May 1st, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
You never know if hype will help or hurt a game. If you overdo it, you’ll be in trouble with the fans if you don’t deliver. If you don’t do enough, you risk being missed. Nintendogs has walked a fine line between the two. You’ve probably heard about it, you may even be intrigued by it, but you’re waiting to hear if the delivery is worth 40 bucks.
The buzz is good.
PlanetGameCube is reporting that Japan can’t get enough of Nintendogs. Reviews are glowing. Sales of the game have pushed DS sales up five fold, according to some reports. If true, that’s pretty impressive.
All in all, it looks like the rest of the world will have to look on in envy, or import the thing. This is getting to be a really bad pattern.
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May 1st, 2005, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://membres.lycos.fr/existepas/musk_ds/" target="_blank" >Mollosk</a> has released a rather sweet looking shootem-up for the Nintendo DS called Musk, download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/musk.shtml" target="_blank" >Here.</a>
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May 1st, 2005, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://miqfile.free.fr/" target="_blank" >Miqualke</a> has released a DonKey Konga clone (of the Gamecube Game) for the Nintendo DS, for those that dont know what that is its a music game.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/donkeykonga.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 1st, 2005, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11515" target="_blank" >Beersleep</a> has released a Breakout style game for the Nintendo DS.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/casseBrique.shtml" target="_blank" >Here.</a>
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May 2nd, 2005, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11310" target="_blank" >Beersleep</a> has ported a block moving flash game over to the Nintendo DS.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/carrerouge.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a
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May 2nd, 2005, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11235" target="_blank" >Smealum</a> has coded a Space Invadors type game over to the Nintendo DS.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/earthinvadors.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>
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May 2nd, 2005, 03:28 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11236&st=0">Phantom</a> has made a clone of the old classic game DuckHunt for the Nintendo DS.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/duckhunt.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 2nd, 2005, 03:45 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.playeradvance.org/index.php?showtopic=11403">Ali Banana</a> has made wacky football based game for the Nintendo DS
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/footballjonglage.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 2nd, 2005, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://ideasemu.altervista.org/index.php" target="_blank" >Lino</a> has released a new version of his Nintendo DS emulator for windows, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Fixed some errors in GXFIFO
Added sound capabilities (DSBONGA, AUDIO SAMPLER...)
Fixed some errors in TEXGEN_NORMAL
Fixed some errors in OAMs and added bitmap sprite management
Added default load arm7 binary
Download from above or <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ideas.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>
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May 3rd, 2005, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.success-hk.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=1&A=50&Task=Click" target="_blank" >Success HK</a> have posted news of new stock for the Nintendo DS:
NDS Nintendo DS Jap ver. - Turquoise Blue New Stock.
NDS NIntendo DS Jap ver. - Candy Pink New Stock.
NDS NDS Pac-Pix US ver. New Stock.
Check out the link above for more information.
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May 3rd, 2005, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/gba.html" target="_blank" >FluBBa</a> has released a new version of PocketNes the Nes emulator for the GameBoy Advance that also works on the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player. Heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Updated PocketNES, only some cosmetic changes.
Changed screen position in scaled modes.
Fixed some blending issues in the GUI.
Lot of small changes.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnes.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
Download over 100 Homebrew Nes Roms <a href="http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/nes-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 3rd, 2005, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS aka the GBA`s bigger brother is a great console in its own right but with the right programming talent how far can we see emulation on the Nintendo DS, Will we see a full speed Snes Emulator or maybe a Full Speed Genesis emulator, the Nintendo DS is getting a lot of ports from old Nintendo 64 games but do you think that the DS could emulate the N64?
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May 4th, 2005, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Puzzle games keep arriving for those newfangled handheld wireless game systems. Today, Atlus U.S.A. announced that Puyo Pop Fever has shipped for the Nintendo DS. The game will sell for $29.99 and is rated E for "Everyone."
Puyo Pop Fever is a continuation of Sega's popular puzzle gaming franchise. Gameplay owes a great deal to Dr. Mario, Puzzle Fighter, and Tetris. Players must group like-colored eyeball blobs and compete head-to-head with cartoonish poppers seeking to outdo gamers' color-coordinated combos.
The DS edition of Puyo Pop allows up to eight DS owners to play against each other wirelessly with only one cartridge between them.
Atlus is the American publisher of many Japanese games, such as Stella Deus, Samurai Western, and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.
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May 4th, 2005, 08:18 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/gba.html" target="_blank" >FluBBa</a> has released a new fixed version of PocketNes the Nes emulator for the GameBoy Advance that also works on the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player. Heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>UPDATE: fixed the sound... download again.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnes.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
Download over 100 Homebrew Nes Roms <a href="http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/nes-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 4th, 2005, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Someone has converted the MP3 Player from the Qoob v1.2 BIOS into a DOL file which can now be used with the other Gamecube Modchips including Viper and the softmod software.
Download Below:
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May 4th, 2005, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from the <a href="http://www.thepernproject.com/" target="_blank" >Drunken Coders:</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>The first flash carts designed for the DS are on the way. I should be getting my demo unit soon so standby for a review.
You want a free one? Well you are in luck. They are holding a coding competition with lots of great prizes. Here are some details:
Alright, so as anyone who idles on the forum or in the channel can tell, things are starting to get out of hand with the free NeoFlash offers.
No disrespect to those applying, but a lot of the time a site is a quick hack job, or a DS section with just links (if anything) added. Of course, a handful of the time someones inspired to do some work on a small game or app.
So, to throw things in a different direction, the simple handouts will be ending.. but fear not. There are plenty of prizes to be given away in the first DS-Only coding competition, offered by NeoFlash.
The rules are fairly straight forward, but bound to change.
There will be 2 categories for entries. The first is for homebrew games, the second, for apps. Apps include loaders, emulators, calculatrice, audio players, and whatever else you can think up.
The game division will have ten prizes total. The first 5 coders will get a NeoFlash 1Gb. Second 5 get a 512Mb unit.
edit: Just recieved an offer of 3 PSPs. The top ranking game will have a PSP prize, as will the first and second place application.
The app division only has 5 places, as we're looking for quality apps that might take a bit longer to code than the average small game. The prizes will be 1Gb units.
We are looking for *complete* programs. It's always nice to see a work in progress, but please don't submit anything until it's final. One entry per author please. Also, don't post your work publically. An email address will be given closer to the dead-line for submission. A NeoFlash banner is required before the main program starts. A simple 'touch to continue' is fine Wink
If its obvious that a lot of effort was put into your project, you won't go away empty handed. It seems no one is selling passmes anymore, so a developer can't get far without one.. or in this case, a free magic key!
So please, get on it! You've got through June 15th to complete your program. It should also be mentioned that anyone who has already recieved a free neoflash can still enter, but isn't allowed to recieve another free unit Smiley
The rules are likely to change at any given moment. Refresh like a madman!
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May 4th, 2005, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
For those of you have been waiting for a Ham type library for NDS you may want to check the link bellow. It is French in origin but much effort has gone into making it English friendly including some great documentation...it is currently based on ndslib and seems to be coming along nicely.
Speaking of documentation...if anyone is good with automated library documentation systems (Doxygen or similar) and is sadistic enough to tackle NDSLIB let me know.
Source = http://www.thepernproject.com/
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May 4th, 2005, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
I dont claim to be the worlds biggest linux fan by any stretch but the geek inside of me sure gets a kick out of seeing it running on the DS. As far as i know it is not yet released but for a few betas; though, given the nature of linux I expect a full release with source in the very near future. Good work Pepsiman! And thanks Davr for the screen shots.
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May 4th, 2005, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Miqualke posted this review of the new Nintendo DS Flashcart:
<BLOCKQUOTE>First thing i've done, trying to put battery in the FlashCard. It's a bit hard, but it needs to. losing contact will make loose all gba savegame.
Then i installed the driver kits 0.8a , plug the kit, install drivers and lunch app.
I was wondering why from the moment i installed drivers, the small green ligth disapear on the slim loader ?
but anyway, let's continue, seems normal.
The app see my Neoflash card. w00t \o/ !
So the first thing I tried is my game DSBonga.
I add it without changing anything. Arf, there is a loader. i think i didn't swith to nds type.
So I restart the app in NDS type.
ok let's do it again, DSBonga.
Arf small bug, when I try to burn it. It burned it in a second. too quick i think i refreshed the app and it told me he didn't see the flash card anymore.
ok let's restart the app.
The app doen't want to start, there were only a blank window.
Hum i unplugged USB restart the app, ask Phantom who answer he didn't have any of my problem, well now it seems to work, i plug again USB, a refresh, ok it's work. i retry to add DSBonga, ok fine, now it's a bit longer, it's really burning.
Nice, so let's try,
my firmware flashed DS boot it perfectly without magic key as expected.
Well now let's try something all people are questionning, a rom. I tried Metroids Rom from golden sun team.
let's burn it.
few bugs like before, nothing really important . it burned it pretty fast 160seconds for the 128Mbits.
I boot without magic key. doesn't work. ok
Let's try with Magic Key, with Metroid in it. It worked !!!!
Nice, let's try also the flasme trick A B X Y. It worked.
It's enougth for me. I didn't try save game because i was worry about my save.
Later phantom explain to me how he think it work for savegame. so no need to worry, you can have several save on a card.
Well let's make a brief summry with adds and cons:
-512 to 1024 Mbits !!
-pretty fast !
-Nice Design
-Nice GBA booter
-Boot some commercial game
-The app need to be more reliable
-Savegame system need to be improve. at least some way to backup those.
-Finition need to be improve a few
-No multyboot hombrew rom yet
-Boot some commercial game 
More reviews here --> http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php?board=13.0
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May 5th, 2005, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
This looks amazing and if there was one for sale i for one would snap it up, take a lookie at these pics:
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May 5th, 2005, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
It’s starting to become a habit. The unveiling of pieces of upcoming hardware keeps finding its way to our tips section just as we wrap up a hard day’s work. This time around we get a tantalizing pointer from Cybigamerz. It looks like the next issue of Nintendo Power has an E3 teaser, with Mario unveiling…something. The letters “LIN” and a blue/purple (Dolphin colored?) plastic thing peek out. It could just be a peek at the next Zelda, but it may also be the first glimpse of the next Nintendo console.
Anybody seen the issue yet?
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May 5th, 2005, 20:13 Posted By: brakken
We would like to welcome SoftDev to our new family and would like to make their stay here as confortable as possible.
Until the http://softdev.ngcdev.com domain is fully functional you can download the exclusive Release Candinate 1 of their GBA Emu+ Emulator here on the page
http://www.ngcdev.com for more info and the download for the emu
- brakken
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May 6th, 2005, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
As elder Jedi Yoda would say: "Shipped Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has." The latest game based on the sci-fi phenomenon is now in stores for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance, and DS. LucasArts is publishing the console editions, and French game studio Ubisoft developed and published the portable versions. A mobile version was released last month, and a PSP version is slated to be released later this year. Revenge of the Sith is rated T for Teen and retails for $49.99.
Fans of the Star Wars films who can't wait two weeks for the theatrical release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith will be happy to know the game features almost 12 minutes of footage from the movie and follows the same story. The game's plot will also expand on ideas briefly touched on by the film.
The third-person action game features some minor role-playing elements. Gamers will be able to play as both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and they can get their Jedi on with a broad range of Force powers and lightsaber-swingin' action. As players progress through Revenge of the Sith, they will be able to both strengthen their mystical powers and push opponents with the flick of a wrist, in addition to even being able to shoot lightning from their fingertips.
The single-player campaign features 18 missions set in locations from the movie. Each mission has a set of objectives to complete, and finishing missions will unlock a slew of extras, including bonus missions featuring additional playable characters and special cooperative-based missions that let Anakin and Obi-Wan fight together.
A multiplayer mode lets Jedi duel against one another in arenalike combat. Nine fighters are available, including Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Mace Windu. The combatants will square off in 15 settings, all based on locations from the movie.
Revenge of the Sith for the Xbox and PS2 was developed by The Collective, which previously worked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. The company is now working on the upcoming Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. The development house recently merged with Death Jr. creator Backbone to establish Foundation 9, the largest independent studio in North America.
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May 6th, 2005, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Gaming and virtual reality accessories manufacturer eDimensional has dismissed online rumours that it is in licensing talks with Nintendo with a view to using its patented "stereoscopic 3D technology" in future console systems.
eDimensional currently uses the technology in its Gaming Glasses and VirtualFX TV converter, designed to bring games to life in glorious 3D. You can read more about them - and even buy some, if you're so inclined - on the official eDimensional website.
However, the technology won't be making an appearance in Nintendo's Revolution console, despite reports to that effect in a number of online publications this week.
"Due to the overwhelming number of phone calls and emails inquiring about this we felt the need to acknowledge that eDimensional is in no formal discussion or negotiation with Nintendo regarding our stereoscopic 3D technology," eDimensional CEO Michael Epstein explained.
Rumours that Nintendo is going 3D with its next console, eDimensional and its Gaming Glasses aside, seem likely to persist regardless - and for some time, if it's true that Nintendo won't be showing anything of the Revolution at this year's E3 apart from some rolling in-game footage.
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May 6th, 2005, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Only Nintendo could make a dictionary sound like a porn flick. If this piece is to be believed, The Big N plans to release a dictionary app for the DS in Europe. It will allow you to scroll through the tome with the touch screen. So what are they calling it? Touch Dic, of course.
Please tell us this is a joke.
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May 6th, 2005, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
AheadGames have released this news of the new Snes Joypad and adapter they have released that works with a special version of the Snes emulator for the GBA:
<BLOCKQUOTE>We've received our parts in and our SNES Advance Controllers are now shipping!
We decided to go with a separate adapter and Adapter/Controller so those of you who already have SNES controllers can just use our adapter.
Snes Advance Controller & Adapter: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/9chnj" target="_blank" >Here</a>
Snes Advance Adapter: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/8ftq2" target="_blank" >Here</a>
Right now the only software that this controller works with is the latest version of SNES Advance, however, we are working on a patch program that will let you use the controller on all (or most) GBA software. More to come on that.. </BLOCKQUOTE>
Click the links above for the adapters and download the special version of Snes Advance <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/snesadvance-snespadversion.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 6th, 2005, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/gba.html" target="_blank" >FluBBa</a> has released another fixed version of PocketNes the Nes emulator for the GameBoy Advance that also works on the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy Player. Heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Fixed a small bug in the scaling code, source and binary updated.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnes.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
Download over 100 Homebrew Nes Roms <a href="http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/nes-roms.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 7th, 2005, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
So the hot rumor for the Revolution was that it would include 3D display capabilities. Well, an anonymous former Nintendo employee says that's far from the truth and told the Internet the real deal. The controllers will be wireless and pressure sensitive in a whole new way. "It will be sort of like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," said the source. "You squeeze it and you go faster." Revolution "will also include voice control more advanced than anything seen so far" via wireless headsets. Nintendo will also introduce a free online service supposedly better than Xbox Live. "The only way I can describe it is as an internet service," said the poster. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution's homepage." As for the "revolutionary" aspect of the console? Well, that has to wait until E3.
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May 7th, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Firefly has once again updated his Wireless Multiboot Application with a new beta release, heres the info from this release:
<BLOCKQUOTE>- Added .nds file validation and signature support.
- Fixed access violation in version.dll on Windows 2000.
- Added "name1;name2;name3;." support to the -data parameter, the selected item in "DS Download Play" will be uploaded. The maximum number of entries for "DS Download Play" is 16.</BLOCKQUOTE>
The official homepage is here--> http://users.belgacom.net/bn967347/
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May 7th, 2005, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/davr/birds/" target="_blank" >Davr</a> has released an updated version of his homebrew game for the Nintendo DS, the game now works on real hardware. Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/birds.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 7th, 2005, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/davr/calc/" target="_blank" >Davr</a> has released an updated version of his TI Calculator emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
UPDATE 3: Some cosmetic fixes, adjusted scaling & colors a bit.
UPDATE 2: Sped up the display code quite a bit, separated the ROM from the program code, so I can distribute the program again. You will now need to provide your own TI85 Rom. Read the included README.txt for details.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ticalcemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 7th, 2005, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://l33t.spod.org/ratx/davr/sponge/" target="_blank" >Davr</a> has released an updated version of his platform type game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
UPDATE 2: Works on hardware! Now control with touchscreen.
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/sponge.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 8th, 2005, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://whinecube.emulation64.com/" target="_blank" >Masken</a> has released a new version of his impressive Gamecube Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>This is an interim release, a way to collect all the work I've done since the last release. I want to give a big heap of thanks to all the beta testers, without whose help I could not have done this.
Made several major internal changes.
Improved GP(3D hardware) emulation.
Added rudimentary memcard emulation. It is not yet directly compatible with memcard images formatted on a real Cube.
Added UART output emulation(OSReport).
Added Always on top option.
Download from above or this <a href="http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/whinecube.shtml" target="_blank" >Mirror.</a>
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May 9th, 2005, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Natsuja has updated his special version of the GBA emu for windows, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Version 10 is up.
- fixed an existing buffer overflow bug of GBA mode 0 graphics rendering that was causing crashes
- made the read-only state of a movie remembered after closing the dialog and across sessions
- made the movies directory configurable in Options->Emulator->Directories...
- updated the version info in the about box to include the re-recording version</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download from Gamecube Emulations page <a href="http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/vbarecord.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 9th, 2005, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
DWEdit has updated his Cheatfinder version of PocketNes the Nes emulator that works on the GBA, Nintendo DS and also the Gamecube Gameboy player, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Now there's a Go Multiboot feature, so you can boot up then eject the cartridge!
The multiboot menu (cheatfinder in wrong place) bug was also fixed. Also all sorts of little changes to the code and stuff, some menu stuff was generalized a bit more.
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 9th, 2005, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBA has released another fixed version of PocketNes the Nes emulator that works on the GBA, Nintendo DS and also the Gamecube Gameboy player, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Oh and I fixed the interrupt on Mapper5 and updated pnes again. </BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnes.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 9th, 2005, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Revolution's controllers will feature pressure sensitive pads and offer gamers a free online service, according to the latest rumours spilling off the internet.
These speculative nuggets come courtesy of an anonymous ex-Nintendo employee now working on Revolution games for a third-party developer. If that doesn't make you want to grab for a pinch of salt straight away, the rumours surfaced not on an official news source but on the forums of E-mpire.com (also home to the insightful 'Are high heels attractive?' thread).
Nonetheless, the self-proclaimed expert assertively rubbishes rumours that the Revolution will use 3D projection technology before dropping the pressure sensitive bomb. "It will be like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," he says. "You squeeze it to go faster."
Right - you're thinking 'but surely the analogue controls on current-gen controllers do that?'
And you'd be right. But we assume the source means that the whole controller - or at least the body of the controller - will be pressure sensitive. So the harder you grip it, the faster your car goes or the harder you punch.
The source also spoke of the controller being wireless, which seems to be a given for all three next-gen consoles. Voice control will also apparently be a big part of Revolution, with wireless headsets apparently offering game interaction "more advanced than anything seen so far."
Next? How about an online service that will allow Revolution owners to play games and access information for free? "The only way I can describe it is as an internet service," said the source. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download. A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system, and you will be able to access it on the Revolution's homepage."
A Nintendo Online service is expected to be unveiled at E3 next week, so this rumour could hold much more truth than the others.
The source then went on to say that Nintendo has seven Revolution games in development and that Activision, EA, Namco, Sega, Capcom and Zoonami are also working on titles.
But when talk turns to the Revolution's fabled revolution, the source suddenly clams up. "I'm not going to tell you the revolutionary aspect of the system. Nintendo has some cool pre E3 plans for that."
Unsurprisingly, Nintendo didn't have much to say. "Nintendo does not comment on rumour and speculation," we were told by a spokesperson. However, it was clearly suggested that no pre-E3 announcements would be made as they would only lessen the impact of Nintendo's conference next Tuesday.
We'll be in the conferences and on the showfloor at E3 bringing you all the latest on Revolution.
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May 9th, 2005, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
According to the forum postings of a supposedly anonymous ex-Nintendo employee who's known to be working on Revolution games at a third-party developer, Nintendo's new Revolution console will feature pressure sensitive 'squeezy' joypads and offer gamers a free online gaming service.
While the rants of self-proclaimed, anonymous industry insiders are to generally be taken with a pinch of salt, his claims do seem to correspond with recent mutterings regarding the console.
"It will be like controlling a game with one of those stress balls," he claimed. "You squeeze it to go faster."
While analogue triggers, such as those featured on Dreamcast and Xbox pads, already boast a certain degree of 'squeezability', what this forum fellow is saying is that the entire body of the controller will be 'squishy' to some degree.
According to the source, the controller will also be wireless, which seems likely to be the future for each of the next-gen console's controllers, while voice control will also play a key part in Revolution's interface.
The source also went on to describe the free online service Nintendo will provide. "The only way I can describe it is as an internet service," he said. "Imagine turning it on and checking your mail on the system. You see previews and demos of DS and Revolution games that you can download.
"A magazine similar to Nintendo Power will be exclusive to the system and you will be able to access it on the Revolution's homepage."
Finally, Activision, Electronic Arts, Namco, Sega, Capcom and Zoonami are all reported to currently be working on titles for the machine.
And that's it for now. Unlike Microsoft, Nintendo is keeping its cards very close to its chest, not wanting anything to leak prior to its pre-E3 press event, which takes place on 17 May.
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May 9th, 2005, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Davr has updated his TI Calc Emu, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>Now supports 82, 83, 85, and 86 Calculators. However, Input is broken on 82, 83 doesn't even boot right now. And 85 & 86 are basically the same, except 85 is a little faster.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ticalcemu.shtml" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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May 10th, 2005, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Giant animals stomping around on a handheld screen? Seems almost ironic doesn't it? But then again size never stopped Donkey Kong looking like a right terrifying bugger when he launched on those dual LCD screens all those years ago. And now it seems that the Nintendo DS is looking for big piles...sorry, small piles of animal poop.
In development for early next year, Majesco and developer Full Fat are currently busying themselves on a DS 'port' of Lionhead's legendary sim Black & White, to be subtitled 'Creatures'.
According to reports, the game will follow the premise of Peter Molyneux's original PC creation, with players assuming the role of a god, whose primary role is to command a big, giant beast.
However, you can also expect a number of major changes integrated into the mix. First up is the touch-screen stylus control, that reportedly allows you to not only train your pet but physically slap him whenever he's been a naughty boy. The microphone will also apparently play a role, providing further opportunities to scream abuse at your poor, maligned creature.
As for gaming features, Majesco is promising eight entirely new islands, plus 10 different animal breeds, some of which will be entirely new to the series. There will also be several extra game modes including Creature Quest, Creature Pen and the multiplayer Creature Battle, designed to make full use of the DS' wireless capabilities.
So if not-so-giant animals are your thing, Black & White Creatures could well be worth pencilling in your diaries. Expect more details and screens soon.
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May 10th, 2005, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
Saturo Iwata's latest revelations are so juicy you could positively squeeze them into a glass and down them with your morning cornflakes.
Speaking to Japanese website Game Watch, the Nintendo President said that its DS handheld would be compatible with the Nintendo 'Revoloution' via its Wi-Fi technology. He also revealed that Nintendo would not be charging users for the Wi-Fi service, and that no extra hardware or software would be required.
The only minor stipulation for gamers is that third-parties will be entitled to charge for their products if they so wish, which could include such stuff as downloadable game content or competitive online shenanigans.
Iwata-san also said that his company has planned 1,000 free Wi-Fi hotspots across Japan, catering for those who currently don't have Internet connection at home. However, it was pointed out that home users would have to make simple adjustments to use the service, with a potential router device to keep any fuss at an absolute minimum.
So, there you go, all sounding very positive for Nintendo users desperate to join the online gang. No official launch date for the service in Japan has yet to be confirmed (rumours suggest towards the end of the year), although some form of E3 announcement is expected.
As the cliché goes, watch this space...
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May 10th, 2005, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.divineo.com/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=" target="_blank" >Divineo USA</a> have posted news that they have the replacement Gamecube Cases with lids that can take full size dvdrs
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May 10th, 2005, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Wouldn’t you know it, Nintendo’s finally announced their plans to bring the DS to the wonderful world of the Internet. We’re not entirely sure how “broken” the WiFi is on the Nintendo DS as is, but perhaps partly due to buckling under the pressure of the PSP’s online gameplay features and partly due to, you know, listening to customers, Ninny got IGN to build a gaming network for their first wireless online-enabled title, Animal Crossing DS (due November).
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May 10th, 2005, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Not long after Iwata's discussion on new hardware WiFi connectivity, IGN announces that the Nintendo DS is going to utilize their GameSpy network to connect online gamers, and without any fees." From the article: "The service will be utilized by software developers in several Nintendo DS titles, including Animal Crossing DS which was revealed at the Game Developers Conference in March. Players will have the ability to choose to play with friends or strangers anywhere in the world, as long as both systems have access to a Wi-Fi hotspot. Nintendo will reveal other online-capable Nintendo DS titles in the coming weeks
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May 10th, 2005, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo President Iwata further discussed the realities of the DS wireless initiative, Gamasutra reports. At the press conference he also revealed that, indeed, the next-generation console will utilize a wireless link-up to connect to the DS. From the article: "One particularly interesting piece of news is that, though Nintendo will not charge for the new online service, other publishers will be able to with relation to particular software titles - an option that is likely to please third-party publishers who may want to launch more complex online-capable RPG games or other information-retrieval services and then charge a monthly fee for them. Iwata makes it clear that any charges will be obviously signposted, however
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May 10th, 2005, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has unveiled new plans for the DS's Wi-Fi capability, confirming that the handheld will connect wirelessly to the next-gen Revolution console.
Speaking to Japanese website Game Watch, Iwata announced that 1000 new Wi-Fi hot spots are being set up across Japan to support the new DS online service.
The service will be free to use, and DS owners will not be required to purchase any extra hardware. Nor will there be any need to adjust software configurations or enter a user ID and password to connect.
However, those who want to go online at home will need to adjust their settings - but Iwata says this won't be too tricky, especially if a router approved by Nintendo is used.
He went on to confirm that the DS will be able to communicate wirelessly with the Nintendo Revolution, but did not reveal details of how this will benefit users.
Although Nintendo will not charge a fee to use the online service, third-party publishers will have the option to do so for certain games - so there could be monthly subscriptions for online RPGs, or a charge for downloading additional content.
There's no word yet on a launch date for the online service, but Iwata has previously suggested that it will go live by the end of the year. An official announcement is expected at Nintendo's pre-E3 conference on May 17.
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May 10th, 2005, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese giant Nintendo is set to focus strongly on the handheld market at E3, with a new revision of the GBA hardware and the unveiling of the DS online service set to take centre stage while Revolution is consigned to a video presentation.
Although Nintendo has pledged to show off something of its plans for the highly-anticipated next-generation platform at the expo, it has remained coy about exactly how much will be on display - and now sources close to the company have revealed that no Revolution hardware or specs will be discussed, with the console appearing only as a video of next-gen footage.
Instead, the focus of Nintendo's conference will be on the handheld market - with the rumoured new version of the Game Boy Advance hardware set to make an appearance for the first time, along with the first demonstration of the Nintendo DS' Wi-Fi powered online functionality.
The new GBA, however, is categorically not the "GBA2", Nintendo's genuine next-generation handheld console. The system is expected to be an update to the existing GBA hardware, perhaps sporting built-in wireless networking and the Play-Yan adapter for playing downloadable games and videos, both of which have up until now been separate components.
The Nintendo DS online service, meanwhile, was first mentioned by Satoru Iwata in his presentation at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco earlier this spring, and is expected to roll out later in the year. Revolution, which is also confirmed to have wireless networking components, is likely to use a variant on the same system.
Although the decision to hold back on unveiling Revolution at the show will undoubtedly disappoint many, Nintendo is undoubtedly aware that it would be fighting for attention with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, both of which are due to be demonstrated for the first time during E3 week.
Of course, it's not that Nintendo will have nothing to show off in terms of home consoles - as the new Legend of Zelda game, for example, will be playable for the first time at the show.
Nintendo's conference takes place on the morning of Tuesday, May 17th - Pacific Standard Time, of course, so expect the first reports to start emerging at about six o' clock in the evening, British time.
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May 10th, 2005, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
game has been sent in by William from the Puzzle Dungeon Advance Group:
My group has just finished our year long game project.
It's a puzzle game with 100 levels, and its a lot of fun.
Our website is: http://www.puzzledungeon.com/
The game has been tested on the real GBA hardware, and plays extremely well. It is very addictive, and has cool music and a polished feel to the graphics and interface. Well worth a try 
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May 11th, 2005, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Less than a week after an MTV listing revealed that the Xbox 360 will ship in November, another outside party has apparently pegged the release window of a rival next-generation console.
As part of its quarterly earnings call yesterday, Monolithic System Technology Inc. had its executives field the customary inquires from analysts. In a statement before he began fielding calls, interim chief executive officer and chief financial officer Mark Voll made a statement about the memory-technology firm's plans for the coming year--plans that involve a certain major Japanese game company.
While there are dozens of such calls every day, the Nintendophiles at GameCube Advanced noticed Voll's remarks contained a nugget of game-info gold. "During the quarter, we announced that NEC electronics will now use our 1T-SRAM embedded memory technologies on their advanced 90-nanometer process," said Voll, "and that the initial designs to be incorporated will be used in Nintendo's next-generation game console, code name 'Revolution.'"
Then, according to a transcript of the call, Voll said, "We are excited to be a participating member of the Nintendo team once again, as Nintendo will roll out and success game console to the GameCube in mid-2006." (Emphasis added.) Presuming that the transcriber misquoted Voll saying "a successor game console" as "and success console," it means that Nintendo's next-gen console will arrive just over a year from now.
As of press time, US Nintendo reps said they were waiting for an official response to Voll's comments. However, the executive's statements seem to confirm widespread speculation that the Revolution will arrive well into 2006, roughly the same time the PlayStation 3 is expected to launch. Sony has indicated it will begin mass production of the Cell processor, which will power the PlayStation, at the beginning of next year.
Monolithic System Technology--more commonly known as MoSys--developed the 1T-SRAM to offer "a combination of high density, low power consumption, high speed and low cost that other available memory technologies do not match," according to the company's Web site. In March, it announced it was extending its existing partnership with NEC to the chip-maker's new 90nm process generation of chips. MoSys has offices in Sunnyvale, California, and Yokohama, Japan.
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May 11th, 2005, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts is making sure Nintendo DS owners can take their portable on the road--the digital road at least. The publisher today announced that Need for Speed Underground 2 for the DS has made its way on to the handheld. The DS edition, developed by EA Canada in Vancouver, is the sixth version of the game, which was previously released in November on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, PC, and Game Boy Advance.
DS owners will use the unit's touch screen for a number of features. Using the stylus, drivers can control how much nitrous they want to use for an added speed boost. Car customization goes a step further on the DS, letting gamers create unique vinyl designs for their ride.
Like other versions of Need for Speed Underground, the game focuses on illegal street racing and tuner culture. Gamers will ride around a number of tracks, accumulating cash to trick out their cars both functionally and cosmetically. A selection of minigames will also keep gamers busy when they're not tearing up the city streets.
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May 11th, 2005, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
A solid indication of the timeline for the launch of Nintendo's next home console has emerged from memory firm MoSys Inc, which has revealed that it will supply memory for the system, with "mid-2006" touted as the launch date.
MoSys previously provided the 1T-SRAM memory technology used by NEC for the GameCube's memory, and speaking in a live conference call following the announcement of the firm's Q1 earnings, CEO and CFO Mark Voll said that it would again be fulfilling this role for Revolution.
"During the quarter we announced that NEC Electronics will now use our 1T-SRAM embedded memory technologies on their advanced 90nm process, and that the initial designs to be incorporated in SoCs will be used in Nintendo's next-generation game console, codenamed Revolution," he said.
The most interesting part came next, however, when Voll commented that: "We are excited to be a participating member of the Nintendo team once again as Nintendo will roll out its successor game console to the GameCube in mid-2006."
This is the first solid evidence that the Revolution platform is still on track for a mid-2006 launch. The console is expected to debut at a pre-E3 conference next Tuesday, but it's still not known just how much will be on display - with sources close to Nintendo suggesting that only a pre-recorded video of "next-gen footage" may be shown.
MoSys didn't reveal how much RAM would be going into each Revolution console - but in an unrelated story also doing the rounds about Revolution today, Chinese website Unika.com claims to have seen an actual specification for the hardware.
According to the site, the console will boast four 2.5Ghz IBM G5 Custom cores, with 128KB of level 1 cache and a 512KB shared level 2 cache, while the graphics will be powered by a dual core ATI RN520 chipset, with 16MB of on-board eDRAM for the frame buffer.
While both of those specifications seem eminently possible - not least because IBM and ATI are confirmed as Nintendo's hardware partners for the console - we've been unable to find any confirmation or denial of the figures, simply because no developers outside of Nintendo's tightly sewn up inner circle actually have Revolution details, let alone devkits, as yet.
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May 11th, 2005, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has today announced that Splinter Cell Chaos Theory will be making its arrival on Nintendo's DS handheld sometime in June.
The game will make full use of the touch-screen and stylus, allowing players to quickly solve puzzles and check their inventory on the bottom screen as well as manipulate the game's camera position.
DS's wireless capabilities will be put to good use, enabling two-player cooperative play spread over five levels, and a versus mode supporting either two or four-player matches, with seven maps available.
The single-player game will feature eight levels, one of which will be exclusive to the DS version.
"We are thrilled to release Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for the very first time in full 3D on a handheld console," said John Parkes, EMEA marketing director at Ubisoft. "The game will take full advantage of the Nintendo DS technology, with extensive use of the two screens and wireless communication for multiplayer games.
"With the addition of an exclusive solo mission and move, this shows our commitment and confidence in making Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory DS a strong release for this summer."
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May 11th, 2005, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Well it took them a very long time to get around to it but Nintendo wants some online action for their DS. Yes, we’ve been reading about it for months now, but they’ve gone and made it official. Let’s just say, it’s a great day for gamers. With all three console makers offering connectivity in their products we should start to see the same kind of multiplayer innovation we’ve enjoyed on the PC platform (which has, actually, been stagnant for far too long).
The Nintendo deal will, as previously speculated, utilize IGN’s matchmaking tools. It should make for a good experience, assuming you can find a hot spot near you.
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May 12th, 2005, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3630&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>We have received stock of two new products from Datel today, Action Replay Duo and MaxPower Battery for the PSP, while the UK peripheral maker also confirmed an upcoming edition of the famous Action Replay for the PSP.
The MaxPower Battery Pack is identical one-to-one in comparison with the original battery pack from Sony. Same voltage, same mA, same power, same time of charge and of consumption. Just plain same, but 33% cheaper. A great save for those in need of a second battery pack for long trips with their PlayStation Portable. Bulk discounts are granted for quantity orders.
We have to deliver bad news about the Action Replay Duo which we received earlier this week: it does not allow to use cheat-codes with Nintendo DS software. This might come as a surprise to you, as it was to us here. Instead, Action Replay Duo allows cheat-codes on GBA games only while it adds another feature for NDS games: MaxDrive saves. Check this CodeJunkies' page for detailed explanations. Sadly it appears like the upcoming Action Replay for PSP, freshly announced by Datel, is also a powersave tool and will also NOT support the classic cheat-code feature. It started with the Action Replay Xbox and it seems to become a new usual trend now at Datel to use the Action Replay brand name with non-cheat-code-based products, which might seem confusing to many gamers out there. For those who do indeed want a GAME SAVES MANAGER for their NDS or their PSP, orders are welcome for US$34.99 only.</BLOCKQUOTE>
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May 13th, 2005, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Revolution will be a sleek console that will come complete with wireless controllers, backwards compatibility and full online functionality out of the box, according to Nintendo.
Not to be outdone by Microsoft's MTV unveiling of the Xbox 360 and our exclusive report that Sony will reveal a near-complete version of the PS3 at next week's E3, Nintendo has decided to release the first official details of its next-gen machine.
Speaking to select members of the US mainstream press Perrin Kaplin, Nintendo of America's vice president for corporate affairs, described the Revolution as "very, very sleek."
She elaborated by stating that the console would sit horizontally, and compared its size to three DVD cases sitting on top of each other (about 5cm by 19cm). It's a huge departure from Nintendo's past console designs and signals a new desire to compete directly with Sony and Microsoft's slicker unit designs.
Other features confirmed for Revolution by Kaplin include wireless controllers and DVD playback. To allow for this new feature the console will use 12cm optical disks (that's the same size as a DVD-ROM) rather than the Cube's smaller proprietary disks.
Online play will be available out of the box and Nintendo will push this aspect of the Revolution extremely hard. More detailed plans about the Nintendo Online service are expected next week at E3, but wireless connectivity between DS and Revolution is also expected.
Perhaps most importantly for Nintendo fans, Kaplin confirmed that the Revolution would be backwards compatible with GameCube games. Microsoft is yet to announce whether you'll be able to play Xbox games on 360.
Kaplin also discussed new, next-gen games that would exploit high definition technology - clearly taking a lead from Xbox 360's emphasis on the 'HD Era'.
No further details about the console's release date, price, or much-debated gameplay revolution were revealed.
While numerous reports - including information passed to us last month - have suggested that the Revolution will not be present at next week's E3 in anything other than video form, these new official details suggest that we may see more of the console than expected.
Whatever happens, we'll bring you the news first.
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May 13th, 2005, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Press the Buttons has the news that if you have a DS at E3 2005, this year's demos will be downloadable via wireless networks. From the article: "Now this has me thinking... since data downloaded into the Nintendo DS wirelessly stays in memory until the system is turned off, wouldn't it be possible to download, say, a Mario Kart DS demo at E3 and then just keep the system in sleep mode whenever it wasn't in use, thereby keeping the demo in your hands for weeks or even months after E3 is over?
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May 13th, 2005, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
IGN reports on a recent interview with Square-Enix president Wada, where it's revealed that the RPG crafting company is considering heavily supporting the Nintendo Revolution. From the article: "One area that Wada seems to be impressed with is a particularly controversial side of Nintendo's Online plan. In his comments posted at Impress Game Watch yesterday, Iwata states that Nintendo is going through with the idea of letting players connect only to players whom they've met in real life. While it's unclear how strict Nintendo plans to be with this idea (Animal Crossing DS is reported to allow for play amongst strangers), Wada applauds the move in his comments today, stating 'It gives the image of taking the real world seamlessly into the virtual world.'"
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May 13th, 2005, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
As Microsoft spilt what little was left of their Xbox 360 guts all over MTV last night, the positively tight-lipped Nintendo decided to sneak out a few details of their own regarding their next-gen console, Revolution.
The big news is that Nintendo are planning a break from the traditional reliance on unique proprietary formats for their consoles, namely cartridges for their older systems and the mini DVD format for Gamecube.
Instead, Revolution will apparently play DVD movies, suggesting that games for the machine will almost certainly be available on this more conventional format, although it will still be backwards compatible with Gamecube games.
Details regarding the size of the console have also emerged, and point to the machine being incredibly bijou. The vertically standing console is reportedly no taller than a regular DVD case, and is just over an inch wide. Small. Compact. Nice.
After all the crazy wild talk of squeezy controllers and stereoscopic 3D gaming, it's refreshing to actually obtain some orthodox info regarding the console. Of course, we're anticipating that E3 will reveal more, so stick with us all of next week when we'll be updating direct from the show.
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May 13th, 2005, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Not to be outdone by the Xbox 360, Nintendo leaked a few juicy details on their Revolution. Perrin Kaplin, Nintendo of America’s VP for corporate affairs, went on record with the following tidbits:
Wireless controllers
Backwards compatibility
Online built in
Sleek design that will stand on its side (she said the size would be the same as 3 DVD cases sitting on top of each other)
DVD format discs (wow)
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May 14th, 2005, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.pocketheaven.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=2147">Dwedit</a> has updated his Cheatfinder version of the Nes emulator for the GBA and also the Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player.
Download from above or the <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesu.shtml" target="_blank" >PocketNes Page</a>.
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May 14th, 2005, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source <a href="http://www.thepernproject.com/">Drunken Coders</a>
This version of the firmware does the following:
The button combination A+B+X+Y, gamecode "PASS" or title "DSBooter" on the GBA cartridge automatically starts program from GBA cartridge (starting from offset 0xC0). To convert an .nds file into a FlashMe/PassMe binary, you need to append it to an nds loader
# backlight fades in
# removes the health screen
# remove RSA signature check for uploading and running NDS files
The big advantage is now you can boot your NDS files from a compatible wifi card with no flash card required (once your firmware is installed that is).
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May 14th, 2005, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Source <a href="http://www.thepernproject.com/">Drunken Coders</a>
Ndslib zip file is updated and includes mainly some fixes to startup files so be sure and run the install.bat (or do it manualy).
A bug was fixed with sound enabled defines (SCHANNEL_ENABLE and SOUND_ENABLE) were backwards.
Cache is enabled now so be carefull....
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May 16th, 2005, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has posted some details on the Revolution to their official site, finally giving us some insight into what the console will be like. From the site: 'It will be about the thickness of three standard DVD cases and only slightly longer.' This makes it the smallest Nintendo console yet! It will also be able to stand up, similar to the PS2, and the Xbox 360. It will be backwards compatible, and it will also play '12cm optical disks in the same self-loading media drive'. It also states that it will have a very quick start-up time, and be very quiet. It finishes by stating 'Get ready for the Nintendo Revolution in 2006!'" C|Net has an article up arguing that Nintendo is making an error in missing the 2005 Holiday season.
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May 16th, 2005, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
They seem real enough, so here you go (of course, it’s always a roll of the dice with all those talented fraudsters out there). The ”R” for “Revolution” is big and cushy, like Mario, so you won’t get any complaints here. It would be a great logo.
The second page is a bit of a head scratcher, though. It’s a little too 8-bit to work, even though I like the simplicity.
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May 16th, 2005, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
As usual, I’ve been debating whether I should bring my GBA or DS to E3. I go through a similar routine every morning. Yeah, it would be nice to play some Mario on the DS but the handheld is just so big. I usually settle for Advance Wars 2 on the GBA for the subway ride. But not for E3. According to Recongoddess there will be downloadable content via wireless on the floor. Hey, free stuff gets me everytime. She writes:
For those of you attending E3 you’ll want to bring your Nintendo DS with you to Nintendo’s booth. There will be an area dediated to DS Download Play. Visitors can try out samples of versions of Nintendo games delivered wirelessly, video content, and a few more surprises that Nintendo isn’t
quite ready to divulge. Plus you can pictochat with fellow GA staffers in attendance!
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May 16th, 2005, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from GC Linux Site
An alternate experimental DVD driver is now available with support for DVD-R media using the "cactus" firmware extensions (it currently works with drive 04 models only). Create a DVD device file if you don't have already one (mknod /dev/dvd b 60 0), load your DVD-R on your GameCube, mount it (mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvd /mnt), and access it just like in any other Linux. All code is available on CVS. And the Latest Kernel Build has already integrated the new code.
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May 16th, 2005, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Best-selling strategy series for the Windows PC platform Age of Empires is to be made available for the Nintendo DS handheld system by Majesco Entertainment Company and Digital Eclipse.
The DS outing in the series, Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, is due to be released this summer. Age of Empires on the Windows PC platform is big business, the franchise shifting more than 16 million copies worldwide.
Ken Gold, vice president of Marketing for Majesco remarked, "Age of Empires has set the gold standard for real-time strategy games and its global audience continues to grow.
"Our portable version provides an exceptional game experience by taking advantage of the new DS features, and we are excited to have such a high-profile and well-regarded property spearhead our DS line-up for the back-half of 2005."
Players move from the Dark Ages through the Middle Ages with one goal in mind: domination of the known world. Features of Age of Empires - The Age of Kings include: commanding one of five different civilizations; controlling special 'hero' units such as Richard the Lionheart, Robin Hood, Joan of Arc and Genghis Khan, whose special 'hero' powers affect the entire battlefield; and researching over 50 different technologies like chemistry, ballistics, siege craft and spying to advance civilizations into the next age.
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May 16th, 2005, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced a number of details of the Revolution next-generation console on its official website, confirming statements made by Perrin Kaplan in an interview with the New York Times last week.
The statement offers the first glimpse of a console that's described as only slightly bigger than three stacked DVD cases, backwards-compatible, wireless online out of the box, quiet and quick to start up and due out in 2006.
"In its final form, Revolution will be about the thickness of three standard DVD cases and only slightly longer. The versatile Revolution will play either horizontally or vertically, allowing the user total flexibility in setting up a gaming session wherever they have a television," the update describes.
"Thanks to Nintendo's hardware development partners IBM and ATI, the small system will be packed with power that will enable it to wow players with its graphics. Nintendo's legions of loyal fans will be happy to learn that Revolution will be backward compatible, playing both Nintendo GameCube 8cm disks along with its own 12cm optical disks in the same self-loading media drive.
"In the next generation, the addition of the Internet will be important to all consoles and particularly important to Nintendo. Revolution will be wireless Internet ready out of the box.
"There's much more to Revolution that will be revealed over the coming months, but the combination of its compact size, wireless Internet, backward compatibility, quick start-up time and quiet, low-power operation add up to the start of a great game system. Get ready for the Nintendo Revolution in 2006!"
Nintendo is expected to announce more details and perhaps show the console in video form at its 75-minute breakfast conference on Tuesday here in Los Angeles. Its rivals Microsoft and Sony will have already concluded their major E3 unveilings prior to the Nintendo event.
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May 17th, 2005, 14:05 Posted By: RichardLynch
Here It Is - The Console we've been waiting for!!

Sorry about the size. This is the only imaged revealed at this time!!
The Revolution Starts Here!
More Details To Follow
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May 17th, 2005, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
With just hours to go until Nintendo's pre-E3 conference kicks of in LA, newspaper USA Today has published the first picture of the company's next-generation console, Revolution.
It's a slim and sleek design, no bigger than a pile of three DVD cases, and features a front-loading disc tray. Like Microsoft and Sony's offerings, the console can be positioned horizontally or vertically.
USA Today has also confirmed that the Revolution is backwards compatible with GameCube games, and - a first for Nintendo - will play DVDs. An Xbox Live-style online service is planned, and will offer downloadable versions of almost all the games in Nintendo's back catalogue, from classics such as Donkey Kong to more recent titles including Mario Sunshine. There's no word on a pricing system, however.
The console is said to offer two or three times the power of the GameCube - a somewhat humble claim compared to the figures Microsoft and Sony have been quoting. But "It's not all about having 'turbo power'," Nintendo exec Perrin Kaplan is quoted as saying. "It's about what you do with it."
"We've built Revolution around the concept of 'all-access gaming'," Kaplan continues - meaning developers should find it easy to create games for the console, and all types of gamers should find something in it that appeals to them. "We're about sticking to the soul of gaming," Kaplan states.
It's also worth noting that Nintendo has traditionally cited more realistic figures for the performance of its consoles than Microsoft or Sony - who both tend to manipulate the figures in ways which are by no means untruthful, but which don't give a realistic view of how the systems will perform in real world conditions.
Last generation, for example, Nintendo's graphics performance figures for GameCube were significantly lower than the PS2 and Xbox figures - simply because Nintendo cited figures for fully textured and lit polygons per second, while its rivals cited raw throughput figures that would never be achievable in a real videogame.
As such, assuming that Revolution will be enormously less powerful than its rivals is no safe bet. Nintendo certainly isn't aiming for the performance crown like Sony is, but their console is unlikely to be completely out of the league that PS3 and Xbox 360 are in, as these figures would seem to suggest.
The Nintendo conference kicks off at 4.30pm UK time.
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May 17th, 2005, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Nintendo revealed its contribution to next-generation gaming to USA Today, and the newspaper hit the streets just hours before the company's scheduled pre-E3 press conference. The console will be called Revolution, and is scheduled for release sometime in 2006.
Nintendo is the last of the "Big Three" to reveal its next-gen plans. Microsoft took the lid off its future console, the Xbox 360, last week, and Sony unveiled the PlayStation 3 yesterday at its pre-E3 conference.
The Revolution design didn't follow suit with its curvaceous competitors, the concave Xbox 360 and convex PlayStation 3. In fact, its simple rectangular design can be easily mistaken for a modem at first glance. However, like its competitors, the unit can stand vertically or lay supine. The black console can fit snugly in a grey stand, where it is pitched upward at a slight angle for vertical positioning, or be removed and laid flat (and look eerily similar to Apple's Powerbook batteries).
Revolution's enigmatic controllers were not revealed, but they will be wireless. Rumors have been awash that the controllers will be unlike any before, possibly losing buttons in favor of touch screens or incorporating some sort of gyroscopic functions.
By Nintendo's own admission, according to USA Today, the system is two to three times as powerful as its current-generation console, the GameCube. Sony's PlayStation 3, announced yesterday, is reportedly dozens of times powerful than its predecessor, the PlayStation 2.
However, Nintendo told the newspaper "It's not all about having 'turbo power', It's about what you do with it." What Nintendo plans to do with it is still under wraps--the publisher has not yet announced any games for the system.
Eschewing its previous business ideas, Revolution will be online-friendly, and support a broadband gaming service similar to that of Microsoft's Xbox Live. Its most significant contribution to online gaming will be the ability to download games, and not just simple puzzlers or platformers from the NES days. GameCube titles will be downloadable, though it's not clear whether the games will be saved to a storage devices or memory cards.
For those who would rather just pop in their hard copy of Mario Sunshine, Nintendo offers a simple solution: backward compatibility. As indicated before, Revolution, like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, will be able to play all the games from the current-generation GameCube, as well as DVDs through its blue-LED-illuminated front-loading media drive.
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May 17th, 2005, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Today's issue of USA Today ran some of the first details on Nintendo's next-gen console and Revolution will be the final name. The machine is roughly two to three times as powerful as the GameCube. "It's not all about having 'turbo power,' " Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan told USA Today. "It's about what you do with it."
The online service will feature downloads of a wide range of Nintendo titles, from old classics like Donkey Kong to GameCube releases such as Super Mario Sunshine. No word yet on if they will be free of charge. "We've built Revolution around the concept of 'all-access gaming,'" said Kaplan. "We're about sticking to the soul of gaming."
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May 17th, 2005, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
The Gameboy Advance emu for Dos and windows was updated, heres whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>17th May 2005 - version 2.1
• multicart: remove_machine: also unloads associated ROM, unless memory shared
• multicart: load into machine; if none such: allocate new machine(s)
• multicart: cartloader target selectable (specific machine, or all machines)
• help: added various NDS chapters, 2D video, memory map & control, arm9 I/O map
• help: described NDS cartridge header & protocol with some new details
• cpu: handles CP15 system control coprocessor opcodes and Cn,Cm,N registers
• debug: disassembler supports all copro opcodes, assembler all except ldc/stc
• help: cleaned up coprocessor operand names (Pn,Cn instead P#,CRn,etc.)
• help: corrected sprites/scanline formula (10+n*2 per n pix, not 26 per 8 pix)
• shareware: changed decrypter extension (microsoft declared .prg as virus)</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download Here --> http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/nocashgba.shtml
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May 17th, 2005, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
One hour away from the Nintendo Press Conference at E3 Expo, the Nintendo Revolution has already been unveiled in local newspaper hitting streets earlier today stateside. Here are the three pictures of the system:
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/content/revolution/nintendo-revolution.jpg">
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/content/revolution/nintendo-revolution1.jpg">
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/content/revolution/nintendo-revolution2.jpg">
Specifications currently confirmed are backwards compatibility with the GameCube, wireless controller (the revolutionary weapon is still a no-show so far though and rumored innovative features like touchscreen incorporation or gyroscopic control are still un-discussed), online support and DVD playback function.
Eschewing its previous business ideas, Revolution will be online-friendly, and support a broadband gaming service similar to that of Microsoft's Xbox Live. Its most significant contribution to online gaming will be the ability to download games, and not just simple puzzlers or platformers from the NES days. GameCube titles will be downloadable, though it's not clear whether the games will be saved to a storage devices or memory cards.
Power of the system is supposed to be two to three times more than the GameCube, while Sony claims PlayStation 3 has dozens of times more to spit from under the hood than the previous (current) generation of systems. What the final machines can really do, future will tell, but Nintendo already had this comment to add to the debate, speaking to USA Today: "It's not all about having 'turbo power, It's about what you do with it."
Release date is expected to be somewhen in 2006 (speculations go for Spring, same as they foresee the PlayStation 3 launch and Halo 3 release on Xbox 360 within this time window). Price is unknown.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Press Conference has just ended in at LA E3. Big N kicked things off with the portable side of things, where he is still leader, but with the breath of Sony in its back...
Starting off with some Nintendo DS talk, the Kyoto based company re-adjusted its media communication strategy, by re-centering its third-pillar as more than a gaming device: it's a creation and interactivity tool "expanding the universe of gamers". Reginald Fils-Aime has been hyping Electroplankton along with a famous DJ, then conceptual Virtual Puppet Sim' Nintendogs -interestingly presented by a woman, couple of minutes after Reggie stated that the "online games" nowadays were mostly all macho- before he finally went into praising the free wireless online gaming capabilities of the latest Nintendo station, announcing Mario Kart DS to be Wi-Fi playable tomorrow live at E3. Nintendo also confirmed that getting online with NDS will be cost-free, no subscriptions, no installation fee, no nothing, except a Wi-Fi Hot Spot near you.
Then, Reggie took a small iPod-like thingy out of his jacket and showed to the crowd what's now to be called GameBoy MICRO. The name comes from the extremely reduced dimensions and weight (3 times lighter than iPod!). It plays GBA games and is not meant at replacing the SP, which will stay in production and available on store shelves worldwide. Design will be customizable with a complete array of faceplates to be introduced along the little gadget. It's coming this fall, expanding further the handheld line-up of Nintendo.
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/content/revolution/gameboy-micro.jpg">
If Nintendo started their presentation with the Nintendo DS and the Gameboy Micro rather than going straight to the point... it's probably because the audience wouldn't have paid enough attention otherwise. Cause the main course still had to be served: RE-VO-LU-TI-ON! That's right, the nextgen home entertainment system made it to the show, Iwata-san holding it in his right hand in front of a cheering crowd. Nintendo did not reveal the mysterious controller, but underlined again it would change gameplay (and the face of earth?) forever. Satoru Iwata did not spend too much time into tech specs, numbers and horsepower condiderations, still stating that the graphics would make you say "wow" and that IBM and ATI are making sure the system would be competitive. But he insisted that gaming is not only about the technology, Nintendo clearly going for an alternate strategy as competing console manufacturers, as it was already hinted at the Nintendo DS presentation last year. Satoru Iwata said that Miyamoto (father of Mario and Zelda) was already working on a complete new revolutionary software creation for the console, that this nextgen system would be Wi-Fi compatible and would have at least two key Wi-Fi compatible megahits at launch. He also stressed that Nintendo Revolution is supposed to be the most affordable nextgen platform to work with from a developer point of view, with major cuts in cost due to time saves and ease of use. Certainly, big N has not yet given up on third-party publishers support. They stated clearly that Revolution would probably be the best system on which to develop and give a try to new creative and innovative ideas. Finally, the Revolution will be an all-in-one box, allowing you to simply play all retro titles ever created on any Nintendo branded living room system. From Famicom to Super NES, N64 and GameCube! Most of the classics will be available for download, a media-rights content managing software being integrated in the system for this purpose.
The dessert was finally the new Zelda GameCube game, Twilight Princess, with new in-game video footage displayed on the giant screen, Super Mario Strikers (soccer!) and some more games to make it to GameCube within this year (more coverage on these while the show goes on).
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May 17th, 2005, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo also unveiled the Game Boy Micro this morning, here’s what we know so far:
Launch is slated for this Fall.
Silver in color for now, expect all sorts of rainbow-flavored variations.
Dimensions: 4 inches wide by 2 inches tall and 0.7 inches thick.
Weight: 2.8 ounces (80 paper clips’ worth of weight).
Processor: Same as GBA SP.
Form factor: “Gleaming shoulder and start/select buttons that literally shine”, removable and customizable face plate.
Screen: 2-inches, backlit and the “best Game Boy screen ever” with adjustable brightness controls for use indoors or outdoors.
Marketing angle: “We’re making the gorgeous Game Boy Micro for image-conscious folks who love video games, the ones who want the look of their system to be as cool as the games they play on it” according to George Harrison, Nintendo of America Sr. VP of marketing. It’s clear that they’re going after the kids who are too cool to carry around an obvious gaming device but who don’t mind carrying something that looks like the cell phone that they’re already carrying.
Accessories: built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery; supports standard headphones.
Software: the Game Boy Advance has nearly 700 titles available, all of which will be playable on the Game Boy Micro.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Alright, Nintendo intro’d the Revolution just a few minutes ago, here’s what we know so far:
Release is sometime in 2006.
Prototype shown is larger than final unit.
Nintendo is still determining final colors for the console.
All-Access Gaming, which refers to backwards compatibility to 20 years of Nintendo games, NES, SNES, N64. We don’t know particulars of how it’ll be accessed or what, if any, the cost structure might be.
Downloadable to 512MB of flash memory.
SD memory card slot.
Wireless controllers.
Two USB 2.0 ports.
Built-in WiFi.
WiFi used to interface with the DS.
DS likely to enhance future games.
Self-loading optical drive that will play 12cm Revolution discs and smaller GameCube discs
Self-contained attachment for playing media content, including DVDs.
No controller was shown. So even though the box looks a lot like the one leaked over the weekend, the accompanying controllers were not presented. So was it a leak, or a really good guess?
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May 17th, 2005, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo press conference this afternoon revealed the new Game Boy Advanced format: the Game boy Micro. The new handheld will play all GBA titles, and is only slightly larger than an iPod. From the article: "The sporty, silver metal Game Boy Micro measures a mere 4 inches wide, 2 inches tall and 0.7 inches deep, allowing it to sit comfortably alongside today's hippest technological gadgets. It weighs an astonishing 2.8 ounces, or about the weight of 80 paper clips. Yet Game Boy Micro has the same processing power and plays the same games as Game Boy Advance SP models, complete with standard face controls and gleaming shoulder and Start/Select buttons that literally shine." Photo available from the AP.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo press conference touched on aspects of the Nintendo Revolution, but offered no details on what "the" revolution is. No word on the controllers or when the console will be released. One new tantilizing aspect of the console was announced, though: "The console also will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo® 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System® (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System® (NES)." No word on pricing, of course, but exciting nonetheless.
very smooth
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May 17th, 2005, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo today took the wraps off "Nintendo WiFi Connection", the online gaming system set to service Nintendo DS in association with GameSpy.
"It's no secret that we didn't invent the concept of online gaming, but we do intend to reinvent it," Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime told the gathered crowd.
WiFi Connection will allow DS users to play online for free from home or via hotspots and Nintendo not only envisions its system overcoming key problems inherent to online gaming like difficulty levels and connectivity but also intends to offer it all for free.
Although it was ambiguous when it came to the question of whether third-party software makers would charge players to use the service, Nintendo itself will charge no monthly bills for either the service or the software, the company said.
It's about "control, ease and entertainment", according to charismatic Nintendo MC Reggie Fils-Aime, and the company "expects participation rate for Nintendo DS to reflect a clear majority of owners" - as high even as 90 per cent.
Nintendo outlined the key problems in achieving this, identifying and explaining how it would overcome the difficult and cost of connection, and pledging to "overcome the overly macho attitudes" of online gaming by allowing you to choose to find a friend or friends to compete with, or link up with "similarly skilled" unknown opponents.
It will "turn the key for full Mario Kart action" playing against people on multiple continents on your lunch break, Fils-Aime said, so it's "as welcoming as sitting around the living room with friends".
A roll call of 25 games companies working on WiFi titles then appeared on the big screen. Amongst them were Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, THQ, Bandai, EA, KOEI, SEGA, Hudson, Vivendi-Universal, From Software, Spike, 2K Games and Activision, who will launch a LAN/WiFi Tony Hawk title on DS this year, allowing for players to form online skate crews and perform tricks using the touch screen.
Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS will both launch with WiFi functionality by the end of 2005, Nintendo said, and Mario Kart will, as predicted, be playable via WiFi on the show floor tomorrow.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has taken the wraps off a new addition to the Game Boy Advance family of products at its pre-E3 press conference in Los Angeles, revealing the Game Boy Micro - the smallest GBA yet, with a backlit screen and snap-on covers.
The new console, which is based on the same hardware as the existing Game Boy Advance SP, is four inches wide, two inches tall and 0.7 inches deep - around the same size as Apple's iPod Mini, and two thirds of its weight.
It sports a two inch backlit colour screen, which Nintendo describes as the "best Game Boy screen ever", and which has an adjustable brightness control for the first time in a Game Boy product.
One of the other unique features of the diminutive portable is that it can be customised by replacing its front cover with a range of "snap on" covers, much like many popular mobile phones.
Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime was typically full of fighting talk at the announcement of the new system. "If our competitors don't like our two to one advantage, dominating the handheld market with the DS and the GBA, then I've got bad news," he bellowed. "Now it's two and a half to one!"
However, the system doesn't have any of the additional functionality which some commentators had expected it to build in - such as the wireless unit and Play-Yan adapter peripherals.
Game Boy Micro will be launched this autumn.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
At the unveiling of the Revolution platform in Los Angeles, Japanese giant Nintendo has given the clearest indication yet that it does not intend to compete directly with Sony and Microsoft's technologically advanced next-gen consoles.
In sharp contrast to the unveiling of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Nintendo declined to discuss the exact specifications of the Revolution, instead focusing on the firm's intention to appeal to the mass market with the system.
Revolution will be the smallest home console Nintendo have ever made, according to company president Satoru Iwata, who presented the system to a packed auditorium in the Hollywood Renaissance hotel this morning.
The unit will be powered by an IBM chip called Broadway and an ATI graphics part called Hollywood, but exact specs of those components have not been announced - with Iwata's only comment on that aspect of the spec being that "when you turn on Revolution and see the graphics, you will say 'wow!'"
Tellingly, one of the key announced features of the Revolution is nothing to do with next-generation games at all, but rather to do with Nintendo's back catalogue - all of which will be playable on the new system, right from the NES through to the N64 and the GameCube.
The console will boast 512MB of on-board flash memory storage which can be expanded by the addition of industry standard SD memory cards. This storage is expected to be used to store NES, SNES and N64 titles which can be downloaded over the internet to the system, as well as for other purposes which the firm has alluded to but not yet revealed.
The controllers - which were not revealed at the event, although Iwata promised that they will be "very unique" - will be wireless, and the system has two USB 2.0 ports and Wi-Fi network connectivity built in.
The presentation of the console couldn't have been more different to the stat- and technology-heavy approach of Microsoft and Sony, with Nintendo going out of its way to describe itself as a content company rather than a technology company and focusing heavily on their efforts to appeal to audiences outside of the core gamer demographic.
"Our goal is to develop a device which is functional and appealing to every member of the household, whether they consider themselves gamers or not," Iwata explained in his presentation.
"Nintendo Revolution shares a common vision with what we outlined for Nintendo DS last year," he continued. "The machine is just a tool; the experience comes from the software."
The company also touted the platform as being by far the most developer-friendly of the next-generation machines, suited to handling both "big-budget, high profile masterpieces" and smaller indie-style games.
"Not everyone sets out to create an expensive masterpiece," Iwata acknowledged, going on to describe Revolution development as "simpler, faster and less expensive than any other next-generation system."
"This is a console where big ideas can prevail over big budgets," he said, reiterating a similar point which he made during his keynote presentation to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco earlier this year.
The fact that Nintendo has chosen to avoid a head-on conflict with Microsoft and Sony's hugely high specification systems is telling. Reports this morning suggested that Revolution will be three to four times more powerful than GameCube, as opposed to the far higher multiples being quoted by its rivals, and the overwhelming feeling from Nintendo's conference was that the new console is designed to be a cheap and highly profitable device rather than a giant and expensive technological land-grab.
In effect, then, the firm seems to be bowing out of the "arms race" which Microsoft and Sony have entered into over next-gen consoles. However, the Revolution still remains the most enigmatic of the forthcoming systems - with the full specification, "unique" controller design and perhaps much of the system's non-games functionality still firmly under wraps even after the long-awaited E3 conference.
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May 17th, 2005, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
So the Nintendo press conference is going on right now as you can see on the moblog Maarten and Alec are attending the show grabbing up some more HD footage for later on today. In the mean time here are some quick hits on what Nintendo has announced for Revolution:
- WiFi controllers and a 'very unique' controller to be introduced later
- WiFi games with Nintendo characters
- "strong 3rd party support"
- Square Enix working on wifi Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
- game development is claimed to be a breeze
- disc drive accepts GameCube games but system is backwards compat w/ all past Nintendo games via downloads
- unique way to combine internet, controlling, flash memory to combine a unique game experience. keeps hinting towards "all-access"
- 2006 console
Thanks anthonybean for collecting a lot of these. Also, GameBoy Micro - new GameBoy Advance about the size of an iPod Mini
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May 19th, 2005, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Who are we to let wildy unsubstantiated rumours fly without passing them on to all you eager gamers out there? The latest and greatest in speculation is that Nintendo isn’t quite finished talking up its Revolution console yet. The NintendoOn video was a proven fake, yes — but was it also marketing ploy? And what is up with all this right/left brain mumbo jumbo? Did Nintendo make a feint with the video, planning to hit us up with something crazy later this week? The truth is out there, people, but for now we’ve got only questions. Talk amongst yourselves.
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May 19th, 2005, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
The world's very first Nintendo DS Rom Emulator / Development system. It allows you to load and run your ROM files, Homebrew files on your NDS console!!!Do you want to get your own piece? Go to <a href="http://www.linker4u.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=157&A=244&Task=Click" target="_blank" >Linkers 4U.com</a> for more information.
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May 20th, 2005, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via the Guardian GamesBlog, a BoingBoing post with an interesting posit. Will the Revolution allow owners to run their own code on the machine? From the article: "...the world of consoles that only ran signed code was a nice racket while it lasted, but at the end of the day, needing to get permission to run software on your own device sucks and devices that let anyone write software for them get more valuable as more people write more code for them." A nice idea, but not too likely in my opinion.
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May 20th, 2005, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Two lonely and largely ignored pods at the Nintendo stand at E3 display new and very significant software for the DS handheld: voice-over IP.
Utilising the DS's WiFi connectivity, curious attendees can communicate between two DS devices using an earpiece and microphone headset.
The Nintendo representative that we spoke to said that the software would allow communication between DS units anywhere in the world, as long as they were connected to a wireless feed.
And with Nintendo planning to roll out a free WiFi service sometime in the future, DS users could enjoy free calls to one another - a revolutionary first for portable gaming devices.
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May 20th, 2005, 18:18 Posted By: Bobomoomin
Hey, you see I'd like to get some roms but I want to know if theres any way to get them without using a P2P network....... Anyone got any ideas? 
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May 20th, 2005, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
This is still just a concept demo, but it’s reportedly a working demo: DSpeak is basically Voice over IP calling using the wireless capabilities of the Nintendo DS. Using a connected headphone/microphone, DSpeak allows you to hold conversations with other DS users via WiFi, and the audio quality is reportedly “perfectly fine, as good as a mobile phone.” Plus, you get little Mario and Wario icons moving their mouths when you speak — come on, Vonage, how you gonna beat that? The software itself will be available as a free download, and the booth boy told us that they’ll be including headsets with DSpeak-compatible games (the headset will probably also be available for sale separately for some nominal fee). Otherwise that’s about all we know—we couldn’t squeeze a release date out of them, and no one at the Nintendo booth knew a damn thing about the actual technology they were demoing.
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May 20th, 2005, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
At its pre-E3 press conference, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed the first scant details on the Revolution, the company's bid into next-generation gaming. We now know about the system's backwards compatibility, built-in Wi-Fi, wireless controllers, and free online service, but little else. Iwata avoided giving out any significant technical specs on the Revolution, and he only showed a nonfunctional mock-up of the console.
Fortunately, it looks like Nintendo fans won't have to wait until next year to learn more about the machine. Speaking with Reuters, Iwata said that details regarding the Revolution--including price, launch date, and its mystery controller--would be revealed by the end of the current year.
One of the surprising announcements made about the Revolution during E3 was its ability to download and play games from Nintendo consoles as far back as the NES. More surprising was the fact Iwata revealed to Reuters that Nintendo is in talks with third-party game publishers about including their portfolios in the Revolution's downloadable game library as well.
Iwata added that the pricing method for these downloads hasn't been decided, though two possibilities are to charge users per game as they download them, or to sell pre-paid cards in stores. He also said that Nintendo might give some games away as part of promotions.
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May 20th, 2005, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Take a look at these brand new photos of Game Boy Micro (which was first announced by Nintendo on Tuesday) and try telling us that there's any sensible way to actually play games on it.
Unless you're a particularly small child, we just don't see how you can negotiate the D-pad and buttons without being made to feel like an enormous clod with shovels for hands.
As for the screen, Engadget reports that it's "squint-inducing" and "definitely pushing the limits of how small a screen on a portable game console can get and still be useable". Hmmm.
Meanwhile, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has confirmed that the company has "no plans to discontinue Game Boy Advance SP. We think the two will be compatible."
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May 20th, 2005, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl" target="_blank" >GBAX.com</a> have posted that they now have the PassMe Device in stock which enables you to use a GBA Flashcart to play Nintendo DS roms on your Nintendo DS.
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May 21st, 2005, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3638&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Announced almost a year ago now, Mario Kart DS has been for many the most anticipated title for the handheld. The idea of wireless racing was just too good, but the news revealed at this weeks E3 show is even better. It's online, and beyond that, there's no subscriptions to pay, no accessories to buy, it's all free. Just take your DS to a Wi-Fi zone, slap in the cartridge, and watch out for slippery banana skins! Speaking of which, all our favourite weapons are here, including the winged blue spiky shell from Mario Kart Double Dash on GameCube. This shell flies and thus avoids hitting other racers, until it homes in on first place and delivers it's truly explosive pay load. Be warned though, anyone in a reasonable radius to first place will also have a score to settle with you after that one. Other than online however, a fantastic 8 player wireless link-up mode can be accessed, even if only one of you has the game cartridge!
Along with new tracks, this includes every single course from every single Mario Kart game. The 3D graphics run at a super smooth 60 frames per second, a feat most home console racers don't even achieve. Topping the N64 edition even, every object here is true 3D, right down to the players and karts, there's none of that sprite trickery. Meanwhile the lower screen is a helicopter style over head view, showing where your opponents are, and for that matter, if you're about to get a turtle shell up the wazoo. Mario Kart DS truly is the ultimate culmination of the series so far, and a final example of that will have long time fans cheering, both the hop and the power slide are together in this title..</BLOCKQUOTE>
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/images/170/nds-mariokart-jap6.jpg"><img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/images/170/nds-mariokart-jap7.jpg"><img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/images/170/nds-mariokart-jap8.jpg">
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May 21st, 2005, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3638&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Similar to Super Mario 64, Super Mario Bros. for the NDS is still polygon-based, but at the same time takes Mario back to his two-dimensional platforming roots. The old gameplay (thankfully) is still here, but it has been expanded to include jumps from Mario's 3D exploits. Additionally, it seems that the mushroom-infused Mario can grow to giant sizes and jog along even faster than when he's at normal plumber size (which is festively plump in Mario's case, although thankfully missing a hint of crack at the back). To complicate things, bad guy goombas sport the same growth ability however, and depend on magic mushrooms for this just like Mario does. The lower screen is used to keep track of stats like coins collected, while the top screen lets you navigate the colorful Run 'n Jump action. Yah-yah-yahoo!.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/images//170/nds-super-mario-bros-jap6.jpg"><img src="http://image.lik-sang.com/images//170/nds-super-mario-bros-jap5.jpg"><img src="httphttp://image.lik-sang.com/images//170/nds-super-mario-bros-jap7.jpg">
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May 21st, 2005, 16:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3638&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Scratch! Viewtiful Joe - NDS
A side-scrolling action title like its predecessors, Joe's first DS appearance kicks off as Captain Blue's latest movie is ready to be unveiled to the public. A sinister group steals the film, bringing Joe back into action as he tries to get it back (and we thought some folks uploading Star Wars to the internet was bad!) Joe's quarrelsome little sister, Jasmine, who wants to be an actress in the future, joins in on the action this time around, and both screens of the handheld will keep track of the action in two different viewpoints. The lower of which is also used to solve puzzles and pull off special moves, giving Joe a new "Power Split" move, which requires that you draw lines across the screen with your stylus.
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow - NDS
Konami's series maestro Koji Igarashi souped up a new Castlevania game for the Nintendo DS that takes place one year after the events in Aria of Sorrow. In Dawn of Sorrow, a group of cultist strive to destroy main protagonist Soma Cruz, who is Dracula reborn. Although one of the good guys, Soma has to face many challenges to keep the vampiric cult from getting rid of him, in order to revive Dracula himself.
Basic gameplay mechanics are still the same as with Castlevania titles in the past, but the Nintendo DS version displays game statistics and a map on the upper screen, while the touch screen lets you draw seals with the stylus, allowing you to open doors and defeat bosses. You are also able to teleport by using the touch pen to tap on certain hot spots throughout the game. This is unique, intriguing NDS gameplay once again, as is the ability to trade collected souls with other players via a wireless connection.
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May 21st, 2005, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3638&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - GC
Once billed as the direct sequel to Wind Waker, Nintendo revealed the second GameCube Zelda title to be more along the lines of Ocarina of Time. A mature link and never-before-seen visuals in a Zelda game will guarantee for a truly sensational action adventure experience. Link is even able to shapeshift into a wolf in certain parts! Teaming up with a sinister elf-like fellow, Link-Wolf can be ridden and boasts some powerful attacks. Animal companions include of course a horse (used for transportation and in battles) and a falcon-like bird that can rest on Link's arm. Exploring some still un-revealed dungeons, the camera pans back and shoots the action from a top-down angle, but when the character encounters an enemy, the camera seamlessly sweeps in again to check out the battle from the normal behind-the-back perspective. We can't wait to embark on this promising new journey into Hyrule!
Super Mario Strikers - GC
Goal! Mario, Luigi, Toad and the rest of the characters from the Mushroom Kingdom enter a new playing field with Super Mario Strikers. This arcade-style soccer game will feature powerful shots, all viewed through the eyes of dynamically set camera angles. First, select a captain for your team who will muster your forces, and who keeps a special shot up his sleeves to try and blast the ball past the goalie. Mario for example is able to leap high into the air, strike the ball with a mallet, and put the opposing goalkeeper at a serious disadvantage (and in clear and present danger too!).
Characters other than your chosen captain aren't left out though, they have the ability to charge their shots to be super effective. Furthermore, the game will present head-over-heels celebration dances. On the road to becoming a party favourite due to its straightforward controls, this title seems perfect for a multiplayer frenzy, four buddies wide. Nintendo certainly strives to let his most famous icons have a go at every kind of sport out there, and Super Mario Strikers looks to be a fun and challenging addition for sure.</BLOCKQUOTE>
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May 21st, 2005, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
The "cactus" firmware extensions have, since some days, support for drives 06 (minimally tested) and 08 (untested), in addition to drive 04. If you want to review or test the new stuff look at the CVS and Latest Kernel Build.
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May 22nd, 2005, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to the hard work of Pepsiman, DS Linux now utilizes Linux kernel version 2.6. This also entails framebuffer support. In addition to having a boot logo and a smaller font, the framebuffer will allow for user applications to take advantage of a graphical user interface via MicroWindows or TinyX. In the following shot, a full-screen logo is shown in the touch screen; however, it is more than likely going to be downsized and combined with text console output:
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May 22nd, 2005, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
FJ Santos and Sergio are back with a Snow Bros clone. This is a ONE LEVEL demo only, so please serve them with feedback. The more feedback they get, the more likly is that we will see a full version of it and Santos and Sergio continue their work. The demo is already very solid and nice looking. The authors e-mail adresses can be found in the archives readme file. So please give lot's of feedback.
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May 23rd, 2005, 19:50 Posted By: ptr.exe
Just a thought: with the other two next-gen consoles boasting huge processors that will undoubtedly pump out heat, surely the Revolutions small size - 3 stacked DVD cases, will limit the possibility of a powerful machine ie. how can you cool a powerful proccessor in a tiny box?
I'm well aware of Nintendos policy of gameplay not graphics which i completely agree with, but surely in the fight for its old spot of no. 1 in the home console market, its gonna need a machine with a good graphical punch to convince the casual gamers out there.
Any thoughts?
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May 23rd, 2005, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Wireless Multiboot Application v1.4 BETA 1
- Added support for a seperate multiboot rom header and other multiboot specific information in .nds files.
- Removed the need to assign a unique/different mac address to each entry when broadcasting multiple entries at the same time.
- Added logo/header/banner checksum verification for .nds files.
- Added "-player" parameter to override the player name.
Ralink RT2560 drivers v1.0.0.8
- Added AMD64 version of driver for Windows XP x64 Edition.
- Added "Invert Activity LED" option.
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May 24th, 2005, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Metroid Prime: Pinball demo at E3 confirmed speculation about an external rumble pak for the DS. When booted, the game displayed a “GBA Option Pak” message, meaning that the rumble pak fit into the GBA slot; and presumably, the ambiguous nature of “option pak” likely means that Nintendo will introduce more than just a rumble add-on, presumably.
But will the rumble feature be a standard with all (or most) DS games in the future? Will it be sold separately? Or come packaged with Metroid Pinball (and possibly other titles) like the original rumble pak was with Starfox 64 back in the day? We’ll keep you posted.
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May 24th, 2005, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Is this the killer app for the DS? A lot of folk seem to think so. It’s the old Catz/Dogz game, on the PC, Or Tamagotch… Tamagoch… Ah hell, that pocket pet game. With a whole bucket of cute poured over it. Throw in the DS touch screen, and you’ve got some serious interaction with your furry friend.
Nintendogs is an extremely innovative title for the DS, that could push it over the edge. It could do for the DS what Doom did for the PC. Big things are expected. Woof!
Why no cats? Nintencats just sounds silly.
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May 24th, 2005, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
A little ittsy bittsy update for No$GBA today. Not much for a changelog, but probably fixing an irritating bug from 2.1 
multicart: bugfixed uninitialzed initstackram mem handle (thanks oleg volkov)
setup: added sav/sna compression enable option to files setup (debug version)
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May 31st, 2005, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Source = http://www.thepernproject.com/
This release basicaly fixes it up for devkitarm r12. The startup directory as well as the tools directory have been removed (since they are now contained in devkitarm). Your old makefiles will complain if they cant find the tools directory so be sure and update you makefiles...the tools are now in the devkitarm bin directory so should allready be on your path.
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May 31st, 2005, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Ethos has posted news on his site of his port of a Gameboy/Gameboy Colour emulator to the Nintendo DS Console, heres the news first:
Got some nice progress on my emulator, but when I started implementing GBC I realized I needed better optimization. Here are the screens before I totally overhaul my emulator. GB is playing at good speed and GBC at slow ass speed. lol, learning ARM assembler + registers is looking more appealing day by day.
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June 1st, 2005, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
News From FluBBa:
It's a "Green Beret"/"Rush'n Attack" arcade emulator, not much to show the world, I know... But it's a good start to test out the Z80 emulator so I can build more emulators with it. It still has some annoying bugs in it but I'll hopefully fix them soon enough. I have sent in a version to the GBAX.COM 2005 competition, I don't know when the results are released and I won't release a version here before the competition is over.
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June 1st, 2005, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
We managed to reduce to a minimum the drive spin-ups needed (thanks cheqmate!), media is now successfully mounted faster, and errors are retried several times to help recover from possible temporary failures. Want to check this? Visit the Latest Kernel Build page.
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