August 1st, 2004, 16:59 Posted By: Youngie
This topic has been moved to [link=http://www.dcemu.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=ngage;action=display;num=1091403856; start=0]Nokia N-Gage Forum[/link] by Wraggster.
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August 1st, 2004, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
The GBA emu for Windows has seen an update along with the new multi player plugin, heres whats new:[br][br] (August 1, 2004)[br]----------------------[br]> New in this version[br][br]Various changes for RBA Multi Plugin.[br][br]Fixed bug in OAM layer priority in modes 4.[br] [br][br]Download from Here
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August 1st, 2004, 19:57 Posted By: JayKings
i need help with my gba flash2advance, Please someone help me, i bought it becuase of this trip now its messing up. Please e-mail me at jaykings@msn.com. i shall be waiting for e-mail.!!! ???
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August 4th, 2004, 02:33 Posted By: smartmart
Can anybody help me, I have built the powerplant and can't proceed any further, what do I do next, is the game faulty?
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August 4th, 2004, 12:15 Posted By: IntegralAnomaly
Using a link cable and connecting my gameboy advance to my pc is it possible to transfer pokemon from the pc game to the gameboy game?
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August 6th, 2004, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster
News From Success HK [br][br] After Mario Edition Controller released, Nintendo Clube is now announce Luigi Edition Controller which will be available on 24th August. Same as before, this controller is only availabe in Japan. The Nintendo Club members need 500points so as to get this limited controller. You can visit Nintendo Club for more information. [br][br]Check the screenshots out in the news section at the link above.
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August 11th, 2004, 10:09 Posted By: Christuserloeser
I thought it would be interesting to list some of the upcoming GC (PAL) highlights:
Animal Crossing
finally in Europe 
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
Multiplayer sidekick of the adventure series
Mario Party 6
Mega Man X: Command Mission (Capcom)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Capcom)
LowBuget Release, contains MegaMan 1-6 NES, MegaMan 7 SNES, MegaMan 8 PlayStation, MegaMan Power Arcade Series 1 & 2 (unreleased from 1996/1997) = 10 classic games for 30$
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Paper Mario 2
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil 4 (Capcom)
Tales of Symphonia RPG (Namco)
Viewtiful Joe 2 (Capcom)
Wario Ware Inc.
Advance Wars: Under Fire
sequel to the Famicom & GameBoyAdvance strategy game series
Baten Kaitos RPG (Namco)
by the Xenosaga & Star Ocean developers
Donkey Konga / Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
with special drum controller
Fire Emblem
sequel to the NES/Famicom series, like Shining Force
Legend of Zelda
sequel to WindWaker
Mario Tennis
Star Fox (Namco)
Virtua Fighter RPG / Virtua Fighter Quest (SEGA)
Sounds pretty interesting to me ;D
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August 12th, 2004, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo DS will launch in North America in late November, according to unconfirmed reports quoting publishing sources at the Ziff-Davis Electronic Gaming Summit.[br][br]Third-party publishers are reportedly "confident" that the portable will be on store shelves in North America in time for Thanksgiving and the traditional start of the US Christmas rush.[br][br]This seems to tally with what Japanese retail sources were saying in mid-July. At the time, this website [reported] comments indicating that the DS would launch in the US on November 11th at $179.95 (€145) following a November 4th launch at 19,000 yen (€140) in Japan.[br][br]However, reports this week also had publishers citing concerns over the as-yet unknown launch line-up, with some worried that most of the system's big titles were expected in Q1 2005. Japanese retail sources in July suggested that 11 titles would be released by the end of 2004.[br][br]But, in the absence of official confirmation from Nintendo, for the moment it's impossible to measure exactly how things will unfold. The last word from the platform holder was that the DS would be released in Japan and North America in "late 2004". When it was unveiled at E3, the charismatic Reggie Fils-Aime told the audience that the system would be available in Europe in Q1 2005.[br][br]Recently, Nintendo has [confirmed] the final name, logo and design of the unit, and also unveiled a list of titles in development in Japan and the West, including big names from the likes of Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Capcom, Konami and others.[br][br]The Nintendo DS' main perceived rival, the Sony PlayStation Portable, is expected in a similar timeframe.
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August 13th, 2004, 08:53 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America's vice president of sales and marketing, Reggie Fils-Aime, has been laying down the law on the company's new DS handheld at the 8th Annual Ziff Davis Electronic Gaming Summit in California.[br]In a wide ranging speech, Fils-Aime had a great deal to say on the advent of Nintendo's new DS system and how and why it will conquer the known world.[br][br]Fils-Aime began by drawing a distinction between how Nintendo viewed the advent of new technologies and its difference in approach to historical rivals, saying: "The distinction is this: while we've steadily improved the technology of Game Boy, Nintendo has never considered itself in the technology business. We are in the entertainment business."[br][br]Bold words indeed and it's a point well made, but then Fils-Aime went on to detail how he saw the upcoming launches of both the DS and Sony's PSP, focussing on why he thought the DS would embody the vital 'wow' factor.[br][br]Stacking DS against Game Boy, Fils-Aime indicated that Nintendo is aiming to have the new system "markedly increase the average player age", but raised the sensible and rhetorical question, "What do those older players want from a portable game machine?", adding "If, indeed, they want a portable game machine at all?"[br][br]"The less obvious answer... But perhaps the more accurate one, is that older gamers may well expect and accept a different kind of game experience on their portable," Fils-Aime said. [br][br]In terms of marketing strategy, Fils-Aime said that DS will certainly be marketed as a portable playing device, drawing a parallel here with Game Boy, but went on to highlight a key distinction between the two, what he termed "socialization factor" - or the DS's ability to connect 16 players wirelessly. Apparently this for Nintendo "marries the same excitement of competing side by side with your friends in GoldenEye, but expands it four fold". [br][br]We were also reminded that the DS is equipped to allow long distance connections via wireless Internet browser, although Fils-Aime added that "...but as we know, we're still some time away from actually having wireless head-to-head play in any contemporary game sense."[br][br]Also spoken about were DS titles in development, familiar franchises Final Fantasy, Madden, Castlevania, Harvest Moon and Rayman mentioned, and presumably assuming that some might have responded to recently announced line-ups for East and West with "what a load of old hat", Fils-Aime commented that "what isn't represented in those lists are the novel ways in which those games will play on Nintendo DS." [br][br]"Fresh approaches owe to the way these games are reinvented by the technical innovations of DS, he said. "Because the interface is altered by the inclusion of two screens... one of them a touch screen... and wireless multiplayer and the possibility of voice command. That means that you can literally experience these adventures like never before-no matter how long you've been playing games."[br][br]Fils-Aime said that for the next fifteen years, just like the last 15, handheld gaming will be known by one name: Nintendo. Nintendo, he said, has always made handheld players say the same thing - wow! - "...with more than 75 games in development worldwide... with brand new player interface and brand new player interaction... I can promise you you'll see things you've never seen before."
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August 14th, 2004, 05:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Linkers 4 u.com of a major new Dev Kit (flash linker cart set) for playing your GBA homebrew on the GBA or on the Gamecube via the Gameboy Player.[br][br][br] XG2 Turbo PLUS SPEC: [br][1] The first battery changeable DIY design in the world,you don't need headachy with the battery problem again, present 3 pcs hi-power Lion batteries in the retail packing, you change the battery in 10 seconds, easy job![br][2] The new design plastic case, use professional industrial class PC materials to inject, the feeling is very exquisite and 100% suitable with SP. [br][3] Come with XG2T 512M USB LINKER V2,burning function and GBA/SP charger 2 in 1. [br][4] Build in 32M~64M super big REAL SMS system, never use any flash space to save the SMS data and menu,128M and 256M both can save full multi-title data. [br][5] Can continue working over 10 hours on SP, the longest continue working time in the world. [br][6] Use improved circuit, more stable. [br][br]More information at Linkers 4 u.com
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August 15th, 2004, 00:12 Posted By: baz
hi people just wondering if you could help me with my problem, i want to run my gba box art has shortcut to
play the roms i have how do i do this please help
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August 15th, 2004, 02:05 Posted By: swordstalker
everybody knows the old look ds looked a bit of rubbish cos of the chunky style nintendo went for
now nintendo have answerd eveyones prayers and changed the design of it to look cool and slim
now i think the nintendo ds will be on everyones to buy list, it is already on mine
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August 15th, 2004, 17:05 Posted By: buystar
The gbatoys.com has released the new 1Gb Ecube EZFA Flash Memory Cart. I found it on
It just released on 8/11/04, I got the 256Mb from them before and just wondering to I may get the 1Gb if I have enough money.
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August 17th, 2004, 04:20 Posted By: Odb718
I've come up with a brilliant idea.
hook a HDD up to the gamecube... sorta...
Most people cant caryy their PC over to their freinds house so haveing the Gamecube and the PSO/BBA wouldn't really fly.
But I do bring my xbox to my freinds house for lan parties constantly.
What I'm getting at is. Xbox can run linux(legally too)
Linux can run the PSO loader.
So why not hook the Xbox and the Gamecube together!!??
It would be insane! Nothing could be cooler!
Either the xbox linux would need to be reworked or the PSO loader would need to be reworked or maybe not even either.
Expect more in a day.
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August 17th, 2004, 12:12 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
News From Lik Sang [br][br] While the summer peak is clearly showing it's traces in the videogames world, our friends at Cube-Europe have acquired a test report of the Nintendo DS showing the Nintendo DS battery pack, the unit being tested with some kind of lab equipment, and most importantly: the inside of the Nintendo DS. The document they got their hands on is based on the first publicly introduced version of the Nintendo DS (also known as the E3-edition).[br][br]The latest Nintendo DS Facts:[br][br]Nintendo USA confirmed to a user of the Gaming Age Forums that the Nintendo DS will not play 8 bit Gameboy games. It will only play Gameboy Advance games, due to the missing Z80 CPU that was still present in the Gameboy Advance.[br][br]The Nintendo DS is using the same AC Adapter as the Gameboy Advance SP. Absolutely positive for import gamers who already own Multivolt AC adapters.[br][br]Gameindustry.biz reported that Nintendo of America is planning to launch the Nintendo DS in North America before the US Thanksgiving day on November 11. A Japanese launch will take place one week ahead of US release on November 4. Nintendo has not confirmed these and is sticking to its original "by the end of 2004" time frame.[br][br]As for the European launch, Nintendo is still uttering an early 2005 release. In Austrlia the system is supposed to hit the shelves in March 2005.[br][br]According to a Japanese stock newspaper, Kabushiki Shimbun, the new memory media which will be used for DS software can cost 30-70% less than the current GBA cartridges.[br][br]More than sixtyfour (64) games titles are in development for the Nintendo DS in Japan.[br][br]More than sixty titles (60) are in development for the DS in the Western Hemisphere.
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August 18th, 2004, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from Success HK that the cost of the GBA SP Movie Player has now dropped to $17.90, heres a description of the player.[br][br] GBA SP Movie Player enables you to use your GameBoy Advance SP (or GameBoy Advance) to play video and audio files, or as an eBook from your Personal Computer. The included software is designed to convert common video and audio files into .gbm or .gbs file format, the software also supports Windows Media Player and Real Player file types, which makes upgrade simple. Converted files can be stored in a common Compact Flash memory card. Just plug the memory card into your GBA SP Movie Player and now. You can now play movies, listen to music or use it as an eBook!
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August 18th, 2004, 09:41 Posted By: wraggster
Metroid Prime 2 will form the backbone of Nintendo's Christmas Cube offering in Europe, while Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap stand tall in a diverse list of first party GBA offerings.[br][br]In a release issued this morning, Nintendo of Europe outlined its Christmas releases, starting with budget-priced party game WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ on September 3rd and concluding with the release of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.[br][br]In between, Cube owners can look forward to the long awaited, localised European release of Animal Crossing, also out on Sept 3rd, Pikmin 2 and Donkey Konga in October, and Paper Mario 2 and Namco's Tales of Symphonia in November, which ought to keep RPG fans happy for a month or so.[br][br]Curiously though there's no place on the list for Mario Party 6, which we had very much expected to see in its traditional pre-Christmas slot. Perhaps Nintendo bumped it to give Wario Ware a chance to shine? The list also virtually confirms recent reports - including one this morning - that Star Fox and Geist are now due out next year.[br][br]This leaves Nintendo, once again, with a lot of titles that are bound to gather critical acclaim - and almost certainly deservedly so - but with the exception of Metroid Prime 2 not that many that are likely to scythe through the competition during a hectic Christmas rush.[br][br]Any GBA owners bound to an elderly relative's couch this Christmas won't have too much to worry about, however, with a number of exciting titles due on the handheld - despite the impending launch of the Nintendo DS, which is due out in Europe in early 2005. In fact, it'll be interesting to see how GBA sales fare in the run-up to Christmas purely on that basis.[br][br]We'll be in the queue though, busily scrabbling to get hold of Mario Golf Advance Tour (Sept 17th), the eagerly awaited The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Nov 12th), Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Nov 19th), and - for the sake of working out what it is more than anything - "Super Mario Ball" (Nov 26th). Square die-hards will be pleased to see Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls down for early December, too.[br][br]Key exclusives due out on Nintendo platforms in the run up to Christmas:[br][br][br]GameCube[br][br]Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ - September 3rd[br][br]Animal Crossing - September 3rd[br][br]Pikmin 2 - October 8th[br][br]Donkey Konga - October 15th[br][br]Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door - November 12th[br][br]Tales of Symphonia - November 19th[br][br]Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - November 26th[br][br][br][br]Game Boy Advance[br][br]Mario Golf Advance Tour - September 17th[br][br]Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red - October 1st[br][br]The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - November 12th[br][br]Mario vs. Donkey Kong - November 19th[br][br]Super Mario Ball - November 26th[br][br]Mario Party Advance - December 3rd[br][br]Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls - December 10th
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August 18th, 2004, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
GBA-IQue News has just updated the site to include every emulator for the GameBoy Advance including the likes of Paco, Asteroids, Centipede, Pacman, Punchout GBA, RGBArcade, Space Invadors, GBA Atari 2600, Atari 2600, Atari 2600vcs, 8Ball, Chip 8, Dr Chip 8, ColEM, Colecovision, Colecotech, Dr SMS, PocketSMS, DrGB, GBX, GBonGBA, GoomBA, PocketGB, Unnoficial Famicom, Famicom, [br]Infones, PocketNes, PocketNes K, PCE Advance, Snes Advance, Foon & Zx Advance.[br][br]Not to mention the interpreters for the GBA too.[br][br]Check out GBA-IQue News for all those emulators.
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August 20th, 2004, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBA has released a new version of his great PC Engine emulator for the GBA, heres whats new in this release:[br][br]V6.8 - 2004-08-19 (FluBBa)[br] Added correct sound pitch on channel 3 & 4.[br] Fixed the gamma adjuster a bit (more to do with the source).[br] Better VBLankWait.[br][br]download from Here
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August 21st, 2004, 05:06 Posted By: wraggster
Reesey has finally released the Pogoshell version of the best Sega Master System Emulator for the Gameboy Advance.[br][br]Download from Here
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August 21st, 2004, 05:34 Posted By: wraggster
The GBA Movie Player Advance now adds a new interesting feature to its already amazing list, it can now play Nes Roms up to 200k in size which means it will support quite a few Nes games, heres what the official site says:[br][br]"Supported NES format file, which is 200k limited. Before you play FC game, do remember to put the Pocketnes.gba file to the root directory of the CF Card. Save function is not supported. Just copy the TXT format file to the CF Card then read it on the GBA/GBA SP."[br][br]Check out a review of this great piece of hardware via [br] Success HK</a
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August 22nd, 2004, 11:10 Posted By: Guyver
Hi all im new to this fourm
Ive had a panasonic gamecube for some time now and only suddenly realised and i cant find any info on this anywhere about my problem, so i hope to ask some 1.
My GC is modded to play Jap/US games + it plays al l regions EXCEPT region 2 which is the UK. how come?
All other sites say that if their modded they play all regions. But i cant on mine...can anyone explain that to me plz
Thank you very much for helping
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August 22nd, 2004, 16:33 Posted By: kit786
Hi, sorry if this has already been answered but will the ds be region free ( you can play games from japan, usa, europe on all system), like previous Nintendo handheld consoles?
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August 23rd, 2004, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
News From Play Asia [br][br] It's just a pinball game, right? Hardly. It's a flipping adventure. Mario rolls through different worlds. Instead of performing his signature jump on enemies, Mario just steamrolls them in ball form. [br][br]Each pinball arena contains a door to the next level. You must shoot Mario into the door to open it and then shoot him through the door to advance to the next level. Of course, all your favorite baddies from the Mario universe stand in the way of Mario and the door. [br][br]In some levels, Mario can roll through special openings to face a boss character or pick up bonuses. Every time you knock out a bad guy, it leaves behind a coin. With those coins, you earn points. Toad also appears occasionally and hosts a shop where you can buy items. Buying an extra pipe is nice in times of need, or maybe you'd rather have the mushroom to transform into a super Mario ball. [br][br]Mario can also earn other bonuses. Once you defeat enough opponents, a question mark sometimes appears in the middle of the level. Once Mario rolls into it, bonus items appear in a box. Press the A Button to win the item that appears in the box, like an extra pipe to keep Mario from rolling past the flippers. The item can even be something bad, such as a reduction in points. [br][br]The controls are very, very simple. You just control the flippers at the bottom of the screen. However, the gameplay is so addictive that it's tough to stop once you get on a roll. [br][br]Super Mario Ball (also known as Mario Pinball Land outside of Japan) is now in stock at US$ 48.90 only.[br][br] As the skies of Metro City fill with giant mechs, Astro, a robot with human emotions, arrives in a blaze of glory to defend all that is good. Fueled by jet-powered legs, he buzzes the menacing beasts and blasts them with lethal laser fire from his fingertips. Astro will stop at nothing to protect the humans and robots of his city and as he does, he discovers he is far more powerful than he ever realized.[br][br]The US version of Treasure's action platform game Astro Boy: Omega Factor is now in stock at US$ 39.90. Still available is the Japanese version of the game at US$ 48.90 respectively.[br]
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August 23rd, 2004, 11:06 Posted By: Vegetable
Am I the only one that noticed this? Look on the front page of the dolwin website
"Dolwin now more stable and its
almost fully emulating GC hardware. It will be good deal for next release "
Why hasn't this appeared on the news page yet?
Edit: holy crap why is my picture so big?
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August 23rd, 2004, 15:05 Posted By: soccerboi00
Animal Crossing DS
Mario Kart DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters
NEW Super Mario Bros. DS
Super Mario 64X4
WarioWare Inc. DS
DEMO: Baloon Trip
DEMO: Carving
DEMO: Mario's Face
DEMO: DS Pikachu
DEMO: Special Effects
DEMO: Submarine
DEMO: Table Hockey
Spider-Man 2
Title TBD
Several Titles
Mega Man Battle Network (New Game)
Viewtiful Joe (New Game)
Gyakuten Saiban (New Game)
Electronic Arts:
Need for Speed (New Game)
The Urbz
Several Titles
Hudson Soft:
Several Titles
Dynasty Warriors
Konami Corporation:
Several Titles
Namco Limited:
Pac'n Roll
Mr. Driller
RPG Title (New Game, TBD)
Sega Corporation:
Sonic E3 Demo
Project Rub
Square Enix:
Egg Monster Heroes
FINAL FANTASY: Crystal Chronicles (New Game)
Dragon Quest Monsters (New Game)
Monster Rancher
Team Ninja Title (New Game)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Rayman TBD
Title TBD (New Game)
feel free to add on ;D
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August 24th, 2004, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
In the latest issue of Nintendo Dream magazine, Nintendo spokesman Mitsuaki Hagishima revealed that there is a secret on the Nintendo DS' hardware. Located on the bottom-right side of the handheld, next to the earphone plug, is a square hole for which Nintendo has not given any explanation. [br][br]"There’s a little secret to this [hole]," comments Hagiwara in the magazine. "It looks as though you can plug something in there, but the stylus pen is going to be connected to the back [of the handheld], so…we’ll reveal more in the future." [br][br]Hagiwara also commented that Nintendo is currently considering the release of different color variations on the Nintendo DS, which would be similar to how the company has released different color models of the Game Boy Advance and GBA SP. [br][br]"There’s nothing specific decided about the coloring [of the DS], except that it will be two-toned," says Hagiwara. "We released three color variations when the GBA launched. We’re still thinking about what colors variations of the DS to release, but while taking into consideration the production efficiency, we’re thinking of releasing colors that are popular throughout the world, since it will be launched worldwide [at about the same time]."
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August 24th, 2004, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his awesome PC Engine emulator for the GBA, heres whats new in this release:[br][br]Added support for iso files from Pogoshell.[br][br]Removed sprite setting from menu.[br][br]Download from Here
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August 25th, 2004, 10:33 Posted By: wraggster
The forthcoming Nintendo DS handheld console won't be shown off at the Game Stars Live show in London next week, as some had hoped, although Nintendo will have an extensive line-up on its stand at the show.[br][br]The firm will be showing off titles including Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Donkey Konga and Animal Crossing on the GameCube, while GBA owners will get to see the new Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green titles and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, among others.[br][br]However, there's no sign of the Nintendo DS in the company's line-up, which was announced today. Although it always seemed an outside chance at best, it had been hoped that the double-screened handheld would make its first public appearance at Game Stars Live, following its unveiling at E3.[br][br]Nintendo is also eschewing the Tokyo Games Show in late September, preferring to promote the DS at a number of smaller nationwide events ahead of its Japanese launch later this year.
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August 25th, 2004, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube Emulation Site which features all the released Gamecube Emulators and Emulators and Homebrew (roms) for the Gamecube and also the latest Gamecube News has changed its url, heres the new url for Gamecube Emulation Site (follow that link)
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August 25th, 2004, 15:10 Posted By: Darksaviour69
I know its a bit of a lame topic, but i just got my placement sorted out (start monday) so as a wee treat i went and out a GC ( want an xbox as well, but there is a price drop on friday and they are dearer, so i'm going to get a bit more money first). got a silver preowned, with a VMU... sorry MCard and Metroid Prime for £65. so my question is ...What Games should i get?
btw i want to get Beyond Good & Evil
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August 25th, 2004, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of the excellent Nes Emulator for the GBA called PocketNes, heres whats new:[br][br]V9.96 - 2004-08-25 (FluBBa)[br][br]Added Player1+Player2 input, good for SMB 2 players.[br][br]Added gamma adjustment.[br][br]Better VBLankWait.[br][br]Download from Here
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August 25th, 2004, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
News From Nintendo DS News [br][br] Internet rumours from Canada are speculating that the GoldenEye game for Nintendo DS, which EA and Nintendo announced a short while back, is in fact based on Rare's seminal N64 classic, with the added bonus of link-up play for up to 16 players.[br]Although these reports remain pure speculation at this stage, one source is citing that this information is 100-percent "confirmed" and has been leaked from contacts at the publishing giant EA.[br][br]It's suggested that the game is being developed by EA, is exclusive to Nintendo and will allow for between eight-16 players to join in at any one time, with possibilities for wi-fi Internet play. It is, however, unknown whether the game will be built using the original engine.[br][br]So any substance to these rumours? Well at this stage we simply can't say as attempts to contact EA to query the publisher about the reports have so far proved fruitless - nobody has been available for comment.[br][br]Knowing how popular N64 GoldenEye was (and still is), however, we wouldn't be surprised if there was an element of truth to this story. Time will tell.
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August 26th, 2004, 10:21 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news from Lik Sang [br][br] The GBA Movie Player is one of the most popular GBA accessories and enables you to use your Gameboy Advance™ or Gameboy Advance SP™ to play video and audio files and read e-books from standard Compact Flash™ cards. You can use your PC and a normal Compact Flash card reader to transfer and convert your media files to the Compact Flash cards. There are currently 90 reviews (!!) for the GBA Movie Player, with an average rating of 4.5 stars on our GBA Movie Player page. Your GBA is not complete without this must-have add-on![br][br]The GBA Movie Player is not licensed, sponsored or supported by Nintendo. The difference to the AM3 Player (available in Japan only) is that you can play your own movies, while with the official one you can only play what you buy in a retail store. The AM3 Player cannot record your own movies, pictures or e-books, but the GBA Movie Player can without any limitations.[br][br]GBA Movie Player V2 - The New Version (US$ 24.90)[br][br]The new version of the GBA Movie Player, smaller, cooler, and with new hot features, will be released within a week and pre-orders are being accepted already now. The 2nd version of the popular device doesn't require a GBA cartridge to play your movies and is shipping for US$ 24.90. it now includes a new English user guide, a newly designed packing, the software CD with the now faster and easier to use Windows Software, and the Movie Player Demo CD you will only get at Lik Sang. Please place your order now to get your hands on the 2nd version as soon as it is out.[br][br]The Comparison Shots[br][br]Here are a few images to show you the difference between the old and the new versions. The other device you can see is the AM3 version, the officially licensed player (that can't play your own movies and images).[br][br]The Free Firmware Update - For all Existing Users[br][br]Next to the new hardware version, there are also some good news for all the current GBA Movie Player users. The new and free Firmware Upgrade will integrate a few new features to your player and fix existing bugs. Along with the new Windows Software that has been reworked (now easier and faster to use), the update also comes with a FC games player to emulate your homebrew stuff. Please take a closer look for more details on the features at the discussions in the GBA Movie Player Support Forums or just download the upgrade from our product page and start right away. Please note that the Firmware included with the Windows Software has already been replaced by the new one available on the product page or in the forum as well.[br][br][br]Cheap and Simple Compact Flash Reader for your PC (US$ 5.90)[br][br]For all of you who have no use at all for a Multi Card Reader 6in1 or anything like this, there is now a cheap alternative device, the Compact Flash Card Reader / Writer, for US$ 5.90 only. If you own a digital camera or a MP3 player using a Compact Flash, Smart Media, SD Card (etc), you might still want to consider the faster USB2 Multi Card Reader 6in1.
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August 29th, 2004, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
Brooksilver has informed us of an interesting project in the works:[br][br]In August 2001, two Syracuse University alumni began work on an independent game project. In 2002, Lightspire Studios, Inc. was created to push the limits of interactive storytelling within the game industry. By March 2003, the obvious platform for this project was the Gameboy Advance System offering small developers a realistic opportunity to compete on a commercial level. Many volunteers from the art, music, and GBA development community have graciously contributed since that time. Thus, "Chronicles of Eden, Vol. I: Vangarde's Tale" was born out of thousands of hours of work dedicated to a single vision: create a truly epic and original title with rich story and character development that will last the tests of time (are these kinds of games sadly missing or what?). The next step is to secure a publisher to complete its development. [br][br]Check out a preview of the game at http://www.lightspirestudios.com.
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August 31st, 2004, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
Source = Nintendo DS News [br][br] In its Electronic Entertainment Industry Update released today, TNI Securities reports that the recently revealed headset port on the Nintendo DS will be used in conjunction with the built-in wireless 802.11b networking capabilities to offer voice-over-IP chat--in effect, allowing gamers to use the DS to make free phone calls at wireless network hotspots. [br][br]The report, which is intended for investors in the electronic games industry, goes on to express TNI's opinion that this will "help drive adoption among the increasingly connected younger gaming audience." [br][br]Analyst Boris Markovich in his weekly memo said "the headset will allow gamers to use the DS as a phone handset enabling free phone calls over wireless network hotspots. We think that this will be a very compelling application of the handset..." [br][br]Markovich adds that based on his research, the DS remain "on track" for a 2004 release in both the US and Japan.
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