March 5th, 2018, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Some News from our friends over at Emulation 64:
RxNES has returned with a new release now to 3.003, RxNES is a unity powered emulator based on MyNes, it allows enhancements and modifications, that allow replacements of tiles, with either 3D models, or sprites, regardless of size, has full custom scripting in c# which allows limitless possibilities for modding, and even allows the use of midi instruments.
You can download the current version here, and feel free to discuss here, and i'll try to answer any questions
via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2832/RxNES-3/
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March 5th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Team Switchbrew offers version 1.1.0 of "Libnx ", a bookstore that originally developed the Nintendo Switch. If you want to develop homebrews for the Nintendo Switch, the LIBNX is the best option.
It is necessary to install the Toolchains DevkitPro which includes the LIBNX.
Fixed a race condition in HID causing sporadic incorrect key-releases when using hidKeysHeld().
Unix socket API is now supported.
Time support, currently only UTC.
Added hidMouseRead().
Added settings-services support.
Added gfxSetDrawFlip() and gfxConfigureTransform().
Proper (libnx-side) RomFS support. Initial fsStorage support / other fs(dev) changes.
The console font is now 16x16.
Fixed args parsing with quotes.
Various audio adjustments + added audoutWaitPlayFinish().
More irs (irsensor) support.
Added usleep().
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
download https://github.com/switchbrew/libnx
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ef2cbe302e074b
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March 5th, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nop90 offers version 1.0 of the "SDL Lopan switch " Port of the Mahjong game "SDL Lopan " for the Nintendo Switch.
A classic remake of Linux Lopan (a Mahjong solitaire clone) by Dave Ashley
Like other Mahjongg games, you try to remove all the pieces. To remove pieces you must select a pair of pieces with the same drawing.
I made this port to test the touch screen support and the full screen zoom in my libSDL. It's nothing special, but since it's finished I release it.
The source code of my port is on github (https://github.com/Nop90-Switch/SDLLopan-SWITCH).
The compiled game is released on github (https://github.com/Nop90-Switch/SDLLopa ... H/releases).
Ver. 1.0 (03 March 2018)
- First reelase
Extract the content of the zip in the root of the SD card.
You can run the game on RyujiNX too: extract the content of the zip in the %%appdata%%\RyuFs\sdmc folder and drag the nro file on Ryujinx.exe.
Note: on windows the %%appdata%% folder is \Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ef2cbe302e074b
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March 5th, 2018, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante offers version 1.0 then 1.1 of "HCL-Switch ", Port of the platform game "Hydra Castle Labyrinth" for the Nintendo Switch.
HCL-Switch v.1.1
HCL-Switch is a port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth for Nintendo Switch.
Hydra Castle Labyrinth, originally Meikyuujou Hydra, is a freeware Indie platformer developed by E. Hashimoto, a.k.a. Buster, and released on his website. The original game was entirely in Japanese, but saw a translation patch months after its original creation.
The game hearkens back to early "Metroidvania" games like Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard: the player explores an immense maze-like dungeon, collecting tools and keys that allow them to proceed deeper. Certain areas are cordoned off from the main dungeon area, and each presents a more linear zone with a boss at the end. The player can find new equipment to make themselves stronger as well.
A = Jump
B = Attack
Minus = Open Pause Menu
Plus = Open Inventory
Up = Interact with objects and save points
DPad = Move the character
- E. Hashimoto for the original game.
- Thanks to EasyRPG Team for their awesome audio decoder and Ghabry for helping me adapting it to work without EasyRPG core.
download https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/HCL-Switch
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ef2cbe302e074b
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March 5th, 2018, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
NOP90 offers version 0.2 alpha of "Fruit'Y ", carrying the puzzle game of the same name of Team Retroguru for the Nintendo Switch.
Fruit'Y - Playing with edibles is heavily inspired by the Kaiko classic Gem'X, which has been seen on computers such as the Commodore Amiga 500, Commodore 64 and Atari ST.
Although tiger mum forbids little Sheran to play with edibles, there is simply no way to stop him from playing with fruits found inside the deep jungle. Being shiny, smelling wonderful and tasting even better Sheran can't be kept away. So let's do the best we could do: Support him!
The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to Sheran who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level. Sounds easy?!
There is a total of five fruits. Once you control Sheran's prank and activate a field, the fruit inside the activated field morphs two steps, while the other fields located above, below, to the left and to the right, morph the fruit located inside only once.
The order of fruits is shown in the middle of the playing field.
Mango -> Turns into an orange
Orange -> Turns into a banana
Banana -> Turns into a pear
Pear -> Turns into an apple
Apple -> Turns into nothing, the apple disappears.
Don't forget: Hit on the spot, the fruit morphs two steps, while the surrounding neighbour fruits only morph once. It's not difficult to understand, just play the first few levels.
The code is closed source and copyright of Retroguru (www.retroguru.com)
v0.2 alpha release (02 march 2018)
- Fixed keys issue
- Aded touch screen support
v0.1 alpha release (28 february 2018)
- No sound yet (audio not implemented in LibSDL for Switch)
- Tested only on RyujiNX emulator.
- On a real console could crash on exit (issue related to the alpha version of the libSDL port to Switch) - to be tested
download http://www.retroguru.com/fruity/
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...ef2cbe302e074b
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March 5th, 2018, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste offers version 1.5 then 1.51 of "PFBA (Portable final burn alpha) ", Port of the Arcade emulator final burn Alpha for the Nintendo Switch.
Changelog 1.51:
PFBA: some ui adjustment
PFBA: fix 4/3 aspect ratio
NX: add audio (not perfect, but mostly ok)
NX: many fixes and improvements
PSP2: lot of ui changes
PSP2: fixed shaders (was not properly scaling, linear filter and sharp+scan shader is now perfect)
PSP2: many, many changes...
Changelog 1.50 :
DELETE FILE "/switch/pfba/pfba.cfg
DELETE FOLDER "/switch/pfba/configs"
add hardware scaling and rotation, big improvement in frame-rate.
fix scaling and rotation in any mode (horizontal, vertical, flipped)
add save state support
fix some random crashes
fix input change/mapping in configuration menu
add input names in configuration menu (textures to come)
add joystick support (basic, handled as buttons for now)
add rotation information in rom info box
add crappy audio support (disabled for now)
add fba version in loading screen
disabled unused filtering option for now (only linear filtering is available)
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba/tree/new
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16487
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March 5th, 2018, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
YELLOWS8 and Plutoo offer version 2.0.0 of "The Homebrew Launcher ", a utility that once installed will allow the launch of homebrew on the Nintendo switch, only for switches to the System 3.0.0 menu.
Usage instructions
Download latest nx-hbmenu.
Put the hbmenu.nro on the root of your sdcard.
Insert the sdcard into the device.
Set your Switch DNS server to, and perform a connection test.
Click "Install".
If you see 2000-1337 on your screen it means installation succeeded.
Restart the device, and perform a new connection test.
Click "Run".
The exploit is finished when there's a popup asking you to exit.
Go to the home menu and click the Album icon.
Major GUI update.
The used theme is now selected via the current system theme.
Files/directories starting with name '.' are now ignored.
Args are now handled properly.
If {dirname}/{dirname}.nro is not found, the NRO found via dir-listing will be used instead, if there's only 1 NRO in the directory. This only applies for paths located under "sdmc:/switch/".
download https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbmenu
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=16484
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March 5th, 2018, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
ANT512 proposes "Amy Zing and the Amazing mazes ", Labyrinth game with 3 levels of difficulty also available for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS.
I used the Kruskal algorithm to generate the mazes. On the linked page the author complains that the algorithm “tends to create a lot of short dead-ends”, but that property makes it perfect for toddlers who don’t have the patience for extensive backtracking when they take the wrong path.
The game itself took almost no time at all to write; excluding libraries and presentation fluff the game weighs in at around 600 lines of C. The most complex tasks were fixing a weird rendering bug (that turned out to be a missing conversion between co-ordinate systems in the layer library) and writing a bunch of transitions between scenes. The first, and most troublesome, transition looks just like this one I made 7 years ago in JavaScript (hit refresh if the image doesn’t show up; the script doesn’t preload the image), but with the addition of fade out as the image disappears. Unfortunately that proved too complex for both the DS and the 3DS to render at 60fps so I replaced it with a simpler cross-fade transition.
There’s no title screen bitmap and the player’s character is just a red box. I’d intended to come up with a pixel art title screen showing Amy Zing herself, and an Amy Zing sprite that would wander around the mazes, but that’s beyond the limit of my drawing ability (if anyone is interested in contributing a title screen and a sprite in 3 sizes, let me know).
Tinkering with menu systems, transitions, difficulty levels, presentation and general polish took long enough that the toddler in question has long since lost interest in solving mazes.
download http://simianzombie.com/posts/2017/1...-amazing-mazes
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16482
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March 5th, 2018, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
ANT512 offers "Amy Zing and the Amazing mazes ", a labyrinth game with 3 levels of difficulty for the Nintendo DS.
I used the Kruskal algorithm to generate the mazes. On the linked page the author complains that the algorithm “tends to create a lot of short dead-ends”, but that property makes it perfect for toddlers who don’t have the patience for extensive backtracking when they take the wrong path.
The game itself took almost no time at all to write; excluding libraries and presentation fluff the game weighs in at around 600 lines of C. The most complex tasks were fixing a weird rendering bug (that turned out to be a missing conversion between co-ordinate systems in the layer library) and writing a bunch of transitions between scenes. The first, and most troublesome, transition looks just like this one I made 7 years ago in JavaScript (hit refresh if the image doesn’t show up; the script doesn’t preload the image), but with the addition of fade out as the image disappears. Unfortunately that proved too complex for both the DS and the 3DS to render at 60fps so I replaced it with a simpler cross-fade transition.
There’s no title screen bitmap and the player’s character is just a red box. I’d intended to come up with a pixel art title screen showing Amy Zing herself, and an Amy Zing sprite that would wander around the mazes, but that’s beyond the limit of my drawing ability (if anyone is interested in contributing a title screen and a sprite in 3 sizes, let me know).
Tinkering with menu systems, transitions, difficulty levels, presentation and general polish took long enough that the toddler in question has long since lost interest in solving mazes.
download http://simianzombie.com/posts/2017/1...-amazing-mazes
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16480
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March 5th, 2018, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo took the WiiU gave it more power and expanded on the portabality idea and created an awesome console, heres the highlights of the 1st year:
Let’s take a moment to review some of the highlights from Nintendo Switch’s first year:
- March 2017 – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild launched alongside Nintendo Switch on March 3, with the adventure continuing later in the year with the release of two DLC packs, Trial of the Sword and the Champions Ballad. The game went on to receive a score of 97 on Metacritic, as well as numerous Game of the Year awards.
- April 2017 –Mario Kart 8 Deluxe gave fans the ability to bring the game with them everywhere to play with friends and family for the ultimate kart-racing bragging rights.
- June 2017 – To kick off the summer, Nintendo released ARMS, a unique fighting game starring an eclectic roster of characters overflowing with personality. With fast-paced single- and multiplayer modes, fans could face each other in battles anytime, anywhere.
- July 2017 – Splatoon 2 inked its way onto the system with new modes, characters, weapons and ways to splat their friends in local and online multiplayer modes. Since launch, a continuous rollout of free new content has released for the game, making it more fun than ever to splat friends and family on the go or at home.
- August 2017 – One of the biggest third-party games of the year was Ubisoft’s Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. The strategic adventure-RPG combined the wacky world of the Rabbids with the iconic Super Mario franchise, resulting in an epic quest for all ages.
- October 2017 – Super Mario Odyssey launched in October, earning a score of 97 on Metacritic. In this massive sandbox-style game, Mario uses fun new hat-based abilities like cap throw, cap jump and capture with his new partner Cappy. These new abilities define his new adventure and provide a fresh take on the classic Super Mario formula. A fun new online competitive mode called Luigi’s Balloon World was recently added through a free update.
- December 2017 – As a thrilling close to 2017, Nintendo launched a sequel to the original Xenoblade Chronicles RPG series, Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This sprawling game offers players a deep battle system to master, giant worlds to explore and an endearing cast of characters to meet.
In addition to the above games, a wide variety of other first- and third-party games launched for Nintendo Switch in its first year. This includes games from publishers like EA, Capcom, Psyonix, Take-Two Interactive, Ubisoft and Bethesda, to popular “Nindies” content, indie games on Nintendo Switch made by independent publishers, including Stardew Valley from Chucklefish LTD, Overcooked: Special Edition from Team 17 and Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove from Yacht Club Games. And best of all: Every single game released on Nintendo Switch can be played at home or on the go!
Looking ahead to the second year, many fun new things are in store. From hot new games with classic characters like Kirby Star Allies, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Mario Tennis Aces to third-party games like Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and DARK SOULS: REMASTERED and Nintendo Labo, a series of DIY kits crafted to work with the Nintendo Switch, fans are sure to have new experiences that will put smiles on their faces that they can take with them anywhere to play with anyone!
what an awesome first year
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March 5th, 2018, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice bit of Custom Firmware news for the Switch:
Exosphere (A TrustZone re-implementation in Atmosphere, my Switch CFW) just successfully performed smcCpuOn, turning on a second CPU core for the kernel it loaded for the first time on hardware. Lots of debugging/work ahead, but great progress. 
Happy Switch-release anniversary, everyone! 
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3666
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March 9th, 2018, 14:04 Posted By: wraggster
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March 9th, 2018, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some Nintendo Switch hacking News:
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March 10th, 2018, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
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March 10th, 2018, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a load of updated Romhacks for Nintendo Consoles released:
The following Hacks have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
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March 10th, 2018, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a puzzle game for the NES with Zelda 2 ish graphics:
Gruniożerca 2 is a puzzle-platformer for the NES developed by Łukasz Kur & M_Tee between November 2017 and January of 2018. Released during March 2018.
In it, you control Grunio, pet and guinea pig mascot of arhn.eu, on a quest to find his owner, gaming personality Dark Archon, who has gotten lost in the depths of their overly complex cellar.
Luckily, Grunio’s chew toys have been strewn all throughout the house, the cellar being no exception. So, help this piggie place blocks, swing squeaky hammers, push stools, press switches, collect keys, devour carrots, leap, climb, teeter, and tumble his way through 24 dark, dingy, and drab basement doors.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...ion-1-nes-game
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March 10th, 2018, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another Homebrew release for the Nintendo Switch:
Hydra Castle Labyrinth, originally Meikyuujou Hydra, is a freeware Indie platformer developed by E. Hashimoto, a.k.a. Buster. Now the game has been ported to Nintedo Switch by Rinnegatamante.
The game hearkens back to early “Metroidvania” games like Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard: the player explores an immense maze-like dungeon, collecting tools and keys that allow them to proceed deeper. Certain areas are cordoned off from the main dungeon area, and each presents a more linear zone with a boss at the end. The player can find new equipment to make themselves stronger as well.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-switch/hy...itch-game-port
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March 11th, 2018, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
I only brought a Nintendo WiiU late last year and hacked it at Xmas and im so impressed with Nintendo for a quality console that was the birth for the awesome Nintendo Switch, heres the latest release of the WiiU Emulator:
Cemu v1.11.5 is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.11.5 Changelog:
general: Updated game profiles
general: Added more logging options and cleaned up logging menu a bit
general: Enabling online mode now requires all ccert/scert files
input: Added support for emulating Wiimote controllers using keyboard/usb-controllers (no native support yet!)
input: Reworked the input settings window to open a lot faster
coreinit: Fixed MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx not handling negative alignment correctly
coreinit: Fixed MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx sometimes returning the wrong size
coreinit: Added API MEMCreateUserHeapHandle(), OSCopyFromClipboard()
coreinit: Fixed a potential crash in FSReadFile/FSReadFileAsync when the specified length is zero
AX: Rewrote snd_core2 audio driver
AX: Added snd_core1 API AXGetMaxVoices(), AXSetVoiceSamplesAddr()
GX2: Reduced shader compile time and RAM usage for Nvidia GPUs
GX2: Added support for creating cube-map views into 2D array textures
GX2: Added support for more vertex attribute formats
swkbd: Added support for Unicode input + some minor tweaks
nlibcurl: Fixed a crash bug in curl_multi_perform
download http://cemu.info/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/03/cemu-v1115.html
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March 12th, 2018, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
If your a fan of Tetris and that must be a fair few of you, heres a tetris clone for the Nintendo Switch:
Ryuzaki_MrL has released his homebrew tetris clone for the exploitable Nintendo Switch consoles, check it out below:
Presenting "tetriswitch", a tetris clone for the Nintendo Switch. Still a work in progress.
This was going to be announced yesterday, but I didn't want to overshadow Super Smash Bros.
The following is implemented:
- SRS rotation system
- Hold and next pieces
- Wall and floor kick
- Bag random generator
The following is *not* implemented, at least for now:
- T-Spin detection or any kind of trick reward
- Highscore saving
Why tetris?
I have a special feeling for this game. Tetris for the Gameboy was the first handheld game I've ever played, and even my old 3DS XL came with a Tetris gamecard! This game still gets me hooked.
It's freaking Tetris, but anyway:
- (<) / (>): move tetromino
- Hold (Down): soft drop (fast drop)
- (Up): hard drop (instant drop)
- (A) / (B): rotate
- (X): change grid color
- (L) / (R): hold tetromino
- (+): pause; start over (after game over)
- (-): quit game (while paused)
But enough talk...
download https://github.com/Ryuzaki-MrL/tetriswitch/releases
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...-switch.46618/
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March 12th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another classic reimagined for the Nintendo Switch:
Shrike from GBATemp recently released his port of 'Snake' game as homebrew app to enjoy on exploitable Switch firmwares. 
It's nothing special.. (well its the first LovePotion game on switch maybe ??) .. but I thought maybe you like to see it.
Actually it (only) took me about 5h to write it .. but like I said its not something super fancy..
At the moment there is no way we could use text with LovePotion so there is no score .. I guess you just have to count the points yourself
How to run:
- Extract inside your /switch folder and run LovePotion.nro with hbmenu
- Use the DPad keys for navigation .. (maybe version 2 will have joystick support)
- ..... ?
- Profit!
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March 12th, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another homebrew game port for the Switch:
Meritous is an action-adventure dungeon crawl game now ported to Nintendo Switch by nop90. The game is a cross between a top-view dungeon crawler and a bullet-hell shoot-em-up. In it, you control main character Merit, who travels through an enormous 3000-room labyrinth, the Orcus Dome, in order to find three artifacts called the PSI Keys, and restore them to their proper locations.
The game’s official homepage can be found here: http://asceai.net/meritous/
via https://pdroms.de/nintendo-switch/me...itch-game-port
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March 12th, 2018, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Been a while since we had a Nintendo DS release, heres the news:
Belgian developer Pype still gives love to his long term Nintendo DS homebrew game project School Rush.
Help Bilou, a blue, ball-shaped explorer to stop an evil gauge haunting a school. You can jump and grab things but also stomp some monsters. Your goal is to reach the right of each level before you’re caught by the ever-raising ink. You’ll need to be quick, too. Use (R) or double-tap in left/right directions as if you were a pink, living vacuum cleaner.
via https://pdroms.de/nintendods/school-...12-30-nds-game
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March 12th, 2018, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Another update for this Wii Homebrew Game, heres the release info:
It very much seems that Owen is coding nonstop on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii. Is that a good sign to see a public version soon?
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March 12th, 2018, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Beats of rage for the Nintendo Wii, awesome port:
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.
via https://pdroms.de/wii/openbor-v3-0-b...-wii-misc-port
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March 14th, 2018, 09:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo have released a new firmware upgrade for the awesome console, heres whats new:
Big 'N' has finally pushed out the much rumored and talk-about v5.0.0 firmware update for their Nintendo Switch console, and as usual if you wish to make usage of 'homebrew', 'emulators', 'trustzone' hacks/exploits in the now or near future, it is recommended NOT to update pass your current v4.1.0 possible-future-hackable or the working best v3.0.0 which already has an 'homebrew launchers' for it.
Nintendo said:Improvements Included in Version 5.0.0 (Distributed 03/12/2018)
Added the following system functionality
- Facebook and Twitter friends that also use Nintendo Switch can now be added through Friend Suggestions
- Friend suggestions are based on the Facebook and Twitter accounts you have linked to your Nintendo Account
- To view your friend suggestions, from the top left of the HOME Menu head to your User Page > Friend Suggestions
- You must be 13 or older to use this feature
- Select from 24 new ARMS and the Kirby series icons for your user
- To edit your user icon, head to your My Page on the top left of the Home Menu > Profile
- Digital software purchases made from a PC or smart device will start downloading sooner than previously, even if the Nintendo Switch console is in Sleep Mode
- Filter News to view only unread news or news from specific channels
- To keep the Parental Controls PIN private, the default method for PIN entry has been changed to entering using the Control Stick and buttons instead of the on-screen number pad
- When prompted to enter you Parental Controls PIN, press and hold the + Button to change between input methods
- Captured videos in the Album will be restricted by Parental Controls depending on the Restricted Software setting and Software Rating Organization
- Using the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, add specific software titles to your whitelist to exclude them from the console’s Parental Controls Restricted Software setting
- Play-Time Limit restrictions will still apply even when the software title has been whitelisted.
- Receive notification when pre-purchased software is ready to play
- Nintendo Switch Pro Controller grip colors will now display in the Controllers menu
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience, including:
- Resolved an issue that caused Play Activity to display incorrectly in the Profile section of your User Page
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://yls8.mtheall.com/ninupdates/...-05-11&sys=hac
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ni...eleased.46625/
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March 14th, 2018, 09:51 Posted By: wraggster
Seems Nintendo have released a firmware that blocks hacking, heres the info :
This is a speculative post, so bear with me. After analyzing the Switch firmware 5.0.0 changes and reading SciresM's tweets, it looks like Nintendo is adding support for a new hardware revision of the Tegra CPU/GPU which is a SOC (System On Chip) dubbed 'Mariko'. The new firmware also includes a RomFS update with what seems like new crypto and support for the upcoming 'Mariko' chipset. My guess is that Nintendo is doing what Sony did with PS3 SuperSlim (déj* vu lv0.2), they are adding a new bootrom which plugs the current vulnerability and locking the lowest firmware to 5.0.0 for the new hardware in silicon. I agree with SciresM who wrote: 'Might be a good time to pick up a console with a vulnerable bootrom
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March 19th, 2018, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
Fruit'Y - Playing with edibles is heavily inspired by the Kaiko classic Gem'X, which has been seen on computers such as the Commodore Amiga 500, Commodore 64 and Atari ST.
Although tiger mum forbids little Sheran to play with edibles, there is simply no way to stop him from playing with fruits found inside the deep jungle. Being shiny, smelling wonderful and tasting even better Sheran can't be kept away. So let's do the best we could do: Support him!
The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to Sheran who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level. Sounds easy?!
There is a total of five fruits. Once you control Sheran's prank and activate a field, the fruit inside the activated field morphs two steps, while the other fields located above, below, to the left and to the right, morph the fruit located inside only once.
The order of fruits is shown in the middle of the playing field.
Mango -> Turns into an orange
Orange -> Turns into a banana
Banana -> Turns into a pear
Pear -> Turns into an apple
Apple -> Turns into nothing, the apple disappears.
Don't forget: Hit on the spot, the fruit morphs two steps, while the surrounding neighbour fruits only morph once. It's not difficult to understand, just play the first few levels.
The code is closed source and copyright of Retroguru (www.retroguru.com)
v1.0 RC1 (17 march 2018)
- Added HW fullscreen scaling
- Aded sound
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March 19th, 2018, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Final Burn Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
Changelog 1.52:
SWITCH; new ui renderer (libcross2d/sdl2), improved texture and font rendering (no more scaling)
SWITCH: use bigger font size
SWITCH: add proper joystick implementation (joystick was previously interpreted as buttons).
SWITCH: add "point filtering", limited to 1x, 2x and 3x scaling. This is slower but may give a better image.
SWITCH: add basic/crappy scanline effect
SWITCH: fix input rotation (OFF=landscape, ON=landscape, FLIP=portrait)
SWITCH: fix random crash on exit? (libnx fix?)
VITA: fix wrong input rotation (hopefully)
VITA: add sharp-bilinear-simple shader back in
PFBA: don't play an audio frame when entering menu/savestates
PFBA: reset configuration when updating to a new version (sorry).
download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/pfba/tree/new
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March 19th, 2018, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an updated release for the Switch from NOP:
Far below the surface of the planet is a secret. A place of limitless power. Those that seek to control such a utopia will soon bring an end to themselves.
Seeking an end to the troubles that plague him, PSI user MERIT journeys into the hallowed Orcus Dome in search of answers.
If the game is too difficult for you, you can play in 'Wuss mode' for a far more sombre gaming experience.
Meritous is a cross between a top-view dungeon crawler and a bullet-hell shoot-em-up. In it, you control main character Merit, who travels through an enormous 3000-room labyrinth, the Orcus Dome, in order to find three artifacts called the PSI Keys, and restore them to their proper locations.
Although enemies fire copious amounts of bullets at you, you don't shoot back- instead, you have an attack called a PSI Circuit, which you charge up to unleash a shockwave that hits enemies and nullifies their shots.
As you charge up the PSI Circuit, target reticules appear on nearby enemies, the circle indicating they're in range, and the cross indicating you've charged up enough to damage or kill them.
You can't just use the PSI Circuit as often as you want, though. After releasing it, there's a cooldown time before you can charge up again, and the longer you charge up, the longer you have to wait.
Destroyed enemies leave behind PSI crystals you can use to upgrade three facets of your PSI Circuit- Circuit Charge (charge up faster), Circuit Refill (less cooldown time), and Reflect Shields.
When you have at least one level in Shields, a barrier is projected around Merit, which will deflect one bullet per shield level, before having to regenerate. As you upgrade Shields, the barrier becomes bigger, then shows multiple layers as it gets stronger.
The game needs to be tested on a real Switch for sound quality and speed. It runs at about 20fps a with really bad sound on RyujiNX emulator.
The game will crash the HBL on exiting (it's compiled with an incomplete SDL lib port to switch).
The source code of the port is on my switch github (http://github.com/Nop90-Switch/Meritous-Switch).
The compiled game is released on github (http://github.com/Nop90-Switch/Meritous-Switch/releases).
The original source is by Lancer-X/ASCEAI (http://www.asceai.net/meritous/)
Ver. 1.0 (17 March 2018)
- New build wit fixes SDL
Ver. 0.1 (09 March 2018)
- First reelase (baased on a incomplete SDL port)
Estract the zip in the root of the switch SD card
- D-pad: Move
- A: Select / use PSI
- B: Activate tiles
- L: Open Help
- R: Open map
- Minus: Exit
- Plus: Pause
download https://github.com/Nop90-Switch/Meritous-Switch
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March 19th, 2018, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the PCEngine emulator for the 3DS:
Another contribution again. This time, it's a port of Exophase's Temper (TurboGrafx/PC-Engine) emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. this port heavily relies on the 3DS's 3D GPU hardware to achieve 60 FPS (or close to 60 with frame skips). Since we are using the hardware, some games that utilise special palette effects may not work so well.
This emulator bears the same user interface as VirtuaNES for 3DS and Snes9x for 3DS. It should run better on the New 3DS as usual (but I haven't really tried running it on the New 3DS yet).
Homebrew Launcher:
Copy temperpce_3ds.3dsx, temperpce_3ds.smdh and temperpce_3ds_top.png into the /3ds/temperpce_3ds folder on your SD card.
Place your ROMs inside any folder.
Go to your Homebrew Launcher (either via Cubic Ninja, Soundhax or other entry points) and launch the temperpce_3ds emulator.
CIA Version:
Use your favorite CIA installer to install temperpce_3ds.cia into your CFW. You can also use FBI to download from TitleDB.
Place your ROMs inside any folder.
Copy temperpce_3ds_top.png to ROOT of your SD card.
Exit your CIA installer and go to your CFW's home screen to launch the app.
If you have the CD ROM BIOS, place them in the /3ds/temperpce_3ds/syscards folder.
They must be named:
syscard1.pce (version 1),
syscard2.pce (version 2),
syscard3.pce (version 3),
syscard3.pce (arcade card),
games_express.pce (for Games Express).
You can have all four in the /3ds/temperpce_3ds/syscards folder. In the configuration, you can choose which ROM version you want to use.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _
Other Stuff
What's Supported:
1. HuCard, CD-ROM, Super CD-ROM games - Castlevania Rondo of Blood, Gradius 2.
2. Idle Loop Skip.
3. Choosing between a more optimised CPU emulation core, or the original / more compatible core.
What's Not Supported Yet:
1. Cheats (seems there never was cheating software like AR or GG for TurboGrafx)
Known Bugs
1. A small number of games may have sprite or colour issues. Will look into it when time allows.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/temperpce_3ds
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March 19th, 2018, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Sega Multi System emulator for the Nintendo 3ds/2DS:
I'm putting up v0.94b for testing for anyone who would like the latest. 
Fixes include:
- Added support to save battery-backed RAM for CD games
- Fixed problems with games that show parts of the previous screens at the left/right edges
- Added support for cheats.
No emulation-related fixes, so in terms of compatibility, it should remain the same as v0.93.
Some explanation on the cheat format:
The .CHX is a cheat file format that you can create with any text editor. Each line in the file corresponds to one cheat, and is of the following format:
1. [Y/N] represents whether the cheat is enabled. Whenever you enable/disable it in the emulator, the .CHX cheat file will be modified to save your changes.
2. [CheatCode] must be an Genesis / Mega Drive Game Genie or Pro Action Replay cheat code. The cheat code looks like one of the following:
- **RHVA-A6WR** (Game Genie)
- **FFFE0D:0099** (Pro Action Replay)
- **FFB933:00** (Pro Action Replay)
- **FFB9 3300** (Pro Action Replay)
3. [Name] is a short name that represents this cheat. Since this will appear in the emulator, keep it short (< 30 characters).
The .CHX must have the same name as your ROM. This is an example of a .CHX file:
Filename: **Contra - Hard Corps (USA).chx**
N,NNCT-AAH4,Start with 99 lives
N,H9GA-AAE6,Start with all weapons
N,AM4A-AA8C,You don't lose a weapon when you die
NOTE: Some games may not boot when cheat codes are enabled at the start. Disable the cheat codes when booting the games, and enable them only after the game has started.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/picodrive_3ds/
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March 19th, 2018, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some awesome news for the NES , 2 releases in one:
Ninja and Ninja II are fast-paced QTE (Quick Time Events) based games consisting of multiple events that challenge players of all ages at reactions speeds, button mashing, and precise on-screen timing; hailing from Toshi503 Studios for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These two games come in a “2-in-1” fashion and are already complete, reflecting a magical “Black Box” art style. The game is currently seeking (sort of) funding via Kickstarter!
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...arter-nes-game
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March 19th, 2018, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Another item of news for the NES:
Gradual Games are heavily working on their new NES game Trophy. The game itself is in development since Janaury 2016.
Our new game Trophy has been in development since Jan 2016. Prob still 1-2 years left of dev, but we’re finally where we can start showing some progress. Here’s a boss from the game. Enjoy! #screenshotsaturday #nesdev #neshomebrew #indiedev #indiegame
via https://pdroms.de/nintendoentertainm...8-wip-nes-game
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March 19th, 2018, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Game Boy Advance Emulator, heres the release notes:
VisualBoyAdvance-M v2.0.2 is released. VisualBoyAdvance-M(VBA-M) is a [Super] Game Boy [Color / Advance] emulator for Windows, Linux & Mac. Here you can get information about the latest development build of the Windows version and download it while you're at it.
VisualBoyAdvance-M v2.0.2 changelog:
480541a - Eleuin - Modify max_threads sanity check to better handle erroneous values
d5c9c6b - rkitover - change default audio driver to SDL
download http://vba-m.com/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/03/visualb...ce-m-v202.html
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March 19th, 2018, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Been a while since we had some virtual boy news, but here it is:
vuefinder83 has found a previously unknown, hidden menu in Nester's Funky Bowling that lets you play all sound effects, music tracks, animations as well as display the credits.
On the Automatic Pause Screen, hold Up on both D-Pads, then press the L and R Triggers to make the menu appear.
via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=446
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