman. There are 160,000+ futuristic looking combinations to play with and you can take your custom creation into eight player Nintendo Wi-Fi battles. Unlike Bomberman games on the past the parts you choose affect your character’s stats. So you may have to choose between wearing a cowboy hat and boosting your defense with a metal helmet.
I dig the custom Bomberman battles, but we’re going to have to wait awhile to play them here. Konami is only taking care of the release in Europe which is February 14. Hudson doesn’t have a branch in Europe which explains why Konami, Hudson’s parent company, picked up the title. Since an English version will be done soon I’m confident Hudson, if not some other publisher, will release “Bomberman 2″ here. Perhaps, with a better sounding name.
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January 8th, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Arc System Works is taking the Kunio-kun kids out for another field day, but instead of using sprites we get low resolution polygon models. Like JC over at DS Fanboy, I believe this is a first for the Kunio-kun series. Change is nice, but it’s not like the Kunio-kun games needed 3D graphics. Simple and charming sprites worked fine for over 20 years.
Otherwise the shreds of information about Kunio-kun Chou Nekketsu: Daiundokai makes it sound a lot like a 1990s Kunio-kun sports game released on the Famicom. The DS version adds another element too, wireless multiplayer for four which makes Kunio-kun Chou Nekketsu: Daiundokai worth keeping an eye on. We’ll be waiting for an announcement from Aksys about this.
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January 8th, 2009, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
In Fishing Master: World Tour you catch fish using the Wii remote. With a title like Fishing Master that’s a given.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered you also catch kappa, mythological creatures said to inhabit ponds in Japan, in Fishing Master: World Tour too. In the US version the kappa are called water imps, range from 110 - 914 pounds, and are one of a handful unusual catches in the game.
Since the Wii already has plenty of fishing games Hudson should work on a game where you just catch legendary sea monsters.
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January 8th, 2009, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster

New from SuccessHK ( for those like me who have a US Wii but dont live in the USA this may be of interest)
If life were an endless vacation, what would you do? Go fishing, collect shells or watch fireworks with friends? Build a snowman, exchange presents with family or decorate your house for the holidays? Take a trip to the city, go on a shopping spree or visit friends from all over the globe? In Animal Crossing: City Folk, life moves at a relaxed pace, but the world brims with endless possibilities.
Animal Crossing: City Folk US version(x1)
Wii Speak(x1)
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January 8th, 2009, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades expands the experience of Guitar Hero: On Tour by taking players through a rock-and-roll journey from today’s rock through the classic rock of the 70s. Utilizing the revolutionary Guitar Hero Guitar Grip peripheral that fits in the Game Pak slot on the Nintendo DS, Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades gives fans the ability to shred through time with their favorite tunes and customize their characters in decade-themed costumes and venues. The soundtrack features 28 master tracks from the great decades of music, including 21 that are exclusive to Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades. For the first time, owners of Guitar Hero: On Tour or Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades will be able to stream over 50 songs from the two games using a local wireless connection.* Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades delivers the gameplay that players have come to expect and continues the ground-breaking on-the-go Guitar Hero experience
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January 8th, 2009, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Codemii team:
The Homebrew Browser v0.3 is under development and I would like some feedback on what needs to be changed or what works well. The two main changes will be the main page which the homebrew is displayed and having a proper about page. The Main page is a rough design, the icons/text will look better.
HBB Main page

The idea of the main page is to make it as less cluttered as possible. Maybe the descriptions should be made shorter. The Emulators button would be click-able which all the categories would drop down and let you select which one to choose.
HBB About page
A informative page for the application.

Some Feedback questions include:
Does anything need to be changed?
Is there too much text?
Does the About page need an icon?
Is there any information missing?
Is the text describing the application long enough?
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January 8th, 2009, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom appears to be kicking into high gear with Monster Hunter over in Japan -- not surprisingly, since Monster Hunter 2nd G was last year's biggest game over there. Today, we managed to get new details and screenshots for two Monster Hunter games, both of which are set for the Wii.
Most notably is an update on Monster Hunter 3. Most of the information was previously revealed (we did play the game at the Tokyo Game Show, after all), but today Capcom shared specifics on a newcomer creature and on a new gameplay system.
The new creature is Ragiacrus. First shown at Tokyo Game Show, this long reptile can survive both on land and underwater. It attacks by emitting electricity from its body and by shooting electric breath, but it can also go the more traditional route and swipe you with its tail or ram you with its impressive weight. When you're exploring the shoreline, Ragiacrus may stick its head out from the water for an unexpected attack.
Also detailed today is the game's pop-icon system. This is basically a context-sensitive action system where icons pop up over your character's head when you reach hot spots in the world. Press A, and you'll be able to perform an action, such as catching bugs with your net, picking at rocks with your pick (assuming you've acquired these items), digging the ground beneath you, and climbing up to higher ground.
Be sure and check out our media gallery below for shots of Ragiacrus and of the pop-icon system in action.
Our Monster Hunter G update has a bit less in the way of new information -- most likely because this is just a slightly updated PS2 to Wii port. Previously, Capcom revealed that the game would offer players a more convenient means of dealing with items and equipment. Today, it got a bit more specific.
Players can now make use of a "My Set Registration" system when equipping their characters. This system lets you register groupings of weapons and equipment. Once registered, you can switch your entire equipment set quickly prior to battle, something that should be a lot less time consuming.
New screenshots of MHG offer a look at the updated item systems and Kokoto Village, the area that serves as your base of operation during single player mode. Browse on over here to see the new shots.
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January 8th, 2009, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sure, video games are raising our children and you can't vote with a Wii remote. Now that the voting is over, President-elect Obama finds time to kick back with a little Wii Sports bowling.
In an article in the New York Times in which our soon-to-be President predicts a Florida win over Oklahoma in tonight’s BCS championship game, it is revealed that Barack Obama's daughters received a shiny new Nintendo console when Santa Claus visited this year.
Mr. Obama said he’d have his hands full attempting to rescue the American economy. But he has gotten in a little practice in bowling lately on the Nintendo Wii his daughters received for Christmas. Mr. Obama, who famously struggled in bowling during last year’s Democratic primaries, said he performs better in the video game.
I don't know much about politics, but it gives me an amazing amount of warm fuzzies knowing there's going to be a game console in the White House.
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January 8th, 2009, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yohanes via wiibrew
This is an Apple II emulator for the Wii based on the AppleWin/LinApple. You must have a USB keyboard to be able to use this application.
F1 for help
F2 to start emulation (restart apple IIe)
F3/F4 to change disk image
F9 to change color scheme
F10 to exit emulation (or use the home button on Wiimote)
January 6, 2009 (0.0.5)
- Support Gamecube controller (Wiimote support is planned for next version)
- updated some bug in keyboard handling
January 7, 2009 (0.0.6)
- Increased gamecube joystick sensitivity
- Fixed (most) crashing issue
January 8, 2009 (0.0.7)
- Support Wiimote as Joystick (Press A button in Gamecube controller to switch to gamecube joypad)

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January 8th, 2009, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Update Wiideo Centerpar X-Mas.
Wiideo Center is a windows application / wii allowing transcoding and stream all videos from your PC to your Wii (the Internet Channel is obligatory)
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January 8th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
kriogeN offers an update of Orquesta.
You play the role of a conductor. Select a song you want to play.
A screen will appear 3 digits separated by a "." :
The first figure is the frequency with which the song is played (the normal frequency is 44100),
The second is the maximum frequency
The last is the value of the instantaneous frequency.
Every 1.5 seconds, the frequency reproduction of the average between the frequency of reproduction and the maximum frequency with the last 1.5 seconds.
You can add your own songs. The format of the songs is RAW PCM Stereo 44100Hz Signed 16-bit Big Endian or. Mp3.
The author says that this is more of a Proof of Concept and he does not know yet if it has time to devote to the further development of this game
New in this version:
- Supports file. Mp3
- Return to the menu selection of songs
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January 8th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
mdm2k presents its new version of Arcade Jigsaw.
This puzzle game supports up to 4 players.
Puzzles must be in file format. PNG and maximum size of 440x440 pixels.
When Arcade is launched if Jigsaw puzzle is not present on the SD card, a puzzle pre-installed is used.
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January 8th, 2009, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Noobey has released a new version of DSBash for the Nintendo DS, i would have posted it on release day but the download was broken but now its fixed, heres the release details:
What is DSBash ?
- DSBash is a Web-Browser for Bash.org , QDB.us and German-Bash.org allowing you to browse easily trough their quote-archives. Now with the third release you also can listen to your MP3’s while browsing.
Music playback is still a bit crispy, I’m new to the music hardware and Im already uber-happy that it played ALL my .mp3’s , even the high-quality ones. I will try to get rid of the noise in later releases.
Just as a note: Don’t play around with the config file too much, next release I will remove the configuration trough the .ini and make a config-screen inside DSBash.
Changelog - R3
- PALib isn’t included anymore. I just cut out the Text-Print function and optimized it a bit. It was kinda idiotic to include to whole PALib just for ONE text-function.
- The download function now works for all pages again…
- Now there is a loading screen that shows some plasma effect. Just a freezed screen on clicking something seemed so unhandy… You never knew if the DS is doing something.
- The code got reorganized. When I started the application it was a small 500 lines .c file. Then it got bigger and I started to include .c files directly (I was a coding-noob ;P ). But now compiling takes ages and I decided to make multiple .c files only including headers.
- DSBash now searches for MP3 files on your card and plays them randomly. In the configuration ini you can change the music-folder path and set if you want it to scan recursively or not.
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January 8th, 2009, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Media App/shell for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Version 2.00 beta.3 2009/01/09
Add a set of closed panels when you pause while it plays.
KURIATAIPUFONTO support the text reader. (By default is OFF)
DLDI auto adapter for non-compliant with additional tools patch DLDI patch.
Check memory at startup (GUID Checker) were added.
Reduced the amount of memory used to review the plug-in version.
MOD added a plug-in relationships. (I do not know mod/it/mtm/s3m/xm/669/med/stm/amf/gdm/ult/uni/asy/imf/okt/stx)
At the beginning of video playback, do not automatically turned off the backlight. (Off screen, click the file name under the bar)
GIF has added a plug-in.
Was to return to the firmware. I RISETTOPURAGUIN variants.
Temporary fix to the bug almost simultaneously pressing the wrong key.
MDX deleted because it was left with the plug-in.
Fixed a bug that stopped MP3 stack overflow in the decoder.
There was an error in the modified bootloader. A slightly faster start TSUIDENI.
Bonus features added
SwapDisp.txt入RE替EMASU the screen up or down the file list.
BBtnStop.txt play songs on the list of files to the B button to stop.
CarSuply.txt is set for the vehicle.
Clust64k.txt to deal with a special disc. (Please consider using to read this file.)
ChkDskT1.txt you to log details of a simple disk check. (Usually not used.)
Start Ignore16.txt 16bit to force the adapter can not access the disk in the unit. (Not recommended)
UseM4A.txt AAC/m4a enable plug-ins. Most of the songs can not play.
POffMEnd.txt power after the end of the playlist and play songs OFF.
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January 8th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Be the most popular girl in town in Drama Queens, a new Nintendo DS game announced today by Majesco Entertainment Company, an innovative provider of video games for the mass market. Whether it's bagging a big promotion or stealing another girl's boyfriend, players can choose how they claw their way to the top in this ultra dramatic virtual 3D board game.
In Drama Queens, players assume the role of one of four girls, each with her own personality and special attributes. As their chosen character, players spin the game wheel to advance her through the 3D board game environment that offers options at every branching path. Should she further her career by working towards the big promotion, build her relationships by going shopping with girlfriends or focus on finding that one true love? As each girl moves around the board, she also earns points that can be applied towards securing "Best Friends Forever" (BFFs), boyfriends, and new outfits from the Fashion Boutique. But just like in real life, things are rarely that smooth. Landing on a Drama Space can lead to all kinds of sticky situations, like getting fired or losing a boyfriend to a competing girl. Players can also create their own drama with secret cards that let them steal boyfriends or promotions and add BFF points. Four boards range from the shopping mall to the runway and dance club, while multiplayer mode lets up to four friends play a fierce cat fight to see who is the most popular queen diva.
Developed by Sensory Sweep, Drama Queens for Nintendo DS is expected to launch this spring. For additional information about Majesco's exciting line of products, please visit www.majescoentertainment.com.
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January 8th, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mouarf
Here is the first version of my game at the mill. Two game modes:
- Solo against the AI
- Two on the same console
How to play?
Is played with the stylus. During games, you can pause / Start out with, and enable / disable music with Y.
Version 1.0
Other Information
Upcoming additions (if I have time):
- Wifi mode
- Several level AI
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January 9th, 2009, 21:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has updated the Virtual Console with two games from 1986 this morning: Donkey Kong 3 and Enduro Racer, both of which sell for 500 Wii Points (or approximately GBP 3.50 in British roubles).
Donkey Kong 3 is a NES game and a bit of a departure from its platform-hopping predecessors, in which you defend flowers from bees while the ape hangs from vines at the top of the screen. It has more in common with shooters than anything, and it actually came out on the US service six months ago.
Meanwhile, Enduro Racer is a Master System title where you drive a dirt bike into the screen avoiding obstacles, occasionally jumping and performing wheelies to keep things going.
No doubt both games are towering examples of their craft so we'll be giving them our full attention soon in a bumper Virtual Console Roundup that also takes in some of the games we forgot to deal with before Christmas.
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January 9th, 2009, 21:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's Satoru Iwata has said that there is still potential for DS growth, despite critics suggesting the market is saturated.
"Some say the market for the DS is saturated, but I disagree," said Iwata, speaking to the Daily Yomiuri.
“In Japan, a country with a population of 127 million, we've sold 23 million DS units. The United States is inhabited by over 300 million people, and there are more than 490 million people in the European Union.
"Sales of the product could grow further in foreign countries considering their populations," he added.
There is sales potential in Europe and emerging markets such as India and Russia, said Iwata. And while Nintendo hardware has been a runaway success in 2008, he noted that Nintendo is monitoring the current economic downturn closely.
"The number of people playing games is rapidly increasing in Europe, where the penetration of games had been slow. In Germany, bookstores have opened Nintendo sections and Wii software has sold well.
"I'd also like to focus on emerging markets such as Russia and India.
"I think the game industry will keep doing well in 2009. However, the current economic recession is something that happens only once in 50 or 100 years. We have to monitor the market very carefully," he said.
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January 9th, 2009, 22:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
It's been over a decade since Klonoa: Door to Phantomile came out on the original PlayStation, received heaps of critical praise, and completely tanked at retail. The Wii remake will have its own chance at being unsuccessful this year when it's released by Namco Bandai under a new, shorter moniker: Klonoa.
We're hoping Wii owners in the US won't ignore this charming platformer. The Wii Remote seems perfectly suited for the game. A large part of the game involves grabbing and throwing enemies, and that should be easily handled with a simple shake of the Remote. Those that want more traditional controls will be able to use a GameCube or Classic controller.
The charming character designs and colorful environments certainly make the gone of the more eye-popping on Wii. Check out the latest screens in our brand-new gallery.
The charming character designs and colorful environments certainly make the game one of the more eye-popping on Wii. Check out the latest screens in our brand-new gallery.
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January 9th, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

2058, Lunar Outpost Alpha. Contact with Outpost Beta was lost hours ago when routine excavation revealed a subterranean structure of unknown origin.
You are Major Kane, Chief of Military Operations for the Extra Terrestrial Encounter Organization, and you and your team have been brought in to investigate. Erratic energy readings from deep below the lunar surface tell you that this will not be a diplomatic mission. Welcome to the Moon.
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January 9th, 2009, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
A new beats of rage mod for the Dreamcast, Wii and Xbox was released today by kungpow12345, heres the details:

== Code Name: Sailor V ==
Based on Code Name: Sailor V
Manga Published - 1993
Created by Naoko Takeuchi
Also includes elements from Sailor Moon Episode 42.
"Before the time of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi, there was only one..."
Join Katarina and Minako Aino, also known as Sailor V, on their quest to bring down the Dark Agency, a group set on total global domination.
Armed with Love and Beauty on one end of the spectrum and Weaponry on the other, this will prove to be a fast paced, yet challenging gaming experience for every gamer out there.
*) 2 Players, 2 Secret Characters
*) 3 Modes (4 Modes, 1 extra on Dreamcast and Wii Releases)
*) Fully Voiced Cutscenes/Animations
*) Katarina features a weapon system based on MP
*) Special Button fires weapon
*) Specialized Enemy AI
*) Specialized Boss AI
Special Moves
Sailor V - Minako Aino
Special Button = Sacred Crescent Shower
F,F = Run
D,D or U,U = Rolling Dodge
F,F + A (While Running) = Sailor V Kick
D,U + A = V Knee Uppercut
D,F + A = V Kick Combo
Hold A for 5 Seconds = V Boomerang
Katarina - Interpol Officer
Special Button = Spinning Kick
F,F = Run
D,D or U,U = Rolling Dodge
F,F + A (While Running = Shoulder Lunge
D,U + A (While holding weapon) = Spinning Kick
Special Button (While holding weapon = Fire Weapon
Hold A for 5 Seconds = Baton Toss
The download is a massive 77MB and can be downloaded from Lavalit here --> http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php?action=tpmod;dl
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January 9th, 2009, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Here is the new version for Linux, updated to Final version. The changelog is the same as Windows.
changlog :
Fixed a bug in Blend Effects with 3D Layer.
Fixed a bug in IPCSYNC Registers. (Thanks Yellowstar.)
Fixed a bug in 3D coordinates with integer greater of 12bits.
Fixed a bug in VIEWPORT (4000580h) register.
Fixed a bug in Texture's stack.
Fixed a bug in MTX_POP (4000448h) register.
Download --> http://www.ideasemu.org/index.php?act=downloads
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January 10th, 2009, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster

We showed off Nyko's big gun at CES, the Wand, already, but we thought you might like to take a look at their other CES offerings. Above, you can see the first of two new charging peripherals, the Charge Station EX. We know some of you aren't exactly burning through Wii batteries at the moment, but to those proud few, you'll want to consider the EX over the original Charge Station. Besides the same price point ($34.99) and a sleeker design, the EX also includes a progressive indicator to le you keep track of how the charge is going.
In addition to the EX, the company's also showing off the Kama Charger, which, true to its name, charges the company's recently-out-of-legal-limbo wireless nunchuk and one Wiimote. If the concept still manages to elude you, you can check out a picture after the jump. There's still no price, but you'll learn it when both of these devices drop in April of this year.
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January 10th, 2009, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster

What's so interesting about the above image? Is it that the man (?) has no eyes? Is it that he's not using the strap on the Wii Remote? No: it's that this isn't a patent drawing for the Wii Remote at all -- it's for a GameCube controller. The original Japanese patent was submitted by Nintendo in 2006, around the time Shigeru Miyamoto admitted, "[Wii] is based on GC."
Now we know its controller was, too, by way of the US Patent and Trademark Office's database, which also contains related drawings. One shows what this line-art person is playing (a tennis game with Mario) and the other is the proverbial smoking gun: a Wii remote and receiver connected to a GameCube, which is, in turn, connected to a TV with sensors attached.
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January 10th, 2009, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster

What's so interesting about the above image? Is it that the man (?) has no eyes? Is it that he's not using the strap on the Wii Remote? No: it's that this isn't a patent drawing for the Wii Remote at all -- it's for a GameCube controller. The original Japanese patent was submitted by Nintendo in 2006, around the time Shigeru Miyamoto admitted, "[Wii] is based on GC."
Now we know its controller was, too, by way of the US Patent and Trademark Office's database, which also contains related drawings. One shows what this line-art person is playing (a tennis game with Mario) and the other is the proverbial smoking gun: a Wii remote and receiver connected to a GameCube, which is, in turn, connected to a TV with sensors attached.
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January 10th, 2009, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Some Wiimakes are worth waiting for. Er, let us rephrase. One Wii-bound remake is worth waiting for: Cave Story. But with developer Nicalis playing the hermit through Thanksgiving and the month of December, the outlook was quickly bleak-ening. Had the recession starved dead this fragile indie? Was WiiWare destined to mire in sandy beaches? The holiday season passed without a glimmer of hope -- a promise unfulfilled.
But with the coming of the New Year, we renewed our faith, depositing 2000 Wii Points into our account -- just for Cave Story. Lo and behold, our call was answered! Nicalis emerged from the darkness, a so-called "night game" this week to bring testament: "Cave Story for Wii hasn't been killed," pledged the developer. "Truth be told we did try to make it in time for Christmas, however, we weren't able to do so." Fair enough.
Nicalis continued: "We're still working ... to make sure it's faithful to Amaya-san's original while adding a few things for the console release." Wait for it ... "One of these new additions, I'm happy to announce" -- almost there -- "is Download Content." Hmmm, an uncertain path for sure. Will it be "oh, here, buy this character we forgot to add" or "and here's that time trial mode you wanted ... for a little more" kinda DLC? Or, a legitimate expansion of the story -- beyond the cave, so to speak? Back to the waiting game for us.
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January 10th, 2009, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus delivers old school beat 'em up gameplay with a badass 70's cop show vibe to the palm of your hand, announcing Tokyo Beat Down, coming in March to the Nintendo DS.
It's a 3D beat 'em up with shoot 'em up tendencies, allowing players to punch, kick, shoot, stab, parley, and explode their way out of any situation as they fight to restore justice to the mean streets of Tokyo as a member of the Beast Cops. They'll be able to play through the game as three different characters, with story branches leading to multiple endings, though no one really plays this sort of game for the story, do they?
Of course not. They play them to be the badass copy in a white blazer, and you'll find plenty of white blazers in the screens below. Tokyo Beat Down hits the Nintendo DS hard on March 10th.
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January 10th, 2009, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
Phantasy Star fans rejoice! The Nintendo DS entry in the series that hit Japan last month is coming to America, as Sega announces Phantasy Star Zero for U.S. and European release next winter.
Phantasy Star Zero is set on an alternate Earth 200 years after a massive war called "The Great Blank" brought civilization to its knees. Humans rebuilt, as they always do, and adventures soon began to strike out beyond the boundaries of human cities in order to hunt monsters.
Players choose one of 14 customizable character types and head out into the wilderness, alone or with friends via wireless or internet play, using the DS touchscreen to scrawl helpful messages and pictures of genitalia in order to communicate.
Definitely a DS title I am looking forward to. Check out the screens below, and then settle back and wait for winter 2009 to roll around.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
Japan’s Virtual Console lists are usually clues to what games are coming in the near future. This is one of the reasons why we spend time translating them. Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen was released there in November - a good sign that it was coming over here too. Today, the ESRB confirmed what we suspected by giving Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen a “E” rating as a Wii game.
Meanwhile, the ESRB game Secret of Mana has an E10+ rating. Why isn’t it for “everyone”? According to their rating summary, “one flying ‘book enemy’ opens up to a page that looks like a centerfold picture of a woman but without any detail shown.” Ah… the infamous mystic book enemy.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from Marcan:
The Argon modchip guys have been trumping up this new cool thing they call the Argon Channel. At first details were sketchy, but as time passed what it was started to become obvious: some homebrew launching or installing “solution”, locked to a modchip.
Recently, the Argon guys showed up on IRC and had an interesting conversation with me, where they tried to get me to help them get the channel to work on System Menu 3.4 by convincing me of the wonderful world of modchip software. The conversation was somewhere along the lines of this, excluding the broken English: “By bundling it with our modchip we make homebrew more popular”. “But it’s locked to your modchip, how will that make it more popular?” “Yes, that makes it even more popular because it’s exclusive and people will want it.”
The response, obviously, was no.
Now the channel has showed up and gasp, it’s compatible with 3.4. Wait, did they find an exploit?
Of course they didn’t.
By watching the video you’ll see that it consists of a two-stage process. This should start ringing alarm bells: why on earth would they have to install two things to install the channel? You’ll also notice that before installing the second half, they do some sort of serial number verification. This seems to be their way of locking it to the chip.
Download their package. First alarm bell. They’re bundling the Twilight Hack, which they’re not authorized to do. Hmm.
Let’s look inside the first DOL file - which turns out to be the one labeled part2. They’re backwards. Shows how much time they spent preparing this package. This file looks suspiciously like a Waninkoko product - same banner and console style. Let’s look inside.
0004e980 00 00 00 20 49 73 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 |... Is..........|
0004e990 00 00 02 a4 00 00 02 2c 00 18 8c 00 00 00 00 40 |.......,.......@|
0004e9a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
0004e9b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
0004e9c0 00 01 00 00 b3 ad b3 22 6b 3c 3d ff 1b 4b 40 77 |......."k<=..K@w|
That looks like a WAD header. Interestingly, `strings’ didn’t show any readable four-letter Title ID among the Root-CA strings from the certs, TMD, and ticket. Let’s run it through a WAD extraction tool that I have, which prints out information:
Wii Wad:
Header 0x20 Type 'Is' Certs 0xa00 Tik 0x2a4 TMD 0x22c Data 0x188c00 @ 0xf40 Footer 0x40
Title ID: '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x10'
Title key IV: 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Title key (encrypted): 52 6b 1a 2a d0 db 6a 80 c2 95 25 63 80 98 f8 82
Common key index: 0
Title key (decrypted): 34 9e 8a c5 ed 3c e1 51 72 f2 b9 3e 1b cb 06 3b
ETicket signed by Root-CA00000001-XS00000003 using RSA-2048: ec f8... [OK]
Versions: 0, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 0-0
Title ID: 00000001-00000010 ('\x00\x00\x00\x01'-'\x00\x00\x00\x10')
Title Type: 1
Group ID: '\x00\x01'
Access Rights: 0x00000000
Title Version: 0x101
Boot Index: 1
ID Index Type Size Hash
00000000 0 0x1 0x40 ca 2e 8c 59 e9 7e e9 fe...
00000001 1 0x1 0x188b81 65 3e 5e 0f 1d ea 72 f2...
TMD signed by Root-CA00000001-CP00000004 using RSA-2048: 8b 1a... [OK]
- CA00000001 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096: 6f 47... [OK]
- CP00000004 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root-CA00000001 using RSA-2048: 8d 4f... [OK]
- XS00000003 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root-CA00000001 using RSA-2048: d7 0a... [OK]
Title ID 00000001-00000010 is IOS16. So this is how they get it to work on 3.4. And this is also why there’s a two-stage process. They’re bundling a private, repair center only, leaked IOS from nintendo.
Ladies and gentlemen, epic fail.
There’s another WAD in the DOL. I’ll spare you the boring WAD infodumps and just say that it’s some version of cIOS. So their first stage “installer” just installs IOS16, then uses that to install cIOS. A waninkoko-worthy product indeed. I seem to recall him saying he’d never use IOS16, some time ago in the EOL forums. How quaint.
00000000 66 69 72 6d 77 61 72 65 2e 36 34 2e 30 38 30 38 |firmware.64.0808|
00000010 32 39 31 36 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |291600..........|
00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 |................|
00000030 77 61 6e 69 6e 6b 6f 6b 6f 40 43 49 4f 53 00 00 |waninkoko@CIOS..|Their part21 “installer” is just a standard game DVD launcher that launches it using cIOS.
Let’s look at their install DVD, shall we?
This is a standard Wii ISO. You can tell it has been fakesigned with Trucha Signer. This is evident because you can, you know, read my name and xt5’s on the signature:
502c0 00 01 00 01 a5 ce b8 bc 99 b7 e9 a0 c1 ff 14 78 |...............x|
502d0 5c 22 66 85 51 a0 44 0c 70 3e 16 34 9a 1c a6 74 |\"f.Q.D.p>.4...t|
502e0 74 47 56 46 4e 1c 56 b3 dd bc 76 f4 6b 64 ce 35 |tGVFN.V...v.kd.5|
502f0 40 72 c6 cf 53 9b 64 38 36 30 15 dc 4f 0d 6d 26 |@r..S.d860..O.m&|
50300 41 38 55 4b 67 d8 54 68 45 66 49 53 68 e9 61 78 |A8UKg.ThEfISh.ax|
50310 b1 30 c5 63 00 d9 69 de 93 d8 4f c8 69 ed 52 12 |.0.c..i...O.i.R.|
50320 96 35 28 45 48 e2 70 e2 4b 01 53 7d 53 e3 43 13 |.5(EH.p.K.S}S.C.|
50330 8b 30 77 6a 58 41 6f 6c 54 72 61 4c 61 4c 61 05 |.0wjXAolTraLaLa.|
50340 6d 64 8a 62 bd b8 53 98 b3 9c 55 df 4c 10 4e c2 |md.b..S...U.L.N.|
50350 4d 33 77 87 e0 a8 61 69 85 3b 4a 64 69 7a 37 f7 |M3w...ai.;Jdiz7.|
50360 fe 4b 84 42 d2 37 6c 48 67 c6 75 ec 45 8d 9e fd |.K.B.7lHg.u.E...|
50370 db 63 43 41 30 6a 4d 6d 42 4e 73 55 21 d5 da 32 |.cCA0jMmBNsU!..2|
50380 23 34 d2 64 f6 e3 4f 3c 43 ab 65 ec ea 1e a7 92 |#4.d..O<C.e.....|
50390 6f 68 70 54 68 49 6e 47 53 52 eb 52 96 a2 03 43 |ohpThInGSR.R...C|
503a0 8e 33 fb 73 be f8 67 72 49 6e 64 45 45 64 3f 3f |.3.s..grIndEEd??|
503b0 77 53 d8 89 28 a8 bf a4 aa e8 ef 83 ff 56 9a e3 |wS..(........V..|For fun, try finding other interesting strings
Let’s try running it through an information tool.
Game ARGO, maker NC, magic 5d1c9ea3: Argon Channel Installer
1 partitions in ISO:
[ 0] 0x0000050000 (00000000)
Wii Partition at 0x0000050000:
TMD @ 0x2c0 [0x208], Certs @ 0x4e0 [0xa00], H3 @ 0x8000, Data @ 0x20000 [0x1f0000]
Title ID: '\x00\x01\x00\x01ARGN'
Title key IV: 00 01 00 01 41 52 47 4e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Title key (encrypted): 21 21 41 52 47 4e 43 48 4e 4c 46 4b 4b 59 23 23
Common key index: 1
Title key (decrypted): 5a de 4a 66 32 0d c1 56 05 3e e3 64 c3 c0 d3 5b
ETicket signed by Root-CA00000001-XS00000003 using RSA-2048: d2 a8.... [FAIL]
Signature hash: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Versions: 0, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 1-21
Title ID: 00010001-4152474e ('\x00\x01\x00\x01'-'ARGN')
Title Type: 0
Group ID: 'HB'
Access Rights: 0x00000000
Title Version: 0x1
Boot Index: 0
ID Index Type Size Hash
00000000 0 0x1 0x3e0000 aa b4 a7 dc 21 48 0d e9...
TMD signed by Root-CA00000001-CP00000004 using RSA-2048: 00 ea... [BUG]
Signature hash: 00 6f...
H4 hash check passed
Blocks: 62
Subgroups: 7 (plus 6 blocks)
Groups: 0 (plus 62 blocks)
- CA00000001 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root using RSA-4096: 6f 47... [OK]
- CP00000004 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root-CA00000001 using RSA-2048: 8d 4f... [OK]
- XS00000003 (RSA-2048)
Certificate signed by Root-CA00000001 using RSA-2048: d7 0a... [OK]
pywii.wii.HashError: Failed to verify data chunk 0 against H0:
expected 82254908e26f42fe903d5bcf3f95f2acfa110e4d,
got 8b7219c81d0a4e985c65edd9de2c0b943520f8c6
So their ticket is signed wrong and the data doesn’t verify. Attempting to extract it yields garbage. This means their modchip patches the Title Key to something else. Because, you know, just in case you couldn’t figure it out yourself, they tell you. Their fake key is “!!ARGNCHNLFKKY##”.
I tried all single or double byte patches in case they were using a really lame patch, but it appears they’re not that stupid. I’m currently waiting for a way of getting the Title Key, probably from someone with an Argon2. Expect an update once that happens. I can practically guarantee that their channel banner will also be stolen from a Nintendo channel, though - it looks just like all those other stolen banners, in the video (same animation). Beyond that, who knows - maybe there’s even more things to laugh about.
In short, if you want a channel that:
Is vendor locked to a modchip
Is way more annoying to install than The Homebrew Channel
Consists of a bunch of jury-rigged tools to install and was clearly made by not very competent people
Is illegal twice
Is probably illegal a couple more times
Also rips off the Twilight Hack
More to come once I get their key
Then, by all means, get the ArgonChannel. Otherwise, stay very very far away.
Bonus content: Apparently argon have never heard of fonts. Those were inside their modchip updater DOL file.
Bonus content 2: An HMAC password involved in the update process of the Argon chip is RobinsodAndWaninkoko1. Just in case anyone had any doubts that he’s involved in all this.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Is the $399 price tag of the 80 GB PlayStation 3 getting you down? Not to worry – the system offers you more bang for your buck than a similar Xbox 360 or Wii setup would, according to Sony.
In a recent press release, the Sony marketing team brands the PS3 as the best deal in gaming, and blasts the Xbox 360 for being a "burden on the wallet."
"The Xbox 360 requires additional money, multiple upgrades and additional external devices," the release reads.
Comparing an 80GB PS3 at $399 and an Xbox 360 Arcade unit at USD $199, Sony makes the case that to upgrade the latter to include all the features of the former would cost USD $449 - $499. Comparing the two consoles' features, Sony says adding a wi-fi adapter ($100), hard drive ($100-$150) and an Xbox Live Gold membership ($50 a year) to the cost of an Xbox 360 Arcade would push its cost over $400.
The release did not compare Sony consoles with other Microsoft SKUs, including the Xbox 360 Elite, which comes with a 120 GB hard drive for $399 and the Xbox 360 Pro unit, which features a 60 GB hard drive for $299.
But it's not just money that you'll lose if you pick an Xbox 360 over a PS3, in Sony's estimation. In addition to your hard-earned cash, you'll also be saying goodbye to valuable living room space. Sony accuses the Xbox 360 of requiring so many add-ons that it will "add clutter to the entertainment center."
The only unique Xbox 360 add-ons that we're aware of are the now-obsolete HD-DVD peripheral and the optional wi-fi adapter, which is about the size of a pack of gum and snaps snugly onto the back of the console. All other peripherals (controllers, cables, camera, chatpad, etc.) are similar for both Sony and Microsoft consoles.
The Xbox 360 bore the brunt of Sony's derision, but the Nintendo Wii didn't escape a beating. According to Sony marketing folks, "the Wii's lack of enhanced features comes at the expense of a comprehensive entertainment solution." Ouch.
What do you think about the comparative value of the three major game consoles? Is the Xbox 360 too expensive? Is the PlayStation 3 the best deal in town? Is the Wii a comprehensive entertainment solution? Let us know in the comments section.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Armin Tamzarian
FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a selectable pre-buffered or buffer-on-demand methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
Note: As of version 0.2.1 FreeTypeGX has forked into two disparate projects and now relies upon the Metaphrasis library.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Armin Tamzarian
Metaphrasis is a static conversion class for transforming RGBA image buffers into various GX texture formats for Wii homebrew development. Metaphrasis is written in C++ and makes use of a community standard and newly developed algorithms for conversion of 32-bit RGBA data buffers into various GX texture formats common to both the Gamecube and Wii platforms.
This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
Call it hints 2.0.
Nintendo is working on a gameplay system meant to ease the pain of completing a difficult game, without watering it down so much that it turns hardcore gamers off.
The new system, described in a patent filed by Nintendo Creative Director Shigeru Miyamoto on June 30, 2008, but made public today, looks to solve the issue of casual gamers losing interest in a game before they complete it, while still maintaining the interest of hardcore gamers.
The solution would turn a game into a full-length cut scene of sorts, allowing players to jump into and out of the action whenever they wanted. But when played this way, gamers would not be able to save their progress, maintaining the challenge of completing a game without skipping or cheating. It would also allow players to bring up in-game hint videos and skip directly to particular scenes in games.
While the patent doesn't describe how the automated gameplay (referred to as "digest moving image" in the patent) would be presented to gamers, either as a true cut-scene or as a recorded play-through, it does state that the playthrough will likely come from a game developers playing of the game.
In a game, this new play style would be broken up into three options: Game, digest and scene menu, according to the patent.
Game allows gamers to play the game in the normal way, though they can bring up video hints whenever they get stuck. These hints will appear in a screen that pops up in the top right corner of the screen.
Digest allows gamers to watch a video of a game developers play through of the game, which lays out the storyline and "flow of the scenario" from beginning to the end. At any time a player can press a button to jump into the action of the scene currently being shown. This is done by loading game saves downloaded automatically through a network.
Players will start the scene with the appropriate character attribute boosts and items for that part of the game. Saving is not allowed in digest mode.
The scene menu allows gamers to skip directly to a specific scene to play, without having to watch the digest or load a saved game.
This patent, if implemented correctly, could successfully help gaming make the leap from narrative fun, to something more open-ended and free range, the first real sandbox video game.
Imagine being able to play a game with all of the benefits of characters, story and goals, but without having to spend 10 to 20 hours of your life to enjoy doing so.
Of course, that's the best case scenario. The worst, is that this turns gaming into an interactive cut-scene, removing all of pleasure of achievement from gaming and instead turning it into a glorified demo.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Copete23 tackles a new project, "Evelonth" platform game, it promises several opus here is the 1st chapter in version 0.95.
In this story, you assume the role of Raint an inhabitant of the planet Evelonth, everything seems perfect until the day Evelonth is attacked by beings from another world, the Earth (it is actually attacked by humans), commissioned by the terrible Warlior General ... ........ good story and no more laughing.
Known Bugs
I tested the game and there are some shortcomings that I have not yet been resolved, but you get over in May, I did not detect if someone sees a person who is not on the list I have read and add to the blacklist Laughing. These are what I found:
* The sound of the Start menu fails sometimes.
* Level 1, Nax sometimes (the dog) Laughing is still floating in the air, so you have to fall and the call
* Abnormal behavior in Nax, sometimes, when he fired the fruits of the tree, continues to look, if you take before they fall to the ground.
* Sometimes, when you start the level, and go to press, Raint animation does not work, you must release the button, then press again.
There is no longer following the resolution of velsiones go.
NOTE: The game automatically saves the data being evelonth.save level, or change the configuration, and uses fat, you must have a compatible cartridge or a patch of the Roma. if you find an error in a first step is for this reason.
* Left and Right Directions: Walk.
Addresses * Up and Down: These buttons can be used to move the camera and see what you have above or below you.
* A button: Jump, choose to accept ... This button is used for all practical spirit.
* B Button: Kick.
* Button: At level 1 you used to help to Nax.
* START: Pause.
* Stylus: You'll need deteminados times.
The game is in English and Spanish, through AlmamuPP and Arber, which are responsible for the translation, which was perfect

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January 10th, 2009, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Missing a spirit level at home, I decided to use the Wiimote as a replacement. I am still working on it (for example the Y axis is a bit too unresponsive), but I thought I'd share what I've got.
Download & extract the archive, and place it in your apps folder on your sd card so the Homebrew Channel can find it.
Put the wiimote on a surface you want to use as a reference and press A.
This will start a calibration, and afterwards you can put it on a target surface to see it's difference in inclination.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bob Fossil:
Mankind's oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it's up to you to stop them. They have one weakness - they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.
New exciting in-game screen-shot:
What's new
- Added some new graphics.
- Pressing 'up' in game advances the numbers by a line.
- Fixed situation where tiles could get 'stuck' after a drop.
Any feedback appreciated - e.g. ideas for power ups or special tiles to help in your fight against the numbers.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:39 Posted By: wraggster
After conquering PCs, PlayStations, and Xboxes, Rockstar's crime saga is heading to the Nintendo DS after it passed the British Board of Film Classificaton today with no cuts.
As MCV reports, the game has been given a rating of 18 by the UK ratings board. True to its nature, Chinatown Wars carries a consumer warning that the game "contains very strong language and drug references." According to a spokesperson from the BBFC, Chinatown Wars is the first game on the DS to recieve a rating of 18, which is the highest possible before a game is refused classification.
Revealed at last year's Nintendo E3 press conference, Chinatown Wars was originally due out before Christmas. However, it was subsequently postponed until March 20 (March 17 in North America). The handheld installment returns to Liberty City, the same setting as 2008's ultrapopular Grand Theft Auto IV, as well as the original Grand Theft Auto and the seminal Grand Theft Auto III.
Chinatown Wars has yet to recieve a classification by the US Entertainment Software Rating Board or Australia's OFLC; however, Rockstar's vice president has previously said he was aiming for an M-for-Mature rating stateside.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new beta of his media Player/Shell app for the DS
Version 2.00 beta.3.1 2009/01/09
IPK file when the cursor has to cover the image preview.
DSTT because we have reports of problems in the soft reset, TTIO.nds止MEMASHITA standard attachments.
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January 10th, 2009, 12:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DStopian
Something I was working on over summer. It's my first PAlib project so I tried to keep it small and simple. Basically it's Joust (the old arcade game with the knights and flying ostriches/vultures) but with a bit of a final fantasy theme. I edited the original joust guy to make the chocobo/knight... The vulture guys and eggs are a straight rip, but everything else was made from scratch by me.
Only levels 1 and 3 have any enemies or coins. It's a fairly long way from being complete, but it might be ages before I get the time to put any real work in to again, so I just wanted to show what I'd done so far to see what people think and actually get some of my work out there for people to see. I've been making games for years (not with PAlib, or anything as complex, mind) and never finished one so I've never shown any of my projects to anyone before.
I'd like to point out (to satisfy my own ego really) that I'm capable of producing much better sprites, but for this project was just about getting to grips with PAlib as I only had a few months to invest in learning.
*** It says "press any key to begin", but only pressing A starts the game. Excuse the laziness. ***
Press A to flap, left and right to walk, to fly left or right you need to hold either directional button whilst flapping.
Kill enemies by bopping them on the head.
Mogs act as continue points.
Once you've hit the end of a level keep going til you're off the screen to finish it and start the next one.
You can pause with the Start button.
Pressing B skips you to the next level.
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January 10th, 2009, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Chris offers a first version of a clone of the famous Yahtzee (or Yam's), a game company and reasonable chance that practice with five dice. (Wikipedia)
The game is currently in English, but the author says a French version will come at the same time as v1.1 in February.
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January 10th, 2009, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Copper has released a new arcade emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports the game 1942, heres whats supported:

1942 (Revision B) 1942
1942 (Revision A) 1942a 1942
1942 (First Version) 1942b 1942
1942 (Williams Electronics license) 1942w 1942
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January 11th, 2009, 12:12 Posted By: wraggster

When Bob Pelloni, sole creator of Bob's Game, an old school RPG for the DS, announced that he would be locking himself in his room for 100 days until Nintendo granted him access to the official DS software development kit, we were fairly certain we were going to see the birth of a genuine indie dev folk hero. What we saw instead was the tragic dissolution of a grown man's sanity, and the apparent squelching of a project with some 15,000 hours of development time behind it.
In his most recent blog post, published today, Pelloni announced that he's ending his strike early (after a month of solitary confinement) due to a wicked headache, likely due to a fractured psyche. His post contains a scathing rant directed at Nintendo (a "heartless corporation, only interested in the biggest profits"), as well as a heartbreaking farewell to his five-year project. "I really wanted to finish this game," he concludes. For what it's worth, Bob, we really wanted you to finish it as well.
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January 11th, 2009, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
The main improvements are:
Slightly faster emulation speed
Improved keybindings to the controllers (more keys, also works more like a real keyboard)
Support for the classic controller (although this is untested since I don't have the hardware)
Support for loading .prg, .p00 and .s00 files. Only .prg tested.
Misc smaller bugs have been fixed
Untar the binary archive on your SD card to install. Note that there are some new helper files/dirs compared to the first release, so simply copying boot.dol is not enough.
Download and Give Feedback and Compatability reports at the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=178591
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January 11th, 2009, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Even Wii developers didn't know of the processor's existence. The presentation also touched on DVD playback, the possibility of subscription-based services, and the motivation behind hacking.
When the hackers composing Team Twiizers worked to bypass Nintendo's security measures on the Wii, they discovered several undocumented features of the Wii hardware.
One thing that they discovered was a previously undocumented processor in Nintendo's game player. This tiny processor, dubbed "Starlet" by the team of hackers, was embedded on the Hollywood graphics chipset and was described as a "full-fledged NEC ARM system-on-a-chip." Not even licensed Wii developers knew of the chip's existence or of its role in the Wii's security scheme. Nintendo's secrecy about the existence of the processor successfully hindered attempts to hack into the Wii until its discovery.
In hacking the Wii system, Team Twiizers also came across Nintendo's ticket scheme, which lets Nintendo authenticate whether software is allowed to run on the Wii or not. They pointed out that the tickets allowed Nintendo to save costs and distribute their downloadable software through conventional networks, since it prevented users from simply copying their virtual console titles and playing them on another console. Another thing they found was that these authorization tickets had an unused time-limit functionality. This functionality may be used in Hudson's upcoming Joysound Wii karaoke software in Japan, which offers timed subscriptions to its song library instead of permanent downloads.
Since the initial discovery of these tickets, they noted that Nintendo has released patches that have done a good job in preventing the specific problem of Virtual Console piracy.
Team Twiizers also discovered that Nintendo did support DVD playback in the console, but had disabled the functionality. Thinking that leaving the functionality in was an unintentional oversight, and since their goal did not involve DVD playback, they contacted Nintendo to warn them of the issue. However, Nintendo did not respond kindly to their attempts at communication.
Towards the end of the presentation, guest speaker Michael Steil took the stage to explain his beliefs on the motivation behind hacking into consoles. He heels that almost all initial attempts at bypassing the security measures of consoles are to run homebrew software on them. However, he also acknowledged that this has the harmful side effect of being used for piracy. He concluded by saying that console manufacturers would be best protected against hacks by making their systems open to hobbyist uses while still secured against outright piracy. He pointed out that the PlayStation 3, on which Sony openly allows users to install Linux, is the only current console that has not yet been hacked.
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January 11th, 2009, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
maRk2512 has posted a new version of his classic remake for the DS, heres whats new :

Another little update!
Press X + L to restart the map.
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thanks to nintendomax for the screenshot.
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January 11th, 2009, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
dhewg has released a new version of the port of ScummVM for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube, heres whats new:

rev 35811:
* Fixed the deadlock in newlib's fwalk(), this one was responsible for lockups in various games
* Enabled IHNM and SAGA2
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
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January 11th, 2009, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
dhewg has released a new version of the port of ScummVM for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube, heres whats new:

rev 35811:
* Fixed the deadlock in newlib's fwalk(), this one was responsible for lockups in various games
* Enabled IHNM and SAGA2
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
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January 11th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
I've released version 3, which fixes the embarassing classic controller problem and some other issues. I simply went and bought one and tested it, and not everything worked as I thought :-) (Thanks also to the various people who reported problems with the classic controller)
A note about the speed: I've fiddled a bit more with that here, and the issue is (obviously) not that the Wii is too slow to emulate a C64. I think SDL_GetTicks() and/or SDL_Delay() behaves strange somehow, so I've replaced that particular part of the implementation. Speed is also configurable now.
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January 12th, 2009, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Riiser for the Nintendo Wii Balance Board improves your step aerobic workout.
The Riiser is a stand that you put under your Wii Fit balance board. It brings the top of the wii fit up to a full 4 inch height (10.2 centimeters), which is the standard height for step aerobics. When you are performing step exercises on the Wii Fit minigames, you will get a much better workout.
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January 12th, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Coming at 12pm ET to Wii:
Jungle Speed (Playful Entertainment Inc., 1-8 players, 1,000 Wii Points): So, here we have a card game that comes with no cards and, at $10, costs twice as much as an actual card game. Sounds like a great deal for those of you who don't own tables.
Planet Pachinko (Allied Kingdoms Inc., 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone-Fantasy Violence, 500 Wii Points): We can't tell you how many times we've been playing pachinko in our favorite local haunt and thought, "Why can't I have this kind of fun on my Wii?" Our next thought is usually something like, "Why is our favorite local haunt in Tokyo? We're spending a fortune on airfare."
Virtual Console:
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): A classic, but doesn't the premise sound like the fan fiction of a 12-year-old? "OK, so you're one of the Belmonts, right? You're ... umm, Trevor. But instead of just using your whip you can transform into a really hot girl that uses magic and ... uhhh, Dracula's son. Oh! And also a pirate. Listen, there's more, but I've gotta get to Pre-Algebra."
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January 12th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's apparent ability to meet demand this holiday season seems to have flattened the turbulent Wii grey market, with eBay sales of the console going for far less than in previous years, according to eBay sales data analyzed by Kotaku.
Wii Fit resales, a popular add-on for the console, also seemed relatively flat, according to the data.
Nintendo and eBay have had an interesting relationship during the holidays over the past three years, so this year we once again revisit the Wii Grey Market to see if supply has finally met demand.
During the Wii's first holiday season, prices were a bit out of control, with consoles easily going for many times the suggested retail price of $250. Then in 2007, prices looked to be rising to record levels, until a last-minute infusion of systems from Nintendo successfully doused the fuse on what could have been an eBay explosion.
This year? Looks like Nintendo finally managed to catch up to consumer desire - or consumers finally got wise and didn't wait until the last minute. Let's look at the numbers for both the Wii itself, and its hottest holiday peripheral, the Wii Fit.
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January 12th, 2009, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
A survey conducted on behalf of Nintendo to help market Personal Trainer: Math for the DS finds that one in five children believe they're more likely to become famous than excel at math.
The study, conducted by Wakefield Research on Nintendo's behalf, basically comes to the conclusion that about 20% of the nation's school children could really use a copy of Personal Trainer: Math, the fun and easy way to overcome the math anxiety that's trodding on the toes of kids around the country. 18 percent called math "boring." Another 13 percent called it "torture." What happened to the magic of learning? Apparently Nintendo has found it.
“Personal Trainer: Math provides a fun antidote for math anxiety,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “People can keep their math skills sharp while tracking their progress every day to see how they improve.”
All marketing cynicism aside, I wholly approve of titles like Personal Trainer: Math. When your product is in the hands of some many people around the world, providing tools to help said people improve themselves is a very responsible thing to do. Check out the release below for more marketing and math anxiety facts
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January 12th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Elebits Adventure, Magic and Mystery and The Quest to Get Back Home!
Enter into an extraordinary game of hide and seek in this exciting sequel to Elebits! Kai and Zero have been swept off to a magical land and must finish the challenges ahead, to get back home. Seek out the mischievous little Omega Elebits that hold supernatural powers and give you the ability to complete puzzle quests. The more you play the stronger you become as you capture Omega Elebits providing you with incredible magic abilities to solve tasks. Find, capture and befriend the Elebits, raise them and embark on a magical journey using their combined powers to battle through amazing adventures and find a way back home!
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January 12th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Three vehicle categories: light (amateur) monster truck, Pro-Stock monster truck and Pro-Modified monster truck
Course configurations for each vehicle category
Monster Truck Power-ups
Variety and depth in racing environments
Since it's inception, BIGFOOT has been the leader of the pack in innovation and development in the monster truck industry. Get ready for some mind blowing 4x4 care crushing action starring "The Original Monster Truck®", BIGFOOT!
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January 12th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Hook, fight, and catch rare fish with exclusive boss battle controls
Fish off the coast in places like Hawaii on the back of fishing boats. Who will be the first to hook the Big One!?
Play against your friends and family in several different battle modes included
Compete online against other Fishing Masters over who will catch the biggest fish in various locations throughout the world
Grab your rod and reel and venture throughout the globe in search of the biggest catch! Friendly locales and exotic fishing spots make this an unforgettable trip!
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January 12th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Officially Licensed by Nintendo
5 different kinds
Shipped randomly
Length: appox. 60mm
Limited availability
Mario karts have dashed out of your TV screens into the real world as a series of carefully crafted gashapons. They are not just there for show either, press it onto a flat surface and pull it back as much as you can to activate the simple machinery.
Let go, and see it zoom away.
Painted with cheerful Mario colors such as bright red, green and pastel pinks, these candy toys are wonderful as collectibles and small gifts to friends and children. You have played the game on Wii and DS, what about in real life? Get your kart and participate in the championship.
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January 12th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Everyone knows Nintendo is pro exergaming. Personal Trainer: Walking is scheduled to come out in the USA this year, but the DS “game” and bundled pedometer isn’t a full follow up to Wii Fit. Perhaps, Nintendo Active Health is.
I discovered Nintendo registered this trademark in the depths of the OHIM, Europe’s trademark database on January 8, 2009. At first I believed it was a European name for Personal Trainer: Walking, but in the UK the game is known as Walk with me! Do you know your walking routine?. However, Nintendo was careful to register translated names for this title such as Laufrhythmus DS Bring Bewegung in dein Leben! and ¡Camina conmigo! Conoce el ritmo de vida de tu familia in the European trademark database. Nintendo even went the extra mile to register Nintendo Actimeter, the name for the device in multiple languages too.
So, I suppose that rules out Personal Trainer: Walking, which means Nintendo: Active Health - whether it’s an umbrella brand for Nintendo’s healthy games or a brand new fitness title remains a mystery
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January 12th, 2009, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK comes an awesome looking case for the DS Lite in 3 colours
Purple Case

Red Case

Silver Case

Adopt metal material, strong and durable
Can give your console good protection
With the pattern of Hello Kitty ,quite lovely
Suitable for NDS Lite
This Hello Kitty Metal Case adopts metal material,strong and durable ,high quality.It can protect your console from scratches,dusty and shock too. With the lovely Hello Kitty patern,more beautiful.
$13 for a rather nifty case, one day i may upgrade my rather hammered blue case, these surely are the best looking cases released for the DS so far.
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January 12th, 2009, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Marcan posted this, seems the scene dramas are hotting up:
The Argon guy posted a topic on WiiNewz which I can only take as their official response to this matter.
Like everyone has notice MARCAN is acting like a GOD…
He is the only one having the KEY to install homebrew software on 3.4 firmware with a new Exploit. Obviously he doesn’t want to share because he likes to have the POWER.
Whenever someone decide not to share whatever notice or software or other in the homebrew scene, automatically wants to take advantages in every possible way.
MARCAN pretends to obtain the COPYRIGHT on a SYSTEM HACKING. I think it is the first time this is happening in the world.
If he didn’t want his HACK to be used, he should has kept it for himself instead of rendering it to the public on the net, or MARCAN prefers to be the unique person to decide WHO could develop something on the WII HOMEBREW?
ARGON2 is a MODCHIP and it is addressed to whoever need a MODCHIP, not for sure to WHO know and use the HOMEBREW resource, that are free and works without any modchip.
This is clearly described on the ARGONCHANNEL website.
ARGON2 gives a FREE SERVICE to his customers, moreover it allows everyone to download, install in a fast and simple way many HOMEBREW applications.
All this advantages, is to present these fantastic applications on the market.
What’s wrong about this?
We shall dimostrate to GOD MARCAN even without his help, it will be possible to DEVELOP NEW APPLICATIONS and give a FREE SERVICES to our customers; who will be VERY HAPPY using the FREE SOFTWARE. Anyway having the possibility to choose between OUR FREE SYSTEM and the HACKERCHANNEL SYSTEM for EVER.
Technical Infos:
ARGONCHANNEL recieves updates directly from our website and install them like CHANNEL inside the WII.
HACKERCHANNEL doesn’t recieve any automatic updates, the SD CARD is needed and the software doesn’t use the CHANNEL format.
There are two types of systems, I cannot point out which one is better or not, they are simply two different concepts.
I hope now our position is clearer.
It is of note that he broke his own rule of posting controversy in the controversy thread by doing so.
Unfortunately for him, I am not “pretending to obtain” copyright on the Twilight Hack, as I happen to already own that. You know, because the Berne Convention of 1886 automatically grants copyright. It applies to 164 countries.
I considered doing a point-for-point reply to his nonsense, but, well, it’s all rampant nonsense, so there’s little point to that. Let’s just work from the assumption that he’s completely nuts, and if anyone thinks he had any valid points, I’ll be glad to answer them in the comments.
I did send Argon an e-mail asking them to take down the Twilight Hack from their site. Obviously, they haven’t done that, so I’ll turn to notifying their ISP next.
NEWSFLASH: Argon made a valid statement!
I suggest to invest time to “code” new application than vast your time here on ARGON2… sure is more usefull…
Indeed, coding an application is a lot more useful than ‘v‘asting time with their modchip.
And I thought they were incapable of rational thought!
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January 12th, 2009, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
More fun from the drama going on at Hackmii:
Here’s the ridiculous response that I received when I sent them an e-mail demanding that they stop hosting the Twilight Hack.
According to the COPYRIGHT LAW the owner of the “SOFTWARE RIGHTS” need to
proof that.
We need some evidence that you wrote this code, and better if this code is currently registered on a COPYRIGHT AUTHORITY.
Marcan, is not simple says “I’M OWNER OF THIS CODE” to ask COPYRIGHT protection.
If you can proof under your responsability (is a code that brake DRM protection of NINTENDO WII, without any licence of NINTENDO) that this code is yours, we will remove it from our ZIP files.
Before of course we cannot proceede
I’m waiting a EVIDENCES
I guess Argon is special, and “Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2008 tmbinc, segher, bushing, marcan” just isn’t enough for them.
Or maybe they want me to submit full source code to them?
It’s pretty funny that they, of all people, would try to claim that we’re braking DRM.
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January 12th, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Crediar
Preloader 'replaces' the systemmenu (it's not really replaced, its main.dol is just renamed) with a simple loader which allows you to automatically load the HBC, a .dol you can install from SD or the systemmenu. It also allows you to use simple patches on the systemmenu. To start the installtion enter I raid u.
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January 12th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Alanceil has posted a new version of Leveltool:
Put the wiimote on a surface you want to use as a reference and press A.
This will start a calibration, and afterwards you can put it on a target surface to see its difference in inclination.
Fix: Leftover cursor pixel from previous tests removed
Chg: Measuring is done in degrees
Chg: Verbosity of calibration screen decreased
Add: Detection if Wiimote #1 is up and running
Add: Pictures
Add: Calibration for maximum value on the wiimote when standing upright. These things are so unprecise :-/
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January 12th, 2009, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via wiibrew
Link_of_Hyrule has released a tweaked version of MPlayer (unofficial scip's edition) Which can be found HERE Note: The Source will be released later by scip.
I didn't really do too much on this all I did was replace the background with the old one because I felt that haveing a christmas themed MPlayer year round was a bit odd also I tweaked the settings so it runs DVDs better. I also renamed it and replaced the icon image.
If you want to use the SMB feature create a txt file and rename it smb.conf and copy and past the following editing it for your needs.
Other wise don't make one else it will make the application load slower. In the mplayer.conf I commented the cache stuff out because DVD disks were not playing correctly with it enabled feel free to uncomment it and experiment with the settings. Also I've found that you can switch between dvds by using the stop menu option and swapping it out and then going back to the dvd menu and starting it again from there. I still have yet to figure out the SMB feature but I'm sure some of you more knowledged with that can figure it out.
The original Christmas Version can be found here: http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_mplay...dition_1157252
If you want the source code you'll have to request it on the original site it came from because I don't have it as I only tweaked what was in the original download. Anyways I hope you guys like what I did have fun watching ur DVDs on ur Wii!
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January 12th, 2009, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sverx
Hi! I've spent some hours these days to build this little tool (...forgive the UI...) that plays XMs directly from your FAT device. It's twice useful:
- it gives you a chance to listen to your XMs on the DS before you incorporate them in your project
- it gives me a chance to have some feedback (so please let me know if some modules doesn't load / doesn't play correctly)
Hi! Some interesting updates, today
1st: Now it loads also squeezed XMs. No more loading errors, hopefully.
2nd: It includes a little sample optimizer (well, I'm still working on it...) that optimizes samples that would probably have detuning problems (or even don't play at all) if played without manipulation. (You can temporary disable the optimizer by holding L or R key while pressing A to play a module, this way you can hear the differences)
3rd:It uses libnds 1.3.1 . Well, not so important for you, actually
Very important: If you use this tool to test the XMs you want to use in your homebrew and you read that a sample has been optimized, then optimization of the sample directly in the XM is recommended so that libxm7 can play it properly. Read the section "Getting the most of your tune" of the libxm7 documentation for more details.
Feedback appreciated, especially if you find a module that can't be loaded. And sorry, there's still no GUI...
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January 12th, 2009, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ant512
Woopsi is a windowing system for the Nintendo DS, written in C++. The aim of the project is to create a windowing system that other programmers can use for their applications, decreasing the tedious amount of GUI code that they have to write.
Now with devKitPro r24 compatibility
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January 12th, 2009, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bob Fossil:
Mankind's oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it's up to you to stop them. They have one weakness - they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.
New exciting in-game screen-shot:
Whats new
- Power up tiles - plus, minus and bomb.
- Difficulty level select.
- In game levels - numbers advance faster the higher the level you're on.
- Basic scoring.
Refer to the read me file in the .zip for more details..
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January 12th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Media Player/Shell for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Version 2.00 beta.4 2009/01/12
Fixed a bug EZ5i not start.
Was modified by the use of this unstable behavior Uninitialized variable.
NES has included a plug-in.
Fixed a bug associated IPK lack of memory and has a large image files.
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January 13th, 2009, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

Increase the power and gameplay life of your PSP Slim and Lite console with the Max Power 4 rechargeable battery. Over 30 hours of power supply with great stability, and a low price tag!
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January 13th, 2009, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

Supply power to your Nintendo DS in your car with this car-lighter adapter which provides power supply to the rechargeable lithium battery pack.
It comes with a blue light indicator that will light up when NDS Lite is charging.
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January 13th, 2009, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

Get the fastest and most secure internet connection available for the Wii with Nyko Net Connect. The Net Connect allows the Wii to easily connect to any high-speed wired internet connection. The Net Connect is a USB network adaptor that converts one of the Wii high speed USB ports into a Cat5 internet jack. Simply plug the Wii in to your existing network, no complicated passwords or software installation is necessary. The wired internet connection provides a safe, secure and stable internet connection for use with the Opera browser, WiiConnect24, online with online enabled titles and other online features of the Wii.
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January 13th, 2009, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

The saying goes, if everybody looked the same, we'd get tired of looking at each other and the same goes for the Nintendo DS Lite. It's time to Shock! your DS Lite and give it a unique and vibrant look wherever you go via Xtreme Enterprises range of SHOCK! DS Lite replacement cases. Manufactured with the highest quality in mind, SHOCK! are a range of stellar replacement cases for DS Lite suitable for a fantastically aesthetically pleasing
makeover of Nintendo's handheld or as a replacement to damaged or defective
original casing. Every SHOCK! case is created with rigorously durable ABS
material which will ultimately preserve the shockingly wonderful appearance for the entirety of the handheld.
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January 13th, 2009, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

This product includes fully rechargable batteries which can be charged directly from the Wii console via included detachable lead
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January 13th, 2009, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Nuvalo has released Bootit for the Nintendo Wii
Boot it is a Linux loader designed for use with disc images placed on an SD card or USB Device. It bypasses the need for partitioning by allowing the user to run a disc image in almost exactly the same way as one would run a Linux live CD, with the notable exception that the user can actually make changes to the "disc" during their Linux session. It can also boot normal Linux partitions.
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January 13th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sinman

Horror Vacui is a two player, card-based abstract strategy board game based on the antiquated notion that "Nature abhors a vacuum." It's my first original game design and first attempt at game programming.
Each player is assigned an element, Water or Earth. Players takes turns placing cards representing their element until the board (called the Vacuum) is full.
Each card can have one of three temperatures chosen at random: Normal (green border) or one of two extremes, Hot (orange border) or Cold (blue border). When placed on the board a card's temperature is transferred to any adjacent cards.
A normal card has no effect on adjacent cards
Opposite extremes cancel each other out and normalize the temperature of both cards
Identical extremes result in the removal of the adjacent card and normalization of the incoming card
Adjacent normal cards assume the temperature of the incoming card, normalizing the incoming card
If there are no adjacent cards then there is no change to the incoming card's temperature (eg. a Hot card stays hot)
A player may sacrifice an extreme card to normalize an opposing extreme already on the board.
Players may also randomly draw an Ice Age or Inferno Event Card. The player drawing an Event Card loses their turn and the entire board is affected by the extreme temperature change as if they were adjacent to an incoming card of the event's temperature.
The game is over when the board is full. The player with the most Normal cards on the filled board wins. In the event of a tie, the player with the most cards overall wins.
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January 13th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Small update for the first opus "Evelonth" platform game by Copete23, which is now in version 0.99 with the correction of the backup.
Version 0.99:
Hello, as some have complained that worked so poorly the AI of the dog, I have decided to improve it, and I think I've solved all the problems, as it now has the dog more caution, that does not mean it does not fall, not that it is a bug, but because the game is so, there is the challenge of this level, salts if you without you have a friend who follows you (the dog) that may fall, try to follow your ritmoLaughing
NOTE: those who already have the previous version, which does not copy the file. Save
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January 13th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Coding comp for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii has seen a news update:
Just found out I have a 4 day weekend and wont be in town to close down the compo on Thursday.
What does this mean to you? Entries will still be accepted until Monday evening (the 19th) as I wont be back to click the "End Compo" button till tuesday morning.
Good luck, happy coding, make the extra weekend count, and remember you can update previously submitted games any time until the deadline.
Deadline: Jan 19th 2009 (as long as it is still the 19th somewhere in the world)
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January 13th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Coding comp for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii has seen a news update:
Just found out I have a 4 day weekend and wont be in town to close down the compo on Thursday.
What does this mean to you? Entries will still be accepted until Monday evening (the 19th) as I wont be back to click the "End Compo" button till tuesday morning.
Good luck, happy coding, make the extra weekend count, and remember you can update previously submitted games any time until the deadline.
Deadline: Jan 19th 2009 (as long as it is still the 19th somewhere in the world)
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January 14th, 2009, 16:36 Posted By: bandit
IGN has reported that multiple sources close to IGN that Nintendo is set to release Nintendo DSi in North America on April 4th with a retail price of $179.99.
Multiple sources close to Nintendo tell IGN that the company is gearing up to debut the anticipated successor to its DS Lite handheld during the first half of this year in America. More specifically, the company has allegedly relayed to its partners that DSi will ship stateside in early April, most likely on April 4. Insiders assert that they have been told the system will retail for $179.99 when it launches domestically.
Nintendo's DSi handheld looks similar to its predecessor, but boasts a built-in camera, an SD Card slot, internal memory, an improved user interface and access to DSiWare, an ever-expanding list of downloadable DSi games and content available over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
DSi released in Japan last November and presently retails in the homeland for 18,900 yen ($211 USD). More than a million gamers purchased the system through December 2008, according to overseas data tracking services. DS Lite, meanwhile, sells in Japan for 16,800 yen ($188), a cost difference of almost $25. If our sources are to be trusted, the price divide between the two systems in America would be much wider, as DS Lite currently retails for $129.99 stateside, approximately $50 cheaper than DSi's alleged U.S. price point.
In contrast to the Japanese market, where penetration of DS Lite has peaked, Nintendo of America may be planning to market DSi alongside the still-popular DS Lite, which would at least explain the different price points: one version for casuals and another for the core.
Nintendo of America said last October that it did not feel it necessary to release DSi in 2008 because its predecessor continued to sell at a phenomenal rate. Last year, NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime was also quoted as promising that DSi would not debut in America until sometime after the first quarter.
When contacted for comment, a Nintendo representative told us that the company does not comment on rumors and speculation. Although IGN verified today's story through three independent sources, we have filed the information as rumor until Nintendo makes an official announcement.
Source: IGN
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January 14th, 2009, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
The latest entry into the SRW canon was announced in Famitsu this week and unsurprisingly it's made its way onto the DS...again. The line up is pretty decent though and even features Virtual On again (though in the form of Marz, unfortunately). The full series list is: Dangaioh, Overman King Gainer, Fafner of the Azure, Virtual On Marz, Gundam SEED, Gundam SEED DESTINY, Gundam Seed SEED C.E.73 STARGAZER, Mazinger Z, Gaiking Legend of Daiku Maryu, Kotetsushin Jeeg, Zoids Genesis, Godannar, Godannar 2nd Season, Gun X Sword.
This will also be the first time a Zoids series will have been included in SRW, which is an interesting choice to be sure. Not to mention the fact that Getter Robo is absent. With any luck, this SRW will be made from the ground up for the DS rather than just re-purposing a GBA game (which happened with W). The game will be out at the beginning of April at around 6,000 yen.
For those that are also interested, a special edition of SRW Z will be released in March (under the imaginative title of Super Robot Wars Z Special Disc). It features a selection of new story and challenge stages, as well as extra mecha (though the Overman Xan has got me most excited).
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January 14th, 2009, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
2K Games Global President Christoph Hartmann is back with another warning. Speaking with MCV, he expressed his belief that publishers bringing non-licensed casual games to Wii this year could struggle because the console is flooded by "crappy titles." Hartmann's example has publishers releasing ten games in the hopes that two hits will pay for the other eight. All this does, he said, is flood the market and confuse consumers.
According to the executive, if 2K's hit casual title Carnival Games were released today it would struggle to find an audience. Despite the Wii selling incredibly well, new casual brands seem to be lost in the flood of shovelware, with retailers already having little shelf space to spare.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
There ain't no party like a Medieval party 'cuz a Medieval party don't stop. Of course, that likely has more to do with rampant dysentery than any measure of fun, something we hope won't come packaged with Medieval Games, a new collection of minigames casually heading to the Wii.
The game is being hammered out by the ye olde blacksmiths at N-Fusion Interactive, with Bethesda sister company Vir2L Studios set to publish. Medieval Games promises to bring waggle to the Middle Ages with bite-sized dragon slaying, castle sieges and archery contests as players suit up as one of several "colorful" playable archetypes such as the knight, princess, bard or wizard. No release date or even screens from the game have been revealed, meaning we'll just have to learn to make do with the hojillion other minigame collections collecting dust on Wii shelves for now.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Slipped in among the various topics covered in IGN's latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast was an interesting little rumor: a "major online title" coming to Wii in 2009 won't require Friend Codes. How? Evidently the developer simply realized it could pull it off -- and, like most gamers, doesn't care for the restrictive system.
Speculation as to what game IGN was referencing (which, according to the site, has already been announced) quickly brought up The Conduit, the upcoming FPS from High Voltage Software and Sega. Joystiq has confirmed via a source familiar with the title's development that it does, in fact, utilize the Friend Code system, and isn't the game in question. So, what is it then? Let the speculation commence.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Rock Band music store is now open for business on Wii. The store (Xbox 360 version pictured) launched today with 50 songs, including Rock Band 2's 20 free bonus tracks. Harmonix notes in the Rock Band forums that more DLC will be released in the coming weeks to "catch Wii users up with other systems."
A list of the released tracks can be found after the break. The free tracks are in bold and the premium songs are 200 Wii Points ($2) each. Welcome to 2007, Wii.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has suggested that Wii Music could somehow be used to teach kids to play real music. So, after not getting off to such a great start at retail -- and struggling there ever since -- the "game" is being handed over to music teachers with the hope that they'll encourage their students to somehow learn with it.
In a press release issued this morning, Nintendo says that Wiis and copies of Wii Music are being deployed to schools nationwide. Some teachers are already jumping on the bandwagon, such as Helen A. Krofchick, a music instructor in Lugoff, SC, who is quoted in the release. "I love how many music standards can be covered in such a short time," she said. "Students also have to use language skills, spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination." Note the use of the word "music." It keeps the quote from pertaining to Wii Sports ... or video games in general.
Kids Fun Fact: If you pick up a real trumpet and act like you're playing it, music will come out.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Easy. It's a phone. But hey, like I said, that's easy. For a more complicated answer, why don't we see what VP of iPod and iPhone product marketing Greg Joswiak has to say.
In a departure from some of the company's more boisterous, were-gonna-git-you-DS claims, Joswiak tells Edge that the DS and PSP are from the past. And the iPhone? You guessed it. It's from the future.
I think if you look at devices like the DS and the PSP, in a lot of ways, they’ve defined the past in handheld gaming, and I look at a product like the iPhone with the App Store, and I think it has the opportunity to redefine the future, from everything to how you acquire games – not to mention updating apps.
How do you update a cartridge? You can’t. But you can update the games here via the App Store and that’s an automatic process. Not to mention not having to carry around a bucketful of cartridges. You can store as many games as you have space for. Everything about the iPhone suggests where the future’s headed, and I think a lot of the other guys are trying to scramble for what they do in response.
He may be right! After all, the PSP is quietly moving to a digital distribution model for many of its games.
Then again, people don't appear to be holding off on purchasing a DS because of the back-breaking labour involved in carrying "a bucketful of cartridges" around.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster

Maybe! A Nintendo trademark that's appeared on the Japanese trademark database indicates such.
The trademark is for a "DS Houi Sensor Card" with "houi" meaning "direction" or even "cardinal point" in Japanese. Website Siliconera wonders if that means it refers to the ability to sense motion or detect direction. (Maybe Nintendo is making some sort of compass game?)
This isn't the first time DS has seen motion controls — first party peripheral add-on/game combo Slide Adventure: MAGKID came out last year.
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January 14th, 2009, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Hey! Girls play video games. I know that, you know that, and even Tim Curry knows that. But what's more, publisher Ubisoft says, females drive the Nintendo Wii.
According to Ann Hamilton, senior brand manager with game publisher Ubisoft, "What's driving the Wii sales is the use of Wii by women, girls and families... It's a really female-driven platform."
A female driven platform? Look at the console's sales figures. Ubisoft, we think you mean, it's a human driven platform.
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January 14th, 2009, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster

thecapacity] sent us his iobridge project where he controls a coil gun with a Wiimote. To make the coil gun, he took apart an office golf putter that had a ball return. The mechanism to return the ball is a metal cylinder that is moved magnetically. He simply replaced the cylinder with a smaller diameter piece of metal to create the gun. His computer monitors the Wiimote axis changes and sends them to the ioBridge. The unit could be located anywhere, but without a camera on it, he’ll have a hard time aiming. There’s a video of it working after the break.
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January 14th, 2009, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Tomy's My Do It All for the Nintendo DS further punctuates the possibilities of the handheld as a viable personal digital assistant, while staying on the safe side of the application versus toy line. The Nintendo DS needs a day planner application. There are plenty of homebrew options out there, but for those of us not willing to go that route there's only been Hello Kitty Daily so far, and I'm pretty sure I fall outside of the target demographic. Tomy's My Do It All, due out in February for the DS, brings the DS as PDA concept closer to fruition, though still tries to be a fun toy for kids, allowing them to chat and change voices while they play multiplayer mini-games wirelessly. It looks handy, but still not quite what I am looking for. I want a reason to buy a Nintendo DS for my mother. Or my stepfather. Personal Trainer: Cooking is a good start, but with the functionality of the DS we really need a good line of serious applications marketed towards adults. My Do It All shows us that the functionality is there. Let's take it a step further.
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January 14th, 2009, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies are looking for a man in Air Jordans who broke into a home in West Palm Beach Tuesday night and shot a man before stealing his Wii.
Air Jordans? Really?
The fancy footwearer and a pal broke into the home about 7:30 p.m., demanded money and jewelry from the person living there, then hit him in the head and shot him in the bicep. They fled with $70 and a Wii.
Man, they're going to be pissed when they realize they forgot the Remotes.
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January 14th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo have announced a new Pokemon game for the DS! As you read this, millions of people across the planet are so excited they're vibrating on the spot. Why not join them!
Or you could come around and realise it's yet another tiny, incremental update to a previous Pokemon game. That might best prepare you for what's in store, since that's exactly what this is. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky is the follow-up to last year's Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Darkness.
It boasts five new Pokemon, a new storyline and some guild-based episodes. That's it. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky will be out in Spring this year in Japan, with your guess as good as yours regarding a Western release.
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January 14th, 2009, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
A Carlsbad mother is fighting mad. Turns out that video games make her 5-year-old have panic attacks and, get this, they're not a good replacement for reading books or playing outside.
The Isabelle Clingerman tells the local news there that while her 9-year-old, who owns more than 40 Nintendo games, can play the games to his hearts content, her 5-year-old has panic attacks and experiences hand pains after just 30 minutes of gaming.
And this is when it gets interesting. Clingerman says she is returning her son's "Nintendo" back to the store:
"I can't recommend this game to any parent," she said. "It's not a substitute for reading a book or doing an outdoor activity with your child."
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January 14th, 2009, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Under the onslaught of demons, Tokyo was sealed. Every day, the demons lurk in the shadows and when the sun set, they come out of their hidings to prey off humans. To ensure their survival, a group of youngsters contracted with demons, gained their power to fight off the forces against them.
In this dangerous game of survival, if they don't win by the end of the seventh day, the world and themselves would be swallowed by darkness. Utilize the power of your demons and save your skin. The fate of the world rests in your hands, taste the danger and seek to make the right choices.
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January 14th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from Bushing:
Most of our faithful readers probably already saw this, but for those who missed it, Marcan and I presented on behalf of Team Twiizers at the 25th annual Chaos Communication Conference in Berlin. Slides are available, and you can watch the video.
The content of it will be familiar to most readers here. With most of the team there at the conference, we had made it our goal to get BootMii displaying something on the screen for the demo; the challenge here is that the Starlet can’t directly write to the video registers, so we have to inject PPC code to the Broadway over the EXI bus, and then have THAT actually draw to the screen. We didn’t quite manage to finish it before the presentation started, but the rest of the crew got it working while we presented, and we eventually got something up on the screen at the end of the demo.
It’s a shame, because that modest demo (a simple console on the screen) doesn’t reflect the enormous amount of effort required to get to that point. At this point, we have a fairly solid BootMii core, but it doesn’t do anything useful. We need to write an installer to be proud of (with error checking and stuff), as well as some low-level applications that use it (backup / restore, etc), and need to implement IPC so we can actually present a nice UI.
We’re working on it.
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January 14th, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sinman has posted a new version of his game for the nintendo wii:
Horror Vacui is a two player, card-based abstract strategy board game based on the antiquated notion that "Nature abhors a vacuum." It's my first original game design and first attempt at game programming.
Each player is assigned an element, Water or Earth. Players takes turns placing cards representing their element until the board (called the Vacuum) is full.
Each card can have one of three temperatures chosen at random: Normal (green border) or one of two extremes, Hot (orange border) or Cold (blue border). When placed on the board a card's temperature is transferred to any adjacent cards.
A normal card has no effect on adjacent cards
Opposite extremes cancel each other out and normalize the temperature of both cards
Identical extremes result in the removal of the adjacent card and normalization of the incoming card
Adjacent normal cards assume the temperature of the incoming card, normalizing the incoming card
If there are no adjacent cards then there is no change to the incoming card's temperature (eg. a Hot card stays hot)
A player may sacrifice an extreme card to normalize an opposing extreme already on the board.
Players may also randomly draw an Ice Age or Inferno Event Card. The player drawing an Event Card loses their turn and the entire board is affected by the extreme temperature change as if they were adjacent to an incoming card of the event's temperature.
The game is over when the board is full. The player with the most Normal cards on the filled board wins. In the event of a tie, the player with the most cards overall wins.
V0.02 2009-01-13
Added improved start-up chime
Added a game over loop
Fixed bug that allowed a player to normalize an extreme card with a normal card
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January 14th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Luccax
WiiSend lets you run DOLs in your Wii, sending them from your PC to the Console. That’s good for coders looking for a quick way to test their applications. It sends DOLs in blocks, and each block is verified using a MD5 Hash. If the loaded application has the ‘Return to Loader’ feature, it’ll return to WiiSend, this way you can send something again, perfect for testing. My goal was to make a small and fast homebrew. See the ReadMe for some Tips. Linux is supported since version 1.1.
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January 14th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sypherce
Recently cualquiercosa327 contacted me with an interest in adding adapters, such as the Guitar Hero Grip, to my DS2Key application. I spoke to him saying I had lost all the server source code, which would make it impossible without recoding everything again to add these features. Long story short with some help from cualquiercosa327 I have almost completed the server and client working with all old features of DS2Key, and I've added the Guitar Hero Grip feature. I'm not going to release binaries until I feel that it is polished enough for the normal user. Although I am asking if you are able to compile it from the SVN to please give input on what features you would like to see. If anyone would like to help with this project simply get the source from the SVN and either post your changes or send them to me directly. Any help including bug reports would be greatly appreciated.
Current Status
The server (PC side) is either a GUI or console window (only console in Linux for now). It runs off of configuration files it generates when it first needs to use them. You are able to edit them by hand if you're using the console version. At this point it's undocumented, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the codes if you're able to compile it, just read through the source code a bit.
The client (DS side) has a simple GUI at this point. tapping the top left where you see a badly drawn rotating gear you can edit the settings, which are also saved. To edit the settings just tap "[Edit]" next to the setting and it'll bring up a keyboard, pressing enter when you're done editing will take you back. You'll have to change the IP for sure the first time, the default is which is invalid for everyone. Then press "[Done]" to go back to using DS2Key. at the bottom right corner is a cursor image, tapping that will lock the screen back lights on, and you'll be able to use the mouse or mouse buttons, tapping it again will deactivate this mode.
Action Buttons (Normal button input, a, b, left, right, etc)
Exact Mouse movement (Touching the middle of the touch screen sets the cursor on the middle of the PC screen, etc)
Mouse Touch Screen buttons (The screen is divided into having 12 buttons working similar to the normal buttons)
(New)Guitar Hero Grip buttons (All four buttons act the same as the normal buttons, but have their own settings)
(New)Mouse Clicks (Left, right, and middle buttons)
(New)Linux Support (All functions work as they do in Windows now)
(New)Windows GUI Support (Very friendly GUI :3 )
Relative Mouse movement (Similar to a laptop's mouse pad)
Profile Toggle Function (Press or hold a key to switch to another profile)
Known Bugs:
(Squashed)Mouse input doesn't cover entire screen -- deadzone borders need to be made for the touch screen.
(Squashed)GUI log is disabled -- log caused lags, disabling command logs should fix this
(Squashed)Setting mouse button clicks in the GUI doesn't work -- mouse clicks actually work, just setting them up in the GUI doesn't
(is anyone geting this problem?)After changing the IP on the DS, the server ends up sending /p? repeatedly -- restarting the DS makes everything work fine
Setting GUI log to "All Messages" causes lag. This log mode is mostly for testing your connection, just switch the setting to something else and it will run lag free
Arrow key settings actually send numpad arrow keys, or numbers, depending on numlocks status
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January 14th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
More Square Enix 3D remakes appear to be on the way for DS owners. The latest issue of Japan's Shounen Jump Magazine has first details on a DS version of Saga 2 Hihou Densetsu. The original was released in America as Final Fantasy Legends 2.
As is often the case in Jump reveals, very little is actually shared about the new game. Apparently, fans can look forward to major updates both to the gameplay systems and visuals. The latter shouldn't be too much of a surprise, considering the original was black and white. The game now runs in full 3D, and may even be cell shaded (we're going to have to wait until we see official full resolution materials from Square Enix to be sure).
A Japanese release for Saga 2 is set for some time this year.
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January 14th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Mario and Luigi are returning to the 3/4 overhead view in less than a month as Mario & Luigi RPG 3 hits Japan on February 11. Just ahead of the release, Famitsu has provided an update on the game in its latest issue.
This third RPG adventure for gaming's most famous mushroom-eating plumbers kicks off with the residents of the Mushroom Kingdom gathering to discuss what to do about a disease that's spreading throughout the kingdom. Koopa, under the control of an even more villainous villain called Gerakowitz, shows up and sucks everyone into his belly.
You play Mario & Luigi RPG 3 on both screens. The top screen shows Koopa as he adventures through the Mushroom Kingdom in an effort to extract revenge on Gerakowitz. The bottom screen shows Mario, Luigi, Yellow Star, and the other Mushroom Kingdom residents as they attempt to work their way out from within Koopa's belly.
Following Luigi and Mario's tear-filled reunion inside Koopa's belly (Luigi does actually cry!), the two explore the innards of their former rival, stumbling upon other Mushroom Kingdom residents who offer valuable information and will even open up shop to sell handy items. Also hanging around waiting to lend assistance is the mysterious Hemoglobin, a yellow block-like character who seems to know his way around Koopa's insides and will offer valuable assistance.
The two sides of the adventure have effects on one-another. Mario and Luigi can pinch nerves to send Koopa into a panic. Even though he's the one who sucked them up, it turns out that Koopa doesn't know that Mario and Luigi are inside him. The two can also touch a muscle to make Koopa power up.
On the other side of things, Koopa can send enemies at Mario and Luigi. As you advance through the game, Koopa will gain the ability to use a "Vacuum" attack during battle. When using this attack, enemies will sometimes be sucked into Koopa's belly, where Mario and Luigi will have to deal with them on the spot!
The main battle systems for both Koopa and the plumber brothers appear to be similar to the action-heavy offerings of past Mario & Luigi titles. You tap buttons to perform attacks. In the case of the plumbers, A makes Mario attack, with B making Luigi perform a followup.
By searching through Koopa's body, you can now find special Attack Parts, which can be used to create new special attack skills for the characters to use. An example is "Sweet Basket," which has Mario toss a giant Luigi, all puffed up from eating too much candy, at enemies.
Outside of the main battle system, you'll also find a special Koopa-only battle system, which pits a giant Koopa against equally sized foes. During these battles, you hold the DS in book form. Sweeping the stylus across the screen makes Koopa do a mega punch against his foe. Breathing into the mic makes Koopa do a flame attack.
We're still a bit confused as to how the multiscreen gameplay setup will work, but with a wacky premise and the humor for which the series is known, we're certain Mario & Luigi RPG 3 will be a total blast. Expect full impressions to come once the Japanese version sees release in a few weeks.
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January 14th, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Demented has posted his first release for the Nintendo DS:
Hello all,
I've made something and I want to share it with the community!
It is a metronome. For those who don't know about, it's a tool to help practicising music.
I haven't seen any on DS. Since I think it's something very suitable for a DS I decided to build one by myself.
The key features are:
- A sequencer with nice drum kit elements which you can activate/deactivate to make part of your own custom rythm.
- Save the current configuration in order to restore it the next time you launch the app.
- Tapping tempo to match rythms of, for instance, a song you're listening now.
- Different Key signatures 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4
- Help pages to instruct users how to use it
- Nice interface (take a look at it
I've tried to make it as "casual" and polished as possible.
I expect you like it.
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January 15th, 2009, 18:03 Posted By: morganDS
Here's the latest version of graphDS. In this version, I added nesting for catalog functions, added tracing for inverse functions, added a vector data type, and added some catalog functions for working with vectors, like dot product and cross product. If you've never used graphDS before, it also features expression evaluation, a simple CAS, built-in catalog functions, and six graphing modes.
Please note that this will probably be the last version before the "final" version, 1.0. This means that I NEED YOUR HELP. Please report any bugs (I already know of several) and tell me what features you would like to see implemented or how I can improve graphDS. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to include all your suggestions, but it would certainly help both you and me if I could get some feedback.
As always, I greatly appreciate your donations. Your donations will keep me from having to obtain a job while I am getting through college, which means more homebrew for you.
Click here to download graphDS v0.9 (provided that the server isn't down ... there's also a .zip file attached to this post).
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January 15th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
The British Board of Film Classification has passed Sega's MadWorld with an "18" rating. The Wii title received the classification for containing "very strong, stylized, bloody violence." Sega has been working with both the BBFC and the United States' ESRB to avoid the respective regions' "kiss of death." The publisher contributed builds at various times for feedback on what needed to be changed to dodge being "unclassified" in the Britain and receiving an "AO" rating in the States.
We're unaware if Sega has also been showing builds to Australia's conservative OFLC. If any region is going to "ban" MadWorld, it'll be the Aussies, due to the region's lack of an R18+ rating for games.
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January 15th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming WiiWare game, Bit.Trip Beat, goes for a retro style that makes Mega Man 9 look futuristic in comparison. Comprised of 8-bit chiptunes and giant pixel blocks, Bit.Trip Beat certainly looks the part of an '80s arcade game.
This video highlights the simple gameplay. It appears you must simply align a Pong-esque paddle to hit a stream of notes as they stream to the left of the screen. While it looks simple, the team promises it will be "challenging." The game will also feature 4-player local co-op, which should make for an interesting experience.
Alex Neuse, designer at Gaijin Games, said the "team wanted to make a game that used the tools of today to inspire the fun of yesterday." We wonder if Wii fans will agree with the team's vision, or if it'll be passed off as a bit too retro for their tastes.
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January 15th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Just when we figured that we were doomed to live life without a game about Puffins, Majesco swoops in like a mighty seabird to announce Puffins: Island Adventure for the Nintendo DS.
Puffins: Adventure Island (P: IA to the cool kids) turns you into one of pelagic seabirds, learning to dive, fly, swim, and play all sorts of puffin-related games in order to gain the favor of your fellows. Once you gain favor, you can then begin to raise a family in order to carry on the puffin legacy, and you know what that means - steamy Puffin sex. I am assuming that Majesco will keep the steamy Puffin sex off screen, or at least film it at a discreet camera angle.
I suppose this is big news for the actual Puffin fans. Quite honestly I had forgotten such a bird existed until this press release came across my desk. For those of you unfamiliar with the Puffin, check out the screens below to catch up with the class. Puffins: Island Adventure is due out this spring.
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January 15th, 2009, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
How successful is Nintendo? So successful that even the cottage industry that supports the shipping, printing and manufacturing of their products are rolling in the dough.
Duplium Corporation, the company North America's largest Nintendo Certified packaging and printing facility, is doing so well that they're planning on expanding into a number of new major North American markets, the company said recently.
“As far as we can tell, 2009 will be another big year for the Nintendo platforms,” said Ryan Anderson, director of North American sales for Duplium. "Traditionally in down economies gaming software sales remain strong. It is my personal opinion that the Wii will excel out of all the platforms in 2009 because its family friendly, and interactive."
Duplium, which handes DVD and CD duplication and media packaging, said that they're outputting 368,000 discs a day for Nintendo.
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January 15th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster

Wii title Monster Hunter G has been dated for Japan. It will be out April 23 for ¥3,990. That's not all. Oh no.
Included is a demo for Monster Hunter 3 tri and one promotional Monster Hunter card game card. There's also a limited edition start pack which includes the same goods plus a Monster Hunter G Classic Controller. All priced at ¥5,240 (US$59).
Capcom also announced that Wii Points will be used for online play, but did not provide specifics.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
As a lot of you know, Capcom’s message boards have recently become one of the most active developer/publisher fan communities. Not only is it a great place to hang out and shoot the you-know-what, it’s also very informative and a great source of news at times.
Unfortunately, this time the news is of the bad variety. Capcom’s (here we go) Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Christian Svensson clearly ruled out any possibility of a Monster Hunter G release in the U.S. or the awesome themed Classic Controller that comes with it. Says Svensson, “You’ll have to get it from an import shop. Neither MHG or that controller is coming to the US. Sorry. ”. Sympathy appreciated Sven.
No news is available yet as to whether the controller will also be sold separately in Japan for us import-crazy types to buy at high prices. We’ll keep you updated, so prepare your best Merchant imitation and cross your fingers.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Joining Mario and Luigi on their latest RPG adventure is their nemesis and occasional ally in the Mario RPG series, Bowser. King Koopa brings his fiery breath and brute strength to the team. The screenshots show another detail, players will have multiple field abilities. You can see a small menu on the bottom right where pressing Y makes Bowser breath fire and pressing X makes him do something else.
Like the other Mario RPG games timing is important in battle. Well timed presses do more damage when you’re fighting against goombas, bloopers, and walking pot roasts.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
In 1989 Square kicked off the SaGa series on the monochrome Game Boy. The game came out over here as Final Fantasy Legend. Since that already got a 2D remake on the Wonderswan Square Enix is skipping it and remaking SaGa 2 (aka Final Fantasy Legend II) for the Nintendo DS in full 3D. SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu (temporary title) is on track to hit stores in Japan sometime in 2009.
Without spoiling too much of Final Fantasy Legend II players go on a quest to search for their father and collection MAGI. There are a few plot twists which were pretty good considering the time the game was released. However, SaGa 2 was a tough game to beat since your human characters leveled up in a pretty random way. If you used a strength weapon like a Long Sword your character might get a strength boost. Whacking goblins with a whip might lead to an agility boost. Espers or Mutants as they were called in the US version switched spells after battles and sometimes that meant resetting the game if you lost a good ability. The system was kind of neat, but also frustrating. I believe Square Enix will modify this system for the SaGa 2 remake. After all they fixed some of the issues with Final Fantasy II and the remakes ended up being more playable than the unreleased NES version.
While the SaGa 2 remake has only been announced in Japan ask yourself what Square Enix 3D DS remake have we missed out on.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Marcan posted this :
Argon contacted me a couple days ago, asking for a reasonable conversation and apparently willing to cooperate. We had an IRC conversation where I explained what the problems where and how they could fix them.
The end result seems to be that Argon has removed everything that us and other homebrew developers have produced, including all of the channels except for WAD Manager (waninkoko obviously let them use that). The Twilight Hack is gone from their archives. I haven’t checked whether they use my nandloader. I suspect they do, but I hope that if I confirm it and tell them they’ll get rid of it too. I’m not sure they know what a nandloader is or whether the one they’re using is mine…
What they didn’t remove is the illegal IOS16, the illegal cIOS, the illegal banner, etc. They probably realized that there’s no chance of argonchannel existing in a usable form without stealing from Nintendo (at least not with their skillset), so they decided to take their chances. Fine with me - it’s not my problem.
As far as I’m concerned, the battle is over with the homebrew scene. Nintendo can still get these guys in a load of trouble though, as things currently stand. Most modchips are illegal in some countries, but, well, the current Argonchannel installer is illegal in practically the entire world.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe issued a release Thursday morning that trumpeted the subsidiary's regional success with the Wii and DS platforms. According to NOE, more than eight million Wii systems sold to consumers in the region last year alone, which raises the console's installed base in Europe to 14.2 million.
Meanwhile, in its third year in Europe, DS shows no signs of slowing down. In 2008, 11.2 million consumers purchased Nintendo's handheld, "the largest ever annual sales of a gaming console in European history," according to the company. More than 31 million DS handhelds have been sold total in Europe.
"The sales trend on both Wii and Nintendo DS, hardware and software during 2008 shows that more and more people in Europe are enjoying video games as part of their daily lives. This proves that Nintendo's wish to expand the gaming population has strong potential in Europe," said Laurent Fischer, managing director, marketing and public relations, Nintendo of Europe.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe issued a release Thursday morning that trumpeted the subsidiary's regional success with the Wii and DS platforms. According to NOE, more than eight million Wii systems sold to consumers in the region last year alone, which raises the console's installed base in Europe to 14.2 million.
Meanwhile, in its third year in Europe, DS shows no signs of slowing down. In 2008, 11.2 million consumers purchased Nintendo's handheld, "the largest ever annual sales of a gaming console in European history," according to the company. More than 31 million DS handhelds have been sold total in Europe.
"The sales trend on both Wii and Nintendo DS, hardware and software during 2008 shows that more and more people in Europe are enjoying video games as part of their daily lives. This proves that Nintendo's wish to expand the gaming population has strong potential in Europe," said Laurent Fischer, managing director, marketing and public relations, Nintendo of Europe.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Isaac356
Menu Patcher is an app inspired by Starfall, designed to permanently mod your System Menu. It is open source, and can easily be extended to include new patches.
System Menu patching is VERY DANGEROUS! Not only that, but this program does not check for a specific System Menu version, like Starfall does. This program also uses a guess 'n check method for installing the patches, which makes it a little less safe to use. (It will prompt you, however, if there is more than one possible patch.) I (Isaac356) have tested the included patches on a 3.2U Wii, but please be careful when adding your own. I am not responsible for any damage from any patches, no matter who created them.
No health check
No background music
No icon.bin
No banner.bin
No sound.bin
Region Free (still under development)
Up/Down to select a patch, A to install it, B to uninstall it.
This uses raven's patches.h from Menu Loader Clone, therefore credit for the above patches goes to him. Patches.h also makes it easy to include your own patches (but you better know what you're doing!) Also, unlike Menu Loader Clone, patches must be the same size as what they are replacing (if you want to retain the ability to uninstall them later).
Known Issues
If Menu Patcher finds more than five of the same patch, it core dumps - rest assured that this does not corrupt the System Menu.
At the time being, you can only apply one patch at a time. You then have to exit and re-enter to apply another one. This will be fixed soon.
When there is a lot of patches available, the "*" doesn't exactly line up with the "Exit". This is an easy fix as well.
LOL I named the file menupatcher-0.1...but it's actually 1.0. Trust me.
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January 15th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Box art leaked the fact that Sonic’s stint in King Arthur’s world will take advantage of Nintendo Wi-Fi. Will it be for online sword duals between Sir Sonic and Lord Eggman? Maybe not.
Details from a product listing at Rakuten explain the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection feature will be used for ranking and item trading. Sonic and the Black Knight has 200+ items to collect. If you can’t find all of them you can always trade your way to the Excalibur or whatever legendary sword Sonic uses.
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January 16th, 2009, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
StringTunerDS is a Nintendo DS homebrew useful to tune guitars and other musical instruments.
It can detect a sound's pitch and display the corresponding tone and octave.
It can work in autodetect mode or it's possible to select a target frequency.
When StringTunerDS works in autodetect mode it displays the detected pitch.
The target frequency can be setted selecting the target tone and octave or choosing the instruments (guitar or bass), the tuning mode and the string to tune. The base frequency for A can be setted between 435 and 445 Hz (440 Hz at default) and is possible to generate the target sound (this function is not enabled in autodetect mode).
For properly operations StringTunerDS require a good input signal level. During my guitar tuning I achieved the best results tuning it without using plectrum.
Technically speaking the algorithm for pitch detection and tone determination are based on Tuneroid open source project. I take inspiration from that project also for the display look and feel. Pitch detection would be better using algorithm based of Fourier transformations but in that case I fear that execution would be slower. StringTunerDS is not a professional instrument even if it work fine if the input signal level is good.
Regarding the DS, this homebrew use microphone, with some code from the precious micdemo and some settings from DSOrganize. The DS is used with processors working in parallel: ARM7 performs sampling and ARM9 processes the waveforms and updates the display. Sampling occurs at 12bit, 44.1KHz using 210 msec. intervals.
For render characters on intro screen and display I rebuild for the DS environment the FreeType open source project (release 2.3.6), the library is included in source code. If you reuse it pay attention that many common fonts are patented; there are many sites, like acidfonts.com that hosts a lot of free fonts. The rest of the code was written using the interesting tutorials that I found on Internet.
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January 16th, 2009, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Fandian sonic is a hobby of mine that attempts to be a homebrew 3D RPG project for the Nintendo DS. Some tech features include skeletal animation, static & dynamic point lights, shadow volumes, skyboxes, collision detection with gravity, stylus picking, and multiple linked maps support for large worlds.
In the hopeful future I will build the game logic, A.I. and scripting. I'll also attempt an interactive 3D map builder on the DS for easy world creation, real-time light adjustment and object & creature placement.
Being neither an artist nor an animator, I currently use some textures and model data from Bioware's legendary Neverwinter Nights. This is temporary and for testing & research purposes only.
[ 2009.01.07 ] - Fandian_r307.zip - castle walls, bug fixes and new libs
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January 16th, 2009, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
news via dsscene
anoNL has updated VNDSx, the DS Visual Novel Reader.
v1.4.1 2008-01-09
Graphical glitches in the GUI
Backlight control could only turn the screen off on the original DS.
PNG loading crashed on corrupt or wide (> 256 pixels) images.
Sound didn't unmute when returning to the main menu.
Tapping the screen advanced the script even in choice-mode.
Variables weren't saved properly
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January 16th, 2009, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Apogee posted this news for DS and PSP Fans:
Both the DS and PSP versions of the game are coming along nicely. On the DS side the graphics are blowing the socks off everyone who sees it (those lucky few outside the company that have seen it), and on the PSP, they say the depth of view is the best they have seen to date for that device. Development is proceeding at a feverish pace on both systems. There has been implementation of some unique features specific to each system that owners will be glad to see. We are also including some cool bonus game play features that we haven’t spoken about that we feel will enhance the overall way the game is played. That’s all we can say for now, other than stay tuned, more info in greater detail is on the way!
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January 16th, 2009, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
A Michigan woman nearly killed her dog when she accidentally struck it in the temple with a Wii Remote. Kathy White was playing Wii Sports' bowling with her daughter when she made the motion to roll her virtual ball and, as she puts it, hit the dog and "killed him instantly." The dog, Ozzy, was not moving or breathing. She called her neighbor -- who we're guessing must have some veterinary training -- and she revived the dog using mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Ozzy was then taken to the real vet, who diagnosed the dog with "severe brain swelling" due to cardiac arrest. We've heard of Wiinjuries before (both possibly real and fake), but this is the first instance of potential "caninicide" we're aware of.
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January 16th, 2009, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
We've all had it up to our eyeballs with the mainstream press rolling out scenes of octogenarians Wii Bowling every time they want to talk about the successes of the Wii. Apparently so have they.
So the press has moved on to Wii Boxing.
Blanche Betten, a 76-year-old retired restaurant owner, hammered Bob Warner, 85, with a flurry of punches, sending the World War II and Korean War veteran sprawling to the ground.
“Again, again, again,” onlooker Rosa Villanueva, 61, shouted at the Perris Hill Senior Center as Warner tried to regain his footing.
The San Bernardino, California, seniors weren’t fighting in a real ring. They were boxing on Nintendo Co.’s Wii video-game console as part of a public-health class to encourage physical activity. They’re among a growing number of former non-gamers who have taken up the Wii and made it the dominant player in the $21 billion U.S. video-game industry.
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January 16th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
YouTube has launched a fancy version of its website tailored specially for PlayStation 3 and Wii owners using television displays.
Direct browsers to www.youtube.com/tv to access the new service, which has bigger and clearer text as well as a simplified layout for easier navigation.
The videos appear larger than they do on regular YouTube, but don't appear to be of any higher quality, leading to quite blocky clips.
Those eager for a look on PC need to install Firefox and the Download User Agent Switcher. Once that's done, go to Tools, User Agent Switcher, Options and type "Mozilla/5.0 (PLAYSTATION 3; 2.00)" in the user agent field. Assuming you're as boring as we are.
Switch to that new agent you will be able to view the YouTube TV website.
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January 17th, 2009, 03:35 Posted By: soulanger
For those who are interested in an alternative menu/os for flash carts, I am remaking DSision.
It should work on any card and provides a nice looking interface, rather than a plain text list of files.
If anyone has seen the old version ( http://spinal.dizidesigns.co.uk/dsision.php), then new version has a few improvements.
- Improvements over last version -
Works on R4DS [so far]
Larger, higher resolution, higher color depth icons
Custom icons per file/folder
GBA support through EZ 3-in-1
[Potential] Commercial game support on some cards (TTDS, AceKard, R4DS)
EZ 3-in-1 RAM unlocking for OperaDS
Sorry, there are no screenshots yet, it doesn't run properly in emu.
Is anyone interested in using this?
You can now download DSision2 from here.
Source: http://forum.palib.info/index.php?topic=6470.0
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January 17th, 2009, 03:43 Posted By: soulanger
Translated by Densetsu3000 at GBAtemp.
Here's a quick translation. I didn't do a full, word-for-word translation, but the main message is there.I imagined the next several years of my life would gradually beat me half to death with weak punches, but I just took a huge blow and am now on the verge of death. Moonlight here. Good evening.
I was promised many things over the phone with the company president, but they didn't deliver. I was told that if I had anything to say, I should say it directly. So I'll give it to you straight!
[see xjenova's post]
Yes! I created M3 Sakura! If you buy and use it, you can get firmware that plays commercial games! But I haven't tried it myself! Yes, I know that it plays games! You would think that if I could create Sakura, I would at least know about that! I even went all the way to China because they told me some of the bugs couldn't be fixed! For 3 weeks!...
Even if Sakura sells I won't see a single yen of the profits...
I have decided to stop developing for the DS. For the longest time I've been putting up with crap, so there, I've said it directly...
I have put up with a lot of animosity over this matter, and there are probably a lot of people who would be happy if I died. Well, goodbye.
Don't bother sending mail. I'll just delete them without reading them. 今後数年は削り弱パンで生殺しになるんだろうなぁと暗澹たる予想をしていたのですが、今回がつーんと大パン チがクリーンヒットしてしまって瀕死状態のMoonlightですこんばんわ。
さすがにこれは喧嘩売りすぎだよね?と電話したところ、文句があるなら直接言えばいいじゃんと言われてしま いました。
ここは誤解を生みそうなのでもう少し補足しておくと、少なくとも日本国内からだけは手を引くよ、と約束して くれた(私はM3さくらの商品価値期間は残り約 四ヶ月程度だと踏んでいるのですが、撤退準備期間もあるので春頃には頑張ります!、と言われたときはびっく りしたけどというのは長い余談で(笑))し、 まぁそれでも一応約束してくれて、今後M3日本は日本語版に一切手を出さない、積極的に売らない、という約 束もしてくれました。どちらも守ってくれている らしいので、こんな状況じゃシャチョさんに文句言っても仕方ないよねー直接言えないのわかってていけずだな ぁ。販売数だけは…需要と供給だし削ることもで きないだろうけど。要するにできないことは約束するなってだけのはなし。まぁそれはそれとして、文句じゃな くて愚痴になっちゃってごめんねー。って話をし ていたら最後にアレを言われたのでまぁ私としてはじゃぁ直接言うか!って気分です。さぁ充分わかりづらく書 いたぞ!直接ぶっちゃける気合い完了!
はい!M3さくらは私が作りました! これを買って、 これを 入れれば市販ゲームも動く快適さくらが手にはいるよ!私は試してないけどね!うん!ゲーム動くって知ってた !っていうか知らなきゃつくれないよこんなの! バグが直らないって言われて中国にも行ったし!三週間も。(無報酬なのはいいとしても中国語しゃべれない私 が言ってどうするのよね(苦笑
さくらが売れても私は一円も儲かりませんが、まぁ売り上げベースで数億って言ったら中小ゲームメーカでいえ ば大ヒット御の字でしょ?これ以上私に望むことはないよね!たぶん私がなに言っても売り上げに影響ないから 安心してね。
もうDSやめます。っていうか開発止めます。延々チクチク嫌がらせされて文句言いたいので直接言いました。 プログラム以外の趣味は無いのでそのうち死にますね。自分で言うのもあれだけど、プログラム止めたら未練無 さすぎです(笑
今回の件で結構色々なところから反感買っちゃって、私が死んだら喜ぶ人も少なくないんじゃない かな? それじゃさよならー。
Source (Moonlight's Blog):http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/
At the PSP scene, there was Mariam left the scene.
Now recently at the DS scene, Moonlight quits.
What an ugly week for our beloved homebrew community. Man this sucks. 
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January 17th, 2009, 10:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The Wiitality Armband for Nintendo Wii - puts wii control on your wrist or bicep while you exercise!
The only accessory that should have been included with every Wii Fit balance board is now available! The Wiitality is a neoprene band that holds your wii remote (wiimote) on your wrist or arm, while you exercise.
When doing many Wii Fit exercises, its necessary to put down the wiimote, pick it up, and put it down again. The Wiitality solves the problem of having to hold your wiimote in your hand while doing many wii fit exercises, including many Yoga, Strength, and Aerobic exercises.
As an additional benefit, it leaves both hands free to hold matching hand weights.
One size fits all, thanks to convenient velcro fasteners. Can fit on the bicep or on your wrist, depending on your arm size.
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January 17th, 2009, 10:33 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo is working on some sort of storage solution of their own, but to those of you who can't wait, the WiiZii is on its way.
We have few details at the moment, but here's a shot of a WiiZii prototype installed. It can connect an external SATA drive and features a tiny bit on onboard storage so that the chip's firmware can be updated as needed. With the use of the WiiZii+drive, you can load mass amounts of homebrew files quickly. In fact, I daresay that with a large enough drive, you could load far more content than is actually worth playing on the Wii.
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January 17th, 2009, 12:56 Posted By: wraggster
As has already been established, Nintendo is doing well for itself, shattering sales records in the United States with the Wii and Nintendo DS. And, according to Nintendo, it's 99% responsible for the industry's growth.
Nintendo highlighted that fact in its response to NPD sales data released yesterday, showing that Nintendo hardware sold more than 20 million units in the U.S. last year, with 132 million software units sold on the company's platforms. That's a considerable increase from the nearly 15 million consoles and portables it sold in 2007.
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January 17th, 2009, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
Open Emu is an open source project to bring game emulation to OS X as a first class citizen, leveraging modern OS X technologies such as Cocoa, Core Animation and Quartz, and 3rd party libraries like Sparkle for auto-updating. Open Emu is based on a modular architecture, allowing for game-engine plugins, this means Open Emu can support a host of different emulation engines and back-ends while retaining a familiar OS X native front-end.
Currently Open Emu incorporates the following game engines as plugins:
adds support for NES/Famicom
adds support for Game Boy and Game Boy Color
adds support for Sega Master System, Game Gear, SG - 1000
adds support for Game Boy Advance
Open Emu also supports high quality scaling using Open GL, multithreaded video and audio playback as well as individual features and preferences per game engine, such as NTSC video signal emulation for the Nestopia Core.
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January 17th, 2009, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from DSbomb:
I have been working on a set of detailed instructions for setting up a development environment for the Gamecube and Wii. One of the main goals I have for this is to be able to compile each library from its source, rather than just extracting an archive full of prebuilt libraries. This will protect the libraries from possible extinction should the original people who port them to the GC/Wii stop. As well, should newer versions of the original library (like libpng for example) become available, it will then be quite easy for anybody to be able to build them again.
You can view the work in-progress via Google Docs. There are instructions for both Linux and Windows. Give it a walk through and let me know if it works for you, or if there are other libraries you can think should be included. It isn't complete yet, but I hope to have it ready to compile the more popular apps (like the various emulators) soon.
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January 17th, 2009, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from DSbomb:
I have been working on a set of detailed instructions for setting up a development environment for the Gamecube and Wii. One of the main goals I have for this is to be able to compile each library from its source, rather than just extracting an archive full of prebuilt libraries. This will protect the libraries from possible extinction should the original people who port them to the GC/Wii stop. As well, should newer versions of the original library (like libpng for example) become available, it will then be quite easy for anybody to be able to build them again.
You can view the work in-progress via Google Docs. There are instructions for both Linux and Windows. Give it a walk through and let me know if it works for you, or if there are other libraries you can think should be included. It isn't complete yet, but I hope to have it ready to compile the more popular apps (like the various emulators) soon.
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January 17th, 2009, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
The most important changes are these (v4)
* Merge with Frodo CVS trunk and build FrodoSC instead of "plain" Frodo. This should improve emulation of some games, although not all.
* Save preferences together with the state when saving states. Useful e.g., to have game-specific key bindings
* Build with Yohanes version of libSDL. Perhaps that adds USB keyboard support, but I have no way of testing. Please fix the code if it doesn't work :-)
* Some key binding bugs fixed
* Some more menu options to control various things
V5 whats new
Anyway, you were right. The home button on the wiimote or the menu does bad things in this one. So, embarassingly enough, I've made a shiny new release, version 5!
This one contains the following feature:
* HOME button on the wiimote works again
And has removed the following feature:
- Untested USB keyboard support
Since that apparently broke HOME and/or the menu. For some wicked reason, it worked fine on the classic controller.
Download and Give Feedback and Compatability reports at the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=178591
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January 18th, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
While moving 2.15 million units in a single month is nothing to jeer at, analysts are expressing their disappointment in the December sales figures of the Nintendo Wii. Jesse Divnich from the Electronic Entertainment Design and Research firm calculates that over 4 million Wiis could have found themselves placed beneath trees or crudely tucked into stockings -- had "supply and demand been in equilibrium." He also praises Nintendo for almost singlehandedly protecting the industry from the full brunt of the recession at the end of the year -- a victory we usually credit to our soul-crushing addiction to video games.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
A new version of Pong2 is released with the following changes:
- Update url on intro screens to www.plaatsoft.nl (My new domain).
- Improve intro screen positioning by PAL 50Hz TV mode.
- Network thread status is showed on screen.
- Game score is send anonymous to internet web services.
- Bugfix: Highscore is now always loaded correctly.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
A new version of RedSquare is released with the following changes:
- Improve and secure webservice interface.
- Bugfix: Remove some small reported graphical bugs.
- Bugfix: Remove several bugs in network thread.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly! Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
A new version of BibleQuiz is released with the following changes:
- Update url on intro screens to www.plaatsoft.nl (My new domain).
- Network thread status is now showed on welcome screen.
- Bugfix: Remove some small reported graphical bugs.
- Bugfix: Highscore is now always loaded correctly.
- Bugfix: Remove several bugs in network thread.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a selectable pre-buffered or buffer-on-demand methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
Note: As of version 0.2.1 FreeTypeGX has forked into two disparate projects and now relies upon the Metaphrasis library.
This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Quizz is a quiz/puzzle homebrew application. You can play lots of quiz modes (other modes will be added in the future). This game features French quiz questions.
Fixed a big big bug that prevented some players to play
Widescreen support
Added english language
Fixed questions in french
Added few questions in french
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January 18th, 2009, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Shin-NiL
SYASokoban Wii is a initial port of David Joffe's (http://grayskygames.com) SYASokoban game.
Known Issues / Todo List
Adjust message box screen
Ajust level select screen
Add background music
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January 18th, 2009, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Suikoden77 made his first homebrew for the DS, "Duelo", a game duel in the line of Pierre-scissors-paper.

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January 18th, 2009, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

hiei03 and sonic master performs a new version of their shell for the DS, "X-Soft" including multiple applications including Paint, an audio player, notepad, etc ... that goes to version 5.
Version 5.0
* Gum and color In the Paint program.
* Thickness of the stylus to draw in Paint, press R to increase the area and reduce L, you can see the increase in details above.
* You can select all the programs start.
* Now you can put whatever you type in a notepad txt and you can change the color of the letter with the right and left arrows.
* Added the map of Andalusia, and you can view a gif that you want in a new option is called "the map".
* You can play any song in the folder Xsoft / data / sfx. My pc can find the settings for the application you can choose whether you want to see the mouse, if you want to put the merits of fat or not, or in a Windows environment, soft-X or Linux.
* You can change money just by changing the file Xsoft bin / data / bg image and convert the others.
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January 18th, 2009, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Nick Ludlam, Dominic Ludlam and Denise Wilton return to update their video player roster for the DS "DS Video. Video encoder available for Windows, Mac and Linux on the official website.
WeÂ're pleased to announce the release of DSVideo version 1.10. It is an update to both the encoder and the player, and includes a number of nice features as well as bug fixes:
* Battery life improved by automatically turning off the bottom screen during playback
* Fixed an issue with encoded video that exhibited stuttering audio playback speeds and odd
* An improved file browser, with inertia and smooth scrolling
* Incorporation of a much more recent version of FFmpeg
The complete list of changes is available in the CHANGES file, contained in the source package. The encoder should remain compatible with the existing GUI tools that are available, so download the correct package for your operating system, and simply replace the old version. DonÂ't forget to also unpack the supporting libraries contained within the package, as these have also been updated.
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January 18th, 2009, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

Copper has recently completed several emulator arcade game for the DS which DS1942 (emulator shoot em up 1942), we propose an emulator that emulates this time the result of this opus, ie Roma arcade " 1943 ". The emulator is not complete, missing only the music, discover the pre-0.9 version anyway.
All games supported:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Name Thursday parent ROM ROM
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1943: The Battle of Midway (U.S.) 1943
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) 1943j 1943
1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) 1943kai
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January 18th, 2009, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via dsscene
MoonShell Version2.00 beta.5 for translator and designer
Latest Info:
Infantile Paralysiser has updated MoonShell again.
Decided about the Skins format and language specification.
SPC bugs can not play(Was reduced quality)
The review of the key arrangement, MP3 seek the L / R + has been changed to a single press and hold. (Ex-L / R press and hold)
There is a trouble that doesn't start with R4SDHC and EZ4.
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January 18th, 2009, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via dsscene

Digital Satin Productions release Strip Blackjack 2 DS *Update 1*
Description from the readme:
This is an early build of SBJ2, considered a late prototype. As such, many functions are not yet working, and there may be a few bugs in the code. This game uses libfat so it requires a slot-1 card or appropriate DLDI patches for emulators.
You should be able to place sbj2.nds anywhere on your card, but the gamedata folder needs to be at root. I use a standard directory system for all my games, and they all start with "gamedata".
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January 18th, 2009, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via dsscene
Innocence Ver. 0.01 Programed by service TARO
I make fun, but it was beaming technology.
Create an instrument that is so difficult, now, I created a program to manipulate miku to play a musical instrument.
What's wrong?
[About] history
ver0.01 2009/01/14 public premiere
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January 18th, 2009, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via gbatemp
Volley Fire DS is a new homebrew game for the DS that is being developed for the DS by legendario_sa. This version is still in its early stages and needs improved collision detection, more levels, a life system, a menu and much more according to the developer himself.
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January 18th, 2009, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
The NPD numbers for December 2008 and the overall year are in, and among the many other best-selling Nintendo games is the three-year old Mario Kart DS. The portable game was the eighth best-selling game last month, and the tenth best-selling game of the year. This thing is three years old! How is that possible?!
Mario Kart Wii was number four in December and number two for the entire year. Surely sales of the DS game were encouraged by the popularity of the new Wii edition. The portable game sold over half a million copies in December, which was a third of its total sales for the year.
Mario Kart DS has now sold a total of 4.3 million units in the 38 months of its life.
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January 18th, 2009, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
manny proposes a new version of its clone of the game Lunar Lander 70 years of dating.
The game uses the Wiimote instead of buttons on the original game.
News / corrections:
- The ship explodes
- Addition of benchmarks
- Landing Zone
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January 18th, 2009, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Sinman proposes a new version of its strategic card game 8 bits.
News / corrections:
- Animated Cursor for the CPU is the end of time for reflection.
- Each player can now return to the home screen at the end of the game via the More button
- Each player can now perform a reset of the game via the button Less
- Adding a Syslog to simplify debugging (using TekWarriors from wiiload)
- Takeover Code
Game modes:
* Player 1 is the Water
* CPU is the Earth
- Player 1 is the Water
- Player 2 is the Earth
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January 18th, 2009, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
New Menu Patcher, 3.2U utility to completely open source.
It is based Starfall of Crediar and allows changes to the System menu via different patches:
- No warning screen (for raven, Menu Loader Clone)
- No background music (as raven, Menu Loader Clone)
- No icon. Bin (by raven, Menu Loader Clone)
- No banner.bin (for raven, Menu Loader Clone)
- No sound.bin (for raven, Menu Loader Clone)
- Moving the Disc Channel (by pizzaboy, Gecko OS)
News / corrections:
- Fixed a problem loop.
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January 18th, 2009, 13:00 Posted By: jctjepkema
This is one of my first homebrew apps. I hope you like it. I have some futures:
-Wifi control
- a chat program
and more.
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January 18th, 2009, 14:12 Posted By: Starscream
yohanes, the author of Wiiapple, has released a port of Hatari for the Wii, an Atari ST emulator. The Wiimote can be used as Mouse, there is currently no Atari Joystick support.

Heres the full release info:
After wiiapple, here is an atari st emulator for Wii based on hatari. This port works fine on my Wii. Two other people have tested it, one (Da_Gper) said it is very slow on his Wii, but Nowhereman said it is fine in his Wii. So please tell me you test result. If it works fine for most people, I will post it to wiibrew.
Some notes
You will need USB keyboard to use this emulator
Mouse is emulated using Wiimote (A for click), you can also use USB Mouse
Press F12 to access the menu (probably i should assign one of the Wiimote key for this),
Options can be saved to disk
Press home, or alt-q to quit
Floppy images can be placed in \hatari\fd
EmuTOS image have been included. With EmuTOS ROM, the green screen flickers a lot. It doesn’t happen with some real Atari ROMs that I tested.
Sound works (usually), jus enable it through the options
then today he also updated with this release:
I have made a stupid mistake by including wrong default configuration files (which is slow). I have updated the Atari ST emulator. Here is what is new:
- Wiimote only operation is possible. Not all things will work though. You can play point and click games that relies only on mouse. Press HOME to access the menu (change disk, change ROM, etc). To avoid wasting your time, you can test the game on Hatari for Windows/Linux to see if you can control everything using only mouse.
- I have included a simple flicker filtering to reduce the filtering. This is not the final solution to the problem. I will need to rewrite the SDL port to use GX.
- Mono mode still doesn’t work yet.
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January 18th, 2009, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from joedj
ftpii is an FTP server for the Nintendo Wii
Version Changes
0.0.18 Enabled SD Gecko at /gcsda and /gcsdb. (thanks dhewg!)
Added NAND image support at /nand (libnandimg).
Added NAND filesystem support at /isfs (libisfs).
Added detection of device removal and insertion for Front SD, SD Gecko, USB and DVD.
Use transparency in The Homebrew Channel icon. (thanks wilson.p.alex!)
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January 18th, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Björn Giesler has released a new version of Fuse for the Nintendo Wii, heres the release details:

Fuse is the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator by Philip Kendall, an emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, a home computer that was very popular in the 80s.
Snapshot 2
Pretty much untouched port created by Björn, but rebuilt against the Fuse (list of changes here)
Changed the way menu is navigated, now it's navigated using Wii Remote in horizontal position, just like in emulation
Fixed toggling the checkboxes in the options - press Right on Wii Remote to toggle the option
This snapshot has been compiled with zlib, so the application now supports .tzx and .rzx
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January 18th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Rogue Clone for DS/GBA and PSP has been updated, heres whats new:

A 65535 enum added for TILE_NAMES to placate the gcc 4.3 compiler. (Malte Helmert, Joe B, Magnate)
>string.h< is the correct header. (Joe B)
Clean scripts improved to clean more stuff so I don't release with a broken support directory again. (Joe B)
Executable bit removed from CREDITS.TXT and LICENCE.TXT. (Malte Helmert)
Animated Trees no longer randomly generated in the dungeon, they are meant to only exist as a result of summons. (Kayvon, Gwazi01)
If Baezlb'b's heart grants life save, he will no longer have his life saved, and, more importantly, the heart will no longer be destroyed. (Stefan O'Rear)
When you convert a flesh golem into a stone golem it will no longer report both names. (Lim-Dul)
"You stop over concerns of your safety." now has an r in concerns. (eilu)
Spells you don't know now show up greyscale in the action bar. Similarly, if you can't cast it due to not enough mana, it is greyed out proportionaly to how much mana is needed.
Inventory background is coloured according to your knowledge of the item, making it easier to separate out cursed/holy/regular. This also distinguishes between items you have tried on (so you know they are not cursed) vs ones you haven't tried. (Irashtar)
You can mark items as favorite. This causes them to get a yellow background in the inventory and always be sorted first. (Pikadude No. 1)
Weapons have the e in them when you forget the dual wield skill. (Joe B)
Text for animate forest spell and creature tweaked to better align with the normal English speaker's concept of grammar.
Did I mention I finished a book, Menoetius? I did? Well, I'll just bury a reference in this wall of text anyways.
The buildall.sh script for Linux has been updated to try and make it more ebuild compatible thanks to work by Zasenko Sergey. I may have misread his patch, however, so problems in this version are likely my fault.
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January 18th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Rogue Clone for DS/GBA and PSP has been updated, heres whats new:

A 65535 enum added for TILE_NAMES to placate the gcc 4.3 compiler. (Malte Helmert, Joe B, Magnate)
>string.h< is the correct header. (Joe B)
Clean scripts improved to clean more stuff so I don't release with a broken support directory again. (Joe B)
Executable bit removed from CREDITS.TXT and LICENCE.TXT. (Malte Helmert)
Animated Trees no longer randomly generated in the dungeon, they are meant to only exist as a result of summons. (Kayvon, Gwazi01)
If Baezlb'b's heart grants life save, he will no longer have his life saved, and, more importantly, the heart will no longer be destroyed. (Stefan O'Rear)
When you convert a flesh golem into a stone golem it will no longer report both names. (Lim-Dul)
"You stop over concerns of your safety." now has an r in concerns. (eilu)
Spells you don't know now show up greyscale in the action bar. Similarly, if you can't cast it due to not enough mana, it is greyed out proportionaly to how much mana is needed.
Inventory background is coloured according to your knowledge of the item, making it easier to separate out cursed/holy/regular. This also distinguishes between items you have tried on (so you know they are not cursed) vs ones you haven't tried. (Irashtar)
You can mark items as favorite. This causes them to get a yellow background in the inventory and always be sorted first. (Pikadude No. 1)
Weapons have the e in them when you forget the dual wield skill. (Joe B)
Text for animate forest spell and creature tweaked to better align with the normal English speaker's concept of grammar.
Did I mention I finished a book, Menoetius? I did? Well, I'll just bury a reference in this wall of text anyways.
The buildall.sh script for Linux has been updated to try and make it more ebuild compatible thanks to work by Zasenko Sergey. I may have misread his patch, however, so problems in this version are likely my fault.
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January 18th, 2009, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Splatter Castle is a homebrew game I'm making for Wii. It's a 2D platform game. Your wii needs to be enabled for homebrew to play it, but you'll have to find that information on your own. Use at your own risk.
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January 18th, 2009, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax

Wii port of the Handy/SDL v0.5 emulator
Uses Handy/SDL v0.5
Uses modified SDL-Port
Uses some string utils from the Atari800 emulator project
Ported by raz0red
To use the emulator, you will need to locate and place the Atari Lynx boot ROM
(lynxboot.img) in the /apps/handysdl directory. AtariAge is currently hosting
the rom file at the following location:
Roms must be placed in the /handysdl/roms directory (Currently only SD card
loading is supported).
Move : Directional pad
A : 2
B : 1
Option 1 : Plus
Option 2 : Minus
Pause : A
Exit : Home
Classic controller:
Move : Directional pad
A : A
B : B
Option 1 : Plus
Option 2 : Minus
Pause : L/R
Exit : Home
01/18/09 (0.1)
- Initial version
- Sound support
- Wiimote/Classic controller support
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January 18th, 2009, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Something different from Clintorion
I believe this is, indeed, the first real-time mmorpg playable on DS!
I started this little project just to see if my idea would work.
Here's the disappointing part: It's not a download!
You have to point your Opera DS browser to the site: http://mmorpg.clint.f-sw.com
All is done with CSS, Javascript and PHP.
Here's a quick screenie:
The icons on the right do the following (in order from top to bottom):
(speech bubble) - opens/closes chat
(inventory) - shows items. cannot open equip yet, but there are items to equip, which open the equipment when you click them.
(fight screen) - displays battle text, shows stats of enemy.
(player info) - click this to see the stats of whoever you have selected. Used to initiate fighting and alternate way to send PMs in game.
(pvp switch) - turn pvp on/off. green=on, red=off. Some areas are no pvp, some are forced pvp.
(X) - Logout of the game. (you must log out, failing to do so causes problems when you try to log back in)
(refresh) - refreshes the game whenever you want (automatically done every couple seconds)
Well, I hope you enjoy the very first DS compatible MMORPG!
If you have any comments or questions, please send them to
FriQ@ymail.com (pronounced "freak")
Chat Commands:
s] [message] - Shouts a message to all characters in the game.
][charactername] [message] - Private message
s] Hey, what's up?
"Player (s): Hey, what's up?" - seen by all players.
]Mario Hey, come fight me.
On Luigi's screen: "<<[PM] to Mario: Hey, come fight me."
Mario's screen: ">>[PM] from Luigi: Hey, come fight me."
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January 18th, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ryouarashi

Current version: Demo 1
Playable Levels: 1-4, 6
Genre: Puzzle
Tested on:
- Emulators: no$gba 2.6
- Flashcards: M3 Real [M3 Sakura Triple Boot V1.12 and M3 Real Firmware V4.0]
The Game:
Your task will be to guide Murphy (the red smiley) through up to 111 Levels,
evading falling stones ("Zonks"), crazy scissors and more dangers, gather
a set number of infotrons each stage and finally find the Exit block.
Note: This game is HARD (well not for the few levels that work so far)
Controls - Menu:
Up/down: Select Level
A/Start: Start Level
Controls - Ingame:
Up/down/Right/Left: Move Murphy
Select: Selfdestruct (in case you get stuck, which likely will happen quite a lot)
Known Issues:
- Not all Objects and Moves are implemented, limiting the number of playable levels
- Minor animation glitches
- and many more (but i'm working on it )
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January 19th, 2009, 19:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
While progress is being made in piracy, broadband penetration and the high definition console market, it's unlikely that Russia is "the right market" for Nintendo's current generation of hardware.
Despite ruling virtually every other territory that they have launched in, the Wii and DS have struggled to make an impact on the growing Russian market, according to GFI's head of international licensing and acquisition, Inna Bukatina.
"Firstly people in Russia prefer products that are more universal, that can be used for a number of different purposes," she told GamesIndustry.biz. "For example, a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable can be used for games, or films, and so on.
"But the Wii is only for games, and for very specific kinds of games. The gaming society in Russia is pretty young, and I remember when Nintendo attempted to attract more people from older demographics - they put on their last slide a babushka, an old woman, in a headscarf sitting in the countryside and playing on a DS... but actually it's very hard to see that really happening in Russia.
"I know that in other parts of Europe, older age ranges are playing these games, but in Russia they don't know what to do with it - they never owned a computer, and probably never worked with a device that's more technical than a telephone, for example."
Bukatina did concede that for the older generations the DS might be given as a gift, but also revealed that the platform faced another problem.
"The DS has a following, but there's a lot of piracy there too, and it's of course much more expensive than the GameBoy," she said.
The full interview with Inna Bukatina, in which she also talks about the progress of the Russian market as a whole, is available now.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Australia's governmental ratings board, the OFLC, has classified the unabashedly violent MadWorld with an "MA 15+" rating. Sega informed IGN that the game was not "edited or adjusted" for the land down under. Last week, the title received an "18" rating in Britain, and having now passed both the BBFC and the OFLC, it's expected that the United States' ESRB will hand the title a "Mature" sticker.
It's certainly interesting that Australia let the game pass with an MA 15+, at least based on the footage and images we've seen. For better or worse, perhaps the region is loosening up its policies in lieu of implementing an R18+ rating for games.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
It's Monday again, and you know what that means: A new rogue's gallery is easing its way onto the Virtual Console/WiiWare. Let's take a look.
High Voltage Hot Rod Show (High Voltage Software, Inc., 1-4 players, 1,000 Wii Points): It may not be saying much, but this is as close as we usually get to being excited about a WiiWare game. It's not a great title, but the video we put after the break of this stunted and stunty racer actually looks like fun. If you're gonna pick up one thing this week, we'd recommend this.
Family Glide Hockey (Aksys Games, 1-4 players, 500 Wii Points): On the other hand, we were able to get through about 20 seconds of this video before we told Damien it was all for him and hung ourselves.
Virtual Console:
M.U.S.H.A. (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Seven levels of classic shmuppy madness. Oh, in case you were curious, it stands for Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor. ... It's OK, we needed a second to absorb it too.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii, in a continuing effort to catch up to the online functionality of its fellow home consoles, will be getting its first streaming video service later this month when the Minna No Theater Wii channel hits the Japanese WiiWare market. The service will offer animated programs (such as Transformers and Astro Boy) on a rental basis, in which Wii Points can be spent to purchase a title for a certain amount of time.
Fujisoft, the creator of the service, made an appearance at CES to confirm that they're hoping to bring Minna No Theater to the States within the year, provided that negotiations with Nintendo of America (who are reportedly introducing their own video streaming service, albeit for original content, sometime this year) go smoothly and expediently. While we'd find it difficult to spend Wii Points on things that aren't Clu Clu Land, we're interested to see what they'll have to offer.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
This spring mutant fish are washing up on the Nintendo DS, but Umihara Kawase has nothing to fear. She’s ready to stuff them in her backpack after catching them with her elastic fishing line. Someone is bringing the Umihara Kawase series to the Nintendo DS, but it’s not Marvelous! Genterprise, the parent company of Sting, picked the series up after Marvelous released Umihara Kawase Portable.
The DS game is Umihara Kawase Shun: Second Edition Complete Version and appears to be a remake of the PsOne game Umihara Kawase Shun: Second Edition. New features include stages made for the DS version, the ability to save replay data to show others, and a score bar in the middle of the screen. Yeah! (Not really.) While we’re waiting to see if this has less glitches and get’s a US release we’re still waiting to hear what happened to Yumi’s Odd Odyssey after Natsume announced at E3 last year.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Even if you’re not sold on Shining Force: Feather’s Xenogears meets Makai Kingdom strategy RPG combat system you still need to see this movie. It’s not game footage per se, but it is from the game. This is Shining Force: Feather’s animated intro video. Pre-order Shining Force: Feather in Japan and you get a bonus disc with even more videos.
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January 19th, 2009, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Choose the dinosaur you like among 25 unique species. Make him travel across different maps, eat, drink, and fight against other dinosaurs until you become the strongest. Once you’re strong enough, challenge your friends! Be sure to be well-enough prepared to fight?and beware of chieftains!
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January 19th, 2009, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Feel as close as possible to being a real professional soccer player. Real Soccer 2009 is the definitive soccer title designed specifically for the Nintendo DS and its unique capabilities. The game offers a never-before-seen soccer experience with revolutionary yet accessible Touch Screen controls (e.g. fake opponents by drawing a circle to perform a roulette). It includes 198 teams using real players' names, dynamic AI opponents and 3D graphics that push the DS to the max. Real Soccer 2009 is the true benchmark that this platform deserves for soccer games. Take your best shot on the DS.
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January 20th, 2009, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Dhewg has released a new version of the port of ScummVM for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii
rev 35894:
* fixed a bug in the filesystem backend, tucker is now playable
* startup time for games with many files is way better now. tucker takes ~5s instead of ~15m (and that is not a typo)
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January 20th, 2009, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Dhewg has released a new version of the port of ScummVM for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii
rev 35894:
* fixed a bug in the filesystem backend, tucker is now playable
* startup time for games with many files is way better now. tucker takes ~5s instead of ~15m (and that is not a typo)
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January 20th, 2009, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from GEMISIS
Hey everyone, it's time for an update to Super Smash Bros. Dual Smash:
I have started the process of remaking the entire game from scratch. This demo is a simple demo with 2 characters, and one level. However, this particular demo has a secret mode that can be accessed on a real DS (emulators won't work with the mode, but the game should work with some emulators)
Also, I would like to point out, that I am able to easily add characters and levels thanks to this new code. On another note, the game loads entirely from EFS, so make sure you patch the game.
As for the secret mode, I may make a video on it later on, but it is currently still very buggy, and I am still working on that, and the A.I.
The credits are the same as the previous demos, as I have not added any new levels or characters. The only difference in this version is how it runs, and some other things as well.
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January 20th, 2009, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alekmaul
Here is the new version of my emulator vector for DS games, I have appointed AemioDA. It emulates 5 games and now has a brand new design! You can play Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Tempest, Battle Zone and Lunar Lander ... And it also supports DSPaddle much to the delight of players Tempest (Thursday emulated in this version).
It remains to improve the sound, not terrible for emulation POKEY Atari.
V2.0: 19/01/2009
+ Add games Tempest (4 games)
+ Added emulation component POKEY (sounds Tempest / asteroid deluxe)
# Changing the management of pallets for all games
# Fixed bug in memory management
+ Add games Lunar Lander (2 games)
+ Add to the safeguarding of high scores (except Lunar Lander)
+ Add games Battle Zone (2 games)
# New interface design
+ Added support of Taito DSPaddle
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January 20th, 2009, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

Kornflexx to conduct a new version of its application "DSKiok" which lets you run your homebrews with ease and a nice interface. In other words, correctly configured, it includes all your homebrews and displays the icon that you take care of him and appointed you just have to choose which program to run.
I put the version 1.12 of DsKiosk online patched default for R4 (I hope it will settle at the same time the problems identified autopatch).
I added a feature in high demand: you can now change the background and put his own images! More detail on the site of DsKiosk (with bonus, a small batch of funds for download on a dedicated page).
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January 20th, 2009, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
WiiMPC is a simple MPD client for the Wii.
It utilizes the WiiMote to control your music server with buttons for play/pause/stop, change song, and change volume. The screen shows the current song, song position, and volume.
Install WiiMPC like any other HomeBrew channel app; then create a file in the wiimpc directory called wiimpc.conf, with a single line in it:
Change Log
Bug fix: Using an IP address for the MPD_HOST would not work sometimes.
Darken instead of blank screen while exiting.
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January 20th, 2009, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Wisen offers a homebrew of a particular genre on Nintendo DS, namely a simulator dice roll, which should delight rôlistes or other Wargamers. It administers 7 types of dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100) and allows for up to 99 dice.
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January 20th, 2009, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster
Apparently, it’s already complete, save for a few more passes for polish and bug hunting.
Rockstar’s claims that the team that created it is twice the size that worked on the PSP’s Liberty and Vice City Stories games and that it contains more lines of code than San Andreas are good indicators of the care that’s gone into squeezing GTA on to Nintendo’s twin-screened handheld.
And playing a few missions and seeing a few sights proves that Chinatown Wars has been designed from the ground up for its peculiar capabilities. We’ve already seen its bustling Liberty City, rendered in smooth, clean 3D and unchanged in plan from that of GTAIV, other than a missing Alderney.
We’ve also experienced the driving, with vehicles sporting varying handling and featuring subtle and very useful auto-straightening steering. Now it’s a chance to sample the details that are so important to any GTA.
Central to life on the streets is player character Huang Lee’s PDA, which is displayed on the DS touchscreen. Taking the place of GTAIV’s mobile phone, it shows the minimap, which is identical to GTAIV’s, even down to the way the sat-nav works. It’s also where you access such staples as emails, the main map and now Ammu-nation. The weapons chain is no longer found scattered around the city – it’s now an online store that delivers goods direct to your safehouse.
The safehouse performs the functions that it did previous in GTAs, but will now also display trophies earned through playing the game and features a large whiteboard covered with photos of contacts and magnetic letters. Apart from rearranging the letters to spell rude words via the touchscreen, you’ll also be tapping on contact photos to access a list of the missions they’ve doled out, with the option to replay them and see online leaderboards.
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January 20th, 2009, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's granted the first of its New Play Control series games for the Wii firm release dates, with New Play Control! Pikmin launching on February 6, while New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis will be available from March 6.
Offering revamped versions of GameCube titles, both games make use of the Wiimote to reinvigorate some of Nintendo's recent classics. There's more than just a modernised control scheme in offer as well - New Play Control! Pikmin features a revised save system that replaces the restrictive model of the original, while New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis adds more camera options and a new split-screen mode. Both form the first batch of seven titles receiving the refit treatment, with both Metroid Prime and ChibiRobo also slated to be released under the New Play Control banner.
The details came from Nintendo's UK office, and we've reached out to see if the release dates are applicable in the US and across Europe. We'll report back when we hear anything new.
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January 20th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released over at Consolesource

The Wasabi Team has just introduced the Wasabi Zero, a new solderless Wii mod chip. The Wasabi Zero is literally a snap to install with its custom solderless adapter. Order the Wasabi Zero today for only $54.95 from ConsoleSource.com.
Easy installation - It has never been easier to install a Wii modchip. Connect the solderless adapter to the chip using the connector, plug it on the drive chip, and start playing. Alternatively, solder version is also available for those who wish to do a regular installation (5 or 6 wires depending on drive version, no pin soldering required).
Quality - Wasabi V2 and V3 have been known to most installers as the most solid chips on the market. Wasabi Zero will be no exception and features a thicker PCB, ultra-clean routing and a solid wide pitch connector for the solderless adapter.
Flexibility - As Wasabi Zero is fully compatible with the original Wasabi, they share the same firmware and you’ll get all the usual benefits including proven Drivecode, DVD Updates and Configuration Disc. But that’s not all. Wasabi Zero can be fully reprogrammed using JTAG.
Price - The only complaint we’ve got from users regarding original Wasabi has been its price. We reworked our price structure, you’ll be able to get the ultimate chip for a very reasonable price.
By releasing the original Wasabi without JTAG, we made it clear that users should not require external programmers, and that they can fully update their chip using DVD, and we still stand by this philosophy. Still, JTAG upgradability is something that installers kept asking for, to manage their stock without fear of a new drive revision. It is for them that we included this feature.
The first batch of Wasabi Zero is currently being manufactured. Release date will be announced soon, stay tuned!
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January 20th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Sinman
Horror Vacui is a two player abstract strategy board game based on the antiquated notion that "Nature abhors a vacuum." It's my first original game design and first attempt at game programming.
Each player is assigned an element, Water or Earth. Players takes turns placing cards representing their element until the board (called the Vacuum) is full.
Each card can have one of three temperatures chosen at random: Normal (green border) or one of two extremes, Hot (orange border) or Cold (blue border). When placed on the board a card's temperature is transferred to any adjacent cards.
A normal card has no effect on adjacent cards
Opposite extremes cancel each other out and normalize the temperature of both cards
Identical extremes result in the removal of the adjacent card and normalization of the incoming card
Adjacent normal cards assume the temperature of the incoming card, normalizing the incoming card
If there are no adjacent cards then there is no change to the incoming card's temperature (eg. a Hot card stays hot)
A player may sacrifice an extreme card to normalize an opposing extreme already on the board.
Players may also randomly draw an Ice Age or Inferno Event Card. The player drawing an Event Card loses their turn and the entire board is affected by the extreme temperature change as if they were adjacent to an incoming card of the event's temperature.
The game is over when the board is full. The player with the most Normal cards on the filled board wins. In the event of a tie, the player with the most cards overall wins.
V0.04 2009-01-19
hooked up hardware functions for power and reset
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January 20th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: maximveron
This is a small homebrew i created at first for my own use, but i want to share it for christmas!
Watch the snow falling on the christmas tree while the lights shine.
Press start for music
Press X for reset
Press A for very very faster snow
Special Instructions:
do not push start twice, or two music will be played,please press just once!
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January 20th, 2009, 21:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's GameCube remakes for the Wii will sell at the same price as a normal Wii release, according to retailers.
The first two games in the New Play Control! brand are Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis, and have a recommended retail price of GBP 39.99, although online retailers are already slashing prices. Nintendo claims the titles have a RRP of GBP 29.99.
The titles will have reworked control support for the unique Wiimote, as well as a few other updated features.
Mario Power Tennis was first released in the UK in 2005, while Pikmin was released in 2002.
The new Pikmin will be released on February 6 in the UK, with Mario Power Tennis due for release March 6. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and Pikmin 2 are also set for the New Play Control! brand later this year.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: bfthsoftware
Help Santa's Factory and separate the bombs in this minigame
Use the stylus to drag and drop the bombs to the hole. Press start to restart the game
Special Instructions:
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January 20th, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: mrX5000
The Last Coho is inspired by the artwork of the First Nations in the American Pacific North West. The Coho is a type of salmon common in this area of world. These salmon return every year to the rivers of the Pacific North West and have to struggle up stream to reach the spawning grounds. However, our hero "The Last Coho" was left behind and now must make it up stream before the river freezes for the winter, meanwhile fighting against currents and obstacles and avoiding the many predators along the way.
Guide our little Coho friend using the Touchscreen. Holding the stylus on the screen in front of the Salmon will cause him to swim towards the stylus, the further away from the Salmon you touch, the faster he will swim.
Tapping on the Touchscreen (or pressing up on the +Control Pad) will cause the Salmon to jump. If you are left-handed you can also use the x Button to jump.
See Help in game for more details.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: AntonioND
Christmas is in danger!! Destroy the robotic evil Santa Claus and save it!
MENU: Stylus.
-Stylus: Aim.
The rest can be customized by the player in the menu. Default:
-R: Speed up.
-Pad: Shoot.
-L: Show trajectory of bullets.
-Start: Pause.
Special Instructions:
It needs DLDI patching to save configuration and high scores.
Blow on the microphone in the menu for secret.
Touch the screen during credits for secret.
Clear all levels to unlock a new better (and uglier) ship.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: spinal
This is a small 2 player only snowball fight, with cute little yetis. No real purpose, the score is kept for no real reason as there is no way to actually 'win' the game. But, give it a go, you'll love it.
Left/Right = Walk left/right
Down = pick up snow
A = throw snowball
Special Instructions:
If it doesn't work, just reload it and try again, I hear liblobby is a little buggy.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: scognito3
Piero's Wiicross is a picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.
The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
Normal mode
If you try to colour a cell that can't be coloured, an error penalty is shown. Puzzle is solved when the image is correctly drawn.
Free mode
There is no error reporting when you colour a wrong cell. Puzzle is solved when you hit the check button and the image is correctly drawn, otherwise an error penalty is shown.
Every error make the timer increase of a certain amout of time.
You can use both Wiimote Controller (pointing on screen or NES position) and the Gamecube Controller.
Button A mark a cell
Button B draw a cell
Button Minus check level, free mode only
Special Instructions:
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January 20th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We thought ninjas strike their enemies fast, with quick slash that kills them before they even know what's happening. But in Tenchu 4 it's all about the headlocks and body slams it seems.
Pretty good trailer this. It shows how FromSoftware's Wii-exclusive controls with the Remote and Nunchuk and some of the speedy finishing moves you can use to execute patrolling guards.
Check it out. Game's out Q1 2009.
Trailer at CVG
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January 20th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: spike420
As the turn begins, you will see one visible gift and blank spots where gifts will appear. Remember which gift was initially visible. All the gifts will proceed to shuffle, when they are done shuffling, you choose which gift was the first visible one. Correct answers will increase level which will increase number of shuffles. Incorrect answers will decrease level and decrease number of shuffles.
Video link:
Stylus: Choose a gift
Start key: Switch splash screens on top screen
Select key: Change game modes
Up/Down arrow key: Change game speed
Left/Right arrow key: Change playing music
A key: *It's a secret...*
*Everything else is unused
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January 20th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: Neilos888
The game is in an unfinished state
the load player does not work
the levels are not finished!
there is like one test level only.
You will notice that there are two files the flightx one i believe is the basic game with the proper level on it. fullgame is the one which i have been adding a menu to but has a crappy level for debugging puposes. Both games are in debug mode so all aspects of handling can be changed with various buttons. but the fullgame has a men u with the difficulty levels from pizza boy to santa clause or something like that!
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January 20th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: SaviorXTanren
WarioWare Custom homebrew version of the popular WarioWare game series created by Nintendo. This version is contains 10 mini-games that utilize both the regular buttons, touch screen, and microphone to keep you on your toes. Sorry though, this isn't a Christmas edition of any sorts.
For those of you that have never played a WarioWare game before, this is as detailed a description of the concept as I could come up with. WarioWare games have a very simple concept. You are given a random mini-games in which you must figure out how to complete it in the allotted time (4-5 seconds). Some are very straight forward, while others you'll have to think about. If you pass the game, you move on to the next one. If you fail, you lose a life. Every time a game is done, whether you complete it or not, it is added to your running total of how many games you have made it through. After so many games, you'll reach a speed up, which naturally speeds up the game and leaves you less time to finish it. There are three levels of speed and after you finish the last level, you're speed will go back down to normal, but you will have a difficulty increase. The games will now be slightly harder than on the previous difficulty. Speed with continue to increase until you get to the final level. There are three levels and three speeds for each level. You goal is to simply see how far you can make it before you lose all 4 lives. Simple, no? =)
There are two modes in the game, single player and multi-player.
Single player allows you to play by yourself and see how many games you can beat before you run out of lives. Also, there is a collection mode in which you can play each of the games individually on the first difficulty and speed.
Multi-player mode currently only have one multi-player game, Single DS Multiplayer. This game allow you to play with up to 4 people on one DS, in which you battle against each other to see who can last the longest.
Right now, the game is still very much in development and there are still some sections of only text. I apologize for that much, there was a lot of rush to get this done in time for this competition. However, everything works great. Call this a slightly better, proof-of-concept of what is soon to come with this game.
Use A,B,Y,X buttons, direction pad, and touch stylus to figure how to solve the game. When all else fails, try something random!
Special Instructions:
None, just good luck.
Well, alright, I'll give you a little hint.
If you look at the top screen during a game, there will be a message for you that should give you an idea of what you need to do to complete the mini-game.
Ehh, ok, I'll give you a one more hint. =D
If the mini-game doesn't specify or say anything specifically about using the buttons, you're not going to use the buttons, you'll probably use either the microphone or the touch screen.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: nyarla
Snowride is a score attack style shooter.
Get as many points as you can in one day and one night.
If an enemy touches your deer, you lose a life.
Shooting enemies increases the score multiplier.
If you miss a shot, the multiplier will be reset.
So.. Accuracy = more points!
Touch your reindeer to jump.
Touch anywhere else to shoot.
Special Instructions:
Sustained shooting accuracy yields eskimos with delicious invincibility pudding.
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January 20th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: AerialX
(Installation is simply an extraction to an SD card if you have the Homebrew Browser installed)
Supersonic Wii is a music rhythm game where the player needs to hit buttons in sync with the music being played. Based on the gameplay of Amplitude (and its DS homebrew sibling, AmplituDS), and equipped with all-new Wintery stages, you play one part of the song at a time (focus on one instrument at a time, for example drums) until you've played it enough to continue on and try another. The music for each instrument track only plays if you are successful at playing the pattern.
For a more detailed description and gameplay instructions, view the included Readme.txt or check the online readme at http://supersonicwii.com/about
--- excerpt from the readme ---
The control scheme automatically changes depending on the extension controller you have plugged in. Each controller has variations that can be set in the Options menu. Always
use the first Wiimote to play the game and navigate menus.
In all control schemes, the Home button will return you to the Homebrew Channel, and the Plus (+) button will allow you to quit a stage while part-way through.
You have the option of using the Wiimote (held horizontally like a NES controller), the Wiimote and a Nunchuk, or the Guitar Hero 3 Les Paul controller. For a detailed explanation of the control schemes and button mappings check the readme (online at http://supersonicwii.com/about )
Special Instructions:
For those of you with HDTV and surround sound setups, the audio and video may not be synchronized properly. You have the option (in the main menu, under Options -> Audio) to set an Audio Delay (so this only works if your audio is behind the video). Roughly, one tick in this option is about 20ms. Experiment to find one that works for your setup.
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January 20th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: Dovoto
"This night will be the last for the gramps.
No matter how I'll show to all of them how a true Santa must be !
Black Santa."
You have found this piece of paper in your sandwich two days before Christmas...
And you don't really know why but you want to think about this disgusting paper with more serious than the greatest idiot of Earth.
Take your Flying_Snow_Board and your Cannon to defeat the imposter and save Christmas ! -
Have fun in Nowell, a Shoot them up
"Sandwiches can't always save Christmas !"
coded by Emvivre
graphics and some musics by Vash
special thanks to Necro
Thanks to people on #wiidev channel for their help.
Gabor Bors and Balazs Rajcsanyi - Wasted Time (2nd song) : Intro
Lettrix - Bytec (1990) : Level
Slaughty Pom Pom - Vash : Boss 1
Ultimate Black Santa part 1 - Vash : between Boss 1 and Boss 2
Ultimate Black Santa part 2 - Vash : Boss 2
Steve Rowlands - Creatures ( 16th song ) : End credits
Tutorial - Vash : Tutorial
In main menu :
control the cursor with wiimote
click on button A
In game :
move player with nunchuk
fire with button A
pause with button Home
In pause :
continue with button A
quit with button B
In tutorial :
press any button to return on menu
Special Instructions:
How to play it
just copy and parse folder apps/ on a sd card, and with Homebrew Channel,
run NOWELL homebrew
Have fun
N.B: you must wait a little bit at startup, so don't be affraid,
enjoy the wallpaper during this time.
make clean
make -f Makefile.pc
make -f Makefile.pc clean
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January 20th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: TD-Linux
Magi Gift Wrap is a simple puzzle game (aka Mastermind clone).
Your goal is to make the wise man a beautifully wrapped gift. Unfortunately, only the wise man knows exactly what he wants the gift to look like. He will drop you hints in the form of two numbers: one which gives you the number of parts of the gift you have right, and the number of right colors that are on the wrong parts of the gift.
Press any button to exit the title screen.
Use the touch screen to adjust the sliders and push Wrap! to make a guess.
If you win, tap the screen to continue.
Special Instructions:
It is 100% impossible to crash this game, unless you are judging scoring it.
All the pictures except the background of gameplay are by me. I release them public domain. The background is http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi...-Zafit_(1).JPG which is free for use.
The screenshot is from the fail emulator DeSMuME, so it has some nasty graphical glitches.
The zbuffer issues should be gone. If they are still there, too bad.
I will release source somewhere I suppose.
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January 20th, 2009, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: suppmPeda
You won a wellness holiday is the ice caves of the alps. Sounds great? It was, until the evil snowman zombies took over the whole resort (after all, the glacier is their realm, so why not?).
You were captured in your ice-suite after having a shower, but fortunately they let you have your turbo hair-dryer (as useful for snowmen as a flamethrower for humen). This is your only chance! Use your hair dryer as a weapon and try to overcome the guards and security measures of the snowmen to fight your way out of the ice-labyrinth.
Movement: Arrow keys
Strafing: Shoulder keys
Shooting (hair drying): A
Pause: Start
Toggle Automap: Select
Special Instructions:
Your turbo hair-dryer is so hot it can melt a lot of things...
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January 20th, 2009, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: Headless_dog
Bomberman, with a wintery touch and special features.
Can be played with wiimotes, nunchuks or Gamecube-controllers. Supports up to 8 players.
Wiimote: digipad to move, 2 to drop bombs.
Nunchuk: Analog to move, Z to drop bombs.
Gamecube-controller: Digital pad to move, A to drop bombs.
Special Instructions:
Press +, - and 1 simultaneously to access map editor.
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January 20th, 2009, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: mntorankusu
This is a game about a stick-man, who, like most other stick-people, likes to run from the start of levels to the end of levels.
But, in a daring twist, some weird, mostly-harmless creatures have stolen the christmas music! It's actually only one christmas song, because I ran out of time. But still. Get the music back from them!
On the sideways Wiimote, press 2 to jump, hold 1 to run. Press 1 while walking to do a rolling dash attack. Hold down to duck, press left or right while ducking to crawl. Crawling and Rolling both allow you through small gaps. Press Plus+Minus at any time to exit. This game is also compatible with a Gamecube controller. 2=A, 1=B, Plus=Start, Minus=Z.
Special Instructions:
Jump on enemies or roll into them to kill them. Press up while standing near a Gift Box (this is picky about where you stand, don't stand right on top of it) to open it, and regain 1 bar of health.
Collect all 11 music notes in a level to earn a Golden Note badge for completion. Also, hear a nice tune if you collect them all!
If you have a widescreen TV, open savedata.elg in notepad (or anything) and change "widescreen='0'" to "widescreen='1'" There may be more graphical glitches when running in widescreen mode, but you should have an easier time playing as there's a larger view field.
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January 20th, 2009, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry in the Winter 2008 Drunken Coders Coding Comp

Submitted by: mntorankusu
This is a game about a stick-man, who, like most other stick-people, likes to run from the start of levels to the end of levels.
But, in a daring twist, some weird, mostly-harmless creatures have stolen the christmas music! It's actually only one christmas song, because I ran out of time. But still. Get the music back from them!
On the sideways Wiimote, press 2 to jump, hold 1 to run. Press 1 while walking to do a rolling dash attack. Hold down to duck, press left or right while ducking to crawl. Crawling and Rolling both allow you through small gaps. Press Plus+Minus at any time to exit. This game is also compatible with a Gamecube controller. 2=A, 1=B, Plus=Start, Minus=Z.
Special Instructions:
Jump on enemies or roll into them to kill them. Press up while standing near a Gift Box (this is picky about where you stand, don't stand right on top of it) to open it, and regain 1 bar of health.
Collect all 11 music notes in a level to earn a Golden Note badge for completion. Also, hear a nice tune if you collect them all!
If you have a widescreen TV, open savedata.elg in notepad (or anything) and change "widescreen='0'" to "widescreen='1'" There may be more graphical glitches when running in widescreen mode, but you should have an easier time playing as there's a larger view field.
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January 20th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

Drink just present his homebrew "Brix DS", defying the laws of physics you must remove all the gray bricks without exploding dynamites in 33 levels.
The goal of the game is very simple: remove all the bricks gray level without breaking down the individual (s) dynamite (s) to the ground. You meet different types of bricks throughout the levels (I leave you surprised to discover no spoil Wink). To the worse, there is no way to remove the gray bricks to the chain: a reload should be made between two deletions. The difficulty is of course crescendo. You will pass the first level in a wink '? It, but it will not be the case for the last! Good luck to overcome the 33 levels that make up this first version of Brix DS
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January 20th, 2009, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release by sypherce
UPDATE: DS2Key 1.01 released! Binaries available here
Version 1.01 (Revision 44) January 20, 2009
Fixed bug with arrow keys sending numpad keys (2, 4, 6, 8).
Fixed GH Pad repeat bug reported blahblahblaster from gbadev.org.
Fixed CPU usage with server console versions.
Fixed repeated sending of "/p?".
Fixed a bug with the mouse cursor sending negative values, causing wrapping in the linux version.
Recently cualquiercosa327 contacted me with an interest in adding adapters, such as the Guitar Hero Grip, to my DS2Key application. I spoke to him saying I had lost all the server source code, which would make it impossible without recoding everything again to add these features. Long story short with some help from cualquiercosa327 I have almost completed the server and client working with all old features of DS2Key, and I've added the Guitar Hero Grip feature. I'm not going to release binaries until I feel that it is polished enough for the normal user. Although I am asking if you are able to compile it from the SVN to please give input on what features you would like to see. If anyone would like to help with this project simply get the source from the SVN and either post your changes or send them to me directly. Any help including bug reports would be greatly appreciated.
Current Status
The server (PC side) is either a GUI or console window (only console in Linux for now). It runs off of configuration files it generates when it first needs to use them. You are able to edit them by hand if you're using the console version. At this point it's undocumented, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the codes if you're able to compile it, just read through the source code a bit.
The client (DS side) has a simple GUI at this point. tapping the top left where you see a badly drawn rotating gear you can edit the settings, which are also saved. To edit the settings just tap "[Edit]" next to the setting and it'll bring up a keyboard, pressing enter when you're done editing will take you back. You'll have to change the IP for sure the first time, the default is which is invalid for everyone. Then press "[Done]" to go back to using DS2Key. at the bottom right corner is a cursor image, tapping that will lock the screen back lights on, and you'll be able to use the mouse or mouse buttons, tapping it again will deactivate this mode.
Action Buttons (Normal button input, a, b, left, right, etc)
Exact Mouse movement (Touching the middle of the touch screen sets the cursor on the middle of the PC screen, etc)
Mouse Touch Screen buttons (The screen is divided into having 12 buttons working similar to the normal buttons)
(New)Guitar Hero Grip buttons (All four buttons act the same as the normal buttons, but have their own settings)
(New)Mouse Clicks (Left, right, and middle buttons)
(New)Linux Support (All functions work as they do in Windows now)
(New)Windows GUI Support (Very friendly GUI :3 )
Relative Mouse movement (Similar to a laptop's mouse pad)
Profile Toggle Function (Press or hold a key to switch to another profile)
Known Bugs:
(Squashed)Mouse input doesn't cover entire screen -- deadzone borders need to be made for the touch screen.
(Squashed)GUI log is disabled -- log caused lags, disabling command logs should fix this
(Squashed)Setting mouse button clicks in the GUI doesn't work -- mouse clicks actually work, just setting them up in the GUI doesn't
(Squashed)After changing the IP on the DS, the server ends up sending /p? repeatedly -- restarting the DS makes everything work fine
(Squashed)Arrow key settings actually send numpad arrow keys, or numbers, depending on numlocks status
Setting GUI log to "All Messages" causes lag. This log mode is mostly for testing your connection, just switch the setting to something else and it will run lag free
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January 21st, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The DS Lite 18 In 1 Pro Starter Kit includes: Car Power Adapter, Earphones, 2 Replacement Stylus, 2 Finger Tip Stylus, dock it to charge your DS Lite, Cleaning Pad, 2 Safe Screen, 4 DS Lite Game Cases, 4 GBA Game Cases, Adjustable Neck Strap, earphone splitter, carabineer, and Soft Case for your DS Lite!
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January 21st, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has explained to Eurogamer that Wii remakes of GameCube games will not be full price as retailers suggested yesterday.
"Nintendo do not set prices," said a spokesperson for the company. "It is up to retailers at what price they sell any item for."
"However, our trade price for these games will be below our usual trade price for Wii games and our present estimate of the likely retail price is in the region of GBP 29.99."
The New Control Play! brand takes top performers from the GameCube catalogue and converts them to Wii, adding motion sensing controls and various other improvements.
Pikmin is the first to be given the treatment and will arrive on shelves from 6th February. Mario Power Tennis will follow on 6th March, and Nintendo already has Pikmin 2 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in the pipeline.
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January 21st, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Secure your stylus with style. Style and Strap allows you to secure your stylus for your DS Lite. You will never lose again your stylus! Style and Strap are available in the 4 season’s series! Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter!
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January 21st, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Novel design high quality and high elastic Ultra Slim Guard Skin with separate top and bottom guard skins to protect your NDSi console while all connections with earphones, AC adapter and cables are kept. You can easily access all buttons, jacks, ports and slots.
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January 21st, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster

Sometimes inspiration hits when you're shooting zombies -- and often times, that inspiration is in the form of new, better ways to shoot zombies. Since this sort of thing (shooting zombies) is one of our passions here, we were pretty psyched when we ran across this video. Summoning all of his worldly resouces -- including GlovePIE, PPJoy, and about a gazillion lines of code -- this guy is able to rock Left 4 Dead PC in split-screen mode with two Wiimotes. He's even added shake controls for reloading and spinning 180 degrees. The only catch? As it stands, the only way to power the sensor bar is by turning on the Wii -- a condition that should be remedied shortly. Hit the read link for instructions and code, and be sure to check out the video after the break.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Join the SOS brigade and dance to your heart's desire. Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu the anime has made two entities famous, Haruhi's seiyuu Hirano Aya and the girls' dance Hare Hare Yukai. After the airing of the TV series, numerous people have learned to dance the steps to the song and demonstrated their talents in both small and large events.
To those who has trouble following the quick steps from the TV screen but is dying to learn and join the fun, this is the game for you. Follow the cues on the screen and wave your Wii-remote control accordingly. If you manage to catch the cues properly, Haruhi, in full Hirano Aya glory, will pay you compliments, and if you did badly, she will scold you.
There is a story mode and a free mode. Haruhi has read a flier on a dance competition in the story mode and is making her club go along with her. The more stages you clear in this story mode, the more costumes you can unlock, and the better you do, the rarer the items you can get. Ask two more friends to join you in the free mode and play the roles of the SOS brigade girls, see who is the best dancer amongst you.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The beautiful RPG takes place not too far in the future in a destructed world Frageal, inhabited by a very limited amount of people and vast amounts of spirits.
Without its inhabitants, the world is slowly decaying, falling under the overgrown vegetation. As one of the fortunate (or unfortunate) survivors, you have to find other humans that hide themselves in the ruins and battle the spirits that are inhabiting the Earth.
The planet may seem dead, but upon closer inspection, you can find the signs of life lurking between cracks in the wall and blades of overgrown grass.
Move with Nunchaku and shine your flashlight around an area with your Wii remote. The remote also acts as a sound detector, be sure to move your cursor through every corner and crevice of the place to search for clues and items that are strewn around.
Never has a run down place been so intriguing. Appreciate the beauty of life after everything perishes.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix is giving Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time a big push over in Japan with a commercial campaign featuring a couple of big names. The company unveiled the game's commercials today, revealing an image song by singer Aiko and a couple of enthusiastic performances by actress Airi Taira.
You can see long versions of the commercials at the official Echoes of Time website. Select the "Trailer & Music" header. We've also included a few still shots from the commercials in the media section below.
For those who simply must know, the image song, by Aiko, is titled "Nageki no Kiss," which roughly translates to Distressed Kiss. Aiko is, of course, no stranger to Crystal Chronicles, having previously lent her talents to the commercial campaign for Ring of Fates.
Echoes of Time hits the Wii and DS in Japan on the 29th. The Wii version will include footage of the long lost Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix is giving Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time a big push over in Japan with a commercial campaign featuring a couple of big names. The company unveiled the game's commercials today, revealing an image song by singer Aiko and a couple of enthusiastic performances by actress Airi Taira.
You can see long versions of the commercials at the official Echoes of Time website. Select the "Trailer & Music" header. We've also included a few still shots from the commercials in the media section below.
For those who simply must know, the image song, by Aiko, is titled "Nageki no Kiss," which roughly translates to Distressed Kiss. Aiko is, of course, no stranger to Crystal Chronicles, having previously lent her talents to the commercial campaign for Ring of Fates.
Echoes of Time hits the Wii and DS in Japan on the 29th. The Wii version will include footage of the long lost Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
In a conversation with MCV, Electronic Arts UK marketing director, Stuart Lang, said that the company is especially excited about the late 2009 release of EA Sports Tennis for Wii.
EA announced the title at GC 2008 in Germany and at the time revealed that it would take Wii Tennis to the next level with full Wii MotionPlus support for more realistic and accurate play controls. "There's huge potential there," said Lang.
"Our new tennis franchise, coming first to the Wii, will put fans right in the action and provide the entertinment, tension and drama that true champions feel in legendary matches," added EA Sports president Peter Moore.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Meat Boy is a free Flash game released on Newgrounds last October. Sort of a bloodier N+, players control the titular hero through platforming challenges in order to meet up with his lady friend. Has he jumps around he leaves messy puddles of blood on the floor and walls. The game is labeled "mature" and includes "mild nudity, mild violence, and adult themes." Now those are three things you don't find on WiiWare very often.
It will be interesting to see how this, the original Meat Boy Flash game, translates to WiiWare.That is apparently going to change, though, as an official website for Super Meat Boy (a sequel perhaps?) has popped up that is emblazoned with the WiiWare logo. Based on actual events, the downloadable game is scheduled for release late this year. The original Meat Boy allowed players to create their own levels, a feature we'd love to see in the WiiWare release.
The Flash game is good fun, so take it for a spin and see why we're keeping an eye on this one.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Over in Japan Square Enix will soon release a remake of Taito's original Bubble Bobble on WiiWare with updated graphics and four-player support. Here in North America Majesco has been publishing most of the Bobble games (including Bust-A-Move), but the publisher tells us it currently has no plans to bring us this remake.
Square Enix has been publishing several Taito games here in the U.S., including Space Invaders Extreme and Arkanoid DS. It is possible it might also want to bring the Puzzle Bobble remake stateside. When contacted by IGN, Square Enix declined to comment.
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January 21st, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Husband and wife team investigated for selling counterfeit games consoles and games on eBay
Wednesday 21st January/... A raid to investigate an illegal counterfeiting operation on eBay, the online auction site, lead to a husband and wife team in Kent and the seizure of 40 counterfeit Nintendo DS™ consoles – the first instance of its kind in the UK. The raid on Tuesday January 21 2009 by investigators from Bromley Trading Standards Department and the local police resulted in the seizure of 40 counterfeit Nintendo DS™ consoles packaged with potentially dangerous power units as well as game copying devices. In addition, 150 counterfeit games for the DS and Game Boy Advance systems as well as two laptops and a PC tower were seized at the home of the couple.
Invoices revealed that the couple had traded online over a two-year period using different identities. The early stages of financial investigation suggest a profit of more than £50,000 may have been made by the couple in December 2008 alone.
Further to a test purchase made on eBay this year, illegally copied Nintendo DS™ games were purchased for £40. This is the first instance of counterfeit games consoles being found for sale within the UK.
Michael Rawlinson, managing director of ELSPA, said: “The replication of video games software and hardware is illegal and has a negative impact on both local and national businesses. ELSPA would like to thank the thorough and professional investigation by Bromley Trading Standards department and local Police whose work with our investigators has stopped the illegal activities of yet another internet pirate."
Colin Bloom, Bromley’s Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Community Safety added:"This authority will tackle any traders operating in the informal economy in order to protect honest local businesses as well as consumers.”
A POCA (Proceeds Of Crime Act) investigation has already begun to estimate the criminal gain From The offender’s illegal activities.
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January 21st, 2009, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pinecone
MyLittleBall is the exciting new 'video game' that all the family can enjoy! Using latest technologies, MyLittleBall brings life to any party. Get ready for countless good times in your Living Room!
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January 21st, 2009, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alanceil
Missing a spirit level at home, I decided to use the Wiimote as a replacement. Over time, this tool evolved to something more like a protractor.
Please put any comments or suggestions on the Talk Page, I'd appreciate the feedback.
Note: If you use C++ and want to use GRRlib for drawing, you might want to have a look at the 'Draw' class (Draw.cpp & Draw.h). This thing kept me sane :-)
Chg: Slightly adjusted maximum value to reduce flickering near 90 degrees.
Chg: GRRlib is now responsible for all drawing needs. (Which means: more eye-candy)
Add: Raw acceleration values in the debug info text
Add: Freeze function on pressing Plus to freeze current values - this is interesting if you cannot see your screen.
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January 21st, 2009, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nuvalo has released a new atari 2600 emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
/ Stella atari 2600 emulator for Wii
This project is based on the atari 2600 opensource emulator called stella. You can
find the original sources on its sourceforge page:
This version uses the same sources than the original. It uses wii-linux to run on a
wii, cwiid for wiimote interface, and the SDL libraries for this system.
What you need:
- A console ready to run homebrew
- Wiimote
- SDCard
- Copy the "app" and "stella" directories (and its contents) to the root of yout SDCard.
- Put your roms inside the "stella" directory, in the root of your sdcard
- Put the SDCard on the front slot sdcard adapter of your wii
- Launch the Homebrew channel, and load the Stella´s .dol file
When the program starts, it tells you to press the "1" and "2" buttons of your wiimote. Wait until the emulator
starts, an then press 1 and 2 at the same time, until the wiimote's leds starts to blink (you can press them at any moment).
Here is the button relation between the wiimote and the keyboard:
[A]: Enter (select an option or the rom)
[Home]: Escape (to return to "roms select" menu)
[B]: Tabulator (to navigate through the menu buttons)
[-]: F1 (Reset) (in a game)
[+]: F2 (Select) (in a game)
First player: Wiimote
[1]: Pad button
[Digital pad]: Arrows
Second player: Nunchuck
[C]: Pad button
[Analog pad]: Arrows
Thanks to
- The gc-linux team for their effort in porting linux to the wii console
- The stella team, for their great emulator
- The CWiid develeoppers, for their great applications to interface the wiimote
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January 21st, 2009, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the Winter 2008 Drunkencoders coding comp

Submitted by: PaceMaker
Ever wonder how long until Christmas? This festive Wii application will tell you in multiple units, including days, weeks, and nanoseconds.
Press (A) or (B) to change the units.
Press (Home) to return to the loader.
Special Instructions:
The included .zip file is packaged to be compatible with the Wii HomeBrew Channel. Just unzip it into your SD card's apps folder.
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January 22nd, 2009, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Protector ds un homebrew developed by Boivie Production.
The goal of the game is to protect a big white ball in the center of the screen. Many black ball point and will try to destroy the dark above. It has some resistance, but too many attacks will inevitably lead to its destruction. A warning will notify you of the imminence of the explosion.
To defend the big ball, you have a white ball that you will lead the stylus. Unfortunately for you, the ball does not finger in the eye and it will only be attracted by your stylus. We must therefore anticipate its movements.
The easiest way is to try the game to understand the reactions of the ball. A highscore system is implemented, the best score is saved on your linker.
Official website: http://www.boive.fr
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January 22nd, 2009, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster

The Neuros LINK set-top was already plenty interesting when it was just a $300 riff on a storageless HTPC capable of full-screen Hulu and YouTube playback, but now that the company's gone and added experimental Wiimote support, we might just be smitten. It'll take some work to hook Ninty's stick to your LINK, but once you do content is just an arm-flail away
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January 22nd, 2009, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Electronic Arts has unveiled three new Spore titles currently in development.
First up is Spore Creature Keeper, a "standalone PC game" for younger players. You get to nurture, train and play with creatures you've created. There are toys, clothes and gizmos to pamper them with, and you can meet up with other players and their creatures online. A release date has yet to be announced.
The series is also set to make its Wii debut with Spore Hero. It's billed as "an all-new adventure game" which has been "built from the ground up" for Nintendo's console. Nothing else is being revealed at this stage, however.
Then there's working on Spore Hero Arena for DS. You'll get to create fully 3D Spore creatures and battle other weird looking things throughout the galaxy. Both Spore Hero and Spore Hero Arena are down for release this "fall".
And in case you'd forgotten, Spore Galactic Adventures, the PC expansion pack we already knew about is out this spring.
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January 22nd, 2009, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s New Play Control series is about to roll out in Europe in a few weeks. In March it’s trickling over here with Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis as the first two titles. Back in Japan Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the introductory game for the series. Are we going to get Donkey Kong too?
Probably. Well, Europe definitely is. Nintendo of Europe announced the Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Wii-make and Pikmin 2 are in the cards for 2009 along with “many games which will be making their way to the New Play Control series.” Games which haven’t been announced in Europe yet include Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, and Chibi-Robo. Three games hardly qualify as “many”, but Nintendo has plenty of other Gamecube games like Doshin the Giant and Mario Golf which could be converted to New Play Control titles too.
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January 22nd, 2009, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Blend Konami’s Silent Scope with a visual novel, put it on the Nintendo DS and you get something like Last Bullet. In the game you control Karin, an aspiring sniper and a student.
In the sniper segments players carefully position a scope with the touch screen and press the shoulder buttons to fire. Karin has a set number of targets to hit each round and a limited amount of time to shoot them. When you’re trying to aim Karin can enter concentration mode for a short time to zoom in, but during this mode she is affected by bad weather conditions that shake the scope and even… breathing? While it would be “realistic” to have Last Bullet pick up faint noises from the microphone I imagine it will be annoying when playing the game in public. I suppose you need to have a steady hand to play the sniping part so that probably rules out train sessions.
Can’t wait to find out for sure when the Last Bullet comes out on April 23 in Japan.
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January 22nd, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from The lemon man
loadMii is a small but powerful loader which can run executables from any source (wifi is in todo list) and run it. This is meant mainly for people who needs to run homebrew on a Wii but without any trace. It can be loaded via HBC or the Twilight Hack.
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January 22nd, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
Gorgull has made a new version of its audio editing program for the DS, "Protein DS. In concept similar to Electroplankton, Protein DS you can handle a maximum of 4 modules at once and samples recorded live.
* [09/01/22] It's been a while! Here comes the first 2009 'Protein [DS] version, on the occasion of my B-Day - again! I spent most of my time to Protein-master NDS-filesystem weirdness and audio and create a simple GUI system. As a consequence, this version is a lot more stable. Then, what's new:
+ [DScratch] graphical parameter panel - no more hellish xml editing / testing!
+ Global options panel graphical parameter
+ State-save added
+ Recording-save added
+ Little [DSamples] update
+ Better stability
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January 22nd, 2009, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Mega Man Star Force 3 (MMSF3) for Nintendo DS will be coming to North America in early summer 2009. MMSF3 will come in two different versions, Black Ace and Red Joker, allowing two friends to share unique items and powers utilizing the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, enhancing their individual characters.
As in the previous games, MMSF3 is a unique blend of action and role-playing game (RPG), combining the high intensity combat that is the hallmark of Mega Man games with Star Force's strategic battle system. By defeating enemies and boss characters, players earn "battle cards" that enhance and evolve Mega Man's abilities and attacks.
New to MMSF3 are "Noise Changes," random enhancements that change Mega Man's form and unlock new abilities. The two versions of the game, Black Ace and Red Joker, each have over 100 unique Noise Types that can be combined with Mega Man to unlock elemental powers based on earth, air, water and fire. The new Noise feature will add an exciting randomness to battles, encouraging players to explore, collect and battle across the digital world of MMSF3.
In MMSF3, players will travel between the physical world and the digital world via electromagnetic waves that form "wave roads." Geo Stelar, the protagonist of the game, can see these wave roads through usage of his unique "visualiser" tool. Once in the digital world, Geo can merge with the electronic life-form known as Omega-Xis to become Mega Man. The wave roads are being overrun by mysterious "noise" that change the player's environment and powers in different ways. This noise is being generated by an approaching gigantic meteor that threatens both the physical and digital worlds of MMSF3, forcing Geo Stellar and his crew to fight the oncoming threat to save two worlds. Fortunately, Mega Man discovers that he can control the Noise, using the new "Noise Change" system to transform into many different forms, including the ultimate "Black Ace" or "Red Joker" forms.
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January 22nd, 2009, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from ryouarashi

Update WIP:
- Game mechanics for Ports and "Eat-Tile-Next-To-Murphy" added (no gfx/animations though)
- Levels 5, 7, 8, 10, 13 playable (I'll leave the testing to you lot ;-)
I've replaced the NDS-File on my webspace, so the download link is the same (see below).
Tested on:
- Emulators: no$gba 2.6
- Flashcards: M3 Real [M3 Sakura Triple Boot V1.12 and M3 Real Firmware V4.0]
The Game:
Your task will be to guide Murphy (the red smiley) through up to 111 Levels,
evading falling stones ("Zonks"), crazy scissors and more dangers, gather
a set number of infotrons each stage and finally find the Exit block.
Note: This game is HARD (well not for the few levels that work so far)
Controls - Menu:
Up/down: Select Level
A/Start: Start Level
Controls - Ingame:
Up/Down/Right/Left: Move Murphy
A + Up/Down/Right/Left: Eat Board/Infotron next to Murphy without moving
Select: Selfdestruct (in case you get stuck, which likely will happen quite a lot)
Known Issues:
- Not all Objects and Moves are implemented, limiting the number of playable levels
- Minor animation glitches
- and many more (but i'm working on it )
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January 23rd, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has added Mario Golf and Wonder Boy in Monster Land to the Virtual Console.
The former was originally for the N64, which was the one before the GameCube, which was the one before the Wii. They used plastic boxes not plastic discs back then, but golf was still golf. And that's what Mario does here with his wacky friends on wacky courses.
Mario Golf costs 1000 Wii Points (approx GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00).
Wonder Boy in Monster Land comes from the SEGA Master System, the rekindled games of which cost 500 Wii Points (approx GBP 3.50 / EUR 5).
Monster Land is more of an RPG adventure than straight platformer, and fiendishly difficult because of no continue or password system. In summary: boy in pants saves the day.
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January 24th, 2009, 00:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are four new screenshots for House of the Dead: Overkill - Sega's other game that you probably won't want to show your gran.
The blood-covered, deformed zombies in these screens aren't the half of it. There are some pretty gruesome surprises waiting for you later in the game, we can tell you.
We'd be spoiling it if we said what, but the ratings might be interesting. Anyway, new screens...here.
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January 24th, 2009, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
We're calling it: Animal Crossing: Wild World is a hit with the Japanese. A pretty bold claim, we know, but with five million copies under its belt in Japan alone, we're feeling pretty confident.
Japanese sales tracker Media Create revealed that the Nintendo DS game is the second title for the platform to move past five million. The other is, probably unsurprisingly, New Super Mario Bros. which actually made it past the five million mark much faster. It took Animal Crossing for the DS a little over three years to do it.
In terms of revenue, if every copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World was sold at the suggested retail price of 4,800 yen, the company would have sold 24 billion yen worth of the game. That equals a lot.
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January 24th, 2009, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A completely remastered and expanded version of the original PC version that won over 15 industry awards
Pick-up-and-play action hunting: lock, load and take down some bucks!
1-4 Players (2 Player - Simultaneously play and 4 Player Party play)
Players can use the Wii Remote™ or the Wii Zapper™ for added realism
Defend yourself from wolves, mountain lions, charging moose and bison, rampaging grizzles and more!
Varying difficulty levels provide challenges for all groups of players
Aside from its fast paced shooting action and easy to play, hard to master style of gameplay, Deer Drive also features over 33 stages and over a dozen animals, not to mention it is the first hunting game on Wii to feature simultaneous multiplayer hunting action. So grab a buddy and see who can rack up the largest number of trophy-winning bucks. Have more people in your party? Well that's no problem because with Deer Drive up to 4 players can compete against one another in the fast-paced Party mode.
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January 24th, 2009, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The innovative 100-Cell method makes learning a game and form the heart of Personal Trainer: Math. The "hundred-cell method," pioneered by real-world professor Hideo Kageyama, presents students with a 10x10 grid. Students select the chosen function (addition, subtraction, or multiplication) and fill the spaces between numbers across the top and left side. Your work will be timed, but these fast-paced arithmetic problems will keep basic math skills fresh. It's like digital flash cards in a single grid!
Daily math drills and an attendance record help keep you on track
Earn medals as your calculation speed improves
Forty different exercises of varying difficulty provide options galore and help you select the most appropriate equation types
Players can challenge up to 15 others by using DS Download Play on a single Game Card
Do you ever struggle with calculating a dinner bill or confirming exact change at the cash register? What about helping children with their homework? Help is here! Personal Trainer: Math for Nintendo DS is a fun and rewarding way to keep those math skills sharp.
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January 24th, 2009, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
While digging through Japan’s trademark database last week we discovered Nintendo registered a trademark for a DS card that could detect direction. The unique card is real and now we know what it’s being used for. Sorry to disappoint anyone, it’s not for a new Zelda game with a realistic compass feature.
AstroArts is using the technology for Hoshizora Navi literally translated as “Starry Sky Navigator”. This Nintendo DS title is not a game, it’s software that helps users appreciate the night sky. Hoshizora Navi has star charts covering 9,300 stars, planets, suns, and moons from 1900 to 2099. While you can use the software to analyze past and future of deep space AstroArts seemed to design it with the present in mind. Hoshizora Navi uses the DS direction sensing card to figure out you current orientation and it adjusts the on screen star chart accordingly. So, when you move the screen changes to fit your view. A very neat concept that reminds me of the PSP star gazing software Homestar, which was made by Sega for Japan only.
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January 24th, 2009, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
I've released version 6 today.
It has two user-visible features:
- A virtual keyboard that can be used to do the key bindings and type stuff
- When loading files from d64 disks, zero-sized files are skipped. This allows some more games to load with LOAD "*",8,1. You would have got "File not found error" for these cases before.
There are also some small bug fixes and quite a bit of internal restructuring, but you have to look at the sources to see that :-)
Download and Give Feedback and Compatability reports at the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=178591
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January 24th, 2009, 16:16 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new version of his Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows:
Here's changelog :
Add Auto Load SaveState on Reset option.
Fixed bug in POLYGON_ATTR with bit 13 at 1.
Fixed bug in blx opcode (arm9).
Fixed bugs in ldrd opcode (arm9).
Fixed bug in Palette Viewer.
Fixed bugs in Load Default ARM7 Binary, Load Bioses from Files, Load Firmware from File.
Fixed bugs in R4 and AceKard PlugIn.
Fixed bug in save type selection.
Fixed bug in path creation.
Fixed bug in VRAMCNT_* registers.
Fixed bug in DMAxCNT_H registers.
Fixed bug in 3D coordinates size.
Fixed bug in activation audio's plugins
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January 24th, 2009, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

With a little motivation, The team was able to stabilize the code for this release. Things to look forward to are fixed scanning in Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 3 is still having scanning issues but its getting better. Also, I have noticed in many games the graphics are looking much better. Also, ector was able to fix the crashing issues from the last few public builds. Its been fixed. This build should be a lot more stable. More notes on config changes and added visual options for wiimote. So go grad r1943 and get testing and let us know in the forums. On a side note. Nakee hasn't been around today so I posted the win32 build. I can not make a win64 or linux builds. When they are done and ready they will be posted under the downloads.
UPDATE 20/01/2008 By Daco: i added the 64bit build 
Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php
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January 24th, 2009, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

With a little motivation, The team was able to stabilize the code for this release. Things to look forward to are fixed scanning in Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 3 is still having scanning issues but its getting better. Also, I have noticed in many games the graphics are looking much better. Also, ector was able to fix the crashing issues from the last few public builds. Its been fixed. This build should be a lot more stable. More notes on config changes and added visual options for wiimote. So go grad r1943 and get testing and let us know in the forums. On a side note. Nakee hasn't been around today so I posted the win32 build. I can not make a win64 or linux builds. When they are done and ready they will be posted under the downloads.
UPDATE 20/01/2008 By Daco: i added the 64bit build 
Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php
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January 24th, 2009, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii Team have released a new version of the HomeBrew Browser for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
24 January 2009 (v0.2.5b)
Keep retrying networking initialisation
Now shows the progress when extracting the zip files (thanks Tantric)
Detects the ftpii directory when using a password like ftpii_mypass
Keep meta.xml name when updating if it has been edited
Added more error checking when updating HBB, if updating fails it reverts back to the previous version
Media category becoming unavailable should now be fixed
Fixed controller screen to display accurate Dpad information
A few small things have been added to the HBB as shown above. The media category bug has finally been fixed as far as I can tell which is good news  . The extracting screen now has a progress bar thanks to Tantric and the network initialisation has been changed to keep retrying if it fails.
If you haven’t noticed some new pages on the blog I’ll point them out. The first one is HBB Development which gives you up to date information about the HBB development, features planned, bugs found, etc. You can also sign up, comment and submit bug reports. The second page is the HBB Guide which explains how things work.
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January 24th, 2009, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Spanish publication Nintendo Accion recently teased that SEGA may be prepping a new Mario & Sonic at the Olympics sequel set to revolve around the winter games. It is apparently going to reveal much more about the project in next month's issue. Naturally, scans of the magazine set off a flurry of speculation about whether or not the rumor is true as soon as they hit the Web, and SEGA's official statement is only that it does not comment on rumors.
IGN's done a little digging, though, and has independently confirmed that the game is in development and set to be announced in the next month -- which, by the way, really isn't hard to believe given the astronomical sales figures for the first title in the franchise.
Look out for more coverage on the sequel when it's officially unveiled. Until, let the speculation wars rage on about which winter games will and won't make the cut, and just as importantly, whether the title will support Wii MotionPlus, as we all hope it will.
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January 24th, 2009, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Armin Tamzarian released FreeTypeGX v0.2.3 :
FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a selectable pre-buffered or buffer-on-demand methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
Note: As of version 0.2.1 FreeTypeGX has forked into two disparate projects and now relies upon the Metaphrasis library.
This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.
Full Doxygen API documentation is included within the download archive for assistance with program integration.
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January 24th, 2009, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
CashMan has released Wii Quizz 1.7 ! :
Wii Quizz is a quiz/puzzle homebrew application. You can play lots of quiz modes (other modes will be added in the future).
Adding a screen at start the game to select the desired language.
Added Italian support.
Added Dutch support.
Added Portuguese support.
Added Danish support.
Added German support.
Added questions in English.
Added questions in Dutch (thanks Jef1991).
Using DOLLZ 3.0 to minimize the size of the dol.
The meta.xml file is now in English.
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January 24th, 2009, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat has released SpaceBubble 0.3
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get.
The first official version of SpaceBubble is released. Please download a copy and try it out! Feedback is welcome.
23/01/2009 Version 0.20
- Added 16 background music tracks.
- Added several sound effects.
- Each level has it on score matrix and time parameter.
- First official release for the Wii HomeBrew scene.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
A new version of SpaceBubble is released with the following changes:
24/01/2009 Version 0.30
- Added scrollbar to highscore and release notes screens.
- The fifty highest local scores are showed.
- The thirty highest global highscores are showed.
- Improve button layout.
- Improve third intro screen.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 24th, 2009, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
Dwedit has popped up with a new version of his TI83 Emulator for GBA, heres the release notes:
Here is a Multiboot version of the TI83 emulator.
If you trim the TI83 rom, the file size of the rom is about 215900 bytes large.
You can also attach a .83G file up to about 14000 bytes large, and use L+R to send it.
If the GBAMP firmware refuses to boot the file, use the PocketNES firmware instead.
Edit: Using Pocketnes firmware to run the emulator may be buggy. It crashed when I tried sending a game to the emulator. Using GBAMP's firmware didn't boot the emulator at all for me.
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January 24th, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
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January 24th, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
c_boy offers us a new version of his remake of the famous game Apple] [ "Lode Runner". Explore this new release of "Lode Runner Origin" which contains 150 tables of origin.

V1.2 version of 23/01/2009
The 150-tables promised
-Reduction of aggressive enemies in some tables
Generator debut
Menu-Option for adjusting sound volume
and activation of L and R buttons to change table
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January 24th, 2009, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Like several DS games before it, “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” will have Wi-Fi support. Rockstar Games isn’t ready to detail that support yet. Company representatives at a hands-on demo I was provided this week aren’t saying, for example, how the game’s multiplayer modes will work and whether they involve short-range wireless play or over-the-Internet play or what.
But what Rockstar reps did make clear is that ‘GTA: Chinatown Wars” is designed to be a game worth trading Nintendo Friend Codes for, maybe for competing against each other, maybe for swapping scores in the games’ gold-silver-bronze-ranked missions… something.
Amidst all of that, the Rockstar folks did tell me about one tantalizing feature that I’ve since decided more games would benefit from: the ability to send gamers mapped waypoints over Wi-Fi. The implications are grand and could revolutionize the way gamers seek and get help for games they’re stuck in.
Here’s how the feature might work: the lower DS screen in “Chinatown Wars” displays a mini-map. Tapping on it causes the entire lower screen to render a draggable, zooomed-in road map of the game’s Liberty City. Tapping on any location on that map wil mark a waypoint. On the map, the game will draw the shortest legal path to that destination. That’s as much as I saw. What I didn’t see is how this feature would be brought online, though it was explained to me: simply, a gamer can connect with a friend over Wi-Fi and then send that waypoint data to a friend’s DS.
Imagine being stuck in any game and not knowing where to go next or not knowing where some great hidden item is. Typically, your options to extricate yourself from the jam would involve: logging onto GameFAQs, stumbling through an IM conversation with a friend to figure out what you missed, or having another friend take the controller in her hands and get you to the spot herself.
“Chinatown Wars” allows for something different. Forget all those other ways of getting help. If you don’t know where to go in the game and we’re DS friends, it seems that I’ll be able to mark a waypoint in my copy of the game and zap it to your copy of the game. What better help could I possibly provide?
Imagine, readers, if you could do that for me, sending map markers into my copies of my games. You could put a mark on my “Fallout 3” map to tell me where I need to go to get some cool new item. You could send me a marker for a spot in “Burnout” where you think I can make a good stunt run.
If Rockstar does deliver this feature as they described it to me, then what they’re providing may radically change the way we help each other play games. They’ll be improving gaming lives everywhere.
“Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” ships for the Nintendo DS on March 17.
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January 24th, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax

iainprice continuously enhance its 3D FPS "Renegade" which is based on the game Halo.
Newer version available for you to look at, remember it is still very much work in progress. Comments welcome. Next tasks are grenades causing damage and perhaps some explosion animations.
Still problems with height map .....
Sound looping not great either ......
Will look at better graphics and character animation engine when completed .....
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January 24th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Snatcher
Seaquest DS Version v 0.8
This is a remake of the atari 2600 seaquest that I used to learn the Lua language.
Use the directional control and A to shot
How to play
1- you will need a DS that can run homebrew games
2- You wiil need the micro lua for DS http://www.microlua.risike.com/
3- After micro lua installed put the "seaquest.lua" and seaquest directory in the SD Card "\lua\scripts"
4- run "luads.nds" and select the "seaquest.lua" to execute wait some seconds to load the game
5- play ...
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January 24th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
If hints on Japanese retailer websites are anything to go by, Taito and Square Enix are hard at work producing a sequel to last year's marvelous retro remake, Space Invaders Extreme.
Leaks on websites such as Amazon's Japanese component are listing Space Invaders Extreme 2 for a March 2009 release. Included game descriptions that reveal new modes and boss battles indicate these retailer listings are legitimate and not just guesses.
The original Space Invaders Extreme, released in late 2008, won IGN awards for Best Nintendo DS and Best PlayStation Portable Shooting Games, as well as Best Artistic Design and Best Original Score on the Nintendo handheld.
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January 25th, 2009, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
Copper has released a new version of his arcade emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports the game 1942, heres whats supported:

V1.1: 24/01/2008
* Added an icon file. Nds
* Backup of hi-scores in a file <rom>. Sav
* Rewrote sound AY-8910 from the source code of MAME 0129
V1.0: 10/01/2008
* First release
* Version 1.3.1 compiled with libnds
* The file is unzipped rom emulator automatically
All games supported:
1942 (Revision B) 1942
1942 (Revision A) 1942a 1942
1942 (First Version) 1942b 1942
1942 (Williams Electronics license) 1942w 1942
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January 25th, 2009, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Ishopvideogame

Protector skin special for Nintendo Wii console, Mario theme. This skin is made of high quality graphics vinyl material, protect your Wii console from scratch and dust, it also give your game console good appearance. Easy to apply, Ultra Glossy finish.
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January 25th, 2009, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Ishopvideogame

The world's first DSi compatible flash cart. Acekard 2i give you the chance to play DS games on new DSi. now let's fire up our shiny new DSi and the Acekard team's new AK2i. Want to know how it handles? Read on.
1. Support DSi, DSL, IDSL, DS and IDS
2. Perfect Compatibility. No need to convert, No need to flash.
3. Write save file directly to TF card. No more save type selection.
4. Auto patching DLDI. Run homebrew programs without convert.
5. Support Soft-Reset. Support Download play. Support Wi-Fi.
6. Support microSD and microSDHC microSD card. No maximum file limit.
7. Low power consumption. Long playing time.
8. Multi-languages. Support Customize Skinl.
9. 4 level brightness adjustment.
10. Support reading text files, listening mp3 and watching movie
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January 25th, 2009, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from ishopvideogames

If you are familiar with R4 or any other flash cart, setting up the R4SDHC is the same. The R4SDHC cartridge size is identical to that of the original R4DS cartridge. The microSD card is inserted through the top of the cartridge and fits flush with the cartridge.
2nd Generation Storage Device (no booting tool required)
Flush fitting Slot 1 Card
Uses microSD/microSDHC Memory Card (supports memory size up to 32GB), FAT16 or FAT32 File System
Supports any microSD/microSDHC Memory Card speed without lagging in game
Supports Clean ROM, drag and drop. Works on any OS
Built in NoPass
Automatically detect save type
Save directly to microSD Card, not to onboard chip
Supports Moonshell and other homebrew. Open I/O interface
User friendly skinnable interface. Touchscreen or button operation
Supports rumble pak and memory pak
Supports the WiFi game, DS Rumble Pak, DS Browser
Supports changes of the background of Operation Interface
Supports 4-scale-lightness adjustment (DS Lite only)
Supports Soft Reset
Supports Moonshell 1.6 Software Reset Function (press START key
back to the R4 Menu)
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January 25th, 2009, 12:33 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax/pdroms
bassacegold has released a new game for the DS called Downfall, heres the release details:

-DownFall is a fall down game for the DS. The object of the game is to last as long as you can by falling through platforms without hitting the top of the top screen.
-There are items in this game, some may help and others may act against you so be weary when you see the items drop in.
-This game is fully theme-able, you can view one of the current themes in the DownFall/Themes folder and drag and drop your own themes into the Themes folder.
-Music is formatted via Mario Paint Composer DS files. The game scans your card for the MPCSongs folder and will play all the songs out of there.
These songs can be found at http://nds-help.com/mpcforum/
More Themes can be downloaded in the forums along with the songs at http://nds-help.com/mpcforum/
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January 25th, 2009, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gemesis
Hi everyone, this is my newest game, Battle of the Worlds. The game is thoroughly explained in the readme, so I will briefly explain it here:
Battle of the Worlds is a 2D fighting game. It consists of many characters and levels. The reason its is called Battle of the Worlds is because in this game, each character or level comes from a different "world". This is leads us to the most exciting part:
Thanks to the way I have made this game, there is NO LIMIT to how many characters or levels you can have! The only limit is how big your flash cart is! On top of that, you can add your own custom levels and character fairly easily (process described in the readmes included with the download). While there are certain requirements, they are not that big of a deal. I am currently working on making the customization system much more relaxed, but this demo was meant to show everyone how the basic system will work. If you don't want to make any levels, I have included 2 levels with it and a character. As of now, you are limited to loading 2 characters, but I am going to work on making a way to show them all. On a side note, I am going to try and make some level and character packs that you can download and use. I am also able to include levels as part of the game with efs.
I plan to make this game have ai's to fight, along with possibly multiplayer modes as well. I would like to thanks the following for their part in this game:
Game Created by: GEMISIS
PAGFX and giftoframes Created by: The Creators of Palib
The Mario sprite, Hyrule level, and Mario level all belong to: Nintendo
I would like to give a special thanks to the creators of Palib as well, as this game would not have been possible without palib.
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January 26th, 2009, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
A recent listing on Play-Asia has fans of tightly arranged, slowly approaching extraterrestrials buzzing with glee. According to the retailer (as well as a handful of other Japanese games dealers), Space Invaders Extreme 2, which hasn't even been confirmed by prospective developer Taito, is set to drop in Japan on March 26, 2009. These listings fire off a few of the title's new features, including new boss formations, enhanced multiplayer modes, and much to the delight of the grandmas among us, a "bingo system".
We're still calling this a rumor until Taito either confirms or denies it, but with several sites showing the same drop date, and with retailers divulging what seems like fairly believable gameplay features, we wouldn't be surprised if the listings are on the level.
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January 26th, 2009, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Emvivre has posted a new release of his game for the Wii:

This project begins in 2008/12/28
Nowell is a open-source homebrew for the Drunken Coders Winter Compo, it's a 2D shoot-em-up vertical scrolling. I use SDL interface to handle graphics and wiimote.
1.01 : fix a bug with bullet rotation
1.00 : first release for drunken coder competition
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January 26th, 2009, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mcpancakes
hbcxmlgen is a Bash script for creating the Homebrew Channel's meta.xml files.
Along with just making the meta.xml file, it also
can be installed to /usr/bin so you can run it from anywhere just by typing "hbcxmlgen"
checks if meta.xml already exists in the current directory, and asks if you want to overwrite it
notifies you if you need write permissions to write in the current directory before you enter all the meta.xml information
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January 26th, 2009, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based on bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
Key Features:
2D bubble gameboard with special graphical effects.
Six game levels
Game player score is shared on internet.
Easy menu system.
WiiMote IR device support
16 background music
Serveral sound effects
25/01/2008 Version 0.31
- HotFix: Prevent random crashes if wifi connection doesn’t response.
- HotFix: Prevent wrong calculation of possible moves.
- Only scores above 10.000 are added to the global highscore.
- Added winner text if player clears all six levels.
- Added 2.000 bonus points if you clear all levels.
- Added clock color change for the last 10 seconds.
- Added clock sound effects.
- Adapted button size on most screens.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 26th, 2009, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nyarla
Here's a new version of my little score attack style shooter.. It's finished for now
It should be more difficult than the previous version, mainly because it throws a lot more enemies at you - especially in Zone 2.
Changes: New enemy type, more music, tweaked levels and enemy behaviours, prettified title screen.
"Get as many points as you can in one day and one night.
Touch your reindeer to jump.
Touch anywhere else to shoot.
If an enemy touches your deer, you lose a life.
Shooting enemies increases the score multiplier.
If you miss a shot, the multiplier will be reset.
Accuracy = more points!"
Plans for eventual next version:
- Change the xmas theme to something more general.
- Add more levels / environments.
- Add more kinds of enemies.
- Add multiple levels of terrain - so for example you can jump up onto a hill, or keep moving along at its base.
- Maybe extend this so that there are branching levels with multiple exits.
- Add endless mode, where terrain is randomly assembled and the goal is to get as far as possible.
Noted bugs:
- Sometimes the environmental sounds (ie, just waterfall sound fx at the moment) keep going forever once they've started.
----- original post -----
Hi! Here's a little demo of the game I'm working on for the Drunkencoders winter coding competition. It's sort of a sleigh ridin' shooter type thing.
The compo doesn't end for another 3 weeks or so, but I thought it'd be a shame not to release this now since it's got santa in it. It's still a WIP though..
Touch your reindeer to jump. Touch anywhere else to shoot. Raise the score multiplier with accurate shooting for a chance to get a delicious invincibility pudding!
Some screenshots:
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January 26th, 2009, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a price drop for the Action Replay Media Edition for DS and DSLITE which is now 6 dollars cheaper from Divineo USA
Heres the details:

Old Price : $ 39.99 You Save : $ 6
Buy at retail price : $ 33.99
DS Action Replay Media Edition
All the great features of DS Action Replay + powerful built in Media Player for playing Movies and music from Micro DS card (Not supplied). Inc Micro SD reader, 25 mini games on CD and hundred homebrew games online.
Full DS Action Replay + Powerful Built In Media Player - Play movies/music from Micro SD (SD not included)
Also included 25 mini games on supplied CD or download the hundreds of homebrew games available online.
Added new feature allows user to email games saves / post game saves on internet / trade games saves.
Inc: Action Replay DS Cartridge, Media Software Disk, Micro SD Reader + USB Cable
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January 26th, 2009, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster

Better keep an eye out, Mr. Heckendorn -- we know that the modding community is pretty cut throat -- just like the Ice Pirates in that movie, uh, Ice Pirates -- and now it looks like there's another young hotshot on the scene. Fifteen year old modista Xteaphn (that's pronounced Steven, folks) has a little sideline going on custom-made portable hardware, with several mods to his name -- including this pint-sized, battery-powered Wii. The thing is tiny -- it's dwarfed by a 13-inch notebook -- and a full charge will give it about an hour of play.
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January 26th, 2009, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster

f you thought that Wiimote hack for Left 4 Dead was hot stuff (and you did, it's pointless to deny it), then you'll be just as stoked -- if not more so -- for this one. From the same Ryan Tani comes this, a setup that enables four gamers to gather 'round an Unreal Tournament 3 deathmatch and exchange blows via Wiimotes. A guide on how to pull this off yourself is forthcoming, but 'til then, we'd invite you to check out a demonstration vid of the author (and three lucky pals) enjoying the spoils of his labor after the break.
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January 26th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: Xtreme2damax
I was informed to pass this news along.
Here is a quote from mudlord:
I decided to post here, since clearly I am not welcome at the "other" place.
To put it very politely:
Due to the utterly atrocious malmanagement by certain groups of siteops (not us or Bobbi), the entire vba-m.ngemu.com domain is down.
As a complete replacement, vba-m.mudlord.com is now the new spot, as such a fully functional forum is back. Its all backed up, so it should be cool. As for the site content...well, I am not sure if we can save all the compiles and info we had. Though this might be the perfect time for a main page redesign.
Again: Main page at vba-m.mudlord.com is down. Forum is back up and running fine.
For those who don't know, VBA-M (Mudlord) is an improvement upon the Visualboy Advance source, it not only combines the features of the different forks of VBA into one centralized build, it also improves upon sound, video and overall emulation compared to the official VBA builds and other forks.
Original announcement:
New location of the VBA-M forum:
Mudlord has only announced it there and not anywhere else at this time so this is the only announcement I have to go by.
Feel free to move this thread/announcement to a more suitable section if necessary.
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January 26th, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
While the rest of the world awaits the opportunity to upgrade hardware we were perfectly satisfied with in the first place, Nintendo readies the second wave of downloadable titles for DSiWare.
If you thought the first batch of DSiWare was impressive, then your delusional mind will absolutely reel at the latest list. Have you ever used your DS as an alarm clock? Well for 200 DSiPoints you can do the same thing, only with three different times and custom alarm clock sounds! For 500 DSiPoints you can download a rail map, which is very handy if you are in or plan on visiting Japan any time soon.
Along with the utilities come the games. There are a couple of new Art Style titles - PicoPict and Somnium - both puzzle games for 500 points a pop. You can pick up Spider Solitaire for 200 points, or opt for the second Adobi Taizen card collection, which contains Blackjack, Page One, American Page One, Daifugou, and Poker.
Finally there are two mini or chotto versions of established titles, with Chotto Panel de Pon (Planet Puzzle League) and another puzzler, Chotto Suujin Taisen, priced at 500 points.
While it doesn't seem like all that attractive a lineup, people do silly things when the prices seem so low. Since I use my DS as a backup alarm clock all the damn time, I certainly hope we get that clock app in North America when Nintendo finally deems us worthy.
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January 26th, 2009, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster

At this point, we're sorta surprised you can't just look askance at a Wii and set it to running homebrew with your penetrating gaze alone -- it seems like everything else has been accomplished in the hacking, modding and general humiliation of Nintendo's little console. Brought to us by the WiiKey folks, DriveKey is a wire-free, solder-free, brain-free method for hacking any Wii on the market, especially those pesky new ones with "epoxy" drives or the dreaded hack-proof "D3" drives. DriveKey acts as a simple passthrough for the DVD connector cable, tweaking certain functions to allow for a bit more freedom in your Wii experience. Unfortunately, DriveKey limits the DVD drive to 2x read speeds, which might make certain games unplayable, and it also can't be flash upgraded, unlike the WiiKey before it, to add more functionality or fend off a theoretical hack-buster update from Nintendo -- though this hasn't proved much of a problem for similar hacks. The chips go for around $70.
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January 26th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
You're just a few minutes away from gaining access to these new entries in the Wii Shop.
Niki - Rock 'n' Ball (Bplus, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): We're actually not going to try to explain this jam to you. Instead, we've put a trailer after the jump. Watch it, and know that your guess is absolutely as good as ours.
Virtual Console:
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Sega Master System, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): This odd little action-platformer casts you as a sword-toting, loincloth-sporting kid battling his way through, as the name would suggest, a land populated by monsters. Also, to complete the rhombus of oddness, there are some light RPG elements. God, the '80s ruled.
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January 26th, 2009, 21:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
THQ plans to make more de Blob games for Wii, after the original won critical hearts and bounced eagerly off shop shelves.
"We're pleased with de Blob's performance worldwide. It's a great intellectual property and you can tell your readers to expect to see more of de Blob in the future," THQ told IGN.
De Blob, which popped up on Wii last September, challenged players to restore vibrant colour to blank-canvas levels by bouncing a paint-laden blob up walls, off buildings and into trees.
The result was a visual treat; a title bursting with the sort of personality the Wii was built for.
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January 26th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

This week unofficial build brings a lot of needed stability fixes.
Crashes were fixed, and it seems even start/stop works again.
Also we updated the game ini pack to r114, which includes a lot game fixes.
Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php
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January 26th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin the Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has had a new public beta release, heres the news details:

This week unofficial build brings a lot of needed stability fixes.
Crashes were fixed, and it seems even start/stop works again.
Also we updated the game ini pack to r114, which includes a lot game fixes.
Download here --> http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php
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January 26th, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has today released a new version of the Master System/Game Gear Emulator for GBA:
heres whats new:
New SMSAdvance with a couple of small fixes.
*Added support for GG Bios from Pogoshell.
*Added mapper support for new Korean games.
*Changed interrupt method so more cards should be able to patch SMSA.
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January 26th, 2009, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Bushing one of the guys behind WiiBrew has posted this rather interesting article:
Nintendo recently began selling their next-generation handheld console, the Nintendo DSi. I picked one up on eBay from Japan, since they will not be available for sale here in the US until April.
Why did bushing buy a new DSi, especially given the fact that he’s turned his DSlite on maybe 3 times and he can’t read Japanese?
Because of the awesome pix, of course!
Bunnie did the first real writeup of this thing, which was enough to encourage me to buy it. I, of course, took it apart and nearly broke the thing (blew a fuse) while trying to dump the flash on it; I didn’t succeed.
The reason this device is interesting to me is that the DSi seems to be to the DS what the Wii was to the GameCube. The DSi has two modes — a “native mode” and a “compatibility mode”. In the compatibility mode, the clock is slown down to half the speed and access to the new peripherals is disabled — sound familiar? In the native mode, you get a faster clock and more RAM — used to perform the real-time face recognition and image processing shown above — as well as an SD slot and two cameras (front and back-facing). The device boots up into a “System Menu” that is fairly reminiscent of the Wii.
Oh, did I mention that it has a Shop Channel where you can download apps, like Opera? And you can download firmware updates online? Hey, guess what — we can download firmware updates online!
Versions: 0, CA CRL 0, Signer CRL 0, System 0-0
Title ID: 00030015-484e464a ('\x00\x03\x00\x15'-'HNFJ')
Title Type: 0
Group ID: '01'
Access Rights: 0x00000000
Title Version: 0x500
Boot Index: 0
ID Index Type Size Hash
00000002 0 0x1 0x66a400 d1 25 16 d5 5e b8 49 1d 8d 5e 77 a9 4d c7 7c c7 df 7a 54 79The ticket and contents are downloadable in the same way. Unfortunately, they aren’t reusing the same common key, so we can’t actually disassemble anything (yet). Although they’re probably reusing much of the ES code from IOS, they probably fixed the blatant flaws that allowed us to rip the key and fakesign.
Now all we need is someone to step up to the plate and grab the new key!
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January 26th, 2009, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
WiiEarth is a Google maps like app that enables you to browse the earth like in Google maps.
Version 2
Removed Google images (captcha problem)
Added OpenStreetMap images
Way faster downloading of tiles
disappearing cursor problem fixed (since latest libogc was used)
Cool new icon (thanks Wilsoff)
Other cool stuff
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January 26th, 2009, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Björn Giesler has released a new version of the Spectrum Emulator for Nintendo Wii

heres whats new:
Snapshot 3
Buttons 1, 2, A, B, Plus and Minus are now user defined. By default they are mapped to joystick fire. To define them go to menu Options/Joysticks/Joystick 1.../Button Mapping
Added ability to save settings: To manually save settings go to menu Options/Save. You can also set auto-saving settings to on in menu Options/General. Settings are automatically loaded on startup. They are located in sd:/apps/fuse/.fuserc. This is an unofficial patch.
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January 26th, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from B12
This project is still in private alpha. A demo with a sample, edittable .ini file be available soon.
Basically, this is a ROM that, with an external .ini file, you can basically make your own Phoenix Wright-style game. The .ini file will read certain variables, including text and animation/evidence/profile IDs and will act accordingly to what it written on the .ini file.
DEMO .:26/01/2009:.
Completely finished text and court record functions.
Chronological To-Do List as of 26/01/2009
- Presenting evidence/profiles
- Examining maps
- Moving to other maps
- Pressing on information
- Dynamic option events (choosing options during trials)
- Psychelocks
- Perceive
- Dynamic gaining and losing of items
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January 26th, 2009, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SaviorXTanren
So, even before I really heard about DS homebrew, the greatest thing I could think of to come up with was a custom version of Wario Ware. It's such a fun little game and just think of how much better it would be if you could customize it and put any and all of your own or other people's games into it. Well, so I had a lot of free time together and decided to start working on a version of Wario Ware, simply dubbed "Wario Ware Custom".
I've come up with a running version of the games that consists of mini-games, single player mode, a game collection viewing mode, and a single DS multi-player mode. I've also assembled two videos that are hosted online that show you a run-through of single player mode and multi-player mode.
Ver 1.7: Alright, so two notices.
First, I've made a few updates to the game, mainly graphical things. I added the top screen image that drawn very nicely for me by Kikaimaster. =D Also, I added in the Objection! mini-game. Any fans of the Phoenix Wright game will get a good laugh. =) I also made a temporary icon for the game logo, it's just the current bomb sprite, but it looks sorta of crudy in 8-bit, but oh well.
Second, I entered this game in the Drunken Coder's Winter 2008 Competition. The version that I had in this post is the one that entered in there. Still some development things here and there, but looks like a decently complete game. =P Let's see how well it does. HA HA [/SARCASM] =D
Ver 1.6: Alright guys! HUUUUUUUUUGE UPDATE! So, I'll start with the little stuff first and then move on to the really big, exciting stuff =D.
So, I've added in two new games and took out that "Touch The X's" game, since it was pretty much the same thing as "Pop The Dots". The two new games are "Kick The Football", which uses the Stylus to make a slash on the touch screen to kick the football in that direction and "Build The Bridge", which has you shift around pieces of a bridge to form a larger bridge to allow a car to pass over it.
In addition to these two new games, I have updated all of the other games for 3 levels of speed and 3 levels of difficulty modes. So, if you remember in the normal WarioWare games how there is varying speed and difficulty modes? Well, now they are in this one, for the 9 games that exist at least =P. Some of the difficulty modes are easier to spot than others, but every games has a shortened time limit and sped up music for the different speed changes.
Finally, the last and biggest update...*drum roll*...The first multi-player mode is up and running! This is a SINGLE DS multi-player mode, which is unique in itself. You only need one DS and up to 4 players can play. You simply pass the DS around when the appropriate player comes up, sorta of similar to how the Wii WarioWare multi-player games work. It's got graphics, sound, the whole nine yards. Note, the graphics may not be up to cutting edge right now, everything that's not the title screens and menus (which have been graciously done by James Garner and Kikaimaster), was made by me in Paint. =P
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January 27th, 2009, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
t was inevitable we guess what with everyone plus your grandma using the Wii. Now Nintendo Japan has announced a new Wii "Check-Up" channel that acts as a health guidance system between you and health professionals. Scheduled for an April launch, the system developed in partnership with Hitachi, NEC, Panasonic and a health insurance company is said to provide 2-way communication between users and health leaders who'll provide "healthy guidance" to otherwise Cheeto-stained gamer-types. The service appears to be compatible with both Wii Fit and its Balance Board as well as NEC's mobile phone health platform for checking progress or accessing advice remotely. It also appears to be usable anonymously. We'll update you just as soon as we get all these Japanese press releases translated.
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January 27th, 2009, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
We're well aware that there's a drug-dealing component to GTA: Chinatown Wars, but the details on it have been a little lacking -- this post won't help much. MTV Multiplayer learned that players may want to sell drugs in Chinatown Wars because cash from missions won't dramatically increase in payout, unlike other GTA titles. Selling drugs is apparently one way to increase cash flow.
According to Rockstar, locations for deals are plentiful and won't detract from the action in the game. The drug economy is also affected by destruction of CCTV cameras. The more you break, the less valuable the drugs become (yes, less, it seems counter-intuitive). No word yet if Rockstar plans to have drug prices in the game reflect current standard market rates.
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January 27th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix sent word by Moogle mail today that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time should arrive punctually at North American retail on March 24. Echoes allows Wii and DS gamers to play alongside one another with a bit less hassle than the original Crystal Chronicles. Remember all those link cables?
The game will cost $40 on either platform and will allow Wii players to use their Miis, some of which no doubt already look like Final Fantasy creatures.
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January 27th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix sent word by Moogle mail today that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time should arrive punctually at North American retail on March 24. Echoes allows Wii and DS gamers to play alongside one another with a bit less hassle than the original Crystal Chronicles. Remember all those link cables?
The game will cost $40 on either platform and will allow Wii players to use their Miis, some of which no doubt already look like Final Fantasy creatures.
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January 27th, 2009, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Some of you may remember Nintendo of Japan offering custom business cards with your Mii from their Digi Cam Print Channel. The service went live last year, but only in Japan. In the future, however, you might be able to get a stack of Mii name cards without traveling halfway around the world.
Searching through the European Trademark Database I discovered Nintendo registered Wii Photo Print Channel which sounds like the already available Digi Cam Print Channel. Since this is just a trademark we don’t know when Nintendo will launch such a program and if it’s only for Europe. I am inclined to believe Nintendo has plans for a Wii Photo Print Channel though. Registering trademarks still cost money even if Nintendo “prints” it. Let’s just hope the Wii Photo Print Channel includes the unique options like photo books and name cards in addition to boring old prints.
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January 27th, 2009, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from wplaat
A new version of SpaceBubble is released with the following changes:
26/01/2008 Version 0.40
- Show score of selected bubbles on screen.
- The 40 highest global scores are showed.
- Reposition some buttons.
- Improve bonus schema (level 4 , 5 and 6)
- Added level cleared information screen.
- High score is send to web service if score is better then the 40st global high score position.
- Increase HTTP receive buffer size to 8196 bytes.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based on bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
Key Features:
2D bubble gameboard with special graphical effects.
Six game levels
Game player score is shared on internet.
Easy menu system.
WiiMote IR device support
16 background music
Several sound effects
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January 27th, 2009, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Manny
Wiilander is a clone of the popular classic 70s Lunar Lander game. With a big different,you don't use buttons..
The object of WiiLander is to successfully land your little spacecraft in various places on the planet surface before you run out of fuel. Crashing your lander costs you fuel making it harder to complete your goal.
Discover the secret word, landing on all the bases.
You control your lander by holding your Wiimote horizontally while tilting and twisting it. Tilting left or right steers your lander while twisting forward and backward controls your speed. Gravity also plays a role so you need to use just the right amount of power to land safely.
Cinematic improved dramatically.
Now game is easier.
Stall altitude refered to the "sea level".
When ship stall, Wiimote start to vibrate.
Increase the thick of the mountains.
New colours, on the ship (and on the fire??)
Ship now take off.
Game over only when you run out of fuel AND ship crash.
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January 27th, 2009, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Splatter castle is a Castlevania style platform game for Wii. Development is still early. Use at your own risk.
Added in v.20090127
Backdash (press B)
Increased the size of the player and some monsters (*1.25) This will allow more detail at some point.
Fixed a block collision bug
Weapon hits (a little) more precisely
Fixed a bug preventing 'game over' when you die
Greatly reduced HP
Enemy: Leap Spiders
Boss: The Tyrant
Crouching attack
Removed a bunch of redundant stuff; this version is smaller (oops)
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January 27th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Moon Books Project is BACK!
After a long 'vacation' (read: DoS attacks, etc...) things are finally shaping up, and working out. We are still stomping bugs, planning new features, and generally cleaning up, but we're back up and ready to serve all of your classic literature, films and comics on the DS needs.
So head on over to our new url, and check us out.
via http://www.drunkencoders.com/
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January 27th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Cluster has released a new version of his IRC App for DS:
Just some bugfixes. Also work with IRC protocol was fixed a bit. Many new messages will appear on status window now (all unknown messages from server). No new features for now.
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January 27th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Novel Reader has again been updated, great for those of you who like reading 
Heres whats new:
* global vars were reset when loading a save file.
* changing the skin via config.ini didn't work.
* date wasn't saved properly in save files.
* missing resources no longer generate warning messages.
* fast reading by holding Y is now a lot faster.
* background fades more intelligent (fade to black on bg change)
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January 27th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Bootlegger has released a new application for the Nintendo DS that turns your DS into a spirit level, heres the screen and release details:

Ok, heres my first NDS application - for users with a DSMotion card, a Spirit Level!
Anyone with knowledge of the DSerial cards motion cabilities please post reply on how to add that card in - I have tried using the DSerial code (edge version) but failed miserably
Would also need to know the normal zero level values for the DSerial and what values it return at the max...-128 to 128 maybe like the DSMotion?
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January 28th, 2009, 14:37 Posted By: swiley
This is my port of falling sand for the wii(version 2):
for player 1
note: you must hold + for ~half a second to make the cursor appear
a:--------------------------place partical
b:--------------------------change matirial
+/- :-----------------------increas/deacreas brush size
1:--------------------------pause simulation
dpad left/right:---------cycle through squares
dpad up:-----------------drop squares
home:--------------------return to loader
for players two through 4 (the squares)
note: wiimote must be held side ways so the dpad is on the left and 1 and 2 are on the right
dpad left/right:-----------accelerate left and right
dpad up:-------------------jump
hold b:----------------------grab a square you are touching
b+2+dpad:-----------------through square you have grabbed
1+left/right:--------------dig left and right
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January 28th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster

At first glance, we actually gagged upon seeing the jacket pictured above. Immediately after regaining our composure, we wondered how on Earth such a magnificent piece of retro kit could have such a negative impact on our lives -- then, it hit us. It's the dude. Seriously. Strap this $200, limited run jacket on anyone even remotely beautiful and we'd bet you too would see things differently. Or maybe it is just obscenely tacky, but it'd be much less so on anyone other than this fellow.
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January 28th, 2009, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
You don't have to be a seasoned photojournalist -- even one who's covered wars -- to recognize inconsistencies between Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop and the Xbox 360 original. Now, Capcom's Colin Ferris has stepped up to defend the February release, stating that while the company is "quite concerned" over criticism of the title, it "was not designed for side-by-side graphics comparisons with the 360." Instead, the product marketing manager states simply that it "was designed to be a fun Wii game."
Ferris openly admits that the Wii-take won't look as "beautiful" as the original, nor will the Willamette Parkview Mall's escalators be as crowded with the recently deceased, facts we have already accepted, albeit begrudgingly. "Does that mean we should deny Wii gamers the joy that 360 owners had in surviving three days in a zombie-infested mall," asks Ferris. "The answer is, obviously, no." Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop is expected to shamble onto retail shelves for the Wii on February 24.
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January 28th, 2009, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster

Excellent news, fans of ... various ... services ... being made available through Wii Channels! There's one more item of Channel-related news out today. A trademark found on the European trademark database suggests that Nintendo is looking to take its Digicam Print Channel to Europe (and potentially elsewhere) as the "Photo Print Service Channel".
The Digicam Print Channel, a service offered through a deal with Fujifilm, allows Wii owners to order prints of photos saved to an SD card, create customizable Nintendo-themed photo albums, and even order business cards featuring Nintendo backgrounds and Mii pictures. The business cards are available in Japan as Club Nintendo rewards.
We've been coveting those Mii business cards for a while, though not enough to make our own imitation and just go to Kinko's. Being able to get the genuine article through the Wii would be lovely.
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January 28th, 2009, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
When Toribash eventually lands on Nintendo's WiiWare service, it may take whatever cake is reserved for "most oddball strategic 3D ragdoll fighter." We're pretty sure there's cake dedicated for such a thing. If you're not familiar with Toribash, the above clip may not exactly make apparent what it is. But it is a tactical fighting game, one in which players manipulate the limbs of ragdolls, extending and contracting joints to issue blows. It's about a hundred times slower in pace than your run of the mill 3D fighter. Toribash is rather gruesome, with dismemberments, decapitations, and fractures. Fortunately, both are made less revolting by the game's complete shunning of photorealism. No word on when Toribash will arrive, sadly Toribash for the WiiWare
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January 28th, 2009, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Celebrities! They're just like us! With the exception of the fact that they're still regularly playing Wii Sports boxing, that is. Take Kate Winslet, for example, Wii Sports aficionado and winner of two Golden Globes.
Winslet, wearing Narciso Rodriguez, tells E! that she was actually playing some Wii Sports tennis when she learned of her recent Oscar nominations for some movies I'll likely see under pressure.
"It was extraordinary, I was playing Wii Tennis with my son," the actress relayed to E! Television. "It is fantastic. The boxing is the funniest thing of all. Because you're boxing the air... I'm watching my little five year old go [convincing Wii Sports boxing sounds]. It's hysterical."
Scoff if you want, but the fact that these two telegenic women were delighted to be talking about video games at the Screen Actors Guild Awards red carpet says a lot. When I tell of my accomplishments maxing out my World Court Tennis character stats on the Turbografx 16, I don't get the same response.
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January 28th, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster

For centuries, people have looked to the stars to find meaning. Soon they'll be able to just open up their Nintendo DS, as Deep Silver announces Russell Grant's Astrology for Europe.
Hitting the UK in the 2nd quarter of 2009, Russell Grant's Astrology is more than just your daily horoscope. It's your key to living your life according to the fictional influence of the moon and the stars, delivering advice on all facets of your life, from love to business to health. It even helps you keep track of the position of the moon, just in case you misplace it.
Along with guessing at what might happen in your life, Astrology also comes with three courses that teach you the ins and outs of the art of astrology, as well as a puzzle game and symbol sudoku for when that other bit gets boring.
Currently only slated for a UK release, we'll be consulting star charts on a daily basis to see if it will make the long trip overseas, where it will meet a tall, dark stranger...in the bedroom.
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January 28th, 2009, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster

news from play asia:
This week, we bring you a set of styluses to make NDS gaming even more fun. If you found the touch pen attached with the NDS too thin for your hands, you'd find this week's special product immensely useful. Bigger and longer than the original NDS pen, they provide a better grip and a lot more color.
Painted and printed in a series of cheerful hues, these pens each represent the pokemon printed on the screen cleaner. Give the screens a wipe to keep your view of the game clear and see that you are indeed a pokemon trainer.
This stylus series contain a total of 6 pens and they will be shipped randomly, they are selling at a bargain price of US$ 1.90 and the maximum amount of purchase is set to 5 pens per customer. Add this practical item to your list of Pokemon collection if you are a trainer.
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January 28th, 2009, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sega’s WiiWare game takes after life ending games like I Wanna Be The Guy and Jinsei Owatta no Daibouken. It doesn’t look as frustrating as either of those, but Pole’s Big Adventure is loaded with instant kill traps. The poisonous mushroom was an obvious one. The cactus that looks like its a background object, but really decapitates you and makes blotches of blood splatter on the screen not so much.
You can catch that part halfway through this video. Before that you’ll see apple cores raining from the sky and a nudist enemy poacher. Things like these make me wonder if Sega will localize Pole’s Big Adventure for North America or deem it too strange for an international release.
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January 28th, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
What happened to the Virtual Console? The digital distribution platform was initially exciting, but the “Wii-kly” updates seem to have forgotten about bringing us classics. Nintendo has a closet full of old code they could put online, especially games that didn’t get released over here. We might not see games like Devil World (it was released in Europe) yet, but it looks like Twinbee is coming.
An OFLC rating leaked Twinbee, Konami’s Famicom port, will be crossing over for an international release. Bomberman ‘94 was also rated. What makes Bomberman ‘94 different from Bomberman ‘93, one of the Virtual Console launch titles here? Riding kangaroos.
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January 28th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from SNES9x GX.
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
1-4 Player support
Zapper support
RAM / State saving support
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
Sound Filters
Graphics Filters (GX Chipset, Cheesy and 2x)
[What's New 2.0.9 - January 27, 2009]
* Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Changed GameCube controller back to menu from A+Start to A+B+Z+Start
* Add option for horizontal-only video cropping
* Decreased minimum game size to 8 KB
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from SNES9x GX.
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
1-4 Player support
Zapper support
RAM / State saving support
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
Sound Filters
Graphics Filters (GX Chipset, Cheesy and 2x)
[What's New 2.0.9 - January 27, 2009]
* Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Changed GameCube controller back to menu from A+Start to A+B+Z+Start
* Add option for horizontal-only video cropping
* Decreased minimum game size to 8 KB
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
A Super Nintendo emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
Cheat support
Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
Autodetect PAL/NTSC
16:9 widescreen support
Open Source!
[What's New 009 - January 27, 2009]
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
A Super Nintendo emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
Cheat support
Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
Autodetect PAL/NTSC
16:9 widescreen support
Open Source!
[What's New 009 - January 27, 2009]
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
SRAM and State saving
IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
[What's New 1.0.7 - January 27, 2009]
* Updated to VBA-M r847
* Corrected sound interpolation
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed GBA games on GameCube
* Fixed homebrew GBA games on GameCube
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
SRAM and State saving
IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
Custom controller configurations
SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
[What's New 1.0.7 - January 27, 2009]
* Updated to VBA-M r847
* Corrected sound interpolation
* Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
* Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
* Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
* Fixed GBA games on GameCube
* Fixed homebrew GBA games on GameCube
* Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
* Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
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January 28th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from razored
Handy is software dedicated to emulating the Atari Lynx hardware on a standard PC. The software was originally developed by Keith Wilkins [1] and was released under the GPL on 14th April 2004.
Handy/SDL is a port of the WIN32 sourcecode so that it can be used with the GCC compiler and the Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) library. The Handy/SDL port was developed by the SDLEMU crew [2].
WiiHandy/SDL is a port of the Handy/SDL sourcecode to the Wii developed by raz0red [3].
Change Log
01/28/09 (0.2)
- Save/restore game snapshots
- Resuming a game (after quitting with Home)
- Resetting a game (after quitting with Home)
- Fixed a bug causing homebrew games to crash on load (Lode Runner, etc.)
- Fixed a bug where games would freeze if left idle for about an hour
- Fixed a bug where games would not load after file error
- Fixed minor glitches in frame rate (reworked game loop)
- Ability to rotate controls w/ game screen
- Ability to patch Lynx ROMs w/ rotation settings (not supported for .zip)
- Advanced menu allowing for enabling debug mode, frame rate adjustments
- Auto-chain detection
- Reset/power functions (via Wii and Wiimote)
- Ability to use a custom directory name for application files
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January 28th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Mrmodchips have today annouced that they have the Flatmii Wii Modchip in their store. ( you need to be logged in to see modchip)

FLATMII introduces a new concept in the Wii video console use . Tired of DRE's ? Chipset
compatibilities with any drivemod , EPOXY'd or latest unmoddeable D3 drives? Scratched discs? Broken wii
dvd disc drives? And long and noisy disc loadings ?
Share any wii supported format from your PC using Highspeed 2.0 USB protocol . Play,
and emulate any of your stored Wii/Gamecube image discs . Soldering installation, clip or any
software modification is not required for FLATMII.
You can even use your Wii without a Wii DVD drive or if the drive is faulty because it's not required
for the FLATMII use. Install FLATMII in only 5 minutes with a few "Plug and Play" steps.
NO solder required
NO drivemod required
NO clip required
NO software modification required
Plug and Play
ALL chipsets compatible including EPOXY & D3 drives
100% Compatible with drivemods
STANDALONE mode (No wii dvd drive/media needed)
COMBO drive/flatmii mode
High-speed USB 2.0 fast loadings
Region free
Full Compatible with Geckos,Mplayer,Emulators & Homebrew
Updates blocker
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January 28th, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Mrmodchips have today annouced that they have the ARGON2 FW1.7 Wii Modchip in their store. ( you need to be logged in to see modchip)

ARGON2 is the 4th Generation WII chip.
The differences between the other rival chips are as follows:
1- Mounted without soldering requirements – Original WII CLIP onboard.
2- Receiving via ARGONCHANNEL “exclusive” applications developed by the ARGON2 team for his customer.
3- The chip itself is updated through the web, as well as a DVD and JTAG
4- Supports all the WII consoles on the market.
Please read out the manual on the official website for better understanding.
What's In The Box:
1 pc ARGON2 with the WII CLIP
1 pc FLAT32 standard
1 pc LONG FLAT32 per wire installation
1 pc JTAG flat
1 pc Activation Code ARGONCHANNEL (See User Manual)
- On board the ORIGINAL WII CLIP socket
- FLAT CABLE to full access on WII DATABUSS (new cool features coming)
- Update Blocker feature. Available in the DVD UPGRADER. This feature will block harmful other-region updates.
- Compatible with DMS, D2A, D2B, D2C, D2C-2 and D2E chipsets
- Compatible with all regions, USA, JAP, PAL and KOREA
- Compatible with D2B "cut pin" drives (does not require the cut pins to be connected)
- Fully configurable and updatable via DVD & Internet
- Micro-switches to configure the regional setting
- Region override for WII and GameCube games
- Direct Boot of WII original, import games
- Direct Boot of GameCube original, import games
- Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
- Supports multi-disc games, DVD-R, +R, +RW (no bit setting required)
- Supports Dual Layer
- Supports factory made 'silvers', even with incorrect header data
- Supports, SMG, SSBB, Mario Kart and other 'problem' titles
- Streaming audio-fix for GameCube games
- Disk speed configurable via DVD, with separate settings for different media types
- Recovery mode makes it impossible to brick the chip with a bad flash
Moreover the chip is sold including the original WII CLIP onboard for a very fast wireless mounting
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January 28th, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Mrmodchips have today annouced that they have the WiiKey 2 Wii Modchip in their store. ( you need to be logged in to see modchip)

The WiiKey is your universal Solution!
The incredible, fantastic, Wiikey modchip for the Nintendo Wii has arrived! This is one of the easiest modchips to install on any system. A quick solder pattern on the PCB board removes the need for wires. All you need to do us solder onto the designated parts and you're finished!!! This awesome chip also boasts upgradeability via Disc or DVD! An optional off feature and LED is included to let you know when your Wiikey is on or off
Features :
Compatible with DMS, D2A, D2B, D2C, D2C-2 and D2E chipsets
Compatible with all regions, USA, JAP, PAL and KOREA
Compatible with D2B "cut pin" drives (does not require the cut pins to be connected)
Fully configurable and updatable via DVD
Advanced automatic region detection with fallback (works even if a drive is changed to a different region Wii)
Region override for Wii and Gamecube games
Direct Boot of Wii original, import games
Direct Boot of Gamecube original, import games
Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
Supports multi-disc games, DVD-R, +R, +RW (no bit setting required)
Supports Dual Layer
Supports factory made 'silvers', even with incorrect header data
Supports, SMG, SSBB, Mario Kart and other 'problem' titles
Streaming audio-fix for Gamecube games
Disk speed configurable via DVD, with separate settings for different media types
Recovery mode makes it impossible to brick the chip with a bad flash
8Mbit onboard flash for storing data and applications
Rock solid performance with 3.3V FPGA core and high quality components
Multifrequency Ring piece Oscillators (MRO) for optimum performance, even with problem drives
Onboard status LEDs
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January 28th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mrmodchips have today annouced that they have the W4Pro Wii Modchip in their store. ( you need to be logged in to see modchip)

W4PRO is the current top-of- the-line in D2C/D2C2/D2E Wii modchips. It is just an amazing piece of hardware that combines all the best features of other D2C/D2C2/D2E chips into one single product, with the benefit of being supported by a highly experienced team of engineers.
W4PRO is very easy to install with only 9 wires to solder. It is compatible with various clips so it's possible to install it without soldering to the drive, and it's fully DVD upgradable.
Fully DVD upgradable
Compatible with both D2C and D2C2 chipsets
Ultra stable oscillator for perfect stability
Chipset auto-detection
Compatible with all regions, USA, JAP, PAL (Europe and Australia) and Korea
Region override for Wii and Gamecube games
Direct Boot of Wii and Gamecube original, import games
Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode and Wii mode (on compatible IOS versions)
Supports multi-disc games, Dual-Layer, DVD-R, +R, +RW (no bitsetting required)
Supports factory made 'silvers', even with incorrect header data
Supports, SMG, SSBB, Mario Kart and other 'problem' titles
Streaming audio-fix for Gamecube games
Very big (1024Kbit) onboard flash for storing data and applications
Rock solid performance with 1.5V FPGA core and high quality components
Power-on self-test (P.O.S.T.) with onboard status LED
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January 28th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Mrmodchips have today annouced that they have the Edge DS Flashcart in their store. ( you need to be logged in to see Flashcart)

EDGE is a multi functional media adapter for NDS. It accepts MicroSD and MicroSDHC cards. EDGE allows use of Homebrew DS applications, multimedia (via Moonshell) and commercial NDS applications via the SD interface. EDGE is easy to use, just load the EDGE OS (download from support section) onto the MicroSD together with your favourite applications, plug into EDGE then insert the EDGE cartridge into the DS and you're ready to go!
EDGE Features:
Supports MicroSDHC cards up to 32GB
Touch to execute OS system
Works with Moonshell for multimedia playback such as movies and MP3's
Frequently updated OS for best compatibility
Action Replay compatible cheat system
Brightness adjustment for NDSL
In game reset
Full download play support
Supports slot 2 expansions
Multi language user interface
Save game saves directly to Micro SD
Automatic save game type detection
Supports clean ROMs
Robust non-spring loaded Micro SD slot
Micro SDHC card reader included
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January 28th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Bob Fossil
Mankind's oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it's up to you to stop them. They have one weakness - they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.
New version (0.05) here:
Whats new
- Tiles can be moved / dropped into empty spaces.
- Added animation and sound effect when you make ten or activate a power up.
- Added warning sound effect when the numbers are on the top most line.
- Tiles were still being drawn as highlighted if you moved the stylus off them.
- Score line was being erased if a tile dropped down from the top most line.
Refer to the read me file in the .zip for more details.
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January 28th, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from AntonioND
This is a 3D engine, which aim is to make easier the procces of making a 3D game for the DS
-Loader of models and textures from FAT.
-Dual 3D, as easy as normal 3D.
-Can load BMPs of 8, 16, and 24 bits and convert them into textures.
-Hardware-accelerated effects like fog and toon shading.
-You can take screenshots of both screens in dual 3D mode or the 3D screen in normal 3D mode.
-Animated model support.
-2D over 3D system.
-Very basic physics engine.
-API functions.
-2D text in 3D mode, any character size allowed.
-More things...
-Improve physics engine.
-You can ask me for the things you would like to see.
Download NitroEngine --> http://www.mediafire.com/?zkgjx5keygj
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January 28th, 2009, 22:17 Posted By: morganDS
I am currently working on fixing bugs from v0.9. I'll be posting updates here as I continue to work on graphDS.
In v0.9.1, I focused on fixing bugs with graphing. Graphing will no longer result in random pixels and lines being plotted and I've also refined my algorithms so that weird things don't happen near the edges of the screen. Please be aware that I also resized the graphscreen, so there will be a white space 4 pixels wide around the entire graphing area.
Download graphDS v0.9.1 here.
As always, I greatly appreciate your donations.

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January 29th, 2009, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Nintendo on Thursday released its third quarter financials for its fiscal 2009 and made official, among other details, life to date Wii and DS shipment numbers. Amazingly, since its launch, the company has shipped a staggering 45 million Wii consoles globally. Nintendo said it shipped another 312 million Wii game discs. Meanwhile, it revealed that more than 96 million DS systems have been shipped globally since the portable launched along with 533 million game carts from the publisher.
Wii owners might also be interested to know that the Big N said it has shipped globally 14 million and 13.67 million copies of Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii respectively since the two titles launched.
In other news, Nintendo reported nine-month (April to December 2008) global sales of 1,546 billion yen, an increase of almost 17 percent over the same period in 2007. It also reported a 27 percent increase in operating profit over the 2007 time frame. "This marks the fourth consecutive year that Nintendo Co., Ltd. has exceeded the previous results for the same nine month period," the company stated in its financial recap.
Nintendo did, however, cut its yearly sales target for Wii, likely due to the economic crisis. It now expects to sell 26.5 million systems globally this year, down from a projected 27.5 million.
Regarding its '09 forecast, the company offered, "Nintendo will continue to pursue expansion of the gaming audience and provide products that offer unique entertainment that puts smiles on the faces of people of all ages and genders."
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January 29th, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo Japan's released a wicked Mario & Luigi 3 DS trailer that despite being a bit foreign, is too good to miss.
The video, narrated by an excited-sounding Japanese man, demonstrates how the third game's split-screen gameplay works.
With Mario and Luigi gobbled up by a gigantic Bowser, the plumber pair of free to go platforming mental in his innards on the bottom screen while you control Bowser himself on the top. As you can see from the video, this leads to some interesting gameplay...
It's out in Japan next month and Europe this summer.
Screenshots and trailer at CVG
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January 29th, 2009, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Evidence has mounted that Taito plans to release a Space Invaders Extreme sequel for DS this year. Owner Square Enix has declined to comment.
Retailer NCSX is the latest to add a listing, following an initial outburst by Play-Asia. Both sites agree the game will go on sale from 26th March.
NCSX also offered added gameplay details, claiming Space Invaders Extreme 2 will have a bingo mode. This requires shooting aliens as they hover over certain squares that correspond to a bingo grid. Fill these spots horizontally, vertically or diagonally to win.
The first Space Invaders Extreme game launched here last July and was really rather good, despite being yet another revamp of the 31-year old IP.
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January 29th, 2009, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster

How would you like to pay about $40 for a gadget that makes you jump up and down like a six-year-old hopped up on Pixy Stix to play your Wii games? That's the idea behind the jOG, an accelerometer that connects in-line between the Wiimote and the Nunchuck, making sure you're not having any fun unless you're running in place -- thereby decreasing the amount of fun you could be having otherwise. The little heart-shaped gadget also has a pedometer to count your steps and one particularly brilliant feature that might just make it usable: a button to turn the thing off.
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January 29th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Before enslaving the planet and putting all of us to work in the mines, toiling away for mushrooms and fire flowers until we're nothing but skin, bones and broken dreams, Nintendo has seen fit to reveal its latest fiscal report. Summary: Nintendo makes money.
During the period of April to December 2008, Nintendo enjoyed global sales of 1,536 billion yen ($17 billion), an increase of almost 17% compared to the same period in 2007. Operating profits were also up to 501 billion yen ($5 billion), showing a 27% over the same period in 2007. It's not all sunshine and lollipops, however, as Nintendo reported losses of 18% in both recurring and net profits.
With Nintendo's 2008 fiscal year ending March 31st, it has upped its forecast as far as the DS is concerned, with hardware sales expected to rise by 3% to 31.5 million globally and software predicted to drop 7% to 193 million. Moving on to the Wii, Nintendo revised its prediction for both hardware and software sales -- predicted Wii sales drop 3% to 26.5 million systems and software lowers to 193 million games.
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January 29th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Before enslaving the planet and putting all of us to work in the mines, toiling away for mushrooms and fire flowers until we're nothing but skin, bones and broken dreams, Nintendo has seen fit to reveal its latest fiscal report. Summary: Nintendo makes money.
During the period of April to December 2008, Nintendo enjoyed global sales of 1,536 billion yen ($17 billion), an increase of almost 17% compared to the same period in 2007. Operating profits were also up to 501 billion yen ($5 billion), showing a 27% over the same period in 2007. It's not all sunshine and lollipops, however, as Nintendo reported losses of 18% in both recurring and net profits.
With Nintendo's 2008 fiscal year ending March 31st, it has upped its forecast as far as the DS is concerned, with hardware sales expected to rise by 3% to 31.5 million globally and software predicted to drop 7% to 193 million. Moving on to the Wii, Nintendo revised its prediction for both hardware and software sales -- predicted Wii sales drop 3% to 26.5 million systems and software lowers to 193 million games.
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January 29th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
EA has revealed the known -- but never officially announced -- sequel to Boom Blox for Wii. According to the press release, EA's Boom Blox Bash Party will be out this spring, featuring 400 new levels and a greater emphasis on multiplayer -- as evidenced by the "Party" in the title. (As well as the "Bash" -- which is a kind of party, we believe.)
"Boom Blox Bash Party is a wild social gaming experience," said Steven Spielberg, who is involved in the new game in whatever nebulous capacity in which he was involved in the first title. "We know families and friends really enjoyed playing the original Boom Blox together, so we designed more explosive multiplayer experiences with Boom Blox Bash Party."
Even more exciting, BBBP now has online integration for its level editor, allowing players to share their destructible Mario sprites with the community at large. EA will offer its own downloadable levels as well.
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January 29th, 2009, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Last fall, controversy about Fisher-Price's Little Mommy Cuddle 'n Coo doll rocked the local news circuit, when the doll was discovered to utter some kind of gibberish that sounded kind of like "Islam is the Light" if you were listening hard enough for things to be outraged about.
The odd sound sample has been found once again by a concerned parent, this time in Crave's Nintendo DS game Baby Pals, previously known only for being kind of creepy-looking. In a fairly hilarious coincidence, Rachel Jones of Indiana found the offending utterance first in the doll, then later in a copy of Baby Pals she had purchased for her daughter. Baby Pals came out in October 2007, a year before the row about the doll.
"Not just my daughters' toys, but we have a son too," Jones told Terre Haute's WTHI News 10. "Now I feel like I need to listen to all of his little toys to make sure they're not saying it." Check out the news footage after the break, and watch as the virtual baby intones the phrase in question over and over again while being bathed. Of course, the ability of fake babies to exert absolute influence on real children through nonsensical endorsements of religion is well-known. Everybody knows that.
If you listen to what is supposedly the original MP3 (provided by Fisher-Price, link goes straight to .mp3), it sounds much more like nonsense and less like some random attempt at indoctrination. We've contacted Crave to try to find out where it got the sample and hopefully solve this quirky mystery.
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January 29th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's strategy of re-releasing classic GameCube games that have been Wii waggle-readied looks to be working, as least in the case of Mario Power Tennis. The "Play on Wii" version is still Japan's favorite game.
That includes the original Wii role-playing game Fragile: Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo from Namco Bandai, one of two new debuts on this week's top ten. Why bother with new IP, when you can simply repackage? We're sure that folks like Namco Bandai wouldn't mind dusting off a few old GameCubes duds for a quick cash-in.
Other new entries include the Japanese release of Left 4 Dead, which landed at the 12th spot, and the latest Haruhi schlock, Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou. *Yawn* Wake me up when Resident Evil 5 madness hits
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January 29th, 2009, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Segwii is a self balancing robot. Yes, another one, only this one can e controlled via WiiMote. The Segwii can function in stand alone mode, wich offers only the ability to balance, or it can be tethered. When tethered via usb to the laptop, it can be remotely controlled using the WiiMote through processing. Sadly, the video above doesn’t show any WiiMote action. Lets hope they continue the work to incorporate a direct bluetooth connection to the bot.
This one seems to be pretty sturdy, though he does mention that temperature changes can throw off the internal gyroscope. This one seems to be similar to the Arduway in terms of how smoothly it keeps balance. The miniature balancing robot has them both beat for pure goofyness though.
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January 29th, 2009, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In a secluded village surrounded by a lush forest, a strange illness occurred. To save a life, a youth ventures out into the unknown world to search for cures as well as the cause to the disappearance of the crystals.
People become of age at sixteen in this world, to complete the coming of age ceremony, our hero (player character) has to go into the forest, defeat the monsters and retrieve a shard of crystal from the a mysterious girl Sherota. However, this little adventure only serves as a prelude, for a bigger calamity is in the brewing.
The coming of age ceremony is merely an opening, connect up with other friends via your Wii network or Wi-Fi links and set off on your very own journey.
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January 29th, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In a secluded village surrounded by a lush forest, a strange illness occurred. To save a life, a youth ventures out into the unknown world to search for cures as well as the cause to the disappearance of the crystals.
People become of age at sixteen in this world, to complete the coming of age ceremony, our hero (player character) has to go into the forest, defeat the monsters and retrieve a shard of crystal from the a mysterious girl Sherota. However, this little adventure only serves as a prelude, for a bigger calamity is in the brewing.
The coming of age ceremony is merely an opening, connect up with other friends via your Wii network or Wi-Fi links and set off on your very own journey.
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January 29th, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Kurosu or Cross academy is a school built under the aim of constructing peace between the vampire race and the human. To end the long strife between the races, the director of the school believes that it is through controlled exposure to each other that a compromise could be reached.
To ensure that their exposure is controlled, the director has his daughter, the heroine of the show, Yuki and her childhood friend Kiryuu Zero guard the normal students from the night class vampires. Vampires and humans and a long bloody history, will Yuki be able to find the happiness amidst all these complications
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January 29th, 2009, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based on bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
Key Features:
2D bubble gameboard with special graphical effects.
Six game levels
Game player score is shared on internet.
Easy menu system.
WiiMote IR device support
16 background music tracks
Several sound effects
A new version of SpaceBubble is released with the following changes:
28/01/2009 Version 0.50
- Hotfix: Prevent crash if IR pointer is going out of the screen.
- Adjusted effect and music default volume.
- Added bubble destroy graphical effect.
- Added 10 seconds extra playtime to each level.
- Highscore is send to webservice if score is better then 10.000 point.
- Clock color is changing to red for the last 15 seconds.
- Added extra information on help screen.
- Reposition some buttons.
- Build game with libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler.
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January 29th, 2009, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Chris has released Yahtzee for the Wii.
v1.1 28/01/2009
Added Scandinavian rules
Added French language support
If you accidentally pick up the dice before you are finished selecting the ones you want to keep, you can now press MINUS to go back and select again.
Highlighting a box on the scorecard will now show you the score you could get by selecting that box.
Game will now not let you roll again if all dice are selected.
Bug fix: using Bonus Yahtzees as jokers in the lower section will now work properly.
Bug fix: game will no longer crash on trying to save if someone has renamed game folder or no SD card is inserted.
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January 29th, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Bootlegger has released a new application for the Nintendo DS that turns your DS into a spirit level, heres the screen and release details:

Ok, heres my first NDS application - for users with a DSMotion card, a Spirit Level!
Anyone with knowledge of the DSerial cards motion cabilities please post reply on how to add that card in - I have tried using the DSerial code (edge version) but failed miserably
Would also need to know the normal zero level values for the DSerial and what values it return at the max...-128 to 128 maybe like the DSMotion?
OK now Version 0.6 - updated with beta DSerial code. Using example code from someone elses demos, but am confused on potential readings. Anyone with a DSerial card please try and advise me if this works or not! Seems form what I can gather looking at the source that the zero level for the X is 163 and for the Y 133 - is/can this be correct?
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January 30th, 2009, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster

Divineo China have posted that they have 6 colours in stock of the Korean DS Lite (all ds lites are worldwide region free and can be changed to any language) for $159
Heres the available colours
Gloss Silver
Noble Pink
Charcoal Black
Ice Blue
Crystal White
Metallic Rose
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January 30th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Crave sent a statement to GamePolitics regarding the bizarre audio sample in its Baby Pals DS game that seemed (to at least one parent) to sound like "Islam is the light". Doug Panter, the company's marketing director, confirmed the belief of rational folks: that the company did not slip an endorsement of any religion into its baby game.
The licensed sound file, also found in Fisher-Price's Little Mommy Cuddle 'n Coo, is "a recording of a 5 month old baby babbling non-intelligible phrases," Panter said. "In over 200 hours of testing the product, no recognizable English words or phrases were discernible." He called the similarity between the baby's utterance and seemingly recognizable words "only coincidence as the baby recorded was too young to pronounce these words let alone a whole grammatically correct phrase".
Now, with that out of the way, we look to Crave for an explanation of the Purr Pals box. Kittens in bread? That is deplorable.
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January 30th, 2009, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Dragon Quest IX may be embracing that very modern gaming feature known as "download content." In its latest update on the game over in Japan today, Square Enix provided a vague hint that players would be able to go online to expand upon the game. Details were not provided.
Downloadable quests wouldn't be too surprising a feature for DQIX. The game has a hefty quest system, with players being able to take part in optional quests apart from the typical epic RPG storyline. Additionally, Wi-Fi Connection support has always been listed as planned for the game; download content would certainly qualify as that!
It's also worth noting that many Japanese companies have started offering downloads for their games. Sega has thus far shared eleven download mission updates for Phantasy Star Portable. Sony just released a second download quest for White Knight Chronicles. Namco Bandai has also released a couple of download mission packs for Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2.
The above download content share one thing in common: they're all free. With gamers in Japan expected to pay an MSRP of over $60 for DQIX, and with the game drawing lots of young players, it seems reasonable to assume that download content for DQIX would also be closer to the zero yen side of things.
This is all speculation, though. Square Enix shares DQIX updates every other week with the Japanese media, so we expect to hear something solid in the next few weeks -- or certainly before DQIX's March 28 release date.
While waiting for more, be sure and check out our image gallery, which now contains screens of DQIX's treasure map system. This new feature for the series allows players to track down dungeons containing secret treasure by follow roughly drawn maps that they receive during their quest.
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January 30th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Here they are:
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir (Feb 2 Europe)
Walk with me! Do you know your walking routine? (Feb 20 Europe, 2009 US as Personal Trainer: Walk with Me!)
Pokemon Platinum (2009 Europe, March 22 US)
Rhythm Paradise / Heaven (2009, Europe and US)
Mario and Luigi RPG 3 (2009, Europe and US)
Kirby Super Star Ultra (2009 Europe)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Feb 16 US)
New Play Control! Pikmin (Feb. 6 Europe, March US)
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis (March 3 Europe, March US)
Punch Out!! (First half 2009, Europe and US)
Wii Sports Resort (2009 Europe, first half 2009 US)
Sin & Punishment 2 (2009, Europe and US)
Another Code R and Endless Ocean 2 (2009 Europe)
New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (First half 2009, Europe)
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January 30th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Here they are:
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir (Feb 2 Europe)
Walk with me! Do you know your walking routine? (Feb 20 Europe, 2009 US as Personal Trainer: Walk with Me!)
Pokemon Platinum (2009 Europe, March 22 US)
Rhythm Paradise / Heaven (2009, Europe and US)
Mario and Luigi RPG 3 (2009, Europe and US)
Kirby Super Star Ultra (2009 Europe)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Feb 16 US)
New Play Control! Pikmin (Feb. 6 Europe, March US)
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis (March 3 Europe, March US)
Punch Out!! (First half 2009, Europe and US)
Wii Sports Resort (2009 Europe, first half 2009 US)
Sin & Punishment 2 (2009, Europe and US)
Another Code R and Endless Ocean 2 (2009 Europe)
New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (First half 2009, Europe)
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January 30th, 2009, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst Dough Creutz of Cowen Group believes GTA: Chinatown Wars is as much a test for Take-Two as it is for Nintendo. Gamasutra reports on Creutz's bullish investor note, where he expresses that the title will reveal Take-Two's "ability to make inroads" on Nintendo's platforms.
On the flip side, he expresses that Nintendo wants Chinatown Wars to succeed because it appeals to core gamers, whom Creutz apparently thinks Nintendo still gives a Yoshi's turd about.
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January 30th, 2009, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo UK
If you've been hotly anticipating the launch of the Nintendo DSi since it was announced last October, then first of all we'd ask you 'why?' and secondly tell you that it has been confirmed for a UK release in the Spring.
This will follow a swathe of new titles including GTA: Chinatown Wars, Mystery Case Files: Millionheir and Rhythm Paradise, though we're yet to hear of a platform-buster that'll make enough use of the DSi's new features to kick-start sales.
Considering it's already been confirmed that the new console will be R4-proof (along with other related homebrew cartridges) we're not convinced it'll get off to a great start.
Despite the fact that the company has appeared all but untouchable in the console market, it might need these sales more than you'd think, as Nintendo has rather surprisingly slashed its full-year profit forecasts by 33%. This has led experts to predict that the 'Wii-boom' may now be over, citing it as a 'baffling and potentially very worrying' sign for the console.
It's not the only one either, with Sony announcing some rather depressing statistics for its own range, whose figures showed a decline of between 15% and 51% for the last three months of 2008.
Will the madness never end?
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January 30th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii has a flood of fishing games. The DS not so much. Hudson’s solution? Adapt their Fishing Master series for Nintendo’s handheld.
Mezase! Tsuri Master DS does away with motion control and uses the touch screen for fishing. Hudson included wireless four player support which seems like it will be used for on the fly fishing battles. There is Nintendo Wi-Fi support too, but whatever it does hasn’t been announced. Hudson should talk about it soon since Mezase! Tsuri Master DS is slated to come out on April 23.
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January 30th, 2009, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Next month Japan is getting a couple of RPGs to play with as Virtual Console downloads. Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is one of them, but don’t count on this coming out here. Even though an English translation in exists it was done by Atlus for the PlayStation release. The Super Famicom version never came out over here and it’s doubtful that Square Enix will invest in translating it themselves.
Don’t hold your breath for the Genesis port of Dragon Slayer either. Nihon Falcom probably doesn’t have a translated version of the Genesis ROM lying around in a closet.
What games can we expect in North America after seeing this Virtual Console list? Galaxy Force II, Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars, and maybe Wallaby!! Usagi no Kuni no Kangaroo Race. I’m kidding about the last one, but it would be amusing if Nintendo gave a green light to an obscure game with kangaroo races taking place in a kingdom run by rabbits.
Here is Japan’s Virtual Console list for February 2009. Games marked with a star come out on February 3.
Famicom (500 Wii Points)
Formation Z*
Super Famicom (800 Wii Points)
Tactics Ogre
Master System (500 Wii Points)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Mega Drive (600 Wii Points)
Galaxy Force II
Dragon Slayer (premium title sold for 700)
PC Engine (600 / 800 Wii Points)
Ghouls ‘n Ghosts*
Winning Shot
Super Darius 2
Wallaby!! Usagi no Kuni no Kangaroo Race
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January 30th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Ah, Shootanto, the campy WiiWare game that had players shoot dinosaurs as an evolving monkey is getting a sequel. However, Grand Prix threw out all of the cheesy elements that made Shootanto memorable. Instead of blasting lizardmen in the middle ages or T-rexes in Prehistory you’re thrown into World War II fighting generic looking soldiers.
Shootanto: Miraihen (Shootanto: Future Chapter) is likely to be forgotten unless there is a secret stage where the main character morphs into a robot and shoots robotic lizards. Conversely, this game in the Shootanto series (I still can’t believe this is a series) has a better chance of being localized since it’s setting has been used so much. If you have a Japanese Wii handy you can pick up Shootanto: Miraihen for 600 Wii Points ($6) sometime between February and March.
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January 30th, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Tulkas has released an unofficial test build of GeeXboX
GeeXboX is a media center program built on Wii Linux. It uses MPlayer with a graphical front end. It can play videos and music (with visualization) and display photo slideshows.
Specially added features in the Wii port are: bluetooth (remote control, obex file push, networking and audio partially working), USB storage, USB Ethernet, http/telnet/ftp server, netstreaming, image viewer, goom visuals for audio playback, .... Most of added features are fully or partially tested, some are not, yet.
0.1Alpha04 modified by Tulkas
Tulkas made some minor modifications to add support of additional filesystem types. He also claims it is possible that he may have accidentally fixed a loading bug.
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January 30th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
SYASokoban Wii is a initial port of David Joffe's (http://grayskygames.com) SYASokoban game. Still Yet Another Sokoban is an implementation of the popular Sokoban puzzle game. The goal is to push the crates onto the designated squares without getting stuck.
"Unlimited" undo
Wiimote IR controls + path finding
Many included levels
Can add new sets of levels
2009/01/29 v0.2
Fixed exit message box screen
Fixed level select screen
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January 30th, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
loadMii is a small but powerful loader which can run executables from SD cards, USB sticks, SMB shares, USB Gecko and SD Gecko. It's composed by 3 parts : the loader itself, the reloading stub and the bootstrapper. I want to say so many thanks to dhewg and his geckoloader because my stub is based on his work.
30/01/2009 Version 0.3: Added smb support, code cleanup
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January 30th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Quizz is a quiz/puzzle homebrew application. You can play lots of quiz modes (other modes will be added in the future).
Last changelog
Add Spanish support
Add Catalan support
The music starts at the menu of choice of language
Add new music
Add save system (WiiQuizz.cnf at the root of the SD/SDHC)
Add settings in the save (Thanks Ac_K !)
Add settings menu to modify the save (version BETA)
Changing the URL in the pause menu to save the new
Add questions in Italian
Add questions in Danish
Add questions in English
Improved graphics during the game
Improved screen explanations of game modes
Use libogc 1.7.1
Better management of vibration on the wiimote
Others fixes and improvements...
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January 30th, 2009, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from naroin
After nearly a year and a half of silence, I finally updated the DS Dstroy
On the menu, some bugs fixed, but more importantly, adding music and sound, making it suddenly a good game
the game requires DLDI.
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January 30th, 2009, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
iainprice has posted a new release of his Halo type game for DS, heres whats new:
Hopefully, this is a good version.... still work in progress, lots of things to fix, such as explosions for the grenades and vehicles when they explode, animations for the grunt....... lots to do.....
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January 30th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
news via gbatemp
News/release from yagero
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January 31st, 2009, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new version of his DS emulator iDeaS for Windows.
Here's the changelog :
Fixed bugs in OAM Bitmap rendering.
Fixed bug in GXSTAT register.
Fixed bug in SWAP_BUFFER register.
Fixed bug in Rendereing for Mode3 e Mode4.
Fixed bug in AlphaBlend Rendering.
Fixed bug in Increase CPU speed.
Fixed bug in Path Selection in Properties Page.
Fixed bug in Enable/Disable layers.
Fixed bug in Pause Emulator Option.
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January 31st, 2009, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
“What we are looking at are the cumulative Wii and DS sales through the end of 2008. Wii has been selling at industry’s record pace so far, and with new customers acquired by the gaming population expansion efforts, it is not impossible for Wii’s total sales to exceed the final install base of PS2. Wii still has much more room for expansion. We can expect more sales of software in the next fiscal year than in the current year. With what kind of software is Nintendo going to achieve this goal? Well, it will be shown at E3 to be held in the U.S. this June.”
Okay, so who wants to start guessing what software will be present at this year’s E3? I’m not entirely sure myself, but at least we know Nintendo will probably have a more exciting show this year than they did last year.
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January 31st, 2009, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
“What we are looking at are the cumulative Wii and DS sales through the end of 2008. Wii has been selling at industry’s record pace so far, and with new customers acquired by the gaming population expansion efforts, it is not impossible for Wii’s total sales to exceed the final install base of PS2. Wii still has much more room for expansion. We can expect more sales of software in the next fiscal year than in the current year. With what kind of software is Nintendo going to achieve this goal? Well, it will be shown at E3 to be held in the U.S. this June.”
Okay, so who wants to start guessing what software will be present at this year’s E3? I’m not entirely sure myself, but at least we know Nintendo will probably have a more exciting show this year than they did last year.
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January 31st, 2009, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
If the standard laws of the five-year console cycle apply to Nintendo's money-printing handheld, then said laws would dictate that the lifespan of the Nintendo DS (in its many, many forms) is nearing its end. The system's current install base of 84.1 million across the U.S., Japan and Europe is hardly anything to scoff at, and would certainly earn the device some form of lifetime achievement award at its retirement gala -- but according to Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, the DS will break the standard five-year cycle, and further expand its install base in the years to come.
Iwata claims that should interest in the DS expand in the U.S. and Europe as it did in Japan (where nearly one in every five people currently tote the handheld), the system's install base will nearly double -- his estimate for the handheld's final tally is a nice, round 152.2 million units. That's ... a pretty specific number. We're not usually one for conspiracy theories, but we're wondering if that estimate isn't, you know, time machine-assisted.
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January 31st, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Shizzy posted this news on the Gekko site:
As we are in the process of preparing the next closed beta release (N'Sider), we have decided it would be best for the project to expand our team to include new programmers. The emulator, although very far along in development, is still at a stage where there are many areas of emulation that have yet to even be touched, and the areas that have been worked on are still very incomplete and lacking features. It is simply a lot of work to keep up with with only two developers.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, please let us know what section of the project you are interested in working on (although you will not be limited by this), and your relevant programming experience. If we feel that you will be an asset to the team, we will then welcome you and provide you will all developer access. :-) Any inquiries or questions can be sent to me via forum PM. It's a great opportunity to join a very motivated team (I speak for both the developers, testers, N'Siders, and everyone else part of the project) and a very great community.
In addition, we are looking to enhance the website design. If you have interest in this, and experience, please feel free to contact me as well.
Thank you!
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January 31st, 2009, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rajveer

For those of you who remember my first demo Futuristic Racer (and also for those who don't!) here is the second version of my furutistic racing demo, Futuracer (yes, still very badly named
Menu Controls:
A - Proceed
B - Go back
Hold Up while booting - Deletes custom controls file and lets you recustomise
Game Controls:
Start - Reset onto track
Select - Change View
A,B,X,Y,L,R - Customised on game load
Touch - Top half zooms in on view from above, bottom half zooms out
Game Points:
- Needs DLDI patching
- Tested to work fine on Supercard SD, CycloDS and DS-X (yes, I have one of those -_-)
- Still jerky rotations over some triangles
- Cannot exit a level, so you'll have to reset the game to change level or ship
General Points:
- This engine is REALLY unoptimised, over the next few months I'm going to be rewriting it and totally changing it.
- Textures were created for DS Lite, they look really bad on the old DS (sorry!)
- This isn't F-Zero GX, but listening to it's music while playing makes it feel better  (no sound in this demo)
- I'm no graphic artist
Thanks to:
- All the Devkitarm and libnds people for their excellent tools
- SausageBoy for texmex, all textures were converted using this tool
- Lick/Melw for their file locating code, which means that the data folder can be stored anywhere on the card
- gbadev'ers for all the help!
What took so long?!?:
Well, this source was actually completed around a year ago(!) but I soon realised that some methods I was using were really unoptimised. Since dev had gone too far, I would have had to rewrite the engine again. I thought I might aswell work towards a second demo, but lost interest knowing that it wasn't going to be final.
Now I'm back at uni and I'm basing my new disso around this game again, but I'll have to rewrite core parts of the engine in the mean time, so I thought I'd post this demo now. Enjoy and let me know if there are any bugs or whatever 
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January 31st, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Consolius contacted DCEmu today and asked us to release 2 emulators on his behalf, heres the details:
O2em for the Wii
Odyssey/Videopac emulator for the Wii game console.
* Copy the application folder (o2em) in the "apps" directory of the SD card (HomeBrew channel directory structure).
* Create a directory "/roms/romsodd" on the SD card
* Put all your roms (.bin or .zip) in that directory including the system rom (named "o2rom.bin")
* Boot the emulator from the HomeBrew Channel.
* Select ROM and press the "2" button."
* Press:
"HOME" to exit the emulator at anytime.
"cursor keys" to navigate up/down/left/right.
"button 2" to shoot (or whatever...)
"plus" to invoke the emulated console's Keyboard/keyPad (press "plus" again to swap the joystick/keyPad number)
and "2" button again to come back to the game and/or confirm the pad key press.
"minus" to go back to the ROMs menu.
Features/known bugs:
* SDHC support (build with latest libogc and libfat)
* some problems in double buffering causing some corruptions in GFX.
* Sound to be improved in a next release...
30/01/09: V1.0: Initial release.
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January 31st, 2009, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Consolius contacted DCEmu today and asked us to release 2 emulators on his behalf, heres the details:
Colem for the Wii
Colecovision emulator for the Wii game console.
* Copy the application folder in the "apps" directory of the SD card (HomeBrew channel structure).
* Create a directory "/roms/romscol" on the SD card
* Put all your roms (.rom or .zip) in that directory including the system rom (named "coleco.rom")
* Boot the emulator from the HomeBrew Channel.
* Select ROM and press the "2" button."
* Press:
"HOME" to exit the emulator at anytime.
"cursor keys" to navigate up/down/left/right.
"button 2" to shoot (or whatever...)
"plus" to invoke the emulated console's Keyboard/keyPad (press "plus" again to swap the joystick/keyPad number)
and "2" button again to come back to the game and/or confirm the pad key press.
"minus" to go back to the ROMs menu.
Features/known bugs:
* SDHC support (build with latest libogc and libfat)
* Some incompatibility issues
* some problems in double buffering causing some corruptions in GFX.
* Sound to be improved in a next release...
30/01/09: V1.0: Initial release.
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