February 2nd, 2018, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Not good news for Nintendo but maybe good for Homebrew on the Nintendo Switch in the future, heres the news:
Scene Warez Group BigBlueBox is again 'leaking' keys for Nintendo Switch, previously in their 50th Warez Release, they listed in their .NFO file the NCA Extraction Key, and now in their 60th Warez Release for the Dragon Quest Heroes games, the Master Key for firmwares from launch up to v2.3.0, with hints at some point they may release future Master Keys for more recent firmwares like 4.1, so good news for pirates!
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sw...release.46455/
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
If like me you were here when the Snes was released you will remember what an awesome console it was and still is, with some of the best games of all time, the Snes Classic was a killer release by Nintendo and now its sold 4 million units since September 2017, heres hoping for a N64 Classic
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Following behind Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo are to begin a paid for Online service this year:
After confusing reports and lots of wondering, Nintendo has finally given a solid release date for when the paid online service for the Nintendo Switch will launch. Come September 2018, the free online will end, and the $20 a year online subscription will be required to play games online. Nothing else was revealed, but more details were promised in the coming months.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendo...tember.495700/
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Always nice to see a new NES game these days, heres the news:
Gruniożerca 2 is a puzzle-platformer for the NES developed by Łukasz Kur & M_Tee between November 2017 and January of 2018.
In it, you control Grunio, pet and guinea pig mascot of arhn.eu, on a quest to find his owner, gaming personality Dark Archon, who has gotten lost in the depths of their overly complex cellar.
Luckily, Grunio’s chew toys have been strewn all throughout the house, the cellar being no exception. So, help this piggie place blocks, swing squeaky hammers, push stools, press switches, collect keys, devour carrots, leap, climb, teeter, and tumble his way through 24 dark, dingy, and drab basement doors.
news via http://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainme...2-wip-nes-game
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
And just like buses heres another new Nes Game:
Orab Games are heavily working on their project Untitled Isometric Survival Horror for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Current notes:
In v.041, I have added a lot of features. What you can’t see is that I have compressed all of my backgrounds with RLE. I have also added some simple background collisions to all rooms that you can navigate to. I have a lot of the first floor built with my early screen graphics, however, the hallways need some more programming, as you will be able to tell in the video. As of now, you must pass through a hallway twice before going to the next as this is how the Index Table is laid out in the code. I hope to have a remedy for that soon.
The room changing routine is mostly working, I still have some work to do on those, mainly placing doors. As of now, only the Right Exit works properly and only the Upper Right exit in Hallways.
Some other features added include:
-Fade out routine
-2 options for controls, Standard and Diagonal. Standard is Up,Down,Left,Right on the Dpad while your character moves in a diagonal. Diagonal controls means are you have to push Up-Left on the Dpad to move UpLeft on the screen.
-Cleaned up my palette code so that I can change colors more efficiently.
-Made a beta title screen for a place holder.
news via http://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainme...1-wip-nes-game
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres yet another release for the NES, awesome stuff for a console thats been around so long:
Bad dreams are sometimes part of storylines. Same goes with Miedow (Cheril’s Nightmares) by The Mojon Twins.
After walking into the shrine, Cheril falls asleep. In her dreams, a voice commands her to find her daughters. You can push some blocks around, as well as statues. Move statues to pedestals to proceed. Find keys to open locks. Shoot orbs to
light them!
Via http://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainme...-v1-0-nes-game
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Game Boy Advance emulator for Windows, heres the release info:
VGBAnext 5.6.5 is now online. The new version adds the remaining time display when replaying a game. It is shown in seconds to the right of the replay indicator. I have also added dark and light textured backgrounds to the Settings activity, depending on the UI color setting. Finally, the app now uses Material Design theme rather than the default device theme for the Settings. For the next several days, VGBAnext is on sale for $2.99. If you liked the app, but not the price, now is the time to make the move. See below for all the changes in the latest version.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Settings activity now uses black/white UI setting.
- Switched Settings to Material Design on Lollipop+.
via https://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file...c-t-21984.html
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
Super Mario World has plenty of warps and tricks to help players finish the game faster than usual, but none are as extreme as the credits warp. This intense glitch was once thought to be nearly impossible for a human to perform, but one speedrunner recently used it to complete the game in less that one minute.
The Super Mario World credits warp is a kind of trick called “arbitrary code execution,” in which speedrunners can perform certain actions that change values in the game’s memory. This essentially programs the game to run specific code that triggers the game’s credits. Speedrunner and programmer SethBling used a new variation of the trick to complete the game in 54 seconds and 56 milliseconds earlier this week.
To accomplish the trick, SethBling plugs in four controllers and two Super Multitap peripherals and leaves specific buttons pressed down on the controllers. The inputs change memory bytes that tell the game to run certain code after he performs certain actions. These actions include stomping on specific koopa troopers in key locations, duplicating Yoshi blocks, and kicking a red shell into the air while standing at a specific pixel. If everything goes well, he can reach the end of the game without ever fighting Bowser.
via http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/02/02/p...-than-a-minute
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February 4th, 2018, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Always nice to see new NES releases and with the little NES console coming out last year it really brought lots of new followers to the old beast of a console, heres the release news:
Thom works on an unofficial port of Wizard of Wor for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Wizard of Wor WIP: Worrior and monster collision detection fully implemented (both worriors and monsters able to shoot and kill each other, with appropriate points rewarded.) There still is at least one lingering bug with the laser code. But for now, I need to optimize all the bounding box checking code to gain back much needed cycles as the game slows down when everybody is on screen and shooting. Can’t have that. Computer is playing blue.
And now, I need to take a break from new features, to drastically optimize the bounds checking code, as I am doing lots of multiplies and divides all over the code for ostensibly similar or same values. (at least I think), I need to do the calculations once, and just use them per frame, and that should free up more than enough cycles to finish the game play implementation.
via http://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainme...-2018-nes-game
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February 4th, 2018, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice release for owners of MACos machines, heres the release news:
SameBoy v0.10.1 is released. SameBoy is a user friendly Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for macOS. SameBoy is extremely accurate and includes a wide range of powerful debugging features, making it ideal for both casual players and developers. In addition to accuracy and developer capabilities, SameBoy has all the features one would expect from an emulator – from save states to scaling filters. An SDL version is also available to Windows and Unix-like systems.
SameBoy v0.10.1 Changelog:
New/Improved Features
- The libretro port can now be compiled for the Switch
- Made the menu key more obvious in the SDL port
- Can now emulate a Game Boy Advance in Game Boy Color mode
- Changing a model in the SDL port is now done via the menu
- Major improvements to the way the libretro port handles audio, significantly improving audio quality
- It is now possible to select a specific model to emulate in the libretro port
Accuracy Improvements/Fixes
- APU stereo volume levels are now scaled emulated correctly (Volume levels are 1-8, not 0-7)
- Triggering a pulse by writing to NRx4 now correctly changes the volume level of the previously played pulse. Fixes sound pops in Link’s Awekening.
- The CGB boot now finishes with correct register values
- Fixed APU DIV events sometimes causing audio pops in disabled channels. Fixes sound pops in Super Mario Land 2
- Fixed a bug where the effects of NR50 and NR51 were unintentionally delayed. Fixes sound pops in Pokémon Puzzle Challenge and Donkey Kong ‘94.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed video issues with the libretro port when using Vulkan
- Using a Joypad in the Cocoa port did not prevent the screen saver from starting
download https://sameboy.github.io/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/sameboy-v0101.html
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February 4th, 2018, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin is one of the Major emulators in the Emulation community, If you didnt know Dolphin is a Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for PC, heres some of the rather large news update
While a lot of our focus goes into the core emulation experience, we also recognize how important it is for users to be able to use the emulator. Dolphin now has several different User Interfaces (UIs) that are used across several platforms. A UI serves many purposes at the same time: from giving users access to the most important options, to relaying information to the users as they're using the program, and sometimes even communicating to developers what the program is doing at a given time.
This month, UI takes center stage, as DolphinQt, Dolphin Android, and even Dolphin Android T.V. UIs all saw big improvements!
tons more to read here https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2018/02...-january-2018/
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February 8th, 2018, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch seems to be the hackers console of choice at the moment, heres yet another hacker release for the console:
If you been keeping up on the Switch scene news, there been various nice 'keys' leaked by BBB and others, and now scene developer @SciresM has put together a nice 'HacTool' which heavily inspired by 'CtrTool' used for ripping apart Nintendo 3DS images/files! 
SciresM said:After much work, I'm finally satisfied enough to release a 1.0 build of hactool! The tool currently supports most Switch formats (NCA, XCI, HFS0, PFS0, RomFS, NPDM, Package1, Package2, INI1, KIP1):
hactool is a tool to view information about, decrypt, and extract common file formats for the Nintendo Switch, especially Nintendo Content Archives.
OFFICIAL GITHub: --> https://github.com/SciresM/hactool
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/sc...-switch.46471/
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February 8th, 2018, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch homebrew and hacking scene is thriving at the moment and heres a news story about Linux running on the Nintendo Switch:
he Switch scene has been on fire since the 34c3 talk, with Team-Xecuter soon afterwards demo'ing a coldboot logo change exploit, and then later on Team Fail0verflow showing off their 'coldboot scroller' and now they are teasing yet again with Linux boot-up! 
Fail0verflow have stated a month ago that they have a bootrom exploit on the Nintendo Switch, which virtually gives them full control of the console. It’s likely they’ve spent the past few weeks or months porting Linux to the console. The hacking team are very familiar with the process of porting the popular OS to consoles: most flavors of Linux running on hacked PS4s are based on their patches.
If history repeats itself though, it is possible that Fail0verflow will release their Linux patches, but not the underlying exploits. In the case of the PS4, the scene had to wait for more than a year between the time Fail0verflow released their Linux port, and the time they revealed the exploits they used to get access to the system.
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://twitter.com/fail0verflow/sta...94909304786945
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...-switch.46466/
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February 8th, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo WiiU emulator for PC has been updated once more, heres the release notes:
Today a new release of Cemu - the first working Nintendo WiiU Emulator - has been released. Read more for additional infos and the download link.
- [*=left]Compatibility improvements
[*=left]Reduced overall memory usage
[*=left]Added -nolegacy option for Intel GPUs (disables Intel-specific workarounds)
[*=left]Minor other fixes and improvements
via https://www.aep-emu.de/index.php?nam...69f9cd33f28a84
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February 8th, 2018, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the GBA emulator for Linux and Windows, heres the release notes:
I have just released free VGBA 5.8 for Windows and Linux, a new version of my GameBoy Advance emulator. The new release comes with fixes and improvements to the replay feature, previously added to the Android version of VGBA. See below for details.
- Added remaining time display during replay.
- Added shadow underneath the time display.
- Stopping replay when menu opens on Windows.
- Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
via https://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file...c-t-21995.html
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February 8th, 2018, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Never heard of this before so ill pass onto the news right away:
GBARunner2 Git (2018/01/31) is complied. GBARunner2 ia a GBA hypervisor for DS. By default GBARunner2 will look for a "GBA" folder in the root oft the SD card, and open it. Otherwise, it will open the root of SD card. Put roms and a gba bios as "bios.bin" in the "GBA" folder or the root of your sd card. Make sure the roms are sram patched if needed. Hidden or system files and folder won't be shown, so "bios.bin" file can be hidden.
GBARunner2 Git changelog:
-Some bugfixes and improvements
download https://github.com/Gericom/GBARunner2
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/gbarunn...-20180131.html
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February 10th, 2018, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Minecraft for the Nintendo 3DS has got an update, heres the release info:
Minicraft3DS is a Nintendo 3DS homebrew port of Notch’s Ludum Dare game “Minicraft“. The goal of the game is to kill the only other sentient being in the world, making sure you’ll be alone forever.
Release notes:Features:
(Andre111’s changes)
– Real Multiplayer! Tested and working this time around, compatible with the updates in this fork.
– Character editing! Customize your character!
– “Stability”
(ElijahZAwesome’s changes)
– Sound works without ANYTHING needed on the SD card (aside from the 3dsx if your using that obviously) now, in all builds of the game. Easy install.
– Github has each file downloadable individually, seeing as you don’t need the resources folder, also I realized that the SMDH file is embedded in the 3dsx, so that’s not needed either.
It is known that sound lingers after exiting without pressing the proper exit menu item.
via http://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/minicr...1-6-2-3ds-game
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February 10th, 2018, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
How awesome is it that in 2018 theres a new commercial release for the NES,
Put on a lizard and go for an adventure! Choose your lizard carefully. You can find six different ones scattered across the land, each with its own special ability.
You’ll need these abilities as you make your difficult journey through many dangerous places. Carefully hop your way to the top of an active volcano. Surf down a surging river. Swim an underwater lake. Ascend a snowy mountaintop. What kind of strange creatures will you meet? Can you unravel the mysteries of Lizard?
The digital download costs 10 US$, physical releases are planned.
You can also follow the project via Twitter.
via http://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainme...rcial-nes-game
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February 10th, 2018, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a commercial game release for the Gameboy Colour, heres the release notes:
Airaki is a brand-new puzzle battle game for the Nintendo Gameboy! Work fast to beat all 8 bosses and become the champion. You must wisely choose 1 of 3 special skills that will help you in your journey. Already mastered the battle? Link up with another Gameboy to go head-to-head for countless more hours of fun! The game costs $15.00, excluding shipping.
via http://pdroms.de/gameboy/airaki-commercial-gbc-game
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February 10th, 2018, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new scan of an old magazine for Nintendo fans, heres the news:
This week we return to more recent times with issue 7 of NGamer magazine.
We have a ton of preview features and reviews for this issue, as it's packed full with content, so let's get started.
First up we have several Nintendo DS reviews: Children of Mana, Chocobo and the Magic Picturebook, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, Final Fantasy III and Magical Starign. Then we move on to Elebits for the Wii, as well as Kororinpa, Metal Slug Anthology, Necro-Nesia and Super Swing Golf Pangya. On top of this we also have two Wii features: Scarface and SSX Blur.
Then we look at a small feature titled: What the hell is Dragon Quest?, and we finish off this update with this issues Download feature: History Lesson #4: Hal Laboratory. Enjoy!
more here http://www.outofprintarchive.com/cat...r/NGamer7.html
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February 13th, 2018, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Stargate the makers of the Stargate 3DS flash cart have posted this update:
Today we release an easy to use, straight to the point, manual for Stargate.
We want to answer regular users (the majority) requests for a guide on how to
use Stargate 3DS key functions.
With our next update – that will add new more advanced features – , we will update
our manual with more details, but we recommend regular users (people who want to
play ROMs in the easiest way possible) to stick to the original manual to enjoy
Stargate 3DS for what is famous and appreciated for: its ease of use!
Click here to download Stargate’s Manual.
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February 13th, 2018, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a rather great looking N64 game thats just been released:
40 Winks is a Nintendo 64 platformer that was cancelled back in 1998 by publisher GT Interactive. Now is ready to release officially by Piko Interactive.
IIn 1998 GT Interactive commissioned Eurocom to create a game. This game was 40 Winks, also known as Ruff and Tumble in Europe. However, in 1999, due to a slew of bad decisions by GT Interactive, the company lost millions of dollars of revenue. These financial troubles plagued GT Interactive throughout the following two years.
To stay afloat, GT Interactive began downsizing operations and selling popular game franchises. Eventually the financial strain became too much, and they were acquired by Infogrames.
The Infogrames acquisition brought with it shakeups within GT Interactive including, but not limited to, cancelling projects and pressing the “kill” button on other games that were in development.
While 40 Winks was able to see release on the original PlayStation console, the Nintendo 64 port, which was under development around the time Infogrames became involved, was not as lucky. The N64 version of 40 Winks was cancelled and until recently thought to be lost to history and time itself.
Nearly 17 years later Piko Interactive have pulled 40 Winks out of limbo and plan to give it a fair chance to shine on the Nintendo 64.
via http://pdroms.de/nintendo64/40-winks...arter-n64-game
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February 19th, 2018, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Mr. Reaper has released a new version of Visual Controller Test for the Nintendo Wii:
f you like pressing buttons, then this app is for you!!!
I have a flaky Gamecube controller and I wanted an easy way to test it. I didn't really like the other Gamecube controller testing homebrew I found, because it was all text-based, so I decided to make my own.
I haven't messed with making Wii Homebrew in such a long time, but I threw this Visual Controller Test together in a day.
But then I was in a coding mood, so I added in every other peripheral I own.
Maybe other people will also find this useful.
[h=3]1.00[/h]- Added visual feedback for Wiimote and Nunchuk accelerometer readings.
- Added automatic 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio adjustment (who even uses 4:3 anymore?), so the onscreen graphics no longer look way too fat. You can also toggle the aspect ratio manually.
More Info http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Visual_Controller_Test
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February 19th, 2018, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some rather major news for the Nintendo Switch homebrew scene, here goes the news:
Plutoo just announced in a tweet that the Homebrew Launcher for Nintendo Switch has been released!
The exploit is browser based and currently works with firmware 3.0.0. After installation the Homebew Launcher can be started by accessing the 'Album' icon on the Switch. The installation requires DNS settings hack pointing to either external HTTP server or your own local one.
You can find the official site with usage instructions and FAQ here: https://switchbrew.github.io/nx-hbl/
Credits: yellows8, plutoo, ReSwitched, devkitPro
With help from: WntrMute, shinyquag, misson20000, fincs, TuxSH, hexkyz, SciresM, mtheall, naehrwert, thexyz, derrek, kgsws, hthh, Daeken, shufol3, nedwill, smea, st4rk, andoma, Maschell, Normmatt ...
SwitchBrew - #switchdev @ EFNet
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ho...-switch.46506/
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February 19th, 2018, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Switch news is coming thick and fast, heres another awesome bit of news:
Team Fail0verflow was the first to demo 'Switch Coldboot', and now a {re}switched developer has 'teased' they can do it also! 
This is a short video of Fusée Gelée, {re}switched's proof-of-concept coldboot code-execution hack affecting all Tegra X1 devices.
Launcher for the {re}switched coldboot/bootrom hacks -- launches payloads above the Horizon
Discovery and implementation by @ktemkin
Definitely independently discovered by lots of others
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February 19th, 2018, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Yep heres yet more hacking news for the Nintendo Switch:
Soon after the v4.x jamais vu teaser video, the folks over at GBATemp quickly noticed there was a new GITHub repo from @SciresM and when he questioned about it, he posted the following statement regarding what his future plans are:
SciresM said:Anyway, yes, my focus will be shifting towards spending all my time working on Atmosphere until it's usable (with a diversion to get a publically usable jamais vu PoC once some of the basic building blocks are in place).
I've put up a roadmap in the issues/projects section -- all of my development will be open source and done via commits to that repo. I don't want a repeat of previous consoles where CFWs get worked on behind closed doors before their initial releases -- all of atmosphere's broken, WIP code will be available as it's written.
Looking forward to working on atmosphere
WIP PROJECT GIT: --> https://github.com/SciresM/Atmosphere-NX
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/at...sciresm.46503/
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February 19th, 2018, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
So exciting a time for Nintendo Switch hackers and homebrew fans, heres more news to salivate over:
Previously, @SciresM had released info on how jamais vu TrustZone Exploit was possible on the original stock v1.0.0 Switch firmware, but now he has released a new 'teaser video' showing off that it is now possible to do the same on the more current v4.x consoles.
SciresM said:Got some good news (sorry that it takes over a minute for the lennies)
Anyway, I would strongly recommend not updating when new firmwares release.
The only two problems is that it 'takes a while' over a 'minute' to exploit, and there is no plan to 'release it' to the public, but it does come with 'warning' not to update your Switch firmware, so its just another big tease for everyone to sit back and cross their fingers and wait!
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February 19th, 2018, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
If you have a Nintendo Switch on firmware 3.0.0 or below this guide will help you install the newly released Homebrew Loader for Nintendo Switch on it, heres the video:
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February 19th, 2018, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch News is coming at a rediculous pace, heres news of Linux running on the Nintendo Switch:
It's been a very active week for the Switch scene, and thanks to Fail0verflow, there's yet another new bit of progress to report. After teasing a possibility of Linux running on the Nintendo Switch, a week later, the team has released a video showcasing it in action. You can check the Tweet below to see the video, and talk about it in the discussion thread as well!
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/fail0verflow-shows-off-linux-running-on-the-nintendo-switch.496885/
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February 19th, 2018, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
If your on Nintendo Switch firmware above 3.0.0 then the homebrew launcher isnt for you yet but heres somenews that will excite you:
The ReSwitched Hacking Team has done it again. motezazer, ktemkin and SciresM have achieved code execution on 4.1.0, the latest version at the time of writing this, via deja vu at TrustZone level. This means devices on 4.1.0 and below will be able to gain access to the whole system. SciresM strongly advises to not update in the future.
After less than a year, the Switch hacking team has moved extremely fast and now have got full access on the latest version. The progress being made is incredible, and in comparison, the 3DS took around 2 years to get ARM9 access. The scene is looking very promising so far and we are very lucky to have such talented people working on the Switch.
If you are on 4.x or below, you will be able to gain access to the whole system's hardware. Users on lower firmwares will get CFW first. If you're on 4.0.0/4.0.1, just update to 4.1.0.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/switch-t...on-4-x.496799/
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February 19th, 2018, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new gameboy release for homebrew fans:
Temple Of Vel-Cro is a Game Boy game by infected_bytes.
This is the story about the Irish sheep Sticky Hooves. He and his girlfriend Marry came to America to live their dreams!
They’ve spent all their money to start a new and better live, but unfortunately Marry got sick and because of the bad health care system, they can’t afford the treatment. Of course there was only one way to pay their debt… Since Sticky once was an archaeologist, he travelled to ancient Mayan temples in order to find their treasures and to pay his debt!
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/temple-of-...v1-0-0-gb-game
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February 19th, 2018, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release for the Nintendo 3DS, heres the release info:
DS Recovery Tool by Joel16 is a tool for backing up, restoring and wiping 3DS data. It’s somewhat similar to a recovery menu, that assists the user in backing up and restore sensitive and unique data.
* Back up LocalFriendCodeSeed, SecureInfo, movable.sed, HWCAL0.dat and HWCAL1.dat.
* Dump original LocalFriendCodeSeed from data. (This is different from copying the seed from nand.
* Dump original SecureInfo from data. (This is different from copying the SecureInfo from nand)
* Restore LocalFriendCodeSeed and SecureInfo from memory.
* Restore LocalFriendCodeSeed and SecureInfo from backup.
* Verify LocalFriendCodeSeed and SecureInfo.
* Wipe temporary titles, expired titles, TWL titles, pending titles, demo launch infos, config, parental controls and CTRNAND.
* Format (delete) SMDC root and NAND ext savedata.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/ds-re...ds-application
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February 19th, 2018, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a port of a decent looking Jet Set Willy type game for the Nintendo 3DS, heres the release notes:
Locomalito‘s game L’Abbaye des Morts has been ported to the Nintendo 3DS by JeffRuLz! It’s written in C using the libctru and citro3d libraries. The gameplay is directly inspired by Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy. This port seems to run fullspeed!
In the 13th century, the Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France. One of them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/labba...-3ds-game-port
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February 20th, 2018, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a WIP update of a new Nes Homebrew game in the works:
Six minutes of raw gameplay footage from the upcoming sequel to Eskimo Bob – Alfonzo’s Arctic
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainmentsystem/alfonzos-arctic-adventure-v2018-02-18-wip-nes-game
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February 20th, 2018, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new game for the Nintendo 3DS, and ive never heard of it before so heres the news:
Colossal Cave Adventure (also known as ADVENT, Colossal Cave, or Adventure) is a text adventure game, developed originally in 1976, by Will Crowther for the PDP-10 mainframe. The game was expanded upon in 1977, with help from Don Woods, and other programmers created variations on the game and ports to other systems in the following years. [Text from Wikipedia]
Notes for the 3DS release by nop90:
The 3DS console is too small for long text (like help page and credit page) I’ll try to implement some paging in a future release. Running the game on Citra, saving a game fails and exiting the program hangs Citra, but on a real 3DS everything works fine.
The game is released only in 3dsx format because there are some things to test (and probably fix) in the CIA. For the text input I used an old project of mine for a 3DS SW keyboard from 2014.
Sources and releases on my GitHub ( https://github.com/nop90/Colossal-Ca...re-2.5-for-3ds)
Happy exploring the cave!
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/colos...-v1-0-3ds-game
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February 20th, 2018, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
After all the Nintendo Switch news is nice to have some Nintendo Wii News, heres the latest:
The Wii is still alive and kickin’ just like many other abandoned systems as well. Owen, known for several Wii homebrew games, heavily posts screenshots on his Twitter account for Newo Fox.
If you are familiar with Star Fox (japanese スターフォックス, Sutā Fokkusu) you will be happy to read, that the concept is quite similar. The first public release should happen in around two weeks.
via https://pdroms.de/wiz/newo-fox-v2018-02-17-wip-wii-game
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February 20th, 2018, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some great news for Virtual Boy fans:
Here is the brand new version 1.2.2 of VBDE, your all-in-one portable Virtual Boy development environment, including the new version 5.2 of the VUEngine.
VBDE Changelog
- [Pro] Updated IDEA to 2017.3.4
- Updated Mednafen to 0.9.48
- Added an additional VUEngine sample project: VUE-MASTER
- Updated VUEngine as well as its Barebone and Platformer Demo to v5.2
VUEngine Changelog
- Physics engine:
• Simulation of friction and elasticity phenomena.
- Collisions engine:
• Supports collisions between rotated cuboids and spheres.
• Implemented solid particles.
- Memory management:
• Implemented a faster algorithm for dynamic memory allocation.
- Spatial information representation:
• Converted the unit for spatial data from pixels to meters.
• Changed the underlying fixed math type from 19.13 to 10.6 to reduce the memory footprint and improve the performace by avoiding software based algorithms for multiplication and division on big numbers
• Simplified the writing of stages, entities, sprites, etc., by using pixel units internally converted to meters by the engine.
via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=445
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February 20th, 2018, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
STEREO BOY has released the VUE-MASTER Demo Reel.
VUE-MASTER (read: "View Master") is a take on the classic toy stereo image viewer. It's a Virtual Boy stereo viewer by Stereo Boy and KR155E, containing 7 stereo images. First and foremost, though, it is meant as a VBDE/VUEngine template which allows anyone to compile their own stereo images into a ROM to view on real Virtual Boy hardware, without any programming knowledge. The sources, included with the soon to be released new VBDE version, will allow anyone to easily create their own reels.
Check it out on the forums.
via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=443
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February 20th, 2018, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
As we receive tons of email asking us for more info and release date, here is a quick update on our product status.
After a few days delay due to Chinese New Year, we have finally received our prototype boards, as can be expected from any development cycle, we have experienced a few issues with reliability of our entry point, we will work on refining our method and keep you posted, stay tuned for more exciting news and videos in the coming weeks.
We are sorry for the delay, but we are also sure all Switch owners will be delighted by our product. It is worth the wait!
via http://team-xecuter.com/tx-switch-mo...status-update/
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
I have got to get myself a Snes Mini Console, the amount of stuff available for it is awesome and looks a better bet than using an original Snes and flash cart, anyway heres the release news:
This is a fork of hakchi2 (by ClusterM) by princess_daphie, DanTheMan827, and skogaby. The aim of this fork is to not only provide new UI features and enhancements, but also bring the core of hakchi2 up to date with the rest of the modding ecosystem (i.e. USB host support, SD support).
This application can add more games (game ROMs) to your NES/SNES Classic Mini or Famicom Mini. All you need is to connect it to a Windows PC via Micro-USB cable. No soldering or disassembling required.
- Change any game settings (including command-line arguments)
- Fill all game data automatically using included database
- Automatically check for supported games
- Search for box art using Google Images
- Use Game Genie codes for NES games; includes Game Genie database
- Automatically patch problem games (patches for many popular games included)
- Upload hundreds of games at once
- Return to the HOME menu with a button combination instead of the Reset button
- Enable autofire A/B
- Simulate the start button on the second controller (for Famicom Mini)
- Disable seizure protection
- Allows to install user-mods to add more features (even support for SNES/N64/Genesis/etc., music replacement, themes, etc.)
- Allows users to expand the storage of their system (provided a USB OTG hub, or an SD breakout module)
So you were the first to hack the NES Classic Mini?
No! It was my Russian сomrade, madmonkey, who first published a successful hack of the the NES Classic Mini. He created the original “hakchi” tool. However, it was not very user-friendly, so I decided to create a tool which is simple to use by anyone--not only Linux users. I named it “hakchi2” because I don’t like to come up with names. So my first version was a 2.0 release 
How do I use the tool?
Basically you just need to unpack it somewhere on your harddrive (installation is not required), run it, press “Add more games”, select some game ROMs and press “Synchronize”. The application will guide you through this process.
How does the tool actually work?
You don’t need to worry about it. But if you really want to know, it’s using FEL mode. FEL is a low-level subroutine contained in the BootROM on Allwinner devices. It is used for initial programming and recovery of devices using USB. So we can upload some code into RAM and execute it. In this way we can read the Linux kernel (yes the NES Classic Mini and Famicom Mini runs an Linux operating-system), write kernel or execute kernel from memory without writing it to flash. So we can dump the kernel image of the NES Mini, unpack it, add some games and run a script which will copy them back to flash, repack, upload and execute. However, the games directory is on a read-only partition. Therefore we also need to create and flash a custom kernel with a special script that creates a sandbox folder on a writable partition and mounts it over the original games folder. This means that your original files are safe: you cannot delete or harm the original files in any way, even if you wanted. For kernel patching my application just executes other applications, which is why there is a “tools” folder.
What if I have another question?
Many more commonly asked questions are answered in the FAQ: https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/hakchi2/wiki/FAQ
hakchi2 CE v1.1.0
This is v1.1.0 of hakchi2 CE. This release brings a lot of new features, in addition to some bugfixes. As always, if you encounter any bugs, please feel free to open an issue on Github and we'll try to address it as we can.
Under the hood improvements
- Significantly reduce the amount of data being copied to the temp folder during game sync
- If you are not using Game Genie codes, your temp folder will now likely be a few hundred KB instead of a whole copy of your collection
- Differential game syncs for NAND/SD users
- If you are changing only a handful of games, only those games that were changed since your last sync get transferred during sync, rather than wiping your whole collection and re-uploading it
- Revamped HMOD install process
- Installing and uninstalling HMODs no longer requires your console to be in FEL mode. Just power it on like normal and connect it to your PC, then select the mod installation option
- The mod management windows are now formatted more nicely and showcase information such as mod author and category
- Support for flashing both SD and stock uboot
- SD users no longer need to use hakchi1 for uboot flashing
- Default to SD uboot.bin when membooting
- Fix for FTP server reporting 500 error when trying to list files in a directory
- Now if there is a file called nonportable.flag in the hakchi2 installation directory, it will run in nonportable mode (/nonportable also still works)
- Manual reboots after kernel flashes are no longer required
- The generated kernel.img is smaller, which may fix issues with flashing the custom kernel users had on previous versions
- Added a new web installer in addition to our other distribution methods
UI Improvements
- Integration with SFROM Tool (thanks /u/darkakuma)
- In the menu (only for SNES/SFC Mini users), select Settings > SFROM Tool > Enable and follow the on-screen instructions
- Boot splash screen options
- Choose a custom splash screen, restore the default, or disable it entirely
- Added an option to re-install the hakchi scripts to the console without requiring an Uninstall followed by Flash custom kernel
- New Export games dialog
- The dialog ensures that you're exporting to a valid /hakchi/games directory on a drive
- If you have multiboot game separation enabled and are on a US or EUR system, the dialog prompts you to select one (JPN systems are auto-detected)
- Added the ability to edit the sort name and save count for any specific game
- Widened the window to allow for full size cover art display
- Added a setting to enable game thumbnails to be centered, rather than bottom-aligned (disabled by default)
- Custom thumbnails smaller than 40x40 will no longer be upscaled
- Reset Google Image search back to previous keywords
- Clean up built-in folder images
- New icon set
- Folders manager UI was tweaked
- Sort by App added
- Games sent to Recycle Bin will not sync anymore
- Original games can no longer be deleted
- Fix for default games not checking up in some cases
- Fix the issue with boxarts containing transparency losing the transparency after import
- Better boxart scaling (higher quality)
- Re-arranged UI elements to have a better arrangement
FAQ / Common Issues
Q: On app start, I receive an error about System.NotSupportedException: The requested security protocol is not supported.
A: You are most likely on an older version of .NET, or a version of Windows older than Windows 10. Microsoft has provided a hotfix for this issue, please download it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...fault-versions-included-in-the--net-framework
Q: Retroarch gives me a black screen on NES games (or others not run by the native emulator).
A: Be sure you are using the latest version of Retroarch provided by @KMFDManic. _km_retroarch_170_1_29_18.hmod in his core set is known to be working, but any version newer than that is likely to work as well.
Q: I'm getting occasional Clovershell timeouts during game syncs or other operations
A: Clovershell ocasionally crashes. Your best bet is to reboot your console and maybe restart H2CE for good measure. We are hoping to replace Clovershell in the near future with a more robust solution.
Q: Which filesystems for USB and SD drives are supported?
A: Short outline below:
- We strongly recommend ext2/ext3/ext4.
- FAT32 is supported, but is prone to data loss if your system is not properly shut down (don't pull the power plug).
- NTFS is also fully supported, but if you're doing all three of the below together then you may have issues:
- Running H2CE from the USB drive itself
- The drive is NTFS
- You are using the USB drive instead of H2CE to manage HMODs
- If this is the case, please use H2CE to manage your HMODs, rather than USB transfer. With the new HMOD installation process, managing HMODs is no harder than games, and does not require FEL mode.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/hakchi2
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...onsoles.46512/
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster
Personally cant wait to try the Nintendo Switch out but with real life comes bills and not only that but i always brought release day consoles only to have them drop silly in price so now i wait, anyway heres the Super Mario Odyssey news:
Starting today, players can download a free update for Super Mario Odyssey that adds a new mini-game called Balloon World, a range of new outfits for Mario, and two new filters for use when capturing images in Snapshot Mode.
Once players download the free update and complete the main story, Balloon World will become available, and players just have to find Luigi in each Kingdom and speak with him to get started. In “Hide It” mode, players have a limited amount of time to hide a balloon, while in “Find It” mode, players have the same period of time to locate balloons hidden by other players from around the world. Whether players are hiding balloons or finding them, their Rank will go up based on their score. While playing Balloon World, the atmosphere will change for each kingdom: for example, players will see it rain in New Donk City during the day and watch the sunset in Tostarena.
Also included in the update are a range of new outfits and Snapshot filters designed to give Mario a whole new look. The Sunshine, Musician and Knight Armor outfits have now been added and will be available in the shop after players finish the main story. There are also two new Snapshot Mode filters: Coin and Neon. Try using them to capture all sorts of fun new moments.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/super-ma...ilable.497241/
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
PDroms are on a roll lately with awesome news so a lot of thanks to them for exclusives no one else picks up and heres another:
Ferris does some live coding and aims for “Kefren Bars” for the Super Nintendo.
Release notes:
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
There arent a lot of Homebrew games for the N64 but heres one that should give you foood for though:
Christopher Bonhage made a Flappy Bird for Nintendo 64 about eight months ago. If you like this very well hyped game, get out your Nintendo 64 now. The ROM file has been tested to work on real Nintendo 64 hardware using a EverDrive-64. It should also work with 64drive by retroactive.
The game is open source and released under a BSD license.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo64/flappy-bird-n64-game
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
Having recently brought a 2DS and updated it with custom firmwares, im happy to see emulators released for the system:
RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. It supports multiple systems.

3DS specific changes:
– 3DS: Now correctly reports amount of CPU cores.
– 3DS: Frontend rating is now correctly implemented for both New 3DS/2DS and Old 3DS/2DS.
– 3DS: Initial networking support, HTTP requests won’t work yet.
– 3DS: Now reports memory and battery state.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/retro...e-emus-for-3ds
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February 22nd, 2018, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a great looking game for the Gameboy:
Mona and the Witch’s Hat is a homebrew game by Thomas Neptune and Sergeeo made for the original Game Boy. You play as Mona, a mischievous cat that gains magical powers when her owner’s witch hat falls on her head. It features four levels, and can be completed in about 20 minutes.
What a peaceful day! As the sun sets and the moon begins to shine its light over the village, a young witch finishes her busy day of potion making by hanging her hat and going to bed. Her cat, Mona, doesn’t want to go to bed though. She’s more interested in the treats the Witch left out! But things don’t go as planned when the Witch’s hat falls on Mona’s head and everything comes to life. Now she has to turn everything back to normal!
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/mona-and-t...-02-14-gb-game
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
The gameboy games are coming fast, heres the release news:
Chris Read, aka atari2600land, works on a new Game Boy game called ten pest.. It’s a shooting game where you’re in space and shoot different UFOs coming at you. You’re on a fixed Y axis, but you can move around the X axis by pressing left or right. Pressing up and down changes the position the ship is facing. The aliens come from the bottom or top and move towards the center. The object is to not make them reach the center of the screen. Also, some UFOs shoot at you, so if you get hit by a laser, the game can end that way too.
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/ten-pest-v2017-12-28-gb-game
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a quirky looking commercial game release for the Snes, heres the news:
The Pre-Orders for Sydney Hunter & The Caverns of Death are now open. First the Kickstarter copies will be supplied to all of backers, but extras are available for pre-order now and will ship in March afterwards.
Armed only with his trusty boomerang, Sydney must navigate dark caverns while avoiding bats, ghosts, hot lava and other obstacles. If you can survive all 12 caverns, you will be able to win your freedom!
via https://pdroms.de/supernintendoenter...cial-snes-game
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Final Burn Emulator for Nintendo Switch from Cpasjuste:
Here is the first official release of my final burn alpha port. I did share a very early build a day ago, this official release does fix a few things :
fix inputs (mainly visible in menu)
fix timer, this allow rom information to be correctly displayed and preview pics to load correctly
fix scaling: added more scaling option for the switch (2x, 3x). This are fast scaling, the other options (fit, fit 4/3, full) are now correctly working but are too slow for some system (cps3...)
add exit option in main menu ("+" + "-")
add app information and icon for the hombrew launcher
You can also run console games (megadrive, pc engine...).
You can find some information in the ps vita thread : https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-pfb ... ad.458445/
You can also find some information and source code here : https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba/tree/new
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16461
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
The homebrew scene is exploding at the moment, heres another release this time from 8BitWonder:
Hiya Tempers, with the recent release of the Homebrew Launcher I figured I would try making something simple for people to play around with while they wait on bigger and better projects. This is a port of my original Pixel-Painter for the 3DS.
Although I would definitely say this is the better version due to the screen-capture button and that I revised it with an additional year of programming experience.
This project was made by referencing both libnx's hello-world template and the original Pixel-Painter homebrew for the 3DS.
The ability to draw with six different colors on the screen
Controls and color information on the left side of the screen
Take screenshots of your drawings with the screen-capture button (Includes side-menu)
Changes 1.2:
Added white as a draw-able color
Updated to latest libnx commit, fixes a possible screen-burn issue
Icon is now correctly displayed in the Homebrew Launcher Menu
Swapping between colors is no longer as 'clean'
download https://github.com/16BitWonder/Pixel-Painter-Switch
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16463
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Technicmaster0 has released a port of Useless Homebrew for the Nintendo Switch, here the info:
This is a port of the "Useless Homebrew 1.1" written by Rydian for the DS. It tries to mimic a "useless machine" that has a switch. Press "A" to switch the machine on and see what happens.
The screenshot is from the pegaswitch version which has a larger font and looks a bit prettier.
UPDATE (1.0.1):
The Pegaswitch edition now works with the Homebrew Launcher, too.
But make sure to exit the homebrew by pressing the HOME-Button and not by pressing "-" or finishing the game! The Homebrew Launcher will crash otherwise!
download http://fuk-team.de.vu/
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for Switch users on 4.x firmwares:
The ReSwitched Hacking Team has done it again. motezazer, ktemkin and SciresM have achieved code execution on 4.x via deja vu at TrustZone level. This means devices on 4.x will be able to gain access to the whole system. SciresM strongly advises to not update in the future.
After less than a year, the Switch hacking team has moved extremely fast and now have got full access on the latest version. The progress being made is incredible, and in comparison, the 3DS took around 2 years to get ARM9 access. The scene is looking very promising so far and we are very lucky to have such talented people working on the Switch.
If you are on 4.x or below, you will be able to gain access to the whole system's hardware. Users on lower firmwares will get CFW first. If you're on 4.0.0/4.0.1, just update to 4.1.0.
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February 22nd, 2018, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new homebrew game for the Nintendo Switch:
So, with the release of libtransistor 1.1.1, libtransistor-based homebrew is now compatible with HBL.
As such, I uploaded another new .nro to the releases page. Currently it (and other libtransistor homebrew) will crash if you try to exit the game via the menu, but you can press Home to get back to HBL through the album.
Thanks to everyone who worked on HBL, libnx and libtransistor for this progress so far.
Edit Feb 19, 2018: the .nro file now is compatible with HBL
download https://github.com/vgmoose/spacenx
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16453
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who are RPG fans will be salivating at this news, so here goes:
A major update to what many consider to be the best version of Final Fantasy VI, Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition 2.00 has been released. Many lines in the script have been fine tuned and corrected where it was needed. This also includes the Updated Opera versions that use the modern translations of the famous Opera scene in the game.
Several issues in previous versions have been corrected. This includes a character walking through a wall, and the Sketch bug finally being correctly fixed. In addition, the Bug-Fixes version now includes a large list of bug fixes available that fix some of the worst bugs in the game. A Bug Fix Compendium has been added to document all of the changes and tweaks made in the game.
The Music Player included has also had corrections made to the song titles that the previous version had incorrectly.
To help everyone that wonders what name changes were made to items and monsters, lists are now included to give players an understanding of where the names come from.
With the Bug Fixes, Updated Opera, Add-Ons, and Music Player added in, this presents a fantastic way to experience the game, whether its for first time players or long time fans.
more here http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1386
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Nintendo Multi System Emulator for Windows:
higan v106r7 is released.. higan (formerly bsnes) is a Nintendo multi-system emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It currently supports the following systems:
- Famicom
- Super Famicom
- Game Boy
- Game Boy Color
- Game Boy Advance
higan also supports the following subsystems:
- Super Game Boy
- BS-X Satellaview
- Sufami Turbo
higan Changelog:
- Super Game Boy: for the 50th time, higan won't segfault if you
cancel the Game Boy cartridge load request
- icarus: moved to new manifest syntax for all remaining systems
- Game Boy: moved to new manifest syntax
- Game Boy: save RAM does not appear to be working for some reason
- Famicom: higan won't even start to run this system; it just acts
like a cartridge was never loaded ...
- cores outside of the Super Famicom and Game Boy/Color will not run
due to icarus/higan manifest syntax differences
download https://gitlab.com/higan/higan
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/higan-v106r7.html
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
I cant wait for the day Nintendo release a N64 Mini but until then lets keep an eye on the emulator releases, heres the news:
m64p (2018/02/19) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
download https://m64p.github.io/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/m64p-20180219.html
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
RetroArch is a front-end for various emulators that are called cores. Thanks to RetroArch, you can manage your entire multi-platform game collection from just one program and avoid having to fiddle around with various different emulators! With RetroArch, you can emulate consoles such as:
The NES, SNES, GBA and many more Nintendo consoles
- The Genesis, Master System and Game Gear among other Sega consoles
- Arcade machines
- Various computers (such as old Amiga computers) and some game engines (PrBoom for DOOM
What got updated/changed in RetroArch 1.7.1?
RetroArch 1.7.1 brings along the following:
The Wii U port was greatly improved with shader and overlay support, increased stability while switching cores and menu shader effects.
The original XBOX port is finally back with 21 cores thanks to the fact that the RetroArch team still supports compiling with Visual Studio 2003 and has created a Direct3D8 driver which also works with older PCs.
Cores that support subsystems such as bSNES (Super Gameboy) and Same Boy (2-Link netplayer) can have their subsystem started directly from the RetroArch UI rather than through the command line
A new Direct3D 11/12 driver that has features such as overlay support, menu shader effects and being able to draw the menu itself so you’ll have a unified experience with nothing being out of place!
The Nintendo Switch port is now closer to being released than ever thanks to the recent major developments in the Switch homebrew scene. RetroArch is saying that a port for the Switch should be with us with the release of RetroArch 1.7.2 so stay tuned!
The SNES9X2010 RetroArch has been ported to the Nintendo Switch by Sean Torres thanks to the ReSwitched Team!
Web Player works again and many bug fixes across many platforms.
download https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-1-released/
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/22/retroar...d11-12-driver/
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February 25th, 2018, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
I have got to get myself a Snes Mini, its one of the consoles of the year and the hackability of it is awesome to any true emulation fan, heres the release news:
Hot on the recent 'hakchi2 CE' release, we have @ClusterM returning and updating his original hakchi2, below is the new changes:
What's new:
Please note that RetroArch mod was updated too: https://github.com/ClusterM/retroarch-clover/releases/
Thanks to: madmonkey, pcm720, DanTheMan827, princess_daphie, skogaby, honeylab, KMFDManic for great help with everything.
TODO: Merge my branch with hakchi2 CE.
Things are looking good as noted above it seems the two projects are going to 'merge' together soon, giving us the best possible in the world of modding our official Retro Mini Consoles from Nintendo.
news via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/cl...rch-mod.46525/
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February 25th, 2018, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
With the recent release of 'Homebrew Launcher' for v3.0.0 Switch consoles, now some good 'homebrew' is appearing from developers.
Rinnegatamante said:New EasyRPG Player is a software allowing you to run games built with RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003 on your system.
It actually supports several consoles and now Switch support got added.
Switch code is still not merged in upstream repo ( https://github.com/EasyRPG/Player/pull/1337 ) but i'm releasing here the current test build to let you guys starting experimenting with it.
We need feedbacks especially for the audio code that's the most "arranged" part of the port.
You can download the test build here: https://rinnegatamante.it/easyrpg-player.rar
Place the folder easyrpg-player in /switch and place your games in /switch/easyrpg-player (same folder for RTP files if required, so /switch/easyrpg-player/rtp)
NOTE: As of now, EasyRPG Player has some glitched graphics issues and issues in loading savegames that are not related to Switch port and will be fixed quickly by the team. That glitches were caused by a regression caused by some PRs to upstream repo.
download https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-...switch.497328/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ea.../switch.46523/
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February 25th, 2018, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an updated version of a gameboy homebrew release, heres the release details:
Dumblin Dungeon is a Gameboy multiplayer game, 2+ players. You control a Goblin that must activate buttons in a given order, and in a given timing. If you succeed, tell the next pattern to the next player, and give him the Gameboy. The first pattern is A B C D, walk on the pressure plate with your character to activate it.
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/dumblin-du...-01-28-gb-game
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February 25th, 2018, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch is a very exciting scene at the moment and heres a release that will excite the development community:
nop90 is known for many Nintendo 3DS homebrew game ports and for porting libSDL to the Nintendo 3DS. Now he started an attempt bringing libSDL to the Nintendo Switch!
Release notes:
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February 25th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Its amazing to think in this day and age that commercial releases are happening for the NES, awesome stuff
NES Hangman by K3VBOT is not a very extensive title, as there is not much story line you can put behind a hangman game. The digital ROM is available for any amount you wish, weather that’s $1 or any other amount. PM the author via the release board. The game works on real hardware but also emulators. A physical copy of the game can be purchased too.
news via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...rcial-nes-game
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February 25th, 2018, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
You have to appreiciate the work that coders do to release games for old systems and the like of pdroms for finding the releases, heres the news:
Squishy the Turtle by cppchriscpp is a puzzle game written for the Nintendo Gameboy. It was originally created in 48 hours for Lundum Dare #34 and updated for MAGFest 2018. You play as a turtle, who must collect his eggs while avoiding the spiders and crabs covering the landscape.
Squishy has a special power – he is able to grow and shrink at will. Some places will only be accessible by Squishy in either form. The rivers are infested with piranhas, so squishy must be big when crossing them to avoid piranha bites. Likewise, there are tiny spaces (like portals) that the big, slow form of Squishy cannot fit through. Spiders are also afraid of the big squishy, but crabs seek after him for food. Can you collect all of the eggs and get to safety?
via https://pdroms.de/gameboy/squishy-the-turtle-magfest-2018-gb-game
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February 25th, 2018, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
If your going to hack your 3DS or indeed your 2DS then youll need this app:
FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS. Discussion via GBAtemp.

Release notes:
* Clean up various bits of core code.
* Fix font size on CHN/KOR/TWN devices.
* HTTP operations now support gzip/deflate compression, which should reduce bandwidth usage when supported by the server.
* Load file metadata after populating full list. Directories containing a lot of CIAs should populate faster now, although detailed information will not be immediately available for all files until loading has finished.
– File operations for which file metadata is unnecessary should also load faster.
* Modify built-in updater to pull from TitleDB, as GitHub no longer supports TLS versions supported by the 3DS.
* Rewrite TitleDB support.
– Titles can be installed as a 3DSX and/or a CIA, depending on availability.
— Descriptions and categories are displayed in the main TitleDB list, and detailed information is displayed for CIA and 3DSX versions after selecting a title.
– Entries will be blue when a newer version is available. Note that all installed titles will be marked as outdated until installed with version 2.5.0 or later through TitleDB, as the last installed version must be added to the cache.
* All outdated titles can be updated at once by pressing Y in the TitleDB list.
– Basic sorting and filtering options have been added.
A lot of internal changes were made leading up to this release. Make sure to report any glitches and crashes that may have been missed.
Also, the built-in updater should no longer work on versions older than 2.5.0, as GitHub has disabled TLSv1.1 support.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/fbi-v...ds-application
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February 25th, 2018, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a rather great looking port for the Nintendo Switch, heres the release notes:
nop90 is currently experimenting to bring Fruit’Y to the Nintendo Switch. We will keep you updated! The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to a cute tiger who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level.
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February 25th, 2018, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another of the major applications you will use then hacking the 3DS for custom firmwares, heres the release news:
GodMode9 Explorer by d0k3 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console. It gives you access to your SD card, to the FAT partitions inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND and to basically anything else. Among other functionality you can copy, delete, rename files and create folders. You can find the source here.
[new] PCX bitmap viewer
[new] Extracting data partition for DIFF files
[improved] Improved ticket.db parser, only output verified titlekeys / tickets
[improved] Revised font system, now allowing to switch font in runtime (1)
[improved] Improved handling for batch operations
[improved] Improved titlekey and NCCH seed extractor
[fixed] Compatibility with CIAs containing >= 256 contents
[fixed] No more crashes caused by malformed CIAs
[fixed] Detecting CDN/NUS downloads
[scripting] ntrboot detection via $[HAX] env var
[scripting] dirsel command (works like filesel)
[scripting] isdir and exist commands (useful with if)
[scripting] for command, also works recursively
[deprecated] XORpad drive and ncchinfo.bin XORpad generator (2)
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/godmo...ds-application
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February 25th, 2018, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
The releases just dont stop, heres the news:
Fluffy Space Escape is a new turn-based puzzle game by cppchriscpp for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
The year is 2248. You are a rabbit that has been transported into space after a teleporter mishap. You must fight your way through space to find your way home. A series of teleporters can get you back. These teleporters are powered by gems. However, these gems are extremely heavy! The more gems you have, the slower you move. Can you get the bunny back to earth before the end?
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...re-40-nes-game
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February 25th, 2018, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Its nice to have some snes news for a change, here it is:
Ferris does some live coding and aims for Kefrens Bars for the Super Nintendo.
Release notes:
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February 25th, 2018, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
If you have hacked your 3DS this is probably the release that will open your eyes to what is about on the 3DS scene, heres whats new:
Cache fix for TLSv1.1 revoke by GitHub.
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
Russian language updated ( #1 ), minor update to American Spanish ( #2 ).
Note that the TLSv1.1 revoke will cause theCruel's original version of freeShop (freeShop 2.0) to become unusuable. It's strongly recommended to upgrade to CE version, if you haven't done so already.
-- Special hugs to @Byokugen for being there from beginning to end! She's awesome
download https://notabug.org/evi/freeShop
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16476
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