January 1st, 2017, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his excellent Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Wii, having watched this emulator from its early days I can say this is a great emulator and I will be trying this on my Wii that's set up for Emulation:
Heres whats new from the last few releases
4.3.7 - December 9, 2016- Hide saving dialog that pops up briefly when returning from a game
[h=3]4.3.6 - September 12, 2016[/h]- Added the delete save file (SRAM / Snapshot) option
- Changed the box colors for the SRAM and Snapshots files to match the color scheme of the emu GUI
- Change the "Power off Wii" exit option to completely turn off the wii, ignoring the WC24 settings
- Updated emulator credits
- Added an option to switch between screenshots, covers, or artworks images, with their respectively named folders inside /snes9xgx at the device's root. You can set which one to show, by going to Settings > Menu > Preview Image. The .PNG image file needs to have the same name as the ROM (e.g.: Contra III.png)
Been a while since I posted this but Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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January 1st, 2017, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric is on a roll and has now released a new version of his Nes Emulator for the Nintendo Wii, if you have never played Nes games look out for Super Mario Bros 1,2 and 3 and Nes Open Tournament, theres a ton of other decent games to play too.
Heres whats new on this release:
3.3.9 - December 10, 2016- Hide saving dialog that pops up briefly when returning from a game
- don't ignore buttons when zapper is enabled. prevented "Gotcha! The Sport!" from working (thanks liuhb86!)
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January 1st, 2017, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii, the Game Boy and Game Boy Colour emulation is full speed but GBA emulation is still a little off, heres whats new in this release:
2.3.6 - December 11, 2016- Restored Wiiflow mode plugin by fix94
- Restored fix filebrowser window overlapping
- Change all files End Of Line to windows mode
- Remove update check for updates
[h=3]2.3.5 - December 10, 2016[/h]- Hide saving dialog that pops up briefly when returning from a game
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January 1st, 2017, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
DaeFennek has released an early version of his Minecraft Clone for the Nintendo Wii, if you have played the game on any other system youll recognise this game very easy, cant see the attraction myself but my 6 year old loves minecraft
Heres whats new in this release:
v0.0.3-alpha - Noise Terrain Generator
- Nunchuk Support
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January 1st, 2017, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
EasyRPG Player has been released for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 3DS by carstene1ns and Ghabry, Easy RPG Player is an open source implementation of the RPG Maker 2000/2003 engine, heres whats new in this release:
Two of the bigger achievements in this milestone are a completely new audio interface and huge performance improvements. These changes had the biggest impact on the Wii version, for the first time you can experience completely working audio and a constant frame rate (in most situations).
Download Here --> https://easyrpg.org/player/downloads/
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
GlideN64 which is an OpenGL graphics plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators has seen a new release, so heres an excerpt from the release page:
Time is come to set new Release tag to master branch. 20 months passed since the first major public release. List of improvements made since that time is huge. Thus this new release gets new major version. Some statistics: since previous public release
* 690 commits to master
* closed over 450 various issues
Fixes in combiner, blender, texture loading, frame buffer emulation eliminated graphics issues, which plagued N64 emulation since the beginning and until recently required use of software rendering for correct emulation. Of course, hundreds of GLideN64 own bugs was squashed on the way. Detailed information about new features of this release can be found in my New Public Release articles.
Download over at the site here --> http://gliden64.blogspot.co.uk/
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Cemu an early Wii U Emulator for Windows has seen a new release, emulating any console takes years and thousands of hours by coders, but for fans of emulation its very exciting, heres whats new in this release:
- Graphic improvements & Bicubic upscale filter;
- Compatibility improvements;
- Minor audio improvements;
- Minor optimizations;
- Bugfixes & misc small changes.
Download at official site here --> http://cemu.info/index.html#download
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
A project 10 years in the making has seen a new beta release, Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuuden Totsugeki-Hen is a Super Famicom game translated to English, heres a little of the news:
Since 2006 (release date of the last patch) and the drop of the project by the original project leader, the hack has been completely redone and now, the game can be fully played (following the original story) in English.
It’s still a beta patch and a final version will be published later. More details about it can be found in the readme.
The archive contains two patches, one with the English anime names and one with the English manga names to please everyone.
Check out the project here --> http://www.romhacking.net/translations/315/
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution! has been released for the Snes, it is a translation of the game 46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinkaron but now in English, heres some of the news:
On July 15th, 1993, the cult classic action platformer E.V.O.: Search for Eden was released to North American audiences on the SNES. This game about evolution was actually a spiritual sequel to a darker, weirder, and more story-driven Japanese RPG released by ENIX for the PC-98: 46 Okunen Monogatari: THE Shinkaron.
After a little over a year of work, 46 OkuMen is proud to announce the release of a full English translation of…
E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution!
We hope you enjoy it.
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Another Game Translation for the Snes has been released, this is called The Glory of Heracles IV: Gift from the Gods, heres some news from the project:
Rejoice! The news from Nightcrawler’s Translation Corporation is in! The Glory of Heracles IV: Gift from the Gods English translation has been released! This is a milestone in the fan translation community as it completes the last entry in the Glory of Heracles series. The entire series is now available in English for your enjoyment! Fans of Glory of Heracles III will be happy to know that nansahi also did the translation for the fourth game too! So, you can expect established styles and conventions to carry over. It is a rare treat to be able to do this for multiple fan translated games in the same series.
For those not familiar with the game, Glory of Heracles IV is a blend of Greek mythology, the story of Pandora’s Box, and the quest for eternal life. Although Heracles is in the title of the game, he is not the principle character. The game is actually the story about some other characters, with Heracles as a secondary intertwined quest. Although it shares some Dragon Quest similarities, this is not a Dragon Quest clone. The gameplay and story are head and shoulders beyond what you’d find in a Dragon Quest game.
Nightcrawler’s Translation CorporationGlory of Heracles IV Project Page
Gallery of Images on TransCorp
Glory of Heracles IV Readme
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January 4th, 2017, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
CreeperMario and vgmoose have released Space Game 1.6 for the Nintendo Wii U, a shooter game for the console, heres a little more about the game:
Space Game is a small shooter game for the Wii U. It was originally developed for the limited userspace environment, but since has been ported to HBL ELF using dimok's dynamic libs, as well as RPX files using the Wii U Toolchain. It utilizes OSScreen to draw bitmaps to the screen, rather than any graphics library.
Download Here --> http://wiiubrew.org/wiki/Space_Game
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January 4th, 2017, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
rw-r-r_0644 has released Flappy Bird GX2 for the Wii U, the game itself is a clone of that mobile game that was insanely popular a while back, heres some details:
Flappy Bird GX2 is a recreation of the popular mobile game Flappy Bird by rw-r-r_0644. The goal of the game is to get the flappy bird to pass in between the pipes that come in from the right, taking care to avoid hem. One point is earned whenever a set of pipes is passed through, and the game ends when either the ground is touched or a pipe collision takes place.
Download Here -->http://wiiubrew.org/wiki/Flappy_Bird_GX2
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January 4th, 2017, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
coc4tm has released OurLoader for the Wii U which helps get around the annoying region locking on consoles, heres more details:
Ourloader is an application that enables playing retail Wii U discs from other another region, also known as freeloading. This circumvents region-locking.
v1.0First stable release. Added french version
Download Here --> http://wiiubrew.org/wiki/OurLoader
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January 4th, 2017, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Shinyquagsire23 has released Pazaak Wii which is an homebrew game for the Wii U, heres more details:
Pazaak Wii U is a simple Pazaak game for Wii U using decaf-emu's Wii U Toolkit. Graphics by JCarter426. This program servers an examples on how to effectively work with GX2 in C using the Wii U Toolkit (wut).
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January 4th, 2017, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Wintermute has released devkitPPC r28 and libOGC v1.8.15 for the Wii U, heres more details:
The binaries for devkitPPC release 28 and libogc 1.8.15 are now available. As usual the windows binaries are available through the Automated Installer/Updater, for other platforms check the devkitPPC getting started page on the wiki.
devkitPPC release 28- updated to gcc 6.2.0.
- updated binutils to 2.27.
- updated newlib to 2.0.0.
- updated gdb to 7.11.
libogc 1.8.15- Enable QOS guaranteed devices support in lwbt.
- Improve Wii MotionPlus detection and initialization.
- Fix 3rd party classic controllers, add wii u pro controller support.
- Fix gamecube BBA support.
- Added option for retries to ifconfig.
- Various fixes to compile with latest gcc.
The Wii and Gamecube examples have also been updated to compile with devkitPPC r28/libogc 1.8.15
Download via here --> https://devkitpro.org/viewtopic.php?...47c18825a34a49
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January 4th, 2017, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
One of my favourite games ever is Zelda A Link to the Past for the Super Nintendo, heres an excellent rom hack of that game, heres more info:
Love it or hate it, you’ve probably heard of it. Parallel Worlds is by far the most popular full-game hack of A Link to the Past released to date. Today, in honor of the 10-year anniversary of its original release, the hack has been updated to add several new gameplay mechanics, and to attempt to address many of its long-standing issues.
Some of the new features include:
- Full CD-quality soundtrack via MSU-1 audio support
- Stun enemies by hitting them with your bare fist (no sword)
- Upgraded AST-Style Pegasus Boots
- Break pots and collect items with the sword
- Shovel is now usable, with random treasures
- Loading your game starts with full health instead of half
- Able to save the game at any time, no need to get the sword first
- Backtracking from the top of the Parallel Tower is possible (eliminates an extra climb for the Kokiri Emerald)
- Bomb knockback no longer damages Link
Full Info: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/inde...pic,23339.html
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January 5th, 2017, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
PlanetVB have posted news of a new Virtual Boy Emulator being written in Rust, heres more details:
Rustual Boy, a new Virtual Boy emulator written in Rust, is currently in development by ferris.
Quote:This emulator is not quite complete, but covers quite a bit of the CPU, memory mapping, and video hardware. It also contains a basic command-line debugger supporting disassembly, mem dump, breakpoints, etc. Many ROM's are fully compatible so far, but there's still some fundamental things that aren't yet implemented, such as some floating point flags/exceptions, bit string op's, etc. There are also a few bugs lurking around
Full details --> http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=423
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January 5th, 2017, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Marcan over at Hackmii has posted a great update about the Homebrew Channel, heres the post:
Last weekend was the 10-year anniversary of the Nintendo Wii. We thought we’d dust off the blog with a little birthday present: the source code for The Homebrew Channel.
When we built HBC, we always wanted it to serve as a reference for what homebrew software should look like: good design, professional-looking, user friendly, stable, safe, and supporting features such as network connectivity. We hoped it would inspire other software to aspire to a similar level of quality. But we didn’t want it to become an instant base for quick hacks and mods and endless cheap variations, and we also didn’t think proliferation of installable “channels” on the Wii is a good idea: we still think it makes much more sense to have one entry point into the homebrew ecosystem, and then launch everything else from there (among other things, because it’s easy to brick a Wii by installing things into NAND). And, to be fair, the code is definitely not as pretty as what you get when running it.
However, the plan was always to eventually open source it. Bushing, in particular, always championed for this. This release is dedicated to him.
Keep in mind that, since this was never developed in public, you’ll probably find embarrassing things in the source code. We’ve kept it maintained over the various releases, and we’ve done some very minor cleanup to this release to bring it up to date with the latest version of the toolchain and remove “security” bits no longer relevant to an open source release, but other than that, what you see is what you get. This is the code that the millions of users of The Homebrew Channel are running on their consoles.
As a bonus, this code includes the fix for vWii aspect ratio on Wii U. The Title ID has been changed, so you can install it without clobbering your official Homebrew Channel (though telling them apart in the menu might be tricky!).
More details here --> https://hackmii.com/2016/11/the-open-homebrew-channel/
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January 5th, 2017, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Im personally not too knowledgable with this but over at GBA Temp theres news of a loader that runs from an SD Card, I don't condone piracy but its an interesting release none the less:
Thanks to the work of ahezard, Gericom, Apache, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000, we can now load NDS games from the SD card, without any flashcard/SLOT-1 card.
As promised, a release is here, on Christmas/Christmas Eve.
Don't expect high compatibility or save support yet, but do expect many, many updates.
shutterbug2000 said: ↑ A fair warning and note to all: If you don't wish to save, keep ALL cards out of SLOT-1. THE SAVES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN IF THE SAVE CHIP MATCHES.
For example, running MKDS with an AC:WW game in SLOT-1 will overwrite AC:WW's save, since the chip is the same.
However, if you wish to save like this, TWLSaveTool can tell you the chip type. Just backup the old save first.
Click to expand...
Have fun!
Some games that work well with this version:
Warioware: Touched
Mario Kart DS (if you have a physical MKDS card for saving)
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
Space Invaders DS
MegaMan ZX
Yoshi Touch & Go
Release Page link --> https://github.com/ahezard/nds-bootstrap/releases
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January 5th, 2017, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Over at GBA Dev a new release of mGBA has been released, mGBA is a GBA Emulator for Windows, 3DS, Wii, PSVita, heres some of the news:
mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.
Up-to-date news and downloads can be found at mgba.io.
A new release of mGBA, version 0.5.2, is available. This version is a bugfix release, which contains many stability and accuracy fixes. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.
• Game Boy support
• Support for encrypted CodeBreaker GBA cheats
• Emulation of Vast Fame protected GBA carts (taizou)
• Tile viewer
• Threaded rendering mode
• Libretro: Memory map and achievement support (leiradel)
• GUI: Add UI control remapping
• GUI: Add fast-forward
• Wii: 240p support
• 3DS: Adjustable screen darkening
• Ability to temporarily load a savegame
• Load specific files out of archives
• Automatic BIOS detection
Supported Platforms:
• Windows Vista or newer
• OS X 10.7 (Lion)[3] or newer
• Linux
• FreeBSD
• Nintendo 3DS
• Wii
• PlayStation Vita
Download Here --> https://mgba.io/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
The full English translation of FDS titles Famicom Grand Prix 1 & 2 has been released, the patches make it easier to navigate around the games. Each game is different. Part 1 has an overhead F-1 type of driving and part 2 is more like the typical Rad Racer style
Full article --> http://www.romhacking.net/translations/2838/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Retro Bits have unveiled a device known as the Super Retro Boy at CES. The Super Retro Boy resembles the classic original Game Boy, albeit with a few modern day improvements such as 10-hour battery life and a shatter resistant screen. This handheld is able to play every original Game Boy game ever made. However, it can also play every Game Boy Color game and every Game Boy Advance title. It even lets you play all of those games with a slightly better resolution thanks to the device's enhanced LED screen.
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January 10th, 2017, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Nes Mini Classic, a console with 30 built in Nintendo Games has been hacked to play roms, sounds awesome, heres more info:
"I just got word from GaryOPA over at maxconsole.com that the NES classic is hacked, even game ROMs can be added to the existing kachikachi emulator collection. The method used is in the forum post here. I guess someone finally figured out how to use Plutoo's descrambler released in November 2016 and how to flash the decrypted content back to the NAND. Progress!"
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January 10th, 2017, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Eurasia they have posted about a recent talk about the Gameboy revealing facts that we just didn't know before, heres more info:
"In the 'better late than never' department: Michael Steil (Mist) had an [video=youtube;CImyDBJSTsQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CImyDBJSTsQ"]interesting talk[/URL] over at 33C3 about the original Game Boy, also covering a bit of the differences compared to the later Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance models. Lots of great in-depth technical information squeezed into one hour. Quote: [I]'The 8-bit Game Boy was sold between 1989 and 2003, but its architecture more closely resembles machines from the early 1980s, like the Commodore 64 or the NES. Source
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January 10th, 2017, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
RockNES the Nes Emulator for Windows has been updated to version 5.30, heres whats new:
- Major revision of the graphics module and startup.
- Full rewrite of the game screen upscalers.
- Removed 4:3 aspect and pixelated blitters, prior to NTSC aspect ratio (squared).
- Removed the [!] menu from the GUI, general menu rework done.
- Removed frame scanline interpolation/flickering.
- Replaced the RGB color style with a new one.
- Fixed a couple of emulator startup obscure problems.
- Fixed switching to fullscreen/windowed modes.
- Added option to save your custom fullscreen mode.
- Added option to restore all the default settings.
- Motion blur filtering tweaked a bit.
- Fixed CHR ROM bankswitch state on savestate loading. This way, PTB tagged blocks (1 byte) were replaced by PAT tagged blocks (2 bytes long). Old files are still compatible to avoid problems.
- Fixed a bug in the LSR ($20) CPU instruction.
- Fixed "value MOD zero" in the PRG bankswitching system.
- Fixed mapper 25, IRQs should work ok.
- Fixed mapper 227 and adjusted it to work with 600in1 cart.
- Added mapper 90 nametable control enable/disable (mapper 211).
- Added key mapping for turbo buttoms.
- Added a quick fix for bad NSF files (should be bankswtiched).
- Added PRG ROM and CHR ROM CRC32 calculations.
- Changed "Header info" to "File info".
- Removed mapper 72 due to the bad support and unsupported features.
- Fixed a couple of errors in the documentation (rocknes.txt).
- Moved the iNES header description into a separated file.
- General code rewrites, major cleanups and many cosmetic changes.
Download Here --> http://rocknes.web.fc2.com/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Kindred the SNES emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release, heres whats new:
- [SFC] Added input mapping for NTT Joypad;
- [SFC] Updated SETA-DSP (UPD96050);
- [SFC] Updated SCPU Multiply/Division cycle processing;
- [SFC] Updated PPU vertical synchronization;
- [SFC] Rewrote PPU object rendering code;
- [SFC] Updated State information to be cycle relevant;
- [SFC] Updated SA1 memory map timing;
- [SFC] Reworked SPC700 CPU core;
- [SFC] Reworked SA1 and 65816 CPU cores;
- [SFC] Updated DMA and H-DMA timing and protocol;
- [SFC] Added S-RTC (all four clocks supported);
- [SFC] Added RTC-4513;
- [SFC] Added SPC7110 decompression;
- [SFC] Added BS-X flash cartridge (all commands supported);
- [SFC] Fixed BS-X mapping;
- [SFC] Updated BS ROM detection;
- [SFC] Added board (SHVC-2J5B) (Sangokushi III);
- [SFC] Added board (SHVC-BJ5M) (Sangokushi IV);
- [SFC] Added board (SHVC-2A5B) (Sangokushi Senshi);
- [ALL] Updated kindred.db.
More info --> http://www.crazysmart.net.au/kindred/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x 3DS the SNES emulator for 3DS/2DS has been updated, heres whats new:
Snes9x 3DS v0.70 changelog:
* Fixed sprites priority issues. This fixes sprites problems of Shadowrun, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario All Stars' (and possibly other games too)
* The newly implemented rendering engine also provides some modest speed improvements in some games.
* Added feature to save the directory of the previously loaded ROM.
More info: https://github.com/bubble2k16/snes9x_3ds
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January 10th, 2017, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendulator the Nes Emulator for Windowshas had a new beta release, Supported file formats include .NES, UNIF, FDS (fwNES format), and NSF. Mappers are handled using external DLLs, complete with extra sound channels for most games which provide them. Other notable features include writing to FDS images (by storing the differences in the SRAM folder), Game Genie support (limited to 3 codes), customizeable controllers (including 4 player), input movie recording and playback (with re-recording), AVI capturing, and a debugger.
More info --> http://www.qmtpro.com/~nes/nintendulator/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
N3S the 3d Nes Emulator for Windows has had a new release, heres whats new:
New features:
Added N3S file format, which defines 3D models to draw in place of sprites. Effectively, the 3D voxel sprites are editable. Use the "3D" menu to save and load. Generated automatically when game with CHR data is loaded. No in-game editor yet, use a text editor to play with generated file if you want to mess with the feature.
Improved pattern table recognition to find out which sprites are mapped.
Misc bug fixes.
Notable issues:
Cannot play games with no CHR data / sprite data compressed in PRG
Many games still have graphical glitches.
PAL games run, but at 60hz rather than 50hz.
Audio sometimes desyncs or becomes choppy. (You can move the window, pause emulation, or open a menu item to reset it.)
Audio buffer doesn't stop playing when moving window or manipulating menus.
Controls cannot be rebound.
Camera and emu controls only bound to XInput devices
Supports only Player 1 controller
Many menu items do not do anything yet
Possibly unknown issues on different versions of Windows, has only been tested on Windows 10 x64
More Info: https://github.com/and0p/N3S
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January 10th, 2017, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo have released a video of their new console, originally called Nintendo NX its now called Nintendo Switch:
In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added to the power of a home gaming system to enable unprecedented new video game play styles.
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January 10th, 2017, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Yellows8 has released a new version of his HomeMenuHax application for the Nintendo 3DS, heres whats new:
Added support for v11.1-v11.2 via bossbannerhax. See README.
Fixed an issue with CSV parsing(#181).
Block certain PAD values being used with menuhax-cfg which are used by the system.
Fixed issue where the padcfg got reset when the PAD config wasn't updated.
The system-version override option is now only enabled if a certain file exists on SD.
Various other changes.
More info --> https://github.com/yellows8/3ds_homemenuhax/releases
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January 10th, 2017, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
POWDER is a roguelike originaly developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA) and now the 3DS. It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16x16) rather than the traditional characters.
The source code is on github (https://github.com/nop90/POWDER-3DS).
The compiled game (3dsx) is released on github (https://github.com/nop90/POWDER-3DS/releases).
The original game is made by Jeff Lait (http://www.zincland.com/powder/?pagename=about)
This game uses the sf2d library created by @xerpi
Ver. 0.1preview (08 January 2016)
- Minor fixes
- Added CIA Build
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January 10th, 2017, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x 3DS the SNES emulator for 3DS/2DS has been updated, heres whats new:
v0.71 released
Kind of a hot fix that solves the nasty directory bug (my bad!).
Full list of things updated:
- Fixed nasty bug that breaks loading of the second ROM, if the first ROM was loaded from a directory path that has spaces in it.
- Added feature to allow users to page up/down the options/files in the menu while holding down X.
- Minor optimisations
Additionally, we've finally included an SMDH file with Snes9x 3DS icon.
Some of the bugs I can't solve yet:
- Priority issues in FFMQ
- Yoshi's Island SRAM problem. Seems like it may be a problem with Snes9x 1.43. My suggestion is to use Save States for now.
More info: https://github.com/bubble2k16/snes9x_3ds
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January 10th, 2017, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
MaK11-12 has released a new version of Ctrmus a music player for the 3DS. It plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, OPUS and MP3. Music continues to play when the 3DS is closed.
Heres whats new:
Updated 2016-01-05 (0.4.4):
Add directory browsing. Directories are coloured blue.
Add MP3 file support.
More info --> https://github.com/deltabeard/ctrmus
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January 10th, 2017, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Redhat has posted a new release of Super Haxagon a Super Hexagon clone for the 3DS. It runs full speed on the old 3DS, new 3DS, and in citra-emu/citra.
Here are some of the NEW features to be excited about!
Awesome 3D banner for CIA installs
Custom level loading from the SD card
Brand new level editor (documentation soon!)
Music loaded from SD card
Shareable forwards and backwards compatible levels
Less spaghetti code
8 redesigned levels
43 unique patterns to master
High Scores saved to db file
Multi shape levels
Level upping
And, of course, further improvements to overall game stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
More info: https://github.com/RedInquisitive/Super-Haxagon
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January 10th, 2017, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Desynched has released a new homebrew game for the 3DS, this time a game called Snakes, heres more:
Introducing a local play game supporting 1-8* players!
This is a great party game!
[*: only 5 players in one room have been tested so far! If you find out how this game behaves with more than 5, let me know! ]
I will upload a video of gameplay soon!
This is an alpha release.
Ability to play offline now!
Added splash screen.
Added suggestion to turn wi-fi on if it is not on when starting the game.
Fixed bug where releasing the CPad when moving diagonal doesn't update this change to the other connected devices.
Homepage --> https://github.com/DDews/Snakes
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January 10th, 2017, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Retroguru have released a new version of their homebrew game for the 3DS:
Xump - The Final Run is a simple multi-platform puzzler by Retroguru. Initially released by Psilocybin Development in 2005 the game has been improved in almost every aspect you can imagine. New graphics, new levels, new music, new options, new everything...
Xump Features
* Joystick, Joypad and Mouse Controls (all system depending)
* 9 chippy tracks for your audio pleasure
* 48 Levels
* Highscore-List
* Retro styled password system
* Hidden easter egg - find two more themes
* Hidden easter egg - find 32 classic levels
homepage --> http://www.retroguru.com/xump/
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January 10th, 2017, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Steveice10 has released a new version of FBI which is an open source file and title manager for the 3DS.
Heres whats new:
Color tickets based on whether they are in use. Green means in use, red means not in use.
Fix acquisition of service access as a 3DSX.
Fix file operations being messed up when attributes cannot be read.
Fix use-after-free crash in bulk file operations that delete targets.
servefiles: Allow any extension when pointing directly to a single file.
servefiles: Other minor code improvements.
homepage --> https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI
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January 10th, 2017, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nop90 has released a great looking Zelda Homebrew game for the 3DS, heres more details:
Following a vow to the Triforce formulated by Ganon on a sad rainy day, the kingdom of Hyrule changed into Picross grids. Using his courage and pencil together, Link set off on this new challenge
All you need to know about this game is in the official site of the game: http://www.zeldaroth.fr
The source code of port is on github (https://github.com/nop90/ZeldaPicross).
The compiled game (3dsx format) is released on github (https://github.com/nop90/ZeldaPicross/releases).
The original game is made by Vincent Jouillat (http://www.zeldaroth.fr)
This game uses the sf2d and sftd libraries created by @xerpi
Ver. 1.0RC (02 January 2016)
- Minor fixes
- Added CIA Build
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January 18th, 2017, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Wintermute has posted a new release of devkitPPC, heres the release details:
We've just rolled a rather large update for both devkitPPC and devkitARM which brings the newlib patches much closer for the two toolchains. In preparation for 64 bit we've had to update the libsysbase devoptab interface to use pointers instead of ints for the file descriptor. If you're using your own devices it's just a matter of changing the file descriptor from int to void * & recompiling.
Binaries available through the Automated Installer/Updater as usual. Use the exe for windows, the perl scripts for other platforms.
devkitARM release 46- updated to gcc 6.3.0.
- updated binutils to 2.27.
- updated newlib to 2.5.0.
- updated gdb to 7.12.
- ndstool can now output dsiware compatible nds files, complete with dsi mode binaries.
- *.twl.* source files now compiled into DSi sections.
- picasso updated to 2.5.0.
- bug fixes in 3dsxtool.
libnds 1.6.0- DSi specific code moved to DSi sections.
- Macros added to mark code/data/bss for DSi sections.
- DSi nand access exposed.
- Fixed touchscreen in DSi mode on 3DS.
- Updated for libsysbase changes.
dswifi 0.4.0- bugfixes and stability improvements based on feedback from Martin Korth.
devkitPPC release 29- updated to gcc 6.3.0.
- updated newlib to 2.5.0.
libfat 1.1.0- Updated for libsysbase changes.
- errno corrections.
- Don't attempt to mount DSi SD in DS mode.
libctru 1.2.0 - see changelog @ https://github.com/smealum/ctrulib/blob ... angelog.md
citro3d 1.2.0- Major revamp of the 3D math library with many contributions from mtheall and tommai78101, including support for quaternion math.
- Added C3D_ImmDrawRestartPrim and C3D_GetCmdBufUsage.
- Added renderqueue-safe versions of GX commands.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Other libraries not mentioned have been updated for libsysbase changes and/or recompiled for latest tools and libraries.
TODO - recompile portlibs with latest tools.
- merge and tag libraries in git repos.
We recommend that all libraries in use are recompiled from scratch.
More info --> http://devkitpro.org/viewtopic.php?f...b13528dd65fc20
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