March 2nd, 2009, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for nearly every system released, heres the details and whats new etc:
Information about scummvm
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Todays release news:
As we turned to a 6 months release cycle, here is our newest and best ScummVM version for you!
A couple of new engines were added, and besides 2 Humongous Entertainment titles, we now support The 7th Guest and Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
Among other notable things there is a completely new vector-based GUI, which is a merged work of our last year GSoC student Vicent Marti, as well as a General Main Menu which adds a common save/load interface to most of our engines, adding the much awaited Return to Launcher feature along the way. It was the work of another successful student, Chris Page.
release notes
0.13.0 (2009-02-28)
- Added MIDI driver for Atari ST / FreeMint.
- Added a 'Load' button to the Launcher (not supported by all engines).
- Added a new global main menu (GMM) dialog usable from all engines.
- Added the ability to return to the launcher from running games (via the GMM).
- Rewrote GUI renderer to use an vector based approach.
- Rewrote GUI configuration to use XML.
New Games:
- Added support for Blue's 123 Time Activities.
- Added support for Blue's ABC Time Activities.
- Added support for Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
- Added support for The 7th Guest.
- Added support for Auto-save feature.
- Added support for MIDI music.
- Implemented radio-chatter effect in The DIG.
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March 2nd, 2009, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for nearly every system released, heres the details and whats new etc:
Information about scummvm
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Todays release news:
As we turned to a 6 months release cycle, here is our newest and best ScummVM version for you!
A couple of new engines were added, and besides 2 Humongous Entertainment titles, we now support The 7th Guest and Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
Among other notable things there is a completely new vector-based GUI, which is a merged work of our last year GSoC student Vicent Marti, as well as a General Main Menu which adds a common save/load interface to most of our engines, adding the much awaited Return to Launcher feature along the way. It was the work of another successful student, Chris Page.
release notes
0.13.0 (2009-02-28)
- Added MIDI driver for Atari ST / FreeMint.
- Added a 'Load' button to the Launcher (not supported by all engines).
- Added a new global main menu (GMM) dialog usable from all engines.
- Added the ability to return to the launcher from running games (via the GMM).
- Rewrote GUI renderer to use an vector based approach.
- Rewrote GUI configuration to use XML.
New Games:
- Added support for Blue's 123 Time Activities.
- Added support for Blue's ABC Time Activities.
- Added support for Bud Tucker in Double Trouble.
- Added support for The 7th Guest.
- Added support for Auto-save feature.
- Added support for MIDI music.
- Implemented radio-chatter effect in The DIG.
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March 2nd, 2009, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, this is another Wii rant. There are plenty of other articles talking about the poor recent game offerings, the hardware limitations, and the primitive online play. I’m not here to talk about those. Instead, I’m going to talk about the Wii’s software stack, and how it compares to other consoles.
The Wii’s software architecture sucks.
If you look at lists of software updates for the PS3 or the XBox 360, you’ll find things such as PS3 update 2.40, which made XMB available in-game, or XBox 360 update 2.0.7357.0, which added the New XBox Experience, among many smaller updates are stability fixes, new peripheral support, and new features like in-game screenshots. A large amount of the features affect or improve the in-game experience.
Meanwhile, the Wii got all of:
Things, such as copying saves to SD, which should have been there from the start
Support for new features for new games, with zero improvements for any games already released (USB keyboards, WiiSpeak, etc).
Updates to built-in channels (WiiShop, etc)
Wii menu or messageboard tweaks, like moving channels or, get this, a clock.
Security updates, or their failed attempts at stopping homebrew.
This isn’t a coincidence. As it turns out, Nintendo chose not to have any operating system or common code at all running on the Broadway CPU. When you run a game, everything that shows up on your screen, ever, is being loaded from that spinning polycarbonate disc. And there are no mechanisms for anything else to run on that CPU: no update infrastructure, no Home Menu updates, nothing. If they ever want to have a “hypervisor” run above games, they’ll need to get a new CPU with full-blown virtualization capability (or an emulator), because games assume they have direct access to the CPU and most of the hardware.
If you’ve been following the Wii scene, you might be thinking, “what about IOS?” Indeed, Nintendo’s security and I/O Operating System runs alongside games (on a separate CPU built in to the Hollywood chipset) and it is updated as part of system updates. It includes some important bits and pieces like some peripheral drivers. However, as it turns out, Nintendo has decided that every new feature will be developed as a separate fork. Your Wii contains many IOS versions, and the older have never been updated except for security reasons (to fix our exploits). Not that they’ve added many new features, but if you look closely, new IOS features do not operate when you’re playing older games. This includes any updates to the WiiConnect24 downloads code, and even some minor things like the “slot LED blinks when you eject a disc” feature - try it when you’re playing Zelda and you’ll see that it doesn’t work, because it’s using the very old IOS9.
There are 23 IOS versions installed with current updates (this is also wasting the scarce 512MB internal memory!). Any new feature that they want to use in older games would have to be retroactively and individually added to each version, and it could create compatibility concerns because the interfaces with IOS functions aren’t all that stable either. Just doing these updates would cost them an immense amount of effort - it took them well over half a year to fix the fakesigning exploit and ship the IOS updates for all 23 versions, and that’s a minor update that can’t possibly affect games. Every time they’ve added a new feature (for example, the recent Wii Speak support, or USB keyboard support, or USB mouse support) they’ve just made a new fork of IOS for it. And IOS is limited to what it already handles - the ARM CPU that it runs on has no access to the graphics capabilities of the Wii (nor is it fast enough anyway - it has no floating point capability and it is a lot slower than the Broadway), so they can’t add any user-interface features to it.
Even worse - some things that should have been implemented in IOS aren’t. Like the Bluetooth stack and the Wii Remote code. Forget about any Bluetooth device support in older games - they couldn’t pull off a VoIP feature, ever. The SD card filesystem code is implemented in the games, which means that they can’t possibly add any code that uses SD card files, because two filesystem drivers can’t be used on the same device at the same time. Some things, such as saving games to SD for titles that don’t otherwise use the SD slot, are possible, but the changes needed to accomplish them would be so hacky and intrusive that I doubt they’re ever going to happen. One of the few things they can update with relative ease is networking (because the TCP/IP stack runs in IOS), but even then they still need to touch all IOS variants to fix it retroactively in older games. We’ve seen some changes but I doubt we’ll see many more.
As a specific example, let’s look at the much-discussed future ability to load Virtual Console and WiiWare titles from an SD card (seriously, what the hell were they thinking with 512MB of internal storage and no sane infrastructure to ever expand it externally?) There are three possible solutions to get this to work:
Add FAT filesystem code to IOS retroactively, disabling any SD access for titles that launch from SD
Add FAT filesystem code to IOS retroactively and push title updates for everything that uses SD, to remove the in-title FAT code and replace it with a new interface to IOS
Just fake it and transparently copy titles to the Wii system memory when you want to launch them, causing more Flash wear and tear and longer launching times
Chances are they’re going to go for number 3. And the only reason 1. and 2. exist is because downloadable content access is implemented through a unified “application security” subsystem, which forced them to define a sort-of-standard interface for it. They wouldn’t have done it otherwise.
While other consoles get firmware updates, new peripheral support, bugfixes, and even major updates like the XBox New Experience, pretty much everything on the Wii will remain just as it is now. The best Nintendo can do is update the Wii Menu, but once you get into a game, there’s nothing it can do. Forget about an improved Home Menu. Forget about any changes to online gaming beyond minor server-side tweaks. A unified friends system to avoid having to enter friend codes for every game? Not going to happen. Bad game bugs? Tough luck, there’s no patching system (remember the Zelda issue?) Some future proper online support with social features, like the other consoles have? Will never work with older games. Worse, Nintendo are really proud of themselves, so they won’t admit that they screwed up their software by releasing such big new features and having them only work for newer games. Instead, they’ll wait until Wii2 (or worse, Wii3), lag behind their competitors, and the features still won’t work in backwards-compatibility mode.
All in all, the Wii’s software stack is designed with little to no future proofing. There are basically zero provisions for any future updates; even obvious things like new storage devices or game patches. What’s worse is that this will affect the compatibility mode of any future Wii successor. Just like DS titles won’t get WPA support on the DSi, effectively making the DSi’s WPA mode useless if you ever want to use DS titles on-line. The DS WiFi drivers and configuration stack are built in to every game.
Remember, when Nintendo fails to deliver new Wii features, it won’t be because they aren’t trying. It’ll be because they’ve killed their chances from the start.
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March 2nd, 2009, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
sammystag has released Toddtris 1.0:
One or two player tetris-like game for Wii.
Two player rules based on the gameboy classic:
4 lines = 4 lines attack on opponent
3 lines = 2 lines attack on opponent
2 lines = 1 line attack on opponent
1 lines - no effect
Thanks to Pete for the soundtrack.
The graphics and sounds are customisable to an extent. All the images and the soundtrack can be changed by swapping the files in the images / sounds directory. The background JPEG can be swapped no problem, the PNGs for the blocks and so on need to be in the format required by GRRLib. I use libogc's mp3player v1.7.0 for soundtrack, there seems to be an issue where the last second or two of the file are not played so I had to add some padding to compensate. It would be good to see what someone with better graphic skills than me could come up with.
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
In like a lamb and out like a lion, or vice-versa? Whether March finds you digging out from a late-winter blizzard or reeling in the spring thaw, the fun is both mild and wild at the Wii Shop Channel. Even the littlest lambs in your household can take part in a cool new family-friendly WiiWare game, while strategy-loving gamers will be roaring like lions as they battle evil foes in a classic Virtual Console title.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
Family & Friends Party (Gammick Entertainment, 1-8 players, Rated E for Everyone, 1,000 Wii Points): Have fun with all your friends and family as you take on some very exciting challenges. This is an interactive board game for as many as eight players of all ages. The goal is to be the first to complete a series of challenges. During each turn, a challenge will be played by one or two players per team depending on the type of challenge you've been given. (Other players on your team can still help and support you). There are six different "Single" challenges that must be played cooperatively by members of the same team. Family & Friends Party can also suggest "Versus" challenges, which must be played competitively by all teams at the same time.
Virtual Console
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (Super NES, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): It's up to you to defeat the Empire. It's been nearly a quarter of a century since the Zetegenian Empire first conquered the Kingdoms of Zenobia with a wrath of fear and bloodshed. You are the leader of a band of rebels who've fought to preserve the last shred of honor in this desperate time of treachery. Manage the ranks of a full-blown rebel army, complete with hundreds of characters, magic items, weapons and mystical Tarot cards. You must succeed in ousting the evil usurpers-your fate, and that of the entire population, depends on it.
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Media Player for Nintendo Wii has again been updated:

Mplayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX.
Fixed a little bug in keepalive issue that hangs the wii
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Retrohead:
I have just uploaded the most recent version of Take The Eggs for everyone to enjoy. It has taken longer than expected to get this game to this stage but now I am happy to say that the game seems to be complete with the exception of any bugs that people may find.
It is disappointing that I was not able to implement a multiplayer option for this due to several restrictions, the main one bein the current libs, but everything else that I planned to add is now n there including some secrets for you to find.
I hope you enjoy this and be sure to let me know if you notice any bugs.
Vehicle speed on world 2 increased to be closer to the original game.
Time stop active time decreased to be closer to the original game.
Ghost / Death Messenger can now hit eggs and loose babies.
Added 5 new stages.
Added 4 new characters.
Score sprites positioning improved.
Added Hi-Score menu and awards for story mode.
Story sections incorperated.
2 hidden modes available for ranking high in story mode.
Options screen with sound level options added.
Save game support added to keep your Hi-Scores and unlocked modes etc.
Beat characters in story mode to unlock them in versus mode.
Play worlds in story mode to unlock them in versus mode.
Various bugs fixed.
Download Here --> http://files-ds-scene.net/take_the_eggs/?s=download
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from BEYZz

Hi all from Rome
First Sorry for my bad english, second sorry for another Pong Game
This is my first game for DS with SOCCER-PONG game mode.
Ciao a tutti da Roma --> Hi all from Rome
First Sorry for my bad english, second sorry for another Pong Game
This is my first game for DS with SOCCER-PONG game mode.
1.Win at 15 Pts
2.Cursor Key Player1 and B+Y Player2
3.Press L for Reset
4.Pong and Soccer-Pong game mode
5.WiFi Vs Players mode (STILL IN DEVELOPMENT!!)
6.Sounds like real Pong
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March 2nd, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from funkystuff
Text OS is a small application designed to be of quick use to developers. The purpose of Text OS is to get developers to test their games faster on the DS Hardware.Text OS provide support to boot only Homebrew apps. It will also boot what ever is in slot-2 of the device.There is a R4 ready version in the "R4_ready" folder. This replaces the R4 interface.All you have to do is delete the old R4 files, backing them up of course and placeing the files from the folder on the root of your card.
#######Text OS Features:
- Back Light Support
- Slot-2 boot
- Homebrew Boot
- Boot Save (Press A to boot lasted played game)
- Battery Detection
- DS Detection
- Date, Time, Name, etc.
#######Using the OS:
Copy the following files to your cart: gbaframe.bmp, TEXTOS(.nds, .ds.gba or _patched.nds), and textos.txt. The OS reads from the "Homebrew" folder on the root of your card. Place all homebrew files you wish to view in that folder. To launch a .nds file simple select it by touching the file name and Press A to launch it. Simply scroll the browser with the D-Pad Up/Down buttons.
Funkystuff (Creator)
Spinal (for the battery mod)
#######Known Working Cards:
- AK2.1
- R4
_Patched.nds version has been patched to stop dldi auto patching. This is used for r4 or other similar carts.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jgc146
Hi All
I have completed my first DS game ......... there is a little bug ......... but it's almost like a god send ..... lol
have fun
I might sort out the bug one day but i have moved on to my next project so don't hold your breath ok
let my know if any body finishes it because i may have made it a little hard. The aim is to reach comlpete level 10.
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
copete23 updates homebrew "Dspertator" which I recall, is an alarm clock.
The author has corrected the following aspects:
Warning if inconsistent color depth
Without exception if saved palette name
Message after loaded
Preview updated after load
Preview updated after tab change
New button 'Update Row'
No more minitemp.png
Correct aspect ratio in preview
Error handling in file access
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March 2nd, 2009, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, copper. For so many years, you've been second fiddle to silver and gold. Sure, you get the wiring and pipes, but most of the time it's because you're the cheapest of the bunch. When folks are handing out medals, you go to third place, and not even in your pure form. We all see your dark reddish-orange facade, but on the inside, we know you're blue.
But in the world of TrackMania DS, Coppers are everything. For every successful race, players receive Coppers, credits that can be used to unlock a variety of game content from the Shop. Want more tracks to race on? Fork over some Coppers and discover new courses to master (and some of the best ones really must be unlocked). Want more track editor parts to spice up your custom courses? Spend and you shall receive. Tired of the same old texture for your car? New skins are on sale now. There are three different sets of unlockables to shop, based on the environment (Stadium, Desert, Rally) of your choosing.
See, copper, things aren't so bad. You may be the whipping boy of the precious metals, but in TrackMania DS, you're the currency of choice.
TrackMania DS is currently scheduled for release on March 17th.
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March 2nd, 2009, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami's released a new trailer and details on the Wii version of PES 2009... which should probably be renamed PES 2010 now.
The Wii version boasts "enhanced AI, "added game modes" and "improved controls" over last year's game, including an enhanced version of the 'point and drag' system. Options for Classic Controller or the Wii Remote held sideways are now also included.
New modes include the introduction of the UEFA Champions League, an expanded Champions Road mode and PES Master League from the other console versions.
"A greatly improved online mode" is also promised, with support for up to eight players competing online at once, using two consoles with four players on each.
It's out on March 17. Enjoy the video.
Update: A Konami spokesperson has contacted CVG to amend its 17th date, which is actually March 27.
Trailer at CVG
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Tokyo District Court ruled an injunction against the Chinese R4 makers for "violation under Japan's laws". You'd think that would mean one couldn't walk into a game shop and buy one. You'd think.
In late 2008, Nintendo (and 53 other companies) took legal action against the makers of the R4 cart, a device which allows, amongst other things, the pirating of games on a DS.
In the wake of last week's injunction, Yahoo! Auctions Japan has issued a notice that putting R4 devices up for sell on its site is now prohibited.
Even after the Tokyo District Court's injunction, stores in otaku shopping paradise Akihabara continue to opening advertise the R4, and the device seems widely available. Sure, there might be a lag for retail to catch up with the recent decision to prohibit selling the devices, but don't expect the R4 business in Japan to dry up any time soon.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DSi’s two cameras are the system’s most noticeable feature and are often perceived as the major advantage it has over the DS Lite. However, that’s not quite how Nintendo’s internal development team sees it.
In the latest volume of Iwata Asks, we learn quite a bit more about the thinking behind the DSi’s sound features. Yusuke Akifusa of the Entertainment Analysis and Development team sees it as the DSi’s second supporting pillar. Says Akifusa-san:
This time, when I heard Miyamoto-san thought Nintendo DSi needed music, it kicked off my own train of thought. I thought, we’ve already got the cameras as one important pillar, so why not institute music as another one, reinforcing the appeal of Nintendo DSi?
Akifusa-san is the man behind “DSi Sound,” the DSi’s music player and its many sound-editing features, which include changing the pitch and speed of sounds. DSi Sound also lets you distort sounds to make them sound like they’ve gone through a voice changer. Hmm… I wonder if I could use that to make myself sound like L’s electronic voice from Death Note.
Also present in the conversation, Miyamoto adds:
We talk about suddenly adding Nintendo DSi Sound, so people might think we just threw it in in a burst of enthusiasm, but it’s not really so. Nintendo has a proper sound team and each of its members perform multiple tests in compression and editing. Akifusa-san’s flurry of activity was able to bring something to shape because he could gather the already-existing sound technology and channel it into the Nintendo DSi system. All at once he brought together the sound technology being developed by other teams around the company.
Miyamoto also mentions that there was talk of using sounds recorded through the DSi’s microphone as startup sounds, which actually sounds very cool. I hope they decide to add the feature through a future update as it falls completely in line with Nintendo’s concept of a customized DSi. There’s a ton of potential for games to use it, too. Coming back to Akifusa-san for a second:
Also—and this is another idea that came from a different in-house team–you can play drums in time with music. The L Button is your bass drum and the R Button, your snare. As you listen to the music, you can be all boom bap bap! ♪
Yeah, he put the musical note in there, too. Speaking of the microphone, I can think of another couple features for it that would be very neat… like the ability to switch between menus and channels using your voice or sending voice messages to other DSi users. It would also be neat to be able to command party members in an RPG using the mic. Keep in mind that the DSi features louder volume settings and “better sound quality” than the Lite, too. Although Nintendo isn’t making a big deal out of the latter, so it probably isn’t as noticeable as one might imagine. I just hope they plan to add MP3 support to that list of sound features someday.
Make sure to read both DSi-related Iwata Asks volumes. The entire feature is pretty enlightening. I’d love to meet the people behind the DSi someday…they all sound fascinating. But more importantly…Daigasso Band Brothers DSi with proper downloadable content, anyone?
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sega, Nintendo, Activision, and Hudson share at least one thing in common. They all use the DS’ GBA slot for accessories. Since the Nintendo DSi is the new toy on the block you would think publishers would quit building devices that require a GBA slot now. Not Hudson!
Specific for Metal Fight Beyblade is a Beypoint Reader. This GBA slot device acts as an adapter that connects the Nintendo DS game to a Beypointer, a device that keeps track of your top spinning Beyblade stats in real life and now the Nintendo DS game too. Another interesting idea and another device for collectors to track down.
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March 3rd, 2009, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today over at SuccessHK

NDS Lite Game Selector is the worlds first DS Lite game selector!It can select from 3 DS games at once,simply flick the switch to change the game you are playing. Easy to fit and use,simply clip the DS Game Selector onto the back of your NDS Lite and plug in the connector to the game card slot.
Ergonogic design, comfortable to use and ideal for use when travelling too.
Worlds first DS Lite game selector
Simply flick the switch to change the game you are playing
Easy to fit and use
Ergonogic design, comfortable to use
Ideal for use when travelling
Priced at USD 13.42 and made by Blazepro.
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March 3rd, 2009, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new versionn of the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows:
Here's the changelog :
Fixed a bug in video memory writing.
Fixed a bug in SWI Breakpoints (now are SWI 0xFD000, 0xFC000 in ARM mode and SWI 0xFD and 0xFC in THUMB mode).
Fixed a bug when resizing debugger window.
Fixed a bug in LISTRAM_COUNT register.
Fixed a bug that occur when you load a savestate (no more lcd swapping).
Fixed bug in Display Capture feature. (DISPCAPCNT).
Fixed bug in DMAxCNT registers when starting mode is 4.
Fixed bugs in BGxCNT registers.
Fixed a bug in VRAM Display.
Fixed bug in rendering of polygons with alpha channel in textures.
Fixed bug in VRAMCNT_A and VRAMCNT_B registers.
Added SpeedUp Button (CTRL+Space Bar).
Added BKPT opcode for ARM and THUMB state.
Added Main Memory rendering (only Display Capture).
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Hackmii Team:
Yeah, I know, like I have a chance, haha.
Anyway, if you’re one of those people who are happily bundling The Homebrew Channel, Twilight Hack, warez launchers, and a whole bunch of illegal wads and IOSes, would you please stop including our stuff? You know, because our scammer friends love to link to your downloads as part of their “product”. Like homebrewinstaller, who is selling links to DJTaz’s warez launcher pack hosted on his personal pages at iol.ie. The file named 002fixGammaLoader.zip.
I know I’m not going to stop any of you guys from using our hacks to pirate games, but at least have the decency to not distribute our (OMG free!) apps and unknowingly help the scammers. It’s bad enough dealing with the stuff that they put out and host.
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Harmonix and MTV Games announced today the addition of fourteen tracks to the Rock Band Music Store catalog of downloadable content for Wii home videogame console from Nintendo, including tracks from electric blues artists Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble as well as alternative bands Jimmy Eat World and No Doubt.
All ten tracks from Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble's debut album Texas Flood (1983) will be made available in the Wii Rock Band Music Store. Tracks include the popular studio cuts of "Pride and Joy," "Texas Flood" and "Rude Mood,"as well as "Love Struck Baby," "Tell Me," "Testify," "Mary Had a Little Lamb," "Dirty Pool," "I'm Cryin" and "Lenny."
In addition, the lineup will also include "New" from the alternative rock pioneers of No Doubt. The track is featured on the band's album Return of Saturn (2000). As previously announced, the aforementioned tracks from No Doubt and Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble will also be available to Rock Band owners of Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system this week.
Wii owners can also look forward to three tracks from alternative band Jimmy Eat World including "Lucky Denver Mint" from the band's 1999 album Clarity, "Futures" (Futures, 2004) and "Sweetness" from the band's 2001 album Bleed American. The tracks come from the Rock Band Music Store catalog of downloadable content just released last week to owners of Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 system.
Wii fans can expect a rollout of previously released downloadable Rock Band content until the entire back catalogue of more than 570 songs is available. In addition, the regularly scheduled future DLC releases for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system will also be available for Rock Band 2 Wii owners soon.
Release Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009
** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change **
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Love Struck Baby"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Pride and Joy"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Texas Flood"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Tell Me"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Rude Mood"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Testify"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Dirty Pool"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "I'm Cryin"
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Lenny"
No Doubt "New"
Jimmy Eat World "Futures"
Jimmy Eat World "Lucky Denver Mint"
Jimmy Eat World "Sweetness"
(All tracks are original master recordings)
Price: $2.00 (200 Wii Points) per track
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from Wiibrew:
Version 3.5 of the System Menu was announced on March 3, 2009, by Nintendo sending notices to the Wii Message Board. (Korean Region Only As Of This Posting)
Update appears to include IOS52 (used by menu) and IOS254 (a copy of IOS9, to block PatchMii). Along with Updates to all 4X IOS versions (IOS40 IOS41 IOS43 IOS45 IOS46)
What is affected
Affected Workaround
Twilight Hack 0.1beta1 and below? - Status Unknown
PatchMii - None (yet, but should be easy)
DVDx - Status Unknown
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hell Hibou:
Wii Homebrew Launcher is an interface similar to that of the Wii menu. It allows you to start homebrew stored on your SD card in the Wii front SD slot. Each program is represented by its own customizable "channel".
A new version of Wii Homebrew Launcher is available, plus the source code of this project are now available.
As a reminder, here is a summary of the main functionalized homebrew:
Launch a homebrew Wii or ELF to DOL from an SD card, an SD-gecko, a DVD or a shared folder (Samba).
Opportunity to learn the homebrews in sub-folder (allows to set up categories Emulators, Games, eg ....)
Opportunity to start a ROM directly with an emulator developed for this purpose.
Launch a Channel on your Wii any area without having to change the area of your Wii.
Can be installed as a chain or be run directly with the fault Zelda TP (for those who do not want to install in console)
A mode 'Lite' (a kind of safe mode) is accessible by launching this homebrew from the game in Zelda TP trucsigné autoboot.
Customizable with themes
It was some time that he had not been updated and inspiration missing me, so I decided to put the sources online. This allows me to re-do the music (which had been disabled for licensing reasons) and include a loader for homebrew GameCube 'Wii GameCube Homebrew Launcher' to MegaMan. I hope that the dissemination of these inspirational source developers and that the loader will evolve.
Here is a list of changes in this version that passes for the occasion in version 1.0:
The file path dol / elf password as an argument to homebrew is correct (he pointed to the parent folder).
Various changes related to libfat.
The chain was moving subjects.
Re-activation of the music font.
The music is re-refresh when changing theme.
Pooling of some source files with the library MyFS.
Inclusion of Wii GameCube Homebrew Launcher to launch GameCube homebrew.
The GameCube loader tries again to play a DVD GameCube (better compatibility with SD-Boot) and creates a dummy if GameId
there is not in the drive.
Dissemination of sources under the GNU General Public License
Using the loader for GC homebrew
To launch a homebrew GC, you will need a patched MIOS,
be included in the 'Wii Gamecube Homebrew Launcher' to MegaMan
be included in the 'Gamecube Backup Launcher' WiiGator
Then create a folder GAMECUBE at the root of the SD card, the USB stick, DVD or the shared folder.
As for Wii homebrew, create a folder for each homebrew
Place the homebrew GC which must be in DOL only and name it BOOT.DOL
[Optional] To give a name to hombrew, title.txt create a file, edit it and enter the name you want.
[Optional] To give a specific icon, create an image 132 pixels wide and the height of which is multiple of 95. The image must be either 24-bit BMP format and named the title.bmp or PNG and appointed title.png. Copy it into the directory homebrew.
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.drunkencoders.com/
Jeff Lait, world famous author of Powder, one of the best NDS homebrew games on the DS has recently released a science fiction novel, both in print, and digital form.
The Moon Books Project has made available a version specifically formatted for viewing on the Nintendo DS, with the blessing of the author.
Visit the Menoetius website for the physical and digital versions, and the Moon Books Project for the NDS version.
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has advised people to buy a Nintendo DSi early, as demand could easily outstrip supply during the busy festive period at the end of the year.
Recent Christmases have seen Nintendo's hardware top the must-have lists, with stocks of the Wii falling short of demand consistently since its release in 2006 – and it looks like it could be a similar situation with the soon to be released Nintendo DSi.
"I always advise people to buy early," Nintendo's UK general manager David Yarnton told The Times in a recent interview, picked up by gamesindustry.biz. "One of the things that people don't seem to understand is that factories are producing constantly; they don't peak and trough. So we're producing product all the time, but then everyone wants it all at the one end of the year. It's just so hard to try and keep up."
Retailers are already reporting huge demand for the new handheld, the third iteration of Nintendo's DS hardware that introduces multimedia capabilities. It's slated for an April 3 release in Europe, with a US launch coming two days after.
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March 3rd, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from kkd
I made a game to help study kanji readings. Below is part of the instructions.
Blocks labelled with kanji fall toward the bottom of the screen. The point of the game is to shoot down the blocks with missiles labelled with pronunciations.
If a missile with an incorrect pronunciation hits a block, the block is not destroyed. If the block reaches the bottom of the screen, it explodes and causes the player damage. When the player's life bar is empty, the game ends.
In the gameplay menu, the player can control how many blocks there are and how fast they fall.
Move cursor:
Use left and right on the direction pad, or drag with the stylus.
Fire missile:
Press A or tap the space above the cursor.
Switch missile:
Press B or tap the space diagonal to the cursor.
Press Start.
The nds file is attached, as are two screenshot files. Another copy of the nds file and the source code are here:
The full instructions are at kanjistrike.sourceforge.net/readme_ds.html
IMPORTANT This must be run on a DS, not an emulator, and there must be a folder called 'ks' in the root of the flashcart. This is to allow save files to be written and stored.
Thanks very much for taking a look at my game.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Zoozen brings Wii owners the first truly realistic and professional Sports Pack. But why stop there; we have doubled most of the accessories, for the ulimate two player experience!
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
A five-year-old boy allegedly stabbed her ten-year-old sister over a Nintendo DS. The prosecutor says that little Chucky here thought the knife was part of a Power Rangers game. Yeah, let's blame games again.
It happened in Uckange, France. Apparently, the prosecutor thinks the Power Rangers may be the key to his behavior because in that game there is a part in which you have throw knives, which completely explains why a kid would try to kill her sister to get a Nintendo DS.
Fortunately, there's also another explanation: The mother—who was sleeping in the house while all this happened—was a victim of domestic violence. Whatever it was, the good news is that the life of the stabbed kid is not at risk.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Not only does the latest issue of Nintendo Power have the scoop on Excitebots, it also features the return of the game that sold a million jelly beans, A Boy and his Blob.
The classic NES adventure game A Boy and his Blob is being "reinvented" for the Nintendo Wii. So says the April issue of Nintendo Power, indicating that Pitfall creator David Crane's jelly-bean eating hero Blobert and his pal, the boy, will soon be making their triumphant return.
Remember A Boy and His Blob in NES? Then you're old! But this reinvention of the property on Wii is simply stunning.
How stunning is it? We'll have to check back on March 5th for that particular information, as right now Nintendo Power is teasing us with a blurry image of the article. That, or wait for the April issue to go on sale March 17th.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's announcement of the existence of Excitebots: Trick Racing—the sequel to Wii launch title Excite Truck—was annoyingly short on details. Consider us detail-free no more, thanks to the latest issue of Nintendo Power.
Excitebots: Trick Racing gets properly previewed in the mag's April issue, a portion of which is now available online. Don't worry, these scans are kosher, coming direct from Nintendo Power itself.
Perhaps most exciting about the Excitebots blowout is our first look at the game's visuals. Yes, you'll be piloting robot frog cars.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Before Disgaea DS and Rhapsody were even announced for Japan NIS America jumped to publish Nintendo DS games starting with Puchi Puchi Virus. I played a build of the US version a year ago, but the match-three-make-a-triangle puzzle game still hasn’t arrived in stores. What’s the deal?
We spoke with NIS America about the status of Puchi Puchi Virus and like Cross Edge it’s slated to come out sometime in May. No changes were described, but I hope they keep the localization. Star Wars, Naruto, and Adam Sandler references snuck their way in an early build.
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March 3rd, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Between all the Alex Kidd and Wonder Boy games we got a quality release that should keep you busy until the next major retro RPG. Square Enix put Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen on the Virtual Console for 800 Wii Points ($8).
First released on the Super Nintendo and later ported to the PsOne, Ogre Battle has warriors fighting against an evil empire. While the plot sounds cliche, Ogre Battle makes use of a unique real time strategy meets classic RPG combat system. It’s different from your run of the mill grid based strategy RPG and has multiple endings to find. The Super Nintendo cartridge was quite a rarity so it’s a good thing Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen is getting a digital re-release.
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Because of the invasion of the dragons, the world Eden ends up being covered by a killer flower called Furowaro. To prevent the flowers from taking over the world, expatriates are sent to defeat the dragons that currently infest the land.
Form your party with the characters you like and assign them with different job classes, each job has 30 skills, learn them all and apply them on different dragons. Given the cute character designs and the array of colors on the palette, this game is providing you with a wonderful experience in an art book.
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March 3rd, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

E.R.S. is in-game technology that helps turn novice aviators into elite pilots of the future. The Enhanced Reality System is the core of the HAWX flight experience: aircraft interception trajectories, incoming missile detection, anti-crash system, damage assessment, tactical map, and weapons trajectory control. E.R.S. also allows players to issue orders to their squadron and other units, making this system as iconic to HAWX as the Cross-Com system is to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter®!
Players can ease into their flight missions and gain a level of comfort with the use of the assistance mode. Once employed, players can take full advantage of their technological support through the E.R.S and gain maximum piloting security. If the situation calls for the player to unleash the full potential of the aircraft, the assistance mode can be switched off and all safety features will be deactivated. This comes with increased risks, but allows the player advanced dogfighting maneuvers and stunning third-person views
For the first time ever in the air-combat genre, players will be able to experience the entire solo campaign with seamless JUMP IN/JUMP OUT functionality. In PVP mode, players can challenge each other in intense dog-fighting sessions and find out who's the top gun. Winning players are rewarded with experience points and money to unlock more weapons
Players have the opportunity to take the throttle of over 50 famous aircrafts, and take them over real world locations & cities in photo-realistic environments created with the best commercial satellite data on the civilian market
As the era of the nation-state draws toward its end, the world of warfare is evolving rapidly. New challenges demand new solutions, sometimes with unpredictable outcomes.
For many years, state-sponsored militaries have struggled to maintain and modernize their forces. Increasing budget restrictions and difficulties in recruiting skilled personnel have led many countries to seek other solutions. More and more nations now rely increasingly on Private Military Companies (PMC) – elite mercenary groups staffed with equally elite personnel - to support their field operations.
PMCs have proven to be excellent partners in respect to efficiency, skills, low prices, and reliability. They’ve been able to fulfill most of the mission normally handled by regular armies, without risking political fallout.
In time, these private military corps diversified their field of operations, from mere securing land objectives to motorized assault and counter-intelligence. It was not long before a few of these PMC secured enough resources to require being involved complete support air and sea-bound operations.
With each passing year, the PMCs expand their influence and scope of activity. Initially just consultants, they are now involved in surveillance, logistics, site security, and other essential roles. In order to keep the war machine going most of the PMC warranted firms dealing with other sources of income such as mining, oil extraction, airliners, goods manufacturing etc. Ensuring a steady flow of currency allowed these companies to operate a tighter game against their opposition. Each year, they come closer to serving as fully operational field units, and their services are so widely used they’re already essential. Pandora’s Box has been opened. There’s no getting rid of the PMCs now.
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March 4th, 2009, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Leading video games publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today announced The Munchables an entertaining romp into a colorful and delicious action adventure for Wii. Exploring rich and vibrant environments, players will devour delectable enemies as they guide their quirky heroes in this zany alien munching mash-up filled with fun and addictive gameplay. The Munchables will chomp its way to stores this May.
"NAMCO BANDAI Games is thrilled to provide such a fun and exciting addition to the vast library of quality Wii titles," said Todd Thorson, director of marketing and public relations for NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. "With colorful characters and eye-popping worlds, The Munchables will delight players of all ages."
The home planet of the hungry Munchables is at stake when it is invaded by the evil Don Onion and his vicious band of space pirates. As their lively planet has been usurped, the embattled Munchables have only one hope; to devour their food enemies to grow large enough to defeat Don Onion and inevitably return peace to their captive land.
In The Munchables, players are called upon to eat and defeat over 150 insidious enemies who have taken over the planet including Eggplanter, Space Shroom and Rice Baller. With each fallen foe, the daring omnivorous Munchables grow in size and power in their brave struggle. In this tantalizingly addictive game, players can also enjoy Mirror Mode, where stages are in reverse order and they must beat the clock in order to save the world. Eating your way to take on Don Onion and his delicious minions, The Munchables will leave you hungry for more!
For more information on The Munchables, please visit: http://www.namcobandaigames.com/
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March 4th, 2009, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America officially revealed this week that the upcoming Wii boxer, Punch-Out!!, based on the classic franchise of the same name, will support multiple control options when it debuts exclusively for the platform later this year. According to the company, players will be able to use the Wii remote motion or classic control to play the game. Control descriptions below:
Motion Control (Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers)
Punch-Out!! uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to simulate throwing punches. Use the Nunchuk to throw a left punch and the Wii Remote to throw a right punch.
Classic Control (Wii Remote NES style)
Fans of the NES version and core gamers will be excited to see Nintendo has also included the option to play Punch-Out!! using the classic layout from the original NES controller. Use the 1 and 2 buttons along with the cross pad to throw hooks and jabs or to dodge.
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March 4th, 2009, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Every word's a winner in this revamped digital version of everyone's favorite word game! SCRABBLE on the Nintendo DS and PSP will offer something for every crossword puzzle fan. Fans of the traditional version of SCRABBLE can get the authentic SCRABBLE experience in Classic mode, and more experienced players can race the clock in Speed mode. Those who want a new twist on the classic SCRABBLE experience can battle it out against friends or the computer in the fast-paced SCRABBLE SLAM mode, based on the upcoming spring 2009 card game from Hasbro in which players try to be the first to discard all their SLAM cards by making four letter words. SCRABBLE SLAM will be available for the first time digitally on the handheld versions of SCRABBLE.
With six difficulty levels, SCRABBLE will also serve up a Training mode with six training exercises that enable new or rusty players to polish their skills before their first big showdown. SCRABBLE comes loaded with extras such as the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary, SCRABBLE Word Finder, which provides hints on best words, and Wi-Fi multiplayer capability (both single and multi-cart play for Nintendo DS).
Three Modes of Play
Choose Classic mode to play the timeless, traditional version of SCRABBLE.
Race the clock as you take on the computer or friends in Speed mode.
Put your skills to the test in the SCRABBLE SLAM card game, the newest take on the classic SCRABBLE experience.
Your SCRABBLE Trainer!
Like never before, you can strengthen your vocabulary, pattern recognition, and point strategies through fun and interactive training exercises.
You then can apply your newfound skills in real games against your friends and family as well as our adaptable computer A.I.
Track your progress with the game's built-in Skill Tracker and see how you've improved in each training category.
Wi-Fi Multiplayer Fun
Challenge your friends and connect with up to four players in Classic, Speed, or SCRABBLE SLAM modes.
Nintendo DS multiplayer modes include Hot Seat (multiple players passing one console), DS Download play (one-cartridge multiplayer) and Multi-Cart play (multiple cartridges allow players to customize game rules and enable additional game features).
PSP multiplayer modes include Hot Seat and Ad Hoc play (head-to-head multiplayer).
EA Brings SCRABBLE Full Circle
In 2008, EA launched authentic digital versions of SCRABBLE online at Pogo.com, three separate mobile versions on iPod, iPhone and mobile phones as well as social networking sites.
2009 rounds it out with SCRABBLE on the Nintendo DS and PSP handhelds as well as a version for Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Pricing, Rating and Availability
SCRABBLE on DS and PSP is rated "E for Everyone", will carry as MSRP of $29.99 and be in stores on March 17, 2009.
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March 4th, 2009, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Speculation is mounting this week that the Wii MotionPlus add-on will be released before the end of June, but Nintendo remains tight-lipped.
Sharp-eyed Wii watchers at GoNintendo noted today that EA's MotionPlus-compatible Grand Slam Tennis is due out in the US on 18th June - and that a recent preview in the official US magazine Nintendo Power referred to the MotionPlus as "due out prior to Grand Slam's release".
Meanwhile, another publisher with a MotionPlus-supporting project under way has told Eurogamer that it expects the add-on to launch in June as well, although as of late February Nintendo had yet to brief third parties about the exact timing.
Speaking to Eurogamer today, a Nintendo UK spokesperson said "the release date is still TBC", and anything else was "rumour and speculation".
The MotionPlus, announced at E3 last year, enhances the precision of the Wii remote, allowing games to achieve almost one-to-one movement recognition. Games that will support MotionPlus include Nintendo's own Wii Sports Resort, EA's Grand Slam Tennis, Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Ubisoft's Red Steel 2.
"With six degrees of freedom you can basically make any movement at all, and be able to track that in combination with the sensor bar and other sensors included in the Wii remote," Joe Virginia of MotionPlus developer InvenSense told Eurogamer last summer. "Add the gyroscope capability and you have the ability to work in all three dimensions of space.
"What you're looking at are golf swings; tennis rackets where you can put top-spin on balls; bowling where you can bowl curves; sword motions with forward thrusts; and in Wii Sports Resort the throttle ability."
We'll let you know more on the MotionPlus date when we hear it.
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March 4th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Majesco's official announcement for A Boy and His Blob for the Nintendo Wii comes with a little more information and twelve new screens of the beautiful game in action.
First revealed to varying degrees yesterday via Nintendo Power, A Boy and His Blob is indeed a rebirth of the classic NES adventure game, developed by Contra 4 developer WayForward. Along with the gorgeous graphical redesign, the new title expands upon the original, delivering 40 levels of gameplay filled with hidden treasures and unlockable bonus content. New jellybean flavors have been added to the games repertoire of shaft-shifting sweets, including Bubble Gum Bubble and Caramel Cannon, adding a new twist to the already tried and true experience.
A Boy and His Blob for the Wii is due out later this year in the U.S. and Europe. Until then, enjoy the 12 new jellybean-flavored screens here!
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March 4th, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
DSi software will be region locked because of the growing number of different age ratings and restrictions seen in the world’s varying games markets, Nintendo has stated.
Speaking to The Times, UK boss David Yarnton explained: “There are many different age requirements with games around the world. I’ve been involved with the industry body, and we’ve just had the Byron review, so it’s quite topical.
"As an industry, we are trying to take a responsible stance in that area, to make sure that we have people aware of what content they get, and that there is a certain amount of protection.”
Yarnton also went on to discuss the firm’s ongoing efforts to battle the threat posed to gaming from piracy, and the measures Nintendo has taken to combat it:
“The DSi has a number of enhancements to built-in security. There’s firmware that we can upgrade, to try and keep one step ahead at all times. Hopefully that will protect not only our Intellectual Property but also our publishers, who put a lot of time and investment into developing games.”
So then, what do you think of Nintendo's policy of region-locking the DSi software? Reply via comments below.
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March 4th, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has a couple new execs talking about the publisher's "cautious strategy" on the Wii -- and, by "cautious," they mean making titles that appeal to core gamers. UK General Manager Jeremy Wigmore and Marketing VP Alex Bertie tell MCV that Codemasters "can't ignore Wii," despite the publisher's emphasis on next-gen titles.
Bertie finds it "bewildering" to see what other companies are doing with Nintendo's juggernaut. He expresses that Codies isn't going to make "cheap, crappy ports" and expects the company to produce "gamer's games." Wigmore believes that other publishers constantly going to retail with a "mass-market product" only makes those games become "white noise." It'll be interesting to see if Codemasters retains its thinking about Wii after Overlord: Dark Legend releases in a few months and the publisher starts seeing sales figures.
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March 4th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster

This item found inside a Japanese crane machine by CAG's CheapyD is about as no-nonsense as anyone could want. Clearly, the title is inspired by Wii Fit, but this thing has no time for "fitness" or "health"-related euphemisms, and no interest in softening the blow.
Weight Fat Checker. It's a foregone conclusion that you are fat, and this device's function is to measure exactly how much all of your winter insulation weighs. We personally appreciate the honesty from this Wii Fit knockoff, whose actual mechanics we don't understand. Is there glass on top of the steering-wheel looking thing? Do you just balance on top of it? Update: as commenters pointed out, it's a body fat monitor. You hold it. That makes sense.
The Weight Fat is completely inspiring us to change our lifest-- oh, it comes with strawberry Hi-Chews! Delicious!
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March 4th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
A new season of Fullmetal Alchemist airs in Japan this April and a Wii game is already in the cards. A scan from this week’s issue of Famitsu reveals the game, but the teeny tiny text doesn’t offer much in details. Well, Edward is in the game, but I bet anyone could have guessed that!
I wonder who the developer is. Racjin developed most of the Fullmetal Alchemist games in the past and are a licensed Wii developer so they could be a candidate for a new Fullmetal Alchemist game. Also will this get picked up for North America? Square Enix published two of the three Fullmetal Alchemist games on the PlayStation 2 before giving up on the game that included co-op play.
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March 4th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sting is carrying their tradition of taking their franchises to mobile phones with Knights in the Regains. The game puts players in control of a wisp. Your job is to guide it around obstacles and try to beat the clock as they race through random maps. Knights in the Regains drops the strategy RPG complexity introduced in the DS game in exchange for twitch action. While this doesn’t have a place as a domestically boxed DS game Sting could have luck porting Knights in the Regains to another service like DSiWare or the PlayStation Store.
We’re not there quite yet, though. Atlus still has to bring its predecessor, Knights in the Nightmare, over here which doesn’t come out until June 2. As a bonus, Atlus is bundling the game with a soundtrack CD and if you pre-order Knights in the Nightmare you get a bonus artbook as a pre-order gift to sweeten the deal.
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March 4th, 2009, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Littlest Pet Shop Spring bounces you right into the middle of all the fun in the Littlest Pet Shop world. Add to your Littlest Pet Shop video game collection with the fourth game for the Nintendo DS! With more mini-games, accessories, and playsets, the fun keeps on growing! Explore four worlds, including a new Spring world, where you can care for and play with your pets. You can even share your pets with your friends! The more time you spend having fun with your pets, the more great stuff you unlock for your pet shop, including new exclusive pets, playsets, accessories, and more. Experience your Littlest Pet Shop in a whole new way!
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March 4th, 2009, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
newly released:

Official Mario Kart Plush Doll
Height: approx. 100mm
Limited availability
These are the supplements you get during the race in Mario Kart. They grant you temporary status effects that carries you to through the race and if used properly, you win the championship with their aid.
After the numerous candy and capsule toys that feature the drivers and the karts, it's time to pay attention to these supplements.
As a series of plush toys, they soften the tones of the room, although they would not give you status boosts as in the game, time would seem to flow faster when they are around. Brightly colored, these toys bring on a cheerful air to your room, office or car.
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March 5th, 2009, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo today sent over final retail copies of New Play Control: Pikmin and New Play Control: Mario Power Tennis in time for our review in the next few days. We have confirmed that the boxes feature double-sided liners featuring two different covers.
Though the official package artwork features "New Play Control" prominently displayed on the cover, owners of the game can opt to pull the liner out of the case and flip it to use more traditional package art for their collection:
This mirrors the Japanese release of New Play Control, which also features double-sided package artwork. Thank you Nintendo -- we definitely appreciate having the option!
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March 5th, 2009, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Beatles catalog contains some the most requested tracks for the recent Rock Band craze, so it was pretty gear when Sir Paul revealed last month that the Fab Four would finally be featured in their very own release from MTV and Harmonix. That information is, by itself, more than enough to justify our frenzied shaking and shrieking (and, yes, even some panty-throwing), there's still a lot we don't know about the game, such as which tracks will be included, where the boys will play and when the game is coming out.
Fortunately, the game's website revealed one of those answers today, letting us know that the game will be arriving not on the one after 909, but actually on 9-09 itself. Whether this is a mere coincidence or not remains to be seen, but the September release date means we've got all summer to start dating Japanese conceptual artists.
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March 5th, 2009, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
hiei03 and sonic master performs a new version of "X-Soft, an application that includes several utility incorporating the theme of windows. A lot of changes and additions for this version 7.0, not good at English I leave unchanged the changelog.
Version 7.0
Improvements provided by the authors:
* Save the settings and background of the mouse.
* The desktop icons are not ordered to move from one application to another.
* The display of information is added the color.
* The display of information A and B are to regulate the light and not to turn off the ignition.
* Limitations Added to maps.
* Now you can quit all the programs on the sides.
* Added new keyboard soft-x, and salts and re-enter the notepad where you can continue typing vat.
* Re-present the option to load the saved text in the notepad.
* Added the game pulse.
* Added the credits section.
* Added style windows 7.
* Added a calculator.
* Added nds loader, and a periodic table.
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March 5th, 2009, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days finally has a release date in Japan: May 30. Not only will Goofy fans be able to pick up the new action-RPG then (for 5,980 yen, or $60!), they will have the option of dropping even more money on the Kingdom Hearts Edition DSi bundle, which contains this specially decorated black DSi and the game, for 24480 yen ($246). Even as people not particularly into Goth Disney, we happen to think it's rather fetching!
The existence of this bundle sort of validates a rumor we received a while back: while there is a 358/2 Days DSi bundle as predicted, there has been no mention of an included Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories game nor of this special DSi having a Game Boy Advance slot. We expect that the Japanese sites would have mentioned that if it had been the case.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
While focused on little gizmos like the Palm Pre at CES, we somehow missed the opportunity to play with Nyko's Wiimote wannabe back in January. Thankfully, the peripheral company was on hand here in Germany with its full lineup, and we dropped in for a few snapshots as well as a hilarious visual demonstration of just how suitable this thing is at replacing bona fide Wiimotes. As you'll notice in the gallery below, Nintendo's version is just a smidgen taller while the Nyko edition sports a covered back that's easier to grip; outside of that, however, the two feel generally alike when held. It should be noted that the Nyko reps had outfitted the actual Wiimote with its backing in order to prevent any unwanted LCD shatterings, and hey, we can respect that. We also threw in a few shots of the Wii Wand strapped inside the now-ancient Perfect Shot gun holster -- for no other reason than to say we wielded a weapon on company time, really.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
“Wii Fit” may be the game that sells Wiis, but it’s role-playing games fans who give the console some of its heaviest use.
Role-playing game fans love the Wii, it seems.
Among the standout trends in the Nintendo Wii usage stats I’ve been tracking here each month has been the dedication that role-playing game fans show to the RPGs on the system.
Take the November-released “Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World,” which has garnered an average playing time of more than 31 hours per player among the users of Wii’s Nintendo Channel.
“Tales” isn’t alone. “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn,” released in November of 2007, has an average playing time of over 44 hours. (Maybe it’s a “Dawn” thing?)
That puts these games up with the likes of “Super Smash Brothers,” “Wii Sports” and “Animal Crossing” among the games that are in heaviest rotation among the Wii owners who have them. Maybe this is no surprise to fans of these role-playing games. The games are long, and they are designed to be finished. But, frankly, they also tend to be afterthoughts.
Few people consider the Wii to be an RPG system. Maybe sales figures bear that out. Nevertheless, the feverishness with which Wii owners play the RPGs that they do get suggests that there’s an appetite there hungry for more.
So, what’ll it be, Wii publishers? Time to test more RPGs on Nintendo’s console, perhaps.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Console giant says it's "still waiting for mobile games to happen".
Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton has said that his firm didn’t feel the need to cram its upcoming DSi handheld with the latest gadgetry seen in mobile handsets, primarily because mobile gaming is not yet a realistic rival to portable consoles.
Speaking to The Times last month, Yarnton claimed: “Mobile phone gaming has been ‘going to happen’ for a long time. We’re still waiting.
“There are always going to be competitors in certain areas.
And sometimes it can focus your attention to make sure that you do things the right way. We could have added lots of things, but then you become a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none.
“One of the things we are really honest about is that we stay faithful to our roots, of being a games company. The most important criterion is to make sure that what we’re offering can do the best games.”
Nintendo's DSi console launches next month and will offer camera, audio playback functionality and online capabilities.
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March 5th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
The camera is nifty, the sound feature is cool, but at its core the Nintendo DSi is a handheld game system. And most people are wondering whether the purchase will be worth it for exclusive Nintendo DSi games. No such retail games have been announced, but Nintendo is preparing a lineup of downloadable DSiWare software. We know what games are out in Japan, but which ones will Nintendo localize for the West?
The OFLC gives us a pretty good clue by leaking three of them: Paper Plane, Pyoro, and Clubhouse Games Express: Classic Cards. Pyoro sounds like the international name for Tori to Mame (Bird and Bean). Nintendo also used this name for the stretchy-tongue bird when he appeared in the WarioWare series. The same red bird also stars in the DSiWare game Tori to Mame.
It looks like the stripped down “Chotto” series will come over as “Express” titles. Clubhouse Games Express: Classic Cards is the first such title. Don’t be surprised to see Dr. Mario Express and eventually Planet Puzzle League Express in the future. Art Style: Decode, Wario Ware Snapped, and the freebie Moving Memo Pad have also been mentioned as DSiWare games for North America. So, it looks like Nintendo is preparing most of the initial line up of DSiWare games for an international release
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March 6th, 2009, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has officially announced Guitar Hero Modern Hits, the next GH game for Nintendo's DS. It's also officially doled out some official screens for your official enjoyment.
Yes, we know, the phrase 'modern hits' makes SPOnG suspicious, too. The announcement pegs the artists Coldplay, Fall Out Boy, Tenacious D, Weezer and The Strokes as contributors to the track list, which will comprise upwards of 25 songs.
They join Sum 41's Still Waiting, Franz Ferdinand's The Fallen and Finger Eleven's Paralyzer - tracks already revealed by the game's ESRB rating. (Yes, this has been one leaky game. It's existence was suggested even before the ESRB listing thanks to a trademark listing.)
The game will also feature a 'Fan Request' system. Activision describes it like this: "By completing Fan Requests players build their fan base and open up new challenges to rock-out like never before including jamming to an entire song in Hyperspeed, battling it out in a Guitar Duel with active Bomb Notes or whammying every single hold note in a song."
There's also mention of "exciting non-linear gameplay progression". So what does that mean? It means players can choose how they get from the garage to the stadium on their road to becoming rock gods. Clearer now? We thought not.
The game will enable players to wirelessly make use of tracks from the two previous Guitar Hero DS games, On Tour and Decades. Also on the connectivity front - expect multi-player modes.
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March 6th, 2009, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai's Wii remake of 1997 PlayStation platformer Klonoa: Door to Phantomile will be getting a European release in 2009.
The title sees you set off on a mission to save Phantomile, "a land formed by the dreams of its inhabitants, and recently besieged by an unknown evil".
You're aided in your quest by your friend Hewpoe, "a benevolent spirit who resides in the ring from which Klonoa is able to fire his Wind Bullet", a weapon that gives the character the ability to grab and inflate enemies and use them to his advantage.
"Vibrant graphics, motion control and new secrets" have been promised for the remake, which will support Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls, Wii Remote only, Classic Controller and GameCube controller.
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March 6th, 2009, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Polish your rose-tinted spectacles and set your sat nav to Memory Lane – another pair of olden days games are now available on the Virtual Console.
First up is Clu Clu Land, a maze game that first appeared on the NES. You must manoeuvre bubbles around, avoiding spiky sea urchins and defending yourself with sonic shockwaves. Yours for 500 Wii Points (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5).
For something a bit more contemporary, how about Mega Drive title Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair? Save the world of Xenobia by battling enemies, collecting power-ups and battling more enemies. A friend can join in, playing as the lovely Priscilla. The game costs 800 Wii Points (GBP 6 / EUR 8).
The new additions bring the total number of games available on the Virtual Console to 280. Crumbs.
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March 6th, 2009, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Having sold over 2.4 million copies to date in Japan, DS title Pokémon Platinum is being readied for a May 22 launch in Europe.
Basically it's a beefed-up version of the Diamond and Pearl games that released in 2007 but with an added load of features and areas to explore.
It offers "new ways to play online at the Wi-Fi Plaza over the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection and the ability to save your greatest victories in the Vs. Recorder", plus you'll get to explore a "brand new Distortion World, governed by neither time nor space".
Battling has also been updated, and you can find out more about the additional features in our previous coverage here, but be sure to check out these new screens first.
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March 6th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Apple's iPhone is quite the success story, and some of that success must be attributed to the AT&T-subsidized price tag. AT&T keeps the cost of the iPhone down at $200 in exchange for a two-year contract that locks consumers to the device (and AT&T). The company is very pleased with this approach.
"The economics for us are terrific," Glenn Lurie, AT&T's president of emerging devices, told investors.com. "We're willing to invest to get a customer."
AT&T is extending this service to netbooks from Acer and Dell, and eventually to "portable videogame machines." The only portable videogame machines we know of, besides mobile phones, are the Nintendo DS and PSP. Presumably, consumers could purchase a DS or PSP at a lower cost in exchange for signing a contract for an AT&T service of some kind.
"It's hard to pass up the siren song of subsidies," says Craig Moffett, an analyst at Bernstein Research. "The iPhone demonstrates nothing if not that American consumers will gladly sign up for higher monthly fees in return for a lower upfront sticker price on the piece of metal that service is connected to."
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March 6th, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Due to overwhelming fan demand, Arkedo Studio and Southpeak have released the soundtrack to their unique Nintendo DS shooter Big Bang Mini as a free download.
Big Bang Mini ended up being a very pleasant surprise for the DS, combining simple yet addictive fireworks launching gameplay and great use of the touchscreen to create a shooter experience that is completely unique to the handheld. The experience is greatly enhanced by the soundtrack, created by French electronic group Yubaba, Smith & Fortune, adding life and atmosphere to the game's varied levels. Now the entire soundtrack is available to download for free at the Big Bang Mini website, with 24 tracks encompassing music styles from all around the world.
To get the free soundtrack, simply head to the official Big Bang Mini website and click on the floating download link. It's 102mb of zipped auditory goodness.
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March 6th, 2009, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Watch out parents! The DSi could put your kids at the mercy of child predators alert Arkansas police.
A local news report points out the the DSi doesn't only have a web browser, but it has a web browser and an embedded camera. Cue the hyper-active alarm bells!
"Now not only can the children be contacted, but they can be asked to provide pictures, video," says Sergeant Adam Holland, who investigates internet crimes against children.
See, before parents were worried about people drawing lewd pictures on the DS's PictoChat and now they're worried about people taking them. Or something.
It's really a good thing that kids these days don't have cell phones and that cell phones don't have cameras or internet browsers!
The local news report does point out that the DSi does have parental features — such as the ability to lock out certain websites. Explains, Sergeant Holland, "If the only website you want your kids to go to is YouTube, you go into the parental lockout feature, put in YoutTube's URL, and that's the only website your kids will be able to go to."
Phew, because there's nothing inappropriate on YouTube at all. Nothing.
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March 6th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo introduces a new product, it phases out the older model. Presently, though, handheld consumers have two choices: the DS Lite or the DSi. Does that mean eventually we'll only have one choice?
When game site MCVUK ask Nintendo's David Yarnton if the company was planing on phasing out the DS Lite, he replied:
We'll let the market decide. We expect some people will upgrade, but we also anticipate that we'll win over people who were still undecided on DS — the extra features will help convince them. There's an extra incentive.
A more expensive upgrade leaves us wondering whom this is exactly an extra incentive for? Customers or Nintendo?
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March 6th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Arc Rise Fantasia, an RPG developed by Imageepoch and published by Marvelous for Wii, is nearing completion. Japan will see the game in stores on June 4 in Japan. Xseed and Marvelous USA will publish Arc Rise Fantasia in North America this year, but a specific date has not been announced.
When we spoke to Imageepoch President Ryoei Mikage he explained the story revolves around fallen dragons that contaminate the world and a mystical energy known as “Ray” that countries are fighting over. Arc Rise Fantasia uses a turn based combat system with a shared action point meter. You can expend all of your AP on L’Arc (he’s the sword wielding character wearing red) or split up AP between the three member party and set up combo attacks.
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March 6th, 2009, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Taking a cue from the Phoenix Wright series Namco Bandai is developing a courtroom drama game of their own. Yuzai X Muzai (Guilty X Innocent) puts players in a different position. You are a juror and need to analyze the presented evidence to decide if the accused is innocent or guilty. To keep the courtroom feel authentic a former prosecutor was hired to keep to supervise the game.
There are four scenarios to play and it sounds like each one will have a different path depending on the verdict you pick. If you feel like your language skills are up to par (this is going to be a text heavy game!) you can import Yuzai X Muzai on May 21. Since this was just announced for Japan it’s too early to tell if Namco Bandai will localize this, but I wouldn’t count on it.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
press release from elspa
Thousands of illegal game copying devices seized
Friday 6th March/... A raid at a detached house in Surrey has resulted in the largest seizure of its kind in the UK in the fight against illegal game copying devices. A web-based business was alleged to be importing and selling Nintendo DS™ copying devices worldwide via the internet. Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) knew something was wrong when large consignments of the illegal game copying devices started showing up at airports across the UK. These were seized and HMRC alerted IP investigators from ELSPA (the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association).
ELSPA’s anti-piracy team worked with Surrey Trading Standards culminating in the Surrey raid where they discovered thousands of game copying devices which allegedly infringe both the Trade Marks Act 1994 and Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The items have been seized and sent for forensic examination by ELSPA.
At the house investigators discovered a fully operational ‘production line’ along with a fully detailed trading history for the business. Records found at the property revealed evidence of trading worth £hundreds of thousands. A simultaneous raid at a second business premises was carried out by the Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames Trading Standards, but the premises were found to be empty.
Financial investigations have now begun with a view to restraining any assets connected with criminal conduct.
Michael Rawlinson, Director General of ELSPA, said: “This case demonstrates the enormous financial risk faced by those who import and sell illegal copying devices. ELSPA would like to thank HMRC, the thorough and professional investigation by Surrey Trading Standards department and ELSPA investigators. Together they continue to prove that increasingly pirates are paying very high prices for pursuing illegal business activities that rob our industry of their innovative IP.”
Peter Denard, Head of Surrey Trading Standards, added: “We are committed to working with ELSPA and rights owners on criminal activity of this kind. We will respond to requests where there is evidence of intellectual property theft in Surrey, which causes huge detriment to legitimate businesses. This type of crime will not be tolerated in Surrey and criminals can expect to be pursued to the full extent of the law and risk losing both their liberty and ill-gotten gains.”
The maximum penalty upon conviction for offences under the Trade Marks Act is an unlimited fine and/or up to 10 years imprisonment.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
CashMan has released Wii Quizz 2.07
Wii Quizz is a quiz/puzzle homebrew application. You can play lots of quiz modes (other modes will be added in the future).
Added new cursors (thanks DayDreamOz !)
Fixed a graphical bug : the text "Français" was not aligned in the language menu.
Downsizing Wii Quizz.
Fixed a bug with the banner of notification of a new version : it now appears in all pages of the game.
Fixed a bug with the banner of notification of a new version : it is no longer on the menu buttons.
Fixed a bug with the banner of notification of a new version : it disappeared at an activity with the server.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jon Conrad
Here is a remake of the classic Apple ][ game. I loved this game as a kid. I hope you like it.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pinecone
MyLittleBall (the most unfortunately titled form of entertainment since the console on which it is played) is the game that puts you, the player, in the position of a bouncy little red ball with an undying urge to further elevate himself by means of randomly arranged platforms.
Challenge a friend and then try to defend your high-score by blasting him off the screen!
Date Released: 06/03/09
2 player mode! Features:
Starts automatically when 'B' is pressed in gameplay
Point at screen and drop bombs on Ball!
Removed some debugging information
Made 'cheating' nearly impossible
Basic framework for internationalisation, but alternative languages not yet supported.
Added some translations to XML description
Sound effects finally implemented
'Falling platforms' animation added
Used a GRRLIB fix to strange images appearing on start-up
Optimization on storing high scores
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March 6th, 2009, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Sonic and Master Almamu create a first draft of "HyBBoX" which is an adaptation of the universe "Habbo" virtual world where you can meet new people. This version proposes the creation of a customizable character and the purchase of multiple items, the online mode via wifi should make its appearance soon.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Albinofrenchy has posted a new version of the release for the DS:
A new release! This one is mostly a bug fix and a clean up of all the old functionality. This includes:
Made the zoom functionality more intuitive based on feedback I got from alot of you. Now you draw a box around what you want to see on the DS. It will use the current orientation and come up with a zoom that fits that box to the DS screen. Try it out, if you don't get it or plain don't like it, leave me some feedback.
Made the screen dim whenever you go to open a new file or you open the mini document view.
Changed the old god-awful icon to the new god-awful icon for the mini document view. Its now a magnifying glass.
Made the current location on the page reset when you go forward or backward a page.
The page number now appears in the little bar on the bottom/left.
Thats all the big stuff, and covers alot of ground in terms of the feedback I've been getting.
The controls are largely unchanged, but I'll post them here for completeness sake:
'X' changes the orientation of the page. Starts off in 'book' style orientation.
Right and Left shoulder go to the next or previous page.
Start brings up the dialog to open a new file.
Select toggles whether or not to show debug messages. Most users won't want this.
'B' resets the zoom to the default value of 100%.
One of the peices of feedback I've gotten has to do with this control layout. I want to get a good feel for what people think would be the best way to go on this before I just start changing stuff. What do you think the controls should be? What other controls would you want to see added?
The next major feature, and major release, is going to involve a reader mode. As it is, this pdf reader is great for viewing and looking at PDF's, and perhaps even grabbing some key facts from it, but noone is going to read a 100 page e-book in it. You'd get arthritis from so much scrolling and the rendering is so slow as to make it really annoying.
Instead, the plan is to allow you to be able to choose a viewing mode where you can display the textual blocks of a PDF document on its own screen. You'll lose the formatting from the PDF document, but then you'll be able to fit the text in the DS nicely. And if you want to see the formating, just pop back into the normal viewing mode and you'll have the experience that exists now!
Would this be something you'd want? Leave a comment if you have ideas on how to make this feature work like you'd want or if you just think its a good idea.
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March 6th, 2009, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight has released a new version of his Media Playing OS/Shell for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
beta.6.1 has been updated again. Mechanism to conflict with the memory check and fix a bug that has been unable to launch some of the adapters.
Fixed a bug package is critical that you destroy the disk if you have less disk space. I'm sorry to call us, please be sure to update it so strongly that rather fatal bug.
The M3 Sakura is a bug fix firmware, M3 regular dealer (MediaForce Official M3 Sakura Corporation or HP or M3 shops, etc.) then please contact下SARU. Moonlight has not been tested M3 at Sakura.
Also, MoonShell1.71 a variety of packages are often included with a firmware MAJIKON, MoonShell to be used (only if one exists) will not conflict with the bug will be addressed very It is safe to.
Promptly and fully, the only fixed a fatal bug (there was to be published) is insufficient because the debug version for additional features. Available to us and tell us if any bugs. Morale is not too much (I'm tired now PATORA wry smile (snip
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March 6th, 2009, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
In his latest "Iwata Asks" column at nintendodsi.com, the Nintendo President hosts a Q&A session with the team that worked on the DSi's internet browser.
It was a priority for the team to get the DSi browser to run quickly and smoothly. The team came up with the slogan, "Make it snappy!" An almost simultaneous response time of 1/60 of a second was the goal. Some "fun" and "convenient" ideas were dropped in order to ensure a snappy browser. If a webpage is loading slowly, the DSi will still show the user something moving so that they aren't left hanging, wondering if the page will ever show up. The effect is similar to what you find on the Wii internet channel.
Satoshi Furukawa, the team member in charge of creating the DSi browser, said it has more of the "Nintendo touch" than the original DS browser did. When asked to describe his definition of this touch, he said "it's the aggregate of characteristics that aren't quite visible to the eye, such as how satisfying the unit's response is when you press a button and the speed when you scroll." Furukawa likes the idea of children experiencing the internet for the first time on their DSi.
Webpages are displayed in one of two ways on the DSi, as they were on the DS. The page can be displayed either as it would on a personal computer, or the words can be wrapped to fit neatly on the DSi screen. Users can switch between these two modes on the fly.
The DS would display an entire webpage on the top screen and an enlarged image on the bottom. You could flip the two, but the images would simply switch positions. Now on the DSi, the transition is animated so that the screens shrink and enlarge. Another new feature is the ability to highlight words on a page with the stylus and perform a search for them.
The team is happy with its results, believing the DSi browser to be easier and faster to use than other handheld devices on the market.
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March 7th, 2009, 10:07 Posted By: wraggster
Though we're usually reticent to make a connection between ravenous undead hordes and happiness, Capcom's Resident Evil franchise has proven adept at uniting dire consequences with gaming euphoria. With Resident Evil 5 set to launch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on March 13th, Wii owners may have felt somewhat left out of all the neck-chomping fun.
While submitting that Resident Evil 5 "pushes the boundaries of graphics and gameplay," Capcom's Associate Product Marketing Manager, Matt Dahlgren, had something more to say when prodded about a Wii version. "It was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3," he told our correspondent, Xav de Matos, at a recent Capcom event in Toronto. "That being said, Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon."
When asked if we could expect an announcement during this month's GDC or E3 later this year, Dahlgren only offered, "Very soon." The exact nature of this impending happiness is up for speculation (examples: Biohazard 0's Wii port coming stateside! A remake! Umbrella Chronicles 2!), so we'll leave that to you.
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March 7th, 2009, 10:15 Posted By: wraggster
it's Saturday Time for TELL US DAMMIT, a day late and a dollar short. Oh my.
Here's how it works: We ask a question, you answer it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some marketing survey or whatever. It's an emotional investment in you. Yes, we're interested in knowing you, reader person.
You probably know oodles about us - more than you even want to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to know about you. That way you won't be some faceless blob - and we might feel a tinge of guilt when we ban your ass. Or not, because really we're incapable of human emotion.
Question: Next week, Wii title MadWorld will be released in the U.S. Everyone's quite excited! What we want to know: What is the last Wii game you bought and when?
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March 7th, 2009, 10:17 Posted By: wraggster
Look, Bubble Bobble Plus has always been on track for an international release. An ESRB leak (thanks Justin!) just reaffirms Bub is coming to our shores sometime in the future.
Also found on the ESRB is a rating for Silver Star Chess, a WiiWare chess game published by Electronic Arts in Japan. Agetec, who has been very quiet recently, will publish it here.
I know you must be jumping out of your seat because a WiiWare chess game is coming, but seeing Agetec license Silver Star chess is more interesting than the actual release. Plenty of small Japanese publishers released titles on WiiWare which have been for Japan only since they don’t have an international base. Silver Star Chess, even though it’s published by a local US company, was one of WiiWare’s orphaned games. Now we know Agetec is starting to look at licensing some of these games. Perhaps, they will be brave enough to pick up Sorcery Blade or the wacky Shootanto.
Sudoku - We All Play and Battle Poker sound like other WiiWare leaks from the ESRB. See if you can match the description with the title.
This is a puzzle game in which players arrange groups of jumbled cards to create five-card poker hands. Players earn points for each hand created and are rewarded more points for higher five-card combinations.
This is a puzzle game in which players assign numbers to a grid to solve various mathematical sequences. The game provides varying degrees of difficulty along with thousands of number grids.
Easy right?
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March 7th, 2009, 10:19 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix eager to remind us about Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days uploaded a new old video. Sounds paradoxical, but this clip was shown at some other event since the tail end says coming in spring when we know the exact release date is May 30.
Still always nice to see four player wireless footage of Organization XIII even if the screens are contained in a rotating polygon.
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March 7th, 2009, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
One of the key elements in Avalon Code is the Book of Prophecy. This item starts the quest and it’s your job to mark items worth saving into the books pages for the new world. The book is also used as a weapon since you can hit monsters with it and rearrange their weaknesses. Players do this by switching code fragments with the stylus.
In the early stages of development Avalon Code’s Book of Prophecy was a virtual book. “The inspiration [for the Book of Prophecy] actually came from the DS game system itself,” Yoshifumi Hashimoto, Scenario Writer and Producer at Marvelous Entertainment, explains. “When you hold the DS sideways it looks like a notebook, so I thought it’d be fun to write things in there. From that concept I thought of making a game that you can rewrite what happens in the game.”
Unlike the final game Hashimoto envisioned players would actually write and edit text in the book. “I thought it would be fun to see an enemy that read ‘Fire resistant monster’ and erase the ‘Fire’ to make it an ordinary monster.”
What do you think of the theoretical system Hashimoto described? Would you want a book you could write in or is flipping codes more efficient?
On Monday we’ll have more about Avalon Code where Hashimoto shares his thoughts about the combat system and details the game’s romance system.
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March 7th, 2009, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
Roboprez has released App Viewer v0.1:
App Viewer is an application written in flash (used as an .exe) that displays the icon and .xml data from apps stored on an SD card.
Run the .exe (Even though it's in flash it can't be run in a browser so it's better to be a .exe). If you put the .exe on the root of the SD card click the button SD root, If you put it the apps folder click 'apps' folder and if it's somewhere else click Other and type the drive letter assigned to the SD card. In the textbox that by default says 'homebrew_browser' write the folder name that the application has given its self and click go. The information should be displayed or ERROR! will be displayed in the name field.
At this stage you need to input the folder name to get the information. If anyone is able to help me find a way to get flash to workout what applications are there it would be much appreciated.
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March 8th, 2009, 10:52 Posted By: wraggster
It's been a while since we've seen anything out of High Voltage's little-shooter-that-could, The Conduit -- a problem that was expediently rectified on last night's episode of GameTrailers TV. In addition to the revelation that the game won't support Wii MotionPlus but will allow users to chat via Wii Speak, the latest trailer for the shooter, titled "Conspiracy," was aired.
In addition to showing a sizable chunk of gameplay, the trailer (which we've posted after the jump) gives further hints regarding the game's plot. Here's what we've pieced together: There's a conspiracy (Aliens? Illuminati? Grassy Knoll?), which appears to be causing protagonist Michael Ford to have a very bad day.
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March 8th, 2009, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kwirk
This program is a modification of custom ios module by neimod, implementing a usb2 (ehci) driver instead of the oh0 module.
added libcios, to avoid (source) code duplication between modules and iostester
corrected some bugs in the original code (stack address pointed to the begginning of actual memory allocation, but needed to be at the end.)
added tinyehci, a minimal generic ehci driver based on linux ehci-hcd driver.
added oh0module, which implements the oh0 ios messages with tinyehci, and new usbstorage messages for even better
added patchmii installer
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March 8th, 2009, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
djidane produces a small update for its fighting game 2D "Melty Blood DS", note that this version is still a demo.
06/03: ~ ~ VERSION 0.2
Not much new for this release. I missed time recently and the leap took me considerable time.
- Adjust the speed of walking
- Vertical jump (with a possible small movement in the air)
- Double jump
- Vertical Scrolling
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March 8th, 2009, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
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March 8th, 2009, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat has released RedSquare 0.91:
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly! Created by wplaat ( www.plaatsoft.nl).
The following change were made:
08/03/2009 Version 0.91
- Upgrade GRRLIB graphical render engine from v3.0 to v4.0.
- Improve intro screens.
- Added play time information on game screen.
- Added fps (frame-per-second) information on all screens.
- Added screen shot functionality. Press the plus button to make a screen shot picture.
- Pictures are stored on the SD Card in the following directory sd:/apps/RedSquare
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March 8th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax ((thanks also for the image)

MEZ launches first alpha version of The Legend of Hyrule, like zelda designed with Virtual Game Maker DS.
Loh 1.Put the folder in the root of flash cart
VGRD 2.Put the rom in your games folder
3.Remove your USB flash cart reader
4.Switch on your DS open VGRD
5.Then it should come up with a selection screen
Loh then select folder, after that it should come up with
the game!
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March 9th, 2009, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Two old favorites return in this week's Wii Update, with the rebirth of Konami's classic shooter, Gradius, and the re-release of Sega's Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars.
Gradius ReBirth (1,000 Wii points) is a remix of Konami's classic shoot em up series. Players get five levels worth of frantic shooter action, which can be played in their entirety with unlimited continues in standard mode, or taken on in Score Attack mode, where players have a single credit to beat the game. Score Attack mode also supports online leaderboards, and the kids do love online leaderboards.
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (500 Wii points) is of course the classic Sega Master System platformer, released on the Virtual Console in its original glory.
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March 9th, 2009, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all from now on this Nintendo64 Homebrew site will also feature the following Nintendo consoles, the Snes and Nes and also Virtual Boy and any emulators/homebrew that are released for them.
the next update of the site will have new sections for each console.
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March 9th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all from now on this GBA Homebrew site will also feature the gameboy and any emulators/homebrew that are released for it from now on.
the next update of the site will have new sections for each console.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Unique motion-sensing controls have already helped to make Wii the nation's top-selling video game console. With today's launch of the New Play Control! series from Nintendo, Wii owners can use those same fun, intuitive controls to discover – or rediscover – some of the coolest and most well-received games made famous on the Nintendo GameCube system, each updated with a new wireless, active control scheme and a widescreen presentation.
New Play Control! Pikmin and New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis are the first two games in this new series, taking all the action and imagination of the originals and giving them a new control scheme. Not only do both new games make use of Nintendo's simple-to-use Wii Remote controller, but they're also presented for the first time ever in an eye-pleasing 16:9 widescreen format.
"On all of its platforms, Nintendo has consistently delivered irresistible games that fans can enjoy for years on end," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "With the New Play Control! series, we're giving Wii users new ways to tap into some great titles using the latest and greatest controls."
New Play Control! Pikmin puts players in the role of Captain Olimar, a space traveler who's stranded on a strange alien planet. Only an army of quirky creatures called Pikmin can help him repair his ship and survive the elements. With New Play Control! enhancements, players can now maneuver and command up to 100 Pikmin with a point of the Wii Remote controller, dodging obstacles and foes while working toward a heroic escape. Visit www.Pikmin.com to learn more.
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis finds Nintendo's superstar plumber storming the court for some outrageous tennis action, joined by a roster of his unpredictable pals. Building on the skills they've honed with the Wii Sports video game, players can now use the Wii Remote controller like a tennis racket to make characters hit forehand or backhand, applying spin and charging up to perform devastating special moves. Seasoned pros can even attach the Nunchuk controller for added precision as they play their way through traditional matches, mini-games and crazy Gimmick Courts. Visit www.MarioTennis.com to learn more.
Forthcoming New Play Control! titles include New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, scheduled for release on May 4. Whereas the original version had players beating on a pair of bongos to drive Donkey Kong through wild jungle activities, the New Play Control! edition lets players use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to enjoy the game's rollicking rhythmic challenges.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
According to research done by Matt Matthews at Gamasutra, the Guitar Hero World Tour full band kit sells surprisingly well, making up 41 percent of the game's units sold from October 2008 to January 2009, based on figures from Michael Pachter at Wedbush Morgan Securities. 35 percent of the units sold are the guitar bundle while 24 percent of the units are the standalone game. Matthews comments on how impressive it is that, despite the harsh economic times and other plastic instruments saturating the market, the band kit still sells the most units during its launch and the following months.
By estimating the game's revenue by type, it's also clear that the band kit pulls in the most money with 61 percent of total revenue in the aforementioned time frame, according to Matthews. But only time (and educated guesses) will tell how future rhythm games will sell in these troubled times.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Nicalis, developer of Cave Story, has announced on its official blog that the team is now in crunch mode and expects to release the game in either late April or early May. The online manual is being written, final testing is in progress, and all of the new artwork is being scrutinized. The audio guys are working on a speed synthesizer that will sing lyrics over each song in the game. Also mentioned are plans for downloadable content.
Cave Story originally appeared as a freeware PC game in 2004 and is now being produced for WiiWare. It features classic platforming gameplay similar to Blaster Master or Super Metroid.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MetaFight
Shiny Red Tank is eventually going to become an old-school platformer including elements from my favorite 8-bit and 16-bit games. It is in very early stages of development and still has quite a few bugs, but you should be able to get a pretty good idea of the game mechanics.
The game map is currently limited to a test area. Since I'm horribly slow at making my own graphics, the current graphics are very limited. Also, I haven't gotten around to implementing sound yet.
So, in short, this project still has a long way to go.
I hope you enjoy it!
-- MetaFight
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March 9th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from The_Lemon_Man
signCheck is a homebrew application wich checks if your ioses can use the fakesigning. Uses TMD and TIK forging by patchmii, SU ident by Any Region Changer.
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March 9th, 2009, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from strata8
Unreleased, until now.
Well, as you know, my last Parallel Worlds release was Alpha 3, but I actually made two more versions, Alpha 4, and Alpha 5, both of which were only released unofficially to the people on the PAlib IRC channel. I have now decided to release it, as version 0.1 final (the next release), will use the same engine as I will use for SSBR.
New features in this version:
Heaps of bugs fixed, there should really be nothing wrong now, apart from collision errors
Kirby is now the character, instead of Mario
4 stages, including the first Jelli level
Menu placeholder, really does nothing at the moment. I've stopped working on it, for now.
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March 10th, 2009, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
According to a recent IGN podcast, Nintendo is having problems in development of Wii MotionPlus. "Hiccups" need fixing.
Kotaku points out that the "Spring 2009" release for Wii Sports Resort has been quietly adjusted to just "2009." But with a few different companies bragging about their MotionPlus functionality for games hitting around June, coupled with the pretty extensive hands-on with the peripheral we were allowed almost a year ago, it's hard to believe that technical glitches could be all that devastating at this point in time.
If anything, it seems like IGN is confirming what we already suspected after Nintendo kept so quiet since E3. Wii MotionPlus was delayed. Now it's on schedule for a June-ish release.
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March 10th, 2009, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
The Conduit's contribution to the Wii library is exciting. It's easy on the eyes, seems like a smart publishing decision by Sega, and planned for Wii Speak and Wii MotionPlus support from the get-go.
For better or worse, Wii MotionPlus support has since been dropped from The Conduit, a seemingly curious decision for a first-person shooter. 1UP decided to find out, straight from High Voltage Software, why the Wii game has shunned the Wii Remote add-on.
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March 10th, 2009, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
A Fullmetal Alchemist game is coming to the Wii. Unlike the other Fullmetal Alchemist games from Square Enix this doesn’t look like an alchemic beat ‘em up. Fullmetal Alchemist: Prince of Dawn is being billed as an “adventure / anime” game that captures your senses. Players us commands like talk, look, and touch to interact with the world and gather clues. During missions the motion controls are used. A screenshot shows us an example of the remote being used as a screwdriver to tweak auto-mail.
The other screenshots suggest this is going to be a story based game. Square Enix says the game will connect to the new anime series somehow, but doesn’t explain how. While this might be tempting to import you might want and see how text heavy this is. We’ll keep following Fullmetal Alchemist: Prince of Dawn as it marches towards a scheduled summer release in Japan.
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March 10th, 2009, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Making the most of their licensing agreements, Sega is preparing their yearly Nintendo DS Bleach game. Details about Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer are scarce since the announcement comes from a teaser site. The first two Bleach DS titles were Treasure developed fighting games while Bleach DS: The 3rd Phantom was a strategy RPG.
What will Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer be? Post your guess in the comments!
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March 10th, 2009, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Stephen Totilo over at MTV has been tracking the usage stats of Wii games religiously for the past few months now. Using data he extracts from the Wii Usage stats obtained from Nintendo’s online service, Stephen has been piecing together just what games Wii owners spend time with (those of them that allow for their stats to be recorded anyway), and what games they enjoy.
This month, he discovered something very interesting. Something that a lot of us Wii owners have known for a while, but apparently, developers had no clue: Wii owners seem to love role-playing games. Says Stephen:
Among the standout trends in the Nintendo Wii usage stats I’ve been tracking here each month has been the dedication that role-playing game fans show to the RPGs on the system. Take the November-released “Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World,” which has garnered an average playing time of more than 31 hours per player among the users of Wii’s Nintendo Channel. “Tales” isn’t alone. “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn,” released in November of 2007, has an average playing time of over 44 hours. (Maybe it’s a “Dawn” thing?)
He goes on:
Few people consider the Wii to be an RPG system. Maybe sales figures bear that out. Nevertheless, the feverishness with which Wii owners play the RPGs that they do get suggests that there’s an appetite there hungry for more.
Of course, we’re going to be seeing quite a few RPGs on Wii in the near future. Crystal Bearers, Monster Hunter Tri and Arc Rise Fantasia are a few off the top of my head, but there are more coming. If you look at Stephen’s stat analysis for March (linked to above), you’ll see good playtimes for Okami and Call of Duty as well. Developers might want to keep an eye on his column if they aren’t already. Nintendo’s stat-tracking service is genuinely useful for developers planning their next project.
This post is secretly a hint to Namco that they need to localize Fragile, stat. No, we don’t want an English dub.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Set for release this fall, the Wii version of EA’s universe-creating “Spore” is designed for adventure and a heavy use of motion control.
Few games have transitioned from the PC to the Wii. There is no “World of Warcraft” Wii, no “Company of Heroes” Wii, not even — yet — a “Peggle” Wii. But EA has been trying, first with “MySims” for Nintendo’s home system and, coming this fall, “Spore Hero.”
New parts, new controls.
EA has shed almost no light on “Spore Hero” since announcing it in January as part of the 2009 line-up of “Spore” spin-offs. MTV Multiplayer can change that today.
Last month in Las Vegas, I met with the general manager for EA’s “Spore” and “Sims” studio, Lucy Bradshaw, who talked to me, among other things, about how “Spore” for the Wii is taking shape.
Bradshaw said that this “Spore” for the Wii was built from the ground up. She described a game comprised of a significantly beefed-up version of “Spore”’s creature stage, served with a heavy helping of motion control.
The game brings the PC game’s full creature editor and procedural animation system, enabling gamers to assemble their beasts from a Potato-Head’s worth of parts. The mouse-driven interface of the editing tools in the PC game turns into a pointer-driven interface for the Wii.
Players have direct control of the lifeform they are shaping. Adding parts to the creature adds new motion-controlled maneuvers customized to the player’s creature. New parts, new controls. “That’s really fun to take advantage of,” Bradshaw said. “With the controls of the mouse, it’s point and click and you do feel a distance. Now we’re in there and it’s just really fun as you gain new abilities.” She suggested that dancing and singing were just some classic “Spore” behaviors that would be more fun driven by a Wii remote than by the click of a computer mouse.
“When you see the game, you’ll go, ‘Oh yeah, that’s definitely a Nintendo Wii game.’”
The PC “Spore” started in the primordial ooze of its Cell stage, graduating to a primitive 3D action game in the Creature stage before evolving into strategic Tribe, City and Space stages. Bradshaw said that this game, which won’t connect to the PC version, operates in just that creature slice but still presents an expansive evolution-based experience. “Your planet that you’ve lived on has had a catastrophic event and you’re essentially plummeting to a new planet on the tail of a meteor,” she explained. “You arrive there and you start encountering new creatures. This is a new planet that you’ve got to make as your own. So you start in a series of quests and adventures in a kind of open world that you can take at your own pace. You start encountering other creatures and can interact with them in either combat or social [ways], but you can also do things on their behalf.”
Some quests help the player’s creature evolve. Others, called Evolutionary Quests, require your creature to meet the needs of other species and guide those beast’s evolution. So you’ll be shaping not just your species but a menagerie of planetary lifeforms. Gaining an ability for your own creature, like jump, might allow access to otherwise unreachable areas. In that regard, exploration of the terrain is encouraged in ways that “Spore” PC did not. Said Bradshaw, “We’ve brought in action quests [consisting] of games that you play in the overall landscape of the creature that really do take advantage of those evolutionary steps that you’ve taken.”
While no screenshots have been released of the game yet, Bradshaw described a cheerful experience that suits Nintendo’s image. “This is very playful,” she said, explaining why the game wasn’t slated for, say, the PlayStation 3. “It takes advantage of the controls explicitly. And even stylistically, when you see the game, you’ll go, ‘Oh yeah, that’s definitely a Nintendo Wii game.’” As for the controls, she said that the team is “taking a look” at the Motion Plus option for even better Wii motion-sensitivity than what is available directly out of the box.
This Wii debut for “Spore” is sounding to be more like an action-adventure driven by the changing shape of life than the cell-to-stars skip through evolution that the original “Spore” was.
“Spore Hero” is one of the many Wii titles from EA, which has pledged to back Nintendo’s console in 2009 in ways that could rival even the house of Mario itself. It is slated for a fall release, alongside “Spore Hero Arena,” a companion game for the Nintendo DS.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Emergent Game Technologies today announced that they have integrated NVIDIA's PhysX technology with the Gamebryo development platform on Wii. The integration gives Wii developers "an unprecedented level of physics support to make more immersive and interactive titles."
"With our launch of Gamebryo LightSpeed we wanted to create the most flexible, powerful and user friendly environment for game developers possible," said Geoffrey Selzer, CEO, Emergent Game Technologies. "The performance of PhysX is well known and with NVIDIA's commitment to tools, partners and this integration relationship we are offering the industry an unparalleled solution."
"The response we've gotten from the development community since we first began working with Emergent has been incredible," said Roy Taylor, vice president of content relations at NVIDIA. "Our shared approach of creating world class technology that is customized to each platform to obtain the highest level of performance has been very successful. The titles being developed using PhysX and Gamebryo are going to set the benchmarks for achievement in game development."
The PhysX integration for Gamebryo on Wii follows Emergent's recent announcement of Gamebryo LightSpeed, which was designed to help speed up the development process with faster prototyping and iteration, and real-time updates.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

The Classic Controller is equipped with Turbo function,which cab be set on each button (a,b,X,Y,L,R,).The Turbo speed can be adjusted to two stages (about 20 times and 10 times for one second).
It is the best analog controller,matchn with the best soft and for GameCube too.It is easy to use.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

Fresh powder, miles of pristine slopes and unstoppable winter fun drift onto the Nintendo Wii in this exciting, fun and feature-packed snowboarding and skiing sequel to the critically acclaimed We Ski.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

You run the Krusty Krab! When Mr. Krabs agrees to a cook-off to decide who gets to cater The Big Beach Party, you need to help SpongeBob train a group of Plankton?s cousins to b ecome the b est chefs in Bikini Bottom! Lead the restaurant to success by picking the b est menu, stepping in to directly create dishes wi th stylus-controlled mini-games, and guiding SpongeBob ?s staff to victory!
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March 10th, 2009, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

Sonic’s storybook series, which kicked off with the hit Sonic and the Secret Rings, continues in a fast-paced, sword-filled action adventure! In Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic is drawn into the rich, colorful world of King Arthur’s Camelot by the granddaughter of the legendary wizard Merlin who asks him to harness the power of a sacred sword. The heroic hedgehog must fight off the fearsome knights, avoid obstacles and unravel the mystery of a villain who threatens the very existence of Camelot. Designed exclusively for Wii, Sonic and the Black Knight brings a new twist to Sonic gameplay with frenetic swordplay, making full use of the intricate controls of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
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March 10th, 2009, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Stylus, 2 player duel mode
Launch your ball at pegs, bricks, and obstacles to clear levels and challenges. Meet all 10 fantastic Peggle Masters, complete 2 full adventure modes, encounter 120 levels, experience the all-new DS-exclusive Bonus Underground, and try your hand at 90 challenge stages to complete your trophy room & reign as the Grand Master of Peggle Dual Shot!
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March 10th, 2009, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Full details on your Pikmin helpers. What each color can do, what the buds on their heads mean, how to cultivate them, and how to order them to complete tasks.
Maps and charts for every area show all Rocket Parts, obstacles, and the best paths to take. Know where you're going and what you'll find when you get there!
Complete entries on all enemies. When they appear, what they can do to your Pikmin, and which tactics are most effective against them.
The new Wii controls covered completely. Learn how to use the Wii controllers to effectively order your Pikmin helpers and get Olimar back into space!
Platform: Wii
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March 10th, 2009, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
The dolphin team have released a new version of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows:
- Anti-Aliasing support in the GL plugin;
- major advance in wii emulation (wiios works);
- better regional support;
- usual bug fixes.
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thanks emurussia for the newstip.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
The dolphin team have released a new version of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows:
- Anti-Aliasing support in the GL plugin;
- major advance in wii emulation (wiios works);
- better regional support;
- usual bug fixes.
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thanks emurussia for the newstip.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
You might recall rumours of a Silent Hill remake heading toward both Wii and PSP, following website VG247's recent noises regarding secret toil happening down at developer Climax's UK studio.
Well, the British Board of Film Certification (eagle-eyed overseas readers might more readily remember it as the entity which twice banned Rockstar's Manhunt 2 in the UK) has added weight to rumours by publishing certification details for a new Silent Hill game, submitted by Konami and classified on March 9, 2009.
That - '15'-rated - certification covers various components, listed on the game's BBFC classification page, including the game itself, plus numerous video submissions. With names like "BAD+ ENDING PT.1.WMV", these are clearly cut-scene elements.
According to the BBFC's extended classification information, "SILENT HILL is a horror / survival game that is played from the third person perspective. It was originally released on the Sony PlayStation in 1999. The player assumes the role of Harry Mason, a writer who has visited the town of Silent Hill with his young daughter, Cheryl. Following a car crash Harry regains consciousness to discover that Cheryl is missing."
So yes, it's a version of the franchise's seminal first outing but, with no mention of remakes or specific formats, it's still entirely open to speculation as to exactly what this recent content submission refers to. Obviously, expect more information as and when we get it.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In light of recent rumours, Nintendo has told CVG that Wii MotionPlus technically isn't delayed because it was never officially dated.
The new motion-sensing peripheral was widely expected to release this spring - when Nintendo had originally dated the peripheral's showcase title, Wii Sports Resort, to hit shelves.
Wii Sports Resort, however, recently dropped off Nintendo release shedules, and rumours suggest Nintendo is still ironing out some creases with the new MotionPlus tech, which may see its release fall beyond June.
But a Nintendo rep told CVG: "No date was ever announced for MotionPlus - so technically it can't be delayed."
Doesn't sound like it'll be out any time soon.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
VBA1.7.2-re-recording19.4 is the re-recording branch of VisualBoyAdvance.
This is the development project for this branch of VBA. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Assisted movies.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) announced today that Little League World Series Baseball 2009, the sequel to 2008's acclaimed hit baseball game, will be released this June for Wii and Nintendo DS. The title is a natural progression for the franchise, offering Little Leaguers and their families more features and refined, accessible gameplay.
"We are very proud of the warm reception our first Little League baseball video game received last year," said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. "Little League World Series Baseball 2009 aims to broaden the franchise's appeal even wider, giving experienced gamers a sense of depth and to feel more challenged while still making it easy for parents or grandparents to pick up and play!"
Little League® World Series Baseball 2009 is the second officially licensed Little League video game for next-generation consoles, and once again it is being developed by world renowned Japanese studio NOW Production. Players will have the chance to become a Little League World Series baseball Champion, or play with up to three other friends in a variety of exhibition modes. New features include a full team editor, regional tournaments, all new stadiums, new skills challenges, an expanded set of collectible content and much more. Both versions improve upon the popular motion and stylus controls, respectively, for batting and pitching.
"The response to last year's game was phenomenal, and Little League fans have been enthusiastic in giving us ideas for the 2009 version," Jud Rogers, Sr. Marketing Executive, Little League International. "Activision and NOW Production are the best partners imaginable and we look forward to creating the best family-friendly baseball game of all time."
For more information, visit www.activision.com.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) announced today that Little League World Series Baseball 2009, the sequel to 2008's acclaimed hit baseball game, will be released this June for Wii and Nintendo DS. The title is a natural progression for the franchise, offering Little Leaguers and their families more features and refined, accessible gameplay.
"We are very proud of the warm reception our first Little League baseball video game received last year," said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. "Little League World Series Baseball 2009 aims to broaden the franchise's appeal even wider, giving experienced gamers a sense of depth and to feel more challenged while still making it easy for parents or grandparents to pick up and play!"
Little League® World Series Baseball 2009 is the second officially licensed Little League video game for next-generation consoles, and once again it is being developed by world renowned Japanese studio NOW Production. Players will have the chance to become a Little League World Series baseball Champion, or play with up to three other friends in a variety of exhibition modes. New features include a full team editor, regional tournaments, all new stadiums, new skills challenges, an expanded set of collectible content and much more. Both versions improve upon the popular motion and stylus controls, respectively, for batting and pitching.
"The response to last year's game was phenomenal, and Little League fans have been enthusiastic in giving us ideas for the 2009 version," Jud Rogers, Sr. Marketing Executive, Little League International. "Activision and NOW Production are the best partners imaginable and we look forward to creating the best family-friendly baseball game of all time."
For more information, visit www.activision.com.
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March 10th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Penguin United is doing its part to contribute to the world of video game sports by offering the ultra soft Safe Sports Pack for Nintendo Wii. Designed for comfort and versatility, the Safe Sports Pack provides consumers with a three-in-one kit for tennis, golf and baseball games for Nintendo Wii. The Safe Sports Pack is a must-have for any serious fan of Wii sports.
The Safe Sports Pack adds realism and improves game play to any tennis, golf or baseball video game for Nintendo Wii. The Safe Sports Pack's ultra soft design is child-safe, extremely durable and has a suggested retail price of only $29.99.
"In terms of comfort and game play, the Soft Sports Pack is perfect for Wii sports fans," stated Richard Huang, Penguin's President. "Each attachment -- for tennis, golf and baseball -- is molded in ultra soft, durable material which makes the Soft Sports Pack exceptionally reliable and safe."
Product Highlights:
Soft, Safe and Durable Spongy Material Design
Includes Tennis, Golf and Baseball Attachments
Easy Fit Design with Interlocking Handle
Port Access for Nunchucks
SRP: $29.99
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March 10th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
New ball rolling game Vertigo has been confirmed for a release next month.
The Wii version can be played using either the remote or the balance board. There are more than 50 levels, three classes of ball and a host of unlockable upgrade options. You can also customise balls to suit your playing style.
There's a deathmatch mode for multiplayer action, along with mini-games such as ten pin bowling and football.
Vertigo will be released for PC and Wii on 3rd April.
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March 10th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers for the Nintendo Wii and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 for the Nintendo DS are currently in development and set to launch in May 2009. The latest iterations in the popular franchise are based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's series on the 4Kids Network, which takes place in the future and features Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlus, the hottest duelists in Neo Domino City.
Based on "Riding Duel" in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers introduces players to a fast-paced twist on a racing game. Yusei and Jack duel in a new motor sport called "Wheelie Breakers" that combines card dueling with duel wheel racing. As they race around the track in their Duel Runner motorcycles, players call upon monsters from their decks to battle their opponents and prevent them from finishing the race. Using achievement points which players receive based on their race results, they can purchase new cards and add them to their decks providing upgrades.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers takes full advantage of the Nintendo Wii as players use the Wii Remote for competitive card dueling and Duel Runner racing. Gamers can also use the Nunchuk during races, allowing for split-second maneuvers including, acceleration, steering and recovery. Various gameplay modes are also offered including Story Mode, Grand Prix Mode and Competition Multiplayer Mode with up to 4 friends in racing split screen.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009, players can experience the most robust offering in the World Championship franchise to date with up to 2,800 playable cards. The title features multiple gameplay modes including Story Mode, where players journey from Satellite to Neo Domino City and duel with characters from the animated series in various situations. Players can also compete in the World Championship Mode, where head-to-head battles take place against Yu-Gi-Oh! gamers around the world.
Offering more playable cards than any other Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship title, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 includes playable cards from the latest booster pack "Crimson Crisis," as well as three exclusive trading cards bundled in the package.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers for the Nintendo Wii and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 for the Nintendo DS are scheduled to launch in May 2009. For more information, please visit www.konami.com.
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March 10th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers for the Nintendo Wii and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 for the Nintendo DS are currently in development and set to launch in May 2009. The latest iterations in the popular franchise are based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's series on the 4Kids Network, which takes place in the future and features Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlus, the hottest duelists in Neo Domino City.
Based on "Riding Duel" in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers introduces players to a fast-paced twist on a racing game. Yusei and Jack duel in a new motor sport called "Wheelie Breakers" that combines card dueling with duel wheel racing. As they race around the track in their Duel Runner motorcycles, players call upon monsters from their decks to battle their opponents and prevent them from finishing the race. Using achievement points which players receive based on their race results, they can purchase new cards and add them to their decks providing upgrades.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers takes full advantage of the Nintendo Wii as players use the Wii Remote for competitive card dueling and Duel Runner racing. Gamers can also use the Nunchuk during races, allowing for split-second maneuvers including, acceleration, steering and recovery. Various gameplay modes are also offered including Story Mode, Grand Prix Mode and Competition Multiplayer Mode with up to 4 friends in racing split screen.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009, players can experience the most robust offering in the World Championship franchise to date with up to 2,800 playable cards. The title features multiple gameplay modes including Story Mode, where players journey from Satellite to Neo Domino City and duel with characters from the animated series in various situations. Players can also compete in the World Championship Mode, where head-to-head battles take place against Yu-Gi-Oh! gamers around the world.
Offering more playable cards than any other Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship title, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 includes playable cards from the latest booster pack "Crimson Crisis," as well as three exclusive trading cards bundled in the package.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers for the Nintendo Wii and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 for the Nintendo DS are scheduled to launch in May 2009. For more information, please visit www.konami.com.
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March 10th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Hardcore gamers have been anxiously awaiting MadWorld for a long time. But not everyone is happy to see the stylish, kill-happy game arrive. The National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) issued a press release this morning complaining that Nintendo has "shed its 'family friendly' reputation with MadWorld's release."
"The release of MadWorld for the Wii brings violent videogames to a once family-friendly platform," said Dr. David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family. "In MadWorld, gamers use the Wii Remote to make the necessary physical actions to chainsaw an opponent in half, impale an enemy with a signpost or decapitate a victim with a golf club. MadWorld is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.
"In the past, the Wii has successfully sold itself as being the gaming console for the entire family and a way to bring family-game nights back into people's living rooms. Unfortunately, Nintendo opened its doors to the violent videogame genre. The National Institute on Media and the Family hopes that Nintendo does not lose sight of its initial audience and continues to offer quality, family-friendly games."
The press release goes on to quote IGN's review of MadWorld in order to describe some of the possible kills players can perform.
Each year, NIMF issues a videogame report card, grading the industry on its efforts to regulate violent games. In 2008, the industry was given an "A." Over the years the organization has singled out many games it found objectionable, such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In 2005, NIMF famously accused the videogame industry of promoting cannibalism because of the Xbox game Stubbs the Zombie.
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March 10th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Industry analyst Michael Pachter says the Nintendo Wii has become "fast food" that appeals to a wide but less sophisticated range of gamers based on its great concept, presentation and strong brand recognition.
Pachter said that while game quality is important, concept and recognition are even more vital in determining how successful a console will be in drawing an audience. Wii owners are less likely to own other consoles and, generally speaking, aren't "sophisticated enough" to know, or even care, how a game they're interested in compares to hit titles for the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.
"They buy the Wii games that they buy for the same reason that people go to McDonald's. McDonald's doesn't win a lot of restaurant critic awards but they are approachable, they're consistent, and you know what they're going to serve you," Pachter told Gamasutra. "I mean, who sells more food - McDonald's or Ruth's Chris Steak House, which certainly serves better meat? Nintendo has become the fast food machine. Sony is very much the high-end restaurant. And Microsoft is somewhere in between."
Case in point: de Blob, which Pachter called a great Wii game, and which was outsold by both The Price Is Right and Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader: Make the Grade. "That's sad," he said. "But it tells you who the audience is."
"If the concept is right, if the recognition factor is there, if you 'get it' from what's on the box, sometimes the game doesn't even have to be that good in order for it to sell," he continued. "When a housewife is in Wal-Mart and sees Jillian Michaels' face on Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 for Wii, nobody has to explain it to them. They recognize her from TV's Biggest Loser, they know they have a Wii Fit Balance Board at home, and they buy the game. Do they know whether it's a good game or not? Doesn't matter."
Reminds me of an old saying about steak and crap. But Nintendo appears to have found the Grail of gaming and while it may be accurate to refer to mainstream Wii fans as unsophisticated when compared to the hardcore, it's also rather silly to rail against the system's success as some people tend to do. Begrudging the mass market is a waste of time.
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March 10th, 2009, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat has released SpaceBubble 0.90:
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Created by wplaat ( www.plaatsoft.nl). Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
09/03/2009 Version 0.90
- Upgrade GRRLIB graphical render engine from v3.0 to v4.0.
- Improve intro screens.
- Added fps (frame-per-second) information on all screens.
- Added screen shot functionality. Press the plus button to make a screen shot picture.
- Pictures are stored on the SD Card in the following directory sd:/apps/SpaceBubble
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March 10th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
icefire has released Banner Signer 0.5
This is an IMET/IMD5 signer for PC/Mac/Linux/Wii probably if OpenSSL has been ported, used in banners on banner.bin, icon.bin, sound.bin, and 00000000.app. If you don't know what these are, you shouldn't use it. Yes, I know it is kinda pointless, but might be useful sometime.
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March 10th, 2009, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Lino of a new version of the Nintendo DS Emulator for WIndows/Linux:
Here's the changelog :
Fixed bug in showing SaveState's Menu.
Fixed bug in SSE's rotuines.
Fixed bug in VRAMCNT_C register.
The changelog is the same as Windows beta, plus:
Rewritten some routines in the management of asm instructions.
Fixed some bugs in GUI.
AceKard Plugin
Added support for AK2 (A special thanks to AceKard Team for free samples).
Microphone Plugin
Added support for Microphone Plugins.
Please leave a feedback in the forum for any problem. Thanks!
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March 10th, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
WayForward, the development team responsible for Lit on WiiWare as well as the revival of A Boy and His Blob for Wii, has revealed that the company is working on a brand new title exclusively for the DSiWare digital distribution channel: Mighty Flip Champs.
According to WayForward's description of Mighty Flip Champs, players control Alta as she warps through a virtual stack of maze-laden chambers that "flip" past like pages of a magical book. Action takes place on the top screen, with the Touch Screen displaying a reflected preview of the next room, and Alta's projected destination within it. When it's time to flip, Alta uses her Magical Warp Wand to replace her world with the next one. Will she land safely on solid ground, or be crushed under it? By cycling endlessly through room after brain busting room, players will match wits with some of the most inspired traps in puzzle/platforming history.
Because the title will only be available on the DSiShop channel, Mighty Flip Champs will be DSi exclusive. The game is being directed by Matt Bozon, whose previous works include Shantae on Game Boy Color and Konami's Contra 4 on Game Boy Advance. It currently does not have a release date or pricepoint, but both are expected to be announced by the launch of the Nintendo DSi on April 5th.
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March 10th, 2009, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Brian has released ONScripter-WII v03.2009
ONScripter is an opensource cross-platform clone of the NScripter Visual Novel engine. The original ONScripter was written by Opagee the fork that supports the English language is maintained by Haeleth
updated to latest svn version of ONScripter-En
Fixed crash when playing mp3 files
added missing default.ttf to the test game
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March 11th, 2009, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS handheld has shipped over 100 million units worldwide, as of March 6, 2009.
The milestone comes ahead of the release of the latest in the series, the DSi, due in Europe and the US in early April.
As of December, there are 83 DS titles which have shipped over one million units each, seven of those shipping upwards of 10 million copies.
The original DS launched in early 2005 in Europe, followed by the slimmer DS Lite. The DSi features two cameras, and the ability to record, manipulate and play sound files.
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March 11th, 2009, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has said that it is to raise the price of the Wii in the UK due to the depreciation of the pound.
The system has a recommended retail price of GBP 179.99 in the region, and with a price hike of around GBP 18 – 20, will put considerable pressure on retailers' margin.
"Due to the severe and continuing depreciation of the pound, we are, unfortunately, having to raise our trade price to UK retailers of Wii hardware," said the company. "The price that they then offer to consumers is, of course, up to the retailers."
"We are only – reluctantly – raising our trade price now to retailers due to unprecedented and sustained depreciation of the pound. This is a problem brought about by extreme currency fluctuations that are a symptom of the global economic situation," said Nintendo.
Major retailers such as GAME, Gamestation, HMV and the supermarkets often offer bundled software deals in-store to increase margins on hardware.
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March 11th, 2009, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has not ruled out a rise in prices for new software releases in the UK, due to the depreciation of the pound.
Although trade prices for titles currently on the market will not change, there is a possibility of new releases being hit with a price hike.
"The final price in the shops is always up to retailers but we will not be increasing the trade price of existing Wii or DS software," offered Nintendo.
"However, the trade prices for new titles yet to be released may rise as a result of the depreciation of the pound."
Wii hardware trade prices are already set to rise in the UK, "due to unprecedented and sustained depreciation of the pound," said Nintendo.
However, the DSi – due for release early next month – and the current DS model, will not be affected, said the company.
"The present exchange rate was taken into consideration when we announced the trade price of DSi to retailers across Europe."
"At this time, we do not expect to have to change the trade price we charge to retailers for the DSi or DS price in the UK in the foreseeable future."
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March 11th, 2009, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto was not a happy man during the GameCube era. The creator of Link and Mario describes Nintendo's fourth-generation console entry as a time of "dilemma."
Miyamoto says in a new Famitsu interview, by way of 1UP, that during the Nintendo 64 and GameCube lifespans, Nintendo was following in the path of other, more successful competitors.
"I was endlessly fascinated with 3D worlds, but what with all the issues I had to tinker with in terms of rendering and processing speed, it got to the point where I didn't know who was making the games any longer," Miyamoto said.
That Nintendo had failed to capture the imagination of the gaming public the way that Sony had during the post-Super Nintendo era made for one unhappy Miyamoto.
"If Nintendo's games fail to stand out as games that aren't made that way proliferate, then it shows that the creation process is for nothing, which made me very sad," Miyamoto explained. "That was especially obvious during the GameCube era; Nintendo titles were hardly even discussed by the [non-gaming] general public back then."
It was the GameCube's cooler reception that led Nintendo's engineers to think about "starting over from scratch," revisiting NES titles for the Game Boy Advance and designing the Nintendo DS with two (initially confounding) screens. Then, well, you know what happened.
Hey, Shigeru, I think we all felt a little bad during the GameCube era. I mean, I paid full price for Luigi's Mansion. Try going through that sometime.
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March 11th, 2009, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo isn't the only one stuffing its coffers with cash, thanks to the Wii's continued success. Chip maker AMD is also pleased as punch to be selling gobs of chips—50 million of 'em!
AMD calls the "Hollywood" graphics chip, the central Smile Processing Unit that outputs those eye-blistering Wii visuals, "the most successful AMD game console chip to date in terms of unit sales." And we'd think that "in terms of unit sales" is pretty much the primary term that AMD and its shareholders give a toss about.
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March 11th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
505 Games has released the full track list for We Rock: Drum King, with Queen, The Clash, and Fall Out Boy all providing music to drum your Wii remotes along to.
The focus on drums makes the song list for We Rock: Drum King quite a bit different from what you'd see from Rock Band or Guitar Hero World Tour. "We Will Rock You", "The Final Countdown", "Click Click Boom" - these are the sort of tunes you drum out with your fingers on your car's dashboard while driving down the street, and with Drum King using two Wii remotes as drums sticks, it should pretty much be that simple as well.
Check out the full track list below, while pondering whether or not you'd actually buy a game that was all drums, all the time. Drum King is due out in April for Europe, with a May release planned in the states.
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March 11th, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of puzzle franchise Professor Layton, solve this: What's coming out on the DS in Japan this fall from developer Level 5?
Professor Layton And the Demon God's Flute is the first of a new Layton trilogy. The mysterious story recounts a legend in which giant destroyed a village.
The game is set three years before Professor Layton and the Curious Village and reveals how Professor Layton met his apprentice Luke.
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March 11th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Congratulations, Australia. Your long, long, nigh-on-insufferable wait for a Club Nintendo of your very own is at an end. The redemption website launched today, offering a grand total of...five items.
Yup. Five. Count 'em! One. Two. Three. Four. Five. There's a couple of DS holder things, a Mario face towel, a Wii Remote box and the Game & Watch collection. No prizes for guessing which of that lot is going to hit "sold out" status first.
That's all that could be scraped together in nearly 12 months? And Nintendo wonders why PAL customers cluck their tongues.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts has been pretty coy with deep details on its tennis effort for the Wii, giving us glimpses of character designs only. Today we get a good look at EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis.
The Wii tennis game, which is slated to use Wii MotionPlus for more serious racket control, goes for a nice blend of realism and caricature, making pro tennis players like Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick, and Pete Sampras less creepy than their hi-def counterparts.
Check out additional screens of Grand Slam Tennis in the gallery below
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March 12th, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Say, Wii owner. Did you pass on No More Heroes? Well, shame on you! But if you have no taste, maybe you'd like to pick up Red Steel while you're remedying that, thanks to Ubisoft.
The French publisher is bundling both Wii titles in one package, a practice we've not seen much of this generation, particularly on the Wii. EBGames is listing the No More Heroes/Red Steel bundle for a March 19th release in the U.S.
Granted, buying both titles, new and separately, would only set you back about eight bucks more. I'd think it's worth it, if only to hide the shame of not owning an original copy of No More Heroes.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
I recently asked a Nintendo rep why “Wii Sports Resort” — the game supposedly introducing the Wii Remote’s MotionPlus add-on — wasn’t included on the company’s spring release calendar and received a puzzling reply.
Back in July, Nintendo announced that a controller add-on called Wii MotionPlus would be bundled with the “Wii Sports” sequel, “Wii Sports Resort.” I tried the game and the device, which effectively made the Wii remote more sensitive to my gestures. The game was listed for Spring 2009.
Lat month, Nintendo released a spring release calendar that listed MotionPlus-supporting games like EA’s “Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10” and “EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis” for mid-June. But the calendar mentioned neither “Wii Sports Resort” nor MotionPlus.
I e-mailed my Nintendo p.r. rep, asking what had become of the game, the add-on and the spring release date. And, what would we infer about the potential release time frame given the MotionPlus support of those June EA games?
EA confirmed to me that they were not delaying their games or dropping MotionPlus support, but they said nothing about when they thought the controller attachment would be available.
Yesterday, I got the following reply from Nintendo:
“Both EA’s ‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10′ and Sega’s ‘Virtua Tennis‘ will use the functionality of Wii MotionPlus.
“We will announce the launch date of ‘Wii Sports Resort’ and the launch date of Wii MotionPlus at a later date.”
Unfortunately, Nintendo isn’t acknowledging that they had already listed this stuff for spring. And now they got me wondering why they phrase their answer as if to allow for the launch date for MotionPlus and “Wii Sports Resort” to be two separate things.
Hopefully this situation will be cleared up soon, possibly at the Game Developer’s Conference in late March when Nintendo president Satoru Iwata delivers a keynote address.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
The first official downloadable title for the new Nintendo DS is a remake of a downloadable game for Wii.
Nintendo has kept quiet on which games and applications will be offered for download when the DSi launches in the U.S. on April 5. But with that launch looming word has finally broken regarding at least one DSiWare title coming on day one.
Late last night I received a press release from NNooo, the development studio behind the simple bubble-popping game “Pop.” The game is coming to DSi as a launch-day download, following its launch last year for the Wii’s downloadable WiiWare service and more recent iPhone and iPod Touch debuts.
The DSiWare game is called “Pop Plus Solo” and offers more features than the previous releases.
The press release indicates that the game will have new Adventure and Challenge modes, in addition to the existing Advanced, Chill, Bonus and Timed modes. The new Adventure introduced four bosses. The Challenge mode allows players to create custom challenges. (It’s not clear from the press release if or how gamers can share them).
No price was announced. I’ve followed up to find out more details. [UPDATE: The game's creative director, Nic Watt, contacted me to say that NNooo is hoping for a 500 point ($5) pricepoint, pending confirmation by Nintendo.]
During a hands-on demo with the DSi last month, I was shown a few Japanese DSiWare games, including “Decode” and “WarioWare Snapped,” but was given no indication about what would be available at launch, nor what the prices will be.
A list of DSiWare games and applications offered in Japan for DSiWare since the system’s launch last fall can be found here.
Expect more to be revealed about DSi and the American DSiWare line-up as the April 5 U.S. launch for the system approaches.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has handed out its annual video game awards, and this year's top honor went to ... Super Mario Galaxy. Nintendo's topsy-turvy Wii platformer beat out Call of Duty 4, Fallout 3, Fable II, Grand Theft Auto IV and Rock Band in being crowned "Best Game." (Guess that settles it.)
Meanwhile, Call of Duty 4 earned the title of "People's Choice" winner based on votes placed via BAFTA's website. In an epic upset, Grand Theft Auto IV won exactly ... zero awards, despite being nominated in seven categories. That's alright; it's selling just fine. You'll find the full list of categories and respective winners after the break.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Don’t fret too much about Resident Evil 5 not coming to the Wii. Capcom said they had an announcement to make at their Resident Evil 5 launch event about the Wii which Famitsu sort of spoiled.
The game in question is Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Details are scarce from the scan, but it says this is a follow up to Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. Also, the genre is listed as shooting and it supports 1-2 players. I think we know what to expect when Capcom and Cavia, the developer of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, team up. Ready for more rail shooting with Leon and Claire?
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March 12th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Next month a port of Monster Hunter G is coming to Wii. Capcom hinted the online mode would have an online fee and it does. Users can pay 800 Wii Points ($8) for a 30 day subscription, 1,500 Wii Points ($15) for a 60 days, or 2,000 Wii Points ($20) for 90 days. While the fee is cheaper than your standard MMO it’s feels unnecessary since all other Wii games have free online play. If you’re uncertain about Capcom’s service you can use the 14 day free trial that comes with the game.
I would probably wait a good fifteen days after Monster Hunter G comes out to start my trial. That way I can see how many people stick to the online mode after it costs money to use. The bundled Monster Hunter Tri demo may be the reason people rush to pick up Monster Hunter G in the first place.
Capcom won’t release Monster Hunter G over here so these fees are only for Japan and daring importers.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Here comes the second set of plushes from the Super Mario Kart collection. Coming with even more supplements to help you win your race, there is no way you'd want to miss them.
This set comes with the bullet that increase your speed, the dark cloud that rains thunder down on your opponents to disrupt their courses and the squid that obscures the other racers' views.
As if increasing your stats are not enough, the items that obstruct your opponents' paths are here, make use of all of them to put as much distance between you and the one behind you as much as possible.
The second volume of Mario Kart Plush dolls are coming in September and are available for preorder now:
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Blooper JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Bullet Bill JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Golden Mushroom JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Lightning Cloud JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Pow Block JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Red Shell JPN US$ 9.90
Mario Kart Vol. 2 Plush Doll: Star JPN US$ 9.90
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March 12th, 2009, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nicksasa has released WiiND 1.0
This app dumps to USB and SD: If an usb device is plugged in it will dump to usb. If no usb device is inserted it will dump to sd
To extract the dump you need your NAND AES KEY, you can get that by using Xyzzy. If you have runned xyzzy there is a file called keys.txt in the root of your sd card. Open it and look for NAND AES KEY. Now make a folder called keys in c:\ and open your favorite hex editor and copy the NAND AES CODE from keys.txt into your hex editor and save the file as nand-key.bin in the keys folder. Now just run "extract.exe" and select the nand-dump.img file and it will copy the .img file to the directory where the .exe is and extract it.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
The Nunchuk and Classic analogue controllers now work as joysticks as well (thanks to Aaron Morris)
Some key binding problems have been corrected
Lots of networking implementation. Won't work yet...
Download and Give Feedback and Compatability reports at the release thread here at DCEmu --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=178591
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March 12th, 2009, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax:
HIGHVOLTAGE conducted a demo of "Burning Hit!" Baston game in which the author mixes for 2D and 3D fighters to the scene. Inspired by the animated Bleach, the first demo includes 2 figures and 1 map.
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March 12th, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax:
Eke-Eke and her company is preparing a new version "with onions" Genesis Plus GX, Megadrive emulator for the Wii, and we share two screens rather tempting..
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March 12th, 2009, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax:
New update ScummVM on Wii, which goes into svn version 0.14, which means being dev, so it is not the final version 0.14.
This new version adds support (partial) game "SCI", in this case, Personal Nightmare...
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March 12th, 2009, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax:
blitter launches the release 1.0 of his homebrew "Alarmii.
Here are the latest and corrections in this version:
added: auto-load/save settings to SD card (now you do not have to setup every time!)
added: load sound files from SD card (allowing for custom sound effects - hence, no card = no sound!)
added: visual cues and alarm at interval
bug fix: potential rumble disabled on exit screen...
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March 12th, 2009, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Todd Jeffeys
I’ve been working on a Nintendo DS Latin vocabulary training tool. Normal Latin trainers are very restrictive in that you can only focus on the nominative case or first-person-singular verb forms. My tool will throw ANY form at you, and you have to identify it and also define the word. You define the word by drawing it out on the touchscreen. There are no multiple choice options so you can’t guess!
I am putting a demo online of my starting user interface. I’ve been working on the GUI components, so only nouns are implemented right now. I haven’t even coded word definitions, so everything is hard-coded as ‘to run.’
Please provide any feedback, positive or negative!
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March 12th, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Herkules
WesternDS is the first game I made with PAlib.
I don't now whether I should continue developing on it, so I want to hear some feedback. (Gerne auch auf Deutsch)
How to play:
1. Start game
2. Choose the level
3. Choose the mode
KILLS: Kill a given number of enemies
TIMERACE: Kill as much enemies as possible in a given time
4. Choose the length
I think that's clear!
5. Choose weapon
Find it out!
Press L or R to fire.
Press X or UP to reload.
Use the touchpen to move the crosshair.
I hope you enjoy !
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March 12th, 2009, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Coburn64
Yeah, Rosalina is a princess in the Super Mario series. She came into play in Mario Galaxy, and she's been the center of attention for Mario Galaxy fans. This project is a platformer that is SMW and SMB mixed built in PAlib that aims to have the same look and feel as other Mario games.
As quoted from the info.txt in the archive:
Quote from: info.txt
Thanks for downloading my PALib-using game, Princess Rosalina DS.
This build uses a Platform Game Example (PlatformGame5 in PALibExamples) for the source which has had many things added and/or removed.
Mario's Sprite is still present in this build, MAINLY because I couldn't get PAGfx to compile on my linux... I'm going to fix that.
DPad : Move Mario
X : Make Mario Run (Y will also do run as well, like NSMB's "Modern" control mode)
A: Jump (B will also jump, but that's for next build).
I'll try to release builds as soon as I can, but I'm a fairly busy person with school and such. This is a hobby and I can't devote all my time to the project.
I would like people to help me with implementing a Level System (perhaps with a world map?) (changing levels and such instead of one level), improved engine and hitbox, Health (3 hits and you're dead), and Enemy AI.
Also, I have a sprite sheet of Rosalina I have available, I need them assigned to various things like 'mario.swimming = true' which will play Rosalina's swimmming animations and activate swimming mode.
Making a Mario-style platformer that features a selection of levels (and a world map) would be a major win for PALib. (What happened to a Monky homebrew game that I played a while ago?)
Known Bugs:
- Music Playback - Using MODs, no music (sadly). I'm guessing a invalid setting or something...
- Sounds sound 'drunk' - Incorrect Sound Format (but it's funny though) - Incorrect Sound Rate
Ideas on the drawing board
1. Enemy AI (Goomba, Koopa, etc etc)
2. 3 Hit Health Meter
3. HUD on Top Screen with visual icons (not just texts)
4. Programming Swimming and other Mario functions (crouching, etc)
What can you do?
You don't have to, but I would like someone (or even a few) to help me part-time on this project. There's a few things I've planned as I intended this project as a community project to show off the awesomeness of PALib. Don't worry if you don't - i'm not going to get angry at you.
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March 12th, 2009, 19:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Don McCabe, managing director of UK retailer Chips, has spoken out in surprise at Nintendo's price increase of the Wii, suggesting that the videogames giant could have sold the console at the GBP 199.99 price point "from the very beginning".
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, McCabe explained how the move by Nintendo was not entirely unexpected, but would impact sales negatively as the price would have to be passed on to the consumer.
"It's a first," he said. "I can't remember any other console that has been launched, been on the market for a couple of years and then gone up in price. It's an absolute first."
"I half expected it," he continued, adding: "I can see their reasons why and there are reasons which are perfectly valid in today's market place - the Pound has been dropping against the Euro for a while now and it shows no sign of bouncing back."
He explained that Nintendo could have probably sold the console at the higher price point since its launch without impacting sales, but that the public perception of the price hike will be negative.
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I think Nintendo could have sold all the machines that they have done at the GBP 199 price point, because we've effectively had shortages from day one, pretty much all the way through."
He added: "There's never ever been quite enough stock in the market place, each Christmas we come to there's always stock shortages."
"It will have a negative effect on the sales... I think we'll still end up with shortages come Christmas again, but through the summer it's going to have an effect."
When asked if there were concerns of more price hikes across different products, McCabe commented: "It wouldn't be unrealistic to expect similar price rises across the whole Nintendo range."
The increase price will almost certainly have to passed on to the consumer, McCabe reasoned, despite any current reports to the contrary.
"I don't think any retailer has got the ability to soak up that sort of margin change," he explained. "I think I saw one story that said the supermarkets wouldn't be passing the price point on but I think they will. I don't think any retailer can take that sort of squeeze."
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March 12th, 2009, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
As we've seen, fluctuations in exchange rates are messing with Nintendo's bottom line in the UK. While this won't affect consumers looking for a Wii, the DS might be another story.
According to a "trusted source within the retail industry" (ie a British retailer), Go Nintendo are reporting that thanks to shrinking profit margins on Nintendo hardware the DS is about to go bundle-only. As in, you won't be able to buy just a DS, you'll need to buy one with a game included, at a slightly higher price.
It's close, but no cigar. Ninendo have told GI.biz "We will be increasing the availability of DS Lite bundles with software in the UK, however solus will still continue to be listed". That's the good news! The bad news? The classiest of the console's colour schemes - silver & white - are being phased out.
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March 12th, 2009, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
David Hasselhoff, the man responsible for Knight Rider, Baywatch and the reunification of Germany, has revealed he's a big fan of the Wii.
And he wasn't afraid to use his fame to get hold of one, either. "I play celebrity cards for two reasons: When I want to front row seats to U2 or tickets to Coachella and be backstage, all access, or I want to see Billy Joel and want to hang out," Hasselhoff told MTV.
"I want to cut the line. I really suck up to celebrity. It is my guilty pleasure... It’s really frigging embarrassing."
So what happened when Hasselhoff decided he wanted a Wii, but his local games shop said they had none in stock? "I said, "This is David Hasselhoff, okay? I've got a daughter. I love my daughter, more than life itself. This is all she wants, okay?"" Well, that and for you to stop eating kebabs off the bathroom floor having drunk yourself shirtless, Dave.
""I don’t know if you realise it but I’m going through a rough time right now. And so this could really help me help my daughter.""
Amazingly enough, the shop said they did have one after all, so Dave hopped in his talking car and went to pick it up. "The guy goes: "Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me? Knight Rider! Dude!" And then, forget it, any game I wanted."
Dave said he's been enjoying "the yoga" and "the exercise", presumably in Wii Fit. He also likes Guitar Hero, "which is just sick".
Hasselhoff will shortly appear in Ready 2 Rumble for the Wii, hopefully wearing a light-up jacket and piano keys scarf. All together now, "Worked on a farm, got some muscle in my arm..."
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March 12th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday Japanese magazine Famitsu unveiled what Capcom has recently been teasing Nintendo fans about: a sequel to Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles subtitled The Darkside Chronicles. This morning Capcom reassured North American fans that the sequel is heading West this year. The Darkside Chronicles apparently has a more in-depth co-op mode. It is set during Resident Evil 2 and stars Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. An on-rails shooter like Umbrella Chronicles, it will give fans a chance to relive some classic moments in the series and also fill in some gaps in the story. Players can use the new evade system performed with the Wii remote. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles is set for release this winter.
Check out the first screenshots of The Darkside Chronicles in our gallery.
Along with this news, the publisher announced a line of Resident Evil "Classics" that will bring the GameCube games Resident Evil (the remake) and Resident Evil Zero to Wii. The Classics will set you back $30. Both should arrive this year. As with Resident Evil 4, these ports will be outfitted with Wii pointer controls.
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March 12th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Every so often the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) takes the liberty of announcing new projects via its website before publishers can actually do so. On Thursday, the organization posted a rating and description for an upcoming Wii game, a title called Rock 'N Roll Climber. According to the ESRB, the project is published by Nintendo.
Interest piqued? Want more details? Thankfully, the ESRB was kind enough to provide those, too.
"This is a rock climbing game in which players must climb up various formations within a time limit. Players navigate rocks and walls by navigating divots and ridges and positioning themselves to ensure they do not fall off." Thanks, ESRB -- that's handy info!
The game is developed by a company called Vetei, led by Giles Goddard, best known as the man behind such titles as 1080 Snowboarding. Based on an interview with the website Cubed3, Goddard confirmed that the studio's next project is in fact for WiiWare and will make use of the Wii balance board. It seems likely that Rock 'N Roll Climber is the title referenced.
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March 12th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
If you love manga, you might want to look into getting yourself a Japanese Wii. Sunsoft's WiiWare manga download service, which debuted in January with Princess Ai Monogatari, is kicking things into high gear next month with an original series from Star Blazers creator Leiji Matsumoto.
The new series is titled Out of Galaxy: Gin no Koshika. Set in the year 2099, the manga follows the adventures of You Haguro and Hajime Umino, who head off on a journey through space and time in an effort to save mankind from extinction.
As with Princess Ai Monogatari, Out of Galaxy will be available as a series of downloads. The first download will be priced at 500 WiiPoints and will include the required viewing software along with an unpecified number of volumes. Subsequent downloads will cost 200 WiiPoints but will require the viewing software from the first download.
Also similar to Princess Ai Monogatari, Out of Galaxy will come standard with English subtitles. This seems to be a strong hit at an English release.
In fact, Sunsoft says that it hopes to make the manga download service an international thing. We'll let you know once specific plans have been set, but for now only owners of the Japanese Wii system will be able to access this content
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March 12th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Professor Layton trilogy came to a close in Japan last year with the release of Professor Layton and the Final Time Journey. But with almost 2.5 million in Japanese sales alone for the series, you didn't think Level-5 would bring it to a close there, did you?
Sure enough, the developer/publisher has announced, via Famitsu, a second trilogy. The new trilogy will kick off in Japan this Fall with Professor Layton and the Devil's Flute.
The story for this fourth DS Layton game kicks off three years prior to the events of the original Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Professor Layton, visiting the mysterious "city of mist," comes into the acquaintance of a young Luke for the first time. He also meets Remi Altiwa, a new heroine. The three embark on a quest surrounding the legend of a giant that threatens to destroy the city.
Gameplay looks like it will offer players some twisted puzzles once again. As with the first three titles, Level-5 is turning to Akira Tago to supervise a completely new set of puzzles.
For those who are into the Layton series as a whole, this new entry looks like it will be a must. The title will connect directly to the upcoming Layton movie. The stories of the two titles are set in the same era, with the movie continuing the events of the game.
The movie hits Japanese theaters later this year, presumably allowing another near million-or-so to pick up and clear Devil's Flute as a refresher.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
TOMY Corporation today announced that NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 is currently in development exclusively for Nintendo DS. As the latest installment to the popular Ninja Council series of videogames that has sold more than 800,000 units to date in North America, NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 is the first DS game to feature the NARUTO Shippuden story arc in North America, allowing fans to play as Naruto and his friends in the next generation of the series. Based on the enormously successful animated series from VIZ Media, NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 introduces consumers to a host of playable characters sporting their updated NARUTO Shippuden looks, and wireless multiplayer battles for up to four players.
"NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 encourages franchise fans and newcomers alike to experience the next iteration of the classic Ninja Council series," said Laura Yoshioka, director of consumer software at TOMY Corporation. "The addition of multiple new playable characters and an immersive story mode based on the NARUTO Shippuden story arc, coupled with the touch screen capabilities of the DS, make this a classic action-adventure videogame."
In NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4, players will experience the new Shippuden storyline for the first time on the DS. Set two and a half years after the events of the classic NARUTO series, Naruto fans are introduced to older characters as the storyline advances and unfolds with copious plot twists. NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 also allows gamers to follow an older Naruto and his friends on the quest to save Gaara from the sinister Akatsuki organization. Players are able to choose their allies and form a three-man squad with special jutsu techniques to ward off looming danger. Dedicated franchise fans and new Naruto fighters alike can utilize the touch screen to unleash their unique jutsu attacks and take on anyone that gets in their way. As an added bonus, unlockable jutsu allows aspiring ninjas to explore previously unreachable areas.
NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 will be available for Nintendo DS in Spring 2009. For more information, please visit www.TOMY-USA.com/videogames. For more information on NARUTO and for free streaming episodes of NARUTO Shippuden please visit www.NARUTO.com.
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March 12th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has announced that the New Play Control version of Pikmin 2 will be released across Europe on 24th April.
The reworked Donkey Kong Jungle Beat will then follow in the summer.
Pikmin 2 could be the series' early high point, as Captain Olimar is joined by assistant Louie, new species of Pikmin, and multiplayer modes in a reworking of Shigeru Miyamoto's inventive strategy puzzle game.
Apart from refined controls, New Play Control additions include the Piklopedia (listing all the plants and creatures you encounter) and a new Treasure Hoard (listing all your loot). As with the GameCube original, there are 201 treasures to find.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was a Cube platform game originally controlled using the Donkey Konga bongos, but now uses the motion-sensing Wiimote and nunchuk for attacks, soundwaves and movement.
The Wii version also introduces two brand new stages, new enemies (such as the Thumpskull and Buzzball), new bonuses and new weapons. New new new! Jungle Beat is already out in Japan, and will release in the States this May, so hopefully we'll see it sooner rather than later.
So far, Nintendo has released two New Play Control games in Europe, revamping the first Pikmin so well that the only thing to say against it was that Pikmin 2 is a superior game.
Mario Power Tennis proved slightly less awesome, but wasn't without its charm either.
Nintendo plans to keep up the releases too, with Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 and Chibi-Robo! on the slate, and others no doubt in consideration. Bring back Luigi's Mansion!
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March 12th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA
A bright and colourful way to store your DS and all the major accessories you would need, it's just the kit that any DS fan should have! It comes complete with a range of extra accessories for the DS handheld to complete your collection. The Mario on-the-go kit includes: Mario branded metal lunchbox style carry case, Game cases, screen protectors, Extra styluses, Headphones, In-car charger, System wrap.
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March 12th, 2009, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Lionsgate's president of digital media, Curt Marvis, has said that he expects the Wii to offer a movie streaming service in the US as soon as this year.
The company already has a close relationship with Microsoft and Sony, delivering content via Xbox Live and PSN, respectively.
"The thing that is clearly a force in digital are the game devices," said Marvis to Variety.
"I think when we see the Wii come into the market with the ability to stream movies, which I think is maybe going to happen as soon as this year, I think that’s going to be a big marketplace for digital distribution," offered the movie exec.
Nintendo has not announced any such digital plans, and unlike the PS3 and Xbox 360 does not have a significantly large enough storage solution on the Wii for large downloads, although streaming content on the console is possible.
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March 12th, 2009, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has told GamesIndustry.biz that it is not phasing out all solus DS units in the UK ahead of the launch of the DSi.
A rumour by GoNintendo states that Nintendo will be dropping all single DS consoles and only offering bundles in future, but the company has denied such a move is taking place.
"We will be increasing the availability of DS Lite bundles with software in the UK, however solus will still continue to be listed," said a spokesperson for the company.
"We have chosen to do this as we have found many consumers like the convenience of buying software and hardware together and also enjoy buying them as gifts."
However, single Silver and White DS Lite units have been dropped, as alternative colours have proven more popular.
"Nintendo can confirm that, going forward, we will be focussing our supply of the DS Lite range on the range of exciting colours that have proved most popular since launch: Black, Pink, Red, Green and Turquoise.
"Accordingly we can confirm that we have currently ceased supply of white and silver editions of the DS Lite to retailers in the UK."
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March 12th, 2009, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers in the UK may end up raising consumer prices for Wii following Nintendo's own price hike, according to two sources: 1) common sense, and 2) Don McCabe, managing director of Chips.
"I don't think any retailer has got the ability to soak up that sort of margin change," McCabe told GamesIndustry.biz. "I think I saw one story that said the supermarkets wouldn't be passing the price point on but I think they will. I don't think any retailer can take that sort of squeeze."
If the £20 Nintendo is adding to retailer prices is passed on to consumers, the Wii will now cost £199 ($275), a price that McCabe thinks Nintendo could have gotten away with from the very beginning. Now that the price is going up, "It will have a negative effect on the sales... I think we'll still end up with shortages come Christmas again, but through the summer it's going to have an effect." So at a higher price, McCabe expects, Nintendo will still sell every Wii this winter.
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March 13th, 2009, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
As we've seen, fluctuations in exchange rates are messing with Nintendo's bottom line in the UK. While this won't affect consumers looking for a Wii, the DS might be another story.
According to a "trusted source within the retail industry" (ie a British retailer), Go Nintendo are reporting that thanks to shrinking profit margins on Nintendo hardware the DS is about to go bundle-only. As in, you won't be able to buy just a DS, you'll need to buy one with a game included, at a slightly higher price.
It's close, but no cigar. Ninendo have told GI.biz "We will be increasing the availability of DS Lite bundles with software in the UK, however solus will still continue to be listed". That's the good news! The bad news? The classiest of the console's colour schemes - silver & white - are being phased out.
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March 13th, 2009, 18:20 Posted By: JushinLiger
Another update for Moonshell2 released 03/13/2009. Heres whats new:
2009/03/13 Version 2.00 beta.7
The mistake of me that the skin file was old was corrected.
There was a memory leak bug in the screen saver setup screen.
HomeBrew (Soft reset is included) was not able to be executed.
When you have play music while displaying the text or the image. Next music did not start though the music ended.
'BBtnStop.txt' did not work correctly. It was start again.
When you open the folder with a lot of files. Music interrupted.
There was a bug that was not able to be loaded from the GBA cartridge. (with EZ4 and SC...)
About EZV. There was 'Black box' in 'left-up on bottom screen'.
There was a memory leak bug when deleting a file with the playlist.
Program of sound effect. There was an illegal variable reading.
Program of owner draw window. There was an NULL pointer access.
I supported to each 'auto DLDI patch specification' for R4, AK2, AKRPG, SCDSONE, etc...
The play icon 'FL_Double_ItemBG_PlayIcon.png' is on the file information. The skin was corrected.
'SSC_Use24hFormat, CS_EnableFileInfo' was added to the language file. This is not used now.
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March 13th, 2009, 18:37 Posted By: JushinLiger
A guy named B@ndit released this on the GMForm.org (No link, it's full of WAREZ).
What it is, is a version of DSDoom that allows you to select which WAD file you want to load from a selection of up to 40! No more waiting to get to a PC to switch between Doom 1 and Doom 2.
Installation Guide from lolmasta_again
After downloading the 2 parts, extract them into a folder inside your hard drive. You should have a folder named data.
Here is the folder’s structure:
data>Game Menu.nds
data>dsdoom>(Loads of folders, which are the wad’s names)
After making sure you have these, copy the whole data folder in the root of your flashcard.
Adding extra WADs
First, you need to have the wad…
For the example, we’ll use the file “whatever.wad”.
Go to data>dsdoom and make a new folder. Name the folder as you have named the wad (So for the example, the folder is going to be named whatever).
Inside the folder, put your wad.
Now open
with Notepad or whatever program you use for text editing.
Now, go to the bottom and add this:
savpath = Whatever/
wad = Whatever/ Whatever.wad
Don’t forget to edit whatever to the name that your wad has
Make sure there’s an empty line between the wads you’ve added into the file.
And now, random analysis
[Whatever] <- Name that will show up in the wad selection menu
savpath = Whatever/ <- Folder that your saves will be saved
wad = Whatever/ Whatever.wad <- Wad path
* If you download the version above this guide (the one that says "DSdoom Emulator:You can 40 Game wads in the wadsel.ini write"), then instead of
data>Game Menu.nds
it will be
As well as releasing this new version, b@ndit and the other inhabitants of GMForum have kindly converted a few WAD files that work with DSDoom. There were more but all of the link appear to be dead, or packed full of warez (Namely commercial Doom WADs).
DSDoom Unofficial Version
Simpsons Doom & Super Mario Doom
Aliens TC
HL Dmoonfear
Duke Nukem Mixed Version
Duke Nukem
Half Life Edition
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolf 3D - Episode 1-3
Wolf 3D - Episode 4-6
Spear of Destiny
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March 13th, 2009, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo's WiiWare service has received its usual biweekly update today, bringing two new titles and some DLC to market.
Top of the list is Jungle Speed at 1000 Wii Points (GBP 7 / EUR 10 approx), which isn't the tropical drug-fest we'd hoped for, but rather a reflex-based card game centred on grabbing a totem at the right point. Rules change rapidly as new cards are laid out.
The second slighty fluffy chocolate in today's box is Family Table Tennis, which distinguishes itself from regular table tennis with its total abstinence from wanton sexual contact and flagrant drug and alcohol abuse.
It features indoor and outdoor tables, although we're not sure what the difference is [nature - Ed], versus and single-player modes, three mini-games and four characters: Mummy, Daddy, Sarah and Billy. It's also 1000 Wii Points (GBP 7 / EUR 10 approx).
Lastly, and almost certainly leastly, is a DLC update for puzzle game Lonpos, featuring several puzzle packs for download, each offering 25 new challenges at 300 Wii Points a pop (GBP 2.10 / EUR 3 approx). Each pack also includes new background and visuals. Lovely.
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March 14th, 2009, 13:09 Posted By: wraggster
What on earth are you waiting for? A new DSi (we've already got ours) before you get excited by Grand Theft Auto IV: Chinatown Wars? You are? Oh, well, in the meantime why not have a look at what's in store for you by putting eyeballs to the following trailer?
There is no good reason... look at it!
Trailer Here --> http://news.spong.com/nibble/17413/N...ndo_DS_Trailer
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March 14th, 2009, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
EA has said that Wii MotionPlus will put an end to lazy, couch/wrist Wiimote gaming. This clip demonstrates why.
Watch how MotionPlus matches movement 1:1 between the real golf swing and Tiger's golf swing. The swing itself is still on a track (it doesn't appear, for instance, that you could make Tiger swing the club like a baseball bat). But our guess is that's a choice EA has made to keep the game's learning curve low.
Plus, the game does acknowledge a slight twist of the wrist to draw or fade with "100%" responsiveness, making this EA video the first time we remember any function related to the Wiimote promising "100%" of anything. Now with the control situation sorted, I can finally return to wishing the Wii had the graphical power of the Xbox 360.
video here --> http://i.gizmodo.com/5169727/wii-mot...-looking-solid
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March 14th, 2009, 14:04 Posted By: wraggster

Or the Transporter of Wii accessories. Depending on your standards. Our standards, well, we don't much care for the gun. We do care for the fact it's a Wii accessory that's putting some effort in.
Take the shape of Cobalt Flux's "Dark Ops Wii Light Gun", for example. It's different. Like, it's not a shark. And the finish. It's not white. Finally, look at the modelling on show here. Kinda of dorky, sure, but at least they're trying.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson's Adventure Island was never my thing. Master Higgins' penchant for 8-bit shirtlessness was kind of a turn off to me. I like my platforming protagonists to exhibit a modicum of decency. Nintendo's WiiWare service is giving Hudson another opportunity to turn sidescrolling platforming fans onto this whole Adventure Island thing. That means more Master Higgins, more floating meat-on-bone, more walking to the right. And no shirts. Maybe that's why I would prefer a cel-shaded Adventure Island as opposed to this. The first Japanese trailer doesn't look like it'll turn me into a fan, but maybe the 16-shot mini-game action will get you hot and bothered.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
New York's Nintendo World Store is hosting a launch event for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on March 16.
The party kicks off at 11:59 p.m. that night and runs into the next morning at 2 a.m. with DJ OhNo hosting fans age 17 and up. The first 25 people to buy the game get a chance at landing GTA Kubrick sets and some apparel.
The store will also be displaying limited edition, customized Chinatown Wars DS Lites
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March 14th, 2009, 14:13 Posted By: wraggster
A Washington, D.C. school is one of the first in the nation to get Wii Music in their school.
The program isn't using the game to teach music, it's just meant to engage student in the arts, to get them interested in music. Which, I think, is a fantastic idea. Sure, Guitar Hero and Rock Band would do the same thing, but including instruments they are both more expensive.
The program is, in part, a reaction to the D.C. School Chancellor's new policy to make sure every school has a music teacher on staff. The Wii music program will eventually be in 50 cities throughout the country.
Maybe Harmonix or Activision will take a page from Nintendo and test out a program that would introduce younger children to music through their games. I know that's why Tristan is studying classical guitar now.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
With the regular Wii-mote, you can sit on the sofa and play Wii Sports with the flick of your wrist. Not true with Wii MotionPlus.
Still unreleased, Wii MotionPlus is an add-on for the Wii Remote that helps the Wii locate it better in space. EA Sports exec Peter Moore recounts his experience with Wii MotionPlus: "If you think about the normal movement you get with the Wii remote, you know you can sit on your couch and flick your wrist and you get the same reaction as if you stand up and do a full swing playing golf or tennis. What the Wii Motion plus allows you to do is do a true authentic sports motion. When you swing the racquet and you bring it back for an overhead lob or smash, then that is reflected."
If Wii MotionPlus catches on, the Wii's couch potato playing days are over.
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March 14th, 2009, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
Marvelous is pushing pre-orders of Arc Rise Fantasia with a massive bonus. Reserve the game in Japan to get a Design Works book filled with illustrations, enigmatic “special” book, and a soundtrack CD. Yasunori Mitsuda who worked on Chrono Trigger and Xenosaga will also compose music for Arc Rise Fantasia. Pre-order gifts are common in Japan, especially for unestablished games, but the Arc Light Symphony bundle is way above the norm.
Arc Rise Fantasia comes out in Japan on June 4. Xseed and Marvelous USA will publish Arc Rise Fantasia domestically later this year. Will we get the same pre-order present? I hope so!
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March 14th, 2009, 14:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Jump, Dig and Climb your way through puzzle based levels, as you navigate your way through the Docomodake Forest
Use the Stylus to split Papa Docomodake into Minis (initially up to 4). Splitting into Minis allows Papa Docomodake to: - Become smaller to fit through tight areas; - Get an extra boost and climb to unreachable areas; - Fill in gaps so that he can cross treacherous terrain; - Find more Minis along your journey and increase your versatility.
Share the game with a friend using the Single-Cart Docomodake Demo feature
Buy collectible items in the game with the coins you find along the way
Tutorial Level available to sharpen your skills
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March 14th, 2009, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Yoyo/6130/
ZXDS is an emulator of Sinclair ZX Spectrum for Nintendo DS, written by Patrik Rak. It is steadily reaching a mature stage of development, and it already has some noteworthy features, like accurate emulation of Spectrum 48k, 128k and Pentagon models (including sound), or support for TAP/TZX/PZX tape files, TRD/SCL disk files and RZX playback files, not to mention the ability to download these files online over WiFi.
ZXDS 0.9.0 beta 1 (12.3.2009)
+ Support for download of files from HTTP and FTP servers over WiFi.
+ Virtual directory system for creating arbitrary listings of both local and remote files.
Config for World of Spectrum, RZX Archive and Demotopia data feeds included.
See online.txt for how to create the listings and setup your own servers.
* The data_path, saves_path and screens_path are now configurable.
* Help now finally uses the variable width font as I always intended.
* Stick to the Zilog behavior regarding SCF/CCF undocumented flags.
* Built with the latest devkitPro release, should solve most libfat/DLDI issues.
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March 14th, 2009, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
Kwiirk has released CIOS_usb2 beta2 :
This program is a modification of custom ios module by neimod, implementing a usb2 (ehci) driver on the side of legacy OH0 and OH1 modules.
Basically, it enables USB 2.0 devices to run at full USB 2.0 speeds. Before, it would only allow USB 1.1 speeds
The sources included also contain various tools to help the ioshacker. Use with care.. A modified copy of libfat shows developers a simple way to use full USB speed for their applications, while keeping usb1 working if cios_usb2 is not installed
beta2 changelog
added a ehc custom module which implements standard ios usb API over /dev/usb/ehc, plus custom usbstorage direct api.
restored the legacy oh0 module from nintendo. External USB1.1 devices will be taken care of by this module.
changed the order of module loading in order to be sure that EHCI initialization code runs before OH1, now bluetooth should work more reliabily.
added libfat w/ read_ahead and USBspeedTest, courtesy of rodries from mplayer-ce team.
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March 14th, 2009, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat has released BibleQuiz 0.92:
Today I released a new version of BibleQuiz. The following changes were made:
13/03/2009 Version 0.92
- Upgrade GRRLIB graphical render engine from v3.0 to v4.0.
- Improve intro screens.
- Added fps (frame-per-second) information on all screens.
- Added screenshot functionality with plus button.
- Pictures are store on the SdCard in the following directory sd:/apps/bibleQuiz
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible. Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
Key Features:
2D Quiz gameboard with special graphical effects.
Support for four concurrent players
Many questions about many topics available
Game player score is store on SD Card.
Game available in five languages
WiiMote device support
10 background music tracks
Several sound effects
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March 14th, 2009, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from WiiNewz which concerns those who want homebrew on the Wii:
Several users have reported purchasing new Wii consoles that will not allow any of the current Wii softmod packages to be installed. WiiNewz has confirmed with a member of Team Twiizers that these consoles contain a new version of boot1 (as mentioned in the HackMii blog post HERE) and will not work via soft modding. There is no "fix" forthcoming.
A modified boot2 will not run on them, period.
At the time the HackMii article was written, it was speculated that only 10% of current Wii stock contained the new boot1. More systems are now showing up. It would appear that Nintendo is now working to completely block softmods. This will not have any effect of soldered or solderless modchips or the majority of homebrew... yet.
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March 15th, 2009, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
GeeXboX is a media center program built on Wii Linux. It uses MPlayer with a graphical front end. It can play videos and music (with visualization) and display photo slideshows.
Specially added features in the Wii port are: bluetooth (remote control, obex file push, networking and audio partially working), USB storage, USB Ethernet, http/telnet/ftp server, netstreaming, image viewer, goom visuals for audio playback, .... Most of added features are fully or partially tested, some are not, yet.
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March 15th, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
NoNameNo met online PsyKoTrope "done with its library is GRRLib v4.0 In this game you must go through all the squares in passing only once on each of them.
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March 15th, 2009, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
leinad has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: leinad (a.k.a. n00bey)
Project name: DronS
From: Germany
Division: NDS GAME
Original entry: NO
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: An Armagetron clone. Every player is represented as a "line" and has to avoid to drive into other lines - and therefor try to "kill" the other players.
[ This is V 1.50 ; Mainly random code cleanings and fixes~ specialy the server should finaly offer some stable gameplay for more than 2 rounds ... ]
- English, German, Czech, Spanish, Dutch and French laguage support
- Online-Multiplayer feature - Play against people all over the world (Well... yet not much activity ...)
- Supports NeoFlash Rumble Pak
- Very customizable: You can set every color, speed, arena size, mirroring, acceleration, brakes ammount, maximal speed, rumble ....
- 3D-Gameplay:
-- It is possible to steer the camera
-- The "head" of the players are displayed as cars
-- Walls have some textures on it
-- The ground is mirroring everything
-- . . .
- The whole button-map is configurable
Thanks to:
- Programix - for Czech translation
- FraGMenT - for Spanish translation
- Jeantje - for Dutch translation
- Decjo & Lucnam - for French translation
- Salz - for the boxart
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March 15th, 2009, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Samel has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Giacometti Luca - Samel
Project name : SnailRace
From: Cuneo, Italy, Europe
Division : DS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://www.donotjava.netsons.org/Dow...ce20090313.zip
Just unzip, dldi patch and put the SnailRace directory in the root of your card.
Description: [from the README.TXT]
Here we are, another game from Samel [aka Luca Giacometti].
E-Mail: samelinux@gmail.com
MSN: samelinux@gmail.com
G-Talk: samelinux@gmail.com
ICQ: 273419562
Game details
Type: can be played on the ds but it's also a good card game.
Player: 0-6.
Age: 5+ and don't think it's for kid, it's easy but NOT ONLY FOR KID!!!! 8p.
CPU: play with your friends or versus the AI on your ds. Or even watch the
AI play by itself.
Extract the archive [may be you already done this]
Patch the nds file with dldi
Put the obtained directory in the root of your card
That's all.
Following the cards list.
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
12 card with a value of -4
The goal of the game it's to make snails complete some races.
Snails starts at 0 and end a race at 14+.
If a snails reach 14+ with your card, then you get one "Finish" point and X
"Speed" point where X is the final value of the snail [let's say you play a
card and a snail reach 16, then you get one "Finish" point and 16 "Speed"
Each players start with eight card and draw a card at the end of each of his
turns [if the deck is not exausted].
On each turn players must play one and only one card.
Colored card can only be played on the snail of the same color.
Black card can be played on whatever snail you like.
When a player plays a card on a snail it moves forward [or backward in the
case of black card] of a number equals to the card value [let's say that the red
snail is at 4 and you play a red 2, then the snail runs at 6].
The winner is the player with most "Finish" point, on draw the winner is the
player with most "Speed" point, on draw ... the game is a DRAW! ) .
Design of the card game: samel
Code for the ds version: samel
Gfx for the ds version: samel [with help from the net]
Sound for the ds version: from the net [ www.freesound.org]
All the game use just the stylo, i'll make a newer version with full key
support as soon as possible.
During the game there are some waiting moments [when a snail runs, when you
hear the victory sound etc.]. You can skip them with any key [stylus or
buttons, also the d-pad]. Also the splash screen, the credits and the results
may be skipped with any key [stylus or button, also the d-pad].
Ok, now that you know all the good thing about the game let me tell you a
If you like to change the theme of the game you can modify the image in the
SnailRace directory.
Just select a new theme [let's say ... ROBORACE] and redraw all the image in
the files.
Be aware to not modify the name or the location of the file or the game will
This program is free for personal use, if you want to make money with it
contact me [See CONTACTS].
This card game is free for personal use, if you want to make money with it
contact me [See CONTACTS].
Image and sound are property of the respective owner [with the exception of the
one I made].
If you see some of your material in the game and you want credits, just
contact me [See CONTACTS].
If you see some of your material in the game and tou want I remove them, just
contact me [See CONTACTS].
If you just like to talk or to get in contact with me take a look at the
In the game there is a cheat ... find it and you will become the master !

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March 15th, 2009, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
leinad has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: leinad [a.k.a. n00bey]
Project name : DSBash
From : Germany
Division : NDS APP
Original enterty : No
Support Motion :No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : Yes, 3th
Project description: With DSBash you can browse trough chat-quote-archives (bash.org , qdb.us and german-bash.org).
After over 18 month, this is the final version of DSBash and I dont think there every will be any new features added, because it now suports everything I wanted
Features / Changes since the last neocompetition :
- bash.org , qdb.us and german-bash.org can be browsed
- skinable
- [new] MP3-Playback (it is no media played and Im not god, sometimes it's a bit chompy )
- [new] You can scroll the page
- [new] Everything can be configured on your DS now - no more .ini
- Customizable buttonmap
- [new] When you are reading quotes online, they are saved on your card and you can open them when you dont have internet-access.
- [new] Some loading animation, which is generated random everytime you start DSBash
- Make sure WiFi is confugured trough an official game
- Patch the DSBash.nds with DLDI if your card doesnt support Auto-DLDI
- Copy over the DSBash folder to your card (doesnt matter where, the rom will search for it)
- Run DSBash.nds and have fun
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March 15th, 2009, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from maRk2512
here's a early preview version of my new game called QuirkDS. It's a remake of an old GameBoy game. (Kwirk, A-mazing tater)
You can move the figure with keys and via stylus.
Just tap on the active player and 'drag' him arround. Quirk - Touch and go!
Have fun with it!
L or R cycles through the maps.
Download the latest version!
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March 15th, 2009, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo and rockstar are sure to be annoyed when they find out that the biggest game of the year Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars has already been released by pirate groups onto the internet and even though it has protection to stop flash carts playing it, in the last day or so even that has been cracked to allow playback on most flash cards with the patching of an Arm9 file.
Sad to say the pirates have ruined one of the best releases of the year and more significantly will prompt Nintendo to do more to thwart both piracy and sadly for us the Homebrew community.
- Please do not link to piracy/release sites in the comments, DCEmu is against any piracy.
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March 15th, 2009, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
NES emulator has been updated. Changes:
- The PPU Debugger now displays sprites, arranged in a 16 by 4 grid.
- A "Detail" section has also been added - while it currently does nothing, it will eventually be made to display details about whatever the mouse cursor is currently pointing at (in similar fashion to rveach's modified Nintendulator debugger).
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March 15th, 2009, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Xeron has released Giddy3 v1.3:
Giddy 3 is a great fun platform puzzle game. It was originally released in 2001 for MS-DOS, but last year I acquired the source code and converted it to C. This version is written specifically for the Wii.
Change Log
Fixed a bug which meant that Giddy could end up stuck in the ground if you stood in exactly the right place on one of the bubbles.
Removed the erroneous bulb effect when starting the game.
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March 16th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via Emurussia
NES emulator has been updated. Changes:
- "Detail" section has been implemented - simply hover the cursor over a nametable tile, sprite, pattern table tile, or palette entry, and it will be displayed magnified and with appropriate details. Right-clicking on an object will cause its details to remain displayed when you move the mouse over an empty area.
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March 16th, 2009, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Old-school action is the main attraction at the Wii Shop Channel this week. With a wealth of underground buzz already surrounding it, a brand new WiiWare title uses vintage-looking graphics and 8-bit sounds to create a rhythm-based game that's loaded with retro cool. Find out if you have enough skill to create order from chaos in a game that is as mesmerizing as it is challenging. Meanwhile, the latest addition to the Virtual Console lineup brings a Commodore 64 classic to the Wii console, proving that fans of international sports events needn't wait until 2012 to get their track-and-field fix. Even if you're too young to remember the original days of 8-bit gaming, these awesome titles provide timeless kicks.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
BIT.TRIP BEAT (Aksys Games, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone, 600 Wii Points): BIT.TRIP BEAT is a rhythm game that brings retro action into the present, letting you use the motion-sensing Wii Remote controller to bounce beats. Retro visuals, classic game play, four-player multiplayer and an 8-bit soundtrack will get you in the zone and rock your world. The challenges are mighty, but if you can stay cool as the difficulty increases, you'll discover the beginnings of the BIT.TRIP saga.
Virtual Console
Summer Games II (Commodore 64, 1-8 players, Rated E for Everyone, 500 Wii Points): A thousand athletes. A hundred countries. Billions watching around the world as you enter the stadium, marching confidently among your nation's strongest, fastest and boldest young men and women. Your gaze sweeps the crowd as you realize the scope of your achievement. You are about to compete against the world's best athletes in a 3,000-year-old competition. This is the pinnacle of athletic achievement: the Summer Games. Summer Games II challenges your competitive skills with a series of athletic contests for one to eight players. Experience the excitement and realism of eight different events: cycling, equestrian, fencing, high jump, javelin, kayaking, rowing and triple jump. Practice each event to sharpen your skills, then choose from the 18 countries you can represent in the competition.
Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit Wii.com.
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March 16th, 2009, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nicksasa has released WiiND v2
This app dumps the NAND to USB and SD.
Before you can use USB 2.0 you have to install the "modded" version of the USB 2.0 cIOS (cIOS rev7 + USB 2.0), Don't worry it, won't overwrite anything, it installs as IOS222.
To extract the dump you need your NAND AES KEY, you can get that by using the "Key Grabber" included it's xyzzy but it dumps nand-key.bin and common-key.bin to sd card when you run the program there will be a nand-key .bin in the sd card (also a common-key but that's not necessary for unpacking but can be useful for other things  ) copy the nand-key.bin to c:\keys\ (make the folder keys on your c drive if it doesn't exist) and then just run "extract.exe" and select the nand-dump.img file and it will copy the nand.img to the folder where extract.exe is and extract it
v1: First release v2: Now supports USB 2.0 and added a function to dump to sd, some minor visual changes
Download Here --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiND
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March 16th, 2009, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Scanff has released WiiRadio v0.2- http://www.scanff.com/
WiiRadio is a ShoutCast stream player. It can read from thousands of internet radio streams and play them back on the Wii.
Change Log
Version 0.2
- Changed logo - (Thank You TiMeBoMb for the new logo!)
- Added support for loading Playlist files (*.pls) from the SD card
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Increased pre-buffer size (this seems to help streaming on the Wii)
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March 16th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release by linus:
Native Wii Code Downloader. Downloads Wiird .txt files from the Wiird code database to the sd card and renames them to the name of the game they are used for. To use the cheats in game, txt codes/cheats files must be converted into .gct format by using Wiicm or CheatManager.
Change Log
Version 1.2: Slimjim8094 proxy patch(accurately remove headers of any length to allow use with proxy servers.)
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March 16th, 2009, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
NoNameNo proposes a new version of "PsyKoTrope", this new version called "DIY (DO IT YOURSELF) offers to create your own levels.
DIY Version:
You can now design your own level easily.
When you run psykotrope, the soft is going to load
the level on the SD, in apps / psykotrope / levels.png
levels are stored in a single PNG file, and designed like this:
- Each level is a matrix of 20 * 15 pixel (no box BLACK, WHITE box)
- The 16th line is to define the goal (number of box to cross for this level) (Only use WHITE pixel to define the goal)
- Number of level is automatically displayed by the game dividing the height of the PNG by 16 wink
- The PNG have to be: W = 20
H <1024 (and a multiple of 16 wink)
And RGB (not indexed colors)
have a look at the provided GameSet to really understand how it work
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March 16th, 2009, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Kukulcan presents his new homebrew for the DS, "Search Eye DS" which is the adaptation of the arcade game Search Eye (1999) in which you have to find objects hidden in the drawing. Contains the original 70 levels, 3 difficulty modes and to unlock Gallery mode.
Obligation to copy the folder "kukulcan /" the root of the linker.
-Find 3 objects in 25 levels to unlock the mode MEDIUM
5-Find Items in 50 levels to unlock HARD mode
7-Find Items in 70 levels to unlock the GALLERY
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March 16th, 2009, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres one i hadnt spotted but thanks to gbatemp who link to pdroms as source i now can post news on it:
The Homebrew Channel type app for the DS has been updated, heres whats new:

v1.12b (R4) (8-Mar-2009): A major step was taken, DsKiosk now also works on the R4 card (thank you Michael 'Fenrir' and all testers for their invaluable assistance). Le fichier ZIP contient dorénavant deux exécutables : dskiosk.nds et dskiosk-r4.nds . The ZIP file now contains two different executable: dskiosk.nds and dskiosk-r4.nds. Utilisez ce dernier si votre linker est un R4 ou similaire, ou si dskiosk.nds refuse de tourner. Use this if your linker is an R4 or similar, or if dskiosk.nds refuses to turn.
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March 16th, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
The March 22 launch of the Pokémon Platinum Version video game for the Nintendo DS system is almost upon us, and Pokémon fans are already buzzing with anticipation. This new game in the storied franchise brings a host of new features, including the mysterious new Distortion world, never-seen-before forms of powerful Pokémon, exciting online games in the new Wi-Fi Plaza and strategic battles that are the hallmark of the main Pokémon game series.
"The Pokémon franchise has been a force since it came to the United States more than 10 years ago," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "To date, our two most recent games in the core Pokémon series, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, have sold more than 5.3 million in the United States alone. Pokémon Platinum Version brings fans a set of new challenges, fun and entertainment."
On March 21, Nintendo will host a blowout launch celebration for the game at the Nintendo World store in New York. Pokémon fans will be able to demo and purchase the game a day before it's available in other retail stores. Rockefeller Plaza will become a Pokémon fan's paradise with a myriad of Pokémon activities, including game-play kiosks showing off the game and its online capabilities, the "Pokémon Platinum Plunge," where Pokémon fans will get a chance to win a copy of the Pokémon Platinum Version video game, and opportunities to take photos with their favorite Pokémon characters.
Consumers enjoy Pokémon games, in part, for both their social aspect and their re-playability. For instance, in the new Wi-Fi Plaza, up to 20 players with wireless broadband access from around the world can connect together to experience mini-games, take part in parades and even see a fireworks show. And players who visit the Global Terminal can post their Pokémon for trade to other players around the world. This allows for a greater variety of Pokémon that a player can collect, and also allows players to get Pokémon from other countries, which have become sought-after by many fans. Also the new Global Terminal allows players to use a new item, the Vs. Recorder, to save and post "videos" of their best battles online for everyone to see.
For more information about Pokémon Platinum Version, visit www.PokemonPlatinum.com.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
mdm2k proposes a new version of its puzzle game customizable and multi-player.
- Generate a puzzle from an image in PNG format
- Maximum size of the image 480x440
- Up to 4 players can simultaneously solve the puzzle
- An integrated puzzle appear in the absence of SD card
This new version adds support for SDHC cards and a new banner for the homebrew channel.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

MADWORLD has an unique black and white style depicting an incredibly sharp backdrop that straddles graphic novels and 3D worlds. As players battle opponents, they must master the use of various weapons and items found within their environment, such as chainsaws and street signs, while entertaining sports commentary adds to the third-person gameplay. With its irreverent humor and over-the-top violence, MADWORLD will deliver an unique core gaming experience currently missing on the Wii system.
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March 16th, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis
With Wii controls, players simply swing the Wii Remote controller to hit forehands and backhands and to apply spin. Experienced gamers can also attach a Nunchuk controller for additional precision
Choose from over 15 characters from the Mario universe, including Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Daisy, and Yoshi! Every character has a defensive and offensive Power Shot that can send opponents reeling or return out-of-reach balls
Play traditional tournaments, or hit the Gimmick Courts for the wildest matches you've ever seen. Fight off Klaptraps, clean up sludge, or play a wealth of tennis-themed minigames
With one- to four-player modes available, you can play a quick pickup game, join a friend to defeat a minigame, or go head-to-head in frantic modes like Ring Shot and Item Battle
The stars of the Mushroom Kingdom are gathering for a tennis tournament, and the competition is going to be fierce!
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March 16th, 2009, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Embark on the pet shop adventure of a lifetime: Where the player will become an important part of the community as they help to manage their very own pet shop
Meet the cutest characters in a town where everyone loves to live: the familiar character styles of the inhabitants of Green Town, and the vibrant environments, shops and homes, create a place to stay, play and interact for hours
Collect and care for loads of loveable and unusual pets: My Pet Shop offers over 40 types of animals with over 120 different variations available to find and nurture
Work hard and get rewarded: The more the player works in the shop and cares for their pets, the more money they’ll receive to buy some of the 100+ fashion accessories available for their pets
Enter pet contests and win prizes: Players get to showcase their hard work – the tricks they’ve taught pets and the fashion accessories they’ve bought – by taking part in the town’s photo and fitness contests
Share your pets with mates using the DS Wireless Connection
Welcome to the beautiful world of Green Town and to your very own pet shop. Following your move from the metropolis of Gold City, you’re now getting settled in your new home in Green Town, as the kid of the newly opened pet shop.
Your adventure begins on your first day in the shop, helping your mum to find pets for the residents of the town, and caring for the animals you find. The more you care for and play with the pets, the more attached to you they become, and as you continue to help out in the shop, you’ll be rewarded with money allowing you to buy accessories to make your pets the cutest in the whole town! Teach them tricks, look after them well, and you’ll soon be on your way to winning the town’s cute pet photo contest.
The people of Green Town will welcome you with open arms as you work to create the best pet shop ever!
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March 16th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Points become Nintendo Points as new retail cards arrive in time for DSi Store
Platform holder Nintendo has dated its key releases for the upcoming Q2 at retail, which include the launch of both the black and white variants of its DSi on April 3rd.
Alongside the key software titles, Nintendo Points, the virtual currency used to purchase software from the Virtual Console and WiiWare portals, will be rebranded as Nintendo Points alongside the arrival of Nintendo’s handheld and accompanying DSi Store.
As well as being purchasable directly through a user’s machine, these Points will also be available to buy on the High Street in 1000, 2000 and 3000 SKUs.
Titles that have been dated include Wii fighter Punch Out (May), New Play Control! Pikmin (April 24th) and New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (June). On the DS front music title Rhythm Paradise (May 1st) and Pokemon Platinum (May 22nd) were also cemented.
Other highlights include Another Code: R on DS (June) and new DS fitness title Walk with me! Do you know your walking routine? – including two Activity Meters (June 5th).
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March 16th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Points become Nintendo Points as new retail cards arrive in time for DSi Store
Platform holder Nintendo has dated its key releases for the upcoming Q2 at retail, which include the launch of both the black and white variants of its DSi on April 3rd.
Alongside the key software titles, Nintendo Points, the virtual currency used to purchase software from the Virtual Console and WiiWare portals, will be rebranded as Nintendo Points alongside the arrival of Nintendo’s handheld and accompanying DSi Store.
As well as being purchasable directly through a user’s machine, these Points will also be available to buy on the High Street in 1000, 2000 and 3000 SKUs.
Titles that have been dated include Wii fighter Punch Out (May), New Play Control! Pikmin (April 24th) and New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (June). On the DS front music title Rhythm Paradise (May 1st) and Pokemon Platinum (May 22nd) were also cemented.
Other highlights include Another Code: R on DS (June) and new DS fitness title Walk with me! Do you know your walking routine? – including two Activity Meters (June 5th).
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March 16th, 2009, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS arrived this weekend at Kotaku Towers West in a swag-filled box, including a pair of brilliant DS styli that make playing the game much harder.
Actually, playing Chinatown Wars is challenging enough with the stock stylus. I opted to get smudgy, using nimble finger pokes to guide my way around the pint-sized Liberty City. These chopstick-style styli are going to remain unused. That way, when I give them away in a future swag-laden contest, they'll still be mint in package. Paper sleeve. Whatever.
Definitely the best styli since the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass feather. Far less regrettable than the Pac Pix one I spent good money on via eBay. (And no MSG!)
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March 16th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Continuing in it's tradition of listing bizarre video game world record breakers, Guinness today announced the game with the most swearing in it.
Weighing in with 189 uses of the F-bomb is The House of the Dead: Overkill. That works out to more than one rhymes with duck per a minute, or three percent of all words spoken in the game.
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March 16th, 2009, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
After working on Chibi Robo and Captain Rainbow, Skip focused their efforts on Nintendo’s Art Style series. Three Art Style games have been released on WiiWare domestically: Orbient, Cubello, Rotohex. Strangely none of them have been released in Japan. Skip’s home country got their first taste of Art Style from the DSiWare store.
Decode, a puzzle game where you arrange groups of numbers so their sum is ten, was one of the first Art Style games for the Nintendo DSi. Looks like it’s going to be one of the first Art Style DSiWare games to come overseas too. The OFLC rated D-Code with Skip as the designer and Nintendo as the publisher. Sounds an awful like the “Decode” game currently on Japan’s DSiWare store and unless the two companies are working on a strikingly similar sounding project we’re going to see Decode released internationally as D-code.
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March 16th, 2009, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
morukutsu has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

I submit my third NDS Project.
Nickname: Morukutsu
Project name : Natura No Story
From: France
Division : NDS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download :
- For Slot-1 Linkers : http://morukutsuland.free.fr/data/nn...ory_Slot-1.rar & http://www.gigaup.fr/?g=Q9NMLSBMKX
- For Slot-2 Linkers : http://morukutsuland.free.fr/data/nn...ory_Slot-2.rar
- Emulator Version with unlocked levels : http://morukutsuland.free.fr/data/nn...y_Emulator.rar
Note : If you can't go to the second level on slot-2 linkers, use the emulator version instead.
Installation: Select the right version corresponding to your hardware then copy it on your linker.
Description: Natura No Story is a platform game with original graphics and a dynamic gameplay.
In this demo, you can play the first 8 levels of the game.
I hope you'll like it
Controls : A to attack and B to jump. Press A many times to do a combo. You can run and attack or jump and attack. To do a special attack, press Up + A then release the buttons.
Credits :
Code & GFX : Morukutsu
Musics : Archilolo, Zoglu, Skinnix and Me
Specials Thanks : #dev-fr, Blash, Mony, Smealum, Box2D and the others !
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March 17th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Codemii have released a new version of the Homebrew Browser:
17 March 2009 (v0.2.5c)
Fixed issue with utilities section that was causing it to be empty
Fixed zip progress issue
This update is just a quick fix for the issue that’s occurred when adding a new application to the utilities list. Also while I was at it I believe the zip progress issue has been fixed too.
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March 17th, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has released a new version of the port of scummVm for the Nintendo DS, heres the release information:
Please test this new beta version of ScummVM, and post your results here. If you try this out, please post how you got on here, whether it worked or not.
When you post, try to include:
* Your card reader
* The game you were testing (including which language it runs in)
If you see problems, please post the details of those too.
Since this is a beta version, full instructions are not yet available, but instructions for use are essentially the same as the previous version, so see the ScummVM DS website at http://scummvm.drunkencoders.com
New features:
- Access to the global ScummVM main menu. Hold select during the game to access it.
Supported Games
Build A:
Manic Mansion
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Passport to Adventure
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Bear Stormin' (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise (DOS version only)
Fatty Bear's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (DOS version only)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (DOS version only)
Build B:
Beneath a Steel Sky
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Build C:
Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
Elvira 1/2
Waxworks (Amiga version only)
Build D:
Sierra AGI games
Gobliiins 1 - 3
Bargon Attack
Ween: The Prophecy
Future Wars
Lost in Time
Build E:
Inherit the Earth (DOS Floppy version only)
Build F:
Kyrandia 1 - 3 (I'm not sure which ones will work, please test them!)
Build G:
Lure of the Temptress
Build H:
Nippon Safes
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March 17th, 2009, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
PinballWizard, WarpedFlash, and Arikado have released a demo of their upcoming library:

The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is a simple code library that allows developers to easily incorporate a HOME menu similiar to Nintendos into their applications.
Current Project Status
Arikado is one linking error away from finishing the library's source code. Tantric is assisting Arikado with this error.
Demonstration Application - Download
The Main Features of the Library
Allows the user to return to the loader or the system menu
Allows the user to reset or shutdown his/her Wii
Displays sprites for up to 4 connected wiimotes
Displays which wiimotes are synced to the Wii
Displays if the balance board is synced to the Wii
Open Source
Incorporating the library into your programs
Arikado has made some changes and will rewrite this section upon the release of the library.
At them moment, The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is only compatible with programs that use libwiisprite. However, several ports are underway in order to widen compatibility. If you would like to do a port, it would be appreciated if you say so before you do the port, so that the authors (and users) know that the port is underway. Right now, the authors are not working on any ports as they are consumed with just pushing out the initial release for libwiisprite users.
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March 17th, 2009, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
MetaFight has released Shiny Red Tank v0.1.1a
Shiny Red Tank is eventually going to become an old-school platformer including elements from my favorite 8-bit and 16-bit games. It is in very early stages of development and still has quite a few bugs, but you should be able to get a pretty good idea of the game mechanics.
The game map is currently limited to a test area. Since I'm horribly slow at making my own graphics, the current graphics are very limited. Also, I haven't gotten around to implementing sound yet.
So, in short, this project still has a long way to go.
I hope you enjoy it!
-- MetaFight
17 March 2009, v0.1.1a
Minor physics tweaks
Implemented 2nd player.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced that Gardening Mama for Nintendo DS will ship on March 31st. Developed by Cooking Mama Limited, the team that created the award-winning Cooking Mama franchise that has sold 3.7 million units domestically, Gardening Mama stars the iconic culinary cutie in the first ever gardening game. Gamers anxious to get growing can download a playable demo currently in approximately 10,000 Nintendo kiosks at major retailers nationwide.
Gardening Mama transforms the stylus into a universal gardening tool that players will use to plant, nurture and harvest 37 different varieties of flowers, fruits and vegetables. Gamers can manage their garden through the seeding, blooming and maturation phases, and then produce items from the plants they've grown. A robust multiplayer mode lets up to four friends compete to grow the biggest harvest and Treasure Box mode lets players share items they've grown with online friends. In addition, players can change Mama's outfit to their liking while customizing the screen design to their preference.
Gardening Mama will launch March 31st for a suggested retail price of $29.99. To watch the gameplay trailer and learn more, please visit the official site at www.gardeningmama.com.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
Since the launch of the Nintendo Channel for the Wii earlier this year, Nintendo has been providing a DS Download Service with demos of released and upcoming DS games. Wii owners can boot up the DS Download Service through the Nintendo Channel and download various playable demos directly to their Nintendo DS, using the Download Play option. It works in the same way as the in-store download stations. The third-party games get updated every week and we've got info on this week's batch to let you know a little more about what you're getting.
The week of March 16
Monsters vs. Aliens Demo
The Dreamworks film's coming out relatively soon, and to piggy back on that release Activision's put Griptonite to work on a DS game. The demo features the Missing Link as he uses his Spider-Man like skills to get through the alien structure.
TrackMania DS Demo
What was once a PC phenomenon is now a Nintendo DS game. In the full product you'll get to test your arcade driving skills on a variety of different track settings (including your own creations). The demo that hit the Nintendo Channel is just a sampling of the gameplay within the final product.
Avalon Code Demo
XSeed continues to crank out the Japanese imports. This latest action RPG introduces a few strategic elements, and the demo now available on the Nintendo Channel gives you a sampling of the gameplay items you can expect in the extensive adventure.
Nintendo also keeps a selection of first party titles up for download. They're not cycled out as often and most of them have been there since the Nintendo Channel launched.
Personal Trainer: Cooking Lasagna Demo
The Nintendo DS cookbook is now available in stores, and to give owners a little taste test (ha ha) Nintendo's thrown a freebie demo of the software up on the Nintendo Channel where you can follow along, step by step, to make some truly kick-ass lasagna.
Personal Trainer: Math Demo
If you're unsure if math can be fun on the Nintendo DS, give this demo a download: you'll take part in the game's Kageyama method in solving math problems using the touchscreen to hand write all the answers as quickly as possible.
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir
The demo offers one of the levels for the hide and seek portion of the game. Players are given five minutes to find eight items in the level. Upon completion, players can start again, and find eight different items. We played it three times without having to repeat items.
Brain Age
The older sibling of the Brain Age 2 demo. It's the same kind of deal. There's a Brain Age Test minigame that has players shout colors into the DS microphone. The training game is a simple math problem test that uses the touch screen to write. Sudoku is in this one too, which means you've got two free sudoku puzzles you can play if you get both demos.
Brain Age 2
The Brain Age 2 demo features three quick play modes. There's the Brain Age Test that will give the player an approximate brain age based on a verbal match of rock, paper, scissors. There's also a quick play training mode that shows off the rotating letters minigame, complete with touch screen letter recognition. Finally the Quick play sudoku lets players enjoy a quick sudoku puzzle in one of the better presentations for the system.
Flash Focus
Flash Focus is a game designed to improve focus and hand-eye coordination. It features a simplified Eye Age test where players remember the direction letters are facing as they flash by on the screen. The training game is more hands on. It's a baseball minigame where players have to tap the ball to hit it. The pitches get harder each time the player connects with the ball and the game ranks you at the end.
Crosswords DS
For the non-Sudoku inclined, Crosswords DS features the classic crossword puzzles that have been gracing newspapers long before number puzzles. The demo features the classic Crosswords mode, one of three gameplay modes in the final version. Players can select the difficulty of the puzzle, as well as the option to turn on an assist mode that lets the player know if the answer is right or wrong. The whole demo uses the touch screen so players can see how well the letter recognition system works.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is sending out invitations to get early hands-on time with the DSi. The invites are going to Platinum members of Club Nintendo and will allow these VIPs to try out the upgraded portable a couple weeks before it is launched on April 5.
The invite IGN received is for a sneak preview event at the GameStop on Powell Street in downtown San Francisco, March 22. Space is apparently limited, and Platinum members will be admitted on a first come, first served basis. Attendees must RSVP if planning to participate. The invites are only being sent to Platinum members who live near an event.
Members of Club Nintendo attain Platinum status after registering 600 coins worth of Nintendo products. Wii games normally are worth 50 coins and DS titles are 30.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's DSiWare download service will be getting a major name shortly. Famitsu reveals in its latest issue that Sega will be bringing over a version of Phantasy Star for the service some time in March.
Titled Phantasy Star Zero Mini, this downloadable version of last year's Phantasy Star Zero (available only in Japan at present) consists of a score attack where players select from three characters and attempt to defeat a creature known as Raven. Just like its big cartridge brother, the game will support four player wireless play and a "visual chat" hand drawn messaging service.
Sega will be charging just 200 DSi Points for this title. This suggests a "mini" game indeed, but we'll be sure and make the download for ourselves to let you know if there's two dollars worth of game in there.
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March 17th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
beodeulpiri has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Hi, everyone.
My NDS Game is Jangki board game that is oriental chess game in Korea.
I hope you'll like it.
Nickname: beodeulpiri
Project name : Jangki DS ( Oriental Chess Game in Korea )
From: Seoul, Korea
Division : NDS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download :
- Link : http://ndstutor.tistory.com/attachme...B9D0067F74.zip
- Dev Site : http://ndstutor.tistory.com/40
No need to patch DILI.
Jangki board game that is oriental chess game in Korea.
It's similar to China Jangki but rule is different.
Rule is simple. refer to attched help image.
Controls :
If you want to change selected piece, Press twice the other piece.
When game ended, Press Exit button for new game.
Press X to Exit, Press Y to view help, Press B to back.
Credits :
Code & GFX : beodeulpiri
Graphic & Sound : beodeulpiri
Specials Thanks : palib.info and the others !
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March 17th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
ollipolli has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: OlliPolli
Project name : DSwiki
From: Germany
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://dswiki.googlecode.com/files/DSwiki-0.3alpha1.zip
Installation: See the README below
Description: Offline Wikipedia Reader
OK, then, time to enter the compo. I present DSwiki. This program is a viewer application for any wikimedia powered wiki, the most famous one is surely the original "Wikipedia". But also any(!) wiki hosted on http://www.wikia.com can be used.
You can download pre-made dumps from http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/wiki/Dumps, or use an indexer to turn any database dump into usable files for DSwiki. The indexer can be dowloaded from http://code.google.com/p/dswiki too.
The new version (0.3+), exclusively built for months to reach the deadline of this compo, is not comparable to v0.2 in any way. It features a totally different approach, namely to convert the markup into XML and parsing the XML-tree.
The left image shows the rendering of a "random" article ;-) Note the typography (bold/italic), the correct rendering of the list and that you reached this page through a redirection. The right image shows the table of contents that you can use to quickly navigate the article.
The left image shows the searchable index (this screenshot was taken from the uncyclopedia), the right image demonstrates just a little of DSwiki's feature to display most unicode characters.
The last image shows a typical run of the indexer, preparing the german wikibooks for DSwiki.
If you have questions, feature requests or other things you want to say, just do that in the thread in the PAlib forum (just google it), here, or write me a mail. Bug reports should go into the list on the googlecode-page.
For the installation, see the README below. Make sure you take the tutorial on the first start, you'll learn everything you need. But you can start it also at a later time from the menu.
I hope you like DSwiki, it was a pleasure to code it.
DSwiki (v0.3alpha1)
DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the
Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, ...
DSwiki is NOT a web browser!
Why DSwiki?
DSwiki is optimal for all people with a Nintendo DS that like to
have their information "portable", but cannot access the Internet
directly. So far, no Program was very good in displaying the
Wikipedia on the DS. NewDictS can display an uncompressed dump, but
this dump is outdated, and the Wikipedia has grown dramatically
since then, so compression was absolutely necessary. In addition,
most homebrew programs can't handle UTF-8.
-- Get the complete(!) Wikipedia on a Nintendo DS. The English language
edition fits on a 4GB storage device, the German edition is just 1.2GB.
-- Quite good handling of internal links. Alternative display text
and appended letters are supported to create the same look as
in the online version. Subpage links are supported.
-- Very good Unicode/UTF8-Support (as much - or as little - as the
underlying font covers)
-- Fast and easy searchable index
-- Bookmarks
Just take the tutorial at the first start, or start it any time later
from the menu.
1. Copy DSwiki.nds somewhere on your flash card, DLDI-patch it if
2. Create dumps of your favorite wiki or download already prepared ones.
Visit <http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/wiki/Dumps> for a list.
3. Copy all files with the extensions
db? [ ? = one letter, typically "a" or "b", "z" is used in older versions ]
into /dswiki. This directory must exist in the root directory of your flash card.
Planned Features
-- Improved Search (advanced input)
-- "Find as you type" inside an article
-- Switching between fonts on the fly
-- Customization
DSwiki is based on
-- NewDictS <http://tvgame360.com.tw/viewthread.php?tid=21913&extra=&page=1>
Thanks to sesa for graphics-/unicode- and font-routines
-- Wiki2Touch <http://code.google.com/p/wiki2touch/>
Thanks to Tom Haukap for the file format and index routines
-- libbzip2 <http://bzip.org/>
-- UCS fonts <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html>
Thanks to Markus Kuhn
+ some other fonts
+ Titlegraphic <http://www.stefanie-gronau.de>
Thanks to my beloved wife
Have Fun!
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March 17th, 2009, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Gaz posted this release today:
Jazzier Suite, is a new project I am working on for the Nintendo DS. The program will aid musicians in improving their ability to recognise pitch, read music and to stabilise timing, as not to speed up or slow down whilst playing songs. There will also be a number of tools implemented to help aid in composition and performance. Some of these have already been implemented in the first release, such as, the delay calculator and tap tempo features on the metronome.
Instructions. (1. Metronome)
To find out the tempo of a track of music, constantly press the X button on the beat of the track. This is called Tap-Tempo and will set the metronome to the tempo of the track you are listening to. It also provides an average tempo (bpm) based on the accuracy of your tapping over a set time.
The delay times shown on the top of the screen can be entered into a guitar effects pedal or similar effects processor. I have included a few different beat times including dotted notes for more experimental delay times.
You can select 1 – 12 beats per bar.
Adjusting the tempo can be achieved in three ways:-
Tap Temp (X Button)
Tempo Meter (Red)
Fine Tune, left and right arrows next to the tempo
Additional Notes
When tap-tempo is used, the metronome is stopped. I found it quit difficult to tap along to a track whilst the metronome was playing.
Hope you enjoy the software,
(Gareth Bennett)
* The meter is now fixed, you can drag up and down.
* The metronome sound has been amplified slightly.
Update notes:-
* Included a Notation Trainer to aid in learning to site-read music.
* Improvements to the metronome.
* Added Main Menu.
* Updated Graphics.
I have also been working on a way to save stats for each exercise. This will be daily stats which can be saved onto the DS, and I may enable the software so users can store their progress online. It will display charts to show your progression on all 15 keys of the notation trainer for example, this should be available on the next release.
I will add some doc's tomorrow:-
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March 17th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
A patent infringement case brought by Fenner Investments Ltd against Nintendo relating to technology in its Wii and GameCube consoles has been summarily dismissed by a US District Court judge.
The patent affected was listed as number 6,297,751, which reads as follows:
"The joystick port interface includes an integrated circuit receiving an analogue joystick position measurement signal and outputting a digital pulse signal to a processor which signifies a joystick coordinate value. The integrated circuit includes a pulse generator and a bidirectional buffer circuit.
"The bidirectional buffer circuit receives the analog joystick position measurement signal and selectively discharges an RC network capacitor which provides this analogue measurement. This implementation provides a joystick port which uses low-voltage CMOS VLSI structures which can interface a conventional high-voltage joystick with the processor."
The judge ruled against the infringement, and also decided there would be no need for a jury trial.
"We are very pleased with the court's decision," said Rick Flamm, Nintendo of America's senior VP, Legal & General Counsel. "Nintendo has a long history of developing innovative products while respecting the intellectual property rights of others. We also vigorously defend patent lawsuits when we firmly believe that we have not infringed another party's patent, despite the risks that this policy entails. I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts of our legal team, which represented us so well."
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March 17th, 2009, 22:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars could sell two million units in the US alone this year, according to analysts Cowen and Company.
The game is likely to appeal to hardcore gamers who already own Nintendo's handheld, and should get off to a flying start on release thanks to the first round of positive reviews.
"Although the handheld platform has a younger-skewing installed base, we believe many core gamers own the DS," wrote Cowen's Doug Creutz. "The strong critical rating will likely increase the game’s chances of becoming a commercial hit."
At the time of writing, the title has a Metacritic score of 95 per cent, and has received full marks from GamePro, Eurogamer and Games Radar.
"If the title’s subsequent reviews are consistent with the initial critical response, Chinatown Wars would be the highest rated title on the DS to date," added Creutz.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has been fighting the R4 piracy device and fighting it hard. There's a court injunction against the Chinese R4 makers for "violation under Japan's laws". Yahoo! Auctions is prohibiting the device's sale.
Earlier this month, retailers in Tokyo's geek mecca Akihabara were still carrying the device. However, stores are apparently trying to liquidate their inventory before it becomes illegal to sell R4 devices in Japan.
When it does, expect more scenes like this — guys in back allies, open car trunks, etc. And that cash register on a cardboard box? Classy.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Don’t rush to import Space Invaders Extreme 2! Chances are it’s coming out overseas under the name Space Invaders Remix… soon. Nintendo of Europe sent out a massive release schedule dating Space Invaders Remix for PAL regions on June 5th.
While Square Enix occasionally publishes localized games in Europe first (remember the World Ends With You?) international releases are generally clumped close together. Also, Square Enix’s Taito published games are cheap compared to Japan. Space Invaders Extreme went for the low price of $19.99. I can’t see Square Enix charging 3,990 yen ($40) for the same game over here.
Europe’s list also has timelines for key Wii games like Punch-Out!! scheduled for release there in May. Nintendo of America gives Punch-Out!! a more specific release date, May 18. Missing on our release schedule, but exists on Europe’s is Another Code R (temporary name) which comes out there in June. Let’s hope Nintendo of America is saving the announcement for a later date. After all we’re getting Excitebots in April and it’s absent on Europe’s list.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Suikoden: Tierkreis is the first handheld Suikoden game and exclusive to the Nintendo DS
Suikoden: Tierkreis returns with its established gameplay system but also offers an all-new online element that offers an a rich online community experience using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
Featuring a new storyline and new variety of characters, Suikoden: Tierkreis will expand the bounds of the handheld RPG experience in a game that will take you to many cities and across parallel worlds
Suikoden: Tierkreis features many cinematic events that will drive the grand storyline of the 108 Stars of Destiny as they battle to thwart the forces of evil
Suikoden: Tierkreis is the latest iteration of the popular RPG franchise that was introduced more than 12 years ago. Suikoden: Tierkreis follows the story of the 108 Stars of Destiny, a group of magical warriors, as they challenge the almighty One King, who intends to create chaos in the universe. As the player gathers the members of the 108 Stars of Destiny, the forces for good will stand up against evil in a battle that spans the near infinite parallel worlds of the Million World universe.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism. For PES 2009, Konami is already planning a raft of extensive new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. Similarly, all-new options allow users to tailor the game to their own tastes, while new moves, innovative new control elements and key online elements will further the realism of the new game.
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March 18th, 2009, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Albinofrenchy has posted a new release of his pdf viewer for the DS:
Sorry for the delay to v1.4; but to make up for it, I've included a lot of new features!
Binary (Note: You must put the fonts folder at the root level of your slot-1 device)
Changelog from 1.3 to 1.4:
New viewing mode. This is the 'reader' mode. More on that later.
D-pad now pans the screen. I got alot of requests for this one!
File browser is now filtered; will only show PDF files. Note that it will show folders that don't have PDF files in them.
You can now adjust the backlit brightness by holding down Select + Up/Down arrows.
You can now cancel out of the file browser with 'B', or by clicking the file browser button again.
Rendering is getting progressively faster.
Mini-help screen and info screen on startup.
Added splash screen. If you find this annoying, remove the splash files in the FONTS folder, and it will bypass this step.
Fonts are external now. This gives us alot more memory to play with at the expense of higher load times on certain PDF's. (Note: I took out the dingbats font. If anyone as a PDF that has dingbats, I will hand out that file too... It is much larger though).
Bug Fixes:
You can no longer scroll off the bottom of the file browser.
Some memory issues resolved that led to instability.
The zoom-tool used to mess up if you clicked it more than once. Doesn't anymore.
Tons of other stuff I'm sure...
Reader Mode
There is a new icon on the tool bar that looks like a paper with a lower case 'r' on it. This button brings you to the reader mode.
The reader mode serves two purposes. First, it lets you quickly navigate through pages. Second, it lets you read the text of a PDF in a format appropriate for the NDS.
I'm really excited about this new feature, however it isn't as far along as I would hope. The long and short of it is that the way PDF files store their text is difficult to read since every PDF generator seems to do it a bit differently; and there are a number of different font formats as well. This effectively means that it won't work for all PDF's, and won't do what you expect it to do for many more. I considered not releasing until I had everything working, but figured people would want new features even if some of them were faulty.
Some PDF's will render fine in the text view. Some will render with no spaces. Others will not render at all (I haven't run into alot of those, but, unfortunately, I suspect that non-latin encodings suffer much more greatly from this.) I haven't completely nailed down the auto-formating, but I'm close. You'll probably notice some puncutation is goofed up; thats another thing I'm working on. Its a work in progress.
If you have a document that doesn't look right in the reader mode that you don't mind sharing, please please contact me either here or elsewhere. I probably won't be able to respond to everyone, but I will look at it, and will try to figure out how to make it work right. Thank you!
To the right is a typical screen shot of the reader mode. On the bottom screen are different page layouts. On the top screen is the text pulled from the page. You can scroll the text via the D-Pad up and down keys, and change pages by the right and left keys. Touching pages will also give them focus. The numbers are, intuitively enough, the page numbers for that page.
Start opens a new file ('B' will cancel this operation.)
Select + Up/Down adjusts the screen brightness to the desired level
B button toggles view mode between normal document view mode and reader view mode.
Normal Viewer Mode:
D-Pad pans the document
X toggles between book mode and normal mode
Right Shoulder/A moves forward a page.
Left Shoulder/Y moves back a page.
Reader Mode:
Right/Left arrow moves page forward/backward
Up/Down arrow moves page text up or down.
Installation Notes
Unlike the previous versions, this one has font artifacts you need to keep on the flashdrive for some PDF's to load correctly. You must put the FONTS folder on your card at the root level. To do this you can simply unzip the contents of the binary zip file on to your slot-1 device. This will put the FONTS folder and the nds file on the device. You can move the nds file wherever you want, but you cannot move the fonts folder. I hope to make this configurable in the future, but we aren't there yet.
As always, please post any comments, questions, bug reports, etc etc
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March 18th, 2009, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Legendo Entertainment today announced that The Three Musketeers, its much-loved sword-swinging platform adventure inspired by Alexandre Dumas' classic novel and up until now only available on the PC, is in development for Wii and planned for release on WiiWare this spring.
The Three Musketeers: One for All! has been revamped for Wii to provide players with more fun and interaction as they launch sword attacks and control the game's hero with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
"The enhanced version will enable millions of Wii console owners to become Musketeers in their living rooms and experience all the fun of the original PC game while using the innovative Wii controllers to fence enemies," said Bjorn Larsson, CEO & Executive Producer of Legendo Entertainment.
Players will control famed musketeer Porthos during a daring adventure to save his kidnapped comrades Aramis, Athos and the young D'Artagnan from the clutches of the sinister Count Xavier and his evil lieutenant, the hook-handed Count Orsini. Packed with frenetic combat, heroic leaps and fun puzzles, and featuring three different endings, this is one adventure no aspiring hero will want to miss!
The Three Musketeers: One for All! supports widescreen and 480p and is planned for publication in North America by Legendo Entertainment this spring. A European/PAL release is intended for release shortly thereafter.
Key Features:
Take control of famed member of The Three Musketeers, Porthos and save your comrades in this riveting platforming action romp suited to heroes of all ages!
Immerse yourself in a swashbuckling platform adventure, duel countless enemies, solve fun puzzles, and avoid fiendish traps.
Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls allow you to interact directly with the game. Swing the Wii Remote to launch blistering sword attacks on your foes, run and leap over rooftops and discover hidden collectables.
Explore a multitude of breathtaking levels teeming with challenging bosses and distinctive environments that include lush forests, dark dungeons, towering castles, a haunted Abbey, the historical town of Normandy, and more!
The Three Musketeers: One for All! has been rated E for Everyone (Cartoon Violence) by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).
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March 18th, 2009, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Consolesource
Available now at ConsoleSource.com for only $24.95 the Riiser is a stand that you put under your Wii Fit balance board. It brings the top of the wii fit up to a full 4 inch height (10.2 centimeters), which is the standard height for step aerobics. When you are performing step exercises on the Wii Fit minigames, you will get a much better workout.
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March 18th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralysiser have released a new version of the shell/media player/ does most things app for the Nintendo DS.
Please copy 'moonshl2.nds' and '/moonshl2' folder onto the root folder of MicroSD, and start 'moonshl2.nds'.
Support file formats.
Music formats: MP1, MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4A, AAC, WMA, TTA, MID, RCP, R36
Chiptune formats: SPC, NSF, GBS, HES, AY, SAP, KSS
Playlist formats: M3U, WPL
Picture formats: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD
Support DPG movie files.
Support text files.
Limitations concerning format.
NDS: Not support commercial NDSROM files.
WMA: Not support 'loss-less' and 'voice mode' format WMA files.
M4A, AAC, WMA: Not support encrypted files.
MID: Not support 'Standard MIDI file format.2' format.
SPC: Tone quality is very bad.
Chiptune: Only the first track is performed. The FM sound chip cannot be emulated.
Playlist: Support encode is ANSI, S-JIS, UTF-8, CP437, CP850, CP1252.
Text file: Support encode is ANSI, S-JIS, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE. Auto detection only.
Information is displayed in the file list. MP3, Jpeg, BMP, PSD, DPG only.
Limitations concerning file with large size.
Picture formats: The size that exceeds 3648x2736 pixels cannot be displayed.
Text file: The line that exceeds 131072 lines is disregarded.
MOD: The file that exceeds about 500KByte might not be able to be reproduced.
MID, RCP, R36: The file that exceeds about 500KByte might not be able to be reproduced.
2009/03/18 Version 2.00 beta.8.1
This is usually equal to beta.8. ROMEO2 has been adjusted.
2009/03/18 Version 2.00 beta.8
When moving to a deep folder, the bug to which the error (#13505) occurred was mended.
Real-time ZLIB compression in the environmental setting file was stopped. Because it is slow.
Because the AM/PM judgment of 12 hour faction was wrong, it mended.
When the DPG environment was set, the bug of the stack overflow error (#11701) was mended.
The bug that [Launch_NotFoundRelationalFile] did not correspond to the multi language was mended.
The option that switched the clock of the screen saver to 24 hour format was added.
The option that did not add the file information to the file list was added.
[FL_Popup_???, IV_Popup_???, TV_Popup_???] was added to the language file.
B button operation of the file list was changed. It became 'Music stop' from 'Go out of the folder'. Please refer to '/misctools/Additional/BBtn_FUP.txt' when you want to set 'Go out of the folder'.
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March 18th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) has announced the June release of Space Camp for Wii and Nintendo DS. Packed with accessible space age mini-games and multiplayer options, it's not rocket science to launch an unforgettable gameplay session!
In Space Camp, you begin as an aspiring astronaut in training. After rocketing yourself to the moon, you must engage in a series of futuristic, furiously fun missions in order to return home to Earth. With the help of your own robot, you will perform activities like scientific experimentation, controlling spacecraft and even defending the moon from invaders.
"What could be more fun than playing as an astronaut in a videogame?" said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. "This scenario offers a new perspective on using Wii and DS controls to craft a truly fresh, family friendly gameplay experience."
In addition to the robust single player mode, there are several multiplayer options available on the Wii. Cooperative Mode allows one player to control the main character while a second can interact with environment. For crews of more than two, Party Mode offers the opportunity for up to four players to take part in raucous competitive mini-game tournaments set on both the Earth and lunar locales.
"We are excited to be partnered with Activision on this project," said Larry Capps, CEO of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. "Thousands dream of going to space and this game gives you that chance to virtually explore and have fun with your friends and family."
For more information visit www.activision.com
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March 18th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) has announced the June release of Space Camp for Wii and Nintendo DS. Packed with accessible space age mini-games and multiplayer options, it's not rocket science to launch an unforgettable gameplay session!
In Space Camp, you begin as an aspiring astronaut in training. After rocketing yourself to the moon, you must engage in a series of futuristic, furiously fun missions in order to return home to Earth. With the help of your own robot, you will perform activities like scientific experimentation, controlling spacecraft and even defending the moon from invaders.
"What could be more fun than playing as an astronaut in a videogame?" said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. "This scenario offers a new perspective on using Wii and DS controls to craft a truly fresh, family friendly gameplay experience."
In addition to the robust single player mode, there are several multiplayer options available on the Wii. Cooperative Mode allows one player to control the main character while a second can interact with environment. For crews of more than two, Party Mode offers the opportunity for up to four players to take part in raucous competitive mini-game tournaments set on both the Earth and lunar locales.
"We are excited to be partnered with Activision on this project," said Larry Capps, CEO of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. "Thousands dream of going to space and this game gives you that chance to virtually explore and have fun with your friends and family."
For more information visit www.activision.com
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March 18th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
marovada has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Wee basic now has:
- backgrounds
- sprites
- sounds
- microphone
- key presses (keyboard and most hardware keys)
- stylus touches (touch recognition and coordinates)
- motion
- primitive graphics
- basic printing and coordinate printing
- both screens can be used
- core basic commands
- usable editor with save/load, using text files
Version 0.6
- editor has been completely revamped thanks to Alan's txtwriter source code. See http://ds.spacemonkeymafia.com.
I modified some of txtwriter's basic editing code for the Wee Basic editor.
- bug in boolexpressions (for if/while) using strings
- added motion commands (untested)
motion (keyword initializes motion - throws an error if no motion card detected)
motx, moty (motion coordinates)
let x=motx
let y=moty
print 1 "Motionx: "+x
print 1 "Motiony: "+y
- playmp3 now has optional settings
Syntax is playmp3 ,, (each is an integer or number variable)
You can still use playmp3 without options if you want to keep it simple
Official stuff
Nickname: marovada
Project name : Wee Basic
From: Australia
Division : DS APP
Original submission : yes
Support for Motion Card : yes
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : yes
Download link: http://freescifistories.wordpress.co...c-06-released/
Installation: Change ppt extension to zip, extract and put weebasic.nds on your card after DLDI patch (if required). Any additional files (for files, backgrounds, sprites, mp3s etc must be put in the root of your card with weebasic.nds)
Manual here: http://freescifistories.wordpress.com/wee-basic-manual/
Description: Basic interpreter for programming apps and games on your DS
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March 18th, 2009, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has updated his entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Kukulcan
Project name : 22. Search Eye DS
From : France
Division : NDS GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Original Arcade Game "Search Eye 1999 Yung Sung" is now available, with a new special version programmed specialy for DS by Kukulcan.
Find all hidden items, if you mark is incorrect, your life will decrease. But use fairy to help us.
Work correctly with R6 Gold or MK5 DX
Thanks to Tiwaz family for many good idea on this version.
Shuffle Levels (ON/OFF)
Shuffle items (ON/OFF)
Show Hidden items after game over (ON/OFF) drawn in red.
Help fairy : L or R
Music (On/Off) : X
Quit game : Start (if you choose the same mode and not modify option = Continue Game or New Game)
Cheat Code : yes ;-)
GAME Easy:
In Easy Mode, after 25 levels with 3 hidden items per levels, you unlock Medium Mode.
GAME Medium:
In Medium Mode, after 50 levels with 5 hidden items per levels, you unlock Hard Mode.
GAME Hard:
In Hard Mode, after 70 levels with 7 hidden items per levels, you unlock Gallery Mode.
You can watch quietly and quickly all pictures.
Have a good game !!!
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March 18th, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Boive has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Boive
Project name : Brix DS
From: France
Division : NDS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Brix DS is a physics-based puzzle game. It's quite simple: use the stylus to remove all the gray blocks so that you can safely dispose of the bomb. To make the game more exciting, I've mixed in different kinds of bricks for you to play with (there is a block description in the game). If you can breeze through the first levels as if they were nothing, the final levels will definitely not be as easy. There are 57 levels by the way, good luck stylus-ing your way out of all those bombs !
Download :
Brix DS v2.0
Apply the DLDI patch to the homebrew and copy the file on your linker.
Controls :
Stylus !
Thanks :
Chipmunk (a little bit modified) and PAlib
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March 18th, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
11 new tracks have been beamed into Rock Band 2 Music Store and are ready to download now.
All tracks are original master recordings. They'll cost you 200 Wii Points each and the set list looks like this:- Average White Band "Pick Up the Pieces"
- Earth Wind & Fire "Shining Star"
- James Brown "Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine - Pt 1"
- Against Me! "Thrash Unreal"
- The New Pornographers "All the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth"
- The New Pornographers "Use It"
- Papa Roach "Last Resort"
- Papa Roach "Lifeline"
- The Who "My Generation (live)"
- The Who "Summertime Blues (live)"
- The Who "Young Man Blues (live)"
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March 19th, 2009, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
A Deutsche Bank analyst, Satoru Kikuchi, has assigned a sell rating to Nintendo's stock, claiming the company has hit its peak and faces a downwards trend.
While he expects Nintendo to report profits this month in excess of guidance, he predicts a decline in profits of 18 per cent the following year, and a further 19 per cent in 2011 "as sales slow".
Kikuchi argued that the videogame giant's profits were likely to "peak and decline after growing on the success of the Wii and the DS," adding that earnings could "return to past levels if the company fails to come up with new blockbuster platforms."
According to Barrons, Kikuchi also argues that Nintendo needs to bring in new long-selling titles to replace the current roster as it grows stale.
The analyst highlighted Japanese sales for both the Wii and DS, which he says have "declined substantially", and although sales in Europe and the US remain "brisk" he warns of an "early fall if content remains unchanged."
Kikuchi's target on the stock is JPY 20,000 yen, (USD 204), compared to Nintendo's currently traded price of JPY 28,620 (USD 292), down 4.18 per cent from the opening value of JPY 29,880 (USD 305) per share.
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March 19th, 2009, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
A Deutsche Bank analyst, Satoru Kikuchi, has assigned a sell rating to Nintendo's stock, claiming the company has hit its peak and faces a downwards trend.
While he expects Nintendo to report profits this month in excess of guidance, he predicts a decline in profits of 18 per cent the following year, and a further 19 per cent in 2011 "as sales slow".
Kikuchi argued that the videogame giant's profits were likely to "peak and decline after growing on the success of the Wii and the DS," adding that earnings could "return to past levels if the company fails to come up with new blockbuster platforms."
According to Barrons, Kikuchi also argues that Nintendo needs to bring in new long-selling titles to replace the current roster as it grows stale.
The analyst highlighted Japanese sales for both the Wii and DS, which he says have "declined substantially", and although sales in Europe and the US remain "brisk" he warns of an "early fall if content remains unchanged."
Kikuchi's target on the stock is JPY 20,000 yen, (USD 204), compared to Nintendo's currently traded price of JPY 28,620 (USD 292), down 4.18 per cent from the opening value of JPY 29,880 (USD 305) per share.
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March 19th, 2009, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
We are not Pokemon experts here, but we know an important discovery when we spot one. A code for Pokemon Rotom bundled with “Pokemon Platinum” is giant news, yes? Maybe?
Tracey John and I strive to understand as many video games that people play as we can. That even includes the sometimes-befuddling “Pokemon” series, which will have a new “Pokemon Platinum” released on Sunday in the United States.
But some time ago, I started dipping into “Pokemon” games and nearly drowning. There are not just so many types of Pokemon, but there are more side-games and sub-games and meta-games than I can comprehend. Stuff about berries and fashion shows and so much else that I’d love to understand if I had the time. Instead, I still can’t remember whether it’s wise or unwise to pit an electric Pokemon against a fire Pokemon. It’s like trying to remember not just that “rock” beats “scissors” but where “potato” and “screwdriver” fit into that.
Today Tracey and I opened our early copes of “Pokemon Platinum” and found the pamphlets shown above, our eyes being caught by the “Pokemon News Flash” alert. Inside the pamphlet is yet another daunting, detailed element of Pokemon lore: in this case detailed instructions about how to transform the Pokemon called Rotom. As if it’s a big deal, the pamphlet indicates: “Rotom changes form in Pokemon Platinum Version!”
Ah, but to make this important transformation occurs, “Platinum” players need to got their DS online, answer some opinion questions (Nintendo helpfully provides the answers) and then do other stuff. And/or you can go to PokemonPlatinum.com/Rotom, which isn’t live yet, and punch in one of five codes. My pamphlet, which seemed designed to turn Rotom into a lawnmower, included the code 7W6O3M5. Tracey’s pamphlet involves turning Rotom into a dishwasher and offers a different code. The pamphlet exhorts players to “talk to your friends to find all 5!”
It’s all overwhelming in its density and oddness, but consistent with the core “Pokemon” design, which seems to have always involved getting one player with the game to somehow engage at least one other player with the game.
Is “Pokemon,” like “Madden,” a series dependent on players who have developed the skills and knowledge to play it from previous editions of the game? Or is it just a cheerful, sweet thing offering us a dazzling number of ways to engage it? We’re intimidated. We cannot lie.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
DS Month: Nintendo may publicly claim that it doesn't consider the likes of Apple's App Store and iPhone, or even the Google G1 phone and Android Marketplace, as competitors - but CasualGaming.biz sister site Develop understands the format holder is very much working on its own 'app strategy'.
Sources which attended the top-secret Nintendo Developer Conference in London this week have told us that Nintendo has a plan in place that will push developers towards producing short-form content for its new DSi handheld.
The device includes access to the DS Shop and DSi Ware, but instead of emphasising game downloads - as has been done with previously with Wii/WiiWare - Nintendo is encouraging developers to think about making shorter 'applications', both of a games and non-game variety for the DSi.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
How do you market a very cute, but weird, musical microgame collection to the DS's "expanded" audience? For Rhythm Heaven's ad campaign, Nintendo has resorted immediately to plan B ... yonce.
The singer is starring in a new TV commercial for the WarioWare team's upcoming game, and spoke to Entertainment Weekly's The Music Mix blog about the game, although the interview got away from Rhythm Heaven and into general gaming fairly quickly.
"I have been having a great time," she said about playing Rhythm Heaven on-set. "I've been rehearsing for my [upcoming] tour in stilettos and uncomfortable corsets, learning all these arrangements. Today I was playing the game with my socks on, on the couch, and it was very relaxing!"
Beyonce told EW that she likes "all the Wii games," and that Rhythm Heaven reminds her of a portable Guitar Hero, "which is great, because I don't want to carry around a big guitar!" Perhaps somebody handed her Guitar Hero: On Tour instead of Rhythm Heaven?
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March 19th, 2009, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Last month, Nintendo announced the formation of Project Sora, a new studio created from the combination of Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai's Sora Ltd. and a pile of Nintendo's money. This week, the new company took out a full-page ad in Famitsu seeking new employees.
The ad reiterates that Sora is working on "something that Nintendo can't create by themselves." Nintendo president Satoru Iwata also has quotes in the ad, which provide one small detail: "I am asking for something special here, something that isn't Smash Bros.," Iwata says. While it's entirely possible Sora or another studio is also working on another Smash Bros. title, the mysterious game that the developer is focusing on right now is something else. We don't even know which system it will involve!
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March 19th, 2009, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Son, turn the game box off and come over here. Now, since you turned 18 your mom and I have been meaning to talk with you about your little habit. No, not the smoking or the drinking. Really, we're fine with all of that. No, what we're concerned about is the time you spend exchanging friend codes with all those people in Animal Crossing: City Folk. We've been talking to Detective Andy Anderson of the Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force, who says that he "cannot come up with any legitimate reason that an adult would be playing that particular game."
Now, heaven knows what you've been putting in all of those letters and gift boxes, but Anderson told ABC affiliate KMIZ that you, and others like you, are likely playing Animal Crossing and similar games "for the wrong reasons." Sure it's addicting, but it's also evil, so please, son, do us all a favor and put the controller down and go play something more your age. But before you go, tell your mom to put down that galdarned Peggle and bring me a turkey pot pie. I'm glad we had this little chat.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
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March 19th, 2009, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Video game retailer GameStop finally has enough Nintendo Wii consoles for everyone, and it only took around three and a quarter years to get there.
In an interview with Gamasutra, GameStop's senior VP of merchandising and hoseheads Bob McKenzie says that the company's supply of Nintendo Wii consoles has finally caught up with demand.
"You know, three years later, we finally have enough inventory on the shelf, and we've got a couple of weeks in supply of this. That's good because we can finally determine and gauge it before we get into the fourth holiday season."
Hallelujah! Hopefully thins also signals an end of me having to keep track of Wii sales on eBay in favor of something less tedious, like tracking Nintendo DSi sales on eBay.
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March 19th, 2009, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
In this ad, Nintendo says it had Wii Fit researched by Japan's National Institute of Health and Nutrition. About time! The game's only been out for over a year.
The researchers found out that doing the Wii Fit hula hoop game was the equivalent of "light walking" or playing golf without using a golf cart.
Wait, the Wii Fit hula hoop game is the equivalent of light walking? Light walking is not only considered an ideal low-impact exercise, but it's also totally free. Last we checked, Wii Fit is not free.
Good thing Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto already said Wii Fit's purpose is to make you fit. Oh wait.
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March 19th, 2009, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Details are still light about Sega’s yearly Bleach DS game, but Famitsu has some interesting news and plain looking screenshots. After two fighting games and a let’s-test-the-waters strategy RPG they are developing a Bleach action game.
Bleach action games have been done before, but this will be a first for Sega and Nintendo platforms. I wonder if Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer will be anything like the recent Bleach: Soul Carnival.
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March 19th, 2009, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Become the little earl Ciel or his demon butler Sebastian in this text based adventure game. Ciel has received an assignment from the Queen to visit her new state in the winter.
However, the state is not merely picturesque, but contained quite a few spirits and ghosts. This matter alarmed the queen and she has commanded her hound, Ciel to look deeper into the matter.
During their investigations, the demon butler and his young master met the strange keeper of the lands, the grey magician and the sleeping beauty.
Amidst the hidden memories and dark desires, the ghost appears before Ciel and Sebastian.
Rid the Queen of her worries as Ciel and do your bidding as a demon butler contracted with Ciel:
Kuroshitsuji: Phantom & Ghost is available as Japanese versions for Nintendo DS, the Limited Edition comes with a special illustrated jacket, a signet ring and wax to seal your envelops, a letter set and a screen cleaner that bears the sign of the Phantomhive family.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Akinai Games, a publisher of digitally distributed games for next-generation platforms, today announced NEVES Plus, their latest addition to Nintendo's WiiWare game service. NEVES Plus is a deceptively challenging puzzle game that packs over 500 tangram-style puzzles appropriate for gamers of all ages. The game will go live on WiiWare in Q2, 2009.
"NEVES Plus is a great follow-up to the original Nintendo DS version, and now we've introduced plenty of multiplayer modes that bring the game to the center of family entertainment," said Nate Fitt, Marketing Manager at Akinai Games. "With an Egyptian-themed style, new puzzles, and a variety of modes, NEVES Plus promises hours of engaging and addictive gameplay."
In NEVES Plus, players solve the 500+ different puzzles by moving, rotating, and flipping the seven simple 'Lucky' stone pieces into each silhouette puzzle with the Wii Remote. You can play alone, or invite your friends in on the fun since new players can join in anytime. Whether you work co-operatively or go head-to-head, NEVES Plus will charm you with its tricky silhouette puzzles.
"Puzzle games are a timeless and highly-entertaining genre for everyone," said Ken Koyama, Director of Business Development at Akinai Games. "With NEVES Plus, our focus is to capture the simple-yet-riveting appeal of a crossword or Sudoku puzzle, and bring the fun of tangram-style puzzles to a whole new audience."
Five different modes you can play alone or with up to 4 people
Test your observation skills against friends in the Party Trivia mode
Over 500 puzzles to provide hours of play
Easy to use controls for the Wii make it accessible and fun for the whole family
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March 19th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
MetaFight has released Shiny Red Tank v0.1.2a
Shiny Red Tank is eventually going to become an old-school platformer including elements from my favorite 8-bit and 16-bit games. It is in very early stages of development and still has quite a few bugs, but you should be able to get a pretty good idea of the game mechanics.
The game map is currently limited to a test area. Since I'm horribly slow at making my own graphics, the current graphics are very limited. Also, I haven't gotten around to implementing sound yet.
So, in short, this project still has a long way to go.
I hope you enjoy it!
-- MetaFight
19 March 2009, v0.1.2a
Improved 2nd Player tracking.
Hopefully fixed animation bugs.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Pinball Wizard, WarpedFlash, and Arikado have released The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library.
The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is a simple code library that allows developers to easily incorporate a HOME menu similiar to Nintendos into their applications.
At the moment, The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is only compatible with programs that use libwiisprite. However, several ports are underway in order to widen compatibility. If you would like to do a port, it would be appreciated if you say so before you do the port, so that the authors (and users) know that the port is underway. Right now, the authors are not working on any ports as they are consumed with just pushing out the initial release for libwiisprite users.
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March 19th, 2009, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
bassacegold has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:

Nickname: BassAceGold
Project name : Mario Paint Composer DS Paratroopa Release
From: Canada
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: Attached below
Installation: See the info below
Mario Paint Composer DS is an indirect remake of the music composer tool found in the Super Nintendo game "Mario Paint" with a few new adaptations which I added in from the PC version created by unFun Games ( http://www.unfungames.com/). Please note, I am not responsible for the pc version, these two programs merely share the same name and that is all. This is not a direct port of any version, it is completely coded by myself.
Features: These are new features continueing from the ones already in the SNES version
-Saving and Loading of songs
-Sharp and Flat notes
-more lower ranged notes
-5 new note types
-5 notes per can be played at once rather then the original 3 limit
-Longer songs
-Different Tempo's per page
Here is a video of a song in action
-Copy "mpcsongs" folder to anywhere on your card
-DLDI Patch the rom
-Copy rom to card and enjoy!
And here is the changelog for this version from the last
--Paratroopa Release--
-tweaked stylus locations for note placement
-amplified pig sound
-added ledger bars
-amplified heart sound
-added turtle shell sound
-updated text font
-tempo control icons enlarged
-added Delete Page to Select button
-tweaked note sign controls (makes it easier to place a continuous line of sharp or flat notes)
-fixed a filebrowser bug
-increased max tempo
-Dynamic Tempos (can set an individual tempo per page)
-added insert blank page to Start button
-fixed brief graphical glitches on page switching
-fixed tunings of mushroom notes
-tweaked the page slider
-re-arranged the song information displayed & removed tempo due to dynamic tempo
-fixed game icon transparency
-fixed last note detection for looping
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March 19th, 2009, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Cid2Mizard
Project name : SutraDS
From : France
Division : APP GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: SutraDS is an adaptation of KamaSutra of Vatsyayana (India) representing ***ual positions. There is a multitude of ***ual positions but this version include 37. You will find explanation, advantages and disadvantages, as well as of statistics.
Sorry for the bad english translate of this app, my native language is the french.
- English and french automatic detection.
- 37 positions.
- 25 positions of 37 are animated.
- Complete navigation with the stylus.
- R : next position.
- L : previous position.
- A : pause/unpause an animation.
- Start : return to the menu.
-Just copy the .nds, sc.nds or ds.gba on your Flashcard
Not recommended for less than 18 years.
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March 19th, 2009, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Spinal has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Spinal
Project name : DSision2
From: UK
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: Attached below
Installation: Extract full contents of .rar to the card.
What is DSision 2?
DSision [di-iszh-uh n] (named by Jayenkai) is a replacment firmware for Nintendo DS flash carts. At the time of creation, most flash cart firmwares presented the user with a fairly simple, menu system, usually just a list of filenames on the screen. I aimed to remedy this, by creating a nice looking, easy to use interface for loading homebrew programs on the DS. The first version of DSision, although reasonably popular, was rushed and not entirely what I had envisioned. So after a while, I started work on the second version, which boasts higher resolution icons, greater colour depth for both backgrounds and icons. More customizable themes, including the customization of every single icon.
youtube video #1 -
youtube video #2 -
youtube video #3 -
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March 19th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Unkwar has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
this is my first compo
Nickname: Unkwar
Project name : Ukke DS
From: France
Division : NDS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Installation: No DLDI, just put ukke.nds on your linker.
Description: You control a star clocks and you have to reach the exit of the level.
During the game some waves appear. When a wave appear you´ll have to move on a floor to avoid it.
Controls : In a first time place with stylus 4 bonus floor where you want to help you reach the exit.
After move with Pad or Ds motion.
Credits :
Code : Unkwar
GFX : Genevois
Musics : Alexel
Specials Thanks : #dev-fr, Realtech-Vr
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March 19th, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Yagero has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Yagero
Project name: Glubies Planet
From: France
Division: NDS GAME
Original submission: YES
Support for Motion Card: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Glubies Planet is an action/reflexion game on Nintendo DS. Glubies are little and cute creatures, but they are so stupid!
You have to guide some Glubies through several levels with the help of a couple of items and solve some of the puzzles needed to reach the goal.
The gameplay takes place in 2 phases:
The reflexion phase, in which you analyse the level and place some objects to help your creatures.
The action phase, in which you use the properties of your objects to reach the exit with the more glubies as possible.
Solve the enigmas ! Get through the ravines and avoid the traps !
In this alpha versio, you can play the first 11 levels.
Synaptic is the world leader in the pharmaceutic field.
Its last top-secret research is about to revolution the medecine, glubies are born. Glubies are the product of the fusion between organic cells and high performances nanorobots. The properties of cells such as antibodies, added to the nanorobots intelligence, make the cell healing factor multiply by 1000 ! Recent studies show that glubies could heal every known desease!
The creatures (of size of a millionth of millimeter), are stored on a mini robotic planet specially build for that, the Glubb planet. Young promising neurosciences scientist, you just become part of the team. One night, fallen asleep at your desk, you are waking up by the lab alarm. You run inside just in time too see a shadow silhouette run off. Few… Luckily, the planet was not stolen and is still in its force field. But ?... Where are the glubies ??!! Crossing the planet surface with the computer help, you find that an unknown IT virus attacked the system and that it killed more than 90% of the glubies global population ! Quick! No time to loose ! You need to save the survivors and find out how to stop that evil program…
Download Glubies Planet DS Alpha 1.25 version here.
- For Slot-1 Linkers : Copy the "GlubiesPlanetDS_alpha1.25.nds" file on your linker.
- Emulator Version : Use No$gba to run the "GlubiesPlanetDS_alpha1.25_emu.nds" file. Select "opengl" in "3D renderer" emulator setup.
Linker Compatibility:
Glubies Planet is optimized to be executed on a SuperCard DS One. So it works very well with this linker.
We also know that the game works with a R4 if you use YS Menu.
With other linkers, you could have some troubleshooting, like black screen or non working stylus. We work on these problems to find a issue quickly.
- D-pad or A, B, X and Y buttons : move the camera
- Stylus : select/place/rotate an object, select/drag a Gluby
- Select : retry the current level
- Start : Pause menu
Website and more infos:
03/19/2009 - Alpha 1.25
- Added menu to keep placed items after retrying a level
- Added stats screen when the player win a level
- Added intro splash screen for NEO Compo Spring 2009
- Enhanced stylus detection when objects and Glubies rotate
02/13/2009 - Alpha 1.2
- Added language selection menu
- Added english translation
- Added language auto detect
- Added profil name auto detect
- Added the "select" button to retry the current level
- Added the level 11
- Fixed savegame bug
- Fixed orientable objects icons bug
- Updated "Jumper" pushing properties : 1 height unit and 1 forward unit
- Updated level 8, 9 and 10 according to new "Jumper" properties
- Updated level 8 to be easier
01/13/2009 - Alpha 1.1
First public version of the game.
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March 19th, 2009, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Desertdog has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Multiple:Option
Project name: Anime Jo All-Star Kirifuda Taisen
From: Australia
Division: NDS GAME
Original submission: YES
Support for Motion Card: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Homepage and Download: http://multiple-option.blogspot.com/...da-taisen.html
Anime Jo All-Star Kirifuda Taisen (Anime Girls All-Star Trump Battle) is a card game based on Top Trumps. Battle your way through eight opponents to victory in this simple but memory-testing card game. Featuring character art and music from over 12 anime series, including Lucky Star, Code Geass, Gundam, Evangelion and Macross Frontier. Features two game modes and Rumble Pak support.
Gameplay Video at Youtube:
Stylus only & Hold the DS book-style
Choose one of six stats from your current card. The stat is compared with your opponent's card:
- Your card is higher: You take the opponent's card, and continue playing with the next card in your deck.
- Your card is lower: Your opponent takes your card, and you lose your turn.
- A draw: You may select another stat until a result occurs.
Win the match by taking all of your opponent's cards.
Special Reveal Attacks (SP): Using an SP will reveal the opponent card's stats, allowing you to pick accordingly. You get 3 SPs at the start of each match, and you can gain more by choosing a stat that wins by 1.
In Arcade Mode, the deck is 20 cards (10 cards each). In Story Mode, the deck is 30 cards (15 cards each).
Developed with PALib & EFS
Character Art by khmix.sakura.ne.jp
Button Graphics by bittbox.com
Card Art and Music from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Macross Frontier, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Vocaloid, Code Geass, Ikkitousen, Lucky Star, Kannagi, Strike Witches, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Fate/stay Night, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Toradora
Additional Music and SFX from The King of Fighters 98, SNK vs Capcom: Chaos, SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters DS, Final Fantasy IV
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March 19th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Spinal has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Spinal
Project name : Bill & Ted - Time & Time Again
From: UK
Division : DS Game
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: Attached below
Installation: Extract to card and run.
This game brings a rather unique twist to platform gaming... Time travel. In this game, you must help future versions of yourself collect all of the objects and return to the phone booth without touching another version of yourself.
You get only two lives, one as Bill the second as Ted.
Note, the buttons on the floor will open a door ONLY while you stand on it, you must wait to become the next version of yourself to pass through it.
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March 19th, 2009, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
TenSpeed has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:

Nickname: TenSpeed
Project name : Valhalla DS
From: UK
Division : NDS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Valhalla Ds is a port of Valhalla classics Episode 1 - The Crypt. It was originally
released on the Amiga in '94 and remade for PC later. It was the first digital speech
adventure game to come out, and was ground breaking at the time. Unfortunately, there
is no save system in place, but the episode isn't too long. As long as you're careful
you should have no problems finishing with no save.
-Download zip from one of the sources below.
-Extract zip file.
-DLDI patch if your card doesn't auto patch.
-Copy /sounds/ folder to the root of your card.
-Slot 1 users, copy .nds file to the root of your card.
-Slot 2 users, copy .ds.gba file to your card (renaming if necessary).
-Boot up and play.
-The intro can be skipped by pressing start if you don't want to read it, otherwise touch
the screen to continue.
Use the d-pad or A,B,X,Y to move. And use the stylus to perform actions.
See readme file for full list of controls.
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March 19th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Samel has updated his entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
Nickname: Giacometti Luca - Samel
Project name : SnailRace
From: Cuneo, Italy, Europe
Division : DS GAME
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://www.donotjava.netsons.org/Dow...ce20090319.zip
Just unzip, dldi patch and put the SnailRace directory in the root of your card.
Description: [from the README.TXT]
Here we are, another game from Samel [aka Luca Giacometti].
E-Mail: samelinux@gmail.com
MSN: samelinux@gmail.com
G-Talk: samelinux@gmail.com
ICQ: 273419562
Game details
Type: can be played on the ds but it's also a good card game.
Player: 0-6.
Age: 5+ and don't think it's for kid, it's easy but NOT ONLY FOR KID!!!! 8p.
CPU: play with your friends or versus the AI on your ds. Or even watch the
AI play by itself.
Extract the archive [may be you already done this]
Patch the nds file with dldi
Put the obtained directory in the root of your card
That's all.
Following the cards list.
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
5 card with a value of 1
4 card with a value of 2
2 card with a value of 3
2 card with a value of 4
2 card with a value of 5
1 card with a value of 7
12 card with a value of -4
The goal of the game it's to make snails complete some races.
Snails starts at 0 and end a race at 14+.
If a snails reach 14+ with your card, then you get one "Finish" point and X
"Speed" point where X is the final value of the snail [let's say you play a
card and a snail reach 16, then you get one "Finish" point and 16 "Speed"
Each players start with eight card and draw a card at the end of each of his
turns [if the deck is not exausted].
On each turn players must play one and only one card.
Colored card can only be played on the snail of the same color.
Black card can be played on whatever snail you like.
When a player plays a card on a snail it moves forward [or backward in the
case of black card] of a number equals to the card value [let's say that the red
snail is at 4 and you play a red 2, then the snail runs at 6].
The winner is the player with most "Finish" point, on draw the winner is the
player with most "Speed" point, on draw ... the game is a DRAW! ) .
Design of the card game: samel
Code for the ds version: samel
Gfx for the ds version: samel [with help from the net]
Sound for the ds version: from the net [ www.freesound.org]
All the game use just the stylo, i'll make a newer version with full key
support as soon as possible.
During the game there are some waiting moments [when a snail runs, when you
hear the victory sound etc.]. You can skip them with any key [stylus or
buttons, also the d-pad]. Also the splash screen, the credits and the results
may be skipped with any key [stylus or button, also the d-pad].
Ok, now that you know all the good thing about the game let me tell you a
If you like to change the theme of the game you can modify the image in the
SnailRace directory.
Just select a new theme [let's say ... ROBORACE] and redraw all the image in
the files.
Be aware to not modify the name or the location of the file or the game will
This program is free for personal use, if you want to make money with it
contact me [See CONTACTS].
This card game is free for personal use, if you want to make money with it
contact me [See CONTACTS].
Image and sound are property of the respective owner [with the exception of the
one I made].
If you see some of your material in the game and you want credits, just
contact me [See CONTACTS].
If you see some of your material in the game and tou want I remove them, just
contact me [See CONTACTS].
If you just like to talk or to get in contact with me take a look at the
In the game there is a cheat ... find it and you will become the master !
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March 19th, 2009, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
MEZstudios has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding comp:
So Mario Touch N Go is a unique platformer. Its unique because
it lets Mario & Yoshi fly around in the sky and not walk on the
ground plus all the enemies are i the air, it also has touch controls
hence the name Touch N Go, i used some of the code from the palib/demos
but i mostly edited it into mine! i call it the Touch engine , so i just wanted to
tell you that and i hope to release a new demo soon but i have released one on
palib today but its only 10 ten downloads and i doubt you will get it unless your
a member of palib. But i might post it later oh yeah the nly improvement from the alpha
demo is that you use the touch screen!
i really worked hard on my touch engine so please dont make me go under rank 10 plz i know this is alpha but its realy good just try!!
my blog : http://mario-touchngo.blogspot.com/
my youtube chn (subscribe!!) : http://www.youtube.com/MEZreviews
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March 20th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
funkystuff has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Funkystuff
Project name : HWOS2
From : Canada & USA
Division : APP GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
The Interactive TM team is the group, 2 people, who have put hardwork and time into make this. This team includes Alcohol Smurf and myself, Funkystuff. Credit must be given to alcohol smurf for he produced the RSS feed reader and Wiki online applications, which are included in HWOS.
HWOS(2) is a simple operating system for flash carts of the kind. It only boots homebrew unfortunatly. HWOS has a few appliactions included with it like RSS reader and online wikipedia reader. More applications are to come at later dates.
HWOS is pronounced 'h-wos'. Sort of like the way stewie puts emphesis on the h in cool whip. HWOS stands for Hello World Operating System.
Major Features:
Quick Boot - boot the last game you played.
Homebrew Browser - Browse your homebrew files from your "Homebrew" folder
Fav's - Play your favorite homebrew that you choose in the homebrew browser
Mediaplayer - Starts the "mediaplayer.nds" found in the apps folder. Simply put your favorite media player in the apps folder and call it "mediaplayer.nds"
Slot-2 - Start Slot-2. For GBA games and the like.
RSS - Read RSS feeds online, save articles, favorite them.
Wiki - Online Wikipedia reader. Save articles, search articles, read'em, favorite them.
Downloader - Download homebrew directly to your DS! They will be placed in the "Homebrew" folder
Update - Update the OS to a more recent version if avaliable.
Minor Features:
Wifi Signal Status when using wifi
Battery Status
Time and Date
Custom MP3 for background menu music - called music.mp3 in the settings folder. Must be 64kbit sample rate. must be called "music.mp3"
Custom background - Use a gif of your choice located in the settings folder. must be called "wallpaper.gif"
Light adjustment - works on any DS
Step1: Back-Up your micro-sd card!
Step2: Make a new folder on the root of the card called "Homebrew"
Step3: Put homebrew into the "Homebrew" folder.
Step4: Do the the following for what is suited to you to use with the below instructions.
Installation for Regular Users
Take the HWOS folder and put it on the root of your cart. Thats it. Make sure everything copies over though. Then navigate to it and boot "HW_OS2.nds" from inside the folder. If for some reason the updater fails or it no longer works, just use "RecoveryMode.nds" to update it again.
Installation for R4 Users
Do the same thing as you would for regular users, but this time copy the "bootme.nds" and "bootme.txt" to the root of the card and boot that.
Installation for R4 Users with autoboot OS feature
Do the same as you would for R4 users, but this time take the "_DS_MENU.DAT" and copy it to the root of the card. This will over ride your old one so make a back up.
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March 20th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
ollipolli has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: OlliPolli
Project name : DSwiki
From: Germany
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: DSwiki-0.3alpha2 and DSwiki-indexer-1.1.0
Installation: See the README below
Description: Offline Wikipedia Reader
OK, then, time to enter the compo. I present DSwiki. This program is a viewer application for any wikimedia powered wiki, the most famous one is surely the original "Wikipedia". But also any(!) wiki hosted on http://www.wikia.com can be used.
You can download pre-made dumps from http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/wiki/Dumps, or use an indexer to turn any database dump into usable files for DSwiki. The instructions for that can be found under http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/wiki/CreateDumps.
The new version (0.3+), exclusively built for months to reach the deadline of this compo, is not comparable to v0.2 in any way. It features a totally different approach, namely to convert the markup into XML and parsing the XML-tree.
The left image shows the rendering of a "random" article ;-) Note the typography (bold/italic), the correct rendering of the list and that you reached this page through a redirection. The right image shows the table of contents that you can use to quickly navigate the article.
The left image shows the searchable index (this screenshot was taken from the uncyclopedia), the right image demonstrates just a little of DSwiki's feature to display most unicode characters.
The last image shows a typical run of the indexer, preparing the german wikibooks for DSwiki.
If you have questions, feature requests or other things you want to say, just do that in the thread in the PAlib forum (just google it), here, or write me a mail. Bug reports should go into the list on the googlecode-page.
For the installation, see the README below. Make sure you take the tutorial on the first start, you'll learn everything you need. But you can start it also at a later time from the menu.
I hope you like DSwiki, it was a pleasure to code it.
DSwiki (v0.3alpha2)
DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the
Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, ...
DSwiki is NOT a web browser!
Why DSwiki?
DSwiki is optimal for all people with a Nintendo DS that like to
have their information "portable", but cannot access the Internet
directly. So far, no Program was very good in displaying the
Wikipedia on the DS. NewDictS can display an uncompressed dump, but
this dump is outdated, and the Wikipedia has grown dramatically
since then, so compression was absolutely necessary. In addition,
most homebrew programs can't handle UTF-8.
-- Get the complete(!) Wikipedia on a Nintendo DS. The English language
edition fits on a 4GB storage device, the German edition is just 1.2GB.
-- Quite good handling of internal links. Alternative display text
and appended letters are supported to create the same look as
in the online version. Subpage links are supported.
-- Very good Unicode/UTF8-Support (as much - or as little - as the
underlying font covers)
-- Fast and easy searchable index
-- Bookmarks
Just take the tutorial at the first start, or start it any time later
from the menu.
1. Copy DSwiki.nds somewhere on your flash card, DLDI-patch it if
2. Create dumps of your favorite wiki or download already prepared ones.
Visit <http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/wiki/Dumps> for a list.
3. Copy all files with the extensions
db? [ ? = one letter, typically "a" or "b", "z" is used in older versions ]
into /dswiki. This directory must exist in the root directory of your flash card.
Planned Features
-- Improved Search (advanced input)
-- "Find as you type" inside an article
-- Switching between fonts on the fly
-- Customization
DSwiki is based on
-- NewDictS <http://tvgame360.com.tw/viewthread.php?tid=21913&extra=&page=1>
Thanks to sesa for graphics-/unicode- and font-routines
-- Wiki2Touch <http://code.google.com/p/wiki2touch/>
Thanks to Tom Haukap for the file format and index routines
-- libbzip2 <http://bzip.org/>
-- UCS fonts <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html>
Thanks to Markus Kuhn
+ some other fonts
+ Titlegraphic <http://www.stefanie-gronau.de>
Thanks to my beloved wife
Have Fun!
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March 20th, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
B12Core has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: B12Core
Project name : Ace Attorney DS
From: Canada
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?invnoymml4z
Installation: Explained in the thread
Description: Anime Image Game Engine
================================================== ==========================
Ace Attorney DS
This application is an "Anime Image Game Engine". It is used to create and manipulate scenes to form a script in which the player can delve into. I have added extra support with this application, to support the emulation of the game "Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney". This genre of game involves a protagonist Defense Attorney whom helps defend his clients through finding out information during interrogation, examining crime scenes, moving from location to location, presenting evidence to suspects and witnesses and proving testimony in court as false.
Ace Attorney DS reads from .ini files which fill in variables needed for the case to run. This engine, or in other words "Casemaker", comes with 113 profile sprites, 280 evidence sprites, 99 maps and 941 animations (pre-scripted for you, from Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright : Justice For All). Using these resources and the knowledge of the .ini functions, you can basically re-create a Phoenix Wright game, with your own custom plot, characters, evidence/profiles, maps/collision maps, and music. Don't feel limited to only being able to make Phoenix Wright games, this is an Anime Image Game Engine with unlimited possibilities if you have ideas. A fanfiction can be played out, for instance, through this application with the necessary sprites and script. Simply put, Ace Attorney DS is a game-maker.
I also realize that many of you may or may not be familiar of Phoenix Wright games and their genre. That is why I have included several tutorials on how to use this application to its fullest capabilities and learn how to create your own games or visual novels using the engine. It can take a long time to go through every single tutorial, so I'm asking if it's possible that you guys may not judge the book by its cover and flip through the tutorials, learning how the application works. Thank you very much!
1. Simply place Ace Attorney DS.nds and the AADS folder into the root of your flash card.
2. Boot the ROM from whatever firmware you may be using and enjoy!
In the separate folder on the root of your flash card, named AADS, there are several folders inside. Navigate to AADS/cases/caseselection.ini and you will be able to see the case selection list used to determine the amount of cases and the folders the ROM should look for to start the cases. If you move further in, at AADS/cases/ini, there are several folders containing .ini files that the ROM reads. These .ini files are the basis of cases, and are used to define variables required by the casemaker to run. If you start the ROM up on hardware, you can begin take the tutorials (there are 30) to learn how to use the functions that are readable by the .ini files. Have fun!
The application has DSMotion support. If you're wondering how, you can browse through the court record by tilting the DS in several directions. Also, you can press Start to save the game and suspend play.
I'm also asking if it's possible that my GUI not be ripped since I made most of the entire GUI used in the ROM.
+ Fanfictions
+ Ace Attorney-based games
+ Visual thriller novels (such as Hotel Dusk)
+ Plot-based video games
Quote from: Features on Today at 02:27:29 AM
+ .ini reading to determine music playing
+ .ini reading to determine character animation finished
+ .ini reading to determine character text finished
+ .ini reading to determine map background finished
+ .ini reading to determine evidence description finished
+ .ini reading to determine all evidence/profile IDs finished
+ .ini reading to determine whether or not evidence/profile is "check-able" finished
+ .ini reading to determine text type (green, blue or white, as well as inherent sound effects (male blip, female blip and typewriter)
+ FAT loading of music, allowing for custom songs
+ Added 212 Profile and 280 Evidence sprites. Basically every item/person in every single Ace Attorney game to date
+ Added 99 Maps. Basically every map in every single Ace Attorney game to date
+ Added custom fonts for text and evidence descriptions
+ Added Capcom's sounds to the "typewriter" style for their text.
+ Added colour system for the font, being able to change it from the Blue/Green/White/Gold colours tones from all Ace Attorney games.
+ Present GUI complete
+ Move GUI complete
+ Examine GUI complete
+ Talk GUI complete
+ Talk option check (if talk option is the first talk option, say this) complete
+ Present option check (if this item is evidence one, say this) complete
+ Move option check (if this map is map number one, move to this map and do this) complete
+ Examine check (if the cursor is above this object, create examine button) complete
+ Tile Collision for examining maps complete
+ Added basic JumpTo and PrepareFor events
+ Added Dynamic Options
+ Added Presenting
+ Added PRETRL jump event for automatic JumpToPRE1
+ Added Trials and Testimony
+ Added Alt Code support and custom characters
+ Added HP lowering and increasing
+ Added Gyakuten Kenji GUI (please do not rip, I made it myself)
+ Added 48 item leverage (24 evidence/24 profiles)
+ Added custom case art loading from FAT
+ Added saving/loading
+ Fixed a lot of bugs, there are still some in the program (graphical bugs, shouldn't affect gameplay, easy to fix)
+ Added all animation sprites from GS1/GS2
+ Created 27 collision maps, still 64 left
+ Added support for French/Spanish/Italian/German characters
+ Added 24 tutorials on how to use the casemaker
+ Added Aoi Shoudo's custom soundtrack (with permission) to the mp3 folder
+ Added directory of SFX, encoded for use with the casemaker
+ Added 3 multi-language tutorials, in Spanish, French and German
+ Added FAT loading of custom maps
+ Added FAT loading of custom collision maps
+ Added FAT loading of custom items
+ Added FAT loading of custom animations AND init.ini scripting of them
+ Added FAT loading of custom SFX
+ Added support for motion, tilt the motion in different directions to browse through the evidence.
Here is an example of a .ini file case:
Quote from: Example on Today at 02:27:29 AM
Name=Using the HP
SCR1REGText=This tutorial will focus on using the HP bar in trials.
SCR2REGText=We will be using events number 3 and 4 today. These will be used to add/subtract HP.
SCR3REGText=This tutorial will be very brief, as HP is a very simple variable to control.
SCR4REGText=Every case starts the player off with 20 HP. Through using Event 3, we will reduce the HP by
SCR5REGText=the number given in the EventXInt. For instance, I will now reduce the HP by 3.
SCR6REGText=Using Event 4, we can increase the HP by the number given in the EventXInt.
SCR7REGText=Hence, I will increase the HP by 2.
SCR8REGText=Increasing the HP bar past 20 will set the HP to 20.
SCR9REGText=Decreasing the HP bar past 0 will set the HP to 0.
SCR10REGText=Once the HP bar goes to 0, you will initiate SCR10 of GlobalMode999. This is a JumpToEvent
SCR11REGText=used to organize what the Judge will say due to the player losing all of his HP.
SCR12REGText=It will execute like so:
SCR10REGText=You have lost the game.
SCR11REGText=Now to call upon the 'Guilty' event.
SCR12REGText=Using event number 256, the 'Guilty' animation will occur and then a game reset.
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March 20th, 2009, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Gaz has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Gaz
Project name : 5 Dice
From : UK
Division : NDS GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Description: A dice game based on Yahtzee
5 Dice Screen Shots
The goal of 5 Dice is to get as many points as possible by rolling combinations of five dice. You can roll up to three times, possibly choosing to just roll some of the dice each time. After you roll, you choose which slot to score based on the combination rolled. Different combinations of dice earn points differently. If you don't meet the requirements for the combination you choose, you still have to score it on the score card. The game ends when you have filled in all the slots on the score card.
When the text on the [Roll] button is highlighted in red, it means rolls are active.
When the text on the [Roll] button is highlighted in black, you have completed three rolls.
When the text 'hold' is highlighted in Red, it means you can hold a combination of dice for your next roll.
*On the Upper part of the score card, you have ones and two's. These combinations are not going to gain you many points, so try and achieve a higher scoring combination, if it fails you can select one's or two's to give you some leeway.
*On the Lower part of the score card, Five dice is also good as it's hard to achieve.
Ones Number of 1’s occurring
Twos Number of 2’s occurring
Threes Number of 3’s occurring
Fours Number of 4’s occurring
Fives Number of 5’s occurring
Sixes Number of 6’s occurring
3 of a kind 3 dice the same, adds up the three dice
4 of a kind 4 dice the same, adds up the four dice
Full House 2 of the same and 3 of the same, e.g. 11222, scores 26
Small Straight 4 dice in sequence e.g. 1234, 3456, scores 28
Long Straight 5 dice in sequence either, 12345 or 23456, scores 38
5 Dice 5 fives required, scores 42
All Dice Adds up all dice
You must complete the score card to finish the game.
*You can save your highscores onto the online leaderboard and compete with other DS users. The leaderboard can be found @
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March 20th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has sold over 10 million copies of Wii Play in the US since its launch in February 2007, according to data provided by NPD.
"Wii Play mini-games are fun and they get people playing together," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing.
"Even if you believe people are buying Wii Play solely for the controller, that indicates that there are now more than 10 million people who have an extra Wii Remote controller in their homes."
She continued: "When added to the 12.7 million Wii Remote controllers that have sold separately, this reinforces the growing social gaming trend we have been seeing where friends and family use their Wii games as a social hub - both in person and online."
For February 2008, Nintendo US sales were up 74 per cent, with the Wii and DS topping the region's hardware sales.
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March 20th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
BranMuffin has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: BranMuffin
Project name : myPiano
From: Canada
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://www.quickfilepost.com/downloa...aa5ffc63f4eab4
Installation: Explained in the thread
Description: 61 note piano
Hi! I doubt I'll get anywhere with this or win anything, but this is my piano application. It can play 5 octaves of notes (61) and can be used on the go for piano playing. Just entering for fun!
The controls are as follows:
Down - C
Left - D
Up - E
Right - F
B - G
Y - A
X - B
A - High C
Holding L while playing a note plays the flat of that note
Holding R while playing a note plays the sharp of that note
Holding L and pressing R moves the octave up by one
Holding R and pressing L moves the octave down by one
Pressing on the octave buttons automatically moves you to an octave
Pressing Start lowers the octave by one
Pressing Select increases the octave by one
Tilting a DS Motion card left will lower the octave by one
Tilting a DS Motion card right will increase the octave by one
Have fun using it!
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March 20th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Prince Gohan has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: Prince Gohan
Project name : Balloon Pop!
From : USA
Division : NDS GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Description: A Balloon based tower of defense game for the DS. In this game, you must prevent the different types of balloons from reaching the end of the road. Place your units on the sides of roads to defend. Angling is key! 50 Waves to win the game(on that difficulty). Game controls and more info inside the game itself.
BassAceGold's MPC Music Lib (allowing me to play music made with his app)
Salz` for doing the wonderful gfx.
(I was unable to put the credits screen ingame due to ram limitations)
Note: Hard mode is not available until you've played easy/medium at least once when the game resets.
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March 20th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Patrik Rak has released a new version of his excellent Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator for Nintendo DS:
ZXDS is an emulator of Sinclair ZX Spectrum for Nintendo DS, written by Patrik Rak. It is steadily reaching a mature stage of development, and it already has some noteworthy features, like accurate emulation of Spectrum 48k, 128k and Pentagon models (including sound), or support for TAP/TZX/PZX tape files, TRD/SCL disk files and RZX playback files, not to mention the ability to download these files online over WiFi. It is available entirely for free, but any donations are always welcome, see the details further down the page.
ZXDS 0.9.0 beta 2 (20.3.2009)
* Added proper initial FIFO sync which shall make WiFi init work on all cards.
* Reenabled automatic loading of .cfg and .pok files which was accidentally disabled before.
+ Added early boot message so people can see something is going on if boot takes a bit longer.
- The r4tf.dldi driver is not patched in, as these cards now support autopatching.
Also note that for the same reason and to avoid excess garbage the latest libfat library
doesn't include any builtin DLDI drivers anymore, so if you have some older card,
you may need to DLDI patch ZXDS yourself even if you hadn't to do that before.
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March 20th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
MI6, the association dedicated to serving marketing and promotion professionals in the video game and interactive entertainment community, today announced that EA SPORTS Active, the highly anticipated new fitness game, will be demonstrated live, for the first time publicly, at the 4th Annual Video Game Marketing Conference on April 8, 2009 in San Francisco.
MI6 attendees will have the opportunity to see the live demonstration and hear EA Sports President Peter Moore discuss the evolution of this new franchise from one of the most recognizable brands in sports and video gaming. EA Sports Active was created for the Nintendo Wii console and will arrive in stores on May 19, featuring more than 20 exercises and a range of unique fitness tools.
"Every year MI6 brings together the most revolutionary brand and marketing executives from the gaming industry, and this year we are delivering that and more," said Jonathan Block-Verk, president of MI6. "We are thrilled to give our audience the first look ever at a live demonstration of EA Sports Active. With the explosive growth in this category of gaming, it is imperative that interactive entertainment marketing professionals see the cutting edge trends at work in this dynamic area."
Moore's keynote session will focus on the evolution of the EA Sports brand and the importance of messaging, brand marketing via global partnerships, technology innovations and the launch of new product categories in video game marketing. As EA SPORTS president, Moore is responsible for product development, global product management, marketing, and planning for all packaged goods and online offerings within the EA Sports brand.
This year, MI6 teamed up with e-Poll to deliver exclusive ground-breaking statistics about gamers and gaming trends to MI6 attendees. This never-before released information includes details about the iPhone as a gaming platform, as well as statistics about the fastest growing group of gamers and their behavior. Each MI6 attendee will receive a copy of the comprehensive report.
The MI6 Video Game Marketing Conference takes place at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco in Union Square April 8, 2009. To view the complete 2009 session schedule, participant updates and registration information, visit www.mi6conference.com. Additional speaker and panel information as well as giveaways will be announced on the new MI6 Twitter feed: twitter.com/promaxbdami6.
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March 20th, 2009, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of Europe has let slip some new details about the forthcoming Wii boxer, Punch-Out!! The title, developed by Next Level Games (Mario Strikers), will reportedly feature a new two-player mode in which Little Mac can square off against himself.
NOE also confirmed that the title will boast 13 playable fighters -- roughly three more than the original. And it will also include Doc Louis.
Additionally, the company provides some new details about the motion-based controls (gamers can also play traditionally holding the Wii remote on its side). "Punching is a simple case of taking a swing at your opponent whilst holding different combinations of buttons. Soften them up with jabs by pressing up on the Nunchuk Control Stick when you punch, or crash home a super-charged Star Punch by holding the C or A Buttons as you let your hands go," Nintendo revealed.
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March 20th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Develop reports that at a secret Nintendo developer conference this week, the company outlined a strategy to encourage developers to create short applications for the DSi's new DSiWare download service. Unnamed developer told Develop that Nintendo wants DSiWare developers to consider both short games and non-game apps, rather than the games-only selection found on WiiWare. The emphasis on small utilities and extremely brief games does call to mind a certain other device.
One dev said that "Given the advanced functions in the DSi, such as the microphone and camera, the company told us that there are a variety of opportunities for a variety of apps, both in a games sense and a non-games sense, that we could offer."
Nintendo of Japan already has a few non-game apps on the DSi Shop, including Nintendo-themed calculators, two clocks, and a travel guide. The rest of the service consists of small games, many of which are miniature versions of existing DS games. It seems that Nintendo's western branches have the same kind of thing in mind for third-party DSiWare offerings. We'll most likely find out next week, when Nintendo will present two talks at GDC: one about the DSi's design, and the other from Satoru Iwata called "Discovering New Development Opportunities."
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March 20th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
PaceMaker has released Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup v0.4.5 Wii Release 1:
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a fun, free rogue-like game of exploration and treasure-hunting in dungeons filled with dangerous and unfriendly monsters in a quest for the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot.
For more information see: http://crawl-ref.sourceforge.net
Version Notes
Same features at standard 0.4.5 and ported to the Wii with some interface changes to make it work without a keyboard.
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March 20th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
CashMan has released Wii Quizz 2.1
Wii Quizz is a quiz/puzzle homebrew application. You can play lots of quiz modes (other modes will be added in the future).
Last changelog
Use GRRLIB 4.0
Fixed a bug at the launch of the game : there were some white points in the screen
Fixed a bug with the screenshots : the screen was cut
Fixed a bug with the screenshots : could not take in the menu of hi-scores
To take a screenshot, you must, now, press only the button 1
Add a generic with all who participated in Wii Quizz
Improved video mode: switching the screen resolution : 639 * 479 at 640 * 480
Recast entire memory manager
Others improvements...
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March 20th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Paulwagener has released WiiEarth 2.1
WiiEarth is a Google maps like app that enables you to browse the earth like in Google maps.
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March 20th, 2009, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
strikeu has updated WiiTCPLoadGUI to 0.05
WiiTCPLoadGUI let you easily make a connection with Homebrew/TCPLoader Channel and stream binary files. It's written in c++ using Qt4 library.
Supported systems:
FreeBSD x86, x86_64(amd64)
Linux x86, x86_64(amd64)
MacOSX x86, PPC
Windows x86
WiiTCPLoad 0.05:
fully rewritten
save settings in ini file
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March 20th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
weeaboo launches a new version of its Maniacs Shooter "Touhou DS" which is now in version 0.8 changelog with a fairly well provided.
v0.8 2009-03-20
- The installation checker was broken andcaused a red screen of death in
case of an invalid installation.
- Fixed an unusual case where the collision detection would fail.
- After losing your lives, but selecting restart the canceling
confirmation would erroneously give the option to continue playing.
- Graphical glitches occurred when using master spark.
- Improved sound effects
- Background tilted plane in 3D
- Added deathbombing
- Added Youmu & Yuka as playable characters
- Gave a proper bomb Sakuya
- Added a config wifi screen
- Added a fourth level
- 10 ~ 20% performance increase
scripting language:
- Animation support (boss, object, shot)
- Support for playing sound effects
- Commands added to allow for character conversations. You can specify a
default conversation and / or specific depending on the conversations
selected player character.
- Stricter type-checking in the script compiler, better error reporting
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March 20th, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Romaap has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Romaap
Project name: DiScrimi******
From: The Netherlands
Division: NDS GAME
Original entry: Yes
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: A whack-the-mole style game.
You can use the stylus and the directional pad to play this little game.
My mate made the original discrimi****** for the scientific calculator TI83+.
I did not made this to anger people, my apologies if i do.
This is my first game for NDS so don't expect anything good, i'm not good at graphics either.
You can use the stylus to shoot, or use the directional pad to move the gun and press A to shoot.
Also note that the directional pad movement changes in level 5.
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March 21st, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
leinad has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: leinad (a.k.a. n00bey)
Project name: Bouncy Marble
From: Germany
Division: NDS GAME
Original entry: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: An Icy Tower clone - your goal is to get as high as possible, score most points or get the biggest combo. Best scores/floors/combos (5 each) are saved and will be displayed in the main menu : ) Happy competing against others.
NOTE: For saving highscores the .nds needs to be DLDI patched!
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March 21st, 2009, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
UVaSGD has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: UVaSGD
Project name : RGB DS
From: USA (Virginia)
Division : DS Game
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link: http://people.virginia.edu/~jtg4r/rgb_ds.zip
Installation: Extract to card and run.
This is a puzzle/platformer where you must navigate through the two screens in order to get to the star at the end of each stage. The top screen is the blue world where gravity flows downward, and the bottom screen is the red world where gravity flows upward. When you travel between the two worlds, you conserve your momentum.
There are also spikes you must avoid, and doors which can only be opened by buttons. Place a block on the button to keep the door open.
Blocks come in three different colors - red, green, and blue. Green blocks will observe the gravity of the world they are in (like the player), but red and blue blocks will continue to act as though they are still in their own world (e.g., a blue block will fall down, even in the red world).
Currently all levels are unlocked from the beginning. The number of stars(*) next to each level indicates its relative difficulty.
Move with d-pad, jump with A, grab/drop blocks with B. You may restart or quit the level by pushing start.
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March 21st, 2009, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
alcohol smurf has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: Alcohol Smurf
Project name: Vector Tower Defense
From : USA
Division : NDS GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Vector TD is a remake of a flash game of the same name created
by Alcohol Smurf and Interactive TM aka funkystuff. It features online hi score
submission, online player vs player battles, and some other stuff. It is a rather
rushed product so I woudln't be surprised if there were some glaring bugs. Stop the
vectoids from reaching the end! Play in one of four modes in 7 maps vs the vectoids
or vs a friend with online multiplayer.
Note online multiplayer is not thoroughly tested and you must wait around a minute
after submitting hi score online to be able to see it online.
Known Bugs:
Due to time, I was unable to tweak this so it might be too easy to too hard or
impoosible to finish.
Sometimes the screen is pure blue, just hit start and click on exit to restart it,
though I haven't been able to replicate this bug very often.
-Sound sometimes stops in online mode (but game doesn't).
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March 21st, 2009, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
funkystuff has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
My time its still teh 20th!
Nickname: Funkystuff
Project name: Alice & Marisa 8bit Minigame
From : Canada
Division : NDS GAMES
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Description: Gather the apples (and shrooms), taste test them and give them to the npc! Earn coins for food that is good, lose life for food that is bad aka poisonious. Have fun, all touch controls. Play until you lose! I find it is sort of like minesweeper.
Some Side Notes: I made this game in 10 hours total. I did not make the graphics or sounds so I have no rights to them and this is free and I hope I dont get into any trouble. I have no idea what this is from. I just found it and remade it for the DS. It was originally a flash game.
This was just for fun So i must say Rock On!
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March 21st, 2009, 13:48 Posted By: wraggster
Crazy fact for you: only 95 people have registered finding the “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” hidden lions, which means that, at most, only 95 people have played the game’s two bonus missions. I won’t spoil them, but here’s how and why they’re worth it:
I was the 34th person on planet Earth to have not just completed “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars“‘ main story but to have synced my game with the official website of development studio Rockstar Games. Ninety-four other people have done so as of this writing.
It’s only those of us in that 95 who may have then reached the game’s two bonus missions.
To reach the final two missions of “Chinatown Wars,” users need to finish the game, sync it to the Rockstar Social Club, and then find two Lion statues that might be placed in any of a couple dozen possible locations in the game’s Liberty City. Oh, and then the user has to re-sync the game to Rockstar’s site (make sure your Nintendo DS can connect online, of course, which means you must find an unencrypted or WEP-encrypted Wi-Fi hotspot).
After ALL of that, an e-mail appears in the game’s PDA and the first of the game’s final two missions are triggered. One is the only official mission involving the game’s most violent vehicle. The other involves unusually intense police attention.
They missions are worth reaching, not just because they are two more solid missions in a well-made game, but because the experience of linking to Rockstar’s site is a noteworthy experience for a gamer.
Developers have shown an increased interest in getting gamers to connect to sites they operate like Bungie.net, MyResistance.net, and the Rockstar Social Club. The sites foster community and allow the developers to track lots of statistics related to player performance — like how DS gamers might be playing their “GTA” DS game (did they deal drugs? did they like the rap station? did they finish the game? etc.)
So jump through Rockstar’s hoops if you can. If only to see what it is game developers are going for.’
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March 21st, 2009, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster
A patent filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office today tells the tale of an edutainment-laden future for Nintendo, reports Siliconera. According to the patent, the console maker's next property (properties?) may feature a mess of different learning tools aimed at young children, defined in the patent as, "toddlers and pre-kindergartners, and/or people with disabilities." The various ideas presented within the patent range from matching animal sounds with animal pictures to lessons in daily chores to building your first laser gun. Alright -- fine -- we made up that last one.
Littered throughout the images included with the patent are a couple of familiar Nintendo characters (Mario and Pikachu), though, according to Siliconera, the report specifically mentions "television and/or licensed cartoon characters like Pikachu, Dora the Explorer, and Bob the Builder."
Though this patent may have been filed, we want to remind you that none of these plans are by any means final and for all anyone knows, could be nothing more than what they are now -- ideas. One thing is for sure, no matter what happens, we all now know that Nintendo believes children to wear totally badass future shoes.
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March 21st, 2009, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Netflix may be looking to expanding their service beyond Xbox 360. According to a consumer survey mailed to a Joystiq reader, Netflix may provide their service to Wii owners. "Imagine that, as an added benefit to DVDs by mail, Netflix offers its members the ability to watch movies & TV episodes instantly on their TV via their Nintendo Wii, choosing from a library of over 12,000 choices.
According to the survey, the Netflix service will be enabled through a "Netflix Instant Streaming Disc." The disc would need to be placed in the Wii every time someone wanted to use the Netflix service. Unlike Microsoft, it appears Nintendo will not bundle Netflix into an upcoming firmware.
The existence of this survey doesn't necessarily mean Netflix support on Wii is confirmed. However, it does suggest the company has been investigating the possibilities. We're certain Netflix is eager to tap into the millions of Nintendo fans ready to try the streaming movie service.
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March 21st, 2009, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
If Taito announces a downloadable game in Japan you can bet a global release is in the cards, but it’s always nice to see some kind of confirmation.
Rainbow Islands: The Towering Adventures, the latest installment of Taito’s rainbow climbing game, came out in Japan for WiiWare earlier this month. Now the game has been rated by OFLC confirming at least one area outside of Japan will get it. Looks like Square Enix, as usual, will act as the publisher. They wouldn’t localize Rainbow Islands: The Towering Adventures for just one country would they?
Rainbow Islands: The Towering Adventures doesn’t have any downloadable content like Bubble Bobble Plus and it was only 800 Wii Points ($8) in Japan. What does that get you? Take a look at this clip.
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March 21st, 2009, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

The world was under a lot of stress due to the continual large scale wars. Although civilization allowed people to live in cities scattered across the universe, violence never stopped.
50 years ago, the demon queen led her invasion, and later came the virtual beasts. Both menaces were taken care of, however, the troubles with humans carries on.
Science and technology allowed people to alter their off spring's genes. Coordinators are people who are genetically adjusted and seemed to have better physical or mental attributes than normal natural borns.
The differences in abilities set the two types of people apart and grudges, as well as envy is the source of current strife.
Each camp, the Natural and the Coordinators, has their military force and war is about to start. Board your robot and get ready to enter battle. The mechas come from a mulitude of series, from the relatively new classic Gundam Seed to King Geiner.
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March 21st, 2009, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Epic storyline with tons of side-missions, addictive mini-games and hidden collectibles
All new replay feature allows you to replay all of your favorite missions
Wi-Fi mode means head-to-head and co-op multiplayer mayhem
Stat tracking and leader boards that track your criminal career
Following his father’s murder, Huang Lee has a simple mission: deliver an ancient sword to his Uncle Kenny to ensure his family retains control of the Triad gangs of Liberty City. Huang is a spoiled rich kid who expects everything to run smoothly, but his trip does not go exactly as planned. After being robbed and left to die, he will search for honor, riches and revenge in the most dangerous and morally bankrupt city in the world.
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March 21st, 2009, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Pursuing relationships with NPC characters may lead to friendship, or even love and marriage. The more you interact with the townsfolk the more prosperous the village becomes and the more newcomers will be attracted to it
Cultivate and harvest crops on fields strewn throughout the game. Growing crops attracts Runeys (spirits) which live symbiotically with fertile land. Catching Runeys and releasing them on your land and around the town creates an interactive environment that will affect the growth time and quality of the plants you produce
Varied dungeons are secreted about the game area and a very special one soars right above your head if only you can reach it... Filled with areas to explore, creatures to fight or tame, and rare items to collect, they can be an adventurer's dream or a brave farmer's greatest resource for special crops. Seek your fortune or battle to your heart's content
Use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to do everything! Till the land, swing your sword, even knock on your neighbor's door (Also compatible with the Classic Controller)
A familiar face in an unknown land...
In search of a missing girl, our hero stumbles upon the frontier town of Trampoli. Here he finds the object of his search but his task doesn't end there. In this mysterious town inhabited by spirits called Runeys and shadowed by a gigantic flying whale island, he must start life anew.
Farmer, explorer, warrior...
In this idyllic setting our hero can pursue various trades (farming, forging, crafting, cooking, etc.), explore the town and the floating island above, or seek out adventure in the dungeons. Over time the town will grow, as do the number of inhabitants. Shopkeepers, farmers, tavern masters, and craftsmen; all are ready to be our hero's friends, enemies, and maybe more. However, trouble in the sky above soon interrupts our hero's new life. What is this ominous power that threatens such a peaceful town? How will he protect his friends, his love and the village that has become his home...
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March 21st, 2009, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

A complete walkthrough of every chapter.
DETAILED MAPS: In-depth maps pinpoint locations of Items, Boss areas, Exit points, and more!
ITEM DATA: Exhaustive specs for each Weapon, Accessory, Item, and Spell
BESTIARY: Extensive bestiary with stats for every enemy in the game
BOSS STRATEGIES: Each boss’s weakness is revealed along with expert tactics to defeat them
Platform: Nintendo DS
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March 21st, 2009, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Complete Pokédex fully details all available Pokémon. Providing stats, levels, learned moves, and more. Including the newest additions to the Pokémon roster.
Full Walkthrough with Maps - Each area will be comprehensively covered with maps, screens, and text!
Platforms: Nintendo DS
All Gameplay Covered - Every part of the game is detailed: from the main quest and side quests to the battle games and contests
Embossed Cover - Embossed cover treatment to make the art come to life.
Map Posters! - Two mini-posters with maps of the new areas!
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March 21st, 2009, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Spectacular, stunt-filled 3-D racing — Zip around dizzying loops, take soaring jumps, and speed across ramps and rails in more than 100 official tracks. 3 types of vehicles provide different driving challenges in race and time trial play modes.
Infinite new track possibilities — Start with your stylus and a 360 degree rotating camera, and build the track of your dreams with more than 150 design blocks that include checkpoints, turbo boost pads, and loop-the-loops. Share with friends via local wireless connection and you’ll never run out of new tracks to race on.
Compete with friends in local wireless — Up to four can play together with one cartridge in Single-Cart Download Play, or race on any track—official or custom—in Multi-Cart Play. Up to 8 compete in Hotseat mode.
TrackMania DS is the most heart-pounding stunt-filled racing game ever to burn rubber on Nintendo DS. Over 100 tracks geared for blazing fast racing action - each loaded with daring jumps, thrilling loops, crazy ramps, and a host of other insane stunts - are just the start. Players have access to the most powerful portable track design system ever, giving TrackManiacs total freedom to create the most overthe- top race courses imaginable and offering practically unlimited value.
The more you race, the more you can do; TrackMania’s “Coppers” reward system gives you credits for completed races which can be used to unlock new tracks, new car paint schemes, and most importantly, new parts to use in making the tracks of your dreams. With single and multi-card local wireless multiplayer support for up to four players at a time (and eight players via hot-seat mode), in addition to the ability to share and race on each others’ custom tracks, TrackMania DS is the most feature-filled stunt racer for Nintendo DS™! Key
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March 21st, 2009, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Utilizing the same world-turning technique as the first, you'll have to twist and turn the Wii Remote™ to control the environments around you. As you journey across 7 different worlds, you'll come across different gadgets to help you through your journey. Every one of the 150+ levels features incredibly fun challenges to conquer as you help Anthony roll his way to the Golden Sunflower.
Design your own marble to navigate more dangerous levels by assigning it certain attributes and techniques. If you really want to get into the game, use your own Mii™ to put yourself into the marble! Marble Saga: Kororinpa even features a brand-new level editor which lets you create your own unique stages. Through Wii Connect 24™, you can share your masterpiece with friends and let them take on your own devious designs. The possibilities are endless!
For Wii owners who have a Wii Balance Board™, Marble Saga: Kororinpa also offers you the ability to control the ball with the balance board! Rotate the world around you by adjusting your weight on the board. Offering a unique twist on the Kororinpa gameplay, the balance board gives the game an entirely new dimension of fun!
Get ready for the next adventure into the world of Kororinpa! Marble Saga: Kororinpa™ sets you on an unforgettable journey to help Anthony the Ant on his quest to find the Golden Sunflower. Only by navigating your customized marble through beautifully unique and treacherous mazes can you help Anthony reach his goal! It's up to you to balance the world (literally) with fun and intuitive controls available only on Wii™!
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March 21st, 2009, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
In japan 3 new colours of DSI have been released, heres the colours:
The Nintendo DSi is the long-awaited successor to Nintendo's popular handheld video game console. Compared to the Nintendo DS Lite, the NDSi features a 17% larger screen and a 12% reduced size at a weight of only 214 grams.
Further enhancements include two built-in cameras, SD memory card slot (allows you to save pictures and display them on the Wii™) as well as built-in browser and music playback function.
The new Nintendo DSi plays all Nintendo DS™ games. Gameboy™ Advance game playback is no longer supported though.
Besides the stylish black and white, for those who are in for a more colorful lifestyle, get these alternate colors. With neon pink, lime green and metalic blue, your Nintendo DSi will become the center piece of your accessory set. Choose the one that goes well with your wardrobe and personality.
New Colors
Nintendo DSi (Lime Green) JPN US$ 249.00
Nintendo DSi (Metallic Blue) JPN US$ 249.00
Nintendo DSi (Pink) JPN US$ 249.00
Cool Monotones
Nintendo DSi (Black) JPN US$ 249.00
Nintendo DSi (White) JPN US$ 249.00

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March 21st, 2009, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Crecente rocked the Bird Shirt in his new passport photo, which just screams "body cavity search." He might reconsider dressing like a terror suspect, after Canada confiscated a Wii belonging to one.
Mohamed Zeki Mahjoub is an Egyptian who got political asylum in Canada, then was imprisoned as a terror suspect for his close ties to Osama bin Laden's business, and other unsavory folks. After six-and-a-half years in "Guantanamo North," he got his release, but a judge imposed some strict requirements on him, still finding him to be a risk to Canadian national security.
Among them - no Internet access. Since the Wii has a connection and a browser onboard, bye-bye Mario Kart! The authorities confiscated the console (and, I guess, the games, because if you can build Smash Bros. Brawl levels to propose marriage, you can probably use them to send terroristic threats and stuff.)
Mahjoub says that, along with other onerous conditions of his release, have destroyed his family life, so he's asked to be returned to the prison Canada set up in Ottawa to house terror suspects. Hell, if the gummint pried my Internet and my games from my warm, living hands, I'd probably see no difference between prison and sitting on my ass at home, either.
Oh, in case you're wondering, Mahjoub can't be deported because of the potential for being tortured by other governments.
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March 21st, 2009, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
First version of Nintendo GameCube emulator has been released. SuperGCube is a GameCube emulator for Windows, based off the discontinued GCube. Using an ingenious interpretive emulation system, it can achieve a (relatively) high speed, often outperforming other emulators that use more advanced techniques.
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March 21st, 2009, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
NES emulator has been updated. Changes:
- The code for handling different controller types (gamepad, Zapper, Power Pad, Four Score, etc.) has been rewritten to take advantage of C++ language features. Initial tests suggest it is working properly, though there may yet be bugs lurking within it. The savestate format has also been updated - it would seem that controller state data was never being stored correctly, and the actual controller section was missing some important data.
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March 21st, 2009, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Marcan:
We have read reports and been spammed on Wiibrew with the claim that Nintendo is banning Mario Kart users from the online WFC mode if they have The Homebrew Channel installed.
There is very little information regarding the claimed issue. However, considering HBC is not a prerequisite for Mario Kart online cheating, nor does it have any direct relationship with it, and especially considering the ease with which we could change HBC’s Title ID, I think it’d be incredibly foolish for Nintendo to do this. They aren’t the brightest of the lot, but they’re not that stupid.
I have succeeded in playing a perfectly normal WFC match on-line with Mario Kart while HBC (1.0.1) was installed. There was no sign of trouble or errors at all.
Unless we get multiple, verifiable reports of people who have never cheated at Mario Kart or performed any modifications whatsoever, and who do not have and have never had any other installable homebrew other than HBC and no other modifications (that means no region changes, no downgrades, no IOS16, no cIOS, no warez launchers, and no other unofficial channels), no modchip, and a legit, in-region copy of Mario Kart, I am forced to conclude that whoever made this claim hasn’t done their research properly.
I would like to remind you that we in no way condone on-line game cheating. Try playing like a normal user a few times. I just got a golden mushroom without having to patch memory and screw up other players; I’m sure you can too.
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March 21st, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
MrClick has released AnyTitle Deleter DB 1.0v3 AnyTitle Deleter DB uses tona's AnyTitle Deleter and adds several features.
Its main purpose is to list all titles (such as channels, IOS, etc...) and allow the user to delete the ones he/she wants to get rid of.
Red Squirrel released AnyTitle Deleter MOD which used an external database to associate the cryptic title IDs (such as "HAXX") with a meaningful name (such as "Homebrew Channel"). AnyTitle Deleter DB uses his database format to achive the same goal but adds support to read the title's name from the titles banner.bin file which is stored internally in the Wii's NAND. Not all titles have a banner.bin - actually only channels and about half of all game saves do - but combining the banner.bin names with Red Squirrel's database allows the user to work with a broder scope of title names.
Everything in AnyTitle Deleter (including its risks Read the original article!!!)
Displaying title names by either consulting the external database.txt or the internal banner.bin or 00000000.app
Save title names from the internal banner.bin to the external database.txt to complete the list
Choose between using only the internal or external names or combine both for most comprehensive results
Choose from different displaying modes to see only the title's names or IDs
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March 21st, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
HtheB has released a new version of Beup for the Nintendo DS, basically this lets you use MSN on your DS.
Place the BEUP directory as it is in the root of your card.
It will have some default icons and avatars and a different keyboard.
You can place the file 'Beup Live 0.4.nds' (or the 'Beup Live 0.4.ds.gba') wherever you want.
Don't forget to patch Beup Live with DLDI in order to use your own Avatars, Icons and Keyboards.
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March 21st, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Romaap has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp
Nickname: Romaap
Project name: Shooting Range
From: The Netherlands
Division: NDS GAME
Original entry: Yes
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: A whack-the-mole style game.
You can use the stylus and the directional pad to play this little game.
My mate made the original game for the scientific calculator TI83+.
This is my first game for NDS so don't expect anything good, i'm not good at graphics either.
You can use the stylus to shoot, or use the directional pad to move the gun and press A to shoot.
Also note that the directional pad movement changes in level 5.
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March 22nd, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Crayon has released Wii-Tac-Toe 0.5:
Wii-Tac-Toe is a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Nintendo Wii. It was programmed in C++ using devkitPro along with GRRLIB.
The game can be played alone vs the CPU or with a friend using one Wii Remote controller. The game AI does not always do the same moves, so the fun never stop.
To win the game, you have to place three marks (O or X) in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. If the grid is filled completely and no one has won, well, it's a tie game. Start over and try to beat your opponent.
Version 0.5
Italian translation
Hide the cursor when IR is not valid
The cursor has a shadow
New button in the HOME Menu
Widescreen support, cursor hotspot and PAL 576i bug are all fixed with GRRLIB 4.0.0
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March 22nd, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
WiiCrazy updated Crazy Intro to 0.5b
Crazy intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader. You can use Crazy intro to customize the opening of your wii. You can display your selected picture and play the music of your choice at each start of your wii. Also you can assign your frequently used channels to the directional buttons on the wiimote. You can use B button to quickly access homebrew channel.
0.5b - 22/03/2009 - http://www.tepetaklak.com/data/CrazyIntrov0.5b.rar
Using GRRLIB 4.0
Able to use effects fully configurable using the config file
Picture size & position is configurable and press this and that stuff can be used too...
Reset button leads to the system menu to overcome the wiimote sync issue with preloader.
If there is no custom stuff on the sd card then displays a default intro
All resource files should be in a folder named crazyintro in the sd card, and program no longer uses default names for sound and picture. Everything is configurable in the config file.
Supporting 16/9 aspect ratio (?)
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March 22nd, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
ritz performs an update of its project "fandian" which goes into release 358, medieval 3D RPG based on Neverwinter Nights.
Version r358
* Add menu
* Function reload X
* Light Village
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March 22nd, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
A new version of "WordDS" by Frezzy, excellent text editor for the DS is available.
* Fixed the bug with the waiting screen
* Increased the text size from 623 up to 4860 characters. Those are about 694 words!
* Added a new scrolling system
* Some bugfixes
known bugs:
* Editing of the text more shares does not work
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
The NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009 have closed now, we have got 50 entries finally, good luck for all coders 
more info: NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009
The PSP APP division, total 8 entries
[PSP APP] XMBShell Version 1.00 By: Total_Noob
[PSPAPP] TimeTrainer (updated) By: teamsushi
[PSP APP] DAPESi : DAPES Improved Alpha version By: Shaolan
[PSP APP] PSPconsole v1.3neo By: Hotter
[PSP-App] pag3 - make your own website today By: pront0
[PSP APP] prxutility++ By: pspflashsystem
[PSP APP] downPSP v210 By: carlosgs
[PSP APP] PSPDictionary v2.4.1 By: Gefa
The PSP GAME division, total 13 entries
[PSP GAME] Agenaworld 1.7 By: edepot
[PSP GAME] Pong v0.5.1(updated) By: Digikid13
[PSP GAME] TibiaPSP v0.2 By: LuMa
[PSP GAME] Crazy Gravity Portable By: TheUnderminer
[PSP GAME] Ragdoll Cannon v2.11 [UPDATE 2] By: walar
[PSP Game] Wagic 0.5.1 By: wololo
[PSP Game] Apollonia 0.03N By: GlennNZ
[PSP GAME] Asterz V1.2 By: Slasher
[PSP GAME] asterSpace3D By: pspflashsystem
[PSP GAME] PSPReversi V1.0 (FINAL RELEASE) By: jojojoris
[PSP GAME] PopBlocks By: Gefa
[PSP GAME] EarthInvasion By: basfreak
The NDS APP division, total 11 entries
[NDS APP] HWOS2 By: funkystuff
[NDS APP] DSision2 By: spinal
[NDS APP] Mario Paint Composer DS Paratroopa Release By: bassacegold
[NDS APP] SutraDS By: Cid2Mizard
[NDS APP] Ace Attorney DS By: B12Core
[NDS APP] myPiano By: BranMuffin
[NDS APP] DSwiki - Offline Wikipedia Reader By: ollipolli
[NDS APP] Ands-pdf v1.4 - A PDF Viewer for the DS! By: albinofrenchy
[NDS APP] Wee Basic By: marovada
[NDS APP] Health Monitoring Tool Kit By: arrpirate
[NDS APP] DSBash By: leinad
The NDS GAME division, total 18 entries
[NDS GAME] Vector Tower Defense By: alcohol smurf
[NDS GAME] Glubies Planet By: yagero
[NDS GAME] Brix DS v2.0 By: Boive
[NDS GAME] Bill & Ted - Time & Time Again. By: spinal
[NDS GAME] Shooting Range By: Romaap
[NDS GAME] Alice & Marisa 8bit Minigame By: funkystuff
[NDS GAME] Natura No Story By: morukutsu
[NDS GAME] UKKE DS By: unkwar
[NDS Game] Bouncy Marble By: leinad
[NDS GAME] Balloon Pop! By: Prince Gohan
[NDS GAME] 5 Dice By: Gaz
[NDS GAME] SnailRace By: samel
[NDS GAME] Valhalla DS By: TenSpeed
[NDS GAME] Anime Jo All-Star Kirifuda Taisen (Anime Girls All-Star Trump Battle) By: DesertDog
[NDS GAME] 22. Search Eye DS By: kukulcan
[NDS GAME] Jangki DS - bugfix By: beodeulpiri
[NDS GAME] DronS By: leinad
We will announce the winner around April.20th, and now we start to collect the project review, you can post your review to here --- The reviews collection zone to win the TOP REVIEWER prizes 
Whats your favourite games/app out of this years entries?
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March 22nd, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Gouldfish:
Multi player only game.
Each player takes it in turns to place an atom on the grid.
Players can place additional atoms onto their own atoms.
If too many atoms are place on the same tile the atom goes critical and will explode and place additional atoms.
When the atom goes critical it will send additional atoms horizontally and vertically away from it.
If this atom lands on a square that has another atom on it, it will add to that atom. Also if the atom
is another players it will be taken over by the atom that went critical.
Updated artwork by Chris Hildenbrand
Added Credits screen.
Updated menu trigger points.
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March 23rd, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Are you immune to this season's rampant basketball fever? If so, the Wii Shop Channel invites you and your friends to set up an action-packed tournament of your own with a fresh crop of downloadable games. This week brings an instantly irresistible puzzle game to the ever-expanding WiiWare library, plus a pair of classic TurboGrafx16 import titles for the Virtual Console – one a vintage vertical-scrolling shooter, the other featuring the beloved Bomberman. Draw up your brackets, grab those Wii Remote controllers and shoot for the top spot.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
Pop'Em Drop'Em SAMEGAME (Hudson Entertainment, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone, 500 Wii Points): SAMEGAME is a simple yet engrossing puzzle game where you must clear matching blocks in sets of two or more. Score high by clearing out more blocks at once. If you manage to clear the entire grid, you can keep on playing with a whole new layout. Getting rid of all those blocks is the key to racking up points. Adjust the difficulty level in a one-player game by trying different grid sizes and multiple colors. Up to four players can face off in any one of three multiplayer modes. "Fame Game," the most straightforward choice, is similar to the one-player version. "Shame Game" turns the tables by forcing players to go for the lowest score. "Blame Game" is a free-for-all as everyone vies for blocks on one big grid. Choose from different block styles, background graphics and music to customize your playing experience.
Virtual Console
Bomberman '94 (TurboGrafx16, 1-5 players, Rated E for Everyone—Comic Mischief, 700 Wii Points): Bomberman has arrived to restore peace on the planet, which has been split into five parts by an evil hand. In addition to the nine members of the Bomber Family, the character Rooi shows up to lend a hand. Jump on the eggs that appear from destroyed soft blocks and you can ride one of five types of Rooi. Each Rooi has different special abilities—use them well and you'll ride to victory.
DETANA TWIN BEE (TurboGrafx16, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone—Mild Cartoon Violence, 700 Wii Points): It's the popular vertical-scrolling shooter renowned for its cute and comical world. Here come Twinbee and Winbee on a mission to save the planet from evil alien invaders. Standing in their way are six stages full of goofy enemies. Play as Twinbee in single-player mode, or team up with Winbee in two-player cooperative mode. With powerful attacks like Big Shot, or Twin Attack and Burst Attack in two-player mode, there's plenty of sting in their arsenal. Use your Shot to transform Bells into items with various effects. Stock up on these bad boys to expand your attack range and really have a blast.
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March 23rd, 2009, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
MetaFight has released a HomeMenu preview.
This is just a preview of a HomeMenu C++ class I'll be releasing soon. It's graphics library independent, so there aren't too many hassles there. It also allows you to associate your own functions to events such as when the menu opens, closes, redraws.
It's coming along well, but some of the stuff isn't implemented yet. It still needs:
Sound support for all those warm *bloomph* roll-over sounds
Rumble support to make you feel like you're manhandling your wii.
Accurate reflection of wiimotes' battery levels.
Wiimote syncing and configuration like in commercial menu. This is a LONG way down the road.
Since I'm not exactly a C++ wizard, I'm hoping folks will help me fix my bigger screw-ups once it's release.
-- MetaFight
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March 23rd, 2009, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
DickNorris has released Ariane, a date simulator game.
Dating simulator game. This homebrew is a port of the html/javascript game on C. It has been made WII compliant using Grrlib. Initial source code and pictures have been provided by http://arianeb.com/.
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March 23rd, 2009, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
GeeXboX is a media center program built on Wii Linux. It uses MPlayer with a graphical front end. It can play videos and music (with visualization) and display photo slideshows.
Specially added features in the Wii port are: bluetooth (remote control, obex file push, networking and audio partially working), USB storage, USB Ethernet, http/telnet/ftp server, netstreaming, image viewer, goom visuals for audio playback, .... Most of added features are fully or partially tested, some are not, yet.
20090321: 0.1alpha6. Bugfix release.
Update linux to;
Update MPlayer to r28852;
Map seeking to arrow keys too;
Fix mounting usb storages at bootup;
Fix unmounting disc images.
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March 23rd, 2009, 21:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
GameStop's senior vice president of merchandising, Bob McKenzie, has praised Nintendo's pricing of the DSi.
Speaking to Gamastura, Mckenzie explained how the USD 179 price point still represents value, despite being USD 30 more than the DS Lite.
"I think they've got the value there," he said. "It's great; I think it's priced right. They've done a good job. Seeing the demo of that thing really makes you realise how much different it is from the original DS Lite."
Mckenzie commented on the handheld's redesign, including its loss of the GameBoy Advance cartridge port.
"Having the DSi losing the ability to play your GBA games on it - I don't think that the consumer is really going to look at that as a negative," he explained, saying that demand for the older titles had "definitely tapered off".
"We saw a similar thing with the launch of the PlayStation 3, obviously," he added. "Initially that launched with backwards compatibility, and then some of the variations of the different size configurations weren't backwards compatible."
"The further you get from that launch, I think, the less impactful it is to the consumer, because they feel they've upgraded their library over time."
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March 23rd, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Everyone and their dog familiar with the Pokémon Game Boy games wants a monster-catching MMO - or at the very least a proper home console instalment on Wii.
It's disappointing to hear then that the proper 3D Pokémon we've been fantasising over since the N64 days, is still not even a dream in its creators' heads, according to an interview conducted by What They Play.
"At this point, we're not thinking of going in that direction," game director Junichi Masuda, accompanied by designer Takechi Kawachimaru, replied when asked of the series' potential Wii and MMO future.
"Trading is a core concept of Pokémon. So when you're trading, you meet with a friend and decide which one you want and which one they want. I would like to emphasize real-world communication. You don't see each other online," Masuda added.
Brilliant. As for the next, 300th instalment in the handheld line, the Pokémon man says it may take advantage of the DSi's new features: "If we think there's something interesting and fun for the players that we can do with the camera, then we'll definitely consider applying that new technology to the future Pokémon games," he said.
"You can take a picture and draw on it, and that's fun, but we have to make it much more fun for the player if we want to put it in our games."
If we have to wait any longer, we're going to make a 3D Pokémon.
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March 23rd, 2009, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
A new awesome release from Flubba

Here's a little present to the few GBA nuts still left.
A SonSon arcade emulator! Mainly done to test out my M6809 cpu emulator.
*Pretty much everything works except sound.
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of Moonshell is out, Moonshell is the Shell that does just about everything for the DS:
This package is an update version. (It is a provisional reception because there was no time to make a full package. )
Please copy 'moonshl2.nds' and '/moonshl2' folder onto the disk where 'Version2.00 Beta.8.1' is installed in the superscription.
Content of temporary update
The ROMEO2 reception program was built into.
The file number under on the screen of the image display corrected the bug that was '1/ 0' always.
When 'Previous music' or 'Next music' was done in the music performance, the bug to which the play icon was not renewed was corrected.
Power supply LED was turned off while performing the DPG animation. Blinking when pausing.
The eraser and the undo function were to the note pad.
Only when not performing music, the screen saver setting screen is displayed.
A very long file name corrected the bug that overlapped with the file information.
Download v8.1
Download v8.2 req v8.1 installing first
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
In Japan, consumers are rewarded with 1000 free Nintendo DSi points when they first connect their new DSi system to the online store. We've been crossing our fingers that North American gamers will receive the same reward when the portable is released here on April 5, and it looks like we're in luck. Target's product page for the DSi says, "Upon initial access to Nintendo DSi Shop, 1,000 Nintendo DSi Points will be credited to your account, which you can then use to download your free Nintendo DSi-exclusive games and applications."
For full details, Target directs consumers to DsiOffer.Nintendo.com, but that site does not appear to be live, yet.
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March 23rd, 2009, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via gbatemp
The NDS party game " Poppin'" has received an update. This update includes new sounds, an options screen, credits, and bug fixes. The original release is not numbered, this is the 4th public version, I have numbered it myself for organizational purposes.
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March 24th, 2009, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like DSiWare apps are coming in more than once a month now since Nintendo has a new line up of software scheduled to come out on April 1.
One of the more creative applications is the Photo Stand Band Brothers Radio DX. For 500 DSiWare points ($5) you can stream music based from the user created tunes from Band Brothers DX. The application has a variety of stations like this week’s top ten, hot songs from a single artist, hello newcomer for new music tracks, a hip hop station, and even a video game music station. Barbara the Bat acts as an announcer so it’s almost like having access to a real radio station. While you’re listening to music you can display your photos which explains the “Photo Stand” part in the title.
Two more Nintendo themed clocks based on Super Mario Brothers and Animal Crossing will go on sale for 200 DSiWare Points ($2) a piece.
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March 24th, 2009, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
This week Sega’s first DSiWare game will launch in Japan. Phantasy Star Zero Mini gives players a taste of the DS game with an area to explore and a dragon boss waiting at the end. Slay the boss and you get a score which can be shown on the game’s leaderboards. Phantasy Star Zero Mini has 3D graphics, wireless play, and the neat visual chat system — all of which were part of the retail game.
The level in Phantasy Star Zero Mini, Glacea Ravine, and the boss are also from the full game, something clearly mentioned on the game’s product page. If you have Phantasy Star Zero there isn’t any reason to get Phantasy Star Zero Mini. The DSiWare version is really designed for people who don’t own Phantasy Star Zero.
Sega will sell Phantasy Star Zero Mini for 200 DSiWare Points ($2 / 200 yen). Considering the 5,040 yen price of Phantasy Star Zero, the diced up DSiWare game will be 4% of the final game.
What do you think of the situation? Is Phantasy Star Zero Mini a glorified paid demo? Is $2 a reasonable amount for a sample of a Nintendo DS game? Nintendo of Japan introduced a similar system by breaking down re-releasing stripped down “chotto” or “express” versions of their Touch Generations games like Planet Puzzle League and Clubhouse games.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Wanted: Weapons of Fate executive producer, Pete Wanat, says Sega -- whom he has no current working connection to -- would need to sell "2-3 million units" to make a sizable profit on MadWorld. Wanat doesn't pull his punches during an interview with web show Invisible Walls, criticizing the Nintendo Wii's development process where spending more than "$350,000 to $500,000" on a game runs the risk of making little to no profit.
"[Nintendo was] getting their ass handed to them [last generation], trying to compete with hardcore gamers. So they said, 'We're not going to bother, we're going to find our niche audience.'" says Wanat. "[Nintendo] has succeeded overwhelmingly so. But do not expect the rest of the industry to get down on its knees and 'blow' Nintendo to make games for that system when you can no longer use it and the same porting mechanism [when creating multiplatform SKUs on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC]."
Now Nintendo fans, before you feverishly type a retort, Wanat wants to make it clear that the Wii is home to some "unbelievable experiences" (specifically calling Nintendo's first-party titles, "Awesome"). However, as a third-party developer, "cracking the code" and finding success on the platform doesn't allow a game to be ported to other systems without completely changing the game's unique features, like gesture-based controls. "You're really getting narrowed to that one, narrow market. And what sells there? Nintendo games." It seems Sega is already feeling that sting.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

A family favorite since 1948, the Scrabble Brand Crossword game has sold has sold more than 100 million sets worldwide since its debut 60 years ago. Today there are between one and two million Scrabble games sold each year in North America and it can be found in one out of every three homes in America.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Keep on your toes! Make quick switches between the intense action-adventure gameplay and an increasingly challenging puzzle world
Jump, fight, and shoot your way through more than 30 levels, including nearly a dozen of hidden levels and take on outrageous world-ending bosses
Explore 5 exotic worlds in a mad hunt for artifacts—each of which grants new abilities for Hatsworth and ultimately unlocks a massively powerful golden mech suit
Solve challenging combo-puzzles in order to gain more health and energy. The more puzzle combos completed, the more you can enhance your melee and ranged weapons and transform Hatsworth into multiple powerful forms
Activate puzzle power-ups to help Hatsworth in the puzzle world and the action game
Keep an eye out for gems and treasure to purchase your favorite weapons and abilities along your way
Love puzzle games, but also love an adventure? Now you can have both in one game with Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure, an exclusive Nintendo DS™ adventure-puzzle game that adds a new element of fun by combining the action of an adventure game with the challenge of a puzzle game all in one.
Meet Henry Hatsworth, a quirky, light-hearted character who will guide you on your journey through a new style of gaming adventure on your Nintendo DS. In this two-in-one adventure, explore five exotic worlds, fight a variety of opponents, and venture through more than 30 levels, including nearly a dozen hidden levels while taking on outrageous world-ending bosses.
The separate worlds on the two Nintendo DS screens have a cause and effect inter-relationship, and you choose when to switch between conquering the action-platform realm and mastering the increasingly challenging puzzle world. A wide variety of power-ups will help Hatsworth in both of these worlds. Complete puzzle combinations and defeat puzzle enemies in order to gain power ups, health, and energy to supercharge Hatsworth in his adventure.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Using the Nunchuk controller as one glove and the Wii Remote as the other, players dodge, weave and punch their opponents. The controller’s speaker and rumble device provide sensory feedback
A new roster of caricatured boxers presents parodies of celebrities from the world of sports, music and movies. Highlights include the caricature of Michael Buffer, “The Voice of Champions™”, and his famous “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble®” trademark call. Each character is brought to life through hilarious over-the-top moves, improved facial animations and damage textures
Tons of outrageous special moves, combos and extreme knockdowns enhance the fighting experience while “Rumble“-Combos enable players to pull off moves from Kung Fu, Wrestling and other martial arts
Arcade, Quick Fight, Team Fight, Tournament, Championship, Mini Game, Tutorial and Create a Boxer modes
The all new championship mode allows players to create their own boxer and nurture his skills through mini-games developing him as a fighter
R2R Revolution can be played multi-player or single-player. In single player mode, AI allows for more strategy-oriented fighting experience and adds to replay value
The hilarious Ready 2 Rumble franchise is flexing its muscles and planning a major, star-studded return to the ring with the launch of Ready 2 Rumble Revolution, the newest game in the much-loved series. Bringing the franchise to Wii™ for the first time, the game retains all the knockout features of best-sellers Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 1 and Round 2, while delivering a knockout punch of style and attitude. Tailored to take advantage of the motion-controlled realism of Wii, Ready 2 Rumble Revolution makes landing a punch more fun than ever.
Sure to satisfy newcomers and boxing fans alike, Ready 2 Rumble Revolution features a roster of 18 wildly caricatured cartoony boxers, all parodies of celebrities from the worlds of sports, music and movies who enter the ring as larger-than-life “Rumble-ized” versions of themselves. Players will step right up and see if they can knock these super-sized egos down a peg or two!
The game is hosted by “The Voice of the Champions” Michael Buffer, famous for his “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble®” trademark call. Characters are brought to life with hilarious moves, detailed facial animations, damage textures and fighting techniques including special moves, combos, extreme knockdowns and special “Rumble” combos. An all new Championship Mode lets gamers create their own unique boxer and nurture his skills through mini-games, developing him as a fighter and creating a completely personalized Ready 2 Rumble Revolution experience.
Developed by AKI who bring their formidable fight game know-how to the franchise, Ready 2 Rumble Revolution brings a virtual boxing arena to the living room and delivers a fun and intuitive experience in either single player or multiplayer mode. The Wii controllers provide would-be pugilists with an intuitive and realistic feel. Using the Nunchuk™ controller as one glove and the Wii Remote™ controller as the other, players dodge, weave and throw the big punches to KO their opponents.
Virtual heavyweights can fight from the backstreet gym all the way to the big Las Vegas showdown with vivid new visuals bringing the five spectacular ring environments to life. The arcade experience is made even better thanks to advanced Artificial Intelligence allowing more strategic fights.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Point and pluck! With Wii controls, you simply point the Wii Remote controller at the screen to wrangle your army of Pikmin and put them to work!
You're the boss! Take command of up to 100 Pikmin and order them to swarm dangerous predators, demolish barriers, and haul critical parts back to your ship. It's the perfect blend of action and strategy!
Captain Olimar has crash landed on a strange, alien world. With the pieces of his ship scattered across the planet, his only hope for survival lies with curious creatures he calls Pikmin. The captain must rally his new-found Pikmin friends and find the missing pieces of his ship...before it's too late!
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March 24th, 2009, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Follow Wylfred’s dark quest for revenge on the Valkyrie Lenneth
Earn greater spoils and fighting advantages by surrounding enemies
Perform powerful finishing moves by maxing out the attack gauge
Continue attacking enemies once they are defeated to earn Sin
Discover multiple possible story endings as you decide the fate of your allies, with results that will change the course of the game
Battle formidable foes as you recruit new allies in an unlockable bonus dungeon
Wylfred was but a boy when the valkyrie claimed his father's soul and sealed his family's fate. In the agony of the aftermath the boy swore revenge, and now for the man, the time has come to reap it. To the valiant she comes, and so to the battlefield he goes, Destiny awaits.
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March 24th, 2009, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

With Pokémon Platinum up to 20 players can interact with other Pokémon fans from around the world in the new Wi-Fi Plaza, featuring mini-games and activities.
Following the vast popularity of Pokémon® Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Platinum is the newest in the core series of Pokémon games. Pokémon Platinum features a new story full of adventure, never-before-seen forms of powerful Pokémon – including the legendary Giratina's Origin Forme – and the Distortion World, a mysterious new world that suddenly appears in the Sinnoh region. Players can also enjoy the new features in the Global Terminal, such as posting battle videos using the new "Vs. Recorder." In addition, Pokémon Platinum features a new Battle Frontier, where the toughest Trainers can test their skills in new ways.
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March 24th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii emulator for Windows has been updated.
- SSBB (PAL) runs!
- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom runs!
- Force bi/trilinear filtering (re)enabled (OpenGL plugin).
- You can now view and extract from all partitions on a wii disc in the filesystem viewer.
- Many fixes for Wii HLE functions.
- Destination Alpha fixed (OpenGL plugin).
- Greatly revamped logging system has been implemented.
- Fixed black edges seen around some transparent textures.
- Added ability to show efb copy regions (OpenGL plugin).
- Added ability to suppress PanicAlerts.
- Switched to a different (better sounding) DTK ADPCM (streaming audio) decoder.
- IL build obeys "optimize quantizers" setting (disabling it fixes the "huge characters" issue in SSBB).
- More settings can be set per-game via the GameConfig.
- EFB to RAM setting now upscales correctly.
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thanks to emurussia for news
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March 24th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii emulator for Windows has been updated.
- SSBB (PAL) runs!
- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom runs!
- Force bi/trilinear filtering (re)enabled (OpenGL plugin).
- You can now view and extract from all partitions on a wii disc in the filesystem viewer.
- Many fixes for Wii HLE functions.
- Destination Alpha fixed (OpenGL plugin).
- Greatly revamped logging system has been implemented.
- Fixed black edges seen around some transparent textures.
- Added ability to show efb copy regions (OpenGL plugin).
- Added ability to suppress PanicAlerts.
- Switched to a different (better sounding) DTK ADPCM (streaming audio) decoder.
- IL build obeys "optimize quantizers" setting (disabling it fixes the "huge characters" issue in SSBB).
- More settings can be set per-game via the GameConfig.
- EFB to RAM setting now upscales correctly.
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thanks to emurussia for news
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March 24th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
SuperGCube is a Windows GameCube emulator, based off the discontinued GCube. Thanks to an efficient, highly-optimized emulation core, it can achieve a relatively high speeds, often outperforming other emulators that use more advanced techniques.
Changes: 0.4a - new project branch by spartan11-7 - some major optimizations and cleanup, mostly in low-level compilation - updated to use the latest versions of zlib, SDL and libjpeg
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March 24th, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Diner Dash will be making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and WiiWare this summer, courtesy of Hudson Entertainment. The popular franchise, featuring Flo the waitress and her efforts towards making a junky diner a success, has sold more than 2 million units to date.
"We're delighted to bring Flo and Diner Dash to new gen consoles for the first time," said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. "Players have fallen in love with the award-winning series because of its quirky characters and fast-paced fun."
On consoles, Diner Dash will be a 3D affair with players being given the ability to take direct control of Flo. Success will come to those that can seat customers, take orders and deliver food as efficiently and quickly as possible. If you are a Diner Dash fan and prefer the old point-and-click style of gaming, that option will be available as well. Multiplayer modes will also be available with a Team Dash for 8 players or a two player face off.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Wii owners will have a new way to beat the heat this summer as Hudson Entertainment splashes up Water Warfare, a "first person soaker" videogame, exclusively downloadable for WiiWare. The family-friendly "soaker" is set to be published by Hudson Entertainment, the North and South American publishing arm of HUDSON SOFT. The game has been rated E10+ for Everybody 10+ by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).
"Water Warfare is the perfect summer videogame to beat the heat." said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. "It's easy to download and play this 'first person soaker' – just get your squirt gun ready and go for it!"
In Water Warfare, players go head to head or team up as they run around playgrounds and beaches to drench each other with squirt guns. They'll be able to protect themselves with, what else, raincoats, towels and more. There are other items, like the umbrella, which can attack and defend at the same time! With different types of squirt guns, pick-up items, offline and eight player online multiplayer, there's tons of squirt gun fun to be had. Throughout the game, players use the Nunchuk to control movement, aim using the Wii Remote, and can load up on different squirt guns, such as shotguns and rocket launchers, to soak their opponents.
For more information on Water Warfare, as well as other titles from Hudson Entertainment, please visit www.hudsonent.com.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
The TurboGrafx-16 strategy game will be reborn on current consoles. Those with access to the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, or WiiWare will find a new version of the strategy-combat game on the way this summer from Hudson Entertainment.
"Since its original release on TurboGrafx-16 in 1989, Military Madness has stood the test of time as one of the longest-lived turn-based strategy games in history," said Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment. "The new Military Madness will give fans of the original a modern version of this classic strategy game, while gamers new to the series will get to enjoy being armchair generals for the first time."
The new version of Military Madness will feature all new 3D graphics, new units, online co-op and versus multiplayer, amongst other additions. Military Madness has been rated T for Teen by the ESRB.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
The Rock Band Track Pack: Classic Rock has been made official. Previously leaked through ESRB ratings, the twenty pack disc is now official and heading to consoles May 19 in North America. It will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Wii.
This standalone disc features 20 songs that can be imported onto your hard drive (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only) for use in your Rock Band library and can also be played as is. The disc will set you back $29.99.
Here is the full set list:
Boston -- Peace of Mind
Boston -- "Rock and Roll Band"
Dead Kennedys -- "California ?ber Alles"
Dead Kennedys -- "Holiday in Cambodia"
Free -- "All Right Now"
George Thorogood & the Destroyers -- "Bad to the Bone"
James Gang -- "Funk #49"
Jethro Tull -- "Hymn 43"
Lenny Kravitz -- "Let Love Rule"
Pat Benatar -- "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
The Police -- "Can't Stand Losing You"
The Police -- "Truth Hits Everybody"
Rush -- "Closer to the Heart"
Rush -- "Red Barchetta"
Siouxsie and The Banshees -- "Kiss Them For Me"
Steve Miller Band -- "Take the Money and Run"
Steve Miller Band -- "The Joker"
The Stone Roses -- "Love Spreads"
The Who -- "Baba O'Riley"
The Who -- "Behind Blue Eyes"
All songs have been imported into Rock Band using the master tracks.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Do you remember Project Ringo? If the answer is no, we don't blame you! Sega opened up a teaser site for the mysterious game back in early February, then spent the next few weeks offering up no real hints as to the nature of the game. That's about to change shortly.
The latest update to the teaser site reveals that an official unveiling for the new game will take place next week, on April 3. The source for the info will be both the teaser site as well as Weekly Famitsu.
So it looks like the answer to that two month-old question of "What is Project Ringo?" is almost at hand! Those who can't wait can get a glimpse at what is presumably the game's main character via the Flash animation at the teaser site or in the images we've captured for our media section.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
We got a word from a tipster (who frequently tips off Chinese trade paper Digitimes), that Nintendo will be refreshing Wii internal hardware this summer, with 65nm versions of both its CPU and graphics chips, while clock rates would stay the same.
Currently, the IBM PowerPC based CPU is made on a 90nm process and the ATI “Hollywood” GPU is likewise 90nm. Both companies have been making 65nm chips for over a year, while ATI also has 55nm working technology as well.
Furthermore, thanks to the new chips, the Wii is said to be “passively-cooled”, meaning it won’t require any fans.
Considering how cheap flash memory is these days, it would be easy to assume that Nintendo would increase the 512 MB internal flash storage as well. However, according to the source, the new version of the Wii would have no other hardware changes besides 65nm technology and new heat sinks for cooling.
It makes perfect sense for Nintendo to go 65nm, as both Sony and Microsoft have updated their CPUs to 65nm (in Microsoft’s case, the GPU as well) and are currently working towards 45nm. Compared to 90nm, the 65nm manufacturing process not only brings lower power consumption and cooler processors, but substantially reduces manufacturing costs as well. However, as usual, there is no official word from Nintendo. Considering that the company still hasn’t released the official Wii specs, it’s unlikely that they’ll share the news of 65nm parts.
We’ll only know when someone dissects their new Wii this summer.
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March 24th, 2009, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Last night, Nintendo held an event for platinum members of Club Nintendo to try out the new DSi. Quite a few interesting tidbits were shared at the event, including that DSi owners will be able to download Game Boy and GBA games. I am going to mark this as a rumor for now, however. We haven’t heard about this in Japan and Nintendo has yet to officially confirm the news.
- Will be only able to download Nintendo GBA/GB titles at first
- GBA/GB games will be region-locked
- Will be able to run the games from an SD card
- Calculators will be downloadable
- Opera available for download on DSi launch day
- Confirmed that owners will receive 1000 free points
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March 24th, 2009, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
AgentQ has posted a new test release of SCummVM DS:
Heres the details:
I've completed work on my build which supports external RAM packs. Using one of these devices, you can play Full Throttle and The Dig on your DS.
Full Throttle runs perfectly, with very little slowdown. The Dig has some slowdown. It's also probably not completable - see the 'issues' list below.
The following types of slot-2 RAM device are supported:
- Supercard
- M3
- Opera Browser Expansion Pack (untested)
- G6 (untested)
- EZ Flash
If you have a slot-1 card (one that fits in your DS slot, like an R4DS or an M3DS Real), you can load the data files from that, and use the RAM in slot-2 (GBA slot). Also, if you have a slot-2 card with an SD slot, you can load the files from the slot and use the RAM both in slot-2. To do this, just patch the ScummVM binary with the DLDI as normal, and then when the game starts, on the RAM device menu, choose the same device.
When you first start this build of ScummVM DS, you will need to select the type of RAM pack you have. This setting will be saved, and you won't be asked again unless you start ScummVM DS without the RAM pack, or with a different type of RAM pack inserted.
There are also some new features to go with this:
- High quality stereo sound support: so you can listen to the fantastic soundtracks to both of these games! (the high quality audio checkbox in the options is greyed out, as the new mode is used all the time)
- Brightness adjustment: This lets you brighten the game (using a gamma correction technique) to more easily see the dark graphics in The Dig on the original DS screen. Press select and click on the 'Graphics' tab, then adjust the brightness bar at the bottom with your stylus.
- Unfortunately, one particular room in The Dig causes a crash, because not enough assets in this section will run from slot-2 RAM. This is the tall room with the power source at the bottom. It's probably impossible to complete the game because of this. Also, I'm not sure the technique I'm using in slot-2 RAM will allow me to overcome the problems with this section, so this section may never work properly.
- The Supercard I have fails to start up sometimes. I'm not sure whether this is a general issue with Supercards, or just the one I have.
- Some DLDI drivers don't work when a device is used both as RAM and for disk access at the same time. I had problems with my M3 lite, and narrowed it down to the use of DMA. If the driver uses DMA, it won't work with this build. I've prepared a new version of the m3sd_alt driver I was using which doesn't use DMA. You need to use this DLDI to avoid random crashes if you're using an M3 Lite. You can download it here: http://scummvm.drunkencoders.com/m3sd_alt_v2.dldi (Source: http://scummvm.drunkencoders.com/m3sd_v2.zip)
Download the new build here:
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March 24th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Crayon has released a new version of the noughts and crosses game for nintendo wii:
Version 0.5 :
* Italian translation
* Hide the cursor when IR is not valid
* The cursor has a shadow
* New button in the HOME Menu
* Widescreen support, cursor hotspot and PAL 576i bug are all fixed with GRRLIB 4.0.0
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March 24th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
DSi shows no sign of letting up in Japan. The latest sales milestone for the system is the two million mark, which Famitsu publisher Enterbrain announced today was reached over the week ending March 22.
The DSi now has a userbase of 2,024,431 units in Nintendo's home territory, where it launched in November of last year.
While Enterbrain did not share sales totals for last week, it appears that the release of three new color variations helped push the DSi over the top. It's also likely that the DSi managed to retake the top hardware sales spot following three weeks of PS3 and PSP dominance. We'll have weekly sales figures on Friday.
The DS platform has a whole crossed a major milestone as well over the week. Enterbrain reports total sales of 26,083,985 units for the system. Of this, the original DS and DS Lite account for, respectively, 6,449,206 and 17,610,348 units.
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March 24th, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has told Eurogamer that a DSi Virtual Console-style service offering downloadable Game Boy and GBA games is "purely rumour and speculation".
The platform holder was responding to a report by website Kombo, which cites confirmation from a source supposedly inside a special platinum Nintendo Club event on Sunday evening. Kombo claims Nintendo will initially limit downloadable Game Boy and GBA games to first-party titles.
The website has since been contacted by Nintendo and told the Virtual Console-style service has yet to be confirmed for North America. It has, however, apparently been announced for Japan.
The platform holder also stated that Game Boy and GBA games are not playable directly from SD memory cards as the report originally claimed.
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata delivers his GDC keynote address tomorrow at 4pm GMT (9am PST). We'll be covering the talk live on Eurogamer, ready to snap up any announcements tumbling from his chops.
He speaks as the DSi breaks 2 million sales in Japan after four-and-a-half months on sale, according Famitsu.
The Nintendo DSi will be available across Europe from 3rd April for GBP 149. Head over to our recent in-depth analysis of the DSi to find out whether you should buy one.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Intriguing storyline following a journalist’s eyewitness account of a tragic assassination
DS stylus controls create a whole new level of interaction and accessibility to vibrant and detailed settings
New hint system prevents players from ever getting stuck on puzzles by offering tips and advice when needed
New story elements and settings – piecing together events before and after the original Broken Sword
Exclusive puzzles add new depth to the exploration gameplay
Stunning hand-drawn illustrations by renowned artist Dave Gibbons
Animated facial expressions depict empathetic and emotional storytelling
Broken Sword®: The Shadow of the Templars – Director’s Cut for the Nintendo DS™ system builds on the original, boasting a new and explosive narrative interwoven with the first story. After witnessing the brutal and horrifying murder of one of Paris’s richest and most influential statesman, the player will be pulled into a sinister conspiracy rooted in a long forgotten medieval legend. New puzzles have been added that specifically utilize Nintendo's unique stylus control. The game also features stunning animated facial expressions drawn by Dave Gibbons, artistic genius behind the comic book and upcoming movie Watchmen.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
For Dragonball Z’s 20th anniversary Toei is remastering the series and cutting the fat to make Dragon Ball Kai. The anime will air in Japan on April 5. Namco Bandai quick to capitalize on the situation bumped Dragonball Kai: Saiyan Raishuu from a late May release to April 29.
Unlike other Dragonball games this isn’t a fighting game. It’s a Dragonball RPG is set during the first arc of the series and includes an original story. Players control Goku and a team of other characters that can link up for Sparking combo attacks, some of which are originally created for the game. In battles you have three party members that can be swapped out with reserve members. Switching characters is one the battle system’s seven commands. The others are: fight, technique, ultimate, item, run, and endure. Beat up enemies and customize your stats to make a powerful fighter, a speedy fighter or a support character. I wonder what it would be like to play the entire game with Goku as a support character feeding healing items to Krillin.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Worried that Gyakuten Kenji (Turnabout Prosecutor) won’t come out over here? I wouldn’t. Capcom USA published every Nintendo DS game in the Ace Attorney series so far, but courtroom drama fans want a little evidence right?
I found some, a trademark for Ace Attorney Investigations registered by Capcom. With Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice, and Phoenix Wright already registered I’m confident this will be used for Gyakuten Kenji. This DS game has Edgeworth and Gumshoe playing more of a detective role exploring crime scenes and piecing together evidence to crack cases instead of saving innocent defendants in court. The Japanese version comes out in May. Localizing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney took around ten month so I wouldn’t expect to see Ace Attorney Investigations until the end of this year at the earliest.
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March 24th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
As usual, Square Enix is taking care of Taito’s games overseas. They haven’t gotten around to announcing Space Puzzle Bobble yet, but it’s coming. Puzzle Bobble Galaxy was recently rated by the OFLC in Australia and the USK in Germany. Both rating boards list Square Enix as the publisher. Technically this news is only for PAL regions, but Square Enix isn’t going to produce Puzzle Bobble Galaxy just for Europe. You can count on a domestic release too.
But, don’t expect Puzzle Bobble Galaxy to shake up the bubble popping formula. The Nintendo DS game has boss battles, wireless play over Nintendo Wi-Fi, and paddle controller support with classic bubble shooting.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
We'd already heard that Nintendo's Wii MotionPlus controller add-on was at least loosely tied to the launch of EA's Grand Slam Tennis game, but it now looks like the two may be even more closely linked than previously thought. According to a listing on Amazon.de, the add-on will actually be available in a bundle with the game (in Europe, at least), which will set you back €53.99, or just over $70, when it launches on July 2nd. As Joystiq speculates, however, this move could also be just the excuse Nintendo has been looking for to delay its own Wii Sports Resort game, which itself was supposed to come bundled with MotionPlus add-on but has been largely missing in action since its debut at E3 last year.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
A brand new title “inspired” by 1995 movie outing Toy Story is on the way to Wii this autumn courtesy of Disney Interactive Entertainment.
Toy Story Mania is a mini-game collection featuring the likes of Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Slinky Dog, Rex, Bo Peep and Hamm. It’s based in a “carnival” setting and is designed around the pick-up-and-play design ethos.
Interestingly, the game will also support a 3D mode, and comes packed with 3D glasses. Disney is infusing plenty of the third dimension into the Toy Story brand at the moment, with 2010 releases on the cards for Toy Story 2 3D and Toy Story 3.
“The Toy Story franchise is a fun, dynamic and heart-warming series containing characters and themes that connect with every age group,” Disney Interactive’s senior vice president of global marketing Craig Relyea stated.
“Toy Story Mania combines those popular elements with the unique antics of the new theme park attraction for the ultimate in family entertainment.”
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March 25th, 2009, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Wii console will pass the 50 million worldwide sales mark this month, setting a new game console record.
The Wii is set to hit the milestone two years and four months after launch, eight months faster than previous record holder, Sony's PlayStation 2.
The Wii console has lured million of gamers of all ages with the Wii Fit, Wii Sports and other software that even beginners with no interest in traditional games can enjoy.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's said to be prepping a Virtual Console-like service for DSi enabling users to download and play Game Boy and GBA titles.
The news reportedly comes from a Club Nintendo DSi preview event held at the weekend, attended by staff from website Kombo.
Nintendo's apparently told the site that downloadable Game Boy and Game Boy Advance titles are coming to DSi, but that the service has only been confirmed for Japan so far and offerings will initially be limited to first-party games.
On top of that the platform holder said that you won't be able to save and run the games from an SD Card.
However, a Nintendo UK rep played down the report, telling us: "This is pure rumour and speculation and nothing has been confirmed by Nintendo of America."
Expect plenty of DSi info from GDC tomorrow afternoon when Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata will be giving a keynote speech.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster

Apogee's Duke Nukem Trilogy already eclipsed Duke Nukem Forever with its mindblowingly awesome, yet content-free, trailer. But now it has surpassed Forever even more, by existing! And, as if to show off, it's six games. Sort of.
As OhGizmo! explains, Duke Nukem Trilogy features three games, which have the same stories, but are presented in a different style on DS than on PSP. The PSP versions are M-rated, with content that will be "tasteful, but it'll still be Duke." The DS versions will be T-rated, and thus toned down a bit in terms of dialogue and gratuitous strippers.
The best part? The first game, Duke Nukem: Critical Mass, was actually there! There was a demonstration on both PSP and DS. Try that, Duke Nukem Forever. Try being playable on a game system.
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March 25th, 2009, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Kotaku has confirmed that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata will announce the long-requested storage solution for the Wii during his keynote speech at the 2009 Game Developers Conference this morning.
Along with the official announcement of Rock N' Roll Climber, a rock climbing game that uses the Wii Balance Board previously leaked by the ESRB ratings website, Iwata will discuss a data storage device for the Wii, which gamers have been clamoring for since the introduction of the Virtual Console with the systems launch.
Rather than a hard disk, it looks like the Wii will utilize high capacity SD solution to solve the console's memory woes.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via emurussia
Nintendo GameBoy Advance/GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulator for Windows based on VBA source code has been updated recently. No changes info available.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
We're less than two hours away from the scheduled start time for Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's keynote address at this year's Game Developers Conference -- but don't bother trying to spend these last few hours of waiting around by downloading something new from the Wii Shop. The Wii Shop Channel is currently down, "undergoing maintenance."
Could we be in store for a surprise Wii Shop relaunch timed to coincide with the conclusion of Mr. Iwata's speech? It is the one year anniversary of WiiWare's launch in Japan, after all, and we wouldn't put it past the Big N to have an immediate surprise prepared to go straight out to the Wii Shop when the address is done.
Of course, the update could just be something more tame -- like the planned re-naming of Wii Points to Nintendo Points, in preparation for the launch of Nintendo DSi in just a few more weeks. Feel free to speculate away, and be sure to stay tuned -- our live coverage of the keynote will kick off at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata dropped a couple of bombs during his keynote address at this year's Game Developers Conference this morning, but at least one of them wasn't all that unexpected -- the official announcement of Nintendo's Rock 'N Roll Climber. The game's existence was first brought to the public's attention thanks to ratings updates on the websites of the OFLC and ESRB roughly two weeks ago.
Rock 'N Roll Climber will be a rock climbing action/sim title, developed by none other than Giles Goddard. Goddard is best known to Nintendo fans as the man behind 1080 Snowboarding, but he was also one of the key creative forces behind the original Star Fox on the Super NES, and he single-handedly completed the programming for Doshin the Giant for the N64's 64DD (and, later, the GameCube) when that project was threatened with cancellation.
A shot of Rock 'N Roll Climber in action, from President Satoru Iwata's GDC keynote.
Iwata also confirmed that Rock 'N Roll Climber will be compatible with the Wii Balance Board accessory, which makes it (and Punch-Out!!) the newest additions to the quickly-expanding list of titles taking advantage of the fact that so many people with Wii Fit in their homes have access to the accessory, and probably want more things to do with it than strike yoga poses and hit soccer balls with their heads.
Stay tuned to IGN Wii for more info on Rock 'N Roll Climber as it becomes available.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
No more fridge cleaning, friends. While Nintendo President Satoru Iwata was busy making his GDC keynote address this morning, the Wii itself was receiving its long-awaited storage solution. If you check your console for an available system update now, you'll find it's finally arrived.
It had been previously revealed that Nintendo planned to "open up" the SD card slot on the Wii to allow for easier file transfers and expanded storage capacity for its memory-restricted current console, as gamers have complained about the lack of available space almost since Day 1 of the Wii's hardware launch -- having too many game saves or too many downloaded VC or WiiWare games quickly meant finding yourself in a frustrating situation where you'd have to spend tedious amounts of time "making room" on your Wii's internal memory before you'd be able to download anything else. But, today, those days are behind us -- the Wii Shop maintenance earlier today was done to introduce the solution, and you should now have no trouble firing up your Wii and downloading the necessary upgrade to allow your system to experience the new, open SD card functionality.
We'll have more information as it becomes available, and as we test out the new solution to see if it's the thing we've all been waiting for -- or if it's just a small bandage on top of a still too-large wound.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Another rumored announcement has come to light during the course of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's GDC keynote -- the nature of Square Enix's next Final Fantasy project for Wii. We expected to hear more about it soon. We didn't expect to hear about three games, instead of just one.
First up was the official announcement of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord. The game is a sequel to the WiiWare launch title My Life as a King, and promises to offer a similar concept of play as that fantasy simulation did when it launches later this year -- of course, by its title, we can expect that you'll be taking the role of a villainous dictator instead of a heroic monarch this time around.
Second was confirmation that Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is indeed on its way to WiiWare, both in Japan and the United States. This game is a WiiWare port of a title originally developed for cell phones in Japan, and serves as a storyline sequel to Final Fantasy IV from the SNES. Final Fantasy IV has also recently gained a new set of fans, thanks to the DS remake which re-introduced it to a new audience just last year. You can definitely get hyped for this one.
Finally, Virtual Console aficionados should be excited to learn that the original editions of the classic franchise will, at long last, be coming to the VC. First up there is the original Final Fantasy, the NES hit that helped revolutionize RPGs as a game genre. We'll be looking forward to that, especially since many people suspected Square Enix would never allow those 8-bit installments back out of the vault again.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
One of the most-requested classic systems for inclusion in Nintendo's collection of Virtual Consoles isn't an old home console at all -- but rather the arcade machines that so many classics of yesteryear originated from. Now, finally, we'll be able to enjoy some of those arcade experiences emulated in VC form.
During the tail end of Nintendo's GDC conference this morning at San Francisco's Moscone Center, a big announcement was made that is sure to please Wii owners with an old-school slant. A new service, Virtual Console Arcade, has been released, with games available to download today.
Several classics have already been announced to be forthcoming, including Space Harrier, Emeraldia, Solvalou and The Return of Ishtar. But the launch lineup available right now consists of these four titles:
- Gaplus, a Namco Bandai shooter more commonly known as "Galaga 3"
- Mappy, a Namco Bandai platformer starring a mouse police officer
- Star Force, a scrolling shooter developed by Tehkan
- The Tower of Druaga, a Namco maze game
All of the four launch games are priced at 500 Wii Points except Gaplus, which is just one dollar more at 600 Wii Points. All four games also support every VC controller solution, including the Classic Controller, GameCube Controller and Wii Remote turned on its side by itself. We'd expect that pricing and controller support will be different for each future VC Arcade release, especially as some more technologically advanced titles are added to the lineup down the line.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
The_Lemon_Man has released signCheck 0.2:
signCheck is a homebrew application which checks if your IOS's can use the fakesigning. Uses TMD and TIK forging by patchmii, SU ident by Any Region Changer. Use the discussion page to submit any bug reports.
0.1 - First public release.
0.2 - Added check of ios16, 60 and 61 as they are included in newer updates
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March 25th, 2009, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Amarth and Daid have released Jump 'n Bump 0.3
Jump 'n Bump, a cute bunny game with blood, ported to the Wii. The original is maintained at [1]. This is a multiplayer game. Each player controls a fluffy bunny jumping around in a pleasant environment. The aim is simply to jump on the other bunnies to make them explode in a shower of blood and to increase your score. Fun for the whole family!
Add Daid's code:
8 player support!
Support for Nunchuk and Classic Controller
Fixes graphics resolution
Louder sound and music
Possibly other fixes...
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March 25th, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Wiibrew have today posted that you should not update at the moment
Nintendo has released System Menu 4.0, which includes a batch of IOS updates. Updating is not recommended at this point.
Version 4.0 of the System Menu was released on March 25th, 2009. It was announced in Satoru Iwata's GDC keynote.
The announcement lists these changes:
The Wii console can now use SDHC (SD High Capacity) Cards with a maximum of 32GB of storage.
The SD Card Menu, which allows you to launch titles directly from an SD or SDHC Card, is added to the Wii menu.
The Wii Shop Channel will now allow you to download titles directly to an SD or SDHC Card.
The Wii console's Data Management menu has been enhanced to make it easier to copy and move stored items on an SD Card or the Wii console's system memory.
The Wii User Agreement, which includes the Wii Privacy Policy, has been updated. Because the updated agreement applies to you and your use of the Wii Network Service, you should view the updated version by clicking on the Wii icon located on the lower-left portion of the Wii Channel menu, selecting Wii Settings, accessing the Internet setting, and selecting User Agreements.
There are other behind-the-scenes enhancements to the Wii console system menu included with Wii Menu 4.0
The update includes a batch of IOS updates issued a few hours before the System Menu update.
So for those who homebrew dont update for now, and if you dont bother with homebrew then let us know what its like 
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March 25th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix superstar producer -- and master of the zipper -- Tetsuya Nomura is featured in this week's Famitsu through a two page interview. Although most of the space was taken up by Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete talk, Nomura opened up towards the end about a few of his other projects.
First up, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Development on the DS title is approaching completion, he said. The staff is now going through the final areas of debugging. In case you don't keep up with the Nippon gaming seen, the Japanese version is due for release on May 30.
Sharing the sales points of the title, Nomura noted that because it's mission-based, players who want to get through to the end quickly can simply play just the required missions. However, those who do clear all the missions will find a lot of content.
Next up, Kingdom Hearts Coded. Noting that the mobile title will be distributed as a series of episodes, Nomura revealed that the development staff is currently working on building up a stock of such episodes.
Finally, the main event: Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Nomura didn't share much here, stating only that the designs for the main characters' clothing is complete. These designs were previously announced as being a collaboration with Roen. He hopes to unveil them at a major event.
The magazine also asked Nomura about future possibilities for the Final Fantasy VII compilation series. He said that he believes he's done all he wants to do for Advent Children. However, he does have ideas for the next product in the compilation. Don't start celebrating yet, though! Nomura also said that he doesn't expect any developments on the series for the time being.
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March 25th, 2009, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Those predicting an announcement by Nintendo at GDC regarding a new Zelda game were indeed correct. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks is coming to the Nintendo DS. Satoru Iwata wants to please long-time, loyal fans to the company and to the Zelda franchise with this particular title, which is coming later in 2009.
From the footage seen so far, the game is styled a bit like GameCube's Zelda title, Wind Waker. Link is controlled with the stylus, seen controlling a side kick character clad in armor. He's then pitted against a huge crab-like creature in what appears to be an epic boss battle. Additionally, Link was seen riding a train. Does this mean he can control trains in-game, or are these just cutscenes? Honestly, we don't know yet.

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March 25th, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from Hackmii:
I’ll keep this brief.
Nintendo, as expected, half-assed the SD feature by just automating the copy to NAND. No surprise there.
The IOS16 that warez users used to pirate is no longer an option, thank goodness.
HBC survives. So does DVDX.
They fixed the bug that the HBC installer and DVDX 3.4 installer use; time to bring out another one.
Twilight Hack no longer works. I’d like to remind everyone that this exploit has been in use for over a year. Whether it comes back or a new game exploit takes its place, I think we can say it’s served us all well.
No new problems expected with BootMii, other than needing a new exploit as mentioned above.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
At the Game Developers Conference panel titled "Inspiration Behind Nintendo DSi Development," Nintendo's project lead Matato Kuwahara revealed that there will be a variety of ways to distribute Nintendo DSi software to users, both digitally distributed as well as via retail packaged software.
The first way is, obviously, through the DSiWare Channel where game developers can create small DSi concepts for small or no cost to the consumer, and have them downloadable straight to the DSi internal memory.
Via retail, developers can choose two routes. DSi Enhanced Game Cards will give developers the ability to incorporate DSi features, such as the camera or the SD cartridge, into their DS games. These Enhanced cards will play as standard DS games on the Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite but will only open up the unique elements of the DSi on those consoles. Kuwahara used the idea of bringing in pictures taken with the camera and utilizing them as in-game textures as an example.
The other option is DSi Game Cards. Kuwahara recommended this option for those looking to place DSi-exclusive concepts into retail stores. These cartridges will not play on the Nintendo DS or DS Lite.
The DSi Enhanced Game Cards and DSi Game Cards are still being worked on at Nintendo, but should be available in the near future.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Gaz has updated his Jazzier suite:
Jazzier Suite, is a new project I am working on for the Nintendo DS. The program will aid musicians in improving their ability to recognise pitch, read music and to stabilise timing, as not to speed up or slow down whilst playing songs. There will also be a number of tools implemented to help aid in composition and performance. Some of these have already been implemented in the first release, such as, the delay calculator and tap tempo features on the metronome.
Instructions. (1. Metronome)
To find out the tempo of a track of music, constantly press the X button on the beat of the track. This is called Tap-Tempo and will set the metronome to the tempo of the track you are listening to. It also provides an average tempo (bpm) based on the accuracy of your tapping over a set time.
The delay times shown on the top of the screen can be entered into a guitar effects pedal or similar effects processor. I have included a few different beat times including dotted notes for more experimental delay times.
You can select 1 – 12 beats per bar.
Adjusting the tempo can be achieved in three ways:-
Tap Temp (X Button)
Tempo Meter (Red)
Fine Tune, left and right arrows next to the tempo
Additional Notes
When tap-tempo is used, the metronome is stopped. I found it quit difficult to tap along to a track whilst the metronome was playing.
Hope you enjoy the software,
I have created another update for the notation trainer:-
The piano keys are now highlighted when you press them.
You can switch off/hide the sharps and flats on the key signatures, this will help you remember the sharps and flats without looking for guidance on the stave. Press X, to toggle them on and off.
note: this will only take effect on your next try.
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March 25th, 2009, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
TheDrev offers 1st homebrew as a clone of the classic Bomberman.
The game is played from 1 to 4 players with the aim to blow your opponents.
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March 26th, 2009, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
While Nintendo has been pretty good so far with the Game Boys of yore and the DS / DS Lite at keeping backwards compatibility pretty much at a maximum, the DSi's added functionality and processing power is going to test that a bit. Nintendo has confirmed that there will be two new types of DS software, "DSi Cards" and "DSi Enhanced Cards." The former will only work with the DSi (and with the current DS install base, we're guessing they won't be incredibly common, but the DSi's off to a strong start) and the latter will offer expanded functionality on the DSi (like mapping a photo onto a character) but will still downgrade gracefully to regular DS handhelds. This could certainly cause some confusion, but hopefully anything DSi specific will be very obviously DSi-centric, like a camera app or something to automatically spend thousands of Nintendo Points on classic titles in a flailing attempt to relive your childhood.
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March 26th, 2009, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime told MTV Multiplayer on Wednesday that the motion-sensitivity upgrade for Wii remote is looking good — and would not say that it’s delayed.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata’s Game Developers Conference keynote address on Wednesday covered many of the topics about which Nintendo watchers have been expecting an update: DSi development, Wii storage improvements, and “Zelda” franchise progress.
What Iwata never mentioned in his hour-long address was Wii MotionPlus, the small add-on that plugs into the base of the Wii remote and improves the controller’s motion sensitivity. The device was shown at E3 last July and demonstrated with a working version of “Wii Sports Resort.” That game had been listed for a 2009 spring release by Nintendo and was expected to bundle the MotionPlus.
With the game no longer listed on Nintendo’s calendar as a spring 2009 release and Iwata not addressing it to a hall full of developers, I asked Nintendo of America president Reggie-Fils Aime what was going on:
MTV Multiplayer: At E3, we were told that “Wii Sports Resort” would be a spring game. We got our hands on Wii Motion Plus, which seemed to be working well. But “Wii Sports Resort” and Motion Plus are absent from the spring line-up. What’s going on there?
Reggie Fils-Aime, President, Nintendo of America: We haven’t announced the full spring line-up… And it feels like winter in Seattle right now.
MTV Multiplayer: The lack of MotionPlus and any specifics on when it’s coming out — even as EA has their tennis game slotted for mid-June and their “Tiger Woods” game slotted for June [both of which support MotionPlus] — has led to speculation that …
Fils-Aime: You know we don’t comment on rumor and speculation…
MTV Multiplayer: Ok. The logical conclusion is that there would seemingly need to be a MotionPlus out when these games are out in June. At the same time — now I asked about the speculation part; here’s the rumor part — there were problems with MotionPlus development. Do you want to put any of that to rest? Is this project not going where it needs to be going?
Fils-Aime: We do not comment on rumor and speculation.
MTV Multiplayer: What would you say the status of MotionPlus is?
Fils-Aime: The status of Motion Plus is consistent with what we talked about at E3. “Wii Sports Resort” looks great. I’ve played it.
MTV Multiplayer: Recently?
Fils-Aime: I played it two weeks ago. It looks phenomenal.
MTV Multiplayer: Better than it was at E3?
Fils-Aime: Yes.
MTV Multiplayer: Is the level of control nuance that I last experienced [at E3 in July 2008] equivalent to what you’re experiencing? Or are you experiencing better?
Fils-Aime: The level of full motion capability is far in excess of what we showed at E3.
As you can see, Fils-Aime was being guarded. But there still is a chance for Nintendo to meet the previously announced spring timeframe for MotionPlus, “Wii Sports Resort” or anything that has evolved from those two products. E3 takes place this year in the first week of June. Nintendo could update us on the status of MotionPlus then and still have almost three weeks of spring left during which to release something. We shall see.
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March 26th, 2009, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
During the DSi development panel, DSi design director Masato Kuwahara showed some early handheld prototypes that never made it to market. Like this Game Boy Advance predecessor from 1995, the first prototype for a next-gen color handheld system, shown next to a DSi:

“There’s no way you’re fitting that thing in your pocket,” Kuwahara said via a translator. “You would be shocked to see how big that device was.” He also said that the graphics engine wasn’t proficient, and that there were performance issues.

The next prototype shown was a touch-screen adapter that Kuwahara designed to attach to the Game Boy Color. He said it was not “favorably received” by the software development team because the LCD screen didn’t have a backlight. He also revealed that Miyamoto liked the adapter when it was used on the GBA SP, but it was not brought to market. Kuwhara was disappointed but said, “I’d like to to think my prototype led to the appearance of the Nintendo DS.”
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March 26th, 2009, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Publishers and retailers praise ‘masterful’ Nintendo launch; Handheld update ‘certain to sell out’, says industry
The hardware launch of the year is just a week away, and the UK games industry expects Nintendo’s DSi to give retail a huge boost.
The handheld arrives in the UK on Friday, April 3rd, just as consumer spending ramps up ahead of the Easter weekend.
“Nintendo is hugely influential and retail uplift on hardware and software [after DSi’s launch] will make for industry growth,” said Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens.
“The cloud of recession is deep and widespread but the games industry, while affected, will be less so than others and the consumer is looking for a ‘feel good’ factor in their lives. Why not DSi? Nintendo has been masterful at broadening the market.”
An Atari spokesperson added: “For Nintendo, the Easter timing seems excellent and we certainly wish them every success.”
Morrisons’ games buyer Jon Biggs enthused: “We intend to launch the DSi across the entire Morrisons estate. I expect we will quickly sell out. It’s always exciting when a product breathes new life into the market.”
DSGi games buyer Peter Willis continued: “The DSi will be just as popular as DS. We already have one of our strongest ever pre-order executions in place.”
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March 26th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Before the launches of the Nintendo DS and Wii, almost no one expected them to reach their current level of mainstream acceptance, remarked Nintendo president Satoru Iwata at the GDC keynote Wednesday morning.
Now Nintendo is hearing similar misgivings from external developers. Many, says Iwata, have questioned whether their games would be able to sell on the system. Many have asked if third-parties can succeed. There is a general belief, he says, that third-parties cannot compete with Nintendo.
Iwata says they are wrong. Seventy-three titles have sold 1 million copies on the Wii. It is not a matter of Nintendo's branding or monetary funds, rather, says Iwata, it is a difference in approach.
The Nintendo president used to hold similar views himself. When he worked for HAL Laboratories, he believed Nintendo could make better games because it had more money and therefore more time to spend during the development process. Once he was inside, he realized that their success stems from a philosophy similar to the rapid prototyping found in the Experimental Gameplay Project.
In particular, it is how game designer Shigeru Miyamoto works that makes Nintendo so different. He sees game development opportunities where others don't, and leverages them for game players better than anyone else in the world today, says Iwata.
Miyamoto takes his ideas from observing how others have fun, but he never writes a design document. Instead, he assembles a small team to build a rough prototype that is very limited in scope but clearly defines what the game is about. The objective is to create fun through trial and error with the smallest number of developers possible. Only when the concept is ready for mass production does Nintendo begin to assign more developers and begin building art assets.
Sometimes this prototyping stage lasts more than two years. Sometimes they are abandoned. But this way Nintendo doesn't waste money. And if a concept doesn't work, there's nothing to prevent it from showing up in other games.
The Game Boy Advance version of Rhythm Heaven was made by a team of five people, says Iwata. The DS version was made by a team of three.
Miyamoto's other secret is "random employee kidnapping." He steals a Nintendo employee who is not involved in development and asks them to play through a game, watching where they have fun and where they become bored. Nintendo can't send a developer to every household, so Miyamoto has to make sure people can always figure out the games on their own, says Iwata.
"If it can't be enjoyed, it is not the consumer's fault," he says. "The fault belongs to us."
Gamer evangelists
"We work in a time of rapid change," he notes. Much has been made of videogaming's expanded audience. But when videogamers make purchase decisions, one rule remains the same: software sells hardware, he says.
To date the company has shipped 100 million DSes and 50 million Wiis worldwide. The videogame industry has rapidly grown in North America and Europe.
People think this industry growth is a result of the expanded audience, he says. But according to research firm NPD Group, only 20 percent of Wii-owning households held no consoles before Nintendo's motion sensing system.
Wii's success is dependent on established game players introducing the Wii to new consumers. They are the ones supporting the industry, says Iwata.
Iwata also notes that the reason why Nintendo released a Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros. and Mario Kart so early in the console's life cycle was to expand the install base, which should expand everybody's ability to sell games.
WiiWare and DSiWare
Iwata closed his talk by championing development opportunities on WiiWare and DSiWare. On WiiWare, 90 percent of all games were developed by third-parties. To help spur creativity, he showed off a few upcoming projects:
Rock & Roll Climber is a rock climbing game for WiiWare that makes use of both the motion-sensing capabilites of the remotes and the Balance Board to let gamers virtually climb rock faces.
Nintendo also showed off what it dubs "Moving Memos" for the DSi, which is best described as Hypercard for a handheld. It lets people animate pictures and then upload and share their creations through a central server.
WarioWare Snapped takes advantage of the device's on-board camera, merging addictive WarioWare mini-games with EyeToy-style gameplay. You'll be asked to rapidly shake your head to get a dog to shed water from its coat, or quickly match your face and hands up with on-screen symbols. Later, friends will be able to watch a video of your recorded actions.
Nintendo also announced its new storage solutions for the Wii. A new system update allows players to save WiiWare and Virtual Console games directly to their SD cards, as well as launch saved titles from the cards. The system update also makes the Wii compatible with high-capacity SD cards that will be capable of holding up to 240 game files apiece.
It will also add Virtual Console Arcade to its downloadable services, initially launching with four titles in North America. Both the VC Arcade and the system update are available today.
Now is the time, says Iwata, to invent things that gamers have never seen or imagined before.
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March 26th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Before the launches of the Nintendo DS and Wii, almost no one expected them to reach their current level of mainstream acceptance, remarked Nintendo president Satoru Iwata at the GDC keynote Wednesday morning.
Now Nintendo is hearing similar misgivings from external developers. Many, says Iwata, have questioned whether their games would be able to sell on the system. Many have asked if third-parties can succeed. There is a general belief, he says, that third-parties cannot compete with Nintendo.
Iwata says they are wrong. Seventy-three titles have sold 1 million copies on the Wii. It is not a matter of Nintendo's branding or monetary funds, rather, says Iwata, it is a difference in approach.
The Nintendo president used to hold similar views himself. When he worked for HAL Laboratories, he believed Nintendo could make better games because it had more money and therefore more time to spend during the development process. Once he was inside, he realized that their success stems from a philosophy similar to the rapid prototyping found in the Experimental Gameplay Project.
In particular, it is how game designer Shigeru Miyamoto works that makes Nintendo so different. He sees game development opportunities where others don't, and leverages them for game players better than anyone else in the world today, says Iwata.
Miyamoto takes his ideas from observing how others have fun, but he never writes a design document. Instead, he assembles a small team to build a rough prototype that is very limited in scope but clearly defines what the game is about. The objective is to create fun through trial and error with the smallest number of developers possible. Only when the concept is ready for mass production does Nintendo begin to assign more developers and begin building art assets.
Sometimes this prototyping stage lasts more than two years. Sometimes they are abandoned. But this way Nintendo doesn't waste money. And if a concept doesn't work, there's nothing to prevent it from showing up in other games.
The Game Boy Advance version of Rhythm Heaven was made by a team of five people, says Iwata. The DS version was made by a team of three.
Miyamoto's other secret is "random employee kidnapping." He steals a Nintendo employee who is not involved in development and asks them to play through a game, watching where they have fun and where they become bored. Nintendo can't send a developer to every household, so Miyamoto has to make sure people can always figure out the games on their own, says Iwata.
"If it can't be enjoyed, it is not the consumer's fault," he says. "The fault belongs to us."
Gamer evangelists
"We work in a time of rapid change," he notes. Much has been made of videogaming's expanded audience. But when videogamers make purchase decisions, one rule remains the same: software sells hardware, he says.
To date the company has shipped 100 million DSes and 50 million Wiis worldwide. The videogame industry has rapidly grown in North America and Europe.
People think this industry growth is a result of the expanded audience, he says. But according to research firm NPD Group, only 20 percent of Wii-owning households held no consoles before Nintendo's motion sensing system.
Wii's success is dependent on established game players introducing the Wii to new consumers. They are the ones supporting the industry, says Iwata.
Iwata also notes that the reason why Nintendo released a Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros. and Mario Kart so early in the console's life cycle was to expand the install base, which should expand everybody's ability to sell games.
WiiWare and DSiWare
Iwata closed his talk by championing development opportunities on WiiWare and DSiWare. On WiiWare, 90 percent of all games were developed by third-parties. To help spur creativity, he showed off a few upcoming projects:
Rock & Roll Climber is a rock climbing game for WiiWare that makes use of both the motion-sensing capabilites of the remotes and the Balance Board to let gamers virtually climb rock faces.
Nintendo also showed off what it dubs "Moving Memos" for the DSi, which is best described as Hypercard for a handheld. It lets people animate pictures and then upload and share their creations through a central server.
WarioWare Snapped takes advantage of the device's on-board camera, merging addictive WarioWare mini-games with EyeToy-style gameplay. You'll be asked to rapidly shake your head to get a dog to shed water from its coat, or quickly match your face and hands up with on-screen symbols. Later, friends will be able to watch a video of your recorded actions.
Nintendo also announced its new storage solutions for the Wii. A new system update allows players to save WiiWare and Virtual Console games directly to their SD cards, as well as launch saved titles from the cards. The system update also makes the Wii compatible with high-capacity SD cards that will be capable of holding up to 240 game files apiece.
It will also add Virtual Console Arcade to its downloadable services, initially launching with four titles in North America. Both the VC Arcade and the system update are available today.
Now is the time, says Iwata, to invent things that gamers have never seen or imagined before.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
News from Marcan:
Good job trying (again) to kill PatchMii and forgetting to overwrite cIOS. In case you don’t know, that’s IOS249 (not IOS254), and it’s what all the VC/WiiWare pirates use, as well as the softmod pirate’s choice of IOS, as it includes DVD read patches. It’s also what they’re using to patch your update now so they can enjoy SD launching of pirated titles. Good job.
Hint: If you worked on screwing up piracy instead of blocking homebrew, you might have a better chance at stopping it. And you know that we aren’t going to help the pirates, don’t you?
This was also your last chance to get rid of some piracy before the release of a NAND backup/restore solution. You blew it.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
In celebration of the upcoming Punch-Out!! revisit on Wii, Nintendo will be offering the Super NES sequel, Super Punch-Out!! on its Virtual Console this coming Monday, March 30.
The last time Super Punch-Out!! showed up on a Nintendo console was as an unlockable in Fight Night Round 3 on the GameCube. This time you'll be able to download it straight to your Wii. The original NES Punch-Out!! has been available since April 2007.
We're expecting the pricing of Super Punch-Out!! to remain the same: 800 points for the standard Super NES offering.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
While Virtual Console Arcade launched with a modest four titles, it turns out that there's more on the way -- a lot more!
In Japan, the service launched today with six titles. Four of these were from Namco Bandai, who went on to also reveal that it has an additional 26 games on the way!
The Japanese launch lineup for Virtual Console Arcade includes the following: Star Force (Taito), Space Harrier (Sega), Gaplus (Namco Bandai), The Return of Ishtar (Namco Bandai), Emeraldia (Namco Bandai) and Solvalou (Namco Bandai). Star Force is priced at 500 WiiPoints. Everything else, at 800 WiiPoints.
Different from the US lineup, Japan did not get Namco Bandai's Tower of Druaga or Mappy at launch. These will be added in the future. Here's the full list of what Namco Bandai has on the way for the Japanese VCA service:
Galaga 88
Cosmo Gang the Puzzle
Cosmo Gang the Video
Cyber Sled
Sky Kid
Star Blade
Dragon Spirit
Dragon Saber
Dragon Buster
Tower of Druaga
Knuckle Heads
Burning Force
Finest Hour
Numan Athletics
Hopping Mappy
Mabael Land
Rolling Thunder
Wonder Momo
Genpei Toma Den
Youkai Dochuki (Shadow Land)
These will be released gradually, at a rate of one per week. Each game will carry a 800 WiiPoint price point.
For screenshots, mostly of the title screens, see Namco Bandai's Japanese Virtual Console Arcade page.
Bandai Namco isn't the only company offering up future support for the service. Taito is planning on releasing the classic of all classics, Space Invaders. This, the company announced at an arcade event in Tokyo today, will be released in early April.
These announcements concern Japan only at present, but we won't be surprised if many of the games end up coming our way as well.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
After a decade hiatus, Kenji Eno returned to the gaming scene with newtonica for iPhone. But that was apparently just a teaser. The real Kenji Eno surfaced today with a new WiiWare game.
Titled "Kimi to Boku to Rittai," this latest WiiWare download hit the Japanese service today at 1,000 Wii Points. The game is published by Nintendo and developed by Eno's company fyto ("From Yellow to Orange").
The name translates, roughly (very roughly), to "You, Me, and Shape." Presented with a stack of cubes, your goal is to position human-like characters called "ninge" onto the cubes. This is tough because the cubes respond to weight, and tilt in one direction if the Ninge balance is off.
You control the action exclusively with the Wiimote. To add Ninge to the world, you shake the Wiimote up and down. Pointing and pressing A tosses a Ninge to your desired location. You can toss two in at a time.
This is all probably best understood by viewing the videos at the game's official site.
There's no word yet on Kimi to Boku to Rittai's chances for a release outside of Japan, but given the simple concept and the fact that Nintendo is serving as publisher, we wouldn't be too surprised if it did come our way.
And with any luck, Eno will follow up with another D or Enemy Zero game.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Kid Icarus may be floating in limbo, but Over the Top Games is busy crafting a WiiWare title that might sate our appetites for winged heroes in ancient Greece. Icarian: Kindred Spirits is a 2D side-scrolling platformer where players control a girl named Nyx who has the ability to fly. Mythical beasts like harpies and hydras stand in the way of our heroine and her missing friend: Icarus. Zeus and the gods of Olympus will lend Nyx their power so she can change the environment or manipulate the wind.
Over the Top says the game is controlled with pointing and wrist movements. Two players will be able to participate cooperatively.
Icarian is the first effort from Over the Top Games, which is based in Madrid, Spain. A release date has not been announced but IGN hopes to have more info to share soon.
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March 26th, 2009, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Wii Shooting Gallery to 1.9
Wii Shooting Gallery is a compilation of target shooting games
Wii Shooting Gallery is a compilation of eight (8) shooting games. It is most fun when played with the Wii Zapper.
Still Targets
Horizontal Moving Targets
Vertical Moving Targets
Crazy Targets
Crisscross Targets
Teleporting Targets
Hogans New Alley
Wii Shoot In Space
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March 26th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
During Game Developers Conference, Rich Amtower, Localization Manager/Producer at Nintendo of America confirmed to us the games that will be available on Day One when the Nintendo DSi launches on April 5th.
First is the Opera Browser, a free download that's an upgraded version of the internet browser already available for the Nintendo DS.
WarioWare Snapped! will also be available, a fun series of mini-games that are fully controlled by the internal camera of the Nintendo DSi. Players use body motion to solve simple, rapid-fire designs that offer a fun visual surprise at the end of the session.
Art Style: Aquia is a creative "match three" puzzler where players swap blocks off a three-tile-thick stack and try to match up the same colors to make them disappear.
Bird and Beans takes the two Pyoro games from past WarioWare games and combines them into a single downloadable file. These games are simple arcade games that challenge players to get Pyoro to eat beans as they fall from the sky.
No prices were revealed for any of the games, but in Japan Wario Ware Snapped and Art Style: Aquario are available for 500 Nintendo Points (5 US dollars), and Bird and Beans can be had for 200 Nintendo Points (2 US dollars).
Nintendo of America also confirmed that every DSi system that's purchased and that goes online by October 5th, 2009 will get 1000 Nintendo Points for free. In theory, players will be able to snag three of the four launch titles on Day One for no cost at all.
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March 26th, 2009, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Apparently, there are not enough Space Invaders games on the Virtual Console. Get ready for one more — the original arcade version of Space Invaders. Taito will release it as a Virtual Console Arcade game in early April for an unannounced price. Of course, Space Invaders won’t be Taito’s only Virtual Console Arcade game. The have plenty other arcade code sitting in a closet like Darius, Insector X, and a Superman beat ‘em up.
Also in development at Taito’s labs is Puzzle Bobble Wii for WiiWare. This is also slated for April in Japan. No other details were announced including an international release, but come on we know Square Enix isn’t going to skip this. We might have to wait for Puzzle Bobble Galaxy to come out first though.
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March 27th, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SouthPeak has announced that creepy DS game Dementium: The Ward will be out on 17th April.
Exciting. Well, not really. Dementium has been available in America since October 2007, and in Japan since last summer.
Fortunately, reviews from those reaches suggest Dementium: The Ward is worthwhile: Metacritic averages opinion at 73 per cent.
Dementium: The Ward is a survival-horror set in a spooky hospital full of violent monstrosities. Our story begins when players wake within the hospital with no recollection of how they got there, and soon set about uncovering the not-so-simple truth.
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March 27th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster

It's the weekend, folks, and you know what that means -- time to blow off a little steam. By way of example, the folks that brought us that Wiimote coil gun a while back have returned to the scene with a little something they like to call OfficeDefender. Using the very same servo and ioBridge module as the last time, this hack finds the gun replaced with a Beretta 9mm replica airsoft gun. Also note the nice use of Construx in a non-beer or iPhone related context. If that weren't enough, this bad boy has a full-auto mode, moves 180 degrees horizontally, can be sighted with the head-mounted webcam and fired via Wiimote. We're not telling you that you can use this to hassle folks in the office come Monday, but you totally could. Videos after the break.
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March 27th, 2009, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
I got to play two of Gameloft’s DSi offerings, “American Pop Star: Road to Celebrity” and “Real Soccer 2009.” The thing I wanted to know most was how these two DSi versions of existing games make use of the DSi functionality. I was told that “American Pop Star” lets players take their own photos with the DSi camera that will appear throughout the game, like on magazine covers (pictured). Meanwhile “Real Soccer 2009″ takes the DSi photos and can display them on the soccer ball, the giant stadium screen, a team flag or as a player’s face. It seems that a lot of DSi titles will let players take photos that appear in the game, but it’d be nice to see more innovative ways of integrating the DSi camera function.
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March 28th, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Let’s travel back in time to a day before the Nintendo DS flew off store shelves. Behind the scenes Nintendo was experimenting with a touch screen adapter for the GBA. This technology was later used for a new handheld which we know very well now. However, a patent application filed by Nintendo in 2004 shows a different concept for the hardware.

An early Nintendo DS only had the top screen flip up and a different button layout. The X and Y buttons aren’t in this prototype. A speaker takes up that spot. Game Boy Advance backwards compatibility wasn’t part of the plan either. DS cards plugged into the bottom and there wasn’t a second slot. Actually, this early design looks a lot like a rectangular Game Boy Advance with a second screen.
What do you think of this Nintendo DS? If Nintendo released it would it be as successful as the DS Phat ?
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March 28th, 2009, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Virtual Console Arcade is running and the service looks promising after seeing Namco Bandai’s huge arcade line up. We’ll have to wait for those games to come out another month. The only arcade game they are releasing in the next few weeks is Samurai Ghost and it goes online this Tuesday in Japan.
Many of the other games on this list like Castlevania 3: Dracula’s Curse and Kirby’s Dream Land 3 already came out in North America. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, however, has not. Chances are Nintendo of America will put it on our Virtual Console sometime this year without the premium price of 1,200 Wii Points ($12).
Here’s this months Virtual Console line up in Japan with the addition of Samurai Ghost:
Castlevania 3: Dracula’s Curse
Super Famicom
Der Langrisser
Kirby’s Dream Land 3
Nintendo 64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (1,200!)
Master System
Phantasy Star
PC Engine
Ninja Gaiden
Virtual Console Arcade
Samurai Ghost (3/31)
Space Invaders
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March 28th, 2009, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
With all of the amazing stuff that Nintendo did show at GDC, we briefly forgot about what it didn't show: Wii Sports Resort and the MotionPlus device, both of which we'd expect to hear something about if they were still planned for "spring."
MTV Multiplayer's Stephen Totilo asked Reggie Fils-Aime about the missing game and peripheral, and Reggie suggested they could still make a spring release. "We haven't announced the full spring line-up ... And it feels like winter in Seattle right now."
Reggie also mentioned that Wii Sports Resort's controls had been improved beyond the previous demo. "The level of full motion capability is far in excess of what we showed at E3."
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March 28th, 2009, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Set of 4 Amazing and colorful B-Touch Pen in different colors. It comes with the finger strap which allows you to tie it to the console. It is thicker and longer than original NDSi/NDS Lite/NDS stylus pen and suitable for both adults and children to use.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
When Nintendo released some Kirby games overseas they tried to make the cute puffball look less cute. Unlike angry Kirby, Starfy remains adorable. Maybe even more adorable in North America.
He has gentle smile on the US cover instead of the high five pose on the Japanese box art. Nintendo’s localization team also thought it was important to change the direction Starfy flies in from. The trail of bubbles suggests he swims from right to the left in Japan. In North America he corkscrews to the center. Was this change made to tell a perspective buyer Starfy has a spin attack?
The box art tells us one more, and perhaps the most important, detail Nintendo left out when the announced the first international Starfy game. The Legendary Starfy is actually a localized version of The Legend of Starfy Showdown! Dire Pirate Brigade, the latest Starfy game for the Nintendo DS. Most Starfy followers suspected this, but the box art pretty much confirms it.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
Level 5 is not giving up on releasing the Professor Layton games overseas. During a GDC panel Akihiro Hino, President of Level 5, mentioned the second game in the series will come out here under the name Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (thanks for the tip David!!). Hino hopes it will be ready in six months.
The wait for the next Professor Layton game has been a long one, but Level 5 has been working on a ton of high profile projects. White Knight Chronicles (the international version), Dragon Quest IX, Inazuma Eleven, and a new Layton trilogy are just some of the games they are working on. Also, the Professor Layton series can’t be easy to localize since the puzzles and answers can’t be directly translated. Some of them have to be adapted to make sense as brain teasers, others have to be scrapped entirely.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Space invaders is not just a classic, but the ancestor of shooting games and the new Extreme series is the ultimate evolution of the franchise.
Compared to the original, not only is the game play upgraded, but the graphics and music and pushed to a new level, giving both novice and veterans both a taste of the classic and brand new sensations.
Make use of the console's wi-fi system, down load play and gather your friends together for a shooting contest.
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March 28th, 2009, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Based on the 5D world in Yu-Gi-Oh Universe, an original story is written especially for this game. With 3D CG, this is a world you can roam around freely to discover its wonder.
As you proceed with the story, characters you are familiar with can be unlocked such as the hero Fudou Yuusei, the king of Lightnight duel Jack Atlas and the Witch of Black Roses Izayoi Aki.
Win the championship amongst these strong foes. Lightning dues which allows you to fight on the back of D-Hoirus and races that involves these creatures are attractive points in the game.
See if you can be the card champions in this 5D world, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship is opened, come sign up now:
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March 28th, 2009, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
As I write this article, the Game Developers Conference 2009 is just about kaput for another year. No doubt, countless deals were made, oftentimes between well-groomed men in suits and ponytailed, bearded fat guys in stained t-shirts. Dozens of lectures were given -- some insightful and engaging, others obvious and boring. Some games were announced and demoed, including a new Zelda for Nintendo's handheld. And, of course, media vultures like myself conducted interview after interview, rushed to post first movies and screenshots and fought for any exclusives we could find. Honestly, though, the pickings were slim this year. I don't know if that's because the beaten economy has forced normally-bullish publishers to restrain themselves, temporarily dropping out of the typical game-show pissing contest, always marked by bigger booths, more wares, half-naked women and buckets of booze. Instead, booths were usually small and conservatively equipped. There were a few exceptions to the rule, of course. Nintendo, for instance, was on the show floor with a comparatively large booth overrun by game kiosks, but the company is swimming in cash and can still afford to hemorrhage a little. That said, I took more meetings in private suites this year than in any past and the show floor itself was certainly less grandiose and flamboyant.
On Wednesday, I got a text from Dan O'Leary, president of development studio n-Space, probably best known for the first-person shooter Geist for GameCube and, more recently, Winter. You might remember the latter as an in-development survival-horror game for Wii, as I ran a piece on the title a short while ago complete with first video. Since then, fans have campaigned for Winter, going so far as to create and populate a petition in support of the project. O'Leary said he was in town with creative director Ted Newman and wanted to show me what they had dubbed "Winter 2.0," an improved version of the original demo. Since I last saw the game, n-Space assembled a small team and spent about two weeks updating and adding polish to it. Some notable changes. It now uses Wii MotionPlus for more accurate character attacks and object-based interactions. The 3D engine has seen some optimizations. Most obvious, the textures have all been up-rezzed and the muddy look on up-close exteriors is removed. n-Space has added a host of graphic effects, like more realistic falling snow, and completely overhauled the flashlight so that it beams forward a per-pixel light that looks fantastic as it illuminates darkened hallways. I asked O'Leary why he was in San Francisco with Winter 2.0 and he explained that a few publishers have showed some interest in it, which is a good sign. With any luck, maybe the project will find its way to retail yet.
Sometimes news finds you in the most unconventional ways. As I waited for an interviewee to become available, I sat in a hotel bar, pulled out my laptop and worked on some other assignments. Meanwhile, I could clearly hear a conversation taking place by two groups of men at the table nearest me. On one side of the table, the executive types, wearing suits and clearly there to do business. On the other side, two men I could only presume were game developers -- timid, nervous, not dressed to kill. At GDC, you see these meetings all the time and I honestly paid this particular one no attention until I heard one man mention Wii. They got to talking about the platform and then the suits asked for more information on a wake-boarding game, which they said they were very interested in. One of the shy guys explained that it was designed specifically to work with the Wii Balance Board, which seemed to impress the men across from him. It was a very enthusiastic conversation and I wish I could have eavesdropped longer, but I had to get up and get to that interview. As I walked out of the bar, I noticed that Disney Interactive was holding an event on another side of the floor. Don't know if the wake-boarding game is related, but could be. It'll be interesting to see if anything comes of it.
During the show, there were all sorts of companies showing off Wii MotionPlus, from AiLive to countless developers, all fascinated by the device. No major revelations about the technology itself, but one interesting tidbit did come up a couple times. Namely, that MotionPlus might ship infused inside of a jacket and cannot be removed. A perma-Wii remote condom, if you will. Bad news if you hate the Wii rubber because, if true, you will have to use one if you want to play games with MotionPlus, plain and simple. Although I have never been a fan of the controller jackets, I can see the logic. Novice gamers, flailing around wildly as they try to play tennis, have already demonstrated that they can't be trusted in close proximity to TVs and walls. If Nintendo adds in yet another detachable component into the equation, these same players might accidentally blow themselves up.
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March 28th, 2009, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Lemon Man has released a port of The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library to GRRLIB
The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is a simple code library that allows developers to easily incorporate a HOME menu similiar to Nintendos into their applications.
The Main Features of the Library
Allows the user to return to the loader or the system menu
Allows the user to reset or shutdown his/her Wii
Displays sprites for up to 4 connected wiimotes
Displays which wiimotes are synced to the Wii
Displays if the balance board is synced to the Wii
Open Source
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March 28th, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Infantile Paralyzer have released a new version of the excellent Moonshell for the Nintendo DS:
Thank you download.
Please copy 'moonshl2.nds' and '/moonshl2' folder onto the root folder of MicroSD, and start 'moonshl2.nds'.
Support file formats.
Music formats: MP1, MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4A, AAC, WMA, TTA, MID, RCP, R36
Chiptune formats: SPC, NSF, GBS, HES, AY, SAP, KSS
Playlist formats: M3U, WPL
Picture formats: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD
Support DPG movie files.
Support text files.
Limitations concerning format.
NDS: Not support commercial NDSROM files.
WMA: Not support 'loss-less' and 'voice mode' format WMA files.
M4A, AAC, WMA: Not support encrypted files.
MID: Not support 'Standard MIDI file format.2' format.
SPC: Tone quality is very bad.
Chiptune: Only the first track is performed. The FM sound chip cannot be emulated.
Playlist: Support encode is ANSI, S-JIS, UTF-8, CP437, CP850, CP1252.
Text file: Support encode is ANSI, S-JIS, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE. Auto detection only.
Information is displayed in the file list. MP3, Jpeg, BMP, PSD, DPG only.
Limitations concerning file with large size.
Picture formats: The size that exceeds 3648x2736 pixels cannot be displayed.
Text file: The line that exceeds 131072 lines is disregarded.
MOD: The file that exceeds about 500KByte might not be able to be reproduced.
MID, RCP, R36: The file that exceeds about 500KByte might not be able to be reproduced.
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March 28th, 2009, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Loopstan
Hello community. I've grown up... A lot... I would like to release my first game! I can admit it isn't amazing! But, it's a start. Here is the link, I haven't gotten my flash cart yet so i haven't been able to test (and my ds's touch screen just broke D  So if you could please test it on there, that would be great
Instructions :
1-tap the screen to start a game.
2-double click the box you want to play in.
3-winner wins!
Notes : this is a 2 player game, not an A.I.
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March 28th, 2009, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Loopstan
This is my second game! I am proud to announce that this is my first time ever doing collisions in anything! I'm so used to making applications not games
Back to the game : It is pong, of course, and it's nice! It has a menu, with instructions and 3 levels of difficulty.
The way you play this :
Turn your ds sideways (1 person holds each end) then you use Y and A or Left and Right (which ever side you are on) to move your paddles. There is 1 bug where the ball goes under the paddle, but I'm to lazy to fix it right now.
Have fun? Reply back please
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March 29th, 2009, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Rather than hoping that the merits of its soon-to-be-released handheld will sell themselves (a strategy commonly referred to as the "Game Boy Micro Maneuver"), Nintendo is apparently plotting a huge North American marketing campaign for the DSi. The company has already developed a schedule of television, online and in-store advertisements for the shutterbugged device from now until Christmas, making it Nintendo's biggest ad campaign of the year.
Step one in this campaign is already in action to ensure early adoption of the revamped handheld -- anyone who purchases a DSi and signs on to the Nintendo DSi Shop by October 5 will receive 1,000 free DSi Points. It's a succesful promotion that also accompanied the system's Japanese launch -- not that Japanese game consumers needed additional incentive to purchase yet another DS.
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March 29th, 2009, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Simon Kagstrom has updated his Commodore 64 Emulator for Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
I've had a cold this weekend and basically stayed at home not doing much. That generally sucks, but thankfully the sky has been uniformly gray apart from occasional snow and rain. Anyway, it fortunately leaves some time over for hacking. So I've been finishing up and testing the Frodo/Wii networking support. To get everything working well, I've done a number of changes:
Package drops are a problem and are typically seen as graphics glitches. I've therefore implemented a refresh which constantly sweeps from bottom right to top left and redraws blocks. To avoid congestion, this is only done when bandwidth allows (simply pauses if there is too much traffic).
To detect when peers disconnect, I now periodically ping peers from the broker. If they don't reply, they are removed from the connection lists
poll is now used instead of select on the wii
I've registered the c64-network.game-host.org domain at dyndns and started a broker there
Plus a lot of small fixes here and there
I've also verified that the UDP hole punching process actually work - through playing Bubble Bobble with Linda in Karlskrona. I've also tested connections with people in north america, but the latency is really too high for good gameplay at those distances (and it also seems like input packets are dropped, which makes things difficult).
This should come as good news anyhow, and for daring people that want to test, I've built a "release candidate" binary here.
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Thanks aep for news
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March 29th, 2009, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
The guys at HackMii have posted an article that Speaks Out Against Wii Warez:
Warning: rant and drama ahead. If you’re not into that sort of thing, feel free to skip over the following.
Time and time again, Waninkoko’s apps have just been thin wrappers around existing code or tools written by others. His Filesystem Dumper came about when I told him about the GID 0 TMD trick. WAD Installer showed up after I reverse engineered the ES interface and added the relevant functions to libogc. His first DVD warez launcher showed up after the IOS Module Toolkit appeared, to which he added DVDX and some old Gamecube code. And just now, his USB warez launcher appears mysteriously 22 days after a USB2 module for IOS was released.
The only strange part is that it took him all 22 days to get it to work.
All his later apps have included advertisements, and the official downloads all required signing up for his sponsoring site, which also requires that you sign up for an e-mail spam service. He’s definitely making a pretty penny out of his particular version of the “scene”.
Now, this would ordinarily be just one more episode of waninkoko hyping up ad-riddled trivial warez-friendly applications built on top of other people’s code and work. However, some interesting things happened. He hyped up the release date of the video on his blog, and the mass amount of page reloads around the time caused his sponsoring site to go down. They also claim that there was a DDoS attack involved. I followed this hilarious situation on the ElOtroLado forums, and correctly predicted that the hyped app would be a USB warez launcher before it was revealed. Of course, he is once again being revered as a scene god by those who don’t know any better.
Then I got accused of the supposed DDoS. (No, I had nothing to do with it)
Teknoconsolas administrator Xtreme, who doesn’t seem to like me that much, started firing shots using a cheesy music literature reference where Waninkoko is Mozart and I’m Salieri. Insults galore, apparently I’m now a “wannabe waninkoko”. Though the analogy kind of breaks down when you consider that I’m responsible for walking Waninkoko through his beginnings on the Wii scene (and boy do I regret that).
So I figured, how hard could it really be to replicate Waninkoko’s loader? After all, as I said, all the pieces are there. So I set out to create my own USB warez launcher, starting off from publicly available bits and pieces, in the shortest possible amount of time. Maybe this would help people understand just how trivial it is.
The answer? It takes about 6 hours.
This is the rough progress log of my very own venture into the Dark Side:
Start time: 3am (CEST, just after the DST change in Spain)
3am - 4am: copy game to USB, screw around, think
4am - 5am: get build structure in order, make IOS + installer, add gecko debugging to it
5am - 6am: add EHCI driver to build and make EHCI driver work right
6am - 7am: make USB storage work, add DI commands
7am - 8am: adapt PPC loader code, debug apploader
8am - 8:20am: debug apploader some more
8:20am - 8:30am: fix MEM1 globals and finally get the game to boot
8:30am - 9:30am: clean up and debug
I recorded a video of the result. It’s a crappy loader, of course, but the point is that the core functionality of the loader - the only thing that could possibly be innovative - took all of 6 hours to write and debug. Many extra features could be added, like proper NTFS filesystem support, a cache (this loader has none and it still loads fast!), multiple game support, a built-in game ripper, and enough ads to make you gag, but those are just boring bits of icing on the cake. And the reason for this is that the core USB loader code is not innovative at all - it’s just an amalgaman of the following existing components: IOS36, the USB2 module, the IOS module toolkit, some random apploader launch code (this dates back to the GC era), some bits of Gecko OS to make it work, and a small amount of original code.
For obvious reasons, there is no chance in hell of this ever being released.
What follows is a video of the launcher loading a copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (which I own the original to, of course). Pay attention to the USB drive’s activity LED.
DCEmu like Hackmii are against Wii Warez, homebrew not warez
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March 29th, 2009, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mplayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX.
USB 2.0 support (see docs for info)
TTF font support (see docs for info)
Fixed bug in radio streaming.
DVD-Video bugs fixed (DVDs should play much more smoothly now)
Fixes in Libdi to detect chipped Wii
Codec fixes
Updated to latest MPlayer revision
Many small fixes
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March 29th, 2009, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Razored has updated his Atari Lynx Emulator for Nintendo Wii
Handy is software dedicated to emulating the Atari Lynx hardware on a standard
PC. The software was originally developed by Keith Wilkins [ http://handy.sf.net]
and was released under the GPL on 14th April 2004.
Handy/SDL is a port of the WIN32 sourcecode so that it can be used with the
GCC compiler and the Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) library. The Handy/SDL port
was developed by the SDLEMU crew [ http://sdlemu.ngemu.com].
WiiHandy/SDL is a port of the Handy/SDL sourcecode to the Wii developed by
raz0red [ http://www.twitchasylum.com].
03/28/09 (0.3)
- Ability to enable/disable vertical sync (NTSC/PAL60 only)
- Ability to set the gamma level of the display
- Added option to load Lynx boot ROM from the root directory
- Gamecube controller support
- Fixed a couple of buffer overflow issues causing periodic crashes
- Refactor of the source code
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March 29th, 2009, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from maRk2512
here's a new version of my new game called QuirkDS. It's a remake of an old GameBoy game. (Kwirk, A-mazing tater)
You can move the figure with DPAD.
Press 'A' to select another player.
Hold 'B' and use DPAD to move the map arround. (Sneak a peek!)
L or R cycles through the maps.
Have fun with it!
Another update!
- Removed styluscontrol.
- Graphic resized from 8x8 to 16x16 pixel per block.
- Mapscrolling added.
- Moving the 'big blocks' work's not perfect. So it's still disabled in this version.
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March 29th, 2009, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
The GC Linux team have released a new build of Linux for Nintendo Wii, Heres the news:
We are back (non morituri) with a new kernel ( http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...ease_id=671708) based on the recently published version 2.6.29. The new release includes some interesting features, specially on the video side: support for AVE-RVL (the audio/video encoder in the Nintendo Wii), enhanced video mode autodetection and forcing, honoring of video mode timings (fbset and friends will work now), default boot video mode with overscan compensation (for those using tellys). Oh, and don't miss the new quick reboot into "The Homebrew Channel" feature. Happy hacking!
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March 30th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster

Not that we haven't seen some pretty crazy Nintendo gear fetch some pretty crazy prices on The Bay, but this is definitely amongst the weirdest. Shipping directly from the frigid tundras of Fairbanks, Alaska, this Joystick Test Cartridge for the Nintendo Entertainment System will undoubtedly spend a record low amount of time within your still kickin' NES console. Put simply, these carts were passed out to game stores for them to test out their NES machines, and after they were done, they were instructed to ship the cart back to the Mushroom Kingdom. Clearly, one renegade employee shoved it in his coat pocket and made a beeline for The Last Frontier. Surely all that's worth $1,050, right?
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March 30th, 2009, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Next week’s launch of the DSi is set to also be the launch of a steady flow of DSiWare games.
Buried beneath the news that the Wii is getting a Bonsai-trimming game for its downloadable WiiWare service this morning was the announcement that Nintendo is going to be supporting downloads for the upcoming DSi aggressively.
From a Nintendo press release today:
Like the Wii Shop Channel, the Nintendo DSi Shop will offer a growing library of downloadable games, with new titles added every week. Accordingly, we’ll be using this space to tell you not only about new games for Wii but also for Nintendo DSi. Watch for the first edition of Nintendo Download on April 6.
Weekly downloads for a gaming handheld? That’s a standard fans of the DS or the PSP could get behind.
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March 30th, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
NES emulator for Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
Major Bug / Crash Bug Fixes
*Fixed throttling problems that resulted on AMD Dualcore processors. (Caused FCEUX to appear to be in turbo mode).
*Fix major crash issue where NROM game (such as SMB) savestates were writing erroneous information if a non NROM game was loaded prior.
*Fixed a bug that caused a new sav file to not get created when loading a 2nd battery backed game.
*Fix Directory Overrides so to allow users to have no override. Also fixes directory override reset bug.
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March 30th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
SNES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Fixed a bug that was preventing BS-X carts from loading and mapping properly;
- Fixed a bug with mapping joypads after the first;
- Improved window centering code to reduce flickering, still a bit volatile on Linux due to Qt/X11 limitations;
- Minor cleanup work on S-PPU BG renderer;
- Improved mouse axis / button mapping;
- Added proper support for analog joypad inputs: both sticks and triggers are now fully supported;
- Windows: added RawInput support, allows up to 16 keyboards + mice to be mapped independently;
- Windows: added XInput support, allows Xbox 360 controller triggers to operate independently;
- Windows and Linux: Screen saver and monitor power saving disable re-added.
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March 30th, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
In this farewell edition of the Wii-kly Update (more on that below*), we're pleased to announce a pair of excellent games based around completely opposite vocations. Newly available on the Virtual Console is Super Punch Out!!, the classic boxing title that pits players against tough pugilist rivals such as Bald Bull. Speaking of baldness, the unique new WiiWare game Bonsai Barber invites players to take off the gloves and work their clippers instead, giving new hairstyles to a colorful cast of fruits and vegetables. Both are yours for the downloading via the Wii Shop Channel.
Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:
Bonsai Barber (Nintendo, 1-4 players, Rated E for Everyone-Comic Mischief, 1,000 Wii Points): The village residents are hungry for the latest in foliage fashion, and it's up to you, the new barber, to fix them up. Use the tools of your trade: scissors, clippers, spray can, and more in this humorous, first-of-its-kind "first-person-groomer" game. Bonsai Barber features a colorful cast of 12 intriguing customers, including a temperamental shallot starlet (don't call her an onion), an oddball strawberry boffin, a cactus cowboy, a daredevil carrot, and a suave banana with top-secret clearance. Each day, five customers arrive to test your stylistic skill. If the customer requests a specific style, you'll plow that furrow, or you can rely on your expertise to pick from more than 30 popular fashions. Or, why not turn over a new leaf? Be creative and see how they react. They're a demanding bunch, so if you miss an appointment, you'll hear about it-on your Wii Message Board. If you do a good job, you may receive a gift or even a postcard from an exotic destination as your happy customers travel to distant lands and show off their exquisite coifs.
Virtual Console
Super Punch-Out!! (Super NES, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): Featuring the tight game play and humor the series is known for, this sequel to the NES classic sees Little Mac return to the ring with the World Video Boxing Association belt once again at stake. Slug your way through the grueling, sweat-pounding matches of the Minor, Major and World Circuits as you face off against some of Little Mac's greatest rivals, such as Bear Hugger, Bald Bull and Super Macho Man. With a cast of new challengers waiting, do you have what it takes to identify their unique patterns and exploit their weaknesses? Go to your corner and come out fighting, but remember what Doc Louis would say: "It's not about brawling-it's about finesse!"
Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit Wii.com.
* - About that "farewell edition" stuff: Starting next week, the name of this newsletter will be changed from Wii-kly Update to Nintendo Download. Why? With the April 5 launch of the new Nintendo DSi portable game system comes the opening of the Nintendo DSi Shop. Like the Wii Shop Channel, the Nintendo DSi Shop will offer a growing library of downloadable games, with new titles added every week. Accordingly, we'll be using this space to tell you not only about new games for Wii but also for Nintendo DSi. Watch for the first edition of Nintendo Download on April 6.
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March 30th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
XSeed has really been delivering the goods to Nintendo platforms lately with great games like Rune Factory: Frontier on Wii, and Avalon Code and Retro Game Challenge on DS. Today the publisher announced its first WiiWare game: Drill Sergeant Mindstrong. The downloadable title will be a party game where Mindstrong puts players through brain teaser basic training.
Looking at the screenshots, it seems up to four players can compete for Mindstrong's affection. One shot shows a shooting gallery game where players have to shoot numbered targets to rack up a specific score.
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March 30th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
A 'fit and healthy' 25-year-old man suddenly collapsed and died in front of his horrified girlfriend and best friend as he played a computer game.
Tim Eves was 'jogging' on a Wii Fit games console as Emma Tuck and Lewis Hickin looked on, when he slumped to the floor.
The tragedy happened just hours after Tim had flown home from celebrating his mother’s 50th birthday in Portugal.
Devastated Emma, 26, said last night: ‘Tim was the best boyfriend anyone could have and the best friend a girl could have.
‘I love him loads and will miss him so much.’
Paramedics dashed to the house and rushed Tim, who had been fit and well, to hospital but it was too late.
The family were told he could have been killed by Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Also known as Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome, it is a disorder of the electrical system of the heart.
Those with the condition are vulnerable to an abnormal heart rhythm. During exercise the heart may stop pumping out blood, causing the brain to become deprived of blood and sudden death.
The condition is estimated to kill 500 people a year.
Tim's father, Alan, said: ‘He was just such a helpful, considerate and caring person.
‘He really threw himself into things and lived life to the absolute full.'
He added: 'Tim packed so much into the 25 years that even if he had lived another 25 years he couldn’t possibly have made any more friends.
'We all loved him so much.’
The tragedy occurred on March 4 at the home Tim shared with Lewis, 25, in Hopton-on-Sea, near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.
He had just returned to England after visiting his parents at their Portuguese home and had spoken to them on the phone just minutes before he collapsed.
His mother June said: 'We spoke to him on the phone when he was playing on the Wii machine.
‘But a little while after he had put the phone down, he collapsed for no reason. It was completely out of the blue.'
She added: ‘They still can’t come up with an answer why it happened, which is one of the reasons it is so hard to come to terms with - there was no reason for it.
‘It is just unbelievable. We keep waiting for him to walk round the corner, it’s awful. It’s still very raw.’
Tim was a labourer for Steel Services in Yarmouth with Mr Hickin and his father.
He helped to lead the First Belton Scout Group, played in a band called Distant Sun and loved cycling and fishing.
A post-mortem has been held but the cause of death is yet to be determined.
Tim’s brother, Michael, 28, of Hickling, said: ‘If he did something he was 100 per cent into it.
'He wanted to take my little boy fishing so I got a little rod and a little box for him, bearing in mind he is only seven and it was the first time he’d been.
'But Tim wanted to take a whole car full of fishing gear - I have never seen so much stuff for a couple of hours fishing.
‘He would give you his last pound, even if it was a borrowed pound, which in his case it probably was. But no-one could say no to him, he was very endearing.’
Best friend Lewis said: ‘I was privileged to have been Tim’s best mate for over 20 years, from pre-school through to adult life.
'He was the most enthusiastic, positive person you’ll ever meet, and I hope some of that has rubbed off on me over the years.’
Tim was buried with his favourite fishing rods and drumsticks at St Margaret’s Church in Hopton-on-Sea on March 20.
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March 31st, 2009, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Since the launch of the Nintendo Channel for the Wii earlier this year, Nintendo has been providing a DS Download Service with demos of released and upcoming DS games. Wii owners can boot up the DS Download Service through the Nintendo Channel and download various playable demos directly to their Nintendo DS, using the Download Play option. It works in the same way as the in-store download stations. The third-party games get updated every week and we've got info on this week's batch to let you know a little more about what you're getting.
The week of March 30
Gardening Mama Demo
Mama's out of the kitchen and out in the backyard, and instead of cooking now you're planting flowers and produce. In the demo you're growing tulips. Follow along with the touch-screen instructions or Mama will shoot flames out of her eyes.
Monsters vs. Aliens Demo
The Dreamworks film's coming out relatively soon, and to piggy back on that release Activision's put Griptonite to work on a DS game. The demo features the Missing Link as he uses his Spider-Man like skills to get through the alien structure.
TrackMania DS Demo
What was once a PC phenomenon is now a Nintendo DS game. In the full product you'll get to test your arcade driving skills on a variety of different track settings (including your own creations). The demo that hit the Nintendo Channel is just a sampling of the gameplay within the final product.
Nintendo also keeps a selection of first party titles up for download. They're not cycled out as often and most of them have been there since the Nintendo Channel launched.
Rhythm Heaven Demo
From some of the team members responsible for the crazy Wario Ware series comes a brilliantly off the wall music-focused Nintendo DS that tests your tap-and-flick skills. The demo is surprisingly robust, walking you through not only the tutorial, but also offering up full versions of the first and second challenges...and an abridged version of the third. Don't forget to buy the game to encourage more crazy awesomeness from Nintendo.
Personal Trainer: Cooking Lasagna Demo
The Nintendo DS cookbook is now available in stores, and to give owners a little taste test (ha ha) Nintendo's thrown a freebie demo of the software up on the Nintendo Channel where you can follow along, step by step, to make some truly kick-ass lasagna.
Personal Trainer: Math Demo
If you're unsure if math can be fun on the Nintendo DS, give this demo a download: you'll take part in the game's Kageyama method in solving math problems using the touchscreen to hand write all the answers as quickly as possible.
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir
The demo offers one of the levels for the hide and seek portion of the game. Players are given five minutes to find eight items in the level. Upon completion, players can start again, and find eight different items. We played it three times without having to repeat items.
Brain Age Demo
The older sibling of the Brain Age 2 demo. It's the same kind of deal. There's a Brain Age Test minigame that has players shout colors into the DS microphone. The training game is a simple math problem test that uses the touch screen to write. Sudoku is in this one too, which means you've got two free sudoku puzzles you can play if you get both demos.
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Demo
The Brain Age 2 demo features three quick play modes. There's the Brain Age Test that will give the player an approximate brain age based on a verbal match of rock, paper, scissors. There's also a quick play training mode that shows off the rotating letters minigame, complete with touch screen letter recognition. Finally the Quick play sudoku lets players enjoy a quick sudoku puzzle in one of the better presentations for the system.
Flash Focus Demo
Flash Focus is a game designed to improve focus and hand-eye coordination. It features a simplified Eye Age test where players remember the direction letters are facing as they flash by on the screen. The training game is more hands on. It's a baseball minigame where players have to tap the ball to hit it. The pitches get harder each time the player connects with the ball and the game ranks you at the end.
Crosswords DS Demo
For the non-Sudoku inclined, Crosswords DS features the classic crossword puzzles that have been gracing newspapers long before number puzzles. The demo features the classic Crosswords mode, one of three gameplay modes in the final version. Players can select the difficulty of the puzzle, as well as the option to turn on an assist mode that lets the player know if the answer is right or wrong. The whole demo uses the touch screen so players can see how well the letter recognition system works.
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March 31st, 2009, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Yezzer] has posted a video of a cool little project he’s working on. He has interfaced the Arduino and the Wii Nunchuck to control some servos. He mounted a standard USB webcam on it for good measure. There isn’t a whole lot of information, but he does include a few links to code he modified for the project. The movement is quite natural looking and seems like it would be a cheap way to get some good animatronic controls started. This might actually be a great way to control a robot for the Crabfu challenge, if they ever have another one.
Update: As [dokument] points out in the comments below, it looks like we’ve seen a set up that could be almost identical in the past.
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March 31st, 2009, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is returning to where the Wii launched for another kick off party. This Saturday, April 4, from 9PM - 12 AM the Gamestop at Universal Studios’ Citywalk will be the home of a Nintendo sponsored DSi event.
At the midnight party attendees will have a chance to win art from I Am 8-Bit, listen to music from VJ Fader with video projected on a globe, watch parkour stunt performances, and test the system on interactive gaming stations. Will Nintendo break out the Segwiis again?
When the clock strikes midnight Cammie Dunaway and Attack of the Show host, Kevin Periera, will open Gamestop’s doors for a horde of gamers to purchase DSis. The event sounds about the same size as Nintendo of America’s Wii launch party and it’s way bigger than the DS Lite party in New York. Events like this makes it clear that Nintendo considers the DSi more than an upgrade, it’s getting the roll out the red carpet for a new system treatment.
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March 31st, 2009, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii guys have today released a new preview version of their upcoming v0.3 release this release should fix issues when trying to download at first boot.
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March 31st, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
The trailer footage of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearers that was included with the Japanese version of Echoes of Time was certainly sweet (you can confirm this for yourself in our media section, as we've uploaded the footage in full) but it still didn't tell us a whole lot about the game. Thankfully, the wait for more details may not be too far off.
Square Enix opened up a teaser site for Crystal Bearers today. The site doesn't contain much -- just the same trailer that you can view here on IGN. But it does have something particularly notable: multi-lingual support! Square Enix actually made much fuss over in Japan today about how the site was launching simultaneously in seven regions of the world.
Perhaps this is an indication that the game will do the same? We're certainly hopeful!
Square Enix has given the teaser site a somewhat unique mechanism which releases new content the more the site gets accessed. It appears that if enough people access the site, wallpapers and other features will be unlocked.
We trust you'll do your part.
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March 31st, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
This week's surprise WiiWare release over in Japan comes from Tecmo. It's a surprise release because, as with most WiiWare games, Nintendo remains completely quiet about it until the day of release.
The game in question is "Atsui 12 Game Furi Furi Party." The party in the title probably gave it away, but this is indeed a party game, filled with mini-games. There are at least 12 mini-games on offer, all of which appear to use the Wiimote in clever ways.
Here's where things get particularly interesting. Tecmo says the game features Wi-Fi rankings allowing players to see how they stand against other players in Japan and around the world. Yes, this one could be due for international release -- presumably under a different name.
For now, those with import Wii units can download Furi Furi Party for 500 WiiPoints.
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March 31st, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
GameDaily BIZ just got off the phone with John Koller, Director of Hardware Marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, to discuss the news of PS2 dropping down to just $99. And of course, we had to talk about PS3 NOT getting a price drop as well...
BIZ: I think a number of industry pundits were expecting a PS3 price drop today in addition to or instead of the PS2 price cut. With the fiscal year having just ended, we thought Sony might kick off the new year with a bang... So my question is why not PS3 right now? And for the PS2, was this move already pre-planned long ago?
John Koller: So, I'll take the last question first. We do plan price cuts and most major moves well in advance; they're done for a variety of reasons. This particular reason on the PS2 price cut was done really to extend the overall viability and versatility of the platform. We're looking at 70-80 titles launching on PS2 this coming year, and about the same number next year in 2010. PS2 shows very little signs of slowing down, and we wanted to continue to really target that lower income consumer, as well as that lapsed gamer or young family consumer that is still purchasing PS2 and wants some of that evergreen entertainment – the social gaming and sports are what they are particularly gravitating towards. A lot of the development is going in that direction.
"We do look at those as similar consumers. So, yes, we do think the $99 price point could steal some share [from Wii]. From a technological standpoint, the Wii is much closer to the PS2 than it is to the next-gen consoles."
In terms of the PS3, our is on the versatility of the system and the overall value that's inherent to the system. We've been focusing on development of key software franchises, and this year should be the best software year launched yet. On PS3, we look at that as a significant advantage versus Xbox 360. In particular, our first party group has really stepped up with some tremendous franchises, whether they're iterations [of existing properties] or new IP like LittleBigPlanet, MAG, etc. You also look at the continued strength of the Blu-ray format and we're starting to see some cases where movies are helping to sell hardware - Dark Knight certainly did for a time in December. So we're seeing different patterns of growth. Last year was the best sales year ever for PS3 and we are very bullish on the platform this year.
BIZ: Although sales for PS2 have remained quite strong for a nine-year-old platform, PS2 has withered somewhat as this generation of consoles takes hold. What kind of uptick are you anticipating in terms of hardware sales thanks to the $99 price point?
JK: Good question. We can't give specific number, but I can tell you that last year the NPD number was 2.5 million units [sold], so we expect at or north of that number [this year]. And certainly when you're looking at the game pipeline and also what Nielsen reported about PS2 being the most played console in 2008, there's still a lot of viability left. A lot of people tend to think there's only life in next-gen, but in reality there's life in next-gen, in our handheld business and in PS2. We enter the 10th year of its life-cycle in October of this year, and there's really no sign of slowing down. We ended up 'sunsetting' the PSOne because the development spigot kind of dried up, but that's not happening with PS2 right now. With 1,900 games (250 Greatest Hits), there's really a wide variety of game options for that new consumer to the category.
BIZ: PS2 is already the best-selling console ever, so wouldn't Sony rather drive these consumers to convert to the PS3, instead of continuing to propagate the PS2 message?
JK: We don't look at it as an either/or situation – it's really an and. So if you look at when PS2 consumers purchase, that's how we analyze when they'll be ready to move up the loyalty chain to PS3. The PS3 cross-ownership rate with PS2 is about 80 percent, so much of the PS3 installed base is a PS2 consumer or had been at some point. You have to look at when they're purchasing; there's certainly strata of purchasers in the PS2 world. So if someone purchases tomorrow for the price drop, then we believe that's a PS3 owner in the future. It may not be April 2nd, but it will be in the future. By definition, they're a bit of a later adopter, so that's someone that we think will gravitate towards PS3 as we continue along the growth curve... Currently, we're making a big push to grab the PS2 consumer that purchased in the middle part of this decade (maybe 2002-06), because that was an early to mid adopter and someone very interested in the large franchises on PS2 like GTA and Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo and Madden. That consumer is probably ready [to buy a PS3]. We've made a concerted push against that individual. But we don't give up on any of the PS2 consumers – they're PlayStation fans for life and we believe they will eventually purchase a PS3 at some point in time.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has said Wii games don't start making money for their publishers until a million copies have been shifted.
That's according to an article in the New York Times, which also reports the average budget for making and marketing a game these days is USD million (GBP 17.5 million / EUR 18.8 million). However, the majority of titles only sell a maximum of 150,000 units.
Fils-Aime "said publishers of games for its Wii console needed to sell one million units of a game to turn a profit", according to the article. That might sound like a lot, but "he said that was a lower threshold than for the other consoles".
It's all thanks to the fact Wii games aren't in high-def, and are therefore cheaper to make - which Reggie reckons Nintendo took into account when developing the console.
NPD figures show that of the 486 games release for Wii, just 16 have sold more than a million copies - and nine of those are Nintendo first-party titles.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Bob the coder who tried his best to get Nintendo to take notice of amateur coders has released a demo of his game for the DS, heres the video to refresh your memorys:
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March 31st, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
In the US, Nintendo fans can celebrate the DSi's launch at the Universal CityWalk GameStop in Los Angeles. In Australia, early adopters can go to a launch party at the "Nintendo Experience" on Melbourne's Swanston St. Melbourne. Nintendo just announced that there will be no such event in the UK to celebrate the April 3 launch of the DSi.
A Nintendo spokesperson told Eurogamer that no such event is planned "because the handheld is an evolution of the hardware - and not a replacement," in a baffling instance of Nintendo downplaying its own product. Why not just tell people, "Hey, it's just another DS, don't worry about buying one, guys!"
According to the Nintendo spokesperson, even though there's no "official" shindig, you'll still be able to pick up a system at one of the 200 GameStations, 55 GAME stores and "select HMV outlets" that mistakenly think the DSi is a big product.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
MetaFight has released the source to, and a new preview of, HomeMenu:
This is just a preview of a HomeMenu C++ class I'll be releasing soon (will be converted to C). It's graphics library independent, so there aren't too many hassles there. It also allows you to associate your own functions to events such as when the menu opens, closes, redraws.
30 March 2009
Sourcecode released (Google Code SVN).
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March 31st, 2009, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Copete23 has released Komopong wii:
Komopong wii is a game based on the legendary pong, is a way for one player and one for two players, although in the future I would like to add more levels. The main novelty of this pong is to be controlled by moving the Wiimote XD also incorporates vibration to feel the impact of the ball in your paddle, another thing you can do is to rotate the paddle by turning the Wiimote, to change the angle of rebound the ball.
The mechanics of the game is simple, note the maximum number of points his rival before the end of the counter, the one with more points wins.
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March 31st, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Simon Kagstrom has released a new rc version of the Commodore 64 Emulator for Nintendo Wii
Frodo is a Commodore 64 emulator written by Christian Bauer (http://frodo.cebix.net). It was ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom, and many C64 games are fully playable on the Wii with it. So go ahead and beat your friends in International Karate, Boulder Dash or Bomb Jack. It does not share any code with FrodoWii, but would be happy to integrate improvements from it!
The emulator works best in 480i mode. It runs perfectly fine in 576i mode as well, but does not utilize the full resolution. This is an SDL issue, and will not be fixed until SDL-Port supports it. Sound support is slightly buggy, but usable. The emulation itself is not perfect, so not all games will run under Frodo. Unfortunately, I cannot do very much about this since I haven't written the emulator - just ported it. If you have multiple versions of a game, try each of them as often at least one will work.
Heres whats new:
* Networking support now works (but without sound being transferred). A broker is installed on c64-network.game-host.org.
* Link with Yohanes port of SDL, modified by dannymi to get USB keyboards working while still having the Home key do what it should
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March 31st, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
A new version of "War DS Genesis" by sonic master is a ladder. This new version offers new characters, sound and music.
Background: Genesis War DS is a game of turn-based battle grouping hero video game Sega Megadrive / Genesis.
Version 2.0
Improvements provided by the author:
* Added hero of Altered Beast
* Added the good brothers brothers
* Added green heroes like
* Robocop Added
* Added arthur of ghost and goblins
* Fixed all the bugs that were in battle
* Started the history of the characters
* A mission
* Sounds and background music
* Improved things in the home
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March 31st, 2009, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
The great folks over at the french NintendoMax site are having a Coding Competition for the Nintendo Wii, for those devs who dont speak french im sure that if you reply here the staff behind Nintendomax will help should any help be needed, heres a translation of the comp newspost:
Nintendomax The team is pleased to announce the departure of the top Wii Dev Nintendomax Competition 2009.
And yes Nintendomax.com joined Divineo.fr Assentek.com and our new and generous partner to offer you a great competitive amateur development for the Wii.
Many lots are an opportunity to win, 1 Wii, 1 SDI, 2 DSLite, and many accessories Wii and DS, it's Christmas already!
The competition is divided into 2 categories, "Games" and "Applications", all you have to do is code a new homebrew and the poster before 31 May 2009 at midnight.
All conditions of participation and the list of prizes to win are now in our forum topcis Rules or Rules.
But also:
A competition for the splashscreen at startup which appear in the projects of the participants in the competition will be announced in detail in the next few days, so watch the news well.
We thank Divineo.fr and Assentek.com for their participation, Zeblackos and Lorenzolamas for the design of the banner and the team Nintendomax.com for the implementation of the competition.
See you May 31 2009.
Ill keep this stickied to remind all of this coding comp
Heres some links for those interested:
Good Luck all :thumbup:
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March 31st, 2009, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Todd Jeffreys
I have finished implementing nouns and adjectives. My little demo should include a word of each type for testing. If you have an adjective, you have a 10% chance of a encountering a special form, such as an adverb, comparative or superlative form. So stay focused!
I know some of these words don’t actually have a comparative form, but the code will still generate it (hey, this code is still a work in progress, and the dictionary is far from finalized, or even started!).
Even though it’s not the form that I’m most used to, I’m using ‘i’ as the third declension adjective’s ablative form. I prefer ‘e,’ just like nouns. But I’m going on my gut feeling that most people are purists and are expecting ‘i.’
You have to be honest when answering if you defined the word correctly or not. If you tell the program you answered improperly, you should see it pop up a few more times until the meaning is drilled into your brain.
As always, post your impressions. If it sucks, let me know. If it’s missing something, let me know.
Up next, the most difficult of all, verbs!
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March 31st, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from eric3dee
Ok, so I've been sitting on a one-level game demo I developed (with the help of a very talented programmer, Tim Sorrels) in 2005, and I figured since the DSi was about to delete which did away with the GBA slot, I better go ahead and release it to the homebrew public while the format is still fairly relevant.  Admittedly there are a few bugs and the difficulty is substantial for this level and the gameplay could use some work, so forgive me- this was my first attempt at game development! But hey, I'm proud of the end result
Download the GBA file here!
Numchuck and the Conquest of Color is a platformer with a dynamic color palette. You play a magical, colorful forest creature, Numchuck, who awakens one day to find his entire world has been drained of color by the cold-hearted creatures of the north. Numchuck is tasked with color-changing his enemies by painting them with one swipe of his magical paintbrush tail, and eventually restoring color to his land. With each enemy you paint, and each fruit you collect, color is gradually restored do the monochrome world.
Gameplay is as follows:
A to jump
B to paint swipe
Hold B to run, jump while running to spin attack
Holding B while in midair to bounce off the top of an enemy and paint them.
I hope you will enjoy this and share it if you like it! I'd love to hear what you think. A copyright for the game is held by my company Steelehouse Productions ( www.steelehouse.com ). While I'm at it, I should stick in a plug for my weekly webcomic Boodachitaville at www.boodachitaville.com
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March 31st, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Duds
Hi everyone,
I've been developing a DJ turntable for the DS based on Pioneers CDJ Decks for university.
It's not finished but I was wondering if you could fill out a survey which is in the .zip file along with the program . nds file
At the moment it's only reading an inbuilt mp3. but it will make a list of mp3's found in a folder named "Music" at the root of the memory card. Hope to get this fixed soon!
Please can you e-mail your survey's back to the email below. Hope to here your thoughts, Cheers Duds!!
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April 1st, 2009, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
preloader is a small application which places itself before the system menu.
It's main feature is to directly boot the Homebrew Channel or a file you can install from a FAT device.
preloader is also able to apply memory patches the system menu to remove limitations or other things.
Since preloader places itself before the system menu any problems that would cause the system menu to fail are not causing your whole wii to stop working.
If autoboot is enabled and you want to access preloader's menu simply hold RESET while powering the wii on.
-added a feature to load the system menu with any IOS version you want.
-The installer includes an IOS patcher which when found patches IOS60 so preloader can fully work with system menu 4.0
-Moved some text around for better visibility on 4:3 screens
-fixed a bug which let the disc endlessly spin when wc24 was enabled and the wii got turned off
-fixed a bug which broke system menu loading when the system got formated
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