October 1st, 2004, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
molton released a good old Nibbles/Snake game for GBA. It contains 12 levels. Get it from:[br][br]http://www.pdroms.de/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=164
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October 1st, 2004, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco today announced that its first two titles for the Nintendo DS system, a side-scrolling action adventure called Moonlight Fables and a 3D shooter called Nanostray, will release in the year 2005. This means that Majesco, the publisher of the Game Boy Advance Video cartridges and numerous other titles for the GBA, will not have any titles ready for the launch of the Nintendo DS on November 21. [br][br][br]In a release today, the publisher announced further details on the two titles. Both will feature support for the system's touch-screen input and dual-screen display, and both will feature "multiplayer network play." Whether this refers to online gameplay or wireless close-range multiplayer is not clear, although Nanostray has been confirmed to at least feature an online rankings system that will let players compete for the title of "best in the world." [br][br]Developed by Shin'en, creators of the Iridion games for the GBA, Nanostray will feature 3D graphics combined with old-school space-shooter-action gameplay. The game will use the touch screen to allow players to track enemy movement via interactive radar as well as to manage weapons and other pickups. Its release date is set for early spring. [br][br]Moonlight Fables is a gothic-fantasy-styled, side-scrolling action adventure title designed by Cyber Philharmonic. Players will take the role of Trista Silver, a 19-year-old recent graduate of the Officer School For International Strike Forces who finds out that she is a werewolf. Players will use the touch screen to manipulate the phases of the moon, changing the types of special attacks that Trista can deliver. [br][br]Majesco has also revealed that, although the game is a side-scroller, it will feature "a combination of two and three dimensional art styles, with a dynamic camera that zooms in and out to highlight the action and imagery." The world of the game will be seamless, all levels blending together into "one large area"; unlockable accessories will let Trista return to old areas and access previously unreachable items and entrances.
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October 1st, 2004, 22:15 Posted By: portner
Hello there everyone...greetings to all...
I just registered this a/c coz im interested and really looking forward to play the nintendo DS
But first i wanna get some things straight abt it...
It says that the nintendo DS doesnt have a connection port so it cant be linked to GBA or GBA SP...
so does that means nintendo DS can link with another DS but is it a must for these DS to be in a hotspot area?
whats the diff between bluetooth and IEEE 802.11?
does IEEE 802.11 require to be in a hotspot area? coz bluetooth doesnt...
the nintendo DS can be played up to a MAX of 16 players wirelessly...but issit in a hotspot area or anywhere?
Just wanna get some things straight...
sorry coz im not so hi-tech and stuff...here in my country, Brunei...there aint much hotspots area except in few restaurants and stuff...and it aint hi-tech region...not just yet... >.<
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October 2nd, 2004, 00:43 Posted By: Maximo2703
last night i finally got Beyond Good and Evil...... i go to start the game on my brand new memory i got a few months ago. i currently only put one game on which was Driven......& the game is sayin i didnt have enough blocks free on my memory card (yes i have one of those stupid 59 block cards) so i went in to manage the card and i notice theres a Soul Calibur 2 save file on my card...... now this is veryyyyyyy strange considering a few things....1. i never bought or rented Soul Calibur 2 let alone play it on my cube. 2. no one else uses my cube 3. the game's save file was marked 2003/10/02 & i bought the card BRAND NEW from Wal*Mart back in June or something of this year!!! and when i saved the Driven file on my memory card there was noooooo other files on the card......veryyyyy strange isn't it? 
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October 2nd, 2004, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
About VisualBoyAdvance for Hackers[br][br]VisualBoyAdvance for Hackers (VBA-H) originally spawned from a modified version of VBA by kenobi which included a number of new code hacking features in the SDL debugger version. Since then, kenobi has expanded on his work, and I (Labmaster) have added some features of my own, most notably, a re-designed Code Searching dialog.[br][br]No formal documentation currently exists, this may come later. [br][br]Unique features include:[br][br]Debugger: [br][br]Break on Read [br]'Don't Break' [br]Conditional Break on ARM and THUMB [br]Edit Register [br]Log trace to file [br]Break on Change [br]Windows Version:[br][br]Cheat Search Dialog 'Status Bar' [br]Customizable Results Limit [br]Flag Compare Search [br]Difference Options [br]Set Search Range [br]Remove Results [br]Goto Address (double click on result) [br]Simple ASCII Text search in Memory Viewer [br]Edit cheats (double click on cheat) [br]About the latest version[br][br]Download Here
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October 3rd, 2004, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
GBAGI is a Sierra adventure game interpreter/emulator for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance and also the Nintendo Gamecube via the Gameboy Player or Advance Game Port. With the use of a flash cart on your GBA, you can play all your AGI games on the portable. Not only can you play Sierra's adventure games, but also your own, and dozens of homebrew games made by other enthusiasts! [br][br]Heres whats new in this latest release:[br][br]Added a virtual keyboard! Now all keys can be pressed, including CTRL, ALT and SHIFT combinations! [br]Now ALL words can be entered in the input dialog by selecting the "More >>" button! [br]Added a new improved game select screen [br]Added diagonal movement [br]Improved audio playback accuracy [br]Improved the menu system [br]Fixed picture rendering, so now "Space Quest 0: Replicated" is fully playable [br][br]Download from Here
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October 4th, 2004, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
The ever improving Game Boy Advance Emulator for Windows has been updated once more, heres whats new:[br][br] CPU: General speed improvements by relocation of jump tables[br]CPU: Added UMULL/SMULL[br]GPU: Fixed a bug in the OBJ rendering code that could cause random crashes[br]GPU: Fixed rendering of 16x16 color BGs[br]GPU: Added BG2 rotation and scaling in mode 4[br]GPU: Added color effects (alpha blend, luma add/sub) for text BGs[br]GPU: The emulator will check for MMX support, which is required. SSE2 will be used if available[br]MMU: Added the system ROM area (0000-3FFF)[br]MMU: Added mirroring of some memory areas[br]ALL: Added interrupt support (vblank, hblank and key interrupts are emulated). Writes to IF are not properly handled at the moment[br]ALL: Released the source code of the emulator [br][br]Download from Here
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October 4th, 2004, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
According to those who have been able to get their hands on early copies of the popular manga weekly Shonen Jump, a game called Jump Super Stars has been revealed to be in development for the Nintendo DS. Although the game's genre is not yet known, it will feature a cast of characters culled from the pages of the magazine, including the eponymous hero of the popular Naruto series. [br][br][br]This type of game is not unprecedented, although the last such release was well over a decade ago. Famicom Jump: Eiyuu Retsuden (1989) and Famicom Jump II: Saikyou no Shichi-nin (1991) were released by Bandai for the Nintendo Famicom (NES). Both were role-playing games; neither was released outside of Japan. [br][br]As Japan's most popular weekly manga magazine, Shonen Jump is famous for its record high shipment of 6.53 million issues one week in 1994. Sales have dropped considerably since then, although it kept up a circulation of 3.24 million throughout 2002. The average manga weekly in Japan ships around one million issues. [br][br]Although it is aimed at young boys, Shonen Jump is also read by many adults in Japan. Shonen Jump is one of the few remaining bargains in Japan; at 230 yen ($2), readers get about 400 pages of manga across 18 different series. Many of the popular manga titles that have made their way to the gaming world, such as Dragon Ball, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, originated in Shonen Jump. [br][br]A monthly American edition of Shonen Jump premiered in November 2002. Its popularity could mean a US release for Jump Super Stars, perhaps in a modified version that features the Shonen Jump manga currently running in the US edition of the magazine.
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October 4th, 2004, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan has announced that it is making a tennis game for the Nintendo DS titled Tennis no Ouji-sama 2005: Crystal Drive. The popular manga series on which the game will be based (the title translates to The Prince of Tennis) has already spawned an anime series on television, a stage musical, and more than a dozen video game versions. No release date has been announced, although the title would suggest a release next year. [br][br][br]Although KCEJ has not yet disclosed details on Tennis no Ouji-sama 2005: Crystal Drive, it would seem from the screenshots that the player will be using the top screen for the actual tennis action while the lower touch screen will be used for supplemental actions, like checking on a character's status. The game has been confirmed to support multiplayer over the DS's wireless connection.
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October 5th, 2004, 06:32 Posted By: Merlz
Hi all,
Have pre ordered 2 Nintendo DS's, (one to sell one to keep) and have a couple of questions.
What if any, are the issues regarding the power adaptor that comes with the US and Japanese versions? Obviously they dont fit the UK wall sockets, but does anyone know if they can be charged using the UK's Gameboy SP chargers, as several e-bayers seem to be saying that they will blow up if the wrong adaptors are used. This I dont believe.
Also any advice/info regarding customs charges when they arrive in the UK would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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October 6th, 2004, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
At first Sega's upcoming DS game was called Project Rub. Then it was I Would Die for You. Then, in the US, it was Feel the Magic: XY-XX. And now, as word reaches us that Sega's endlessly alluring DS project will be getting a UK release, it's called...[br]Well, we're not sure yet. But we do know that it won't go under any of those other crazy monikers, particularly the Bo Selecta-inspired Feel the Magic ("Can you feel it? The magic is coming..."). We've heard whispers that a UK name has been agreed on though, so we'll keep you posted.[br][br]And whatever Sega's game is called, it still sounds like a fully mental barrel of laughs rolling down a hillside. It's the story of a young man obsessed with a beautiful young woman, who must rub, poke and tickle his way into her pants, sorry, heart.[br][br]Don't worry. He's not a sex pest, even if it sounds dodgy. The best way to think of Project Rub is a Wario Ware-style collection of mini-games linked together by the over-arcing romantic storyline. The twist here is that every single one of the 30 plus games uses the innovative features of the DS in clever ways.[br][br]We've heard about a stack of mini-games so far. You'll be wiping muck off of your girl's face (behave), squeezing fish out of your mate's stomachs, digging in the sand for lost possessions and using the built-in DS mic to blow out candles on a cake. Mental.[br][br]But one game we've been told is particularly brilliant involves tapping in numeric codes into a little touch screen number pad to save little men plummeting from the sky. Tap in the correct code quickly enough and a wee parachute will open, saving their lives.[br][br]What that's got to do with copping off with the girl is anyone's guess, but if it's a good laugh (and we're reliably informed it's an absolute hoot) then it doesn't really matter.[br][br]The US get Project Rub (or Feel the Magic or whatever) on November 21, making it a launch title. While we know the UK version will definitely be getting a release there's no word on dates yet, but expect it to be on shelves when the DS hits these shores. [br][br]We're really keen to get a closer look at Project Rub, and we'll let you know our impressions as soon as we do.
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October 7th, 2004, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
Today a mass of news has come out about the Nintendo DS and added to that Screenshots and News for Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars DS, Check all the news and yummy screenshots out at Nintendo DS News
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October 7th, 2004, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Full details of the Nintendo DS press conference in Seattle tonight have been leaked ahead of the event, in an embarrassing mishap for the console giant which has revealed all of the firm's planned surprises in one swoop.[br][br]Perhaps most exciting is the news that Shigeru Miyamoto will follow his hugely popular appearance at E3 this May, where he unveiled a new Cube Zelda title, with a similar appearance to announce a Legend of Zelda: Four Swords title for DS.[br][br]The company also plans to reveal that you'll be able to download games wirelessly from one another and play them together, allowing DS owners to engage in multiplayer using just one cartridge. It's a feature Nintendo calls "Game Sharing".[br][br]President Satoru Iwata will then announce that time-restricted demo versions of games will be available to download at retailers, and that the console's connectivity even extends to the silver screen; fans of the Pokémon movies will have bonus materials beamed to their handhelds if they happen to have a Game Boy Advance Pokémon title in the DS' cartridge slot.[br][br]A new Pokémon game, Pokémon Diamond, will also be confirmed, while Japanese launch title Pokémon Dash will be demoed to the assembled hacks in Seattle, and the president of the Pokémon Company will demonstrate how to unlock bonuses by inserting GBA Pokémon games into the DS.[br][br]Echoing news that emerged from Japan this morning, reports also suggest that Square Enix will confirm that Final Fantasy III - the last untranslated NES RPG in the FF series - will be overhauled and released on the DS.[br][br]Shigeru Miyamoto is expected to demonstrate games including Super Mario 64 DS and Nintendogs, while SEGA's Yuji Naka will demo Feel the Magic: XY-XX (formerly Project Rub) and confirm that a Sonic DS title is in development.[br][br]Although Nintendo has yet to confirm any of the above details, the detail of the revelations - right down to the order of the speakers - leaves us in little doubt that they're genuine, and that the leak came either from somebody involved in producing the event or a senior member of Nintendo's staff.[br][br]Earlier today, the company officially confirmed a preliminary roster of the titles due out in the 30 days following the system's November 21st US launch.
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October 7th, 2004, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo today announced that it will be releasing 12 titles for the DS handheld on its launch in Japan on December 2. Five of the titles will be Nintendo-developed, and seven titles will be from third parties. Two additional third party titles are also confirmed for release within the year. The standard price of DS games will be set at 4800 yen, although one game, Intuitive Stroke (One-Line Puzzle in the US), will be priced slightly less at 3800 yen. [br][br][br]According to Nintendo, there are currently 124 titles being developed for the DS by 46 publishers. The company updated its DS lineup today with 49 new additional titles, 11 of which are from Nintendo itself. [br][br]The biggest surprise in the new DS lineup was unveiled during the Tokyo press event today. During the show, it was announced that Final Fantasy III, which hasn't ever been ported to any console since its original release on the Famicom (the Japanese version of the NES), is making its way back to Nintendo hardware after nearly 15 years. No specific details were released on the game (such as its release date), although producer Akitoshi Kawazu hinted that the game is likely to take advantage of the DS' unique input options. [br][br]Before today, Nintendo had only announced eight titles for the DS, and with PictoChat disappearing from its roster since it's being embedded into the handheld as default software, the company's lineup was looking pretty slim. But that all changed when Nintendo announced an additional 10 titles for the platform. Three of the newly announced titles will be released concurrently with the handheld's launch: Big Concert! Band Brothers (Jam With The Band in the US), a music game that can be played with multiple players using different instruments; Intuitive Stroke (One-Line Puzzle), a puzzle game where you need to flip around black and while blocks with just one stroke of the pen; and Pokémon Dash, a racing game where you need to guide Pikachu around a huge map, touching checkpoints in various places by running around, riding on rafts, and floating on air balloons. [br][br]Other notable additions to the lineup include an action game from Sega based on an unannounced TV character. Though it's likely that the game might be based on an anime, another possibility is that the game may be based on a live-action hero, considering that the company has been investing in live-action shows called Gransazers and Justirisers. Konami is also making a sports action game for the DS handheld. [br][br]For Gundam fans, the fun on the double screen handheld is coming in the form of two games. Bandai is releasing an SD Gundam strategy game, and Banpresto is releasing an entry its Super Robot Wars series. [br][br]Arika, best known for its Tetris games and the Street Fighter EX series, is making an RPG for the DS. [br][br]Japanese Nintendo DS launch titles in Japan (December 2) are as follows. [br][br]Nintendo [br]Super Mario 64 DS (4,800 Yen) [br]WarioWare Inc. DS (4,800 Yen) [br]Big Concert! Band Brothers (4,800 Yen) [br]Intuitive Stroke (3,800 Yen) [br]Pokemon Dash (4,800 Yen) [br][br]Success [br]Zoo Keeper (price unannounced) [br][br]Sega Kimi no tame nara Shineru (4,800 Yen/tax excluded) [br][br]Electronic Arts [br]The Urbz: Sims in the City (4,800 Yen/tax excluded) [br][br]Namco [br]Mr.Driller DS (4,800 Yen/tax excluded) [br][br]Spike [br]Kenshuu-i Tendou Dokuta (4,800 Yen/tax excluded) [br][br]Koei [br]Mahjong Taikai (price unannounced) [br][br]Aruze[br]Zunou ni Ase Kaku ("Make Your Brain Sweat") Game Series Vol.1: Cool 104 Joker & Setline (price unannounced) [br][br]The additional two titles confirmed for release before the end of the year are: [br][br]Sega [br]Puyo Puyo Fever (12/24, 4,800 Yen) [br][br]Konami [br]Tennis no Ouji-sama 2005 Crystal Drive (December, 4,800 Yen) [br][br]New titles that were added to the DS lineup in Japan are below. GameSpot will have more information on many of these titles today and in the weeks to come. [br][br]Activision: [br]Spider-Man 2 [br][br]Atari Japan: [br]Atari Classics [br][br]Ertain: [br]Monster Summoner (tentative title) [br][br]Arika: [br]Animetic RPG [br][br]Aruze: [br]Zunou ni Ase Kaku game series Vol.2 (tentative title) [br]Unnamed Action RPG [br]Meikyuu ("Labyrinth" in English, tentative title) [br][br]Alpha Unit: [br]Unnamed Action Game [br][br]Interactive Brains: [br]Toy Heads World [br]Deep Labyrinth [br][br]MTO: [br]Kawaii Koinu ("Cute Puppy" in English) DS (tentative title) [br]Ochaken DS (tentative title) [br][br]Electronic Arts: [br]GoldenEye (tentative title) [br]Need for Speed Underground (tentative title) [br][br]Kids Station: [br]Sentou-in Yamada Hajime 2 (tentative title) [br]Unnamed Card Battle Game [br]Unnamed Detective Adventure Game [br][br]Konami: [br]Tennis no Ouji-sama 2005 Crystal Drive [br][br]Success: [br]Guruguru Nugget (tentative title) [br][br]Square Enix: [br]Final Fantasy III [br][br]Starfish: [br]Super Black Bass: Dynamic Shot [br][br]Spike: [br]Rally DS (tentative title) [br][br]Sega: [br]Unnamed TV character action Game [br]Unnamed multi-battle sports action Game [br][br]D3 Publisher: [br]Simple DS series [br][br]Tomy: [br]Unnamed New RPG [br][br]Now Production: [br]Unnamed Action Game [br][br]Hudson: [br]Momotetsu World (tentative title) [br]Action RPG [br][br]Nintendo: [br]Big Concert! Band Brothers (Jam With The Band in the US) [br]Intuitive Stroke (One-Line Puzzle in the US) [br]Pokémon Dash [br]Balloon Trip (tentative title, "Yoshi's Touch And Go" in the US) [br]Another (tentative title) [br]Yakuman (tentative title) [br]Advance Wars (tentative title) [br]Magical Vacation 2 (tentative title) [br]Project JSS (tentative title) [br]Pokémon Diamond [br]Pokémon Pearl [br][br]Bandai: [br]Guruguru Omiseya-san Gokko (tentative title) [br]Keroro Gunsou (tentative title) [br]KeroKero King (tentative title) [br]SD Gundam Simulation (tentative title) [br]Mahou Touch (tentative title) [br][br]Banpresto: [br]Super Robot Taisen (tentative title) [br][br]Marvelous Interactive: [br]Luna (tentative title) [br][br]Megacyber: [br]Londonian Gothics: Meikyuu no Lolita [br][br]Previously Announced titles: [br][br]Idea Factory: [br]Spectral Force (tentative title) [br][br]Aki: [br]Mikke! (I Spy, tentative title) [br][br][br]Atlus: [br]Jinsei Game DS (tentative title) [br]Shin Megami Tensei DS [br]Snowboards Kids DS (tentative title) [br]Caduceus (tentative title) [br]Choro-Q DS (tentative title) [br][br]Aruze: [br]Zunou ni Ase Kaku game series Vol.1: Cool 104 Joker & Setline (tentative title) [br][br]Epoch: [br]Unnamed Action Game [br][br]MTO: [br]GT-D: Racing (tentative title) [br]Minna no Mahjong: Kenkou Mahjong (tentative title) [br][br]Electronic Arts: [br]The Urbz: Sims in the City [br][br]Capcom: [br]Megaman Battle Network series [br]Viewtiful Joe series [br]Gyakuten Saiban series (aka Reversal of Judgment) [br][br]Game Arts: [br]Unnamed New RPG [br][br]Genki: [br]Kebukawa Tantei Jiken-bo (tentative title) [br]Living High Killing Low (tentative title) [br]Kaidou Racing Battle (tentative title) [br][br]Koei: [br]Dynasty Warriors (tentative title) [br]Unnamed Historical Simulation Game [br]Mahjong Taikai [br][br]Konami: [br]Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour [br]Ganbare Goemon (tentative title) [br]Survival Kids (tentative title) [br]Vandal Hearts (tentative title) [br][br]Konami Computer Entertainment Japan: [br]Boktai (tentative title) [br][br]Konami Computer Entertainment Studio: [br]Powerful Pro-Baseball series (tentative title) [br][br]Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo: [br]Castlevania (tentative title) [br]Winning Eleven series (tentative title) [br][br]Success: [br]Zoo Keeper [br][br]Sammy: [br]Jissen Pachi-slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto No Ken (Fist of the North Star) [br][br]Sunrise Interactive: [br]Unnamed Simulation Game [br][br]Jamsworks: [br]Unnamed New Board Game [br][br]Square Enix: [br]Egg Monster Heroes [br]New Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles title [br]New Dragon Quest Monsters title [br]New Seiken Densetsu title [br]New Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest title [br][br]Spike: [br]Kenshuu-i Tendou Dokuta [br][br]Sega: [br]Sonic DS (tentative title) [br]Kimi no Tame nara Shineru [br]Puyo Puyo Fever [br][br]Taito: [br]Rakugaki Oukoku series [br]Bubble Bobble series [br][br]Chunsoft: [br]Fushigi no Dungeon (tentative title) [br][br]D3 Publisher: [br]Unnamed Action Game [br][br]Tecmo: [br]Monster Farm Jamboree [br]Unnamed Game by Team Ninja [br][br]Tomy: [br]Naruto (tentative title) [br]Zoids (tentative title) [br][br]Namco: [br]Mr. Driller DS (tentative title) [br]New Unnamed RPG [br]Pac-Pix (tentative title) [br]Pac 'n Roll (tentative title) [br][br]Hudson: [br]Bomberman [br]Far East of Eden series [br][br]Nintendo: [br]Super Mario 64 DS [br]Metroid Prime: Hunters [br]WarioWare Inc. DS [br]Mario Kart DS (tentative title) [br]Animal Crossing DS (tentative title) [br]Super Mario Brothers DS (tentative title) [br]Nintendogs (tentative title) [br][br]Bandai: [br]Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (tentative title) [br]One Piece (tentative title) [br]Meteors [br][br]Banpresto: [br]Dragonball Z [br][br]VU Games: [br]Robots (tentative title) [br][br]Marvelous Interactive: [br]Urusei Yatsura [br]Harvest Moon for DS (tentative title) [br]Legend of the River King series [br]Unnamed Original RPG [br][br]Yuke's: [br]Unnamed Sports Game [br][br]Rocket Company: [br]Doubutsu-jima no Chobi Gurumi 3 (tentative title)
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October 8th, 2004, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo said yesterday that they expect to have just one million DS units available in the US before Christmas. Given the hype and timing for the new dual-screen handheld, we fully expect to see some big-time shortages, mom-on-mom catfights, and millions of disappointed kids come December 25th. Saying that a shortage can be a good thing, senior vice president of Nintendo George Harrison thinks that the “Cabbage Patch Doll syndrome” laced with “consumer interest and fury” is good for business. We’ll be revisiting this in the coming weeks just to see how much the things are going for on eBay as the buy-my-kid-whatever-the-heck-he-wants season approaches.[br]
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October 8th, 2004, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
While Nintendo's Gamer's Summit marks the debut of the software for Nintendo's upcoming DS hardware. The summit is also the debut of the latest iteration of the hardware, following its debut at this year's E3 wherein the unit looked tubby and brick-like. While the systems Nintendo is showing here in Seattle still aren't the final design, they are pretty close to the unit that will hit next month when the system sees a wide release in the US on November 21. We had the chance to scrutinize the unit as we played the broad array of software on display for it. [br][br][br]There have been a number of tweaks made to the machine since its E3 unveiling that have given the machine a far less clunky appearance. The slimmer, trimmer DS is now closer to the look of a PDA although it's still a little too thick to pass for one. The system's cartridge port for DS games is at the top of the unit along the spine. Although it was said at E3 that the cartridges were expected to be smaller than standard GBA carts, the final media used in the DS is closer to the size of the SD media used for digital cameras and other similar portable devices, though they're a little broader and longer. This is ultimately for the better as, considering how easy it is to actually lose an SD card, the extra heft to the cartridges should make them a little tougher to misplace. Nintendo is officially referring to them as game cards. [br][br]The secondary cartridge slot for Game Boy Advance games is on the front of the unit. The buttons and switches on the unit are all discreetly laid out on the system. The power button is now on the left side of the unit near the d-pad while the select and start buttons are on the right next to the four face buttons. The machine has two shoulder buttons as well, which are on the top of the unit, bookending the cartridge slot. The stylus will slip into the body of the unit from along the spine with the small pointer fitting into the system and remaining flush with it, making it a little tough to pull out. Beyond those major elements, on the body of the unit are the expected power port and volume slider. Unlike the GBA, the unit we've seen will not have a button to turn off the light on the dual screens if needed to conserve battery life. To be fair, the screen lighting is adjustable from the options menus in many of the games on hand. [br][br]Speaking of the screens, the DS' two lit screens are well done and offer good image quality. Seeing the action on them can get a little tricky, though, depending on the angle you're holding the system at and how many of your hands are in use. The clamshell design makes it possible to adjust your viewing angle depending on the situation, which is helpful, but also potentially troublesome as the hinges on the units Nintendo is displaying are a little loose when opened. When you power up the system you'll be rewarded by a zippy boot sequence that's simple and along the same lines as the GBA's, although with a new logo and sound effect. Games come up pretty quickly after you get through the welcome screen and set some personal information to tie the unit to you and your geographical region. Overall, we're pretty pleased by the look of this near final incarnation of the hardware. We'll admit to not being huge fans of the stylus which seems to be made for the very small-handed people. However, the system is loaded up on features and has an attractive price point that's hard to turn away. [br][br]Now as far as how this version of the DS stacks up to our time with work-in-progress versions of the PSP, we'll start out by saying that, in many ways, we're talking apples and oranges here. The DS is definitely a game system whereas the PSP is being poised to do quite a bit more. Obviously one of the biggest sticking points is battery life and, while the DS has announced a life similar to the GBA SP, Sony's been pretty mum on PSP specifics. All manner of speculation emerged from Japan post-Tokyo Game Show that has clocked the PSP battery life at a variety of low-end lengths of time, which is something Nintendo has gleefully taken the PSP to task on publicly. From a design perspective, both units have a pretty comfy fit although there a few DS games that made it difficult to hold the unit and use the stylus at the same time. As far as weight goes, the non-final DS units feel pretty light. [br][br]As far as performance goes, there are just a handful of titles that are poised to be top tier on the DS this year. The basic level of quality in the games we've seen bodes well for the future of the software library. More importantly, the experimental feel of several of the titles will be an interesting sell to consumers. But even though some of the games might not be universally appealing, the launch line up also has its mainstream anchors that should please anyone once they get going. We've been surprised but cautiously optimistic over how the DS and PSP are going to be welcomed and we think they'll both garner their fair share of attention leading up to and following their launch. Since neither of the units we've seen have been the 100 percent final designs we have to say that it's not possible to throw a final declaration on either. Ultimately, the DS hardware is a solid looking platform from a feature set perspective.
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October 9th, 2004, 10:51 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have posted a massive update of news, screenshots and much more, heres a taster of that news:[br][br] Now let’s continue with the summary of the latest happenings around the Nintendo DS, mostly gathered at this weeks "Preview" press conference in Tokyo:[br][br]Games Downloads[br][br]When analysts reported last month that the Nintendo DS would support voice-over-IP functionality, we thought we'd heard the last secret of the Nintendo DS hardware. But this week at the press conference in Tokyo, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that the machine can download game data wirelessly, then play it back. [br][br]Game Sharing[br][br]"The DS's wireless connection isn't just a substitute for the link cable that was used on the Game Boy for multiplayer games. The DS has wireless download capability, which allows it to receive a program and to execute it. With it, people can play games together using only one cartridge," commented Iwata, citing as one example Super Mario 64 DS' four-player, one-cartridge simultaneous gameplay. [br][br]Go To (Japanese) Movies And Get Pokémon and Maps Beamed To Your DS[br][br]"On a related subject, we're planning to try integrating the DS with movie theaters. By using the system's wireless functionality, users that bring their DS and GBA Pokémon cartridge to designated theaters will be able to download game data that will be distributed during certain scenes of next summer's Pokémon movie. In one scene where the main characters meet a new Pokémon, that character's data will be sent to their cartridges. This will be the first time such a distribution scheme has been used anywhere in the world." [br][br]Check out all the great screenshots at Lik Sang
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October 9th, 2004, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has once again updated Snes Advance the Snes Emulator for the Game Boy Advance, heres whats new:[br][br] ADC & SBC now supports decimal mode. (Knights of the Round) [br]NES style joystick reading works. (Starwars games) [br]Rendering doesn't trash the stack. (Super Turrican) [br]Some more registers emulated. [br][br]Somebody drop this in the Superdat please. [br]D63ED5F8
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October 11th, 2004, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America's charismatic VP of sales and marketing Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that the company is aiming to launch its next home console in the same timeframe as Sony's PS3, and attacked Microsoft's "rush" to the next generation.[br][br]"Our focus is this: we will bring Revolution to the marketplace roughly at the same time as the competition," Fils-Aime told US website IGN. "We are driving our timetables based on what we believe Sony will do." [br][br]While Nintendo may be watching Sony to work out when to jump on the next generation, the company is less sold on Microsoft's approach. "Not that I want to ignore the Xbox," Fils-Aime qualified, "but certainly we believe that a rush to a new system is a mistake."[br][br]This is the second time in recent months that a senior Nintendo executive has attacked Microsoft's seeming haste in moving to a next-generation platform - speaking at the ELSPA Game Summit in London last June, former Nintendo Europe boss David Gosen said that "in every cycle, some manufacturer not profiting from the current cycle is eager to kick-start the next one," and suggested that profitability was not Microsoft's "key motivation" with the Xbox.[br][br]Fils-Aime also confirmed that the forthcoming Nintendo DS handheld could potentially be used to link up with the GameCube console, and will almost certainly boast link features with the Revolution platform. [br][br]"Could there be interactivity with GameCube?" he said. "Potentially. Depends on the software and accessories needed from a GameCube perspective. But it's certainly possible. Could there be interaction with the Revolution? Certainly possible. Certainly capable."
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October 11th, 2004, 14:24 Posted By: XTREEMMAK
What are some games that you would like to see on DS? For starters:
I would like to see
*Zelda 64
*Kirby 64
*Mischief Makers
*Super Smash Bros
*Super Smash Bros Melee
Those are the only few that I can think of at the moment
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October 11th, 2004, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba the uncrowned king of emulation for the GBA has released another version of Snes Advance the Super Nintendo emulator for the Game Boy Advance, heres whats new:[br][br]Fixed reading from Vram.[br][br]Download from Here [br][br]Small Note Flubba will only be increasing the date on any new releases not the version number.
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October 12th, 2004, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
A new Pokémon game is not only in development, but heading straight onto Nintendo new handheld, the DS, according to unconfirmed rumours heading west from the land of the rising sun.[br]The game, which is apparently entitled Mysterious Dungeon: Pokémon World - Pikachu's Great Adventure, is a new title to emerge from Chun Soft's Mysterious Dungeon series. Although there's no details at present, our informed guess is that hey it might involve Pikachu, there's going to be a mysterious dungeon or two thrown in there and possibly even ample helpings of a big adventure..[br][br]Although we have to stress the title is currently unconfirmed, if true, Mysterious Dungeon would join Pokémon Dash, Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Diamond, which are also heading to an increasingly impressive Pokey line-up for Nintendo's new machine. [br][br]More on this one as it develops.
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October 13th, 2004, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of the Game Boy Advance emulator for windows, heres whats new:[br][br]2004-10-13[br]CPU: Carry output from the shifter should now be latched properly for ALU operations[br]CPU: Fixed a bug in Thumb ADD/SUB Rn/#Offset3[br]CPU: Added SWP instructions[br]CPU: Fixed flag updates for MUL instructions[br]GPU: Added optional OpenGL rendering[br]MMU: Fixed reads from scrolling registers[br]GUI: Fixed a bug that would cause the entire program to freeze after a certain number of cpu cycles had been emulated[br][br]Download Here
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October 13th, 2004, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba the busiest coder in the Gameboy Advance scene has released a new version of his continuation of what started out as Loopys Snes emulator for the GBA, heres whats new in this latest release:[br][br]2004-10-13 (FluBBa)[br] Correctly turn off backgrounds when it should.[br][br]Download the release for yourself from Here
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October 16th, 2004, 13:49 Posted By: wraggster
The Gameboy Advance emulator for Windows has been updated once more, heres whats new:[br][br] CPU: Now switching to ARM mode before calling the System ROM IRQ handler[br]CPU: Fixed carry input for SBC/RSC instructions[br]CPU: Fixed a few LDRH/STRH instructions and added some missing ones[br]CPU: Fixed Thumb LSR/ASR[br]CPU: Fixed Thumb ADD SP,#imm[br]CPU: Added UMLAL/SMLAL[br]CPU: Added SWI (only a few functions are supported)[br]GPU: Added rotation/scaling on BGs in mode 1 and 2[br]GPU: Fixed BG2 rotation/scaling in mode 4 and 5[br]GPU: Fixed some color errors when the OpenGL renderer is used[br]MMU: Added support for DMA on hblank/vblank[br]MMU: The DMA enable flag is now reset after non-repeating transfers[br]MMU: All keys are now emulated (D-pad, start, select, A, B, L, R) [br][br]Download Gebea Here
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October 17th, 2004, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Today sees the release of one of the best Game Boy Advance emulators for windows, heres whats new:[br][br] Fixed bug in Mode 4. [br]Fixed some bugs SemiTransparent OAM. [br]Fixed bugs in GameShark codes manager. [br]Fixed bug in audio channels 1 and 2 emulation. [br]Add some GameShark codes (type 04,05,06). [br]Add Reset button key configuration panel. [br]Add new Video Plugin, TFT Display. [br][br]Download a copy from Here
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October 18th, 2004, 09:52 Posted By: kit786
Finally the news I've ( along with many others) have been waiting for................
The DS will be REGION FREE ;D , but not only that, wireless functionality will also be completely region free- so this means US/JAP/EUR, etc machines can all talk together. Great news definatly gonna pre-order a US machine now 
source of info:http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=7814
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October 20th, 2004, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the Game Boy Advance, heres whats new:[br][br]Fixed Mode7 intro in Actraiser. [br][br]Added fade register. [br][br]Added some alpha blending (in source). [br][br]Added support for different sized SRAM. [br][br]Download from Here
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October 21st, 2004, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
No News for a while but heres an update from the Gamecube Linux Site:[br][br]Latest kernel build updated to 2.6.9 This latest release includes also new kexec functionality to load homebrew DOLs and a customized Linux logo.[br][br]http://www.gc-linux.org/
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October 22nd, 2004, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Gaming fans and especially Nintendo 64 fans will love this news from Lik Sang [br][br] After month of silence around Nintendo’s iQue, here is the long awaited iQue Update with some exciting news about the console. This will make iQue owners but also N64 veterans very happy as it's finally getting interesting.[br][br]Nintendo recently didn't only announce Sin and Punishment for the iQue (which is available at iQue Depots since a couple of days), they will finally ship the iQue USB Cable. The magic accessory allows downloading new games, updating the iQue through the Internet, online play of iQue ported N64 titles and to communicate with other iQue owners. The cable is supposed to be available within two weeks.[br][br]Whether this development gives us an outlook how the NDS online functions are supposed to work or if this development is completely separate from other Nintendo (of Japan) developments, and if the online multiplayer modes are already built in into the previously published titles such as Mario Kart, remains unanswered at iQue Limited. [br][br][br]Online Enable your iQue[br][br]Before you will be able to use the relatively inexpensive iQue USB cable, you will have to enable your Flash Cartridge for the online mode (officially called "iQue@Home"). Lik Sang has been told by the iQue distributor that games can be purchased by buying the usual "game voucher" you would normally use in-store with the iQue Depot. By entering the code online, you can download instead. Over the internet you will also be able to maintain a list of the games that you currently own. If your flash card is full, just “store” some of them on iQue@Home to free up some flash memory (just as you could with iQue Depot in-store). Lik Sang will try the best to prepare proper English usage instructions once the service opens and the cable is available. [br]What is the iQue Player and how does it work?[br][br]The iQue Player is Nintendo's controller-style console that was released in China at November 21, 2003. The console connects directly to the TV and is based on N64 hardware in form of Nano-Technology in a single chip containing CPU, Graphic Engine, GPU and so on (this is called System on Chip, SoC).[br][br]Games for the iQue Player are not available the traditional way, they have to be downloaded to a 64 Mega Byte Flash Cartridge that is included with the system. In order to download games, you had to use one of Nintendo's iQue Depots (KIOSK) in one of China's supermarkets. For people not living in China, Lik Sang is offering pre-programmed Flash Cards with all games. [br][br]Those wanting more inforamtion should head over to Lik Sang to read more and see the screenshots too.
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October 22nd, 2004, 09:52 Posted By: wraggster
First up is Crush, which seems to be taking a leaf out of Sega's Feel The Magic book by bringing dating to the DS. You can choose to play as a boy or girl as you embark on the "ultimate dating quest" and "enjoy the freedom to say and try anything". From bitter personal experience probably best not to say, "you're sexier than my girlfriend," then try and grope a stranger's bottom. On a train. At rush hour.[br][br]Crush promises witty humour that really "captures the essence of teen entertainment." Does this apparent proliferation of dating games say something about DS's intended target audience? Do they expect loveless losers with no social skills to be their mass market?[br][br]Or is it racing game fans? Asphalt Urban GT is a rather tasty looking racer featuring over 20 licensed cars from Lamborghini, Jaguar, Hummer, VW and Audi and eight tracks through real world locations. Full tuning and bodywork modding options are promised and the second screen is used both for fancy camera angles and to keep an eye on your rear bumper.[br][br]And finally we've got Rayman DS. The floaty freak will bounce around 45 levels all rendered in lovely, gorgeous DS 3D. In this instance the bottom screen will be used for inventories, maps and health bars.[br][br]All three Ubisoft games are due between the DS's US launch and Christmas. One thing's for sure: when the DS launches in the US on November 22, Japan on December 3, and Europe around next March, there'll be no shortage of eclectic games.
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October 22nd, 2004, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS is the third best-selling video game console for the week of October 11-17, Nikkei BP Consulting reports today. Of course, the machine isn't out until December 2 in Japan, but electronics retailers are including preorders for the system in their sales calculations. [br][br][br]First place in this week's chart went to Nintendo's other handheld, the Game Boy Advance SP. The standard PlayStation 2 hardware was ranked at second place, and fourth place was taken by preorders for the upcoming redesigned version of the PS2. The Nintendo GameCube came in at fifth place.
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October 23rd, 2004, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
The UK site called GBAX.com who do a lot for the GBA and GP32 Scenes as well as great reviews and some cool retro stuff have today posted news that they are have the Nintendo Ique in stock at the site.
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October 25th, 2004, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
In exactly four weeks from today the US is going to go DS crazy. As you're probably all too aware, here in Europe we have to wait until sometime next March for DS to hit the shelves, but in the States they get to touch DS on November 22.[br]Just four weeks. Even the Japanese are getting it on December 3. Ah well, it's not all bad - we've got three new DS showreel movies that demonstrate loads of games and how they work with the touchscreen. Sure, that's an old-fashioned DS in the movie, but it's the games that count. Download them, get a biro, sit very close to your monitor and tap it with your pen. See? It's just like the real thing![br][br]If that doesn't keep you going until March you could always pop over to the official DS website and check out two new Japanese TV adverts for the system. You'll get a sneaky glimpse of a few more DS titles and they'll certainly fulfil your quota of Jap craziness for the day.[br][br]On a similar note details are emerging about Nintendo's marketing strategy for the DS in the USA, with the first TV adverts and print promotions about to appear. Apparently Nintendo is shooting for a more 'mature' audience. For 'mature' read 'male, hormonal, American Pie fans', which we can't really argue with. [br][br]Hence the TV ads, which begin airing today, feature a sultry female voice telling you to "touch it" and lads' mag spreads will feature large-chested women holding a DS with the taglines "How to score!" and "start listening to her needs, playa!", both of which make us want to give out high-fives and shout "Wooo-hooo!" Now that's marketing.[br][br]Naturally, Nintendo is playing possum about the sexed-up attitude of the ads. "When you're a kid you're always told you can't touch anything," reckons Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing. "Touching is good. You're grown-up now, so read it how you want."
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October 25th, 2004, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is preparing to take its Chinese iQue console online in November, allowing gamers to buy and download new software using their home PCs instead of using kiosks in supermarkets and other public areas, and opening the door to online gaming.[br][br]The iQue, which integrates the N64's major functions into a slightly bulkier control pad design and plays games downloaded onto Flash cards, launched exclusively in China last year, and its software line-up includes the likes of Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[br][br]The new online upgrade - in the shape of a special USB cable - will allow Chinese gamers to connect iQue to their PCs and access the iQue@Home service over the Internet, which will allow them to download games and store old software on a remote server in order to free up space on the console's Flash card.[br][br]The USB Cable Upgrade will retail for $20 according to specialist Lik-Sang, and will eventually be used for multiplayer gaming as well as access to content - although Nintendo has yet to reveal details of how that might work. iQue users will also be able to communicate with one another using the iQue@Home service.[br][br]Nintendo has previously stated that the iQue console, a joint venture between Nintendo and former Silicon Graphics president Wai Yen, will not be released outside China
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October 26th, 2004, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] Today we received the long-awaited successor to the smash Nintendo 64 hit, Mario Tennis for Gamecube, two days early compared to Japan official release date. All pre-orders are shipping as we speak and new orders are welcome for only US$59.90, eligible for free shipping worldwide. We tested this japanese version with Freeloader and it works a treat on both PAL and US Gamecubes without any flaw.[br][br]The Mushroom Kingdom has hosted tennis tournaments before, but this time even more powerful shots and new, character-specific, power-ups guarantee the craziest matches ever. The wild multiplayer action allows players of all ages to pick up the game and instantly start smashing tennis balls around and yet a deep level of challenge awaits those willing to master it. You will use ever stronger shots with a multitude of spins as you continue to boost your skill points. There are four difficulty levels, three ball speeds and three main modes: Exhibition, Tournament and Special Games. Exhibition mode lets you master the basics of tennis, including mini games like Gimmick Court where you'll struggle to keep your footing on tilting courts, slog through sludge and more. In Tournament, battle your way through eight-character playoffs. Special Games like Terror Tennis or Mecha-Bowser Mayhem offer outrageous fun with an unique twist. Whack balls at ghosts, oh the horror (Luigi must feel the deja vu)![br][br] [br][br]Whether you tend to crowd the net like Luigi or prefer to rely on a baseline game as Mario does, we have the official trailer for you to get into some felt-whacking mood:[br][br]Mario Tennis - Official Japanese Trailer[br][br]You can choose your favorite character from a total pool of 14, where each one sports a particular strength. Peach, Daisy and Shy Guy for example are master technicians, while Waluigi specializes in defense. Wario, Donkey Kong and Bowser rely on brute force (who would've guessed?). Others represent either speed demons or are able to put nasty english on their shots. Mario and Luigi themselves are well-balanced characters, relying on different strategies seems to be the key to success with those. Mario Tennis is most realistic on the Peach Dome's regular, clay and grass courts, then quickly gets very crazy with bizarre courts inspired by Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, Donkey Kong, Bowser's Castle and Wario.
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October 26th, 2004, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
The GameCube and Game Boy Advance will be supported by a UKP 5 million marketing budget in the run up to Christmas, Nintendo UK has revealed, with the firm hoping to continue the sales uplift which has marked much of 2004.[br][br]A hardware bundle for rhythm action title Donkey Konga is set to continue the promotion of the title, which launched on October 15th, and will enjoy a UKP 750,000 marketing spend - including TV advertising and sponsorship of popular TV show Takeshi's Castle.[br][br]The retail bundle will pack in a console, controller, a copy of the game and a set of the DK Bongo controllers for a suggested price of UKP 89, which is only ten pounds more expensive than the standalone price of the console.[br][br]The company has already announced plans for a Mario Kart: Double Dash bundle, which will pack a copy of the game in with the GameCube console at the UKP 79 price point, and a Pokemon Colosseum bundle which will include game and console for UKP 89.[br][br]The next major promotional drive for the Cube will come in late November, with Metroid Prime 2: Echoes set to launch on November 26th supported by a targeted TV campaign, a print advertising campaign and a number of PR initiatives.[br][br]In terms of the Game Boy Advance, the launch of the Limited Pink Edition of the GBA SP this week is being heavily promoted - with celebrity endorsements from major female celebs being used as a key part of the campaign.[br][br]Two hardware bundles are also planned for the GBA SP - a Mario Limited Edition Pak featuring new title Mario vs. Donkey Kong, and a Zelda Limited Edition Pak featuring the new Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap title.[br][br]The firm also plans to continue its UKP 1 million marketing campaign for Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green through to Christmas, with TV and cinema activity planned in the coming months to keep the games in the public eye.[br][br]Although exact details haven't been announced, Nintendo is also expected to put considerable marketing weight behind titles such as Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Tales of Symphonia on Cube, and Super Mario Ball and Final Fantasy I and II: Dawn Of Souls on GBA.
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October 26th, 2004, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
Game publisher Genki has opened a teaser site for its upcoming Nintendo DS detective adventure game. Titled Tantei Kibukawa Ryosuke Jiken Dan (The Incident Files of Detective Ryosuke Kibukawa): The Masquerade Lullaby, the game is based on a popular series that Genki produces for mobile phones in Japan. [br][br]In Masquerade Lullaby, you take the role of shrewd detective Ryokuse Kibukawa. Together with his female assistant Izuna Sagishima and a game scriptwriter friend, you'll be solving a mystery that takes place in a port town in Japan. Further details on the game, including how it'll take advantage of the DS' various features, have not been disclosed yet. [br][br]As with most dialogue-heavy adventure games, the chances that Masquerade Lullaby will be released outside of Japan are slim
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October 26th, 2004, 16:21 Posted By: Johnny_Mike
Sony Computer Entertainment has at last put all forms of speculation (well, most of them, anyway) to rest. Today, the company announced final details on the Japanese launch of the PSP.
It will take place this year, as previously promised. The system will be released to Japan on December 12, 2004. The base system, model number PSP-1000, will retail for 19,800 yen (20,790 yen with tax) and will include the system, AC adapter and battery pack.
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October 26th, 2004, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the GBA/Nintendo DS (to be) emulator has been released, heres what the author posted:[br][br] New version! That's right, DSemu is now at v0.0.1b; it's more an arbitrary change than anything. I have added multiple backgrounds into the Mode0 renderer, commented out some GPU detritus, and added some more ROMs in the archive. Do note however, that multiple backgrounds is currently untested. [br][br]Download Here
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October 27th, 2004, 01:55 Posted By: PowerCat
So are there hopes of having a copier for the games?
I heard something about encryption and unique IDs and stuff.
Will the Nintendo DS support the flash advance cards for GBA?
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October 27th, 2004, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo recently updated their Japanese DS product page with information regarding shipment figures for the launch period. There will be 300,000 systems available on December 2nd. New shipments will be made every week, adding up to over one million shipped in Japan by the end of December. NCL also revealed that an official pre-order initiative is set to begin November 3rd, about one month before launch.
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October 27th, 2004, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo today announced that it will ship a total of 1 million units of the Nintendo DS in Japan before the end of the year, 300,000 of which will be available on the day of the system's launch, December 2. Additional shipments will be made on a weekly basis. [br][br]Nintendo of America confirmed to GameSpot this morning that 2 million units of the DS will be available worldwide by the end of the year, which means that the US will also receive 1 million Nintendo DS systems in 2004. As of press time, NOA had not made any announcements as to how many units will be available on November 21, when the system launches. [br][br]In a conference call last month, NOA's George Harrison told the media that Nintendo plans to ship a total of 4 million DS systems across three territories (Japan, US, and Europe/Australia) by the end of the fiscal year, which ends in March 2005. Harrison did not comment on exactly how many units each territory will receive.
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October 27th, 2004, 20:45 Posted By: karurosu
Hello everyone, this is my first post.
When I found out that I really wanted to buy a DS, I went to the Nintendo site looking for specs, features, etc. but there isnt much info there, so when I found your forum, I decided to participate
I am somewhat related to the GBAdev scene (I am a learning programmer) so pardon me if i mention linkers or flash carts, but I will for the sake of clarity only.
The first thing I noticed was the processors, 1 ARM7 and 1 ARM9, thats good if you dont want to play old GB/GBC games, because, in the GBA there was a Z80 processor in charge of running the GB/GBC games, so firts bad point.
The next thing I noticed was that there will be no Link port, that means that:
1.- I cant load any multiboot games!
2.- Goodbye multi-cart playing
3.- Goodbye to some linkers, and carts. (they are needed for actual game testing) 2nd bad point.
Maybe Nintendo has already thought of something, but still those are some really bad points.
Ok, the Specs of the system are very nice, and better stop complaining, maybe when I have mine in hands...
Anyway, I said all of the above because some nice person stole my GBA and my Flash cart, and I wanted the DS to replace them, but looks like I will have to buy also a GBA. Geez.
Sorry if I bothered anyone, I only thought that this info may come in handy for someone.
See ya.
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October 28th, 2004, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo have revealed their line-up of Cube and GBA titles for early 2005 and they've finally confirmed dates for The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures (7 January), Mario Power Tennis (25 February) and Mario Party 6 (18 March).[br][br]Resident Evil 4 and Viewtiful Joe 2 are also confirmed for March although the So Long In The Making We'd Almost Forgotten About It Killer 7 is down simply for "early 2005". Still, Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly Adventure, eh?[br][br]Those Cube and GBA release schedules in full then:[br][br]Nintendo Gamecube[br]The Legend of Zelda Four Swords (Nintendo) - 7 January 2005[br]Megaman X Command Mission (Capcom) - January 2005[br]Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Nintendo) - 4 February 2005[br]Mario Power Tennis (Nintendo) - 25 February 2005[br]Jimmy Neutron Attack of the Twonkies (THQ) - February 2005[br]Spongebob Squarepants The Movie (THQ) - February 2005[br]TimeSplitters Future Perfect (EA) - 11 March 2005[br]Mario Party 6 (Nintendo) - 18 March 2005[br]Resident Evil 4 (Capcom) - March 2005[br]Viewtiful Joe 2 (Capcom) - March 2005[br]Fairly Odd Parents: Shadow Showdown (THQ) - March 2005[br]Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (THQ) - March 2005[br]Killer 7 (Capcom) - Early 2005[br]Disney's Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly Adventure (Ubi Soft) - Q1 2005[br]Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Ubi Soft) - Q1 2005[br]Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 (Ubi Soft) - Q1 2005[br][br]Game Boy Advance SP[br]NES Classics (Nintendo) - 7 January 2005[br]- Metroid[br]- Zelda II The Adventure of Link[br]- Dr Mario[br]- Castlevania[br]Smashing Drive (ZOO Digital) - 21 January 2005[br]It's Mr Pants (THQ) - January 2005[br]Banjo Pilot (THQ) - February 2005[br]Jimmy Neutron Attack of the Twonkies (THQ) - February 2005[br]Spongebob Squarepants The Movie (THQ) - February 2005[br]Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (Disney/Square Enix) - March 2005[br]Bionicle 2 (THQ/LEGO) - March 2005[br]Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams (THQ) - March 2005[br]Advance Guardian Heroes (Ubi Soft) - Q1 2005[br]Disney's Winnie the Pooh Rumbly Tumbly Adventure (Ubi Soft) - Q1 2005
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October 28th, 2004, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
In April, LucasArts announced a deal with The Collective to develop console games based on Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, the third Star Wars prequel. The games will be released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox next spring. The film hits theaters May 19, 2005. [br][br]Today, LucasArts announced three more games based on Revenge of the Sith for all three handhelds: Sony's PSP and the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. In keeping with its recent strategy of outsourcing development, all three games will be developed by Ubisoft's Montreal studio. They will also ship around the same time the film premieres. [br][br]In a statement, Ubisoft promised that "in its own unique way, each game will immerse players directly into the most compelling and memorable moments of the movie." It also listed several features of the games, including multiple-character control and various force powers. [br][br]For those unfamiliar with Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, the film closes the trilogy of prequels to the original Star Wars films. It chronicles how Chancellor Palpatine (secretly the Sith lord Darth Sidious) uses the clone army created in the second prequel, Attack of the Clones, to eradicate the Jedi and turn the benevolent Galactic Republic into the evil Galactic Empire from the original three films. As is well known by Star Wars fans, dashing young Jedi Anakin Skywalker impregnates his wife, Senator Amidala, before turning evil and becoming the slightly more menacing Darth Vader. Their offspring become Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia from the 1977 Star Wars. [br][br]In the words of Palpatine, GameSpot will be following development all three Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith handheld games "with great interest."
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October 29th, 2004, 21:37 Posted By: NintendoFaithful
Say I were on a plane and wanted to play wireless DS with my friends. Say some PSPers decided to do the same thing. Would there be any interference between the two IEEE connections?
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October 30th, 2004, 08:34 Posted By: NintendoFaithful
I was watching the official gameplyay demonstration on Gamespot for Mario 64, and saw him use a little thubstrap deal which (or was supposed to) functioned like an analog stick. Will that be included with Mario 64?
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October 30th, 2004, 10:42 Posted By: NintendoFaithful
I saw this poll in the Other Topics section, but few interested in PSP or DS go there so im posting a PSP/DS poll in each of the respective forums.
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October 31st, 2004, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Gamecube Linux Site [br][br] KDE run on a GameCube Diffuse/Skaida, in a completely geek driven act, started KDE on his GameCube. Of course, it was not useable and had crappy colors. But he has finally been the first geek in having a GameKube. You can see here how his desktop looked like, and here how would have looked with right colors. His original framebuffer dump (dd if=/dev/fb0 of=./kde.fbdump) is here in case the Guiness Book people need it.
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October 31st, 2004, 11:52 Posted By: Johnny_Mike
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of batteries DS will use. I dunno if I am stupid, or unobservant. I mean what kind as in, an attachable rechargable battery like the psp, or Normal AA or AAA batteries?
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