June 7th, 2020, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
Guy Perfect has put together a dev kit built around the official Virtual Boy C compiler VUCC. It contains the latest known VUCC version from July 1995, its supplementary tools, IS tools, as well as a Hello World program. The package is rounded out by all new programs written by Guy:
- VULK - Virtual Boy Linker Proxy
- VUIC - ISX to Virtual Boy ROM Converter
Since the old programs included in the dev kit package are 16-bit, you'll need DosBox to run them. You'll want to add everything under the DEVKIT folder to your path variable. For projects using a makefile, you'll want to use the make that came with Turbo-C.
Grab VUCC Dev Kit here.
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June 7th, 2020, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
It was teased in Crash ‘n’ the Boys: Street Challenge back in 1992. The game decades in the making arrives on the NES with Crash ‘n’ the Boys: Ice Challenge.
The long awaited sequel arrives. Take to the ice and destroy your opponents, however you see fit.
This is a localization of the title screen for Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey-bu. While the game has been translated previously, and even now officially released, the title is excruciating. The point of this translation is to make a title screen for the game that would have come out back in 1993 if Street Challenge had a warm reception.
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June 7th, 2020, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
That's right, it's time to update your Nintendo Switch, yet again. The latest system software update is now available to download, bringing the console to version 10.0.4. This update isn't just a stability one, however, as it fixes an issue users previously had in select regions where they couldn't register a new credit card to the Nintendo eShop from their system.
Fixed the following issue:
We have fixed the issue where it was not possible in some countries or regions to add funds using a new credit card or to register credit card information in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch.
Click to expand...
Update-details generation datetime: 2020-06-05 06:35:11+00:00
Version: 10.0.4 (0, -1, 0x5-0x7=0 0 0)
Platform: NX
Hex ASCII string: 254bdca8851c49b707c91f407aa2ab06e6be39f8
Version string: 10.0.4
Full version string: NintendoSDK Firmware for NX 10.0.3-1.0
Sysver digest file: CusHY#000a0003#4mBbTFYnE0Rtmh8NLCVq61rbvx0kJPQUxXk Dpwj0V84=
SDK versions:
10.3.0 (.0)
10.4.0 (.0)
The titles' .*info files are now available (title descriptions were also updated if needed/successful), see the report title-listing.
Started sysmodule SwIPC-generation task. Output will be available with the above .info files via the report title-listing page, this will take a while to finish for all sysmodules.
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June 7th, 2020, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
After a long wait, the official release of SX OS v3.0.0 is here to enjoy! Supporting all Switch consoles, it's great for those waiting for their pre-ordered modchips. For those running unpatched consoles this new update also brings a few long-awaited bug fixes, including the broken cheat finder and the game crashes on Switch firmware 10.
You can find the full update below. It has come to our attention some people didn't take the Non Disclosure Agreement we (did not ;-)) make them sign too seriously. Thus, we are releasing SX OS v3.0.0 beta to the public today.
We would (again) strongly suggest *not* to use any builds of SX OS that were not distributed by us (This includes private links that do point to our servers, for what it's worth). It could pose a risk to your hardware and data and creates a potential support nightmare for us. Thank you for your understanding.
Let's not waste any more time and have a look at the changelog for SX OS v3.0.0:- Full support for Mariko and Switch Lite consoles.
That's right, SX OS now supports 100% of all consoles manufactured to date.
- Support for SX Core and SX Lite boot methods.
With SX Core and SX Lite arriving to the mainstream audience soon, we want to make sure you can actually use your product when it arrives to your doorstep. We would like to remind you every SX Core and SX Lite comes with a *free* license for SX OS. No need to pick up a license key separately. Just activate your product like you normally would. (Through our website or using the SX OS menu)
- Support for systems with a larger NAND
Die hard Switch modders who have installed a larger NAND storage in their switches are now actually able to use it with SX OS. (Previously it would hang during boot)
- Fixed error 2162-0002 game crashes
We introduced a regression in SX OS 2.9.5 which made some games crash with error code 2162-0002 (when accessing in game manuals and such). This has been addressed and resolved.
- Fix bug with displaying MAIN memory addresses in cheat finder
We had a little regression in the cheatfinder a while ago that slipped past our QA somehow. All you cheat hunters can rejoice, this has been fixed!
There's many under the hood changes we won't bore you with, if you encounter any issues do not hesitate to let us know!
That's all we have in store for you today. We are happy to see our new products are being embraced by a wild variety of entities worldwide. We promised a solution for the unliberated Switch consoles, and we are the first to deliver one. Keep this in mind when you vouch for any derivative works, and have a good night!
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Are you eagerly waiting for the SX Core and Lite to release? Are there any hot issues you're still waiting for a fix on? Let us know!
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June 7th, 2020, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
With the discovery of the TegraRCM exploit that allowed homebrew enthusiasts to run unsigned code on it, Nintendo responded by releasing new Nintendo Switch units codenamed 'Mariko'. While at first glance this newer model is barely distinguishable from the older one (save for the flashy all-in-red box), it features a better battery life and slightly altered CPU instructions to help with power management and consumption.
However this was at a cost as the boot ROM bug that allowed homebrew enthusiasts and tinkerers to tamper with their switches was fixed for good. This of course upset many owners of the newer Switch iterations, and left people wondering whether or not they could ever enjoy homebrew on their 'Mariko' Switches in the future.
That future might not be too far away as developer @SciresM has successfully managed to dump the keys of the firmware on said units. In his YouTube video he showcases how this process was achieved:
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June 8th, 2020, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
ares v114 is released. ares is a multi-system emulator that began development on October 14th, 2004. It is a descendent of higan and bsnes, and focuses on accuracy and preservation.
ares currently emulates the following 27 hardware devices:
* Famicom + Famicom Disk System
* Super Famicom + Super Game Boy
* Nintendo 64 (under development)
* Game Boy + Game Boy Color
* Game Boy Advance + Game Boy Player
* SG-1000 + SC-3000
* Master System + Game Gear
* Mega Drive + Mega CD
* PC Engine + PC Engine CD + SuperGrafx
* MSX + MSX2
* ColecoVision
* Neo Geo Pocket + Neo Geo Pocket Color
* WonderSwan + WonderSwan Color + SwanCrystal + Pocket Challenge V2
ares changelog:
the project and core library is now called ares
the simplified user interface is now called lucia
the advanced user interface is now called luna
the game analyzer is now called mia
Nintendo 64: added incomplete emulation (not compiled by default; no RDP renderer included)
PC Engine CD: added complete emulation (including Super System Card and Arcade Card support)
PC Engine: added suport for Populous save RAM
Super Famicom: added missing SA1 board definition (for boards without BWRAM)
SG-1000 + SC-3000: $c000-ffff maps to system RAM, not cartridge RAM
Game Boy Advance: fixed a bug with keypad interrupt handling (keypad array was marked static)
Famciom: merged Board and Chip classes together
Famicom: emulated MMC5 audio and MMC5A timer IRQs
nall/cdrom: added split-file CUE sheet support
nall/cdrom: added WAV support
nall/cdrom: added ISO support
lucia: added a debugger interface (tracing, memory editing, graphics viewing, properties)
lucia: added PNG screen capture support
lucia: added tool to mute individual component audio streams
lucia: support multiple input bindings per virtual input
ruby/input: added FreeBSD UHID driver for gamepad hotplugging and Xbox 360 hat support
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June 8th, 2020, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
m64p (2020/06/06) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
m64p changelog:
Volume can now be set in the emulator (slider is located in the File menu)
Netplay username is now persistent between sessions
Fixed a desync with GoldenEye
Netplay server can run on a LAN
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June 8th, 2020, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
SameBoy v0.13.1 is released. SameBoy is a user friendly Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for macOS. SameBoy is extremely accurate and includes a wide range of powerful debugging features, making it ideal for both casual players and developers. In addition to accuracy and developer capabilities, SameBoy has all the features one would expect from an emulator – from save states to scaling filters. An SDL version is also available to Windows and Unix-like systems.
SameBoy v0.13.1 Changelog:
Bug Fixes
Fixed a potential memory corruption when loading certain malformed ROMs
Improved stability when loading corrupt preference files in the SDL port
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June 28th, 2020, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
EA is bringing a total of seven games to the Nintendo Switch over the next 12 months, the publisher revealed today.
During today's EA Play live event, EA made the announcement alongside the reveal of Apex Legends' upcoming fall release on the console, alongside plans for a simultaneous Steam release and implementation of crossplay.
And aside from Apex, Burnout Paradise: Remastered is planned for launch on the Switch tomorrow.
That leaves five unknown titles over the next 12 months. EA did not drop further hints, though the publisher has previously been asked by investors about the viability of The Sims 4 on Nintendo's console.
At the time, CEO Andrew Wilson responded that EA has "a lot of data" showing that "a great many Switch owners also own a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One or a PC, and very often choose to play the games that we make on those platforms even though they have a Switch and they enjoy a lot of great content on the Switch."
However, also in today's EA Play presentation, it was revealed that The Sims 4 is now out on Steam alongside A Way Out, Titanfall 2, Deadspace 3, Need for Speed: Payback, Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
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June 28th, 2020, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed that an additional 140,000 Nintendo Network IDs were impacted by a sudden surge of third-parties attempting to gain access to accounts earlier this year.
In a statement on its Japanese support page, Nintendo said it had reset the passwords for all 140,000 impacted NNIDs and the Nintendo accounts connected with them, as well as contacted the account owners to inform them of the situation.
It added that less than 1% of all NNIDs worldwide may have been illegally logged in and had actual fraudulent transactions made, and that Nintendo was nearly finished refunding all impacted customers.
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June 28th, 2020, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
The English update primarily features a new title logo which is more in keeping with the original Magical Quest series logo. It also has various improvements throughout.
The Spanish version has been updated with a new title logo and some other bug fixes and improvements including some newly translated graphics. Thanks to blade133bo for his work on the Spanish Magical Quest 1 logo, which was partly used in the new Magical Quest 3 Spanish and Portuguese title logos.
The Portuguese Translation has now been completed by Goro’s Lair. It features accents for all the text which has been fully translated to Portuguese. Many thanks to Goro’s Lair for his assistance with testing.
A No Letterbox Hack has also been released. This hack removes the letterbox / black border that is drawn at the top and bottom of the screen during gameplay, which is common in many Capcom games. This patch works with the English translation, with any other translated version, e.g. Spanish or Portuguese translation and with the original Japanese ROM.
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June 28th, 2020, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
Be careful what you wish for…
Shortly after the release of Stardom Warriors, Polinym’s localization of LaSalle Ishii’s Childs Quest (also known as ChaiKue), Polinym began work on a delocalization version simply “because he could”. However, he quickly realized that such an obscure, ugly, and slightly pervy game was unfit for mere mortal English speakers. So, he channeled all the dark energy of “free time” to create a more menacing, enraging experience. He worked on his Kaizo Quest project among various other projects.
LaSalle Ishii’s KAIZO Quest is the embodiment of Polinym’s dual-faced nature towards a non-localized version of ChaiKue. Nearly all of the copyrighted content, such as LaSalle Ishii, Matsuo Ishii, and the Childs, has been restored. The game’s text has been rewritten to be significantly more accurate to the original. Much of the censorship has been removed, although Polinym still has his limits…
At the same time, the cost of such a project is an increased difficulty. The game now takes more grinding to complete. Shop items are now drastically more expensive. Lies and tricks have been scattered among the helpful hints. All of the water in-game has been replaced by bloo, um, er, “Mementos Juice”. Many helpful hints have flat-out been removed. The final boss’s true form has been restored…
Polinym does not approve of this game. He suggests that only experienced ChaiKue players even consider attempting this. A quality, family-friendly way to play the game in English already exists in the form of Stardom Warriors ( http://www.romhacking.net/translations/5321/ )
This hack was designed to be hated. Polinym shall not be responsible for controllers thrown into TV/PC screens or discomfort caused by the game’s dialogue.
“Official” Release Trailer:
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June 28th, 2020, 11:36 Posted By: wraggster
Super Smash Bros. Melee will never die, especially not after this newly released fork of Dolphin emulator. Project Slippi is a build of Dolphin that introduces important netplay features, specifically for use in netplay matches of Melee, such as integrated matchmaking, being able to save replays to your PC, and most important of all, rollback netcode. Fizzi36 and his team of three other contributors released their hard work for use within the Melee community today, with "a large part of the project" being open source. He's been working on Project Slippi full-time for seven months now, and it's available for download on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
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June 28th, 2020, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newo Escape. A mis-jump lands you into a strange asteroid field somewhere in Sector X. Use your piloting skills to boost, break and dodge everything through 20 levels. Features 3d graphics, and optional wiimote sideways motion controls for flying.
[h=2]Features[/h]- starfox-like on rails obstacle avoidance game
- 3d graphics
- Easy, Normal, Hard, Classic and #procgen arcade game modes.
- Online Leaderboard.
[h=3]Version 2 - May 18, 2020[/h]- Major update; New engine, graphics
- Boost and Break ability
- Motion controlled steering now default.
- 2 new game modes (classic, arcade)
- 20 new game levels per game mode
- improved collision detection, 60fps, and bug fixes
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June 28th, 2020, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
As we said before when Knights of Bytes released Sam's Journey for the Commodore 64 back in 2017 it was a huge hit! Indie Retro News awarded Sam's Journey game of the year 2017 as this game really surpassed all our expectations, delivering us a huge epic adventure that really pushed the limitations of the C64. In fact it was such a great game, that once again thanks to another heads up from the same team, Knights of Bytes has released new footage of their work in progress version Sam's Journey but this time for the NES.
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June 28th, 2020, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Three years ago this project started small, with nothing but minor color changes and item edits. Since July 2019 it has become a juggernaut and culminated into a new take on a classic that still feels like what you remember.
In addition to heightened difficulty to keep you awake and on your toes there are new mechanics, items, spells, monsters, and a load of improvements. No more ineffective turns! New and returning classes! Far more strategic combat and greater class synergy add to the reward of more back-and-forth battles. The itemization requires more consideration, and you may find yourself keeping things you easily sold in the original.
The improved battle system should put a smile on your face. Specialty weapons are back - and stronger - along with some utilizing the newly-added perk of inflicting status ailments. Magic users will utilize a far more diverse spellbook than before, as all spells are valuable instead of the original’s roughly half or less.
There is too much to list, but… be on the lookout for secrets.
Detailed charts have been created to aid in each adventurer’s journey just like the classic paper fold-up charts! Make sure you check them out for the nitty gritty details.
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June 29th, 2020, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
m64p (2020/06/28) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
m64p changelog:
Various bug fixes for the GUI and GLideN64
Fix for #47
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June 29th, 2020, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
SameBoy v0.13.3 is released. SameBoy is a user friendly Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for macOS. SameBoy is extremely accurate and includes a wide range of powerful debugging features, making it ideal for both casual players and developers. In addition to accuracy and developer capabilities, SameBoy has all the features one would expect from an emulator – from save states to scaling filters. An SDL version is also available to Windows and Unix-like systems.
SameBoy v0.13.3 Changelog:
New/Improved Features
The scaling filters were updated to use gamma-corrected color mixing, improving the quality of all shaders, especially the LCD and CRT shaders.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a regression in the CGB and AGB boot ROMs where wrong palettes were chosen for Nintendo DMG games.
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June 29th, 2020, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Swiss r845 is released. The swiss army knife of gamecube homebrew. Swiss aims to be the ultimate utility Gamecube homebrew application.
Swiss Changelog:
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
@emukidid committed:
Progress indication changes
Update text messages
Make file browser loading progress less annoying
Fix Qoob DOL loading
Update credits
@Extrems committed:
Make file browser loading progress look less bad.
Don't assume SD card remain selected.
Add CPU temperature monitoring.
Optimize graphics somewhat.
Round up ELF size correctly.
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June 29th, 2020, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
mGBA v0.8.2 is released. mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.
- Near full Game Boy Advance hardware support[1].
- Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
- Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
- Save type detection, even for flash memory size[2].
- Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
- A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
- Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
- Frameskip, configurable up to 9.
- Screenshot support.
- 9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
- Video and GIF recording.
- Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
- Loading from ZIP files.
- IPS and UPS patch support.
- Game debugging via a command-line interface (not available with Qt port) and GDB remote support.
mGBA v0.8.2 Changelog:
Emulation fixes:
- ARM: Fix timing on Thumb shift instructions
- GB: Fix GBC game registers after skipping BIOS
- GB MBC: Support 4MB MBC30 ROMs (fixes #1713)
- GB Video: Fix BGPS value after skipping BIOS (fixes #1717)
- GBA: Add missing RTC overrides for Legendz games
- GBA BIOS: Reset renderer when RegisterRamReset called (fixes #1756)
- GBA SIO: Fix Multiplayer busy bit
- GBA SIO: Fix double-unloading active driver
- GBA Timers: Fix deserializing count-up timers
- GBA Video: Fix mosaic objects drawing past the end (fixes #1702)
- GBA Video: Fix disabling OBJWIN in GL renderer (fixes #1759)
- GBA Video: Add missing parts of 256-color mode 0 mosaic (fixes #1701)
- GBA Video: Fix double-size OBJ wrapping in GL renderer (fixes #1712)
- GBA Video: Simplify sprite cycle counting (fixes #1279)
- GBA Video: Fix sprite/backdrop blending regression
Other fixes:
- 3DS: Fix framelimiter on newer citro3d (fixes #1771)
- ARM: Fix disassembling of several S-type instructions (fixes #1778)
- ARM Debugger: Clear low bit on breakpoint addresses (fixes #1764)
- CMake: Always use devkitPro toolchain when applicable (fixes #1755)
- Core: Fix ELF loading regression (fixes #1669)
- Core: Fix crash modifying hash table entry (fixes #1673)
- GB Video: Fix some cases where SGB border doesn’t draw to multi-buffers
- GBA: Reject incorrectly sized BIOSes
- GBA: Break infinite loop for 0-frame mVLs (fixes #1723)
- Qt: Fix OpenGL 2.1 support (fixes #1678)
- Qt: Fix unmapping zipped ROM (fixes #1777)
- 3DS: Clean up legacy initialization (fixes #1768)
- GBA Serialize: Only flunk BIOS check if official BIOS was expected
- Qt: Disable Replace ROM option when no game loaded
- Qt: Defer texture updates until frame is drawn (fixes #1590)
- Qt: Set icon for Discord Rich Presence
- Qt: Show a warning when save file can’t be opened
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June 29th, 2020, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Cemu v1.90.2c is released. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu Changelog:
# New in 1.19.2c:
general/NEX: Fixed a bug in the friend service implementation that could lead to the connection being dropped on large packets
GX2: Implemented GX2GetLastFrameGammaA(), GX2GetLastFrameGammaB()
This prevents a crash in the friend list application
# New in 1.19.2b:
general: Tweaked some UI text in the title manager
OpenGL/Vulkan: Resolved a problem where GX2DrawDone() would not wait for texture readbacks under rare circumstances
This fixes the picto box mechanics in Wind Waker HD (requires 'Extended texture readback' to be enabled in the game profile)
GX2: GX2GetLastFrame() now always returns a valid frame since some games expect this behavior
This change allows Game & Wario to progress further
# New in 1.19.2:
general: Added region column to gamelist
general: Added new features to the title manager:
Button for installing titles (same as the menu entry file -> install)
Save games can be deleted for individual accounts
Save games can be transferred from one account to another
general: Base games can now be installed into mlc01 the same way updates and DLC can be installed
The original game folder can be deleted after installation
general: The game list will always search mlc01 for installed titles
general: Some background operations will no longer freeze the UI (checking for updates, deleting or fixing titles via the title manager)
OpenGL/Vulkan: Added a safeguard to prevent infinite loops in shaders
This should improve stability in New Super Mario Bros U / New Super Luigi U
Vulkan: Shaders that fail to compile should no longer cause a crash
AX: Improved robustness of the emulated audio driver
This should fix the rare audio corruptions that could happen in several games (e.g. Color Splash)
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June 30th, 2020, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
After 5 years and thousands of hours of work, Metal Dreamers is proud to present a complete, and fully playable English translation of Crea-Tech’s Metal Max 3 for the Nintendo DS.
The Metal Max series is a long-running but little-known JRPG series, at least in the west. They combine traditional JRPG gameplay with the free-form progression typical of CRPGs. The games are basically open-world, with not too much in the way of story most of the time, instead focusing on entertaining NPC dialogue and side quests, an interesting world to explore, and TANKS. Lots and lots of tanks, which you can freely customize.
You start the game dead and are soon revived by a mad scientist, but you have no memory of how you died or who you are. Soon, you meet a girl about to be shipped off to an arranged marriage that she doesn’t want. The story unfolds as you try to find out who you were, why you died, and how your fate is intertwined with that girl’s. We hope you enjoy this wacky post-apocalypse!
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June 30th, 2020, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
After 3-month development Super Mario Bros 3.: The Forgotten Worlds has now been released as a Famicom Disk System hack as well! In case somebody doesn’t know it yet, it is an unofficial expansion pack and sequel to Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels including a new character called Kevin (who is Mario’s and Luigi’s dream brother), 9 brand new worlds, new (and 1-2 resurrected) graphics, and many other features never seen in the previous two Super Mario Bros. games.
Big thanks to 4matsy for helping and code supplying, thanks to doppelganger for the SMB2J disassembly! And thanks for Szemigi for his enthusiastic effort that has been put into the project.
Also, this would be the first SMB2J hack that was created with doppelganer’s SMB2J disassembly.
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June 30th, 2020, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Snes9x GX v4.4.8 is released. Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo(SFC) emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.
Snes9x GX Features:
* Based on Snes9x 1.53
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Open Source!
Snes9x GX Changelog:
Compiled with latest devkitPPC/libogc
Fixed graphical glitches on GameCube port
Translation updates
Added Wii U vWii Channel, widescreen patch, and now reports console/CPU speed
Upstream updates for Snes9x
BS-X rom is now optional. If missing, will load directly into the game
Other minor fixes
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