January 1st, 2006, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
SoftDev have released a new stable version of the PCEngine emulator for the Gamecube which is a port of Hugo:
heres some info:
HuGo has now reached it's first stable release.
* Completely Re-Written Sound Engine
* 16-bit Stereo 32Khz Sound
* Load ROMS up to 2.5Mb
* Save Battery RAM to Memory Card
* DVD ROM Loading
* Zip Archive Support (Single ROM per archive)
* Horizontal Resolutions up to 320
* Fast load Viper / Qoob
* Linux & Win32 Binaries
Download Here --> http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/hugo.shtml
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January 1st, 2006, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
News from the iDeaS Site:
Ok, after completing the restyling of the site - namely, I finally got rid of that bloody header - we decided to share with you the very first Linux version of this emulator. Beware though: it is still a preview, so we cannot guarantee it will work at all, but at least we will get some actual feedback...
Other than that, you have noticed that the newest iDeaS is based on a crude plugin system: to allow anyone skilled enough to code a different plugin, a SDK is now included in the freshly opened Download section. If you need advice or informations, feel free to bug Lino
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January 1st, 2006, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
What a year for the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network, the network expanded from the original Dreamcast site to take in all of my sites and then with the server problems we upgraded to a Vbulletin Forum and now the forums actually serve as news forums for all the network sites.
The community is expanding at a massive rate with a total of 20 sites under the network covering all these consoles
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360
Nintendo Revolution
Tapwave Zodiac
Nokia N-Gage
Retro Consoles & Gadgets
We also have some of the Homebrew scenes best developers hosted here at DCEmu:
We are a network of sites who post news about Homebrew, Development, Hacking, Emulation and the Commercial side of each console, we never ever take the easy road and post warez or host iso loaders etc, the quickest way to destroy a scene is to do that so we keep well away from it.
This year has seen the emergence of the PSP scene and our PSP News site has enjoyed so many releases to a new console that it has been staggering, of late the GP2X has took over the billing of the scene with the most releases but that could change at anytime.
We have over 18,000 members now and looking at the stats we had over 4100 online at one time and thats pretty damn decent, some of the scenes we cover dont see much activity but we follow them regardless.
In 2006 we hope and well with a nutter like me running the place, this network will get bigger and better and hopefully one day the legal Homebrew scene will be looked on more favourable than it has been in the past, we can but hope 
Of course even though i do a heck of a lot of work id like to thank Martin64 for hosting me and my server killing sites (yeah we actually killed a server), also Soully and DS69 and indeed all the staff and mods at DCEmu and the members and helpers who make my job easier, a big thanks to you all, it has personally been a year with some great ups (this network) and some severe downs ( losing family members) but its great to come home and emerse myself in the Homebrew scene, a scene ive followed for 9 years or more (im forgetful), ive had some crackin arguments (yeah those are fun) and made some great friends but its all worth it overall, just remember though without the developers and hackers and i suppose in a smaller way newsposters and webmasters/mods etc you wouldnt have your scene, so its always worth trying to say things in a correct way even if you dislike their work or release.
Ok ive bored everyone to sleep and im drunk anyway but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 
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January 1st, 2006, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
What a year for the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network, the network expanded from the original Dreamcast site to take in all of my sites and then with the server problems we upgraded to a Vbulletin Forum and now the forums actually serve as news forums for all the network sites.
The community is expanding at a massive rate with a total of 20 sites under the network covering all these consoles
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360
Nintendo Revolution
Tapwave Zodiac
Nokia N-Gage
Retro Consoles & Gadgets
We also have some of the Homebrew scenes best developers hosted here at DCEmu:
We are a network of sites who post news about Homebrew, Development, Hacking, Emulation and the Commercial side of each console, we never ever take the easy road and post warez or host iso loaders etc, the quickest way to destroy a scene is to do that so we keep well away from it.
This year has seen the emergence of the PSP scene and our PSP News site has enjoyed so many releases to a new console that it has been staggering, of late the GP2X has took over the billing of the scene with the most releases but that could change at anytime.
We have over 18,000 members now and looking at the stats we had over 4100 online at one time and thats pretty damn decent, some of the scenes we cover dont see much activity but we follow them regardless.
In 2006 we hope and well with a nutter like me running the place, this network will get bigger and better and hopefully one day the legal Homebrew scene will be looked on more favourable than it has been in the past, we can but hope 
Of course even though i do a heck of a lot of work id like to thank Martin64 for hosting me and my server killing sites (yeah we actually killed a server), also Soully and DS69 and indeed all the staff and mods at DCEmu and the members and helpers who make my job easier, a big thanks to you all, it has personally been a year with some great ups (this network) and some severe downs ( losing family members) but its great to come home and emerse myself in the Homebrew scene, a scene ive followed for 9 years or more (im forgetful), ive had some crackin arguments (yeah those are fun) and made some great friends but its all worth it overall, just remember though without the developers and hackers and i suppose in a smaller way newsposters and webmasters/mods etc you wouldnt have your scene, so its always worth trying to say things in a correct way even if you dislike their work or release.
Ok ive bored everyone to sleep and im drunk anyway but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 
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January 1st, 2006, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
What a year for the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network, the network expanded from the original Dreamcast site to take in all of my sites and then with the server problems we upgraded to a Vbulletin Forum and now the forums actually serve as news forums for all the network sites.
The community is expanding at a massive rate with a total of 20 sites under the network covering all these consoles
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360
Nintendo Revolution
Tapwave Zodiac
Nokia N-Gage
Retro Consoles & Gadgets
We also have some of the Homebrew scenes best developers hosted here at DCEmu:
We are a network of sites who post news about Homebrew, Development, Hacking, Emulation and the Commercial side of each console, we never ever take the easy road and post warez or host iso loaders etc, the quickest way to destroy a scene is to do that so we keep well away from it.
This year has seen the emergence of the PSP scene and our PSP News site has enjoyed so many releases to a new console that it has been staggering, of late the GP2X has took over the billing of the scene with the most releases but that could change at anytime.
We have over 18,000 members now and looking at the stats we had over 4100 online at one time and thats pretty damn decent, some of the scenes we cover dont see much activity but we follow them regardless.
In 2006 we hope and well with a nutter like me running the place, this network will get bigger and better and hopefully one day the legal Homebrew scene will be looked on more favourable than it has been in the past, we can but hope 
Of course even though i do a heck of a lot of work id like to thank Martin64 for hosting me and my server killing sites (yeah we actually killed a server), also Soully and DS69 and indeed all the staff and mods at DCEmu and the members and helpers who make my job easier, a big thanks to you all, it has personally been a year with some great ups (this network) and some severe downs ( losing family members) but its great to come home and emerse myself in the Homebrew scene, a scene ive followed for 9 years or more (im forgetful), ive had some crackin arguments (yeah those are fun) and made some great friends but its all worth it overall, just remember though without the developers and hackers and i suppose in a smaller way newsposters and webmasters/mods etc you wouldnt have your scene, so its always worth trying to say things in a correct way even if you dislike their work or release.
Ok ive bored everyone to sleep and im drunk anyway but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 
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January 1st, 2006, 13:43 Posted By: wraggster
A new device from Easybuy2000, heres the details:
This is a Flash Cartridge which enables you to play Commercial GBA Roms on the GBA, GBA SP, GB Micro, Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the full details:

QBus is the next generation game platform. Use it to burn backups, use it as a PC gamepad, to play movies, music, and all your favorite games - all in one simple device! GBA Flash Writer Qbus is a GBA flashwriter, cartridge, and a GB simulator on PC.
Qbus Flash Card is a programmable flash memory cartridge - GBA compatible cartridge
Qboy is a driver of Qbus flash writer, a software of auto-connecting the users PC to a game server which owns more than 1800 GBA games, to make searching for GBA games much easier as well writing the games into the Qbus flash cart
Users can swap the newest GBA games from a dedicated website: www.anyplay.net provided by Qboy and then flash the games into the Qbus flash card to being played under GBA, GBA SP or NDS
The Qbus can be used by plugging it into the PC USB Port. The Qbus itself works like a real GBA joypad and users can enjoy all the games provided by the Qboy on the PC
Qbus Functions: Playing GBA Games, Auto-update online. Enjoy the latest function anytime, Watching Movies, Listening to MP3 - Only Qbus lets you do all of this with one simple device
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January 1st, 2006, 13:44 Posted By: wraggster
A new device from Easybuy2000, heres the details:
This is a Flash Cartridge which enables you to play Commercial GBA Roms on the GBA, GBA SP, GB Micro, Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the full details:

QBus is the next generation game platform. Use it to burn backups, use it as a PC gamepad, to play movies, music, and all your favorite games - all in one simple device! GBA Flash Writer Qbus is a GBA flashwriter, cartridge, and a GB simulator on PC.
Qbus Flash Card is a programmable flash memory cartridge - GBA compatible cartridge
Qboy is a driver of Qbus flash writer, a software of auto-connecting the users PC to a game server which owns more than 1800 GBA games, to make searching for GBA games much easier as well writing the games into the Qbus flash cart
Users can swap the newest GBA games from a dedicated website: www.anyplay.net provided by Qboy and then flash the games into the Qbus flash card to being played under GBA, GBA SP or NDS
The Qbus can be used by plugging it into the PC USB Port. The Qbus itself works like a real GBA joypad and users can enjoy all the games provided by the Qboy on the PC
Qbus Functions: Playing GBA Games, Auto-update online. Enjoy the latest function anytime, Watching Movies, Listening to MP3 - Only Qbus lets you do all of this with one simple device
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January 1st, 2006, 14:42 Posted By: wraggster
Flashcarts for the GBA / GBA SP / GB Micro / Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player arent the easiest to find and also trustworthy shops are somewhat hard to find also, well our Retro Console and Gadget site Console Hardware News have updated the listings on the GBA Flashcart Shop Guide to 11 of the worlds best for Flashcarts for the GBA, (which you need to play homebrew and emulators on the devices above)
Check out the GBA Flashcart guide here --> http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk/gba-...hopguide.shtml
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January 1st, 2006, 14:44 Posted By: wraggster
Flashcarts for the GBA / GBA SP / GB Micro / Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player arent the easiest to find and also trustworthy shops are somewhat hard to find also, well our Retro Console and Gadget site Console Hardware News have updated the listings on the GBA Flashcart Shop Guide to 11 of the worlds best for Flashcarts for the GBA, (which you need to play homebrew and emulators on the devices above)
Check out the GBA Flashcart guide here --> http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk/gba-...hopguide.shtml
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January 1st, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
I am a massive RTS fan and the Nintendo DS is made for RTS action, heres a great new release from JimmyL:
First public release. v0.1
This is more a proof of concept than a game, but it's still quite playable.
Everything works perfectly on hardware, but it also runs fine on Dualis with the exception of transparency, but that shouldn't affect the game at all, and the touchscreen being off by about 16 pixels vertically.
Heres a screenshot:

Download this excellent looking new RTS game here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsrts.shtml
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
NeoFlash has released a new version of their Menu System for their MK2/3 Nintendo DS Flash Carts. Heres whats new:
* Added Support for More MMC/SD Cards
* Add Initial Touch Screen
* Start to support the MK3 On-board Flash (MK3 Compatibility w/Images 100%)
* Add the MK3 & NEO Cart Icons (File Browsing Support)
* New Burning Percentage Bar
* Add the New Operation Key-presses
A - Directly Boot from SD/MMC
X - Flash ROM to NEO/XG2005 Card
Y - Flash to MK3 On-board Flash
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:47 Posted By: wraggster
ecurtz has released a new demo for the DS:
Here's the promised two pass 3D demo, it took me longer than I expected to get it finished. Unfortunately, I still can't get it working with only one bank of VRAM - I'll send a shiny new DS game to anyone who can get that going...
And a link to the old two screen one since that thread is aging
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January 2nd, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
DFC Intelligence, a leading video game analyst, has released industry data from February through December of 2005. The firm found that the video game market has grown by 7%, which is what Nintendo, as well as gaming companies as a whole are banking on. Nintendo's market value increased by 15% for the 10 month period gaining the highest increase in market value of the big three console manufacturers. We think this has something to do with a little Nintendo hanheld made from two screens.
In related portable news the article reads: "The biggest disappointment we have found so far is what we would consider to be very weak merchandising for the Sony PSP. Many stores have displays for the Nintendo portable systems, but not the PSP. What is worse is the tendency for stores to have a larger selection of UMD movies than PSP games."
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January 3rd, 2006, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
olimar has released flashMe V6, heres what he wrote:
Here's flashMe V6 (pre-release). I'll let you bang on it for a few days before making it official. It's a non-critical update, just a few small fixes. No SL1 shorting is needed if you have V5.
- shows your old firmware version
- fixed booting problems with with Darkain's MultiNDS and NeoFlash loaders
Download here --> http://ds.gcdev.com/dsfirmware/
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January 3rd, 2006, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe has posted a 2006 preview on their official website concerning Nintendo products and software. The European subsidiary says "in 2006 Nintendo will launch [Revolution]." While we know the Revolution will be released sometime in 2006 in both the US and Japan, no mention of a European date has been given. Given the fact that this announcement is posted on Nintendo of Europe's website, we can only assume they are implying a 2006 Euro release as well.
Pro G puts it best by saying: "I think we should wait until the words 'Revolution' and 'European release 2006' are used in the same sentence in an official statement by an Nintendo rep before we assume the Revolution will be coming to Europe in 2006, but we're hopeful."
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January 3rd, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
It's been revealed that Contact, a new game currently in development for the DS, will work with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service - making it the handheld's first online RPG.
Contact is being produced by Gouichi Suda, director of Capcom's schizophrenic shooter Killer 7. It follows the adventures of a boy called Cherry who's tasked with helping a nutty professor find all the lost components of his spaceship.
But when Cherry and the professor get separated, it's up to you to help them make contact - do you see - by following the professor's instructions on the top screen, and using the touch screen and stylus to move Cherry around.
Now a Wi-Fi Connection logo has appeared on the Contact website, confirming that the game will feature an online mode - but so far there are no details of how this will work.
Contact is out in Japan next month. A European release has yet to be announced, but let's just say we're optimistic...
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January 3rd, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Back in November, Nintendo was quick to quash rumours that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would make an appearance on the Revolution rather than the GameCube.
And whilst that's still very much the case, a new twist in the tale has emerged, since apparently you'll be able to play Twilight Princess on your Revolution using the crazy new "freestyle" controller.
Nintendo, you may recall, announced that Twilight Princess was delayed back in August, saying that the development team needed more time to "add some incredible new elements" to the game.
Well, according to NGC magazine, these elements are specifically designed to enhance the game for those playing on their shiny new Revolution consoles.
"Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller," the article states.
"When you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring."
But what kind of advantages, exactly? Can we expect new weapons and the like, new levels or perhaps some brand new gameplay? Nothing else has been revealed so far, and we're still waiting for Nintendo to tell us whether or not this is just a rumour, so it's a case of wait and see. In the meantime, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is due out in the spring.
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January 3rd, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
yopyop has updated his rather great Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
DeSmuME mini Update :
- correct VCMatch int which allow to play another demo I let you search.
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January 3rd, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster

Alekmaul has released a new version of his Arcade Emulator ala MAME for the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
MarcaDS is an arcade emulator.
It use the same principle than Mame but it's not using its code,Mame is too huge for our little DS , but it's just my opinion. To use this emulator, you must have compatibles ROMS with NO COMPRESSION ZIP format. Do not ask me about ROMS, I doj't have them. A search with Google will certainly help
Here is MarcaDS version 2.0 
Regarding updates, some games added (about thirty ...) and lots of deceptions for games that I can't make support for now ...
You can download the new version HERE
Also, I send a HELPME !!! to people who have a GBAMP or M3 and who want to help me to test MarcaDS with it ... Send propositions to my mail adress : alekmaul@portabledev.com.
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/marcads.shtml
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January 3rd, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Double has released a source only release of DSEmu the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres the news:
Happy new year and that. I decided that with the new year should come a new burst of working on this 'ere emulator, so I decided to delve back into the code. I've stopped progress on the dynarec project, it being too massively large to handle at this time. Instead, I've pushed on with the other major missing part of the emulator; DS graphics.
The first task, of course, is to handle that strange VRAM banking business. I believe that, with a set of hacks implemented today, most of that is up and running; there are likely to be rather a few bugs in that implementation, of course, as with most parts of this emulator, but the substance of the mapping is there. There are a few things missing, like the WRAMCNT register, but they should be along in short order.
With the current codebase, you still won't see any output on the screen, since there is no renderer of any kind in the GPU code at the moment. However, I've confirmed that at least the one demo I have to test does indeed write to VRAM, and in the right place, so something must be working correctly. I guess the next step is to actually render something, to get some output from the DS side of the emulator.
As ever, you can grab the latest source, and possibly vomit over the hackery of the GPU, at the URL below.
Oh, yeah. First release of '06! Let's hope that heralds a period of productivity on this thing.
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January 3rd, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
In an announcement neither likely to set the world alight, or possibly even cause much of a ripple across the foamy white waves of the internet, Satoru Iwata has revealed that Nintendo's forthcoming Revolution won't be as expensive as that there Xbox 360 Core thing.
Speaking to Yahoo Japan, Nintendo's president reiterated once more than the company's next-gen console is set to land on shelves at a price point below that of both Sony and Microsoft's fancy offerings - specifically sighting a sub-299 USD price tag.
Given that rumours of a super-cheap Revolution have been cascading through internet quarters for some time now, the news hardly comes as a stunning revelation. However, this is about as close to an official price announcement as we've had from the company up to this point so, you know, it's news of a sort!
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January 4th, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
While most eyes are on the upcoming next-generation console war, Nintendo sent out a little reminder that the battle for handheld gaming is still raging. The Japanese company today revealed that nearly 4 million units of its DS handheld have been sold in the US. The latest numbers bring the total crop of DSs in customers' hands to more than 10 million. In Nintendo's home country, the DS has sold more than 5 million units, and in Europe, the number exceeded 1 million in June (new numbers have not yet been made available).
Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo of America's vice president for marketing and corporate communications, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that more than 3 million DSs were sold in the US in 2005, on top of the 1.2 million sold in just over a month in 2004. With both the DS and the three models of the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo claims to own 78 percent of the handheld gaming market in the US.
Nintendo also trumpeted the numbers being put up by a few of the dual-screened handheld's software titles. Sales of Mario Kart DS, released in mid-November, have already topped 1 million units in the US. Nintendogs, which revived sales of the system both in the US and Japan, has sold more than 1.5 million units in the US since its August release.
With more than 5 million units sold in Japan since its December 2004 regional launch, the DS has become the fastest-selling gaming machine in Japan's history. In another first, Japanese gamers have scooped up more than a million copies of four different titles within one year of a system's launch: Nintendogs, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Brain Age, and Brain Flex.
The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service, which allows gamers to play over the Internet, has seen 550,000 unique visitors since its debut in late 2005.
The sales numbers of Nintendo's main rival in the handheld market, the Sony PSP, differ depending on who is asked. According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sony has sold 2.7 million PSPs in the US from its March launch through December 1. However, last month, Sony told Reuters that 3 million units of the handheld have been sold in the US through November. A third opinion yields a third number--NPD Funworld says 2.5 million PSPs were sold in America through November.
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January 4th, 2006, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
The first screens of Worms Open Warfare on DS have wriggled in revealing the series' return to its traditional 2D form.
With flat worms once again replacing the plumper 3D warriors, Open Warfare should see the series re-embrace the same outrageous arsenal and anarchy that made the 16-bit original so loved.
While details of the Wi-Fi capabilities and the various modes remain as sketchy as our memories of New Year's Eve, THQ has promised that there are plenty of surprises still to come for both PSP and DS gamers.
Worms Open Warfare will be declared on PSP and DS on 24 March
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January 4th, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo-Europe is on a Revolution roll; Nintendo France sent a card out to game journalists promising, "In 2006 Nintendo launches a Revolution." The cover features a stylized drawing of nunchuks, inside there are some strange pictures of a topless guy and a cutout you can display (follow the link for more images if this sounds crazy), and the back teases, "Before changing the face of videogaming forever, Nintendo France wishes you Merry Holidays and a Happy New Year."
If Europe, who usually see console and game launches later than North America and Japan, is being promised the Revolution in '06, is there any doubt we'll see it in America any later? The question now is, how early will we see it: simultaneous multi-market launch in Q4 or earlier for North American and Japan?
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January 4th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new product:

Walt Disney Pictures' Chicken Little catapults players smack dab into the middle of Oakey Oaks, Chicken Little's hometown, where they experience first-hand all of the action, humor, fun and heart-warming adventure as portrayed in the film. Taking on the roles of Chicken Little and his friends Abby Mallard, Runt-of-the-Litter and Fish-out-of-Water, players must try to outwit bully Foxy Loxy and save the town from an alien invasion all the while attempting to reverse Chicken Little's tarnished reputation from that unfortunate "acorn incident." You know, the one where he shouted, "The sky is falling!" causing mass chaos in the town of Oakey Oaks, and earning him the reputation of town fool.
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January 4th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
As you might have noticed by now, we love our DS's here at CVG towers. In fact, even the PC Zone boys are partial to a bit of lunchtime Animal Crossing action (we've got a spare coconut on auction currently valued at one fireman's hat and an eye patch, if anyone's interested in upping the stakes). However, if we had to make one complaint about the handheld, it would be its less than beauticious aesthetic appeal.
Now though, rumours are spreading their wings around the internet and taking flight like fairies of speculation concerning a revised version of the DS hardware hitting Japanese shelves this year. Gamefront.de cites a report in the latest edition of Famitsu magazine which reveals that some new but unspecified hardware will appear in the East commencing this spring.
Famitsu clarifies that it won't be a next-gen system, but instead a revision of an existing machine, with fingers pointing to either the DS or PSP. It seems that retailers are strongly hinting at a redesigned DS though, possibly with improved functionality.
While it's obviously all a bit speculative at the moment, a facelift for Nintendo's year-old dual-screen handheld would be far from unexpected - particularly given Reggie Fils-Aime's comments last year that an upgrade is in the works.
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January 4th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Dolphin the gamecube emulator for windows has had some new screens of the emulator playing the Mario Football game, check em out via the comments:
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January 4th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sata has released a new MP3 Player for the Nintendo DS that has support for many flashcards.
Download below via the comments 
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January 4th, 2006, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Have you ever wondered what exactly is inside a Nintendo DS ROM file, and why the simple DS demos are so much larger than their GBA equivalents? Some people have, and this page documents their exploits.
It started innocently enough. I was looking for a small ROM which would be used to test the framebuffer display mode of DSemu, a Nintendo DS emulator. LiraNuna agreed to put a small C demo together, to fill the 'main' screen with red, demonstrating the framebuffer's use. When compiled and spliced up, the .nds ended up at around 7.5KB.
That, LiraNuna thought, was a bit large for something that did so little as his demo evidently did. Stepping through with DSemu's debugger, I noticed a whole lot of code being run which wasn't strictly required: setting up cache parameters and the stack, clearing out regions of memory, and such like. Referred to as the crt0, this code is inserted into every project, to safeguard the execution environment.
Furthermore, there was the standard ARM7 code also inserted into the .nds file, which does such things as set up the touchscreen. All this, we thought, was a bit over-the-top for a demo that was literally doing almost nothing. So, the cut-down began.
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January 4th, 2006, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
The M3 Adapter team have let it be known that their passkey 2 will be available on January 9th. They say it is now compatible with ALL nintendo DS consoles, it's unique selling point is that is said to be fully programmable and updatable from the NDS and therefore no need to connect to a PC.
Thanks malloc
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January 4th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2175&stc=1">
Take a look at that screenshot above, its the new rival to the DS and it has some impressive features, more info and bigger screens at Console Hardware News --> http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk
Can it take the DS on, who knows?
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January 4th, 2006, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio has updated his Wifi transer proggy, heres the info:
This is my first app. It allows you to transfer a file from a computer server (the server application is written in java) to the DS and execute the application straight away. This has been tested only on the GBAMP, but apparently it should work on some flashcards (possibly M3) too.
Version 0.7
Uses the new 0.2b release of the library. This fixes the send problem there
was before, so:
* modified transmission protocol. Now it should be ok for file transfer even when
there is packet loss! Remember to run also the new version of the server
* Removed some debug info
* hopefuly fixed some issues that could generate file loss on the CF in certain
NB. You need to use the new version of the server with the new NDS!
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January 4th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia

Mawashite Koron is an inofficial successor to the 1992 released Super Famicom puzzle game On the Ball (also known as On the Ball in the US).
The target in this game is to lead a ball through a dungeon-like maze under a special time limit. This is done by rotating the maze left and right. A close-up view of the ball and its surroundings is shown on the top screen, while a full map is visible on the bottom one. Played with the stylus, the dungeon rotates depending on which icon is pressed. You can also make the ball spin, increase its speed and give it destructive abilities.
The single player mode contains four difficulties. In the multi player mode, you compete by trying to escape from the dungeon fastest.
Taito's Mawashite Koron for Nintendo DS™ is now available at discounted US$ 14.90 only.
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January 5th, 2006, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Famitsu reports earlier today stirred rumours of a redesigned DS console hitting the shelves of Tokyo's Akihabara gaming district as early as Spring 2006. A report in the latest edition of the Japanese magazine has revealed that some new but unspecified Nintendo hardware will appear. Famitsu clarifies that it won't be a next-gen system, but instead a revision of an existing machine and retailers are strongly hinting at a redesigned DS, possibly with improved functionality. SPOnG thinks it’s a fair bet that it will be an aesthetically upgraded, less clunky-looking DS.
In other words, we may soon see the Nintendo DS SP. SPOnG is of the opinion that a more compact and stylish looking DS cannot come soon enough. Mainly because we’ve ripped most of our trouser pockets trying to wedge the cumbersome current model into them. (Cue all those obvious jokes – is that a DS in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? Etc.)
Outside of the Nintendo Rumour Mill and in other actually really, definitely happening news, Wi-Fi provider and official Nintendo partner The Cloud is planning to roll out city-wide Wi-Fi services across the UK this spring, installing hundreds of wireless broadband hotspots across Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Oxford, Cambridge and three London boroughs, Islington, Kensington and Camden.
Each installation will consist of hundreds of 'hotzones' rolled out across each city, promising virtually blanket coverage in the above areas and giving access to the internet for anyone using a Wi-Fi enabled Nintendo DS, computer or mobile phone.
"Providing ubiquitous wireless broadband access over a network available to millions of Wi-Fi devices, and to the new generation of Wi-Fi phones, gaming devices and other applications, will have a major impact on the way people communicate, work and play in city centres," said George Polk, chief executive at The Cloud.
The company are claiming that four million people will have daily access to a city-wide service by the end of 2006. Perhaps as a stealth marketing exercise by Nintendo, these four million people could be given free trial DS consoles with copies of Mario Kart, which should pretty much ensure that they will all be hooked on Nintendo handheld wi-fi gaming for the rest of their lives.
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January 5th, 2006, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
yopyop has updated his rather great Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
Change :
- partial CARD_REG implementation allow new demos to be playable.
(Indication : black and white tiles)
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January 5th, 2006, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Kern Corrigan, the senior product manager from console accessories manufacturer MadCatz has talked to IGN about how they plan to tackle perhaps their biggest challenge yet - the Nintendo Revolution.
Bozon: First off, what did you think when you first took a look at the Revolution controller? Was it a welcomed change, or did it simply offer up more challenges for your teams?
Kern: The first glance of the Revolution controller inspired a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. On paper it seems an ordinary remote control. In use, it is a captivating control scheme that connects the gamer to the play in extraordinary ways. The challenges arise when trying to define who will play the new system, how will they play it, and where can Mad Catz improve that experience? Mad Catz views these challenges as opportunities and is excited to offer a broad array of products to support the Revolution.
Is there any fear of difficulty in integrating new accessories for the Revolution? In short, how friendly is the system to work with if you have had the chance? If you haven't had hands-on time, do you foresee any issues with creating new innovative accessories for the controller, specifically in the expansion port at the bottom of the core remote?
Clearly every system has technical issues to address and the Revolution is no different. One key to creating new innovative accessories for the Revolution controller is to maintain close relationships with Nintendo. Mad Catz has established a strong relationship with Nintendo and will work to maintain those relationships in order to support development efforts. A second approach is to employ our expertise gained through past console launches to solve technical issues. The team will employ a blend of the two strategies to overcome engineering challenges, including the expansion port, to provide Mad Catz Revolution peripherals at launch.
What does the future hold for Revolution? Do you see the possibility of creating custom controllers for specific games for Developers/Publishers, or does Revolution's advanced technology tie your hands more than open doors?
The Revolution has great potential for game specific controllers. Anything you swing, point, fling, or flick is fair game. The possibilities are endless. The challenge is to partner with the appropriate Developers/Publishers to create a compelling integration of controller features and game play. With that integration the controller will have the hook needed to gain retail support and consumer interest. Mad Catz anticipates the new technology will open many new avenues of mainstream gaming and looks forward to participating in the development.
Does Nintendo's controller limit what can be done for controller production, specifically with the core remote and the technology inside it? Will you be attempting to create the core remote, or simply look to creating new expansions on Nintendo's core controller?
The release of the Nintendo Revolution will be a major milestone in the video gaming industry and as such Mad Catz will support the system launch with a complete array of quality peripherals. This will include core controllers as well as a variety of supporting products. As a top 3rd party gaming peripheral manufacturer, we owe to the market and consumers a wide range of differentiated product options to choose from. It is our responsibility to fully utilize our technological expertise and resources to make this happen.
Nintendo has given information stating that a shell controller will be used to play mainstream games for Revolution. Any plans on supporting that play-style as well?
Mad Catz is dedicated to providing peripherals that meet the needs of the gamer. The shell controller is an excellent way to link the new system to the mainstream crowd and is thus in the launch plan for the Revolution. With that in mind, we may find the shell controller to simply be a bridging controller that pulls the mainstream gamer to the Revolution which then ultimately leads to mass adoption of the Revolution's innovative control system.
Can you give us some examples of types of Revolution peripherals that you might be interested in making? How might they work?
Mad Catz is excited to offer a full line of Revolution peripherals. We are particularly interested in leveraging unique Mad Catz styling with wireless and motion sensing technology to further strengthen our core controllers for the console. Beyond those core controllers, we are evaluating wheel, arcade stick, dance pad, and other unique input solutions. The challenge is to maintain close relationships with Nintendo to seamlessly integrate these solutions into the Revolution platform.
Which Mad Catz peripherals have done the best on previous systems? Are you adapting any existing product lines (such as Micro Con for example) for the Revolution?
As a leading third party peripheral company, Mad Catz has had excellent success with its controllers for previous systems. Clearly Nintendo wishes the Revolution to span all demographics and become a mass market solution to video gaming. With such a disparity among gamers there is an opportunity for a variety of controllers. One possibility under evaluation is, of course, a Revolution version of our very popular MicroCon. We have received a tremendous amount of consumer support for the product since it has clearly satisfied a large segment of the consumers who demand the differentiated value that our MicroCon can deliver. MicroCon is a prime example of us as a consumer good manufacturer, stepping up to satisfy the need of a particular segment of the market and deliver the customized value. The tradition will continue with the next generation consoles.
Nintendo is obviously stressing its Virtual Console service. Can we expect to see Mad Catz NES, SNES or N64 controllers for Revolution as well?
The library of Nintendo games being offered via the Virtual Console is impressive. Mad Catz will support these games with our core controllers and investigation into retro controller shells is currently under way.
Is it going to be more difficult for you as a 3rd party company to work with Revolution since many products in the past were Universal for all three systems such as racing wheels, fighting sticks and dance pads?
As with previous console launches Mad Catz intends to offer a full line of Revolution specific products. The Revolution poses many challenges to the development of these products given the unique interface. We view these challenges as opportunities and look forward to providing innovative solutions to meet the gamers' controller needs.
How have Nintendo DS and Cube accessories been received by gamers? Did this encourage/discourage you from supporting Revolution over PS3 or the 360?
Mad Catz Nintendo DS and GameCube accessories have been very well received by the market. We are encouraged to continue this success by supporting Nintendo's new platform. As one of the largest video game peripheral companies in the world, Mad Catz has the resources, talent, and experience to support each and every console in the market. Of course, each next generation console market size will be different from others. However, we believe that the overall success of the next generation video game industry will be most effectively achieved by collective success of all the consoles ultimately through market expansion. Our goal is to provide a wide range of values to our consumers whenever and wherever we can. We take every console seriously.
Any other comments that you would like to make about the Revolution or your philosophy on the upcoming years?
Mad Catz applauds Nintendo's bold stroke to appeal to the mass market beyond hardcore gamers. This is a great opportunity for the entire industry to expand the overall size of the existing market.
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January 5th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
A port of Python to the Nintendo DS, heres the info:
I wanted to see what was involved in cross-compiling Python to the Nintendo DS. In order to do this, I first needed a method of input and output to link the cross-compiled Python static library to, as it is simple to take input pass it into Python and have the output go to stdout or stderr. So, the first step was to look around for example source code for graphical keyboards that displayed on the touchscreen and output clicked letters to the top screen. There were many versions available, but the one I chose to start with was "Extended Keyboard Example 4".
It turns out that libNDS already provides a console, replacing stdin and stdout to do so. And devkitARM provides the common libraries and compilation tools, including a version of libc, called newlib. So, I just tried to cross compile Python 2.4, addressed the few minor issues that popped up, then linked the static library that resulted to the keyboard source code and added the 3 lines of C code that simulated a simple Python interpreter.
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January 5th, 2006, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
from DSfanboy
In addition to the online track hacks and other unlockables for Mario Kart DS that we've previously reported on, you can know uncover beta courses that were never released by Nintendo. A forum member writes: "There are several courses in Mario Kart DS that are unfinished and completely unavailable (beta). They can be played with a little bit of hacking, but not at all perfectly. The textures are missing, so the courses are displayed almost pure white."
Could lack of time be the reason for not including these tracks? Only Nintendo has the real answer, but it would have been nice to get some extra tracks on the game. Maybe some future solution will allow DS owners to do so though.
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January 5th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Visteon continues to be at the forefront of in-vehicle entertainment by introducing its latest family entertainment system that integrates gaming functionality. Through an exclusive partnership with Nintendo, Visteon has developed its Dockable Entertainment featuring Game Boy® Advance.
Like Visteon's Dockable Family Entertainment System, this product contains a portable multimedia device that can be detached from your vehicle and taken with you. Then, when you want to "hit the road", you can simply dock it into the overhead docking station. Additionally, this new system integrates Nintendo's Game Boy Advance – offering occupants the excitement of in-vehicle gaming.
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January 5th, 2006, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
After announcing Japanese and North American sales figures for the Nintendo DS, Nintendo has updated its sales figures for the European market - revealing that 3.5 million units have sold in the region, with 13 million now sold worldwide.
The figures, which cover actual sell-through rather than shipments, show Japan leading the world at the end of 2005 with over five million units sold, followed by North America with four million and Europe with 3.5 million.
An additional few hundred thousand units in territories such as Australia and Latin America brings the global total for the handheld console, which launched first in the USA and then in Japan in late 2004 followed by a European launch in early 2005, to over 13 million units.
Nintendogs was the most successful title on the platform in Europe, selling some 1.6 million units since its launch in October, while Mario Kart DS racked up some 800,000 sales across the region since November.
Some of the biggest titles for the platform have yet to arrive in Europe, however; most notably DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain, which is the most successful game on the platform in Japan and is being rebranded as "Prof. Kawashima's Brain Training: How old is your brain?" for its European launch.
Animal Crossing: Wild World, which uses the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection online service and has sold over a million units in just two weeks in Japan, is also due to launch in Europe shortly.
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January 5th, 2006, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Hit PC strategy game Age of Empires - the third instalment of which is currently riding high in the PC chart - is on its way to Nintendo DS in the form of Age of Empires: The Age of Kings.
Developed by Backbone Entertainment the game will offer the challenge of managing the fortunes of one of five different nations - British, French, Mongolian, Saracen and Japanese - as they compete for land and resources with one another.
The game will also support Wi-Fi multiplayer enabling up to four players to engage in turn-based strategic combat.
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings will be released for Nintendo DS on 10 March
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January 5th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster

DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
Here it is, year early possibly-buggy alpha version of Goomba Color. Savestates are broken. Mario Golf works great!
Double Speed mode was added, then removed because Double Speed means Double CPU Use, and ran At Half Speed for most games. Then there' S Pokemon Card Game, which runs normal At speed only when Double Speed is mode one. I regret to inform you of significant year casualty of the race for excellence. Super Mario Land has been mutulated beyond belief, and is No to skirt playable. * plays TAPS, bows head downwards * Sorry Chishm, Conker' S Pocket Tails is not yet supported.
More info of whats new:
Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 5th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:

Here it is, year early possibly-buggy alpha version of Goomba Color. Savestates are broken. Mario Golf works great!
Double Speed mode was added, then removed because Double Speed means Double CPU Use, and ran At Half Speed for most games. Then there' S Pokemon Card Game, which runs normal At speed only when Double Speed is mode one. I regret to inform you of significant year casualty of the race for excellence. Super Mario Land has been mutulated beyond belief, and is No to skirt playable. * plays TAPS, bows head downwards * Sorry Chishm, Conker' S Pocket Tails is not yet supported.
More info of whats new:
Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 5th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sata has updated his MP3 Player for the Nintendo DS that has support for many flashcards.
its in japanese so i havent a clue, anyone who knows japanese please tell us 
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January 5th, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
bluescrn posted this:
"The early version was discussed here (it's based on the display capture/dual pass demos discussed there):
But as I've just uploaded an updated demo - which looks nicer and now runs at 60fps (although it's still C, and there's a few optimizations left) - I thought it deserved a thread of its own...
The demo (with source) is here: www.bluescrn.net/dsbloom.zip (It's still based on those previous examples, and using the ship model/rendering code from them)
And my hopeless attempt to take a screenshot: www.bluescrn.net/dsbloom.jpg
Anyone else got interesting ideas for postprocessing a capture of the 3D? - already suggested was antialiasing - you could do supersampled 2xAA at 30fps by rendering a buffer twice the size of the screen in 2 passes, then resampling it down with the CPU.
I suppose the capture system could be used for very constrained render-to-texture effects (shadows/reflection maps?) But in practice it would probably be better to have a software renderer for those things, to avoid the huge VRAM/framerate costs that could be involved?"
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January 5th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this news:
M3 Adapter has now released the PassKey 2, compatible with all Nintendo DS consoles.

M3 Adapter is made for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS. You can use your PC and normal Compact Flash Card Reader to transfer and convert you movie & music files to the Compact Flash Cards. Then, insert M3 Adapter with CF/SD Card into GBA(SP) or Nintendo DS, and the files will be available after boot up of the console.
Its features are just the same as any other MP3 Player on the market but also playing games and movies instead of playing music only.
One of the coolest features of an M3 Adapter is that you can directly run third party software on it – that includes emulators of the video game system.
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January 5th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Alot of cool gadgets are hitting the floor of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) today, and among them is the Z800 3D Visor, an interesting looking pair of goggles that doesn't look anything at all like the old virtual reality machines of the early 90's that I remember. Nintendo has apparently shown an interest in these devices, buying several units of the VR specs. Could this mean that Nintendo will take the innovation of it's new controller to the next level and offer some sort of immersive visual accessories? We'll have to wait and see
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January 5th, 2006, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
A wrestling game for the DS has seemingly creeped up out of nowhere. According to the European Nintendo website, a WWE title is due for a March release. This is something of a confirmation for a title that looks like it has been in the making for some time.
The World Wrestling Entertainment has been making games for various console for years, with there being recent releases of WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2006 for both the PS2 and PSP. This recent game is coming on the back of a 2005 DS promotion at WWE's official website. According to another WWE source, this new game by THQ's game will be titled WWE: Superstar Aggression.
No other information is known at this time. Despite the some of the skepticism leveled at such a development on the DS, we can only really wait and see for what actually happens.
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January 5th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
My good friend and Developer for the Dreamcast and Nintendo DS Scenes, GPF aka Troy Davis posted this awesome news:
""Defendguin" is based loosely on William's classic arcade game, "Defender." Some recognizable stars in the realm of modern operating systems should be fairly obvious.
Based on Defendguin by Bill Kendrick
http: //www.newbreedsoftware.com/defendguin/
just a quick SDL port using my SDL lib, no sound yet but controls are working.

download the binaries and source from my website
awesome news for the DS Scene
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January 6th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that bit at the end of Carrie where John Travolta tips a bucket of pig's blood over the Prom Queen mere seconds before she goes on her telekinetic rampage of split-screen descruction? Well, we're beginning to feel a bit like that this afternoon - only swap "John Travolta" for "Nintendo" and "pig's blood" for "lots of Nintendo-related news". Apart from that, the rest stays the same - our dress looks fabulous.
Anyway, in YET ANOTHER Nintendo news item today, Miyamoto (Shigeru, Mr) has been speaking further on his company's action plan for the coming year. To kick start the new year, Famitsu interviewed the games guru about all manner of topics, including Yoot Saito's upcoming Feudal pinball... thing, Odama.
As far as Miyamoto sees it though, 2006 is the year when Nintendo will "create new fun". Summarising the company's philosophy, the Mario creator explains (as translated by Next-Gen.biz) "A game that keeps a smile on the player's face is a wonderful thing." This year the company's mantra is to "'Spread the fun of games to everyone.' To do this, we must return to the beginning, to recapture the essence that made people who enjoy games even now enjoy them in the first place."
Sounds to us like Nintendo is happy cementing the strategy which has so far proven so successful with its DS handheld, across games as wide-ranging and appealing as Nintendogs, Brain Training and Animal Crossing: Wild World. So, "company announces plans to continue impressively successful strategy" then - good news for Nintendo fans and maybe non news for others. Still, Miyamoto's comments were so sweet we thought they deserved a story of their own. Which is probably the lunchtime pie talking.
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January 6th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Today is clearly "Gosh-look-how-well-the-DS-is-doing" day here at CVG. We've already covered that impressive global 13.5 million units shifted figure and now word has reached us of this week's Japanese sales charts. Put it this way: Nintendo's accountant are probably rubbing their hands with glee, as the handheld claims 8 of the 10 top spots, leaving all other consoles in its wake.
Claiming pole position is Nintendo's Brain Training 2, which made its debut in the charts, selling an amazing 414,556 copies in just one week. At number two and three respectively, Animal Crossing DS has cleared a million copies with Mario Kart DS also fast approaching the magic one million marker.
For those interested, we've supplied the Japanese chart in its entirety below (total sales to date are listed in brackets at the end of each entry):
1. NDS Brain Training 2 414,556 NEW
2. NDS Animal Crossing DS 205,119 (1,382,228)
3. NDS Mario Kart DS 168,680 (836,478)
4. PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 156,837 (884,428)
5. NDS Brain Training 153,189 (1,157,870)
6. PS2 Front Mission 5 146,209 NEW
7. NDS Mario & Luigi 2 132,726 NEW
8. NDS Gentle Brain Training 82,789 (935,535)
9. NDS Tamagotchi 63,433 (784,537)
10. NDS Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Force 61,154 (572,858)
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January 6th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
If we had a whiteboard and non-permanent marker, we'd happily whisk up an overly complicated bar graph demonstrating how the internet x speculation + rumour = the driving force behind the videogames industry. Or something like that - maths was never our strong point. Anyway, one of our favourite rumours of late stemmed from NGC magazine, hinting that the GameCube's forthcoming Zelda: Twilight Princess would make use of the Revolution's wand-controller if the game was popped into its next-gen slot.
Now though, Nintendo has circulated an official statement to us journos in direct response to the claims - and it goes something like this: "The article in the January edition of NGC Magazine is pure speculation. Nintendo have made no new announcements regarding The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. We can however confirm that the game is still in development and that it will launch on Nintendo GameCube in 2006." (It also concludes with "Have a good weekend", but you probably didn't need to know that).
Now, read that closely. You'll notice, despite it's clever wording, there's nothing even approaching a flat-out denial of the NGC rumours. All we've been served with is confirmation that Nintendo has yet to make any official announcement that might prove or disprove the claims.
We like the idea of a do-it-yourself sword-swinging Zelda so much that we're happy to imagine that Nintendo's just keeping this one close to its chest for the time being. Of course, while we wait for that decisive "yay" or "nay", we can rest easy knowing that Zelda: Twilight Princess is still firmly scheduled for GameCube release later this year.
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January 6th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Only a Zelda game has the power to draw us away from worshipping at our office-constructed Miyamoto shrine, and according to the big man himself Link's next adventure will be more "hardcore" than ever before. Whatever that means.
Talking to popular bathroom supplement Maxim, the magazine cheekily asked Miyamoto whether he was ever tempted to throw Nintendo's life-long family games policy out the window once in a while and whisk up titles with mature-rated content. Obviously, being the company's most widely-revered mouthpiece, Miyamoto skirted around the issue slightly, responding with:
"I would say the games that we're working on now, like the new Zelda, Twilight Princess, has hardcore content. And if you look at the Revolution's controllers, there's a nunchaku-style controller expansion that's really well suited to first-person shooters."
Well that's it then kids, you're going to have to get a fake ID from your mate Dave who smokes cigarettes behind the French block. Zelda: Twilight Princess is going to be a hard-hitting, prostitute-murdering, drug-taking mature epic. Either that or it's going to be playing with themes darker than your average wind-waker - let's not forget that "mature" doesn't necessarily equate to grislier here.
It's interesting that Miyamoto also comments on the Revolution's nunchaku-style attachment by way of response to the question. His sentiments seemingly echo those of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who has previously spoken of the company's stated aim to reach a wider audience of gamers with the Revolution. In the Revolution controller's TGS unveiling, Iwata explained how the nunchaku-attachment would be ideal for FPS's on the system, presumably to peak the interest of those who absolutley must butcher people with virtual shotguns in the name of fun.
You can be assured that the next time Shigeru Miyamoto speaks in public, we will report it as fast as our delicate hands can type.
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January 6th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Source - MunkersDS
Finalised the image viewer, and GBFS support added. Looking into the various CF access libraries to possibly add support for those aswell. It isn’t visible in the screenshots, but I have also added calendar and time functions to PicasaDS to add timestamps to files when saving to CF/SD is possible.
Updated version including GBFS packer is available via the comments
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January 6th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source Drunken Coders
libnds 20052812
Apologies for the delay in adding this to the site news, christmas and new year festivities 
This update corrects some typos in the touch code which gave some odd results for quite a few people. Ndstool will require updating if you're using a default arm7 core, this will be part of the forthcoming toolchain update. Newlib 1.14.0 has been released and some more work on the newlib patches has been going on behind the scenes.
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January 6th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Thulinma has posted this news:
Well, you probably know there already are tools for converting images into patterns. All these tools have 1 problem, though: you need to manually input them in your game. This is where my tool comes in: it can not only convert any picture into a pattern file, it can also input them directly into your ACWW savefile!
Still, that is not all! It can also import/export .acww pattern files, so you can share your creations with your friends.
More info at link above.
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January 7th, 2006, 11:54 Posted By: wraggster

DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
Fixed VRAM reading (stupid bug)
Fixed sprite palette selection
GBC games can no longer change monochrome palette
Fixed scanline 0 interrupts
(fixes Ninja Gaiden, Shantae, etc)
Added fake HDMA
Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 7th, 2006, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster

DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
Fixed VRAM reading (stupid bug)
Fixed sprite palette selection
GBC games can no longer change monochrome palette
Fixed scanline 0 interrupts
(fixes Ninja Gaiden, Shantae, etc)
Added fake HDMA
Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 8th, 2006, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
While it's not exactly the kind of publication we thought would break all sorts of Revolution news, National Geographic Kids Magazine was invited by the Big N to test out the top-secret Revolution controller in Tokyo. They report, "The Revolution will be available later this year. You'll be able to use it with games you already have as well as with new games. Here are some old favorites and a few of the things you'll be able to do with this revolutionary new controller."
Wow! Let's break that down a bit:
The system will be out this year. You can believe they got this straight from Nintendo and it is consistent with earlier rumors. 2006. Done.
Backwards compatibility is of course something we've known about for awhile; however, the "old favorites" mention is so provocatively vague! They list The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, and Donkey Konga. Question is, are they listing games or franchises? If they are listing games, does this mean the "old favorite" versions of these games (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Melee) will use the Revolution controller to slash a sword or work as a shield? Nintendo recently said they "made no announcements" regarding such functionality. This of course does not mean there is no such functionality.
If they in fact meant "old favorite" franchises, can we infer there are next-generation versions in the works? Did they get hands-on time using the controller? Are all three games in active production, complete enough to be shown to the press?
Either possibility is far more than they've shown in earlier press demos, where they used simple gameplay demos with crude graphics to emphasize the interface. There is, of course, the possibility they were shown those same demos, and were told by Nintendo what they could expect, to snazz up the story a bit more... but why invite them out to Tokyo for just that?
Fine, we admit: Nintendo has us wrapped around their precious little finger, making us feel like awkward teenagers, gaping at a pinup of the Revolution controller in our proverbial high school locker, swooning over every little nugget of news, knees buckling whenever Shiggy or Reggie open their mouths... how much longer can we stand it?
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January 9th, 2006, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Ive some great news that should interest all Nintendo DS Developers and Nintendo DS News Sites and those who release Magazines and so on and so forth.
We have now changed to Open Source newsposting, that means any admins, mods, staff and more importantly Nintendo DS Coders can now post news and with the ability to upload up to 8mb files then this is a great launch platform for your Homebrew game, emulator, application or indeed anything.
Massive thanks to Martin64 for sorting out the tech stuff but from now on anyone who wants to post news (obviously i have to first give you the ability) can do so.
What this means is that no more do developers have to put up with sites non linking and more importantly you get the feedback and credit you deserve and to me thats whats most important.
Theres a way to newspost but theres also rules which ill gladly chat via the comments, but for now use Nintendo DS News as your main and true launch site for anything Nintendo DS related.
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January 9th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has issued an official apology to its retailers and customers after the seasonal rush to the stores after New Years in Japan left the Nintendo DS console out of stock across the country.
Reports from Japan suggest that every major electronics store in the Tokyo metropolitan area, as well as several non-specialist stores such as toy shops, placed sold out signs on their DS displays in the week after the New Year holiday.
Many Japanese children and teenagers receive gifts of money from relatives at New Years, which may have caused a rush on the hugely popular console - already undoubtedly running at low stock levels after three weeks leading up to January 1st which saw combined sales of 1.3 million units of the hardware.
"During the year-end period, there was a shortage of our company's portable gaming system, the Nintendo DS, due to a flood of demand which far exceeded our expectations," Nintendo explained in a press release, partially translated by YamaKiyo Press.
"We greatly apologise for inconveniencing all of our customers and retailers," the release concluded.
Nintendo has temporarily moved its shipments of the DS hardware into Japan to airmail in order to try and restock the console as quickly as possible.
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January 9th, 2006, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has recorded yet another hugely impressive week for the DS in Japan, with games for the handheld console capturing eight of the top ten places in the chart and 390,000 further hardware units sold.
The latest in the company's Brain Training series, DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain 2, was the top selling game for the week, debuting with a massive 415,000 sales, while Animal Crossing: Wild World racked up a further 205,000 sales at number two, and Mario Kart DS sold another 169,000 units at number three.
Last week's number one, Square Enix' PS2 action RPG Kingdom Hearts II, dropped three places to number four but still managed a perfectly creditable tally, with over 150,000 copies sold during the week, while the only other PS2 title in the chart was another Square Enix game, new entry Front Mission 5, which sold 146,000 units and came in at number six.
The only other new entry in the chart was Nintendo's DS RPG title Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time, which sold 136,000 units and came in at number seven in this week's ranking.
In total, Nintendo had seven titles in the top ten, all of them for the DS; one further DS title, Bandai's Tamagotchi Connection, charted at number nine, and Square Enix' two PS2 titles complete this week's chart.
Looking briefly outside the top ten, Dead or Alive 4 came in at number 13 in the chart, selling just under 61,000 units - making it into certainly the fastest selling Xbox 360 title yet, but not providing the boost to hardware sales that Microsoft might have hoped for.
Confounding the expectations of some market watchers who believed that the low sales of the Xbox 360 at launch in Japan were down to gamers waiting for DOA4, the console shifted 12,300 units during the week - twice the number that it did in the previous week, but still less than the GameCube, which sold marginally more at 12,579, and the Game Boy Advance handhelds, which sold 27,679.
The 390,000 sales racked up by the DS are hugely impressive, especially coming in the wake of the 600,000 units sold in the previous week, and 300,000 the week before that - but the number might have been even higher of the console hadn't sold out at retailers around the country.
The system continues to build its lead on the Sony PSP, which sold 110,000 units in the same week. The PlayStation 2 sold 79,000 units.
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January 9th, 2006, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from Datel:
At last, you can connect your DS to the Internet easily, cheaply and WIRELESSLY! With WiFi MAX, a whole world of online gaming on your Nintendo DS is opened.
WiFi MAX for DS couldn't be simpler to use. Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. You can then connect to the internet and play online-enabled multiplayer games with DS gamers from all over the world. Just the thing if you don't have a wireless router! Best of all, WiFi MAX supports up to five 'local' DS gamers at a time, so you and your mates can all play online at once with no loss of speed!
As WiFi MAX operates on the Wireless G standard, it's five times faster than an ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise WiFi range. If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi MAX too. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi router!
Internet gaming through any internet-enabled PC.
No cables necessary – make a wireless connection.
Five times faster than standard WiFi.
Suppled with software CD and WiFi dongle, and also a USB cable and stand for optimal positioning.
Compatible with internet-enabled games such as Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Tony Hawk's American Sk8land, Metroid Prime: Hunters and more.
Datel's WiFi MAX is out now.
Divineo UK have the Wifi Max in stock.
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January 9th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Next-Generation challenges Nintendo's Revolution controller theory with both positive and negative things to say. They analyze button placement, intuitiveness, and the thinking behind major controller releases over the past 20 years. From the article: "Reading about the Revolution, I have quickly become bored of the constant suggestions people offer, trying to justify Nintendo's bizarre new idea of a videogame system. If I see one more article about light saber battles, I... well. I'm just disappointed, is all. It's like everyone is going out of his way to think up the flashiest tech demo in town, when the actual benefit of the system and its controller comes not in the amazing new gimmicks it will facilitate, or in anything that will ever require the player to flail his arm around the room."
The article is a very insightful read about the history of interface thinking, and what's really important to game controls. Any others share the author's Revolution controller opinion?
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January 9th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Unconfirmed gossip from Japan suggests a significant change of tack for Nintendo's DS redesign, indicating a cellular phone-inspired design will be accompanied by voice-driven functionality.
Another clamshell design is expected, with the DS slimmed down significantly in all directions. The new DS is expected to be '...an opening square' with the side-buttons and D-pad barely fitting.
Of course, regular readers will have known for sometime time that the DS was being designed. We spoke exclusively with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata last year, an interview that dropped the first hints at what Nintendo's design teams might be planning.
Speaking to SPOnG, Iwata said, “Hardware developers at Nintendo are always looking for what comes next and what will be the new direction as soon as they finish the design of any particular piece of hardware,” he explained. “Some of them are actually working on improved functionality of the existing machine, with some working on a rework of the exterior design exactly in the same way they did with the transition from Game Boy Advance to Game Boy Advance SP.”
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the mooted redesign will be the function forcing the form. It is believed that the excellent Nintendo Wi-Fi service will see voice over IP calls between DS users. The machine will look like a cellular telephone because it will be used as one. For around $100 Nintendo hopes to deliver a cracking games machine with full Internet access and free calls to any other user when in-range of any Wi-Fi hotspot.
We expect the new DS hardware to be showcased at this May's E3.
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January 9th, 2006, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sata has updated his MP3 Player for the Nintendo DS that has support for many flashcards.
Updated version .02 has added Playback time and time indication of the mp3 file, in addition to ID3 tag interpretation and Japanese file name indication correspondence (UNICODE) .
Download below via the comments 
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January 9th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Renowned Japanese electronic artist Toshio Iwai’s beautiful-looking, whimsical music-creation game, Electroplankton, releases for Nintendo DS in the States today. Although wannabe ‘electro-composers’ in the UK are going to have to wait until ‘some unspecified time in Q2 2006’ SPOnG was told today by a Nintendo UK spokeswoman.
Even if, like some at SPOnG, you are arythmical, musically inept and tone deaf, the concept of Nintendo’s innovative Electroplankton – generating music by touching the screen or speaking into the microphone – must surely still appeal. Make Aphex Twin-like electronica classics whilst on the train to work, or, more likely, some quite nice sounding noises whilst you are playing on the toilet (-insert clichéd toilet humour gag here-).
According to today’s press release: “in Electroplankton sounds can be sampled, manipulated, changed and rearranged to help even novices create engrossing beats and harmonies.” SPOnG gave up attempting to make music when failing to pass Grade 2 Cello in our younger teenage salad years. Plus also because the harder boys on the school bus called us bad homophobic names for having a big instrument. So, finally, through the power of Electroplankton there may still be hope for us to creatively express ourselves musically yet.
The press release goes on to tell us that we can compose music ranging from techno beats to ethereal rhythms, wherever inspiration strikes (which actually usually is the toilet). The gameplay in Electroplankton is stunningly simple. Players/users choose one of 10 music-making modes and dive right in. One mode lets users manipulate the leaves of a plant using the touch screen. As colourful plankton launch into the air, they bounce off the leaves in melodic combinations. Another mode acts as a sampler. Users record up to four different sounds with the microphone and then layer them over drum loops to create a personalized beat.
"Electroplankton is a great way to kick off what promises to be an exciting year for Nintendo," says Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's chubby-cheeked executive vice president of sales & marketing. "It's the kind of casual game that will attract a broad audience and help Nintendo DS continue to expand its lead as the most popular new hand-held system."
SPOnG wants to hear your best efforts - send 'em in and we'll run an Electroplankton top ten. Winners get a record contract, or something, with Sharon Osbourne and Louis Walsh to act as their managers. Or maybe just a pen.
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January 9th, 2006, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
rmt38 posted this news:
A usable version of Python 2.4.2 for the Nintendo DS can be obtained from here. Along with the source code. It hooks in chishm's FAT code so that the CF card can be accessed from the Python programming language.
print ndsos.listdir("/")
print ndsos.stat("cf0:/python")
f = open("cf0:/python/lib/helloworld.py", "w")
f.write("def f(): return 'hello world'\n")
import helloworld
print helloworld.f()
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January 9th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has updated his RTS game for the DS, heres whats new:
Update. v0.3
Various speed optimizations.
Fog of war now remembers last seen state of buildings.
Swapped visibility diamond to an unoptimized Bresenham circle.
Fixed visibility to match what the unit sees.
Bug fix for workers repairing enemy buildings instead of damaging them.
Visibility for new buildings in fog of war is now being set properly.
Workers will now work on whatever is closest to them.
Heres a screenshot:

Download this excellent looking new RTS game here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsrts.shtml
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January 10th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America has announced details of the company's plans for Tetris DS, a new version of the ludicrously successful classic puzzle game which will be launched for the Nintendo DS handheld later this year.
The game incorporates a number of new features courtesy of the touch-screen interface and wireless networking capabilities of the console - including the ability to play over the internet on Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service.
Wireless multiplayer with up to ten players will be possible over local networks, and the game will support sharing, allowing ten players to play off a single game card, while two- and four-player battles will be possible online.
In addition, the game is set to add new play elements using the touch-screen on the DS, and each play mode will use a theme based on a different classic Nintendo franchise, including Mario, Zelda and Metroid.
Tetris DS is due to launch in the United States on March 20th. No European launch information has been released as yet.
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January 11th, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Several readers have tipped us off to an online survey, conducted by a marketing company for Nintendo, used to probe gamers for their opinions about the "Virtual Console" service. Keep in mind that the screenshots from the survey are merely mock-ups and do not reflect how the final product will appear. What is important to note, is that the survey focuses on three different pricing models:
"Game purchase. You may be able to buy retro games and save them to the Nintendo Revolution's memory, so they are always available.
Game rental. You may be able to rent games for a specified period.
Game subscription. By paying a monthly subscription fee, you will be able to add a certain number of games to your personal game library each month. You will be able to play all of the games in your library, including those that you added in previous months, as long as you continue your subscription. Note that one subscription option would allow for 'unlimited' access to the Virtual Console library. This means you could play any Virtual Console game as long as you maintained your subscription. "
In addition, the survey also lists the following titles (by console), which will likely be available at launch:
• Balloon Fight
• Baseball
• Donkey Kong
• Donkey Kong Jr.
• Dr. Mario
• Duck Hunt
• Excitebike
• Hogan's Alley
• Ice Climber
• Ice Hockey
• Kid Icarus
• Kirby
• Kung Fu
• Mario Bros.
• Mario Open Golf
• Metroid
• Pinball
• Pro Wrestling
• Punch Out
• RC Pro AM
• Soccer
• Super Mario Bros.
• Super Mario Bros. 2
• Super Mario Bros. 3
• Tennis
• Tetris
• Urban Champion
• Volleyball
• Wario's Woods
• Yoshi's Cookies
• Zelda
• Zelda (Adventure of Link)
• Battle Clash
• Donkey Kong Country
• Donkey Kong Country 2
• Earthbound
• F-Zero
• Illusion of Gaia
• Killer Instinct
• Kirby's Avalanche
• Kirby Dream Course
• Kirby Super Star
• Kirby 3
• Pilot Wings
• Sim City
• Star Fox
• Stunt Race FX
• Super Mario Kart
• Super Mario RPG
• Super Mario World
• Super Metroid
• Super Play Action Football
• Super Scope 6
• Super Soccer
• Super Tennis
• Tetris Attack
• Tetris 2
• Uniracers
• Vegas Stakes
• Wario's Woods
• Yoshi's Hunting
• Yoshi's Island
• Zelda
• 1080
• Blast Corps
• Bomberman 64
• Cruisin' USA
• Goldeneye
• Mario Golf 64
• Mario Party 3
• Mario Tennis 64
• Ogre Battle 64
• Paper Mario
• Pilot Wings 64
• Pokemon Snap
• Sin & Punishment
• Star Fox 64
• Super Mario 64
• Wave Race
• Yoshi's Story
• Zelda
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January 11th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Thulinma has once more updated his tool for importing and extracting the Patterns you can use in Animal Crossing: Wild World the Commercial DS Game:
Heres whats new in v6.0
Now supports player 2, 3 and 4.
Filename for exporting/converting is now chooseable, defaults to a legal filename.
Player "inventories" are named after the player.
Added the following characters: heart, semicolon, all numbers, exclamation mark, dot.
Convert pictures into .acww files
Choose a name for the converted pattern
Export .acww files from your ACWW savegame (US version)
Import .acww files into your ACWW savegame (US version)
View .acww files
Download via comments:
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January 11th, 2006, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
Right, a quick catch up: NGC magazine recently revealed that it had gotten its hands on reliable information suggesting that Nintendo's upcoming Zelda: Twilight Princess would include features making use of the Revolution's wand-wavy controller when the disc was rammed inside the company's next-gen console. In response, Nintendo released an official statement claiming that "The article in the January edition of NGC Magazine is pure speculation. Nintendo have made no new announcements regarding The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess."
Now however, NGC has responded to Nintendo's response on website pressstartonline.co.uk. Martin Kitts, the magazine's editor, states that "The news came from somebody senior at Nintendo who, admittedly, probably shouldn't have let it slip before E3." Kitts stands by NGC's claims, explaining that the "news piece wasn't a load of bull - it's direct from the people who are making the game."
Frankly, given the non-committal, non-denial nature of Nintendo's statement, we're more than happy to believe that there's some truth to the NGC's claims that Twilight Princess will be in some way compatible with the Revolution's spangly new input device, whatever form that eventually takes. Obviously, until Nintendo releases details officially, it's the magazine's word against the company's. Still, the prospect of hacking Hyrule infidels to death with a quick swing of the Rev's controller is exciting enough to have us clinging onto our continually ebbing hope - although, to be honest, we'd settle for Nintendo just getting the damn game out for GameCube now, we've been waiting so long.
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January 11th, 2006, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
Late last year Reggie Fils-Aime, chief marketing manager for Nintendo said how they've been looking into re-designing the DS ever since its launch, and last month Japan's Famitsu magazine teased us all saying they knew a current Nintendo console is getting a revision soon, but wouldn't say which one. All signs however are pointing to an NDS: SP, and here at Lik Sang too we have received word a couple of days ago from a Japanese contact stating Nintendo will have a formal announcement of the re-design on Jan 16th. Stay tuned to Lik-Sang.com to see if this turns out to be genius or bogus! Meanwhile rumors on Spong.com suggest it'll be a square clam-shell design, inspired by cell phones and allowing you to make free VoIP calls from any wireless hot spot.
Getting back to today's NDS though, this was without a doubt the must-have machine this Christmas, and worldwide sales surpassed a whopping 13 million in its first year on the market! Demand has been so high in fact that the console is sold out across Japan. Nintendo have even posted a public statement on their website apologizing for not having enough stock, and explaining that they are trying their best to replenish stores, even flying new consoles in by costly air cargo. This shortage is bound to hit Lik-Sang sooner or later, but will vary from color to color. We recommend when adding the NDS to your shopping cart, check the shipping status to see if it's shipping within 24 hours or not.
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January 11th, 2006, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
Following up on the success of their Megaman Anniversary Collection, Capcom have brought together the first six Megaman X titles this week. Megaman X3, which is the rarest of the series, is enhanced beyond the SNES original, and is instead a copy of the PSOne re-release. This features all new anime scenes and as with every title in this collection, a remixed soundtrack. Also present is Megaman Battle & Chase, a kart racer released on the PSOne back in 1997, but that never saw a release in the states until now. Beyond that Capcom have packed original and sketch artwork onto the disc, plus more surprises!
Created as a more action packed spin-off to the legendary Megaman line-up, it's no wonder these ended up taking over from the original series, and in fact still continues today with Megaman X7 and X8 on the PS2. If you haven't stepped into Megaman's rocket shoes before, here you get almost a decade of hit platform games, and what's more, all for a budget price too! Due in stock today, new comers and fans alike will thrive on this pack. Finally, don't forget Megaman Maverick Hunter X coming to the PSP on Jan 31st, which is a full 3D remake of the very original Megaman X with voice acting, the ability to play as Vile, X’s arch rival and more.
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January 11th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
2005 was a disappointment for most game publishers. EA's sales were down and their key franchises didn't even come close to meeting expectations. The number of players feeling bored, like they've 'been there done that' with games today continues to grow. Are we heading towards a videogame crash? Or a revolution? Nintendo are betting the farm on the latter, and judging by the sheer excitement gushing through the veins of gamers, we'd say they might be onto a winner!
Where as sequels on the 360 and PS3 feature better graphics and higher resolutions, improved sound and such, behind that new lick of paint is the same game you've already played over, and over, and over again. Simply chopping the cables or changing the shape of a controller won't make it feel any differently, but Nintendo's Revolution however changes the way you play. Be it something completely fresh, or a true new next gen way to play classics like FPS titles, it'll offer countless experiences you've never had before.
Like the rest of the world, here at Lik-Sang we're hanging onto Nintendo's every word for the latest details, and since our Next Gen Round Up back in early October, there's plenty of juicy new facts out. Before we get into them all however, remember we have opened a reservation list without any commitments, and this is the best way to take your place in the line now.
The Games
First lets dive right into the games. While no details on titles have been revealed yet, we do have an ever growing list of names. In addition to that below, Camelot (of Golden Sun fame) are brewing up an RPG, Ubisoft is working on two first person shooters and an action game, and AQ interactive have an action game and a comic licensed title in development. Something from the creator of Wario Ware is also coming up, as is another new title from the producer of Animal Crossing: Wild World, and Metal Gear's Hideo Kojima! These are big names, and we can't wait to see what they come out with when their imaginations run wild.
EA also have some games up their sleeves, and so do Eidos, THQ, Grasshopper (who produced Killer 7), Gearbox (famous for Brothers In Arms), Harmonix (best known for FreQuency), and KOEI (loved for Dynasty Warriors). Confirmed to already be in development are:
• Animal Crossing
• Donkey Kong
• Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Sequel
• Killing Day
• Mario Kart Sequel
• Mario Paint Sequel
• Metroid Prime 3
• Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
• Possession
• Raid over the River
• Soul Calibur Sequel
• Splinter Cell 4
• Super Mario 128
• Super Smash Bros. Revolution
• The Darkness
• The Legend of Zelda Sequel
• The Simpsons Game
• Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
• Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent
With the Virtual Console system allowing you to download classic games for a small still undecided fee, last time we mentioned how in an interview with Famitsu magazine, Sega's Yuji Naka, head of Sonic Team and Sega's Software R&D said "I hope Sega games will be playable as well." Then late last month Reggie Fils-Aime, chief marketing officer for Nintendo of America mentioned that Sega are "intrigued" by the Virtual Console system, again raising hopes the download library will be even larger than previously thought. While emulation is nothing new for PC, the chance to play these classics how they were meant be played, on your big TV without a keyboard, is music to our ears.
Like with Xbox 360 and PS3, the Revolution will also feature password protected parental controls. When booting a game, it'll check the content rating encoded onto the disc, and if it's above what parents set the console as, there'll be no blood bath for little Billy tonight.
Release Date and Price Point
While the launch price still remains a mystery, at the end of last month, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stated the Revolution would be priced below the US$ 299 mark. How much less is yet to be seen, but typically Nintendo tries to break even or if possible profit slightly from their hardware, as opposed to Sony and Microsoft which lose big bucks on each machine, then make it back through games and accessories. Most recent estimates suggest an Xbox 360 for example, costs US$ 715 to produce.
Nintendo have stated though that "all the incredible details about Nintendo's upcoming games and hardware" will be revealed at their pre-E3 press conference on May 9th. With that in mind, the Revolution of course won't be released before May. Also of interest, Jim Merrick, Nintendo of Europe's former technical director (now working for Nintendo of America), said how they were aiming for a worldwide launch, covering every region within a 14 week time frame. Then just last month rumors rose that the Revolution would launch in the states at latest around Thanksgiving week, Nov 18th to 24th. Then with the addition of the Revolution to Nintendo of Europe's website, and a "2006" date, this would seem to confirm a worldwide release is indeed poised to happen within this year.
Secrets Still To Come
Both Shigeru Miyamoto and Jim Merrick have confirmed that "there are still secrets to this controller, and these will be revealed [later]." Reggie Fils-Aime also explained how "It's fair to say that we have a number of things that we will begin unveiling all [this] year, leading up to E3." Later he commented "I hope massively multiplayer online games are really explored on this system. That's a genre, from the home console standpoint, that really hasn't been explored very well."
As Nintendo said themselves, they've "created a gaming system that is sleek and compact in size, powers up quickly with minimal load times, makes game development easy and fast, is easy to use, and is affordable for everyone. We are confident that gamers and non-gamers alike will support the truly next-generation experience only Nintendo can provide. Once you have a chance to play games on the Revolution, we think you'll agree!"
Finally, for more information on the Revolution Controller and Technical Specs, since nothing new has surfaced on them yet, you can still read all about them in our past coverage here.
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January 11th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Electroplankton is now out in the US but remember that the DS is region free for UK DS Owners:

In Electroplankton, art and music collide to create a wildly fresh interactive audio experience. In this title, featuring the striking visual style of Japanese artist Toshio Iwai, you can poke, rub, and draw on the touch screen to stimulate odd aquatic creatures and create your own music. Each of the 10 different types of Electroplankton features a completely different sound style, ranging from haunting melodies to head-nodding beats to funky Mario theme remixes. One even acts as a sampler, allowing you to record up to four sounds and layer them over drum loops. Create new songs and experiences every time you play!
Buy yours here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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January 11th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.pdroms.de/index.php
WiFi Transfer allows you to transfer a file from a computer server (the server application is written in java) to the DS and execute the application straight away. New, now with source code!!! This has been tested only on the GBAMP, but it should work on some flashcards and M3 too (it's using Chrism's CF driver).
The *source code* is distributed - The paths are all relative to the directory and Sgstair's lib is included so it should be easy to compile. All you need is the latest DevKitPro NOTE: No spaces in the path to the source...
New app, wific2, (execute for GBAMP only) downloads and executes the file named test.nds from the server, without all the setting screen (using the ones saved from wific), for fast testing during development
Some important bugfixes:- The discovery code was wrong, this time server discovery sould work better. - The settings sometimes were not put in the wifi, so you could not (at times) interact with the server. So the 'I can't get the list of file' bug (at least in some occasions)
Poversaving - close the DS goes in standby - you can turn off the upper screen by pressing select at the main menu
The java server now has commandline: java -jar server.jar [directory] [-port portNumber] [-delay sendDelay]
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January 11th, 2006, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Alias Zero has posted this news on his site:
Some more info:
Q: What Is HelloDS?
A: HelloDS is a simple VoIP application for Nintendo DS, created by Alias-Zero It makes use of Stephen Stair's Wifi Lib
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January 12th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Sometimes, a title comes our way that isn't easily classified into current videogame genres. See, Electroplankton - as the fantastic art and music heads-on collision it represents - won't fit your usual puzzle or music title drawer, it's something completely unique and that benefits the gaming field altogether. We are offered an experience that you have to delve in hands-on to really see what it is about, to enjoy it fully in several areas, be it visuals, audio or touch. Below, we certainly have done our best to give you the gist of what Electroplankton is all about, and why we absolutely recommend you have to get this one. A challenging and relaxing piece of Nintendo goodness appearing on the NDS, a platform already home to other acclaimed music oriented titles Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Dai Gassou! Band Brothers, which have been released in Japanese versions only before as well.
Now, the US version of Electroplankton is in stock and ships within 24 hours for only US$ 49.90, eligible for our Free Shipping Worldwide promotion. For those of you who preordered this great recreational tool, your orders have been shipped out already. Please note that this game is currently a web exclusive and availability is very sparse. You'd better be quick if you want to beat the backorder flag, or if already too late when you are reading these lines, you might as well consider the Japanese version of the game, which we have in sufficient stock for everyone.
More of the article at the link above.
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January 12th, 2006, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS Game released:

Based on the anime series, about a young baker yearning to make a name for himself. Set up like a board game, you collect ingredients, make bread, and set up a shop on the game board. If rival players end up in your shop's space, they have to buy bread from you.
More info and to buy go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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January 12th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
A number of independent sources have suggested that a redesigned version of Nintendo's DS console will be unveiled next week, with new more compact hardware expected to replace dwindling stocks of the current system.
Rumours of a redesigned DS have been circulating for several months, but received a boost last month when Japanese magazine Famitsu reported that a Nintendo hardware redesign was in the pipeline - which instantly suggests the DS, since the GameCube is to be replaced by the backwards-compatible Revolution later this year, and the GBA was redesigned as the Game Boy Micro only a few months ago.
Nintendo's US marketing manager Reggie Fils-Aime also confirmed late last year that a redesign of the DS was on the cards, and now leading Hong Kong based videogames import retailer Lik-Sang has reported that the new hardware will be unveiled on Monday in Japan.
Lik-Sang's report ties in with comments made by a Japanese retail source who spoke to GamesIndustry.biz this week, saying that stock levels of the Nintendo DS continue to be low in the wake of the console selling out over the New Year period, but that Nintendo representatives have advised them that a major announcement will be made shortly.
UK retailers we spoke to this afternoon, however, claimed to have heard no information from Nintendo regarding any imminent redesign or change to the Nintendo DS strategy in this territory, but were aware of persistent rumours of redesigned hardware, with one saying that he had heard from a major publisher that a new DS would be on shelves worldwide "by E3 at the latest" - referring to the major industry trade show which takes place in mid-May.
The move would make strategic sense for Nintendo, which has sold over 13 million units of the Nintendo DS worldwide in the past year, and is believed to have fairly low levels of stock of the existing hardware in the retail channel in most of its major markets at present.
It also ties in with the company's past behaviour - the GBA SP, a major redesign to the Game Boy Advance hardware, was also pushed into the marketplace early in the new year to capitalise on the low stocks of existing hardware after the holiday season.
Nintendo itself has yet to comment on the rumours, and is unlikely to do so until an official announcement is made in Japan next week.
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January 12th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have this new DS Game:

Everything you loved about Top Spin is back and made even better. Experience Grand Slam events in venues that are alive and dynamic with environmental elements that react to your play. Characters are even more stunning and the inclusion of the top players in the world like Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams, Andy Roddick, Lleyton Hewitt and Roger Federer Top Spin 2 for the GBA is sure to be a hit with the tennis fans!
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January 12th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have this new DS Game:

The most devious plan ever created in a Nicktoons world is unfolding. Professor Calamitous has pulled together Plankton, Vlad, and Crocker to form a group known as The Evil Syndicate in an attempt to take over the world. Not to be outsmarted, Jimmy Neutron calls upon his own band of Nicktoons. Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and SpongeBob SquarePants combine their powers to take out The Evil Syndicate, along with the devastating Doomsday device.
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January 12th, 2006, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have this new DS Game:

Comical action game from BeeWorks and Success. Players take control of Straw, an apprentice witch. As you work your way through the game's 2D stages, you make use of "Mono," a white-colored, three-tiered character who can apparently understand human beings. Mono substitutes for a ball in the game, and you work your way through the stages by throwing him around. Using the stylus, you draw circles on the bottom screen in order to build up energy and toss Mono further. Apparently, building up strength is similar to how one builds up power in a golf game; your goal is to build up enough strength so a bar on the left side of the screen ends up in a small target zone. You'll have to work your way through eight stages by tossing Mono here and there.
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January 12th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
1. NDS - Brain Training 2 - Nintendo - 290,000
2. NDS - Animal Crossing: Wild World - Nintendo - 133,000
3. NDS - Mario Kart DS - Nintendo - 115,000
4. NDS - Brain Training for Adults - Nitnendo - 114,000
5. NDS - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - Nintendo - 98,000
6. PS2 - Kingdom Hearts 2 - Square Enix - 83,000
7. NDS - Brain Training for Kids - Nintendo - 63,000
8. NDS - Tamagotchi no PuchiPuchi Omisecchi - Bandai - 62,000
9. NDS - Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon Blue - Nintendo - 57,000
10. GBA - Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon Red - Nintendo - 49,000
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January 12th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
Rising Star Games has revealed that it will release both Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon Magical Melody for GameCube in PAL territories this spring, and that Nintendo of Europe will distribute both.
The Nintendo DS version blah blah unique features of hardware blah blah, but let's be honest, we all want to stroke cows and sheer sheep using our styli. That's what the system was designed for.
The Cube one, meanwhile, sees the player trying to collect 100 musical notes spread throughout the game world in order to help the Harvest Sprites restore the Harvest Goddess to her former self. She's been turned to stone, apparently. Can't be nice.
"The series has grown in quality ever since the initial release in 1997," says Martin Defries, COO of RSG. "These two titles will be the best yet, evolving ideas present in the original game and introducing new twists on the much-loved gameplay. We're really excited about both."
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January 12th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
No longer shows colored solid tiles when the screen should be off
Fixed off-by-one scanline problems introduced in alpha 1.
Now you can specify whether you want to emulate a GB, GBC, or GBA
Added double speed mode, either timers only or complete
Fixed splash screen corrupting graphics
Go Multiboot feature for smaller GB roms (and a couple tiny GBC games too)
Major changes to SRAM save system
Added 32k saves, Enter the menu with L+R to save the game's sram
Stack writes to SRAM are now saved
Save files smaller in pogoshell
Some changes merged from Kuwanger's version
Palette changes apply immediatly
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 12th, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
No longer shows colored solid tiles when the screen should be off
Fixed off-by-one scanline problems introduced in alpha 1.
Now you can specify whether you want to emulate a GB, GBC, or GBA
Added double speed mode, either timers only or complete
Fixed splash screen corrupting graphics
Go Multiboot feature for smaller GB roms (and a couple tiny GBC games too)
Major changes to SRAM save system
Added 32k saves, Enter the menu with L+R to save the game's sram
Stack writes to SRAM are now saved
Save files smaller in pogoshell
Some changes merged from Kuwanger's version
Palette changes apply immediatly
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 12th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
FireSlash has updated his game LumiDS for the Nintendo DS. LumiDS is a game similare to the PSP puzzle game "Lumines".
Added music. The song will automagically cycle itself during game play.
Added sound effects.
Replaced default arm7 lib with custom one.
Hacked around a bug that caused the sweep bar to display under the blocks. (Someone PLEASE fix glOrtho. Please?
Loading screen now unloads itself.
Added block queue on the top screen
Blocks marked but not swept now properly un-mark after the sweep has finished.
Download is now split into two files... data and binaries.
Numerous (potential) gameplay bug fixes.
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January 12th, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
With there being 3 leading handhelds in the world of homebrew and emulation, i thought that some friendly banter discussing the merits of each console and the downsides and without too much fanboyism come to the conclusion of which is the best.
Heres some info on each
Good - 333mhz console with widescreen, massive range of emulators and homebrew, up to 4gb hard drive space can be added, easy to upload on v1.0, v1.5
Bad - Shortish battery life, Annoying firmware updates that stop new users playing all homebrew
Good - 2x200 Dual CPU console, Linux based, play movies without encoding, very impressive range of homebrew and emulators, many at full speed, up to 4gb space can be added, built in tv out, firmware updates to improve abilities.
Bad - Short battery life, concerns over build quality of first edition
Nintendo DS
Good -Long battery life, Stylus/Touch Screen is perfect for RTS games, Lots of homebrew but not as many emulators, up to 8gb can be added,
Bad - Weakest in power of the three consoles
Ok thats a very brief rundown of some good and bad points, which for you is the most well rounded of the consoles.
Let the debate begin 
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January 13th, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
an interview at the site Revolution Report talking with ATI about the power of the Revolution's graphics. From the article: "What I can say is that ATI is focused, as is Nintendo, in making [Revolution] a great, gaming entertainment platform. I know that a lot of journalists are very focused on specs. It's the big thing; as a geek, I look for that too. The key thing to keep in mind is that Nintendo, with ATI's help, is trying to create a game console where you don't have to look at [specs].
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January 13th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralyser have released a new application for the DS called DiskBench Version0.1
No details at this time on what it is, for those who want to investigate then check out the download via comments.
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January 13th, 2006, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
APM released a port of Noiz to the Nintendo DS, heres what he posted:
Hi all,
I did up a quick-hack port of Kenta Cho's Noiz to the DS. It's still pretty alpha (no saving, no level / miss counter, etc), but it may amuse you.
Screenshots to follow; iDeaS doesn't want to run it and right now my wife's got the FlashMe'd DS. (The JTAG cable is in the mail to upgrade to a PassMe2 to flash my shiny new red one =])
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January 13th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Cory1492 sent me an email with this great news:
Someone on the unofficial M3 adapter pointed out they were using a pixel fixer linked to at your site. I just thought I'd let you know a couple things:
1- I stopped using myfilestash, you can update the link to my site at
http://nds.cmamod.com/pixelFixerv2.zip cant give you a direct link because of link protection though...have to copy/paste the link to make it work
2- Ufos85 submitted a better one to NeoFlash forums for MK2 for free, it can be found here: http://ufos85.mine.nu/nds/
Thanks for supporting my app, it is appreciated that you helped spread it around. Today I just got my first confirmation that it works so I am very happy. The other one has been confirmed to work as well.
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January 14th, 2006, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
TotalVideoGames reports that Nintendogs has passed the millions-sold mark, making it the third game for the DS to do so. From the article: "Additional titles set to break through the milestone shortly include Mario Kart DS, Yawaraka Atamajuku (Gentle Brain Exercises) and Motto Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training (Prof. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? 2), whilst Bandai's hugely popular Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi (yes Tamagotchi) has also passed the mark making it the first 3rd party title to do so.
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January 14th, 2006, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
Thulinma has updated his tool for importing and extracting the Patterns you can use in the game Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Whats New in v7.0:
Added a few common characters that were missing.
You can now view/edit Bulletin Board messages of your town.
You can now view (no editing yet) the letters in player 1's inventory.
You can now view the raw data of the savegame, converted to a (mostly) readible format.
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January 14th, 2006, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
The DS continues to warrant plenty of press with its strong sales in Japan. The platform's games were responsible for six of the top 10 titles in the country, with the remaining four belonging to Sony's PlayStation 2, the normal behemoth in game sales. Developers seem keen on continuing the success of the DS, as three more games for the handheld were recently announced.
Capcom will release its next installment of Mega Man on the Nintendo DS. According to the latest issue of Famitsu, the company is currently developing Rockman ZX. Though the title sounds similar to Capcom's long-running Rockman EXE action role-playing series (known as Mega Man Battle Network in English), ZX will be a traditional side-scrolling 2D action game.
The main characters are new, and gamers can choose to play as either a boy named Van or a girl named Ale. This marks the first time that the series will feature a female as a main character. No release date or price has been announced for Rockman ZX yet. For the first pictures of the game, check Capcom's teaser site that just opened today.
Also in the most recent issue of Famitsu is the report that Nintendo is bringing the 1998 arcade puzzle game Puzz Loop to the DS. The new version will be titled Shunkan Puzz Loop (Instant Puzz Loop), and is slated for a March 2 release. The game is being developed by Mitchell, which created the original arcade edition. Mitchell is also known as the developer of Polarium, one of the very first puzzle games that was released for the DS.
The rules in Shunkan Puzz Loop are basically the same as in the original arcade version, except the game uses the DS touch-sensitive screen for controls. The player's objective is to erase balls that are traveling on a spiral path so that they don't reach the center of the screen. The colored spheres can be erased by aligning three of the same hue, which is done by shooting out balls from a launcher located in the center of the spiral. The DS version features a total of 60 different stages, with a boss stage every 10 stages.
Following the steps of Sony Computer Entertainment's Talkman for the PSP, Nintendo is also releasing a line of translation utilities for its handheld gaming machine. Nintendo will release a communication tool named "Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou" for the DS in March. The translation software's name ironically translates to the confusing title of "Finger-pointing Conversation Note for Traveling" in English.
Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwacho allows the user to communicate in foreign languages by displaying text on the screen. The program can also play back the text in voices. The software will be offered in five different languages: Thai, Chinese, Korean, English, and German. Each program will be sold separately at the price of 2,800 yen ($25).
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January 14th, 2006, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source joystiq
2005 was good to the games industry, due mostly in part to handheld gaming (ahh, those busy lifestyles). The NPD Group reports U.S. game retail sales hit a record $10.5 billion in 2005, breaking the previous record of $10.3 billion set back in 2002. And get this; software sales for the GBA, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP increased by 42 percent over 2004. Nintendo's five-year-old GBA comprised a whopping 52% of total handheld sales.
The article continues: "Console software experienced a 12 percent decline, with hardware and accessories declining 3 percent and 8 percent respectively from 2004. Many analysts and executives blame the decline in console software and hardware sales on consumer anticipation of the Xbox 360, which remains in short supply nearly three months after the console's launch."
So are we seeing a trend here? Is portable gaming, not consoles, where the majority of revenue growth be found? Either way, high-fives all around to the little portables that could.
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January 14th, 2006, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source joystiq
2005 was good to the games industry, due mostly in part to handheld gaming (ahh, those busy lifestyles). The NPD Group reports U.S. game retail sales hit a record $10.5 billion in 2005, breaking the previous record of $10.3 billion set back in 2002. And get this; software sales for the GBA, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP increased by 42 percent over 2004. Nintendo's five-year-old GBA comprised a whopping 52% of total handheld sales.
The article continues: "Console software experienced a 12 percent decline, with hardware and accessories declining 3 percent and 8 percent respectively from 2004. Many analysts and executives blame the decline in console software and hardware sales on consumer anticipation of the Xbox 360, which remains in short supply nearly three months after the console's launch."
So are we seeing a trend here? Is portable gaming, not consoles, where the majority of revenue growth be found? Either way, high-fives all around to the little portables that could.
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January 14th, 2006, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
YopYop has once again updated his impressive Nintendo DS Emulator for windows:
Correction of the management of the CARD_REG but there is still lot of works
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January 14th, 2006, 13:49 Posted By: wraggster
Everyone is aware that the Revolution is not the market to compete with the sheer graphical prowess of the Xbox 360 and PS3, relying, in stead, on creativity and ingenuity. In fact, it would seem, even ATI is adamant about giving no comparison of the Revolutions graphical scale when compared to the competing next-gen consoles.StartFragment "What I can say is that ATI is focused, as is Nintendo, in making [Revolution] a great, gaming entertainment platform. I know that a lot of journalists are very focused on specs. It's the big thing; as a geek, I look for that too," says ATI PR manager for consumer products John Swinimer. "The key thing to keep in mind is that Nintendo, with ATI's help, is trying to create a game console where you don't have to look at [specs].
ATI wouldn't specifically state if Hollywood, the codename given to the Revolution GPU, is based off GameCube's Flipper GPU, instead saying it wasn't based off any PC architecture.
"Hollywood is a specific design and is in no way reflective of PC technology," says Swinimer. "It is designed the same as the Flipper was -- from the ground up for a specific console. Totally different sort of architecture from what you might find on the PC." Swinimer's comments aren't explicit, but seem to imply Hollywood is a completely unique design from ATI. With everyone, including ATI, dancing around the question, it would appear that we will just have to wait and see for ourselves. Will the Revolutions overall graphical performance be competitive with next-gen consoles? Will they be comparable to current gen? Or, could we see the release of a console that splits the difference? Lets hear your opinions in the comments below.
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January 14th, 2006, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
Great games have been fueling the DS' advance on the marketplace in 2005, culminating in "sold-out" status in Japan this holiday season. That's great momentum for the DS as it heads into 2006. But what does the future really hold for the dual-screen wonder? We place our bets below.
DS Prediction #1: Titles that take advantage of the DS will increasingly come from Japanese developers. Cultural differences aside, lazy North American developers will increasingly produce lackluster content for the DS. Expect more ports and retro projects from America's best when it comes to the DS. But, never fear, the Japanese developers are here. They will continue to push the envelope and develop games that demand the DS' talents. We may just have to wait until 2007 for the next batch of revolutionary games to hit Western shores.
DS Prediction #2: No price drop. It seems like a no-brainer that we would see a price drop for the DS in 2006. But we won't. Even in the face of a PSP price drop, Nintendo knows that it has the momentum and knows that it has a portable game library that is second to none. Nintendo isn't branching out beyond games (and into the world of multimedia, for instance). You can expect Nintendo to hold their current price point in a market where the only real competition for portable gaming comes from the Gameboy Micro.
DS Prediction #3: The DS will show off some unique connectivity capabilities with the Revolution. Think streaming. Think about streaming Goldeneye from your spankin' new Revolution to your DS, whever it is in your house. Retro games are coming your way, wherever you are. Wirelessly. Sweet.
DS Prediction #4: No DS redesign until 2007. Yep, this could be proven wrong on Monday. I just like to make myself vulnerable like that. But, the fact is that the DS won't see a redesign until 2007. Sure, you may see an announcement on a redesign sooner, but you're not going to be buying new product for at least a year. The DS is selling like hotcakes (it's sold out in Japan, for example). Why mess with something that you can't even keep in stock? And the Revolution is headed our way in Spring/Summer. Why release something that will compete directly for the gamer's dollar in the exact same timeframe? Nintendo will bide its time on this one.
DS Prediction #5: There will be a sequel to Nintendogs this holiday, but it won't be Nintencats. Think Nintenpets. You'll get to manage a household of canaries, hamsters, cats and your favorite imported canine. They'll interact with you and they'll interact with each other, leading to new ways to play and new challenges to overcome. New animal AI research has been going on for sometime.
There you have it, 5 predictions for the ages (or at least 2006). Agree, disagree? Have your own predictions? Join the fun and comment below.
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January 15th, 2006, 03:39 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Papero
Download: binary and sources (304 kb)
Comments by Francesco: The first WinDS emu... how cool!
Comments by LiraNuna: This one isn't judged, but shows a good examples about Emulation architecture on WinDS!
Comments by Papero: It's my little entry for this compo, so it's out of competition. Btw, it is a chip8 emulator. Maybe it blinks a bit... Enjoy!
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January 15th, 2006, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: SausageBoy
Download: binary and sources (311 kb)
Comments by Francesco: This is a demo app. It could become a nice color chooser control and has a cool built-on-the-fly icon! Unfortunately, it does absolutely nothing, although it does it very well! .
Comments by LiraNuna: Quite an... Intresting demo! Shows unique features like real-time-rendered icon and using full-screen applications.
Comments by Papero: We have received this entry at the very end of the time. It is only a small graphic effect demo, that changes both screen color while touching the touch screen. I had a lot of headaches to link this applib to others and I needed to partially rewrite it. Not so fun, not so complex, but it's worth a
look for some cool ideas in the source.
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January 15th, 2006, 04:01 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Strager
Download: binary and sources (870 kb)
Comments by Francesco: A nice input method. The design is not original and i'm not sure it could be useful on WinDS (which has a quite comfortable keyboard already). Anyway the implementation is well done and works fine, also including two communicating windows.
Comments by LiraNuna: An alternative Input method. I'm sure that this alternative keyboard will be added into WinDS as an option
Comments by Papero: Very interesting entry. It is a revolutionary writing system for devices with a touch screen (like our nds ). Not an original idea, because it is an implementation for ds of an existing software, but I think that LiraNuna could embed it in WinDS.
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January 15th, 2006, 04:03 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: RoboNes
Download: binary (215 kb)
Comments by Francesco: We couldn't get this one to work properly. That's a shame, cause it looked promising. I hope Robones will get it to work soon.
Comments by LiraNuna: We couldn't run this application : Not on HW and not on Emulators.
Comments by Papero: It's a shame that a very good entry like this does not work on NDS. We have tried in all ways to make it work, but no way. It works nicely on GBA (both emus and HW). Basically, it's an application like "My computer" on windows, so you can see your phisical drives and filesystems. The author has made a windows tool to create filesystems and append it to roms too. Maybe in too much early stage, but it worths to keep the good work, RoboNes!
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January 15th, 2006, 04:05 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Chetic
Download: binary and sources (434 kb)
Comments by Francesco: This app is very nice, including all basic features of an organizer. It's easy to use, practical and able to store and reload data. Very useful, too!
Comments by LiraNuna: Wow! Impressive application! Task organizing application! That's what i've allways wanted on my DS! This one could get full score from me if i could erase tasks
Comments by Papero: What can I say? This is an entry that could grow up our WinDS! It is an Organizer like the ones you can find on PDAs. You can organize all your planned tasks by setting up expiration dates on this little app. Of course you can set groups and assign it a colour that allows to recognize a task by looking at the calendar. A very useful app! Because it uses a filesystem, it does not work on emus.
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January 15th, 2006, 04:08 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Frz
Download: binary and sources (323 kb)
Comments by Francesco: Nice try. The game works with no pains and does what you expect it to do. I'd like to have some more features, but who loves sudoku will love this one too.
Comments by LiraNuna: A Sudoku game for WinDS, I'm not a big fan of this game, but i appreciate the hard work of the author.
Comments by Papero: A tidy game... it's a Sudoku with a help system. It works nice, but somewhere the design lacks (eg. the way to put numbers by a droplist). BTW a clean and nice work . It uses an external open source lib for the help system.
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January 15th, 2006, 04:13 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Nikolas
Download: binary (217 kb)
Comments by Francesco: This is a nice loader based on GBAMP, supporting icons for each app. I got very little to say: this is a very useful and well coded app!
Comments by LiraNuna: An .NDS Homebrew launcher. This application is very handy and will be handy too after i will add a file-handler to WinDS (oops... i wasn't supposed to tell you that...)
Comments by Papero: Another great app from our guys! Kicker allows you to launch nds files from a GBAMP without the need to restart the console. It is very nice to select an app from the droplist and start it from WinDS... now you can use WinDS to test homebrews too
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January 15th, 2006, 04:17 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Strager
Download: binary and sources (870 kb)
Comments by Francesco: Very basic app, featuring simple algebra and the ability to switch data and unknows. Does little, does it well.
Comments by LiraNuna: A Fine/Tax calculator, a very simple handy tool.
Comments by Papero: A little tool that calculates Price/Tax/Total starting from 2 of them. Another utility for our NDS!
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January 15th, 2006, 04:20 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Strager
Download: binary and sources (870 kb)
Comments by Francesco: Very basic app, featuring simple algebra and the ability to switch data and unknows. Does little, does it well.
Comments by LiraNuna: A Fine/Tax calculator, a very simple handy tool.
Comments by Papero: A little tool that calculates Price/Tax/Total starting from 2 of them. Another utility for our NDS!
Download here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...threadid=17115
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January 15th, 2006, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.
Author: Luis Cabellos
Download: binary (306 kb)
Comments by Francesco: This is a headache-maker game . Basic features and nice buttons. I'd like to see some more stats during the game. Moreover, saving in this game is quite necessary, but not included. Good although not perfect.
Comments by LiraNuna: Another game that kept me busy for a LONG time! I got untill the 51th level, then it got waaay to hard. thumbs up!
Comments by Papero: A nice board game. It works fine, but the app itself seems a bit poor. Unfortunately it lacks a way to save levels, so every time you should restart from the first one
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January 15th, 2006, 12:05 Posted By: wraggster
The above video image comes from Nintendo.co.jp via Google Video and appears to be some kind of menu system, presumably for Nintendo's forthcoming Revolution console. The name found on the video reads "Nintendo RS" and is dated 12/29/2005. Upon first viewing, you might think you're starting to play Electroplankton, but in the final frame or two there is an image of menu options. Nintendo RS is clearly seen at the top left corner and you can see a "Start Game" and "Introduce a DVD" option.
The Google video page includes the following description: "Menu beta that Nintendo gave the companies." We're not sure who uploaded the short video, and/or if it was in fact by Nintendo of Japan, but the Nintendo RS moniker is very similar to the Nintendo DS logo in style.
It's been so long since the last bit of Nintendo speculation that we just had to blow your minds with this one. If you haven't already, see it for yourself.
Screenshot below
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January 15th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of SMS Advance the Master System Emulator for the GBA Micro/SP (also works on Nintendo DS and the Gamecube Gameboy Player)
whats new:
Added support for running the GG bios in SMS mode.
Added support for all SMS Bioses.
Added option in builder for "empty" slot at the end of ROMlist. (Loopy).
Added option to lock the 2 toprows in unscaled mode.
Added "Perfect Sprite" option for games like:
Global Gladiators.
GP Rider (GG).
Speedball 2.
Xenon 2.
Added emulation of locking the right side of the screen, games:
Griffin (GG).
Line of Fire.
Megumi Rescue.
Fixed IO port 2, Laser Ghost.
Fixed Monaco GP, SG-1000.
Fixed the support for Jang Pung II (KR).
Fixed priority on zoomed sprites in mode 0 & 2 (Bank Panic, SG-100).
Download Here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/smsadvance.shtml
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January 15th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of SMS Advance the Master System Emulator for the GBA Micro/SP (also works on Nintendo DS and the Gamecube Gameboy Player)
whats new:
Added support for running the GG bios in SMS mode.
Added support for all SMS Bioses.
Added option in builder for "empty" slot at the end of ROMlist. (Loopy).
Added option to lock the 2 toprows in unscaled mode.
Added "Perfect Sprite" option for games like:
Global Gladiators.
GP Rider (GG).
Speedball 2.
Xenon 2.
Added emulation of locking the right side of the screen, games:
Griffin (GG).
Line of Fire.
Megumi Rescue.
Fixed IO port 2, Laser Ghost.
Fixed Monaco GP, SG-1000.
Fixed the support for Jang Pung II (KR).
Fixed priority on zoomed sprites in mode 0 & 2 (Bank Panic, SG-100).
Download Here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/smsadvance.shtml
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January 15th, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
The PC tool for the Nintendo WiFi USB connector has been updated to version 1.03.
In this version, the below problems from version 1.02 have been fixed:
1. The error code is now displayed when a shared setting error occurs.
2. The problem that caused error 51303 to occur was fixed.
3. The problem that occurred during Internet connection determination was fixed.
4. Settings are now set to their default values when a shared setting error occurs.
5. The following problem was fixed: if the shared settings fail when the WAN IP is
192.168.0.x, the IP becomes and the installation terminates.
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January 15th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has updated his RTS game for the DS, heres whats new:
Added towers. I didn't tell the AI about them though.
Fixed bug preventing new building from being built if you had your max units made.
Fixed fog of war not being cleared when a unit is killed.
Heres a screenshot:

Download this excellent looking new RTS game here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsrts.shtml
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January 15th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
U.S. retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories hit a record $10.5 billion in 2005 as strong demand from portable gaming gadgets offset weakness in console players, the NPD Group research firm reported Friday.
The results surpassed the old record of $10.3 billion set in 2002 and were 6 percent higher than the $9.9 billion reported in 2004.
Software for portable players such as Nintendo's Game Boy Advance and Sony's PlayStation Portable jumped 42 percent to $1.4 billion in 2005 -- the second straight year with sales above $1 billion. Game Boy Advance programs made up 52 percent of total sales.
"The real story for 2005 was the incredible expansion of portable gaming," said Anita Frazier, an NPD analyst. "The GBA continued to realize stellar sales, and the introduction of the (Nintendo) DS and PSP to the market brought older gamers to the portable format."
The console market faced software delays and hardware shortages. Consumers also held off purchases in anticipation of Microsoft Corp.'s new Xbox 360, which was in short supply after its Nov. 22 U.S. launch, as well as Sony's and Nintendo's upcoming consoles.
For 2005, console hardware, software and accessories saw sales declines of 3 percent, 12 percent and 8 percent over 2004.
"It goes without saying that the full impact of next generation consoles on the consumer market won't unfold until later this year when Sony and Nintendo's video game consoles hit U.S. retail shelves," Frazier said.
Electronic Arts Inc.'s "Madden NFL 06" for Sony's PlayStation 2 was the most popular title of the year as measured by units sold. It was followed by Nintendo's "Pokemon Emerald" for Game Boy Advance and Sony's "Gran Turismo 4" for the PlayStation 2.
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January 15th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
DragonMinded has updated his Drugwars game, heres whats new:
Completely revamped version that uses dual screens far better than originally. A totall redesigned banking system also makes for easy deposits and withdraws. Eye candy has been dispersed throughout the game, the Inventory and Prices menus have been consolidated, and random sound effects have been added. Check it out for everything that's been added!
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He also updated his font and sprite library
- 1/15/2006 A few new things in this update. First, I consolidated a few functions that did not need to have duplicates, such as character width, height, etc... Also, I added functions that allow you to supply a raw buffer and use the sprite and wrapped text functions on your own 15bit color backgrounds. I have also added the ability to draw text or sprites inverted.
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January 16th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial DS Game released:

A remake of the first Resident Evil game with the DS's unique feature set in mind. New traps and battles await as you work your way through the now classic storyline involving Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield and that well-known mansion that introduced the world to Resident Evil back in 1996. Zombies are now smarter and actually work their way around doors as they chase after you. You'll find that there's no solace in a room that you think you've completely freed from zombie infestation. The DS's stylus is being put to use in the remake as well, as you use the touchpad to solve puzzles as well as slash at zombies using the stylus.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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January 16th, 2006, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Excerpts from one of Nintendo's market research questionnaires have appeared on the Internet, providing an indication of the potential pricing structure for downloading classic Nintendo software titles.
The survey, conducted by marketing company Zanthus, focuses on the forthcoming Nintendo Revolution games console, which is set to include functionality for wireless downloads of classic NES, SNES and N64 software, in addition to reading GameCube discs.
Dubbed the 'Virtual Console', Nintendo's plans were initially revealed following the issuing of a technology patent in October 2005. At the time however, scare details on the system were revealed, and a pricing structure for the service continues to generate speculation in the industry.
In June 2005, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata spoke at a business strategy conference in Japan, confirming that the company would not be providing back-catalogue titles free of charge.
Iwata did suggest however, that some titles may be used as a promotional incentive. For example, by offering a free dowload of a classic title with pre-orders of its next-generation iteration.
"We hope to create a system which allows both Nintendo and [third-party publishers] to make a profit by using [software titles] from the past," Iwata stated at the time.
According to the information from a market research questionnaire undertaken by website Classicgamer.com, the company has highlighted three potential pricing structures. The first is a monthly flat-rate subscription charge of USD 14.99, which would allow gamers to access and play any of the available titles from all three retro consoles at any time. By comparison, NES titles were listed at approximately USD 2.99, whilst several N64 titles were listed at a significanty higher USD 19.99.
The questionnaire is, of course, only an indication of the intended pricing structure, and the figures are subject to change at Nintendo's discretion. A statement from Nintendo of America reads:
"Nintendo is considering a variety of options for the virtual console service for our next console, code-named Revolution, although details have not been announced at this time. In our normal course of business, Nintendo conducts consumer research for many of our products with information and imagery that do not represent actual product specifics."
Full disclosure of the company's intentions, both in terms of a launch strategy and its overall pricing structure for the Revolution console and Virtual Console service is expected to be announced at the E3 expo in May 2006.
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January 16th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe has told GamesIndustry.biz that there are no plans to unveil a redesigned version of the multi-million selling Nintendo DS handheld this week, despite rumours to the contrary.
Reports of a redesign began to emerge after online retailer Lik-Sang said Nintendo was planning to unveil the new unit at a press conference in Japan today. Lik-Sang's claims were backed up by Japanese retail sources.
But a Nintendo spokesperson has dismissed the reports, describing them as "pure rumour and speculation." However, although a redesign will not be revealed as soon as has been rumoured, it seems highly likely that Nintendo will unveil a new, more compact DS at some point in the near future.
Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed late last year that a redesign was in the pipeline, and it's thought that there are low levels of DS stock remaining - the handheld has proved a huge hit in Japan, the US and Europe and more than 13 million units have been sold worldwide.
Plus, Nintendo has used the redesign strategy before, with successful results. The Game Boy Advance was given a makeover to become the GBA SP, which proved hugely popular - so popular, in fact, that another iteration, the Game Boy Micro, was released last year.
All things considered, it's more a question of when rather than if as far as a DS redesign is concerned - and although Nintendo has ruled out this week, it's unlikely that the wait will be too long.
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January 17th, 2006, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
SuperCard has just released the v1.60 Firmware and v2.50 Patcher software for both the Compact Flash (CF) and Secure Digital Cards (SD) version of their very popular GameBoy Advance / Nintendo DS Development/Backup unit.
Heres whats new:
Fixed the RESET function problem for some games. It works perfectly now.
List the iQue games sperate for supportting NDS games better.
Redesigned the "I/O" program and enhance the reading card performance. Now it is X times faster than previous versions
Added "Trim" option, fixes the bug of deadlock for trimed games in pervious versions.
NDS Games patch update to 261, now 100% NDS games Support.
Will enter NDS mode directly if FlashMe installed. Hold "START" will enter GBA mode when power up.
Running GBA games in NDS mode, the second screen will turn off the light to save power.
NDS game RESET hot keys change to "L+R+A+B+X+Y".
IPS patch of NDS games included. These games need IPS patch 0007,0011,0017,0018,0022,0025,0032,0033,0037,003 9, 0043,0052,0056,0061,0073,0123.
For easy to use, IPS patch will be patched automatically when convert the game. And will not effect the game if IPS patched already.
Important: NDS Owner, please update the New firmware in GBA mode
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January 17th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Biohazard Deadly Silence brings the bloody, horrific, and now classic tale of Spencer Mansion to the NDS. Classic Mode lets you experience the original game without any changes, right down to the cut scenes and the 'so bad it's good' voice acting (fancy a jibble sandwich anyone?). Rebirth Mode on the other hand features a slew of changes, starting with improved controls, including Biohazard 3's 180 degree turn, and both the knife button and quick reload from Biohazard 4. The top screen displays a map, ammo and health meter, and there's also new traps, battles and puzzles, many of which make use of the touch screen. Certain parts of the game will also switch to first person mode and wielding your knife with the stylus, you can slice and dice your way through rotting zombie flesh. At other times you can use it to wipe blood off the screen, or blow into the microphone to perform CPR on an unfortunate teammate.
Characters have been both re-modeled and re-animated, and confirmed guests of the Mansion include Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton and Wesker. Not to be out-done, the zombies are upgraded too, being not only smarter, and not only chasing you from room to room, but in greater numbers also! All this alone would make for a spectacular remake, but no, Capcom always has to go that extra mile. Through a full on four player Wi-Fi mode, there's both co-op and competitive games to play, the later being a race to kill the most monsters! In stock now, the Spencer Mansion is once again ready for dinner, erm, visitors.
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January 17th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Minoru Nakai, producer of the forthcoming Resident Evil remake for Nintendo's DS, has revealed that he's currently involved with a project for the Revolution at Capcom.
Speaking to website Jeux-France.com, Nakai let slip that while the unannounced game will not be a Resident Evil title, the experience his team gains with the machine could pave the wave for a new entry in the Resi series. What's more, the Revolution's unique controller could create an evolutionary leap in the series as big as the one on display in Resi 4.
"Even if the playability of Resident Evil 4 thus remains very led to my taste", Nakai explained (via Google translator, just in case you're wondering), "we would clearly like to use the potential of the [Revolution controller], because the players could end up wearying themselves of this style of gameplay."
However, the producer cautioned that "it would be perhaps more judicious to develop a game other than Resident Evil on Nintendo Revolution, before attacking this series, and this, to familiarize myself more with this new concept, in order to better benefit from the potential of the [controller] thereafter. We [are working] there in this moment..."
So, Nakai seems impressed enough with Nintendo's offering to consider it might provide the perfect match for taking the Resi franchise into new, unchartered waters. It would seem that Capcom's got no plans to bring the series to the next-gen console just yet though - does this mean we can wave goodbye to hopes of Resident Evil 5 on the Revolution afterall?
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January 17th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Believe it or not, but the latest golf sim for the DS, released today, will not feature familiar faces from the Nintendo universe. No plumbers, no cuddly mushroom people, not even an unlockable ape. With the stylus as your virtual club, True Swing Golf has more in common with the bar room classic, Golden Tee, than it does with other golf titles. That's right, if a drunken fool can play, anyone can. True to the Nintendo standard, True Swing offers an intuitive interface, accessible to all types of gamers—and like any good golf game, it takes time to master.
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January 17th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's Mega Man X Collection offers a total of seven Mega Man games with remixed soundtracks. If you're a fan of the series, you've probably already picked up a copy of the game. If not, here's what the reviews have to say:
Gamespot 72% - "Mega Man X Collection isn't nearly the resounding success that Capcom's first Mega Man compilation was, but it's far from a failure. Any fan of the Mega Man X series that doesn't already own all these games in some form or another ought to give this collection a try."
Gamespy 80% - "...The low $30 price tag makes it a worthy purchase if you're looking for a retro game fix. It's a shame that there aren't as many games on this compilation as there were on the Anniversary Collection (Mega Man Soccer really should've been included), but you're still getting some fun games ([except], of course, Mega Man X6)."
IGN 70% - "Because the emulation here is so adept, the gameplay remains unchanged. In fact, in some cases it's slightly improved as the slowdown found in the older cart versions has either gone away or been significantly enhanced."
At the time of writing, the GameCube version had a slightly higher average ratio of 77% compared with the PS2's 72%.
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January 17th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
DSemu the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows has been updated, heres whats new:
- Sprite support fixed. Homebrew demos with sprites should now start to work.
- Support for some 8 bit graphics modes with palletes.
- Fixed crash that occurred occasionally in mode 5 rendering.
- Workaround for a thumb emulation bug that occurs with devkitpro r17 compiled programs (to be fixed properly in 0.4.11).
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml
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January 17th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
bigs has released a new game for the DS, heres what the coder posted:
here is my first program for ds with pa_lib.
still some things to add and to optimise, but globaly finished.
will release sources when it will be a bit cleaner .
Screenshot and downloads via comments
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January 17th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
DragonMinded has updated his Drugwars game, heres whats new:
1/16/2006 - Updated the drugwars.nds link to point to the new binary instead of the old. Sorry folks, working on a case sensitive server here... Thank you David for pointing this out.
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January 18th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Yopyop has released a new version of his Nintendo DS Emulator for windows, heres whats new:
Change :
- CARD_REG correction.
Next version will deal with graphics bugs.
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January 18th, 2006, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Kleevah has updated his/her site with 2 new projects for download, heres the info on each:
Port of the awesome Windows 3.1 game SkiFree. Far from complete, but the stylus steering works fine
A really simple, but cool, 2D-effect that looks like 3D. Screenshot doesn't do justice, test it on hardware!
Downloads and screenshots to both via comments:
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January 18th, 2006, 08:12 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has updated his RTS game for the DS, heres whats new:
Update. v0.5
Added a menu, you can now select Right/Left handed(hit R/L for a shortcut instead of using the touchscreen).
B/Down(right/left handed) is kill all selected units again.
Added options for 0-3 AI's in the game, they're all hostile towards each other, so it's still easy to win.
Fixed fog of war not being cleared when a unit is killed... Again...
Slight fog of war speed improvement.
Added a countdown for units being made in buildings.
Heres a screenshot:

Download this excellent looking new RTS game here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsrts.shtml
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January 18th, 2006, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster

New Commercial DS Game released:
Samus Aran's entry into the bumper-and-flipper world is a sleek, sci-fi classic gaming adventure that has her careening into gigantic boss monsters and bouncing through a variety of exciting pinball tables. Play tables across two screens at the same time using the touch screen to nudge the pinball table. Battle deadly enemies and experience a number of special modes such as Clone Machine Multiball and the Wall-Jump Challenge while you blast and bomb your high score into a state of pure pinball pandemonium.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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January 18th, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
To date, Nintendo has been rather stingy with details about its next-generation console, the Revolution. So far, the Kyoto-based game giant has only unveiled a mock-up of the console and its new controller. It has also vaguely mentioned that several of its popular franchises, such as Super Smash Bros. and Metroid Prime, are going next gen.
Given the lack of information, speculation has mounted that the Revolution may not actually launch until 2007. Today, though, the company's head man debunked all rumors, stating that the console will make it in time for Christmas 2006.
In an interview featured in today's edition of Japanese newspaper Sankei Shinbun, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated, "We can't disclose the Revolution's release period yet, but we have no plans to miss out on the year-end sales battle. As for North America, we need to release it by Thanksgiving, or otherwise we won't receive support from the retail industry. So the Revolution will be released prior to that period."
Iwata avoided any specific comments about how much the Revolution would cost. However, he reiterated that the console will be reasonably priced. "The amount of money that people are willing to spend on videogames is getting less every year," he said. "Even if it's a superb machine, it's not going to sell if it's 50,000 yen ($434). We plan to make [the Revolution] an affordable price."
To date, Nintendo has never released a console above the price of 25,000 yen ($217) in Japan. Iwata also told the Sankei Shinbun that a working model close to the final form factor of the Revolution will be shown at E3 in May.
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January 18th, 2006, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Shackle your barnacles and brace your britches! Nintendo's head honcho Satoru Iwata (who sadly isn't a pirate despite the nautical opener), has unvieled the most official-sounding indication of the Revolution's release date yet - and it could be a case of happy-happy for our US and Japanese friends and a big fat boo-hoo for us Europeans, possibly.
Speaking to Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun, as reported by Jeux-france.com, Iwata has revealed that a near-complete version of the Revolution console will be on-hand at this year's E3, as widely speculated. However, of far more interest is his proclamation that Nintendo's next-gen console is due to hit the US pre-Thanksgiving and by the end of the year in Japan.
Now, those release dates look suspiciously familiar to us - you might remember Nintendo following a similar pattern for its DS launch in 2004, with the handheld hitting North America on November 21 and, unusually, appearing in Japan slightly later on December 2. Of course, you might also remember that the machine didn't reach European territories until March 11 - could this mean that Iwata's proclamations concerning the Revolution release indicate we won't be seeing the console over here until early 2007, as some industry sources have previously suggested?
Currently, we're holding onto the hope that we'll see the Revolution this side of New Year, but obviously it's all down to Nintendo. To sweeten the potentially bitter pill however, Iwata also suggested in the interview that Nintendo's next-gen console would be priced in such a way that will encourage people to buy it without hesitation. Interesting...
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January 18th, 2006, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
sgstair posted this update
Well um, I should probably let people know how things are going again - so nobody gets the crazy idea that I'm abandoning the project or something like that. Anyway, the lib test app has been updated recently ( [wifi_lib_test.nds] ) - ICMP has been implemented to the point that you can ping the DS. Granted that's not entirely useful, but... whatever.... I'm continuing to work on bashing the other bits into shape, and I'm hoping to have a new release soon. The new release will be a bit different than the current release, a lot is changing, and it'll be much nicer for release 0.3. So, I've not given up yet... still working on it. Also, to clarify, Yes, I have completed the requirements for the remainder of the bounty, and have received the payment. Many thanks to all who contributed towards making this a reality!
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January 18th, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio posted this news:
Small changes in the server and client:
When there is packet loss, the server increments the delay in (number of lost packets)/10. This should fix the situation faster.
Bugfix: The client asks for the lost packets also at the end of the transfer instead of returning ack. This should solve many transfer errors.
Other small changes.
More info --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 19th, 2006, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
Alpha 4 - 2006-01-18 (Dwedit)
If the SRAM is full on bootup, the user can now delete files to
avoid losing the latest save, or hit B to cancel.
Fixed the Zelda Oracles games
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 19th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated Flubbas Goomba emulator (which is a Gameboy and Now Gameboy Colour emulator for the GB Micro/GBA and also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player, heres the info:
Alpha 4 - 2006-01-18 (Dwedit)
If the SRAM is full on bootup, the user can now delete files to
avoid losing the latest save, or hit B to cancel.
Fixed the Zelda Oracles games
Download Here ---> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml
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January 19th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: Raveneye
alright, just a question. What is this, has anybody seen this before, what is this Nintendo ON thing?
See this and you will know what I mean.
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January 19th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Reggie Fils-Aime, had a chat with News.com recently, and laid it on the line about the company's plans for the new year -- and about what Nintendo really thinks of the competition. Among other things, Fils-Aime dissed the PSP, saying that "the buzz for the DS is huge and growing, and the most anticipated handheld titles are on our platform, not on Sony's." He also hit the Xbox 360 for being overpriced, insisting that a full-on 360 rig with accessories would cost customers $700, while the Revolution will run for under $300 (though we somehow doubt Nintdendo will shy away from selling or endorsing high-priced Revolution accessories). Ah, not since Sim Wong Hoo have we seen such braggadocio; spin on, Reggie, spin on!
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January 19th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
For those of you who are desperate to score a specific color of the Nintendo DS because of the damn shortage situation in Japan, we have good news. Today, the Asian version of the popular handheld has seen release of 4 new flavors, with Candy Pink, Pure White, Red and Turquoise Blue, bringing the total to 6, as Silver and Black were already out earlier. With that latest expansion, the range is now as deep as in Japan, if you except the special limited editions of course. The Asian version differs from the Japanese version only for the fact that it comes with a 220 Volts power supply (with UK plug) in order to fit with the electricity outlets found in Hong Kong homes. It is region free and therefore will play any NDS game released anywhere in the world. The language on screen in the navigation mode can be set to English. Price is US$ 149.90 for all different models, and all colors are available now.
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January 19th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Recent comments from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and US sales and marketing boss Reggie Fils-Aime have confirmed more details about the Revolution console launch, with both men adamant that it will ship before the end of the year.
Speaking in a brief interview with Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun, partially translated by US website GameSpot, Iwata said that Nintendo has "no plans to miss out on the year-end sales battle" by launching the Revolution too late.
"As for North America, we need to release it by Thanksgiving, or otherwise we won't receive support from the retail industry," he continued. "So the Revolution will be released prior to that period."
As well as placing a deadline for the US launch of Thanksgiving, Iwata also revealed indirectly that the launch will not come before June - saying that a working version of the console similar to the final design will be shown at E3 in mid-May, which would preclude a launch prior to then.
Nintendo could quite possibly launch the Revolution in all three territories during the June to December period, given that the less complex hardware of the system should see it experiencing fewer manufacturing bottlenecks than its rivals at Sony and Microsoft - and it's possible that it will repeat the strategy used with the DS and launch first in the United States, rather than in Japan.
As to the price, both Iwata and Fils-Aime - who was speaking in an interview with News.com - are adamant that the Revolution will come in at an affordable price point compared to its competitors.
"The amount of money that people are willing to spend on videogames is getting less every year," Iwata commented. "Even if it's a superb machine, it's not going to sell if it's 50,000 Yen (around $430). We plan to make [the Revolution] an affordable price."
Fils-Aime went even further, reiterating earlier comments from Iwata which suggested that the machine would come in at a price point of under $300, and criticising the high bar to entry of other next-gen systems in terms of pricing.
"Many companies are making their products too exclusive and expensive for the general consumer," he commented. "For example, for American consumers to get into the Xbox 360 franchise, with games and extra controllers, they had to spend more than $700, not including an HDTV, which is really the only way to positively experience 360."
"We resolve at Nintendo to remain within reach for the vast majority of our consumers," he commented, and went on to say that the firm hopes to make Revolution into a more affordable prospect for developers as well, with one of the company's "new years resolutions" being to "turn game development into a democracy of great ideas."
"Just as the cost of systems is getting out of reach for everyday consumers, the cost of game development is getting out of reach for game publishers," he said. "The Revolution will be more affordable for game developers to create for, and that will result in fantastically innovative content."
Regarding the company's targets for the launch of Revolution, Fils-Aime once again picked on Xbox 360 - confidently predicting that the next-gen Nintendo console will outsell Microsoft's system.
"We will see more units than Xbox 360 did here in the United States in our launch window," he predicted. "I mean, in December, we sold more GameCubes in the United States than Microsoft sold 360s, and Revolution will do better than that."
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January 20th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via GameSetWatch, an editorial on the site Firing Squad suggesting that Nintendo is poised for a gaming industry coup. Their unique controller and appeal to casual gamers, the author posits, will turn the status quo on its head. From the article: "The cheapness of the console will help it sell and it's unlikely that Nintendo will face production shortages since it won't use exotic and difficult-to-make components. With a large installed owner base, more developers will be inclined to take a shot at it, publishers will feel pressured to release key titles (like Madden) for the Revolution regardless of their past GameCube experience. The controller is standard enough to work for most titles - so Xbox and PlayStation games will most likely work on the Revolution without major trouble, yet that same controller offers unique features that will be difficult to replicate for Microsoft's and Sony's consoles.
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January 20th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Next Generation is running down the reasons why the Nintendo DS is so popular in Japan, by analyzing an article on the subject from Famitsu. From the article: "In any department store in Japan, there are DS demo stations. Usually the screens are scratched to high hell (I can't imagine what people are DOING with the stylus), and lately, there are a lot of games to choose from. On the launch day of Xbox 360, I recall seeing a line eight persons deep to play Super Mario Kart DS, and not one person even looking at the 360. This was in Shibuya Tsutaya, statistically the most foot-trafficked game retailer in all of Japan."
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January 20th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's DS continues to hold the lion's share of the top ten in Japan's software charts this week, with seven titles for the hugely popular handheld in the ranking - but hardware supply shortages are still stunting sales of the console itself.
With the incredibly busy New Years sales period drawing to a close - this week's sales were less than half as strong as last week's - the latest Brain Training title, More DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain, is still at number one.
It is followed in the ranking by last year's best-selling game in Japan, Animal Crossing: Wild World, whild the original DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain is at number three in the chart, and Mario Kart DS is at number four.
Three more DS titles - namely Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, Gentle Brain Exercises, and Bandai's Tamagotchi Connection - occupy positions eight, nine and ten respectively in this week's chart.
There's only one new release in the ranking, Sony Computer Entertainment's anime-based mech-strategy-cum-dating PS2 game, Gunparade Orchestra: White Chapter, which sold around 36,000 units to come in at number five this week.
Rounding out the top ten are one more PS2 title - Square Enix' hugely successful Kingdom Hearts II, enjoying yet another week in the charts with a number seven placing - and a single PSP title, Capcom's Monster Hunster Portable, at number six.
However, in hardware terms, the PSP was the best-selling console of the week in Japan for a second consecutive week, selling almost 58,000 to the DS' 54,000 unit sales, a reflection of Nintendo's ongoing stock problems with the DS.
In the first two weeks of this year the PSP has sold over 190,000 units, compared to just shy of 146,000 for the DS - a massive decline for the persistently out-of-stock DS, which sold around 1.3 million units in the last three weeks of December alone.
Nintendo has made no comment on the stock situation since apologising to retailers and consumers almost two weeks ago, but told GamesIndustry.biz last week that claims that the low levels of stock are partially due to plans to introduce a redesigned DS console in the coming weeks were "pure speculation."
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January 20th, 2006, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has today announced that 1 million units of its Nintendo DS handheld console are in the hands of gamers across the country. The announcement is just another highlight in a long line of successes throughout 2005 where the Nintendo DS has led the handheld market not only in the UK but across the globe. Many stores across the UK are continuing to report they are sold out of Nintendo DS until new stock arrives in the coming week.
Following Nintendo DS's launch in Europe in March 2005, almost three and a half million Nintendo DS units have been sold. Worldwide sales have shown a similar pattern with millions of people turning to Nintendo for their portable gaming. Approximately 13 million* Nintendo DS were in the hands of people all around the world by the end of December 2005, leaving any competition standing.
UK sales of the Nintendo DS have been significantly bolstered by the launch of ground breaking games such as Nintendogs, which has sold over 1.6 million copies in Europe since launch in October and Mario Kart DS which stormed the Christmas charts selling 800,000 copies in Europe since its late November launch.
UK gamers have a lot to look forward to in 2006, including Animal Crossing: Wild World which has been a huge success in Japan having already sold over one million copies and is launching soon in the UK.
The Nintendo DS is available for around £89. Mario Kart DS and Nintendogs are now available for around £30 and both games are also available in bundle packs (including a copy of the game and a Nintendo DS), available for around £99.
Click onto www.nintendo-europe-media.com for all of the most up to date official information on Nintendo.
*Combined sell-thru numbers in Japan, North America, Latin America, Australia and other territories.
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January 20th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Rumor has it that a uniqe Sonic game is headed for the Revolution, this according to IGN. From the article: "Sources close to SEGA have told IGN Revolution that the developer is working on a new entry into the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise for Nintendo's next generation console. The title, purportedly developed by a 'top-tier' SEGA team led by Yuji Naka, will not be a port of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game tentatively dubbed 'Sonic the Hedgehog [next gen].'"
When IGN contacted SEGA, the publisher would not confirm the rumor, only saying that Sega will "support" Nintendo's next-gen console.
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January 20th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
A longtime writer for "Hardcore Gamer" site FiringSquad (who proclaims that he's not a Nintendo fan) has produced a three-page article explaining why he appreciates the Revolution controller that he's ridiculed for so long, and why he now expects great things from the system in the next-generation console race.
Dissatisfied with stagnation in the FPS, RTS, RPG, and sports genres over the past few years, the author feels that the Big N is ideally suited to take advantage of the arms race between the PS3 and Xbox 360 due to its low price, low development costs, a sexy indie image, and, most importantly, its radical new controller.
In conclusion he writes: "Nintendo is poised for a coup. As someone who not so long ago was dismissive of what the company can accomplish, I today firmly believe that they’re capable of taking the #1 position from Sony." Sounds like a convert, all right (or, at the very least, a shrewd observer who's willing to hedge his next-gen bets).
This post doesn't present much new to people who've kept up with the console landscape lately, but it does present a strong argument for other Nintendo "haters" to reconsider their stance on the Revolution and its potential impact in the near future.
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January 20th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
GPF has released a new version of his NeoGeo Pocket Emulator for the NIntendo DS, heres what GPF posted
"the code has been sitting on my harddrive since last August or so, someone requested that I post my latest code up so here it is, not sure what changed since version 0.2 so maybe someone who tests it will let me know
Iv only updated the code so it compiles with latest libnds.
Download here --> http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/ndsneopop.shtml
Awesome work from GPF, please try the emulator and give much needed feedback 
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January 21st, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Ethos site:
Here to wish you all a nice and late Happy New Year! Two things I think I'll say. 1) I still have that NeoMax 1Gbit kit for sale. I'll take only $100 USD for it (free ship to Canada, +5 for US). Email me [here]. 2) I thought I'd post a little thing I worked on a couple months ago before work got busy again. Just to note, it won't compile since it has conflicting routines compared to libnds, but it was the beginning for a purer OpenGL library. [Download].
Also, somebody was asking about gluSphere routines...so here are the quadratic routines which will need to be fixed and updated for the new libnds! [Download]
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January 21st, 2006, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
We have heard all the stories of the redesigned DS coming soon, but could this be the new design?
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2530&stc=1">
its not but interesting eh 
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January 21st, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Arog posted this:
Okay, here is an early alpha version of a flash cards app I am working on. In the long run my plan is to allow anyone to add a text file with questions and answers that will get compiled into the final rom.
All that works at this moment is reading in the text file, then prompting you with a random question, showing you four possible answers, highlighting the correct one, and then moving on to a new question.
So, if anyone needs to learn the Periodic Table of Elements by name/symbol, this may help you. :P
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January 21st, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sata has updated his MP3 Player for the Nintendo DS, heres what the crappy google translation comes up with:
Sound it does not fly improvement of the FAT library section of M3 SD (the solution of odd number address problem) due to. Tested GBAMP (CF), M3-SD and SC-CF. No tested M3-CF and SC-SD.
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January 21st, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
As can be seen in the following pictures, the eReader will not fit into the Nintendo DS due to the way the linkport connector is arranged, for the original Gameboy advance system. You will need the following tools to disassemble and modify the eReader.
Tri-Wing driver (It is also possible to use a precision slotted driver to remove the screws)
#0 philips driver (Again, a precision slotted driver can be used here.)
Some form of cutting tool. (xacto knife, rotary tool) (only if you need the eReader link port connector for the original gameboy advance.)
Full info here --> http://www.caitsith2.com/ereader/ere...der_ds_mod.htm
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January 21st, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
sypherce has released a new app for the DS, heres the info:
Here's my first application for the DS, it sends PC Keyboard signals through wifi so you can use your DS somewhat like a PC Gamepad. Sorry for the lack of info, ask questions if you need help with my program.
Download DS2Key
(01.17.06) 0.1
First Release
(01.19.06) 0.11
Fixed bug where light would be off by default manually booting with a *me.
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January 21st, 2006, 12:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from Joystiq
Capcom is apparently not without a sense of humor. They've decided to get really creative with the DS' touchpad feature in their upcoming title Resident Evil : Deadly Silence (DS... get it?). Here are some videos of what happens when you get frisky with that stylus.
When you rub Jill Valentine's breastular region (mpg), she covers her chest in shame, making you feel like a complete pervert. And if you tap Chris Redfield's bottom (mpg), he purrs like a kitten... actually he doesn't. He just smacks you away, trying to play it off... but inside, a little piece of him dies every time you do it. As soon as you turn the game off, he curls into a fetal position and cries himself to sleep, thinking happy thoughts...
Are you happy Nintendo? Touching isn't always good!
How long before a NintenWoman comes out :P
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January 21st, 2006, 13:24 Posted By: wraggster
Ok got a press release sent to me about a new Handheld to play Sega games (Genesis i presume). The handheld is licensed by Sega and it will have cartridges or tv games with 10 or 20 games that will plug into the handheld, it does sound a bit vague at the moment but for those interested check out our Dreamcast Site for the full info.
More to come on this subject.
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January 21st, 2006, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS was flying off Japanese shelves during the year-end shopping season in Japan, so much so that the company started the new year by issuing a formal apology on its Japanese-language Web site. Exactly how well the system sold is starting to become clear, as the latest issue of Famitsu reports that the double-screen handheld sold 1.5 million units last month. That means more than a quarter of the 5.6 million systems sold in Japan since the system's 2004 launch came during December alone.
Famitsu didn't report December figures for the PSP, although Dengeki Online is reporting that figure to be a lot lower. Between October 31 and January 15, the site reports that Sony's widescreen handheld sold 972 thousand units during that period. By comparison, the DS sold 2.33 million units during the same period.
Despite Nintendo's efforts to increase DS supplies at retail, supplies of the system are still tight. Some secondhand shops are starting to sell the DS for over 30,000 yen ($260), or double its suggested retail price, while recent online auctions have seen the system fetching around 20,000 yen ($174).
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January 22nd, 2006, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
IGN talks with peripheral maker NubyTech, known for its acclaimed Resident Evil chainsaw controllers. The interview looks into how third-party accessory manufacturers might be affected by Nintendo's Revolution console. From the article: "... because one of the features of the Revolution will be to download previous content that Nintendo released back in the 8-bit/16-bit days, there is the opportunity to work with a retro-based controller. That is in the mind of other third party manufactures too..."
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January 22nd, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
Pointy Remote is a VNC like homebrew program for the Nintendo DS! It allows you to browse your computer on a Nintendo DS. This is the first release, so it'll be a tad bit buggy.
QUOTE(How to use it?)
To use it you'll need an ap (dooh), and the server running on the host computer configure your ap as u did on wifi ds test, when you are connected, press the udp test button
and thats it, it'll look awfull, but it works....
press A to use a zoomed view of the screen
press B to se the gral view of the screen
while in zoom mode, u can do clicks with the stylus, and while in gral mode, u can select wich portion of the screen zoom
to send text, press select (\ is return)
if the text is not send, u can repeat the last sent text with LEFT trigger
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January 22nd, 2006, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
DSRemote is a small program similar to sgstair's udptest program, only more advanced. This program has more functions, and supports direct chatting between DS and PC. For now, this program is only server-side, hence the raw commands. A more capable DS-program will be probably released once the full wifi library is released by sgstair.
It's made in Visual Basic (which we all love to hate) and sorry Linux/Mac-users, I didn't port it yet.
Heres the info from previous versions:
Update v0.2.5a: Fixed savefile not present-error
Update v0.2.5: Solved the Winamp "Play"-command problem, added a "minimize to tray on startup" function, fixed memory leak, fixed DSRemote still being active in tray once you close the program
Update v0.2.4: Tray quick chat working, mail
bugs resolved, popup bugs resolved, help function debugged
Update v0.2.3: Changed the name to "DSRemote", rewrote the whole code, changed the chkmail functionality, added tray + popup functions
Update v0.2.1: Added /chkmail functionality (check senders and subjects of mail on a POP3 server), improved error handling, added settings saving
Update v0.1.2: Added /run functionality (run a pre-configured command), and the /shutdown functionality (shutdown pc)
Update v0.1.1a: Echo bug fixed
Update v0.1.1: DS chat bug fixed, WoW messaging removed
Download here --> http://www.1emulation.com/forums/ind...howtopic=16290
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.drunkencoders.com/
(just under a month to go...)
NEO spring coding contest 2006 for NDS announcement
* NDS Game division
There will be 10 winners for game, for NDS game ONLY.
* NDS APP division
There will be 10 winners for Apps. But the main concept is for MagicKey2 and MagicKey3 application,it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full hardware power of MK2/3.
The rule of NEO spring coding contest 2006 for NDS is very simple, just same with NEO coding contest 2005:
[1] You can enter the GAME contest and APP contest both.
[2] You need put the splash screen of "NEO spring coding contest 2006" to your production.
The top 10 prize for NDS contest are:
The No.1 for game and APP : MicroSoft X-BOX 360 deluxe version whole set
The No.2 & No.3 for game and APP : Neo-MAX 16Gb whole set OR Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor + 4GB HD whole set (winner can choose)
The No.4 ~ No.10 for game and APP : Neo-MAX 1Gb whole set OR Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor whole set (winner can choose)
NEO spring coding contest 2006 close time : 20th.Feb 2006 Winner prize send out time : 28th.Feb 2006
BTW: we need the new splash screen for NDS 2006 coding contest,please show us your design if you can do it
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release, heres the info:
- Support the NDS cart backup to SD/MMC on your MK2/3 directly. how to use: enter 0.5 menu,click the NDS icon,menu will inform you re-insert the NDS cart,then click the NDS icon after you do it,menu will detect your NDS cart,then you can backup it to SD/MMC.
- Improved the FAT code,now support more SD/MMC too.
- Fixed some bug for burn /cart detect and display.
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.drunkencoders.com/
I have here a goon-only release which should give you an idea of things to come. It will raise the age old question- who needs a mouse when you have a DS? With this program you can WiFi to your computer and use your DS as a tablet-type mouse. In the future, I'm going to try to make the program into a full-featured RemotePC type thing, but I thought this was neat enough to share.
Run the server .exe, and hit start, it'll auto minimize if it sets up without problems. Double click on your LAN connection in Network Connections in XP and go to the Support tab to find all the info the DS program asks for, it'll say you are connected to the AP, even if you have the wrong info, so make sure it's right. If you connect successfully, use the touchscreen to move the mouse and the L button to click. Please enjoy responsibly.
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
Chrono Archangel posted this news:
Our buddy Spacy has updated his version of the popular VisualBoy Advance emulator. Here's what he had to say about this release :
Lately, I have been in the "mood" for coding, so I continued with VBA, anyway I dumped some crazy changes I made a while ago, because I totaly messes up the app back then xD
Now to the interesting part. pokemonhacker made some changes to the CVS code, and these come ON TOP of beta 3, so it is newer than that. I described those changes in the change log.
Remeber, this is a WIP (Work-In-Progress) Version, not a a stable one. Tell me, if you find some easy bugs in the application (that do not cover emulation itself xD)
Here are the changes in this WIP :
Switching the menu bar does not take ages in D3D full screen
Applied official CVS changes from January 19, 2006
- GB: fixed initial values for registers (tested on hardware)
- GB: added bugs on purpose that exist in hardware
- GB: added 'genericflashcard' option
- GB: added gbDrawLine()
- GB: fixed GB cheats compare code
- miscellaneous fixes
Code cleanup
Updated Minizip component to version 1.01e
New color themes only get applied if not in GBC/SGB mode
Download this GBA Emulator for Windows via the comments
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Polyominoes by quickcup is indeed the one millionth Tetris clone known to man. However, it features unique modes and for being a homebrew it is fairly complete.
4 unique modes of game play
3 different sets of shapes to play with
menus and presentation
artificial intelligence
2 player link play (not fully tested)
many options
sound, music, and special effects
See the instructions in the zip for more detailed documentation.
Thanks to PDroms for the news
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January 23rd, 2006, 03:28 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have released a new version of their Moonshell App, heres more info:
MoonShell supports:
Jpeg/BMP/PNG/GIF/Text files Viewing
Info from this release:
Interchangeability concerning PassMe/FlashMe has been improved.
When the cover cap was shut, PowerLED was blinked.
WavePlugin was supported. (Only no compression LinerPCM.)
SPCPlugin was speed-up.
Various points of DPGPlugin and dpgenc were corrected.
M3SD was supported and detected automatically.
SCSD automatic detection routine has been improved.
The file reading bug was corrected, and MODPlugin/GIFPlugin etc was corrected.
The window memory was dynamically allocated. unused memory is liberated.
When the still picture was displayed, it was possible to zoom and reduce with X/Y button. (65%~800%)
When the music reproduction ends, power supply OFF can be done.
Going up to 400% of the volumes other than movie can be done.
The problem misjudged to CrashMe (DS Bricker) by the virus checker might be able to be evaded.
Download Here --> http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/archives/nds/
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January 23rd, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Retroguru
no$gba is one of the most accurate GBA emulators for the DOS and Windows32 platforms and is written by noone else than Martin Korth. Since v2.2 it also emulates the NDS partitially. no$gba in it's base version is freeware but for a fee, depending on your legal status (hobbydeveloper or professional developer) you can order a key, which enables a debugger, which is THE item, no$gba is known for. Changes:
22nd January 2006 - version 2.2
<blockquote>help: uploaded new gbatek standalone version v2.2 (with nds specifications)
exe/help: replaced upx compressor by nocash packer (without opcode filters)
nds: applies bottom lcd (touchscreen) video output to correct window-owmer
nds: applies mouse/touchscreen to correct window-owmer (in multi-machine mode)
nds: auto-initializes touchscreen calibration (both with/without firmware.bin)
nds: no$fmw: included nocash firmware xmit binary as overlay in no$gba.exe
help: added notes about new NDS emulation (on things that aren't yet working)
exe: exported windows-help to separate upx-compressed overlay (as in dos ver)
nds: vram viewer: matched user-grid, bg-scyx, oam-redbox to NDS resolution
nds: xboo: saves backup of original firmware header on HDD and in flash memory
nds: xboo: includes crypt key in firmware for NDS-decryption (if BIOS dumped)
nds: xboo: download functions for dumping NDS firmware, BIOSes, and GBA-carts
nds: xboo: patch/restore functions for (un-) installing nocash firmware
nds: xboo: help: xboo-circuit optionally fmw/rfu, and dsub/cntr pin numbers
nds: xboo: high-speed upload connection Dta7bit/Clk1bit (ca. 700 KBytes/sec)
nds: no$fmw: menu: property sheet, check boxes, radio buttons, edit buttons
nds: no$fmw: menu: settings/time, touchscreen/temperature calibration, etc.
nds: no$fmw: gui: joypad, touchscreen (lower), mouse/touchpad (upper) controls
nds: no$fmw: auto adjusts daylight saving time (should work, but not tested)
nds: no$fmw: allows to boot NDS-images from NDS-slot, or from NDS-Xboo-cable
nds: no$fmw: allows to load/boot small NDS-images to/from firmware memory
nds: no$fmw: allows to load/boot NDS/GBA/PASSME-images to/from GBA-flashcards
nds: lcd: re-activated rotscal params, working for GBA and BOTH NDS engines
nds: lcd: emulates extended affine bitmap modes
nds: direct boot: initializes ioports, and cp15, loads newest user settings
help: nds: added DMA chapter, GBA-mode chapter, and keypad chapter
help: nds: rev.engineered/described RTC interrupt (shared with rcnt SI-line)
help: nds: added sound chapters (channels, control, capture, block diagram)
nds: emulates touchscreen, wramstat, vramstat, exmemstat
help: nds: described undoc wramstat, vramstat, exmemstat, dmafill registers
help: nds: added cartridge secure area, icon/title, passme, I/O port chapters
help: nds: described how to interprete touch screen calibration values
nds: help: CpuFastSet: only 1st QUARTER uses FAST 32-byte-blocks, rest is SLOW
nds: resurrecred GBA mode (dis-chains NDS co_vals on NDS to GBA mode switch)
a22i: added ".no_auto_run" directive (don't load non-game-cart files into emu)
nds: emu: emulates ZERO unused/write-only ports (instead GBA-style prefetch)
nds: xboo: replaced 1N4148 diodes by BAT85 diodes for stable SPI connection
nds: xboo: added firmware dump/patch items in gui\utility\remote access menu
nds: xboo: automatically sends reset & provokes lockdown to get a spi free bus
nds: xboo: nocash firmware running in emu, using nds ".pack_lz77/key1/crc16"
a22i: new ".pack_nds_key1" directive (only firmw, rev/down, modulo C, level 2)
a22i: new ".pack_crc16 dest_label[,initial]" directive (start by .pack_org $)
nds: xboo: programmed overall skeleton nocash firmware version
a22i: lz77 compress now working (start by ".pack_org" finish by ".pack_lz77")
a22i: added new desired origin target parameter to ".pack_org" directive
help: corrected length in bit0-20 for CpuSet and CpuFastSet (not in bit0-15)
a22i: accepts ARM instructions "ALU Rd,Rm" (abbreviations for "ALU Rd,Rd,Rm")
a22i: fixed crash on "MOV R0,XX 1" whereas XX 1 invalid formula (unlike XX+1)
cpu: squeeze: ANYMEM removed seq code for areas with same timing as non-seq
cpu: squeeze: ANYMEM/mem_read_breaks checks brks, then executes normal ANYMEM
cpu: speedup: stores memaccess_addr prior to ANYMEM (instead "nnn OR adr")
cpu: speedup: ANYMEM bypasses addr_clks_table for regions with fixed timings
nds: help: added cart filesystem chapter, firmware header/settings chapters
nds: debug version: added NitroROM filesystem viewer window (if any)
nds: direct boot: decrypts 2K secure area (only if rom-image is encrypted)
nds: a22i ".fix" directive (plus .nds) encrypts first 2K secure area (if any)
nds: a22i ".fix" directive (plus .nds) fixes logo,secure,header,icon CRCs
nds: a22i ".nds" directive creates target files with ".NDS" extension
nds: direct boot: optionally bypasses ugly slow bios/firmware intro
nds: timings: recurses cycles per scanline, scanlines per picture & per vblank
nds: dma: moved NDS9 dma-mode bits, DS-gamecart DMA, disabled NDS7 hblank-dma
nds: cartloader detects nds-passme images, direct boot works with diff entry
nds: cartloader identifies NDS gamecarts by header CRC (switches NDS/GBA mode)
nds: help: described cart protocol KEY1-commands in raw/unencrypted format
nds: emulates firmware bootmenu, io_lists: emulates nds gamecart
nds: lcd-core displays second screen in game window, and in debug mode
nds: lcd-core displays second screen, lcd-core handles vram_table
nds: allocated DOUBLE sinline_bufseg in EMP-GSET, for GBA-LCD, for 2 screens
nds: vram viewer: displays second screen (by engine A/B buttons)
nds: vram viewer: supports BG maps, added Engine buttons to all screens
nds: creates second nds-machine, and dis-creates it in gba-mode
nds: lcd: suppresses lcd_refresh_request on NDS7 machine (lcd by NDS9 only)
nds: lcd: emulates OBJs, vram_table, variable boundary, moved dimension bit
nds: lcd: disabled undoc green swap in NDS mode (supported in GBA mode only)
nds: emulates ANYMEM vram bank-switching in 16K units by new vram_table
nds: expanded NDS9 io_lists to 800h+80h (3D_Engine + and 2D_Engine_B area)
nds: allows NDS9 firmware to read from DMA reg 40000B0h at least as dummy
nds: added EXTKEYIN port 4000136h to NDS7 io_lists
nds: expanded NDS7 io_lists to 800h (sound registers), plus dummy WLAN region
nds: added new NDS9 io_list entries 400006xh (video), 40000Exh (dmafilldata)
nds: emulates access to power managment device and touch screen controller
nds: emulates all firmware flash memory commands (write, erase, status, etc)
nds: emulates full SPI bus with different modes, irqs, devices etc.
nds: help: added Power Managment Device, and SPI bus, and IPC chapter
nds: help: added TSC touch screen chapter (touchscr, microphone, temperature)
nds: help: added RTC real time clock chapter (port, time, date, alarm, etc)
nds: emulates rtc real time clock, uses system time/date & own stat/alarm regs
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 firmware to zerofill invalid ports 4000058h/400005Ch
nds: xcept: allows NDS7 user code jump to BIOS addr 2DD4h (irq return addr)
nds: xcept: allows ITCM high-mirror at 1FF8000h (aka 1000000h aka 0000000h)
nds: xcept: allows bios accesses LDR/STR [3FFFFF8h], and LDM [3FFFFD0h],r0-r11
nds: xcept: ignores IntrWait bug with R12=18h (firmware decompression garbage)
nds: xcept: zero-irq-vector-check on NDS addresses (DTCM+3FFCh and 380FFFCh)
nds: xcept: allows/expects nds7 shared ram at (37F8000h aka/instead 3000000h)
nds: xcept: allows bios to execute mis-aligned 32bit write to [40001A1h]
nds: xcept: allows bios to fill last 32K main RAM at 27F8000h (aka 23F8000h)
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 hi_bios jumps FFFF0xxxh and FAKE_TCM 080xxxxh accesses
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 BIOS boot at FFFF0194h to write garbage to 27E57FEh
nds: xcept: allows NDS debug ver-style 4K mirror at 27FF000h (aka 23FF000h)
nds: xcept: allows BIOS-"tricks" memfill/irqvect at 3FFFFxxxh (aka 3800Fxxxh)
nds: reproduced ARM7 execution time R0*4 clks in 80x86-emulated WaitByLoop
nds: emulates ipc fifo control/status/interrupts, and send / receive queues
nds: redirects high ports (4100000h and 4100010h) to nds in_list & out_list
nds: cpu2cpu emulates interrupt send/enable (used later on in firmware)
nds: cpu2cpu provokes instant machine switch (for firmware 232EEF0h/37FFB38h)
nds: emulates nds9 irq/swi exception execution via high-vectors at FFFF0000h
nds: added 2nd FAKE_TCM area for firmware dtcm=3000000h (in shared ram area)
nds: customized adjust_pc for NDS7 host for split ram at 3000000h and 3800000h
nds: customized debug ADJUST_ADDR for NDS7 host (ram at 3000000h and 3800000h)
nds: faked gamecart irq, relocated IF (lcd,timer,dma,sio,etc) to NDS addresses
nds: debugger shows current machine host (NDS7, NDS9, or GBA) in statusbar
nds: emulates FAKE_TCM at fixed/default locations dtcm=0/800000h,itcm=1000000h
nds: mounted ARM9 engine, chained-in 2nd vals with co_machine pointer
nds: created ANYMEM for ARM9, supporting HI_BIOS area, init ARM9 addrbaselist
nds: created NDS9 in_lists and out_lists, emulated SQRT and DIV registers
nds: verified all machine loops for use with 2nd nds-machine (except gba-set)
nds: dummy feedback for CPU2CPU communication, and for ROMCTRL busy flags
nds: mounted new ANYMEM system for NDS7 host, split area nds7 ram/shared ram
nds: created nds7 in_lists, expanded IE and IF to 32bit, emulated firmware bus
nds: bios loader: shows warning on invalid BIOSNDS7.ROM/BIOSNDS9.ROM checksums
webpage: new paypal email address, and new donate page (for freeware projects)
help: removed all "(formerly ..)" names, expanded ports from NNNh to 4000NNNh
xed32: selectable line-wrap length (65 or 77 columns), fixed line-wrap bugv
xed32: scrollbar works with >65535 lines, hex-scroll doesn't end at chr(1Ah)
lcd: speedup: fixed fatal "test_bg_rotated" bitmap BUG (refx/refy exchanged)
cpu: suppressed base-writeback on NDS7:BIOS:1CD4h THUMB ldmia [r0]!,r0,r3
cpu: bugfix: illegal opcode "arm_11_ldmib_usr_wb" acted as STM (instead LDM)
cpu: emulates invalid "stmib [rb]!,rlist^" (userbank/writeback) (nds firmware)
cpu: ignores misaligned thumb target address on "subs r15" (for nds firmware)
memory: mount_system switches between GBA and NDS memory allocation & host
memory: cleaned initaddrbasemask, new memadr_, formerly addr_
bios: debug/disass: added complete BIOS datazones and cpuzones for NDS7/NDS9
bios: debug/disass: added SWI auto-comments and auto-labels for NDS7/NDS9
bios: simulates all NDS7/NDS9 bios SWIs by 80x86 code (except callbacks)
help: bios: nds: described all new and changed NDS7/NDS9 bios SWI functions
bios: simulates IntrWait swi4/swi5 by 80x86 code (no longer using minibios)
anymem: moved memaccess list to vals layer (for gba/nds7/nds9 memory hosts)
anymem: cleaned up source by splitting code into separate anym sub-macros
anymem: exported warnings to non-macro procs, access_abort "exitm" (saves 12K)
help: nds: added firmware flash chip, firmware header, and encryption chapters
windows: allows break-out from emucore even if windows sound timer locked-up
win98: returns zero on WM_ACTIVATE (to regain full keyboard focus under win98)
power saving: HLT opcode in DOS debug/gui/emucore, Sleep(1) in Win98 emucore
internal: recombined frameskip handlers for gmb/gba/retro versions</blockquote>
Download here --> http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm
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January 23rd, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Retroguru
no$gba is one of the most accurate GBA emulators for the DOS and Windows32 platforms and is written by noone else than Martin Korth. Since v2.2 it also emulates the NDS partitially. no$gba in it's base version is freeware but for a fee, depending on your legal status (hobbydeveloper or professional developer) you can order a key, which enables a debugger, which is THE item, no$gba is known for. Changes:
22nd January 2006 - version 2.2
<blockquote>help: uploaded new gbatek standalone version v2.2 (with nds specifications)
exe/help: replaced upx compressor by nocash packer (without opcode filters)
nds: applies bottom lcd (touchscreen) video output to correct window-owmer
nds: applies mouse/touchscreen to correct window-owmer (in multi-machine mode)
nds: auto-initializes touchscreen calibration (both with/without firmware.bin)
nds: no$fmw: included nocash firmware xmit binary as overlay in no$gba.exe
help: added notes about new NDS emulation (on things that aren't yet working)
exe: exported windows-help to separate upx-compressed overlay (as in dos ver)
nds: vram viewer: matched user-grid, bg-scyx, oam-redbox to NDS resolution
nds: xboo: saves backup of original firmware header on HDD and in flash memory
nds: xboo: includes crypt key in firmware for NDS-decryption (if BIOS dumped)
nds: xboo: download functions for dumping NDS firmware, BIOSes, and GBA-carts
nds: xboo: patch/restore functions for (un-) installing nocash firmware
nds: xboo: help: xboo-circuit optionally fmw/rfu, and dsub/cntr pin numbers
nds: xboo: high-speed upload connection Dta7bit/Clk1bit (ca. 700 KBytes/sec)
nds: no$fmw: menu: property sheet, check boxes, radio buttons, edit buttons
nds: no$fmw: menu: settings/time, touchscreen/temperature calibration, etc.
nds: no$fmw: gui: joypad, touchscreen (lower), mouse/touchpad (upper) controls
nds: no$fmw: auto adjusts daylight saving time (should work, but not tested)
nds: no$fmw: allows to boot NDS-images from NDS-slot, or from NDS-Xboo-cable
nds: no$fmw: allows to load/boot small NDS-images to/from firmware memory
nds: no$fmw: allows to load/boot NDS/GBA/PASSME-images to/from GBA-flashcards
nds: lcd: re-activated rotscal params, working for GBA and BOTH NDS engines
nds: lcd: emulates extended affine bitmap modes
nds: direct boot: initializes ioports, and cp15, loads newest user settings
help: nds: added DMA chapter, GBA-mode chapter, and keypad chapter
help: nds: rev.engineered/described RTC interrupt (shared with rcnt SI-line)
help: nds: added sound chapters (channels, control, capture, block diagram)
nds: emulates touchscreen, wramstat, vramstat, exmemstat
help: nds: described undoc wramstat, vramstat, exmemstat, dmafill registers
help: nds: added cartridge secure area, icon/title, passme, I/O port chapters
help: nds: described how to interprete touch screen calibration values
nds: help: CpuFastSet: only 1st QUARTER uses FAST 32-byte-blocks, rest is SLOW
nds: resurrecred GBA mode (dis-chains NDS co_vals on NDS to GBA mode switch)
a22i: added ".no_auto_run" directive (don't load non-game-cart files into emu)
nds: emu: emulates ZERO unused/write-only ports (instead GBA-style prefetch)
nds: xboo: replaced 1N4148 diodes by BAT85 diodes for stable SPI connection
nds: xboo: added firmware dump/patch items in gui\utility\remote access menu
nds: xboo: automatically sends reset & provokes lockdown to get a spi free bus
nds: xboo: nocash firmware running in emu, using nds ".pack_lz77/key1/crc16"
a22i: new ".pack_nds_key1" directive (only firmw, rev/down, modulo C, level 2)
a22i: new ".pack_crc16 dest_label[,initial]" directive (start by .pack_org $)
nds: xboo: programmed overall skeleton nocash firmware version
a22i: lz77 compress now working (start by ".pack_org" finish by ".pack_lz77")
a22i: added new desired origin target parameter to ".pack_org" directive
help: corrected length in bit0-20 for CpuSet and CpuFastSet (not in bit0-15)
a22i: accepts ARM instructions "ALU Rd,Rm" (abbreviations for "ALU Rd,Rd,Rm")
a22i: fixed crash on "MOV R0,XX 1" whereas XX 1 invalid formula (unlike XX+1)
cpu: squeeze: ANYMEM removed seq code for areas with same timing as non-seq
cpu: squeeze: ANYMEM/mem_read_breaks checks brks, then executes normal ANYMEM
cpu: speedup: stores memaccess_addr prior to ANYMEM (instead "nnn OR adr")
cpu: speedup: ANYMEM bypasses addr_clks_table for regions with fixed timings
nds: help: added cart filesystem chapter, firmware header/settings chapters
nds: debug version: added NitroROM filesystem viewer window (if any)
nds: direct boot: decrypts 2K secure area (only if rom-image is encrypted)
nds: a22i ".fix" directive (plus .nds) encrypts first 2K secure area (if any)
nds: a22i ".fix" directive (plus .nds) fixes logo,secure,header,icon CRCs
nds: a22i ".nds" directive creates target files with ".NDS" extension
nds: direct boot: optionally bypasses ugly slow bios/firmware intro
nds: timings: recurses cycles per scanline, scanlines per picture & per vblank
nds: dma: moved NDS9 dma-mode bits, DS-gamecart DMA, disabled NDS7 hblank-dma
nds: cartloader detects nds-passme images, direct boot works with diff entry
nds: cartloader identifies NDS gamecarts by header CRC (switches NDS/GBA mode)
nds: help: described cart protocol KEY1-commands in raw/unencrypted format
nds: emulates firmware bootmenu, io_lists: emulates nds gamecart
nds: lcd-core displays second screen in game window, and in debug mode
nds: lcd-core displays second screen, lcd-core handles vram_table
nds: allocated DOUBLE sinline_bufseg in EMP-GSET, for GBA-LCD, for 2 screens
nds: vram viewer: displays second screen (by engine A/B buttons)
nds: vram viewer: supports BG maps, added Engine buttons to all screens
nds: creates second nds-machine, and dis-creates it in gba-mode
nds: lcd: suppresses lcd_refresh_request on NDS7 machine (lcd by NDS9 only)
nds: lcd: emulates OBJs, vram_table, variable boundary, moved dimension bit
nds: lcd: disabled undoc green swap in NDS mode (supported in GBA mode only)
nds: emulates ANYMEM vram bank-switching in 16K units by new vram_table
nds: expanded NDS9 io_lists to 800h+80h (3D_Engine + and 2D_Engine_B area)
nds: allows NDS9 firmware to read from DMA reg 40000B0h at least as dummy
nds: added EXTKEYIN port 4000136h to NDS7 io_lists
nds: expanded NDS7 io_lists to 800h (sound registers), plus dummy WLAN region
nds: added new NDS9 io_list entries 400006xh (video), 40000Exh (dmafilldata)
nds: emulates access to power managment device and touch screen controller
nds: emulates all firmware flash memory commands (write, erase, status, etc)
nds: emulates full SPI bus with different modes, irqs, devices etc.
nds: help: added Power Managment Device, and SPI bus, and IPC chapter
nds: help: added TSC touch screen chapter (touchscr, microphone, temperature)
nds: help: added RTC real time clock chapter (port, time, date, alarm, etc)
nds: emulates rtc real time clock, uses system time/date & own stat/alarm regs
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 firmware to zerofill invalid ports 4000058h/400005Ch
nds: xcept: allows NDS7 user code jump to BIOS addr 2DD4h (irq return addr)
nds: xcept: allows ITCM high-mirror at 1FF8000h (aka 1000000h aka 0000000h)
nds: xcept: allows bios accesses LDR/STR [3FFFFF8h], and LDM [3FFFFD0h],r0-r11
nds: xcept: ignores IntrWait bug with R12=18h (firmware decompression garbage)
nds: xcept: zero-irq-vector-check on NDS addresses (DTCM+3FFCh and 380FFFCh)
nds: xcept: allows/expects nds7 shared ram at (37F8000h aka/instead 3000000h)
nds: xcept: allows bios to execute mis-aligned 32bit write to [40001A1h]
nds: xcept: allows bios to fill last 32K main RAM at 27F8000h (aka 23F8000h)
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 hi_bios jumps FFFF0xxxh and FAKE_TCM 080xxxxh accesses
nds: xcept: allows NDS9 BIOS boot at FFFF0194h to write garbage to 27E57FEh
nds: xcept: allows NDS debug ver-style 4K mirror at 27FF000h (aka 23FF000h)
nds: xcept: allows BIOS-"tricks" memfill/irqvect at 3FFFFxxxh (aka 3800Fxxxh)
nds: reproduced ARM7 execution time R0*4 clks in 80x86-emulated WaitByLoop
nds: emulates ipc fifo control/status/interrupts, and send / receive queues
nds: redirects high ports (4100000h and 4100010h) to nds in_list & out_list
nds: cpu2cpu emulates interrupt send/enable (used later on in firmware)
nds: cpu2cpu provokes instant machine switch (for firmware 232EEF0h/37FFB38h)
nds: emulates nds9 irq/swi exception execution via high-vectors at FFFF0000h
nds: added 2nd FAKE_TCM area for firmware dtcm=3000000h (in shared ram area)
nds: customized adjust_pc for NDS7 host for split ram at 3000000h and 3800000h
nds: customized debug ADJUST_ADDR for NDS7 host (ram at 3000000h and 3800000h)
nds: faked gamecart irq, relocated IF (lcd,timer,dma,sio,etc) to NDS addresses
nds: debugger shows current machine host (NDS7, NDS9, or GBA) in statusbar
nds: emulates FAKE_TCM at fixed/default locations dtcm=0/800000h,itcm=1000000h
nds: mounted ARM9 engine, chained-in 2nd vals with co_machine pointer
nds: created ANYMEM for ARM9, supporting HI_BIOS area, init ARM9 addrbaselist
nds: created NDS9 in_lists and out_lists, emulated SQRT and DIV registers
nds: verified all machine loops for use with 2nd nds-machine (except gba-set)
nds: dummy feedback for CPU2CPU communication, and for ROMCTRL busy flags
nds: mounted new ANYMEM system for NDS7 host, split area nds7 ram/shared ram
nds: created nds7 in_lists, expanded IE and IF to 32bit, emulated firmware bus
nds: bios loader: shows warning on invalid BIOSNDS7.ROM/BIOSNDS9.ROM checksums
webpage: new paypal email address, and new donate page (for freeware projects)
help: removed all "(formerly ..)" names, expanded ports from NNNh to 4000NNNh
xed32: selectable line-wrap length (65 or 77 columns), fixed line-wrap bugv
xed32: scrollbar works with >65535 lines, hex-scroll doesn't end at chr(1Ah)
lcd: speedup: fixed fatal "test_bg_rotated" bitmap BUG (refx/refy exchanged)
cpu: suppressed base-writeback on NDS7:BIOS:1CD4h THUMB ldmia [r0]!,r0,r3
cpu: bugfix: illegal opcode "arm_11_ldmib_usr_wb" acted as STM (instead LDM)
cpu: emulates invalid "stmib [rb]!,rlist^" (userbank/writeback) (nds firmware)
cpu: ignores misaligned thumb target address on "subs r15" (for nds firmware)
memory: mount_system switches between GBA and NDS memory allocation & host
memory: cleaned initaddrbasemask, new memadr_, formerly addr_
bios: debug/disass: added complete BIOS datazones and cpuzones for NDS7/NDS9
bios: debug/disass: added SWI auto-comments and auto-labels for NDS7/NDS9
bios: simulates all NDS7/NDS9 bios SWIs by 80x86 code (except callbacks)
help: bios: nds: described all new and changed NDS7/NDS9 bios SWI functions
bios: simulates IntrWait swi4/swi5 by 80x86 code (no longer using minibios)
anymem: moved memaccess list to vals layer (for gba/nds7/nds9 memory hosts)
anymem: cleaned up source by splitting code into separate anym sub-macros
anymem: exported warnings to non-macro procs, access_abort "exitm" (saves 12K)
help: nds: added firmware flash chip, firmware header, and encryption chapters
windows: allows break-out from emucore even if windows sound timer locked-up
win98: returns zero on WM_ACTIVATE (to regain full keyboard focus under win98)
power saving: HLT opcode in DOS debug/gui/emucore, Sleep(1) in Win98 emucore
internal: recombined frameskip handlers for gmb/gba/retro versions</blockquote>
Download here --> http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm
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January 23rd, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Due to Nintendo DS shortages for nearly the entire month of January, Japan has started importing American DS's. From the article: "[Since] Nintendo DS has been selling out nearly everywhere in Japan, stores have begun importing the American version to satisfy consumer demand. The report shows Den-Den Town’s Sofmap store selling our Electric Blue DS for 19, 800 yen [$172]. However, while the platform will play Japanese DS games without a hitch, apparently Nintendo of Japan will not honor the NoA warranty."
Given the huge selection of great games, would you pay $172 for an imported DS? Regardless of your answer, we won't tell Nintendo pricing experts.
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January 24th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
The number of players on Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection online service has topped three million worldwide, according to the company's UK general manager David Yarnton, who revealed the figure at an event in London this afternoon.
Wi-Fi Connection, which is currently used by Nintendo DS titles but will eventually also service the Revolution home console, was launched with the online-enabled Mario Kart DS late last year and is playable both over home wireless networks and at public hot-spots in Nintendo's partner network.
The service now has over three million players online, according to Yarnton, continuing the phenomenal success which was first indicated when almost 50 per cent of US purchasers of Mario Kart DS used the online service in the first week of availability.
The numbers will have been boosted significantly by the launch of the Wi-Fi Connection enabled Animal Crossing: Wild World, which launched in December in Japan and North America and sold well over a million units in Japan alone in its first fortnight on sale.
Yarnton also revealed that a thousand new hot spots are to be equipped for DS use in the coming months, adding to the existing network of public hot spots in locations such as cafes, pubs and transport stations.
He was speaking at a special event held at the Science Museum to promote key forthcoming Nintendo DS titles including Electroplankton and the European version of the hugely successful Brain Training titles.
The venue wasn't chosen simply at random; Yarnton took the opportunity to announce that Nintendo has agreed a sponsorship deal with the museum for the next four years, worth over a GBP 1 million, which will include new touring shows designed to bring in new audiences and a "launch pad" gallery.
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January 24th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.retroguru.com/
no$gba is one of the most accurate GBA emulators for the DOS and Windows32 platforms and is written by noone else than Martin Korth. Since v2.2 it also emulates the NDS partitially. no$gba in it's base version is freeware but for a fee, depending on your legal status (hobbydeveloper or professional developer) you can order a key, which enables a debugger, which is THE item, no$gba is known for. Changes:
23nd January 2006 - version 2.2a
bugfix: fixed v2.2 instant crash after loading (occured debug versions only)
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January 25th, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
After last year's extremely flawed Tiger Woods debut, we had given up on a good golf game coming our way for the DS. Hope, however, was renewed with Nintendo's announcement of True Swing Golf. The new game is a completely new property for Nintendo and is built from the ground up to take advantage of the DS's unique capabilities. Besides the obvious dual screen aspects, TSG boasts the world's first ever stylus swing mechanic. Did Nintendo manage a hole-in-one or end up in a water trap? As with most real-life golf swings, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.
IGN (80/100) "The game's look may be an initial turnoff, but you'll easily be able to see the gameplay shine through. T&E Soft has pulled off a really fun and challenging golf game with some great course designs and a fantastic, intuitive touch screen swing mechanic."
Gamespy (70/100) "Perhaps True Swing's biggest problem, however, is its complete and utter lack of personality. Far be it from me to suggest that Nintendo tosses Mario and company into another random game, but why didn't this game become Mario Golf DS?
Gamespot (60/100) "True Swing doesn't bother with novel rule sets, training minigames, or an extensive career mode, opting instead to keep your options pared down to just match and stroke games."
Common to most reviews were praise for the game's swing mechanic and course design. At the other end of the spectrum, the game took consistent hits for lacluster graphics and a no-frills golf experience.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK's general manager David Yarnton has reiterated that the company has no plans to announce a redesigned DS unit at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz in an interview published on the website today, Yarnton said, "If I turned around and said to my staff that we're doing something new they'd probably throttle me."
Pressed on the issue of a possible redesign for the high-flying handheld, which recently broke through the one-million-UK-sales barrier, Yarnton said, "That's been rumoured, I don't know for how long, but we haven't got any plans at the moment. Nothing I know of."
Yarnton also had encouraging words for retailers, speaking at an event at the Science Museum in London yesterday. "You know, we've got plans for long-term that we're going to invest in it and in the past, I wouldn't say it's been neglected, but change is happening.
"I find one of the challenges we have as a company is resource as far as, you know, we've got 16 people at Nintendo UK which I think a lot of people don't realise for the amount of business we do. But we're looking at improving that resource. We don't think we need to grow too much more, it's just being responsive and working closely - as I say we had a trade presentation this morning and we presented to them a number of initiatives as far as simple things like in-store... I mean, we go out to stores and look and we're the poor relation in some respects, so we can't expect them to do that unless we give the more support so we're working in that area."
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January 25th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Unscrupulous hackers are managing to lock Animal Crossing: Wild World gamers out of their own virtual villages.
The Nintendo DS game, which was released in the US last year, allows gamers to invite three friends to hang out in their village through the magic of the handheld's WiFi capability, but this can only happen if the DS users are all registered on one another's friends list.
But unsuspecting Animal Crossing fans who have revealed their details on websites have fallen prey to hackers who have managed to remove the gates of any villages they visit. This has left gamers trapped offline if they have saved after the hack has taken place.
Fortunately, any changes the hackers implement can be rectified with use of an Action Replay cartridge, but this hacking demonstrates how cautious DS users should be with their friends list.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
The Japaneses can throw some oddly-named parties. Suda 51 (Killer 7, Contact), Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid, Zone of Enders), and Kazutoshi Iida (Doshin the Giant) all attended the "Hopper's Vol. 1 25H Our Party People" event in Tokyo, and made a few interesting remarks during their time rockin' the house.
Suda 51, whose real name is Gouichi Suda, confirmed that his studio has already begun to work on a Revolution title. With a little trimesters to go before the supposed launch of Nintendo's console, could this mysterious game fall within the Revolution's launch window?
There was some love shown for Kojima, whose game Snatcher noted was the inspiration for Suda 51 to create video games. During the talk session, all three aforementioned developers joked about a collaborative effort to make an adventure game. You might be disappointed that the suggestion was merely a joke, but look at this way - if those three developers worked together on a project, the sheer craziness and originality of said title would likely cause more than a few heads to explode.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Media Create, the Japanese market research firm, has released Japanese hardware sales figures for the week ending January 22. While the PSP enjoyed a two week stint at the top spot of the hardware chart, the DS is back to number one after shortage replenishments of the Nintendo handheld have presumably been filled. The DS also managed to sell 8 of the top 10 software titles. Here's how it all went down with the number in parenthesis representing total units sold since January 1, 2006:
DS: 64,515 (210,177)
PSP: 38,271 (228,714)
PS2: 26,271 (146,097)
GBASP: 7,912 (35,338)
GBM: 4,653 (22,813)
GC: 4,490 (23,378)
X360: 3,616 (17,200
GBA: 236 (1,033)
Xbox: 83 (358)
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January 25th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio posted this news:
This version includes java 1.4 support (not tested, but it should work).
Run TransferServerJ14.jar if you can't get java 1.5 (which is the preferred way though). Some more modifications to the protocol, this should still improve the transfer. Probably next version will be the last for some time (TCP will probably make this program obsolete anyway) so I will include compiled versions for SCSD and whatever else I find for file system support.
Use this version of the server with the new chat program to see some hidden features 
Visit the site here --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 25th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio posted this news:
This is just a prerelease version of what will be a complete DS chat program .
Currently you can draw messages on the screen and send them to the computer. The server could already support multiple users so there will be a next version with real chat functionality. also the keyboard will be enabled.
Check out his site here --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 25th, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
sypherce has updated his Gamepad emulator for the DS, heres the description and whats new:
"Here's my first application for the DS, it sends PC Keyboard signals through wifi so you can use your DS somewhat like a PC Gamepad. "
(01.24.06) 0.2
DS Side:
Light switch should function correctly now.
PC Side:
Developed a GUI, reads from DS2Key.ini. Currently Buggy.
Download at 1Emulation here --> http://www.1emulation.com/forums/ind...howtopic=16818
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January 25th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sata has updated his MP3 Player for the DS, heres whats new thanks to Drunken Coders:
Play mode addition.
Operation addition of performance tune.
When starting start of automatic operation performance.
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January 26th, 2006, 12:55 Posted By: souLLy

Nintendo have today announced the New DS Lite Console, heres some details thanks to Joystiq
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata today announced Nintendo DS Lite, a slimmer version of the best-selling Nintendo DS™. Also featuring brighter screens, Nintendo DS Lite will launch in Japan in March. Nintendo DS Lite will be less than two-thirds the size of the original Nintendo DS and more than 20 percent lighter.
Nintendo DS has enjoyed extremely strong sales in Japan and around the world, selling more than 14.4 million units worldwide. The Japanese sell-through of the existing Nintendo DS hardware exceeded 5 million within 13 months, which made Nintendo DS the fastest-selling video game system there.
Nintendo will announce more information about the availability of Nintendo DS Lite in North America and other territories in the future.
More details:
Japanese release date: March 2, 2006
Weight: 218g (compare to 275g for the current Nintendo DS)
Dimensions: 133mm x 73.9mm x 21.5mm
Screenshots via the comments:
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January 26th, 2006, 13:05 Posted By: ShAdOw-G
Hey wandering if anyone could help me out.
I bought a viper chip a while back, installed it into the GC according to several pics i saw, soldering done was good, flashed the chip, and also taped one of the wires down (as someone told me this causes the chip not to work properly when it comes into contact with the heat plate).
Now, when the GC starts up a blank screen comes up with a few flashing lines...GC doesnt seem to start up with the chip installed for some reason...any ideas? Help will be greatly appreciated.
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January 26th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The rumors have ended... 10 days later than what Japanese retailers and Lik Sang were speculating on. Nintendo of Japan has now made the official announcement everybody was waiting for: the Nintendo DS new look is named DS Lite and is coming out in Japan and on Lik-Sang.com this March 2nd of 2006, in five weeks from now. We are writing down reservations from this minute on for US$ 169. We recommend getting yourself in the preorder queue quickly if you want to be one of the first lucky few to hold it in your hands, "there is never enough of the good stuff on a launch day" as veteran gamers have learnt to know well already.
As the "Lite" extension suggests, the Nintendo DS dimensions and weight have been reduced by 42% and 21% respectively. The NDS Lite will be 148.7mm wide, 84.7mm high and 28.9mm deep and 215 grams only. The screens apparently will not be affected even though Nintendo did not go into that clearly in their statement. Oh, and guess what, it will be portable and fits in your pocket. Apart from that, there is no other major change except for a cool brightness adjustment feature that has been added, with four modes to select from. Start and Select are moved to the right, the power button is not visible on the face of the machine and may have been moved to the side, while the microphone has moved to the hinge between the two screens. Nintendo of Japan has only released two images of the fashionably-white Nintendo DS Lite at press time, we'll post more as it reaches our desk.
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January 26th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese videogames giant Nintendo has announced its financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year, revealing that profits surged to almost double their previous level thanks to strong sales and favourable currency movements.
The quarter ended December 31st saw profits rising to 55.6 billion Yen (392 million Euro) from 21.3 billion Yen (150 million Euro) in the same period last year, although operating profit remained largely flat at 63.2 billion Yen (446 million Euro).
Like most other videogames firms, the third quarter is the most important one of the year for Nintendo, encompassing as it does the vital Christmas season during which the company recorded incredibly strong sales for its DS console around the world.
The fourth quarter may also be a strong one for the Kyoto-based firm, with the Nintendo DS sold out throughout the retail channel in Japan - indicating that strong reorders are likely - and a new version, the DS Lite, set to launch at the beginning of March.
However, Nintendo has maintained its profits forecast for the full year, and continues to anticipate net profit of 75 billion Yen (529 million Euro), a decline from last year's profit figure of 87.4 billion Yen (616 million Euro).
That expectation may be tempered by concerns over the volatile currency market, which has in the recent past driven Nintendo into the red in its quarterly figures as the massive reserves of assets which the company holds overseas were devalued by the weakened dollar.
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January 27th, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Source Psyman
GCEmu is GameCube emulator for Windows. It has been in development for about one year and it's capable of running commercial games.
Here is what one of the authors has to say about this release:
"GCEmu is a very incomplete emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube.
It uses recompilation techniques and some other tricks to achieve a reasonable speed. Although emulation is very incomplete, this emulation shows that 'it can be done' and can be done at a decent speed.
Where Dolphin Emu shows that the emulation can be done, GCEmu shows that it can be done at speed. This is because the different focus. Where the Dolphin guys hate to do cpu emulation (especially recompilers) this is exactly what I (Tratax) have been playing with since PSEmu. It was made using Visual Studio C++ using pure C code and a few bits of assembler."
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January 27th, 2006, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
SGStair posted this update:
The next release is still being worked on - it'll contain TCP, DHCP, DNS, and ICMP for sure... WEP is being worked on but it's unclear why it's not working at the moment. I'm still busy with other projects besides this one so it is still going slowly, but progress is being made.
More info --> http://www.akkit.org/dswifi/index.html
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January 27th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo USA have posted news that the M3 Adapter SD version with Passkey2 is now in stock, heres the info about the product:

M3 Adapter is made for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS. You can use your PC and normal Compact Flash Card Reader to transfer and convert you movie & music files to the Compact Flash Cards. Then, insert M3 Adapter with CF/SD Card into GBA(SP) or Nintendo DS, and the files will be available after boot up of the console.
Its features are just the same as any other MP3 Player on the market but also playing games and movies instead of playing music only.
One of the coolest features of an M3 Adapter is that you can directly run third party software on it – that includes emulators of the video game system.
Compatible with all GBA games without any patching required and without any problem during gameplay. NDS games require patching.
Excellent Save compatibility. It support all saves types with the RTC function.
Capacity is very flexible and only depends on the card you use, which now are up to 4GBypte (32Gbit) on the market.
GOLDEN FINGER (CHEAT Code ) employs the IPS system that prevails in the world, with more diverse and powerful distinctive functions than CHT. The unique Auto IPS feature completely prevents computer crash.
With unique Super Real Time Save Function, easily operates and it can revive without limits.
CF/SD card +Reader can be used as a U disk and it only needs drag here and there when the game is burning.
Saves money: CF/SD card can also be used in digital camera and other products, and you can share your card as you need it without the need to buy a dedicated card for your NDS/GBA.
Supports GBA Games, FC games, Emulator games, GBA Movies, E-book, Cartoon books, browse pictures, enjoy music and so on.
Supports 4-key reboot to Rom menu function, and supports 4-key reboot beginning function.
Very safe for your CF/SD card.
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January 27th, 2006, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has confirmed that the new, slimmed down version of the Nintendo DS will be released in Europe and the US following its launch in Japan on March 2nd, 2006.
Although a specific release date was not announced, Nintendo did say that the DS Lite will make its debut outside of Japan some time after the spring.
The redesigned handheld, which was unveiled earlier this week, will go on sale in Japan for 16,800 yen (118 EURO) in a choice of colours - white, as previously announced, and two more unspecified shades.
Nintendo will continue to produce the original DS, and it will continue to retail for 15,000 yen (105 EURO).
According to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, the company is confident that the DS will continue to sell well as 2006 unfolds. Speaking to the Japanese press, Iwata said: "Taken as a whole with the current version, we're aiming at total domestic sales of 10,000,000 units not too late in the year."
So far more than 13 million Nintendo DS units have been sold worldwide. The handheld has proved most popular in Japan where more than 5 million units havebeen snapped up, compared with 4 million in North America and 3.5 million in Europe.
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January 28th, 2006, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Pepsiman has posted this news:
I’ve written an ALSA driver for the DS sound hardware, with some help from Parrot. This driver has been enabled in the builds with CF support, along with userspace applications:
vplay - plays WAVs.
vrec - records from the mic.
mp3play - plays MP3s.
Only 8bit playback is working at the moment, and recording is not implemented yet. Stereo support is implemented, but has not been tested.
More info --> http://www.dslinux.org/blogs/pepsiman/
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January 28th, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
JimmyL has updated his RTS game for the DS, heres whats new:
Update. v0.6
My first attempt at spending any time on art, I created sprites for the Archer and Infantry. Slight scale problem. :>
Fixed a minimap bug where you could see the enemy in any area you explored rather than just the places you can see.
Toned down the archers effectiveness against units a bit, and a lot against buildings.
Slowed down the workers construction speed.
Heres a screenshot:

Download this excellent looking RTS game here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsrts.shtml
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January 28th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio posted this news:
This version has no real changes to the application itself, but is now using the Fat library from Sata, that should provide access to scsd and m3sd users as well.
A WARNING: I have tried it myself on GBAMP nad seems to work fine there, but I can't say anything about the results on the other cards, so I suggest making a backup copy (at least) of the contents before using it. Wific2 has not been updated jet...
Visit his site here --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 28th, 2006, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Bafio:
This is just a prerelease version of what will be a complete DS chat program. Currently you can draw messages on the screen and send them to the computer. The server could already support multiple users so there will be a next version with real chat functionality. also the keyboard will be enabled.
Using wifi connection settings from the firmware, if you set them properly it should be able to use them (set static IP, gateway, no wep...).
The IP address of the server still has to come from the config file, but now the new FAT driver should support more cards Run thw wifi transfer app 1st to configure!
Some improvements here and there, better protocol, fast transfers (try R button and hold it pressed 
L goes back the loader on GBAMP
Webcam feature (I think X or Y): try to set a webcam image server like dorgem on port 8080 of the server first and hold X
[older stuff]
This is just a prerelease version of what will be a complete DS chat program .
There is no network configuration still, I'm working on getting the settings from the firmware. You have to run first the transfer program wich creates the appropriate config file.
Currently you can draw messages on the screen and send them to the
computer. The server could already support multiple users so there will be a next version with real chat functionality. also the keyboard will be enabled.
If you run the transfer server as well, try clicking the L button and see what happens (I was starting too to work on a vnc like app, but that could be webcam support for the chat!) If you press start it will try to download test.nds and execute it (testing...)
*java server*
On the server side, you should FIRST run the java server
IF you run Java 1.4 and for some reason can't update to version 1.5, you can try using transferServerJ14.jar that is backported to java 1.4 (not tested but should work).
You can edit server.bat and include your favorite options.
java -jar chatServer.jar [-port portNumber] [-delay sendDelay]
*nds file*
On the DS side, you start the nds file with your preferred method. On GBAMP, i suggest fine from Sata (very fast) of Migty Max loader.
Visit the site here --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 28th, 2006, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Overseas analysts ponder release dates, success, and prices of the Revolution, PlayStation 3. Xbox 360 still seen as a contender.
The latest issue of Famitsu features comments from Japanese analysts regarding next-generation game consoles, many of which seem to echo predictions made by analysts from the US.
Daiwa Institute of Research senior analyst Eiji Maeda predicts the PlayStation 3 will be released in Japan between April and June, but the console will not have much of a third-party lineup until summer or fall. Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Jay Defibaugh (who's currently working in Credit Suisse's Tokyo branch) predicts a similar release period for the PS3, sometime between May and June.
While Sony still has its PS3 launch set for spring, the analysts predict that the console will come out a bit later since the console's games are behind in development. The PS3 is reportedly difficult to develop for, and while there are 71 developers currently working on 102 games, only eight titles have been announced for release in 2006, with just two slated for spring.
Daiwa's Maeda predicts the PS3 is likely to hold the top share in the next-generation console war, but he cites the lack of launch titles as one of the factors that may affect its sales in 2006. Maeda also says the PS3's Blu-ray drive isn't as strong a sales point as the PlayStation 2's DVD drive. Back in 2000, consumers were drawn to the PS2 because it was also a DVD player, eliminating the need to buy a then-expensive stand-alone player. Another point cited by Maeda is the system's price. Maeda predicts that the PS3 will be priced in the 40,000 yen range ($343) at the lowest, while Nintendo's Revolution will be 30,000 yen ($257) at its highest. He also believes that by the time the PS3 comes out, Microsoft will likely have dropped its price on the Xbox 360.
With regard to the Revolution, Famitsu turns to IT journalist Hiroshige Gotoh. Gotoh believes the Revolution has the possibility of succeeding in the next-generation game war because of its innovation and its unique controller. He explained that the console's uniqueness could still match up against machines with higher specs, much like the way the DS has been outselling the PSP.
So when will the Revolution come out? Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently told Sankei Journal that his company will need to release the console by Thanksgiving in America to take advantage of the busy shopping season. However, Maeda predicts that the Revolution could come out in Japan as early as June. Maeda also said that the machine would still have a larger launch lineup than the PS3, even if it's released that soon.
Credit Suisse's Defibaugh commented that the Xbox 360's sales in Japan were predicted to be low, but its actual performance was even lower. He thinks that the Japanese market will be dominated by the PS3 if the Xbox 360 continues to see sluggish sales in the country.
Daiwa's Maeda says that Microsoft isn't out of the race yet; the company had released its console half a year before its competitors, which gives it an upper hand in mass production and cost cutting.
Defibaugh and Maeda both think the PlayStation 3 will have half of the market in the worldwide next-generation console war by the end of 2006, followed by the Xbox 360 at 30 percent, and the Revolution at 20 percent.
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January 29th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
A manager for the new GCemu Gamecube emulator for windows:
@ruantec-Man posted this:
"Here is the first Frontend for GCemu! this is just a small frontend until i finish my brand new Emu-Selector witch has already alot of good features! chankast autorun,epsxe,pcsx2 and many other functions for n64.
for the mean time enjoy this Release!
1: do not place the manager in the same directory as GCemu as will not work. anyways you can load the emupath in the GCemu Manager main window.
2: After you associate the .gcm files just click 2x on the .gcm file to open them!
Greetz @ruantec-Man
i´ve updated the file. now you can grab the new version."
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January 29th, 2006, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
sypherce has again updated his Wife - DS keypad app, heres whats new:
(01.26.06) 0.21
PC Side:
1. Replaced buttons on Gui with a right click menu on the tray icon.
2. Fix all settings in options menu so they apply immidietly.
3. Connecting is no longer initiated by opening the options menu,
use the Dis\Connect Menu command to connect or disconnect.
4. Winamp support is installed, refer to Codes.txt for settings, or
the winamp.ini for the default setup.
5. Windows now move around properly, a few improper situations still.
6. ::BUG:: Closing the options menu before saving will revert changes
instantly --- this will be fixed when profiles are implemented,
hopefully next version.
Download here --> http://www.1emulation.com/forums/ind...howtopic=16953
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January 29th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
The M3 Team have released new versions of the Game Manager software and the firmware. The Game Manager software is now at v3.0 and the Firmware e15.
Heres whats new:
* NDS software reset function added. (5-key reset : L + R + A + B + X)
* Nearly all games can run in fast/direct mode. Only one game "Battles of Prince of Persia" may need to run in normal mode.
* The software reset function can be inserted into almost all games except only one game "Mario Kart". And no side-effect was found during the testing so far. In addition, the game save data will be automatically stored into the corresponding save file upon completion of the reset process. Practically, the game save data can be safety kept even without battery connected.
* Improve game compatibility. Support running the "Biohazard" perfectly. Unlike others, no white screen, no need to reboot the console every time upon game over.
Note: If users update the M3 and run games with Loader version x15 or above, please make sure that the games stored in cf/sd were converted by using M3 Game Manager version V3.0 or above.
Download at --> http://www.m3adapter.com/
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January 29th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Bafio posted this news:
Using wifi connection settings from the firmware, if you set them properly it should be able to use them (set static IP, gateway, no wep...).
The IP address of the server still has to come from the config file, but now the new FAT driver should support more cards Run thw wifitransfer app 1st to configure!
Some improvements here and there, better protocol, fast transfers (try R button and hold it pressed 
L goes back the loader on GBAMP
Webcam feature (I think X or Y): try to set a webcam image server like dorgem on port 8080 of the server first and hold X
More info --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/
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January 29th, 2006, 12:25 Posted By: wraggster
Donnie comes up with a first person tank game today.
Release notes:
I wanted to see how fast I could do a first-person tank game for the GBA, and this is the result. I saved some time by reusing code from my last one, Collision Course, but by the end I had to rewrite and optimize a great deal to be able to display two tanks instead of one. This is once again a vector-based game, but this time in 3D wireframe. There's a lot of Bresenham line drawing and integer division going on, so I hope it runs at a solid 60 frames per second on hardware, which it hasn't been tested on.
My only real experience with the inspiration for this game, Battlezone, was on the Atari 2600, and I've never operated a tank, so I'm not the best person to try doing simulations. In any case, a modified version of Atari's arcade game Battlezone was used in U.S. Army training.
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January 29th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
We have just opened up a dedicated Submit news forum where not only can you post news but you can also upload to the forum instead of using those horrid freeservers.
Help get your work noticed and help us be the premier site for all Nintendo Console news and releases 
Heres the submit forum link --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=104
Once i verify coders i will then give them access to post directly on the site.
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January 30th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has finally confirmed the existence of Tetris DS, a spruced-up version of the Russian-born puzzle game complete with a special Mario themed mode and touch-screen action. Have a peek at these screens and we think you'll agree it's looking pretty sharp.
The game borders on massively multiplayer, enabling up to 10 players to compete through the Tetris DS Download Play ability, where a single game card can transmit enough of the game to your friend's handheld to run a multiplayer match. Using the WiFi connection you can play two or four-player Tetris DS face-offs.
Tetris remains one of the best puzzle games ever, and so it's important to note that Nintendo isn't messing too much with the formula, and is focusing instead on jazzing up the game's appearance. Expect more details to drop in soon.
Tetris DS will be released for DS on 20 March
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January 30th, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
With the possibility that many Revolution titles will be controllable with one hand, comes hope from disabled gamers like Travis Taft. Taft, who suffered a spinal-cord injury while body surfing, retains strong use of his right hand, but he is unable to use a standard two-handed gamepad because of his left. Taft is confident that when the Revolution is introduced into the market (presumably later this year), he'll be able to resume his lifelong passion for gaming.
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January 30th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster

bananaboy has released a port of the Megadrive/Genesis emulator, Genesis Plus for the Nintendo DS, heres what the coder posted:
<blockquote>Hi folks,
I've ported Charles MacDonald's Genesis Plus emulator to the DS! It currently runs very slowly (about 1 frame per second) and doesn't make use of any specialised DS hardware apart from the palette and the hardware scaling.
It's available here:
It renders the MD screen to a 512x256 extended rotation bitmap in mode 3 and uses hardware scaling to scale it to fit the DS screen.
Source is included (in fact, there is only source, no binary). It uses devkitpro. I also created a VS.NET 2003 project file (which just runs make). gpnds can be compiled to use a statically linked in GBFS filesystem, or a single statically linked in rom image (converted using bin2s). No roms are included in this archive! Sound is untested/unimplemented (and #ifdefed out by default).
This is just a sort of first pass release. I'm not sure if I've got the energy to port this to use the actual DS hardware (which would result in huge speed increases) so I'm putting it out there in case anyone is interested in toying with it. As it stands, it's really not playable, so this is really just a demonstration, I guess.
Here is a quick how-to from the readme.txt:
1. Copy a smd or bin file to the root directory of gpnds.
2. If it's an smd file, run:
grom\grom -bin filename.smd
to convert it to a raw image.
3. Run:
swap filename.bin rom.bin
to swap the byte order of the bin file (there was code in the original
genesis plus to do this at load time, however, I wanted to remove as
many static arrays as possible).
4. Run:
bin2s rom.bin > gp/rom.s
to create the data file.
5. Run:
5. Make sure the entire thing isn't over 4Mb! Copy the .ds.gba file to
your flash card (or use whatever method you are familiar with for running
Keys are:
NDS d-pad maps to megadrive d-pad
NDS x, b, a map to megadrive a, b, c
NDS start maps to megadrive start
NDS select resets the emulator </blockquote>
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/genesisplusnds.shtml
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January 30th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Remote Desktop for the DS has been updated, heres whats new:
Added scrollable zoomed view of the desktop.
Added faster speed option for screenshot updates which will not wait in between screenshots.
Added small borders on the full-screen view for easier access to the screen edges.
Improved touch keyboard functionality.
Added support for special keys sent to Windows.
Added middle mouse button support.
Changed button layout on DS.
Added 'Run on Startup' option to have the server start when it is ran.
Settings are now saved in Windows between sessions.
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January 30th, 2006, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
PepsiMan posted this news
2.6.14 continued
The cause of the kernel hanging shortly after the first syscall has been found. The 2.6.14 kernel will be imported into CVS shortly, along with a more recent version of the uClinux userspace.
Wifi driver
Bret has written a Wifi driver for DSLinux. It has been added to CVS and is enabled in all builds. Like the sound driver added recently, it still contains bugs, but it’s fun to try it out anyway.
Check out the site --> http://www.dslinux.org/blogs/pepsiman/
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January 31st, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bigs posted this:
Here is an adaptation of an old french adventure game. Quite old and doesn't really suit the ds, but i wanted to revive this game I was crazy about when i was little. I have spend so much time playing this on my amstrad...pfff.
Version 0.9
finished to retranscript scenario but untested)
Still need to add sound and to finish presentation aspect.
Check out the site here --> http://ds.bigs.info/
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January 31st, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has accepted responsibility for the "Red Tulip problem" in DS title Animal Crossing: Wild World, putting an end to rumours that the bug was caused by malicious hackers.
Animal Crossing: Wild World lets players set up home in a cartoon-style town, and visit each others' towns via the Wi-Fi Connection service. The game is not out in Europe until March 31, but many eager AC fans have already imported copies from the US.
Last week reports began to circulate that players were receiving a special letter within the game which contained a "Red Tulip" item. Players could plant the tulip in their homes, but then found that unlike other items, it could not be picked up, covered or removed.
As more and more gamers began to experience the same problem, speculation that the Red Tulip was some kind of hack or possibly even trojan virus began to grow - with some claiming that the "Red Tulip plague" was proof the Wi-Fi Connection network had been hacked.
But now Nintendo has gone on record to deny these rumours, stating that it's all down to a problem with its systems at the time of the Red Tulip's upload.
"Nintendo would like to thank its numerous Animal Crossing: Wild World fans for helping identify and correct an unforeseen issue with the game. Some users of the community-simulation game for Nintendo DS noticed that receiving a letter containing a 'Red Tulip' could cause interference with gameplay," Nintendo said in an official statement issued to the press.
"We have isolated the problem and determined that there was a temporary error with the upload tool when this letter was posted. Thankfully we have been able to limit the number of people affected by removing the related file from circulation. Players who have received the letter should delete it before placing the Red Tulip anywhere in their characters' homes."
The statement goes on to emphasise that "tulips themselves are not the problem", noting that other colours do not cause any disruptions to gameplay. In addition, the Red Tulip only results in problems if players plant it indoors.
Nintendo pledged to find a solution to the problem, stating: "We are investigating ways to remove the item from the homes of players who have experienced gameplay interference, and we will update the Animal Crossing: Wild World FAQ on NintendoWiFi.com when we have more information to share."
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January 31st, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS wants its users to touch, rub, and shout with its unique touch-sensitive screen and integrated microphone. With two edutainment games scheduled for release later this year, the DS now wants gamers to learn.
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day and Big Brain Academy are bringing their brainteasing ways to the US. Brain Age (known as Brain Training in Japan) will be released in North America on April 17, and Big Brain Academy (known as Brain Flex in Japan), hits stores May 30. In Japan, both games have received a cultish following and have been top sellers for the handheld.
Based on the works of neuroscientist Professor Ryuta Kawashima, both games emphasize brain over brawn by presenting the user with a series of puzzles based on mathematics, analysis, and memorization, as well as ever-popular sudoku puzzles. The entire game is controlled via the touch screen and stylus, and a multiplayer mode allows would-be Einsteins to compete brain-to-brain.
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February 1st, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Aside from a lifetime of nightmares, there's no longer any reason not to try out Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube. Capcom today announced that the game has achieved Player's Choice status for Nintendo's console, meaning it will be repackaged with a new price tag of $19.99, down from $39.99. However, the PlayStation 2 version of the game remains priced at $39.99.
The game, which reinvented the zombie-slaying franchise, has been lauded by critics and fans alike. Though it was released in January 2005, it still grabbed several Game of the Year awards for last year, including GameSpot's editors' and readers' choice awards.
The game sees secret agent Leon Kennedy, a veteran of Resident Evil 2, on a quest to find the US president's missing daughter. His search brings him to a mysterious village in Europe, where a great evil has grabbed hold of the populace. Armed with upgradable pistols, shotguns, and rifles, Leon takes on all manner of beasts to fulfill his mission.
Though Resident Evil 4 spent a good part of 2005 as a GameCube exclusive, it found new residency on the PlayStation 2 in October. Now it appears that the game may be infecting another platform, the PC.
According to retail site Play.com, Resident Evil 4 for the PC is scheduled to hit Europe in late March. It wouldn't be the first time PCs have faced Capcom's fears--Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis have all found their way onto the PC. US Capcom representatives told GameSpot that no official announcement has been made.
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