November 1st, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
News from our affiliates over at NGemu
Dolphin passed the 1000 revision milestone, with significant progress. Among the usual batch of graphic and emulation fixes to expect, Wiimore support has been improved by FireS.
The full list of changes is pretty long, and can be browsed here.
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November 1st, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
News from our affiliates over at NGemu
Dolphin passed the 1000 revision milestone, with significant progress. Among the usual batch of graphic and emulation fixes to expect, Wiimore support has been improved by FireS.
The full list of changes is pretty long, and can be browsed here.
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November 1st, 2008, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Crayon
Wii-Tac-Toe is a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Nintendo Wii. It was programmed in C++ using devkitPro along with GRRLIB.
The game can be played alone vs the CPU or with a friend using one Wiimote. The game AI does not always do the same moves, so the fun never stop.
To win the game, you have to place three marks (O or X) in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. If the grid is filled completely and no one has won, well, it's a tie game. Start over and try to beat your opponent.
Version 0.3
Working with Homebrew Channel beta 9
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November 1st, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pinecone
What It Does
What it says on the tin. This program automatically generates the XML file needed to add a homebrew app to the HBC.
Why Java?
Some grimace at this. Java is quick to create UIs in and works on almost any machine.
Why at all?
Remembering XML tags is a bit like having goldfish: annoying and fruitless. That's how I feel anyway.
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November 1st, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
Special thanks to my family for there support during the development of this game.
31/10/2008 version 0.8
Add support for Wii Classic Controller
Add two bars on the gameboard (Game Level>2 and higher).
Add game level six
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November 1st, 2008, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster

Despite the humiliated faces of these two dogs dressed as a Nintendo Wii and a Wiimote, this photo has had two effects in me. One, it made me chuckle. Two, it made me scramble all over the house looking for cardboard, white paint, black and blue markers, a dog mask, and fur coat (trust me, all these elements are somewhere in my closets). Sadly, I couldn't find them on time, so I'm going to have to wear again my rubber chicken outfit, which keeps sticking on all the wrong places.
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November 1st, 2008, 11:47 Posted By: wraggster
Tucked away in a newly released Nintendo software schedule PDF is the first confirmation that the "Play on Wii" series of GameCube Wiimakes is US-bound. Re-tooled versions of Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis are listed among other titles due in North America during 2009, although no specific dates accompany them.
'Play on Wii' Pikmin hits Japan on Dec. 5 for ¥3800 ($38). If Nintendo can bring it and other GCN ports Stateside for $29.99, will you bite?
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November 1st, 2008, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster

Hands down, Nintendo Co., Ltd. has the best instruction manuals on this spinning blue orb we call Earth. The DSi manual is no exception. It politely advises things like don't drive and play DSi, don't stab the DSi with a screwdriver and don't throw the DSi away with burnable trash. Better take notes, this is all very, very important stuff.
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November 1st, 2008, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster

It's 7:00am and there's only one guy in front of Yodobashi Camera in Osaka's Umeda. He tells me he's waiting for the DSi, points out that he's first in line and adds that he just got here. That's it? Only one guy waiting for the DSi?
No, not quite. Thing is, he probably won't get a DSi today. Signs around the corner state that pre-orders has finished. There's no Yodobashi staff to be seen, but later when I swing by, an employee tells me that only customers with pre-orders are able to purchase the DSi — explaining why no one was lined up last night!
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November 1st, 2008, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Hell Hibou has released a new version of his Homebrew Launcher for the WII:
Wii Homebrew Launcher is an interface similar to that of the Wii menu. It allows you to start homebrew stored on your SD card in the Wii front SD slot. Each program is represented by its own customizable "channel".
You can use Wii Homebrew Launcher for launch a ROM with a emulator. A patched version of RIN is include in the ZIP file. Copy the content of "SD" directory in the root of your SD card. Put yours GameBoy ROMS into /EMULATOR/RIN/ROMS/ directory. Optionnally you can create a .bmp or .png file with the same name of the rom file (just change the extension) of 132x95 pixels.
Here is an updated version of my loader. On the program, a loader chains Region Free and some corrections. Over the function back to loader is finally functional.
Fixed a bug in the translation of names to
Compatibility with homebrew has been improving
The function of returning to work correctly loader
Some internal changes
Adding a loader string 'Region free (without using code Nintendo). It may be that this channel does not appear if the security patch is installed IOS56
Using the language of the Wii for messages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch), it is still possible to use the file for translation LANG.INI
The search for homebrew on DVD is no longer made to boot, but when a 'Refersh' (by pressing (1) or (Z)). This allows for faster boot loader
Compiling with the latest version of libogc, it contains a patch for use maps SDHD but has not been tested.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
Hillbilly has released his long awaited especially for the users of the Palib forums Iphone Clone app for the DS, heres the release info:
DPhone V. Flare (Public Release V. 1.0)
[iPhone clone for the DS]
-----> README.txt <-----
The contents of the .rar should be extracted so that your card looks like so :
| +-DPhone
| +-Movies, settings.ini, iconXY.ini, etc.
| +-DPhone.NDS
To play movies: Open up the ini file from the "Spinal's movie converter" folder and change the name
of the input file (.flv, .wmv, etc...) to your file inside that directory. Run "Convert.exe" and it will
compile your movie. Place the compiled movie (.smf) inside the directory of your choice. Then, using the
file-browser navigate to the folder of the desired movie file and press "A" to play.
Music Files: Currently only pre-formatted MP3's work in DPhone. There are to ways to open, from the
home screen and from the file browser. Either will play the same way.
Picture Files: Currently only 256x192 images are supported but this implementation takes use of
multi-touch (My MLlib) for zooming in, and rotating pictures. One touch does panning, two for zoom, and 3
or more for rotation. To zoom in, tap and hold with two fingers and slide the fingers from the top of the
screen, down. To zoom out, tap and hold with two fingers, but this time, go from the bottom of the screen
to the top. (bottom and top taken as if the DS were not rotated).
Map Viewer: Supports any *.BMP image as long as it follows the screen's size ratio. (e.g. 256x192,
512x384...) Pretty simple at the moment, and needs little describing. Simple enough that you should be
able to figure it out easily.
File-Browser: The file browser is meant for quick and convienient access to files of various
formats. The supported formats are as follows:
+*.BMP (has to follow the ratio...)
+*.NDS (bootable NDS binary files)
It will detect more but will not play them. To boot an NDS file, just browse for it in the file-browser
and press "A". I don't think that it patches the file for you, although I'm unsure.
Text Editor: Not much has changed since BETA. This is still a very early demo of what this
implementation will be like when finished.
Settings: In, but still so buggy that I took it out for this public release.
Phone: Yet to be implemented, although the author of SvSIP has contacted me.
Calendar: Prett simple but you can't do any planning for dates yet and the current date is in
yellow text which makes it hard to read. Use the D-Pad to scroll through the days, "L" and "R" to scroll
the months, and "Y" and "X" to scroll the years.
Favorites: Pretty buggy but shows proof of concept. It will freeze if there's more than 5
favorites in the directory.
That's about it. Please enjoy and give feedback!
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November 1st, 2008, 13:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendo max
Valryon launches its first demo "Shmup", a shoot'em up with original graphics entirely under MSPAINT.
- B, D or L: draw
- X: Improve his weapon to one notch (cheat code)
- AY: adjust the speed of his ship (for now useless, I do not know if I would do something)
- A level, is totally under MSPAINT (power).
- Three weapons each with three levels for upgrades
- Almost fifty enemies and a boss
Known bugs:
- The animations of the vessel as enemies do not work well or not! This part of the code is to completely revise (like others, including the loading of data graphs)
- The boss comes a bit too early and the screen is not "erased" (it remains the firing and other on the screen but they are no longer used)
- The enemies do not move to the right or left, must j'implémente a pattern to be a little smarter (especially the boss)
- Collisions are not precise, easily avoided. But it wanted! Show SOFTENERS constant in the code.
- The third weapon (missiles) do not make missiles: / she draws a slow and red laser in place. But who makes the same damage.
- The weapon of the player does not sound palette
Coming up:
- Two or three more levels Smiley
- The sounds (and I looking for a good tutorial for that, I understand the examples PAlib)
- The entertainment magazines
- An improved IA
- More shots, more enemies, perhaps more weapons
Feel free to post comments, found bugs or ideas Smiley
In the archive is also the source of homebrew, but it should quickly changed!
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November 1st, 2008, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Spixshadow

Hello dear community Dev-Fr ...
After some minor corrections in my code (Yes, as usual, was the brothel), I decided to deliver a first version "playable" my Snake-Like-Enguarde DS!
30/10/08 v0.1b:
_ Sprite of swordfish completely redone ... not yet final
_ Adding ring (animation) and the awnings (They also animations, with the annals always on the screen at the top and bottom bananas
_ Adding the "Pause" by pressing Start
I already launched in a future version, or I hope there will be the menu, the score and more!
While her before the vac's ... I will at least try
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November 1st, 2008, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
Lazy1 posted a little update of his progress of bringing Wolf3d to the DS:
Another long delay, I tried to get the other sound effects working through the OPL emulator but it ended up sounding like a dying giraffe and figuring it out would take way too long.
Like earlier versions the sounds are raw pcm data so you still get (most) of those sfx like ammo pickup, treasure, ect...
PM Me if you are interested in trying the latest build out to help locate bugs before I release anything.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
chris28 posted this:
I began to develop an IGS client to play Go online. Rather than to begin a new program I decided to port an existing open source software. ViZigo is an IGS client written in C++ with FLTK library. It works fine under Windows and Linux.
Actually i've implemented the board (with adding stone) and the connection to IGS but i've some problemes to receive data from server. The sources (up to date on SVN), screenshot and demo are available on Berlios project.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jinroh
This is our second released GBA Game and it is by far our most advanced (sprite-wise anyway). We started work on this Pong Implementation around Christmas as a test for our now complete Sprite Library it is very memory efficient and flexible! This is a simple silly Pong game we coded for everyone to have fun with until our next release hope you enjoy it!
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November 1st, 2008, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
Six new creatures are available for downloading in Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals for the Nintendo DS, Disney Interactive Studios announced today.
Once players achieve the ability to use the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in their Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals game, they can access the Wi-Fi Download feature.
Content made available this week includes six creatures:
Also Available is a special Nanairo Sword for Rallen.
Players can accrue 10 points per week when they access the Nintendo Wi-Fi feature in Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals. Each of the available seven content items available this week costs one point.
More downloadable content will be made available in the future.
Published by Disney Interactive Studios and developed by Jupiter Corp., Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals is now available.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
We weren't particularly keen on messing around with internet connections and figuring out how to convert our audio files from MP3 into something DSi-compatible, so after opening up our new DSi systems and stroking their soothing matte shells for a few hours, our first experience with the system ended up being through the new camera.
When first selected, the DSi Camera program starts users off with a tutorial taking you through the basics. There's quite a bit to the experience, too. As detailed in our previous writeups, the DSi offers both internal and external cameras, with a wide range of effects. The following eleven effects are included: similarity camera, face synthesis camera, warp camera, expression camera, doodle/scribble camera, normal camera, mirror camera, joke/tease camera, frame camera, color add camera, and color change camera. These names, as you might have guessed, are rough translations on our part.
The effects are all viewable in real time as you take your picture, with the final picture ending up in higher quality after a moment of processing. You can also apply many of the effects to pictures after they've been taken and saved to internal memory or SD.
Playing with the various effects, especially the doodle/scribble and joke/tease cameras, should prove to be a blast, especially since you can use the external camera to apply the effects to unsuspecting friends. It should be noted, though, that you probably can't use the camera on unsuspecting strangers, as the shutter makes a sound even if you turn the system's audio all the way down.
Outside of taking pictures, you can also view pictures in a variety of ways. Shots can be tagged with one of three seals for easy sorting. You can also access a calendar to view pictures from any given date, and even leave a visual memo for each date.
Also included is a Slide Show feature, which displays the pictures with movement set to one of four background music tracks. The slide show can display pictures across both screens, which does admittedly look a bit odd due to the big partition between the screens.
In our initial tests, we've found the picture quality to be similar to what you might expect from a cell phone. Pictures, which are taken at 640x480 resolution, turn out grainy, with the finer areas becoming a complete mess of blocky pixels.
Of course, you only seem to notice this when viewing the pictures in full resolution on your PC. Viewed directly on the DS, the pics don't look as dirty, although you can still see grains if you look closely. Keep this in mind when viewing the pictures that we've uploaded to our gallery below.
Getting the pics over to the PC isn't too difficult. You simply have to transfer the SD card from your DS to PC. Pics that we took ended up being stored in a 101NIN02 folder under a DCIM folder that had already existed on the card. The DSi also created a "private" directory in the SD card's root. This had a mysterious "pit.bin" file buried a few directories deep. This is presumably the "management file" that the DSi says it's accessing whenever you select to read pics from SD rather than internal memory.
From what we can tell, the DSi Camera does not accept pictures that it itself didn't take. It wouldn't recognize other picture directories, nor would it even read files that we attempted to sneak into the 101NIN02 directory. We even tried to be sneaky by renaming all our files in line with the images the DSi had taken, and shrinking them down to 640x480 size. Here, the DSi registered images only after we'd manually deleted that pit.bin file, but even then it wouldn't actually open the images up. This is an area that will require a bit of experimentation.
Even without transfering pics between your PC and DSi, though, the system's camera looks like it's going to be a blast -- maybe as fun as PictoChat was way back when the DS first launched.

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November 1st, 2008, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo always seem to have some controversy with their consoles and sometimes have failed miserably - Virtual Boy - and sometimes changed the face of gaming - Wiimote.
The DSi seems to have some major pluses not only for commercial but for Homebrew in the long run and some obvious minuses.
The loss of the GBA Slot is a killer for GBA Homebrew and emulators made for the GBA which theres hundreds of great games released.
The stopping of it seems all present DS Flashcarts is a major triumph for commercial game fans but disasterous for Homebrew and moreso for piracy.
Another minus is that the new console only at the moment ships with Japanese language only where the DS Lite and DS Phat you could change your language, another downturn.
Pluses are of course the SD Slot, could this lead to a homebrew scene without the need for flash carts, it sure makes you wonder, i do see at first a need for some type of passme type device to allow access to the sd slot.
The SD Slot may also be the start of a virtual console system for the DS, judging by what we know is possible already via the homebrew scene, it shouldnt be too much of a dream to have Snes, Genesis, Master System, Nes, Gameboy games via a DS Virtual Console.
What are your thoughts on the new DSi ?
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November 1st, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

This rechargeable Lithium Battery Pack specially designed for NDS Lite which can supply power for over 10 hours (1200mAH capacity).
In GBA or GBA SP mode it can work for over 16 hours.
Built with quality material, it is durable (long life) and supports all version of Nintendo DS Lite
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November 1st, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Supply power to your Nintendo DS in your car with this car-lighter adapter which provides power supply to the rechargeable lithium battery pack.
It comes with a blue light indicator that will light up when NDS Lite is charging.
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November 1st, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Neoflash:

NDS SMS (Super Memory Stick) for Original NDS cart and R6 released!
The first NDS SMS Backup Master V0.30 beta version for download:
◇ USB Plug and Play, driver FREE
◇ 2in1 intelligent design, AUTO detect chip type
◇ Support all original NDS Cart and R6
◇ Support nds game save EEPROM backup/restore
◇ Support R6 firmware update
◇ Build in 2 color LED indication
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November 1st, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from technodialga9175
I have remade DSe Notepad so that the following major features have been added:
-Color Schemes
-INI Config System
-FAT Save (Open will be implemented next version...)
-More Graffitis - see the TD_Graffitis.bmp for more info.
This is has been a major improvement in the app and I hope it will be used to some extent.
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November 1st, 2008, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from laharl
Hi! I've recently started to work on this project. It's a 2d platform game with RPG elements. Idea of this game is preety old, but earlier I couldn't write it on DS. In this game you are a boy who was changed into spider. In the beginning of the game you can just jump, but later you will learn more abilities, such as wall climbing or web swinging, etc. I've already write a few lines and I want you to play this and tell me what you like and don't like in this game.
You jump with A button. You can stick to the wall with B button and use web parachute with X button. I hope you'll enjoy this!
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November 1st, 2008, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bigbob85
Ok, this is a really simple tool.
Enter your hex color up the top, hit convert, and it'll tell you the appropriate RGB color in both 0-255 and 0-31 format, ASWELL as the value in PA_RGB format.
I hope to add buttons and stuff to convert from any of these formats to any of the other formats.
Requires .NET 2.0 to run.
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November 1st, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from GEMISIS
A Platform Game Development Library
PLib is a creation of my own. It is based off of the PALib Wiki platform tutorials and my own code. It has some amazing features:
Character creation
Object Creation
Character Movement
Object Scrolling
Character and object collision
A level drawing function
And more to come...
It was created to help give DS Homebrew Development a jump start, as I feel that there should be more platforming games out there for hand held systems. Currently there is no release, but there is a video demonstrating PLibs abilities as of 11/1/08!
Demonstration Video:
Here is the code for the game. that way you can see how easy it is to make it using PLib:
// Includes
#include <PA9.h> // Include for PA_Lib
#include <stdio.h>
// PAGfxConverter Include
#include "gfx/all_gfx.c"
#include "gfx/all_gfx.h"
// Include for PLib
#include "../PLib.h"
void initmain(void);
int main()
return 0;
void initmain(void)
PA_Init(); // Initializes PA_Lib
PA_InitVBL(); // Initializes a standard VBL
GEM_Init_Backs(); //Initialize the background slots
GEM_Init_PLib(); //Initialize PLib
//Set Mario's score to 0
u8 marioscore = 0;
// Some Random text 
PA_InitText(1, 2);
PA_OutputSimpleText(1, 1, 2, "Mario Says: Hey, Stop Playing!!!");
//Draw the level
GEM_Draw_Level(mario_world, hills, back); //GEM_Draw_Level(Background 1, Background 2, Background 3) Backgrounds must be converted with PAGfx
//Create the Main Character
MCharacter mario(0, 60, 128-32, //MCharacter name(Sprite Number, Sprite X Position, Sprity Y Position,
colmapcoin_Map, 128, true); //Collisionmap name + _Map, level length (Must be divisble by 8), whether to scroll or not in True or False)
//Create a new object
NewObject coin; //NewObject name
//Draw the Main Character
mario.draw(0, 1, //name.draw(Starting frame for movement, Ending frame for movement,
2, 0, (void*)mario_Texture, 32, 32, TEX_16BITS); // Jumping frame, Standing Frame, (void*) + name + _Texture, Sprite X Size, Sprite Y Size, Texture Conversion Type)
//Draw the object
coin.DrawObjectXY(1, 20, 90, (void*)coin_Texture, //name.DrawObjectXY(Sprite Number, Sprite X Position, Sprite Y Position, (void*) + name + _Texture
8, 8, TEX_16BITS); //Sprite X Size, Sprite Y Size, Texture Conversion Type)
// Infinite loop to keep the program running
while (1)
//Move the Character
mario.moveCharacter(mario.spriteNumber, Pad.Held.Right, Pad.Newpress.Right, //name.moveCharacter(name.spriteNumber, Pad.Held.Button, Pad.Newpress.Button,
Pad.Held.Left, Pad.Newpress.Left, Pad.Held.A, Pad.Newpress.A); //Pad.Held.Button, Pad.Newpress.Button, Pad.Held.Button, Pad.Newpress.Button)
//Scroll the object
coin.ScrollObject(coin, mario.scrollx, mario.scrolly); //name.ScrollObject(Sprite Number, main character + .scrollx, main character + .scrolly)
//Collision between the Character and an Object
if(GEM_MAINC_OBJ_COL(mario, coin)==1) //GEM_MAINC_OBJ_COL(character name, object name)
marioscore += 1;
//Write the current score
PA_OutputText(1, 1, 4, "Score: %d", marioscore);
//Standard PALib function
//Proccess the 3D Sprites
I am currently working on: SSBDS or Super Smash Bros. DS
"When someone pulls you on a string, there are two things you can do; cut it, or play tug of war."
This person cannot do graphics to save their life.
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November 2nd, 2008, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new version of his Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows:
Beta version for my emu, here's the changelog :
Fixed a bug in POLYGON_ATTR. experimental
Fixed bugs in VRAMCNT_F and VRAMCNT_G.
Fixed a bug in MemoryView Control.
Added Guitar Grip Key Config.
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November 2nd, 2008, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
Heres whats new:
fixed an off by one error I created in the texture copy function in
bpstructs.cpp. SSBM no longer has black on ground. sorry about that ;p
noticed the real HW doesn't clip some things it should. modified the projection
matrix to account for this.
changed normal loader to better handle 1 or 3 index NBT data which fixed an
added missing z component in biasing section of indirect texturing.
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Thanks to elation for the news.
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November 2nd, 2008, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
Heres whats new:
fixed an off by one error I created in the texture copy function in
bpstructs.cpp. SSBM no longer has black on ground. sorry about that ;p
noticed the real HW doesn't clip some things it should. modified the projection
matrix to account for this.
changed normal loader to better handle 1 or 3 index NBT data which fixed an
added missing z component in biasing section of indirect texturing.
Download Here and Leave Feedback and Compatability reports Via Comments
Thanks to elation for the news.
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November 2nd, 2008, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
One of the major updates the DSi brings to the DS platform is full network connectivity. While featured only minimally in the original DS and DSLite, download content and firmware updates are at the core of the DSi experience.
You'll figure this out as soon as you first power up the system. Click on the DSi Shop icon from the main menu, and you're immediately prompted to run a firmware update.
The process for doing firmware updates is pretty much the same as it is on the Wii. For the non-Wii owners out there, that means pretty much hands-off, although a bit on the slow side.
As with the firmware updates, the DSi shopping experience is quite similar to that of the Wii, right down to the interface. After you select the DSi Shop icon from the menu screen, you're taken to a greeting screen which will presumably be used to list promotions, notices, and latest content in the future. From here, you can select to go to the main shopping interface, which currently includes a single category for DSi Ware software (no Virtual Console category yet!).
The main shopping interface also lets you add DSi Points, read the DSi shop manual, and access a settings menu. Aside from the manual, these other two areas are pretty useless at this point. The settings menu lets you record your Club Nintendo ID and check up on purchase history, things that will probably become more relevant once the store has actual content. The option for adding DSi Points currently takes you to a screen with a message noting that you won't be able to add points until actual paid content is available (some time in December).
The only piece of content available under the DSi Ware option at the moment is the free Opera browser. The download takes 85 blocks of your 1,024 block space. While not listed in the system's official specs, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said during a recent investor briefing that the internal memory consists of 256 megabytes, which is half that of the Wii.
The buying experience is similar to that of the Wii Shopping Channel, with the shop making it clear how many points and blocks you have remaining both before and after the purchase. The big change is what comes once you've made your purchase. The DSi's download screen replaces the 8-bit Mario sprite from the Wii Shopping Channel interface with the 16-bit Mario family, including Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Toad. The four run around tossing blue balls into a box which, once full, turns into a present. When you head back to the main menu, this present is waiting to be open, and reveals itself to be... the browser that you just bought. The present thing will likely be a lot neater once Nintendo builds up the download library and lets other people buy games for you.
Aside from the lack of content, the big problem with the DSi Shopping interface is speed. Regardless of our internet connection, it took us around 30 seconds to get into the store from the main DSi interface. Pauses of between five and ten seconds accompany almost any action you take in the store. It feels pretty sluggish. This is hopefully something Nintendo can improve with future firmware updates.
While the actual store interface may be slow, once you get download content onto your DSi, managing it is pretty smooth (or at least it seems to be smooth for our single piece of content). The main settings menu, accessible off the main menu interface, has a "software management" option This lets you view available memory and switch off quickly between applications stored internally and on SD. You can also select to delete software and copy between SD and internal memory. As with the Wii, the copy process feels just a bit too long.
Despite the speed issues, the shopping interface will likely be an invaluable part of the DS experience once download titles hit (and if WiiWare is any indication, there will be a lot of games). The same can't be said about the web browser at present, though.
Surfing on the Wii isn't the fastest experience. On the DS, it's pure torture. In addition to slow download speeds, with sites like Yahoo News taking over a minute to load up, the browser has difficulty rendering pages. You have to scroll extremely slowly, or you'll end up with blank areas as the page redraws itself.
Forget the slow rendering, though. Most pages we tried wouldn't even load completely. IGN is one example. Facebook didn't load either.
If you're looking to check your mail, you may be out of luck. Gmail loaded up to the login screen, but once we actually logged in, the browser attempted to load for a minute or so, then gave up after complaining about the page taking up too much memory. Hotmail let us log in, but the formatting was screwed up, and we couldn't actually click on anything.
Yahoo Mail did load, and we were able to send out mail. Not with attachments, though, as the attachment file selector wouldn't let us peer into the system's internal memory, or onto the SD card.
For those expecting multimedia content like YouTube, a warning screen prior to downloading the browser confirms no compatibility with movie files, music files, or flash.
On the bright side, going from the main menu into the browser is pretty quick. It takes about ten seconds to get to a screen where you can select to input a URL, conduct a search, open favorites, open history, and check settings. The fast speed for startup suggests that there could still be some use for the browser if someone would make a DS-friendly page, proportioned to fit the DS screen exactly, and completely devoid of high memory images and other flashy features.
With a DS-oriented sites, perhaps the browser could live up to the promise, posted in the browser's description text at the DSi shop, of offering a new "free style" of internet, where users can check news from their favorite sites while in bed, and update their blogs while viewing television.
For those who are already planning their DSi browsing sessions, settings available off the browser greeting screen include options to use Google or Yahoo as your base search engine, turn images on and off, toggle word-wrap on and off, toggle smart frames (a method through which the browser merges frames in framed pages together), delete cookie information and set a proxy. Turning images off does improve download speed although it doesn't seem to fix the page rendering issues.
While the browser will probably remain a secondary experience, the "I" in the DSi suggests that download content via the shopping channel is going to be one of the primary merits of Nintendo's third generation portable. The shopping experience isn't as smooth as we'd like right now, but regardless of that, a potential wealth of content, as indicated by the recent surge in Japanese WiiWare announcements, will make visiting the shopping channel a worthwhile evil.
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November 2nd, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
Special thanks to my family for there support during the development of this game.
02/11/2008 version 0.9
Add new welcome screens
Improve game images
Add help screen (Minus button)
Created new homebrew game logo
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November 3rd, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: tinman
WiiTCPLoader 0.03 is a simple utility, If you have Homebrew Channel or TCP Loader on your Wii console, with this tool you can send executable files (elf/dol or other) over tcp/ip protocol, and execute them. Windows/Linux Pascal source code included. WiiTCPLoad GUI is coded in QT4, and since just about every OS can or does run QT.
WiiTCPLoad Changelog
Version 0.03:
- GUI fixes in main/about window. (GUI looks correct on MacOSX/Windows)
- Make install now working.
- Integration with common desktop environments. (KDE3/4, GNOME)
- Integration with konqueror, dolphin. ("Send to Homebrew/TCPLoader" action added)
- Fixed TCPLoader protocol, now application wait for accept connection.
- Improved windows version.
- Various bug fixes in source code.
- MacOSX build is now a Universal Binary.
Version 0.02a:
- GUI fixes in main/about window. (GUI looks correct on Windows)
- Windows version should work now.
Version 0.02:
- Support for threads.
- Various bug fixes in source code.
Version 0.01:
- Support for Homebrew Channel
- Support for TCPLoader Channel


Downloads, and source code can be found: HERE
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Space Harrier (Sega Master System, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) is one of the last of a dying breed: Beloved classic action franchises that haven't been given a completely unnecessary modern remake (and no, we're not counting Planet Harriers). But the closest you're going to come, a Virtual Console release, will be available at noon EST today.
Buy it, not just because it's fun, but because when that unnecessary remake does come, you'll be able to say it's inferior to the original like a champ.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Finding a way to combine pinball and H.R. Giger, Alien Crush Returns (Hudson Entertainment, 1-4 players, 800 Wii Points) is now available on WiiWare. The remake to 1988's Alien Crush has you facing off against insectoid monsters from outer space, using only your flippers and a large metallic sphere. Sonic Spinball would be proud.
For the more faint of heart, this week also introduces to WiiWare Home Sweet Home (Big Blue Bubble Inc., 1 player, 1000 Wii Points), based on the casual PC title. It's all about bringing out the aspiring interior designer inside you, for when you want to live vicariously through the TV instead of getting off the couch to redecorate your actual living room.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh off getting Sega to be the publisher for its Wii FPS, The Conduit, High Voltage apparently is looking to deliver titles with a more traditional appeal to gamers.
In an interview with WiiRInControl, High Voltage's Eric Nofsinger hints that the next title might be an RPG for the Wii. “That really is another area [RPGs] that can use a shot in the arm I feel," he said. "Keep your eyes peeled because in the near future we’ll be announcing some other titles that we’ve already got underway in development."
He then goes back to the Wii-needs-better-games-and-we're-the-answer line, which has been part of the High Voltage company story for some time.
We feel that there are a number of genres that are poorly represented on the Wii for core gamers. We want to do games that are high quality. You know, that’s what we are. I think it’s a shame for what is our personal favorite system to be so underrepresented when it comes to core gamers.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Seikatsu Rhythm Meter for NDS Lite is a walking trainer that includes a wireless pedometer and uses Miis. It can record walking data and generate all kinds of stats for four participants, which it does at the end of the day.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Official licensed product
- Protect your Nintendo DSi screen from scratches and damage
- Easy to attach and remove
- Contains 2 sheets for top and bottom screen
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
After taking a brief stint away from Nintendo consoles to make Spider Man Friend or Foe for the Xbox 360, Next Level Games went back to the Wii. They haven’t announced their next project yet, but the OFLC spilled the beans by rating Jungle Speed and listing Next Level Games as the developer.
At a first glance Jungle Speed the name looks like a racing game, possibly one that could star a certain hairy Nintendo mascot. I’m betting this is going to be a card game though. Jungle Speed is also the name of a revised 3,000 year old card game based on an Aboulou Tribe ritual. The goal of Jungle Speed is to match and get rid of all your nearly identical cards by grabbing the totem in the center when you think you spot a match. The faster player gives up his cards to the less agile one, but you have to be cautious since grabbing the totem when you think you have a match means you have to pick up all of the cards on the table. Jungle Speed sounds like a game of mental and physical reflexes. It also sounds like it could work on the Wii with cards automatically flipping on the screen and the Wii remote acting as a makeshift totem. Hmm… could Jungle Speed be a future WiiWare game?
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

Take control of Ben and his new alien forms as you work to find Grandpa Max and stop a diabolical Highbreed alien plot
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

The twisted fairytale humor of Shrek meets the fun of the renaissance midway as you play 28 hilarious carnival mini-games. Play as your favorite Shrek characters and compete to become the King or Queen of the carnival!
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

Take control of Ben and his new alien forms as you work to find Grandpa Max and stop a diabolical Highbreed alien plot
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

Create a musical masterpiece with up to four players. Anyone can play the huge selection of instruments in Wii Music with simple motions-like strumming and drumming.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

SpongeBob SquarePants: Nicktoons Globs of Doom is an action-packed adventure featuring 10 playable characters from some of the most popular Nickelodeon TV shows as well as numerous iconic locations such as Retroville Amity Park and Bikini Bottom. Players will play cooperatively as both heroes and villains while utilizing special gadgets in order to defeat the Morphoids.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

Nintendo is at it again. Their wildly popular DS handheld system has been redesigned once again, and their latest version is the most innovative yet! The Nintendo DSi is a thinner, lighter version of their best-selling handheld, except with a bunch of new interactive functions added in. The DSi comes with two 0.3 megapixel digital cameras, one on the exterior and one on the interior of the console. As usual, the DSi comes with wi-fi connectivity, but the addition of a built-in web browser makes surfing the Internet a snap. Also, the screen has been enlarged to 3.25 inches from the DS's original 3 inch screen. Finally, the DSi features a slot for an external SD memory card up to 2GB. Launching at the same time as the DSi is the DSi Shop, an online store featuring a wealth of downloadable applications and games exclusively for their new handheld.
(make sure you understand japanese though, console is stuck to one language)
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

What's inside
Car Charger(X1)
Rubber Guard(x1)
NDSL Game Case(x3)
Protective Carrying Case With Strap(1)
Cover Case(x1)
Emergency Charger(x1)
High-End Headphone(x1)
USB Charging Cable(x1)
Cleaning Cloth(x1)
Wrist Strap(x1)
Dust Protector Kit(x4)
Carry All Bag(x1)
Lower Screen Protectors(x2)
Upper Screen Protectors(x2)
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A new chapter to the MySims Kingdom story – Help King Roland defend evil in a far-flung corner of the Kingdom
Nine new mini-games – Players must conquer mini-games in order to persuade the King that their island is the ultimate royal destination. Mini-games include – kayaking, ski jumping, populating the zoo, and many others!
A new chapter in the saga challenges you to help King Roland thwart off evil brewing in the distant corner of the Kingdom! Persuade the king to believe your island is the most ideal royal destination.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Epic Storyline – Players must join forces with our other MySims to restore King Roland's kingdom to its former glory
New faces and familiar friends – Meet new MySims – like King Roland – And catch up with old friends like Ginny and Buddy who have both made delightful career changes!
Travel to New Lands – Traverse the vast and varied lands of the kingdom – each with its own unique theme – to discover all the unique things to do in each area, while you help the local citizens there
New building options – In addition to houses and furniture you can now build many more contraptions that will help you finish your epic quest for the King!
Set out on a story-telling journey of discovery and exploration to help King Roland and his subjects revitalize the Kingdom. Hear stories from old and new friends alike, discover fascinating new lands, and build to the limit of your imagination throughout this epic quest.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Theresia is an adventure horror title exclusively for Nintendo DS. In this game developed by WorkJam, players will take on the roles of two different characters trying to understand out their past, present, and intertwined destiny. Will you be able to discover the true meaning of theresia? Players will lose themselves in theresias haunting music and twisted atmosphere. Hone your survival skills by carefully exploring the corridors of your captors while uncovering clues that bring you closer to a shocking revelation. Collect countless items and combine them in order to survive and uncover the depths of the maze.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Unique Wii Experience — Enjoying soccer action on Wii is now easier with refined gestures, point-and-play controls with on-screen pass indicators and one-button actions that create instant shots on goal and greater success connecting on headers and volleys.
New 8 vs 8 Footii Match Mini-Game — Play 8 vs. 8 in a completely unique mode where you can play an arcade version of soccer with the focus on fun.
Boot It— Play with your Mii, Ronaldinho, Rooney or other stars in a simultaneous shooting frenzy. Play as the goalie or the shooter.
Table Soccer—Play Classic Mode using a variety of new rules or with a new twist — multiple balls at the same time, including a power ball that moves like a rocket or a stealth ball that turns invisible at any time.
EA SPORTS All-Play —A simplified control system using just the Wii Remote enables novice players to focus on having fun while the console does the rest.
Advanced Controls — More experienced gamers can still access all the in-depth controls, now using a precision passing system with point-and-play control. You can even use a Classic controller or Nintendo GameCube controller for a more traditional EA SPORTS FIFA Soccer game experience.
Online Play — Pick your favorite team and go online to challenge a rival squad one-on-one.
EA SPORTS Interactive Leagues: – Represent your club online against your rivals throughout the season in the Barclays Premier League, German Bundesliga, Italian League, French League or Mexican 1st Division.
Manager Mode – Featuring a Wii specific interface, club finances and sponsors, visual sims and dynamic board expectations that change depending on your successes … or failures.
Complete Authenticity — Featuring over 500 licensed teams all accurately represented with correct kits and crests.
Step onto the pitch and play a unique soccer experience exclusively for the Wii™. Enjoy FIFA Soccer 09 All-Play one of two ways—a Wii-specific take on the classic ‘11 vs. 11’ simulation or over-the-top arcade action with Wii versions of your favorite soccer superstars.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

With 40 mini-games, Six Flags Fun Park is the perfect party game for all ages. Enjoy classic games such Skee-Ball, Strongman and many more! This colossal park environment is sure to keep gamers challenged. Along the way, players will be able to explore the park, customize their characters and play against friends and family. Enter the fun park and experience all that Six Flags has to offer within your own home!
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Big news comes out of Japan even on holidays! As all of Japan celebrated Culture Day on Monday, Capcom gathered fans for a big fighting event in Tokyo's Shinagawa area. There, the company made a huge announcement regarding the return of Viewitful Joe!
The classic GameCube hero will be returning to action on the Wii as a playable character in Tatsunoko VS Capcom, Capcom announced during a special stage event for the title. This announcement was greeted with cheers from the fighting fanatics in attendance at the event, Japan's Dengeki Online game site reports.
Capcom also announced two other newcomers for the Wii version. Joining Joe will be Saki from Quiz Nanairo Dreams (also appeared as a support character in Marvel VS Capcom), and Ippatsuman. The latter is from the Tatsunoko Productions side of the collaboration.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the company shipped almost 200,000 DSi units for the Japanese launch of the console on November 1.
The new handheld went on sale last Saturday, priced JPY 18,900 (USD 179 / EUR 129 / GBP 101) in the region.
It boasts a built-in web browser allowing users to access the DSi Shop, a camera and improved audio functions, a slot for SD memory cards and a slightly larger screen.
Although sales figures for the new hardware are not yet known, Nintendo also confirmed it is shipping a further 100,000 units this week.
Sales of the DS in Japan have declined during October, from over 40,000 units at the beginning of the month, to just under 23,000 copies last week.
A release for the console in the US and Europe is not expected until summer 2009 at the earliest.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The announcement that the DSi would have built in music playback support no doubt perked interest in the new hardware. Given that it has an SD slot, and that you're carrying it around anyway, the new system seemed like it could make for a great primary music player, or possibly a backup for when your main music player runs out of batteries.
Of course, Nintendo killed all hopes for either of these by also announcing that the player would not support MP3. So does this make the free DSi Music program a completely worthless addition to the system? This is one of the first things we attempted to find out after getting our hands on our import DSi units.
The DSi Music program is actually split into two modes: voice recording and music playback. Both offer plenty of entertainment value thanks to the tools and gimmicks Nintendo has included.
The recording mode lets you record at most 18 clips of maximum 10 seconds length. Once you've recorded a clip, you can play around with it in various ways. You can make the clip play backwards or forwards, isolate small sections using A-B repeat, and modify the speed and tone by dragging a pointer around on a 2D graph.
You can also apply twelve effects to the clip: parakeet, fan, low harmonica, trumpet, robot, tunnel, high harmonica, whistle, helium, transceiver, three-person harmonica, and buzzer. These effects do a great job on transforming the sound, and we imagine people playing around in this mode just to see what their modified voice sounds like.
If you want to hear what your voice sounds like as a parakeet, you won't need to even enter into the recording mode. The main menu for DSi Music features a parakeet mascot who, as you'd expect from a parakeet, likes to repeat what you say. This little feature has proven to be quite addictive. The parakeet does a good job of repeating lengthy phrases in high-pitched parakeet talk, although you need to make sure and speak slowly. This diversion will likely draw lots of attention especially when introducing the DSi to your non-gamer friends.
The music playback mode is also full of fun play options. Once you have a song loaded up (more on that in a bit), you can change the speed and tone just like with the recording mode. You can also overlay the recordings that you made in the recording mode to songs at any point. Nintendo has also provided a set of sound effects which can be selected quickly by using the stylus, then inserted freely using R and L. Effects include percussion instruments, record scratches, and even Mario coin and jump sounds!
This mode also has four pre-set filters: radio, echo, 8-bit, and karaoke. The radio and echo work fine, but we've found the the 8-bit and karaoke filters to be pretty much useless. The karaoke filter promises to remove vocals from songs, but we haven't found one case of it working effectively yet. The 8-bit effect promises to make your library sound like 8-bit music. Most songs that we tried ended up sounding like a complete mess. Even the original Super Mario Bros. Level 1-1 theme didn't hold up well under the filter (see the videos we uploaded today for some samples).
One of the coolest features of the music playback is the visualization schemes that are shown on the top screen along side information about the current track. Some of these are loosely interactive. There's a Super Mario Bros. visualization where Lakuta (the cloud dude) goes about setting coins against a scrolling Level 1-1 backdrop, with the height of the coin placement affected by the music. Mario runs about and picks up the coins on the ground automatically, but you can tap the L and R buttons to make him jump up to reach higher-up coins. The visualizer keeps track of your coin count, making this into somewhat of a game.
With all these fun tools, DSi Music looks like it will have the same relevance as DSi Camera. With DSi Camera, you probably won't use it as a real camera (and certainly not as a method of keeping track of your child's growth, as Nintendo's Japanese pamphlets suggest you do). However, those who want to take some pics and play around with them using graffiti and other effects, will have lots of fun with the program. The same holds true for DSi Music. For playing with sounds and music files, DSi Music is packed with features, and could likely be updated with future downloads.
Those who are interested in using this as a serious music player will find some good points. First up is improved sound volume over the DS Lite. The DSi doesn't lets you go as loud as your typical MP3 player, but we found the sound output through headphones to be adequate, even in a noisy cafe setting.
Unlike the DSi Camera program, which wouldn't read any files that weren't generated by the DSi itself, DSi Music doesn't appear to be too picky when it comes to files and directory structure. We were able to drop in a bunch of files stored in a multi-level directory structure into the root directory of our SD card, and the DSi parsed through them instantly and displayed all the internal directories for quick access.
To navigate through your library, you spin through the folders with the stylus, as if you were rotating a record. Sadly, the system doesn't offer too much in the way of organization. Aside from the folder-based view, you can view a list of all tracks on your SD card. You can also flag up to 10 songs as favorites for quick playback.
During playback, you have access to A-B repeat and volume controls. A slider lets you forward and rewind through the song, although the system goes silent while you're forwarding. If you want a more interactive seek feature, you can use the speed changer tool.
Nintendo presumably envisioned DSi Music as being a substitute for a real music player, as the music keeps on playing even when you close the system's lid, allowing you to stick the whole thing away in your pocket or bag. Unfortunately, there's no way to skip tracks without opening up the system again, meaning you'd better like the order of your music library.
Despite all the good points, the real problem with the DSi's music playback is that lack of MP3 support. The player only supports the AAC format, which will likely make it useless for most people.
We should point out that converting MP3 to AAC is an easy process. Even iTunes lets you select to convert via a quick menu selection. Having two versions of your music library would probably be a pain, though.
Almost as bad as the lack of MP3 support, though, is the difficulty you might have interfacing the DSi with your PC. There's no USB port on the system, so in order to transfer music and podcasts over, you'll need to remove the SD Card and plug it directly into your PC. Unlike the main DS cartridge slot, which lets you pop carts out easily, the SD card slot has a cover that takes a bit of fiddling to remove. It's not something you'll want to do too often.
Nintendo could probably fix a few of the problems with the music player by adding MP3 support and making a few interface changes, but it's doubtful that the DSi would ever serve as anything close to a replacement for a real music player. As with the camera tool, however, there's quite a bit of fun to be had if you don't take things too seriously. We wouldn't suggest buying a DSi for it, but as a free bonus, we think you'll get a kick out of DSi Music.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
An American Football cheerleader has said playing Wii balance board game All Star Cheerleader "felt like I was directing traffic or something".
Natalie, a dancer for the New York Jets, was invited by the New York Daily News to offer her professional opinion on the THQ title, which launches here on 14th November at the budget price of GBP 14.99.
The unsurprising idea of the game is to match the pompom swishing on screen, using a mixture of arm movements and leg arrangements. But despite her lifelong dedication to the sport, poor old Natalie found this rather hard going.
"I'm prepared in that I know some of these movements. But I've been taking dance since I was two and you can see I'm not perfect," said the unblemished blonde.
"I teach cheerleading," she added. "And I think my little girls would really like this."
All Star Cheerleader uses over 300 moves created by choreographer Tony Gonzalez, who thought up dances for Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keys and Paula Abdul. He also did the moves for the "Bring It On" films, where cheerleading squads go head-to-head to be crowned the best.
There's a video of Natalie putting All Star Cheerleader through its paces on the NY Daily News site. We'll probably just get Ellie to review the game.
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November 3rd, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gamespot
Nintendo followed up on yesterday's financial report with an operational briefing from president Satoru Iwata recapping the company's performance and offering a peek at some upcoming games, including the first downloadable titles specifically created for the recently revealed DSi system.
Iwata revealed that Nintendo is prepping a slate of WarioWare titles for release as downloadable DSiWare games. A variety of minigames from the Game Boy Advance and DS installments of WarioWare will be sold as DSiWare titles, and some original games making use of the system's camera functionality will be packaged together as WarioWare: Photograph.
Iwata said that for WarioWare: Photograph, players will place the DSi on a table and then step back so their silhouette appears onscreen (thanks to the camera implanted in the system's hinges). Simply moving their bodies will allow players to complete simple activities. One nose-picking minigame shown called for players to line up their extended fingers with a pair of floating nostrils. WarioWare: Photograph is scheduled for release in late December, around the time the DSiWare store goes live.
For WarioWare fans with legacy DS hardware, Iwata announced WarioWare Myself. The standard DS game will let players create their own minigames for the series and then share them with other players. Nintendo is also working on a WiiWare counterpart version of the game that will let players try out the created games on their home consoles, but it will lack the minigame creation tool.
WarioWare games weren't the only new products Iwata talked about. In addition to a series of six DSiWare ArtStyle puzzle games, Nintendo is contemplating releasing downloadable utilities for the system, like a clock and a calculator featuring the publisher's popular characters, or public transit route maps.
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November 3rd, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, you've seen the unboxing and all other manner of granular coverage for Nintendo's new DSi handheld, but now you can see the thing in action via the magic of YouTube. Embedded below is the requisite unboxing, a helpful browser speed test and a hopeless attempt at sticking in the R4 cart for a bit of homebrew. The good news is that the Japanese DSi fires up an English DS game just fine, so those slightly-confusing region lock concerns can be put to rest -- certain DSi-specific games won't work for everybody else, but the DSi fires up regular DS games from wherever with no problem. Import away!
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Since the launch of the Nintendo Channel for the Wii earlier this year, Nintendo has been providing a DS Download Service with demos of released and upcoming DS games. Wii owners can boot up the DS Download Service through the Nintendo Channel and download various playable demos directly to their Nintendo DS, using the Download Play option. It works in the same way as the in-store download stations. The third-party games get updated every week and we've got info on this week's batch to let you know a little more about what you're getting.
The week of November 3
Dragonball: Origins
The next Dragonball adventures hitting the Nintendo DS this month, and in preparation Atari is giving DS owners the ability to play through the tutorial to see just how impressive the touch-screen controlled game has turned out. There's some cool stuff to see in this demo: 3D environments that span both screens, and stylus-exclusive control that gives players the ability to take control of Goku and his crazy moves.
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
The big holiday push for the sequel to Madagascar's theatrical release is happening right now, and a downloadable demo based on the Activision DS game has just hit the Nintendo Channel. In this demo, you play a mini-challenge that features the four penguins from the flick, in a Lost Vikings "work together" design to get through the structures.
Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals
Disney's Pokemon-like RPG has been given the demo treatment, but the only taste test you're going to get here is in the "excavation" process. Use your stylus to hack away at rock, or solidify lava with water, or melt ice with heat in order to get down to the fossil hidden below. You won't get a chance to see which creatures are tucked away inside, it's just a challenge to see how many fossils you can pull out as unscathed as possible.
Ninjatown is Southpeak's upcoming real-time strategy game based upon the Shawnimals franchise of cute plush Ninja critters. The downloadable demo is surprisingly robust with four different levels to get your Ninja on: the task is to manage resources and build up your Ninja army to protect the village from the invading demons.
Crosswords DS - Anagrams
Anagrams returns in its own demo. The demo features three levels of the Anagram minigame. Players take six letters and try to form them into words of three or more letters using the touch screen. As players find words, the other screen displays them, along with the progress and time. There are a few different letter assortments, so players should be able to play the demo a good three or four times.
Nintendo also keeps a selection of first party titles up for download. They're not cycled out as often and most of them have been there since the Nintendo Channel launched.
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir
The demo offers one of the levels for the hide and seek portion of the game. Players are given five minutes to find eight items in the level. Upon completion, players can start again, and find eight different items. We played it three times without having to repeat items.
Brain Age 2
The Brain Age 2 demo features three quick play modes. There's the Brain Age Test that will give the player an approximate brain age based on a verbal match of rock, paper, scissors. There's also a quick play training mode that shows off the rotating letters minigame, complete with touch screen letter recognition. Finally the Quick play sudoku lets players enjoy a quick sudoku puzzle in one of the better presentations for the system.
Brain Age
The older sibling of the Brain Age 2 demo. It's the same kind of deal. There's a Brain Age Test minigame that has players shout colors into the DS microphone. The training game is a simple math problem test that uses the touch screen to write. Sudoku is in this one too, which means you've got two free sudoku puzzles you can play if you get both demos.
Flash Focus
Flash Focus is a game designed to improve focus and hand-eye coordination. It features a simplified Eye Age test where players remember the direction letters are facing as they flash by on the screen. The training game is more hands on. It's a baseball minigame where players have to tap the ball to hit it. The pitches get harder each time the player connects with the ball and the game ranks you at the end.
Crosswords DS
For the non-Sudoku inclined, Crosswords DS features the classic crossword puzzles that have been gracing newspapers long before number puzzles. The demo features the classic Crosswords mode, one of three gameplay modes in the final version. Players can select the difficulty of the puzzle, as well as the option to turn on an assist mode that lets the player know if the answer is right or wrong. The whole demo uses the touch screen so players can see how well the letter recognition system works.
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
One of the main arguments for the Wii is its simplicity. Point at the screen and you’re off to the races. But what happens when even those controls become too much for people? While most can handle one-handed operation, when you throw the Nunchuck in the mix, the confusion level rises.
I recently had a friend visiting my house who hasn’t really played video games since the Atari 2600 (save internet flash games). While he was able to pick up and play titles like Tiger Woods 09 and Wii Sports with no problem, MySims Kingdom and even Super Mario Galaxy posed some issues. He was just as confused, if not moreso, with the dual Wii Remote / Nunchuck combo than using an Xbox 360 or PS3 controller. To make it fair, he also played some LittleBigPlanet on the PS3 and Braid on the Xbox 360, both of which, in his words, seemed “natural” with the controller and their respective schemes.
Two major issues are what arose with the Wii Remote / Nunchuck combination. The first is the two-handed controls and the various inputs needed. Pointing at the screen while using buttons and analog sticks at the same time caused some frustration in this first-timer. There are 6 buttons between the two controllers, which isn’t much less than the competition’s 8 buttons. This leads to the second issue, which is the button placement on the Wii Remote itself. With most other controllers, you don’t have to physically move your hand to get from one set of buttons to another. With the Wii Remote, the new gamer had trouble moving back and forth from the A/B buttons and the 1/2 buttons towards the bottom of the controller.
Now, mind you, these are not issues for core and semi-regular gamers. Most people who have been playing games for a while can grasp the controller concepts without any problems, but the Wii’s target market is new and non-gamers. These are the people who haven’t touched a video game system in many years, if ever, just like my friend. While he enjoyed games that only used the Wii Remote, he got frustrated quickly when the Nunchuck came into play and said it would cause him to skip games that used it.
Has Nintendo, in an effort to simplify, actually gone the opposite direction? Have you encountered anyone have issues when using the Wii? Maybe you, yourself have been confused and haven’t admitted it yet. Let us know in the comments.
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Arikado
Wiibreaker is a simple brickbreaker game I made because my artist for Wii Shooting Gallery, Azza123 said there were no brickbreaker games out for Wii homebrew. Thus, I have created Wiibreaker. In total, this first release took about two weekends to write. Work is further postponed on this game until the completion of Wii Shooting Gallery.
Once the ball falls below the screen 3 times, you lose.
0.2 - - All Collision Detection Problems Fixed - Highscoring - Nunchuk Support - Classic Controller Support - Only rumbles when expansion controllers are not plugged in - HBC 9 Support
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Arikado
Wii Shooting Gallery is a shoot the targets type game. It is best played with the Wii Zapper. After you miss three times you will return to the menu (GUI). It consists of 8 modes:
Still Targets
Horizontal Moving Targets
Vertical Moving Targets
Crazy Targets
Crisscross Targets
Teleporting Targets
Hogans New Alley
Wii Shoot In Space
1.8 - Highscoring System - Basic Enemies for Wii Shoot In Space - Hogans New Alley Difficulty Modified - Compatible With HBC 9
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pinecone
What it says on the tin. This program automatically generates the XML file needed to add a homebrew app to the HBC. An eager-to-please Swing window pops up and asks you to type in all of the parameters required by the HBC. Then, click the big blue button to save a generated XML output somewhere. On Windows and Mac machines, the default OS text editor will pop up proudly displaying the XML file in all of it's raw glory.
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
kriogeN updates CGDplayer which therefore version 0.9.
CDGPlayer as to become a true MP3 player - karaoke.
To use this drive, you need two per song files with the same base name: a music file. Mp3 and a configuration file. Cdg. Example: tataYOYO.mp3 and tataYOYO.cdg.
Both files are placed in the mp3g.
The cross multidirectional can move in the menu and B button launches the selected song.
The Home button during the song allows selective return to the menu of songs, otherwise you sort of homebrew.
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sylus101
Just so it's clear and the purpose of the app isn't in question (as I think it might be) this is intended to be a developers helper in designing/modifying sprites, particularly for use with PALib, but since there is a binary export now I'm gathering they could be used with any dev platform (not like there are many others...).
This is NOT meant to be a stand-alone a program where you make neat-o animations.
Welcome to the v0.93.1a release of Pixelman. No longer the first to introduce the Sprite Testing Arena I've been working on for the last few months, but that new feature still bears mentioning.
I'm really really hoping to have as many people as possible to check this new feature out. All instructions are in the Readme included.
*Added Hflip and Vflip Tools.
*Note on Gridshift - Shifting past one edge of the grid will wrap around. This was fixed in this release from v93.0c
*Note on Rotation - Rectangular sprites really won't rotate correctly at 90 degrees so instead, they'll rotate a full 180. This was fixed in this release from v.93.0c
*Note on Zoom - Currently all other tools are disabled while zoomed. Use D-Pad to move around the viewing box. Stylus still draws but as I'm typing this I realize you'll not be able to switch colors. That will be remedied shortly. New in this release.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Being the foul-smelling, eternally greedy anti-hero that he is, it comes as little surprise to see Wario delve into the lucrative field of video game development yet again. According to a recent operational briefing, delivered by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, DS owners can expect to see the mustache-twirling glutton in several upcoming titles -- and they'll even get to design some of them.
"WarioWare Myself" continues the franchise's celebration of all games deemed mini, with the addition of some user-created content. Players will reportedly be able to create their own frantic minigames and inflict them upon share them with others. There's also talk of a WiiWare application that allows these creations to be played, though not designed, on the Wii.
As for Nintendo's new DSi, Iwata revealed plans to release "WarioWare: Photograph," a camera-enabled, gesture-based affair, as well as several WarioWare minigames that will be available for download on the system's online store. For the sake of productivity, we sincerely hope Nintendo fails to include that infernal, paper airplane game. You know the one.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata doesn't seem like the biggest fan of the price drop. He says:
This is my personal thinking, but when the model's price-tag drops over time, manufacturers are telling consumers it's better to wait, and I've always thought that was a mistake.
Over the console's lifetime, companies are able to reduce manufacturing costs. Some companies pass those savings onto the console. Iwata apparently thinks this is a mistake? Not really. He goes on to say that it's important that the first people who go out and support a product aren't made to feel like they bought something at a loss. Point!
Nintendo wants everyone to pay the same price because Nintendo cares about you, me and mad profits.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata doesn't seem like the biggest fan of the price drop. He says:
This is my personal thinking, but when the model's price-tag drops over time, manufacturers are telling consumers it's better to wait, and I've always thought that was a mistake.
Over the console's lifetime, companies are able to reduce manufacturing costs. Some companies pass those savings onto the console. Iwata apparently thinks this is a mistake? Not really. He goes on to say that it's important that the first people who go out and support a product aren't made to feel like they bought something at a loss. Point!
Nintendo wants everyone to pay the same price because Nintendo cares about you, me and mad profits.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster

All DS games may be created equal, but not every DS console is created equal. Especially when it comes to screen brightness. Just look at this comparison pic (click through for a bigger version)! On the top, the original DS. Bottom-left, the DS Lite. Bottom-right, the new DSi. Nice to finally see where some of that decreased battery life is going.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 4th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo's new DSi, which went on sale in Japan on November 1, has completely sold out, according to reports.
Although initial reports seemed to be of a luke-warm reception, touting the lack of queues outside shops, it seems this was more down to the majority of shop taking on a pre-order only stance, thus saving the need to queue around the block.
And now, reports are that there isn't a unit to be found as every one of the initial 200,000 unit shipment has sold.
The DSi is set to hit UK stores in "Spring 2008", Nintendo told CVG, as well as confirming that the portable will have region-locked software.
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November 4th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from Marcan/Hackmii:
As you all know, we’re getting busy with several other projects, and HBC isn’t a priority. However, the beta9 release had a few rough edges, and some things that should have been fixed weren’t.
So we’re giving you the chance to voice your pet peeves about HBC now, and we’ll release a new version soon. Consider this version “final” at least for the time being. HBC is basically feature-complete, so we won’t be adding any new major features, but we want to get rid of some remaining bugs and annoyances. Once this new version is out, you’re going to be stuck with it for a while.
Things that we’ve already fixed/added for beta10:
meta.xml now handles non-ASCII characters properly (you can use iso-8859-1 or utf-8 encoding, but utf-8 is restricted to the iso-8859-1 subset)
Wiimote shutdown support (in libogc git now - we should have added this earlier)
Wiimote rumble now honors the rumble setting
A crash bug or two (hard to hit)
Post a comment if you want something fixed. We reserve the right to fix whatever we want and ignore the rest, but at least we promise we’ll listen. Please read the comments before asking for something; we don’t want 20 people mentioning the same thing.
Guys, NO BIG NEW FEATURES. Don’t even think about integrating other apps, or adding disc loading, or anything like that. We’re talking about small fixes like honoring some setting or adding some minor controller support. Classic controller support is plausible. Fixing some graphical problem is doable. Integrating FTPii isn’t. Sound isn’t. I’m deleting totally implausible posts to keep things sane.
Edit 2: to the people who requested features which are obviously already in beta9 or even beta8: shame, shame, shame.
Speak Up Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace.
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November 4th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Why 11, because I like to go one step beyond (and copy people).
Nintendo has a very clear pattern with it’s handhelds. It makes three (main) versions of each console before moving on to the next generation. The pattern goes: the first one is clunky with a few problems, the second one fixes those problem, looks nice, and runs well, the third is not well received as people either already have a version of the handheld they like, or are waiting for the next generation.
Game Boy: Clunky ; Game Boy Pocket: Good ; Game Boy Color: Unnecessary.
Game Boy Advance: Poorly lit Screen ; Game Boy Advance: SP: Good ; Game Boy Advance: Micro: Unnecessary.
Now we’re on the third iteration of the DS, starting with the Original DS (Phat) which is a great handheld, but big, and clunky. The DS Lite made it sleeker and lighter. Will the DSi break the tradition of the third iteration being unnecessary?
Here’s your top 11 list of why the DSi is an unnecessary step for Nintendo, starting with….
Honorable Mention: Why does a top 11 list need an honorable mention? For now, this one is nothing more than a rumor, but if the rumor is true, it’s a huge mistake from Nintendo.
Incompatable software. Apparently some developers have been complaining the DSi doesn’t actually work with some original DS games. And I’m not talking about weird games that need the GBA slot or something, I’m talking about simple compatibility issues. Still, it’s possible that the devs just got an early, incomplete model, and there have been no reports of incompatible software from those who have gotten a DSi in Japan, so this may not be an issue.
11. Yet another Power Cord
Seriously guys, do you have to have a new plug and power cord for every single model of the DS? Keep in mind if you’re a Guitar Hero: On Tour fan, you’re going to have to port around the the DS Phat or DS Lite and your DSi, along with both power cords. Seriously Nintendo, keep it simple.
10. Microphone Morph is a stupid idea.
Oh look, you can record your voice with the microphone and play it back, while morphing it in real time. That will be fun for about… 15 seconds. After that, you’ll realize that this is nothing more than a crappy version of Talkboy, not a feature to be shown off.
When you can compare a gaming console feature to a Home Alone 2 prop, you know something has gone terribly wrong.
9. Camera Morph is a stupid idea.
Buahahaha, look at the silly face…… okay seriously, this is another feature that will last maybe 2 seconds before you just go straight to playing games. You may be able to morph photos and even morph them in real time, but seriously, this is just a distraction. Nintendo is putting a lot of effort to distract us from playing games on this console.
8. The camera quality is crap.
Why do I have two points for how stupid the cameras on the DSi are? Because it has TWO cameras, for twice the stupid. No matter what camera you take pictures from the quality is absolutely poor, and only gets worse when you transfer images to the PC. Oh, and by the way, you can’t transfer images from your PC back onto the DSi. So in case you thought you could use the DSi as your personal portable photo gallery, too bad.
Some have defended Nintendo for putting two cameras on there because: A. Every electronic device has a camera on it these days, B. Nintendo can make some unique games with the camera and put your head in there.
Well A. Since when does Nintendo need to do what every other company does. They’ve always tried to shown innovation, and frankly, if every device has a camera, then I guess the DSi doesn’t need one. Nintendo has always pushed the line that they make gaming consoles, not multi-media devices (at least that’s their defense for no DVD player in the Wii), so why have they suddenly switched over?
For Part B, Nintendo won’t be able to make many unique games because Sony has already done this with the Eye Toy. The most Nintendo can do is put your face on a Mii, and maybe detect if you’re there. It certainly will never reach the quality or precision of the Eye Toy, so why try?
7. Slow, clunky internet, and a slow store.
When Nintendo revealed the DSi, it was first thought they were going to try to somewhat compete with the iPhone. Frankly, the speeds on their Opera Browser definitively prove they aren’t even trying. Even if you surf their DSi Shop, it will take you 30 seconds to get in, with 5-10 second waits between every tap. Surfing the web becomes even more of a chore, with each page taking a minute or so to load. You can’t even scroll at any reasonable speed without the DSi being forced to try to load and catch up. I certainly hope no one was planning to use the DSi to check their mail, because the crappy browser can’t handle sites like GMail or Hotmail. Even something like viewing videos on the go is out of the question because it can’t handle sites like YouTube. All of this firmly leaves the DSi browser as a big fat WHY. Why even bother to include an internet browser if it can’t even function on a basic level.
6. Nintendo Points, Wii Points, and DS Points
As it stands, Wii Points are annoying enough. if you can’t get your credit card to work in the store (I never have), you have to go out, buy points $20 at a time, spend them on the games you want, but you’ll never get all of your money back, there will always be a few 100 points left a side because you can’t spend them all. Well now with DSi Ware, the points have changed to Nintendo Points. For a moment, fans of downloadable games cheered, foolishly thinking Nintendo would unite DS points and Wii points, allowing you to spend your money anywhere.
But no, instead, you buy Nintendo Points, and then redeem them as Wii points or DS points. Once they are separated, the can never be combined. if you want to buy some DSi Ware, but all of your points are on your Wii, too bad. Once again Nintendo can’t provide a simple and straight forward way to BUY THEIR GAMES. Oh yeah, and make sure you don’t lose your DSi, otherwise you’ll lose all your points and the games you downloaded. Wouldn’t that be a shame.
5. The options for DSi Ware are weak.
What launched with WiiWare? Dr. Mario Online Rx. It was a brilliant game to launch with, reviving classic gameplay with online modes and letting users send demos to friends, to get them to buy in too.
So what exciting games are launching on DSi Ware!?
Umm… Art House games?
Train Schedules?
Oh look, Wario Ware! That’s exciting…. except, this isn’t a new Wario Ware game. They just took the old microgames and let you play them for infinity. Oh boy, kinda like you can ALREADY DO if you unlock them in the game. Seriously, this goes beyond the standard Nintendo policy of rereleasing games and charging you for them all over again. This is only releasing part of a game to make a little money off of you at a time.
The biggest selling point for the DSi Ware has been the Wario Ware game where you can make custom games. However, Nintendo has been vague on the details. They say you can share the games with your friends, but can you share them over WiFi? If not, it’s a huge disappointment in my book, a potential bombshell that just fizzled out. It’s not like any of this matters since:
4. DSi ware is region locked
Nintendo explains to Eurogamer that software developed specifically for the freshly-announced DSi will be region-locked, meaning the handheld will only be compatible with DSi software released for its intended territory. This confirms that DSWare downloaded from the DSi Shop will only work for compatible DSi hardware, which is really no suprise given that online games are often localized for different countries
So for any of you planning to import this little baby now because it can play English DS games, stop right now. If you import the DSi, you will never be able to play anything or do anything involving DSi Ware and the DSi Shop (unless you’re willing to fly over to Japan to download it). This wouldn’t be as infuriating if Nintendo hadn’t already announced that they wouldn’t release the DSi in America till Fall of 2009 because of the strong sales of the DS Lite. So any of those who were excited may as well calm down. You’ll either import early and screw yourself out of DSi Ware, or have to sit on your hands for almost a year before you get it.
3. The death of the GBA slot.
Alas, GBA slot, I knew thee well. When the DS first released, though were the only reason the system stayed alive. You nurtured the DS sales along, until the DS Library could get upon it’s feet and walk for itself. Nay, not only did thou make the DS all the more suitable as the ultimate handheld, allowing gamers to bring a long a classic GBA game along with a DS game, but thou were also necessary for on of the latest games, the Guitar Hero: On Tour series with Guitar Grip.
Okay, enough of that. Some may defend the loss of the GBA slot as a necessary evolution as the DS becomes it’s own console, but I simply disagree. I feel as though gamers have been forced to trade a valuable slot that brought a whole lot of variety for the DS just for a camera. Some might say that it had to go to put all the new technology in there, but that’s a lie. In fact, the only reason the GBA slot was dropped was in order to make the DSi smaller. Not worth it if you asked me.
So those of you who bought Guitar Hero: On Tour, stick with the DS Lite.
Those Pokemon players who want to transfer Pokemon from the GBA games to the DS games, stick with the DS Lite.
Those who will get the Motion Pack for Tony Hawk Motion better stick with the DS Lite.
And numerous games that used the rumble pack will have to say goodbye as well.
Was it really worth losing all of this for size?
2. DSi to stop Flash Cards, Homebrew
The homebrewers who have gotten their hands on the DSi have found that none of the techniques they have in their arsenal can get past the DSi’s defenses against homebrewing. What may be a victory for Nintendo will probably also cause a drop in sales. Let’s face it, if you make a portable device, it will get hacked. The catch is, the homebrew community usually ends up creating a strange extra market, that gives people even more incentive to buy the console in the first place. When will Nintendo realize that these homebrewers are actually helping to push their product, and even if they magically stopped them, they would just download and play the games some other way.
So does Nintendo think they somehow magically stopped the homebrewers now? They shouldn’t. There are two ways this can go:
1. The homebrewers once again figure a way to hack into the DS, but this t ime they have the advantage of having SD cards to work from.
2. The homebrewers simply DON’T BUY A DSi!
Seriously Nintendo, all you have done is pissed off the core gamer again, and reduced the appeal of the next DS (which with this growing list, wasn’t hard). Nintendo needs to realize that as long as they refuse to acknowledge the homebrew crowd, they’ll always find a way to worm into their consoles.
And the number one reason why the DSi is a miscalculation by Nintendo is….
1. Nintendo took one giant HALF step
Nintendo saw the success of the DS Lite, but had a problem. On one side, the Apple iPhone was cutting into their tech geek dollars and even competing with them in touch based games. On the other side, the DS was reach a saturation point where even with their new, expanded crows, everyone who was going to buy a DS had already bought one.
Nintendo attempted to appeal to both sides, and failed miserably with the DSi.
One the first hand of the equation, the “new” features of the DSi feel awfully old. Adding two cameras may add some gameplay opportunities, but it’s just a gimmick, one quickly recognized by the average gamer. Beyond that, with every tech device under the sun already having a camera, it seems almost quaint that Nintendo would add one. As I said before, Nintendo was supposed to be the company focused soley on gaming, so this reach felt fake, against their original appeal. On the other side of the equation, nothing on the DSi is appealing enough to make casual gamers who already own a DS go out and get one. Yes, they’ll miss out on the DSi Ware, but frankly, it’s not missing much.
Despite the fact that system has already launched in Japan, Nintendo has left some questions about DSi Ware unanswered. For instance, the biggest question I have, will these games survive to the next handheld? We don’t really know. Based on Nintendo’s previous patterns, the next handheld is just two years away, maybe less. Will that next one have a touch screen and a microphone and two screens and two cameras as well? If it doesn’t, then I suppose your DSi Ware games just won’t be able to move over. Will Nintendo even support moving the games over? Are any other games coming down the pipe? The announcement and release of the DSi came so fast, I’ve heard little of any other developer looking to support DSi Ware. Obviously part of the hesitation is that the DSi isn’t in the U.S. yet and won’t be for 9 months. So will there be good DSi ready by that time? Can we transfer the DSi Ware games to the Wii to play on the big screen?
My apologies if this last point has degraded into nothing more than a rant, but it seriously feels that Nintendo has blind sided us, trying to promise a new console (once again calling it a third pillar, as they once called the DS before it killed the GBA) that barely improves on the old. It feels as though Nintendo is afraid to make the next leap into a new generation of handhelds, and the results could be disastorus.
Perhaps some of my questions will be answered by the time the DSi comes to Amercia (we certainly have the time to wait and see). Until then, don’t get excited, certainly don’t import it. Nintendo has a lot still to prove with the DSi.
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November 4th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from benjifs
Hi. This is my first post here and it is also my first homebrew.
Here is DexterDS. It's a pokedex for the DS from a pokemon fan perspective. Therefore it does not include where to catch or different descriptions for each game. Let me know what you think.
Alpha version:
15 pokemon
search function fully implemented
Next Release:
Kanto edition (151 pokemons)
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November 4th, 2008, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gemesis:
Ok, the basic Mii Viewer/Editor by me is done. I would like to see comments on what else i could add. It currently shows the basic features of the Mii, and allows the use of basic Mii Editing functions. Currently, there is no actual image of the Mii, as I cannot do graphics but if anyone wants to help with that part of it, then let me know. Here is the info from the README:
Created By:
When you create a Mii, it will create a Mii Data File called
"ChosenFileName", no quotes, replacing ChosenFileName with
the File Name you chose.
File 1: Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds
This is the Mii Editor/Viewer for the DS.
File 2: TEST
The Test Mii's data file
1  DLDI Patch the file Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds
2  Place Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds and TEST onto you homebrew
launcher in the root directory.
3  Launch Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds
Note: Make sure that all Miis are in the root directory of
you homebrew launcher.
The Mii Editor/Viewer can be run on DeSmuME. I am not sure
which version, as I forget mine, but it should work on one of
the newest versions. HOWEVER, the only thing it will be able
to do is view the Mii. It cannot save it. (At least it
hasn't for me) Just make sure all of the files are together
in 1 folder.
If it works, then the Test Mii's properties should be:
Mii Name: test
Creators Name: GEMISIS
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Weight: 70
Height: 64
Mii ID: 17-250-172-114
Created By: GEMISIS
brendkak4 for the Original Topic Idea
Nintendo for creating the idea of Miis
Controls (didn't put them in the README ):
After the splash screen (press any key to go through it), use the following buttons to load/create a mii:
A: Load an already created mii
B: Create a new mii
After you have loaded a mii or created a mii you can edit the following attributes with the following buttons:
A: Changes favorite color forwards
B: Changes favorite color backwards
Up: Makes the mii taller
Down: Makes the mii shorter
Right: Makes the mii Heavier
Left: Make the mii lighter
Note: I would recommend counting to at least 10 before turning the DS off, that way, it can save the data properly. I will make a status bar sometime later. On the side note, it saves every time you edit something/create a new mii, so be aware of that.
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November 4th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bigbob85
Ok, this is a really simple tool.
Enter your color up the top, select what format it is, hit convert, and it'll tell you the appropriate RGB color in hex, 0-255, 0-31 and as the value in PA_RGB format.
Requires .NET 2.0 to run. (Vista has this preinstalled.. soo..)
Updated this at BassAceGold's request. Now can convert from any of the 4 formats listed, to any other format.
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November 4th, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bigbob85:
I dont know why this hasnt been noticed before (as far as I can tell), but PAGC frontend doesnt load textures into the texture tab when you load ini.
I decompiled the source, edited it, and recompiled, and all went well.
Only other change I made was I updated version to 0.9
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November 5th, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster

The more casual console collectors in the audience may scoff at the asking price for this PowerFest '94 Competition Super Nintendo, but if you've got an extra fifty-thousand dollar bill lying around, you really can't go wrong with this little stocking stuffer. Built for the Nintendo World Championships II competition, this one of a kind survivor — only 32 were made, they say — from the early '90s is a hidden bargain.
Why? According to the seller, it features level 1-1 of Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, five laps of the first track from Super Mario Kart and the home run derby from Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball. That's practically a hundredth of a full game, right there!
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November 5th, 2008, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has unveiled the final character details and new screenshots for Castlevania Judgment, Konami's first Castlevania title for Wii™. Produced by legendary Castlevania producer Koji "Iga" Igarashi, Castlevania Judgment brings together fully playable characters from the franchise's 22-year history. The new assets include screenshots and biographies of the final three characters in the game: Grant Danasty, Cornell and Sypha.
Assets for Castlevania Judgment can be downloaded at Konami's media area on the company's Web site: http://www.konami-data.com/pr/index.php.
Character Biographies:
Grant Danasty
Grant Danasty used to live as a noble thief (much like Robin Hood) all the while aspiring to become a vampire hunter like Trevor. As the most agile man in Transylvania, Grant Danasty joined forces with Trevor to defeat Dracula. Since overpowering Dracula, Grant Danasty has become a true champion of good, devoting his time to restoring the town to the days before Dracula's rule.
Cornell, a proud werewolf whose martial arts are said to be invincible, has come to rescue his younger sister Ada, who was kidnapped and taken to Dracula's castle. With the blood of beast-men in his veins, in Castlevania Judgment, Cornell is transformed into a wolf and unable to change back.
Sypha is a tough, strong-willed witch who uses fire, lightning and ice magic. Affiliated with the church, Sypha hides her true nature by wearing priestly clothes. While Sypha has not yet met Trevor, fate has determined that they will defeat Dracula together and then marry.
Castlevania Judgment is rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB and scheduled to be released on Wii™ in November, 2008. For more information, please visit: http://www.konami.com.
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November 5th, 2008, 18:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sega has pulled an advert for its maraca rhythm game, Samba De Amigo, following a complaint by the animal rights activist group, PETA, over the use of chimpanzee 'actors'.
PETA contacted the videogames publisher over the video commercial for the new Wii game and registered its complaint. Upon hearing PETA's allegations of abuse used by trainers against chimpanzee actors the company apparently pulled the advert.
"We're officially bananas about Sega," commented the animal rights group on it's blog.
"After learning that Sega used a real chimpanzee in an online video promoting Samba De Amigo we contacted the company... We explained how involuntary chimpanzee 'actors' are taken away from their mothers when they are just a year or so old," the post explained.
"We also explained some of the horrible methods that chimpanzee 'trainers' use, such as electric shocks with shock collars and prods, isolation, beatings with sawed-off pool cues and slapjacks, and food deprivation."
"Sega pulled the video from its site and promised to keep all great apes out of its ads!"
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November 5th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Konami's questionable tandem of arm flailing and vampire hunting will be afflicted by Dracula's Curse when Castlevania Judgment ships for the Wii later this month. The company revealed the final three characters set to duke it out in the upcoming fighter, including Castlevania III's diminutive thief, Grant Danasty, and Trevor Belmont's main squeeze, Sypha.
The pair will be joined by Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness' Cornell, who in addition to having to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of being a Nintendo 64-era werewolf, also shoulders the dubious distinction of being perhaps the only fighter to see his in-game appearance actually improve.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster

While I've long been a supporter of the custom console movement, sometimes I see a project that really makes me wonder what the point is. Take this portable, Gameboy-sized NES, based off of a Super Joy III Nintendo clone. Sure, it's slightly smaller than the original Gameboy and contains 72 built-in games, but oh my god is it hideous to look at. "But it's all about the convenience!" you say? I have at least five devices within my reach that are smaller, prettier, and more than capable of tackling an 8-bit Nintendo title should I deem it necessary.
I say if you really, really want to make a tiny, portable NES, at least make it look less like Doctor Who prop from the late 70's and more like something you'd actually want to play a game on. Hit the link for more pictures, sadly not including ones of the sliced-up thumb after it gets caught on the hastily-cut metal sheeting.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Thieves have stolen two trucks from the docks in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Inside the trucks were "thousands" of red, black and white DS Lite handhelds, valued at "millions" of Sweden's awesomely-named Kronor. For a country which is already suffering from a shortage of DS units, this is bad news, as the theft will leave many retailers without any DS to sell this Christmas. Police suspect it was an inside job, we'd like to think it was a crack Sony-funded team of truck-driving ninja thieves.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
While buying the DSi over the weekend (which, hey, we are giving away!), I was struck how pretty much all stores were running a very strict one-per-person policy. Yet, it should come as no surprised sellers hogging the DSi are popping up on Yahoo! Auctions.
Game site Siliconera points to seller beikapx, who's got something like 50 DSis all on the auction block, all of course marked up. The seller's feedback isn't so hot, and folks don't seem to be biting. We have a feeling lots of shoppers got burned badly during DS Lite mania a few years back and maybe are more willing to wait until the portable becomes widely available.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
What, you didn't think they'd stop at brain training, fitness and music games, did you? Nunh unh. Oh boy, Nintendo are just getting started. Next on their agenda is to make a game - or at least a piece of software - that makes learning about the economy fun. To repeat: that makes learning about the economy fun. They're partnering with Nikkei on the software, which is destined for the DS, and will have users "tapping on the devices' touch-screen panels and answering a series of quizzes" in the hope that "the software will attract young people who are interested in the economy".
Hopefully this signals the beginning of a trend in which Nintendo make games based on Iwata's favourite pastimes and hobbies, instead of that Miyamoto guy's.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Amu and her shugo chara continue with the journey of self discovery and improvement. With the help of the charas, Amu is slowly coming to terms with herself and getting more experience in hunting batsu dama, a seed of chaos born from an unstable mental state.
Although Amu succeeds in finding herself and thereby created the fourth chara Dia, her ordeals are far from over. With graduation drawing near, she faced partings with a good senpai and her best friend. These turbulences in turn make her create her own batsu dama.
Overcome obstacles in life, meet new people, make friends with them and lessen the gap between reality and your ideal life.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Live an ideal family life with the Pingus, there is the eldest son Pingu, his baby sister Pinga, a gentle mother and a dependable father.
Square Enix's family game is suitable for players of all ages, help out with household chores and have a wonderful time with your own family.
The visuals are mostly in clay animation and the software consists of fun mini games such as cooking, fishing and juggling. Turn on your Wi-Fi and invite your friends and family to join you, a maximum of four players can participate in the games.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The adventure game takes place in a parallelled 19th century world where travelling across on air ships is in vogue. As the son of a legendary traveller, Eddie has longed to go on an adventure. But before he could become an adult his father was involved in a violent struggle against a mysterious organization and ended up missing.
To search for his father, the boy decided to board his father's airship and set off on his journey with 3 other youths he has met on his way. From London to New York and other mystical places such as Atlantis, discover the truth behind the great traveller's disappearance and see the world for yourself.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster

This should be obvious news since Nintendo built the DSi with a new firmware, but it doesn’t work with existing flash cards. Sorry, legitimate homebrew community. How do we know this for sure? One Nico Nico user tested twenty eight different flash cards. I can’t believe this many flash cards exist in the hands of a single person.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
There are many more Nintendo Wi-Fi community features for Shiren’s second DS game and these are things you can’t experience from playing it at Tokyo Game Show (thanks for the tip crow!!). In addition to dungeon rescues introduced in the previous DS Shiren game, Mystery Dungeon Shiren the Wanderer DS 2: Demon Castle in the Desert has competitive modes like online leaderboards measuring player scores and a time attack mode. But, the Shiren games are more about random acts of kindness so Sega has some new friendly features too.
In Mystery Dungeon Shiren the Wanderer DS 2: Demon Castle in the Desert you can directly trade items with players (yes!) and send other players training dungeon. What? I’m a bit baffled by this. Crow suggests these training dungeons might be something like Fey’s Puzzles and this feature lets players recommend one of them. Or maybe training dungeons are easy opening dungeons for item farming?
The other question on my mind is if we’re going to see another Shiren game get localized. I was pretty optimistic about Shiren being an international series and Tokyo Game Show would have been the right place for Sega to make an announcement. Instead we got a greenlight for Phantasy Star Universe Portable. Well, even if Shiren DS 2 comes over you won’t be getting this as a random prize for purchasing the game.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese version of My Pokemon Ranch got a major update today across the pond, bringing the WiiWare title up to full "Platinum" status.
Pokemon fanatics have probably already figured out what that means. That's right, your Pokemon collection from Pokemon Platinum (currently available in Japan only) can now be transferred over to Pokemon Ranch! For those who need solid numbers, you can now handle up to 1,500 Pokemon on your ranch.
The update adds a number of other features as well, including selectable background music and new events. In the screen shots we've included in our media section below, you'll find shots of your ranch grounds becoming a pool!
In Japan, the update replaces the old version of Pokemon Ranch and will retain the current 1,000 WiiPoint price point. Owners of the older version can upgrade for free.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from Steve Corey:
I'm starting to finalize the 0.4 release of WiiDoom now. I hope to release this within 2 weeks (at the most). It's take a lot of work, but I've got a WAD loader working now. It will launch before the WiiDoom engine (of course), and will allow you to select the version of doom (IWAD), and any additional levels (PWADs) you want loaded. I'm still touching up the graphics for it, and will continue to polish it even after this release. I'll post a screenshot in the next few days.
Music is still a challenge for WiiDoom. The SDL_mixer for the wii is absolute garbage. I haven't found anyone who's gotten it to work. I'm going to have to use an additional library to play the MIDI/MP3 music file. That's something that I should get working on the next release (but we'll see).
Anyways, thanks for your support, and start getting your PWADs ready!!!!
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November 5th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Ant512 just upload a new demo of "Woopsi" library graphical interface to create homebrew on the model window of the Amiga OS.
Version 0.36 is now out. Source and demo available from http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/woopsi as always. Check the blog at http://ant.simianzombie.com/blog for more info.
Full changelog:
- Fixes:
- S32 used as iterator when working with visible rect cache to prevent permanent loops when large numbers of indirect were visible.
- S32 used as child iterator gadget.
- MultiLineTextBox: resize () correctly recalculate the number of visible rows.
- Tidied up MultiLineTextBox: getRowX () and getRowY ().
- MultiLineTextBox: getCurrentPage () no longer divides by 0 if there are no visible rows.
- MultiLineTextBox:: draw () tidied up; draws correctly when partial line of text is visible.
- MultiLineTextBox vertical alignment options all work correctly.
- MultiLineTextBox scrolls correctly when text is added.
- MultiLineTextBox has cursor support.
- Text:: stripTopLines () was not removing all characters.
- Deleted fontbase.cpp empty file.
- Removed unused "bitmap.h" include from "skin.h."
- New Features:
- Moved into all classes WoopsiUI namespace.
- Added Date class.
- Added Calendar gadget.
- Added Calendar example.
- Date Added example.
- Added ProgressBar example.
- Text:: Wrap () wraps lines only impacted by insert / delete / append operations.
- Replaced unused struct with a Bitmap Bitmap class with drawing routines.
- Replaced SuperBitmap drawing operations with a Bitmap object.
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November 6th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster

Overclocking the Nintendo DS is hardly anything new, but the mod-happy folks at XCM look to be taking a decidedly different approach with their new Hyper Gear case which, as you can see above, is actually a full-on replacement case for the currently non-hyper DS Lite. That approach gives you the added advantage of selectable turbo speeds and, of course, a rapid fire switch, both of which, as Technabob points out, will likely take quite a toll on battery life. No word on a price just yet, but it'll apparently be available from at least a few of the usual modding retailers in the next few weeks.
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November 6th, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Errora has updated his Dart Score management game for the DS:
Version 0.8 is available!
* Animated darts
* Cricket support (classic and tactics)
* Difficulty-levels (easy, medium, hard) at game option

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November 6th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Nintendo has confirmed to MCV that today's reports claiming that SD-card based piracy hardware the R4 will not work with the upcoming DSi are correct.
The platform holder was not able to confirm whether this is a deliberate feature of the newly redesigned handheld. However, judging by recent history it’s not unreasonable to presume this is the case.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Is Playing on the Wii actually any good for you? Kotaku was all over this from the start - check out our groundbreaking study - but apparently the Lancet don't take papers from gaming blogs. Their loss.
Proper scientists (well, 'sports scientists', but they have doctorates and everything) from the University of Derby in the UK have decided to conduct their own investigation. Researchers are monitoring groups of primary school children to see if Wii gaming helps them to lose weight.
"We hope this research will determine if playing on this equipment could actually have physical benefits for children.", said exercise physiology lecturer Dr Michael Duncan.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
New restocked from SuccessHK and is on Worldwide Import:

The Wii Wireless Nunchuk adopts 2.4G Wireless Technology and power saving design,has motion sensor built-in,responding quickly. The Ergonomic grip,let you feel comfortable when you playing with it.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nippon Ichi, the Disgaea series developer, are taking their talents to the Wii. On November 4th the company signed a contract to become an official Wii developer. Knowing the savvy Siliconera audience you’re probably aware of this already. Inside a long list of WiiWare games Nippon Ichi’s first title was inadvertently announced.
Let’s Hitchhike (temporary name) is slated for a March 2009 release on WiiWare in Japan. We still don’t know anything else about it, but it sure doesn’t sound related to Disgaea. So, how long will it be until a thousand prinnies are chained to a thousand computers to make a Disgaea game for the Wii?
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November 7th, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster

Animal Crossing: City Folk has a neat connectivity feature that lets you import your character from Animal Crossing: Wild World into the Wii game. However, all the hard work that you put into the DS game doesn’t carryover. You arrive in the Wii world with empty pockets. All the bells you amassed by digging up dinosaur bones stay in the DS game. This means you’re force to work for Tom Nook, make lazy friends, and deliver their packages. But, the capitalist raccoon does remember you. He has your catalog just in case you want to buy any of the items you already purchased in Animal Crossing: Wild World again.
If you’re ready to become Tom Nook’s indentured servant for the second time the data transfer can be done by downloading a special DS program from Animal Crossing: City Folk. Here’s a look at how the system works.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
Heres whats new:
fixed an off by one error I created in the texture copy function in
bpstructs.cpp. SSBM no longer has black on ground. sorry about that ;p
noticed the real HW doesn't clip some things it should. modified the projection
matrix to account for this.
changed normal loader to better handle 1 or 3 index NBT data which fixed an
added missing z component in biasing section of indirect texturing.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
Heres whats new:
fixed an off by one error I created in the texture copy function in
bpstructs.cpp. SSBM no longer has black on ground. sorry about that ;p
noticed the real HW doesn't clip some things it should. modified the projection
matrix to account for this.
changed normal loader to better handle 1 or 3 index NBT data which fixed an
added missing z component in biasing section of indirect texturing.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mad Catz Interactive, Inc., a leading third-party interactive entertainment accessory provider, announced today that it has entered into a multi-year licensing agreement with Nintendo of America Inc. whereby Mad Catz has secured the rights to produce and distribute peripherals for the critically acclaimed Rock Band video game for the Wii system.
The agreement provides Mad Catz these rights worldwide, outside of Asia. The products to be produced under the agreement are a bass guitar and a portable drum percussion set. Mad Catz expects these products to be available early in 2009.
"We are thrilled to enter into this agreement with Nintendo," said Darren Richardson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz. "Together we will provide Rock Band fans the opportunity to enhance their gameplay with Mad Catz' premium instruments for Nintendo's extremely popular Wii system."
The Rock Band series of video games, published by MTV Games and developed by MTV Network's Harmonix Music Systems, allows music fans and gamers to interact with music, challenging users to master the lead/bass guitar, drums and vocals as solo artists or cooperatively as part of their own band. Built on deals with the world's biggest record labels and music publishers, the music featured in the Rock Band games span all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from the greatest songs and artists of all time. Rock Bandfor Wii is currently available in North America and in Europe.
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November 7th, 2008, 03:07 Posted By: wraggster
sverx posted this:
finally, after many hours spent trying to write something that looks like an API documentation  I can release the long time ago promised XM replay library (see this topic...).
It works completely on ARM7, it has some effect column support, some volume column support, instruments with complete volume envelopes support, 8 & 16 bit samples with normal & ping-pong loop support...
Everything is explained with detail here
Feedback about the lib and the documentation is warmly welcome!
Thanks everybody that helped me to achieve this personal milestone... and I hope somebody will find my work worth a try
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November 7th, 2008, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Sylus101:
Sprite Designing/Testing/Creating/Animating On the GO!
Just so it's clear and the purpose of the app isn't in question (as I think it might be) this is intended to be a developers helper in designing/modifying sprites, particularly for use with PALib, but since there is a binary export now I'm gathering they could be used with any dev platform (not like there are many others...).
This is NOT meant to be a stand-alone a program where you make neat-o animations.
Welcome to the v0.93.2a release of Pixelman. No longer the first to introduce the Sprite Testing Arena I've been working on for the last few months, but that new feature still bears mentioning.
I'm really really hoping to have as many people as possible to check this new feature out. All instructions are in the Readme included.
*Added limited drawing with DPad option...
*Added Hflip and Vflip Tools.
*Note on Gridshift - Shifting past one edge of the grid will wrap around. This was fixed in this release from v93.0c
*Note on Rotation - Rectangular sprites really won't rotate correctly at 90 degrees so instead, they'll rotate a full 180. This was fixed in this release from v.93.0c
*Note on Zoom - Currently all other tools are disabled while zoomed. Use D-Pad to move around the viewing box. Stylus still draws and hold R and use DPad to change colors on the palette.
Please see new ReadMe for complete history
Since I really think I need to give people a better idea of what this app is all about (without having to download and review the readme) here's a couple of screen shots:
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November 7th, 2008, 03:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mirovader
Commenter on my site zomboula’s gonna be mighty pleased with this new version of Wee Basic because:
- it has SOUND (can play mp3s); and
- you can record and play from the DS MICROPHONE.
One more surprise: some of you my be happier with the editor. Not brilliantly astonishingly pleased, but a tinsy bit happier.
As usual, download the ppt file from http://freescifistories.wordpress.com/ and change the extension to zip. Archive includes a sample program to test the new commands.
Happy programming.
PS Wee Basic manual is now a separate page on my site: http://freescifistories.wordpress.com/wee-basic-manual/ . Enjoy my friends. (Sorry for being presumptuous - I really have no friends except for me, me and me!
(As always, use at own risk)
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November 7th, 2008, 03:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod:
Hell Owl offers a modified version of Wii GameCube Homebrew Launcher which is a homebrew originally created by Mega Man to launch homebrew works only on GameCube.
It makes it possible to use a loader to ISO for GC games. This version has been modified so it's easier with Wii Homebrew Launcher. To use it, you will need at least version 0.9 of Wii Homebrew Launcher.
- First, you have to patch the MIOS, why you need a firmware <= 3.2.
- Copy the directory MIOSPatchingWADInstaller in répartoire apps vorte SD card and run the installation.
Caution, this may brick your Wii (Making partially or totally useless). Neither Owl Hell or Mega Man will not be responsible for the damage can be caused to your Wii through the use of Homebrew.
- Then copy the EMULATOR directory on your SD card.
- Copy the homebrew GameCube as in the OJL EMULATOR / GCUBE / ROMS. You can assign an icon in this homebrew creating a PNG file with the same file as non-DOL (except the extension.
- It'll just Launch Wii Homebrew Launcher, go to 'Emulators' and in' GameCube Homebrew 'and finally select the Homebrew.
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November 7th, 2008, 12:47 Posted By: Darksaviour69
TomServo has posted in our forums a new version of RushHour:
I can post my next generation version of RushHour DS. Titled the "Carpool Edition" because not only does it incorporate the solution to the slot-1 saving issues, but now you can save the unique progress for up to 4 games so you and 3 of your family members can each save your own games.
I've tested it fully on my M3DS-Simply card, and Groquick says it works on his R4. If you experience problems on other cards or devices, let me know and I will certainly take a look.
But, for now, here is RushHour DS Carpool Edition.
This zip contains both the ds.gba and the .nds files, since even the users of slot-2 cards might want the multiple game save feature.
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November 7th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
his thoughts on the Wii. And Darren Williams - like Sega as a whole, we'd wager - are still kind of torn. Sure, some games, and some things are working. Mario & Sonic, that worked a treat. But other things about the Wii present a little more of a challenge:
I think on one hand the Wii has become the most expensive board game on Earth - it's the kind of thing that families will play at Christmas, and probably won't play again throughout the remainder of the year. So things like Wii Sports, Wii Fit to a certain extent, that's great.
Great for Nintendo, maybe. And that's definitely a problem with the Wii, one that may start to rear its head 12-18 months down the line once a lot of these "new" gamers get sick of Wii Sports and Wii Fit. Wonder how companies like Sega (and Nintendo!) are going to overcome it.
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November 7th, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has refreshed the WiiWare line-up with three brand new games.
Brain Challenge is the most expensive at 1000 Wii Points (approx GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00). This buys a familiar package of 25 brain-boosting mini-games, which can be played in Mii multiplayer with friends and family "whatever their age", or so says the statement. That's a bit unfair on decaying granny, don't you think?
Slightly cheaper is Alien Crush Returns at 800 Wii Points (approx GBP 6 / EUR 8). This is a remake of the Turbografx pinball game Alien Crush, which "Returns" with Wi-Fi multiplayer for four people, plus the outlandish ability to nudge the table with the motion-sensing Wiimote. Otherwise, pinball with flippers and things.
Then, even cheaper still, is Space Invaders Get Even at 500 Wii Points (approx GBP 3.50 / EUR 5). This casts players as the descending flock of retro UFOs - although they wouldn't be UFOs if they were your ships really now would they?
The idea is to smother the tanks, fighter jets and artillery traditionally controlled by humans at the bottom of the screen, using five attack types and the wrath of the mothership. Wi-Fi leaderboards are there to compete on.
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November 7th, 2008, 23:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The new in-game voice chat function for Animal Crossing: City Folk will be ready to go as soon as the game launches on Nov. 16, using the Wii Speak accessory. A separate Wii Speak Channel that people can use to chat independent of Animal Crossing: City Folk will be available in December.
The new voice chat function makes use of the new Wii Speak accessory, a microphone that sits on top of the television and allows entire rooms of people to communicate with one another. Only users who have traded Friend Codes can connect with one another using Wii Speak. The accessory is sold separately at an MSRP of $29.99 and will also be available as a bundle with Animal Crossing: City Folk at select retailers at an MSRP of $69.99. The Wii Speak accessory comes with a code that lets users download the Wii Speak Channel from the Wii Shop Channel at no charge.
The Wii Speak Channel will allow friends and family members to chat with one another, whether they live across town or across the globe. When users are chatting with the Wii Speak Channel, they can see each other's Mii characters representing them on the television screen.
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November 8th, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Is there some rule among game developers that all creepy space aliens have to look like vaginas with teeth? If so, what makes you think you can throw a half-dozen of them into a pinball game and have the best possible WiiWare title ever?
Alien Crush Returns hit WiiWare Monday; I found this out after attending Hudson’s preview event, where I went to preview the game. I also found this out right as the game crashed and had to be reloaded – a process which took something like six minutes. So forgive me for previewing this game instead of reviewing it, but I’ve got to have faith that somehow the retail release of Alien Crush Returns on Monday was way better than what I saw last night
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November 8th, 2008, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking with GI.biz, Sega's Darren Williams was asked his thoughts on the Wii. And Darren Williams - like Sega as a whole, we'd wager - are still kind of torn. Sure, some games, and some things are working. Mario & Sonic, that worked a treat. But other things about the Wii present a little more of a challenge:
I think on one hand the Wii has become the most expensive board game on Earth - it's the kind of thing that families will play at Christmas, and probably won't play again throughout the remainder of the year. So things like Wii Sports, Wii Fit to a certain extent, that's great.
Great for Nintendo, maybe. And that's definitely a problem with the Wii, one that may start to rear its head 12-18 months down the line once a lot of these "new" gamers get sick of Wii Sports and Wii Fit. Wonder how companies like Sega (and Nintendo!) are going to overcome it.
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November 8th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
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November 8th, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Game development for Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto is all about his team working "very diligently" and then having him come in to suggest adding silly things. Miyamoto's latest game, Wii Music, is different — he didn't have to go in and tell the team to add goofiness like the cheerleader. "I just turned the game on one day and all of a sudden there was a cheerleader," Miyamoto told Rolling Stone. "From that sense I would say that Wii Music was a relatively easy development project for me." We like it better when game development is difficult for Miyamoto.
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November 8th, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Without much surprise Aksys is localizing Okiraku Air Hockey which will be known as Family Glide Hockey when it comes out in North America. Like Family Ping Pong before it, this is pick up and play motion controlled air hockey with a few mini-games. When Japan got Family Glide Hockey it was sold on the Shopping Channel for 500 Wii Points and Aksys is likely to release it at the same price whenever it comes out here.
In addition to this title Arc System Works has three other WiiWare games currently in development. Given Aksys and Arc System Works’ tight relationship we’re nearly guaranteed to get Okiraku Putter Golf and Okiraku Slotcar Racer which might be called Family Miniature Golf and Family Slotcar Racing respectively. Okiraku Sugoroku is a different story since it’s a Japanese off shoot of Backgammon. Maybe Aksys will be bold enough to localize it as Family Dice Party.
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November 8th, 2008, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
Xseed and Electronic Arts are bringing Populous to the DS in North America next week, but it’s not exactly the Populous you remember. Sure, Populous DS has the classic land shaping / civilization growing gameplay with mouse-like touch screen controls, but this version of Populous has new deities and Wiis. I asked Takahiro Murakami, Lead Producer at Electronic Arts, about these new features and how the Populous project got started in the first place.
Almost twenty years passed since Populous came out. Can you explain the concept of the game?
Takahiro Murakami, Lead Producer at Electronic Arts: When we first decided to sell the title in Japan we started with the concept of “keeping the well received Super Famicom gameplay and adding new game elements to it.” Since this is a title that has a lot of history and a large fan base we didn’t want to change the gameplay too much, which would disappoint the fans. For the visuals we wanted to keep the old look so that fans can look at the package and feel comfortable and think, “Oh, I get to play the Populous that I loved again.”
how did the Populous DS project get started?
A year before Populous DS we created SimCity DS and soon after that SimCity DS2.
After those two titles we all got together and discussed “what other EA games are there that’s a popular IP in Japan?” and from all the titles that came up we decided to go with “Populous.”
Since the SimCity DS series was selling well in Japan we wanted to create a title that targets the same type of audience.
There were so many versions and ports of Populous. Which one is the DS based on?
This is based on Japan’s Super Famicom and PC Engine version.
How does Populous DS improve on the formula?
Since Populous had fun versus play we wanted to emphasize on this with wireless versus play. However, the original Populous only had one type of god and that would just make for a simple match of the fastest player having a big advantage. So to make this more exciting we created variations of gods and god powers as well as each god having their own element with strengths and weaknesses that can be exploited to balance the gameplay.
Can you tell us about the new deities? Where did the ideas that inspired their design come from?
We got the inspiration from Japanese and foreign fantasy games as well as mythologies and tried to design them in a way that you will intuitively know what type of elemental god each one is.
For example, the Earth God looks powerful, the Harvest God’s legs looks like plants, and the Fire God looks like a flame incarnate.
Populous is a nostalgic game for Japanese users but it’s also a new game for all the young users so we wanted to create the gods in a way that they can intuitively understand what they are.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
We've been anxiously anticipating Nintendo's next big peripheral since it was unveiled at their mind-blowing E3 2008 showcase -- a groundbreaking, futuristic device that actually allows you to speak with your online gaming cohorts. However, we've had a lot of questions concerning the price and release date of the cutting edge technology known as Wii Speak (and its companion software, the Wii Speak Channel) -- questions that were recently answered in a press release from the money-printing company.
You can get your hands on Nintendo's talkin' puck on Nov. 16, either bundled with Animal Crossing: City Folk for $69.99, or by its lonesome for $29.99. The accessory comes with a coupon which allows you to download the Wii Speak Channel for free (we're unclear whether City Folk includes said coupon), which will be available for download sometime in December -- and yes, you can only chat with those whose unwieldy friend codes you've already acquired. Sure, it's a minor inconvenience -- but considering the social gaming revolution this peripheral will initiate, it's a hoop we're certain you'll be willing to jump through.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Customise your characters with clothes and accessories
10 different ice Stadiums to unlock and dance in
Unlock new levels, accessories, special moves and storylines
Share clothes and accessories with friends using the DS Wireless Communications
Play as Kelly, Gabrielle, Alyssa and Madison as you dance your way through the world's greatest ice skating stadiums perfecting all the hardest moves as you impress the judges.
Using the Nintendo DS stylus you can skate, spin, jump and step your way to the top. But drop too far down the 'heat' motor and you will stumble, losing valuable points with the judges!
Do you have what it takes to be crowned 'Princess on Ice'?
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November 8th, 2008, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Enjoy 14 months of realistic baby simulation
Innovative game play that is based on stylus, touch pad, voice recognition, and the microphone - not a compilation of mini-games
Interact with your baby whenever you want and experience more than 200 real baby-like reactions
Take photos of your favorite memories with your baby and keep a scrapbook - or share them with grandma and get fun presents
Over 350 unlockable clothing, accessory, and toy items allow you to express your baby's personality to the fullest
Watch your baby grow from both a physical and psychological point of view
Colorful 3D environments
Over 25 skills to teach your baby in addition to 8 activities
It's finally here - a baby of your very own!
You're the mom or dad and your baby needs your love and care to grow! You will need to do everything real parents do - feeding, changing, bathing, playing - to put your baby on the right track to development. Just as in real parenting, follow your instinct and the doctor's advice. Keep your baby happy or you will hear about it! With a wide variety of skills to teach and new experiences in every game, there is no end to the fun you'll have raising your own baby!
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November 8th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Enjoy 14 months of realistic baby simulation
Innovative game play that is based on stylus, touch pad, voice recognition, and the microphone - not a compilation of mini-games
Interact with your baby whenever you want and experience more than 200 real baby-like reactions
Take photos of your favorite memories with your baby and keep a scrapbook - or share them with grandma and get fun presents
Over 350 unlockable clothing, accessory, and toy items allow you to express your baby's personality to the fullest
Watch your baby grow from both a physical and psychological point of view
Colorful 3D environments
Over 25 skills to teach your baby in addition to 8 activities
It's finally here - a baby of your very own!
You're the mom or dad and your baby needs your love and care to grow! You will need to do everything real parents do - feeding, changing, bathing, playing - to put your baby on the right track to development. Just as in real parenting, follow your instinct and the doctor's advice. Keep your baby happy or you will hear about it! With a wide variety of skills to teach and new experiences in every game, there is no end to the fun you'll have raising your own baby!
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November 8th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Battle as Po and Tigress on an epic journey spanning over 40 levels
Use the stylus to swing on ropes, launch catapults, and more
Draw mystic symbols on-screen to unleash special attacks
Connects wirelessly to Wii version to unlock exclusive multiplayer characters on the Wii
Po and the Furious Five are back for more awesomeness in an all-new Kung Fu adventure on the Nintendo Wii and DS! Play the next chapter in the legend of Po, the new Dragon Warrior, as you battle the vengeful Tai Lung, who is trying to capture the Furious Five. It’s up to you and your friends to save them.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Discover the scares that are all too real and find yourselves vanquishing vampires with this goosebumps horrorland. Try to escape the park, unravel a mystery, encounter a host of creepy horrors, monsters and mummies plus trademark goosebumps twists and cliffhangers. Goosebumps horrorland will offer the suspense, pulse-pounding action, tension and humor that defines the franchise. Goosebumps horrorland is an adventure game set in a fright-themed amusement park filled with over thirty thrilling rides and bone-chilling attractions. It has also five terror inducing and unique park areas and collectible monster cards which can be played by multiple players in a story mode or arcade mode.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play as Tinker Bell and help prepare the seasons
Customize over 100 outfits and create fashion trends
Watch Pixie Hollow transform from day to night
Interact with Silvermist, Iredessa, Fawn & Rosetta plus make new fairy friends
Enter The World Of Fairies.
Play as the beloved Tinker Bell as you discover the mystical world of Pixie Hollow and help all your fairy friends prepare the seasons. Create and customize over 100 dresses and accessories. Experience all the fun in a dynamic world where your activities change during certain hours of the day, holidays, and seasons. Believing is just the beginning...
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November 8th, 2008, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

From the American favorite Golden retriever to the funny Chihuahua, collect all 18 breeds. As you care for your puppy, you develop a strong relationship with him: the dog expresses himself more and more as the players evolves. Teach him over 22 different tricks, such as dance, do the tornado, roll over
Jump rope in the parkway, throw ball in the park or participate in agility course challenges with your favorite puppy. Make your dogs becomes the number 1 racing dog in the world
Unlock costumes, hats and special accessories. Dress you dog in more than 100 000 different ways. Unlock a funny and surprising hair coat for each breed
Interact with your dog like in real life with the Wii remotes: pet him, play fetch, throw the Frisbee or the Football. Accessible and fun interactive gameplay
36 agility courses for you to compete against up to 4 friends. Bring and exchange your dogs collection and your costumes to your friend’s place in your Wii remote
New fur technology makes your dogs look just like real animals. Watch your puppy interact in realistic looking environments. Watch your puppy grow thanks to the variety of ages: learn how he will progress and will improve his skills from the puppy stage, through the young stage and finally the adult stage
Discover a new brand furry-fun experience on Wii: care and play with adorable puppies and challenge your friends in multiplayer mode...so who will cross the finishline first?!
Pick the puppy of your choice from a variety of breeds and customize his look with tones of different outfits and accessories to make him look unique. Experience a gameplay adapted to the Wii and the Wii remotes. Don't be afraid of shaking your arms as fast as you can to win! Compete against your friends in multiplayer in exciting races and select the best environment that will make you win: will you prefer the excitement of an over-crowded Olympic stadium or the advanced knowledge of your home streets?
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November 8th, 2008, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Search for the N-Strike Elite Begins
Bundled with every game, comes the revolutionary SWITCH SHOT EX-3 which transforms between a live Nerf blaster and a Wii remote shooting peripheral for the game
Play with over 25 NERF Blasters including the MAVERICK REV-6, VULCAN EBF-25, LONGSHOT CS-6, and many never seen before
Explore a top-secret NERF facility and unravel the mystery of the unknown threat that awaits
Go head to head with up to 4 players using additional Wii Remotes and SWITCH SHOT EX-3 blasters
The Search for the N-Strike Elite Begins... Through the din of a popular arcade, one player has emerged as the best N-Strike gamer his friends have ever seen. But even as Shane smashes through the game's record, something far more mysterious is happening: his success is being tracked and recorded. Shane is the perfect candidate for an ultra-exclusive invitation to become an N-Strike Elite. Later that night, he's awakened to find the Nomad C Series Recruitment bot hovering silently over his bed. "B.O.B." has a challenge for Shane. Join the quest to become an Elite Striker and he'll have access to Top Secret Blasters. It's all the incentive Shane needs, and as the one controlling Shane, it's your opportunity of a lifetime....
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November 8th, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Team up with friends to work together through co-op Story Mode, or compete head-to-head in Versus Mode
Unleash powerful Kung Fu moves using the Wii Remote
Play mini-games using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk
Connect wirelessly to DS version to unlock exclusive multiplayer characters on the Wii
Po and the Furious Five are back for more awesomeness in an all-new Kung Fu adventure on the Nintendo Wii and DS! Play the next chapter in the legend of Po, the new Dragon Warrior, as you battle the vengeful Tai Lung, who is trying to capture the Furious Five. It’s up to you and your friends to save them.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Five terror inducing and unique park areas
Play in story mode or arcade mode
30 bone chilling rides and attractions
Multi-player features
Collectible monster cards
Discover the scares that are all too real and find yourselves vanquishing vampires with this goosebumps horrorland. Try to escape the park, unravel a mystery, encounter a host of creepy horrors, monsters and mummies plus trademark goosebumps twists and cliffhangers. Goosebumps horrorland will offer the suspense, pulse-pounding action, tension and humor that defines the franchise. Goosebumps horrorland is an adventure game set in a fright-themed amusement park filled with over thirty thrilling rides and bone-chilling attractions. It has also five terror inducing and unique park areas and collectible monster cards which can be played by multiple players in a story mode or arcade mode.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Simple touch control and DS portability combine to create an accessible and addictive action puzzle experience
The art of escaping is enhanced by stylish characters and smooth animation
Various companions, from adults and children to dogs and aliens, await the players’ commands as they make their way to safety alongside Mr.Esc
Players can put their puzzle-solving expertise to the test with over 100 danger-filled stages
A Wi-Fi ranking system enables players to compare their scores with escape artists around the world
EXIT DS -- The stylish and inventive action puzzle game comes to Nintendo DS! As professional escape artist Mr.Esc, players must maneuver through burning buildings and sinking ships as they dodge disaster and save survivors along the way. EXIT DS makes a smooth return to the portable scene with all-new Touch-Screen functionality and over 100 stages to solve.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

World's first music tool software created for the Nintendo DS
Two patchable dual-oscillator analog synth simulators:
Four-part drum machine that uses sounds created with the analog synth simulator
Six-track (analog synth x 2, drum machine x 4) /16-step sequencer
Delay, chorus, and flanger sound effects available from the mixing board
Three note-entry modes: touch-control screen, keyboard screen, matrix screen
Real-time sound control mode via touch-control screen
Exchange sounds and songs and play multiple units simultaneously through a wireless communications link
The KORG DS-10 is a music-creation software for the Nintendo DS that combines the superior interface of the Nintendo DS and the design concept of the famous MS-10 synthesizer.
The sound sources in the KORG DS-10 come from KORG - one of the world's top musical instrument producers - and no effort was spared in creating these ultra-high-quality sounds. The Nintendo DS's dual-screen touch panel is used to the fullest to provide a feel and operability that is unsurpassed, and combined with the sensory input mode at the touch-control screen, this unit can be appreciated by the complete novice as well as the seasoned professional.
In addition to the two analog synth simulators and drum module, a 6-track/16-step sequencer enables precise control and provides a wide range of musical possibilities. Several units can be connected and played together through a wireless link, and this and other features make the Nintendo DS and KORG DS-10 almost limitless in their application - they can take you places that no single synthesizer can.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

State of the art WIRELESS guitar controller with the new neck slider and authentic drum kit controller, with wired microphone deliver the most authentic band experience
Compose, record, edit, and share your own music online. Download and play community-created content for free!
Rock out solo, with another guitarist or a band. Kick it up with 4 vs. 4 Battle of the Bands play
Create your own rocker, choose from your favorite Guitar Hero® icons or take the stage as the biggest rock stars around
Enjoy a massive soundtrack, with all master tracks and no covers!
Share the Experience! Guitar Hero® World Tour combines exhilarating guitar game play with cooperative band elements.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
The new in-game voice chat function for Animal Crossing: City Folk will be ready to go as soon as the game launches on Nov. 16, using the Wii Speak accessory. A separate Wii Speak Channel that people can use to chat independent of Animal Crossing: City Folk will be available in December.
The new voice chat function makes use of the new Wii Speak accessory, a microphone that sits on top of the television and allows entire rooms of people to communicate with one another. Only users who have traded Friend Codes can connect with one another using Wii Speak. The accessory is sold separately at an MSRP of $29.99 and will also be available as a bundle with Animal Crossing: City Folk at select retailers at an MSRP of $69.99. The Wii Speak accessory comes with a code that lets users download the Wii Speak Channel from the Wii Shop Channel at no charge.
The Wii Speak Channel will allow friends and family members to chat with one another, whether they live across town or across the globe. When users are chatting with the Wii Speak Channel, they can see each other's Mii characters representing them on the television screen.
Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit Wii.com.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
GameSetWatch has been running an interesting two-part column on the success and failure of the Wii in its first two years on store shelves (2nd anniversary arriving soon, read our 1st anniversary theme week here!). The second part of the piece, which focuses on the negatives, has a couple of interesting tidbits worth pointing out.
The first thing the piece focuses on is waggle and how the early promises of a more immersed experience for the gamer have not been fulfilled. We're willing to concede that, because of how great the console has sold in such a small period of time and how many developers and publishers have proceeded to churn out shovelware and dirty ports just in an attempt to cash in. There are always exceptions to the rule, however, with not only Nintendo showing us the amazing and unique things that can be done with the control scheme, as well as some other third party developers and their titles (Zack & Wiki, Let's Tap, and No More Heroes, just to name a few).
We won't spoil the rest of the piece for you, but, to be honest, it's really good. It calls the Wii out for a lot of its shortcomings, and not in a totally biased tone. And, if bashing the Wii doesn't sound like an interesting topic for an article to you, read the first part, where it's nothing but Wii love.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
A psychology expert from the University of Memphis, Dr Rick Dale, has been using the Wii in his latest experiments. No, not to help senior citizens stay active or to help those in physical therapy, but to study the relationship between the mind and the body.
"We often begin to act before we think, even when making relatively simple decisions," Dale said. "Some might say that we even think through our actions." Using the Wii in a variety of different experiments helps him to map how our brains handle thinking and action, and that the two are apparently intertwined.
In another experiment, Dale found that participants had a 'bias toward truth,' meaning that those involved had a natural tendency to think what they were presented with was truth. In this experiment, those involved would use the Wiimote to determine if a statement was true or false. Before making up their mind, those involved in the experiment tended to float towards each statement being true, before making up their mind and choosing their answer. This proved that the body of the participant was in motion before the cognitive process was finished, as well as showing that each individual wanted to believe each statement was true, even if they later decided that the statement was not.
Might not be the most exciting stuff to us without years and years of education, but it's good to see that folks in the medical field are taking the console seriously and understanding that it can do some good beyond letting you and Mario run around some globes in space for a few hours.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from Sven Peter:
Alrght, after a few weeks of nothing I finally got around to write a blog post again 
This time I'm going to explain how I managed to get SDHC cards to work with the Wii's internal slot without requiring any patches to the IOS.
This front slot is normally accessed by the device node /dev/sdio/slot0 which directly talks to the hardware registers of a standard sd host controller - there is even a specification you can download and read that explains everything you need.
However, to simplify things a bit nintendo apparently thought that it would be a good idea to let the IOS handle the SD card initialization process which basically only consists of sending three commands to the SD card to get it into the right state. Next to those commands it also pokes some host controller registers in order to enable the power supply, setup a stable clock and enable some interrupts. Those things are basically everything needed to get the host controller and the SD card to a state at which it accepts just about every command - and this is were IOS stops its work. It pokes another memory location that allows the powerpc to directly send commands to the SD card by either using a ioctl for normal commands or a ioctlv for data commands, i.e. commands that require data to be transferred using DMA. The powerpc has to take care of the rest and send the SELECT and (MULTIPLE_)BLOCK_READ commands to actually read data from the card. This seems to be their idea of abstraction...
When you now insert a SDHC card and call IOS' reset function it just returns some error value: SDHC cards have a slightly different initialization process: After sending the "GO_IDLE_STATE" command you need to send another command to indicate that you know about SDHC and are going to use it. The next two commands are then very similar to the SDv1 initialization with one more bit set to tell the card (again) that you know about high-capacity cards. If you don't send the special "i know about sdhc kthx" (aka CMD8) command the card will just return an error when you send the next command because it thinks that it can't be used with this host.
Since the SDv1 and the SDv2 (SDHC) process is nicely documented in the SD host controller and the physical layer specifications it sounds like it would be trivial to just do it yourself on the powerpc. There are however two things that you'll have to take care of:
At first IOS won't allow you to just send commands to the SD card if you didn't successfully call the reset ioctl first.
The second problem is that the card does neither get power nor a clock and all interrupts - which are required for the sdi driver to fully work - are disabled before you called reset
Fixing the first issue seems to be impossible at the first look without a IOS patch because of the following check inside the driver that fails when the card wasn't initialized:
default_sd_command ; CODE XREF: sdi_main+4E0jBL do_something_init_maybeLDR R0, [R6,#8]MOVS R3, #0x84 ; 'ä'ADDS R2, R0, #0MULS R2, R3LDR R3, =sdi_structsADDS R1, R2, R3LDR R2, [R1,#sdi_struct.card_present_state]LDR R3, =0xFFFF0000TST R2, R3BNE default_sd_command_checks_passed ; only branch if "card initialized" bit is setLDR R7, =0xC1000004 ; error codeADDS R5, R7, #0STR R0, [SP,#0x68+var_4C]B ioctl_return_maybe
Patching this check out would be quite easy - just replace the BNE to default_sd_command_checks_passed with an unconditional branch to it. The problem is that this would force everyone wanting to use SDHC cards on his Wii to install a hacked IOS.
But after I took a look at something different I found a way to still send commands to the card: The code listed above is just present in the ioctl handler - the ioctlv handler doesn't do this check. It just checks the passed vectors and calls the do_send_command function that the ioctl also calls then. This gives use a simple way to just send commands even before the reset ioctl was called to the SD card: Just use the ioctlv and pass a NULL buffer with a 0 length and a block count of zero. do_send_command checks for those values and just thinks that you actually send a ioctl instead of an ioctlv and will happily send your command to the sd card because both ipc messages use the same function to handle the card commands (which just sets some registers and memory locations up and lets the interrupt handler do the rest then).
There still is one problem though: The SD card neither gets power nor has a stable clock yet while both are required to answer to commands and the interrupts in the host controller are still all disabled which would make commands fail too. But well, there also is a way around this when you take a look at the ioctls the driver provides. Especially the set_hcreg and the get_hcreg commands are interesting: They directly allow the powerpc to write to the sd host controller hardware registers. Together with its specification it is pretty simple to enable the power supply, give the card a stable clock and enable interrupts.
By 'abusing' those two solutions and reading the simplified physical layer specification it was simple to do the card initialization on the powerpc by just patching the wiisd.c code of libogc a bit. The only thing you need to do to enable SDHC support for your homebrew is to fetch the latest libogc which already contains the patches and recompile it. libfat will automagically work then without any changes to your code
It looks as if some cards are not working with this approach yet. I'm pretty sure that this just is a timeout issue. Please come to #wiidev or #hackmii at EFNet and poke me there so that we can debug the problem together and hopefully fix it. It would be really great if you even have a usb gecko because that facilitates things a lot. You'll probably have to read debug prints on your TV otherwise.
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November 9th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Justwoody has released a new version of MahJongg Wii:
MahJongg Wii is a Mahjongg solitaire tiles game written specifically for the Wii, developed with devkitPro tools and using the GRRLib for rendering, sndlib for music and sound, and wiiuse for wiimote.
v0.6 08/11/08
Download - Mahjongg Wii v0.6
Added versus mode!
Re-factored the tile selection processing and completed all coding around tile selection for both versus and coop modes
Added option to restart the game when paused or no more moves left
Added option to start a new game without going back to the menu when current game has finished
Changed so that if only two tiles are left which are on top of each other the game finishes
Fixed bug where tile placement algorithm gets stuck in an infinite loop when it cannot place all tiles successfully. Now if this occurs it finishes the shuffle and returns to no more moves mode
Alternated which pointer is drawn first every frame to not give the advantage to player one in two player versus mode
Added separate tile selections per player (this affects the co-op mode as well as the versus mode)
Added Hungarian, Finish and Swedish languages
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November 9th, 2008, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Iron Hand:
Dungeons is an mini RPG for the Wii with some WiiMote supports. The aim is to find all red orbs and fight the last Boss. Fight monsters and power up your skills. The most important thing is to find out witch values are the best. Find keys and open doors in this labyrints of chaos and become a hero.
first release (first game for wii and first game in pure C by iron hand )
main engine completed (i hope)
you can reach level 10 (you can play along but no new monster or maps appear)
there are 15 orbs
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November 9th, 2008, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
Zegouky has released an amiga emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
UAE4Wii is a port of the famous amiga emulator UAE based on UAE4all from Chui.
Pressing home will bring the GUI.
Wiimote is used as the mouse but also as pad #1 and pad #2
A = Left mouse click
B = Right mouse click
1 = Fire button
+ = Quit when emulating
To come, a nice GUI with advanced functions, a virtual keyboard and surely an update of the UAE
base source code used by Chui for UAE4ALL for more compatibility.
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November 9th, 2008, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
"Closed" the famous puzzle game for the DS is back with a new version by Cobain, the 1.6 that contains 1 new enigme by Cortes48, and an update of credits.
Closed, the fabulous, excellent, the brilliant, incomparable, the single set of riddles that everyone knows just taken over version 0.1. So in this version 1.6 there as a new conundrum Cortes48 and a total revision of appropriations.
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November 9th, 2008, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
C_boy has just completed a remake of "Lode Runner" for the Nintendo DS "Origin v1.0 Lode Runner" came out at the time on Apple II in 1983. This first draft contains the first 20 tables on the 150 planned.
The first version includes only the 20
first paintings on the 150 scheduled
I tried to set up an engine displacement of enemies who looks like the original games, but without cracking, it is impossible.
I will need your help to test the tables and see if they are feasible with this engine, and modify if necessary
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November 9th, 2008, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
This is to let everyone know about a new (old) resource for PAlib users - the Google Code (GC) project website for PAlib can be found at http://palibds.googlecode.com/ and is the location for the latest downloads.
As part of the GC site, we also have an Issues section for tracking bugs within the library. So, if you find anything - or you already have something - please post your bug reports and feature requests there so a developer can verify and work it for the community.
If there are any ideas for making the GC site more useful, please post them here and I'll do what I can.
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November 9th, 2008, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from karatekid1111
Well, I think everyone has been waiting for a while for me to release a actual project that does anything, so here it is!
It's called EPAlib (Easy Programmers Arsenal Library), which is almost identical to PAlib, but with different function calls.
To make things easier, it's all of PAlib's functions, but without the PA_, which means, PA_CreateSprite would be CreateSprite, However, Every command is CASE SENSITIVE, so no using createsprite, it HAS to be CreateSprite (Sorry).
The only Thing I didn't change is the PAPI functions, they still contain the PAPI_ part.
If there are any commands that don't work, post here and I'll fix it!
All you have to do is put "epalib.h" in your source folder, then add #include "epalib.h" to the top of your main.c
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November 9th, 2008, 09:51 Posted By: wraggster

[bunnie] managed to pick up a Nintendo DSi while in Japan. It seems he had the device running less than an hour before he tore it down for an impromptu hotel photoshoot. There’s nothing too surprising and he mentions that the CPU certainly feels more capable than the previous model, which may explain the shorter battery life. The ARM processor sits under an RF shield directly below the WiFi card. The best photo is the top side of the board with every single debug point labeled in plain English on the silkscreen. We’re sure that’ll help with the development of new homebrew hardware.
[bunnie] has posted some interesting teardowns in the past. Have a look at his Sony XEL-1 teardown to see the inner workings of an OLED TV.
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November 9th, 2008, 09:57 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 9th, 2008, 09:57 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 9th, 2008, 10:00 Posted By: wraggster
The guys at codemii have updated the Homebrew Browser again, heres the release details:
Able to view currently installed applications
Fixed bug in downloading and removing applications which affected uno and may have affected other applications
Retries increased to 10 times with a longer pause in-between
Able to reboot the Wii by holding B and pressing Home
Detects if you have a .elf version of any application and lets you update that application
Now uses zip files which means download sizes are reduced (thanks Tantric)
Added SDHC support
Detects if HBB icon or meta file exist, if they don’t then it downloads them
Thanks to Tantric the Homebrew Browser now has zip support. This means that applications that were classified as having too many files can now be included in the HBB. Applications now will take less time to download however the trade off is it takes a little while to extract the zip files.
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November 9th, 2008, 10:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Channel File Manager is based on WAD Manager 1.21 and AnyTitle Deleter and allows you to manage your Wii channel menu. You can install devices from your choice, and uninstall. The homebrew may also use your CIOS to benefit the installation chains.
You must create a folder named wad at the root of your device (SD Card, SD Gecko or USB storage device) and put all your files WAD.
If you want to delete a title and you do not have the WAD file in the choice of device select "Internal Memory of the Wii."
Note: The version using the Custom Channel IOS File Manager is compatible only with versions revision 04 (rev04) of IOS Custom tona and Waninkoko (or higher).
News / corrections:
- Support of the Italian language (BETA)
- Improving the French translation
- Fix errors internal compilation
- Channel File Manager now returns to the Wii Menu menu without health warning
- Add support for the classic lever (Tested by TGames)
- Add an icon for the Wii Homebrew Launcher (Samux thank you!)
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November 9th, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster

When the DSi specs were first revealed in front of the Nintendo money vault this past October, we noticed the battery life of the DS line went from "pretty awesome" to "WTF?" The brighter, larger screens were initially blamed for the 1-6 hour drop, but a field stripped DSi we discovered today hints the drain might be due to a beefier processor and speakers housed within.
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November 9th, 2008, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
christian.remboldt aka linus presents its new homebrew for our beautiful Blanche: WiiCM.
Wiicm manager is a cheat code to use with WiiRd codes and codes GeckoOS \ Ocarina.
Save the TXT cheat for every game in a répertaire / txtcodes / root SD card. WiiCM will let you choose what code you want to or not.
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November 9th, 2008, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
DopeWars directed by Eikon is an adaptation of DopeWars PalmOS.
The player takes the skin of a drug, its purpose being to make as much money as possible in a limited time.
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November 10th, 2008, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
DCelso has modified the code for the N64 emulator to introduce support for the WiiMote and Nunchuk. The emulator itself has been repackaged as a .dol file to better suit the new HomeBrew Channel.
We are not sure of any other improvements that may have been made to the emulator because no changelog or readme is released with this file. Either way, feel free to download it and check it out.
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November 10th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo plans to release the quirky Art Style WiiWare games in Europe from 21st November.
These cost 600 Wii Points apiece (approximately GBP 4.20 / EUR 6), and are stylish remakes of the Bit Generations games for GBA.
All apart from Cubello, actually, which is an original creation. The idea is to eliminate cubes from spinning clusters by firing similarly-coloured blocks at them. There's a video and some pictures of Cubello in action on the official Nintendo website.
Then there's Rotohex - a remake of Dialhex, reviewed on the other side of the blue words - where falling panels have to be rotated to make a hexagon. Head-to-head multiplayer is included, and completing hexagons here rewards players with an unhelpful block to use on opponents.
Or there's space-themed gravity game Orbient. Based on Bit Generations game Orbital, the idea is to guide a star through a galaxy using the gravitational pull of nearby planets. And advancing to other galaxies means eating the sun, which means eating blue stars to grow along the way.
All three games are out in the US, incidentally, and appear to be notching up favourable reviews. Look out for our thoughts on the Art Style series soon.
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November 10th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Manage the weddings of 6 different brides, each with their own personality and specific tastes
Design the wedding invitation, choose the dress, veil, bouquet, and more! You can also choose the bride’s hair and makeup, the location of the ceremony, and the music!
Choose who will be in the ceremony and select the outfits that will please the bride
Live the big day! Ensure everything goes smoothly and your bride is happy! If not, you may face some unexpected events during the ceremony!
Unlock new characters, clothing, and accessories with each “perfect” wedding that you design! Exchange the unlockables with your friends via the DS’ WIFI connection
As a young wedding designer, create the perfect wedding that matches the bride’s taste and expectations.
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November 10th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Solutions to all obstacles - Using the wild Pokémon's powers is key to completing the game. The guide will reveal which Pokémon you'll need to help you through each area.
Detailed maps of all areas - The island will be charted and fully labeled to help players navigate without trouble or useless backtracking.
Pokémon Ranger Stats! - A full listing of all available Pokémon with their relevant stats.
Platform: Nintendo DS
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November 10th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
These two entries to the WiiWare have been on Earth for a little over three hours now, so we're going to dispense with making any effort to educate you about them, and just skip right to the making fun of them.
- Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam (Virtual Toys, 1-2 players,1,000 Wii Points): Here are just a few names for a game better than Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam. (1) Stalin's Underage Keg Stand Downhill Huckjam. (2) Making Stuff Sticky 2: The Stickying. (3) Imagine Tax Adjusterz.
- Brain Challenge (Gameloft, 1-4 players, 1,000 Wii Points): This has been one of our favorite cellphone pastimes for ages now. So, if you use your Wii as a cellphone, we don't think you should pass it up. Also, (4) Pepsi Pete: The Podracing Penguin.
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November 11th, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster

The SNES has certainly proven to be one of the most popular consoles to get the portable treatment among those go-getter console modders out there, and it looks like it's not showing any signs of losing that status, with this so-called SNEP (Super Nintendo Entertainment Portable) only the latest to pop up on our radar. As you can see above, this one is a tad less portable than some other handheld SNES mods we've seen (it also apparently needs to be plugged in), but it does at least do better job than most at staying true to the SNES's (or, more accurately, the Super Famicom's) instantly-recognizable appearance.
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November 11th, 2008, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
The Square loyal among you will apparently have yet another reason to play through the tiny-sized version of Chrono Trigger on the DS -- besides nostalgia and the chance to hang out with your buddy, Frog. Siliconera reports that the release will include a brand new ending created just for the portable CT.
Yes, to answer your question, this is yet another ending for Chrono Trigger, which already had more than enough endings to go around. What do we know about it so far? Only that it will include the image you see above, which is code for, "We don't know anything."
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November 11th, 2008, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
This week's sole Virtual Console offering is Mega Man 3 (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points), an ideal match for post-MM9 masochists looking to rediscover the blue bomber's (square) roots. As you can see, our power-hungry protagonist once again finds himself trapped between eight fiendish robot masters -- a particularly alarming situation given the locations of Hard Man and Top Man.
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November 11th, 2008, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
It may have a ridiculous name and a cheesy storyline, but Atari's newly announced The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity has all the earmarks of the sort of quirky platformer that thrives on the Nintendo DS. You play as either Felicity or Felix as they rush through town on the way to meet each other for a date. Along the way you will face various obstructions and enemies dead set on keeping you from your true love, using the DS stylus to draw platforms to help navigate your way to your ultimate goal - nookie. Now I'm not sure if nookie is involved, but with power-ups that include the Love-Rush and Love-Nuke, it's easy enough to imagine. The Chase is on this February, courtesy of Atari and developer Razorback.
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November 11th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix is planning to include a brand new ending in the DS remake of Chrono Trigger. And presumably this will be additional rather than a replacement, although we've asked the publisher for clarification.
Today's Kotaku translation of Famitsu also tells us to expect a new character mode, which will feature event scenes, music tracks, monster data and treasure maps.
Chrono Trigger hasn't had the rigorous reworking of other Square Enix games such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on DS, although there will be Wi-Fi multiplayer of some sort, plus touch controls and action splayed nicely over two screens.
There's a new dungeon, too, where there be nasties hoarding experience and shiny loot.
Chrono Trigger is a widely celebrated RPG from the days of the SNES, where a group of spiky-haired heroes travel back and forth in time saving the world.
Importers should look to the US on 25th November for a copy, or sit and wait patiently for an "early 2009" European release.
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November 11th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has told Eurogamer that Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City will cost around GBP 59 if you want to buy it bundled with Wii Speak.
For those who aren't familiar, Wii Speak is the new accessory that works as both a speaker and microphone. The idea is everyone in the room is able to communicate without the need for individual headsets.
According to Nintendo, Wii Speak will also be available as a standalone accessory for around GBP 25. If you just want the game, it'll cost around GBP 39.
Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City is out on 5th December. In the meantime, trailers, videos and words about it can be found over on the gamepage.
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November 11th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Today Square Enix announced it will bring both Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride and Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume stateside early next year. Hand of the Heavenly Bride is another remake from Square Enix's RPG stable. Dragon Quest V was not originally released in North America, but fans will finally get their chance to play it on February 17, 2009.
The latest Valkyrie Profile is a turn-based strategy game that really impressed us at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Covenant of the Plume, the third entry in this series, borrows from Norse mythology and reveals the origins of the franchise. It will be released on March 17, 2009.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
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November 11th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster

The Nyko Wing is a high quality alternative to the Wii's barebones Classic Controller, syncing with the Wiimote wirelessly, playing 30 hours on a pair of AAAs and offering a mini USB option for charging. We liked the Wing during our own testing, and now it's available to the public for $30. That price is higher than Nintendo's offerings, but in this case, it's probably fair.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
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November 11th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
We're barely surviving 2008's consumerism climax and already publishers are dangling their 2009 wares in front of us. Alright, Square Enix, we'll play your despicable game, if only to take our minds off the current gaming glut. Square Enix's North American (and heavily subtitled) lineup for Q1 2009 is as follows:
Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP / 6 Jan.): Being the remastered portable version of the interstellar -- and considered by some to be just plain stellar -- sequel. Features new voice work, new cutscenes and people crying in space.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS / 17 Feb.): Being the hitherto unlocalized entry in the venerable RPG series. Yes, Dragon Ball Z guy designed these characters too.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Xbox 360 / 3 Mar.): Being tri-Ace's long-awaited continuation of the science-fiction franchise. The subtitle implies that this is a big deal for the Xbox 360 in Japan.
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (DS / 17 Mar.): Being the third instalment in the respected Valkyrie Profile series. If you're looking for an explanation of the title, we're afraid you're plume out of luck.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher Mastiff sent word that the lunar orbit for its Renegade Kid-developed Moon has degraded, knocking back the DS first-person shooter from its previously announced November release date until January 13, 2009.
As for the why, Mastiff top dog Bill Swartz tells Joystiq, "Moon is too important a product to rush it out the door, just to make a holiday," leaving us to wait another month before we land on the big ball of cheese looking for things to shoot with the stylus.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Control your doll in this shooter. Command it to fire, run your opponents down and shield yourself. Gain EXP to level up your weaponry, the higher levels you are, the more power you can unleash and therefore the more exciting the battles become.
The game world is full of hidden stages, gather the key items and satisfy the hidden criteria to unlock them all. Clear the riddles and get rid of obstacles to unlock these extra stages. Fear not, the tasks are not as daunting as they sound for you will recieve hints as you go along.
Aside from adapting the existing modes from the arcade version, the Wii version have added two new game modes so both the old time gamers and novice shooters will have something familiar to start on and something challenging to move on to.
Illevo is available on Nintendo Wii as a Japanese version for US$ 49.90 only.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fight the most memorable duels from The Clone Wars feature film and TV series
Wield your Wii Remote like a lightsaber and experience first-hand the unique weapon of the Jedi Knights with intuitive controls, so no matter what your gaming experience you can become a lightsaber master
Play with your friends as your favorite Clone Wars hero or villain - from familiar characters like Anakin Skywalker and General Grievous to new faces like Ahsoka Tano and Asajj Ventress - each with an unique fighting style and set of skills
Exploit your interactive surroundings to defeat your opponent: slice down pillars and Force throw them against your foe
Duel your way through significant Clone Wars locations, such as Tatooine and Teth
Now everyone can experience the fun and excitement of a Lightsaber™ fight. Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Lightsaber Duels™ immerses you in the characters, locations, and epic duels from the all-new Star Wars animated feature film and television series set between Episode II and Episode III. Built from the ground-up for Wii™, Lightsaber Duels features an intuitive motion-controlled combat system that puts the Lightsaber weapon in your hand. Mastering the Jedi's distinctive weapon is now within any player's grasp.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play through an original story - exclusive to the Nintendo DS - that expands The Clone Wars series set between Episode II and Episode III in exciting new directions
Create your own Jedi dream teams by pairing Jedi in any combination. For example, team up Anakin Skywalker with Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ahsoka Tano with Mace Windu
Develop the relationship between two Jedi and generate more powerful attacks and special abilities. Replay missions with different character combinations to unlock new areas, collectibles, and other secrets
Control all movement, lightsaber combat and cinematic action sequences with just the DS stylus
Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Jedi Alliance™ takes the player into the world of the all-new Star Wars animated feature film and television series set between Episode II and Episode III. Experience the combined power when two Jedi join forces to fight as one. Choose your favorite Jedi pair at the start of each mission and experience unique moves and combat skills. With an innovative stylus-based input, controlling the Jedi's movement and lightsaber combat has never felt more immersive.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Finished Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen yet? Better get working on it. Chrono Trigger comes out in November and shortly afterwards Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. Classic RPG fans can look forward to an English release on February 17, 2009.
The story in Dragon Quest V: Hand in the Heavenly Bride begins with the hero as a child journeying with his father appropriately named Papas. Things seem like they’re going well for the hero until fate turns and the young hero becomes a slave. Dragon Quest V then fast forwards to the future where the hero is an adult, strong enough to escape, and ready to marry. One of the highlights in Dragon Quest V is you get to pick a bride. The DS version ups the ante by adding Deborah, a new bride, to tickle your fancy. But, since this is the first time Dragon Quest V is getting an official release in North America all of the game is new for most of us.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
KORG DS-10 appeared to get off with a good start. When it was announced for release in North America people were excited to hear more about it. You can’t buy that kind of buzz. Nintendo of Europe was impressed by KORG DS-10 too and stepped in to publish the music creation software overseas.
Raving commenters and a Nintendo publishing deal in Europe doesn’t guarantee sales here in North America, but KORG DS-10 launched last week and it can only be found in a few stores. Major video game retailers including Walmart, Best Buy, and even Gamestop - more specifically Gamestop USA - passed on stocking KORG DS-10. Why was there a lack of retail support? I got in touch with Ken Berry, Director of Publishing at XSEED, to find out.
Even though KORG DS-10 isn’t a game I thought it was a neat piece of software to play with and a reasonably priced synthesizer equivalent. Have you thought about promoting it by recording US DJs or electronic artists making music with it?
Ken Berry, Director of Publishing at XSEED: We would love to have as many DJs, electronic artists and any other musicians playing with KORG DS-10 as possible. We didn’t have an established base of musicians to reach out to as this was our first music-related software release, but we’re doing what we can on the PR side to reach out to those people and hopefully you’ll see some cool coverage with established musicians in the near future.
KORG DS-10 had a wave of positive buzz even before XSEED announced they were publishing the game, but now that it’s out few retailers are stocking it. What happened?
Being such a new concept of actually being a musical tool rather than a game on a gaming console has presented difficulties with retail buyers.
They are used to catering to gamers and though the buyers all thought KORG DS-10 was a very cool piece of software, they just weren’t sure if their core gaming audience was the right target for it.
What factors could have helped KORG DS-10 get into more stores?
Hitting a price point of $29.99 to be in line with typical game prices on the Nintendo DS may have helped, but we were also being told that it should sell for $59.99 to be more in line with music creation software.
We thought that $39.99 was a fair price as musicians think of it as a bargain for all the features it offers, while not being an overly high barrier for entry for aspiring musicians that want to dabble with creating original music for the first time.
Have you thought about other distribution channels like selling KORG DS-10 in stores that carry synthesizers or maybe selling it directly?
We would love to use other distribution channels, but the musical instrument retail channel is very different from the retail video game channel. Not only does it involve a different set of stores, but it involves different buyers even within the same store for the large retail chains that stock both video games and musical instruments. It then becomes a question of stocking it in the video game aisle or in the music aisle, but something that we will continue to work on. XSEED is not set up to sell it directly to consumers, but we can steer anyone that’s interested in the right direction so that they can pick it up from one of our retail partners.
Do you think KORG DS-10 will be a rare or hard to find game in the future?
We hope not. If the intial sales are strong enough, we can go back to the retailers that passed on it initially and show them that there is indeed a market for it and hope that they decide to stock it at a future time. Even if that doesn’t happen, online retailers like Amazon.com will always stock new copies so hopefully it never becomes too hard to find for the average consumer.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via wiibrew of unnoficial versions of the Media Player for the Nintendo Wii:
MPlayerWii 0.07 with DVD support
Released by tipolosko. Requires DVDx. Icon:
Download: 2Shared
mplayerwii v0.07 DCelso & Qualith MOD R1
A modded version just to support sequential and random play. No SDHC support at this momment.
Download: MegaUpload
mplayerwii v0.07 with sdhc support
Simple recompile using the latest libogc by sanderevers. Now supports icon:
Download: RapidShare or 2Shared.
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November 12th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax:
Mikau Plata and working on a new OS (operating system) for the DS "DS-Me" which aims to maximize the resources of the DS while using the minimum possible, play mp3, execute code, etc ... .
- What is DS-I?
DS-I is an operating system (OS), as can be linux or windows.
This operating system, this exclusively for Developers ds, so this optimized to use the minimum resources.
- How does it work?
It is very easy, creams an interpreted language itself, with roles in Spanish, which draws on screen what you want, you premite the user to create their own applications.
To save resources most, is fully established in pixels, there is not one image, so it barely covers ram, which allows greater speed and convenience to the user.
- What value do you have?
In future versions, with this so you can do whatever you want as if it were your computer, but with something very important ... You can do several tasks at once!
Imagine being able to listen to while you read an mp3 file. With DS-I is possible!
- For when you can do all this?
In the first or second stable version is expected to have all included, just a little patience ...
- Present
Beta 1: - Displays of the interpreter acting, posivilidad events on. Function of windows, buttons and text. Not adapted to the user.
- Future Roles
Stable Version:
- Explorer fat
- Interpret a higher level
- Stack for id of the windows
- Adapting to the user
- Files that are running on time
- Archives. T2 (executables so)
- How to use
In this beta 1, DS-patched file Me.nds with DLDI and put it in the root directory of your card.
1.t2 file, you can only carry that name, but not interpreted.
To see how this program application, open the file 1.t2 with the notepad of the pc.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Rogue Clone for DS/GBA and PSP has been updated, heres whats new:
Thanks to Bill Blake there is a PS3 Linux port of POWDER! His announcement can be found here.
Keeping with POWDER tradition, a long time between releases does not mean there was some huge secret code being worked on that took this long to get ready. It means I was busy with other stuff. That said, there are a good number of fixes in this version. Most important is likely the Safe Walk ability, derived from a patch by Andreas Bohm, which lets non-DS users the ability to avoid accidentally attacking kiwis when they go careening through the hallways. The intent is you can bind it to, say, [L], and then hold that when you want to move safely. If you want [L] to attack, you can change the global option. SDL users may use the ctrl key. Unless they are using vi-keys in which case I'm afraid they are out of luck for now. I can only hope those players believe that Safe Walk is for weaklings.
The mouse will work again for the onscreen keyboard in SDL builds. (Ilya, Teun Peelen)
Description when wearing necro dress code spells servant right. (David Damerell, Andreas Bohm)
Vacuum correctly spelled in death message. (David Damerell)
"Click on your self to search" rather than Clicking. (Narius Varigor)
Starting as cultist will immediately tell you ><0|V|'s whim. (hotpoo)
Loading a save game worshiping ><0|V| will likewise report the whim.
Zapping a hostile wand of create monster will have a chance of the creature turning on you. (hotpoo)
New boon from gods: hostile creatures surrounding you can be smitten. (Indirectly Ambvai)
Earth hammers can be forged into artifact earth hammers with the proper setup. (David Damerell)
Level up hitpoints and magic points are now 2d2+1 rather than 1d4+1, giving a tighter distribution and slight boost to the average. (Teun Peelen)
Earth hammers have an encyclopedia entry. (David Damerell)
When you can move in diagonals you can use the diagonals of the numberpad. (Andreas Bohm)
There is now a SafeWalk mode which stops you from attacking when walking about. You can toggle this by pressing Ctrl when using the arrow keys or binding the Safe Walk command to a button in GBA mode. (Andreas Bohm)
The delete key works the same as the backspace key, a useful feature on Macs whose keyboards lack a backspace. (Roger Bolton)
Wishing for a level teleport no longer uses atoi() so hopefully works on gpsphone. (Roger Bolton)
We now promote room flags to map flags when loading. This way loading the game on the final levels will not turn the levels into floor-diggable and hence suddenly create holes to short-circuit the levels. (Ambvai, debugged by Andreas Bohm)
A case where you could achieve barbarian dress code despite not wearing armour is fixed. (Malte Helmert)
You now gain piety for the barbarian and necro dress codes. (Malte Helmert)
You can no longer move diagonally if both orthogonal directions are blocked by walls.
Spells cast when you have the can dig intrinsic will no longer disintegrate earth elementals. (SparroHawc)
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November 12th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Rogue Clone for DS/GBA and PSP has been updated, heres whats new:
Thanks to Bill Blake there is a PS3 Linux port of POWDER! His announcement can be found here.
Keeping with POWDER tradition, a long time between releases does not mean there was some huge secret code being worked on that took this long to get ready. It means I was busy with other stuff. That said, there are a good number of fixes in this version. Most important is likely the Safe Walk ability, derived from a patch by Andreas Bohm, which lets non-DS users the ability to avoid accidentally attacking kiwis when they go careening through the hallways. The intent is you can bind it to, say, [L], and then hold that when you want to move safely. If you want [L] to attack, you can change the global option. SDL users may use the ctrl key. Unless they are using vi-keys in which case I'm afraid they are out of luck for now. I can only hope those players believe that Safe Walk is for weaklings.
The mouse will work again for the onscreen keyboard in SDL builds. (Ilya, Teun Peelen)
Description when wearing necro dress code spells servant right. (David Damerell, Andreas Bohm)
Vacuum correctly spelled in death message. (David Damerell)
"Click on your self to search" rather than Clicking. (Narius Varigor)
Starting as cultist will immediately tell you ><0|V|'s whim. (hotpoo)
Loading a save game worshiping ><0|V| will likewise report the whim.
Zapping a hostile wand of create monster will have a chance of the creature turning on you. (hotpoo)
New boon from gods: hostile creatures surrounding you can be smitten. (Indirectly Ambvai)
Earth hammers can be forged into artifact earth hammers with the proper setup. (David Damerell)
Level up hitpoints and magic points are now 2d2+1 rather than 1d4+1, giving a tighter distribution and slight boost to the average. (Teun Peelen)
Earth hammers have an encyclopedia entry. (David Damerell)
When you can move in diagonals you can use the diagonals of the numberpad. (Andreas Bohm)
There is now a SafeWalk mode which stops you from attacking when walking about. You can toggle this by pressing Ctrl when using the arrow keys or binding the Safe Walk command to a button in GBA mode. (Andreas Bohm)
The delete key works the same as the backspace key, a useful feature on Macs whose keyboards lack a backspace. (Roger Bolton)
Wishing for a level teleport no longer uses atoi() so hopefully works on gpsphone. (Roger Bolton)
We now promote room flags to map flags when loading. This way loading the game on the final levels will not turn the levels into floor-diggable and hence suddenly create holes to short-circuit the levels. (Ambvai, debugged by Andreas Bohm)
A case where you could achieve barbarian dress code despite not wearing armour is fixed. (Malte Helmert)
You now gain piety for the barbarian and necro dress codes. (Malte Helmert)
You can no longer move diagonally if both orthogonal directions are blocked by walls.
Spells cast when you have the can dig intrinsic will no longer disintegrate earth elementals. (SparroHawc)
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November 12th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax:
Hermes presents its latest application for Wii.
Wiireader has several functions:
JPEG viewer: supports only the images file format. Jpg.
Music Player: MP3/Ogg are the file formats supported by the application.
Txt Reader: readings in compressed format. Zip supported. Playing exclusively in UTF-8.
More details in the readme contained in the archive download link below.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax:
A new beta version of WiiLinux has just been released.
This version has a graphical interface, supports the wiimote (to replace the mouse) also provides a virtual keyboard (for those without USB keyboard) and some applications.
1) Partition your SD card like this: http://www.gc-linux.org
2) Install the "kernel whiite" as stated here: http://www.gc-linux.org
3) Install "miight filesystem" as here: http://www.gc-linux.org but using this filesytem this: http://hbcapps.com/miight-full_beta1.tar.gz.
4) Remove all connections and other USB storage devices, they can be reconnected once the boot made.
5) Start the Wii and select White. Once the GUI requesting your login, expect the automatic (auto). The X shape is good ..
6) Use a USB keyboard and mouse or the Wiimote (press A to synchronize).
7) Do right click (or B for the wiimote) to open the list of applications available.
Select an application and it rolls baby!
9) If you do not have a USB keyboard, run xvkbd from the menu. Beware the virtual keyboard takes half of the screen.
Update: I'm sorry, but I did not mean for this to be released. Trust me, it will be released soon, but there is still a lot of polish I haven't applied. I don't care who leaked it, I'll just take it off my server since it does not appear to have been uploaded elsewhere. However, if someone else uploads it, consider this project CANCELLED to the public. In this case, the full version will not be released, and only given to people I trust. I'm sorry it had to come to this, I didn't make it clear enough in the IRC channel that it was supposed to be a private beta. Sorry for any embarassment this may have caused, and I sincerly hope I do not have to cancel this, as I have had fun.
This post has been edited by Muzer: Yesterday, 08:45 PM
by Muzer
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November 12th, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from cas2008
Clirc is a irc app for the ds that can connect to 3 servers at once made by clusterrr
and download files and etc other cool features
Download .04b at his site http://clusterrr.com or try get the beta.
Now the important part If you ds cannot connect to clirc but can connect to irc using another app like dsorganize please irc.rizon.net #clirc and ask to join the beta.
^there the main people but any clirc user can ask to join the beta.
If you didn't get that it was is short terms join #clirc on rizon to join beta.
Features of .05 at the moment:
Keyboard is faster now.
Nick autocomplete on "tab".
Scrolling acceleration (hold up or down).
Special mode for left handed people.
Distance from keyboard to /me /join /nick /msg buttons increased.
Input history (press X+Up and X+Down to browse history).
New default settings.
Many bugfixes.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from haffax
I am currently writing a small puzzle game using palib. It is not done yet, but already playable, so that you can get an idea about what it will be like.
There will be stones falling down and you have to eliminate them by selecting three that form a set according to the Set! card game rules.
If you don't know Set! yet, here is a quick interactive tutorial: http://www.setgame.com/images/tutori...h_tutorial.htm
The game is very rough still, more a prototype to check whether the basic idea works. (it does!)
Find the nds rom here: http://code.google.com/p/setris/downloads/list
And the source code here: http://code.google.com/p/setris/source/checkout
Known issues:
The column for new stones is completely random, which is annoying. (The devil always sh**s on the biggest heap)
The difficulty increase with the levels is too weak.
No Arcade feeling yet.
No sound effects.
Each of these issues will be addressed in future versions.
If there are other complains: your feedback is welcome.
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November 12th, 2008, 18:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo will put out a new version of the the Wii Opera web browser in December with various added features and tweaks, according to reports.
The update, which brings the browser up to version 2.0, will add new buttons (pictured), tab support for up to six tabs at once, and will allow you to view Wii mail from within the browser - so you don't have to quit back to the dashboard.
More interestingly, reports say it also adds support for the new WiiSpeak microphone peripheral which comes out next month (for voice chat over the internet, initially in Animal Crossing). Could this mean we'll get some interesting voice chat features through it?
The browser will continue to cost 500 Wii Points, although those that own the current version will not need to pay to download the new one.
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November 12th, 2008, 18:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo US
Acidmods just can't get enough of hacking up our console controllers, and now the company has replaced the Wiimote's A button with a clicking trackball (a la Blackberry Pearl). The result is an easier way to scroll through webpages and certain menu systems, as you can see in this video:
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November 12th, 2008, 19:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Indie developer 2D Boy has announced that its critically-acclaimed World of Goo is now set to hit WiiWare in Europe, previous plans for a retail-only release for the territory now having been scrapped.
Speaking on its official website, 2D Boy revealed, "Ever since we realized that releasing World of Goo as a Wii retail game in Europe is unfair to those on the other side of the Atlantic, we've been in discussions with our European publisher about how to make things right."
Continuing, the developer revealed an ETA for the game's Euro debut: "We've started the submission process and hope to release it sometime in December", also noting World of Goo is likely to retail at the same 1500 Wii Point price tag seen in the US.
Meanwhile, European PC gamers will be able to enjoy the game at the same time, with 2D Boy anticipating a retail price of 19.99 EUR when World of Goo is released in stores, on Steam and other digital download services.
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November 12th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: Eviltaco64

Sam's Club is offering an amazing deal on the Nintendo Wii this upcoming Black Friday (Nov. 28). The "Nintendo Wii Family Bundle" includes a Nintendo Wii bundled with three Wiimotes, three Nunchucks, Super Mario Sluggers, King of Clubs, and Wii Sports all for the amazingly low price of $224! You know that this is definitely the most popular time of year for video games and the Wii is already pretty hard to find at times, so if I were you, I'd get there fast! It's most certainly worth the wait!
Image via Wiifanboy
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November 12th, 2008, 22:54 Posted By: Eviltaco64

Chrono Trigger DS will be hitting store shelves in Japan on November 20th, with a North American release following soon after on November 25th. A European release date has not yet been specified, though it has been speculated to be released sometime in early 2009. Also remember that you can always import the US version if you're that impatient.
Apparently, this DS remake will also have a different ending,
While it may not have received a visual upgrade, Chrono Trigger was one of the best RPGs on the Super Nintendo (this version now retails for $50+ on ebay), and I recommend you buy it regardless of it's graphics (which, for a 2D RPG are not at all bad).
So, DCEmu, will you be buying this gem of an RPG?
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November 13th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Game Reactor has the scoop on Wii's Opera Browser 2.0, coming this December for 500 Wii Points ($5). It's got Wii Speak compatibility, updated buttons, a maximum of six tabs, Wii Mail support and will be free for people who already paid for the first. Those of you who love surfing the net with a motion stick are going to be thrilled
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November 13th, 2008, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Before we get started, doesn't a "waggle suit" sound like the funnest thing anybody could possibly own? Yeah, we thought so too.
Anyway, Ohio-based Motiva says that the Wiimote violates a patent of that it filed in 2004 for "technology used to create a 'Human Movement Measurement System' comprising a hand-held tracking device in communication with a base station that can be used to create an interactive gaming experience, among other capabilities."
It's apparently such an obvious violation of the patent that it's only taken the company two years of the Wii appearing on every television station and magazine cover on the planet to notice it. If we seem vindictive, it could be thanks to Motiva's counselm who said, "Using someone else's technology without permission is theft. Nintendo makes video games where you get to play a thief, but that doesn't give them the right to be one."
What is he even talking about? Wario? We have no idea.
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November 13th, 2008, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
The first GameCube to Wii remake from Nintendo to release under the "Play On Wii" label will be 2005's Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. (It hits Japan on Dec. 11, with a North American release unconfirmed.) Formerly controlled by smacking and clapping near the DK Bongos controller — which I happened to snatch up day one, my judgment still impaired by a five minute play session at E3 — the Wii version will simply use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to make Kong run, jump and slap. But that's not all that's changing, according to a report from Famitsu by way of IGN.
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November 13th, 2008, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Apparently there is some far away magical land where random hot people meet each other at outdoor cafes by scratching away to Lynyrd Skynyrd on their DSes. We've gone on safari there and brought back never-before-seen footage of this mating ritual.
The total fantasy aspect of this launch trailer rivals anything in a beer commercial - including the one where an Ultraman-size Kareem Abdul-Jabbar dunked a basketball over Mount Elbert for Coors Light. Also, I can has Steadycam? Blorf.
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November 13th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese erotic game maker Navel has announced that its 18 years-old-and-up computer visual novel Really? Really! will get a (Nintendo DS version next year, complete with touch pen interface and minus the more objectional content. Really? Really! The game follows the characters of another Navel erotic game, Shuffle!, as one of the characters loses her memory, which the player must restore. Originally released in 2006, the game features an Ace Attorney parody. That, and saucy stuff. Pretty sure the DS version will be a toned down affair. Hit the jump for the full version of the above pic. Might be NSFW.
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November 13th, 2008, 18:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that only those that first purchase Wii Speak will be able to use the peripheral and the associated Wii Speak Channel.
The units comes with a one-time activation code that will not be replaced, effectively killing any second hand sales of the peripheral.
Only those with Wii Speak will be able to access the Wii Speak Channel, which does not function without a Wii Speak unit.
Wii Speak goes on sale in the UK on December 5 and is priced at GBP 25.
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November 13th, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Fresh details on Nintendo's forthcoming 'Play It On Wii' range of GameCube re-issues have emerged, revealing that more effort is being invested than may have previously been thought.
A report in the latest issue of Famitsu (translated by IGN) reveals that Donkey Kong Jungle Beat has been tweaked in key areas.
For starters, rather than using the ludicrous Bongo peripheral, the game now controls like a traditional platformer - with movement of Donkey Kong assigned to the nunchuk analogue stick, and jumping mapped to the A button.
Motion controls will also play a part in the punch and jump mechanics, while Nintendo has also taken the opportunity to tweak minor elements such as enemy positioning and mid-level checkpoints.
The re-issue of Pikmin, meanwhile, appears to be a more straightforward motion control update. As expected, you'll be able to control your alien army by pointing the Wii remote, holding down A to pick them up and throw them around, or B to shout out to them.
Release dates were also touched upon in the Famitsu article, with Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat arriving first on 11th December and Pikmin coming on the 25th.
No dates have been confirmed for the rest of the world as yet, but our spies suggest that February/March is a safe bet. More news on pricing and dates when we get them. How much would you pay, Eurogamer reader?
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November 13th, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has legally protected the names for tons of DS software ideas, including some specifically aimed at the brand new DSi model.
These are DSiChannel, DSiStation, DSiNews, DSiMovie, DSiMusic, DSiMail, DSiMode, DSiVision and DSiTsuushin (DSiCommunication), according to the Japanese trademark database read by Siliconera.
Unfortunately DSi-specific software will be the first handheld content by Nintendo to be region-locked. The platform holder told us this was due to regional net services and age-rating concerns.
This isn't the case with the DS catalogue of lightbulb-ideas, however, of which many appear to be emulating the PSP catalogue of multi-function uses.
We like the sound of DSBook - this may be a fancy eReader - as well as DSMap, DSPhone, DSDiary, DSTrainer and DSSpeak. We have trouble with the latter.
The full list of DS bright-spark ideas follows:- DSArcade
- DSBook
- DSCreator
- DSClub
- DSCommunity
- DSCooking
- DSDiary
- DSeye
- DSFamily
- DSFriend
- DSLife
- DSLive
- DSLibrary
- DSmobile
- DSMap
- DSNavi
- DSNet
- DSPhone
- DSPlus
- DSPoint
- DSSchool
- DSSpeak
- DSShop
- DSShopping
- DSTrainer
- DSTime
- DSWalk
- DSZone
- MyDS
- CatchDS
- ShotDS
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November 13th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The advance of technology is both benefiting the society and bringing chaos to it. A new virus is threatening the world and it needs Rockman to come to its rescue.
Depending on which game you get, Rockman will have a different area of expertise. The Black Ace version excels in speed while the Red Joker version excels in powerful attacks.
The “Noise”, a side effect of rapid technological advances caused things to mutate. These substances affects your battles by transforming your outfit and thereby attacks. The game uses a command card system, and every time Rockman defeats an enemy, your cards will change.
The surprise element is a huge attraction of Rockman 3. As a continuation with a popular trend set by previous Rockman products, the first edition of these 2 games come with the battle cards. Which set of cards you get depend on which version of the game you buy.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Players can choose from puzzle solving, fighting action, and mazes as younger Goku and Bulma travel through action-packed levels that show the origin of Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Origins is innovatively controlled by using only the touch screen although button shortcuts can be assigned
Based on the original Dragon Ball series. Players will experience a thrilling adventure that is more fun and lighthearted compared to later Dragon Ball Z stories
Use either standard Combat Mode or Power Pole Mode. The type of attack or move differs depending on what mode Goku is in. Use the extendable Power Pole to solve puzzles, cross ricvers, and break rocks
To increase overall health Goku and Bulma can collect “heart pieces,” found in treasure chests throughout the stages. Players can increase skill points by collecting “skill orbs” which appear after defeating enemies. Skill points can be used to power up all of Goku’s attacks as well as Bulma’s sub-weapon
The entire game is in 3D, including full polygon cut-scenes
Gamers will have an opportunity to play through the Martial Arts World Tournament
Characters that appear include Master Roshi, Yamcha, Ox King, Oolong, Puar, Chi Chi and more!
Based on the original Dragon Ball series, Dragon Ball Origins for Nintendo DS is the latest edition to the Dragon Ball franchise. Players will experience a thrilling adventure that is more fun and lighthearted compared to later Dragon Ball stories. Gamers can collect the 7 Dragon Balls while traveling around with their CPU controlled partner, Bulma, who is protected by the character Goku. In the shoes of Goku, the player must protect Bulma from incoming enemy attacks using special skills, such as fighting with his power pole, or unleashing a kamehameha. Combined with Bulma’s ability to invent machines and weapons, the intrepid pair make a formidable team able to defeat even the strongest enemies or trickiest of obstacles. If either is defeated it is game over!
The innovative controls mean the player uses only the touch pad to control Goku. Players must draw lines or shapes to direct the character and control the action by tapping on the screen, for example a double tap on Goku followed by tapping on the Ka-me-ha-me-ha letters unleashes his devastating signature move.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Call of Duty 4 Technology – Built using the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, Call of Duty: World at War utilizes a bedrock of technology that delivers jaw-dropping visuals, while empowering players to employ elements like fire to affect the dynamics of the battlefield.
Coordinated Assault and Support – For the first time in the franchise, Call of Duty: World at War introduces co-op, bringing fresh meaning to the “No One Fights Alone” mantra. Call of Duty: World at War co-op features up to four-players online, or two-player local split-screen, allowing gamers to experience harrowing single-player missions together for greater camaraderie and tactical execution.
New Theaters of Operation – Players fight as U.S. Marines and Russian soldiers facing enemies – some new to the Call of Duty franchise – that employ lethal new tactics and know no fear, no mercy, nor the rules of war.
Innovative Multiplayer – Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty delivering a persistent online experience for more squad based interaction. New development with party systems allows an intimacy with squad based combat never before seen in Call of Duty.
Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound – Treyarch’s award-winning sound department returns with effects that add to the already immersive cinematic intensity of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game engine.
Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Call of Duty 4 Technology – Built using the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, Call of Duty: World at War utilizes a bedrock of technology that delivers jaw-dropping visuals, while empowering players to employ elements like fire to affect the dynamics of the battlefield.
Coordinated Assault and Support – For the first time in the franchise, Call of Duty: World at War introduces co-op, bringing fresh meaning to the “No One Fights Alone” mantra. Call of Duty: World at War co-op features up to four-players online, or two-player local split-screen, allowing gamers to experience harrowing single-player missions together for greater camaraderie and tactical execution.
New Theaters of Operation – Players fight as U.S. Marines and Russian soldiers facing enemies – some new to the Call of Duty franchise – that employ lethal new tactics and know no fear, no mercy, nor the rules of war.
Innovative Multiplayer – Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty delivering a persistent online experience for more squad based interaction. New development with party systems allows an intimacy with squad based combat never before seen in Call of Duty.
Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound – Treyarch’s award-winning sound department returns with effects that add to the already immersive cinematic intensity of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game engine.
Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Flip Book: Extensive walkthroughs of every level for both Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Lightsaber Duels™ for the Wii and Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Jedi Alliance™ for the DS, including locations of items.
Maps: Detailed area maps to get you to your objectives.
Breakdown: Complete appendices with full analysis of every weapon, item, Force power, combo, and enemy.
Bonus Content: Exclusive art section, developer interviews, and more!
Platform: Wii, Nintendo DS
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November 13th, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Flip Book: Extensive walkthroughs of every level for both Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Lightsaber Duels™ for the Wii and Star Wars® The Clone Wars™: Jedi Alliance™ for the DS, including locations of items.
Maps: Detailed area maps to get you to your objectives.
Breakdown: Complete appendices with full analysis of every weapon, item, Force power, combo, and enemy.
Bonus Content: Exclusive art section, developer interviews, and more!
Platform: Wii, Nintendo DS
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November 13th, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A comprehensive walkthrough of the entire game.
DETAILED MAPS: The locations of events, battles, items, and more are pinpointed
BESTIARY: In-depth bestiary including over 200 unique monsters with tips on how to capture them
CHARACTER AND SIDE QUESTS: Tactics to lead players through all extra quests found in the game
Platform: Wii
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November 13th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 13th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 13th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo shared today it early 2009 lineup of DS and Wii games for the Japanese market. Some big games are on the way for both platforms.
For the DS, the lineup looks a little something like this:
1/1: Riz-zoawd (D3 Publisher)
1/15: Understand the Meaning Adult Word Practice (Now Productions)
1/15: Strongest Kanji Drill 50,000 Problems (Mainichi)
1/15: Devil Survivor (Atlus)
1/22: Inugami no Ichizoku (From Software)
1/22: Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (Ubisoft)
1/22: Zubo (Electronic Arts)
1/29: Atelier Annie (Gust)
1/29: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (Square Enix)
1/29: Hirameki Action Chibikko Wagyan's Big Adventure (Bandai Namco)
1/29: Pacific Storm (SystemSoft Alpha)
For the Wii, the lineup looks like this:
1/15: Play on Wii: Mario Tennis GC (Nintendo)
1/15: Castlevania Judgment (Konami)
1/22: Another Code: R (Nintendo)
1/22: Fragile Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Bandai Namco)
1/22: Haruhi Suzumiya no Gekidou (Kadokawa Shoten)
1/22: Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (Ubisoft)
1/29: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (Square Enix)
All that, and one major February announcement. Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! will make it out for the DS on February 11, Nintendo revealed today. Pricing is set at 4,800 yen. Plus, presumably, international shipping, unless Nintendo of America gets around to announcing a release date.
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November 13th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo shared today it early 2009 lineup of DS and Wii games for the Japanese market. Some big games are on the way for both platforms.
For the DS, the lineup looks a little something like this:
1/1: Riz-zoawd (D3 Publisher)
1/15: Understand the Meaning Adult Word Practice (Now Productions)
1/15: Strongest Kanji Drill 50,000 Problems (Mainichi)
1/15: Devil Survivor (Atlus)
1/22: Inugami no Ichizoku (From Software)
1/22: Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (Ubisoft)
1/22: Zubo (Electronic Arts)
1/29: Atelier Annie (Gust)
1/29: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (Square Enix)
1/29: Hirameki Action Chibikko Wagyan's Big Adventure (Bandai Namco)
1/29: Pacific Storm (SystemSoft Alpha)
For the Wii, the lineup looks like this:
1/15: Play on Wii: Mario Tennis GC (Nintendo)
1/15: Castlevania Judgment (Konami)
1/22: Another Code: R (Nintendo)
1/22: Fragile Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Bandai Namco)
1/22: Haruhi Suzumiya no Gekidou (Kadokawa Shoten)
1/22: Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (Ubisoft)
1/29: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (Square Enix)
All that, and one major February announcement. Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! will make it out for the DS on February 11, Nintendo revealed today. Pricing is set at 4,800 yen. Plus, presumably, international shipping, unless Nintendo of America gets around to announcing a release date.
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November 13th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
During a presentation at the BMO Capital Markets Conference in New York City today, Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick gave an update on the release date of “Grand Theft Auto IV“’s downloadable content, saying that it might shift to Spring 2009.
He said, “It’s close to being complete. That said, it may move into the second quarter. Downloadable content is a big undertaking. It is important to be really special.”
As for “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars,” Zelnick said that the DS game is no longer guaranteed to be released by the end of first quarter of the 2009 fiscal year, which is January 31, 2009. It is now promised to be released in the first half of the fiscal year, which ends in April.
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November 13th, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to the Coding contest over at drunkencoders, another comp is entering its final days and out of courtesy to the many coders here at DCEmu (and only to the coders) im posting the news of this comp.
We've got two days to go for homebrew authors around the world to submit their entries in our Nintendo Wii Coding Competition. We've lined up a bunch of sponsors and are offering not only a monetary bounty, but also store credit and a lot of goodies! If you happen to be another "scene site" owner I would encourage you to post news about this contest - your support won't be overlooked!
Its great for the Wii scene to have coding contests and hopefully these will cover over the harm done by the recent piracy events that sadly. Lets hope some DCEmu Coders win the prizes 
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November 13th, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Felix and Georg Potthast
ASCII Pong is a Pong game for the WII just using console mode and no graphics. It is done in black and white colors to look like the original classic Pong game. It can be played by one or two players. It will operate in one player mode until a key on the second Wiimote is pressed. The ball speed can be adjusted on the Instructions page. If you miss the ball the Wiimote will rumble.
Written in BCX Basic.
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November 13th, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
Special thanks to my family for their support during the development of this game.
12/11/2008 Version 0.91
Added high Score screen
High scores are saved (.xml format) on your SD card.
Added better game sound effects
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November 13th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Steve Corey posted this news:
Warning: programming jargon ahead...
Let me set this picture up for you. I've got a loop in the wad file loader (the main loop) that , among other things, constantly "paints" the wad files on the screen. This repeats until the user hits a button to start up Doom. At the bottom of this loop I check for various button presses (select wad, quit to wii menu, load wiidoom, etc..). I've had this code running for a few weeks. Last week I start to add one line of code to check to see if the DPad-right button is pressed. One simple line of code.
And WiiDoom crashes. If you haven't seen the Wii crash, picture a BSOD in Windows, but no blue. A black and white screen that pisses me off because now I have to get off the couch, reboot the wii, restart Twilight Princess, and get ready to boot the hack again.
I checked the code I just added, and it looks exactly like the other button press tests. I change the button I'm checking for, and..... another crash. I change it to a button I'm already checking for (like A). Crash. WTF?
One week later, while taking some long needed advice, I analyze the crash dump information, and find out the game is crashing due to some code I've got to write the wad filenames to the screen. WAAAAY up further in the procedure. The same code that's been running for quite a while (development-wise, anyway). I correct the bug, and everything starts to work.
[EDIT] Here's the wiibrew.org page that helped me - http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Debugging
That is one of those slap-yourself-in-the-face moments where you wish you'd thought of that earlier. If you've seen any of my code in WiiDoom, you'd probably see my method of debugging on the Wii.
Print out a debug message
Suspend (sleep) the program
That's still the best method in my opinion if you don't debug via gecko (or whatever that device is), but I now will be checking the crash dump a little more often (as opposed to never!).
Anyways, now that it's not crashing, maybe I can get enough done to crank out a screenshot...
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November 14th, 2008, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
The Team has Sundev upload a new version of its DS Offline List "Sunol v0.3f.
A little reminder:
Sunol is a "Offline List", here is the outline:
-> Sunol lets you see all the official NDS games that are left.
-> For each game you can have more information about, as well as his view LOGO (32 * 32), his BOXART and screenshots.
-> All this information is stored on the memory card you are using (+ count of 150Mb for dat (70K, being zipped) + all images and about 7MB for the last 100 (which is more reasonable ...)) and can be updated via wifi.
-> Sunol almost fully skinnable (the official skin is a skin ubuntu, this software comes with 3 skins 59HXC).
* New:
Adding a selector theme (this version comes with 3 themes of 59HXC)
Adding a favorite
Adding some other features
* Changes:
skin.ini file has been renamed theme.ini (this file is changed from skin.ini)
A big part of the code was rewritten for greater efficiency
* Bug fix:
rebootlib used in the earlier version of Sunol (v0.3b) fesait freezer Sunol on certain links (R4 and others), the old version was delivered, which makes its functioning in Sunol on these linkers.
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November 14th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
news via nintendomax
The existence of an option in the Mii Channel on your Wii to connect to your DS was made public.
Nintendo announced the transfer of Mii to the Nintendo DS, this is now possible with the only game to use this connectivity secret: a pedometer which just released in Japan on the ISD.
Even if you do not have a CIO or Thursday compatible with the Mii, you can unlock this option in your Mii Channel.
To do so just run button combination below, an icon will appear in the DS Mii Channel and connectivity will always be accessible:
Do A, then B, then 1, then hold press
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November 14th, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ollipolli
Hello everybody!
It has been a long time without any visible progress, but DSwiki is still very much alive.
Thanks for your best wishes for my exam, everything went very well and I'm very happy to have my diploma now.
But now, I'm proud to present the current version 0.2alpha1. Go to http://code.google.com/p/dswiki/ and download the latest version from the list of the featured downloads. This version is a major step forward, not everything is visible to the end user, but the sourcecode will give me a lot of freedom to implement other cool features in the future. The markup display itself hasn't changed, since parsing the markup is clearly the hardest part of all. I'm going to integrate an external parser, the first tests were very promising.
Here is a partial list of changes:
DSwiki has a very, very cool title screen, designed by my beloved wife. You can find other works of her an her website http://www.stefanie-gronau.de, which is very much worth a visit.
The filesize grew a little, because fonts for all combination (normal/bold/italic/bold-italic) are integrated in the EFS in the binary. I don't use them, except for the titlebar, but they are already there, sleeping until a future version needs them.
The search mask was improved, in graphic and usability. Realtime searching can be disabled, allowing faster searches on the english version of the wikipedia (suggested by C. in private communication).
Filenames of dumps are case insensitive now. I think that will remove a lot of these annoying 'No wikis found' messages (found with very good help from GreenShadow)
Much more unicode rules for upper/lowercasing and replacing diacritical characters were added. You will need dumps that were compiled with at least version 1.0.2 of the indexer (released a day ago), to have the best possible index sorting, but DSwiki will always be backward compatible, so you can continue using your older dumps.
The previous point also applies to other languages or written scripts than the latin alphabet, such as greek or cyrillic. Wikis in these scripts seem to work very good (as far as I can tell, because I can't read anything that was written there ).
Wikibooks with relative links and subpages are supported now.
The keyboard was improved, and these changes were backported into the PAlib-SVN-trunk, so other users will benefit from that too, sooner or later.
and many smaller or bigger bugfixes
I hope you will like the new version. Please report bugs in the official bugtracker on my Googlecode page, or report them here.
Have fun!
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November 14th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
Portable devices were designed to be taken anywhere, but users' top location to use these devices is at home, according to new research by NPD Group.
The firm told Edge, "79 percent [of those polled say] they use their portable device in-home, far more than any other location."
A statement from NPD added, "[This] indicates that these devices may be competing with more stationary entertainment devices for a user’s time."
Overall, the research found that people are using devices such as the smartphone, iPhone, iPod, DS and PSP more today than they were just three months ago.
Media, texting and business applications are all fine uses for portables, but what about gaming and gaming-centric devices like DS and PSP? NPD Group shared with us specific stats from the full report:
"Gameplay is the feature used by most (84 percent) on the PlayStation Portable. Slightly more than one third of PSP owners are watching movies (35 percent) and listening to music (33 percent) on their device. The use of these cross category features is changing the scope of this gaming device to an entertainment device."
"Twenty five percent are listening to music more on their PlayStation Portable [compared to three months ago] and this feature also yields the highest average hours (5.8) among PlayStation Portable owners.
"Ninety two percent of Nintendo DS owners are playing games by themselves followed by close to one quarter playing games with friends locally using one game cartridge."
"Nintendo DS owners are spending an average of 4.6 hours a week playing games by themselves which outweighs all other game play methods (with friends using one game cartridge, multiple game cartridges or WiFi)."
"Listening to music dominates iPod usage (96 percent) followed by playing games (20 percent) at a distant second."
"iPhones are being treated as entertainment devices. Thirty percent or more iPhone owners are utilizing all of the available features with the exception of watching movies (19 percent) and using business related applications (14 percent)."
"Among iPhone users specifically, the application with the greatest increase in use over the last three months was playing games."
NPD's data was collected from over 3,200 pre-identified sample owners of portable devices from September 16-23.
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November 14th, 2008, 10:44 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Donnie contacted us about his new release:
Today I released Hackds 1.0, a port of the roguelike game PC Hack 3.61 to the NDS. Features include graphical tiles, sound effects, menus, touchscreen keyboard, and input recording/playback. Running and diagonal movement are effected by holding down the L and R buttons.

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November 14th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Speaking to Reuters at an investment conference, Nintendo front-man Reggie Fils-Aime downplayed the idea that Nintendo would release a new console soon.
"We believe the role of a new console, a new system, is to bring great new entertainment ideas to life. We launched [the Wii and DS] when we had great ideas that would benefit either from a touch screen or from a Wii remote," he said.
"We will consider the launch of new consoles when we have got great new entertaining ideas that can only be done with a new console.
"As we sit here today the Wii console has a long run ahead of it... So as we look at the near term for us its all about maximizing the opportunity with the [Wii and DS]."
Fils-Aime also rubbished the idea that boxed games were on the way out, to be replaced with online gaming and digital distribution.
"I don't buy some of the core propositions. We have seen with our own systems that the consumer wants an experience that today is better delivered via packaged content," he said.
"There can be add-ons and additional content but the sheer amount of entertainment enjoyment — 50, 60 hours - is pretty difficult to provide through an internet connection."
He agreed with other industry leaders that the outlook for Christmas sales was "cautiously optimistic" - but said that Nintendo's own outlook was "very optimistic". With Wii once again topping the American hardware sales charts by a huge margin in October, it's not hard to see why.
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November 14th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has stuffed two more games into the Wii Virtual Console shop.
Leading the charge is Phantasy Star IV from the days of the Mega Drive, which costs 800 Wii Points (approx GBP 6 / EUR 8) to relive.
Here, spiky-haired heroes save the world turn by turn, complimented by pre-programmed assault routines, combo attacks between players and comic-book-style cut-scenes.
Or there's Mega Man 3, which you might have played on the NES all those years ago. Some people maintain that this is the best in the series: the instalment that introduced the slide move and Rush, the robo-dog helper. Yours for 500 Wii Points (approx GBP 3.50 / EUR 5).
You can expect our thoughts on the pair soon.
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November 14th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Rockstar has pushed the release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars back to some time between February and April 2009. We had expected the DS instalment before the end of January.
The publisher also shed more light on the release date for the Grand Theft Auto IV downloadable content on Xbox 360, hinting that this may slip into the same timeframe as Chinatown Wars - although it was still "aiming" for the November to January quarter.
The news was aired by Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick during an investors' conference, as reported by GameSpot.
And while the DLC may not appear this year, Rockstar was eager to communicate that work on the content was "close to completed".
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, which was announced during E3, takes a top-down, retro approach to the series. It boasts cartoon-style graphics and quirky drug-dealing mini-games as well as gang-banging and cap-popping (we're not sure if that's a real phrase) gameplay.
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November 15th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster

Our exercise-averse bones were certainly shaking at rumors of EA's supposed onslaught on the Wii Fit-dominated "video games don't have to be fun, they can also make you sore and grumpy" market, but we must admit we're a little disappointed in the end product. EA SPORTS Active for the Wii eschews Nintendo's Wii Fit peripheral entirely, instead opting for a leg strap to hold a nunchuck controller and track the movements of your rippling thigh, while an electronics-free resistance band is there to make everything harder. The good news is that Bob Greene, Oprah's personal trainer, was involved in Active's creation and the wide assortment exercises it will subject you to, so you know it's going to turn you into an eternally beautiful and endlessly influential TV talk show host in a few short weeks. Speaking of, did everybody see that 30 Rock episode with Oprah in it? Can we just give Tina Fey all the Emmys right now, or do we have to wait until next year?
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November 15th, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
I've used Wii Fit exactly 6 months. Since the review, I didn't use it every day, or even every week, but since the very first time the game told me I was fat, it never really left my mind. Every meal, every time I passed on exercise to eat a little more ice cream, every time I exercised but stopped a little early, I heard those words resonating through the bit of side blubber on my sleight frame: "You're Overweight!"
I hate Wii fit so much. Sure, it indirectly helped me lose 10 pounds, but I f'ing hate it.
Bear with me on this long post with minimal mention of the game or hardware — the game is not what will make you fit.
Over a few sessions of playing the game, I started what would eventually be, more or less, the kind of body obsession assumed normal for performance athletes and underwear models, coupled with the kind of inferiority complex that one gets when you can't beat a video game, coupled with the resentment one builds towards machines that don't do your meatbot bidding. I mean, I could have dismissed the measurement tell me I was fat — BMI (Body Mass Index) is a crude stat based on height and weight that can't tell a fat person from a really really muscular medium husky guy. The problem is, Wii fit doesn't give a crap about your excuses or perceptions either. It assumed I really wasn't that muscular short guy, it assumed I was a medium husky with a little belly. And it was right.
I did all the exercises, focusing on the harder ones like the pushup and plank exercises, jackknives, the shadow boxing and running in place for sessions, usually for over 45 minutes. But then I got bored of EVERYTHING IN the game and couldn't stand to do more than one or two at a time. And I was not losing weight. I was exercising, it seemed, just enough to stimulate my appetite and give me justification for eating more, and so I was actually gaining weight. The in game scale told me as much.
When you're stuck on a level in a video game, some people look at strategy guides or cheats. The Wii Fit equivalent of this, knowing I was not getting the weaponry to obliterate my chub in the game, was to cheat by resorting to outside exercises like hitting the weights, and bicycling, running and hitting the rowing machine, my favorite for quick nearly full body exercises. This helped, and Wii fit's seemingly lame exercises were great setup in developing the necessary support muscles from head to toe to support rudimentary training — it was like physical therapy for computer nerds about to enter real sporting tasks.
Summer ended. Snowboarding season was approaching, and I knew I wanted to be lighter on my feet this year. It was great to have a goal outside of the game's mere quest for proper height to weight ratio.
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November 15th, 2008, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo copyright crackdown continues! The Kyoto Prefectural High Tech Crime Prevention Unit has arrested three individuals in Osaka Prefecture in connection with selling R4 style piracy devices. The R4 can be inserted in the DS Lite and has a small slot that the Micro SD card goes into. Data is stored on a Micro SD and downloaded via a flash drive. Not only did the police arrest Yasueda Okada, the 58 year-old president of the company selling R4-type devices, but also her adult son who is a suspect in the case. A third individual is in custody as well. All three have denied any wrongdoing. You know what they say, the family that sells R4 together, gets and arrested and goes to jail together.
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November 15th, 2008, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this week Hudson officially announced a new wave of WiiWare games including Snowboard Riot. What felt missing, in my opinion, were more classic revivals. Through the Virtual Console a new generation of gamers are getting exposed to Hudson’s TurboGrafx-16 titles and a lot of their old intellectual property.
I spoke with Kentaro Murayama, Head of the Hudson Entertainment Department in Japan, and asked him if they are planning to revisit more of their older franchises. Murayama-san replied, “The answer is yes, but we cannot disclose the names yet.” Names? Wait a second! Promptly, I said “So… there are multiple franchises?” and Murayama-san said yes. Interestingly, these won’t just show up on the Wii. Hudson’s plan is to bring some of their classic franchises to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 too.
Out of all the franchises Bonk seems high on the list for a revival. The hard headed caveman got a brand new cell phone game, but we would rather see him headbutting dinosaurs on a TV screen.
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November 15th, 2008, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new build of his Nintendo DS emulator for Windows:
Final version is now available here.
Emu changes:
Fixed bugs in Console Window.
Fixed bugs in Palette Viewer.
Fixed bugs in VRAMCNT_F,VRAMCNT_G.
Fixed bugs in Textures Management.
Fixed bugs in BGxCNT registers.
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November 15th, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster

This month, Hori will release their own take on the Classic Controller, called, shockingly enough, the Hori Classic Controller. The new controller combines the designs of the GameCube and Classic controllers, with the former's general shape, stick layout and shoulder buttons, and the latter's face button layout and Wii-specific extra buttons. It also has individual autofire switches for each button, which make it look scary, like a mini Steel Battalion controller or something.
Black and white versions of this controller will be available starting November 27, and a light blue version will follow on December 4. All will cost 2,980 yen ($30.50). Play-Asia is currently taking preorders for $29.90.
This looks ideal for people who like the feel of the GameCube controller but hate the scrambled button layout -- or for people who want to artificially boost their performance in the myriad shmups on the VC.
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November 15th, 2008, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from Nuke:
I’m working on Gecko 2.0 software and tools, and i would really love some feedback from USB Gecko users of what improvements and features you would like to see.
The same goes for the website, tutorials, guides just anything that you can think of that you would like to see changing, adding or improving, or if you think something sucks or not enough information just let me know. Even if its a minor or major major thing just post and i will add it or try my best to add it.
btw gecko 2.0 is only going to be usb gecko customers, so no SD cheat or ocarina type requests. It is just going to be exclusive to USB Gecko users.
post a comment below with what you want or if you like you can email me at wiinuke@gmail.com
uber thanks!
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November 15th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
pinecone posted this release:
Hold a disco in your living room! This adjustable strobe-light app will turn your Wii and TV into a seriously cool strobe light!
Obviously, the strobe won't work beyond about 60Hz because of the Wii and your TV's refresh rate. If you set the strobe to go faster than this, all you will see is a black-white blur.
Some people have medical conditions (such as epilepsy) which can be triggered by flashing lights. Please please please do not use this if you know yourself to be suffering from such a condition or are unsure. Please also check with anyone else in the room with you. I cannot be held responsible.
Screen burn
Whilst I doubt this would cause any screen burn on TV sets prone to such deterioration, I am uneducated upon the subject and would appreciate the input of someone who is better informed than I am.
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November 15th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Ars discovered that the upcoming Nintendo Wii Speak peripheral—a microphone that finally lets you communicate to other Wii users online—comes with a 16 character code to download the "Wii Speak" channel. This is a one time use code, which cannot be replaced if lost. What does this mean to you? It means you can NEVER sell this thing, NEVER give it away or NEVER use it on another Wii Console than the one it was first downloaded on. We know game studios and publishers hate secondhand sales, because they don't get revenue from it, but this is HARDWARE. Nintendo's seriously going to limit what you can do with hardware you purchased? You go too far, sir. You go too far.
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November 15th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
While it never exactly resonated with the more discerning end of the video game buying public, the average man on the street would still have put a fiver on Wii Music doing well in its first month of sale (the game was released in the US on October 20). After all, it's for the Wii, it's made by Nintendo and it's got "Wii" in the title. Not to mention the fact it was the beneficiary of a fairly hefty marketing push from Nintendo. So heads were no doubt being scratched at Nintendo HQ when the game wasn't among the top ten sellers for October. And scratched further when it wasn't among the top twenty.
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November 15th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America announced that it was bringing the Club Nintendo customer reward programing stateside in October, just prior to Tokyo Game Show. Details were scant, only revealing that Nintendo fans could accrue points through filling out surveys and, of course, buying armfuls of Nintendo stuff, then registering that stuff. But what kind of stuff will we, the purchasers of Nintendo stuff, get in return?
MTV Multiplayer caught up with Nintendo VP Cammie Dunaway to inquire about the program, still planned to launch before the end of the year. The good news? Expect to get tangible rewards a la the Japanese Club Nintendo for your virtual "gold coins."
Hopefully, that means desk cluttering collectibles like the Mario moustache towels and Club Nintendo-only software like Tingle's Balloon Fight. HOPEFULLY!
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November 16th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster

The phones at Engadget HQ have been ringing off the hook with reports that the incredible Sam's Club Black Friday Wii deal spied the other day was, in fact, not all that it seemed. Apparently, due to a Photoshop disaster or related incident, someone swapped out the actual deal price ($425) for an amazingly low $224. We'd say this was a closed case, save for the fact that the page carrying the updated "correct" information is now down, and all we have left is a paltry Google cache link. If anyone out there in magical, mystical Internetville knows more, feel free to drop us a line.
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November 16th, 2008, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
BibleQuiz is an quiz open-source game.
15/11/2008 version 0.3
Complete rebuild from game engine.
Added language / topic select screen.
Added goodbye screen.
Added sound volume control screen
Added German language
Add some game question files
Tried freetype library as font render engine. To slow, so it was disabled again.
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November 16th, 2008, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Westy92
This is the first metronome ever coded for the Wii game system. This application will help you keep a tempo while practicing an instrument.
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November 16th, 2008, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Iron Hand
Dungeons is an mini RPG for the Wii with some WiiMote supports. The aim is to find all red orbs and fight the last Boss. Fight monsters and power up your skills. The most important thing is to find out which attributes are your best chance for survival. Find keys and open doors in this labyrinths of chaos, and become the hero.
fixed some graphic bugs
fixed a bug in the main random function
game is more balanced
add new maps
there are 18 orbs
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news via nintendomax
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November 16th, 2008, 10:19 Posted By: wraggster
news via gbatemp:
A new version Shmup (appropriately named), a shoot-em-up game for the Nintendo DS, has been released.
In this new version, there are now two levels and three bosses to battle.
A menu and sounds have also been added. Full changelog below.
- Two levels, three bosses, two graphical modes
- Three weapons, each with 3 improvements
- Some sounds (rather deafening)
- A menu, a GUI
- Code resurfaced, constant use of data to a file share that are then used in the engine of the game a little optimization -> enemies by up to 80 levels!
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November 16th, 2008, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
Neoflash have released a new version of their app that allows saves of your games to be backed up to PC:
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November 16th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible.
16/11/2008 version 0.31
Hotfix to prevent core dump with 60Hz (480i) Tv mode
Donated the bibleQuiz source code to the community. Comments are welcome ;-}
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November 16th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bigs
REminiscence is a remake of the Flashback game engine. I did port it from http://clonekeen.sourceforge.net/
v0.80 08/11/16
First release
Several bugs left...Hunting...
Retrieved from "http://wiibrew.org/wiki/REminiscence"
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November 16th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
TheVamp presents its application for Wii called Wiiposkop.
This application processors will your TV stromboscope configurable.
Although this is the second news of this type of program Nintendomax, Wiiposkop is the first out.
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November 16th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from PaceMaker for the tehskeen coding comp
YOG - Golf they way a three year old might imagine it.
Knock the ball in the hole with Pushers (A) and Bursts (-).
If all else fails use the Magnet (B).
Score is incremented at the end of the level for each Pusher and Burst left.
Score is decremented when the Magnet is used.
There is a Score bonus for quickly knocking the ball in into the target.
A - Launch a Pusher.
- - Drop a Burst.
B - Use the magnet (costs points).
Home Button - Main Menu
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November 16th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TheDrev for the tehskeen coding comp
The application that could be run from homebrew channel is in app,
in project there is the makefile, the sources, and the documentation.
I've also put a PC version on my personal web site ( http://olivier.drevet.free.fr) , but without sources as
mentioned in the contest rules. (If this is a problem I can remove it, but according to the contest forum thread,
I think it's ok).
The game is obviously a clone of bomberman, but with absolutly no materials from the original game. The game engine is
a personal, but quit common, wrapper around SDL (SDL image, Ttf, Mixer). There is a tile map parser (GFX and Collisions)
and an animation engine. There are some hard coded values, but globaly the code is designed to be change easly, with
the help of the doc.
Todo :
- Support png (unsupported image format, even with wii libpng)
- Better GFX, mine are lame
- Even more abstraction
Have fun.
TheDrev 2008
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November 16th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from tassu for the tehskeen coding comp
A 3D space shooter by Tapio "Tassu" Pyrh?nen
Guide your spaceship inside futuristic 3D tunnels and shoot everything that comes in your way.
Copy the CosmoRaketti folder to your apps folder and launch with Homebrew Channel.
Hold the Wiimote like a toy airplane.
Turn the wiimote left, right, up or down to move.
Hold A or B to shoot.
Home button exits the game.
Music by HtheB ( http://www.HtheB.com)
Some modelling by Tommi Parvinen
Everything else was done by Tapio Pyrhonen
( http://tapsa.bitmagick.com/nds)
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November 16th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Zalo for the tehskeen coding comp
Rokoban, a Sokoban port for the Wii by Zalo
Just copy this folde in your app folder so that the homebrew channel can recognize it
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November 16th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Beardface for the tehskeen coding comp
Portii - Readme.txt
Developed by Beardface for the TehSkeen Coding contest (Nov 2008)
Official Site:
As a young companion cube, portii was outcast from Aperture Science, due to his non cube-like form. After gorging himself on cake in a feat of sadness, Portii has decided to make his way back to the core of apeture science and reclaim what that which is rightfully his... More Cake!
Installing Portii is easy, simply copy the portii folder to your apps directory on your SD card.
After Installing Portii (see above), simply launch using the HBC (v9)
Game Modes:
Story - Take Portii on an adventure through Aperture Science, unlocking new levels and cheats along the way, while enjoying delicious cake.
Timed - Play levels you've unlocked, or those you or your friends have created, for a best time.
Least Portals - Play levels you've unlocked, or created, going for the fewest portals.
Installing User Levels:
To install levels you've found on the internet, simply copy the .portii file to your apps/portii directory. They will then show up in your levels list when you go to play timed or portal count modes. (And you can modify them in the LevelBuilder).
Level Builder:
Build, Save, Load, and Test new levels using the included, in-game, level builder.
Saving- Clicking save will bring up a keyboard for naming your level. Once you save your level, the .portii file will be placed in the apps/portii directory. From here, you can post, share, remove that file using any file-explorer you have available.
Loading- To load a new level, simply click the Load button and browse for the portii file you want to load.
New- New creates a new empty level.
Test- Test places your level into a test mode, where you can play through the level to check for playability of your new level!
In-game help provides detailed instructions on how to play portii.
Sharing your levels:
The best way to share your levels is to package a collection into a zip file and email them to levels@portii.com.
One received, they will be posted for download at www.portii.com
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November 16th, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from uschghost for the tehskeen coding comp
Uschtris 11/1308
by: uschghost
This is my entry to the "teh skeen Wii coding competition".
Its a simple tetris clone but with some twists.
Hold the wiimote horizontale [+ -- oo]
Press start on the titlescreen to start the game.
Press A to switch the curent block with the next one.
Hold B to increase the horizontal moving speed of the current block.
1 and 2 rotates the block.
you can return to the loader at any time by pressing the "Home" button.
thx to everyone involved in the Wii scene.
Enjoy =)
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November 16th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from PaceMaker for the tehskeen coding comp
Point at the buttons with the Wii Remote and use (A) to select the button.
Can you find the two easter eggs?
A - Push the buttons.
Home Button - Return to Loader
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November 16th, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
A Spanish-language magazine (picked up and translated by Nintendo Everything) has more of what you can expect when Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars releases for the DS, whenever that is. This is in addition to news that the game will feature most of the map from Grand Theft Auto IV (all the boroughs except Alderney).
Here's what they say to expect:
• Camera can swivel 360 degrees
• Trains will pass overhead in the city, cars will circle, pedestrians will be walking, etc.
• GPS seen on the touch screen while you move through the city
• PDA allows you to gain access to the map with more details as well as the goals of missions
• You can mark points that you want and the GPS will always tell you the shortest legal route to the destination with yellow or blue arrows
• New discoveries (such as gas stations) are added to the map
• Top screen brings you all the action, while the lower screen will let you control elements like the PDA, GPS, the radio, access to the people on the map, or using Motolov cocktails and grenades.
• Drugs have a big importance in the game
• Drug system can be compared to Drugwars
• You have to control the stock of drugs, buy them in one neighborhood and sell them in another • Good way to make money in the game
• You are given a map so that you know what people demand and at what prices
• Like other GTA games, in Chinatown Wars, you can catch a taxi - whistle into the microphone so the taxi will stop
All sounds cool. That thing with the taxi, better watch it if you're playing in public. I can see that having some unintended consequences.
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November 17th, 2008, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Koch Media CEO, Dr Klemens Kundratitz, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes there are too many casual and DS titles in the market between now and Christmas, and that he is concerned that pricing will fall for DS titles as a result of other companies over committing.
"We're all faced with too much casual and DS product between now and Christmas, so we're also the victim of that," he said in an interview at Game Connection in Lyon. "But I think that in spite of the economic worries we as an industry can be quite confident that we're not affected in too abrupt a way.
"However, I have my worries about the street pricing of Nintendo DS products for next year, and I hope that we aren't seeing companies that have overcommitted on this platform, and are slashing prices - thereby making the business model unattractive for everybody."
Kundratitz admitted that the 'gold rush' on the DS platform was somewhat inevitable, and that he was glad that Koch Media would be able to leverage its distribution connections to ensure good retail placements for its own products.
"It's a free economy, everybody makes their own assumptions, and if a platform is so enormously successful, everybody wants to have a piece of the action," he said. "In hindsight you're always wiser, but it's not something that anybody could have foreseen.
"I think I would be in a much more nervous state right now if I had to rely on third party partners to put my products on the shelves. It's always been my viewpoint that you need to have the channels open in the key markets, and once we have those channels open - and that's now including Spain since the summer, and now also in the US - you can then invest in long term projects and strong products.
"In times where shelf space comes at a premium it's always those companies with the better retail contacts which will benefit. That will also be part of the consolidation, that people without that strength and reputation of being a reliable partner for retail will have it more difficult."
The full interview with Dr Klemens Kundratitz is available now.
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November 17th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A preview of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars in Spanish magazine MarcaPlayer has revealed a few more details on the DS entry in the series.
Most exciting must be the news that the game will range over the whole of Liberty City as it's portrayed in GTA IV - with the exception of the borough of Alderney (known as New Jersey in real life). Dukes, Bohan, Broker and Algonquin are all in there.
According to a translation by Nintendo Everything, Chinatown Wars' drug-dealing mini-game will have "big importance".
You'll have a PDA with a GPS system for keeping track of missions and navigating the streets of Liberty. This will appear on the touchscreen, along with the radio and controls for talking to people and using thrown weapons.
The rest of the action will be shown on the DS' top screen, and although the action is shown top-down, it won't be a fixed perspective. The camera can rotate through a full 360 degrees.
And, with the obligatory not-in-public use of the DS' microphone, you can whistle to call cabs.
Rockstar's owners Take-Two revealed last week that Chinatown Wars, expected in January, has been delayed to the spring of next year.
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November 17th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
It looks like we're going to have to stop by the wheelbarrow store on our way home today, because the Virtual Console is going to need one to carry its giant balls. How giant, you ask? Here's what we were greeted with when we checked Nintendo's weekly release:
"SPACE INVADERS: The Original Game (Super NES, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points)"
No, seriously. That's what it says. It's pretty ballsy from the outset, but it only gets progressively more so as you examine the listing. (1) They spell it in all caps, like "Yes, that SPACE INVADERS." (2) They follow that up with "The Original Game," as if to clarify that yes, they are, in fact, asking for eight dollars to play a game from the Carter administration. (3) They actually list it before the perfectly acceptable Forgotten Worlds (Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points), today's other release.
... Come to think of it, we're not even sure there's a wheelbarrow big enough.
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November 17th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
As part of a series of core titles that include the wildly popular Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit, Nintendo was expecting big things from Wii Music when it hit the shelves on October 20th.
Sales figures so far do nothing to back up these ambitions as in the first 11 days just under 81,000 units were sold, according to raw NPD data.
'Flop' would be too harsh a term to use at this early stage, but when you consider that Wii Fit sold just under 688,000 units in a similar period earlier this year it must be causing concern in the Nintendo camp.
Reasons for the low sales figures are that unlike the other key titles there's no innovative new hardware supplied with the game. The rhythm gaming market is also well covered by best-sellers like Rock Band and Guitar Hero and perhaps consumers are deciding that there's just nothing special enough about Wii Music to justify the expense.
Nintendo isn't panicking and uses the example of games like Brain Age, which started slowly but went on to sell 2.5million copies, as a more comparable model than its traditional best-sellers.
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November 18th, 2008, 15:28 Posted By: bandit
It seems Acekard is the first flashcart team to be able to run a flashcart on the newly released DSi. Of course, Acekard is using their own flashcart. Although this shows some promise, there are still obstacles.
This is a lab work, it works ONLY in LAB. Even though we can go this far, it is almost impossible to make a commercial product.
There is a major problem that can't be resolved, at least for now.It seems DSi did many sanity checks to make sure there is no more fcards.
we will keep researching and good luck to all.
btw: we assume there are more than one modes on DSi, we still haven't found any way to access the SD card slot in origin DS mode.
Source: Acekard
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November 18th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This unit is actually a Wi-Fi router or bridge for those who do not have wireless networks in the first place. It features 3 easy-to-switch modes: Router, Bridge and Auto.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This unit is actually a Wi-Fi router or bridge for those who do not have wireless networks in the first place. It features 3 easy-to-switch modes: Router, Bridge and Auto.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Specially designed for Samba de Amigo game for Wii, this light weight Maracas Set gives you realistic percussion sound with every shake of your hand. It comes with pretty and lovely appearance. You can use 2 Maracas Controllers at the same time to enjoy the game to the most!
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November 18th, 2008, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Race into an action-packed story of pursuit and betrayal. Take on jobs and compete in races to prove yourself as you infiltrate and take down an international crime syndicate
An all-new game engine featuring cutting-edge physics and improved AI designed to push players and the cars to limits with adrenaline filled action driving maneuvers
Fight off the cops and others as you take down your prey in high-speed, high stake multi-car chases. New and vastly improved AI mechanics mean more aggressive and intelligent cops focused on taking you out fast and by any means necessary
Tear across the massive highway system and discover the open world of the Gulf Coast Tri-Cities area, with three unique cities connected by an extensive highway system
In addition to the classic sprint and circuit race modes, Need for Speed Undercover features an all new exclusive multiplayer mode, Cops N’ Robbers. This visceral team-based mode supports up to 8 players and pits two teams of 4 players against each other. Robbers must pick up the money and take it to the drop-off point while the cops attempt to prevent the drop-off. Each game consists of two rounds giving the players the chance to play as the Cops and as the Robbers
Over 55 licensed cars are available featuring performance tuning that enables the player to dynamically adjust the vehicles to create the vehicles that can accommodate all action driving scenarios. Some of the cars include the Mercedes CL55, Audi R8, Porsche 911 GT2 and the Mitsubishi EVO X
The Chase is on! Need for Speed Undercover has players racing down highways, evading cops and hunting down rivals as they go deep undercover to take down an international crime syndicate. The new game heralds the return of high-intensity police chases and introduces the all-new ‘Heroic Driving Engine’ - a unique technology that generates incredible high-performance moves at 180 miles per hour.
Need for Speed Undercover also utilizes Hollywood style filming and production techniques as well as the acting talent of Maggie Q and Christina Milian to create a rich, cinematic experience.
This stunning mix of gameplay and live-action movies will immerse gamers in the world of the Tri-City Bay Area. The city’s open-world environment features over 80 miles of roads, including an enormous highway system that sets the stage for heart-pounding highway battles. These high-speed, high-stake chase sequences will push players to the limit as they fight off cops and opponents while whipping through traffic at 180 miles per hour.
An intelligent new A.I. mechanic delivers a realistic and high-energy action driving experience. Going back to the franchise’s roots, Need for Speed Undercover features more aggressive and intelligent cops whose sole purpose is to take down the player quickly and by any means necessary.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Return to the world of Tales of Symphonia and discover the aftermath of the merging of the two worlds
Capture, collect, and feed monsters as they grow, gain experience and even evolve into completely new, more powerful beasts
Environments, characters and effects look better than ever
The Tales RPG trademark real-time battle system returns with an all new free run system, dynamic unison attacks and a strategic elemental system
Customize the party with unlimited combinations of monsters and characters throughout the adventure
Celebrating the Tales 10 year anniversary in North America
Set two years after the events of the original, best selling Gamecube RPG, Tales of Symphonia, embark on a new adventure in the world saved by Lloyd and his friends. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World follows the journey of two young heroes in a world of chaos as their fates intertwine with Lloyd, Colette, and Ratatosk, a summon spirit rumored to be the lord of all monsters.
Retains the award-winning original’s dramatic storytelling, endearing characters and action-packed battle system along with new gameplay elements and functionality designed exclusively for the Wii™ Console. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World will sure to be an instant classic.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A Classic is Reborn on the DS! - The interface is built around the stylus and touch-screen controls while retaining the feel of the classic. Actions taken on the bottom screen play out on the top screen.
Additional Gods and Miracles – 5 different elementally imbued gods, each with their own unique miracles and demon counterpart, are now selectable rather than just one.
More Single-Player Missions and Variety – Challenge Mode with 50 missions to clear as well as Free Play Mode including a “Warrior Hunt” mini-game.
4-Player Wireless Multiplayer – Versus Mode allows up to 4 players to compete unleashing disasters such as earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions to wreck havoc on opponents’ lands!
A Must-Have for Populous Fans – The most popular and classic maps from previous editions pay homage to the roots of the legendary series.
A completely re-imagined remake of the PC classic that launched the god-sim genre, “Populous DS” brings the power of the gods into the palm of the player’s hands. The unique features of the DS improve upon the original as touch-screen controls, dual-screens, and versus play with up to 4 players wirelessly have been implemented. The gameplay is fresh for returning players as multiple gods each with their own unique miracles have been added, while returning fans will recognize the classic maps from previous editions of Populous in homage to this legendary series.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Hundreds of Pokémon. Players can choose to be a boy or girl Pokémon Ranger
Use the Capture Styler to capture wild Pokémon. Once they are captured, wild Pokémon will follow the player around until their powers are used (either in a Poké Assist or a Field Move)
In Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, you once again play as a Pokémon Ranger, working to help people, Pokémon and nature in a new area called the Almia Region. Starting out as a Student Ranger, you quickly earn the title of a full-fledged Pokémon Ranger. As you succeed in more and more missions, you will aspire to become the highest Ranger rank: Top Ranger. Along the way you meet and capture all kinds of different Pokémon.
Capture wild Pokémon and create a team to clear obstacles and puzzles encountered along the way. After using a Pokémon’s ability, it will leave your team; however, you will have a Partner Pokémon that will always stay by your side. As you progress through Missions and Quests, your Capture Styler becomes more powerful, giving your Styler more Energy and eventually advancing you to the level of Top Ranger.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Big League Sports evolves the family friendly 'pick up and play’ sports gaming experience on Wii. Featuring some of the world’s most popular sports in one title, ‘game night’ will take on a whole new tone as up to four players swing, kick, dunk, charge and skate their way to victory.
Six sports are represented for a combined total of 22 events, each using instinctive controls that mimic real athletic movement with the Wii Remote™. Each sport – tennis, basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse and hockey – has its own kind of “hit the shot at the buzzer” kind of heart-pounding action, and this is exactly what Big League Sports captures.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play 13 brilliant mini-games and activities including choreography, music and clothes design, Friendship tests and photo-sessions!
Collect stars use them to buy items to customise your character in the Bratz Kidz shop
Fully customise with over 350 accessories options including hairstyle, make-up, manicure, clothes, shoes and jewellery – totalling 843750 different combinations!
Play in Freeplay or Album mode, then choose Competition or Play with up to 3 friends in multiplayer mode
Exchange items, play mini-games and more!
Complete all the mini-games and unlock exclusive scenes from the Bratz Kidz “Sleep Over Party” DVD
Welcome to the Bratz Kidz Slumber Party! Join your favourite Bratz Kidz characters for a game filled with all the fun of a late night party – no boys allowed!
Yasmin is hosting a sleepover. As our 4 girls look through Yasmin's photo album, they remember all their craziest times together and embark on an adventure based on each of the memories in the album! Explore the adventure mode or dip in and out of a series of fun mini games where you customise your favourite Bratz Kidz characters. You can also make a delicious pizza for your girlfriends, take stylish photos, create your very own clothes and much more in this sassy sleepover!
Select, customize and play with your favourite Bratz Kidz. Jade is really respectful, Sasha is very dynamic, Yasmin is self-confident and Cloe is sweet – and of course they're all sparky, adventurous and cool.
Join the Bratz Kidz Slumber Party in this sleepover themed world with an adventure based on Jasmine's photo album full of memories. The game stimulates the player's creativity and imagination with focus on fun, fashion and glamour! The kidz with a passion for fun are waiting for you to arrive…
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November 18th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Players frantically swap candies on the conveyer belts in order to match the custom candy pattern that customers are displaying
Rush to see who can make orders the fastest, sabotage friends while sorting candy or even have special tug-of-war style battles to see you gets to serve customers first
Encounter a wide cast of quirky customers and villainous rivals. Keep a close eye on the various personalities that show up ready to place an order. Poor service could mean a loss of a great tip
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November 18th, 2008, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Go from a couple of quick punches to unleashing the ultimate combos – ground, bone, sky and face breakers – and enjoy the satisfaction of deforming your opponents face
The core fighting mechanic was developed with three keys in mind; responsive, approachable and layered. Grab the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to string together haymakers, face shots and body blows. Dodge and parry until you find the right moment to drop a breaker to make your presence known
Pull the lever on the craziest boxing match machine you have ever seen. From random power ups dropping into the ring to various handicaps and strengths given to each boxer. Unpredictable is the name of this game
If you are struggling to find friends in the real world, and even if you’re not, 12 outlandish characters await for you to play with and against – each with unique attributes and character-specific special attacks
The ultimate extreme boxing tournament. Prove your skills and work you’re way past every character in the game, earning belts along the way
The ultimate team boxing battle. Choose three fighters to make up your team and take on the teams of up to four other players. Choose who you want to go toe to toe with but beware that damage incurred is carried over to your next bout. Choose wisely or you may find yourself starting your next match with barely any health remaining
FaceBreaker K.O. Party brings the magic of social play right into your living room! Built exclusively with Wii™ consumers in mind, K.O. Party offers several unique mode, eye-popping stylized graphics and intuitive gestures that let you pick-up-and-punch!
Pull the lever on the Punch-O-Matic to experience the wackiest boxing match ever. With power ups dropping in the ring mid-fight, no bout will ever be the same. Grab your three favorite boxers and jump into a team boxing tournament where the last boxer standing wins in the T.K.O. Mode – don’t be too hasty though because there is strategy here – the damage from one bout will carry over to the next.
In this in-your-face, arcade world full of ego-wielding characters, each boxer comes to life with unique attributes and distinct personal style. Pit Romeo, a Latin lover known for his pelvic thrusts, against Molotov, an oversized Russian demolitions expert with a penchant for fighting dirty, to see how Romeo’s back-handed slaps fare against Molotov’s illegal use of explosives.
Laugh out loud as you pummel your opponent with a barrage of blows to the face and watch in satisfaction as your progress is illustrated by real-time facial deformation. With haymakers, face shots and body blows, wait for the right moment to drop a breaker to make your presence known. Let FaceBreaker K.O. Party help you to rediscover the joy of ass-kicking.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Have you ever wanted to be extraordinary? Have you ever wanted to pit yourself against the greatest, fastest, strongest, smartest and biggest, events and people the world has ever seen?
Well, now you can in GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS: The Videogame. Don't just marvel at the most remarkable things in the world – do them yourself!
Dash around the globe to seek out 36 thrilling records to break! Set yourself a personal best, then refine your skill and technique to smash world records. Be victorious in the house; the best in your local area; represent your country, or conquer the world. Then upload your scores via Nintendo Wifi Connection, for everyone to admire. Visit the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS :The Videogame website to show your scores to friends, and track your competitors’ progress. With both Wii and DS versions available, you'll be breaking records everywhere!
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November 18th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience new ways to play the best selling board games
Choose between traditional rules mode or mix it up with additional game modes for entertaining new ways to play
Earn points by playing games and completing challenges to trade in for new items to make your game room unique and accessorize your game room host, Mr. Potato Head
Games feature "party modes" for each game especially designed for getting family and friends together to play
Each game in party mode features four new exciting ways to challenge your competitors
Be the board game champion with customized tournament play across different games and challenges
Hasbro Family Game Night creates a whole new way for families and friends to play together.
Hasbro Family Game Night is the second console game to launch as a result of the EA/Hasbro alliance. Join Mr. Potato Head as your personal game room host and coach in your very own customized family game room.
Play classic Hasbro games in brand new and fun ways in addition to the original rules that everyone knows and loves. Hasbro Family Game Night features classic and party game modes of family favorites such as CONNECT FOUR, BATTLESHIP, YAHTZEE, BOGGLE, SORRY! and the all new, SORRY! Sliders.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

MLB Superstars takes America’s favorite pastime into a totally new realm by bringing everyone’s favorite players and teams out of their natural environments and showcasing them in over half a dozen different mini games. Fully utilizing the Wii’s motion sensing capabilities and easy pick-up-and-play functionality, MLB Superstars puts a brand new spin on classic games with Baseball Pachinko, Baseball Bocci, and Baseball Golf.
MLB Superstars will offer players an unique baseball experience with a wide variety of activities. Players will be able to play Mascot Dance and have their favorite mascot dance, or try their luck at the Green Monster game by becoming the first to smash down their wall with a baseball bat. Swinging frantically to stop the Green Monster from crashing through, as they aim for high scores and win numerous trophies to outfit their player in a variety of ways.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

20 Mini-Games - Use the Wii Remote in a game of monkey dodge ball, fling toilet paper at zoo guests, squirt water guns for crowd control, play keep away with the lions dinner and many more!
Play as one of 4 different monkeys each with their own wild personalities and physical characteristics such as difference in height, colors, haircuts and more
2 modes of gameplay - Story Mode and Quick Play Multi-player Mode
Party like an animal after hours at the Zoo. The lights at the local zoo have been shut down for the night and the monkeys are the true "kings of the jungle." It is all out monkey warfare and no one - including the sharks - is safe from a little "monkey bizness!"
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November 18th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Step into the shoes of a Mad Scientist: Starting as an apprentice working under 3 eccentric mentors, level up through the ranks as you master the mad sciences
Outrageous Experiments: Cultivate your science skills through crazy yet ingenious experiments both in and outside the lab
Create your own Mad Monsters: Over 150 million monster combinations allow you to create a truly unique creature. Monster Generation System: Never fight the same monster twice. Multi-player: Challenge and compete against your friends monstrous creations
Explore a challenging fantasy realm: Delve into 6 eerie regions facing quests, challenges and collecting powerful ingredients needed for your next mad monster creation
Gesture Combat: Go head-to-head against evil Monster minions in a fast-paced, ferocious, turn-based combat system
Monster Lab is set in an eerie, supernatural world where the evil Baron Mharti rules the region with a cruel hand. The player takes on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create your very own monster from over 150 monster parts. Taking control of your monster, the player can then explore the land - searching for ingredients to make more monster parts, hunting out other monsters to defeat in combat, uncovering quests to embark upon or simply competing in the numerous mini-games available.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Get yourself into the game like never before by using the Balance Board to control your rider. Control your jumps and tricks with the intuitiveness and fun of having a snowboard in your own living room
Everybody loves a road trip! You and your crew travel the world to participate in a variety of the fun and exciting events to become a world-renowned athlete. Hit the half-pipe competitions, race down the mountains, or just do some freeriding – there’s plenty of boarding action to satisfy all your needs
Ubisoft worked in close contact with Shaun White in order to infuse the experience with the most authentic elements of his riding style, personality and sense of humor. Shaun will act as a good-natured friend and mentor to the player, hooking him up with the right friends to conquer challenges together, introduce him to new locales, or simply be around to share in a laugh
Engage in a seamlessly integrated multiplayer experience for two to four players in both cooperative and competitive gameplay
In the world of snowboarding, it pays to have friends on your side. Your crew of friends will always be there to help you by offering you unique abilities to improve both your riding and keeping you grounded with friendly pranks; filming all the antics along the way
Undertaking Dares from your friends will lead you to snowboard in a variety of events such as Slopestyles, Big Airs, Half Pipes, Rail Jams, Slaloms, Bordercross and Downhill events. You can even chill in the backcountry with your friends and enjoy riding at your own pace
Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip takes the action-sports genre to a whole new level. For the first-time ever, feel the rocky weight of the mountain push up against your toes in your very own living room, *with the revolutionary Wii Balance Board™. Whether you’re coasting down bunny slopes or carving through black diamonds, don’t expect to survive this wild ride alone – you will need the support of an entourage and friends to make it down this mountain.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Combat moves follows TV show
Manipulate elements in the environment with advanced bending moves
Bending Bombs: Bend elements to use as projectile weapon
Soar through the sky on gliders in new flying levels
Use Appa to navigate through the Avatar world
Ember Island: Replayable mini-games
Super-deformed characters for the DS
Play up to four players on the DS in the new volleyball game mini-game
The Fire Nation devises a plot to use the power of Sozin's Comet to rain devastation on the rest of the world. The fate of the world lies in the hands of only a few young, brave heroes — Aang and his friends. They are preparing for the ultimate showdown against Fire Lord Ozai and his terrorizing army that will ultimately decide who will win the great 100 year old war.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Have you ever wanted to be extraordinary? Have you ever wanted to pit yourself against the greatest, fastest, strongest, smartest and biggest, events and people the world has ever seen?
Well, now you can in GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS: The Videogame. Don't just marvel at the most remarkable things in the world – do them yourself!
Dash around the globe to seek out 36 thrilling records to break! Set yourself a personal best, then refine your skill and technique to smash world records. Be victorious in the house; the best in your local area; represent your country, or conquer the world. Then upload your scores via Nintendo Wifi Connection, for everyone to admire. Visit the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS :The Videogame website to show your scores to friends, and track your competitors’ progress. With both Wii and DS versions available, you'll be breaking records everywhere!
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November 18th, 2008, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is no lazy day in the kitchen! Iron chef America: Supreme Cuisine challenges players to complete several dishes simultaneously, using the Wii Remote or DS Stylus as your cooking tools. Stir, chop, mince, fry and more...just keep your eye on the clock!
Face off against celebrity chefs Mario Batali, Cat Cora, and Masuhuru Morimoto under the watchful eye of The Chairman and Alton Brown
Featuring 15 theme ingredients and hundreds of dish variations, Supreme Cuisine challenges players to create three to six dishes per battle
Step into Kitchen Stadium, compete against world-famous chefs, and prepare hundreds of mouth-watering food items!
Prepare for Battle!
Chop, mix and stir against the greatest chefs the world has ever known in a lightning-paced cooking competition. Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine challenges players to take up the role of master chef in a battle for culinary supremacy. Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine- take part in epic culinary battles centered on 15 theme ingredients and hundreds of dish variations.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Step into the shoes of a Mad Scientist: Starting as an apprentice working under 3 eccentric mentors, level up through the ranks as you master the mad sciences
Outrageous Experiments: Cultivate your science skills through crazy yet ingenious experiments both in and outside the lab
Create your own Mad Monsters: Over 150 million monster combinations allow you to create a truly unique creature. Monster Generation System: Never fight the same monster twice. Multi-player: Challenge and compete against your friends monstrous creations
Explore a challenging fantasy realm: Delve into 6 eerie regions facing quests, challenges and collecting powerful ingredients needed for your next mad monster creation
Gesture Combat: Go head-to-head against evil Monster minions in a fast-paced, ferocious, turn-based combat system
Create your very own monster with Monster Lab. The game is set in the eerie world of Uncanny Valley where the evil Baron Mharti rules with a cruel hand. Take on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create a monster from over 100 million possible monster part variations on offer. Taking control of your monster, you can then explore the land; searching for ingredients to make more monster parts, hunting out other monsters to defeat in combat, uncovering quests to embark upon or simply competing in the numerous mini-games available.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play with, help, teach and nurture your very own cute panda bear
View pictures and read stories about real-life pandas from the National Geographic archives
Your panda’s habits change with how you treat and play with it
As your panda develops, new baby pandas will join him in Panda Park
Graphics and sounds change according to the time of day
Have fun playing with familiar playground equipment like a tire swing, a see-saw, slides, and more
Let your daily allowance grow and go on a shopping spree, buy panda food and toys immediately or order items by mail via Panda Delivery
Interact with your panda with a single touch of the stylus pen, simple controls allows you to focus on interacting with your panda
Learn about real-life Pandas as you feed, nurture and play with your very own Panda! Choose from cute and cuddly Baby Pandas or giant Great Pandas and play with them as they learn new skills. Discover fun panda facts from real National Geographic stories that appear as you progress through the game!
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November 18th, 2008, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Exclusive Nintendo DS stylus controls allow you to easily perform the most amazing soccer moves on the Touch Screen
A multiplayer mode to face up to 3 friends in heated tournaments (Multi-Card Play)
6 different leagues and 198 teams (national and club) with real players’ names thanks to the FIFPro license
Experience the atmosphere of 12 great soccer stadiums including Milan, Manchester, and Madrid
Manage the team’s strategy using the Nintendo DS stylus in real time during the match
A true-to-life soccer experience thanks to detailed animations and realistic teammate and opponent behaviors
Real Soccer 2009 is the definitive soccer title designed specifically for the Nintendo DS and its unique capabilities. The game offers a never-before-seen soccer experience with revolutionary yet accessible Touch Screen controls (e.g. fake opponents by drawing a circle to perform a roulette). With 198 teams using real players’ names, dynamic AI opponents and 3D graphics that push the DS to the max, the player will feel as close to being a real professional soccer player as possible. Real Soccer 2009 is the true benchmark that this platform deserves for soccer games. Take your best shot on the DS!
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November 18th, 2008, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Choose how you ride in open-world mountains across the globe. Conquer the extreme peak conditions, create your own paths in the back country, or compete with fellow riders in the terrain parks.
Play in a world where your friends are always around. Do your own runs on mountains populated by real gamers or join your friends for a quick session from anywhere in the mountains.
Have fun with your friends on and off the board: Throw snowballs, hike to access secret spots, film your friends doing crazy tricks. You can also upload your videos online to share with the world.
Express yourself through tricks, riding styles and highly customizable avatars both in single-player and in the online world. Use the intuitive dual analog control to pull off a huge variety of tricks that express your style.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Defeat waves of zombies, ghosts, and more with simple touch screen controls! Take on undead versions of the Three Little Pigs, Pinocchio, Santa Clause and more
Choose from Little Red Riding Hood or legendary Japanese Hero Momataro, each with unique special moves
Red Riding Hood is no damsel in distress! Take down twisted creatures with machine guns, shotguns, bombs, and more. Tackle your enemies in Story, Survival, and Boss Attack Modes
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November 18th, 2008, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Information on how to obtain every item.
Complete calendar of in-game events and special occasions.
Details on using the WiiSpeak microphone for multiplayer fun.
Checklists for all collectible items to make sure you can get each and every one.
Exclusive poster with Animal Crossing art!
Platform: Wii
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November 18th, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

First they invaded the world and, now your TV!
The Rabbids have taken over almost every channel you can imagine, from music to movies – even TV ads! Help the Rabbids destroy all our daily viewing and drive Rayman crazy.
In Story Mode, play through a week of television, with each day bringing new wacky challenges of skill and insane movements in a compilation of mini-games. With up to eight players in turn-based mode and four players simultaneously, get ready for you and all your friends to go insane!
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November 18th, 2008, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New story inspired by action-packed TV show from the film
Plays as Bolt or Penny
Bolt's special powers: laser vision, super strength, and sonic bark
Penny's abilities & gadgets: computer hacking skills, acrobatics, motorized wheel bar
Play as Rhino on special missions
Five environments set in exciting, international locates: China, Russia, Italy, and more
Defeat the evil Calico and save the world!
Cinematic camera unique for movie-based platforming game
Ka-Woof! Unleash your inner superbark and take on the heroic personas of Bolt and Penny from the high-action television series within the upcoming film, Walt Disney Pictures Bolt. Dig your paws into the cinematic took of the game and experience a mix of intrigue, combat, action and platform-style game play.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play loads of exciting new games with the new Wii Balance Board and experience the first game in the world that you can play with your rear end!
65+ brand-new games that spoof popular culture, from TV series to TV classics, not to mention insane ads!
Play co-op or battle your friends simultaneously with up to four players, or go crazy with up to eight players in party mode! You can even sabotage your friends while they are playing!
Discover new and innovative ways to play with eight types of gameplay, including shaking, precision, dexterity and balance
Use the Wii Remote and Wii Balance Board to dance and wiggle your booty
Pimp your bunny out, take his photo and send it to your friends online
First they invaded the world and, now your TV!
The Rabbids have taken over almost every channel you can imagine, from music to movies – even TV ads! Help the Rabbids destroy all our daily viewing and drive Rayman crazy.
In Story Mode, play through a week of television, with each day bringing new wacky challenges of skill and insane movements in a compilation of mini-games. With up to eight players in turn-based mode and four players simultaneously, get ready for you and all your friends to go insane!
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November 18th, 2008, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New story inspired by action-packed TV show from the film
Plays as Bolt or Penny
Bolt's special powers: laser vision, super strength, and sonic bark
Penny's abilities & gadgets: computer hacking skills, acrobatics, motorized wheel bar
Play as Rhino on special missions
Five environments set in exciting, international locates: China, Russia, Italy, and more
Defeat the evil Calico and save the world!
Cinematic camera unique for movie-based platforming game
Ka-Woof! Unleash your inner superbark and take on the heroic personas of Bolt and Penny from the high-action television series within the upcoming film, Walt Disney Pictures Bolt. Dig your paws into the cinematic took of the game and experience a mix of intrigue, combat, action and platform-style game play.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster

The Hori Classic Controller isn't just a Wavebird knockoff for the Wii. It's a strange amalgamation between the old and new, borrowing the iconic Wavebird formfactor while simultaneously swapping those ridiculous Wavebird controls for the more practical 4-button setup from the SNES/Classic Controller and a pair of dual analog sticks reminiscent of the Xbox 360. In other words, it looks chunky and fantastic. The $30 Hori Classic Controller will be available for import soon...but the baby blue finish is killing us.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Hey, Nintendo—what's going on here? After a good year or so looking the other way on Wii homebrew (for the most part), now we've got two fairly serious brew-killing updates in the last month? Word from the folks at Wiibrew.org is that the latest update, System Menu 3.4, is apparently a doozy when it comes to ruining the homebrew party.
New features include USB keyboard support in the Mii channel, enhanced parental controls, and that's where the fun stops: the update also apparently deletes the Homebrew Channel and any other unofficial channels and promises to "check for and automatically remove" modified save files from your system—which is the method used to execute the famous Twilight Hack that makes all the homebrew possible. Not sure whether that means it will disable such save files going forward—hopefully not.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster

[Mark] had a broken TI-83 graphing calculator and an overwhelming urge to play Pokemon in math class. The solution to his predicament, obviously, is to hack a GameBoy color into the body of his TI-83. He gutted the calculator and connected the front buttons to the contacts on the GameBoy. After some cramming and taping bits together, he got it all working. Now he just needs to find a way to make the cartridge a little bit less conspicuous.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, semantics. Although it may have been believed that Sonic Unleashed was hitting retail tomorrow for all consoles, apparently those dates weren't "official." Sega has rectified that by announcing official launch dates today (via IGN) stating that the Wii and PS2 versions will be available tomorrow, while the Xbox 360 gets its werehog on next week. As for the PS3's Sonic Unleashed, it has been relegated to an indeterminate December date.
Yes, we know, dear Xbox 360 and PS3 owners, whatever else shall you play while waiting for Sonic Unleashed?!
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November 18th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster

Spanish magazine Hispana has published a new preview of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars in which it discloses that the gameplay won't be limited to, well, Chinatown. In fact, the mag states that the full areas of Duke, Bohan, Broker, and Algonquin from GTA IV will be part of the handheld title's game world, although Alderney (New Jersey in "real life") won't.
The magazine also offers a few more nifty details, such as the ability to whistle (or, we're guessing, yell irately) into the DS microphone to hail cabs, and that the PDA, GPS, and radio are all touch-screen based. On the topic of selling drugs, Hispana reports that It will be a "good way to make money in the game." Oh lordy.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Hardcore Club Nintendo members are entitled to more than free Club Nintendo only DS games. This year platinum members, participants that registered over 400 points between October 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008, get to walk away with one of three bonus items. This years choices are:
Wii Golden Handle - A gold colored Wii Wheel.
Super Mario’s Hat - The iconic plumber’s hat made out of fluffy polyester for you to wear.
2009 Club Nintendo Calendar - Three copies of a desktop calendar with a set of stickers. Gold members, Club Nintendo members with 200 - 399 points get the calendar package a bonus, but cannot choose the other two items.
Neat items, but not nearly as cool as the Super Famicom Classic Controller and two disc Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack Nintendo gave out last year to platinum members. Out of this year’s selection the Super Mario hat is the coolest. I just don’t imagine I would get any use out of it outside of throwing it on a shelf or a plush Prinny.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
made for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Square Enix will release a Kingdom Hearts Edition DSi when Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days ships out in Japan next February. No pictures have been released of the design so we’re left to imagine what the Kingdom Hearts DSi will look like.
Way back when Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories came out Square Enix did something similar. A limited edition Kingdom Deep Silver GBA bundle was released in Japan and only in Japan. I wouldn’t count on Square Enix to release the Kingdom Hearts Edition DSi overseas either. So, if you were planning to import a DSi to download games from Japan’s DSiWare Store and <3 Kingdom Hearts look out for this.
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November 18th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 18th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 18th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Using the Wiimote to plant a street sign into your enemy's head in Mad World doesn't lead to real world violence, a new study has found.
People with more fear in their heads than brains have often wondered whether or not the Wii motion controls that debuted in 2006 have led to an increase in video game-related violence. A new study out this week, hopefully, dispels these lingering misconceptions about video games for the last time.
The study was the work of Villanova's Dr. Patrick Markey. It examined 118 participants' "psychoticism" levels, which translates roughly into how hostile or aggressive they became while playing Manhunt 2 and the notoriously violent murder sim Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008* (*sarcasm).
Long story short, the study concluded motion controls had no effect on people's hostility or aggression levels. Whether a person was mashing a button or using a swiping motion to mash someone's head made no difference whatsoever.
However, as many people already suspect is the case, those people who had high levels of psychoticism (predisposed to violence, in other words), "were much more affected by violent video games than other participants," the study said.
For many that's a given, but for those late the game players, this could serve as yet another bookend to the video game violence issue.
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November 18th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Im a tad late with this but Steve Corey has released a new version of Doom for the Nintendo Wii:

WiiDoom 0.4 is out! Please spread the word. NOTE: This currently only works via the Twilight Hack. It does NOT yet work via Homebrew Channel.
Download Doom Shareware
Version 0.4 --
[NEW] Added WAD loader
[FIXED] Finale cast can now be advanced through
[FIXED] Config file saving/loading works
[CHANGE] Classis stairbuilding enabled by default
[NEW] Added IR crosshair option in general settings menu
[CHANGE] Disabled IR crosshair by default
[FIXED] Fixed vertical resolution to fit on the screen better
[FIXED] Fixed Twilight Hack Input bug
[CHANGE] Moved messages output location to original spot
[FIXED] "Reset to defaults" now works
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November 18th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Hermes updates its application Wii.
Wiireader has several functions:
JPEG viewer: supports only the images file format. Jpg.
Music Player: MP3/Ogg are the file formats supported by the application.
Txt Reader: readings in compressed format. Zip supported. Playing exclusively in UTF-8.
No changelog for this new version.
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November 18th, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Weeaboo just upload a new version of its shooter Shooting maniacs "Touhou DS" which is now in version 0.7.
- Shows an error message instead of silently crashing in the case of a
broken installation.
- The current score was added to the list of high-scores twice if you
used restart or quit after losing all your lives.
- Pausing the game stopped the music, it now only stops sound effects.
- After completing all stages, the game sometimes crashed.
- Script errors in courses other than the first were shown to the user.
- After a boss' spellcard finishes,-all-enemy projectiles are now
destroyed, not just those of the ENEMY_SHOT type.
- Instead of overwriting the default textures, user-specified textures
were added-after-the existing textures. This limited the max. texture
memory to 32KB.
- Internal script now does compile basic type-checking.
- Meaningful error messages in the script compiler.
- Added (beta) support for downloading additional characters from within
the game using wifi.
- Rewrote a large portion of the manual scripting.
- Support for multiple routes per game. Roads are commonly used to create
a selectable difficulty setting.
- The score overview shown at the end of every stage works now.
- Both stages and routes can now be locked / unlocked. Read the manual for
more info.
- Added a third stage.
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November 18th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Killers01 has a MMORTS on behalf of "Stargate universe DS" which is already in version 1.6. You'll understand the game is based on the television series Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, which will celebrate more than one fan. The game is coded in LUA, it works with the Player Risika "Micro LUA DS".
I advise you to create a "world-sg" the root of your SD, in this case put the image file and fichier.lua
* / Sg-universe
o file. lua
o The images directory
Do not rename any file, only the "sg-universe" that you name as you want
Notes version:
* Robotics plant
* Correction system energy can be below 0 after building a mine.
* Fixed display of power which was not red when it was negative.
* New theme
* All navigation icons (only left and right are scheduled)
* Menu with L and R to display icons
* Improving the display of resources on top of the screen
* Addition of the name of player
* Game time
* Name of the planet
* Space
V 1.5:
* Added 4 storage areas
* Support Energy
* Possible increase of stocks and energy.
* Thursday optimization
* Termination display bug
* Add images of resources and additional lines for complete emptying of RAM end of the program.
* Added mine Naquadah
* Addition of the limited storage resources
* Color display of red when the limit is reached.
* Added the crystal mine
* Inability to build if it was not sufficient ...
* Add the gold mine
* Correction removal system / loading image
* Bug removal of the bar if it continued building changed in the last seconds of manufacture.
* Add resources system
* The Central
* Of the iron mine
* Removing images change of building.
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November 18th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from phnord
Hey everyone! I posted here a while ago with a little program I made called MIDI-Jammer. I used 0xtob's DSMidiWifi library to create an innovative touch-screen MIDI controller, with the goal of allowing non-musicians to easily create harmonically-functional music by drawing ideas - while allowing those with more of a musical background access to a fully functional MIDI controller.
In my first release, it was solely a MIDI controller. I decided this weekend to implement the GBA Synth - so now there's a 5-voice Synth that outputs audio even if your not somewhere with a computer/wifi setup.
The basic idea is similar to a Korg KAOSS pad - and I do have a setting in the program that is a straight-up KAOSS pad. Where my program differs is that instead of mapping two MIDI controllers to the X and Y axes, it allows you to map one of the axes to a scale if you so choose.
There is a background gradient for reference, with a black-bar every octave and shadings for each scale-degree in between. You set the root with the D-Pad and the scale and channel with the A,B,X and Y buttons. The shoulder button acts as a sustain pedal, and the pressure-sensitivity of the screen controls the Velocity and Aftertouch data. Select toggles the various modes - you have Pitch Vertical w/ Panning Horizontal, Pitch Horizontal w/ Mod Wheel Vertical, or Two MIDI Controllers of your choosing on the two axes.
Hitting Start will attempt to connect to whatever networks you have configured on your DS. If successful, the MIDI messages are sent over Wifi and any computer on the same network running 0xtob's DSMidiWifi will be able to receive them.
Don't worry about memorizing all of this - the controls and status are all displayed on the top screen while the application runs.
In any case, let me know what you think! You can grab the program from my site - http://www.andrewbuch.com/prog.php. I appreciate any and all feedback, and welcome e-mail at me(at)andrewbuch.com.
-Andrew Buch-
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November 19th, 2008, 18:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has said that there will not be enough supply of the Wii Fit peripheral to meet demand this Christmas.
"With Wii hardware, I think we've got a good shot at meeting demand during the holidays," Fils-Aime told Forbes. "With Wii Fit, I know we'll fall short."
He also said that he doesn't think a number of third-party Nintendo developers fully understand the potential of the Wii, leaving them unable to find success with their products.
"I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform," he says. "And with very few exceptions today, that's not the case."
Fils-Aime also reiterated that while competitors have made price cuts to their home systems, Nintendo has no plans to reduce the price of the market-leading console in the immediate future.
"At some point, it will be time to adjust the [price]," he said, "but we're nowhere near that point now."
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November 19th, 2008, 18:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA has refused to comment on "rumour and speculation" that a sequel to brilliant Wii puzzle game Boom Blox is in the works.
That's according to US website Variety, which claims returning developer EA Los Angeles has already begun fleshing out the project.
There's no word on whether Boom Blox 2 will be a Wii-only game, nor whether Steven Spielberg will once again be involved.
The source of all this, interestingly, is a former employee of "Blueprint" - a supposedly top secret EA studio tasked with dreaming up new IP.
The developer has apparently been shut down, although no one will acknowledge the existence of "Blueprint" or issue an official announcement. Sounds like the X-Files.
Boom Blox was released on Wii back in May, and fell under Ellie's uncompromising eye for appraisal. But, much to our surprise, the game made such an impression that Ellie was soon championing its cause.
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November 19th, 2008, 18:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Well, we extended the courtesy to the PS3 on its special day, so it seems only fair that Nintendo's little guy should get his own day in the sun. Two years ago today you either discovered that you really could have fun flailing around looking like a dork or, if you're a senior citizen, discovered that video games had been invented.
In those two years the Wii has carved its own niche, bridging gaps between different gaming audiences and (occasionally) leaving some feeling left out of the fun. What do you think of the first 24 months and what are you looking for in the Wii's next 12?
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November 19th, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This Crystal Case is made by polycarbonate,which can protects your DS I console from nicks and scratches.It is cutouts for all controls on the console, and touches comfortable too.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This Motorized Cartridge & Slot cleaner is easy and a great solution for NDS Lite and NDS gamers to clean your game cartridges and the slot of the console. It can thoroughly clean your NDS Lite and NDS! Wite its unique motorized process coupled with advanced micro-fiber technology, it can safely remove dust,dirt or fingerprints ensuring optimun performance!Just press the button for an automatic 15 second clean and it is done!It is compact and portable, easy to use and compatible with NDS & NDS Lite.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from the
SNES9x GX project.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[What's New 2.0.7 - November 18, 2008]
* Special thanks to eke-eke & KruLLo for contributions, bugfixes, and tips
* Video code rewritten - now has original, unfiltered, filtered modes
* Zoom option
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Full widescreen support
* SDHC support
* SD/USB hot-swapping
* A/B rapid-fire
* Turbo option
* Video cropping (overscan hiding) option (thanks yxkalle!)
* Palette changing fixed
* Fixed audio 'popping' issue
* Wii - Added console/remote power button support
* Wii - Added reset button support (resets game)
* Wii - Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL (eg: apps/fceugx/settings.xml)
* GameCube - Added DVD motor off option
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November 19th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
Wii/GameCube. Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from the
SNES9x GX project.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[What's New 2.0.7 - November 18, 2008]
* Special thanks to eke-eke & KruLLo for contributions, bugfixes, and tips
* Video code rewritten - now has original, unfiltered, filtered modes
* Zoom option
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Full widescreen support
* SDHC support
* SD/USB hot-swapping
* A/B rapid-fire
* Turbo option
* Video cropping (overscan hiding) option (thanks yxkalle!)
* Palette changing fixed
* Fixed audio 'popping' issue
* Wii - Added console/remote power button support
* Wii - Added reset button support (resets game)
* Wii - Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL (eg: apps/fceugx/settings.xml)
* GameCube - Added DVD motor off option
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November 19th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
SNES9x GX is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Wii based on the PC emulator
SNES9x 1.51 (http://snes9x.ipherswipsite.com/). SoftDev is responsible for
the original SNES9x 1.50 GameCube port, whose work was continued by crunchy2.
It was updated for the Wii by michniewski and SNES9x 1.51 was ported by
Tantric. The project is currently being maintained by michniewski and Tantric.
|0O×øo· FEATURES ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
* Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
[What's New 007]
* added: SDHC support
* added: SD/USB hot-swapping
* added: zoom saving
* added: IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* added: Qoob modchip support (thanks emukidid!)
* added: Added console/remote power button support (Wii only)
* added: Added reset button support - resets game (Wii only)
* changed: Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL - eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml (Wii only)
* fixed: swc, sfc file support
* fixed: inverted sound channels
* fixed: some game crashes
* fixed: snapshot saving for games with SPC7110, BS, DSP, or CX4
* fixed: justifier support
* fixed: superscope turbo button
* fixed: widescreen support
* fixed: ActRaiser 2 issues
* fixed: Invalid memory accesses in C4 and OBC1. MMX3 Toxic Seahorse stage
now can be emulated with HDMA. (zones)
* fixed: Updated snapshot to prevent desync. Added some variables related to
APU and HDMA. (gocha)
* fixed: zoom issues (thanks eke-eke!)
* fixed: original modes (thanks eke-eke!)
* fixed: vertical scaling for filtered/unfiltered modes (thanks eke-eke!)
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November 19th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
SNES9x GX is a Super Nintendo emulator for the Wii based on the PC emulator
SNES9x 1.51 (http://snes9x.ipherswipsite.com/). SoftDev is responsible for
the original SNES9x 1.50 GameCube port, whose work was continued by crunchy2.
It was updated for the Wii by michniewski and SNES9x 1.51 was ported by
Tantric. The project is currently being maintained by michniewski and Tantric.
|0O×øo· FEATURES ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
* Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
[What's New 007]
* added: SDHC support
* added: SD/USB hot-swapping
* added: zoom saving
* added: IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* added: Qoob modchip support (thanks emukidid!)
* added: Added console/remote power button support (Wii only)
* added: Added reset button support - resets game (Wii only)
* changed: Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL - eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml (Wii only)
* fixed: swc, sfc file support
* fixed: inverted sound channels
* fixed: some game crashes
* fixed: snapshot saving for games with SPC7110, BS, DSP, or CX4
* fixed: justifier support
* fixed: superscope turbo button
* fixed: widescreen support
* fixed: ActRaiser 2 issues
* fixed: Invalid memory accesses in C4 and OBC1. MMX3 Toxic Seahorse stage
now can be emulated with HDMA. (zones)
* fixed: Updated snapshot to prevent desync. Added some variables related to
APU and HDMA. (gocha)
* fixed: zoom issues (thanks eke-eke!)
* fixed: original modes (thanks eke-eke!)
* fixed: vertical scaling for filtered/unfiltered modes (thanks eke-eke!)
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November 19th, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
[What's New 1.0.5 - November 18, 2008]
* SDHC works now
* Frameskipping tweaks
* Fixed snapshot loading issue
* Full widescreen support
* Changed scaling
* Zooming fixed (thanks eke-eke!)
* PAL timing changes - EURGB60 mode forced
* Wii - Added console/remote power button support
* Wii - Added reset button support (resets game)
* Wii - Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL (eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml)
* GameCube - Added DVD motor off option
* GameCube - Fixed GBA loading issue
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November 19th, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r778
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
[What's New 1.0.5 - November 18, 2008]
* SDHC works now
* Frameskipping tweaks
* Fixed snapshot loading issue
* Full widescreen support
* Changed scaling
* Zooming fixed (thanks eke-eke!)
* PAL timing changes - EURGB60 mode forced
* Wii - Added console/remote power button support
* Wii - Added reset button support (resets game)
* Wii - Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same
folder as the DOL (eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml)
* GameCube - Added DVD motor off option
* GameCube - Fixed GBA loading issue
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November 19th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Steve Corey has released a new version of Doom for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for testers. We've verified that this new package works great with the Homebrew Channel, so I've updated the zip file and put it out on the Google Code site
Download Doom Shareware
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November 19th, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
DCelso & Qualith have released a new unnoficial version of the Media Player for Wii:
This new release includes support to DVD by tipolosko, SDHC, sequential and random play. icon:
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November 19th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
WiiBuilder 1.0 formerly known as GRRLIB Converter is a Windows software to use for Wii homebrew development.
The File tab is use to:
Convert Portable Network Graphics (.png) to C array in header file (.h), works with GRRLIB 3.0 and libwiisprite
Convert Images (.gif, .bmp, .jpeg or .jpg) to header file (.h), works with GRRLIB 2.0 or less
Convert XML (.xml) to C array in header file (.h)
Convert GRRLIB 2.0 (or less) screenshot (.grr) to Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Load Wii executables files (.dol) from a computer to a Wii with the Homebrew Channel, IP address must be entered in the Settings
Compile Makefile to (.dol and .elf), you must have "make" available in your path
You just need to drop a file in the list box. If drag-and-drop is not working (Wine), you could simply right click on the list box to bring the popup menu. From the menu, select Add a File to the List..., in the Open dialog box you could select multiple files. If you don't want to open the software, just drag-and-drop files on the program icon. This is because the software accepts command line, just type WiiBuilder myfile.png. When the files are generated, they overwrite existing ones.
The Font Generator tab is use to generate a image (PNG or Bitmap) from a specific font on your system. PNG files will have the GRRLIB 3.0 format and Bitmap files will only work with GRRLIB 2.0 or less. Just select the font, size and style you need and click on the Generate Image button to open the Save As dialog box. The antialiasing option only works when you are saving a PNG file.
The Color Converter is a tool convert color from one format to another. It could be used to convert colors from 24-bit truecolor to 16-bit highcolor code. Result could be shown in Hex or Dec.
Finally, the Settings tab is use to save your configurations in the registry. If you want to delete the software it's best to click on the Clean Registry button to delete all registry entry.
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November 19th, 2008, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Wplaat has updated the Bible Quiz for the Wii:
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible
19/11/2008 version 0.4
Added highscore screen
Highscore is stored (in xml format) on the SD card
Added credits screen
Added help (minus button) screen
Added 10 music tracks
Use freetype library as font render engine for screen (sub) titles.
Content update:
- Added 170 english questions (8 topics)
- Added 100 dutch questions (4 topics)
- Added spanisch translation.
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November 19th, 2008, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from n00bey
About the game
Its a game based on the lightcycle sequence from the movie Tron.
Players drive trough a 3D world, they make lines behind them. They have to avoid to drive into those lines~
The last player alive wins
So you could compare it with games like Snake / Nibbles etc~
Copy the DronS.nds onto your flashcard and , if you dont have Auto-DLDI , patch it with DLDI. [Should start even without DLDI, but saving will not be possible]
All needed files will be created by the game itself [into a "DronS" folder, so dont worry about 100files in your root ]
- High customizable (Show me any other homebrew you can set things like buttonmap)
- Online play, you can join the Main-Server
- A cam you can move however you like it
- Up to 10Player
- Rumble ( different effects for braking / Getting damage / Speeding up) , Rumble pak needed
- For nearly every menu there is a help text accessable by pressing a shoulder button
- Multilangual ! [ Still translators needed ]
V1.4 - 17.11.08
+ Added mirror of the whole arena on the ground.
+ Mirroring got it's own menu
+ Added "Player left!" message
+ You can change the distance between you & the wall you have to be for speeding-up
+ Multi-Langual support, [Now I just need translations...]
+ Czech translation added [translated by Programix ]
+ Spanish translation added [translated by FraGMenT ]
+ German translation added [translated by n00bey ]
* Now the car is loaded just out of one model and then rotated... (Last time there were a model for each way xD )
* Color values are displayed in percent now
* Changed the rumble a bit
* Some small changes in the server here and there
* Merged many if-clauses ... if(bla) if(lol) if(wtf) return true; -> if(bla&&lol&&wtf) return true;
* Fixed the check for existance of configuration files...
* Menu scrolls now, because the old menu over the whole screen died on longer entries
* CPUs are now shown 2 in one row to save you from endless scrolling
* Fixed the "Player joined" message, as it also told you that someone joined if he left
* After Playing online you're getting back your configuration
* In onlineplay youre now playing with YOUR color
* Wohay, the game actualy is quite on its limit... I have to reduce maximal lines to 255 to prevent horrible laggs
~ Tanks to GuSec, Cas & everyone else who tested the server with me-
- LAN Play removed because it is too much work to keep the online-server that small it can be run while playing
- Player limit set to 10 [Performance reasons... It was just too much ]
- Removed the keyboard code~ (Since its not used anymore)
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November 20th, 2008, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
After its novel attempts to prevent illegal distribution of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Square Enix has packed numerous piracy checks into Chrono Trigger DS. Sadly (and predictably), hackers have already found a fix to the problem, if this huge thread on the GBAtemp forums is to be believed.
When the ROM of Chrono Trigger was first dumped online earlier this week, naughty flashcart users discovered that it was impossible to progress past certain points in the title. Never-ending time travel (near the start of the game) and the inability to open the Cathedral doors after recruiting Frog were just two of the problems encountered by pirates.
Typically, however, it has taken hackers mere hours to find a workaround for the copyright protection -- further evidence that developers and publishers, regardless of size, face an uphill battle against those who yarr.
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November 20th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from phnord
UPDATE: I just upgraded it and added a preset feature, and I'm officially labeling this the 3.0 release. The basic thing is that you can now set presets to directions / buttons and choose them by holding them down (similarly to Jam Sessions). I have created a documentation README.txt that's bundled in with the new release at my site.
Hey everyone! I posted here a while ago with a little program I made called MIDI-Jammer. I used 0xtob's DSMidiWifi library to create an innovative touch-screen MIDI controller, with the goal of allowing non-musicians to easily create harmonically-functional music by drawing ideas - while allowing those with more of a musical background access to a fully functional MIDI controller.
In my first release, it was solely a MIDI controller. I decided this weekend to implement the GBA Synth - so now there's a 5-voice Synth that outputs audio even if your not somewhere with a computer/wifi setup.
The basic idea is similar to a Korg KAOSS pad - and I do have a setting in the program that is a straight-up KAOSS pad. Where my program differs is that instead of mapping two MIDI controllers to the X and Y axes, it allows you to map one of the axes to a scale if you so choose.
There is a background gradient for reference, with a black-bar every octave and shadings for each scale-degree in between. You set the root with the D-Pad and the scale and channel with the A,B,X and Y buttons. The shoulder button acts as a sustain pedal, and the pressure-sensitivity of the screen controls the Velocity and Aftertouch data. Select toggles the various modes - you have Pitch Vertical w/ Panning Horizontal, Pitch Horizontal w/ Mod Wheel Vertical, or Two MIDI Controllers of your choosing on the two axes.
Hitting Start will attempt to connect to whatever networks you have configured on your DS. If successful, the MIDI messages are sent over Wifi and any computer on the same network running 0xtob's DSMidiWifi will be able to receive them.
Don't worry about memorizing all of this - the controls and status are all displayed on the top screen while the application runs.
In any case, let me know what you think! You can grab the program from my site - http://www.andrewbuch.com/prog.php. I appreciate any and all feedback, and welcome e-mail at me(at)andrewbuch.com.
-Andrew Buch-
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November 20th, 2008, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Cashman proposes a new version of Mii Channel Updater, a homebrew that allows you to update your Mii Channel.
The principle is simple, the homebrew connects servers Nintendo updates and download the latest version of the Mii Channel. After that, the Mii Channel settles while replacing the old version. Miis are not automatically deleted and will be available after updating your Mii Channel.
Thus, no need to apply a full update for Nintendo to update your Mii Channel.
News / corrections:
- Addition of the cinematic introduction of Cashman's Productions to launch the homebrew
- Add support for the Classic Controller
- Adding color
- Improvements and corrections
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November 20th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Alright, alright. There's a few things going on here. First off, Reggie Fils-Aime told Forbes "I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform, and with very few exceptions today, that's not the case." That's a pretty good conversation starter right there. He also lamented the absence of Grand Theft Auto and Spore on his platform, teased community features without spilling anything at all, and for kicks threw us this utterly hopeless word on a price cut: "At some point, it will be time to adjust the [price], but we're nowhere near that point now." We're pretty astonished that a console honcho like Reggie would so summarily insult his third-party partners, but we can't help but agree -- though peep Nintendo Wii Fanboy's via link down there for an alternate perspective on the matter. To us, the question really lies in the blame game: is Nintendo's Wii strategy and unique hardware approach to blame, or is everybody else out there too dense to cash in? But really, this is just too wild, too incendiary, too awesome for us to hog all the discussion. Hit up the vaguely-applicable poll option, and then let loose in the comments. We're all ears!
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November 20th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Bandai Namco gave us our latest look today at the Wii version of Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, with new screens and some info on what's new for the Wii version aside from the prettier visuals.
The new screens include looks at Vision 3 and Vision 4, as well as a difficult "Extra Vision" stage. These were all in the original PlayStation version.
As a new element for the Wii version, Bandai Namco is including full voices for all characters. The cast for the Japanese version includes Kumiko Watanabe as Klonoa, Bin Shimada as Joka, Akemi Kanda as Huepow, Yuko Minaguchi as Lephise, and Koji Yada as Jicchan. Players can select between Japanese language and a Phantomile language.
The Japanese version of Klona is just a few weeks away. Check back closer to the December 4 import release for more.
Screenshots here
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November 20th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: bandit
TeamCyclops has come out and released a video stating that they were also able to get their CycloDS Evolution working on the new Nintendo DSi
Team Cyclops are pleased to announce that for some time we have had a working test setup which is capable of running CycloDS Evolution on the Nintendo DSi. We must stress however that this is part of our research only; there is still a great deal of work to be done before we can even decide if a DSi compatible device is viable or not. The DSi features a completely redesigned security system which renders all current devices incompatible and at this stage it is unknown if there is any reliable way to overcome the new measures. We will continue our research into the DSi and in the mean time, please see the following video which demonstrates what we have achieved so far.
Like the Acekard, its still a work in progress as they are still finding more information about the DSi and that it is not commercially ready.
Source: TeamCyclops
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November 20th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster

Indeed, Nintendo and Everlast have tag-teamed in the retail ring to knock you out with these new boxing glove accessories. And while you're down they plan to steal your wallet—because this is an obvious attempt to milk gamers for every last cent. The gloves are available for $30, but I think I'll be saving my pennies for the return of the Power Glove.
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November 20th, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster

Nyko didn't like seeing fellow third party manufacturer Penguin create a 4x Wiimote charger first, so Nyko fired back with the Charge Station Quad for Wii. Priced at $50, the Nyko Quad includes four NiMH rechargeable battery packs, four rubber Wii Remote battery covers and, of course, a four-port Wiimote battery charger that's loaded to the brim with LEDs. Shipments start in December, but it doesn't look like Nyko is taking orders just yet.
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November 20th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Never has a title been more fitting to a game than Exit DS. When catastrophe befalls, what better action to take than EXIT? Unfortunately, you play a psuedo-hero named Mr Esc whose sole purpose in life seems to be rescuing people from burning buildings, drowning buildings, and buildings hit by a freak-icicle storm.
Exit DS can be described as a cross between a platformer and Lemmings. Mr. Esc can jump over things, climb, and use objects, but most levels require the help of the people he rescues in order to guide everyone to the exit. People whom Mr. Esc rescued can be commanded to do tasks like helping him move a heavy block, swimming to fetch an object, crawling through spaces he’s not small enough to fit through, and a lot of other helpful things.
The biggest difference between Exit DS and the other versions is the touch screen controls. You tap on Mr. Esc or other people once, tap somewhere else to get them to move there, or tap something else to have them interact with it. Instructions can be strung together in a series of taps. Having played only the DS version, I can’t imagine how it could be played otherwise; the game gives you the choice of using a d-pad, although you do have to exit the level to change it. The d-pad control scheme feels inefficient after getting used to playing with the stylus. However, the touch screen controls are far from perfect. There were several times where I cursed in frustration as a tap registered wrong and sent Mr. Esc running to his death.
The game slowly teaches players its mechanics through the first scenario which is mainly a tutorial session. That’s not to say the rest of the game is easy. Difficulty ramps up to a pleasing degree where completing each scenario leaves me with an accomplished feeling.
Though the controls take some getting used to and will rebel once in a while, Exit DS is a quirky action puzzler that’s a worthy addition to the DS library. Its short levels make it perfect for playing on a portable.
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November 20th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is in several instances thematically tied to the NES title Castlevania II: Simon’s Curse Quest, though the connections are oblique enough to lend the Nintendo DS title its own novel quality. In Japanese, the two games carry the subtitles of “The Accursed Seal” and “The Stolen Seal,” referring in both cases to the means by which to temporarily banish Dracula. What perhaps most closely links the two titles is the emphasis on action happening outside the castle, exploring the Transylvanian countryside and encountering its morally dubious country folk.
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest departed from its predecessor by including role-playing game elements such as collecting clues from townspeople and purchasing items from merchants. The developers lent an element of the series’ darkness to these familiar conventions by making all of the townspeople deliberate liars, misleading Simon in his quest to lift his curse. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia features townspeople who, while not outright liars, are somewhat questionable, from the smarmy merchant to the complacent apothecary. While genial on the surface, the Wygol villagers you rescue during the course of vanquishing evil from the land seem ever so slightly tainted by the sinister atmosphere of their surroundings.
Both the activity of rescuing the abducted villagers and the flawed character of the Wygolians themselves produce interesting consequences for a Castlevania with a female protagonist. Koji Igarashi mentioned back at E3 that the main character’s sadness, a consequence of being robbed of her memory early in the story, is a central thematic element. In saving so many lives and restoring the domestic scene of Wygol, Shanoa can be seen as something of a nurturer, specifically in contrast to the inhuman aloofness of Alucard in Symphony of the Night. However, both her mental ailment and the unsympathetic portrayal of those she saves works against this characterization.
In terms of the story itself, Order of Ecclesia begins on the periphery of the familiar family drama that links many of the stories in the series. Rather than centering on sons of Simon or Dracula, the Belmont clan has lost favor in its eternal struggles against the Count. This is somewhere in the 19th century, when institutions begin arising for the purpose of replacing the vampire killing bloodline. The only order to produce results in this mission is Ecclesia. Led by Barlowe, research into glyphs proves the only effective measure outside the Belmont family’s magical whips in battling demons.
However, choosing Shanoa as the recipient of the order’s glyphs causes a split in the factions of Ecclesia. Resentful, head-clutching Albus—a peer of the female protagonist—believes himself worthy of the position of the bearer of Dominus, the force determined to vanquish Dracula. He interrupts the initiation ritual during which Shanoa internalizes the power of the glyphs, thereby undermining her potential as a vampire killer and traumatizing her memory. She proceeds through the game knowing that she must defeat Albus only because she has been instructed by Barlowe. Her direct experience of the violence he has caused her is obscured by the act itself.
Shanoa employs the training she received at Ecclesia whenever she encounters one of the glyphs found within the various stages of the game. Holding the up button, Shanoa pulls her hair back, revealing the markings on her shoulders and back, which absorb the power of the glyph. Rapier, lance and crossbow glyphs can be equipped to the X and Y buttons, allowing the player to alternate between these attacks. After completing the Minera prison stage, you are also given the option of alternating quickly between three sets of glyphs by pressing A and hitting the shoulder buttons. Upgrading weapons along the way lends an array of strategic depth to the title on the order of an RPG—a direction for the series that dates back not only to Symphony of the Night, but as far back as Simon’s Quest.
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November 21st, 2008, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Marcan:
Nintendo released a recent update that once again tries to secure some existing bugs on the console, breaks some things, deletes others. This time they’ve also gone around and modified the TOS. As usual, mass panic ensues.
The people who are panicking can be divided roughly into two groups (non exclusive):
The pirates
The clueless
This should go without saying, but we don’t want to have anything to do with the former group. Nintendo is obviously going to fight piracy (and that’s going to hurt homebrew). We’ll have to deal with the homebrew part, but don’t expect that to help piracy in any way. It may, or it may not. And if it doesn’t, pirates will have to deal with fighting nintendo themselves. The usual messages about WADs, “backups”, and all that crap are going straight to /dev/null, and we’re seeing quite a few bans due to piracy on #wiidev recently. Don’t ask us about it, don’t talk to us about it.
The clueless are panicking because, well, that’s the thing to do (OMG, new update! What will we do!). Read the Wiibrew page about the update. To clarify some things: the Twilight Hack is gone and probably won’t be coming back. There are other game exploits on the table (which haven’t been announced yet). Given the ability to run PPC code, we can install stuff and exploit IOS, as the HBC beta9 installer already shows. In short, homebrew isn’t going to go away. We can “do anything” right now. But we do need to figure out what to do.
All we’re concerned with is the ability to run homebrew (from-scratch programs), not necessarily modify the existing system. This means that we’re not necessarily concerned with getting things like menuloader and DVDX working again. Menuloader involves hacking the system menu - which is pointless if it can be replaced. DVDX enables DVD use - which is pointless if there are other ways or you use an entirely new IOS. We’re also not big fans about installable stuff - the utopian homebrew ecosystem would be contained entirely on removable storage and involve zero changes to NAND (implausible, but hey). Either way, the ultimate goal is to have homebrew that is able to use the Wii’s features, period. How that is accomplished is irrelevant, so old methods of doing things aren’t necessarily going to work in the future, nor do we care about it (we’ll find alternatives if necessary).
You may be wondering what it is that we’re doing anyway. Basically, we’re looking at the current situation, moving on with existing projects, and trying to figure out what the best course for the future will be. Quickly releasing hacks as soon as they’re available might not be such a good idea for the future - it’s best if we think it through a bit. We’ve also got tons of stuff to do. Prognosis is good, and hacks will come out eventually, but you’ll have to wait it out. And you shouldn’t expect anything in particular. Remember, it’s about the end result (homebrew), not about how we get there. Also, don’t take some ideas that we’ve thrown out there previously as definitive - we’re rethinking things right now.
In short, calm the hell down and just wait. Don’t update if you don’t feel like “change” - you’ve got that option so far. And if you’ve updated, my suggestion is that you wait. Avoid hacky workarounds - they can be worse than the problems they purport to fix.
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November 21st, 2008, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster

Why? NOBODY KNOWS. Maybe he desperately misses the days of blowing in slots. Whatever reasons he had, this is now up on eBay, with bidding starting at $49.99. The auction notes that the mod is "100% working!" (uh ... good?) and that the Wii's blue lights still illuminate when it's switched on, which we have to admit is kind of neat. Also, the seller calls it a "Wii64." Hmm.
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November 21st, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from Nintendomax
1) Scrolling
Scrolling with, I had to manually create the characters leaf small squares method "old school", and noted the coordinates of all vertices. I also made a routine that calculates all the normal averaged for the Light (ie more than normal in a table).
At the beginning it should be a scrolling, but it has become over time an auditor modeling characters. That is why it is a "rotation character", "transparency"
and "display vectors" that shows the normal.
You can also manipulate the camera you see that light is before the character and act from behind it. There are 2 version, a GC and a PC has the following buttons or keys to use:
(PC attention to the numeric keypad to figures)
PC version ------------------------ ---- |---- GC
CHARACTER SELECTION: --- 4 ----------- B
NO LIGHT / OFF: 9 ----------- ----------- R
ROTATION character --- 6 / 8 -------- X / Y
TRANS MODE / OPAQUE: ----------- ----- 7 L
ROTATION CAMERA: ----- --- Analog Arrows
DISPLAY VECTORS: A ----------- ----- 2
With DEMOTEV, I wanted to associate light and texture, because in fact I knew the light by using vertex and display textures, but I could not combine the two. This is where the VTE: The VTE can combine ( "mix") color information or not with a texture and / or combine texture with a texture (multitexturing).
It also plays well with the color and alpha of a textured surface with color and alpha of a colored surface. Background: alpha is the degree of transparency or opacity of a color.
It can make 16 combinations (Stage) but only a multitexturing 8 textures. But it is enough.
In short, using operators, parameters, type of matrix, sources texture coordinates we do what we want the texture. As with Open GL.
This demo is not multitextures and want a reason to use this possibility.
I had already made a demo showing a cube with different textures simultaneously, but it was not multitextures as I had announced. I was wrong.
This demo does Shows a cube with a few comments on a star whose "color of the stars change. There are 2 versions:
a GC,
- Have the file DEMOTEV.gcm.
- Press the button to change the texture of the cube.
and a PC,
- Must be created under the root C: (where another hard disk) a "DEMOTEV" and put DEMOTEV.exe and DEMO.tpl, and then start DEMOTEV.exe.
- Press the 2 key on the numeric keypad to change the texture of the cube.
NOTES: GC versions of the 2 demos have a RESET button START.
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November 21st, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has reacted to the rampant piracy of Chrono Trigger DS by declaring itself to be "vigorously against" the illegal distribution of games, and warning that it expects a sharp drop in Chrono Trigger sales as a result. As we reported yesterday, the eagerly anticipated RPG shipped with a whole series of piracy checks, only for hackers to break those within hours of the game being dumped online for download. It's difficult not to feel sorry for Square Enix, and equally hard to see practical solutions.
In slightly happier news (well, for the fans, anyway), the (Japan-based) Chrono Trigger fan club is giving away copies of the game's soundtrack (as seen above) to 3,000 customers who actually buy the game -- two of which will be autographed by composer Yasunori Mitsuda. See: it pays not to yarr.
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November 21st, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CyBeRCeD
On this day of strike, I have the opportunity to polish my new project. I returned after nearly two years of missing and abandoning my BabyfootDS.
Since I began studying computer science and I recount reprogram well on DS.
My new project is Geodis.
this homebrew is actually an application to increase awareness of the department of France.
Of course, later there will be a kind of test where we must guess the name of the department displayed.
In the meantime, I will let you test and I await your impressions and ideas.
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November 21st, 2008, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Isaac356
Wii Signer is a simple PC Utility that lets you fakesign a Wii ticket. Currently, only tickets are supported, no tmd's and no other files.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

There’s always something new to do. In the living, breathing world of Animal Crossing: City Folk, days and seasons pass in real time, so there’s always something to discover. Catch fireflies in the summer, go trick-or-treating on Halloween or hunt for eggs on Bunny Day. If you’re in the mood for something a little faster paced, take a bus to a new urban city area that’s unique to Animal Crossing: City Folk. There you can catch a show at the theater or check out the sales at Gracie’s boutique. But if you don’t show your face back home for too long, your neighbors will miss you
Up to four people from your household can live and work together to build the perfect town. Design clothes and patterns, write letters and post messages on the bulletin board for each other, or invite up to three friends to visit your town using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. With the new WiiSpeak microphone, it’s like you’re all in the same room. The microphone sits atop the sensor bar and picks up the conversation of everyone in the room to encourage a more inclusive experience
Get to know your neighbors. The heart of Animal Crossing: City Folk is building relationships with the animals in your town as well as with other players. Befriend your animal neighbors by exchanging letters, gifts and favors. Animals can also move from town to town, bringing their memories and stories from their old towns with them. And since animals are notoriously loose-lipped, they spill all the juicy details
Express your personal style. Customize your town, your house and yourself by collecting bugs, fish, fossils, art, furniture, clothes and accessories. You can also go to the salon in the city to change your hairstyle and get a Mii makeover. Plus, if you design clothes in the tailor’s shop, animals will wear them and maybe even bring them to other towns
If life were an endless vacation, what would you do? Go fishing, collect shells or watch fireworks with friends? Build a snowman, exchange presents with family or decorate your house for the holidays? Take a trip to the city, go on a shopping spree or visit friends from all over the globe? In Animal Crossing: City Folk, life moves at a relaxed pace, but the world brims with endless possibilities.
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November 21st, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SEGA has confirmed a release date - well, a release month - for Wii shooter House of the Dead: Overkill.
The game's due out in February 2009. If you pre-order it through "selected retailers" in PAL territories, you'll be able to claim a premium Collector's Edition.
This edition comes with an exclusive graphic novel, "Prelude to an Overkill", illustrated by Steve Copter of UK punk band Black Mekon.
SEGA's going all out for cult cachet on this one. Check out the House of the Dead: Overkill gamepage for some smart, Grindhouse-inspired trailers as well as our recent Hands On.
House of the Dead: Overkill is a trashy, 1970s-set prequel to the famed series of zombie-apocalypse lightgun games, and it's exclusive to Wii.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Train, groom and massage your horse, using the Wii Remote
Create the horse of your dreams from hundreds of combinations of coats, manes, saddles, bridles, blankets and more!
Take your horse out for a ride and explore the woods, beach or mountains
Grow your stable and business, by adding new buildings and welcoming guests to your ranch
Life with a horse is a dream come true! Take on the ownership of the Old Mill Ranch - it's up to you to renovate, manage and care for the stables and your horses.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Seven challenging gameplay modes, including five never before seen
Over 150 nail-biting levels with new features including branching paths and reflectors
Upgradable power-ups plus exciting ball sets and shooters to unlock
LUXOR 3 takes you on an ethereal journey as you battle the power-hungry god of Chaos to free the essences of other Egyptian gods before they reach the pyramid at the end of their path. Utilize reflectors to make nearly impossible matches, make three matches in a row and release supernatural power-ups, and collect Ankh coins to use for purchasing important upgrades. Plus collect canopic jars to unlock bonus levels and hit elusive Golden Scarabs to discover hidden treasures!
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November 21st, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Become a contestant and play over over 1,000 new crosswords including puzzles from the gameshow
Play your favorite themed puzzles—movies, music, TV shows and more
Become a word wizard and play Monday, Thursday and Sunday puzzles in three difficulty settings
Step up to the podium and play as a contestant on the game show, or in any of four different game modes including Timed Mode and Daily Puzzle
Hosted by TV game show host Ty Treadway
From the Emmy®- winning creator of Wheel of Fortune® and Jeopardy!®
Merv Griffin's Crosswords™ combines over a thousand unique and challenging crossword puzzles with fast-paced game show action in an incredibly addictive and entertaining game for the whole family.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Created by Harmonix, the leading developer of music-based games, Rock Band is the ultimate platform for gamers to experience music, giving players the chance to rock out in the shoes of the biggest guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers of all time – as a solo superstar or as part of a hard rocking band. Built on unprecedented deals with top record labels and music publishers, the music featured in Rock Band spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists.
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2 is a standalone software product that allows owners of Rock Band Special Edition and Rock Band 2 Special Edition or Rock Band (1 or 2) peripherals to keep the party going with more hit songs from the pantheon of rock music, hand-picked with care by Harmonix.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Nintendo Wii Speak Wii Accessory. With the new Wii Speak Accessory, it's like you're all in the same room. The microphone sits atop the sensor bar and picks up the conversation of everyone in the room to encourage a more inclusive experience. Compatible with Animal Crossing: City Folk. The Wii Speak accessory requires an online connection.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Song-sharing with the original Guitar Hero: On Tour
Travel back through time – Shred to classic songs from the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and today. Play in exclusive, brand new venues set through the course of history, inspired by the most important rock trends of the last 40 years.
Mastering the tracks – Rock out to the biggest selection of music ever on DS with all master tracks from the defining artists of their era including Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bon Jovi, REM, Queen and many more.
Customize characters – Rock out with outfits from throughout the ages, defining the best and most outrageous clothing trends in rock history.
Choose your path – Play through any one of three different career paths each with their own story: Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, and Guitar Duel.
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades leverages the technology developed for Guitar Hero: On Tour and expands the experience with a new progression that takes the player through a rock ‘n’ roll journey from today’s rock all the way to the classics of the 70s. With a new library of music, new and improved characters and venues, fully updated UI, and backwards compatibility, the game delivers a portable way for gamers to play through the history of rock.
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November 21st, 2008, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster

These mini wiimote novelty keychains have a unique function—it can shine an image of your favorite Mario-Kart character on the wall at the push of a button. Fans can collect six different versions that feature Luigi, Wario, Princess Peach, Yoshi and Baby Mario—but I wouldn't expect Mario to come flying out of the woodwork on a kart to save you when you shine the signal. Yup, your only hope is that Ron Jeremy happens you be driving past you on a moped while you are getting mugged. Available for $6
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November 21st, 2008, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
With Nintendo's supply of Wiis having remaining spectacularly insufficient for over two years now, we've considerably streamlined our process of blogging about the supremely successful system's shortages. Oh yes, it's all done by the computer now. We just plug in the names, the quote and some other snippets of relevant information.
[NAME: Carlson, David], who is the [Position: CFO] of [Company: Gamestop] has predicted another Christmas marked by shelf scouring and anguished cries, noting that Nintendo's sought-after sellout and [ADDITION: its Balance Board peripheral] would likely be out of stock by then. [QUOTE:"Wii Fit is in very, very short supply. It sells through as quickly as it hits the stores,"] he said. [And although the Wii hardware is in very good supply right now we believe it may as well be out of stock by the holiday season."]
Don't worry, all good things come to those who wait. And if you wait long enough, there might be something other than [EASY TARGET: Wii Music] to entertain you on your new toy.
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November 21st, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Tomy is transferring their party toy into a party game for WiiWare scheduled to come out next Tuesday. Pop-up Pirate Wii has players rotate the barrel with the D-pad and slide sword into the barrel until Blackbeard the pirate pops up. If you see him or alternatively an assigned Mii you’re out of the game.
Pop-up Pirate might be a strange choice for WiiWare, but this isn’t the first kids toy to WiiWare conversion. Earlier this year Namco Bandai released Ouchi de Mugen Puchi Puchi Wii on WiiWare. Their game is based off a pocket sized bubble wrap popping toy.
Other WiiWare games coming out in Japan on November 25 are Pokers Wii, a card/puzzle game from Milestone, and @Simple Series Vol. 2 The Number Puzzle neo. All of these games cost 500 Wii Points ($5). Yeah, WiiWare in Japan isn’t as exciting as North America. Instead of getting Art Style games which were developed by Nintendo in Japan, WiiWare is mostly a home for quirky titles and an endless supply of puzzle games.
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November 22nd, 2008, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:01 Posted By: wraggster
The best thing about Japan's Club Nintendo? The occasional very cool branded merchandise, but, mostly, the exclusive games. Now there's a glimmer of hope that one of the most popular of these may be offered as a loyalty prize by the new North American chapter of the Club.
We're talking about the Game & Watch Collection, which has only been available in Japan ... or for those willing to pay for it on eBay and various online retailers to the tune of $40 and up. But now the game has been rated by the ESRB (it got an "E" rating, not surprisingly) leading to the inevitable conclusion / wishful thinking that it will be available in the States for some amount of Club Nintendo points.
The collection brings together re-creations of three classic Nintendo Game & Watch LCD games: Donkey Kong, Oil Panic, and Green House.
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
Time ebbs and flows in Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Starry Sky. Like the recent DS remakes Dragon Quest IX will adopt the time cycle system. As you wander around the overworld the sun rises and sets which changes the look of the world. But, this is more than a cosmetic effect.
Dragon Quest veterans know the towns change at night too. Some NPCs go to sleep and others appear. Dragon Quest IX uses the same system and wide palette of colors like to simulate a real sun. After playing so many brown washed games on consoles it’s refreshing to see colors, lots and lots of bright colors.
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA on Thursday announced the red hot Collector's Edition for The House of the Dead: Overkill for release in North American and PAL territories. This premium edition of The House of the Dead: OVERKILL arrives encased in an exclusive collector's slipcase and is accompanied by an exclusive graphic novel. It will only be available through selected retailers as a pre-order bonus.
"Prelude to an Overkill" tells the fateful stories of Agent Washington and Varla Gunns, on the night before the violent and shocking events of the game. Illustrated by Steve Copter, of dissident punk band 'Black Mekon' (www.myspace.com/blackmekon), this specially-commissioned comic is only available in The House of the Dead: Overkill Collector's Edition.
The House of the Dead: Overkill puts players in the shoes of Special Agent G and Detective Washington. Whilst mowing down waves of infected blood-thirsty zombies in a last-ditch effort to survive Bayou City, gamers uncover the horrific truth behind the origins of the House of the Dead.
The House of the Dead: Overkill will be released in February 2009, exclusively for Wii.
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cashman
Wii Quizz is an homebrew that let you answer to various quizz. You can play lots of quizz mode (other mode will be added in the future). This game features French quizz questions.
Now, each Wii Remote has got his pointer at the screen. But, only controller 1 can control the game.
Add an introduction of CashMan's Productions at the boot of the homebrew.
The Homebrew return now to the Wii Menu but without the Advertisment Screen if he is boot from a channel.
Add title.txt for the Wii Homebrew Launcher.
Add title.png for the Wii Homebrew Launcher.
Some improvements and corrections.
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
christian.remboldt aka linus presents its new version WiiCM.
As a reminder, Wiicm manager is a cheat code to use with WiiRd codes and codes GeckoOS \ Ocarina.
Save the TXT cheat for every game in a répertaire / txtcodes / root SD card. WiiCM will let you choose what code you want to or not.
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
Wow, has it really been four years since the arrival of the DS (in the US)? We suppose it's not too hard to believe, since the system has evolved from an awkward, gimmicky system anchored by a Nintendo 64 port to one of the most successful and influential consoles of all time. And it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, thanks to occasional product refreshes (and an unprecedented, constant rush of brilliant games)
We suggest celebrating the best system ever today by going back and playing some of those launch titles. Feel the Magic: XY/XX is still as weird now as it was then!
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November 23rd, 2008, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.
22/11/2008 Version 0.92
Added check if new version is available
Solved some minor reported bugs
Added GNU GPL2 statement in source code
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November 23rd, 2008, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible
22/11/2008 Version 0.5
Added check if new version is available
Added animated screen icons
Solved some minor reported bugs
Added GNU GPL2 statement in source code
Content update:
- Added france translation
- Corrected some wrong answers (Thanks Donsch)
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November 23rd, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from georgp24
BCX is called "The BASIC To C Translator". This means that BASIC code is converted to C. After that the resulting C code is compiled with the devKitPro toolchain with all the libraries like a normal Wiibrew application.
You have to have a bit of C knowledge to use BCX since you sometimes have to inspect the resulting C code.
BCX has been developed by Kevin Diggins BCX for Windows
The package for download here describes how to use it for WII development.
How to use
The package includes a tutorial and several samples showing how to use BCX in console mode, graphics with GRRLIB, keyboard and file support.
BCX is 100% FREEWARE for personal and professional use! So is this package of BCX for the WII.
2008-11-22, v1.0: Initial release
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November 23rd, 2008, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Emu_Kidid, Sepp256 and Tehpola working on porting the emulator pcsx on Wii "WiiSX" just taken a new revision WIP 57, we note the main novelty for the sound but the emulator is far from stable
Here is the list of goal updated a few hours ago:
* Track down nasty bug Interpreter (always WIP)
* ALL Fix Missing Graphics (Endian?) Issues (Done?)
* Software Rendered Graphics (WIP)
* Graphical User Interface
* Dynamic Rebuilding (After the above is completed)
* Hardware Accelerated Graphics
* Sound (WIP, XA not working all the time?)
* Input (Gamecube Controller supported for now)
* Native Saves (to FAT / TM) (SD only so far)
* DVD Storage & Loading FAT (FAT for now)
* Rumble Support
* Save States (to SD)
* Progressive / Screen Resolution
* Light gun support
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November 23rd, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
So Reggie Fils-Aime popped off to Forbes this past week, saying developers should shoulder the blame for the shovelware rep richly earned by the Wii games lineup. Many third-party publishers don't get the Wii audience, Reggie said, and finger-pointed at publishers' reluctance to bring games that have done well on other consoles over to the Wii.
"I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform," he says. "And with very few exceptions today, that's not the case."
I know what you're thinkin'. Yep, don't worry, someone's already got this covered. He writes for the Dallas Morning News.
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bigs
REminiscence is a remake of the Flashback game engine. I did port it from http://cyxdown.free.fr/reminiscence/. I will setup a page there http://wii.bigs.fr soon.
You need to own an original version of Flashback to play. You will need the original files, here is the required list :
Put all of them in "DATA" directory.
If you have a version distributed by SSI, you'll have to rename some files :
logosssi.cmd -> logos.cmd logosssi.pol -> logos.pol menu1ssi.map -> menu1.map menu1ssi.pal -> menu1.pal
In order to hear music, you'll need the original music files (.mod) of the amiga version. Copy them to the DATA directory and rename them like this :
mod.flashback-ascenseur mod.flashback-ceinturea mod.flashback-chute mod.flashback-desintegr mod.flashback-donneobjt mod.flashback-fin mod.flashback-fin2 mod.flashback-game_over mod.flashback-holocube mod.flashback-introb mod.flashback-jungle mod.flashback-logo mod.flashback-memoire mod.flashback-missionca mod.flashback-options1 mod.flashback-options2 mod.flashback-reunion mod.flashback-taxi mod.flashback-teleport2 mod.flashback-teleporta mod.flashback-voyage
Feel free to repport bugs to bigs at zapoi dot fr
v0.90 08/11/23
Sound is much better, ...not perfect yet...
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Frezzy has concocted a text editor synpathique and truly comprehensive for the Nintendo DS, "WordDS" available in German and English.
v0.1 - First Release
* Text editing:
- Typeface (Arial, Times New Roman, Chinyen, Courier New, Flubber, Viner Hand ITC)
- Fontsize (from 1 until 7)
- Fontcolor (black, gray, orange, blue, red, pink, purple, green)
- Text alignment (left, right, center, justify)
- Way of writing (bold, italic, underlined, normal)
- Attention! The text editing will not be visible on the Nintendo DS, only on the computer!
* The keyboard contains the alphabet and all additional character
* The maximum text size amounts 623 characters per document
* The maximum filename length amounts 16 characters (without file extension)
* Some bugfixes
* 5 new typefaces (Calligraph421 BT, Digifit, Asimov, Candles, Gazzerelli, Fingerpop)
* 216 are selectable fontcolor
* Added 216 selectable pagecolor
* Added a character counter
* Added a word count
- Attention! The word counter does not count the real number of words, it assumes that a word is averagely about 6 character long!
known bugs:
* The opening of files does not work yet
* Editing of the text more shares does not work
* The text size is too small
things planned for version 0.3:
* To enable the opening of files which are created by WordDS
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via GXMod
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November 24th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume will launch in Europe in spring 2009.
The title is the first game in developer tri-Ace's series to release for DS, and publisher Square Enix says it pushes the handheld to "its limits in terms of production and game-play whilst delivering an amazing strategic RPG gaming experience".
Featuring "an innovative tactical battle system" and multiple game chapters and endings, Covenant of the Plume follows the story of the young soldier called Wylfred who seeks revenge against the Valkyries who took his father's life.
"We are delighted to [be] bringing a new instalment to Europe of the critically acclaimed Valkyrie Profile series," said Square Enix CEO John Yamamoto. "We hope fans will enjoy the captivating story of Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume on their Nintendo DS."
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November 24th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Combine the high quality of smooth XCM cases for NDS Lite with advanced overclocking functions with XCM Hyber Gear Lite. Twice the fun, double the challenge!
This is a Nintendo DS Lite case replacement that also adds an overclocking feature to speed up games.
This will allow you to play games faster and experience a new level of gameplay not previously available. Imagine playing super mario in hyper mode or playing RPGs at almost twice the speed as normal.
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November 24th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Turn your NDS Lite console into a bright yellow Chocobo with this protector case.
The package takes care of all your needs by providing you with a matching sunny yellow touch pen and a book mark shaped screen cleaner. The pen's point remain rounded after wear and tear and would never scratch your touch screen.
Adjust the length of the pen to the size of your hand. Pull it out to lengthen it for an easier grip, push it back together and store it in the touch pen space beneath your DS when you are done.
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November 24th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster

Every year, as it gets cold, many of us put our faithful two wheeled companion away for the winter. Despite that, there have been a veritable smorgasbord of bicycle related projects posted to instructables this last week. In honor of our human powered transportation, lets take a peak at a few projects.
Bicycle safety is always paramount. They can be fairly difficult to see compared to a car. There are many ways to make them easier to spot, such as wrapping them in reflective material, or adding blinking tail lights. Even if people do see us, they often have no idea where we are planning on going. To remedy this, we can always add turn signals. It can also be hard to see where you are going at times. Adding a head light, or helmet light can really help. If you’re not a big fan of LEDs and want a little retro flair, you can always add an oil lamp.
For those who live in warmer climates, or just can’t give up their bicycles, you may wish to add some festive decorations. Covering your bike in Christmas lights doesn’t look too difficult, and a CFL lit wheel is a cheap way of adding some cool effects.
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November 24th, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
"The challenge we face is that that consumer gets 'Wii Sports' right out of the box and that's a sports experience that's good enough for a lot of people," EA Sports president Peter Moore told MTV Multiplayer. "That is a challenge for us at times."
That's the explanation for the notable disparity in sales between EA Sports titles aimed at the casual-friendly Wii, and those released on other systems. While selling over two million copies on PS2, Xbox 360 and PS3 combined last August, Madden NFL 08 managed around 100,000 copies on the Wii. Moore seems pleased with the success among the hardcore and sees indications of a "very strong multi-console ownership," but admits that there is work yet to be done. "We're going to keep pounding away," he said. "We know what we were doing wrong."
Well, that's easy then. Stop doing that. You can hire us at your earliest convenience, Mr. Moore.
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November 24th, 2008, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Now hold on just a minute. First we get to pick Chrono Trigger as the most exciting game release of the week, then we get to make a Boogerman joke in our headline? Are we crazy, or do we work at Ultra Game Players magazine in the year 1995? Where's Bill Donahue? Where's our Skullbat?
No pinching necessary, we're not dreaming: Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) really is the Virtual Console release of the week. As for the game itself, It's ... well, it's exactly what it sounds like. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to hit a late matinee of Waterworld.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A variety of special maneuvers help you move quickly through tricky situations. "Quick Step" allows you to dodge obstacles by instantly moving left or right without losing speed; "Speed Drift" will maintain top speeds through turns, while "Sonic Boost" will accelerate you to super speeds!
Sonic Unleashed delivers a revolutionary gameplay experience, combining picturesque graphics with seamless transitions between 3D and classic 2D perspectives
Many unique and fascinating continents let you explore a variety of environments - sprint across cobbled streets, race through lush jungles and much more
Choose from multiple pathways in Sonic's massive new playground. Each unique route offers different encounters with varying rewards and obstacles
Sonic is in a Race against Time to Save the World... and Himself!
Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!
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November 24th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Multigenerational storyline lets you play as your child!
Befriend monsters to help on your farm!
Exciting new gameplay modes via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!
Upgrade your skills and forge your own powerful weapons and tools!
The evil Sechs Empire has been defeated, and the Kingdom of Norad is once again at peace. Things may not stay that way for long, however, as dark premonitions foretell of dangers to come. It’s up to the player to uncover the source of these premonitions and bring peace to the kingdom once more.
Over the course of the story, players will build and develop a farm, befriend townspeople, raise monsters, take on quests, and find a wife. Rune Factory 2 offers innovative Touch Screen controls, easy-to-use menus, and an all-new compelling storyline.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

30 chapters, 30+ hours of gameplay — The newest chapter of the Luminous Arc story features new and returning characters, gorgeous visuals, multiple endings, and even more challenging strategy gameplay.
Brand new content and enhancements — Sporting a more refined interface, rebalanced strategy features, responsive touch controls, and many more improvements, Luminous Arc 2 provides a gaming experience that builds upon the success of the original in every way.
"Engagement" system — Connect with your Witch allies by "engaging" to boost Roland’s stats and give him access to powerful combat skills.
Take the battle online — Pit your strategic mettle over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection against strategy fans all across North America.
For most of the past four millennia, peace has reigned over the Kingdom of Carnava. "The Magic Kingdom" has flourished due to its close cooperation with the Witches of the Rev Magic Association and the ever-present usage of magic. Unfortunately, the era of peace has come to an end. Fatima, the Shadow Frost Witch, broke from the Magic Association three years ago and has attacked magic facilities across the kingdom ever since. This infighting, dubbed the "Witch Conflict", has pushed Carnava to the brink of chaos. When the young squire Roland gains magnificent powers due to a chance encounter, Sophia, the Queen of Carnava, calls upon him to bring about an end to the discord.
Special Extras:
Every single copy of Luminous Arc 2 will come with a soundtrack CD, packaged along with the game in a special oversized box.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Battle your way through 7 intense combat missions
Play as your favorite Metal Slug character
All new Combat School Mode featuring 80 training missions
New Slugs and Enemies!
Metal Slug 7 continues to deliver an explosive fast-paced action-shooting game fans have loved for over a decade. Play as your favorite Metal Slug character as you wreak havoc on new enemies while navigating through traps and puzzles. And, with new Slug Vehicles like the Slug Flyer, you’ll deliver maximum destruction and devastation with a single click of a button!
Players will join Marco, Tarma, Eri, Fiolina, Clark and Ralph as they prepare to take on Modern's Forces across 7 new missions that will bring them from Garbage Island to the Fortress of Ruins and beyond. Aside from featuring 7 brand new and fully detailed missions and six playable characters, Metal Slug 7 will also feature a host of new weapons, colossal new bosses, new Slugs to pilot and new gameplay modes for added replay value.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Select from many of your all time favorite characters designed by Takeshi Obata
Gorgeous characters and 3D environments rendered beautifully on the Wii
Battle across several stages with environmental elements you can use to your advantage in battle
Engage in head to head battle via Wi-Fi connectivity
The battle between good and evil continues with Castlevania Judgment, the first Castlevania title for the Wii. Castlevania Judgment brings together the many generations of heroic vampire hunters, including the fearsome Belmont clan, as well as Dracula's most formidable allies, and pits them against one another in the first Castlevania fighting game ever created. Choose sides from a collection of 14 battle-tested warriors in a clash of epic proportions that will span the depths of time. Using the motion-sensing controls of the Nunchuk and Wii Remote, you can slash, stab and whip your way across a variety of stages and environmental elements with various surrounding objects as weapons. Select characters can also set traps and make use of monsters on the field to achieve victory in a clash of epic proportions.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:
The Wii Remote is your universal cooking utensil, putting you in total control of the cooking action as you chop, grate, slice, stir, roll and much more! Hold and point it in many different ways depending on the task to get the real sensation of cooking in a kitchen!
Mama and friends look glorious in all new 3D graphics!
More than 50 all-new recipes including: potato salad, California Roll, parfait, ginger pork, shrimp au gratin, fruit jello and many more
Cook off against friends in competitive 2 player split screen mode
Team up with a real or in game friend to prepare ingredients in the new cooperative play mode
New gameplay mechanic integrates Wii Remote utensil play with additional rhythm and motion that makes cooking easier and more enjoyable
Share the cooking experience with Mama and all of her friends since everyone can now prepare meals in Mama's kitchen. Mama's friends will evaluate your meal once it's made so put in the extra effort to satisfy these finicky tasters
New kitchen surprises in the form of comedic mini-games (i.e. flip a burger up in the air and Mama's dog will run in and snatch it away; toss a pancake and control Mama as she runs in to save it with an apron catch)
Save these surprise animations in an album you can review after gameplay
Real-time effects make you feel like you're actually cooking. Adjust your timing and make decisions about your next course of action based on what you see on screen (i.e. if food is starting to look burned, quickly remove it from the burner, etc.)
Earn bronze, silver, and gold medals from Mama in Let's Cook mode based on the quality of your cooking
Mama is still cookin'! In her Wii sequel, Mama brings a lot more to the table, including all new 3D graphics, new recipes, comedic kitchen minigames, new gameplay modes and much more!
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November 25th, 2008, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

40 all new hit songs from the 70s to today
Perfect for parties and social gatherings with multiple game modes for up to 8 players
Proprietary technology accurately recognizes and scores vocal pitch and rhythm
Create your own look with customizable accessories
Improved animation system brings judges right into your living room
Become a singing sensation with Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2 featuring all-new customizable characters and downloadable songs.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play as one of 12 real pro bull riders or 12 real butt kicking bulls
Win the 10-event PBR Championship and make it to the World Finals in Vegas
Compete in Rider vs. Bull mode against a friend where one of you is a rider and the other is the bull
Start a career as your own customized character in career mode
Become the overall best rider or bull in multiplayer games by having the most wins or become part of the Millionaires Club
Get all the bone-crunching excitement and edge-of-your-seat suspense of professional bull riding without leaving your home. PBR: Out of the Chute captures all the adrenaline and challenge of the Toughest Sport on Dirt. The game lets you play as a pro bull rider or as a bull in multiple events leading up to the World Finals. Create your own character and compete as a professional rider or a tenacious bull throughout 10 three-round events in multiple locations, including New York, Anaheim, and Atlanta. Challenge or play as top riders, including Guilherme Marchi, Justin McBride, and Chris Shivers, or play as one of the tour's ferocious bulls. Unlimited play modes test your skills in either staying on for at least eight seconds or bucking off the rider before his time is up and Season Mode features unlockable riders and bulls. Become the best rider or bull in multiplayer by having the most "wins," or become part of the Millionaire's Club by beating some of the meanest, toughest bulls in the history of the PBR. Intuitive controls and multiple difficulty levels allow anyone to pick up and play and realistic sounds from screaming crowds to bone-crunching falls max out the realism.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Great for kids 7-10 and perfect for family play
Multi player capability
40 I spy riddles in 10 unique environments
Scavenger hunt games
3D immersive environments
Ultimate I Spy combines seek-and-find gameplay with the unique capabilities of the Wii gaming system. It is great for kids 7-10 and perfect for family play. I Spy is a multi player game with over 20 hours of gameplay and includes 40 I spy riddles in 10 unique environments. With its 3D immersive environment and scavenger hunts, you can link up with your friends to enjoy all the action in each game.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force introduces kids to all new adventures in the Club Penguin world, giving players a chance to complete secret agent missions, solve mysteries and connect with friends in new ways. The game allows players to take on the role of a covert agent in the Elite Penguin Force. Players embark on missions utilizing familiar and all-new gadgets, accessories, vehicles and locations to investigate mysterious events in the Club Penguin world. Club Penguin for Nintendo DS includes Disney’s DGamer allowing kids to engage with other Disney game players in a secure online community whether at home or on the go via their Nintendo DS or home computer.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play guitar and drums in 4 game modes using the Nintendo DS stylus or buttons
Treat your ears to a tracklist loaded with worldwide hits like: Beat It, In the Shadow, Girlfriend, Message in a Bottle, What’s My Age Again, Rock You like a Hurricane, Smoke on the Water, Underclass Hero, You Really Got Me,The River, If Everyone Cared, Who Knew, and more!
A game full of surprises that will challenge all players, from beginners to pros of the musical game genre
An intense multiplayer mode to challenge your friends on the same instrument or bring together a band in cooperative mode
A roller-coaster career mode that takes you from a small garage to the biggest stadiums!
With Guitar Rock Tour you can perform the guitar and drum tracks of the most popular worldwide hits on your NintendoDS and live the most explosive musical experience on the DS! Targeted for all audiences, Guitar Rock Tour features solo and multiplayer modes where beginners can have loads of fun right from the start and fans of music games can discover plenty of nuances. Without any musical knowledge, learn how to quickly master the basic controls of each instrument by using the Nintendo DS’s Touch Screen or buttons and kick off your career as a rock star!
Keep your cool in front of a hyped-up crowd and follow the beat so the guitar (or the drums, depending on your choice of instruments) is synchronized with the other instruments in the band and you’ll get the rush of playing like a rock god!
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November 25th, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Choose your personal coach from six of Allen Carr?s experts, and your coach will give you personalized advice and tips based on your smoking habits and history
A fun way to help you dispel the illusions about nicotine addiction
Using the Path to Freedom meter, track your progress as you move from dependence to freedom
Once you've quit, you can still play the game and measure the daily benefits you get from your new life without cigarettes
Takes Allen Carr's method takes the method to a new level by simultaneously entertaining and challenging the player, a truly interactive approach and more efficient learning process that enables the player to quit smoking more easily
Do you want to quit smoking but worry that you lack the willpower? Discover a game that brings the successful Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking method to an exciting interactive platform: Nintendo DS. Now smokers striving to break their nicotine addiction have instant access to an expert they can put in their pocket. Developed in conjunction with Allen Carr's experts, My Stop Smoking Coach with Allen Carr uses eye-opening lessons alongside fun and interactive games to uncover the many illusions preventing smokers from quitting.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Choose from over 10 distinct robot units with specialized skills and weapons all with their own distinct attitudes and personalities
Over 20 groundbreaking weapon types with spectacular visual effects, including, Converter Cannons, Falling Anvils, Head-Crack’n Gauntlet and Digitizers
Simplified controls and innovative Action Flag system reduces the complexity of commanding units. No buttons – just point and tap
2 to 4 multiplayer Wireless DS Multi-card Play – Play head to head or co-op with unique maps, multiple play modes and Hall of Fame
Courageous Heroes embody powerful abilities and can be controlled directly in combat. Rampage Mode, Conversion (turn enemies into refrigerators) and Leadership (unite soldiers into a single fighting unit) are just a few of their supreme capabilities
Robocalypse™ is an innovative real-time strategy developed specifically for the Nintendo DS™. Featuring robotic armies equipped with unique weaponry, Robocalypse offers deep strategic warfare and a twist of humor. Up to 4 players can compete head to head in wireless multiplayer matches or you can lead an army to victory in the comical single player storymode campaign penned by Jay Lender (SpongeBob Squarepants™) and Micah Wright. Take on the world of Robocalypse...only on the Nintendo DS.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

IGN Best of E3 2008 - Winner of Best Sports Game, Nintendo DS
1UP.com Best of E3 2008 - Runner-Up Best DS Game
Choose your team colors, emblems, player names, team cities and abilities
Play against your friends across the country or across the room
Choose from 32 different teams across the country
All-new cut-scenes showing off the dramatic presentation of various plays
Tactical use of the abilities will devastate the opposition
Feel the action as you use the stylus to control your player
Choose four running and four passing plays to your liking
Turn up the heat on your opponent as you play the game to rock ‘n’ roll remixes of the most memorable tunes in football gaming history!
Hut! Hut! Hut!.......Hike!
It’s back! The legendary Tecmo Bowl makes a rush between the tackles to pound its way onto the Nintendo DS™ in Tecmo Bowl®: Kickoff.
With features such as full customization of teams, WiFi and wireless play, optional stylus control, super abilities like the Rocket Pass and 32 teams to choose from, Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff is a sure bet for effortless and enjoyable arcade-style fun!
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November 25th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
After already seeing a release in Japan and Europe, Space Invaders: Get Even finally gets a release date in North America. Square Enix sent over an e-mail confirming the point-and-click shooting game is scheduled to come out on December 1st.
For 500 Wii Points ($5) you get a one mission, three stage Space Invaders: Get Even base pack that has players shoot down replicas of Tokyo Tower and battle a giant tank boss. Space Invaders: Get Even feels sort of like a light gun game since you point at the screen to fire space invaders like lasers beams. You can also change the formation of the invaders into a giant drill or a bouncing spring. Pretty fun, but very short. If you want to extend the game, and if you purchase the base pack you will, each two mission expansion costs 500 Wii Points.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Remember how Square Enix added a new ending to Chrono Trigger DS? Well, here it is in English a day before the game comes out in North America thanks to a reader tip from Ryan. Do not watch this video if you were planning on picking up Chrono Trigger and want to discover it yourself. Since it’s a video of the ending and a new boss it’s chock full of spoilers.
This is your chance to turn back!
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November 25th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from Nuke
Link has released version 0.9.2 of the WiiRD console Client which fixes a Major bug, and adds 2 new commands which he has been working on.
The bug fix which sometimes caused the GUI to stop working was caused by a threading issue which had now been resolved.
The 2 new features are Watchlist and Multipeek, which are really awesome features for Game hackers.
Please note the GUI has not been updated, it is just the console, but plans to add to the GUI are planned.
You can read more at the WiiRD Blog and also don’t forgot to register at the WiiRD forum.
While i’m posting a couple of points i want to make which i’ve been asked, is will ocarina cheats work on Gecko 2.0?. Yes they will of course. Also WiiRD will be compatible with Gecko 2.0 as well as the Gecko 2.0 client, it is just more options for users.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marcan
So I said that the Twilight Hack was gone and probably wouldn’t be coming back.
Good thing I left that probably in there.
Yes, they screwed up the anti-Twilight Hack check. Again.
There’s not much point in us publishing a detailed explanation on where the problems are this time around. It comes down to nothing remarkable anyway - just more stupid, silly bugs. They fixed some and added more. We didn’t look much this time because we thought that, well, they really couldn’t have screwed it up this time, could they? As it turns out, you didn’t even have to look at the code to figure out that something was wrong. Someone tried to copy the Twilight Hack out of a 3.3 Wii and into a 3.4 Wii. Go ahead, try it. It doesn’t quite work (it crashes the game when used), but the save copies. Oops. Props to Krusty for pointing this out.
Will this finally be the last release of the Twilight Hack? Will Nintendo finally manage to beat it into the ground? Third time’s the charm, maybe? We don’t know.
Enjoy: Twilight Hack v0.1-beta2 (special 3.4 edition)
Notes: This is for 3.4 ONLY. 3.3 and earlier users should continue with the v0.1-beta1 Twilight Hack. The hacked savefile will be deleted on every boot, so you should copy it, run Zelda, and immediately install HBC, as the hack will be gone once you go back to the System Menu (and then you’ll have to copy it again to use it again). JAP and PAL are untested but ought to work.
Also, this in no way implies that updating is a good idea. It’s not. Don’t do it.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
It's going to be a very merry Christmas for the employees of Nintendo Australia off the back of some stunning sales figures for the region over the past financial year.
Independent research by GfK Australia, which supplied the latest figures, has shown that the Nintendo DS currently has an install base in Australia of more than 1.5 million units. According to a press release by Nintendo Australia itself, this makes Nintendo DS the fastest selling console to reach this milestone in 194 weeks. Similarly Wii has reached the milestone of 750,000 units sell through in 102 weeks, making Wii the fastest selling console to hit this mark.
Also of note, Wii Music appears to be doing surpringly solid business in Australia too - selling through more than 28,000 copies to date. Wii Fit continues to hold top sales figures for 12 consecutive weeks following launch; and last week, week 46 2008, was the biggest selling week on record for Wii, with Wii selling through more than 35,000 units.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
It's going to be a very merry Christmas for the employees of Nintendo Australia off the back of some stunning sales figures for the region over the past financial year.
Independent research by GfK Australia, which supplied the latest figures, has shown that the Nintendo DS currently has an install base in Australia of more than 1.5 million units. According to a press release by Nintendo Australia itself, this makes Nintendo DS the fastest selling console to reach this milestone in 194 weeks. Similarly Wii has reached the milestone of 750,000 units sell through in 102 weeks, making Wii the fastest selling console to hit this mark.
Also of note, Wii Music appears to be doing surpringly solid business in Australia too - selling through more than 28,000 copies to date. Wii Fit continues to hold top sales figures for 12 consecutive weeks following launch; and last week, week 46 2008, was the biggest selling week on record for Wii, with Wii selling through more than 35,000 units.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xeron
HiivelyPlay is an AHX/HVL module player with Wiimote and FrontSD support.
Updated to the latest HivelyTracker replayer
Now has a graphical interface
Point & click with the wiimote
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November 25th, 2008, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
GxGeo is a port of the open-source GnGeo emulator, originally coded by pepone. This is a Neo-Geo AES/MVS emulator.
23/11/2008 (latest)
Today I am happy enough with GxGeo to release it, the source code is a mess so I if you'd like it ask me for it - I'd rather not spread messy code and bad examples
I have only tested this release on a PAL SDTV but it should fit on an NTSC SDTV, no idea about HDTV hehe
There are still some sound issues, maybe just with PAL.. I'm not sure, more testing is required
This release will boot some large ROMs but not all of them will run at full speed - Metal Slug 2 is one of these
Larger ROMs (Metal Slug 3) will still not load - some kind of paging system is required 
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November 25th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Guglo we introduced the game: Aspirin.
This game is a port of a game conducted on TI-89, he played with the Wiimote as a controller NES.
This homebrew has no sound, it is written with libOGC, GRRlib, libfat and PNGU.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible
24/11/2008 Version 0.51
Added check if new version is available.
Added animated screen icons
Solved some minor reported bugs
Content update:
- Added 100 english questions (4 topics).
- Added 10 dutch questions (1 topic).
- Added 10 german questions (1 topic).
- Added french translation.
- Corrected some wrong answers.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEW R6 Gold ONE released
more info : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,5441.0.html
the MK-R6 Gold 2008 SPEC:
* 1:1 original NDS cart size
* Support ALL version of NDS & Lite
* Simple PLUG and PLAY
* Drag and Drop, not need any extra patch
* NDS brightness adjustable
* Support Auto Sleep Mode
* Build in MagicKey pass2 function
* Build in 4K/64K/256K/512K/2M/4M REAL EEPROM Save
* Build in upgradeable BIOS flash
* Perfect DLDI low-level support, not need DLDI patch in advance, support DS-Linux directly
* Support homebrew, like MoonShell 1.71
* Suitable for MicroSD (TF) and SDHC, up to 256GB
* Support NDS/NDSL Rumble Pack function
* Build in X,Y,Z 3-axis high speed accelerometer
* Support Motion Menu function
This version is the lite version of R6 GOLD, just come with one R6 GOLD cart, and sale at cheaper price.
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November 25th, 2008, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via dsscene
NightFox has released the 2nd beta of his current puzzle game Mind Maze. Mind Maze consists of a bunch of mini-games, all of which are puzzle orientated. The concept is similar in execution to the classic DS homebrew game Puzzle Mania. Featured mini-games include slide, memory and maze puzzles, with extra games being added to the project as time goes by. Overall the game is shaping up quite nicely now so it's worth giving it a try.
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November 25th, 2008, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
Rodrigues proposes a new unofficial version of the famous player Mplayer passing opportunity for the release 19, version 0.07.4.
As its name suggests, this version supports DVD / SD / SDHC / SMB and should no longer blocking in browsing files in DVD (buttons right / left). In addition, network caching and streaming via SMB have been improved.
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November 25th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has cleared up confusion over second-hand sales of the new Wii Speak peripheral.
MTV multiplayer recently reported that each peripheral comes with a special code. These codes, said the article, were to be used to access the new Wii Speak channel, and could be replaced if lost or stolen. Uproar ensued as various bits of the internet accused Nintendo of trying to stop second-hand sales of Wii Speak.
However, a Nintendo UK representative has now told Eurogamer there's nothing to worry about.
"Nintendo can confirm that when consumers purchase the Wii Speak accessory, they are provided with a Wii Download Ticket with a unique number. The ticket, which can be redeemed via the Wii Shop Channel, will enable the user to download the Wii Speak Channel free of charge to a single Wii console," the representative stated.
"Any consumer who may have misplaced their Wii Download Ticket number for the Wii Speak Channel or require a new number following a Wii exchange may contact their local Nintendo Customer Services department, where they can request a replacement Wii Download Ticket number."
So in other words, if you buy a Wii Speak for your Wii you get a Wii code for the Wii Speak channel, and you can get a Wii replacement if you Wii lose it or Wii buy a second-hand Wii Speak without the original Wii code. Wii thank goodness for that.
The Wii Speak microphone and speaker accessory is out on 5th December, priced at around GBP 25. For GBP 59 you can buy it bundled with Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, which is out the same day.
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November 25th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget

Images from Kotaku
If you haven't succumbed to the DS Lite's embrace by now, we're not sure this pair of bundles will do the trick, and if you already have a DS Lite in your posse you're probably waiting impatiently for the DSi to traipse on over Stateside. Still, we can't begrudge Nintendo's God-given right to bundle, and this Ice Blue Brain Age set (with custom carrying case!) and Mario Red New Super Mario Bros set (pictured, with emblazoned "M" logo!) aren't exactly unattractive. Both are being released this Friday -- that Friday -- for $150. The Brain Age bundle is pictured after the break.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry, the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days DSi won’t be the first limited edition Nintendo DSi. Square Enix plans to release another limited edition DSi in Japan this January to commemorate the release of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. The unit will be white in color, have the game’s logo on it, and a cat illustration. Unfortunately, Square Enix didn’t release any pictures of the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time Crystal Chronicles Edition (wow that’s a long name…) handheld so you’re going to have to use your imagination now.
The FFCC: Echoes of Time DSi will be bundled with the DS version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time in a package that costs 23,940 yen ($240). Chances are this won’t get a release in North America especially if Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time comes out before the Nintendo DSi launches here and it looks like the game is coming soon.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

It has 3M High quality filter,can cleaning the disc automatically and protect your console from dusty too. The individually designed can use them separately according to your needs.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Samba de Amigo has gone a long way from cult Dreamcast classic to full blown Wii Party Game. To commemorate this exciting release on the Wii we're offering fans a chance at an extremely limited edition Samba themed ipod nano, some cool samba maracas peripherals, and the game itself! The judges are looking for the most creative, funny, entertaining or wacky poses ... and there will be 11 big winners! All you have to do is send us a picture of yourself performing what you feel is the best Samba Pose! Have style, shake your Wii Remotes, and have fun!
So you've got your camera and a pose in mind, but you are wondering how to submit and what you need? We've got you covered, read on and submit today!
YOUR PHOTO - The photo must be of the photo submitter and no one else. If you are having difficulty taking photos of yourself, use the buddy system! Have a friend snap a photo of you that you can use for your entry, and then take one of your friend so they can enter. If you like, you can opt to post the photo to our Flickr page once the competition is over!
BE RESPECTFUL - Photos with any obscene or offensive material will not be accepted.
YOU, THE PHOTO SUBMITTER - You must be at least 13 years of age or older and a resident of the US or Canada to participate. In order to post your photo on our website, you must be 18 years or older. Under 18? Get your parent's approval to enter and include their contact information on the registration form.
SENDING YOUR PHOTO: Photos can be sent electronically via this website or by mail. If you’re sending your photo in by mail, please be sure to include your name, address, age, telephone number and e-mail address (see terms and conditions for mailing address). If you’re submitting via this website, just click the link below and follow the instructions. Please only send JPG or BMP files.
PRIZES: We’re awarding prizes to eleven winners; one Grand Prize, four First Prizes, and six Second Prizes. For more information on the prizes themselves, check out the official rules.
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November 25th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

An ergonomic extension that mimics a guitar fret board and fits seamlessly in people’s hands to deliver the same core game play that defines Guitar Hero, it gives players the ability to finger chords in similar fashion as the console version's guitar peripheral.
Specifications :
- Reinventing Guitar Hero for NDS Lite
- Single Player / Multiplayer Modes
- New Guitar Dual Mode: DS Microphone and Touch Screen Attacks
- Personalize your experience with skins, New characters and venues
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November 25th, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jayenkai
Having rummaged through my "leftovers" directory this morning, I plucked out a version of Stringy Things that I'm about 95% sure I haven't previously released!
If you like word games, you'll love this..
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November 26th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Another day, another Wii milestone. Enterbrain reports that the Wii has sold 7 million units in Japan. Kotaku took the opportunity to do some mathematicalz and noticed that sales have slowed down since the last million mark. Typically a sign that Nintendo might conjure up new hardware or pretty colors to reinvigorate consumers.
Not that slowing sales mean much when the Wii retail engine is fed by high-octane jet fuel (and sacrificed kittens). Supplies of Wii are still expected to be tight during the holiday season, with GameStop planning to have issues keeping stock for a third Christmas in a row.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has unleashed a flurry of new art, screens, and information on Suikoden: Tierkrieis, the game that takes the hunt for the 108 Stars of Destiny to the Nintendo DS.
Due out in March of next year, Tierkreis promises all of the gameplay elements fans of the franchise know and love, along with a "rich online community experience" utilizing the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. Players will be able to send their characters on quests that other members of the community will complete for them, basically allowing for a giant community quest-pool. Once your character has made the rounds, they return to your game with a wealth of experience and treasures galore. It's a freaking communal RPG. I love it.
I also love the classic Suikoden art style, which if definitely represented here in all its clean and simple glory.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese publication Famitsu has given another coveted perfect scores. The latest perfecto is 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ a visual novel for the Wii from Chunsoft and SEGA, the second Wii game to receive it.
The story, set in Tokyo's Shibuya, follows a young man, a virus researcher, a detective, a freelance writer and a cat mascot character as they brought together by strange events of global proportions. The visual novel uses photographs to tell the story.
Famitsu seemed most impressed with the game's story, the story's ending and the title's sound design.
This is only the ninth time Famitsu has done this in the last ten years. And the third time this year. (Feel free to connect those dots yourself!) The other titles scoring 40 on Famitsu's 40 scale are: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998), Soulcalibur (1999), Vagrant Story (2000), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003), Nintendogs (2005), Final Fantasy XII (2006), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008), Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) and 428 (2008).
For anyone who cares, in the same issue Fallout 3 got a very respectable 10, 10, 9, 9.
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November 26th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA Sports boss and correct football team supporter Peter Moore has said that his Wii games struggle because people are happy with Wii Sports - and that licensed sports games for Wii will lag behind other formats for some time.
"The challenge we face," Moore explained during a chat with MTV Multiplayer, "is that that consumer gets Wii Sports right out of the box and that's a sports experience that's good enough for a lot of people."
Earlier this year Moore announced the All-Play range for Wii, which does more to make the company's sports games accessible and incorporate Wii-specific features like Miis and Jamie Redknapp.
Early examples include Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play, which has sold loads in the US, and caught our attention despite "the slightly opaque nuances of control needed to hit the medium shots and putt", as we put it. We're so wordy.
Moore told MTV that sales are alright - especially for Tiger - but that Wii owners will be given even more incentive to look up All-Play next year, and not just hardcore gamers who also own a Wii, although he's pleased that some of them have bought into All-Play already.
"As you well know, I was the proponent of the Wii60 in the early days. I think there's going to be a very strong multi-console ownership in homes. And I think that's bearing out," he said.
When it comes to the Wii Sports-loving casual brigade, though, "We know what we were doing wrong." Presumably we'll find out what that was and how it's been tackled when Moore and friends introduce us to the next round of All-Play games next year.
"The bottom line is we knew what we weren't doing right. We've corrected that. We're seeing progress. Is it easy? No. Will we ever see attach rates for authentic sports games, for licensed sports games, on the Wii to the same we see on 360 or PS3? Probably not in this cycle. Are we going to see continued growth of both? Absolutely."
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November 26th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster

1up] has posted his portable NES as an entry for the Sanyo Eneloop contest. We’ve seen some really cool portable builds, but this one has a complete step by step writeup of the process too. Many of these projects start with the little all in one devices that contain 99 games already. [1up] wanted to use original hardware so you could play any cartridge you could get. He used a complete NES and a portable PS1 screen. The total project cost was roughly $130, if you don’t include all the stuff he broke in the process.
Not only does he make it portable, but also points out easy ways to improve your experience. One example is to disable the lockout chip. This was an anti piracy precaution from Nintendo. If the cartridge doesn’t pass this, it won’t play. Often, games won’t pass due to something as simple dirty contact. He explains all of this and takes you through the process of disabling the chip so everything can run smoother.
He has it all encased in a clear box. Some people prefer a more professional finish, but we have to admit that seeing the guts is pretty cool.
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November 26th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

It's the first time in Naruto game history that two completely different battle modes are combined into one game. While most gamers are used to the one to one fights, a new battle mode is introduced in this game and it gives you the pleasure of mowing down regiments of opponents in the battle field. Feeling particularly powerful? Feeling you can take on the world? Try this out.
At the end of every stage, you will meet a boss. Deal with him/her in an one to one basis. A total of 35 characters are going to show up in the battle roster. First time in a Naruto game, you can join in a team with a partner and get involved in tag battles. With a pair to control, you can launch an array of combined attacks. Team up with different people and try out their various skills.
Scenes are rendered in 3D and an original story is written for the game. Meet the characters in in their 3D forms fight them and adventure with them.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Create your eden in a fantasy world, weave your own unique adventure in Tranrupia and the islands floating in the sky. Swords and shields, hoes and water cans, explore the dungeons, battle the monsters and develop your farm.
To search for a girl he knows, Laguna set off on his journey to Tranrupia. Aside from rescuing the damsel in distress, he has to find ways to make the infertile land of Tranrupia bear fruit again. Make friends with the people in your surroundings and make your village prosper.
With his farming equipment and animals' support, can he make something out of himself, win the hand of the girl he likes and rescue his friend?
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November 27th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Industrial revolution London is an enchanting place, especially in the world of the Professor Layton series. Numerous interesting inventions are made, including the time machine.
A ceremony is held to commemorate the completion of the first time travel machine, celebrities and political leaders all showed up to view this groundbreaking invention.
However, an accident happened and the Prime Minister is spirited away. A week after the commotion, Professor Layton received a letter from the future Luke who requested his help. Intrigued, the professor and his assistant, the child Luke went to the clock work-shop mentioned in the letter.
The duo discovered a large broken clock in the establishment and upon hearing the owner's explanations about the clock, the two set to work to repair the mysterious time traveling machine and thus their journey starts.
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November 27th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Koei may be well known now thanks mostly to Dynasty Warriors, but they have been around making historical games on the NES. Since Koei targeted a niche market many of their older games are hard to find and often command premium prices on eBay. Fortunately, the Virtual Console acts as an equalizer for anyone who just wants to play one of their old games.
The ESRB just rated Nobunaga’s Ambition and Uncharted Waters: New Horizons for the Wii. Unless Koei has top secret remakes of these they are Virtual Console releases. After reading about the Uncharted Waters MMO for the PS3 I’m mildly interested in the series. Uncharted Waters: New Horizons is supposed to be a marine RPG sort of like Pirates and according to Koei it’s “the ultimate Role-Playing Adventure!” Now that’s a powerful endorsement!
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November 27th, 2008, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The auto-calibration sensor easily and accurately syncs to any type of TV, and the improved sturdier strum bar for greater precision and accuracy for advanced players.
The guitar has faster, quieter smooth-action fret buttons, the retooled tilt sensor for improved overdrive deployment too.
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November 27th, 2008, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via letsemu
Alekmaul has released a new version of his excellent Amstrad emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Version 3.0 of 26/11/2008
* Fixed a bug stupid on the redefinition of keys (the new could not be taken)
* New interface based on tabs (zeblackos thank you  )
* Added alpha LERPAS for a more smoothness on the screen
* Add download managed list (many more games available)
* Change EI_delay each direction (slower but more consistent, Tetris works again)
* A bit faster (optimization of the display)
* Management mode of the DS (the cover closed pauses execution)
* Improving management of the keyboard with the stylus
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November 27th, 2008, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via letsemu
ZXDS is an emulator of Sinclair ZX Spectrum for Nintendo DS, written by Patrik Rak. It is steadily reaching a mature stage of development, and it already has some noteworthy features, like accurate emulation of Spectrum 48k, 128k and Pentagon models (including sound), or support for TAP/TZX/PZX tape files, TRD/SCL disk files and RZX playback files.
ZXDS 0.8.1 beta 1 (27.11.2008)
+ RZX playback (no SZX snapshot support yet, though).
+ Files stored in ZIP archives can be browsed and loaded directly.
+ Support for poke cheats in POK file format, including autoload.
+ Added log screen for better problem diagnostics, especially those RZX related.
+ Turn off the bottom screen backlight after configurable timeout.
+ Automatically save state and enter sleep mode when the lid is closed.
* Alternatively boot from saves/boot.z80 instead of last session state.
* Skip loading of either state upon startup when L/R buttons are held.
* Replaced few busy loops with inactive waits to further improve battery life.
* Improved the last menu action to cycle through all recently used views.
* Extended the range of both AY and speaker samples to make the sound louder.
* Tweaked the Z80 snapshot loading code to support some less conformant files.
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November 27th, 2008, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from HardCoal99
Magic Number is a simple console number guessing game for the Wii. The Wii picks a random number between 1 and "X" depending on what difficulty level was selected. The player is then tasked with guessing the random number before the player runs out of lives.
This is my first Wii program and I hope to use it as a stepping stone into developing a more advanced game.
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November 27th, 2008, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from joedj
FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself.
You will need an FTP client in order to connect to your Wii, but once you have got one set up, all you have to do is use wiiload to send FTPii to your Wii and once the network has initialised it's good to go.
Version Changes
0.0.16 Optical disc support, SITE MOUNT/UNMOUNT/EJECT commands, wiimote power button. (thanks Nuke!)
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November 27th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

- Display video from the Wii and PS3 console that can be displayed on a PC monitor or HD TV
- The resolution of the pictures is 480P (640*480) when connecting with the Wii game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console.
- The resolution of the output pictures is 480P/720P/1080I/1080P when used with the PS3 game console.
- The product will only work properly once the settings are set up properly with the Wii or PS3 game console.
- The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75HZ
- Audio output signal port is compatible with speakers and a headphone.
- Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console.
Specifications :
- Separate signal input ports for Wii and PS3
- One RGBHV signal output, 15 pin, can be connected to PC monitor or HDTV
- Red and white stereo signal output with RCA ports
- Green RCA port is a colourless video output port, which is used to adjust the output format of game consoles.
- No need for an extra power supply
- 160 cm long VGA cable
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November 27th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

A set of 2 screwdrivers that allows you to open your Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Gameboy and Gameboy SP. One classic screwdriver to open the outside of the Wii, and one Tri-Wing that opens the inside of your Wii or the DS/DSLite.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

A set of 2 screwdrivers that allows you to open your Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Gameboy and Gameboy SP. One classic screwdriver to open the outside of the Wii, and one Tri-Wing that opens the inside of your Wii or the DS/DSLite.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

A set of 2 screwdrivers that allows you to open your Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Gameboy and Gameboy SP. One classic screwdriver to open the outside of the Wii, and one Tri-Wing that opens the inside of your Wii or the DS/DSLite.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS, PSP and GBA, heres whats new:

Two new exciting changes in this release. First we have a new spell: Animate Forest, for those who were wondering what the point of the Grow Forest spell was. Second we have the run mode which lets you auto-follow corridors, hopefully cutting your keystrokes substantially.
Daemon now has the a in the summon daemon spell description. (FEG)
If a daemon decides not to be summoned, an a is put in the daemon's name.
PSP character dumps should now say PSP Version rather than Linux version. (Dave Hong)
If you were in the habit of quitting without saving, the random number seed would keep being the same between games, resulting in very similar games. For those keeping track, yes, this was caused by my naive attempts to make things *more* random. (Erik Spigel)
If you manually climb a ladder while autoprompt is enabled you no longer are immediately prompted to climb back up the ladder when you get to the other side.
New Run command, 'r' for SDL users, which will cause you to run in that direction until something interesting happens. You will turn corners if there is only one way to do so. You can interrupt by hitting a key / pressing a button, useful if you find yourself running a closed loop. As the name implies, this is not meant to be some super safe way to explore the map. (PBP)
Vi keys now support the Ctrl modifier to turn them into safe walk (David Damerell, Cuboidz)
New spell: Animate Forest (Adam Boyd)
When level teleporting via Wishing, do not start on same square as a monster.
Diminishing returns on piety gains when gods already like you.
List of items in character dump should now match order of list in inventory. (Meddyan, Cuboidz)
Soul Suck spell no longer grants caster spells or skills that are present only due to items such as staves. (Eilu)
Creatures that die underground should no longer have their corpse and items float to the surface. (Meddyan)
Properly assign guilt to party responsibly for filling holes with boulders. (Meddyan)
Properly credit kills for creatures that die from suffocation from a boulder you place. (Meddyan)
The support programs now include cstring.h so should compile with the latest gcc. (Joe B)
Fixed the #define guard in stdafx.h (Malte Helmert)
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November 27th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS, PSP and GBA, heres whats new:

Two new exciting changes in this release. First we have a new spell: Animate Forest, for those who were wondering what the point of the Grow Forest spell was. Second we have the run mode which lets you auto-follow corridors, hopefully cutting your keystrokes substantially.
Daemon now has the a in the summon daemon spell description. (FEG)
If a daemon decides not to be summoned, an a is put in the daemon's name.
PSP character dumps should now say PSP Version rather than Linux version. (Dave Hong)
If you were in the habit of quitting without saving, the random number seed would keep being the same between games, resulting in very similar games. For those keeping track, yes, this was caused by my naive attempts to make things *more* random. (Erik Spigel)
If you manually climb a ladder while autoprompt is enabled you no longer are immediately prompted to climb back up the ladder when you get to the other side.
New Run command, 'r' for SDL users, which will cause you to run in that direction until something interesting happens. You will turn corners if there is only one way to do so. You can interrupt by hitting a key / pressing a button, useful if you find yourself running a closed loop. As the name implies, this is not meant to be some super safe way to explore the map. (PBP)
Vi keys now support the Ctrl modifier to turn them into safe walk (David Damerell, Cuboidz)
New spell: Animate Forest (Adam Boyd)
When level teleporting via Wishing, do not start on same square as a monster.
Diminishing returns on piety gains when gods already like you.
List of items in character dump should now match order of list in inventory. (Meddyan, Cuboidz)
Soul Suck spell no longer grants caster spells or skills that are present only due to items such as staves. (Eilu)
Creatures that die underground should no longer have their corpse and items float to the surface. (Meddyan)
Properly assign guilt to party responsibly for filling holes with boulders. (Meddyan)
Properly credit kills for creatures that die from suffocation from a boulder you place. (Meddyan)
The support programs now include cstring.h so should compile with the latest gcc. (Joe B)
Fixed the #define guard in stdafx.h (Malte Helmert)
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November 27th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

GCB us is the release of its first demo named Automatii.
A first release in two versions, a Game Cube and a Wii.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax

GCB us is the release of its first demo named Automatii.
A first release in two versions, a Game Cube and a Wii.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
Hotzenplotz presents Eject DVD.
This application, dedicated to the lazy and not very energetic, can eject the disk drive DVD Wii without raising his popotin the sofa.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
christian.remboldt aka linus presents its new version WiiCM: WIiCM Point and Click alpha1
As a reminder, WiiCM manager is a cheat code to use with WiiRd codes and codes GeckoOS \ Ocarina.
Save the TXT cheat for every game in a répertaire / txtcodes / root SD card. WiiCM will let you choose what code you want to or not.
note: written and compiled entirely on XBOX.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via nintendomax
News/release from Warpfish

In response to the reports of overscan and NTSC issues weve made a couple of changes to the menus and in-game displays so everything should display correctly across all PAL and NTSC formats now.
also this news on an upcoming version:
Since we released Smashing! v1.1 a few days ago we've been hard at work on Smashing! v2.0. We've been listening to the feedback from people that have played the game so far and we're doing our best to include as many ideas and suggestions as possible. John F is just putting the finishing touches to a reworked hit detection system that is a lot more accurate than the previous method and gives us much more flexibility in terms of camera movement and target positioning.
There are a couple of new levels in the works, some new modes, at least another 2 music tracks and something quite special that will hopefully make the single player modes a lot more playable.
The update will also feature a few other minor bug fixes and GUI tweaks as well as making the reload action more sensitive.
We're hoping to have Smashing! 2.0 released around the end of the month but will probably post some images of the new levels before then.
Stay tuned.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Some sad news from a friend of DCEmu
news via drunkencoders
The Moon Books Project, and all other websites hosted by Moon Books Entertainment Network are currently down. Due to an inexplicable and possibly malicious event moonbooks.net has been taken down. As soon as this problem is rectified we will begin reconstruction of the Moon Books infrastructure, and get back to classic literature and films on the Nintendo DS.
Any comments, queries, praise or donations should be sent to Brandon at btmullins@moonbooks.net.
The Moon Books Entertainment Network
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November 27th, 2008, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
The classic TurboGrafx-CD role-playing game Legacy of Ys: Books I & II will arrive on the Nintendo DS February 3, 2009. But with the epic quests already available on the Wii's Virtual Console, what does the DS edition have to offer (besides being portable with touch screen controls and a multiplayer mode, of course)? Well, how about a new translation for the first time since its original release in 1990?
Atlus, the publisher delivering Ys to the DS, felt it was time to update the 18-year old script.
"Early on, it became clear to us that we had an opportunity to do something very special with this—only the second time in nearly two decades—that the series has come to North America," says Sam Mullen, Project Lead on Legacy of Ys. "We understand how important this series is to some gamers, how for many it was their very first action RPG. We're not taking this lightly, but we also see this as an opportunity to give the game a 21st-century localization, a new script to match the game's remade features."
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November 28th, 2008, 19:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Gamers may be nearing the end of the annual road to where's-all-my-money-gone, but that hasn't deterred Nintendo from updating the Virtual Console with three more treasures from the retro archives this Friday. Although your treasure may vary.
First up is Space Invaders: The Original Game for the Super Nintendo, which at 800 Wii Points (GBP 6 / EUR 7.70) sounds a bit overpriced, but let's hear it out. There's four game modes with different orientations, and, er, that's it. Perhaps you'd be better off putting that money towards discounted copies of Space Invaders Extreme on PSP or DS.
Next there's Forgotten Worlds on the Megadrive, also for 800 Wii Points, which is a side-scrolling shooter from Capcom, although not the best version of it according to our extensive research on Wikipedia. It's also worth noting that this made it into the Capcom Classics Collection on PS2/Xbox and the remixed PSP release.
Finally there's Metal Slug 2 for the NeoGeo at a slightly higher 900 Wii Points (approx. GBP 6.30 / EUR 8.10). Much as we adore all things Metal Slug, we expect others who adore all things Metal Slug have probably already adored Metal Slug Anthology, of which this is also a part, and which is also out on the Wii.
Oddly we never reviewed it (we'll see about rectifying that, if you like - we know you enjoy two-year-old reviews), but we'll be taking a look at MS2 and its counterparts in a forthcoming Virtual Console Roundup, as per.
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November 28th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sources close to Square Enix have told Eurogamer that Chrono Trigger DS will get a release here in February.
The fabulous RPG remake launched earlier this week in the US, and has picked up the sort of universal acclaim the original received back on the SNES.
Being impatient, we decided to import a copy, and revelled in a past masterclass of game development. But there are extras here, too: a new dungeon, an additional ending, plus the two-screen display, touch-screen controls and Wi-Fi multiplayer.
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November 28th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
20 more Sonic & the Black Knight screenshots have appeared on the net and strike us down, it's looking decent.
The new Wii game, which is the spiritual sequel to 'Secret Rings, brings Sonic into the world of Arthurian legend, where he can leg it around massive castles chinning baddies with a sword. Sounds dodgy, but we're told it's playing well.
Screenshots here
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November 28th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii have both sold over 1 million copies in the UK.
Both follow trends set by the likes of Grand Theft Auto IV, which has gone double-platinum on both Xbox 360 and PS3.
Of course, those figures on Edge make no mention of Wii Play, which has ridden the UK all-formats top 40 chart here since release.
Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii join other UK best-sellers Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Vice City in the platinum ranks.
You can find a full list of double platinum sellers over on the ELSPA website. There are some quite eye-opening entries.
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November 29th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A masterpiece with an engaging and unparalleled storyline, leading to the discovery of multiple epic conclusions to a journey that transcends time
An unprecedented and inspiring musical score created by Yasunori Mitsuda
Intriguing battle system made possible by the unique combination of the Active Time Battle system and Tech skills
Famed character designer Akira Toriyama lends his signature art style to create the vibrant world that has captivated gamers around the world
Taking advantage of the Nintendo DS hardware, CHRONO TRIGGER makes its way onto the portable platform with all-new dual screen presentation and Touch-Screen functionality
A brand new dungeon and a Wireless Play mode adds exciting new dimensions to this timeless classic
When a newly developed teleportation device malfunctions at the Millennial Fair, young Crono must travel through time to rescue his misfortunate companion from an intricate web of past and present perils. The swashbuckling adventure that ensues soon unveils an evil force set to destroy the world, triggering Crono's race against time to change the course of history and bring about a brighter future.
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November 29th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Skate It, Own It, Make It Yours.
The Flickit revolution is now unleashed on Wii! Use the Wii Remote or Wii Remote and Nunchuk to string together your sickest tricks for the ultimate line. Deepen your gameplay by planting your feet on the Wii Balance Board. Ride with the pros & rake in sponsors on your way to becoming Thrasher Magazine's Skater of the Year. Tap into the soul and grit of being on a board.
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November 29th, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Command Greek, Egyptian, and Norse armies in an epic struggle for supremacy
Players will besiege the ancient city of Troy, battle amongst the pyramids of Egypt, and explore the snow covered mountains of the North
By choosing specific gods to worship and satisfy, players can tailor their powers and explore a variety of strategies and play styles
A specialized subset of the multiplayer maps in AOE3 can be played with other DS owners even if they don't have a copy of the game
Supports four player battles and offers more maps, customizable rules, and a new Skirmish Mode lets players build their own custom starting armies
Inspired by the hit PC title and built on the game engine behind the critically acclaimed Age of Empires: Age of Kings, Age of Empires: Mythologies will be the ultimate portable tactical strategy game with its refined gameplay, inspired design, fantastic multiplayer, and extensive replay value.
Age of Empires: Mythologies for the Nintendo DS is a compelling new turn-based strategy game that challenges players to shape the destiny of three unique cultures in a fantasy world filled with mighty heroes, legendary monsters, and powerful gods. Players will lead their Egyptian, Greek, and Norse heroes to victory by raising massive armies, waging war, exploring new frontiers, and advancing through three distinct ages that offer fantastic new units, abilities, and god powers like lighting storms, earthquakes, and devastating plagues that players can call on to smite their enemies.
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November 29th, 2008, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play increasingly challenging rhythm games with the DS as you compete with friends or on a team
Learn new moves and choreograph your own routines to music
Immerse yourself in the role of a cheerleader as you perform tasks to gain spirit and respect points
Meet other cheerleaders at camp and perform workout and heath tasks to advance
Customize the look of your character and team including face, hair, make-up and outfits
Play an adventure starting with your first day at world-renowned Camp Sprit cheer camp. Compete against other squads and show them a thing or two about spirit!
You've made the squad… Now it's time to show your stuff!
Embark on an adventure at Cheer Camp as you learn all the right moves to beat the rival squads in cheer competitions. Cooperate and compete in your team or in one-on-one cheer offs with a friend. Do you have what it takes to lead your squad all the way to the Championships? Give it all you've got to become the All Star Cheerleader!
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November 29th, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster

We caught sight of Psyclone's WildCharger-based TouchCharge kit for the Xbox 360 a few weeks ago but, in case you missed it, the company is also offering similar kits for the PlayStation 3 and Wii. At $49.99 the PS3 version is actually the cheapest of the lot, due to the fact that it's able to use the controller's own rechargeable battery, while the $59.99 Wii version and $69.99 Xbox 360 version each include some rechargeable batteries of their own courtesy of Psyclone. The charging pads themselves are, of course, interchangeable, and you can even charge more than one device on a single pad, although finding the necessary controller adapters separately seems to be another matter.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
Monster Games, Minnesota-based developer of Excite Truck for the Wii, are hard at work on another Nintendo-published game, one described as "top-secret." Well, aren't they all top-secret, even if they're Excite Truck 2?
It may not be a direct sequel to the Wii launch title, at least according to an older rumor about Monster Games' development plans, via good ol' Surfer Girl. Locally Grown writes that the development on the game is "so private the designers must darken their monitors when the bottled-water deliveryman enters the office." Certainly not for Excite Truck 2!
According to the article, Monster Games has been hard at work on the unnamed title for two years, as of last month when the article was published. Perhaps Nintendo will have some surprises for us early next year.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Timetable: A planner for classes and other important activities
Alarm Clock
Profile: To customize the DS with personal information
Budget: To keep track of daily finances
Diary: A complete agenda for important dates
Friend directory: An address book to keep track of all your friends
Notepad: An easy and quick way to take notes
The new Hello Kitty title presents an easy way to manage modern day lives spent on the go and has all the tools necessary for young Hello Kitty fans to learn time management and get organized. Hello Kitty Daily is ideal for managing busy schedules, storing friends’ contact information, taking notes, keeping track of spending money and even improving efficiency, all with the unique style that Hello Kitty is known for around the world.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Step into the shoes of a Mad Scientist: Starting as an apprentice working under 3 eccentric mentors, level up through the ranks as you master the mad sciences
Outrageous Experiments: Cultivate your science skills through crazy yet ingenious experiments both in and outside the lab
Create your own Mad Monsters: Over 150 million monster combinations allow you to create a truly unique creature. Monster Generation System: Never fight the same monster twice. Multi-player: Challenge and compete against your friends monstrous creations
Explore a challenging fantasy realm: Delve into 6 eerie regions facing quests, challenges and collecting powerful ingredients needed for your next mad monster creation
Gesture Combat: Go head-to-head against evil Monster minions in a fast-paced, ferocious, turn-based combat system
Create your very own monster with Monster Lab. The game is set in the eerie world of Uncanny Valley where the evil Baron Mharti rules with a cruel hand. Take on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create a monster from over 100 million possible monster part variations on offer. Taking control of your monster, you can then explore the land; searching for ingredients to make more monster parts, hunting out other monsters to defeat in combat, uncovering quests to embark upon or simply competing in the numerous mini-games available.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Neopets® Puzzle Adventure will generate codes that can be redeemed for unique items on the Neopets.com website
Choose and customize one of 12 Neopets to be your central character in the story
Travel through four lands of Neopia as you experience an epic story with more than 150 quests in the single-player game
“Head-to-Head” multiplayer matches
Collect 100 “PetPets” for extra abilities and earn 30 special Awards for completing missions
Exclusive drawing minigame included for the DS only!
Collect over 100 items, recipes and treasures, many of which can be equipped on your pet to provide useful bonuses
Appealing to both casual gamers and Neopets fans, Neopets® Puzzle Adventure is the only multi-platform puzzle adventure game based on the popular virtual community. For the Neopets fan, Neopets® Puzzle Adventure is a must-have game with its intuitive “pick up and play” gameplay, new never-before-seen areas in the Neopets universe to explore and the opportunity to redeem codes for exclusive virtual items at Neopets.com.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Run the Salon with real style!
Let your hair down and relax at Sally's Salon. Manage customers who want everything from simple shampoos to manicures. Keep them happy with coffee and candles and get their feedback on hairstyles, all for better tips! Upgrade your salon and take on more clients in this challenging and addictive game!
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November 29th, 2008, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Skate It, Own It, Make It Yours.
Skate It unleashes the Flickit revolution on the DS. Use the stylus to string together your sickest tricks for the ultimate line. Ride with the pros, own the best spots in San Vanelona, and rake in sponsorships on your path to becoming Thrasher Magazine’s Skater of the Year. Tap into the soul and grit of being on a board.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Get into character and show-off unique performance skills as the drummer, lead guitarist, and bass guitarist. Or pump up the crowd and own the stage as the front man
Perform over 30 music tracks by top artists
Customize every aspect of your band with a broad range of character styles
Rock your way to the top as a solo artist or with your favorite band-mates in multiplayer mode
Great bands don't just play their music, they perform it! Now it's your turn to play and perform moves like a rock star as never before. All you need is your Wii-mote, Nunchuk, and a little bit of rhythm to become the ultimate "air band."
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November 29th, 2008, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play up to four unique instruments including the lead guitar, bass guitar, rhythm, and drums
Rock out and perform over 15 music tracks by top artists in rhythm gameplay
Create, perform, and share your own compositions in the recording studio with creative play
Jam alone or with your favorite band-mates over a wireless connection
Includes DGamer, the all new online community exclusively for Disney gamers. Create an unique 3D avatar, personalize your profile, unlock exclusive Disney collectibles, track your in-game achievements and chat with your friends using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on your DS
Live the life of a rock star star and jam with your band at the hottest venues in town. Use your all-access pass to visit the most sought after recording studio around, and create your own unique compositions by laying down your own custom music tracks.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
Virtual Console releases are getting scarcer every month. Next month Wii owners in Japan can look forward to torturing themselves with Mystery of Atlantis. Sunsoft’s side-scrolling platformer is notoriously difficult even if you know the warp order to get to the last level. Koei Japan will also release the Nobunaga’s Ambition in December which is interesting since it was just rated by the ESRB in North America. Perhaps, Nobunaga’s Ambition is on track to come out in North America this December too.
Initially, Salamander, better known as Life Force in North America, caught my eye. But I recalled the TurboGrafx-16 version already came out for the Virtual Console. Since the TurboGrafx-16 release never came out as a Virtual Console import here we could see Life Force in North America soon.
Here’s the full list translated into English. Games marked with a star are coming out on December 2nd.
Famicom (500 Wii Points)
Mystery of Atlantis*
Salamander (Life Force)
Ninja-kun no Bouken
Super Famicom (800 Wii Points)
Nobunaga’s Ambition
Master System (500 Wii Points)
Super Wonderboy Monster World
Mega Drive (600 Wii Points)
Earthworm Jim
PC Engine (600 Wii Points)
Space Invaders: Day of Rebirth*
Jigoku Meguri
Fire Pro Wrestling 3: Legend Bout
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November 29th, 2008, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
A new beta release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Nintendo Wii Emulator for Windows has been released.

Dolphin is a Gamecube emulator. It also has preliminary support for Wii and basic Triforce emulation (this is pending a commit, and does not run games yet).
Gamecube compatibility is about the same (or worse, due to various core changes and lack of subsequent compatibility work) as previous releases.
Wii compatibility is very low. Some games show their intro movies, that's it. There is preliminary Wiimote emulation but it does not work yet.
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November 29th, 2008, 13:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible.
27/11/2008 Version 0.6
All texts are now created with the freetype library (Thanks DrTwox)
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November 29th, 2008, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rodries
Released by rodries (release 19, version 0.07.4 build 2). This version doesn't crash when browsing on DVD files (left, right buttons). Also, network cache and SMB streaming have improvements (Fixes: no more CodeDumps when browsing on Samba, now DivX videos are highly compatible, better smb streaming support -less glitches- ).
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November 29th, 2008, 13:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mangaman3000
Minesweeper is a homebrew clone of the classic Windows game. Now with Wii Remote support, score saving yet to come but it's on the way.
Now has support for wii remote ir sensor.
Sorry for the long but tiny update due to compiler problems.
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November 29th, 2008, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sierra dev
Using the Homebrew Disc Channel, you can load homebrew programs from regular ISO9660 DVDs. It supports (sub)directories.
Note: the name Homebrew Disc Channel is actually wrong; the program was intended as either an add-on to the Wii Disc Channel or a separate channel, but due to the fact that BootMii will need a SD card to load, turning this program into anything other than a regular homebrew program will be useless in a couple of months.
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November 29th, 2008, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Another game on DS is being developed by students of the school computer EPITECH, it is a Shoot Em Up on behalf of "Keris Project".
Maniac Shooter vertical scrolling for Nintendo DS, which has inspired the biggest names in the genre (DoDonPachi, Mars Matrix, ...).
The spécificitées innovative console, use double-screen and touch technology allows us to renew the genre.
In the calendar years 1421 Jurien, in tribute to the people who ended
the Apocalypse, the people of Kreog not satisfied little more of its resources and
decided to put the control over the reserves of neighboring peoples, the hunting partner
their planet. Soon enough to exhaust the resources of new and
acquired, which was intended to introduce them in a conquest of the rich worlds
populating the universe.
Their modus operandi is redundant: the top of their technological superiority,
they contaminate the first time in the world's resources target of an evil whose
alone hold the cure, and then dominate the peoples and left in a state of
weakness for submission to the role forced collectors resources.
Having had echoes of these events, our valiant people of the planet has Keris
decided to react by creating the Keris Project with the aim of issuing such
oppressed peoples: three vessels to concentrate robust technology.
But destiny decided otherwise, and today, we invade Kreog
while the Keris Project is still in prototype.
Come what may, defend our planet and deliver the universe!

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November 29th, 2008, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Another project under construction signed by students of the school computer EPITECH, an RPG called "Nephylim" by CL Martin and Mr. Leduc.

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November 29th, 2008, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Error has released version 0.9 of "2Dart" darts for the Nintendo DS. The main novelty is the addition of a CCI with different levels of difficulty, so you can you measure the computer.
* Computer opponent for all game types and variants
* Score indicator at cricket games
* "Flying" scores at dartgame mode
* Sliding (deck-of-cards like) menu's
Fixed bugs:
* The score does not always match with the box of the dart
* The current score is shown before the dart hits the board
* When cleaning the scoreboard the start X01 is printed score
* When changing hand with the select button in the first menu,
the buttons do not update

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November 29th, 2008, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
chishm carrying out a new version of its application to manage the Action Replay codes on the DS "Nitro Hax v0.9.
Well it's been over a year since the last release, but a new version is here. As always, v0.90 is on my website.
* Fixed parsing bug that cheat codes required to be all on one line
* Changed hooking to a different method that should hopefully work for all games, but may break some that were working before
Error codes are displayed if something goes wrong while loading the game
* Updated GUI
* Compiles with DevkitARM R24

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November 29th, 2008, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Grosse update of the game Wii Quizzes by Cashman.
Several game modes will be offered to participate in several types of quizzes.
New in this update:
Appearance of the mascot presenter of quiz
Improved GUI for the game
Fixed a bug that caused a crash of the game
Improving the pause menu:
Adding Wiimote vibration
The bug flicker of the screen after closing the pause menu
Support POWER
Fixed several bugs for posting questions
Adding Wiimote vibration "in-game"
Adding Sound:
Adding background music such as "outstanding" during the game
* Improvements and corrections
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November 29th, 2008, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax and via pdroms

This software changes the Nintendo DS Lite into a Walkie-Talkie. Use a "SLOT-1" device to run this software (tested with a R4DS card)
If there is only one SLOT-1 card available then swap the card after starting Walkie-Talkie. The software doesn't access the card after startup.
Walkie-talkie sub screens
This is an update release. Fixed lost audio samples, added a shared drawing board.
There are some limitations: talking is limited to two persons at a time, and the Wifi connection limits the operational range to 10 meters inside a building to 30 meters in the open. But in feets its more!
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November 29th, 2008, 14:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax

If you know your evil French departments and want to become expert, this application is for you. It's "Geode" developed by CyBeRCeD that lets you see all the French departments with a simple press on the screen.
Ability to view the following departments and precedents with R and L
Adding a LargeMap to create a zoom effect on the department and its prefecture
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November 29th, 2008, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
Europeans: looks like it could be time to get our importing trousers on. A dark, shadowy figure claiming to be "close" to Square Enix has told Eurogamer that the much-ballyhooed Chrono Trigger DS will reach the continent next February. That ties in neatly with Square Enix's previous estimations of "early 2009."
In a moment of madness, this UK-based blogger considered waiting another two months (on account that we don't get the Square tax on this side of the pond), only to realize OH WAIT IT'S FREAKIN' CHRONO TRIGGER. Any other non-North Americans importing a copy?
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November 30th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Connects PS/PS2 and Wii Classic controllers to GC/Wii
- Support PS dance mat in Wii dancing game
- Support rumble function
- Programmable Auto Fire mode included
1. Classic Linker would be recognized as a GC controller for GC / Wii console.
2. In Wii, GC controller (or Classic Linker) is not workable in Wii menu.
3. Supports GC controller compatible Wii games.
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November 30th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Connects PS/PS2 and Wii Classic controllers to GC/Wii
- Support PS dance mat in Wii dancing game
- Support rumble function
- Programmable Auto Fire mode included
1. Classic Linker would be recognized as a GC controller for GC / Wii console.
2. In Wii, GC controller (or Classic Linker) is not workable in Wii menu.
3. Supports GC controller compatible Wii games.
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November 30th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
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November 30th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Are you worried that your Wii remote's innards are atrophying during the recent dry spell of Wii titles aimed at the discerning "core gamer"? We recently stumbled upon a great way of giving your one-handed peripheral a nice workout -- using it to make music. Oh, no -- not like that. We're speaking of the latest Wiimote homebrew, from the musical mind of Ken Moore, which effectively turns your controller into a theremin. You know, the only musical instrument that you play without touching. What, your parents didn't make you take theremin lessons in grade school?
We've got a history lesson and tech demo posted after the break, as well as Mr. Moore's attempt at the opening theme for Star Trek. The original theme, that is -- not that wretched "Faith of the Heart" cover.
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November 30th, 2008, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time turned 10 years old last Friday. Remarkably, even after a decade of technological advances and narrative achievements in gaming, it remains atop Gamerankings' list as the highest rated game of all time. However, if Eiji Aonuma (director of Ocarina and every subsequent Zelda title) has his way, the Hylian N64 classic will be dethroned in his lifetime.
In a recent interview with Nintendo Power, Aonuma expressed his lofty career goals -- he plans to stick with the Zelda series until he creates a title that surpasses Ocarina of Time. This is fantastic news, as Aonuma's continued involvement with the series is likely the only reason we've yet to see a spin-off title featuring a gun-toting Dark Link.
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November 30th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wplaat
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly!
29/11/2008 Version 0.1
First release for Wii homebrew scene
Started programming
Gameboard design
Added WiiRemote IR control
Added three intro screens
Basic game engine ready
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November 30th, 2008, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has released a new version of his Apple 2 Emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
V2.0: xx/yy/2008
* Much faster since the 6502 integration of ARM assembler
* Great sound enhancement
* Format supported NIB
* Sorting the list of files and nib dsk
* New interface (a big thank you to zeblackos)
* No need Roma Apple] [(Integrated Program)
* Management mode of the DS (the cover closed pauses execution)
* Added alpha LERPAS for a more smoothness on the screen
* Added the possibility to safeguard the display BMP
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November 30th, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Chism:
NitroHax has been updated to version 0.90a. There was an error in libfat (one of the downsides of using the cutting edge version) that caused problems for discs with an MBR. So it had nothing to do with DLDIs, and the problem should now be fixed.
Nitro Hax is a cheat tool for official games running on the Nintendo DS. It supports any Action Replay DS code type with a few important additions.
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