December 1st, 2013, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster

The remainder of Sega's first round of 3D Classics for the 3DS eShop will be made available in the US store over the next few weeks, but it seems like another batch is already in the works.
Siliconera noticed a Twitter exchange between James Booth, an assistant producer at Sega's mobile-oriented Hardlight Studio, and Yosuke Okunari, a producer at Sega CS3. When Booth congratulated Okunari on the 3D Classics series, Okunari's reply thanked him and said "we develop the 2nd series for Japan. If this overseas release succeeds, it may release these in the world." Okunari did not hint at which games might be included in a future round of 3D Classics.
So, there you go. If you're gunning for more 3D Classics in the US beyond those that have already been announced, the series' performance across our shores will need to satisfy Sega, first. The question is, will you love the 3D effect and features added to Streets of Rage, Shinobi and Sonic the Hedgehog enough to buy them again?
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December 1st, 2013, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster

Look, we know you've got a computer, smartphone, tablet and/or a gaming console. In case you'd prefer to conduct like or dislike-bombs from five devices at once, however, the YouTube app for the 3DS that was depicted in the most recent Nintendo Direct is now available in North America and Europe.
It seems to function like any other YouTube experience, complete with obnoxious inquiries about whether or not you'd like to use your real name in the swamp that is the YouTube comments section. The top screen serves as a full display for videos while the involved stats, suggested videos and a play bar are hosted on the bottom screen. The L trigger and B button serve as back buttons while the R trigger and A button function as secondary pause buttons. Both the d-pad and circle pad serve as scrolling options, but there are stylus-oriented alternatives for all of this. Users can perform searches and navigate YouTube on the bottom screen without closing out of a video, but searches will pause whatever is being viewed until you're done typing.
Of course, the real news here is that the definitive next-gen experience is now available on your 3DS.
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December 1st, 2013, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
 Walmart Black Friday 2013 Deals!Grab the Nintendo 2DS for only $99 at Walmart.com!This will not last!Check it out:
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December 2nd, 2013, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of the Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii and Triforce emulator Dolphin has been been released.
One month after the 4.0.1 release we´re releasing the maintenance release 4.0.2. It turned out that some critical regressions had slipped into the 4.0 release due to the major changes linked to the wii-network branch and the global user directory changes.
In particular, one of the fixed issues was related to incorrect usage of wxWidgets and caused various problems with general Dolphin usage on Windows systems with Unicode characters in their user name (e.g. "François" or "あいうえお").
Some rather technical issues caused multiple games to stop booting or to freeze randomly. We´ve had multipleissuereports on this bug, so it´s great to see that we were able to fix this properly.
As for the binary release packages, we unfortunately can only provide Windows builds at the moment. As usual, OS X and Linux users can compile the source themselves by checking out the source from the 4.0.2 git tag. The Windows installers can be found on our downloads page, https://dolphin-emu.org/download/. We hope to be able to provide binaries for other systems in the future, though.
If you´re a Windows user and still were using Dolphin 4.0.0, you should uninstall Dolphin before installing the update due to some changes to the installer which happened in the 4.0.1 release. All future Dolphin versions will be installed into "Program Files/Dolphin", whereas the 4.0.0 release still used "Program Files/Dolphin 4.0". Your settings and game saves will survive a deinstallation, so you don´t need to worry about having to back them up. If your currently installed Dolphin version is already 4.0.1, you can safely ignore this notice.
Of course, if you want to test the most recent improvements which are happening in Dolphin, you can also use the development versions. They are distributed as plain .7z archives, so you test them safely without damaging an existing installation of a stable release. Keep in mind that they´re less simple to install and might have little flaws every now and then. However, we will do our best to make the Dolphin experience for the next stable release even more awesome than it is currently, of course!
You can continue the discussion in the forum thread of this article.
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December 2nd, 2013, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
An update of the NES emulator nemulator has been released.
- Controller reading fixes for Paperboy and other Mindscape games
- Added support for the following mappers:
- 64 (RAMBO-1) - Klax, Skull & Crossbones, Rolling Thunder
- MC-ACC - The Incredible Crash Test Dummies
- Option to stretch game to fit widescreen display (app.stretch_to_fit in nemulator.ini)
- Option to suspend computer from quit menu (show_suspend in nemulator.ini)
- Unofficial opcode support - fixes Streemerz (and other games using the MUSE sound engine) and Double Action Blaster Guys
- New, higher quality, audio resampler
- More accurate color palette
- Note: requires updated libraries from Microsoft
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December 2nd, 2013, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Version 0.9.10 of the Nintendo DS emulator DeSmuME has been released. The new JIT core is intended to improve the performance significantly.
0.9.9 -> 0.9.10 (r4623-r4908)
In this version, we have focused on trying to clean up some complexities in the user experience and emulator internals. Pretty unglamorous stuff, but some games are newly compatible.
- enh: break savestate back-compatibility
- bug: improve save size autodetection for some games
- bug: cpu: fix many basic jit cpu bugs
- bug: 3d: tweak softrasterizer edge marking
- bug: 3d: fix stale 4x4 texture palettes
- bug: fix some GPU sprite blending scenarios
- bug: fix bios HLE BitUnPack, UnCompHuffman
- enh: modular slot-1 device system, emulate GC bus more faithfully
- enh: support NAND slot-1 device
- enh: auto-detect appropriate slot-1 and slot-2 device
- enh: many revisions to firmware boot process for more authenticity. iQue and FlashME versions function, .dfc rewritten.
- enh: support streaming NDS file from disk (like an ISO, to avoid long initial load time)
- enh: run .dsv directly on disk, to save long flushing times. should speed backup operations.
- enh: spu synch mode and method on commandline
- bug: fixes to advanscene DB import
- bug: save opengl display method filter option
- bug: general bugfixes to various screen layout modes
- enh: add option to stop non-integer scaling during fullscreen or maximize
- enh: improvements to save import dialog
- enh: improved memory viewer tool
- enh: operate better when run, against our advice, from a zipfile
- enh: add slot-1 Nitro Filesystem viewer tool
- bug: fix slot1-R4 path saving
- bug: fix bug with mic samples < 16khz
- bug: fix bugs and enhancements in multi display windows
- bug: fix handling of some joystick analog inputs
- enh: save display windows configuration and emulation speed on app exit
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December 2nd, 2013, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Jak and Daxter co-creator also criticises Nintendo’s ‘criminal’ approach to third-party hardware
Naughty Dog co-founder and THQ chief Jason Rubin has called Nintendo “irrelevant” in the games hardware market.
Rubin was commenting on the lacklustre performance of the Wii U in an interview with GameTrailers.
“Nintendo is irrelevant as a hardware manufacturer in the console business right now,” he said, adding the PS4 and Xbox One will do well this generation because “Nintendo has stumbled”.
His main criticism of the Japanese manufacturer was what he saw as a failure to release its celebrated games on third-party platforms, such as Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Rubin labelled this a crime.
However, he did praise the company as a “worldwide treasure” for its legacy of consistently fun titles.
Frequently outspoken, at the dawn of the last console race back in 2006 and another interview with GameTrailers, Rubin favoured Nintendo, when Wii mania was just about to break, while he predicted a fall for Sony with its costly PlayStation 3.
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December 2nd, 2013, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
The old concern is that Pokémon, the cutesy kids game that has become nothing short of a global phenomenon, has a dark heart. Yes, its bevy of monsters have doe eyes and quivering smiles, but strip away the cartoon aesthetic and the fact remains that your character is charged with wounding animals until they are sufficiently weakened to be captured in a tiny ball. Then, having trapped the critter, you send them out to fight other pocket monsters in what must be the world’s most socially acceptable contemporary take on cockfighting (Pokémon X/Y sold four million units in just two days). In this way, Game Freak is teaching postmodern generations how to hunt, trap and battle in a world where the children affluent enough to own a handheld device have little apparent need for such skills.It’s a selective take on Pokémon’s seemingly inexhaustible appeal and yet there’s something to it. Sure, apologists will argue that captured Pokémon fight for you willingly, and that a complicated bond of trust and cooperation is formed through the trainer/monster relationship. But you could read this another way: as a digital introduction to Stockholm Syndrome. After all, no matter how big or small they are – and even the original Pokémon range in height from a mere 30cm (Pidgey) to 8.8m (Onix) and in weight from less than a pound (Ghastly) to nearly a ton (Snorlax) – each monster is kept in a one-size-fits-all cage: a tiny Poké Ball.Pikachu may be Pokémon’s headline monster, but it’s the Poké Ball, a red-and-white sphere about the size of a baseball, which unclasps in the middle and sucks Pokémon into its TARDIS-like interior, that is the visual shorthand for the series. The in-game origins of the Poké Ball are linked to the Johto region, where Apricorns grow. The fruit was hollowed out and then used to catch Pokémon. These antiquated designs (still used in the game by some trainers) were modernised by the still-mysterious Silph Corporation, a company based in the Kanto region, which manufactures and markets essential tools for Pokémon trainers. But outside of the fiction, the Poké Ball has its origin in the simpler tools of childhood bug-catching.As a child, Pokémon’s inventor Satoshi Tajiri (who lends his first name to the lead character we know as Ash in the Japanese versions of the game) was infatuated with collecting insects. In the summer holidays, he would head out from his family home on the outskirts of Tokyo to search the surrounding undergrowth in search of beetles and other insects, carefully studying each one he caught before cataloguing it in a notepad bought for him by his parents. Clearly, Tajiri wouldn’t go so far as to name, train and battle his captured beasts – even if a few did eat each other – but in whatever Perspex prison was used to house the creatures, the Poké Ball was born.
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December 2nd, 2013, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster

With WiFi, Wonder Trade, and new Pokemon that are freakin’ keys, you’d think the latest generation of everyone’s reason to own a Nintendo portable is where all the action is, right? Apparently not, because Pokemon Blue just became a development tool for the Game Boy.
Despite all notions of sanity, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen someone program a Game Boy from inside a first generation Pokemon game. Around this time last year, [bortreb]posted a tool assisted run that deposited and threw away in-game items to write to the Game Boy’s RAM. Using this method, [bortreb] was able to craft a chiptune version of the My Little Pony theme inside Pokemon Yellow.
A year later, [TheZZAZZGlitch] has gone above and beyond what [bortreb] did. Instead of a tool assisted run, [ZZAZZ]‘s hack can be done manually on a real Game Boy. This trick works by using an underflow glitch to obtain item ’8F’ in the player’s inventory. . With this 8F item, a few items can be tossed and a ‘programming’ mode is activated where code can be written to RAM by walking to an X Y position on the map, using the 8F item, and writing a program byte by byte.
The maximum amount of code that can be written to the Game Boy RAM is 254 bytes, just large enough for [TheZZAZZGlitch] to write a very, very simple version of Akranoid, Breakout, or one-player Pong. Not much, but very, very impressive.
Video of [ZZAZZ] ‘jailbreaking’ his copy of Pokemon Blue available below.
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December 2nd, 2013, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has released a list of this week's new European eShop content.
The main addition is Bravely Default, the long-awaited Square Enix RPG developed by Final Fantasy alumni.
Joining it is Scribblenauts Unlimited, the Wii U and 3DS game delayed for almost a year for unannounced reasons.
Also notable are the next two games in the Sega 3D Classics collection, with Sonic The Hedgehog and Altered Beast getting the 3D treatment.
Here's the full list of releases:
[h=3]Wii U eShop[/h]Disc Download
- Scribblenauts Unlimited - £39.99 / €49.99
Add-on Content
- Pikmin 3 All-New Mission Stages 12-15 - £4.49 / €4.99
[h=3]3DS eShop[/h]Card Download
- Bravely Default - £39.99 / €44.99
- Disney Frozen: Olaf's Quest - £24.99 / €29.99
- Monster High 13 Wishes - £24.99 / €29.99
- Scribblenauts Unlimited - £34.99 / €39.99
- 3D Altered Beast - £4.49 / €4.99
- 3D Sonic The Hedgehog - £4.49 / €4.99
- Fishdom H20: Hidden Odyssey - £4.49 / €4.99
- Hooked On Bass Fishing - £4.49 / €4.99
Virtual Console
- Double Dragon (NES) - £4.49 / €4.99
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December 2nd, 2013, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
 If you're looking to head straight from Super Mario 3D Land to the land of cats and hate, you'll no longer have to switch devices, as YouTube is now available on the Nintendo 3DS. You can grab the app from the 3DS eShop in North American and Europe just as Nintendo promised, where it'll join the likes of Netflix and Hulu, which itself launched just last month. Videos appear on the top screen and can be controlled by the triggers and buttons, while suggested videos, stats and search options are displayed below. The one feature that you'd think would be a no-brainer is conspicuously lacking, however: support for 3D videos.
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December 4th, 2013, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
A Link To The Past codifies a maze that had once been abstract. But it presents another puzzle: to find the Master Sword in a swirling miasma of mist and from among its flimsy decoys.
You could date the underpinnings of the concept back to text-based adventures (“You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike”) or to the randomly generated environments of ASCII roguelikes, but the definitive impossible maze appears in the original Legend Of Zelda. Link finds himself contemplating two perpendicular paths that intersect amid impenetrable ranks of brown trees. If he has paid an elderly woman for advice, he’ll know that following the paths north, then west, then south, then west again will deliver him out of the forest and into the graveyard beyond. If he has not, there’s no telling how long he might wander, returning again and again to the same eerily familiar screen. This hellish Groundhog Day scenario was especially daunting in 1986, before the solution lay but a few keystrokes away.The graveyard, where ghosts will harass Link if he bumps into their headstones, is candidly supernatural. But the abutting Lost Woods – as the Forest Of Maze from the shakily translated original Zelda came to be known throughout the series – sit at a threshold between the mundane and the magical, the symbolic and the figurative. Are they a metaphor, a clever way for programmers with limited resources to capture the feeling of being lost in a vast forest without having to render all that vastness? Or are they to be taken literally, implying that the woods are under a space-warping enchantment? Such rich narrative and imaginative roots would inspire several imitations, becoming a staple of fantasy adventure games of the time.As games grew more spatially and narratively complex, the Lost Woods followed suit. In A Link To The Past, they’re more like a straightforward maze, with green tress shrouded in a disorienting fog. Ocarina Of Time’s version returned to something closer to the original puzzle, although this time around they were seeded with hints to aid orienteers. Each screen has some distinguishing feature, and subtle lights inside the tree-trunk tunnels indicate whether a path leads farther into or out of the Woods. The task also started getting papered over by a more robust fiction: anyone who wanders for too long in the Lost Woods turns into a Skull Kid, a Stalfos or, according to Four Swords Adventures, a Deku Scrub. Any ambiguity over whether the Lost Woods were mirror or magic was gradually dispelled, but the goal – to find the true path through confusingly similar terrain – stayed intact.The idea of game space as an Escherian construct that moves in impossible circuits has also played a role in the Mario series, Zelda’s august foil, since its very first game. Several levels in Super Mario Bros force you to guess the correct path branch or warp pipe in order to proceed. And all of the obvious exits in Super Mario World’s Forest Of Illusion are as substantial as its name suggests. Variations on the theme appear in Paper Mario 64’s Forever Forest and Super Mario RPG’s Forest Maze, too. In the latter, you can abandon chasing Geno to follow a series of arcane cardinal directions to find a secret area. Rather than confined spaces, these takes on the Lost Woods are entwined with regular gameplay, and can verge on the point where a fun challenge tilts into a frustrating ordeal.
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December 4th, 2013, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U will fail to sell the 9m units Nintendo has predicted for the current financial year, analysts have said.
After sales of just 460k units in the six months ending September and a global install base of below 4m units, this is looking increasingly unlikely.
That Xbox One beat Wii U’s total UK lifetime sales in under two weeks and PS4 in around 24 hours has simply added to the pressure already on Nintendo’s machine.
Bloomberg reports that analysts’ average Wii u sales estimate for the current fiscal year is around 6.2m units.
“They steadfastly refuse to consider that the product is not interesting to consumers,” Wedbush Morgan’s Michael Pachter stated. “They will fail to hit 9m, and they will likely miss their profit goals.”
Pachter told an audience at the London Games Conference last month that the Wii U was “toast”.
SMBC Nikko Securities analyst Eiji Maeda added: “Wii U has become a game console only for Nintendo fans. Wii U needs ground breaking software to draw casual and hardcore gamers.
“It’s going to be difficult for Nintendo to sell 9 million Wii U consoles this fiscal year. Iwata needs to plan what to do next year if the performance this year isn’t good.”
As if things weren’t bad enough for Nintendo, hopes that the release of key IP for the machine would reverse its fortunes also appear to be fading.
Super triple-A critical hit Super Mario 3D World last week debuted to the lowest sales ever for a 3D Mario game in Japan and was yesterday beaten by PS4 launch title and critical flop Knack in the UK charts.
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December 4th, 2013, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Spike TV's VGX event will host new showings of several big games including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and The Division, it was confirmed today.
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime will show off an unnamed "upcoming Wii U game", said Spike in an announcement.
Alongside new content from CD Projekt's anticipated RPG, The Witcher 3 and Respawn's debut shooter Titanfall, Spike promises "exclusive new looks" at Quantum Break, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Broken Age, Dying Light, and Tom Clancy's The Division.
It also teases "additional exclusives to be revealed shortly".
Spike VGX host Geoff Keighley confirmed recently that The Division will be shown with new in-game footage. Respawn Entertainment has also previously promised "big Titanfall surprises" for the event.
And Square Enix teased on Monday that its preparing at least two new trailers for unspecified games for the show - enticing fans as rampant speculation of a PS4 Tomb Raider remake does the rounds.
VGX streaming begins Saturday, December 7 at 6pm ET / 3pm PT / 11pm GMT.
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December 4th, 2013, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham announced that the studio's Nintendo 3DS platformer Treasurenauts will miss its previously announced December release date, and is now set to launch in the eShop in the first quarter of next year.
"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong," Watsham assures. "The game means a lot to us, and we want to do it right. We need more time to make it the game we want it to be. [...] Sorry for the delay, but as an independent developer we rely on the success and revenue generated from each of our self-published games. More time = better game = better sales (hopefully)."
Watsham notes that two new Renegade Kid-developed projects will be announced next year, including an unnamed 3DS game set for release in mid-2014. These two games will be developed alongside the studio's current projects, which include the survival horror game Cult County and a sequel to its plane-shifting platformer Mutant Mudds.
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December 4th, 2013, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster

Monster Hunter 4 continues to capture big numbers in Japan, with shipments (including downloadable sales) passing the 4 million mark at swift pace. The 3DS action-RPG gobbled up 3 million shipments a month after hitting Japan's retail shelves, and took just seven weeks to add another million to that burgeoning figure.
Japan's love affair with all things Monster Hunter is evidenced by the series' total sales surpassing 28 million, but how many of those sales come from outside the country remains unclear. As does the matter of Monster Hunter 4heading west or not; Capcom is still keeping shush about that.
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December 4th, 2013, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo is kicking up its drive behind the 2DS with two Pokemon X/Y bundles priced at $150, coming to Target and Toys R Us on Friday, December 6. Target will offer a red 2DS system with Pokemon X pre-installed, while the Toys R Us bundle features a blue system with Pokemon Y pre-loaded on a SD card.
Nintendo released the 2DS as an alternative to the 3DS earlier this year, with a standalone price set at $130. The hinge-less hardware's lower price comes at the expense of 3D tech, and with backwards compatibility for 2000+ DS games.
With 4 million copies of Pokemon X/Y flying off shelves within 48 hours of release, and 2 million sold in North America to date, Nintendo seems to be hoping the game's prolific performance will boost that of the 2DS' across the holiday season.
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December 4th, 2013, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U continued to feel the benefit of Super Mario 3D World's existence, picking up another 7000 sales in Japan to hold on to second place in the hardware chart.
The Wii U showed significant improvement for the second week running, rising from 21,000 to 28,000 units sold. That makes Nintendo's console the second most popular platform in Japan, albeit sandwiched between its sister systems the DS and the 3DS.
The hardware chart is below, with previous week's sales in parantheses:
- 3DS LL - 82,409 (63,709)
- Wii U - 28,518 (21,002)
- 3DS - 25,964 (20,797)
- PlayStation Vita - 20,202 (21,044)
- PlayStation 3 - 13,311 (12,436)
- PlayStation Vita TV - 5,391 (7,868)
- PSP - 4,232 (3,546)
- Wii - 588 (457)
- Xbox 360 - 309 (342)
The software chart was relatively quiet, with Sega's Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 narrowly beating out Pokemon X and Y - which was released almost two months ago - for the top spot with 88,000 sales.
The other big new entry was Tecmo Koei's Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, which charted in fifth place with 35,000 sales. From a western perspective, however, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag was the other key launch of the week, and it charted directly behind Dynasty Warriors 8 by a deficit of 124 copies.
An abbreviated software chart is below, with lifetime sales in parentheses:
- [3DS] Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 (Sega, 11/28/13) - 88,708 (New)
- [3DS] Pokemon X and Y (Nintendo, 10/12/13) - 86,391 (3,089,129)
- [PS3] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix, 11/21/13) - 60,073 (337,155)
- [Wii U] Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo, 11/21/13) - 39,812 (139,400)
- [PS3] Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (Tecmo Koei, 11/28/13) - 35,472(New)
- [PS3] Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Ubisoft, 11/28/13) - 35,348 (New)
- [PS3] Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (Konami, 11/14/13) - 25,166 (212,844)
- [3DS] One Piece: Unlimited World R (Namco Bandai, 11/21/13) - 24,623 (108,228)
- [PS3] Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle (Namco Bandai, 11/28/13) - 22,833(New)
- [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 09/14/13) - 21,969 (2,981,758)
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December 5th, 2013, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has some of the most passionate fans of any games company, but even it has admitted that customer petitions hold little sway in business decisions.
Operation Rainfall - the most notable fan campaign in recent years - received the support of thousands of Wii owners who wanted three Japanese Wii titles localised in North America - Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower.All three games were eventually released, but Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has suggested that the campaign's effect should not be overstated."I have to tell you - it doesn't affect what we do," Fils-Aime told Siliconera. "We certainly look at it, and we're certainly aware of it, but it doesn't necessarily affect what we do."I wanted to bring Xenoblade here. The deal was, how much of a localisation effort is it? How many units are we going to sell, are we going to make money? We were literally having this debate while Operation Rainfall was happening, and we were aware that there was interest for the game, but we had to make sure that it was a strong financial proposition."The trio of titles were released some time after Rainfall was founded, yet the fact they arrived at all was seen as a sign of the campaign's success. A number of spin-off petitions followed - some successful, most not."I'm paid to make sure that we're driving the business forward - so we're aware of what's happening, but in the end we've got to do what's best for the company. The thing we know [about petitions] is that 100,000 signatures doesn't mean 100,000 sales," Fils-Aime concluded.
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December 5th, 2013, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Classics of the '90s era lead the way in this week's US Nintendo eShop update.
Sega is releasing two '3D Classics' remakes from its retro back catalogue, 3D Sonic the Hedgehog and 3D Altered Beast.
Meanwhile Nintendo brings NES game Donkey Kong 3 to the 3DS Virtual Console.
Here's the full official list:Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
3D Sonic The Hedgehog - 3D Sonic The Hedgehog is the third of eight SEGA 3D Classics making its way to Nintendo 3DS. Enhanced with 3D game play, you will race at lightning speeds across seven classic zones as Sonic the Hedgehog. Run and spin through loops as you collect rings and defeat enemies on your mission to save the world.
3D Altered Beast - 3D Altered Beast is the fourth SEGA 3D Classic to make its way to Nintendo 3DS. Summoned from the dead by Zeus, shape shift into various beasts and fight off hordes of demons to rescue the captured Athena from the clutches of evil. In addition to its new 3D game play, 3D Altered Beast also supports local multiplayer and a new Random Transformation Mode.
Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS
Donkey Kong 3 - Classic arcade game Donkey Kong 3 introduces an exterminator named Stanley as he desperately tries to protect the flowers in his greenhouse from Donkey Kong. Armed only with a can of bug spray, Stanley must force Donkey Kong higher and higher into the greenhouse rafters.
Virtual Console on Wii U
The Legend of The Mystical Ninja - In Super NES classic The Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Kid Ying and Dr. Yang must work together to overcome multiple levels and save Princess Yuki. The co-op multiplayer game contains intense worlds filled with side-scrolling levels, colorful graphics, stores for upgrading equipment and a host of mini-games like the Quiz House and Horse Races.
Nintendo eShop Sales
Your favorite gaming friends - on sale now - Donkey Kong headlines the final week of this special offer on select games in the Nintendo eShop. Now through 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 12, get 30 percent off on Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and Donkey Kong 3 for Wii U, as well as Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr. for Nintendo 3DS.
Also new this week:
- Brilliant Hamsters! (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
- Hooked on Bass Fishing (DSiWare on Nintendo DSi / Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
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December 5th, 2013, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Following the re-release of Toki Tori and Edge, Two Tribes will bring another of its back catalogue titles to Wii U; Rush.
The 3D cube-based puzzler will be released via the Wii U eShop on December 12, the developer has conformed.
Rush is a remake of the original WiiWare game, Rubik's Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH. The Wii U version is based on previously ported PC/Mac versions, which share its shortened name.
NintendoLife reports that the game will go on sale at a discounted price of £1.79 / $1.99 / €1.99 for its opening week, representing a 50 per cent discount on the normal price that'll be applied later.
The Wii U version of the game will support off-screen play with over 70 puzzling levels and a stylus control system.
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December 6th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Luigi’s disregard for the rules is demonstrated not only in his dress sense but also his casual dismissal of the Gregorian calendar.
As every single one of us knows, this is the Year of Luigi. Foolishly many of us had supposed that the Year of Luigi would come to a glorious close at the end of the year, what with this being the Year of Luigi.
But no!
In a glorious exchange with Siliconera, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that the demise of 2013 is not powerful enough a force to bring about the end of the Year of Luigi.
Siliconera: On February 14th of last year, you held a Nintendo Direct that announced the Year of Luigi. I wanted to know if I have to give it up on December 31st or if it’s more of a “fiscal year” of Luigi, and I can celebrate into February?
Reggie: There are some Year of Luigi activities that will continue into 2014 – including some of the special products that we’ve launched (the Luigi remote and the Mario and Luigi 3DS XL) – so there will be some Luigi products to carry the Luigi banner into the next calendar year.
The Era of Luigi?
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December 6th, 2013, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
The analyst scolds Nintendo for not taking advantage of mobile, states that PS4 will top XB1, and makes some bold predictions
Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter spoke at the Game Monetization USA Summit in San Francisco, and once again made some bold predictions about the future of the game industry. He pulled no punches as he evaluated the current state of affairs in the business, and he had some hard advice for a number of companies.
Pachter noted that more people are playing games on more devices than ever before, but he doesn't think the console market will be growing. "I don't think you're ever going to see 500 million consoles out there," Pachter said. For lifetime sales, Pachter expects the Wii U will ultimately sell 30 million "or fewer" units, the PS4 will sell 100 to 120 million units, and the Xbox One will sell 90 to 110 million units.
"The reason Sony beats Microsoft is solely the price," Pachter noted. "Microsoft loses the next generation unless they cut price. If Microsoft drops its price to $399, I expect the sales to be equal to the PS4."
The lifetime sales Pachter predicts compare to current sales of the PS3 and the Xbox 360 at about 80 million units apiece, but it's far below some estimates of hundreds of millions of next-gen consoles. "I don't know where they get those numbers," Pachter said. He feels that at several hundred dollars, with games costing $60 or more, consoles are just too pricey to ever sell hundreds of millions of units.
The Wii U's performance so far Pachter characterized as "underwhelming," but noted it's possible "but unlikely" that exciting new titles will reinvigorate growth. He believes that Nintendo is missing a huge opportunity to bring new gamers into their brands: Nintendo should put old GameBoy Advance content on phones and tablets for free, and charge $3 to $5 for more recent titles from the DS. Pachter feels this would generate enormous revenue for Nintendo and bring millions of new fans into their brands, and give them a strong way to sell newer titles on the 3DS and Wii U that use those brands.
"I don't know why Iwata is still employed," Pachter said, given that he refuses to take advantage of this opportunity while the handheld market continues to shrink and the Wii U has failed so far to catch on in a big way.
Pachter is more positive on the PlayStation 4 - "Sony thrives, Nintendo doesn't" - saying it's impressive as a game playing device. "The graphics are phenomenal, and the huge RAM makes future innovation likely," Pachter pointed out. He noted that the multimedia features remain unclear, but the CPU power of the PS4 allows the potential for huge improvement in the future. As for the Xbox One, Pachter noted it's impressive as a multimedia device, and the added features of Kinect and Skype give it additional value. "We're sticking with our prediction of a built-in TV tuner" for the Xbox One, Pachter said, which would simplify the ability of the Xbox One to control your television viewing.
"The next generation of consoles is probably the last," Pachter said. "We expect frequent model updates instead of new consoles." Moreover, there's going to be renewed interest in the PC, he predicted. "I think the PC is going to make a comeback, the PC will be the hub of all this stuff," he stated. He feels Smart TVs are a dumb idea, noting that you don't have a smart monitor connected to your computer. He envisions there will be a number of screens around the home, perhaps controlled by a tablet, being driven by a supercomputer in your pocket that we call a smartphone.
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December 6th, 2013, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster

Falcom's 16-bit action-RPG Ys 5 has been localized and patched by the team of fan translators at Aeon Genesis, ending its long reign as the sole entry in the Ys series to never see an English-language release.
Ys 5 debuted as a somewhat controversial game in 1995, arriving exclusively on the Super Famicom after a string of multiplatform releases. Ys 5 ditches the simplified enemy-ramming combat of earlier Ys games in favor of more traditional, Zelda-like fare, giving players more control over sword strikes and defensive maneuvers.
Series enthusiasts previously localized the PC Engine version of Ys 4: The Dawn of Ys and its Super Famicom counterpart Ys 4: Mask of the Sun, and many other entries in the series were officially translated and released in North America.Ys 5 was never officially localized and a revised edition, Ys 5 Expert, also remained exclusive to Japan.
A translation patch for Ys 5 is available at Aeon Genesis' website, and requires either an emulator or a Super NES flash cartridge to play. Falcom's most recent series entry, Ys: Memories of Celceta, was released last week for the PlayStation Vita in North America.
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December 7th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Hideki Kamiya is one of the most original, creative game directors in the industry today, yet fans are constantly infuriated by his general refusal to lead sequels to his earlier efforts. He realizes this of course, but as a new interview reveals, Kamiya feels his talents could be better used in building new worlds, rather than revisiting his old ones.
"It's not that I don't want to make sequels - I really do! But considering the nature of my position, I don't really get a chance to," Kamiya told Famitsu (translated by Kotaku). "Somebody needs to offer new entertainment to gamers and do the work of sowing seeds that can later grow to be strong pillars.
"It sounds a little overblown, but I've come to believe that is my purpose. If I had been involved with Devil May Cry 2, then Viewtiful Joe and Okami might never have been made. If I was directing Bayonetta 2, then I wouldn't have been able to make The Wonderful 101," he added.
As Kamiya points out, he is currently working on a new project that has yet to be revealed to the public. If history is any indicator, expect it to be great fun, generate enough money to spawn a sequel, then be unceremoniously handed off to whichever development studio happens to be available.
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December 7th, 2013, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster

I never really thought much about Space Harrier. I like vintage Sega just fine, I just never spent much time with that particular game for whatever reason. Then I read this interview with M2, who ported it and the rest of the Sega 3D Classics line to 3DS, and I resolved to buy 3D Space Harrier as soon as it was released.
M2's obsessive love of Space Harrier, evident in the overwhelming, comical level of detail applied to the port, was the most ringing endorsement possible. The care put into the port made me care more about the game, showing the persuasive power of a truly bespoke adaptation. And by giving me cause to reevaluate Space Harrier, Sega's 3D Classics line allowed me to see just how well it holds up.
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December 7th, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Play.com owner Rakuten has claimed that Nintendo’s Wii U has seen a 75 per cent sales spike in October.
The company predicts that Wii U and iPad will be more popular than Xbox One and PS4 amongst children this Christmas.
It adds that a Twitter analysis has revealed that its Wii U and iPad range are “the most talked about presents for children this Christmas”.
Added the site: “The marketplace’s social media analysis surprisingly showed that the brand new PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles are trailing in second and third place respectively behind the Wii U and iPad.
“This is despite the fact that both new consoles sold out on Rakuten’s Play.com during Black Friday, which have since been restocked. It appears that those on the hunt for the latest consoles are gamers rather than consumers buying for their loved ones.”
It should be noted though that from what MCV understands about recent Wii U sales numbers, Play.com’s findings don’t seem especially representative of the overall market.
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December 8th, 2013, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster

Treyarch has released an update for the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghostsadding a platform-exclusive Scoreboard feature and smoothing out a long list of multiplayer issues.
Post-update, the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts now features a GamePad Scoreboard panel, letting players sneak a quick glance at their multiplayer stats mid-battle. The Scoreboard also lets players mute annoying opponents easily using the GamePad's touchscreen.
The latest patch additionally improves texture resolution during certain Campaign mode missions and fixes numerous multiplayer bugs, spawn issues, and lobby-related crashes. The full list of improvements is after the break below.
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December 8th, 2013, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster

Ubisoft recently sent out a survey to fans about the future of the Assassin's Creed series, IGN reports. The publisher seemingly asked players for thoughts on a hypothetical pirate-themed game similar to Assassin's Creed 4 that would take place outside the series. The survey reportedly asked whether customizable ships, characters and hideouts or a "deeper economy" and "additional activities at sea or on land" were more important to players, and also gauged fan interest in co-op and multiplayer naval battles.
Ubisoft conducted similar questionnaires in the past. Coincidentally, the publisher also specifically asked players about cooperative multiplayer inDecember 2010 following the release of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and again in November 2012 after launching Assassin's Creed 3. Both of those polls were conducted by GMI Surveys, though the origins of the latest one is a little less clear.
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December 8th, 2013, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U and iPad will be the most popular presents for kids this Christmas, says Rakuten’s Play.com.
The marketplace’s social media analysis shows that more people have been tweeting about the Wii U and Apple’s iPad range than the PS4 or Xbox One.
Rakuten’s Play.com reports a 75 per cent uplift in sales for the Wii U in October, despite the console launching over a year ago.
The most talked about presents on Twitter for kids this year, according to Ratuken’s Play.com, is as follows:
1. Wii U and iPad (joint first)
2. PS4
3. Xbox One
4. Furby and Lego (joint fourth)
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December 8th, 2013, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
With the PS4 and Xbox One now both launched in North America and Europe, and solid sales reported by both camps, we can expect something of a change in the whole narrative around games consoles. Certainly, there's going to be the usual tit-for-tat that we expect from a console war, with Microsoft in particular having much to prove in this round of the battle, but one thing that is likely to quieten down is the "consoles are doomed" line of argument - which has been heavily promoted over the past few years by people whose core point may have carried some validity, but who vastly overstated their position because they failed to understand the difference between an entire sector in decline, and a simple slowdown at the end of an exceptionally long hardware cycle.
Of course, the arguments that game consoles are ultimately doomed won't go away - but as 2014 progresses and Sony and Microsoft's devices rack up impressive installed bases of consumers paying high prices for game software, it's going to be pretty hard to defend a position that decries the console market as being on course for economic oblivion. Not to worry, though - the hand-waving prophets of doom aren't going anywhere. They've got a new target - or rather, they've brought back an old target and pinned it back over their rhetorical dartboards. Nintendo's back in the line of fire.
"let's face it, launching Super Mario 3D World against the arrival of the PS4 wasn't bold and brazen, it was myopic and dumb, as a worrying number of the company's decisions in recent years have been"
Yes, no sooner had PS4 hopped off the shelves into the welcoming arms of early adopters than Nintendo's rough time with the Wii U was being lamented by supposedly concerned individuals who could scarcely contain their glee. The next-gen systems, barely a week old, are already exceeding the Wii U's installed base. In the UK, much-derided PS4 launch title Knack outsold the critically acclaimed Super Mario 3D World. Publications around the world - even outside the specialist games press - rushed to publish their musings on Nintendo's future, or lack of same, and the seemingly inevitable demise of the ill-fated Wii U.
I'm no apologist for Nintendo - let's face it, launching Super Mario 3D World against the arrival of the PS4 wasn't bold and brazen, it was myopic and dumb, as a worrying number of the company's decisions in recent years have been - but I do try to put their actions and results into a meaningful context and understand them on their own terms. As I've argued before, Nintendo is a rather different kettle of fish to its rivals. It has no designs on owning the living room or dominating your media experiences. It relies remarkably little on third-party games, tending to work closely with partners on a small number of key third-party titles while largely focusing on first-party software.
As a consequence of these things, Nintendo can continue to act and think like a toy company - a huge installed base is desirable, of course, because it makes the firm more profitable, but a smaller yet still profitable installed base is also fine. If Microsoft fails to get Xbox One into a huge number of households, it'll be a major problem, since part of the reason for the system's existence is to extend Microsoft's dominance in the living room; if Sony can't sell tens of millions of PS4 units pretty rapidly, that'll also be a problem, since Sony (like Microsoft) relies heavily on third-party publishers supporting its console, and they won't develop games for a system without a large addressable market. Yet Nintendo cares little about either of those factors, and could be reasonably satisfied with a "third-place finish" that still makes a handsome profit for the firm.
This is not to say that the Wii U isn't in trouble - it is. The console is still spreading red ink on Nintendo's financials, although assessments of the current situation do need to take into account the remarkable success of the 3DS, which continues to ramp up an impressive installed base thanks to the launch of several huge software titles in the past few months, and should end 2013 on a very high note indeed. One successful product covering for the losses of another product isn't an ideal situation by any means, though, and Nintendo will need to take stock of its situation at some point - but not for a while.
Right now, it's the least successful home console the company has ever launched, but sales are still comparable with the GameCube, a system which eventually limped home to about 25 million sales but continued to be supported pretty robustly by first-party software (and even some third-party classics) right through to the bitter end. Like the Wii U, the Cube also found itself marketed alongside a much more successful handheld - the GBA - and there's even an argument that Nintendo is being consistent in its priorities, with the GBA getting the lion's share of attention in software development terms while the Cube struggled through its early years, similar to the situation now with the Wii U and the 3DS.
In short, we've been here before - or at least, in a very similar place to here - and the notion of Nintendo abandoning ship and letting a home console die off prematurely, as Sega did with the late lamented Dreamcast, simply didn't arise. With Nintendo still incredibly cash-rich, expert at wringing profit from its systems (Wii U probably won't spew red ink for long, even if sales remain slow) and selling 3DS systems and software at a rate of knots, there's little reason to believe that the Wii U faces a Dreamcast-like fate. More likely is that the system will continue to get several major first-party releases every year, bolstered by a stream of third-party games that will improve as the installed base inches towards respectability; then the company will move to launch a replacement console after four or five years, while Microsoft and Sony seek to eke out seven or eight years from their new systems. Not a long and prosperous life for a system, but by no means an ignominious end either, and enough to ensure that Wii U owners don't feel betrayed by Nintendo and wary about buying another new console from the firm.
"It's terribly sad, I think, that people who describe themselves as gamers or who work within or around the games business would take such pleasure in imagining the downfall of a company whose products are so squarely focused on the experience and joy of games"
As for Mario and Knack, I wouldn't lose any sleep over those figures. They make for a great headline in the short term (as did the fact that Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns outsold Mario in Japan during the week when both games launched - a blindingly obvious outcome given the relative installed bases of PS2 and Wii U) but the comparison is apples and oranges. Knack is an apparently rather underwhelming launch title for a new system (I say apparently, as I've only played a brief but rather enjoyable demo, PS4 still being some months off over here); Super Mario 3D World is one of the most critically acclaimed games of the year and, in common with Nintendo's key titles in all systems, will enjoy significant long-tail sales for months and perhaps even years. Come back in three months time and see how sales compare - even given the enormous gulf that will have opened up between PS4 sales and Wii U sales in that time, SM3DW's sales will be impressive by any standards.
It's perhaps odd for me, whose personal tastes veered towards Xbox 360 in the past generation and PS2 in the generation previous, to find myself going to bat for Nintendo - although I do now own a 3DS, and enjoy it hugely - but the motivation I genuinely cannot fathom is that which drives the company's gleeful critics, who seem to dance around with thinly veiled joy at the prospect of this long-standing, hugely creative and entirely game-focused company being in dire straits. To its critics, Nintendo's extraordinary track record of innovation and creativity within the context of its core franchises means nothing, and "ugh, Mario again!" is a rallying cry as commonplace as it is devoid of any meaning or substance.
It's terribly sad, I think, that people who describe themselves as gamers or who work within or around the games business would take such pleasure in imagining the downfall of a company whose products are so squarely focused on the experience and joy of games - even to the extent where they will distort reality and wilfully forget history in order to "prove" the accuracy of their claims. Nintendo and its consoles aren't in the dominant position they enjoyed a few years ago, but they've been here before and they aren't going anywhere; why that fact seems to distress some people so much, I will never quite understand.
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December 8th, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will release on Feb. 21, 2014, Nintendo revealed Saturday at VGX.
Nintendo also confirmed that elder ape Cranky Kong will join the game's playable cast, making him the fourth playable character besides Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Dixie Kong.
The latest entry in the side-scrolling platforming series has Donkey Kong's living space overrun by Vikings from the North Sea. In order to reclaim it, Donkey Kong and friends set off on an adventure that will take them to five islands.
The game will support two player simultaneous multiplayer with playable characters including Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong.
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December 8th, 2013, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
In the climactic scene of the 1989 film The Wizard, a withdrawn kid called Jimmy who's a preternaturally gifted videogame player is competing at a tournament. In the final, he has to play a game he's never played before: Super Mario Bros. 3, then unreleased in the US. For over five minutes of screen time, footage of the game looms large over a screaming audience while Jimmy's brother - suddenly possessed by the spirit of the back of the box - shouts tips and game features from the sidelines.
It's a silly scene in a bad, exploitative movie. It's full of implausibilities, it's badly acted and it's an embarrassingly naked advertisement for Nintendo. But it's also humbling. 20 years ago, the money shot in a major feature film was footage of a game. The game was presented accurately and honestly, discussed in gamers' terms, and the sight of it caused waves of excitement in the audience.
It may have been kids' stuff, but the launch of Super Mario Bros. 3 was also a major cultural event attended by none of the posturing, misunderstanding and self-conscious debate that has recently swirled around the releases of Grand Theft Auto IV or Modern Warfare 2. That's real acceptance. It was what it was, and of course you loved it, how couldn't you? It was Mario.
All this happened just four years after Nintendo had re-invented the home videogame with Super Mario Bros. How on earth did we get there so fast? And where's the warp that gets us back?
[h=2]Minus World[/h]
You know the prehistory: in the beginning was the jump, and the jump was the man.
Jumpman was the fat, comical carpenter in the Nintendo arcade game Donkey Kong. He was called Jumpman because he jumped, and he jumped because that was all there was to do. He wore dungarees so you could see his arms move, a hat because hair was hard to draw in pixels, a moustache to emphasise his large nose. "Noses say a great deal," said his creator, Shigeru Miyamoto.
In his next arcade game, Jumpman acquired a proper name (Mario), a new profession (plumbing), and a brother to enable two-player gaming (Luigi). He didn't acquire any new accessories or abilities, though; he still just jumped. In Mario Bros., he battled a strange menagerie of creatures in the sewers of New York. Barring Donkey Kong retreads, it was the last time Mario would be seen in a setting that was remotely appropriate to him. But that was the point.
[h=2]World 1-1[/h]When Mario came up out of the sewers, it was into a strange new world. You could tell it was mysterious because it was plastered with question marks. The question marks were on boxes, and you never knew quite what would come out of those boxes when you hit them.
There were mushrooms in this world that made Mario grow in size, not to be confused with the mushrooms which were people, all called Toad. There were turtles with wings. There were conventional fantasies too, castles and a princess to be saved. Only the clouds looked like they were from the real world (and that wouldn't last). It was like a dream.
This was Super Mario Bros., released in 1985 for Nintendo's first home console, the Nintendo Entertainment System. Miyamoto's dumpy, goofy everyman was still jumping, but now he was running, too, really going for it, courtesy of a dash button. He could achieve amazing speeds and jump to ridiculous heights, and the player was given an exquisite level of control over him, varying the height and length of the jump, guiding his course in mid-air, feeling his giddy momentum. It was beautiful and exhilarating. In the dreamworld, out of place, the ordinary little man became a graceful superbeing.
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December 9th, 2013, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
If playing the recent Zelda, A Link Between Worlds, put you in the mood to revisit a certain classic 1991 Nintendo adventure, you're in luck as A Link to the Past is coming to the Wii U's eShop on 12th December.Priced at £5.49 / €7.99, you can now kick it oldschool in Hyrule back in the day when sprites were sprites and stocking up on potions actually meant something (seriously, why wasn't A Link Between Worlds' harder Hero Mode available from the start?).Elsewhere on the European Wii U eShop, Toki Tori developer Two Tribes is releasing its puzzler Rush, a game ex-EG scribe Kristan Reed spoke highly of upon its PC release. Rush will be priced at £1.79 / €1.99 until 9th January, when it will go up to £3.59 / €3.99.Level-5 has also issued a sale on all of its 3DS offerings, with Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale, Bugs vs. Tanks!, Crimson Shroud, Liberation Maiden, and The Starship Damrey all discounted to £4.49 / €4.99 until 2nd January. Usually these games all go for £7.19 / €7.99.
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December 10th, 2013, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo of America announced that its 3DS and Wii U eShop will be down for maintenance starting at 9 a.m. Pacific Time this morning, and extending through 8 p.m. PST tonight.
The maintenance will likely lay the groundwork for an upcoming system updatethat will combine Wii U and 3DS account balances with a user-created Nintendo Network ID.
Purchases and other downloads will not be available during the maintenance period. You might want to use this opportunity to reflect on the good times you've had with the eShop, to better your relationship with the service in the future. Putting together a wishlist of eShop purchases might also help to pass the time -- may we suggest starting with the Sega 3D Classics series?
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December 10th, 2013, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
 List Price: |
$39.99 |
Price: |
$34.96 & FREE Shipping on orders over $35. |
You Save: |
$5.03 (13%) |
Grab The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for $34.96 at Amazon! Two worlds collide in an all-new adventure set in the world of Super NES classic The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. In this newly spun tale, Link transforms into a living painting to cross into a dark, parallel dimension mirroring Hyrule. Conquer the puzzles, traps, and hidden rooms of deadly dungeons to save both worlds from certain doom!
Check it out: Amazon - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
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December 10th, 2013, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
byuu has released his beta version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance,Nintendo DS) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan (formally bsnes).
I´m posting a beta release of higan, in the hopes of getting some feedback on the new library system (pictured below; more info on the forums), and reports of any potential new regressions before an official release.
If you´re willing to test this, and provide feedback on the forum, it´d be appreciated. Thanks!
higan v093r06a-32bit (Windows binary)
EDIT: posted revision A to fix a local path issue.
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December 10th, 2013, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES emulator puNES for Linux and Windows (SDL) has been updated.
Rewrite the GUI for the input configuration that now are more user friendly (at least for me). I´ve eliminated the check on the conflicts and if you want (for some reason) use the same keyboard/joystick configuration for all players, now you can (for me it was very useful to do so). Adde an option to permit "Up+Down" and "Left+Right".
Added the support for 4 players (Famicom and Four Score).
I forgot to add support for the roms with the trainer. Done. Now even the rom "Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (J) [hM34] [T + Eng1.11_TransBRC]" works.
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December 10th, 2013, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.gateway-3ds.com/
[h=2]Public Beta release of GW 2.0b1[/h]01/12/2013
We thought posting yet another teaser video would anger rather than amaze our patient and loyal customers. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we would like to show you all our sincere gratitude for your patience and support, by releasing a public beta early!
GW 2.0b1 enables up to date compatibility, barring only the 2 known NAND based titles (for which support is coming very soon), as well as the long awaited emuNAND feature. Complementing these great advancements is our new GUI menu system accessible by simply holding down the L button when tapping on the DS Profile button on the touchscreen. For this release we have tried to make the plethora of options as automated and intuitive as possible, and we welcome more feedback from our users regarding the menu, settings and other options for in the coming revisions.
So we left a few things out you say ? Well if it was so easy then others would have it already, or might falsely make videos of such claims .. anyway we digress .. Both nand saving, which will officially make us 100% compatible with all known roms, and FAT32 (drag and drop) based multirom support are now close to completion and entering into our internal beta testing. As you can imagine, both these features required a major revamp of our hardware's internal firmware, something we had known and planned for from day one so rest assured, unlike others, GW3DS is a fully featured and FULLY updatable hardware design. Our policy has and will always be to stick by our customers and ensure they get value for their money. We will be calling on our beta testers shortly to help us stress test our next big step !
Release notes:
Booting into Gateway mode will now automatically check for the emuNAND partition and emulate the system NAND using this partition. We have also included an option to boot into Classic mode that enables genuine retail gamecards and the emuNAND functionality, allowing it to run like a regular 3DS on latest firmware.
If the emuNAND partition is not found, we fall back to the system NAND and boot into Gateway mode as in 1.x
We have gone to great lengths to ensure the stability and reliability of emuNAND, even though emuNAND is not currently required to allow full game compatibility. For those wishing to have the latest system firmware running concurrently with our device, please follow these instructions carefully:
Safety preparation: Please ensure you are either fully charged or plugged in to the charger before beginning. It is also advisable to turn off WiFi, and remove any stored WiFi access settings before proceeding.
1) Launch the Gateway menu and select the "BACKUP SYSTEM NAND" option. Follow on screen instructions to start the backup operation. This requires a minimum of 1GB free space on the Nintendo 3DS SD card, and will take approximately 10 minutes. Every console has a unique NAND image and if you accidentally update the onboard system NAND then there is currently no known way to restore back to 4.5 through software means. The only recovery option is to restore via hardware using the backed up NAND image as a last resort. So please make sure you physically copy the file created by our tool from the SD card to your computers hard drive.
2) Make sure you have backed up any other files you may need from your Nintendo 3DS SD card or use a fresh new SD card to run the Format emuNAND step in the Gateway menu. Once this is done (approximately 5 minutes) and for as long as you use the specific SD card, GW will boot from the specially partitioned SD card and show the "GW3D" label in the system version number in the System Settings application.
Once you have entered into the System Settings application and clearly seeing the "GW3D" version number, enter into WiFi settings and set up a connection.
3) Update your emuNAND partition. Boot into Gateway mode, and enter into the System Settings application. CHECK to make sure you see the letters GW3D before the system version located in the bottom right hand corner of the top screen. If you only see a version number "Ver." please exit and perform step 2 again. With the "GW3D" X.XX.X version number verified proceed to update the console by going to Other Settings and scroll right to the last page and press the System Update button.
IMPORTANT !! .. ONLY ever update through System Settings and ONLY when you have double checked the "GW3D" lettering in front of the system version number !!
Click here to download Public Beta release of GW 2.0b1
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December 11th, 2013, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Make sure your Nintendo 3DS is charged up and ready for some passive data-sharing action this Friday and Saturday, as Nintendo has declared December 14 and 15 to be the first-ever National StreetPass Weekend in North America.
Over the weekend, Nintendo will shuffle around relayed StreetPasses at Nintendo Zone locations nationwide, allowing players to meet with faraway StreetPassers from all 50 states. Nintendo previously hosted a National StreetPass Day in the UK, though the North American holiday simply asks 3DS owners to travel to the nearest Starbucks or Best Buy to participate, instead of a centralized meet-up location.
Nintendo added further incentive to try out its StreetPass service with a collection of four StreetPass games released earlier this year, rewarding players with Mii hats and other bonuses for meeting up with fellow 3DS owners in public.
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December 11th, 2013, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster

3DS owners can finally doodle sweet nothings on Nintendo's Miiverse network, thanks to a system update that went live after maintenance yesterday. As detailed in last month's Nintendo Direct, the update also lets users tie a Nintendo Network ID to their 3DS systems, meaning they can register their handhelds under the same IDs used on their Wii Us. In turn, that means users can combine 3DS eShop balances with Wii U ones.
Once the update's completed, you'll find the green Miiverse icon in the top toolbar of the 3DS menu. You won't be able to access Miiverse without a Nintendo Network ID, so you'll have to create one for the 3DS, or register an already created ID, such as one your Wii U is tied to. After that, it's Miiverse city: You'll be able to post, scribble, attach screenshots, and browse to your heart's content. One contentment your heart has to wait for is Friends functionality, which isn't available on 3DS Miiverse at the mo.
We hoped to check out how the update affected the 3DS eShop, but at the time of writing we couldn't access it. According to last month's Direct, the update lets users purchase Wii U content on the 3DS eShop (but not play it on the 3DS!), and vice versa.
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December 11th, 2013, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Bad news, landlubbers: It looks like Keiji Inafune's Kaio: King of Pirates won't hit the 3DS until next year. The game's official website includes both English- and Japanese-language versions of its text, and as you can see at the bottom-right of the page, the game's release window has changed to a firm 2014.
Unfortunately, waiting for Inafune's cutesy pirate adventure is nothing new for fans. We first reported on Kaio: King of Pirates in 2011, at which time it was supposed to hit the 3DS in 2012. Obviously, that never happened, and almost nothing has been said of why the game has been in development for all these years.
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December 11th, 2013, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
byuu has released his beta version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance,Nintendo DS) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan (formally bsnes).
higan v093r07 released2013-12-09
I´m posting a beta release of higan, in the hopes of getting some feedback on the new library system (pictured below; more info on the forums), and reports of any potential new regressions before an official release.
If you´re willing to test this, and provide feedback on the forum, it´d be appreciated. Thanks!
higan v093r07-32bit (Windows binary)

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December 11th, 2013, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Nintendo GameBoy emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- Added Gameboy Printer emulation;
- Added GBS playback feature;
- Added "scale" button;
- Semi-overhauled menu: now colorized, and does not interrupt emulation;
- Improved Super Gameboy emulation;
- Selectable custom borders;
- Reduced autosaving lag (results may vary between flashcards and SD cards);
- Implemented the halt bug (fixes The Smurfs);
- Wram register has unused bits set (fixes Metal Gear Solid);
- More fixes to emulation accuracy, sound, etc;
- Stability fixes (most notably for sleep mode), many other minor bugfixes.
File: Download
News source: https://github.com
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December 11th, 2013, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
Build Blocks Wii - simple 3D sandbox game with blocks for Wii. There's no objectives, you can just freely build stuff with blocks on board. Ported from my Nokia S60/Asha version which is available here: Full version and here: Trial version.
There's no gui yet, and you can only place/remove blocks on 8x8x8 board. Up to 4 players on one screen are supported. Standard Wii Remote is required for controlling stuff. 16:9 and 4:3 TVs are supported. Should also work with Wii U on virtual Wii mode, but this is not confirmed yet.
Anyway it's first test build so don't expect too much from it.
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December 11th, 2013, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
Wire3D (Wii Independent Rendering Engine 3D) is an open source, object oriented, multiplatform 3D engine written in C++, supporting homebrew Wii and Windows (DirectX). It provides a framework to developers for writing platform agnostic 3D applications (including physics using the Bullet Physics library) that run on Wii and Windows out of the box.
v1.2 Wire:
- added Input System
- added support for multiple vertex streams per mesh
- added layer masks to nodes, lights and cameras
- seperated Image (i.e. buffer) from Texture (i.e. properties)
- seperated handling of vertex declarations from vertex buffers
- added usage type STATIC_DISCARD_ON_BIND for textures
- removed VisibleObject in favour of RenderObject
- removed scene graph dependency from Renderer
- improved drawcall batching of static (sub)meshes
- improved performance of drawing submeshes on PCs with software vertex processing
- added camera node
- added light attenuation
- added blending mode 'BM_ADD' to Material
- (Wii) added support for submeshes to displaylist handling
- (Wii) fixed vertex cache issue
- (Wii) fixed a bug in handling lights
- (DX9) added support for HLSL shaders
- (DX9) added support for multiple render targets
Importer/Unity3D exporter:
- added import/export of collision shapes, rigid bodies and character controller
- added import/export of skybox
- added import/export of submeshes
- added option to combine static meshes
- added option to export vertex colors as 32bit
- exporting lights
- exporting camera
- exporting fog from RenderSettings
- added disk and memory statistics summary after export
- using default values for undefined transformation parameters
- fixed overwritten default color values in render state
- fixed incorrect calculation of font texture size
- fixed text exceeding specified maximum length divided by 6
- fixed wrong filter mode being used when texture has no mipmaps
- fixed Importer header files polluting global namespace
- fixed memory leaks
- added Sample11 to show how to use the input system
- added Game sample to demonstrate new features
- rewrote Sample10 to better demonstrate batching
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December 12th, 2013, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Update: The Nintendo Germany exec who reportedly let slip revealing a 'Spring 2014' release date for Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. on Wii U was "misquoted", according to a follow-up statement from the firm.
In a statement to CVG, a Nintendo spokesperson said, "We would like to clarify that the speculation about a Spring 2014 launch date for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U was the result of a misquotation in an interview. The original article has since been rectified and we have no further announcements to make at this time."
The interview with Nintendo Germany GM Bernd Fakesch posted on German website Neckar-Chronik, has been edited with the exec's alleged "Spring 2014" stipulation now replaced with a forecasted release date of "next year".
Original report continues:
Fakesch was asked why Nintendo's latest console wasn't able to repeat the successes of the Wii, and replied by saying it aims to drive success through big games, including Smash Bros and Mario Kart.
"At Christmas we now want to inspire with titles like Wii Party U, Wii Sports Club, Wii Fit U and all of course Super Mario 3D World," he said.
"For next spring [we have] two more big license games also announced with Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros."
Mario Kart 8 was originally announced during E3 2013 along with the spring 2014 release window, however, Nintendo has not previously suggested when Smash Bros. will be available. Fakesch's statements seemingly do not indicate when the Nintendo 3DS version of Smash Bros will be available.
Smash Bros. series creator Masahiro Sakurai is serving as producer on the game, which is a Wii U and 3DS crossover being developed in partnership with Namco Bandai.
Nintendo has revealed a number of returning and new characters for the game including Toon Link; Animal Crossing's Villager; Sonic; Captain Olimar from Pikmin and Princess Peach. It has also confirmed a a Pilotwings stage.
In July, a Mario Kart 8 release date was mentioned in a Nintendo Europe newsletter suggesting an April 2014 window for the game.
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December 12th, 2013, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo has a deal for those that don't have spare Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk controllers left over from the last console generation. The console manufacturer's online store now includes refurbished versions of the peripheral pack for $20, a savings of $10 on the normal price of the accessories.
Nintendo is offering the controllers in three colors: white, black and blue. Nintendo launched the Wii Remote Plus in November 2010, combining the gyroscope tech from its Wii Motion Plus add-on with the Wii's standard Wii Remote controller. Nintendo's refurbished goods may include "minor cosmetic blemishes," but are guaranteed to be fully functional and include Nintendo's standard 90-day warranty. Given that games like Wii Sports Club and Super Mario 3D World can use the controllers, the refurbished set may prove to be a good investment for Wii U owners.
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December 13th, 2013, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster

Sega has issued a patch for the Wii U version of Sonic: Lost World, adjusting the game's difficulty in response to player feedback and reintroducing the series-standard "100 rings = extra life" mechanic.
After applying the update, players will now receive ten lives after getting a Game Over, compared to the five lives that players started out with pre-patch.Our review cited a lack of opportunities to earn extra lives as a major drawback in Sonic: Lost World, as players can easily run out of lives in the difficult later levels, leading to frequent and frustrating restarts.
The patch additionally enables analog stick and button control for some of Sonic's Wisp powers, eliminating the need for motion controls and touch screen input.
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December 13th, 2013, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
The Pokémon Bank app, which lets players transfer their adorable little fighters, will launch on the 3DS eShop on 27th December, Nintendo has announced.With Pokémon Bank players will be able to withdraw and manage up to 3000 Pokemon. They'll also be able to transfer their Pokémon between Pokémon X and Pokémon Y on the same 3DS.Additionally, with the Pokémon Bank's linked application Poké Transporter, players will be able to transfer their critters from Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2, and Pokémon White 2 to Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.Using the Pokémon Bank will cost £4.49 / €4.99 / $4.99 per year, but players who sign up between 27th December and 31st January will receive a 30 day free trial.
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December 13th, 2013, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
An officially-licensed Mega Man board game has been successfully crowd-funded onKickstarter.Texas-based creator Jasco describes the board game as its "love letter to one of the best video game characters of all time". At the time of publication $149,064 had been pledged - over double its $70,000 goal. The Kickstarter has 37 days to run."Kickstarter funding will allow us to use better materials, offer more extras like miniatures, cards, extra boards, and polish the finalised product, giving fans an even better experience and something that will be worthy of any Mega Man enthusiast's collection," Jasco said.Mega Man the Board Game is a 2-8 player "side-scrolling" board game. Players control their character and Dr. Wily's forces as they impede the progress of other players.The core game includes four pre-constructed player decks (40 cards per deck), four Mega Man game pieces, four Robot Master game pieces and one Dr. Wily game piece, among other bits.Currently Jasco's contract with Capcom limits the board game to sales in North America only, so it cannot ship to the UK. However, if the Kickstarter raises enough funding, Jasco will discuss extending its licensed territory with Capcom.All we need now is a new Mega Man video game. Over to you Capcom.
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December 13th, 2013, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
An unauthorised Kickstarter campaign that promised to reboot the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise whether Capcom approved or not has been shut down by Capcom.
Indie startup Phantasm Studios launched the project on Kickstarter in late October and pledged to make the game whether or not it received the rights to the franchise (thanks,Nintendo Life).Should negotiations with Capcom fail, the studio had a cunning plan - it would make the game anyway and just change the name."In 1980 Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo created a Popeye video game but couldn't get the rights from King Features," Phantasm Studios explained. "He transformed Popeye to Mario, Bluto to Donkey Kong, and Olive Oyl to the Princess. This was the birth of Donkey Kong."If we can't secure a developers license we will change King Arthur and the name of the game, but that is all. Thankfully werewolves, demons, skeletons, reapers, ghosts, goblins, etc. are all public domain. The modifications will be so minor, the changes will be easy and will not change our release schedule."A fool-proof plan, surely? Alas, its now-shuttered Kickstarter page suggests not."Ghosts 'N Goblins - Demon World (Canceled) is the subject of an intellectual property dispute and is currently unavailable," the page now reads.The game had been in pre-production for eventual release on the Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. There's no word as yet from Phantasm on the studio's next move.
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December 14th, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Pokemon X and Y crosses 2.35 million units and Wii U sales are up 340 percent month-over-month
[h=3]Nintendo of America[/h]
Following the release of November's NPD report, Nintendo has announced its most recent sales milestones led by the 3DS. The successful portable sold nearly 770,000 units during the month, putting its lifetime total at nearly 10.5 million.
Two recent 3DS titles also joined the system in its forward momentum. Pokemon X and Y each sold more than 225,000 combined physical and digital copies, bringing the life-to-date total of the latest Pokemon to 2.35 million units. This month's release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sold more than 280,000 units across physical and digital formats. The special edition Zelda-themed 3DS XL - which was on sale at Target during Black Friday - adds to that total, bringing A Link Between Worlds to 405,000 units.
Nintendo is also touting that a number of first-party 3DS games had triple-digit sales percentage increases over October's numbers. This includes Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D with a 140 percent increase, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon with a 105 percent increase, and Paper Mario: Sticker Star with a 280 percent increase. The 3DS's saviors, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land, are still going strong with their 23rd month on the market; those titles had a 130 percent and 235 percent increase respectively.
Unfortunately, the Nintendo Wii U numbers aren't as strong. Nintendo is boasting of a greater than 340 percent increase in Wii U hardware sales over October's numbers, but that puts estimates at around 220,000 units. Super Mario 3D World sold more than 215,000 physical and digital units combined for the month, but ultimately it didn't even reach the Top 10 in the NPD chart.
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December 15th, 2013, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster

A wild patch appeared in the eShop region for Pokemon X/Y! It seems pretty willing to add itself to your collection though, so approach it expecting a Magikarp-tier fight.
Patch 1.2's details note a fix to a problem involving the Wonder Trade feature - Pokemon that evolve due to being traded through Wonder Trade will now be capable of learning new moves. An issue where "certain captions" for Trainer PR videos weren't properly unlocking in Lumiose City has been addressed as well. The notes also list an update to an "internet communication issue," which Destructoid reports is related to curbing the use of unofficial tools called Battle Analyzer and Instacheck.
Pokemon Champions will need to download this update before they can return to proving their abilities against opponents in online battles. If you've neglected your collection of new friends since October, Patch 1.2 also includes a previous patch addressing a saving glitch in Lumiose City.
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December 15th, 2013, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster

This month's Club Nintendo Rewards lineup offers up Wii U Virtual Console games for the first time, sunsetting the service's Nintendo Wii offerings in favor of Nintendo's latest console.
This month's selection includes the classic NES Joust-alike Balloon Fight and notoriously difficult Japanese import Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels. The Wii U versions of these games offer additional features not found in their previous Wii Virtual Console releases, adding savestate support and configurable controls.
Digital copies of all featured games can be purchased with Club Nintendo coins, which members earn by registering 3DS, Wii and Wii U software. The Lost Levels is available for 150 Club Nintendo coins, while Balloon Fight can be redeemed for 200 coins. Also up for grabs this month are the 3DS Virtual Console version of Mario's Picross (100 coins) and the 3DSWare tower defense game Starship Defense (150 coins).
[Update: Players report that Club Nintendo is actually offering the Wii version of Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels, despite what the Rewards page claims. Take note before spending your coins.]
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December 16th, 2013, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Hardly unexpected, this tale: a Lego game conversion of the first two Hobbit films. But now there's a trailer for it.We see clips spanning the events of the first Unexpected Journey Hobbit film, but few - if any - clips from The Desolation of Smaug. Let's hope that film doesn't dragon, eh? EH?And that's a joke that scales.The trailer sets a familiar humorous tone, but shows little of actual gameplay. Will this game be open-world like the highly acclaimed The Lord of the Rings Lego game was? Let's hope so.Lego: The Hobbit is due with the daffodils in spring, sprouting on just about every platform out there: 3DS, Mac, PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. And Vita. Don't forget Vita.
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December 16th, 2013, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
I finally got to see Abel Gance's Napoleon last weekend, and like pretty much anyone else who's been fortunate enough to witness the six hour silent epic, I've been obsessed with it ever since. It's sadly too rare an occasion to be able to see Kevin Brownlow's restoration of the 1927 visionary masterpiece, thanks partly to some unpleasant business with Francis Ford Coppola, but largely down to its grand Polyvision finale that requires three projectors and three screens.All of which has meant, for much of its life, Napoleon has gone unwatched and unappreciated: its omission from Sight & Sound's top 100 has more to do with the difficulty in watching the film rather than the film itself, which is certainly more than just one of the greats of the silent era. This is pretty much what Diana Ross sees every day.
It'd be a shame to see classics of video game's own brilliant dawn lost or forgotten in similar circumstances, but thankfully we've got some truly talented people working to make sure that they're within easy reach, and that their original brilliance isn't diminished by age or circumstance. Following a string of revivals of Sega classics on the 3DS, it's Tokyo studio M2 whose work has been most notable of late - and since picking a handful of them up last week, they've fast become another obsession.If you've ever dabbled in Sega's back-catalogue before, you may well already be familiar with M2 - it's a studio that's been working wonders ever since it managed to port Treasure's Gunstar Heroes, a slick wedge of action that was already pushing at the boundaries of Sega's Mega Drive, to the Game Gear. In the 20 years since, it's a studio that's quietly made a name for itself through other such feats, whether that's been delivering impeccable cover versions of old standards such as in 2009's WiiWare outing Gradius Rebirth, or retouching classics as it did throughout the PlayStation 2's Sega Ages series.But M2's finest work, to my mind, has been the recently released 3D Sega Classic series. They're restorations that go beyond mere emulation, exploring the context and eccentricities of each game under the spotlight. And the work produced in Sega's golden age that stretched from the mid-80s to the early 90s is certainly not short of some delightful quirks.
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December 16th, 2013, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has released Pokémon X & Y title update 1.2.
Introducing fixes for the issues listed below, it's a mandatory update for those wanting to make use of the game's online features going forward.
 [h=3]Update 1.2 features[/h] - Fixes the issue where moves which Pokémon learn while evolving with Wonder Trade are not appearing.
- Fixes the issue where some users can't view the promotion video tagline in the Lumiose City event.
- Minor changes to the internet connection method.
Important notes: It is necessary to download this update to access Pokémon X and Pokémon Y features which require the Internet after 13th December 2013.
Nintendo has also released a new trailer for the upcoming Pokémon Bank. Announced in September prior to X and Y's release, the 3DS app will let players store up to 3,000 Pokémon in the cloud.
Use of the app will carry an annual charge of £4.49/€4.99, but players who download it between its release on December 27 and January 31 will be given a free 30 day trial period.
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December 16th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
byuu has released his beta version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance,Nintendo DS) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan (formally bsnes).
higan v093r09 released
I´m posting a beta release of higan, in the hopes of getting some feedback on the new library system (pictured below; more info on the forums), and reports of any potential new regressions before an official release.
Also, as of v093r08, the Game Boy and Game Boy Color PPU are now cycle-based, allowing raster effects such as those used in Prehistorik Man. This is in addition to several major improvements to the Game Boy emulation code.
If you´re willing to test this, and provide feedback on the forum, it´d be appreciated. Thanks!
higan v093r09 (Windows binary + source)
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December 17th, 2013, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...f70ee837249903
This is a game I have started based on the hacking minigame in Deus Ex This is a project I hope to full and, since there is nothing on this forum anymore, I Decided to post what I have done. Idea You must begin at the blue sphere and capture folders and other nodes to reach the green sphere. By capturing the green sphere, you win. You must capture other nodes on the way to reach it and Each Time you do, there is a chance That You Will Be detected. When detected, the computer Will begin to hack along the same map to reach you. If your blue sphere is hacked, Then you lose. You can only hack one node at a time. Controls Touch a node with your stylus to select it. The top screen Likely Will show how you are to be detected When you capture it and the nodes level (the higher the level, the Will take it along to capture and the higher the luck of detection.) The X button captures the node When It is selected The B button 'fortified gold Increases the level of a node That You own node is selected When That The Y button uses a 'Nuke' That Instantly captures a node with 0% luck of detection The A button installs a 'Trojan' That was you control node So THAT When the enemy captures the node, it triggers the trap and the enemy is frozen for a Few seconds, ALLOWING you to recapture the node. The L & R buttons use a 'slow worm' That stop the computer from moving for 5 seconds Arrows move your view of the map
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December 17th, 2013, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Egotrip password " Jewel Warehouse "in the final version called" Full ", platformer / puzzle very well made for the Nintendo DS.
Finally, thanks to Another World's beta testing, I have finished Jewel Warehouse. The object of the game is to collect 20 jewels On Each level, and head to the exit. There are various traps, obstacles and puzzles to get around in order to do so. How to play Use the D-Pad to move. You cannot jump, hold down the button to float towards as you fall. A is the share button. . This controls switches and shoots water balls When ble to Yellow Crates: You can push thesis onto spikes to make a path to the exit. Be careful of pushing em into fires, force fields, and make sour acid Does not drop onto a crate, This Will Destroy 'em. HOWEVER, sometimes destroying a crate is Necessary to solve a level. . They Will move on conveyor belts Water Drop: Collect thesis to get 5 Water Shots. . Shots Water extinguish fires Guardians: These patrol Either left / right (Ship) or up / down (Bubble). Switch: These control force fields and conveyor belt directions. Spikes / Fires / Acid will kill you on contact. As Will Guardians. . If a crate pushes you into a wall, It Will squash you to death Known issues: if it crashes Effective-have you completed a level, you Will need to power cycle your DS. HOWEVER it shoulds save your progress. This bug is out of my control Unfortunately. Also, the start button can be unresponsive Occasionally. If this Proves to be too much of an issue Then you can close the DS lid to break the game.
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December 17th, 2013, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
luis634 true " Luis Brick Breaker "on Nintendo DS. But what can it consist of?
Well I made a game based on the example from DMMS Features: - It has a button function (Yay!) by pressing start. - Three levels - A single power ups Controls: - Release the ball with A - Move the bar with the D -pad It can still be Improved a lot, I do not have the goal to do it knowledge. Hope you like it!
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December 17th, 2013, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
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DeSmuME SVN r4945 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
speedfix for speedtyporeport
add warning when booting homebrew game while using "stream rom from disk" since it doesnt work right now, and it essentially breaks most homebrew apps by default.
fix crashy bug in slot2_gbagame and also change it to use EMUFILE while I was at it, like it shouldve been in the first place. but.. i didnt really test it.
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December 17th, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
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DolphinFX v1.40 is released. DolphinFX is a WIP shader suite for Dolphin's OpenGL backend.
Current effects include:
HQ FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing)
NFAA (Normal Filter Anti Aliasing)
High Pass Bloom
Per-Channel Gamma Correction
Scene Tone Mapping
RGB Colour Correction
S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
Texture Sharpening
Toon Shader
Bicubic & Bilinear Filtering
You can enable, or disable each effect from inside the shader file. Everything is customizable. Settings are clearly sectioned, and labeled. Use the documentation comments for instructions on each option.
To Install:
Extract DolphinFX to your Dolphin-> \Sys\Shaders folder. Then enable the shader in the OpenGL graphics options->enhancements->post-processing effect->DolphinFX.
To Edit Settings:
Open DolphinFX.glsl in a text editor. I recommend Notepad++. It will look crazy messy if you use regular notepad to edit. You could also use an IDE to edit it, if you like. You can enable, disable, and customize various options for each effect. The default setup is neutral. Which tries to enhance the game's visuals without changing the overall tone & feel of it. If you're not happy with the default setup, there are plenty of settings to customize everything to your liking.
DolphinFX v1.40 changelog:
FXAA has now been completed.
-FXAA: now has accurate alpha calculations, the algorithm is now based on full alpha-based luma detection. Previously It would only output correctly in Dolphin, using the green component as luma.
-FXAA: added early exit pathing. [luma edge detection, and fullscreen anti aliasing].
-FXAA: due to the above alpha changes, subpixel detection is improved, you are now accurately able to use 0.0 FxaaSubpixMax to achieve a completely edge-only based anti aliasing, with no visible blurring whatsoever.
NFAA: updated & improved NFAA texture tapping, and samples, the settings have slightly altered because of this. (I'm considering just removing NFAA tbh. It's a bit redundant, and inferior to the HQ FXAA in general)
Gaussian Filtering: texture taps have been improved and slightly reworked, with slightly improved offsetting also.
Blended Bloom: slightly improved the bloom blend output.
-Blended Bloom: reworked BloomMixType 3. Mixing coefficients are now based on alpha values instead of the r component. produces better results.
-Blended Bloom: improved the blending power of the bloom glow, it now produces nicer results. new options are [0 or 1].
-Blended Bloom: added the option BloomLift, which adds the option of extra y axis offsetting to the bloom blend. Can increase the prominence of light reflecting on objects.
Texture Sharpening: Updated, and slighly improved the 9-tap sampling, and bias.
-Texture Sharpening: removed the option to use color for edge calculations. It wasn't working as well as I thought, and was inferior to luma detection.
Cel Shading: Toon shading has been completely rewritten, and is now called Cel Shading (not 100% accurate, as I don't have lighting, and depth info, but it's the best I can do with the limitations I have.). Using RGB & YUV luminance calculations with rounded blending of color components.
-Cel Shading: Improved Cel edge calculations, and output.
-Cel Shading: new options are as follows: EdgeStrength, EdgeFilter, EdgeThickness, PaletteType, UseYuvLuma, LumaConversion, ColorRounding. See in-shader documentation commenting for info on each.
Scanlines: updated, and improved scanlines a bit, also reworked, and added some new options.
Fixed some luminance, & clamping issues with various effects.
Removed the f suffix on floating point values.
Reordered the pseudo pass order of the main, for better merging of effects.
Various other small coding improvements.
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December 17th, 2013, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
M64Py v0.1.7 is released. M64Py is a Qt4 front-end (GUI) for Mupen64Plus 2.0, a cross-platform plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator. Front-end is written in Python and it provides a user-friendly interface over Mupen64Plus shared library.
M64Py Features:
- ROMs list with preview images
- Input bindings configuration
- Cheats support
- Support gzip, bzip2, zip, rar and 7z archives
- Video extension (experimental)
M64Py v0.1.7 Changelog:
- log viewer dialog
- bug fixes
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December 17th, 2013, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
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BatCat's LLE RSP Plugin v6 for Project64 is released. It is a plugin for Project64.
BatCat's LLE RSP Plugin v6 for Project64 Changelog:
- Upgraded the GNU linker to MinGW binutils 2.23.
- Amended mis-type in ordering unaligned 128-bit quadword store offsets (reported by oddMLan).
- Recovered old faking of cycle-accurate PC mapping to the CPU in order to fix semaphore sync (reported by e2118289).
- Merged in some commits centralized around ABI flexibility, namely for possible 64-bit targets (contributed by ecsv).
- Fixed crashing when configuring the plugin outside the emulation thread in Project64 2.x (reported by oddMLan).
- Small changes to the string pooling for debugger-related things to get the DLL size down a little.
Remember to install the correct DLL to the plugins folder, depending on what you want:
rsp.dll--80.0 KB--Most people will want this file. You need to use both a LLE gfx plugin && a LLE audio plugin.
rsp_free.dll--47.0 KB--Dependency-free resource DLL compiled down for size under Microsoft C++ compiler rules.
rsp_hle.dll--80.5 KB--Use any HLE gfx plugin w/ a HLE audio plugin. The RSP generally never executes on this version, but if it does you will receive a message box telling you about a new/unknown SP task type.
rsp_lle.dll--80.0 KB--Use a LLE gfx plugin (currently, either Jabo's Direct3D8 1.7.x or z64gl by ziggy), with a HLE audio plugin for speed-up. RDP/RSP LLE will be faster because of audio HLE.
rsp_mle.dll--80.0 KB--Use any HLE gfx plugin (almost any video dll). Audio emulation will be low-level along with the entirety of anything else that gets executed on the RSP.
rsp_pj64.dll--80.0 KB--You need this for Gauntlet Legends, Stunt Racer 64, and World Driver Championship. It can ONLY be used on Project64 2.0 because SP task re-start to sync with CPU and SP semaphore corrections did not exist before Project64 1.7.?.
dummyvid.dll--2.0 KB--Just a standard dummy video plugin I coded to remove the intervention of gfx display drawings on the screen while testing audio LLE or other LLE tasks on the RSP.
rsp_dbg.dll--89.0 KB--Undocumented debug version.
Too complicated?
Copy bin\rsp.dll (maybe rsp_pj64.dll) to $emu\plugin, and use Jabo's Direct3D8 1.7+ on Project64 2.0.
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December 17th, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
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Dolphin Git 4.0-533 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.
Dolphin Git changelog:
* [Android] Fix joysticks only capable of right/down movements. Also make it capable of using onscreen joystick even if controller 1 is bound.
* Oops, I left a bit being set when it shouldn't have been.
* Small cleanup in the EGL GLInterface.
* Small cleanup in the EGL GLInterface.
* [Android] Fix gamepad input.
* If we are using OpenGL ES 3, then don't check for OpenGL/GLU
* Fix Cmake failure.
* Add CMakeLists.txt.user to the .gitignore file. Closes issue 6873.
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December 18th, 2013, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Castlestorm will be released for Wii U as an eShop download title on December 26, developer Zen Studios has confirmed.
The Wii U version will be priced at $9.99 in North America and €9.99 in Europe, as were the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions that came before it.
Castlestorm is a 2D real-time strategy, tower defense hybrid game that has players battling to take out each others' castle.
The Wii U port will allow for full off-screen play via the Gamepad screen, and a local two-player mode will allow one player to use the TV screen while the other uses the Gamepad screen.
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December 18th, 2013, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster

Starting today and ending December 18, players can pick up downloadable copies of Capcom's landmark SNES platformer Mega Man X and bite-sized Game Boy series entry Mega Man for $2 each from Nintendo's eShop.
The sale discounts the Wii U Virtual Console version of Mega Man X (regularly $7.99) and the 3DS VC port of the Game Boy Mega Man (regularly $3.99). Note that these limited-time sale prices are only available via their respective platforms, as Nintendo does not offer the ability to purchase eShop content via PCs.
This week's sale is apparently the first of several "2 Games, 2 Dollars each, 2 Days" deals planned for the eShop, though details regarding future sales have not been revealed. The sale price for both games will remain in effect through 8:59 a.m. PST on December 18.
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December 18th, 2013, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster

While Eko Software's third-person zombie slayer How to Survive launched in October and November on Steam, XBLA and PSN, the game has yet to find its way to Wii U as it originally planned. A 505 Games representative confirmed to Joystiq that the game is still slated to hit the Wii U eShop, but has been delayed to 2014.
Prior to today, the developer's last update regarding the eShop port was in a tweet from November, in which it last stated that it is working to get approval from Nintendo. The spokesperson noted that "the [exact] launch window is up in the air as we are still going through testing."
How to Survive strands players on one of four islands, forcing them to gather items to stave off the threat of undead enemies. The game includes an item combination system, used to benefit the health and well-being of characters, solve puzzles and beat baddies. Players have the option of choosing between three playable characters with different strengths and weaknesses.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sonic: Lost World will receive two pieces of downloadable content on Wii U, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced during today's Nintendo Directlivestream. The DLC stages will be based on Nintendo properties, the first being a level pulling inspiration and elements from Yoshi's New Island, Nintendo's 3DS entry in the series due out in spring 2014.
Called Yoshi's Island Zone, the first piece of DLC is available now for free, and has Sonic "speeding through areas filled with pipes, coins, Shy Guys and Piranha Plants." A brief look at the level can be found in the archived Nintendo Direct presentation.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Kirby: Triple Deluxe, the pink puffball's upcoming 3DS game, features a Super Smash Bros.-like mulitplayer mode, as well as a rhythm platforming mode starring King Dedede. Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata revealed the modes in this morning's Direct broadcast, but didn't offer a western release date, and the game remains pinned to a 2014 window.
As for the new modes, The Smash-like one is imaginatively called Kirby Fighters, and it's based around 10 of the hero's copy abilities (the main game offers 20 including four new ones). Kirby Fighters can be played alone (presumably with bots), or with up to three other players, although it wasn't noted which of local and/or online play it supports.
Meanwhile, Dedede's Drum Dash features Kirby's regal rival in a rhythm platformer. King Dedede bounces on drums across the two 3DS screens, with players tapping buttons in time to music to help him avoid enemies and collect coins. While Iwata made mention of high scores, it wasn't noted if Dedede's Drum Dash supports leaderboards or any other online components.
While the game proper remains without a release date in the West, it's only a few weeks away from hitting Japan on January 11, which hopefully augurs for further details soon.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
NES Remix, a mashup encompassing elements from 16 NES games, will be made available today on the Wii U eShop for $14.99, Nintendo revealed during this morning's Nintendo Direct.
The reveal trailer showed stages from Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, and Ice Climber that weren't quite the same scenes we saw on the NES years ago. For example, Link was hopping over barrels in DK in place of Mario, while World 1-2 of SMB was mirrored and being played backwards.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Helpful Chibi-Robo with a heart of gold is back and looking for NostalJunk beginning January 9. Revealed during today's Nintendo Direct, the new game,Chibi-Robo Photo Finder, will be exclusive to the Nintendo eShop, where a demo will also launch "soon."
The game tasks players with a real-life photo hunt, as they take photos of objects based on silhouettes with their 3DS, which are then incorporated into the game. NostalJunk Challenges will also be added shortly after launch, along with some insane-looking minigames. No word yet when actual Chibi-Robos will be produced for home use.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Dr. Luigi, an other-sibling-themed spin on Dr. Mario, closes out the Year of Luigi with a bang when it hits the Wii U eShop on December 31 in North America - as for Europe, the doctor isn't in until January 15. Dr Luigi features an online mode for 2-player biological warfare, and traditional Dr. Mario-like modes that support online play.
As revealed in this morning's Nintendo Direct, Dr. Luigi plays like the classic 90s puzzler, with players trying to align capsules with color-matching viruses. The most obvious twist is that Dr. Luigi's main mode, Operation L, features L-shaped blocks of two capsules fused together, with at least three matching-color blocks within the block. So, while players have to match four colors together, it's still easier than the original Dr. Mario; as Nintendo chief Satoru Iwata explained during the Direct broadcast, play will be swifter, but less punishing in terms of hitting a Game Over screen.
If players prefer the traditional single-capsule, two-colors-matching mechanics of Dr. Mario, they can take up the Retro Remedy mode, which features button controls, or Germ Buster, which let you position capsules using the touchscreen and stylus.
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December 18th, 2013, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster

Wii Sports Club, the Wii U HD-make of Wii Sports, adds Golf to its roster today, including a course based on NES classic Golf. As revealed in this morning's Nintendo Direct for Europe and North America, the additional sport is being made available on the eShop today.
As the image above shows, you can watch the GamePad as you make your swing to see your club impact with the ball. Per the other modes, you can take Golf for a spin in a 24-hour free trial. You'll then have to pay $10 to permanently unlock it as an individual sport, or cough up $2 to unlock all available sports across a 24-hour period.
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December 18th, 2013, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U had a 12-month headstart on the other next-gen consoles, but both the Xbox One and PS4 broke its entire lifetime sales record in a matter of days.
On the face of it, 2013 would appear to have been something of an annus horribilis for Nintendo – at least in terms of its home console business. Its forecast for 9 million Wii U sales for the fiscal year now looks hopelessly optimistic: with less than four months to go it has currently sold 4.3 million units, while the current rate of sales suggest it won’t come close to that early estimate. From April to June inclusively, the Wii U sold 160,000 units globally. During the same period, it was outsold by its predecessor, a console Nintendo hadn’t released a first-party game for in a year. Currently, it is tracking lower than the second-year sales for the GameCube and Sega’s ill-fated Dreamcast, while in the UK it suffered the ignominy of having its lifetime sales overtaken by the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 within two weeks. A year on from launch, and Nintendo has utterly squandered its head-start.The reasons were simple: confused messaging and poor, or often non-existent, marketing. Updates to expanded audience favourites in the form of Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U were inexplicably released as download-only software. The latter has since had a physical release, but hasn’t troubled the charts, unlike its successful forerunner, while the low member count of the regional clubs in the former suggest take-up has been worryingly low. Nintendo had high hopes for Super Mario 3D World, but it was embarrassingly outsold by Sony’s mediocre Knack at launch, though it will likely have a much longer tail. And while its disappointing sales could be attributed to underperforming hardware, releasing the game in the same week as the arrival of new consoles demonstrates a troubling naivety – and it was far from Nintendo’s only poor business decision this year.Elsewhere, it seems that almost every month has seen analysts and industry veterans alike line up to stick the boot in, with many suggesting Nintendo should leave the hardware business. Regardless of their somewhat myopic comments – that not only ignore the rise of 3DS, which we’ll come to shortly, but the successes of the previous generation, not to mention Nintendo’s still healthy bank balance – Iwata’s next investor meeting will likely be an uncomfortable one for the under-fire president. Particularly so, given the substantial shortfall between reality and Nintendo’s hopes. The Wii U’s gamepad has been criticised as an often gimmicky addition to games that fails to make up for the Wii U’s chronic lack of third-party titles.
What’s more, third parties are abandoning Wii U in droves. One of the most anticipated third-party releases, Rayman Legends, was delayed so that it could be ported to other formats – much to the chagrin of creator Michael Ancel. And this from Ubisoft, still one of Nintendo’s strongest third-party allies. FIFA 14 marked the first time in over a decade that the series hadn’t launched on a currently available Nintendo console; indeed, EA currently has no games in development for Wii U at all. And while the likes of Deus Ex: Human Revolution arrived in new-and-improved form, it’s hard to imagine anyone buying a console for a slightly enhanced version of a two-year-old game.Nintendo simply doesn’t have the manpower to support Wii U alone. Already it has struggled to keep a steady enough flow of releases, not least because it has only recent encountered the difficulties in producing HD games in a timely fashion, a problem most developers were wrestling with a generation ago. Gunpei Yokoi’s philosophy of “lateral thinking with withered technology” may have served Nintendo well during the Wii and DS era, but the Wii U GamePad is a shaky hook, and no one’s biting. With fickle casual players having long since moved on, it’s now serving an army of Nintendo loyalists, along with families who game regularly, but no one else. It’s not as if the console audience isn’t there anymore – record-breaking starts for both PS4 and Xbone certainly suggest otherwise – but few are even considering Wii U as a second console. It simply doesn’t have enough games.And yet its first-party output has been as strong as ever. In time, Pikmin 3 may well become known as one of Miyamoto’s best-ever games: it’s a beautifully tuned refinement of the first two games, with a delightful, engaging campaign and a compulsively brilliant mission mode that makes it two games in one. Likewise, Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U are fine adjustments to existing templates. Super Mario 3D World is a front-runner for game of the year, while many were enraptured all over again by the HD remake of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Nintendo could certainly do with some fresh IP, though it could hardly be forgiven for relying on old standards when anything new it attempts struggles for attention. Burdened with a steep learning curve, Platinum’s The Wonderful 101 was nevertheless a bright, hyperactive delight, yet it tanked horribly at retail.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced GameCube platformer star Chibi-Robo will receive a sequel next month on 3DS.
Chibi-Robo: Photo Finder will have the title character running errands for a museum curator looking for photos of real world objects.
Players will be charged with snapping shots of items around their actual surroundings for Chibi-Robo to complete various missions.
The title is set to launch via the 3DS eShop on January 9th, and will also pack community-driven photo challenges on top of the standard campaign.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo announced Hyrule Warriors during today's Nintendo Directlivestream. Gameplay video for the Wii U action game showed The Legend of Zelda's Link hacking and slashing enemies with an over-the-shoulder camera angle similar to the Dynasty Warriors series.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stressed that the game is not a new installment in The Legend of Zelda series, but is a collaborative effort with Tecmo Koei. Hyrule Warriors, which is not the game's final name, will launch in 2014.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
If you're looking to buy a handheld during the holidays, you could do much worse than the 3DS XL - particularly now that Target has knocked 25 percent off its standard retail price.
Keep in mind that this is only a limited time offer. Come next week the 3DS XL will return to its normal $200 price point. Further, those of you hoping to pick up a discounted 3DS XL won't be able to order the handheld over the 'net, but must instead head out into the harsh glare of real life to buy one at a Target retail location.
Otherwise there's surprisingly few caveats here. No rebates to send in, no extra bundle items to purchase; it's simply a 25 percent off discount on Nintendo's most popular handheld. If you're in the market for one, now would be a very good time to visit your nearest Target location.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has just announced a spring 2014 date for Yoshi's New Island on 3DS and 2DS.Nintendo overlord Satoru Iwata also revealed that Takashi "Ten Ten" Tezuka is on board! Who is he! Oh Wikipedia knows! He's joint general manager of Nintendo's famous EAD team! I knew that!Iwata bowed low during the Nintendo Direct broadcast to reveal a new trailer for Yoshi's New Island. This showed a scrumptious-looking 2D platformer and an array of new abilities for the little mountable dinosaur.Yoshi can aim his oversized tongue at objects, for instance, and he can also ingest giant enemies, turning them into giant destructive eggs.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Today's Nintendo Direct delivered the goods straight away this afternoon, with the announcement of Hyrule Warriors, a collaboration between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei that combines the worlds of Zelda and the long-running Warrior series.Due on Wii U in 2014, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata stated that this wasn't the next instalment in the Zelda series, but rather an offshoot. The gameplay was a straight lift of the Warriors series melee combat, with Link smashing through a field swarming with hundreds of moblins. Elsewhere, Link's trademark weapons seemed to be intact, with him retrieving some from a chest with the trademark jingle appearing. The dungeon gameplay, however, likely won't figure.
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December 18th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is offering free Super Mario Bros. Deluxe 3DS downloads via its Join Nintendo Network Promotion.
The promotion is aimed at rewarding those who register or link a Nintendo Network ID on the handheld, a feature that was recently introduced via a December 10 system update.
Those who perform the registration process between December 10, 2013 and January 31, 2014, will receive a download code for the Game Boy Color title via e-mail.
Download codes will be sent between February 13 and February 28, 2014 to the email address registered to the owner's Nintendo Network ID, the company said.
Via the version 7.0.0-13U update, 3DS users can sign into existing Nintendo Network IDs and deposit and share digital currency through either the 3DS or Wii U.
Nintendo warned that, if users register the wrong Nintendo Network ID on their 3DS, they will be unable to combine balances with the Wii U.
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December 19th, 2013, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has released a number of new Kirby Triple Deluxe details, as well as a fresh batch of screenshots.
Announced in October and set for release in 2014, the side-scrolling platformer uses the stereoscopic 3DS screen to let Kirby move from front to back in order to avoid enemies and solve puzzles.
Nintendo says: "Kirby can also use a new Hypernova ability, a temporarily powered-up version of his usual inhale ability. The game includes over 20 different types of copy abilities, four of which are created new for this game.
"Kirby Triple Deluxe also includes two new game modes - Kirby Fighters lets up to four players pick one of ten copy abilities and unleash it in battle against another player's Kirby, and Dedede's Drum Dash is a rhythm game that asks players to press buttons in sync with familiar Kirby tunes while jumping and collecting coins."
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December 19th, 2013, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced a Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze release date of February 21 in Europe.
The game will launch simultaneously in stores and on the eShop, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during a Nintendo Direct livestream on Wednesday afternoon.
The latest media showcases the game's fourth playable character Cranky Kong. With Cranky now in the thick of the action, the in-game item shop will be manned by Funky Kong, Nintendo notes.
Originally scheduled for release in 2013, the Wii U exclusive game was recently given a February 21 release date in the US too.
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December 19th, 2013, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Reggie Fils-Aime lays out holiday plan for latest console, says Nintendo experimenting with mobile experiences
[h=3]Nintendo of America[/h]
With the Xbox One and PS4 fighting over the core gaming crowd this holiday season, Nintendo is targeting its Wii U marketing elsewhere. In an interview with Seattle NBC affiliate King-5, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said the system is enjoying strong holiday momentum, thanks in part to a renewed and refocused marketing push.
"The marketing has tremendously ramped up," Fils-Aime said. "And really where it comes down to is being crystal clear in who's your target. For us, this holiday with the Wii U, the target is parents and their kids. So if you're watching primetime family entertainment, you're seeing our marketing. If you're a parent watching morning or daytime media, you're seeing our content."
Fils-Aime declined to give specifics about Nintendo's marketing spend, but did expound on the company's overall strategy.
"More than just the dollars, we're putting our product where the consumer can see it, touch it, and feel it," Fils-Aime said. "We're in over 20 malls across the country. We're creating an opportunity for consumers to see the product, because that, for Nintendo, is where the 'wow' happens. It's not when you talk about specs or technology."
Fils-Aime also addressed continued calls for Nintendo to begin making games for smartphones and tablets. While he stressed a corporate philosophy that Nintendo games are best played on Nintendo devices, Fils-Aime said the company has been doing "experimentation" on mobile platforms. However, he cautioned that experimentation is "largely going to be much more marketing activity oriented," and designed to push users to experiences on the 3DS or Wii U rather than serve as stand-alone experiences in themselves.
"What drives us is creating fantastic experiences for consumers that in the end we're able to monetize as a for-profit company," Fils-Aime said. "The issue is that if you have games out there on all of these smart devices for very small amounts of money, it's very difficult to monetize. And if you look at all of these companies who are trying to do it, there aren't many that are doing it long-term, profitably."
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December 19th, 2013, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster

Sega continues doing what Nintendoes this week, releasing updated 3DS versions of two more of its classics, namely Streets of Rage and Shinobi 3. In addition to these reworked Genesis games, the 3DS Virtual Console library expands with the weird urban track and field game, Crash n' the Boys: Street Challenge.
The Wii U picks up a re-released classic of its own with the NES version ofCastlevania on Virtual Console. The Wii U also grabs the interesting – thoughperplexing – Knytt Underground.
If all of that isn't enough to warm up your winter, there's a sale running on the bizarre, oddly engrossing game about burning things, Little Inferno. You can buy it – and subsequently toss it into the fireplace – for just five bucks.
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December 20th, 2013, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
2m 3DS consoles have been sold in the UK so far, MCV can reveal.
That number combines sales of 3DS, 3DS XL and the new budget model, 2DS.
It falls short of what the original DS had managed at this stage in its lifecycle, but is still an impressive figure that suggests there is room for a dedicated handheld games console in a market dominated by smartphones.
It’s been an impressive year for 3DS. Nintendo has backed the machine with heavy marketing, particularly for Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pokémon X and Y. And it has seen a number of fan-favourite releases, such as Fire Emblem: Awakening and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.
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December 21st, 2013, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster

The Wii U GamePad's wireless nature is kind of a figure of speech, what with how often its out-of-the-box battery life requires a charge. Nintendo's high-capacity GamePad battery has jumped shores to offer a solution to the annoyance, as long as you're willing to pay $32 for it.
The product listing states the new battery pack "offers up to 8 hours of use," which it compares to the existing GamePad battery's "3-5 hours." Users will need just a screwdriver to install it before they get back to hosting partieswithSuper Mario 3D World and discovering nightmare-worthy creatures in Pikmin 3.
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December 21st, 2013, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster

Super Mario Bros. 3 warps onto the eShop in Europe in a week's time, and you won't need a Power Glove ()to pick it up - just a 3DS or Wii U. Both systems receive the classic NES platformer on Boxing Day, and there's a "week-long special offer" to look out for, according to Nintendo of Europe. There's no word on a price just yet.
There's also no word from Nintendo of America on an arrival across the coast, so Super Mario Bros. 3 could join The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in the transatlantic waiting room. That said, back in August, the big N announced it was due sometime this year.
One thing we have confirmed with a Nintendo UK representative is the game features multiplayer on both Wii U and 3DS. The Wii U version supports local multiplayer, while the 3DS version uses download play, meaning only one player has to purchase the game for two people to play across two systems. Neither version supports online multiplayer.
On the subject of classic Marios, NoE is running a Nintendo Network promothat can score you a free copy of Game Boy Color remake Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. If you link a Nintendo Network ID before January 31 - which you can now do thanks to the recent system update - you'll receive the free game code sometime in the second half of February.
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December 25th, 2013, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Following a five-year absence from gaming, Donkey Kong's surfer bro ally Funky Kong will return in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - though it's unclear what exactly he'll be doing.
To date, four cast members have been revealed to be playable in Tropical Freeze: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong and, as Nintendo revealed at the recent VGX awards show, Cranky Kong. Funky Kong's appearance however, was unceremoniously dumped on Twitter. "Get stoked! Funky Kong makes a radical return in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, coming to #WiiU on 2/21," it reads, making no mention of Funky's role.
Whether Funky is playable, or again appears as the owner of the game's item shop, Tropical Freeze still marks his first appearance in a game since 2008'sMario Super Sluggers.
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December 25th, 2013, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Following a five-year absence from gaming, Donkey Kong's surfer bro ally Funky Kong will return in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - though it's unclear what exactly he'll be doing.
To date, four cast members have been revealed to be playable in Tropical Freeze: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong and, as Nintendo revealed at the recent VGX awards show, Cranky Kong. Funky Kong's appearance however, was unceremoniously dumped on Twitter. "Get stoked! Funky Kong makes a radical return in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, coming to #WiiU on 2/21," it reads, making no mention of Funky's role.
Whether Funky is playable, or again appears as the owner of the game's item shop, Tropical Freeze still marks his first appearance in a game since 2008'sMario Super Sluggers.
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December 26th, 2013, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

As Super Smash Bros. reveals go, Princess Zelda is a bit like getting socks for Christmas: predictable. And in our case, pink - auntie's very fond of pastel colors. Not that we can't rock pink socks, because we can so rock pink socks.
Offering more of a spectral variety is the Rainbow Road of Mario Kart fame, presented as a stage on the game's Miiverse page. "It can't be explained in one picture," teased series director Masahiro Sakurai, "But it's going to be a cruise-type stage."
As for when to expect the Nintendo-crammed fighter to hit the 3DS and Wii U, that remains under wraps beyond a 2014 release window.
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December 26th, 2013, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
US retailer BestBuy is offering a 20 percent discount on Nintendo eShop prepaid cards.
Available via stores or its website, the discount is available now until friday, December 27, and applies to all three prepaid card values.
The 20 percent discount means you can get a $20 prepaid card for $16, the $35 card for $28, and the $50 card costs $40.
With most retail games on Wii U and 3DS also released as eShop digital downloads, this effectively means you can get almost any game for the two consoles this Christmas at a 20 percent discount.
New eShop games released last week included Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Castlevania and NES Remix.
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December 27th, 2013, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
First of all, thanks to everyone who has been testing our public beta.
We mentioned previously that we would have a solution against accidental updates, but we decided not to release this just yet.
While we did succeed in preventing accidental updates for our test 3DS unit, it took trial and error to get it in that state, and we bricked the unit many times before succeeding.
Ultimately we decided that it was too dangerous for public use right now.
For this release we have accumulated an insane amount of feedback after the initial release of Gateway v2.0b1 and have been hard at work the past weeks to further stabilize some of the new functionality. We are proud to present to you Gateway v2.0b2, the new public beta.
What's new?
* Many stability improvements over previous beta release
* Full support for firmware 7.1 (including saving and emunand GW3D indicator, etc.)
Please note emunand is not essential for latest title compatibility!
For the time being we advise only those with adequate knowledge to attempt to update emunand to latest firmware and make sure you always have at least a hard backup copy of the system nand.
Consider this release as a stop-gap release before the 2.0 final, which will bring exciting new features that are currently being heavily tweaked and optimized.
Merry X-mas from the GATEWAY 3DS Team!
And remember: support the innovators, not the imitators!
Being one of our users’ most common request, we have added a complete video guide to Gateway 3DS in our Download section. This video was created by user iT0uchStuff, who is not part of our team. We would like to warmly thank him for this great video.
Click here to watch the video
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December 27th, 2013, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Demonstrate your creativity with Build Blocks ! This fun game lets you virtually create anything you want, block by block . You can build a landscape, a structure, whatever you want!, Using blocks of many colors . Not only that, since this cool application allows to take screenshots and save , to share your creations with the world. Do you want to express as a great artist ? Build Blocks is yours.
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December 27th, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Toys R Us is at it again, selling Limited Edition Skylanders Swap Force Wii U Basic Sets for $219.99 - a full $80.00 off the MSRP. This bundle contains a Skylanders Swap Force Starter Pack with exclusive(ly painted) Wash Buckler figure, a white 8GB Wii U system, and bonus NintendoLand game. You won't find this discount via TRU's website, however - true to form, their biggest hardware sales happen by way of 3rd party marketplaces - in this case, via Ebay. This is one of TRU's daily deal offers, and quantities are limited, so you'll want to act fast if this is the Wii U deal you've been waiting for. Free shipping is included!
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December 27th, 2013, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
byuu has released his beta version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan (formally bsnes).
higan v093r11 released
* GBA: SOUND_CTL_H is readable, fixes sound effects in Mario&Luigi Superstar Saga [Cydrak] (note: game is still unplayable due to other bugs)
* phoenix/Windows: workaround for Win32 API ListView bug, fixes slot loading behavior
* ruby: added udev driver for Linux with rumble support, and added rumble support to existing RawInput driver for XInput and DirectInput
* ethos: added new "Rumble" mapping to GBA input assignment, use it to tell higan which controller to rumble (clear it to disable rumble)
* GBA: Game Boy Player rumble is now fully emulated
* core: added new normalized raw-color palette mode for Display Emulation shaders
If anyone could try and test out a DirectInput controller with appropriate vendor-specific drivers, see if you can get SMA4:SMB3 to rumble. The code is untested and thus probably won´t work.
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December 27th, 2013, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
via http://pdroms.de/
Newo Escape by Owen: Your planet explodes and you are chased by a bounty hunter, try to escape without crashing you broken spaceship. Your spaceship has no breaks and no lazers. You gain points by flying close to objects without hitting them. Crash twice and it is game over. 10 levels to see how high you can rank on the online leaderboards.
The game moves forward automatically. All you have to do is avoid crashing into things on screen. If you crash 3 or more times then it is game over. Passing close to objects gives more points. Try to get as high a score as possible before the game ends. You can invert the up and down directions in the settings of the game.
Thanks to Owen himself for the news via e-mail.
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December 27th, 2013, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
In celebration of Mega Man’s 26th Anniversary, Zynk releases ROLL♥CHAN! Roll-chan is a player sprite hack which replaces Mega Man with his sister Roll.
Like any other “Roll fan” out there, Zynk has always wanted to play as Roll as her brother’s stead.
Inspired by the , and likewise, the WIP fan-game called “Roll-chan” by Tarbo, Zynk finds a way on how to get Roll in the game.
Just back then Zynk discovered romhacking by watching several titled games that are actually romhacks. The hack was particularly made by YUIFA and she hacked Rockman hacks from 1 to 5.
Not fond of YUIFA’s Roll design, Zynk made his own Roll sprites. Zynk based his design on Mobile Roll, but her sprites are taller than Mega Man so Zynk used Roll’s original sprite from the NES games. However, for an added effect, Zynk made a few custom sprites for Roll (specifically, jumping & damage sprites).
With palette limitations set aside, Zynk has completed ROLL♥CHAN! Zynk made two types of Roll: the Classic & MM8 costumes.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
RealBoy is a Complete, Fast, Yet Accurate, Free/Open-Source Game Boy® / Game Boy Color® Emulator for Linux/Unix.
Version 0.2.2
- gboy_ioctrl.c, gboy_ioctrl.h: Fixed crucial bug related to Assembly core declarations.
- gboy_lcd.c, gboy_lcd.h: Fixed crucial bug related to Assembly core declarations.
- gboy_conf.c: Fixed not applying default configurations on first execution.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
byuu has released his beta version of his multi-system (NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance) and subsystems (Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview, Sufami Turbo) emulator higan (formally bsnes).
higan v093r12 released
* added quark support for isampler2D and usampler2D (integer literals)
* display emulation shaders output bit-packed literal values (no more normalization)
* ruby/input completely redesigned; keeps track of device paths, and allows hotswapping (Linux/udev only for now)
If you test this release, please delete your %appdata%/higan folder (or at least the .bml configuration files.)
If you don´t do this, input won´t work (Windows input driver won´t be selected and mappings will be in the wrong format.)
Note that there´s no decorating of input device names yet, so the key assignment names are going to look pretty rough for now. I´m more interested in making sure the code works okay for everyone.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
After months of hard work, here is the release for Wizardry Gaiden - Suffering of The Queen for the Game Boy system. 99% of the game has been translated and is fully playable. Many of the Wizardry games have not been translated to English and this one is a great classic in the Gaiden 4-Part series. Following this project, a patch release for Wizardry Gaiden II - Curse of The Ancient Emperor is also coming close to its completion. Feel free to post any questions you might have.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
PsyKo has updated CTR, a small PC utility designed to read and display basic info from Nintendo DS, DSi and Nintendo 3DS ROM dumps.
- 3DS firmware 7.0.0 and 7.1.0 detection added
- "Partitions" tab added
- Some maker codes added/edited
- "Rip Update" function now offers to trim the ROM if the update partition is not present
- Fixed an issue with NDS autoboot detection for some games
- Various changes in GUI and texts:
+ ROM size in bytes and Mbytes Textboxes are now merged
+ System Title ID is no more displayed
+ NDS ROM version is now displayed with just two digits
+ Some buttons and wordings were moved/resized/deleted
+ Notes:
- Trimmed and ripped ROMs are both working on the Gateway flashcard (tested with launcher v1.1)
- Since every tool got its own way to trim ROMs, we advise you to only un-trim the 3DS ROMs
that you trimmed with CTR.
- If you RIP updates, remember that the update partition will be deleted permanently and can't be restored.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...75e9d418ff67d2
AerialX , tueidj , Tempus and megazig offer the 1.06 version of " Riivolution "patcher for your Wii games that offer the ability to customize the textures, music, levels, translations of games, etc ... by modifying the contents of your SD card or USB stick. This update corrects a bug visibly Wiimote.
December 18th, 2013
• Wiimote disconnection issues resolved (Smash Bros. Brawl strap screen crash)
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December 27th, 2013, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...75e9d418ff67d2
edicpop realizes the 0.5.7 version edicpopDS , dictionary reader / text / internet browser / English-Thai translator for Nintendo DS. Installation process in the quote below.
- This program helps to find the meaning of words.
- Program no words attached. Need to be loaded from Dropbox .
- keep the history of words.
- can pronounce words (English and Thai) from ogg files (Lexitron). dropbox
eTXT - The program reads a text file format ascii file (English or Thailand), Then click on it to show the meaning.
- can mix words from the current word.
- can mark the Desired text. And this text can be felt to edic search word with all.
- use ogg files pronounce the words All which is Determined by the sentence the words available. Edic - Dictionary program. - can find the next word. - meaning (message) can be felt . etxt to finding the meaning again Installing WORDS - create folder / edicpop /. - Lexitron copy-and-2.0.dict, Lexitron-and-2.0.idx, Lexitron-te-2.0.dict, Lexitron-te-to 2.0.idx this folder. . edicpop.nds can keep for as anywhere PRONOUNCES - create folder "/ edicpop / sound /" and Then - [English] copy LexEnglishOGG_a - _z to this folder. - [thai] copy LexThaiOGG_1 - _11 to this folder.
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December 27th, 2013, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Hello everyone!
Here's a little something I made a few months ago which I haven't been able to work on lately due to school and no inspiration.
A list of actions you can perform:
Walk - Left/Right
Jump - B
Double Jump - B after having already jumped once
Punch - Y
Punch Up - Up + Y
Air Punch Up - Hold Up after first jump then press Y
Kick - X
Kick Up - Up + X
Kick Down - Down + X
Air Kick - Hold Left/Right in air then press X
Sprites - dogchicken
Tilest - jlango
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December 27th, 2013, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
WinDS PRO 2014.4 is released. WinDS PRO is a Nintendo DS & GameBoy Advance emulator package. This have NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DeSmuME, VBA Link & VBA-M.
WinDS PRO 2014.4 Changelog:
- WinDS PRO Apps Pack 2.2
- PokeMini 0.54, mednafen, Atari800 Win PLus 4.1
- DeSmuME JIT 0.9.11 r4950 x86 & x64
- Fenix Rojo skin & Fenix Azul skin
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December 27th, 2013, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Dolphin Git 4.0-552 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.
Dolphin Git changelog:
- Fix some emulated wiimote turntable stupidness (DJ Hero controller). Happy Christmas! Fixed issue 6865.
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December 27th, 2013, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Snes9x Git (2013/12/23) is compiled. Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan. Snes9x is the result of well over three years worth of part-time hacking, coding, recoding, debugging, divorce, etc. (just kidding about the divorce bit). Snes9x is coded in C++, with three assembler CPU emulation cores on the i386 Linux and Windows ports.
Snes9x Git changelog:
* Remove unnecessary counter
* libretro: use port.h
* win32: only set sampler state for fragment
* Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/libretro/snes9x into libretro
* (libretro) Go through new logger interface
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December 27th, 2013, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DeSmuME SVN r4950 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Cocoa Port:
- Update all info .plist files to v0.9.11 for future SVN builds.
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December 28th, 2013, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster

An updated version of Capcom's multiplatform MMORPG Monster Hunter Frontier G will hit Japan in the spring of 2014. Titled Monster Hunter Frontier GG, the upgrade will introduce the tonfa weapon type and new Felyne companion characters, among .
Monster Hunter Frontier G was originally launched as an update for the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Monster Hunter Frontier Online, then later hit the PlayStation 3 and Wii U as a standalone retail release. A PlayStation Vita port is also in the works. The GG update is set to arrive next year for all supported platforms.
While many entries in the core Monster Hunter series have been released stateside, the online-only Frontier games are exclusive to Japan. A North American release for Monster Hunter Frontier GG has not been announced.
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December 28th, 2013, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Even in the face of a continuing network outage, Nintendo has announced the latest batch of content to hit the Nintendo eShop. The headliner is the recently announced Dr. Luigi for Wii U, which puts a fresh spin on Dr. Mario's classic formula. Dr. Luigi will be available December 31. The Wii U also gets Zen Studios' nifty action strategy game, CastleStorm.
Meanwhile, the Wii U Virtual Console picks up one of the best Super Nintendo games ever released, Super Punch-Out!!.The 3DS Virtual Console serves up a new game as well with the Game Boy Color version of Mario Tennis.
There are also a few deals to round out 2013. Players will have free access to Wii Sports Club from December 31 at 12:01am PT until 11:59pm PT on January 1. Ubisoft is hosting a 30 percent off sale through December 31 on many of its Wii U and 3DS games, including the excellent ZombiU. Atlas joins the sale fun as well, with savings on games in the Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey series and Code of Princess. Find a list of the specific games on sale after the break.
Finally, despite the press release's assertion that the Pokémon Bank will debut this week, Nintendo announced earlier today that the app has been delayed"until further notice."
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December 28th, 2013, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Pokémaniacs outside of Japan will be waiting longer than expected to see thePokémon Bank storage application, after it wounded the Nintendo Network at debut.
Though much of the blame for the ongoing, worldwide Nintendo Network server outages must be placed on the hordes of new Wii U and 3DS owners spawned by yesterday's holiday, Nintendo of Japan has posted a notice on its website which states that the Bank has been causing more of a traffic crush than its creators expected, and has compounded the company's traffic problems. To regain control of the situation, Nintendo has removed the problematic storage application from the Japanese eShop.
If you're able to visit the North American or European eShop despite its traffic woes, you'll now find the Bank bears a "to be determined" release date. It was originally scheduled to arrive today, but Nintendo of America followed suit with an official delay.
"As you may know, we are currently experiencing a large volume of traffic on the Nintendo Network service," reads a post on Nintendo's Facebook page. "Due to the high traffic, we are postponing the launch of Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter until further notice. As a Nintendo standard, we strive for the utmost quality before launching any of our applications. We truly regret the inconvenience, and wish to reassure you that providing a solution is our top priority. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your continued patience."
We have attempted to contact The Pokémon Company for more information on the delay and possibly a new release date for the Bank. We have yet to hear back.
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December 28th, 2013, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
2013 has been a mixed year for Nintendo. On the one hand, 3DS has sold well and the platform holder has published some of the finest games in its history.
Then there has been Wii U. After a lacklustre launch, Nintendo’s home platform has struggled for momentum. A lack of games throughout the first half of the year meant the machine failed to gather any momentum and after six months had sold just 3.61m units worldwide.
And the biggest blow to Wii U happened in July, when Asda announced it will no-longer sell Nintendo’s platform. It wasn’t the first retailer to pull stock, Morrisons have also not supported the console since 2012, but it was the most high profile.
Nintendo blames the poor performance on a lack of software, with the firm suggesting the move to HD game development has not been smooth. There has been a severe lack of titles for Nintendo’s console this year, with only the excellent Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World to entice fans.
But there’s more to it than that. For starters, none of the above titles really make use of Wii U’s dual-screen functionality.
The marketing was also wrong, as consumers initially assumed Wii U was just a controller for the pre-existing Wii, and not an entirely new console.
And the price is still high. Wii U had the chance this Christmas to position itself as the family alternative to PS4 and Xbox One, which it has tried to do with the help of Mario and Sonic. And, as you’d expect, sales have increased slightly. But at over £200, Wii U remains a little too expensive for the cash-strapped family.
Next year should see improvement. Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros are big releases, price is expected to fall so the publisher can at least hope to win over the fans that have picked up 3DS in such a big way this year. But to compete with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo might have to go back to the drawing board.
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December 29th, 2013, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster

Following the eShop's struggles with serving its global holiday traffic that resulted in a delay for the Western launch of Pokemon Bank, Nintendo's North American and European eShops will temporarily close again today.
North American users are urged to wrap up any pressing purchases through the digital storefront before 4 p.m. EST. Nintendo of Europe's tweet states the European eShop will be closed from 10 p.m. CET to 10 a.m., which almost sounds like enough time for it to ... sleep. Oh no it's developing human-like needs
Nintendo will have "more updates soon" concerning the NA eShop's status, presumably involving when users can expect it to reopen its imaginary doors.
Update: Nintendo's Online Service Status page lists the planned network outage from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. specifically for the 3DS eShop. This is reflected in attempts to access the 3DS eShop itself, which result in an error explaining the temporary downtime. However, we're also currently experiencing problems connecting to the North American Wii U eShop. Several attempts to connect have all resulted in the initial eShop loading screen fading into a white screen that goes nowhere, though the home menu can still be accessed from this state.
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December 29th, 2013, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo compiled a list of 20 games that Club Nintendo members noted as their favorites from 2013 recently. Nintendo featured ten games for each for 3DS and Wii U, with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as the lone game that landed on both lists.
Among the Wii U games selected by Club Nintendo members are the obvious Nintendo-published choices in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD,Super Mario 3D World, The Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3. The best-of list also includes Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Rayman Legends and Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, the latter being the single eShop-only game of the Wii U group.
The list of 3DS favorites are marked by both Pokemon X and Y, Fire Emblem: Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Head past the break to see the full Club Nintendo-selected Wii U and 3DS list of favorites from the year.
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December 30th, 2013, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster

Sega's first free-to-play title for the 3DS, Initial D: Perfect Drift Online, is scheduled for release in Japan this winter. Players will be able to purchase points to speed up the unlocking process, but the game's content can be earned for free with enough success in its on and offline gameplay. The project is led by Yakuza series lead Toshihiro Nagoshi, and a recent Famitsu interview translated by Siliconera explored Sega's possible future with F2P games.
"We don't intend to stop with this title, and after looking over its results, we'll think about what to do next," Nagoshi said.
While Nagoshi acknowledges smartphones would provide a wider install base, he's "very interested in seeing what happens" with Initial D on the 3DS. Aside from the 3DS' popularity with grade school students, Nagoshi believes there's also a chance on the platform with the older market.
Should Initial D's performance please Sega, Nagoshi also teased that the team has been thinking about what would work best for additional F2P titles on the 3DS.
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December 30th, 2013, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster

Minecraft developer Mojang has been building bridges to all kinds of platforms for ports of its build-what-you-want hit, but we think we've all been wondering the same thing - when will we be able to construct pixel art of classic gaming sprites using the Wii U GamePad? Judging by Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson's recent tweet stating he was not "aware of any plans" for a Wii U version, the answer is probably not any time soon.
Notch acknowledged that a Wii U version of Minecraft "would make sense," but explained that the "only reason for no current plans is [Mojang has] too much work already."
While it is a denial of any progress being made on a Wii U port, it's a bit more promising than Minecraft Lead Designer Jens Bergensten's comment in Marchabout a Wii U version being "very unlikely." Maybe when Mojang finds some downtime, though with work still being done on Scrolls and Minecraft Realms, downtime seems like a distant concept for the studio at the moment.
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December 30th, 2013, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster

It’s been just a bit over a year since the Wii U was released along with the extremely impressive Wii U controller. With a D-pad, analog sticks, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, camera and 6.2 inch touchscreen, this controller is ripe for a million and one projects ranging from FPV quadcopters and robots to things we can’t even think of yet. At this year’s Chaos Communication Congress, [booto], [delroth], and [shuffle2] demonstrated how they cracked open the Wii U controller’s encryption allowing for Wii U controller ‘emulation’ and giving us full documentation on how the whole thing works.
The guys started on their reverse engineering journey by dumping all the flash chips found on the controller’s board. In those binary blobs, they found Nintendo used a truly ingenious way of obfuscating the WiFi keys used to connect the controller to the Wii: rotate left by three. To be fair to Nintendo engineers, it was secure until someone figured it out.
Connecting the controller to a PC over WiFi is only half the battle, though. Initial information from the Wii U launch suggested Nintendo used Miracast for all the I/O between the controller and the console. This isn’t the case; instead the video, audio, camera, and button input are non-standard but very simple protocols. The hardest to break into was the video display for the touchscreen, but the guys discovered it’s pretty much H.264. After getting around some Nintendo weirdness, it’s possible to display video on the controller.
The guys have put together a small, extremely alpha library that comes with all the demos, documentation, and reverse engineering information. There’s a large wish list of what this library should include, but now that the information is public, it might be the time to pick up a Wii U.
Video of the talk below, here’s the presentation slides, and .
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December 31st, 2013, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
 Thought using the Wii U GamePad as a simple PC controller was a neat trick? Try this on for size: a small team of hackers has figured out how to stream PC games to the tablet-esque controller natively, circumventing its host console. The hack was shown this week at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress, where the group revealed how it reverse engineered the GamePad controller. After weaving a complex tale of dumped firmware, decoded video and buggy streams, the team showed a simple drawing app streaming from a laptop to the Wii U GamePad. Impressive? Sure, but the crowd didn't erupt into applause until they booted up aGamecube emulated session of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
Despite some crashes, the demo appeared to be fairly playable -- though the team warns that the available code is aimed primarily at developers. The group eventually plans to build user-friendly tools for Windows and OSX, as well as an Android port designed to allow users to substitute the Wii U GamePad with their own tablets, streaming from the console to the slate of their choice. It's not quite ready to replace your NVIDIA Shield, but the project is brimming with potential. Check out the presentation's slides at the source link below, or read on for a video of the hack in action (the fun starts about 47 minutes in).
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December 31st, 2013, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES-Emulator Nestopia Undead has been updated to version 1.45.
Unix Shell:
- Added the ability to switch FDS disks for multi-disk games
- xBR filter options
- Support for more archive formats through libarchive
- Differentiated Soft/Hard Reset
- Removed internal zip and 7zip decoders in favour of libarchive
- Replaced gtk_key_snooper with key_press_event and key_release_event
- 7zip CRC check segfault
Windows Shell:
- xBR filter options
- Redundant TV Aspect checkbox removed from NTSC filter dialog
- Modified default sound settings to avoid desync
- blargg´s NTSC filter core option
- L/R now insert coins on Vs. System games
- xBR filter added - Hyllian, notBald
- Triangle volume bug in Dendy mode - emu-russia
- NTSC filter background colour fix - blargg
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December 31st, 2013, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The NES emulator puNES for Linux and Windows (SDL) has been updated.
Added support for compressed archives.
For the windows version is required the "7z.dll" (already included in the installation´s zip).
For the linux version is necessary that the package p7zip is installed in the system.
Compressed archives supported : 7z, ZIP and RAR (in the linux version only if p7zip is istalled with RAR extension).
If 7zip/p7zip library are not found, are managed natively just zip archives.
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December 31st, 2013, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator for Windows/Linux has been updated. Changes:
- In compressed files were not handled correctly the long names of files. Fixed.
- In some circumstances, in the Win64 version, there might be an error loading the necessary dll. Fixed.
- Also in the windows version, it could happen that the list of files in the open rom dialog (Ctrl + O) was not updated when changing the filter. Fixed.
File: Download
News source: http://forums.nesdev.com
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December 31st, 2013, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
InspectMii has been updated to version 1.1. This Wii homebrew made by JoostinOnline, is designed as a companion app to SysCheck. Use this application to view and troubleshoot conflicting or problematic settings on your Wii/vWii. Join the on-going discussion for more information about this project.
Change Log (12/29/13) said:
•Counter Bias hours are converted to years-months-days (thanks OverjoY)
•Changed the page titles to better convey the purpose of the file being checked
•Added DNS Source to the network page
•Greatly improved the file log code so it will save results even if the app crashes
•Log file is now named "InspectMii.log"
•A fair amount of code cleanup
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/inspectmi...update.359937/
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December 31st, 2013, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DeSmuME SVN r4954 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Windows Port:
- Fix compiling for Windows port. (Regression from r4952.)
Cocoa Port: - Fix a possible crashing bug that was exposed by the changes from r4952.
Slot-2: - Fix SLOT-2 connect/disconnect behaviors when switching in and out of auto-detect mode. - Do some cleanup on the auto-detect code.
Slot-2: - Fix possible crash on init when using expansion memory.
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