Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on GamesIndustry.biz intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work. This entry was contributed by Marc Williamson, CEO at Tag Games, which is working with Adult Swim on Pocket Mortys and with NaturalMotion on CSR2.
I should make this clear from the off, I'm not much of a Pokémon fan. I completely missed out on the initial craze in the mid '90s. Back then I was filling up my gaming life with more “mature” games; competing with my friends in GoldenEye and Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64, exploring the futuristic universes of Deus Ex, or playing Counter-Strike with my roommates.
But in the year 2000, I was returning home for the Christmas holidays for the first time since starting University. My 12-year-old brother was playing Pokémon Snap and as I watched him play, I was intrigued. With a couple of weeks to kill at home over the holiday season, I decided to start my own save file.