February 1st, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The groundbreaking franchise that revolutionized sports gaming is about to redefine the way you experience the NFL ?again. Madden NFL 07 for the Nintendo Wii unveils all-new motion-based control schemes that put the complete command of your players at your fingertips like never before. Use the innovative controls to unleash a devastating rushing attack by opening holes as the lead blocker, and then switch to the tailback to smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers. Mind-blowing jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct styles of your favorite NFL backs provide an unstoppable arsenal of moves. Madden NFL 07 is football like you’ve never played it.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers looking forward to swapping their currently useless Stars Points for Wii Points will have to trade in an estimated 8000 Stars to get just 2000 Wii Points when the offer opens later this year.
If this rumour, reported by German magazine N-Zone, is to be believed, you'll need to register 32 Wii or GameCube games, each getting you 250 Stars points to afford one 2000-point Wii Points Card. With each game costing £40, that works out at a whooping £1280, not to mention a tiresome code-entering chore.
It's all free stuff at the end of the day, which is a good thing but the European Stars Points Catalogue is still some way off the ultra-cool Japanese equivalent, which offers exclusive DS games and Nintendo figures.
via cvg
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February 1st, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Those looking forward to EA Japan's promising DS remake of strategy classic Theme Park can enjoy a nice surprise in the CVG video player today, as we offer you an exclusive first look at the handheld game's debut trailer, roller coasters and all.
If that's not enough we've also got a large batch of screenshots that you'll only find on CVG, and an interview with Theme Park's Japanese designer Toshiyuki Nagahara - the only thing we're missing is a competition to go to a real theme park, eat dinner at a giant French fry shop and then sweep up the sick of the over-run punters, but we're working on it.
You can find the trailer over to the right, but for the screens you're going to have to head over to our Theme Park interview.
Screens and Trailer at CVG
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February 1st, 2007, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
The battle of the next-gen consoles is hotting up, with Sony dismissing the Wii as an "impulse buy" while Nintendo claims its machine is in higher demand than the PlayStation 3.
Speaking to the New York Times, Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesperson Dave Karraker said that 100,000 PS3 units are being shipped into the US each week - and are selling out.
However, he conceded that sales have slowed since the busy Christmas period, stating, "The frenzy we saw at the holidays has subsided a bit."
Karraker went on to compare the PS3 and the Wii, suggesting that Sony's console is much more powerful and should therefore be regarded as being in a different category. "Wii could be considered an impulse by more than anything else," he said.
If Karraker is correct a lot of consumers are acting on impulse, with a continuing shortage of Wii units in the US. The PS3, on the other hand, is said to be readily available in many areas.
Sony has suggested that there appears to be more demand for Nintendo's console simply because the company is shipping less stock, but NoA's vice president of marketing, Perrin Kaplan, disagrees.
"That's absolutely inaccurate," she said - claiming that Nintendo is shipping at least the same number of units as Sony.
The NYT article also quotes "company officials" as stating that a million Wii consoles are being shipped around the globe each month, with the US receiving half of that number - and therefore more than the 100,000 PS3 units per month Sony has claimed to be shipping.
via gibiz
Who thinks Sony are just crybabys because the Wii has done so well so far ?
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February 1st, 2007, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
With only 332 days left until 2008 comes charging through the door, we can reveal that the game that bagged the most 'Game of the Year' accolades for 2006 was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Taking the results from 13 different multi-format Game of the Year awards, Nintendo's dungeon doozy was honoured five times, while three gaming sources chose Xbox 360's heavy booted alien squisher, Gears of War, as their game of the year.
Check out the list below to see who voted for what as their game of 2006:
• 1UP: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
• Edge: Final Fantasy XII
• Eurogamer: Guitar Hero
• GameDaily: Gears of War
• GamesMaster: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
• GamesRadar UK: Shadow of the Colossus
• GamesRadar US: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
• GameSpot: Gears of War
• GameSpy: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
• Gametrailers: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
• IGN: Okami
• Next-Generation: Gears of War
• Shacknews: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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February 1st, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
It's just my opinion a fact, Brain Age would never have appealed to the masses were the DS not played like a book. Now it's nothing special, as A-Ha videos everywhere (better known as Hotel Dusk: Room 215) are exploiting the 90-degree rotational axis of the DS.
So what did reviewers think of this playable paperplasticback mystery?
Game Revolution
From moving to talking to puzzle solving, everything in Hotel Dusk can be accomplished by tapping, dragging or drawing...By touching the screen with the stylus, your little dot will move in that direction. If you draw near something worth investigating, a little icon pops up, and by tapping it you shift to a first person view of that area. When you place your stylus over an item of interest, the item lights up and you can inspect it further by double tapping... clipping a segment of wire from a coat hanger or jimmying a lock, are handled with the stylus.
it doesn't take a long time spent with Hotel Dusk to realize that besides weaving an intriguing mystery, the game was designed to confound, confuse, and even frustrate time and again...a design methodology that is sure to please hardcore sleuths, while...if a clue was missed or overlooked, a player could find him or herself wandering aimlessly about the available areas of the hotel, knocking on doors and clicking on anything...
I was thrilled about the control and visuals but I can't say the same about dialog. Dialog between characters seemed very stilted and a lot of the conversation seemed superfluous. A typical interchange sounded like this:
Maid: "I'm also the cook in this joint."
Kyle: "You're the cook here?"
Maid: "I'm the cook here, that's what I said."
Kyle: "So you're the cook here?"
Repeat that three or four times each time Kyle has to talk to someone and you'll understand how annoyed I was about the conversation
MTV Multiplayer
So far, "Hotel Dusk" has been a welcome surprise... it presents a few other things I didn't realize I wanted...[like ] the player to hold their clamshell DS sideways...[which] allows "Hotel Dusk" another odd classification: sideways first-person-shooter-without-the-shooting....[it's also] the first DS game I'm aware of that enables the player to hand-write notes about what they're doing directly into the game....[and] scenes play in widescreen -- also known as the aspect ratio of every PSP game. So here's a chance to sort of see what Nintendo might do on a PSP, given the screen space.
Rocky Mountain News
I think the developers may have confused black and white crime drama with noir...When you bump into characters the scene unfolds in that moving sketch art we saw 20 years ago in A-Ha's Take On Me video...While this intriguing game's plot is almost accidentally oneiric, it certainly never delivers on the ambivalence, the cruelty, the eroticism that instills most film noir with its gut-wrenching frankness....Instead the characters' dream-like isolation is bogged down with generic characters...
I find it a little refreshing to see the point and clicks coming back into style. And the DS finally makes the idea work off the PC platform.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Phone straps seem to be so very much a Japanese thing. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen one hanging from a phone in the U.S., but maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong sorts of crowds.
If I were the type to clutter up my phone with tiny plastic characters or other bits of colorful nonsense, the Revolve strap would likely be the only thing that found it's way onto my mobile.
The Revolve strap is a tiny little DS knock-off that plays generic versions of classic games like Block Game, Shooting Game and, my personal favorite, Frog Game. Ah, that brings back memories of my misspent young: Drinking cokes at the Officer's Club in Yongsan playing Frog Game with my friends before riding home through the golf course on my bike.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Going to school in Japan sounds great. Not that I could have had a DS in my youth, but if I had, the chances of Animal Crossing becoming my classmate's game of choice are somewhere alongside slim and none. In fact, describing the game's "objectives" would in all likelihood have gotten my head punched in.
But not in Japan. 4CR writer Vinnk works in a Japanese school, and there, Animal Crossing is big. Too big.
This morning while I was sitting in the teachers' lounge drinking a nice cup of green tea, an announcement came over the PA system. As usual I and the other teachers tuned it out, as these announcements are pretty much the same thing every day. Then I heard something I was not expecting, the words "Doubutsu no Mori" or as we know it "Animal Crossing". Now I started listening.
Since I missed the first part it didn't make much sense, all I got was that Animal Crossing was now forbidden.
Turns out kids just aren't doing any work on their computers, instead wasting their days hitting up Animal Crossing FAQs and fansites. And the teachers are not happy:
All the students care about is that stupid game, they don't study enough.
I counter that no other game I have ever played (Stroker aside) has so prepared me for the rigors of adult life. Busting your ass to pay off a mortgage, all the while performing menial tasks for a pittance is what life is all about, kids. Learn from Tom Nook. He'll teach you more about the real world than any maths teacher ever could.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Capcom has come up with a great lunchtime distraction for the bored-at-work: a playable preview version of Gyakuten Saiban 4 in Flash. The DS version of what we'd call Phoenix Wright 4 is still a couple of months away from its Japanese release, so we can only applaud Capcom's generosity here.
GUILTY: the dialogue in this demo will be largely incomprehensible to most Western players, as its script is written entirely in Japanese. NOT GUILTY: the music is sublime and manages to convey (without lyrics) how the trial is progressing; this is also the first time we've seen Odoroki-kun (captured here) at the bar. Cheers!
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February 1st, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Just released are a ton of screenshots for the game Mercury Meltdown Revolution on the Wii.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
One of the greatest adventures of all time is back! The fifth instalment in Square Enix’s renowned franchise returns to the Game Boy Advance with all the elements that make this one of gaming’s best-loved series. With new content, intricately detailed stories and stunning visuals, you won’t be able to keep your hands off your Game Boy Advance when FINAL FANTASY® V ADVANCE launches across Europe on 16th March 2007.
Staying true to the Final Fantasy series, FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE combines complex and heroic new characters with familiar themes and an exciting new storyline to be experienced. Players must guide Bartz, along with his chocobo companion, young Princess Lenna, amnesiac Galuf, and Pirate Captain Faris through their world in a quest to prevent the destruction of the four crystals controlling the world’s elements. Players must utilise all their skills to battle their way past constant danger and prevent an evil wizard from destroying the world as they know it.
Players must guide the characters through a fantasy world, visiting towns, talking to other characters and battling monsters to do everything in their power to unravel the mystery of the crystals. Throughout the game’s battles, players earn experience points enabling their characters to “level up” and become even stronger. Along the way, they'll also obtain stronger weapons and armour, improving their effectiveness in battle.
FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE features an evolution of the Job System introduced in previous titles in the series. Not only can players freely change classes and jobs throughout the game, a feature reflected in the characters' physical appearance, but certain abilities can be learnt and assigned independently of their job. FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE adds to the fun with new jobs such as Oracle, Gladiator and Cannoneer throwing a slew of new abilities into the mix.
But it’s not all change; FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE still captures the essence of FINAL FANTASY with all the stunning elements fans have come to expect from the series. This game features classic series references, sweeping music, dramatic and diverse storylines and memorable characters. With all this added to the thrill of succeeding in the most difficult of quests, plus an all-new dungeon to explore, a unique job system and a host of all-new items to find, this really is a must have for all adventure fans.
So make sure you’re ready for the adventure of a lifetime when FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE returns to the Game Boy Advance on March 16th 2007 at the estimated retail price of around €40.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Released today are new screenshots for the game Diner Dash on both PSP and Nintendo DS.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Get set to put your skills to the test as Pokémon Ranger launches across Europe on 30th March 2007 only for the Nintendo DS. For the first time ever, fans finally get the chance to fill the coveted role of a Ranger, an elite task force who protect Pokémon.
Players can become a fully-fledged Pokémon Ranger by being invited to Fall City to learn from Spenser, one of the top Ranger leaders. As they embark on the life of a licensed Ranger, players will learno use the powers of captured wild Pokémon to solve problems, help people and protect nature from adverse effects.
As a player begins the adventure they select either Lunick (male) or Solana (female) as their chosen character. They are then transported to the Rangers Base where they will receive a series of exciting and challenging missions to complete. As experience is gained, the missions increase in importance. The Ranger is pitted against the Go-Rock Squad in an attempt to recover Professor Hastings’ stolen Super Styler – the newly developed version of the Capture Styler used to hold wild Pokémon.
The Rangers don’t embark on their epic journey alone. To help them along their way they are also accompanied by a single partner Pokémon. This helpful friend will remain with them at all times aiding the all important relationship between the Ranger and captured wild Pokémon, whose power they will need to harness in the challenges ahead of them.
For the first time in a Pokémon game, players can control the Pokémon Ranger using only the Nintendo DS touch screen. To capture a valuable wild Pokémon the player must draw circles round their target with the stylus, though this challenge varies depending on the size and power of the Pokémon. Once captured, the Ranger’s partner Pokémon facilitates the use of the wild Pokémon’s powers to solve problems and clear obstacles that they might encounter.
A wild Pokémon’s powers aren’t available forever though. The player must choose the right moment to use the power because once used, the Pokémon is released back into the wild. A captured Pokémon can help a player by providing either a Poké Assist or a Field Move. In a Poké Assist a player can use an already captured Pokémon to capture another. In Field Move the Pokémon is used to clear an obstacle in the new Ranger’s path.
As the game progresses, the Ranger’s Capture Styler, used to hold the wild Pokémon, becomes more powerful. This provides more energy (Meter) allowing more Pokémon to be held with them at any one time. The wild Pokémon captured all provide different powers, depending on the group they belong to. Groups available include Grass, Fire, Electric, along with many more. As the game progresses, the challenge of capturing the correct Pokémon becomes increasingly strategic with various group match-up advantages and disadvantages influencing their assistance to the player.
The fun doesn’t end with the main mission either, with numerous sub-quests available giving players the opportunity to meet and capture legendary Pokémon like Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. With these and over 200 other Pokémon waiting to be caught, completing your Browser will be no easy task. Do you have what it takes to ‘Catch em all’ and earn the Certificate of Completion
So get ready to capture and conquer as Pokémon Ranger hits shelves across Europe on the Nintendo DS on 30th March 2007 for the estimated retail price of around €40 (£30 in the UK).
And be sure you don't miss Pokémon Battle Frontier where the Pokémon Ranger, Solana, makes her TV debut in the most exciting Pokémon TV series yet. Toonami is on Sky Channel 602 at 5pm everyday, with the latest series starting February 5th!
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February 1st, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
New released are a bunch of screenshots for the game Tamagotchi Party On!
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February 1st, 2007, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Crossword puzzle aficionados will soon have a new outlet as Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of digital entertainment products and content, today announced The New York Times Crosswords for the Nintendo DS™. Developed by Budcat Creations, The New York Times Crosswords will challenge even the most savvy wordplay enthusiasts when it ships this spring.
“The challenging fun of The New York Times crossword puzzles combined with the stylus-based functionality of the Nintendo DS is a perfect pairing from our perspective,” said Ken Gold, vice president of Marketing, Majesco. “Handwriting recognition lends authenticity to gameplay while wireless multiplayer offers social players a means to enjoy the game with other fans on the go. The New York Times Crosswords really is the ultimate game for passionate crossword puzzle lovers.”
The New York Times Crosswords features more than 1,000 real crossword puzzles and the unique ability to write in answers with the stylus or use a Touch Screen keyboard to enter letters. Various modes of play include Puzzle Me Quick for a fast word fix; Puzzle Week for extended play with progressive difficulty; or Challenge mode with adjustable time and difficulty settings. In addition, the game includes both cooperative and competitive 2-player play so puzzle fanatics can work together or face off in wireless challenges.
For more information about Majesco’s exciting line of products please visit www.majescoentertainment.com
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February 1st, 2007, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
After our Xbox 360 was stricken with the three red light lurgy, we headed to Dr Google to seek a prognosis. Typing in 'Xbox 360 problems' we nearly choked on our fingernails when it returned 7,530,000 results. That's a lot of problems and, from the first 100 or so pages we bothered to check, nearly all of those related to Xbox 360's red lightyitis. An outrage and no mistake.
Our consumer anger was immediately distracted, however, by the opportunity for a pointless and trivial number hunt and we probed the internet further to see how Microsoft's rivals fared in the Google problem stakes.
'PS3 problems' notched up 3,700,000 and offered a vast variety of disgruntlements, including hardware, manufacturing, pricing, software, global launch and on and on and on...
But it was Wii that stacked the top of this impromptu study, with a search for 'Wii problems' conjuring up an almighty 15,200,000 results. Who'd have thought that Nintendo's friend-for-all-the-family could be so problematic? Of course, it didn't take us long to deduce that 'problems' really translated to 'slippery handed numpties' or 'spatially spastic'.
And our conclusion to this shallow investigative analysis? Er, when we're left without a console we'll play anything. Even Google.
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February 1st, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Friend codes. Nintendo's self-imposed restriction on online gaming has been a burden to many who want to play with their friends without having to share a different 12-digit friend code for every game. When the Wii was revealed to have a console-specific friend code, we thought Nintendo had somewhat listened to the community's grumblings. When Pokemon Battle Revolution, the first online Wii title, launched in Japan with friend codes, we realized the folly of our optimism.
Square Enix's Senior Vice President Hiromichi Tanaka empathizes, highlighting the friend code system as the primary reason they haven't brought an online game like Final Fantasy XI onto the console. In an interview with Cubed's Adam Riley, Tanaka reveals that the RPG powerhouse is now in negotiations with Nintendo about "resolving this point of contention." A publisher of Square Enix's magnitude does not necessarily guarantee Nintendo will listen, but perhaps Nintendo will ease off or at least allow exceptions for some titles.
Then again, Final Fantasy XI on the Wii would surely be profitable even if gamers were required to enter over 300,000 12-digit codes to fully experience the world. That's how much, we suspect, Wii owners our clamoring for Nintendo to join the rest its brethren in this generation.
[Update 1: As White Rose Duelist and others have pointed out, Pokemon Battle Revolution's extra friend code might be an exception and not a rule, and Elebits is a cited example where one can exchange in-game pictures with Wii friends. However, as we do not have any other details from impending online games, and Nintendo has not readily clarified, we're just not sure.]
via joystiq
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February 1st, 2007, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
via reuters
Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing for Nintendo of America, said the Wii was also popular at family gatherings over the holidays -- including her own.
"For the first time ever over the holidays all the people in my household were playing together," Kaplan said. "I know it was a first for a lot of households."
Indeed, Marusin said he was floored by how the Wii caught on not, only with his wife and friends, but also with his extended family.
"My father-in-law, who doesn't even have a debit card, was bowling," Marusin said. "That was the big talk of the family."
John Sams, a 20-year-old student in Greenville, South Carolina, said he knew the Wii would be provide a new opportunity for socializing before it even became available. As a result, he and his brother, Indy, 22, started a Web site to link up people interested in Wii gaming parties in their area.
The site, http://www.wiiparty.net, has about 150 registered members and Sams said he has met several people through the site who have attended Wii parties at his apartment.
He now has friends and classmates over to play games like "Red Steel" and "Excite Truck" at least four times a week.
"I became famous for it," Sams said.
Recently, a man sent to repair his building's security system even joined in on the fun.
"He wanted to play, so he stayed for about 30 minutes before his cell phone went off," Sams said.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
In the two months since Nintendo's new console launched, gamers have gained access to several entertaining and informative Wii Channels, or simple downloadable programs -- very much like widgets -- that open up new functionalities. The Mii, Photo and Shop Channels shipped with the platform and provided users the option to create virtual versions of themselves as well as their friends and family; store, edit and send photos to friends; and browse through a catalog of downloadable classics respectively. Since then, the Big N has added the Forecast Channel, which provides semi-live weather updates; the Internet Channel, a full-fledged Wii version of the Opera web browser; and most recently, the News Channel, which provides users a gateway to the latest Associated Press headlines from around the world.
Wii's innovative new controller has already captivated millions of gamers, but clearly the Channels interface is also providing reasons for the hardcore and casual user alike to boot up their system on a daily basis. Nintendo itself has indicated that more Wii Channels will be forthcoming, but it has yet to offer specifics. And therefore we're here to fill in the gaps. Taking Nintendo's own model to heart, we've thought about some of the widget-like additions to the Wii Channels interface that would make our mornings a little brighter and our evenings a little easier. Readers like you have backed our concepts with some great mock-ups to help visualize the possibilities. We're not suggesting that these Channels are currently under development -- they very well might be, but Nintendo isn't talking. We are, however, suggesting that they should be.
Wii Stocks Channel
Nintendo is quite obviously hoping to capture more non-gamers with its Wii Channels. The News Channel grabs the latest AP headlines and doesn't even feature a dedicated gaming feed of news. Clearly, it's not targeted at the hardcore sector. That being true, why not offer a stock ticker interface that enables users to monitor their portfolios online?
There's nothing like a cup of coffee, some news, a bit of weather, and some stock watching, we say. Or, we would if we owned stock in anything besides Enron -- d'oh! The Wii Stocks Channel could easily monitor your hottest stocks, feature a symbol search, show rises and drops in performance, and display more detailed info at a click. Little Billy might ignore this feature as though it were a sequel to Cosmic Race, but moms and dads around the world could surely appreciate it.
Wii Movie Search Channel
Not everybody has money in Apple, Inc. -- although, really, they should. That said, most of us do enjoy a good movie. Normally, we turn to the Internet to find movie listings and show times, but why not simply power on the Wii to gain access to this information quickly and easily? There's no reason why it shouldn't be a possibility, especially since there are already widgets available for PC and Mac that grab feeds of this data.
Users could simply enter their zip code and Wii would work with a partner like 777Film or Fandango to do the rest, intuitively compiling a list of local theaters and movie show times. A handy search function could even allow you to look for the latest showings of Halo: The Movie -- although we don't think you'd find many returns on that one just yet.
Wii Movie Trailers Channel
In a perfect world, the Movie Trailers and Movie Search Channels would be integrated into one big, beautiful offering, but we're realists and frankly, Nintendo hasn't exactly gone above and beyond with its other Channels. They all display useful information, but their functionality is also regularly limited. So, if a Movie Trailers Channel needs to be its own entity, no problem. We can live with that. But regardless, it would be very handy if Wii could download and display 640x360 QuickTime trailers.
And on top of that, we'd love to see Nintendo partner with Apple, not just because we are Steve Jobs' love child, but because Apple has the best movie trailers website on the Internet, period. Currently, Wii does not playback QuickTime movies so future compatibility would rest upon a firmware update.
DS Demos Channel
Sony's already offering downloadable PSP games through the PlayStation 3 online network. Nintendo needs to get the same thing going for DS and sooner rather than later. A DS Demos Channel seems to be the ideal solution. Users interested in gaining DS demos could simply click on the Channel, choose the demo they'd like to try out, download it to Wii, and then wirelessly transfer the preview to their handheld.
DS owners would, of course, need to remember that any transferred demos would go bye-bye as soon as they powered off their handheld, but even with the limitation, the prospect of being able to try new DS software before it officially hits retail is every bit as enticing now as it's been since the portable released. A Channel like this one could only strengthen the relationship between handheld and home console, which is bound to have beneficial sales results for both.
Wii Sports Page Channel
Sure, there's a sports section in the Wii News Channel, but sports fans would agree that it barely scratches the surface of all the information available. Only a dedicated Wii Sports Page Channel could display all the latest news and all the sought after stats. Users should be able to organize the page by their favorite sports, tracking their choice teams, players, and more. A quick glance at the page every morning could easily bring even the most die-hard sports fans acceptably up-to-date on their favorite team's goings-ons.
And Many, Many More...
Readers have already said that they would love a zipcode-based pizza delivery channel, which was a bit too specialized for us to include as a standalone option in today's feature. That noted, it does raise an interesting point, which is that there is an audience for all sorts of different Channels, some more specific than others. With that in mind, we really think that the future of Wii Channels should rest in the hands of Nintendo and various third parties. If Nintendo were to create a Channels Marketplace, users could choose from hundreds of widget-style Channels crafted by the Big N and an assortment of studios. Do we think it'll happen? We'd be surprised. Nintendo is notoriously controlling and unlikely to relinquish its stranglehold on the Wii Channels interface. But we can certainly dream.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
According to Nintendo, they have no plans on addressing the issues all of us face when trying to save ghost data in the recently released Virtual Console title Mario Kart 64. According to a Nintendo spokesperson, by way of Pro-G, "Due to unavoidable technical reasons unfortunately it is not possible to save ghost data." Turns out, gamers are warned of this issue before downloading the title.
With the steep price of 1,000 Wii Points, shouldn't consumers expect a little more effort on Nintendo's part? How hard would it be for someone to implement code into the game informing it to save the ghost data to the Wii's memory? We really hope that this doesn't set a trend for future N64 VC releases that used Controller Paks to save data.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Now, you could very well be questioning many things right now, most importantly the title of this post. Trust us, we did not know either upon receiving the press release in our inbox, however upon further inspection we found that using Wiimotes and a PC to DJ (dubbed Wiijing by the fine folks who sent us the mentioned press release) is actually quite fascinating, although at times appears to be fake.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
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Eric Viennot, who’s current project is “In Memoriam” revealed in his blog his plans to develop a Wii title with Paul Cuisset, developer of Flashback (SNES) and the Motoracer series. It is currently unknown what game the tag team will be working on for Wii.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Fire Emblem is not like Ice Emblem in that it is, well, hot. When a small portal opened, leading to just a subsection of its fiery domain, we could not resist.
The official site for Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami has opened for business, and yes, its entirely in Japanese. For your viewing pleasure, though, you might check out this bitchin' opening cinema, and some excellent box art. We're such suckers for box art. In any case, any FE fans out there owe it to themselves to journey to yon fiery realm. You won't be disappointed.
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February 1st, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Amponzi has released a new version of his DeSmuME Unofficial WIP Builds, the DS Emulator for windows has these new features:
January 31, 2007 Build
- Various buffer overflow fixes
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
We would call this the series that just won't die ... but, as Nintendo fanboys, we're actually surrounded by those far older. Yes, yet another installment of MK is coming to the DS, courtesy of Midway; rather predictably, we know almost nothing about it. The only comment given: "it [won't be] a direct port of a previous title, it [won't] be a brand-new game either."
This leaves the only remaining option: indirect port. It involves a wormhole and superstring theory. Our best guess? A port of an SNES or Playstation version of Mortal Kombat, complete with OMGawesome stylus control and a couple new characters thrown in for good measure. Meh
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
via tepples
The Soviet Mind Game was invented by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in the mid-1980s and sold under the name Tetris. From 1988 until 2000, various Tetris products had vastly different control feels and rotation systems. The Tetris Company standardized the games sold under the Tetris mark starting with Tetris Worlds (2001), but some of the changes proved controversial, especially the new infinite spin play mechanic.
LOCKJAW is a configurable implementation of the single-player Soviet Mind Game. Its 20 options can be configured to emulate at least Tengen Tetris, Sega's arcade Tetris, NES Tetris, Game Boy Tetris, The New Tetris, Quadra, Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2 PLUS, TOD (without the distortion effects), several modes of Tetris Worlds, and Tetris DS, along with various combinations not yet realized in a Tetris product. Don't like infinite spin or the T-spin triple? Turn them off. Think 8 next pieces are too many? Turn it down. Want faster or slower sideways motion? You can. Want to try the challenge of a low ceiling? You can.
LOCKJAW is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Game Boy Advance (since 0.26), and Nintendo DS (since 0.30 by request from owners of SLOT-1 flash cards).
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Another news update from the CnC DS project
I’m still hammering away at the weapon systems. I had to change the abstract renderer so I could see turret positioning properly so now the abstract renderer is fixed to actual game size, as in each tile is a C&C tile in size (24×24). It’s hard to tell right now but I’m a little worried that showing the C&C graphics 1:1 will give the player a view that appears too ‘zoomed in’ becuase of the low resolution of the DS screen. Gameplay testing will show if this is a problem or not I guess. On a smaller map it might be ok but with a big map with a lot going on it might be frustrating. Fingers crossed it won’t be a big issue.
Anyway with the weapons I’ve laid down the framework for a lot of it now. I’ve added a turret to one of the test units and it will be firing soon. I’m starting with the ‘laser’ projectile type which scores an instantaneous hit (think obelisk). This will let me get most of the code done for attacking/damaging/armour types etc without worrying about rendering shells and so on. That will come later.
Also thanks to IHM on the forum for explaining some of the C&C weapon and damage system. I think I have one now which can cover the C&C system but will also allow lots of other cool stuff.
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from SiRioKD:
Heres the translation of whats new:
Option that allows to extract rows sav already existing in the archives ZIP. (old rescues)
In case of ZIP, possibility to choose if the name of the rows destination must be taken from the name of the archives ZIP or from the name of the rom contained in it.
Push-button in order to force the rescue of the configuration (rescue that happens R-alla.chiusura of the program)
v0.8 R3:
"Add Files" also with Drag & Drop from the S.O.
Progress bar for the greater part of the functions
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
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After reporting sales numbers for the third quarter at $1.28 (nearly identical to last year's numbers for the same quarter), EA chairman and CEO Larry Probst has released an official statement on EA's future, speaking specifically on the company's next-generation efforts:
"We are pleased with the performance of our products on next-generation consoles. In the year ahead, we plan to build on our leadership position on both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, and to significantly increase our support for the Nintendo platforms."
While this could be taken as classic crowd-pleasing jargon, it's important to note that EA's relationship with Nintendo has grown substantially over just the last few months, primarily because of the release of Wii. In just a matter of months, the company has helped Nintendo launch the system with Madden 07, and Need for Speed Carbon, and is already working to keep support continuing with the addition of SSX Blur, Tiger Woods 07, The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, and Medal of Honor Vanguard for just the first half of 2007 alone.
To top things off, the CEO stated that EA already has 15 titles in development for Wii at this point. From the looks of it, Wii may be just what the doctor ordered for Nintendo sports fans.
We'll have more on EA's Wii support as it develops, as well as new information on SSX Blur, Tiger Woods 07, The Godfather, and Medal of Honor as news breaks.
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
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Shown previously on one of Nintendo of Japan's lineup videos, The Dog Island is a game that mixes the world of puppies with the quirky feel of Wii Play. Showing obviously inspiration from the success of Nintendogs, The Dog Island is being released in Japan by Yuke's Media Creations, the same company to provide games like SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 and Wrestlemania XIX.
Along with an official announcement that The Dog Island will be coming to the US, Yuke's Media Creations has also launched the teaser site for The Dog Island's Japan release, which can be found (in Japanese, of course) right here. In addition to the teaser page, Yuke's is also promoting the game on its official Japanese site, though no specifics on an American version are mentioned.
Yuke's Media Creations has yet to announce a US publisher for the game, and is currently unavailable for comment on any US Wii titles.
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
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Nvidia, one of the world's leading producers of graphics processing technology, seems to differ in opinion from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata on the subject of game visuals. In a recent interview with Next-Gen business, VP of content Roy Taylor voiced his opinion on the matter of gaming graphics and presentation.
"They're talking nonsense," he said of Nintendo assertion that videogame graphics have reached a saturation point. "It's ridiculous sot say that graphics don't matter. That's like saying 'The quality of my TV screen doesn't matter.' Oh really? So then in that case, you can go watch 24 in black-and-white on a seven-inch screen. It's nonsense to say graphics don't matter. I think we can do a lot better, but I think we'd like to see graphics encompassing the gameplay."
During the interview Taylor does state that gameplay can oftentimes play second fiddle to a game's visuals but reiterates that graphics will bring more emotion into software, stating that gamers seldom become as emotionally invested in characters from a videogame as they do in movies
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
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Tamagotchi: Party On! has been available in Japan since the launch of the Nintendo Wii system in early December. Namco Bandai sees enough merit for a stateside release of the quirky party-style mini-game compilation as the company's shipping Party On! in the US this spring. Namco Bandai recently stopped by the office to show off a near final build of the English-localized rendition of the game.
This Wii title's in development at Japanese studio H.A.N.D., which consists of members from Hudson's "Mario Party" team. And the influence is about as obvious as the annoying high-pitched beeping from a Tamagotchi virtual pet. Party On! is, essentially, a collection of mini-games all tied in via a board game for four players. The task? To work your Tamagotchi character across the different playfields and come through as the winner by earning more points than the opposition. This will earn you the rank of President of the Tamagotchi Planet! To do this you'll have to play all sorts of challenges that put the Wii Remote's functions to use.
For example, you'll have to drive a car down a rigidly laid-out path collecting cans and avoiding bouncing eggs...tilting the Wii Remote left and right performs this familiar task. There's also a challenge where you'll need to pump water onto flowers by pushing and pulling the Wii Remote as quickly as possible and at the proper time. Collecting goldfish is another challenge...whipping the remote upwards to mimic the on-screen net will lift it out of the water, but you'll need to do that when a fish is within its range. And in another little mini-game, you'll need to wind clocks to their proper time by twisting the Wii Remote like a crank.
Then there are more basic Tamagotchi challenges that are more similar to the games that are built into the little LCD devices. These games only use the D-pad in a three-button configuration...much like the virtual pets. Play Rock Paper Scissors, Guess the Dessert, and other games by pressing left, up/down, or right at the appropriate time.
Accomplishing these games not only unlocks them for play outside of the board game, but they also reward the player in-game; winning games can earn coins, which will give players the opportunity to buy items that will increase their multiplier and give them the edge for when they earn points in other games. You can also use these points to customize your character's look as well as the appearance of his or her campaign headquarters.
Party On uses the same crazy and quirky visual and audio style that was used in the two Tamagotchi Connection games on the Nintendo DS. Characters, rendered in 3D on the Wii console, are exaggeratedly cute, and the music and sounds are just as sugary as the graphic style. Unlike Tamagotchi Connection on the Nintendo DS, Tamagotchi Party On! does not have a virtual pet portion within its design, nor can players trade unlockables or other items between consoles. The game also doesn't support any sort of link to the Tamagotchi eggs you can buy in the store.
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
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Metroid Prime Hunters Pinball may have been the first pinball game on the Nintendo DS platform, but Flipper Critters looks like it could be one of the most elaborate and imaginative pinball games on the system. This title, soon to ship from Ignition Entertainment, recently hit our desk where we had the opportunity to whack the ball around a few times.
The game, designed and developed by Zen Studios, features a bunch of furry critters wandering around fantasy landscapes, and it's up to the player to help them along in their quest by whacking a silver ball around in the environments. Hitting obstacles and scoring points is, obviously, the key task in Flipper Critters, but like in any good pinball game it's how you whack the ball that determines how well you do -- you'll need to fulfill quotas and tasks which will activate hotspots, that must be "attacked" in order to progress into deeper parts of the world.
Much of the action takes place on the lower screen where the programmers push the Nintendo DS system's 3D capabilities to render a wild and wonderful pinball world. The team's actually pulling off 3D on both screens, and the game will use both screens as one display...or actually show two independent camera views of the playfield when the ball travels deeper up the table. Even when the game does all sorts of craziness across both screens, the 3D engine never seems to drop its framerate and slowdown. The physics are tight enough to pull off "pinball wizard" style maneuvers like flipper traps and passes, but it's not on the level of a pinball simulation.
The touch screen comes into play several times during the pinball action, where players must tap or slide on objects to manipulate them in this world. Hitting a switch with a finger will cause a sign to spin around or a ramp to raise, which will cause the ball to adjust its trajectory if the ball's flipped in their direction.
Between pinball levels are mini-games that are incredibly hit or miss. We're fans of old-school shooters like Raiden and R-Type, but they seem a bit out of place in a pinball game. We'd be more accepting if these shooter levels were anything special, but at least in our short time with the game, we were ready to call it quits when these levels popped up. They just went on for way too long with very little variety to keep things interesting.
But at least the pinball action's solid enough. There's even multiplayer support in an option called "Duel" that we wish we could check out -- but since the game requires a second card for this mode, we couldn't tinker around with it.
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
A not-too-shabby total of four games went live in today's European Virtual Console update, with the NES and Megadrive fans treated to more retro goodness.
The NES version of Gradius heads-up the new selection - easily one of the best scrolling shooters of it's time. The younger of our readers may have played the awesome PS2 update.
And Megadrive's healthy serving consists of Comix Zone, Bonanza Bros and Gain Ground.
Megadrive games cost 800 Wii Points, while NES games go for 500.
Now, bring on Super Mario World, Nintendo.
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Pokémon may not be the national phenomenon it was when the first games, Red and Blue, first released, but the latest record-breaking figures show it's still going strong.
Within three months of their September 28 release in Japan, Pokémon Diamond & Pearl shipped five million units to Japanese retailers.
Nintendo hopes this craze will continue when the new adventure makes its way to US stores on April 22.
And we thought Pokémon was getting old. Are you looking forward to Diamond and Pearl? Tell us in the comments section below.
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
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Spectrobes is a new DS RPG from Buena Vista Games in which you catch various mythical creatures with special powers, train them up and send them to battle. Sound familiar?
Yes, it sound exactly like a Pokémon game but there are some nice ideas in Spectrobes. To get yourself new Spectrobes you have to carefully dig its fossil out of the ground using the stylus.
As you dig away the soil you can blow at the screen to clear away excess dirt. Then you take it to a science lab to give it life by shouting into the DS microphone.
Okay, it's clearly for young children, but we give it credit for doing something original. It also looks set to be a fairly hefty RPG, with hundreds of Spectrobes to catch.
Check out these exclusive screens of a battle and the Spectrobe revival system in action.
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
EA is to further bolster its already healthy support for Nintendo platforms, with Will Wright's innovative PC game, Spore, now confirmed for DS.
Spore lets you create your own alien life form and set it loose to explore an epic-sized virtual universe, spreading the species to new worlds in an incredibly ambitious mish-mash of different gameplays styles. It's one of the most innovative and highly anticipated games coming to PC, an case you're not in with that crowd.
EA remains tight-lipped on actual gameplay details for the DS game, leaving us curious as to how such a large and ambitious title will work on the technically limited handheld.
The new Wii Sims game - now known as My Sims - is also on its way to the DS, along with EA's previously announced Sim City and Theme Park. EA Japan is clearly very busy indeed.
Chairman and CEO of Electronic Arts, Larry Probst, who confirmed the games during a financial earnings presentation yesterday, expressed his approval of Nintendo's strategy.
"It seems as if it is expanding the overall market, and users who purchase software, and we think thats a good thing", he said.
He goes on to say: "Both Microsoft and Nintendo are positioned to gain some share, but we think Sony will continue to be strong...We will be provocatively supporting all of them", reaffirming EA's cross-platform support.
Will Spore work on DS? Discuss...
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Do you love Wii Boxing but tired of holding the controllers? Now you dont. A third party manufacturer has released a boxing glove. Gloves retail for $22.00.
I bet you must be thinking, how is it? Is it worth it? Well dont worry. DCEmu Reviews has you covered. Stay tuned for a review in the coming weeks.

Source: Goldenshop.com.hk
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Following the publication of financial results which reveal Electronic Arts to be the number one publisher on Sony, Microsoft and PC platforms, the company has set its sights firmly on the Nintendo Wii and DS.
In its latest conference call, the publisher revealed it has 15 SKUs in development for Nintendo formats - including a DS version of Will Wright's new project, Spore, Sims spin-off My Sims and a selection of imarket-leading sports franchises.
"We have shifted and acquired resources and are attacking these successful platforms," commented CFO Warren Jenson. "In short, we're on it."
The bullish statements follow the announcement of record revenues totalling US $1.281 billion, and the revelation that EA is the number one publisher in North America and Europe on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC and PSP.
However, CEO Larry Probst conceded that EA would struggle to take Nintendo's place as the number one publisher on its own formats, making do with second place.
"On the Nintendo platforms, we think that we can be very a strong number two," he said.
"Clearly, Nintendo will always be number one on the Wii and DS, but we think we have a realistic goal of being number two, with a market share goal of 15-20 per cent," detailed Probst.
The recent purchase in December of Headgate Studios, which will be a Wii-exclusive developer, is one of the foundations behind the renewed focus, with Jensen noting the company will also be devoting additional resources to DS production.
"With regards to the Wii platform, at least initially, it seems like it's expanding the overall market and expanding the demographic of users and people that purchase software, and we think that's a good thing," said Probst.
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February 2nd, 2007, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster

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So, you're a man's man, and while you might very well enjoy a game of Wii Tennis now and then, or launching a plunger or three at those dagnab Rabbids, you're getting tired of looking like a spazmo kid while you're at it. We're not sure about the spazmo part, but it won't be hard for people to take you seriously when you start waving this Wiimote gun mod thing around. Due to the limitations of machine translation, we're not too sure on the details of this hack, other than the fact that the trigger has been indeed wired to the Wiimote's B button, and that the original gun is an alarmingly realistic BB number that most likely would not be legal in the States without some sort of orange paintjob, and even then, we don't really recommend doing anything stupid with your own version of this -- don't even try and deny it, we bet you're already ordering up the materials -- 'cause Jack Bauer might just have to take you down.
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February 2nd, 2007, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster

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Simon over on Game Set Watch points out that New York-based game importer NCSX is raving about DS guitar "game" Utaeru DS Guitar M-06
With 16 chords to use at any time from a library of 120, users may strum out a song relatively easily if you're familiar with basic guitar playing. We were able to play the Main Riff I for "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman and "Torn" from Natalie Imbruglia this morning by following guitar tabs found on the web. In addition to its function as a guitar, the software also includes a library of 20 songs and a listening-then-repeating exercise."
"On the touch screen, a thick crop of vertical lines represent the guitar string. It's pasted against a black background so that the focus is the line itself. To play, strum the line with your touch pen or finger and you'll hear a twang. Change chords with the D-pad by moving it in the direction of the chords shown on the top screen and the tone of the twang changes every time you move the D-pad to another chord."
I'm not so sure about changing chords with the D-pad, but I'm loving the rest of this.

Buy at Play Asia
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February 2nd, 2007, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
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It's absolutely ridiculous to think that a person living in Japan still has to go through the following if he wants to get his hands on a stinkin' Nintendo DS lite — that's over 2 years after the initial DS launch, and close to a year for the DS lite — but this is what I had to go through today in order to score a Crystal White Nintendo DS lite (and let it be known that I have an original DS, which I got at launch).
My wife had heard that you needed to call the stores to find out if they were getting some stock, and then rush there to wait in line, and she'd also been told by some friends that Bic Camera got their shipments in on Friday (they also sometimes get some on Mondays and Wednesdays, but Friday are for the big orders). So she called this morning, and sure enough, they had gotten a shipment, but wouldn't reveal when they would go on sale, or where they would make people line up. The wife had gone through the same thing 2 weeks ago — when she scored a pink DS lite — so she told me to head there around noon, and to try and find out what would be happening.
I got there at 12, asked some staff behind the counter in the games section (insisting I had called, because they were just about to say that they didn't know anything before that — the filthy liars), and was told that I had to "hang out" for a while, as they didn't know when they were going to go on sale. Maybe 40 minutes later, two staff with bright green Bic vests ran out from behind the counter with signs that said that DS lites were about to go on sale, and then started forming a line along the staircases (the game section at the main Bic Camera store in Ikebukuro is on the 3rd floor). I was the fifth in line — some guys got there quicker than me — and a few minutes later they started handing out tickets for the color you wanted (I was the first to ask for a Crystal White). Then, 10 minutes later, they started guiding us to the sales counter, and... DS lite GET!
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
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What should you do when you have a former World Number 1 ranked tennis player on your late night talk show? Challenge her to Wii Tennis, of course!
That's what Conan O'Brien decided to do last night when he had Serena Williams on as a guest. We caution the little ones to avoid direct eye contact with O'Brien's scantily-clad body, as the sheer paleness reflects light and can blind you. Look closely and you'll see that the production team made Miis of the host and guest.
We won't give away the final score, but it was a close game.
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
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The Konami Gamer's Day was widely expected to unleash a torrent of information on upcoming games, but in this case, it's but a tiny drop of water. IGN has the scoop on Dewy's Adventure, a Wii title that sees players controlling an adorable droplet of water on a quest to restore his forest home to its former glory. Developed by Konami's Elebits team, it appears to be a puzzle game vaguely reminiscent of Super Monkey Ball. It seems that cute creatures find themselves invariably hampered by devilish puzzles.
The Wii remote will have a direct influence on the environment, with puzzles hinging on rotating the levels and positioning Dewy in the right spots. He's equipped with all manner of elemental powers to aid him in his progress, though we imagine that he'll have to keep any fire powers curbed at the risk of committing evaporative suicide. The thought of the poor little guy boiling alive is ... somewhat disturbing.
Konami notes that the game will, much like Elebits, feature a level creation mode and allow players to design their own puzzles shortly before tackling them alone or with a friend.
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Polish developer group Nibris known, among others, for planning to release Sadness – a gothic horror for Nintendo Wii console, announces the game formerly known as the Raid over the river has a new name – ROTR.
Most important facts about the game:
- 6 campaigns, each with several missions
- 6 different vehicles to be driven in 6 different time dimensions
- very extensive weaponry
- fuel and ammunition management requiring strategic approach to missions, defending transhipment bases
- cooperation and synchronisation of actions with other units
- extensive, full of action, multi-thread scenario putting the player in an intrigue spanning hundreds of dimensions
- 3D graphics on both screens
- set of dodging and special attacks taking advantage of special features of NDS
- hidden missions, vehicles, bonuses enabled in the course of playing
- extensive multiplayer mode allowing to enjoy the game longer
The game is planned to be exclusively for the Nintendo DS console.
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
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Nintendo President Satoru Iwata is obviously quite pleased with the great start that the Wii has had, but he knows that a lot can change in a short time. Nintendo still faces a great challenge ahead, Iwata explained.
According to an interview posted on Japan's Yukan Fuji blog (as translated by IGN), Nintendo president Satoru Iwata hasn't allowed himself to get carried away by the Wii's early success. It's only been a few months and the real battle has only just begun.
The key is to make sure to drive new consumers to the platform by consistently bringing great new content to market (easier said than done, of course). "Any system will sell well following launch," Iwata remarked, "but there will definitely come a time where it will stop selling. Even the DS hit a rough spell after selling 1.5 million units a month after launch. The flame was really lit a year after launch, after Nintendogs and Brain Age became big hits. With the Wii, we have to make good software just as we did with the DS."
And while the Japanese blog suggested that Nintendo might be able to regain the #1 position in the video game industry, Iwata immediately rebuked that notion, not necessarily because of the challenge the company faces against the likes of Sony and Microsoft, but because of the somewhat fickle interests of today's gamers.
"That's not the case," Iwata said rebutting the idea that Nintendo would be #1 from 2007 forward. "So long as we continue the fight against the lack of interest in games from the general consumer, Nintendo will always be the challenger. For example, one challenge is in developing software that keeps people from saying they're no longer interested in swinging the Wiimote."
Nintendo is hoping that it can duplicate the success of the wildly popular DS, which to this day continues to sell out in Japan. In fact, Iwata actually apologized for that once again. "We're making and shipping 700,000 units per month domestically, but even then we're unable to clear up the shortages," he said.
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster

The Creators of XenoGC a gamecube modchip have announced that they are releasing what will easily be the best modchip for Wii so far with the features we all want, ie upgradeable modchip and region free gaming:
Heres the spec
Fully upgradable via DVD/disc (future proof, expect cool features to come)
Boots different region GC games/backups
Boots different NTSC region Wii games/backups
Supports multi-disc games
Supports DVD-R and DVD+R
Built-in audio fix (for games using streaming, no patch required)
Stealth mode
4 wires & quick solder interface
Compact design, best quality components, rock solid high speed controller
Professional ESD packing
More features are being worked on, and will either be included in the upcoming release or in a future upgrade that will follow the release shortly.
We will upload a picture and more features within the next few days!
Expected shipping date: February 7th, 2007
Awesome for Homebrewers and those who want to buy games from other regions (DCEmu does not support piracy)
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February 2nd, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of WiiCR has happenned today, heres the info and whats new:
WiiCR is a media player solution for the Nintendo Wii. It acts as a streaming media server and is capable of transcoding nearly any video file to a suitable flv for an embedded flash player. It allows browsing of the remote filesystem to view: videos (avi/xvid/divx/mpeg/wmv/etc), text files, jpg's and play mp3s.
0.3.2-RC3 released (February 2, 2007)
FIXED - subs.pm refed a nonexistent sub
Updated enc_daemon error messages
Added downloads button.
Started work on streamflv.pl (broken atm).
Fixed image viewing.
Changed the way shared vars are loaded to fix linux issues.
Removed redundant vars.
Download Here --> http://wmc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/WiiCR
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February 2nd, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
With news that Nintendo was going to directly stake a claim in the bolstering Korean games market, many in that market were happy to hear that the company with a knack for creating wonderful and original games would be arriving, saving them from horrible importing fees and lackluster customer service. Now that Nintendo has arrived and launched their DS Lite system, along with Brain Training, some are finding the same technical flaws that plagued the game in America and Japan have come to Korea.
At least, one reporter for the Korea Times has discovered such, claiming that both the voice recognition exercises, as well as the written ones, are failing to register the proper data. Hmm, sounds familiar, doesn't it?
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February 2nd, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
Takara Tomy released a new set of tiny Nintendo DS game carrying cases with art from New Super Mario Brothers. Each one costs 200 yen ($1.61), but you don’t get to pick which one you get. They’re gashapon toys, so you could get the awesome cover art with Mario and Luigi or get stuck with the ugly brick. Next month Takara Tomy has a bunch of Pokemon DS game carrying cases
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February 2nd, 2007, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
PokéSensei has released a new MMorpg for the Nintendo DS:
Well, I've been working on a Pokémon MMORPG server for awhile now. And even though its not entirely complete. I've started working on a Nintendo DS client to it using PAlib.
My next step is to learn how to properly read the recv buffer for updates, and parse it for line breaks and do stuff with the data. But for right now, the Working Demo will output a background, play a sound [looping], ask for your username and password (even though it doesn't login yet) and then connect to wifi, the server, and initiate the PoKéQuesT Connection.
Tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas or helpful information, please let me know!
Currently Tested On:
m3 sd - use PoKeQuesT.sc.nds
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
The words Konami and Dance Dance Revolution are synonymous with each other, so it was no surprise to us when Konami decided to further the franchise's success with the addition of Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party for Wii. We've had far-fetched dreams (delusions, mostly) about the possibility of Wii DDR, strapping a pair of Wii remotes to our feet, greasing up the hardwood floors of Matt Casamassina's beach house, and break-dancing in furious, heart pumping, multiplayer action. Hey; we already rearranged our family rooms to play Wii sports, so why not bust a move with a little DDR too, right?
Well it's here, but it seems that someone over at Konami had nightmares about potential catastrophes that could result from a true, foot-controlled DDR game on Wii. Broken furniture, kicked cats, busted ankles, and the necessity for pack-in leg straps was too much to deal with, so Konami instead ventured down a new avenue of dancing. With Wii controllers in hand, players will make use of the classic dance mat in conjunction with new hand control, adding different upper-body actions to the original DDR gameplay. In an extremely smart move, Konami has made use of the GameCube port on the Wii, allowing for four dance mats, four Wii-mote/nunchuk sets, and the ability to use the original Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix pads that hardcore GCN owners may already own. In fact, at last night's event we were playing with an original Mario Mix pad, and though Konami continued to stress that Hottest Party is in its very early stages team members wanted to get the game on the floor and playable for Wii fans to check out.
Full article at Link above
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
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If you're still working your way through Final Fantasy XII on the PlayStation 2, you'd better get cracking. That title's successor is coming closer than expected, as Square Enix announced today a Japanese release date of 4/26 for Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings on the DS. Pricing is set for the standard 4,800 yen DS software price.
Revenant Wings follows the events of Final Fantasy XII, showing Vann and Panello as air pirates. The game is fully 2D, but makes use of some FFXII gameplay systems, like the Gambit AI system.
A US release date has yet to be announced.
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February 2nd, 2007, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via Ketchup site comes a new MSX Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
Heres the translated info:
PenkoDS is an emulator MSX2 for Nintendo DS. It is based on fmsx of Marat Fayzullin.
The speed of emulation is currently 75% on average (either about 30 to 40% faster than the port fmsx of nyagosu of which I took again the management of the keyboard and the joystick).
Among the functionalities, one finds:
- A resize mode to manage the various resolutions of the MSX.
- Support DLDI
- Support of the roms and the discs
- Management of the sound (with the same problems as under CrocoDS)
Level use, it is enough for you to copy the Romanian one in the root or the /roms/msx repertory of your chart flash, patcher the nds with patchor DLDI and of launching this homebrew from your Nintendo DS
To test with the version msx bombjack of Kralizec or with one of the releases of the MSXDEV' 06.
One of the large bugs current is the impossibility of rebooter after the insertion of a disc MSX. (On the other hand, not of problem of reboot with the roms). This version is a version alpha, therefore I await all your remarks in order to improve it.
Heres whats new in this new release:
2nd version alpha. I mainly worked on the speed of emulation. The 100% are atteinds in many plays. Some bugs were corrected such as the management of the transparency in mode 2, the redundancy of the files in the selector of files,… the support of DLDI should be better. The sound too.
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
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Paradox writes in with a link to an MSNBC article that shouldn't be too surprising for anyone: the real winners of the console war are the DS and the PS2. Boasting numbers unmatchable by the johnny-come-lately next-gen consoles, the PS2 and Nintendo DS each sold about 1.5 Million units last December. Article author Kristin Kalning points out the reality: given the high quality of gaming in general nowadays, the low prices and rich libraries of these 'venerable' systems will see them in circulation for some time to come. Given the success of last-gen consoles, what are your plans regarding gaming systems? Are you holding out for price drops, or considering buying one of the older systems now that they're considerably less expensive?
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:33 Posted By: wraggster
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While some users of the Wii complained of soreness or 'Wii elbow' when playing it too much, others are heralding its workout value. The University of Toronto is working on a 'therapeutic video game' for the Wii that is designed to help children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy exercise their weaker limb, people are claiming weight loss and in the January issue of Pediatrics the Mayo clinic is proposing that gaming systems like the Wii can combat child obesity
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
When Dance Dance Revolution first arrived in the United States, it won critical acclaim and an audience that stretched beyond the traditional gamer market due in part to its unique dance-pad controller. When the Wii launched in the US last November, it was received with similar praise and enthusiasm from nontraditional gamers for its unique Wii Remote controller.
Konami today created an intersection between those two stories with the announcement of Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party for the Wii. Using a traditional DDR dance pad in conjunction with the Wii Remote, DDR Hottest Party requires players to match controller movements with the remote and Nunchuk attachment, as well as dance steps. The game will also support up to four players in multiple game modes and minigames.
In addition to the series' free play and workout modes, Hottest Party will challenge players to dance in synch with one another, as well as offer a new support mode and an updated battle mode. The game will also sport a new soundtrack with songs pulled from the last four decades of popular music.
Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party is slated for a 2007 release
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
A news post on the Web site of Zorro Productions has revealed that a Wii game based on the masked defender of justice is on track for release later this year.
While the company didn't reveal much about The Destiny of Zorro, it did say it was being developed by Pronto Games. Pronto's previous games include Dungeons & Dragons Eye of the Beholder for the Game Boy Advance and National Treasure Puzzle Quest for mobile phones.
According to the site, Pronto's approach to game design is to make it fast, fun, and small. For Zorro specifically, the studio is looking for something instantly engaging. It claims, "the game is easy to understand, with challenges for casual gamers but with an interest level that will attract hard core gamers, too."
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
Once known as the driving force behind the TurboGrafx-16, Hudson Entertainment has been enjoying a higher profile in the US of late with the aid of some larger companies. Nintendo has been releasing its old TG-16 games on the Virtual Console, and Konami today announced that it would be bringing a trio of new Hudson titles for Nintendo platforms to the US.
This spring, Konami plans to release Wing Island and Kororinpa Marble Mania for the Wii, as well as Honeycomb Beat for the DS. Already confirmed for release in Europe, Kororinpa requires players to tilt the Wii Remote in order to navigate marbles through more than 40 mazes in single-player, or race to a finish line while collecting crystals in head-to-head multiplayer action.
Wing Island is another inhabitant of the European Wii's first-quarter release schedule. As a young bird who flies planes for a living, players will have to show their proficiency at a number of tasks, from guiding a group of planes in formation to fighting fires and dusting crops. Over the course of 25 missions, players earn money to upgrade their aircraft, and will be given the opportunity to compete against one another in minigames meant to test piloting skills.
For portable players, Konami is preparing Honeycomb Beat, a DS puzzle game in which players touch hexagons on the screen in order to flip them and change both their color and the color of any adjacent hexagons. Using that gameplay mechanic, the game challenges players to clear puzzles by creating specific patterns on the game board or to clear rapidly rising lines by making all the hexagons on them the same color. In addition to more than 200 puzzles, Honeycomb Beat will include a number of unlockable customization features that let players change the game's colors, background images, and music.
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
Once known as the driving force behind the TurboGrafx-16, Hudson Entertainment has been enjoying a higher profile in the US of late with the aid of some larger companies. Nintendo has been releasing its old TG-16 games on the Virtual Console, and Konami today announced that it would be bringing a trio of new Hudson titles for Nintendo platforms to the US.
This spring, Konami plans to release Wing Island and Kororinpa Marble Mania for the Wii, as well as Honeycomb Beat for the DS. Already confirmed for release in Europe, Kororinpa requires players to tilt the Wii Remote in order to navigate marbles through more than 40 mazes in single-player, or race to a finish line while collecting crystals in head-to-head multiplayer action.
Wing Island is another inhabitant of the European Wii's first-quarter release schedule. As a young bird who flies planes for a living, players will have to show their proficiency at a number of tasks, from guiding a group of planes in formation to fighting fires and dusting crops. Over the course of 25 missions, players earn money to upgrade their aircraft, and will be given the opportunity to compete against one another in minigames meant to test piloting skills.
For portable players, Konami is preparing Honeycomb Beat, a DS puzzle game in which players touch hexagons on the screen in order to flip them and change both their color and the color of any adjacent hexagons. Using that gameplay mechanic, the game challenges players to clear puzzles by creating specific patterns on the game board or to clear rapidly rising lines by making all the hexagons on them the same color. In addition to more than 200 puzzles, Honeycomb Beat will include a number of unlockable customization features that let players change the game's colors, background images, and music.
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:48 Posted By: wraggster
Traditionally, THQ hasn't been shy about spreading its WWE-licensed games around to different platforms. The company has made games based on the professional wrestling company's in-ring offerings for the PlayStation 2, the N-Gage, and everything in between.
However, 2006 was a fairly light year for the company's WWE license because its only major offering was WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 for the PS2, PlayStation Portable, and Xbox 360. A PlayStation 3 version had been announced but was later canceled because THQ said the series would debut on Sony's next-generation system in late '07.
The PS3 isn't the only system looking forward to its first WWE game because THQ confirmed plans to step into the ring on the Wii and DS. In an investor conference call, the publisher said it would be releasing WWE products on Nintendo's latest systems sometime in its next fiscal year, which runs from April 2007 through March 2008.
There was no indication if the Nintendo games would fall under the SmackDown! vs. RAW banner, or if they would be separate series, as was done with WWE titles on the GameCube and Game Boy Advance.
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:48 Posted By: wraggster
Traditionally, THQ hasn't been shy about spreading its WWE-licensed games around to different platforms. The company has made games based on the professional wrestling company's in-ring offerings for the PlayStation 2, the N-Gage, and everything in between.
However, 2006 was a fairly light year for the company's WWE license because its only major offering was WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 for the PS2, PlayStation Portable, and Xbox 360. A PlayStation 3 version had been announced but was later canceled because THQ said the series would debut on Sony's next-generation system in late '07.
The PS3 isn't the only system looking forward to its first WWE game because THQ confirmed plans to step into the ring on the Wii and DS. In an investor conference call, the publisher said it would be releasing WWE products on Nintendo's latest systems sometime in its next fiscal year, which runs from April 2007 through March 2008.
There was no indication if the Nintendo games would fall under the SmackDown! vs. RAW banner, or if they would be separate series, as was done with WWE titles on the GameCube and Game Boy Advance.
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:55 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo

Essentially a Mini Me for your DS Lite, this Mini-DS holder holds your precious DS games so they don't slip out of your pocket when you're leaning over to snap your upskirt pics.
As cute as having a little DS is, the fact that it can only hold two DS games makes this kinda iffy. However, if one of those games is the DS-Xtreme DS Media Enhancer, then you've got no problems. Plus, it's only $7.90.
Buy at Play asia
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
OK, we'll admit it, we have no idea . All we see is some guy waving his arms in the air (like he just doesn't care) while the computer drops some funky beats. Supposedly, the Wii controllers in his hands are actually activating the various looping samples, but we can't make hide nor hair of which motions are supposed to do what, even with the helpful descriptive text on the video.
If this is a fake, though, it's an extremely elaborate one. The video's maker, DJ Shift 1 has set up an elaborate web page page that lays out the fundamentals of his patented technique. The WiiJaying master is also promoting his first live performance of his at Bootie San Francisco on May 12. Now that's devotion to a hack.
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Another modchip has been announced and the internet is buzzing that this is a fake modchip, heres the specs/info:
Team OMNi Presents...
The WiiOmnii
- Wii and GC backups working
- Fully supports execution of unsigned code. (Wii homebrew and imports!!!)
- Upgradeable via dvd, and soon via memory card!
- Stealth
- Quick-solder
- Superb build quality
- No negatives, this is the best chip on the market
We are working on several Wii apps as we speak (or type!). The first 2 mini apps should allow the extraction and execution of Wii virtual console titles direct from the SD card. We hope to be able to integrate all of this stuff into our own channel eventually. We accept that this will be a little way off, but our eventual aim is to have direct from web upgradability and auto upgrade of hackerapps. What we are hoping for is that someone picks up in a different direction and creates a media centre type app. We would be fully prepared to share the information we know about channel creation with anyone prepared to work on such a project.
If true then great but always keep an eye on our newsposts for verification on such claims.
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:42 Posted By: wraggster
A lot of sites in the Wii Scene are reporting that reviews of the recent Cyclowiz and Wiinja modchips have lead to false claims and its even claimed that the review of Cyclowiz was false because of no proper installation pics.
The term Yellow journalism is being thrown about, which i gather means that slagging one modchip off and throwing all your support behind the other.
The news of the Wiikey Modchip has really opened up the talk, especially with the claims it makes via its specs.
My advice to all is to wait and see what proper review sites make of which is best, personally i want a Modchip that is extremely easy to install, allows region free playback of my games and also the ability for Wii and Gamecube Homebrew, i am not interested in piracy whatsoever as this kills the industry.
So dont believe all you read at lesser news sites 
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
The UK Store Mr Modchips is now selling the CycloWiz Wii Modchip

The CycloWiz chip provides the added capabilities of disabling the modchip and also the concept of quicksolder, which for some may be much easier than the wire install of other chips.
Preorder/buy at Mr Modchips
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
At its Gamers' Day event yesterday, Konami announced the development of the virtual pet title, GoPets. While the game was shockingly absent from the playable demos on the show floor, we were given a brief preview glimpse of the game during Konami's video reel.
In GoPets, players will create, raise, and train their own virtual dog or cat. Afterwards, players will be able to take these pets online through the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection in order to meet up with other GoPets owners. The twist to this that Konami announced was that GoPets would be the first game to offer online compatibility with its PC iteration.
While we don't have a whole lot more information on the game at this point, we do know that it should be heading our way sometime in 2007.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
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As the platform of choice for all the Megamen and Pokemons out there, the DS has no shortage of adventure games with anime-style characters, creatures, cards, and things to collect. It's reasonable that you might have skipped right past Spectrobes when look at the list of upcoming DS releases (it's coming out in March, by the way). Well we're here to suggest that you take another look.
Spectrobes appears to be a special game for Buena Vista Games. In addition to being the first title out of the studio to carry the Walt Disney label on its packaging, it's also the first title that the division has produced on its own. And, as producer Kintaro Hisai shared with us when we visited Japan to sample a final version of the game, it's also the first BVG game to feature an all original cast of characters.
Full article at Link above
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
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Later this year Konami will release its first classic arcade compilation for the Nintendo DS: Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits. This is in no way the first time Konami's created a collection of its old-school arcade games on a handheld -- the Game Boy Advance has a fair share of remade old-school titles from Konami. But where programmers recreated the experience on the GBA platform by reprogramming each game, the developers of the DS collection pull off perfect emulation on the dual-screen handheld, and it allows for the team to pull off some really awesome features that true hardcore arcade collectors will love.
First of all, you get 15 Konami games of various levels of "classic" status. Games like Contra, Circus Charlie, Time Pilot, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Gradius and Track & Field are well worth the price of admission. But you'll also get little-remembered games like Road Fighter, Shao-Lin's Road, and Rainbow Bell (a game that's featured in the better-known Parodius series). Other games include Roc'n Rope, Scramble, Horror Maze, Basketball, and Pooyan. Each game played exactly as they originally did in the arcades, which shows the strength of the programmers' emulation abilities.
Each game plays on one screen, with the other display showing off the arcade artwork's "how to play" imagery -- you can swap the two screens in the configuration menu, but since the touch screen is used for menu functions it's best keeping it this way. Because the DS screens offer less pixel resolution than many of the arcade games' resolutions, there will be some pixelated gaps in the display -- you can turn on filtering to make it look a little nicer, but it'll never look quite as sharp as the original arcade titles. Many Konami games utilized the "tall" vertical orientation, and you can definitely recreate this by rotating the image on the screen and play the DS tipped 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. This function can be changed on the fly via an easy to use touch-screen interface.
It's quite possibly the most ambitious classic arcade game compilation simply due to one factor: the ability to tweak the settings exactly as arcade operators did back when the games were originally available. Each game has a visual representation of both the title's original motherboard as well as the dip switches -- dip switches were how arcade operators manually adjusted elements such as how many lives a player earned on a quarter, how many points a game required before they earned an additional life or free game. Using the DS system's touch screen, players adjust these settings by sliding the dip switches on or off in relation to the specific setting listed on the upper screen. It's a real down-and-dirty way of changing things within the game, but for arcade purists this is absolutely a way cool way of doing it. It shows that the development team really loved and appreciated the games in their original arcade configuration.
Also for the arcade purists is the addition of a library where you can check out all sorts of artwork and detailed information related to all the games in the package. You can zoom in and out of the scanned pamphlets to check out all of the wonderful typos that made it into the original print.
Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits might not support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, but multiplayer is a huge focus for this product. Not only can you wirelessly transmit a copy of the game to any DS and play competitively, you can also record a high-score earning run and transmit that "replay" to other systems so your buddies can see just how you pulled off that record.
Fifteen games isn't anywhere close to the library of old-school games within Konami's line-up. We're still missing awesome classics like Gyruss, Lifeforce Double Dribble, Blades of Steel...and yes, Frogger. So if this game sells well, it wouldn't hurt to expect a Volume II in the future.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
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Backbone Entertainment's been spoiling PSP owners. Not only did the development studio kick off the system's launch with its original IP Death Jr., but it also gave the handheld a sequel late last year. The Nintendo DS version took a backseat to the PSP sequel -- the dual-screen game made a brief, behind-closed-doors appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo last summer, but it was so early that it was nearly unplayable...and almost impossible to gauge the direction Backbone's Vancouver team was taking with the project.
At last night's corporate event in San Francisco, Konami showed off a close-to-finished version of Death Jr. and the Science Fair of Doom. The game ran well and showed off a hybrid 3D action game with tons of 2D platforming elements that put heavy emphasis on touch screen control.
So, in the Nintendo DS game, Death Jr., the son of the Grim Reaper, is still in high school, and now has to deal with the horrors of a science fair gone completely bonkers. Players take control of both Death Jr. and his friend Pandora in a very Lost Vikings sort of way, having them work together in order to fix all the evil that's run amok through the school hallways.
We only got a chance to tinker with the early portions of Death Jr. on the DS, which included a whole lot of tutorial that showed off the game's touch screen control. Using the D-pad, players maneuver Death Jr. in the 3D world, and attack enemies simply by tapping on the touch screen with the stylus. There's a combo system in place that requires double tapping on the D-pad or stroking the touch screen in different fashions...a technique which will clearly come handy later in the game when more and stronger enemies enter the fray.
At some portions of the game the camera will swoop in tight for a side-view of the action, and the controls change somewhat to give players a bit more of an old-school platform-style design. Because the game focuses on a control that requires the D-pad in one hand and the stylus in the other, jumping is handled by the shoulder button.
The game clearly isn't keeping up with the visuals pulled off on the PlayStation Portable, but considering the horsepower under each systems' hoods it's not surprising that the DS game doesn't look quite as good. But even with its limitations Death Jr. and the Science Fair of Doom is no slouch in the graphics territory. The game plays relatively fast and smooth with some nice detail in the environments. The cutscenes, detailed but still frames, show off the game's weird and bizarre art style.
The final product, due this spring, will feature wireless two player support for some of the mini-games that you'll encounter in the package.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
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Last night, Konami held its annual Winter Gaming Event in San Francisco, and amidst the maelstrom of bright lights and booze, we managed to find a demo station running the final retail version of Lunar Knights. Previously, we had only been able to go through demo levels, so we were pretty excited to dig our teeth into the vampire slaying adventure. The first DS game from Kojima Productions and the spiritual successor to Boktai Lunar Knights certianly has a lot to live up to.
The game starts off (like so many games do these days) with a lengthy cut scene involving random story elements that were completely unintelligible in the context of a gaming event like this. Apparently, the game's malevolent vampires are plotting to blot out the sun with a device called paraSOL, a mechanism designed to control the weather. Of course, this would give the bloodsucking monsters free reign to roam the earth and gorge themselves on the blood of any mortals unlucky enough to get in the way.
Full article at Link above
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
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During the video reel at Konami's event on Thursday night, we were intrigued by the few glimpses shown of the new aerial combat game heading to the DS, Time Ace. The game has the protagonist piloting different planes in an attempt to travel through time and stop a maniacal adversary. Needless to say, the brief introduction of the game left us itching to get our hands on it as soon as the videos ended and the demo stations were brought in.
Time Ace starts off with some stylized cut scenes explaining the game's back story. Apparently, way back in 1914, a scientist named Dr. Clock (very clever, Konami) invented a time machine and traveled to the future to see what was in store for mankind. When he got there and learned of the senseless battles of World War I, he decided to use his time machine to prevent the war from ever occurring. Unfortunately for our hero, nothing can ever be easy; Dr. Clock's assistant, Dr. Scythe, happens to have his own evil machinations in place regarding the time machine. Unbeknownst to Dr. Clock, Dr. Scythe jumped into the future on a stolen time machine in an attempt to secure a massive stockpile of powerful weapons (obviously a misguided bid at world domination). Ever the forward thinker, Dr. Clock foresaw this contingency and kept a backup time machine awaiting just such an occurance. The game begins as Dr. Clock takes off in his makeshift biplane/time machine fast in pursuit of Dr. Scythe.
Full article at Link above
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
We've been promised more DS content in 2007 by Nintendo, and it seems as though the rush is already underway, with Konami showing nearly a dozen titles at its Gamers' Day event alone. As the newest addicting touch-puzzler for DS, Hudson's Honeycomb Beat is a mix of simple innovation and basic touch screen usage. In what could best be described as a mix between Tetris and Othello, the game's focus centers around a combination of hexagonal tiles that make up a two-colored honeycomb. With the touch of the bottom screen, players can switch any tile on the grid from one color to the other, with the ultimate goal of completing designs, flipping tiles in combos, or making an entire horizontal line of all the same color. The catch: Any time you flip a tile all neighboring tiles will flip along with it.
Though Honeycomb Beat was shown off only in demo form, the current build gave us a good sense of things to come. The basic presentation centers around - you guessed it - a honeycomb theme, with all interface featuring a slick, hexagonal look. All interface is handled on the touch screen, with descriptions of events and game tips taking up the top screen. From the get-go Honeycomb Beat asks that you design a profile for stat-tracking, and then allows you to either immediately get into the action, or check out the simple (and surprisingly quick) tutorial mode. Tutorial sections include lessons in panel flipping, vector labels (which are basically different types of panels), and advanced flipping techniques. Each tutorial presents itself very well, with all explanation on the top screen and a user-controlled touch tutorial on the bottom screen. After about five minutes of panel-flipping we were ready to dive into the main game.
Honeycomb Beat is comprised of two different modes; puzzle, and evolution. In puzzle mode, players are required to take a specific layout of panels on the bottom screen and create patterns by flipping them from one color to the other. Some of these puzzles demand that all panels on the screen are the same color, whereas others will result in two-tone patterns or pictures. There are 20 puzzle areas, each with 10 puzzles for a total of 200 different brain-teasers. Just like in the main game, whenever a puzzle is completed the actual interface will flip new available puzzles over in a branching, honeycomb style. It's simple, but it has a really cool look as you begin to tunnel your way through each mission.
When it comes to evolution mode, Honeycomb Beat takes a note from Tetris, as players can jump into one of 10 different difficultly levels in an attempt to clear lines. A huge mass of Honeycomb will begin to rise from the bottom of the screen, and players will need to flip an entire horizontal line to clear it away. With a little trickery (and some smart planning) combos can be created by setting up multiple lines and then eliminating them all at once. Once the mass of honeycomb reaches the top of the bottom screen, it's game over. Adding to the replay value of evolution mode is a profile ranking system, which takes into account how long you lasted, how many points you achieved, and the complexity of combos to rank your performance. Like in Brain Age, you'll be assigned a "Brain Evolution" rating which you can work to raise over multiple play sessions.
So what's the point of the game? Well, aside from adding more wrinkles to your brain as you twist it in knots, Honeycomb Beat also offers a few unlockables, though they're primarily cosmetic. As you venture through puzzle and evolution modes you'll continue to unlock new panel colors, different backgrounds, more music, and different visuals for the top screen during play. It's basic, but it's still a reason to go back and kick the crap out of any shameful puzzle attempts you may have done. From the demo we were able to select from 10 different panel colors, three background themes (a space theme, a "warm" theme, and a girly "fancy" theme), six different songs titled simply "Music1-6", and digital or wave visual animations. It is all extremely basic, but every little bit helps in a puzzle game, and staring at the same two colors for hours on end is grounds for much "head-explode-ification" in our book, so it's a good addition to the package.
All in all Honeycomb Beat is a pretty entertaining experience, although it isn't an astonishingly deep endeavor. Puzzles can be extremely tricky (and not being a huge puzzle nut like Craig I was made to look like a fool on a few of the brain-teasers), and the amount of depth is decent for what we hope is a game that fits in the lower DS price range (around $20 seems about right). Konami maintains that the game is "beat-based", though from the demo we didn't see any real advantage in playing with the sound on or off, aside from having a driving tempo to flip to. The game also offers some special panels that can be brought into play at the user's digression, which consist of tiles that flip only diagonal, vertical, or horizontally when you flip them (instead of on all sides), tiles that create full lines when touched, or hold tiles that are essentially time bombs that flip after a certain number of moves (used for insane, time-released combos). From the looks of it Honeycomb Beat could be a solid puzzler for DS fans this year, as it supports some decent stat tracking, is easy to get into, and offers a great amount of difficulty throughout its 200+ puzzles.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
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Ever wondered what it was like to be stranded on a desert island? We did, and then we played Survival Kids on Game Boy Color back in 1999. Strangely enough, we liked it. We wanted more, but we never got it. Then the DS came along, and Konami decided that the world was due for another busted cruise ship, and back we were in Lost in Blue; the unofficial sequel to Survival Kids. The game played nearly identical to the older version, with more activities, a second character to watch over, and a crisp new 3D look. Again we had a blast, traversing the island in a truly epic life-saving adventure. Apparently Lost in Blue made a bit of a splash (shipwreck pun definitely intended) in the DS community, and Konami was taking notes, as we're now treated to Lost in Blue 2.
Before getting too far into the game, let's get this out in the open straight-away: Lost in Blue 2 is definitely, undeniably, shamelessly "more of the same" when compared to the original. You run around on what looks like the same island, you eat the same coconuts, you scrape your fingers through the same dirt, and you'll combine stick with rock to make the same sharpened stick just like Lost in Blue. That being said, the game follows a different story arch, follows two new characters (each playable depending on who you select from the beginning), offers multiple endings, more activities, more action, and more freedom. It's more of the same, but the "same" is still really fun.
For anyone who didn't pick up the original, the concept of the Survival Kids/Lost in Blue series is pretty simple. You'll select your player, wake up on an island alone, and have to survive on your own until you make it off the island or are rescued. To survive you'll need to gather supplies, build fires, cook food, hunt animals, combine materials to make tools, and work with your AI counter-part to explore and ultimately conquer the island. Imagine it as the TV show Lost, but you don't have hotties running around in bikinis, and Hurley isn't eating all your freaking peanut butter all the time. When you look at it that way, it sounds more like a vacation.
Just like the original games, you'll constantly have to be upping three major stats, consisting of hunger, thirst, and strength. Spend too long in the sun and you'll get thirsty. Eat the wrong berries (which we'll playfully dub as "Pulling a Ralph Wiggum") and you'll get sick and lose strength. When it comes to hunting and building, you'll have to find items and combine them similar to a Resident Evil game, although the process feels far more free-form than the simple "gun + bullet = zombie death" ends up being. In addition, you'll need to build weapons to hunt with, including sharp sticks, bow & arrow, and if you're especially talented some sort of death-laser (no). Once you spend a few grueling days learning the ropes, you'll be expected to use creativity, speed, and common sense to solve puzzles and thrive on the island.
From what we played at Konami's Gamers' Day event, Lost in Blue 2 might as well have been the same exact game. The only major differences in the current build is the added character portraits from the top screen (instead of silhouettes you get actual pictures of the characters), some improved activities such as fishing, and a couple mini-games. The three mini-games available thus far include fire-starting, goat-milking, and fishing. Each of these games could be played with multiple time limits for an overall score, and will ultimately be featured as a couple of the multiplayer mini-games for the final version. As always, goat-milking was an uncomfortable blast.
For the final version, Konami has thrown out some rough estimates based on the game's current production. The company promises far more action, about double the activities, new challenges including underwater exploration, and a lot more animal-based adventures. There are more beasts to hunt, tougher enemies (such as sharks and alligators), and some interesting microphone puzzles, such as an event where you need to become friends with a testy gorilla by mimicking his grunts with the DS microphone. In any other game we'd be astonished, but when it comes to Lost in Blue we'll just take it in stride. Hey… at least we don't have to milk it.
It's still far too early in production to say whether or not Lost in Blue 2 is going to incorporate enough new content to warrant a second purchase on DS, but from the looks of it the game should include a decent amount of action for the single player experience, and hopefully will add a ton of mini-games for the multiplayer action as well. Unfortunately there's no online support for two players, which sucks, as it would be kind of funny and ironic to play this game over the net with some dude that's actually stuck on an island himself, but there's always hope for a Lost in Blue 3 or Wii sequel that could better make use of Nintendo's online options.
We'll keep you posted on new Lost in Blue 2 information as it becomes available.
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February 3rd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
via liquidice
As you may already know there are now 3 modchips out for the Wii. First it was Wiinja, then CycloWiz, and now WiiKey. Something caught my eye while I was looking over the specs for WiiKey this morning on Wii News...
# Fully upgradeable via DVD/disc (future proof, expect cool features to come)
Does this mean they've figured out a way to execute arbitrary code on the Wii or does it simply put the DVD drive into a special mode that passes the data on the DVD into the modchip?
UPDATE: The Update disc will likely be formatted for Gamecube and will launch in GC mode. The app will send commands to the chip to flash it with the updated code. Since the chip 'listens' and reacts to these commands, it also means Nintendo can possibly detect if you have a chip like this (WiiKey) installed in your console.
So to recap...Wii Homebrew is still not possible. Gamecube homebrew on the Wii IS possible via a modchip or through Action Replay/Freeloader. None of these chips get us any closer to Wii Linux
So there you have it
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February 3rd, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
News of the work on the Spectrum emulator for the DS by CraigT
I upgraded my version of devkitPro to R20 yesterday. I removed all the old gba_nds_fat code and replaced it with Chishm’s latest libfat routines, which now contain the directory related functions I need for the file browser in SpeccyDS. The latest libfat driver also includes support for DLDI.
SpeccyDS didn’t have any problems compiling with the new library and everything seems to be working as expected. However, I have been left with a bit of a dilemma. I know there is a lot of anticipation for DLDI support, but there are still a few major things I want to finish before releasing version 0.3. I don’t feel like I have added enough to SpeccyDS to justify releasing the next version.
I may release it as it is now and call it version 0.2a. However, the border changes will not be included since there isn’t any sensible way to set the border size. We shall see…
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February 4th, 2007, 10:17 Posted By: matthewbarr
Hi folks, I recently launched a site called MiiTube, which uses the YouTube APIs to allow users to search and view YouTube videos on a TV. The site is optimised for viewing on the TV using the Wii remote (large text and buttons, reduced clutter on screen). Feedback is welcome!
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February 4th, 2007, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA

You can pre-order your Wii Chip right now. We should receive our stock very soon.
Info from the page
CycloWiz is a dream come true for many Wii owners. While it still doesn’t allow you to run Wii imports or Wii homebrew it has all the features you’d expect from a drivechip.
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February 4th, 2007, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo USA have posted that they have the M3 Simply fully in stock.

Heres more info about the M3 Simply
M3 DS Simply is a slot 1 device (no passcard required) from the famous producer M3 Adapter.
It uses Micro SD card for cheap and high capacity while fitting nicely in your DS/DS Lite. Its low price and strong built offers a great value!
Specifications & extra information
- Same size as an original DS cart
- Built-in PassMe
- Using Micro SD card (Trans Flash) as storage. Cheap & multiple use for cards
- Boot clean dump images
- Very simple to use: drag and drop files to the micro SD card
- No drivers required
- Standard FAT system support
- Supports different speed of micro SD card even the low speed SD card. Runs games without any lag or slow down
- Upgradable Firmware ( OS / Bios / Kernel )
- Touch screen control & robust skinning support
- No battery needed, back up the save file directly into the micro SD card: Never lose your saved games
- Auto detect the save type & automatically generate saver file
- Homebrew support , IO lib available on launch
- Watch movie directly, listen to MP3 & read TXT on the DS via the use of Moonshell
- Supports WiFi, DS rumble pack & DS browser .
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February 4th, 2007, 14:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK
Plastice skeleton and high grade silicon ensures that your NDS Lite is preotected from every day bumps and bangs.
Specifications & extra information
Silicone skin provides full access to:
+ Power switch
+ Stylus
+ Volume control
+ Headphone port
+ Games cartridge
+ Shoulder buttons
+ USB connector
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February 4th, 2007, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Now you can be sure to maximize everything the Nintendo® Wii™ has to offer with the Talismoon Wii™ component cable. Become in awe of tremendously enhanced visuals and super crisp textures! Immerse yourself in the digital gaming world and get closer to the game with another premium quality product by Talismoon. Live every jump, shot, and twist and turn to the fullest thanks to the highest quality image displayed on your TV set. Experience the benefits of premium quality gaming for one third less of the retail cost in relation to the official counterpart.
Specifications & extra information
· Ideal for standard or HD TV’s
· Supports screen resolutions up to 480p
· 5 year warranty
· Stereo sound available through left and right RCA cables
· 1.80 meters long
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February 4th, 2007, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Link your Wii to your current network!
You’ve got a Nintendo Wii. You have a broadband internet connection on your PC. You’ve heard about all the fun things you can do online with your console. Yet when it comes to connecting your Wii to the net, you don’t know where to start. You need the Wii LAN Adapter…
With our amazing new LAN Adapter for the Nintendo Wii, you can create a wired high-speed internet connection for your console. Just plug the Adapter into your Wii, and then connect it to your PC’s DSL or Cable modem or your router using the six-foot patch cable supplied. It’s as simple as that!
Because Wii LAN Adapter uses a cable connection, it always offers a high-speed, reliable connection. It’s ideal for places where wireless connectivity isn't possible, perhaps because of thick walls or interference from other products. At last, you can enjoy uninterrupted online gaming!
Specifications & extra information
Connect your Wii to the internet via cable network.
USB 2.0 connection to your Wii.
Plugs into DSL/cable modem or router.
Includes 6ft patch cable.
Faster connection than WiFi.
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February 4th, 2007, 14:44 Posted By: wraggster
via /.
WiiBot is the pet project of two engineers who apparently have way too much cool hardware and time on their hands. These two guys figure that as long as you have a Kuka KR16 industrial robot to work with, why not see if you can control it with the Wii Remote? The result is a tennis-playing, sword-wielding mechanical arm that simultaneously captures 'weekend of nerdy fun' and 'accident waiting to happen' in a fun two minute video. The website even details the technical aspects of teaching a robot to parry.
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February 4th, 2007, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
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Rocket Company's budget-priced DS curling game has been out for a little while now, and is officially endorsed by an actual japanese curling team. They've recently put up a commercial, if you want to see if the game is actually as boring as it seems (hint: yes, but probably better on a DS than any other system).
Commercial Here
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February 4th, 2007, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
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Banpresto has put up a commercial for their Dimps-developed original DS fighter Draglade, which shows a bit of action from the game. Looks fast-paced, and you can see just a little of the 'custom beat battle' elements. There's actually a section up now which explains it. Basically it's a bit like how records work in Samurai Champloo for PS2. New beats allow different combo chains, and it seems you have the ability to actually create beats yourself. Also, I can't recall if this was mentioned before, but Wifi is now confirmed for the game. There will be realtime ranking, and for local users, download play is supported.
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February 4th, 2007, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
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No, it's not a joke! After all these training games, it was inevitable (perhaps you don't know but, roughly ten training games get released by companies other than Nintendo for every one that is endorsed by dr. kawashima). DS Therapy has the subtitle 'mainichi kokorobics', a conjunction of the words 'heart' (kokoro) and 'aerobics', this 'daily heart aerobics'. The game has you answering quizes in a 'light hearted' manner, and then you're diagnosed based on the latest psychological research, or so says developer Dimple Entertainment, creator of adventure sims, largely. Theoretically it should track your progress as well.
The game is planned for a may release at 4,800 yen, and features character illustrations by kaorin wakamatsu. They actually do seem to have consulting psychologists on staff, but this is still quite odd to me.
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February 4th, 2007, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
Gamepro and IGN have posted that the following Wii games are coming soon, heres the list:
*100 Bullets - Fall 2007*
Alive-TBA 2007, Ubisoft
Devil Kings Series - 2007 Capcom
Digimon- 2007 , Namco
DK bongo blast-spring 2007, Nintendo
Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix- July, EA
Iron Man: The Movie, 2008, SEGA
Kirby- 2007 Nintendo
Legend of Dragon- 2007
Lost- 2007, Ubisoft
Machi Kuru Domino- 2007
Ratatouille- Fall 2007, THQ
*Mario Kart Wii- 2007, Nintendo*
*Pilot Wings -2007- Nintendo*
*Wii shooting- 2007*
*Wii motor sports airplane- 2007*
TNA impact- 2007, Midway
JAWA- 2007, spike
Wii music- October 2007
Space station Tycoon- Summer 2007- Namco
Dance Factory- March 2007
*Animal Crossing- 2007*
Raid over the River-2007
*Sadness- August- Nibris*
Pilot Wings and Mario Kart Wii interest me massively 
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February 4th, 2007, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
We all know DK Bongo Blast is gone from GameCube and reborn on Wii. The title is set for release on Nintendo's new system this year, along with Kirby, for that matter. Efforts like Wii Health and Wii Music will also be coming, but that's another blog post. For now, let's talk Bongo Blast.
Up until recently, people have speculated that Nintendo would make available some bongos for Wii so that peeps could best enjoy the experience. But I don't think so. Why? You've got the bongos already: the Wii remote and nunchuk.
That is all.
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February 4th, 2007, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
via wiitomidi site
WiiToMidi allows you to convert signals from a Nintendo Wii controller to MIDI signals. It is a Cocoa application for Mac OS X and uses the DarwiinRemote WiiRemote framework to decode Wii controller signals. It also supports the Nunchuk controller.
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February 4th, 2007, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from HtheB
MancalaDS is a fun game, but playing a game without a song is WAAAY boring... So I decided to make some songs for MancalaDS and release it. ....
Lotti (the creator of MancalaDS) didn't had much time so I put it on my site. He will put it later in his own blog too.
Changelog MancalaDS 2.1:
* Added some songs and menu sound.
MancalaDS is a board game (Single player or 2 players on 1 DS) for the Nintendo DS.
The games of this family best known in the Western world are Oware (or Awele), Kalah, Sungka and Omweso, and Bao.
Mancala games play a role in many Africa and some Asian societies comparable to that of chess in the West.
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February 4th, 2007, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Kyuzumaki is a Rom editing tool for homebrew usage:
With romer you can easliy alter the icons and titles in homebrew roms as you please. Romer also allows developers to easily add icons to their projects. Romer will reconstruct the header information and create a valid icon without affecting the applications function.
The program requires the .net framework v2.0 to run. Remember the program is still Beta so do make sure to backup your roms before you edit them as there may be a few bugs that need to be ironed out.
Beta2.1 Changes:
- Inverted Pallete to fix transparency issue (gif's with no transparent pixels may display incorrectly)
- Fixed corrupted title error when editing just the title
- Fixed spaces (no longer added to embed titles)
- Put in new checks to prevent homebrew being edited if no icon file is selected
- Homebrew checkbox auto unticks once a homebrew it edited
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February 4th, 2007, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
Xparano has updated his DSCam app:
Heres whats new:
What's New in 0.3 (Download Beta 3)
Some bug fixes around
More autostart options added
Blinks in taskbar when message received
Logo added
DS ping to detect disconnection
Transmission improved
DS Client:
Pictures are now showing full screen
Play familiar sound when receiving message
Logo added
Basic historic added
You must have .NET framework 2.0 installed on your computer for the server. You must have a WFC Connection working. Uses port TCP 9998/9999
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February 4th, 2007, 17:01 Posted By: scorpei
I've finished my review of the CycloDS, a new GBA media adapter for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS lite using mijiSD and microSD cards.
The Cyclo team is a newcomer to the scene, with their only (released) product line being the CycloDS. So how well have they done? The CycloDS series is composed out of two (GBA slot) solutions. One made for the normal DS (and GBA) using miniSD and one specific for the Nintendo DS lite using microSD. Although they have been announced quite some time ago they have only recently become available. The Cyclo team have also announced another solution (no information released) and a Wii mod-chip.
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February 4th, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
No$gba the GBA and DS Emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release, heres whats new:
nds/2d: adjusted window width (nds=256, instead gba=240) (famicom wars demo)
nds/memory: allows to execute code in vram (used by mariokart demo on nds7)
iomap: replaced various "vals" by "io10seg" (matching to nds9/nds7 pages)
nds/wifi/xcept: allows nintendo to write 00h/55h/AAh/FFh to read-only BB-ports
nds/3d/irq: emulates gxfifo irq (used by lara/brainage demos)
nds/3d/help: added notes on how/when to acknowledge gxfifo irq (see gxstat)
nds/3d/dma: emulates gxfifo dma (used by submarine demo and possibly others)
nds/dma: renamed/renumbered $profiler_id_dma (supporting the eight ds-modes)
nds/3d/help: added GXFIFO DMA Overkill on Packed Commands Without Parameters
setup: added gba-solar-sensor setting (now also in freeware version setup)
setup: removed experimental rear-alpha option (tested / always enabled now)
nds/backup: bugfix: forces no nds-backup in gba-mode (fixes fatalunexpected)
nds/xboo: added upload-wait/timeout (for remote secure_area_extra_decryption)
nds/dma: prevents gba-style dma3-capture on nds (fixes submarine demo freeze)
nds/dma: simplified different dma mode bits by dma_kick_mask at mount_system
nds/3d/help: added 3d-lockup note (on swapbuffers with incomplete vertex list)
a22i: supports "NOT" operator (more or less, crashes on faulty priority order)
a22i/bugfix: long/negative multiply in numeric expression (swapped lsw2/msw2)
nds/3d: handles 8bit ldrb reads from 3d ports (4000320h and up)
gba/nds-cartloader: fixed crash on loading GBA-carts from inside NDS7-mode
thanks: RockmanRotties and Diablow for bugreports on demos and fatalunexpected
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February 5th, 2007, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
Konami is breathing new life into 15 of its classic arcade titles with a new retro collection for DS.
Only a few titles have been revealed, with Gradius, a brilliant horizontal-scrolling space shooter, heading-up the confirmed titles. Yie-Ar Kung Fu, a basic beat-'em-up and Time Pilot, a single-screen shooter in different time zones are also confirmed.
As has become the trend with retro collections of late, the game will feature direct ports of the original Arcade games, as well as updated and remixed version that take more advantage of the modern hardware.
Updates will include the option to configure the screen for vertical or horizontal play, as well as bonus mode that will let you listen to music and sound effects from the 15 titles and view game art, biographies and trivia.
Konami Arcade Classics is due in Autumn 2007
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February 5th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Trusting that Nintendogs hasn't already exhausted your fascination for cutesy touch-screen animals, Konami is set to release GoPets, a new pet sim that will let gamers take their pets online.
Nintendogs had a clever local wireless 'Bark' mode that let two DS units in close proximity connect directly.
GoPets, which features dogs and cats, aims to go one better and let users take their lovable pets online to mingle with other pets from around the world.
Players will also be able to communicate text and icons as they travel around the virtual world. A journal keeps a record of all the friends you make.
An offline mode will also feature, set on an island with a small community and mini games. Sounds a bit like Animal Crossing.
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February 5th, 2007, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
According to a listing on the ESRB website, Capcom's 16-bit classic Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is heading to all three next-gen consoles.
We're assuming that the rock-hard platformer will be appearing in the form of a download on Xbox 360, Wii and PS3's respective online services, with the Xbox Live Arcade version likely featuring the fancy leaderboards and high-definition mischief we're used to on the service.
Capcom was unfortunately unavailable to comment on the report when we picked up the phone, but we'll be sure to let you know if it decides to throw some confirmation our way.
via cvg
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February 5th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The team behind Eledees, one of the most unique titles on Wii, is working on its second title for Wii - a tilty 3D adventure tentatively titled Dewy's Adventure.
Just like Eledees, Dewy's Adventure is a weird one. You play as Dewy, a magical water droplet with the ability to control the elements.
In its fairytale plot, a once peaceful land has been wrecked by an evil force. A sacred tree (ANOTHER sacred tree, should we say) called the Elder Tree creates Dewy to with the hope he can return peace to the land.
We'd have created an army of Jedi, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but we clearly don't think like sacred trees.
The game will take advantage of the Wii Remote to tilt environments to control Dewy, creating inclines in the ground for Dewy to move through. Could be interesting.
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February 5th, 2007, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Wii owners could have more Wii Remote-operated swordplay to look forward to with blade-ninja Zorro making his debut Wii appearance in The Destiny of Zorro.
Pronto Games say the game will focus on being "instantly engaging" and fun. The developer also says: "The visuals are high quality, as are the audio and storyline." Yes, that would be nice.
Other than that massively insightful statement, no further gameplay details have been announced. We speculate you'll be swinging the Wii Remote in some sword-like fashion.
Zorro will do battle against a dual-sword-weilding skeleton bloke known as Calavero, pictured below.
Pronto games previously developed titles for mobile phones and handheld consoles (including Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder for GBA).
The Destiny of Zorro is due to release this Christmas. With good visuals. And good audio. Oh... and a good storyline.
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February 5th, 2007, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
The latest Wii Virtual Console update has just hit in the US with a surprise for lucky yank gamers; Mario's stellar Super NES outing Super Mario World along with a pair of token downloads for Mega Drive and Turbo Grafx.
Mario's 16-bit adventure is available stateside for the usual price of 800 Wii points. Meanwhile, Turbo Grafx bruiser Vigilante is up for 600 points and Genesis effort Gain Ground for 800, neither of which we remember.
Hopefully this will pave a path for a massive UK VC update this Friday, as the US now has two SNES classics (Zelda: A Link to the Past being the other) that us poor Europeans have been deprived of. We'll have our fingers crossed.
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February 5th, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
Are you a fan of Alien Syndrome, well even if your not check out the 3 yummy screens of this up and coming game for the Wii via the Comments
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February 5th, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
An article from CVG that doesnt look good for us wii owners:
Epic VP Mark Rein has been speaking to Wired News about the success of the Unreal Engine 3, especially since the firm recently licensed it to a Japanese developer for the first time.
Here are the highlights from the interview:
It's also tough to ignore the success of the Wii at this point. Do you guys have any plans to be in that space?
Rein:: Hey, we're in that space! Red Steel, Splinter Cell -- those use our previous engine technology. But it's not in our plans to bring Unreal Engine 3 to the Wii. It's really designed for next-gen, high-definition.
It can't be easy to get Japanese developers on board, because they traditionally use their own engines.
Rein: It's definitely a challenge to convince Japanese developers to work with a third-party technology like ours. But Square Enix, they're the granddaddy. I'm hoping that'll be pulling the stopper out of the drain, and we'll gradually crack that nut. We've been looking to hire somebody in Japan, to be our representative there.
It's really hard to find somebody who speaks really good English, knows our technology well, is native Japanese, has an engineering background, can answer complex questions. We're looking; the job's open.
You obviously love the Xbox 360. Do you love the PlayStation 3?
Rein: Yeah, absolutely. I think they're both great machines. I don't understand all this crazy negative backlash toward PlayStation 3. It's like, people aren't happy that there aren't enough machines, and then they're not happy that there are? Get over it! You want to be able to buy the damn thing!
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February 5th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
What's a Wii fanboy to do without a Wii to call his own? Hack one up himself, of course. Bigjohn8411 found himself in just such a predicament, so he scraped together a "Wii OS" launcher program for his PC just to feel like one of the cool kids. Other than accepting Wiimote input over Bluetooth via GlovePIE, the program is mostly a complete rip of Nintendo's own Wii interface, with Wii sound effects pulled out of YouTube videos, and the interface built from scratch, but referencing the real thing. Of course, that Red Steel button, it does nothing, but most of the rest of the launcher buttons shoot you right into that game's respective emulator. You can also toss in up to four of your own MP3s for background music if you find Nintendo's own to be a bit too sleep inducing. Now the only question is if Nintendo will be launching Chrono Trigger for Virtual Console before it hits this guy with a C&D. Somehow, we doubt it.
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February 5th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesindustry
Nintendo has refuted claims that it failed to deliver the number of Wii units promised to Virgin Megastores for the console's launch on December 8.
The claims emerged after Virgin began taking pre-orders for PlayStation 3 last week. As GamesIndustry.biz discovered after contacting stores across the country, customers enquiring about the pre-order system are told that they can secure a console for GBP 50 - but are warned that they won't neccessarily receive their machine on March 23.
They're told that they may have to wait days or even weeks for their machine to arrive, with one customer service representative stating, "We can't make a commitment to the 23rd because Sony hasn't made a commitment to us."
All the representatives GI.biz spoke to said that Virgin was keen to avoid a repeat of the situation which occurred with the launch of the Wii, claiming that Nintendo failed to deliver the number of consoles promised for day one.
"It's because there was an issue with the Wii. Some stores didn't get the allocation they were promised until the next day after launch," one representative said.
Another claimed, "The full amount of stock we were promised never turned up," while other representatives said that the total launch allocation wasn't received until several weeks after launch.
Nintendo has disputed the claims with a spokesperson telling GI.biz, "All UK retailers were notified of their initial day one Wii allocations in October 2006, some six to eight weeks before launch.
"Nintendo delivered exactly what we said we would to retailers for day one and in many instances over delivered against the initial numbers retailers were expecting."
In addition, the spokesperson said, "Nintendo made multiple and regular deliveries to retailers across the UK in the days following launch to try and meet the huge demand for Wii as much as possible."
Virgin Megastores has yet to respond to requests for comment.
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February 5th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
These Miis from NBC's The Office just look freakishly identical. Especially Dwight, Jim (right of Dwight), Kevin, and Roy. Oscar's pretty good too. Amazingly, D. Schrute looks just as intimidating in Mii form as he does in real fictional life. Scary.
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February 5th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster

After years of living in peace and harmony, the inhabitants of Timber's Island are shocked when their tropical paradise is invaded by a giant, hideous space pig! To thwart Wizpig’s nefarious plans, explore the sprawling island, unlock hidden racetracks, and drive, hover and fly against colorful characters in high-octane competitions!
Your host, a gregarious elephant named Taj, greets you in a grassy meadow. Drive over bridges, through sparkling surf and around volcanoes. Start racing. You'll have to speed through a huge variety of racing challenges if you want to unlock all the island’s secrets, complete the adventure and save your friends from the parlous pig. Diddy Kong Racing DS boasts a huge number of courses, including several all-new ones!
Diddy Kong Racing DS offers three types of vehicles: karts, hovercraft and airplanes. The drivers range from the quick and the small to heavyweights who specialize in bashing rivals off the course. Duel with classic DKR power-ups like oil slicks, gas clouds, land mines, super shields, speed boosts, homing missiles and magnets. In Diddy Kong Racing DS, you’d better be ready for anything under the sun!

Diddy Kong Racing DS for Nintendo DS™ is shipping today as US release version at US$ 39.90 only.
Buy from Play Asia
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February 5th, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
RyanFB has released a new version of his excellent Megadrive(genesis) emulator for the Nintendo DS.
Heres whats new:
Updated for DKA r20 and latest libnds.
Switched to libfat with DLDI support.
Fixed bug where select key must be released quickly in order to go back to file selection menu.
Appended ROM check now only happens if FAT is unable to init.
Added untested Opera RAM expansion support, and RAM support for SCCF.
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February 5th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Turns out Driver: Parallel Lines is going to receive an enhanced port to the Wii, complete with updated graphics and gameplay changes. The game will take place during the late seventies, yet upon being imprisoned for 28 years, you're released to a new decade. Game features will include:
Open New York City: 35 missions spanning the years 1978 - 2006
There is to be over 30 different actions for the Wiimote, including driving and targeting
Features over 80 customizable vehicles such as cars, trucks and motorcycles
Upgrades have been made to the AI, graphics, physics and an as-yet-unannounced Wii exclusive special effect
The game didn't receive favorable scores on the PS2 or Xbox, so do you think some extra time being polished for the Wii will make a difference?
via wiifanboy
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February 5th, 2007, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Emulator for Windows called DeSmuME has now been updated with a new release.
Heres whats new:
Added zipped (based on zziplib) and gzipped (based on zlib) rom support.
Added relocation interrupt vector.
Added region access right checks.
Enabled LDC/STC instructions.
Fixed powersave (cp15) IRQ wait.
Fixed MOV instructions
Added special color effects.
Added windowing feature.
Fixed transparent direct color backgrounds.
Fixed disabled sprites showing.
Fixed 8/32 bit access to gpu registers.
Fixed missing backgrounds
Support for master brightness
Added RF chip interface.
Added BB chip interface.
windows port:
Fixed address calculation in disassembler.
Added Force Maintain Ratio option for window stretching linux port (cli, gtk and gtk-glade):
Added joystick support.
Fixed X and Y buttons.
Added joystick configuration.
Improved I/O registers viewer tool.
Added save and load states support.
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February 5th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Homebrew release:
Hey there, I have another game I made recently. I has the nicest graphics yet, and pretty nice gameplay. Hope you all like it!
Use [R] and [L] to rotate ship
Press [A] to accelerare
Hold[B] to shoot
Keep enemies away from the bomb!
Use any means necessary, like ramming, shooting, whatever.
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February 5th, 2007, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Homebrew game from nagame:
I would like to submit my GBA program more succeeded.
It was created in December 2005 for "Drunkencoders Coding Competition"
I had gained the 2nd place.
A Web page was devoted to the game (in French) :
About the Game
The dwarves of the Playeradvance forum removed the mother Christmas!
Santa Claus, you must found your wife! Eliminate the 64 dwarves and finds mother Christmas with the key select.
Active member of the French community PLayeradvance.org the rom was introduced like gift at the members of the community.
Playing the Game
Control-Pad - Move the main player
A - Fire
SELECT - View mother Christmas
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February 6th, 2007, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
CraigT has released a new version of SpeccyDS the Spectrum emulator for the Nintendo DS.
Heres whats new:
Here are the changes…
Upgraded to libfat, which inludes the DLDI driver.
Fixed .z80 loading routine. More .Z80 snapshots will now be accepted.
Fixed flag behaviour in DAA instruction to fix problems in Head over Heels.
Fixed HALT instruction (again!) to fix crash in Starquake.
Implemented a few undocumented instructions.
Optomised display routines.
Hooked up X and Y buttons.
Corrected Sinclair 1 and 2 joystick assignments.
It doesn’t contain everything I had planned, but hopefully it should keep you happy. Enjoy!
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February 6th, 2007, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Double Z has updated his site with this news:
I've updated tutorial one to work with the most recent devkitPro release. I've also moved it to using the standard devkitPro makefiles which should make it much easier to track devkitPro changes. I'm working on updating the other tutorials.
More Info --> http://www.double.co.nz/nintendo_ds/
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February 6th, 2007, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
via francescos
Pascal Game Development community has announced the 2007 PGD "Multiplexity" Game Programming Competition aimed to pascal developers. The big news of this year is that entries for Nintendo DS and GameBoy Advance are allowed! The compo theme is very interesting (a multi-genre game), prizes are very rich, so: pick up your fpc4gba or fpc4nds and start coding now!!!
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February 6th, 2007, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Dovoto just posted the names of who won the Drunken Coders Comp:
After much delay:
Rudolph Steady Go
Xmas Dash
Santa's Skidoo Scarp
Warcraft Tower of Defence
Ice Runner
Holliday Toss
NDS Puzzle
I will try to get a full compo page up with judge's comments and scoring on each game over the next few days. We all pretty much picked the same top 4 but after that it was a pretty tight race. Thanks for another great year and I apologize for the delay in judging. For those of you who did not make the top ten most of you just barely missed
Winners feel free to contact me and please list your prize choices in order of preference.If I don't hear from you in the next day or two I will track you down.
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February 6th, 2007, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
There's some updated news on Lost in Blue 2, including gameplay details. Notably, players can choose to navigate the game as either the male or female character, and Jack and Amy each have their own unique skills. Previously, we thought the setup was similar to the original Lost in Blue, with the girl serving as an unplayable character (at least, until you beat it once). Also, the sequel will feature a limited two-player mode via local wireless, in which players can compete in survival mini-games. We're hoping for things like "Outrun the Croc" so we can watch our pals brutally eaten. That's just good, clean fun.
Once again, the touch screen and microphone will be a big part of the game, but Konami promises to expand on touchscreen play for a more immersive and interesting experience. Let's hope for less drudgery and more fun.
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February 6th, 2007, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
No doubt, Diddy Kong Racing has been in the spotlight for the last couple of months, due to some excellent features and the promise of repeating the success the game enjoyed on the N64. With custom-track creation and countless other wonderful features, we've waited long and patiently for this game and hopefully the majority of reviewers out there won't find the game as lacking as the below two have:
Nintendo Power (75/100) finds that the game has some appeal, however maybe not as much as it needs: "Like its predecessor, Diddy Kong Racing DS has a Mario Kart game to compete with, but also enough unique features to make it a kart-racing contender." [Mar. 2007, p.87]
GameSpot (67/100) says that the game might just have too much to do: "Diddy Kong Racing DS is a decent racer with plenty to do and some interesting new content, but the seemingly endless amount of tasks you must complete to enjoy all of it may irritate anyone who simply wants to race."
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February 6th, 2007, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
The official Japanese website for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings has been live for a bit on the series of tubes that make up the internet. Now, through this wondrous website, one may access a nice little trailer on the main page, as well as some cool downloads.
The downloads include desktop wallpapers and a promotional video from Jump Festa 2007. Other things, such as the game's prologue and character descriptions, are in Japanese and able to stand up to our most deadly translation bots.
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February 6th, 2007, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
A Nintendo-developed dogfighter, Jet Impulse, has recently opened their official website for perusal. The game formerly known as DS Air is, for the moment, Japanese-bound only; this will change, however, when we threaten Nintendo with deadly force.
Two videos adorn the pages, highlighting both game mechanics and opening cinematic. We've been hankering for more air since Star Fox Command ended so very quickly; hopefully, this title can make the trip stateside before long.
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February 6th, 2007, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
papafuji has released DS-Frotz v1.2, heres the full info:
DS-Frotz is the port of Stefan Jokisch and David Griffith's Frotz, based on the GBA version from Jonas Minnberg. It can play the majority of Inform files in z3, z5 or z8 format (up to V6 Inform format), with some bugs included... The source code is included in the package... The version 1.2 of DS-Frotz includes :
a multi-game main menu
a multi-interface inputs : grafiti or keyboard (no voice recogition yet, sorry...)
a multi-files in SRAM save/load (up to 5 files)
and a brand new text-completion functionnality
includes : MiniZork, Freefall, The Magic Toyshop & the source code of DS-Frotz
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February 6th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk has updated his Map Viewer application for the Nintendo DS.
Heres some info
How to use :
1. Flash the rom on your linker
2. Copy gif files you want to use as maps in directory /Maps/
3. Load the homebrew, it'll list all gif files in that directory
4. Click on a map, it'll load up in a few seconds, and you can move around/zoom/etc...
All commands are written on the homebrew when you load it
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February 6th, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
A New firmware has been released for the DS Linker flash cart, heres whats new:
New feature:
# 1.Fixed the problem of Pocket Mater black screen when enter underground world.
# 2.Adjusted the icon of 3D menu speed.
# 3.Fixed the "goto Menu" problem.
# 4.Fixed some FAT file system problem, so DSLinker need to be formated after upgrade.
# 5.Now, hold SELECT can pass through to 3D menu when DSLiner Writer is in slot 2. (for USB 2.0 Writer only)
# 6.With this new function, NDS console can be a USB pad with DSPAD program. This USB pad can work with all PC game.(for USB 2.0 Writer only)
# 7.Added /DSYSTEM/AUTORUN.BIN file, it's a USB plug-in, use hold SELECT pass through to 3D menu, system will run AUTORUN.BIN automatic.(for USB 2.0 Writer only)
Usage: Please follow the "readme" file in the package to update the firmware of DSLinker.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of Comic Book DS has support for DLDI. heres the full changelog:
# 2.0 (04/02/2007):
New DS: Renaming the .cbds files is not necessary anymore. The .cbds files can have any name (eg : "La Vie de Norman.cbds" and can be placed anywhere.
New DS: The Library screen is more reactive to user inputs. When the book is not opened yet, the filename is displayed.
New DS: Current page name is displayed during image load.
New DS: Do not wait for key release anymore in Thumbnails and Library screens. This allows a quicker thumbnails navigation while keeping the key pressed.
BugFix DS: The Stylus (touch screen) can now be used with R4DS and M3 Simply.
BugFix DS: Sometimes, the selection frame of miniature mode was not displayed.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released an update to his Deal or No Deal game:
I made a new version, nothing really fancy but now you can use controller to select a case, and use A,B,X,Y to confirm your choice. Also when you get choices like deal or no deal or Trade or keep, you can use the L and R button to choose them. I did this cause some users (R4 and M3 simply) cannot use the stylus.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Tepples has released a new version of his Tetris game for the DS:
LOCKJAW is a tetromino stacking game that lets you set the rules. It's a free software implementation of the Soviet Mind Game, a highly popular computer puzzle game that involves guiding tetrominoes into a well. (That is, LOCKJAW is to Tetris as GNU is to UNIX.) It includes over 20 options for making variations to the game rules, as well as "gimmicks" for practicing specific skill areas.
Changelog v0.31 (2007-02-03):
Draws the score and next pieces before blitting the playfield in case a front-end draws the score or next pieces inside the playfield.
In Baboo!, speed curve Zero sets the level to the number of keypresses so far.
Blocks within a piece are drawn connected once they lock.
Baboo! no longer double-counts console buttons passed through the joypad reading code.
README: "color=image" clone-and-hack error fixed.
README: Explains black rectangle in upper left corner as an con for stop.
README: Explains controls on DS.
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February 6th, 2007, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
Noda has released a new version of his DS game of the Mod Tower Defense for Warcraft 3.
Heres some screens:
Heres the game info
Here is the promised quick release which should fix some bugs and R4/M3 simply compatibility
-04/02/2007 : v0.31 beta
+ now use latest devkitpro (r20) with latest libnds, libfat & palib
= stylus precision & jumping problems fixed (thanks to latest libnds)
= stylus problems with R4/M3 simply should be fixed (thanks to latest palib)
= corrected the bug that make the map selection screen froze when there was more than
10 maps (FAT version) .
Warcraft arrives on DS via Homebrew
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February 6th, 2007, 07:00 Posted By: JKKDARK
The Gekko official forum was finally added. If you didn't know, Gekko is a GameCube emulator for PC.
The webmaster said:
It's finally here! Quite a few poeple had asked for a forum and with the spam issues we were having with the comments on the mainpage news, I went ahead and created Gekko's official forum. 
It took me all last night and this morning to integrate the news and comments system to the forum, learning PHP as I go.
A new button has been added in the header bar completely to the right to access the forum. It will now be mandatory to register to the forum to be able to post comments on news. (Helping us avoid the issues we had earlier )
Finally, you will notice that the forum currently uses the default template. I am no artist but I will try to wip something up when I have the chance in the next few months.
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February 6th, 2007, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
All the info from Nintendo:
The world's most popular party video game is getting a lot crazier in Mario Party 8. Whether you're shaking up cola cans or lassoing barrels, you and your friends will be drawn into the action like never before using the Wii Remote™.
Play with motion control: Players row their way through a river race, punch a statue to pieces, steer race cars, mopeds and go-karts and handle a balancing pole while walking a tightrope.
Play using the Pointer: Shoot at Boos in a haunted house, rag and drop toppings in a cake-decorating competition, select the correct answers in game show challenges.
Play using the Wii Remote's buttons: Players jump and pummel their way through a football brawl, hop and run across a field of spinning platforms
Mario Party 8 also includes dozens of new minigames, six new party boards and many new game modes. In a series first, players can transform their characters into many forms, such as player-smashing boulders and coin-sucking vampires. Mario Party 8 also includes "extra-large" minigames like Star Carnival Bowling and Table Menace. One to four players can play Mario Party 8, each with a Wii Remote.
Game storyline: In Mario Party 8, a whimsical ringmaster has invited Mario™, Peach and the rest of the crew to his carnival, a perfect setting for the dynamic spectacle of the Wii game play. Mario Party 8 keeps the surprises coming with minigames that draw upon the Wii Remote's motion, pointing and button control in a variety of ways. Players always know how to jump into the action by watching an animated tutorial that shows how to use the Wii Remote.
How to progress through the game: Following tradition, Mario Party 8 takes the social, strategic game play of board games and adds breaks for quick, action-oriented minigames. In the main mode, players travel across six boards in search of Stars, landing on spaces that are helpful (example: giving coins) or a hindrance (example: sending Bowser in to mess with the player). Several variations for these boards tweak the main goals to enhance game play for solo sessions, two-player games and three- to four-player games.
In addition, Mario Party 8 includes four more minigame-infused kinds of board games, such as Tic-Tac Drop, where players earn the right to put the next mark on the board by winning a minigame.
Characters: Mario Party games are a celebration of all things Mario, so you can play as 14 classic characters, the widest selection yet for the series, including newcomers Hammer Bro and Blooper. You'll also bump into many old friends and foes that span 20+ years of Mario games.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Beyond using the Wii Remote's motion and pointer control, this eighth game in the Mario Party series goes its own way with two major changes:
Players can transform their character using candy power-ups. Examples: When Peach eats Bowlo Candy, she'll turn into a Peach-faced ball and bowl over characters to get their coins. When Wario™ eats Vampire Candy, he'll sprout wings and fly off to suck the coins from all other players.
* A more engaging view of the action puts the player "on the board" with his traveling character, no longer far above the whole board looking down.
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February 6th, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
New press release from Nintendo:
When Wario™ sees a television series about a thieving master of disguises, he dives through the TV screen, steals the thief's quick-change wand and takes over the whole show. Episode after episode, he breaks into exotic locations, like a luxury liner, watery ruins and an Egyptian pyramid!
Draw Wario's eight disguises: By sketching a symbol on Wario, the player puts Wario in outfits that give him powers, such as Thief Wario's tackles and Cosmic Wario's laser blasts. The player also uses the stylus to wield the powers.
Explore environments: Wario travels the globe in 10 missions that span nine exotic locations. The player must attack many enemies found in each location and also use Wario's disguises to get past puzzling obstacles.
Play minigames to unlock chests: To pick the lock of each chest, the player must play one of eight stylus-driven minigames that grow more difficult as the game progresses.
Game storyline: Over the 10 episodes of "his" new TV show, Wario travels the globe in search of treasure to steal. Along the way, he discovers that there's a far greater prize to be had: an ancient artifact that grants wishes. Now if he can only find it before his rival, the master thief whose show (and powers of disguise) he's stolen.
How to progress through the game: Using the Thief Wario disguise, players run, high-jump and tackle their way through each episode. They'll need to switch to other disguises, frequently one after the other, to fight and puzzle through rooms full of obstacles and enemies. Players use buttons to run and jump while using the stylus to affect Wario and his environment, and they can watch the top screen map to keep their bearings in the levels.
At the start of the game, players will have only one disguise (Thief Wario) and will discover more as they proceed through the game. Players can return to previous episodes with the power to use all currently held disguises, making it possible to explore more areas and gather even more hidden treasures. Each episode ends in a boss fight that challenges players to use a variety of disguises to defeat it.
Characters: Wario is joined by his new sidekick, a wand that lets him change into eight different disguises. He's also pursued by the master thief who wants his wand back, and who still has plenty of high-tech tricks up his sleeve. The episodes also feature more characters in search of the ancient artifact, plus dozens of new creatures. Wario's friendly new wand helps him switch disguises. Players use the stylus to draw a key piece of each disguise onto Wario to activate the change. The wand explains how to sketch these quick-changes in a tutorial.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Wario opens locked treasure chests by completing one of eight random minigames that grow harder, faster and more complex as the game progresses. If the players succeed, they'll get the treasure, key item or disguise power-up found specifically in that chest. If the player fails, the chest remains locked, the chest spits out exploding bombs and the player may return to try the chest (with a different minigame) again.
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February 6th, 2007, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the US press release for Wii Play:
Wii Play includes nine quick and addictive games that are easy to pick up and play and hard to put away. Thanks to the intuitive controls of the Wii Remote, even the most inexperienced gamers will have no trouble mastering the controls. Every game features a multiplayer mode, so friends can compete for the high score or go head to head to see who's the best. Wii Play comes with a Wii Remote so that friends can join in the action.
Wii Play features nine separate minigames, including:
Shooting Range, a point-and-fire game of target practice in the Duck Hunt® tradition.
Billiards, a nine-ball game of pool with stunningly realistic physics that uses the Wii Remote as a pool cue.
Find Mii™, in which players scan the crowds to find the right Mii. Miis created by players and their friends make an appearance.
Tanks!, in which players command a toy tank on a miniature battlefield in a gantlet of 100 missions.
Other games include Pose Mii, Table Tennis, Fishing, Charge! and Laser Hockey.
Shooting Range: The player shoots down targets ranging from clay pigeons to ducks to UFOs. In the final stage, the Mii a player is using appears on the screen, wandering in a field and being abducted by UFOs. If the player shoots that UFO down, the abductee returns to the field. To shoot targets, the player points at them with the Wii Remote pointer and presses the B button to fire. Players earn bonuses for not missing any shots.
Find Mii: The player must find and select specific Miis from a crowd within a set amount of time. If the player has any user-created Miis, they appear in the crowd as well. The crowds grow larger and start moving as the player clears more levels. The player selects Miis by pointing at them with the Wii Remote and pressing the A button.
Table Tennis: Players rally the ball back and forth, shooting for the longest sustained rally. In the multiplayer version, players compete to score points, as in traditional table tennis. Players use the pointer to move the paddle. The paddle swings automatically when the ball is close.
Pose Mii: The player moves his Mii on the screen, rotating it and changing its pose to match the silhouettes inside falling bubbles. The player must pop the bubble by matching its pose before the bubble hits the bottom of the screen. The Wii Remote's pointer moves the Mii, and twisting the Wii Remote rotates the Mii on-screen. The A and B buttons change between three different poses.
Laser Hockey: Players move paddles on an air hockey table, trying to hit the puck past the opponent's goal. The puck's motion is affected by the angle of the paddle and the speed with which the puck is hit. The Wii Remote pointer moves the paddle, while twisting the Wii Remote rotates the paddle on the screen.
Billiards: The player must sink all nine balls in the proper order. In single player, if a player fails to hit the correct ball or sinks his cue ball, the player's score drops; in multiplayer, the other player can place the ball anywhere on the screen before taking a turn. The Wii Remote pointer marks where the cue will strike the cue ball. While the cue is marked, moving the Wii Remote back and then swiftly forward slides the cue into the cue ball. The +Control Pad controls where the ball is aiming.
Fishing: Players must catch the fish indicated at the top of the screen. This game uses the Wii Remote: The pointer moves the hand holding the fishing pole. Moving forward places the hook farther out in the lake, while moving back places it hook closer. When a fish bites, the player yanks the Wii Remote back, pulling the fish out of the water. A "bonus" fish appears in a window on the screen, and catching that fish earns double the points.
Charge!: The player controls a charging cow, guiding it into scarecrows and knocking them over. Players control the cow by tilting the Wii Remote on its side and turning it like a steering wheel. Tilting forward speeds the cow up, and tilting back slows it down. Quickly raising the Wii Remote make the cow jump.
Tanks!: The player controls a tank and must shoot other tanks. The shots rebound once off the walls before disappearing. The player controls his tanks with the +Control Pad (Note: players can also use the Nunchuk's control stick to steer the tank) and aim the tank's cannon using the Wii Remote's pointer. The A button fires the tank's cannon, and the B button drops a mine with a large blast radius.
How to progress through the game: Each minigame in Wii Play teaches players another aspect of the Wii Remote. The first time playing, a player must complete a game before the next game opens. Shooting Range is first, and the games unlock in the order listed above. Players also can earn medals (bronze, silver, gold and platinum) as they improve their scores. High scores and accomplishments are posted to the Wii Message Board (see below). In most two-player games, players compete for the highest score. However, in Laser Hockey and Tanks!, players compete directly against one another.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Players can use Miis they've created in the Mii Channel in each minigame. Their personal high scores will be recorded for each Mii, and those scores will be posted to the Wii Message Board as well. Wii Play comes packaged with a Wii Remote.
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February 6th, 2007, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release and screens via comments
Join the revolution! The Gestahlian Empire, armed with the secrets of Magitek, threatens to enslave the world ... until a young woman named Terra frees herself from its control and joins a band of rebels known as the Returners. Armed with Terra's magical powers, the Returners struggle to uncover the secrets of the ancient War of the Magi and the source of the Empire's power.
Players command a ragged band of heroes in a desperate quest to free the world from the Empire's grasp. With Edgar's tools, Terra's magic, Sabin's fists and the skills of more than a dozen additional characters, the Returners need only one thing to seize victory from the Empire: you.
Summon the power of the espers, magical creatures enslaved by the Empire. Enlist several new additions to the roster, like Leviathan, Cactuar and Gilgamesh, to help tackle challenges like the all-new Dragon's Den dungeon.
Just because the adventure ends doesn't mean the action has to. Players can study their foes in the Bestiary and then face them all in a continuous battle in the Soul Shrine, or enjoy their favorite songs in the bonus music player.
Featuring bonus content, a new translation and a remixed soundtrack, FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE is the definitive version of this classic role-playing game.
Game storyline: Ages ago, the War of the Magi pitted three gods against one another. They waged battle by enslaving magical beings called espers and using them as soldiers in their battle. After the war's end, the gods freed the espers, who then retreated to a new world of their own. Centuries later, the Gestahlian Empire has breached the boundaries of the espers' world and captured many espers, using their magic to fuel the Empire's Magitek research program. When an enslaved woman named Terra frees herself from the Empire's mind control, she joins a band of rebels called the Returners, who seek to enlist the aid of the espers in their struggle to prevent the Empire from taking over the world.
How to progress through the game: FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE is a turn-based RPG with gameplay broken down into two distinct phases: exploration and battle. In the exploration phase, players wander through towns or dungeons, sail through the sky or travel across the "overworld" (anywhere outside of a dungeon or town), speaking with the people they meet to gain clues and advance the story. In certain locations, players will get into battles, either randomly (when wandering freely) or by design (when they fight a creature as part of the main story). Players can equip their characters to customize their arms and armor as well as their relics and magic.
Heroes: Terra, a young former slave of the Empire who is connected to the espers. Locke, a treasure hunter (read "thief") skilled at stealing from enemies. Edgar, King of Figaro and master of various tools. Sabin, twin brother of Edgar who abandoned his claim to the throne to pursue a life of freedom as a martial artist. Shadow, a mysterious assassin who travels with his dog, Interceptor. Celes, a Magitek knight who abandons the Empire after she learns of Kefka's plan to poison an entire kingdom. Mog, a world-traveling moogle who has left the caves where his people live to see more of the world beyond the caverns. And many, many more!
Villains: While there are many enemies, Kefka and Ultros stand out as the most memorable. Kefka starts as a court mage for the Gestahlian Empire – he receives the power to wield magic during an infusion of esper power that drives him insane. Ultros is a large, purple octopus who serves mostly as comic relief, providing challenging battles but also proving to be somewhat ineffectual as a villain.
Special features: FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE features 14 "main" characters, even though the players can have only four characters in their party at any time. The story branches in several key points, and the player must break the party into separate groups, splitting time between each of the groups and seeing their aspect of the story. Each character possesses a special ability, like Locke's Steal (which grabs items from enemies) or Mog's Dance (each dance has a different effect).
Players find and equip magicite crystal pieces to their characters. Magicite teaches spells to the characters equipping it and allows them to summon espers in battle as well. The espers have different powerful effects, ranging from healing the whole party to attacking large groups of enemies with different physical or elemental attacks.
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February 6th, 2007, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Wii outsold PlayStation 3 by nearly three to one in January, said Japan's game magazine publisher, Enterbrain.
According to the publisher, Nintendo sold around 405,000 Wii units last month, compared with around 148,000 units of PS3. Enterbrain reckons the figures are this way round because there's a wider range of games for Wii and PS3's higher price tag is hindering sales. Sounds about right to us.
"There could be a price cut for the PS3 by the end of the year, and more software titles will hit the market. I expect the PS3 to be doing better after a while," Enterbrain President Hirokazu Hamamura told Reuters. "Of course, the Wii will keep running ahead all the while."
via cvg
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February 6th, 2007, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii's Classic controller does a good job at letting you control all your Virtual Console games. But if you're truly hardcore you'll want to play your VC games with the original controller, and thanks to new adaptors, you can.
RetroZone has put together adaptors that allow you plug NES and Super NES pads into the GameCube ports on your Wii, meaning that you can play your classic games the way they were originally intended.
They also work on GameCube consoles too, which could be cool for playing the Zelda Collectors Discs if the button configuration work.
The adaptors will go on sale at RetroZone's website some time this month for $19 (a few pennies over £10).
via cvg
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February 6th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
We know many of you are looking forward to Sonic and the Secret Rings, and remain curious as to how it plays, so here's a video to give you some idea.
As you'll see, it's bloody fast - like Sonic games should be. And that pace rarely lets up. You will also see some of the cool puzzles in the game, like the use of a slow-motion power-up that allows Sonic to zip past the blades of a giant spinning fan.
CVG remains hopeful that the overly twitchy controls we spoke of in our hands-on preview will be tweaked for the final product, which is due for release in March.
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February 6th, 2007, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Oh snap, now it's really on. Those WiiKey kids were so proud of themselves, with that DVD upgradability of theirs, but TeamCyclops just threw down with the announcement of the same functionality in its CycloWiz. Add that to the fact that the CycloWiz is already shipping (a couple more days left for WiiKey) and we can see potential Wii modders being plenty conflicted. At the moment, WiiKey is still the only chip with support for Wii imports of any sort, but we're figuring TeamCyclops isn't too far behind on that front. And Wiinja? Well, it remains to be seen if they have anything else up their sleeves, but at the moment it looks like they've got a lot of ground to cover.
For those interested you can preorder Cyclowiz the Nintendo Wii Modchip at Divineo USA and Mr Modchips(UK).
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February 6th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
The latest issue of US tech/culture/politics magazine, Wired, tests Wii and PS3 and awards Nintendo's console a very favourable eight spots out of ten, compared to six spots for Sony's black beast.
Despite Wired describing the graphics of Wii's launch title games as 'downright janky' and pointing to the machine's lower-tech specs as a definite drawback, Nintendo's console wins out thanks to the potential of the Wii-mote and the ability to download classic Nintendo games through Virtual Console.
As for PS3, Wired gives a thumbs up for its sleek interface and its ability to double as a Blu-ray player, but a thumbs down for the absence of rumble in the Sixaxis controller, the amount of heat it generates and the fact that the launch games 'look no better than the Xbox 360's'.
via gamesradar
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February 6th, 2007, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster

As of today, Thanko are taking reservations for their USB Wii Remote Chargers to be released at the end of this month. Priced at 3,480 yen each (or 6,480 yen for two), these plug into the back of your Wii and, you guessed it, charge your Wii Remote (along with two bespoke AA lithium ion batteries included with the charger). It takes about 3 and a half hours to charge the batteries, which then last for a good 25 hours.
To be honest, it's amazing that Nintendo didn't include this kind of functionality with the Wii in the first place.
via insert credit
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February 6th, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
This whole "SURPRISE!" deal with the Virtual Console release schedule is getting a little tiring. It's nice to know these sort of things in advance, so things like family holidays and all-night drinking binges can be planned accordingly. But if anyone, and Australians in particular, were hoping for a little heads-up from Nintendo, prepare...for DISAPPOINTMENT.
Our developers [are] working very hard to convert historic games to the latest technology, as fast as possible.
As a result, game releases are subject to change right until the last minute. Therefore, we will not be publishing future releases for the Virtual Console titles.
Right. But...these games are confirmed as being completely untouched. So they're not being converted at all. Why the silence, Nintendo? Do you pull the names out of a hat?
via kotaku
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February 6th, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS Release:

Players take their elite strike fighters to the skies and hunt down a mad dictator before he takes over the world.
After being driven from his seat of power, a vicious dictator has fled to a remote, mountainous region to plan a military uprising. Mysteriously, the opposing army's forces have received reinforcements, leading to speculation that an unknown nation is lending military assistance to the uprising. An ace pilot in an elite strike-fighter wing has been tasked with crushing the opposition forces and returning peace to the troubled region.
Jet Impulse (aka. DS Air) for Nintendo DS™ is available today at US$ 48.90 only.
Game features:
As Nintendo's first realistic flight shooter on Nintendo DS, Jet Impulse lets players customize their fighters with a state-of-the-art weapon loadout.
Send wave after wave of enemy fighters to their doom in dogfights over land, sea and air.
Meet a wingman for co-op play and soar to victory over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 6th, 2007, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from Datel:
Turn your Wii or Cube into a Happening Media Machine with MAX Media Player!
You know how it is. You’ve got the family around, drinking your wine and munching their way through your groceries, happily chatting about a previous family meeting. Thing is, you’ve a great home video of the event. You filmed uncle Harold making a fool of himself dancing to MTV, your kid brother tripping over the dog and your cousin and her new boyfriend snogging on the sofa when they thought no one was looking. You just have to show them to your folks…
Trouble is, the movies are on your computer, and your computer is elsewhere in the house. In a tiny room. Which is full of your junk. There’s no way you can squeeze the entire family around your PC, so what do you do? Easy! You use MAX Media Player, and watch them on the GameCube or Wii that’s sitting under your living-room tellie…
With MAX Media Player, you can play movies and more on Nintendo’s next-gen Wii console, or on their last-gen bundle of fun, the GameCube. Just transfer it to the supplied 1GB Micro SD card using the USB Adapter supplied. Then plug your Micro SD card into one of the two memory card adapters, for the Cube or the Wii, and you’re away. You can at last play your happening movies on your console, in the comfort of your living room, without having to create a home network.
But MAX Media Player isn’t just for movies. You can also play MP3s with it – just the thing if you need some digital music to get the party started!
MAX Media Player features everything you need to turn your Nintendo GameCube or Wii into a fully-functional media box. You can store all sorts of data on your 1GB Mini SD card, transferring your music and movies using the USB connector supplied. You then slot your Mini SD card into the SD Media Launcher or the SD Adapter, depending on whether you’re using a Cube or a Wii, then you’re ready to play! There’s even a hand controller in there so you can manage your movies and music without getting out of your chair!
In shops soon
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February 6th, 2007, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

This 1st generation of Wii modchips was humming along so smoothly, but it looks like a recent Nintendo manufacturing modification has rained on their parade for the time being. While the chips do work fine in early Wiis, and that DVD upgradability should keep 'em humming for some time to come, the Wiinja, CycloWiz and WiiKey chips all fail to work with Wiis running the D2B Panasonic chipset, which shows up in certain Wiis, mostly ones purchased in late January / early February. The only way to check for the chipset is to pry open the Wii and look for yourself, and the incompatibility means that even the DVD upgradability won't allow current modchips to run on these systems. Both the CycloWiz and Wiinja teams have confirmed the problem, and are already working on new versions to get around the Panasonic chipset, but you might want to make sure your Wii is compatible before you blow your cash on a non-working modchip.
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February 6th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
With Nintendo's staunch resistance to anything outside the narrow focus of gaming -- though it looks like they're loosening up on that standard quite a bit with the Wii -- it's quite surprising they ever even gave a phone a second thought, but even more surprising they have a patent for just such a device dated November 2001. For some reason, it took the USPTO until June 2006 to issue this thing, so there's no telling if Nintendo still has any interest in its "Electronic apparatus having game and telephone functions,"
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February 6th, 2007, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Ok, we're back again for the thrilling conclusion of how-to make your own Wii laptop! In today's final installment we'll cut the case for the laptop, install all the parts, attach the screen and sound amplifier, and then connect everything together. Hopefully the extra detail [which, Ben tells us, is far beyond what he usually provides on his own site. -Ed.] will give you a good insight into how these devices are created and provide inspiration for your own personal hacks.
Full info at engadget
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February 6th, 2007, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Rockstar is working on a follow-up to controversial 2003 stealth-action game Manhunt, where players were tasked with violently murdering gang members to help make underground snuff films.
It's due out on PlayStation 2, PSP and - believe it or not - Wii as soon as this summer, with primary development on the PS2/PSP versions going on at Rockstar's new London studio in conjunction with Rockstar North, while the publisher's Toronto studio has a go at the Wii version.
"With Manhunt 2 we have tried to create a game that stays close to the original concept of chilling suspense and stealth, whilst pushing the game design and storytelling forward," said Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games.
"We are also excited to have our newest development team, Rockstar London, working on the title alongside our two established UK studios, Rockstar North and Leeds."
Manhunt 2 doesn't appear to have been rated yet, in case you're wondering.
The original Manhunt, originally a PlayStation 2 exclusive but also subsequently released on PC and Xbox, attracted a bit of controversy when it was first released - although apart from yards of frothing copy and Daily Mail headlines nothing much ever came from it. The press, eh? We have no real power.
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February 6th, 2007, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Gamasutra is running an editorial wondering whether the Wii can save the adventure game genre. With the intuitive nature of first-person control and interaction the Wiimote/nunchuck combination provides, it's been an open question since the console's concept was announced whether or not the Nintendo could revive a much-beloved but sadly absent game genre. Scott Nixon writes of the future for point-and-click titles, talking about their hearty success on the DS (with Hotel Dusk and Phoenix Wright) and the requirements of design such games would make of the Wii. With word that a Wii developer for the Sam and Max series is being sought, the question isn't if but when adventure titles begin appearing on the system. Here's hoping they get a warm reception, from an audience ready for their reintroduction.
via /.
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February 7th, 2007, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
As skeptical as we've become about the prevalence of patches and updates delivered through online console services like Xbox Live, the alternative -- the old way -- is still far worse. Take Exhibit A: Bubble Bobble Revolution. Codemasters' DS puzzler was released with a crippling bug that would not permit players to pass level 30 in the game's New Age mode.
The result? More than four months later, Codemasters is finally issuing a recall, asking owners of the defective Bubble Bobble Revolution to ship their broken games back to the publisher (via pre-paid envelopes), and then wait for replacement cartridges, which begin shipping out February 23.
Xbox Live and its ilk may provide a cushion for lax QA testing, but bugs occur regardless. We'd much prefer a downloadable patch delivered to us a few weeks after a game's release than rely on a cumbersome work-around or snail mail replacement.
via joystiq
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February 7th, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via gamingdump
Re: http://www.gamingdump.com/showthread.php?t=612
IDENTIFIED PROBLEM: Web site uses a Nintendo trademark (Mario,Luigi) in the code of the page.
Dear Private, Registration,
We are an Internet monitoring agency representing Nintendo of America Inc. ("Nintendo"). We are writing to ask you to stop using the Nintendo
properties in the hidden text/visible text/meta tags and/or title and/or links of the above-referenced sexually explicit Web site. Nintendo's
customers include many children and their parents. Unauthorized use of Nintendo trademark(s)/work(s) is harmful to those customers and will
tarnish Nintendo's reputation.
We look forward to your immediate confirmation that you have taken the necessary steps to resolve this matter. To that end, you may email us at
Nintendo getting pissy or a fake email ?
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February 7th, 2007, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
If the name Charles Martinet doesn't mean anything to you, then you obviously don't check out the credits when you beat games. Or, even worse, you hardly ever beat a game. Whichever case it is, we won't embarrass you and point it out (we're looking at you Todd), instead offering up that Charles Martinet is the man who voices everyone's favorite portly plumber Mario.
During an interview with The Sun, Martinet says (of Super Mario Galaxy) that it "is going to be the most exciting, amazing fun ever. I played a little preview of it and I had goosebumps of joy and was giddy with laughter." Of course he is going to say that, he has a job to protect. However, given the many who played it at last year's E3 and walked away with nothing but good things to say (including this blogger), we're sure he hit the nail right on the head.
He also goes on to say "It is like magic. This game takes it to a completely different level for Mario. I'm not allowed to reveal yet what I say in Galaxy but I can tell you there will be some surprises." We love surprises ...
via wiifanboy
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February 7th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Brief instructions for connecting a GPS module to DSerial have been posted to NaWiki. At this time raw NMEA strings can be read in the console. I will update my old Google GPS for DS hack to use this at some point.
Info at Natriums Site
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February 7th, 2007, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Because it's important to have a trailer for one of the most beloved games of all time. We need that advertising. It's okay, though, because we're all about watching Final Fantasy videos. We don't even need a flimsy excuse.
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February 7th, 2007, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Nintendo and Southwest have teamed up to give away a DS Lite, as well as a copy of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! to Fifty of Southwest's Rapid Rewards Members. Southwest, as you may know, have made their fortune in the airline commute business by offering competitively-priced tickets. According to the press release, this is the first time Southwest has partnered with an outside company to, well ... reward its Rapid Rewards Members.
Still though, only 50 DS Lites? That's kind of chump change, when you think about it. Shouldn't it have been a more substantial number, even being a gift?
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February 7th, 2007, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
GPF has released a new version of his Commodore64 emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres what he says:
well been working on getting the existing code moved to latest toolchain and libnds release.
Eventually it will have the ability to switch disk, right now I am kind of need some ideas on how best to do it, from a user standpoint. If I have some ideas I can start looking into the coding part
Well here is my latest version thats using the dldi patching code now, so hopefully will be able to work on most hardware now.
attached is an nds file that just needs to be dldi patched and copy that and the /rd directory to your media and put your d64 files and you can also place a snapshot created from the pc version and call it jjr.fss and that is loaded from the left trigger. right trigger still does a load"*",8,1 and then run
Please give me feedback compared to previous releases.
Download and Give Feedback at the Release Thread in GPFs Forum here at DCEmu
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February 7th, 2007, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
JessTicular has updated his card game Spider Solitaire DS to version 2.0.1
Heres whats new:
Compiled under DevkitARM r20 and libnds 20070127
Fixed: When a large pile would extend very far off the bottom of the screen, it would wrap around to the top.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has posted yet another new update to the DS Game:
Heres whats new:
Ok i fixed the small palette prob where it doesnt make the current case red, not sure about the crashing prob but maybe this will fix that problem too. Please keep me updated, its working for me on my G6lite and my MK5. I also included the full source with all the includes needed for the graphics, it should compile, if you keep the correct directory structure.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk has again updated his Map Viewing app for DS:
Heres whats new:
Here's an updated version of the MapViewer. Changes aren't that important :
New GUI, looks better It's made by DayDream, and it's a WIP, I might add directories in that list to navigate throughout the whole card...
Switched to a nice 8bit font instead of tiled font, looks better too. Names should fit in the screen better too. Spaced by 12 pixels instead of 8, should be easier to select the right image.
Added a quick code to avoid the image jumping around when you try to let the stylus down without moving. So now you need to move by at least 2 pixels for it to register the movement. This makes the whole movement a bit less fluid when moving slowly, but nothing major.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Bug has updated his Flying Pig game for the DS:
Today i am releasing a BIG update to my flying pig game!!!
Update Includes:
Ok, lets start with the new multiplayer feature. To use this you only need one DS as both players play on the same DS. Player1 controls there pig using the usual controls. Player2 uses the ABXY buttons to stear and the R butoon to shoot.
Levels- The game now includes three different levels for you to enjoy, once you get to the third one it just carrys on forever.
There has also been a small update to the games graphics, hope u like my extreme paint skills when you die!!!
PS. I know about the small graphic errors after a level change, they go away after a little bit anywayz, Im working on fixing them.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for the Nintendo DS:
This version has DLDI support
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February 7th, 2007, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Conspiracy Entertainment announced that it intends to begin developing games for Nintendo's newly released Wii game console. Conspiracy is already a publisher of games for the GBA, GameCube, and DS.
"Nintendo's Wii platform is an exciting evolution in the explosive video game market. Its unique design, ease of use and key features such as interactive TV channels bridges the gap between seasoned 'gamers' and their non-gaming friends and family," said Sirus Ahmadi of Conspiracy. "We plan to publish games for a variety of users, including a whole new audience of first-time players worldwide. As a long-standing publisher for Nintendo's gaming platforms, Conspiracy Entertainment takes an early position in creating games for new hardware platforms as quickly as possible, and we intend to do just that for Wii."
Conspiracy is searching for game licenses and developers currently working on Wii titles. The company has not provided any specifics regarding release dates, but Conspiracy remains hopeful about releasing its first Wii games in the first half of 2007.
via ign
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February 7th, 2007, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Crave Entertainment today announced the development of the new Nintendo DS pet simulator, Purr Pals. Unlike Nintendo's own Nintendogs series, Purr Pals focuses on the feline variety of pet, allowing players to adopt, care for, and raise kitten playmates.
Purr Pals features 40 breeds of kittens to choose from, each with its own unique personalities. Gamers must use proper care and training techniques to modify their kitten's behavioral traits. The game also features voice-command support, as well as several mini-games which can be played with the kitten.
Purr Pals will be arriving on the DS in late March 2007 for a suggested price of $29.99.
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February 7th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games has released the first Manhunt 2 trailer - following today's announcement - which you can watch via the magic of our wonderful video player on the right.
It doesn't give much away but the movie does offer a glimpse at the sequel's edgy and dark atmosphere, which you'll be immersed in when your Tesco bagging people's faces later this year on PS2, PSP or Wii.
Trailer at CVG
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February 7th, 2007, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
If you've got four-player Wii sessions regularly on the go, you probably chomp through Duracells like Andy goes through pies down the chip shop.
Keeping your Remotes powered up can work out expensive but it won't be a problem for long. Nyko and Sanko are about to release recharging docking stations that let you recharge your Wii Remotes when you're not playing.
Nyko's offering charges two Remotes on a single dock, whereas Sanko are producing single-Remote docks that plug into the USB ports on your Wii to draw their power. Both take around three hours to charge to give you 25 hours of constant use.
Both packs come with NiCd rechargeable batteries which should give you thousands of recharges.
Neither kits have been given firm release dates yet but Nyko's kit is expected to hit US stores within the next month, and Sanko has already priced their docks at 3,480 yen (£15) for a looming release in Japan.
The wait continues for a UK announcement, but of you're desperate for some rechargeable Remote action (and you know you are), get on the import sites.
via cvg
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February 7th, 2007, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
Detectives seem to be stampeding on to the Nintendo DS these days. First, it was ace attorney Phoenix Wright's courtroom dramas, then the film-noir style Hotel Dusk: Room 215--not to mention Touch Detective.
The latest investigator to snoop on the handheld is Nancy Drew, in her new interactive adventure titled Nancy Drew: Deadly Secret of Olde World Park. The game will use the touch screen to search for clues, undertake tasks, talk to other characters, and play minigames.
In the game, Olde World is a new multi-million-dollar theme park created by billionaire Thaddeus Belmont, and designed to bring jobs and tourist dollars to the sleepy small town River Heights. However, on the night before the park is due to open, Belmont has disappeared, and Nancy is called in to investigate.
The story is told over 15 chapters, and tasks will become more and more difficult as the game continues. Minigames include a task designed to build conversational rapport with witnesses to get them to reveal information by choosing how to question them, with options ranging from light-hearted to accusatory. Others include a lock-picking game, and sneaking using shadows to access new areas.
Nancy Drew: Deadly Secret of Olde World Park is developed by Gorilla Systems, published by Majesco, and due for a European and US release in Q4.
via gamespot
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February 7th, 2007, 18:54 Posted By: yaustar
[via CVG ]
"Nintendo has developed a programming system that will allow small independent developers to make games for Wii download service.
"We cannot confirm at this time in what format the new content will be delivered, but in the future there will be original games available for download through the Wii Shop."
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February 7th, 2007, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
In a roundtable discussion before the Wii's release, Nintendo designer Takayuki Shimamura declared that "in all of the endless testing which Nintendo has done on [Wii Sports bowling], no one has ever achieved a perfect score!" This factoid didn't last very long -- since the system's release dozens of players have posted YouTube videos of their own perfect games, complete with anti-climactic confetti endings.
But while this seemingly impressive feat has now become commonplace, another Wii Sports bowling challenge remains seemingly unachieved and practically unachievable. We're speaking of a perfect score in the "Power Throws" training game, which steadily increases the number of pins at the end of the lane from a base of 10 to a staggering 91 pins in the tenth frame. Their are 445 total pins to knock down, but the game doubles the frame score for each strike, making a score of 890 the perfect ideal.
Despite our best efforts, we could not find documented evidence of such a score online. The best we could find on YouTube was an 804, and even this impressive player used the well-known cheat to strike out on the last frame. A couple of players on EliteScores.com have claimed to max out the score, but neither submitted so much as a screenshot as proof. Gaming scoreboard Twin Galaxies doesn't even track the Power Throws minigame yet, probably because no one has bothered to send in a VHS tape of their achievement as per the rules.
Any Dcemu Members get anywhere near the 890?
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February 7th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
This evening Nintendo sent strap replacement information directly to Wii owners who have an internet connection. Using the Wii's mail function, Nintendo sent an email to Wii owners regarding replacement straps: "Nintendo has received some reports that when consumers swing the Wii Remote with the original version of the wrist-strap using excessive force and accidentally let go, the cord connecting the controller to the wrist strap can break."
The wrist strap replacement program has been in place since December. The interesting thing here is that Nintendo sent the information directly to consumers, albeit a little late, instead of solely depending on the press to disseminate the information. When Microsoft extended the warranty on the Xbox 360, we don't recall if any post was made on the Xbox Live network informing consumers. We appreciate that Nintendo sent this email out to consumers. Next time though, it might help to do it during the scandal, rather than three months later.
via joystiq
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February 7th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Weird article from wired
I have an apology to make. In the past, I've made fun of anti-video-game lawyer Jack Thompson for his views on gamers, his rudimentary grasp of logic and the distinct scent of brimstone that surrounds him. I see now that I was wrong. So very wrong. Video games truly are nothing more than attractively packaged training devices for youthful violence, mayhem and nose-thumbing. What pulled me out of the sub-basement of denial and into the glorious, shining foyer of light? Well, I finally managed to buy a Nintendo Wii (or, as I prefer to call it, the Murder Appliance).
Sorry, I know that's not very catchy. It's hard to come up with a properly macabre pun on "Wii." "The Grim Wii-per" maybe? No, let's stick with Murder Appliance.
It takes only a few minutes with this gruesome plastic box of death to realize exactly how insidious it is. Every aspect of it is designed with one thing in mind: transforming innocent, wide-eyed, polite young people into slavering psychopaths.
Let's start with the much-ballyhooed controller. (Studies indicate that the Wiimote is the most ballyhooed video-game controller of all time by 3.5 kilohypes.) Is there any remaining doubt that it was designed expressly as a weapon? Nintendo needed to reinforce its control strap just to keep it from getting loose, werewolflike, and busting up all your home furnishings. To date, the remote has destroyed more than 400 television sets, 78 stereo systems, three bay windows and a monastery that was home to some exceptionally rowdy monks.
At 40 bucks each, the only thing keeping Wiimotes from replacing Glocks as the gang-banging weapon of choice is the fact that you can't actually find them for sale anywhere. Mark my words, someday soon you'll be walking down a dark alley, or at least navigating a poorly lit cul-de-sac, when a thug will emerge from the shadows and tell you that unless you hand over your wallet, you're going to have a D-pad-shaped dent in your skull.
And the controller attachment? It's called a nunchuk, the weapon of choice for antisocial youth with a collection of Bruce Lee movies and an inflated sense of their own dexterity. Enough said.
Now let's move on to the "games." What sadist came up with the "sports" included in the game? Each one is clearly designed to train people for the task of reducing other human beings to pink pulp. For instance, take this so-called "bowling." What practical application could there be for throwing massive, dense balls at people? Yes, in the game they're called "pins" but I think we can all see that they're supposed to represent toddlers. And this "baseball" game -- it's nothing more than a ritualized gang war, with rival gangs attempting to kill each other with stones and truncheons. And there's also "boxing," which appears to involve people hitting each other, I'm not sure. I broke my TV with the remote before I got that far.
The point is that we never had violent games like this before video games came on the scene. People played nice games like "pass the parcel," "postman's knock" and "soggy biscuit." It takes the shriveled, degenerate mind of a game developer to come up with "entertainment" like this.
The worst of it is this, though: The Wii actually encourages gamers to get exercise. Up until now, murderous gamer rampages have been kept to a minimum by the fact that a good rampage requires you to get up and be mobile for a while, something most gamers are loath to do. By combining games with movement, you're breeding a generation of gamers who have no problem with standing up, waving their arms, and increasing their pulse rates. There's nothing to stop them now! In the near future we'll all be reduced to cowering in our homes, fearful that a murderous gamer gang will arrive to collect "power-ups," by which they mean our severed heads. Thanks, Nintendo. Thanks a lot.
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February 7th, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of WiiCR has happenned today, heres the info and whats new:
WiiCR is a media player solution for the Nintendo Wii. It acts as a streaming media server and is capable of transcoding nearly any video file to a suitable flv for an embedded flash player. It allows browsing of the remote filesystem to view: videos (avi/xvid/divx/mpeg/wmv/etc), text files, jpg's and play mp3s.
Heres whats new
Fixed video_objects not loading.
0.3.2-RC4 released
Fixed dl filename issue
Resolved text links not working with html op characters in lsdir by swapping to a form and using js to submit the link (icons1 only atm).
Improved shoutcast support (will give preference to urls using port 80 and no path).
Added asx movie file extension list (asx's will play now).
Users can now restrict directory access by listing the full path to the directory in restricted.txt
Download Here --> http://wmc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/WiiCR
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February 7th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Gary Coleman has released a new version of Genesis Plus the Genesis(Megadrive) emulator for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube (You need to use the SD Load way to load Gamecube Emulator and Homebrew on your Wii without the Need for Modchips)
Heres whats new in this latest release:
What's New:
- fm timers fixed (fix music in castle of illusion, quackshot, undead line, wonderboy in monster lair, cal 50, turbo outrun, thunderforce 4 and maybe more)
- added serial eeprom emulation (save support now works fine in wonderboy5, megaman, nba jam...) (credits to Notaz, adapted from Picodrive code)
- added dma timing emulation (fix bottom screen in Legend of Galahad, disabled by default because it makes a lot of other games hanging, enable this in option menu ) (credits to Notaz, adapted from Picodrive code)
- hack: clear Vint pending after Hint (INT level 4) acknowledge (fix fatal rewind)
- hack: modify read_bus16 to return a different value at each read (fake fetch) (fix time killers)
- modified cpu execution timings, with more correct hblank and interrupts timing (fix iss deluxe, double dragon 2 and certainly more) (Based on Gens source code)
- modified busreq mechanism: better synchro between z80 & 68k (no need to dejitter anymore) (Based on Gens code)
- added sprite collision detection (fix Strider 2)
- modified byte writing in VDP DMA Fill operation to take the endianness in account (fix Contra Hardcorps graphics)
- added CPU type detection (50hz or 60Hz) according to game region (can be forced in option menu) and also added PAL timings support. Please note that it's still buggy, as there is a strange repeating noise in sound playback when playing a PAL game, I must have miss something.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Gary Coleman has released a new version of Genesis Plus the Genesis(Megadrive) emulator for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube (You need to use the SD Load way to load Gamecube Emulator and Homebrew on your Gamecube without the Need for Modchips)
Heres whats new in this latest release:
What's New:
- fm timers fixed (fix music in castle of illusion, quackshot, undead line, wonderboy in monster lair, cal 50, turbo outrun, thunderforce 4 and maybe more)
- added serial eeprom emulation (save support now works fine in wonderboy5, megaman, nba jam...) (credits to Notaz, adapted from Picodrive code)
- added dma timing emulation (fix bottom screen in Legend of Galahad, disabled by default because it makes a lot of other games hanging, enable this in option menu ) (credits to Notaz, adapted from Picodrive code)
- hack: clear Vint pending after Hint (INT level 4) acknowledge (fix fatal rewind)
- hack: modify read_bus16 to return a different value at each read (fake fetch) (fix time killers)
- modified cpu execution timings, with more correct hblank and interrupts timing (fix iss deluxe, double dragon 2 and certainly more) (Based on Gens source code)
- modified busreq mechanism: better synchro between z80 & 68k (no need to dejitter anymore) (Based on Gens code)
- added sprite collision detection (fix Strider 2)
- modified byte writing in VDP DMA Fill operation to take the endianness in account (fix Contra Hardcorps graphics)
- added CPU type detection (50hz or 60Hz) according to game region (can be forced in option menu) and also added PAL timings support. Please note that it's still buggy, as there is a strange repeating noise in sound playback when playing a PAL game, I must have miss something.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Commercial GBA Emulator for Windows and Dos gets an update:
Heres whats new:
Fixed immediate argument handling in MSR opcode.
Accelerated BX opcode.
Fixed and improved built-in debugger.
Added built-in configuration menu ([F5]). FIRE-L autofire switch has moved to [CONTROL]+[F5].
Introduced mode bits and the proper ResetGBA() function (state file format has changed).
Made VGBA reuse previously allocated memory if the new allocation fails. This should help VGBA-Symbian on the phones with small memory.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Turns out, the magnetic stand we covered wasn't the only hands-free option to the Japanese consumer as CAG's CheapyD chronicles in his video review of the stand offered up by Hori. CheapyD does his duty, and does it well, as he goes over every inch of the thing and finds it to be useful in his gaming.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
One of my all time fave games is nearly knocking on the DS release door, the DS is perfect for this type of game.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
We've approached Lunar Knights with enthusiastic abandon because, from the beginning, it's looked good enough to warrant screaming fanboyism. Everything looked good. Everything looked right. But there's always a chance that the best-looking games can turn out to be not at all what's expected, so we awaited reviews of Lunar Knights with bated breath. From the looks of things, however, there's nothing to worry about.
1UP -- 90%: "Lunar Knights ... is refined and improved over that of the GBA games. Elements that didn't work, such as the solar sensor, have been abandoned; the annoying coffin-dragging sections have been traded for fast-paced space shooter sequences. Meanwhile, character-building features have been expanded; the graphics have been improved, with full-motion anime clips sprinkled throughout the entirety of the quest; the music is superb."
GameBrink -- 88%: "... a fun little ARPG presented in pretty much the same fashion as the previous GBA games but, with the introduction of the new weather and team system, the game has added depth to it. Excluding the side quests, the main scenario should give you several hours of fun!"
Keep an eye out; we'll update later in the week as more reviews come in.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
BassAceGold has updated his Atari Boxing game
Heres whats new:
Well theres not much new in this version except a few bug fixes and the addition of AI!
Its not perfect and needs some more work but it still puts up a challenge if your horrible at the game to begin with
Anyways in this version just press select while fighting to switch begin multiplayer and single player.
Theres no fancy menu and the match doesn't restart when the switch was made, but i plan on adding something of the sort to fix that.
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February 7th, 2007, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Lucas has took over the discontinued Licks Media Player Project, heres what he posted:
I got myself a DS last month, and a flashcart last week... Looking through the projects, I liked Licks Media Player (ipod-like player) very much, but unfortunately it was discontinued
So... I just decided to finish it . In the end, it became a complete rewrite. No more C++, only pure C. At ths time, I only have some basic functionality, WAV playback (files must end in .wav) and libmad playback (files must end in .mp3).
There's 3 different play modes, mode 1, mode 2 and mode 3 SELECT alternate between these modes, but you have to PAUSE/UNPAUSE so the mode will be applied. If you happen to test, please, send feedback on which one you think sounds the best. (these modes basically do some linear oversampling, just like moonshell).
I'm labelling this alpha2 version, it's still very experimental.
New feature: playlist support. Some bugfixes and some rewrite in the graphics code.
For using playlists, you MUST use relative paths, no absolute paths. Also, you CAN'T use ".." in your paths (e.g. /abc/d/../e).
I've moved to more common .zip files for the precompiled binaries, so no more confusion!
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February 7th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Deal or no Deal is a game by Robert Durbin that seems to have daily updates.
Heres whats new:
Everyone sorry for all the bug fixes but I am still pretty new to all of this. I also made it so you cannot even attempt to select your own case, it now skips when you try to select any case, before i had a message complain if you try to choose your own case. now you cant even try to do that, unless you select it using your stylus.
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February 7th, 2007, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
mateom199 posted this news/release:
Hoping to stir up some interest in this NDS GB/GB emulator, I added libfat support to it, with a pretty rudimentary file explorer (thanks to PicoDriveDS) and adjusted a few lines of code so it will compile with DKP r20.
It seems that theres a bug somewhere in the code causing slightly corrupt
graphics, I wasn't able to track it down but I haven't been looking for very long.
Unfortunately, I know little asm and even less about the Gameboy's Z80 processor, so I don't imagine I would be much help in coding speed optimizations and the such. Hopefully someone with more knowledge on the the subject can help improve this emulator.
attached is both the modified source and a binary (.nds and nds.gba).
Graphics slightly corrupt
Many ROMs will crash it - tested with Mega Man 1, works fine (slow though)
ROM's must end in ".gbc", spaces in filenames not tested.
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February 7th, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
Just popping in to say I've finished my review of the Wiinja .
"The Wiinja is a small PIC chip that connects to the Wii's DVD drive. The chip (should) also allow(s) running GameCube homebrew (by booting SDload from a DVD, which in turn can start an application/game that can read from the DVD drive) such as the MFE distro of GameCube linux (which requires a DVD). As with the GameCube however you will need good DVD media (or possibly tweak your POT if possible). Installation should be fairly simple (though disassembling your Nintendo Wii, and soldering to the small solder points, could prove a problem for unexperienced users) as it only requires soldering of 5 wires (see below). Let 's see how the chip performs!"
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February 7th, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Like many people i wanted to add extra Wiimotes so that more people can play on my Wii console, but in the UK we pay far too much for controllers, so i decided to import one from Play Asia - one for a Jap Wii, now i decided to take the risk and well it arrived yesterday and now im playing with a Wiimote that cost me a lot less than buying in the UK 
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February 8th, 2007, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Rockstar has moved quickly to defend the recently announced Manhunt 2, firing a pre-emptive strike before the inevitable controversy war initiates.
Speaking to MCV, a spokesperson for the company said that the sequel is clearly aimed at an adult audience and that "Rockstar submits every game to the appropriate bodies for rating and classification".
"We anticipate that it will receive an 18+ rating", the spokesperson said.
"Manhunt 2 is a chilling and compelling drama and is only appropriate for people who are old enough to play it," they continued.
"We are aware that in direct contradiction to all available evidence, certain individuals continue to link the original Manhunt title to the Warren Leblanc case in 2004. The transcript of the court case makes it quite clear what really happened. At sentencing the Judge, defence, prosecution and Leicester police all emphasised that Manhunt played no part in the case."
The spokesperson went on to say that Rockstar respects people who have different opinions about the horror genre and video games "but we hope they will also consider the opinions of gamers".
Manhunt 2 has been announced for PS2, PSP and Wii.
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February 8th, 2007, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
In response to the commercial success of Wii and DS, Activision, the company which had the most Wii titles available at launch, will double its support for Nintendo consoles.
During a conference call to analysts, Activision CEO, Bobby Kotick, said: "Activision recognised the Wii opportunity, and we had one of the largest lineups at launch. In fiscal 08, we will double our product offerings on Wii and DS as we plan to be even more successful on these platforms."
Along with announcing that the currently Wii-exclusive Tony Hawks Downhill Jam will be ported to Wii, he goes on to say: "To date, there has been strong consumer response to all three next-generation consoles, which truly are delivering new gaming experiences to broader, more diverse audiences than ever before."
via cvg
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February 8th, 2007, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
EA has closed its Japanese development studio, currently working on the DS version of Theme Park. Don't worry though, it seems as though the game is finished and ready to ship.
Word comes from 1UP who quotes a source as saying, "When we were developing for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and things weren't going smoothly, I had my worries -- but ever since we switched our focus to the Nintendo DS, things seemed to be going well."
So what's the problem? "After almost three years in existence, the only game to come out of EA Japan was Theme Park DS, which only took about a half-year to develop since it was a port. So, yeah, that wasn't a great track record."
Ea has yet to respond to the reports.
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February 8th, 2007, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
It's a sad day for Nintendo fans, as the Kyoto games giant has announced the closure of Nintendo Power, the Super Famicom and Game Boy store download service previously available in Japan. Phew...
The Nintendo Power service allowed Japanese gamers to download various Super Famicom and Game Boy games onto special flash RAM cartridges, via shop download kiosks - and due to their single-state nature piracy wasn't much of a problem either.
A similar service for the Nintendo 64, 'iQue' was launched in China in 2003.
Various classics such as Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country 1-3 and Kirby's Dream Course were available on the service, but download kiosks (the ones left anyway) needed to attain the ROMs are now being dragged out of Japanese stores and taken to the big Shibuya corner shop in the sky.
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February 8th, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Right now it seems to be nothing but good news for Nintendo. At the end of January, the company reported record results for fiscal-year 2006, shortly after raising its profit forecast by 20 percent for the year. Not only that, but the Wii is currently outselling the PlayStation 3 in Japan at a rate of four to one.
But it's not only Nintendo that benefits from this success--peripherals companies are reaping the rewards, too. Tokyo-based Mitsumi Electric, a manufacturer of human-interfacing devices, has raised its net profit forecast for the financial year ending March to 10.2 billion yen (approximately $84.54 million), reports Reuters. The 59 percent rise in the forecast is primarily due to the Mario factory, with results "far above market expectations" on sales of key parts for the DS and Wii.
The company expects sales to top 276 billion yen ($2.27 billion), up from its previous forecast by 15 billion yen ($123 million), and approximately 9 billion yen ($74 million) will come from game components.
Mitsumi, which was founded in 1954, is the maker of Nintendo's motion-detecting controller, and it also makes a variety of peripherals including remote controls, mice, keyboards, and other game controllers.
Mitsumi shares gained 96 percent in 2006, and it also enjoyed a 14.9 percent jump on the Nikkei to 3,090 yen ($25.5).
via gamespot
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February 8th, 2007, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Activision's CEO confirmed that the music-emulating Guitar Hero will be making its way to the Nintendo Wii. That is interesting an all, but this brings up further questions about the hardware that will accompany the game on the Wii. Surely Activision has something up their sleeve to incorporate the WiiMote into a guitar similar to Wii Sports accessory pack. Then what kind of crazy motions will the player have to do? Will it be wireless? I can only imagine the awesomeness of Nintendo Wii Guitar Hero.
via gizmodo
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February 8th, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
As part of a new series on super-obscure games that should come to the Wii's virtual console, the prototype hounds over at The Lost Levels have unearthed Buzz and Waldog, an unreleased game from Korean company Daou Infosys. The colorful, well-made platformer was to be released by a mail-order publisher without an official license from Nintendo, putting it in rarefied company of those sleek black Tengen cartridges and crappy religious games.
Unfortunately, the game never actually made it to market, though a few review copies did leak out. That's no reason for you not to enjoy it, though --The Lost Levels has released the ROM and a series of YouTube videos showing off the Mario/Sonic/Bonk inspired gameplay. Good stuff.
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February 8th, 2007, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
During yesterday's financial results conference call Activision president and CEO Mike Griffith made more specific confirmation of Guitar Hero on Wii. "[Activision] will aggressively target the Nintendo platforms consistent with our multi-platform strategy and Nintendo's expected growth. In fiscal 2008, we will double our offerings on the DS and the Wii, including Spider-Man, Shrek, Transformers, and Guitar Hero," Griffith told listeners. While this almost certainly indicates that Guitar Hero will arrive on Wii before March 2008, Griffith's somewhat vague statement still leaves open the possibility of a portable version on DS.
You may recall that another Activision CEO, Robert Kotic, suggested as much last September when he stated that Guitar Hero would appear "on every significant new format." We assume that if Guitar Hero were to transition to DS, it would be a simple game of tap-the-dots, but on Wii there are some fresh possibilities for a guitar peripheral that might include attaching the Wii Remote for added motion and guitar position recognition.
via joystiq
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February 8th, 2007, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK is a great little FM Radio addon for the DS Lite, heres the info:

1) New compact design.
2) Easy set up and used by LCD display.
3) No need any batteries or extra power supply.
4) Stereo sound signal with full range of FM radio frequency.
The new FM Addon is selling at SuccessHK for USD 9.23.
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February 9th, 2007, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
via gonintendo
Reader Alex thought he would check Blockbuster’s Wii game listings while at work. He popped into the computer system and had a look at the upcoming titles. His list further confirms a few titles we have been discussing the past month or so.
Brothers In Arms: D-Day - June 21/2007
Cosmic Family - June 7/2007
Emergency Mayhem - April 15/2007
High School Musical with Microphone - August 07/2007
Samurai Slash - December 15/2007
Spelling Spree - June 14/2007
Surfs Up - May 24/2007
A couple interesting titles there. Brothers In Arms: D-Day pops up yet again, which we have heard semi-confirmations on, including an old leaked press release, as well as a more recent one. The other interesting bit is the inclusion of a microphone with High School Musical. We knew that this title was coming to the Wii, but it seems it will be along the lines of a Singstar or Karaoke Revolution title. (Makes sense seeing that it is based on Disney’s High School Musical). The question is, will it plug into the Wiimote, a USB port (nice catch Inque!) or the Cube port?
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February 9th, 2007, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
I got my copy of Cooking Mama: Minna to Issho ni Oryouri Taikai! (Cooking Mama: Cook Off) a little ahead of schedule, it was on my desk today and it comes out in Japan in just a few hours. Cooking Mama: Cook Off plays similar to the DS version where cooking a meal is broken up into little parts like chopping up veggies and buttering pans. The main difference, besides more recipes, is the Wii remote control. In the game the controller “becomes” the cooking utensils. I shot this video of making Hamburgers because it emphasizes a lot of the ways the Wii remote is used in the game.
When you dice the bun you make a quick horizontal slice and then when you chop up the tomato you slide the remote vertically. One thing that caught me off guard is that I’m tempted to rotate the remote when I’m cutting vertically so the edge would face towards a non existent cutting board, but you don’t need to do that. Pulling the lettuce is a little tricky you have to slide the remote left or right, but not too fast otherwise you rip the piece off. When all of your ingredients ready you need to put them into the mixing bowl in an order determined by the window on the top left corner. It gives the players a glimpse of what item to put in. After that you make the burgers, by copying gestures at the bottom of the screen with the remote to mix everything. The last part with the pan has players flip the burgers by moving the remote forward and heat is adjusted by holding A and tilting the remote left or right.
Besides making hamburgers there are lots of other recipes like making chili shrimp, mochi, minestrone soup, and flan. As of now America’s cuisine is limited only to popcorn, hot dogs and hamburgers. Is that all we eat?
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February 9th, 2007, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
In a more disturbing, yet amazingly interesting, story involving Nintendo, we're told the tale of George (not his real name, obviously) and how he was locked up. What makes this story interesting to you, fine reader, is that the man went to jail for the theft of a massive amount of Nintendo software. It isn't mentioned if it's DS or Wii games, but either way it added up to a whole lot of dough.
In telling how he had gotten locked up in a Japanese prison, George informs us that "He saw an opportunity to make some money and he took it. ¥1 million worth of Nintendo game software was sitting in the warehouse in which he worked and he figured that they needed to be sold. He pocketed around ¥300k but within a few days it was fairly obvious to his bosses that he had done it."
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February 9th, 2007, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
This image brings so many things to mind. The first thought that jumped into our head was the ultimate match of Wii Sports ever, where Godzilla takes on King Kong in a match of Tennis that is being projected against the Empire State building. The match ends with Godzilla being the victor, only because on the Game Point he turned to Kong and melted his face off with his laser breath.
If you think we're crazy, know that Godzilla's cheating tendencies have been well-documented the world over for many years.
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February 9th, 2007, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
If your the owner of a CycloWiz or a Wiinja Modchip then this is the killer release for you.
SD Load is the easiest way to load Gamecube Homebrew and Emulators on the Wii Console and its now in a bootable iso for those who have Modchips.
Remember it only works on Modchipped Consoles, users without Modchips use the SD Load Method
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February 9th, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
And here we go again ...
A local Fox News affiliate in Milwaukee, WI is showing parents the "dangers" of the Nintendo DS Pictochat. Of course, their arguments explaining the dangers of the handheld lack any kind of credible backing. See, they explain that you can communicate, via Pictochat, with another DS over "long distances," stating that due to the lack of advertising for this feature, parents should be worried about molesters contacting their children over the DS.
Honestly, if that's going to happen, they have to be relatively close, like say in your neighborhood. Now, if a convicted child molester lives in your neighborhood, you're going to know about it. Also, if their is someone planning an evil deed of that nature, they're going to find a different way other than using a DS. Not only does the recipient of the message have to be in Pictochat (which I'm sure a child is rarely going to be in, they want to play games!), they have to be within wireless range.
How does the reporter prove that horrible things can happen? He uses the Pictochat feature with two children. While they're upstairs in their room, he sits downstairs. We won't even bother going into the ridiculous "proof" THAT provides. After that, he goes to a shopping mall and attempts to debunk Nintendo's documented 65 feet range for wireless communication. Of course, he is successful in sending messages up to 300 feet, but what does that prove? Following his logic, even in that range a predator is going to have to be within somewhat close proximity, with their DS in Pictochat constantly looking for children (the odds of a predator finding someone are also insanely slim). This guy makes it sound like there are a roving pack of molesters going from town to town, trying to find children in Pictochat so he/she can get addresses. Get real, guy!
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February 9th, 2007, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
The latest issue of EGM has a preview of games coming to the US for all current systems. In the DS section Phantom Hourglass is listed for fall, and Tingle is listed for 2007 as well. I am sure they are referring to Tingle RPG, which has been translated for European release. It wouldn’t make much sense for Nintendo to go through all the hassle of a translation, and not bring it over to North America. Awesome news indeed, I have been hoping that this title would make it here! Thanks to Falcofan88 for the heads up!
via gonintendo
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February 9th, 2007, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
A new trailer for Death Note has hit You Tube, furthering our excitement for this odd game. Well, perhaps the game isn't so odd, it's the source material. See, it all revolves around Light Yagami, who finds a notebook imbued with the power of death. By writing names into the notebook, those people find themselves dead soon after. Of course, he decides to use the notebook for good to rid the world of criminals, however the police are hot on his trail and suspect he is a serial killer. Good stuff, if you ask us.
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February 9th, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
We thought it would happen and now we have confirmation that a sequel for Touch Detective, which is being called Touch Detective 2 1/2, is on the way (to Japan, at least). Of course, with the lukewarm review scores the critics gave the game, there's a possibility that Atlus might not bring it over to the states and other territories. Personally, we'd be disappointed, because even if the puzzles were a bit frustrating, the characters in the game were a riot.
via dsfanboy
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February 9th, 2007, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
via flamewaradvance
Game announcements for the DS are made nearly every other day. If it isn't about a new Square Enix game heading to the DS it's about a wild indie title. If it isn't about a wild indie title it's about a crazy, ambitious PC port. And if it isn't about that, it's probably about homebrew hentai games.
Amidst all this news and the speculation that follows it, one often tends to miss or forget some of the announcements that actually go on to have a major effect on the handheld in due time. BioWare's in-the-works game for the DS is one such announcement. Having first heard of this over at Kotaku a few months back, I'd been keeping an eye out for any new info on the game that turned up.
Alas, the gentlemen over at BioWare find it fun playing hard-to-get and no further mention of the title was made again. Feeling the need to extinguish the flames of curiousity that burned deep within my gamer's soul, I got in touch with BioWare's Handheld Game Group Project Director, Dan Tudge to see if he couldn't throw us impatient BioWare fans a bone. While Dan didn't reveal much about the game directly, he did answer some questions a few of you might have on your minds regarding this ambitious project.
So, without further ado:
Q: What drew BioWare’s attention to develop for the DS? Have you put any thought into developing games for the PlayStation Portable?
A: We’ve been looking at getting into the handheld space for quite a while now, but we were waiting for the right time, the right technology, and of course the right ideas to develop into a quality game. Both the DS and the PSP have very compelling capabilities, but ultimately the DS was better suited to our ideas for creativity and innovation. We may decide to develop something for the PSP down the road, but for now we’re quite excited about what we’ve got planned for the DS.
Q: With the success of the DS, major franchises (such as the Dragon Quest series) shifting over to the portable market, and the significantly lower development costs associated with the platform, do you see your company putting a larger focus on handheld titles?
A: We’ve got a long and successful history of making great games on both PC and console, so I don’t see us putting any less of a focus on those platforms. As long as we stay focused on making the best story-driven games we can, we’ll develop for whatever platform allows us to do just that, and of course it may vary from game to game.
Q: Coming to the topic at hand, what setting will the game use? Medieval? Futuristic?
A: I could tell you, but BioWare would kill me. We’re not revealing anything about the game just yet, but stay tuned…!
Q: Would you call this project an action/RPG or a "traditional" RPG?
A: Again, I really can’t talk about that right now. I can tell you that BioWare is committed to delivering the best story-driven games in the world and as such you can expect a rich and enjoyable experience.
Q: Is BioWare planning a format comparable to Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR or neither?
A: Again, I can’t really comment on what the game format will be, however the DS does provide us with the opportunity approach design in ways we previously have not considered.
Q: What can you tell us about the title? How do you plan to utilize the DS's capabilities?
A: We haven’t announced the IP yet so like I say, we can’t reveal very much about the game at this point, but I will say it’ll be a terrific debut for BioWare in the handheld space. As for how we plan to use the DS’s capabilities? In order to provide the experience BioWare fans have come to expect, we are pushing the DS hardware to levels people have never seen. We have an extremely experienced team of BioWare and industry veterans working hard on squeezing everything we can out of the DS.
Q: Do you plan to use both screens?
A: Of course, it wouldn’t be a DS game otherwise, right? Just don’t ask how we plan to use them, because we’re not revealing that just yet.
Q: How do you plan to tell the game's story on the DS? For example; Mass Effect really seems to be pushing interactivity in story-telling and going with a cinematic approach. What can we expect to see on the DS?
A: Obviously the Xbox 360 is a much different system both in design and hardware, and Mass Effect is taking advantage of that in a really big way. BioWare has always looked for ways to innovate and deepen the story-driven experience and we have some fantastic ideas planned for story-telling on the DS.
Q: Will there be a multiplayer component to the game? If so, will it use Wi-fi?
A: We haven’t announced any plans for multiplayer or WiFi, but we’ve talked about it and agree there are some very compelling opportunities there. We’ll see…!
Q: What unique challenges have you encountered working on a portable platform and what specific challenges has the DS presented you with?
A: The DS is a very sweet piece of hardware that continues to provide us with opportunities to be creative. We are obviously working with a much lower system spec than the other projects in development at BioWare, however for a large majority of the team, the system specs are very reminiscent of our early years in the industry.
Q: Finally, what will the game look like in terms of style? And will it be 2D or 3D?
A: The DS provides us with the freedom to choose from a multitude of styles as well as the ability to use either 2D or 3D or even a combination of both! At BioWare, design is the driver and any decision on style (2D, 3D etc.) will be determined by our desire to build the best story-driven games in the world.
There you go. Not much information about the game itself but more than enough to fulfil the needs of any good speculator. Also, note they never mention if it's an RPG or not. Everyone just assumed it was. Many thanks to Dan and BioWare's Public Relations Coordinator, Erik Einsiedel! May the force be with you both.
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February 9th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
With the card saber you can slide the top off and unsheathe your DS games like a Power Ranger or futuristic ninja. It holds three DS games and a GBA cart. For the amount of games it holds, the Card Saber DS is bulky, but anyone who buys this isn’t getting it because it’s practical. It’s being sold for 850 yen ($7).
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February 9th, 2007, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
via ds-x
Due to much demand, we are releasing a DLDI driver, with source, for the DS-Xtreme. We originally planned to also release a "pre-DLDI" libfat driver, but unfortunately that code has now become dated, and it would be trivial to derive a new libfat driver from this DLDI code.
The source should be commented well enough to follow, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to post them in our home-brew discussion forum here!
Download dsxdldi.zip here
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February 9th, 2007, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
New release from douddu59
Here my first project NDS, My Life.
This project takes again a TP of Pascal whom I made with the IUT, called the play of the life. This application is not exactly a play, but a cellular automat imagined by Conway in 1970. It is at present, most known of all the cellular automats. More on the principle of operation, go on the subject wikipédia, Règles section.
I have thus repirs my algos, re-coded out of C the whole, to add some “options”…
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February 9th, 2007, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from DrNeo:
MK5save - savetype.sdb assitant (win/dos) by cory
Not sure how handy this will be, but I modified a different exe I had worked on previously to allow one to add ROMs easily to the save list. Various save types can be found on scorpei's wiki and in offlinelist, and in some cases with the dumper app. Otherwise it is mostly trial and error.
It's a drag and drop app, you drop your ROM's on the exe and go through each one to either add it to the list or modify the entry if it already exists. Don't worry about the src.zip in the package, it isn't necissary unless you want to modify it (compiled with msys/mingw on a windows box).
It should be pretty solid, aside from the fact the number of files you can drop at once is limited by the combined lengths of the file names. I can do 20 or so at a time with really long names.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,3741.0.html
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February 9th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin posted this news/release:
This game has 1-3 players. Ill try to explain how the game works for people that may not know...
You are given 5 spins in this version. Your goal is to get as much money as possible while avoiding the whammies. You use the stylus to stop the board when its in "motion." In a multiplayer game you can pass spins. when you pass spins you MUST pass to the person in 2nd place or first place. any passed spins MUST be taken and passed back before a players "earned" spins can be used. When everyone has run out of spins the game is over and person with the most money wins. This game does not feature a questions round like in the gameshow. Also this game does not have the 4 Whammy rule as i got lazy.
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February 9th, 2007, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Guyduke posted this news/release:
I just finish my first nds game called "Atomix". it is still a BETA version, but the game play is finished.
I've still have some stuff to do like: some graphics, or display some explanations to know on which button to press.
I have reproduct an old game built in 1990 by softtouch and distributed by Thalion.
This is a puzzle game, the aim is to build the molecules. The difficulty is that when a atom is moving, it stop only on wall or on an other atom.
I test it on a DS-Xtreme, and I don't know it my game works on other product .
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February 9th, 2007, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

The Gestahlian Empire, armed with the secrets of Magitek, holds the world in chains—until a young woman named Terra frees herself from its control and joins a band of rebels known as the Returners. Armed with her magic powers, they struggle to uncover the secrets of the ancient War of the Magi and the source of the Empire's power.
The introduction of espers marks a significant addition to the franchise. The espers have different powerful effects, ranging from healing the whole party to attacking large groups of enemies with different physical or elemental attacks.
Square-Enix's popular RPG hit Final Fantasy VI Advance (originally released as Final Fantasy III for SNES in the US) is in stock today, shipping as US release version at US$ 39.90 only. Also still in stock is the Japanese version, available at US$ 48.90 respectively.
Game features:
Fourteen playable characters. Divide them into separate parties, splitting adventuring time between each.
Summon the power of the espers, magical creatures enslaved by the Empire.
Improved graphics, a new translation, and a remixed soundtrack.
Study your foes with the Bestiary, then face them all in continuous battle in the Soul Shrine.
Relive your favorite songs in the bonus music player.
But at Play Asia
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February 9th, 2007, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
It's impossible to take a rubbish screenshot of Metal Slug Anthology, because there's never a moment when it's not kicking off.
Aliens are flying in blazing lasers all over the place, gruesome guts fly as commando dudes get sliced in half and massive explosions fill the screen. Just look at these eight new Wii screens.
See the chaos? That's what we're all about. This is the one game that we DON'T want to use with any motion controls whatsoever. And with a list of controller configuration options - including a Classic Controller option - we won't have to.
Metal Slug Anthology will be keeping it old-school on Wii and PSP from March.
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February 9th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Over one million copies of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes on Wii have been snapped up in the US ALONE.
Perrin Kaplan, NOA's VP of marketing and corporate affairs, confirmed to IGN that it is the first title to break the million mark in that territory.
This obviously doesn't include Wii Sports, which was packed in with the console that is well on its way to the 1.5 million sales mark in US. Kaplan also reaffirmed that Nintendo is on course to sell its target six million Wiis by the end of March.
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February 9th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
D3Publisher is bringing another Bejewelled-influenced puzzle game to DS that incorporates a story-driven RPG mode to the experience.
Set in a land known as Etheria in an age of warlords, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords places you in the role of a sword-wielding warrior who must save Etheria from evil.
You move your character around an overworld map by tapping the stylus on the various village locations. You don't explore them in 3D - you speak to people, visit shops and acquire missions all via menu screens.
When you encounter a battle, the Bejewelled puzzle kicks in. You take turns with your opponent to swap icons on a grid to line up three or more identical icons in a row. When you do, they disappear and the points earned count as damage to your opponent.
Conversely, if you can't be arsed with all that RPG stuff, you can get straight down to the puzzle action with the Instant Action option.
Mixing RPG with a puzzler is an interesting way of refreshing an already used-and-abused puzzle concept. But can you handle ANOTHER Bejewelled game?
Puzzle Quest will hit DS and PSP on March 16.
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February 9th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda's Pete Hines has been talking about the developer's hit RPG series Oblivion and the numerous console versions to Shack News. Hines says that although the company would like to get the game on Wii, the hardware's not really up to it.
"This time around we did Oblivion and again we designed a game that's really going to push some limits and would do the things we thought next-gen consoles might be able to do. When 360 dev kits were available, we did it on them because it was available. It's not really going to run on a Wii for example, but if it could we would put it there."
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February 9th, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Super Mario World and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are Nintendo's two additions to Virtual Console in Europe today.
The much loved platform and much never-played RPG are up for 800 and 500 Wii points respectively.
They're joined by Turbografx-16's Vigilante, in case you're hungry for more, which is there for 600 Wii points.
You can find them all in the Wii Shop, listed under latest additions. There are now 46 titles available via Virtual Console in Europe, and Nintendo says more than 1.5 million games have been downloaded overall, worldwide.
via eurogamer
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February 9th, 2007, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Are you one of those gamers that think Nintendo's Wii is nothing but a short-lived gimmick that will soon be gathering dust faster than a shelf full of UMD movies? Well, Nintendo's chief ass kicker, Reggie Fils-Aime, has hit back at cynical doubters.
In an interview with games journalist and author, Dean Takahashi, when asked whether Wii's novelty would ultimately peter out, Fils-Aime pointed out that DS also attracted its fair share of gloom mongers in the early days. Of course, no one needs reminding of just how hot cake successful the touchy handheld has been since then.
The Nintendo pres also affirmed his faith in developers and their ability to continue creating novel uses for the controller and, when reminded of some critics suggesting that Wii is limited in terms of game play, he said "I wonder if they saw Zelda? It has 90 hours of game play."
Certainly from where we're sitting it doesn't look like the happy wheels are going to be falling off the Wii wagon anytime soon.
via gamesradar
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February 9th, 2007, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
D3Publisher will unleash its own Pokémon-style adventure in the form of Fossil League: Dino Tournament Championship.
When it comes to cloning a franchise, Fossil League takes it to the extreme. You play as a boy called Taiga who travels through time to complete his Dinopedia by collection dinosaurs.
Once you catch the ferocious lizards, you can train them up but putting them into battle with other dinos in a turn-based battle system that is just like Pokémon, except it's in 3D.
The game plays the educational card, because it's full of real facts about the dinos that you catch, but no-one cares about that. What you will care about is the multiplayer mode which lets you play others in quirky mini games, but not swap beasts like in Pokémon. Hmmm...
Look out for Fossil League on shelves in April, for the cheaper-than-usual price of £19.99.
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February 9th, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Check out the first screens of EA upcoming Godfather: Blackhand Edition for Wii.
This Wii port will incorporate motion-sensing controls to let you hammer the faces of your enemies - or any random granny, if you're that way inclined - by swinging your fists with the Wii Remote in hand.
As you can see, graphically it look pretty much the same as the Xbox game, also we'll wait to see it running before we make any final judgements.
Nobody will be able to call the Wii a console for kids by the end of the year, with Godfather, Driver, Scarface AND Manhunt 2 all on the way.
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February 9th, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster

via engadget
Sure, we know there's swarms of you out there who'd take a few hours in The Slim Machine instead of being forced to run around your block or pump some iron, but here's a relatively fair compromise. The Wii Weights prototype is nothing more than your average strap-on wrist weight coated in white and stamped with that (likely trademarked) Wii logo, but let's face it, if you've got to burn the calories, you're better off doing so whilst playing Wii Sports. Ideally, the weights would range from one to four pounds, and should do some serious sculpting on your array of arm muscles if you make it a habit to game with these on. So if shedding nine pounds over the holidays training as a Wii athlete just wasn't encouragement enough for you to participate, just imagine the additional pounds that'll vanish (and the muscles that'll surface) when adding these bad boys into the mix.
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February 9th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
So long as video games exist, let there be nostalgia-inducing remixes of the Super Mario Bros theme; preferably good ones like the above. Listen in as Greg Patillo covers the venerable classic in beatbox flutist form. Just don't forget to breathe.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Xploder launches Cheat Saves with Movie Player & Media Manager for Nintendo Wii: Transform your Wii into the ultimate multi-media entertainment system. Includes Virtual Console Game Management functions.
Cheats Always Prosper! Access cheatsaves for the very latest Wii titles - Would a little extra Zelda help be useful? Or maybe you want to get past that difficult stage on Call of Duty 3? - by accessing the extensive Xploder database you can get the latest cheats for these games and many more.
Going Retro? We’ve raided our archives to bring you access to our extensive collection of NES, SNES and N64 cheats, so once spent your hard-earned Wii Points downloading those retro classics from the Virtual Console you can give yourself an unfair advantage in these games too! You can also use the application to back-up Virtual Console games to your PC via an SD card.
Join the Community! Once you’ve cracked your favourite game, you can add your best Wii, N64, SNES and NES gamesaves to the Xploder Community Database and share them with others!
It’s Movie Night! Home movies and many other movie file types (including DVD VOB*, MKV, Xvid, DivX, MPEG 1 & 2, M1P, M2P, MP4, TS, WMV, ASF, and AVI) can be converted to MJPEG and transferred to SD for Wii playback.
Go Go Slideshow! Manage your JPEG photo and image files to create fantastic slideshows on your Wii!
Add Some Tunes! Convert CDs to MP3 with auto album, artist and track naming and add them to your Wii slideshows.
Xploder Cheat Saves for Nintendo Wii - Everything you need to get the most from the Nintendo Wii - available for just £19.99 from leading retailers from March 1st 2007.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Vixen posted a way of identifying what Wii you have for those worried about modchip compatability
Heres goes:
Identify the DVD chip using the Wii's serial number
Forget about the purchase date or the checksum digit in the box.
It seems the first part of the serial number holds the key to knowing if you have the incompatible D2B chip or not.
Check your serial number against the tables below.
GC2 - DMS or GC2R - D2A
GC2R - D2B
- LEH 109225XX
- LEH 1100XXXX
- LEH 1104XXXX
For European models it seems the D2B chip was introduced somewhere in the LEH 109XXXX number range.
North America
GC2 - DMS or GC2R - D2A
- LU 1050XXXXX
- LU 5074XXXXX
GC2R - D2B
- LU 1054XXXXX
- LU 3072XXXXX
- LU 50853XXXX
- LU 5089XXXXX
For North-America it appears that there are three different ranges in use (LU1/LU3/LU5). Its possible that each range is used in a different area, factory or language pack.
Each range will have a number where the D2B chip is introduced.
For LU1 this seems to be between LU 1050XXXXX and LU 1054XXXXX.
For LU3 its between LU306XXXXXX and LU3072XXXXX and
for LU5 its somewhere between LU 5074XXXXX and LU50853XXXX.
Keep in mind that it is possible that there are different factories or production lines that use different stocks. Therefore the above tables could be wrong at some points. However, so far the serial number seems to give a reasonable indication of what chip is inside your console.
Please post if you have a serial number that can narrow these ranges and you can confirm the chip type.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Not really breaking news or anything, I just found it rather odd but in the latest issue of the Official Xbox Magazine for March of 2007, the editors have replaced their normal mugs with their Mii counterparts. It took me about 3 double takes to fully realize what was going on, reading an Xbox magazine with Mii’s inside of it. There is a very tiny blurb at the bottom of the page with a minor explanation as to what is going on:
“We like our Wii-generated Mii portraits so much,we thought we’d run them two issues in a row. Next month, we’ll go back to our ever-familiar photos.”
The whole thing is just.. odd.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
From the official site
EZTEAM announce the one stop expansion pack solution whch integrated the 256Mbit GBA card/NDS Browser RAM Expansion Pack/NDS Rumble Pack all three cards in to one Lite sized slot2 card with several years experience on flashcard development .
GBA function: it equipped with 256Mbit Norflash, 2Mbit SRAM, Battery. so it can compatible with almost GBA game(except which needs special hardware). and it has three advantages to compare with SDRAM/PSRAM GBA solution.
1. the data still remain after power off.
2. can be used as a standalone GBA card.
3. perfect GBA/NDS linker
Browser RAM expansion function: it uses the highspeed ram cache as the offical one. perfect compatible with NDS Browser(JAP/EUR)
Rumble function: Perfect works with all official rumble enabled games. it also has three level vibration strenth adjust. now you can adjust between power consume and better game feeling by yourself. SDK also provide for third party developers.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
It seems like every big Square Enix Nintendo release is accompanied by a special limited edition version of whatever console it's on. Sure enough, Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings will be released along side a special, limited edition DS.
Known formally as the Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings Sky Pirates Edition, this limited edition package includes a copy of Revenant Wings and a special edition DS Lite. The DS Lite, which can be seen at Impress Watch, is based off the Crystal White version of the system, but has the FFXII logo and character artwork laser printed on the cover.
Those who already have a DS Lite and don't care for the frills will be able to pick up the Japanese version of Revenant Wings on its own on the same day at the software-only price of 4800 yen. Both packages hit Japan on 4/26.
via ign
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February 10th, 2007, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Demand for a wireless sensor bar solution for the Wii has been strong since the day the console hit the streets. There are plenty of installation circumstances in which the standard hardwired Wii Sensor Bar doesn't make for a clean installation, like with wall mounted plasmas (like Casamassina) and front-projection systems (Me and Peer), or any arrangement that doesn't situate the Wii within 10 feet of the display. The official Wii Sensor Bar is also a little weak--the console's manual states that it is most effective when a user is no more than 8 feet away, and it begins to get really jittery beyond 20-feet.
Because the Wii Sensor Bar is nothing more than a pair of infrared diodes, developing a wireless version isn't terribly tricky. The first solution available was a decidedly homebrew product distributed by wirelesssensorbar.com (review). Though functional, the crude design didn't really blend in next to nice TVs. The big accessory manufacturers were, of course, on the wireless Sensor Bar case as well, and today we've got our hands on the first major release, the Nyko Wireless Sensor Bar.
Nyko's new product is decidedly more polished than the homebrew alternatives. It's packaged rather nicely in a cool plastic tube, and aesthetically its shiny black face and silver housing mimic the official Sensor Bar's styling closely. Surprisingly, the Nyko model is not that much bigger than the Nintendo version, despite the necessity of batteries, so it shouldn't look out of place near a nice TV. It also rests securely upon the Sensor Bar mounting bracket that comes with the Wii. The power button is situated on the top surface, and a blue LED shines on the front when powered on.
The unit is powered by 4 AA batteries (included) which Nyko states will allow up to 30 hours of use. Because the Wireless Sensor Bar doesn't know when the Wii is on or off, the potential for forgetting to shut it down after some Wii action is a concern. Nyko did their best to ameliorate the issue via a switch on the back of the Sensor Bar that allows users to set a specific time of operation of 1 or 2-hours before an audible warning (sounds like a microwave beeping) reminds that it is still on. Other than engineering some sort of wireless detection system that would let the Sensor Bar know when the Wii is on or off, which would certainly raise costs, we can't really think of better power-saving strategy than what Nyko has come up with, moderately clumsy though it may be.
The Nyko Wireless Sensor Bar claims a 25-foot range, and in our testing we concluded that it is indeed somewhat more powerful than the official Sensor Bar. Between 12 and 25-feet away from the Sensor Bar, we experienced comparatively less jittering with the Nyko model as opposed to the Nintendo issue. The difference wasn't extreme and twisting the Wiimote still produced quite a bit of jitter, yet we were able to conclude that the Nyko Wireless Sensor Bar gave us slightly better tracking ability at the 25-foot range.
Nyko's MSRP for the Wireless Sensor Bar is a pretty reasonable $19.99 and should appear at retail in March. Though there's unavoidable hassle associated with the necessity of turning it on and off independently from the Wii, gamers with entertainment setups that simply won't accommodate the official Nintendo Sensor Bar would do well to consider Nyko's solution.
Nyko's other premier Wii product are its HD-Link Component Cables. At launch the demand for component cables for the Wii far outstripped Nintendo's supply and many HDTV owners were left unable to take advantage of the Wii's 480p output capability. Availability is somewhat improved, but reports of sizable markups over MSRP have been reported at retail. Nyko's HD-Link may help improve the situation. The cable is relatively similar to the Nintendo release. Both cables are roughly 9-feet long, but Nyko's component cable is covered in a somewhat more attractive white coating, as opposed to Nintendo's grey. The connections are also somewhat higher quality looking. In our testing we noticed no image degradation associated with the Nyko cable as opposed to the Nintendo offering. MSRP for the Nyko HD-Link Component Cables will be $19.99, and the product should arrive at retail at the same time frame as the Wireless Sensor Bar, March.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Graphic-designer-by-day, blogger-by-night Martin Taylor has a neat series of pics up of a Japanese Super Mario Bros. towel he snagged in Brighton. Though, I'm not sure which I like better: The towel or the bathroom.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Conspiracy Entertainment (Yes, the guys behind Pocket Pool) just announced that they plan to bring a futuristic 3D mech shooter to the Wii.
Shoot Out "pits freedom fighters against alien robot machines in a fight for control of earth."
"This game was a hit within the arcade/coin-up market and is now being retooled for the Wii platform," commented Carlo Perconti, president of Hyper- Devbox. "We are very excited to collaborate with Conspiracy to increase the intensity and enjoyment of the game, while remaining true to its original and much-loved design and aesthetic. The freedom of Wii's distinctive handheld wireless controller is ideal for creating a 3D 'shoot 'em up' experience and will allow players a greater feeling of interaction."
Sirus Ahmadi, president of Conspiracy Entertainment, said, "We look forward to working with an established developer such as Hyper-Devbox on our first Wii game. We anticipate to secure other gaming projects in the near- future for the Wii platform."
"The Wii platform is achieving rapid market acceptance. We plan to release 'Shoot Out' in the second quarter of 2007, as part of our efforts to capitalize on the fastest growing segments of the $30 billion global video gaming industry," said Keith Tanaka, CFO of Conspiracy Entertainment. "This is just the beginning of our intention to enter the Wii market."
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February 10th, 2007, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
CheapyD over at CheapAssGamer.com has put together a really nice little video review about the Play Stand DS Lite from Hori. We were dubious at first, but after watching this review, we've ordered one ourselves from Play-Asia, to the tune of fifteen bucks.
This little sucker will make playing games with one hand a snap, and it also looks swanky as well. Cradle your DS Lite in some goodness, and wait patiently for the SimCity DS game to come out. It has the ability to hold the DS Lite horizontally and vertically, so basically any of your games will look sweet in its plastic and foam goodness.
Nice work, CheapyD. Now we'll wait patiently for this to arrive so we can pimp out Animal Crossing: Wide World as it was meant to be seen.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:21 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

In conjunction with the April 26 release of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for DS, Square Enix and Nitnendo are set to release a special edition of the DS Lite with the FFXII:RW logo and two main characters emblazoned on the front. Square Enix did a similar promotion for the DS release of Final Fantasy III.
Though the extra cost to paint an industrial-strength sticker is probably minimal, it's not like Nintendo needs any help selling the consoles in Japan. A release outside of Japan is very unlikely for the limited edition console, so those desperate for a unit will have to import. However, we have a better suggestion: wait for someone to post a high-resolution image and then make your own sticker to put on that DS Lite (or DS Phat) you're already using.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Developer Factor 5 is no stranger to Nintendo consoles. The company's Rogue Squadron II launch title for GameCube arguably pushed the purple box hardware further than most, right out of the gate. In its time (and perhaps still today) the game is a looker.
That said, the company's CEO Julian Eggebrecht was critical of first-generation Wii graphics while speaking with IGN yesterday. In short, he called developer efforts "sloppy" as many Wii launch titles output worse graphics than some GameCube games, notably Resident Evil 4. From the interview: "I really have to say, boy, am I disappointed [with early Wii graphics]... I was digging out Rebel Strike the other day and was looking at it, and we had some people who were visiting ask, 'Why isn't anybody else doing this on Wii?' and I am at a loss."
Though Eggebrecht originally criticized Wii's hardware back in October of last year, it sounds like he's at least on board the fun train. "I love the Wii, absolutely... Everybody really should have one." Still, we can't help but echo his distaste for inexcusable sloppy graphics by some Wii developers.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
via mercury News
I inteviewed Reggie Fils-Aime, president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America, at Dice. Reggie was very confident and here's some of what he had to say. If I get time later, I can transcribe the interview. In the meantime ... (picture: Reggie getting interviewed o n the red carpet before the awards show).
Reggie said that new data on sales will be out in the next week or so, but it's clear that the Wii is going strong. It sold 1.1 million units in North America through December, and about 4 million units manufactured last year. About two thirds of software sales were by third parties, so "developers are sharing in the success," he said.
The DS continues to sell well even though there were two or three weeks when it was completely sold out. Worldwide, the DS has sold more than 35.6 million units now. "We're making millions a month, but the demand is above that," he said.
He said he anticipates surpassing the installed base of the Xbox 360 with this sales rate.
"The question is when," he said. "That's going to be drivenn by our own sales rate and getting good software released at the right time. It's clear they are slowing down. It's not unthinkable to see that next year we could surpass their installed base."
The PlayStation 2 is competition of sorts, but Reggie said it's not direct. He said it is more like competition for the GameBoy Advance or the DS. I told him that Bill Gates said he didn't believe that the Wii was direct competition for the Xbox 360.
"When you're as rich as Bill is, you can say anything," Reggie said. "They have done some things that are brilliant at Microsoft. We want to bring gaming back to the masses. Consumers are voting with their wallets and pocketbooks."
I said critics have said that the game play of the Wii is limited and its novelty may wear off. He said, "I wonder if they saw Zelda? It has 90 hours of game play."
He said it is a fact that the PlayStation 3 inventory is "stacking up worldwide" because it's too expensive and doesn't have the right games. He said Sony made too big a bet on Blu-ray and on the price that the consumer is willing to pay for gaming. He said the Blu-ray vs HD-DVD war is shaping up to be a "bloody battle that won't be resolved soon."
Reggie said that the upcoming Wii Play would drive more sales soon. He said Nintendo is courting developers and is encouraged by the number of fresh ideas for using the Wii remote.
He was happy that the Wii was becoming a cultural phenomenon, as evidenced by Conan O'Brien playing Wii Tennis with Serena Williams on his show. He said the marketing that worked best was getting the Wii in the hands of consumers through programs such as kiosks with Wiis at shopping malls.
He said the death of the contestant in the "hold your wee for Wii" contest was unfortunate. And he said that the strap issue really meant that Nintendo had to work harder instructing consumers not to let go of the Wii remote when they were playing. He said the return rates on the Wii for general problems were "miniscule." Reggie said that getting the Wii in the hands of key mainstream media has also been important. Three million people have viewed a commercial that Nintendo released on the YouTube video service. More than 30,000 videos have been uploaded by people who have customized their Miis, the avatars that users can create for their Wiis.
Reggie thinks that Nintendo will score some points in the sports area for the first time in a long time with Electronic Arts' upcoming SSX Blur and Tiger Woods titles.
Asked if first-person shooters look bad on the Wii, Reggie said that "Metroid Prime 3" looks and plays excellent and it will end the debate over the Wii's aiming problems. He also said that the aiming in Wii Play would put those concerns to rest.
Asked if the Wii would run out of novelty and peter out, he said that skeptics said the same thing about the DS and its dual-screen and stylus play. He said that third-party development has done quite well and would continue to generate novel uses of the Wii controller. And he remained confident that the Wii would expand the market of games to non-gamers.
As for online, Reggie said that Pokemon Battle Revolution is doing well in Japan and would be the first online title in the U.S. He said online development kits have been seeded and titles are coming. Nintendo is starting to capitalize on the fitness benefits of the Wii in its marketing.
"We're about moving to the next rocket stage in our growth," he said in closing.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy

Ebay user thef1ea has done something that is downright cool. In taking a Wii and fitting it into a PC tower, thef1ea has created a PC-Wii hybrid. Affectionately dubbed the Wiiputer by reader Dave, it allows one to game on both the PC and Wii with ease, through the use of a shared 19 inch widescreen monitor. Overall, it's an impressive package, however we lack the $1,300+ that thef1ea is asking for this rig and won't be bidding. Will you try and get your hands on this?
Ebay Auction
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February 10th, 2007, 11:56 Posted By: wraggster
via devkitpro.org
A new version of the devkitPro updater/installer has been released.
devkitPro Updater 1.4.2 has been rebuilt with the latest NSIS 2.23 and a more recent version of the inetc plugin used for downloading files. This should be more stable and hopefully remove the installer crashes some people have been experiencing.
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February 10th, 2007, 12:00 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Most of the trailers we've seen from Lunar Knights have been in Japanese, so we figured it was a good week to show off an English version. The video weighs in at nearly three and a half minutes of world-saving, vampire-crushing hotness, and manages to show off just about everything a gamer needs to decide whether or not this one is a must-have. Now that's what we call a trailer.
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February 10th, 2007, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
DrNeo posted this news:
the MK5 DLDI & MK5 USB PAD / MK5 USB Mouse source code release!
for the DLDI : i though you should know what's it?
for MK5 USB PAD: you can use your MK5 as one PC 12 key joypad,then you can use the NDS to control your PC game!
how to use:
[1] don't plug in the mk5 USB cart,and turn on your NDS;
[2] when you can see the MK5 logo in the nds menu,plug in the MK5 USB cart,then enter the MK5;
[3] run the compiled MK5 USB PAD file,then your PC will detect one USB PAD,plug and play!
[4] now you can enjoy it.
for MK5 USB Mouse: just same operation with the MK5 PAD.
source code download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,3758.0.html
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February 10th, 2007, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster
Papafuji has released a rebuild of Babylon v0.9 which is now compatible with M3 Simply and R4DS Flash Carts.
Babylon is a Board game for the Nintendo DS.
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February 11th, 2007, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo are now using a new chip called the Matronix Chip in the game DS Air,
Heres what was posted at an hacking site
A possibly new protection method was implied to the latest NDS Game Jet Impulse/DS Air. Two of our suppliers have tried WRG DUMP 1.4/M3 and got the same dumping problems. This game is 1Gbit in size and uses the Macronix chip. A noticeable fact is that this is the first 1Gbit.
Nintendo Fighting back at last ?
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February 11th, 2007, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
via gamepolitics
Rockstar’s annoucement that Manhunt 2 will appear on the Nintendo Wii raised a few eyebrows in the gaming world.
After all, for sheer up close and personal violence, the orginal Manhunt had no equal. For that reason alone, the game seems out of synch with Nintendo’s longtime reputation as a family-friendly game company. And then there’s the highly interactive nature of the Wii controller. We can visualize the game manual:
Slashing someone’s neck with a shard of glass? Simply move your Wiimote right to left in a sweeping motion while pressing the B button…
Could it be that Nintendo hopes to move the Wii into the M-rated market? GamePolitics asked Nintendo about licensing Manhunt 2 on the Wii. Beth Llewelyn, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications responded:
Manhunt 2 is not developed or published by Nintendo. It is one of many titles released by third party publishers for our system that appeal to people of all ages and interests. Just as with movies, television, and books, different video games appeal to - and are appropriate for - different audiences.
Video game retailers and purchasers are strongly encouraged to follow the age-specific ESRB ratings when considering what software to sell or buy. If parents are concerned about kids having access to inappropriate Wii games, we encourage them to utilize the PIN-operated Parental Control features built into Wii.
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February 11th, 2007, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
WiiAim is currently under development by the makers of aimOnPsp! When it is complete, WiiAim will allow you to use AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to instant message people on your Wii using the new browser. Much like aimOnPsp, WiiAim will have a customized interface designed to work well within the browser.
While we are working on WiiAim, aimOnPsp will allow you to use AIM from your Wii. Once WiiAim is ready, we will post a message on aimOnPsp and you will be able to use WiiAim.com.
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February 11th, 2007, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has made yet another update to his Deal or no Deal game.
I upgraded to the new PAlib so now stylus should work for people it would not work before, at least
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February 11th, 2007, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
SiRioKD has released a new version of his DS ROM Tool program.
Heres whats new
Added ruotine for the reading of the header of rom the DS.
Added support files RAR (lost compatibility with framework the multiplatform "Mono"
Changed the graphical view of the application.
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February 11th, 2007, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
Lucas has updated LMP (Licks Media Player) to a new version Alpha 4:
Heres whats new:
Many new features! Hope I remember everything, here it goes:
Ogg Vorbis decoding support
FLAC decoding support (but not FLAC in OGG container)
Soft-volume control
Progress bar
Seeking support
Hold button (select)
Control with L/R buttons when lid is closed
Gapless playback
I've removed support for .wav files. It was there mainly for debugging (doubt anyone really uses it), and I've removed as part of the rewrite of the ARM9 sound code.
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February 11th, 2007, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of the Replacement firnware for the DS, personally i wouldnt use any Replacement firmwares and you should know the risks of doing so, ie could brick your DS
Heres whats new:
Hey everybody!
Just released a new version of CreeboMe
In this update many many more carts are supported and I took a little time to make the GUI look halfway decent.
NOTE: To flash use the same methods as FlashMe and FWNitro. I will take no responsibility to a bad firmware flash. If you are not confident about flashing your firmware, use the rom instead, however the DS Card Option will NOT work on the rom version. Also this is only a beta version and as you can tell it does not have many feature. But not to worry! I am confident on keeping this project alive. Thanks to Loopy for the base firmware replacement, and all of the guys in #dsdev for all of the wonderful help.
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February 11th, 2007, 06:56 Posted By: XioN980
No one seemed to notice this much in the discussion forums so ill post it here
This is a guide for running N64 on the Gamecube with a tool thats been around for a while. It should work on the Wii as well and i doubt anyone checks the Gamecube Forums anymore so tihs place is the next most relevent
I made the guide and posted it at: removed
I did not make the programs however, they are the hard work of other coders.
I personally think this is totally legal, if POPS is legal this is legal
heres the link removed
Have fun
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February 11th, 2007, 07:12 Posted By: XioN980
THis was posted on a Tehskeen forum a while back, its a batch file to make Converting your NES Roms to dol format for FCEU 1.0.8x
Just put all your roms in the directory named "nes" and double click the nes_converter.bat
Look in the "dol" folder and there you have it. Nes emulated goodness
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February 11th, 2007, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Kotakuite couple Jenni and Stevie ran across this package of Zelda themed treats for your Wii. It includes two Wii Remote covers, a game case and a special stand/organizer all imprinted with the famous Zelda Tri-Force. These are not Nintendo branded items, so I'm not sure how the manufacturers got around the whole copyright thing, but until they get sued you can pick up this little customization kit at your local retailer for a cool $30.
For more detailed pics of all the parts, check out Jenni and Stevie's blog, Robots In The Sky.
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February 11th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
In an interview conducted with Gamespy at the DICE conference, Nintendo VP of Marketing and Corp. Affairs, Perrin Kaplan, discussed the different approaches used by Sony and Nintendo during their coincidentally timed launches. Kaplan says, "Well, we didn't have anyone in line that got shot waiting for our system. So there's one sign of the different approaches between our two companies ... I think Sony's efforts were in trying to get the core gamer to accept and adopt it, which for them in the PS2 era, spread to the mass consumer. I think we were just really prepared. Years of experience doing this ensured that we would have a very good launch."
Kaplan goes on to say that the continued success of the Wii definitely shows they are not an afterthought in the consumer's mind. She says worldwide online play is a "priority for Nintendo and you will see it." Although, it looks like we'll still be seeing it after punching in 16-digit codes (maybe more). She also goes on to comfort those that don't understand why the Wii is dripping things out so slowly, "I think if we had just taken the whole package, here are all the channels, here are all the online games, here are the Miis, the news, the weather, I just think it would have overloaded the mass consumer. So instead we began rolling everything out in a fashion where people can really understand it ... We have more things coming, and online is definitely one of them." Oh good, cause we're getting thirsty and hope to have enough strength to input the double-digit codes expected for online play.
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February 11th, 2007, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
So, what happened to the "extensive PS3 support", EA?
“Last year, the prediction was that Sony would win the next-gen war, that the PS3 would be the dominant console, just like the PS2 was.”
“That is no longer the case. The extremely strong performance of the Wii, combined with the miserable performance of Sony has revised pretty much everyone’s expectations. Right now, most of us here think the 360 will be on top for this generation, with the battle for second place between Sony and Nintendo (and that’s a major shock, as we’d nearly written Nintendo off for the non-handheld market.) Most of us still think Sony will beat off Nintendo, simply due to the older graphics on the Wii, but it’s not a sure thing.”
“My opinion - get the 360 and/or the Wii. Skip the PS3 unless there’s a big change in the near future.”
via belltree
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February 11th, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
skyworxx has released a beta version of his Wii-like launcher...
- fully customizable channels
- includes sounds and cursor
- launches all filetypes
- 16 channels and one extra button
- clock^^
- enable page-switch for supporting more than 16 channels
- support an other resolution than 800*600
- clean up the cursor
- automatically launch glove-pie scrips
- built-in ir-mousemovement (glad that wiinremote is also written in dephi Wink )
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February 11th, 2007, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
A new Wii Modchip based on the not upgradeable PIC12C509 has been announced, the chip is also rumoured to be a lot cheaper than the other Modchips announced.
More details soon
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February 11th, 2007, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
With Blue Dragon’s success in Japan, Mistwalker has already made a name for itself in the Land of the Rising Sun. It’s only a matter of time before Blue Dragon graces Western shores and provides fans of the alleged "dream team" the game they’ve longed to play since its announcement and release in Japan. There’s more in store for Blue Dragon…like a sequel and a DS iteration.
Magic Box and C3 both posted rumors regarding a possible sequel to Blue Dragon that’s dependent on its U.S. sales; furthermore, there’s a possiblity Mistwalker may develop a NDS version of Blue Dragon or a spinoff, depending on their personal preference. We’ll just see have to wait and see just how great Blue Dragon does here in the States.
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February 11th, 2007, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Chishm has released a new DS firmware unpacker
Heres the info:
What does it do?
It decrypts and decompresses all the binaries (parts 1-5 and FlashMe stubs) from a firmware dump.
What use is it?
To satisfy your curiousity.
Can I make my own firmware with this?
No,there is no repacker, but I suppose it isn't too hard to write one now. The worst bit would be writing the compressor for parts 3-5.
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February 11th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Kevin has released a new version of his Network Status app for the DS:
Not a big update, added 1 DS game, Custom Beat Battle: Draglade (J) and updated 5 boxarts.
v1.4.4 - February 10, 2007:
Added 1 DS game (Custom Beat Battle: Draglade (J))
Renamed AEH (Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales)
Removed duplicate game (AFH->ARF)
Updated 5 boxarts
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February 11th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
sinclair44 has updated his dumpSRAM application that allows you to copy the info stored on your flashcart SRAM and copy it to your memory.
More Info
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February 12th, 2007, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
Hopefully this week ill be changing the design of Nintendo DS News to the new Network style as used by Our Nintendo Wii Site
Now i havent decided on a colour scheme for the site, i dont really want to use Green and Blue/red have been used at other DCEmu Sites
So im asking what colour would you like to see the site themed in?
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February 12th, 2007, 07:24 Posted By: wraggster
via infinite
Being developed on PC. Later being ported to PSP, DS and Xbox360 Live Arcade (and possibly Apple Mac).
Galactrix is a unique blend of puzzle, rpg and strategy genres, set in a sci-fi world. It might best be described as a match-3 puzzle game, played against an opponent.
The player will spend their time playing simple addictive puzzle games, but unlike regular puzzle games, these are played versus an enemy. The opponent can be another human (in multiplayer) or an AI-controlled enemy.
It has high replay value, either in single or multi-player, with potentially hundreds of hours of play. There will be a strong 2-4 player component, and excellent support for downloadable content. Overlaying all this is an engaging storyline to play through in single-player.
Key Features
Create a persistent pilot who gains skills and ships as he completes more battles.
Each enemy you fight will require different tactics.
Individual battles require only 5-10 minutes of time.
Experience a conquer-the-galaxy style campaign mode.
Find new objects to make your pilot and ship all-powerful.
Trade supplies throughout the galaxy to increase your wealth.
Meet companions who will join your crew and aid you in battle.
Take your pilot and ship online against other players.
Compete for positions on the online high score tables.
Download new content - ships, items, plans, planets, factions and missions.
Screens at link above
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February 12th, 2007, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
via iphoneworld

If you keep dreaming about the Apple iPhone and have a Nintendo DS, dream no more, as there is a new skin available that transforms both the Nintendo DS M3 Simply and Nintendo DS R4 into an iPhone. Well, not features wise, but at least it will look like an iPhone that underwent some heavy surgery.
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February 12th, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome looking DS game released, heres the details:

Two different heroes with unique powers and weapons
In-game day/night cycle and weather affects gameplay
Use the touch pen to solve puzzles and guide your vehicle through 3D shooter mini games
From the renowned design studio Kojima Productions
Descend into the gothic Sci-Fi world of Lunar Knights and take control of two warriors on a quest to reclaim the world from the vampiric legion. Spin together tornados, guide down flaming meteors, and blow together snowstorms in Kojima Productions first ever title on Nintendo DS®!
Buy at Play Asia
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February 12th, 2007, 07:48 Posted By: wraggster
New book for Nintendo Wii users:

Pages: 208
Complete, easy to follow introduction to the Wii entertainment system.
Customize your book with the Wii stickers included! Your book can look like your Mii!
Thorough explanation of the Wii system menu, including Wii Channels and how to connect the console to the internet.
Mii character creation from start to finish, including how to make celebrity look-alike Miis!
Step-by-step instructions for uploading and editing pictures and making photo puzzles.
Plus: A full strategy guide for Wii Sports--the game included with the Wii console!
Buy at Play Asia
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February 12th, 2007, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
The widespread intrigue surrounding Sonic and the Secret Rings' unique on-rails gameplay will come to an end on March 2, when the game hits UK shops.
Just in case you don't know, Sonic and the Secret Rings has Sonic run along a fixed path as players tilt the Wii Remote to steer Sonic past hazards.
via cvg
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February 12th, 2007, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
If you like the simple but amusing boxing game in the Wii Sports compilation, you'll be happy to know that the Fight Night series could be making its way to Wii.
In an interview with doghouseboxing.com, Fight Night producer, Michael Blank, noted the how well suited the Wii Remote is to the boxing series.
"We're talking about it right now. We're contemplating and we definitely feel there are some exciting things we can do with the Fight Night franchise and the Wii. When you play Wii Boxing it is a very simple experience and I think that is what they designed it to be just to let you know that you can throw punches.
"With Fight Night we have an amazing simulation of Boxing and so we need to take those Wii controls and tailor it to what the Fight Night consumer might want to experience. We are looking at it right now and I am sure you will see something some time in the future on the Wii."
Fight Night on Wii has great potential, but only if EA can strike upon a precise control system that doesn't feel as random and inaccurate as Wii Boxing sometimes feels.
In reference to the estimated release of Fight Night Round 4, Blank comments: "It won't be within the next year, I don't believe .The reason for that is that we want to revolutionize that game again. Just like the XBOX 360/ PS3 with the punch and amazing visuals we want to take the next leap for the next Fight Night."
Blank also cites downloadable content as a feature of the latest games console that Fight Night could likely take advantage of in the future.
via cvg
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February 12th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
The game profile page for Spider-Man 3 on the EB Games website suggests that the Wii version of Spiderman 3 will contain two extra characters: Morbius and Shriek.
The same EBGames page also contains a detailed list of features for the game. These include a new combat system, unique powers that differ when Spider-man changes from his normal suit to the new black one, and a Wii-specific control system that will give players the "sensation of swinging through the city via the Wii Remote".
Oblivious as to where the retail site obtained this information, with nothing regarding exclusive content having been officially announced, CVG went on the prowl.
Activision told CVG that the existence of these characters were not part of any official announcement made by Activision, and therefore suggested that EBGames' claim is mere rumour and speculation.
Could this be part of a leaked press release? We'll keep our ears close to the ground.
via cvg
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February 12th, 2007, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Super Paper Mario will be released for Nintendo Wii on 9th April in the States, Nintendo told its American buddies this afternoon, confirming an earlier report in Nintendo Power to the effect that it would be out that month.
Developed by Intelligent Systems, Super Paper Mario had originally been lined up for the GameCube, but with that console's demise hastened by Wii excitement the game shifted to the newer format, where its platform and role-playing hybrid style will have a chance to find a wide early audience.
Like the N64 and GameCube Paper Mario games (and, to some extent, Alphadream's Mario & Luigi series) before it, Super Paper Mario will consist of side-scrolling platform-style gameplay, directed by holding the Wiimote sideways and using it like a regular game controller, but interestingly it will allow players to switch to three dimensions to aid exploration. Players will also collect Pixls, which add game functionality that draws upon Wiimote capabilities.
If that sounds a bit vague, it's because there simply isn't a huge amount known of the game. The good news is that, given the unquestionable pedigree of past Paper Mario games, it's probably a bit of a dead cert. Expect to see it ripped lovingly to pieces pretty soon after the 9th.
via eurogamer
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February 12th, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster

YONKERS, N.Y., February 12, 2007: Adding to its growing line of gaming headphones, today Turtle Beach announced the Ear Force W3 wireless headphones, designed specifically for use with the Nintendo Wii gaming console system. The W3’s ‘behind the neck’ design keeps them in place, while their connection nature means there are no cords to tangle during the active motions that playing on the Wii can require. The W3 design also complements the Wii color scheme, with a white base and blue accent lettering.
“The Ear Force W3 were designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii experience – they’re so light you can barely tell you’re wearing headphones,” said Seth Dotterer, director of marketing for Turtle Beach. “The Wii can provide great family entertainment, but there are times when you’ll want to play without annoying those around you. Kids can play without disturbing their parents, and adults can play late at night without waking up the neighborhood.”
Based on the same wireless audio technology as the popular Ear Force X2 Xbox® gaming headphones, the W3 can be used with any stereo audio source, such as a TV, PC or MP3 player. The wireless headphones function for over 30 hours with a single AAA battery (included). The Ear Force W3 have an MSRP of $59.95, and are available at retail outlets nationwide, as well as through the Turtle Beach website ( www.TurtleBeach.com) and direct sales center (914-345-2255).
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February 12th, 2007, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
The NES owns the show in today's US Virtual Console update, with Kirby's Adventure, Ice Climber and Kid Icarus going live in the Wii Shop.
Clearly, the theme this week is platforming, with all three of these NES classics featuring jumping aplenty.
And if you're not a fan of "aged" NES games, STOP WHINING. You Americans have A Link to the Past to be getting on with, while we Europeans, sadly, still await the legendary Super NES classic on our late-running Wii Shop.
NES games cost 500 Wii Points.
via cvg
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February 12th, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking to the San Jose Mercury News about sales of both Xbox 360 and Wii, Fils-Aime said, "the question is when" Wii passes rather than if. "That's going to be driven by our own sales rate and getting good software released at the right time. It's clear they are slowing down. It's not unthinkable to see that next year we could surpass their installed base."
In order to do that though, Nintendo needs to bring out some quality Wii titles. Now the launch-period honey moon is coming to an end, and all the company's heavy-hitters are releasing towards the end of the year, the immediate Wii gaming horizon is looking a little light.
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February 12th, 2007, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
A while back, Japan's DS craze red lined, and it got so bad that American DSes were re-imported from America to satisfy the demand. Things quieted off, or so we thought. But even recently, consumers still line-up for DS Lites, and stores, it seems, are too! Writes Kotakuite Scott from Nagasaki:
I was just shopping at my local Yuuing (it's like Tsutaya, books, DVDs, CDs, and games) where they haven't had DS Lites for months now. When they do expect a shipment, maybe once a month or so, they place up posters to let customers know when the sales go down. But, when I went in tonight, they had about 8 units on the shelves. A closer look revealed they are not Japanese versions, but the US and Asia versions (okay, it wasn't a closer look, the big American flags were a give away).
I snapped two photos with my miserable cell phone camera of the poster in the store. You might not be able to read the small text but the general gist is there: American and Asian DS Lites, 19,800 yen (3000 more than the Japanese version), and they cannot be sold back used like most other gaming hardware and software at this store.
Tip for Nintendo, Co. Ltd., how about saving more Lites for the domestic market? Just a thought...
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February 12th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Just a few short days after we posted our challenge for video evidence of a perfect 890 in the Wii Sports bowling "power throws" mini-game, video evidence of the feat has surfaced courtesy of Joystiq reader el moco. Not content to just show off his skills, Mr. moco has also written out the method that led to his perfect run in scientific detail over on the WiiModWii forums. Apparently, imported Belgian beers and a "vocabulary of thousands of cuss words to scream in anger" are the keys to success.
Video Here -->
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February 12th, 2007, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

After six successful generations of hard plastic accessories, who could've guessed that generation seven would bring with it the Wiimote's penchant for screen destruction and innocent-bystander injury? That's why nobody batted an eye at those shiny and solid Wii Sports attachments for simulating golf clubs and tennis rackets in the beginning, but a few contusions later we're all looking for a way to cut down on risk. Enter Nerf with soft, forgiving, foam-built attachments for a bit of added realism for your golf, tennis or baseball game without all the pain. No word on price yet for these suckers, but we've got a feeling they'll be selling like gangbusters when they hit shelves this Summer. Hopefully next up will be a Manhunt 2 Nerf pack with various, erm, attachments for bumping the realism to Rockstar's upcoming murder simulator -- 'cause hitting your buddies with a Nerf baseball bat is only fun the first 500 times or so.
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February 12th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Just got hold of some screenshots of the Nintendogs style game for Ponys (horses)
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February 12th, 2007, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
More details on the 4th Modchip we posted news about last night,
via liquidice
TCNISO has announced their plans to release an open source / open architecture Wii Modchip. The chip, among other things, will allow you to unlock Gamecube Homebrew on your Wii.
The Wiip is going to be available for a mere $20 retail (and that includes shipping!) and will appear in their online shop around 2/27/07.
Also, the schematics, code, and software will be available so you can make one yourself for less than $10!
From their site:
"This mod works by utilizing a cheap and simple microcontroller that communicates with the serial port of the Wii's hybrid DVD drive and overrides certain parts of the media's data stream.
The most important part of this project, is that it is open source! In addition to releasing the Wiip chip, on this page you will soon be able to download the PCB schematics, Wiip firmware and documentation! We hope by creating this project, other users will make modifications to our code for newer updates in the future (if needed)."
More news as it comes in
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February 12th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the latest news from the Cyclowiz Makers:
We just updated the english installation manual with a more detailed procedure for quicksolder in order to avoid any alignment problem. Manuals in Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Swedish were also added to the download section.
Regarding CycloWiz upgrade feature, we'll say it once again, CycloWiz is fully upgradable via DVD. While an official upgrade is not ready yet, we'll demonstrate the feature in the next few days, as it seems there is a demand for it.
Our R&D team is working hard on the D2B chipset, we'll have some news about it later today or tommorrow, so stay tuned!
You can buy Cyclowiz the Nintendo Wii Modchip at Mr Modchips (uk) & Divineo USA
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February 12th, 2007, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Bad news for European gamers: Cooking Mama: Cook Off was originally scheduled for late March, but rumor has it that the game has been pushed back over a month to May 10th. Tragic!
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February 12th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
During an interview with Reggie, he reiterates that Pokemon Battle Revolution is still set to launch the Wii's online functionality in the US. He backs up this statement by also offering up that third parties are now finally starting to receive online dev kits, giving the hope that we could all be enjoying online gaming in the coming months.
Of course, Reggie doesn't go on to describe which third parties had received these kits or confirmed any other titles beyond Pokemon Battle Revolution, so we'll be sure to update you as soon as these games are revealed.
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February 12th, 2007, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
You wait for ages and 5 come along in a few weeks, a new chip in the making called Wiibuster does everything you would expect from a modchip.
When we know its for real ill give more info.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
via ketchup site comes a new Atari ST Emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres the translated info:
StyxDS is an emulator Atari ST for Nintendo DS. It is based on castaway of Jhoenig.
The speed of emulation is currently 60% on average.
With you Xenon 2, Rick Dangerous and other plays of legend.
Among the functionalities, one finds:
- Support of the discs to the format .st
- Management of the sound.
- Support DLDI
Level use, it is enough for you to copy the Romanian one and the discs in the root or the /roms/st repertory of your chart flash, patcher the nds with patchor DLDI and of launching this homebrew from your Nintendo DS
All the roms 1.x and 2.x should function but that which I use for my developments is the v1.02 (tos102fr.img). It is necessary to re-elect it in tos.bin.
It is a version alpha! They comprise many bugs and I of it am conscious.
Do not ask me the ROMANIAN nor the discs. Google is your best friend to find an image of your favorite plays (All the releases of the Automation group are, for example, available after 3 clicks on the site of the emulator Steem Engine).
My future improvements will aim at the acceleration of the CPU, the management of the files .msa (the .msa are convertible in .st starting from the software available on the site of Zorg) or of another software usable in line of order, the improvement of the sound, the saves-states, a keyboard a little more ST friendly
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February 13th, 2007, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
The American website for Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales (previously known as Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book) has launched, providing us with a better explanation of the game's story, as well as characters. The entire site itself lacks full accessibility at the moment, however Square Enix have been kind enough to grant us some wallpapers and other goodies to tide us over.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
With the news of the American site launch for Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales hitting us, more website-related news arrives in the form of the Japanese website launch for Professor Layton. The real news, however, is that the website is home to some interesting things, namely screens and experience videos.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Next month's Game Developers Choice Awards are set to feature someone very close to our hearts. Shigeru Miyamoto, the daddy of all good things Nintendo, is going to receive this year's Lifetime Achievement award. The official announcement lauds Miyamoto's two decades of contributions to Nintendo, highlighting his involvement in all the best games ever. Previous recipients include Yuji Naka and Will Wright, and while they're great and all, frankly we're surprised they don't hook Miyamoto up with this award every year.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
If you haven't picked up Lunar Knights yet, you can kick back and watch this video instead to get your fix. It's better than sitting around snacking on the Valentine's Day chocolate you're supposed to be saving for that special someone on Wednesday.
It's us, right? We know. We like you, too.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
More news from the CnCDS Project:
I’ve been working ‘under the hood’ a bit. I want to continue work in the weapons code but I’ve been ‘forced’ to rework the debug system and do some research on path-finding. This is good because I’d have to of done it at some point anyway but I didn’t want to do it now because it’s not contributing directly to the next game ROM release. Sorry guys! The research on path finding has been very interesting though because I’ve confirmed some of my earlier ideas (as unoriginal as they are) will work. I’ve prototyped them out and they seem to do what I expected. The debug system changes will be totally transparent to you guys but will help prevent memory fragmentation and save some precious RAM
Anyway I got the laser beam actually attacking now, but the next step is reload times. I’ve got a system outlined that should let me define all sorts of interesting firing/reloading patterns. Can’t wait to show you!
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February 13th, 2007, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
GPF has released a new version of the Commodore 64 emulator for the Nintendo DS
Heres whats new:
OK here is a new version that implements picodrive's file chooser to select which disk you want to mount on drive 8.
also I think I fixed the select button for select which joystick port you want.
Download at the Release Thread Here at DCEmu
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February 13th, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Smeahas released a platform game for the Nintendo DS:
I begin a new project, a little different from my FPS, but *normalement* less better, and even better once not completed. Of course I will continue to work on my FPS… but not immediately. I think of concentrating on this new project - which has a name not revealed with the passage - for the three next months, or not. Ca will depend on my mood. I thus put FPSonline in standby, time to advance in this new project. The project is started already a little. It is a play in side scrolling, with decorations in tiles, 2D thus, and characters/object in 3D (a little in New Super Mario Bros).
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February 13th, 2007, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Lucas who took over the Licks Media Player project for Nintendo DS has released a new version, heres whats new:
New in this version:
- Shuffle mode
- Fixed a bug that may cause freezing when mp3 is finishing
- Animated progressbar
- Much better quality volume control
Known problems:
- FLAC playback have some problems
If you are experiencing freezing, try formatting your card and copying everything again. That solves a lot of problems with corrupted FATs. If it still doesn't work, try holding A or B (or both) when starting the program (that'll disable loading of ID3 tags and playlists, respectively).
If you're still experiencing problems when starting, hold START while starting, and post the last message on screen.
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February 13th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from ratx for those with the Slot 1 Supercard One flash cart:
This is a batch script and utilities to patch your own wallpaper into the latest english msforsc.nds. It basically replaces the existing sclogo.b15 with your own file. It also removes the bootup error screen. The limitations are that your wallpaper.png has to be less than or around 18k to 26k as a png. Please read the readme.txt.
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February 13th, 2007, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Oxtob has updated DSMidiWifi, heres whats new:
There were some serious problems with KaosDS which caused a delay in the sent MIDI messages after some time of usage. It turns out the new devkitPro r20 makes some changes that fix the problem. So, I updated all three DS apps to v1.1.
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February 13th, 2007, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Cyberced has updated the table footie game for the DS:
heres whatsnew:
Collisions between the players and the edges function
Improvement of graphics (the baby foot is now in beech)
Installation of the “blocks” (I do not know too much how that apelle) black which block the players when one draws the cane towards us and who normally rebondisent against the springs.
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February 13th, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Bundled with a Wii Remote, Wii Play offers a little something for everyone who enjoyed the pick-up-and-play gaming of Wii Sports.
Wii Play is made up of nine games that will test the physical and mental reflexes of players of all ages. Whether you pick up the Wii Remote to play the shooting gallery that harkens back to the days of Duck Hunt or use it to find matching Miis, a world of fun is in your hands!
In addition to the shooting gallery and Mii-matching game, Wii play offers billiards, air hockey, tank battles, table tennis rally, Mii poses and a cow-riding race.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 13th, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
After having revived the N64 classic, Diddy Kong Racing, on the DS, Rare looks set to continue its support for the handheld with future projects that could include miniaturised versions off Viva Pinata and Kameo.
Shane Kim, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft Game Studios, told 1UP.com: "A Kameo or a Viva Pinata on a DS makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways from a franchise perspective."
Despite a luke-warm reception at retail, Kim says: "I think it's fair to say that we're going to continue to invest in that property [Viva Pinata].
"Whether that is in the form of a sequel, a product line extension or through merchandising, whatever the case may be, that's something that we're going to stick with."
He later comments: "Whether you're talking about [publishing games on] mobile or the DS -- you probably won't see it on the PSP, though."
Work on 360 continues as ever at Rare, as Kim explains: "Right now the number of things that Rare is looking at on 360 includes a number of 360 prototype projects," Spencer said. "Some of them involve games that we've shipped before; some of them involve new ideas."
via cvg
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February 13th, 2007, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Check out the rollercoaster-like courses and high-flying leaps of faith in store for the Wii-exclusive SSX Blur, due out here in UK on March 16.
SSX Blur uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk in interesting ways to get your boarder racing down the mountainous slopes and performing insane tricks almost entirely by using subtle movements.
CVG came away from our early hands-on preview pleasantly surprised by how intuitive - despite being initially confusing - the controls turned out to be.
As you take a gander at these new screens, bear in mind that they don't do the game justice. We played it on a 32" LCD screen and the stretching geometry and fluffy snow looked great - and that was through a crappy AV composite cable.
Screenshots at link above
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February 13th, 2007, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have let us know that the Cyclowiz Modchip has a new version out that works on all Chipsets of the Wii including the D2B chipset.
Divineo China are selling the modchip for $39
Heres more info:

This is the latest version of Cyclo-Wiz, now compatible with ALL models of Wii consoles available on the market (including D2B).
Play imports (only JAP/USA), backups, and more, all in an easy to install modchip at a low price for a high production quality
Specifications & extra information
- Very easy to install : It takes less than one minute to solder a CycloWiz mod. Thanks to the quicksolder patterns on the PCB, no wires are required during the installation. Simply align the CycloWiz PCB over the drive PCB and solder the PCB at five different points. You're still free to use wires instead of quicksolder if you want to.
- Stealth even when the mod is enabled: Its advanced stealth mechanism makes the drive act as if it was not patched. When playing backups, the main Wii CPU doesn't receive even one byte of data that would differ from an original disc.
- Play GC Homebrew and GC Imports
- GC homebrew code boots directly, like backups. GC imports can be played using a boot disc. (*)
- Built-in Audiofix (GC games using streaming are working flawlessly, no patch needed): CycloWiz includes code to play correctly games using audio streaming. While all GC mods offer this feature, it was harder to implement on Wii. No patching required.
- Multi-Disc games support: CycloWiz is totally transparent when it comes to changing discs. GC multi-disc games are working, and if multi-disc Wii games are to be released, they'll work just fine.
- DVD-R / DVD+R support: Both 8cm and 12cm discs are supported.
- Optional chip disable wire: Are you paranoid enough so that stealth mode is not good enough for you? Don't worry, using an extra wire you could enable the mod just when you want to, by turning on the Wii while pressing the reset button.
- Multipurpose LED: CycloWiz LED will help you troubleshoot your installation in case of an installation problem. If it's ON it means that the chip is working, if it flashes it means there is an error, and if it's OFF it means the chip is not powered correctly.
(*) While adding a swap-free import feature would have been trivial, the chip could be easily detected then. It was decided that beeing stealth was more important, so using a boot disc is required.
- Quicksolder (no wires required)
- Plays Homebrew (GC format)
- Play GC Imports (swap needed)
- Plays Wii CDR/DVD±R
- Plays GC CDR/DVD±R
- Built-in Audiofix (no patch needed)
- Compatible with Multi-Disc
- Optional chip disable wire
- Stealth mode.
- Multi-purpose LED
- ESD packing.
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February 13th, 2007, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
A man known only as "Mgoblue" has uploaded the entire script of The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess to the internet, a document so large it engulfed 212 pages of our common word-processor.
It contains absolutely everything, even the author's own feelings regarding the Zelda series as a whole. Naturally you should be aware of the consequences before you follow our internet trail to the guide, as it does contain spoilers, although the epic piece is split into chapters and sections for easier navigation.
It really is a beautiful beast. Sit by our fire, let us read you an excerpt:
Hey! Link! You there?
Hey, you mind helpin' me herd the goats?
They ain't listenin' to me lately!
Hey, where's Epona?
It's the second project by the self proclaimed "arteest", the previous being a highly-rated Star Fox Assault guide. We think it's all a little weird, but we can't fault his effort.
He also seems to be quite open to emails; ready to talk about anything Zelda.
"I can probably recite every line of dialogue front and back and while burping and can espouse all the crazy timeline theories that abound and what it all means in the grand scheme of things," he adds at the bottom of his creation.
What would you ask him?
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February 13th, 2007, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Forget about the old "ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS" code. Ain't gonna work with the Virtual Console version of Kid Icarus released Monday. A warning attached to the game download states: "The original Kid Icarus allowed players to use secret passwords; however, Virtual Console does not support these passwords."
The omission of these codes is likely a result of the original cartridge depending on an included module to process the codes; Virtual Console was not designed to emulate this specific component. Similar to Mario Kart ghost data or rumble feedback, Kid Icarus codes are dependent on hardware external to the game file. It simply isn't cost effective for Nintendo to patch VC to support these apparently minor features; unless the service encounters a backlash. You willing to stand up for those cheat codes?
via joystiq
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February 13th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play asia:

Officially licensed item
Limited availability
Contains 1 out of 6 Nintendo DS Lite Card Case (shipped randomly!)
Buy at Play Asia
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February 13th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
New Weekly offer from Play Asia, heres the details:

Metroid Fusion is a side-scrolling action/adventure game with an intriguing sci-fi storyline and stunning graphics. Controlling a bounty hunter named Samus Aran, players explore vast futuristic environments in a mission to destroy an army of deadly parasites.
Metroid Fusion expertly mixes action and adventure elements to create a rich, highly stylized gaming experience. Like the original Metroid titles, Samus begins the game in a weak state and must locate power-ups to slowly become stronger. Almost everything Samus uses is upgradeable, including bombs, missiles, suits and the arm cannon. In addition to the old favorites, Metroid Fusion delivers several new power-ups as well.
Nintendo's Gameboy Advance™ classic Metroid Fusion is now available at discounted US$ 11.90 only.
Game features:
Explore huge side-scrolling futuristic environments crawling with secrets and new enemies!
Upgrade Samus's suit with amazing power-ups like the Morph Ball, Space Jump, Screw Attack, Varia Suit, Wave Beam and more.
Connect with Metroid Prime for Nintendo GameCube to access cool special features!
Follow Samus Aran through an engrossing storyline brought to life by thrilling cut-scenes.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 1 unit per customer.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 13th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
via wired
So I'm watching the World Business Report on BBC World and there's a story about Google being attacked by media conglomerates about copyrighted videos on YouTube. Apparently the BBC have decided to get their AP feed from Nintendo these days...
I wonder if the News Channel is still filled with creepy stories about sex crimes. Speaking of which, I wonder if they'll release Wonder Momo on the US Virtual Console.
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February 13th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
The Pensive Gamer have done a great article loooking at homebrew on the Wii and the future of it:
Of all the current generation console makers, Nintendo appears to be the most reluctant when it comes to legitimate homebrew. They currently do not have an official strategy unlike Sony and Microsoft. While they said games by independent developers will happen fairly soon through a new Games Channel, I would guess 'independent developers' doesn't mean 'amateur/homebrew developers'. I'm sure we will find out at this year's GDC.
While Nintendo may not have an official homebrew strategy, the Wii appears to be the first of the current generation consoles to be hacked (no soldering required) to support homebrew applications and emulators. However, the only avenue suitable for mass market homebrew is the optional download of the Opera 9 web browser. The browser is currently a free beta but will apparently cost $5 dollars a few months after its official release.
The Web Browser
Nintendo's choice of Opera makes a lot of sense. Opera is feature rich and is available for numerous platforms including mobile phones and even the Nintendo DS. What is curious is the need to download it. Why not include it in the Wii, particularly when a less feature rich version of the Opera 9 browser is included and used by the Shopping Channel?
Perhaps it was the need to pay royalties or the fact it was going to take more time to perfect. Regardless, a downloadable browser that supports JavaScript, CSS and Flash (up to version 7) certainly provides a wealth of possibilities, like the PS3. Unlike the PS3 there is more talk of people doing web-based Wii homebrew. There are sites tracking usable Flash games, people figuring out how controller input gets mapped to JavaScript and Flash, and even media centers.
We are talking about web applications so many, if not all, of these applications and games will work on the PS3. However, people are building the sites and applications because of the Wii and as I mentioned in the PS3 article, you can build experiences sðecific to the console using user agent detection. Perhaps that is what WiiAim will do.
Console detection is important since there is a big discrepancy in the screen resolution offered by the Wii, which is primarily designed for standard definition television, and the PS3, which is primarily designed for high definition television. So if you are looking to build web sites or applications specifically for the Wii this design guide may be of help.
If there is anything to be concerned with, and this applies to any console based web browser, it's security. All web browsers have security holes, it is just a matter of finding them. Given the Wii's web browser is Opera 9 it has a high chance of having Opera 9 security holes.
In fact a vulnerability was already found early this year. The vulnerability can cause the Wii to crash requiring a power on/off to fix the problem. This may point to a weak or non-existent sandbox around the browser, which in turn could mean the potential to either brick the Wii or have the Wii run unintended code upon visiting a malicious web page.
This isn't scare mongering, the Wii just happens to be the first of the current generation consoles to have such a vulnerability revealed. Of course, I don't expect too many people to do their online banking via their Wii.
In general, seeing console vulnerabilities isn't much of a surprise. Traditionally consoles were closed gaming systems but today all the consoles are online and getting features that blur the line with a traditional computer. Hopefully all three console makers have done adequate vulnerability assessments of their system software and will patch adequately.
Bottom-line: In the PS3 article I mentioned web-based console homebrew being a wild card with potential. It is the Wii that is leading this charge. I doubt Nintendo will officially support it, but Wii owners are definitely making a mark. While security issues may eventually be a concern, the big thing that may stand in the way is that the web browser must be downloaded and will eventually have a small fee.
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February 13th, 2007, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
TG-16 Virtual Console game Military Madness, though a bit of a cult-favorite, has been plagued with numerous bugs since release. Scrolling glitches galore have caused many a gamer many a problem, but Hudson has taken advantage of this crazy new idea that's been rolling around these days: updates.
Yes, a wonderful "update" button will greet any owners of the game who journey to its page in the Wii Shop Channel, and a glorious button it is. This technically opens up the possibilities of adding new functionality to games already released on the VC ... Wi-Fi enabled Mario Kart 64, anyone? We can dream, right?
via wiifanboy
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February 13th, 2007, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Amponzi has released a new version of his unnofficial release of the DSEmulator for windows.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed potential memory leak
- Fixed issues with hardware sound buffering on some cards
- Slight graphical fixes
- Other bugfixes
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February 13th, 2007, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via stephens weblog
So, things aren’t exactly moving along as fast as I’d like… Here’s the status of a few things that are near the front of my queue:
* Apprentice Exam, round 2 - I’ve just been lazy putting this together… it’s about half done, I will finish the other half and post it sometime. Not sure when exactly, yet.
* Spartan-3E logic analyzer - Hardware side on this is done now (not completely tested) - Software side is started, but not usable yet. Once it gets to be usable, I’ll continue work on Wii RE’ing.
There are a handful of other things I’m doing too, but they’re not quite as interesting or important… I’ll update when more gets done.
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February 13th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
via Zoelen`s site:
A small demo that shows a panoramic view
This demo detects the DSerial card with tiltsensor. If you got that then you can hold the DS as a book and move the images around just by tilting the DS.
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February 13th, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
The DS Lite, which launched last month in Korea, is already following a certain Big N exec's mantra and is busily kicking ass and taking names, despite some issues. In its first week, the DS Lite boasted sales of 32,000, and if the handheld's performance elsewhere in the world is any indication, expect every single person in South Korea to have at least one by this time next year.
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February 13th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Jeux France is reporting a juicy rumor about espers in FFXII: Revenant Wings. Not only is Shiva rumored to be included, but the super hot (cold?) ice goddess is bringing along a few members of her family. Apparently, there will be others, like a male version (Shiva's husband), and a young female child Shiva. We're not sure what role these might play, but it definitely makes for an interesting rumor. Jeux France expects confirmation (or negation) soon.
If this is true, we just hope that Little Shiva finds a few more scraps of clothing, or it may change the game just a little, and we'll be facing another one of these situations.
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February 13th, 2007, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
LDAsh posted this call for help:
I've been wanting to work on a Nintendo-handheld homebrew project for a while now. I was talking with a chap (whose name I won't mention) about aiming for a big serious commercial project, but he has since given up responding to my e-mails so I've gone ahead and continued working on it by myself anyway. I have put together a small PC alpha version and am currently looking for playtesters familiar with NintendoDS and its gameplay styles who are willing to give some detailed feedback about the project, what they want in a new NDS game and how we could improve it, and more importantly looking for programmers who are interested in and able to help me get this project together and playable on NintendoDS hardware, and so hopefully later try our best to get it published.
It's a futuristic top-down shoot 'em up, you control a nasty hover-tank vehicle equipped with multiple weapons (primary and secondary) and your aim is to destroy the bad guys and rescue the good guys, completing various objectives along the way and working your way through massive military bases, research facilities and outdoor environments on other planets in our solar system. Typical stuff, really. My job and focus is on the graphics, I've had a few years experience with high-quality 3D rendering and that's how I'll be doing most of the graphics for this project. Instead of cartoonish graphics like many other NintendoDS titles, I really want to push for gritty prerendered 3D graphics with a lot of shiny metals and special effects, some of which you'll see already working in the first alpha. If the project evolves enough, I'll be very committed to filling the project with some lovely full-screen prerendered video cinematics and cutscenes throughout the game.
Here is the team website, plenty of examples of previous work and other current projects:-
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February 14th, 2007, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
GPF our resident Dreamcast and Nintendo DS Coder has on his Coders Site posted these screens and also some news regarding the port of the classic FPS game to Nintendo`s console:
Heres what he posted:
LOL, its still needs a lot of work, no sound and its pretty slow. I need some time to try to remove SDL and use libnds directly and see if I can make it faster.
Keep your eyes on GPF`s Site here at the DCEmu Network --> http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk
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February 14th, 2007, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alan:
I called it a mini game because I was really going to release it in a bigger game collection, like a minigame collection. But I guess I never got around doing that.
Anyway, here it is. Programmed it in C, powered by PAlib. The goal is to save as many people as possible from falling out of a building, with a trampoline, and get the highest score. The game will reset when you lose over twenty people.
Hope you enjoy my game!
- Alan
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February 14th, 2007, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Today The Game Factory, famed publishers of Care Bears: Care Quest and Franklin the Turtle: A Birthday Surprise, announced a partnership with Build-a-Bear Workshop to bring a game based on the animal creation station to the Nintendo DS. A staple of many a mall across the country, Build-a-Bear Workshops allow teddy bear enthusiasts to piece together unique stuffed animals right in the store.
The game will operate much like the store, allowing gamers to build, care for, and dress their own furry companions. There are also 20 mini-games to be unlocked and played with your bear.
Developed by Neko Entertainment (Franklin the Turtle), Build-a-Bear will utilize the DS touch screen, microphone, and Wi-Fi multiplayer.
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February 14th, 2007, 12:05 Posted By: Darksaviour69
A brand new channel launches today for the Wii Menu providing a quick, easy and fun way to cast your answers to a multitude of different questions. The Everybody Votes Channel allows you to compare and contrast your opinions with those of friends, family and people from across the globe. With a regularly updated supply of new questions to ponder, this is a great way to discover not only differences between you and your family, but also between your country and others!
″If you have ever wondered whether many other people share the same opinions, preferences, likes or dislikes as you, then the Everybody Votes Channel is a quick and easy way to quell those curiosities″ says Laurent Fischer, Marketing Director, Nintendo of Europe. ″From whether people believe in aliens to what they would do if they had 1 million Euros, this quirky but addictive channel lets you find out what others think as well as being a great discussion starter with family and friends!″
This latest addition to the Wii Menu features different general poll questions for users to answer. Three questions will always be offered. These will then closed after a week and updated with new ones. When accessing the main page of the Everybody Votes Channel, users will be greeted with the current polls open and can then register their votes by clicking on their chosen one.
Within hours of the poll closing, the latest regional results of the poll will be made available and will be displayed for each region of the relevant country. Vote ratios for each question will be displayed on the Channel using hundreds of Miis to represent the different votes.
The previous twelve polls that a player has voted on are archived so they can check back on them after they have closed. Each time a new poll closes, if the user has voted on it, it is added to the archive and the oldest one on there is deleted.
In addition to casting a vote, users can also predict the outcome of the poll. Every correct prediction will be added to the player’s profile and used to calculate how tuned in they are with general public opinion, which is shown in the ″How Tuned In Are You? ″ section.
Users are able to register a total of six different players on each Wii console using Mii data and names from the Mii Channel, meaning that each member of the household can have their own say on a poll. The Everybody Votes Channel records all of the votes cast by a player and allows them to check their opinions against those of their family using vote results as well as their ″How Tuned In Are You?″ results. This allows users to compare numbers of consecutive wins and overall wins versus losses recorded.
As well as providing three different sets of general poll questions each week, the ‘Everybody Votes Channel’ also features worldwide poll questions. These are set twice a month and run for approximately two weeks, with live result updates appearing just hours after the vote closes.
Miis illustrate the global vote ratio and a bar graph shows the results for each different country globally. Players can sort these results by vote percentage, country or in order of prediction accuracy.
An additional feature of this channel is the ″Suggest a Question″ section, which allows players to suggest a poll topic they would like to see on the service. Each player is allowed to make up to one suggestion a day, the best of which may be converted into a poll question by Nintendo.
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February 14th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's epic PS2 adventure, Okami, could be making its way if recent internet rumours are to be believed.
An "industry insider" has told IGN that the Japan-based developer is "seriously considering" porting the late PS2 classic to Wii.
This report comes despite a Capcom representative telling the site that a port is unlikely considering Clover Studios, who developed the game, is closing next month.
CVG called Capcom UK in the hunt for more info but was given the same official line: "There are currently no plans to bring Okami to Wii."
But we remain stubbornly optimistic - many of the innovative gameplay mechanics in Okami would suit the Wii Remote perfectly.
Suffice to say we'll be keeping a keen ear out.
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February 14th, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Finally, new details for Sadness on Wii have emerged after months of worrying silence.
The mysterious survival thriller for Wii will have to take on the roll of Maria having just survived a serious train crash, the latest issue of Game Informer reveals.
Maria has to watch over her little brother, Alexander, who was unfortunately blinded during the crash, but things take an X-Files-style turn when Alexander starts acting "odd".
Without weapons, Maria and Alexander have to make use of environmental objects in their struggle to survive the chilling events that await.
Although still we're still light on actual gameplay info, at least these emerging details confirm that work on the elusive thriller is ongoing, in a top-secret underground base, we assume.
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February 14th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A true universal VGA box compatible with all consoles on todays market: Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii.
Compatible with both PAL and NTSC system, it is available with European or US power supply. A plug and play installation will give you Ypbpr input with all consoles!
- Compatible with all consoles.(Wii™, PS3™, XB360™, PS2™, Xbox™ etc )
- Works on both PAL and NTSC system.
- Double scan conversion (31.5KHz for NTSC, 31.25KHz for PAL).
- Output resolution ; NTSC (60Hz) 858 x 525 PAL (50Hz) 864 x 625
- YpbPr (works for all consoles with Ypbpr input).
- Automatically memorizes your adjustments.
- Plug and play installation.
- With power supply (110V or 220-240V) and a Multi-Ypbpr cable.
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February 14th, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
EA's upcoming Godfather: Blackhand Edition for Wii will incorporate motion-sensing controls to let you hammer the faces of your enemies - or any random granny, if you're that way inclined - by swinging your fists with the Wii Remote in hand.
As you can see, graphically it look pretty much the same as the Xbox game, but we'll wait to see it running before we make any final judgements.
Nobody will be able to call the Wii a console for kids by the end of the year, with Godfather, Driver, Scarface AND Manhunt 2 all on the way.
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February 14th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo
McBride, concerned parent, overbearing mother, and all-around crazy lady, just made a commentary on NPR. McBride is apparently regretting purchasing a Wii for her kids, saying that she's not satisfied they're off the couch and actually moving about, but that they should be outside actually doing the things they simulate in the games.
It's not enough that they're actually working up a sweat playing the Wii, oh no, she wants them to work up a sweat actually playing the sport.
She then proceeds to patronize her own children's new affinity for sports via Wii Sports. She mocks their sudden interest in these virtual sports and their so-called "exercise," despite the obvious physical benefits. She belittles their understanding of the real sports, only to widen her target to attack all the over-weight children of America and their newfound self-esteem before finally questioning whether or not these children will ever know the true sense of accomplishment that only reality can provide.
You go girl. Show those children who's boss.
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February 14th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Commercial game released:

The eagerly awaited sequel to Treasure's 2006 smash-hit fighter Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei, Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Chinkon Uta sports new characters, new and improved movelists, a revamped Wi-Fi interface for cross-continental battling, and more than double the innovative Reifu cards that made the original so tense and strategic.
Bleach DS 2nd also sees the return of all the previous game modes, in addition to the all-new "Mission Mode" that allows players to face off against Hollows for the first time.
Boasting an impressively large character roster, jaw-dropping signature moves, techniques and weapons, and impressive, easy-to-se Wi-Fi capabilities.
Today's shipment of Sega's Bleach DS 2nd: Kokui Hirameku Chinkon Uta covers around 50% of all preorders. We are expecting another shipment to come in tomorrow clearing all further outstanding preorders. However due to limited supply in the market, new orders are only likely to be filled after the Chinese New Year holidays.
Buy From Play Asia
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February 14th, 2007, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Commercial Game released

Death Note: Kira Game is based on the Japanese (anime) series. Kira Game is a strategy game where the player takes on the role of Kira or L. These are just titles, as any character can be Kira or L. The player will attempt to deduce who their enemy is (Kira will try to uncover L's identity and vice versa).
This will play out in 3 phases: Investigation, where the player will discuss the case and clues with other characters; Voting, where each member of the investigation team casts a vote on who they suspect is L or Kira based on the player's performance in the previous phase; L/Kira, where the player can either focus their investigation on one member to see if they are Kira (L part) or force a member off of the team (Kira part).
Death Note: Kira Game for Nintendo DS™ is shipping today as US$ 48.90 only. Also make sure to check out the Death Note movie release, which contains lots of animations and effects from Konami.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 14th, 2007, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Yet another modchip called the Awiier has been announced, same as the other modchips it does the usual features, once more info becomes available i shall post news about it.
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February 14th, 2007, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
Taito’s upcoming Wii game Furu Furu Park is a mini game collection cross dating sim. In the game’s main mode you play as a junior high school student who looks up to Sonic Blastman and is learning how to impress a girl. Each time you play a mini game you earn phrases to woo one of the five girls. For the thirty plus mini games Taito is drawing on some of their classics. The box art has Bub & Bob from Bubble Bobble, Arkanoid, and Kiki Kaikai.
Escape! Submarine – In this game you shake the remote to move your sub and race against another player.
Birdman – Players hold the remote control like a bicycle or steering wheel and use tilt control to guide your human powered flying machine.
Kiki Kaikai – A revival from the Famicom/MSX game where players hold the remote control like a gamepad to play.
Super Karate – In this fighting mini game you copy remote control movements with the remote to win.
Sonic Blastman 20XX – Taito is bringing back their arcade beat ‘em up hero, Sonic Blastman for a mini game where players hold the remote in their fist and punch meteors flying towards them.
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February 15th, 2007, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy

We have no idea how we missed this, but better late than never. See, the above was loving cross-stitched by flickr user CrystalPowell and presents just what we look for here at DS Fanboy: a rabid love of Nintendo. Proudly displaying such games as Tetris, Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, and the Mario Bros. from Super Mario Bros. 3, with the icing on the cake being a bold red Nintendo logo dead center at the top, we find ourselves wishing that we could envelope our body in warm Nintendo love every night when we go to bed.
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February 15th, 2007, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Now, a couple of things should be noted before you head on past the post break and check the video out. For one, the individual in question does not use the original NES controller, opting out for the arcade joystick controller instead. Also, he does use a warp to zip past a few worlds. Still though, it's an impressive display of skill.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Go into any dentist office and you can probably dig up one of those Highlights magazines that's chock full of "What's wrong with this picture" challenges. Most of them have already been defaced by the time you get your hands on the issue since your dentist is one of the more popular ones in the neighborhood, of course, but wouldn't it be great if you could get that experience on the Nintendo DS? That's apparently Namco's mindset as it's bringing a quirky, but admittedly surprisingly cool and addictive little game called QuickSpot to the system.
QuickSpot is Namco's continuation of its capitalization of Nintendo's "brain training" focus for DS products. This game pushes one type of theme: matching differences between an image on the upper screen and the same image on the lower screen. As fast as you can, spot the difference (or differences) and circle it with the stylus. Get it right and you'll move onto a different picture. After a set amount of time, you'll be graded on speed, circle accuracy, specific recognition of elements. That score will stay with you on the cartridge, and each day you can track your progress.
Namco clearly had a lot of fun coming up with images to display in the challenges. Some of them are random bits of art, some are parodies of anime and film, while others are based around Namco's enormous library of videogames, past and present. It's hard to say how many different images are in QuickSpot, but we've seen a ton. Many are reused and recycled, but even when you've seen an image, you might find at least ten different things that don't match up...so even if you know the picture, you won't know what's wrong with it.
Hey, we all laughed when Namco revealed a DS version of Point Blank, a game that's nothing but a bunch of challenges where you tap on the screen as quickly as possible. And believe it or not, that actually turned out pretty darn nice. Now here's a game where it's about looking at the upper screen and circling differences on the lower screen. And the same thing: it actually works as a full-on DS product.
It's a one-trick pony, but in our early playtime with the near-final game, Namco stretches this idea out pretty well: you've got challenges where you have to match differences that move, that are on the same image but upside down, and others where you have to scratch away a silver layer before you can see the image..
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February 15th, 2007, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
So you've managed to rack up a ton of high scores on Electronic Arts' Pogo.com server playing all sorts of crazy little Flash-based games, huh? Care to take that experience on the road? Because five of the more popular games on Pogo.com are heading to the Nintendo DS, and everything you do in this compilation can benefit you if you've got a Pogo.com account using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service. EA let us go hands-on with a near final version of Pogo Island for the handheld, and if you like casual games you'll probably find a lot to like in this collection.
Pogo Island takes five games popularized on the Pogo.com website and condenses them for play on the touchscreen, dual-screen handheld system. Poppit is a familiar puzzle game where you remove two or more balloons from a stack -- the rest of the stack shifts around when gaps are made, so it's strategic to pop balloons that will allow others to settle in for a bigger combo. Word Whomp is a "word scramble" where you try to form the set of three, four, five, and six letter words out of the six letters that are given to you. Squelchies is a cool puzzle game where you pull down colored critters from a stack on the upper screen and slide them into other columns to form bigger chains to remove them from play. Tri-Peaks Solitaire is a neat variation of the card game where you can only remove face up cards that are one value higher or lower than the face up card in the stack. And finally, Phlinx: a variation of Bust-a-Move that puts heavier emphasis on dropping stacks of colored gems instead of removing them with like-colored chains.
All of these games are tied together in what's called the Adventure Mode, where you wander a board game playing each of the mini-challenges. There are also smaller stand-alone games within Adventure Mode where you'll have to perform tasks like sorting nuts and bolts of like-color into the proper bin while they fall into play. All of these games use the Nintendo DS's touch screen function...even the spinner, where you find out how many spaces to move, is spun with a flick of the stylus.
The Nintendo DS version allows three different profiles to be saved to cartridge, which will come in handy because you'll probably have multiple people in your household playing to earn tokens which can then be applied to your attached Pogo.com account. By connecting your Nintendo DS to the internet via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service you can transfer tokens earned in the adventure mode as well as the individual challenges. But that's as far as the online support goes -- any competitive simultaneous multiplayer is handled locally, and it's only in one game: Word Whomp. The game has an alternating multipayer in the form of Party Play, where as many as four players share the system as the game dictates which game each person plays.
Pogo Island's developed to sort of fit the Pogo.com style like a glove, so most of the games and its interface have been designed with a minimalist appearance -- don't expect the game to floor you with elaborate 3D visuals. But simple works, and works well on the Nintendo DS.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Bob Fossil has released a new version of his game:
Due to emulator bugs and switching to the latest devkit and libnds, I've built this version as a single file .nds. Maybe I'll add FAT word list support back in if there's enough demand.
What's new v0.04:
Built with latest libnds - touch screen should be better.
Single filed the code - word list is now built in. Should run from any directory on your card now.
Word generation is a lot faster.
Fix for valid words being skipped in certain circumstances during generation.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Campanile has released a new version of his app for the DS:
I didn't work on it for a while, but here are the small updates.
Last updates toward v0.3:
A lot of bugs fixed (ie fishes swiming anims when hungry, sprites corruptions, zoom and rotations issues (limit the tank to 32 fishes though), and much more... Some code cleaning too, there's always stuffs to clean...
Menu System, now it can be called a game since it has a main menu. No, in game menu not here yet...
Tested Menu class flexibility, used for main menu and pause menu.
"Smooth" transitions between screens, maybe other effects to be added later...
In game upper screen interface, not that good yet.
crappy intro animation for levels.
Almost full sound and musics.
Damn, added a few bugs, dunno why...
Added bubbles object.
Food is now set at stylus position instead of top of the tank.
Forgot to mention in 0.2, lots of graphics have been improved/optimized.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Flipper Critters, an arcade-style pinball game for DS, will release in UK on March 15.
Along with its cutesy pinball action, Flipper Critters mixes in RPG-elements to form an adventure that takes players through fantasy locations full of sorcerers, magic and all that stuff.
Flipper Critters was actually due for release last month but was delayed. We bet you were devastated when you heard that news.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Other than the cutesy make-over, very little has been revealed regarding MySims, in development exclusively for Wii and DS, until now.
The latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) reveals that you start off in a small rundown town, with a rubbish house and not so many residents. You make it your mission to brighten the place up, which attracts new people to your town.
Even though the character design looks simple, the game doesn't skimp on editing features - you can tweak individual facial features, skin, clothing style and even add tattoos.
Where Sims 2 keeps you restricted to your house most of the time, MySims has you wandering around the town meeting people. "By using the relationships menu you can keep tabs on who likes you, who thinks you could do with a wash, and who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire", ONM reveals.
More interestingly, MySims features a simple block-building mechanic which lets you "build things like chairs and tables from scratch instead of just ordering them from a catalogue." You can also modify houses in an equally flexible way.
Another new feature is one called "Essence" which lets you extract the, err... essence of objects you acquire. Then you can use this Essence to decorate your many created objects. You can also plant seeds to grow flowers, adding a Harvest Moon-style farming system into the mix.
Although past screenshots have so far only showed the town, ONM also reveals details of a Volcano area, where "miserable" characters go if they hate your town.
There will be 80 characters in the Wii version and around 30 in the DS one.
You can read the full preview in issue 14 of ONM which goes on sale tomorrow. MySims is due out in Autumn.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Other than the cutesy make-over, very little has been revealed regarding MySims, in development exclusively for Wii and DS, until now.
The latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) reveals that you start off in a small rundown town, with a rubbish house and not so many residents. You make it your mission to brighten the place up, which attracts new people to your town.
Even though the character design looks simple, the game doesn't skimp on editing features - you can tweak individual facial features, skin, clothing style and even add tattoos.
Where Sims 2 keeps you restricted to your house most of the time, MySims has you wandering around the town meeting people. "By using the relationships menu you can keep tabs on who likes you, who thinks you could do with a wash, and who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire", ONM reveals.
More interestingly, MySims features a simple block-building mechanic which lets you "build things like chairs and tables from scratch instead of just ordering them from a catalogue." You can also modify houses in an equally flexible way.
Another new feature is one called "Essence" which lets you extract the, err... essence of objects you acquire. Then you can use this Essence to decorate your many created objects. You can also plant seeds to grow flowers, adding a Harvest Moon-style farming system into the mix.
Although past screenshots have so far only showed the town, ONM also reveals details of a Volcano area, where "miserable" characters go if they hate your town.
There will be 80 characters in the Wii version and around 30 in the DS one.
You can read the full preview in issue 14 of ONM which goes on sale tomorrow. MySims is due out in Autumn.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Bonkers bunnies clearly aren't done bouncing, with Ubisoft having announced that Rayman Raving Rabbids will be appearing on Xbox 360 and DS in March.
Microsoft's new version is rumoured to support Xbox Live Vision, plus it will feature exclusive mini-games and more technical punch than previous games.
There's no news on the DS version, which is confirmed for 16th March, and Ubisoft was unable to comment at the time of writing. Or in the two minutes after when I went to the loo, and when they could have called me back to say they'd changed their minds.
Rayman Raving Rabbids launched across numerous platforms late last year, most notably on Wii. It's comprised of numerous mini-games, each based around the lunatic rabbits that really provide the main attraction of the game.
We found it to be surprisingly entertaining, but it lacked any real depth
via eurogamer
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February 15th, 2007, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom just released Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All for the DS last month, but the publisher is already holding a contest surrounding the possible localization of the next installment in the series.
Over on the official Phoenix Wright forums, an administrator has posted details about a new contest in which Capcom wants gamers to make the case for bringing a third Phoenix Wright game to American shores. To participate in the "Ace Attorney: Plead Your Case" contest, gamers need only download a template of a comic book page and empty word bubbles, then combine them in creative ways to explain why Capcom should bring the game to the US. Three winners will each receive a pair of Phoenix Wright figurines and a collectible pin.
When asked to confirm a US release for the next Phoenix Wright game, a Capcom representative said, "We have no announcements regarding future Ace Attorney games at this time."
via gamespot
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February 15th, 2007, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
via wonderland
Greg of DaddyTypes.com sent this in, and it's super cool: two types of squidgy furniture playsets .. squidgy playful furniture sets? Either way, they're fantastic:

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February 15th, 2007, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Mario's getting on a bit, so when he steps out, he needs to look his best. Botox? Maybe. For a guy who's been in the public eye for decades, he still looks remarkably spritely.
In an effort to help the little guy out, Opposable Thumbs put four different versions of the original Mario to the test on their shiny big HDTV. The NES, the Virtual Console and two NES clones were hooked up to the TV through composite cables (oh, except the VC, it has the component edge). Which one has Mario looking young, fresh and revitalised?
The VC. It'd wanna be, for the price and the fact it's on components. But if you ever needed an example of the advantages/necessity of playing retro games through the VC, this is it. Oh, it's also a good example that unless you have a tiny CRT TV, the NES clones are more than a little nasty.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

* Lets you incorporate your Mii characters into fun minigames
* Wii Play compilation comes bundled with a Wii Remote!
* Game Genre: Action/Adventure; Game Sub-Genre: Action
* 1-4 Player Capability
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February 15th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
via NG
A recently translated interview with Nintendo figurehead Shigeru Miyamoto outlines the game design icon’s stance on a variety of topics, including his take on the competition, game violence, innovation and positioning Nintendo to take the lead with the Wii.
CNN’s TV show Talk Asia conducted the interview in early December, just before the launch of the Wii last year (the show was just translated today), but much of what Miyamoto said is still relevant to what Nintendo’s strategy is today with the Wii and DS.
“I do think we are too conscious of competition,” he admitted. “There are many companies today that can be compared to Nintendo. But I think that Nintendo should be unique and become a company that cannot be compared with the other corporations… I don't think there is a company equivalent that has the know-how or skills with the technology behind the games, or has the history and experience in the entertainment industry, and or has such abundant and motivated staff… And as long as we maintain that edge, we will always have an advantage over other companies.”
Miyamoto also said that risk-taking is engrained in Nintendo’s culture. He said that “It is always fun to try something new,” adding that risk-taking is key to opening up new markets. “I feel strongly that we can have a chance in taking the lead in that market,” he said.
Nintendo also hasn’t been known for creating violent games, that is, unless you consider a nasty butt-stomp violent. Miyamoto said that “there are a variety of ways to entertain people.” He continued, “Nintendo has many ways of entertaining people without the use of violent expression. So I do not have to worry in making such [violent] games.”
Although the audience for videogames has grown older, Miyamoto’s approach toward the medium is still focused on children, particularly when it comes to the representation of violence.
“My personal thought is, and I think it is the same with Nintendo, that before thinking about how to handle violence in videogames, I think it is important to think about pain people feel. For example, you would not laugh at people with disabilities. There are bullying problems in Japan.
“Looking at the overall picture, it is important to understand and feel the pain that people might have. We make our games based on that philosophy, using means other than violence. But we also have to take a careful approach, even in the circumstances when we are not portraying direct violence. I think it is always important to give children a product with a careful approach,” he said
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February 15th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Modchipstore.com are the worlds first store to sell the Wiikey Nintendo Wii Modchip
Heres the details:

The incrdible, fantastic, Wiikey modchip for the Nintendo Wii has arrived! This is one of the easiest modchips to install on any system. A quicksolder pattern on the PCB board removes the need for wires. All you need to do us solder onto the designated parts and you're finished!!! This awesome chip also boasts upgradeablity via Disc or DVD!
Other Features include: An optional off feature and LED to let you know when your Wiikey is on or off
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February 15th, 2007, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Action Replay DS is about to undergo a hack attack! With Trainer Toolkit, you can become your own hacker and create codes to use on your DS games with Action Replay!
Trainer Toolkit is designed exclusively for serious DS gamers, amateur programmers and aspiring game hackers. It provides you with all the hardware and software necessary to create your own game-busting Action Replay codes.
Trainer Toolkit is your induction into the underground world of game hacking. With straightforward instructions designed to help you create your first codes and detailed information about code hacking so you can create many more, Trainer Toolkit gives YOU the power to make things happen. Some codes are found easily, but others require perseverance, dedication and skill. But one thing’s for sure; with Trailer Toolkit in the right hands, nothing is impossible.
Just look at all these powerful features!
- Dev-board’ card which inserts into the GBA port on the DS - including a high-speed USB 2.0 port for rapid dumping of memory (a full 4Mb dump takes around 20 seconds, subsequent searches can take only a couple of seconds).
- ‘Game Trainer’ PC software CD.
- Action Replay DS ‘Trainer Card’ which inserts into the DS cartridge.
- Intelligent search with all standard expressions (equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, inside range, outside range, incremented by etc) against previous values or a defined value.
- Limit search to specified memory range.
- Multiple search types (8, 16, 32, 64bit and floating point).
Search history window with full ‘rollback’ to any search result.
- Text search, find & replace.
- Add and save search areas.
- Whole projects can be saved and reloaded.
- Add codes to the ‘Run-list’ - a built in Action Replay engine so that you can test your codes real-time.
‘Poke’ values ‘one time’ to addresses in RAM.
- All code types (16, 32bit etc.) can be run simultaneously in the Run-list.
- ‘Watch locations’ window.
Disassembly view.
- Hex view (with real time auto-refresh).
- Upload and download binaries.
- Update trainer firmware.
- Wizard based ‘Beginner Mode’ for people new to the scene.
But how hard is it to crack your own codes? Well, as Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”. Trainer Toolkit is as straightforward as it can be, but the beginner has lots to learn. Even someone who’s never hacked a code in his life should be able to produce straightforward codes such as Infinite Lives or No Timer within an hour of taking Trainer Toolkit out of the box, but more complicated codes and enhancements may take a little practice. There’s lots to learn, but that’s what makes it exciting…
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February 15th, 2007, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
It sucks to be South African today, as distributor Futronic confirmed that it has ceased distribution for Nintendo in the region. Adding on to the horrible amounts of pain one must endure living in the region and just finding out this news, there are no plans for another distributor to pick up the slack and take over duties, with even Nintendo's South African domain not even offering relief.
Even worse is that the only light at the end of tunnel for South African gamers is the rumor that Nintendo of Europe could pick up the duties, however the possibility of that happening is pretty slim.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
GPF has released another build of his awesome Commodore 64 emulator for the Nintendo DS,
Heres whats new:
OK this is just a test build with sound disabled wanted to see how the menu systems works for some of those troublesome cards.
I tested this build on my m3sd with 81 D64 files, and for one of my test was with the game WorldGames and I was able to switch from disk1 to disk2 when it asked and they game worked
I commented out the audio code from launching, maybe its faster? maybe the menu works now?
Download at the release thread Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...677#post356677
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February 15th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Aurelio has released the first version of an Operating System for the Nintendo DS, its an early release but shows lots of potential
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February 15th, 2007, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Ratx has released a new version of his rom trimmer:
Heres a new version of the trim.exe which outputs the file as blah.trim.nds. No other changes made, windows and linux versions included. If you find an image that this prog over trims please contact me.
v0.1 inital version
v0.2 reworked to be faster and hopefully more accurate
v0.22 fixed output filename to be blah.trim.nds
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February 15th, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese game industry is seeing some interesting times, with the Wii and DS dominating the sales charts while Sony's platforms falter. Famitsu recently asked analysts with Japanese firms Daiwa Securities, Nomura Securities and Mitsubishi UFJ Securities to share their thoughts on how things are shaping up for the game market as the 2007 fiscal year winds down.
Daiwa Securities' Eiji Maeda pointed to Gundam Musou and Virtua Fighter 5 as key software titles for the end of the fiscal year. He believes that sales of these two titles are important for the PlayStation 3 as a whole, and that other software manufacturers should be paying attention to them. Nomura's Yuta Sakurai also made mention of Gundam Musou as a key title for the end of the term, but added Monster Hunter Portable 2nd to the list. He feels that this game will push PSP hardware.
Everyone seems to be down on the PS3 and up on the Wii. Maeda believes Sony won't be able to get actual sales of six million PS3s by the end of the term. In contrast, he believes Nintendo will be able to ship out six million Wii units (2 million to Japan, 3 million to America, 1 million to Europe) and that the demand for the system won't die down for some time. Sakurai believes Sony's worldwide PS3 shipments will reach the 4.5 million mark, and stop there, while Nintendo will be able to ship 6.5 million systems. He also feels that the Wii supply problem won't clear up by the end of the term.
UFJ's Hiroshi Murakami thinks that the current retail state, where PS3's are readily available and Wii is nowhere to be found, will continue for a while. The Summer of 2007 will be the biggest fight for the PS3, he believes. Murakami believes strongly in the scenario of the PS3 being the number one system 3 to 5 years from now, and expects this state to come into view at the end of 2007.
Outside of the next generation, the analysts offers some interesting thoughts on the DS. Sakurai believes that the system saw its Japanese sales peak in 2006 and that sales will gradually go down from here on. However, he believes that the system's flame was lit in Europe over the holiday season, and that 2007 will be the breakout year over there. Murakami believes that while the DS's success will continue throughout the term, the end of 2007 is a bit unclear. There's the possibility that the light users will move away from the system. He feels that Dragon Quest IX will be the big test.
via ign
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February 15th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

It may not throw as much caution to the wind as the Nintendo Star-mote we spotted a couple of months back, but this so-called "Pongle" Wii controller concept from Hayes Urban eschews its fair share of modern video game conventions nonetheless, hearkening back to simpler video gaming days instead. It's not all old school, however, with an integrated gyro adding some motion sensing to the standard twist and turn action, and a built-in speaker providing a "more immersive experience." Of course, the chances of it ever actually turning up in a form we can get our hands on are pretty slim, which is all the more saddening given our sudden craving for a game of Breakout.
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February 16th, 2007, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
This week Wii’s Virtual Console has shifted up a gear to delight speed freaks across Europe. To celebrate the launch of high-octane off-road racer Excite Truck on the Wii, Virtual Console users will be able to rediscover ″Excitebike™″ the classic game that inspired it. Launching on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986, this fast paced racer was one of the first titles to allow players to adjust the pitch of
their bike after a jump to correctly land as well as being one of the first ever racing games with a Track Builder. Excitebike is now available to download from the Wii Shop Channel for 500 Wii Points.
Wii owners will also be treated with a selection of other Nintendo classics. The original home console appearance of Kirby can once again be enjoyed, in ″Kirby’s Adventure™″ originally for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This title features vast worlds, unlockable bonus levels and addictive minigames. It is available to download for 500 Wii Points.
″R-Type III™: Third Lightning″, an adrenaline filled side-scrolling shooter which made its debut on the Super Nintendo, is now available to download for 800 Points. This game was arguably the best in the R-Type series and saw the introduction of a refined weapon charging system.
New Adventure Island originally for the Turbografx (PC Engine), is also now available to download for 600 Wii Points. This adventure title, originally released by Hudson on the NES as Adventure Island Classic, is the first in a highly successful series of titles.
These great games will join the 49 classic titles already available for the Virtual Console in Europe.
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February 16th, 2007, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
Harvest Moon is arriving on Nintendo DS across Europe, so if you fancy yourself as a bit of a dab hand around the garden, now is the chance to put your green fingers to the test. Or if that doesn’t take your fancy, simply enjoy a peaceful life on your very own farm as Harvest Moon DS sows its seeds onto Nintendo DS on 13th April 2007.
Your farm in Forget-Me-Not-Valley is waiting for you - tend to the flocks, cultivate your own seed variants into the best produce available, explore different locations, hunt for hidden treasure or even fish in the river. Use the unique touch-screen on the Nintendo DS to raise and interact with the animals by petting and caring for them. In return the happy animals will reward you with higher quality milk, eggs and wool. The bottom screen on the DS displays the menu interfaces and status screens which can be easily navigated through using the Nintendo DS Stylus, whereas the second screen allows you to view a section of the town or farm in real time which is handy if you need to keep track on any mischievous animals that may have run away from the farm.
Planting seeds, harvesting crops in the right season and looking after your cows, chickens and sheep will help you in running a successful farm which in turn will help to release the Harvest Goddess and Harvest Sprites from the world that the Witch Princess has transported them to. Freeing and unlocking the Sprites is certainly a benefit to you as they will then help you with your daily farming tasks, and in return, leave you with more time to sit back and relax.
However if all that just sounds like too much hard work and all you want to do is enjoy the calm, relaxing and social aspect of living in Forget-Me-Not-Valley by building up relationships with up to 25 villagers through chatting to them and giving them presents, then Harvest Moon DS is still the game for you.
April 13th 2007 is the date to put in your diaries as Harvest Moon DS ploughs its way across Europe on Nintendo DS at an estimated retail price of around £30.
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February 16th, 2007, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher 505 Games today donned its mysterious black cape, mask and gaucho to announce it will be publishing The Destiny of Zorro exclusively on Nintendo Wii. The Destiny of Zorro, developed by California-based Pronto Games, is scheduled for an international release in late 2007.
Players will make an incredible action-packed journey through the sun-scorched coast and desert landscape of early 1800’s Spanish California playing as the infamous Zorro – the swashbuckling defender of the oppressed whose secret identity is the fictional wealthy caballero Don Diego de la Vega. Using the unique properties of the Wii controller, players can whip, slice and of course perform Zorro’s signature ‘Z’ slash move to bring his foes to justice.
The Destiny of Zorro draws inspiration from the Mexican, Spanish and Native Southwest American cultures prevalent in California in the early 1800’s – the time of the original Zorro. The multi-tiered story sees Zorro confronting the nefarious Calavera and his troops, defeating a plot to steal a great treasure, thwarting a power-hungry mob boss, and facing off against a rebel army. Players will discover the secrets behind the origin of Zorro himself. The game also carries forward some of the explosive plot lines suggested by recent Zorro properties, such as the recent blockbuster Hollywood movies.
“Swashbuckling Zorro is the perfect character for the Nintendo Wii,” commented Randy Angle, President and Creative Director Pronto Games. “We had a very short list of characters when we first considered making an action game for the Nintendo Wii… Zorro is a natural… using the Wii remote and the nunchuk controller players are in for a real treat as they slash and swing their way through Zorro’s story.”
Scheduled for a late 2007 release, The Destiny of Zorro, developed by Pronto Games and published by 505 Games, promises action, romance and, by use of the innovative Wii controller, the unique thrill of ‘becoming’ the great hero himself!
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February 16th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
A competition posted on the official Capcom website has set readers the task of petitioning for the developer to localise Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 3 for the US, hinting at the coming of another sequel.
This comes as a surprise considering no prior announcements have been made.
To enter the competition, contestants have to use a provided comic-book template to devise a case for why they think Ace Attorney 3 should be released in the US.
Three winners will be selected based on creativity and humour, and prizes include Ace Attorney figurines and lapel pins.
CVG contacted Capcom for confirmation, who said: "We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of Ace Attorney 3."
However after the success of the first two games, and this hint coming from none other than the official Capcom website, CVG consider it a safe bet that Capcom will continue the franchise with another sequel.
Meanwhile, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All will be released in Europe on March 16.
via cvg
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February 16th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China
A high quality leather cover from Hori for Nintendo DS Lite. You can play your console while it stays protected inside the leather cover. Choice of 3 colours.
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February 16th, 2007, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- High quality 3rd party product.
- Compatible with NDS and NDS Lite.
- Backup the game save data from the NDS cartridge to PC computer.
- Write the game save data from PC to the NDS cartridge
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February 16th, 2007, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has warned that Nintendo pays too much attention to the actions of its rivals, suggesting that the company should focus more on its unique strengths.
Speaking in an interview with CNN, Miyamoto said, "I do think we are too conscious of competition. There are many companies today that can be compared to Nintendo, but I think that Nintendo should be unique and become a company that can not be compared with the other corporations.
"Our former president himself has said, 'Do not try to compete with the others, try to be the only one, set yourself apart from others.' We are able to spend as much budget as needed for the challenge of creating something that makes us "the only one."
"That is why Nintendo puts as much money as possible into such projects and big challenges. Our company thinks that there is never a big enough budget for such challenges."
Miyamoto referred to the DS and the Wii as examples of the way Nintendo innovates and opens up new markets. Both machines have been a huge success for the company, which expects to have sold 23 million DS units and 6 million Wii consoles by the end of the financial year.
"A new market will open up when you introduce something that people have not expected. I feel strongly that we can have a chance in taking the lead in that market. Nintendo, historically, is a company that takes risks," Miyamoto said.
"I don't think there is a company equivalent that has the know-how or skills with the technology behind the games, or has the history and experience in the entertainment industry, and or has such abundant and motivated staff.
"I believe that with our people, we are able to make games that can be accepted by the public for a long time. And as long as we maintain that edge, we will always have an advantage over other companies."
via gibiz
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February 16th, 2007, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has warned that Nintendo pays too much attention to the actions of its rivals, suggesting that the company should focus more on its unique strengths.
Speaking in an interview with CNN, Miyamoto said, "I do think we are too conscious of competition. There are many companies today that can be compared to Nintendo, but I think that Nintendo should be unique and become a company that can not be compared with the other corporations.
"Our former president himself has said, 'Do not try to compete with the others, try to be the only one, set yourself apart from others.' We are able to spend as much budget as needed for the challenge of creating something that makes us "the only one."
"That is why Nintendo puts as much money as possible into such projects and big challenges. Our company thinks that there is never a big enough budget for such challenges."
Miyamoto referred to the DS and the Wii as examples of the way Nintendo innovates and opens up new markets. Both machines have been a huge success for the company, which expects to have sold 23 million DS units and 6 million Wii consoles by the end of the financial year.
"A new market will open up when you introduce something that people have not expected. I feel strongly that we can have a chance in taking the lead in that market. Nintendo, historically, is a company that takes risks," Miyamoto said.
"I don't think there is a company equivalent that has the know-how or skills with the technology behind the games, or has the history and experience in the entertainment industry, and or has such abundant and motivated staff.
"I believe that with our people, we are able to make games that can be accepted by the public for a long time. And as long as we maintain that edge, we will always have an advantage over other companies."
via gibiz
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February 16th, 2007, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted news that they are back in stock of the DS Xtreme Flash Cart.
Heres more info about the cart for those who dont know what it is:
The DS-X (DS-Xtreme) is a revolutionary storage, homebrew and media player flash cart compatible with all DS Lite and original DS consoles.
Offering a SINGLE unified solution which allows you to do the unthinkable and push the limits of Nintendo’s ™ top selling handheld console. The DS-X does NOT require the use of a passme, external memory or any unsightly GBA cart, just one intelligently designed piece of kit, the same size as an ordinary DS cart, giving an unrivalled experience to any DS enthusiast.
Its plug and play in its finest hour, an in-built USB port on the DS-X paves the way for you to communicate easily between the DS-X OS and your computer. Drag ‘n drop all your favourite media and homebrew as you please directly onto the included 4GBit (512-Mbyte) memory with minimal effort as the DS-X will be instantly recognized by your machine.
Does NOT require anything else to operate. All is in the cart, and the USB cable to connect to your PC is INCLUDED!
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February 16th, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
I remember the dark days of the Barcode Battler, ruffians ripping barcodes off packaged goods to find the most uber monster they could. Bandai, it seems, have outdone themselves with a range of toys that detect natural magnetic fields which then unlock uber monsters to play with. Entitled, Treasure Gaust (I am assuming the latter is an Engrish attempt at spelling gaussed) these toys are pretty rudimentary.
However, there's a DS game now on the way that uses the same technology. Yes, that's right; the terrifying popularity of the DS Lite in Japan coupled with kids fervently searching the country for the ultimate magnetic field...I...I can't comprehend that level of merchandising carnage. Just...can't. Personally, I think it's a novel feature to use in a game mainly because you can't see magnetic fields and kids (predominantly) will be forced to search for them (unlike games such as Boktai that worked off, well, sunlight).
No release date is set but it's penciled in as Q1 2007, so that should give people in Japan enough warning to fortify their homes and don body armor (preferably de-magnetised body armor, obviously).
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February 16th, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku

Some people look at an empty bit of plastic packaging and see trash. Others see the culinary potential inherent in the translucent shell. People like flickr user Balakov, who decided to see what happened when he filled the shell of his empty Wii Play wiimote and extra nunchuck controller with delicious white chocolate.
Unfortunately they are using sponges to fill out the mold due to lack of chocolate, but those sponges could easily be replaced with raspberry cream of some sort. Mmmm. In the end, it's just more proof that everything is better is you fill it with molten chocolate.
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February 16th, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Arts and craft? With a gaming theme? Keep 'em coming. We love it.
Reader Mike, he knows this. With some help from his girlfriend, he not only fashioned himself this adorable, snuggly quilt, but a cute little matching pillow to boot.
Guys, we love the Nintendo stuff, we really do, but it'd be great to wake up one day and find a picture of a Sonny Bonds tissue box holder waiting for me in my inbox. Just for something a little...different.
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February 16th, 2007, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Ring, ring ... ring, ring. Have you recently been disturbed by Aeris' dinnertime calls? GameStop's automated insider dialed up Opposable Thumbs to drop a hot tip: Twilight Princess now has a $35 trade-in value -- "if you're finished with it, why don't you bring it to the store and trade it in?"
Apparently GameStop, which controls most of the US's used-games market, is squirreling away as many of those one million Zelda copies in circulation as it can, just in time for ... spring? GameStop's spam-calls might indicate that the retailer is not reaching its double-sale quota. GameStop is probably having trouble buying back copies of Twilight Princess (so it can sell them again for a solid profit); likely because consumers are holding on to the game. And so the calls go out.
Inside the store is one thing -- but pestering your loyal customers on their phones? That's just squirrelly business practice.
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February 16th, 2007, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
MTV News spoke with Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Aime last week at DICE to discuss Wii shortages, production increases, and specific game releases. Having all but said, "Read my lips, no more Nintendo droughts," in the past stating an "early 2007" release of Metroid Prime 3 on Wii, the gaming exec was less committal this time around.
Regarding first-party heavyweights, Fils-Aime said, "They're coming. But we're being very strategic when we're going to launch them. And we're making sure our licensees enjoy success on their titles and that the spacing makes sense." Okay. Let's keep hope alive. He continued, "[Gamers] need to recognize that when we release [Metroid Prime 3], it will be perfect. And if that's a little later than folks would have liked, I'm hoping they're going to be happy." Uh oh. That's sounds like code for "this bad boy ain't coming out for a while."
via joystiq
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February 16th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
via 1pstart
Midway has released a couple of screen shots from Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the Wii. The purpose of these screen shots are to educate you, the buyer, into seeing how this next chapter of the Mortal Kombat series will take advantage of the Wii remote.
Here’s what Midway has to say about Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the Wii:
Scheduled to ship in April 2007 with the most complete roster ever, including more than 60 fighters from the entire Mortal Kombat® universe (past, present and future), a revolutionary Kreate-A-Fighter mode and Kreate-A-Fatality mode, plus a brand new Konquest mode and Endurance Mode, Mortal Kombat®: Armageddon™ promises to be the most complete, intensely lethal, fighting experience ever!
….seriously, does anyone have any idea why game companies are doing this? I have been staring at these screen shots for the past 15 minutes, and I’m sure a move or fatality will not be as easy as waving my Wii remote to the right, then left in a zig zag fashion. When will the developers learn that when it comes to the Wii, the best way to show off what’s going on is through video of some dope playing the game…not pictures!
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February 16th, 2007, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Talk about Modchips coming along like buses, the latest Wii Modchip announced has all the features you would expect but no price or when it will be available.
More info when it comes in.
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February 16th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
GPF has released another build of the Commodore 64 Emulator for the Nintendo DS. Heres whats new:
ok I think I've made some definite improvements to the sound code, to me its the best sounding yet.
I hope that reenabling sound doesn't break the menu or the emulator again lol, I've tested it on my ds-x and my m3sd and seems to work fine on the couple games I tried.
Well of to play some M.U.L.E.
Download Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...374#post357374
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February 16th, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster

via dsfanboy
As you can see, these "Slim Skins" are available to those who recently got their hands on a DS Lite for the first time in Korea. Who wouldn't want to dress their DS Lite up in such colorful skins? We sure as heck want to! Of course, the skin pictured above is by far our favorite.
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February 16th, 2007, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Koei, ever the masters of careful, deliberate game design, have been judicious with their Shin Sangoku Musou (Dynasty Warriors) series, taking care not to saturate the market with incrementally-upgraded sequels and spinoffs, and sequels of spinoffs, that serve only to extract as much cash as possible from fans.
Oh, wait, we were thinking of someone else. That is exactly what Koei does. Their most egregious cash-in: this new Dynasty Warriors DS. Dynasty Warriors games aren't exactly renowned for their graphics, but this... is an insult to fans of the series. If we are being a little harsh on Koei, it's because every game they release that is not a Gitaroo-Man sequel (on the DS this time, please!) is like a jaggy little polearm poking us ceaselessly.
Note to developers: when you're thinking of making a DS game (and we've all been there, right?) please ask yourself if it really needs to be in 3D. If the answer is "yes," then ask yourself if it really needs to be on the DS. We love our little system (hence the title, focus and content of this site) but 3D can be a hit and miss affair.
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February 16th, 2007, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
The Japanese website for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings has unleashed a new trailer and, as you all know, we're huge Final Fantasy junkies here at The Fanboy. To access the trailer, you'll want to enter the site and head through the downloads section and click the third trailer. Upon it opening, you'll be greeted with footage that demonstrated the Active Force Battle in the game, showing you sprites duke it out in real time. The battle system looks amazing and only strengthens our desire for this game.
What about you?
Trailer Here
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February 16th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Our affiliates over at Neoflash have announced the start of their DS/GBA and PSP Coding Competition for Spring 2007, in my opinion the best coding comp of last year was Neoflash.
Heres the newspost from Dr Neo:
NEO spring coding contest 2007 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 10 winners for PSP App, total 10+10 winners.
For the NDS App, the main concept is for MK5 GIGA system / MK motion cart and NEO2/3 applications,it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full hardware function.
The rule of NEO spring coding contest 2007 is very simple, just same with NEO summer coding contest 2006:
[1] You can enter the GAME contest and APP contest both.
[2] You must put the splash screen of "NEO spring coding contest 2007" to your production.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 division are same:
The No.1 : Nintendo Wii one set or NDS Lite console one set or PSP one set (winner can choose) or us$200 cash.
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February 16th, 2007, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Bronto has posted a new release of his excellent Mail Application for the Nintendo DS:
Sorry for making you wait so long, but here it is, NDSMail 0.54d! I've been (and still am) pretty busy, and NDS development is very time-consuming...
The major issue (SSL) is still not fixed, but as the rest is quite stable I thought I'd give you something to play with. It is compiled with the latest Devkit, dswifi and libfat (DLDI), so even owners of the new-wifi-chipset DSLites should be able to use it. It also contains all the changes from the large overhaul of last autumn. Be sure to check out the attachment feature by sending some (preferably small, see below) jpgs to your DS.
I've created tons of unit tests, everything works fine on the pc (the lib is portable), I've even had someone check it with BoundsChecker. The problem only exists when using it on the DS. I have to find a way to run a debugger on the DS.
Also, the JPG lib causes some trouble with larger images, and I can't get hold of the original author.
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February 16th, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
PopolDal has released a new game for the Nintendo DS:
This is my first try with PaLib so please be gentle
Here are the rules of the game:
Each player throw 6 poches (sorry i don't know the name in english)
1 point if on the board, 3 in the hole
When the 2 players have throw all the poches the one whit the more points keep the difference (EX: Player 1: 6 Player 2: 4 so Player 1 make 2 points)
The first to make 21 points win
Have fun!
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February 16th, 2007, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New DS game from Soakbox
Loop, twist and fly through imaginative worlds!
Use your stylus to dodge the awesome environments and keep the Ribbon alive.
Use gesture recognition to aid the Ribbon with an arsenal of different moves – from affecting the physics to invisibility
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February 16th, 2007, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Australian gamers will find three new Virtual Console titles available for download when they turn their Wiis on today. The games are R-Type III: The Third Lightning (Super Nintendo), Excitebike (NES) and Kirby's Adventure (NES).
R-Type III represented a decent step forward for the classic side scrolling shooter series, with tweaked weapons, two buttons for shooting, and two new Forces. As a shooter fan would expect, it also provided quite a challenge.
Excitebike continued Nintendo's strange NES naming scheme that saw a whole host of boringly literal game titles like Soccer and Hockey hit the streets. At least Excitebike had a little more excitement baked right in. It was a great game too, challenging the player to make it through motocross courses in the best time possible by managing their bike's temperature and landing jumps smoothly.
If Kirby wasn't so pink and so cute, you'd think he was a villain. After all, this is a character that literally consumes enemies to gain their powers. That's not cool. In Kirby's Adventure, HAL Labs made good use of this ability (in fact, it was the first time he had this ability), as Kirby waddled his way across Dream Land to try and restore its inhabitants' dreams. This is a classic NES platformer, and especially notable for its bizarre food-related World names, such as Vegetable Valley, Butter Building and Yogurt Yard.
Nintendo of Australia also released two new Virtual Console titles last Friday - Zelda II: the Adventure of Link (NES), and one of the greatest platform games of all time, Super Mario World (SNES).
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February 16th, 2007, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Today, Namco Bandai announced that Trioncube for the Nintendo DS has gone gold and is ready to enter production. Trioncube is an action-puzzle game designed to challenge players' reflexes as they race across the galaxy to rescue a beautiful princess from the clutches of the evil Hellmetal.
"Trioncube will offer players a thrilling and action packed puzzle game that will have them coming back to their DS time and time again," said Yoshi Niki of Namco Bandai. "Its distinct visual style and captivating gameplay will make it tough to put down."
Trioncube places players in the cockpit of the intergalactic battleship, Penko. The goal of the game is to stack 3x3 blocks, called Trioncubes, and thereby create a chain reaction which will power your Penko. The larger the chain reaction, the more fuel is produced, and the faster you will reach your final destination.
Trioncube features eight different planets in Arcade Mode, 45 missions in Story Mode, an Endless Mode for long-lasting fun, as well as several other modes of play. Players can earn coins in each of the game's modes which can then be redeemed for new effects and screen art to customize the game.
Trioncube is set to hit store shelves across North America on February 20, 2007.
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February 17th, 2007, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA
Yesterday, Team Cyclops announced that some chip had the point A, B and C connected together.
Today we received a new batch of CycloWiz and the majority of the chips from this batch had this problem.
The Divineo.com team will repair all defective chip, so our customers can be sure they will receive a fully working one.
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February 17th, 2007, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
Nevermind that this looks a bit like a blog post, I found this humorous. Reading some UK Resistance comments today, I came across something interesting - the SNES is outselling the PS3 on amazon's video game sales section right now (which realistically means very little in the grand scheme of things, but who can resist?).
I took screenshots, because of course this isn't going to last. When I checked the SNES was at 15, and the PS3 was at 51. Right now it's more like 13 and 32, but still! Must be a virtual console-inspired resurgance. Also worth noting that the Wii, DS, and 360 are all still selling better than the SNES. But where's the Genesis? As of right now, Model 1 is #148, Model 3 is #829 (but that's its own fault). The superior Model 2 is at a ridiculous #1,968 - probably due to not having a picture by it when you search.
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February 17th, 2007, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
IT IS AMAZING WHAT you can get out of a drunk Nintendo executive. Who would have thought Nintendo knows anything about CPUs and GPUs?
The bit I got the other day was that the Wii GPU has full hi-def capabilities even if they are not exposed.
The reason you don't see it is twofold, the fact that the console can't really push HD rez at reasonable frame rates and the fact that it would cost more. The latter will probably become a moot point with the first Wii refresh but the former problem is really here to stay.
What it comes down to is that the Wii may be the best console out there, but don't look for 1920 * 1080 games pushing full rez. If anything, SD or maybe widescreen upscaled is about all you will see, but for me, I just want HDMI outs
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February 17th, 2007, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
Amponzi has released his own build of the DeSmuME DS Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
Preliminary foundation established for 3D support
Some FAT issues fixed
Minor bugfixes
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February 17th, 2007, 17:30 Posted By: bandit
The CHUCKii Wii-mote is targeted at the lifeblood of the Wii console and basically, one does not even consider twice when purchasing an additional Wii-mote to supplement a 2 or 3-player game such as most games in Wii Sports. With this in mind, some of us prefer to bring along our very own wii-motes to our friend's place for a challenge but will hate to get your wii-motes mixed-up with your buddy's. Or perhaps, you prefer a customised look to your varied repertoire of styles. At Xtreme Enterprise, we understand your need to be different. Hence as promised, we roll out the initial prototype of the CHUCKii Wii-mote to our worldwide audiences. Colorwise, expect them to match our CHUCKii - Nunchuks as a set(Caution: As this is only a prototype, you may not like what you see. Images below are not suitable for unimaginative people). Enjoy!

Source: NDS-Central
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February 17th, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

An ergonomic rechargeable power grip for DS™ Lite.
Perfect for hard core gamers with long gameplay outdoors or on the road, it also improves grip, making high scores on the go just got easier!
• Enjoy longer periods of gaming without having to recharge;
great for road trips or flights
• Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides up to
8 hours of additional play time
• Ergonomic design provides user with a more comfortable,
less strenuous grip, enabling longer gaming sessions
• Existing DS lite AC adaptor simultaneously charges handheld
and Charger Grip
• Easy installation and removal
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February 17th, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
via marketnews
Marketnews isn't really the place you’d expect to read about the latest fitness centre, but the Bulldog Interactive facility for youths is a perfect example of the growing trend toward electronics in fitness. The facilities combine video games with getting in shape by using exercise equipment that’s fed through gaming systems, like Sony’s PlayStation 2.
Founded in February 2005 by Halifax, NS resident Holly Bond, Bulldog Interactive Fitness, Inc.’s mandate is to help combat childhood obesity, and the general lack of activity displayed by youth today. Kids these days are more apt to stay indoors and conquer the latest video game with their friends, or surf the ‘net, than to engage in outdoor sports activites.
"I know what happens when you run out of tricks: TV, Internet, snacks, MP3 players, cell phones, cameras... it's tough getting kids active and there aren't many options out there," explained Lisa Franschman, owner of a new, 5,000 sq. ft. franchise location that will celebrate its grand opening this weekend in Thornhill, ON. "Parents can just drop their kids off and go do their errands. They can rest assured that when they leave their children at our facility, we will cater to every child and make him feel special."
Members at any of the four locations can get fit while having fun on a video dance machine, cycle live against Bulldog members in other facilities, or race against friends (or the computer) using bikes connected to Sony PlayStation 2 consoles and games: their pedaling activates their virtual car in the game, while the handlebars allow them to steer! Both Toronto locations (two others are in Nova Scotia) are also equipped with the new Nintendo Wii gaming consoles. Other technology-related activities are available. For example, a wall that illuminates in random spots, prompting the child to swat a tennis ball in its direction. The gyms are designed exclusively for youth aged from three up to teens, and certified youth trainers are on hand, supervising at all times.
“Parents are encouraged to just drop their kids off,” Bond told Marketnews. “The kids tend to be better behaved when the parents aren’t there!”
“We [also] work on [kids’] self-esteem, and a by-product of this is that they lose weight if they need to, develop muscle tone, and their school grades go up: the list of benefits is long,” enthused Bond.
For more information, visit www.bulldoginteractivefitness.com.
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February 17th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Happy News about Games Related to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Day! So far, it's been a solemn event that we've observed respectfully, thinking about how ugly DS games affect us all. But we've got marginally better news for you, so don't take down your traditional NGRRTK Day decorations. Hori have released some relatively nice DS accessories in a black-and-gold color scheme to tie into the release of Sega's new card-based arcade adaptation Sangokushi Taisen DS, including a stand, a DS card case, and a stylus. Sure, they're not totally new items-- the stand looks to be the same design as the one reviewed by CheapyD, but they're black, with goooooolden eeeeemblems on them.
We like the blackness of this set, but we aren't sure about advertising any affiliation with Sangokushi Taisen DS or any other arcade-fad card games. Also, we like to keep our DS systems in our gentle, loving hands while we play, not relegated to a cold, unfeeling stand. It's a DS-fan thing; we have a very positive opinion on the concept of touching.
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February 17th, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been on the fence about this whole Pokémon thing, just waiting to be convinced about the monster-collecting genre (thus giving away your rock-underside-located residential status) then Nintendo knows just how to tempt you: free junk. Preorder the new DS Poké-games, Diamond and Pearl, from the Gamestop -EB mega-retail conglomerate and you'll be rewarded with a stylus! Also included is a ... stylus ... holder! It's a holder for your stylus! (Back in our day, we had stylus holders too. We called them DSes.)
Naturally, both of these items are decorated with Pokemans, so friends who come anywhere near your DS-wielding hand or your designated DS Accessories Storage Area will be tipped off about your pathological need -- your addiction -- to catch 'em.
Also, it wouldn't be Pokémon if there were no incentive to buy both games -- in the case of these bonuses, the styli each have a different little Poké-mascot on top: Dialga for the Diamond version and Palkia for the Pearl version. We assure you that those are real Pokémon names and not rare diseases. Or maybe both? We don't have medical degrees.
via dsfanboy
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February 17th, 2007, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from DrNeo
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23A
* support the DLDI,and open the DLDI source code
* support CRC write checksum,read/write is more safety
* fix few roms running bug
* moonshell play movie more smooth now,and upgrade to V1.5
* support MK5 joypad and MK5 mouse,and open the source code
* dpgtools upgrade to v1.21 ,support more video format
how to upgrade:
[1] link your MK5 to pc
[2] unzip this rar pack,and copy all file to MK5 removeable disk,overwrite all old files
[3] disconnect PC,turn on nds and enter the menu,click and run "mk5_update_fat_new_V1.23A.nds"
[4] turn off nds,now upgrade finish,enjoy it!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,3784.0.html
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February 17th, 2007, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Samote has released a new version of his Beyond Good & Evil mini game.
Heres whats new:
New version, I added a basic AI, it is satisfied to return the metal discs towards the hole with sometimes of the errors.
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February 17th, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new game for the DS called Card Sharks.
Heres the release info
Card sharks is very simple, basically you bet an amount of money that the next card is higher or lower than your previous card. The goal is to get as much money as possible. A perfect score would be 32,000 if you bet it all on each choice. This includes the $400 bonus. If you bet all your money and lose after the 1st line, you lose. Minimum bets are $50, on the final bet its half your money. Good Luck. I may add an internet high score table if there enough interest.
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February 18th, 2007, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster
Possibly one of the biggest releases for the DS and if successful could open a floodgate to a world of Strategy and Management games for the DS
The japanese version of Sim City DS arrives this week
Heres the packshot:

More info at Play Asia
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February 18th, 2007, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Simon J Hall a Coder here at DCEmu has released the first release of the Port of Quake to the Nintendo DS
Firstly heres some screens

Press the DIGG IT Button
Now heres all the info:
The game
the program, working state and game data have been squeezed into the four megabytes of main memory it requires either shareware or commercial pak files, Amiga and PC paks have been successfully used total conversions and mods should work, assuming they respect the tiny memory size networking currently has been removed, but will return at a later date
the majority of the software renderering has been moved over to using the 3D hardware
world textures are display nearly-correctly, there are however still plenty of texture-coordinate bugs!
fake-lightmapping is currently broken, and needs some time spent on it. As a result, the game is flat-shaded
there's no dynamic lighting yet
there are no textures on the Alias models yet
sprites and particles got hacked in yesterday (17/02/07) and are only partially hardware-accelerated, and have no textures
no water, teleporter or sky animations yet
sound effects support is about 80% finished, so expect to hear pops, clicks, the occasional screech etc
CD music is currently being investigated
the existing solution requires the CD soundtrack to be ripped to your flash card
uses an MP3 decoder, running on the second processor
...but the file streaming slows down the primary processor a bit too much
Tech info
uses the libfat DLDI interface, so should hopefully work on all supported flash cards
built using the latest toolchain, devkitARM r20
in-game performance is still not hot, but is being actively worked on - expect to see it run twice as fast in the finished build
performance is timed using a custom function-instrumenting profiler (a bit like gprof)
Shareware Version of Quake
Binary and Source Download Via Comments - ADDED CONFIG FILE TOO
How to play
This mini-guide assumes that you are familar with the process of running homebrew on your Nintendo DS. If you don't know how to run NDS homebrew, look online for the answer...
You need Quake's data files. If you own a copy, that's cool - you'll have full access to the game. If not, then you can download the shareware version of Quake (for DOS) from id's site. This will only allow you to play the levels from the first episode. If you want to play the full game, buy a copy - don't ask me (or others) where you can get these files.
In the root of your flash card, make a directory named id1
If you're using the shareware version, copy pak0.pak from that archive into the id1 directory that you just created
If you're using a commerical version, copy pak0.pak AND pak1.pak into that directory
You need a config file to tell the game how buttons are set up, etc. I know that my config file works, so download that from the link above and save it into the id1 directory.
Visit Chishm's DLDI page (above) and download the DLDI driver file which corresponds to your NDS booting method.
Download the QuakeDS binary package above, and extract the NDS file into the root of your flash card
You now need to patch that program so that it will be able to access the files on your card
For example, on my GBA Movie Player (CF) I download the file named 'mpcf.dldi' from Chishm's page.
I then run 'dlditool mpcf.dldi k:\QuakeDS.nds' - note K: is the volume where my Compact Flash card is mounted, yours will likely differ
Now do what you've gotta do to make an NDS start on your card
For example, on my GBA Movie Player, I need to rename K:\QuakeDS.nds to K:\_boot_mp.nds
Put the card in your booting hardware and turn on your DS!
The game is not currently finished, so there's no control customisation, bar what you can hack up in in_null.c and config.cfg. You will be able to properly change the controls in the finished version.
Current controls:
touching the screen changes the camera view
using the D-pad emulates the WSAD control method, so use up and down to move forward and backward, left and right to strafe left and right
B is bound to escape, so this will bring up/hide the menu
A is bound to enter, so can be used to select entries in the menu...and also jump
X/Y are weapon cycle up/down
L is fire
R is bound to god mode
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via simon hall
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February 18th, 2007, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
A thread over at the Nintendo of America forums has highlighted a potential problem with the Nintendo Wii's output of 480p signals using component cables. Over a dozen members have reported blank and flickering screens on a range of televisions from 30" Toshiba CRTs right up to 65" Sony XBR LCD TVs. The type of cable isn't limited to third party solutions from the likes of Mad Catz, Psyclone, and Joytech either: several reports indicate that the standard Nintendo component cable also exhibits the problem (no word on whether DIY will save you). Strangely, the problem -- which Tharealfofo states is "like nothing is connected" -- occurs in similar sections of certain games and applications: several forum members have mentioned that the screen goes blank during specific sections of Zelda, the Wii Channel, and in the Opera browser. Switching to 480i output in nearly all cases fixes the problem. The broad mix of configurations that are affected suggests that the problem is the Wii itself, so hopefully Nintendo will issue some form of update in the not too distant future. In the meantime, feel free to sound off in the comments about how being forced to view your games with interlacing is a breach of your fundamental human rights.
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February 18th, 2007, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via joystiq
CVG decided to unleash the beast question: Is the novelty of the Wii wearing off? The drought is in full effect, but in all fairness, the same can be said for the PS3. The Virtual Console games are rolling out slowly, but old games to those who don't need to ask for mom and dad's credit card do not a console make. The Gamecube turned Wii games are good and fine, but where are the Wii games?
CVG says, "Most prominent is the first batch of games, many of which do a better job at exposing the obstacles of full motion control, rather than the benefits ... Red Steel is twitchy and occasionally clumsy, Need For Speed: Most Wanted is near unplayable, Far Cry got it all wrong, and the motion control in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance just feels tacked on."
The Wii is selling well enough and its Gamecube backwards compatibility, along with the VC, is a good distraction for many to not realize there isn't much of a Wii offering yet -- once again, the same can be said for the PS3. Oh well, don't be surprised to see more Wii backlash until there are some legitimate offerings this Christmas.
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February 18th, 2007, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
In our fit of righteous anger over the idea of delaying Metroid Prime 3 again, we missed an interesting aside Reggie dropped at the recent DICE conference -- the idea that old Nintendo Power content may turn up on the Virtual Console. While the idea of reliving some of our greatest memories of gaming journalism is intriguing, we're as yet undecided on how we feel about this one. We could go either way, depending on how it's offered. We are, after all, largely concerned with hoarding our money like the misers we are for games ... but if the price is right, we could throw down with some retro mags. How about you?
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February 19th, 2007, 05:24 Posted By: bandit
Nintendo® has introduced the world to the new generation of video gaming with the launch of Wii. The Wii has totally revolutionized the way the consumer plays video games and has completely widened the demographic of those who enjoy them.
Thrustmaster has developed accessories to help gamers get the most from the Wii Remote and Nunchuck, therefore enhancing and extending play of this radical console to ensure the fun never stops.
T-Protect NW, Price: $9.99
(Available in black and white)
We’ve all read the news surrounding Wii mishaps including stories of people accidentally throwing controls at pets and smashing their TV screens from overzealous gaming. Well, Thrustmaster has taken it upon itself to develop an answer!
The T-Protect NW gives your Wii Remote and Nunchuck maximum protection from wear and tear, while optimizing gaming comfort. The slick silicone casing offers better grip to prevent the controller from slipping from your hand and damaging your home. This is the indispensable protection accessory for your Wii Remote, Nunchuck, not to mention your home!

T-Care NW, Price: $14.99
(Available in white only)
The days of getting your wires crossed are over!
The T-Care NW storage stand takes care of the Wii Remote and a Nunchuk, with no wires left in your way. It slides discretely next to your console, completely blending into its environment, and thanks to its refined design this is the perfect matching accessory for your Wii.
Another great feature of this sleek accessory is that you’ll never lose your controller as you’ll always know where it is. The Nunchuk’s wire is stored in the stand so you’ll never be tangled again. Once you’ve taken it out, just connect and start playing. Less time untangling, more time gaming!
PS: T-Care NW also comes with a set of silicone protectors for one Wii Remote and one Nunchuk.

T-Charge NW, Price $24.99
(Available in black only)
What’s the most frustrating thing in the world of Wii? It must be running short of batteries mid game and not having them within reach immediately. Arrrhhh!
The T-Charge NW is the ideal recharging solution. This stand includes a charger for two AA rechargeable batteries at the back, which connects to your console’s USB port. You can play using two charged batteries, while at the same time recharging the two other included batteries, ensuring the fun never stops!
T-Charge NW comes with a set of black silicone protectors for one Wii Remote and one Nunchuk, and 4 rechargeable AA batteries.

T-Charge + NW, Price $34.99
You can also pick up the T-Charge + NW, a pack containing one T-Care NW and one T-Charge NW. The ideal solution for storing, protecting and recharging your two controllers!

Source: Thrustmaster
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February 19th, 2007, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom looks like a spiritual sequel to Jungle Beat, a brilliant 2D-style platformer on GameCube made unique by its use of the Bongo controllers.
Donkey Kong will hit Japanese arcades housed in a huge three-player arcade cabinet. With nothing but two buttons on the control panel of the cabinet, a similar control style to Jungle Beat, whic saw player hit the button repeatedly to run left and right and is likely.
The three player functionality will presumably allow players to compete in what looks like a series of mini games. Unfortunately, the official Japanese website doesn't offer much firm info for us English-speakers due to a lack of plaintext for Babelfish translate to work its magic on.
Capcom was not available for comment at the time of writing, but we'll be chasing them for the likelihood of this making it to UK shores.
via cvg
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February 19th, 2007, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
Since news of the first Wii mod chip, Wiinja, arose last month, competing hackers have stormed the net with Wii-cracking alternatives, but none with such an attractive proposal as the WiiXT.
This latest mod chip claims to, among other things, enable your Wii to play DVD video discs. If true, this is a major revelation for Wii owners that wished Nintendo had included the most basic of multimedia functions with Wii in the first place.
It also claims to be region free, and operate in stealth mode which renders it undetectable by any anti-modding software Nintendo may release.
However, phony announcements are a common occurrence in the modding scene. Until a chip is shown and tested, you have to take the 'creator's' word for it.
Reader comments posted in the report on Engadget downplay the chip's authenticity: "Just the fact that they claim stealth + region free is bull, if region free were enabled the stealth goes out the window. Believe me, its total bull", says one poster.
Another says: "It wouldn't work. The drive spins counter-clockwise." DVD discs spin clockwise when read, in case you didn't know.
We don't make a habit of opening consoles to find out which way the disc spins. But if you are one of those modding types, let others know if you think the WiiXT could be for real.
If the chip is real it will go on sale for around the $60 mark soon.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
FPS fans eagerly awaiting the release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption could be in for quite a wait, with Reggie Fils-Aime pledging that it won't release until its perfect.
The Nintendo of America president told MTV News: "The focus on 'Prime 3' is to make that the stellar game for a first-person experience on the platform.
"What that means is we're going to make sure it's perfect when we launch it."
Could it become the next Twilight Princess, which was delayed for almost two years? Reggie counts on you considering the wait to be worth it, saying that if the release is "a little later than folks would have liked, I'm hoping they're going to be happy. They certainly seem to be happy that we took our time with 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."
CVG walked away decisively pleased after hands-on time with the demo Retro put on show at E3 2006, so the release can't be that far off. Unless it's delayed to add an online multiplayer mode, which would be nice.
A Nintendo UK correspondent has today told CVG: "We've made no announcements to when MP3 will arrive in the UK."
Fils-aime also apologised for the ongoing difficulty of finding a Wii, reaffirming that production of the console has been accelerated to one million consoles per month, and will see further increases in future.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Nintendo Wii's European Virtual Console could play host to games that were never released here, Nintendo has confirmed.
"There is always the potential for games that haven't seen the light of day in Europe to be on the Virtual Console. The Virtual Console is the perfect platform for them," a Nintendo UK spokesperson told Eurogamer this morning.
"Obviously any game not ever released in Europe would have to under go the PEGI and BBFC ratings process," he added.
That doesn't just mean first party games either. We asked whether Nintendo could speak to the possibility of third party titles, like Super Nintendo RPG Chrono Trigger, finally being made available to European gamers.
"I can't speak for third parties, but if it's the right game then there's absolutely no reason why it should just be a first party game," the spokesperson told us.
That comes on the back of comments in the US, made by Nintendo of America vice president George Harrison, who said that the platform holder was "open" to previously unavailable Japanese games being released in the US "if we can get them translated properly".
The news may signal a shift in Nintendo's thinking, with representatives having previously indicated that Virtual Console would initially stick to versions of games released specifically in the target territory.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Suda 51 has promised that he'll work as hard as he can on making No More Heroes, his latest project for Nintendo's Wii, at least as splatter-happy and violently entertaining as Rockstar's already-infamous Manhunt 2.
The oddly-monikered creator of the crazy-great Killer 7 swears that he'll try his best "to make No More Heroes as violent, or even more violent than Manhunt 2!" during a recent interview with website IGN.
Elsewhere the head of developer Grasshopper Manufacture sums up his new edgy, fruitloop-tastic project as an assassin's coming-of-age tale. We're sold already.
via gamesradar
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February 19th, 2007, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
The deadly flying wiimote epidemic of 2006 very well could have been avoided if only Nintendo had maintained the same safety standards it had back in 1982. Kotakuite Astrofox has unearthed evidence proving that the venerable company once dedicated itself to saving its products and customers from the vile infant scourge.
I just found my original donkey kong game and watch and it had all the documentation with it. You thought Nintendo of 2007 was paranoid, try Nintendo 1982. Stickers specifically designed to keep babies from breaking open the unit, and feasting on the sweet sweet batteries inside.
Back in '82 I may have been only nine years old, but I still remember the horrible things the packs of roving babies would do...the atrocities. Whole car batteries devoured as onlookers cried out for something...anything to protect their precious power cells. I shudder to think what the world would be like if Nintendo hadn't discovered anti-toddler sticker technology. We owe them a debt we can never repay, so the next time you take a wiimote to the forehead, you just thank your lucky magic stars that the batteries inside are safe.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
It's President's Day here in the United States of America, and while a quarter to a half of the country takes a day to exchange presents, dress up like their favorite head of state, and generally celebrate until the kids go to bed and the fake Abe Lincoln beard and fishnets come out (just me?), Nintendo is busy bending space and time to bring you the latest in old stuff for you to play on your Wii.
This week features the highly overrated Donkey Kong Country, where you get to maneuver plastic simians of varying size and shape around a plastic world, collecting plastic bananas. The series always struck me as slightly creepy...if 2D had an uncanny valley, this was probably it.
Then there's the 1-2 rhyming punch of Streets of Rage (Genesis) and The Legend of Kage (NES). The first is one of the classic side-scrolling beat-em ups, and the second is game starring a ninja desperately in need of pants on a quest to save a princess from some evil. Darn that evil.
Finally we have New Adventure Island (TG16), the fourth Adventure Island game which plays almost exactly like every other game in the series, only this one is much more...Turbo-Grafxy.
There you have it, four old games made new by the magic of having to pay for them again!
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February 19th, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
One of Famitsu's criticisms of Fire Emblem: Dawn Goddess, which is released in Japan this Thursday, is that the game makes no particular use of the Wii's Remote. This could have been a GameCube release. But it's not, and yet there remains a perfectly adequate way to play Fire Emblem: get a Classic Controller (which is just what the girl in Nintendo's latest TV ad has done). Click through to see the TV spot and notice the girl's surprisingly honest facial expression -- does Classic Control mean profound boredom?
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February 19th, 2007, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

Tired of waiting for Nintendo to produce a solution, Chris Williams, a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, made his own clip to attach a Wii remote to the Classic Controller, handily solving one of our Wii annoyances. All it took was three hours of labor and some high-tech equipment to make Williams something of a hero in Nintendo circles.
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"I thought you guys might be interested in a little weekend project of mine. I fabricated a clip that attaches the Wiimote to the Classic Controller, using the 'mysterious' 3rd shoulder button.
"I've always hypothesized that the 'mystery' button (un)connects an as-of-yet unreleased clip that would allow you to attach your Wiimote to the Classic Controller. The idea being that such a thing would be good for (a) getting the Wiimote out of the way and (b) for any games that may want to have a mix between dual-analog controls and motion-sensitive controls.
"I'm working on my PhD in mechanical engineering, and as such I spent some time in my research lab over the weekend working on graduating. I figured that while I was there, I'd spend some time trying to bring this hypothesis to fruition. So, using the lab's Stereolithography machine (a type of rapid prototyping machine), I made a clip. It took about an hour to draw in CAD, and it took the machine about 2 hours to make it.
"You feed it a CAD model, the computer slices it into cross-sections, and then the part is built one cross-section at a time. SLA does this by tracing a UV laser over a vat of photo-polymer resin -- a viscous material that solidifies once it is exposed to concentrated UV light. One layer is made via a series of laser scans, the part is lowered deeper into the vat, a new layer of resin is spread over it, and the process repeats itself. "
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February 19th, 2007, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Another update from the CnC DS site:
Ok this is a hastily written update, mucho busy! Can’t believe a week has gone already, the time has really flown! The reworking under the hood is mostly done now.. I’ve changed the way I handle units and buildings so its even more unified which has simplified a few things. The debug menu code changes are pretty much done, which is good.
The weapon reloading code is working, but I’ll probably change it again in the future. There’s some cases when a weapon charges before it fires that the system can’t do, e.g. an obelisk. Otherwise a unit can happily fire and destroy another unit now. Oh and you can select buildings now to see their health. Oh did I mention armour types in an earlier post? There are up to 8 different armour types right now though that number can grow as needed.
I cant wait for this game - wraggy
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February 19th, 2007, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new version of his Deal or no Deal game
Heres whats new:
I made a version that has sounds from the game, but its not working perfectly, sometimes sounds dont play or they do other wierd things.
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February 19th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new version of his Press Your Luck game
Heres whats new:
I fixed some annoying bugs, involving trading spins on a 3 players game. also made it so when you click on most buttons they wont activate until you release the stylus, this caused some probs where you may spin or pass when you didnt intend too, cause the buttons would change on you and they would detect the stylus and consider it a click.
I have made a new version with an online scoreboard using WIFI..
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February 19th, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new version of his Card Sharks game
Heres whats new:
I made a minor update to the game on 2-18-2007. It now features a startup screen, and some sounds.
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February 19th, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Fostorial, heres the release info:
It's my first attempt at DS program so be gentle. It's top trumps, plain and simple. The game has two decks, comic book legends and video game characters, with a viewer for each deck.
The controls are totally stylus based and they should work since they work with my R4 and that seems to be the thing that has the most trouble with the stylus. Just tap the catergory you want to go with.
I have tested this on a R4 DS slot 2 device with a DS lite. Any one tries on anything else and finds problems let me know.
I would appreciate any feedback (especially good ) on it as a whole or any bugs you find with it.
It is in the beta stage at the moment, I still need to put the statistics in the collection viewer and its missing the third deck but that's mainly because I can't decide what to have as a third deck. I'm also gonna implement 2 player when I get the chance.
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February 19th, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Kyuzumaki has released a new version of his rom editing tool for the DS, excellent for homebrew editing:
Heres whats new:
RomeR v1.0.1.2 Changes:
New simplified settings menu
Default behaviors altered
Can now extract rom icons to png file
Return characters altered to be NDS compliant
Rom trimming & graphical represantation of empty space
(This is the safe method but be aware if the graphical display is weird i.e. [used space] > [rom size] or [used space] = 0 then don't try to trim it!)
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February 20th, 2007, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster

Heres whats posted on the official site
The DS-X sales department is delighted to announce that the DS-Xtreme 4Gb is now in full stock since its inception onto the market. For many months the company has strived to fulfil the phenomenal demand and is now finally clear of back orders. Fans of the DS-Xtreme will be pleased to here that their local retailer is now enabled to possess sufficient stock of the product to promptly fulfil orders. Thanks must be accredited to retailers and customers for their levels of patience in the build-up to this stage.
You can BUY this latest new flashcart for the Nintendo DS from Divineo Spain, Divineo Germany, Divineo USA, Divineo China, Divineo UK
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February 20th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
via water cooler
Back in November, I revealed in a column at Serious Games Source that despite their stated intention to support independent work, Nintendo wasn't planning to review independent developer applications for Wii dev kits until January 2007. We just got an update from Nintendo of America, and it looks like those of us interested in making Wii games, but who don't have a publisher contract, will have to wait even longer.
According to our contact, the Wii Independent Developer Program is "on hold" until the end of the month, because "the Wii publishers are taking all of the available inventory, and more." In other words, Nintendo doesn't have enough kits to cover the demand for all those crappy licensed games, let alone more original work. I've confirmed that others heard the same story at D.I.C.E. last week.
The dev kit situation mirrors the Wii itself. Last November I also lamented about the absurd fanboy commitment required to obtain a Wii, and I wondered how Nintendo could claim to appeal to ordinary people if nobody could get a device. Today, three months later, it's still almost impossible to get a Wii -- or a DS for that matter, the two game consoles most likely to appeal to the so-called "non-gamer."
I still have a lot of interest in developing for Wii at the studio, but the lack of dev kits combined with the lack of retail units makes me worry. Is Nintendo's story about mass-appeal just marketing rhetoric? At the rate we're going, independent games of any kind won't be a reality until 2008 at least, and we still don't know how likely Nintendo is to license unusual games for the system. Maybe by that time the retail stock situation will have resolved itself, at least. There's no point making games for a machine nobody can buy.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
O~3 Entertainment's efforts to bring Radio Allergy to North America have been slowed, slightly. The throwback shmup will be delayed a month, now scheduled to ship in limited quantities on March 20 (available through Amazon). Hoping to unload its stock of the budget GameCube shooter as swiftly as possible, O~3 has wisely tacked on a "it'll play in your Wii" reminder (meaning: you'll still be piloting with your WaveBird).
So how often is your Wii just a GameCube?
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February 20th, 2007, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has released a new version of his awesome RTS game for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Time to start with a new version number since I'm actually adding features and not just fixing bugs. This new version just contains one new feature, namely unit groups. I added 9 slots for remembering/setting active groups. To use them, have a group of units or a building selected, tap an empty slot at the top left you want to assign it to and you're done. Tap the number again to reselect those units, tap it with the group already selected to center the screen to their location, and hold the number for a half second to erase the grouping
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February 20th, 2007, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Rumor alert! NamcoBandai is allegedly planning a load of new, and new-ish, games in their Tales series for Nintendo consoles. The rumor gives titles for three new (potential) games, one of which is headed for the DS. If internet rumormongering is to be believed, Namco is working on a 2D sequel to the oft-ported Tales of Phantasia.
We can't comment on the veracity of the rumor's specifics, but it seems likely that more Tales games are headed, in abundance, to every platform that Japanese gamers like. Not only has the series already made its dual-screened debut, RPG-spamming has been their modus operandi since before the DS was popular. Now that the most popular console in Japan by far is also the cheapest to develop for (being a handheld), continuing the trend seems like a Tale of the Obvious.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
As if there weren't plenty of ways to mod that old DS Phat of yours already, someone has figured out a little trick that allows you to use it as an extra pair of speakers. Using a line-in cable and his DS Lite as an audio source, GameTrailers user (and avid site reader) MaHe1 manages to bust out the mp3s while playing a little Mario Kart DS. Hmm, we wonder where else he could play Mario Kart DS ...
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February 20th, 2007, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Sometimes, we sure love the series of tubes through which information flows. There we were, happily slaving away in this tiny cell, listening to the shouts of our overlords, and we stumbled upon screenshots of pirates. Awesome, we thought, we can lure people into another round of pirates v. ninjas. But before we could enact this sinister plan, we headed over to the developer's site and there we found more screenshots for more games. Ain't life grand?
The company, Digital Embryo, is also responsible for the upcoming port of Cake Mania for the DS, and their site profiles some of the other DS titles they've got cooking, from Intergalactic Casino (shockingly, filled with casino games) to the aforementioned Pirates of Emerald Islands. Though from these few screens, the games don't look too involved, they are characterized by a crisp and colorful style. Hit the jump to check out Pirates and a few of the others.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
What's new in v0.2.2:
* The project has a new name: "Explosion of an Aeroplane".
* Incorporated the dswifilib bugfixes (DSLite related) done on 11-Jan-2007.
* When the current special weapon runs out of ammo, the next one with ammo is automatically selected.
* Added third flight model: OUTER SPACE.
* It's possible to select the base color for the plane in the plane selection screen.
* Redrew the missile sprite, and flying missiles now emit smoke particles. The missile sprites are also rotated correctly.
* When out of gas, the turbo boost works as the normal acceleration.
* Added a template banner (icon) to the ROM, though it seems that M3 cannot show it. DS-X shows it correclty.
* Added support for delayed particle spawns (very easy to create a lot of particles that appear later).
* Added heat seeking missiles.
* It's possible to destroy the AI turrets with missiles and bombs.
* If you press L+R in less than 0.5s after your plane has started to explode, it fires some (50% chance per bullet) of
the remaining special weapon bullets into random directions.
* Made the zooming zoom more away from the playfield.
* The bombs get the plane's initial Y speed.
* Added enemy missile launchers.
* If you press the name of the level in the PLAY menu screen, the level will be reset.
* It's possible to zoom out and in into the plane in PLANE SELECTION menu screen using X and B, and corrected the Z-scaling.
* The plane selection and the plane colors are saved in SRAM.
* After respawning the plane is invulnerable during the first frame of the new life as well.
* Changing layers uses only 50% of a gas tank, not 100%.
* The level is reset when a multiplayer match begins.
I'm off to Egypt with Markus, to scuba dive once again!  Anyway, in the next release
we'll try to do the following things:
* Add support for 1024x1024 4 color levels with one layer
* Double the level graphics via zooming
* Instead of gas the layer change could consume batteries
* Synchronize the play options so that all clients use the same settings
* The player should get minus points for killing himself
* Add a map screen
... and more levels, airports, etc?
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February 20th, 2007, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
New release from MrSid
Here is yet another Commodore 64 classic for the Nintendo DS. And this time it's something with a special connection to Nintendo.
As you may know, Giana Sisters was a blatant rip-off of Super Mario Bros, so Nintendo sued to get the game removed from the shelves.
Today I bring Giana Sisters back onto Nintendo turf.
Video =
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February 20th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Archeide has posted a new release of his Snes emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
It has been a long time with no real updates of SNEmulDS.. This first release break this silence, and i hope it will please everyone. First of all, the main change is the integration of the CPU engine of SnezziDS. In fact, I wanted to make my own CPU engine in ASM, but i rapidly saw that i couldn’t do better than bubble2k did. I recognize his work as a masterpiece in DS homebrews. I personnally added some new features from the original C CPU of SNEmulDS: speed hacks, memory protection, and ROM paging/dynamic reloading (giving Large ROMs support for Slot-1 cards). All combined CPU engine and speed hacks give a great boost in speed.
There are also various changes:
Implemented MODE 7
Partial line by line engine for MODE 7 games
Implemented MODE 3,4 (256 colors)
Now SNEmulDS uses devkitpro 20 and libfat library from chishm with DLDI support, for better compatibility
Improved ROM paging, reducing bugs for Large ROMs (> 3 Mo)
Fixed memory leaks (And consequently, fixed famous “Unsupported Large LoRom” bug)
Three level of speed hacks : no speed hacks, medium speed hacks, full speed hacks. Each level give various compatibility and speed enhancements.
Fixed various bugs
Now SNEmulDS sources are under GNU license, to be compatible with snezzids
Get it here : (don’t forget to patch it with your DLDI driver, SNES games are loaded from SNES directory)
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February 20th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamefactory have released a load of screenshots for their Bratz Ponyz game
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February 20th, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Attention, all planetary patrol officers. Disney Interactive Studios just released the first set of Spectrobes into the galaxy, so be on the lookout! You must unearth, awake and nurture these prehistoric creatures on the Nintendo DS to save the universe from the villainous Krawl.
Disney Interactive Studios will be releasing details and images for sets of four Spectrobes creatures leading up to the game’s availability on Tuesday, March 16.
Forms -- There are three forms for each Spectrobe based on their growth. Typically, Spectrobes are acquired by excavating them in fossil form and then awakening them into child form. From child, they are evolved into adult form and their final stage, which is called evolved.
Attributes -- Spectrobes are creatures of light, and light is often represented by red, green and Blue. Corona is red, Aurora is green and Flash is blue.
Each Spectrobe has only one of these attributes. The important thing is the power relationship between these:
Corona is strong against Aurora.
Aurora is strong against Flash.
Flash is strong against Corona.
Here are the profiles of these newly released Spectrobes:
Inkana is a guard type Spectrobe. He fuels himself with energy derived from magma. His hard fossil-like shell serves as excellent defence against attacks.
Form: Child
Attribute: Corona
Length (feet): 1.3
Weight (lbs): 39
Grilden may be a velocity type Spectrobe, but he has awesome attack power. His body blades can plow through groups of enemies and his Hurlicane attack is nasty.
Form: Adult
Attribute: Aurora
Length (feet): 6.8
Weight (lbs): 705
Gekikro has great speed in the sky and is also a master of magic. He's also a recovery Spectrobe. He's excellent at hand-to-hand combat and is a well-balanced, loyal ally.
Form: Evolved
Attribute: Corona
Length (feet): 7.5
Weight (lbs.): 970
Samurite is one of the most reliable Spectrobes. He has an imposing air and great determination. The crescent swords attached to his arms can mince most anything.
Form: Adult
Attribute: Flash
Length (feet): 5.2
Weight (lbs): 485
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February 20th, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Capcom refugees from the recently-closed Okami developer Clover have been moved to work on Resident Evil 5 and Keiji Inafune's mysterious Wii project, Capcom has confirmed.
"Some of the team that worked on Clover titles are now helping Takeuchi-san on Resident Evil 5, helping Inafune-san on a new title for the Wii", Capcom's vice president of marketing Charles Bellfield reveals to Gamasutra.com.
"I think it's very much the skill set still stays in the company when those individuals stay and, unfortunately, three individuals chose to leave," he said, referring to Clover veterans Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba and Hideki Kamiya who left Capcom to form new studio Seeds.
"What actually happened is Mikami-san, Kamiya-san and Inaba-san chose to leave the company and do something else and the rest of the Clover team was just incorporated back into the rest of Capcom's development talent pool," he says.
Apparently the move wouldn't have a caused a big shake-up for the respective teams, because Capcom doesn't have dedicated strict boundaries between its development teams. "Everybody does work on a variety of content and games at Capcom," Bellfield notes.
With a good few years of development and an even bigger team pushing things along, we can't wait to see what sort of state the new Resi is in. But will it be able to live up to number 4 without Mikami's direction? Our fingers are crossed.
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February 20th, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

Weekly Special: Capcom's Gamecube™ classic Biohazard Zero at US$ 12.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Biohazard Zero takes place in 1998, before the events of the first Biohazard game. During the cinematic opening sequence, the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team's helicopter is forced to crash-land outside Raccoon City. When the team splits up to investigate, rookie cop Rebecca Chambers seeks shelter from the rain in a dilapidated train. It seems that all the passengers are dead until she comes face to face with an escaped convict named Billy Coen.
When the mangled bodies filling the train start to come to life, an unlikely duo is formed. Rebecca and Billy may not have much in common, but they know they must work together to survive. The two must disembark from the train and explore new locations. Eventually you will learn the secrets of the Raccoon City saga.
Capcom's Gamecube™ classic Biohazard Zero is now available at discounted US$ 12.90 only. This title also contains a free 51 block memory card.
More details at Play Asia
Remember that Gamecube Games from any region can be played on Nintendo Wii and Gamecube With the Freeloader
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February 20th, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

Weekly Special: Capcom's Gamecube™ classic Biohazard Zero at US$ 12.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Biohazard Zero takes place in 1998, before the events of the first Biohazard game. During the cinematic opening sequence, the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team's helicopter is forced to crash-land outside Raccoon City. When the team splits up to investigate, rookie cop Rebecca Chambers seeks shelter from the rain in a dilapidated train. It seems that all the passengers are dead until she comes face to face with an escaped convict named Billy Coen.
When the mangled bodies filling the train start to come to life, an unlikely duo is formed. Rebecca and Billy may not have much in common, but they know they must work together to survive. The two must disembark from the train and explore new locations. Eventually you will learn the secrets of the Raccoon City saga.
Capcom's Gamecube™ classic Biohazard Zero is now available at discounted US$ 12.90 only. This title also contains a free 51 block memory card.
More details at Play Asia
Remember that Gamecube Games from any region can be played on Nintendo Wii and Gamecube With the Freeloader
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February 20th, 2007, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
via arsetechnica
One of the major selling points of this newest generation of consoles is the ability to buy casual and classic games and download them directly to your console. The 360 has seen success with the Live Arcade gaming service, and Nintendo is undoubtedly doing well enticing gamers into reliving their youth via the Virtual Console service on the Wii.
There's no question: gamers love it, and sales are strong. However, one surprise has nipped us a few times, and according to your e-mails, a few of you have been surprised too. As it turns out, many of these games aren't completely faithful to our memories and to the originals they represent. Most of the differences are minor, and some are even improvements. Here's a rundown of some of the bigger gotchas we've run across to date:
Mario Kart 64 (Wii Virtual Console): The $10 downloadable version of Mario Kart 64 does not let you save ghost data in the time trials. The culprit is the lack of emulation of the memory pack slot on the back on the N64 system—a problem likely to strike other Nintendo 64 games. For Mario Kart, the missing feature isn't a show stopper, but racing against your best times was an addicting and popular way to play the original on the Nintendo 64.
Kid Icarus (Wii Virtual Console): This is a classic from the original NES, and while the graphics and sound are great on the Wii, you won't be able to use the popular cheat codes from your youth. We're not sure why they were taken out. This may not matter to some, but the memories of the codes are a big part of what made this game special. Who could forget DANGER !!!!!! TERROR HORROR or PAKING PAKING PAKING PAKING? There are other codes that work, but this subtly reminds you that you're not quite playing the game you remember.
Starfox 64 (Wii Virtual Console): Many gamers remember Starfox 64 for the fact it came with the rumble pack, allowing the controller to shake and buzz along with the game. Nintendo has said that rumble won't be supported in Virtual Console games, so if you like rumble in your games Starfox 64 will be different from your memories. While only some N64 games supported rumble, it was a big part of the Starfox 64 launch, and will be missed. Starfox 64 has no announced release date yet, but it and several other rumble-originals are expected later this year.
Frogger (Xbox Live Arcade): This is a harder one to quantify, but enough people have commented on it in reviews that we feel it's worth touching on. The game play just feels off. The download features updated graphics, but even in the original graphical presentation the game has a slightly different feel from the arcade original. If you're a huge Frogger fan and grew up giving the machine quarters, you can probably get used to the change, but be aware it's not exactly the same game you remember. Deaths seem to come a little easier, upping the overall difficulty.
Contra (Xbox Live Arcade): When people think of Contra they think of the Konami code (up up down down left right left right select start) and thankfully the code works in the downloadable version of the game. The gotcha this time was the fact that the download is based on the arcade version of Contra, not the widely known and loved NES port. While this is more of a bad decision than a glitch, some players have felt ripped off when they realized this wasn't the version of the game they remember. This is why demos are important, and companies should note which version of the game they are selling.
The D-Pad (Xbox Live Arcade): While not a game, we have to comment on the Xbox 360's controller. The Wiimote is a good fit for NES games, and Nintendo sells a classic controller for other games, and even supports the GameCube controller. The 360 controller is another matter entirely: the d-pad is terribly imprecise and the analogue stick is worthless in games like Street Fighter 2. Play a game of Pac-Man at the arcade and then try the same game on a 360 controller. The frustration will be immediate. In many cases playing with original controllers is enough of a reason not to play these games via official emulation at all. There have been persistent rumors that Microsoft might release a wireless joystick to combat this. We'll see.
Close, and the cigar?
How much these differences matter to you is a matter of opinion; some are going to pick and choose what games to buy based on what is included or missing while others may never notice a difference. What's clear is that it's harder to get an authentic experience using these download services than many people originally expected. In fact, some of you take these matters quite seriously, as reader mail and forum feedback shows.
It's worth noting that with these newer downloadable systems, there's plenty of positives, too. Convenience is king, and being able to even play these games is a huge boon to many gamers who no longer have old systems and the games that go with them. The quality can be quite impressive, too. Opposable Thumbs recently reviewed a new NES clone system, and after comparing the graphical output of each one, the Wii's picture was even better than the original. It's an old cliché that you can't go home, and maybe in this case without tracking down classic systems and original carts, you'll never be able to experience the games exactly how you remember them. Depending on your point of view, that could be a plus or a minus.
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February 20th, 2007, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
via techeblog
Not all Nintendo DS systems look boring. These five examples take creativity to a whole new level. Highlights include the NES Controller mod, MegaDrive, and more. Which one do you like best?
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February 20th, 2007, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
via spong
New research commissioned by Liverpool John Moores University has shown that kids who regularly play Wii games burn up a significantly larger amount of calories than kids who play other consoles, or spend their time passively watching TV.
Not really surprising news for anybody who’s had a good workout on Wii Sports or WarioWare: Smooth Moves of late, but still good to hear nonetheless.
The study, headed-up by John Moore’s researcher Professor, Tim Cable, claims that regular use of Wii could help kids shift 27lb (12.25kg) a year.
Prof. Cable said: "Through our testing it is clear that the motion sensor-controlled console can make an impact on a child's heart rate, energy expenditure and the amount of calories burned… Research from GameVision's Consumer Intelligence Report shows that, on average, gamers in the UK currently spend around 12.2 hours a week playing computer games. Therefore, it is important to promote as much activity as possible during this time."
Cable’s study was based on measuring the impact of playing Wii and of playing a traditional non-motion-controlled console on five girls and seven boys, aged between 13 and 15.
15 minutes of play using a traditional controller increased the subject’s energy expenditure above resting values by an average of 60%. With a Wii controller this was increased to a whopping 156%.
Heart rates also increased to 130 beats per minute while playing Wii, compared with 85 beats per minute with a traditional console.
In an average kid's gaming week, based on GameVision's estimate of 12.2 hours, this means there is a potential 1,830 calories burned per week when using Wii which works out as 40% more than when using a traditional controller.
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February 20th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
For the Wii and DS via gonintendo
Excite Truck - Feb 22nd
Sonic and the Secret Rings - March
Bionicle Heroes - March
Kororinpa - March 1st
DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - March 2nd
SSX Blur - March 15th
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - March 15th
World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions - March 15th
Rapala Tournament Fishing - March 22nd
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - March 22nd
Wing Island - March 29th
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of World War II - March 29th
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - March 29th
Medal of Honor: Vanguard - March 29th
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Feb 22nd
Kirby Squeak Squad - March 1st
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - March 8th
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February 20th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
For the Wii and DS via gonintendo
Excite Truck - Feb 22nd
Sonic and the Secret Rings - March
Bionicle Heroes - March
Kororinpa - March 1st
DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - March 2nd
SSX Blur - March 15th
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - March 15th
World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions - March 15th
Rapala Tournament Fishing - March 22nd
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - March 22nd
Wing Island - March 29th
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of World War II - March 29th
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - March 29th
Medal of Honor: Vanguard - March 29th
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Feb 22nd
Kirby Squeak Squad - March 1st
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - March 8th
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February 20th, 2007, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts gets credit for making the first football game on the Wii. However, Madden NFL 2007 never came out for the Wii in Japan, so Nintendo is getting the first shot at bringing the genre to Japan with Eyeshield 21. Here is a little bit on how the motion controls are going to work in the game.
full details at siliconera
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February 20th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Remember how we used to say that our console was the better one because it didn't incite violence among its fanbase? That was fun while it lasted. Now all we have to go on is the price and selection of games.
37-year-old Kazunari Tanaka is accused of trying to shoplift a Wiimote and a CD from a Bic Camera in Nagoya, Japan. When security guards accosted him, he (allegedly) started punching, leaving both guards injured.
We won't blame the Wii for this crime, although we're sure someone will. People shoplift every day.
The Wii doesn't inspire crimes against anything but televisions (against which it instills a murderous rage).
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February 20th, 2007, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Shizzy has posted some news about his Gamecube emulator for windows:
But here's a little progress shot to let you know that Gekko is not at all dead, and in fact the team is more allive right now than it has ever been.
Shot taken with Gekko's own Video Plugin that I have been working on over the past few months, in the Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker. That is, we no longer use Dolphin Video.
I won't say much, but I will say we have some big surprises in store that aren't quite evident from just a screenshot :-)
More at the official site
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February 20th, 2007, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Ema Skye, the science-obsessed, Luminol-toting teen sidekick from Case 5 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten) is making a return appearance in the new DS sequel, pink goggles and all. Her new character art portrays her as a little more grown-up, so maybe she'll be less annoying. Even if not, we really started to feel sympathetic to Phoenix's junior-detective friend in that case (Don't know what we're talking about? PLAY THE GAME!).
Screens at link above
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February 20th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy

We thought we didn't like DS Lite stands that much. We were so, so wrong. It turns out we were just waiting for this one to come along and make our DS look more like an IKEA lamp. Where those other stands use ridiculous hinges and rectangular bases to sit on your table*, or magnets to stick to surfaces, the Game Stand Lite uses two real, proven scientific principles which naturally increase awesomeness:
a big bendy arm, and
a suction cup
We don't think it comes with that transparent base, which is too bad. We like transparent things almost as much as we like bendy things. We do hope that suction cup is strong enough to stand up to the force of a few songs' worth of rhythm-action.
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February 20th, 2007, 22:58 Posted By: gunntims0103
Nintendo's Profits Rise 43 Percent, Lifted by Popularity of New Wand-Wielding Wii Game Console
TOKYO Jan 25, 2007 (AP)— Booming year-end sales of the wand-wielding Wii game console sent profit at Nintendo soaring 43 percent for the nine months ended December, the Japanese manufacturer of Pokemon and Super Mario games said Thursday.
Nintendo Co., which also makes GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS handheld machines, recorded group net profit of 131.9 billion yen ($1.1 billion) in the first nine months of the fiscal year, up dramatically from 92.2 billion yen the same period a year earlier.
The company did not break down quarterly numbers.
Sales soared 73 percent to 712.6 billion yen ($5.9 billion) during the April-December period from 412.3 billion yen the previous year, the Kyoto-based company said in a release.
Nintendo's Wii is embroiled in a head-to-head battle in next-generation home game consoles against sector leader Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3, which has been plagued with production problems.
Wii, inspired by the English word "we," has benefited from its fun image built around the wandlike remote controller that players wave around like a tennis racket, fishing rod, drumstick or gun, depending on the game.
Nintendo said it sold 3.19 million Wii machines worldwide, 1.25 million in the Americas, and 1.14 million in Japan.
The company said it had met its target of 4 million units shipped by the end of 2006 as that number had been manufactured and were still getting distributed, according to spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa.
He said Nintendo was well on its way to reach its target of global shipment for 6 million Wii machines by March 31, the end of the current fiscal year, and will have manufactured 7 million Wii machines in fiscal 2006.
Earlier this month, Sony said it shipped 2 million PlayStation 3 machines worldwide by mid-January, falling about two weeks behind its initial plan in shipments in Japan. The machine's launch in Europe has been delayed until later this year. Sony is also targeting shipping 6 million PS3 machines by March 31.
Selling machines in high volumes is crucial in the gaming business because hot-selling formats attract software companies to make more games, which in turn boost console sales and often bring in hefty profits for the hardware companies that also make software.
The Wii faced some minor problems early on with its wand, which flew out of the hands of some enthusiastic players, snapping the wrist strap and sometimes crashing into TVs.
But that hasn't dented the company's profits or stopped the Wii from selling well.
A voluntary exchange for a thicker strap for the controller announced in December will cost slightly more than 1 billion yen ($8 million; euro6 million), including costs extending beyond the period covered in Thursday's report, Minagawa said.
Nintendo said it was also marking robust sales with its Nintendo DS portable, totaling 18.88 million units sold worldwide in the first three quarters the fastest rising game platform ever in the Japan market. The machine is also selling briskly overseas, it said.
In-house game software sales, which are crucial for boosting profitability for game companies, also did well for Nintendo, it said, such as "New Super Mario Bros.," "Brain Age" and "Nintendogs" for DS, and "The Legend Zelda: Twilight Princess," for Wii.
Etsuko Tamura, analyst for Mizuho Investors Securities in Tokyo, said Nintendo was likely to do well through next fiscal year because of a planned strong lineup of game software, such as "Dragon Quest" for DS.
"There's no bad news for Nintendo," she said, shrugging off some doubts that consumers may already be starting to tire of the Wii, partly because of its simplicity. "Nintendo will come up with new kinds of games for Wii."
Easy-to-play games to attract the elderly and other newcomers are likely in the works, including dieting games, said Tamura.
Nintendo also got a boost from the weaker yen, which inflates overseas earnings when repatriated. During the nine months, Nintendo racked up a 26 billion yen ($216 million) foreign exchange gain.
The company kept its full-year forecast unchanged at 120 billion yen ($996 million) profit, despite heftier profits for the nine-month period partly because of the uncertainty of currency fluctuations, on 900 billion yen ($7.5 billion) sales.
Nintendo shares, which have more than doubled over the last year, closed up 1.5 percent in Tokyo at 33,500 yen ($278) shortly before earnings were announced.
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February 20th, 2007, 23:41 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamezone
Today Nintendo adds four new classic games to the popular Wii video game system's Wii Shop Channel. The games go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Nintendo adds new games to the channel every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
Donkey Kong Country (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): Donkey Kong Country is an incredible island adventure, and the first game to feature Donkey Kong's sidekick, Diddy Kong. Challenged by the crazed tribe of reptilian Kremlings, the Kongs face their cunning adversaries armed with lightning-quick moves, chest-pounding muscle and awesome aerial acrobatics. The duo also gets help from a host of friends and family, from Funky Kong, Cranky Kong and Candy Kong to Rambi the rhino, Expresso the ostrich, Enguarde the swordfish, Squawks the parrot and Winky the frog. This game has more than 30 levels, plus dozens of hidden caves and secret rooms - more than 100 areas in all. Help the Kongs recover their stolen banana hoard!
The Legend of Kage (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): This classic ninja-action game first appeared in arcades in 1985 and became instantly popular. As the Iga ninja named "Kage," players embark on an action-packed quest as they move toward a magic castle where the Princess "Kiri" is held captive by "Yohshirou Yukikusa." To stay alive, players move vertically and horizontally through forest and castle environments and execute massive jumps, all the while using throwing-star knives and a sword to take down hordes of enemies.
New Adventure Island (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): On peaceful Adventure Island, the islanders are celebrating the wedding of Master Higgins and Tina, the "Miss Island Queen." Suddenly, the celebration is interrupted by the appearance of Baron Bronsky and his henchmen, who kidnap Tina and the island children. Master Higgins must set out to rescue the children and his beloved Tina in this side-scrolling action game. Throw hatchets and boomerangs, hop on skateboards and guide Master Higgins safely to the goal in each area. New Adventure Island consists of seven exciting stages. Each stage is split into four areas, with a boss waiting at the end of the final area. Defeat all the bosses and release the kidnapped children. And waiting in the castle of the final stage - the wicked Baron Bronsky. Help Master Higgins defeat him and reclaim his bride.
Streets of Rage (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): The city was once a happy, peaceful place...until one day, a powerful secret criminal organization took over. This vicious syndicate soon had control of the government and even the police force. The city has become a center of violence and crime where no one is safe. Amid this turmoil, a group of determined young police officers has sworn to clean up the city. Among them are Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding. They've decided to put their lives on the line and take back their city through their special hand-to-hand combat abilities. They are willing to risk anything, even their lives, on the Streets of Rage.
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February 21st, 2007, 16:24 Posted By: JKKDARK
New release of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
Fixed a bug in DISPSTAT irq.
Fixed a bug in RTC functions.
Added EEPROM management.
Added Power Managment functions.
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February 21st, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Hotel Dusk: Room 215, the innovative murder mystery game from the makers of Another Code, will hit UK shops on April 13.
The detective novel-esque quest draws players into an intriguing plot as they help ex-New York cop Kyle unravel the mysteries of a strange hotel and its residents.
Played entirely with the stylus, Hotel Dusk is packed with the innovative and clever puzzles that developer Cing has become known for since releasing Another Code
via cvg
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February 21st, 2007, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Ouendan 2, the sequel to the Japanese-only rhythm-action game that was so popular they adapted it for western audiences, is in the works according to Dengeki Online.
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2, is the full Japanese name, which Google's translation tool hilariously interprets as 'Burn! Thermal blood rhythm soul Pushing patience! Fighting obtaining! Cheer group 2.'
Other internet translations came up with 'OtherBurn! Fervorous Spirit of Rhythm! Go! Fight! Cheer Squad 2' and various other seeming random babblings.
Whatever the title, the catchy tunes and crazy characters of the original Japanese Ouendan earned it a huge cult following in the west and is considered one of the best games on DS by those in the import scene. The game was later adapted for the US and released under the name Elite Beat Agents.
But the Japanese sequel is what everyone wants, and according to Dengeki it will include a four-player multiplayer option, too. Excite!
Ouendan 2 is down for a 2007 release in Japan. That's one for the 'Must Import' list
via cvg
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February 21st, 2007, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
We're so excited about Super Paper Mario that we can't help staring anxiously at every last screenshot released, the helpless retro whores we are.
These latest screens, uncovered by Famitsu, show one instance of how the camera-swivelling mechanic, which transforms the 2D gameplay into 3D, will work.
Mario comes to a gap far too large to jump. He's stuck. But when you swivel the camera, the new view reveals that the seemingly non-interactive background hills, which were nothing more than scenic decoration in old Mario games, actually form a path for Mario to walk along. Brilliant.
GIANT NES SPRITE Mario is also looking awesome, as is Bowser's flame breath power.
Despite being a GameCube pass-me-over, Super Paper Mario has the potential to be one of the best games on Wii this year.
The lucky Americans will be able to pick up their copies from April 9. A UK release is yet to be announced.
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February 21st, 2007, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
A release list of Nintendo games to release in Japan in 2007 has been compiled by Japanese website, Dengeki Online.
However, apart from confirming Ouendan 2, the list compiled heralds few surprises for Wii owners - although of course Nintendo could well pull something out its hat to add to this year's currently short release list.
Panel De Pon DS may incite a few 'HURRAH's' from puzzle fans but other than that, everything else is as we expect.
Check out the full list below, translated by the guys at Kotaku:
Fire Emblem
Eyeshield 21: Field no Saikyou Senshi Tachi
Super Paper Mario
Wii Brain Softening Game
Wii Health Pack
Disaster (Day of Disaster)
Mario Party 8
Project H.A.M.M.E.R
Wii Music
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Totsugeki Famicom Wars (Battalion Wars 2)
Donkey Kong Taru Jet Race (Donkey Kong Bongo Blast)
Forever Blue
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Animal Crossing
Hoshi no Kirby
Yoshi's Island DS
More Eigo Zuke
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2
Worldwide Club House Games Wi-Fi
Panel De Pon DS
Ouendan 2
DS Beautiful Characters (Letters) Training
The Legend of Zelda DS
Chibi Robo! DS
PuraPura Donkey DS
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February 21st, 2007, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
A release list of Nintendo games to release in Japan in 2007 has been compiled by Japanese website, Dengeki Online.
However, apart from confirming Ouendan 2, the list compiled heralds few surprises for Wii owners - although of course Nintendo could well pull something out its hat to add to this year's currently short release list.
Panel De Pon DS may incite a few 'HURRAH's' from puzzle fans but other than that, everything else is as we expect.
Check out the full list below, translated by the guys at Kotaku:
Fire Emblem
Eyeshield 21: Field no Saikyou Senshi Tachi
Super Paper Mario
Wii Brain Softening Game
Wii Health Pack
Disaster (Day of Disaster)
Mario Party 8
Project H.A.M.M.E.R
Wii Music
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Totsugeki Famicom Wars (Battalion Wars 2)
Donkey Kong Taru Jet Race (Donkey Kong Bongo Blast)
Forever Blue
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Animal Crossing
Hoshi no Kirby
Yoshi's Island DS
More Eigo Zuke
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2
Worldwide Club House Games Wi-Fi
Panel De Pon DS
Ouendan 2
DS Beautiful Characters (Letters) Training
The Legend of Zelda DS
Chibi Robo! DS
PuraPura Donkey DS
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February 21st, 2007, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Judging by the sheer number of modifications and hacks for the NES that are out there, we'd have thought the limit to the number of things that it's possible to do with the hardware is close to being reached. Apparently not: as this latest mod by a guy called Mark Feldman proves, as long as the games stick around, people will go to extraordinary lengths to get authentic hardware to go with it. Mark's wireless NES controller mod for Wii involves opening up a SNES and NES controller, sticking a wireless transmitter, a microcontroller, and an iPod mini battery inside, and constructing a wireless receiver module with a GameCube cable on the end. Thanks to some sort of black magic -- Mark refers to it as "coding" -- when all this is put together, an off-the-shelf Wii can interpret the control input from the modded controllers, and the nostalgia-fueled gamer can play classic games on their virtual console without worrying about wires, and without a Wiimote-tethered Classic controller. Full details of how to make your NES controller wireless, and how to code the microprocessor so that it'll understand the signals, are available on Mark's site. Before attempting to execute any of the plans, we'd recommend warning friends and relatives that they may not see you for a while. Especially spouses: they tend to get worried when their SO disappears to the basement with a bundle of chips and circuitry.
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February 21st, 2007, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Nintendo Japan has said that classic puzzler Panel De Pon will be heading to Japanese DS owners in April (providing they pay for it, obviously), although there's no news on an American or European release.
It has been developed by Intelligent Systems, according to Famitsu magazine, and will mould classic Tetris-like puzzling onto the handheld's stylus-based approach.
Wi-Fi support for up to four humans is in, as reportedly is the inclusion of voice chat, which would be a bit of a boon and gift-wrap you ideal opportunities to make your opponents blunder by bellowing things like "grudge-pump" or "put your laces through it".
Not played Panel De Pon? Then get yourself to the nearest airport, where you'll discover it making up part of one of those random aeroplane companies' in-flight entertainment systems can't remember which one gotta go sorry.
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February 21st, 2007, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Regardless of what the name may say, there appears to be no end to the Final Fantasy franchise. The popular series continues to turn out the spin-offs with Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales for the DS. Previously released in Japan under the name Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon, Chocobo Tales will ship to US stores on April 3, Square Enix announced today.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales is a collection of minigames, card battles, and some role playing. These elements are bound together by a storyline that involves characters from the series rescuing friends from storybooks that mimic Aesop's Fables.
Chocobo Tales can be played with either standard or stylus-driven touch-screen controls and will occasionally make use of the DS's other features, like the built-in microphone.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales is rated E for Everyone and will retail for $29.99. For more information on the game, read GameSpot's recent preview or visit the game's official Web site.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
Last October, during an interview with Newsweek's N'Gai Croal, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime declared that Wii wouldn't suffer the same, infamous, new game drought that had afflicted previous Ninty consoles. His reasoning was that three giant gaming brands - Zelda, Metroid and Mario - would "continue driving momentum through 2007", and give Wii the support it needed to keep gamers interested.
Back to the present, however, and two of those vital titles are lacking concrete launch dates. Both Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy - probably the biggest and most anticipated game yet to be released on Wii - look unlikely to appear until Christmas. So with the big hitters out of the action, how exactly does the number of games currently available for Wii compare with the early-doors experience of N64 and GameCube buyers?
Fortunately, Wii is beginning to pick up now, enjoying a more fruitful third month than either previous consoles. Plus a healthy line-up of 17 titles, including SSX Blur, Mario Party 8 and Tiger Woods, is predicted to burst into the shops in March, should each game hit its release date.
But, crucially, only a handful of the games are purpose-built for Wii, employing the console's exciting features - and only a few of those are worth spuffing your cash on. Meanwhile April is looking excruciatingly lean, and there's little hope of a killer game exploding out of nowhere in the coming months.
Wii might not be suffering a severe shortage by Nintendo's previous poor standards, but without the thrills of Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 to keep that momentum going, a summer videogame drought for Wii is almost certainly on the cards.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Naruto finally hits the Nintendo Wii, this is a Japanese release but hopefully the US version wont be far behind.
Heres the box art:

Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX is the sequel for Nintendo Wii to Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 on GameCube. The game contains the storyline of Naruto Shippuuden; the part after the time skip in the manga which will occur a month from now in the animation series.
Confirmed characters are post-timeskip Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Gaara, Temari, Kankurou, Rock Lee, Neji, Gai, Itachi, Kisame and Deidara.

Play Asia are selling the game for US$ 64.90 (~33.57 GBP)
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February 21st, 2007, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

* Play as Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus in 3D action-adventure
* Fight with acrobatic Kung-Fu moves, ride extreme vehicles and dodge daring obstacles
* Use up to 8 gadgets and unlock new outfits to gain special abilities
* Control new vehicles and gadgets with the DS touch screen
* Travel around the world to stop the evil Gemini and his plan to brainwash the minds of the good guys
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February 21st, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

Wii Sports Value Kit is designed and developed according to Wii console sports game, it can strengthen the game emulation effect, you only need to fix the controller in the panel, then you can play the games. The value kit contained: golf rod, tennis racket and baseball club. Different game can use different panel, it is absolutely not influence the relevant function operating and access of other attachments of Wii controller after being fix in the panel.
Price - USD 10.06
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February 21st, 2007, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

It can improve inspiration when using this product to play tennis /golf/baseball/racing wheel, you may feel more realistic and exciting. It can enhance the joy of playing the game. To insure safety. Please match hand strap when playing games. It can be disassembled and matched optionally, using conveniently.
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February 21st, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK are Boxing Gloves for the Nintendo Wii.

Heres the product features:
Compatible with playing Wii boxing game.
Can improve inspiration when wearing the boxing glove to play the game.
Make the game more realistic and exciting, and enhance the joy of playing the game.
Be made of special material, using comfortably.
The price is USD 15.94 (£7.92)
So does anyone intend buying them ?
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February 21st, 2007, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Mollusk has posted a new WIP update to his Palib Homebrew Dev enviro for the DS:
Heres what he posted:
This update mainly introduces the new 3DSprite system, which will only work on 1 screen (the bottom screen, swap screens to change that...).
This is a WIP for the 3D part, so chances are some functions might eventually change, but I waited before releasing to have something most likely not to change... You'll notice you are currently forced to first load the image, then create the sprite... This will be changed, but as I haven't tested the gfx delete function yet, I didn't want everyone to start creating tons of gfx all over the place
Minor change : the default font was changed, and PAGfx got a few bugfixes/updates for the 3DSprites
Thanks for your feedback, I hope to have another update (with sprite animations) by this week-end... The examples currently show all you can do, nothing more, nothing less
The examples were reorganized, please delete the PAlibExamples before updating 
More Info at Link Above.
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February 21st, 2007, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heriberto Delgado has released a new game for the DS, heres the info:
Bits, these dangerous things planted on bitfields all around the world, are a menace for everyone, exploding and killing anyone who just happens to step on them. They must be eradicated once and for all!
You are the Bitsweeper, explosives hunter extraordinaire. Your mission, although simple, is very dangerous: locate and deactivate all the missing bits on bitfields before they hurt anyone else.
Good luck on your mission!
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February 21st, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released another game for the DS
Heres the info
I made a simple video poker game for the nds using the card deck graphics from my card sharks game. Also if anyone know where to get some possible sound effects for this type of game. Please let me know. I need stuff like coin droping cards flipping, stuff like that. I tried to search but couldnt find anything.
Thanks and enjoy the game
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February 21st, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has posted another update of his Deal or no Deal game:
I have also updated my deal or no deal games, both versions now have in game reset and they also have a new psuedo 3d animated case openings, it looks a little better than how cases opened on my previous version, but I admit it doesnt look perfect. Please let me know what you guys think of the change.
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February 22nd, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: ICE
We gave last year's Elite Beat Agents a 9.5, so you can bet we've been hoping for a sequel. Our hopes were fulfilled today. Japan's Dengeki Online reports that a sequel to the unique rhythm title is being readied for Japanese release later this year.
In Japan, the sequel will be titled Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Tamashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (the original was just Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan). The first part of the title translates to "Burn! Hot Blooded Rhythm Soul!". Now we're really excited!
Aside from the promise of multiplayer support for up to 4 players, details on the sequel have yet to be made public.
Nintendo Japan announced a few other games today, including more "non-games" that Japan is sure to eat up. Check back here at IGN DS and over at IGN Wii for more details to follow.
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February 22nd, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via playfeed

This week’s theme seems to be numerically comparing the Wii to other consoles - and by all measures, it’s doing pretty well… First off, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Wii is dominating console sales for January. In NPD Group data cited by Microsoft of all people, Nintendo’s console sold roughly 150,000 more units (436,000 total) than either the Xbox 360 (294,000 units) or the PS3 (244,000 units). The PS2 still continues to be a juggernaut though, selling just under 300,000 units thanks to a spate of great farewell titles including Guitar Hero 2 and God of War 2.
Next up, GamesRadar.com points out that the perceived Wii drought doesn’t really match with the numbers. The chart at above compares the number of games releasing each month for the Wii with Nintendo’s previous launches of the Gamecube and the ill-fated N64, and it appears that the Wii is actually gaining momentum on the games release front. Of course, how good most of those games are is up for debate - the Wii definitely needs some more killer apps to maintain steady interest in the console.
Finally, in a chart presented after the jump, HardCoreWare looks into console power consumption and notes that the Wii is a real energy sipper - so much so that it uses 10x less than either the PS3 or Xbox 360, and pulls only around 18 watts even at peak performance.

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February 22nd, 2007, 20:59 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via punch jump
An analyst at Merrill Lynch this week predicted that Nintendo Co.'s Wii video game system will be in 30 percent of U.S. households by 2011.
Speaking with the Financial Times, Merrill Lynch analyst Yoshiyuki Kinoshita estimated that a third of all Japanese households and 30 percent of U.S. homes will own Wii by the year 2011.
The analysis comes after strong sales momentum for Wii in the U.S. and Japan. NPD Group this week reported that Wii was the No. 1 selling video game console in Jan. U.S. sales, moving 435,503 units in the period.
By comparison, Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 sold 294,000 units, Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3 sold 244,000 units.
In addition, the Wii has outperformed the PS3 and Xbox 360 in week-to-week Japan sales, outselling the closest competitor by 3-to-1.
Wii has attracted core and casual players with its motion-sensitive controls and low-barrier game titles. A wider audience and mass market price has propelled Wii into a worldwide hit in only three months on the market.
Nintendo has released several titles in the spring for Wii, including WarioWare: Smooth Moves and Wii Play. It will introduce hard franchise titles based on Metroid and Super Mario later in 2007.
Nintendo has shipped 3.19 million Wii units worldwide to date. It anticipates shipments of 6 million by fiscal Mar. 2007.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gaming bits
SEGA has announced a few of its SEGA Genesis titles "will soon be available" from the Wii Shop's Virtual Console. The games below will run for 800 Wii Points ($8).
From SEGA:
Vectorman - In the year 2049, mankind is forced to abandon an over-polluted Earth to seek out other planets for colonization while the mechanized Orbots stay behind to clean up the mess. When the Orbot leader, WarHead, starts blowing a few circuits and a war among the mechanical brethren, a sludge barge pilot named Vectorman is the only one willing to step up and fight him. You'll morph into a speeding train, a power drill, a mechanical fish, or a mighty dune buggy in this warfare adventure. Equip yourself with weapons, pick up morphs and power-ups to defeat WarHead and restore peace on Earth.
Sonic Spinball - With his Veg-O-Fortress built high up on an active volcano, Dr. Eggman is turning all the cute, furry creatures of Planet Mobius into robot slaves! Sonic and Tails rush to save the animals and quickly discover the only way to stop the mechanizing madness is to trigger a volcanic eruption. Sonic knows this can be done by removing the Chaos Emeralds that keep the volcano stable. However, Dr. Eggman is also aware of the fragile relationship that exists between the Emeralds and the mountain, and he's set up an elaborate Pinball Defense System to make sure the precious jewels don't go anywhere.
Sword of Vermilion - When the evil wizard-king, Tsarkon, invaded Excalabria, King Erik V had no choice but to turn his infant son over to his most trusted warrior, Blade. As his castle burned, King Erik hurriedly gave Blade an ancient family heirloom, the Ring of Wisdom, and asked him to leave at once in the hopes that the young heir to the throne would survive. Blade raised Erik VI as his own, knowing one day the prince would fulfill the prophecy of the Malaga fortune tellers. Now, eighteen years later, Erik VI returns to Excalabria to avenge his father’s death and reclaim the kingdom.
Beyond Oasis - You are the young Prince Ali in a desperate fight to defeat the evil that is threatening your island empire, Oasis. Long ago, a war raged between a wicked sorcerer who used a silver “armlet” to unleash destruction on the island and a wizard who defied him with a gold armlet that could summon four powerful spirits. Both armlets had been lost until recently when someone unearthed the silver band and began using it for their evil gain. Just when you think all is lost, you discover the precious gold armlet and finally have the power to combat the wearer of the silver band…but can you stop them in time?
The Four SEGA Genesis Classics Will Soon Be Available for Download on the Wii™ Shop Channel
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ecommerce times
Nintendo's Wii reportedly was the top-selling video game console in the United States in January. U.S. sales figures for Wii were 436,000 units in the month, compared with 294,000 units for Microsoft's Xbox 360 and 244,000 units for Sony's PlayStation 3, the NPD Group reportedly found.
The latest reports from the front lines in the video game console wars show that Nintendo's Latest News about Nintendo Wii Latest News about Wii was the U.S. market leader in January, according to new market research data Download 17 Rules of the Road for CRM..
Sales figures for Wii were 436,000 units that month in the United States, compared with 294,000 units for Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) Latest News about Microsoft Xbox 360 Latest News about Xbox 360 and 244,000 units for Sony's (NYSE: SNE) Latest News about Sony PlayStation 3 Latest News about PlayStation 3, the NPD Group reportedly found.
Sony's 7-year-old PlayStation 2 Latest News about PlayStation 2, surprisingly was actually in second place, with 299,000 units sold in January; it recently became the top-selling video game console in Japan.
An NPD spokesperson declined to comment on the new figures.
A Broader Appeal
Nintendo's Wii currently sells for US$250, compared with $300 to $400 for the Xbox 360, $500 to $600 for the PlayStation 3, and just $130 for the PlayStation 2.
The Wii, released in November, is known for its use of motion-sensitive controllers that allow users to participate more actively in the games, while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation games are known for their photo-realistic graphics. During the 2006 holiday season, Wii consoles were perpetually sold out.
"I think the Wii is winning because of its price tag, and also because it appeals to a wider demographic," Ted Pollack, senior analyst for the gaming industry at Jon Peddie Research, told TechNewsWorld. "It's not cost-prohibitive to buy the hardware, and the games can be less intimidating to play and more casual. It appeals to girls, boys, young people and senior citizens."
The Novelty Factor
As a relatively recent entrant in the video game console arena, the Wii stands out for its unique use of motion-sensitive controllers, and Pollack cautioned that there may also be a novelty factor at work behind some of its popularity.
"It's possible some of that could get scaled back a degree after the curiosity factor is satisfied about the motion controller and the whole new way of gaming," he suggested. "Even Nintendo is being cautious."
For some users, he added, graphics could ultimately emerge as the most important distinguishing factor. "The Wii is an awesome machine, but from a graphics performance perspective, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are superior."
The Blu-ray Factor
The impact Blu-ray Disc technology ends up having may also have a defining influence on the market, Pollack added. Sony's PlayStation 3 includes an embedded Blu-ray Disc player.
"It's too early to call winner," Pollack said. "If Blu-ray continues to gain ground, we'll see the PlayStation 3 start to catch up."
Yet despite the frequent references to war imagery when the competing video game consoles are compared, Pollack thinks all three competitors could have a place. "From a market penetration perspective, all three console companies will do great," he concluded.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via Adrants
It was only a matter of time before Wrigley's Candystand, whose candy-tagged games get progressively better, would start testing waters in real gamer territory.
Candystand and Wii just joined forces in a bizarre cross-branding where Wii web games are peddled on Candystand and Candystand is totally accessible through the Wii browser.
The relationship isn't exactly low-key - within 24 hours of launching on Wii's Internet Channel, Wii.Candystand.com drew 6000 visitors and a ton of positive reviews. That is, according to Scott Tannen, Wrigley's director of global digital marketing.
This is the first branded site to link to the Wii browser, which will definitely get competitors sniffing at the door to be next in line. Candystand's content offerings are also formatted for television instead of computer monitors.
Kudos to Wrigley for creating a series of branded offerings that seem able to stand alone in gaming world. It hasn't been an easy trek, considering Candystand was first introduced in '97 - building this kind of recognition takes time. Just ask Target.
We still harbor doubts that our Socom buddies would be deeply impressed to hear we destroy the competition on Altoids Sheep, though.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via forbes
All work and some play made for a sparkling outlook at Analog Devices.
The hi-tech device maker said that its MEMs division helped January orders that poise the company for a solid second quarter. Its MEMs, or microelectrical mechanical systems, have expanded recently from the graver role of crash sensors in cars, to more lively uses like sensors in Nintendo (other-otc: NTDOY - news - people ) Wii controllers.
Shares of Analog Devices (nyse: ADI - news - people ) rose $3.02, or 9.0%, to $36.34 in afternoon trading.
Craig Ellis, an analyst at Citigroup, upgraded Analog Devices stock to "buy" and said in a client note that its MEMs business probably grew by 23.5% last year. He expects that scale of expansion to persist this year.
Ellis said Analog's MEMs division has often been overlooked because its margins are tighter than the company's other products, such as amplifiers and converters, but "that could change if ADI can successfully move beyond its dominant automotive base to higher-margin consumer applications," like it has done with the Wii.
Nintendo Wii controllers use Analog Devices MEMs technology to register changes in direction, speed, and acceleration made by the user holding the controller.
"MEMS is a technology that we have been in for the better part of 10 or 15 years that in the past has been mostly limited to accelerometers and gyroscopes that go into cars," said Analog Chief Executive Jerry Fishman during a Wednesday conference call. "But I think what we have seen over the last year is a fairly radical market development to include MEMS devices in a myriad of different end equipment."
Fishman also said in the call that strong orders in January means that Analog opened the current quarter, which began Feb. 1, with $29 million in backlog, an 8% increase over last year.
Analog's rosy future was enough to excite investors despite slightly disappointing earnings for the previous quarter. First-quarter net income was $153.2 million, or 44 cents per share, up from $120.6 million, or 32 cents per share, the previous year.
But when excluding one-time gains, like a divestment and income tax savings, earnings per share were 40 cents, under the 41 cents predicted by analysts polled by Thomson Financial.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via stageselect
All-New Adventure Created Specifically for the Wii System

SAN FRANCISCO (February 20, 2007) - SEGA® of America Inc. today announced that Sonic and the Secret Rings™ has shipped for the popular Wii™ system. Built specifically to take full advantage of the revolutionary Wii Remote™, Sonic and the Secret Rings delivers one of the most intuitive and engaging Sonic adventures to date. Rated “E” for Everyone, Sonic and the Secret Rings, delivers an innovative and interactive gameplay experience for Sonic fans of all ages.
The game opens as Sonic is mysteriously transported to the world of The Arabian Nights where he encounters a mystical genie, Shahra. Shahra pleads with Sonic to save her world from the powerful evil genie, Erazor Djinn. As the story unfolds, Erazor confronts Sonic and pulls him into his evil plans. Sonic has a limited time to deliver Erazor the seven World Rings and save the storybook world.
Navigating a world full of obstacles and enemies, from Erazor’s genie minions to dinosaurs, players will use a bevy of core moves to keep up the pace. Holding the Wii Remote horizontally, players tilt the controller left and right to control Sonic’s signature speed. They will jump, perform sliding stops, pull off wicked homing attacks with a snap of the controller, and even walk backwards with a tilt of the Wii Remote. Players will also hop aboard winged pots and fly with a vigorous shake of the controller. They will also launch themselves from catapults with a whip of the Wii Remote, surf through rapids on tree trunks and even pilot flying carpets in the race to restore this storybook world before all is lost.
With exciting new depth and strategy, players will navigate 100 missions within eight wildly varied worlds, gaining new moves and abilities along the way. As players progress through the game, Sonic’s abilities can be strategically equipped based on the demands of the mission ahead. From a boost called Speed Break to an ability called Time Break that slows the world around him to a near stop, Sonic will need every trick in the book to make sure Erazor Djinn stays in the storybook world.
In addition to the engaging single player adventure, Sonic and the Secret Rings offers 40 mini-games that support up to four players. Showcasing the abilities of the Wii Remote, players will use the controller as a violin bow, an ax, a canoe paddle and dozens of other motions to compete in these hilarious and easy to pick-up-and-play games.
Developed by the Sonic Team, Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii has a MSRP of $49.95. For screenshots and art, please visit the SEGA FTP site at http://segapr.segaamerica.com. For more detailed information about the game, please visit the official product website at www.sega.com/sonicrings.
About SEGA® of America, Inc.
SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American Publishing arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The SEGA® of America Web Site is located at www.SEGA.com.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via punch jump
Hudson Entertainment this week announced that it will release the classic puzzle game Chew Man Fu to Nintendo Co.'s Wii Virtual Console.
The title was originally released for NEC's TurboGrafx-16 in 1990.
In Chew Man Fu, players must roll four spheres onto their respective tiles in each level. The game will include all original 50+ levels and a two-player kickball mode.
"Chew Man Fu represents an era of gameplay during which Hudson established itself as a creator of fun games that were easy to pick up and play, and also appealed to a wide range of gamers," said John Greiner, president of Hudson Entertainment. "With such a fantastic catalog of games released over the last 30 years, Hudson is in a great position to bring back some of these classics to a whole new generation of gamers."
Nintendo's Wii is the best-selling console in the month of Jan., selling 435,503 units in the U.S.
Chew Man Fu for Wii is expected to launch next month. A mobile phone version will also be released at the same time.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:22 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
Tricked into believing that the Solar Empire is developing a devastating super-weapon, Commander Pierce and Colonel Windsor of the Anglo Isles launch a pre-emptive strike on the Coral Atolls. The world is once again at war.
Drive tanks, command ships, pilot planes and direct your troops into the heart of the action in the return of the popular tactical action game for Wii.
Features :
* 3 Online Multiplayer Modes, Assault: Instant Combat, Skirmish: Tactical depth, Co-op: Work with friends
* 3 Theatres of War, Combine land, sea and air combat
* 5 New Naval Units, Battleship, Frigate, Submarine, Dreadnought, Transport
* 6 Different Races, 5 Different Environments, With new vehicles for each side
* Wii-Controller, Provides intuitive, all-action gameplay
* Greater tactical depth, Capture facility buildings to re-spawn units (HQ, Barracks, Factories, Airfield, Docks), Use Map Screen Commanding to order from afar
* Bigger and Better, 20+ single player missions AND 15+ mp missions, Increased replay value
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via dailytech
Nintendo console has officially gone geriatric

Nintendo is off to an incredible start with the Wii. With continued demand and leading sales even after the holiday season, Nintendo couldn’t be happier with the system’s early success. The Wii’s innovative controller design has opened up video gaming to a previously untapped market—non-gamers.
The marketing minds behind Nintendo looked beyond the traditional gamer mediums and advertised its innovations at targets as far from gaming as you can imagine, such as retirees. Nintendo even went against the current and took the Wii to an AARP convention. “The AARP thing was a little bit tough at first. They were like, ‘We don't really want to talk to you because we're all grandparents and we already buy stuff for our kids,’ and so we said, ‘No we want to talk to you about you,’” said Perrin Kaplan, VP Marketing & Corporate Affairs for Nintendo of America. “It took several attempts for them to finally say, ‘So why do you want to talk to us?’ And it's because we have products for them as well now.”
Nintendo’s efforts seemed to have paid off. The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the Wii is now the latest rage at the Sedgebrook retirement community in Lincolnshire, where the average age is 77. In particular, the Wii Bowling component of Wii Sports has members of the retirement community hooked on playing the Wii installed inside the Sedgebrooks’s clubhouse lounge.
“I've never been into video games, but this is addictive,” said 72-year-old Flora Dierbach. “They come in after dinner and play. Sometimes, on Saturday afternoons, their grandkids come play with them … A lot of grandparents are being taught by their grandkids. But, now, some grandparents are instead teaching their grandkids.”
Wii Bowling has become so well received that more than 20 residents signed up to participate in a virtual bowling tournament without the need to leave the clubhouse lounge. Sedgebrook's entertainment committee said that they even have a fan for people to dry their hands before they bowl, just like at a real bowling alley.
Although Wii Sports features cartoon-like graphics and characters—imagery normally aimed at children—the retirees are absolutely taken with the realism offered by the Wii Remote.
“This is pretty realistic. You can even put English on the ball,” said Don Hahn, 76, a veteran of numerous real-life bowling competitions. “I used to play Pac-Man a little bit, but with this you're actually moving around and doing something. You're not just sitting there pushing buttons and getting carpal tunnel.”
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via presszoom

HGZine, for handheld gaming, brings top quality editorial to gaming fans of the Sony and Nintendo mobile platforms.
(PressZoom) - After the successful launch of 360Zine for Xbox 360 gamers and PCGZine for PC gamers in 2006, Cranberry Publishing Ltd is pleased to announce the launch of HGZine for Sony PSP, Nintendo DS and mobile phone gaming enthusiasts. The launch issue is available now from the Gamerzines website.
“As an avid handheld gamer myself, it's great fun to edit a magazine dedicated to DS, PSP and mobile games. They're usually herded to the back of multiformat print mags and never given the attention they deserve - it's time to redress the balance. ,” says HGZine Editor, Keith Stuart. “With HGzine, we can offer the editorial values and beautiful, readable design of a print publication, with the immediacy of online. It's absolutely the best of both worlds.”
Keith is a veteran game journalist, and is one of The Guardian’s game bloggers. He has previously worked on respected games magazine, Edge.
HGZine is written by professional games journalists and made available in digital format for free. On top of the high quality editorial, the magazine is enhanced with embedded video and interactive media, such as quizzes, annotated screenshots and animated images appearing on the pages themselves.
Issue 1 includes reviews of Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, Ghost Rider, Dungeon Siege Throne of Agony, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin and Bomberman Land Touch. There are also previews of Driver 76, Burnout Detonator, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Manhunt 2 and Call of Duty Roads to Victory, and many more.
HGZine is a Gamerzine, published in PDF format. Readers simply require a copy of the free Adobe Reader ( version 6 or above ) to read the magazines. Each Gamerzine includes more than 30 pages of professionally written games journalism and is enhanced with embedded video and multimedia.
HGZine can be downloaded now from: http://www.gamerzines.com/
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via aussie-nintendo
THQ announces that the upcoming sequel to its street-racing game will be heading to Nintendo DS.
THQ has announced plans to launch a Nintendo DS version of its upcoming street racer, Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, alongside versions for PC and consoles, excluding Wii.
The game will feature unparalleled vehicle customization, an adrenaline packed drift racing experience and ultra-realistic “Driver DNA,” according to THQ, and it'll be the only title to allow players to showcase their skills at Hot Import Nights events.
Bob Aniello, the senior vice president of worldwide marketing at THQ, said, "THQ studio Juice Games is utilizing its vast racing pedigree and proprietary technology to deliver groundbreaking new game-play features in addition to working closely with Hot Import Nights to accurately capture the tuning and street racing culture. We look forward to bringing this global franchise to next-generation systems for the first time."
Colin Bell, the general manager of Juice Games, said the game will introduce "a thrilling new drifting component and lets players personalize their experience both on and offline with ultra realistic Driver DNA. In addition to a ton of exciting new features, we’ve significantly expanded the rewarding driving experience, track choice and customization our fans have come to expect," he added.
"Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights is an amazing extension of the Hot Import Nights lifestyle experience, bringing the modding, characters and racing finale to life for gamers and tuning fans worldwide," said Michael Munar, the Executive Producer of APG Events/Hot Import Nights. "This is the first time a top-tier racing game has blended with a true-to-life global tuner event and we can’t wait for its release."
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gameindustry
Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of digital entertainment products and content, today announced Holly Hobbie & Friends for the Nintendo DS™. Developed by Frontline Studios, Inc. and scheduled to launch this fall, Holly Hobbie™ & Friends features the girl with heart, Holly Hobbie, and her best friends Carrie and Amy, as they take part in themed mini-games.
“With a growing licensed product line that includes DVDs, toys and craft books, the Holly Hobbie property is as popular as ever,” said Ken Gold, vice president of Marketing, Majesco. “Our Holly Hobbie™ DS game offers a positive play experience for today’s young girls while letting fans of the property interact with Holly on the go.”
In Holly Hobbie™ & Friends, players will get to know Holly’s family, her two best friends and their pets Bonnet, Doodles, Cheddar and Cider. Earning letters in the “H-E-Y G-I-R-L-S” club motto lets girls unlock additional mini-games including cooking, ice skating, biking, dancing, designing posters, organizing a sleepover and more. A Holly Hobbie Journal lets players record secret notes, drawings and high scores, while a Holly Pop Quiz tests how well players know their Holly Hobbie Trivia.
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February 23rd, 2007, 02:29 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via itweek
The Nintendo Wii is outselling its closest competitor in the console wars by nearly 50 per cent, according to January sales data for Norht America from analyst firm NPD.
Nintendo sold 436,000 units in the month, data from the firm indicates. Sony's previous generation PS2 claimed the second position with 299,000 units, trailed by Microsoft's Xbox 360 (294,000 units) and the PS3 (244,000 units).
David Riley, senior marketing manager with NPD, told vnunet.com that all three console makers performed well.
But Nintendo outsold its competitors because it offered a more innovative product that is easy to use and set up and featured strong game titles at launch. It also sells at a better price point and didn't suffer from a limited availability as much as the PS3, Riley commented.
The Wii retails in the US for $250, compared to $300 and $400 for two versions of the Xbox 360, and $500 and $600 for Playstation 3 models. Microsoft launched its Xbox 360 in 2005. Both Nintendo and Sony started shipping their latest consoles last November.
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February 23rd, 2007, 02:32 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via indystar
Families who have been cutting their gaming teeth on "Wii Sports" will be a little disappointed with "Wii Play," Nintendo's newest collection of easy-to-learn minigames.
While the "Wii Play" games will turn the Wii controller into a fishing rod that you pull up on to hook fish or a pool cue to smack balls on a virtual billiards table, the nine games just aren't as much fun to play as those found in "Wii Sports," and they lack depth. Touted as a follow-up title to "Wii Sports," "Wii Play" also misses the boat for group play by limiting the multiplayer option to two people instead of four.
However, like "Wii Sports," "Wii Play" does offer easy entree into playing video games and encourages those new to video gaming to give it a try. And for families who haven't bought enough controllers, "Wii Play" comes packaged with one at a reasonable price.
"Wii Play" offers nine games in either single- or two-player mode. By playing the games in order, you unlock them. The first is "Shooting Range," a game of point-and-shoot target practice involving balloons, clay pigeons, soda cans and UFOs. Four of the games are adaptations of common activities: table tennis, fishing, billiards and air hockey. Two others involve matching Miis (Miis are on-screen characters generated by the game and that you create to represent you). In "Find Mii," you scan other Miis' faces to match pairs or triplets. With "Pose Mii," you twist the Wii controller to make your Mii match the position of the silhouette floating in a bubble. A cow-racing game and a strategy game called "Tanks!" round out the selections.
Our kid testers, avid fans of "Wii Sports," excitedly put the "Wii Play" game through its paces. The Wii controller turned out to be a responsive paddle to send the puck flying across the "Laser Hockey" table. When turned on its side, the controller was an effective way to control the cow that was racing down the road in the game called "Charge!" Tilt the controller forward and the cow goes faster, yank the controller up rapidly and the bovine jumps over obstacles. Tilt it left or right, and the cow veers in that direction. Testers had some trouble with the billiards game, because the controls were sometimes nonresponsive. The "Find Mii" game reminded them of hunting for people in the "Where's Waldo" books.
Our testers enjoyed the novelty of exploring all nine games, but they would rather play "Wii Sports" because those games have more depth and provide endless game play. When playing a tennis game in "Wii Sports," the game is always fresh because it depends on your finesse to add topspin or a slice to the ball. With "Wii Play," the similar game of table tennis is lackluster because you simply place your paddle to hit the ball back (as in the arcade game "Pong") and you can't add spins or fancy serves to keep the game interesting. The "Wii Play" games got old quickly.
Here's the bottom line: "Wii Play" costs $50 and comes with a Wii controller. That additional controller is worth $40 so the cost of "Wii Play" is really only $10. If your family could use another controller, this collection of games will provide some short-term entertainment.
Rating: 3 stars (out of 5)
Best for ages 6 and up
From Nintendo, www.nintendo.com, $50, Nintendo Wii.
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February 23rd, 2007, 02:34 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via cubed3
With developers watching the Wii's userbase grow at a rapid rate, various studios have recently announced a shift in production to try to meet the demand for their games on Nintendo's system. In a recent call with investors, Midway announced an increase in Wii production.
According to Gamasutra, Midway had been "bullish" toward the Wii since the console's launch, however will "look more significantly at the Wii going forward", with two currently unannounced projects in the pipeline for Q3/4 2007.
The added Wii support, officials noted, was due to an increasing userbase and lower development costs in comparison to the two powerhouses Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.
Positive news for Wii, hopefully bringing some Midway titles with meat instead of mediocre brand tie-ins.
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February 23rd, 2007, 03:09 Posted By: JKKDARK
via MCV
Spong reports that whilst Nintendo still sees a place in the market for its struggling last-gen machine, manufacturing efforts have now shifted over to the likes of Wii, DS and Game Boy Advance.
“Are we producing any more GameCubes? No,” Nintendo of America’s vice president of marketing and corporate affairs Perrin Kaplin explained in an interview with GameDaily. “But do we have the inventory there for people to still purchase? Yes.
“Just like the PS2 sold really well this past holiday, GameCube is a great starter system – price, ease, games. Every one of the consoles has had its cycle and every single one of them has become a great starter system at the last leg of its cycle, and that's where GameCube's at.”
Kaplan also went on to confirm that Nintendo will not release any new games for the system – a decision reinforced by the company’s recent change of heart in relation to Super Paper Mario. That platformer was announced for GameCube at last year’s E3, but has since gone on to become a Wii-only title.
“If you're a core gamer you wouldn't buy a GameCube,” she continued. “It's not aimed at you anymore. But for new people as a starter system, how many games are there for them to pick from? Plenty.
“I mean, I wasn't the first to buy an iPod. By the time I bought it, it came to a price where I wanted it to be and looked the way I wanted it to look. So we're not selling GameCube to the people who are hardcore players and want all the gadgetry – we're going after the people who never really bought a system before now it’s finally at a price that they can afford for their family.”
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February 23rd, 2007, 06:30 Posted By: shadowprophet
As you know Sonic and the secret rings is out and burning up the charts with its wild fire of traditional and new elements of game play. The folks over at IGN have already given it a score.
Be warned. Hard core sonic fans should take this with a grain of salt. As IGN is known to be blunt, direct and in rare cases even flat out mistaken. ( Recalls a certain negative kingdom heart 2 interview)
Anyhoo here is what IGN had to say about Sonic and the secret rings.
"Sonic and the Secret Rings is my favorite entry into the franchise since its 2D roots. That's high praise for some, I'm quite certain. Bearing that in mind, if you really liked the Sonic Adventure titles for Dreamcast or GameCube, I think you will find much more to be excited about in this Wii-exclusive undertaking. I can tell you that the experience is more fun and more beautiful than any other – at least, as far as I'm concerned. But that being true, there are still flaws – big ones – and I'm less willing to tolerate and forgive them now that 3D games have fully evolved and we've seen exactly what great developers can do in the third dimension. Sonic Team has taken a giant step in the right direction here, and of that there is little doubt, which is why I hope that more time and attention goes into the camera system and level designs for the inevitable sequel.
I want to take moment to specifically explain the score. For me, Sonic and the Secret Rings offers moments of greatness where I find myself caught up in the intensity of the experience and, oppositely, moments where I want to pull my hair out or throw the Wii remote down because of imprecise control or insulting design choices. I think that some gamers, particularly diehard Sonic fans, will be able to get past these drawbacks and enjoy the great times, which are also in supply. However, for me it's really pretty simple. Call me harsh, but I don't believe you should be forced to deal with the bad to enjoy the good and hence, I've scored the game with that in mind. "
Giving Sonic a overall passable grade of 6.9.
Still us true sonic fans know. An IGN grade of 6.9 equals out to a high 8 in "the land of reality"
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February 23rd, 2007, 07:19 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via nintendojo
The director of PlayStation 2's soon to be released God of War II recently received a Wii as a gift from his design team, and spent some time getting to know Nintendo's shiny white console. His final verdict?
Cory Barlog has played better.
"I must be honest it was not everything I had hoped it would be. It was fun… but the wow factor wore off fairly quick," said Barlog of Wii on his blog. Barlog mentioned his perceived inaccuracy of the Wii Remote during his play time with Trauma Center. He went on to question how much longer people would keep buying into Wii's motion sensing capabilities, referring to Wii as essentially a slimmed-down version of GameCube.
The GoW II director didn't completely bash Nintendo's console, praising the aforementioned slim form of Wii. "Very petite... I kind of like that since there really is no space left in my home theater cabinet," stated Barlog. "Big ups on that one Nintendo!"
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February 23rd, 2007, 07:21 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via devmaster
Paris, France, February 22, 2007- Dassault Systèmes (DS) (Nasdaq: DASTY; Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, today announced the preview of a new Virtools solution for faster and easier developments on Nintendo’s new Wii™ console. The versatility of the Virtools platform, combined with 14 years of experience in virtual reality, allows faster and easier development on the Wii console.
“By delivering innovative solutions for the Wii, we are providing a powerful solution to developers, game designers and graphics artists, boosting all aspects of game development creativity” says Virgile Delporte, Virtools vice president of Electronic Entertainment for Dassault Systèmes.
Thanks to this new solution, especially the Wii Remote™ building block and Wii Remote client, Virtools components which allowing the access of Wii controllers on PCs with Virtools 4, authorized Wii game developers are now able see results in hours and tune their game play on the fly. Virtools technology is the most adapted platform for creative game development whileNintendo’s Wii console represents the perfect console for game developers to unleash their creativity. Virtools powerful render engine is currently being ported and optimized for the Wii console.
Dassault Systèmes’ Virtools will be present at the Game Developer Conference 2007, which is being held in San Francisco, March 5–9. To see demonstrations of this new technology, visit Virtools at booth 454 WH.
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February 23rd, 2007, 09:17 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via Cubed3
The Virtual Console has gradually been building up a stronger and stronger library and now one of the best games of all time has launched on the system, Zelda: Ocarina of Time from the N64. Here is the official Press Release:
"Gamers are in for a treat on Wii’s Virtual Console this week as Nintendo releases two new classics to download. Every generation, certain titles set the standard for all others. With stories so enveloping and gameplay so addictive that they define the generation. One such game, heralded by many as the greatest adventure game ever made, was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released on the Nintendo® 64.
Launched in Europe in 1998, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was developed by the legendary creators Shigeru Miyamoto (Producer) and Eiji Aonuma (Director). Featuring a quest of epic proportions, ground breaking 3D graphics and a host of exciting sub-missions and minigames, this game quickly became the most popular title in the already prestigious series. Now nine years after its launch, Wii owners can experience the adventure again for 1000 Wii Points.
This week Wii owners will also get to enjoy the popular NES title, Kid Icarus. Some twenty-years after its original release, Nintendo is bringing the classic platform title back to the Virtual Console for gamers old and new to enjoy. Players take on the role of a young angel called Pit in his struggle to defeat the minions of darkness and free the Goddess of Light from her prison in the underworld. Kid Icarus is available to download now for just 500 Wii Points.
These great games will join the list of over 50 classic titles already available for the Virtual Console in Europe."
And if that was not enough, Nintendo is truly celebrating the re-launch of Ocarina in style, just in case there are people out there with no knowledge of the game:
"Wii’s Virtual Console allows gamers to re-experience some of the great moments in gaming history with downloadable classics from the 80s and 90s. Today, both Zelda fans and gamers who enjoy a good adventure are in for a treat with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which has often been referred to as “The Greatest Game of The 20th Century” and which has sold over 7.6 million copies globally is making a welcome return on the Virtual Console. Intrigue, excitement and the adventure of a lifetime await you in a quest that will captivate and inspire players old and new.
As the first fully three-dimensional title in the Zelda series, players must take on the role of a young boy with a grand destiny growing up in the Kokiri village. The young hero, Link, soon finds out that something is afoot when he is despatched on an epic adventure by the Great Deku Tree. On his travels Link discovers he is destined to become the Hero of Time and save Hyrule from the evil Ganondorf. His travels take him across a vast and colourful continent as he battles through challenging dungeons - ranging from the eerie Forest Temple to the fiery caves of Dodongo Cavern. With hours of exciting gameplay this title is sure to keep even the most dedicated player busy for weeks.
Unique to the Zelda series, Ocarina of Time sees players taking on both the role of child Link and his young adult form. When he begins his journey, Link is an eight year old boy in an as yet untainted Hyrule. However, when he uncovers the fabled Temple of Time and the legendary Master Sword Link is too young to take on the role of Hero of Time so is transformed into a young adult. During this time Hyrule radically changes into a darker and more dangerous place.
The equipment at our hero’s disposal changes as he grows from boy to man. As a child, Link is able to use items including the Slingshot and Boomerang, but when he is fully grown these items are of no use to him and must be replaced by items like the Hero Bow and Hookshot. Link can also tame and ride his very own horse called Epona who returns as Link’s mount in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii.
When it was first released in 1998, this game struck a chord with Zelda fans across the globe, partly due to its dramatic and involving music. Not only does the game feature a playable musical instrument, The Ocarina of Time, which players must use to solve puzzles and unlock secrets, but it also features one of the most atmospheric soundtracks in the Zelda franchise. From calm and quirky background music in the field, to dramatic crescendos of sound in boss fights, this game will have the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is available on the Wii Virtual Console across Europe from 23rd February 2007 for the price of 1000 Wii Points and will join over fifty top games from Nintendo’s back catalogue already available."
And remember, at least Zelda is still only 1000 Wii Points, unlike in Japan where is was nudged up to 1200...
Stay tuned for more updates!
Original Story: This week's virtual console releases in Europe are small in quantity but big up on quality. Wii owners can download Pitt's debut adventure Kid Icarus (NES) or Link's first N64 outing, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:33 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via philly
Sure, there are some great games like Wii Sports and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but I'm especially impressed with Nintendo's foray into online connectivity. While Microsoft's Xbox Live service proved during the last console generation that Bill Gates and company had online gaming mastered, no one could have predicted that Nintendo would do so well with its first serious attempt to connect a console to the Internet.
While Nintendo's previous system, the GameCube, could get online via either broadband or dial-up adapter peripherals, there was practically no reason to bother. Only devotees of Sega's Phantasy Star Online role-playing game had the need to reach cyberspace. It's an entirely different story with the Wii, which is equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity right out of the box, allowing it to go online through your wireless home network. Wii owners who lack Wi-Fi support can buy a $29.99 LAN adapter to connect to a standard wired network.
Once online, Wii gamers can check out news and weather information or surf the Web using a Wii-optimized, beta version of the Opera web browser. Parents who are concerned about their children's Internet use - and who isn't these days? - should take note of parental controls built into the Wii set-up menu. These can be used to limit access to the online environment as well as block children from playing inappropriate games. Without the parental controls activated, I readily accessed social networking site MySpace as well as the Playboy Web site through my Wii - all in the name of research, mind you. Thankfully, it only takes a minute to configure the parental filtering.
The Wii Shop Channel lets gamers access old-school games, for a fee. Some of the most beloved titles from retro systems like the NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx are available for download, and more games are being added on a regular basis. Nintendo calls this feature the "Virtual Console." Just be aware that you'll need an additional controller to play the older games. GameCube controllers will work with some of the retro titles, but others require Nintendo's Classic Controller, which sells for $19.99 but can be hard to find. The latest addition to Wii's online menu is the Everybody Votes Channel, which allows gamers to have their say in online polls.
If there's a gripe concerning the Wii's online component, it's that, as of now, there are no actual games featuring online play. That means you can't play a Wii game against an opponent who isn't sitting next to you on the couch. The first wave of online multiplayer-enabled Wii titles should become available by summertime, so we'll have a better idea of the system's multiplayer capabilities by then. It would be great, for example, to play the new Smash Bros. title, scheduled for a late June launch, against opponents from around the world.
In the meantime, I'm amusing myself with Wii Play, an amusing game that builds on the casual, fun style of Wii Sports. Players can choose one of nine mini-games, including Fishing, Laser Hockey and Shooting Range. All are easy to learn, but challenging nonetheless. My favorite is a battle between toy tanks that shoot it out with cannons, missiles and mines, all while navigating a wooden maze. Want to play against a friend? Nintendo makes it easy by including an extra Wii remote inside the Wii Play package.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:35 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via fortwayne
Video games are usually a solitary pastime. But that doesn’t mean that gamers are anti-social misfits, any more than readers, knitters or crossword solvers.
We have friends, siblings, spouses and kids, and when we’re not off saving the world on our own, we enjoy playing games with our loved ones.
No one has emphasized the social aspect of gaming more than Nintendo. The company named its new machine “Wii” (pronounced “we”) to emphasize “this console is for everyone,” with the double-i meant to symbolize “the image of people gathering to play.” Wii games like “Wii Sports,” “Rayman Raving Rabbids” and “Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz” are undeniably more fun to play with a crowd.
That’s not to suggest that the Wii has a stranglehold on multiplayer action. Particularly in the sports and fighting genres, there are plenty of PlayStation and Xbox games that thrive with two or more players. But Sony and Microsoft haven’t reached out to non-traditional gamers the way Nintendo has.
•“WarioWare: Smooth Moves” (Nintendo, for the Wii, $49.99): “Smooth Moves” is a collection of more than 200 “microgames,” each about five seconds long, that require you to use the Wii’s remote control in different ways. You may be asked to hold it like bicycle handlebars, a barbell or a telephone; as the events get sillier, you hold it in front of your nose or on top of your head. You’ll find yourself flapping your arms, swiveling your hips, squatting and jumping.
Each round consists of 10 to 20 microgames that seem to come faster as the game progresses, and half the battle is figuring out what the game wants you to do before time runs out. The main multiplayer challenge is like a game of hot potato in which you pass the remote each time a new game starts. There’s plenty of irreverent comedy, with tasks ranging from zipping up a guy in a panda suit to helping granny put her dentures in, which makes “Smooth Moves” almost as much fun to watch as it is to play.
•“Wii Play” (Nintendo, for the Wii, $49.99): The “Wii Sports” disc that was packaged with the Wii attracted a lot of players to the new console, and I still find myself returning to its sweet bowling simulation. Fans have been clamoring for more, but “Wii Play” is a letdown. It consists of nine games, only one of which – billiards – has any real staying power. Most of the remaining games – shooting, table tennis, laser hockey, a tank battle and cow racing – show some promise but just don’t have enough meat on them. And the final three, including fishing and two observation games where you have to find and manipulate your “Mii” avatar, are just annoying.
The main draw for most Wii maniacs is that “Wii Play” comes with a controller, which normally costs $40. So, for an extra 10 bucks you’re getting a fairly decent demo disc. And since Wii controllers have been in short supply, it may be a bargain that’s too good to pass up.
•“Fuzion Frenzy 2” (Microsoft, for the Xbox 360, $49.99): With “Fuzion Frenzy 2,” Microsoft has tried to muscle into the party-game market by hiring Hudson Soft, the developer of Nintendo’s popular “Mario Party” franchise. Unfortunately, “Frenzy” substitutes the charm of Mario and his gang for an irritating intergalactic game show. There are 40 different minigames, ranging from lame (gravity-defying slam dunks) to somewhat amusing (smashing your opponents with a hammer), but there’s nothing you’ll want to play more than once.
“Frenzy” is also marred by a confusing scorekeeping system and a dumb gimmick that allows losers to play cards to steal points from the winners, killing any desire to play skillfully. Still, “Fuzion Frenzy 2” is the only thing of its kind on Microsoft’s console, so it could be an adequate rental for Xbox 360 users desperate for a party game.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:37 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via hexus
Nintendo are expanding their Wii Virtual console by adding two new formats to the existing ones. Games for the NEO GEO and MSX formats will be available for download this Spring in Japan. Currently, Nintendo haven't confirmed whether the formats will be available in the US, UK or Europe.
According to the Japanese Nintendo site, the first two games made available will be Eggy and Aleste.
Amongst those games that we could be looking forward to are the Fatal Fury series, Metal Slug and Neo Bomberman on NEO GEO and Metal Gear, Dragon's Quest and Final Fantasy for the MSX.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:39 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via dailytech
The Wii may see a hardware revisions sooner than expected
Video game consoles are essentially a closed platform. Once the hardware is finalized, the specifications usually remain the same throughout the lifecycle. There have been little tweaks here and there with the more home consoles towards the end of their life cycles, such as slimmer and smaller PlayStations, but game systems usually keep the status quo.
Handhelds are a different story, however, as Nintendo has written the book on how to reinvent and redesign portable systems. Nintendo clearly realizes the profit potential of incrementally improving its hardware—not so much as to introduce new functionality, but to increase usability—so that customers may even buy the same system twice.
The most recent example of this is the Nintendo DS, which saw an initial release form of a bulky, sturdy folding brick, and later reinvented into the DS Lite, a sleek, shiny iPod-like fun machine. Considering Nintendo’s great success with this strategy, it should not be surprising to learn that the games maker is plotting a similar strategy for the Wii, perhaps even earlier than most expected.
In an interview, GameDaily asked Nintendo of America VP Perrin Kaplan if the ‘hardware revision model’ would applied to the Wii, to which she replied succinctly, “Sure, absolutely. You'll see the ways in which we do that.”
Kaplan’s assertive, but tight-lipped answer points to more than just adding something like DVD video playback. In fact, a DVD movie-enabled Wii has already been announced for release later this year. Kaplan comments on the DVD playback as something minor in the scheme for Wii: “I think it's just to give them a choice. We've not yet come out with a firm date; we haven't talked about it too much. It's not the top thing on our list.” When asked if DVD video capability was part of the plans for a new Wii hardware revision, Kaplan says, “There are always lots of things in the future.”
The Nintendo marketing VP isn’t showing any of her cards, but one thing is for sure: there will be another Wii. The obvious things that Nintendo would do to make the Wii more attractive are add new colors, increase its internal flash memory, include rechargeable batteries for Wii Remotes and component cables. There isn’t much merit to making the console any slimmer or lighter, and high definition support isn’t likely to happen.
The Wii is attaining mass-market appeal, much like the iPod. It may only be a matter of time before Nintendo adopts Apple’s hardware redesign strategy.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:43 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via hexus
Play as 14 different characters
In Mario Party 8, a whimsical ringmaster has invited Mario, Peach and the rest of the crew to his carnival. Mario Party 8 keeps the surprises coming with minigames that draw upon the Wii Remote's motion, pointing and button control in a variety of ways. Players always know how to jump into the action by watching an animated tutorial that shows how to use the Wii Remote.
Following tradition, Mario Party 8 takes the social, strategic game play of board games and adds breaks for quick, action-oriented minigames. In the main mode, players travel across six boards in search of Stars, landing on spaces that are helpful (example: giving coins) or a hindrance (example: sending Bowser in to mess with the player). Several variations for these boards tweak the main goals to enhance game play for solo sessions, two-player games and three- to four-player games.
In addition, Mario Party 8 includes four more minigame-infused kinds of board games, such as Tic-Tac Drop, where players earn the right to put the next mark on the board by winning a minigame.
Check out these new screenshots!
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via vooks
In an interview by GameDaily, Spin Master Perrin Kaplan talks about the Wii, its online features, third party support and the GameCube. Kaplin talked about how in the upcoming months between January and June, there will roughly be 27 games coming too Wii and that’s not including the oldies scheduled for the Virtual Console.
Perrin then went on to discuss the Wii's online services stating that "“Some of that friend code stuff (for online game play) is really built for the mass consumer, not just the gaming world…" she then she had this to say "I think we feel pretty confident about our position; at the time online comes [to the Wii] I think people will be pleased with it." After that she talks about how the "hardcore" gamers aren't happy with anything and can't have it come fast enough.
She also talked about how the Wii's third party support is the best Nintendo has seen since the SNES. Why are all the 3rd parties jumping onboard the Wii train? "I think they’re inspired by the remote and I think they’re inspired by the simplicity and fun of what it is we’ve been able to do, and I’m sure out of that comes some learning. We all learn from each other."
Probably the most interesting part of the interview would be the fact that Perrin tells us that the GameCube is discontinued. Yes, you read right, the GameCube is officially dead. Nintendo aren't planning to build any more GameCube consoles and after what is in their current inventory is sold, that’s it, no more Cubes unless you find one second hand.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:52 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via vggen

Atlus’ ever-expanding library of quirky, Japanese-flavored games has grown a little today, as Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja is now available for the Nintendo DS. In the game, you play as a female ninja, Izuna, who angers the gods, getting a town cursed in the process, and must find a way to right those wrongs. We’ve included the oh-so-brief press release below:
IRVINE, CALIFORNIA — FEBRUARY 20, 2007 — Atlus U.S.A., Inc., a leading publisher of interactive entertainment, today announced that Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja has shipped to North American retailers and is in stores now!
Finally, a dungeon RPG strong enough for a man… but played as a hot chick! Bust out those nunchucks and get back to the old school, hardcore, monster bashing we all grew up on! See if you have what it takes to conquer the impossible levels and gruesome bosses. After all, does it get any better than the feeling of cold steel at the palm of your hands?
Here's just a taste of what's being said about this eagerly-awaited title!
“Izuna is a retro-esque action-RPG that stays true to its heritage of fast-paced gameplay, while injecting a much-needed dose of humor along the way, something that is often in short supply in RPGs.” ~GameAlmighty
“ The joy is in the witty comedy. It's not just that the lines are funny, but that they seem completely out of place in this Japanese dungeon RPG. It acts almost as a spoof and is a welcome change to a genre filled with the same stories year after year. ”
Izuna Key Features:
* Deep, challenging labyrinths that change every time you enter!
* Use Talismans to cast spells or power up your equipment!
* Customize and power up your weapons, which gain strength over time!
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:54 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku
I just heard back from Neal Mueller and Chris Grubb, the two guys who brought along DS's on their climb up Mt. Everest. It's pretty cool how this works: I send my questions to a contact in New York, who then sends them on to the Base Camp on Everest. When Mueller and Grubb are back in camp they answer the questions, then shoot back their responses in the opposite direction.
I tried to ask the best questions that you guys sent me. So here goes--Mueller did the answering this time around:
Where are you now?
We are in the country of Nepal on the South side of Mount Everest. We are about 35 miles from the nearest town, Namche, and only connected to this town by a dirt walking trail used by Sherpas, tourists and yaks. We are writing to you from Mount Everest Base Camp where we are spending some time between acclimization climbs up the mountain. We only have access to email while at Base Camp, so while we carry with us and play the Nintendo DS systems up on the mountain, all of our contact with the outside world comes while we're resting and recovering at Base Camp.
Have the extreme temperatures been a problem with your DSs?
The systems have performed extremely well, even in the extreme conditions. When the systems get very cold, there is a slight flicker of the screens and the battery life is dramatically decreased (this is an issue with any battery powered electronics in extremely cold temperatures). These issues are easily resolved, however, by storing the DS systems in our sleeping bags with us at night, or by warming them up in clothing pockets next to our bodies before each playing session.
Does the Wireless play seem to work for you in tent?
The Wireless play works very well when two people are in the same tent. We usually share a tent up on the mountain and always eat in the same tent, so this is the most common scenario for when we choose to play against each other. We have run into some issues with Wireless play between tents, but we believe that it is due to the metal alloy poles used as part of the tent structures and not due to a limitation on the range of the machines.
What games did you guys bring with you?
We brought Mario, Metroid Prime, Madden Football and a multi gamepack that has a number of smaller games contained on the same cartridge.
Do you have a favorite yet?
Our favorite at the beginning of the trip was Madden Football because it is a multi-player game and has excellent graphics and funny voiceovers from Madden. After several dozen Madden games we looked into Mario64 a bit more and loved the depth of the game. We've been racing for the past couple of days to see who can rescue the Princess first... a noble challenge.
Have you had a lot of time to play during the climb itself? I would imagine you would be pretty bushed at the end of each day.
During the climb, we spend almost the entire day climbing, preparing food and melting snow and ice into water. You're right that there isn't a lot of time and that we're completely beat at the end of each day, but we can't imagine a better way to get our minds off of our aching bodies than an intense game of Madden Football! During rest days at Base Camp, we have time to explore the 15 levels in Mario and really get into the games to a much greater extent than we're afforded while on the mountain.
Any plans for planting a DS at the peak?
A pretty funny idea. We could leave a system for the next gamer that makes it to the peak. In reality though, every ounce that you can save in your pack on summit day increases your chances of making it to the summit and we're already looking for ways to cut even more weight from our packs. We are planning on bringing the systems to the South Col, however, which is above the "Death Zone" and at an altitude where life is impossible to maintain for more than a few days at a time.
How do you recharge the DS? Do you have a hand crank or solar panels?
We run everything off of solar power at Base Camp, including charging the DS systems when the batteries are getting low. We had a scare yesterday since it had been cloudy and snowing for two days and hadn't been able to charge the systems, but we woke up to sun this morning and were able to get everything fully charged again to survive another string of bad weather if necessary. I like the hand crank idea, but it would be tough to use the touch screen while concurrently charging the batteries... maybe a foot crank though?
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via nintendojo
Long before Mario got a fresh New paint on DS, an actual sequel to Super Mario World was released; and yet, many things about Yoshi's Island -- from its place in the Mario universe to the visuals and gameplay -- made sure that it was separated from the rest of the series. Having been a cult classic for a decade, Yoshi's Island finally has a real sequel. Forget Yoshi's Story, Yoshi's Island DS is what fans have been waiting for.
The soft, hand-drawn pastels of the original return in the DS follow-up, but the intoxicating beauty of the first game seems to have been muted in the transition to a handheld. Perhaps subtle details are too hard to convey on a smaller screen; or it may have something to do with the visuals resembling a cartoon as opposed to a child's drawing. Whatever the case, the storybook charm that made Yoshi's Island so memorable did not arrive intact.
That isn't to say the game is ugly. Far from it, in fact. The worlds, while familiar settings from the first game, are vibrant and colorful. Even more attractive is the complete lack of any permanent heads-up display. This cleanliness combined with two screens for the field of play creates a strong sense of freedom within each level. Just because the visuals aren't quite up to snuff with one of the best looking games on the SNES doesn't mean it isn't nice to look at on its own merits.
Developer Artoon managed to capture most of the original's visual experience, but the music was not so lucky. The intensely hummable music of Yoshi's forbear has been replaced with mediocre and forgettable tunes from the annals of Satuday morning television. This isn't altogether new for a portable game, but the series pedigree had set the bar incredibly high. Rounding everything off are the typical Yoshi grunts and yums that Nintendo has been using since Yoshi's Story. In short, nothing here hasn't been heard before or is worth hearing again.
Yoshi's Island DS doesn't stray too far from the core gameplay that fans loved. The saddled dinosaur still jumps and floats through levels, swallowing enemies and using them as egg ammo against other opponents. Even the world maps are the same as Yoshi's last outing, complete with spinning level portraits. Were it not for one crucial addition, Yoshi's Island DS would feel like more of an expansion pack than a real sequel.
In the past, Baby Mario had exclusive dibs on the Yoshi ride, but now a few more infants have joined the fight for that spot. Baby Peach, Donkey Kong and Wario take turns in the saddle, each of which have unique abilities. Peach can use her umbrella to float upwards with gusts of wind, Donkey Kong can climb on vines and Wario can use his magnet to move platforms and suck up coins. Naturally, it is sometimes necessary to switch between the babies to overcome obstacles and progress through the game, but sometimes it comes down to preference. For instance, eggs thrown while Donkey Kong is riding explode on impact, while Baby Mario's got a knack for the ricochet.
Other than Yoshi's increased babysitting duties, not a lot has changed. This isn't a problem, however. Like New Super Mario Bros., originality is forgone in favor of fundamentally solid platforming gameplay. Nintendo was founded on this type of gameplay, and Artoon has shown that they've done their homework. It starts out simple enough, but the difficulty level spikes starting with the fourth world. Hardcore vets who love the first game should be in heaven, but tykes may get frustrated that they haven't developed the motor skills to complete the game. Though the levels get a good deal harder, the bosses at the end of every castle are almost always pushovers; but they're fun to vanquish nonetheless.
Developers have tangled with the dual screens on more than one occasion, particularly the space between them. This dead area provides a problem for games like Sonic Rush and Metroid Prime Pinball, wherein the two screens represent one continual space. Likewise is the case with Yoshi's Island DS, where sometimes platforms and enemies disappear within the vacuum. For much of the game, Artoon makes use of this area, hiding extra lives among other bonuses within it. The real pain comes with the auto-scrolling levels, where the progress is forced and the player's only hope is luck or clairvoyance. Otherwise, level memorization is the only answer, and one that players shouldn't have to swallow.
Many were skeptical when it was announced that the developer of the ill-recieved Xbox franchise Blinx: The Time Sweeper were at the helm of the Yoshi's Island sequel. Yet, it looks like that their worries are put to rest with the resounding quality of the end product. Fans should be content with the challenging main game and incredible amount of unlockable content similar to the original game. Younger players might have fun with it for a while, but all but the most determined munchkins will be stymied by the later levels. Everyone else looking for a solid platforming adventure to satisfy them after New Super Mario Bros. won't go wrong with Yoshi. He is, after all, a plumber's best friend.
Final score
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:58 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pocketgamer
Most of us at Pocket Gamer are supposedly grown up, which occasionally makes us wonder if we should put childish things away. Then a box set of Futurama or perhaps Family Guy will beckon us into their warm embrace, and we may as well be 14 again.
Fair enough, you think – but surely SpongeBob SquarePants is a step too juvenile? So my guilty secret is out. If I'm honest, I actually enjoy the antics of Bob of the spongey pantaloons, Patrick Star and Eugene Krabs.
Whether that enthusiasm will transfer to the latest SpongeBob SquarePants game remains to be seen, however. There have been plenty of previous game examples – mainly on the GBA, but a couple on DS – and they haven't been too impressive. In fact, most have been downright pants.
This time, as the 'and Friends' part of the title informs us, Bob and Pat will be joined by their Nicktoons chums in the battle against an evil spirit from the Ghost Zone, who plans to destroy their island paradise.
So as well as the SpongeBob SquarePants dudes, you'll be able to choose playable characters from some ten other Nicktoons series, including Danny Phantom, The Fairly OddParents and Jimmy Neutron. There'll also be an option to play through the game in a co-operative two-player mode.
Not surprisingly, the action itself will be strictly of the 2D action platforming and exploration variety, as you make your way up the dreaded volcano, disposing of various cartoon villains as you go.
Until we hear more about why this game will be different from previous examples, we'll not be too excited. But perhaps there's still time to get some good news from publisher THQ: SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends: Battle for Volcano Island isn't due for release until June.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:00 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pocketgamer

No one ever seems to have a good word to say about the men from the council. They're either increasing our taxes, setting up road calming humps, or fining us for putting envelopes into our paper recyling sack (by mistake, we didn't mean it!).
If it was a Ninja Council, we assume the level of compliance from the local population would improve somewhat.
The first Naruto on DS (the previous two titles being GBA games), we don't imagine the latest in the manga spin-off series involves going around cleaning up graffiti or dealing with noisy neighbours. Instead, you'll work your way through 60 missions using a fluid attack system that enables you to combo the jutsu techniques from over 20 characters.
Plot-wise, headstrong ninja-in-training Naruto Uzumaki and classmates Sakura and Sasuke will be doing their best to learn the importance of friendship, teamwork, loyalty, hard work, and beating crap out of their enemies – all under the watchful eye of their teacher, Kakashi.
And after you've attempted to battle your way to the top as your favourite character from the TV show, you'll be able to relax with your friends via the four-way multiplayer battle mode.
Due a 2007 release in the US, there's not yet a confirmed European publisher for Naruto: Ninja Council 3. Let's just hope it can repair the damage to handheld ninjitsu's reputation following the lamentable Shinobido on PSP, which we reviewed earlier this week.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:02 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pocketgamer
The release date for Disney's Spectrobes game is getting closer, and we've managed to get our hands on one of the character cards that will extend your playing experience come March.
You'll get four cards free when you buy the game, and other packs will be available for purchase in the shops.
You'll want to get your hands on them – or swap them with your mates – because by placing the card on the DS' touchscreen and then tapping the numbered holes in the correct order, you'll be able to unleash more spectrobes into your game.
There are 500 types to collect in total, although you'll be able to uncover most within the game itself. You can customise them with various in-game items too.
In the example above, our card will provide a Grildragos Drafly, which is the most evolved form of the Grilda spectrobe (each spectrobe passes through three stages).
To input it into your game, you simply have to tap the sequences of holes – from 1 to 7 in this case – using your stylus and the game will recognise the spectrobe you've unlocked and add it to your in-game library.
Spectrobes is released globally on 16th March. Click 'Track It!' to be alerted when we review it, and check out previous Spectrobes screens and stories.
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February 23rd, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has confirmed to Eurogamer this morning that it hasn't stopped production of GameCube hardware and software, and that globally it still supports the console.
"I can confirm that globally, Nintendo is still continuing production of GameCube hardware and GameCube software," a spokesperson for Nintendo UK told us.
The game-giant was speaking in the aftermath of recent comments made by Nintendo America boss Perrin Kaplan, who said the company wasn't producing any more GameCube units or first party games for the platform.
It's good news to us, then, but we can't hold off the ominous feeling that the purple box will be outed probably sooner rather than later.
via eurogamer
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February 23rd, 2007, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released some WIP News of his Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
* Addition of L and R in the list of selection to pass + 14 plays
* Addition of the repertories in the list of selection (DSMasterPlus seeks to leave
root of the linker)
* Support of the files GG which are carried out in mode SMS (ex: Castle of illusion)
* Color different in the list from seleciton for files GG and SMS
* Choice placed on Execution after selection of a play
* English/French Switch according to the country of the DS
* Beginning of addition of the mapper CodeMaster and the mapper Korean
* Addition of the mode of compatibility TMS
* A little faster (if if…)
Lets hope a release is soon.
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February 23rd, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Dragonminded has released a new version of his Organiser proggy for the Nintendo DS:
Heres whats new:
Worked on making DSOrganize take up less memory on its own for more plugin memory.
Switched to more dynamic approach for plugins. Things should work better now.
Changed home screen to display current and next two day planner events instead of past ones.
Changed plugin vblank handling to give dedicated vblank access to plugins/exes when run.
Changed some code on the arm9 recieve fifo queue, hopefully fixing the random sound/keyboard freeze.
Changed arm7 upsampling code to sound better for amplified mp3's.
Changed calculator memory usage to allow for larger numbers.
Added in newest ogg vorbis memory leak fix.
Added echo, cls, wait commands to homebrew database script.
Added ability to swap buffers on only the top or bottom screen in plugins.
Added ability for plugins to query which screen DSO is on (for those that hook to the draw function).
Added simple battery saver function and debug write to disc function to plugin API.
Added repeat to all keys in the keyboard and fixed a glitch where char 255 couldn't be typed.
Added .dss shortcut type. Shortcuts can point to any file or directory except for another shortcut.
Added access to the PSG on the arm9 for plugins.
Added the missing commands for dswifi to the plugin API.
Fixed erasor glitch in scribble.
Fixed weird wrapping glitches introduced after the text fix.
Fixed glitch in syntax highlighting for html files introduced after text fix.
Fixed glitch where if resource0.bin is missing, DSO does not jump to your preferred start page.
Fixed error with ID3 tags containing a carriage return/line feed.
Fixed crash on loading iconsets from directories longer than 29 characters.
Fixed two irc crash bugs relating to bad server replies (ie on irc.enterthegame.com).
Removed mikmod loaders for all types but xm, it, s3m, mod due to low popularity.
NOTE: Since the plugin architecture has been updated, please download the latest version of your favorite plugins to continue using them.
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February 23rd, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new game for the DS
Heres the info:
Yahtzee is my 5th game for the DS, this is an early version. It supports up to 3 players and there well be WIFI features to come.
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February 23rd, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
_SuBCeRo_ has released a new app for the DS:
I made this application to multiconvert savegames for multiflashcart format. With this u can convert from M3 SLOT 2, SC SLOT2, R4, EzIV Flash, MicroNinja and DSLinker.
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February 23rd, 2007, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Stonebone has released a new version of his Tetris type game for the DS:
Heres whats new:
The talk of an official verison of Panel de Pon made me hurry up and release Tettattds 2.0 . Here is a list of what’s new since 1.2:
* New graphics!
* New sound and music!
* Now saves highscores to FAT if available (otherwise it uses SRAM)
* Server now works on ppc
* Bug fixes
* Improved building from source
* Built with latest devkitpro
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:24 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
The Godfather The Don's Edition for the PS3 and The Godfather Blackhand Edition for Nintendo's Wii offer brand new ways to go from Soldier to Don as you gain control of the streets of New York. Follow the path of an Enforcer or Operator; each with its own unique perks and abilities to earn. Now you can chat up specific characters to get the skinny on dirty cops, take down two additional revised compounds of rival Families, execute five new contract hits, and call in larger Corleone Hit Squads when the going gets tough. With The Godfather The Don's Edition also having the new Shipyard and Rail yard transportation hubs to explore and exploit; your path to the head of La Cosa Nostra is wrought with all new perils and excitement.
The Godfather The Don's Edition takes full advantage of the SIXAXIS controller for PS3; manhandle your controller to manhandle your opponent. For improved, hyper-intuitive Blackhand Control in The Godfather Blackhand Edition, use gestures with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to really beat down your opposition, or point directly at the screen using the Wii Remote for pinpoint firearm accuracy.
Developed by EA Redwood Shores, The Godfather The Don's Edition, and The Godfather Blackhand Edition, not yet been rated by the ESRB, are scheduled to ship in March 2007.
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via nintendojo
Nyko Technologies unveiled today its newest members to the Wii accessories family with the announcement of a Classic Controller Grip and the Click Grip for Wii.
The Classic Controller Grip looks to add grips to the standard Wii Classic Controller, while also adding a "docking fin" to eliminate the dangling nature of the Wii Remote when attached to the Classic Controller.
In an effort to help minimize the number of Wii Remotes flying out gamers' hands, the Click Grip will replace the standard battery cover of the Wii Remote, providing a rubberized, textured grip in pink, blue and gray flavors.
The Classic Controller Grip and Click Grip are both set to release in Spring 2007, and will retail for $14.99 and $5.99, respectively.
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:28 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gaming-age
Nintendo of Japan's site updated today with a revelation that Neo Geo games will be coming to the Wii's Virtual Console download service sometime this year. So far there haven't been any specific game announcements and we don't know the pricing structure for these games. We should hear more soon, possibly as early as March at GDC.
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February 24th, 2007, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Arguably one of the most sought after hacks in console gaming right now is the ability to vote more than once on Wii's Everybody Votes Channel. So it's no surprise that everyone on the information super highway has been tirelessly working to fool the system. Well, the wait is finally over!
To illegally vote more than once, all you have to do is advance Wii's internal clock by one day. From there you'll be well on your way in fudging the numbers so that your party, I mean, favorite vacationing spot secures the victory. Rinse and repeat until satisfied.
In related news, the color red mysteriously beat out the heavily favored blue in a recent poll. Blue's legal counsel called the result "unsupported by the law or the facts." Red's publicist denied our request for a comment.
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February 24th, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
The GBA and DS emulator for Windows has seen a new update, heres whats new:
nds/video/help: added note on unknown tvoutcnt register (nds9 port 4000070h)
nds/sio/help: added chapter on (absent) link port (with new bits like ckup)
nds/aux/help: added full gba and gba-sp cpu/lcd/chipset pinouts (from no$gmb)
nds/aux/help: added SG and SW pins (gba-sp/nds headphone socket) (from no$gmb)
nds/3d/help: added projection/rotation/scaling/translation matrix examples
nds/3d/help: added edge marking notes, alpha_test_ref notes, and fog notes
nds/3d/help: added new shadow polygon chapter, and added toon table notes
nds/3d: skips vtx's of (still unsupported) shadow polygons (avoid eragon dirt)
nds/3d: speedup: re-creates textures only if teximage_param/pltt_base changed
nds/3d: speedup: mtx_mul_4x3/3x3/trans/scale skips fixed values (ie. 0 and 1)
nds/sound: init [sb_pos_in_buf_in_clk_cycles]=0 (avoids fatal 'e-2' on reset)
nds/3d: supports packed-texture-mode3 (mul3+mul5=div8) (eragon/mariokart demo)
nds/microphone: emulates mircophone gain level (powerman reg3 = x1 x2 x4 x8)
nds/microphone: wave_in-dma activated only if/as long as enabled in powerman
nds/microphone: forwards PC mic-in/line-in to nds-microphone (player 1 only)
nds/microphone: emulates muted mic-level (for mic-powerman off=000h, on=800h)
dos/nds: supports nds-video (256x192) (dual-screen) (forced 640x480 onepix)
dos: dpmi redirects dos32_int10 to dpmi_interrupt_10h (fixes win98 xgra-crash)
dos: uses int2fh/1680h under dpmi (not actually supported by cwsdpmi/win98)
dos: prevents hlt-opcode under dpmi (hlt crashed cwsdpmi, ignored by win98)
initialize: corrected @@zero_fill_vals length (caused crash in dos version)
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February 24th, 2007, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Have we not shown enough enthusiasm for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Does Square Enix think that we're not writhing with anticipation over this game? We thought it was pretty clear that we'll be there on day one with our faces pressed to the door, but apparently someone thinks that we still need to be lured in with a bevy of gorgeous videos. Maybe we should play hard to get more often.
Jeux France has the latest embedded on their site, as well as some new screens. Go check it out, because every day is a good day for a little Final Fantasy.
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February 24th, 2007, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Looks like Japan is set to get yet another training game (our second announced today!). What gives? The rest of us want to become better cooks and have more common sense as well. Maybe someday ....
The latest training game from Konami looks to be an aid to practicing yoga. What a great way to promote fitness! Further, the portability of the DS makes this pretty practical, as you can just pack it up with your yoga mat, and bam! You're ready to go get bendy, wherever and however you want.
We may not be marketing experts here at the Fanboy, but we would think that something like this could really help expand the gaming market in the U.S. Perhaps if the Wii has a few fitness-themed titles that enjoy success with the soccer mom crowd, we'll start seeing a little more demand for something like a yoga trainer.
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February 24th, 2007, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
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The Japanese seem to have a thing for learning the English language without actually learning it. That means big business for dictionary makers and language schools. And, of course, for Nintendo, maker of the game machine that all those English learners seem to own: the DS.
Last year's Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training Eigo Zuke, whose name is commonly translated here at IGN as "DS Training For Adults Who Aren't Good at English: English Language Trainer," was one of the best selling "non-games" for the DS. Just as it did with Brain Age, Nintendo is adding a "Motto" (Japanese for "More") to the title and having one more go at sorta-kinda teaching the Japanese how to speak English.
Nintendo is packing a lot into the sequel. Some 400 conversation situations, covering phone calls, train station announcements and customer/clerk dialogue, are included. The title also promises to improve real-life listening skills by adding environmental sounds and accents to dictation sequences.
Fully titled Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training Motto Eigo Zuke, the sequel will hit Japan on 3/29. We expect another million seller for Nintendo, but we don't expect a million Japanese people to actually start speaking English better.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
New game from Escamuche:
Heres the info:
A side scroller space shooter. Created with the fantastic PAlib and devkitpro as an experiment to learn nds programming. Currently is far from finished, but you can play a bit (the first level). Gameplay needs to be adjusted (and graphics too!). It has some intro scenes to introduce the background story and characters.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released a new version of his Yahtzee game :
Version 1.01 (02-23-2007)
Fixed some probs with some combos being recognized
made it so you gotta click and release to activate an item on scoreboard
some other minor bugs fixed
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February 24th, 2007, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Lucas has released a new version of the application formerly known as Licks Media Player, heres whats new:
Some small bugs fixed, some minor tweaks and optimizations. I've played for several hours, with no problems, tested mp3, ogg, flac and all were fine. Tested on R4 (dldi) and M3 SD (no dldi).
I'm also thinking of the new features for the next version, so if you want to suggest anything, now is the time. Please, for this next version, just small features, but features that may be useful. No video or streaming support yet.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts kick-started the wartime first-person shooter with its Medal of Honor franchise and now the series is on its way to Nintendo's new Wii console. Medal of Honor Vanguard follows Corporal Frank Keegan, a member of the elite 82nd Airborne Division, which stormed the shores of Sicily and attacked Nazi Germany during World War II. You control Keegan as he first parachutes onto the battleground and then engages the enemy in epic shoot-outs. Like Call of Duty 3 for Wii, Vanguard is packed full of scripted action sequences, from exploding buildings in the foreground to planes bursting into flames and crashing in the background, and as a result gamers will very likely find themselves engulfed in the experience. The version of the title is, naturally, based on the PS2 one of the same name, but features both enhanced graphics and expanded controls tailor-made for Nintendo's innovative remote. We recently went hands-on with two levels from the nearly-finished Wii build and we've come back from the battlefield nearly unscathed with the following report:
Vanguard for Wii utilizes a mixture of live-action documentary-style war footage -- most of it in black and white -- and character voiceovers, to tell the story. The title begins as the 82nd Airborne Division is prepping for battle. Corporal Keegan narrates over vintage video sequences: "For an extra $50 a month, we'd be part of a great American experiment in warfare," he says. The title is comprised of four integral operations from WWII, including Operation Husky, Neptune, Varsity and Market Garden, the latter of which yielded the largest airborne deployment of the war, according to Electronic Arts. As the shooter begins, we're offered a glimpse of some of the intense drops that the 82nd went through so many years ago -- and interestingly, gamers will get to play through the drops themselves.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
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Over his half-century-plus of life, Godzilla and his Toho-created crew have destroyed metropolis cities more times than is probably healthy for mankind. But those nuclear beasts continue to wreak havoc across the planet in Japanese flicks. And the fact that giant monsters are too cool for school makes them perfect candidates for videogame designs, since it's pretty much the only time fans can play out their building-destruction fantasies...without stacking up cardboard boxes and couch cushions that is. Godzilla: Unleashed is the third in the Godzilla franchise from the partnership between publisher Atari and developer Pipeworks Software, and in this update the two companies are really pushing the Wii functionalities to give the fighting game a bit more "oomph."
Godzilla: Unleashed is a new design that's based on Pipeworks' previous PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox Godzilla fighters. In this production, gamers play as more than 16 different city-destroying titans of four different factions: earth defenders, aliens, mechas, and mutants. Atari's only ready to talk about four that are in the game: Godzilla 2000, Kiryu, Gaigan, and Megolon. But the company let us in on a little tidbit: the game will have two original Toho-approved characters made specifically for this fighter.
The game is being prepared for a fall 2007 release, but Atari stopped by our offices today to give us a peek at an early build to show off some of the concepts that the development team's working on for this fighter. On the surface, it looks very much like Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee released on the GameCube a few years ago. Visuals have definitely been bumped up in the move to the Wii -- we only had the opportunity to play as either Godzilla 2000 and Kiryu (essentially MechaGodzilla 3) but it was clear that the character models and cityscapes received a bump-up in texture work even in this pre-alpha stage. Atari promises four player battles when the game wraps later this year, but at this admittedly early stage of development the engine struggled to keep up with just two fighters on-screen. The game still has a ways to go in production, though, so what we saw will definitely improve and change by the time it ships.
What surprised us was how well the current Wii controls work with the fighting system. Atari and Pipeworks made it clear that the mechanics will most likely change as the game's tweaked in the next few months, but we can see the potential for Wii motion sensing for this fighter. Movement's handled via the nunchuk analog stick, with attacks mapped on the A or B button on the Wii remote. Combining the remote's buttons with motion will perform different swipes and uppercuts. Holding the crouch button on the nunchuk and shaking the device will send the beast on a charge towards his foe. Letting off a beam attack is handled by a two button system and aimed in 3D by twisting the Wii Remote to mimic the direction of your character's head. If the two monsters' beams cross, they'll play "volleyball" with an energy ball riding the beam where each player must time their return or else take the hit.
As the two characters battle, the cityscape can be destroyed by punching buildings or stomping them down. Some buildings could even be utilized as throwing objects during the fight; simply find a knee high structure, drop and lift the Wii Remote and Nunchuk in a "pick up" motion. Whipping the controller or Nunchuk will toss the building towards the enemy. Though it took a few minutes to adjust, the motion controls admittedly works well because these are huge lumbering beasts, and players make smooth, steady attacks that match their 200-foot, on-screen persona's motions.
Godzilla: Unleashed still has a ways to go -- the company is still ironing out the fighting system and control mechanics, as well as working on Wii-specific features that the companies weren't yet ready to talk about publicly. The early look was just a taste of what's in the works for Godzilla on the Wii -- expect more details to surface as the game continues through its development cycle.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
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We hate to say it, but after Konami cranked out three nearly identical button-mashing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) titles on the old-gen systems, game fans, turtle fans, and pretty much everyone else in their '20s who remembered Vanilla Ice's great achievement in acting were left longing for something more. We've all been waiting for a publishing/development team to treat TMNT material with intelligence, humor and design savvy. And one might say we're still waiting.
Enter the internationally diverse publishing powerhouse, Ubisoft. Grabbing the game license based on the upcoming 2007 CGI movie, Ubisoft Montreal has blended kid-friendly action, platforming and simplified Prince of Persia (POP) acrobatics into a single turtle concoction. Coming sooner than you think, TMNT is hitting eight platforms, yes eight, March 20. You'll see it on Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PSP, PC, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, GameCube, and Wii.
Gain momentum in "Turtle Time."
In this new adventure, you'll take on the role of every turtle, Donatello, Rafael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo, with each character prepared to lay down his own special set of moves. And not so surprisingly, you'll face dangerous and dark criminals bent on causing massive destruction to the turtles' home turf, the Big Apple. This episode's evil enemy appears in the form of the mysterious Max Winters who, after being fired from his job, pursues a new career in creating an army of monsters to do his bidding. Even though the turtles have grown apart, there is no doubt you'll combine all of their skills to defeat Winters, who threatens the very heart of the turtle family.
Visually, TMNT takes the easy approach. The turtles look more like moving comic-book characters than "realistic" super heroes. We are talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles here; you know, anthropomorphic, walking, talking turtles, so they're already distinct. One's got the red bandana (and two sai), another's got an orange one (and nunchakus), Donatello has the purple bandana and the quarter staff, and Leonardo dons the blue bandana and wields two katana. Still, Ubisoft Montreal has kept the visuals simple and easy on the eye, using very little next-generation juice to spruce things up. Let us just say that one shouldn't expect the same CG-quality visuals used in the movie.
The animations look decent in this preview build, with some of the better ones showing the turtles shimmying along rooftop walls, running POP-style over cave walls, and hopping, Mario-style, across every object possible. While none of the working public has seen the movie, which hits theaters three days after the game (March 23), the title doesn't appear to spoil too much of the movie's narrative. It does, however, use the same themes and environments as the film. Ubisoft Montreal uses a series of set-cameras, or cinematic camera positions, to capture progression throughout the game. Much like Prince of Persia, Peter Jackson's King Kong, and Onimusha, the camera is set in the most theatrical position possible, sometimes sliding along rails, and sometimes, in boss fights, remaining completely still.
Very much a kids' game, TMNT starts out and remains easy. The first few levels teach players how to perform the basic and necessary moves. All four turtles can jump, double jump, cling to and shimmy on special ridges on walls and cliffs, and they can walk, run, and perform fighting moves. Using arcade games as its model for fighting and the Jade Engine to power it, Ubisoft Montreal's combat moves consist of a simple attack button, a helicopter kick, and a jump and slam move that momentarily pushes enemies away. The attack move links out to combos by simply hitting a single button repeatedly. I gotta tell you, you'll want to link up all the moves, but, sadly, the best strategy is just pressing attack over and over. It's the best way to cream a circle of NY punks with pipes in their hands, anyway.
Team up, dude, and totally slam that harsh boss!
The game follows a basic familiar formula: Platform through an environment, fight groups of brainless and simple AI, platform some more, then fight a boss. What makes the fights a little more entertaining is the way in which you battle. Along with the basic attacks, an evade move sets up counter attacks. There is also a momentum meter that appears on the upper-left hand side of the screen to indicate multiple uninterrupted attacks. By nailing about 10 to 15 uninterrupted attacks in a row, the turtles will jump into "Turtle Time" (i.e. Bullet Time), slowing enemies down while cleaning them up without restraint. They basically crouch down into their shells and "spin attack" enemies by slamming into their shins until they lose momentum. It's silly, but satisfying.
While the turtles share basic moves, each wields his own weapon and delivers a special move set. Donatello, who wields a quarter staff, uses a pole jump to cross large gaps and pummel enemies lined up in a row. Rafael moves like a quick lithe fighter, cutting enemies into bits using his double sai. Leonardo follows the medium-range fighter type by using his double katana to pummel enemies into the dirt. And Michelangelo flips his nunchakus in a blaze of light to surprise and KO his opponents. Early in the game, you'll fight individually in flashback sequences, but later on the turtles will combine forces to create tag-team combo attacks while still using a simple set of buttons pushes. Finally, each time you complete a level, you'll be graded on time spent, combat performance, and coins collected. The determining factor is always the amount of coins collected. If you achieve a B in timing and an A in combat, and all coins are collected, you'll get bumped up to an A grade and receive descriptive taglines such as "excellent" and "ninja." If you play the Xbox 360 version, the Achievements appear quite easily. I collected four by simply learning each of the four turtles' special moves.
Luckily, TMNT doesn't just consist of side-scrolling fights (though a strong contingent of IGN staffers wouldn't mind a clean port of the old coin-op classic on their newfangled systems). Instead, gamers will find themselves enjoying a mixture of platforming, POP-style, through jungles, sewers, caves, mountainsides, and the streets and rooftops of New York. The turtles will scamper across walls without falling, acrobatically swing from poles and girders, and maneuver over dangerous drops.
The game reminds you how young an audience Ubisoft is aiming for each every five to 10 seconds, too. You'll hear the turtles talking their own brand of turtle smack, issuing familiar catch-phrases such as "wuu-huhu-ho!", "totally awesome!", "cowabunga!", "awesome!", and "super-sensationalistic!" with relentless repetition. Yes, there is no doubt this game is for the youngins', but Ubisoft's game is true to form: the turtles were never the intellectual type. We realize this is also a preview build, but the few phrases were repeated over and over, giving us the feeling that either this preview build is just really early, or we're in for a painful audio experience.
In short, TMNT is a friendly, easy game that will bring back some fond memories, but won't, by any means, challenge the hardcore gaming psychonaut inside of you. Ubisoft's game should appear in nearly identical form on PS2, PC, Xbox 360, PSP, GameCube and Wii, while the Nintendo DS version should differ.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that comic book licenses are a permit to print money these days. Even if the comic books themselves don't quite have the mass appeal they once did, the characters are American icons guaranteed to generate sales. Look no further than the recent success of Ghost Rider for proof. It almost goes without saying that the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie will have videogames released on nearly every conceivable platform to accompany it. We recently had the opportunity to see a guided demo of the hi-def iteration running on Xbox 360, courtesy of publisher Activision and developer Treyarch. From the looks of this first in-game demo, Spider-Man 3 appears to be a refined version of the last movie-inspired Spidey game, capitalizing on its successes while scrapping some of the more ill-conceived ideas.
As the demo opened, we were given a rooftop look at the new and improved vision of Manhattan that will serve as your playground. Running in HD, this is easily the best looking Spider-Man we've seen on a console with a nice draw distance and slick animations. Spider-Man himself is looking good, especially in his black suit and Treyarch did a good job modeling the villains to look just like their movie counterparts. The city looks crisp, though we were a little let down at the lack of visual tricks such as the windows not having reflective surfaces. Still, the transition to new and more powerful consoles looks to be a smooth one.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
There are two types of Wii games. There's the "now that we have our Wii dev kits, let's start making a Wii game kind of game," and there's the "now that we have our Wii dev kits, let's take this GameCube game we've been working on and put it on the Wii instead since you'd have to be crazy to release a new GameCube game now" type.
Usually, developers of the latter group make an attempt at hiding the hardware switch by adding Wiimote controls, or maybe even a 16x9 mode. But Nintendo is being quite open with Fire Emblem Akatsuki no Megami (Goddess of Dawn), which just hit Japan this Thursday. This first Wii Fire Emblem game, and the celebratory 10th entry in Nintendo's much loved strategy franchise, is really a GameCube game that just happens to be on a DVD. I bet if the disk were smaller, it would run just fine on that old purple box that's gathering dust in closets everywhere.
Akatsuki no Megami is missing a lot of what one might expect from a next generation, or even a new generation, Fire Emblem title. Looking for Wiimote waggle or pointing controls? Look elsewhere. Says so right on the box: "The entire game is played with the Wiimote's buttons." Ironically (I'm pretty sure this is irony), Akatsuki no Megami is one of the first Japanese Wii releases to include a pamphlet warning users against waving the Wiimote around too hard (in Japan, Nintendo actually has public service commercials showing proper use of the controller).
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February 24th, 2007, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
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Playing something like Spectrobes just serves to highlight how incredibly boring real-life pets are. Rabbits can't find ancient magical fossils hidden deep in the ground. A parrot is unlikely to be able to stop an alien invasion. And, last time we checked at least, a hamster couldn't unleash powerful lightning attacks that shake the ground and send bolts of electricity crashing down from the sky. But, in Spectrobes, the animals you collect and train can do all this and more - something that will no doubt be familiar to anyone that's ever tried the Pokémon games.
It almost goes without saying, some might find it easy to dismiss Spectrobes as yet another Pokémon clone. After all, it's possible to see the creature collecting and monster fighting Poké-DNA running right through the game. You almost expect some of the cuter critters to say "pika". However, after just a few hours' play, it's clear that the Pokémon comparison is relatively unjust. Spectrobes takes the "gotta catch 'em all" ethic of Pokémon and runs with it. Even if the direction it runs isn't always the best.
For the majority of the game it runs - with teeth bared and claws extended - into scrap after scrap. Thankfully, Spectrobes loses the frustrating random-battle mechanics of Pokémon titles. Enemies appear as black swirling whirlwinds on the map, which it's possible to run past instead of fighting, if your Spectrobe is low on health. When you enter the eye of the storm, you're faced with three aggressive alien invaders known as Krawls. Normal weapons are useless against the Krawl and the only way to kill them off is by using an assembled team of - gasp - Spectrobes.
It's only possible to take a pair of creatures into battle, so it's essential that you've formed a decent team. Once the fight begins, orders are given to your Spectrobes in real-time while running around the battle arena. Pressing either L or R tells a particular Spectrobe to attack. Once they've attacked, it'll take a few moments before they're ready to strike again. Some Spectrobes even have more complicated moves, such as the samurai-like critter that's able to guard and distract enemies, alongside its standard attack. This adds extra depth to tussles because, in this instance, it's possible to have your samurai distract enemies while his partner readies for another round.
What's more, as Spectrobes fight alongside each other, they actually develop bonds. So, the more they engage in a bit of rough and tumble, the more powerful their combined attacks become. Combined attacks are essentially "special moves" that can be charged up and unleashed during a fight. Depending upon the element of your combatant creatures, combined attacks can see lightning shoot down from the sky, meteors shower towards enemies or massive shards of ice pierce through the ground. They're certainly spectacular to look at. However, the fact that your combined attacks are limited only by how quickly you can recharge means that Krawl encounters can be over within a few special moves. We're hoping the difficulty ramps up when coming across more powerful Krawl because what we've played so far has been a breeze.
As well as fighting with your Spectrobes, you also have to collect them. Unfortunately it's quite a long and complicated process. First, using a young Spectrobe's ability to sniff out fossils, you must locate a dormant creature. This involves standing still, tapping an accompanying Spectrobe, waiting for it to scan the area and then jumping for joy when flashes appear on the ground to indicate something's waiting to be unearthed. The fossil locating process has to be repeated a lot because it's also used to find special minerals that Spectrobes eat to level-up. The novelty tends to wear off after about the 40th time.
However, your quest for new Spectrobes isn't over once you've managed to locate the fossil… oh no. Now it's necessary to excavate it by using the touch screen. Rather like an extreme version of Time Team you take to the soil armed with a series of drills. "Digs" last a few seconds as you chip away at the ground with a large drill until the fossil is exposed, then use a slightly smaller drill to carefully extract the fossil. It's no good just wildly scratching at the touch screen either because the fossils are quite delicate and it's possible to break them. This makes the whole process quite tedious and, although we've managed to snag a device that automatically excavates minerals, we've yet to acquire a similar tool to retrieve fossils.
So with fossil in hand it might seem like your Spectrobe gathering quest is over. Well, not quite. Next, it's necessary to head back to your spaceship and "awaken" the Spectrobe with a special machine. Developer Jupiter seems to have taken the idea of awakening something fairly literally, requiring that you bellow into the DS's mic to rouse the fossilised Spectrobes. Depending upon the Spectrobe that's being awakened, you're required to keep shouting at a particular volume for three seconds. This makes the process of getting Spectrobes with sensitive ears extremely difficult if you're on a train or bus because the background noise sends the microphone into overdrive.
Spectrobes is doing some interesting things and we still stand by our comment that it's not just another Pokémon rip-off. Jupiter has clearly invested a lot of time into the game and there are some aspects where the attention to detail shines through. However, we're still concerned by some of the game's more cumbersome mechanics, as well as that non-existent difficulty curve. Although, we concede that's probably down to Spectrobes target audience of kids brought up on a steady diet of quick-fix TV and additive-packed turkey twizzlies, who can't stand anything remotely challenging. At the moment though, we're just not sure there's a great deal of depth for anyone over the age of eight - with or without a casual interest in Time Team.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
As Pipeworks cranks down on the Wii version of Godzilla: Unleashed, Santa Cruz Games, the development studio that worked on Superman Returns for the dual-screen handheld, is hard at work on a Nintendo DS version of Atari's giant monster franchise. Atari was in the office today showing off Godzilla: Unleashed, and while the Wii version's more of a fighting game, the DS edition's taking the form of an old-school arcade-style action game. The Wii version was way early, but the Nintendo DS version was even further away from "not quite ready for Prime Time". At least in this early stage we could see the concepts that the designers at Santa Cruz are aiming for as their game's working through its development cycle.
Godzilla: Unleashed is a side-scrolling game that puts focus on two monster cooperative play -- the scrolling environments spread across both screens vertically, with flying monsters taking care of the upper-screen and ground creatures marching along the bottom. It's almost like a cross between a horizontal shooter and Double Dragon, and players are encouraged to swap between their two selected characters to wipe out enemies that wander across both screens.
Though the game is strictly a 2D affair, at least in its action, the game pushes a 3D engine across both screens of the DS. The visuals are more stylized for this handheld-outing -- creatures are a bit more "deformed" with larger and more exaggerated body shapes, and the addition of a cel-shade across the characters, enemies, and environments jazz things up a bit. Boss creatures can be half-screen, full-screen...even two screens tall.
Because the game has a huge multiplayer focus, the developers have enabled the Nintendo DS system's Download Play feature so that only one copy of the game is needed in the networked two player cooperative option.
The Nintendo DS version is clearly in more of a "conceptual" pre-Alpha stage at this point since only one stage could be played and the multiplayer wasn't enabled quite yet. And though the style of the 3D in Godzilla: Unleashed, with its cel-shaded look and huge monsters, certainly looked impressive, the framerate was not. Hopefully this less-than-fluid frame rate is an area of focus as the game's worked on back at the studio.
We'll have more on the Nintendo DS version of Godzilla: Unleashed as we creep closer to its Fall 2007 release date. Click the links below for the first screens and artwork of the handheld game in action.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:15 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via engadget

Apparently not content with simply selling other company's wares, Gamestop has decided to get in on the Wii accessory madness itself, introducing its own line of Wii add-ons of varying utility. Sure to attract more than a few stares is the company's Afterglow Cooler (pictured above), which promises to keep the already cool console even cooler, with some blue LED lighting adding some justification for the $15 price tag. The rest of Gamestop's accessories take on the ever-expandable Wiimote, including a $10 silicon grip that replaces the controller's battery cover to reduce slippage (check it out after the break), and a full compliment of now-familiar Wii Sports accessories (also viewable after the break), available in a bundle for $20. Look for the whole lot to be available sometime before the end of this quarter.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:19 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
At home or on the go, challenge the world's top golfers in all-new PGA TOUR Mode, featuring training sessions, practice, and The FedEx Cup, the new PGA TOUR championship playoff system. Hone your skills in the all-new Shooting Gallery, then play as or against 11 players, including John Daly, on 12 championship courses.
Earn respect and climb the ranks with the Tiger Challenge in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 07. The top-selling golf video game franchise is packed with new content, including 18 championship courses and 35 pro and fantasy golfers. Use the cutting edge Wii controller to swing the clubs like the pros. Perfect using the Wii-mote interface for enhanced interaction with the game.
key console Features
* The power and control of every swing are literally in your hands. Whether you tilt the Wii-mote to hook and slice the ball or swing away for a long straight drive, the Wii’s innovative game controller provides the most realistic golfing experience that has ever been felt or seen. The Nunchuk can also be attached for the traditional analog swing.
* With new True Aiming, survey the layout and weigh the risks before each shot, then hit away with life-like Wii Remote swing system, making the quest for the perfect ball just a little tougher.
* Use the Wii-mote’s point and click interface to move the new golf glove, grab the True-Aiming circle and position your shots for true-to-life accuracy.
* Put your skills to the test with eight Arcade games, or challenge your friends in 12 multiplayer game modes.
* Travel the globe in a single player tour to 18 Championship courses, take on PGA TOUR Pro golfers through the new Arcade Modes and unlock the fantasy golfers as you climb the ranks to take on Tiger Woods himself.
* The race to become the top golfer in the world is based on FedExCup points earned at every tournament during the season.
* Train yourself and your character to hit like the pros. Use the instructional tutorials to learn how to effectively use the Wii-mote or flip on the Practice Mode during course play to dial-in your swing.
* Featuring 35 of the game’s best pro and fantasy players, including Tiger Woods, John Daly, Vijay Singh, and Annika Sorenstam, the most decorated golfer on the LPGA TOUR®.
* New PGA TOUR licensed courses include Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, The Ocean Course at Kiawah Island, and many more.
* The innovative character creation tool is revamped with deeper modifications, more apparel, equipment licenses, and specialty items.
* The announcing dream team of David Feherty and Gary McCord provide commentary and irreverent observations during every round.
* Challenge yourself with the new adjustable difficulty levels and golf as a novice to a championship pro. Change the swing sensitivity for enhanced draws and fades.
* With 480p Widescreen support and improved texture resolution for skydomes and greens, the courses are sharper and more realistic than ever!
* Swing away and hear the crack of the club as it impacts on the ball through the Wii-mote’s integral sound system.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku

Jaime, from the Kotaku Reader Hall of Fame, was the lucky winner of the MTV sponsored trip to play a Nintendo DS under zero gravity conditions. We said, "Send photos." So Jaime did! He even recounted the weightless adventure of trying to play the Americanized version of Ouendan without vomiting all over his Star Fox playing buddies.
The goods:
I won the contest and was able to attend the flight a few weeks ago, and the awesome folks over at MTV got the whole thing on tape and finally put it on their website. I'm not going to lie, playing a touch screen based game in zero gravity is extremely difficult (I had to set Elite Beat Agents down to easy in order to get anywhere) and my friend had an equally hard time with Star Fox Command. If anything, the trip should have been a testimony as to how many beatings the DS lite can take, as it was stepped on and knocked out of my hands countless times and still works perfectly. One interesting note was how our flight instructor, Steve Steiner, actually brings his DS with him on these trips to kill some time.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:42 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via nintendojo
According to the latest Friday sales figures from Media Create Co., the Nintendo DS Lite was the top selling hardware in Japan for the week of February 12-18. The sales number was 136,846 units sold but was lower than the previous week's 201,177 units. Still, this fared better than other consoles including 63,600 Wii units, 20,600 PlayStation 3 units, and 5,200 Xbox 360 units. The DS also landed six of the top ten weekly software sales including Layton, Beach DS, and Picross DS.
So far, Nintendo has sold 35 million DS units worldwide.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via cubed3
Eidos have released a selection of shots from the upcoming Touch the Dead first person shooter for DS, as players go head to head with sinister zombie creatures in a bid for freedom.
Touch the dead is an interactive FPS designed for the DS, and follows a similar concept to other survival horror titles in the genre. Rob Steiner, a sole survivor in a zombie-filled jail equips himself with some weaponry and attempts to break out by rekilling everything in his path.
A few gruesome shots that'll bound to give you a nightmare or two...

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February 24th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Some one has got a heck of a load of Rubiks Cubes and made a Pic of Mario with them.
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February 24th, 2007, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
There are some potentially crazy-awesome games coming down the pipeline for Wii, by the way. You guys have no idea. I know that's vague -- has to be, but I've seen some stuff that you simply have no idea even exists and frankly, if you did, you'd flip out. Comments like these have a way of backfiring on me and i'm sure some people will be annoyed that I've even brought up, since I'm unable to give even a hint about the projects in question. Others will undoubtedly say that I'm merely making crap up because there's no way anybody can disprove statements that are intentionally so unrevealing. But whatev. I know that if I was in your position, I'd be happy just to know that some very cool, unexpected stuff is brewing somewhere way behind-the-scenes. I swear, when this stuff finally shows up, I'll let you know that I blogged about it way back when.
lets hope hes right
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February 24th, 2007, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
Must ... resist ... urge to use "Thwii" pun ...
Now that we've sufficiently girded, here's the news: the PS2 Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI is getting an enhanced port on the Wii, to be released in Japan on March 21st with the enhanced title Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI with Power-Up Kit. Along with the obvious Wiimote functionality, the game will be getting some new gameplay modes and scenarios.
After trying to figure out the first NES Romance, we swore the series off forever. Kudos to those of you who managed to play these things.
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February 24th, 2007, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Amponzi's has released a new build of DeSmuME the DS emulator for Windows.
Heres whats new:
Redundant code removed resulting in slight speed increase
Minor bugfixes
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February 24th, 2007, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Some of us have been waiting for the DS release of The Settlers for quite a while! And for those of you who are, like us, eager for some PC-style RTS action on the go, then there's just one more hoop to jump through: Gamestop. According to this week's circular, the game is coming out on March 28th ... but as a Gamestop exclusive. We guess you could also go to EB if you wanted.
The upside to a game being exclusive to one retailer is that you'll at least know where to go to find it. Think positive!
We hope that The Settlers turns out better than the last Gamestop-exclusive DS game.
via dsfanboy
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February 24th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has released 2 new versions of his Yahtzee game for the DS,
Heres the info:
Version 1.03 (02-24-2007)
fixed a small bug that let you play on the same item twice you can now play a game again without restarting your nds
Version 1.02 (02-23-2007)
changed code around a little to make clicking more responsive made it so your upper bonus and yahtzee bonus are now shown.
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February 24th, 2007, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Tails an experianced Homebrew Coder for the Nintendo DS has released a new application called Dj Portable DS, which as you can guess is DJ Software for the Nintendo DS.
Heres a few screens:
Heres the translation from French to English of the info:
This play is inspired by Dj max Portable on psp.
You must type the notes with the good button when those touch the red line.
It uses bookshop FAT in order to safeguard the songs on the memory board.
Version Beta 1.0: 24/02/07
[+] Release initial
How to play:
Copy the files songX.sav with the root of your chart and the play anywhere.
If bookshop FAT returns an error, you can nevertheless publish/play of the songs but not give the responsability nor to safeguard.
Play included an edition part and a play part.
The slots 1 and 2 are already used. Test the play with those if you want nothing to publish.
Later will come from the “complete” songs with a final release.
Choose a track to be published then modify with your suitability.
The keys are explained on the higher screen.
Pre-listening starts since your cursor, and stops while supporting again on select.
The safeguard is done automatically on the selected slot, you thus crush the old song.
The goal is to carry out the best score and the best possible precision on a song.
The track which load is to be published last.
You thus must, to charge a music, to go to publish it then to leave the editor (with or without safeguard).
The notes ravel, and you must play them when they approach the red line.
% of precision is allocated to you at this time, his average appears on the line of the screen.
Your score and your max combo are also with this position.
Other information:
Known Bug:
editor:- Attention not to go all in top of the track (the top of the screen is not the top of the track, the top of the track is much further) when you are in pre-listening, if not that shifts the notes.
- To place several notes on the same line will make only play 1st in pre-listening.
- Several notes on the same line will only play 1st if you press exactly on the keys at the same time. The various notes are nevertheless validated.
- If you removed a note placed very high on the track in the editor, this point will be preserved like end of song.
It can thus that the play puts much time to turn over to the menu, thus rest on start+select to leave prematurely
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February 25th, 2007, 21:17 Posted By: JKKDARK
New release of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
Fixed a bug in EEPROM management.
Fixed in layer 3d.
Fixed a bug in Firmware management.
Fixed a bug in LDR opcode.
Fixed a bug in BLX opcode.
Fixed a bug in ROR opcode.
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February 25th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
European Wii Shop users got a pleasant surprise: a secret area inside the Virtual Console section! To access it, follow these simple steps:
Be European (depending on your circumstances, this is either the easiest or hardest step).
Download the latest update.
Click on the little smiley emoticon.
So far, there's not much other than a blurb about Kirby (a "blurby"), but it's going to be a trivia channel about Nintendo characters! An encyclopedia of gaming! Between this and the Virtual Console, the Wii is on the way to becoming the premiere console for librarians.
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February 25th, 2007, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Homebrew release from Lasse Öörni:
Hi, I updated my Metal Warrior 4: Agents of Metal game to version 1.1.
Changes include:
- Added autosave on level change
- Added automatic health regain up to 1/3 health after taking near-fatal damage
- Fixed actor lower part getting displayed only partially when overlapping the
bottom border
- Fixed actor animation while reloading the flamethrower & moving
This is a port of my 2003 C64 game "Metal Warrior 4 - Agents of Metal" that runs on GBA. It runs by creating a sort of virtual machine enviroment (6510 CPU and SID sound chip emulation) with API hooks for the rest of the stuff like graphics & file access.
Controls & smaller screen size had also to be accounted for, and lastly I actually did some graphics & gameplay improvements to the original, like visible bullets.
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February 25th, 2007, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Papafuji has released a new version of DS Frotz for the Nintendo DS.
DS-Frotz is the port of Stefan Jokisch and David Griffith's Frotz, based on the GBA version from Jonas Minnberg. It can play the majority of Inform files in z3, z5 or z8 format (up to V6 Inform format)
Heres whats new:
- built with the latest DevKitPro, including libFat support and DLDI compatibility. Data are no more saved in SRAM, but in files on your card...
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February 25th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Lucas has once again updated the application formerly known as Licks Media Player:
Heres whats new:
It's just a small bugfix with handling non-ASCII chars from RC3.
I uploaded 1.01 which fixes a bug with EZFlash.
But I promise I'll post detailed changelogs from now on.
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February 25th, 2007, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has posted another update of his game Press Your Luck for the DS
v.1.10 (02-25-2007)
Fixed some minor bugs
Made the game board rotate
Due to changes in the game, server side score list will be rest and the old version will no longer be able to post hi scores
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February 25th, 2007, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Mollusk:
Here's one of my latest creations : Twist. Nothing special about it, and I probably won't continue working on it (will probably be part of a bigger project in the end).
Rules are simple : DON'T TOUCH THE WALLS !!
How big a score can you get ?
Staying near the beginning of the passage gives much more points but make it go faster, while staying in the back slow downs the scrolling and gives little to no points
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February 25th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Tom:
This is my first game for the DS. It's a collection of 6 mini games, which can be played in different variations (levels). The game offers 2 modes:
Time Mode
Play games until the time is elapsed (This mode exists because the game was intended to fill the time during commercial breaks on the TV).
Highscore Mode
Play only one level of a game again and again until you reach the highscore.
The mini games are:
TouchIt: Touch the squares at the screen; 12 levels
Snake; 12 levels
Farm: Pr: 8 levels
Breakout; 8 levels
Tetris: 10 levels
Frogger: 4 levels
There is also an in-game-manual.
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February 26th, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: DanTheManMS
New release from Archeide:
SNEmulDS 0.4 alpha contained a lot of stupid bugs that i fixed in this beta release. There are still bugs, but i think it worth a try for most users, because a lot of games were broken. I also added a manual background layers selector.
Here is the complete list of changes:
* Fixed the broken BREAK and COP instructions
* Fixed the ROM write protection by using the protection unit of the ARM9 (thanks to bubble2k for pointing me that)
* Fixed the Emulation flag at startup (problem with DKC3)
* Stupid again, SNES’s RAM was not in the cached memory, speed up games (10-20%)
* Reduced memory consumption, now ROM memory is static (no more malloced), should remove ROM overflow and RAM overwriten problems
* Added an experimental “line by line” engine (buggy, slow, unstable, uncomplete… maybe useful for a few games)
* Added a manual background priority selector (can be choosen in options or with START+LEFT+RIGHT+UP or START+LEFT+RIGHT+DOWN for automatic)
* Added another speed hack option : “Interrupt speed hacks” that should be better than “Full speed hacks” for some games. “Middle speed hacks” is now “Cycles speed hacks”
As usual you may have to patch it with DLDI drivers, for more information see here : http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/
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February 26th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
After updating his personal blog with impressions of Wii, it looks like the Sony games director has come under attack from the Nintendo faithful for towing the company line.
The fact that he's working on the awesome-looking God of War 2 probably doesn't help his cause either: "Apparently Kotaku picked up on the posting that said I was disappointed about my Wii...and now the Nintendo fans are all ripping me a new one," begins Barlog's personal blog.
"First let me say I am not so quickly judging and writing off the wii..I am just saying what I played was not doing it for me. I think it is a good system...I just did not get bowled over with a sense of 'Oh my god this is the future,'" he continues.
Barlog insists he doesn't tow the company line in any shape or form: "I ****ing love my 360...I love it. I really hated most of the launch games save for Condemned...but now there is some good stuff (Gears,Oblivion, Dead Rising, Lost Planet...bad story but fun game)...so stick that in your towing the company line pipe and smoke it!!!"
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February 26th, 2007, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Japan's government will sell off a hefty 1.987 million shares of Nintendo held by government-controlled The Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corp.
This resulted in the company posting the biggest decline in share value in three weeks, taking a fall of 2.7 percent.
The sale, as reported by Bloomberg, was prompted by Nintendo to boost liquidity and increase the number of individual shareholders.
The shares will be prices between March 5 and March 8, however as of Friday 23, Nintendo valued the stake at 67.3 billion yen (around £283 million).
Quick... get the shrapnel tin out.
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February 26th, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Diddy Kong Racing DS will be available in the shops on April 20 in the UK, Nintendo has confirmed.
Diddy Kong Racing was the nuts when it launched on N64 just before Christmas back in 1997 and there's been a lot of talk that the Rare-developed handheld version doesn't live up to the original.
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February 26th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Keep your Wii console cool and increase its life span with this power cooling system, that use the console own power and adds 2 USB port to your Wii.
-Avoid console over heat
-No battery is needed
-Built in 2 extra USB slot
-Can adjust the speed of the cooling fan
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February 26th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China comes a Mario and Star Themed Mouse for your Computer,
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Heres the screens:

The Mouses are retailing for $17.95 each. Only for collectors methinks 
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February 26th, 2007, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Unfortunately there's one console among the current gen that still needs fretting about that other kind of region "protection", but the Wii separates PAL and NTSC consumers regionally no more. Well, kind of. SYNDiCATE supposedly has a Wii patcher that plays NTSC titles on PAL Wii units, which is just great for all those PAL-rocking countries that have Wiis, as well as those not yet fit to suffer from Wii shortages because Nintendo hasn't even launched there yet. As always, download and install at your own risk. While we'd be very interested to hear of your results when trying out the patch, we certainly won't be any more than a shoulder to cry on should you brick your unit.
This release doesnt work with official games and you need a modchip but lets hope the likes of Datel can release a freeloader for the Wii using this breakthrough ?
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February 26th, 2007, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Ambitious new games publisher Xider is to release 12 titles throughout Europe in 2007, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.
Bone, previously a download only title from developer Telltale Games, will be getting a retail release from the publisher, with the company focusing on the PC and Nintendo DS markets.
Other PC titles due include World Basketball Manager 2008 from Icehole, Deck 13's adventure sequel Ankh: Heart of Osiris and Brainfactor Entertainment's RPG World of Chaos.
The publisher is also preparing a number of games for the Nintendo DS, with titles to be announced shortly.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
More news on the MSX and NeoGeo coming to Wii:
via gamesradar
Games for the NEO GEO and MSX formats will be made available to download onto Wii as Nintendo expands its Virtual Console service.
The update, which is currently only confirmed for the Japanese Virtual Console, is due to be made in spring.
Nintendo had previously announced that the MSX was on its way to the Virtual Console, and Nintendo's official Japanese website has confirmed that two games, Eggy and Aleste, will be among the first available for the format. MSX games will cost 800 Wii Points.
The Virtual Console will also see increased third-party support with companies Spike, G-Mode, Pony Canyon and SNK all pledging to throw games at the service.
This should mean heaven for fans of 2D beat-'em-ups with games like Samurai Shodown, Art of Fighting, King of Fighters and SNK vs Capcom all possibilities for Wii.
And the coming of MSX brings with it the possibility that legendary space trade sim, Elite, could make its way to Wii.
Nintendo has "no further details at this time" in regards to when we might see these updates.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Ubisoft rode the back of the hot-selling Wii in January to boost its sales by 78%. As previously reported, the publisher placed early bets that Wii would be a big seller announcing numerous games as a result. So far, the payoff has been a hefty one.
I'm betting, however, that Ubisoft can thank the sheer amount of junk games it threw at Wii owners for the spike in sales as other conservative publishers offered little to no games. And though not the case with all of Ubi's Wii games, a clear majority saw little to no effort during production. I mean, whoever released Far Cry on Wii (read: it was Ubisoft) should be stoned. That game was garbage.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Electronic Arts announced today that the company is developing MySims™, the first game in a revolutionary new line from the developers of the blockbuster franchise The Sims, designed especially for the Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ platforms.
MySims introduces a charming cast of whimsical characters while delivering the creativity, customization and classic open-ended gameplay that has enchanted Sims players worldwide. Players begin by creating their own toy-like Sim that reflects their personal style and attitudes. From pig-tails and baseball caps to dreadlocks and Mohawks, the options are endless and the style is unlike any Sims game to date. By unlocking cool new clothing, hairstyles and accessories, players explore the game’s incredible depth of customization and expression… and the characters are just the beginning!
Transforming the traditional Sims gameplay for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms, MySims moves the player to a delightful but disorganized town where – thanks to the easy and unique controls – they can re-shape everything and make it their own. The town is rundown, but the player can make it much more dynamic. Using a selection of building blocks, unique patterns and engaging creativity tools, players can design furniture and appliances, architect new homes and businesses, and re-define the entire MySims landscape!
As players explore and build up the town, they will get to know dedicated, long-time residents like the always-busy Mayor Rosalyn P. Marshall and Buddy – the mostly-lazy hotel Bellhop. Once things start to look up, they’ll meet and choose from a variety of colorful, would-be residents. Will they build a restaurant for Gino Delicioso the Italian Chef, or will they help Ocean Breeze set up his Yoga studio instead?
Design is everyone’s domain in MySims. From building a new Pizza Oven for Gino to putting the finishing touches on a new roof for Buddy’s busy hotel, each completed task will help the town grow. As it expands to new areas, players will receive special building blocks, decorations and patterns which help customize their unique creations. From furniture and buildings to the town as a whole, every choice informs how residents and visitors feel and behave.
“We want MySims to provide a creative play experience like never before on a video game system,” said Executive Producer Tim LeTourneau. “By giving players the tools to create literally any kind of world they want in MySims, we’re reinforcing the idea that the players create the magic. Will the town support a plethora of spooky, mysterious townsfolk – or buzz with the laughter and smiles of fun-loving Sims? It’s your call! In MySims, what players make… makes all the difference!”
MySims will be available for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms in Autumn 2007.
About MySims
MySims is the first game in a revolutionary new line from the developers of the blockbuster franchise The Sims™, designed exclusively for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms. Explore a whole new world that’s yours to transform with MySims. Socialize with the locals and uncover all sorts of useful and surprising treasures hidden throughout the town. Accessible and intuitive controls make it enjoyable to create Sims, build their homes, and interact with other Sims and their world. For more information check out www.Mysims.com
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February 26th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Electronic Arts announced today that the company is developing MySims™, the first game in a revolutionary new line from the developers of the blockbuster franchise The Sims, designed especially for the Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ platforms.
MySims introduces a charming cast of whimsical characters while delivering the creativity, customization and classic open-ended gameplay that has enchanted Sims players worldwide. Players begin by creating their own toy-like Sim that reflects their personal style and attitudes. From pig-tails and baseball caps to dreadlocks and Mohawks, the options are endless and the style is unlike any Sims game to date. By unlocking cool new clothing, hairstyles and accessories, players explore the game’s incredible depth of customization and expression… and the characters are just the beginning!
Transforming the traditional Sims gameplay for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms, MySims moves the player to a delightful but disorganized town where – thanks to the easy and unique controls – they can re-shape everything and make it their own. The town is rundown, but the player can make it much more dynamic. Using a selection of building blocks, unique patterns and engaging creativity tools, players can design furniture and appliances, architect new homes and businesses, and re-define the entire MySims landscape!
As players explore and build up the town, they will get to know dedicated, long-time residents like the always-busy Mayor Rosalyn P. Marshall and Buddy – the mostly-lazy hotel Bellhop. Once things start to look up, they’ll meet and choose from a variety of colorful, would-be residents. Will they build a restaurant for Gino Delicioso the Italian Chef, or will they help Ocean Breeze set up his Yoga studio instead?
Design is everyone’s domain in MySims. From building a new Pizza Oven for Gino to putting the finishing touches on a new roof for Buddy’s busy hotel, each completed task will help the town grow. As it expands to new areas, players will receive special building blocks, decorations and patterns which help customize their unique creations. From furniture and buildings to the town as a whole, every choice informs how residents and visitors feel and behave.
“We want MySims to provide a creative play experience like never before on a video game system,” said Executive Producer Tim LeTourneau. “By giving players the tools to create literally any kind of world they want in MySims, we’re reinforcing the idea that the players create the magic. Will the town support a plethora of spooky, mysterious townsfolk – or buzz with the laughter and smiles of fun-loving Sims? It’s your call! In MySims, what players make… makes all the difference!”
MySims will be available for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms in Autumn 2007.
About MySims
MySims is the first game in a revolutionary new line from the developers of the blockbuster franchise The Sims™, designed exclusively for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms. Explore a whole new world that’s yours to transform with MySims. Socialize with the locals and uncover all sorts of useful and surprising treasures hidden throughout the town. Accessible and intuitive controls make it enjoyable to create Sims, build their homes, and interact with other Sims and their world. For more information check out www.Mysims.com
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February 26th, 2007, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Dolqube posted this news:
The wii scans AR and rejects it because it thinks its ntsc region. Thats where all the problems are coming from.
i was playing for a while seeing if i could get a game to reboot into ar
for example in pso when it returns from the web page mode with no avail
but i found a hole in the wii itself.... hehehe
Dolqube's disc trick|
1. put an orig gc game into the wii.
2. hover the remote over the start button.
3. press the eject button.
4. press start at last second. ie. before the button is disabled
5. swap discs really fast .ie get it started before blue light comes on.
6. away we go AR and imports. note: AR not needed for imports
good luck all. hope they dont patch this. no more updates for me.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
via tvg
Rockstar must have surely known that it wouldn't take too long after the announcement of Manhunt 2 before a certain Miami lawyer began sniffing around. After a campaign of negativity bordering on hatred towards Rockstar Games, an "alleged" post on a Manhunt forum from the man himself claims:
"Miami attorney and anti-violent video game activist Jack Thompson has been asked by individuals in the United Kingdom to help stop the distribution of Take-Two / Rockstar's hyperviolent video game Manhunt 2 in that country due out this summer. The game will feature stealth murder and torture. The last version allowed suffocation of victims with plastic bags.
The original Manhunt was responsible for the bludgeoning death of a British youth by his friend who obsessively played the game. The killer used a hammer just as in the game he played. Take-Two / Rockstar, anticipating the firestorm of criticism with the release of the murder simulator sequel, is lying to the public on both sides of the pond in stating this week that the game had nothing to do with the murder.
Take-Two is also stating that the sun does not rise in the east because Take-Two makes no money from its rising in the east. Take-Two has been repeatedly found in the U.S. by the federal government to be guilty of fraud, so what would one expect it to say.
Jack Thompson has agreed to this request from the U.K. Look for this effort to begin shortly given the summer of 2007 release date."
Of course, the original Manhunt was at the centre of a dispute in the UK, linked to the murder of Stefan Pakeerah, by his friend Warren LeBlanc in 2004. Despite calls from conservative media publications and the game being pulled from high street retailers, the police denied that any link existed and it eventually was discovered that the victim was the owner of the game.
Expect further details and controversy to appear shortly.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
A couple of extra TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine games coming to the Wii Virtual Console next month. Japan gets: Syubibin Man, Fire Pro Wrestling: Combination Tag, Double Dungeons and Galaga ’88. North America and Europe are also getting Double Dungeons and they are getting Splatterhouse. Double Dungeons isn’t exactly exciting news, it’s a basic first person RPG where you explore 22 dungeons collecting gold and fighting monsters. It might temporarily quell the desire for RPGs on the Wii Virtual Console, but not for very long. Splatterhouse is a little bit of a surprise. After three games, Namco Bandai put their ultraviolent Friday the 13th inspired beat-em up to rest. The game has Rick explore a haunted house carrying weapons like a 2×4 that slams poltergeists into the background. Galaga ‘88 (aka Galaga ’90 outside of Japan) is a remake of the classic shoot ‘em up Galaga where the enemies have new attack patterns and lets players rescue two captured ships during boss fights to make one super outer space shooting machine. Since Galaga ’90 has appeared on arcade compilations it is probably going to appear on the Virtual Console in other regions sometime in the future.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
via random nintendo
Random Nintendo has learned that Electronic Arts is developing an exclusive rhythm game for the Wii. While information is still scare, we do know that the game will be an entirely new property.
The currently untitled Wii project is under development at EA's Montreal studio. The game, which reportedly has a 1970s vibe, will have players control dancers by moving both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. While it may sound similar to Konami's Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Mix, one of the main differences appears to be the lack of a dance pad for EA's game.
This project is the latest in a growing number of Wii titles from EA. Later this week, the company will be releasing SSX Blur, with entries in the Tiger Woods, Medal of Honor, and The Godfather franchises slated to hit the Wii in March. RN will bring you more on EA's new rhythm game when it's officially announced.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:52 Posted By: souLLy
Lots of people have been confused about DLDI patching with homebrew DS software, hopefully this should clarify things a bit.
The DLDI (Dynamically Linked Device Interface) was devised because there are so many different cards you can use to run homebrew software on and they all handle the way the software can access the files on the card differently. For a while developers were getting bogged down trying to get their code running on all of them properly, but with DLDI it keeps all this file accessing code seperate, so coders can concentrate on other features of the software. It also means more homebrew in the future is likely to run on your card of choice with few problems. Sounds like good news all round right?
So how do you DLDI patch compatible software?
Go to http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/ and you'll see there are different methods for patching your nds files, for Windows users I strongly recommend DLDIRC (Win32 Right Click). If you are using a Mac/Linux you'll need to follow the instructions for them on the site.
Install DLDIRC from the site and when it asks you which card you would like to use, select your card from the list.
Now when you right-click an *.nds file it will offer you the option to DLDI patch it, do so then press a keyboard key when asked and it will patch the homebrew for your card.
It's just the .nds file you need to patch, you don't need to patch individual ROMs if it's an emulator for example. Just copy the patched .nds and any other files it requires to run in the usual way.
Remember: Not all homebrew software needs to be patched and not all homebrew is compatible with the DLDI, read the notes that accompany the software and it should give you a good idea of if you need to patch or not.
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February 27th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Jeux-France got ahold of the latest issue of Nintendo Power, which confirms that Brothers in Arms is headed to the DS. We couldn't be happier, as the Brothers in Arms franchise is one of the very few WWII-based series of games left that are worth playing. The images of the game (which have been embedded past the post break) are of very low quality, so we cannot discern whether the graphics are something to be excited about or not.
We can confirm, however, that the game is to feature 3 different campaigns, spanning 16 missions and several of the countries involved in the war. The touch-screen will be used for switching weapons, tossing grenades (player must draw a line for trajectory) and aiming at enemies. The top screen is obviously going to be used to present the action.
No word on whether this title is to be Wi-Fi Connect compatible or not.
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February 27th, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Some new screenshots of Square Enix's bizarre action-RPG It's a Wonderful World (Subarashiki Kono Sekai) have surfaced, and they are ... interesting! We think that this game is the best use of Tetsuya Nomura's distinctive style yet. We're actually getting something of a Jet Set Radio vibe from the near-future Tokyo/kids in baggy clothes theme, and we love getting Jet Set Radio vibes.
The control scheme is pretty clearly on display here, we think-- the arrows represent commands given to the character on the top screen, while the bottom screen is stylus-driven.
Screens Here
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February 27th, 2007, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Tails an experianced Homebrew Coder for the Nintendo DS has updated his application called Dj Portable DS, which as you can guess is DJ Software for the Nintendo DS.
Heres a few screens:
Heres the translation from French to English of the info:
Version Beta 1.1: 26/02/07 [+] Suppression of the limitation of the instruments. One can now place any instrument on any track with any height of note. [+] Change in the instruments: 8 heights of note per instrument, except the battery (4 for the moment). Y or L+Y to change the height of a note. [+] Choice of language (EN/FR)
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via tails
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February 27th, 2007, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has updated Press Your Luck with a new release, heres whats new:
Had to make a small bugfix that caused people playing a multiplayer game to post high scores. which makes it unfair cause people will have more spins to get a higher score if they pass to themself.
Changelog v.1.11 (02-25-2007):
fixed a prob that would allow people to post scores on 2 or 3 player games.
1.10 is now blocked from posting score, please download 1.11 to post.
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February 27th, 2007, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo USA

Action Replay is the only cheat system designed specifically for GameCube. Using Datel’s advanced proprietary technology, the Action Replay cheat system can unlock even the very toughest games at the press of a button.
Additionally, the Freeloader version is INCLUDED, and you can play Gamecube games from all regions on your GC or Wii without modifying your console.
- Preloaded with loads of exclusive cheats for the latest and greatest GameCube games
- Totally unauthorised cheats and enhancements that you won’t find anywhere else
- Easy to update with new cheats for new games
- Plug and play card – no memory card required for storing new cheats
- Unrivalled customer support means new cheats are usually available from day one
of a game’s release
- Plays import games from any region without modifying your console using Datel’s
revolutionary “FreeLoader” technology
- Intuitive menu system
- Stylish, hi-resolution graphics
- Easy to use – no technical or programming knowledge required
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February 27th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
An analysis report on the current console war leading up to 2010 cites PS3 and Xbox 360 will dominate over Wii in all major territories.
The report by Screen Digest's Ed Barton, forecasts that the leading console will differ for each territory, predicting the PS3 to overtake Xbox 360 in Japan and Europe, but come in a close second to Microsoft's offering in America.
The analysis puts Wii in a significantly distant third in all three territories.
In an interview with Gamasutra, Ed Barton explained: "The one thing I would admit is that Nintendo's strategy with the Wii is, at the moment, the great unknown," later saying: "The numbers that we're seeing now for the Nintendo Wii, they've come out of the blocks fantastically strongly - no one would deny that.
"However it's incredibly early in the hardware cycle. There's still another five or six years to play out on this one, and the first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007."
Barton cites exclusive third-party support as a crucial issue for Wii in the next gen war: "We've already seen things like Dragon Quest going exclusive on the DS, but if we see those kind of tipping points on the Wii, we'll have to amend our view, clearly. But at the moment, this is the view we're taking."
Barton points out Wii's cheaper development costs to be a huge advantage but, considering the console's limited technical ability, Barton speculates, "As to whether more cheaply developed games can continue to drive Wii sales momentum, when you put it against the kind of game pipelines we're seeing for the Xbox 360 and PS3, I would argue that the jury's still out."
via cvg
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February 27th, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
MySims, a cutesy spin-off of the Sims franchise in development, is on the way exclusively for Wii and DS. Here's the latest...
Apart from the makeover, MySims' most exciting new features include the ability not only to make your own Sim but also to build objects, gadgets and even houses.
It also has you living in a town with a small community rather than centring around the running of a single family household.
MySims may look basic but its blend of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon features could make it the most customisable, adaptable and in-depth Sims game ever.
Screens and Trailer Here
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February 27th, 2007, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
A tipster sends word that The Porn Talk, a site backed by a secretive faith-based ministry in California, is prepping to attack Nintendo's Wii and other gaming devices, calling them "portals to porno" in a press release.
In the press release, leaked to Kotaku today, The Porn Talk founder Mike Foster does his best to stoke up some fear about the Wii saying that even though the device has parental controls, "parents don't see a need for them because they are unaware of the porn capabilities."
With a headline that reads "The Wii's Dirty Little Secret," the story's caustic tone is more off-putting than what little facts are presented. The full press release is on the jump.
I find it funny that a site that seems to go to so much effort to hide its ties to religion and ministry work is using the phrase dirty little secret.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Nintendo's got your Sensor Bar covered. The company's Japanese online store has begun selling the bar for ¥1,785 (US $15). Thanks for the first party support, but is this even necessary now? I mean, are people actually replacing their sensor bars? Precaution, sure, but still.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku

Just look at that craftsmanship. An ingenious guitar loving individual hand made this Famicon electric six-string from Japanese timber. The measurements of the modeled Nintendo Family Computer even match up with the retro console. Everything, including the controller, the d-pad and the buttons were made from wood. The name of this creation? The Family Comguitar.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
New for Nintendo DS:

Banpresto bring the popular Super Robot Taisen (Super Robot Wars) series to the Nintendo DS™. Titled Super Robot Taisen W, the "W" is associated with the double screen capability of the NDS™ handheld.
This strategy game contains chracters from assorted Japanese anime series, including Gundam W, Gundam Seed, Gaogaigar, Nadesico, Mazinkaiser, Getter Robo G and plenty others. New to the series is the addition of the popular anime "Goraion" (aka. Voltron), alongside with the ability to play all of the game using only the stylus.
A first shipment of Super Robot Taisen W for Nintendo DS™ has arrived today, shipping at US$ 58.90. We are expecting lots of more supply tomorrow covering all further pending as well as new orders alike.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 27th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Data Design Interactive a Leading Value Price video games publisher and games developer is pleased to announce that they have secured developer status for Nintendo Wii, and are in the process of porting 6 of their leading titles for the Wii format, the first batch will include: Monster Trux Extreme: Offroad Edition, Urban Extreme, and the Myth Makers range of Super Kart GP, Billy the Wizard, Ninja Bread Man, and Elviz - Rock n Roll Adventure these are due for release in second quarter 2007, DDI will follow these 6 with another 6 later in the year.
Stewart Green MD of Data Design Interactive, said:
We have been developers for the past 24 years and we have seen many new consoles but the Nintendo Wii controller is exciting. Rather than just offering faster graphics and more memory this is the first real innovation in hardware, and because of the ease of use and dynamic control we can see both new games and new players being brought into the games market. Our Mythmakers range of titles have sold over half a million units and with their family friendly and cartoon style they are ideally suited to this Nintendo market, but we are not playing safe. Of the 12 titles we have planned for release we also have the 18 rated EARACHE EXTREME METAL RACING. A Death metal music game, which will open up the Wii to a whole new market.
Billy the Wizard
It’s no fairytale when there’s an evil force around. Use your magical spells to attack evil dragons that have taken over the skies above ‘The Wizards Castle’. Or take part in the sorcerer’s ultimate challenge as you race alongside other wizards in the enchanting Broomstick Grand Prix.
Myth Makers Super Kart GP
Fantastic friendly fun and mad cartoon racing, rolled into lots of exciting challenges against characters, with unique abilities. Challenge your friends to leagues, cups or time trails or face a solo challenge to try to defeat the evil Mumbra.
Anubis II
The evil spirit has risen again and taken physical form. A ‘Pharaohs Curse’ has been placed over the fastest, strongest and most poisonous of Egypt’s inhabitants. The Gods have called on the only warrior that could rid the sands of these evil monsters and return peace to Egypt… The mighty Anubis.
Ninjabread Man
Candy Land is under attack! This once sweet and tasty land has been taken over by hordes of snapping Cup Cakes, Angry Bees and Jelly Monsters. Only one man can stop this evil army of monster cakes. He’s one tough cookie; a guy that won’t crumble under the pressure...... ’Ninjabread Man’ is here!
Monster Trux Extreme
This is the super-charged turbo-driven world of Monster Trux Extreme - you and your friends will be racing huge V8 powered Monster Trucks around rugged terrain, including islands and volcanoes. Race well and earn prize money, which you can use to unlock extra Trucks, levels and bonus features.
Elviz: Rock N Roll Adventures
Bash and Trash crazed instruments with Elviz's legendary guitar, or strum those strings for a bolt of Sonic Power to blast away Deadly Drums, Run, Push, Swipe and Jump your way through the massive levels with moving objects, intelligent enemies and hidden rooms! Its time to ROCK N ROLL!
Monster Trux Offroad
Hamster Heroes
Ninjabread Man
Trixie In Toyland
Action Girlz Racing
Mini Desktop Racing
Myth Makers - Orbs Of Doom
Myth Makers - SuperKart GP
London Taxi Rushour
Billy Wizard
Earache Extreme Metal Racing
Rock N Roll Adventures
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February 27th, 2007, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via BBC News
Back in 2003 Sony's Ken Kutaragi, "the father of the Play Station", made a bold prediction.
Announcing Sony's plans to enter the portable gaming market, he claimed the PlayStation Portable (PSP) would become "the Walkman for the 21st Century".
At that time conventional wisdom dictated that any attempt to break into the handheld market, dominated for so long by Nintendo, was doomed to failure.
To suggest that Sony's console would not only make an impact on the market, but also match the success of the 1980s cultural icon that was the Walkman seemed to argue a self-confidence bordering on arrogance.
After all, Sony shipped more than 50m Walkman units in the first ten years of production, reaching a total of 150m units produced by 1995.
The name Walkman has even joined that select group of brands like Hoover and Xerox whose name defines the product.
So four years down the line has the PSP lived up to "Papa" Kutaragi's prediction? Has it succeeded in breaking Nintendo's apparently unshakeable hold on the market?
Market domination
Since its release the PSP has seen steady growth with global shipments increasing from just over half a million units in 2004 to a total of 24.7m units by the end of 2006.
Impressive figures, but still not enough to reverse Nintendo's market dominance.
Nintendo has shipped more than 35m units of the DS and DS Lite consoles worldwide since launching in 2004, smashing European records for console sales on the way.
Features: MP3 and video playback, web browser
Processor: 333MHz MIPS R4200
Memory: 32 MB
Connectivity: 100ft (30metres) local range, Wi-Fi
Features: Touch screen, embedded chat software
Processor: One ARM9 and one ARM7
Memory: 4MB
Connectivity: 100ft (30metres) local range, Wi-Fi
So why has the mighty PSP failed to overtake its less powerful rival?
Margaret Robertson, editor of Edge gaming magazine, believes that one factor could be that the sheer power and versatility of the PSP caused more confusion than Sony expected when it first launched.
"Sony thought it was a straightforward and compelling offer of a gadget that can do music, videos, films and gaming," she says.
"But the problem with that is that consumers either fell into a category where they didn't really want all of that or they were technologically savvy enough to have commitments to other mediums, particularly memory formats."
Sony was not alone in finding the early market reluctant to embrace a new console; Nintendo also had problems when it first unveiled the DS.
"It wasn't a great-looking gadget," said Ms Robertson.
"In the West nobody was quite sure what the DS was trading on for its first year. It didn't seem to be trading on that Nintendo nostalgia feeling for the core fans."
Shock of the new
Consumers familiar with Nintendo's classic games were initially wary of the new and unknown aspects of the DS: the touch-screen game-play, the unconventional games.
But in the last two years prices have fallen and gamers have adapted to new concepts.
Games like Nintendogs have boosted sales of the DS console
DS owners in particular have embraced new genres of games that seemed unlikely to succeed when they first appeared.
The popularity of Nintendo's so-called Touch! Generations games such as Dr Kawashima's Brain Training and Nintendogs are cited by Nintendo's European Marketing Director Laurent Fischer as the major factor in driving console sales.
Paul Jackson, Director General of the UK's Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association (Elspa), suggests that the wide appeal of handheld games on all platforms has broadened the gaming demographic, making handheld consoles the UK's biggest selling hardware systems of 2006.
"Many people who would perhaps not have considered gaming have got involved," says Mr Jackson.
"And many people who are passionate have been able to change the way they game within a more social context."
PSP games are also overcoming initial difficulties.
While early PSP titles may have once been viewed by some as the poor relations of successful Play Station 2 (PS2) franchises more recent releases such as GTA: Liberty City Stories have been strong enough to cross back over to PS2.
More than a game
So where next for portable devices?
Sony's vision for the PSP is based on connectivity and integration with the PlayStation 3 (PS3).
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesman Jonathan Fargher says the PSP will come into its own when connected wirelessly to the PS3.
Some commentators criticised the Nintendo DS's looks
The Remote Play functionality in PSP and PS3 currently allows the PSP user to wirelessly access pictures, videos and audio content stored on the PS3 up to a range of around 25-30 metres.
But Sony has big plans for connecting its devices.
"We're hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months," said Mr Fargher.
The idea is to use the PSP to access the PS3 at home from anywhere in the world with a wireless hotspot.
"If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices too," said Mr Fargher.
With a PSP camera and GPS device in the pipeline, Ken Kutaragi must be a proud father, but has his prediction that the PSP would become the Walkman of the 21st Century come true?
Apple's Steve Jobs might have something to say about that. The iPod has shipped more than 88m units since 2002, with 21m of those manufactured in the first fiscal quarter of 2007 alone.
It looks like the PSP still has some way to go if it is to live up to Mr Kutaragi's promise.
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February 27th, 2007, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
With SSX: Blur being available at retailers today, the reviews are rolling in kind of late. As of right now, only two online outlets have reviewed the game, giving it very decent scores. Looks like many of you who were hoping for a game from a third-party with the same attention to detail that many of Nintendo's first-party titles receive may just be getting their wish. Many of the popular online outlets have yet to review the game, so keep in mind we'll be updating the post when their reviews go live.
Without further delay, let's check out what some of the critics had to say:
GameTrailers (84/100) finds the experience to be authentic: "It replicates the feeling of sliding down a mountain side with eerie precision and manages to make other control schemes feel dated. There's certainly plenty of opportunity for improvement with the sequel, but with a ton of content and even more fun, it's hard to go wrong with SSX Blur."
GameDaily (80/100) says that eventhough the game lacks online play, it's still quite fun: "No online play hurts, and the two-player split screen mode offers limited enjoyment, but overall, EA successfully "blurs" the line between realism and fantasy, creating a great video game for all ages."
via wiifanboy
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February 27th, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix is on board the Virtua Console with its first title. No, it's not Final Fantasy. And no, it's not Rad Racer.
Instead, the company will be tapping into its Enix side for an SNES action title known as Actraiser. The Yuzo Koshiro classic will hit the Japanese VC in March.
Nintendo shared details on the rest of the service's March lineup over in Japan today. Here's how things are shaping up.
Lode Runner (Hudson)
Yoshi no Tamago (aka Yoshi, Nintendo)
Valkyrie no Bouken (Bandai Namco)
Excite Bike (Nintendo)
Donkey Kong Jr. Sansuu Asobi (aka DKJ Math, Nintendo)
Ganbare Goemon Yuki Hime Kyuushutsu Emaki (aka Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Konami)
Hercules no Eikou (Pione)
Actraiser (Square Enix)
Tant-R (Sega)
Sonic Spinball (Sega)
Dyna Brothers (Sega)
Wonder Boy V Monster World III (Sega)
Virtua Fighter 2 (Genesis Version, Sega)
Alex Kidd (Sega)
Alien Storm (Sega)
Double Dungeon (Hudson)
Fire Pro Wrestling Combination Tag (Spike)
Galaga '88 (Bandai Nmaco)
Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman (aka Shockman, Hudson)
Quite the lineup for our Wii loving friends in Japan. Let's hope the wait for some of these games to come over to our shores isn't too long.
via ign
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February 27th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
via wiifanboy
While these aren't the best quality we've ever seen for scanned pages, it's still exciting to see the Wii getting mainstream press coverage, particularly in a nontraditional market. Magazines targeted at women and teen girls are often down on video games. Even the Wii gets this treatment, alas, in the March issue of Cosmopolitan, wherein it is referred to as an example of a poorly-chosen gift. Of course, we tend to think that anyone who can find a Wii must be a gift-giving superhero, but we are admittedly biased. No matter. We just find it refreshing that Teen Vogue is taking a pro-Wii stance and indicating that it's the bee's knees for girls.
And we definitely wanted to point out the shirt the girl on the left is wearing. It reads "Oui Wii" and we here at the 'Fanboy feel a burning need to get our hands on one of those right now. We're probably not going to read Teen Vogue to get one, though. We'll do a lot of things for Wii gear, but that's a line we're so not crossing.
Scans Here
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February 27th, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
New GBA Homebrew release from Carsten Paproth:
Hi, this is a simple mastermind game I made in 2003 and forgot to release...
You have six trials to crack the secret code. The code consists of four tiles with six possible colors for each of them.
Press [Left] and [Right] to choose position and [Up] and [Down] to change color of the current tile. If you choose a tile for all four positions then press [A] for comparing your code with the secret one...
The right hand side of the current row will show you then:
-a small black tile for every right colored tile on right position
-a small white tile for every right colored tile on wrong position
-no small tile if there is nothing right
Did you understand?
So four small black tiles mean your code is right, otherwise use the next row for your next try.
Have fun!
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February 27th, 2007, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from RyanFB:
I’m aware that FluBBa and pepsiman have already written BIOS dumpers, but neither of these work well with modern carts (i.e. Slot-1 carts), and no source was available. So I whipped up my own ARM7/ARM9 BIOS dumper that should work on any cart supported by DLDI:
Thanks to Martin Korth for the info on GBATEK, and cearn for helping me with my assembly.
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February 27th, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
A New version of Omalone with fixed sound has been released.
OMalone is the first abalone game playable on Nintendo DS.
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February 27th, 2007, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
New update from the CnC DS Site:
Wow time’s moved fast, I must apologise for the slow progress of late! I’ve got the new devkitpro installed but I’m having a problem with all my ROMs crashing dualis (maybe I should try no$gba?). I’ve got a little cash-flow problem from last month too which has delayed me buying a new homebrew card so I can’t test the ROM on the DS either. Because I’m lazy and avoiding the ‘hard work’ that is finding out why the DS build doesn’t work I’m still plugging away at the PC build.
I’ve fixed a couple of bugs in the game code and started to add support for sub-cells. This is what I’m calling the points within a cell that a unit can occupy, such as infantry. I’m not sure if I’m approaching it properly right now but the way I have keeps the pathfinding simple. The problem seemed simple at first glance but I’ve not found an elegant way incorporating it into movement. Infantry want to move toward the closest free subcell space so the search pattern for free spaces is different depending on what neighbouring cell you’ve come from. I want to find an elegant way of doing that search without a nest of IF and SWITCH statements. I’m just getting it to work first though, then I’ll go back and make it nicer later.
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February 27th, 2007, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Guyduke has posted an update to his game for the DS:
I maked a stable version of my game.
I have still to :
make the menu to ask the name of the player.
green background.
help screen.
etc ....
List of changes:
Display of screen "Quit&Save" by pressing "start" touch.
Change file to add save information.
Delete a save game.
Finish graphic of all atoms.
Display solution in the right place (not too on left or right)
make level 12 and 24.
Finish graphique bloc of all level.
optimise code about display some graphics.
Display more information about which touch to press in game or menu.
some minor change
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February 27th, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Brandon has released Powder for the DS, heres the info:
First, this release has full DS support. The annoying issues of the borders of the screen have been fixed. Save game support should be present. I have mapped X & Y buttons to Start and Select as those buttons are a bit out of the way in the DS. As an added bonus, there are character dump files generated and the second screen is used as a message history! Admittedly, this is not as good as I'd expect a roguelike designed ground up for the DS to be. However, as a port, I feel it is now possible that DS owners may prefer it over running the GBA version.
Second, this release should fix the late game crash bugs! Yes, bugs, because I found quite a few of them. I ran extensive stress tests by creating a late game character, randomly creating a map, and running it for a hundred moves with the standard mob AI controlling the avatar. I then simulated a few hundred THOUSAND games this way. As you'll see from the bug descriptions, some of the found errors were very esoteric.
Third, I also managed to sneak in some features (which, no doubt, have introduced new bugs :> I am very happy with the addition of the Dark Ritual spell that I feel fits well with the goal of the Necromancer: spells that are situation dependent and require controlling your environment to gain full effect.
* [DS] Save game support works if your card supports libfat (which should be most cards). The save game is stored as POWDER.SAV so should work across platforms. Doing a character dump on the DS will also save a NAME.TXT file of the dump, just like it does in the SDL build.
* [DS] Screen is now centered around DS actual screen, giving you a half tile extra visibility in X and a full tile in Y.
* Fireballs will always hit those in their range of influence when they explode. The spell version has been nerfed in damage while the red dragon variant has been boosted.
* Casting reclaim soul on oneself no longer can get the unusual message "Yourself is not in control of you." Instead, one is referred to the laws of thermodynamics.
* New spell: Dark Ritual.
* A new room.
* Zapping wands of Create Monster has a chance of creating a tame monster.
* Living Frosts have a better death message.
* Maximum AC bonus for artifacts is +99 to avoid possibility of infinite loop.
* Maximum enchantment for generated items is +/- 50 to avoid possibility of infinite loop.
* Add a stress test mode to try and track down rare occurences.
* Semantic error meant that creatures would wake up and you would wake up whenever any noise occurred, not just 10% per noise level. Sleep is made even more powerful.
* Fix crash & possible infinite loop in the code to find if one mob is a tamed creature of another. I'm hoping this was the late game crash...
* Fix crash if a creature died due to teleport during its heartbeat or died due to automatically searching during its heartbeat.
* Fix crash due to buffer overrun with the message: "You parry the very scary creature's poisoned silver dagger with your holy +2 flaming sword Whizshock." I had to increase the global temp buffers as well. One would think I would have learned by now not to use fixed buffers?
* Fix crash when someone zaps a wand of ice, killing themself in the process, but then hitting someone else.
* Fix corruption of mobref tables if you died of poison, but your life was saved by an amulet, but you suffered from a temporary intrinsic that is cleared by death (strangle, aflame, etc), but you had another intrinsic that timed out that very turn and occurred immediately after the cleared intrinsic. How is that for a rare edge case?
* Fix a crash where you die due to worn silver damage, but your life was saved, but your life was saved by the very item that caused you silver damage.
* Fix a bug where if you had life saving by carrying an item, life saving would not be granted as I'd fail to find the item to delete.
* Fix a bug where if you died due to falling into the pit created by a greekfire potion, one would still be affected by the actual greek fire itself.
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February 27th, 2007, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Cory1492:
DLDI enabled tool that will dump your DS firmware, Arm7 and Arm9 bios to your device. For more info on what DLDI is, see here.
Currently only tested on a NA DSLite using EZ4LD GBA slot card and EZ5 DS slot card.
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February 27th, 2007, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Robert Durbin has once again updated his Press You Luck game for the DS:
v.1.12 (02-27-2007)
Top 5 internet leaderboard is now sent to the nds so can view the top 5 scores right after you post your score, whether it makes the top 5 or not. please note tho you gotta reset your ds if you wanna connect again, havent figured out how to close wifi the correct way yet, sorry
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February 28th, 2007, 17:26 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Alekmaul post on his site (translated via babelfish)
Here, the new version is available. It has step badly of modifications following the requests collected a little everywhere on the forums, as well French as of other countries. It has especially 2 innovations of size:
- the first is the addition of DRZ80 like CPU out of assembler, thus all the program goes much more quickly but is less compatible than version 1.0: (
- the second is a revolutionary system which enables you to create the list of compatibility of the plays that you test via the DS ^^, you send even in WIFI the result of your test. The list is updated on the site in real time!!!
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February 28th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Space Station Tycoon is a management sim in which you build and run a space station.
The game is being developed by Wahoo Studios who were previously responsible for Outpost Kaloki X on XBLA, to which this bares many similarities.
Just like its Xbox counterpart, the focus in this game is on managing your money, investing in building outposts to increase business and, in turn, increase your income.
"The basic goal of building a station to serve customers and some of the economic elements will be very familiar to players of Outpost Kaloki X, but even the basic mechanics, like how customers make their buying decisions, have undergone an overhaul", Wahoo Studios designer, Jeremy Throckmorton, told IGN.
Namco Bandai Games producer, Ben Cole added: "With Space Station Tycoon on the Wii, we have the opportunity to really bring to life the game we've all envisioned. For example, we've taken the opportunity add a whole slew of features we've always wanted to put into this type of game. Things like off-the-wall characters, station customization, and a whole slab of humour."
The quirky characters you meet will have you perform a range of bonkers scenarios, "like putting together a heavy metal concert for Frankengull and Voodoo Chicken", Cole reveals.
Expect the game to launch on Wii in Summer 2007.
via cvg
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February 28th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
EA has given new details on its city-building game, SimCity, after announcing its existence back in August 2006.
The SimCity franchise has been around for years but the DS version looks like breathing new life into the city-building game. As well as creating and controlling you very own city, the game will take advantage of the stylus and built-in microphone controls of DS.
You'll have to blow into the microphone to put out fires in the city and sign off on mayoral proclamations with your stylus. Players can also communicate with each other using the wireless data exchange feature. There'll also be several recognisable international landmarks available to place in your city.
SimCity DS is scheduled for a worldwide launch this summer. Check out this first screen EA kindly sent along.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China is the news that the WiiKey Modchip is now in stock and shipping
Heres the info (DCEmu Isnt interested in piracy so no discussion of that thanks)

The Wiikey modchip for Wii.
- Direct boot of wii backups
- Direct boot of GC backups
- Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
- Supports all currently available console/drive versions
- Supports D2B chipsets
- Sophisticated (true) update mechanism via DVD (future proof, expect cool features to come)
- Direct boot of different NTSC region Wii games/backups on US and JAP consoles
- Partial support for NTSC region Wii games/backups on PAL consoles
- Boots different region GC games/backups (partially without swapping)
- Supports multi-disc games for BOTH Wii and Gamecube
- Supports DVD-R / true DVD+R and +RW support (no bitsetting required!)
- Improved readsettings for recordable media
- Built-in audio fix
- Supports fullsize 4GB discs for gamecube homebrew
- Stealth mode
- 512 byte EEPROM to store configuration
- Quicksolder interface - no wires required
- Unique disc backup application via sdcard
- Compact design, best quality components, rock solid high speed controller
- Professional ESD packing
- Recovery mode - Can recover from a bad flash
Buy from Divineo China
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February 28th, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Contains 1 out of 6 New Super Mario Bros. Pouch (shipped randomly!)
Official item
Limited availability
Price: US$ 2.99 (~1.54 GBP)
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February 28th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Features 6 characters based on the video game
Contains 1 out of 6 available figures (shipped randomly!)
Limited availability
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February 28th, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced it will launch Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 for Nintendo DS in April, offering users an opportunity to play the ever-popular Trading Card Game against friends via the Nintendo machine’s wireless and Wi-Fi facilities.
The official game of the annual Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament, the DS title offers a stunning simulation of the Trading Card Game, with users constructing, organising and dueling using the stylus. Every aspect of the Trading Card Game has been faithfully recreated, and the DS game includes all 1600 of the latest cards, allowing for even more attacking, spell-casting and defending possibilities. Also, owners of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller for DS will be able to trade entire decks between the two games and, after beginning the game, can access every card in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller via the game’s card recipe.
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 also includes a wealth of dueling possibilities. An extensive array of options allow for single-player duels against a host of CPU-controlled opponents; Limited Duels wherein only certain cards are available; and Survival Duels where the aim is simply to beat a succession of duelists for as long as possible. The social element of the Trading Card Game is also enhanced via wireless and Wi-Fi modes, allowing players to compete with friends or against players from all over the world.
Wireless games can be played between two players with copies of the game, while the Wi-Fi mode opens the challenge to players from all over. Cards can also be traded and swapped via these wireless options as players look to strengthen their packs, and Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 also supports the Nintendo Wi-Fi’s Voice Chat feature, allowing players to chat to each other before each duel. In keeping with previous Konami titles, the game also comes with three limited edition Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for use in the Trading Card Game.
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February 28th, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via wiifanboy
Apparently, all one needs to run back-ups on their Wii is nothing more than a little technical know-how and an inexpensive cable. At least, we found this out whilst browsing YouTube today and coming across user Textb00k's video, that is. As you can see, in the embedded video available past the post break, this individual has apparently done nothing more than soldering a parallel port cable to the Wii's drive board and jacked it into his PC. The reward for his efforts is a back-up disc of Red Steel running on the console.
Now we at DCEmu arent interested in Piracy but this could be a way for an Homebrew breakthrough, interesting news, lets hope the hackers can provide the goods we need
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February 28th, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Enterbrain conducted a survey of Japanese gamers about their network gaming habits, and the DS came out as the console with the most frequently used network features. 89.6 percent of respondents used network features at all, and within that category 21.6 percent did so on the DS. It beat the second-place console, the Wii, by only 1.9 percent. The most-used feature (41.6 percent) was online gaming.
We don't know if "network feature" refers only to Wi-Fi or also to local wireless multiplayer; we suspect the latter, and that the popularity of DS networking has a lot to do with the popularity of the DS itself in Japan. We imagine that many of the respondents who used networking on other consoles also owned DS systems, because everyone owns a DS.
No matter if it's someone's only system or just what they play on the trains, that's a lot of Bark Mode! Stop by our next Game Night and support online DS gaming in other regions! You know, just in case someone takes a survey.
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February 28th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
Remember when we posted about that NY Times crossword puzzler coming to the DS? Well, IGN got ahold of some screens for the game and it looks to be coming along swimmingly. As you can see in the screenshots, which have been embedded past the post break, players write the letter in on the bottom touch-screen, where it displays the completed word on the top screen. Other than that, the experience looks to recreate that feeling one gets from opening up the paper and solving the included crossword puzzle (sans ink all over the hands).
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February 28th, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
It's being reported that Sega is working on a new Uno game for the DS that features touchscreen functionality. According to German site Gamefront, details on the Sega game are vague, and it's only rumored to be related to the popular card game. It would be no surprise to see a well-done Uno game (particularly if it included WiFi play), considering the success of the game on Xbox Live, but knowing the Japanese, it could be anything! One thing is certain -- this mysterious title is slated for a June release. We'll keep an eye out for further news clarifying this title.
via dsfanboy
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February 28th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
via dsfanboy
They don't believe in wasting time over there at Level-5. The first game was just released in Japan, and not only do we have a sequel in the works for Professor Layton, but we're already seeing more images from the game. Yes, more -- we already saw a few when the sequel was announced!
We expect Professor Layton and Pandora's Box to have a firm release date by next week, and to be on shelves the week after. Okay, not really, but the sarcasm may not be too far off the mark. They're from scans, so may not be the best quality, but certainly good enough to see that the visuals are still uniquely gorgeous.
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February 28th, 2007, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Ashai Rey :
A proof of concept demo
This demo shows two images taken at a slightly different angle. Hold the DS at about 40cm armlenght and look cross-eyed at the images. Change your focus slowly till the two images merge into a thirth image in the middle and see the magic of a 3D image.
Please note: The screens of the DS are to far apart to use an other focussing technic where you stare into the distant.
A for next picture.
D-pad left for switching left and right images
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February 28th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Doud has posted a new version of his game My Life:
Heres whats new:
28/02/2007 Final version 1.0:
The principal addition is the possibility to choose the size of the cells (1*1 or 8*8 px).
Two or three small correction bugs.
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February 28th, 2007, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Beda has posted an update to his Snake DS clone:
Heres the update:
Good, I know that you all await it, benefitting from a cyclone which me cloitre at home for Saturdays I have finally finished it! There remains right bugs graphic corrected but largest is made.
27.02.07 Version 0.09:
Just bugs graphic A to correct
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February 28th, 2007, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Damian Yerrick has updated his Tetris Clone for the DS:
Heres whats new in this version:
LOCKJAW Changelog v0.32a (2007-02-25):
Changed a CPU yield behavior that was affecting battery efficiency on the GBA and DS front ends.
Removed Low Rider gimmick in favor of option for well height.
Option for well width, like Shimizu's Tetris Semipro-68k. Combine this with a low well height to simulate BIG mode of TGM and Heboris.
Options for entry delay and sideways delay have "max" added to their description to clarify things.
All speed options given in Hz or G are given in both.
Added option for soft drop speed.
Some shared code moved to file "ljgbads.inc".
Unavailable hold piece is grayed out.
Lock delay = no lock works.
Fixed frames/ms display of delays.
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March 1st, 2007, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
via wiicade
WiiCade is proud to announce the immediate availability of software that unlocks Nintendo Wii Remote functionality previously unavailable to online video games. This Application Programmer Interface (API) allows Flash developers to utilize the full range of buttons on the wireless remote device. Additionally, the API gives developers the potential to detect multiple, simultaneous button presses without interfering with the pointing capabilities of the remote; a feature not seen in previous APIs.
The intuitive nature of the API provides a wealth of other conveniences and advantages. One of the most innovative features of the API is that it automatically uses keyboard keys to emulate the functionality of the Nintendo Wii Remote on desktop computer systems. This allows games that utilize the remote to be played on a desktop computer without any additional code. Since the API offers the full range of buttons on the Nintendo Wii Remote, it also provides a clear method of circumventing the A button’s inherent rapid-detection limitations. A limitation that has been crippling to many online games.
By far, the best feature of the API is its easy-to-understand interface. Developers wishing to make their game Wii-ready only need to follow a few simple steps that are outlined on the WiiCade.com website. First, they download the ActionScript interface and include it in their working directory. Next, they paste a few common lines of code to initialize the “WiiMote” object. Lastly, the developer replaces their “Key.isDown” API calls with “WiiMote.isDown” calls, as outlined in the interface's documentation. This prepares the game to be exported and uploaded to WiiCade, where the rest of the work will be handled by server-side files.
It can be found Here
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March 1st, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: JKKDARK
via cubed3
In what has been quite a busy day for news, a new games publisher has revealed its DS plans and a rumour has appeared about Sega resurrecting the Daytona racing franchise. First of all there is news of Xider stating it will release twelve games across the DS and PC throughout 2007. However, before getting your hopes too high, none of its DS projects have been announced yet. What is interesting to note, though, is that it will be bringing Telltale Games' previously download-only title 'Bone' to retail on PC, plus a sequel to Ankh. With Telltale's current love for Nintendo's Wii, could that be spreading over to the DS as well, via Xider? You can only hope so...
As for the Sega news, long-running UK Industry favourite EDGE recently held an interview with Sega's Racing Studio in which there was a suggestion made that a new entry in the Daytona racing series could well make an appearance...at some point in the future...and that the team is definitely a big fan of previous Daytona games. Vague? Most definitely. So certainly do not hold your breath for this one.
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