November 1st, 2014, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday a new 3DS system update was released which broke some emunand functionality.
But do not worry as we already have a new version ready for you guys!
This is another quick emunand firmware update before we bring out the real big guns!
Our latest firmware brings back full emunand support to 9.2.0-20:
* firmware spoofing
* multirom menu
* region free
We’ve gotten lots of inquiries about the New 3DS. There’s little we can officially disclose at this moment but we can safely assure you we have some tricks up our sleeves.
Also did you know: with Gateway 3DS, you can fit over 10 times 10 games on a single 128GB microSD and conveniently select them from a fancy multirom menu!
And as always ENJOY !!
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November 5th, 2014, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo announced additional features it has planned for the upcomingUltimate NES Remix for the Nintendo 3DS, including a super-speed take on Super Mario Bros.
Ultimate NES Remix includes a new "Famicom Remix" mode that features challenges previously exclusive to the Japanese versions of NES Remix and NES Remix 2 for the Wii U. Speed Mario Bros. is also new to the collection, offering a complete version of the 8-bit classic Super Mario Bros. that plays at double its normal speed.
Ultimate NES Remix hits retail and the 3DS eShop on December 5.
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November 6th, 2014, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
We’re well past the time when Halloween costume submissions stop hitting the tip line, but like ever year we’re expecting a few to trickle in until at least Thanksgiving. Remember, kids: documentation is the worst part of any project.
[Troy] sent us a link to his wearable Game Boy costume. It’s exactly what you think it is: an old-school brick Game Boy that [Troy] wore around to a few parties last weekend. This one has a twist, though. There’s a laptop in there, making this Game Boy playable.
The build started off as a large cardboard box [Troy] covered with a scaled-up image of everyone’s favorite use of AA batteries. The D-pad and buttons were printed out at a local hackerspace, secured to a piece of plywood, and connected to an Arduino Due. The screen, in all its green and black glory, was taken from an old netbook. It was a widescreen display, but with a bezel around the display the only way to tell it’s not original is from the backlight.
Loaded up with Pokemon Blue, the large-scale Game Boy works like it should, enthralling guests at wherever [Troy] ended up last Friday. It also looks like a rather quick build, and something we could easily put together when we remember it next October 30th.
[Troy] wasn’t the only person with this idea. A few hours before he sent in a link to his wearable Game Boy costume, [Shawn] sent in his completely unrelated but extremely similar project. It’s a wearable brick Game Boy, a bit bigger, playing Tetris instead of Pokemon.
[Shawn]‘s build uses a cardboard box overlaid with a printout of a scaled-up Game Boy. Again, a laptop serves as the emulator and screen, input is handled by a ‘duino clone, and the buttons are slightly similar, but made out of cardboard.
Both are brilliant builds, adding a huge Game Boy to next year’s list of possible Halloween costume ideas. Videos of both below.
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November 6th, 2014, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
The latest iterations of Nintendo’s popular handheld console have been big sellers since they launched in Japan in October, according to data provided by Famitsu.
The New 3DS and New 3DS LL shipped 408,719 units since they launched in Japan on October 11th. Of that figure, 299,995 consoles were the New 3DS LL, while the New 3DS sold 108,724 units.
In its first three days on sale the consoles sold 230,000 units.
It shouldn't be surprising then that the three best-selling games of the month were for the 3DS.
In October Monster Hunter 4G was the best selling title. It shipped 2m units during the month, and is still top of the charts three weeks after it was released. 1.2m of that was its first week on sale. Meanwhile the 3DS edition of Super Smash Bros sold just under 288,000 units, and Yokai Watch 2 sold 204,406 copies.
The top three remains unchanged from last week despite a few releases. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel debuted at No.5, while PSP title Gakuen K: Wonderful School Days makes it to seventh place in its first week.
Here’s the software Top Ten for the period between October 27th and November 1st:
1.Monster Hunter 4G (Capcom) 3DS – 89,364
2.Yokai Watch 2: Ganso/ Honke (Level 5) 3DS – 32,258
3.Super Smash Bros (Nintendo) 3DS – 30,153
4.Jikkyo Powerful Pro Yakyu 2014 (Konami) PS3 – 21,645
5.The Evil Within (Bethesda) PS3 – 15,372
6.Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (2K Games) PS3 – 14,057 (New)
7.Gakuen K: Wonderful School Days (Idea Factory) PSP – 12,989 (New)
8.Jikkyo Powerful Pro Yakyu 2014 (Konami) Vita – 11,462
9.Tales of the World: Reve Unitia (Bandai Namco) 3DS – 9,491
10.Onee Chanbara Z2:Chaos (D3) PS4 – 9,068 (New)
And here’s the hardware Top Ten:
1. New Nintendo 3DS LL 34,090
2. New Nintendo 3DS 14,482
3. PS Vita 10,315
4. Nintendo 3DS LL 10,028
5. PS4 8,014
6. Nintendo 3DS 4,476
7. PS3 4,645
8. Wii U 3,623
9. Xbox One 1,264
10. PS Vita TV 742
11. PSP 86
Monthly software sales:
1. Monster Hunter 4G (Capcom) 3DS – 2,026,454
2. Super Smash Bros (Nintendo) 3DS – 287,865
3. Yokai Watch 2: Ganso/ Honke (Level 5) 3DS – 204,406
Monthly hardware sales:
1. New 3DS LL 299,995
2. New 3DS 108,724
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November 6th, 2014, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Here we are today with another quick update!
While we are still working on the savegame features we promised, at the same time we also have other features in the works.
One of these other features was just finished and we were so excited that we could not wait any longer to share it with our users!
So what’s the new feature? Support for DevMenu and many other debug System Applications!
With DevMenu you can now install CIA archives straight into the SD card and launch games from there.
You can even take out the Gateway red card after booting into Gateway mode and still play the game from SD!
Note: we only recommend installing CIA to SD with emunand enabled.
Also, this means homebrew applications now have access to many more services!
As always, ENJOY !
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November 6th, 2014, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Fils-Aime says Super Smash Bros. 3DS sales have been 20% downloadable, Bayonetta 2 closer to 10%
Digital distribution is becoming increasingly popular throughout the console gaming industry, and Nintendo is no exception to the trend. In an interview withRe/code, Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime said the company is seeing its ratio of digital-to-physical sales shifting, but the scope of the change varies on a case-by-case basis.
"Retail still is the majority of the business for us," Fils-Aime said. "But what's interesting is, game by game and at different points in time, you see a different consumer reaction. Smash Bros. for 3DS, consumers wanted that game immediately. They didn't even want to spend the time to get in their car and drive to retail to get it, so our digital percent for that game is quite high - about 20 percent of the games sold here in the US were digital, which is a pretty significant piece. Compare that to Bayonetta 2. That's a huge game, and could take up a large part of the memory in the 32GB Wii U. That's a game with a digital percent on the lower side, today about 10 percent or so. Our mentality is, we want the consumer to have the choice based on what makes sense for you, what makes sense for the type of game it is."
Those sentiments are similar to ones made by Activision executives this week ina post-earnings conference call. The publisher's Destiny and Diablo game saw download percentages in the high teens. However, executives noted that early adopters of new consoles have been much more willing to embrace downloadable games than their past-gen counterparts, so the platform still plays a role in a game's digital-physical revenue mix.
Destiny didn't appear on the Wii U, and for the first time since the system's launch, Activision's Call of Duty franchise also took a pass on the system. When asked how Nintendo plans to court more third-party developers, Fils-Aimereiterated points the company has previously put forward, but emphasized the importance of the online experience.
"In the end, what third-party companies want is a large install base to sell their games into [and] a wide demographic footprint that they can target their games to," Fils-Aime said. "They also want a robust connected environment so that they themselves can explore downloadable content or digital sales. [For] the Wii U business, year-to-date versus last year, our install base is almost doubled. We're building that footprint for developers, with a range of games from Bayonetta 2 to Mario Kart. In the North American territory, just about every Wii U is connected to the Internet."
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November 6th, 2014, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking with investors and analysts during a financial results Q&A, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently addressed the fact that all of Nintendo’s recent devices have been region-locked—meaning that a device bought in one region cannot play games from another region.Region-locking is one of those touchy subjects that is frequently brought up by those that like to import games, particularly in the case of the Nintendo 3DS, which has a vast library of games in Japan. While most 3DS games worth playing are eventually localized and released around the world, a fair few aren’t, and the region-lock prevents them from being played on non-Japanese 3DS devices regardless of whether you understand the Japanese language or not.Regarding region-locking, Iwata acknowledged that doing away with the restriction could potentially offer certain benefits to both consumers and to Nintendo.“There have been various conditions at play in the game business, such as a history of localization taking an extremely long time, a variety of marketing constraints and circumstances in each country, and the fact that the license needed to sell games have not always been granted globally,” Iwata said.“In a sense, the region-lock has existed more for reasons having to do with the seller than the consumers. That has been the situation throughout the history of video game systems, and as for what should be done going forward, there may be advantages for the consumers and also for us if they were unlocked.”“Conversely,” he added, “unlocking them would mean having to resolve different issues that would subsequently arise. While we have not decided whether we will unlock them or not, we do recognize that it is an issue that needs to be considered in the future.”
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/06...ZafrMcZxl05.99
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November 6th, 2014, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has admitted he'd love to see more third party multiplatform games released on Wii U, although he insists his main focus is on offering customers experiences they can't get on rival platforms.
While major third party publishers initially showed support for Wii U, that has dried up somewhat due to lower than expected hardware sales following the console's November 2012 release.
Unlike 2013's Call of Duty Ghosts, this year's Call of Duty Advanced Warfare wasn't released on Wii U. Nor were the past two FIFA games, although EA chief operating officer Peter Moore told CVG in August that the console was still under consideration for future series releases.
Ubisoft backed Wii U significantly with system exclusive ZombiU and fellow console launch title Assassin's Creed 3, but neither performed as the company had hoped. Both of this year's Assassin's Creed games aren't being released on Wii U, and Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has said the upcoming Wii U version of Watch Dogs will be the last mature game the company releases on the system.
Asked how problematic the decreased third party support for Wii U is, Fils-Aime told Re/code: "I would answer the question in a couple ways. Third parties are bringing multiplatform content to our platform - Watch Dogs from Ubisoft, as an example. I would love to have Call of Duty on our platform. I would love to have any of the big blockbuster, multiplatform titles.
"But I have to say, more specifically, I want games that provide a differentiated consumer experience. If you look at the other two competitive platforms, fundamentally, what's the difference? When you look at either one, either by themselves doesn't have a lot of exclusive content. They have a lot of shared content.
"Look at it from the standpoint of, what don't they have? They don't have our games. They don't have Mario and Zelda. I'd much rather be where Nintendo is, with a differentiated platform, differentiated set-up experiences that we can provide uniquely to the consumer. Let those other guys battle it out over, you know, which visual representation of Call of Duty is most compelling. I like our chances of having a differentiated console and a differentiated series of experiences."
Wii U sales stood at 7.29 million units as of September 30. That compares unfavourably to PS4 sales of 13.5 million units. Despite having a year head start on the latest consoles from rivals Sony and Microsoft, Wii U sales are closer to those of Xbox One. Microsoft's console hadshipped five million units as of March 31, while a further 3.5 million Xbox consoles (One and 360) were shipped in the following six months to September 30.
However, Nintendo said earlier this month that Wii U sales have been on an upward curve since Mario Kart 8's release in May, and Fils-Aime suggested that the system's improved performance could lead to stronger third party backing in the years to come.
"This business is built on a year-and-a-half or two-year planning cycles, especially for the home console space. Products that they're thinking about today are not going to come into the market until two years down the road. By doing a great job today in the here and now, that's what's going to feed the pipeline of great new third party content coming onto our platform. For us, that's the long game that we're trying to play."
Fils-Aime also said Nintendo won't introduce a Wii U successor until developers hit a ceiling on the existing console's potential.
"Our mentality is, fairly soon after we launch new hardware, we already begin thinking about what's next. That's an ongoing process for us. In the end, what galvanizes us to move is when our developers have a great gaming experience that can't be done on the current platform. We're not there yet on the Wii U.
"The experiments that Shigeru Miyamoto showed at E3 show that there's a lot of innovation to be mined with Wii U. We showed off the beginnings of a Zelda game coming to Wii U. We have a lot more content to create for the Wii U, but we're always thinking about what's coming next."
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November 9th, 2014, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
Are the anti-authority stylings of Sunset Overdrive a little too hi-fi for your gaming tastes? Well friends, maybe the 8-bit aesthetic of Punktendo might be more up your alley. As the name implies, it's classic NES games by way of NOFX and more. If you're curious what type of Flash-based goodies await once you get home from work, Milo Fu is Kung Fu with The Descendents' mascot, Super Mikey Erg! is Super Mario Bros. starring The Ergs' frontman and Fat Mike's Golf, appropriately, is the Fat Wreck Chords' owner inserted into Golf. It's the latest project from Jeff Hong, a Brooklyn-based storyboard artist who's previous work includes stuff for Nickelodeon, Fox and Disney. As Vice points out, though, you might know him better from Grumpy Punk Cat or Unhappily Ever After.
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November 9th, 2014, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Digital distribution is becoming increasingly popular throughout the console gaming industry, and Nintendo is no exception to the trend. In an interview withRe/code, Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime said the company is seeing its ratio of digital-to-physical sales shifting, but the scope of the change varies on a case-by-case basis.
"Retail still is the majority of the business for us," Fils-Aime said. "But what's interesting is, game by game and at different points in time, you see a different consumer reaction. Smash Bros. for 3DS, consumers wanted that game immediately. They didn't even want to spend the time to get in their car and drive to retail to get it, so our digital percent for that game is quite high - about 20 percent of the games sold here in the US were digital, which is a pretty significant piece. Compare that to Bayonetta 2. That's a huge game, and could take up a large part of the memory in the 32GB Wii U. That's a game with a digital percent on the lower side, today about 10 percent or so. Our mentality is, we want the consumer to have the choice based on what makes sense for you, what makes sense for the type of game it is."
Those sentiments are similar to ones made by Activision executives this week ina post-earnings conference call. The publisher's Destiny and Diablo game saw download percentages in the high teens. However, executives noted that early adopters of new consoles have been much more willing to embrace downloadable games than their past-gen counterparts, so the platform still plays a role in a game's digital-physical revenue mix.
Destiny didn't appear on the Wii U, and for the first time since the system's launch, Activision's Call of Duty franchise also took a pass on the system. When asked how Nintendo plans to court more third-party developers, Fils-Aimereiterated points the company has previously put forward, but emphasized the importance of the online experience.
"In the end, what third-party companies want is a large install base to sell their games into [and] a wide demographic footprint that they can target their games to," Fils-Aime said. "They also want a robust connected environment so that they themselves can explore downloadable content or digital sales. [For] the Wii U business, year-to-date versus last year, our install base is almost doubled. We're building that footprint for developers, with a range of games from Bayonetta 2 to Mario Kart. In the North American territory, just about every Wii U is connected to the Internet."
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November 9th, 2014, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Mii App for smart devices has been pushed back into 2015, company president Satoru Iwata has confirmed.
As part of a briefing for Nintendo's investors, Iwata explained the team working on the app needed additional time to refine “various elements” for release on tablets and smartphones.
“The application under development that I said we would like to release within this year at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing in January is one that utilizes Mii on smart devices,” Iwata said. “If we were able to expand the Mii population and Mii were usable on consumers’ smart devices, for example, if consumers were able to create their profile icons on social media using Mii, we believe consumers would be happy, and we are developing something like it now.
“However, it is clear that the main pillars of this year-end sales season for us will be the Super Smash Bros. and Pokémon games, and when we started designing the Mii application, we realized that by refining various elements, we could end up with a better final product, so we decided that we should release it when we are confident it is capable of making a solid bond with our consumers.”
“When Nintendo first releases its application for smart devices, I believe that many people will be interested in it enough to try it. We are positive that we can make a stronger bond with our consumers using Mii, and that our consumers will enjoy and activate the application from time to time if such an application is created, but we would like to release it next year, instead of this year.”
The app has been in development since 2013 and was originally scheduled to arrive at some point during 2014.
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November 11th, 2014, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
 Back in the nineties, Nintendo showed the world the future, and that future was translucent plastic and circuit boards. Both the Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Color offered see-through casing, not to mention the Game Boy Advance a few years later, and kids everywhere loved them. Now, Nintendo's treating us to a pair of new 2DS handhelds crafted in the same mold.
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November 12th, 2014, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is still dominating the Japanese charts with near to 58,000 units sold this week, helping to contribute to lifetime sales of over 2.1 million.
The only new entries in the top ten were LEGO Movie: The Game. The 3DS version entered at 8 and the Wii U version at 9.
- [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 57,645 (Lifetime sales - 2,104,844)
- [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke - 27,182 (2,842,890)
- [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - 24,509 (1,701,465)
- [PS3] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2014 - 9,070 (111,037)
- [PSV] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2014 - 7,661 (71,073)
In hardware the New 3DS XL stayed top at a very comfortable distance ahead of the second place New 3DS.
- New 3DS XL - 50,619 (Last week - 41,633)
- New 3DS - 15,020 (14,040)
- PlayStation 4 - 10,078 (8,906)
- PlayStation Vita - 9,874 (10,688)
- 3DS XL - 9,083 (9,270)
- Wii U - 4,787 (4,696)
- PlayStation 3 - 4,666 (5,066)
- 3DS - 4,495 (4,730)
- PlayStation Vita TV - 678 (718)
- Xbox One - 513 (599)
- Xbox 360 - 107 (79)
- PSP - 25 (50)
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November 12th, 2014, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Fils-Aime says Smash Bros. preorders suggest a hardware spike "similarly dramatic" to the one from Mario Kart 8
Nintendo is expecting Super Smash Bros. to push Wii U hardware in a big way. Speaking with Bloomberg, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said preorders for the mascot fighting game have already surpassed those of Mario Kart 8, a sign he believes will translate into a big boost for system sales this holiday season.
"The launch of Mario Kart 8 has essentially doubled our Wii U sales year-on-year," Fils-Aime said. "Our expectation is that the sell-through for Smash is going to be very strong, certainly on par with what we saw with Mario Kart 8. We think the impact on hardware will be similarly dramatic."
During the last fiscal year, Nintendo reported sales of 2.72 million Wii U systems. Through the first six months of this fiscal year (which included the launch of Mario Kart 8), Nintendo had sold 1.12 million Wii Us, compared to just 460,000 at the same point the year before.
Super Smash Bros. launches on the Wii U November 21, although Nintendo today began allowing players to digitally pre-load the game on their systems, with the game becoming playable at midnight Eastern on release day. The rest of Nintendo's Wii U holiday push is expected to be driven by continued Mario Kart 8 sales, the debut of the Smash Bros.-compatible Amiibo toys-to-life figures, and supporting titles like Bayonetta 2 and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.
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November 13th, 2014, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Modder Kaze Emanuar has created Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition. It’s a mod that certainly lives up to its name.It’s just like playing the original Super Mario 64, except that Emanuar’s mod randomly patches in Gameshark codes that throw the game into the realm of a frantic fever dream.As you can see Vinny from “Vinesauce” experiencing in the video above, textures will swap out into shades of digital puke colors, Mario runs fast and leaps 10 times further than usual, Lakitu is found dead, all the level’s objects from trees and rocks to bridges are sucked towards Mario. And, at one point, Mario even turns into a wooden sign.That’s one way of spicing up an older game: turn it into a mostly unplayable but always highly surprising, chaotic version of itself.You can download Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition here but you’ll need an emulated version of Super Mario 64 running on your PC in order to give it a whirl. You can find emulators if you look in the right places on the internet.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/12...TQYixPRh6yf.99
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November 13th, 2014, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster

Mario Kart 8's first major content pack is available now, and for $8 and 1GB of Wii U space you can fill your racing roster with the likes of Link, the Master Cycle, and a circuit based on F-Zero's Mute City. Or, to summarize for numerophiles, three characters, four karts and eight tracks. Don't forget, you can also get the DLC as part of the $12 package that bundles in a pre-order for the second pack, due in March 2015.
The eShop's not just about Mario Kart 8 this week... 'cos Mario Kart: Super Circuitbrings GBA racing to the Wii U Virtual Console. We josh, kartophobes, there's plenty of other stuff to download. There are the console and handheld editions ofSonic Boom, the Wii U port of pop-up beauty Tengami (check out our impressionsof it on iOS), and the belated stateside arrival of Pokemon Trading Card Game on 3DS Virtual Console.
Since it's November and another one of those content-packed weeks, our digestible list of new releases should prove handy. You'll find that below the break. and if you're after sales and permanent discounts, point your clicker here.
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November 15th, 2014, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Becomes the tenth 3DS title to pass 1 million units in the country
Super Smash Bros. 3DS has sold 1.2 million units in the US since it debuted at the start of October.
That figure includes both physical retail and digital sales, and it's enough to make Super Smash Bros. the fastest selling handheld game in the US this year. It's also the 10th 3DS game to top 1 million sales since the platform launched in the US in March 2011.
At present, Super Smash Bros. is the ninth out of those ten games in terms of sales, behind Animal Crossing: New Leaf with 1.42 million. And that list is only likely to get longer with the release of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire later this month.
According to the most recent Media Create data, Super Smash Bros. 3DS has sold just over 1.7 million units in Japan. It was released in Europe and Australia on the same week as the US, with Nintendo reporting a global sales figure of 2.8 million a few days later.
Super Smash Bros. Wii U will start rolling out across the world on November 21
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November 15th, 2014, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Mario Kart 8's first DLC expansion headlines this week's list of new digital content for Nintendo players.
The first of two DLC packs has been released, adding eight new tracks, three fresh characters and four new vehicles.
Another surprise awaits Mario Kart fans on the Wii U Virtual Console this week, where Nintendo has also released Mario Kart Super Circuit - the brilliant Game Boy Advance entry.
Here's the full content list:[h=3]Nintendo eShop on Wii U[/h] - Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric - In Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Tails, each with his or her own unique abilities, must work together to save the world and stop the evil alliance of Lyric and Dr. Eggman. With two-player co-op, a "Team Challenges" mode for up to four players and the ability to unlock special upgrades with Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal on the Nintendo 3DS system (for those that own the system and the game), this may be Sonic's biggest adventure yet! Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is available exclusively on Wii U.
- A World of Keflings - Embark on a giant kingdom-building adventure to exotic lands and help your new tiny Kefling friends along the way. Play as your Mii character and help the friendly little Keflings harvest resources, assemble buildings and create thriving cities.
- Tengami - Discover the wonders of a folding world. Go on a serene journey through Japan with striking visuals, unique game play and haunting music. Fold and slide the beautifully crafted paper world to solve puzzles and discover secrets.[h=3]Virtual Console on Wii U[/h]
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit - Some of your favorite kart-racing characters are ready to kick it into high gear in Mario Kart: Super Circuit! This Game Boy Advance classic offers 20 courses and hidden bonus tracks, each loaded with classic power-ups and primed for the free-for-all racing that only Mario Kart can deliver.[h=3]Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS[/h]
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Brainiac, using the power of the Lantern Rings, shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe. Now the greatest superheroes and the most cunning villains must unite and journey to different Lantern Worlds to collect the Lantern Rings and stop Brainiac before it's too late. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is now available on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.[h=3]Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS[/h]
- Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal - Play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and new friend Sticks, each with unique abilities, as you work as a team to save Amy and locate the Crystal before it's too late! In addition to the secret-filled adventure, you can experience a StreetPass collectibles mini-game and play through the story to unlock special upgrades for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric on Wii U (for those that own the system and the game). Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal is available exclusively on Nintendo 3DS.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze - The Turtles are back in action against the evils of the world. Stop Shredder and his army of mutants as he threatens to unleash the power of a new Super Mutagen that could destroy their beloved New York City.
- Tetris Ultimate - With six exciting modes plus an exclusive Nintendo 3DS challenge mode, fun new features and unique visuals, the evolution of this iconic game is a must-have on Nintendo 3DS.[h=3]Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS[/h]
- Pokémon Trading Card Game - Build new decks, hone your skills and test your abilities inPokémon Trading Card Game. Expand your card collection, duel your way through eight Club Masters and earn the right to challenge the Grand Master. Shadowy figures, wise instructors and powerful opponents await you in this trading card game adventure. Plus, you'll get a code for the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version with your purchase of the Pokémon Trading Card Game game. You'll find the free demo code on your Nintendo eShop receipt. Download codes are available while supplies last and expire on May 31, 2015.[h=3]Nintendo eShop Sales[/h]
- Nintendo eShop on Wii U
- BIT.TRIP Presents...Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien is more than 60 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $4.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 14 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 24.
- Abyss is 25 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $1.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 4.
- Chubbins is 25 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 20.
- Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
- European Conqueror 3D is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $2.79) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov 27.
- Darts Up 3D is more than 60 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to 0.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 4.
- Soccer Up 3D is more than 70 percent off (reduced from $6.99 to $1.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 4.[h=3]Also New this Week[/h]
- Xavier (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Flowerworks HD: Follie's Adventure - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Castle Conqueror Defender (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- European Conqueror 3D - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- I've Got to Run: Complete Edition! (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- PICROSS e5 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Scarygirl Illustration Kit (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Winx Club Saving Alfea (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
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November 16th, 2014, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
We recently reached a major milestone and now we are happy to announce that we are in the process of finalizing our support for 3DS systems running System Firmware 9.0.0-20 / 9.1.0-20J / 9.2.0-20 natively!
Yes, this includes 2DS and New 3DS!
Yes, you heard us right! If you have a 3DS, or a 2DS or a New 3DS system that is running System Firmware 9.0.0-20, 9.1.0-20J or 9.2.0-20 then you WILL be able to use it with Gateway 3DS!
We recommend the following to our interested users:
- If you are on native System Firmare 4.5, then please stay at this version.
- If you are on native System Firmware 5.0 or higher, then please update to 9.0.0-20, 9.1.0-20J or 9.2.0-20 and stay on this version. Do not update beyond this version.
But we also need help from YOU our loyal users!
We need you to get the word out to your community, friends and family that they must not update their 3DS beyond the version we recommended above!
We cannot guarantee that our solution will keep working with future updates above 9.2.0-20!
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November 16th, 2014, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Today we are a new homebrew 3DS , here is a game that is quite addictive and fun is called Jezzball 3DS . In the game you have to try to go leaving little space available to the balls you have in each level and go up in level in a limited time. Have a list of your best results and have 3D effect .
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November 17th, 2014, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Meglomaniac has posted 2 quick updates to the Snes Emulator for Gamecube:
i took a quick look at the code to refresh myself why i never added that feature..
on startup, the emulator tries to initialize devices and i wanted to avoid the emulator thinking the WKF/WASP was an actual DVD drive which i think is the cause for crashing...
so if i remember, a user would have to load the emulator from SD gecko once
then change / save settings for WKF/WASP as default load location...with these settings in place, this allowed the emulator to startup the filebrowser from WKF/WASP sd card...
the main problem is WKF/WASP are read only devices, like a DVD drive...
so there is no way to save game play unless SD Gecko is used...this means you would have to play Zelda ALTTP from the beginning every single time...
this version checks to confirm if WKF/WASP actually exist before attempting to mount...
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November 17th, 2014, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The Arcade emulator Final Burn Alpha has been updated. The emulator also supports SNES, MegaDrive, Neo-Geo CD, PC-Engine and some other systems.
A quick bug-fix release. This one fixes an issue with the UI translation templates - hence the quick turn-around.
Oh, and Zero Team is also playable - enjoy!
Be sure to report any bugs on the FB Alpha Bugs page. The downloads are on the FB Alpha page as usual.
The new stuff;
- Added driver for Sand Scorpion (this was actually in last release but missed the what´s new) [iq_132]
- Added hack of Samurai Shodown V to the Neo Geo driver [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed collisions in Zero Team, game is now working and enabled in release builds [gamez fan, dink]
- Note: Zero Team, Raiden II and Raiden DX need the insert-coin button to be held down a little longer than usual
- Fixed sound in Shaolins Road driver [dink]
- Fixed tilemap scrolling in Shaolins Road driver [barry]
- Fixed service mode in Violent Storm [iq_132]
- Fixed some Megadrive games where PAL auto-detection fails, if you already have settings saved for these games, then set dips to default in the dialog (Comix Zone, Jimmy White´s Whirlwind Snooker, and Robocop v Termininator) [barry]
- Fixed bug with incomplete translation templates [barry]
It´s time for a new FB Alpha release. This one is the biggest for quite a while with lot´s of new stuff, including some shiny new drivers. As usual, you can download this version from the FB Alpha page.
There are lots of fixes and improvements, but the headline addition is the Konami work done by iq_132. As well as lot´s of fixes there are lots of new Konami drivers including Asterix, Bishi Bashi, Dragonball Z, G.I. Joe, Lethal Enforcers, Mystic Warriors, Shaolins Road, Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa, Yie-Ar Kung Fu and Xexex. Older Konami games have also been improved, particularly with regards to sprite drawing and shadow support.
iq_132 also ported the Raiden 2/Raiden DX driver now that the games are working in MAME. He also ported the NMK004 improvements, and along with work by dink, NMK16 games are greatly improved.
We also have some new core features, such as auto-fire, configurable system keys (pause, fast forward, etc.), support for Nebula format Alpha Blending Files (.bld) and loads more.
This quality of this release is dedicated to Zazzone, without his countless hours of testing a lot of the bugs fixed in this release wouldn´t even be known about. To continue to improve the quality of future releases, be sure to report any bugs you find using the FB Alpha Bug Reporting Module.
Download and enjoy!
Here´s the what´s new;
- Added proper saving of cpu registers/variables to M6800/6801/6803/HD63701 core [dink]
- Added support for NMK004. Special thanks to Trap15! [Trap15, Haze, iq_132]
- Standardized CPU related functions [iq_132]
- Fixed delta calculation and proper sample size checking in the MSM6295 core, fixes missing samples in some NMK004 games (and possibly others) [dink]
- Fixed mixing distortion/crackles in K054539 sound core [dink]
- Improved the quality of the voice samples in the K053260 sound core (The Simpsons and possibly other Konami games) [AWJ]
- Added driver for DJ Boy [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Asterix [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Bishi Bashi and Super Bishi Bashi Championship Minigames[iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle hardware [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s G.I. Joe [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Lethal Enforcers [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Mystic Warriors (and other games on the hardware) [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Shaolins Road [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa and Bucky O´Hare [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Yie-Ar Kung Fu [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Xexex [iq_132]
- Added driver for Raiden II, Raiden DX, X Se Dae Quiz and Zero Team [iq_132]
- Added driver for Colecovision games [iq_132, dink]
- Added driver for Sega SG-1000 games [iq_132, dink]
- Added Shogun Warriors and B.Rap Boys to Kaneko16 driver [iq_132]
- Added Candory (James Greenhalgh) to the Pacman driver [iq_132]
- Added bootleg of Street Fighter II - The World Warrior to the Capcom CPS-1 driver [barry, any, JacKc]
- Added bootleg of Varth to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, Caius]
- Added clone of 19XX: The War Against Destiny to the Capcom CPS-2 driver [system11, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Added clone of Mega Man: The Power Battle to the Capcom CPS-2 driver [Asure, JacKc]
- Added clone of Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers to the Capcom CPS-2 driver [palindrome, JacKc]
- Added clone of Secret Agent to the DataEast driver [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Added hack of Donkey Kong to the Donkey Kong driver [Clay Cowgill, JacKc]
- Added clone of Fantasia to the Gals Panic [system11, JacKc]
- Added clone of The Simpsons to the Konami Simpsons driver [Ben76, JacKc]
- Added clone of Vendetta to the Konami Vendetta driver [caius, JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters ´98 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King of Fighters ´99 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added hack of The King Of Fighters 2000 to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Robo Army to the Neo Geo driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Search Eye to the NMG5 driver [system11, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Added clone of Ms. Pac-Man to the Pacman driver [elnaib (AUMAP), JacKc]
- Added clone of Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan to the PGM driver [bytestorm, JacKc]
- Added clone of Bonze Adventure (World, Prototype) to the Taito Asuka driver [Silvio Grazini, iq_132]
- Added clone of Growl to the Taito F2 driver [barry]
- Added clone of Jumping to the Taito Misc driver [barry]
- Added clone of F-1 Dream to the Tiger Road driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of Dr. Toppel´s Adventure to the TNZS driver [caius, f205v, JacKc]
- Added The Mojon Twins´: UWOL Quest for Money to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added SMB4MD 1.4.2 aka Super Mario Bros. port to the Megadrive driver [dink]
- Added Atherbyte´s Reflectron to the PCEngine driver [dink]
- Added proper protection simulation to 1943 [iq_132]
- Fixed The Irritating Maze [iq_132, JacKc]
- Fixed boblbobl2 [Darq, iq_132]
- Fixed Tail2Nose [iq_132]
- Fixed and tweaked IREM M92 driver to get Ninja Baseball Batman running perfectly [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed IRQ timing in Mustache Boy, now he runs at the right speed [dink]
- Fixed skewed backgrounds in In the Hunt on IREM M92 [dink]
- Fixed Kero Kero Keroppi´s Let´s Play Together (USA) [csmart, iq_132]
- Fixed Robocop 2 Driving level and sprite offset [iq_132, dink]
- Improvements to Data East´s BackFire in single-screen mode [iq_132]
- Konami driver-update - fixed sprite-priority problems and clipping. Added shadows. Affects Vendetta, Escape Kids, TMNT2 and more [iq_132]
- Fix sprite flipping in the Konami K053247 core [iq_132]
- Fixed text layer in Kotetsu Yousai Strahl [iq_132]
- Fixed flickering score and player status in Sunset Riders [dink]
- Fix statusbar and power-up message clipping in Bioship Paladin [dink]
- NMK16 driver fixups: missing score line in tdragon, hachamfb and VanDyke, clipped text in Strahl [dink]
- Tweaked the IRQ timing in the NMK16 driver to fix the Life-bar in VanDyke [dink]
- Fixed missing top line in the game statusbar for Acrobat Mission, Air Attack, S.S. Mission (NMK16) [dink]
- Fix and hook-up the seibusound device to the NMK16 bootlegs Thunder Dragon (tdragonb) and US AAF Mustang (mustangb) [iq_132]
- Fixed missing sound in Galaga and Rally-X [barry]
- Fixed music tempo in Raiden [iq_132, dink]
- Fixed music in Air Duel on IREM M72 Hardware [dink]
- Fixed sound in Dragon Master [iq_132]
- Fixed clicks when firing and slow music tempo in S.S. Mission [dink]
- Fixed Dolmen and Twin Action: sound banking issues (music disappears on level2+) [dink]
- Fixed occasional hung sound in Green Beret [dink]
- Added proper Seibu Sound device to Toki [iq_132]
- Fixed sound panning in Cyber Tank [dink]
- Updated kof99ae driver to 20140801 version [JacKc]
- Megadrive timing and other improvements [barry, dink]
- Megadrive window drawning fix (missing line in Streets of Rage) [barry]
- Fixed Psy-O-Blade on Megadrive [iq_132]
- Added protection patch for Puggsy on Megadrive [dink]
- Fixed Megadrive Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Kor, Rev. A) (md_ghouls) and Ghouls`n Ghosts (Euro, USA) (md_ghouls1) [dink]
- Fixed X-Men 2 and Moonwalker on Megadrive [dink, Freddy]
- Fixed Alien Soldier (PAL) on Megadrive won´t boot, is wrongly detected as NTSC [dink]
- Fixed broken reset with some Megadrive games, get rid of the garbage line at the bottom of the screen [dink]
- PCEngine sound-core and timing improvements [dink, barry]
- Increased screen size by 2 pixels for PCEngine Side-Arms Hyperdyne [dink]
- Fixed savestates for IREM M62 Hardware - Kung-Fu Master, The Battle Road, Lode Runner I - IV, LotLot, Kid Niki, Spelunker, Youjyuden and Horizon [dink]
- Fixed savestates for Pac-Land, Sky Kid, Dragon Buster [dink]
- Fixed savestates and Music for Baraduke, Alien Sector and Metro-Cross [dink]
- Added more powerful BurnLoad function for loading roms [iq_132]
- Added Alpha Blending/Transparency support to Neo Geo, CPS-1 and CPS-2 - supports Nebula/Kawaks-style blend (.bld) files [iq_132]
- Added user configurable path for blend files and global enable/disable option [barry]
- Added a shiny new Auto-Fire feature! [dink]
- Input editor feature: clear input and clear-lock checkbox [dink]
- Added option to disable support folder creation on creation [barry]
- Added default rom paths for consoles to the folder creation startup routine [JacKc, barry]
- Savestate Undo improvement: display an error message if there is nothing to be undone, don´t undo the last savestate [dink]
- Added ability to input-map Pause, FFWD, Save/Load/Undo States [dink]
- Game selection dialog search box can now search hardware/system text (eg, NMK) [dink]
- Tidy-up source code fixing compile warnings and portability issues [barry]
- Updated the libpng library to v1.6.13 [Barry]
- Synced sets with MAME 0.155 [barry, JacKc]
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November 17th, 2014, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of the Game Boy emulator BGB has been released.
New in BGB 1.5
- AVI writer
- Greatly improved efficiency (about 10-30% faster, depending on the system)
- Improved accuracy
- Improved sound quality
- Lower audio latency
- Preview screenshots in select state window
- Improvements to debugger, including selectable RGBDS or WLA assembler syntax, "ld d,d" debug messages, and editing the palette in the vram viewer.
- Fixed a large number of bugs, including "alt+F4 loads state", and "timing in LSDJ is unstable"
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November 17th, 2014, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emulation64.com/
Gonetz let us know that he's posted a status update on the upcoming GLideN64 release. GLideN64 had a very successful crowd funding setup that met its goal and then some.
Anyway, here's a small snippet of the release notice:
The project is moving forward according to the “Plan for Project Completion”. Today we set the new project’s milestone: the first monthly beta. This topic is a kind of press-release. According to the Plan, the following two tasks ware planned to accomplish in October:
* Fix stability issues
* Implement missing functionality to achieve compatibility equivalent to Glide64 |
Read more at the GLideN64 blog
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November 17th, 2014, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- 888888-in-1 (CoolBoy AEF-390 8bit Console, B8VPCBVer03 20130703 0401E2015897A)(Unl)[U][!]. Comrade HardWareMan passed to me today one sweet dump of the embedded games from the Famicom-based OneBus system handheld game console, which is very appreciated! I decided to use this dump to rise amount of visitors to my little comfy blog. How? This console, apart from neat multigame menu with music and preview icons for every single unique game on board, as well as some nice already dumped Angry Birds and Plants VS Zombies ported games, have an unique starting cutscene with dancing Psy's with well known "Gangnam Style" music! Even more, for playing music this console uses exclusive OneBus' PCM DMA mode, so we can hear not only the chiptune music, but the whole composition with the voice (the same feature were used in my other dump of the dance mat called "Street Dance"). So, i hope my visitors rate will rised minimum by 50 millions. 
To be able to listen to this intro you need an updated FCEUmm from corresponding page on this site or latest SVN build of the FCEUX from SourceForge.
Among other games on this console, there are a couple of generic games, some hacks and old originals, and at least one neat pirate original with suprisingly quality music, called "Fruit Pig".
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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November 17th, 2014, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
GBA and NDS emulator for Dos and Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
- nds-mode-option: added poppy nds-lite mode, and new (experimental) dsi mode;
- gba-mode-option: renamed poppy bright color option to poppy nds-lite colors;
- dsi/bios-clone: supports SHA1 swi functions via 80x86 code (swi 24h..29h);
- cpu/swi: allows executing buggy System Flaw SWI number, when warnings disabled;
- dsi/help: added chipset pin-outs (cpu/ram/nand/snd/tsc/rtc/led/pwr/vol/etc);
- dsi/help: added pin-outs for all internal connectors on DSi main+dpad boards;
- dsi/help: added dsi component lists for mainboard, wifi, battery, etc.;
- dsi/help: warning on AES little-endian (ctr,mac,key, and 16-byte-xor-blocks);
- dsi/help: added details about modcrypt and AES special key_x/key_y feature;
- dsi/emu: supports new shared-ram mapping (wram-a,b,c) in emu and debugger;
- dsi/help: added sd/mmc pinouts, card shapes, and onboard NAND-solder pads;
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi memory map (with extra Main RAM and WRAM regions);
- dsi/help: merged DSi7 and DSi9 BIOS chapters with overall BIOS descriptions;
- dsi/help: added notes on DSi7 and DSi9 IntrWait/VblankIntrWait BIOS bugs;
- dsi/help: added partial I/O maps for SD/NAND (based on linux "tmio_mmc" code);
- dsi/debug: resolves DSi I/O area 4004xxxh in debugger's code/data windows;
- dsi/emu: added support for new I/O areas at 4004xxxh on ARM7 and ARM9 sides;
- dsi/boot: loads ARM7i and ARM9i areas as specified in DSi cartridge header;
- dsi/boot: loads DSi cartheader to 2FFE000h (instead of NDS header to 27FFE00h);
- dsi/boot: cartloader resolves modcrypt areas (within @@load_block function);
- dsi/emu: added provisions for new interrupt sources (IE2/IF2 registers);
- dsi/debug: disassembler resolves swi names for DSi7/DSi9 bios functions;
- dsi/a22i: computes extended icon/title crc16's (on ".fix" and icon_version);
- dsi/a22i: fixes sha1's and applies modcrypt (on ".dsi" plus ".fix" directive);
- dsi/a22i: added ".dsi" directive (produces binary with .dsi extension);
- dsi/emu: implemented AES in 8086 asm (not mounted to DSi I/O emulation yet);
- dsi/help: added notes on extended icon/title (new unknown language, new icon);
- dsi/help: added SHA1 and SHA1-HMAC pseudo code (in BIOS swi chapter);
- dsi/help: added AES pseudo code (core, key, tables, and AES-CNT and AES-CTR);
- poc/bios: avoids unsupported 8086-bios irq/fiq/swi emulation (always use bios);
- dsi/help: added info on blowfish differences (cmd 3Dh, level=1, dsi-key);
- dsi/help: added info on additional known/unknown dsi cartridge header entries;
- dsi/help: added BIOS dumping chapter (info on what is dumpable on gba/ds/dsi);
- xboo: added dsi cartridge dumping function (requires dsi7bios and nds-xboo);
- xboo: allows downloading NDS cart when GBA slot empty (txt_cartridge_missing);
- mem: faster gba slot access right changes (faster exmemcnt with new memsystem);
- web/donations: added bitcoin and classic bank details (instead of paypal);
- web: released pixel-edited dsi mainboard photo with signal names; twl_core.jpg.
News source: http://nocash.emubase.de
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November 17th, 2014, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- Super 4-in-1 Fantasy Gun [p1][!]. Once again thanks a lot to Cheetahmen for provided carts! Not so special this time, but since I have nothing to dump just now, that is great anyway. So, from a bunch of variety of pirate stuff I have today, this one is most interesting. So called "SUPER 4-in-1" contains in total 4 simple little games, made by our chinese friends. Most of them using LightGun for controls. The same games can be found on a variety of standalone or handheld famicom based consoles with built-in games or OneBus systems like DreamGear. I'm not sure if any of such games aren't dumped before now, but I can't find any of them in existing dumps, so I can assume they isn't. 
- Goal 5 Soccer (Unl)[p1][!], Highway Star II (Unl)[p1][!]. And some addition, to add more flesh to today's release, a couple of hacks from multigame cart "HIGH K Power Sports 4-in-1 (F-646)". THere is no point to emulate it completely, only two games are something special, two more games are unhacked regular versions of known games. These two are former "Tecmo World Cup Soccer" and "Nakajima Satoru - F-1 Hero 2" accordingly.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
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November 17th, 2014, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2014/11/15/3ds-sme...oit-next-week/
In a subtle-but-not-too-much way, Smealum has announced a few days ago that his ssspwn exploit (and associated homebrew loader) will be released next week (screenshot below).
The release of this exploit has been delayed by several months, after Nintendo announced the New 3DS. Smealum wanted to confirm his exploit would run fine on the new device. Which it does.
This is a big week for the 3DS scene: Smealum’s announcement comes in the context of new rom loading card “Sky3DS” and its clones just going on sale this week that enable piracy on the latest 3DS firmware; as well as Gateway 3DS announcing recently that they will soon be supporting the latest firmwares 9.xx as well (Gateway3DS cards were until now only compatible up to firmware 4.5… it is worth mentioning that their support on 9.xx might not be as complete as the features they offer on 4.xx, as they recommend people to stay on 4.5 if possible)
It will be interesting to see if Smealum’s release shortcuts the hardware solutions. Although an educated guess tells me those flashcarts will do just fine, given how Smealum has stated several times that his hack will not enable rom supports (at least out of the box).
I’m personally of course much more excited by a homebrew solution, and the technical details of the hacks behind it, than a DRM protected piracy solution (which to me ruins the whole point of being a tinkering hobbyist in the first place). Smealum’s solution will also not be totally free, as it relies on an exploit in a game, that people will need to purchase in order to trigger the exploit. It is a possibility that once the exploit is announced, Nintendo will remove it from their digital store, leaving people to fight for physical copies of the game. PSP owners might remember how copies of the game GTA: Liberty City stories went up to almost $200 in Japan once it was known this was “the” exploitable game (how ironic that with the Vita we discovered hundreds of exploitable PSP games).
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November 17th, 2014, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo fans in the UK may have lost their ability to peruse Nintendo-related news and features via the printed page when the Official Nintendo Magazine shut down last month, but now there's a digital magazine to take its place. Dubbed "Nintendo Extra," this new branch of the Nintendo UK site features articles based on several key company franchises, including Pokemon, Mario Kart, Pikmin and The Legend of Zelda.
Before you get too carried away however, most of the content included in this first issue of Nintendo Extra is quite short, and few articles amount to more than advertisements for their respective game. There is some noteworthy content however, including tips on getting the best time in Mario Kart 8 and an interview with Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma (though the questions - such as "Who are Link and Zelda?" - aren't exactly what you'd call "hard-hitting").
So maybe "digital magazine" isn't quite the way to describe Nintendo Extra - perhaps "digital pamphlet" or "brochure" might be better. But hey, a digital whatever-it-is is better than nothing, right?
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November 17th, 2014, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Another eight games are available as downloadable Club Nintendo rewards in the U.S. These games are as follows:PilotWings (Wii U Virtual Console) – 200 coinsVegas Stakes (Wii U Virtual Console) – 200 coinsClu Clu Land (Wii Virtual Console) – 200 coinsPop-up Pursuit (WiiWare) – 250 coinsTokyo Crash Mobs (3DS eShop) – 200 coinsKirby’s Pinball Land (3DS Virtual Console) – 150 coinsMetroid II: Return of Samus (3DS Virtual Console) – 150 coinsStarship Defense (DSiWare on 3DS) – 200 coinsAll right games are available until December 14th.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/17...TTqE15ePgOK.99
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November 17th, 2014, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s famed designer Shigeru Miyamoto has lashed out at the company’s rivals for what he sees as a slew of me-too products.
“What the other companies are doing makes business sense but it’s boring,” the developer told The Telegraph. “The same games appear on every system. At Nintendo we want an environment where game creators can collaborate and think of ideas for games that could have never happened before.”
Miyamoto also refused to be drawn on any potential involvement in the blossoming virtual reality sector, stating that: “I have nothing to tell you about Nintendo’s involvement in virtual reality. We have nothing to announce yet.”
What he would say of VR, however, was to comment on how he never liked the way players of Nintendo’s famously ill-fated Virtual Boy had to sit hunched over while playing.
Said Miyamoto: “It didn’t look beautiful to me which was something of a concern.”
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November 18th, 2014, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/breaking-...mebrew.374233/
Well, it's time to blast this discussion wide open. GBAtemp's resident 3DS developer, smealum, has been quite busy the past couple of months developing his 3DS exploit called SSSPwn. We've seen the hundreds of discussion threads that have come up in the past, and we've seen where they all have ended up. It's time to put an end to all of this, and it's time to give you guys a taste of 3DS homebrew and what to expect out of it, straight from GBAtemp.net itself. No more speculation, no more dancing around. There is a lot more information to follow, so hit the "Continue reading" button for the rest of it!
Now, I must apologize in advance. I have not been entirely honest with you guys, and I should mention that I have been working alongside smealum with this exploit since August, gaining more information as to what this exploit is all about. I am mentioning this topic because the release date of SSSpwn is truly at hand, and it's awesome to think of the potential that this exploit will bring.
This exploit is actually very simple to launch. This exploit is similar to the exploit that made Wii hacking popular - the modified boot.elf file that is placed on the root of an SD card, and launched by opening the Wii mail/message center. For those of you that don't remember, the screen glitches out, and the exploit will launch, asking to install the homebrew channel. The concept here is very similar and launched in a similar manner - why break what currently works? There's no reason to.
Activation of the Exploit
Activating the exploit is very easy. It requires a Nintendo 3DS. It could be a regular 3DS, or it could be the New Nintendo 3DS. It's very versatile. Activating the exploit begins by going to a particular link. I will not be distributing that link, but it will be available soon - I promise. Going to that link, you will be asked to input the firmware version of your Nintendo 3DS. Following that, you're going to be getting a set of directions that will instruct you on how to proceed with installing the exploit. Doing so, however, requires a Nintendo 3DS title, and due to the nature of the exploit, I will not be providing that information to the public at this time. No exceptions to this rule will be made. If you try and message me about it, do not expect a reply. Once the exploit is installed, you will have the Homebrew Channel, not so unlike that of the Nintendo Wii, on your system. From here, you can power down the system, or remove the SD card while in the Homebrew Channel to install homebrew, which takes the form of .3DSX files. These homebrew are placed in a created directory on the 3DS SD card's root, and placed in a folder with that homebrew's name. The file is renamed boot.3dsx, and once you reinsert the SD card, the Homebrew Channel will acknowledge the presence of the application and you will be able to run homebrew!
Homebrew Test
Yep, you got that right, I got the opportunity to test some 3DS homebrew. First of all, I will note that the homebrew is in 3D. And it's actually pretty solid, so I'll have to hand it to smealum for that. Please note, though, that homebrew in its current stage is in a "work in progress" phase, so there's still things that need to be worked on.
The title I spent time working with is 3DSCraft. Yep, it's Minecraft, on the Nintendo 3DS, on the go. And dear God my camera is horrible - Minecraft 3DS looked a lot better than that mess. With a Nintendo 3DS, the operations are limited, to be developed for future, but it does its purpose - it shows people that homebrew runs. And what better way to prove this than with a picture? (Minor side note - the New Nintendo 3DS has more operations available due to the extra buttons the console has).
According to smealum, a lot of the homebrew being worked on still has stuff to fix, but the potential is out there - there's so much that could be had in terms of 3DS homebrew with this out in the wild.
So Now What? Why Should I Care?
There's still things to perfect with this exploit. It's not flawless by any means, but it's a huge first step to recognize the homebrew that is capable of running on the Nintendo 3DS. It's a very versatile exploit that can be installed on virtually any Nintendo 3DS console out there, regardless of firmware. For those that follow the homebrew scene, this is a great opportunity, once released, to start doing things with it. Think emulators. Custom games. Applications. And that is what myself and smealum hope to see as a result of this - a developing homebrew scene that helps the 3DS soar like back in the days of the Nintendo DS. Please note, however, that 3DS backups are not possible to execute on this exploit.
So When Can We Expect This to Come Out?
A lot of this community has waited anxiously for more information as to the release of this exploit. Well, I can give you a date as to when to expect it - and it's soon. The date that the 3DS exploit will become publicly available is November 22nd, so mark those calendars. All information will be made public at that date, which includes the game needed to execute the exploit. There will more than likely be a follow up post to this that contains that information, but in the meantime, stay hopeful and get excited, because things are going to get good from here on out. In the meantime, though, I would like to ask that, if you want to discuss the exploit, to do so here, instead of writing hundreds of threads within the Nintendo 3DS Hacking and Homebrew forum.
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November 18th, 2014, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
jocopoco offers the version of " TronDS "first emulator nintendo 3DS compiled and functional windows. TronDS is capable of performing some homebrew but still very buggy...
Added Support for 3d rendering.
Added Support fo FS service.
Added Support for GPU service.
Added Support for syncro kernel objects like mutexes, semaphores and etc.
Fixed a bug in linear memory allocation.
Fixed a bug in rescheduling threads. and small --other changed and fixed. TronDS New Version of TronDS a Nintendo 3DS Emulator, more exchanges, like 3DS files Added Support for Added Support for VFPU Added Support for Breakpoints Some Fixed bug in ARMv6 opcodes TronDS 1.0. 0.1 First Version of TronDS a Nintendo 3DS Emulator, It's very simple and is only able of running homebrew. Currently it supports: ARM9 / ARM11 interpreter for the 3DS appcore - the core processor dedicated to running user applications to OS HLE supporting userland interaction with the various OS services 3DS Framebuffer rendering with ARM11 Debugger disassembler, register view (written in C #)
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November 19th, 2014, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Jordan Rabet, know as smealum, describes himself as a "youngish game developer turned hacker" and has been showing off an upcoming WIP exploit that will enable users to run homebrew games on 3DS. The project has been in progress since August but it's only now he's revealed how it works, and that it all hinges on an old Ubi game called Cubic Ninja. Rabet announced this on Twitter:
Predictably, Nintendo has pulled the game from the eShop, while eBay prices have shot through the roof, topping out at nearly £80.
Rabet has been testing development with a version of Minecraft he's created called '3dscraft'. Someone who's played it says "the homebrew is in 3D. And it's actually pretty solid".
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November 19th, 2014, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese companies WaiS Co.LTD and The Location Inc. released a chat app for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan, titled Minna no Oshaberi Chatto. This app is being released in North America and Europe by Teyon as Chat-A-Lot.Chat-A-Lot functions the way you would expect. It’s a voice and text chat application, and allows you to communicate with other 3DS Friends List. Text-based group chats are possible with up to 10 people, while group voice chats can include up to four people.While chatting, you can also draw and exchange pictures. There’s also a password protection feature for concerned parents that want to control the way their kids can use the application.Chat-A-Lot will be available on November 20th in the American eShop for $7.99. Europe will get the game “soon”.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/19...suvhPsFfJxq.99
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November 21st, 2014, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Smash Bros for Wii U and Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire for 3DS are the headline releases in this week's US eShop update.
Watch Dogs also makes its delayed Wii U debut, featuring console exclusive features like an interactive map on the GamePad as well as off-TV play on the tablet controller.
 [h=3]eShop on Wii U[/h] - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
- Watch Dogs
[h=3]Virtual Console on Wii U[/h] [h=3]eShop on 3DS[/h] - Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
[h=3]Special offers:[/h] - Get a Smashing Soundtrack and Mewtwo DLC - For a limited time, buy and register both Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U to receive a special soundtrack CD and free Mewtwo DLC from Club Nintendo. The soundtrack CD offer runs Nov. 21 through Jan. 13, 2015. The Mewtew DLC offer runs Nov. 21 through Mar. 31, 2015.
- National StreetPass Weekend is back! - Swing by a Nintendo Zone hot spot with your Nintendo 3DS system from Nov. 26 through Nov. 30. We are mashing up StreetPass Relay Points across the U.S. and Canada so you can get up to six StreetPass tags from many different places. Collect puzzle pieces from Mii characters to fill up your puzzle panels in Puzzle Swap or pick up enemy tokens for StreetSmash in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Find a hotspot near you here:http://www.nintendo.com/3ds/nintendozone.
[h=3]Nintendo eShop sales:[/h] - Wii U: Nordic Games is putting Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune and other fun games on sale starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 25 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 2.
- Wii U: The Letter is more than 75 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $0.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 30.
- Wii U: Ping 1.5+ is 50 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $2.49) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 26 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 3.
- 3DS: Big Hero 6 Battle in the Bay is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $19.99) starting Nov. 26 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 10.
- 3DS: Yumi's Odd Odyssey, Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns and other games from Natsume will be on sale starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 25 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 1.
- 3DS: Disney Frozen: Olaf's Quest is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $19.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT Nov. 26 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 10.
- 3DS: The Keep is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $12.99 to $7.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec 4.
- 3DS: Classic Games Overload: Card & Puzzle Edition is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $19.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 1.
- 3DS: Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D is more than 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 25 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 4.
[h=3]Coming soon:[/h] - Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - Nov. 25 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Mighty Final Fight - Nov. 27 (Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U)
- Mario Pinball Land - Nov. 27 (Virtual Console on Wii U)
- Ultimate NES Remix - Dec. 5 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Dec. 5 (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
[h=3]Also new this week:[/h] - The Amazing Spider-Man (Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS)
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS)
- The Penguins of Madagascar (Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS)
- Snake Den (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Alphadia Genesis (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- ZaciSa's Last Stand - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Battleminer (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Fishdom H20: A Hidden Odyssey - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
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November 24th, 2014, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
The British Academy Children's Awards took place last night and Mario Kart 8 was chosen by the jury to receive this year's award.
It faced competition from Tearaway, Rayman Legends and Pokémon X & Y.
Minecraft won the Kid's Vote award, beating Disney Infinity, FIFA 14 and Skylanders SWAP Force among others. The Kid's Vote categories were judged by seven - 14 year-olds with over 200,000 votes cast.
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November 24th, 2014, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo has removed AQ Interactive's Nintendo 3DS puzzler Cubic Ninja from Japan's eShop (the only region in which it saw a digital release) after details regarding an in-game exploit were revealed earlier this week.
The exploit, which requires a modified save file and a copy of Cubic Ninja, reportedly enables the use of homebrew games and applications on Nintendo's handheld. It does not currently enable piracy of commercial games -- a widespread issue that plagued the Nintendo DS throughout its lifespan.
After the exploit was announced, used copies of Cubic Ninjashot up in price oneBay, Amazon, and through other third-party sellers. The North American version of the game currently fetches prices in excess of $40 on Amazon, while several recent eBay auctions have ended at over $30. A similar phenomenon spikedLumines prices when a homebrew-enabling buffer overflow exploit was discovered for Sony's PSP in 2007.
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November 24th, 2014, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has detailed the latest European eShop update, revealing the newest digital titles available for Wii U and 3DS from this Thursday.
It's a big week for Nintendo, with Wii U and 3DS each receiving their major Christmas title.
Wii U owners will be able to buy Super Smash Bros. for Wii U from Friday, while 3DS owners will be able to pick up Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Other weekly highlights include the Wii U launch of indie platformer Thomas Was Alone, and Virtual Console releases for GBC puzzler Pokemon Puzzle Challenge and Capcom's SNES RPG Breath of Fire.[h=3]Wii U[/h] - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Nintendo) - £49.99 / €59.99
- Thomas Was Alone (Curve Digital) - £6.99 / €7.99
- The Penguins of Madagascar (Little Orbit) - £34.99 / €39.99
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects (WaterMelon) - £11.99 / €11.49
- Ittle Dew (Ludosity) - £8.99 / €9.99
- Shiny The Firefly (Padaone Games) - £6.29 / $6.99
- Breath of Fire (SNES Virtual Console) - £5.49 / €7.99
- Hyrule Warriors: Twilight Princess Pack DLC - £6.29 / €6.99
[h=3]3DS[/h] - Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (The Pokemon Company) - £39.99 / €44.99
- Pokémon Omega Ruby (The Pokemon Company) - £39.99 / €44.99
- The Penguins of Madagascar (Little Orbit) - £24.99 / €29.99
- Horse Vet 3D (Treva Entertainment) - £24.99 / €29.99
- Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom(Little Orbit) - £24.99 / €29.99
- Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (NIS America) - £34.99 / €39.99
- Shin Megami Tensei IV: Ancient One of the Sun DLC - £0.75 / €0.99
- Shin Megami Tensei IV: Eternal Youth DLC - £1.49 / €1.79
- Castle Conqueror EX (Circle Entertainment) - £3.49 / €3.99
- Talking Phrasebook - 7 Languages (Sanuk Games) - £4.49 / €4.99
- My First Songs (Ringzero Games) - £4.49 / €4.99
- Pokémon Puzzle Challenge (GBC Virtual Console) - £4.49 / €4.99
- Fishdom H2O: Hidden Odyssey Demo (Cypronia) - Free
- Survivor - Heroes Demo (Bigben Interactive) - Free
[h=3]3DS Themes[/h] - Pikmin Working Together - £1.79 / €1.99
- Pikmin and a Hungry Bulborb - £1.79 / €1.99
- Spotlight: Shovel Knight - £1.79 / €1.99
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November 24th, 2014, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
A fire at the warehouse used by Nintendo UK’s customer repair partner has affected a number of gamers.
The Coventry Telegraph reports that Repair Tech’s offices were hit by a serious fire last week that required the night-long attentions of a number of fire engines to tackle.
“We can confirm that on Tuesday 18th November, a fire broke out in the warehouse owned by RepairTech, the company that Nintendo UK uses to fulfil its customer repairs,” a Nintendo UK spokesperson told MCV.
“Nintendo UK only used the warehouse for UK based product repairs and storing of associated repairs equipment, it did not contain stock that would at any point be sent to a retailer for sale to the public. We are pleased to confirm that no one was hurt.”
Customers whose hardware or software was in for repair have been contacted to be told that free replacements are to be issued, alongside some complementary free eShop credit.
At one stage firefighters had to withdraw from the scene owing to the density of smoke bellowing from the burning plastics. There was also concern regarding the danger of a nearby oil storage tank.
The cause of the fire remains unknown.
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November 24th, 2014, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is readying playable displays of several popular Wii U and 3DS games at multiple US malls this holiday season.
The visits will begin tomorrow and run all the way up to the Sunday before Christmas. A total of 16 malls around the country will play host to Mario, Luigi, Pikachu and other mascots – as well as Wii U and 3DS demo kiosks.
Nintendo's lineup of “must-have” Wii U and 3DS games to be shown off include Super Smash Bros., Hyrule Warriors, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Mario Kart 8 and more.
Amiibos will be on display as well, and demos for certain third-party published titles – such as Skylanders: Trap Team and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal – will also be available to sample.
The following malls will offer the displays between November 24th and December 21st:
- Oak Park Mall in Overland Park, Kansas
- Arrowhead Towne Center in Glendale, Arizona
- Queens Center in Elmhurst, New York
- Tysons Corner Center in McLean, Virginia
- Washington Square in Portland, Oregon
- Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota
- Memorial City Mall in Houston, Texas
- The Florida Mall in Orlando, Florida
- Grapevine Mills in Grapevine, Texas
- King of Prussia in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
- South Shore Plaza in Braintree, Massachusetts
- Woodfield Mall in Schaumberg, Illinois
- Westfield North County in Escondido, California
- Westfield Southcenter in Seattle, Washington
- Westfield Valley Fair in Santa Clara, California
- Westfield Culver City in Culver City, California
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November 24th, 2014, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
The man at the centre of a new 3DS exploit has said that he doesn’t want the method to open the door to new piracy on the machine.
Illegal flashcards that allow for the playing of pirated games are already available online for 3DS, but homebrew software has until now not been possible on the handheld. However, a new hack created by 22 year-old Frenchman Jordan Rabet facilitates just that.
As well as the handheld itself users will also require either a physical or digital copy of little-known Ubisoft’s 2011 platformer Cubic Ninja, leading to a surge in prices for the game.
One solitary used copy is currently available on Amazon for £59.95 while Ebay auctions have been ending for anything between £5 and £65, with prices climbing sharply this last week.
"I don't care if people pirate in their private lives, but I don't want to be a part of it," Rabet toldEurogamer. "I don't want to release something others can use to steal someone else's intellectual property. That's not what I want. I wouldn't release something that could be used for piracy... it's just not something I want to do.
"It's very dangerous. If you release an exploit that's too powerful you might let people do whatever they want with their console – which can be great – but you also have the possibility of piracy... which isn't so great.
"Right now I'm hoping the loader attracts more developers and people start building more homebrew games. I'm working on the 3DS version of Minecraft and a bunch of people are working on emulators. I'd really like to see how far we can push the 3DS."
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November 24th, 2014, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Grab the Nintendo 2DS with Mario Kart 7 for $99.99 (Save $30) at BestBuy.com!Not only does this bundle feature the power of the 2DS gaming system, but it includes the thrilling, high-speed kart-racing fun of Mario Kart 7. Reach new heights as your kart soars over track shortcuts with a special wing and plunges into the sea with a propeller. Customize your vehicle with accessories to suit the track, whether it be big tires for off-road tracks or small tires for city courses. Race as one of your favorite Mushroom Kingdom characters, and take on exciting courses over a mountain road, through city streets, across a dusty desert, around new courses on Wuhu Island and more. The race is on.
Check it out: BestBuy - Nintendo 2DS with Mario Kart 7
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November 26th, 2014, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Super Smash Bros. Wii U has become the console's fastest selling title in the US, shifting a combined 490,000 units across digital and physical combined in just three days.
The numbers mean it takes over from Mario Kart 8 as the Wii U's quickest seller in the territory, capitalising on excellent reviews and consumer feedback to land in nearly half a million US homes from November 21 to 23.
"The Nintendo holiday is off to a great start, but there's a lot of work left to do and a few more surprises in store for our fans," said NoA's Scott Moffitt. "With great deals coming on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and great content like Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker launching next week, Nintendo will offer shoppers the best combination of fun and value this holiday season."
Worldwide figures for the game have not yet been released.
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November 26th, 2014, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
US retailer has responded to the increased demand for 3DS title Cubic Ninja by ramping up the game’s price.
The 2011 Ubisoft platformer has enjoyed a surge in popularity after a hacker detailed an exploit that gets homebrew software running on Nintendo’s 3DS – for which a copy of the game is needed.
Prices had already rocketed on Ebay and Amazon but nowPolygon reports that High Street retailer GameStop has also cottoned on.
The chain is currently asking $39.99 for pre-owned copies of the game, although this is discounted to $35.99 for PowerUp Pro Rewards members. Apparently copies were going for as little as $5 just last week.
"As always, our pricing for these games is competitive and is based on current market value driven by supply and demand," a GameStop statement confirmed.
The chain has previously proven responsive to shifting market demand, having sold Wii RPGXenoblade Chronicles for $90, describing it as ‘vintage’.
Nintendo recently pulled Cubic Ninja from its eShop in Japan. It has never been available digitally in the West.
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November 27th, 2014, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
A few years ago, some vastly clever people figured out how to listen in on the LCD display on the classic brick Game Boy from 1989. There have been marked improvements over the years, including a few people developing VGA out for the classic Game Boy. Now, the bar has been raised with an HDMI adapter for the Game Boy, designed in such a way that turns everyone’s favorite battery hog into a portable console.
Your classic beige or cleverly named Color Game Boy is composed of two halves. The rear half contains all the important circuitry – the CPU, cartridge connector, and the rest of the smarts that make the Game Boy game. The front half is fairly simple in comparison, just an LCD and a few buttons. By designing an adapter that goes between these two halves, [Zane] and [Joshua] were able to stuff enough circuitry inside the Game Boy to convert the signals going to the LCD to HDMI. Plug that into your TV, and you have a huge modern version of the Super Game Boy, no SNES required.
The HDMIBoy also breaks out the buttons to the classic NES controller connector. With HDMI out and a controller input, the old-school Game Boy become a portable if somehow even more brick-like console.
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November 27th, 2014, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Thomas Was Alone and Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth are among the new releases featured in this week's US eShop update.
The latter is the first Persona game to be released on a Nintendo console.
[h=3]eShop on Wii U[/h]- Thomas Was Alone
- Mario Pinball Land
[h=3]Virtual Console on Wii U and 3DS[/h][h=3]eShop on 3DS[/h]- Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
- Mighty Gunvolt
[h=3]Nintendo eShop sales:[/h]- Wii U and 3DS: The Nintendo eShop Cyber Deals will let you save up to 30 percent each on 10 select games from Thursday, Nov. 27, at 9 a.m. PT until Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8:59 a.m. PT. Visitwww.nintendo.com/eShop-cyber-deals for more information. Plus, don't forget to check out discounts on other great games! Head to the Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS and look under "Price Drops" to find out more about these great deals.
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes is on sale for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 1.
- Wii U: Rock Zombie is more than 10 percent off (reduced from $6.99 to $5.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 27 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 4.
- Wii U: ZaciSa's Last Stand is 25 percent off (reduced from $1.99 to $1.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
- 3DS: Code of Princess is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 1 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 15.
- 3DS: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $39.99 to $24.99) starting at starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 1 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 15.
- 3DS: Azure Striker GUNVOLT is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $9.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 28 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 15.
- 3DS: Farming Simulator 3D is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec 11.
- Farming Simulator 14 is more than 30 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $19.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 11.
- Parking Star 3D is over 30 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 18.
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 26 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec 2.
- Chain Blaster, Crazy Construction and other games from G-Style are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 31.
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec 1. Until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 8.
[h=3]Also new this week:[/h]- GetClose: A game for RIVALS (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Heptrix (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Shiny The Firefly (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- AiRace Xeno - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Chat-A-Lot (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- My First Songs (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- My Life on a Farm 3D (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Ohno Odyssey - Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
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November 28th, 2014, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) has issued a worrying warning for parents concerning the use of 3D screens.
A report advises that children under the age of six should never view 3D films or play 3D games, while those under the age of 13 are advised to consume such content only in moderation.
The problem, it says, is the increase fatigue caused by "vergence-accommodation conflict" – that relates to the discrepancy between how the eyes naturally behave when viewing distant objects and how they are forced to behave when viewing a distant object on a 3D screen that is actually close to them.
This can result in a range of symptoms including dry eyes, double vision, reduced sensitivity to spatial contrasts and reduced visual acuity as well as dizziness, headaches, neck or back pain and reduced concentration and mental performance.
This is a particular worry for young children whose visual systems are still developing.
ANSES stressed that there is particular concern when a user is situated close to the screen – as is of course the case with Nintendo’s 3DS and virtual reality headsets.
The agency also stresses that further research on the subject is needed.
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November 29th, 2014, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster

Double digits, Nintendo DS! Little two-screened wonder, the machine that rose Nintendo to the heavens rather than the depths of hell, you turned 10-years-old earlier this month. How far you've taken us, Nintendo DS! As the GameCube floundered back in 2004 and Game Boy Advance was staying afloat thanks to Pokemon, the world scoffed at your weird design. A microphone? A touch screen? Madness! Now there's scarcely a device out there that doesn't sport both features. You sit along the original Nintendo Entertainment System as one of the most successful and influential gaming machines ever.
Now that you're ten, Nintendo DS, it's time to grow up! No more dillydallying with soft batch games like Spectrobes! With a decade under your belt, its time for games that will make you the womanliest woman and manliest man you can be, Nintendo DS. Here are ten games that will make you a grown up. They will teach you things about life, love, triumph and heartbreak. Here, dear DS, are ten games to play on your road to adulthood.
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