March 1st, 2005, 12:33 Posted By: DrWu
New poster here, i hope someone can help me!
I've recently bought Mario golf advance tour, but I'm having trouble - I can't seem to load saved data.
I can save a game whilst playing the story mode - and when I quit I get the full menu, like story, quick game etc.
But if I turn off the GBA and turn it back on, I don't get any option to load a saved game or have a quick start as one of the characters. Am I being stupid and missing something obvious? It's a right pain as it asks me to create a character and go through the story mode every time I turn it on!
Any ideas?
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March 1st, 2005, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
The DS will introduce a whole new generation of people to videogames, regardless of their age, gender and previous gaming experience. It's a statement we've heard before, but this time Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata has gone on record claiming that the touchscreen handheld will redefine gaming.[br]And when Iwata-san talks, we listen. Speaking to Japanese game website Hobo Nichi and translated by GameScience, Iwata-san discussed the development of upcoming DS title Jam With the Band (also known as Band Brothers) and stated that games of this type will change the way people look at videogaming.[br][br]He went on to mention several new DS titles that would stimulate players in new ways and "increase the brain's activity". Alongside the Tamagotchi-style dog training game Nintendogs, Iwata-san also mentioned unspecified games that would us an electronic dictionary (sounds, um, riveting) and games that would concentrate on the player interacting with light and sound.[br]In Jam With the Band multiple DS users can join together to form a rhythm action performance group using the handheld's wireless networking and Game Sharing, which lets multiple users play from one game card. Each player chooses and instrument and must play it at the right time to make the tune come to life. We've had a go and it's ruddy brilliant.[br][br]Similarly, Nintendogs lets you interact with three ridiculously cute wee dogs simply through touch. You can pet them, chuck balls and Frisbees for them to fetch, or make the little buggers skip a rope. You'll even be able to teach the dogs to react to your voice and teach them vocal commands like 'sit'.[br][br]Iwata-san spoke of how games like this transcended any knowledge of videogaming conventions and made the necessity for gaming experience redundant.[br][br]Iwata-san's comments come hot on the heels of speculation that Nintendo are planning to launch the successor to GBA before the end of this year. Check here for the rumours and rebuttals.[br][br]As the European launch of DS on March 11 looms ever closer we can't wait to see if British gamers agree with Iwata-san's views. And while opening up the videogaming citadel to those without knowledge or experience of games is a noble business, we hope Nintendo don't forget the hardcore gamers who've been buying their consoles for years.[br][br]Lots more DS coverage coming real soon.
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March 1st, 2005, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
A third version of Nintendo's Game Boy Advance may be shown off at this year's E3, according to a report from American Technology Research analyst P.J. McNealy, with an "SP" style revision of the existing hardware on the cards.[br][br]Meanwhile, Nintendo has distanced itself from a frenzied wave of Internet speculation claiming that the Japanese giant will be launching a next generation Game Boy later this year, saying that the rumours were "pulled out of the air".[br][br]A spokesman for Nintendo of Europe told GamesIndustry.biz this morning: "There is always speculation on what the next Game Boy will be, however, at this time there are no announcements about a new Game Boy SP product."[br][br]However, unofficially the Kyoto-based firm is expected to unveil a remodelled Game Boy Advance based on the existing technology at its traditional pre-E3 event. [br][br]At this stage no concrete details exist on what enhancements Nintendo will be making to the GBA, but it's expected that some of the add-ons released over the past year or so will be integrated into the remodelled console; namely the PlayYan multimedia capabilities that enable users to watch movies and listen to music on their GBA, as well as other obvious improvements such as the much missed headphone jack and, of course, wireless connectivity.[br][br]And it's on the latter point where things get potentially interesting, with the potential for Nintendo to extend its wireless download plans to the GBA, as well as include the GBA in its long-mooted online gaming plans. All of this remains in the realms of speculation, but the way is clear for Nintendo to truly extend the GBA lifespan well beyond what it otherwise might have been had it chosen to focus solely on the DS going forward.[br][br]To put the wild speculation about a next gen Game Boy console into context, the story was initially based upon a report released yesterday by American Technology Research analyst P.J. McNealy which pontificated on the likelihood of a new GBA SP being released in time for Christmas.[br][br]The report looked at the share performance of THQ and Activision, and the likely effect on trading a new GBA SP would have on them. [br][br]In turn, the report went on to list four bullet points why - in his opinion - Nintendo is likely to launch a new GBA SP, reasoning that Nintendo has averaged a new version of the GBA every two years, that the DS has not cannibalised GBA sales, that piracy concerns in Asia Pacific required a more secure version of GBA, and that - somewhat curiously - that a new GBA SP would be a "fun, new device while Sony focuses on the PSP and the expected launch of the Xbox 2".[br][br]McNealy guessed that the new GBA would be priced at around $99, fitting snugly between the DS at $149 and the old GBA SP at $49.[br][br]But nowhere in the report does McNealy suggest that Nintendo was readying a next generation Game Boy console - as, indeed, launching a next gen Game Boy having just enjoyed a successful DS launch worldwide would be a truly bizarre business decision for the Japanese giant.[br][br]Reports elsewhere talk of a "PR nightmare" for Nintendo, but it appears in this case that the only nightmare for Nintendo right now is having to deal with spurious stories "pulled out of the air" and the resulting deluge of phone calls from media outlets seeking some clarity on the issue. [br][br]The spokesman for Nintendo told us today: "It's a case of looking at this McNealy report and someone putting two and two together and coming up with five. McNealy's report is him putting two and two together and coming up with four. It's just his opinion, and not endorsed by Nintendo in any way."[br][br]An official Nintendo statement reacting to the reports also emerged this morning: "Game Boy Advance continues to be a shining star in the video game industry with more than 65.7 million units sold worldwide.[br][br]"In 2004 alone we sold 4 million Game Boy Advance SPs in Europe. [br][br]"Our newest hand-held game system, the Nintendo DS, has done extremely well since it launched in Japan and the US and similar success is expected when it launches on 11th March in Europe. Nintendo DS is on target to ship 6 million worldwide by March 31," the spokesman added.
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March 1st, 2005, 19:19 Posted By: ptr.exe
Just wondering what DS games you would like to see released? maybe N64 remakes or just series that you think would work well on DS or perhaps games you've thought of.
I'd love to see Mario Paint, i think that the touch screen would be perfect for this type of game. Also that Japanese surgeory game looks so cool but i doubt it will come out over here. if not i'll import and wade through the crazy language I'd also like to see a remake of OoT as it was such an amazing game that its crying out for a remake with added features/dungeons and not the re-hash master quest.
What would you like to see?
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March 2nd, 2005, 03:39 Posted By: DaMadFiddler
The Internet abounds with reviews of games and other software, and even of hardware platforms themselves. However, when you're looking for something simpler, like a good case or screen protector, you're quite often left to take your chances alone. Therefore, as an owner of a number of random game accessories, I've decided to start reviewing some of the ones people are more likely to consider. Today's entry: the Pelican starter kit for Nintendo DS.
The Pelican kit for DS looks like a good deal right from the start--for $15-$20 (depending on where you purchase), it provides just about every accessory you can think of out of the box. It includes 2 extra stylii, 2 multi-game "armored" carrying cases, a car adaptor, headphones, screen protectors, and a carrying bag.
Pelican has a bit of a reputation for pushing products to market and then not offering any customer support to back them up...but things like these generally do not need tech. support--and besides, Pelican is responsible for my favorite GameBoy accessory: a very comfortable, rubberized, snap-on battery & ergonomic backplate for the original-model GBA.
Back information about the company aside, let's take a look at the individual components of the kit:
Car Power Adaptor
This is probably the main reason most people would buy the kit to begin with. The plug unit is very small and compact (especially when compared with the behemoth that is Nintendo's first-party version), and comes in a straight black design that will fit just fine with your DS or SP. The 6-foot cord should be long enough to fit most needs, so long as you're not trying to play from the back seat of a minivan. Though there is nothing remarkable about the unit, the build quality seems fine, and there were no problems getting it to plug in and work immediately and reliably. As an additional plus, the fuse is also removeable, so the unit is not worthless if your DS suffers a power surge.
To be honest, I have never been a particular fan of "earbud" style headphones, and generally just end up using the traditional-styled headphones that came packed in with my Sony Discman. The sound quality is passable--I've certainly heard worse, but they still leave something to be desired (especially in the bass range). The cord is roughly 5 feet long, which should be more than adequate either for playing games, or for using the DS as a music player from your pocket (via Play-Yan or GBA Movie Player).
Headphone Bag
This is a small, black nylon bag with a clasped drawstring and the Pelican logo emblazoned across the front. Designed for carrying the earbuds (why?), it almost seems like an afterthought thrown in for the sole purpose of upping the number Pelican could advertise as "items included" in the kit. The bag is too small to hold anything other than the headphones or an assortment of game cartridges (roughly 4-5 GBA carts, or a small handful of DS games). However, since the clasp is made out of a very cheap plastic, I'm not sure I'd entrust my games to this bag...and stowing the earbuds in here hardly seems worthwhile. This is probably the most useless item in the lot.
As I mentioned earlier, the kit comes with 2 extra stylii for your DS. These are notably longer and slightly thicker than the first-party DS stylus, and thus much easier to hold and manipulate. They also have a more pointed tip (making it easier to see what exactly you're pointing to onscreen), and a top clip for latching onto a pocket or other edge. The entire unit is very lightweight, and made out of a single, solid piece of plastic. These would actually be far preferable to the pack-in ones, were it not for the fact that they do not actually fit into the DS. They are too wide to fit into the stylus slot on the back of the DS, and thus must either be carried separately, or clipped precariously onto the outside of the unit. I ended up using these as extras for my Tapwave Zodiac, and keeping the factory originals with my DS.
Game Case
Cartridge cases have been a very frequent and popular addition to the GameBoy market, ever since Nintendo stopped including first-party clamshells after the end of the original generation. The two "ESL" multi-cartridge cases included will do a great job of protecting your games from the elements, and are a great idea for camping trips or other outings where unwanted substances may take a shot at your games. The outside is a very thick, durable plastic, and the inside is lined with removable rubberized holders. One side of each case holds three GBA games, and the other holds three DS cards and has an additional slot for one of the included stylii (see above). However, since these inserts are removable, you could very easily modify them to have one all-DS case and one all-GBA case if you so choose. Games snap right in and are held very snugly--perhaps even too much so. Your games will most certainly be secure, but are somewhat of a pain to get back out again, because of how tightly they are gripped by the case.
Screen Protectors
The other big draw to the kit is that it comes with a set of adhesive screen protectors. There is one "top" and one "bottom" sheet included. Simply remove the protective backing, and apply the sheet to your screen. The top protector is very smooth and glossy, and contains the same black border as the screen it covers. The glue on this screen is concentrated around this border, so the edges are what stick. This creates a slight problem, as you cannot get the entire sheet pressed flush against the screen (resulting in bubbles). The best strategy is just to apply pressure to the edges where the glue is, and keep the center part from touching the screen. However, you will inevitably end up touching or tapping the screen by mistake, and creating bubbles in the screen. The bottom protector does not suffer this problem; it has a much thinner coat of adhesive, evenly distributed across its surface. The bottom protector is very durable, and does not scratch easily...or even show fingerprints. Of course, this will slightly lower the sensitivity of your touch screen, but most of the time this is not even noticeable. The texture is markedly different, though--where the screen itself is very smooth and easy to glide your finger across, the protector has more of a "Scotch tape" feel to it, which makes using the thumb-shoe in games like Mario 64 and Metroid Prime feel just a little bit odd. Also of note is the fact that this sheet does not seem quite large enough; it leaves about a millimeter of the screen exposed around the edges. One must wonder why Pelican did this, as it is very important to have a flat, consistent surface across a touchscreen. Both screens are removable and reusable, but (much to my disgust) I found that the "top" sheet left some residue behind. If you're planning to put these on, apply them carefully, work in a dust-free environment, and it's a good idea to leave them on.
Cleaning Cloth
Also included is a micro-fiber cleaning cloth. This is very similar to what you might find with a pair of glasses, or in a monitor/TV care kit. It does its job well, and does not leave any discernable marks or scratches behind.
All in all, the kit contains a number of mildly useful accessories, though the only one you're sure to get much use from in the long run is the car adaptor. There are many good ideas here, but unfortunately, most of them are poorly realized. This kit would be great if the screen protectors were designed a little more carefully, the game cases given a little more thumb room, and the stylii shaved down a little so that they could fit into the DS' carrying slot. If you were planning on picking up one or more of these items separately, it may still be worht your while, though--first-party screen sheets and a car adaptor alone are $10 each. As it stands, this is a frustratingly grand collection of almost-useful items.
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March 2nd, 2005, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] Another Code for the Nintendo DS is the systems first true fantasy title, and with such a review, they couldn't ask for a better start. Playing as a thirteen-year old named Ashley Mizuki Robbins, you must uncover the mystery of what happened to your parents after their device named "Another" went wrong during development in a secret government lab. The game opens you up to a detailed and lush looking 3D world, complete with many puzzles that make use of the touch ability. [br][br]A 3D birds-eye view takes the bottom screen, while you use either the d-pad or stylus to move around. Many NDS players find the stylus a poor substitute for an analogue stick, but in Another Code at least, it actually works surprisingly well and bodes great for future adventure games. At the same time, the top screen displays beautifully pre-rendered shots of the location you're in, and points of particular interest. The title is now shipping, while the US version awaits a release date for sometime later this year.
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March 3rd, 2005, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] The Nintendo GameCube is definitely becoming a serious platform for Music&Rhythm gaming enthusiasts. On March 17th, the third installment of the massively popular Donkey Konga series will see its Japanese release. The official name, Tabe-houdai! Haru Mogitate 50 Kyoku, hints at a real feast of music game action, the huge songlist counting 50 hot tunes now! Donkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade, the game's first expansion, featured less than 30 songs, so Donkey Konga 3 should make for an enormous update for those looking to use their bongos once more. For Japanese-capable importers, Nintendo has just recently posted the songlist of Donkey Konga 3 on their dedicated site; go there and have a look at how much content there will be this time![br][br]New to the series? Here's the gist of it: Donkey Konga offers a videogame experience similar to the Taiko no Tatsujin line of games where you follow and try to match the in-game music. Although you can use a standard controller to navigate the on-screen rythm frenzy, it's best enjoyed with the official Tarukonga Controller, representing a Bongos peripheral that features a microphone for picking up clapping sounds along with your drum beats. Donkey Konga 3 will be perfect for any music game and Donkey Kong fan alike. Please view the official Japanese trailer here (Windows Media Player):[br][br]• Donkey Konga 3 TVCM[br][br]In this latest incarnation, Nintendo icons Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong will be joined by none other than Funky Kong! Spinning conga beats are all the rage now, so Funky says goodbye to his travel service and accompanies his mates Donkey and Diddy, who all love to indulge in hip melodies. In addition, Funky will star in a couple of the included mini-games himself. Visually, the title orients itself somewhat closely to earlier Donkey Konga releases, which will help loyal followers of the series to jump right back into the action again. Typical for a Nintendo game, players having their very first go at the franchise with Donkey Konga 3, will find it easy to get going as well. [br][br]If you can't wait to expand your songlist with Donkey Konga and need some new material to bang your bongos to, then Donkey Konga 3 will certainly deliver, absolutely being the ultimate edition released so far. Secure your copy and preorder now for only US$ 59.90, this title is of course eligible for our Free Worldwide Shipping promotion. Grab the official Tarukonga Bongos Controller in addition, if you still lack one, to dig Donkey Konga 3 the way it was meant to be played.[br][br]It's just fantastic that GameCube owners get showered with so much Bemani game goodness all of a sudden, since apart from the fantastic and innovative Donkey Konga department, there are also some other titles worth mentioning:[br][br]Featuring the big ape himself as well, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is basically a platform title which is played entirely with the DK Bongo controller. Guide Donkey Kong through wild jungle environments dealing with a myriad of enemies and challenging obstacles by tapping the bongos, doing a drum roll or controlling him by clapping! Battle enormous beasts this way or get into boxing matches with rivals. Furthermore, you can ride animals and vehicles in a jungle gone wild![br][br]While being big, hairy and a banana addict isn't everything, the announcement of Dance Dance Revolution with MARIO sent noticeable ripples through the entire Bemani community. Finally we'll get a full-blown DDR game for GameCube! It's on preorder already for only US$ 59.90, with a release expected in the first quarter of this year. Dance along with your favorite characters of the Mushroom Kingdom, treat yourself to a decent workout with 2 player versus mode or simply have fun with several unique mini-games included. [br][br]For fans of the oversized monkey that originated as the kidnapper of Mario's girlfriend in arcades of gaming yesteryear, we even carry a number of current games for the GameBoy Advance and have more still on preorder. And that's not all: additionally there are some cool toys you should definitely check out as well, which feature Donkey Kong in a R/C cart, by himself and in a group of other famous Nintendo characters in dedicated Capsule Toy form.
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March 3rd, 2005, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] We guessed it right in the past issue of our Weekly Gaming Update, the Pepsi NDS from Suntori was the avant-premiere for a complete new line of Nintendo DS flavors to come out. In just a few weeks from now, on March 24th, Nintendo of Japan will launch two additional colors of Nintendo DS Systems in the land of the Rising Sun, Pure White and long time rumored Graphite Black.[br][br]Nintendo DS (Pure White) 110V[br]Nintendo DS (Graphite Black) 110V[br][br]One month later, on April 21st, two more special editions will be launched. The Turquoise Blue edition will trigger some memories for those of you who had Nike Air Max sneakers in the same style during the nineties, while the Candy Pink edition will save male lives when it will come to use the last 200 US$ of the monthly budget either in a Nintendo DS system or to buy a cool gift for the girlfriend for a special celebration. Nintendo comes up with a solution for such dilemmas with this girly pink DS. The latter might very well sound as a joke to you, but I can tell you for fact that our sales curves for the Gameboy Advance SP Pearl Pink Edition does indeed show some jumps both around the 24th of December (Christmas) and in the couple of weeks ahead of February 14th (Valentine's Day).[br][br]Nintendo DS (Turquoise Blue) 110V[br]Nintendo DS (Candy Pink) 110V [br][br]More information at Lik Sang
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March 3rd, 2005, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Gameboy advance/ Nintendo DS WIP emulator for windows has seen another update, heres the news from this release:[br][br] With immense thanks to gladius, I now have a new tiled-mode renderer for the GPU. I managed to track down the source of all the breakages; turns out to be in my poorly-coded sprite code. That means I can't have sprites for the moment, but I can have multiple backgrounds. And that means Tetris.DS can render fully on the main screen. Take a look at the screenshots for a picture.[br][br]On the CVS side, I've managed to check all the code in; anonymous checkout access is currently being set up server-side. When it's all set up, you'll see more news here. [br][br]Download Here [br][br]Heres some Nintendo DS public domain roms Here
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March 3rd, 2005, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
According to retail sources, Konami will release Bomberman for the Nintendo DS on May 26 in Japan. The game will be priced at 5,040 yen ($48). [br][br]Bomberman for the DS will feature 10 areas that contain a total of 100 stages. Each area comes with a powerful boss for you to challenge. Gamers can control items they obtain by using the touch screen. [br][br]With the DS's Wi-Fi connection and game-sharing capabilities, up to eight players can enjoy versus mode on Bomberman with just one cartridge. The versus mode features three game modes: the normal mode, where the objective is to beat opponents by bombing them; crown mode, where the first person to pick up the crown wins; and panel mode, where gamers bomb tiles in the floor to flip them to match their team's color.
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March 3rd, 2005, 17:16 Posted By: newuser
Just wanted to make sure that it's possible to play USA games on a UK Nintendo DS before I buy.
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March 3rd, 2005, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Stephen Stair has now publically released his GBA (GameBoy Advance) emulator for windows, heres the news from this release:[br][br] Ok, I've finally decided to release something for a change. As development has been slowed on this project considerably, I'm releasing a Work In Progress build, so people who want to can play with it. This version requires a gba bios file for full functionality, the bios should be named gba.rom and put in the same directory as the emulator. [br]Bugs that I know about already include items listed on the compatibility pages as not being done, and:[br][br]Sprites don't flip yet, rotation/scaling sprites not supported. [br]There is a bug that causes pc to move to an odd-numbered location (probably when returning to thumb mode) - the cause of this is presently unknown, and prevents several commercial games from running [br]A few instructions are still unimplemented, specificly the memory SWP instructions in the arm core. (used in practically nothing though [br]The memory loading/storing doesn't mimic the gba for unaligned writes. [br]There are probably other small problems, but I don't remember/feel like listing them [br][br]Download from HERE [br][br]Download Public Domain GBA Roms Pack from Here
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March 4th, 2005, 08:39 Posted By: Frankenkilla
This topic has been moved to [link=http://www.dcemu.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=deleted;action=display;num=110992903 3;start=0]Deleted Posts[/link] by souLLy.
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March 4th, 2005, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has lit the DS touchpaper, and the handheld's about to launch on these shores.[br]Over 650,000 DS units will be winging their way into over 30,000 shops across Europe, with over 2.5 million pieces of software alongside them. Nintendo has been churning the little babies out on a specially-installed production line we're told can spew out 144,000 units of software a day.[br][br]And as a special treat we've even got some candid photos of that same production line for you to enjoy. Look at all those games seductively shining their glossy covers at you, and those dirty DS boxes offering a snatch of their internal stash. Sexy or what?[br][br]Impressive numbers, but the ones that matter the most to gamers are £99 and 149 Euro. That's how much you'll be able to pick up a DS complete with PictoChat and a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters for on March 11. Games will set you back between £19 and £29.[br]But you don't necessarily have to wait until next Friday - if you live in London you can pop down to the Virgin Megastore on Oxford Street at 11am on Wednesday March 9 you'll get the chance to meet The Bear from Bo Selecta and try out a DS.[br][br]Likewise, if you're desperate to get your DS before everyone else, Virgin Megastores in London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Birmingham and Cardiff will all be opening at midnight on Thursday March 10. Best of all, lucky punters in the London queue will get the chance to win a trip to Japan and meet Mr. Mario himself, Shigeru Miyamoto. Not bad, eh?
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March 5th, 2005, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
IGN has an article discussing an interview in which Nintendo President Satoru Iwata talked about the possibility that the Nintendo Revolution's fundamental difference from other offerings may alienate third party developers. From the article: "If the next generation platforms are going to create even more gorgeous looking games using further enhanced functionality, and if that next-gen market can still expand the games industry, then I'm afraid that third-parties may not support Nintendo" Refreshing to hear such an honest assessment from company president
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March 5th, 2005, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
According to retail sources, Nintendo will soon announce a new DS game produced by Japanese multimedia artist Toshio Iwai, best known for his Famicom music game, Otocky (1987). Called Electroplankton, the game is slated for release in Japan on April 7 at the price of 4,800 yen ($46). [br][br][br]Electroplankton is categorized as a "touchable media art" game that presents the player with "soothing music" and graphics on the DS's two screens. The game features 10 "digital planktons" that respond to gamers when they touch the screen or use the microphone. The planktons react by making different gestures and sounds of their own. The game also takes advantage of the DS's microphone by recording and playing back sounds and voices as tunes. [br][br]While details on gameplay are scarce, it's known that Electroplankton will include a number of classic 8-bit Famicom melodies, including those from Super Mario Bros. [br][br]The game will also have an "audience mode" in which it creates new musical tunes on its own. Electroplankton is slated to come bundled with a pair of headphones.
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March 5th, 2005, 12:40 Posted By: wraggster
HonkeyKong has took Lantus Sourcecode and released the first (non-linux port) Snes emulator for the Gamecube Console, heres the news from this release:[br][br] Fixed: Graphics garbage cleared up, thanks to WinterMute for help with that.[br]Full SNES Audio emulation now, BIG thanks to Shagkur for the new mixer code![br]Added C-Stick mapping to SNES ABXY buttons for games like Smash TV and Total Carnage. [br][br]Download this new emulator for the Gamecube from Here.
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March 5th, 2005, 13:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS/GBA emulator for windows has been updated once again (although you wouldnt know with the numbering system :P), heres the news from this release:[br][br] noticed yesterday that while Tetris runs, First refused to. It turns out that First clears the OAM for both GPUs before starting up. I only had one OAM allocated, and vital variables after it (like the GPUs current line). Gotta love buffer overflows. Some fixing MMU masks and making room for the OAM later, both run. Yay.[br][br]On another front, I've been told it'd be nice if I could close the debugger, memview and palette with a little Close box in the corner of the window. And I agree with that, so the Close box is now in and implemented. Also, wouldn't it be great if you could scroll through the disassembly without losing which registers and flags changed with the last instruction. Now, it's possible; scroll through and the red registers will stay red. [br][br]Download DSemu Here.[br][br]Wanna try some freeware roms on it ?, well heres links to Nintendo DS and GBA freeware/public domain roms.
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March 6th, 2005, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
PassMe[br]Designed by Natrium42[br]Built by Lynx[br][br]Here are some images of the first *WORKING* Nintendo DS PassMe unit. More info to come as it is tested further. (I can't wait to get my own)[br]http://ds.darkain.com/hack/PassMe.jpg[br]http://ds.darkain.com/hack/PassMe2.jpg[br]http://ds.darkain.com/hack/DSBack01.jpg[br]http://ds.darkain.com/hack/PassMeRunning02.jpg[br]http://ds.darkain.com/hack/twoscreen01.jpg[br][br]PassMe Videos (torrents)[br]* PassMe - Designed by Natrium42, Built by Lynx[br]* PassMe runs first home-brew demo[br]* PassMe runs Natrium's BattleShip demo[br][br]For those not aware of what this is, this plugs into the DS card slot, and a DS card plugs into it (sort of like a game shark). The device modifies values on the fly while the game is loading, to tell it to load DS code from the GBA slot. This allows for us to load DS code in DS mode from the GBA slot. As of about 10 minutes ago, the first PassMe interface is officially working. More pictures (and hopefully some videos) will be available over the next couple of days.""
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March 6th, 2005, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
Kapitan has released a Pacman Demo for the Nintendo Gamecube that works for both NTSC and Pal Displays.[br][br]The Pacman Demo has been zipped up and put with the 15 other Demos/Games for the Gamecube that have been released.[br][br]Download Here.
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March 6th, 2005, 04:19 Posted By: wraggster
Firefly has posted new screenshots of his Nintendo DS emulator running a Battleship Demo/Game and also Arm Wrestler which is another Demo/Game.[br][br]Check out the new screenshots and older shots on this Page.
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March 6th, 2005, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mic the author of the GBA emulator Gebea has today publically released his new Nintendo DS Emulator called Dualis, this emulator plays all the demos released so far for the Nintendo DS.[br][br]Download Dualis Here.[br][br]Heres some freeware/public domain Nintendo DS roms to try Here.
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March 7th, 2005, 08:09 Posted By: wraggster
Mic has released a new version of his Nintendo DS emulator for windows, heres whats new in this release:[br][br] GPU: Fixed transparency for bottom-most 16-color BGs[br]GPU: Fixed tile flipping for 16-color BGs[br]GPU: Fixed tile flipping for alpha-blended 256-color BGs[br]GPU: Fixed alpha-blending for BGs with transparent pixels[br]GUI: FPS limiter toggling now works[br]GUI: Made the OpenGL texture format selectable[br]GUI: Added keyboard shortcuts for Run, Pause and Reset[br]GUI: The client area of the video output window should now be properly sized even for people with non-standard Windows themes [br][br]Download Here.[br][br]Download some homebrew roms to try Here
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March 7th, 2005, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has admitted that the next-generation Revolution format's unique design could alienate third party publishers, although he hopes that it will instead inspire them.[br][br]In a recent print interview, Iwata-san said that if third parties were able to continue creating gorgeous, traditional games on rival next-generation formats and continue to expand their audiences that way, they "may not support Nintendo".[br][br]However it seems that Nintendo instead expects publishers to realise that Revolution's strength lies in forging new markets. "What we are trying to do is such a different thing, and people have come to realise that the approach we have taken with Nintendo DS can actually expand the market beyond what existing platforms can do," he said.[br][br]"Therefore I believe there should be more third parties who are willing to support Nintendo's new ideas."[br][br]"Already publishers are not hesitant in disclosing their concerns over next-generation gaming platforms, and development costs are rising. Publishers are afraid... of whether [the next-gen] consoles can appeal to people who are not the avid game fans of today," he added.[br][br]Nintendo Revolution will be unveiled to some extent at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles in May.
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March 7th, 2005, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
UK importer of consoles like Nintendo DS and Sony PSP, GBAx.com have posted this news:[br][br] More DS price drops! DS + Jap Mario64 + Charger from £96.89!
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March 7th, 2005, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Tetris DS the first homebrew game for the Nintendo DS by DesktopMan has been updated and its possible to have 2 players at the same time on one Nintendo DS now.[br][br]Download game and source from Here
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March 8th, 2005, 17:56 Posted By: Flamm75
Hi Everybody,
thousands of Gamecube fans have to help us. More and More Third Parties canceld Games for the Nintendo Gamecube. Everybody who bought a GameCube and who just have a GameCube is disappointed. We want to stop this. Our first step is this petition.
Please help us.
We do not want the same ending like the Dreamcast!
More Informations about this petition:
Midway presented on the Gamers Day their new Gauntlet Adventure: Gauntlet Seven Sorrows!
The Game is going to be the next Highlight in this Genre.
Movies and Informations here:
It is a new Game with new gameplay. It seems that Seven Sorrows will be a mixture between Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Baldurs Gate and Diablo.
This Game looks very pretty and the Multiplayer part shall rise the fun. 4 Players can play at the same time like in Final Fantasy CC. Many new Charakters were made. New areas and levels were created.
You need many hours to see the complete game. This is one of the greates Multiplayer games. Nobody will have so much fun alone in front of the PC.
But unfortunately the game shall just be released on the Playstation2 and the Xbox. Every Gamecube owner is sad at the moment. This Genre is very rare on this console and Just-On-Plattform-owner will miss one of the greatest games.
But after some emails from fans of the gauntlet series there is a possibility that Gauntlet Seven Sorrows is going to be releasedon the Gamecube.
Midway wrote:
And finally here is the petition:
You can also write an email to midway:
Please, sign this petition. Everybody should have the chance to play such great games.
Engage you. Midway shall see that the Gamecube owners also wants this type of games.
So I hope the whole Game Community will help to bring this game on the Gamecube.
If you use another Forum, please copy this text and the petition and post it to another forum. We have to support the Gamecube.
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March 8th, 2005, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced midnight openings at five Virgin Megastores across the United Kingdom this week to mark the launch of the Nintendo DS on Friday 11th March priced £99.[br][br]The Oxford Street branch in London, the 235 Buchanan Street branch in Glasgow, the Pavillion Centre store in Birmingham, the Tops Plaza store in Liverpool and the Queens Street store in Cardiff will all open at midnight to let gamers get hold of the handheld for the first time.[br][br]The first through the door at each location will receive a T-shirt indicating theirs is special, while the next fifty will receive an "I was TOUCHED by Nintendo DS" T-shirt. The first fifty at the Oxford Street branch will also receive a special Nintendo DS goody bag, with free games being given out while stocks last.[br][br]One lucky attendee will even win an all-expenses-paid trip to Nintendo's headquarters in Japan where they will get to meet Shigeru Miyamoto.[br][br]Nintendo DS launches across Europe this Friday with a launch line-up of some 15 titles, headlined by the likes of critically acclaimed Super Mario 64 DS.
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March 11th, 2005, 04:51 Posted By: lavalord
I was wondering if there are any linkers that support creating emulation of a single game. Ex: Feel the Magic checks the GBA port for certain sega GBA games and I would want to unlock something with Sonic Advance. Is there anyway to make an indestinguishible single rom burn?
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March 12th, 2005, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
Revolution will have a major, albeit non-interactive presence at E3 and will launch with a major franchise game as well as help launch new franchises, the 2006 launch being mooted worldwide is an assumption, the DS hardware is capable of more than we've seen so far, Nintendo made a mistake not supporting online with GameCube, and Nintendo needs to support both casual and hardcore gamers equally.
While Satoru Iwata's keynote speech at the Game Developers Conference, in which he spoke of Revolution and Nintendo DS's shared wireless online gaming potential, has caused much excitement amongst fans and commentators, the above sentiments are those of Nintendo's executive vice president of sales and marketing Reggie Fils-Aime, who gave a number of typically bullish interviews to the US press prior to Iwata taking the stage.
Probably the most detailed of these interviews, on US gaming website 1UP.com, featured a number of revelations about Revolution, Nintendo's next-generation console which will be unveiled at E3 in two months' time.
"Revolution will have a major presence in our presentations, but it will not be accessible on the show floor. It's too early," he told 1UP. "When we launch Revolution, we will have great franchise games: Mario, Zelda, Metroid. We will also launch new franchises," he said.
However, while Fils-Aime was happy to comment on Microsoft's apparent desire to launch Xbox 2 this year ("the entire world knows that they are on a different development path than either we or Sony are on"), he wasn't prepared to validate the 2006 launch date that most are associating with Revolution. "You've made an assumption," he told 1UP in answer to a question about launching a year after Microsoft.
He was also restrained about Mario 128, Shigeru Miyamoto's next Mario game, which Nintendo has barely spoken about in a number of months and which allegedly skipped E3 a while ago because the company was worried about having its ideas stolen by competitors. Asked simply whether Mario 128 would appear on GameCube or Revolution, Fils-Aime declared, "We're going to answer that question at E3," indicating that a video showing was likely.
He also spoke about the Nintendo DS, which launches in Europe today, claiming that 2.5 million sales were "in the bank", and describing software sales on Super Mario 64 DS as "Pretty damn strong" with Wario Ware sales "exceptionally strong, three weeks into the mission" - a reference to its recent release in the USA. Naturally he promised more revelations at E3, and hinted that the hardware has more to offer than we've perhaps seen just yet. "Any time a new piece of hardware comes out, it takes a while for developers to realise its full potential. Look at Resident Evil 4," he told 1UP.
Fils-Aime was reticent about the subject of online gaming, which Iwata later spoke about, but admitted with great candour, "The whole Internet gaming piece, we missed the boat on GameCube. We won't miss the boat in the future."
He also spoke of his view that Nintendo needs to be "an 'And' company". "What I mean by that is that either or. Right. It's not core gamer or casual. It's not first-party or third-party. It's an 'and' company. We need to do both."
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March 12th, 2005, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
Launched in 2003, Square Enix's manga and anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist, has already been turned into titles for the PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance. DS owners don't fret--it appears that the series is coming to Nintendo's new portable this summer.
According to reports from early purchasers of Square Enix's monthly Shonen Gangan magazine, a new Fullmetal Alchemist action game will be coming to the dual-screen handheld this summer. Details on the new title are unknown, but as was the case with the past two releases on the GBA, the game will be created under license by Bandai.
In the Full Metal Alchemist universe, a select group of powerful people, known as Alchemists, have the ability to manipulate objects and transform them into new items.
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March 12th, 2005, 04:13 Posted By: wraggster
DesktopMan has released a new game for the Nintendo DS, heres what he says about it:
People wanted a game that actually used the touchscreen for something useful, so here it is. Quite fun if I can say so myself. Runs on hardware (new hijack method for those of you with hardware), also runs in hyperds and dualis. </BLOCKQUOTE>
Download http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/nibblesds.shtml
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March 12th, 2005, 14:13 Posted By: sYk0
Not too while back, I heard some rumours that PSO would be coming to the Nintendo DS, do any of these rumours have any base to them? I was sitting and thinking about how cool PSO on the DS would be. Anyone have any information, what's your opinion on this, will it happen, or is it rubbish?
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March 14th, 2005, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo "hopes" to announce more about its new Legend of Zelda GameCube title at E3 in May, the company said today as it dismissed reports that game would be released in October as "speculation".
Last week's GDC trailer for the game, which adopts a more mature graphical approach than its predecessor The Wind Waker (pictured), has re-ignited interest after its first appearance at last year's E3 trade show - and in particular fans are now drawing attention to a US retail posting of a 1st October release date.
Nintendo unsurprisingly distanced itself from the date this morning. In a statement the company said: "We haven't announced any potential release dates for the new Legend of Zelda title. Everything published to date is entirely speculation and we hope to announce more about the game at E3 in May."
This is hardly surprising as retailers regularly add speculative release dates to game postings. Although some turn out to be true, more often than not a prospective release date is just designed to encourage pre-orders.
In Zelda's case, Nintendo has said the game will appear in 2005 on GameCube, but other details - including the full name of the game, the nature of the story and gameplay changes - have yet to be announced.
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March 14th, 2005, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Mic has released the 3rd version of his Nintendo DS emulator for windows, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>CPU: Fixed ARM->Thumb changes on LDR
CPU: Fixed SP-relative Thumb stores
GPU: OBJs with the "OBJ disable" bit set are not rendered anymore
GPU: Fixed some OBJ clipping issues
GPU: OBJs are now checked for display priority relative to BGs
GPU: Added optional Direct3D rendering (D3D8)
GUI: Made touchscreen IPC address selectable (Memory tab)
GUI: The Run, Pause, and Reset keyboard shortcuts now work even when the video output window has focus
Download from http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dualis.shtml
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March 15th, 2005, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3593&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Gamers on the Nintendo side of Nextgen handheld play are having a blast with the current high-quality releases for the NDS. While Sony's PSP rightfully impresses with hardware power and big screen goodness, Nintendo's latest mobile device offers a different kind of gaming heaven. The touchscreen and stylus way of managing things gamedesign-wise seems to ignite developers' imagination and appears to produce one innovative top title after the other. For instance, blessed NDS owners will have the pleasure of devoting themselves to Rez architect Tetsuya Mizuguchi's latest masterpiece, Meteos.
It comes as no surprise that this NDS title received a well deserved 38/40 score in the latest Famitsu, since it delivers outright, cleverly designed puzzle action. Knowing that the Famitsu jury is not exactly handing out high scores by the truckload, it hints at how impressed they must have been with this game. But there are three other great games for the Nintendo DS available now (or will be shortly) that we'll introduce you to below: Yoshi's Touch & Go, Pokemon Dash and Pac Pix. So read on, if you please, to learn why NDS lovers are presently experiencing nothing but the good life:
Meteos JAP
Acclaimed developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi, responsible for Space Channel 5, Rez and Lumines on PSP, graces the Nintendo DS with another of his original twists on the puzzle genre... before heading to Microsoft, according to the latest games industry rumors. In his effort to come up with another cult classic, he was joined by Kirby creator Masahiro Sakurai in the design department. Meteos sees you wielding the stylus to move around fragments of a detonating planet, lining up three or more blocks of the same color in the process. This will group pieces together (creating one meteor lump) in order to be sent flying back into space.
A stylish CG video intro aims at making you familiar with the 'explosive' background story, subsequently you are presented with various modes to choose from. An intriguing take on the addictive Tetris gameplay, Meteos can be experienced solo in "Star Trip" (story mode), "Simple" and "Time Attack". The added multiplayer option will guarantee for frantic block-dropping mayhem: four players can join the fun via a single cartridge, dumping built-up items like bombs over to opponents' screens to disrupt their clearing up strategy. Definitely more than just another puzzle game, the intuitive touchscreen use renders Meteos a fresh and irresistible feel, perhaps making it the most engaging title the genre has seen yet.
All preorders for this recently released highlight have been shipped out last week already, new orders are of course welcome for only US$ 49.90, eligible for our Free Shipping Worldwide promotion.
Yoshi's Touch & Go US
Initially a mere impressive tech demo shown at E3 2004, what was before known as Balloon Trip headed soon straight to full production title due to its irresistible blend of beloved Nintendo characters and pure innovative gameplay design. Yoshi's Touch & Go welcomes Baby Mario (oh, sweet memories of retro gem Yoshi's Island) back into the gaming scene, where he fearlessly takes to skydiving. Gamers guide his floating path via the stylus pen in order to return Baby Mario safely to his guardian Yoshi. Collect coins and dodge Shy Guys and other renowned Nintendo foes, while drawing clouds to cushion Baby M's fall. You can also blow at the NDS' built-in micro to see a wave of clouds flying up the screen.
After the fun of vertical blue-sky and Baby Mario being back on top of Yoshi again, the game switches to a horizontal view of the action. The cute green dragon just runs like there's no tomorrow; you are responsible for making his way through this stylus-adapted Jump'n Run. Use the touchpen to make him jump or even attempt to fly when you catch Yoshi again in mid-air. Second nature to Yoshi, eggs can be used to destroy enemies or collect coins. Clouds can still be drawn during this phase, building pathways for the dynamic duo all the way. Yoshi's Touch & Go features two-player wireless play as well as surround sound and promises one hell of a good time for NDS and Nintendo fans in general.
The US version is expected to be in stock shortly this week, while the Japanese one has been released over a month ago, with great Famitsu scores of 34/40, and is also still available. Both qualifiy for Free Shipping Worldwide of course.
Pokemon Dash US
The first Pokemon title to hit the Nintendo DS is a racer that utilises both screens of the handheld brilliantly: below, gamers slide the stylus to guide Pikachu from one Poke Ball checkpoint to the next, while the upper screen displays a radar where you can monitor your progress in comparison to your opponents. Beat other Pokemon to the finish line in a heated competition by racing Pikachu across land, sky and sea! The faster you rub on the touchscreen, the faster he runs. Pikachu moves quickest if you stay on paved roads and slows down when traveling on sand or through the forest, but special power-ups exist that help you manage tricky terrain too. Along the way, on-screen arrows guide you to the next checkpoint in your path.
Faced with impassable terrain like large areas of water, you might need to locate a hot-air balloon and explore the sky in order to reach the next checkpoint. Main mode consists of Grand Prix, which challenges you to clear five cups with five unique courses each. If beaten, hook up with GBA Pokemon versions Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen and Emerald to create new tracks in the shape of your GBA Pokemon. Multiplayer lets you compete against your friends in up to six player battles!
Pokemon Dash US will arrive this week, shipping through our Free Shipping Worldwide offer for only US$ 39.95. The Japanese version is also in stock still, (free shipping here also) available for US$ 49.90.
Pac Pix JAP
Namco's most famous videogame icon invites you to pick up your stylus, aka "Ghost Pen", and go hunting the eerie ink apparitions that have mischievously invaded books and paintings. Draw Pac Man characters on the touchscreen to do away with these evil spirits. Starting with the mouth, then the circle, all in one go, the drawing will come to life and munch anything in his path. Players can maneuver these in different directions, strategically seeking out ways on the screen that your drawn characters can follow. By sketching walls in your creation's way, you make your evoked designs head in another direction.
Furthermore, gameplay allows you to send your Pac Man scribbles to the upper screen using warp tunnels, while the Boss Battle challenges require huge drawings to defeat the giant ghost monsters. Don't run out of ink when chasing the specters: the top screen keeps track of the time, score and how much ink is left. If you screw up your Pac Man sketch or ghosts run over an unfinished drawing of yours, it won't spring to life and thus the ink is wasted. Pac Pix delivers a fantastic all-new take on a videogame idea that once helped build the foundation of the videogame industry and equals nothing short but pure fun in its current form.
All preorders for the Japanese version of Pac Pix, which arrived last week, have of course been shipped out in due course. The US copy is still some way off, but open for preorders at US$ 49.90, both versions certainly eligible for Free Worldwide Shipping. Also worth mentioning is the upcoming Pac'n Roll from Namco (expected release on May 2nd), where the little yellow guy pays the Nintendo DS a visit in full 3D, a design that also represents an homage to another grand classic of yesteryear, Marble Madness. </BLOCKQUOTE>
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March 15th, 2005, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3594&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Nintendo's Play-Yan is an SD Card based MPEG4/MP3 player for your Gameboy Advance or Nintendo DS. The unit is normally only available through Nintendo's online store in Japan, and comes with Japanese display, instructions and software. Unfortunately, Nintendo had to call back the first batch of units in Japan, due to a technical problem with the sound output.
Lik Sang now has the newly released units in stock and we took some extra time to compare it with the other available movie players, give it a try from the non-Japanese user perspective, and point out what's good and not good about it.
Play-Yan vs. The Rest
As you might know, Nintendo's latest addition to the accessories market is not the first movie player for handheld systems. The officially Nintendo licensed and Smart Media Card based AM3 Player was a big disappointment and failed to impress international and Japanese users when it was released. The unit started off with a couple of Detective Conan cartoons for $25 more than 18 months ago, and in the meantime they have a hand full more including Pokemon. Unfortunately it doesn't let you create or convert your own content, and if you are not a big fan of Detective Conan or Pokemon (and you are not near one of the Kiosks in Tokyo to download stuff), it is basically useless to you.
Majesco Inc in America went another way with their "movie players". They released 24 movies so far, in the shape of standard GBA cartridges for $19.99, which are available in US retail chains. Unfortunately, this was invented for parents who want to keep their kids quiet on the backseat of a car, not for multi media applications and people who want to watch their own content on the go.
Nintendo Play-Yan
Unlike one might believe, the Play-Yan was not released by Nintendo to compete with the MPEG4 capabilities of the Sony PSP. Ken Toyoda, PR head of Nintendo, also confirmed that the Play-Yan was designed for the Gameboy Advance and that it works with the Nintendo DS is a coincidence. The fact that Nintendo announced the Play-Yan just a week after the Sony PSP was released does not relate, according to Toyoda. Don't take this wrong, the Play-Yan and any other movie players for the GBA or NDS are great devices on their own, but comparing it with the huge and expensive display of the Sony PSP, with its Universal Media Disc, the Memory Stick which is accessible through USB2, and many other multi media capabilities, is simply impossible. It's two different things for two different applications and different uses.
The GBA/NDS Movie Player
The only item that you can really compare the Play-Yan with is the Compact Flash Card based GBA Movie Player. While the GBA Movie Players was originally not designed for the Nintendo DS, it is 100% compatible, and does exactly the same as the Play-Yan: it works in the GBA mode of the Nintendo DS. Both devices, Play-Yan and GBA Movie Player, don't make use of the Nintendo DS capabilities and are native Gameboy Advance units. We will compare these two from the technical standpoint and the usefulness standpoint.
Play-Yan GBA Movie Player
Release March 2005 September 2004
Media Type SD Card Compact Flash
Video Format SD-VIDEO (ASF) GBM
Sound Format MP3 GBS
Software MediaStage Media Converter
Language Japanese English
Mini-Games Yes Yes
Firmware Upgradeable No Yes
Image Viewer No Yes
E-Books No Yes
Demo CD w/ Movies No Yes
Direct Headphone Yes No
Price $79.90 $24.90
Using the GBA Movie Player
As you can see above, the GBA Movie Player retails for US$ 24.90, which is way cheaper than the Play-Yan. For $24.90, you receive a player that comes with English instructions, English Windows Software, and a demo CD with some trailers and other demo movies. All you need to do to get up and running is hook up a Compact Flash Card Reader to your PC and store some of the demo movies on your Compact Flash Card. If you want to convert some of your own movies, you can simply install the slightly engrish Windows Software and use one of the easy options to convert your movies into the right format. Apart from just playing movies, you can also convert music, e-books and pictures to be displayed on your GBA Movie Player. Of course this is just a quick summary and the world of the GBA Movie Player is much bigger, there are many options to convert media one or another way. For detailed information, we suggest to check out one of the reviews of the player, or talk to others on the GBA Movie Player Forums.
Reviews of the GBA Movie Player
• Video Review: GameSpot On The Spot
• 199+ Reviews by Lik-Sang.com Customers
• Many other reviews by the best videogame web sites are here
Using the Play-Yan
Now using the Play-Yan is a little bit more complicated. The unit has been designed by Nintendo for Japanese people, to be sold in Japan, with Japanese Windows PCs. To use the Play-Yan, you have to be either Japanese, or be someone who has no problem using Japanese Software and to get it to work on your non-Japanese PC. Once you got it working, you will have to make a guess when you use the software to convert movies. But because the SD-VIDEO standard seems to be something that will eventually be possible to create with the right specifications using third party software, such as one of the many tools you can find through Videohelp.com, this should hopefully soon change.
Unfortunately, at the point of writing this article, MediaStage in its Japanese version is the only way to get movies to your Play-Yan. MP3's however, work without problem and can be saved on a SD card without converting them through MediaStage or any other software. There are also a few mini-games that Nintendo released on the official web site. These work without problem as well, but they are unfortunately really very small (thumbnail size), which means they will not really make you very happy. Some of the available e-Reader games are pure luxury compared against the Play-Yan mini-games.
Although we still hope that the users will soon figure out a way how to convert movies without MediaStage, the menu will always remain in Japanese. There are not many options, so for import gamers it's not a big problem to handle it.
Reviews of the Play-Yan
• IGN Review by Anoop Gantayat (IGN.com)
• Review by DSGaming
• Play-Yan Forums
Here is a quick summary of our first comparison:
Play-Yan Pro
• Real MP3 playback with ID3 tag support
• Shows thumbnails of movies
• First party product
Play-Yan Con
• Software Japanese only (difficult to run on non-Japanese Windows)
• Not really as open as hoped for (SD-VIDEO MPEG4 only)
• No control over songs when lid closed
• Expensive
GBA Movie Player Pro
• Price
• English Software
• Huge user base and lots of free content on Internet
• Homebrew applications and games available
• Firmware updateable to add features
GBA Movie Player Con
• Video format not open (GBM/GBS)
• No real MP3 playback
• "Engrish" software and manual
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March 15th, 2005, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Development kits for the next-gen Nintendo Revolution console are "already out there," according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who has promised that the information developers need to start work will be available "in the near future."
Speaking in an interview with BusinessWeek, Iwata said, "Development kits are already out there, depending on which stage you're talking about. All I can say right now is 'in the near-future' for the basis platform information they will need to get started on games."
Iwata also spoke briefly about the Revolution interface, and said it will "allow some new forms of innovation". "We have a number of candidates for a new interface but are not ready to reveal them. All I can say right now is that whatever we choose will be intuitive and easy to use for everyone," he said.
"We may or may not use the microphone in the new interface," he added, but said the inclusion of a microphone would "not be a defining feature of the new console".
Other than that, Iwata's comments toed his company line about not "simply relying on sheer horsepower" in the race for the next-generation. Nintendo is expected to unveil the Revolution console at E3 this year and launch in late 2006 - although Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime last week described that date as "an assumption" when quizzed about launching later than rivals PlayStation 3 and Xbox 2.
The majority of publishers have yet to officially declare their interest in developing for Revolution - with several announcing projects for "next-generation consoles" but most of them opting not to identify the individual target machines.
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March 15th, 2005, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS got off to a flying start last weekend in the UK, becoming the fastest-selling console ever with sales topping some 87,000 units in the first two days at retail, according to Chart-Track data released this morning.
Compared to previous console sales over the years, the DS was well ahead of the original GBA's launch statistics, which managed 67,000 back in June 2001, while the remodelled GBA SP debuted with 47,000 in March 2003.
The cheap and cheerful DS even smashed sales of fully-fledged consoles, beating the Cube's record debut week of 69,000 back in May 2002, with the likes of Xbox (52,000) and PS2 (46,000) selling decent numbers despite £299 price points.
Software wise, the DS launched with an impressive 16 titles, 12 of which made this week's Top 40 All Formats - although with PS2 titles such as Gran Turismo 4 and Metal Gear Solid 3 ruling the roost at the top of the listings, the best the DS could muster was a No.4 entry with Super Mario 64 DS, closely followed in the Top 10 by Wario Ware Touched! At No.6 and Rayman DS at No.10.
Ubisoft also scored a surprising No.12 entry with Asphalt: Urban GT, EA's multiformat pair of The Urbz: Sims In The City and Tiger Woods PGA Tour move up to No.15 and No.16 respectively, Pokemon Dash made it to No.18, Spider-Man 2 moved up to No.19, while the multiformat Robots (No.25), Project Rub (No.29), Zoo Keeper (No.39), and Polarium (No.40) also made it into the Top 40.
That left four of the 16-strong line up outside the Top 40, meaning the likes of Mr Driller: Drill Spirits, Retro Atari Classics, Ping Pals and Sprung were lower down on gamers' shopping lists.
Nevertheless, given the crowded release schedule on other platforms, strong hardware sales and 12 titles in the Top 40 in the opening weekend represent a very strong early showing for the DS in a territory where many in the industry were unsure of how well Nintendo's new machine would be received.
The challenge now for the system will be to continue its sales once the first wave of early adoption has died down - and to build strong momentum and expand its software base in Europe before the PlayStation Portable arrives in a few months time.
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March 15th, 2005, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
Late last month, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated that his company would create games for the DS that target a nongaming audience. Among the examples Iwata gave were a game that employs an electronic dictionary and a game that enhances brain activities.
While Iwata's comments were somewhat vague at the time of the announcement, gamers in Japan discovered today that Nintendo will soon be releasing three edutainment games. Details on the scope of the games aren't presently known, but we did receive a brief description of each game from Nintendo:
Nou o Kitaeru Otona no DS Training
The game roughly translates to Brain Training on the DS for Adults (and it doesn't take a genius to figure out the game's goal). The game has been created under the direction of Professor Ryuta Kawashima of Touhoku University. In the game, players will use the stylus and the DS's microphone to answer math problems and read text that is displayed on the screen. The game uses technology such as character and voice recognition to process answers. The game is due at a price of 2,800 ($27) in May.
Yawaraka Atama Juku
The quirky game's English translation is Prep School for Brain-Flexing. Unlike Brain Training, the questions in this game are entirely graphical and are designed to appeal to all ages. A competitive multiplayer mode allows support for up to eight players via the game's wireless capabilities. This game will be available for 2,800 ($27) in June.
DS Rakubiki Jiten
DS Rakubiki Jiten, which roughly translates as Quick-Finding DS Dictionary, is more of a utility software than an actual game. This title includes three of the most widely used dictionaries in Japan (published by Sandeido Publishing)--The Daily Concise Japanese Dictionary, The Daily Concise Japanese to English Dictionary, and New Global English to Japanese dictionary. The software comes with a character recognition system, letting you easily search for a word by scribbling it on the DS's touch-sensitive screen. This dictionary program also lets you send words to another DS, challenging the recipient to correctly guess its pronunciation or definition. DS Rakubiki Jiten is slated for release in June and will retail for 4,800 ($46) yen.
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March 15th, 2005, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
A new kernel Expansion Interface subsystem is available on CVS. It is a code rewrite based on apgo's original driver model framework and some of Scream|CT's recent contributions. The good news is that the RTC and BBA drivers are using now the new framework and cpu usage is much lower. The not so good news is that we've dropped temporarily the memcard and SD drivers while they get reworked. The new stuff is already included in the Latest Kernel Build, updated to 2.6.11.
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March 15th, 2005, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
Devkit.tk has undergone a bit of a facelift, hope you like the new look. Please switch on javascript and help support devkit development by clicking on some adverts.
Xboo Communicator and libgba have added keyboard handling code. This update was inspired by Torlus and his rather fun PandaForth implementation.
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March 17th, 2005, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Aaron Rogers posted this news at <a href="http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=5206&sid=01cc5840f16d8fa2621183e00 865e1a3" target="_blank" >GBA Dev</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Okay, so I now give you a second way to quickly get up and going with NDS Devlepement... a single setup file.
This is currently in BETA! It will probably work, but who knows?! This will only install on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Make sure you do NOT have DevkitARM or MSys already installed. Do not use any spaces in the directory name.
NDS Dev Env currently includes:
DevkitARM Release 11
MSys 1.0.10
Dualis Release 3
dsemu 0.0.1e
Updated version of Joat's template
Demo Roms
davr's draw
DesktopMan's Nibbles DS
DesktopMan's Tetris
- Aaron Rogers</BLOCKQUOTE>
Good news for Nintendo DS Developers 
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March 17th, 2005, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix announced today that it will release the sequel to its Slime Morimori Dragon Quest: Shougeki No Shippo Dan on the Nintendo DS. The game is tentatively set to be named Slime Morimori Dragon Quest 2, and no release date or price has been provided for it yet.
The original Slime Morimori Dragon Quest was released on the Game Boy Advance in November of 2003. Gamers controlled the Dragon Quest series' Slime character--a ball of sludge--and adventured using various actions that took advantage of its elastic form, such as stretching out and recoiling.
Specific details and screenshots on Slime Morimori Dragon Quest 2 haven't been released yet, but the game will play like the original and will take full advantage of the DS's double screen. More details will be released in this month’s V Jump magazine, which is set to hit stores on March 19.
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March 17th, 2005, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
The gamecube emulator for windows has seen a news update from the official site
Hey all, first bit of news from me, eh? I'm the new Webmaster here and I've just finished Dolwin's new site design.
Either way, hotquik has completed his new input plugin for Dolwin. [Located here in the additional files.] It features controller input and rumble, so enjoy!
Oh, there's a problem with Mozilla's / Firefox's javascript viewing for screenshots. You'll get an error every time you view a screenshot, however it doesn't affect the javascript window. I'm trying to fix it, but I can't find the problem. It works in every other browser I've tried; Netscape, IE, Opera..
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March 18th, 2005, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3597&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Big and hairy, he's been around since the dawning of videogame history, a famous Nintendo in-house creation and for that as much a recognizable character brand as superstar Mario. No surprise, since it all began with a standoff between Donkey Kong and the cheerful Italian plumber (initially called "Jumpman") in the arcades of 1981 on a dedicated machine named after the famous ape. None other than Nintendo mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto was responsible for the birth of these characters, which should appear in a myriad of games on many different systems over the years, never losing their tremendous appeal for gamers.
Now Donkey Kong is back on GameCube again, with two titles that make use of the official Tarukonga Controller, a Bongo drum-like peripheral that provides a whole new take on how you navigate the action on screen. While the music game Donkey Konga 3 naturally asks for a great tool like this to handle the groovy rythms thrown at you, Donkey Kong - Jungle Beat lets you have a go at a frantic Jump'n Run in a very unique way: your drum beats and claps guide the big gorilla through the lush, level based environments! Let us give you the gist of these beauties below, where we talk about features, gameplay and more...
Note: Both games are in stock and shipping within 24 hours, while all preorders have been cleared and new orders are very welcome, of course eligible for our Free Shipping Worldwide promotion.
So Hot it's Cool: Bang Away with Donkey Konga 3 JAP
Similar to the Taiko no Tatsujin line of games where you follow and try to match the in-game music, Donkey Konga allows you to manage the on-screen rythm frenzy with the above mentioned Tarukonga Controller, representing a Bongos peripheral that features a microphone for picking up clapping sounds along with your drum beats. Apart from Mr. Big Ape himself, Donkey Konga 3 stars monkey celebrities Diddy Kong and Funky Kong, the latter turning his back on the travel service he's heading to join his mates, who devote themselves to spinning conga beats. Some of the included mini-games will see the appearance of Funky as well.
Players can indulge in a variety of modes in Donkey Konga 3. Shuffle Mode presents you with a tricky challenge, since the notes of a given song change each time you have a go at it. Or nourish a tree by playing well in a mode called Rythm Banana Island. Here you're able to unlock a new Taru-taru mini game, allowing you to fly through the air and hit a tree. Save data (such as bought patterns) from the first two Donkey Konga games can also be accessed via a memory card. Please watch the recently posted Donkey Konga 3 TVCM or head over to Nintendo's DK3 site to view another wierd Japanese commercial which was just released.
The colorful graphics sure match the superb music in this ultimate edition of Donkey Konga released so far; it's a great opportunity to obtain fresh song material to bang your bongos to. Gameplay is straightforward enough to guarantee an easy entry to Donkey Konga 3, while Bemani veterans will love to squeeze every drop of game content out of this more than worthwile expansion.
Ideal for any music game and Donkey Kong fan alike, the third installment of the series offers an enormous update through a huge songlist of 50 fine tunes now, even more than the first expansion, Donkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade. You can take a look at the list of melodies on Nintendo's official site, or view the translated version here:
Donkey Konga 3 songlist:
1. Hana
2. Kimi ni Bump
3. Happy Days
4. Rokoroushon
5. Ignited (Gundam Seed Destiny opening theme)
6. Start (Detective Conan opening theme)
7. Seishun Kyousou Kyoku (Naruto opening theme)
8. Baka Survivor (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo opening theme)
9. Relight (Fullmetal Alchemist opening theme)
10. Go!!!
11. Kore Ga Watashi no Ikiru Michi
12. Tomorrow
1. Kite Kite Atashinchi (Atashinchi ending theme)
2. Mezase Poke-Monster (Pockemon opening theme)
3. Ora-ha Ninki Mono (Crayon-shin-chan opening theme)
4. Cha-la Head-cha-la (Dragon Ball Z opening theme)
5. Touch (Touch opening theme)
6. Ashita ni Nattara (Donkey Kong opening theme)
7. Banana Tengoku (Donkey Kong ending theme)
1. Doremifa Daijoubu (Hajimete no Otsukai theme song)
2. Fire Emblem
1. Youderu Tabe Houdai
2. Iiyuudana
3. Makkensanba II
1. Entertainer
2. La Coocoo Racha (I can't figure out how to spell this)
1. William Tell
2. Aine Kuraine Nahatomajiiku
1. Smash Brothers DX
2. Kochira Monopiza (Mawaru Made in Wario)
3. Jungle Beat
4. Star Fox
5. Donkey's Groove (Donkey Konga 3 theme song)
Children's Music:
1. Te no Hira wo Taiyou Ni
2. Bingo
1. Super Mario Brothers
2. Mappy
3. Zelda no Densetsu
4. Tower of Doruga
5. Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izuumi no Monogatari
6. Doctor Mario
7. Pacman
8. Digdug
9. - 15. unlockable songs
Jump'n Drum: Donkey Kong - Jungle Beat US
It's a whacky concept Nintendo's Tokyo Studio has came up with: lead Donkey Kong through wild jungle environments relying entirely on the DK Bongo Controller! Tapping the right conga makes Ninty's hairiest mascot go right, left conga makes him go left, while hitting them both triggers a jump and clapping (or hitting the rim) initiates a wave that attacks enemies or helps him gather bananas.
Director Yoshiaki Koizumi unmistakenly made the developer's focus on the main character clear, saying, "The only thing Donkey Kong needs is to be the best, and to become the king of the jungle." That might explain why this absolutely original title won't need a deep storyline to impress; it does so with its superbly detailed character models (the fur, for instance, has to be seen to be believed), gorgeous, colorful surroundings and intriguing gameplay. Finally a game where the massive polygon count doesn't just serve to hype the product with meaningless specs, but actually shows in the truly magnificent visuals.
While the Tarukonga Controller makes Donkey Kong run, jump, punch and grab beats, you can also link together moves to earn combos in order to maximize these beats. There are over 16 levels of varying areas to explore, all with their different challenges and difficulties. Ride animals and vehicles, battle enormous beasts or get into boxing matches with rivals! Watch out to knock over bosses without losing any beats and earn bronze, silver, gold and platinum medals in order to receive even more stages to explore.
A stunning GameCube title like this screams for Progressive Scan and Dolby Pro Logic II support; luckily, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat offers both. If you've been on the lookout for a different gaming experience the Nintendo way, this is as non-generic as it can get: a brave, successful attempt of venturing out into rendering the Jump'n Run genre a remodeled edge. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat US is available for Free Worldwide Shipping within 24 hours for only US$ 59.90, as is the Japanese version of this title, which was released some time ago. Also in stock is a bundled pack of the Japanese copy including the Tarukonga Controller, shipping for just US$ 74.90.
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March 18th, 2005, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Mobile Nintendophiles who fancy poker and off-roading got a double dose of godo news today. Majesco has announced that it will be releasing two titles for the DS, Texas Hold 'Em Poker and ATV: Quad Frenzy. Both titles are slated for release "later this year".
Texas Hold 'Em Poker follows the Game Boy Advance game of the same name, also from Majesco. The card-slinging game features no limit and limit variations, as well as competition against 10 computer opponents or five human opponents in a tournament via the Wi-Fi capabilities of the DS.
ATV: Quad Frenzy brings four-wheeling action to the dual-screen DS. Gamers will race across 40 different tracks and upgrade their ride using the DS's stylus. The racer will also feature Wi-Fi support for multiplayer racing.
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March 18th, 2005, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshi's Touch and Go is very nearly the best thing on DS. For all its charm it is just a bit too short to beat Wario and Mario.
Still, if you can't wait until May (when it hits the UK) and you're toying with the idea of importing it, you'll find a minor classic and one of Nintendo's most original games of recent times. Fact.
It's a game of two parts, reuniting Yoshi with Baby Mario in similar fashion to Yoshi's Island on SNES and GBA. The first part of the game is an extension of the old DS demo that showed clouds being drawn under a plummeting Mario to break his fall. Here you've got to draw clouds with the stylus to avoid enemies and collect coins.
The second part of the game has Baby Mario being carried by Yoshi and, again, you've got to draw clouds and platforms so Yoshi can continue on his merry way.
The Yoshi bit has more to it though, as tapping the stylus over an enemy lets you chuck a saurian bum-egg at them, a move that can also be used to collect coins and egg-bestowing fruit. Tapping on Yoshi makes him leap, and doing so again enables his flutter jump. Finally, blowing into the microphone destroys all the clouds you've created.
It's all incredibly simple and brilliantly implemented, offering both unparalleled use of both the touch pad - there's absolutely no way you could control this game in any other fashion - and the dual screens. Enemies, coins and fruit appear over both screens, so you'll be frantically drawing platforms and egging things. It all gets very hectic.
It's also a game of great subtlety, as going for high scores (which is pretty much the aim of the main mode) requires lightning-fast stylus use and dazzling accuracy.
To be the best you'll need to egg-snatch, dispatch enemies and grab coins with a single projectile. It's the very paragon of the Nintendo ethic - anyone can play it but it's as deep as an ocean and very challenging.
Where the game falls down, though, is that it's small. The main mode contains only two levels - the Baby Mario and Yoshi elements we've just discussed.
This isn't a sprawling adventure at all, and as such seems a little mealy-mouthed, offering the unique experience you can only get with DS on the one hand, but a jarringly small portion of it with the other.
It's a disappointing realisation, but that's not really the be-all and end-all of Touch and Go, as the three other modes - Endless, Time Attack and Challenge - offer distinct riffs on the main template.
Endless is particularly good. You take Yoshi on an endless and increasingly difficult journey, with every 1000 metres reached seeing you swap over to a differently hued Yoshi. Like tackling Tetris' Marathon mode, it's hugely addictive and brain-meltingly enjoyable.
Touch and Go is a new breed of platformer, and while it doesn't quite reach the heights of Wario Ware and Mario 64 DS, it is still an essential DS purchase.
Yoshi's Touch and Go is out now in Japan and will be out for DS in the UK later this year
Overall: 4/5
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March 19th, 2005, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Desktopman has released updated versions of his 2 homebrew Nintendo DS Games, Nibbles DS and Tetris DS, heres the news from this release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Minor update to both Nibbles and Tetris. Both now uses the template from bottledlight, although with a different makefile for the arm9 part. You can now compile both emulator (arm9) binaries and hardware (passthrough) binaries easily.
Also fixed some logic bugs in Nibbles, and slowed it down a bit. And now you can eat cherries aswell Nibbles now comes with (messy) source, due to requests. </BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/nibblesds.shtml" target="_blank" >Nibbles DS</a> and <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/tetrisds.shtml" target="_blank" >Tetris DS</a>.
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March 19th, 2005, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS emulator <a href="http://dsemu.oopsilon.com/" target="_blank" >DSemu</a> has been updated, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>I've ported the sprites from gladius' GPU, so there should be a lot more working GBA demos than there were yesterday. I know for a fact that at least a few sprite-based demos do work fine. I did have to add a double check for Y-coordinate bounding, on top of gladius' code, though; that seems strange.
I only have one DS demo that uses sprites, really, and that's Nibbles. However, it doesn't even start; it jumps to 0, just as many other DS demos do. It feels like a core bug to me, and until I fix that, I probably won't get much DS output.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>
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March 19th, 2005, 03:22 Posted By: lcsaeteurn
sd card adapter
well if anyone wants to buy an official sd card adapter the one from
"lik-sang" I've got one for sale so that you don't have to go messing up your memory card or putting a lot of work into soldering and potentially frying your card, here's the deal:
for sale: gamecube sd card reader and 32mb sd card
I am selling my official nintendo gamecube sd card reader and 32mb sd card together or separately. Item can not be found here in U.S. , buy from me and avoid all the extra s&h charges from having to ship internationally.
Great to save games onto with more memory than most standard memory cards. Also can be used to boot backup games with sdload.
they're shipping time: 2 weeks - 1 month
my shipping: 2 - 7 days (U.S. only)
card reader: 29.00 + 6.95 s&h
32mb sd card:12.00 + 2.95 s&h
both: 40.00 + 6.95 s&h
price on lik-sang.com for both 44.90 + about 6.95 s&h
and the sd card they offer is just 16mb.
buy from me
save a few bucks
if interested
email me at: lcsaeteurn@hotmail.com
paypal only
Thanks for your interest.
I'll throw in an action replay for 24.00 more, an action replay retails at 29.99 + tax
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March 19th, 2005, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
The touchscreen controller in the DS allows to read out pressure of the touch. It should be called pseudo-pressure, really, because it’s based on the the touched area and not on real exerted pressure.
Here is a small demo to show touch pressure. Although an emulator binary is available there is no much use to it.
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March 21st, 2005, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Ready for a second round of rumors about how the controllers on Nintendo’s next-generation Revolution console are going to ditch the buttons and pads in favor of a configurable touch screen? Some speculation about all this was already going around back in December (and then there was that something or other in January about them coming with built-in gyroscopes), now a magazine called Game Informer is absolutely convinced that the Revolution will have a “touch screen as its controller” that has “no analog stick or shoulder buttons,” and that the “touch screen on the face of the controller is designed to be fully customizable.” Sound familiar? Whether they actually have some inside dirt or are just recycling December’s rumor isn’t totally clear, but it seems inconceivable that Nintendo would completely abandon actual physical controls (think of the hand strain!). Yeah, we get that the touch screen on the Nintendo DS (pictured at right) has its fans and that Nintendo is clearly enamored with the whole idea of touching, but even the DS has a d-pad and actual buttons. Note that while Game Informer says there isn’t an analog stick or shoulder buttons, they don’t mention whether there is a d-pad or not, so even if the controller for the Revolution does have some sort of touch screen, it still seems more plausible that they’re planning some sort of hybrid controller rather than something that is going to look like a Palm with a cable running out of it.
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March 21st, 2005, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS's upcoming online gaming service will be run in conjunction with GameSpy, will be free to DS owners, and will be simple for developers to exploit, according to the latest issue of Nintendo Power.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata spoke candidly about the birth of an online DS multiplayer service at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco recently, but concrete details about how the system will actually work have been thin on the ground.
However, Nintendo Power, the official Nintendo magazine in the States, has managed to shed a little more light on the issue. The GameSpy connection (you may be familiar with GameSpy's PC gaming networks) is proclaimed as being "simple to set-up" and should offer a "seamless experience for players."
DS owners all over the world will be able to connect to the service for free, so long as they are within range of a wireless internet hotspot. These are springing up in public places like cafes and stations. Wireless internet in the home should also allow you to play DS online.
Game finding and matchmaking should be included, making playing DS games online as easy as getting within range of a hotspot, logging onto the service, and kicking international ass.
Iwata-san also promised that the jump from wi-fi multiplayer to wireless online multiplayer would be easy for developers, suggesting that the technology used will be extremely similar. Online DS dev kits are expected to reach developers before E3 in May.
So we can expect to see loads of DS game enabled for online play relatively early. In terms of new online titles, Iwata-san showed off Animal Crossing DS during his GDC keynote speech. With online trading and village-visiting in the mix, AC is expected to be the service's flagship title.
Nintendo has also suggested a similar service is in the works for its upcoming next-gen machine, the Revolution. The DS service may well serve as a 'test run' for the home console's online gaming network.
A spokesperson for Nintendo declined to expand on the DS's online service. "Nintendo expects to reveal more at E3," they said.
The DS online service is expected to roll out before the end of this year.
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March 21st, 2005, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
You can always rely on Katamari Damacy to shine a bit of mental sunlight on even the dullest day, so news that the little lozenge-headed extraterrestrial could be rolling onto DS has us breaking out the tanning lotion.
Appropriately, word of Katamari's DS debut has entered our lives in extremely inconspicuous form. In a list of upcoming DS games published in official US mag Nintendo Power Katamari nestles quietly amongst other, previously announced Namco games like Baten Kaitos, Xenosaga and Pac 'n Roll.
If you were feeling minty you could draw comparisons between the way Katamari himself sneaks onto Earth unnoticed before tumbling himself into a sticky ball of cataclysmic proportions. Which is what we'd like to see happen with the DS game, obviously.
Of course, the PS2 version of Katamari Damacy has never yet received a release in the UK, so we shouldn't get hopes up too high. Still, the slightly less than commercially viable (although undisputedly fantastic) premise of the game would suit the DS better than a home console and the touchscreen would be perfect for Katamari's roly-poly action. And wi-fi multiplayer? Lovely.
We've been in touch with Nintendo to enquire about the DS version of Katamari but no information is available at present. Fingers crossed on this one.
Also appearing in Nintendo Power's extensive list of upcoming games are GoldenEye: Rogue Agent from EA and Age of Empires 2, which is a port of the Microsoft PC original being developed by Majesco.
Unfortunately, GoldenEye is not a straight port of the N64 original, as rumoured last year when EA announced the game. Wishful thinking, that. Rather, it's a DS-specific port of the rehashed GoldenEye that EA unleashed on home console before Christmas, and it's due this summer.
The touchscreen will act as your controller, Metroid Prime-style, as well as displaying status info and letting you trigger your GoldenEye's special powers. Wireless multiplayer for up to seven players is also confirmed.
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings is a slightly tweaked conversion of the PC original and should bring a much-needed dose of strategy to DS. The action will be turn based rather than real-time, with the top screen being used for status info while the bottom screen displays maps and battles. Touchscreen controls are promised so you can literally craft the future of your nation with your fingers.
DS games bonanza or what? Expect Age of Empires 2 and hope for Katamari Damacy DS before the end of the year
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March 21st, 2005, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3598&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Datel announced their first product for the Nintendo DS. The Action Replay Duo goes into the GBA slot of your GBA or your Nintendo DS and comes with a USB link and a Windows Software. The product is supposed to be out in a couple of weeks.
Here is some info from Datel about the device including screenshots:
This cool device slots into your GBA or the GBA slot of your DS and enables you to access cheats and manage game saves. It comes with a PC application which you can use to download cheats and saves from the CodeJunkies server to be transferred to your DS or GBA. Isn't it annoying how GBA carts usually only have room for one game save? Well, with Action Replay Duo you can back up your GBA and DS saves to the Action Replay vault itself, or on your PC. Great if you share your GBA or DS with your friends.
We'll have more detailed info on Action Replay Duo when it's released (within a couple of weeks), but in the meantime, why not feast your eyes on a selection of screenshots from the PC Application and the devices on screen display </BLOCKQUOTE>
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March 21st, 2005, 22:44 Posted By: tidusuk123
Hi everyone. I sold my PSP to join you guys!!!
So what game shall i get? I've got my heart set on Mario, unless anyone else can convince me to get something better...
I'm waiting for Nanostray...
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March 22nd, 2005, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Even with no arms and no legs, Rayman is one of the most recognizable videogame characters around the world. The fearless and friendly Rayman heroically arrives on the Nintendo DS to defeat the pirate terror that has enslaved his world. Players will assume the role of Rayman and travel through magical worlds with surreal landscapes and gorgeous eye-popping 3D graphics. The Rayman series is well known for its diverse gameplay. In Rayman DS, the limbless hero can run, jump, ski, swim and fly with his helicopter hair. Rayman can also tame objects and devices in his world to surf on lava, ride whirlwinds and fly on a rocket.
<a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?products_id=6063&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >More Information etc</a>
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March 22nd, 2005, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS & Gameboy Advance emulator for windows has been updated with a new release, heres the news that gos with the new release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Now that the GPU has sprites, I decided it'd probably be a good idea if I could see the OBJ palette next to the BG palette. So now, the Palette viewer has two sections; BG and OBJ. I also found that the offset of the mouse coordinates when one hovers over a palette entry was throwing up the wrong value; a quick fix of that, and it all seems to work fine now.
I've tried tracking down the jump-to-0 bug by stepping through the instructions in the debugger, and it.. never happens. Very strange, that. As long as this continues, I'm not sure I'll be able to find this without a little help.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>
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March 23rd, 2005, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3601&&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Here are some pictures of the new Graphite Black and Pure White Nintendo DS systems, which will both officially hit the streets in Japan tomorrow at March 24. We have already received our initial stock yesterday and started to ship early pre-orders today. The remaining orders should be shipped within due course. The Candy Pink and Turquoise Blue editions of the Nintendo DS will be released in about one month from now, at April 21.
As with all Nintendo DS or Gameboys, the systems are region free. This means they will play games from all over the world and vice versa. If you are living in a country with 240V power outlets, you should pick one of the universal AC Adapters ($4.99) or a USB charger cable ($4.95).</BLOCKQUOTE>
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March 23rd, 2005, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Famicom emulator for the GBA (which works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player with the right hardware) has seen a new updated release yesterday. Theres no read me file to say whats new but you can download the emulator and tools from <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/unnfamicom.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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March 23rd, 2005, 17:56 Posted By: Vicious
Has anyone got SOLID info on when Mario Kart Ds is out?
on Lik-Sang its saying (April- Jap) and (US-Nov 7)?
I know dates change like the English weather but I would really like to know who might have the right info...
PS: This game is going to rock.
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March 23rd, 2005, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS emulator iDeaS has finally been released, heres whats in this release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Emulation status
32-bit ARM CPU support (100%)
16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)
• ARM946E-S:
32-bit ARM CPU support (90%)
16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)
• Real sync emulation for HBlanks and VBlanks
• GFX Mode 0
* 16 colors support
* 256 colors support
* BG0/BG1/BG2/BG3 support
* 256x256 up to 512x512 tile maps support
* Default priorities support
* Horizontal/Vertical flipping support
* Horizontal/Vertical offset support
* FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support
* Alpha-blending Effect support
* Rotation/Zoom
* Windows 0/1 support
• OAM support
* Horizontal/Vertical position
* Horizontal/Vertical flip
* 8x8 up to 64x64 sprite size support
* FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support
* Alpha-blending Effect support
* Trasparent OBJ
• 256 colors line-per-line palette support</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ideas.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
Heres some <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ds-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Nintendo DS Demos</a> to try with the emulator.
Thanks to <a href="http://www.emufanatics.com/" target="_blank" >Keith of Emufanatics</a> for the news.
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March 24th, 2005, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Today i was given the chance to write a review on a new product thats a Flash Card/Writer and also a GBA gamepad for GBA emulators for PC, heres part of that review:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Once Finished downloading you click on My Favourites and then its gets very interesting because thats when the Gameboy Advance Pad kicks in, basically you can try all the games before you flash to a cart and to be very honest the GBA Pad was excellent, playing Mario Kart on it was great and much better than any normal controller you get for PC, </BLOCKQUOTE>
Read the rest of the review of this new flash cart for the GBA (and it also works on the NIntendo DS) on this <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/qbusreview.shtml" target="_blank" >PAGE</a>.
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March 24th, 2005, 08:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3604&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Among other low profile releases, three new hot and exciting smash-hits have arrived in stock for the Nintendo DS in the last few days. After getting the preorders dispatched, it's now time for us to go into the action.
<b>Rayman DS</b>
Ubisoft's limbless hero Rayman reaches all the way back to 1995 with a lush 2D platformer for PlayStation, Saturn and Jaguar. The title did everything beautifully and earned a space in the hearts and memories of gamers, but it wasn't till 5 years later when a sequel would arrive. Like Super Mario 64, Rayman 2 moved into the 3rd dimension, and once again did everything perfectly. IGN for example said "if you love platformers, you must buy Rayman 2: The Great Escape -- it's that simple", and even "if you mildly enjoy platformers, you must buy the game." What was called by many "one of the best 3D platformers ever created" was released for PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast and PC. Now the French magic has touched the NDS, and is now shipping, one week ahead of its actual release date.
While many found Super Mario 64 DS took a hit from the lack of analogue stick, Rayman seems to improve upon the touch screen solution. Unlike the center of your 'virtual stick' being where ever you drop the stylus, here an actual analogue stick is shown on the bottom screen, and stays put. You can still adjust it's position and size if needed though, and this prevents running your stylus smack into the side of the screen. All 45 levels from the original Rayman 2 are here, from waterfalls to lava caves and pirate hideouts. Across the diverse environments Rayman will not only do the usual running and jumping, but skiing, swimming and flying, along with riding rockets and whirlwinds just to name a few. If you're tiring of trying to collect all 150 stars in Mario, Rayman is here to refresh your apatite for the 3D platformer.
<b>Space Invaders DS</b>
One of the first and most well known videogames of all time, Space Invaders has hit just about every console in history. Now the NDS proves it's no exception this Thursday, when Space Invaders DS arrives from Japan. As if you needed proof of the games popularity, over there in the late 70's, the game was so amazingly popular that it caused a coin shortage until the country's Yen supply was quadrupled! This handheld edition combines the vintage game play of that legendary shoot-'em up in classic mode, but with an extra New Era mode too.
New Era mode takes you on a 60-level world tour, battling waves of invaders in 20 different locations around the globe, eventually reaching a showdown with the UFO mother ship on the moon. Power-ups and new weapons help in destroying the fleet, while puzzle elements have been added to the mix too. When defending Big Ben in London for example, you need to shoot the ships above in a certain colour coded order. The power-ups that'll help you save our planet include protective shields, rapid-fire shots, column-clearing laser beams and some all important back-up in the form of additional support craft. Space Invaders DS looks set to unleash the addictive shooting on a new wave of gamers, and again, will be in stock from Thursday.
<b>Touch! Kirby's Magic Paintbrush DS</b>
As mentioned with the original 2D Rayman, the 'lush game' had wonderfully colorful and bold visuals. It's rare titles have such a style, but Touch! Kirby's Magic Paintbrush is such a treat for the eyes. This is somewhat fitting, as Kirby's world has literally been turned into a painting by an evil sorceress. Using your stylus as a magical paintbrush, you'll help Kirby return the world back to normal. By drawing lines you can create new paths for the automatically moving Kirby, ramps to speed him up, or walls to stop him heading into spikes or such. You'll need to keep an eye on the amount of paint you have left though, being careful not to run out.
11 different various attacks come in handy for enemies, which are pulled off and upgradeable via power ups by jabbing the pink blob himself. There have been a lot of remakes for NDS so far, which are fine, but it's nice to have something fresh, totally original and only possible on NDS, and Touch! Kirby's Magic Paintbrush is all that.
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March 25th, 2005, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Darkain has released a new Demo for the Nintendo DS:
Support for 16 colours
Single-level undo
Drawing mode
Floodfill mode
Line draw mode
Box draw mode
Filled box draw mode
Use the stylus to draw
Use left/right on the d-pad to change modes (indicator on top screen)
"B" button for undo
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March 25th, 2005, 14:46 Posted By: wraggster
DSemu the Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release and this news:
<BLOCKQUOTE>I said I'd keep looking at the core, and I did. I ended up finding the major error relating to the jump-to-0 bug. I suspected that it was to do with the stack getting corrupted somehow, and with some good debugging help from various sources, I tracked it down to the stack pointer getting changed. It turns out that Thumb ADDSP-imm has a reciprocal mode, SUBSP-imm, encoded by the same first byte. Fix that, and suddenly nothing jumps to 0 anymore. Mind you, it's still the case that nothing works.
Elsewhere, I've noticed that when the emulator is put into animated scanline mode, the output screen starts flashing like a madman. It's because the MMX word-flip operation to turn the colours the right way up gets applied every scanline, to the same buffer as its previous output. After adding yet another output buffer, the screen no longer flashes in a psychedelic manner.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download DSEMU <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
Try some Nintendo DS Demos <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ds-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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March 25th, 2005, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Homebrew on the Gamecube may be a tad easier soon, heres the details on a new modchip:
Q00B Features
<BLOCKQUOTE>Direct boot of all media, without swapping!
Supports all regions PAL / USA / JAP
On-board MP3 Player included
Super easy USB upgrade system (USB transfer cable included)
DVD Disc upgradeable
Network(*) upgradeable
Bios selection/control supported
Supports all retail hardware (DOL-001 USA, JPN, EUR and DOL-101)
Fastboot of original discs
Compatible with "GCOS" and other IPL replacements, allowing homebrew development via SD card (**) and/or network (*)
Comfortable easy to use Windows PC flash software (in download section)
Supports homebrew and open-source coding
Integrated media compatabilty check (checks all sectors of inserted media)
Streaming Audio Fix
Integrated status LED
Easy Installation, only 6 wires (no soldering on qoob chip required, special cable included)
Multicolor graphical user interface for easy operation
Supports Mini/DVD-R, Mini/DVD+R
16MBit on-board Flash to store homebrew applications
High secure - low power Actel FPGA
Packed in a stable carboard box including all wires, 3D Sticker and USB transfer cable</BLOCKQUOTE>
QOOB Specs
<BLOCKQUOTE>Installation wires connecter
High speed - ultra secure Actel FPGA
High capacity 16 MBit Flash
Integrated Status LED
Flex cable connector
High speed USB controller
USB connector board (removable)
Mini USB B-type connector </BLOCKQUOTE>
More info http://www.qoobchip.com/
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March 25th, 2005, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube Emu for Windows SITE has seen a sizeable update:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Great news, I've repaired the error with the Javascript for Firefox when selecting a screenshot! Although, I have "The Jedi" to thank, since he was kind enough to email me a possible solution. [Sorry dude, it didn't work. But you got me working on it and helped me realise where the error was! XP]
I'll get to fixing the screenshot order tomorrow, as I know it's a tad bit random..
Oh, right, forgot to mention. The screenshots will look as if they're not clickable. They really are, it's just I had to remove some javascript coding to make them work correctly! :i
[03/23/05] Alright, the cursor fix has been uploaded. If it doesn't work in your browser, drop me an email! Still in the process of repairing the image's order to newest first, however..I updated documents section, and added reversing of some Gamecube library software. Only for developers </BLOCKQUOTE>
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March 26th, 2005, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
News From Console Hardware News
<BLOCKQUOTE>We at Console Hardware News have gone through 5 of the best online sites and posted all the items on those sites for the Nintendo DS Console Heres the <a href="http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk/nintendodsshopguide.shtml" target="_blank" >Nintendo DS Shop Guide</a>.</BLOCKQUOTE>
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March 26th, 2005, 12:50 Posted By: tidusuk123
I can't find Maio, Luigi, and Wario!!
I'm completing all the levels without them!!
Please can someone tell me where they are and how to get them!!!
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March 26th, 2005, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Submit any Nintendo DS Emulation, Hacking, Homebrew news in this topic
all thanks and credits will be given.
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March 27th, 2005, 00:02 Posted By: tidusuk123
The PSP forum is growing so quick and new topics are created everyday!! You don't seem to have much to say about the Nintendo DS huh?
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March 27th, 2005, 03:44 Posted By: wraggster
Loopy (pocket nes and snes author) has been playing with the DS for last couple of days and fixed the swi problem. New crts have been uploaded to the CVS (and will be in the zip as soon as I get back home). Your arm9 bios calls should function properly now (swiWaitForVBlank and the like).
Be sure to re-run the install.bat or manualy make the startup files and copy into your devkitarm/arm-elf/lib directory.
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March 27th, 2005, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS and GBA emulator for windows has seen a new release and this news:
<BLOCKQUOTE>So it turns out I had a pretty poor implementation of touchscreen, in that it only picked up the coordinate values when I clicked the button. I've changed it to work by catching mouse-move messages as well as mouse-button messages, and now the outputs of both David Rorex's first demo and his Minesweeper are much better. The issue still remains that the touchscreen isn't calibrated, though; that means the position of the touch is offset from the position of the cursor. I'm not sure how to fix that.
In other news, the DS palette viewer is now complete. You can see background and OBJ palettes, from both GPU cores. I'm hoping to pick up a configuration editor dialog from somewhere soon, so you can all finally change your key mappings with ease.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download the latest release as always from <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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March 28th, 2005, 04:41 Posted By: Albino
I loved playing this game when i was a kid, and i think that it would be a PERFECT port for the ds. Since that Katamari petition MIGHT have influenced namco into bringing the game to the ds i figured why not. yeah youre right, it probably wont work, but you owe it to youself to sign, and if it doesnt work? Well, the only thing you lose is a couple minutes of your time. so without futher ado.... http://www.petitiononline.com/NiGHTSds/petition.html
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March 28th, 2005, 20:55 Posted By: rbervoets
Does a Gamecube need a mod chip to play edited or can you use your action replay freeloader dont ask such things as we dont like warez talk round these parts
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March 29th, 2005, 16:03 Posted By: Zimply_Dark
Hey guys,
I'm trying to create a game for GBA, to compile it as a rom file and play on my computer. The problem is, that i need various things from the game, and I wonder if there isn't any other way of ripping the sounds, graphics, even sc from the game, without being ripping sprites and recording songs to the computer while the game's active... Isn't there any kind of disassembler or extractor to get the files manually? I'm just asking this cause i already heard of lots of them, but actual download, none of them has. anyway, i'm just asking cause you guys are the authority on GBA 
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March 29th, 2005, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
An unnamed source from inside EA has revealed exactly how revolutionary the next Nintendo console will be by leaking details of the prototype Revolution control pad, which is devoid of face and shoulder buttons, and also lacks any analogue sticks.
In place of these traditionally crucial joypad features is a touch-screen, which can be programmed to display - and indeed use - any configuration of buttons, levers and steering devices, or anything else developers can devise and see fit to program into their game.
This could provide developers with a level of freedom never before seen when developing control schemes, decreasing limitation and offering more innovative methods for controlling games.
However, despite promising a 'pad for all occasions', it's possible the pad may not work for complex games requiring many buttons. And not being able to feel where buttons are may limit player responses in both judgement and accuracy.
But complexity for future games is definitely not Nintendo's direction according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.
Speaking recently with Japanese publication Nikkei Business Daily, the Nintendo boss pointed out the need for simplicity in games, in order to draw in causal gamers normally put off by the complexity of modern games.
"A goal of ours with Revolution is to expand the target market for games," said Iwata. "The current consoles are constantly getting more complicated and the number of buttons on joypads has been increasing steadily in recent years. Hardcore players can still manage, but for inexperienced players and beginners the degree of complexity is too big a barrier."
Iwata's comments regarding Revolution being a mass-market device, able to open up gaming to new audiences, echoes Nintendo's sentiment for DS, which, as we know, uses a touch-screen.
This, in our eyes, makes a touch-screen joypad for Revolution highly plausible. Don't rule out the possibility of a built-in microphone either.
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March 29th, 2005, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
DSemu the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance emulator for windows has seen another updated release, heres the news from this release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>I said I'd be picking up a config editor; well, I'm not. It turns out that Normmatt wrote the thing in Visual Basic, and pretty bad VB at that. Not much code I can use there, I'm afraid. I might get onto that myself at some point soon.
Regarding the CPU, I've finally decided to pick up the red lights on ARMwrestler and make 'em green. That involved fixing the flag setting code for a few of the Thumb ops, and implementing a good chunk of the enhanced DSP (in particular, short multiply and saturated addition). After all that, it does indeed mean that Wrestler green-lights fully, which is a good thing.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here.</a>
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March 29th, 2005, 20:54 Posted By: rbervoets
Heres whats New:
CPU: Fixed the Q-flag for SMLAxy
MMU: Fixed halfword reads from LCDC VRAM
MMU: Added the math coprocessor functions (Div, Sqrt)
GPU: Added preliminary support for mode 6 (main core)
GPU: Added optional GDI rendering (no 3D support)
GPU: The preferred renderer can now be specified in dualis.ini
GPU: Added some checks for proper VRAMCNT_* values
GUI: Forgot to unload the plugins and free the memory they were using when closing the emulator (Oops..)
Moved key input to a dedicated plugin. The source for the input plugin is available for anyone who wants to write their own plugin.
Download it here: http://dualis.1emulation.com/
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March 30th, 2005, 08:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3608&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>For the past 2 years the end of April has become a time for fans of the hugely popular Shonen Jump manga and anime to look forward to, with each release of a side-scrolling Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu series for the Gameboy Advance. This year however, the action is on the DS, and due April 21st, there's just less than a month left to go.
Naturally the improved graphics make use of the extra power within the NDS, but Tomy haven't missed any chances to employ the unique features of the machine either. By wielding your stylus, you can direct chakra (energy) and execute attacks, or by blowing into the microphone, can perform Goukakyuu no jutsu (a powerful fireball technique!). Meanwhile on the bottom screen are the characters you can switch between, which unlike in the first two titles, is now five instead of three. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru and Kiba are all there, along with their chakra and health bars.
Further improvements include the ability to stockpile weapons instead of just holding and using one at a time, and Naruto packs some new moves too. Being able to kick off from walls to jump higher is the first, plus he can attack while squatting, and coolest of all, can run vertically up walls like a true light footed ninja.
Since Naruto began two and a half years ago, there has been almost 125 anime episodes, not to mention the 250+ manga comics, many games across GameCube, PS2 and GBA, plus the Japanese hailing it as the next Dragonball. It's clear that if there's just one anime waiting to burst onto the world scene, it's Naruto, and this year the series finally hits America via Cartoon Networks Toonami line-up. Naruto arrives late 2005, but also worth noting is One Piece, starting in May.
With a modern twist (and bright orange clothing at that!) on the classic ninja, the story follows Uzumaki Naruto as he attempts to become the number one in the Hidden Leaf village. Because of the time it'll take for the English edition to catch up with the storyline and characters of the games, it's unlikely we'll see Naruto DS outside of Japan for a long time though. Pre-orders for this title are still being taken, with everyone receiving a free Naruto Armband, including those who have already placed their orders, exclusively at Lik Sang.
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March 30th, 2005, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed more details of the next-gen Revolution console, focusing on the company's plans to make online gaming more accessible and overhaul the way controllers are designed.
Speaking to Japanese weekly Nikkei Business in an interview partially translated by US website GameSpot, Iwata-san confirmed that Revolution will feature wireless LAN capability and said he hoped it would make playing games online easier for consumers.
"The next-generation console will follow along the same line as the DS [for wireless LAN]," he said. "The ideal is for users to be able to connect to the Internet without having to think about it."
Iwata-san touched on online play in his recent speech at the Game Developers' Conference, where he confirmed that the Revolution would feature wi-fi technology as a standard feature.
He went on to reveal that the Revolution had received more positive response from developers than expected, partially due to Nintendo's intention to do everything possible to keep development costs low. As part of these plans, the Revolution will use the GameCube's software libraries and application program interfaces.
Itawa-san did not discuss recent rumours of a DS-style touch screen controller, but did say that controllers for current consoles "may satisfy the hardcore gamers, but they've become too difficult for more casual gamers."
"For the next-generation console, we plan to introduce a friendly user interface so that, for example, a mother who's watching her child playing a game might say, 'Oh, I'd like to try that too,'" he said.
"However, user interfaces are devices that can easily be imitated by other companies, so I can't reveal any details right now."
The full unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution is expected to take place at this year's E3.
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March 31st, 2005, 08:32 Posted By: wraggster
Leading UK importer of consoles and games, <a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl" target="_blank" >GBAx.com</a> have posted this news:
<BLOCKQUOTE>All the DS games are down in price, from only £14.99, thats rather good, but limited stock, so get clicky.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Heres the prices out whats in stock:
Super Mario DS £ 14.99
Spiderman 2 DS £ 19.99
Feel the Magic XY/XX £ 17.99
Asphalt Urban DS £ 19.99
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March 31st, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
The DS has been revealed as the portable console king today, with Nintendo revealing that the touch-screen console has sold over 500,000 units across Europe.
Word has it that the games haven't done too badly either, with just over half of those owners picking up a copy of Mario 64 DS. Since its release on the 11th of march, the DS has seen widespread exposure across the country, and looks set to be a huge success with upcoming titles Yoshi's Touch and Go and Metroid Prime: Hunters.
The DS's European debut follows similarly successful launches in the US and Japan and with Sony's PSP yet to have a firm Euro launch date, the DS looks set to continue to thrive in the Euro zone.
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March 31st, 2005, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
News From <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3609&&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Pizza in one hand, a Nintendo controller in the other, and sugary drinks all around, Mario Party can be a real blast! This is the first time the popular series has hit a handheld, the Gameboy Advance. With up to four friends linked together, you each choose either Mario, Luigi, Peach or Yoshi. Along with 60 mini games, almost as many as Mario Party 5 for the Cube, there's plenty to keep the party rolling. Due to the cost of owning 4 copies of the game though, Nintendo wisely focused heavily on the single player experience much more than usual. You'll unlock the mini-games through missions across the game board, then if you do link-up, can also trade mini-games and items with friends.
The board has six areas to explore, such as town, jungle, seaside, snow, desert and horror. The coins you collect along the way can be used to purchase gadgets, one particular of which, called the Lip Disguise-o-matic, lets you play tricks on your friends, test your compatibility and more. This US edition of Mario Party Advance is now shipping, but don't forget the Mario merchandise that arrived recently here either.
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March 31st, 2005, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
According to retail sources, Nintendo has set the release of Famicom Wars DS for June 23 in Japan. The game is currently being developed by Intelligent Systems, which most recently worked on Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Famicom Wars DS will be released in America, under the title of Advance Wars DS, on October 9.
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March 31st, 2005, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Quirky has released a new version of his BBC Micro emulator for the Gameboy Advance and also the Gamecube via the Gameboy Player and the Nintendo DS (via the GBA Cartridge slot), heres the news from this release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Version 1.01 has a few minor changes. The biggest change is the sound emulation, which now includes emulation of the individual channel volumes. Exile sounds better!
A spinoff version dubbed (by me) the "Elite Special" is also available. This includes 1770 emulation, vital for Elite and Elite-A, plus several hacks to get the screen split and colours sort of correct-ish. Download it if you fancy a novelty, but be warned that the speed isn't 100% and a great deal of patience is needed for the disc loading! It will emulate other games too, but due to the hacks there may be strange errors. I recommend at least trying Elite-A in it, available from Ian Bell's website.
Finally, I've sorted the source code out too, and uploaded it. I need to fix my general library - for doing things like screen set up, basic sprites, etc - as it is required and I don't know if this will compile with the version I have on my site already. If you are interested in this, email me, otherwise I'll assume no one cares! </BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketbeeb.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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March 31st, 2005, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
DSemu the Nintendo DS and GBA emu for windows has once again been updated, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>It's high time I added at least a little SWI support to the ARM core. So, I've put in Div, Sqrt, SoftReset and VblankIntrWait. I dunno if it'll make any difference to making GBA or DS demos work, but it needs to be done either way.
I've been receiving comments recently that the compilation process for the emu is less than clean, generating a good wad of warnings. After many months, I finally took it upon myself to resolve the warnings. They turned out mostly to be simple casting requirements, and the occasional return without a value. I've patched all those up, and the compile process should be clean with no errors and no warnings.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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