March 1st, 2015, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
 It's easy to hate on Nintendo. With the Wii U, the company played right into negative consumer expectations by releasing a product derided for its kid-friendly appeal, Fisher-Price toy-like looks, less-than-bleeding-edge silicon, confusing branding and (initially) clunky operating system. The message to the market at the system's launch seemed clear: The gaming giant had fallen behind the times. But that's not quite the truth.
There's a well-reasoned and deeply entrenched philosophy behind the often baffling, public-facing decisions Nintendo makes and that's to deliver high-quality and accessible entertainment experiences on cheap-to-produce (often older), innovative hardware. It's the Nintendo recipe for success as concocted by the domineering former president Hiroshi Yamauchi. It's the reason why Nintendo sits on billions of dollars of cash; why its famed first-party studio -- the home of Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto -- is called Entertainment Analysis and Development, or EAD. The company quite literally agonizes over ways to innovate the concept of "fun."
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March 3rd, 2015, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Free-to-play 3DS puzzle game Pokemon has been downloaded over 1m times, Nintendo has said.
The game represents somewhat of a new direction for Nintendo. Although not the company’s first F2P game, it does more closely mirror some of the practices more common to smartphone titles such as pay-to-play time limiting mechanics.
The approach has drawn plenty of criticism, however, sitting at a lowly 56 per cent on Metacritic.
Regardless, it’s a decent number for an eShop exclusive andNintendoLife reports that to celebrate Nintendo is giving players a Complexity -1 which when used makes one battle a little easier. The item usually costs 9000 coins to purchase, too.
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March 3rd, 2015, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
By far the most common use for the Raspberry Pi is shoving a few dozen emulators on an SD card and calling it a day. Everybody’s got to start somewhere, right? There are other tiny, credit card-sized Linux boards out there, and [Andrew] is bringing the same functionality of the Raspi to the BeagleBone Black and BeagleBoard with BeagleSNES, an emulator for all the sane pre-N64 consoles.
BeagleSNES started as a class project in embedded system design, but the performance of simply porting SNES9X wasn’t very good by default. [Andrew] ended up hacking the bootloader and kernel, profiling the emulator, and slowly over the course of three years of development making this the best emulator possible.
After a few months of development, [Andrew] recently released a new version of BeagleSNES that includes OpenGL ES, native gamepad support through the BeagleBone’s PRU, and support for all the older Nintendo consoles and portables.
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March 3rd, 2015, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster

There are apparently a lot of broken Nintendo DS Lites out and about on eBay, and [Fede] has gotten his hands on one. His idea was to essentially turn one of these DS Lites into a SS (single screen?) (.es, Google translate) by modding the case, and he’s done it with pretty spectacular results.
If you’re going to do a case mod, you should go all out. To that end, [Fede] started by taking everything out of the DS and tossing the original 1000 mAh battery in favor of a 4000 mAh battery. From there he is able to shoehorn the two PCBs into the case with the speaker in between, which he notes doesn’t sound as nice as the original but works well enough.
After reshaping the plastic case in a few subtle ways and putting a few layers of paint on it, [Fede] now has a single-screen Nintendo DS for €2 plus parts and paint. While we’ve seen similar mods before, we’d be interested to see this one in action; some DS games don’t utilize the second screen as much as others, so perhaps this wouldn’t play every DS game perfectly, but for the price it can’t be beat.
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March 3rd, 2015, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has issued a new 3DS firmware update that blocks a major web browser exploit. Pokémon Shuffle's shop was hacked so that all purchases became free.
The hack had allowed users to inject code within downloaded games, allowing for a number of illegal uses.A method was discovered to run pirated Game Boy Color ROMs with relative ease, for example.Another piece of code changed the 3DS' settings so it became region-free.Last week, an exploit emerged that allowed users to bypass paying for microtransactions in free-to-play puzzler Pokémon Shuffle, just days after the game's launch.The web browser exploit was only available on the original 3DS, 3DS XL and 2DS. The New 3DS and 3DS XL models were immune to the method as they feature an updated browser app.Nintendo's new system update 9.5.0-23, available from today, updates the 3DS web browser and closes the exploit loophole completely. For the moment at least, none of the above exploits are no longer working.
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March 8th, 2015, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
 Nintendo's digital store is beefing up with some top-notch independent titles in the coming months, and the company showed off a few familiar games during a presentation at GDC 2015. We're talking games headed to the Wii U eShop that have already launched on other platforms, including Klei Entertainment's Tim Burton-esque survival game, Don't Starve: Reign of Giants, Young Horses' PS4 launch title Octodad: Dadliest Catch and the beautiful, educational platformer Never Alone from Upper One Games. Our list below includes the freshly announced Wii U games and a bit of information about each one, so you can make platform decisions in peace.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Finally! After long wait comes the best performer of Nintendo GameCube to date . Forget the small imperfections of GOD MINE! This interpreter runs games so amazing . The magic of Nintendont is finally able to play GameCube in our Wii ports that do not have such a system . Yes, this performer lets you use the Classic Controller as command GC. The best part? It is also compatible with Wii U and its controls! Is something sensational, just can not miss!
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March 9th, 2015, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Black Mages of the World, Rejoice!
Your ultimate spell, Meteo, is no longer doomed to obsolescence at the hands of Rydia’s Bahamut summon.
Thanks to the ROM Hacking efforts of chillyfeez, avalanche and JCE3000GT, the 9999 damage limit in Final Fantasy IV has been broken!
The true maximum damage per target that the game can handle is 16383, and this mod allows you to get there!
Well, what are you waiting for? Download the mod now and get ready to knock Zeromus’s HP down to zero!
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March 9th, 2015, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
The author will be doing a playthrough of this hack that he made a couple of years ago. There were mixed reviews with a lot of negative feedback based on difficulty early on. These mostly came from people that were offended by the dialogue so they did not bother to get the Rusty Blade from Melchoir. Oh well. Though it is admitted it does take too much grinding to get the money for it, The author was not able to further edit the project after the final release, and did not want to do it all over again. It’s not a perfect hack, but it is a full one and, in my opinion, one of the better and more in depth available.
The author noticed that, as of this article, there are 1,277 downloads. WOW! The author never thought that so many people would play this game! The author would love to know how many enjoyed it! Any feedback after these 2 years would be awesome.
Anyway, The author will be playing this on Twitch, so any and all aspects can be seen. I’d love for folks to join me. This will show that the increase in difficulty is in fact slight, it just doesn’t allow for speed runs or minimal playthrough. One must actually PLAY Chrono Trigger, as if it were the first time. No playing on auto pilot like so many of us cult fanatics have come to do after almost 2 decades of replay.
A link to the channel is provided in relevant link (under the article) and the project page (somewhere) for those with any interest.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Based on vivify93’s Project II comes Final Fantasy IV Namingway Edition. Now as a separate project, this hack aims to rename all the spells, items, monsters, etc as close to modern naming as possible. This was done with either abbreviations or other means. Also added to this, was a functional B Button Dash. Spell rates are reverted back to the original, and monsters (including the final boss) are restored to their original Final Fantasy IV difficulty.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Hello all! Here to announce an English translation release for Wizardry Empire for the Game Boy Color! Now you can enjoy playing this dungeon crawler that was unreleased in the English language whether on the go or in your home! Also stay tuned for the next release! We are currently working on Wizardry Empires II - Legacy of the Princess for PC & Wizardry Empire - The Staff of Resurrection for the Game Boy Color!
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March 12th, 2015, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster

Netflix's experimental Hack Days often lead to wonderfully off-the-wall projects, but its latest might have produced the best example yet. Engineers Guy Cirino, Carenina Motion and Alex Wolfe have whipped up DarNES, a hack that turns the original Nintendo Entertainment System into a Netflix playback machine. The '80s-era console is unchanged -- the real trickery is inside a special 256KB cartridge. You probably wouldn't want to go on an Orange is the New Black marathon given the chunky 8-bit graphics, but it's nice to know that you can.
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March 17th, 2015, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
 Did you hear the one about Nintendo "never" putting its content on mobile platforms? About how Nintendo makes its own hardware specifically intended to cater to its software? About how it would dilute those "brands" (think: Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong) to put them on hardware other than Nintendo's?
Clearly Nintendo isn't so worried about that, as it announced plans last evening to work with Japan mobile game giant DeNA on moving its many brands over to mobile. Or, as Nintendo describes the relationship: a "business and capital alliance to develop and operate new game apps for smart devices and build a new multi-device membership service for consumers worldwide." Sounds like a blast!
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March 17th, 2015, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
 It should come as no surprise to hear that Nintendo is working on a new console. Fresh hardware takes years to develop, so engineers are always working on future systems while the rest of us play on the current generation of consoles. What we didn't expect, however, is for Nintendo to talk about its next system so soon. In today'spress conference, where the company detailed its plans to make mobile games with DeNA, it also teased a new system codenamed "NX." Few details were disclosed, other than it'll involve fresh hardware and gameplay concepts. The NX symbol appeared on a slide alongside the Nintendo Wii U, 3DS and other mobile platforms, which suggests it could launch as a complementary system, rather than an immediate successor to any of its current consoles.
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March 17th, 2015, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Iwata has relented and given the green light for Nintendo games on smartphones – and the markets are delighted.
At the time of writing the platform holder’s share price is up by over 25 per cent so far today, trading at $19.95. It’s the highest price the company has traded at since January 10th2014. There’s still some way to go, however, until it reaches the heady heights of 2007, when in November the company’s share price reached a staggering $76.87.
Nintendo this morning announced both new games hardwareand, more importantly, a partnership with DeNA to bring a number of new titles to smartphone based on Nintendo’s rich library of IP. It has promised not to port existing titles.
Boss Satoru Iwata has repeatedly denied that the company would bring its characters to smartphones, with the charismatic exec famously saying in January last year that “it’s not as simple as enabling Mario to move to smartphones”.
The indications are, however, that there has been increasing unrest within the company, with questions being asked of both Iwata’s health following surgery on a growth in his bile duct and the struggling state of the company’s finances after it last year posted its third successive annual lossand slashed its predicted Wii U sales by over two thirds.
Iwata has remained dogged, however, vowing not to resign – despite demands for him to do so from some company shareholders and repeated calls from analysts to free Nintendo’s rick IP from the shackles of its struggling hardware.
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March 17th, 2015, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Several readers sent word that Nintendo is finally bringing its games to mobile devices. It's partnering with Japanese game publisher DeNA to develop games for phones and tablets based on Nintendo's popular game IPs. (Existing games will not get mobile ports, however.)DeNA first approached Nintendo about using the company's characters in mobile games back in 2010, Iwata said, and has been passionately pursuing talks on the alliance ever since. Iwata acknowledged that the transition from the Wii and DS lines to the Wii U and 3DS lines has not gone "as smoothly as we had expected," but he maintained that industry watchers predicting the death of dedicated video game consoles are being too pessimistic. Iwata tied the move to smartphones to Nintendo's historical embrace of TV gaming after decades as a physical toy and card game company during a time when TVs didn't exist. "Now that smart devices have grown to become the window for so many people to personally connect with society, it would be a waste not to use these devices."
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March 19th, 2015, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has said that he’s never dismissed smartphone gaming as a genre.
Instead, he says his previous scepticism was merely meant to reflect his uncertainty about how Nintendo might adapt its software to the smartphone model – a problem he thinks he’s cracked with the new partnership with DeNA.
“Let me explain so that nobody will misunderstand: I have never intended to dismiss the entertainment experiences that people are enjoying on smart devices or any other media,” Iwata told Time. “On the other hand, my understanding is that, on smart devices, the main demand is for very accessible games which smart device users can easily start and easily finish. These are not necessarily the characteristics that people demand from games for dedicated video game systems.
“Actually, this is one of the reasons why we believe that we should not port games for dedicated game systems to smart devices just as they are because doing so will not fully satisfy the needs of the smart device consumers. In other words, even when multiple systems can run games, I believe the entertainment experiences that the consumers demand vary from system to system.”
Iwata also has some ideas about how Nintendo may stand out in a smartphone world where big companies with big hits often fight it out for short-term, one-hit domination.
“Most mobile game makers who have yielded tangible business results appear to be dependent on a single hit title,” he added. “For Nintendo, being able to make use of the enormous IP library that we have carefully nurtured for more than 30 years is a major strength. We would like to create several hit titles simultaneously by effectively leveraging the appeal of Nintendo IP, which many people around the world are familiar with.
“On the other hand, the value of content generally tends to weaken in the digital world, and especially on smart devices, it is not easy to maintain the value of content. We aim to explore ways where we will not devalue Nintendo IP and, rather, we can further improve the value.”
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March 19th, 2015, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has said that Nintendo’s smartphone games may well be free-to-play.
The industry is still collectively digesting the news that one of the big three platform holders has conceded to popular opinion and decided to bring its IP to non-owned smartphone devices. Fans, however, have expressed discomfort at how cherished Nintendo IP might be handled in a low-cost smartphone software world.
“I understand that, unlike the package model for dedicated game systems, the free-to-start type of business model is more widely adopted for games on smart devices, and the free-to-start model will naturally be an option for us to consider,” Iwata told Time.
“On the other hand, even in the world of smart device apps, the business model continues to change. Accordingly, for each title, we will discuss with DeNA and decide the most appropriate payment method. Both can be options, and if a new Nintendo-like invention comes of it, then all the better.
“On the other hand, Nintendo does not intend to choose payment methods that may hurt Nintendo’s brand image or our IP, which parents feel comfortable letting their children play with. Also, it’s even more important for us to consider how we can get as many people around the world as possible to play Nintendo smart device apps, rather than to consider which payment system will earn the most money.”
Nintendo isn’t a free-to-play virgin, of course. It has dabbled with the model on 3DS with the likes of Steeldiver. It’s most recent F2P release, however, was savaged by critics and has understandably created a certain level of unease among Nintendo’s fanbase.
“Anything truly enjoyable about the game is ruined by the microtransactions,” said Destructoid in its 3.5/10 review of Pokemon Shuffle.
More positive for Nintendo fans is the promise from iwata that Nintendo will personally head up development of its smartphone games, although that isn’t to say that DeNA won’t handle a certain proportion.
“Development of smart device games will be mainly done by Nintendo, but it is significant that we are forming a joint development structure with DeNA,” he added. “Nintendo, through experience in the dedicated game system business, is good at making traditional game products. But for smart devices, in addition to the ‘product’ aspect of a game, the aspect of an ever-evolving ‘service’ is very important. DeNA has extensive know-how in developing the ‘service’ side of things, and will be primarily responsible for the service-oriented operations.”
Iwata added that head of development Shigeru Miyamoto will remain on Wii U duties, for the time being at least.
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March 19th, 2015, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Smartphone experts say that Nintendo’s move into the mobile market will boost Wii U and 3DS sales, not harm them.
Nintendo announced this week that it will release the likes of Mario on smartphones via a partnership with mobile games giant DeNA. DeNA will create a platform that connects Nintendo’s mobile games with Wii U, 3DS and the to-be-unveiled new console: NX.
Developer Ben Cousins, who used to work for DeNA, says that this platform can help Nintendo win back its fans that have defected to mobile.
“It needs to use cross-promotion to leverage Nintendo fans onto the mobile games and mobile gamers over to the Nintendo platforms,” he said.
“Without a shared account system of some kind, Nintendo end up with something it doesn’t want - an island of Nintendo mobile gamers and an island of Nintendo console gamers who never interact.
“Nintendo will want to do things like offer mobile players free in-game currency or items if they buy the console version of the game.
“Without a shared backend and account system, it’s really hard to pull off this kind of cross-promotion and interoperability.”
IHS analyst Piers Harding-Rolls added: “Not only is there significant revenue to be made directly from smartphone and tablet consumers by Nintendo; app ecosystems are also very important in reaching new customers to make them aware of the Nintendo brand and to drive them to its dedicated consoles.”
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March 19th, 2015, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Despite Wii U's decidedly underwhelming life, Nintendo thankfully isn’t abandoning the home console market just yet. Ninty's President and CEO, Satoru Iwata, has announced that “As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept.” Codenamed the NX, we'll be getting more information on the console next year.
Whether this dedicated gaming platform will take the same form as our current disc based set-ups is unclear. The fact that the NX ties in so tightly with Nintendo’s new online membership service means that connection is now key for the company. While the Wii U was mentioned as a part of the new offering, another console is obviously going to be Nintendo’s priority.

“Unlike the Club Nintendo membership service that Nintendo has been operating, the new membership service will include multiple devices and create a connection between Nintendo and each individual consumer regardless of the device the consumer uses,” said Iwata. “This membership will form one of the core elements of the new Nintendo platform that I just mentioned.”
It will be interesting to see whether this means that the axed rewards program of Club Nintendo is being replaced with something like PlayStation Plus or whether a new gaming platform all together is being teased. Could Nintendo’s new offering be a under TV streaming service in the vein of the Vita TV?
Given that the NX will become part of the Nintendo console family as well as the key new additions of PCs and smartphones, it’s safe to say that whatever we hear next year, Nintendo isn’t ignoring the fact that it’s been frustratingly behind the times when it comes to online connectivity. This can only be a good thing when it comes to playing our favourite games on more screens than ever before but it's Wii U that will potentially pay the price.
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March 20th, 2015, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
UK and European Nintendo owners are now able to redeem their ill-fated Stars to claim free games.
Nintendo announced the planned closure of Club Nintendoearlier this year, bringing with it the end of its existing loyalty program. Any unused Stars that users have accrued will be lost by the end of September.
Last month the US Stars catalogue was bolstered by the addition of a wide selection of downloadable games that could be claimed with the virtual currency, but the European pickings have until now remained slim.
However, Eurogamer reports that over 60 titles have now been added to the European Catalogue. The selection includes, NES Remix (2,600 Stars), NES Remix 2 (5,600) and each of the Wii Sports re-releases (also at 5,600 Stars a piece) on Wii U.
3DS options include Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (3,900), Pullbox (3,400) and Mario Tennis (2,800).
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March 20th, 2015, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
With Hylian numbers showing joystick ports and with an amazing painting of Link on top, artist Vadu Amka's repainted custom The Wind Waker GameCube really looks like some ancient artefact found at a remote dig site.
It was completed in three months and the artist even managed to put a Hylian shield on the controller as a Start button.
Too bad the item is not for sale, but it still looks stunning! Take a closer look:
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March 23rd, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has admitted that price has played a big factor in Wii U’s failure.
The platform holder last week confirmed that it has a new console in development, thus effectively marking the beginning of the end for the ever-struggling Wii successor.
“I think, to be honest, we were in a difficult situation,” Iwata told Time. “Because for the home console our biggest market opportunity was in the overseas markets in the US and Europe, but because of the valuation of the yen and the exchange rates into dollars and euro, it made it a difficult proposition for us to capitalise on that, because of the cost that we were forced to sell the system at.”
Over a year ago Iwata said that a Wii U price cut was “not an option”, and while there has been some unofficial pricing activity on old stock of the Basic 8GB SKU the console has to this day retained its eye-watering £280 retail price point – even as the likes of PS4 and Xbox One have been cut to similar levels across the High Street.
Iwata also admitted to his dislike of the term ‘free-to-play’ (he’s previously seemed to favour ‘free-to-start’) because he – and many others – think it’s a tad disingenuous.
“I have come to realize that there is a degree of insincerity to consumers with this terminology,” he argued. “The thing that concerns me most is that, in the digital age, if we fail to make efforts to maintain the value of our content, there is the high possibility for the value to be greatly reduced as the history of the music industry has shown.
“On the other hand, I have no intention to deny the Free-to-start model. In fact, depending on how we approach this model, we may be able to overcome these problems.”
And remember that story about a live-action Zelda TV series in production at Netflix? Well, you’d probably best forget it.
“As of now, I have nothing new to share with you in regard to the use of our IPs for any TV shows or films,” Iwata insisted. “But I can at least confirm that the article in question is not based on correct information.”
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March 23rd, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Free-to-play 3DS game Pokémon Shuffle has been downloaded more than 2.5m times since launching just over a month ago.
The match-three game – which lets gamers play five sessions per day – was announced earlier this year amongst a slew of seemingly contrary announcements regarding Nintendo’s stance on mobile games. It hit 1m downloads just over three weeks ago.
Given the success of Pokémon Shuffle, it’s a good bet Nintendo will take what it has learned from this title when approaching new titles for smart devices. Its first mobile titleis due this year.
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March 23rd, 2015, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
There will be an added hurdle for New 3DS owners to navigate if they want to purchase the digital version of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.
Nintendo has admitted that those still using the SD card that shipped with their device won’t actually have enough room to download the game in the first place.
“The download version of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D does not fit on the microSD card included with New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL systems,” Nintendo says in a footnoteon its official site. “An 8GB or larger microSD card is required to download this game from Nintendo eShop.”
Users who don’t want to buy the physical game, then, will need to get their hands on a new SD card and, as previously reported, a small screwdriver to remove the handheld’s rear section to swap out the card.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will be the first game to be released exclusively for the New 3DS and not be compatible with older versions of the hardware. The original version of the title was released for Wii in 2010.
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March 23rd, 2015, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
A Wii U eShop developer plans to release what may be the most bizarre Wii Remote peripheral yet.
The Wii U laparoscopic controller is a specially-designed peripheral that holds two Wii Remotes and two Nunchuks.Grendel Games developed the device to work with its adventure puzzle game Underground, using technology intended as a way of training doctors in laparoscopy, otherwise known as keyhole surgery. How to assemble your laproscopic controller.
The studio also designed the educationalVirtual Endosuite, software which actually lets you practice surgical scenarios. It's nothing like Surgeon Simulator.Underground replicates the movements used when operating on a patient, with two mechanical arms on either side of the screen that allows players to interact with the environment.In the game you play as Sw4nk, a robot butler who has to gather resources and then construct a safe path through hazardous areas for his owner to follow.In doing so, Grendel has said that players are also being "subconsciously" trained in the skills that needed to operate via keyhole surgery - you're just doing it in a safe environment, and not armed with anything that could slice open anyone's spleen.Watch a trailer below to see how it works.The eShop game is already available in the UK, but will launch in North America next week, on 2nd April.
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March 24th, 2015, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
image: http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3dsxl_thumb.jpg
 Nintendo have pushed a new firmware update for the Nintendo 3DS out, and this one actually adds a few new features. Specifically, it lets you save 8 versions of your Home Menu layout. Here’s a full list of the changes:Version 9.6.0-24U change log:Changes to HOME Menu: - A Home Menu Layout setting has been added to HOME Menu Settings. Users can save and load up to 8 layouts of the HOME Menu with different theme and software icon arrangements
Changes to Theme Shop: - Additional categories have been added under “View More” for easier navigation of the Theme Shop
Improvements to system stability and usability: - Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
For Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, and Nintendo 2DS Systems Only: - Changes to HOME Menu Settings: amiibo Settings has been added to HOME Menu Settings. amiibo Settings allows users to register an amiibo owner and nickname, delete data written to an amiibo by supported software, or reset an amiibo. This feature will require a peripheral device scheduled to launch in 2015.
The update is available now via the Nintendo 3DS Settings application.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/03/24...jZ3ICEdMJPO.99
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March 25th, 2015, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Social experiment-meets-endurance test Twitch Plays Pokémon has finally completed its Pokédex, a year after it first went live.
Launched back in February 2014, the live Twitch broadcast allowed viewers to input commands into a modified version of 1996 Game Boy title Pokémon Red.
The stream, which attracted over 121,000 simultaneous viewers at its peak and 1.16 million participants in total, and spawned a number of copycats and viral memes, took 16 continuous days to beat the game’s ‘final’ bosses, The Elite Four.
However, a dedicated group of watchers kept hammering away at the herculean task of catching all 151 Pokémon and thus filling out the game’s Pokédex.
They were given a little bit of help – the game was modified to make all 151 original monsters catchable (rather than requiring players to trade with Pokémon Blue owners as it did in 1996), legendary Pokémon – which players normally get one shot at – were set to respawn, and the player character AIIIAAB was given the ability to purchase the title’s Master Ball item, which instantly catches any Pokémon.
The final Pokémon to be caught was Red/Blue’s infamous psychic cat creature Mewtwo, who Pokémon fans may recognise as the subject of original spin-off film Pokémon: The First Movie from 1998.
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March 26th, 2015, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo and DeNA recently announced a partnership by which the two companies would collaborate to develop smartphone games using Nintendo properties and also create Nintendo’s new membership program. Since then, a summarized version of their presentation has been shared on Nintendo’s investor site and reveals when talks of the partnership between the two companies first began.Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says he first met DeNA CEO Isao Moriyasu in 2010, when the latter approached Nintendo with a proposal to use their properties in mobile games. Moriyasu’s enthusiasm for such a collaboration caused Nintendo to continue talks with him beyond that first meeting.“At some point in the past, I realized that there would be great potential for global synergy by combining the efforts of the two companies, as we would face dynamic environmental changes,” Iwata said to analysts and the press. “Since then, in addition to my discussions with Mr. Moriyasu, key persons from both companies have been discussing these possibilities.”Moriyasu adds that specific plans regarding an alliance between Nintendo and DeNA only began in Summer 2014.“We had numerous meetings where I myself talked to many Nintendo members in person,” Moriyasu said. “The more we talked, the stronger I believed each company’s strengths could complement one other. I started to wonder how huge of an impact we would make globally as one team.”One of the reasons that DeNA were keen on a partnership with Nintendo is because competition in the mobile games space has intensified and it has become increasingly difficult to get games noticed. Moriyasu says he believes recognized I.P. is the most effective way to make your game stand out, so an alliance with Nintendo, who own some of the most recognized I.P. globally, made sense.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/03/25...k3i7xxiXu4E.99
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March 26th, 2015, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Some people just want to watch the world burn. Others want to spread peace, joy and mustaches. [Joe Grand] falls into the latter group this time around. His latest creation is Mustache Mayhem, a hack, video game, and art project all rolled into one. This is a bit of a change from deconstructing circuit boards or designing electronic badges, but not completely new for [Joe], who wrote SCSIcide and Ultra SCSIcide for the Atari 2600 back in the early 2000’s.
Mustache Mayhem is built into a Nintendo Virtual Boy housing. The Virtual Boy itself was broken, and unfortunately was beyond repair. [Joe] removed most of the stock electronics and added a BeagleBone Black, Logitech C920 webcam, an LCD screen and some custom electronics. He kept the original audio amplifier, speakers, and controller connector. Angstrom Linux boots into [Joe’s] software, which uses OpenCV to detect faces and overlay mustaches. Gameplay is simple: Point the console at one or more faces. If you see a mustache, press the A button on the controller! The more faces and mustaches on-screen at once, the more points, or “mojo” the player gets. The code is up on Github, and can be built with Xcode targeted to the Mac, or directly on the BeagleBone Black.
[Joe’s] goal for the project was to make a ridiculous game that looks like it could have come out in the 90’s. He also used Mustache Mayhem as a fun way to learn some new skills which will come in handy for more serious projects in the future.
We caught up with [Joe] for a quick interview about his new creation.
How did you come up with the idea for Mustache Mayhem?
I was selling a bunch of my video game collection at PRGE (Portland Retro Gaming Expo) a few years ago and had a broken Virtual Boy that no one bought. A friend of mine was at the table and said I had to do something with it. I thought “People wear cosplay and walk around at conventions, so what if I could do something with the Virtual Boy that you could walk around with?” That was the seed.
A few months later, Texas Instruments sent me the original production release of the BeagleBone Black (rev. A5A). Eighteen months after that I actually started the project. The catalyst was to do something for an upcoming Portland, OR art show (Byte Me 4.0), which is an annual event that shows off interactive technology-based artwork. I wrote up a little description and got accepted. I had less than 2 months to actually get things working and it ended up taking about a month of full-time work. It was much more work than I expected for such a silly project. I originally was going to do something along the lines of walking around in a Doom-like perspective and shooting people when their faces were detected.
That would be pretty darn cool. How did you get from Doom to Mustaches?
I saw a TI BeagleBoard demo called “boothstache” which drew mustaches on faces and tweeted the pictures. I thought that doing something non-violent with mustaches would be more suitable (and funny) to actually show my kids. I also secretly wanted to use this project as a way to experiment with Linux, write some code, and learn about face detection and image processing with OpenCV, which I plan to use for some actual computer security research in the future. Mustache Mayhem turned out to be a super cool project and I’m really happy with it. I sort of feel guilty spending so much time on it, since it’s basically just a one-off prototype, but I just got so obsessed with making it exactly as I wanted.
You mentioned on your website that Mustache was “designed to challenge the paradigms of personal privacy and entertainment.” What exactly did you mean there?
Many people post images (and all sort of other personally identifiable information) of themselves online without thinking about the ramifications. I noticed that players willingly put their faces in front of the camera to see what they’d look like with a “virtual mustache.” I can’t really blame them, because mustaches are pretty cool, but if I can use a single-board Linux machine to detect faces, think about what cities, states, and nation-states can do/are doing on a much larger scale. The statement is sort of an underlying theme for people to think more carefully about their personal privacy and how it is or isn’t okay to sacrifice it in the name of having fun.
What was your favorite part of the project?
I loved the freedom of being able to create whatever I wanted to just for the hell of it. I have a real affinity for retro/classic gaming, so it was fun to try to make the game look like it could have belonged in the 90s (when the Virtual Boy was originally released). Being able to use the stock Virtual Boy controller was another highlight, since it made the game look more complete and less of hack (from outside appearance).
Did you have to figure the protocol out from scratch?
Nope, and that saved me a lot of time. I found a document online about the Virtual Boy controller pinout and interface, so I used that as a starting point. It didn’t take long to write the code to communicate with the controller (which uses a synchronous serial interface and basically just shifts out a bunch of bits with each one corresponding to a button on the controller).
Did your run into any unexpected challenges?
This was my first time really working in-depth with Linux. I ran into all sorts of trouble with configuring the system, compiling various packages, and generally just forcing it to do what I wanted it to do. This was purely a limitation of my own skills. Without the huge amount of open source tools and resources for both Linux and the BeagleBone Black, I would have been completely screwed. I’m a hardware guy, so this was truly a trial by fire.
A more significant unexpected challenge was realizing that the batteries I selected (Energizer L91 Lithium AA primary cells) couldn’t handle the power requirements (~7W) of the system. This was a major oversight on my part and I didn’t notice the problem until opening night of the art show when I started getting seemingly random shutdowns of the unit. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like a bad dream and reminded me of the stress while filming Prototype This when the cameras were rolling and everyone was looking at you.
How did you get around it for the show?
I thought that the batteries were just running low (and, technically, they were), so I switched over to using the stock Virtual Boy wall wart. Unbeknownst to me, that was also underpowered for my design. The system shutdown twice that night, but luckily attendees still got to experience the wonder of Mustache Mayhem.
After the show, I figured out the root cause of the problem: When running on batteries (the Virtual Boy controller uses six AAs in series), the system voltage was already sagging down to 7V (from a nominal 10.2V) before the game even started. As soon I started the game (which enabled the webcam), the voltage dropped below the 7V minimum limit of my DC/DC converter, causing the system to shutdown. With the wall wart (10V, 850mA), its output under load was actually a triangle (!) wave. On occasion, this would also cause the DC/DC converter to shutdown. It’s amazing nothing got damaged in the process. For most of my development, I had the USB connection plugged in (for network access to the BeagleBone Black from my computer), which supplements the main power, so I never noticed the poor performance of both the wall wart and batteries.
I ultimately hacked the Virtual Boy AC adapter pack (that connects to the back of the Virtual Boy controller) to fit a standard 2.1mm barrel jack and used a high-quality CUI 12V, 2.5A supply. The output under load is totally clean and stable with no noise whatsoever. I wasn’t able to find any battery chemistry in a AA package (or a pack that can fit into the space of the Virtual Boy battery holder) that will handle the high-current drain of the system while staying above 7V and don’t want to change my DC/DC converter to one with a lower minimum input voltage. So, for now, I’m stuck with wall power. I’m OK with that, though.
We want to thank [Joe] for taking the time to talk with us. We don’t know what he’ll be working on next, but we’re sure it will be a [Grand] Idea!
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March 26th, 2015, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
On Tuesday March 17th, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata surprised a gathering of press with a major announcement about the future of its business.
“In recent years, with the spread of smart devices, we’ve increasingly heard a variety of opinions on the future of the dedicated video game system business, and in particular relatively pessimistic ones,” he said, adding that issues impacting the performance of 3DS and Wii U has sparked analysts “to suggest that dedicated game systems too may be consumed by smart devices since the latter has already been said to have consumed a variety of dedicated devices such as digital music players, cameras and car navigation systems.”
Iwata doesn’t agree with that analysis, to the point that he announced the NX – a dedicated console that will be revealed next year. But, he does view smart devices as the next generation of the TV and said: “It would be a waste not to use these devices.”
Nintendo said it would be developing mobile games. It is something some critics and analysts have longed lobbied the company to do. Yet the economics of mobile gaming is something that has never sat well with Nintendo.
Mobile games rarely cost more than a £1 – Nintendo would have to sell a lot of Super Mario iOS to generate significant money – which is why so many mobile developers have adopted the free-to-play (or ‘free-to-start’ as Iwata calls it) model. Perhaps Mario runs out of energy after a few levels, and gamers will either have to wait until he’s refreshed, or pay some money to buy him a power-up. Or perhaps fan will have to pay micro-transactions to access extra monsters in Pokémon.
It would work, but would it go down well with Nintendo’s die-hard fans? Or, more to the point, how well would it sit with parents, who are already wary of mobile gaming’s ‘free’ business model?
It’s something Iwata is clearly concerned about. In subsequent interviews, he has suggested that Nintendo may have to come up with entirely new business models.
And this is perhaps where Nintendo’s new friend can come into play. The Japanese smartphone giant: DeNA.
"Nintendo can help with our global expansion.
Its IP will bring the best gaming experience to
players around the world." Tomoyuki, Akiyama, DeNA Nintendo has partnered with DeNA to launch its smartphone games platform, and as part of the deal Nintendo has taken a ten per cent share in the firm, while DeNA has taken a 1.24 per cent share in Nintendo.
DeNA is one of the biggest mobile games companies in the world. It employs some 2,000 people and generated almost $1.8bn last year – primarily from mobile games. Meanwhile, almost $2bn was consumed by DeNA mobile games in 2013. It is on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and even owns a Japanese baseball team.
It wasn’t always a mobile games business, however. It began life in operating online actions, before moving into online retail, then mobile auctions, mobile advertising, mobile social networks and then finally entering the gaming space.
It launched a platform called Mobage – a bit like Xbox Live for mobile – which has over 30m users.
“DeNA shifted its business focus to mobile as early as in 2004 - three years before the iPhone - and built its expertise,” says global corporate communications chief Tomoyuki Akiyama.
Akiyama says there are three key strengths to DeNA, including its metrics-driven operation, the ability to “develop mobile-optimised service for small screens and ‘in-between time’ and technology that is able to handle massive data traffic.”
But it’s not all about technology and analytics. DeNA knows a thing or two about publishing and making games. It released Kaito Royale, a mobile hit in Japan, and it’s published Rage of Bahamut and Blood Brothers, which have topped the App Store and Google Play charts in the West.

DeNA also has ambitious goals of its own.
“We want to be the world’s No.1 mobile internet company,” says Akiyama. “Mid-term, we want to establish our position as a mobile gaming leader, and to launch multiple new non-gaming businesses for sustained growth.”
It’s the global element that is key to DeNA. The mobile market has become saturated in Japan, but the company’s attempts to launch globally have had mixed results. It has a Western presence, and has invested in developers, but not to much success. Although it’s learned some valuable lessons.
“We found out what does and doesn’t work for users in the West,” continues Akiyama. “The difference includes lower revenue per user, higher drop-out rate and the different competitive landscape.
He adds: “Nintendo can help with this global expansion.
“Its IP will help bring the best gaming experience to over a billion mobile users globally. We will also continue to share knowledge between our offices around the world.”
It’s not the only thing Nintendo can help with. DeNA admits there are challenges in the mobile space, including intensifying competition, worsening discoverability for apps and increased user-acquisition cost – all of which, Akiyama says is something Nintendo can help solve, because it has the games and the software to help DeNA rise above its competitors and get the visibility it wants worldwide.
"We want to be the world's No.1 mobile internet company." Tomoyuki Akiyama, DeNA Of course this all sounds great for DeNA. But what about Nintendo?
Listening to Akiyma, DeNA sounds nothing like Nintendo. This is a company that talks about metrics, user acquisition and technology. These are not the sort of buzz words typically mouthed by Nintendo executives, who prefer to use words like ‘creativity’ and ‘fun’. Nintendo is run by creators; it’s why it often makes brilliant games, but not always astute business decisions.
Yet it’s because DeNA sounds like the antithesis of Nintendo that this partnership could work. Iwata says that: “DeNA’s strength is its world-class internet service construction and operating know-how.” And says that the two will work together “to construct a bridge between mobile and dedicated game hardware.”
DeNA can build something that Nintendo has repeatedly struggled to do: an online network that keeps gamers engaged with both the company and its games. Nintendo may not make billions from Mario Kart on Android, but if it can convince a fraction of those gamers to go and buy Mario Kart 7 on 3DS or Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, it could prove to be a lucrative initiative.
The potential of smartphones is huge for Nintendo – especially as many of these mobile gamers arethe ones that bought into Wii and DS just a few short years ago. But the real exciting element of this move might actually be DeNA, and the role it can play in finding Nintendo a place in the modern games industry.
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March 27th, 2015, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
A year and a half ago we ran a post about a SNES controller modified into a pair of headphones. They were certainly nice looking and creative headphones but the buttons, although present, were not functional. The title of the original post was (maybe antagonistically) called: ‘SNES Headphones Scream Out For Bluetooth Control‘.
Well, headphone modder [lyberty5] is back with a vengeance. He has heeded the call by building … and guess what, they are indeed Bluetooth! Not only that, the A, B, X and Y buttons are functional this time around and have been wired up to the controls on the donor Bluetooth module.
To get this project started, the SNES controller was taken apart and the plastic housing was cut up to separate the two rounded sides. A cardboard form was glued in place so that epoxy putty could be roughly formed in order to make each part completely round. Once cured, the putty was sanded and imperfections filled with auto body filler. Holes were drilled for mounting to the headband and a slot was made for the Bluetooth modules’ USB port so the headphone can be charged. The headphones were then reassembled after a quick coat of paint in Nintendo Grey. We must say that these things look great.
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March 28th, 2015, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo's Legend of Zelda game in development for Wii U is no longer due out in 2015, producer Eiji Aonuma announced in a (embedded after the break) today. "I must apologize to you all that were expecting the game by year's end, but we are no longer making a 2015 release our number one priority," Aonuma says. "Instead, our priority is to make it the most complete and ultimate Zelda game. I hope to use the added time to make The Legend of Zelda for Wii U into a game that will reward you for your patience, so thank you for your continued support."
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March 28th, 2015, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
 Take the edge off of a full work week with a bit of Super Mario 64, available for download or playable right in your browser thanks to ingenious Unity developer Roystan Ross. He calls it Super Mario 64 HD, and it features the original game's first level, "Bob-Omb Battlefield." Ross promises that everything is just as players of the 1996 game will remember, with a few exceptions, including no red coins and no Big Bob-Omb. But, it's still Super Mario 64 in your browser (not your Bowser). Happy Friday, indeed!
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March 29th, 2015, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo 64 is certainly a classic video game system, with amazing titles like Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Bros that are still being played across the world today. But, like finding new parts for a classic car, finding an original controller that doesn’t have a sad, wobbly, worn-out joystick is getting to be quite the task. A common solution to this problem is to replace the joystick with one from a Gamecube controller, but the kits to do this are about $20USD, and if that’s too expensive then [Frenetic Rapport] has instructions for doing this hack for about $2.
The first iteration of using a Gamecube stick on an N64 controller was a little haphazard. The sensitivity was off and the timing wasn’t exactly right (very important for Smash Bros.) but the first kit solved these problems. This was the $20 kit that basically had a newer PCB/microcontroller that handled the Gamecube hardware better. The improvement which drove the costs down to $2 involves modifying the original PCB directly rather than replacing it.
While this solution does decrease the cost, it sacrifices the new potentiometer and some of the easier-to-work-with jumpers, but what was also driving this project (in addition to cost) was the fact that the new PCBs were becoming harder to get. It essentially became more feasible to simply modify the existing hardware than to try to source one of the new parts.
Either way you want to go, it’s now very easy to pwn your friends in Smash with a superior controller, rather than using a borked N64 controller you’ve had for 15 years. It’s also great to see hacks like this that come together through necessity and really get into the meat of the hardware. Perhaps we’ll see this controller ported to work with other versions of Super Smash Bros, too!
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March 30th, 2015, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster

If you had a spare Game Boy Camera and the printer to match, what would you do with them? If you're media artist Dmitry Morozov, you'd make a one-of-a-kind firearm. His GBG-8 gun uses Nintendo's photographic peripherals and an Arduino board to shoot photos (almost literally) and print them on the spot -- effectively, it's a low-resolution Polaroid cam with a trigger. We can't imagine that this would go down well with security officials, but it could be a blast if you want to capture 8-bit memories with more flair than the original Game Boy gear allows. Let's just hope that Morozov offers some instructions so that his picture pistol is easy to reproduce at home.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Today we are back with another update: GATEWAY 3.1.1 ULTRA PUBLIC BETA.
This version fixes a minor bug where the GW3D version tag was not always displayed while in EmuNAND.
Some speculated this was due to fake microSD cards but it turns out this was not the case.
Furthermore today we bring support for launching the Gateway menu for New 3DS users up to firmware 9.2 through the use of the “Cubic Ninja” game!
Owners of a retail copy of “Cubic Ninja” from the USA, EUR or JAP region will be able to use the Gateway 3DS cartridge with New 3DS and enjoy all the cool features as usual!
The installation for the Cubic Ninja launching method works as follows:
* Make sure WiFi is configured and working on your New 3DS (You will only need this once)
* Make sure Gateway 3.1.1 Launcher.dat is placed on the New 3DS microSD card
* Start “Cubic Ninja”
* Go to “Create” menu option
* Select “QR Code”
* Select “Scan QR Code”
* Scan the Gateway Cubic Ninja QR code found in the Downloads section for you region
* After a brief wait, a Cubic Ninja savegame will be installed
* And the Gateway menu will be launched
After this one time installation you can invoke Gateway menu as follows:
* Start “Cubic Ninja”
* Go to “Create” menu option
* Select “QR Code”
* Gateway menu should appear
We also noticed the multirom menu is not working properly on New 3DS 8.1.0J, and community members confirmed
so far that updating EmuNAND to latest firmware fixes this issue as a temporary workaround.
Another pending issue we are working on fixing is the broken “head tracking” functionality
in Gateway mode on New 3DS. However, some clever community members discovered an easy
temporary workaround until we develop a proper fix for this issue: Simply close your New 3DS
lid while in Gateway mode to put the console in sleep mode, re-open the lid and head tracking
should be working again as expected.
Last but not least: We have received a decent amount of feedback with regards to
incompatibility with certain specific versions of “Zelda: Ocarina of Time”.
We are still working on improving compatibility; expect more news soon!
NOTE: Support for launching the Gateway menu through Cubic Ninja or Zelda Ocarina of Time on the Classic 3DS is not implemented yet.
If we get enough interested users we will consider implementing it for the Classic 3DS too.
And as always, ENJOY!
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March 30th, 2015, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Do you remember the First Custom Firmware for New 3DS? Now it is back and better than ever.
NTR CFW 2.1 by developer cell9 can be used on EU, JP, AUS, USA New 3DS with firmware 8.1.0, 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 9.2.0. As the previous version was JP only, this update is much appreciated. Same as the previous version, you need a retail cartridge or eShop version(JP only) of Cubic Ninja with the same region of your New 3DS and a one time access to internet to use this CFW.
NTR CFW includes features such as Region-Free, game save manager, real time debugging, in-game menu with screenshot option, playing translated games with retail cartridges, plugin support and clean mode (for problematic games with high memory usage such as SSB and MH4).
You have a lot of options with this CFW, you can even update to a desired firmware manually with the way yifanlu describes. Though i wouldn’t suggest it if you are a noob.
I love NTR CFW as it gives neat solutions to people without flashcarts and it is being updated to include more features. I would like it even more if it supported emuNAND for eShop support. I hope it will be added in following updates.
What do you think about this anti-piracy CFW solution? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster

Update By: isaix
This is it. After almost 2 years of development, the 3rd episode of the Super Mario World the Lost Adventure series is finally here. This is a complete Super Mario World rom hack for the Super Nintendo that features 95 new levels, over 150 custom music pieces, custom graphics, new boss fights, new power ups, custom palettes, a redesigned overworld map and you even get to play as Princess Peach in certain levels.
RHDN Project Page
Relevant Link: (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2356/)
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March 30th, 2015, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
With the help of more than 50 major contributors and after almost 4 years of development including months of public beta testing, Auryn has released the final version of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor’s Path, a full English translation of Gyakuten Kenji 2 for Nintendo DS.
Gyakuten Kenji 2 is a direct sequel to Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, which is itself a spin-off of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It is the only game in Capcom’s popular Ace Attorney series of visual novels to never have gotten an official English localization.
This game features prosecutor Miles Edgeworth investigating a quick succession of murders, starting with the death of a bodyguard of the President of Zheng Fa during an assassination attempt. With the help of Detective Gumshoe and the self-proclaimed “Grand Thief” Kay Faraday, Edgeworth has to collect evidence and find contradictions in witnesses’ testimonies in order to reveal the whole truth about the murders while fighting the juridical system attempting to impede his progress. New to the series is the Logic Chess system where Edgeworth uses his wits to extract information from uncooperative witnesses.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
This week we go back in time all the way to 1989 with our second issue of the original Club Nintendo magazine.
Again, this magazine is only 20 pages big, so we only have two small preview articles to sample before you download the complete issue.
The first one is for the arcade port by Capcom of the side-scrolling shooter Section-Z. While the second one is also an arcade port, but this time of an overhead shooter by SNK: Ikari Warriors.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
This week we are back with another remastered edition of one of our previous releases. As always, every page has been re-examined and edited where needed. Afterwards we take the lossless PSD or TIF files and run them through a batch converter to create high quality jpg images that have been colour corrected to look as close to the original physical rendition as possible. To get a bit more details on this process, click the following link, which also contains a couple of before/after short.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
modrobert writes: "I just got a Super Nintendo (SNES) with a Pro Fighter X Turbo (32Mbit) copier from my father, feeling nostalgic while playing Super Bomberman 3 [12Mbit/JAP] with my kids, lots of fun. Back in 1995 I sold the Pro Fighter X Turbo to my father, who played a bit and then stored it with the SNES in the attic, now 20 years later it still looks new and works great, even the games stored on floppies load fine.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The Arcade emulator Final Burn Alpha has been updated. The emulator also supports SNES, MegaDrive, Neo-Geo CD, PC-Engine and some other systems.
Here´s the list of new stuff:
- Fixed VS Block Breaker / Saru-Kani-Hamu-Zou on Super Kakeko Nova System is now fully working/playable [dink]
- Fixed Ken-Go on Irem m72 hardware [dink]
- Fixed graphics glitching/screen flashing in Mr. Heli / Battle Chopper [dink]
- Fixed bad static/clipping noise on several Neo-Geo games (Art of Fighting, Football Frenzy, etc) with FM Interpolation [dink]
- Fixed unclear/staticy sample/instruments in all games on Irem m72 hardware [dink]
- Fixed sound in Renegade, replacing custom ADPCM with MSM5205 [barry, Alex Jackson]
- Reduced MSVC compiler optimisation level (fixes Tetris Plus 2 and maybe others) [barry]
- Fixed Thunder Dragon 2 sprite priorities and missing instruments/sounds [dink]
- Fixed background glitching in level 2 of R-Type Leo [dink]
- Fixed Turbo Force sprite priorities [dink]
- Fixed broken music in Hammer Away level 2+, including a fix to the rf5c68 pcm core buffer handling [dink]
- Fixed distorted music in Air Duel after the level 1 boss [dink]
- Fixed Karnov - broken after updating to the latest Musashi core [dink]
- Fixed Vapor Trail running too slow (vblank timing) [dink]
- Fixed Land Stalker (Megadrive), hang after character selection [dink]
- Fixed SFX and music in Bucky O´Hare, improve synchronization [dink, iq_132]
- Fixed Sega GP Rider hang at start [dink]
- Fixed highlights in Mystic Warriors and other konamigx games [iq_132]
- Added driver for SunA 8-bit games: Hard Head, Hard Head 2, Super Ranger, Sparkman and Star Fighter [iq_132]
- New Game Info feature, with history.dat support, pcb, marquee, in-game, boss, marquee, flyer, pcb and more [Barry]
- Add Aetherbyte Santatlantean to the PC Engine driver [dink]
- Misc. Konami driver cleanups [iq_132]
- Preserve NEC v25/v35 decode pointer on state load/save, fixes savestate issues with Ken-go and other V25/V35 games that use encryption [dink]
- Added driver for Tecmo Bowl [iq_132]
- Fixed MSM5205 sound in Tecmo Bowl [barry]
- Added driver for Zaxxon, Super Zaxxon and Congo Bongo [vbt, iq_132]
- Added Fantasy Zone Time Attack bootleg to the Sega System-16B driver [Barry]
- Fixed Battle Bakraid crash in level 5 at the first mid-boss [dink]
- Added Battle Garegga Zakk version [dink]
- Added clone of Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara (960208 Asia) [ArcadeHacker, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Fixed warped record tempo effect in Exed Exes and Vulgus [dink]
- Fixed music and flipped screen-on-coinup issue in Terra Cresta [dink]
- Fixed music in the game Blue Print [dink]
- Added game Grasspin to the Blue Print driver [dink]
- Added driver for Gulf Storm, The Last Day, Pollux, Blue Hawk, Sadari, Flying Tiger, Gun Dealer ´94, Super-X, R-Shark and Pop Bingo on Dooyong hardware [iq_132]
- Added Uncle Poo to the Jack and the Giantkiller driver [dink]
- Added clone of Capcom World 2 (920611 Japan, alt) [Bonky0013, manimani, JacKc]
- Added driver for Konami´s Finalizer [iq_132]
- Added clone of Battle K-Road (alternate sound) [Manuel Assoni, JacKc]
- Slightly improved the music/sfx in Wyvern-F0 [dink]
- Sync the Psychic5 driver romsets with MAME [JacKc]
- Added driver for Konami´s Rock ´n Rage [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Blades of Steel [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Jail Break [iq_132]
- Added game Come Back Toto on Snow Bros. / Hyper-Pac hardware [system11, David Haywood]
- Preserve AY8910 port handler pointers on state load/save, fixes savestate stability issues [dink]
- Added driver for Konami´s Battlantis [iq_132]
- Fixed slowdowns/sprite flicker/crash on exit in several Dataeast Dec8 games [dink]
- Added Birdie Try to the Dataeast Dec0 driver [gamezfan, dink]
- Fixed the music tempo fluxuations in Vapor Trail and Crude Buster [dink]
- Fixed mis-aligned sprite:bg layer in Vapor Trail [dink]
- Fixed slowdowns in Air Buster [dink]
- Improved the sound in 1942 [dink]
- Fixed music in Pocket Gal Deluxe [dink]
- Added driver for Konami´s Labyrinth Runner / Trick Trap [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Iron Horse [iq_132]
- Sega SG-1000 driver improvements - add games to the clone tree, fixed most non-working games [dink]
- Hooked up Analogue steering for Konami GT, Red Force and Hyper Crash [dink]
- Fixed lost irq state in the 68k core with savestates, fixes Gradius II´s savestates [dink]
- Added PuzzLove to the Silver Millenium driver [iq_132]
- Added driver for Konami´s Circus Charlie [iq_132]
- Added clone of Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861202) [system11, JacKc]
- Fixed graphics issues in Marine Boy level 4+ [dink]
- Correct rom names for the Pang / Buster Bros. sets. [Bad A Billy, Smitdogg, Tormod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
- Hook up filters to Pooyan and fix music [dink]
- Added driver for Konami´s Tutanham [iq_132]
- Added driver for Roc ´n Rope [iq_132]
- Added driver for MegaZone [iq_132]
- Added driver for Time Pilot/Space Pilot [iq_132]
- Added driver for Time Pilot ´84 [iq_132]
- Fixed music, sound and sprite flickering in Gyruss [dink]
- Standardized IRQ status and RAM/ROM mapping amongst the cpu cores [iq_132]
- Added ability to output to MONO in the sn76496 sound core [iq_132]
- Fixed occasional missing explosion sound trigger in Galaga [dink]
- Added Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Evolution 1.0, FCHT hack) [JacKc]
- Fixed the alignment of the text layer in Pac-Land [dink]
- Added the ability to change the samplerate of the MSM6295 at any time [iq_132]
- Added driver for Legend of Makai, P-47, Kick Off, Takeda Shingen, Ninja Kazan, Astyanax, Hachoo!, Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyoo, Plus Alpha, Saint Dragon, RodLand, Phantasm, Avenging Spirit, Earth Defense Force, 64th Street, Soldam, Big Striker, Chimera Beast, Cybattler, Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen and Peek-a-Boo! on Jaleco Megasys1 hardware [iq_132]
- Added CPU_IRQSTATUS_HOLD (like _AUTO but with long ACK) to the Z80 interface [dink]
- Added the Sky Army tuturial driver [iq_132]
- Added clone of Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) (ARCADIA review build) [ShouTime, JacKc]
- Added clone of Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (GAMEST review build) [ShouTime, JacKc]
- Added driver for Sega Master System and Game Gear [dink]
- Added blending effects to the tecmo16 driver to fix Riot´s intro [iq_132]
- Added clone of Gemini Wing (World, bootleg) [f205v, Tirino73, JacKc]
- Added stereo capability and reset function to the SN76496 sound core [dink]
- Added driver for Pandora´s Palace on Konami GX328 hardware [iq_132]
- Added preliminary driver for games on Alpha 68K hardware [barry]
- Fixed various issues in the localisation templates [barry]
- Added support to the interface for a third YM2203 [barry]
- Added dat file support for Sega Master System and Game Gear [barry]
- Added filter to Game Selection dialog for Game Gear [barry]
- Updated the libpng library to v1.6.16 [barry]
- Synced sets with MAME 0.159 [barry, JacKc]
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March 30th, 2015, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Minesweeper 2DS v1.0 by Cid2mizard.
Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field. The game originates from the 1960s, and has been written for many computing platforms in use today.
Controls :
Double Touch or D-pad + A : Menu Selection
Short Touch or Short A : Discover case/Delete flag
Long Touch or Long A : Place flag
B : Back to menu
Select : Restart game
Start : Exit game
Changelog :
-Using GPU Render, no more lost frames, thanks sf2dlib.
-Better gfx.
-Add Custom level.
-Change restart game to button X.
-Add Touch menu, forget in v0.6.
-Add D-pad + A Controls for game.
-Add 3ds, cia format (UniqueID 0x2101)
-Disable et delete gfxSet3D, not used.
-Change colors background for better tiles view.
-Add title menu.
-Add normal & hard mode.
-Fix bottom screen glitch appeared in 0.2, fps is now stable.
-Numbers & Emoticons size X3 and Jump to Top screen.
-Smiley Touch remplaced by Button A.
-Add background color for 2 screens.
-Initial Release. Only Grid 9*9 with 8 mines.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Mihai Sebastian also offers a version of the famous game Teaser for the Nintendo Gamecube, " Mama Bear Puzzle . "
This Nintendo GameCube homebrew game is a direct implementation of the "15 puzzle" game, which comprises a four by four sliding tile area, where one tile is missing. The goal is to restore a configuration where tiles are in order.
Use the d-pad to slide tiles, and the Start button to reset the puzzle.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sebastian Mihai offers " Groundhog Puzzle ", an adaptation of the puzzle game" Teaser "for the Nintendo Wii.
This Nintendo Wii homebrew game is a direct implementation of the "15 puzzle" game, which comprises a four by four sliding tile area, where one tile is missing. The goal is to restore a configuration where tiles are in order.
Use the d-pad to slide tiles, and the Start button to reset the puzzle.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Phoenix Arcade emulator for 3ds (NinjaHax and Gateway) V 0.2
EPP port by seagal, 2015
Original emu by James Sutherland, 1997
Color are correct now
Pleiads support
Better 3d 3ffect (less eye-hurting)
.3ds file included (Gateway)
A -> Fire
B -> Shield
Left, Right -> Move left, Right
Select -> Insert Coin
Start -> 1p Start
X -> Exit Emulator
All OK but no sound.
Not included, but needed.
For Phoenix you'll need 'phoenix (Amstar)' Romset, and must be named:
ic23 -- 2048 bytes
ic24 -- 2048 bytes
ic39 -- 2048 bytes
ic40 -- 2048 bytes
ic45 -- 2048 bytes
ic46 -- 2048 bytes
ic47 -- 2048 bytes
ic48 -- 2048 bytes
ic49 -- 2048 bytes
ic50 -- 2048 bytes
ic51 -- 2048 bytes
ic52 -- 2048 bytes
If your files have another name, you'll have to rename them manually, sorry.
For Pleiads you'll files musy be named:
Gateway -> create a folder named 'roms' on the root of YOUR 3DS SDCARD. Inside create a folder named 'phoenix' and copy uncompressed roms inside. For Pleiads, create a folder called 'pleiads' with uncompressed pleiads roms.
3ds SD card
NinjaHax -> Same as Gateway, but 'roms' folder must be into your Phoenix arcade emulator folder (3ds/phoenix/ <- here)
3ds SD card
Why this port?
Some sort of tribute to very first years of emulation, when mame only was multipacman emulator and single arcade emulators were awaited and celebrated.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
100 Boxes 2DS is a simple yet challenging puzzle game.By Cid2mizard
Gameplay: fill all the boxes of a 10x10 grid. If you move horizontally or vertically you must skip 2 boxes. If you move diagonally you must skip 1 box.
Controls :
Touch or D-pad + A : Discover Case
B : New Game
Start : Exit
Changelog :
v0.1 -Initial Release.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamante offers version 1.0 and 1.1 of " 4Rows "adaptation of the famous" Connect 4 "for the Nintendo 2DS / 3DS. The game does not look, it's a quick port of the PSP version. Rinnegatamante explains with this realization, it is simple to make portages Lua program running on 3DS PSP towards the changing virtually nothing in the source code.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Lua Player Plus 3DS is a LUA interpreter for 3DS/N3DS made by me forked from original lpp-c++ (PSP/PSVITA) trunk made by me and NaNNi.
It provides different cool features like audio playback, video playback, zip extraction, images loading support, alpha blending, network features, socketing features, etc...
As always, using a LUA interpreter is very simple, you just have to rename lpp-3ds-3dsx as MyHomebrewName.3dsx, put it in /3ds/MyHomebrewName/ folder and start writing your code in /3ds/MYHomebrewName/index.lua.
In the package you'll find a documentation for all lpp-3ds functions, a 3DSX build, an ELF build to make your CIA/3DS builds, some LUA scripts samples.
- 2D Graphics system with different built-in functions for drawing text, creating debug consoles, filling rectangles, drawing pixels, etc.
- Alpha channel support
- Native support to BMP/PNG/JPG images
- Sound system for reproducing audio files and recording audio with microphone
- Native support to WAV/AIFF/OGG audio files
- Complete access to Nintendo 3DS controls
- I/O features for SDMC and EXTDATA
- Video system for reproducing video files with native support to BMPV/JPGV video files
- Timer system
- Advanced arithmetical functions
- Native 3D support
- Internet connectivity features through Network module (Like downloading files, sending mails)
- Socketing functions (Like FTP server)
- Read access to different 3DS info (Firmware, Mac Address, Kernel Version, Region, etc.)
- Built-in Keyboard system
- Native support to 3DSX homebrews and SMDH homebrew datas
- Native support to CIA archives
- Native support to ZIP archives
- Access to some 3DS syscalls (Reboot System, Launching Cartridges, etc.)
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March 30th, 2015, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
There are two days, " ctrulib "(CTR User Library), originally library development on Nintendo 3DS, passed version 0.5.0. Reminder: To expand on Nintendo 3DS, you must install the DevkitPro toolchains which includes the ctrulib.
CTR User Library
library for writing user mode arm11 code for the 3DS (CTR)
the goal with this is to create a very straightforward interface with the 3DS's OS. it is not meant to provide higher level functions; to put things in perspective, the purpose of ctrulib would be to sit between the OS and a possible port of SDL rather than replace it.
ctrulib is just a library and needs a toolchain to function. we built ctrulib to be used in conjunction with devkitARM. you may find instructions on how to install devkitARM here : http://devkitpro.org/wiki/Getting_Started
The most recent devkitARM (r43) includes 3DS support and a prebuilt libctru.
To keep up to date with the most recent changes you'll want to checkout ctrulib, build it and install it.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Machina provides a demo version of " Mazed "for the Nintendo 2DS / 3DS. You are lost in a maze of rooms and 10 have to find the exit.
What you see above is an image of a demo that I've been working on, now titled Mazed. You begin in a room with one exit. From there you must go through other rooms to figure out which way leads to the end. Making a wrong turn will take you back to where you started, and once you decide to enter a room you cannot go back. Memory is the key to winning this game.
Being a demo there are still missing features, and I mostly created this demo to test a concept that I had in mind. Though I like the results, so I'll probably end up working on this project a little more.
What is in the demo:
• Character movement - The character moves if you press the dpad. If the character hits a wall he stops moving.
• Character animation - The character is animated, so you will see the character move his face, arms and legs if you press the dpad.
• Room transition (10 rooms in total) - If you are in front of an entrance and press A you will enter a room. But, the entrance will be sealed. There is no going back, unless you make a mistake, from which then you would have to start all over.
• One-way victory - There is only one route to reach the end.
• Bottom screen only - The game plays on the bottom screen only. The image posted above is what the game should look like on the bottom screen. The reason the playing field is small is because of performance. Initially I used the whole bottom screen as the playing field, but for some reason performance took a hit. So, the smaller the images, the better the demo runs.
• Screenshot support - Press Start to take a screenshot. The image will be saved in lpp/Images/Screenshot.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
libertyernie propose la version 2.3.2 de l'excellent émulateur Game Boy/Game Boy Advance pour la nintendo Wii "Visual Boy Advance GX", portage de VBA-M.
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r1231
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip (optional) for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
-=[ New since 2014 ]=-
* Native loading/saving of ROMS and SRAM from Goomba (a GB emulator for GBA)
* Improved video rendering from RetroArch
* Screenshots can be displayed on the main menu
* Fixed pixel ratio mode (1x, 2x, and 3x)
* Super Game Boy borders (from game or custom)
* Wii U Pro Controller support
* 240p support
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.3.2 - March 4, 2015] - libertyernie
* Wii U: if widescreen is enabled in the Wii U setting, VBA GX will use a 16:9
aspect ratio, except while playing a game with fixed pixel mode turned on
* There are now three options for border in the emulation settings menu (see
"Super Game Boy borders" section for details)
* PNG borders now supported for GBA games
* Video mode "PAL (50Hz)" renamed to "PAL (576i)"
* Video mode "PAL (60Hz)" renamed to "European RGB (480i)"
* 240p support added (NTSC and European RGB modes)
* All video modes now use a width of 704 for the best pixel aspect ratio
[2.3.1b - November 8, 2014] - Glitch
* Added FIX94's libwupc for WiiU Pro Controllers
* Added tueidj's vWii Widescreen Fix
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March 30th, 2015, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
My project " DawnLike 3DS "is longer than expected to develop and wishing to quickly come up with something on the 3DS scene, I am pleased to present" Hamsters 2DS "in its version 1.2. This is a hamster breeding game in text mode, more precisely the remake of an old game that I played in college running originally on Mo5 and TO7 which I know the author but you find it here for windows => http://denouval.chez.com/hamster.htm . The game uses only the top screen to keep the spirit of the original game, I also translated the play into English for non-francophone.
# Hamsters 2DS v1.2
A breeding of Hamsters game in text mode for the Nintendo 2DS/3DS. By Cid2mizard
Controls :
Right & Left : +/- 1
Up & Down : +/- 10
R & L : +/- 100
A : Next step
Start : Exit
Changelog :
v1.0 Initial Release
v1.1 Fix bug with "Youngs" on restart game.
v1.2 Add, 3ds, cia, elf format (uniqueID = 0x1101)
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March 30th, 2015, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sunshell is a multifunction shell for Nintendo 3DS and it runs under a modified version of lpp-3ds.
Current release is an Alpha so it can be extremely bugged, please report on GBAtemp release topic any issue you encounter.
Sunshell provides a modules system: any developer can work to port its homebrew to Sunshell as a module and Sunshell modules could run also in background. Sunshell sourcecode is highly commented and idented to simplify devs works for conversion of their homebrews to Sunshell modules.
There are a lot of pre-installed modules:
- Videos: A video player which supports JPGV and BMPV videos
- Musics: A music player which supports WAV and AIFF musics
- Photos: A photo viewer which supports JPG, BMP and PNG images
- Filebrowser: A powerful filebrowser with lot of features
- Console Info: An info viewer to know some info about your system (Model, Kernel Version, System Version, Mac Address, etc...)
- Mail: A mail sender application
- Calc: A scientific/developers calculator like Windows ones
- CIA Manager: A CIA manager
- Applications: A 3DSX, imported CIA, Game Cartridge launcher
- Clock: A Cronometer, Countdown and Alarm clock utility
- FTP Server: An FTP Server utility
- Copy "config.sun" file from "Common Files" folder to the root of your SD card
- Open "config.sun" file with a Text Editor and set your preferred main_dir
- Copy folders from "Common Files" to your main_dir
- Copy "sun_index.lua" file from "Common Files" to the same directory of your build executable (SD root for 3DS/CIA)
NOTE: If you want to replace Homebrew Menu with Sunshell for Ninjhax users, you must use "sun_index.lua" file contained in "boot.3dsx Patch" folder.
Video files must be putted in VIDEO folder.
Music files must be putted in MUSIC folder.
Photos must be putted in DCIM folder (It support also subfolders).
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March 30th, 2015, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Neither the original game or the Wii port were my original work, but I have updated controls, introduced new control schemes, improved interfaces, and fixed long-standing bugs.
Now supports the following input methods:
Wii Remote with Nunchuck
Gamecube controller
USB Keyboard
USB Mouse
Classic controller
Music can be played, but an SD card is required to do so. (External hard drives will not work due to seek time causing massive slowdown in game). In order to do so, extract the contents of this folder to your SD card
http://www.mediafire.com/download/wqv9y ... ndPatch.7z
(These were created by the FreePats Project: http://freepats.zenvoid.org/)
Differing IWADS have seperate folders for save games now; for example DOOM2 savegames will be in savegames/doom2. This is done to prevent loading savegames of the wrong game. If you want to copy over saves from an older version, just stick them in the proper folder.
Wii U
UStealth is supported for external FAT32 drives. Wii U Pro Controller support is planned but not currently implemented.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Citra Renderer-Refactor Git (2015/03/30) is compiled. Citra Renderer-Refactor is a branch of Citra. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.
Citra Renderer-Refactor Git Changelog:
* State coverage, size-based fb flush, cleanup
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March 30th, 2015, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
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Project64 Git (2015/03/30) is compiled. Project 64 is a proprietary Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows. It employs a plug-in system that allows third-party software developers to create their own implementation of a specified component. Project64 allows the user to play Nintendo 64 games on a computer by reading ROM images, either dumped from the read-only memory of a Nintendo 64 cartridge or created directly on the computer as homebrew. Project64 started as an exercise by Jabo and zilmar in an attempt to see if they were capable of programming a Nintendo 64 emulator. It's open source now.
Project64 Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #340 from toehead2001/master
Cheats window - Remove extra border around cheat list & Update checkmark gfx
* Cheats window - Remove extra border, Update checkmark gfx
* Merge pull request #344 from Lithium64/Patch-2
Updated Cheats database and others support files
* Updated RDX version
* Updated version of cheats database
* Added some missing games to project64.cht
* Merge pull request #341 from MELERIX/patch
Updated Spanish translation with the recent introduced changes.
* Updated Spanish translation with the recent introduced changes.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
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DeSmuME SVN r5150 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
bump version number for trunk svn builds
clarify new version changelog
set final revision in changelog
make 0.9.11 release branch
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March 30th, 2015, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
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mGBA Git (2015/03/29) is compiled. mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.
Near full Game Boy Advance hardware support[1].
Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
Save type detection, even for flash memory size[2].
Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
Frameskip, configurable up to 9.
Screenshot support.
9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
Video and GIF recording.
Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
Loading from ZIP files.
IPS and UPS patch support.
Game debugging via a command-line interface (not available with Qt port) and GDB remote support.
mGBA Git Changelog:
* Qt: Double-clicking on the window toggles full screen
* GBA: Fix Pro Action Replay ROM patches
* GBA: Fix PARv3 IO codes, add master code support
* GBA: Almost entirely untested Pro Action Replay v3 code support
* Qt: Save fullscreen setting
* GBA: Fix BIOS loading setting
* Qt: Remember window position
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March 30th, 2015, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
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Fceux SVN r3104 is compiled. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
applying Anthony J. Bentley's manpage updates (sf 680)
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March 30th, 2015, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Dolphin Git 4.0-5946 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator which supports many extra features and abilities not present on the original consoles. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.
Dolphin Git changelog:
- DolphinWX: Get rid of wxGrid-based casts in the debugger. (PR #2245 from lioncash)
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