July 4th, 2004, 08:32 Posted By: meiscool
lots of people say nintendo are past it but i do not agree nintendo are more insuffient with funding because they are an all games company. people also think nintendo games are for kids but they are not some of the games are really complicated. just 'cos nintendo dont have as many big games as other consoles they are not falling. they will go up with their nintendo ds. nintendo ds will rule the psp
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July 12th, 2004, 14:00 Posted By: meiscool
does anybody thimk that nintendo need a new mascot
i do for nintendos sake
i know devoted nintendo fans think mario, zeld etc....
are brilliant but other people don't
they think its just the same character all the time
i wish nintendo could prove them wrong
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July 14th, 2004, 06:09 Posted By: meiscool
Built to replace the N64, the GameCube is Nintendo's main contender and was launched in Japan in September 2001.
It hit British shelves in May 2002 and sold 1 million in 11 weeks.
The console is cube-shaped and some people say the graphics are even better than the PS2.
At £79 it's the cheapest of the main three consoles.
There's no DVD playback with the current model. Internet gaming is possible but with a separate adaptor.
There's a wireless control pad available too and gamers can connect to the GameBoy Advance.
Nintendo say their strength is the power to connect their portables and consoles together.
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July 14th, 2004, 06:58 Posted By: meiscool
Does anybody think that Gamecube 2 could be better than the ps2
i heard that the gamecube2 xbox2 and ps3 will all have their graphics processor made by ibm
i do not know if this is true
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July 14th, 2004, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo gaming genius Shigerui Miyamoto has revealed that the new DS handheld console could connect to the Internet via its wireless LAN connector, although it will require special third-party software to do so.[br]Speaking in a candid interview with Earthbound creator Shigesato Itoi's website, Miyamoto-san said, "We added the wireless LAN to the DS mainly for the consoles to communicate between each other. But if someone releases software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."[br][br]A DS which could be use surf and email as well as playing games on the 'Net? Ding, Donkey Kong! [br][br]It certainly sounds like a welcome addition and would certainly add to the DS's already innovative feature set.[br][br]However, Miyamoto-san hastened to add that this is not something Nintendo is considering developing itself, as it wishes the DS to be a dedicated, standalone games unit. "The one thing we don't want to do is to add this and that and every other connection . We want to make the DS enjoyable on its own, as far as we can," he added.[br][br]But it certainly sounds like a worthwhile venture and we're pretty sure it'll have plenty of development companies pricking up their ears ready to explore the possibilities.[br][br]More on this one as it breaks.
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July 14th, 2004, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
Some Gamecube news from Lik Sang [br][br] Gamespot had the scoop yesterday about Nintendo Of Japan's upcoming W-Pack series. It is common in Japan to use W as the sign for "double", meaning that W-Pack actually reads Double Pack. As the name says it, the collection features Nintendo's best-selling and most acclaimed games packed by pairs. The attractive price tag on the combo is the good news as most the W-Packs will retail for only US$ 74.90, preorders being taken right away. The only exception to that price level is the Pikmin & Pikmin 2 duet as the set will feature a special bonus: five mini figurines based on Pikmin characters. A cool little edition selling for US$ 84.90 only.
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July 14th, 2004, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
Unconfirmed reports from Japanese retail sources suggest that Nintendo is planning to roll out the DS handheld on November 4th priced at 19,000 Yen (140 Euro), followed by a US launch on November 11th at $179.95 (145 Euro).[br][br]The same sources indicate that the Japanese launch of the handheld will be accompanied by five to six software titles, with Nintendo aiming to have 11 titles on the market by the end of 2004.[br][br]Nintendo reportedly aims to sell three million units of the Nintendo DS worldwide by the end of fiscal 2005 next March - a period which should encompass both the Japanese and US launches before Christmas, and the European launch in early 2005.[br][br]While these figures certainly seem plausible, it should be noted that Nintendo has issued no official confirmation of the launch date, price or software support for the Nintendo DS as yet; in fact, we're still not even sure what the DS will be called at retail, since Nintendo DS is still officially a codename, not a final product name.[br][br]The retail prices suggested in this report would almost certainly make the NDS significantly cheaper than the PlayStation Portable, which is expected to cost well over 30,000 Yen (220 Euro) when it arrives in Japan later this year, ahead of a US and European launch in 2005.[br][br]Earlier this week, a Nintendo spokesperson criticised the PSP in an interview with Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, arguing that the handheld could not be classified as a true video game system because of its integration of music and movie playback functions.
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July 15th, 2004, 08:01 Posted By: Eric
This is a question for the GBA connector for the GameCube. Now i dont own one yet but i am thinking about it. The only reason is i love to play this on my tv. Another reason is if the GameCube has probs loading the cd's after years of using it atleast i can play my GBA games on it.
Now for the question cause i said i dont own one yet but i have Mario Kart for GBA can i play it 4 player multiplayer on the GameCube with the adaptor that goes under the GameCube and i do want to know if other will work aswell?
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July 15th, 2004, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Internet rumour mill hit overdrive today when Japanese retailers reportedly suggested that the Nintendo DS, which isn't even a definite name for the new handheld, is due to launch on November 4 in Japan and November 11 in America.[br]According to these highly unconfirmed sources, the console will be priced at 19,000 Yen and $179.95 respectively, which roughly converts to 100 of your UK pounds.[br][br]Also speculated in the reports was news of a very modest five to six title launch line-up, which wouldn't exactly overwhelm first buyers with choice. It's said there will be a further five games on the shelves before Christmas.[br][br]Although Nintendo has confirmed nothing at this stage, it has always been strongly believed that the company would launch the DS in Japan before the end of the year, with an American release not too far behind. [br][br]News of a European launch date, however, remains as sketchy as ever, with a Nintendo spokesperson delivering the customary "we do not comment on Internet rumours" response when contacted earlier today.[br][br]Put it this way, if the Nintendo DS arrives in this country before Christmas, we'll eat our GBA SPs - and they don't taste very nice.
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July 15th, 2004, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
Masken has released a new version of his Gamecube Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:[br][br]This release collects a number of improvements:[br][br]Added software YUYV conversion and software vertex processing to increase compability with older graphics cards. [br]Fixed a bug where WhineCube would crash when Cancel was pressed in the Open dialog. [br]Added a debug output system for homebrew coders who test their stuff with WhineCube. [br]Added support for the GameCube Reset button. [br]A few demos that uses hardware 3D now work. [br]Added GCM booting. Note: no commercial games work yet. [br][br]Download from Here
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July 15th, 2004, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube Emulator for Windows and Linux by Monk has seen a new release, heres whats new:[br][br]- support for gcm's and compressed gcm's[br]- virtual dvd support (mounting directory as the dvd root)[br]- improved gx emulation[br]- debugger is working on windows[br]- file / gcm browser[br]- OSReport emulation[br]- various fixes[br][br]Download both Linux and Windows versions Here
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July 17th, 2004, 05:51 Posted By: wraggster
Randomdude has ported the classic game Doom over to the Gamecube, this WIP version has the shareware levels built in and can be played on the Gamecube hardware or on any Gamecube Emulator.[br][br]More information, screenshots and download Here
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July 18th, 2004, 03:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] Mario Story 2 (Paper Mario 2) (last week's Famitsu rates: 9, 8, 8, 8 - 33/40) has been released in Japanese version today, a few days ahead of schedule. On the other hand, the US edition of Tales of Symphonia has reached us a little bit later than expected, and after the Tropical Storm alert, preorders are now being taken care of for both titles. New orders are welcome and ship within 24 hours starting from Monday.[br][br]Mario Story / Paper Mario 2[br][br]The sequel to the popular Mario RPG series. The game will have a mix of platform action, adventure and RPG elements. The battle system resembles the one found in Mario & Luigi for GameBoy Advance. There are also a number of mini games available for play during the quest. With very original graphical style, Mario Story has a very unique look 'n' feel.[br][br] Tales of Symphonia[br][br]One of the hottest Japanese RPGs of last Christmas is finally coming out in US version, with English texts, dialogs and menus. Tales of Symphonia has one of the fiercest, most action packed battle systems ever created with hundreds of special attacks, spells, and combos. Up to 4 players can control all the members of your party during battles. The game boasts over 80 hours of gameplay in an epic, emotionally charged storyline, illustrated by beautiful cel-shaded graphics from renowned artist Kosuke Fujishima.[br][br]Tales of Symphonia is the latest installment in Namco's ever-growing saga and there are already several derivated products which have been released around this popular series. At the moment, Lik Sang is carrying a high-quality Japanese book dedicated to the artworks of the game, as well as several toys starring the characters of the ToS (or previous episode Tales of Phantasia). The Tales of Symphonia capsule toys from Bandai ship randomly for US$ 4.95 and feature Presea Combatir, Shihna, Genius Sage, Collet and Lloyd Irving. We also have high-quality Tales of Phantasia One Coin Figures from Kotobukiya, shipping for US$ 4.95 each. These are Superbly molded trading figures featuring Cless Alvein, Chester Barklight, Mint Adonade, Arche Klaine, Fujibayashi Suzu, Klarth F. Lester and one secret character. These are the 'stone' color versions and require painting. Paints and brush have to be purchased separately. [br][br]Lik Sang
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July 18th, 2004, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Flubbas Gameboy emulator for the Gameboy Advance has been updated with a great new release, heres whats new:[br][br] V1.9 - 2004-07-18 (FluBBa)[br] Added optional FPS meter.[br] Added setting for autosleep time.[br] Added menu for VSync on/off/slowmo.[br] Added "transparent" border.[br] Added swapping of A & B buttons.[br] Fixed transfer when used as compressed (.mbz) plugin.[br] Fixed transfer on EZFA cards when bootmenu used.[br] Changed some of the old palettes and added some more. [br][br]Download the new version from Here
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July 18th, 2004, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Flubbas PC Engine emulator for the Gameboy Advance has been updated with a great new release, heres whats new:[br][br] V6.7 - 2004-07-18 (FluBBa)[br] Added swapping of A & B buttons.[br] Fixed transfer on EZFA cards when bootmenu used.[br] Minor CPU and tilerender optimizations.[br] Speedhacks (Thanks to DKL):[br] "Tower of Druaga (J)".[br] "Volfied (J)".[br] "Wonder Momo (J)".[br] "World Circuit (J)".[br] "Thunderblade (J)".[br] "Timeball (U) / Blodia (J)".[br] "Kaiser's Quest (J)". [br][br]Download the new version from Here
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July 18th, 2004, 13:21 Posted By: wraggster
Flubbas Awesome Nes emulator for the Gameboy Advance has been updated with a great new release, heres whats new:[br][br] V9.94 - 2004-07-18 (FluBBa)[br] Fixed the new cpu core.[br] Fixed the new mapper #4.[br] Fixed a bit with the vertical scrolling (Rad Racer looks better).[br] Fixed transfer when used as compressed (.mbz) plugin.[br] Fixed transfer on EZFA cards when bootmenu used.[br] Fixed garbage when leaving rommenu if too long names used.[br] Fixed a lot of missing text with the new menus.[br] Added swapping of A & B buttons.[br] Saving of Autosleep time.[br] Saving of flicker setting. [br][br]Download the new version from Here
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July 18th, 2004, 15:15 Posted By: MasterMunt
Hi, does anyone know if Nintendo are ever going to make an N64 cartridge player for the Gamecube?
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July 19th, 2004, 06:26 Posted By: wraggster
Just a quick newspost to say that Nintendo DS News Will be coming soon at this address --> http://nds-news.netfirms.com[br][br]It will be a full on site covering all areas of the Nintendo DS, ill let you know more as it happens, feel free to use the new Nintendo DS Forum Here
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July 20th, 2004, 05:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Developer System games could cost as little as 3800 yen (about £18) when they retail in Japan, according to Yukihito Morikawa, President of Japanese developer Muumuu.[br]Writing on his company's website, Yukihito-san said that he believed DS games would retail for that amount, but also went on to criticise the price because he felt it limited developers' freedoms and that for smaller releases, it would prove too expensive.[br][br]Muumuu is a third-party developer which has produced a number of games for Sony - including the Jumping Flash! series - and is also thought to be developing a new title for Sony's PSP. [br][br]However Morikawa-san's comments are a long way short of any official announcement, and of course Nintendo won't confirm any pricing information on the DS or its games right now.[br][br]However it is an interesting 'ball park' kind of figure for what DS cartridges might eventually cost and would seem relatively credible, given recent speculation about the price of the console itself.
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July 22nd, 2004, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so we've already talked about this, you've probably already heard about it, but just for the record, producer Eiji Aonuma has revealed that The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords is indeed being developed for the Nintendo DS.[br]Speaking to Spanish games journalists, he said that his team was currently working towards porting the link-up game from its GBA and GameCube incarnations, with the DS version likely to offer its own little individualities. "How?" we hear you scream. "Why, via the dual-screen functionality" we reply, with a smile wider than the River Thames.[br][br]According to reports, the game "will have a lot of connectivity and feature a lot of interaction between both screens". Sadly, it looks unlikely it will take advantage of the DS's possible online capabilities.[br][br]Absolutely no details on when the game will be released, although it's always comforting to know Zelda will be appearing on a new Nintendo console in the not-too-distant future.
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July 24th, 2004, 16:53 Posted By: swordstalker
has any body got a multicart which has al lot the old classic nes games on
i have got one and i think they are brilliant
does anybody else think like this
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July 25th, 2004, 03:44 Posted By: wraggster
Lotsa News from Lik Sang [br][br] The highly anticipated Gameboy Advance SP Naruto Edition has been received on Saturday morning and preorders are on their way. More stock is available and new orders ship within 24 hours for only US$ 198, the package including the Naruto RPG game released a couple of days ago. Enjoy the pictures here below (click to enlarge).[br][br]Naruto RPG is setting up Naruto as a problem student at Ninja Academy with a dark secret but dreaming of becoming a master ninja. Become a master in the art of the ninja yourself. This game features a semi-real time battle engine that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The outcome of the battle and the game is in your hands with more than 180 skills including those from the original anime/manga as well as entirely new ones created for this game. Try a hand at Kakashi's Sharingan or Sasuke's Chidori (1000 birds). This game is loaded with surprising cut-scenes. Adventure in the village of Konoha as well as Ninja Academy and meet up with unexpected characters. Naruto and friends can level-up quickly if you practice sound judgement in armor, outfit, skills, and battle formation! The battles are turn based, up to 4 characters can battle at once. You can use various ninja skills, tools and even summon spells in the battle.[br][br]The Naruto Anime is growing fast in popularity and as Dragonball Z before, it is declined in RPGs but also in fighting games (for GameCube and Playstation 2). Tomy's Naruto lineup includes some of the hottest games ever released, Naruto 2 for GameCube is breaking all records:[br] [br][br]Check out Lik Sang [br]for more information.
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July 25th, 2004, 04:48 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that the RascalBoy team can now have up to 4 GBAs emulated on 1 PC with this new plugin. Heres what i ca make out from the Homepage [br][br]Basically this is an experimental plugin that will emulate multiple GBAs on one PC, good for 2/3 player Mario Kart [br][br]Download the plugin from Here
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July 25th, 2004, 05:53 Posted By: swordstalker
i got columns crown off my sister for my birthday and i thought i would complete it in no time because iam really good at the original columns for megadrive
after i had played for an hour i knew how tough it was to get gems
the game itself is easy but getting the gems is nearly impossible
i was on survival mode for about half an hour and all they gave was a lousy freeze gem which i already had
has anybody actualy completed this game
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July 25th, 2004, 05:56 Posted By: swordstalker
how many gba games do you own
i own 16 myself inc lotr2 crash bandicoot 2 and my newest sims bustin out
can anybody say they have more than me
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July 25th, 2004, 06:22 Posted By: swordstalker
the new tribal gba sp has been very well advertised on telly.
there is also a new gameboy sp which you can get a deal with
the gba has got a classic nes look(i think mario scene, i am not sure) and you can get 1 old nes game with it
i do not know what the price is but i think they will not sell as good as the tribal sp
i think in game or gamestation they are doing an offer bring in your old sp and get a tribal sp for £40
i am probaly going to get the new tribal sp because of that offer
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July 25th, 2004, 14:34 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba Has released an updated version of the Awesome NES emulator for the Game Boy Advance called PocketNes, heres whats new:[br][br]Added correct PAL sound pitch (and shaved of 4kB).[br] Added correct PAL timing.[br] Added option to automaticly load savestates.[br] Fixed sprite problems in Downtown special.[br] Better MultiBoot transfer.[br][br]Download from Here
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July 27th, 2004, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang [br][br] Pikmin 2, sold out and in Famitsu's Most Wanted for weeks, will be released as US version as early as Monday of next week. Please place your pre-order early to reserve your copy. In stock and shipping within 24h already by now is Pikmin 1 (US) for affordable $19.95 (as long as stocks last). Perfect to order along with your Pikmin 2, but also not a bad choice on its own if you should already own the Japanese version of Pikmin 2.[br][br]Japan is strange in many ways, and so are Japanese companies. Nintendo was landing a major hit with Pikmin 2 and Japanese gaming mags just loved it. The sun was shining in Japan and the world was just so beautiful. Only problem for Nintendo was, that they couldn't ship enough Pikmin 2 to the retail stores and Pikmin 2 landed on the Famitsu Most Wanted Charts even after it's release (and stayed there for weeks). If you couldn’t get your hands on it as Japanese import version, here we go with the US release.[br] [br]For all of you who missed it, here are the Japanese ratings for Pikmin 2:[br][br]Famitsu: 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)[br][br]Dorimaga: 10 / 9 / 9 - Total 9,33[br][br]Famitsu GC: 10 / 9 / 10 / 10 - (39/40)[br][br]Dengeki GC: 9 / 9 / 9[br][br]Captain Olimar has returned to the planet where the Pikmin live, and he's all business this time! The company he works for is going bankrupt, so to save it, Olimar must salvage the treasure buried all over the planet. Luckily, Olimar brought an assistant, so they should be able to erase that debt in no time! Of course, they'll need the help of the Pikmin to do that. Alternate controlling the main characters - Olimar and his assistant - as you command your Pikmin to defeat enemies, propagate more Pikmin, collect precious doodads, and solve puzzles. With no time limit, new colors of Pikmin, and two-player cooperative play, Pikmin 2 improves on the original in every way. [br][br]More info at Lik Sang
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July 28th, 2004, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has unveiled a new look for the Nintendo DS handheld console and confirmed the final product name, with the console is still on track for release in North America and Japan late this year, and Europe in Q1 2005.[br][br]In a release issued early this morning, the company wrote: "Nintendo DS, originally chosen as the code name, has been selected as the official product name. The Nintendo DS name evokes the idea of a portable system with dual screens, providing the rationale for the final name."[br][br]The new design, which you can see on this page, is the result of Nintendo's search for "a slimmer, sharper look", and one more in tune with an older audience - echoing the company's design for the GBA SP in many ways. It's certainly more akin to the PSP than it is to the unit which was unveiled at E3.[br][br]The DS now sports a thinner, black base and angular platinum flip-top cover, with larger face and shoulder buttons than the E3 unit, some of which have been "reconfigured for optimum use". The unit also gains a storage slot for the stylus, which was missing from the E3 unit, and we're told that the speakers now broadcast in stereo, with or without headphones.[br][br]Earlier this month, we reported [claims from Japanese retail sources] that the system would be out in Japan on November 4th priced around 140 Euro, following in the US a week later on the 11th for the equivalent of 145. Euro The same sources projected five or six launch titles.[br][br]Nintendo has yet to officially confirm a date or pricing for the system's launch later this year, but is expected to do so shortly. As for the launch line-up, all we know for certain is that "more than 120 Nintendo DS games [are] in development" with more than 100 companies signed up, and that "Nintendo alone is developing more than 20 titles."
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July 28th, 2004, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's DS handheld console will indeed be called the 'Nintendo DS' when it ships later this year, the Japanese company confirmed today.[br][br]It also revealed the unit's final design - a sleeker, more elegant look than the more old-style shape shown at the E3 show earlier this year.[br][br]At that time, Nintendo maintained that the DS name - simply standing for 'dual screen' - was just a codename, no more. But the name has stuck, and with World+Dog happy with and continuing to use the 'Nintendo DS' moniker, the console maker has decided to use it on the final version.[br][br]"Nintendo DS, originally chosen as the code name, has been selected as the official product name," it said today. "The Nintendo DS name evokes the idea of a portable system with dual screens, providing the rationale for the final name."[br][br]The DS is set to ship in the US and Japan by the end of the year, with the console's European debut scheduled for Q1 2005. We have heard 4 and 11 November for the US and Japanese release dates, respectively.[br][br]Sony's rival handheld, the PlayStation Portable (PSP), is set to appear in Japan in Q4 2004, and North America and Europe in Q1 2005.[br][br]Nintendo has already said the handheld will be powered by twin ARM-based processors running at 67MHz and 33MHz, respectively. It will contain 128MB of RAM. The two displays - the lower of which is touch-sensitive - operate at 256 x 192, a little better than the GBA's 240 x 160 panel. The DS will possess decent 2D capabilities, but it also has a 3D graphics system which, the spec. claims, is capable of drawing 120,000 polygons per second, representing a fill-rate of 30 million pixels per second.[br][br]The unit will support wireless Internet access and multi-player gaming across an 802.11b WLAN.
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July 28th, 2004, 12:06 Posted By: swordstalker
Recently i went yo a car boot sale :'(
and found a stall with tons of games 
when looking athe gb games i spotted tetris with a nearly mint condition book so i asked how much it was ???
the lady told me it was £5 so i snapped it up before anybody got it(i had to borrow a couple of quid off my gran because i was skint)
when i got home i played it for a few hours because the game is so addictive
has anybody else had any offers like this
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July 28th, 2004, 13:03 Posted By: swordstalker
Featuring on the ds is a pictohat systyem which enables you to send pictures and text to someone with in 30 feet(can go up to 100 feet in the right conditions)
i think this feature is really good except how would you be able to draw/write at the same time as playing
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July 29th, 2004, 04:22 Posted By: Odb718
Do you guys even know about xlink? I've been using it to play Halo system link for quite awhile now. I recently got a gamecube and dont have any system link games yet (online games) Xlink Kai works great and theDaddy is working on getting it up even better!! Check it out if you have Mario Kart or any other game like that. I hear it works flawlessly. One thing I know about hosting xbox games on it. Having 128 up stinks.
Oh, seeing as I'm a newbie here I was wondering about the PSO hacks.... Am I alowed to ask or whats the deal?
Modderators please dont ban me for that^^^
Feel free to delete, edit, or pm to change anything that needs it.
Anyway, Get ready for Ol' Dirty
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July 29th, 2004, 13:08 Posted By: swordstalker
i think nintendo should release paper mario ds
i think the graphics would be able to handle such a game and the top screen could be a message screen for the multiplayer option which could be included. the multiplayer option would be an even bigger world than the the single player mode and will be more tough.
when getting to certian points in the game you could spend your coins on other nintendo allstars to play with in certain areas of multiplayer modes and their would be also one free mini game with each character.
The ds could also have a demo disk free with it called E3 demo which will have all the demos from E3 on it
what do other people think on this subject
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July 30th, 2004, 22:31 Posted By: curt_grymala
Does anyone know where an Afterburner kit can be purchased?
kungpow is looking for one to install on his Dreamcast/GBA hybrid (DreamGBA, I think he's calling it), and he has been unable to find one anywhere. I told him I'd help him look, but I haven't had much luck either. He says it's one of the last steps in his hardware mod.
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July 31st, 2004, 02:52 Posted By: swordstalker
it has been officialy published thet the nintendo ds shall have wireless connection so there are no link cables needed
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July 31st, 2004, 04:58 Posted By: swordstalker
nintendo's first quarter profits for this financial year have shown a marked increase because of foreign exchange rate and solid games like pokemon colleseum
the kyoto based company has senn profits rise by 98% from last years q1 figure
the profits have seen nintendo sigh a breath of relief, its profits dropped by 51% at the end of 2003's fiscal year due to poor exchange rate
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July 31st, 2004, 12:02 Posted By: swordstalker
nintendo have relesed 9 new names for the ds
what do these names mean
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July 31st, 2004, 15:31 Posted By: swordstalker
EAD deputy manager eiji aonuma has announced that there will be a zelda game on the ds but no name has been confirmed
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