December 1st, 2008, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

If you are having trouble with the Wifi connection; or if the top LCD has been replaced and the screen is still flashing off, it may be the problem of the Wifi Antenna. This Wifi Antenna for NDS Lite connects to the top LCD and covers the speakers.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China
If you’re looking for something non-stick-like to control your Wii, then you might be interested in the Hori Classic Controller. This one’s all for the Wii and is actually pretty practical when you get right down to it.
On the Hori Classic, you get a 4-button setup that graced the SNES controllers along with two analog joysticks. By combining a bit of the old and the new, you end up with a controller that sports the look of a classic controller with the functionality that suits more modern games.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Dubbed Wii Speak, the new peripheral is a small semicircle-shaped add-on which was shown sitting on top of the Wii's sensor bar. Wii Speak allows players to chat online and undertake activities in the Animal Crossing: City Folk world. One example shown at the conference included a four-player fishing game in Animal Crossing, with players happily chatting to each other as well as engaging in some trash talk along the way. Another quick example shown was four players going into an in-game restaurant and talking to one another over a meal.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster

[Matthew] sent us this Nintendo 64 stuffed into an NES. He did a great job really, everything looks nice and tidy. the presentation is decent with only the game ports visible on the front to tell you its not stock. The accent lighting on the side vents is not overpowering. Overall this was a really well done mod. Just like the Nintendo 64 in a Wii mod, this only plays Nintendo 64 games. OK guys, lets get some mods going that don’t involve cramming one Nintendo product into another Nintendo product.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Next week, we'll be switching formats so the WiiWare and Virtual Console posts will be combined. Let's take a quick look at the games that convinced us prompted the move: The final, breathtaking solo salvo from WiiWare Weekly.
Space Invaders Get Even (Taito, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): It's completely antithetical to the whole spirit of the WiiWare Weekly post, but we're going to going ahead and admit that, judging from this YouTube review, SIGE, which lets you destroy a city as the titular invaders, actually looks pretty fun. Thanks for messing up our last hurrah, Space Invaders.
Pit Crew Panic! (Hudson Entertainment, 1-4 players, 800 Wii Points): In Pit Crew Panic!, an all-female pit crew fixes cars, trains, bridges and, of course, toilets. See, now, that's the WiiWare we remember.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Let's play the hot new game that's sweeping the nation: "No, Seriously, What's Coming Out on the Virtual Console This Week?"
Today's contestant is Metal Slug 2 (NeoGeo, 1-2 players, 900 Wii Points). Sure, it may look fine ... until you realize that for $10 more, you could go to your local GameStop and buy Metal Slug 1, 2, X, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Metal Slug Anthology, a Wii launch title.
So, we ask you: No, seriously, what's coming out on the Virtual Console this week?
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December 1st, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Music challenges players to use their imagination to make their Wii remote and nunchuck into musical instruments. Accessory developer ezGear says screw imagination, here's some plastic instruments.
The company that brought us plastic tennis rackets, golf clubs, and baseball bats for Wii Sports now brings us a plastic violin, saxophone, and combination drum sticks / conductor's baton in their Wii Music Pack. Each white plastic piece contains a little recess for you to stuff either your Wii remote or nunchuck into, completely ruining the whole imagination aspect of the title.
Still, at only $29.99, it's an inexpensive way to add a large package under the tree, which is sure to impress friends and family alike. The Wii Music Pack should be available in stores later this month
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December 1st, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Music hasn't set the world ablaze. Still, it is an "evergreen title" — to use the proper Nintendo lingo. That, and Shigeru Miyamoto developed it.
One cannot dismiss Miyamoto's impact on gaming. He's responsible for so much of gaming's basic grammar. So even when one of his games does not garner the expected interest and acclaim, it is worth giving those titles another look. They very well could be misunderstood. From an interview with game magazine Edge:
What’s your response to some of the poor reviews Wii Music has received in the gaming press? Did you expect it to be misunderstood?
...My hope is of course that a gradually increasing number of people will get access to Wii Music and understand its fun nature. I really don’t think that it will have the immediate and universal appeal around the world at all [laughs].
I really appreciate that the gaming media has a different view of anything as new as Wii Music today — it’s simply symbolises how different and unique Wii Music is. To tell the truth, I have this big ambition for Wii Music, that it can eventually be something very influential so that it might be able to influence what music means in the world.
Wii Music might age well. It might be one of those titles that we come back to and are able to appreciate at all that Miyamoto is hinting at. Then again, it might not.
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December 1st, 2008, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster

Some retro games you buy to play, others you buy to play a couple times and then put them behind a glass case.
The Gentle Physics and Science of Hazardous Materials is less a game, more a collector's item.Developed by Konami in 1990 for petroleum company Idemitsu Kosan, the title is an instructional tool for employees and never offered for retail sale. To run the game, it's necessary to use an adaptor called a "Q-ta."
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December 1st, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Yet, another DS game piracy arrest. A 57 year-old cram school manager has been taken into custody for illegally pirated Nintendo products. He was arrested after complaints from Nintendo.
The suspect, who resides in Ehime Prefecture's Imabari City, apparently sold Super Mario World burned on a CD-RI and Pokémon Platinum on a microSD card to a Matsuyama City man. Using Yahoo! Auctions, the suspect was selling bundles that included R4-style devices along with data on microSD cards and CD-RIs for ¥8,500.
After Nintendo complained to the Ehime Prefecture Cyber Patrol, police raid the suspect's house, where they found four computers, 5 R4-style devices and approximately 70 sales vouchers.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Online auction site eBay has revealed that the Nintendo Wii is the most searched for product on eBay across all categories.
The Wii has an average selling price on eBay of USD 349, USD 100 above the recommended retail price.
The site reported that on Black Friday – the shopping day following Thanksgiving in the US – 3171 Wiis were sold in 24 hours.
"Results from Black Friday show that shoppers continue to turn to the web for their holiday shopping needs, especially for consumer electronics," said Jim Griffith of eBay.
The second most searched for product was Wii Fit, with 1059 units sold on Black Friday.
Nintendo has struggled to keep up for demand for its home consoles and peripherals since release, with this year looking like shortages will once again hit retail.
Wii Fit sells on eBay for an average price of USD 100. Other popular videogame products on the site include the PlayStation 3 (average selling price USD 355) and EA's Rock band bundle (average selling price of USD 100), according to eBay.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Marvelous is co-publishing most of their games with XSEED, but Atlus still seems to be taking care of some Marvelous titles. On top of Luminous Arc 2 Atlus picked up Steal Princess, Climax’s spiritual successor to Landstalker. Not entirely unsurprising news since an English version was already announced for Europe, but it’s good to have some sort of confirmation of a North American release even if it’s just an ESRB leak as of now.
I played the Japanese version of Steal Princess and it starts off slow as molasses with a bunch of training levels. Once you get past the first batch Climax has some brain bending platforming puzzles to solve. Post-game players can create and trade user created Steal Princess levels over via Nintendo Wi-Fi. There are six spots for user levels on one DS cart and if Atlus can do one thing to improve the game over the Japanese release its creating a community for Steal Princess map makers.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Steal Princess was an easy game to identify since it is using the same name as its Japanese counterpart. The Dark Spire is more elusive. Like Steal Princess it’s for the DS and the ESRB says Atlus is publishing it. However, I don’t recall any game from Japan with exactly the same name. It could be a European game since Atlus USA is publishing Trackmaster, but there isn’t a European developed DS game called The Dark Spire either. Fortunately, the ESRB database now comes with descriptions and this is a summary of the Dark Spire.
This is a role-playing game in which players traverse through a dungeon to look for a stolen treasure. Players encounter monsters throughout the dungeon and can choose from a list of actions such as “attack,” “defend,” and “run.” Some story elements have graphic descriptions of violence (e.g., “…cut his own wrists and sprayed his blood” and “the sword impaled her through the chest”). Character accessories can include “bikini armor” and a “frilled codpiece,” while one scene mentions an “erotic panda.” Expletives (e.g., “bastard” and “hell”) can be seen in the dialogue, as well as references to alcohol products (e.g., “breath that reeks of rum”).
Hmm… dungeon crawling with basic RPG commands? Could this be the English version of Elminage DS Remix? Anyone else have a guess? “Erotic panda” could be a big hint too!
Update: Kid Marin had a great guess Genmu no Tou to Tsurugi no Okite from Success. Since Atlus and Success have close ties the Dark Spire may just be this retro dungeon crawler.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Of course Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is coming to North America and it is getting a speedy localization too. Square Enix will release the Wii/DS game in Japan first on January 29 with a limited edition Nintendo DSi. A few months later in the spring Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time will cross the pond when Square Enix publishes it in North America.
The story is about a sixteen year old hero who just returned home from a monster filled forest and a rite of passage. In his village he finds a young girl with “crystal sickness” and only the hero is brave enough to leave home to find a cure for the weak girl. You play as the hero which can be any of the four races in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles universe: Clavats, Lilties, Selkies, or Yukes. The character you make can be further customized by changing equipment and using your Mii. Yes, Square Enix is publishing the Wii and DS versions in North America too. However, they haven’t announced a price for either console. Gamestop lists both games at $39.99 which sounds about right.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Of course Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is coming to North America and it is getting a speedy localization too. Square Enix will release the Wii/DS game in Japan first on January 29 with a limited edition Nintendo DSi. A few months later in the spring Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time will cross the pond when Square Enix publishes it in North America.
The story is about a sixteen year old hero who just returned home from a monster filled forest and a rite of passage. In his village he finds a young girl with “crystal sickness” and only the hero is brave enough to leave home to find a cure for the weak girl. You play as the hero which can be any of the four races in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles universe: Clavats, Lilties, Selkies, or Yukes. The character you make can be further customized by changing equipment and using your Mii. Yes, Square Enix is publishing the Wii and DS versions in North America too. However, they haven’t announced a price for either console. Gamestop lists both games at $39.99 which sounds about right.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
With Sonic's latest outing receiving less-than-stellar reviews so far, Sega shifts focus over to Sonic and the Black Knight for the Wii with a host of colorful new screenshots.
Sonic Unleashed is failing to set the video game reviewing world on fire so far, so what better time to release a slew of screens for Sonic and the Black Knight, a game that still has the potential to be good? It has sword fighting in it! That's a good sign, right?
Come on Sega, do something, anything to prevent a Nintendo game from being the best Sonic the Hedgehog title of this gaming generation.
Screenshots here
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December 1st, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Next week, we'll be switching formats so the WiiWare and Virtual Console posts will be combined. Let's take a quick look at the games that convinced us prompted the move: The final, breathtaking solo salvo from WiiWare Weekly.- Space Invaders Get Even (Taito, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): It's completely antithetical to the whole spirit of the WiiWare Weekly post, but we're going to going ahead and admit that, judging from this YouTube review, SIGE, which lets you destroy a city as the titular invaders, actually looks pretty fun. Thanks for messing up our last hurrah, Space Invaders.
- Pit Crew Panic! (Hudson Entertainment, 1-4 players, 800 Wii Points): In Pit Crew Panic!, an all-female pit crew fixes cars, trains, bridges and, of course, toilets. See, now, that's the WiiWare we remember.
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December 1st, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Emulator for Windows has seen a new build released today, heres whats new:
SVN revision 1162
- Change SPU to run two spus in parallel. SPU_core is the official one. SPU_user produces output.
This lets us do inaccurate things with SPU_user which might sound better while being more accurate with SPU_core. [zeromus]
- Add RTC implementations (not fully) [CrazyMax]
- Rewrite VRAM mapping control and render [CrazyMax]
Windows port:
- Add AVI output [zeromus]
- Remove multithreading from user interface after finding several synchronization issues [zeromus]
- Rewrite input core & replace config input dialog [CrazyMax]
and yet something...
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December 1st, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The newest and fourth instalment in the Fatal Frame (Project Zero) series may be out here on Wii as soon as February.
That's according to Official Nintendo Magazine (spotted by Aussie Nintendo), which aired the first non-Japanese date for the spooky game. We've asked Nintendo for clarification.
Retailer Play suggests a February arrival for Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. And, if the game kept that name, it would be the first time the US title was used for the series in Europe.
Little is known about Fatal Frame IV, released in Japan earlier this summer. In fact, all we've seen so far is a freaky trailer featuring the paparazzi heroine wandering alone through haunted houses and bumping into some supernatural surprises.
Pop over to Eurogamer TV for a look.
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December 1st, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Better, brighter, faster games--and perhaps more profits--are in Nintendo's future
Hardcore gamers may still scoff at Nintendo's Wii for catering to casual gamers. But hidden behind its Clark Kent facade are some impressive financial muscles.
Nintendo rocked the gaming world when it brought out the Wii gaming console three years ago by turning an entirely new demographic of users on to gaming. Middle-aged and senior citizens stood in line to buy Wiis on the strength of games like Wii Fit, which audiences found more fun than workout DVDs.
To date, Nintendo has sold nearly 35 million Wiis, including 12.6 million in the U.S., Nintendo's biggest market. That's lower than Sony's (nyse: SNE - news - people ) PlayStation 2, which has sold 43 million units since 2000. But it's still pretty high for a console that, at launch, was technologically a generation behind its chief competitors, Sony's PlayStation 3, with 13 million units in users' living rooms, and Microsoft's Xbox 360, with 23 million units. This year, the Wii is expected to sell more than the best-selling PS2 sold in its best year, 2003.
Just as interesting as how Nintendo has changed the gaming world, however, has been its business approach. Nintendo sells games along the time-honored razor-razor blade model, namely pushing out the console and then enticing users to buy more games.
"More casual players aren't as likely to be attracted by hardware features, so it's all about delivering a fun, easy-to-use and addicting game experience," says Anita Frazier, toy and video game analyst at NPD Group.
Another factor in enticing those casual users is keeping its console cheap. "The key thing about Nintendo is they want their things to be at price points that anyone can respond to," says Hiroshi Kamide, director of research at KBC Securities Japan. Nintendo's strategy is to buy inexpensive components instead of making them in-house, allowing the Wii to sell for $260 while the PS3 costs $300.
But here's the winning point: Unlike its competitors, Nintendo has figured out how to make money from its console sales. Sony loses money on each Playstation sold. Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) might just break even. But every Wii brings in $6 of operating profit for Nintendo, says David Gibson, an analyst at Macquarie Securities.
Nintendo also sells 60% of Wii games itself, compared with 30% for Microsoft and 15% for Sony. Wii users are expected to buy the most games this year, 220 million, compared with 120 million PS3 games and 125 million for the Xbox 360.
The top three Wii games--"Wii Play," "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" and "Super Mario Galaxy"--are all Nintendo's own titles, but the top three for PS3--"Grand Theft Auto IV," "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" and "Assassin's Creed"--are all from outside developers, not from Sony.
By making most of its games itself, Nintendo (other-otc: NTDOY.PK - news - people ) risks sacrificing the chance to earn licensing fees from as many third-party developers as its competitors. It also prices games cheaper--at $50 versus $60 for the other two consoles. But so far the gambit has paid off: Wii locks in fans because many of its most popular games appear exclusively on the Wii. And Nintendo has a higher gross margin on game software than the others at 65%, compared with between 50% and 60%.
Those only-available-here games sell better than games that have been ported to other consoles because the Wii's unique features--the motion-sensor remote, for instance--make it hard to translate into other systems. PS3 and Xbox 360 games can be ported between those two systems fairly easily, but developers that want to make a game for all three consoles need a dedicated Wii team to write the Nintendo version.
Ubisoft's new "Shaun White Snowboarding" game, which shipped in late November, uses the Wii Fit motion board to simulate full-motion snowboarding; its Xbox and PS versions push online virtual snowboarding with friends.
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December 1st, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Tona
AnyRegion Changer is an application which allows you to make non-temporary changes to various region and language settings on your Wii's SYSCONF and setting.txt files. You may call this a "Region Mod," i.e. the settings will persist. It also allows you to install the System Menu of another region if you so desire.
No longer cares whether EULA has been set or not
Now downloads the correct IOS35 from nus, a fix for post 10/23/08
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December 1st, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo is finally realising its long-held literary aspirations with the announcement of 100 Classic Book Collection for DS.
The software, released on Boxing Day for GBP 19.99 in collaboration with publisher Harper Collins, features 100 classic (i.e. out of copyright) plays and novels compiled on a single cart.
According to Nintendo Europe's site, you read holding the DS like a book, and flicking through the pages with the stylus. There are search and bookmark functions - and additional works available to download via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Amazon has the full list of books included. You get 21 Shakespeare plays, 13 Dickens novels, and all the canonical corset-busting classics you'd expect from Jane Austen, Charlott Bronte, Thomas Hardy, Herman Melville and the like.
The collection has a lighter side too, though, with a couple of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries, some high adventure from Alexandre Dumas, Jules Verne and Robert Louis Stevenson, wit from Wilde, Swift and Twain, an Edgar Allen Poe collection, and even a bit of racy old D. H. Lawrence for bored housewives everywhere.
"This product does not require age classification, but some texts include expressions, themes or elements that may be considered inappropriate for young children," says Nintendo. No kidding.
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December 1st, 2008, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Frezzy updates text editor "WordDS" for the Nintendo DS with a few bug fixes, opening. Txt and adding a Spanish version of its application.
* Some bugfixes
* Opening of files is possible
known bugs:
* Editing of the text more shares does not work
* The text size is too small
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December 1st, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via gbatemp/pdroms
The Japanese coder known as "and" has released a technical demonstration of "Super Star Shooter", which he already previously released for other platforms such as the Gameboy Advance. The game is limited to two minutes of gameplay as it's just a playable technical demonstration yet.
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December 1st, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
After Cogito DS, Rom1 just give us a demo of his new project, "Rabbits & Stones". In line with Boulder Dash but rabbit comic version, this demo contains 5 levels.
In the spirit of legendary Boulder Dash, Stones & Rabbit offers direct a rabbit browsing the basement in search of precious carrots.
This is a demo of 5 levels, but already a lot of elements are already present, as well as 2 short cinematic purpose "humorous" (intro, outro).
The sounds were noisy party at the mouth by myself, so be lenient on this point.
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December 1st, 2008, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
It is a puzzle game accepting up to 4 players.
The puzzles should be file format. PNG and maximum size of 440x440 pixels.
When Arcade Jigsaw is launched if no puzzle is found on the SD card, a puzzle done everything is used.
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December 1st, 2008, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ollipolli
Thank you for testing, I hope to resolve these memory issues in a future version. But in the meantime, I've released DSwiki 0.2alpha2. As always, go to http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/ and download the latest version from the list of featured downloads.
Here is a partial list of changes:
The long awaited bookmarks in an early version. They can be added and loaded, but not edited in DSwiki itself. But the bookmarks will be saved in a plain text file, so edit it as you like! (a must-have, but nonetheless, suggested by Sphere)
I got rid of most remaining ASCII-text-output and replaced it by a better looking dialog interface.
The display can be inverted (suggested by Sphere). Activate the option menu with "Start" or the left icon. The search looks ugly then, but that doesn't affect usability.
The search can be reached with an icon in the main window
I spent most of my time improving the new parser, and it's going to be great...
I hope you like these small changes. Please test them and report bugs here or at my Googlecode page.
Have fun!
Ciao, Olli
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December 2nd, 2008, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster

Revision3's own Daniel just couldn't sit idly by watching portable N64 after portable N64 pass him by while doing nothing, so he decided to gut his own console and shove it into a battery-powered unit that can be taken practically anywhere. Sure, it's one thing to read through a step-by-step guide that you barely understand, but it's another to see the whole process broken down for you on video. Check the read link for the perfect holiday project, and yes, you can actually play the re-gift card here and not got scorned.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Though we don't know much at the moment, CVG is reporting that Atari will release Ready 2 Rumble Revolution on the Wii in March of next year. In case you're among the sad few unfamiliar with the franchise, Ready 2 Rumble was a cartoonish boxing game ... really Facebreaker before Facebreaker was Facebreaker. (Oh, and before you panic, we captured the pic above from one of those older R2Rs.)
The series has typically featured mini-games to train your boxer like pill popping and weight lifting, as well as celebrity cameos like Michael Jackson and Hillary Clinton. They've been replaced in R2RR by David Beckham, Brad Pitt and John Travolta. Go figure.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese people are buying the DSi. Lots of them. Nintendo sold over 500,000 DSi units (535,379 units by Enterbrain's numbers) during November, it's first month on sale. For comparison's sake, the DS Lite sold 550,000 units during its first month on sale in Japan.
The DSi's success has bolstered the DS platform's total sales to 24,239,590 units — a figure which includes the DS, DS Lite and the newly launched DSi.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
In March, Nintendo sought to trademark the term "Wii Remote". As you'd expect, what with the device being theirs and all. But last week, a letter arrived at Nintendo HQ. The sender? The United States Patent Office. Their response?
"No dice".
Why? Because the word "remote" is too common to be trademarked. Can't own a word that the world already uses, guys. Seems somebody at Nintendo ticked the wrong box, and they'll now have to go back and try again, this time with the realisation they can only trademark the the name "Wii Remote", not both words individually.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is the ultimate mafia party. As if the actual series isn't comedic enough, the eccentric cast has to go out of their respective ways to make you laugh.
Get to know more about the characters and see the sides that they would hide with all their might in the original series.
Test your knowledge of the characters and play a game of spot the differences, see how skillful you are with the DS's controls when you chase a burglar down with a flash light. In this mini-game compilation, you'd get some simple fun that is suitable for everybody, from the primary school children to the elderly.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The top selling boxing manga Hajime no Ippo illustrates the growth of the pushover Makunouchi Ippo. Through the sport, the boy matured both in spirit and in body.
By meeting other boxers in the ring, he found both his way in life and purpose.
Now you don't have to be a passive spectator, step into the ring in the Challenge Mode with Ippo and experience the eye opening matches he went through.
Besides the matches in the series, you can arrange games with your friends through the wi-fi facility of the DS.
There is an abundance of minigames that will affect your player character's attributes such as reflexes and attack power, be sure to try them all out and max your stats before the great game.
Pick a fight with anyone in the roster in the Free Match Mode, you can expand the roster by defeating more and more opponents in the Challenge Mode.
Try out in boxing and see if you can find your way through life via the sport.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is a rare occurrence where a visual novel game gets a full 40/40 score in Famitsu Weekly. Instead of using anime/manga like characters, this title makes use of real life people and mixed computer graphics with animations.
These all combined to seep you into the game world and bring you an excitement that you will not get in watching a movie or drama alone.
The story starts with a kidnapping within the Shibuya district. As the case gets more and more complicated, a number of unrelated people ends up being involved. There is a policeman, an ex-gangster, a virus researcher, a hothead veteran writer and a person dressed in a cat doll suit.
As the fates of these people interweaves tighter and tighter around each other, more dirty secrets are revealed and eventually everything gets out of hand. To clear up the mess, its up to you to make the right choices.
Depending on your selection, different storylines can be unlocked. With the complex and engaging plot and countless possibilities, this is a visual novel that deserves to be played repeatedly.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Phantomile is a world created out of dreams by the moon god, that's why as soon as people wake up, they forget their dreams. But what will happen when people have nightmares?
One day, Kuronoa, a boy who lives in Freegal, the village of wind had a nightmare, and for some reason, this did not disappear like the other dreams.
Just at that moment, he saw a space ship crash landed on the Bell mountains. His nightmare is coming true. Is that a bad omen after all?
But the curiosity in the boy won out eventually. With his friend, the Ring Spirit Hupo in tow, the two set off on their exciting action adventure. As the resident of the village of Wind, Kuronoa can do wind attacks and high jumps. Run, skip and leap, grab onto enemies and use them as a projectile weapons against others.
With simple controls and concepts, this is a game which the whole family can enjoy together.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Prince of Persia: The Fallen King expands the epic journey with an independent storyline, exclusive on DS.
Expanding the saga with an independent storyline, the Fallen King utilizes the unique stylus controls to deliver the extraordinary acrobatic and combat action of the Prince of Persia franchise
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December 2nd, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Rising out of the rich soil sprouts Gardening Mama, a new Nintendo DS(TM) gardening simulation that was announced today by Majesco Entertainment Company (Nasdaq: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market. Developed by Cooking Mama Limited, the team that created the award-winning Cooking Mama franchise that has sold 2.5 million units domestically, Gardening Mama brings back the beloved matron to cultivate a cornucopia of fruits, flowers and vegetables in her backyard.
"Mama has become a certifiable iconsince her original introduction in Cooking Mama DS," said Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer, Majesco. "Her first brand offshoot captures those features that made the Cooking Mama series a best seller -- an innovative concept, full Touch Screen control, approachable gameplay for everyone and, of course, a charismatic mentor who pushes you in her own endearing way to give a gold medal performance every time."
Gardening Mama transforms the DS stylus into a universal gardening tool that players will use to plant, nurture and harvest flowers, fruits and vegetables. Gamers can manage their garden through the seeding, blooming and maturation phases, and then produce items from the plants they've grown (i.e. grow strawberries to make jam or raise pumpkins and then carve a jack-'o-lantern). A robust multiplayer mode lets up to four friends compete to grow the biggest harvest and Treasure Box mode lets players share items they've grown with online friends. Gamers can also decorate various gardens while creating goods like pergolas and hanging baskets. In addition, players can change Mama's outfit to their liking while customizing the screen design to their preference.
Just as millions of players enjoyed slicing and dicing with Mama in the kitchen, they can now move to the great outdoors -- planting, pruning, picking, and creating -- in Gardening Mama!
Gardening Mama for DS is expected to release in Spring 2009. For additional information about Majesco's exciting line of products, please visit www.majescoentertainment.com.
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December 2nd, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
A pleasant surprise will have greeted Japanese Wii owners when they awoke this morning: a brand new Wii channel! Spencer from Siliconera freed up the necessary 82 blocks of space to download the "Today And Tomorrow's Lucky Fortune-Telling Channel," and wrote about his experiences.
Truthfully, it sounds very cute and novel, if a tad pointless. Six Miis can be added to the channel, which uses each Mii's preset birthday to calculate how lucky they are -- as you can see above, Mr. Green Jumper will be enjoying some good fortune! If you're down on your luck, you can change clothes to a luckier color by holding down the A and B buttons. Click on a Mii, and you'll be able to read what the future holds in five categories: love, work, school, communication, and money; while this Mii is pretty loved up, she is also penniless.
There are other modes to play with, including a friendship compatibility test, the results of which change daily. You can also get your Miis to ask about a certain subject, and receive three random words for you to interpret yourself.
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December 2nd, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
The Acekard team have today announced the worlds first Flashcart to get by the security features on the DSI,
Heres the video:
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December 2nd, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo secures an operating profit of USD 6 off of each Wii unit sold, according to an analyst at Macquarie Securities.
Analyst David Gibson explained to Forbes that while Sony makes a loss on each PlayStation 3 sold and Microsoft has the potential to break even with the Xbox 360, Nintendo makes a profit.
The Wii is expected to sell more software than any other console this year, with a target of 220 million units, compared with 120 million for PS3 games and 125 million for Xbox 360 titles. On top of this, the article details how Nintendo capitalises on its position by selling 60 per cent of Wii games itself, compared with 30 per cent for Microsoft and 15 per cent for Sony.
Part of this success is placed upon Nintendo's practice of keeping price down, with the console itself retailing for around USD 250, compared to the PS3 at around USD 400, while Wii games are priced around USD 50 rather than USD 60 on the other two consoles.
Hiroshi Kamide, director of research at KBC Securities, Japan, commented: "The key thing about Nintendo is they want their things to be at price points that anyone can respond to."
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December 3rd, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari has shed more like on AKI's Ready 2 Rumble Revolution for Wii, which the publisher said yesterday would be released in March 2009.
R2RR adopts the Wii Sports standard of remote and nunchuk for boxing gloves and serves up 18 caricatured boxers based on sports, music and film stars to punch your way through in the game's single-player Championship mode, where you also design your own boxer and build them up through mini-games.
Then there's multiplayer, and Atari promises "hilarious moves, detailed facial animations, damage textures and fighting techniques including special moves, combos, extreme knockdowns and special 'Rumble' combos". Meanwhile, the ring announcer is Michael "Let's Get Readyyyy To Rumble" Buffer.
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December 3rd, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Majesco has revealed plans to release a Gardening Mama game on DS next year. 505 Games is the European publisher.
The Cooking Mama team will be at the helm [hoe? - Ed], turning styluses into green-fingered tools that plant, nurture and harvest flowers and fruit in the garden.
Tasks range from growing seeds into adults to collecting harvests to make jam - or perhaps you want to grow a pumpkin for Halloween. Who knows what you're thinking?
There's multiplayer for up to four chums, either battling to breed the biggest harvest, or sharing crops in a Treasure Box area. Garden decoration's also on offer, and features hanging baskets and pergolas and so on.
Mama's togs can be swapped to make her look pretty or less manurey, and apparently the user interface can be tinkered with until it suits you.
Offensively bright and colourful gardening, then, which will likely be an enormous hit. That said, the Cooking Mama games haven't been that bad, as our Cooking Mama and Cooking Mama 2 DS reviews point out.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Evolution Control Committee has been doing live mashup performances for many years and recently upgraded their hardware. Inspired by [Johnny Lee]’s Wiimote whiteboard, they built a rear projection display they could use during performances. It displays a dense collection of samples in Ableton Live. On each of the performer’s hands is an IR LED mounted to a thimble. By touching the thumb to the forefinger, the LED turns on. Two Wiimotes watch for these IR flashes to trigger mouse clicks. [TradeMark G] found the Ableton display too complex to navigate quickly and accurately with a mouse; this new display make things much easier and enjoyable.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
A pre-played version of 2005's Animal Crossing: Wild World for DS, sent out to media outlets to encourage connectivity with the recent Animal Crossing release for Wii, contains at least one shocking addition, reports MTV Multiplayer. Importing the saved data from the DS cartridge sent by Nintendo into Animal Crossing: City Folk introduces a host of changes into the game, including one, suddenly no longer E-rated character, Baabara, who now greets players with: "How are you, Ñ---á?" [edited; original creator added diacritics]
To clarify, this generally offensive slang term (preceded by another potentially offensive phrase above it) is not included in the retail release of the game. Rather, whomever Nintendo employed to play the version of Wild World sent to press with all of the game's items unlocked, purposely "trained" the Baabara character to use the term. Further, introducing this kind of offensive content into a new copy of the game, from a stranger via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, is nearly impossible. To import content from another game cartridge over the internet requires two users to first exchange their unique 16-digit codes before they are able to share data. In other words, your kids are safe -- unless they or their "friends" are the creators of such content.
What MTV Multiplayer and other outlets have discovered is an isolated matter. Still, since the media serves as a filter through which you receive your news about Nintendo products, Nintendo clearly needs to work harder to prevent the kind of incident highlighted here from happening again. Also, an apology would be nice.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
MCV reports that Imagine's Nintendo-only UK magazine, N•Revolution, will cease publication. In this day and age, with ad revenue and readership down – not to mention a little thing you're using called the internet – this move doesn't exactly come as a surprise. Its publisher's reasoning for the closure does.
Imagine's managing director, Damian Butt, says that Nintendo's focus is shifting away from the magazine's readership, i.e. core gamers. "It has become increasingly obvious that Nintendo's strategy...has moved increasingly away from the hardcore gaming community that is our specialty," Butt explained.
Still, Butt says that Imagine – which also publishes gamesTM – will continue to work with Nintendo to "drive purchases of Nintendo software." We're sure it will be in an entirely objective, unbiased, above-the-board way ... of working with a company to positively influence software sales through editorial. What could be wrong with that? Oh.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
MCV reports that Imagine's Nintendo-only UK magazine, N•Revolution, will cease publication. In this day and age, with ad revenue and readership down – not to mention a little thing you're using called the internet – this move doesn't exactly come as a surprise. Its publisher's reasoning for the closure does.
Imagine's managing director, Damian Butt, says that Nintendo's focus is shifting away from the magazine's readership, i.e. core gamers. "It has become increasingly obvious that Nintendo's strategy...has moved increasingly away from the hardcore gaming community that is our specialty," Butt explained.
Still, Butt says that Imagine – which also publishes gamesTM – will continue to work with Nintendo to "drive purchases of Nintendo software." We're sure it will be in an entirely objective, unbiased, above-the-board way ... of working with a company to positively influence software sales through editorial. What could be wrong with that? Oh.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has confirmed a North American release for Kingdom Hearts: Ludicrous Subtitle (AKA Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days), the Action-RPG franchise's first entry on the Nintendo DS. The game revolves around Roxas, star of Kingdom Hearts II's prolonged prologue and one-time member of My Chemical Romance Organization XIII.
Though Square Enix has yet to provide a definitive release date for the English version, players can start looking forward to a series first: a multiplayer mode that allows "players to control their favorite Organization XIII members!" Oh, our favorite? Uh, well ... the one with the spiky hair, ominous coat and largely impractical weapon, obviously.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier we reported on a copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World that was shipped to game journalists with a racial epithet programmed in the speech patterns of one of the game's NPCs. Now Nintendo responds.
A copy of DS title Animal Crossing Wild World sent out to media yesterday by Nintendo came loaded with most of the game's secrets unlocked, it also included a nasty surprise. When you come upon Baabara, the town's resident sheep, you're greeted with a racial epithet. The word is used repeatedly in your conversation with the sheep.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
This is a corrected version of the story that ran earlier today by AJ. In it we incorrectly stated that Bill Murray's voice would not be in the console game. We reconfirmed with Atari that Murray's voice will be in the console games. We apologize for any confusion.
The DS version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game is made up of three main parts: Management (upgrading character skills, researching technology, making weapons, etc.), Driving the Ecto-1 around town and – duh – Busting, which is basically questing. There's the main quest which is modeled after the plot of the console versions of Ghostbusters (minus the Rookie character), and a series of side quests that help the Ghostbusters earn cash to afford weapon and technology upgrades. Questing also builds up the Reputation score – if this score drops to zero, it's game over.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
When Square-Enix announced Dragon Quest IX for DS, it came as quite a blow to stay-at-home console owners. If the newest rumor from EGM's Quartermann is right, DQ fans may still get a console version.
Yes, the Nintendo DS version is still coming in March of 2009, Iwada willing, but it may also be coming to the Wii. It may be coming to the little white console in the same fashion that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes Of Time will — as a game playable on both platforms, with DS-caliber graphics intact. That's a money making plan that likely doesn't impact development costs like a fully fledged port would. And if we know Square-Enix, it likes to make money.
Plus, as 1UP points out, the Wi-fi enabled multiplayer would likely work just as well on both platforms.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Run around in the maze, blow the things that blocks your path away and lay explosive traps all over the place to defeat your enemies. The main attraction of this bombing fun is the freedom you have when you customize your own bomberman.
Fight against the evil enermite in Grit City and get parts by clearing stages in the mission mode. Assemble your very own bomberman and compete against other's for the place as the strongest. Make use of the Wi-Fi facilities on your console and join in a game with 7 other people to challenge the exciting stages.
With simple controls, this is a game suitable for all occasions and all ages.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
Lots of small publishers championed WiiWare while big guns like Electronic Arts, Capcom and Sega strayed away from it. On December 16 Sega will take their first step onto WiiWare with Let’s Catch, a project done with Yuji Naka’s studio Prope. Let’s Catch is pretty much what it sounds like - a motion controlled game of catch. Players throw baseballs by swinging the remote forward just like the baseball game in Wii Sports. Also like Wii Sports you can use your Mii in the game.
Let’s Catch introduces a few modes like a speed catching challenge and unexpectedly a story to follow. When you have company over you can play Nine Trial which has players toss balls to shatter nine pieces of a 3×3 square or Bomber catch which is like hot potato with Miis. Also somehow aliens are part of Let’s Catch.
Right now I’m not convinced Let’s Catch is really going to be substantial enough for a 1,000 Point ($10) WiiWare game. It looks more like a diversion or filler until Let’s Tap comes out, but I’m generally curious to see what Yuji Naka has been working on now that he’s independent.
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December 4th, 2008, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Let’s Tap is another mini-game compilation for the Wii, but the unique concept of tapping a cardboard platform to control the games makes it stand out. Unfortunately, Let’s Tap only has four games so it’s a micro mini-game collection. I played Tap Runner at TGS and it was pretty fun so I’m still looking forward to Let’s Tap, but not as much after seeing this trailer.
Rhythm Tap is essentially Taiko Drum Master with tap control and a mode where four players hit different notes. Silent Blocks is similar to Jenga… with tapping and a puzzle based alchemy mode where you can clear same color pieces. Bubble Voyager looks like the strongest single player game out of Let’s Tap and It’s essentially the Balloon Trip mode from Balloon Fight. The rest of the package is padded with visualizers. I suppose this isn’t too bad since Let’s Tap is priced like a second tier Wii game at 5,040 yen ($55) (note: games with this price usually retail for $39.99 in the US), but Let’s Tap has more visualizers than games.
Sega will shove Let’s Tap into stores on December 18, the same day they are releasing Bleach: Versus Crusade and the Wii version of Sonic: Unleashed in Japan. Launching a new intellectual property title among two staple franchises can’t be a good early sign for Let’s Tap.
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December 4th, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Rock like a rock start with Wireless Rock Guitar-W V2 manufactured by Dragon. It features the whammy bar, strum bar and a shoulder strap for easy carrying.
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December 4th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami will bring an all-new Suikoden to DS next March titled Suikoden Tierkreis. Here are the first batch of shots.
Official blurb reads: Suikoden Tierkreis casts the player as a member of a tightly knit security force in a remote setting called 'Citro Village'. During an ongoing task to get rid of the land's fearsome creatures, players uncover a mysterious phenomenon... a light emits something inexplicable at the top of the tower in the old ruins. From then on, the player and their comrades' destiny begins to change...
The Nintendo DS title boasts a cast of 108 fully interactive characters. Each will work independently of the others, but can be recruited to make a four-person party, ideally suited to the tasks ahead. Each character enjoys a detailed history which is unfurled as the game progresses, with voice-overs and animated sequences fleshing out their many stories. From these, players than assemble their team to utilise the various skills on offer, while weapons such as swords and bows can be equipped and customised. Together, they are then pitted in turn-based battles against the many hostile creatures that lurk within Suikoden Tierkreis.
In addition to running battles, players and their parties will also be given specific quests during the course of the adventure. Suikoden Tierkreis is set in a series of parallel worlds, wherein users play in their own bespoke locale, while other players inhabit their own. This system will introduce the user to even more characters and the opportunity to make friends, while the Wi-Fi or Wireless communication capabilities of the Nintendo DS also allow users to send characters to these other worlds to receive missions from other players. Extra items such as money and items are offered as rewards, and ensure that the game is capable of constantly surprising the player.
Screenshots here
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December 4th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Months ago we reported Sunsoft, a subsidiary of Sun Denshi, was working on a manga delivery service for WiiWare. On January 6, 2009 it goes live with Princess Ai as the first title. The first three chapters cost 500 Wii Points ($5) and every two chapters afterwards cost 200 Wii Points ($2). Princess Ai has fifteen chapters which brings the total price for the entire series plus the viewer to 1700 Wii Points ($17).
While Sunsoft’s service is only announced for Japan the copy of Princess Ai being distributed over Japan’s WiiWare service has Japanese and English text. The English version of Princess Ai is based on Tokyopop’s localization. Since the audience for English manga in Japan is small it seems like Sunsoft is planning to release their digital manga viewer overseas. Tokyopop has a number of titles they could put on WiiWare too, but will anyone in North America be interested in buying them?
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December 4th, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Just a couple of days after the release of the Japan-only fortune telling Channel, Nintendo has given Japanese Wii owners a first chance at a Channel that will definitely be making its way overseas: the WiiSpeak Channel. Japanese Wii owners can now download the free channel from the Wii Shopping Channel.
As previously announced, the WiiSpeak Channel allows four Wii owners to hook up for chat sessions. In addition to chatting, users can trade pictures off SD, make voice tone adjustments and mute certain parties. The Channel is also compatible with Miis and can display up to six Miis from your Mii family.
Unlike most channels, this one is limited to a specific set of Wii owners. To download the channel, players need to input a code that's included with Animal Crossing WiiSpeak sets and with the solo release of the WiiSpeak peripheral (released just today in Japan). This basically means that only those who have the means of chatting can chat, which doesn't seem like such a terrible idea.
Those who can't get a hold of WiiSpeak will still be able to take their Wii to the new dimension of aural communication. Users of WiiSpeak can record 10 second voice messages and send them to other players. Anyone, including those without the WiiSpeak hardware, can listen to these messages.
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December 4th, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Wplaat has updated red square, heres the release info:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
02/12/2008 Version 0.2
Improve http (new version check) thread
Remove some minor reported bugs
Complete redesign of gameboard graphics
Add background music
Add some sound effects
Remove some typo(s)
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December 4th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
New puzzle game for the Wii from Scognito released:
[IMG] [/IMG]
Wiicross is a picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.
In this puzzle type, the numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column.
For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
It's easier playing with game directly than understand the rules at first
More than 50 levels, all drawn by users!
Two game modes: Normal mode, Free mode
Themed game: 6 themes available
Custom themes! You can create your own themes!
Custom music! You can add your own custom music (only wii version)
Different controll types
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December 4th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
New puzzle game for the Gamecube from Scognito released:

Wiicross is a picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.
In this puzzle type, the numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column.
For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.
It's easier playing with game directly than understand the rules at first
More than 50 levels, all drawn by users!
Two game modes: Normal mode, Free mode
Themed game: 6 themes available
Custom themes! You can create your own themes!
Custom music! You can add your own custom music (only wii version)
Different controll types
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December 4th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Hell Hibou has released a new version of his Homebrew Launcher for the Wii:
Wii Homebrew Launcher is an interface similar to that of the Wii menu. It allows you to start homebrew stored on your SD card in the Wii front SD slot. Each program is represented by its own customizable "channel".
Wii Homebrew Launcher 0.11 is available, here is the list of changes:
Using the Power button works properly.
Fixed a bug in the string 'Free Wii' when using a theme.
Various changes of images of the main theme by Cashman.
Added display of error messages.
Added ColorMessageBox parameter to determine the color of the text of error messages.
Add file MsgBox.png / bmp and Dir.png / bmp in the themes.
Adding variables Press, InvalidExe, ReceptInProgress, ConnexionError and NoFilesFound in the translation file (LANG.INI).
Add support for wiiload (DOL send a file or ELF TCP / IP).
Opportunity to extinguish Wii with the power button of the Wiimote.
Fixed a bug displaying some channels several times when we move to the next screen.
Trie Wii Channel (Wiiwaire strings and VC appear first, the chain in several versions are displayed side by side).
Adding a 'Lite mode using the ISO9 and accessible from DVD' autoboot ', certain features are disabled in this mode.
Acceleration readings from SD cards.
Improved access time of the DVD by using buffers.
The use of USB-flash works.
Various changes in the management of front-SD, SD-gecko and USB-flash.
Can be sub-folders to sort the homebrew and Roma (max. 8 nested subfolders).
Ability to assign icons to sub-directories by putting a file title.png or title.bmp (132x95 pixels).
Accented characters appear correctly in the channels using names of folders and files.
Use of icons with a lower size 132x95 and icons' slideshoot 'in the chain Emulators.
Some changes in the passage of parameters homberews.
No need to press (1) or (Z) for the homebrew from a DVD (it is possible to select a channel in the 1st screen even if the load is not finished).
Various internal changes.
As stated above if, one of the main novelty is the ability to sort by category homebrew. Know any time some homebrew will not work if you put them in a subdirectory or folder in a folder other than APPS (Wiidom, Quake eg.)
It also noted the presence of a Lite, a kind of safe mode. To start this mode, you need a chip and a Wii version of Zelda changed to autoboot. Simply copy the file boot.ELF on the SD card and start the Wii with the game changed. This method uses IOS9 and does not use DVDx, which is expected to use in case of semi-brick (if you get a start Zelda).
As a reminder following are the main functions of the loader:
Launch homebrew stored on SD card, USB-Flash, SD-Gecko, DVD (using DVDx) or sharing Samba / Windows
Possibility of placing in a homebrew or Homebrew APPS directory at the root of the media (compatible with the Homebrew Browser)
Opportunity to load a theme
Interface for emulators that can be ROM with an emulator (the emulator must be provided for this purpose, a modified version of the emulator is included RIN)
Possibility of launching channels from another region as your Wii
Passage of arguments (for developers)
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December 4th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ArminTamzarian
FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a pre-buffered methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.
Full Doxygen API documentation is included within the download archive for assistance with program integration.
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December 4th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cluster
I released new version of ClIRC - IRC client for Nintendo DS.
Main features:
* A clipboard in all dialog boxes. You can even copy from upper screen, holding "L" button.
* Using up to three servers at the same time.
* DCC chat support and file transfer by DCC in both directions (I really don't know what for, but in fact )
* Storing of logs directly to flash.
* Identification of server answers by numbers. I.e. not an interface only but the great deal of server answers is in English (for non-english servers).
* An alternative mode of nicklist request. Now you can see user's "away" status plus a complete list of his modes on server.
* Flexible settings of colors, highlights, etc.
* The prototype of scripts for advanced users. You can set commands, which will be executed after opening or closing of DS (turn away automatically, for example). You can previously make a list of commands for channels, privates and nick list, where the appropriate variables will be substituted as well. I.e. mIRC popups' analog
* All settings can be changed during a program work - it's no need to bother with ini files.
* Something like multitasking. At the same time you can download several files by DCC, get a list of channels and chat. Practically all tasks are working simultaneously, except the moment of connection.
* Nick autocomplete on "tab".
* Special mode for left handed people.
* Input history.
* Ignore.
* Russian in/out and interface (only for Russian version).
Homepage: http://clusterrr.com
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December 4th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from robamacaf
I worked on this for the last two days and have it at least in a playable fashion. If you don't know what Khet is, here is a description.
It's the game that combines lasers with classic strategy. Players alternate turns moving Egyptian-themed pieces having two, one or no mirrored surfaces. All four types of pieces (pharaoh, obelisk, pyramid and djed column) can either move one square forward, back, left, right, or diagonal, or can stay in the same square and rotate by a quarter twist. Each turn ends by firing one of the lasers built into the board. The laser beam bounces from mirror to mirror; if the beam strikes a non-mirrored surface on any piece, it is immediately removed from play. The ultimate goal is to illuminate your opponent's pharaoh, while shielding yours from harm!
(The red laser shoots out the top left, from the circle there, the grey one from the bottom right. red pieces can't go on the grey squares and grey pieces can't go on the red squares)
This game is being released to get feedback, etc. I will be updating it with more features. As of now, it is only 2 player on the same DS. I hope to add Wifi and computer AI soon. I will also be adding different configurations to play with. There are 3 main ones in Khet but I am also going to make it that players can make their own. I am also looking at redoing the graphics, possibly 3D.
As for now, enjoy the game! This is my FIRST DS game and also my first C/C++ program so please let me know what you think!
v1.02 - 03 Dec 08
Added in the 3 basic layouts. These are the ones that are in the rules. The way it works is:
* Classic: Use this setup if this is your first time to play Khet. Good for learning the game
* Imhotep: A variation on CLASSIC that opens up new defensive possibilities.
* Dynasty: A setup with an immediate balance of offense and defense that develops quickly.
v1.01 - 03 Dec 08
* Added the ability to deselect an item, to do this just click any where off the game board
* Added a highlight so you can see which piece you have selected
* Added a version number on the Rules screen so you can see what version you have.
* (Updated link)
v1.00 - 03 Dec 08
*Game added

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December 4th, 2008, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly updated release from Patrik Rak
ZXDS is an emulator of Sinclair ZX Spectrum for Nintendo DS, written by Patrik Rak. It is steadily reaching a mature stage of development, and it already has some noteworthy features, like accurate emulation of Spectrum 48k, 128k and Pentagon models (including sound), or support for TAP/TZX/PZX tape files, TRD/SCL disk files and RZX playback files.
ZXDS 0.8.1 beta 2 (3.12.2008)
* Tweaked RZX code to work with more nonconformant but commonly available recordings.
* Worked around sound clamping while keeping the sound loud by throwing dummy sample into the mix.
I knew there must have been a reason why I didn't use sound bias 0 alone long time ago.
ZXDS 0.8.1 beta 1 (27.11.2008)
+ RZX playback (no SZX snapshot support yet, though).
+ Files stored in ZIP archives can be browsed and loaded directly.
+ Support for poke cheats in POK file format, including autoload.
+ Added log screen for better problem diagnostics, especially those RZX related.
+ Turn off the bottom screen backlight after configurable timeout.
+ Automatically save state and enter sleep mode when the lid is closed.
* Alternatively boot from saves/boot.z80 instead of last session state.
* Skip loading of either state upon startup when L/R buttons are held.
* Replaced few busy loops with inactive waits to further improve battery life.
* Improved the last menu action to cycle through all recently used views.
* Extended the range of both AY and speaker samples to make the sound louder.
* Tweaked the Z80 snapshot loading code to support some less conformant files.
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December 4th, 2008, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
You probably remember the exit on GBA this adventure game / Action sauce Zelda. "Angun" is now available on our beloved DS with an adaptation rather than convincing "Angun DS" by Nathan Tolbert.
NEW! DS version released!
The DS port of Angun is finally finished! It is the same game as the GBA version, with minor changes:
* The bottom screen is used for inventory, enemy info, map, etc.
* New menu title graphics
* Miscellaneous bug fixes, minor tweaks map, etc.
For those who will be playing on an emulator Angun, I still recommend the GBA version, as the quality of GBA emulators is better than DS emulators. Angun to play on your DS, AngunaDS download, and write it to a DS flashable card (such as an R4 or M3). These can be purchased from Electrobee or other online retailers.
Pdroms.de thank you for the info.
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December 4th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
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December 4th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Kojote posted this over at GBADev:
The Giana's Return Team is probably bringing out a Gameboy Advance version of their "The Great Giana Sisters" sequel. Read on...
Widdy ( http://www.widdy.de ) a smart guy from Bavaria / Germany and member of a bunch of demogroups has started to conduct a study if a GBA version of Giana’s Return would be doable and to all our surprise the chance is pretty high.
He already has a platform engine which is highly adjusted to the GBA hardware so he just needs to push in the Giana’s Return elements and also the appropriated stuff around.
As the GBA is tile wise limited in color, he has to repixel few parts. The music we use for Giana’s Return is .XM, which can’t be handled on a GBA without too much CPU use, BUT am-fm, our new music support guy will rearrange things, so even .MOD’s will sound fine.
Let’s see how this GBA attempt will end!
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December 4th, 2008, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from megab

After three very long months my project is finally complete. For my senior seminar class I chose to make a game for the game boy advance. After going through a few excellent tutorials I was well on my way to making a great game. Gravity Ball Advance is a game where you fight gravity and avoid objects such as walls. There are a total of 9 levels with different environments such as reverse gravity, space, fans, and switches and three difficulty levels to choose from. At the end of every third level there is a boss you must defeat.
Up/A - Move up
Down/B - Move down
Start - Pause game
Left/Right - Move left/right
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thanks to pdroms for news info
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December 4th, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mdm2k
This is just a little novelty program that flashes the wiimote LEDs in a sequence reminiscent of a certain famous car from the 1980s. Supports up to 4 wiimotes.
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December 5th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster

HM Revenue & Customs has put out an official report warning that "hundreds of imported counterfeit game consoles seized at UK freight depots were found to have been supplied with potentially dangerous power adapters." Most of the wares had been purchased at a deep discount from Asian websites claiming to sell "genuine Nintendo products" for over 50% off. The Big N has already stepped in to confirm that the DS / DS Lites are indeed counterfeit, and the accompanying power adapters were also deemed "potentially dangerous, since they had not been electronically tested and do not meet strict UK safety standards." C'mon parents -- even if the youngin' has been bad, we'd still say coal is more fitting than a stocking full of potential electrocution.
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December 5th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster

According to this Tech On! report, Nintendo are in the process of evaluating their Wii Remote accelerometer technology. Seeing if other companies can supply better gear than their current suppliers can.
One firm - Kionix - definitely can. Currently, the Wii Remote's accelerometer sensors are provided by two companies: Analog Devices and STMicroelectronics. But Kionix employ different technology, which makes it "easier to enhance sensitivity".
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December 5th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, World Destruction is getting a North American release. The President of Imageepoch already told us they were working on a North American version back at Tokyo Game Show. Sega USA just hasn’t gotten around to announcing it yet. But, Sega must be getting ready to make an announcement soon.
Eagle-eyed Volcynika spotted a game on Sega’s FTP under the name “Sands of Destruction” which had screenshots of the US version World Destruction. Thanks for tipping us of to this!
The title isn’t the only thing Sega is changing. The pirate bear will now be known as Taupy instead of Toppy. Alright, name changes confirmed, but what about the difficulty? One idea Imageepoch was considering was to revise it for North America by getting feedback from Western gamers.
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December 5th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA has decided NASCAR racing will be more Wii-friendly in a cutesy Kart-racing style, a bit like that other quite popular game. And so NASCAR Kart Racing has been born, with a February release date over the water to the west.
In NKR, you can take the wheel as a noted NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver and roar around unlikely landscapes, such as rocky cliffs with falling boulders, deserts and junkyards. Official NASCAR circuits will make the cut, too.
There are 10 original animated characters to pick from, and each has different attributes that affect performance.
Defeating rivals and challenges on tracks is the aim of the single-player game, but there's split-screen multiplayer for four people so mum and dad and dog and cat can get involved.
We've a video of NASCAR Kart Racing over on Eurogamer TV, plus a gallery peppered with the first, slightly bland, shots.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Officially Licensed by Nintendo
6 different kinds
Shipped randomly
Please order a box of 6 pieces to receive a factory sealed container
Length: appox. 100mm
Limited availability
Mario karts have dashed out of your TV screens into the real world as a series of carefully crafted candy toys. They are not just there for show either, press it onto a flat surface and pull it back as much as you can to activate the simple machinery.
Let go, and see it zoom away.
Painted with cheerful Mario colors such as bright red, green and pastel pinks, these candy toys are wonderful as collectibles and small gifts to friends and children, especially as it comes with a delicious candy. You have played the game on Wii, what about in real life? Get your kart and participate in the championship.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Officially Licensed by Nintendo
6 different kinds
Shipped randomly
Please order a box of 6 pieces to receive a factory sealed container
Length: appox. 100mm
Limited availability
Mario karts have dashed out of your TV screens into the real world as a series of carefully crafted candy toys. They are not just there for show either, press it onto a flat surface and pull it back as much as you can to activate the simple machinery.
Let go, and see it zoom away.
Painted with cheerful Mario colors such as bright red, green and pastel pinks, these candy toys are wonderful as collectibles and small gifts to friends and children, especially as it comes with a delicious candy. You have played the game on Wii, what about in real life? Get your kart and participate in the championship.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Officially Licensed by Nintendo
6 different kinds
Shipped randomly
Please order a box of 6 pieces to receive a factory sealed container
Length: appox. 100mm
Limited availability
Mario karts have dashed out of your TV screens into the real world as a series of carefully crafted candy toys. They are not just there for show either, press it onto a flat surface and pull it back as much as you can to activate the simple machinery.
Let go, and see it zoom away.
Painted with cheerful Mario colors such as bright red, green and pastel pinks, these candy toys are wonderful as collectibles and small gifts to friends and children, especially as it comes with a delicious candy. You have played the game on Wii, what about in real life? Get your kart and participate in the championship.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is no lazy day in the kitchen! Iron chef America: Supreme Cuisine challenges players to complete several dishes simultaneously, using the Wii Remote or DS Stylus as your cooking tools. Stir, chop, mince, fry and more...just keep your eye on the clock!
Face off against celebrity chefs Mario Batali, Cat Cora, and Masuhuru Morimoto under the watchful eye of The Chairman and Alton Brown
Featuring 15 theme ingredients and hundreds of dish variations, Supreme Cuisine challenges players to create three to six dishes per battle
Step into Kitchen Stadium, compete against world-famous chefs, and prepare hundreds of mouth-watering food items!
Prepare for Battle!
Chop, mix and stir against the greatest chefs the world has ever known in a lightning-paced cooking competition. Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine challenges players to take up the role of master chef in a battle for culinary supremacy. Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine - take part in epic culinary battles centered on 15 theme ingredients and hundreds of dish variations.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

You and the Chef will collaborate on a wide variety of recipes, with videos of techniques, explanations of ingredients and expert advice. With its innovative interface and the interactivity that only the DS can provide, it’s a perfect learning tool for the budding chef
As you browse recipes, just tap a box to mark ingredients you need to buy. The DS will automatically store them in your in-game shopping list. Later you can take your DS to the store and check off the ingredients as you put them in your cart
Search for recipes by ingredients, calorie count, cooking time, difficulty and more
Hands covered in batter? Keep your DS clean using voice commands to continue to the next page, repeat a step, go back and more
Cooking is a training title that brings gourmet cooking from around the globe to your Nintendo DS. It features a DS Chef, your own private cooking instructor who talks you through 245+ recipes from more than 30 countries worldwide. It’s a combination of interactive cookbook and live cooking demonstration that’ll have you cooking like a pro, even if you’ve never lifted a ladle before.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Marcan posted this rather unbelievable news:
Recently, some sites have started to sell Wii homebrew packages / guides. Here are two of them:
Another site (I won’t link to it or mention its name because its author apparently feels that it will boost his sales)
The other site is newer apparently, and I’ve already looked quite a bit at Homebreware, so I’ll focus on the latter. Note: if you link to them, try to use the rel=”nofollow” attribute to avoid contributing to their PageRank. Google them if you must find their sites.
The Homebreware site claims to provide software to - surprise - do everything that Wii homebrew applications currently do. I encourage you to read the site for yourself. I actually went ahead and bought it to have proof of what’s going on. What’s in the box? There is none. Their product is entirely delivered online, and includes two parts: a PDF guide and a software bundle. They also have an affiliate program which seems to be pretty active.
First, let’s look at the PDF guide. Content starts on page 3, which is a badly authored introduction. Then, on page 4, we find this (cropped pdf). Hmm, interesting resemblance to, say, this revision of the Twilight Hack page on Wiibrew. Of course, there is no attribution, no GFDL, no nothing. So much for their exclusive PDF guide. But wait, it gets better. The next page is about the Homebrew Channel. Sound familiar? The next two pages are about the Wiibrew SD Installer. I think i’ve heard this before. Then it teaches you how to warez games - using two posts ripped off from the AfterDawn forums (I won’t link to either of these, but suffice to say it’s an exact copy as well). And finally, the Mii Channel Update page? Totally original too. And all that’s left is the FAQ page (which you can also find on their site), and includes such gems as “No it will not void your warranty” (they get to decide that now?) and “No it can’t [brick your console]” (I guess they’re including HomebrewareBootMii now).
Moving on to the bundle part, you’ll find a main bundle, a separate source archive containing a bit of random Wii source code, and the Twilight Hack 0.1beta2 as a separate archive (this was a recent update, and they were too lazy to include it in the main bundle). Here’s the file listing for the bundle, and here’s the source archive. Of note is that the bundle archive includes several WADs copyrighted by Nintendo. Of course, HBC beta9 is included as well as TPHack 0.1beta1, and many popular Wii apps. The questionable warez-launching bits and pieces probably violate the DMCA anti-circumvention clause too (not that I agree with it).
Now, neither the Twilight Hack nor the Homebrew Channel (among others) are distributed under the GPL, GFDL, or any other GNU licenses (we’ve had a source release of TPHack for a while on the back burner, but it hasn’t happened yet), contrary to what the other site claims on their footer (they also don’t seem to know how to spell our name, or that there are several “GNU licenses” and that the GFDL doesn’t apply to software anyway). In fact, they are distributed without any specific license (other than the “no warranty” stuff), which grants them automatic “all rights reserved” style copyright status (at least in all countries that fall under the Berne Convention, that is, practically the entire world). Therefore, redistribution, and especially sale, are forbidden. While we’re okay with free internet distribution by other parties (mirrors), any kind of sale is obviously crossing the line (and that includes any sale of a “guide” with “bundled” software).
I can only speak for the software that I’ve authored, but it’s clear that many other licenses are being violated here as well. If you are the author of anything in the archive and your copyright is being violated, I urge you to take action (tell the world, send them an e-mail, send them a DMCA takedown, whatever).
We’ve started to attempt to send the appropriate DMCA takedown notices to the providers involved, but I’d like to know if you have any suggestions, or if you know someone who could provide legal advice. It’s pretty annoying, as this is a slow process and meanwhile these guys are racking up the sales.
To the people behind this: what you’re doing is illegal, in case it wasn’t clear. We’re going to start firing DMCA notices until you stop. If you don’t stop now we’re going to start looking at a lawsuit.
LMAO im lost for words
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December 5th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
On Monday, we posted a poll on the IGN.com front page, asking the reader which popular Wii game they were anticipating the most. Readers could select one from a list of nine games, which included titles such as The Conduit, Deadly Creatures, The House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld, No More Heroes 2, Pikmin 3, Punch-Out!!, Sin and Punishment 2, and Wii Sports Resort.
Nearly 18,000 votes were cast since Monday, and of these votes, Punch-out!!, the sequel to the popular boxing franchise came out on top with nearly 20% of the votes taken. Coming in at a very close number two was The Conduit, the High Voltage-developed first-person shooter recently picked up for publishing by SEGA, coming in just 250 votes shy of the number one slot. Pikmin 3 capped off the Top Three, grabbing 17.4% of the readers' votes.
Bottom three least anticipated games included Deadly Creatures at 2.7% of the vote, Treasure's Sin and Punishment 2 at 2.8%, and The House of the Dead: Overkill at 6.1%.
And to round things off, No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle nabbed 9.8%, MadWorld grabbed 11.5%, and Wii Sports Resort gathered a meaty 10.8%.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Steve Corey has released a new version of Doom for the Nintendo Wii:
I fixed the bug that caused the shareware wad to crash in 0.4, so I'm releasing a version that includes only this fix. The homebrew browser can't put out the newest WiiDoom unless the shareware wad (which is packaged with it) works, so this was a high priority for me. Teknecal just confirmed that it's working, so he's putting it out in the next day or so.
Doom Shareware
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December 5th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Spritemanager is a class designed to be an easy to use manager for libwiisprite that allow to directly create and handle sprites with images, images sequence or text inside. This code is usefull to avoid memory problem since the object SpriteManager handle correctly himself memory used (free memory just deleting the object SpriteManager or removing a sprite).
This library is developped in C++ by Unititled with help of TextRender written by DragonMinded (modified) and Imageloader by Ulti (highly modified).
The use of SpriteManager is highly detailed in the SpriteManager.h and an simple example project is given in the pack.
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December 5th, 2008, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Okachobi
A version of SDL Paradroid compiled for the Wii to fill the void in the U.S., where the virtual console lacks C64 games. This version is created from the GPL'ed source code from SDL Paradroid and uses the same data files. The source will be released in accordance with its original GPL license as soon as I get to a stable version. I had considered abandoning the project because of the virtual console version, but then realized its not available in the U.S., and noticed that there are at least 2 PC remakes of Paradroid and several for mobile platforms. So if you like Paradroid and live where it is available, support the virtual console by purchasing it. Otherwise, wait a little while and give this port a try.
This version is in no way derived from the version available on the Wii Virtual Console in Europe. All code and graphics are from the freely-available SDL Paradroid released in 2002 under the GPL license. It has simply been patched in various ways to be compatible with the Wii Homebrew SDL library.
12/4 - v0.4 Released!
I believe the final major crash bug has been fixed
No longer alpha! Ready for inclusion in homebrew browser.
Changes in v0.4
Yellow and Red Alerts no longer continuously contribute to your score.
This was a feature of SDL Paradroid, but not the original C=64 Paradroid. It caused an issue where the backlog of points tricked the game into believing you were on a continuous rampage and never lowered the alert states since it detected a killing spree by looking at the score backlog. This may have worked ok on the PC, but its possible that when I changed the frame-rate timing method that it broke the timing that made this work. It was a good feature in SDL Paradroid, but at least for now its gone.
Now Yellow and Red Alerts will give bonuses for all bots destroyed or overtaken
Bugs fixed around actual number of levels and macros that defined max levels - I *believe* this was causing the crashes by overrunning buffers (this wasn't an issue in Paradroid SDL because it statically allocated the level array to the max allowed levels and not the available ship levels. When I changed this code to do dynamic allocations this apparently caused this issue)
Memory leaks found and fixed
Birds-eye view map offsets fixed
Scoreboard should be fully functional
Boundary checks added for level array to prevent bad x/y coords from crashing game- though I think this might have been caused by the level mismatch bug
Known Issues
Lift teleport issue- lift on a certain level will teleport you to another lift if you activate it, then exit without changing levels
Bots sometimes get confused or stuck - but hey, they're bots, right?
Sometimes after a successful transfer the transfer sound doesn't play and you exit the transfer screen immediately
Occasionally it seems like a successful transfer results in a tie- but its likely a display update issue
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December 5th, 2008, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Yossi:
What is this for?
When HBCb9 came out, they decided that they no longer need to support any invalid .elf files. If you have .elf files, you need to convert then to .dol with some little program that gets buried in some directory when/if you install devkitPro. This script will automate the task of converting all your stuff. It even comes with that little program so you don't need to install the entire devkitPro.
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December 6th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
05/12/2008 Version 0.4
Added Welcome screen
Added Help screen
Added Credits screen
Added exit to HBC functionality
Added reset Wii functionality
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December 6th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
02/12/2008 Version 0.93
Added google analystic http request
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December 6th, 2008, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
This weekend many of you will begin to put their Christmas tree is a good opportunity to do so on your DS. I have to adjust on amusé DS MathLab a code that generates a tree completely in fractal "My beautiful tree." You can change some parameter (Point and fork angle, size of classes and the number of bowls). It is advisable to avoid going below 20% for the point of junction failing to wait 3 minutes that the tree is drawn.
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December 6th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
Zeroathidari carries out a new application to learn how to write / draw kanji and kana Japanese with "Kanji.es." Many exercises are present and several test, all available in Spanish and English..
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December 6th, 2008, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
cosmic4z posted some demos he has been working on, named Racer 1, 2 and 3, heres the details and screens:
Over the years, I've worked on and experimented with, a lot of new technologies and novel ways of doing things. Very often, they've never seen the light of day. It's shocking how many things I've worked on that never got published.
Anyhoo, just for fun, I'm releasing some demos I made some time back. It's for the GBA (so, rom files), you'll need a GBA emulator to run these on a PC. There are 3 different versions here, all at different stages of development.
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December 6th, 2008, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster

The folks over at 1up spoke with Gordon Hall of Rockstar Leeds, the developer behind Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the DS.
In the interview, Hall describes how the touch screen interface will be used in the game, or more specifically, how much. Besides allowing access your PDA for things like checking your e-mail or ordering weapons, players will be doing a lot of tapping and scratching when it's needed.
"Outside of the PDA, you also use the touch screen to fill in those little details left out of most console games. You may find yourself in a minigame hotwiring a car or breaking into a warehouse by disabling a key-code lock. We also use the touch screen for more everyday events like buying and using [lottery] scratchcards. Everywhere it felt right to use the touch screen, we've done so."
Hall also noted that while there will be plenty of touching going on, the driving controls will still be used by the d-pad. Thank goodness! Now we just need to see if there are any prostitute minigames involving use of the stylus. (Yeah, I went there)
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December 6th, 2008, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Includes one Wiimote (Wii Remote Controller) and 1 protection jacket.
The Wii Remote Jacket, a durable, silicone cover for the Wii Remote, provides a variety of benefits for the player. Nintendo will include the Wii Remote Jacket with all Wii hardware systems and with all Wii Remotes sold separately or packaged with Wii Play.
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December 6th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Developer 5th Cell is known for their unique use of the Nintendo DS touch screen in their titles, which include Drawn to Life and Lock's Quest -- however, their next project makes those two titles seem like the creative equivalent of Madden 09. In a recent interview with IGN, 5th Cell creative director Jeremiah Slaczka gave a brief run-down on Scribblenauts, which will have players traversing puzzle-filled worlds, spelling nouns to make objects appear that will help solve said puzzles.
For instance, in the first gameplay trailer that 5th Cell provided (posted after the break), Maxwell (the game's protagonist) is trying to collect a "Starite" from a treetop. Writing "ladder" will provide the vertical assistance needed to reach the Starite, but you could just as easily create a "football" with which to topple the Starite from the tree. Then again, you could spawn a "beaver" to chew the tree down. Or maybe you could summon basketball superstar (and crically-acclaimed actor) "Shaquille O'Neal" to grab it for you.
Okay, we made that last one up -- but if the possibilities are as endless as the trailer suggests, we better see some Shaq functionality in the final product.
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December 6th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
[Both Sony and Microsoft's consoles have made aggressive moves into the realm of video delivery, but what about Nintendo? Analyst Colin Dixon of The Diffusion Group looks at the potential and associated challenges for nongaming media on Wii -- and wonders whether Nintendo can afford to stand on the sidelines any longer.]
With the launch of the new Xbox LIVE Experience – and the addition of Netflix video streaming – Microsoft continues to transform its Xbox 360 from a solitary ‘gaming platform’ to a connected video gateway delivering content directly to the living room TV.
Sony is working the same angle, advancing its PS3/Playstation Network combination by expanding its roster of movies and TV programs and even pledging simultaneous online and DVD releases of Hitch and other top-notch (Sony-owned) titles.
Sony’s ambitions for the Playstation Network are incredibly grand: tie together Sony content, Sony’s distribution machine, Sony’s Internet media services, and Sony’s (connected) consumer electronics, thus building an end-to-end system to bypass video operators and deliver content directly to end-users. Sony’s own public statements have unambiguously revealed this ambition.
So that brings us up to date on Microsoft and Sony, but what about Nintendo?
Given the Wii’s explosive diffusion (over 35 million points of presence at year-end 2008) and cross-market appeal (helping to bring console gaming into the mainstream), Nintendo would seem to put be in an ideal position from which to launch a highly-competitive video delivery service.
To date, however, it has remained relatively silent on the issue of Wii-based video delivery. Outside of a low-level relationship with the BBC in the U.K. and a minor 500-title video channel to launch this month in Japan, the gaming giant has been fairly quiet on the subject of Over-the-Top video.
Given the content efforts of both Microsoft and Sony – not to mention Microsoft’s recent price cuts undertaken specifically to grow its console/gateway base for video distribution – can Nintendo afford to continue sitting on the sidelines? Or is that precisely what it should do, to remain focused on gaming when other console vendors are spinning their wheels on new video efforts?
Inferior Hardware a Barrier?
As discussed in TDG’s latest report, 'Console Vendors and Over-the-Top Delivery: Let the Games Begin!', Nintendo's Wii – though well diffused – is not at first glance well suited for video delivery to the TV. At 480p, the Wii's video resolution is far below that of the Xbox 360 and PS3, both of which provide HD-quality output.
Then again, today's DVDs are 480p and continue to provide an excellent video experience even on the largest of screens. In other words, for the vast majority of consumers, a DVD-quality experience appears to be acceptable, even enjoyable (a message lost on many Blu-ray vendors).
The lack of a local hard drive is definitely a problem for the Wii. Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 offer large hard drives capable of storing plenty of movies, even in HD.
However, as the folks from Move Networks and Netflix are proving each day, streaming video over the Internet can provide a TV-like experience without the need for a hard drive of any kind. Perhaps the consumer-premised equipment (CPE) in a streaming scenario doesn’t have to be as ‘smart’ or expensive as many think!
So if there isn’t necessarily a technical roadblock to using the console as a video gateway, why is delivering streaming video via the Wii not more commonplace?
Video: a Risky Business for Console Companies?
In the past, console makers have been reluctant to distribute non-gaming media via the game console due to fear of distracting from the big-money activity – that is, buying and using game software owned or licensed by the console manufacturer. Remember, the console cost is in large part subsidized by the manufacturer on the expectation that content sales will make up the difference. Providing video services via a game console could thus be seen as dilutive to gaming software revenue.
This position seems a bit short-sighted, based on a very shallow understanding of the how gaming consoles are actually being used today. Most console users also use the platform to access online media via the TV or to play DVDs and CDs.
No major vendor sees its console as only a gaming platform; it’s just a question of the degree to which they extend console-based experiences and applications beyond the gaming center. Even Nintendo’s Wii has a variety of non-gaming activities that may be seen as ‘dilutive’ to the core gaming experience, but these activities are still present (and growing in number).
For console vendors, the categorical imperative must be recast as follows: Always act so that the maxim of your action creates a media experience of such stickiness that users desire to stay within the ‘walls’ of the console environment for as long as possible.¹
In the world of quantum media – where consumers can access and enjoy virtually any kind of content at anytime, at any location, on any device, and on any network – fulfilling this imperative becomes increasing difficult. It becomes more difficult to keep your core audience engaged, meaning that vendors must think in terms of compelling non-gaming reasons for its users to stay in this virtual world for as long as possible.
For Nintendo, it seems acceptable to allow its core users to wander in for gaming and wander out for other media. For Microsoft and Sony, it may be virtual doors through which consumers exit but it is real money they take with them!
Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE effort provides an interesting case study in the value of this new imperative. With the recent addition of Netflix’s ‘Watch Instantly’ catalogue, Xbox LIVE users can now access more than 12,000 Netflix streaming-on-demand movies and TV programs.
Combine this with the more than 15,000 movies and TV shows available for download and there is little reason for Microsoft’s 14 million Xbox LIVE members to wander outside the console environment for non-gaming entertainment. Has this play worked?
According to recently released data, Microsoft seems to think so. According to its numbers, users have already spent over a billion dollars on Xbox LIVE since the network launched and downloaded nearly 700 million items from the Marketplace store. Blended entertainment experiences such as Guitar Hero III and Rock Band have generated more than 3.5 million music track downloads. And this is before users begin to engage the Netflix content!
Clearly Microsoft sees the power of this model, as does Sony (though to date its efforts have been more talk than substance). Using connected consoles as video distribution gateways seems a logical step in the evolution of the platform itself; a necessary progression that reflects the reality of digital convergence. The fact that Sony and Microsoft are both pushing (and being pushed by) this evolution makes sense; the fact that Nintendo is not seems a bit bewildering.
Wii OTT in Japan: A Beachhead or just Beached?
In December 2008, Nintendo plans to launch a Wii-based video-on-demand service called “Everyone’s Theater Wii,” offering Japanese users on-demand access to a variety of movies and TV shows.²
Users are asked to spend 500 Nintendo Points to download a third-party video player (Fujisoft’s Ulexit), after which they may choose to pay a per-viewing fee for programs they wish to watch. The service is expected to launch with about 500 titles including animes, movies, music programs, and documentaries, each of which will cost between 100 and 400 Wii points per download.³
Unlike Microsoft and Sony, however, Nintendo is NOT managing the service – Fujisoft has that responsibility. Nintendo is exchanging access to its Japanese Wii user base for royalties.
Will the Wii video service succeed in Japan? Time will tell, but given Nintendo’s royal regional status, not to mention the Japanese appetite for digital video, the chances for service success are favorable. Nonetheless, Nintendo has set very low expectations for the project and has yet to reveal any specific plans or timeline for bulking up the content roster.
That will prove key to the service’s long-term viability and ultimately reveal whether Nintendo is serious about building a Wii-based video distribution network.
As to the chances that the Wii video service will make it beyond the shores of Japan, early reports rank the probability at “near zero.”4 That being said, TDG believes such predictions are hasty bearing in mind the competitive pressures that Nintendo will face as global demand lightens and pressures from investors build.
In the End
In order for the Wii to remain competitive in the long-term, Nintendo must enable Wii-based OTT video services of some kind. TDG expects that within the next two years either:
(a) Nintendo will seek third-party partners in both the U.S. and Europe for Wii-based video delivery, or
(b) Nintendo will work with a company like Move Networks to roll out their own service and thus compete directly with Microsoft and Sony. Either way, Nintendo will be forced to get into the video game, likely sooner than even they may expect.
One thing is for certain: given the pace at which Wii consoles are finding their way into North America and Europe, Nintendo will be able to offer video content creators and distributors a very large family audience and enthusiastic base of would-be OTT viewers. That’s gotta be worth a small fortune!
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December 7th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster

OpenSound Control protocol is an emerging standard for communication between musical programs. It’s meant to replace MIDI. The DSMI, DS Music Interface, team has just added support for OSC. You can now use your DS as generic OSC music controller over WiFi. OSC has TCP/IP support built in, so there is no need to run a host sever to talk to DSMI like you did when they only supported MIDI. We’ve seen OSC used in other projects like the monome. It’s also the basis for the multitouch communication protocol TUIO.
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December 7th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sunsoft basically dropped off the radar after the SNES days, hardly releasing anything of note in the last two hardware cycles. But Sunsoft is back in the game now, largely on the back of virtual console titles for Wii. Now the company is releasing original-ish games on the Wii as well, such as Minna de Taisen Puzzle. Granted there's nothing really interesting happening yet, but it's nice to see that familiar logo resurface a bit. One can only hope for a Jaleco-style revival, though we'll see how long that lasts.
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December 7th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat:
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible.
06/12/2008 Version 0.61
Added google analytic http request
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December 7th, 2008, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sierradev
Using the Homebrew Disc Loader, you can load homebrew programs from regular ISO9660 DVDs. It supports (sub)directories.
Added support for meta.xml (name and long_description)
Added support for DISCINFO-file (see above)
Added eject- and retry-functions
Fixed issue with scrolling through a long list
Fixed issue where program crashed randomly due to a bug in memory allocation
Changed name to Homebrew Disc Loader
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December 7th, 2008, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ThErZA
The Wii port of LPairs done by ThErZA. The original code was done by Michael Speck.
"LPairs is a classical memory game. This means you have to find pairs of identical cards which will then be removed. Your time and tries needed will be counted but there is no highscore chart or limit to this."
So have fun with this little time killer
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December 7th, 2008, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Bert Jan presents its new customized version of Linux whiite.
This version has a graphical interface and is provided with various applications such as a video player, web browser Firefox ...
News / additions to this version:
- VNC server
- VNC client
- Microsoft remote desktop client
- IPod integration via gtkpod: wii use your iPod as jukebox +
- On-screen keyboard
- Swap enabled (32MB - uses a local swapfile included in the package, no need to setup an extra score)
- Sshfs support
- A bunch of other small improvements and cleanups. The entire dist should still fit on a 512MB SD card.
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December 7th, 2008, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Doc and realize Killer01 beta "+ or -" which is coded in Lua and therefore uses the Micro Lua interpreter to work. Certe homebrew this is a game of guessing well known but nice graphics.
Certe Beta does that section Play.
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December 7th, 2008, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Noobey
Ay, here is the first beta of the SavSender: SavSender Beta 1
Yet I’m not sure if I keep the console style, I like it, but I would like to know what you think about it.
Short how-to:
-Start the homebrew
-Insert official cartridge you want to get the save of
-The DS will give you an URL like (for me
-Open a browser on your PC, enter the URL into the address bar
-Download the .sav file
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December 7th, 2008, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sproing Interactive Media GmbH, Austria's largest game development company, today announced that its original WWII turn-based strategy game for the Nintendo DS, Panzer Tactics, won the 2008 Console Game of The Year Award at last night's German Game Developer Awards. Voted on by a panel of publishers, developers service providers and the media, the German Game Developer Awards recognize games released in the past year that represent special merit in gameplay, design, innovation, interface, and quality.
"We're extremely proud of the quality, innovation and overall gameplay experience that we delivered in Panzer Tactics DS and the recognition we've received from the German Game Developer Awards is a testament to the overall experience," said Harald Riegler, CEO of Sproing. "We took a lot of risks to create an immersive game for a mass-market audience and the Console Game of The Year Award makes it all worth while. We look forward to the next project which gives us the opportunity to build upon this success."
Panzer Tactics incorporates leading edge technology on the Nintendo DS including 4-player local network play, Wi-Fi connection for online multiplayer, rankings, matchmaking, and more than 100 hours of immersive gameplay.
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December 7th, 2008, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Noobey:
I told some of you that there would be a beta-release last week.
Sorry, but after working one week for the MP3-Code, the MP3 code now works but the application freezes somewhere during getting/filtering the quotes but I have no idea where….
Now I dont want to make a new time-span I cant make it, so I think latestly on christmas a MP3-featuring version should be out.
What to expect for the next version ?
The MP3 system scans a whole folder, inclusive the folders in it (=recursive), for .mp3’s. These will be played during reading quotes ;0 And of course there is a pause/next function which you also can map to a button
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December 7th, 2008, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from .:Mik:.
Hi there!
I'm proud to present you the new version of OsUp!
* by popular demand, added support for CycloDS
* improved skinning system by adding support for .bmp file (instead of the previous .gif choice)
* added "Save Settings" in the settings menu to save settings before update. In this way, you haven't to re-set the OS parameters (language, skin and so on) anymore
By now, supported card are:
- AceKard2
- AceKard RPG
- R4
- SuperCardDS One
- SuperCardDS One SDHC
- Cyclo DS
If you have already download the version 2.5 of OsUp you can upgrade this homebrew choosing "update OsUp" in the main menu of the program.
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December 8th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has said around 800,000 Wii consoles were sold over the Thanksgiving weekend in the US.
That's an absolutely outrageous number, and more than double the 350,000 figure from last year.
"When the economy is strong, people tend to buy three things from the top of their wish list. But when things are bad, people often buy only the first thing on their list - fortunately for us a lot of shoppers put our products at the top of their list," Iwata told Reuters.
He went on to say DS sales were up by around 20 per cent - both of which should cement Nintendo at the top of the NPD pile for November. Those figures should be released very soon.
The upshot is many shops reporting to be out of Wii stock, a situation Nintendo had predicted but apparently not remedied.
These impressive figures follow word that the Nintendo Wii was the most searched for product on the whole of eBay on Black Friday, the nationwide shopping day that follows Thanksgiving.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We'd like to begin this new feature, this amalgam of new offerings on the Virtual Console and WiiWare by asking for your help: We really need a catchier title than "Wii Post." Sure, it's practical, but it's not exactly "sticky," to drop some marketing lingo on you. Leave a great new one as a comment on this post and you'll win momentary fame and the satisfaction of a job well done.
WiiWare:- Bruiser and Scratch (Steel Penny Games, Inc., 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points): Bruiser and Scratch is a game about a dog and a cat who solve mysteries together. In addition to its irrefutably ridiculous premise (a dog and a cat working together?), B&S also features the above image, which is literally a screenshot from the game.
- Hockey Allstar Shootout (Big Blue Bubble Inc., 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): You can't trust two-thirds of this game's title: This isn't actually a hockey game -- just a collection of player vs. goalie encounters -- and there are no allstars. So, with the WiiWare press release apparently penned by an unreliable narrarator, we're left with more questions than answers. Are there actual shootouts? Is it really 500 points? There's really no way to tell at this point.
Virtual Console:- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Master System, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): Yeah, we know, we could have sworn this was already on Virtual Console too. [Update: Oh, that's right: It totally was. Update 2: Yes, we know they're different games. We just wanted everyone to know they're not hallucinating.]
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December 8th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Rhythm Cooking is exactly what it sounds like - a cooking rhythm game. They essentially are that to begin with, so it only stands to reason that someone would do it in time to music. Unfortunately the rhythm and cooking parts seem totally separate - or more to the point, you're just playing a rhythm game while the character cooks, and then you get to arrange things afterward. While it does seem like a missed opportunity in some ways, the company did license some decent songs, such as the meme-tastic Ievan Polkka (original). Curious game nonetheless - click the link on the top left to see some movies of the game in action, and just below that to see the song list. The game came out on the DS on November 13, for 5,040 yen with tax.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Here’s one game we won’t be seeing on WiiWare this week, Shootanto: Kakohen (loosely: Shootanto: Chapters of History). Japan is getting Shootanto tomorrow and it looks interesting, in a campy D3 Simple series kind of way. At its core Shootanto is basically a WiiWare light gun game where you throw rocks at dinosaurs, lizardmen, and other cliches of the prehistoric era. The twist is within the game’s six stages your character evolves from a monkey to a caveman with fur undergarments.
Grand Prix, the developer, hints that your character can evolve to some kind of super archer and modern day soldier too. In the past games like Shootanto could be shuttled into stores as budget 2,000 yen games, but thanks to digital distribution Shootanto is only 600 Wii Points ($6). At that price Shootanto might be worth checking out just for the laughs and a reason to dust off the Wii Zapper.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
While we’re waiting for more epic RPGs to come to the Wii Kemco plans to fill the void with Sorcery Blade. Kemco is hardly synonymous with “RPG” here. Some older gamers may remember Kemco working on Shadowgate and Deja Vu for the NES, but they have a Sorcery series of RPGs for mobile phones.
Sorcery Blade is part of that series. In this game you play as someone in the distant future that does something in the distant future. Yeah, Kemco hasn’t revealed anything the story, but that doesn’t seem to matter since Sorcery Blade’s main draw appears to be blending motion control with turn based combat. One concept Kemco implemented is motion controlled glyph tracing. The game has two player support too.
Sorcery Blade also draws on your Mii data and makes your Miis NPC. I can’t wait to see a town filled with Doremon, Link, and Rastafarian Panda heads. Fortunately, the wait isn’t much longer if you have a Japanese Wii since Sorcery Blade comes out on in two weeks on December 16 for 1,000 Wii Points ($10). No US release has been announced and despite Sorcery Blade being filled with Japanese text I wouldn’t rule one out.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
In battle, Tales of Hearts feels like any other Tales game. Shing and company run on a straight line and input special moves with button commands. This system has some differences like an emotional gauge that replaces technique points and a combination gauge that lets you call out cameo characters like Lloyd Irving, but Tales of Hearts hardly takes advantage of the DS’ touch screen by using it for a menu.
At one time the Tales team was tossing around different ways to use the touch screen. The official Tales of Hearts blog has a concept design which gave players the option of using scribble commands for techniques. While this system was original it was scrapped early on in favor of something more traditional.
What do you think? Are the DS Tales games better off using a tested Tales system with a few tweaks or should Namco Bandai try something new?
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December 8th, 2008, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
This weekend Michael Yum, Executive Producer at PM Studios, spoke to Siliconera about DJ Max Technika. The arcade take on DJ Max has a touch screen which makes it ripe for a DS port and when I asked Yum about one he confirmed DJ Max Technika is in development for the Nintendo DS.
But, wait a second aren’t the DS and DSi the same thing? Yum explains, “For the DS, we’re trying to do something with the DSi, but it’s a big secret. I can’t tell you what we’re doing with it, but the DS and DSi version will be different. It’ll play on both, but the DSi will have more features.” What is the “big secret(s)”? It might have something to do with camera and storage features which PM Studios plans to use for the DSi version of DJ Max Technika.
Keep your eyes peeled for the full DJ Max Technika interview coming later this week!
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December 8th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
US mega-retailer Wal-mart says it will offer "tens of thousands" of Nintendo's hard-to-find Wii from today.
Walmart.com is selling Wii units for $249.24, a "value bundle" including the console and accessories for $329, as well as offering a range of cut price deals on software, all while supplies last.
According to Reuters, Wii had sold out on Walmart.com, bestbuy.com and circuitcity.com as of Friday.
Despite Nintendo upping its monthly Wii production rates to 2.4 million consoles per month, the company recently warned that it might not be able to meet demand this Christmas. HMV doesn't
The fact that Walmart.com will be offering so many console is perhaps a good sign then, for US shoppers at least.
We've contacted Nintendo UK to ask whether the company's expecting Wii shortages in the coming weeks, and to see whether it has any advice for shoppers searching for the console, which recently topped online shopper search lists and was eBay's most wanted product too.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play 30 fun, addictive games optimized for the Wii Remote
Many types of play including Track n' Field, Playground Games, Coordination, Carnival, Brain Games, Strength and more
Play with friends or against computer-controlled opponents
Choose from a dozen characters to play
Unique approach to playground and sports games
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December 8th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Time has passed since the 'Rise of the Fungi' and indeed the Amanita and Lepiota societies have brought war to the peaceful Bolete and Morel mushroom tribes. Some among the Mushroom Men believe that the secret to winning the Spore Wars lies in uncovering the facts about the Mushroom's origins. As the Myth states, the mushroom who discovers the truth of their origins is promised the power to change the entire course of evolution, putting the mushroom species at the top of the evolutionary ladder. The tribe that claims this prize can reshape the world any way they see fit. The Amanitas and the Lepiota see the myth as a chance to not only defeat the other nations but also wipe out all their enemies and put their tribes at the forefront of terrestrial evolution.
Even while the Spore War rages, a great quest amongst all four tribes begins: a race to uncover the truth and reshape the evolutionary course of the Earth. Pax, our Bolete hero, must take on this journey by himself. Who will be the first to discover the origin of the Mushroom race? Will the war finally end? As for the humans, they continue to bumble their way through the world completely unaware of the diminutive forces against them.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Two modes of play, Mission Mode and Survival mode
Highly accurate and innovative control system
12 upgradeable weapons to take the aliens out
Adrenaline filled ‘boss’ encounters
21 stages and 30 levels
A true pick up and play feel; suitable for anyone
Ocean Commander is a stylized side scrolling shooter, aimed at casual and hardcore gamers alike. Featuring a plethora of missions, enemies and weapons to blast, it’ll certainly keep that trigger finger ready. Players control the weapons via the touch screen on the Nintendo DS and Wii mote and Nunchuck, allowing for true 360 degree aiming and precision.
Players take on the role of the Ocean Commander ship, with the aim to complete the 21 stages and 30 levels throughout. Sounds simple but at the end of the stage, a boss ship must be destroyed in order to progress onto the next mission. Addictive game play ensures Ocean Commander will entice gamers of any age or sex.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

After a mysterious comet falls to earth, strange things begin to happen in the undergrowth. Vegetation and insects begin to take on an intelligent life of their own. As the mushrooms begin to become aware of themselves, societies form (peaceful Bolete, strategic Morel, ambitious Amanita, and mysterious Lepiota). As these societies form, so do ambitions. While some are for peace and prosperity, others want domination and destruction.
Our story begins with the peaceful Bolete village being attacked by mutant beetles. As the beetles begin to rampage the Bolete village, our hero character [players choose from Heavy, Scout or Sage all from the Bolete tribe] must travel on his own to find reinforcements to not only protect his village, but to rescue their beloved chieftain. After enlisting the help of the Amanitas to save the Bolete chieftain, the true ambition of the Amanita society becomes revealed - they plan on enslaving the peaceful Boletes and taking control of the village. It is now up to our Hero to find new allies and rescue his fellow villagers from Amanita enslavement. After an adventurous journey through different landscapes and the help of Bolete allies, the Amanitas are driven away from the Bolete village. But the Amanitas cannot be so easily defeated and vow to return. Will the Amanitas return? Only time will tell.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Based on the Universal animated feature and Newberry Award winning children's novel, the Tale of Despereaux game is an action-platformer where players live the adventure of brave, little Despereaux. Action moves, swashbuckling sword moves and combo systems help you battle your way through the castle while fighting spiders and bees to rescue the beautiful Princess Pea from the darkness of Rat World.
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December 8th, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, announced today that the company's full videogame lineup for 2008 is now available at retail, including the most recent release of Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon for the Nintendo DS. Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon joins Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Princess Debut and Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge (all for DS) and Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (for Wii) to complete its 2008 holiday lineup.
"This has been a great year for Natsume as we continued our Harvest Moon series with three brand new Harvest Moon adventures this fall. Add to that some adorable educational fun with Hi! Hamtaro: Ham Ham Challenge and our hugely popular new original IP, Princess Debut and there is truly something for everyone on your list," said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume.
For more information on each of Natsume's 2008 holiday lineup see the descriptions below. Each title is rated E for everyone by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) and are available at retailers nationwide.
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (DS) $29.99
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness brings the largest portable Harvest Moon experience ever to the Nintendo DS. Starting off with an abandoned farm, a handful of seeds, and the determination to start a new life, it's up to the player to develop a mysterious, abandoned island into a bustling tropical paradise. By harvesting crops, raising animals, and mining for precious gems, gamers will help the island grow into a vibrant town filled with people, businesses, and eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. Players can take on the role of a male or a female, and choose who they want to fall in love and start a family with. Gamers can also test their farming skills against each other and compete for prizes via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness is now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Princess Debut (DS) $29.99
The critics are raving about Natsume's new IP Princess Debut. GRRLGamer calls Princess Debut a "breath of fresh air", Cool Moms Rule says the game is "an anime version of Cinderella", and The Globe and Mail calls it "high quality gaming for girls fascinated by the fantasy princess lifestyle."
In Princess Debut, players find themselves in a fantasy world where they have 30 days to get ready for the big ball; they'll have to master their dance moves and win over one of the six handsome princes to be their partner. They'll meet and woo the princes through the game's large, branching storyline. Once the player convinces a prince to be their dancing partner, it's time to go out on the dance floor! By utilizing the Touch Screen, players guide their character gracefully across the dance floor while matching their partner's rhythm. All of the dances in the game are taken from motion-captured professional dancers, so the game is just as impressive to watch as it is fun to play. Princess Debut offers four modes of play including Story, Ballroom, Practice, and Movie. With 20 outfits to find, 14 unique endings to experience, and 18 different kinds of music and dance styles to choose from (including Waltz, Latin Dance, Tango, Ballroom, and much more), there's no shortage of things to see and do! Princess Debut is now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS) $29.99
Rune Factory 2 is set several years after the first game. The evil Sechs Empire has been defeated, and the Kingdom of Norad is once again at peace. Things may not stay that way for long, however, as dark premonitions foretell of dangers to come. It's up to the player to uncover the source of these premonitions and bring peace to the kingdom once more. Over the course of the story, players will build and develop a farm, befriend townspeople, raise monsters, take on quests, and find a wife. In a first for the Rune Factory series, the story of Rune Factory 2 is multigenerational. Players begin the game as Kyle, a strange man who comes to Alvarna Village. Eventually, players will take on the role of Kyle's child, opening up a whole new adventure. It's an innovative feature that allows players to follow the story of their family and the townsfolk over two generations! Now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Wii) $49.99
In Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, players find themselves in a troubled island town which once prospered with life and energy, but is now in serious trouble. The mystical Mother Tree that once watched over the island has disappeared, and the Harvest Goddess is nowhere to be found! The island has lost its connection with nature and the inhabitants don't know what to do - it's up to the player to save the island! Players will help to rebuild the island by working the land, befriending and raising animals, nurturing friendships, and building a family. When the Mother Tree is reborn, the Harvest Goddess will return and bring prosperity to the island once more. Long-time Harvest Moon fans as well as new players will find an exciting, involving storyline and plenty of activities to experience, including cultivating crops, caring for animals, and participating in festivals. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility is now available for an MSRP of $49.99.
Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge (DS) $29.99
Hamtaro and his friends make learning fun in Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge. Children will not only be entertained by the beloved hamster Hamtaro and his adorable cast of friends, they will also develop their memory, word comprehension, math skills, and many other abilities as they play through the twelve engaging interactive games. The game's easy-to-learn touch screen controls make the game fun and accessible for children of all ages. Parents can take an active role in their child's playing and learning with features that let them monitor their child's progress in each game, adjust the difficulty level to match their child's skills, monitor and control play time, and even reward their child with special items. Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge for the Nintendo DS is a brain-training game geared at elementary-aged children. Rated E for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, it is currently available for an MSRP of $29.99.
All of these titles are currently available at various retailers nationwide. For more information, please visit www.natsume.com or http://www.clevercomm.com/Natsume/
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December 8th, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, announced today that the company's full videogame lineup for 2008 is now available at retail, including the most recent release of Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon for the Nintendo DS. Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon joins Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Princess Debut and Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge (all for DS) and Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (for Wii) to complete its 2008 holiday lineup.
"This has been a great year for Natsume as we continued our Harvest Moon series with three brand new Harvest Moon adventures this fall. Add to that some adorable educational fun with Hi! Hamtaro: Ham Ham Challenge and our hugely popular new original IP, Princess Debut and there is truly something for everyone on your list," said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume.
For more information on each of Natsume's 2008 holiday lineup see the descriptions below. Each title is rated E for everyone by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) and are available at retailers nationwide.
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (DS) $29.99
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness brings the largest portable Harvest Moon experience ever to the Nintendo DS. Starting off with an abandoned farm, a handful of seeds, and the determination to start a new life, it's up to the player to develop a mysterious, abandoned island into a bustling tropical paradise. By harvesting crops, raising animals, and mining for precious gems, gamers will help the island grow into a vibrant town filled with people, businesses, and eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. Players can take on the role of a male or a female, and choose who they want to fall in love and start a family with. Gamers can also test their farming skills against each other and compete for prizes via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness is now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Princess Debut (DS) $29.99
The critics are raving about Natsume's new IP Princess Debut. GRRLGamer calls Princess Debut a "breath of fresh air", Cool Moms Rule says the game is "an anime version of Cinderella", and The Globe and Mail calls it "high quality gaming for girls fascinated by the fantasy princess lifestyle."
In Princess Debut, players find themselves in a fantasy world where they have 30 days to get ready for the big ball; they'll have to master their dance moves and win over one of the six handsome princes to be their partner. They'll meet and woo the princes through the game's large, branching storyline. Once the player convinces a prince to be their dancing partner, it's time to go out on the dance floor! By utilizing the Touch Screen, players guide their character gracefully across the dance floor while matching their partner's rhythm. All of the dances in the game are taken from motion-captured professional dancers, so the game is just as impressive to watch as it is fun to play. Princess Debut offers four modes of play including Story, Ballroom, Practice, and Movie. With 20 outfits to find, 14 unique endings to experience, and 18 different kinds of music and dance styles to choose from (including Waltz, Latin Dance, Tango, Ballroom, and much more), there's no shortage of things to see and do! Princess Debut is now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS) $29.99
Rune Factory 2 is set several years after the first game. The evil Sechs Empire has been defeated, and the Kingdom of Norad is once again at peace. Things may not stay that way for long, however, as dark premonitions foretell of dangers to come. It's up to the player to uncover the source of these premonitions and bring peace to the kingdom once more. Over the course of the story, players will build and develop a farm, befriend townspeople, raise monsters, take on quests, and find a wife. In a first for the Rune Factory series, the story of Rune Factory 2 is multigenerational. Players begin the game as Kyle, a strange man who comes to Alvarna Village. Eventually, players will take on the role of Kyle's child, opening up a whole new adventure. It's an innovative feature that allows players to follow the story of their family and the townsfolk over two generations! Now available for an MSRP of $29.99.
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Wii) $49.99
In Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, players find themselves in a troubled island town which once prospered with life and energy, but is now in serious trouble. The mystical Mother Tree that once watched over the island has disappeared, and the Harvest Goddess is nowhere to be found! The island has lost its connection with nature and the inhabitants don't know what to do - it's up to the player to save the island! Players will help to rebuild the island by working the land, befriending and raising animals, nurturing friendships, and building a family. When the Mother Tree is reborn, the Harvest Goddess will return and bring prosperity to the island once more. Long-time Harvest Moon fans as well as new players will find an exciting, involving storyline and plenty of activities to experience, including cultivating crops, caring for animals, and participating in festivals. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility is now available for an MSRP of $49.99.
Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge (DS) $29.99
Hamtaro and his friends make learning fun in Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge. Children will not only be entertained by the beloved hamster Hamtaro and his adorable cast of friends, they will also develop their memory, word comprehension, math skills, and many other abilities as they play through the twelve engaging interactive games. The game's easy-to-learn touch screen controls make the game fun and accessible for children of all ages. Parents can take an active role in their child's playing and learning with features that let them monitor their child's progress in each game, adjust the difficulty level to match their child's skills, monitor and control play time, and even reward their child with special items. Hi! Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Challenge for the Nintendo DS is a brain-training game geared at elementary-aged children. Rated E for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, it is currently available for an MSRP of $29.99.
All of these titles are currently available at various retailers nationwide. For more information, please visit www.natsume.com or http://www.clevercomm.com/Natsume/
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December 8th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has rejected news reports that there could soon be an upgrade to the Wii Remote’s accelerometer technology.
Speaking to Edge, a Nintendo spokesperson denied reports that the controller would see an internal upgrade of this kind, and has denied reports that the company is looking for one, labelling the matter as “purely rumour and speculation.”
Over the weekend, Nikkei business publication TechOn! published claims from its undisclosed sources that Nintendo “has been evaluating samples obtained from a number of acceleration sensor manufacturers other than ST and ADI.”
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December 8th, 2008, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Squidman
Update Downloader is an application for your computer that gets Titles from the Nintendo Update Servers, decrypts them, and saves them to a folder. It allows you to choose which version of the title to download, so you can examine earlier versions. It also allows you to automatically remove the ELFLOADER header from the IOS kernel, and "fix" the System Menu executable for loading in IDA.
Please read the readme, as to prevent anyone from asking stupid questions. There are 2 bash scripts in this package:
A script for downloading all the versions of the System Menu that are currently hosted on NUS. See System Menu Versions for a list of all versions of the System Menu.
A script for downloading the 3.4 update. It is currently set to download the 3.4U System Menu, however, you can easily change this in the script.
NOTE: I have NOT included a binary in this package because I don't want people bitching about it not working on their system. Just spend 2 minutes to fire up a terminal and type make. It's not that hard people
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December 8th, 2008, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Wolftousen has created its own editor / IDE to code with Micro Lua directly on your DS, "Code Monkey DS v2.5" which seems very comprehensive. This application requires the interpreter to work Micro Lua.
Code Monkey DS is a full feature text editor/Lua IDE for the Nintendo DS. Made using MicroLua, its features include:
Save/SaveAs, Load, Home, End, Goto
Find/Replace*, Copy/Cut/Paste*, Delete, Undo/Redo/Repeat*
Custom Tab Sizing
Word Completion*
Lua Code Completion*
Lua Syntax Coloring
Custom Color Schemes
Running Lua Scripts
2 Keyboard Modes*
Open/Edit multiple files at once
(* signifies that the features is still buggy or under developement)
Future plans for improvements:
Add syntax coloring and code completion for html, c#, java, and d
Add document mode for writting word like documents
Allow minimizing go shell
Add version checking and bug reporting
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December 8th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via dsscene
While visiting sander stolk's AmplituDS page earlier i noticed he had a news post up about the RTS project which was shown in a preview video here last year. LDAsh (designer of the 3D space ship model in AmplitudDS) has put a section up on 'Violation Entertainment' with details on the upcoming game, now titled Ulterior Warzone. Theres a large desktop image at the bottom of the post with some scaled down screenshots on it. It certainly looks like the type of homebrew that could pass as a commercial game, but as i know little about the project since it was announced last year, and rather than me quoting a wall of text, i'll ask you all to check Violation Entertainment for more details.
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December 8th, 2008, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Chishm has released a new version of his Action replay Clone for the Nintendo DS:
New version 0.91 out. Not many changes this time, but it outputs debugging codes when loading the game. If it fails to load properly, the coloured squares will help figure out why.
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December 9th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Official licensed product
- 6 characters from Super Mario Kart
- Approximately 4.5 inches long
- Approximately 2 inches tall
- Shipped randomly
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December 9th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Your favourite gorilla, Donkey Kong is here to save the day again. The baddies have arrived in the jungle and using the name of the king, they plundered all bananas from the other inhabitants.
To fight this group, grab your Wii remote control and nunchaku and lead Donkey Kong to his action adventures through the kingdom.
Utilizing the motion sensing interface of the Wii console, swinging through the junglehas never been so exciting, so action packed. Run and jump, fight the bosses boxing style and wave your controls side by side to avoid getting hit.
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December 9th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Chocobo is back with new adventures. After traveling through the dungeons of lost time, he explores the labyrinth of fairy tales.
Instead of being an explorer, Cid is a writer and painter of a picture books series. During the painting and writing process of the fourth installment of his hit fantasy series Alvanica, the writer falls ill and this is somehow related to the strange happenings in both the world of books and reality.
To save both the writer and the world, Choco has to go into the land of fairy tales and help the protagonist solve the problems that are hurled at them. However, righting the wrongs alone do not ensure a happy ending, would fairy tales and Choco have their “Happily ever after”s?
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December 9th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Skip is one of the most sanguine video game studios around. This company was behind the pleasant, but unreleased in North America, Giftpia and delightful Chibi-Robo. Sure, Chibi-Robo shoots mecha-spiders with an arm cannon, but it’s still hard to imagine jovial Skip dabbling with the first person shooter genre. What happened to the project?
It became Art Style: Cubello.
in an interview about the Art Style series Hiroaki Ishibashi, Director at Skip, describes how the project evolved from a FPS into a puzzle game. “Originally we were planning to develop a first person shooting game. After so many levels of test to investigate the fun, not only being ‘just shoot ‘em all’, we ended up including some elements of puzzle games. Using motives from megalithic cultures of Maya and Incan cultures we expressed a mysterious floating object. Eventually, it turned out to be a game that people without first person shooter experience can enjoy.”
Japanese developed FPS games are uncommon which would have made Skip’s game already standout. Add in Skip’s usual sweetness to the usually violent genre and their project would have been very interesting. Too bad we probably won’t get a chance to look at their lost FPS concept.
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December 9th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
After discovering a trademark for “Yosumin!” in the US I suspected Square Enix was publishing Yosumin DS. Yosumin was originally a flash game, but the DS version adds features like a tower to climb and touch screen control. No matter which version you play Yosumin same goal - make a rectangle out of four pieces. If you haven’t heard of Yosumin DS before this video should give you an idea of how it plays.
In addition to the trademark, Yosumin! has also been rated by the OFLC where it’s linked to Square Enix. If Square Enix is bringing Yosumin to Australia it’s coming a shoe-in for North America and this shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Recently, Square Enix has been expanding their portfolio outside of RPGs by publishing Taito’s games including My Pet Shop.
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December 9th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Shining Force is returning to its strategy RPG roots, but plenty has changed since Shining Force was part of the SRPG genre. Instead of sticking to a standard isometric grid like many strategy RPGs on the DS, Shining Force: Feather has a free running system. A meter on top lets you know how far you can move. When it empties out you can’t walk any further. Once you’re in position an orange ring appears and you can target any units caught in the ring.
I thought of Makai Kingdom when I first saw this trailer. Well, Makai Kingdom with a Xenogears-ish combo system, team attacks, and field skills (read: ranged spells).
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December 9th, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marcan
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Homebrew Channel, version 1.0.
Okay, so it’s really just another name for beta10. Getting into double-digit betas sounds kind of lame, and we don’t want to sound too much like google, so we’re calling it 1.0. After all, many bugfixes have come and this thing is pretty stable and feature-complete by now.
Want it? Here it is.
As I promised, we’ve listened to your requests for beta10. I didn’t promise we’d actually do anything about them, but at least we’ve taken care of some of them. Most easy additions have been added, and several bugs have been fixed. Although this release may not have USB support or themeing (boo!), things like Classic Controller and multiple-wiimote support should make your HBC experience just a bit nicer. Or at least I hope so, because I don’t think we’re going to be ready for another release for a while, and there’s other stuff to do (25C3, anyone?).
The Almighty Changelog:
meta.xml now handles all ISO-8859-1 characters properly (you can use either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 encoding, but UTF-8 is restricted to the ISO subset)
Wiimote power button support (shutdown)
Wiimote rumble honors system setting
Fixed some crash bugs
Fix meta.xml UNIX style newline regression
All wiimotes work now, not just the first one (only one can point at a time though)
Classic Controller support
Nunchuk support (scroll only, using the stick)
Guitar Hero 3 guitar support
Left and right change pages too
Hit 1 on Wiimote to retry the network connection (like clicking on the network icon or Z on the GC pad)
Added information to the installer
Fixed some networking issues with networking disabled (and possibly other bugs)
Pushed in some text to avoid overscan crop
Widened video width to match system menu (”black bars” fix)
B returns from app screen (unless scrolling with B-hold)
Try to initialize network earlier (slight speedup)
Retry network initialization a few times
Fix a networking issue (libogc problem)
Reload stub now identifies itself (magic number, for future use)
Support broken HTTP proxies in update check
Show IOS revision in main menu
() -> * (Hint: old-school Wiimote support needed what? Try it both ways.)
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December 9th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Released back in 1987 The Great Giana Sisters was one of the finest 2D platform games ever made, a cheeky rip-off of the Super Mario series, designed for the home computer market, where thinly veiled 'tributes' to classic titles had been a fixture for several years. But programmer Armin Gessert and publisher Rainbow Arts were probably not prepared for the censorious fury of Nintendo. The game was apparently ripped from the shelves in a legal challenge and never seen again. Well, apart from the many homebrew updates, sequels and conversions that have proliferated on a number of platforms.
Well now it turns out that Gessert is working on an official DS version with his current studio Spellbound. It's being published by dtp and is set for release next June. From the (shakily translated) press release:
"In more than 80 levels, players experience all the great features of the original home computer version, as well as new features, that are kept exclusive for Nintendo DS. Players will have the Nintendo DS microphone as well as the touchpad, for instance."
And the good news continues - the new version will feature a remixed version of the original soundtrack by chiptune legend, Chris Huelsbeck.
Of course, if you didn't own an Atari St or Amiga in the late-eighties, this isn't going to mean much to you. But if you did... did you ever see this happening?!
And while we're on the subject, which other trademark-infringing home computer classics would you like to see legitimately remade? I had a soft spot for Synsoft's decent Hunchback clone, Quasimodo, and of course, Archer Maclean's Defender-esque, Dropzone. I also spent many, many hours with Arcadians, a BBC Micro version of Galaxian. Any others?
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December 9th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Wplaat has updated Red Square to v0.5:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
08/12/2008 Version 0.5
Added Sound Setting screen
Added Release Notes screen
Added functionality to fetch release notes from internet
Added send highscore to google analytic
Added nine music tracks
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December 9th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Chris
It's Yahtzee. On the Wii. Hence the inspired title. Can you be the best at throwing some dice and writing some numbers in a box?
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December 9th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from Squidman
Version 2.0 wouldn't compile. 2.1 solves this problem.
The scripts accidentally were not in the archive. They have been added as a seperate archive.
Update Downloader is an application for your computer that gets Titles from the Nintendo Update Servers, decrypts them, and saves them to a folder. It allows you to choose which version of the title to download, so you can examine earlier versions. It also allows you to automatically remove the ELFLOADER header from the IOS kernel, and "fix" the System Menu executable for loading in IDA.
Please read the readme, as to prevent anyone from asking stoopid questions. There are 2 bash scripts in this package:
A script for downloading all the versions of the System Menu that are currently hosted on NUS. See System Menu Versions for a list of all versions of the System Menu.
A script for downloading the 3.4 update. It is currently set to download the 3.4U System Menu, however, you can easily change this in the script.
NOTE: I have NOT included a binary in this package because I don't want people bitching about it not working on their system. Just spend 2 minutes to fire up a terminal and type make. It's not that hard people.
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December 9th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from mangaman3000
Minesweeper is a homebrew clone of the classic Windows game. Now with Wii Remote support and score saving.
Now saves scores, makes it much more worth playing IMO.
Will try to update menu screens and encrypt the save file for next release.
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December 9th, 2008, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
emu_kidid messaged me earlier today with this news:
Hey wraggster, since you're a reliable source and don't drop off the face of the earth as often as other people, I thought I'd let you in on a bit of info.
I'm just dropping by to let you know that Wii64 / WiiSX now has an official home at www.emulatemii.com, it currently doesn't have much but there is a progress video and a few lengthy posts about progress
It's a website run entirely by the Wii64Team (myself included), plus it will have in-depth updates on the status of the emulator and it's progress.
Enjoy and feel free to post it as news.
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December 9th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Tehpola posted this at the new wii64 website:
Since this is my first post on the blog discussing the dynarec, I’d like to first explain what a dynarec is and why we’re going to need one to accomplish full speed emulation on the Wii. Then I’d like to describe the history of the dynarec in our emulator, where its at now, and what needs to be done to get it working.
First of all, dynarec stands for dynamic recompiler, which is actually a bit of misnomer in the console emulation world: usually its not accomplished by creating an abstract syntax tree or control flow graph from the emulated machine code and running a target machine code compiler over it, which is what recompilation would really entail. The proper term would be binary translation: for each emulated instruction, I convert it to an equivalent target instruction. Since the N64 is a MIPS architecture machine, I take a MIPS instruction, decode it (determine what kind of instruction it is and what operands it operates on), and then generate equivalent PowerPC (GC/Wii use PPC) instructions to perform the operation that the MIPS instruction intends to. What we try to do is take a block of code that needs to be run, and fill out a new block with PowerPC code that was created by converting each of the MIPS instructions in the block. The emulator then runs the block of code as a function: it will return when a different section of code needs to run and the process repeats for the next block of code.
What we’re doing now is running an interpreter: instead of translating the MIPS code we want to run, we just decode each instruction and run a function written in C which performs what the MIPS instruction would do. Though this may seem like less work: we don’t have to translate all the code and then run it; we just run it, but because the code is ran so many times and running the translated code is much faster than running each instruction through the interpreter, the extra time translating is made up for my the faster time running through long loops.
The dynarec was the first thing I started working on with the emulator: it seemed like the most interesting aspect and the most crucial for such a port (besides the graphics which I didn’t understand well enough at the time to do much useful work besides porting a software renderer). It’s gone through a few different stages different stages: 1-to-1 register mapping binary translator, quickly dropped attempt at reworking the translator to be object oriented, slightly further progressed attempt at a MIPS to Scheme translator, and where I’m currently at: the first binary translator without 1-1 register mapping, confirming to the EABI (Embedded Application-Binary Interface).
I was concerned about performance initially, and I got a little greedy: I decided that since both MIPS and PowerPC had 32 general purpose registers, and MIPS has one hardwired to 0, and PowerPC has an extra register (ctr) I could move values into for temporary storage, I could do a simple translation of most of the instructions by using all the same registers as the MIPS would use on the PPC. The idea was that I wouldn’t have to shuffle things in and out of registers; I would load the whole MIPS register set values into the PPC registers, run the recompiled code which would operate on those values, and then when its done with a block, store those values back and restore the emulator’s registers. This was a bad idea for several reasons: small blocks that only fiddled with one or two registers still had every single register stored, loaded, and then stored and loaded again for each block, I had to disable interrupts because I destroyed the stack and environment pointers that were expected if any interrupts were taken, and because I couldn’t take interrupts, it was very difficult to debug because I couldn’t run gdb in the recompiled code. I had developed a pretty large code base and a somewhat working recompiler before I truly came to realize all the drawbacks of the method: it ran some simple hand-crafted demos I had written in MIPS which computed factorial and a few other simple things, but overall it was too unweildy and inefficient to continue to debug.
My attempt at refactoring the code I had written in a OOP way was soon abandoned, but it did inspire some improvement to the way I generated instructions. Instead of piecing together the machine code from all the different parts, I wrote new macros which would do that for me for specific instructions thus reducing some major code clutter in the translator functions.
I was unimpressed by the improvements I predicted I would see by refactoring the code in C++, and inspired by Daeken’s work on IronBabel to start the dynarec from scratch using a high-level language. The idea and the code was much simpler: decode the instructions using high-level magic and instead of generating low-level machine code, generate high-level code to execute each instruction, collect all the code together, and run it as a function for each basic block. I chose Scheme because how easy it is to generate and run code on the fly (since in Lisp, code and data are only differentiated by how they’re used). The recompiler was a breeze to write, but interfacing with the C code proved troublesome. Although I eventually got the code to run, I ran into issues with the unlimited precision numbers in MzScheme, and my other choice of Scheme, Tiny Scheme, didn’t support some bitwise operations and I never got around to adding them.
Finally, I decided to go back to the old code base and improve on it with respect to the issues I had discovered along the way. I wrote more macros to clean up the code generation, I did away with 1-1 register mappings, and worked on compliance with the EABI so that I wouldn’t have any issues with interrupts and calling the recompiled code as a C function. Now, instead of loading and saving 31 registers for each dynarec block, I load each register as its used, and I store their values at the end of the block or if I used up the alloted registers for storing MIPS registers (I use volatile registers so I don’t have to worrying about saving their values). It’s not much more complicated to translate the instructions with the new mappings because for each block, the mappings are static and are kept track of while recompiling so I simply build up a table of mappings while recompiling which I flush at the end of each block. EABI compliance was a matter of creating a proper stack frame for the recompiled code, and not touching certain registers; since I have a few special values (base address of MIPS registers in memory, address of interpreter function, zero, and a running count of instructions) that I need to be maintained to any other calls, I needed to save those registers on the stack in the proper locations and restore them when I returned to the emulator. EABI compliance allows me to leave interrupts enabled while the recompiled code is running (in general, leaving interrupts disabled for extended periods of time is a bad idea) and allows me to step through recompiled code in gdb which greatly improves my ability to debug the dynarec.
The new format allowed me to debug things much easier: I could much more easily compare the original code and the effects of the recompiled code by stepping through. Soon after the reworked dynarec was completed, I pushed through all the obvious bugs in the apploader (I had some issues with the calculation of the checksum of the ROM and invalidating recompiled code that was overwritten with new code). Now the dynarec executes the standard apploader successfully, and begins running the code unique to each game. However, I still haven’t seen anything much happen after that point as far as any graphics showing up or anything like that except for in a demo I wrote that blits an image to the screen after running some unit tests.
As I’ve recently purchased a PS3 and installed Linux on it, I have a full environment to test the recompiler under without the hassle of running on the Wii. I’ve already made a quick port of my dynarec to run under PPC Linux, and I believe its breaking at the same points it was on the Wii. Running in a full OS gives me access to more tools such as valgrind and better support in gdb which helps improve the rate at which I can narrow down and fix bugs especially as the progress further into the execution of the games.
Barring some issues dealing with interrupts and exceptions, I believe the dynarec is feature-complete at this point and there are some lingering bugs (possibly dealing with some instructions which I haven’t previously seen in action or some edge cases dealing with translation or execution) which need to be resolved in order to get the recompiler working. There are a few instructions not recompiled which I intend to support after I have the basic integer instructions working: floating point instruction, 64-bit instructions, and loads/stores from/to the stack which will hopefully improve the performance of the dynarec once its running. Of course, finding these bugs take time, and its hard to put any kind of ETA on finding and fixing them because I don’t know how many issues are lurking behind the one I’m currently stuck on, and its not always easy to track down the source of the issue so please be patient as we work to resolve these issues as its hard to get this all right. However, I believe that with the dynarec running and the hardware accelerated graphics we have now, we can accomplish smooth, full speed emulation of most titles, and possibly even support some extras like high-resolution textures. As things progress, I hope to keep everyone informed of how things are going, so look for more posts on this topic later on. In the mean time, emu_kidid has made a video demonstrating the emulator in its current state on the GC so check it out.
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December 9th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Dovoto posted this at drunkencoders
Outsourcing contract for development of an NDS application for visually impaired people.
My DS Reader project description:
A homebrew application which will assist blind users to read
ASCII documents stored in their NDS memory card (with future goals to support Word, PDF and direct email connectivity).
The user will interact with the application by means of strokes/gestures with audio feedback.
UK English
Essential features to be developed:
0) ASCII document parsing
1) text to speech module
2) simple gesture recognition for menu navigation
and audio feedback
3) parsing of PDF and DOC documents
4) email download and email to voice
Project outcomes:
1) documentation (possibly in UML standard)
2) source and compiled code
3) beta testing
4) support
Project duration:
1 year max for the first beta
Experience sought from candidates:
1) have developed multimedia applications for the NDS (Homebrew experience is welcome)
2) have an engineering or computer science background
3) have developed digital signal processing applications for other
embedded controllers
4) speak fluent English
Payment is flexible:
This is a funded project with partial payment in advance. An NDA will be required.
Contact Info:
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December 9th, 2008, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from robamacaf
I worked on this for the last two days and have it at least in a playable fashion. If you don't know what Khet is, here is a description.
It's the game that combines lasers with classic strategy. Players alternate turns moving Egyptian-themed pieces having two, one or no mirrored surfaces. All four types of pieces (pharaoh, obelisk, pyramid and djed column) can either move one square forward, back, left, right, or diagonal, or can stay in the same square and rotate by a quarter twist. Each turn ends by firing one of the lasers built into the board. The laser beam bounces from mirror to mirror; if the beam strikes a non-mirrored surface on any piece, it is immediately removed from play. The ultimate goal is to illuminate your opponent's pharaoh, while shielding yours from harm!
(The red laser shoots out the top left, from the circle there, the grey one from the bottom right. red pieces can't go on the grey squares and grey pieces can't go on the red squares)
This game is being released to get feedback, etc. I will be updating it with more features. As of now, it is only 2 player on the same DS. I hope to add Wifi and computer AI soon. I will also be adding different configurations to play with. There are 3 main ones in Khet but I am also going to make it that players can make their own. I am also looking at redoing the graphics, possibly 3D.
As for now, enjoy the game! This is my FIRST DS game and also my first C/C++ program so please let me know what you think!
v1.1 - 08 Dec 08
* Now with customizable game boards! You can make your own game board by alternating turns of placing pieces! Now no two games will ever be the same again!
* Finally added a logo for the game
* Fixed some of the background graphics
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December 9th, 2008, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from robamacaf
Since I am not doing Settlers of Catan I have decided to pick up Risk and make that on the DS. So far I am messing around with different ideas and I think this is what I am going to go for. Takes just a second to load, the background is 8meg!
This is not playable but just shows the graphical style I am going for. Hit L to zoom in the map, you can use the directions to move around, and you can click on a die to roll it.
I want it later that the map will scroll with the stylus and if you double click anywhere on the map it will zoom in there. I am having a heck of a time trying to convert the unzoomed map coords to the huge back ground coords so if anyone has any ideas on how to do this, feel free to let me know.
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December 10th, 2008, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster

[Frits] sent us the SwiitBoard, an improvised version of the Wii balance board. He wanted to be able to do something a little higher impact than he could on the Wii balance board, and required more space to do it in too. Using two different kinds of foam and a piece of plywood, he put together the SwiitBoard. We’re not completely clear on how he is handling direction control. He states that it is derived from gforce.x. Can anyone clarify? Stay tuned after the break for a video of his demo software.
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December 10th, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Localization work on Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is done. An English version is out in Europe, but for whatever reason Nintendo of America decided to hold the game’s release until next year.
When are we going to play Marth’s back story and fight with Pegasus Knights over Nintendo Wi-Fi? Maybe in February. Circuit City has Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon listed with a release date of February 23. This fits with Nintendo of America’s vague Q1 2009 target, but also puts Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon smack into a wave of DS RPGs. Also coming out in February 2009 are Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride, Blue Dragon Plus, and The Legacy of Ys: Books I & II.
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December 10th, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Just browsing Play Asia and found they have a rather large amount of games at Under $20 (around 12 pounds)
Heres the full list:
1500 DS Spirits Vol.5 Hanafuda (JPN)
1500 DS Spirits Vol.6 Trump (JPN)
1500 DS Spirits Vol.7 Chess (JPN)
1500 DS Spirits Vol.8 Darts (JPN)
1500 DS Spirits Vol.9 2 Ninuchi Mahjong (JPN)
Simple DS Series Vol. 1: The Mahjong (Best Version) (JPN)
Mind Quiz: Your Brain Coach (US)
Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge (US)
Simple DS Series Vol. 17: The Nezumi no Action Game: Mouse-Town Roddy to Rita no Daibouken (JPN)
Simple DS Series Vol. 24: The Sensha (JPN)
Biz Taiken DS Series: Kigyoudou Inshoku (JPN)
Custom Beat Battle: Draglade (Banpresto Best) (JPN)
DSVision Adapter Package (JPN)
Eyeshield 21: Max Devil Power (JPN)
Gyakuten Saiban 2 (New Best Price! 2000) / Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All (JPN)
Gyakuten Saiban 4 (New Best Price! 2000) (JPN)
Metroid Prime Pinball (JPN)
Nazonazo & Quiz - Ittou Nyuukon Q-Mate! (Taiken Ban) (JPN)
Oshare Majo Love and Berry (DS Collection) (JPN)
Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai (JPN)
Simple DS Series Vol. 33: The Crossword & Kanji Puzzle (JPN)
Tank Beat (JPN)
World Soccer Winning Eleven DS: Goal x Goal! (JPN)
Full details here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-k.html
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December 10th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Square Enix has chosen Wii as the destination for the next installment of its blockbuster role playing series Dragon Quest.
That's according to Reuters, which says the publisher has yet to reveal a launch date or any pricing details for Dragon Quest X.
Before the new game's release, Dragon Quest IX will launch for DS on March 28 in Japan. It'll cost 5,980 yen ($64.73), but there's no word yet on when the title will be coming out over here.
Early titles in the multi million selling Dragon Quest series appeared on Nintendo platforms, before the franchise decamped to PlayStation, but the recent rebirth of Nintendo via the success of Wii and DS means, from a business perspective, it just makes financial sense to target those markets.
More details when we get them.
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December 11th, 2008, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Novel and compact design Car Lighter Adapter to supply power to your NDSi console when in the car. It features a built-in indicator and the special design casing can resist overheat.
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December 11th, 2008, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
It's hard to say if this rumor is true, but it's not behavior that Best Buy has avoided in the past. In fact, we vividly remember this exact same scenario happening in late 2006 -- the difference? That was the Wii's launch year. This is two years later. Two. Years. Later. Oh, and it's totally a futile effort, considering that Wally World sold through "tens of thousands" in about four milliseconds. Seriously people, there's a new Elmo to wage holiday war on, you have no business scrapping for a Wii 25 months after it hit US shores.*
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December 11th, 2008, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
Uh-oh, we've trotted out the "It Prints Money" image. That must mean DS Lite has sold well for the quadrillionth time; and it has. In this case, it beat its own record in the UK for single-week sales, set this time last year.
MCV reports that the DS Lite was the best-selling system for the week of November 29 to December 6, with UK shoppers snapping up more of the handheld than they have any other games machine in a seven-day period ever.
The site quotes GFK-ChartTrack director, Dorian Bloch, as divining, "We can now assume that if there is still some DS Lite stock in the land in the next couple of weeks, the record will go again." Go, DS Lite, go. After all, your status as the darling of hardware sales may only last until summer 2009.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo announced that they'd be porting GameCube titles to the Wii with updated features, many responded with trepidation, fearing Nintendo was attempting to fix things that were far from broken. Japan will see if these fears are merited as the first of these Wii-makes hits store shelves tomorrow in the form of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, but Famitsu recently dropped some details about changes in two titles that might be more successful in tickling your fancy -- Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis.
Famitsu reveals that Nintendo's floral take on Lemmings (which is dropping in Japan on Christmas) will feature a new save system that stores day-to-day records of your play time. Whenever you boot up Pikmin, you can continue your game by jumping back into any day of your choosing. Unsurprisingly, a new feature revealed for Mario Power Tennis is a renovated, Wii Sports Tennis-esque control scheme -- though the new title will be compatible with the Nunchuck, likely giving you control over your character's movements on the court. Japanese racqueteers can pick up Mario Power Tennis on January 15.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Only good for Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl say you? Not so, say we! The Nintendo Wii is also good for that most noble of pursuits: The very understanding of the human mind. Researchers at Rice University are using the console "to codify learning systems in ways that can be used in a range of human endeavors, from sports to surgery."
When talking about the practical applications of the research, the release goes on to say: "Think of hitting a tennis ball. Learning by trial-and-error is fine, but it would be much easier if a robotic sleeve could tell you exactly where that hitch in your swing is and gently prod you to hit the ball correctly." ... So, wait, they're using the Wiimote to learn to make a Power Glove?
Oh, and because we couldn't work it in before, wiisearch. That is all.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time has worldwide online play which is awesome. However, this feature also introduces a language barrier when a Yuke from say Japan and a Selkie from Germany randomly link up in the same game. Square Enix claims “the multiplayer mode can be played seamlessly even when each player selects a different language.” How are they tackling the problem?
Canned phrases.
Players can selected pre-programmed phrases from a menu and, theoretically, the game sends out the appropriate pre-scripted translation to whoever is playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time in a different language. Final Fantasy XI has a similar system so this works to an extent. If you want to say something original you can register your own phrases too, but just don’t expect someone playing the game in a different language to understand you.
Since Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time has, at the very least, support for different languages I wonder if the Japanese version will have an English language option like the Chrono Trigger re-release too.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time has worldwide online play which is awesome. However, this feature also introduces a language barrier when a Yuke from say Japan and a Selkie from Germany randomly link up in the same game. Square Enix claims “the multiplayer mode can be played seamlessly even when each player selects a different language.” How are they tackling the problem?
Canned phrases.
Players can selected pre-programmed phrases from a menu and, theoretically, the game sends out the appropriate pre-scripted translation to whoever is playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time in a different language. Final Fantasy XI has a similar system so this works to an extent. If you want to say something original you can register your own phrases too, but just don’t expect someone playing the game in a different language to understand you.
Since Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time has, at the very least, support for different languages I wonder if the Japanese version will have an English language option like the Chrono Trigger re-release too.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
Well, if it isn't the Daily Mail, with another highly entertaining story about the EVILS and HORRORS of video games. In this instance, the evils and horrors of...Scrabble.
Yes, Scrabble. 36 year-old Tonya Carrington bought her son Ethan a pre-owned copy of Ubisoft's Scrabble for the DS, thinking it would keep him busy, maybe teach him a few new words.
Little did she suspect it'd proceed to kick his ass with a procession of slang words, from tits to toke to ****ers, which in a crushing blow to poor Ethan's self-esteem also gave his AI opponent a triple-word score for the win.
Cue Tonya protesting to filthy tabloid papers, cue Ubisoft proclaiming she should have used the game's junior settings, cue Nintendo washing their hands of the whole thing. Oh, and cue a sudden upswing in interest in the British version of Scrabble!
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December 11th, 2008, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Times (the proper London one, not that New York pretender) is reporting that Nintendo has signed a deal with publishers Harper Collins related to its new ebook collection for the DS - 100 Classic Book Collection.
The article seems to imply that Harper Collins are just helping Nintendo get the 'classic' books onto the DS, but all of the books on the cart are in th epublic domain and available in electronic form via the Project Gutenberg, so one has to assume that the publisher will be providing some of its own catalogue of titles for future download or cartridge release.
Currently an additional 10 titles (all free) are up for download via Nintendo WiFi. Although the DS screen is a good deal smaller than that of the Amazon Kindle or Sony Ereader, it is also a good deal cheaper and has the added benefit of AWESOME GAMES. It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
Resetti may be just about the best thing about Animal Crossing. His furious tirades are, after all, both entertaining and informative.
Entertaining for the fact he doesn't just break through the fourth wall, he lives amongst its rubble. And informative because, well, after 2-3 visits from him, you know that every time you turn off Animal Crossing, you save your damn game.
Pity, then, that parents are being warned about his antics, as though he's a bad thing.
Tucked away in the Animal Crossing: City Folk instruction book is the following passage:
Information for parents - Mr Resetti
It is important that players save before switching off the Wii console in order to retain data after each play session (see Saving Data, above). If players switch off without saving, the character Mr. Resetti may appear upon restarting.
Mr. Resetti's purpose is to teach players the importance of saving. However, parents should be aware that his personality and tone of voice, while intentionally humorous, are authoritative and may be disturbing to young children.
May be? They will be. But parents, your kids need to run into him. The toughest lessons life teaches you are rarely the most pleasant ones.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
World Destruction… ahem… I mean Sands of Destruction is scheduled to come out in North America this fall care of Sega USA. The news of that Sega is localizing the game shouldn’t be much a surprise now since English screenshots leaked out last week. We know a talented team is working on Sands of Destruction, but what is the story about?
In Sands of Destruction, a race of powerful beastmen known as the Ferals rule over the human population with tyranny and prejudice. A group of warriors, the World Annihilation Front, believe their only option for ending the corruption of the Ferals is to end the world as they know it.
This intense game puts gamers in control of an intriguing cast of characters including the crusading Morte Ashera as well as Kyrie Illunis, who unknowingly holds the key to global destruction. Gamers will explore a fantastic world, traveling across oceans of sand, battling colossal enemy monsters and unraveling the mystery of the creation of the world.
Sands of Destruction sounds dark, but intriguing. We’ll hear what Imageepoch’s President Ryoei Mikage thinks of the story tomorrow. Speaking of Imageepoch fall 2009 is a long way away for Sands of Destruction. There are plenty of Nintendo DS RPGs to keep us busy until it comes out so the wait won’t feel long. However, the Japanese version is done and Imageepoch told us back in October they were already working on a US version. Perhaps, Imageepoch is using this extra time to rebalance the game.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
The last time we heard about Muramasa: The Demon Blade was around Tokyo Game Show where XSEED confirmed they were co-publishing it in North America and Rising Star Games mentioned Europe was getting it in November. Fortunately, our wait for Muramasa: The Demon Blade might not be as long Europe’s. Two separate retailers claim the game is coming out in July. XSEED must have sent out marketing materials today because this isn’t the only XSEED retail rumor we discovered. While retailers aren’t always accurate it seems like we’re going to get Muramasa: The Demon Blade sometime in the summer.
Random fact: Did you know Vanillaware gave a nod to Super Mario Brothers in Muramasa: The Demon Blade? The kunoichi in the pink kimono is called Momohime and if you translate this from Japanese to English you get Princess Peach.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Avalon Code is possibly joining the already long list of Nintendo DS RPGs slated for February 2009. This isn’t definite, but two retailers plan to ship Avalon Code in North America then. When XSEED announced Avalon Code for North America it was scheduled to arrive in “Q1 2009″ so these listings correlate with XSEED’s original plan.
Matrix Software developed Avalon Code and it looks great for a DS game. The book system sounds pretty neat since you can scan and reconfigure monster attributes after whacking them with a magic book. However, if Avalon Code comes out then it’s going to face fierce competition from established franchises like Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem. XSEED might be better off releasing Avalon Code two or three weeks later to push it into March the February DS RPG wave is a memory.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix rectifies the sad fact that Europe has never seen an official release of their RPG classic Chrono Trigger early next year, as they announce a February release date for the DS remake.
February 6th is the date that Europeans in all their form and splendor will finally get to understand what RPG fans around the world have been gushing about for the past 13 years, not counting those that went the import or emulation route. Chrono Trigger DS is a faithful remake of the original title, adding a few new dungeons, an alternate ending, the cutscenes from the PlayStation remake, and the convenience of the dual-screen display but otherwise leaving the original adventure of Crono and friends completely intact.
I actually find myself a little jealous. While I've played through the game multiple times on multiple platforms, there's nothing quite like the first time. Enjoy, Europe!
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December 11th, 2008, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A tag battle opens up a sea of opportunity for gamers. The Cross Generation of Heroes is one massive crossover of a fighting game. More than 16 heroes from Tatsunoko and Capcom fighters make their way into the roster in this Wii installment. The classic hero Ryu, the vampire Morigan, Casshern, and the genie Hakushon are just a few characters who have signed up.
Choose two characters from the roster and form a tag team, switch them over to replenish their health when their HP runs low, have them assist each other in the battle and do counter attacks. Get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the characters and form a dream team.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly instock at SuccessHK

The active-play phenomenon started by Wii Sports now spreads to your whole body thanks to a pressure-sensitive Wii balance board, which comes packed with Wii Fit. The board is used for an extensive array of fun and dynamic activities, including aerobics, yoga, muscle stretches and games. Many of these activities focus towards providing a "core" workout, a popular exercise method that emphasizes slower, controlled motions. Family members will have fun staying active and talking about and comparing their results and progress on a new channel on the Wii Menu.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
A new Beta version of the VirtualBoy emulator RealityBoy was released.
Wow, another long stretch! DogP made a very nice contribution to the emulator and I had been doodling around with it for the past several months so I decided it was time to release a new version. DogP added sound support (win32 only) and added link port emulation using tcp/ip. He also fixed some major bugs in Affine mode and in the opcodes. Now all commercial roms run and all but the direct draw games are fully playable. I have been cleaning up the code in preparation of porting it to both SDL and the XBox. This should open things up to being ported to more interesting platforms like the Nintendo Wii. You can grab reality boy 0.84 for windows here and the source code here. I decided to stop distributing the compiled versions of both linux and dos, you can still compile them from source if you need them.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some news ill pass on that i just posted on our N64 Site:
I have been cleaning up the code in preparation of porting it to both SDL and the XBox. This should open things up to being ported to more interesting platforms like the Nintendo Wii.
A virtual Boy emulator for Wii would be awesome 
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December 11th, 2008, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marcan:
Okay, so I screwed up a couple things. Here’s your fixed Homebrew Channel, version 1.0.1, with a couple of bonus fixes too.
Fixed B button issues (app screen corruption, crash on B+A)
Wiimotes now keep the ordering from the System Menu (libogc) (note: they’ll switch again when you boot apps that haven’t been updated like HBC has - but they would have switched anyway, and HBC can use all Wiimotes, so you don’t lose anything while those apps are updated)
Hopefully fixed the USB Ethernet issues (couldn’t find a tester, even without a USB Gecko… it’s like they all disappeared after reporting the bug. Hope this fixes it)
Fixed wiimote auto-shutdown (libogc) (now you don’t need a ridiculously perfectly still wiimote for it to shut down - playing music won’t cause your wiimote batteries to die)
Hopefully fixed “video after shutdown” issues (libogc)
Changes to () -> *
Enjoy !
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December 11th, 2008, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible.
09/12/2008 Version 0.7
Added release notes screen.
Added functionality to fetch release notes from internet.
Improve highscore information (Show max score pre topic)
Improve IR pointer.
Added google analytic http request (including highscore information).
Improve result screen information.
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December 11th, 2008, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from the GCLinux Team:
The latest kernel developments and nuvalo's adaption of our table-based software yuy2 renderer to build the cube X org driver (thanks!) have catalyzed the growth of an ecosystem of whiite-linux based distributions. To make it easier to partition and install such distros we have written a small installer, dubbed The whiite-linux Installer, currently at its first beta ( http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...ease_id=646023). This installer runs natively on a Nintendo Wii and takes care of partitioning and installing into a SD card your favourite whiite-linux distro via a USB stick, provided that a small bundle is created for it. We have already created such a bundle (77M) ( http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gc-....1_2.6.27b.tar) including the original whiite-linux (0.1) distro and the latest kernel (2.6.27b). Now you can create too a bundle for your beloved whiite-linux based distro and have it easily installed. Enjoy!
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December 11th, 2008, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.drunkencoders.com/
Libnds has finally been officially updated and its a doosy.
A lot of updates, changes, and features have been added to the mix. Top on the list are:
New Sound and Music library called maxmod (www.maxmod.org)
New background and sprite API for greatly simplified access to the 2D hardware.
dswifi, and maxmod are now included in the default arm7.
New FIFO system to support interprocessor comms.
Be sure and click update on your devkitPro installer and grab the latest tools.
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December 11th, 2008, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Piracy, me hearties, has become a prominent issue for the DS, and one that is probably here to stay -- indeed, illegally downloading games to play on a flashcart has become almost socially acceptable in some places. And here's the biggest problem: it's not very hard at all to indulge in the practice. (Perfectly legal) flashcarts are available widely and cheaply, and ROM sites are a single Google search away.
In other words, finding solutions is difficult, to say the least. Chrono Trigger demonstrated that built-in piracy checks don't exactly last long, though Level 5 might have hit upon a semi-solution with Ni no Kuni: The Another World: deny the pirates the awesome spellbook that is required to play. Put yourselves in the shoes of a videogame publisher on the verge of releasing a major title: what anti-piracy measures would you take to try and protect your game?
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December 11th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
news via gbatemp
Rudolph has updated his Slot-2 loader, GBA ExpLoader.
Nothing major has been changed in this update. Changelog below, as well as a link to the download.
*V0.58 2008/12/7
Fixed the bug of FLASH1M in DSTT GBA&EXPLORER 2IN1.
Support FLASH1M in M3(SLOT2), G6(SLOT2) and GBA Expansion Pack.
Fixed the Added auto header fix function.
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December 11th, 2008, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster

gauauu has updated his rather Zeldaish looking game for DS:
I have finally finished porting Anguna to the DS.
Overall, it is the same game as the GBA version, but with:
1. Usage of the bottom screen for enemy stats, map, inventory, etc.
2. A pretty new title menu
3. Minor bug fixes and map tweaks (and probably some newly introduced bugs!)
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December 11th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from UnplayedNamer
This is based on some code I wrote over a year ago, I decided to polish it a bit and release it as a small tool.
It should run on most slot 1 cards with DLDI support and allows to dump and restore savegames from a GBA game in slot 2 to/from a file on the slot 1 card.
Dump and restore should work with Flash and SRAM, however, EEPROM isn't supported (yet).
I've tested it with all my games and it works fine but it still needs more testing (for examlpe restoring on flash with 'bad' blocks will probably hang the program)
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December 11th, 2008, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NickMcConnell

A few months ago I put out a rough version of my Angband variant, FAangband, ported to the DS. This has been taken and vastly improved by Michael Smith.
We'd appreciate any feedback. Once this is in good shape, it's likely that there will be a port of vanilla Angband, and other variants.
char *release_notes="FAAngband NDS version 2.50 (2008-12-10 22:02)
L quick = toggle keyboard
L hold = direction pad overlay
L + key = shifted key
L + dirpad = run
R = toggle zoom
Default key bindings (can be changed):
X = Esc
A = Return / accept
B = attack nearest / rest
Y = 'y' (yes)
Automatic options: auto_more, Term-1=messages
Suggested options: center_player
L long hold to redefine all key bindings
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December 12th, 2008, 02:38 Posted By: Darksaviour69
DHRECK has contacted us saying
I've just finished uploading the first in my series of Wii-Mote modifications on my website

This modification of an original Wii-mote & Nunchuk set was made with 3 kinds of 100% natural hemp string and is fully functional. Out with the hard white plastic, in with the fuzzy soft textures.

More pics and info at his site
DHRECK also says that he will be making more hemp stuff on "other pop-culture references" in the future.
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December 12th, 2008, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's fended off class-action lawsuits over "defective" Wiimote straps in the past, and if you remember, they also replaced about 3.2 million of the straps (a/k/a "all of them") around the same time too -- way back in December of 2006. Well, the same lawyer's back for round two with a new, nearly identical suit, but this one also alleges that Nintendo knew that the defect existed and was negligent in their failure to report the problem to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Nintendo's probably not stoked about the news -- but we've got a feeling that the company's record-breaking sales will balm the wounds a little. According to NPD data just released, the company sold 2 million Wiis and 1.56 million DS units in November, an all-time hardware sales record for a month other than December. Yeah, who cares about a few busted up TVs and black eyes in the face of those numbers?
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December 12th, 2008, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Rangarok Online DS is squeaking into stores next Thursday and the game is in a bad spot. Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Tales of Hearts, and Suikoden: Tierkreis come out on the same day. The following week Sega will release Phantasy Star Zero, which unlike Ragnarok Online DS, supports online play for most of the game. Despite the title, the only part of Ragnarok Online DS you can play online is the Tower of Mirages.
Gungho Works seems more focused on delivering a single player experience set in the Ragnarok Online universe. Ragnarok Online DS introduces some new features like two classes: a Dark Knight and Shaman plus a cast of original characters shown in this trailer.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Treasure Troves, a game from the makers of a Nintendo DS SAT prep software and uh… Hello Kitty Daily… well let’s forget about Aspyr’s current DS offerings for a second since Treasure Troves sounds technologically neat. This Nintendo DS game has players physically scout out Wi-Fi networks with a DS in hand to unlock sound items. Once collected sound bytes can be arranged into musical compositions that can be traded with other players. Since the DS is easy to carry around Aspyr believes Treasure Troves will be like a real life treasure hunt.
Treasure Troves is conceptually grand if you’re living in a dense city or campus environment where you walk a lot. Outside of those places I don’t see Treasure Troves working the same way. Savvy players are more likely to “break” the game by reprogramming routers than trekking the globe with the game in their hands. The World Ends With You had a similar feature where you can scan for ESPers and rare aliens, but I can’t recall a single time where I felt inspired to clamshell my DS with the World Ends With You inside.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Shonen Jump run manga and Madhouse developed anime series, Claymore, is coming to the DS next year. In the game players control Clare, the main character of the series, and slay ghastly monsters known as yoma. Clare has the power to sense yoma which is implemented into the Nintendo DS game as enemy radar on the bottom screen. Seems kind of pointless since Claymore is a 2D side scroller.
Looks like it might be a beat ‘em up with talking head cutscenes too. Right now the only screenshots we have are of Clare crushing yoma. More details should be revealed at this December’s Jump Fiesta since the game will be at the show. After that Claymore is still on the horizon since it isn’t scheduled to come out until spring 2009.
Digital Works Entertainment is acting as the developer and publisher. The latter of which is a first for the company. Other games Digital Works contributed to include Eternal Sonata where they did modeling stuff and a bunch of mobile phone games.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
The SaveMii Recovery Dongle for Nintendo Wii is now available on Amazon, heres the details:

Product Features
Allows recovery or repair of many "bricked" Wii consoles
Useful for firmware development
Product Description
SaveMii is a small dongle that is plugged into a Wii's Gamecube memory card slot. It mimicks a test interface that is believed to be used in Nintendo's own facilities (dubbed Waikiki by Nintendo). When the System Menu is started and such a device is found, much of the System Menu's code is skipped. Instead, the System Menu checks the validity of the disk, runs an update from the inserted disk if present, and then tries to start a diagnostic also known autoboot disk. This will allow updates from legit Wii disks to fix the system data. Or, if the Wii's system hasn't been updated to version 3.3 yet and is equipped with a modchip, even run custom-made disks containing updates or homebrew tools to modify the system.
details here --> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/AS...kiangagenew-20
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December 12th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have announced that they have in stock a rare gameboy console, heres the details:

This is a used item. If not otherwise mentioned below, spine card is included for titles that originally came with spine cards.
Handheld video game console
Thousands of games and accessories available
Requires 2 AA batteries (included)
GB Color handhelds do not have region protection, all games sold worldwide will work
The Game Boy is that small, colorful handheld video game system clutched by folks playing it everywhere. Popular among a wide age group, including a good number of airport-lounging power executives, the Game Boy has a true hard-core fan base comprising millions (and millions) of kids around the globe.
For collectors only --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-15ub.html
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December 13th, 2008, 12:12 Posted By: wraggster
Are you ready to rock? Or, more specifically, will you be ready to rock on December 18? That's the day (a Thursday, in fact) that Wii and PS2 owners will finally be able to call friends over for a Rock Band 2 party. That's right – before the weekend. Crazy, huh?
RB2 for Wii supports the download (and storage on SD card) of tracks via the in-game music store only; you'll have to add Wii Points through the Wii Shop Channel, per usual. PS2 owners ... sorry, but your DLC is in another castle.
Here's the package / pricing breakdown. Note that peripherals for the PS2 version are already on sale.
Special Edition Bundle (Wii) – $189.99
Standalone Software (Wii) – $49.99
Standalone Drums (Wii) – $89.99
Standalone Guitar (Wii) – $69.99
Standalone Software (PS2) – $49.99
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December 13th, 2008, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
Players in Japan already lining up for the next installment in Capcom's hugely popular Monster Hunter franchise can do so with a measure of confidence that Monster Hunter 3 tri~ will remain exclusive to the Wii. 1UP reports that Capcom has come forward to dispel rumors that the title would make its way to the PSP as well, writing on the game's official website that despite comments made in "a certain magazine," the hotly anticipated 2009 release "utilizes the unique features of the Wii to their fullest, and development continues with the intention of creating a Monster Hunter never before seen."
While not exactly a ringing endorsement for multiplatform support, you can blame the doubting looks on our faces on Capcom's track record with platform exclusivity. After all, we eventually played Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 and Monster Hunter 3 itself was at one time announced for the PlayStation 3. Clearly, the only thing for certain here is that Capcom likes money.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via Codemii
Changed blue tick to yellow tick so it can be seen easier
Made help and controls window larger
Free space is now shown at the bottom right of screen
Added menu when pressing home, can go into settings, reboot the wii or return to loader. Hold the home button to return to loader at any time.
Added settings which allow you to change when the image files are downloaded; either at startup or on-demand. Can enable or disable the free space text.
Added update all applications feature. You access this when clicking on the SD card icon. Once you are shown your applications, the SD card icon changes to an update icon which you can click.
The much requested update all apps feature has now been added to the HBB. Just click on the SD card icon and then an update button will appear in the SD icons place. Click on that and it’ll ask you if you wish to update. After that you will see it automatically update all outdated applications.
Small things like making the help and controls screen larger seemed like it was needed as well as now having a menu when you press the home button. You can now go to settings, reboot the wii or return to loader. In the settings, as some people have requested, you can now choose to download the images before HBB actually loads (as was done in versions before v0.2.1b). You can also choose whether or not the free space show be shown.
I should also note that all FCEU and SNES unofficial emulators have been removed as per this message. Basically the official versions have all the features of the unofficial emulators.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster
Most people buy multiple controllers for their game systems. That's more of an anecdotal or common-sense conclusion than one based on statistics, but we think it holds. Even people who live alone generally like to have a second controller around for company. And with the Wii's status as a party system, a lot of people are likely to have third and fourth controllers as well.
Nintendo found a way to get many of these controller sales to count as software in NPD: by bundling controllers with a game and adding just $10 to the price. And the strategy has worked. Nintendo told Gamasutra that since the product's launch in February of last year, 7.9 million copies of Wii Play have been sold in the US. That's more than half the number of Wii systems sold in the US (15.4 million).
We like the cow racing game.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
There have been some really great-looking DS games, from those with artistry at the forefront, like Hotel Dusk and Professor Layton, while others simply look just that good, like Tales of Innocence, or the surprisingly gorgeous Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales.
But for every game that looks fantastic, there are ten that look like poop. Okay, those numbers may not be scientific, but you get the point: there are some visual stinkers out there. When it's not a great game, it doesn't matter; graphics aren't the most important thing, to be sure. But sometimes, there are good games that don't look so hot. Have you encountered any on the DS?
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December 13th, 2008, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo appears to have its sights set on new audiences for the DS platform with the release of the DSi. The company already has the gamers, it has the people who want to train their brains, and now it may be targeting businesses.
Speaking with Kyodo News on the 11th, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata made note of the platform's potential for business use now that the DSi revision has been released. Central to this vision is the system's support for downloadable software, making it cheap for companies to produce business-use software on a small scale.
As an example of possible business use, Iwata suggested that an insurance company, which currently uses PC terminals to share product information with visiting clients, could use the DSi for the same purpose.
Iwata also hinted at an expansion of Nintendo Spot, a Japan-only test service that beams product information and news to DS systems at select McDonalds restaurants and on one Tokyo train line. Iwata hopes the DS sees more of this use as an information terminal, with information beamed directly to users at theme parks and malls.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from funkystuff
Anyways since nintendo never got us this. I am starting to make the game. Demo & Source in attachment.
Warnings: On hardware it seems that the 3Dsprite flickers when jumps and the preview of the stage in the stage selection flickers too. Lame i know. but i dont know how to fix it.
If you want to contribute, view the source and try to figure out how fix some bugs or what not. Or maybe make my code better.
Things left to do:
Set Screen border < currently you can walk off in to entirnity
Get NPC in there < this should be very easy
Get Collisions between Player and NPC < I have no idea
Get NPC to have AI < over my head ATM
Get the rest of the music for all the stages < so far i only have 2 stages music, i haven't put them in though. If i cant find the 20 others ill just take some recommondations
Feel free to do what you like, and comment too!
I DO NOT PLAN WIFI! I DO NOT TAKE CRAPPY SPRITE SHEETS! I DO NOT TAKE MORE MAPS! I DO NOT TAKE ANY OTHER DESIGNS FOR THE GAME(UNLESS ITS INSANELY GOOD LOOKING WHICH I DOUBT)! I ALREADY HAVE ALL THE MAPS AND QUITE A FEW CHARACTER SPRITES(I haven't bothered to make their sprite sheets cause i soo lazy) Yeas i know felicia is black. I made her that way. In the next release with 2 characters Felicia will be fixed and have more moves! Do not worry interface isn't final, i just needed a quick mock up.
Felicia Move Set:
A = Jump
B = Kick
X = Punch
Down = Crouch
Down + B = Crouch Kick
Right/Left + X = Super Swipe
Right now the sprites are on a 128x128 grid sprite sheet. I will change this so its 256x256 so that i can have maximum animations(ie those super cool giant attacks). This will make collisions very hard though. As i will need to base the collisions off how big the sprite is at that time. Or frame. I really dont know how im going to do this. I may just end up staying with 128x128 sprite sheets(but that would suck ass).
Well enjoy!
I totally forgot credits
Nightfox for his lib duhs, its super awesome.
uh lets see. Anandjones, Strattion, and some other ppl i didnt mention, im sure, for helping me figure out how to put this shit, i mean stuff together.
One last thing. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! except maybe the code? Capcom own everything im pretty sure. this is FREE, although donations are accepted
don't forget to comment please.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from AntonioND
This is a 3D engine, which aim is to make easier the procces of making a 3D game for the DS
-Loader of models and textures from FAT.
-Dual 3D, as easy as normal 3D.
-Can load BMPs of 8, 16, and 24 bits and convert them into textures.
-Hardware-accelerated effects like fog and toon shading.
-You can take screenshots of both screens in dual 3D mode or the 3D screen in normal 3D mode.
-Animated model support.
-2D over 3D system.
-Very basic physics engine.
-API functions.
-2D text in 3D mode, any character size allowed.
-A3I5 texture converter (3 bits of alpha, 5 bits of indexed colors).
-Improve physics engine.
-You can ask me for the things you would like to see.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Pinecone has released his own DevkitPPC installer for Mac OSX Leopard for the latest release from the Devkit toolchain, r16. It is VERY untested, so please use at your own risk.
It can be downloaded from here.
What it is
The package installs the minimum you need for creating and building Wii and Gamecube apps, which includes LibOGC and some compiler trickery (don't ask me how it works: I have no idea). It also includes, as did the previous installer, an Xcode template for creating both Wii and Gamcube apps. This is all installed automatically.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Pinecone has released his own DevkitPPC installer for Mac OSX Leopard for the latest release from the Devkit toolchain, r16. It is VERY untested, so please use at your own risk.
It can be downloaded from here.
What it is
The package installs the minimum you need for creating and building Wii and Gamecube apps, which includes LibOGC and some compiler trickery (don't ask me how it works: I have no idea). It also includes, as did the previous installer, an Xcode template for creating both Wii and Gamcube apps. This is all installed automatically.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from chris28

DSolfege is the Nintendo DS port of free software GNU Solfege. Unfortunatly I've no more time to develop it. Actually only tne intervals game works without possibility to save scores.
If anyone is interested to continue this project or to take some parts of it (by exemple all notes in raw format) i've published the sources on my blog.
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December 14th, 2008, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
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December 14th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Kornflexx has just introduced its application "DsKiosk" which allows to run your homebrew from a very friendly interface. To do this you must define the path of all your homebrew and its sticker 64x48 PNG.
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December 14th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
CyBeRCeD conducting a novel version of its application Geode, which lets you know your French departments at your fingertips.
14/12/08: Addition of Corsica on the map, adding a menu and a game to test their knowledge
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December 14th, 2008, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Kukulcan performs at the 2008 competition Retro Remakes, "BLOCKS MANIA - Another Dream" which is a port and remake of the puzzle game "Vexed". Once again with Lobo graphics, it makes a very comprehensive homebrew, worthy of an official game with 2880 levels, to unlock Bonus, 3 modes of testing, backup system and a cheat code to the former.
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December 15th, 2008, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
shaymanjohn performs at the competition "Retro Remake 2008", the remake of Starquake (Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum, Atari XL in 1985) for the DS entitled "Starquake DS". Discover this faithful remake of the original Blob where you embody and will explore the 512 screens in this platform game..
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December 15th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from AntonioND
This is a 3D engine, which aim is to make easier the procces of making a 3D game for the DS
-Loader of models and textures from FAT.
-Dual 3D, as easy as normal 3D.
-Can load BMPs of 8, 16, and 24 bits and convert them into textures.
-Hardware-accelerated effects like fog and toon shading.
-You can take screenshots of both screens in dual 3D mode or the 3D screen in normal 3D mode.
-Animated model support.
-2D over 3D system.
-Very basic physics engine.
-API functions.
-2D text in 3D mode, any character size allowed.
-A3I5 texture converter (3 bits of alpha, 5 bits of indexed colors).
-Improve physics engine.
-You can ask me for the things you would like to see.
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December 15th, 2008, 04:39 Posted By: DesertDog
Multiple:Option is proud to introduce a new concept into the DS homebrew world - Relationship Middleware. Want to give your loved one a special message in the geekiest gamer way? Easy Proposal Maker featuring The Search Master has done all the hard work for you. Just put in your message, and then let your loved one play "The Search Master" (a tile search game). When they finish the level, surprise! Your message will be displayed. Whether it's a marriage proposal or just a simple confession of love, Easy Proposal Maker lets you concentrate on what's important - your relationship!

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December 15th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar Games has dated DS GTA entry Chinatown Wars, which will be out in North America and Europe on March 17 and 20.
Developed by Rockstar Leeds, the DS game is a old school top-down affair following the dirty business of Chinese triads in Liberty City. You can also deal drugs in the game, which is sure to delight the Daily Mail.
"Rockstar Leeds have once again created a game that far exceeds our standard for deep and innovative entertainment," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games.
"We are incredibly excited to share this enormous and uncompromising Grand Theft Auto experience with DS fans."
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December 15th, 2008, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China
Now you can take your favorite Wii sword games to the next level with these custom Wii Remote Light Sword attachments. These motion sabers not only light up, but also react to motion and contact with realistic sound effects similar to a real life duel. Simply secure your remote into the base grip, hook on the sword and you’re ready for battle. No cables to connect! Made of high-grade durable material and is built to last, no matter how many enemies you defeat. It’s perfect for head-to-head battles in Star Wars and your favorite Wii sword games. So go ahead, hook up and conquer your enemies!
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December 15th, 2008, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Before we get to the actual information, we have to take a moment to give Curtis his promised momentary fame for coming up with the name for this weekly feature. So without further ado:
Now, with that behind us:
Strong Bad Episode 5: 8-Bit Is Enough (Telltale Games, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points): In this final (for this season, at least) installment, Strong Bad does battle with Trogdor. Our money's on the dragon with a man's arm.
Big Kahuna Party (Reflexive Entertainment Inc., 1-4 players, 700 Wii Points): "So, it's a match three game with a few bells and whistles, how much do we think we can get away with charging? Pearson?"
"Umm, how about eight dollars?"
"Well, let's not go crazy."
Enduro Racer (Sega Master System, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): We like Enduro Racer, if for no other reason than the title espousing the value of endurance over speed. "Just hang in there," Enduro Racer says, "just hang in there and you'll eventually finish the race." That's the kind of tortoise-beats-hare logic we can get behind.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
2009 approaches, yet still, no official word from Nintendo of America on when the DSi will be released in the US. Until that official date comes, then, we have to make do with official timeframes.
Previously, we've had two conflicting statements. NoA boss Reggie Fils-Aime first said in October that the handheld wouldn't be out until the end of 2009, so as to allow current stocks of the DS Lite to sell through.
A few weeks later, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata told Reuters "an autumn or year-end launch [in the US] would probably be too late". Having come later and from the top man himself, we're taking the latter as the more definitive statement.
Now, we've got IGN's end-of-year review for the DS, in which they first said Nintendo of America had confirmed a March 2009 launch, before later correcting the story to state NoA "will wait until at least March of 2009 before giving the system the US push it deserves".
So, those feeling the need to upgrade their DS hardware, you'll get your shot sometime between March and August.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New game modes: Multi-Card Slingo, Seven by Seven Slingo and Pirate's Fortune Slingo
New power-ups: Slingo Vision, Devil Protection and Multipliers
New Quest format with 60 levels of Slingo fun
New Slingo Stars and Slingo Stamps for bonus rewards
Slingo Quest is the follow-up hit to the exciting original puzzle game that combines the classic favorites, Bingo and Slots. Slingo Quest takes the traditional 5-reel slot machine challenge to the next level by introducing brand new game modes, thrilling levels and enhanced power-ups!
Slingo Quest has the classic Slingo fun you know and love, plus brand new ways to play! It's the next level of Slingo Fun!
Winner! The Zeebys Best Card, Board & Mahjong Game of 2006!
Rated 4 1/2 out of 5 Stars by Gamzebo!
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December 15th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
A rather unusual trademark was registered by Nintendo of Japan. On October 24th, 2008 the house of Mario registered the rights to use Napoleon for video games. We’ve seen Nintendo overzealously protect DSi-everything, but Napoleon? Is the big N’s next big game a tactics title with a deceased French military leader? Since EA making a game based on Dante’s Inferno anything is possible, but I wouldn’t bet on Napoleon Bonaparte starring in a Nintendo published game.
Napoleon is also the name of a Hearts-like card game in Japan. Between the possibilities of Super Napoleon Brothers and a WiiWare and/or DSiWare version of the card game I have to go with the latter. Still, it’s strange to see Nintendo spend money to register Napoleon. Maybe they think they have the next Solitaire for Japan or something?
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December 15th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

The NDS-i EVA Pouch is quite Light ,the ergonomic angled design for best hand feeling.The foam sleeves create a tight seal for personalized fit for DSi too.It is designer series for DSi , and can protects your console too.
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December 16th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke has released a new version of his Genesis(Megadrive) Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube:

Heres whats new:
1.3.0 (14/12/2008):
- YM2612 bugfixes (MAME core):
.fixed EG Decay->Substain transition when SL & DR are minimals: fix tracks #3 and #9 in "Mega Turrican"
.fixed a bug in SSG-EG emulation code: fix Level 1 music in "Alisia Dragoon"
.modified SSG-EG Decay End Level: fix some sound effects (ChainSaw, Zap...) in "Beavis & Butthead"
.improved Detune overflow accuracy: fix very high frequency sounds in many games
.fixed registers 0x20-0x26 Reset state: fix intro music in "B.O.B"
.reverted incorrect fix with KEY ON: fix "Flamethrower" sound effect in "Alien 3" and many others
- adjusted HCounter values: fixes line flickering in "Sonic 3D" bonus stage
- adjusted VINT timing: fixes hang-up in "V.R Troopers"
- improved HBLANK flag accuracy: fixes line flickering in "Gouketsuji Ichizoku"
- fixed broken Z80 access to WRAM: fixes hang-up in "Mamono Hunter Youko"
- modified JCART emulation: fixes corrupted tracks logo in "Micro Machines 2"
- added Blargg's NTSC Filters support (NTSC video artifacts emulation)
- optimized VDP rendering core, rewrote 68k interface (memory handlers, cycle execution, interrupts): greatly improved emulation speed
- remove slowest libsamplerate settings under "HQ YM2612" option, only keeps SRC_LINEAR (faster) and SRC_SINC_FAST (better)
- added an option to enable/disable bilinear filtering
- rewrote video engine: improved horizontal scaling (VI+GX), improved rendering speed (direct texture mapping)
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- fixed "Reset" button behavior, now acts more like Genesis Reset button ;-)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- SRAM and SaveState filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke has released a new version of his Genesis(Megadrive) Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube:

Heres whats new:
1.3.0 (14/12/2008):
- YM2612 bugfixes (MAME core):
.fixed EG Decay->Substain transition when SL & DR are minimals: fix tracks #3 and #9 in "Mega Turrican"
.fixed a bug in SSG-EG emulation code: fix Level 1 music in "Alisia Dragoon"
.modified SSG-EG Decay End Level: fix some sound effects (ChainSaw, Zap...) in "Beavis & Butthead"
.improved Detune overflow accuracy: fix very high frequency sounds in many games
.fixed registers 0x20-0x26 Reset state: fix intro music in "B.O.B"
.reverted incorrect fix with KEY ON: fix "Flamethrower" sound effect in "Alien 3" and many others
- adjusted HCounter values: fixes line flickering in "Sonic 3D" bonus stage
- adjusted VINT timing: fixes hang-up in "V.R Troopers"
- improved HBLANK flag accuracy: fixes line flickering in "Gouketsuji Ichizoku"
- fixed broken Z80 access to WRAM: fixes hang-up in "Mamono Hunter Youko"
- modified JCART emulation: fixes corrupted tracks logo in "Micro Machines 2"
- added Blargg's NTSC Filters support (NTSC video artifacts emulation)
- optimized VDP rendering core, rewrote 68k interface (memory handlers, cycle execution, interrupts): greatly improved emulation speed
- remove slowest libsamplerate settings under "HQ YM2612" option, only keeps SRC_LINEAR (faster) and SRC_SINC_FAST (better)
- added an option to enable/disable bilinear filtering
- rewrote video engine: improved horizontal scaling (VI+GX), improved rendering speed (direct texture mapping)
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- fixed "Reset" button behavior, now acts more like Genesis Reset button ;-)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- SRAM and SaveState filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke has released a new version of his PC Engine Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube:
Heres whats new:

- fixed I/II buttons being inverted with Wiimote
- fixed Option Menu
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- WRAM filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke has released a new version of his PC Engine Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube:
Heres whats new:

- fixed I/II buttons being inverted with Wiimote
- fixed Option Menu
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- WRAM filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Playing computer games used to be a lazy activity before Nintendo's Wii Fit shook up the industry. Now the company who brought simulated tennis and yoga to the masses is sending gamers outside to exercise.
The Japanese electronics giant are launching the game 'Walk With Me!' for DS consoles guaranteed to put a spring in your step.
Instead of slouching in front of the TV, players are encouraged to create a personal walking regime and compete against friends, family and even their pets.
The software comes with two pedometers called 'Activity Meters', which monitor how much activity you do during the day. The data is collected and stored on the pedometer for seven days and is transferred by an infra red signal to a Nintendo DS.
Users can set daily walking targets and compare their activity to up to three other users.
There are also a number of motivating mini-games, with collected steps used to unlock trivia, create images and find out how much electrical energy walking has generated.
Computer users can also compete with players from around the world to become the planet's top-ranked walkers and combine their steps together to plot a virtual walk through the solar system.
Walk with me! launches across Europe on 20th February.
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December 16th, 2008, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
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December 16th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of his Master System/Game Gear Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube
Heres whats new:
- added Blargg's NTSC Filter support (NTSC video artifacts emulation)
- added an option to enable/disable bilinear filtering
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- SaveState filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of his Master System/Game Gear Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube
Heres whats new:
- added Blargg's NTSC Filter support (NTSC video artifacts emulation)
- added an option to enable/disable bilinear filtering
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- SaveState filenames are now based on the ROM filename (for FAT devices only)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of the Gameboy/Gameboy Colour Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube
Heres whats new:
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of the Gameboy/Gameboy Colour Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube
Heres whats new:
- removed embedded font, (re)enabled IPL font support: now should works for Qoob users too (thanks to emukiddid)
- patched libfat for faster SDCARD accesses (thanks to svpe)
- various bugfixes, menu tweaks and code cleanup
[NGC only]
- added 480p support in menu
[Wii only]
- implemented fast scrolling in menu using Wiimote D-PAD
- added "Power" button support
- added USB Storage support
- Widescreen menu fix
- *new* libogc 1.7.0 features: SDHC support, Wiimote shutdown button support
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December 16th, 2008, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from benjifs
Here is DexterDS. It's a pokedex for the DS from a pokemon fan perspective. Therefore it does not include where to catch or different descriptions for each game. Let me know what you think.
Kanto Edition:
151 pokemon
search function fully implemented
Hope you guys like it.
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December 16th, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wjan
I'd like to introduce my first little homebrew game. It is a Nintendo DS port of Qub3D, a tetris like mini-game from Grand Theft Auto 4.
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December 16th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via drunkencoders
After a four day lag time, the manual is back and its source code is ready to compile with libnds 1.3.1. Thanks for waiting. Enjoy!
This release is meant to simply get the code compiling again. I don't yet use the new high level APIs that this version of libnds introduces. I'm saving that work for the next version of the manual. I have a few new chapters in the works that I'll be slipping in next time, as well.
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December 16th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via drunkencoders
Just a friendly reminder that one month remains until the 2008 compo deadline has expired.
Its looking like winner take all for the Wii compo as the prize pool has leveled out at about the $100 mark.
The DS/GBA side, however, have exceeded last years cash prize pool and hovers at nearly $850. $425 for a first place finish is a pretty good haul for our friendly little competition.
On the off chance people have a few dollars to spare around the holliday season let's see if we can raise the last $60 and put the combined prize total to $1000.
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December 16th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via drunkencoders
Just a friendly reminder that one month remains until the 2008 compo deadline has expired.
Its looking like winner take all for the Wii compo as the prize pool has leveled out at about the $100 mark.
The DS/GBA side, however, have exceeded last years cash prize pool and hovers at nearly $850. $425 for a first place finish is a pretty good haul for our friendly little competition.
On the off chance people have a few dollars to spare around the holliday season let's see if we can raise the last $60 and put the combined prize total to $1000.
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December 16th, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today, the website for Club Nintendo briefly went live, hinting at products you'll be able to obtain by registering your first-party Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS games.
A few of the products you'll be able to score on Club Nintendo include Game & Watch Collection for the Nintendo DS at 800 "coins", a DS game carrying case for 600 points, Nintendo Hanafuda cards, Mario Party and Animal Crossing playing cards, a Club Nintendo "hat" game rack, and Wii remote holders.
After only a few minutes, the club.nintendo.com site was pulled in favor of a "coming soon" splash page. According to the site when Club Nintendo goes live you can do the following:
Earn Coins for registering Nintendo products and completing surveys
Redeem Coins for limited edition Rewards
Earn a set amount of Coins each year to gain Gold and Platinum status
Create a Family Account and invite members of your family to join
Register your newly purchased Wii console or Nintendo DS on Club Nintendo and extend your warranty
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December 16th, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from funkystuff
Bring back any good memories? Well here it is THE ORIGINAL PONG for DS! sounds and everything!
Credits: Me and stratton for letting me use his AI, thanks strata.
Latest Version: 1.1
Ver 1.1: Added P1 or P2 Wins dialog
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December 16th, 2008, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from strata8
After only being a 'helping coder', as most people call it, I finally decided to start (and eventually finish) my own project. This is, typically, a pong game, but has many more features and options than the 'classic pong'. I am also in a personal compo with WolfSpider
-2 backgrounds/stages
-CPU mode
-2 Player mode
-Levels (in the form of AI difficulty)
-Basic powerup system
-Custom-made sprites/backgrounds
-Improve AI
-Add more powerups/improve system
-Make proper title screen
-Make proper menu
-Add support for 4 players
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December 16th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo is set to launch the new DSi Ware game download service in Japan this month.
It's launching on 24th December, to be precise. Merry Christmas, everyone in Japan.
Titles available at launch will include Moving Memo Book, which lets you use your DSi to take notes and make comic strips using the camera. It's free of charge.
For 200 Nintendo Points (GBP 1.50 / EUR 2) you'll be able to pick up games such as Paper Airplane (as previously seen in Made in Wario) and Bird and Beans. Then there are three titles based around Magic Taizen - Funny Face, Scary Numbers and Three Shuffle Games.
In the 500 Points (GBP 3.75 / EUR 10) category you'll find A Little Dr. Mario, a new version of the classic puzzler, and Simple Trumps, a selection of card games based on the Daredemo Asobi Taizen Collection.
There's also Art Style Aquario, where you line up coloured blocks, and Art Style Decode, a number puzzler. Rounding out the launch line-up is Utsusu Made in Wario, in which lets you use a picture of yourself for your character in a variety of mini-games.
All the titles are being brought to you by Nintendo, with no third-party offerings announced as yet. And there's still no word on when DSi Ware will make it to Europe.
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December 16th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster

So far as we can tell, the Wü Fit (see what they did there?) doesn't actually come with the Wii Fit software. But unless we're being badly deceived, the knockoff balance board should operate just fine with the official game (seriously!) -- assuming that you can find it by its lonesome, which you can't. The best (er, "only good") part? It's actually in stock for $92.95, which is more than the Big N can say about its genuine counterpart in much of the world.
Buy from IShop Videogames
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December 16th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

One of the most popular online RPGs, Ragnarok Online boasts a 2.8 million subscription throughout the world.
Moving from your PC to your DS, the game retains its coolest features such as character making and cooperative wireless and Wi-Fi gameplay.
A total of 3 people can join in a game at a time. Search for like minded people around you and invite them for an adventure wherever you and whenever you like.
Form a party of three and challenge the floors of the Tower of Illusions, test your skills, wits, and most importantly, the cooperation between you and other players.
The game makes use of a dungeon crawling system, with a total of 50 floors, each randomly generated stage has a different set of criteria to fulfill before you can clear it. this game could go on forever even after you have beaten its main storyline.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Just like we hypothesized the Game & Watch Collection will be a Club Nintendo gift when the program launches in North America. Currently, the Game & Watch Collection is the most valued item being priced at 800 Gold Coins. That translates to redeeming and completing surveys for16 Wii Games or 27 whole DS games. In real world dollars the Game & Watch Collection costs around $800 if we use $50 for the price of the average Wii game and $30 for the average DS game.
But there are some tricks you can use to maximize your game purchases and earn more coins. If you “indicate intent to buy a game” by marking it on a future purchase list and then buy it you get a bonus 10 coins. Register a game within four weeks of its launch and you get another 10 coins. Filling out a second survey 4-6 weeks after a game launches and you earn another 10 coins.
Follow these steps and you earn 80 coins for a Wii game and 60 coins for a DS game. This way you only need to register 10 Wii Games or 14 DS games to get a coveted copy of Game & Watch Collection. This still costs around $420 - $500 depending if you do this with just DS or Wii games. You might want to register those Wii Shop Channel games too since you get ten coins for each one.
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December 17th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
AgentX has released a new version of the media player for the Wii:
If your file has a 2.35:1 ratio and you want to make it fit the screen, press 1. If your file has a 4:3 ratio and you want to stretch it to fit the screen, press 2. To return to default press 1 and 2 together.
Tries to distinguish between audio files, video files and other files. If you select an audio file it will play continuously through the folder. Press B to play next file. Selecting a video will just play the individual file. Any other file will not be recognized and not play (avoiding crashes).
A patch file is included. Source is very hacky. With thanks to DCelso & Qualith for code for continuous play.
Known bugs:
Using B to select next file is very touch and go. I think this is a problem with mplayer not freeing memory properly so I can't fix it until I work out how to compile.
Thanks to rodries for constantly updating mplayerwii, samba improvements are much appreciated!
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December 17th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
The release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on March 17 is probably going to be A Big Deal™. As the coming together of the world's current favorite console and one of the most mega franchises out there, it's an event that threatens the very fabric of the space-time continuum should see a silly number of DS carts snapped up.
But how many? Take-Two will reveal its own expectations in its fiscal 2008 earnings report tomorrow, but for now analyst Mike Hickey of Janco Partners is calling five million copies sold between March 17 and October. That's a zany figure, but this is GTA and the DS we're talking about here: loopy numbers are nothing new.
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December 17th, 2008, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Hell Hibou has released a new version of the Gameboy Colour Emulator for Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
Add SDHC support
Using standard libfat device name (fat1, fat2, ...) for WHL 0.12 compatibility
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December 17th, 2008, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hellhibou via gxmod
Hell Owl proposes a new version of its interface similar to the Wii to launch since the Homebrew 'Front - SD. Each Homebrew is represented as a string customizable.
News / corrections:
Following the 0.11 version of Wii Homebrew Launcher, some problems have emerged including the inability to return to the loader. The case is on the Wii with firmware 3.4 and the problem persisted even after a downgrade. The problem is had to IOS4 used in the version 0.11 and is usable by the homebrew firmware 3.4 (it is not downgrade). The 0.12 rule is therefore small problem and also contains some minor updates:
- Fixed a bug that prevented from returning to the loader in some cases.
- Changes in the memory manager.
- Changes in the choice of IOS used by the loader (IOS16 will be used in some cases).
- Display used and the IOS version of the loader in the menu.
- Use the appointment libfat device in the passage of arguments (fat1:, FAT2:, ...). Libfat automatically uses the directory as homebrew default.
- Add the variable 'version' in the translation file (LANG.INI).
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December 17th, 2008, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hellhibou via gxmod
Hell Owl offers a modified version of Wii GameCube Homebrew Launcher which is a homebrew originally created by Mega Man to launch homebrew works only on GameCube.
It makes it possible to use a loader to ISO for GC games. This version has been modified so it's easier with Wii Homebrew Launcher. To use it, you will need at least version 0.9 of Wii Homebrew Launcher.
News / corrections:
- Added support for SDHC cards.
- Loading files faster.
- Use the appointment libfat device in the passage of arguments (fat1:, FAT2: ...)
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December 17th, 2008, 04:07 Posted By: bandit

Join Club Nintendo and get rewarded
Become a part of Club Nintendo for the opportunity to earn Coins that you and your family can redeem for exclusive rewards. Club Nintendo is also the only way to register products, enter sweepstakes and sign up to receive exclusive newsletters. So take a look around, sign up and enjoy the benefits today.
Now North Americans can no bask in the glory of being able to earn free and unique items from Nintendo just like Japanese gamers in Japan through Club Nintendo. North American gamers have been pushing and begging for Nintendo of America to offer it and Nintendo finally has.
If you already have a My Nintendo account, you can transfer your account to a Club Nintendo account.
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December 17th, 2008, 04:07 Posted By: bandit

Join Club Nintendo and get rewarded
Become a part of Club Nintendo for the opportunity to earn Coins that you and your family can redeem for exclusive rewards. Club Nintendo is also the only way to register products, enter sweepstakes and sign up to receive exclusive newsletters. So take a look around, sign up and enjoy the benefits today.
Now North Americans can no bask in the glory of being able to earn free and unique items from Nintendo just like Japanese gamers in Japan through Club Nintendo. North American gamers have been pushing and begging for Nintendo of America to offer it and Nintendo finally has.
If you already have a My Nintendo account, you can transfer your account to a Club Nintendo account.
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December 17th, 2008, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster

After six months of what we can only imagine were pained, laborious negotiations, Nintendo and Nyko announced today that they've settled that lawsuit over Nyko's Kama wireless nunchuck controllers. No mention of how much Nyko had to pay up to make this all go away, but apparently the company's agreed to tweak the Kama's design to make it looks less like Ninty's original -- we'd say a good beginning exercise would be to try and figure out why anyone actually needs an off-color wireless nunchuck, and then going on from there.
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December 17th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Alright everyone, brace for surprise! Nintendo revealed its release calendar for the first quarter of 2009, and it includes: A game that teaches math; several remakes and rehashes; and, the big surprise, a Pokémon game! No, seriously.
So look for Personal Trainer: Math on Jan. 12, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Feb. 16 and Pokémon Platinum on March 22. Big N's only Wii releases for the quarter will be New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis and New Play Control! Pikmin, both in March.
Looks like the third parties are the ones bringing the heat this quarter. Square drops Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time in the spring, Sega's stepping up with The House of The Dead: Overkill in February and Madworld in March. February also marks the release of Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers. We didn't think it possible, but we now have yet another reason to be thankful for swimwear-clad girls defending us from the undead. We've got the full list for you after the jump.
Monsters vs. Aliens - March 24
Crave Entertainment
Monster Pals™ - March
Solitaire & Mahjong - February
Puzzle Challenges and More! - February
Crayola Colorful World - March
Onechanbara™ Bikini Zombie Slayers™ - February
Coraline - January
WordJong Party - January
Battle Rage - February
Cradle of Rome - February
Cate West: The Vanishing Files - March
Burger Island - March
Disney Interactive Studios
Disney Sing It: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - Winter
Play the World - March
Electronic Arts
NASCAR® Kart Racing - Feb. 10
SimAnimals™ - Jan. 27
TRIVIAL PURSUIT - Early spring
Hudson Entertainment
Marble Saga Kororinpa™ - Spring
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
DanceDanceRevolution® Disney Grooves - March
Majesco Entertainment
Escape the Museum - January
Major Minor's Majestic March - March
Marvelous Entertainment USA
Little King's Story - Feb. 17
Rune Factory: Frontier - March
Deer Drive™ - Jan. 20
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.
We Ski™ and Snowboard - March
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis™ - March
New Play Control! Pikmin™ - March
The House of The Dead: Overkill™ - February
SONIC™ and the Black Knight - March
Southpeak Interactive
Roogoo Twisted Towers™ - Feb. 17
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball™ - March 17
Brave: A Warrior's Tale™ - Feb. 17
Paws & Claws Pet Resort - Jan. 5
Neighborhood Games - Jan. 5
Tenchu™: Shadow Assassins - February
Broken Sword™: Shadows of the Templars (Director's Cut) - March
XS Games
Super PickUps™ - Q1
Nintendo DS
Monsters vs. Aliens - March 24
Pimp My Ride 2™ - March 24
Animal Planet™ - March 10
Atlus U.S.A., Inc.
My World, My Way™ - Feb. 3
Legacy of Ys™: Books I & II - Feb. 10
Trackmania™ DS - March 17
Crave Entertainment
Monster Pals ™ - March
D3Publisher of America
Puzzle Quest™: Galactrix™ - Q1
Coraline - January
USA TODAY Puzzle Craze - January
DinoPets - March
Disney Interactive Studios
Phineas and Ferb - Winter
Inkheart - January
Learn Math - January
Drivers' Ed Portable - January
Monster Band - January
Zoo Quest - February
My Personal Diary - February
Music Star: Pop Star - February
Paint by DS - March
Matchstick - March
Dreamer: Top Model - March
Sarah - Keeper of the Unicorn - March
Learn Chess - March
Dragon Master - April
Electronic Arts
Zubo™ - March
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure™ - Q1
SimAnimals™ - Jan. 27
Empire Interactive
Jagged Alliance - Feb. 17
American Popstar - Road to Celebrity - March 9
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero™ - Q1
Suikoden Tierkreis - Q1
Little Magician's Magic Adventure™ - Q1
Majesco Entertainment
WonderWorld Amusement Park™ - January
Powerbike - January
Our House™ - Q1
Hot 'n' Cold - March
Marvelous Entertainment USA
Avalon Code - February
Flower, Sun, and Rain - March
Moon™ - Jan. 13
Chicken Hunter Star Karts - March 10
Personal Trainer™: Math - Jan. 12
Fire Emblem™: Shadow Dragon - Feb. 16
Pokémon™ Platinum version - March 22
Grand Theft Auto™: Chinatown Wars - Winter
Southpeak Interactive
Big Bang Mini® - Jan. 6
Roogoo Attack™ - Feb. 17
Brave: Shaman's Challenge™ - Feb. 17
Square Enix, Inc.
Paws & Claws Pampered Pets - Jan. 5
TOMY Corporation
My DoItAll™ - February
Jake Power Fireman - January
Jake Power Policeman - January
Imagine™ Cheerleader - February
JoJo's Fashion Show - February
Petz® Horseshoe Ranch - February
Imagine™ Family Doctor - February
Imagine™ Ice Champions - March
Jake Power Handyman - March
My Fashion Studio Paris Collection - Feb. 17
American Popstar - Road to Celebrity - March 24
Broken Sword™: Shadows of the Templars (Director's Cut) - March
Retro Game Challenge - Jan. 6
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December 17th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Alright everyone, brace for surprise! Nintendo revealed its release calendar for the first quarter of 2009, and it includes: A game that teaches math; several remakes and rehashes; and, the big surprise, a Pokémon game! No, seriously.
So look for Personal Trainer: Math on Jan. 12, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Feb. 16 and Pokémon Platinum on March 22. Big N's only Wii releases for the quarter will be New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis and New Play Control! Pikmin, both in March.
Looks like the third parties are the ones bringing the heat this quarter. Square drops Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time in the spring, Sega's stepping up with The House of The Dead: Overkill in February and Madworld in March. February also marks the release of Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers. We didn't think it possible, but we now have yet another reason to be thankful for swimwear-clad girls defending us from the undead. We've got the full list for you after the jump.
Monsters vs. Aliens - March 24
Crave Entertainment
Monster Pals™ - March
Solitaire & Mahjong - February
Puzzle Challenges and More! - February
Crayola Colorful World - March
Onechanbara™ Bikini Zombie Slayers™ - February
Coraline - January
WordJong Party - January
Battle Rage - February
Cradle of Rome - February
Cate West: The Vanishing Files - March
Burger Island - March
Disney Interactive Studios
Disney Sing It: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - Winter
Play the World - March
Electronic Arts
NASCAR® Kart Racing - Feb. 10
SimAnimals™ - Jan. 27
TRIVIAL PURSUIT - Early spring
Hudson Entertainment
Marble Saga Kororinpa™ - Spring
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
DanceDanceRevolution® Disney Grooves - March
Majesco Entertainment
Escape the Museum - January
Major Minor's Majestic March - March
Marvelous Entertainment USA
Little King's Story - Feb. 17
Rune Factory: Frontier - March
Deer Drive™ - Jan. 20
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.
We Ski™ and Snowboard - March
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis™ - March
New Play Control! Pikmin™ - March
The House of The Dead: Overkill™ - February
SONIC™ and the Black Knight - March
Southpeak Interactive
Roogoo Twisted Towers™ - Feb. 17
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball™ - March 17
Brave: A Warrior's Tale™ - Feb. 17
Paws & Claws Pet Resort - Jan. 5
Neighborhood Games - Jan. 5
Tenchu™: Shadow Assassins - February
Broken Sword™: Shadows of the Templars (Director's Cut) - March
XS Games
Super PickUps™ - Q1
Nintendo DS
Monsters vs. Aliens - March 24
Pimp My Ride 2™ - March 24
Animal Planet™ - March 10
Atlus U.S.A., Inc.
My World, My Way™ - Feb. 3
Legacy of Ys™: Books I & II - Feb. 10
Trackmania™ DS - March 17
Crave Entertainment
Monster Pals ™ - March
D3Publisher of America
Puzzle Quest™: Galactrix™ - Q1
Coraline - January
USA TODAY Puzzle Craze - January
DinoPets - March
Disney Interactive Studios
Phineas and Ferb - Winter
Inkheart - January
Learn Math - January
Drivers' Ed Portable - January
Monster Band - January
Zoo Quest - February
My Personal Diary - February
Music Star: Pop Star - February
Paint by DS - March
Matchstick - March
Dreamer: Top Model - March
Sarah - Keeper of the Unicorn - March
Learn Chess - March
Dragon Master - April
Electronic Arts
Zubo™ - March
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure™ - Q1
SimAnimals™ - Jan. 27
Empire Interactive
Jagged Alliance - Feb. 17
American Popstar - Road to Celebrity - March 9
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero™ - Q1
Suikoden Tierkreis - Q1
Little Magician's Magic Adventure™ - Q1
Majesco Entertainment
WonderWorld Amusement Park™ - January
Powerbike - January
Our House™ - Q1
Hot 'n' Cold - March
Marvelous Entertainment USA
Avalon Code - February
Flower, Sun, and Rain - March
Moon™ - Jan. 13
Chicken Hunter Star Karts - March 10
Personal Trainer™: Math - Jan. 12
Fire Emblem™: Shadow Dragon - Feb. 16
Pokémon™ Platinum version - March 22
Grand Theft Auto™: Chinatown Wars - Winter
Southpeak Interactive
Big Bang Mini® - Jan. 6
Roogoo Attack™ - Feb. 17
Brave: Shaman's Challenge™ - Feb. 17
Square Enix, Inc.
Paws & Claws Pampered Pets - Jan. 5
TOMY Corporation
My DoItAll™ - February
Jake Power Fireman - January
Jake Power Policeman - January
Imagine™ Cheerleader - February
JoJo's Fashion Show - February
Petz® Horseshoe Ranch - February
Imagine™ Family Doctor - February
Imagine™ Ice Champions - March
Jake Power Handyman - March
My Fashion Studio Paris Collection - Feb. 17
American Popstar - Road to Celebrity - March 24
Broken Sword™: Shadows of the Templars (Director's Cut) - March
Retro Game Challenge - Jan. 6
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December 17th, 2008, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has told EA to stop broadcasting a misleading ad for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09. In the commercial, Woods is swinging a Wii controller, but a complaint to the agency accused the ad of using footage from the Xbox 360 version of the game. Which it did, as confirmed by EA. The publisher's excuse for switching the footage: the Wii images wouldn't be of "broadcast quality."
EA's ad agency stated that, in the future, it would make sure that the images and format being promoted match.
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December 17th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Screen Digest senior analyst Piers Harding-Rolls believes that some sections of the videogames industry are under greater threat from recession than others - particularly those which deal with "new, non-enthusiast" gamers that focus their attention on Wii and DS titles.
"These new, non-enthusiast and more mainstream console gamers view many Wii and DS games as experimental and discretionary luxuries," he said. "As the recession bites, Wii and DS games are likely to fall from the shopping lists of some of these consumers."
Sony too should be wary, says the analyst, due to the PlayStation 3's premium price point that's made it the most expensive console currently on the market.
"From a hardware perspective, Sony's PS3 console is relatively exposed on price, which may prompt price-sensitive traditional gamers to delay adoption of the platform until we see a substantial price drop."
However, Harding-Rolls was more positive about core gaming audiences, which he said were "relatively resilient to an economic downturn" thanks to "few financial responsibilities" and "a higher disposable income."
But despite that there was likely to be a medium term impact that would see "more risk-averse business practices" and "new and original IP projects" under pressure, leading to a lower level of innovation for consumers.
Echoing that last point Electronic Arts' CEO John Riccitiello recently claimed that while the company's new IP titles this year had reviewed strongly, sales weren't as high as they would have been had they formed part of an existing, well-known franchise.
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December 17th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has announced that it has settled a dispute with peripheral manufacturer Nyko over alleged patent infringements on its Nunchuk controller.
The terms of the settlement over the lawsuit, brought about by Nintendo, were not disclosed, but Nyko is to continue to be able to sell its own products as before, albeit with a redesign.
"We are pleased to have resolved this dispute," said Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. "The Nunchuk and Wii brands are familiar to consumers worldwide, and Nintendo is dedicated to vigorous defence of those brands."
And Herschel Naghi, CEO of Nyko, added: "Nyko Technologies is proud to be an industry leader in gaming accessories, and we will continue to develop exciting products for the benefit of the gaming community."
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December 18th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Forget gold-plated Lancers and exclusive costumes – GameStop is offering guns and cash to those who pre-order Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars in advance of its March 17 release. Of course, they aren't real guns and the dough is, sadly, digital.
Pre-order the game and you'll start out with every weapon and $100,000 in your tiny little polygonal pockets. GameStop hasn't said exactly how this will work (if it's a code, it would be on the internets a nanosecond later) but we're figuring it'll involve one of those newfangled voucher codes or some such. Or, you could play the game and get the satisfaction of earning – nay, achieving – something all by yourself. A novel concept, we know.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Though we jest about the similarities between the two prim, proper and perfectly portable puzzle-solving gentlemen on the DS, the truth is that Henry Hatsworth has a distinct and delightfully violent streak. His game, Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure, not only features all manner of block-matching challenges, but simultaneously offers plenty of things to jump over, fight and shoot. Good show!
Clearly, he's a man of both brain and brawn (we can relate!), and we'll be welcoming him onto the DS in March 2009. Oh, and don't you dare forget the "outrageous world-ending bosses."
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December 18th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Mature games? On the Wii? From Take-Two? With over 15 million of the things in the United States, you better believe the publisher has dollar signs in its eyes. But what kind of "mature" content?
While Take-Two CEO Ben Feder says that some of the company's "best content really isn't appropriate for the Wii" with some 3 million Carnival Games titles floating about, that "appropriateness" is up for debate. The 2K Sports brand, for example, is totally appropriate and Take-Two is "looking at the Wii as a potential platform."
"Even the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the PlayStation 3 or 360, we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform content across all our labels," Feder said during today's earnings call "because you can't ignore the install base. You just can't."
You know, Ben, Manhunt 2 probably falls under "less appropriate" for Nintendo's console, so what's changed? Oh, two million more Wiis last month, we bet.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Under the twin moons and the rule of the great empire, people have been leading peaceful lives albeit unsettling legends about a sleeping princess, dream eating monsters and the falling moons continue to pass around.
No matter how unsettling, people have been seeing these legends as mere stories to scare children, until the day a mysterious plague started spreading and the culprit of the illness seems to be the dream eating monsters. Under the onslaught of these evil forces, a special substance in people's hearts, spiria gets contaminated.
The only thing to counter the monsters is Soma, hidden within the Spire Maze.
All these strives of the land are unknown to the hero, Shing until he rescues a mysterious girl Kohaku from the monsters. Together, the two set off to find the mysterious substance Soma, save the land and find out the truth about the legends.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:17 Posted By: wraggster
The problem with karaoke video games is you’re limited to a selection of songs on a disc. Joysound Wii tackles this issue by offering users all you can sing tickets. Pay 300 Wii Points and you get access to a library of 30,000 karaoke songs for 24 hours. That’s not a bad price for an impulse purchase.
Hudson also has long term payment plans like 72 hours for 500 Wii Points, 30 days for 1,000 Wii Points, and 90 days for 2,000 Wii Points. For less than the cost of going to a karaoke bar on a weekend you can get one month of Joysound.
The Joysound Wii retail package also comes with a disc that has seventy popular karaoke songs so you can still use Joysound even if you cancel your subscription.
Only one microphone comes with the 6,090 yen ($65) package. A second one is sold separately for 2,940 yen ($34). Since karaoke is a social experience Joysound Wii also has a handful of multiplayer mini-games for parties like bingo and… last minute orange juice pouring. Non-singing players can also liven up songs by using the remotes to make tambourine and clapping sounds.
Joysound Wii is more like a karaoke box in a box instead of being a karaoke video game.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
Tokyo is about to collapse and your main weapon to fight back is… a Nintendo DS? Sort of. Devil Survivors use Communication Players (COMPs) which just look like a Nintendo DS to forge pacts with demons. A subtle level of immersion since Devil Survivor is a DS game.
After you befriend demons, like series regulars Jack Frost and Pyro Jack, you can summon them. When you move into battle Devil Survivor looks like this…
… but unlike other strategy RPGs combat switches into a system more akin to a turn based RPG. Fights in Devil Survivor show large enemy sprites and battle animations play over them
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December 18th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK :

This NDS i Touch Pen Set including a plastic pen and a retractable pen.It was made by plastic and alliminum material,having high quality and good feelings.
It is easy to carry and will not damage the screen, and this set is for NDS i only.
With Retract able DSi Pen
Aluminum Material
Plastic Materia
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December 18th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK :

Enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you,and exercises hands and feet for you!It is PS2/PS3/Wii/PC 4in1 Wireless Drum Kit for Rockband & Rockband 2 games.
Compatible for PS2/PS3/PC/Wii
For Rockband & Rockband 2 games
Can enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you
Exercises hands and feet
Uses the rock band drum to upgrade to full band
Price is a respectable USD 55.35
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December 18th, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sharp has been fined by Japan's Fair Trade Commission as part of an investigation into price fixing of LCD (liquid crystal display) modules for Nintendo's popular DS handheld gaming device.
Sharp, which is one of the world's largest LCD makers, has been instructed to pay ¥261 million (US$3 million) by March 19 next year, it said in a statement. The fine is related to LCD modules supplied to Nintendo from late October 2005 to March 2006.
Additionally Sharp received a cease-and-desist notice from the Fair Trade Commission over LCD modules sold to Nintendo between January and March 2007 for the DS Lite.
Sharp denies engaging in any activities that violate the country's Antimonopoly Act.
The company said that it and Hitachi Display supply modules to Nintendo but that other display makers can compete for the same business and so price-fixing could not take place. It also said it "made continuous efforts to reduce costs and conducted price negotiations" with Nintendo to meet prices demanded by the DS maker as close as possible.
"We understand there is no precedent in Japan that a cartel in violation of Antimonopoly Act was found for a specific product which was sold to one private company
for use of a single product model," it said in the statement. "Therefore, since Sharp would like to insist its company's view on this matter, we will determine next steps including whether to request a hearing."
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December 18th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Or the United States does, at least. Arguably due to a lack of minigames, GameDaily noted that Call of Duty: World at War sold miserably on the Wii (and DS). The latest NPD numbers saw the Xbox 360 (1.41 million units) and PS3 (597,000) versions in second and sixth place respectively, but the Wii iteration was nowhere to be found -- something you guys also picked up on.
In fact, the Wii game lagged embarrassingly far behind its high-definition cousins: according to GameDaily, the PS2, PC, DS and Wii editions sold around 200,000 units combined. This makes us genuinely fear for games like The Conduit. Call of Duty is pretty much the biggest name in the console shooter business, so if that can't shift copies on Wii, what chance a brand-new IP?
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December 18th, 2008, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two expects Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the DS to do quite well. The company hasn't really been putting their Mature-rated content on Nintendo systems that often, aside from the notorious Manhunt 2. But that's probably going to change in the near future, and, according to CEO Ben Feder, the company will be looking at the performance of GTA to help guide their plans on Wii:
"... Even the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the PS3 or 360," he said in a financial earnings call, "we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform across all our labels." Not just the sports games and the Carnival Games! Feder said that Take-Two is going to do "a lot of learning" with Chinatown Wars.
We're of the opinion that all Take-Two really has to do is make some high-quality original games and market them like they would any of their mature titles. At least they aren't just taking the easy way out and putting out an exclusively Carnival Games lineup.
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December 18th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
System 3 has coughed up the first shots of Williams Pinball Classics for Wii and PSP. Here are the Wii ones.
Official blurb reads: "Williams Pinball Classics will feature stunningly accurate recreations of the 10 most popular Williams tables of all time.
"Every texture, every flashing light and every sound effect has been lovingly recreated in order to deliver the most accurate simulation of the classic pastime.
The PR man adds that "unrivalled ball physics mean that you can become just as good as you always were." We think it's a bit random to be honest.
PSP shots coming soon.
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December 18th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
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December 18th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from iainprice
I've been playing with some ideas for the last five weeks and thought I'd show you guys what I've been up to. It works on my R4 but don't know what other cards will work... oh an emus are not supported....
Its a simple FPS in 3D from scratch with a Quake model to shoot at. It is still in development but uses scripts for the level layout and enemy positioning. The map is a bmp colour map. It is being made with easy upgrades in mind....
D-Pad looks
Touch-screen looks
A forward
B back
X shoot
R strafe
L strafe
Feedback would be good... I know the player height needs some work and jumping would be nice, they are on my list after sliding along the wall rather than a dead stop......
At the moment there is a box building and two ogres. Once they are dead 4 will appear in a line.... simple I know but it's just for debugging.
Any comments?
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December 18th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is embracing user generated content in a big way with one of its first DSi Ware games. In Japan today, the company shared details on a program that will let users of Moving Notepad (known in Japanese as "Ugoku Memo Chou") post their animations to the internet to be viewed by all.
The company is teaming up with web services provider Hatena for this service. Hatena will be operating a website called Ugomemo Hatena. This site is set up like a media sharing site similar to YouTube, with comments, rankings, and even embedding options. Instead of sharing videos, though, users share the animations that they've produced in Moving Notepad. The animations are uploaded directly from the DSi title.
Once uploaded to the Ugomemo Hatena site, anyone can view the animations. However, in order to leave comments and ratings, you have to be a registered member at the site (registration is free).
DSi users can access the Ugomemo Hatena site content directly from their DSi via the Ugomemo Theater section of the Moving Notepad program. Also operated by Hatena, this section of the program allows users to not only view the animations of other players, but to download, edit and upload them anew.
All this user generated fun will be completely free of charge. Even the main Moving Notepad software will be downloadable for free.
The user submission system won't kick off until December 24, when Moving Notepad becomes available for download to the DSi. However, the Ugomemo Hatena site is already active with submissions provided by Nintendo and Hatena employees. Go there so see what kind of content you can expect from the more talented animators among the populace.
For those who are concerned with misuse of this service (Moving Notepad does allow users to make use of pictures taken with the DSi camera), Hatena has announced one initial regulation. There will be a time lag of at least 30 minutes between an animation being available for viewing at the Ugomemo Hatena site and it being accessible on the DSi. Users of the website will be able to flag content as inappropriate. Such content will not be made available on the DSi.
As part of this announcement today in Japan, Nintendo noted that it's in talks with Hatena about extending the service to overseas markets in the future. Don't be surprised if you see a similar user generated content program when the DSi launches outside of Japan.
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December 19th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
(GBP 10.50 / EUR 15 approx), that's not that bad when you consider the PC version's USD 20 price tag, which is about 400 quid at today's exchange rate.
We'll have a Wii review of World of Goo, in which you build towers and other structures out of balls of goo, soonish. In the meantime, you can check out our World of Goo PC review.
Elsewhere there's the third game in the Art Style series, Orbient. Like its Art Style comrade Rotohex, it's a remake of a Bit Generations game, in this case Orbital. Players try to grow a star by absorbing other stars, apparently.
We'll be taking a look at all three Art Style games - the other one we haven't mentioned is called Cubello - in the near future as well. Orbient costs 600 Wii Points (GBP 4.20 / EUR 6 approx).
Otherwise, there's also Niki - Rock 'n' Ball at 500 Wii Points (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5 approx) to consider. It's from the makers of Plattchen: Twist 'n' Paint, apparently, and there's some footage on YouTube to help make your mind up.
Finally, for those of you with more Wii Points than sense, there's Sudoku Challenge! for 500 Wii Points as well.
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December 19th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft will publish a special edition remake of Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars on Wii and DS.
The new 'Director's Cut' version of the game is said to build on the original, with new narrative "interwoven with the first story", according to Ubisoft.
"New puzzles have been added for Nintendo DS and Wii that specifically utilize Nintendo's unique control methods. The game also features stunning animated facial expressions drawn by Dave Gibbons, the artistic genius behind the comic book and upcoming movie, Watchmen," says the official blurb.
The game kicks off with you controlling photo-journalist Nicole Collard "who witnesses the brutal and horrifying murder of one of Paris's richest and most influential statesmen.
"During her investigations, which feature exclusive new locations, Nico meets amiable American George Stobbart, who has been unwittingly caught up in the sinister and bloody theft of an ancient manuscript. Together, they are drawn into a terrifying conspiracy rooted in a long-forgotten medieval legend."
From what we remember, Shadow of the Templars was all good, so put this on your 'ones to look forward to' list. Both versions are due next March.
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December 19th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft will publish a special edition remake of Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars on Wii and DS.
The new 'Director's Cut' version of the game is said to build on the original, with new narrative "interwoven with the first story", according to Ubisoft.
"New puzzles have been added for Nintendo DS and Wii that specifically utilize Nintendo's unique control methods. The game also features stunning animated facial expressions drawn by Dave Gibbons, the artistic genius behind the comic book and upcoming movie, Watchmen," says the official blurb.
The game kicks off with you controlling photo-journalist Nicole Collard "who witnesses the brutal and horrifying murder of one of Paris's richest and most influential statesmen.
"During her investigations, which feature exclusive new locations, Nico meets amiable American George Stobbart, who has been unwittingly caught up in the sinister and bloody theft of an ancient manuscript. Together, they are drawn into a terrifying conspiracy rooted in a long-forgotten medieval legend."
From what we remember, Shadow of the Templars was all good, so put this on your 'ones to look forward to' list. Both versions are due next March.
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December 19th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
According to Edge, The Japan Fair Trade Commission has fined Sharp $3 million for price-fixing LCD displays used in Nintendo’s DS Lite.
The Trade commission sent a cease-and-desist order to Sharp, claiming the firm had colluded with Hitachi to control the price of displays, which violates Japan’s Antimonopoly Act.
Sharp responded in a statement insisting it was not in ‘violation of Antimonopoly Act’ as "Sharp and Hitachi, only two manufacturers, could not have controlled the prices."
Sharp added: "There is no precedent in Japan that a cartel in violation of Antimonopoly Act was found for a specific product which was sold to one private company for use of a single product model."
However, the firm plans to ‘strengthen’ its compliance with law and business ethics as a result of the cease and desist orders.
The fine must be paid by March 19th.
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December 19th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Compatible with PSP Slim/Iphone or NDS Lite console, this special soft rubber cupule allows you to appreciate programs conveniently. All you need to do is to adjust the stand to appropriate angle then put the console on, you can now watch movies freely.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Gamasutra reports that British police have raided a retailer in Cardiff, Wales, seizing 1,800 "flash carts" for Nintendo DS. The article doesn't mention if the devices were R4DS cards or clones, but does say that the 21-year-old man taken into custody during the raid had been selling them for two years – an act deemed illegal by the UK's Trademarks and Copyright Acts.
Police also confiscated sales receipts for the past two years; the report doesn't indicate whether or not they intend to pursue those who purchased devices from the retailer. An additional 1,000 carts were found at the arrested man's home, "along with hundreds of products packed and ready for mailing."
"The industry loses vital income and with it proper job security for its employees in the country, while the British public lose out because many circumvention devices actually damage irreparably DS Lite handheld consoles," according to a statement by Michal Rawlinson, Entertainment and Leisure Publishers Association (ELSPA) managing director. ELSPA indicated a desire to pursue sellers of R4DS and similar devices earlier this year.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Reuters reports that of the 259,000 copies of Shaun White Snowboarding Ubisoft sold in November, 40% of them were for Wii. In the same article, White himself reveals that a sequel to the game is already in the works.
"Now that I have the knowledge and I can speak to programmers better and I understand a lot more about what's possible and what's not possible, this will all help with the next game," White told Reuters. He reportedly told the sequel's developer that "using procedural snow accumulation and having the Cell's SPU3 handle the boarder's animation blending" would be, "like, wicked gnarly." (Okay, so we made up that second quote.)
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December 20th, 2008, 06:23 Posted By: Dwedit
New version of the Best Nes emulator for the GBA:
New in 11-10-08 version:
* Hack to make Bill & Ted, Rocket Ranger etc work
* Faster CPU core
* Some CPU instructions have more accurate timing (improves Battletoads)
* Fixed the stupid bug where you scrolled to the bottom in unscaled mode and it crashes
(to those who wonder why a month late release is being posted, well we must have all missed it, even the best miss news sometimes :P)
Download At the url above.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
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December 20th, 2008, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Individualize your Nintendo DS™ Lite
Made in Germany - high quality product
Skin is completely removable
Turn your Nintendo DS™ Lite into an individual piece of art, with Pebble Entertainment's Modding Skins.
Coming in various designs, this skin will attract a lot of attention, when you play your favourite games in public places.
This stickers are 100% removable and thinner than most available products. Pebble's modding skins are made in Germany.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fashionable bag for your Nintendo DS™ Lite and 2 Games
Belt loop for safe transportation
Magnetic closure flap
Comes with a addtional golden stylus
There is no way to protect your Nintendo DS™ Lite with more style, than with the Pebble Bag of Elegance.
If your are sick of character branded pouches and you are looking for something more classy and mature - here you go.
Coming in various fashions, these bag not only offers perfect protection for your console and your favourite two games, it also simply looks stylish.
The magnetic closure flap makes it easy to open and close the bag and still offers security, a belt loop offers an opportunity for safe transportation.
And the best for last, the bag comes with an golden stylus pen.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A challenging puzzle adventure game with 35 unique safes to crack
Many creative and clever puzzles that are truly unique
Explore over 30 lavish and intriguing rooms of an extravagant mansion
Decipher unexpected clues inside each safe that will help you open the others ultimately leading you to the master safe
Non-linear approach to exploration of the mansion and safecracking
As an expert safecracker, you are hired by the wealthy family of a recently deceased billionaire to search for the last will and testament of their late relative, Duncan W. Adams. An avid safe collector and an eccentric, Adams has hidden the deed to his riches in one of the 35 safes scattered in his extravagant mansion. Players will need to use expert puzzle-solving skills to crack all 35 safes, which become increasingly difficult, to reach the final master safe and locate the hidden will. Adventure gamers will be thrilled with the transition of Safecracker to Wii. With its non-violent, family-oriented gameplay, the whole family can work together to solve challenging puzzles, all while enjoying the scenery of 40 lavish rooms in a luxurious mansion.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the Minna no Theater Wii (Everybody’s Theater Wii)? It’s a digital entertainment streaming program designed for WiiWare in Japan. The service goes live on January 25, about a month later than originally planned, and you can only rent movies or TV shows to watch.
Similar to Joysound Wii, Fujisoft has a three courses, or as you would say in American English packages, to choose from.
A little watching course: 1 title to watch over 2 days for 300 Wii Points.
Basic course: 2 titles to watch over 3 days for 600 Wii Points.
Leisurely course: 3 title to watch over 5 days for 800 Wii Points.
Since anime isn’t as long as a full length movie three anime episodes count as one title. Fujisoft also offers three free anime episodes to watch: Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy), Aria the Animation, and Araiguma Rascal which sort of makes up for the fact you have to pay 500 Wii Points to get access to Minna no Theater Wii in the first place.
The service seems to have a lot of content, mostly classic anime content right now. Titles include the Gacchaman OVA, Kimba the White Lion, and Swan Lake. There are some episodes of the new Astro Boy series in the list too. The other categories like movies and drama are mostly bare. Surprisingly, Ultraseven X, which is part of the Ultraman series is considered a “drama”.
Once you get over paying the fee to download Everyone’s Theater Wii renting full length movies from Fujisoft is cheaper compared to the PlayStation Store and Microsoft’s Xbox Live Video Marketplace content. However, it’s not like Japan has those other options right now. The PlayStation Store only offers a selection of anime and the Xbox Live Video Marketplace doesn’t exist there yet. Microsoft will launch the Video Marketplace in Japan next year.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Wii Steering Wheel adopts circular rotation steering control,which can safely attaches to your remote,the rear trigger button let you control more comfort. It can full access to all buttons and directional control,the soft mounting brackets may protect your remote too.
Safely attaches to your remote
Extended comfort control for the rear trigger button
Full access to all buttons and directional control
Soft mounting brackets protects your remote
Circular rotation steering control
Comes in Silver too
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December 20th, 2008, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK is a load of new Skins for the DS Lite:

This NDS Lite Guise Skin Kit is easy to use and remove, will never left gluewater on equipment and fadeless. It can resist dirty and can protect your screens,Quite wearable, make your console more beautiful.
Skins are on sale for USD 3.35
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December 20th, 2008, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii team have released a new version of their Homebrew Browser for the Wii. heres the release details:
19 December 2008 (v0.2.5a)
Fixed XML issue which caused a code dump
Added update text so it now tells you what’s new before you update
Just a quick update which should fix the XML issue that was causing some people to have a code dump. Also when there is a new update it will tell you what’s new in the update.
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December 20th, 2008, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii looks like it could turn into a serious video-on-demand service in Japan early next year. Fuji Soft shared today final details on its Everyone's Theater Wii service, including a launch date and pricing information.
As previously announced, this service will allow Wii owners to download movies and television programs to their system and view it through a special WiiWare viewing program. The service promises to make use of Fuji Soft's "ULEXIT" technology to deliver video quality close to DVD level.
Today, Fuji Soft announced a January 27 start for the program. On that day, Wii owners will be able to download the Everyone's Theater Wii app from the Wii Shopping Channel just as they would any other WiiWare title. Pricing for the viewing program is set at 500 WiiPoints.
The viewing program gives you access to a growing library of video content. Initially, the service will have 150 franchises totaling over 3,000 episodes of programming. Titles include Astroboy, Yatterman, and other classic anime. Fuji Soft says it will offer movies too.
Users will be able to select from three types of download packages depending on how much money they want to spend and how much time they want for viewing. The cheapest "A Little Viewing Course" option, offers one title for a two day viewing period at 300 WiiPoints. The "Basic Course" includes two titles for a three day period at 600 WiiPoints. The "Relaxed Course" includes three titles for five days at 800 WiiPoints.
When renting anime, one "title" is considered to include three episodes. This means Wii owners will be able to rent three episodes of their favorite anime for 300 WiiPoints.
Following the launch, Fuji Soft says it will add 50 new titles to the service per month. It's also looking into bringing the service to other platforms, including cell phones, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
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December 20th, 2008, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
We get a lot of spam and random email around the IGN offices. Most of it is great if you're looking to enlarge something, meet someone, or buy something you never wanted in the first place on some untrustworthy shopping website. But when we're not sifting through endless waves of crap and reader mail to ignore, we're finding little nuggets of info like this one.
Sent from a mysterious location by an undisclosed party, we've happened upon "Commander Video." The details in the email were sparse at best, but we do know this title is Wii, it's exclusive, and it's coming in 2009. Spooky, yes?
Check out the video here.
From what we've seen of the clip so far, we can't make heads or tails over what's going on in the "video within a video" setup, but we do know one solid fact for certain; amidst the shuffling reel is a frame from the Wii title itself.
If you find it, point it out in our comments section below. When we've got more on this mysterious "un-announcement," we'll spill the beans.
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December 20th, 2008, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
Cashman has updated his Quizz game for the Wii:
Wii Quizz is an homebrew that let you answer to various quizz. You can play lots of quizz mode (other mode will be added in the future). This game features French quizz questions.
Add a screensaver when the first controller is disconnected and when the screensaver mode is enabled in Wii Parameters.
Compiled with libogc 1.7.0 and devkitPPC r16
Add Wiimote POWER button support
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December 20th, 2008, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

Kukulcan has updated its latest puzzle game to date, "Block MANIA - Another Dream" that the recall is the remake of "Puzznic."
Changes from Friday December 19 2008:
Minoru a thank you for giving me the bug reported on the level 2-59
The plunge in the code allowed me to see, I had partially buggy routine cheat code, only to serve a tester I have changed blows 4 Cheats Codes, but one that remains found CID unchanged (for info is the famous Konami code)
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December 20th, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
Today, over on Wii Fanboy, we thought we'd discuss the worst games of the year. Here? We want to hear about some of the best, but with a twist: we want to know what games you recommended most often. Did you tell all your friends that the paddle controller made Space Invaders Extreme the business? Did you sing the praises of N+, despite its free counterparts? What did you recommend?
This blogger's most recommended, of course, was the extremely excellent Professor Layton. If I passed you on the street, I might have told you to play it.
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December 20th, 2008, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from sverx:
It's time to say I'm still working on libxm7, and it's time to release yet another (still beta) version: it's 0.81!
In this version more effects are supported, and the bugs that were discovered in beta ver. 0.59 should have been removed
A big effort has been put to assure good replay accuracy and, even if it's still an incomplete work in progress, I'm sure you'll notice that.
You can download the new demo (1489 KiB ZIP)
(edit: you can also check the video on YouTube
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December 20th, 2008, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster

News/release from fooshi
I present my first DS project! I play a little guitar, I 3 and I have more often the DS in the hands of my guitar tuner! GuitarSound is a tuner for guitar and bass. I would also incorporate the various guitar chords.
For the moment I'm version 1.5, the project is not finished yet.
Version 1.5:
- Adding tabs tuning in standard and drop D tuning
- Increase the volume of notes played
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December 20th, 2008, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from strata8

This is basically what I've been working on for the past few days. Called 'PAPong' (as in 'PAlib Pong'), it is basically the original pong but with many additions.
20/12/08: Version 2.16 Released! See changelog for details
20/12/08: Version 2.15 Released
20/12/08: Version 2.1 Released
-Minor Player 1 collision fix in insane mode
-Increased music volume
-Increased ball speed for normal mode
-Normalized speed of AI after level 4
-Fixed music
-Fixed collisions
-Improved AI in insane mode
-Increased insane mode difficulty
-Insane mode can now be controlled via the stylus (recommended)
-Theme template released (submit themes to stratton.sloane@gmail.com, they will be coded in)
-Room system
-A proper menu
-Splash screen
-Improved engine
-Improved collisions
-Imrpoved/more intelligent AI
-Multiple themes
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December 20th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Researchers at two different institutions in the UK have identified an injury, and an increase in its incidence, associated with playing the Wii.
"Wii knee" is the latest brand-name computer-entertainment associated injury, joining "Atari thumb" and "Redtube wrist." (Wait, was that my out-loud voice?) Researchers at Leeds Teaching Hospital identified and named the injury; The British Society for Surgery of the Hand also notes "an increase in the number of injuries caused by excessive use of Wii." What's more, they expect to see even more cases of it during/after the holidays.
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December 20th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Copper
Here is the first version of my emulator Space Invaders ...
This is a version that supports Roma mame zip format directly ... I took my pan & scan version that adds a scrolling to have the original graphics in the area Game This version also adds the game with the stylus and a zoom of the area Thursday on the screen the top.
V1.0: 20/12/2008
* First version that uses DLDI
* Version 1.3.1 compiled with libnds using the lib for its maxmod
* The file is unzipped rom automatically by the emulator
* Ability to play pen
* During the game, the secondary screen displays a "zoomed" game
* Further information is displayed in the menu
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December 20th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darkso
Hello everybody. I am in a group of Spanish programming called DarkSceneGroup which is designing an Operating System (OS) for the DS.
In the public the Alpha OS contains these features:
Text-Editor. Haun can not save files.
Buttons-testers. Failure to add the Start and Select.
-Paint. For the moment does not save images.
-Sound Recorder. The function of saving will be implemented.
One-Listador Archives. At the moment only the list, allows open no nothing
One-updater. At the moment it does not work.
-Turn off the DS. When you click on Shut Down goes off alone.
Functions for the new version:
-Windows Media Player. Is implemented, but the audio sounds very weird and does not play songs normal.
For now only expect these updates.
This Images are from Alpha 0.1
0.1.1 Alpha
Official website:
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December 20th, 2008, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from GEMISIS
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December 20th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Felix and Georg Potthast have posted a new release for the Wii:
SDL Space Invaders is a clone of the classic Space Invaders game for the WII developed using SDL for graphics and sound.
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December 20th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
20/12/2008 Version 0.94
- Added SDHC card support
- Added power button support
- Added win screen if players wins all levels.
- Build game with new libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler
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December 21st, 2008, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one thing we learned from Nintendo's presentation at E3 earlier this year, it's that snowboarding injuries are often hilarious playing imaginary drums is like, the coolest-looking action that anyone could ever hope to perform. 505 Games, whose publishing repertoire includes PAL versions of Cooking Mama and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, will attempt to capture said lightning in a bottle with their upcoming Wii rhythm game We Rock: Drum King. We think we know who's winning the coveted "Best Video Game Title of 2009" award.
The title, which is being developed by ARC System Works (the minds behind WiiWare "games" Family Glide Hockey and Family Table Tennis), is currently slated for a Europe-only release of April 2009. Based on a brief explanation provided in a press release, gameplay sounds like it will be reminiscent of Guitar Hero, with players using two Wiimotes to "air drum" along with a song, as designated by multicolored bars moving along a track. We will be heartbroken if this one doesn't make it across the Atlantic.
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December 21st, 2008, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
20/12/2008 Version 0.60
- Added SDHC card support
- Added power button support
- Default effect volume adapted
- Improve screen title design
- Bugfix: IR pointer doesn't disappear anymore
- Build game with new libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler
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December 21st, 2008, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
strata8 has updated his pong game for the DS, heres whats new:
-Added theme: PAPong DRAFT, made by Salz'
-Added theme: WiiPong, made by Salz'
-Fixed music (wasn't looping)
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December 21st, 2008, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new version of Rick Dangerous for the Nintendo DS, Rick Dangerous is a game thats basically an Indiana Jones game for the DS.

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December 21st, 2008, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of his Genesis(Megadrive) Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube

1.3.1 (20/12/2008):
- improved sound engine
- modified frame synchronization (now use audio DMA interrupt)
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December 21st, 2008, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
EkeEke has released a new version of his Genesis(Megadrive) Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube

1.3.1 (20/12/2008):
- improved sound engine
- modified frame synchronization (now use audio DMA interrupt)
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December 21st, 2008, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best N64 Game of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best GBA Game of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best GBA Homebrew of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best GBA Homebrew of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best Nintendo DS Game of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best DS Accessory of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best DS Homebrew of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:27 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the DS Homebrew of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Who is the DS Coder of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:30 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Gamecube Homebrew of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Who is the Gamecube Coder of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best Gamecube Game of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best Gamecube Accessory of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best WII Game of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best Wii Accessory of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:37 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Wii Homebrew of the Year ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Wii Game (commercial) of the Year ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Wii Coder of the Year ?
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December 22nd, 2008, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to Amazon.co.jp and a brief site update on the Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love site, we now know that the popular Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love is getting a special rerelease on the DS. On March 12, 2009, you can pick up Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love Plus, almost two years after Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love came out for the DS. Yup, otome games really are that popular in Japan.
As far as new content goes, it looks like Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love Plus is just going to feature loads of voice acting. It will have full voice acting, plus there will be commentary from each of the “guys” when you look through the omake galleries. There’s no word about any new events or characters. An official site hasn’t opened for Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love Plus yet, but the original site does announce the forthcoming remake.
So this remake is that it will be packed with voice acting, be out in time for White Day 2009 and will cost ¥5,250 / ~$58. If you don’t already own the 1st Love, and you’re interested, then I could see 1st Love Plus being a good buy. However, I’m not so sure 1st Love owners are going to run out to buy 1st Love Plus, just because of the extra voice acting.
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December 22nd, 2008, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Convenient all-in-one Power Charge Cable for PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP, NDSi, NDS Lite, NDS and GSP for you to carry around. You can always supply power to your consoles with other USB devices. A must have if you own one or more consoles mentioned above.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Convenient all-in-one Power Charge Cable for PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP, NDSi, NDS Lite, NDS, GSP, iPhone, iPod, Nano and Shuffle for you to carry around. You can always supply power to your devices with other USB applicances. A must have if you own one or more devices mentioned above.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The most extensive KOF collection ever containing 5 complete games
Includes the Orochi Saga trilogy (95-97)
First time KOF has appeared on the Wii
Unlockable bonus content materials
The first ever collection of THE KING OF FIGHTERS, consisting of 5 complete games. KOF 94, 95, 96, 97, 98.
The collection has all the King of Fighters games between 94 and 98 that includes the full trilogy of the Orochi Saga.
The invitation to the tournament has been sent out to the best fighters around the world, who organizes these events and the agendas of these organizers are unknown, but this is a fight none of the participants want to miss as they'd all have something to gain by winning.
Since the first tournament opened, this became an annual event. not only does it attract more and more veteran fighters who are dying to prove their skills, but it gained world wide attention from fighting game lovers.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Plays as the courageous little mouse Despereaux and experience his unique abilities
Follow the story in the film with more new adventures included
15 unique levels with 8-10 hours gameplay
Multiple difficulty settings
Based on the Universal animated feature and Newberry Award winning children's novel, the Tale of Despereaux game is an action-platformer where players live the adventure of brave, little Despereaux. Action moves, swashbuckling sword moves and combo systems help you battle your way through the castle while fighting spiders and bees to rescue the beautiful Princess Pea from the darkness of Rat World.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Top real estate game out
Two exciting modes of play: Career & Casual
Travel to and improve the right neighborhoods
Construct special buildings like museums, mansions and castles
Become a real estate mogul and take over the housing market as you construct, upgrade and sell houses for huge profits. You can flip houses for quick cash or sit back and watch the rental income pile up. Travel to scenic towns and perform special tasks for the local mayors, or toss out the blueprints and create your own dream neighborhood in Casual mode. There's plenty to do and lots of fun ahead in Build-a-lot!
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:46 Posted By: wraggster
Since WiiWare made its debut Nintendo has been slowing down with their Virtual Console releases. They still have some gems to release like Phantasy Star IV which is this week’s lonely Virtual Console game. Explore the galaxy with Chaz in a time before Phantasy Star was synonymous with multi-player online RPG for 800 Wii Points ($8).
And in preparation for this week’s holiday homecomings Nintendo has a selection of two casual WiiWare games. Shin’en, the company that made the Nanostray games, brings us Fun! Fun! Minigolf which is motion controlled minigolf with 27 holes for 900 Wii Points. RealArcade didn’t do a bad job with Boingz so Tiki Towers and its jungle bridge building might be decent. In Tiki Towers players string together bamboo poles, vines, and coconuts to create towers while jungle animals try to destroy them. Tiki Towers costs 500 Wii Points ($5).
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Nintendo Lens Cleaner can remove the dirty from Wii,keep the console always clean.It can clean the disk without take out from the console too.
It is work for Wii only.
For Wii only
Can clean the disks in the Wii console
Remove dirty from Wii ,keep the console clean
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December 22nd, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
You've got to feel for Bob Pelloni. The guy sinks 15,000 hours over five years into making a DS RPG -- completely by himself -- called Bob's Game. Now, when his labor of love is finally ready to be shown to the world, the poor guy can't wrestle the last thing he needs, a disc containing the development kit (or SDK), away from Nintendo. After 17 weeks of trying, Bob's getting serious and locking himself in solitary confinement for 100 days in protest.
Bob's got no internet, no television, just the tools he needs to work and a phone to check his email (in the hopes that Nintendo tries to get a hold of him). If you'd like to pitch in and help out, Bob's asking that you drop a line to Big N. We'll do the same, and let you know what we hear.
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December 22nd, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo plans to add brilliant Square Enix Super Nintendo action role-player Secret of Mana to the Wii Virtual Console on Boxing Day.
This is one of our all-time SNES favourites, and at 800 Wii Points (GBP 6 / EUR 8 approx) we've no need to be asked twice. Consider the three-player co-op, upgradable weapons, ridable dragon and epic plot and you shouldn't need much prompting either. Punchable rabbit-things, too. Even now the words "ring menu system" give us chills.
The same day also hails the arrival of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 from the days of the Master System. Sonic was good back then, and at 500 Points (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5 approx) it's a cheap trip down memory lane, where Tails is invited to cross the road without looking. Splat.
We'll bring you our thoughts on both soon.
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December 22nd, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst Michael Pachter has already gone on record saying that Nintendo's next Zelda game will hit in 2009, but a second has also pegged a Wii follow up to Twilight Princess for next year.
Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian has speculated that the next outing for Link could hit next year, according to a report from GameSpot, making it three years since the previous The Legend of Zelda installment landed on consoles. Since the GameCube/Wii dual release, Nintendo has released two spin-offs, Wind Waker sequel The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS and Link's Crossbow Training for the Wii.
Sebastian also said we could expect "a new Princess Peach adventure" from Nintendo, which sounds like it could be a follow up to Super Princess Peach for the DS. Perhaps Nintendo and/or Tose will explore just how expertly Peach is at getting herself perpetually kidnapped.
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December 23rd, 2008, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China
RC Cars in all these flavours:
- Official licensed product
- Approximately 1.5 inches tall
Package includes:
- Pair of extra tires
- Weapon: banana and turtle
- Mario Kart R/C Kart
- Remote Control
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December 23rd, 2008, 10:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Official licensed product
- Approximately 1.5 inches tall
Package includes:
- Pair of extra tires
- Weapon: banana and turtle
- Mario Kart R/C Kart
- Remote Control
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December 23rd, 2008, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
Check out the video above by [Adrien Mondot] for a extensive demonstration of eMotion being used with a Wiimote. eMotion is a physics based visual tool for the Mac. It’s designed to enhance performances by reacting to real world motion. Its grounding in physics makes the resultant motion appear more natural than if they were arbitrarily generated. The video above combines eMotion with the output of Wiimote Whiteboard, a low-cost interactive white board that uses the Wiimote camera plus IR light pens. While the video takes place in a small area, we can see how this could be scaled to a much larger space with IR lights mounted to performers.
vid here --> http://hackaday.com/2008/12/22/wiimo...otion-effects/
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December 23rd, 2008, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
One of the most significant criticisms leveled at Wii's superb and stylistic No More Heroes was that its "open world" wasn't, well, very open. That's set to change for the sequel, says creator Goichi "Suda51" Suda.
In an interview on GameSetWatch, Suda51 was asked about his long-time desire to build a true open-world game. He acknowledged that No More Heroes was a step towards realizing his goal, but, as for the sequel, he said to "expect big changes for No More Heroes 2's open world." And what of series star, Travis Touchdown, now that there are truly no more heroes in the game's universe? "Actually, there are still some heroes left," he teased.
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December 23rd, 2008, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii launched in November 2006. Long time ago. Yet for that whole time, it’s been super-popular, meaning that resale prices have been super-expensive. Or, they were. They aren't any more.
Some tidy research undertaken by the kids at Gamasutra has revealed that, for the first time since the Wii's launch, resale prices are now down to the machine's retail price. Which is still unnatural - after all, resale prices should be cheaper - but also a damn sight cheaper than the consoles were going for last Christmas, when they peaked at a crazy $470.
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December 23rd, 2008, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

RIZ-ZOAWD is an RPG infused with the Wizard of Oz elements. Dorothy is adventuring in the magical land with her friends, the lion, scarecrow and the tin man. Everything in the game is constructed in magically colored 3D graphics, from the characters to the landscape. Utilize the upgraded graphical capabilities of your NDSi and take a fairy tale holiday.
Open the doors and battle the ghosts there are numerous things to do in this fantasy world. Just remember that you have to find the wizard Oz to retrieve the things you and your companions have been searching for.
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December 23rd, 2008, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time has a special feature or I should say a special trailer. Pick up Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for the Wii and you can watch a new trailer of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Square Enix has not announced a release date for the elusive installment in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series which was officially unveiled with a teaser video almost three years ago.
Along with this news Square Enix sent out some screen shots, old screen shots, of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers to remind us what the game looks like. Both the Wii and DS version also come with a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Sound Selection, a CD with four tracks including the main theme of the series.
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December 23rd, 2008, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
At one time Dragon Quest IX was said to have real time battles. Square Enix never demonstrated so this is more like dead hearsay since the final version of Dragon Quest IX stuck with turn based combat.
In a competitive twist Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyojyuu will have real time battles and it’s being called a “casual MMORPG”. Like Dragon Quest IX you start the game making a character. You can pick a male or female avatar and also like Dragon Quest IX your outfit changes depending on your equipment. Some of the costumes shown include samurai armor and a full cat suit. Hopefully, Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyojuu won’t get leftovers from Akira Toriyama’s batch of rejected Dragon Quest IX costumes. Toriyama is doing art for both games. One feature not found in Dragon Quest IX is you can change the main character’s voice.
Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyojyuu might be a Diablo-like MMO, but you can play the game alone. Up to three characters can join your party and when you don’t have anyone around Shu’s crew fills in the gap. Shadows aren’t attached to specific characters anymore either so you can give the main character Shu’s Dragon shadow or Jiro’s Minotaur. Don’t worry if you don’t recognize those characters. You won’t need any previous knowledge of the Blue Dragon franchise to play Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyojyuu when it comes out in Japan later this year.
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December 23rd, 2008, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new version of his Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
Here's changelog:
Added program breakpoint (SWI #0xFDFDFD).
Added output on console for user's messages (SWI #0xFCFCFC).
Added context menu at the console.
Fixed a bug in Load/Save Options (Load Default ARM7).
Fixed a bug in R4 DLDI PlugIn.
Fixed a bug in AceKard DLDI PlugIn.
Fixed a bug in Blend Effects with 3D Layer.
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December 23rd, 2008, 14:44 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowledge about the bible.
23/12/2008 Version 0.80
- Added SDHC card support
- Added power button support
- Bugfix: IR pointer doesn't disappear anymore.
- Build game with new libogc 1.7.1 and devkitPPC r16 compiler
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has given the DS Scene another gift on the run up to Xmas and its PuzzleKlax, heres the details from his release page:

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December 23rd, 2008, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
It was just this month that Enterbrain reported that the DSi had sold over 500,000 units. Now, according to the publisher, Nintendo has almost doubled that feat before the month has even ended. Their weirdly specific estimate puts the DSi at 1,062,416 units sold since the device's launch at the beginning of November.
The DSi is proving to be a worthy addition to the DS lineup for Nintendo, then. Those million sales contributed to a total of 24,859,874 DS systems sold in Japan since the launch of the original DS back in 2004.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
While we're still waiting on Blue Dragon Plus, over in Japan, DS owners can now look forward to their second Blue Dragon game, and the third overall for the series. Bandai Namco recently announced Blue Dragon Ikai no Kyojuu (which we'll call Blue Dragon DS 2 for the rest of this story), and followed up the announcement with a playable debut for the game at the weekend's Jump Festa event.
Blue Dragon DS 2 is a direct sequel to the original Xbox 360 Blue Dragon, taking place two years after the events of that game. Shu isn't the main character this time around, through. Instead, players get to create their very own main character, who joins up with Shu and the rest of the Blue Dragon cast for an all new adventure.
You have plenty of options when creating your character. Starting with a default male or female template, you can select from a series of preset hairstyles, eyebrows, eyes, and even voices. During the game, you can equip a variety of weapons and other items, altering your character's physical appearance.
Character customization isn't all that's new for Blue Dragon DS 2. The first Blue Dragon was a traditional menu-based RPG. The second, Blue Dragon Plus, is a real time strategy game. For Blue Dragon DS 2, Bandai Namco is delivering an RPG with real time action-oriented combat. You move about on 3D fields, directly attacking enemies and calling upon your shadows for magic.
You're not alone during combat. Also new for Blue Dragon DS 2 is online play. The game allows for up to three players to play together, making use of their customized characters. Judging by the Jump demo, the online play is a bit early, but we're excited by the prospect of group action RPG play, even though specifics on the game's structure haven't been revealed yet.
We're not sure which side of the game will have more importance, the story mode or the multiplayer mode. At Jump, Bandai Namco had players first sample multiplayer for 10 mintues, then sample single player for another 10 minutes. That's not nearly enough to get into a single player mode of play, so we couldn't determine how strong the game is when it comes to story telling.
There are some good signs for those who want a story driven experience. First off, a trailer shown at Jump (you can see it for yourself at the game's official website) suggested that there will be lots of events in the story mode. Also worth noting is that the game's producer is Hideo Baba, brand manger for the Tales series, which is known for its involving stories.
Despite a playable showing at Jump, there's still plenty of mystery surrounding this second DS Blue Dragon game. The title is still being flagged with a vague 2009 Japanese release date, so we expect Bandai Namco to take their time sharing further details.
In the mean time, English-speaking Blue Dragon fans can be on the lookout for Blue Dragon Plus, which is due for stateside release in February.
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December 24th, 2008, 05:47 Posted By: kadrim
X-Mas Present: Wiideo Center 0.4.0 released!
It's been a long long time since the last update but today you can celebrate again! Wiideo Center 0.4.0 has been released and is available on Sourceforge via this link or the usual online-updater.
What's changed: - included mods made by jhb50 ( many thanks for that =) )
- added new transcoding profiles (with much better graphics)
- added option to customize transcoding profile
- added wiitabs (made by Brent Housen) for simultanious slideshow and music playback
- added internet based music streams
- minor bugfixes
Happy Christmas everyone!
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December 24th, 2008, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This is an action game controller to perform rhythm song of 'Guitar' You can enjoy unique and new portable music gaming experience with this Rock Guitar Grip Pad.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster

Speaking to Nintendo Power, the developer of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, Rockstar Leeds, revealed that while the game may be on the small screen, its scope is anything but diminutive. Studio president Gordon Hall uses the two PSP Grand Theft Auto games – which it developed – for comparison, saying "this game is far bigger."
According to Hall, Chinatown Wars outclasses the PSP games with "more odd jobs, deeper missions, and more moments of over-the-top action," adding that it features "huge interaction with the Rockstar Social Club [and] a massive [narcotics trafficking] game that would stand alone on its own." Game? Surely he means a motivational tool.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster

As my son said when he caught a gander at these hacks, "This is really cool!"
The guys over at Hardcode TV hacked a remote control truck to work with first a Wii remote, then a Nunchuk, then a Balance Board and finally the touch screen of an iPhone.
All of the controllers seemed to work relatively well, though my favorite was the Wii Remote, which was set up to control the truck the same way you control the virtual vehicles in Excite Truck.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
Baruson Creative, which appears to be the new name for Studio 9, has a new Nintendo DS game in development. Iron Master is an original title with a mix of RPG elements, crafting, and multi-character scenarios. OK, details about Iron Master are still sketchy mainly because the game is still in development
Baruson Creative plans to release Iron Master in the first half of 2009, but the interesting news is it wont just be for South Korea. They have plans to release Iron Master in Japan, North America, and Europe around the same time too. No publisher has been announced, but one possibility is Ubisoft. Baruson is taking care of one of Ubisoft’s Imagine Ice Skating games and localizing it for Korea. Atlus is another, although distant, possibility. Baruson, under the Studio 9 label, released Rondo of Swords which was developed by Success. If their ties with Success are strong Success could publish Iron Master in Japan and since Atlus mostly takes care of Success’ games in North America they might pick the title up. Anyway, South Korea is gearing up international Nintendo DS development next year with Iron Master and Blueside’s Princess and Knight.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
Two GDCs ago Grasshopper Manufacture head honcho and “punk” video game developer Goichi Suda noted the Silver Case was being remade for the Nintendo DS. The Silver Case was one of Grasshopper Manufacture’s earlier games and since it was a text adventure it wasn’t high on import lists. Instead of seeing the Silver Case on the DS we got a port of Flower, Sun, and Rain. So, we should be getting the Silver Case soon then?
Maybe not. In an interview with Gamasutra Suda explains “it needs time” and right now he is busy developing No More Heroes 2 now. Also in the interview Goichi Suda also talks about foreign staff on his team. Hmm… I wonder who he could be talking about…
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December 24th, 2008, 12:38 Posted By: wraggster
428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya De (428: Blocked Within Shibuya) keeps getting more interesting. It’s a sound novel, which means you “play” the game by reading the story. Chunsoft added an actual “playing” mechanic by letting players switch characters on the fly. Despite the lack of interaction 428 got a perfect score from Famitsu. The story must be really solid.
Another neat innovation in 428 is how it supports Wii connect. Even though the game doesn’t have a Nintendo Wi-Fi logo you can opt in for hint messages from Sega on how to unlock an extra scenario done by visual novel studio Type Moon. Messages start going out on December 25 so if you have 428 don’t forget to turn on the message delivery option in the preferences menu. More messages will be delivered on Jan. 1, Jan. 15, and Jan. 29.
While this service might be unnecessary Chunsoft has a brilliant idea. Imagine a horror game where characters suddenly “e-mail” you from beyond the grave or an RPG where citizens of the world remind you to save them from destruction. More companies should use Wii Connect 24 creatively.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:39 Posted By: wraggster
Some company is fixated on evolution. After releasing the Adventures of Darwin D3 Publisher has Saru Saru DS in development for the Nintendo DS scheduled to come out in Japan on February 19. Similar to the Adventures of Darwin you control a squad of cavemen in Saru Saru DS. Players manage them while they gather food, hunt, and develop their tribe.
The goal of the game is to evolve and in a way Saru Saru DS is itself an evolution. Saru Saru was originally made for mobile phones and D3 Publisher picked it up and upgraded it for the DS. Will D3 Publisher USA bring it here? Saru Saru is cute enough, but the Adventures of Darwin didn’t rise to critical acclaim so past precedent isn’t in our favor.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Phantasy Star Zero is a highlighted production by Sega, the fruit of the combined efforts between the anime producer Kobooka Toshiyuki and the mystery novelists Shiwasu Tooru and Arai Teru. It inherits the exciting gameplay and adopts a completely new storyline.
Three races are present in this installment, the Humans, the androids Casts and Newmans, a new type of beings that descended from the moon. Depending on what strengths you value and what weaknesses you can afford have, decide your player character's race and profession.
The game takes place two centuries after a great war which destroys everything. To rebuild civilization, the humans, the only race left on the crumbling world did all they could and constructed cities. Within the city everything remains peaceful, but once they step out, the people are accosted by enemies.
To keep their cities safe, the humans formed the hunters organizations and joined forces Casts to combat the enemies' aggression. However, there is another race which humans have forgotten for they have disappeared even from the history books. When the Newmans descend from the moon, new opportunities for adventures and conflicts opened.
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December 24th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
According to some not-quite-official but probably-relatively-accurate numbers from VG Chartz, Nintendo moved 1.7 million Wii units last week. That's a staggering number in its own right, and compared to the now-cheaper Xbox 360 (535,806) and the "hey guys, I'm still here, and I play Blu-ray discs" PlayStation 3 (239,576) it's a pretty commanding lead for Nintendo. The fact that most people in most areas can finally track down a Wii at a retail store for a non-inflated price probably isn't hurting things -- not to mention that really cool bowling game they've heard so much about. We're curious what console you might've picked up for a friend, loved one, family member, or that good looking person in the mirror this holiday season
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December 24th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
A samurai toaster? That was interesting enough for me to do a little research after spotting Eduardo The Samurai Toaster on the ESRB database as an upcoming Wii title. The funny thing is there isn’t much information about the game.
An entry from this Independent Games Festival tells us the game is a “an action platformer” where you toast your enemies and we have a nifty looking scribble art screenshot. So, Eduardo The Samurai Toaster is going to be a WiiWare game? It sure looks like that. Another source has totally different artwork and while the game looks more complete here it isn’t as stylish. Mysterious. Semnat Studios should really come out and tell us more about this.
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December 24th, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Mario Power Tennis and Pikmin, the first two games in Nintendo’s New Play Control series, will come out here in March. Somewhere along the approval line Nintendo of America passed on Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat which was the inaugural New Play Control game in Japan.
But, we won’t be missing out on Pikmin 2! After scanning the ESRB database I noticed Pikmin 2 was rated as a Gamecube and Wii game singling it out as a future entry in Nintendo of America’s 2009 lineup. Nintendo of Japan hasn’t even given New Play Control Pikmin 2 a date yet so while Pikmin 2 is in the pipeline we don’t know when it will sprout.
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December 24th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Really, that’s about all there is to report since the Famitsu scan with the details is too tiny to read. Right now this news is for Japan only, but if Monster Hunter G comes over here it will be sort of new for us since we never got Monster G on a proper console. No word if Capcom is going to charge a subscription fee for online play or if this is going to affect the release date of Monster Hunter 3 which is coming out in Japan next year either. The Monster Hunter G port should prelude Monster Hunter 3 though.
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December 24th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Like Tales? Like crossovers? Then you’re going to love Tales of Hearts. Cameos from other Tales games were expected, but Tales of Hearts goes a step beyond and brings characters from other Namco Bandai games into the Tales universe. KOS-MOS, the female android in Xenogears, joins Shing as one of the game’s many support characters.
When you call KOS-MOS she rushes into battle and fires a burst of bullets with her G Shot special attack. Tales of Hearts isn’t the only game where KOS-MOS has a cameo role, but it looks like those are the only roles she is getting since the Xenosaga series prematurely ended years ago. Namco Bandai should just pony up and make a KOS-MOS light gun/RPG hybrid for the Wii or something.
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December 24th, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Ciaran Anscomb has released a new version of his Dragon emulator for GP32/Nintendo DS and more:
Heres whats new:
Notes for version 0.22
Fixed WD2791/3 side compare flags for double-sided disks on CoCo.
Honours user-specified RAM size again.
Automatically determine which machine user has ROMs for.
Added -load and -run options (automatically attaches files on startup, -run attempts to autorun them).
New manual to replace the README file.
Handle more truncated CAS files.
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news via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-11039.html
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December 24th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from the
SNES9x GX project.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Open Source!
[What's New 2.0.8 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Overscan (cropping) setting now saved in preferences
* Rewritten RAM/state saving - old state saves are now invalid
* Minor bug fixes
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December 24th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from the
SNES9x GX project.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Open Source!
[What's New 2.0.8 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Overscan (cropping) setting now saved in preferences
* Rewritten RAM/state saving - old state saves are now invalid
* Minor bug fixes
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December 24th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
SNES9x GX is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Wii based on the PC emulator
SNES9x 1.51 (http://snes9x.ipherswipsite.com/). SoftDev is responsible for
the original SNES9x 1.50 GameCube port, whose work was continued by crunchy2.
It was updated for the Wii by michniewski and SNES9x 1.51 was ported by
Tantric. The project is currently being maintained by michniewski and Tantric.
* Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
[What's New 008 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Fixed "invalid file size" error on smaller games (eg: Space Invaders)
* Fixed hangup in Super Mario RPG
* Minor bug fixes
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December 24th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
SNES9x GX is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Wii based on the PC emulator
SNES9x 1.51 (http://snes9x.ipherswipsite.com/). SoftDev is responsible for
the original SNES9x 1.50 GameCube port, whose work was continued by crunchy2.
It was updated for the Wii by michniewski and SNES9x 1.51 was ported by
Tantric. The project is currently being maintained by michniewski and Tantric.
* Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
[What's New 008 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Fixed "invalid file size" error on smaller games (eg: Space Invaders)
* Fixed hangup in Super Mario RPG
* Minor bug fixes
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December 24th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
[What's New 1.0.6 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed save state saving bug
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Minor bug fixes
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December 24th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
[What's New 1.0.6 - December 24, 2008]
* Fixed save state saving bug
* Fixed unstable SD card access
* Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
* Auto-update feature (Wii only)
* Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
* Improved file access code
* Resetting preferences now resets controls
* Minor bug fixes
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December 25th, 2008, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raven
This is a clone of the original menu loader. The patches included are:
Menu IOS version:
Under what IOS version the menu will run.
Game IOS version:
Boot the game with this IOS version.
No health check
No background music
No sound.bin
Product area:
JP, US or EU
Product game area:
JP, US or EU
No copy flag:
Copy "no copy" saves to your SD card. (from Gecko OS)
Move DVD channel (from Gecko OS)
Move a channel for reboot (this is still experimental)
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December 25th, 2008, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from thethom, Foolmoon
Wii Football Manager is a football management simulation game developed by thethom, Foolmoon. On the 24th of December 2008, thethom, Foolmoon released a preview video announcing Wii Football Manager to be released on 2009
-Sound Artists
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December 25th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Freezy updates text editor "WordDS" which is now in version 0.4. The archive contains the English, French, German and Spanish.
* Added an error sound
* Fixed the bug with the yellow boxes keyboard
* You can not confirm an emty filename or open a file which is not created by WordDS
* Files which are created by WordDS v0.3 or lower can not be opened by WordDS v0.4 cuz the files which are created by WordDS v0.4 have a watermark in the html code which prevents that non-WordDS-files can be opened
known bugs:
* Editing of the text more shares does not work
* The text size is too small
things planned for version 0.5:
* To increase the text size
* A new design maybe cuz the old one looks soo gray
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December 25th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Philoo met online words and Num "television adaptation of the game" letters ". The game is still WIP, being overtaken by the release of the official, his motivation has greatly decreased but it promises to end after the holiday season.
"The coup of figures" is much less successful than The_Pimousse but my goal was that this is very simple.
For "The coup of Letters" at the beginning you have the choice between French and English for the Dictionary.
To return to the menu, as appropriate, we must press Select and Start Start or directly ...
I myself would seriously after the festivities. It remains to make dialogs for results, the scores. Adding options, Music, Sounds ... so many things
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December 25th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alekmaul:
Here is the first version of my emulator AemioDA. It is an emulator arcade game Asteroids and therefore the Roma in zip format it for use. The readme.txt file gives you a detailed files with their CRC, it can help.
The emulator still has its shortcomings but hey, I've done quite quickly (AEMIODA = Arcade Emulator Made In One Day: Asteroid). In short, started yesterday on the spur of blood to test my cpu 56,502 assembly and release for Christmas to perhaps enjoy some nostalgic like me this Thursday
It remains to improve the sound, especially in the Asteroid Deluxe.
Happy Christmas to all!
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December 25th, 2008, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nyarla
Hi! Here's a little demo of the game I'm working on for the Drunkencoders winter coding competition. It's sort of a sleigh ridin' shooter type thing.
The compo doesn't end for another 3 weeks or so, but I thought it'd be a shame not to release this now since it's got santa in it. It's still a WIP though..
Touch your reindeer to jump. Touch anywhere else to shoot. Raise the score multiplier with accurate shooting for a chance to get a delicious invincibility pudding!
Some screenshots:
Merry Christmas ^___^
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December 25th, 2008, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Chism:
New release out today, version 0.92, available as usual from the NitroHax page on my website. For an extra special Christmas present (continuing the tradition), you can has sauce with your codez.
This release fixes Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, and incorporates some improvements to the cheat engine as suggested by Normmatt.
Now before anyone asks, I am releasing source now because circumstances have changed. Practically all flash cards support AR codes now, either through ripped-off engines or ones they've written themselves, so there's no point keeping that secret any more. I would love to release the card reading functions too, but unfortunately I've been informed that they're actually covered by a patent. This means the BootLoader won't build completely from the supplied source, but a compiled copy is in there already.
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December 26th, 2008, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
Starting early next year, Nintendo will be joining the ranks of its fellow console makers in offering a video distribution service through the Wii. According to Nikkei business daily, The House of Mario will team up with Dentsu, Inc. to offer cartoons and other programs created specifically for the service, and since they're using the phrase "new revenue stream," we doubt it's gonna be offered gratis. Videophiles shouldn't expect much magic, either, given the console's 512MB memory limit and 480p max resolution. The service will launch first in Japan and head overseas later. Hey Nintendo, if you really want to emulate your competition, how about an online social network that doesn't require long strings of integers?
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December 26th, 2008, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster

When Activision trademarked Guitar Hero Modern Hits, we had little to go on outside of the title and a suspected aversion to whatever Activision's calling a "modern hit." Thank goodness for ESRB leaks!
Because now we know, for the most part, what Guitar Hero Modern Hits is: another Nintendo DS entry in the Guitar Hero line. How will it differentiate itself from Guitar Hero On Tour and Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades? New tracks!
The ESRB description is pretty staid — "This is a music and rhythm simulation game in which players can perform songs on a guitar. Players follow on-screen prompts to hit notes in-time with the music and are scored based on their accuracy." But it also reveals some of the tracklistings.
It lists potentially objectionable lyrics for Sum 41's "Still Waiting", Franz Ferdinand's "The Fallen" and Finger Eleven's "Paralyzer" a rather reliable indicator that, you know, these songs will be in the game.
Hey, Activision-Blizzard has to pump these things out as quickly as possible, before its loses that precious Game Boy Advance slot so necessary to the Guitar Hero DS experience. The Nintendo DSi is going to be here before you know it.
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December 26th, 2008, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Device Library is a cross platform C# class library that provides an interface to various Wii related devices, like the Wiimote, Classic Controller, Nunchuk and Balance Board.
It’s possible to use Wii devices like the Wiimote or Balance Board with your computer. All you need besides one of these devices is some kind of bluetooth device. This could either be a bluetooth dongle or bluetooth built into your pc or laptop.
When using the Wii Device Library you don’t have to worry about all the bluetooth stuff, you can just access your device of choice through a simple and intuitive interface. Also new Wii devices and extensions can be implemented by this interface without recompiling Wii Device Library.
Another nice feature is the ability to scan for Wii devices through bluetooth and connect to them when they are available. This makes it possible to automatically connect to Wii devices when they are syncing. It uses the libraries of several bluetooth stacks to scan, connect and communicate with the Wii devices. Also this part of the library can be extended with support for more bluetooth stacks and/or operating systems.
Supported Wii devices
Classic Controller
Balance Board
Supported bluetooth stacks
Microsoft bluetooth
A simple and intuitive programming interface.
The ability to scan and connect to Wii devices.
Wiimote extension support with a wide range of implemented extensions.
Support for multiple stacks.
The ability to extend the library to support more Wiimote extensions, devices and stacks.
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December 26th, 2008, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pinecone
WiiStrobe is celebrating the advent of 2009 with a special update for WiiStrobe!
Hold a disco in your living room! This adjustable strobe-light app will turn your Wii and TV into a seriously cool strobe light!
Now with version 0.0.2, the strobe has been tweaked to get that extra bit of speed, and there's a new police siren mode (red and blue)!
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December 26th, 2008, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
Noobey has updated his tron like game for the DS, heres whats new:
V 1.45 - Christmas Release
+ Languages: Dutch, French
* I got rid of the lags in graphics-config-menu
* Color bug (getting random color in online play) fixed
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December 26th, 2008, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Noobey posted this news:
Uhhrm, yeah…
I already uploaded it. But when checking the release, I realized something with Bash.org isn’t working. I never recognized it before because I did all tests on german-bash ;(
The problem: When downloading the client doesn’t recive anything, and I have no idea why. I will have to look deeper into the download function and I hope to get it working in this year, lol.
Good night, midnight already passed here, no nerves left to work on that problem.
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December 26th, 2008, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
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December 26th, 2008, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Copper has released a new emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports Arcade/MAME Games, heres the full list of games supported (games have to be in zip format):

PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg)
PuckMan (Japan set 1 with speedup hack)
PuckMan (Japan set 3)
PuckMan (Japan set 2)
Pac-Man (Midway)
Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack)
Pac-Man (Midway, harder)
Hangly-Man (set 1)
Hangly-Man (set 2)
Hangly-Man (set 3)
Puckman (Falcom?)
New Puck-X
Pac-Man (Hearts)
Piranha (older)
Piranha (hack)
Caterpillar Pacman Hack
Pac-Man Plus
Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, (encrypted))
Ms. Pac Attack
Ms. Pac-Man Plus
Super Zola Pac Gal
Ms. Pacman Champion Edition
Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?)
Eyes (Techstar)
Paint Roller
Lizard Wizard
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German
Beastie Feastie
Van-Van Car
Van-Van Car (Karateco)
Van-Van Car (set 3)
Dream Shopper // Son non émulé
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves
Newpuc2 (set 1)
Newpuc2 (set 2)
Naughty Mouse (set 1)
Naughty Mouse (set 2)
Woodpecker (set 1)
Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware)
Jr. Pac-Man
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December 26th, 2008, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
iainprice has released a new demo of his impressive 3d fps game for the Nintendo DS, heres the release details:
Just a little xmas treat.... have put in a couple of simple vehicles and changed the key config.. oh and let you jump around a bit enjoy.
D-Pad forward/back/strafe
AB jump
L Shoulder fire
X will eventually let you get into a vehicle, current just makes noise when pressed next to vehicle for debug....
Feel free to send any suggestions... I am sorting the height map accuracy and driving vehicles next
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December 26th, 2008, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via playeradvance
Good morning during breakfast is always a good KornFlexx announced good news.
DsKiosk, the Homebrew Channel of the DS, is updated.

Thanks to tests conducted by the community, it is now possible to start from any DsKiosk linker. However, he still some problems when we should start some homebrew since DsKiosk.
This problem should be solved very soon by the author. In the meantime, it would be nice to make manip by hand into the patch to hombebrew and back KornFlexx tests so that he can move his project!
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December 26th, 2008, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bioroid
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December 26th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster

This is the WeeP5, a fully functional Wii controller gun that looks like an MP5. [TheOreos] found the original zapper attachments to be lacking in several areas. His solution was to build a controller, integrated into an existing gun design with all the buttons exactly where he wanted them. He picked up a toy MP5 and sacrificed a Wiimote for the cause. He did a fantastic job, it looks great and, according to him, works well too. He may want to consider putting an orange tip on it though, just to keep from spooking the police.
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December 26th, 2008, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
CNN has just run an interesting segment on military robots coming in the near future that will be controlled using the Nintendo Wii remote, looking at the pros and cons of Wii-bots. The main benefit of using a Wii remote to control military robots is the ease of use, especially compared to today's control panels, which feature more than 40 buttons that a soldier must keep on top of during sensitive procedures. On the other hand, developers have to overcome sensitivity concerns to make sure a twitching soldier doesn't accidentally set off a bomb or alert enemies to the robot's presence, while also making sure the signal cannot be hacked. The last thing we need is for the enemy to pull out their own Wii remotes, as hilarious as the mental picture that brings to mind may be. How long until we start getting photos of remotes stuck in jeep windshields?
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December 26th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Digitimes is reporting that Nintendo has placed extra orders with InvenSense, its component supplier, in preparation for a jump in Wii sales.
Nintendo also asked for an increase in their gyroscope shipments in preparation for the release of the Wii Motion Plus controller add-on, Digitimes reports. Nintendo pre-paid for part of the order as they prepare for strong growth, according to Digitimes sources.
It looks like Nintendo doesn't see the economy encroaching on their gaming successes anytime soon.
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December 26th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Next month Nintendo will take a step backwards with the Super Smash Brothers series. The first game in the series, Nintendo All Star Dairantou Smash Brothers as its known in Japan, will be available as a Virtual Console download in Japan for 1,200 Wii Points ($12).
Gamers in Japan have to fork over an extra 200 Wii Points compared to a regular Nintendo 64 game for Super Smash Brothers, but Nintendo of America probably won’t pull this stunt. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Time had the same issue when it came out last January, but Nintendo of America gave it to us for 1,000 Wii Points ($10).
Since Nintendo of Japan is ready to release Super Smash Brothers as a Virtual Console game in 2009 we can look forward to getting it next year too. That’s about all we have to look forward to getting from Japan’s January 2009 Virtual Console schedule unless a lost translation of Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu is in a file cabinet just waiting to be unloaded as a Virtual Console import.
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December 27th, 2008, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster

We're pretty sure that Nintendo doesn't have anything to fear when it comes to the MiWi2, a Wii knockoff that was first spotted by Engadget Korea back in June. However, we were surprised to see the fake on sale somewhere outside of Asia -- or really anywhere for that matter. Yes, unknowing parents may have accidentally snagged one of these rip-offs instead of the real deal at an unnamed London shop, but rest assured, your little darlings probably let you know once they unwrapped it and realized you got them the wrong damn thing.
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December 27th, 2008, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster

Ben Heck's apprentices are showing their true colors again, with modder SifuF churning out a real winner over the holidays. The Nintendo Sixtyfree Lite-R just might be the most elegant portable N64 that we've seen to date, with a clean, low-key design, beautifully integrated buttons and a cartridge slot that's about as non-cumbersome as possible. Of note, there are no internal batteries to speak of, thus it's forced to rely on an InfoLithium (or any 7.2v supply) clipped on the rear. Tap the read link for a pictorial look at the build and final product.
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December 27th, 2008, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
If you were lucky enough to score a copy of Rock Band 2 for the Wii this holiday season, you're probably wondering where the hell your promised downloadable content is. It's comin', says Harmonix.
The developer's own Sean Baptiste wanted to address some Wii owner "confusion" regarding Rock Band DLC, writing on the official forums that it's in the "final testing stages and Harmonix is working as fast as possible to deliver the 20 free bonus songs for Rock Band 2, plus an additional 30 songs from the Rock Band DLC Catalog."
Yeah, OK. When? "As early in 2009 as possible," is the official ETA.
We cool?
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December 27th, 2008, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Hot on the heels of the recent launch of the Nintendo DSi and even more recent launch of DSi Ware comes... gameplay videos! Art Style: Decode looks the most interesting of the bunch. The Art Style line, borne from the Japan-only bit Generations series and primarily developed by skip, has already spawned a handful of WiiWare games. Two new entries in the series, Decode and Aquaria, are now available via the DSi Ware service. In Decode, the player has to line up numbers to total 10. The trick, though, is that they're LCD-style numbers, so flipping 2s and 5s changes their value, which we assume might also work for 6s and 9s. The lowest of lo-fi, but still flippin' neat!
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December 27th, 2008, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
bloody realized "TicTacToe v1.0" for the DS, adaptation of the famous game of Tic Tac Toe. The homebrew is encoded and needs Micro LUA LUA DS to work.
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December 27th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
vegetoine we introduced the first homebrew for the DS, "Mastermind". You'll understand this is an adaptation of the game Mastermind for the DS.
So I introduce you to my first homebrew, Mastermind, a game mastermind therefore, on DS.
As is my first project (and I've done in a week), it is really very simple, for now we can just play with 3 levels of difficulty.
But the game: the DS will randomly pick 4 balls of different colors (or some identical), such as yellow blue violet red. The player must find this combination by offering more, which will be validated or not, in short, a mastermind what, I think everybody knows Roll Eyes
Known issues:
* Problems with the lights orange / green (but basically it works)
* If you spend over a ball making another it's anything
* If you want to 2 times a ball must pass on each location, so there is one that appear empty (but it will have saved the ball)
that's all that comes to mind for the moment, and it's already pretty Undecided
Future additions:
* A grisage columns as unnecessary trouble
* Sound ... I'll try it, if you have some ideas
* A stopwatch?
* Backup, stats and everything we want
* Multiplayer: one is the combination guess the other (ouch ouch ouch)
* OTHER ...
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December 27th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Cashman lache a new version of WiiQuizz entirely in French.
This version makes some changes / improvements:
- Improving the soundtrack:
- New music
- Add animations in a good or a bad response
- Function screenshot by pressing keys 1 and 2. Support SD / SDHC.
- Adding a screen to congratulate the player when he arrived at close
the race to the million
- Added support RESET button
- Fixed several bugs with Ac_K including the bug that caused the crash Thursday
You can now play Wii Quiz quietly without bug.
- Corrections on issues
- Time loads of game modes faster
- Internal Improvements
Download Here --> http://www.cashman-productions.c.la/
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December 27th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Darkscene have released a new version of their Shell like/OS app for the Nintendo DS, previous version was posted here on the 20th of Dec(original source was palib)
Heres the latest news:
Well, I made some adjustments in the code, and now no longer the problem of application of sound recordings. Also added is that you can save what you recorded by the microphone. You can also save what you write with Notepad.
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December 28th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Copper has updated his emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports Arcade/MAME Games, heres the full list of games supported (games have to be in zip format):
This release adds support for 8 more games with the addition of the pengu driver supported

PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg)
PuckMan (Japan set 1 with speedup hack)
PuckMan (Japan set 3)
PuckMan (Japan set 2)
Pac-Man (Midway)
Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack)
Pac-Man (Midway, harder)
Hangly-Man (set 1)
Hangly-Man (set 2)
Hangly-Man (set 3)
Puckman (Falcom?)
New Puck-X
Pac-Man (Hearts)
Piranha (older)
Piranha (hack)
Caterpillar Pacman Hack
Pac-Man Plus
Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, (encrypted))
Ms. Pac Attack
Ms. Pac-Man Plus
Super Zola Pac Gal
Ms. Pacman Champion Edition
Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?)
Eyes (Techstar)
Paint Roller
Lizard Wizard
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German
Beastie Feastie
Van-Van Car
Van-Van Car (Karateco)
Van-Van Car (set 3)
Dream Shopper // Son non émulé
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves
Newpuc2 (set 1)
Newpuc2 (set 2)
Naughty Mouse (set 1)
Naughty Mouse (set 2)
Woodpecker (set 1)
Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware)
Jr. Pac-Man
New games supported:
Pengo (set 1 rev c)
Pengo (set 2)
Pengo (set 2 not encrypted)
Pengo (set 3 not encrypted)
Pengo (set 4)
Pengo (bootleg)
Jr. Pac-Man (Pengo hardware)
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December 28th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Noobey has updated his tron like game for the DS, heres whats new:
Lucnam pointed out some mistakes in French translation , thanks~
Nothing more this time. After the next DSBash release I will continue to add new things in DronS
Planed features:
First of all there will be a score-ladder & statistics, playing without keeping track of won matches, killed enemies etc. isn’t that much fun ^_^ .
Also: Now that the graphical touch of the game fits into what I imagined when starting this project, I want to focus on new game modes, because the Deathmatch becomes boring realy fast.
First I want to add a Snake-like-mode: The players will have a set line-leingth. But by collecting items, which will spawn random in the arena, the line increases / decreases. By ‘killing’ other players and collecting items you will get points, when dying some points will be taken. So, the round doesnt end when all players died, instead it will end after a set time or when a set point-limit is reached by someone.
But it will take some time to organize the code, so I can add a new mode without starting to have an awefull unorganized code…
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December 28th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via gbadev and release by Gener Gabasa

Here is my GBA port of MIA's original Nintendo DS masterpiece, the Negative Space!
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December 28th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via gbadev and release by AikenToAki

I've "officially" finished AGBMidi 1.0a.
AGBMidi is a MIDI player targeted at the GBA.
32 channels, 128 volume setting, 4 song players.
Check the "readme" file for more information.
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December 28th, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from azaydius
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Announcing fileNinja, our simple ftp client.
Decided it was time to at least release a binary for our ftp client developed over fall quarter of this year by myself and two other students. There is a lot of work to be done yet to get this to release quality, but as of now you can connect to and download files remotely from any ftp server on the internet for which you have credentials.
You must have your wireless settings saved to the firmware for this to function, done using a retail game. Upon booting the program, a connection is established from the firmware settings.
Usage is pretty simple. The windows are draggable with the touch screen. Swap the ds screens using the control in the upper right hand corner of the touch screen. Change fields for the login credentials by hitting enter, this cycles through the different text boxes and allows you to input from the keyboard. Once everything is entered click connect. From here, navigating the directory structures is simple, double tap on directories to change to them (they are highlighted white). Download files by selecting them on the remote listing, navigate to where you want to download on the local side and simply click the < button. Multiple file download is supported, but be aware the gui freezes while download is running and if the file is large it could take quite some time.
This uses the Woopsi gui development system and a modified version of ftplib. I am sure there are bugs that we have not found yet so please feel free to submit bug reports / suggestions here (until we get a more centralized location for this up and running). Tested so far on the Cyclo Evolution DS and the R4.
Known bugs:
-Directories containing a large number of files (somewhere around 400+) the program freezes when changing to them
-Upload is broken and the button is disabled, currently trying to determine if it is with the ftplib or based in the dswifi library.
-Handling failed connections is not very elegant. It just hangs. Will be fixed soon. For now, make sure you can connect successfully with other homebrew / retail games!
-Some ftp sites have long welcome messages. We have not yet handled this and it will probably hang if you try to connect to one of these sites.
Features currently under development or that have the possibility of being added:
-Download speeds are pretty slow (~15kbps). You don't want to download any really large files unless you have a lot of time to spare. So, speeding this up would be great. Would love suggestions on how to do this (once we get the source cleaned up a bit for release)
-A download progress bar is buggy at the moment and therefore disabled, look to see it added later.
-More ftp command functionality, file delete, directory creation, file / directory rename... etc (locally and remotely). Suggestions here are welcomed.
Sourceforge link containing current binary (soon to have source):
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December 28th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jeremysr
I made this a couple of months ago but didn't release it because I was planning on adding some more features (bunkers and high scores) and gave up on it. Now that I've completely given up on it and moved on to other things, I've decided to release it without those features.
Other than having no bunkers, its graphics and gameplay are almost exactly the same as the original Space Invaders.
The download, screenshot, and source code can be found here: http://viewsourcecode.org/homebrew/space-invaders
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December 29th, 2008, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heath Blom did not want a Wii for Christmas. When his grandparents gave him one, he flipped out—as kids sometimes do—except he's 26 and was arrested on misdemeanor "domestic-related" assault charges.
Sergeant Kuffer Kaltenborn explains that "Heath Blom wanted a remote-controlled airplane for Christmas, and not the Wii," unlike every other person on the planet under 30. The paper isn't too clear on what exactly went down, but it appears that Blom acted like a real asshole in front of his grandparents and his girlfriend called him on it: “When he didn’t get the plane, he got really upset. He acted like a 10-year-old kid."
One thing led to another, and she alleges that “He dragged me down two flights of stairs, by the hair,” Young said. Blom, on the other hand, says that he "stood in the doorway trying to block her. She punched me in the eye. She punched me three times. I said ‘That’s it.’ And I pulled her hair.” However it happened, both were hauled off by the cops and booked on misdemeanor charges of “domestic-related” simple assault.
Today's holiday lesson: Don't act like an ingrateful prick when you get a Wii for Christmas, or you will go to jail. Anyone else think an appropriate sentence would be giving the Wii (or several) to charity?
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December 29th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
I've been meaning to post about this game for some time, but Insert ¥en on the forums reminded me. Tokyo Twilight Busters was a PC98 game, from the legendary Wolfteam, and is being brought to the DS by Starfish in February 2009 for the very full price of 5,040 yen (tax included). The official (and empty) site is here, but Famitsu has proper screens of the DS version. The graphics have clearly been redone, though nothing has been mentioned about extra scenarios or other additions. The game has a point-and-click style interface rather than the usual visual novel AVG style, so is worth keeping an eye out for. The image left is from the original, incidentally.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Everyone, please, raise an eyebrow and pretend to be surprised. We first heard about Guitar Hero Modern Hits when Activision Blizzard trademarked it in October, but we didn't have any more details. Now, GHMH has resurfaced, this time on the ESRB's website with an E10+ rating for the Nintendo DS.
Based on lyrics referenced in the listing's description, we know three songs from the game: Finger Eleven's "Paralyzer," Franz Ferdinand's "The Fallen" and Sum 41's "Still Waiting." Given the DSi's launch next year, this will likely be the last GH DS title before Activision Blizzard needs to figure out a new peripheral to release.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Maboshi's Arcade (Nintendo, 1-3 players, 800 Wii Points): Most WiiWare offerings sound like rehashed cellphone games, so we're understandably excited about Maboshi's Arcade, if only because we can't make heads nor tails of it. Play three different types of puzzle games on the same screen, each built around different shapes, each completed once you've scored 100,000 points? Sounds just bizarre enough to be intriguing.
Cue Sports – Pool Revolution (Hudson Entertainment, 1-4 players, 500 Wii Points): Ahh, a pool game with 9 Ball, 8 Ball, Rotation, Snooker, and a trick shot puzzle mode? That's the WiiWare we know.
Virtual Console:
Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II (NES, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Cartoon Violence, 500 Wii Points): Do you like StarTropics, but hate the lack of diagonal movement and cameos from Tetris creator Alexey Pazhitnov? Well then, you're not only an exceedingly odd person, you're also a lucky one, as StarTropics 2 is now available on the VC.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Official Drum Controller, suitable for EA's Rock Band 2 video game
Improved kick pedal with metal plate
Velocity sensitive drum heads
Cymbal and Hi-Hat expansion ports
Wireless Connection
Quieter drum heads
Crank it louder and live the ultimate music game experience! Rock Band 2 is the sequel to 2007's multi-million unit selling, genre-defining, cultural phenomenon Rock Band, the highest - rated music/rhythm game ever
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December 30th, 2008, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
lino has released a new version of his Nintendo DS Emulator for WIndows, heres whats new:
Here's changlog :
Fixed a bug in Blend Effects with 3D Layer.
Fixed a bug in IPCSYNC Registers. (Thanks Yellowstar.)
Fixed a bug in 3D coordinates with integer greater of 12bits.
Fixed a bug in VIEWPORT (4000580h) register.
Fixed a bug in Texture's stack.
Fixed a bug in MTX_POP (4000448h) register.
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December 30th, 2008, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
news/release from linus
Simple Text Mode File Editor
1. Point at file name or directory; click A to select, or press HOME to exit
2. With file open point and click keyboard to add character after cursor.
3. Press 1 for Caps Lock, B will delete character directly after cursor, and Home exits.
4. Navigation(dpad): RIGHT moves cursor forward fast. LEFT moves cursor back one space. DOWN advances screen one page. UP returns to start of file.
5. Exit menu: press HOME to exit, A to save changes, or B to return to editing.
txtEd will open any file under about 1mb for text editing. Maximum line size for input file is 128 characters.
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December 30th, 2008, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
Quirky has released a new version of his Web browser for the Nintendo DS:
heres whats new:
Changes 0.7.2:
* Update code for devkitARM r24
* Italian localisation courtesy of Paolo Ferraresi
Automatic DLDI patching of downloaded NDS files from within zips no longer works. I'll remove the option in the next release. I can no longer test patching, as my card's firmware auto patches anyway. If this is a feature you really need... er.. sorry!
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December 30th, 2008, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
Attention, Wal-Mart shoppers: the mega retailer is currently doing massive reductions on women's self-esteem, moving the Wii Fit advertising kiosks from the electronics department to women's clothing. A diabolical tactic!
Yes, that's a full length body mirror adjacent to the Wii Fit kiosk, a deviously placed hint that's not so subtly telling Wal-Mart shoppers "Hey, time to put the Oreo Double Stufs down and get some Wii Fit yoga done, chubs."
We don't know how far or wide the appeal from Wii Fit to chunky women has been deployed, as reader Zach is our source for the conspicuously placed display. But we hope they erect some near our local mall food court — right next to the Cheesecake Factory seems appropriate.
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December 30th, 2008, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly dropped in price from SuccessHK

More thinner and lighter than NDS Lite
With two 0.3 megapixel digital cameras
Added a bunch of new interactive functions
Has a built-in web browser
Available in black and white
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December 30th, 2008, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This Sponge Protector has more comfortable grabbing, giving your Wii good protection. The special cutting design make you insert it easily and suitable.
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December 30th, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Have you ever felt lost or have an identity crisis? If so, this DS game is your key to salvation.
It is believed that a person's blood type dictates how a person act or how they think. Input your blood type and answer the self probing questions in the game and gain some insight into your own personality.
The book Jibun no Setsumeisho: B-Kata has become a million seller when it came out. Following the footsteps of his successes, the writer, Jamais Jamais completed the series with all the blood types. With this game, you can own all the books and more.
Produced under the supervision of the writer himself, the game contains a total of 800 questions which will assist you in finding yourself, besides these helpful probings, the author included other texts and and pictures to make your journey to self discovery as enjoyable as possible.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
While we had been excited about 25C3’s CTF competition, we couldn’t even venture a guess as to who would win. It seems the iphone-dev team weren’t satisfied to just give an amazing talk. They teamed up with the Wii hackers from HackMii to win the competition. You can see their progress during the eight hour competition above in red. It’s impressive to see hardware hackers jumping over to network security AND completely killing at it.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus today reveals a special bonus soundtrack for fans who pre-order the upcoming Legacy of Ys: Books I & II compilation for the Nintendo DS in their own signature Atlus style.
Legacy of Ys is an update of the first two games in the classic Ys RPG franchise, with updated graphics, new enemies and equipment, a remixed score, and touch screen controls to make it more DS-errific. Now fans who pre-order the game will get a special bonus, which I will reveal to you the way Atlus revealed it to us.
Representatives from Atlus today stood silently before assembled members of the gaming press for an estimated 30 to 40 minutes, headphones in ears, listening to the Legacy of Ys: Books I & II soundtrack. Following the awkward delay, it was then announced that the game's renowned musical score would be offered as a free pre-order bonus at select retailers.
It's not just delivering the news...it's how you deliver the news.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Copper has updated his emulator for the Nintendo DS that supports Arcade/MAME Games, heres the full list of games supported (games have to be in zip format):

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
V1.2: 29/12/2008
* Rewrite of its chip Namco (the sound is much clearer on DS)
V1.1.1: 28/12/2008
* Remove the "watchdog" in jrpacman / jrpcmbl the game seems more planting
V1.1: 27/12/2008
* 8 new supported Roma (all those driver Pengo MAME)
V1.0: 25/12/2008
* First version that uses DLDI
* Version 1.3.1 compiled with libnds
* Roma files are automatically unzipped by the emulator
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
All games supported:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Puckman (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg)
Puckman (Japan set 1 with speedup hack)
Puckman (Japan set 3)
Puckman (Japan set 2)
Pac-Man (Midway)
Pac-Man (Midway, with speedup hack)
Pac-Man (Midway, harder)
Hangly-Man (set 1)
Hangly-Man (set 2)
Hangly-Man (set 3)
Puckman (Falcom?)
New Puck-X
Pac-Man (Hearts)
Piranha (older)
Piranha (hack)
Caterpillar Pacman Hack
Pac-Man Plus
Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg)
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, (encrypted))
Ms. Pac Attack
Ms. Pac-Man Plus
Super Zola Pac Gal
Ms. Pacman Champion Edition
Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?)
Eyes (Techstar)
Paint Roller
Lizard Wizard
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware)
Super Glob (Pac-Man hardware) German
Beastie Feast
Van-Van Car
Van-Van Car (Karateco)
Van-Van Car (set 3)
Dream Shopper / / Its not emulated
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves
Newpuc2 (set 1)
Newpuc2 (set 2)
Naughty Mouse (set 1)
Naughty Mouse (set 2)
Woodpecker (set 1)
Cannon Ball (Pacman Hardware)
Jr. Pac-Man
8 New games supported:
Pengo (set 1 rev c)
Pengo (set 2)
Pengo (set 2 not encrypted)
Pengo (set 3 not encrypted)
Pengo (set 4)
Pengo (bootleg)
Jr. Pac-Man (Pengo hardware)
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December 30th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Noddybox has posted a new release of his great ZX81 emulator for the Nintendo DS:

Well, that was a slightly longer than anticipated hiatus. Still, give it a good few days at Christmas and out pops a new version.
This fixes a few bugs, and invariably adds a few of its own. The main new feature is that a snapshot can be saved (and one even automatically loaded when DS81 runs).
Enjoy at the DS81 page.
Now that DS81 feels reasonably complete it may be time to start a VIC-20 emulation. Portable Pharaoh's Curse would rather please me...
More Info
If you'd have told me 25 years ago that I'd be playing 3D Monster Maze on the bus on a device powered by batteries, I'd have said you were mad...
DS81 is a basic emulation of the Sinclair ZX81. It only supports text modes games (basically anything that uses the bog-standard ZX81 display file for the technically minded), so hi-res games will not work. This is being worked on.
It includes a few games to try out. Note that I did not write these games, or own the copyright to them. They are included in good faith (as far as I know the authors do not mind this work being distributed), and if any of them want their work removing I'll gladly oblige:
ZX81 ROM © 1981 Nine Tiles Networks Ltd
Mazogs © 1981 Don Priestley
City Patrol © 1982 Don Priestley
Sabotage © 1982 Don Priestley
3D Monster Maze © 1983 Malcom E. Evans
DS81 also supports the loading of external files from a FAT formatted device. To do this the internal FAT routines of libnds are used, so if you're device isn't supported then I'm afraid you're stuck with the built-in games. Don't worry, you're not alone -- I wrote the damn thing and can't use external files on my flash device!
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December 30th, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
A clueless (but probably innocent) mother bought a Wii for her kids for Christmas, and having been told by someone that she had to “put in her credit card when prompted,” actually inserted not one, not two, but three credit cards into the Wii’s poor little disc slot. The Wii, predictably, choked and died. Mom, you got some splainin’ to do!
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December 30th, 2008, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Armin Tamzarian
FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development. FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a selectable pre-buffered or buffer-on-demand methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in #wiibrew on EFnet, Chaosteil of libwiisprite, and DrTwox of GRRLIB.
Full Doxygen API documentation is included within the download archive for assistance with program integration.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from joedj
ftpii is an FTP server for the Nintendo Wii.
.0.17 Upgraded to devkitPPC r16.
Fixed crash bug when mounting /fst for discs with fst_size greater than 32KB.
Fixed logic bug where some files under /fst appear in the wrong directories.
Fixed display initialisation bug causing intermittent blank display on startup.
Added SITE LOAD command to run DOL executables. (thanks svpe/shagkur!)
Added virtual metadata directories under /fst.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
More than 2 years after the remake of "Stone Age" (Amiga 1992) by hdxs, it's maRk2512 to achieve its own remake "Stone Age DS.

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December 30th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

Reylak presents "PPC-DS", his homebrew "Pierre Paper, Scissors" coded Micro Lua.
==> Version 0.1 (([12/12/08]))
~) Only human player VS computer (NDS versus understand ^ ^)
~) IA (simple, IA but still)
==> Version 1.0 (([15/12/08]))
~) IA a little improved
~) Indication of the choice of computer
~) And finally, it's pretty! Very Happy
==> Version 1.1 (([19/12/08]))
~) The long-awaited (I hope ^ ^) mode TWO PLAYERS!
-> Buttons [TOP] (J1) and (B) (J2): Pierre
-> Buttons [RIGHT] (J1) and (Y) (J2): Paper
-> Buttons [ABS] (J1) and (X) (J2): Scissors
-> Buttons [left] (J1) and (A) (J2): Continue (in some menus)
-> Button <start>: Quit (in some menus)
==> Version 1.2 (([24/12/08]))
~) Possible use of buttons in the solo mode:
-> Buttons [left] and (Y): Pierre
-> Buttons [TOP] and (X): Paper
-> Buttons [RIGHT] and (A): Scissors
-> Buttons [DOWN] and (B) more (in some menus)
-> Button <start>: Quit (in some menus)
~) Count two seconds before the start of the selection mode Two players
~) Display choice of players and the winner in the numbers slide icons from the side edges of the screen
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December 30th, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sverx
Hi! I've spent some hours these days to build this little tool (...forgive the UI...) that plays XMs directly from your FAT device. It's twice useful:
- it gives you a chance to listen to your XMs on the DS before you incorporate them in your project
- it gives me a chance to have some feedback (so please let me know if some modules doesn't load / doesn't play correctly)
Up, down, left and right keys navigate the directory, A enter directory / load the XM file, B to stop it.
The C source code to load XM from file to memory is included in the ZIP, which is here, in case somebody want to write its own player (hint! hint!  )
Plenty of XMs here, on The Mod Archive
... and of course that wouldn't have been possible without libfat so thanks a lot, chishm! 
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December 30th, 2008, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bob_fossil
Mankind's oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it's up to you to stop them. They have one weakness - they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.
As you will gather after playing this game, it is the result of a couple of hours coding. It is also an 'homage' to a game I recently saw some video footage from.
- Numbers have to be on the same horizontal line and add up to 10.
- All hope is lost when the numbers break through the top of the screen.
To do:
- Scoring.
- Sounds.
- Difficulty levels / objectives.
- Power ups.
- Make pretty.
- Fix bugs.
Tested on an R4 and No$GBA.
I've uploaded a newer version (0.02) here:
This should now highlight the numbers as you select them with the stylus so it should be clearer to see what is happening.
Plus I've added an exciting in-game screen-shot:

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December 30th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
ritz has released a new version of his staggering 3d RPG for the Nintendo DS, heres a looky at the screens:
Fandian is a hobby of mine that attempts to be a homebrew 3D RPG project for the Nintendo DS. Some notable features include skeletal animation, static & dynamic point lights, shadow volumes, skyboxes, collision detection with gravity, stylus picking, and multiple linked maps support for large worlds.
In the hopeful future I will build the game logic, A.I. and scripting. I'll also attempt an interactive 3D map builder on the DS for easy world creation, real-time light adjustment and object & creature placement.
The latest release news:
Does anyone have a DSi (and a compatible flashcart like Acekard 2i or EZ-Flash Vi) yet? If so, I was hoping they would be willing to give my rom a quick test run to find out if it's gonna work. I'm most curious about the stats on my debug screen (the top screen) and a camera snapshot of it would be awesome and appreciated (if it even works at all).
the Fandian one was built using devkitARM 24 with the updated libfat, arm7, etc.
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December 31st, 2008, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
SaviorXTanren just completed a new version of "WarioWare Custom", a compilation of mini-games in Wario Ware.
Alright guys! HUUUUUUUUUGE UPDATE! So, I'll start with the little stuff first and then move on to the really big, exciting stuff = D.
So, I've added in two new games and took out that "Touch The X's" game, since it was pretty much the same thing as "Pop The Dots." The two new games are "Kick The Football", which uses the stylus to make a slash on the touch screen to kick the football in that direction and "Build the Bridge", which has you shift around pieces of a bridge to form a larger bridge to allow a car to pass over it.
In addition to these two new games, I have updated all of the other games for 3 levels of speed and 3 levels of difficulty modes. So, if you remember in the normal WarioWare games how there is varying speed and difficulty modes? Well, now they are in this one, for the 9 games that exist at least = P. Some of the difficulty modes are easier to spot than others, but every games has a shortened time limit and sped up music for the different speed changes.
Finally, the last and biggest update ...* drum roll *... The first multi-player mode is up and running! This is a single DS multi-player mode, which is unique in itself. You only need one DS and up to 4 players can play. You simply pass the DS around when the appropriate player comes up, sort of similar to how the Wii WarioWare multi-player games work. It's got graphics, sound, the whole nine yards. Note, the graphics may not be up to cutting edge right now, everything that's not the title screens and menus (which have been graciously done by James Garner and Kikaimaster), was made by me in Paint. = P
To celebrate this huge update, I've also assembled two videos that are hosted online that show you a run-through of single player mode and multi-player mode.
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December 31st, 2008, 09:23 Posted By: MrTyzik
My team and I (Moose-At-Play) released a new version of Laser Hockey DS. This one has sound and while it still needs plenty of work, it finally feels more like a real game.

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December 31st, 2008, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Feeling left out by Nintendo's mad dash for cash, but can't quite work out why? How about this: 2008 will be the first year in a decade that a new Zelda game wasn't released.
Amazing, no? Yet it's true, as evidenced by this handy chart thrown together by the team at TGR:
1998 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
1999 – No releases
2000 – Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
2001 – Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
2002 – Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (GBA) and Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
2003 – Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
2004 – Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
2005 – Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
2006 – Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2007 – Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Link’s Crossbow Training
Actually, now that you can see it all there...you can blame Nintendo all you want, but remember: Capcom were picking up a lot of the slack during most of that ten year period with their handheld games, a slack they're no longer picking up.
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December 31st, 2008, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Feeling left out by Nintendo's mad dash for cash, but can't quite work out why? How about this: 2008 will be the first year in a decade that a new Zelda game wasn't released.
Amazing, no? Yet it's true, as evidenced by this handy chart thrown together by the team at TGR:
1998 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
1999 – No releases
2000 – Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
2001 – Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
2002 – Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (GBA) and Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
2003 – Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
2004 – Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
2005 – Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
2006 – Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2007 – Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Link’s Crossbow Training
Actually, now that you can see it all there...you can blame Nintendo all you want, but remember: Capcom were picking up a lot of the slack during most of that ten year period with their handheld games, a slack they're no longer picking up.
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December 31st, 2008, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
A thief pretending to be a door-to-door salesman peddling make-up was able to enter a UK resident's home and swipe a Nintendo DS reports the Clacton and Frinton Gazette.
The newspaper advises: "To guard themselves against distraction burglars residents should make sure front and back doors are locked at all times, look for logos on vehicles and clothing, examine the caller’s identity card closely and use a door chain while checking it if possible."
No word whether any make-up was purchased or whether the conman was caught.
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December 31st, 2008, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster

gamemaster87] put together this SNES wallet. It isn’t just a wallet, it also has internal lighting and theme music. He harvested LEDs from Christmas lights, switches and battery compartments from an old all in one joystick, and the sounds from a holiday card. There’s a Plexiglas window to show off his ID and a belt clip, because you wouldn’t want this thing in your back pocket. Match this up with the SNES clock, NES bike tail light, and the NES security system and you’ll be the king of the nintendorks.
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December 31st, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
More than get captured. Compared to a list of standard jobs such as mage, knight, and thief Seventh Dragon’s odd job is princess. The princess class in Seventh Dragon uses a whip to attack, buffs allies, and inflicts enemies with status effects.
Seventh Dragon arrives in Japan on March 5 and if you pre-order the game you can get a bonus booklet/mini-soundtrack. Interestingly, the Seventh Dragon: Dragon Chronicle booklet connects with the game and has clues to unlock special items. Very cool, but information spreads fast across the Internet these days. As soon as the code is cracked the solution will be posted all over the place. Perhaps, even here.
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December 31st, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
A KIND-hearted Dundee businessman has spread a little festive cheer to a family hit by Christmas thieves.
Jim and Ashley Hunter’s house in Braes Road, Blairgowrie, was ransacked at the weekend as they and daughters Niamh (7) and Claudia (14) attended a wedding.
When they returned, they found a number of their belongings had been taken, including Niamh’s Nintendo Wii console, given to her by Santa.
The family have been astonished as both family and local people have rallied round them.
First, Niamh’s cousin Callum (16) visited to offer the use of his Wii console until she again had one of her own.
And now, Charlie Kean of Kean Slaters has stepped in to put a smile back on Niamh’s face.
Charlie is well-known in Tayside for his generosity through his Kean’s Children’s Fund.
So moved was he by Niamh’s story that Charlie visited the family at their home in Blairgowrie yesterday to deliver a new Wii console and games.
“What happened to Niamh touched me and I wanted to help out,” he said.
“She is just a child and this should never have happened to her.”
Niamh’s father Jim was delighted with Charlie’s generosity.
“I’d like to thank Mr Kean,” he said.
“This is a very nice gesture.”
The callous criminals broke into the Hunters’ home sometime between 12.45pm on Saturday and about 1.15 on Sunday morning.
Police are understandably keen to find the festive thieves and recover the stolen items.
Officers are looking to trace a white saloon car seen in the area on Saturday, between 11.30am and 12.45pm, and then later the same day at around 4pm.
Anyone who has information that could assist in the investigation is asked to call the police on 0845 6005705.
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December 31st, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

hiei03 sonic master and have made a new version of their shell for the Nintendo DS "X-Soft, which incorporates the theme of Windows XP. This one contains a Paint, an audio player, a stopwatch, a tape recorder, a note taker, a virtual piano, information on the DS, the backup, stop automatically, the reset, etc ... to discover.
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December 31st, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
This is an excellent demo with several 3D effects, "The big Holstein designed by K2 at the Ultimate Meeting 2008, in Karlsruhe, Germany.

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December 31st, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
news via dsscene
Jake Probst, aka anoNL has updated VNDSx, the visual novel reader for DS. v1.4.0 includes some improvements and a couple of bug fixes, see the change log below for more details. The download is just for the reader itself, links to compatible visual novels can be found at Digital Haze
"This version should be much more stable than the last. Random crashes should be mostly gone, and the program is much more tolerant towards corrupted images or buggy scripts. File-access used to be unreasonably slow for very large (100MB+) ZIP-files, up to several seconds. By doing some additional caching, that's no longer problematic. Another important performance improvement is the image preloader that scans ahead in the script and starts loading the next image while you're reading."
Fixed a memory leak and a wild pointer in png loader.
Prints an error instead of crashing if an image is corrupted.
Large parts of the program have been rewritten, it's now much more stable.
Decreased png loading time by 10-25%
ZIP file entries are cached to decrease novel load times.
Scans ahead to preload the next image.
Uses a modified version of libfat to decrease seek-times in large files.
Crossfades between bgload/setimg commands.
Added user-changeable settings: fontsize/textspeed/volume (music & sound)
Program is skinnable, change the current skin via config.ini
Novels can contain partial skins that override the user's skin.
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