November 1st, 2009, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13795.html
byuu has released a new version of its SNES emulator bsnes for Windows and Linux.
bsnes v0.055 released (2009-10-31)
Happy Halloween, this release adds full Super Game Boy support ... but is it a trick, or a treat? ::cough::, lameness aside ...
The Game Boy emulation core is courtesy of gambatte, and excellent, accuracy-focused, open source, and lightning fast Game Boy Color emulator. Now I know what you´re thinking, using a Game Boy Color emulator with the Super Game Boy? The truth is, gambatte was just such an amazingly perfect fit that nothing else compared. I fully believe that even as a CGB emulator, gambatte will do a better job than any pure DMG emulator could.
The emulation of the ICD2 chip (aka the Super Game Boy) was fully reverse engineered by myself. Eventually I´ll get an updated document put up explaining how it works.
The next question might be, "why emulate the Super Game Boy when existing Game Boy emulators do?"; well, they can only simulate part of the SGB. Features such as custom SNES sound effects, hand-drawn borders, multi-tap support and custom SNES code execution can only be accomplished by a true SNES emulator. Space Invaders is perhaps the most impressive demonstration, as it contains an entire SNES game embedded inside the Game Boy cartridge.
bsnes´ SGB emulation supports virtually every command, full sound mixing from both the SNES and Game Boy sides, both BIOS revisions, etc. The only thing that is not fully functional yet is the multi-player support, but it should be in due time. Save state support is also planned for a later date.
added Super Game Boy emulation (thanks to gambatte for the Game Boy core)
extended hybrid scanline/cycle PPU renderer to support Mode7 register caching; fixes scanline flickering on NHL ´94 title screen
all windows (other than the main window) can be closed with the escape key now
file dialog path selection now accepts typed paths; can be used to access hidden directories and network shares
file dialog´s game information panel can now be disabled
fixed a crashing issue when the file dialog was given an invalid path
fixed screenshot capture save location
added screenshot capture option to tools menu
state manager now auto-closes when loading a state; it can be reopened quickly with F3
fixed GZip archive loading
fixed NTSC off-by-one filter bug on hires screens
extended Scale2x, LQ2x and HQ2x to properly filter hires screens
added Pixellate2x filter
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November 1st, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an update from the Hackimii Team courtesy of Bushing and like most newsposts its better to comfrom the coder than some uninformed person posting the news:
I keep getting questions along the lines of “should I update to 4.2? Are you guys going to make a ’safe boot2 updater’?” (The answer is ‘no’, but keep reading.)
Somewhere in the noise about this most recent update the point I was trying to make got lost. Let me recap the facts:
The most recent system update was the largest update ever done — 32 titles were added or updated, and each system downloaded approximately 50MB of data.
A certain firmware graybeard tells me that, on average, 1 in 1000 updates (of any software, on any system) will fail.
The Wii performs updates atomically on a per-title basis. What this means is that the system menu downloads each title from the Nintendo Update Server and feeds the data directly to IOS/ES. As each chunk of data for a given title is downloaded, IOS writes it into /import, and then once the entire title has finished downloading, it renames the files in /import to overwrite the older version of the title (in one step, “atomically”). That rename step probably only takes a second or two for each title.
Contrary to Nintendo’s claims, an update will not start over from the beginning if interrupted. Rather, the updates will be downloaded and installed in this order: boot2, IOS of the new system menu, a new system menu, and then everything else. If the update is interrupted after (for example) the IOS is installed but before the System Menu has finished downloading, the partially downloaded System Menu will be deleted upon the next reboot. You will still be told “an update is available”, and it will restart the update — but since it won’t reinstall the same version of something that’s already there, it will skip over boot2 and the IOS and restart downloading the system menu.
Any failed update on three of those pieces (boot2, system menu, IOS) will cause the system to irreparably brick.
Any failed update on another part of the system (for example, another IOS) could either cause strange behavior (certain games won’t launch) or could cause the system to brick (if it damaged the filesystem in NAND).
As far as updating boot2 goes:
The 1-in-1000 number applies to boot2, although there are some protection mechanisms in place to try to mitigate that risk. There are two separate copies of boot2 stored in flash, and if one is corrupted, it will try to boot the other — this is the only real “safety mechanism” in the entire device.
The boot2 update code is completely separate from any other update code, and has never been used before on any retail Wiis. That does not mean it’s necessarily broken or buggy, just that it has been nearly as well-tested as any of the other updater code.
During the development of BootMii/the HackMii Installer, I ran into a bug where the ECC data was not always written when writing boot2. Let me be clear here — this is not a huge bug. It only applies to the boot2-area blockmap page, and when it happens, the effect is generally harmless — if there is a bit error in that page, it will not be detected or corrected, but there are three copies of that data in that page and boot1 will choose the best 2 out of 3. (The only real indication you will see of this is if you find the message “Ninty forgot to write spare data for page xxx” in your installer.log file after installing BootMii/boot2.) I don’t really think this will cause a system to get bricked, but it’s evidence that the code has not been thoroughly tested.
Our boot2 updater code presumably carries the same 1-in-1000 risk of failure, but a failure there will still allow at least one of the two old copies of boot2 to work. (We do something mildly clever there to avoid overwriting each copy, and to prevent problems with BC/MIOS.)
There is no benefit or pitfall to installing boot2v4, other than the fact that if you don’t install it, it will keep trying to install it whenever you update, and if you had BootMii/boot2 installed, it will overwrite it.
Various employees of Nintendo — from lowly tech support staff and forum moderators to executives — have made the claim that “most of the bricked systems were a result of other modifications to the system.” This is a lie, and I’m disappointed in Nintendo for trying to make this claim. It’s not supported by evidence — how could they possibly get that kind of statistic? (There hasn’t been time for them to get bricked units back and do much analysis, and even in the case where they do have a bricked console in their hands, there’s nothing they can do to see whether it was modified or not.) It’s not supported by logic, either — the reason why this update “kills homebrew” is because it overwrites EVERYTHING, but the same is true for unmodified Wiis. It’s not even supported anecdotally — there were comments on Nintendo’s official Tech Forums from people who had bought a new Wii that day and had it brick the first time they did their connection test and system update.
If we were to write a boot2 installer, there’s no guarantee that it would be any safer than Nintendo’s. We sincerely believe it to be safe — we’ve tested it as much as we possibly can, we have an unreasonable number of safety checks in there, and I have yet to hear of a single case of bricking in somewhere between 10-20,000 installs — but then again, I’m sure Nintendo feels the same way about their code.
The distinction here is a more subtle than “whose code is buggier”. When you run the HackMii installer and install anything we’ve written, you are taking some risk. The difference here is that
For the (say) 20,000 people that run the HackMii installer, each one of them has done so deliberately and with some goal in mind — tinkering with their system, playing homebrew games, whatever. In the case of BootMii/boot2, we even give you a strong defense against bricking your console through updates (oh, the irony). If you run into problems, you can be mad at us, you can be mad at yourselves, but at the end of the day, you took a calculated risk.
For the 55 million people who own Wiis but did not run the HackMii Installer — yet are forced to update anyway — they run the risk of bricking with no tangible benefit to them whatsoever, and no choice in the matter.
If we take this 1-in-1000 statistic of failed updates, and say that 1-in-100 of those failed updates will result in a bricked system, and then extrapolate that over the top two groups — you end up with maybe one or two homebrew-running people with bricked Wiis, and 550 unmodified, bricked Wiis. If you have one of those, go to Nintendo and ask them to fix it for free. If you haven’t updated, there’s no good reason to — other than to stop it nagging at you to update. If you do feel compelled to update, your chances of running into problems are no better and no worse than anyone else’s, and they wouldn’t be much different if we wrote the update code instead of Nintendo.
This is the reason why it’s a big deal when anyone releases a bootloader update — it’s inherently risky, and for most people, it’s not worth the risk.
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November 1st, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via Nintendomax
Sonic Master proposes a new homebrew for the DS Metal Slug Battle. Two players compete on the same console in a duel to the death, you can choose between 4 characters, 15 maps and have 3 weapons, all left the world of Metal Slug.
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November 1st, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...79&format=news
Gannon offers BootOpera, Utility for the launch of the Internet Channel Opera directly from the homebrew channel. Provided you have previously installed the Opera Internet Channel on your Wii
bootOpera will boot the installed Opera channel for those who do not want to exit their loader to boot it. The source can easily be edited to boot installed other channels.
Source is included with the binary file.
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November 1st, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster

Fans of hardcore child-rearing sims will no doubt find 505 Games' Wii-exclusive "Baby and Me" to be a day-one purchase this year, promising a revolutionary new peripheral in which you stick a Wiimote inside a baby.
OK, not a real baby. A baby doll, of course. But it takes doll-playing to the next level by incorporating motion control (and balance board support!) into 18 game modes designed to test even the most darling little girl's resistance to saccharine depictions of parenting.
Not only that, this hellspawn will actually cry through the Wiimote's speaker. You quiet baby down by rocking, burping and teaching him/her/it to walk. There's even a feeding exercise. I'm sensing a Wiimote breast pump attachment down the line. And way to make everything creepy, Owen ...
This is the special edition, by the way. The regular game comes with a "holster" so you can attach the Wiimote to any other implement or household pet and pretend that is the baby, I guess. Baby and Me, developed by 505 Games, releases Nov. 10. I'm sure Luke will review it when he gets back.
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November 2nd, 2009, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster
Wii Sports Resort has sold nearly seven million units since its launch earlier this year, and the original Wii Sports has now topped sales of 50 million, Nintendo has told investors.
In a supplementary note that follows its earnings report last week, the company said that Wii Sports Resort has now sold 6.97 million units worldwide while Wii Sports' 4.83 million sales in the last quarter have pushed the game's sales to date up to 50.5 million since its launch in November 2006, as reported by Eurogamer.
Elsewhere on Wii, Wii Fit sales stand at 22.5 million, Mario Kart Wii at 18.4 million, Wii Play 24.4 million and Wii Fit Plus has reached 2.13 million.
Nintendo also listed sales figures to date for its best selling DS titles, with New Super Mario Bros coming out on top with 19.94 million units sold.
The DS's most recent success was Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver, which stands at 2.27 million, while Pokemon Platinum has reached 6.39 million to date.
Mario Kart DS sales have hit 16.1 million, Tomodachi Collection 1.45 million and Professor Layton and Pandora's Box is at 1.26 million.
Last week Nintendo cut its full-year profit forecasts to JPY 230 billion (USD 2.53) from JPY 300 billion (USD 3.30 billion) following lower then expected sales of Wii hardware.
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November 2nd, 2009, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster

Could a future version of the Nintendo DS hardware use 3G for digital downloads? Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says the company could take a cue from Amazon's Kindle business model.
Unlike today's smart phones and mobile 3G cards, which require monthly fees to access the network, Amazon's Kindle eBook reader figures in the price of 3G into the initial hardware cost, so the customer effectively pays one fee for the device and a lifetime of 3G access. Speaking at a analyst briefing following last week's lowered financial outlook, Nintendo's president called the Kindle's price plan an "option for the future."
"Only people who can pay thousands of yen a month [in mobile phone subscriptions] can be iPhone customers. That doesn't fit Nintendo customers because we make amusement products," Mr Iwata said. The Kindle's one-off cost would better suit Nintendo's customer base, he said. "In reality, if we did this it would increase the cost of the hardware, and customers would complain about Nintendo putting prices up, but it is one option for the future."
I don't see any problem with the handheld's current Wi-Fi access, but then again I rarely go anywhere that doesn't have an access point these days. I suppose if you want to be able to download new games nearly anywhere, 3G is certainly one way to go. Would you pay more for a 3G-enabled Nintendo DS?
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November 2nd, 2009, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is feeling the sting of competition from the iPhone,' writes Peter Smith in a recent post. 'At least, that's the feeling one gets when reading Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's thoughts on the future of Nintendo handhelds. According to a Financial Times piece, Iwata suggests the next Nintendo handheld (and to be clear, he isn't talking about the big screen DS launching in Japan next month) might include free 3G wireless, much like the Amazon Kindle does. The challenge is to offer the immediacy of downloading an inexpensive new game, anywhere, anytime, without forcing the user into some kind of monthly data plan.' From the FT piece: 'Only people who can pay thousands of yen a month [in mobile phone subscriptions] can be iPhone customers. That doesn't fit Nintendo customers because we make amusement products,' Mr Iwata said
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Ever wondered what to do with your NES that's at the back of the wardrobe? If you have, here's some handy tips on cleaning the aged console, replacing the 72 connector pins and modding the controllers.
GamesRadar's put together a lengthy walkthrough that covers topics such as How to clean your NES cartridges, How to clean your NES console and replace the 72-pin connector, How to take your NES apart and How to make a USB NES game controller. They look like they know what they're doing as well.
Chances are your warranty's out of date by now, so if it's sat in a dark corner of the attic wasting away, now (or the Christmas holidays) might be the perfect time to put the sparkle back into your retro gaming.
Here's the full guide: Fun projects for your NES.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

101 games… Endless variety—Whether you’re a racing fan, a sports nut, an old school arcade gamer, an action addict, a casual gamer, or a fan of brain-teasing puzzles, you’ll find something to like in 101-in-1 Party Megamix!
Fun for the whole family—The easy to pick-up-and-play games are accessible for people of all ages; most of the games can be played in multiplayer mode with up to four people!
Keeps you coming back for more—The more you play, the more games and content you unlock. Take on the challenges alone and see if you can access every last game, or make it a family competition, seeing who can unlock the most games!
101-in-1 Party Megamix is a collection of 101 games set in a broad range of themes, featured as a series of TV shows. As the player progresses throughout the games, new TV stations and shows are unlocked, containing new mini-games and game modes. Whether you like racing games, sports games, puzzle games, arcade games or action games – you will definitely find something for your taste. Furthermore, since you can play with your friends, there are tens of hours of gameplay that await you in 101-in-1 Party Megamix!
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Feel chills run down your spine while exploring crime scenes, dissecting a victim’s body, or following the twists of the story. CSI: Deadly Intent is an all-new immersive experience thanks to intriguing cases written with CSI show writers, a new rendering engine allowing for more realistic graphics, improved lighting effects, and enhanced character acting and lip sync with the voices of the actors from the show
Join the new CSI Family and partner with the cast of the new CSI Season 9. For the first time, team up with new characters such as Ray Langston (Laurence Fishburne) and Riley Adams (Lauren Lee Smith). Be prepared to work with your partner as a real team, working together on the crime scene or helping each other during tough suspect interrogations
Put your expertise to the test as you play one of the most skillful forensic experts to join the Vegas CSI team. For the first time ever, help other detectives in their investigations and gain their respect through your actions and teamwork
For the first time ever, team up with the new cast of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation™ Season 9 to solve Sin City’s most gruesome crimes. Explore five brand-new, shocking cases written with CSI writers and bring the guilty to justice.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Draw your own hero and create over 100 unique items though out the game such as vehicles, a sword and wings
Explore your artistic freedom with robust drawing tools that provide you with many templates, colors, brush types, guides and stamps. You can quickly draw a simple figure or create a masterpiece
Draw objects directly into the game-play to help you advance through the levels. Special ink powers mean drawing with certain colors gives your creations unique properties
Journey through 4 unique worlds, each with a different style of play including skating and flying
Draw your team’s players, equipment and more as you compete against friends and family in multi-player mini games including Soccer, Hockey & Basketball
Experience an all-new Drawn to Life adventure in the first Wii game that lets you create your own hero! Play as your hero and use the Wii Remote to draw customizable weapons and tools designed to help you stop an evil thief before it’s too late!
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Your favorite Madagascar characters are here: Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, the wacky King Julien and the crafty penguins, plus unlock BONUS DreamWorks characters Shrek and B.O.B.
Over 20 wild tracks based on your favorite movie scenes including the plane wreck, the New York City Zoo and the volcano, with bonus tracks to unlock for Shrek's Swamp and the Mother Ship
Crazy Kart Action - High flying jumps, flips, rolls and stunts. Earn special rewards for crazy maneuvers
Tons of Pick-Ups - Power boosts, mines, missiles and more all capturing the personality of the Madagascar movies
Head-to-Head Multiplayer - take on up to four of your friends. Submit and download times on the Leaderboard
Come on, let's move it! Experience the zany characters and unique locations of the Madagascar movies wrapped in the over the top fun of arcade style kart racing. Put the pedal to the metal Madagascar style with wacky karts, wild tracks, tons of power-ups and crazy kart racing action!
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Interact with an array of exotic animals in the wild. Tame zebras, rhinos, hippos and more with fun personalities and special abilities to discover
Explore Savannas, Jungles, River Deltas, Volcanic Deserts & more! Discover the ultimate secret of the wild kingdom!
Complete goals to open unexplored lands. Unlock animals and rare items! Use your wit and the animals’ abilities to create water sources, protect wildlife, and do everything to keep your kingdom happy and healthy
Your kingdom is full of animals, bugs, plants, and rare items you need to find! Stow everything in your rustic backpack then move animals and items from land to land, customizing each area as you please! Earn badges for completing collections!
You and your pal can both get in on the fun with 2- player co-op play! Tag team missions, trade items, and experience the wild together
Talk to the parrot and it will repeat back what you say in parrot voice! Create wind to shake trees & blow dandelion seeds
Journey to the heart of Africa where you control the wild kingdom! Interact with exotic animals in the wild including lions, elephants, gorillas and more as you explore the jungles and savannas of Africa. Discover the animals’ secret abilities. Solve challenges to earn new items, animals, and levels. Collect unique items to receive badges. Get in touch with your wild side and discover the ultimate secret of the kingdom with SimAnimals Africa!
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Specifically designed with DS users in mind, CSI: Deadly Intent makes the most of the touch screen for an all new pick-up-and-play experience
For the first time, team up with new characters Ray Langston (Laurence Fishburne) and Riley Adams (Lauren Lee Smith). Put your expertise to the test as you have deeper control of the investigation thanks to an enhanced questioning system and game mechanics ideally suited for Nintendo DS
In each case, collect hints of a larger, sinister conspiracy and finally link all the cases together to unveil the shocking truth
Thanks to stylish visuals, heart-pounding interrogations, and unique touch gameplay, be prepared to feel like a real CSI
For the first time ever, team up with the new cast of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation™ Season 9 on your Nintendo DS™ system to solve Sin City’s most gruesome crimes. Explore brand-new, bizarre cases written with CSI writers and bring suspects to justice.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Your favorite Madagascar characters are here: Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, the wacky King Julien and the crafty penguins, plus unlock BONUS DreamWorks characters Shrek and B.O.B.
Over 20 wild tracks based on your favorite movie scenes including the plane wreck, the New York City Zoo and the volcano, with bonus tracks to unlock for Shrek's Swamp and the Mother Ship
Crazy Kart Action - High flying jumps, flips, rolls and stunts. Earn special rewards for crazy maneuvers
Tons of Pick-Ups - Power boosts, mines, missiles and more all capturing the personality of the Madagascar movies
Come on, let's move it! Experience the zany characters and unique locations of the Madagascar movies wrapped in the over the top fun of arcade style kart racing. Put the pedal to the metal Madagascar style with wacky karts, wild tracks, tons of power-ups and crazy kart racing action!
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his excellent Master System and GameGear emu for DS, heres whats new:
- Added R as FastForward.
- Fixed Bios handling on MD (Frogger proto GG2SMS works).
- Fixed "Border Off" for GG.
- Sprite collision is now "On" by default.
- Changed R as GG start to X as GG Start.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Hackmii team have posted a request for bricked Wii`s, heres the full sp from Bushing:
To continue with the theme of my last post on updates and bricking:
I don’t have an actual explanation for any of the 4.2 bricking, and I suspect Nintendo doesn’t really, either — I don’t think they keep a copy of the NAND keys for each device, and I doubt they have any readily-available way of retrieving them. As a matter of personal curiosity, I would be interested in doing a post-mortem on such a Wii myself.
If you have a bricked Wii that fulfills the following requirements:
Worked just fine before the 4.2 update
Is now unusable after the 4.2 update (black screen, error message from system menu, etc)
Has an old, vulnerable boot1 (such that BootMii/boot2 could be installed), or
Has a known set of keys (either from a BootMii NAND backup or running xyzzy at some point in the past)
Did not have anything too odd done to the system menu or boot IOS (but I’m a bit flexible on this point)
… please let me know. I would be interested in getting a dump of the NAND from the system so I can figure out exactly what caused it to die — if you already had such a dump (and the keys), that would be great, but if I not I could dump it myself (again, assuming you have the keys or it’s old enough that I could install BootMii/boot2 with a flash programmer.)
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has managed to make a mention, in some capacity, about Nintendo's next generation console to follow Wii.
Inside Games posted its regular Morning Edition Check column today. This daily column summarizes game-related stories from morning financial papers.
One of the recaps is from today's Nikkei Industrial Daily, which has an article about last week's Nintendo earnings report. During the briefing, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata apparently touched upon the specifications of Nintendo's next generation console, indicating that the console would likely make use of HD visuals.
Yes, I'm aware this is all extremely vague. What you're reading here is a summary of a summary of what was probably a vaguely written article in the first place. If I manage to get my hands on the paper, I'll post a more detailed summary. Alternatively, it's possible that the Nikkei article sourced the Q&A section of the briefing, which Nintendo will likely post in full to its official site some time this week.
The Inside recap also mentions that Iwata promised to lend Nintendo's full backing to the overseas release of Dragon Quest IX. He did not share specifics, but this is something Nintendo has indicated in the past.
DQIX has already sold 4 million copies here in Japan, but the series has in the past been far less successful in overseas markets.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
SquidMan, yellow.wood.goblin, and Normmatt have updated LibELM to 1.3x
LibELM is a FAT driver, like libFAT. However, LibELM is based on the amazing ELM FatFs driver by ChaN. LibELM has a devoptab so you can use stdio functions (fopen, fread, etc.)! Directories and LFN filenames are supported! Completely usable for everything! 1.3 is the True Final release, if there are any bugs, please report them on the talk page, and I will fix them A.S.A.P.
LibELM is Wii only at the moment, and supports SD card, USB stick, and should support SDGecko, but SDGecko has not been tested. DS support is coming soon.
In order to use LibELM, you must also have µSync linking with your project (unless you disable reentrancy). You must also call uSyncInit() before using LibELM!
Revision History
Fixed a few fatal flaws that rendered 1.3 unusable.
Requires the newest version of µSync.
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November 2nd, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
SquidMan has updated µSync to 0.1x
µSync is a small, lightweight mutex/synchronization library written in C. It is meant to be as small and fast as possible. It is used in LibELM for reentrancy support, but was released as a separate library, as it may have other uses.
Fixed a fatal flaw in uSyncRelease that set the data to NULL if we are holding the data.
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November 2nd, 2009, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
The Yabause team of which our very own DCEmu admin Bluecrab is a part of have released a new alpha version of the Sega Saturn Emulator for Nintendo Wii:
Heres whats new:
Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha8 - Nov. 2, 2009
add submenu of setting cartridge
not compile high resolution version (highreso.dol) because of bugs
Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha7 - Oct. 31, 2009
can play repeatedly
fix displaying more
high resolution version (highreso.dol)
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news spotted at gxmod
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November 2nd, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...84&format=news
Robert Morley allias Azenris proposes a new version "Krexblibos"That the passage becomes"Red Temple". The idea of the game is to collect cherries / melons and advance in levels, but for this you must solve puzzles. This new frame is seen very accomplished, see for yourself the huge changelog.
Hi, got another update to The Game, not sure if ill do another. Ive kinda been on the one thing a while and would like to try summit different / new. So anyway I decided to upload the source code to.
I renamed to The Game Red Temple, mainly Because the other name sounded weird.
D-PAD: movement
START: Pause menu | continue
SELECT: suicide, lose a life and restart level
A: Action | Continuing
B: use special | back
X: drop current special
L-Shoulder: Special prev
R-Shoulder: next special
touchpen: only one titlescreen, for press start button
Save / Load
The Game will now keep a savefile. The savefile is auto updated after completing a level. You can load the savefile
Using continuous on the start menu. Only 1 savefile is maintained.
I started writing a simple particle engine for some special effects, not done much yet but you can move
the pen on the upper screen during the titlescreen to move the water drops.
* You can now grab trashcan and pull them. Grab one by facing it and press A. I added this because trashcan would Constantly
get stuck against walls. So now you can pull it away!
* Boss 1 added to The Game. Be careful of his bullets, turrets and suction move.
Screen Scrolling
Levels can now be bigger than the screen. Allowing for more possible designs of levels. Old level size is 16x12 tiles, new design is
50x20. It could be bigger, but i dont want it to be so big it makes levels too hard. This should be enough.
Level Storage
I redesigned levels were stored how to try and Reduce the memory needed for them.
I added some sound effects, currently using maxmod, all sound effects are me being an idiot in a mic No Music tho: /
Demos are now in the options and are not played during The Game. So if you dont know how to play
You can watch the demos to learn some ideas of The Game. Demos are currently disabled, if you dont know how to play
you could play version 2 of The Game, Which has demos in it.
Item mixing
Having collected some items in your backpack will cause them to mix
* Potion + Map = Spell Powder. Spell Powder is used by clicking on a totem. It will teleport you to the starting point levels.
* Europe = + stick Fishing Rod. Fishing rod can be used in ice water to catch a fish.
* Gun powder + Metal = Dynamite. Dynamite Can be used for destroying enemy spawn points.
Both the player and enemy can stand on switches Allowing you to take over a turret. Turrets fires bullets at intervals
killing the opposite side. By pressing the turret switches multiple times will upgrade the firing speed of the turret.
Turret levels are 0, 1, 2, 3.
Description Box
On the lower screen is a box will descriptive text may be displayed.
Example: "Your invincibility wore off" or "You have been hit. 5 Damage."
* After taking damage the player will lose its vision, it will be restored over time
* Medals are awarded per level instead of the entire game scores, different levels have different requirements
* Keycards and Metal Doors.
* Cracking Ice. Stepping on cracking ice will cause it to crack, not Allowing movement over it. Basically you get one pass over
* Short invincibility after taking damage
* Spikes on floor will cause damage to you
* If your carrying a totem you can press A in the middle of a blood circle killing all enemies.
* Carrying a poison sample will allow you to to it on keycard doors, opening them.
* New item added healing, recovers some of your lost health
* New Heart Item, Granting a life to the player
* Enemy Spawn Points - Continue to spawn enemies until destroyed with dynamite
* Destroying Enemy Spawn Points will destroy all enemies created by it
* Added a new item invisibility, making you invisible for a short period
* Eye Doors will show up when you get close to them, blocking your path
* When the invisible screen is shown as black and white
* When invisible enemies can not track your movement and you are able to avoid eye doors closing on you
* Enemies will no longer stand on each other
* You can now push trashcan where doors used to be
* Inventory is now only 9 slots in size
* Lives are shown as hearts and not a numerical value
* Health is shown as both a numerical value and health bar
* Level is also shown on the lower screen
* Remaining cherries are shown
New Specials
* Fireball - collecting the fireball you allow you to shoot deadly attacks killing the enemy.
* Rubber Gloves - having rubber gloves will allow you to collect samples from poison poison tubs. Poison can burn some locks.
* Fur Coat - stops you losing health on snow.
* Shield - Temporarly make the player invincible.
* Invisibility - Temporarly make the player invisible.
* Light - While holding this special wont decrease your vision.
Specials Changes
* Trainers will now in addition to Allowing free movement on convayer belts allow passage through enemies (does not avoid damage).
Interacting (Pressing A)
Pressing A on certain items when facing them may cause a description or some text
to show on the lower screen within the text box.
Clicking on a pole without the required spell powder will cause a description telling you
what you need to collect.
When in doubt of what an item is, try pressing A, it may help you.
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November 2nd, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...91&format=news
wollw proposed " 'SynthGBA"Synthesizer four octaves for the Game Boy Advance.
I started working on this project to help learn ARM assembly and I ended up putting more effort into it than I intended. It's a four octave synth that can play any major or minor scale that starts on the third through sixth octave. It is not anything fancy as it just maps the keys to the notes of the scale and lets you play but I've found it fun to play around with.
If you're interested in playing around with it you can download it and its source code here.
The source code is a bit of a mess but I really do not want to clean it up at the moment. For what it's worth it does run in No $ GBA with no errors.
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November 2nd, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
KlonoaMAST3R tonight messaged me about yesterdays release of a new version of the Super Smash Bros. homebrew game for the Nintendo DS!
And Being as no other Homebrew site has posted this as of writing you seen it here first.
Heres whats new:
What's New:
-Collision Detection Added!
-Dynamic Camera Added!
-Character Selection Screen Complete!
-Stage Select Added
-Custom Font Added
-Timer Added
-Basic Character and Stage Attributes System Added (Makes adding them easier and unique)
+See how Luigi moves slower but jumps higher than Mario
-Save System Added (No use for it yet)
-21 Characters Added!
+If you pick a character and it loads Diddy, it means they don't have a strip yet!
-2 Stages Added!
-Lots of Issues Fixed!
-Basic Control Added!
You can only play as one player, no cpus yet. Don't fret though, the next demo will definitely have cpus (and hopefully some AI).
Animal Crosser
Diddy Kong
Toon Link
DK Isle
Nintendo DS
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November 3rd, 2009, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Gannon has updated BootOpera to 0.3
bootOpera will boot the installed Opera channel for those who don't want to exit their loader to boot it. The source can easily be edited to boot other installed channels.
Source is included with the binary file.
Boot To URL
To boot to a specific page, place a file in the directory you are loading bootOpera from titled "url.cfg" with the URL you wish to load written in it.
Version History
0.3: Added support for booting straight to a given URL. Thanks to Yossi the idea and SifJar for letting me know about the Nintendo Channel.
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November 3rd, 2009, 10:12 Posted By: sonic1980
I have just released my Javascript Gameboy Emulator (named JSGB).
Some features:
- GLPv2 lisenced
- Pure javascript and HTML5.
- Works perfect with Google Chrome (even on a simple netbook). Slow with FF

- Integrated debugger (with disassembler, memory viewer, cpu registers...).
- Almost everything is emulated, except sound.
- Supports scanline effects, sprite priority, palettes, accurate timing...
The link: http://www.codebase.es/jsgb
Have fun!
- Pedro Ladaria
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November 3rd, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Virtual pet simulator Nintendogs remains one of Nintendo’s most successful DS titles, but in the years since its release there’s been no hint of a successor – until now.
Talk of a new game in Nintendo’s pet series will be no surprise, but what is interesting is that it seems man’s best friend might make way for cats in the still mysterious follow-up title.
Speaking in a Q&A posted on Nintendo’s Japanese site, translated by Andriasang, Miyamoto admitted that: “Recently, I’ve been caring for cats. That is all.”
A fairly innocuous comment in isolation, but president Saturo Iwata’s following comment, “He just gave a big hint”, suggests the statement was far more meaningful.
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November 3rd, 2009, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo top honcho Satoru Iwata has said that Wii's situation in Japan "cannot be defined as healthy". It's probably not as bad as it sounds, they have sold ba-zillions after all.
"As you probably know, the current situation of Wii cannot be defined as healthy," he said, detailing this year's decline in Wii sales in Japan to well below the 50k unit sales mark per week.
A spike to almost 100k sales one week in the summer failed to last, and despite a price cut in September, Iwata says: "The price cut seems to have the least impact here than other parts of the world."
He adds: "It is our urgent mission to recover the momentum of Wii during the holidays utilising Nintendo's strength."
DS is propping up Nintendo's bank balance though, as Iwata says the portable continues to do well, thanks to Dragon Quest and Pokémon games.
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November 3rd, 2009, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
As the studio ponders new IP after Modern Warfare 2
Infinity Ward has ruled out development on Nintendo’s Wii console after stating that the platform cannot meet the studio’s ambitions.
As part of a wider interview with Develop, Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling implied that the Wii’s humble hardware specs are at odds with the studio’s aim to deliver cinematic experiences.
“If we felt like we could deliver the cinematic experience we were going for on other platforms, then we would gladly move to that platform,” said Bowling.
“Right now, we don't think the Wii can deliver the exact experience that we’re doing. We like to be very equal across all platforms, and if it’s not equal then we won’t do it.”
Bowling also suggested that Infinity Ward could work on new IP after the release of Modern Warfare 2, though at the same time insisted that the studio was still enjoying making Call of Duty games.
“We never worry about the future too much,” he said. “Right now we wanted to make a sequel, so the entire team is hands on deck for making Modern Warfare 2.
“Then once this is done, maybe we’ll see about doing something new. If we do want to do something else, then we will do it. We don’t feel tied to making Call of Duty games.
“We still make Call of Duty games because we’re having fun doing it. And when it stops being fun, we’ll move onto something else.”
Elsewhere in the interview, Bowling mentions the “ridiculous” budget Activision offered it for MW2 development, as well as discuss the pressures of hype.
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November 3rd, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Bundled with the newly designed blue NERF Switch Shot EX-3 blaster and attachable decoder lens that will deliver a blend of covert operation elements with over-the-top blasting missions, NERF: N-Strike Elite features a classic rail shooter style of gameplay and equips players with a cache of fresh features. With the Wii-remote snapped into the NERF Switch Shot EX-3 blaster and the red reveal lens engaged, players will be able to detect enemy weak spots, solve puzzles and decode secret messages as they blast their way to victory.
16 different NERF blasters, both real and fictional
Enjoy a classic rail shooter packed with arcade style shooter action
a detachable decoder lens through which special codes and enemy weaknesses can be seen
2-player offline multiplayer co-op functionality
Four different characters to play as
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November 3rd, 2009, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Customize your car, take corners at 200 mph, and own your opponents. Need for Speed Nitro delivers the fun and exhilaration of high-speed racing with deep and challenging gameplay, where racing skills are not the only way to victory.
Own the World
Pick Your Ride
Battle to the Finish Line
Extreme Customization
Coop World Tour Campaign
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November 3rd, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13822.html
GameGuha is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for all Systems with a Java VM for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida.
GameGuha is a Nintendo GameBoy (and eventually GameBoy Color) emulator for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida. It is open source and written in the Java programming language, thus running on any machine with a JVM installed. Planned features include sound, save states, pixel scaling algorithms, and high compatibility and speed.
Another optimization. BTW, I can´t work on it much next week, but after that I´ll be busting out the big optimization guns (tile caching). Also will work on drawing the window and more CPU debugging.
Some minor optimizations. Laying the groundwork for a very large optimization.
Fixed Alleyway. Added preliminary MBC1/2/3 support.
Fixed Daedalean Opus.
Even more games compatible (Castelian, Kwirk).
Fixed a bug in opcode 84. Also, added full screen support (hit ´F´).
More compatibility (Boxxle II, Motocross Maniacs)
Sound update
More sprite stuff. Check out Bubble Ghost and Bomb Jack.
Partial sprite implementation (enough for Tetris, Minesweeper, and Crystal Quest to work). Also, allow LCD control to turn off (prevents screen glitches while loading).
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November 3rd, 2009, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
WiiWare is slowly becoming packed with content, especially in Japan where the service often sees four titles released in a single week. Wouldn't it be great to be able to try out some of those games before handing over your precious WiiPoints? Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata appears to think so!
During the Q&A session at a recent earnings briefing, Iwata told investors that Nintendo would begin a test program for WiiWare demos some time this month. The test will cover just a few titles.
According to Iwata, Nintendo is undertaking this test to see if it can get more players shopping on the Wii Shopping Channel. He admitted that the market for WiiWare and DSi Ware is currently small, with the Wii Shopping Channel and DSi Shop browsed only by people who already know the game they want to get.
Iwata also said that he doesn't feel demos are necessarily the solution to the problem. He may or may not be right, but we're sure some players would appreciate being able to try out certain WiiWare games in advance.
Nintendo hasn't officially announced this WiiWare demo program just yet, so we don't have specifics on titles or a start time frame. It's also unclear if the test will be limited to Japan, or if Nintendo will let the entire world take part.
Once we hear the specifics, we'll be sure and pass along the info to you.
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November 3rd, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...00&format=news
Gannon offers a new utility for the Wii, "MemView" allowing you to explore the contents of the memory in your Wii.
What's new?
0.2a: Shows 140 values per page. Use the wiimote to point at a value to get its address and the ascii representation of the value. Page now shows the address range at the bottom.
0.1a: First release. Showed 40 addresses and values per page.
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November 4th, 2009, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
There are more than 50 million Wii systems worldwide. Logically, the audience for a wide range of games and interactive experiences should be rather big, but based on the evidence so far, either that's not true — or publishers have been hedging the wrong bets. No one has conclusively proved the case for (or against) the viability of mature games on Wii, but 2009 was a litmus test on a number of fronts, including the DS. The results aren't encouraging.
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November 4th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster

Throwing a controller/handheld to the ground in frustration is for wussies. You really want to vent some steam, you load the offending peripheral or console into a gun and you shoot it through a wall.
That's what Amusement - the greatest gaming mag to never be published in English - did for their latest issue, blasting this red DS so hard through the wood that it splits clean in two. Beautiful (click to embiggen).
If your coffee table is in need of some flair next to those coffee-soaked back issues of Game Informer, you can buy back issues of Amusement here.
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November 4th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's resident legend, Shigeru Miyamoto, has revealed that the next installment in the Legend of Zelda series on Wii will make use of Wii MotionPlus for more realistic sword combat and targeting. "In this (installment of the series), we're using MotionPlus to make you feel much more like you're actually fighting while holding a sword in your hand," Miyamoto disclosed during an October 30 Q&A session, as translated by GameLife.
"In the previous game, you aimed at things by pointing at the screen, but this time we'll use MotionPlus to create a much more convenient targeting system and a more pleasurable playing experience," Miyamoto added.
Despite these revelations, Nintendo has yet to officially state whether Wii MotionPlus will be an option or a requirement for playing the game. When this next Zelda was announced during E3 2009, Miyamoto could only say that MotionPlus-exclusivity was "possible." These gameplay elements -- especially the swordplay -- only make it seem more likely.
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November 5th, 2009, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

This set of sport pack includes the accessories for you to enjoy the Wii sport games. It comes with a handle bar, paddle, table tennis bat, bow and frisbee, all allowing you to have fun with your family and friends at home, while exercising. All items are compatible with Wii Remote and Motion Plus. Also because of the soft nature, it is very safe for everyone.
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November 5th, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

This metal case is made for NDS i. Its exterior is hard enough to protect the console from scratch and damage. Meanwhile, it bears the cute graphic of Mumu Dog, which must be the favorite of many young kids. Also, there are holes on the sides of the case, corresponding to the buttons on the console, so you will find it easy to control as usual.
Hard surface effectively protects NDS i from scratch and damage
A cute graphic of Mumu dog on the surface
Holes are found on the sides of the case for you to press the buttons of the console
Five colours available: blue, black, green, red and silver
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November 5th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from byuu:
Don't worry, the rapid updates should slow as these codebases mature a bit. This version works around an issue where some games (Akumajou Dracula, Zelda DX v1.1 and below) were unintentionally invoking the SGB packet transfer mode while intending to only poll controllers. This was generating empty PAL01 packets that would turn most or all of the onscreen video output black. With this fix, all known SGB issues should be resolved. The only bugs remaining should be those due to using a CGB core for a DMG device.
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November 5th, 2009, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Well, this case is unique. We all know that many people get violent by playing more and more video games, may be its a problem in their brains or they don’t have elders to look after them. A 12 year old boy who had an impressive bio data of causing trouble was warned by the court that if he doesn’t leave his violent ways, he can forget about his Wii.
Here is the list of the troubles that was caused by the boy:
Hit another boy on the head
Attacking a fellow male student
Attacked a female teacher
The Judge Judge Marvin Garfinkle granted the boy bail but confiscated his Wii in the hope that the boy will straighten up. The boy’s lawyer had the following to say:
“I know it doesn’t look good. I’ve never seen him enraged, I’ve never seen him upset. He’s a 12-year-old who is generally quite scared.”
So guys what do you think? Will confiscating a Nintendo Wii help matters?
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November 5th, 2009, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Jigen has released StartPatch Mod v2
StartPatch Mod is a modification of StartPatch which allows you to select which IOS to use to patch your System Menu v4.2, and puts all four versions into one.
Features Of v4.2.x
Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
v2 - Nov. 4, 2009
Detects which system menu is installed. Support for System Menu 4.2 U,J,E, and K, all in one single boot.dol
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November 5th, 2009, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Toad King (official release page) has released SDL MAME Wii 0.3.1
SDL MAME Wii is an Arcade Emulator based on SDLMAME. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.
0.3.1 - November 3, 2009
Upgraded libfat to 1.0.6, hopefully this fixes the SD card corruption bug
Added USB support (Start SDL MAME Wii from a USB drive to enable it)
Fixed "Unexpected option gl_lib queried" error log
Fixed Nunchuck control mapping
Switched Buttons 1 and 2 around (by public demand)
Fixed support for some games (including Donkey Kong and Frogger)
Moved errors.txt and ui.bdf files into /mame/
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November 5th, 2009, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...04&format=news
Something unusual, a retro update, version 3.1 "Pokemon Mini-Game"Contains a bug that prevents its operation, blabla has decided to release version 3.0 pending the resolution of the problem.
Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS v3 to operate.
I found a bug in version 3.1.
If I want to settle it, I must change all the way and it will take me time.
So here is version 3.0 the functional
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November 5th, 2009, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...06&format=news
Thermo Nono offers "Darts"A Lua homebrew coded which aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of its lib 'Angle-EZ'(Supplied with the game). It is a game of darts offers simple mode 301 for one player.
Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS to operate.
Version 0.8 (beta)
I created this game in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of my lib 'EZ-Angle' (supplied with the game).
That is why this game is not multiplayer and not proposing that Rule 301 of the Simple.
Throw the dart by using the stylus (in the direction of the target is even better).
It is possible to lower or raise the music volume with the L and R buttons
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November 5th, 2009, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster

How much would you pay for this New Kids On The Block sample box for the NES game that was never released? If you're off your rocker for NKOTB, then surely $589 isn't too high a price.
Or so said box, obviously in terrible shape, commanded when auctioned off on eBay last month. As spotted by Siliconera, a fierce bidding war for the unreleased game's box—again, this is just a prototype of a box, not even a real box—ultimately came down to nearly six hundred bucks American.
Unfortunately for the seller, whoever won that auction apparently didn't come through. The box has since been relisted on eBay, with two days worth of bidding to go. Right now, top bid is $51.00, something we'll be keeping an eye on.
Somewhat related, is anyone interested in a copy of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch: Make My Video for Sega CD? I'm looking to unload a few.
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November 5th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Michelinux has released FlyingSaucers 0.5
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game
Multi language support (see discussion page for details)
1 to 4 players game
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November 5th, 2009, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
In a voluminous response to an investor question about moving to support high-definition output, Nintendo executives laid out their current thoughts on how and when to make such a move in their consoles. Of course, these thoughts shouldn't be taken as a definite indicator of Nintendo's plans, but they might suggest where the company could be headed in the next generation. And if these statements do reflect future events, Nintendo's next console will be HD-capable, but won't require that standard for every game.
Genyo Takeda, GM of Nintendo's Integrated Research & Development Division, said that "moving to HD appears to me a natural flow" given the adoption of HD by television programming. "If we can find out the most appropriate medium, between SD and HD, and flexibly move around them depending on the game's contents, it will be good, I think," he suggested. Shigeru Miyamoto agreed, noting that HD wasn't the most important consideration for something like Wii Fit. "Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin? The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make."
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November 6th, 2009, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
Though NOA boss Reggie Fils-Aime dismisses notion that new console is near release
Some observers would have you believe that Wii HD is just around the corner and whilst a recent Nintendo investor call suggests this is certainly not the case, Nintendo is at long last turning its attentions to the hi-def future of the Wii.
“We probably cannot swim against the tide,” Nintendo’s head of design Shigeru Miyamoto stated. “The customers' tastes will become more and more refined. Even today, many customers who have seen HD once say they cannot go back to SD. When the majority of people around us say it is OK, we are content with the situation.”
Further fuel was added by R&D manager Genyo Takeda: “Since an increasing number of the TV sets at home around the world are becoming HD today, it will be natural for a machine to be able to generate graphics that people will be accustomed to see on HD televisions.
“Since the ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow.”
Miyamoto did unsurprisingly have a note of scepticism about the need for HD. “We have to ask ourselves if HD is really necessary to develop Wii Fit. Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin? The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make.”
However, those of you getting excited about a possible launch of Wii HD in the near future will no doubt be saddened to hear the words of NOA boss Reggie Fils-Aime, who this morning told GameTrailers that: “Michael Pachter continues to be the only one that believes [Wii HD] is going to happen. I don’t know how forcefully we can say that there is no Wii HD.”
The conclusion? Wii HD is coming. But don’t hold your breath.
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November 6th, 2009, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
It will still be a significant amount of time before digital distribution replaces traditional retail, and developers should be concentrating on using the internet to expand a product's lifespan rather than change the way it is delivered, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said.
Speaking during an investor briefing, Iwata expressed his view it could take 20 years for game delivery to switch primarily to digital.
"There is a variety of views about how much [digital distribution] will replace retailers and package software. Most radical people even dare say that retailers will be replaced by digital distribution in no time. But personally I think it will still require a significant amount of time," he said.
"In other words, it will require many years and months for the majority of videogame purchases to become digital. In short, in 20 years or so I might say it will have probably changed.
"But in five years or so I do not totally agree with opinions that no one will purchase titles at retailers by then. Habits of life do not change such radically and quickly. Especially for the expanded audience of various people to whom we are and will be trying to appeal, I believe their habits will change more slowly."
Instead of focusing on the switch to digital delivery, Iwata believes the internet should instead be used to expand a game's lifespan by delivering additional features and services to players.
"As a result [users] will play a single software for a longer time without feeling bored and will not sell it to the used-game shops, which will then contribute to more software sales. I believe such a utilisation of the internet connection is one of the major directions we should aim for and we will continue to try and raise the connection ratio."
The numbers of connected users of Wii and DS currently stand at around 35 per cent on Wii and 20 per cent on DS, said Iwata. He added that Nintendo Zone partnerships such as the one it has with McDonalds, which aims to lower the hurdle for connecting, had proved successful, but not yet elevated the numbers of users connecting with DS to the 30 per cent mark.
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November 6th, 2009, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
Satoru Iwata has denied Nintendo has lost its edge following the release of iPhone and the announcements from its rivals of their own motion detecting technology.
People suggesting the company is trying to leverage its DS business in response to their movements are incorrect, Iwata told investors during a briefing.
"It is true that the current Nintendo DS business is not that heated up as it used to be sometime ago, when no one could tell how far ahead DS might be able to grow," he explained. "On the other hand data [has shown] that DS has not lost its footing at all. Actually it has been even increasing its footing all around the world."
Apple's success with iPhone was down to its successful expansion from the already popular iPod to the phone business, said Iwata.
"Because the original iPod business itself was big, my view is that Apple was able to leverage a very good timing to expand its business to telephones just when the original iPod business was nearing its saturation point.
"In other words, in my opinion, iPhone did not grow itself to a huge business, but something already grown up was able to prevent its growth speed from slowing down."
However, Nintendo doesn't plan to go after the same "affluent" consumers as Apple, Iwata continued. "Realistically Nintendo does not try to reach out only to those who can afford to pay several thousands yen monthly."
On the subject of Microsoft and Sony entering Nintendo's market space with their upcoming motion detection technologies, Iwata argued it remained to be seen if they could compete with it on software.
"If fun and interesting software to take advantage of the technology could be created that easily, a number of other titles which are more fun than Wii Sports must have been already launched for Wii. Why in real life are not so many?"
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November 6th, 2009, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has acknowledged that tackling game piracy is an "endless battle", but has pledged to continue taking it seriously for the benefit of both its customers and other software companies.
"I recognise there is more software piracy, playing downloaded software data without purchase, than some years ago on many of the current platforms, including Nintendo DS," he told investors at a recent financial briefing.
Piracy has become more widespread in Europe than in the US, he said, especially in specific countries where piracy regulation is restricted by the law.
The way Nintendo plans to tackle the problem is by using technological and legal measures, he explained, adding that these "tend to become a cat and mouse chase".
"As the piracy itself is underground, someone somewhere finds out the solution to evade our measures. When we shut one hole of the mice, they have dug a new one somewhere else. We have acknowledged that this is an endless battle and we believe the best measure is to keep fighting it technologically and legally.
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November 6th, 2009, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo executives have hinted the company is looking towards a shift to high-definition, and acknowledged it cannot "swim against the tide" with regards to technology.
"Since our division has been reviewing and developing a number of hardware, we are looking into many different things, including HD and SD," Genyo Takeda, GM of Nintendo's R&D division, told investors at a recent briefing.
"Since an increasing number of the TV sets at home around the world are becoming HD today, it will be natural for a machine to be able to generate graphics that people will be accustomed to see on HD televisions. Since the ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow."
"We are not too much concerned about if the technology itself is state-of-the-art or rather old-fashioned," he added. "If we can find the most appropriate medium, between SD and HD, and flexibly move around them depending on the game's contents, it will be good I think."
"We probably cannot swim against the tide," said Shigeru Miyomoto. "The customers' tastes will become more and more refined. Even today, many customers who have seen HD once say they cannot go back to SD"
However, the designer noted many consumers accepted 5.1 channel sound despite it not being true - and likewise with HD. "I have to doubt how many of us can actually tell them apart," he said.
He added that a shift to HD would incur an increase in development costs, meaning that upscaling might not be viable for certain products.
"We have to ask ourselves if HD is really necessary to develop Wii Fit. Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin? The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make.
"To Nintendo, our theme is how we can prepare the SDK library to cater to the needs of the developers, with which the developers can more easily develop their games. In fact, Nintendo has been working with such mission."
Despite this shifting of Nintendo's position on high definition however, Reggie Fils-Aime expressed a conflicting message during a recent interview with GTTV.
"Michael [Pachter] continues to be the only one that believes [Wii HD] is going to happen," the NoA president told presenter Geoff Keighley.
"I don’t know how forcefully we can say that there is no Wii HD."
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November 6th, 2009, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In Party Play mode you can jump in/jump out of a song at any time with the click of a button
Sing together karaoke style on any song you choose
Team up with a partner on a Nintendo DS Lite for an all new level of competition
Your band is as unique as you are. Play with any combination of instruments you want, even 4 lead singers
Import your favorite Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero 5 Add-On Content straight into Band Hero
Family and friends will come together to ascend the virtual stage and rock their way to superstardom with Band Hero. Band Hero brings a new genre of music focused on today's hottest hits and classic anthems.
Headlined by some of music’s biggest names as playable characters such as Taylor Swift and Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Band Hero is the ultimate party game where players of all ages will be able to experience the signature, easy-to-learn but difficult to master Guitar Hero gameplay.
Taking social gameplay to new heights, Band Hero, allows fans to create the band they have always dreamed of using any combination of guitar or drum controllers and vocals, providing a new generation of rockers and performers the chance to experience and interact with their favorite music.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Download fan requests from Band Hero on Wii to get all new challenges, cool rewards, and exclusive unlockables
Use the Rockstar Editor to customize your entire band with hundreds of rocker parts and accessories
Earn more than 200 different awards that will unlock titles, in-game cash, and parts to use in the Rockstar Editor
Including hits from Black Eyed Peas, Blink-182, The Killers, Pink, The Rolling Stones, and many more!
Music fans can now take their whole band and play their favorite music on the road anytime, anywhere with Band Hero for the Nintendo DS Lite. Band Hero takes the fun of social gaming beyond the living room and allows families and friends to play together as a band with the DS'
built in microphone, the brand new innovative Drum Grip that gives players the ability to lay down beats on their DS Lite and the signature Guitar Hero Guitar Grip® gameplay.
This cooperative, family-friendly addition to the Guitar Hero series boasts the biggest set list for a Nintendo DS music game to date and is comprised of some of the hottest tracks from music's most popular artists.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rock along to current hits and classic favorites that the whole family will enjoy including Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back”, Foo Fighters’ “Breakout”, Vampire Weekend’s “A-Punk”, Blur’s “Song 2”, Carl Douglas’ “Kung Fu Fighting”, Europe’s “The Final Countdown”, Good Charlotte’s “Boys and Girls” and Pink’s “So What”, just to name a few!
Pull off killer riffs in LEGO themed Rock Power challenges to perform amazing feats such as destroying a giant robot, summoning a storm or demolishing a skyscraper
Build fame LEGO style by completing songs to collect LEGO elements - build cooler vehicles, progress to new venues and unlock new characters and instruments
Express yourself with a personalized LEGO Rock Den that can be accessorized and decorated to perfectly suit your rock style
All-access gaming! Start off on Easy, work your way up to Expert or try out the newly introduced Super Easy setting created especially for budding rock stars!
Rock out using Rock Band instruments, as well as other music game controllers
track listing
Pink: So What
Europe: The Final Countdown
Good Charlotte: Boys and Girls
Blur: Song 2
Carl Douglas: Kung Fu Fighting
Jackson 5: I Want You Back
Vampire Weekend: A-Punk
Foo Fighters: Breakout
Bon Jovi - “You Give Love A Bad Name”
Counting Crows – “Accidentally in Love”
Sum 41 – “In Too Deep”
Blink 182 – “Aliens Exist”
The Hives – “Tick Tick Boom!”
LEGO® Rock Band® merges two of the most popular videogame franchises to deliver a unique family-friendly music experience that will take tweens, teens, families and gamers of all ages on a wild journey to rock stardom in order to “Build a Band and Rock the Universe.” Combining the authentic multiplayer music experience of Rock Band® with the accessibility, customization and humor of LEGO® games, LEGO Rock Band allows players to create their own unique rock star style and customize their own avatars, band members, roadies, and managers. As players successfully complete songs and rock challenges, they can collect LEGO studs, unlock additional content and build amazing vehicles, which can take their band from local gigs at rock clubs to epic stadium shows and even fantasy settings on Earth and beyond.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rock along to current hits and classic favorites that the whole family will enjoy including Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back”, Foo Fighters’ “Breakout”, Vampire Weekend’s “A-Punk”, Blur’s “Song 2”, Carl Douglas’ “Kung Fu Fighting”, Europe’s “The Final Countdown”, Good Charlotte’s “Boys and Girls” and Pink’s “So What”, just to name a few!
Pull off killer riffs in LEGO themed Rock Power challenges to perform amazing feats such as destroying a giant robot, summoning a storm or demolishing a skyscraper
Build fame LEGO style by completing songs to collect LEGO elements - build cooler vehicles, progress to new venues and unlock new characters and instruments
Express yourself with a personalized LEGO Rock Den that can be accessorized and decorated to perfectly suit your rock style
All-access gaming! Start off on Easy, work your way up to Expert or try out the newly introduced Super Easy setting created especially for budding rock stars!
Rock out using Rock Band instruments, as well as other music game controllers
track listing
Pink: So What
Europe: The Final Countdown
Good Charlotte: Boys and Girls
Blur: Song 2
Carl Douglas: Kung Fu Fighting
Jackson 5: I Want You Back
Vampire Weekend: A-Punk
Foo Fighters: Breakout
Bon Jovi - “You Give Love A Bad Name”
Counting Crows – “Accidentally in Love”
Sum 41 – “In Too Deep”
Blink 182 – “Aliens Exist”
The Hives – “Tick Tick Boom!”
LEGO® Rock Band® merges two of the most popular videogame franchises to deliver a unique family-friendly music experience that will take tweens, teens, families and gamers of all ages on a wild journey to rock stardom in order to “Build a Band and Rock the Universe.” Combining the authentic multiplayer music experience of Rock Band® with the accessibility, customization and humor of LEGO® games, LEGO Rock Band allows players to create their own unique rock star style and customize their own avatars, band members, roadies, and managers. As players successfully complete songs and rock challenges, they can collect LEGO studs, unlock additional content and build amazing vehicles, which can take their band from local gigs at rock clubs to epic stadium shows and even fantasy settings on Earth and beyond.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fight on an expanded battlefront that spans multiple layers of action — start the fight on foot, commandeer a vehicle and dogfight in space, and land your craft on and fight in capital starships — your actions in each area directly affect the outcome on others
Take the lead role in an engrossing, never-before-told storyline that puts you in the middle of the action of the most memorable battles spanning the entire Star Wars® saga and beyond
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is the deepest and most action-packed Star Wars Battlefront game ever. Experience battlefronts that span ground, space and capital starships, a robust original storyline and expanded gameplay features that deliver seemingly endless replayability.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fever Time Fever Time is a bonus round in which invaders in the bottom screen can be shot down to obtain items while numerous UFOs appear in the top screen
Bingo Light up three bingo squares in a row by conquering three Rounds and go into a special Bingo Round
Super Fever Time Clear the special Bingo Round to go into Super Fever Time! Shoot down special UFOs on the top screen to obtain a plethora of Bonus Items
Time Attack Play to beat and clear each stage as fast as possible in this new play mode
Multiplayer Battle a friend using Nintendo DS Download or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Shoot down invaders to build up a stock of enemies send to your opponent by shooting down special UFOs. Whoever runs out of reserve ships first loses!
SPACE INVADERS continues the celebration of its 30th anniversary with SPACE INVADERS EXTREME 2! Enjoy an enhanced battle system, a challenging new time attack mode, and an expanded game play progression that goes beyond Fever Time to SUPER FEVER TIME! SPACE INVADERS EXTREME 2 is faster and more exhilarating than ever before!
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November 6th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Game is designed with Food Network Kitchens consulting to ensure authenticity
Includes 30+ recipes that you can take into your kitchen
All recipes can be played in cooperative and competitive modes
Both Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ are used to simulate a wide variety of kitchen utensils and appliances
Support for Nintendo’s new accessory will provide increased precision and immersion in the kitchen
Store and retrieve ingredients and cookware in the refrigerator, pantry, cabinets, and drawers – just like you do in your own kitchen!
Turn up the heat with Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked, the only video game developed with the Food Network Kitchens’ Executive Chefs. Whether a novice cook or a master in the kitchen, you’ll have fun, learn something new, and improve your cooking skills with Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked! Utilizing the Wii™ motion control capabilities, gameplay trains players in the proper movements and techniques required to become an accomplished chef. Players will learn as they play through fun and delicious recipe challenges that range from breakfast to family meals and even dinner parties. Mini judges offer instruction and feedback on preparing increasingly complex recipes.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rod, Bow, and Speargun: Choose your weapon and hit the water
The best real fishing equipment available: Shimano rods and reels, Hoyt Bows, AMS bowfishing reels, and Muzzy arrows give you the massive firepower you'll need to catch these whoppers
More than 15 different locations and over 50 species of fish to catch
Three different game modes: Tournament, Free Fishing, and Multiplayer
Embracing the wilder side of sport fishing, Shimano Xtreme Fishing is the only videogame to let players take the fight to the fish with bow and speargun in addition to the traditional rod and reel. Featuring cutting-edge fishing gear like Shimano Voltaeus fishing rods, Hoyt bows, AMS Bowfishing reels and accessories, and Muzzy arrow points, players hunt for a legendary catch from the deck of a free-roaming boat or underwater in full SCUBA gear.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A brand new soundtrack of chart-topping music that will get you energized and ready to cheer!
Get ready to shake your pom-poms as you jump, kick and dance to the routines! Wave your Wii Remotes like pom-poms and perform full-body dance moves and cheers using the brightly colored on-screen trace lines as a guide
Turn up the cuteness factor! Now you can customize any of more than 40 male and female characters to create your perfect team! Customize your character’s features, including hair, eyes, eyebrows, lips, skin tone and face art. Complete the look with all new tops, bottoms, shoes and accessories! You can even customize your entire squad!
Dance as part of the team as you lose yourself in the music and the moves. Follow the routine, pulling off a flawless performance to earn higher points, unlock new stages, moves, songs, outfits and more as you compete to win the top spot! You might think you can stop any time, but once you get into the groove, you won’t quit until you’ve perfected your routine as Captain of the squad!
Choose your mode and your level of difficulty to suit your skills. Learn the basics in Training Mode, work up a sweat in Exercise Mode, lead your team to the championship in Championship Mode or grab up to 3 of your friends and compete to see who has mastered the moves!
Get ready to shake your pom-poms and show your team spirit with the newest version of the hit cheerleading game! We Cheer 2 uses two Wii Remotes™ as pom-poms as you perform fullbody motions to hit music of the past and present.
The latest installment features all new challenging dance moves, new stages, modes of play, outfits, male and female characters, and limitless character customization options so that your team not only performs great, but looks great, too! With various single and multiplayer modes, you’ll need to bring your energy and your rhythm if you want to master these moves!
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November 6th, 2009, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

After building a dining empire from scratch and saving five restaurants from the wrecking ball, Flo trades in her apron for a passport to paradise! But will our hard-working waitress get a chance to relax? Join Flo and her sidekick Darla as they embark on the vacation of their dreams. But when Flo’s suitcase suddenly spills into the water, she must rely on her table-serving talents to get her vacation (and her lost wardrobe) back on track. Step into Flo’s Closet™ to dress Flo, one skirt, shirt, and shoe at a time. Seat customers, take orders, and satisfy nine types of customers to help Flo improve five all-new restaurants in the rarest of locations. New thrills, spills, and a surprise restaurant await you in the third episode of the original smash hit.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
During the Nintendo earnings briefing Q&A, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stressed (again) that his company is making an effort to strengthen relations with third-party software developers.
Following up his point, Shinji Hatano, General Manager of the marketing division, confirmed that we’ll be seeing Dragon Quest IX in English at some point. Iwata stated at one time that Nintendo would give the Wii-exclusive Dragon Quest X marketing support in western territories, and Hatano’s latest comments indicate that the publisher will be doing the same for Dragon Quest IX.
Food for thought:
Will Dragon Quest IX receive any DSi-specific updates in time for its English release? Square could then re-release an "international edition" in Japan to squeeze a few more sales out of the game.
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November 6th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
The biggest feature in New Super Mario Bros. Wii is co-op play something Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to bring back to the Mario series for years.
“After that [Mario Bros.], on every Mario project we have discussed the possibility of having two players play together simultaneously,” Miyamoto said during an investors Q&A session. Super Mario Galaxy had a lite co-op mode where a second player could shoot stars. New Super Mario Bros. Wii finally realizes Miyamoto’s goal with a four player mode where Mario, Luigi, and two toads explore the Mushroom Kingdom together. You can thank the Wii’s graphical capacity for that.
It was all thanks to the graphical capacity of Wii console. If two players or more are simultaneously controlling Mario and Luigi in the same screen on a platformer game, the slower player will be left behind by the faster player, beyond the game screen. This time the screen zooms in and out accordingly, thanks to the capacity of the Wii console. The camera can zoom out as far as three times wider where you can see a very small Mario running around, and zoom in to show huge Mario and Luigi. The camera will work automatically and simultaneously, according to the position of four players. That’s how we realized a Mario game which can be played by up to four players at the same time.
Miyamoto also believes the multiplayer mode helps balance the game for different skill levels. “If there is one veteran player among four players, he or she can lead the other three and they don’t have to do much. People can enjoy a kind of play like peeking inside Bowser’s castle to see how scary it is.”
OK, who’s going to do all of the work while the other three players float in bubbles to the end of a level?
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November 6th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
The next Legend of Zelda game for Wii might not make it to the shops in 2010, Nintendo of America boss, Reggie Fils-Aime has warned.
"We haven't committed to Zelda for 2010... so we'll see how that continues to develop," Fils-Aime told GameTrailers TV.
Whether it makes it or not though, Fils-Aime is still very excited about Nintendo's prospects for 2010: "In terms of the three we highlighted during E3, Sin and Punishment 2 is going to be something that the Nintendo fan can get really excited about," he said.
"Galaxy 2... what can you say? Mr. Miyamoto himself is very excited about it. He thinks that it adds even more to that great title. And then Other M... that is another franchise that I've personally got great memories of, back to a side-scrolling Metroid title."
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November 6th, 2009, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
Yabause Wii is the Wii version of Yabause, a Sega Saturn emulator, and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn. The Wii port is not released officially. Some unofficial versions have been released. Note that the Wii port is in alpha status, and won't be officially supported until a later date.
Unofficial r2411 alpha9 - Nov. 6, 2009
based on the original yabause r2411
fix putting position of vdp1 in the games using high resolution modes
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November 6th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
WiiCrazy/I.R.on has updated Crazy Intro to v1.0:
Crazy intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader
1.0 - 06/11/2009 - http://www.tepetaklak.com/data/CrazyIntrov1.0.rar
Compiled with latest Grrlib 4.1.0 / devkitpro r19
Default intro can launch the Homebrew Channel with the new title id.
Added random theme support, in CrazyIntro.xml config file set the theme as random. The example configuration in the distribution also uses random.
Added random/sequential (up to 9999 pictues) boot picture support. So in a theme you can have multiple boot pictures and program will alternate between those boot pictures. See theme_explained.xml or supplied kanji_10 theme for it's usage.
Improved dol/elf loader, still buggy though in certain apps.
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November 6th, 2009, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
DacoTaco and Phpgeek have released Priiloader v0.1:
This project is a modified version of the officially discontinued Preloader
v0.1 (changes on top of preloader 0.30)
added autoboot Bootmii IOS
added Bootmii IOS booting option to menu
let Priiloader remount SD on a lot of occasions
try and boot the HAXX Homebrew Channel title ID if JODI isn't found
various file access bug fixes
priiloader no longer needs ES_DIVerify for system menu booting. however if a different ios is chosen to run system menu with it still needs the hack/patch
killed the DVD spin bug (crediar forgot to close the dvd drive in ios)
fixed file booting (thx phpgeek)
Download --> http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Preloader/Priiloader
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November 7th, 2009, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...12&format=news
New version available "Pokemon Mini-Game"That solves the problem of path directories. Moreover, blabla offers a bonus pack for owners of motion and rumble.
Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS v3 to operate.
Here is version 3.2 which fixes all the problems of road.
And for the fortunate possessor of Motion and rumble: the final version of Pokemon Mini-Game Bonus Pack Extension.
* You must have Pokemon Mini-Game DS 3.2 to play this expansion.
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November 7th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Dop-IOS MOD to v8.
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSes (with the trucha bug if you like).
Fixed garbled text bugs
Fixed downloading and installing channels (thanks to everyone who tested this)
Fixed downloading and installing system menus (thanks to everyone who tested this)
Fixed GUI errors which performed things different from what the user wanted
Fixed a bug involving the gamecube controller
Added the ability to download photo channel 1.0 or 1.1
Added another sanity check to prevent crashing
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November 7th, 2009, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=2481
modrobert writes: "First photos of the WODE (Wii Optical Drive Emulator) mainboard have been released over at wodejukebox.org. I don't know if this is the final PCBA layout, but it looks complete. From what I can see there's a NXP LPC3143FET180 which is a high-performance ARM926EJ processor core running at 270MHz with USB 2.0 support, an Actel ProASIC 3 FPGA, and MT48LC32M16A2 which is a 512Mbit SDRAM circuit. I suspect the 16 pin circuit where the print isn't readable is a flash.

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November 7th, 2009, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Iain Price has released a new version of his HaloDS game for the DS, the game is in an unfinished state according to the author but try it for yourself first.
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November 7th, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the first release of what looks to be a very good emulator project for the Nintendo DS:
News/release from Pate
Hi all!
For the last 4 months I have been working on an x86 emulator for NDS.
Now finally I have something to show for my efforts, so I decided to
announce this project, and release a technical demonstration.
DSx86 currently emulates 80286 processor, MCGA 320x200 screen and SoundBlaster audio.
You can find the demo at http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/
The demo has my old DOS game LineWars II bundled with the emulator core. The emulator runs the game between 5 and 15 fps, with rare peaks up to 30 fps, depending on the amount of ships alive and visible on the screen.
I have also a blog/diary on my DSx86 web pages that gives some background about the emulator in case you are interested.
Thanks for reading!
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November 8th, 2009, 10:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...15&format=news
Thermo Nono offers version 0.9 b of "Darts", his homebrew coded in Lua, which demonstrates the capabilities of its lib 'EZ-Angle'. It is a game of darts which features only mode 301 for one player.
Game that requires Nano Micro Lua Lua DS or DS to work.
Version 0.9 (beta)
- Saving the best score
- Additional information: number of games played and highest score
- All variables are now destroyed when you leave the game
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November 9th, 2009, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
That stipulation is, it'll beat either the 360 or the PS3 versions of the game, but not both, the Nintendo boss Reggie FIls-Aime told Gametrailers TV. Still, that's a hell of a Pepsi challenge.
Granted, New Super Mario Bros. Wii only releases on a single platform. Modern Warfare 2 is still expected to be an enormous seller for both Xbox 360 and PS3, take your pick. Fils-Aime is unfazed by that and sticks to his claim. "Absolutely. I say that unequivocally," he told GTTV. "Now, you've got to give me the entire holiday selling season. Right? So let's take it all the way through the January NPD data. Yes. I'll put that stake in the ground."
Or maybe he means it'll outsell Modern Warfare: Reflex on the Wii?
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November 9th, 2009, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
We all know that home console Zelda games take longer to develop than most small, fledgling nations -- still, we'd secretly hoped that Nintendo would pull a hat trick next year, releasing new Wii installments in the Metroid, Mario and the aforementioned Triforce-centric series. Sadly, a recent quote from Reggie Fils-Aime has made us doubtful that this scenario will be realized -- speaking on GameTrailers TV, Fils-Aime explained that Nintendo hasn't "committed to Zelda for 2010."
So, feel free to keep that hope in your heart that you'll be Ganon-thwarting once more within the next 365 days -- but don't get too upset if it doesn't happen. Much like a college-aged Lothario, Nintendo's remaining non-committal. You might say the company's as free as a bird, darling -- and this bird, you cannot change.
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November 9th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster

[Hailrazer] built a handheld GameCube so he could take his gaming with him. The final product is quite nice, providing a large display and about 3 hours of play time on the lithium polymer batteries.
Starting with the case from a Kidz Delight Datamax game, he used Bondo to alter the case but still provide a professional look. The display is a five-inch PlayStation One LCD Screen from which he also incorporated the speakers. At least four controllers were cannibalized for use as the buttons, sticks, triggers, and directional pad. Our favorite feature is the totally exposed optical head mounted on the back.
We’ve embedded video as well as a picture of the optical drive after the break. This goes so far beyond just making the GameCube an all-in-one system. If you like this build, check out the Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast mods on [Hailrazer's] YouTube channel.
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November 9th, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13872.html
VisualBoyAdvance Rerecording is a Nintendo GBA and GB/GBC emulator (based on VisualBoyAdvance).
apply recent lua changes of snes9x: * accept a table for color value. * add gui.parsecolor, joypad.getup, joypad.getdown, emu.emulating. * gui.line, gui.box, joypad.get becomes like Gens. * win32: add a menu to Lua window, add "Font..." and "Clear" items.
- stopped the sound from looping endlessly whenever any dialog or messagebox appears - made Lua error messages go into the output window instead of into a (sometimes debilitating) messagebox - made Lua GUI drawing not so slow for offscreen lines - made gui.text more permissive about the message argument´s type - fixed a bug with the Lua open script window that prevented typing characters into the file path edit box, and another bug that made it fail to disable the edit button when it doesn´t app
Minor changes to some small things. will be updating this more later with other notes
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November 9th, 2009, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
bootOpera 0.4 released by Gannon
bootOpera will boot the installed Opera channel for those who don't want to exit their loader to boot it. The source can easily be edited to boot other installed channels.
Source is included with the binary file.
Boot To URL
To boot to a specific page, place a file in the directory you are loading bootOpera from titled "url.cfg" with the URL you wish to load written in it.
Version History
0.4: Quick bugfix that caused the program to crash if a url.cfg file wasn't present. Also added a blank url.cfg file as I noticed some blogs telling people to put it in the root directory, which is only true if loading from a loader that doesn't pass the filepath as an argument, or of course if you are using wiiload.
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November 9th, 2009, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
CustomizeMii 1.0 released by Leathl
CustomizeMii is a 100% legal custom Channel creator for the Wii.
It's completely written by myself (some parts are based on other 100% legal codes).
Use legal Base WADs to create your own legal custom Homebrew Channels.
The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!
Please Note: This is a clone of the original Channel Making Application by icefire / Xuzz.
I decided to do it, because Xuzz gave up the work on his application and
the last beta Version he left creates bricking WADs.
And No: This has nothing to do with piracy! It's for creating custom Channels for your Homebrew Apps (like the Homebrew Channel).
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November 9th, 2009, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
WiiNetPuzzle 1.0 released by Chris_c
WiiNetPuzzle is a logic puzzle game, use the WiiMote as a pointer with a and b to rotate each tile until they all link up with the centre tile. Larger game sizes are harder, start with 5x5 and teach yourself to play. Future versions may include the ability to theme the tile set.
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November 9th, 2009, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Familiar names and face populate this week's downloadable Nintendo games, with appearances by Frogger, Excitebike, Bomberman, and more Electroplankton than you can shake a stylus at.
Perhaps the most exciting game to come out as part of this week's Nintendo Download is Excitebike: World Rally for WiiWare (1,000 Wii points). It's not just because it is a return to the original motorbike racing title, complete with a track editor that lets you share your creations with friends, but simply the fact that this isn't Excitebots or Excite Truck. If you'd rather fear the road than own the road, you can always grab Frogger Returns (500 points), another 3D update to the classic 2D traffic-dodger.
Rounding out the WiiWare triple-play this week is Dragon Master Spell Caster by Stickmen Studios (500 points), a game that sees players doing battle on dragon back, casting spells and spewing fire in either the single player story mode or split-screen multiplayer.
DSiWare gets six new titles today, through five of those are Electroplankton mini-games available at 200 DSi points apiece. When you're done playing microscopic musical fishies, you can blow them out of the water with Bomberman Blitz (500 points), which delivers the classic Bomberman experience to the DSi with both local and online eight player multiplayer battles.
Rounding up this week's rather massive list of downloadable titles is the Virtual Console, which adds the platforming goodness of Sega's Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (500 points) and Cybernoid for the Commodore 64 (500 points) to its ever-growing lineup of classic titles.
So what's your poison this week?
Excitebike: World Rally
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 1,000 Wii Points™
Description: Prepare to face daredevil jumps, crazy obstacles and other racers in the newest installment in the venerable Excitebike franchise, available exclusively on the WiiWare service. Choose from multiple camera angles as you tilt your way to smooth landings using motion-sensitive controls. Compete in races around the world in four championship circuits. Use Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection to invite friends to a race. Or if you're feeling brave, take on anyone else looking for a match. Feel like tackling a challenge of your own design? Use the intuitive Track Editor to choose from the available obstacles and put together your dream course, then share courses with friends to see whose creation skills reign supreme.
Frogger Returns
Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Frogger Returns takes the heart-pounding challenge of arcade Frogger and moves it into the next dimension. Classic top-down 2-D game play is updated with colorful 3-D graphics, a new perspective, new levels, new enemies and game-changing power-ups. A local multiplayer mode lets you race a friend.
Dragon Master Spell Caster™
Publisher: Stickmen Studios
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) – Mild Fantasy Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: The Dragon Lords have returned to the magical world of Nakiha, bringing ultimate power to whoever controls them. Choose your champion, then master amazing magic and fierce dragon attacks to defeat the rival Champions and their Dragon Lords. Choose from four different paths and decide the fate of the world in the fantastic story mode. Battle your friends in two-player split-screen arcade mode and tailor your tactics with different dragon and rider combinations, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Marvel at the effects of mind-blowing spell collisions. Mix spells and unleash their ultimate power. Control your Dragon Lord and crush, bite and burn your way to victory.
Nintendo DSiWare
Bomberman Blitz
Publisher: Hudson Entertainment
Players: 1-8
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Bomberman makes his downloadable debut on Nintendo DSiWare with Bomberman Blitz. Dive into a classic multiplayer Bomberman experience with eight-player local or online multiplayer using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Hone your skills and learn the maps, then take the battle online. Change map and item preferences for enhanced customization. Delivering unparalleled multiplayer excitement, Bomberman Blitz lets Nintendo DSi users enjoy the addictive fun of Bomberman anytime, anywhere.
Electroplankton Trapy
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Trapy plankton make sounds as they swim over graceful lines made up of linked triangles. The creatures follow the lines you trace along the water. There are six types of Trapy in all, each with a unique color and sound. All Trapy plankton produce different tones depending on the direction they swim. They produce the lowest-pitched sounds when they swim to the right and produce higher-pitched sounds as their path veers to the left.
Electroplankton Hanenbow
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Normally aquatic creatures, Hanenbow sometimes use floating leaves to launch themselves out of the water, creating strange sounds and melodies as they bounce off the leaves. Entire schools of Hanenbow have been known to launch out of the water, one after another. As a leaf is repeatedly hit by flying Hanenbow, it gradually changes color. This also alters the sound made by bouncing Hanenbow. When all the leaves turn red, a flower will bloom. It remains unclear why the Hanenbow display this curious behavior.
Electroplankton Rec-Rec
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Rec-Rec are fishlike plankton that feed on sound waves. They absorb sound waves transmitted through water and use them as a form of nutrition. The sound waves that the Rec-Rec eat are then stored inside their bodies until they have been digested. Once the digestion process is complete, they play back the sounds in perfect four-second intervals. While these sounds are playfully emitted, wave patterns can be seen pulsating on their bodies. Rec-Rec always swim side by side in schools of four. When they swim at different speeds, the frequency with which they emit sounds also changes.
Electroplankton Nanocarp
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Nanocarp have very sensitive hearing. Using their two ears to sense vibrations coming through the water, these plankton can distinguish sound quality and frequency. They display very interesting reactions to the sound of humans clapping or breathing. Nanocarp are also excellent swimmers. They have a tendency to swim in formations of 16 and react together when they detect sounds. These plankton emit sounds on their own when they sense waves on the water's surface. When this happens, the pitch of sounds they produce changes depending on where the Nanocarp is located.
Electroplankton Beatnes
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Beatnes are curious plankton with geometrically shaped heads that form vertical strands like seaweed. Their bodies are made up of eight sections, each featuring a distinctive diamond-shaped tail. The sound of a Beatnes can vary wildly depending on which segment of the body is tapped. However, all of the sounds closely resemble the short-wave and triangular-wave sound effects from a Nintendo Entertainment System™ sound chip. When Beatnes are tapped in time with a rhythm, they continue to repeat the sounds in perfect time for a short period.
Virtual Console
Wonder Boy™ III: The Dragon's Trap
Original platform: MASTER SYSTEM
Publisher: SEGA
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Mild Cartoon Violence, Tobacco Reference
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap is widely considered to be one of the best games produced for the SEGA MASTER SYSTEM. The direct sequel to Wonder Boy in Monster Land, it starts in the final lair of the previous game. This game is the first in the series to allow Wonder Boy to roam freely by using various animal forms, but as with previous games in the series, Wonder Boy can also buy various weapons, armor and items to help him in his quest.
Original platform: Commodore 64
Publisher: Commodore Gaming
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Mild Fantasy Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Federation storage depots have been raided by pirates, who've taken valuable minerals, jewels, ammunition and the latest battle weaponry. You have been commissioned by the Federation to retrieve the cargo and return it to storage within a specified time limit. The pirate craft have activated all planetary defense systems, which you must negotiate along with the pirates themselves. If you fail to reach the depot within the time limit, or if the value of your retrieved cargo is insufficient, you must forfeit one of your Cybernoid ships.
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November 9th, 2009, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

You can stock your store with items from 16 different in-game designer labels, each with its own distinct style and price point. Style Savvy includes more than 10,000 items and a range of customers with a variety of styles and personalities
Every day customers who walk through the door of your shop tell you their shopping budget and the kind of clothing they want. If you make them look good, they’ll be back – or they might even stick around and spend more
Once you build up some cash, then it’s time for you to go shopping to stock your store. You can expand your inventory or start getting ready for seasonal changes, which are timed to the calendar of the Nintendo DS™ system
You can make a local wireless connection with up to three of your friends to host a fashion runway contest to see who has the best eye for fashion
If two players have Style Savvy game cards, they can connect their Nintendo DS systems locally to visit each other’s stores. Players who have broadband wireless Internet access can connect to Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection and walk around other players’ stores and browse their best wares. Players can find their favorite coordinates, download them and wear them
You can customize the look of your character with different head shapes, eyes and lips. Or you can modify your look by changing your hair color, getting a new hair style or adding makeup
Style Savvy™ combines creativity and fashion with a collection of trendy clothes, chic accessories and stylish shoes. As the owner of a clothing boutique, you must purchase inventory, monitor the store’s funds and try to please a constant stream of customers who look to you for the best fashions.
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November 9th, 2009, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
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November 9th, 2009, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Visual Impact are putting the DSi’s camera to pretty good use in their new game, System Flaw, that relies on the environment for its mechanics. Publisher Enjoy Gaming are calling it an "augmented reality game." Here’s their description:
The mission is to hunt down alien invaders – the Flaw – who are only visible through the DSi, and the radar tracker screen gets the player gyrating and spinning from room to room or running outside in pursuit! Developed by Visual Impact, System Flaw features 100 levels of enemies which seem to appear right out of the real-time environment of the gamer. The game has also generated great interest before its launch being awarded the "Best Innovation" nomination by Agence Française pour le Jeu Vidéo.
System Flaw is out this week in the U.S. and in February 2010 in Europe. It sounds like an interesting concept, and it’s nice to see more developers starting to explore the DSi.
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November 9th, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13873.html
GameGuha is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for all Systems with a Java VM for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida.
GameGuha is a Nintendo GameBoy (and eventually GameBoy Color) emulator for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida. It is open source and written in the Java programming language, thus running on any machine with a JVM installed. Planned features include sound, save states, pixel scaling algorithms, and high compatibility and speed.
Fixed a small bug in the window drawing.
Optimized window and sprite drawing. Also, performing the interrupt check every opcode instead of every scanline has a small performance hit, but gives better emulation accuracy on some games so I´m leaving it for now.
Some optimizations.
Allow reverting back to slow background rendering for games that swap tile maps intra-frame.
Window drawing! It´s slow, but I´ll optimize that later. Also, throttling is turned on by default now.
Small update. A little bit faster.
Preliminary background tile caching. Good for about a 2x speedup. Sprites still have some room for optimization.
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November 9th, 2009, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13875.html
An update of the NES emulator My Nes has been released.
Revision History
Version :
* Add support for mappers # : 13, 15, 16, 18, 32, 34, 41 and 225.
* Browser is sizeable now (and other improvements).
* Bugs fixed:
> Mapper # 4 IRQ timer (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters game works great!!)
> Sprite0 hit, Super Mario Bros (Orginal ver) works now.
> VBLANK (which caused a bad scroll in some games like Castlequest and Castlevania)
> Rename folder in the browser (when you enter nothing)
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November 9th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13882.html
VisualBoyAdvance Rerecording is a Nintendo GBA and GB/GBC emulator (based on VisualBoyAdvance).
VBA rercording v22
The rercording (rr) branch of VBA is designed for making Tool-assisted Movies
New Features
--Added RAM search and RAM watch dialogs from Gens!
--Added support for loading ROMs and movies in 7z/rar/zip/etc archives, including multi-file archive selection support
Win32 GUI features
--Now the emulator will never write to the Windows Registry anymore.
--Added an option to make the emulator prefer the old-fashion save/movie/etc. file naming to the new-fashion.
--Enabled directory override edit boxes
--Added directory overrides for GBx rom, cheats, ips, LUA scritps, AVI and sound recording.
--Re-added the "Open GBx ROM..." menu command. "Open ROM..." changed to "Open GBA ROM...".
--Cleaned hotkeys (somehow). Old hotkeys settings might fail.
--Added input.get().
--gui.gdscreenshot, gui.gdoverlay code changes. removed the upper limit of opacity.
--Changed the draw timing of Lua GUI (use gui.register to display something).
--accept a table for color value.
--add gui.parsecolor, joypad.getup, joypad.getdown, emu.emulating.
--gui.line, gui.box, joypad.get becomes like Gens.
--Win32 Lua console - add a menu to Lua window with "Font..." and "Clear" items.
--Added Pixelate 3x and Pixelate 4x filters
--Fixed GDI/D3D/OpenGL display with 3x filters.
--Added Simple 3x and Simple 4x filters (unoptimized).
Bug Fixes
--Fixed a bug that certain accelerator keys would not be enabled correctly.
--Fixed an assertion failure in the old cheat search dialog.
--Fixed several activation problems of the main window and dialogs.
--Fixed an old bug that would crash the emulator if the user paused it with the throttle set to 25% or less and without a ROM loaded.
--Fixed menu item File->Pause. It now updates correctly. --Fixed display of timestamps of Save Slots. It can be enabled via File->Current Slot->Display Timestamps.
--Fixed an old bug that caused the emulator to freeze.
--Fixed various out-of-range errors within some file dialogs.
--Fixed GB memory viewer crash
--Fixed read-only toggle to refuse toggling when the movie file is not writable
--Fixed browse dialog filter selection crash
--Added "All Files" filter option to all browse dialogs
--Fixed movie drag & drop behavior.
--Fixed Reset/Cancel in the Directories dialog.
--Fixed compilation with SDL and gtk. Still malfunctioning.
--Fixed small bugs in Memory Viewer
--(Probably) the gbx SRAM issue ( issue 29 ) is now fixed.
--Unfreezed GBx "from SRAM" check for the time being. VBA now tells you that the feature might be problematic.
--Removed all the skin functions and CxImage?.
--Provided several options for what to do at movie end (buggy right now).
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November 9th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...18&format=news
New tennis like for the DS, "SpacePong"Developed by lua benjani13. Game that requires Nano Lua DS or Micro Lua DS v3 to operate.
benjani13 wrote:
It is therefore a very stupid game of tennis is going into space.
There is a 1 player game against the DS and a 2 player mode on the same ds.
Up / Down: snowshoeing joueur1
X / B racket player 2 (if mode 2 player)
Start: Pause / resume
Select: Exit
L / R: change the background (currently 6)
It works perfectly in MLS but on the DS you will probably VRAM problems (...).
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November 10th, 2009, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
EA's CEO John Riccitiello has noted his frustration at the low sales of Wii software, and suggested Nintendo needs to release more first-party titles in order to generate interest in the format.
Speaking during a call to investors last night, he admitted sales on the Wii were poorer than expected – despite his belief that EA is releasing the best third-party content on the console.
"To be honest with you, I think the Wii platform has been a little weaker than we had certainly anticipated. And there is no lack of frustration to be doing that at precisely the time where we have the strongest third-party share," Riccitiello told investors.
"Frankly, I think they need more beats in the year than they get out of a first-party slate – to be able to have the Wii software platform perform as well as they would like. We are building the products that I think the most highly rated on the platform and at this point in time, generating the most revenue of any third-party platform."
Nintendo needs to partner with third-parties at retail, said Riccitiello, to help both achieve success on a format suffering slower sales than last year.
"I think driving revenues up on that platform from where we already are, which is up substantially from where we were a year ago, we are reaching out to Nintendo to find ways to partner to push third-party software harder.
"Wii is where we are missing it and so I really do think that the opportunity exists to find different ways to partner with first party in this case to sort of help establish in the minds of the consumer legitimacy of some of these other brands when they are going out multiplatform because very, very few multiplatform titles are succeeding on the Wii."
However, Riccitiello did mention that he does not expect third-parties to achieve any success in Asian markets on the Wii, and reaching the installed base of over 50 million consoles would not be realistic.
"I would point out, by the way, the 50 million number of course includes Asia or Japan and I don’t think any of the Western companies are likely to participate much at all on the Wii platform in Japan, so the addressable market we see is just a little bit below 40 million but that is still an important opportunity."
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November 10th, 2009, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster

Kyoto-based game company Nintendo created an anonymous form for collect information about the sale of R4 cartridges in Japan. This information will be used by Nintendo in its legal suit.
As we posted previously, announced that it and 54 software game companies were filing a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court against companies that import "R4 Revolution"-type devices, using the Unfair Competition Prevention Law as the legal grounding.
According to Nintendo, such devices hurts the growth of the entire game industry and steps must be taken regarding the legality of R4 carts. It's important to note that this legal injunction is for Japan only.
Nintendo is asking for the cease of marketing, sales and importation of these Chinese-made devices. The R4 allows easy software piracy by fitting right into the DS's cartridge slot. Data is stored on a Micro SD and downloaded from websites via a flash drive, and the R4 has a small slot that the Micro SD card goes into.
In addition to the suit, Nintendo launched a website devoted to collecting information about R4 sellers. "It's getting increasingly difficult to track down R4 sellers as day by day they get more ingenious, flourishing online and complicating matters," said Nintendo in a written statement. Because of this, Nintendo is calling on the strength of the masses to eradicate the sale of these devices.
The website Nintendo has set up has an anonymous form that can be filled out. Selectable choices include retail stores, internet shops, online auctions selling R4 devices. Another choice includes "game software uploads" - or those sites or individuals making DS games available online. There's also spaces for dates and time, a box for details and another box for the shop's address or home page.
Today, Nintendo announces that the information collected by this website has been "extremely useful".
"We would like to say that the information we have collected from so many individuals has been extremely useful and offer our sincere gratitude for everyone's cooperation." Nintendo goes on to say that with the cooperation of all, the legality of this issue will be concretely resolved.
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November 10th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://emu-russia.net/en/ :
Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii emulator for Windows has been updated. Changes:
Dolphin GUI:
- Fix issues with dialog windows accepting keyboard input.
Dolphin Core:
- Fixed SPS in Soul Calibur 2 with JIT.
- Fixed the good 'ol TLBHack, which might fool some games into running again.
- Implement an opcode which makes it possible to get into the NES games in Animal Crossing - unplayable graphics though ;p
- Rewrite memory management, hopefully banishing "failed to map 1 gb contiguous memory" 32-bit Dolphin errors to history'
- Fix Peek_Color bug that was only present in JIT x64 build.
Software Graphics plugin:
- Added TEV stage output dumping.
- Fixed Command Processor interrupt handling.
DirectX Graphics plugin:
- Many accuracy fixes and speedups, for specifics please see SVN commit logs.
- Implemented more proper EFB behavior.
- Fix crashes which could happen when resizing the render window.
OpenGL Graphics plugin:
- Fixed depth of field effect in Wind Waker (use copy EFB to GL texture).
- Other fixes, again see SVN log for specifics 
- First sounds from Zelda ucode (Pikmin)!
- Minor speedups.
Wiimote plugin:
- Change default key layout to be more handy and not interfere with other default keys.
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November 10th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://emu-russia.net/en/ :
Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii emulator for Windows has been updated. Changes:
Dolphin GUI:
- Fix issues with dialog windows accepting keyboard input.
Dolphin Core:
- Fixed SPS in Soul Calibur 2 with JIT.
- Fixed the good 'ol TLBHack, which might fool some games into running again.
- Implement an opcode which makes it possible to get into the NES games in Animal Crossing - unplayable graphics though ;p
- Rewrite memory management, hopefully banishing "failed to map 1 gb contiguous memory" 32-bit Dolphin errors to history'
- Fix Peek_Color bug that was only present in JIT x64 build.
Software Graphics plugin:
- Added TEV stage output dumping.
- Fixed Command Processor interrupt handling.
DirectX Graphics plugin:
- Many accuracy fixes and speedups, for specifics please see SVN commit logs.
- Implemented more proper EFB behavior.
- Fix crashes which could happen when resizing the render window.
OpenGL Graphics plugin:
- Fixed depth of field effect in Wind Waker (use copy EFB to GL texture).
- Other fixes, again see SVN log for specifics 
- First sounds from Zelda ucode (Pikmin)!
- Minor speedups.
Wiimote plugin:
- Change default key layout to be more handy and not interfere with other default keys.
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November 10th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13888.html
The new API of Mupen64Plus is on the way of completion. Everyone who likes, can compile the current source and examine the innovations.
November 9th, 2009: The newly re-architected Mupen64Plus code is up and running. Most of the code for the new API in the core is finished, and all of the plugins have been ported to the new API. In particular, there are some really great new features and bugs fixed in the Rice Video plugin and the SDL Input plugin. Look for instructions below to check out and build the software as it is being developed.
Beta Testing
You can download and test the latest source code as we are building Mupen64Plus v2.0. You will need a full development environment (GCC, G++, GNU Make, etc), including development packages for the dependencies: SDL, OpenGL, etc. You will also need to install our source code control tool Mercurial (Hg).
Part of the re-design of our emulator has involved breaking it up from a single big package into 6 separate modules which must all be built separately. In order to make this easier for developers, I have written a few simple shell scripts for checking out and building the code. You make download an archive of the scripts here:
To check out, build, and run the new Mupen64Plus code, unzip these scripts into an empty directory and run:
./m64p_get.sh && ./m64_build.sh && ./m64p_test.sh
If, at a later time, you want to pull the latest changes and rebuild all of the code, you may do the following:
./m64p_update.sh && ./m64_build.sh
The build script will create a test directory and place all of the necessary files there. You can go into this directory and run the console front-end (named mupen64plus-cli) to run ROMs.
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November 10th, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...29&format=news
EvilSpoon, For his part proposed that the Compo Weak Number Fouuuuuur"The Invasion Of The Deadly Pumpkin", In which you will devour the city to blow keystrokes.
Longer Description:
The last of the witches has balls ...
The Halloween party has turned into candy fair, no more jokes and fear!
To reinstall an atmosphere of fear, she decided to create an evil that will restore the order of things: a pumpkin demon who will bite the backsides of boys during their hunt for candy.
But his anger was too strong, the creature became huge and its insatiable hunger ...
To you from devouring the city and go to that stupid party music spirit of fear and darkness.
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November 10th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...27&format=news
BALROG also participates Compo Weak Number Fouuuuuur with FireGhouls. The game is coded in Lua, but everything needed to operate is provided in the archive.
A small shooter where you must kill various creatures bloodthirsty surroundings before they devour you. Fortunately, the good warrior that you have an overkill for this anti-gun ghouls.
To all the nag: attention to the ammunition!
And you will understand, kill or die! Cheesy
PS: Do not ask me why a big look is in the middle of the screen. My condition prevents me from human to understand the nature of the place presented in the game
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November 10th, 2009, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...25&format=news
Kukulcan we offer "Citrouillus Cretinius"The opportunity to offset the competition, organized regularly by Dev-fr.org"Compo Weak Number Fouuuuuur. The winner of the competition is chosen by a vote open to the public.
Longer Description:
Our beloved witch must prepare sweets for rogues.
She begins the hunt to collect items needed for her recipe.
1) The juice of freshly exploded evil pumpkins will be collected.
2) The radioactive liquid falling from the ceiling of the cellar of his house will be recovered.
3) The song enchanted toads issuing the final charm will be repeated correctly.
And do not forget to start again for an even bigger dose of infamous bombec.
This is your mission in "26 Citrouillus Cretinius.
Equip yourself with a bad stylus (one that pulls in the corners) and a healthy dose of Rage (note the Citrouillus Protection Society) and you will have no problem keeping the goals no matter what!
Fable reported by: Sorcerer Kukulcan, supported the Mage Tiwaz and Illusionist Lobo, all in record time (Homebrew began October 22, 2009 evening and finished on 02 November 2009), if that's not Machiavellian Grin AHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!
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November 11th, 2009, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13897.html
A new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator Jario64 (based on Project64) written in Java has been released.
Thanks to krysmopompas for the news.
Jario64, the Java Nintendo 64 Emulator now has an audio plugin. Go to the downloads section and try it out.
Also new in this version of Jario64 is a frame limiter (so audio will stay in sync) and some minor performance enhancements. You can toggle the audio and frame limiting on/off in the settings menu before the game starts. The audio plugin is implemented with the standard Java Sound API and is threaded (so at least a dual core cpu is recommended for running audio). If your framerate is too low (below about 50 fps) then the audio will start to get choppy and distorted just as the frames will visually start to seem choppy below 30 fps.
Also provided in the download section is a ready to run downloadable package for Windows x64 in addition to the webstart launcher. This package can easily be modified for other operation systems by replacing the JOGL files with the appropriate ones for you system and creating a script to launch the application.
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November 11th, 2009, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's forthcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be the biggest selling game of 2009, and is likely to shift over 15 million units during its lifetime.
That's the prediction of Jesse Divnich at Electronic Entertainment Design and Research, who believes the family game can outsell the Xbox 360 version of Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by the end of the year.
He anticipates Nintendo sold 635,000 Wii consoles during October after being outsold by the PlayStation 3 the previous month, with DS sales at 400,000 units.
"EEDAR expects Nintendo to hold onto its console supremacy in November and December," added Divnich.
EEDAR also expects that the PlayStation 3 will be the only console to show gains in October compared to the prior year, with sales up over 68 per cent to 320,000 units. The Xbox 360 could be down by just under 25 per cent with 280,000 units sold.
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November 11th, 2009, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
The Official Nintendo Magazine has posted the first review of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex on Wii, giving it a positive 80/100 score.
"Amazingly it's almost exactly the same game, in structural terms at least, as the hi-def version," says the review, in praise of the game's fully retained campaign mode.
The review also compliments the game's fully-functional 10-player online mode with all the perks and ranking included, but says its visuals let it down. "Given the extra two years Treyarch had to squeeze every last drop of polish from the Wii, this is underwhelming visually. It looks okay for a Wii game - that's the dreaded caveat - but it's not even up there with Metroid Prime: Corruption."
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November 11th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
The American Council on Exercise recently conducted a study on the effectiveness of Nintendo's Wii Fit, and was "underwhelmed" by the results (PDF link). The study examined what the ACE dubbed to be the "most aerobically challenging activities," including the Free Run, Island Run, Super Hula Hoop, Free Step, Advanced Step and Rhythm Boxing. The study found that Free Run burned the most calories, averaging at 165 calories burned during a thirty-minute session. The next highest was Rhythm Boxing at 114, not exactly the fat-melting miracle one might hope for. Said Dr. John Porcari, "The Wii Fit is a very, very mild workout."
The ACE noted that performing the real-life activity -- real boxing, step aerobics, running, etc. -- burns significantly more calories than their Wii Fit counterparts. As an example, the study notes that traditional boxing burns three times as many calories as Rhythm Boxing. That said, the study did note that Wii Fit burns twice as many calories as normal video games, and that's got to count for something.
Still, if you're looking to really feel the burn, the study concluded that Wii Sports "is a better option" for gamers looking to find a decent workout.
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November 11th, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo plans three playable demos for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, the first of which arrives this Friday 13th November.
A further sampler will appear each following Friday (20th, 27th).
These are DS demos, and they will be available from the Wii Nintendo Channel, which can be downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel.
From there, click "Find Titles For You" and then "DS Download Service". Select the Explorers of Sky demo. Now turn on your DS and select "DS Download Play". Accept the download when the DS connects to Wii to complete the quest.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky won't be out here until 20th November.
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November 11th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Launch Wiley with the wire to reach his goal while overcoming the crazy obstacles and enemies that get in his way!
Avoid dangerous obstacles like falling rocks, eerie skulls and spiky floors, or else you’ll get hurt
Break the wall or use the Key to open a new path and collect stars to Power Up!
Propel your way through 48 pulse-pounding adventures in the Quest Mode
Create your own stages in Puzzle Mode and share with your friends
Challenge up to 4 players wirelessly, in a multiplayer race using ADHOC!
Introducing Wiley Springer the lovable and mischievous alien, who’s trouble making has landed him in a big dilemma! With his newly acquired Èlan wire mining skills, he tries to obtain the Super Èlan, by battling alien gangs, avoiding obstacles and ultimately trying to defeat the alien boss, to bring back the spirit and love throughout the Universe!
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November 11th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Compete in 40 fun minigames that test your physical, musical, and mental skills
Customize your very own avatar or choose from a diverse selection of amusing characters
Move your body by using your Wii mat and Wii remote
Select from a variety of multiplayer Modes where you can play with up to 3 of your friends
Test your rhythm, speed, and brain skills in a collection of fantasy games and crazy sports events, such as: Bungee Splash, 3-Row Free Throw, Balloon Race!, Pizza Spinning,
Win minigame challenges to unlock new accessories in the Party Shop and dress your character in new outfits
Get ready to challenge your friends and family in the Ultimate Party Challenge! Play in a variety of high energy, over-the-top competitions, wacky sports activities, and quick brain challenges. Get your body moving by using the Wii mat and Wii remote to test your speed and rhythm. Jump into a world of colorful, fun, and interactive backdrops along with innovative Wii gameplay, offering a variety of multiplayer Modes that will keep everyone on their feet!
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November 11th, 2009, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Jurassic Lost Island is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious island that connects the modern world with the age of dinosaurs.
Take on the role of Craig Dylan, a weapons and survival expert, hired to protect a research team sent to study the strange temporal energy of the island and recover whatever is left of the expedition lost on the island 25 years ago.
Every minute is a fight for survival as Dylan must scavenge weapons, defend barricades, and battle titanic dinosaurs to return to his own time.
The great lizards are back, with bigger claws and sharper teeth, can you lead your hero from that jaws of these gigantic beasts? Jurassic The Hunted is available today on:
Jurassic: The Hunted US US$ 44.90
Jurassic: The Hunted US US$ 44.90
Nintendo™ Wii
Jurassic: The Hunted US US$ 44.90
Jurassic: The Hunted US US$ 34.90
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November 11th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

For the first time, play through the epic campaign of Modern Warfare side-by-side with a friend on a single screen. At any moment, a second Wii Remote can be activated, giving the second player their own aiming crosshair to support their Squadmate with additional firepower
The best multiplayer action in gaming comes to Wii with full support for perks, challenges, kill streaks, and customizable classes. All game modes including Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Domination, Sabotage, Headquarters, Search & Destroy, and Arcade Mode are now available. Jump on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to dominate opponents online with air strikes and attack helicopter support, unlockable abilities, and sophisticated weaponry
Featuring an arsenal of more than 70 weapons and gear including assault rifles with laser sights, claymore mines, .50 caliber sniper rifles, and M-249 SAW machine guns, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex has you locked and loaded to accomplish the mission
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition for Wii arms you with an arsenal of advanced and powerful weaponry and transports you to the most dangerous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy threatening the world. As both a U.S. Marine and British S.A.S soldier fighting through an unfolding story full of twists and turns, use sophisticated technology, superior firepower, and coordinated land and air strikes on a battlefield where speed, accuracy, and communication are essential to victory.
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November 11th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Arm yourself with the most cutting-edge military weaponry and tactics in the world to take the fight to the terrorists. Wield assault rifles and high-caliber sniper rifles, disorient your foes with flashbangs, smash through the opposition in a massive Battle Tank, or call in an air strike to level an enemy position
Fight on the ground in building-to-building tactical combat, hack into enemy computer terminals, take the controls of military vehicles like Battle Tanks and UAV spy drones, or man the guns of an AC-130 gunship and rain down destruction
Battle it out with up to 6 players in either local wireless play or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
Jump between U.S. and British elite military forces battling terrorists across global hotspots, with a new Modern Warfare storyline and missions unique to the Nintendo DS version
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized arms you with the latest cutting-edge weaponry, vehicles, and tactics, as you mobilize an elite squad across the globe to take the fight to the terrorists. Battle it out online in expanded multiplayer, challenge your high score Arcade Mode, or face off against an endless horde of enemy soldiers in Survival Mode.
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November 11th, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
ninchdl-listext released by Yellows8
ninchdl-listext by yellowstar6 is a utility to decrypt, decompress, read and dump info and URLs from Nintendo Channel download lists, either locally from HD, or directly from the servers.
wc24pubk.mod from Nintendo Channel is required. This is identical for all regions and versions of Nintendo Channel. This can be dumped from the Nintendo Channel data directory on Wii NAND. ninchdl-listext requires wc24decrypt.
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November 11th, 2009, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
wc24decrypt released by Yellows8
wc24decrypt by yellowstar6 is a utility to decrypt WC24 files, either from locally (HD ect) or from the servers.
Help shown when run without parameters:
Usage: wc24decrypt <content.bin> <decrypt.bin> <wc24pubk.mod>
The wc24pubk.mod can also by a 16 byte key. The mod/key filename can be excluded if the content is not encrypted. The content.bin filename can be a http(s) URL to download and decrypt.
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November 11th, 2009, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
binconv released by Yellows8
Help shown when run without params:
Binconv v1.0 by yellowstar6 08/24/08
Convert Nintendo Channel DS Demo .bin files to an .nds.
Usage: binconv <list of input demo.bin>
The output .nds will have the same filename as the input, except the extension will be .nds.
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November 11th, 2009, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
getwiimsg v1.0 released by Yellows8
getwiimsg was coded by yellowstar6. Download Wii Message Board mail from server, decrypt, and dump to .eml and .txt files. The internal KD AES key for wc24msgboardkey.bin is required. In IOS35 v3088, this key is stored at 0x5f780 in 00000006.app. getwiimsg requires wc24decrypt.
Help displayed when run without parameters: Usage: getwiimsg <country code number> <language code> <wc24msgboardkey.bin> <optional list of alternate msg files to process from a server or locally>
Language code can be one of the following: ja, en, de, fr, es, it, nl.
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November 11th, 2009, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
FlyingSaucers updated to v0.6 by Michelinux
FlyingSaucers is a simple 2D space shooting game.
Dutch and german languages added
All player can pause game and use menus
Scores displayed during game
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November 11th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://drunkencoders.com/
The Moon Books Project has relaunched with Moon Shell 2 compatibility for all film and book content. All books available are readable on Moon Shell 2, as well as all films.
Also, both audio and video quality of films have been upgraded for your viewing pleasure.
Brandon @ MoonBooks.net
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November 12th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster

You know, policing can be a tiresome, thankless task -- that's why we weren't all that surprised when Polk County's finest were caught on camera at the scene of a Florida drug raid engaging in a reported nine hour Wii Sports tourney. As you'll recall, investigators raided a home back in March on the lookout for drugs and stolen items -- which they found, along with weapons and that infamous Nintendo game console. Fans of police accountability will be pleased to note that when all is said and done, eleven members of the multiagency task force were eventually disciplined with a letter in their permanent records and a couple hours of re-training. According to Polk County sheriff's Chief of Staff Gary Hester, all of those involved "were all remorseful, upset with themselves, [and] apologetic," except one officer who finally bowled a perfect game: "It was totally worth it. The Dude abides."
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November 12th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster

If you ran out last year and bought one of Sanyo's Eneloop Wiimote chargers, the first to be officially approved by Nintendo and to allow charging whilst that ludicrously thick rubber cover was still in place, you were probably a bit bummed when it was obsoleted by the Motion Plus. Sanyo has a fix: you can now run out and buy a new charger! Yes, you too can help fuel the economy by tossing a perfectly functional yet now useless accessory into the trash and replacing it with something that does exactly the same thing with a little extra room at the bottom. Like before it's USB-powered and charges via induction, so no contacts are required, though there are now cavities for two Wiimotes rather than just one. No mention of a US release, but it'll be hitting Japan sometime next month for ¥7,400 -- about $80.
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November 12th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster

Sure, there are plenty of Wii racing wheel options out there, but Exspect's launching one just for the Wii Motion Plus controller -- and just in time for the holidays! The wheel is also compatible with the plain old Wiimote, but sadly, if you live in the States it doesn't look like you'll be able to get one of these any time soon. The Racing Wheel is available now in the UK and will run you £6.99 (that's about $11.67 if you don't speak "£") on its own, or £19.99 ($33.35) if you buy it as part of a Wii accessories pack.
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November 12th, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
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November 12th, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...34&format=news
BALROG offers version 2.7 of its game coded in Lua for the DS, "CarPlaying. In which you should avoid cars that will darken it.
Major improvements to the user:
Correction of bugs, including:
* A collision problem with the "ennemi4.
* The memory dump that was incorrect.
* Sometimes, the enemies do not appear.
-Added a Sytème break.
-Now we can return to the menu settings when you wish.
-Adding an introductory screen.
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November 13th, 2009, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
The BBC iPlayer is relaunching on the Nintendo Wii in the form of a dedicated Wii channel on 18 November.
Only consoles with a broadband connection in the UK will be able to run the channel.
To get the service, Wii owners will be able to download it from the console's online shop for free.
The BBC iPlayer has been on the Wii since April 2008 but many console owners reported problems with the original interface.
The iPlayer is also available on Sony's PlayStation 3 console.
The BBC is not the only broadcaster to experience difficulties with bringing its catch-up service to games consoles.
Sky launched the Sky Player on the Xbox 360 in October but Microsoft temporarily suspended the service almost straightaway due to "unprecedented levels of simultaneous demand".
Erik Huggers, direct of Future Media and Technology at the BBC, said that the evolved Wii service was an improvement on the old BBC iPlayer system, describing it as a "faster, high quality and improved viewing experience".
According to research company Chart Track GfK there are almost six million Wii consoles in British homes.
The catch-up radio and television service is also launching in trial, or beta, form on the Freesat TV platform later in November.
British broadcaster Channel 4 has concentrated on making its on-demand service 4OD more accessible on the internet.
In October it announced that it would be showing entire programmes free of charge on YouTube.
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November 13th, 2009, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
Nordic secures X Factor contestants for karaoke game debut
Miss Frank has been signed up to help launch Nordic Games’ upcoming Wii title We Sing.
The X Factor contestants will appear at the title’s official launch event at GAME’s Oxford Street branch, performing a selection of the 30 songs found in the game’s setlist.
To commemorate We Sing’s status as the only four-player karaoke game, fans will be given the chance to sing on stage as the fourth member of the band.
The event is due to take place on November 19th between 1pm and 3pm. The game will be available on November 20th.
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November 13th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Representatives from Nintendo of America have released an official response to October's NPD sales data, celebrating the Wii's return to the top of the hardware chart and speculating that its Nintendo DS portable may break a sales record in 2009.
According to Nintendo, the 507,000 October Wii sales brings the units life-to-date sales to over 22 million.
"Wii sales spiked more than 9.5 percent over September, a remarkable result, considering that September was a five-week reporting month for NPD, while October included just four weeks," said the firm.
The statement also says that the Nintendo DS is "poised to surpass the all-time single-year US hardware sales record," which was set in 2008 by the Wii with ten million units.
"Nintendo's year-to-date share of total game sales and total industry revenues are up over the same period last year," said Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway.
"We are very appreciative of the continued, strong consumer response to both of our systems as we head into the holidays, and are excited to bring to them our key games, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which launches this Sunday, and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, which launches December 7."
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November 14th, 2009, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
In the dilapidated, war-torn streets of the gaming industry, the Console Wars™ have taken their toll on not only the landscape, but also the inhabitants of this once peaceful land. With war mongerers Sony and Microsoft preparing their next wave of battle tech -- motion control devices like the "PlayStation Motion Controller" (rumored: 'Sphere') and Project Natal, respectively -- Nintendo's battle general, Reggie Fils-Aime, recently continued his criticism of rivals by commenting to wartime reporters at Gamasutra that Nintendo isn't really shaking on its Balance Board.
General Fils-Aime said that Nintendo will "applaud anything that will further expand the market of game players" and that the expansion of this kind of technology is really "in everyone's best interest," even though he admits Nintendo could lose some of its marketshare as a result. However, he does feel confident in Nintendo's "head-start of over 51 million controllers."
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November 14th, 2009, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Strategies on how to raise the sunken islands.
CHARACTERS: Get to know each character through in-depth profiles that include their schedules, likes and dislikes, favorite gifts, and more!
DETAILED ITEM LISTS: Complete list of all crops, animals, gems, fish, and more.
ACTIVITIES: Learn everything you need to know about farming, ranching, fishing, and mining.
COURTSHIP GUIDE: Tips on how to fall in love and woo the games eligible characters.
Platform: Nintendo DS
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November 14th, 2009, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Relive classic Turtles fights in the streets, sewers and rooftops of New York City. Take on everyone from petty thugs to great masterminds like Dr. Baxter Stockman. The enemies and their weapons are fierce but the Turtle brothers have Master Splinter’s ninja training to survive the latest onslaught. Stop the enemy with your ninja weapons, kicks and throws. Evil never tires but neither do the Turtles!
Never be alone, you will always have a Turtle brother fighting alongside. Each Turtle brother has different strengths and weaknesses, so choose your tag team wisely. Play with a friend via Wi-Fi or play solo with a computer-powered Turtle brother. Strategically combine your ninja moves for special attacks to inflict serious damage
Prepare to journey into an all-new original story of the Turtles told through amazing animated comic book art and epic battles. Chase the Turtle nemesis, Shredder, beyond New York City through cyberspace and time to uncover evil plots with villains old and new
The battle never stops with the new variety of Battle Modes. Explore Story Mode, mastering attacks and hit combos to gain Bonus Coins that will unlock new game modes. Take on Boss Mode and relive all your favorite boss fights or try fighting against endless waves of Foot ninjas in survival mode. Test your skills in Stage Mode and race against the clock to clear levels as fast as you can
Cowabunga Dudes! Celebrate the 25th anniversary of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this classic arcade-style game for the Nintendo DS™ system. This side-scrolling beat-em-up game is a tribute to the coin-op classics that made the Turtles video game legends. The Turtles make their return to Nintendo DS to clean up the crime-riddled streets of NYC. Shredder stands poised to take over the city—and only you can rally the might of the ninja brothers to put a stop to the threat in the present and the future...
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November 14th, 2009, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Puzzle solving challenging players to watch their inventory and use their mind!
Character interaction with other people aboard the ship to gather information and key items
Waterline progression gives each scene a different look as time passes
Multiple endings created based upon player choice
15 chapters in the story each with multiple scenes and mini-games
Titanic: Mysteries of the Deep places you on board the Titanic as a passenger during its fateful voyage. Your character is torn between their past and present life in a struggle to find out what they truly want in their heart.
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November 14th, 2009, 13:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Create a customized party and control fan-favorite characters including Goku®, Krillin®, Yamcha®, Gohan®, Tien®, and Piccolo™
Follow the events of the original Dragon Ball Z story from the World Tournament and Goku’s triumphant defeat of Piccolo through the Vegeta saga and all-new storylines exclusive to the game
Search through a vast world map and encounter enemies, find treasures and destroy obstacles with targeted Ki Blasts
Characters build experience, become stronger and learn, upgrade and execute powerful new skills and attacks
Fight against enemies with focused attacks and Super Skills or fill up your Rage Meter and unleash “Sparking” combos and Ultimate Skills
Based on the most popular anime series of all time, Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans is a brand new role-playing adventure where players battle as Goku and his Earth Defense Force allies to save the world from Vegeta and the threatening Saiyan enemies. Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans features a host of original features which will be sure to thrill fans of the series with unique game modes, fun side quests and new material never before seen in either the anime or manga series.
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November 14th, 2009, 13:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Over 10 different activities including caretaking, puppy play, and training
Earn puppy tokens and use them to buy new puppy clothes, items for Perrito and picture book pages
Dora loves her puppy Perrito! Now you can come along and help Dora take care of, train and have lots of fun with him!
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November 14th, 2009, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Emilie’s uncle just opened the new Teen mega-mall but it’s so not cool. As the experts on what’s “in”, you and your BFFs are called in to make the mall a hip hangout!
Take on “Mall Drama” missions like makeovers at the beauty bar, pouring lattes for your latest crush, washing the puppies at the pet store….you decide what to do next!
10+ mini-games including facials, manicures, hair salon, accessory sorter, pet pampering, food & drinks and more!
In Charm Girls Club My Fashion Mall for Nintendo DS, you and your BFFs are put in charge of the mall to make it the coolest place ever! Deal with all the “mall drama” and transform it from drab to fab!
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November 14th, 2009, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience the thrill of cruising the streets of New York City without any loading time! C.O.P. The Recruit is the most visually impressive action game on the Nintendo DS with an open-world 3D experience running at 60 frames per second (FPS). The game’s innovative engine also allows for a wealth of detailed imagery, whether driving at 120 MPH or shooting your way through the gorgeous interior environments
C.O.P. The Recruit will allow you to experience all aspects of being a newly recruited cop with 60+ missions and 20 hours of diverse gameplay. Get behind the wheel of some of the fastest cars in the police force, use the Nintendo DS stylus to shoot enemies and spy on terrorists
Experience a bustling, vibrant New York City, complete with pedestrians on the street, cars rushing to avoid traffic and boats navigating the surrounding waterways of Manhattan. Explore the 6 miles² of the city that will offer a variety of environments and climate conditions
As a recruit, you will have access to New York City’s most powerful tools. Use your PDA to plan and launch a SWAT team assault through your Nintendo DS microphone, set up road blocks, summon an ambulance, access the city’s camera system to locate your targets and much more
You are Dan Miles, a former underground street racer and new recruit in the Criminal Overturn Program (C.O.P.). Under the terms of the C.O.P., you have become a street detective working to protect New York citizens against large-scale threats.
Working with your mentor, Detective Brad Winter, you are investigating a series of terrorist attacks in the city when Brad is falsely arrested, putting the investigation on hold.
While trying to uncover the truth behind Brad’s arrest, Dan goes undercover and returns to his life on the streets. Little by little he gets wrapped up in a deadly widespread conspiracy and must work to prevent an attack on the city with catastrophic potential.
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November 14th, 2009, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Jurassic Lost Island is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious island that connects the modern world with the age of dinosaurs. Take on the role of Craig Dylan, a weapons and survival expert, hired to protect a research team sent to study the strange temporal energy of the island and recover whatever is left of the expedition lost on the island 25 years ago. Every minute is a fight for survival as Dylan must scavenge weapons, defend barricades, and battle titanic dinosaurs to return to his own time.
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November 14th, 2009, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Rabbids’ first puzzle-adventure will take them to the moon or bust! As usual, they have a fail-safe plan: Collect all the human Stuff they can find, heap it onto a giant Pile and climb to the moon…Not so fast! The humans revolt and become Verminators to exterminate the Rabbid varmints and defend their precious Stuff.
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November 14th, 2009, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Control two Raving Rabbids and their shopping cart and cause mayhem in a world full of uptight Humans with shopping on the brain. Collect varying sizes of human stuff to build the Rabbids sky-high pile of junk in their quest to reach the moon
Scour through supermarkets, race across rooftops, jet past airports and boost through the Bayou, visiting the game’s unique take on everyday places
Race, chase, boost and generally run amok while scaring the Humans right down to their undies - literally! Ridicule reams of relentless enemies and their nasty pooches in an increasingly paranoid world of Rabbid-haters
Encounter a cast of colorful, oddball characters and explore a remarkable parody of the modern world as if you were living inside an interactive cartoon!
Soup up your shopping cart with a Jet Ski, an airplane reactor, or a hospital Bubble Bed to wreak endless havoc everywhere you turn. Learn to pilot your cart while boosting, jumping, gliding, floating and flying
The Rabbids first comedy-adventure will take them to the moon or bust! Those crazy Rabbids have an infallible plan: collect all the human stuff they can find, heap it onto a giant pile and literally climb home to the moon. But not so fast! The Humans revolt, unleashing the Verminators whose only objective is to exterminate the Rabbids.
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November 14th, 2009, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America CEO, Reggie Fils-Aime, isn’t just concerned with Sony and Microsoft. In his eyes, Apple, TV shows, magazines and books are also Nintendo’s competition.
“The way we look at it, we’re in the entertainment business consumers only have a limited amount of time for entertainment and so we compete with Apple, we compete with your program [CNBC], we compete with books and magazines, we compete with everything people do for entertainment,” Fils-Aime said in an interview with CNBC.
Out of those Fils-Aime isn’t as worried about Apple. "While they have a lot of these applications, you know, they’re very small chunks of entertainment. What we do is we provide a full meal in terms of a game you can play for hours on end. Very deep, very enriching," Fils-Aime boasted.
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November 14th, 2009, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Best Buy’s Black Friday ad is full of deals and a stealth product announcement. (Thanks for the tip Marcus!!) Later this month, Nintendo will release two Nintendo DSis preloaded with DSiWare games.
One bundle is geared towards Brain Age fans. It includes Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters, Brain Age Express: Sudoku, Brain Age Express: Math, Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics, Photo Clock and a white Nintendo DSi.
The Metallic Blue DSi Mario bundle is better suited for core gamers. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!, WarioWare Snapped!, Dr. Mario Express, Mario Calculator, and Mario Clock are loaded on that DSi.
When the Nintendo DSi launched users could get 1,000 DSiWare points worth $10 by connecting to the DSiWare shot. The Brain Age bundle includes apps worth 2,800 DSiWare points ($28) while the Mario bundle has 2,200 DSiWare points ($22) of Mario related programs.
Best Buy also has PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 deals. 120GB PS3s with LittleBigPlanet and the just released Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time go for $299. An Xbox 360 Elite with Lego Batman, Pure, Ghost Recon 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, and Wall-E goes for the same price
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November 14th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...37&format=news
New update for "Moonshell", Now in version 2.07. To recall" Moonshell "media player is necessary for the DS, developed by the team Moonlight.
PROGDIR wrote:
22009/11/12 Version 2.07 stable
* Fixed calculation of "checksun" file name to the course. (ex: Identifying a file that was named S3400074.JPG failed.)
* Applications will not be added in the menu "historic" when it is disabled.
* The volume of music and videos can be adjusted individually now.
* Update language selector (launch / Language select tool for MS2.nds).
* New launcher homebrew (extlink / _hn.HugeNDSLoader.nds). For some homebrew, DLDI patch is also applied to ARM7.
* Fixed bug that caused the touch screen not working when launching a homebrew on an iQue.
* Moonshell does not stop anymore when launching a commercial ROM.
* The Homebrews NDSROM of 3072Ko ~ 4032Ko can now be launched.
File Browser:
* Added parameter "EnabledScreenSaver" in the [FileList] of moonshl2.ini. This allows to activate the configuration menu screen saver.
* Added parameter "ArtWorkBGColor" in section [M4APlugin] of moonshl2.ini. It can set the background color of the display of CD covers in iTunes.
* Moving the parameter ShowCoverImage "section [M4APlugin] to [FileList]. This can enable or disable (ON / OFF) the display of CD covers.
* I forgot to prohibit the making of the trash files in the folder / moonshl2. This is now done.
Text Editor:
* Arrangement of the knobs and added a little button in the writing mode handwriting.
* Fixed bug that prevented opening a text when there was a bookmark file.
* Fixed bug that prevented the recognition of texts S-JIS.
* The brightness control is now possible with the buttons L + X / Y.
* Change the menu exit.
* Added parameter "SoundEffectVolume" in the [System] of textedit.ini. It adjusts the loudness of noises (clicking, etc. ...).
* Added parameter "LoopResultWindow" in the [System] of textedit.ini. This can enable or disable (ON / OFF) repeated pressure on right / left of the window resulting characters.
* The text editor is now: _te.TextEdit.nds.
* Fixed bug that caused sound to some jerky DPG.
* Fixed bug that prevented text automatically determine S-JIS to watch ..
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November 14th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...39&format=news
blabla offers a first Beta version of its RPG-coded lua "Digimon μArena".
Digimon μArena is an RPG (Like Pokemon Stadium) where we choose the digimon to beat and also brings together some mini-games.
When you win, your stats increase.
Thus, the more your stats increase, the more you can beat the strongest Digimon! (Your stats will be saved automatically!)
The game is in Beta but the full version, there will be:
- A multiplayer mode on the same ds
- A cinquataine or a hundred digimon fight
- 5 mini-games
- Combat mode WiFi (it's really not sure because I never schedule a game in wifi!)
Finally must be dreaming for now
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November 14th, 2009, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...43&format=news
Discover Wind Pro DSi, PC application involving emulators Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance and tools (customizable emulator / Zoom / etc ...).
In this new Wind Pro DSi we have ... New NOZ skin, skin the new Nintendo DSi LL!
Wind Pro DSi 2.3.6 (EN)
- New Skin for DSi LL NOZ (extras)
- Fixed Wind Pro Skin Editor (extras)
- New Cursor Stylus Red Wine (extras)
- New Cursor Stylus Big Red Wine (extras)
- New DeSmuME SVN 3043 / in the installer says "Dolphin" xD
- New USRCHEAT.dat 10/27/2009
- New render plugins for NO 10/19/2009 $ Zoom & VBA-M
- New VBA-M SVN 913
- New ngzoom. Skn files version (extras)
- New unicoide install for XP / Vista / 7
- New D3DX9_42.dll
- New icon for saved games "Micro SD"
And 2 new cursors for Cursor FX & Wind Pro Skin Editor to make your own menu skins!
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November 15th, 2009, 10:23 Posted By: wraggster
Some progress news from the EmulateMii Team:
This is a quick update to let you all know what we’ve been up to. For those who have been monitoring the googlecode project, we’ve finally finished migrating all of our code changes to the public svn! That means the beta1 tagged code is the same code that was used to compile the Wii64/Cube64 Beta 1 release version. We thought the migration process would go much quicker, but the length of time for the migration testifies to the amount of effort put in to get the emulator ready for a beta release!
We’re in the process of preparing Beta 1.1, which will have some exciting improvements. We thought that we would push out a minor revision very quickly, but our wishlist for the revision grew, and we have a couple important things to add to it that are holding up the release. Don’t worry though, as it will be worth the wait.
In parallel we’ve been making significant changes to WiiSX/CubeSX. There is still a lot of work to be done in re-organizing and cleaning up the PCSX code base. We are hoping that as we tidy things up we’ll be able to fix bugs in the emulator. We’re not sure when the next release will be, yet, but look forward to major improvements when you see it.
Awesome news for everyone waiting for N64 and PSX Emulation on both the Wii and Gamecube.
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November 15th, 2009, 10:23 Posted By: wraggster
Some progress news from the EmulateMii Team:
This is a quick update to let you all know what we’ve been up to. For those who have been monitoring the googlecode project, we’ve finally finished migrating all of our code changes to the public svn! That means the beta1 tagged code is the same code that was used to compile the Wii64/Cube64 Beta 1 release version. We thought the migration process would go much quicker, but the length of time for the migration testifies to the amount of effort put in to get the emulator ready for a beta release!
We’re in the process of preparing Beta 1.1, which will have some exciting improvements. We thought that we would push out a minor revision very quickly, but our wishlist for the revision grew, and we have a couple important things to add to it that are holding up the release. Don’t worry though, as it will be worth the wait.
In parallel we’ve been making significant changes to WiiSX/CubeSX. There is still a lot of work to be done in re-organizing and cleaning up the PCSX code base. We are hoping that as we tidy things up we’ll be able to fix bugs in the emulator. We’re not sure when the next release will be, yet, but look forward to major improvements when you see it.
Awesome news for everyone waiting for N64 and PSX Emulation on both the Wii and Gamecube.
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November 15th, 2009, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
At E3 this year, Shigeru Miyamoto told reporters at a roundtable event that there would be no online support for New Super Mario Bros. Wii because the game uses all of the console’s processing power. But apparently there’s more to it. On the Nintendo Channel, there is an interview with Miyamoto and he once again talked about the lack of online play. Apparently Nintendo concentrated on local multiplayer only because “it’s more fun if you can see the face of the other people you are playing with.”
“Naturally, Nintendo uses the Internet now and with Super Smash Bros. Brawl we had a game you can play with other people, wherever they are. There will probably be people asking why we didn’t do that with this game as well. Well I think it’s more fun if you can see the face of the other people you are playing with, which is why we concentrated on this design this time.”
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November 15th, 2009, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13929.html
FireNes is a java-based NES Emulator and Addon for the Webbrowser Mozilla Firefox.
New version! The 1.3
Submitted by FaCuZ on Wed, 11/11/2009 - 22:54.
Recien subi to the server, so we have to update them automatically. In reality, the list had few months ago, but I was always postponing its publication for several reasons, some for lack of time a little for vagrancy. Take this opportunity to thank-Zone Casinos.es for their financial support, which is going to help me pay for another 2 years of hosting the games.
You could say that the most important thing is to add 3 things: add a search box of games that many asked me, upgrade to the latest version of the emulator and put back the option of notifying when a game does not work. I hope you enjoy it, I leave you with a full list of changes:
* Add a search bar as you type
* Create a database of games to better handle the list
* Now open the page with the updates each time it is updated
* Update the emulator to version 2.11
* Re-implemented and simplify the notifications of games that do not work
* Add an option to notices to "recommend to top"
* Fixed several errors in code
* Improve compatibility with Firefox 3.5 .* and linux distributions
Remember to update your version of Java to avoid problems.
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November 15th, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13928.html
The SNES emulator Snes9x v1.51 rerecording, which is based on SNES9x, has been updated.
[asm modified] add trace logger (ported from bsnes, so thanks should go to byuu); DEBUGGER build might have such a function, but I don´t know. I think that isn´t maintained for a long time anyway...
Lua: add memory.registerread (asm modified; requires rebuild)
Lua: several changes for joypad api: * removed interfaces for unused bits, no one uses them. * fixed joypad.set, it works fine even though the script has no frame-advance loop. * changed joypad.set, it no longer adds input if the field value means false.
Lua: add emu.emulating
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November 15th, 2009, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...49&format=news
Hotelsinus continuous development of its sequencer "TonesynthDS"We offer the 0.23 version.
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November 15th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has released a new version of Woopsi for the DS:
Heres whats new:
Version 0.40 is now out.
This release is the first alpha version. At this point I'm mainly concerned with bugfixing and tidying up than adding significant new features.
Big changes this time around include the removal of PALib support and a directory restructure. This is the first release of Woopsi that ships as a proper library. Installation instructions are included in the zip file, but it's essentially a matter of just copying the libwoopsi folder to the devkitpro folder.
Additionally, there are a lot of improvements to the graphics API, are a few new example and test projects, and a sizeable number of bugfixes.
Download from SourceForge as usual:
- Fixes:
- PALib support removed.
- Pointer to selected day button in calendar resets to NULL when new month selected; prevents day button incorrectly popping up if same button is clicked in new month.
- Calendar::getPreferredSize() returns valid values.
- Label text is greyed out when disabled.
- Huge speed increase in Calendar::resize().
- Calendar's child controls correctly fill entire available space.
- Calendar correctly selects date if new day is the same as old day but in a different month.
- Gadget drag event only raised if stylus is actually moved whilst dragging mode active.
- ScrollingPanel drag and scroll events only raised if stylus is actually moved whilst dragging mode active.
- MultiLineTextBox greys out text when disabled.
- MultiLineTextBox::removeText() correctly repositions cursor.
- TextBox greys out text when disabled.
- Scrolltest compiles correctly.
- SimpleScreen and SimpleWindow helper gadgets removed.
- Renamed LinkedList to WoopsiLinkedList and LinkedListIterator to WoopsiLinkedListIterator to avoid type clashing with LinkedList in devkit.
- Tidied up woopsifuncs.h.
- SuperBitmap::getBitmap() returns a pointer to the Bitmap object instead of the Bitmap object's raw pixel data.
- Moved skinned gadgets out of main library and into bonus folder.
- Removed fatInitDefault() stub method for SDL out of individual .cpp files and into nds.h.
- dimmedscreen.h includes woopsi.h.
- Graphics::drawBitmap() clips correctly if bitmap destination co-ords are greater than the size of the destination bitmap.
- GraphicsPort::drawPixel() clips correctly.
- GraphicsPort::drawXORPixel() clips correctly.
- Replaced DMA_Force and DMA_Copy with woopsiDmaForce() and woopsiDmaCopy() to fix ancient problems with DMA not seeing latest RAM state.
- New Features:
- Calendar test added.
- MultiLineTextBox test added.
- TextBox test added.
- Added an overload to GraphicsPort to print a length of a string in a specific colour.
- Restructured directories into traditional library layout.
- Upgraded main project to VC++ 2008.
- Added libwoopsi.a to SVN.
- Added template example that uses libwoopsi.
- Reorganised demo code into new demo directory.
- BitmapIO class can load 16-bit BMP images with any pixel encoding.
- BitmapIO class can load V3, V4 and V5 DIB headers.
- BitmapLoader example illustrates loading of most supported BMP types.
- Added skinned gadget example.
- Added SkinIO class to bonus folder - loads skins from disk.
- Added BitmapBase class to define basic interface for a bitmap.
- Added BitmapWrapper to enable included (not loaded) bitmap data to be used as a read-only Bitmap object.
- Moved drawing code out of Bitmap class into new Graphics class.
- Added MutableBitmapBase class to define basic interface for an editable bitmap.
- Added FrameBuffer class to wrap framebuffer inside a bitmap class.
- All references to DrawBg array now work with frameBuffer array.
- Added GraphicsUnclipped to perform raw unclipped bitmap drawing.
- GraphicsPort inherits from GraphicsUnclipped in order to reduce code repetition.
- Font system uses new Bitmap object hierarchy.
- System fonts available as global objects.
- Rewritten clipping routine in Font and MonoFont.
- Reorganised VC++ project with more filters.
- Rect struct moved out of Gadget class and into separate header.
- SuperBitmap no longer includes drawing functions; instead it exposes a non-const pointer to its bitmap and a non-const pointer to a Graphics object that can draw to the bitmap.
- Added bitmapdrawing example.
- Added gadgetdrawing example.
- Added blit() and blitFill() methods to Bitmap and FrameBuffer, and signatures to MutableBitmapBase.
- Added getData(x, y) method to all bitmap classes.
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November 15th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Ishopvideogame:
Supercard DS ONEi
Supercard DS ONEi is the best DSi Flash Cart, it can perfectly compatible with DSi V1.4, Except that, you will never worry about the firmware upgrade because of Supercard DS ONEi - It\'s the first external USB Smart Upgrade set of the world. DSONEi also continues providing the dream functions of real-time save, real-time cheat and real-time game guide to the customers.
SuperCard DS ONEi Features:
1. Supports MicroSD & SDHC Cards to 32GB
2. Supports Hard Firmware Updates
3. Perfect Homebrew Compatibility
4. First Class Support & Updates
5. USB 2.0 MicroSD & SDHC Reader Supplied
6. Backwards Compatible DSi, DS Lite & DS
7. FAT 16 / 32 File System Supported
8. Supports Multiple Skins & Change
Guick Qo
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November 15th, 2009, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Tonight i have 2 mini reviews for you.
The first is of a Refurbished DSLite Console i brought from IShopvideoGame
Ishopvideogame sell a range of Refurbished DSLite Consoles including some special edition consoles such as the Zelda, Dragon Ball, Naruto and Pokemon and all the usual colours.
The price of the consoles ranges from 94 Dollars up to 106 Dollars and the shipping is a very decent 10 dollars or less depending on where you live.
Ishopvideogame also will mark the package as sample or with no value to beat nasty customs charges and thats a big thumbs up from me.
Ok the console, the box it shipped it wasnt a brand new box but if buying for a present would be passable, the console itself was in perfect condition, in fact i looked all over it and to be honest it looked brand new, even better it came with a 100-240v charger so no messing around.
My wife has had it for weeks now and its working great, battery life is as expected and absolutely in perfect working order.
Am i happy with my buy, yes for sure, the fact you can get special edition DSLite Consoles for a cheap price and consoles as good as new for 50 dollars cheaper than the usual price makes this a great buy.
Thanks to IShopvideoGame for a great console.
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November 15th, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster

The second of my reviews is regarding the Gameboy Advance SP 2GB i brought a few weeks ago.
This was a console i spotted on IShopVideoGame and was eager to try it.
The GBA SP is fitted with a 2GB Flash Drive which you cant see unless you open the console.
Upon booting the console i was a tad astonished to find a mass of games already loaded onto the console, infact a total of 118 games, of which all played and saved perfectly.
The Console has a USB Lead with it and when connecting to a PC/laptop it shows up as a removeable drive and its not hard to work out how to add additional games to the console, so adding homebrew and emulators for the GBA is really easy.
Now the price is a rather decent $54.95 and like my other review shipping from ishopvideogame was very resonable.
I must point out that the GBASP plays games like any normal GBA but obviously the benefit of a 2gb hard drive makes the console a great selling point, you could stick hundreds of GBA Homebrew and Emulators for GBA on the hard drive too.
all in all a great buy and i highly recommend this to any GBA fans.
Thanks again to IShopVideoGame for a great console and quick shipping.
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November 16th, 2009, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
Eurogamer's Digital Foundry tech blog has released an article looking in-depth at the options surrounding new handheld hardware for Sony, Nintendo and Apple, and notes the possibility that with Apple already on an annual release schedule, Nintendo could be set to release new hardware next year as well.
"While the combination of crippling losses, the general economic crisis and the advent of motion control are enough to stall the release of true next-generation consoles, there's strong evidence to suggest 2010 won't be the hardware drought we thought it might be," writes Richard Leadbetter. "Both Sony and Nintendo are deep in development on a new wave of handheld devices that look set to deliver a substantial amount of gaming power in a pocket-sized form factor."
He went on to look at detail at the new hardware set to power the forthcoming Sony and Nintendo products - neither of which have yet been officially acknowledged by the respective companies - could include, starting with the NVIDIA's Tegra 2 chipset in a possible new DS console.
"Let's just say that it is a significant improvement, and a colossal jump in performance compared to the current DS," he explains, going on to detail various attributes the chipset will include. "Our sources can only speculate at this point, but suspect anything up to 300MHz is possible, depending on just how much the platform holders want to concentrate on battery power. The faster the chip, the more impact it has on battery life... NVIDIA is on the record as saying that Tegra 2 offers four times the power of its predecessor.
Meanwhile, his analysis of the technology behind Sony's much-rumoured PSP2 reveals lots of raw power for developers to play with.
"From what we've learned about the in-development PSP2, the device is going to be a technological monster," he writes. "Insiders in the mobile space are fully aware that a deal has been struck between Sony and IMG (creators of the PowerVR derivatives found in the iPhone) and, as previously reported by Eurogamer, a multi-core variant of the forthcoming SGX543 looks set to the GPU of choice for the new machine.
"A four-core version of the chip appears to be most likely, and while this sounds like overkill, at 45nm you'd be looking at die of around 20 square millimetres based on measurement derived from IMG's own whitepaper. That's significantly lower than the silicon used by the current-generation PSP's graphics unit, which should give some inkling of an idea on costs and power consumption.
"So how do the potential PSP2 and DS2 architectures match up? The performance difference is potentially astonishing," he continues, before noting of the PSP2 technology that "you really have to sit down and take a deep breath before reading the next bit: we're talking about a GPU with the potential to be a halfway house between the raw power of the original Xbox's graphics chip and the Xenos GPU found in the Xbox 360, without factoring in all the advantages of running on a much lower resolution screen.
"Could the PSPgo really be a stop-gap unit designed to extend the PSP lifespan until its successor is ready to launch?" he concludes. "It's a possibility, though we suspect Sony would want to launch in the same window as its competition. A 2010 release for the new Nintendo handheld is conceivably no problem - the design of the chipset would've been complete last year and NVIDIA will be in full production of Tegra 2 in a matter of months.
"Up against an annually evolving platform in the form of Apple's iPhone, it will be interesting to see how the next generation of fixed platforms compete. While the prospective chipsets for the new Nintendo and Sony consoles look positively mouth-watering, the success of the DS and iPhone in particular emphasise that superb graphical prowess counts for little in the hearts and minds of today's gamers."
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November 16th, 2009, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It may have failed to live up to expectations both critically and commercially, but that hasn't stopped Shigeru Miyamoto from insisting his Wii Music still has a future, and even hinting there may be a 'Wii Music Plus' on the cards.
Speaking to Official Nintendo Magazine (full interview to be published in issue 50), Miyamoto said: "[Wii Music] was a really unique game, and even today, we are receiving several different offers from people in the field of music education... I think it still has great potential."
But more likely to perk the ears of creative Wii musician types, he went onto reveal the game could receive some "developments" for the "future"...
"Unfortunately, we don't have any news we can talk about at the moment," he said, coyly. "But like Wii Fit Plus, it's not really a sequel to the original Wii Fit - but we have added some features to improve the overall experience. It's a kind of an enhanced version."
So a vastly improved Wii Music not too far in the distance? It'd be a bit like Hear'Say reforming and being really, really good. (Without sounding too harsh).
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November 16th, 2009, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
The president of Nintendo of America is sanguine about the lack of online play in what he calls the new Mario game for "even your most jaded" gamer. But it is the curiously under-hyped Zelda about which he's most excited.
Last Friday, Reggie Fils-Aime sat with Kotaku and got to discuss the unusual: Releases, within a month of each other, of new games in his company's two star series (no offense, Pokemon).
The Mario hype train was already trundling along by the time we spoke, charging through a Sunday release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, a game Nintendo is marketing heavily as a four-player twist to the most classic of its video game franchises.
Fils-Aime, who chatted with me in his suite at New York's Waldorf Astoria, was ebullient. "I really do believe that New Super Mario Bros. Wii will satisfy even your most jaded, even your most competitive player," he said. "I'll tell you, there's nothing like playing New Super Mario Bros. with three of your friends. You're picking each other up and throwing each other into the lava pits and the crevasse. This game is the most fun."
The biggest concerns I had seen from Kotaku readers prior to the game's release has been among those who believe their lives don't allow for co-op shared-couch Mario adventuring. They'd either have to play the game alone or lament its lack of online play.
Fils-Aime maintained that the game is "superb" for single-players, but he admitted desire for online options. Nintendo's multiplayer racing and fighting series, Mario Kart and Smash Bros., did have online on the Wii. New Super Mario is the odd one out.
"This was a decision made purely by the developers," he said. "They believe this experience, in the same room, to be elbowing your friends and family members as you're playing the game [is ideal]. It was really their decision. I personally would have loved for it to be online capable as well, but having played the game, I really can't fault it for not being online multiplayer."
In just a few weeks Nintendo will release a Zelda game as well: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Fils-Aime refers to it as the game he is "personally looking forward to most this holiday season." Despite that enthusiasm it's among the Zelda games Nintendo has kept most quiet about. The company announced it in March, showed it at E3 in early June but offered little news about the game since, before publicizing in recent weeks that hero Link would spend this adventure alongside an active Princess Zelda this time.
Why keep so quiet about this game for so long?
"We believe that to tease fans over an extended period of time really doesn't do the gamer just service," he said. "So, we have always been mindful of: When's the launch date? When's the right time to share information? How do we break information? In particular, with this game, given the Zelda dynamic — which you find out about right at the start of the game — we really wanted to keep that secret and have it be a big reveal. That is something very new and very different in a Zelda game, [having] Princess Zelda essentially playing along with you. That's essentially what drove the strategy for how we reveal the information, when do we reveal the information and the fact that it had to be fairly late."
I related to Fils-Aime the discussion that the blog Press The Buttons started regarding the different box art for Spirit Tracks in Europe, Japan and America. For the American gamer, the box is darker and Link looks a bit tougher than he does on the package being sold in other regions.
"We just thought the package art we developed with [Nintendo's Japanese headquarters office] NCL that highlights the train and highlights the Phantom… was a great representation of the game," he said. Does it show that Americans want a tougher, more aggressive Link? "Not at all," he replied. But he did note that he was proud that Zelda sells more copies these days in the U.S. than in other regions, meaning Japan and Europe.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii is in stores for the Wii now. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks will be released in North America on December 7 for the Nintendo DS. (And if Pokemon fans are feeling left out, a new downloadable Pokemon game is out today.)
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November 16th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster

Much like he did for the just-launched New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Shigeru Miyamoto has announced that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be "really difficult." But will it be so difficult as to require Nintendo's new in-game life preserver, the Super Guide? Miyamoto isn't so sure yet. "In general," Miyamoto told Official Nintendo Magazine, "wherever and whenever appropriate, I think we will want to incorporate that kind of thing, but I cannot commit to anything specific right now."
Here's our absolutely ridiculous prediction: Miyamoto and crew are going to do with this sequel what they did with Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. Since Galaxy 2 is basically another level pack for an existing game, the team is going to make it almost impossible to complete.
Of course, that won't happen. More likely, Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be on par with the first game in terms of challenge, but will include the Super Guide to stay consistent with Nintendo's current strategy.
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November 16th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

Play as Jonas band-members - Nick, Joe and Kevin
Strike the right guitar actions chords to overcome obstacles and keep Jonas-induced hysteria under control
Perform as Jonas and rock out in 6 live concerts
Customize super stylish outfits to create cool looks for school and for the stage
Play as band members Nick, Joe and Kevin and tear up the stage, juggle school and friends and still make it home in time for dinner. Take on outrageous adventures set in your favorite TV show locations with Jonas music and friends Stella, Macy and more! But look out - legions of fans will keep you on your toes in this non-stop, hilarious adventure with your favorite superstar idols.
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November 16th, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

Easy and fun to play, basic controls move the Nunchuk and Wii Mote up, down, left and right, very intuitive controls
Customize your very own avatar, upload your Mii™, or choose from a diverse selection of amusing characters
Assortment of licensed and original music to play with your friends!
Downloadable song content will be available through the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
Since 1998, the Pop'n Music series has had 15 console games, as well as several arcade games, all of them exclusive to Japan. Hitting North America for the first time, Pop'n Music brings music games to kids of all ages! Play to entertaining music with exciting graphics dancing and moving along to the beat. Pop'n Music will bring a smile to kids as they move their controllers and their hips to the Pop 'n music!
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November 16th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

PES will offer drastic improvements in license content, stadium atmospheres, player likenesses all the way down to the specific moves of the real life players. When you play as Messi, it will be like Messi is playing
PES will draw upon the real life excitement of soccer which relies heavily on intelligent defenses and offensive schemes. The AI is redone and will feature Teamvision 2.0 for a more formidable opponent. It will also help your offense to build attacks or to close down your opponents attacks. Gamers will be able to execute orchestrated attacks and defenses which involve multiple players at the same time
In addition to the UEFA Champions League mode, players will have more choices than ever. They can choose any of the modes including an enhanced Master League mode enabling players to create and manage their team for a longer period of time. In addition there will be multiple cups to play for and an edit mode to further personify your team
A new dedicated section of the PES production team is committed to improving the online side of PES 2010. More downloadable content is also planned. Konami has supported PES 2009 with the release of new licensed teams, transfer updates, etc, and this support will grow for PES 2010. Team and content updates are planned throughout the game’s lifespan. These will make the game even more bespoke to the player’s match day needs
Pro Evolution Soccer is a video game built on pride, the pride that comes from making the most realistic soccer experience one can have within the world of gaming. Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 does not disappoint and this year, the voices of fans world-wide have been heard. Based in Japan, Winning Eleven Productions has instituted a host of anticipated changes that make PES 2010 the best yet.
In PES 2010 you'll find yourself on the largest stage in digital soccer: The Champions League. Imagine you're in a 1-1 tie in stoppage time against Manchester United. You've broken their defense and are sprinting full throttle into a man to man match of wits and reflexes with Edwin van der Sar... Do you have what it takes to punch it in for the win?
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November 16th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

Tame wild and exotic animals including raccoons, pandas, and even penguins!
Take your pets for walks, teach them tricks, and even ride them around town!
Take pictures of your farm, family, and village and share them over WiiConnect24!
Grow crops, care for animals, expand your farm and build a family!
A divine tree which once stood in the middle of the Harvest Goddess’ pond has begun to weaken, the creatures are beginning to leave the land, and the five bells have lost their power. Only the strength of the Harvest King can revive the Earth and bring the tree back to life, but he is nowhere to be found. Can you ring the five bells, bring the the Harvest King back to the island, and help revive the Goddess’ tree and the land?
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November 16th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

Grow crops, raise livestock, and mine precious gems!
Befriend a variety of animals including sparrows, rabbits, and monkeys!
Build and develop your skills in cooking, mining, and fishing!
The islands are in peril! Years ago, many islands in the Sunshine Islands chain sank when a powerful earthquake struck. In Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands, it's up to you to raise the sunken islands by finding the magical Sun Stones. With a little luck, they may even find true love and start a family along the way. Rejoin all of the beloved characters from Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, and meet some new faces as well!!
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November 16th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

Phantasy Star™ Ø takes place on an alternate Earth 200 years after the “Great Blank,” a massive war that has reduced the once-prosperous civilization to almost nothing. The sole surviving Humans have worked hard to exist peacefully and have built thriving Cities. The Humans that adventure past the outskirts of these Cities, called Hunters, explore the vast wilderness and hunt dangerous monsters to keep Cities safe. Players will take up the role of Hunters and select from three types of races and different classes, as well as gender for a total of 14 customizable character types. Each character type will play very differently and give players access to a great range of items, armor and weapons. Featuring over 350 unique weapons, gamers will venture out on “Earth”, combat dangerous monsters to gain experience and meet new major characters. As players explore further, they will unravel the mystery of the “Great Blank” and discover a dangerous new force that must be stopped.
Featuring both wireless and full Wi-Fi multiplayer options, Phantasy Star Ø takes advantage of the touch screen capabilities of Nintendo DS™ with the new Visual Chat feature. Gamers can now design their own Visual Chat commands that can be used in multiplayer modes. These Visual Chat commands will be displayed as “text bubbles” above the user’s character, enabling easy and fun communication when adventuring with friends.
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November 16th, 2009, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today :

New Super Mario Bros. Wii offers a combination of cooperation and competition. Players can pick each other up to save them from danger or toss them into it.
Mario™, Luigi™ and two Toads are all playable characters, while many others from the Mushroom Kingdom make appearances throughout the game. Players can even ride different Yoshi characters and use their tongues to swallow enemies – or their fellow players.
In some areas, players use the motion abilities of the Wii Remote™ controller. The first player to reach a seesaw might make it tilt to help his or her character reach a higher platform – and then tilt it incorrectly just to mess with other players.
New items include the propeller suit, which will shoot players high into the sky with just a shake of the Wii Remote and Mario’s new ability to transform into Penguin Mario.
At the end of each stage during the simultaneous multiplayer mode, players are ranked based on their score, the coins collected and the number of enemies defeated.
Developers at Nintendo have dreamed of creating a simultaneous multiplayer Super Mario Bros.™ game for decades. The Wii console finally makes that dream come true for everyonethis holiday season. Now players can navigate the side-scrolling worlds alone as before orinvite up to three others to join them at the same time on the same level at any point in thegame for competitive and cooperative multiplayer fun. With the multiplayer mode, the newest installment of the most popular video game franchise is designed to bring yet another type of family entertainment into living rooms and engage groups of friends in fast-paced Super Mario Bros. fun.
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November 16th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Flarup has released Sand Traps 2.1 :
Sand Traps is an original multiplayer puzzle/platform game for Wii homebrew.
The objective of the game is to tilt the board using your Wiimote, in order to guide the sand towards the green exit. In each level you need to save a certain percentage of the sand. If the sand 'falls out' of the board it is lost. If the sand touches the red stone it is also lost.
In some levels you can add new stone, and in some levels you can also remove it again so you can reuse it elsewhere.
Version 2.1
Added "Multiplayer Mayhem" levels
Reusable stone can now be placed in the BMP level files
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November 16th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Leathl has released ShowMiiWads 1.2:
ShowMiiWads is a 'Wad File Manager' for Windows. It displays information about wad files, edits them, gives a preview of the Banner and Icon and more. New since Version 1.0 is the included NAND Backup Browser 'ShowMiiNand' which displays all titles installed in your NAND Backup (No BootMii Backups!).
Due to some people stating this as a piracy tool, I just wanted to clarify that I'm all against piracy and this tool was never intended to be used for!
Version 1.2
Fixed a bug that caused ShowMiiNand not to load the List with the saved entries
You can replace Banner and Icon images (the resultant U8's can be Lz77 compressed!)
Added Dol Insertion (uses Waninkokos Nandloader)
Installation to Nand does now update uid.sys, if required
Improved Virtual Console detection to display System (NES, SNES, ...)
Fixed U8 Unpacking (Now works with every proper U8 archive)
Added batch renaming including variables, e.g. {titleid} (use 'Rename' button)
Added ability to Backup and Restore save data
Added some Tools (U8 Packing, Lz77 Compression, ...)
Deleted 'Pack Wad Without Trailer', just delete the trailer file if you don't want it :P
Bugfixes and Improvements
Added editing of IOS Slot (Note: Both these features are untested and dangerous!)
Added editing of Title Version (Use them at your own risk and only with BootMii/boot2!)
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November 16th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Slappy has released Quadrax (Multiplayer) v0.5
"Quadrax is logical game game where more than keen reactions you will need fast fingers and will have to use all your grey brain cells. :-)
Just only that way you can succeed in solving all the ninety levels, which the game has."
Version 0.5
Released: 16 November 2009
+ Multiplayer game added!!!
+ Characters are now controlled by Nunchuk joystick
+ Camera is controlled by D-pad
+ Better loading times
+ Engine log is created (file Quadrax.log)
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November 16th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...50&format=news
blabla announces the end of the development of its RPG-coded lua, "Digimon μArena.
With the Beta-1, we could only play a beta 1 with MLS.
-Only Works Nano 2.4.
"You can not beat that Peckmon, Koromon, DarkAgumon, Tsunomon. (Because of the larger images)
Unfortunately, the game will not continue, see my website: http://www.gameblabla.netai.net/index.php?p=1_10
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November 16th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...56&format=news
Petite mise * jour correctionnel pour WinDS PRO DSi, application PC regroupant plusieurs émulateurs dont 3 pour la Nintendo DS (No$gba/DeSmuME/iDeaS) et 1 pour la Gameboy Advance (VBA-M) ainsi que des outils (émulateur customisable/zoom/etc...).
WinDS PRO DSi 2.3.6a (EN)
- New VBA-M SVN 926
- New ShellDS Trimmer / .nds roms right click menu "Trimm ROM"
- Fixed NO$PMP & NO$WTT
- New DeSmuME SVN 3046
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November 17th, 2009, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
As it seems to do these days, discussion with Nintendo of America's president turned to the possibility of a new Wii capable of rendering high-definition graphics. It's a common question, but one that Kotaku was told, misses something.
During my recent interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's president, we got to talking about a so-called Wii HD by way of talking about his appearance last week at an event featuring presentations by top executives of gaming companies. Top men from Activision and Ubisoft showed trailers for the complexly-rendered Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed. Neither game is slated to be released on the Wii, coming out only on more powerful platforms, such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
I asked Fils-Aime what he, as someone who wants his console to do the best, thought of that.
"I'm extremely disappointed," he said. "I've had this conversation with every publisher who makes content that is not available on my platform. The conversation goes like this: 'We have a 22-million unit installed base. We have a very diverse audience… We have active gamers that hunger for this type of content. And why isn't it available?'"
I told him that I assumed that technology was still a formidable obstacle. While Nintendo boasts that Resident Evil 4 and Call of Duty World at War each sold well over a million copies on the Wii, it seemed to me that more recent games, such as a Grand Theft Auto IV or an Assassin's Creed 2 just wouldn't be able to function on the console, given its level of horsepower.
"I think for those games, typically decisions are being made two years prior," Fils-Aime said. "And so the decisions two years ago were that those types of games would not be effective on the platform. But we've shown that that's just not the case. High-quality, effectively marketed against our installed base will sell, period end of story."
It seemed, I suggested, that a more powerful Wii would help.
I observed that even Nintendo's engineers and execs were discussing the prospects of the company getting into the business of making an HD-compatible console at a recent investors' event in Japan. And I mentioned that people like games financial analyst Michael Pachter and Game Trailers TV host Geoff Keighley had openly speculated that building a more powerful Wii that could do HD and the games that are made to that standard would seemingly check off the last box where Nintendo didn't have parity with the other console makers.
Fils-Aime and I weren't seeing things the same way.
He said: "The fundamental issue in the logic flow is that — and this is what I'm hearing, whether it's from you or Geoff or Michael himself — is that, gosh it's such an opportunity to take HD capability and link it with the Wii. And what we have said, repeatedly, is that that's not the way we at Nintendo do things. The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it's because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do. What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future."
In jest, I replied: "So, no new Wii in 2010?"
Fils-Aime: "Not to announce with you here today."
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November 17th, 2009, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Your best alternative classic pad for Wii.
Easy setup and use. Ergonomic controller design with exactly same function as Wii Classic pad. No need to connect to extra power or batteries.
8 directional of pad, 4 buttons, 4 shoulder triggers and 12 ways analog D-Pad are fully with pressure sensitive.
Fully compatible with any versions of Wii console, Wii Remote Controller and Wii Motion Plus.
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November 17th, 2009, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

You can now use NES / SNES controllers to play Wii games! Simply plug the controllers to Wii Remote easily with this adapter and play your favourite WIi games. No extra driver required. Built in Turbo (auto fire). Compatible with the game that works with Wii Class Controller and all versions of Wii console.
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November 17th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo maestro hints at sequel to 2008 release as he admits original title underperformed
Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto has suggested that the company could produce a sequel to Wii Music in the future.
The game was met with a disappointing response when released in 2008, selling little more than 2.65 million over the last year. While Nintendo has admitted Wii Music failed to perform, Miyamoto believes future iterations could be more successful.
In an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, he said: “I think it sold lower than our expectations but on the other hand it was a really unique game.
“Even today, we are receiving several different offers from people in the field of music education, so as far as Wii Music is concerned, I think it still has great potential. And in the future there might be some developments.”
Miyamoto gave few details on what this could entail, but hinted Nintendo is thinking about the possibility of making software based on the original Wii Music – but with some considerable improvements.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have any news we can talk about at the moment,” he said. “But like Wii Fit Plus, it’s not really a sequel to the original Wii Fit, but we have added some features to improve the overall experience. It’s a kind of an enhanced version of the original Wii Fit.”
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November 17th, 2009, 16:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has said that Nintendo won't introduce a Wii HD for some time, because a new console iteration would have to do more than simply offer HD.
"The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it's because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do," he told Kotaku.
"What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future."
Earlier this month, Shigeru Miyomoto acknowledged that customer's tastes are changing and the company cannot swim against the tide indefinitely.
"The customers' tastes will become more and more refined. Even today, many customers who have seen HD once say they cannot go back to SD," he said.
Fils-Aime added that he is "disappointed" that triple A games such as Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed might not be released on Wii.
"I think for those games, typically decisions are being made two years prior," he said. "And so the decisions two years ago were that those types of games would not be effective on the platform.
"But we've shown that that's just not the case. High quality, effectively marketed against our installed base will sell, period, end of story."
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November 17th, 2009, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The lineage continues…introducing Ezio, the new Assassin
Experience the freedom and immersion of an all new open world and mission structure
Master the art of the assassin with all new weapons and instruments created by Leonardo Da Vinci himself
Discover an intriguing & fascinating new epic story of power, revenge and conspiracy set in a pivotal moment of History: the Italian Renaissance.
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November 17th, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play as Tiana and Ray and master the art of platforming as you swing, jump and soar to new heights
Explore 27 beautiful levels set in New Orleans and the Bayou
Go on special quests to find and collect items & ingredients and outsmart enemies along the way
Cook New Orleans cuisine in multiple activities and discover real recipes
Perform music with 1-4 players and save tunes in the game’s jukebox
Use Ray’s special abilities to fly through the Bayou
For the first time players can experience Tiana’s exciting world set in the jazz-infused era of 1920’s New Orleans with the official video game inspired by the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures release of The Princess and the Frog. Celebrate favorite moments from the movie and take on new challenges with Tiana, as she pursues her dreams in a fun adventure. Meet favorite characters from the film and new friends, triumph over enemies, play frog games in the bayou, create music, cook New Orleans style and so much more. Along the way, discover what it takes to make Tiana’s dreams come true!
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November 17th, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

For the first time ever in a LEGO game, Build Your Own Adventure Mode allows you to create your own levels and environments and share them with your friends
Innovative re-tellings of the classic movies (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) with all new objectives and brand new levels. For example, this time you can play through the exciting vehicle chase in Shanghai with Short Round
Collect artifacts through the game to unlock more than 60 playable characters, including villains and supporting characters (Marion Ravenwood, Mutt Williams, Short Round, Rene Belloq, Willie Scott, Marcus Brody, Dr. Henry Jones Sr. and Irina Spalko)
LEGO® Indiana Jones 2™: The Adventure Continues combines the fun and creative construction of LEGO bricks with the wits, daring and non-stop action of one of cinema’s most beloved adventure heroes. With a unique, tongue-in-cheek take on all the Indiana Jones films — including for the first time ever Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull — LEGO Indiana Jones 2 follows Dr. Jones’ escapades from the jungles of South America to the Peruvian Ruins and beyond. Fans can experience the most authentic LEGO experience yet by designing and building their own levels brick by brick, and by fusing their levels with the ones in the game to create a custom experience. In LEGO Indiana Jones 2, everyone can build, battle and brawl their way through their favorite cinematic moments — or create their own.
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November 17th, 2009, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Discover five beautiful New Orleans hub locations including the French Quarter and the Bayou
Have fun with eight playable characters and multiple NPCs
30 replayable Wii-exclusive mini-games for 1-4 players
Play & move to music, cook New Orleans cuisine, and try on multiple outfits with Tiana & her friends
Collect Mardi Gras beads to trade for new dresses, fabrics, ingredients and recipes
Explore quest hubs with drop-in/drop-out Multiplayer
For the first time players can experience Tiana’s exciting world set in the jazz-infused era of 1920’s New Orleans with the official video game inspired by the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures release of The Princess and the Frog. Celebrate favorite moments from the movie and take on new challenges with Tiana, as she pursues her dreams in a fun adventure. Meet favorite characters from the film and new friends, triumph over enemies, play frog games in the bayou, create music, cook New Orleans style and so much more. Along the way, discover what it takes to make Tiana’s dreams come true!
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November 17th, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Asked by Official Nintendo magazine if Super Mario Galaxy 2 will use the Super Guide feature that makes its debut in this week's New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Shigeru Miyamoto said he "cannot tell".
But he indicated that the game would probably be difficult enough to warrant it. "Well, as far as the challenge of Super Mario Galaxy 2 is concerned, I think it's going to be a really challenging game, but whether or not we are going to incorporate the Super Guide, I just cannot tell," said the famous designer.
"In general, wherever and whenever appropriate, I think we will want to incorporate that kind of thing, but I cannot commit to anything specific right now."
In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the Super Guide appears as an option if a player is struggling on a particular level. When selected, it starts an automatic playthrough showing the player how to complete it. Players can jump in and take control at any point, or simply allow the Super Guide to finish the level for them.
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November 17th, 2009, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has poured cold water on the increasingly fevered speculation surrounding a potential HD take on the Wii, saying any new consoles from the company are a long way off.
Senior figures have recently weighed in on the debate over Nintendo's future and its adoption of HD technology. "Since ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow," recently admitted Genyo Takeda, Nintendo's Research and Development General Manager.
An HD Wii has been expected sooner rather than later, with industry figures placing a release date for a new configuration of the console – or indeed an all-new console – at some point in the next two years.
Nintendo of America's president Reggie Fils-Aime has scotched such talk, telling Kotaku that a new console is some way off. "The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it's because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do," said Fils-Aime, "What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future."
Are you ready for Nintendo to go HD, or are you happy with your Wii the way it is?
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November 18th, 2009, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
An update on the Wii Vitality Sensor and a first look at its software applications are already part of Nintendo's plans for E3 2010, according to a new interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime.
Although he offered no more details about the Vitality Sensor, which reads biometric data from a person's finger, the relatively frank interview on blog site Kotaku did offer some insight into Nintendo's other future plans.
Fils-Aime admitted that the company's policy of only starting heavy marketing on new games a few weeks prior to their release has not proven as successful for less mainstream titles.
"I'm not satisfied with the volumes that we do on a Fire Emblem, for example, or a Battalion Wars," Fils-Aime admitted. "These are high-quality games that I have challenged the team to think about: How do we up our marketing on these types of titles to do a more effective job?"
"And I think you are going to see that more with a title like Sin & Punishment 2, where it is much more targeted to the active gamer," he promised. "It is a title that I believe we need to do a better job getting out in front of."
Fils-Aime was also questioned on why Nintendo itself has not announced more support for the Wii MotionPlus peripheral. He confirmed that Nintendo has more compatible games planned, but that the company was also banking on Ubisoft title Red Steel 2 (now delayed until 2010) as being a key release for the add-on.
"That's a title that we had always looked at to be a key part of the strategy to drive the installed base of Wii MotionPlus," said Fils-Aime. "Having said that, even without the benefit of that launch, we've sold over four million at this point in time. That's a very strong start."
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November 18th, 2009, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
Reggie Fils-Aime promises better marketing support for its lesser-known Wii and DS titles
It appears that those keen to hear more about Nintendo’s still mysterious Vitality Sensor will get their wish at next year’s E3 in LA in June.
Speaking to Kotaku, Nintendo’s American president Reggie Fils-Aime stated: “We will show off the Vitality Sensor with software at E3. I'm not going to give you any more hints beyond that.”
Fils-Aime also went on to discuss Nintendo’s intention to increase its marketing support its lesser known titles going forwards.
“I'm not satisfied with the volumes that we do on a Fire Emblem, for example, or a Battalion Wars,” he explained. “These are high-quality games that I have challenged the team to think about: How do we up our marketing on these types of titles to do a more effective job?
“And I think you are going to see that more with a title like Sin & Punishment 2, where it is much more targeted to the active gamer. It is a title that I believe we need to do a better job getting out in front of.”
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November 18th, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s Kensuke Tanabe hints at new portable outing for Samus Aran
Whilst the recent Wii release of Metroid Prime Trilogy seemed to have drawn a close to Samus Aran’s FPS wanderings for the time being, Nintendo has now hinted at the possibility of a new game on the series for the DS.
Speaking to ONM, developer Kansuke Tanabe admitted: “We are always planning to make new games in the Metroid Prime series. Depending on the timing and the situation, we cannot deny the possibility of realising it on DS or DSi.”
Whether this possible new title would be another 3D outing a la DS launch title Metroid Prime Hunters or the long-rumoured new 2D instalment remains to be seen.
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November 18th, 2009, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has alerted us to an upcoming and free bout of DLC for the Wii version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2010.
Simply, the update brings all player stats and data in-line with the real world. So, imagine a crazy universe where Robin Van Persie had been injured during international duty - if that was the case the game would reflect it. You might even find he was out of the Arsenal squad for six weeks! Just imagine.
We expect Konami will issue a few of these data refreshers as the season goes on.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 is out on Wii this Friday, and we'll be discussing its pros and cons in a separate review. Maybe on Wii the match between Konami's and EA's game of football isn't so one-sided.
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November 18th, 2009, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Add a plush puppet to never ending list of Wii accessories. Zoink Games is packing one with every copy of Wiiwaa since it’s used to control the game. Players stuff a remote in the puppet’s mouth and play with it to control the game. Motions like walking, jumping, dancing, and “crazy somersaults” are reflected on screen.
Wiiwa is said to have more than a dozen mini-games in addition to a pet sim where you have to feed and care for your orange fellow. As a concept, Wiiwaa scores discussion points for trying something unusual. Zoink Games hopes that will help the Sweden based studio find a publisher.
However, Zoink Games isn’t the only company with a Wii remote in a toy game. Babysitting Mama has a Wii remote powered toy baby peripheral.
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November 18th, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo fans are in for more than just new Wii Vitality Sensor software at E3 2010. The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma says Nintendo hopes to show something "surprising" about Link's next Wii-bound adventure.
Aonuma tells the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine that the Zelda team has been trying "something new in terms of the structure" of the next entry in The Legend of Zelda, which Shigeru Miyamoto teased at this year's E3 in the form of new concept art.
The next Zelda game after The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks appears to be aimed at mixing up the now-familiar 3D formula. Aonuma tells ONM that he agrees with Miyamoto that "if we are following the same structure again and again, we might not be able to give long time Zelda fans a fresh surprise."
The still unnamed Zelda title will take advantage of the Wii MotionPlus peripheral and, more than likely, will offer a new role for Link's trusty Master Sword, as hinted at by the Wii game's concept art.
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November 18th, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
I check most sites 3 times daily for news and one of my favourite sites for news and releases has been down due to database problems for what seems a long while now, anyone have any info as to whats happening to palib?
For newcomer DS Devs its a great place to learn defelopment on the DS.
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November 19th, 2009, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
TetWiis v0.1b released by pembo
TetWiis is a Nintendo Wii Tetris clone, shamelessly based on the Nintendo DS version of Tetris.
TetWiis is freeware, can be distributed freely and should never be charged for.
v0.1b - Release 18th November 2009
Known Issues/Missing Features
Currently only works from an SD card.
Power reset callback not implemented correctly
GameCube Pad, Classic Controller support not yet complete
Options aren't saved
Highscore table not implemented yet
Blocks not all coloured/patterend correctly
Only currently tested on PAL TV - may have issues with NTSC.
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November 19th, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Preliminary VGChartz estimates are in and it looks like New Super Mario Bros Wii has become the third fastest-selling game of the year so far in the Americas with over half a million copies sold in the first day alone. The title had accumulated around 520,000 preorders as of last week and VGChartz estimates that week one sales in the Americas should come in at around one million units.
The top Wii openings in the Americas have been Super Smash Bros. Brawl which sold 1.59m units in week one, and Mario Kart Wii which sold 1.21m units in week one. New Super Mario Bros Wii is expected to start slightly below those two but should sell more in weeks 2-6 with holiday sales boosts (Super Mario Galaxy may be a better comparison as it came out at roughly the same time of year two years ago although New Super Mario Bros Wii is expected to track at least 50% higher in the coming weeks).
With Assassin's Creed 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 out tomorrow and Modern Warfare 2 still seeing enormous sales, it will be a busy week but at the moment it looks like Mario will be coming out on top.
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November 19th, 2009, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto has given an interesting interview to Famitsu - translated and summarised by 1UP - about the design processes behind New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
It's the most closely he's been involved with day-to-day game design in a while, he said. "It's been a nostalgic time for me. I've been getting into the game and making the sort of fine-tuning adjustments that I made with Super Mario World and Mario 3."
Miyamoto says that the decision to go with "a very orthodox Mario" in the modern day and age was "courageous", but motivated by the decision to focus on multiplayer.
"I figured that as long as multi-play was fun, then simpler would be better for everything else, both to players and to us creators. To put it bluntly, I would've been just fine with basically making a multiplayer Super Mario World. That's not too terribly interesting, though..."
The multiplayer served Nintendo's goal of making the game more accessible to everyone without making it easier or creating multiple difficulty modes, since a talented player can carry others through it. "Even if they can't beat the game themselves, it's fun for them to experience the entirety of the game. That's why what you could call the 'story mode' is completely playable in multiplayer."
Miyamoto agrees with us that it's a tougher game than the DS New Super Mario Bros. "I do think the game has a lot more oomph to it than the first New SMB," he said. "World 1 and 2 are pretty forgiving, things ramp up starting with World 3, and it gets even harder at World 6... You could say this game is a challenge to gamers, to see if they have the perseverance it takes."
More from Miyamoto, including his thoughts on the Super Guide and how it was prefigured in Super Mario Bros. 3, over at 1UP. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is out today and it's lovely.
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November 19th, 2009, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian has released a new investor note following a meeting with Nintendo yesterday in which he cites the Wii manufacturer as saying that sales of Super Mario Bros Wii are "off to a good start after three days at retail".
However, he adds that it's not yet apparent whether or not the game has "driven incremental hardware sales," a point which he notes "remains a concern for the overall videogame industry."
The meeting also covered Nintendo's ongoing strategy to drive audience expansion by targeting users of all ages and attempting to balance even further the gender split, while Sebastian also noted the launch in Japan of the company's video-on-demand service, Wii-no-Ma.
He concludes that the outlook for the publisher will depend on the software line-up for the next 12 months, as well as the ongoing strength of the DS platform, and that while 2009 was disappointing, Nintendo is "upbeat" about its prospects for 2010 - and intends to "be more vigilant" in fighting piracy.
Nintendo's share price closed down 1.1 per cent to JPY 22,250 (USD 250.58) at the end of trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today.
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November 19th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster

[David Cranor] has managed to fit a fully working Uzebox system into an old NES controller. Uzebox, an open source gaming platform based on the ATmega 644 and an AD725 NTSC encoder, is one of a couple systems that are becoming more and more widespread and accessible. There are a number of ready-to-go Uzebox kits available, but for the more hands-on types, [David] has been very generous with his schematics and step by step instructions. These schematics can all be readily reshaped, and would easily fit into controllers with less fun applications and sentimental value.
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November 19th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo just raised the bar for platinum Club Nintendo presents. In the past, members could get limited edition Game & Watch Collection DS games. This year, if you registered 400 or more Club Nintendo points in Japan, you get an actual Game & Watch.
Platinum members will be handsomely rewarded with Game & Watch: Ball. Ball was the first Game & Watch handheld Nintendo released so there’s some history to the present. The gift will ship out in April. Gold members get a boring calendar.
If you’re in Japan, there is still time to upgrade your account by grabbing DS games from Tsutaya’s clearance pile.
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November 20th, 2009, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
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November 20th, 2009, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is giving the Wii no Ma (Wii’s room) channel a major upgrade. Users will be able to watch feature films like the “Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and Kirby episodes in the new Theater no Ma (Theater Room) area.
Warner Brothers Japan, TV Asahi, Walt Disney Japan, Asmik Ace, NHK, J League Media, Sesame Workshop, Howcast, Bonus, Warp Star, Toei, NTV and the Pokemon Corporation will provide content for the service. Specific movies and anime series have not been announced, but Elmo videos should be available at launch.
Aside from this 100 Wii Point ($1) episode of Kirby, pricing is still up in the air. Please note that the fee is only for a rental and rates will vary depending on the content. One neat Theater Room feature is some videos can be transferred to a Nintendo DSi for on the go viewing.
For now, this service is only for Japan. Nintendo has not released Wii’s Room in any other region.
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November 20th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Another Sonic the Hedgehog collection? Yep, it looks that way since Australia’s OFLC rated a game called Sonic Classic Collection for the Nintendo DS.
Sega has yet to announce it, but we’re pretty sure it’s going to be a bunch of Genesis era Sonic games on a Nintendo DS cart. With all of the other Sega re-releases on the market, Sonic Classic Collection needs something to make it standout. Something like Knuckles’ Chaotix or a prototype to play with. Wishful thinking, I know.
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November 20th, 2009, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat released BibleQuiz v0.94
BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowledge about the bible. Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
Key Features
- 2D Quiz gameboard with special graphical effects.
- Support for four concurrent players
- Many questions about many topics available
- Game player score is stored on SD Card.
- Game available in five languages
- WiiMote device support
- 10 background music tracks
- Several sound effects
This evening BibleQuiz 0.94 is released by PlaatSoft.
19/11/2009 Version 0.94
- Maintenance release
- Added functionality to trace game events to trace file.
- Improve network thread
- Use libfat 1.0.6 as disk access engine
- Use libmxml 2.6 library as xml engine
- Use libogc 1.8.0 library as Wii interface engine
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
- Content update:
Added 20 spanish question ( 1 topic)
via wiibrew
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November 20th, 2009, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat released RedSquare v0.93
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly! Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
Key Features
- 2D gameboard with special graphical effects
- Game player score is shared on internet
- Easy menu system
- WiiMote IR device support
- 10 background music tracks
- Several sound effects
This evening RedSquare 0.93 is released by Plaatsoft.
19/11/2009 Version 0.93
- Added today top highscore screen.
- Improve local and global highscore screen.
- Sound volume settings are now saved!
- Added functionality to trace game events to trace file.
- High score is send to web service if score is better then 10 seconds.
- Improve network thread
- Use libfat 1.0.6 as disk access engine
- Use libmxml 2.6 library as xml engine
- Use libogc 1.8.0 library as Wii interface engine
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
If anybody has a good idea how to improve this game, please post a comment!
via wiibrew
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November 20th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat released pong2 v0.99
Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner. Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
Key Features
- 2D pong gameboard with special graphical effects.
- Five game levels
- Multi player mode
- Game player score is shared on internet.
- WiiMote, Classic Controller device support
- 10 background music tracks
- Several sound effects
This evening Pong2 0.99 is released by Plaatsoft.
18/11/2009 Version 0.99
- Maintenance release
- Added functionality to trace game debug events to file.
- Use the asndlib (part of libogc) now as standard sound engine.
- Improve network thread
- Upgrade libmxml library to 2.6
- Upgrade libfat library to 1.0.6.
- Build game with libogc 1.8.0 and devkitPPC r19 compiler
via wiibrew
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November 20th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
wplaat released SpaceBubble v0.92
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Created by wplaat (www.plaatsoft.nl).
Key Features
- 2D bubble gameboard with special graphical effects.
- Support one to four concurrent players
- Seven game levels
- Game player score is shared on internet.
- Easy menu system.
- WiiMote IR device support
- 9 background music tracks
- Several sound effects
This evening SpaceBubble 0.92 is released by PlaatSoft
18/11/2009 Version 0.92
- Added today top highscore screen.
- Added functionality to trace game events to trace file.
- High score is send to web service if score is better then 5000 points.
- Improve network thread
- Use libfat 1.0.6 as disk access engine
- Use libmxml 2.6 library as xml engine
- Use libogc 1.8.0 library as Wii interface engine
- Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
via wiibrew
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November 20th, 2009, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...77&format=news
Ant6n we offer "tapSpeedTest", With which you can test your ability to chain the keys requested as quickly as possible. And with Wi-Fi you can view and send your results.
The percentile rank says how many users's averages are slower than yours. The 'tapping IQ' is the position on a bell curve if we map all users' averages onto a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15 (ie like a modern IQ test).
Currently you need a wifi connection. You can store files in your recordings, though (in order to resume them later) and I am thinking of adding some online submission facility for these, giving you the same stats, if there is demand.
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November 21st, 2009, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

- Take your cardio and strength training to the next level with the new Everlast 3 inch Aerobic Step for Wii Fit.
- These sturdy Aerobic Steps transform the Wii Fit Balance Board (not included) into the ultimate Aerobic workout device.
- Rubber feet on base keep unit from sliding during use.
- Strong enough to support 300 lbs.
- Adds 3 inches of height to the Fit Balance Board.
- Steps are stackable for easy storage
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November 21st, 2009, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Invite friends and family to experience the horror alongside you in 2-player co-op mode
Experience environments and areas from classic Resident Evil titles such as Raccoon City from Resident Evil 2 and the hidden Umbrella laboratory from Resident Evil: Code Veronica, as well as scenarios that will be all new to Darkside Chronicles
Play as Leon S. Kennedy, protagonist of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4, his partner Claire Redfield, who appeared in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and others still to be announced
Players can upgrade and customize their weapons for each battle scenario. Each playable character can be specialized for a specific combat style
In addition to the initial settings of Easy, Normal and Hard, the game’s difficulty level will adjust automatically based on the player’s skill level so that both old and new fans can have a fun and challenging experience
For true Resident Evil devotees, archive items such as characters, enemies, old documents and movies can be found throughout the game
The game’s on-rail, arcade shooter gameplay first featured in Resident Evil®:The Umbrella Chronicles, has been radically upgraded. With the focus on creating more terrifying experiences than ever before, the camera now mimics the first person point of view, providing a more cinematic and immersive experience. Combined with an eerie soundtrack and a new graphics engine utilizing state-of-the-art technology, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles delivers the most fun and accessible horror game on the Nintendo Wii™ yet.
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November 21st, 2009, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The first Wii exclusive NARUTO Shippuden title featuring all new content and storyline, Now includes Wi-Fi multiplayer gameplay functionality
Includes enhanced fighting gameplay mechanics
More than 30 playable characters, many of which have been upgraded with a new Shippuden look and unique abilities, including character-specific jutsu moves
More than 40 3D environments to choose from, including nine completely new stages
NARUTO™ Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution® 3, an exciting new installment to the hit Clash of Ninja fighting game series. Exclusively for Wii™, the classic 3D fighting game features new and improved gameplay mechanics, multiple gameplay modes, and for the first time, Wi-Fi multiplayer functionality. The game follows the storyline of the popular NARUTO Shippuden anime series and showcases the grown up new look of the NARUTO cast of characters.
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November 21st, 2009, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo`s new larger screen version of the Nintendo DS has been released over in japan (21st november), the console is shipping in 3 colours, Dark Brown, Natural White and Wine Red
The NDSi LL has two 4.2 inch screens with an enlarged viewing angle. Gather your friends and family together when you need help with a puzzle or simply to show them a cool AMV sequence, everybody could get a view now.
Camera, DSi menu, music player and the DSi Ware functions remain the same, the console already comes with two brain training games and a dictionary.

The DSILL is on sale from import stores Play Asia and Superufo.com for those desperate to get their hands on one.
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November 21st, 2009, 16:08 Posted By: wraggster
Has a year of uninspiring selections all but made you forget the Wii's Virtual Console even existed? Understandable. Might want to buckle up, though, because three of the most-requested games for the service are finally making an appearance.
This coming Monday - November 23 - sees the release of the original SNES Mario Kart, for 800 Points. Good news. Better news is to come, though, as "sometime this holiday season" Nintendo will also release the original SNES Pilotwings and the original N64 Smash Bros. Exact release dates and pricing to come on those two.
Leaving just one game on my Virtual Console wish list. Jurassic Park. Chop chop, Nintendo.
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November 21st, 2009, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The lineage continues…introducing Ezio, the new Assassin
Experience the freedom and immersion of an all new open world and mission structure
Master the art of the assassin with all new weapons and instruments created by Leonardo Da Vinci himself
Discover an intriguing & fascinating new epic story of power, revenge and conspiracy set in a pivotal moment of History: the Italian Renaissance.
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November 21st, 2009, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Full immersion into the World of Chaotic, 96 playable creatures, 8 fighting arena locations from Chaotic, 30+ attacks particularized for specific creatures, 35 pieces of battlegear, 40 Mugic spells, multiplayer continuity with cards, 2 modes: Story & Versus
Enter the realm of Chaotic and assume the role of one of its Creatures in this turn-based arena combat fighting game. Engage in explosive animated onslaughts that combine turn-based strategy with vicious ranged assaults. Collect formidable battlegear, cast devastating mugic spells, and boost your creatures powers as you unleash high energy attacks in your quest to master the merciless.
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November 21st, 2009, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Test your skills in a series of action-filled adventures that are out of this world. Try to outrun and outwit the Planet 51 Police and Army, find Chuck’s spaceship and help Chuck return home to Earth
Race and chase as you complete tasks and evade the enemy in an incredible array of hover vehicles, ranging from cars, pick-up trucks and bicycles through to taxis, police cars, heavy trucks and even lawnmowers!
Take control of the main characters from the movie – suave Astronaut Charles “Chuck” Baker and his new alien friend ‘Lem’– utilising their special abilities and skills as you complete each mission
With numerous missions, minigames even multiplayer action you’ll get carried away exploring the world of Planet 51
Players will relive memorable movie moments as well as discovering new environments and missions created exclusively for the videogame!
Planet 51, the white picket-fence world reminiscent of 1950s America is happy, safe and predictable…until the unpredictable happens!
Out of the blue, Captain Charles ‘Chuck’ Baker’s spaceship comes crashing down. Unaware of his surroundings, Chuck begins to realize that he is not alone. Taking refuge while planning his return home, Chuck meets green-skinned local, Lem, and realizes that he may be the real ‘alien’ after all!
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November 21st, 2009, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Test your skills in a series of action-filled adventures that are out of this world. Try to outrun and outwit the Planet 51 Police and Army, find Chuck’s spaceship and help Chuck return home to Earth
Race and chase as you complete tasks and evade the enemy in an incredible array of hover vehicles, ranging from cars, pick-up trucks and bicycles through to taxis, police cars, heavy trucks and even lawnmowers!
Take control of the main characters from the movie – suave Astronaut Charles “Chuck” Baker and his new alien friend ‘Lem’– utilising their special abilities and skills as you complete each mission
With numerous missions, minigames even multiplayer action you’ll get carried away exploring the world of Planet 51
Players will relive memorable movie moments as well as discovering new environments and missions created exclusively for the videogame!
Planet 51, the white picket-fence world reminiscent of 1950s America is happy, safe and predictable…until the unpredictable happens!
Out of the blue, Captain Charles ‘Chuck’ Baker’s spaceship comes crashing down. Unaware of his surroundings, Chuck begins to realize that he is not alone. Taking refuge while planning his return home, Chuck meets green-skinned local, Lem, and realizes that he may be the real ‘alien’ after all!
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November 21st, 2009, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

4 new exercises designed to warm up your body before a workout routine and 4 cool down exercises designed to stretch the muscles after a workout and help maintain flexibility
4 new workouts that target the mid-section and will help you tone your abdominals. All detectable by placing the nunchuck on the leg strap
A total body, structured fitness plan that accommodates both experienced 30 Day Challengers and new users of EA SPORTS Active. It works out all major body parts, adapts to your level of fitness and lets you track your progress week by week. With the weekly check-in you can track your weight, calories and workouts and compare your progress to previous weeks
Get rewarded for your progress with EA SPORTS Active Personal Trainer, More Workouts will transfer your details like age, weight, name and gender. It will also recognize your workout information from the previous 4 weeks with EA SPORTS Active Personal Trainer, so you get to keep your trophies and completed goals
Get fitness and nutrition tips from professionals with the included Fitness Book. This book will help you keep going on your journey to better health with tips, tricks and advice on good nutrition and fitness
Keep going on your journey towards better health with EA SPORTS Active More Workouts, the next iteration from the EA SPORTS Active franchise, the proven fitness alternative for the Nintendo Wii. Stay motivated, with over 35 all new exercises and fitness activities that will challenge you and help you obtain results. With all-new cool down/warm up stations, abdominal exercises and a 6 Week Challenge EA SPORTS Active More Workouts is a full body, complete workout experience and a great addition to the EA SPORTS Active family.
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November 21st, 2009, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Dora and friends jump, climb, swing, slide and explore their way through the Crystal Kingdom!
Authentic character voice of Dora and other characters from the Dora the Explorer TV Show!
Grown-ups can join in using the Helper Feature and a second controller
Help restore the color to the Crystal Kingdom by finding all of the color crystals throughout different locations like a butterfly cave, cloud castle and dragon land!
Kid-Tested approval by children and moms for age-appropriateness, fun-factor and quality!
A Greedy King has taken all of the crystals that make Crystal Kingdom colorful and without them the Crystal Kingdom is starting to lose its color! Join Dora, Boots and Allie on an adventure through storybook lands to recover crystals and save the Crystal Kingdom!
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November 23rd, 2009, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has introduced its paid video download service Theatre no Ma to the Wii in Japan, allowing users to download a range of movies, anime and other content from providers that include Walt Disney and Warner Entertainment.
The content will be downloadable on a rental basis and is payable by Wii Points. Prices and viewing periods will depend on the individual content, reports Andriasang.
Theatre no Ma has been added as a category to the existing Wii no Ma Channel, which was made available in May this year. The existing channel has so far only offered users paid, ad supported content and is also accessible on DSi for portable viewing.
In April this year, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed the strategy behind the new video service, saying it was part of a larger initiative to improve social awareness of games and respond to the diversifying tastes of its consumers.
He has also said that plans are underway to expand the service to countries outside of Japan.
"Wii-no-Ma service is available only in Japan at the start, but the overseas deployment is under planning in the future," he confirmed.
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November 23rd, 2009, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
Zelda creator doesn’t have the qualifications required to work at Nintendo today
Veteran developer discusses Nintendo’s recruitment, need for high qualifications
Shigeru Miyamoto believes that Nintendo would not employ him today if he applied for a position with his original qualifications.
Speaking to Edge magazine, Miyamoto said: “Nintendo has become one of those companies that graduates from colleges and good universities really want to work for.
“Because of that, the competition’s really become so fierce for positions. And that means that a lot of the recent recruits for Nintendo have tended to have the higher degree from the prestigious colleges and universities and whatnot.
“I often say to Mr Iwata: ‘If I was applying for a job here today, I, with my actual college degree, would probably not have been employed by Nintendo’.”
Miyamoto assured the industry that he still looks out for those with qualities that aren’t reflected by official qualifications, even getting involved in the interview process himself.
“I might pick up on [applicants] and try to find out something really different within them which you can’t judge just by a college degree,” he said. “That’s one of the special little jobs I set myself.”
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November 23rd, 2009, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DSi LL was launched in Japan over the weekend, reportedly generating queues of buyers in some stores.
Reception to the LL seemed positive, with queues of up to 100 people reported at stores, according to Kotaku. The latest iteration of the DSi hardware has screens that are 93 per cent larger than is standard, and is targeted at users wanting to use their console for browsing the internet or who would prefer to display software in a bigger font size.
It went on sale at a price of JPY 20,000 (USD 220) - a price point slightly higher than the standard DSi which retails at JPY 18,900 (USD 208).
Nintendo has confirmed the DSi LL will launch in Europe in the first quarter of 2010.
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November 23rd, 2009, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- lowered Game Boy audio volume so that it matches SNES audio volume;
- fixed Super Game Boy multi-player support;
- fixed Super Game Boy swapped player bug;
- compressed Game Boy cartridges can now be loaded;
- added save state support for Super Game Boy games;
- blocked illegal Super Game Boy packets, fixes Zelda DX, Akumajou Dracula, etc palette issues;
- main window once again shrinks on size changes;
- joypads can now control the file loading window (support is very rudimentary);
- cleaned up video and audio sliders, increased audio input frequency range for 59hz monitors;
- rewrote all of the input capture system from scratch;
- added dozens of additional GUI hotkey bindings to resize the main window, control synchronization, control speed, etc;
- it is now possible to map keyboard modifiers (shift, control, alt, super) to any input or hotkey; eg alt+enter = fullscreen;
- merged all input capture windows into the main settings panel;
- added turbo button support; hold down turbo buttons to send a 30hz input pulse;
- added asciiPad controller emulation; contains off/turbo/auto fire toggles and slow-motion mode;
- asciiPad support allows for quick switching between keyboard and gamepad input;
- merged scanline filter into the user interface (under Video Settings) to allow it to work on all filters; including the NTSC filter.
- killed off an evil QString <> string intermediary class called utf8; string class can convert to and from QString directly now;
- added fast BS-X, Sufami Turbo and Game Boy cartridge loading: use the filter list under "Load Cartridge" to bypass the BIOS selection screen;
- added pixel shader support to the OpenGL driver on Windows and Linux; note that it only really works well on Linux at the moment;
- added proper Vsync support to the OpenGL driver on Windows and Linux using GL extensions; again this really only works well on Linux;
- added unique path memory for shaders, folders, cartridges, BS-X, Sufami Turbo and Game Boy images;
- upgraded to Qt 4.6.0 release candidate 1; fixes an issue with the first checkbox in lists not updating when clicked.
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November 23rd, 2009, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13976.html
byuu has released a bug fixed version of its SNES emulator bsnes for Windows and Linux.
I´m really sorry about this, but a major issue snuck into v056. It was caused by a bug in the newly released Qt 4.6.0 RC1. Whenever one moved the mouse cursor over the main window in the Windows port, the frame rate was immediately cut in half, which effectively ruined Mouse, Super Scope and Justifier support. As for how this could happen, well ... I´m ... really at a loss for words about this.
This release does not change the source code at all except to increment the version number, and it is built against Qt 4.6.0 beta 1 instead of 4.6.0 release candidate 1 as v055 was.
I will file an official bug complaint and post a link to it here during next week. Again, my apologies for any inconvenience. I incorrectly assumed it would be safe to update to RC1, and didn´t spot the bug in time.
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November 23rd, 2009, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/index.php

modrobert writes: "The team behind D2SUN has announced a new interesting product which replaces the Wii DVD drive with an enclosed 2.5" SATA HD interface and USB 2.0 port. There is also an optional 2-in-1 version with ATA HD interface and CF card slot. SUNDRIVER supports all current consoles including the latest ones with D3-2 drive and 4.2J firmware. Installed games can be selected using three different methods; either by using switch on the front panel (disc slot), from PC via USB 2.0 interface or by using a GameCube controller from Wii disc menu. Check the official site for more info.
Could be awesome for homebrew and emulation on the Wii, would virtual memory be possible ?
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November 23rd, 2009, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Pate surprised a lot of us with his initial release of a DOS emulator for the DS, heres some wip news:

Last weekend I worked on getting the old CGA game Paratrooper running inside DSx86. Even though the game is very old and very simple, it was still interesting to work with it. I wanted to support both CGA graphics and PC Speaker, so such a small program that does not contain much additional code was a very good testbench.
I managed to get everything else working during the weekend, but there was still a strange problem where the intro music played fine, but when the game itself started there were no sounds (even though playing the game in DOSBox played sounds also during the game). Also the melody after your death was missing.
Today I spent some time debuging my code to see what was wrong, and finally found a bug in my implementation of REP SCASB (which the game used to determine which sound, if any, was to be played). I fixed that, and now the game works fine, just like in DOSBox. Well, except that I still don't have screen scaling implemented.
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November 23rd, 2009, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...87&format=news
New version for this translator English <=> Spanish, "Lector & Traductor"By memorydes. This application lets you view and translate files. Utf8 txt format that is on your linker.
google translation wrote:
Improved version 1.1a:
- Added interface languages to choose Spanish or English
- Added search function in the dictionary
- Added option to switch to a dark color and light
- Added two methods to search the dictionary (beginning of word or words containing the marked text)
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November 23rd, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...81&format=news
Other homebrew of Louis and Pierre Monestier"Smiley". This time he must touch the smiley as soon as possible.
This game allowed us to give us a foretaste of the development on the DS.
It took us 4 nights and it was rather a success
The goal boils down to click on the header that appears.
If you miss the head you lose a life, if the head rest too long on your screen as you lose a life.
More time passes over the heads become smaller and it's hard
If you touch turn heads this will increase your combo and more heads will appear (if you reach up to 6 heads bravo!)
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November 23rd, 2009, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...80&format=news
Louis and Pierre Monestier perform "Rapid Fire"For the DS, so shoot'em up where you need to destroy using projectiles in the form of stars before they cross the screen.
This game is to eliminate the creatures do before what does the length of the field. Without getting hit.
Before each game you can toggle the music. And you can also choose the map and where they will play.
As time passes more monsters move quickly (at first you do not realize but in the end it's different ...)
During the duration of the game can receive bonuses that have 3 levels of evolution:
Multi-launch: Allows you to run multiple projectiles (3,5,7).
Size: Increases the size of projectiles.
Speed: Increases speed of shots.
Refill: Increases the speed between each run.
Perforating: The projectiles perforate enemies.
At the end of each party can see their scores.
Have fun!
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November 23rd, 2009, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/index.php

The Supercard team have today confirmed directly to GBAtemp.net that the development of the successor to the Supercard DSONE is now officially under way.
Their newest cart, unsurprisingly named the Supercard DSTWO, will be a mash up between the original DSONE and the hardware that was found in the iPlayer multimedia player. It will of course be DSi compatible, but will most likely not have 'i' in the title, but that is subject to change. That means you're going to have a cart on your hands that can play both Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance games without any additional hardware. There will also be a SNES emulator, but we have not yet had the chance to see this in action.
Alongside the built in emulators, the DSTWO will also boast a revamped real-time feature system, multi language options, slow motion and a file management system.
Here's the official feature list for the Supercard DSTWO:
QUOTE(Supercard Team)
1. RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide(txt,bmp,jpg) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable, more easy to use, cheat code compatible with R4 and TT now)
2. Multi Saves (Up to 4 slot), Easy to backup and restore saves.
4. Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.
5. Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)
6. Built-in GBA/SNES Emulator.
7. Action Slow Motion (4 levels,).
8. File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, long file name support).
The major news of interest is the support of the GBA emulator that was made for the dsiplayer and the Snes emulator thats gonna be built in, does the Snes emulator run close to full speed, if it does then this could be a real major hit for the supercard team.
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November 23rd, 2009, 18:54 Posted By: fatquack
Wii Game Studio is an easy drag and drop game maker for the nintendo Wii.
Wii Game Studio 1.5 is out.
The room editor is less flickery, and the grid and overlays are now drawn above the text.
Actions can now be duplicated
The script bug has been fixed, so now scripts can be run from within other scripts.
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November 23rd, 2009, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Wii hardware sales jumped 60 per cent last week – as the black version of the console helped stimulate fresh interest in time for Christmas.
The Black Wii, which launched a fortnight ago on Friday, November 6th, helped the console become the best performing home system of the week, according to Nintendo.
And preferred distributor Nindie.com – owned by
Koch Media – has told MCV that it has been working “round the clock” to deal with increased demand.
“Of course it would be wrong to attribute all of this to Black Wii as we’re all starting to see a natural peak season uplift on all hardware,” said senior Nintendo product manager Rob Lowe.
“But we have been really pleased with Wii’s performance over the last couple of weeks and the new Black Wii has certainly contributed to that. In fact Black hardware sales have doubled week-on-week.”
Nintendo is hoping to avoid any stock troubles as demand increases. Lowe added: “We’re bringing in a decent supply of stock and hopefully retail will find it in plentiful supply this Christmas – although consumer reaction to the new colour might suddenly change that position. It is a limited edition version of the console so currently we only have plans for it to be available in 2009.”
Koch Media boss Craig McNicol added: “We are working around the clock this Q4, opening each weekend to take in deliveries to support yet another strong Nintendo Christmas. Nindie.com continues to be the only place to offer a fair allocation of stock to the independent channel.
"We allocate our stock based on the market share that our customers have built up with Nindie on first party Nintendo purchases in the past quarter. Loyalty gets paid back with fairness.”
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November 23rd, 2009, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto has told ONM that the games industry could lose its 'uniqueness' when Microsoft and Sony launch their own motion controllers.
When asked if Wii had now lost its unique selling point, Miyamoto replied: "Well, I should say that it could be taken as a compliment if others are following suit, by saying Nintendo was right in choosing a certain direction. But if you ask me if that is going to be good for the entire business, I really don't know."
"If everyone else is going to do exactly the same thing, unfortunately in this entertainment business that means less uniqueness, and uniqueness is what Nintendo has tried to realise."
However, Miyamoto was keen to stress that the emergence of rival motion controllers isn't something for Nintendo or its fans to worry about. "We don't look to the future in one direction only," he said. "When you say that one element of our uniqueness might have been lost, you don't really have to be concerned about that, because Nintendo always tries to find something new. I hope you are looking forward to our challenge to discover this new uniqueness!"
So it looks as if Nintendo is still aiming to stand out from the crowd with its next console? What do you think Nintendo's next console should do?
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November 23rd, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more WIP News concerninh his Dos Emulator for DS:
I spent some time looking into supporting Master of Orion in DSx86. I found that supporting it at this stage of DSx86 development is rather difficult. The issues I ran into when attempting to run MOO in DSx86 were the following:
Master of Orion requires at least 1024KB of EMS, and it needs the EMS provider to follow LIM EMS specification 4.0. I have only supported version 3.0, as that is much simpler and is sufficient for Wing Commander 2. Adding support for version 4.0 is possible, but not very easy.
Master of Orion does not use the standard 320x200 256-color mode, but instead a tweaked VGA mode (I haven't yet determined which tweaked VGA mode, Mode-X or Mode-Y or something else). I have a lot of work still to do in supporting the standard modes, so I don't want to tackle the tweaked modes yet.
The game also uses the AdLib/SoundBlaster music a bit differently than Wing Commander 2, it seems to use the AdLib inbuilt timer instead of the system timer to sync the music. I haven't yet coded support for the sound card internal timer.
I will most likely return to working on supporting Master of Orion at a later time, but I am going to add support for some simpler games first.
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November 24th, 2009, 10:18 Posted By: wraggster
Joining last month's Bayonetta 40/40 score, this month's New Super Mario Bros. Wii has been given a perfect score from Japanese game magazine Famitsu.
The publication has stated that just moving Mario around is amusing, co-op play is fun and single player is a good time as well.
Critics score games on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best score. The four scores are then tallied, and 40 is perfecto.
Today, only eleven, well, now twelve games have been awarded the perfect score. The latest is multi-platform title Bayonetta. Multi-platform Bayonetta is the first game to appear on the Xbox 360 to receive this score.
To review, here are the previous 40/40 games:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
2. Soulcalibur (1999)
3. Vagrant Story (2000)
4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003)
5. Nintendogs (2005)
6. Final Fantasy XII (2006)
7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
8. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008)
9. 428 (2008)
10. Dragon Quest IX (2009)
11. Monster Hunter Tri (2009)
12. Bayonetta (2009)
To recap: No games in 2001, 2002, 2004 or 2007 got a 40/40, but three games in 2008 and four games in 2009 have been awarded the magic number. What's next, five 40/40 games in 2010? Six in 2011?
OH WAIT. Final Fantasy XIII comes out this year in Japan — whatever will Famitsu do?
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November 24th, 2009, 10:25 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has unveiled Foto Showdown, a new RPG which is played using the DSi camera.
The idea is you take photos and the DSi uses "advanced colour recognition" to generate monsters from them. You can then test out their unique powers in epic battles. There are more than 100 levels to play through and over 150 monsters to collect.
Players can fight with up to six monsters at once and they get more powerful with each battle they win. You can also upgrade their powers, buy better weapons, give them tools and heal them with medicine. The DSi's wireless functionality allows players to take part in multiplayer battles and swap monsters.
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November 24th, 2009, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Not only are we still waiting for the TV Guide Channel that Japanese Wii users have been indulging in for the better part of two years, but now Variety is reporting that Nintendo has teamed up with a dozen corporate partners to tease us with a Japanese pay-per-view service for the console. Premiering last Saturday, Wii no Ma (Wii's Room) currently has 120 titles, including episodes of Sesame Street and Pocket Monsters, available for prices ranging from ¥30 - ¥500 ($.35 - $5.63). According to Variety, titles can also be viewed on your Nintendo DSi handheld, a device known for its sonority and large, appealing display. No word yet on when we can enjoy a Stateside version, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear something. In the meantime, there's always PlayOn.
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November 24th, 2009, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster
CustomizeMii 1.1 released by Leathl:
CustomizeMii is a 100% legal custom Channel creator for the Wii.
It's completely written by myself (some parts are based on other 100% legal codes).
Use legal Base WADs to create your own legal custom Homebrew Channels.
The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!
Please Note: This is a clone of the original Channel Making Application by icefire / Xuzz.
I decided to do it, because Xuzz gave up the work on his application and
the last beta Version he left creates bricking WADs.
And No: This has nothing to do with piracy! It's for creating custom Channels for your Homebrew Apps (like the Homebrew Channel).
Version 1.1
Note: License upgraded to GNU GPL v3!
Sound is working now
Added brlan and brlyt tabs (for advanced users)
Added displaying of image width and height in preview window
Added "Make Transparent" checkbox for TPLs
Fixed IA8 previewing / extracting
Improved bricksafety (hopefully!)
Added Tooltips
Added update check at startup
Wrote basic instructions (see Instructions.txt or instructions tab)
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November 24th, 2009, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more news of his Dos Emulator for the DS:
Last saturday I started working on the internal BIOS and DOS emulation, which until now had mostly been just a collection of quick hacks to get certain programs running. I decided to rewrite much of it, reorganize the source files to logical collections, etc. A lot of maintenance work, in other words.
I also downloaded source codes for FreeDOS, to learn how a real DOS version handles stuff like memory allocation and task launching. Much of saturday was spent just looking at the code and figuring out the best ways to do something similar in DSx86. Saturday evening I managed to get a proper memory allocation scheme working in DSx86.
Sunday morning I then rewrote the task launching code, which now should resemble the way real DOS works. It is still missing some features, but I managed to launch both COM and EXE files (still bundled with the core) using the new code, so in principle it seems to be working.
Perhaps the biggest reason why I wanted to make the internals work like in a proper DOS is that I *really* don't want to write a command interpreter (or shell) for DSx86. I've written about a dozen language parsers in the past, and writing yet another couldn't be less interesting. So, I try to make my DOS kernel look-a-like be able to run an existing DOS shell, like 4DOS (which is what I used instead of COMMAND.COM back in the early 90's when coding the original LineWars games).
I just got 4DOS.COM to run up to presenting the prompt inside DSx86, so I think I will by default support 4DOS as a command interpreter for DSx86. It is very feature-rich compared to the standard DOS shell, it is faster, takes less conventional memory, and best of all, it is nowadays freeware! So I think it will be a good way for me to avoid writing yet another parser.
However, 4DOS has one very annoying feature: It uses an unaligned stack pointer! It does this only in a very small snippet of it's code, but that was enough to crash DSx86 (where I had assumed that no coder in their right mind would use byte-aligned stack pointer, and thus used ldrh/strh opcodes for all stack emulation). Now I had to fall back to separate ldrb/strb opcodes, only because of a few lines of code in 4DOS.COM! Very annoying!
Well, I just hope I can figure out some new tricks to speed up the stack handling back to the previous level in the future.
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November 24th, 2009, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
Ishopvideogame have got on sale yet more refurbed DSLite Consoles, this time in a green colour, prices start at around $90 and theres a lot of special edition DSLite Consoles too.
Nintendo DS lite refurbished Green
Based on original used DS lite, nintendo DS lite refurbished just makes a few adjustments (motherboard is not included), such as the screen, axis of rotation and shell. But the refurbished ones have the same functions and appearances as the original ones.
Notice: We guarantee the quality of the products we sell on ishopvideogame. Every Refurbished DS lite is retested by our quality supervision department before sending.
Product Details
Refurbished DS Lite Green has the same features as the original console:
1. Original motherboard and chips
2. Same size and appearance
3. Nothing different from the original one when using
4. Available color: Green
5. Weight: 0.45kg
6. Based on original DS lite US Edition
Please feel free to contact us within 7 days if there is any questions of the console from the date of receiving.
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November 24th, 2009, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Jayenkai has today released a new game for the DS, heres the info from his release page:

A simple game with a Munky in it.
What could possibly go wrong!?
Level editor included.
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November 24th, 2009, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has released a new version of his Amiga-esque Windowing System for the Nintendo DS:
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
Heres the rather long whats new:

Version 0.41 is now available.
This version contains the usual set of bugfixes, optimisations and new test projects. The SDL compatibility layer has been greatly improved in this release - I compiled a quick test for the GP2X F-200 and it now runs at the same speed as the DS version.
New features are limited to some more graphics functions. It is now possible to draw bitmaps in greyscale, and convert a region of a bitmap to greyscale.
Downloads available from SourceForge:
- Fixes:
- Removed Gadget::unregisterChildrenFromVBL() declaration from gadget.h as the function does not exist.
- Graphics::dim() draws to correct dimensions.
- GraphicsPort::dim() clips properly.
- BitmapButton::getPreferredDimensions() returns the correct size.
- AnimButton::getPreferredDimensions() returns the correct size.
- Anim button animation continues playing correctly when clicked if disabled.
- ListBox::getPreferredDimensions() returns the correct size.
- ListBox::draw() clips more effectively.
- Removed getEditableData() bodge from bitmap classes; all interaction with bitmap data happens through bitmap methods.
- Moved IK bitmaps out of demo folder/NDS into animbutton test.
- ScrollingListBox::getPreferredDimensions() returns the correct size.
- SliderHorizontal and SliderVertical produce correct values when they are showing a range of values large enough for the grip to be artificially enlarged.
- Scrollbar buttons scroll by amount based on max/min values and height of slider rather than arbitrary value.
- Removed ScrollbarVertical and ScrollbarHorizontal setButtonScrollAmount().
- AnimButton animations pause when the button is disabled.
- DMA copying function uses DMA for RAM->VRAM copies.
- New Features:
- SDL framebuffer code merged into FrameBuffer class.
- Added label test.
- Added button test.
- Added DOS batch files to build examples and tests.
- Added grayScale() function to GraphicsUnclipped, Graphics and GraphicsPort.
- BitmapButton greys out when disabled.
- Added bitmapbutton test.
- Added drawBitmapGreyScale() function to GraphicsUnclipped, Graphics and GraphicsPort.
- AnimButton greys out when disabled.
- Added animbutton test.
- Added listbox test.
- ListBox greys out when disabled.
- Added scrollinglistbox test.
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November 24th, 2009, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
Strong debut for Nintendo’s super-sized version of its twin-screened handheld console
Having launched in Nintendo’s homeland of Japan on November 22nd, numbers from stats body Enterbrain show that the DSi LL sold 103,524 units in its first two days on sale, according to Kotaku.
By comparison, Sony’s PSPgo sold 28,000 units in its first 48 hours on the market.
Still, the DSi LL failed to trouble the numbers boasted by the DSi, which shifted a huge 170,000 in its opening weekend.
The DSi XL, as it will be known outside of Japan, is scheduled to launch iN Europe some time in Q1 2010.
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November 24th, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Having debuted in a respectable third place in the ELSPA GfK-ChartTrack All Formats Top 40 yesterday, Nintendo’s New Super Mario Bros Wii has been given top marks by weekly Japanese games mag Famitsu.
Mario’s latest becomes only the 13th game to ever receive the highly-coveted accolade, though it is the second in just a few weeks following the recent 40/40 score for Sega’s Bayonetta.
Things are slightly different on this side of the globe, however. Cult consumer mag Edge agreed with Famitsu’s enthusiasm for Bayonetta, giving it top marks, though it’s slightly less enamoured with NSMB Wii, giving it just 7/10.
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November 24th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that Spain is a country that is pretty consistently figuring out that we shouldn't just throw out all other rights the second "piracy" is shouted by the entertainment industry. We've noted recently that the country hasn't just rejected three strikes and declared broadband a basic right, but has also ruled, repeatedly, that personal file sharing is legal. And now, it even has judges who realize that "anti-circumvention" laws should have limits as well.
As you probably know, one of the key things that the entertainment industry has pushed for throughout the world is "anti-circumvention" clauses in copyright law. In the US we have this in the DMCA and it's a total mess. The law basically says that any attempt to circumvent (or to make or sell a tool to circumvent) DRM on a digital work is a violation of the copyright law -- even if making a copy of the content in question wouldn't violate copyright law.
Spanish copyright law includes an anti-circumvention clause, but as Leo Martins alerts us, a judge in Salamanca, Spain has taken a much more nuanced view of it in a case pitting Nintendo against Grupo Movilquick, who produced alternative cartridges for Nintendo DS devices. The judge's ruling (translated from the original) appears to find that the alternative cartridges do, in fact, circumvent Nintendo's DRM and can be used for "pirating" games, but also extend the utility of the devices for perfectly legal purposes. For that reason, the judge dismissed the lawsuit (translation from the original) noting that it doesn't make sense that the law would be intended to say that only Nintendo can expand the functionality of its devices, and the fact that Nintendo doesn't offer similar functionality shouldn't preclude others from doing so. There are areas where Nintendo can still bring a lawsuit, such as for patent and trademark issues, but the judge notes those should be dealt with in a civil court.
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November 24th, 2009, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
GRRLIB 4.1.1 released by the GRRLIB Team
GRRLIB is a C/C++ 2D Graphics library for Wii application developers. It is essentially a wrapper which presents a friendly interface to the Nintendo GX core. With it, coders can quickly and easily start creating graphical applications.
As of v4.1.0, GRRLIB is supplied as a standard C/C++ library (aka. archive) called 'libgrrlib'. Because GRRLIB processes JPEG and PNG images, it requires the installation of the 'libjpeg' and 'libpngu' libraries. 'libpngu', in turn, requires 'libpng' and 'libpng' requires 'libz'. GRRLIB also has FileIO functions to allow real-time loading and saving of graphical data, and thus also requires 'libfat'.
Update History
4.1.1 - November 24, 2009
Fully compatible with devkitPro release 18 and 19 (code and examples)
libpng was updated to version 1.2.40
Support for MS-Windows Bitmap format uncompressed (1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit)
New function called GRRLIB_DrawPart to draw a specific part of a texture
Extra parameters to GRRLIB_Screen2Texture
Video is now initialized even without a SD card
Fixed a problem with scaling images
Documentation improvement
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November 24th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
SDL MAME Wii (official Release link) 0.4 released by Toad King:
SDL MAME Wii is an Arcade Emulator based on SDLMAME. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.
Lots of ROMs are supported, but not all of them. If you don't see the ROM in the list in the emulator, then support for that ROM isn't included. This is to keep the size of the emulator low enough to run effectively on the Wii. A list of all the ones that are can be found here: http://www.toadking.com/wiimame-0.4.txt
Just because a ROM is supported does not mean it will run. Even games for early boards like CPS-1 can fail to run due to RAM limitations. If the emulator suddenly kicks you out to the Homebrew Channel, look in the MAME folder (sd:/mame/) for a file called errors.txt. If it says something about failing to allocate space, then odds are the ROM can't run on the Wii. The emulator might also crash outright and leave you with a code dump if RAM runs out.
Only software rendering is supported. This makes playing games without using the frameskipper slow, but the auto-frameskipper feature is enabled by default.
The joystick on GameCube controllers can't be used.
The default UI font is way too small. A custom font is included, called Helvetica LT. (http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_supp.html)
The default controller mapping is unsuitable for lightgun games, but there is currently no way to make seperate mappings for lightgun and non-lightgun games. If you wish to change the configuration for lightgun games, replace the default.cfg file in mame/cfg with the default-lg.cfg file included.
0.4 - November 24, 2009
Upgraded MAME to 0.135
Added WiiMote Sensor support
Stereo support fixed
Game list now shows up to 150 ROMs instead of just 15
Changed USB/SD detection (Tries USB first, then falls back to SD)
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November 24th, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...99&format=news
Reversi DS is an open source (GPL liscensed) reversi game for the Nintendo DS. It features an intelligent computer opponent and an intuitive touch screen interface. It is developed to run on the Nintendo DS using 3rd party homebrew capable media or on Nintendo DS emulators. It is programmed in C++ and uses devkitPro. The project was started by Darren Earl in the Fall of 2009.
Version .2
11/10/09--Improved AI and computer avatar
Version .1
The first release of Reversi DS. Features fully playable game with beginning level AI opponent, touch screen interface, end of game recognition, and restart. The player can only play as black, the first color to play.
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November 25th, 2009, 09:53 Posted By: wraggster
The low tie-in ratio of Wii software to hardware can be attributed to the amount of low quality games being put out on the platform, Blue Fang chief operating officer Scott Triola has told GamesIndustry.biz.
"There's a circular argument going around in the industry. There's a low tie ratio on the Wii platform therefore it's not worth investment, therefore we'll just put out a bunch of low quality title," he explained.
"From a consumer's standpoint, a lot of families have bought those low quality titles and once you spend 40 hard-earned dollars on a game that just isn't very good, you're less likely to buy another product. Or, you're more likely to buy from a proven brand like Nintendo that takes quality seriously.
"I think we've entered a bit of a downward spiral here in this industry that we need to get out of."
Speaking about the Zoo Tycoon studio's new game World of Zoo, published on DS and Wii by THQ, Triola said he hoped the title would "cut through the noise" as a result of positive word of mouth and consumer feedback.
The game is a "triple A, original IP product that was designed ground-up for the Wii," he said. The studio has better technology than a lot of those with rival animal products, added Alex Chouls, Blue Fang's creative director, as well as a "great development team" consisting of animators from Disney and technology staff from MIT.
And it's also a game parents can feel safe buying their children, said Chouls.
The studio has won numerous parent and family focused awards for its Zoo Tycoon series, and a National Geographic partnership that was formed for World of Zoo was important for the developer.
"There are a lot of games out there that frankly upset parents," said Chouls. "They look at the state of our industry and a lot of it is a lot of death mongering and violence and destruction. We really focused on creative, fun, constructive play that the parents can feel really good about buying and kids enjoy playing."
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November 25th, 2009, 10:09 Posted By: wraggster

Nyko's just unleashed its latest charging base for Wii controllers. This newest unit makes use of induction charging, so you can dispense with the sleeves, and just throw your contollers or Wands straight onto the dock for charging. The controllers are attached to the dock via magnets, and it also boasts a USB port for charging up other devices. The Nyko Charge base comes with two battery covers that are compatible with both Wiimotes and Nyko's own Wands, as well as two rechargeable battery packs. It's available now at Sam's Club and Amazon, and retails for $39.99. Full press release is after the break. Also, be on the lookout -- we'll be giving away five of these puppies on Black Friday (among many, many other things).
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November 25th, 2009, 10:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's website has published another Q&A session between company legends Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto. And, like always, there's some interesting stuff being discussed over upturned tea tables.
In this instance, the fact that in the 80's, Miyamoto thought seriously about patenting the idea of a jumping platformer.
Iwata: Donkey Kong involved jumping, as did Mario Bros., so you felt that Nintendo were the real originators of this kind of game.
Miyamoto: I did. I went as far as thinking that jumping is an original idea and that it should be patented! Anyway, I thought: "Right, I'm not going to let those other games top us!" (laughs)
Imagine if he'd tried it. And gotten away with it. And then been able to charge a fee every time somebody wanted to make a character jump in a platformer. You think they're rich now!
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November 25th, 2009, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Cowen Group analyst Doug Creutz has said the Wii bubble could be deflating as consumers plan to buy fewer Wii titles over the coming months than they did a year ago.
Using the results of a survey that quizzed console owners on their purchase intentions, reported by Gamasutra, Creutz noted that while PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners planned to buy more games this year, Wii owners were cutting back.
This is partly because of the economic climate and the fact core gamers - the group least likely to curb their spending on games - are unlikely to own just a Wii, said Creutz. Over half of Wii owners also own an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3, and of those who own more than one console only 23 per cent considered Wii as their main platform, he added.
"While core gamers who own a Wii own more Wii games on average than casual Wii owners, the average title ownership spread between the two categories of gamers is much lower than it is for owners of Xbox 360 and PS3 console,"
Core gamers that own two or more consoles primarily own a Wii in order to play first party titles, Creutz concluded, adding: "We believe that the optics of the hardware cycle have been significantly distorted by the explosive growth of the Wii console."
As evidence, the analyst points to the fact that despite the Wii's driving of industry growth throughout 2007 and 2008 and its excellent performance in the US, its success does not correlate with strong rises in performances by US software publishers as a group.
"While we believe the Wii is likely to be a drag on overall software sales through the holiday, the impact should be limited to those publishers which have invested significantly in Wii development, with the biggest negative impact likely to be felt by Electronic Arts which (unwisely in our view) heavily invested in Wii development for [calendar 2009]," he said.
PlayStation 3 hardware fared best in the survey, with 21 per cent of respondents who didn't currently own one saying they plan to buy one this season - some way ahead of the 360's 12 per cent figure. Wii hardware still came out on top though with a 26 per cent intent figure.
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November 25th, 2009, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that Mario's ability to jump was introduced only because of a chance hardware configuration, in the latest in the ongoing series of "Iwata Asks" interviews conducted by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.
Newly translated into English, the multi-part interview discusses the origins of Mario, beginning with the creation of the Donkey Kong coin-op. Miyamoto reveals that originally the main character, which would later become known as the iconic Mario, could not jump and the ability was only added because of a spare button on the arcade board being used for the game.
"I also recall that the cabinet we were making the game for had one joystick and one button, but initially I intended it to be controlled using only the joystick," says Miyamoto.
The wide-ranging interview also focuses on new title New Super Mario Bros. Wii, with Miyamoto describing how he attempted to recreate the "smell" of the previous games.
The use of the word does not appear to be a translation error, with even Iwata apparently confused by the usage. "I think that when something summons forth a lot of emotions, what you feel is perhaps something like a 'smell'", says Miyamoto.
"I wanted to make Mario so that it had its own distinctive 'smell' - a Mario-esque 'smell', continues Miyamoto. "I wanted to create something that stimulated as many of the five senses as it could. If you can do that, then when you get the game out to play from time to time, it really makes you happy."
In another revealing passage Miyamoto also discusses his theories on game difficulty, stating his belief that being forced to repeat part of a level after dying is a necessary part of the experience - despite the inclusion of the new Super Guide feature to aid less skilled players.
"So even if you slip up just before clearing the castle, you'll be sent right back to the starting point. Maybe this is all due to my nasty streak!" comments Miyamoto with a laugh. "But I think playing at that level of intensity is actually the most enjoyable way to play."
"With platform games, only playing the difficult parts can really take it out of you. It feels good to play parts that you can breeze through as well," he explains to Iwata.
"I think replaying the levels is the correct way to enjoy an action game. That's something that I'm quite particular about," states Miyamoto.
"It's become commonplace to assume that as games continue to develop, they will steadily become more clearly divided between games for very skilled players and games for beginners," added Iwata, who said that Nintendo is still strongly motivated to make "games for everyone".
It's important to make games players can enjoy together, regardless of their abilities, he explained. But it's something other people don't seem to discuss, perhaps because they consider it unfeasible.
"I am very serious when it comes to making games for everyone and this is something, Miyamoto-san, which you and I have been talking about constantly for over a decade," he said.
"The impression I get is that with Mario, which is in no sense an easy type of game for such a purpose, you have actually gone and done it - you've made a 'game for everyone'."
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November 25th, 2009, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Xmas marketing planned for publisher's fitness genre contender
publisher Ubisoft has unveiled a Christmas marketing blitz for Your Shape, designed to fight off stiff competition from Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active.
The Wii fitness title – which uses a motion sensing camera to monitor body movements – is due for release on December 4th. And Ubisoft feels that pre-Christmas is the ideal time to launch a new fitness product.
“A release prior to Christmas enables us to make the most of the public’s health-conscious mindset by sustaining continuous marketing and PR campaigns,” said brand manager Ombeline Wallon.
“These will build up from launch, reaching a high for New Year, and will last until the end of January, covering both the Christmas period and New Year’s resolutions – peak buying times for video games and for fitness products.”
Ubisoft has arranged two bursts of television advertising – firstly at launch and then in early January to ensure Your Shape is highly visible during the key periods.
This will be supported by print ads running from early December to the end of January, covering women’s publications such as Fabulous, Heat, Grazia and Zest.
The publisher has also signed up TV actress Zoe Lucker (pictured), who recently appeared in the current series of BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, to be the face of Your Shape’s launch. A dedicated PR campaign will ensure her appearances and promotions will generate coverage across a range of different media.
“Thanks to the exclusive camera, Your Shape is a very innovative title on the fitness market,” Wallon added.
“It really brings something different in terms of consumer experience as they are finally able to exercise controller-free and still get feedback in real time. We think this will really make Your Shape stand out in this now busy market.”
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November 25th, 2009, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster

Mario 64 remains, for many, the pinnacle of singleplayer gaming. As close to a perfect game as you're going to get. Wonder how that would have changed had the game's original multiplayer component made it into the final product.
In a Q&A session posted on Nintendo's site, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that Mario 64 had, at one stage during development, a significant multiplayer component.
Iwata: Ever since Mario Bros., you've had your heart set on making a multiplayer Mario game. You've tried each time, but it's never quite come together… Even with Mario 64, it started with Mario and Luigi running around together, didn't it?
Miyamoto: That's right. The screen was split and they went into the castle separately. When they meet in the corridor, I was incredibly happy! (laughs) Then there was also the mode where the camera is fixed and we see Mario running away, steadily getting smaller and smaller.
Iwata: Yes, that's right.
Miyamoto: That was a remnant of an experiment we did where Mario and Luigi would run away from each other but you could still see them both. But we were unable to pull it off…
Course, he now says with Super Mario Bros. Wii he has pulled it off, but...it's not the same. Wonder if it's something they could include with Super Mario Galaxy 2.
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November 25th, 2009, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster

Professor Layton and the Devil's Flute is out in Japan tomorrow, so Level-5 decided it was an appropriate time to go ahead and announce the next DS game in the second Layton trilogy. At a Devil's Flute launch event, Level-5 president Akihiro Hino revealed the above artwork for Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
This fifth game has Layton and Luke investigating the mystery of the title artifact in Casino City, which seems to have been created by the wish-granting mask. According to a Famitsu report that leaked before the official reveal, there could be major changes to the familiar gameplay system.
Miracle Mask will be out in fall 2010, and may be followed by a second movie, Hino said. The company first has to solve the puzzle of how much money it will receive from the first one.
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November 26th, 2009, 09:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13994.html
GameGuha is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for all Systems with a Java VM for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida.
GameGuha is a Nintendo GameBoy (and eventually GameBoy Color) emulator for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida. It is open source and written in the Java programming language, thus running on any machine with a JVM installed. Planned features include sound, save states, pixel scaling algorithms, and high compatibility and speed.
Sound voolume controls and manifest file added. Use minus and plus to change volume. Can set key mappings if necessary thru controls
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November 26th, 2009, 09:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13998.html
The SNES emulator Snes9x rerecording, which is based on SNES9x, has been updated.
1.43 v17: changes in r122
1.43: probably fixed an issue between Lua speed setting and AVI recording (should be ported to 1.51 later); fixed revision number update
fixed wrong line of changelog
some minor corrections/clarifications
A bunch of updates to LuaScriptingFunctions
increment version number
remove 1.43 from trunk
copy 1.43 from trunk to branches
1.51 v6 tagging
1.43 v17 tagging
1.51: rename changelog
1.51: update changelog
1.51: remove old unzip headers
1.51: moved lua_todo.patch into unix dir.
Update ChangeLogs
1.43: APU.NextAPUTimerPos and APU.APUTimerCounter are stored in savestate, so there are no need to reset them after snapshot load. (this is not a fix for the weird savestate bug of RSaga)
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November 26th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...04&format=news
Roman Adler offers "Stopphur DS"A truly comprehensive stopwatch equipped with an interface similar to the system DS / DS Lite.
A stopwatch with a little lapcomputer.
I've programmed it Because none of the DS Stopwatches I've tried are accurate.
Mine is not 100% accurate either, but it's OK, I'm using it at work and for cooking. smile.gif
- Works like a real life stopwatch
- Pretty accurate compared to other DS stopwatches
- DS firmware look and feel
- Lapcomputer (logging period, checkpoints, records)
- Top screen can be turned off (X button) to save energy
Touchscreen is self explanatory but you can use the buttons, too:
L = scroll down (lapcomputer)
R = scroll up
X = turn off / on top screen
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November 26th, 2009, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sverx:
I'm happy to announce the release of libXM7 version 1.04
Some bugs were patched and MOD replay has been introduced. Now it loads and play MOD modules of the following subtypes:
- M.K., M!K! and FLT4 module subtypes 4 channels modules
- OCTA, CD81 and FLT8 module subtypes 8 channels modules
- TDZx module subtype 1 to 3 channels modules
- xCHN module subtype 2 to 9 channels modules
- xxCH module subtype 10 to 16 channels modules
and also features the on-the-fly sample change capability used in many ProTracker modules. This has been set as the default replay style for MOD tunes, but you can deactivate it (or you can activate it on XMs... lol).
Documentation, complete changelog, support forum, examples, demos, etc... look here -> http://wcms.teleion.it/users/cgq/nds/libxm7/
XM7Play r2009-006 XM/MOD Player
Based on libXM7 1.04 of course, no other big changes since previous version. It plays XM/MOD modules with up to 16 channels directly from your FAT memory card. Download here -> http://wcms.teleion.it/users/cgq/nds....r2009-006.zip
Feedback is always appreciated.  Also please point to me those XM/MOD modules that the player can't reproduce properly. Thanks!
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November 26th, 2009, 23:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Nintendo's resident name jotter-downer and kiester-kicker recently divulged to BMO Capital Markets attendees that the Wii is outperforming its rivals when it comes to female gamers. According to its estimates (via Kotaku), 80 percent of the female console gaming crowd prefers Wii over the alternatives. With an estimated 11.7 million female console gamers in the Americas -- it's important to note this data of Nintendo's doesn't take into account DS owners or PC users -- the figure comes out to roughly nine million ladies waggling their way into the fun zone.
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November 26th, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster

It’s hard to believe we missed this one from a couple of years back but we’re thankful that reader [Christian] tipped us off about it. This a Nintendo DS with two tablet pc screens being used as an external display. He’s using an FPGA but not to emulate the processor. It is translating the video data from the DS board into usable signal for the larger LCD screens. In the video after the break you can see that pen input has been implemented, with the FPGA sending location data back to the DS.
[Neal], the creator, priced the project out at around $580. It’s worth a lot more considering the know-how needed to get the video scaling and pen input right using the FPGA. It won’t fit in your pocket, but it doesn’t have a case either so it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
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November 26th, 2009, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...05&format=news
Wind Pro DSi now in version 2.3.8, PC application involving several emulators including 3 for the Nintendo DS (No $ gba / DeSmuME / ideas) and 1 for Game Boy Advance (VBA-M) and tools (customizable emulator / Zoom / etc. ..).
DSi Wind Pro 2.3.8:
- New DirectX Updater (9.27.1734.0)
- Fixed ShellDS Trimmer
- New VBA-M SVN 926 Official (November 22, 2009)
- New VBA-Over.ini Official (November 25, 2009)
- New DeSmuME SVN 3095
- Better setup program
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November 27th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Mplayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX
Fixes for 4.2 update
Stability fixes (hopefully freezing is gone forever now)
Network (LAN and WAN) speeds increased
Added directory play feature
YouTube section entirely revamped
Added Nintendo Channel content (quality may not yet be optimal) (thanks to yellowstar6 for his work on ninchdl-listext)
[blip.tv was planned but couldn't make it on time]
Many, many more bugs fixed
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November 27th, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Bethesda's futuristic racer, Wheelspin is the "worst Wii game ever", with a boot-up-the-arse score of 11% in Official Nintendo Magazine.
That's the lowest rating the mag's ever given to a Wii game, beating previous record holder, Hotel for Dogs, which got a seminal 12%.
The mag wades in with the opening paragraph: "Wheelspin is one of the worst games we've ever played."
"On paper the game sounds like an impressive achievement... In practice it falls apart quicker than a roll of toilet paper in a car wash," it adds.
The handling is "atrocious", the unavoidable collisions are "ridiculous", and the eight-player split-screen mode is "as fun as having a bath with defensive hedgehogs", apparently. But it does have lens flare.
Read the full Wheelspin review over on ONM.
You can also name and shame your own 'worst game evah' in the comments field below. Nominate a few and we might even do a Christmas feature on them.
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November 28th, 2009, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sprite_tm] has whipped up yet another interesting tutorial – software-based this time. He basically describes how he connected his Wiimotes to an HTPC. A USB Bluetooth receiver, and a little bit of Linux scripting, was all that was necessary to get the system up and running. To add to the fun, [Sprite_tm] configured a the controllers to work with MAME (an arcade machine emulator), allowing one to play Duck Hunt on a computer in its full glory!
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November 28th, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Nintendo DS emulator for Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
0.9.5 introduces an entirely rewritten main emulation loop
This totally changes the timing, and totally breaks old savestates.
The OSX build is now based on the GTK port which is more up-to-date.
Assorted Highlights:
* synchronous SPU mode to fix streaming sounds
* win32: lua engine, path configuration, 7z dearchiving support
bug: rewrite main emulation loop and cycle accounting, fixes a lot of timings
bug: add more detailed timing emulation, removes much bogus lag
bug: rewrite DMA,gxfifo,gxstat; fix many games and no more alternate flush mode
bug: fix cflash directory support for non-windows and sector-writing
bug: fix freeze in cart irq
bug: correctly emulate dma to/from tcm
bug: fix in thumb LSR carryflag
bug: fix thumb BX PC switch to arm state
bug: fix adpcm looping, remove adpcm caching (no longer necessary)
bug: fixes to swi 3,4,5,8,0x10
bug: fixes to exmemstat and ipc sync registers
bug: support new backup commands
bug: improve bootup bios/firmware emulation steps
enh: gbaslot: add guitar grip, gbagame flash support, expansion memory pak
enh: add more powerful antigrain-based drawing library and rewrite OSD system
enh: ideas-style debugging prints
enh: most optimizations now SSE instead of SSE2
enh: more improvements to frameskipping and frame advance/speed controls
bug: fix backdrop blending with garbage
bug: fix 256B granularity sprite addressing for sub gpu
bug: fix obj blending, bmp obj rendering, and some obj window cases
bug: fix 128-wide captures
bug: fix 16color BG line buffer overflow
bug: fix color overflow in capture blending
bug: fix disp fifo capture
bug: fix simultaneous vram display and capture via same bank
bug: fix 3d overflow acknowledge registers
bug: fix 32bit toon table writes
bug: change 3d cores to use 18bit color
bug: fix boxtest (addition overflow!), move clipper to main graphics engine
bug: fix failure in some cases of polygon clipping
bug: fix disp3dcnt emulations
bug: fixes to poly sorting
bug: fix ogl renderer wireframe support
bug: swrast: fix backface culling of nonconvex polys
bug: swrast: add clear image and scroll emulation
bug: swrast: add fog emulation
bug: swrast: fixes to shadow rendering
bug: swrast: preliminary edge marking, works decent
enh: swrast: multicore optimization for a few fps speedup
bug: fix support for multiple gamepads and gamepad hotkeys
bug: fix mic noise code and load wav instead of raw; effective in more cases
bug: fix for several sticky and broken hotkeys, and f10 hotkeys
bug: fixes in ram search, add DTCM and ITCM searching, ...
bug: fix sound settings vol slider
bug: recover from missing window -32000 problem
bug: don't turn on mic unless mic input is enabled
enh: x64 build type now supported
enh: side-by-side and single screen view modes, many fixes to window resizing
enh: choose any gap size by dragging bottom window edge (must be enabled)
enh: choose a gap color
enh: import/export no$GBA savefiles directly
enh: multicore optimization for filters, rotation, OSD
enh: soundview can now mute channels
enh: new ioregview
enh: common commandline system, many arguments shared with linux
enh: improve map view tool to support more modes
enh: add "FORCE AS CURRENT" recovery tool for mis-sized savefiles
enh: add some kind of very small savestate rewinding buffer
enh: autoframeskip works better
enh: add Italian translation
enh: added 2x resizing filters (hq2x, hq2xs, lq2x, lq2xs, 2xsai, supereagle)
(scanlines, nearest2x, bilinear)
enh: alsa microphone support
enh: hud and osd notification for gtk and cli frontends
enh: add support for the SSE optimizations
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November 28th, 2009, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14017.html
GameGuha is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for all Systems with a Java VM for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida.
GameGuha is a Nintendo GameBoy (and eventually GameBoy Color) emulator for a project for a Computer Science 2 class at the University of Central Florida. It is open source and written in the Java programming language, thus running on any machine with a JVM installed. Planned features include sound, save states, pixel scaling algorithms, and high compatibility and speed.
Changed the way MBCs are handled (fixes some game crashes).
Fixed load/save states (breaks compatibility with previous version though).
Fixed unzipped files from being created in program directory.
Interrupt check now occurs before opcode execution (Bomb Jack intro runs properly).
Changed way halt opcode is handled.
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November 28th, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...09&format=news
brkirch offers the final version 1.9.3 of "Gecko" version fully compatible with the system menu 4.2.
Gecko OS / Gecko software is very popular on the Wii because it can make console Region Free and use cheat codes like an Action Replay for example.
These are functions that "minor" because it is also possible via USB Gecko and cracker hacked games, make screenshots and more ...
Gecko 1.9.3
* Loading games no longer requires a second disc spin-up
* Added support for the new Homebrew Channel ID
* Fixed channel loading to use the selected hook type, instead of always using the VBI hook
* Improved the 002 error prevention method for channels
* Add support for using cIOS for reboot
* Fix dol / elf loading
* Add support for System Menu 4.2
* Bug fix for function in poke gameconfig.txt (thanks to WiiPower)
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November 28th, 2009, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php...12&format=news
BALROG proposes a new version of FireGhouls. Game code in Lua, requires the interpreter Micro Lua DS to run.
Version 1.15:
Improvements to the user:
-Adding sound.
-Added a type of monster.
-Increase the number of ammunition and game time
-The display of victory is now harder to see. ^ ^
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November 28th, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Ben_j has posted some WIP news of his app for the DS:
MIDIPad DS is an Kaoss Pad-like application for the Nintendo DS.
It sends both X and Y positions as MIDI CCs and also a CC that is at 127 when the screen is pressed, and 0 when it's released.
Here are a few things I'm working on :
- 12 MPC-like Pads, with velocity, maybe aftertouch, and other features I'm thinking about.
- Slider knobs with feedback from the software.
- Customisable parameters : CC/Note numbers, max/min values, etc.
If you have other interesting ideas, tell me.
I'm also willing to do something special with Ableton Live. If you're familiar with Live API and Python, then you could help me to do a MIDI Remote Script, more evolved than the simple txt file you can easily do for Live.
Pads part is almost finished. Here's a screenshot :
Here's a video :
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November 29th, 2009, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
The results of a survey on purchase intent for the DSi LL conducted by Japanese group Orimo have been released, according to a report at Inside Games. A total of 416 people took the survey, with the male:female ratio being 212 : 204.
Of the total people surveyed, 26.4% indicated that they "wanted to buy it a lot" or "kind of wanted to buy it." Purchase intent for the device was particularly high among men and women in their 30s. 28.3% of potential buyers were 30-something males and 24.5% were female. However, the DSi LL seems to appeal most greatly to men in their 40s, who comprised 31.7% of consumers that were interested in buying the device. This makes sense as Nintendo targeted the DSi LL at an older audience that may have trouble reading text on a smaller screen.
Here are some other interesting facts from the survey. Do note that these figures may not be accurate as 416 people are hardly a representation of the entire market.
30% of people surveyed that own a PSP are men in their 30s.
21% of people surveyed that own a PSP are women in their 30s.
22.5% of people surveyed that own a PSP are women in their 20s.
over 40% of people surveyed that own a DS Lite are women aged 30-39.
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November 29th, 2009, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu Member Simon Kagstrom has posted some WIP News concerning the Commodore64 emulator for the Nintendo Wii:
I've recently been working on some improvements on the Frodo/Wii networking
implementation. The problems I wanted to address were these:
The connection to the Frodo network broker was a confusing process, with the user having to select master or client connection beforehand
Sound was not transferred over the network!
There were too few bells and whistles :-)
The first problem can easily be seen on the network statistics for Frodo/Wii. Most people will connect twice, first trying as a client and then as a master to await some other player. The current subversion trunk has this fixed so that you connect in one way only, and then either select a peer to play with, or wait for someone to connect.
For more bells and whistles, I now transfer a small screenshot of the C64 display when someone connects. This is supposed to be used in two places: In the peer selection menu and on the broker network stats. I don't run the new broker online yet, but the new statistics web page will look like this:

I'm also redesigning the menu support to make it look better, but this work is still a long way from finished (i.e., nothing works!)
But the most important part is the sound transfer. After all, International Karate is soo much better with music and sound. The reason I haven't implemented it until now is that sound is a bit more tricky than graphics and joystick data:
Joystick and text message data generate very low traffic, so that's the easiest part
Graphics and sound on the other hand, generate much more data
Graphics is still pretty easy, since you can drop frames and skip updates without affecting gameplay that much
With sound on the other hand, dropping data will be very irritating
My first approach (implemented a long time ago but never enabled), was to simply take the generated audio and transfer that. This, however, is problematic in at least two ways:
16 bits of data at 44KHz is simply a lot of data to transfer, even with the (fairly primitive) compression techniques I employed
The audio format is platform dependent. My linux box has 16-bit at 44KHz, while the Wii uses 16-bit at 48KHz or 32KHz, so the sound will not be cross-plaform
The implementation of the first approach never worked well. So what I've done now is to do this in a different way. The basic idea is to transfer SID register writes instead of audio-data and simply re-emulate them at the other end. I've so far known very little of the actual C64 emulation, but needed to look a bit more into it for this.
I first did a small test to determine how much data this would actually be by simply printing out all SID register writes. Simple eyeball investigation showed that this wouldn't be too much. The implementation is then pretty simple: Just log each register write together with the temporal offset since the last write (given in number of VIC lines because of the way the emulation works), and then send this out to the peer each 100 ms or so.
And this also works pretty well in the real world as well, when tested between my X41 and Lindas X40. The bandwidth used varies a lot depending on the type of sound characteristics the game has. The music and sound effects in Uridium for example doesn't require much, whereas the "kiay" sound effects in International Karate generate a lot of SID traffic. There is probably a lot to be learned there for those that are interested in how the actual SID works.
I've also registered the c64-network.org domain, which I plan to use for the network stuff in the future. Right now, I'm working on the improved menu support though, and this looks like it might become time-consuming. I don't like GUI work in general, but in this type of application it's really a must. Oh well, sooner or later it will hopefully be functional...
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November 29th, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
WiiMarel 1.0 released by Hackotedelaplaque
WiiMarel is a board game originaly played in the region of Piemont (Italy).
Have fun !
Rules of the game
17 sheeps and 2 wolves challenge on a board (2 players). 9 sheeps must reach the fold (the square top ). Wolves need to eat the sheeps! Pieces are moves turn by turn, following guide lines. The wolf jumps over a sheep to eat. As long as he can eat, the wolf plays again. Beware, in case you forgot to eat, the wolf is 'blown'.
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November 30th, 2009, 10:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's says it will investigate possible copyright infringement in Nokia's N900 smartphone after a Nokia blog post showcased the device playing retro games through the use of an emulator application. According to Edge, the video (which is no longer available) featured someone playing Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3, and also showed off buttons that supposedly opened emulators for Nintendo's Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, NES and SNES.
Nintendo UK PR manager Robert Saunders told Edge the company was unaware of the smartphone's emulation feature and stated that Nintendo would take "rigorous steps" to protect its intellectual property. "Our legal team will examine this to determine if any infringement has taken place," Saunders added. Even if the feature ends up on the cutting room floor, we imagine some crafty hackers are already taking steps to get emulation software working on the Nokia device. Just like they do with everything else.
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November 30th, 2009, 10:23 Posted By: wraggster
Dop-IOS MOD updated to 9.0 by Arikado
Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSs (with the trucha bug if you like), channels, and system menus. It also allows you to install a patched IOS 36 to use to install fakesigned content if you don't have any other usable IOSs like Trucha Bug Restorer does.
Fixed a small bug causing the improper version of an IOS to be displayed after it was updated
Added automatic region detection
Added code from Trucha Bug Restorer so you can go through a short process to install an IOS (IOS 36) that accepts fakesigning if you need one
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November 30th, 2009, 10:25 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of the Snes Emulator for Nintendo Wii
heres the release notes:
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x 1.51 ( http://snes9x.ipherswipsite.com). It was
originally ported by SoftDev for the GameCube, and has been worked on by
various authors. Development has since moved to the Wii, and the project is
currently being maintained by Tantric and michniewski.
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.51
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.1.3 - November 30, 2009]
* Fixed SMB
* Added separate horizontal/vertical zoom options
* Improved scrolling timing - the more you scroll, the fast it goes
* Fixed reset button on Wii console - now you can reset multiple times
* Minor code optimizations
* Reduce memory fragmentation - fixes out of memory crashes
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November 30th, 2009, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of the Nes Emulator for Nintendo Wii.
Heres the release notes:
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.2
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.1.1 - November 30, 2009]
* Mapper fixes - several more games work now (Fire Emblem, 76-in-1, etc)
* Fixed SMB
* Added separate horizontal/vertical zoom options
* Improved scrolling timing - the more you scroll, the fast it goes
* Fixed reset button on Wii console - now you can reset multiple times
* Reduce memory fragmentation - fixes out of memory crashes
* Other minor code optimizations
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November 30th, 2009, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of the GBA Emulator for Nintendo Wii.
Heres the release notes:
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, Gamecube controller, Keyboard and Mouse support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r847
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.0.9 - November 30, 2009]
* Fixed SMB
* Added separate horizontal/vertical zoom options, and separate GB/GBA ones
* Improved scrolling timing - the more you scroll, the fast it goes
* Fixed reset button on Wii console - now you can reset multiple times
* APU optimization (dancinninjac)
* Minor code optimizations
* Reduce memory fragmentation - fixes out of memory crashes
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November 30th, 2009, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii not only regained its position in October as the best-selling console, it has also seen weekly sales increase 85 per cent following its USD 50 price reduction according to Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway.
The executive VP of sales and marketing told the San Francisco Chronicle the console's global price cut has increased sales significantly, adding that the Wii still has plenty of momentum left.
"I think that going into the holidays, the Wii is in a very good position," said Dunaway. "It has an unbeatable combination of games, experience and unbeatable value, and that continues to put it to the top of people's wish list."
Wii sales dropped 43 per cent between April and September this year, with the console losing the title of best-selling console in September for the first time in three years according to NPD data.
But following its price cut in October, unit sales rose from 93,000 per week in September to 127,000.
One of the reasons for the lower numbers in 2009 is Nintendo's success last year, added Dunaway, when over 10 million Wiis were sold.
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November 30th, 2009, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Here's the official list of Nintendo downloads live in the US now
Nintendo DSiWare
Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Mild Cartoon Violence
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Your face, your game, you're the hero. In Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes, YOU get to be in the game. Using the camera and microphone, you become the hero in your own game. Unlock a variety of hero costumes as you battle the baddies, search for stars and solve platforming puzzles. The Face Stealer has stolen your identity and is creating trouble - and everyone is blaming you. You have to track him down across 15 action-packed stages. Along the way, you'll come across many memorable creatures, both friend and foe. Use the camera and microphone to create faces and voices for every character in your game. Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes - a game starring YOU.
Publisher: PopCap Games, Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Feed your appetite for wordy fun in this download version of PopCap's hit word-puzzle game. Link letter tiles left, right, up and down to build words and feed Lex in Bookworm Classic mode. But watch out for burning letters - they could spell disaster for you and Lex. Use Reward Tiles and spell Bonus Words to boost your score and link your best words to enter the Hall of Fame. Play unlimited levels of word-puzzle fun and learn new words on the go. You'll relax and tune up your brain every time you play.
Master of Illusion Express: Mind Probe
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Master of Illusion Express titles are mind-boggling magic tricks that you perform with your Nintendo DSi system. Learn the illusions, practice up and then amaze your friends. Master of Illusion Express: Mind Probe uses your Nintendo DSi system as a means of detecting information. Ask a spectator to write down a favorite (or least-favorite) item - person, food or color, for example - and then be astonished when the Nintendo DSi system sounds an alarm to indicate when that item is spoken. Use any variation of likes or dislikes to stun the crowd.
Sudoku Challenge!
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Now's your chance to play the brain-busting puzzle game taking the world by storm. With more than 100,000,000 sudoku puzzles, you'll never see the same puzzle twice in Sudoku Challenge! You can select the classic nine-by-nine sukodu game boards as well as Grand Sudoku, which challenges you to complete five intersecting sudoku boards simultaneously. Just a beginner? Don't worry - with three difficulty options, even the most novice player can complete a sudoku with ease. But if you're a seasoned pro, challenge yourself in "Hard" mode and test your true skills. It's time to get your thinking cap on and see how many sudoku puzzles you can conquer.
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November 30th, 2009, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Here's the official list of Nintendo downloads live in the US now - ten games with Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4 probably of most interest. Unless you like the sound of "relaxing animal sim", My Zoo. Each to their own...
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4
Publisher: Telltale Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E 10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Cartoon Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol
Price: 1,000 Wii Points
Description: Conspiracies, betrayal and shocking revelations as the Tales of Monkey Island intensity builds. Guybrush returns to Flotsam Island, but forget about a hero's welcome. Handed over to De Singe by the backstabbing Morgan LeFlay, Guybrush is seized by an angry mob and put on trial. With a silk-tongued prosecutor in his face and a hangman's noose dangling over his neck, Guybrush must figure out how to defend himself against grave accusations. Meanwhile, the determined Marquis sets his sights on a new and far more attractive test subject. How on earth will the Mighty Pirate get out of this mess? The monthly Tales of Monkey Island tension continues to mount in The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood. Brace yourself for a shocking revelation that will rock the world of Monkey Island to its core.
My Zoo
Publisher: Hudson Entertainment
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: My Zoo is a relaxing animal sim that puts you in the shoes of an animal breeder, raising up animals you'd normally only dream of. All it takes is a Wii Remote controller for a simple, yet fulfilling, connection with nature. There are 12 animal types in total (four sold separately as add-on content). Select your favorites and nurture them to adulthood. Feeding them, petting them and cleaning up their messes are great ways to form a lasting bond. Each animal's personality will change depending on how you take care of it. Watch them get spoiled, turn into over-eaters and more as they grow on a daily basis. Some animals will even have a baby on occasion, and once it's born, you've got another mouth to feed. Game time passes much more quickly than real time, and the different animal types are active at various hours - some during the day and some at night. Sometimes it's fun to just kick back and watch what they do. So what are you waiting for? It's time to create your own personal zoo.
Copter Crisis
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Mild Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Copter Crisis puts you in the pilot's seat. As a member of the elite Helicopter Rescue Squad, you'll be assigned to respond to any type of emergency anywhere at any time. As the newest member joining this team, you'll have to complete various missions with the latest in helicopter rescue technology. When you're ready, you'll be tasked with executing rescue missions all around the Black Rock Canyon. Your Wii Remote controller becomes the control stick as you guide your copter along the canyons while avoiding rocks, severe weather and even anti-aircraft fire. Rescue lost hikers, deliver supplies to remote areas, assist on scientific missions and even blast your way into underground cavern systems. Complete all of your objectives and rise through the ranks to take on the toughest rescues and unlock 10 bonus missions. Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Pay & Play allows you to enhance your flight experience with 10 additional copters, which can give you access to unlimited missiles, larger fuel tanks, cargo holds and even mid-air loops.
Christmas Clix
Publisher: JV Games Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 1,000 Wii Points
Description: Christmas doesn't have to be all work for Santa, does it? Santa's having some fun and wants you to play along too. You can help Santa decorate the tree by removing the presents and ornaments that he stacks. When you consecutively connect packages without missing a beat, you get extra points. Collect as many candy canes as you can because when you collect enough, Santa will add a special star to the game that can greatly help you get through a level or just bring some additional fun.
Virtual Console
The Combatribes
Original platform: Super NES
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E 10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Violence
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: The evil gang known as "Guilty Zero" rules the city, and it's up to you as one of the members of the Combatribes to take them down. Choose one of three characters and fight your way through the city of New York. Progress through the game by tackling the goons and boss of each stage using your arsenal of kicks, punches, throws and other techniques to beat them into submission. Once your stamina bar is reduced to zero, you'll need to use a continue, but when you're out of continues, it's game over. Can you eliminate the threat of "Guilty Zero" and restore the peace in New York City!?
Solomon's Key
Original platform: Arcade
Publisher: TECMO
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 600 Wii Points
Description: Solomon's Key is an action/puzzle game that lets you control the wizard Dana, delving into a labyrinth to seek out a magical tome called Solomon's Key, an item that will help in your quest to drive away evil spirits let loose in the world. The goal of the game is to use the buttons to create and destroy blocks, and use various techniques to find keys to pass through doors. The game has appeared on a variety of platforms, but the arcade version focuses strongly on the action elements of the game, making it more challenging, and allowing players of all skill levels, from beginners to masters, to enjoy it. Settings like the number of lives and difficulty level can be adjusted.
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November 30th, 2009, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster

Epokh] has release some homebrew software that uses a Nintendo DS as a voice reader for documents. This is extremely useful for blind and visually impaired folks who normally use screen readers but can utilize this technology for reading books, documents, and email on the go. Future versions look to add an email client and implement OCR via the camera for reading documents on the go.
The flite package is utilized to provide the text to speech functionality. We’re familiar with this package and judging by the video after the break, it lost nothing in the port to the DS hardware. [Epokh] pointed out that similar readers can cost $1500 when a DS sells for around $130. We can’t wait to see the final version fleshed out!
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November 30th, 2009, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
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November 30th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some more wip news of his Dos emulator for DS:
Last weekend I didn't have quite as much free time to work on DSx86 as I normally have on the weekends. The little time I had was spent continuing work on the internal DOS emulation. I got some of the 4DOS internal commands to work (like "memory" and "beep" :-), and finally on Sunday I got "dir" command mostly working. That needed an interface and conversion between libFAT internal structures and DOS internal structures, but I managed to get this to work and show also file dates and sizes correctly. So far this works only on the top level directory (as I don't yet have current working directory handling). Next I'll try to get launching a program from the root directory to work.
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November 30th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
UK DSi owners will be able to download EA's camera-compatible DSiWare game, Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes from this Friday, when Nintendo puts out it's weekly update of Nintendo downloads in Europe.
"Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes, a new Nintendo DSiWare title that gives players the ability to put themselves into the game and sends them on a wild, adventurous quest to reclaim their own stolen identity. Leveraging the unique features of the Nintendo DSi system, players use the camera and microphone to capture their face and voice to become an in-game character," says EA.
"After capturing their picture and recording their voice, players can choose to switch between the eight hero costumes throughout the game, from a muscle-bound barbarian to a slick spy or a sneaky ninja. The adventure unfolds as players discover that their identity has been stolen by the arch villain, The Professor.
"They will need to track him down across 15 action-packed levels, each loaded with memorable characters-- both friend and foe. Players will face many challenges along the way as they try to clear their name including battling baddies across the Haunted Hills, collecting stars throughout the Frantic Frontier and solving platforming puzzles in the Mystic East."
If you live in US, you can go ahead and download it now. The full list of US Nintendo downloads is here, chaps.
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