March 1st, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
We should all know by now that rent-to-own plans are nothing short of vicious wallet rape for the mentally and creditally challenged, but just in case the lesson hasn't quite sunk in yet, observe this ad from renter-retailer Kelly's. After a mere 12 monthly payments of $79, you could own a $250 Nintendo Wii! Given that 12 x $79 = $948, the sad populace who takes advantage of such a "deal" will find themselves out $698 in games, accessories and pride.
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March 1st, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nherve:
I've decided to start modding DesMuMe. I release here my first mod. It does not improve game compatibility but it has more features. It is only for Win32 users.
-First, I've added joystick support through SDL. That was easy.
-Next, I've added support for SDL sound core under Win32. That was easy too, the SDL sound core was here already.
-Added Vertical resize option. It was harder, I spent some time to add this. When activated, the window can be resized only vertically, the screens keep their size and the gap between the screens will be filled with your favourite colour (approximative). This allows users to set a gap depending on the game to get better gameplay.
Enjoy !!! Mod 2 is out with some fixes !!!
-New GUI, added a toolbar and a statusbar to make it more user-friendly.
-Fixed LDR and LDM** opcodes, now opcodes are 100% correct.
-Fixed Frame limitation when frameskip is 0
-Fixed some opcodes which prevented the emu to continue execution
-Fixed a stupid bug in the 3D core, this fixes Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, this should fix all other games that send unpacked commands to GXFIFO with reversed byte order (ie 0x1b000000)
-Added Wireframe 3D
-Fixed New Super Mario Bros minigames, thanks to Shash
-Added Video Capture option (sound & compress don't work yet)
-Started implementation of RTC (doesn't work yet)
-Started a new 2D core (doesn't work yet, this version uses old 2D core)
-Added Fold/Unfold option (doesn't work as expected)
-Fixed ITCM (hope it won't break anything)
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March 1st, 2008, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the ScummVM Site:
ScummVM continues to leap forward in a leap year, and we are pleased to announce the next shiny bugfix release of the project.
As usual, it holds a number of improvements, it's more stable, and it should bring you even more fun than 0.11.0.
We fixed the digital iMUSE system (better COMI experience), King's Quest 4 bugs were squashed, and support for fanmade AGI games has been improved; Lure of the Temptress, Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth all work better since we fixed several crashes, lock-ups and all such buzzwords.
As a special bonus we are glad to announce the return of the BeOS port and the deeply missed Playstation 2 port.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Heres whats new:
- Revived the PS2 port.
- Revived the BeOS port.
- Improvements for Digital iMUSE subsystem. This fixes several glitches in The Curse of Monkey Island.
- Fixes for cursors in HE games.
- Fix for zombies in King's Quest 4.
- Fix for changing palettes in fanmade games using AGIPAL.
- Fixed some conversation crashes in the German version.
- Fixed operation of the optional copy protection dialog in the German version.
- Added saving of conversation flags as to whether a particular conversation option had been previously selected or not.
- Fixed glitch that could cause transformation sparkle to happen a second time.
- Fixed behavior of Goewin when you rejoin her after meeting the dragon.
- Fix for rat maze bug in Inherit the Earth which made game not completable.
- Fixes for Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth game startup on a number of platforms.
- Reduced the number of simultaneous open files in I Have no Mouth, to allow it to run on platforms that can keep a limited amount of files open (e.g. on the PSP).
- Fixed graphics glitch in Inherit the Earth with simultaneous speech.
- Fixed palette glitch in Inherit the Earth when looking at the map while at the docks.
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March 1st, 2008, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
The 14th release of the gamecube toolchain is now final and available for download. This version brings Wii support now that we have the ability to run code on Wii thanks to the efforts of Team Twiizers and their Twilight Hack.
Those of you used to the old build system with prior versions of devkitPPC and gamecube programming will need to review the updated examples and templates. libogc has now been removed from inside the toolchain and is installed in a separate directory in the same way we maintain the gba and ds support libraries for devkitARM. This allows us more leeway to update the toolchain and libraries separately and avoid dependency issues which have been causing problems for users in the past.
Several packages have been updated and some new ones added, notably the addition of Monk’s gcube emulator which appears to provide most compatibility with devkitPPC compiled code, including the ability to run code intended for Wii. We don’t advise using the emulator exclusively for development testing but it should be convenient for quick test builds prior to running on hardware. A windows native binary has been provided but currently lacks the debug features of the OSX and linux versions, hopefully we will be able to provide this with a future update. Currently there are no builds for other platforms but we will be happy to host prebuilt versions should someone volunteer to provide them.
Windows users should use the devkitPro installer updater to obtain devkitPPC and the support libraries, this ensures that everything is installed properly. For other platforms instructions are provided on the wiki Getting Started page which includes links for the windows install package.
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March 1st, 2008, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cortes48
Balloon fight on NES is a game that me much marqué.J 've wanted the adapter on DS in the form of multiple mini-game.
Adding the title screen and supression bug
New version with the way finished 1
Sorry for the long months of absence with my Ipod Touch I was a little busy.
The revolution is under way at this moment I reecris all the code with queleque avencement
But this is merely an alpha version even below alpha. Telechargement soon in a real playable.
With the first version 1 mini Thursday almost done
How to play:
For you direct use the touch screen
Other information:
If you have any ideas of the other so-called games le.Il are no image on the topic I will save Wednesday
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March 1st, 2008, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from oxo
Balloon fight on NES is a game that me much marqué.J 've wanted the adapter on DS in the form of multiple mini-game.
Adding the title screen and supression bug
New version with the way finished 1
Sorry for the long months of absence with my Ipod Touch I was a little busy.
The revolution is under way at this moment I reecris all the code with queleque avencement
But this is merely an alpha version even below alpha. Telechargement soon in a real playable.
With the first version 1 mini Thursday almost done
How to play:
For you direct use the touch screen
Other information:
If you have any ideas of the other so-called games le.Il are no image on the topic I will save Wednesday
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March 1st, 2008, 03:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Delca
Voila, for my first project, I wanted to do something easy, accessible to a beginner, and can be easily customized so I chose to make a Pong.
As you can see on the screens, the project does for the moment that the bare minimum.
I would release one as soon as I would have solved a fairly irritating bug for the bounces of the ball.
Also, if someone has ideas, little more that could make the game, it makes me part by responding here.
I am looking for a tester that could test the game on a Super Card or any linker, because I still have not received my own.
Features and possibilities:
- Size of the ROM: 157 Kb 268Ko
- No Runs on $ GBA, but not on Ideas, not tested on DeSmuME.
- Rebound the ball on the edge of the screen.
- Rebound the ball on snowshoes.
- Ability to change the color of the ball. Not with the new theme
Break-in the game
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March 1st, 2008, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
via drunkencoders
This week we have some classic science fiction and mystery literature for you to enjoy.
Cory Doctorow
A Place so Foreign
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
Eastern Standard Tribe
EBooks, Neither E nor Books
Home Again Home Again
Return to Pleasure Island
Shadow of the Mothaship
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
Super Man And The Bug Out
Agatha Christie
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
The Secret Adversary
Garrett Putnam Serviss
A Columbus of Space
Curiosities of the Sky
Edison's Conquest of Mars
Other Worlds
The Moon Metal
The Second Deluge
Next week we will have more books ready for release. If you have any requests, please let us know by emailing btmullins@gmail.com
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March 1st, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
A Square-Enix insider recently revealed that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (formerly The Little King and the Promised Land) would share a May 12th U.S. release date with the WiiWare service, joining Defend Your Castle and Major League Eating: The Game for the somewhat less than auspicious WiiWare launch lineup. The game will set you back 1,500 Wii points, or $15, if you prefer an actual monetary system.
We never thought we'd be hotly anticipating a Final Fantasy/Sim City mash-up, but when our other choices are limited to a once-free flash game that's been available online for nearly five years, or a game that crudely depicts the action-packed world of aggressive binge eating, the lesser of the three evils is abundantly clear.
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March 1st, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Spannernick:
This is my first hombrew and its not finished yet..
I need to put a wipe screen on it to clear the screen,at the moment you have to turn off the DS to do that..
I have added a splash screen..
That all at the moment...learning slowly..
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March 1st, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
dhewg has released Geckoloader, heres the release info:
geckoloader is a native wii application which helps you to load and execute wii homebrew binaries in the easiest and fastest way possible. It acts as a server which will receive binaries directly over the usb bus
a client tool to transfer such files is included
a usbgecko adapter
a gamecube pad
a way to boot wii homebrew
the application consists of 3 parts
the boot code is what you will be running. that part contains the other two. it will write the loader code to the onboard usbgecko flash and place the stub into memory
the bootcode will then execute the stub
the stub's job is to read the loader code from flash and execute it
finally, the loader code will accept incoming .dol's sent using a client application over the usb bus from the pc side
the chosen architecture has the advantage that the tiny stub is the only component which has to stay in tact in memory. since the real loader sits on the flash on your usbgecko, no application can corrupt it in memory
100% native wii mode
no medium ejecting, rewriting and inserting required whatsoever
this is especially useful for wii coders (fast developent cycle)
the stub is placed at the memory location 0x80001800. this is PSO reload compatible, which means that you can jump back there to load another binary without rebooting. the libogc exception handler also jumps to this address (when pressing START)
the included client is compatible to the official geckotool, so you can use nuke's windows client to upload .dol's too
as always, this is open source
to compile the included code, you need devkitPPC and libogc r14 or higher
copy stub/stub.lds to $DEVKITPPC/powerpc-gekko/lib
check config.h for some tuneables
run make in the root dir
run make install to copy geckoupload (the client) to $DEVKITPPC/bin
use the Twilight hack in combination with the included geckoloader.elf to get this running
the boot code will show up
you have to write the loader code to the flash once, so press Z on a gamecube pad to do that
flashing has to be done only once, press A the next time you reboot the wii to skip that step
after that you will see the loader code in action
use the included client (geckoupload) or the windows geckotool to send a .dol
the transfered binary should execute
if you loaded a game/app which has an option to jump back to 0x80001800, you will be able to transmit another binary without reboot
client usage
set the environment variable USBGECKODEVICE to the tty device of the usbgecko adapter, eg:
export USBGECKODEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0
make sure that your console is ready to receive an executable
pass the filename of the binary to geckoupload, for example:
geckotool wiifuse_server.dol
you can use this client to transfer
wii .dol's to the geckoloader described on this page
gamecube .dol's to the official usbgecko boot dvd
wii .elf's to the upcoming release of the twilight hack
this is an early version and i really have no clue how (if at all) it works for others. please report back
only .dol files are supported
you can not run gamecube binaries with this loader since we're working in wiimode here (thats a good thing)
the included client will not compile with mingw and apparently doesnt currently work on osx, patches are welcome
the uploaded data is not verified by neither the included client nor the receiving loader code. pay attention to what you are sending to avoid annoying reboots
the default libogc base address for wii homebrew is at 0x80003f00. this gives a PSO compatible stub ~10k of memory. hence, the stub's main() functions was written in c so that its easy to improve/fix
the loader initially puts a received binary in MEM2 to avoid overlaps. it will be relocated from there. unfortunately the loader itself has a base address in MEM1. putting it in MEM2 is on my TODO list
for the record: you can use the truncha signer to boot this app straight from dvd, but that is currently not supported nor endorsed. do not ask about it. seriously.
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March 2nd, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Eyedunno pmed me this last week and sadly i forgot to post (i did have the flu for the last 2 weeks so some of my forgetfulness goes there, heres the pm which details all :
Hey, check out Rudolph's site. There's a new GBA ExpLoader, and more carts are supported this time.
I went ahead and translated it myself, so you won't have to deal with a machine translation, but having never used previous versions (I prefer my Ewin to my EZ3-in-1), I wasn't sure what he was talking about in the SRAM dumping section (especially what the heck "<B> SRAM" is). Maybe others will get it. :/
Finally, GBA ExpLoader has reached this point...
Due to struggling with bugs, I haven't really added any new features.
Since the patching feature has been added, increasing the number of supported expansion carts has also vastly increased the number of things that need to be tested, and I haven't been able to do as much as I wanted to.
I've cut back on a lot of the features I was planning, so once again, it's may seem a bit half-done, but I'm releasing it, since I've lost the will to keep on testing and keeping it unreleased. There might be a lot of bugs. If you discover some, please let me know the expansion cart you're using, the game, and the nature of the bug.
Just in case, I've left 0.2 available for download for the time being.
Application behavior has changed just a bit since the last release. Save data still in SRAM from the previous PSRAM/SDRAM session is written to a .SAV file the next time you boot GBA ExpLoader. Save data in <B> SRAM will be forcibly saved to a file every time.
The Ewin Expansion Pak (along with related carts) is supported, but only for carts with 256KB of SRAM (The newest carts might not work [Ed: this is because some of them reportedly only have 128KB of SRAM]).
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March 2nd, 2008, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
Eke-Eke just posted this fantastic news on his site and yes the first Native Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the Wii (Gamecube too) and most importantly of all the worlds first console based emulator to run Virtua Racing 

Here’s the time for another release of Genesis Plus. I have focused myself in fixing some bugs I introduced in the previous version, as well as emulating most of unlicensed “non-working” games (many thanks to Haze for his work).
I also made some progress about emulating an original YM2612 bug that made some games (Ariel, Shaq Fu, Comix Zone, Spiderman & Animated Series,…) sound correct on real hardware but wrong on emulators.
Finally, I added SVP emulation thanks to the great work of Tasco Deluxe and Notaz : as a result, Virtua Racing is now fully playable but don’t expect to run it full speed in gamecube mode. It needs to emulate a custom DSP running at 23Mhz which takes a lot of CPU time actually. You can still underclock the DSP but it will result in slower 3D rendering and effective framerate will still seem slower.
That’s why, to celebrate the last release of LibOGC which added Wii hardware support, I also release a special elf version that could be running in native Wii mode using the recent “Twilight hack“. Please note that this version remain completely UNTESTED as I personnaly don’t have any way to test it on Wii. SO, tell me if the above game is at least running faster
Here is a complete changelog for this release:
- added SVP emulation: Virtua Racing is now emulated (big thanks to Notaz and TascoDeluxe)
- fixed VDP registers behaviour when VDP Mode 4 is enabled: fix Bass Masters Classic Pro, Captain Planet & The Planeeters
- corrected a bug in DMA Fill operation: fix James Pond 3, Rockman World/Megaman Willy Wars (corrupted VRAM)
- corrected typo errors in CPU cycle counters update: fix optiom screen music in “College Slam” and probably others games.
- added preliminary support of undocumented YM2612 bug: fixes soundtracks of Shaq Fu, Spiderman, Comix Zone, Ariel and some others
- added support for mappers & copy protection devices used in many unlicensed/pirate cartridges (see cart_hw.c for details)
- rewrote memory handlers for better modularity and some (little) speedup
- reduced Savestate size
- compiled with last LibOGC (20080228): fix issues when unplugging controller, support for Wii mode (see release.txt)
- added “hard-coded” IPL font (no more direct access to BOOTROM): fix font problem for Qoob users
- added SDCARD Slot B support for loading Roms
- removed unused MAME PSG Core
- added ‘Force DTACK’ option for prototype games usually hanging on real hardware (example: Sonic Crackers)
- added an option to underclock SVP core (with default cycle count, Virtua Racing actually does not run fullspeed in GC mode)
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March 2nd, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Take our love for driving sims like the Gran Turismo series and combine it with our fixation with dekotora trucks and you get what we consider to be the most Jalopnik game of all time: Zenkoku Dekotora Matsuri. From what we can tell from the trailer, Japanese Elvis wants you to buy, customize and drive around in your own awesome dekotora. The driving dynamics don't seem to be outstanding, but the customization setup appears to go beyond merely choosing parts and colors. In the true dekotora tradition, users can use their own Wii painting skills to create an airbrushed dragon masterpiece.
We're not sure what the ultimate goal of the game is, but we're guessing it involves building the baddest dekotora and taking pictures of it around the city. Sounds like heaven to us.
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March 2nd, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: JKKDARK
Finally we get more progress on this upcoming Gamecube emulator for PC.
From the official forum:
Just doing a status update to the public forum. Here is a chat that went on last night on IRC
3:00 <@Lightnin> so we are outperforming dolphin in the dynarec already in 32bit area
23:15 <@Lightnin> dtm: do you know how much i've implemented?
23:16 < dtm> how would i know that lol
23:16 < dtm> trick question?
23:16 < dtm> five!!
23:16 < dtm> ..th..thousands!!
23:17 <@Lightnin> how about this... i have not implemented branches, floating point, multiplcation, division, paired singles, or anything dealing with the compare register
23:18 <@Lightnin> yet, with all of that missing, i'm still outperforming
23:19 < DesktopMa> it's not really... doing much
23:19 <@Lightnin> now do you see why i'm optimistic with our speed?
23:19 < DesktopMa> of course it's faster Razz
23:19 <@Lightnin> it's doing straight integer math and that is it
23:19 <@Lightnin> and all memory load/store
23:19 <@Lightnin> for the rest it has to dump it's data, flip back over to interpreter, run a command, flip back
23:20 <@Lightnin> so every time i implement something new, i cut down on the flips
23:21 < dtm> Surprised
23:21 < dtm> neato
23:26 <@Lightnin> to give you an idea of the flipping i'm doing between dynarec and int and still pulling my speed. remember, each flip requires me to dump all of my data
23:26 < dtm> cool.
23:26 < dtm> so you've got a dynamic/static hybrid emulator?
23:29 <@Lightnin> the load paired single command was called 2,593,137 times just in getting the clouds barely visible in zelda windwaker for the title screen
23:29 <@Lightnin> right after the two main logos
23:29 < dtm> ok.
23:29 <@Lightnin> that means that for that 1 command, i flipped between dynarec and interpreter 2,593,137, dumping all of my registers, etc
23:30 < dtm> and what does such a command do?
23:30 < dtm> it is what makes the clouds appear?
23:32 <@Lightnin> now, expand that across all floating point math. The top 5 instructions resulted in 125,376,932 flips back and forth
23:32 <@Lightnin> the psq_l command simply loads 2 floating point values into a register
23:32 <@Lightnin> from memory
23:32 < dtm> hm.
23:32 <@Lightnin> and i hadnt even gotten any real info on the screen, i simply had 2 logos render and barely had the clouds start to render
23:34 < dtm> k
23:35 <@Lightnin> now you start to see why it is interesting that i'm outperforming dolphin yet havent finished?
23:35 < dtm> yeah.
23:35 < dtm> Lightnin: i can dig it, sir
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March 2nd, 2008, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
via vooks

With the announcement of the Freeloader for Wii, more questions have been raised about how exactly the disc will run, how firmware updates will be handled and more. Thanks to an email sent to Datel, more information has surfaced. According to the developers, when a foreign disc is inserted it disables the console from being able to update its firmware. What about future firmware updates? Datel believe that it won't have any effect, but we've emailed Datel ourselves to confirm. For artwork of the Freeloader box Check it out via Comments
Buy Wii Freeloader Here
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March 2nd, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Merlot14 of a new boxing game for the Nintendo DS (yeah i did say a homebrew version of boxing)
Hello. This is an early version of my game.
I created it to test the difference between touch screen and button control configurations.
It is kinda like a DDR game where the user is supposed to perform the various actions on the top screen in a given amount of time. There are 4 different actions one can perform with the stylus and also the 4 buttons map to each action.
Please leave any feedback and enjoy!
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March 2nd, 2008, 20:38 Posted By: madcat1990
Updating again... 
Note: since the renaming function was broken in the latest libfat (Chism, please fix this!) renaming folders will not be working...YET! but file renaming works...pitty I had to use a workaround :X
Another Note : I'm working on a recursive folder deleting method, doesn't work yet, but I'm working on it
Yet another note: This time I will release the program's source, if you have improvements, email me at madcat1990@gmail.com
and here's the changelog:
v0.13:- Better aligned filenames

- New icon
- changed the app's internal name
- Added a warning window in the top screen
- Added the rename button
- Rename now working (with a great help from the guys at GBadev) (But not with folders
- Copying now incorporated, BUT, I need feedback on how you guys want it to be :P
IFile v0.13
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March 2nd, 2008, 23:13 Posted By: JKKDARK
It's a Game Boy, game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance emulator for Windows.
The author Spacy said:
Hi there. I just happened to have some free time, so I started to code on the Qt build. I start to really like Qt, because it is easy to code and I get to see results fast AND the build system kicks ass!
Get the binary from http://vba-m.ngemu.com/vbam/vbaother.../vba_qt_358.7z
bout this build:
* Compiled with MSVC++ 2008 Express
* Static Qt build
* Static C/C++ runtimes
* OpenGL enabled
* German translation available (remove the "lang" folder in order to see the english interface)
Of course translations will be optional and selectable later on. The Qt translation system is really great and flexible, so it won't take long until VBA-M got a bunch of translations.
This build is just for demonstration purposes, no emulation at all yet.
By the way, I would be glad about feedback on whether the .pro makefile compiles without changes on Linux with GCC.
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March 2nd, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: JKKDARK
This is the last update that Spacy did to his Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance emulator for Windows.
I set my build system up, so that I have the original mingw-compatible .a Qt-libs for release and msvc-compatible .lib libs for debug. I wouldn't have thought this would actually work without conflicts. I wrote a small cmd-line script to compile the release builds with a double-click on a desktop-icon, while I develop&debug with Visual C++ 2008 Express.
I can really recommend this combination for Windows Qt developers ^^
I just added ROM file selection, basic validation & loading code to the Qt build.
I made changes to the rendering system.
It will now use either OpenGL or QPainter, depending on what is available.
The smart thing is that I can do everything with QPainter and Qt will translate it to OpenGL calls.
One issue in Qt is the timing. Even though I create a 60Hz timer, I only achieve about 40fps. But with idle time processing (timer interval 0) I get over 1000fps, so it should be possible to build something on top of that.
We'll also have to look into the Threading possibilities of our emulator.
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March 3rd, 2008, 02:49 Posted By: Mark30001

Many of you may have remembered the Wishtech Adaptoids, N64 controller to PC adapters, made years ago. They have been known for their rumble support and being the most compatible N64 controller to PC adapter. Ever since production ceased, they have re-sold up to $100+ on eBay. Amazingly these products have made a return and are being sold for $36.00 USD! Don't miss your chance on an excellent N64 to PC experience by visiting the ZTNet Store and reserving this product!
You can pre-order here:
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March 3rd, 2008, 03:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Scognito
Scogger is a simple puzzle game, released in occasion of the Annual drunkencoders christmas game coding competion.
The goal of the game is to make the frog jump over all the tree trunks.
This new release includes:
Compiled against latest libnds / palib
Graphic improvements
New input method! (NDS Motion) - Toggle with R trigger
New sound effects and background music - Toggle with L trigger
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Mastiff has revealed that its Major League Eating game will be a WiiWare launch title in the US.
The sausage-stuffing cake-crammer will let two of you smash as much food into your mouth as possible, using special abilities like burping and mustard gas to throw your opponent off.
WiiWare launches on 12th May in the US, but is yet to be given a date in Europe.
We expect the catalogue of downloadable games will be region-restricted, too, just like the Virtual Console. Which means we will have to hold our breath for this one.
"Major League Eaters aren't just elite athletes. They are the people who built America," Mastiff boss Bill Swartzat wants you to remember.
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom's head of US public relations Chris Kramer has stated that Capcom Entertainment and Capcom Europe will evaluate the possibility of RE0 Wii outside Japan if the title proves to be a success.
Posting on his Capcom community blog, Kramer stated: "Is it in production? Yep. Is it coming to Japan or Europe? Probably not. For various boring corporate reasons, Capcom Entertainment and Capcom Europe have both decided to take a pass on this particular Wii-make."
We told you that last week though. Kramer added, "We are watching the progress on the game, and if it ends up blowing up huge like RE4 Wii did, we'll evaluate the possibility of bringing it over here and flipping the lingo sos that y'all can read it."
Resident Evil 4 on Wii was released last year in June. By October, Capcom had shipped one million units worldwide. Will RE0 have the same impact.
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The Japanese site for the Wii Ware download service appears to have gone live, at least unofficially. Although not accessible from the Nintendo.co.jp front page, the Wii Ware information page can be viewed by browsing this direct link.
Unfortunately, the page doesn't provide any new information. It still lists the service as being planned to kick off at an unspecified point this month. It also lists eight games: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Star Soldier R, Mojipittan Wii, Pokemon Ranch, Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu, Maruboushikaku, Minna de Puzzloop, Bomberman, Okiraku Ping Pong Wii, Tenshi no Solitaire, and Joysound. All these were previously announced.
Most notably, the page doesn't list any pricing information for the games. Currently, only Crystal Chronicle's pricing has been announced as 1,500 Wii Points.
With the flood of downloadable titles set to start some time within the next four weeks, we expect all the specifics to come to light soon. Stay tuned!
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK is a range of Hello Kitty Pouches for Nintendo DS:

Officially licensed pouch
Suitable for the Nintendo DS Lite
Can protect your console from dusty and scratches
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who ship worldwide:

Bratz Babyz Super Heroz are here to save the day! Aliens have landed on Earth at the Stylesville Adventure Planet. One of their alien devices, the "Matter Exchanger," fell into the wrong hands and transformed the Babyz into Super Heroz! With their newfound Super Powers, the Babyz use their abilities to help the citizens of Stylesville and battle the evil invading aliens. Join the Super Heroz for a jammed packed action adventure that is out of this world!
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who ship worldwide:

Focusing on strengthening the right hemisphere of the brain by challenging the player's memory, concentration, reflexes, deduction and analytical abilities, Brain Assist features four nurses to choose from to act as guides and help players through the game. Each game increases in difficulty and demands that players think fast to truly maximise their memory's potential and response times. Players will then be put to the test again in the "Lightning Round" where the pace and difficulty of gameplay becomes even more challenging. Brain Assist takes full advantage of the Nintendo DS Touch Screen technology and allows for an addictive interactive gameplay experience in either two-player co-op mode or fast-paced competitions for up to four players via the Nintendo DS Wireless Connection.
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who ship worldwide:

A perfect re-creation of Bubble Bobble's frantic platforming gameplay, complete with all the secrets and fun that made the original such a classic. Compact levels are spread across the two DS screens, complete with charmingly detailed versions of the series' signature enemies. Rendered in keeping with the original's retro aesthetic, both the level layout and the characters fit the Bubble Bobble style perfectly. Bub and Bob are now joined by newcomer Bubu, as each shoot bubbles in different hues, and can be switched in the blink of an eye with a tap of a shoulder button. A new star bubble has also been introduced which allows the player to change the color of all enemies when burst, with an ability to choose the enemies' color by shooting the star bubble with the player's selected character.
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March 3rd, 2008, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who ship worldwide:

The hit Cartoon Network series, Naruto, comes to the portable 3-D fighting arena featuring impressive graphics, fast-paced action, and wireless multiplayer. Battle your way to the top with the #1 hyper-active, knucklehead ninja and all of his friends in this incredible 3-D fighter for the Nintendo DS
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March 3rd, 2008, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

BIG WILLY – A prototype Furon Mech masquerading as a fast food restaurant mascot - BIG WILLY can destroy tanks or buildings with his massive power, pop humans brains with ease or singe targets with his laser Eye Beams.
High Fidelity Destruction – Manipulate or destroy virtually anything in the world; on foot, in the air (UFO) or with your BIG WILLY, a giant Furon mech.
Open World Game play – Explore 5 open world game environments and play through a variety of story missions and side-missions, or destroy everything and anything in sight via open-world sandbox gameplay.
Multiplayer Modes – DAH! Big Willy Unleashed features all new multiplayer modes.
Control Crypto as he travels the world in the Funked Out 1970's, unleashing massive destruction on foot, in his UFO and, for the first time, in the Big Willy mech. As the storyline prequel to Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon, Destroy All Humans!® Big Willy Unleashed™ takes players around the world, lampooning hallmarks of the funkiest decade—the '70's. Take on humans and other enemies with a devastating arsenal of weapons and mental abilities—or take to the sky in your UFO to unleash massive destruction from above. Freely demolish 5 invasion sites as you take on over 30 story missions and 30 sandbox missions through three modes of play—Crypto, UFO, and BIG WILLY Mech.
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March 3rd, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Four fun-filled modes. Arcade, Tournament, Practice and Nature Trip modes.
15 stages. Find your favorite fishing spot in seven brand new stages created exclusively for the Wii, or re-live your glory fishing days in four classic arcade and four Dreamcast stages.
Four types of bass. Hook four breeds of bass: Florida Large Mouth, Red Eye, Small Mouth and Northern Spike Large Mouth.
Reinvention of a classic. This classic title first made a splash in the arcades and now the gameplay and graphics have been updated for the Wii.
Authentic simulated fishing experience. New features have been created to take full advantage of the Wii Remote, including driving the boat with the control stick and reeling in your fish with the motion sensor.
Variable conditions. A variety of seasonal conditions can vastly effect your fishing trip, with seasons, time of day and weather all playing a part.
The sun is out, the fish are biting and your tackle box is filled with 20 different types of lures. With content created exclusively for the Wii, you'll motor out, find your favorite fishing hole, cast off using the Wii Remote™ and snag one of four types of bass. When you hook a fighter, your motion sensor will let you know, so hang on and enjoy the ride!
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March 3rd, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Develop an unbreakable bond with two baby tigers as you feed, clean, play and even cuddle with them.
What’s your tiger’s favorite food? Find out what makes them the happiest and you’ll be rewarded.
Better brushes and toys lead to happier animals, which help them when it comes time to perform for an audience.
Please the crowds in dazzling shows and use the money you earn to buy food, brushes and toys to better care for your tigers.
Gain experience as a trainer and tour the world to help train all kinds of animals, including tigers, bears, elephants and dogs. • Keep distractions to a minimum -- help your animals focus on their tricks for crowd-pleasing performances
Enter a thrilling game where you care for magnificent tigers and other wild animals, and step into new adventures. You’ll be rewarded for training and raising endangered species, both at home and around the world, in Petz Wild Animals Tigerz.
Play as Enzo and Ana, inexperienced animal trainers who are given two endangered baby tigers. Can you keep the tigers healthy and happy while saving the family training business from bankruptcy? Pull it off and you might find yourself flying around the world to help trainers with their star animals!
But that’s not all -- you’ll create your own endangered animal reserve, perform in dazzling shows and more.
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March 3rd, 2008, 17:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has thrown up a game page for the imminent Lost in Blue 3 on DS, including some screens that look just like you'd expect them to.
The page also includes a few pieces of information on the title, including a bullet pointed claim of an adjusted game balance that lets players spend an equal amount of time between survival and having fun.
This marks a change in direction for the series. In NGamer's review for Lost in Blue 2, it said that "the only way this could be any more demanding would be by having us tap the shoulder buttons to keep the characters' hearts beating. Is this anyone's idea of a good time?" It seems Konami has listened.
Other features include:- Guide one of four playable characters, each with their own unique strengths and talents that will impact how you explore the island.
- Each character's past gradually unfolds throughout the adventure in several "flashback" episodes; revealed lost memories may provide clues to help them escape the island.
- Take a departure from the harshness of island living and enjoy over 20 mini-games such as river rafting, engineering, and communicating with dolphins!
No word on a release date for a European release, but the game is tapped to hit the US sometime in March.
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March 3rd, 2008, 17:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nintendo has dismissed rumours that Disaster: Day of Crisis will be released in Europe on May 30, telling CVG that the information is "purely speculation."
Last month, website Nintendic reported that the title would be available for 49.99 Euro / £39.99, quoting a source from a German retailer who's apparently accurately named the dates for Advanced Wars: Dark Conflict and Fire Emblem: Radian Dawn.
But according to Nintendo though, that date has no basis in reality. Which is a shame, as the game looks to be one of the more promising Wii titles for release this year.
To take a look for yourself, check out our game information page.
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March 3rd, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
From the homepage:
CycloDS Evolution Firmware v1.3 FINAL has been released and is available for download from the support page. Changes in this release include:
RealTime Save feature added, allowing you to save and resume game play at any time!
Fixed numerous compatibility issues
Improved overall reliability
NDS file extensions are no longer displayed in the GUI
Added the ability to exit the in-game menu by pressing the B button
Revised controls for the settings menu: A/RIGHT cycle item forwards, Y/LEFT cycle item backwards
SlowMotion is now shown as a percentage rather than an arbitrary number
Fixed homebrew that use DLDI on ARM7 (DSVideo)
Download Here
Buy CycloDS Evolution White/ CycloDS Evolution Black.
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March 3rd, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has released what is basically a test version of his Gameboy Colour emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres the release info:
Sound is garbled, and you must reset the game before any sound appears
I couldn't get Libfat working without reading lots of corrupt data, so this only has "Drymouth" embedded inside the emulator.
I haven't integrated the changes made to the newest builds of Goomba color.
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March 3rd, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from qw3rky:
For the past few weeks I've been working on a Scheme implementation for the DS. It's called DualScheme.
Here's the description from the readme:
DualScheme is a halfway compliant implementation of Scheme for the DS. It includes most of the basic features of the Scheme language. It provides a REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) that shows evaluation results on the top screen, and uses the bottom screen as a virtual keyboard. It does not implement continuations, macros, tail-call optimization, garbage collection, or error handling, and it leaves out a few syntax shortcuts, but other than that, DualScheme allows you to program on the go in the Scheme language!
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March 3rd, 2008, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
nitro2k01 has made a new forum for Development for the original Gameboy, heres his news:
Hello and welcome to the Gameboy Development Forum. This is a forum dedicated to discussions about game and software development for the old-school Gameboy models, the so called GB-Z80 models. This includes the original Gameboy (DMG), Gameboy Pocket, Super Gameboy and Gameboy Color. I've been thinking about starting a forum like this for a while, but never got about doing it until the question was raised over at 8bc.
There are some discussion boards and mailing lists on the topic, but my impression is that they are all pretty dead. I believe that those who engaged in GB development a couple of years ago have moved along in life. My hope is rather to spark some new interest to the scene. I don't think this is unrealistic since I think there might be some new born interest because of the chip music revolution that has taken place the last 10 years or so.
Since this forum was created in 2008 it won't lack moderation, at least for a few years. So do register if you're interested in Gameboy software development.
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March 3rd, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Neoflash just posted this warning on their site:
Warning! DON'T run the old upgrade program IF your MK5 menu is 1.45 version already!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4889.0.html
If you try to run the OLD upgrade rom (like the OLD 1.23x series), will make your MK5 v1.45 crash immediately, the only one way to fix it is --- you have to try to find the MK5 GBA USB linker to compelte this upgrade process!
It's no way to format it on PC through your MK5 USB loader 2008, and we will try to make this program but it's not easy really and will take a long time.
If you have run the OLD upgrade program already and can't use your MK5 again because you can't find the GBA USB linker, but you don't want to wait our new upgrade fix program ready, you can choose to send back it to your shop for ask they finish this old menu upgrade for you, or exchange a new mk5 directly.
Warn again: DON'T TRY IT!
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March 4th, 2008, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
Narrowly avoiding the obvious and overused pun, Namco Bandai has announced intentions to bring its Japanese Wii title Family Ski over to North America as We Ski. Like the Japanese version, We Ski will be fully compatible with the Wii Balance Board, allowing players to shimmy and slalom their way down the virtual mountains.
We Ski matches Nintendo's family-friendly aesthetic with cutesy customizable characters, and the option to import your Mii's and let them join in on all the snowy action. In addition to the standard ski modes, the game also includes free-style and photography modes, and allows up to four players to ski free on over a dozen courses.
With the title announced for a spring 2008 release, and the Wii Balance Board making its way to North America on May 19, We Ski will undoubtedly become the unofficial companion game to the Wii Fit package, as the first third-party software to support the peripheral.
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March 4th, 2008, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Keeping expectations in check is the key to having a wholly satisfying life, so we probably shouldn't have grown accustomed to the three-game cornucopia that once characterized Nintendo's weekly Virtual Console release schedule. Now that the standard has dropped to two-per-week and, occasionally (as today), one solitary game, we can't help but pine for the old days a bit. But it's our fault, really, for getting our nostalgia-fueled hopes up in the first place. This week's sole release is barely worth a bulleted list, but we'll use one anyway to describe:
Super Turrican (Super NES, 1 player 800 Wii Shop Points) - Developed by Factor 5 (of Rogue Squadron fame), the 1993 side-scrolling, run-and-gun sequel to 1990's Turrican has a decidedly old-school, Contra vibe to it. Those who want to get a feel for the gameplay without shelling out the Wii Shop Points should check out Hurrican, a more-than-satisfactory freeware clone.
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March 4th, 2008, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster

In what must be the laziest mod ever created by man, Instructables has posted a 7-step process on how to make your Nintendo DS into a notepad ripe for penciling notes. How they got to 7 steps we're not quite sure, since all you do is cover the case in Scotch Magic Tape. From there, you can safely write on the surface and even erase and start over.
To us, it seems like a simple, non-committal way to decorate the handheld however you'd like. In other words, the first person to scribble "the cake is a lie" all over their DS will rule the internet for precisely 2 minutes and 5 seconds. Pointing fish also come highly recommended.
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March 4th, 2008, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MorganDS:
I've made some more progress on graphDS. Now there's an easier-to-use keyboard and it can even graph equations. Riemann sums and integration have their own keys, but the syntax is still the same as before.
Integrate: int(expression, left limit, right limit)
Middle Riemann Sum: RM(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)
Left Riemann Sum: RL(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)
Right Riemann Sum: RR(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)
So here's v0.1...
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March 4th, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from kkamagui2000
Hey Guys, I'm back again.
This time I introduce new version of notepad.
This version has new functions.
1. TXT Save : Push "A" Button, then save txt file. ex) DATA + Page Index + .txt
2. Page Count : About 40 page
3. Soft Reset : Push "Select" Button, then go to firmware menu.
You can download from http://kkamagui.tistory.com/410
Thank you
ps) You need dldi patch. Please don't forget it.
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March 4th, 2008, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
Interesting take on the Wii Scene from the BBC
Bill Thompson looks at ways hackers are opening up the Wii for uses never intended by Nintendo
The Nintendo Wii is an astonishing computer, the console for people who don't play games, nestling next to the TV like a family pet and encouraging those who would normally sneer at a PlayStation to wave their arms around in order to play virtual tennis.
The Wii remote has a lot to do with its success, of course.
This motion detecting wireless handheld controller gives players a far more direct sense of engagement with the game than the buttons, pads and triggers of traditional consoles, and accounts for much of the Wii's success as a family gaming platform.
Like other games systems the Wii is as far from an open platform as you can imagine.
Games cost a lot of money to develop, and Nintendo has worked hard to make it difficult to get inside the Wii for fear that easy access would allow games to be copied and distributed.
As a result you can only play licensed games, run licensed programs and do the things that Nintendo thinks you ought to, even though you've paid good money for the hardware.
As you might expect, this has not deterred bands of gifted programmers and engineers around the world from working hard to find and exploit the holes in the Wii's setup that could allow access to its inner workings.
Remote uses
Wii remote that can do the vacuuming?
The Wii remote is just a clever Bluetooth device at heart, so it has proved to be an easy target.
It can already be used to control a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, and the delightfully named 'DarwiinRemote' team lets your Wiimote act as remote control for Macintosh computers - the name is a pun on Darwin, one of the main components of Mac OS X.
Other members of the homebrew community, whose name comes from those who prefer to make beer at home instead of settle for industrially-manufactured stuff, have had a lot of success with the Wii itself, just as other groups have managed to open up the Xbox and PlayStation.
According to the technology site Slashdot there is now an MP3 player, a way to convert and play GameCube game files and even a port of GNU/Linux that runs on the Wii.
The developers involved, true hackers who want to know how things work and exploit the capabilities of the hardware to the full, are not aiming to pirate Super Mario Galaxy or Jenga.
They are driven by a desire to overcome the limits put in place by the manufacturer so that they can, for example, run games from older Nintendo consoles on the new platform or even write their own.
Why have a GameCube and a Wii in the living room when the Wii can do it all?
And why have a powerful games system that won't let you write and run your own games?
Getting it all to work can be complicated, of course.
There are hardware modifications that involve soldering 'mod chips' onto the main circuit board, or a neat trick that uses a coding error in specific pressings of 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'.
And there is always a danger that Nintendo, caring more about potential games copying than the desires of their customers, will block these holes and prosecute the providers of mod chips as Sony and Microsoft have done in the past.
But this is unlikely to deter them.
Cat and mouse
The pressure is on for the developers and manufacturers of hardware to open it up for others to use creatively
Bill Thompson
The desire to open up the case and remove what are seen as arbitrary and capricious limitations on the way our computers operate is not limited to games consoles, of course.
It is estimated that around one third of all the iPhones sold by Apple have been unlocked so that they can run on any phone network, and the pressure to allow application developers to program the device has forced Apple to release a software developers kit.
All around the pressure is on for the developers and manufacturers of hardware to open it up for others to use creatively, instead of simply providing a set of authorised functions and expecting customers to be happy with what they are offered.
Doing this carries risks, of course, and not just the unlicensed copying of games that worries the console makers. Security flaws could be uncovered, causing problems for online services or even the back-end servers that support online games communities.
But those risks exist anyway, as we can see in the success that the hackers have had in opening up every single platform out there. Surely it would be better to admit that there will always be a way in?
Much as I admire the skills, effort and sheer brilliance that has gone into finding ways to hack the Wii, the iPhone and the Xbox I can't help thinking that there are better ways for us all to spend our time than a game of cat and mouse between the talented hackers who work for Apple, Microsoft and Nintendo and the talented hackers who buy their products.
Just think what brilliant software we'd have for the Wii by now if Nintendo had said: "here's a games console. And here are the hardware schematics - go play!"
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March 4th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Ghost has released a new version of his very handy DPG conversion software application for the Nintendo DS. DPG are the most commonly used video formats around and is your best bet if you want to watch movies on your portable video gaming console.
What's New?
* Added Context menu at job list
* Fixed wierd bug when clicking job list
* Better file Drag&Drop speed
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March 4th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
American readers will have to wait a little bit longer to show off their artistic leanings in Okami, as developer Capcom has told Gamespot that the title has been delayed by three weeks to April 15.
Capcom gave no explanation as to why the title was put back, but fingers are being pointed at developer Ready at War, who's devoting its resources to the PSP's God of War: Chains of Olympus, due this week in the US.
We're more concerned with why there's still no release date for Europe. Three weeks is nothing when compared to a date that's nonexistent.
To compensate readers of both American and European ancestry, we recommend looking at the Okami artwork Capcom released yesterday. It's a small consolation, but at least it's something.
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March 4th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square Enix has kindly sent us over a brand new trailer for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, perhaps in order to apologise for making us type that lengthy name out.
The trailer gives hints at how the 3D world and levels will play, with a definite concentration on puzzle-solving.
If you limited yourself to a quick glance, you'd be forgiven for thinking this has more in common with Link than the Final Fantasy series.
For those who haven't been following the title, it's released in the UK on March 21. If you like the look of the trailer, check out our game page, where NGamer awarded it a solid 81 percent in its review.
Trailer here
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March 4th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GameZone
SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer™ on Nintendo DS™ has shipped to retailers in North America. From Chun Soft, the creators of Pokemon® Mystery Dungeon, comes a handheld role-playing game starring a fearless hero named Shiren the Wanderer and his trusty weasel companion, Koppa.
On a quest for the legendary Lair of the Golden Condor, thought to grant one wish to the person who finds it, players venture through treacherous lands and discover the mystery surrounding this mythical realm. Many warriors have set out on this grand adventure but none have survived the perilous journey through deep caverns, vast forests and dangerous mountain passes. The path is filled with ferocious monsters, hidden traps and thieves that Shiren and Koppa must battle through and survive in order to reach their goal and claim their prize.
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer features a turn-based control scheme and inventory system that harkens to the days of classic role-playing games. This epic adventure will challenge gamers with limitless randomly generated dungeons, advanced tactics to use and puzzles to solve. With new areas to explore, updated graphics and sounds and a new tutorial mode, this dungeon adventure will thrill players with countless hours of gameplay.
A special new feature in the game is the ability to call for online help via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection when players find themselves in peril. If another player is in the area, they have the option to assist the player in trouble and if they prove to be successful, they will be awarded with a special item.
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March 4th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS/GBA and also the PSP, heres whats new:

Much thanks go to Marvin Sanchez who has ported POWDER to the PSP so you don't need to run the GBA version inside an emulator any more. This initial release is still Alpha - I don't have a PSP to check directly with, so any problems are thanks to my meddling, not Marvin.
A large assortment of polish issues and minor bug fixes. The biggest change will be for GBA users that now have a way to enter their name that doesn't require a few days of research to understand.
* Fixed the word-wrap code so you will not see commas at the start of new lines. (Elias Erkamo)
* When you die the inventory cursor is reset to the first item so new games will see it in a reasonable starting location. (Colin Pritchard)
* When ><0|V| polymorphs your equipped weapon, no longer destroy the weapon if it is polymorph resistant (ie, artifact, unchanging, quest item) (sparrowhawc)
* Gifted items now appear BY your feet, rather than skipping the preposition. (Michael Brough)
* Stoned characters no longer report a depth of 255 in the character dump. (Michael Brough)
* When charging a stack of items, the new charges are split among the items in the stack, meaning there is no longer a significant advantage to charging a stack versus individual items.
* KnownItems in the Option menu will give you a list of everything you have identified this game, similar to \ in Nethack. (conkstah)
* Can no longer swap places when either part is submerged or in a pit (Irashtar)
* "Prove your worth in my combat arena!" now has sufficient prepositions. (Michael Brough)
* "Suits of plate" rather than "Suites of plate". (Zach Firth)
* A wand of dig will make a pit in undiggable levels. (Zach Firth)
* A bit of spell rebalancing. Sticky flames increased to 10 MP to better reflect its utility. Sunfire significantly boosted as it is supposed to be more overpowered. Create Pit's cost reduced a bit making it a comparable root attack to force bolt.
* New spell, Flash, that takes Sticky Flame's spot in the spell pre-req chain. (Irashtar)
* Character dumps to .TXT files have line wrap set to 72 columns rather than 30 so posts of winning characters will be better formated.
* The input line now has a cursor showing where you are currently typing.
* A sad day indeed! The nifty mini-game to enter your name on the GBA has been removed in favour of a mundane and boring on screen keyboard! (Zappa Penguin)
* Text input area has been doubled in size to make it easier to type your name without precision stylus placement. (David Hong, Zappa Penguin)
* A cursor has been added to the text input to make it clear when space is hit.
* Your health and mana is now colour coded if it is not at maximum. Yes, David, I have already added a note that some people may want an option to disable this.
* Successfully compiled on a 64bit Linux machine, so hopefully all of my evil pointer casts have been dealt with.
* Throwing a -2 mithril chainmail in the air will no longer heal you.
* Belweir's library now also has scrolls. (Brog)
* Adjusted inventory wrapping again. Horizontal movement will only move which column you are in and no longer adjust your row. Vertical movement will stay inside the equipped item list if you start there, otherwise loop over all of your unequiped items. This better matches the logical separation of these two lists. (Irashtar)
* Finger of Death description adds some text to clarify it is a ray spell and accidents occur due to reflections. (Irashtar)
* Flails wildly replaced by Completely misses which is a bit less confusing about the origin of the text. (Irashtar)
* I normally document every small grammar fix that occurs, but then someone gives me a few pages of corrections. Numerous fixes thanks to R. Dan Henry.
* SDL port to the PSP. (Marvin Sanchez)
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March 4th, 2008, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster

For Wii owners not located in Japan, get ready to weep. Why? Because users in the aforementioned nation now have access to an incredibly fascinating new channel and you, well, don't. Details on the TV Guide Channel are still a bit fuzzy (read: lost in machine translation), but based on what we've pieced together, users can surf through shows on the EPG, share their favorites with friends, see how popular a program is (using demographic data, too) and even receive an e-mail / SMS alert 30 minutes prior to a flagged show's start time. Best of all, however, is the ability to use your Wiimote as a television remote. You heard right -- owners can use their Wii controller (via the sensor bar) to dictate volume, switch channels and flip back and forth between their shows and the TV Guide Channel. Now, how long must the rest of the free world wait?
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March 4th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Welcome to my dojo. You have come to learn the way of the Martial Arts. If your heart and mind are open, I will pass these lessons on to you. Here, you will learn to move like the tiger and strike like the dragon! See if you have what it takes to become a Ninja!
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March 4th, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Welcome to my dojo. You have come to learn the way of the Martial Arts. If your heart and mind are open, I will pass these lessons on to you. Here, you will learn to move like the tiger and strike like the dragon! See if you have what it takes to become a Ninja!
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March 5th, 2008, 19:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has been poked and prodded by the folks at Akayuki.com, revealing a game that's been rumored since the middle of last year, Disgaea for the Nintendo DS. According to the translator the game is titled Disgaea DS: Prince...and that's all we've got.
Simply an announcement that the game exists. No screens, no interesting tidbits, and no telling if the prince in question is Laharl or the aging pop sensation. I'm sure that most Disgaea fans are with me when I say that just knowing it's coming is enough...for now.
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March 5th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Capcom has revealed that Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles has shipped over one million units worldwide.
The title is the second game from Capcom to reach the milestone, following Resident Evil 4 for the Wii reaching the mark last October.
The Umbrella Chronicles was the first Resident Evil game created specifically for the Wii. The entire Resident Evil series has now sold over 34.5 million units worldwide, as of February 29, 2008.
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March 5th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Australian Office of Film & Literature Classification has recently rated Sega's Master System platformer Wonder Boy, leading to speculation that the game is on its way to the Australian virtual console.
Originally released in 1986, Wonder Boy first graced the arcades before being ported over to the Game Gear and Master System. The versions are basically identical, except for slightly reduced graphics in the ports.
Last week, Fist of the North Star became the first title from the Master System to be release on the Virtual Console, available at 600 Wii Points.
We've dropped Nintendo Europe a line enquiring into any Master System Virtual Console releases in Europe, but it has yet to respond as of the time of writing.
Virtual Console releases come out every Friday, so cross your fingers.
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March 5th, 2008, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We've known for a while that Mario Kart Wii would support twelve-player online races, but given Nintendo's less-than-stellar online record, we were a little worried about how smooth the online experience would be. Well, we're a little less worried now that the Nintendo UK web site has revealed some details of how online racing on the Wii will work. Among the details discussed:- Spectator mode - When you join a room in progress, you can watch the race unfold while waiting for a new one to start.
- Global friend view - Lets you view your friends' locations and online status.
- Room structure - Host chooses race type, but player votes determine course selection.
The site also revealed a dedicated Mario Kart Wii channel, which can be run independently of the disc-version of the game. The channel lets players view global rankings, share and download ghost data, and download daily missions (similar to those found in Mario Kart DS). Can we suggest a mission dedicated to arranging dropped banana peels into jaunty patterns? That would be awesome.
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March 5th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Activision has listened to the cries of the community by releasing a Guitar Hero III Double Pack for Wii, which comes with two guitars in the box.
Initial packs only came with a single guitar, forcing those wanting to jam with a partner by their side to go on a hunt for rare-as-gold-dust standalone guitars (we've never seen one in shops).
But the new Double Pack will pack two of the controls in with a single copy of the game (in a box the size of your house), reports Gameplayer. Although the packs being shipped to US stores as we speak, Activision is yet to confirm a price, although it's expected to cost around $200.
A UK release has also gone unannounced, and this release only seems to apply to Wii - not 360 or PS3. But we'll be on to Activision about all of this later this morning. Don't even worry.
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March 5th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sega has announced that its Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games title has sold five million copies worldwide in just over three months.
The game brought together the popular videogame icons for the first time.
"With adored icons and fun game play, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games has shot to the top of the sales charts and is clearly resonating with the growing audience of casual gamers that want an engaging and accessible gaming experience," said Simon Jeffery, president and COO, Sega of America.
The game was developed by Sega, with creative input and approvals from Nintendo, for the Wii and DS systems. Sega published the title across Europe and North America; Nintendo published the title in Japan.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was one of the Top Ten best-selling games in the US in December according to NPD Group data. The game has topped the charts in the UK for several weeks, and has been at or near the top of the charts in other European countries such as Spain and Germany.
The title was licensed through a worldwide partnership with International Sports Multimedia -the exclusive Interactive Entertainment Software licensee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
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March 5th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've had our eyes on De Blob for some time - despite it's totally rubbish title; it looks like one of the Wii's quirkiest and innovative titles this year, and the sort of bonker gameplay you'd expect from those crazy people at Capcom who made Katamari Damacy.
In it, you play as a blob who has to return life to a world that has been turned grey by rolling around, spreading paint as you go and giving the world colour. You bounce athletically from building to building in sprawling urban environments like some sort of free-running Pokemon.
We know, it makes no sense, but that's why we like it. And that's why we've got 13 more screens for your eyes. Hit the thumbs below.
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March 5th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Relavak Labs:
PinHockey for the Nintendo DS has been updated:
Added Dual Screen field with moving paddles and various options
Added Booster and Spin Booster obstacles
Added “Win At” options
Added one puck/two puck option
Updated underlying Box2D library to version 2.
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March 5th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from theoxylo
Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce Rainbow Sprite Wars for the NDS. a 2D sprite-based shooter. The game is still very early, but I think it's to the point where it's at least fun to play for a few minutes (hopefully). Still lots and lots of stuff to do... I'm going for some kind of an AI sandbox with tactical assault overtones!  ) Any feedback is appreciated.
Thanks to devkitPro, libnds, no$gba, dev-scene.com, gbadev.org, and everybody who makes NDS homebrew possible!
New (3/3/08):
* fewer enemies (2 + 2 + 16)
* larger turning radius for player (can't reverse on a dime anymore, so watch out!)
* drag-shooting: hold L or R and drag to shoot; release and drag to drive
* Drag to move
* Tap to shoot
* L to reset game after player collision (lose)
* Start to pause (repeat to step through player collision)
* Y to show score and debug console
* R to swap screens
To do:
* sprite-based HUD/map subscreen
* driving/strafe controls on d-pad (e.g., down to stop)
* new agent sprites and behaviors
* multi-frame (animated) sprites
* walls/obstacles/interactive bg
* aim/slow-mo mode? (e.g., hold L to shoot)
* wi-fi deathmatch?  )
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March 5th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from LoneWolfDS Site:
This project has begun as a way to learn how to program on the Nintendo DS. After seeing how the DS was used vertically as a book by some famous games, I thought it would be really cool to have some old gamebooks converted on this system.
Unfortunately, due to copyright issues, it was not really easy to find good contents to use as a working base. Then I found the Project Aon site, which offered many books from the award-winning Lone Wolf series, fully converted to HTML by some loving fans.
For those who didn't know about Gamebooks, they were novels which had a nice success during the 80's, and which were allowing the readers to choose their own path by jumping from one numbered section to another, in a fun and interactive way. They were introducing the concepts of inventory, enemies fights, random dice results, and other nice ideas which were the precursors of what we find today in role playing video games.
The philosophy behind the port of the Lone Wolf books to the DS is to let the console handle all the rules related to combats, stats and so on, so the player can be really immersed in the story and doesn't need to bother with the gameplay elements.
For now, only the first volume of the series, called "Flight From The Dark", is available. If people show enough interest in this first book, other volumes will be ported too. So if you find a bug, have a suggestion, or simply want to contact me, please feel free to write to lonewolfds<at>free.fr (replace the "<at>" by the "@" symbol). Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
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March 5th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from the GCLinux Site
We have added support for the powerpc arch branch in our Linux kernel patches, in addition to the ppc branch. The latter will be removed soon from the Linux kernel, so this was a move for the future. The changes are available through the cvs service ( http://gc-linux.cvs.sourceforge.net/gc-linux/linux). If you want to quick-test them on a Nintendo Wii, we have released version 0.2 of the wii-linux Proof of Concept ( http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gc-...PoC-0.2.tar.gz). This time classic pads and audio are enabled and you can use up to 52MB of MEM2 as a block device. On the EXI front, support for SD cards with blocks greater than 512 bytes has been fixed and it seems that the Nintendo Wii doesn't suffer from the EXI leaking read bug^H^H^Hfeature... Who wanted SD card EXI DMA reads?
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March 5th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Jesse has posted a new release of his AudioGame player for multiple platforms:
New version released:
* Scans the AudioGames/ directory for game-books, and gives a choice on which to load.
* Detailed the .gamebook file specifications at http://www.collectingsmiles.com/wiki...specifications
* Integrated information on how to play the games.
* Better error messages if files are missing.
* Removed crashes due to memory fragmentation.
* Removed .xml format in favor for plain-text.
Flight From The Dark fixes:
* Fixed numerous game-logic flaws and lockups
* Echoes your Combat Skill whenever it has changed
* Echoes your amount of Gold whenever it has changed
I'm seem to have more problems where the sound-engine shuts down when you boot the game. But since it's not that often and it doesn't affect the game-experience I haven't bothered to track it down. If you have no audio when you start the game, just reboot.
Download --> http://www.collectingsmiles.com/hyena
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March 5th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: madcat1990
*huff**puff* I'm-a Tired!
Anyways, I managed to update again! =)
here's the usual changelog:- Fixed the typo (Folrder xD) (thanks to Josiah for telling me about this)
- Canceling renaming was broken, now fixed (Thanks to Gh0st for telling me this)
- Raised the number of files permited to show to 600 (Hope that's enough -.-'')
- Added check for deleting folders( if something goes wrong he'll warn you!)
- Fixed a bug that ocurred when entering the first folder in the card's root!
- iFile now says happy birthday
(When the right time comes of course XD)
- Source now under GPL License v3
- Can now create folders!
(may be buggy)
- By Pressing "A" when keyboard on screen, it's the same as pressing enter
- Added check for successfull folder creation
- Now supports multi extension files (ie: this.file.is.a.jpg is now identified as an image =D)
- Fixed an extension bug (case is now ignored when checking file extensions)
I have received emails with people asking me to :- Make wifi transfer from 2 DSes
- Make iFile use Slot-2 cartridges
But for those, I'd need another DS and a Slot2 Cartridge
I'm sorry, but I don't have the money, if you want me to do it
Email me and I'll give you my paypal account for donations 
iFile v0.15
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March 6th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: JKKDARK
New release of the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
*Screen is 2x larger
*Frameskip abilities
*Able to set emulator priorities
*Filter Abilities
*Ability to rotate screen
This is NOT the emulator itself: you need to copy and paste the files into the No$GBA folder, and then use the .exe contained to start No$GBA 2.6x. You can still use the original execution file to use the original version of No$GBA.
This No$GBA add-on is ONLY compatable with No$GBA 2.6 and 2.6a.
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March 6th, 2008, 00:55 Posted By: JKKDARK
New release of the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
*Screen is 2x larger
*Frameskip abilities
*Able to set emulator priorities
*Filter Abilities
*Ability to rotate screen
This is NOT the emulator itself: you need to copy and paste the files into the No$GBA folder, and then use the .exe contained to start No$GBA 2.6x. You can still use the original execution file to use the original version of No$GBA.
This No$GBA add-on is ONLY compatable with No$GBA 2.6 and 2.6a.
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March 6th, 2008, 03:58 Posted By: TeenDev
New release from TeenDev:
Here's the latest version of FCOS S1E. Its now version 2.0 with new features, and all previous bugs and quirks fixed. Here's whats new and fixed:
* Now uses iFile as the file browser (Thanks madcat1990!)
* Fixed GBA booting bug
* Changed the interface to look more like the R4 menu
* Change moonshell booting to boot /fshl/mediaplay.bin (Read readme.txt for more info)
* Cleaned up the code and made it more stable.
* Updated to r21 (R4 native skins will be avalible with having to convert them to .gif soon!)
* I guess I'm done for the Slot-1 version! Onto you GBAMP users!
EDIT: THe official link was never down, it just didn't have a MIME type assigned to it.
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March 6th, 2008, 12:26 Posted By: DesertDog
My latest DS homebrew game is a port/remake of the demo of Snatcher, an early adventure game created by Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid).
Here's a screenshot:

Tested and runs perfectly using an R4, and runs in DS emulators with a few sound issues.
Download and more information:
- Desert Dog / Multiple:Option
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March 6th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster

Call us crazy (or just packrats, whatever), but we can't just toss a dead gadget in good conscience. Apparently, neither can Josh Burker, who decided to convert a busted Game Boy into a beautiful piece of vintage art. Similar to the playable Paper Mario game we spotted about this time last month, Mr. Burker used his papercraft skills to whip up a familiar scene of Super Mario Bros. and mount it within the space where the display used to reside. Gunpei Yokoi would be so proud.
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March 6th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has inked a deal with Majesco to bring 12 Wii, DS and PSP titles to Europe, as it targets the family-orientated market.
The partnership will see eight titles released this year, including Cake Mania for Wii and Toy Shop for the DS, and another four games scheduled for 2009.
"Majesco was looking for a pan-European partner who shares our belief in the strength, quality and depth of our product portfolio whilst contributing measurably to the energy, focus, talent and distribution breadth required to maximise their potential across the PAL territories," commented Jason Dutton, MD of Majesco Entertainment International.
US publisher Majesco has experienced a turnaround over the past twelve months, with a new strategy to focus on the casual market seeing the publisher reduce its operating losses by 84 per cent in 2007.
"We are delighted that a publisher of Codemasters’ heritage and quality shares our perspective and we look forward to working with them in 2008 and beyond," added Sutton.
Codemasters has a portfolio of strong brands including Colin McRae, Race Driver and Operation Flashpoint, and this Majesco deal sees the UK publisher add titles aimed at the more casual market to its offering.
"Codemasters has a dynamic network of established European offices and distribution bases that will extend Majesco’s product reach through PAL territories," said Tony Williams, chief operating officer of Codemasters.
"This will be a very positive partnership given that Majesco has an exciting and diverse range of original and established titles that complements our European portfolio."
Titles confirmed for distribution are Nanostray 2, Toy Shop, Cake Mania 2 and Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Clue Bender Society for DS, Wild Earth: African Safari, Our House and Cake Mania for Wii and Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship for the PSP.
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March 6th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has inked a deal with Majesco to bring 12 Wii, DS and PSP titles to Europe, as it targets the family-orientated market.
The partnership will see eight titles released this year, including Cake Mania for Wii and Toy Shop for the DS, and another four games scheduled for 2009.
"Majesco was looking for a pan-European partner who shares our belief in the strength, quality and depth of our product portfolio whilst contributing measurably to the energy, focus, talent and distribution breadth required to maximise their potential across the PAL territories," commented Jason Dutton, MD of Majesco Entertainment International.
US publisher Majesco has experienced a turnaround over the past twelve months, with a new strategy to focus on the casual market seeing the publisher reduce its operating losses by 84 per cent in 2007.
"We are delighted that a publisher of Codemasters’ heritage and quality shares our perspective and we look forward to working with them in 2008 and beyond," added Sutton.
Codemasters has a portfolio of strong brands including Colin McRae, Race Driver and Operation Flashpoint, and this Majesco deal sees the UK publisher add titles aimed at the more casual market to its offering.
"Codemasters has a dynamic network of established European offices and distribution bases that will extend Majesco’s product reach through PAL territories," said Tony Williams, chief operating officer of Codemasters.
"This will be a very positive partnership given that Majesco has an exciting and diverse range of original and established titles that complements our European portfolio."
Titles confirmed for distribution are Nanostray 2, Toy Shop, Cake Mania 2 and Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Clue Bender Society for DS, Wild Earth: African Safari, Our House and Cake Mania for Wii and Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship for the PSP.
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March 6th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Gimme a T! Gimme an H! Gimme a Q! What's that spell? The publisher of the world's first competitive cheerleading game! Gooooo THQ! Yaaaaaaay!
Come on everybody, join in! All Star Cheer Squad is its name, Wii and DS will get the game! DS players scribble hard, Wii owners use the Balance Board! Squad face-offs and one-on-one, Remote and Nunchuk join the fun! Choreographed by Tony G. -- he did that Bring it On movie!
No release date in just yet, bet you'll wait with baited breath! Gooooo Cheer Squad! Whoooooo!
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March 6th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Gimme a T! Gimme an H! Gimme a Q! What's that spell? The publisher of the world's first competitive cheerleading game! Gooooo THQ! Yaaaaaaay!
Come on everybody, join in! All Star Cheer Squad is its name, Wii and DS will get the game! DS players scribble hard, Wii owners use the Balance Board! Squad face-offs and one-on-one, Remote and Nunchuk join the fun! Choreographed by Tony G. -- he did that Bring it On movie!
No release date in just yet, bet you'll wait with baited breath! Gooooo Cheer Squad! Whoooooo!
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March 6th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster

With Super Smash Brothers Brawl about to hit store shelves here in North America, it's time to turn our Nintendo-related obsessions to another game: Mario Kart Wii. Hopefully we won't be getting some sort of Kart Dojo, like the Garage or some such, because I just don't have time for that sort of obsession. What I hope we do get more of is screens like this little batch we just received from Nintendo.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Pigeonholing Wii as a console only for casual gamers is a mistake, says Sega president Simon Jeffery.
Speaking to Game Daily, Jeffery said there's no reason why hardcore gamers should be "excommunicated" from Wii gaming. Though after Sonic & Mario sold five million, we're not going to blame Sega for forgetting them.
"I do think going forward there is very much a place for the hardcore gamers on the Wii and there's a big opportunity for publishers to take advantage of that because we've seen the success of Resident Evil on Nintendo platforms," the Sega boss proclaimed.
"But I do also believe that a lot of Western publishers are only looking at the Wii for casual and family gaming, and I think that's a mistake - I think there's a lot more opportunity there on the Wii. The Wii isn't just about Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic; it's about so much more."
Grasshopper's No More Heroes has racked up decent sales in the US (and is expected to do well in Europe), while Metroid Prime 3 has received the pennies of the traditional Nintendo fanbase.
But with casual games Wii Sports and Mario & Sonic making astronomical numbers on the sales sheets, is it even worth investing the time and effort on "hardcore" Wii games? Jeffery sees no reason why they should be ignored...
"The Wii as a platform has way much more to offer than [Wii Tennis and Mario & Sonic], and hardcore gamers traditionally love Nintendo as well. There's no reason why they should be excluded or excommunicated from the Nintendo world."
We wish Sega would follow it's own advice.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
WayForward Technologies is making a 3D horror-puzzle for the WiiWare service.
Dubbed LIT, the idea stemmed from a concept of light and shadows, resulting in a "uniquely unsettling" adventure.
The story is based around Jake, who is stuck in the school he underachieves at, where creatures stalk around the dark corridors and classrooms and will probably eat him if walks into their path.
Jake needs to escape by cleverly lighting his path out of there, but he also has to reconnect with his girlfriend because no he is not a loser and grades are not everything. Not all of us went to university, you know.
She will use the school phones to keep in contact with him, until they can embrace and have a little kiss and feel at the end. There will be bosses along the way, though, and he will have to use "horror-combat" to topple them.
WayForward has not created an original IP since belly-dancing Game Boy Colour game Shantae in 2002. But, thanks to this fancy downloadable service from Nintendo, the world is its oyster all over again.
"This is the first time in recent memory that our team has felt the freedom to begin experimenting on consoles outside the confines of established IP, budget, or publisher dictates," said John Beck, boss of WayForward Technologies.
"The scope and business model for WiiWare really make this possible."
There is only a spattering of concept art for this creepy action-puzzler at the moment, with a release date yet to be announced.
WiiWare launches in the US on 12th May, but is yet to be given a date in Europe.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ANTONIOND
Hello everyone.
This game is neither more nor less than a 3D pong done with libnds and PAlib. When you are finished will have a number of scenarios with different special events each, multiplayer, and the ideas that I was going to occur while you program.
The suggestions are welcome.
-- USES: --
You must patch with DLDI file PONG3DS.nds (unless your flashcart do so automatically). In case you have Supercard SD uses. Sc.nds. If you have another flashcard Slot-2 have to use. Ds.gba.
If at the start the game tells you "Error accessing the FAT", the file is badly patched. If you use an emulator always going to leave this message. You can play anyway.
Language: Spanish / English (If the language of the DS is not Spanish, was put on English, automatic)
Close DS: Break the game.
Up / Down: Move cursor
A: Choose
Right / Left: If there is possibility to choose a different number (scenarios goals), change the number.
- It is also possible with the touch screen.
Ways control with the touch screen:
Mode 0: Control normal.
Mode 1: You control the speed of the racket.
NO: Not using the touch screen.
Left / Right: Move racket.
Touch: Moving racket as configured
A: Remove break after a goal.
Select: Back to the menu.
Start: Pause.
L / Move the stylus to the upper half of the touch screen: Jump (Room 2).
Changes in the 0.5 beta:
- Added textures.
- Keep records in the targeta. It is not necessary to copy the file before it saves the configuration.
- Fixed some fallitos.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Samel:
Hello everybod!
There is the new DSchedule version ready to download.
* weekly events bug corrected
DSchedule is an organizer tool for Nintendo DS. Using it, you will be able to show, create, modify and delete single events or a sequence (daily or weekly) of events.
The most important feature is that this tool can import and export your calendar in .ics format. This file format is compatible with Apple iCal, Firefox Calendar Project, Google Calendar and others.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from T4ils:
DiscardEmAll is a card game and speed in which one tries to get rid of all your cards before the computer.
04/03/08: Preview
05/03/08: Version 0.1
+ The heel turns blue when the computer can not play, red when human and computer can not play
+ Each cell card a sense, that may change if there is change in the map upside
+ The card change in the direction that is not on a map of the same color
+ Above the map change of direction, one can not play the same color
+ Cells cards are a "tour": you can go from 12 to 0 and 0 to 12 (depending on the direction)
+ Map Joker is played on any map and allows any color
06/03/08: Version 0.11
+ Sound
+ You can see the computer play
* We must play a map of the same color as the Joker over the Joker
How to play:
You must use your pen to move cards from your hand (bottom) to the board (middle).
To get rid of a card, put on one of the 4 cards plateau Thursday If the card in hand differs from a unit with the card on the board, then you can ask.
Example: You put a 4 on 3 or 3 on a 4.
When neither you nor the computer can play, press the heel (up card to the left of 4 cards of the game board) to draw 4 new cards.
You win the party when you have exhausted your reservation and it only remains for you card in hand.
To replay or restart a party (even during game), press L.
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March 6th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release via devfr
LuluLaPute and DavLaCrampe present us with their homebrew "Pill me," détraque puzzle game that your brain.
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March 7th, 2008, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
After lauding its casual market domination with Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, Sega of America President Simon Jeffrey decided to switch gears, discussing with GameDaily the merits of hardcore gaming on the Wii. In short, Jeffrey feels that Western publishers are making a mistake by ignoring the hardcore gamers who own a Wii.
Unfortunately, other than providing a tantalizing and hypothetical (i.e. not happening) assertion that Condemned would have been great to play with the Wii remote, Jeffrey made no clear commitments to release titles appealing to the hardcore crowd, instead saying, "There's no reason why [hardcore gamers] should be excluded or excommunicated from the Nintendo world," Jeffrey said. Our only hope is that "hardcore" to Sega doesn't mean "let's make a darker Sonic and give him a gun."
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March 7th, 2008, 00:56 Posted By: madcat1990
As you might have heard, I, Darkchild, am programming a file manager for the ds, But, easyer said than done...
I need help, and lots of it.
Too many bugs to squish, too many functions to put inside, etc, etc..
if you are interested, email me at :
madcat1990 (at ) gmail (dot ) com
Jobs required:
C/PaLib programmers
Beta Testers
Graphic Artists (for a new visual)
That is all 
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March 7th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
It's Friday and, of course, that can only mean one thing - drowning our brain cells in cheap ale after work as we try and forget all the bad things we've done this week. Oh, that and the obligatory Virtual Console update.
It's Kirby that's perking up the Virtual Console this week, with the N64 game Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards being the solitary offering from Nintendo. There's something about Kirby we've always found deeply disturbing – maybe it's his supernaturally large gob or his eerily silent yet cheery demeanour - and it wouldn't be a surprise if he was found hoarding a fine collection of corpses under his patio.
Anyway, The Crystal Shards was Kirby's first 3-D adventure, as well as his last significant console outing. It earned a '7.9' from IGN when first reviewed in 2000, and a more modest '7.4' when re-assessed on its Virtual Console debut Stateside last month. It's yours for a crisp 1,000 points.
Virtual Console European Releases, March 7
N64 – 1,000 Wii Points
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (2000)
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March 7th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
THQ has announced plans to release "the first-ever cheerleading videogame" for Wii and DS. What about Elite Beat Agents, THQ? Eh?
All Star Cheer Squad will see you experiencing a year in the life of a cheerleader - learning cheers, creating your own routines, becoming squad captain and believing the quarterback when he says he'll do it in a tissue at the last minute. Probably not the last one.
Those who hear the word "cheerleading" and immediately think of Kirsten Dunst's knickers will be pleased to hear choreographer Tony G is a consultant on the game. G is best known for his work on the excellent Bring It On and the appalling Bring It On Again.
The Wii version will work with the balance board set to come bundled with Wii Fit, and you'll need to use your whole body to play. The remote and nunchuk will act as electronical pom poms and will be used "to perform dozens of real-world cheer and dance moves".
The DS game will feature a unique storyline about the adventures of two rival cheerleading camps who compete against each other to be the best and one hot summer's day they decide to settle their argument in a different way but during the wrestling match their tops come off and we might be embellishing a bit.
All Star Cheer Squad is out this "fall".
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March 7th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
THQ has announced plans to release "the first-ever cheerleading videogame" for Wii and DS. What about Elite Beat Agents, THQ? Eh?
All Star Cheer Squad will see you experiencing a year in the life of a cheerleader - learning cheers, creating your own routines, becoming squad captain and believing the quarterback when he says he'll do it in a tissue at the last minute. Probably not the last one.
Those who hear the word "cheerleading" and immediately think of Kirsten Dunst's knickers will be pleased to hear choreographer Tony G is a consultant on the game. G is best known for his work on the excellent Bring It On and the appalling Bring It On Again.
The Wii version will work with the balance board set to come bundled with Wii Fit, and you'll need to use your whole body to play. The remote and nunchuk will act as electronical pom poms and will be used "to perform dozens of real-world cheer and dance moves".
The DS game will feature a unique storyline about the adventures of two rival cheerleading camps who compete against each other to be the best and one hot summer's day they decide to settle their argument in a different way but during the wrestling match their tops come off and we might be embellishing a bit.
All Star Cheer Squad is out this "fall".
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March 7th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The time of Super Smash Bros. Brawl is almost upon the North Americas. Sunday, in fact, in case you're just waking from a coma (welcome back, btw). We've given our initial impressions of the game, but the reviews are coming in and they look smashing (sorry). The only real complaint leveled against the game is that it doesn't move the series forward, but merely refines what's there. We're pretty sure the many who plan on playing all Sunday night and are calling in sick for Monday don't care. - GamePro (100/100): "From the fighting mechanics to roster of players Brawl is a well-rounded game that I just couldn't put down. The only downside to Brawl is that it doesn't do anything to reinvent the series. It takes elements of past SSB games and refines them, which is great, but players expecting an entirely new experience won't find it here. Still, it is a well round game that doesn't disappoint and it's a must buy for every Wii owner."
- IGN (95/100): "You will play the game to death when you get it. But unlike so many single-player hits, Metroid and Mario included, you will still be playing and consequently loving Brawl in the months and years to come. It is one of the great multiplayer titles of the generation and simply not to be missed."
- GameTap (90/100): "That's the beauty of Brawl: It's a game that keeps on giving. The game supports online matchups via the Wi-Fi Connection, of course, but even when you're not focused on the primary game modes, you can spend hours just playing with extra features or hunting down a ton of unlockables. ... Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a Wii game you can play forever...or at least, until the next Nintendo console arrives."
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March 7th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Empire Interactive has dropped word that it'll be publishing Now Production's upcoming DS adventure, Unsolved Crimes.
Hot on the heels of Phoenix Wright and Hotel Dusk, Empire Interactive hopes the game will appeal to both those audiences and those who enjoy solving puzzles like PUT KEY IN KEYHOLE, UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, NORTH.
Taking on the role of a young rookie detective in a Homicide division, you and your partner must solve the mysterious aspiring model Betsy Blake.
Empire Interactive says the game is set in a stylized 1970s New York, but to us the screenshots look less like The French Connection and more like a CSI series produced by CBBC.
The game contains a wealth of options and functions that all draw on the unique functionality of the DS, apparently. So expect to mark spots on maps with Xs, write notes in virtual books and scribble over a pad to reveal what the previous writer jotted down.
Unsolved Crimes is tapped for release sometime this year.
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March 7th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Released Today at Divineo UK

Freeloader finally arrives for the best selling Nintendo Wii.
Play the latest Import games from around the world.
One version works on Pal, USA and Jap consoles
price : £ 9.95
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March 7th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster

Although this is far from being the weirdest union (or proposal, for that matter) we've ever seen, Xanga user p3ng decided to throw tradition to the wind (at least momentarily) when proposing to his now-fiancée. Put simply, he built a custom version of Bejewled (the lady's favorite game in the whole wide world) in which a pixelated engagement ring scrolled onto the screen once a certain score was hit. Needless to say, his awestruck girlfriend could barely contain her excitement as she uttered "yes," and we absolutely expect the Guitar Zeros to be the house band at the forthcoming reception.
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March 7th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
I mentioned recently that I didn't know what had become of Ketsui DS - apparently Arika's port of the Cave classic is still in the works. Eric Caoili at DS Fanboy just posted about it, along with a link to a youtube video of several stages in action. Apparently it will also come with an arcade superplay DVD, and there will be a versus mode in which players try to hold a score lead for more than three seconds.
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March 7th, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This Signature Series guide features a detailed walkthrough leading players through all chapters in the main story plus several side activities.
Ace every course at Bullworth Academy to unlock cool bonuses.
Master all of the combos to beat down any bully.
Find Every Collectible Item.
Bonus: Giant Two-Sided Poster!
Platform: Xbox 360 and Wii
Pages: 192
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March 7th, 2008, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Rockstar tradition of groundbreaking, original gameplay and humorous tongue-in-cheek storytelling invades an entirely new setting: the schoolyard. As a mischievous schoolboy, you'll stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst school around, Bullworth Academy - a corrupt and crumbling prep school with an uptight facade. The story follows Jimmy Hopkins, a teenager who's been expelled from every school he's ever attended.
Left to fend for himself after his mother abandons him at Bullworth to go on her fifth honeymoon, Jimmy has a whole year at Bullworth ahead of him, working his way up the social ladder of this demented institution of supposed learning, standing up for what he thinks is right and taking on the liars, cheats and snobs who are the most popular members of the student body and faculty. If Jimmy can survive the school year and outsmart his rivals, he could rule the school.
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March 7th, 2008, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Quirky has updated Bunjalloo,his homebrew web browser for the DS
Changes 0.5.4:
Improved save-as to check mime type.
Add Referer header.
Add ~ to the keyboard.
Add a progress bar.
Add configurable language support.
Translations for German and French. Thanks to Pascal Braig and dr.
Friendlier configuration with no overwriting of files.
Update giflib, compile jpeg library with better options for a size decrease.
Add internal page links (e.g. /somepage#internal )
Add a title to the initial screen.
Fix crash bug when title is empty.
Fix combo box slowness.
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March 7th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MorganDS
I added graphing capabilities for up to four functions at once. Functions are now entered with the graph screen instead of having their own screen, I added a cursor for inputting functions, and functions are now easier to edit. Press GPH to access the graph screen/function editor, use the up and down keys to move between functions, and press ENT when you are finished editing them. Press the GPH key again to graph the functions.
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March 8th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
This week at The Moon Books Project, we have been releasing books about the secrets of the universe. Everything from secret societies to ufos are covered. Below are a list of topics, and the books released in each.
Secret Societies:
SECRET SOCIETIES - A Discussion of Their Character and Claims by DAVID MACDILL
The Prophecies of Nostradamus
Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Through Time by Lee McCann
Oracles of Nostradamus by Charles A. Ward
The Story of Atlantis by W. Scott-Elliot
Atlantis the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly
Vril The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Charles Fort: (think X-Files before the X-Files)
Wild Talents
New Lands
The Book Of The Damned
Magic and Illusion:
Art Of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum
The Life Of Phineas T. Barnum by Joel Benton
Miracle Mongers An Expose by Harry Houdini
Illusions A Psychological Study by James Sully
The Lock and Key Library (which includes real stories of magic and and detection)
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March 8th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Carcas42:
Application to view images (256 * 192) in the form of slideShow.
License GNU / GPL
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March 8th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from youpitou
Hello everyone! Being a big fan of the series The Lost Missing, I left for my first homebrew to be an adaptation of the countdown timer (season 2) present in the bunker.
The goal of the game:
The counter part of 108 minutes. Once in 4 minutes, an alarm sounded: you must enter the code! But what code? Well the figures cursed: 4 8 15 16 23 42 (course). If you enter the code in time, bravo! You have saved the world once again and restart the computer. But be careful not to let the counter down to 0, otherwise everybody will die!
You feel ready for this mission? So let's go!
V 1.0 07/03/2008
Other versions coming!
How to play:
A keyboard is placed at your disposal. When the alarm sounds, enter the code "4 8 15 16 23 42" and then "enter" and the computer restarts. Fun, eh?
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March 8th, 2008, 12:30 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GE
SEGA of America, Inc. announced that BLEACH: Dark Souls will be available on Nintendo DS. BLEACH: Dark Souls delivers an authentic anime experience with non-stop action and swordplay. The game features an expanded cast of characters voiced by the actors from VIZ Media’s award-winning BLEACH animation, rated T for Teens. The second season of BLEACH the television series began airing in the U.S. on Adult Swim on March 1.
Developed by famed Japanese developer Treasure and localized for North America, BLEACH: Dark Souls will feature a multitude of enhancements to last year’s critically acclaimed BLEACH: The Blade of Fate. These enhancements include multiplayer games with expanded personalization features, brand new special Bankai moves, 30 new Spirit Cards, power-enhancing crystals, as well as seven new gameplay modes. The BLEACH: Dark Souls storyline takes place in between seasons one and two of the animated series and was created exclusively for the game.
The BLEACH: Dark Souls game for Nintendo DS will mark the expansion of a dynamic cast of over 40 playable characters including Rukia, Kon and hero Ichigo. Gamers can spend hours furiously fighting while unlocking individual character stories, all based on an exclusive story arc created for BLEACH: Dark Souls.
“With an exclusive storyline, an expanded playable character roster and spectacular new Bankai moves, BLEACH: Dark Souls is set to build upon the critical success of BLEACH: Blade of Fate,” said Don Mesa, Director of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. “The BLEACH franchise continues to gain momentum with anime fans and gamers alike in North America and SEGA is there to create a robust and exciting gaming experience that stays true to its anime roots.”
“We are thrilled to once again partner with SEGA for the development of BLEACH: Dark Souls on Nintendo DS,” states Linda Espinosa, Vice President, Content Management, VIZ Media. “SEGA games have enjoyed immense success in North America, BLEACH is a top seller in both Japan and the US, and we are expecting great fan response when BLEACH: Dark Souls releases with a multitude of new and exclusive features.”
BLEACH: Dark Souls offers enhancements to the impressive 2D action and brilliant visuals that have become the hallmark of Treasure, the game’s legendary development team. Players will face a variety of opponents as one of 44 highly-stylized characters in intense action-packed battles based on the animated series. For the first time ever, players will be able to assume the role of Evil Hollows, adding a new twist for gamers to explore. BLEACH: Dark Souls utilizes a traditional 2D fighting game format with enhanced visuals that push the graphical prowess of Nintendo DS to new heights.
BLEACH: Dark Souls continues to allow gamers to build customized Spirit Card Decks, this time with the addition of power-enhancing Reiju Crystals to boost their character’s heath, attack strength and defense power cards. BLEACH: Dark Souls features four player multiplayer battles via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and DS Download Play. Players can battle each other at the same time or form tag teams for team play. Finally, BLEACH fans will enjoy using the newly included encyclopedia that offers detailed explanations of the BLEACH world, character info, descriptions of their attacks and a full glossary of BLEACH terms.
BLEACH: Dark Souls on Nintendo DS is slated for release in summer 2008.
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March 8th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Before the ink even had time to dry on the game's announcement for Japan, NIS America this afternoon confirmed plans to bring the Nintendo DS version of its popular turn-based strategy series Disgaea to North America this summer. While lacking a colorful title beyond the presumably tentative Disgaea DS, the game is nonetheless described as simply "a new edition" of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
NIS America promises "several key improvements" over 2003's PlayStation 2 original. However, the announcement also confirms our grumblings from earlier this week regarding the game being just another pass at the first game rather than a wholly new tactical strategy adventure, much like last year's Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness for the PSP. Even so, given that the DS is practically tailor made for games of this type, Disgaea in any form feels like a natural fit for Nintendo's portable. We just hope the battery can hold out while we grind to level 9999.
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March 8th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has released a new version of the Nes emulator for the GBA(DS):
Major bugfixes:
* Fixed the bug where the SRAM went back in time after entering the UI
* Fixed sprite collision when games don't update the sprite tables every frame (Bomberman 2 works again)
* Fixed a bug which may have caused sram corruption
No longer broken from alphas:
* Added the punchout hack back in
* Re-added PPU hack
* Re-added cheat finder
Minor bugfixes:
* Fixed a cheat finder bug (kept old cheats active after changing games)
* Fixed bug where savestates did not load correctly from previous alphas
* Changed IRQs for Mapper 69 [FME-7], (Mr. Gimmick, Return of the Joker...)
* Savestates now save sound information
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March 8th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Flashlinker Europe have announced that preorders are now being taken for the Acekard R.P.G. Pro SDHC + 8G - Slot 1 Nintendo DS Flash Cart, heres the details:

* Build in NAND Flash (8Gbit)
* Build in Micro SD memory card slot
* "Quick Exchange" Technology
* AUTO Save type detection
* Build in USB connector
* Support micro SDHC card
* Fully touch screen operation
* Supports Clean ROM, drag and drop
* fully support homebrew program
* 100% Compatibility all NDS games
* Support Multi-language
* Open Source
Preorder now from Flashlinker Europe:
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March 9th, 2008, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has confirmed that two of their Genesis titles, Puyo Puyo 2 and POWERBALL, will be hitting the Wii Shop Channel this month with prices starting at 800 Wii Points.
Puyo Puyo 2 - The object of this head-to-head puzzle game is to clear your grid of falling patterns, called puyos, by forming chains of four or more same-colored puyos in a straight line or one of several geometric patterns. What makes this a challenging two-player contest is the fact that when you clear a chain of puyos from your grid, it drops a random piece of filler onto your opponent's grid. The more puyos you clear, the more you fill your opponent's grid, and if you can clutter up his grid enough to fill it to the top, you've won the game. An intriguing backstory makes this an amusing diversion for one or two players.
POWERBALL - Eight different teams representing various nations are vying to become the Powerball champions, and you control one of the eight in your quest for the championship. A hybrid of games like rugby and football, Powerball is played on a 100-yard field, as you try to score by either carrying the ball into your opponent's end zone or kicking it into your opponent's net for a certain amount of points. This one- or two-player game offers both exhibition and league play. Jump into a game of Powerball and try a brand-new sport!
It is my great shame to admit I completely by-passed the Genesis, so I probably should pick some of these up.
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March 9th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: scorpei
Hey All,
I've just (finally) finished adding the pictures to my M3DS real review. Sorry for being late with the review (relativly speaking, as I was the first with PCB shots writing the review took me a long time). But to make up for it I have 2 great news items regarding the M3DS real. The first is regarding DS homebrew and the second is regarding original GBA saves (<-- direct links). Neither of the two features have (accuratly) been mentioned by reviews (or even the M3 team) before (afaik)!
To find out what those two items are specifically read the review (don't worry, you can quick jump from the introduction to the 2 big items) !
P.s. Those with an M3DS real, rejoice .
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March 9th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
While we're sure most of us would describe Wii fanatics as the most lighthearted of the console enthusiasts, we can only imagine that being forced to wait nearly two years for the most highly anticipated game on your console, only to come home from a midnight launch to discover you cannot extract the frenzied multiplayer mayhem stored on the disc you've purchased might incite one's dander to "get up". Alas, many a brawler-to-be recently found themselves in this lamentable situation, as Super Smash Bros. Brawl has reportedly had performance anxiety in a number of Wii consoles.
Nintendo has swiftly replied with a North American repair form, explaining that the double-layer disc can only be read by a squeaky-clean disc drive lens. They implore you not to try to clean said lens on your own, and to send in your crudely adhered Gamecubes to Nintendo HQ for a thorough purging. We're sure they'll get your newly spruced console back to you in a timely manner -- which will likely offer little consolation to a Nintyfan scorned.
[Thanks to all the unlucky souls who sent this in. Our thoughts are with you during these trying times.]
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March 9th, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster

We have seen our fair share of Wii peripherals, but the Wii Crossbow actually looks like it could be used by police officials to take down the bad guys. Sure, the ping pong ball tip doesn't look too menacing, but we're sure there's a razor sharp arrow underneath.
If you're worried aiming is going to be an issue, fret not. A laser sight is included to make sure you beat all your current scores in Link's Crossbow Training. Priced at $28, the Wii Crossbow is priced on the steep side, but you can always take it in the garden, load it up with Nerf darts and pelt the bajeezus out of next door's cat. Alternatively, you could use it to save some Christian aid officials that unwittingly have happened upon difficult times in war-torn Burma. You are Rambo.
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March 9th, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
NoNameNo posted this news/release:
Q: What is AtaWii ??
A: An atari st emulator for WII (port of the so LAME emulator castaway)
Q: What is this disk image ?
A: The disk image i hardcoded is ST-MENU 5, an intro compilation disk from the famous OVERLANDERS.
Q: How can i use it ?
A: Like you understand already i am a very lazy guy, so i didn't even code a keyboard facilitie but
i hardcoded some key you can use with your paddle :
up arrow : UP
down arrow : DOWN
F1 : B
F2 : A
F3 : Y
F4 : X
SpaceBar : L Trigger (use it at the woody wood pecker screen)
Reset the ATARI : R Trigger
Return to Geckoloader : START
Q: Why can't i listen marvellous soundchip ?
A: Because this Castaway dont have sound emulation 
Q: Why are so much intro in the compilation are not working ?
A: in fact the basis of the emulator i ported is very lame, and all this intros are not working on the pc version of the emulator.
Q: When is planned the Final Verison
A: I don't think i will continue to work on it, so, if someone want to, the sources are included.
Thanks and Greetings to :
- Team Twizzer for all the great wii stuff
- CastAway coder
- Nuke for the GREAT usb gecko !!
- Dhewg for this marvelous Geckoloader ( i've done this port in 5-6 hours with no more "SD djing")
- And all others .....
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March 9th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
via wiibrew
Super Smash Bros Brawl (NTSC) apparently includes a required system update before the Wii is able load the game. The update is only available through the game disc itself and not through Wii Online Update. It is most likely just bug fixes for the game and includes the standard warning about the update possibly bricking the wii if you have any "Unauthorized Modifications", but so far this update does not appear to affect the Twilight Hack on unmodified consoles
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March 10th, 2008, 15:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Publisher Alten8 has disputed reports that Nintendo has blocked the release of its forthcoming DS game Imagination is the Only Escape.
The game, which deals with issues of the Holocaust, is only in the early stages of development, but some reports have suggested that neither Nintendo US nor Nintendo Europe is willing to release the game.
"[Imagination is the Only Escape] is only in its early stages," said a spokesperson for Alten8, reports Eurogamer.net.
"No one has blocked it, and it has no definitive time scale for release."
The game is being developed by Luc Bernard for Alten8, and is one of five titles in the hands of the 21 year-old British designer.
A report by the New York Times suggested that Nintendo US would not be releasing the game in North America.
Although the subject matter may be considered controversial, a spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League said it welcomed any attempts to educate people using new technology.
"We certainly believe that we have to find new ways of teaching lessons of the Holocaust as new technologies are being developed," said Myrna Shinbaum.
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March 10th, 2008, 15:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
American Wii owners will be able to download Puyo Puyo 2 and Powerball Megadrive games later this month, says SEGA of America. They should know.
Both will cost 800 Wii Points, which is approximately GBP 6 / EUR 8 in oddly-written real-life currency.
Puyo Puyo 2 is a puzzle game where you create lines or shapes out of little coloured blobs, which then disappear, and Puyo Puyo 2 is a two-player-focused version where success dumps extra pain on your opponent.
Powerball, meanwhile, is described as "a hybrid of games like rugby and [American] football". So perhaps also a bit like Aussie Rules? It's played on a 100-yard field and you score points by racing it to the endzone or booting it into a net.
Anyway, we never had a Megadrive because Mum wouldn't buy one, and SEGA Europe says it will get back to us about whether these two will be released here in March as well.
Odds on that they will, because VC game releases usually map pretty decently between US and European stores. Wasn't that an exciting news story then eh readers? Come on Monday!
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March 10th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Good old Majesco is to follow up the inexplicable success of baking sim Cake Mania with a new DS title based around the thrilling experience of childcare.
Babysitting Mania will task players with handling "unruly kids, lists of chores and out-of-control houses", according to the press release. All "without losing their cool" - they probably mean without shouting rather without closing the windows and turning the gas on. There are 100 levels set in 20 houses to play through, and you'll have to care for all ages from babies and toddlers right up to teenagers.
"Players will use the touch-screen to manage every aspect of the household with speed and precision, rrom strategically employing 'Timeouts' to overseeing bonus birthday party levels that add neighbourhood party guests to the mania," apparently.
The game is the sequel to Nanny Mania, a PC game which has been downloaded more than 7 million times. You can play a free hour-long demo courtesy of BigFishGames.
Babysitting Mania is scheduled for a late 2008 release.
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March 10th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Warner Brothers has released a bunch of screens for its movie tie-in Speed Racer. It's even thrown in a bunch of concept art, character renders and pretty pictures of cars.
The game, to be released for the PS2, Wii and DS, is based on the upcoming movie by The Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix Trilogy), scheduled for release on May 16 in the UK.
We're guessing from the title that Speed Racer moves more like F-zero than Double Dash, so it's unsurprising that the screenshots look a little blurry. Hopefully we'll be going that fast we won't notice.
Some of the tracks are without side barriers too, prompting us to speculate how the game reacts when cars careen into the sides. Is there an invisible barrier or will the car rocket off the edge and explode into a thousand pieces upon hitting the ground?
Either one doesn't sound like a great option. Speed Racer should be out some time over the summer.
Screenshots here
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March 10th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and With Worldwide Shipping

Bond with Stitch, Dory, Simba, and Winnie the Pooh and explore locations from their respective films.
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March 10th, 2008, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and With Worldwide Shipping

Eco Creatures: Save the Forest is a real-time strategy game in which players use the Touch Screen to control units of woodland creatures—named Ecolis, Ecoby and Ecomon—that will protect the naturally beautiful Mana Woods and recover the polluted land. All creature types have unique skills that must be strategically managed. With proper nurturing, they can evolve to learn new abilities that help a player complete the game’s more than 40 environmental missions. As players grow their woodland army, they must also plant new trees to prevent deforestation and revitalize the woodlands.
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March 10th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and With Worldwide Shipping

In Imagine Figure Skater, players live the life of a champion who needs to balance her life between training, school and friends. Girls take on the role of a professional figure skater and use the stylus to perform jumps, spins and a variety of skating combinations.
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March 10th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and With Worldwide Shipping.

Best friends forever! Every girl needs a best friend, and yours is your horse! Together, there’s nothing you can’t do. Practice hard-to-perfect riding and jumping skills as you prepare for the all-important regional jumping competitions. Go for the blue ribbon!
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March 10th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and With Worldwide Shipping.

Choose a hoppy, floppy, furry friend in Petz Bunnyz! These long-eared fuzzballs are your ticket to new kinds of fun and adventure.
Play with and train your bunny friends for hours of fun. You can customize your bunny’s environment with toys and other special items, and you’ll be rewarded with more goodies the better you get at caring for and training your cuddly pet.
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March 10th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Nintendo DS NDS-Lite Doraemon Case
Can keeps the console safe and clean
Has a double-zip opening to allow access to the inside with ease
Has ample padding and three innternal pockets
Ease to use
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March 10th, 2008, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newlly released at Play Asia:

Welcome to a brawl for the ages, where anything can happen, anyone can show up and all bets are off.
In multiplayer games, characters from all Nintendo universes meet up in Nintendo locales to duke it out. In the solo mode called "The Subspace Emissary," the world of Smash Bros. is invaded by an entity called the Ancient Minister and his army of creatures, called "The Primid." Normally, characters come alive in the world of Smash Bros. to do battle, then turn back into trophies when defeated. However, the Ancient Minister starts turning characters into trophies to harness their power, then detonates bombs that suck pieces of the world back into his realm of Subspace. Eventually, all the characters must work together to defeat the invading creatures from Subspace - this is accomplished by playing through side-scrolling levels.
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March 10th, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia:

Classic RPG Experience: Turn-based action gameplay allows you time to plan your attacks and keeps you on your toes with levels that are unpredictable in nature.
Randomly Generated Dungeons: New unexpected challenges continuously await the player as they enter each dungeon leading up to an addictive 30+ hour adventure experience.
Enhancements from Original Game: Upgrades include three expanded territories, multiple monsters, revamped graphics & sounds, and a brand new tutorial mode.
New Online Rescue Feature: If you get defeated in a dungeon, summon another player to revive you via Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection.
On a quest to the mystical Lair of the Golden Condor, Shiren the Wanderer and his weasel ally, Koppa, venture through treacherous lands in an attempt to solve the mystery surrounding this legendary realm. Many other warriors have set out on this quest but none have survived the long, perilous journey through deep caverns, vast forests, and dangerous mountain passes. Filled with ferocious monsters, hidden traps, and thieves, the road to the Lair of the Golden Condor is not for the faint of heart. Shiren is determined to succeed and claim the riches that await the first hero to reach the mythic land.
In this classic RPG, you'll move in a turn-based manner through randomly generated dungeons that provide a great challenge and lasting replay value. Outwit your enemies using advanced tactics and clever puzzle solving skills while finding mysterious items, numerous spells and other equipment to help you on your journey. If you can survive to solve the mystery, you'll find the fortune that you seek.
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March 10th, 2008, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia:

Become a Ninja: Choose your Ninja name from over 25,000 combinations and sharpen your Ninja skills over 11 belt ranks and 36 game variations to achieve Black Belt
Train Your Reflexes: Develop the mental sharpness, reaction speed, hand eye coordination and relaxed focus of a Ninja
Intense Multiplayer Battles: Compete for Ninja supremacy within 3 difficulty levels against friends or family with up to 4 players
Wield Unique Weapons: Turn your Wii Remotes and DS styluses into throwing stars, katanas, nunchucks, chopsticks, and more
Meditate: When the training gets too intense, take a break and meditate for improved focus and energy
Do you have what it takes to be a ninja? Enter the dojo with Ninja Reflex™ for the Nintendo Wii™ and DS™ to find out.
Created by Nunchuck Games and developed by Sanzaru Games Inc. exclusively for the Nintendo Wii and DS, Ninja Reflex helps players hone their reaction times, twitch skills and reflexes with martial arts movements that take full advantage of the Wii Remote™ and DS stylus.
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March 10th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia:

Something for everyone with three unique games to play
Two challenging, un-lockable bonus games
Move the screen left or right for a chance of scenery
Exciting game environment with lots of animation
These frisky fowl have a serious knack for trouble, and as Chicken Hunter it’s up to you to restore order.
Birds abound! Flying, running, hiding, getting into trouble! Use your allotted bullets to shoot down the frisky fowls before things get out of hand and time runs out. And the harder they are to shoot, the more points they’re worth. So aim carefully and don’t accidentally shoot something else. Lock and load!
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March 10th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster

Hey kids, listen up. That guy with the red hat and blue overalls in the fancy new Super Smash Bros. game you just brought home? His name is Mario. He's a neat guy. This Wii mod here features the lovable plumber in his natural habitat, World 1-1. On the other side is a pipe, his favored form of travel, which doubles as a Wiimote charger. Pretty great. OK, that's it for today's lesson, stay safe out there!
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March 10th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
While Apple continues to market the iPhone as a 3-in-1 device -- web, phone, and iPod -- it's clear that Jobs has a 4th market clearly in his sights. It's no accident that EA and Sega were both selected to demonstrate their skills with the iPhone SDK during last week's press event. Now Gameloft, the worldwide number one mobile game publisher in terms of revenues -- has committed to developing games for the iPhone. "Over 15 titles" are expected in 2008, in fact. Oh iPhone, is there anything you can't do with your 3D processor, multi-touch display, and 3-axis accelerometer? Oh right, GPS, 3G data, corporate Exchange, A2DP Bluetooth audio, MMS, ... you get the idea.
Update: John Carmac -- co-founder of Id Software -- just commented that, "We (Id) have put in our application like everybody else." So yeah, it'll play Doom... officially this time.
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March 10th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
via ElOtroLado
WriteELF GUI is a GUI created to make the use of the WriteELF program easier. WriteELF is a program created by cybermind, and can be used to write homebrew .ELF files into a SD Card, so you can run them in a Nintendo Wii. WriteELF GUI needs the Microsoft .NET runtimes in order to run. You can download them at the Microsoft homepage, here:
- How to use it:
1. To use this program, you need to download a copy of the WriteELF program first. Visit the WritELF official homepage and download it: http://cybermind.user.stfunoob.com/wii/writeelf/
2. Extract the writeelf.exe file to the same folder as the WriteELF GUI program
3. Connect the SD Card to your computer
4. Open the program. Choose the .ELF file and choose the drive where the .ELF file will be written
5. If needed, you can choose the -z option to clean the SD Card before writing the ELF file (the SD Card WILL NOT be formatted, only their first sectors will be cleaned)
6. Click on the GO button. A new window will pop up. Wait until the writing process finishes
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March 10th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Oxo:
You are a rebounding ball, and you must arrive at the end of the level without falling into the void or do you have a bug
First version with 2 levels
Bug collisions ghost resolved
R + L to switch level
Best clipping the ball
Background which "disappears more"
To do:
On the other levels. (If you want to help me there is no pb)
Put sound.
A menu that allows you to manage gravity, the strength of rebound, and chafing.
Map on 2 Screens
How to play:
A: jumping.
Pad to move from left to right.
R + L to switch level
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March 10th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from T4ils:
DiscardEmAll is a card game and speed in which one tries to get rid of all your cards before the computer.
09/03/08: Version 0.2
+ Menu
+ Options
--> Setting the level of AI
--> Maps Bonus Yes / No
+ Tutorial
+ Slippage card when they pickaxe
* Gfx
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March 10th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
via drunkencoders
News from Dovoto
A python script which exports vertex and normal data as DS display list data in c source file format.
Excerpt from site:
Use the export script to save your model to a C file. Keep in mind that the DS will not handle high-polygon meshes well. Place this file inside your "source" directory.
Then create a .h file that looks like this:
const extern u32 Suzanne[];
where "Suzanne" is the name of your mesh. Check the .c file to make sure they match. Then, inside of your code, you can just call
to display the model. (Again being sure to replace "Suzanne" with the actual name of your mesh)
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March 10th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nczempin:
I made a simplistic clock for Poker tournaments.
It allows you to set a time per round (in minutes), and when that time has passed, it will emit a noise (shamelessly stolen from wintermute's libnds sound example). It can also pause/go, and change the current level, reset, and do your washing.
I will release the source, spend a little more time on it and then let somebody else pick it up and maintain it.
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March 10th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nczempin:
I've started working on converting the original Football Manager to the DS.
Paul Robson has ported, or reverse-engineered, or remade, the original Football Manager by Kevin Toms. He has provided his source code here.
I took that, plus the DS port of the SDL, and started working on a port to the DS.
The current status is:
A pre-alpha version is running. You can see some of the menu screens, and once it comes to match day, you can actually see a match.
It is not really playable (other than advancing from match to match), in fact, I have taken out quite a bit of functionality.
So you should take a look at it only if you are very curious.
I will release the source code as well, of course (it's GPL), but I haven't found a permanent home for it yet.
Given that it is likely that I will not keep maintaining this for a long time (it is only a "finger exercise" to get acquainted with DS homebrew), it would be nice if someone would like to take over, provide webspace, etc. Putting it on sourceforge would be a bit of an overkill IMHO.
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March 10th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Massif
The first version of Tetra Master DS is now complete.
- Quick Play Mode
- Random card selection
- Random AI (needs work)
If you're not familiar with Tetra Master, it's the card based mini game from Final Fantasy IX. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minigames_of_Final_Fantasy
The current version supports a simple quick play mode against the computer.
Future Revisions:
-Fully collectable card game with save/load features, player stats and card collection screen
-More intelligent AI, different levels of difficulty
-Multiplayer playing/trading
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March 10th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo US has offered to repair all Wii consoles struggling to play the highly-anticipated first-party title Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Some users have experienced disc read errors with the game, which Nintendo blames on the lens inside the Wii console.
"Super Smash Bros Brawl utilises a double-layer disc which has a large memory capacity. A very small percentage of Wii consoles may have trouble consistently reading data off this large capacity disc if there is some contamination on the lens of the drive," said the company.
North American consumers can send their consoles to Nintendo for repair free of charge, as the problem lies with the hardware, not the software.
The game was released at the weekend in the US. On release in Japan, the game went on to sell over one million units in just 11 days.
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March 10th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster

Vying for a portable-gaming equivalent to the Wii Fit audience, Ubisoft has announced that their Nintendo DS title My Weight Loss Coach will ship with a pedometer peripheral, that will allow the game to track your movement throughout the day, independent of the game or DS.
The special pedometer uses an internal battery to keep track of its movement while separate from the DS. Users carry the device around with them in their pocket. Once plugged into the GBA slot of the user's DS, the device then transfers that data collected into My Weight Loss Coach, which factors in the movement into its daily health calculations.
Due out this summer, My Weight Loss Coach sounds like an interesting addition to Ubisoft's growing lineup of non-games targeted at the casual audience. And who doesn't love pedometers?
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March 11th, 2008, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
via wiibrew
geckoloader is a native wii application which helps you to load and execute wii homebrew binaries in the easiest and fastest way possible. It acts as a server which will receive binaries directly using a usbgecko adapter.
a client tool to transfer such files is included.
100% native wii mode
no medium ejecting, rewriting and inserting required whatsoever
this is especially useful for wii coders (fast development cycle)
reloading. the stub is placed at the memory location 0x80001800. this is PSO reload compatible, which means that any application can jump back there so that you can load another binary without reboot. the libogc exception handler also jumps to this address (when pressing Z on a gamecube pad)
the protocol used for uploading is compatible to the official geckotool (you can use your client of choice)
as always, this is open source
use the Twilight hack in combination with the included geckoloader.elf to get this running
the boot code will show up
you have to write the loader code to the onboard usbgecko flash once, press the wii RESET button when asked to
after that you will see the loader code in action
use a compatible client (like the included one geckoupload, or the official windows geckotool) to send a wii binary
the transfered binary should execute
if you loaded a game/app which has an option to jump back to 0x80001800, you will be presented with the loader code again. from there, you can transfer another binary again (no reboot required)
hint: try to upload the included test.elf first. it just prints a string to screen and has an option to jump back to the loader
[edit] client usage
the client uses a default tty device (except on windows), you can overwrite it using the environment variable USBGECKODEVICE
make sure that your console is ready to receive an executable
pass the filename of the binary to geckoupload, for example:
geckoupload test.elf
you can use this client to transfer
wii .dol's and .elf's to the geckoloader described on this page
gamecube .dol's to the official usbgecko boot dvd
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March 11th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly special offer from Play Asia:

No matter whether the Nintendo DS™ has been the first portable console you own or not, you probably have heard of Nintendo's popular Game Boy™ franchise, one of the most innovative products in the history of portable gaming devices. The first Game Boy™ pioneered the industry by introducing removable cartridges into the handheld device, such that the gamer can play a library of games on the same console.
Later, the Game Boy Color™ came along with its colorful display only to be replaced by the Game Boy Advance™ which combines a sleek appearance and functions that rivals some family gaming system. Game Boy Micro™, the last in the line of the Game Boy franchises simply topped them all in terms of style and functionality. At approximately the same size as an ipod mini, it has the graphical capabilities that competes with that of the Nintendo DS™.
A special red/gold colored Gameboy Boy Micro Famicom Version has been released in Japan, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the first Nintendo Entertainment system in 2005. The back of this console is printed with the company's mascot, Mario's profile surrounded by a wreath of laurels. To commemorate this event, the shell of the system is playfully designed to mimic the appearance of the original Famicom console. This has also been the very first Game Boy Micro™ limited edition released and has become a very valuable collector's item.
The GB Micro supports all Game Boy Advance™ games no matter which release version it is and displays the graphics with a screen that is far superior to its predecessors. To all those who have missed out the opportunities to obtain this wonderful system and the classic gaming experience, this is one great opportunity! This system is not only on sale at Play-Asia.com, but is chosen as this week's special item as well!
The Game Boy Micro (Famicom Version) is now available at a bargain price of US$ 59.99 only!
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March 11th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A person's handwriting is said to portray his or her character and so it is important to polish your handwriting skills to perfection. With DS Bimoji Training, you have found an excellent teacher. The software comes with a touch pen styled as a calligraphy brush. The software analyzes your handwriting and pick out the commendable points and the areas that needs more refinement. It consists of more than three thousand words to be practiced in its database, a dictionary, tests complete with cyber-certificates that proves your level and fun mini-games.
Nintendo's DS Bimoji Training for Nintendo DS™ is in stock today, shipping as region free Japanese version for US$ 39.90 only.
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March 11th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Having been made for the arcade in 1985, this ninja action game is rejuvenated by Taito for Nintendo DS™. It is a horizontal scroll action game, and with the DS's two screens, the field becomes even wider for existing fans and first time gamers to explore. Like the first installment of this series, the plot takes place during the transition from the Sengoku period to the Tokugawa period. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the shogun emerged as the victor and unified Japan after years of war. He has heard of the high priestess Kirihime and her spiritual powers and seeks to recruit her.
The ninja Kage is sent to escort the priestess from her home to the palace under the shogun's command. However, the demon lord Yojiro also has his eyes set on Kirihime's powers and abducted her on her way after severely wounding Kage. Kage would not have survived from his wounds if not for Kirihime's special powers, taking this miracle as a sign, he pledged his life to rescue the priestess.
To make this engaging plot even more complicated, an original playable character Chihiro is introduced in this episode. She is Kirihime's younger sister, a ninja with spiritual powers that rivaled the priestess. After learning that her sister has been abducted, she, too set off to her rescue, and thus Kage and Chihiro's paths crossed.
Taito's Kage Densetsu: The Legend of Kage 2 for Nintendo DS™ is in stock today, shipping as region free Japanese version for US$ 39.90 only.
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March 11th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo Japan has unveiled the launch line-up for its WiiWare download service in the territory, with the news that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as King, Dr Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu and Pokemon Ranch will all be available on launch day - March 25.
The pricing structure for the launch titles has also been revealed, with the cheapest games costing 500 Wii Points (GBP 3.50 / USD 5) and the most expensive costing 1500 Wii Points (GBP 10.50 / USD 15).
The titles available on March 25, with Wii Point pricing, is as follows:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as King - 1500
Dr Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu - 1000
Pokemon Ranch Channel - 1000
Lonpos - 1000
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan - 1000
Saku Saku Animal Panic - 1000
Star Soldier R - 800
Okiraku Ping Pong - 500
Angels Solitaire - 500
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March 11th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Nintendo's chief explanation for Error Code 85010 goes something like: "Ours [sic] servers may be trying to handle an unusually high amount of traffic (especially if you are trying to play online with a recently-released or popular game, or if there is a new Wii system update). Please wait a few hours and try the connection again later." That's an oblique way of stating, simply: You're trying to play Smash Bros., aren't you?
Brawl's online component isn't entirely dysfunctional. If you've traded digits, playing 'with friends' is stable, and also permits more than one player from the same Wii to participate. Likewise, Spectator Mode is almost always working if you're the faceless voyeur-type who also likes to spend a little coin (in this case, on arbitrary betting). But when it comes to random brawls 'with anyone,' Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection tends to get, um, stressed. Good luck getting anything more than a few rounds with the sandbag before the service drops you during peak hours -- also known as, 'nights and weekends.'
When contacted, Nintendo assured us that its technicians are looking into the problem. See what happens when you hire a pair of plumbers to build your server farm out of warp pipes?
[Note: If you've received Error Code 85010 and are unable to establish any kind of online connection, then the problem could be associated with your internet service (dude, dial-up is so not gonna work -- ever) or your router (Wii can be picky). Refer to Nintendo Customer Service for more information.]
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March 11th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Another continent getting Wii Fit before the US? Oh, the irony. Gamespot reports Wii Fit will help Australians through their winter doldrums beginning May 8 at the suggested price of $150 Australian ($140 USD, €91). The Aussie retail Wii Fit includes the same peripherals and software as other regions.
Wii Fit has already sold over a million units in Japan and is ready to feel the burn in Europe beginning April 25 for £69.99 in the UK, and €89.99 for everyone else. The US has a scheduled release of May 19, but no price has been set.
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March 11th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Do you like popping the bubbles on bubble wrap? Then Bandai Namco Games has the game for you! The company announced today Ouchide Mugen Puti Puti, an original Wii Ware title about popping bubble wrap.
Set for Japanese release in Spring, the 800 Wii Point title is actually based around Bandai's popular Mugen Puti Puti toy. To see why that device has sold over 1.7 million units, check out this streaming video. Warning: extreme Japanese insanity!
The Wii Ware adaption of the toy uses the Wiimote's sound and rumble features to recreate the feel of actually popping bubbles. Unlike the toy, the videogame is able to replicate the feel of popping more than one bubble at a time.
We're not exactly sure what you do aside from just popping bubbles, but there seems to be quite a bit of gameplay packed in. Bandai Namco is working on 40 unique stages along with a mind test mode which checks your stress level. Two player competitive play is also planned.
This definitely sounds like one of those games that gets released in Japan and never makes it past the outgoing immigration room at Narita. But, then again, seeing as how this is a Wiiware release, perhaps Bandai Namco would be willing to let international audiences sample some of this wackiness.
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March 11th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Genius Products has said Line Rider will be sledding onto Wii, DS and PC this summer.
This, of course, is a remake of the popular Internet game that lets you draw your own ramps, hills and jumps, then let a physics-ruled hero loose on them.
However, there will be lots more on offer here. Developer InXile (of comedy RPG The Bard's Tale fame) is adding fresh game modes, more riders, extensive community features and polished creator tools.
The new game also has a storyline. You will take on the role of Bosh, who has to defeat bad-guy Chaz by solving around 40 increasingly puzzling levels. These have been put together by Line Rider champion TechDawg. Who sounds hard.
This will the first game US company Genius Products has published, incidentally, which is why the name is unfamiliar. We've contacted the developer for clarification over who will be dishing it out in Europe.
Those of you eager for this should pop over to the Line Rider website to try the game out, and watch what can be done in a huge selection of videos.
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March 11th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Genius Products has said Line Rider will be sledding onto Wii, DS and PC this summer.
This, of course, is a remake of the popular Internet game that lets you draw your own ramps, hills and jumps, then let a physics-ruled hero loose on them.
However, there will be lots more on offer here. Developer InXile (of comedy RPG The Bard's Tale fame) is adding fresh game modes, more riders, extensive community features and polished creator tools.
The new game also has a storyline. You will take on the role of Bosh, who has to defeat bad-guy Chaz by solving around 40 increasingly puzzling levels. These have been put together by Line Rider champion TechDawg. Who sounds hard.
This will the first game US company Genius Products has published, incidentally, which is why the name is unfamiliar. We've contacted the developer for clarification over who will be dishing it out in Europe.
Those of you eager for this should pop over to the Line Rider website to try the game out, and watch what can be done in a huge selection of videos.
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March 11th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
DDF has released a SD Card DOL loading utility for the Nintendo Wii. Simply burn the ISO image and place the "loader.dol" file on your SD Card and place your homebrew DOL file on the card also (name it "main.dol"). Note that this utility does not load from the built in SD Card slot, but from a SD Gecko or similar device plugged into a GameCube memory card slot.
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March 11th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: Malksta
via Zentendo
First Arwings were discovered, and then hackers discovered playable Dark Link. Now, almost ten years after its first debut on the Nintendo 64, hackers have made a way to allow four players to go head to head or co-op in Ocarina of Time.
Multi-player Hack in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The video's source, Outlawer.net, says that a public copy of the game is coming soon for download.
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March 12th, 2008, 13:22 Posted By: DesertDog
Fate/hollow ataraxia Prologue is a port/remake of the visual novel game by Type-Moon. The sequel to Fate/stay night, this homebrew demo covers the first chapter (hence, "Prologue") of the original PC game, as translated by Blue Gunner.
Here's a pic:

In developer news, this will be the last of Multiple:Option's ports/remakes. The next release will be mostly original!
Download and more information here:
- Desert Dog / Multiple:Option
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March 12th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Nintendo of America today made the surprising announcement that Mario Kart Wii is set for a stateside release this April. April 27 to be precise. Previously, NOA suggested that Kart Wii might arrive after the May debut of Wii Fit, but apparently that is not the case.
"Mario Kart for Wii transforms one of our most popular franchises into a race that every member of the family can enjoy," said Cammie Dunaway, NOA's executive vice president of sales and marketing. "Driving work the Wii Wheel could not be more natural, and this is one place where speeding is encouraged."
Mario Kart Wii comes packaged with the Wii Wheel. In addition to a wide selection of new tracks and vehicles, the title features a 12-player online component and compatibility with multiple different controller configurations.
We'll have more on the game soon.
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March 12th, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Because you can never have too much Tetris (not true), Hudson has announced plans to release a new WiiWare version of the classic block dropper.
That's according to an article over on Engadget (as translated by Joystiq). Apparently the gameplay will involve shaking the remote to activate special items - presumably power-ups and weapons, that sort of thing.
Up to six players will be able to take part in multiplayer contests via Wi-Fi Connection and downloadable content is promised.
WiiWare Tetris will be available around the world this summer and Hudson reckons it'll shift at least a million downloads following release. There's no word on price yet, but expect to pay somewhere between GBP 3 and GBP 8 judging by yesterday's WiiWare announcement.
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March 12th, 2008, 21:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Gamecock Media Group today announced that Insecticide is now shipping in North America for Nintendo DS. Insecticide features stylish film noir visuals paired with an engaging plot that is unmatched by any game in its genre. The highly anticipated action adventure game challenges players to think like a bug (detective) and solve an epic mystery in a world where insects have evolved as the dominant race on the planet.
In Insecticide, play as female heroin Chrys Lyszt, a hard-headed, 6 legged rookie detective thirsty for a big case. Chrys gets her wish granted when the CEO of the city's most lucrative soft drink company, Nectarola, is almost killed in a mysterious accident. But as Chrys delves deeper into the case she realizes that things are not what they appear. Get drawn into the fascinating and deadly world of Troi, where hopes are lost and joy is forgotten.
"Insecticide seeks to make a statement with its imaginative storyline", said Rick Stults, Console Chief at Gamecock. "The game combines the finesse of a quality detective game and the high-velocity of an action game to deliver a silky smooth solve-and-shoot adventure."
The gameplay is divided equally between Action and Detective (Adventure) levels. In the detective levels Chrys will pry through files and infiltrate areas to uncover any evidence crucial to her case, gaining access to new areas as well as meeting reliable sources for tips. In action levels Chrys hunts down any leads, including dangerous criminals that might bring her one step closer to exposing the truth behind the murder at Nectarola. Using insect-inspired weaponry such as the "Pollenizer" and the "Amberizer," Chrys has an arsenal of creative weapons to squash bad bugs with.
"Insecticide is a game that throws conventions out the window," said Michael E. Levine, Chief Nut-job at Crackpot Entertainment. "Players will be sucked into the storyline and really want to make it to the end of this game. The combination of the old school adventure elements and the fast paced action sets up an interactive story that appeals to all gamers."
Insecticide is available now for Nintendo DS for a suggested retail price of $29.99 and is rated Everyone 10+. The first episode of the "Bi-sodic" PC version of Insecticide will be available soon. Visit www.inseciticidethegame.com for more.
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March 12th, 2008, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Cool new guitar pick designs for use with Nintendo DS guitar games and programs. The DS Lite JAMMIN Guitar Pick has a removable cap for easy usage and storage.
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March 12th, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Small in size, but with an amazing number of features!
Compatible with both DS and DS Lite consoles.
Holds 30 DS game cartriges and 6 GBA-SP cartridges!
Convenient front pocket with inner mesh pouch.
Adjustable shoulder Strap has 2 additional mesh pouches for game cartridges and more!
Cushioned center dividers for custom storage options.
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March 12th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

* The Ergo-Pro Stylus extender provides maximum grip and comfort for better gaming
* Transform your DS Lite stylus into a full size pen stylus
* Convenient detachable clip keeps your ergo-pro stylus extender handy
* Assorted Colors
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March 12th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

This is a text base dating simulation game where your affection determines the winner in the boxing ring.
On the night of your first day in a new school, one of your friends takes you to the gym and shows you the school's secret club. To your amazement, the boys in your class are fighting to become king, the strongest boxer in the ring. Some of them make you nervous at first and others do not strike you as the type who would compete in boxing matches, but as you become familiar with them, you realize what a vital role you play behind their success.
It is because you are cheering for him, that is why he can rise to his feet before the count of ten. It is because you are patching up his wounds that he can enter the next match.
A girl in love is truly the goddess of victory.
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March 12th, 2008, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Get ready for some Easter fun with Amu and her guardian fairies (shugo chara). Amu appears cool and aloof, but in reality, she is really just clumsy with words and too shy to express herself. Her greatest wish is to change herself and her awkwardness. Her wish is answered one night in the form of three eggs that appears on her bed. They hatch to reveal three fairies Ran, Sue and Miki. Together with them, Amu joins the guardian team to defeat the dark forces that plagued her home town. And in her spare time, she trains to become more skillful in areas such as sports, cooking and school work with her sprites. And her ultimate aim is to win the heart of the man she likes.
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March 12th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from the GP2X Store:

Do you need a replacement Wii base? Are you looking for something more stylish than the original Wii base? If you are then look no further! We now carry three very stylish colors of the Wii base. Replace your tired looking Wii base with something that stands out more such as red chrome, black chrome, or clear blue! Best part is that it only costs $11.99!
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March 12th, 2008, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via devfr
It is at the Neo Compo that Kukulcan us to discover / rediscover its coullissant puzzle game. 3 Versions of his game are available, 3 packs of different themes. Everything is playable at DSMotion y'a and bonuses to unblock I do say no more to you to discover them.
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March 12th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka
WireWorld DS is a DS port of a cellular automation under the same name.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
- settings, some more settings!
- a title screen
Well, it's my first DS homebrew.
About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it.
+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
! Sadly, it dosen't feature scrolling, it's TOO SLOW to be used.
! There's also a bug described at the bottom of the topic.
! I can't sadly fix it. But there's a workaround.
+ a title screen
+ Toggling between slow and normal motion
+ You can now save your previous state before running the generation,
it'll be there when you'll stop it!
/ fixed the dreaded loading bug
/ Fixed a little annoying issue.
+ Added a non-DLDI version to the ZIP.
maybe something else, i don't know.
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March 12th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
T4ils has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: t4ils
Projet name : DiceSoldiers
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DiceSoldiers is a simple Risk-like game where you have to conquer the world against 1 to 4 computers and/or human players (hot seat). Each soldier is represented by a simple dice you throw to make war (more soldiers = more dices = more chances to win territories). The zip file contains a readme to learn the mechanics of the game.
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March 12th, 2008, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
kukulcan has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Kukulcan
Projet name : 13. AREA TEN
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: The goal is simple, it is necessary that each color or balls in the good area to finish the level.
Blue balls in the bottom of the screen and the red balls in the top of the screen.
The transition zone between the 2 areas is the black area.
The game Area and the number of balls with increasing levels.
5 levels of speed for moving balls
size of the ball (8x8, 10x10, 12x12, 14x14 or 16x16)
- Objectives -
Make each ball stay in its own area-Blue Or Red.
- Movement -
Left/Right PAD or DS Motion
- Others Keys -
Quit : Start
Music On/Off : R
Code : Kukulcan
Palib and Idea : Mollusk
Gfx : Lobo
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March 12th, 2008, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

There's already been quite a few musicians (and would-be ones) brought into the Nintendo DS fold thanks to apps like Jam Sessions, but it looks like there could soon be another wave flocking to the popular handheld, with the official, Korg-approved DS-10 synthesizer from AQ Interactive now headed for the DS in Japan. As you can see for yourself in the video after the break, like Jam Sessions, the synthesizer is anything but a game, with it boasting two patchable virtual synths with two oscillators each, a drum machine, a sequencer, and a full range of effects, to name but a few features. You'll also apparently be able to wirelessly link up several systems to play together or simply exchange sounds and songs, although you'll apparently have to make do without MIDI support. Needless to say, we'll keep you posted on any word of a release 'round these parts, but in the meantime, you can look forward to this one hitting Japan in July for ¥4,800, or just under $50.
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March 12th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Say what you will about Nintendo, they know how to create new market segments. Case in point, the SmartBrains "State of the Brain Fitness Software Market 2008 report" which cites the Nintendo's Brain Age games as a key driver in growing the brain fitness software market to a $225 million industry, up 125% since 2005.
Though Brain Age games dominate the $80 million consumer segment of the market, the game has also been a key inspiration to the 20 companies that create similar brain training tools for everything from sports teams to the military. The various brain training products have been used in over 400 elder care facilities and five successful randomized clinical trials. One product even gained FDA approval for use in stroke rehabilitation. We just hope those stroke patients don't have an accent.
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March 13th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Hudson has announced the forthcoming release of a WiiWare instalment in the Bomberman series.
As reported by Kotaku, the game appears in the latest issue of Famitsu.
Apparently it will be different to Bomberman Live, but you can expect the classic gameplay to remain intact. It won't just be a collection of mini-games, either. Up to eight players will be able to fight it out at once.
WiiWare is launching in Japan on 25th March, and the Bomberman game is due out in June. Here's hoping it arrives in Europe whenever WiiWare does.
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March 13th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Valkyrie Profile appears to be the next major franchise to jump ship to Nintendo. A few leaked scans from the upcoming issue of Japan's Jump comic magazine indicate that, following recent entries on the PlayStation 2 and PSP, the series is on the way to the DS through Valkyrie Profile: Toga wo Seou Mono.
Said to be the third entry in the series, Toga will feature a new hero, Wilfred, along with classic characters like Lenneth. The game appears to utilize an isometric perspective, with sprite-based characters controlled over three-fourths view play field. This would definitely be a change of pace for the series. Developer Tri-ace is once again handling development, with Square Enix, of course, publishing.
Once games are revealed in Jump, they're usually given a more open announcement within one or two weeks. Expect to hear lots more on the next entry in one of Square Enix's most critically acclaimed series shortly.
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March 13th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PC gamers and handheld players will have to wait two weeks longer than originally anticipated for the PC port of Assassin's Creed and the DS spin-off, Altair's Chronicles.
Both originally dated for February, Ubisoft previously delayed them until March 28, only to now move them further back to April 11.
Speculation suggests that they may have been pushed back to fall into the fiscal year of 2008-2009, but no explanation has been reported by Ubisoft so far.
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March 13th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This Official Case is designed to offer all-around external surface protection to your NDS Lite without compromising usability. It provides the maximum protection for your console against everyday hazards and scratches while allowing easy access to all buttons and ports. It molds perfectly to the console's shape to highlight its beauty while providing full access to all controls.
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March 13th, 2008, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Yuri and Chelinka are fraternal twins who live happily with their father in a small village, but their happiness comes to an abrupt end when an ancient evil force arrives. Now, with his family shattered, Yuri begins to train so that he can be strong enough to fight when the evil returns. Yuri and Chelinka set out on their quest to find their friends, avenge their family, and heal their world.
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March 13th, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Massif:
A DS version of the popular Tetra Master card based mini game from Final Fantasy IX.
- Quick Play Mode
- Random card selection
- Random AI (needs work)
- Added real AI instead of randomly choosing a card and square
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to play a card while holding it
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March 13th, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Updated version of LoneWolfDS Released, heres the details:
This project has begun as a way to learn how to program on the Nintendo DS. After seeing how the DS was used vertically as a book by some famous games, I thought it would be really cool to have some old gamebooks converted on this system.
Unfortunately, due to copyright issues, it was not really easy to find good contents to use as a working base. Then I found the Project Aon site, which offered many books from the award-winning Lone Wolf series, fully converted to HTML by some loving fans.
For those who didn't know about Gamebooks, they were novels which had a nice success during the 80's, and which were allowing the readers to choose their own path by jumping from one numbered section to another, in a fun and interactive way. They were introducing the concepts of inventory, enemies fights, random dice results, and other nice ideas which were the precursors of what we find today in role playing video games.
The philosophy behind the port of the Lone Wolf books to the DS is to let the console handle all the rules related to combats, stats and so on, so the player can be really immersed in the story and doesn't need to bother with the gameplay elements.
For now, only the first volume of the series, called "Flight From The Dark", is available. If people show enough interest in this first book, other volumes will be ported too. So if you find a bug, have a suggestion, or simply want to contact me, please feel free to write to lonewolfds<at>free.fr (replace the "<at>" by the "@" symbol). Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
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March 13th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Phnord:
0xtob suggested I share with you guys this program I've been coding up. I've used his DSMIDIWifi library to build a unique, original MIDI-Controller that takes advantage of the DS hardware in formulating a new instrument - one in which you can essentially "draw music." I am hosting this project at my website - http://www.andrewbuch.com/prog.php
There have been similar products like this before, such as Harmonix's AXE and it's DS homebrew version. However, in this case you actually have full 1:1 musical control over what you are doing.
Here's how it works. You first hit Start to connect to the network. Then set the channel you want to send MIDI on with the X & Y buttons. You then use the D-Pad to set what key and octaves you'll be playing in, choose a scale/mode with the A & B buttons. All of this is explained on the top-screen, and your choices are reflected up top as well.
On the bottom screen you will see a gradient of lines fading from left-to-right, resetting every 7 lines. These represent the notes of the key/scale you chose. For example, if you chose "C3 Major," the leftmost black line is C3, and each black line going right is another C (C4, C5, etc.) All of the gradients in-between are notes from the scale you chose.
To play music, you just draw across these gradients. The pressure of the stylus determines the Velocity of the note, and will also send Aftertouch data while you are holding a single note. The axis that is not controlling pitch can be used to send MIDI CC#1 (Mod-wheel data).
There are a couple of additional features. Holding the shoulder button sends out MIDI CC#64, which is the equivalent to holding the sustain pedal on a MIDI keyboard. You can toggle "modes" with select - as of now, there is a horizontal pitch, vertical pitch, and controller only mode. In controller only mode, it acts as a KAOSS pad - with both axis sending controller data (controllers can be assigned with the D-Pad). Finally, since sometimes note-off messages aren't always received, hitting Start will sweep through all the notes and make sure they're turned off.
Anyway, that's my program. I'm planning on eventually implementing a stand-alone mode which can be used with the DS on it's own, as well as refining the pressure sensitivity (right now it's soley calibrated to my own DS) and possibly adding a rhythmic-filter mode.
Please let me know what you think. I've taken down the source temporarily, but if you want to take a look at it let me know as well. My email is me at andrewbuch dot com.
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March 14th, 2008, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
via wiibrew
The Twilight Hack is currently the only safe, released way to run homebrew on an unmodded Wii.
Correctly loads geckoloader code from USBGecko flash
Front SD slot is now supported; SDGecko slot support has been removed.
FAT16 is now supported; you should save your ELF executable on your SD card as "boot.elf".
RZDJ is now supported
Added support for Geckoloader stub: If you have a USBGecko installed and have already run the Geckoloader program to install into flash, then the Twilight Hack will try to load that stub if it does not detect an SD card.
You will need:
1x Wii
1x SD card, formatted as FAT16
1x copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess that has been run at least once
1x Computer
1x Some way to read SD cards on a computer
(Optional) 1x or more GameCube controller
(Optional) 1x USBGecko
Inside the zip archive, you will find several savegame files; you will need to choose the correct one based on your version of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The easiest way to check your version is to compare the text string which is on the inner cycle of the data surface with the ones below.
RVL-RZDP-0A-0 JPN - rzdp0.bin
RVL-RZDE-0A-0 JPN - rzde0.bin
RVL-RZDE-0A-0 USA - rzde0.bin
RVL-RZDE-0A-2 USA - rzde2.bin
RVL-RZDJ-0A-0 JPN - rzdj0.bin
If it does not already exist, make a directory called "/private/wii/title/RZDx/" on your SD card; replace "RZDx" with RZDE, RZDP or RZDJ as appropriate. Copy the above file into that directory, renaming it as "data.bin".
Next, take your homebrew Wii executable, and save it in the root directory of your SD card as "boot.elf".
Now, put the SD card into your Wii and turn it on. Go into Wii Options --> Data Management --> Save Data --> Wii. Find your Zelda save, click on it, and click "Erase", and click Yes. Now, go into SD card, and select the "Twilight Hack" save (the icon says "Wiibrew Loader"). Click copy, and yes. Now, go back out of that menu.
Insert Zelda, and run the game. Load file A, and walk backwards.
The Twilight Hack works by employing a lengthly character name for the horse in the game ('Epona') in order to facilitate a stack smash. This gets triggered when talking to the man next to you when you start the savegame as he loads the name to use it in his dialog or upon attempting to enter the next zone, before the man talks to you and reminds you to go the other way to get the horse.
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March 14th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Wii Software (aka WiiWare) developers have revealed Nintendo's "secret war" with Xbox Live Arcade, in a series of chats with game dev website Develop.
The developers, who are conveniently speaking under conditions of anonymity, have revealed Nintendo's plans to capitalise on developer's frustrations with Xbox Live Arcade, which recently had its developer royalties slashed in half.
According to Develop, Nintendo has been pitching to studios what it says is a "more flexible" game download service. Allegedly, it's also been plugging the fact that unlike XBLA, Wii Software won't be clogged with retro releases - something goat man Jeff Minter famously threw a wobbly over.
"Nintendo has made it very clear to us that we'll not only be making a better royalty rate from WiiWare games, but we'll also have a better chance of selling games - the service won't be clogged up with the retro titles that have blighted the chances of many independent studios on Xbox Live Arcade," said one studio boss, who didn't want to be named.
Another Wii Software developer added: "Frankly, we're not looking at making games for Xbox Live Arcade because the service is full of shit," pointing at its abundance of retro titles. Big words for an anonymous man.
Wii Software is set to launch in Japan at the end of the month with launch games including Pokemon Ranch, Dr. Mario and Star Soldier R. Yep, no retro remakes there at all.
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March 14th, 2008, 19:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Nintendo's Virtual Console is this week singing to the tune of gunfire, with two classic shooters available for download in the UK.
First up is Super R-Type, the SNES entry in Irem's long-running series of glacially-paced side-scrolling shooters. It joins the TurboGrafx version already available on the Virtual Console, and is best remembered for its crippling slowdown. As such it's not the series most gracious moment – that accolade arguably going to R-Type Final – but it's still a wholesome blast at 800 Wii points.
Also on offer is the NES's take on the arcade light-gun game Operation Wolf which, on Virtual Console, bizarrely neglects to take advantage of the Wiimote, forcing players to wrestle with the standard controller mode. All of which earnt it a spectacular IGN score of '2.0' when it was reviewed stateside earlier this year, suggesting there're better ways to spend 500 Wii points.
Virtual Console European Releases, March 14
NES – 500 Wii Points
Operation Wolf (1987)
SNES – 800 Wii Points
Super R-Type (1991)
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March 14th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
BioWare has confirmed some old friends will be making a comeback in DS RPG Sonic Chronicles - whether you like it or not.
"I think maybe the challenge there, if people are not as excited about having the friends, is making them worthwhile, making them a good part of the game," studio manager Greg Zeschuk told MTV.
"They're not going to be gimmicky. They're not going to be side things. It is actually a core part of the gameplay mechanic. It's actually, we think, going to revitalise the love of the Sonic friends, especially Big the Cat."
According to co-founder Ray Muzyka, it's all about choice - as with all BioWare games. "The choice is moment to moment; it's in the story, it's within your exploration. It's also within your choice of companion characters and sidekicks. You're going to have a different experience in BioWare games depending on who you bring with you."
So what about the fact many people hate all of Sonic's stupid friends, especially that moronic mutant fox? "One of the things we're trying to do is make people feel something, an emotional attachment. And it could be dislike. Dislike is an emotion," Muzyka said.
"If you provoke that kind of emotion and you're trying to provoke that, it's a good thing. Provided you allow players to enjoy the experience throughout. Hopefully they like some characters. Hopefully they dislike some characters. And if we can bring that and maximise that, it'll be really fun."
Great. Sonic Chronicles is out later this year.
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March 14th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Do you want to play games with your favorite Disney characters? You can do that with Disney Friends. Interact with characters from The Lion King, Winnie the Pooh, Lilo and Stitch, and Finding Nemo. This game uses voice and touch to control the actions and emotional behaviors of the characters. You can have many adventures with Stitch, Dory, Simba, and Winnie the Pooh. You can even relive memorable film environments and moments. Nurturing and positive values are encouraged, such as caring and responsibility.
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March 14th, 2008, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka
WireWorld DS is a DS port of a cellular automation under the same name.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
- settings, some more settings!
- a title screen
Well, it's my first DS homebrew.
About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it.
+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
. fixed the thread a bit
/ fixed the annoying map uninitalization bug
* modded the title screen a bit
+ now you can toggle between slow/normal motion on the touch screen
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March 14th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Masscat:
Flickbook is an animation toy for the Nintendo DS.
It allows you to create an animated film by drawing a series of frames.
Flickbook requires a DLDI device with write support, so patch in the normal way.
What comes after 0.2.1?
A preview of release 0.3 is what.
You can get it here.
256 by 192 sized frames
256 colours
saves to /data/Flickbook
get to name films (no more film_a, film_b)
a palette editor
selectable past and future onion skinning of 1 to 3 frames
get a nice warning when exiting without saving
change to the flickbook.xml format
lots of internal changes to the way Flickbook works
You cannot load films from earlier version into this version. I may put a film converter into the Java export app.
Why the preview?
There is a little bluish button on the right of the screen that does not do anything yet.
There have been lots of changes to the way Flickbook works and I would like any feed back on problems. You may want to backup the contents of your flash card before using (just in case).
The Java exporter application needs updating to support the new flickbook.xml format and I need a working DS app to provide me with some test material.
How to use?
Changes to control from version 0.2.1:
You will be prompted for a film name if you select the new film button. Enter a name and press the on screen return key.
Onion skinning is now setup using eight buttons near the top left of the screen. The two middle blue buttons clear any past/future onion skinning. The buttons to the left and right of these setup 1,2 or 3 frame onion skinning.
To delete the current frame touch and hold the delete button (minus sign next to the playback/frame control buttons). A second delete button will appear just above this. To confirm the delete slide up to touch this second delete button and release the stylus from the screen. Releasing the stylus any where other than the second delete button will cancel the delete.
There are four colour select buttons. The one that looks like an eraser always selects the background colour. You can assign any of the 256 colours from the film's palette to the other three. Touch and hold any of the colour select buttons to be taken to the palette editor. The lower portion of the palette editor shows and allow you to select colours from the film's palette. You can edit the colours using HSV H, S, V and RGB R, G, B sliders. Select a colour select button and then select the palette colour to assign it that colour.
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March 14th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Primary school children will be told to play Nintendo before classes in the morning as part of a drive to improve their learning ability.
A 20-minute burst of the 'brain training' exercises on Nintendo's DS console at the start of the day apparently improves performance in maths tests by as much as 10 per cent, according to a Scottish study.
The scheme, backed by Scottish education authorities, will be introduced across 16 schools following a pilot in Dundee which found that a daily session of Nintendo's 'More Brain Training with Dr Kawashima' game improved students' concentration and behaviour, as well as their maths results.
If the trial is successful, the £120 console – which David James once blamed for breaking his concentration in front of goal – may be introduced more widely as a learning aid. Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS), the body responsible for curriculum development, said.
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“The initial pilot project that used the Nintendo DS and Dr Kawashima produced fascinating results," Derek Robertson, a development officer for 'games-based learning' at the LTS, said.
“Not only was there a marked and significant improvement in attainment in mental maths but there was also an improvement in concentration levels, behaviour and self regulation in the learning process.”
Over a 10-week period, students in years 5 and 6 at St Columba's Primary played a series of 'brain training games' – including reading tests, problem-solving exercises, and memory puzzles – for 20 minutes in the morning when classes began.
In a maths test at the end of the trial, their performance improved by an average 10 per cent, and the time to complete the test also dropped from 17 minutes to 13 minutes and nine seconds.
Some children halved the time it took to complete the test while either maintaining or improving their score, the study found.
The scheme will now be widened to 16 schools in the Western Isles, Dundee, East Ayrshire and Aberdeenshire, where students will take part in another 10 week trial, observed by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education and researchers at the University of Dundee.
LTS has bought 480 Nintendo DS consoles at a cost of £34,000, which will be distributed to students in the morning when classes start and collected when the exercises are completed.
The students will not be allowed to take the devices home.
"LTS is committed to exploring and developing new technology to support learning and teaching in the 21st century," Mr Robertson said.
"Game-based learning can provide dynamic and culturally relevant contexts that engage, motivate and challenge today’s young learner.
In 1997, David James, then the Liverpool goalkeeper, said the reason he'd let 3 goals through in a match against Newcastle United was because he had played too much Nintendo beforehand. "I was getting carried away playing Tekkon II and Teamraider for hours on end," he said.
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March 14th, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from abyssahx
A simple game where you have to align 3 bullets of the same color to make them disappear, originality comes from the fact that there are 4 of a sudden bullets and what all do not fall in the same direction ...
(Score appears well on DS)
Version 0.1: 14/03/2008 1st release
How to play:
Move the balls with the pad or the stylus.
Relacher bullets with A or L
When bullets are removed, try to touch the pen to earn a few points more.
Touching one of the 2 bonus icons on the top left of the bottom screen to turn the table of balls to get out of bad situations
Other information:
This is my first dev for DS, then it is not necessarily very elaborate!
It remains to be done:
-- Find a correct name
-- Sound Management
-- Management bonus in the event of "combo"
-- Create a screen title
-- Add a little entertainment at the balls
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March 15th, 2008, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from MorganDS:
Here is v0.3 of graphDS. I added parametric and polar graphing. Everything else is the same as in the previous release, but now you can press Mode to switch between graph modes while on the graphscreen. Here are the defaults for parametric and polar graphing:
tMin = 0;
tMax = 6.283185307;
tStep = .05;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 6.283185307;
thetaStep = .05;
Currently, you cannot change these defaults, but eventually I will add capabilities for changing the window, etc.
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March 15th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
All this week, UK games development site Develop has been running a series of articles under its 'WiiWare Week' banner, analyzing developer's affections for, and the potential success of Nintendo's upcoming WiiWare digital distribution platform. Most revealing is the claim that Nintendo has been secretly 'waging war' on the likes of Sony and Microsoft by capitalizing on frustrations over cuts to the Xbox Live Arcade royalty rate (down from 70% to 35% for any game making under $4m in revenue) and talking up the service's access to a wide audience to win over development support. It features commentary from both established developers (such as David Braben, creator of Elite, and Scott Orr, creator of Madden) — and indie teams (developers of new WiiWare games Pop and Gravitronix) making launch games for the service.
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March 15th, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from oxo:
You are a rebounding ball, and you must arrive at the end of the level without falling into the void or do you have a bug
First version with 2 levels
Bug collisions ghost resolved
R + L to switch level
Best clipping the ball
Background which "disappears more"
Map on 2 Screens
Level 3 new (well you hang your DS to finish)
A menu that allows you to manage gravity, the strength of rebound, and chafing.
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March 15th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from asiekierka
WireWorld DS is a DS version of a cellular automation under the same name. It's NOT a port, it's my mistake, i know.
So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
- settings, some more settings!
- a title screen
Well, it's my first DS homebrew utility.
About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue
Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.
Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it, even a computer! (Don't try it at home, kids)
+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
. - unimportant but still
+ LOTS of optimizations. And i mean LOTS.
/ i think some bugfixes, unsure
+ Added controls information on the touch screen while on the title.
! maybe something else, i don't know.
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March 15th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Oxtob
I really like the idea of the popular mini game Crayon Physics: You draw an object on the screen and it instantly becomes physical and interacts with other objects. The first thing that sprung to my mind when seeing it was "This would be awesome on the DS!" And Pocket Physics is what I came up with after two weeks. It isn't really a game, but more of a physical construction kit for your pocket. You can design scenes freely by drawing things with the stylus. Things can be solid, like ramps and floors, or dynamic, like balls or boxes. Like in The Incredible Machine, you can reset the scene, change it, and start the simulation again. It's even more fun if you have a DS Motion, which can be used to control gravity!
This version was quite a lot of debugging work, but I'm really satistied with the result. There's good and bad news about the changes.
I'll tell you the bad news first:
There are no new features, except for deleting sketches.
Many of your existing sketches will no longer load in this version and if they do they will behave differently. This is due to changed in the new version of Box2D and also due to my optimizations. If you want to "rescue" a sketch, open the pp file in a text editor and check that all boxes are at least 6 pixels wide and that there are no extremely small or thin polygon shapes in there.
The PP file format has changed because I introduced a root node to make the XML compliant. The old files will still load, but those of you who have written parser code for websites will have to update their code.
Certain changes led to heavy objects being "restless" when lying on a flat surface.
And the good news is:
Simulation is now incredibly fast! I optimized the hell out of it and it still runs at acceptable speed with 50 circles on the screen. This is probably as fast as it will get.
Box2D now officially supports fixed point math and the DS target! Erin Catto has added the patches by Kavaler and me to the official SVN! Yay! Thanks a lot to Kavaler for his help with the fixed point port!
I fixed the "explosion" bug. In case you're interested in what caused it: I'm using the DS's hardware div and sqrt functions both in the physics and in the drawing code. Usually the physics code gets interrupted by the drawing code. Now if the physics code was just waiting for a division result while being interrupted by the graphics, the result will be overwritten by the graphics code. When execution of the physics code in continued it will read back the wrong division result, which can have dramatic consequences. This also caused a lot of randomness and probably crashes. I fixed it by remembering the division/sqrt register values at the beginning of the vblank interrupt handler and writing them back at the end. Also, because of this fix:
The randomness is gone! Everything is 100% deterministic now.
There are no more crashes! Really, I can't get it to crash any more. If you can, please show me the pp file!
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March 16th, 2008, 10:42 Posted By: wraggster
Looking forward to some new Nintendo announcements? Might want to hold tight until about July, according to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. He tells Geoff Keighley on the newest GameTrailers TV that the company will be announcing the second half of '08's line-up at E3. What's on tap? Mostly misdirection and fanboy teasing, it sounds like.
When asked if the orchestra conductor demo from E3 2006 would make an appearance, Reggie said "Who knows? Maybe that's one of the things we'll talk about at E3." He similarly dodged a Donkey Kong Wii question.
Fils-Aime said that Nintendo's post-E3 releases will be "maximizing all of our key franchises," teasing something the hardcore userbase will be frothing over. F-Zero? Pilotwings? Something Zelda-related? What is it?!
Reggie was cagey. "There's gonna be a big game for the holiday that the gamers will want," he said. "All I can tell you is what we announce during E3 is gonna be fantastic. The gamer is gonna be excited and the expanded audience is gonna be excited."
Who wants to start making some educated guesses? I've got a rupee on Kid Icarus. Wait, scratch that. Tingle Prime.
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March 16th, 2008, 10:42 Posted By: wraggster
Looking forward to some new Nintendo announcements? Might want to hold tight until about July, according to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. He tells Geoff Keighley on the newest GameTrailers TV that the company will be announcing the second half of '08's line-up at E3. What's on tap? Mostly misdirection and fanboy teasing, it sounds like.
When asked if the orchestra conductor demo from E3 2006 would make an appearance, Reggie said "Who knows? Maybe that's one of the things we'll talk about at E3." He similarly dodged a Donkey Kong Wii question.
Fils-Aime said that Nintendo's post-E3 releases will be "maximizing all of our key franchises," teasing something the hardcore userbase will be frothing over. F-Zero? Pilotwings? Something Zelda-related? What is it?!
Reggie was cagey. "There's gonna be a big game for the holiday that the gamers will want," he said. "All I can tell you is what we announce during E3 is gonna be fantastic. The gamer is gonna be excited and the expanded audience is gonna be excited."
Who wants to start making some educated guesses? I've got a rupee on Kid Icarus. Wait, scratch that. Tingle Prime.
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March 16th, 2008, 10:44 Posted By: wraggster
Leigh Alexander has an interesting proposal (one that will never, ever happen, but interesting nonetheless): two versions of the Wii console to rid the system of the pesky Friend Code system (which is, as Alexander points out, frequently a pain in the ass):
Friend Codes are a pain, right? The Wii doesn't have the sort of lobby system that just about every other game machine has managed to perfect. The mechanism exists, sure, but I've never seen it function usably. If current reviews of Brawl are to be believed, it's best to match up with a friend than to try and get a random battle.
Of course, the Wii is a family console; I don't think Nintendo has anything to gain from making it easier for random strangers to hook up with kids on the internet. But why don't they make like Xbox did and offer different console packages?
Clearly, the Wii is selling like hot cakes and Nintendo doesn't need to do anything; but it would be nice to have the option of dumping the clunky Friend Code system, no?
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March 16th, 2008, 10:52 Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: wolped
Project name : DS-DOS
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DS-DOS is an MS-DOS type clone, featuring a command line interface.
Latest Version .21
(actually .50 is the latest but my computer crashed last week)
(iDeaS cut off part of the picture)
The rest is from the readme:
DS-DOS a MS-DOS clone by Shawn Winkels.
Version .21
-Added NeoFlash compo splash screen
Version .20
-Fixed some copy problems
-Cleaned up "dir" command
-Added "lock" and "ulok"
-Added restart by pressing Start
-"cd" is still broken
-sound is still broken
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
For some reason, typing any commands larger than five characters long, may break
certain commands. To fix this, press Start to restart DS-DOS (file must be named
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; Everyone involved with devkitPro
and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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March 16th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
It seems Nintendo are now fighting back against piracy on the Nintendo DS, heres the details:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates shipped to North American retailers today, and interestingly enough include a new copy protection scheme that attempts to discourage players from using unauthorized copies of the game on certain DS flash cards.
People using the R4 and M3 flash cards will be greeted with a “Thank you for playing!!” screen after twenty minutes of playing.
Looks like Nintendo are at last having a go against piracy on the DS, thankfully it doesnt harm homebrew.
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March 16th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
mitglied has released a new homebrew game for the PS2 and Nintendo Wii:
Ballion is based on the C64`er game Crillion. The code is written using the free ps2dev toolchain. To play Ballion you need to copy it to a memory card or to ps2 hard disc. You need 7,1 MByte free space. You don't need a modified ps2 to play it. You can use the ps2 linux or the memory card exploit for booting. Files required for booting can be downloaded at ps2dev. Game states are saved on memory card in slot 1.
Example: ps2client -h execee host:ballion.elf
For the WII version you need a gamecube game controller. Sound is not yet supported in this version. Hardware acceleration is not used, the PS2 version looks better. To save the game state, you need a gamecube memory card in slot B. You can load ballion with the Twilight Hack.
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March 16th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Team Twiizers have posted a video of their upcoming Wii Homebrew Channel for the Nintendo Wii, to say that Wii Homebrew is exciting at this time is an understatement.
Heres the video:
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March 16th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
Sercio and ExodusC, Gekko beta testers, posted screens running the upcoming Gamecube emulator for PC.
Sadly we are not allowed to see the FPS.
The games tested are The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
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March 16th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Quirky has posted another WIP Post on his Bunjalloo project:
An update on the status of Bunjalloo. I'm fiddling about with options and how to present them at the moment. Last release saw a change in the way I deal with configuration. Up until 0.5.4, the release zip would overwrite the config.ini, search.cfg and allowed cookies file. It was pretty unlikely that many people actually changed these files, since the configurable things have been a bit limited and changing them required a bit of effort, but as options are added it is more and more likely. Well, now it will be possible to change the language and default download location from a configuration screen. The design is typically lo-fi, but seems to work okay.
Next up is to make the list of pages allowed to set cookies editable. The default behaviour of all popular browsers - allow anyone to set any cookie - is not a very wise choice from a privacy point of view. So I've gone the other way and made the list of allowed sites whitelist-based. If you're not on the list, you're not setting cookies. However, in order to add a site to the list one has to use an external editor, which isn't too user friendly. A way to do this from a settings screen is on the list of things to do.
If the release doesn't drag on, I also want to add an automatic updater, as suggested by Sarvesh. This will probably be semi-automatic - i.e. a button with "check for updates" - since the DS network is not the fastest and over zealous checking would be most irritating. This requires adding (at least) unzip support, so would be quite a big addition. It would also mean that zip files could be opened up from within Bunjalloo, which might be interesting.
If I manage all that, which is not likely, I also want to add configurable quick searches. These are searches that are triggered by typing a single letter followed by the search term into the address entry text box. Currently these are hard wired in the search.cfg file (g, y and w for Gogle, Yahoo and Wikipedia), but a system similar to Firefox's quick search wouldn't be too tough to add.
Of course if you would like to see any other features, or help speed up the addition of the above ones, patches are always welcome. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has tried to compile the source code, and how it went.
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March 16th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nutki is back and with an awesome new release of his Gameboy Emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
It’s been a long time since last news from Lameboy project. In fact it was not active for some time, but now is back with lots of new features. Actually with so many changes you can consider it beta as certainly there will be problems with some still. So here you go.
Lameboy DS 0.10
Change log:
changed: updated devkitARM and associated libraries to r21
fixed: STOP opcode (fixes Konami Collection 2 JP & 4 JP)
fixed: found and reverted patch that caused problem with pumpkin level in Mario Land 2
fixed: another change in interrupt handling to fix Monster Rancher Explorer
fixed: palette change effects
fixed: interrupt enable register, fixes graphic glitches in Pokemon Pinball and Donkey Kong
fixed: DAA opcode flags
added: Super GameBoy borders and coloring support
added: rumble emulation with slot 2 rumble pak
added: menu
added: green color scheme for classic gb
added: configurable x/y key functions
added: save states
Save states are in early phase now, but somehow working. As a feature when save state is used game is not saved to regular .sav at the same time. Super Gameboy emulation on the other hand is pretty much done (of course no SNES sounds, as in other emulators).
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March 16th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
via playeradvance

Montspy gives us pleasure releaser of achievement on its second NDS, which is more or less an innovative concept, never before seen in the video game!
And yes, you are nothing less than a snake named Snake, and you have a secret mission to Washington, your goal? You infiltrate into the impenetrable fortress of Groznyj Grad, Russian jungle in order to retrieve the professor Sokolov, to bring it back to the United States, and destroy the Shagohod, a tank capable of launching nuclear warheads to several thousand miles away and that might trigger a nuclear war!
If you die, the American government deny any responsibility, the fate of the world is in your hands ...
Snake Good luck!
Note: you must also get small balls on the map allows you to grow.
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March 17th, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has updated his entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: wolped
Project name : DS-DOS
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DS-DOS is an MS-DOS type clone, featuring a command line interface.
Latest Version .41
(iDeaS cut off part of the picture)
The rest is from the readme:
DS-DOS a MS-DOS clone by Shawn Winkels.
Version .41
-Added Ability to copy files between cards
Version .21
-Added NeoFlash compo splash screen
Version .20
-Fixed some copy problems
-Cleaned up "dir" command
-Added "lock" and "ulok"
-Added restart by pressing Start
-"cd" is still broken
-sound is still broken
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
To use the extra device, you must have a dldi file called "fat3.dldi", which is a
renamed dldi file of the other device you want to use. To boot an .nds file on the
other device, you would type "fat3:\myndsfile.nds". Copying, renaming, moving, and
deleting all work this same way.
For some reason, typing any commands larger than five characters long, may break
certain commands. To fix this, press Start to restart DS-DOS (file must be named
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; Everyone involved with devkitPro
and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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March 17th, 2008, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and with Full Worldwide Shipping

With the Pro Evolution Soccer series renowned for its fluid, realistic gameplay, the new game builds on the implementation of Teamvision with additional key advances. As with previous releases since its inception in 1996, the ball is again treated as a separate entity, with the timing of shots entirely down to the player, while the new AI ensures that defenders work to close down space and block efforts on goal. Similarly, distribution of passes works along the same lines, with players using the space available to them to switch the ball. Close control has also been enhanced with more control when dribbling the ball, and a number of subtle moves added to bypass defenders and move the ball into space.
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March 17th, 2008, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Blast your way through more than 16 gigantic bosses, 100 unique enemies and seemingly
Unlock and configure your ship’s six different weapons to adapt your armaments to a particular challenge.
Choose from three control styles: Classic (no Touch Screen necessary), Left Handed or Right Handed Touch Control.
Compete in the N2 Championship. Upload and browse your scores online with the Nintendo Wifi connection to see how you rank against the best.
Alternating vertical and horizontal view level styles add to the rich gameplay.
All new Nanogauge lets you earn multiplier bonuses for each enemy shot. Fill the gauge as you
Features more than 30 energetic songs and over 200 unique sound effects.
The pulse-pounding 3D shooter returns to the DS in Nanostray 2. Configure your own powerful weapons and master over 30 challenges to unlock more action. Discover beautiful worlds and frightening bosses in the most intense shooter available on the DS!
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March 17th, 2008, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The girls from Teito Tokyo, New York and Paris have joined forces in this installment. Dramatic Dungeon: Sakura Taisen is a dungeon RPG that combines adventure and an engaging plot. Following the conventions of past installments, you proceed with the story through talking to the characters in a text based system and defeat the dark forces endangering the world through a dungeon system. As you battle the enemies with the girls in your squad, your bonds with them grows.
The game supports a multi-ending system, and depending on the choices you have made in the dungeons, you end up with a different girl.
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March 17th, 2008, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience the popular arcade shooting action at home. Blast the undead with the quick trigger action of the Wii Zapper™.
Co-op gameplay. Grab a friend and destroy the undead together including Arcade mode and Original mode.
Gory arcade graphics. THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2 & 3 RETURN retains the rich arcade graphics you love.
Two grisly titles from the popular THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD™ series are being compiled into one action-packed horror shooter for the Wii™. Both THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2 and III will feature the original arcade experience, complete with branching storylines, over six ghoul-filled game modes and bonus content. Re-live your glory days in the arcades and mow down packs of clawing, biting undead with the new rapid-fire Wii Zapper™!
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March 17th, 2008, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
After 2 years of dedicated work, we’re proud to present the complete English translation of Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart.
I’d like to thank everyone on the team and everyone who contributed over the years for their support. I’d also like to thank all of the fans who left encouraging comments for us and who believed in this project until the end.
Please read the release notes bundled with the patch. They don’t just contain ‘boring’ technical information but also lots of background information about the game and the translation as well as some notes from our translator.
There was also a huge website update. I’ve created a Project Page for the game, where you can find many nice surprises. Make sure to check it out! I know though that you all just want the patch for now. Have fun!
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March 17th, 2008, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Just spotted this over at Sega Saturn News that theres mention of a Wii Port of Yabause the Sega Saturn Emulator for WIndows, Linux and Dreamcast etc.
wii port:
- Added initial support.
Looks like the Wii Scene is getting even more interesting.
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March 17th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Europe's delay in getting Smash Bros Brawl is causing great amounts of distress. So it's good to know that amidst all the wailing and teeth-gnashing, somebody can see the funny side of it all. Above is a shot of the game's product page from the online store of British supermarket chain Tesco. Obviously not a release date that's come from Nintendo themselves, but hey, the way things are going it may not end up being too far off the mark!
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March 17th, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from qw3rky
I made a simple music playing application called "Toy Piano DS" (yeah, I wasn't feeling too creative with the names today). You play a rainbow-colored mini piano keyboard on the bottom screen and all the notes that you play show up on the top screen on a musical staff. I made it to help myself become more comfortable with formal music notation (I've been relying on guitar tabs until now). The "piano" sound is nothing fancy. It just comes from the procedural sound generators (PSG) on the DS, which makes for an odd combination of 8-bit retro fuzz and Fisher-Price aesthetics.
Stylus - play keyboard
Up - raise pitch by one octave
Down - lower pitch by one octave
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March 17th, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Following leaked Jump Magazine images from last week, Square Enix today made the new DS installment of the Valkyrie Profile series officially known, and even shared a few screens and pieces of artwork.
As we reported last week, this new entry in one of Square Enix's most critically acclaimed franchises is fully titled Valkyrie Profile: Toga wo Seou Mono. This surname is currently being unofficially translated around the web as "The Accused." We reserve the right to tack on a "One" to the end of that title depending on how many people are actually being accused.
Aside from the screenshots, we don't have too much in the way of details on the game. The word "toga" will reportedly play a major role in the game's storyline and gameplay systems. No, that doesn't mean everyone will be walking around in togas. "Toga" here is the Japanese word for "fault," as in, "It's all your toga!" Although we don't recommend mixing in Japanese words with your English, because it makes you sound like a jerk.
Fans of the Valkyrie Profile series can rest assured that developer tri-Ace is once again heading up the development effort on this title. Although the viewing perspective now appears to be 3/4 overhead, the game is said to maintain the strategic, high-paced battle system for which the developer is known.
Looking to get an early glimpse? Recently, Square Enix announced a bonus item for the PSP version of Star Ocean 2, due for Japanese release in April. The bonus item is a DVD that will contain footage of tri-Ace developed games like Star Ocean 4 and Infinite Undiscovery. Also included is footage of one game that was unannounced when the bonus item was unveiled. Although Square Enix hasn't officially announced so, we're going to speculate that the mystery footage is from the new Valkyrie Profile game.
Screenshots here
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March 17th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Concerned parents are again blasting the Nintendo Wii for an incident of effeminate violence following a 13-year-old boy's limp-wristed attack on three of his classmates at a Cleveland-area middle school Tuesday.
The incident—the sixth of its kind in as many months—has left parents searching for answers and struggling to comprehend the dainty assault, which left the necks of two sweaters severely stretched out and countless fingers stubbed.
Despite graphic simulated violence against teensy little bunnies and realistic depictions of dangerous plungers, video game Rayman Raving Rabbids is popular among children as old as 18.
"These games are a prissy little menace to our society," said Linda Roberts, 35, a mother of three and founder of the group Parents Against Wii, which is suing Nintendo for $52 million in damages from two recent swattings. "One of these days, the red marks on our children's arms might not just go away after five minutes."
The Wii, now the most popular gaming system in the country, most recently came under fire last month, when 15-year-old Los Angeles student Brian Strickland, who reportedly plays Wii Sports tennis, was expelled for flicking his wrist back and forth at a fellow sophomore's head. And in January, 12-year-old Boulder, CO native Andrew Conner, a fan of the WarioWare: Smooth Moves game, was hospitalized after swinging his arm like an elephant trunk into members of the eighth-grade boys basketball team.
"The Nintendo company is knowingly exposing our children to disturbing acts of foppishness right in our living rooms," said Roberts of PAW. "Even more frightening, the motion-sensing technology teaches them that the only way to resolve conflicts is to flail their arms in acts of fruity aggression."
Wii's critics claim that the sissified games use disturbing pastel imagery, graphic representations of adorable characters, and disorienting kaleidoscopes of color to prey on children's basest flaming instincts. The game Dewy's Adventure, in which children control a cute droplet of water who must return fruit to a magical tree, is often cited as one of the worst offenders.
"Three years ago, our children were not prancing after their peers and brutally flicking each other on the playground," Roberts said. "They were well-behaved wimps who spent their recess periods hiding from bullies. What are these terrible games doing to our country's sallies?"
While no scientific link has ever been established, a report to be released by PAW later this month indicates an alarming correlation between Wii's growing popularity and a shocking 200-percent increase in wuss-on-wuss violence. In addition, the group documented 634 incidents of fussy skirmishes, all of which ended in tears.
According to the American Psychological Association, prolonged exposure to cutesy video-game violence can increase aggressive frolicking and angry fluttering in children. Paula Greer, co-chair of the APA Committee on Violence in Video Games and Interactive Media, warned that Wii games reward players for explosive girly behavior rather than enforcing proper negative social consequences.
"The Wii's fluffy flowers and bright peach-colored sunlight glorify chasing precious talking rabbits with plungers," Greer said. "What kind of message is that sending to our children? That it's 'cool' to act like some kind of electrical elf or banana fairy?"
The APA is working with the Entertainment Software Rating Board to update its rating system to reflect the perceived influence of Wii on children's behavior. According to suggested guidelines, games that contain insipid language, vigorous paint scrubbing, and mild to moderate bell-ringing will be rated P for Pansy; those that include simulated sand-pouring and intense lily-pad racing will be rated NP for Namby-Pamby.
But some believe critics of the Wii are overreacting. Benjamin Warren, a First Amendment lawyer based in New York, defended the video game manufacturer, claiming it alone did not invent priggish hostility.
"Limp-wristed flapping has been around for as long as children have had wrists," Warren said. "Our society has always blamed whatever new trend comes along, be it windmills, knitting, the harpsichord, or Jazzercise."
Added Warren, "Wii is just the latest target—a fuzzy, pink, cuddly little target with big eyes and a squeaky voice that just makes you want to eat it up."
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March 17th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has updated his entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: wolped
Project name : DS-DOS
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DS-DOS is an MS-DOS type clone, featuring a command line interface.
Latest Version .45
(iDeaS cut off part of the picture)
The rest is from the readme:
DS-DOS a MS-DOS clone by Shawn Winkels.
Version .45
-Fixed names larger than 6 characters (thanks cornaljoe)
-Fixed bug that stopped hardware if fat3.dldi wasn't found
Version .41
-Added Ability to copy files between cards
Version .21
-Added NeoFlash compo splash screen
Version .20
-Fixed some copy problems
-Cleaned up "dir" command
-Added "lock" and "ulok"
-Added restart by pressing Start
-"cd" is still broken
-sound is still broken
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
To use the extra device, you must have a dldi file called "fat3.dldi", which is a
renamed dldi file of the other device you want to use. To boot an .nds file on the
other device, you would type "fat3:\myndsfile.nds". Copying, renaming, moving, and
deleting all work this same way.
For some reason, typing any commands larger than five characters long, may break
certain commands. To fix this, press Start to restart DS-DOS (file must be named
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; cornaljoe for character fix:
Everyone involved with devkitPro and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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March 17th, 2008, 18:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Go Nintendo
We’ve heard that the boosting was quite different in the latest edition of Mario Kart, but it still wasn’t confirmed that snaking was gone altogether. Well, according to Official Nintendo Magazine (UK)’s review, snaking is a thing of the past. Here’s a portion of their review…
The second big difference (in Mario Kart Wii compared to the rest of the series) is the removal of snaking. Ever since the N64 game, practically every Mario Kart game has included the ability to get a speed boost by waggling the controls left and right as you powerslide. This has finally been scrapped, and now your speed boost is determined by how long you can hold the slide.
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March 17th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Edddy posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: edddy
Projet name : Snake Dual Screen
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: this is a snake game where you have to eat all eggs on the level before end of time.To make it harder I have put some chicken on some levels...
Featuring :
-multiple way to move Snake :
With Pad,
with Stylus
or with ds motion
-Eat eggs, grow and watchout for chicken
-More than 20 levels, with normal and hard mode.
-saving progess , hiscore and options
How to play:
you can move snake with D.pad or A,B,X and Y
or you can draw a line with stylus on the direction where you want go (snake turn when you release stylus)
or with ds motion.
to win you have to eat all eggs before end of time with out snake touching walls, it self or chicken.
Credits :
-concept, realisation, coding, design :
-realsed with :
PA Lib
080203 "Community Release" - BETA
Mappy 1.4
by Robin Burrows
-Music: (samples of):
"Johnny boy is alive!"
by Wonder
this is my all first programme
I hope You like it
site : http://snake-dualscreen.ovh.org/
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March 18th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Nintendo has announced that Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii has sold more than 1.4 million copies in the US in just one week - making it the fastest-selling game in Nintendo's history.
Brawl sold more than 874,000 on March 9, and has sold at a rate of more than 120 units per minute between that launch date and March 16.
"Super Smash Bros. Brawl has made the leap from video game to cultural phenomenon," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing.
"Game reviewers and the public alike praise its fun game play and extensive, inventive content."
The previous game in the series, Super Smash Bros. Melee, became the best-selling Nintendo GameCube game of all time with more than 7 million copies sold worldwide.
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March 18th, 2008, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
Shoog posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Shoog
Project name : PiztogTD
From : USA
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
PiztogTD is a fast paced tower defense style game. Defeat the mobs before they reach the end of the maze in order to win.
* 5 tower types
* 80+ tower upgrades
* 30 effect types
* 3 armor types
* Original artwork
DLDI patch is required!
Thanks for playing!
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March 18th, 2008, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
dsbuff is a Windows .NET application which allows you to perform basic operations on *.nds files. It removes the need to use batch files or command line arguments just to perform a simple task.
Current Features:
Edit the Header
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March 18th, 2008, 11:20 Posted By: JKKDARK
The author Richard42 said:
Emulator fans, come and test our release candidate of the upcoming Mupen64Plus version 1.3. The major features of this emulator are:
- runs on 32-bit or 64-bit Linux systems with optimized code
- includes 3 great OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and glide64
- massively cleaned-up interface code; GTK GUI build and "nogui" build are unified
- install/uninstall scripts to properly handle a multi-user environment
- bugfixes in the 64-bit dynamic recompiler, GTK GUI, and plugins
I would like to acknowledge Ebenblues, who put a lot of work into the enhancements and changes, and Günther, who made a backwards-compatible 64-bit port of Glide64 included here.
You can download the packages here.
Or you can get the latest SVN snapshot and build your own with this repository:
There is read-only access for the username "mupen64" with password "Dyson5632-kart".
So please test it out and report bugs in this thread. We'll make an official release in a couple of weeks after addressing the issues reported here. We would also be interested to talk with distro packagers to get it included with upcoming Linux distributions.
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March 18th, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
aGaTHoS has updated his DS MInes - Minesweeper game for the Nintendo DS
There are many improvements, including various types of input methods as you suggested, clickable question marks, a graphical information top screen with a minimap. And new sizes added.
Still no scores :S, for the next release.
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March 18th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
The Acekard Flash Cart has seen a Menu/firmware update:
What’s New
Fixed the issue of speed of saving game.
Improved compatibility of soft-reset of some games.
Fixed display of some Japanese charactors. (Thanks to kzat3 and takeru)
Known issues
A few games will be abnormal when launch it after soft-reset. You can turn on DS again and re-launch it.
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March 18th, 2008, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DWedit: of an update of the Nes Emulator for the GBA and the Movie player hardware:
For the GBA Movie Player (CF version) only.
This is basically the same PocketNES that I just released for flash cartridges, but with a few things missing:
* does not yet accelerate games as much
* does not yet fix Magic of Scheherazade
Run the flasher tool to install pocketnes onto your GBAMP's firmware.
Any time you want to use pocketnes, run "run_pocketnes.gba"
Pocketnes also has a multiboot GBA loader, which is more compatible than the builtin one.
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March 18th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Myran
So I made a Pipe Dream-like game for the DS, it works pretty well IMO.
The goal of the game is to build a pipeline between two points on a grid, to the left you see what pipe-pieces will come next (the one on the bottom is the very next one) and on the top is a timer ticking down, when the time is up goo will start coming out of the starting pipe and if it reaches the end pipe you win and go to the next level.
The game is playable on both Windows and Nintendo DS, but since I compiled the Windows version with Visual Studio 2008 most people will probably not be able to run it (you need either Visual Studio 2008, Windows Vista or Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package).
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March 18th, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Willreno posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: willreno (Wang Nannan)
Projet name : Reno Studio Neo Compo
From : Guangdong,China
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
Reno Studio Neo Compo has two parts:reno memo and reno draw.
Reno memo is a notepad software.
1.It contains Pinyin input system.RENO MEMO supports handwriting in English and Pinyin as well. Using A button to switch between English and Pinyin. Pinyin input system supports AI distinguish, you do not have to enter the full text, and it supports custom phrases. Under the Pinyin mode, you can press Enter directly after you finish entering, just as the way you input in English.
2.This software also can be used for copying, pasting, deleting, and shearing in an article. The most fantastic thing is that you can use the pen to locate anywhere you wish in an article directly. By doing these, just press the X button, No.1-6 are used to control file's paragraphs. Space is for switching between up/lower screens. You can use direction keys to turn over pages. Desicde the place where you want to put the cursor by using a pen, then by pressing X to insert words. Time and again, holding X for 1 second, it will quit to normal mode.
3. If you wish to view the whole passage, press B to enter the browsing mode. If you are using MK6, the pages can be turned over by swaying your NDS, or just using the direction keys or L/R.
4.If you wish to insert data or time, press R.
5.The software also has reading and saving functions of a document. L / R can be used for scrolling the file list under the page of inputing file's name. If you touch the blank part of the lower screen then you can preview it. By pressing A, it means that the file which you selected was the first one on the top screen.
6.When you close the cover of NDS ,passages will be saved as RSDAIJI.TXT automatically.
7.The software supports custom skin. There are 10 sets of skins under the Skin folder, respectively skin0-skin9.
8.Reno memo also supports HTML text editing, you can delete all the labeled part in a page, and just leave the texts.
9.When Reno memo is reading, it will conver the texts from WIN format to RS(Unix) format automatically.
Reno draw is a drawing software.
It contains painting brushes, paint bucket, and several special effect tools. You can edit while enlarging, the max multiple is 16. Of course, you can switch the sizes or colours freely. The most important thing is that works can be saved in BMP format.
Of course, if you have MK6, you can draw by swaying the machine while holding Down Key. The pictures will rotate as well if you rotate your machine while enlarging.
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March 18th, 2008, 17:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Eidos has unveiled what it believes to be "THE new phenomenon on the Nintendo DS".
Dubbed Soul Bubbles, it sees you playing as a young shaman tasked with guiding lost souls around levels in bubbles.
The challenge is to protect and manipulate these bubbles so that they don't pop and spill their innards everywhere.
This will entail drawing on bubbles, deflating them, cutting them, or joining them together. You will be able to fill them with things like gas and water, presumably to give them different physical properties.
Obstacles to face will include falling rock traps, fires and big tongued-frogs.
Eidos is aiming for eight worlds and 40 levels when the game is released. It has no specific date just yet.
"This will be THE new phenomenon on the Nintendo DS," said Ray Livingston, Eidos mouth for the game. "Every single person who has picked up this game has fallen in love with it instantly. We can't wait to introduce the world to Soul Bubbles."
Bob over to our Soul Bubbles gallery for the first screenshots. Warning: contains humour.
Screenshots here
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March 18th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom has released sixty-four screenshots from the Wii version of Okami, which is due to be released in the States on April 15.
The shots depict true 16:9 widescreen for the game and confirm the title will look much crisper that its PlayStation 2 predecessor.
There is still no word on a European release date for the title, though given the build we've seen it shouldn't be long before Wii owners over here will get a taste of what's sure to be a success story on the console.
At least, that's what we'd like. Successful port leads to sequel, perhaps? We can only hope.
Many screenshots here
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March 18th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

The Ys series for Nintendo DS is not a simple remake of the previous series, but it utilizes the potential of the DS by using one of the screens to show the playing field and the other to show detailed information on the characters.
The players are presented with an option of controlling their characters in the orthodox way by making use of the buttons or the touch pen to execute combos and other secret attacks.
Because of the DS's capabilities, a maximum of four people can play together now and enjoy an unforgettable adventure.
The Ys series is said to be the mother of the fantasy RPG genre. This 2D RPG series features not only an exciting game play, engaging plot, dazzling magic and a set of charming characters, but also promotes traditional heroic qualities like innocence, compassion, chivalry and gallantry. With these attributes, the remake of this classic title is a refreshing change from the trendy games these days that celebrates graphic depictions of debauchery.
Once upon a time the world was blessed by the twin goddesses. Because of their power, the world prospered and the land was filled with greenery. People have used the black pearl that embodies magical powers and created the precious metal Cleria. However, during its creation, side effects such as demons and evils emerged.
It was already too late when the high priests discover the connection between evil and Cleria, although they have buried the metal deep into the ground, evil that stemmed from it has already infested the land. Under the terror of rioting demons, the people escaped to the shrine of Sermons, and using the powers of the black pearl, the priests cut the chains of gravity that ties the shrine to the earth and takes it away from the turmoil.
Centuries passed peacefully, the people have forgotten about the twin goddesses and the shrine. When they discovered Cleria from underground, they dug it up as silver without truly fathoming its power, and once again, evil emerges.
It is amidst this chaos that a young traveler Adol left his home to journey through the land, the sixteen year old has no idea what awaits him in his journey.
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March 18th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

The craftsmen of Treasure are highly popular amongst gaming fans, they have created the legendary missile action game, Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaio for N64/DC. This time, the game is powered up for Nintendo DS™.
Although it is designed for a portable console, this game includes every missile scene you can ever imagine. “Spherical counter” is an exciting attack mode where you can counter all missiles attacks on you.
The game utilizes the Nintendo DS capabilities by allowing you to edit stages with your touch pen, communicate with others through the wireless and play with a group of friends. Other aspects of the game are powered up so that you can experience the exhilaration brought by this game whenever and wherever you want.
ESP's Bangai-O Spirits for Nintendo DS™ is in stock today, shipping as region free Japanese version for US$ 48.90 only.
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March 18th, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Must be a day to update flash cart software, heres whats new from the Supercard Team:
* Updated: ndsinfo.dat (2064)
* Added: DMA option in patch mode, A small fraction of the games need to enable this option (it may cause some games run instability)
* Fixed: the bug of 1770 Chinese Translated version
* Added: Support the linkage of Pokemon D/P and GBA Pokemon (Need SuperCrad SD or SuperCrad MINISD or SuperCrad LITE or SuperCrad CF in slot-2)
* Added: a hotkey: R+B to enter the slot-2 GBA mode
* Fixed: the MoD (Moogles of Death) Thank You screen of 2107
* Changed: the "Add" bottom in multi-saver windows is for adding a new BLANK save
* Fixed: the bug which may cause games run slowly when u use the realtime save function
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March 18th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
The folks at CrispyGamer got a chance to corner NIS America's PR Manager Jack Niida to talk a bit about the much anticipated release of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness on the DS. It's a short interview, but there is some interesting information in there including some talk of the game appearing on other consoles. Since the game will probably mostly be purchased by fans of the franchise, the obvious question would be, what's new?
The main feature of Disgaea DS is the multi-player mode. Fans that are tired of the original can still get a kick out of this game by destroying their buddy's Laharl and Etna...
The intuitive stylus controls and dual screen is a huge plus, but there are newly added features and characters from our past titles, so there is still a lot of oomph left in this game.
Niida goes on to mention that this version of the game will include everything from the PSP version plus extra content. For Digaea fans this should prove to quite interesting news.
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March 18th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Ben2303 posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: Campanile (Ben2303)
Projet name : Escape From Island
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: In this adventure game your plane crashed on a small Island. Explore it and try to find a way to escape !
Features :
* 2 languages : english/french
* DS Motion support, explore the island by tilting your console (activate in inventory)
* 23 rooms to explore, 20 different objects (some can be combined to make new ones)
* In game advices
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March 19th, 2008, 04:27 Posted By: Dwedit
Dwedit has released new versions of two emulators:
New Goomba Color
Download at http://www.dwedit.org/gba/goombacolor.php
Version 2008-03-18
* Moved GB rom bank 0 to GBA VRAM for higher speed!
* Faster LCD status polling
* Some minor CPU optimizations
New PocketNES beta
Download at http://www.dwedit.org/dwedit_board/viewtopic.php?id=345
Changes 3-18-08:
* More speedups from using EWRAM to store rom pages (instead of reading them from the cartridge)
* Many savestate fixes
* Now uses correct identification for savestates created with compressed roms. Old savestates made with compressed roms will not work.
* Added in BG graphics synchronizing code, developed over a year ago, which was supposed to have been already integrated but appearently wasn't
* Fixed cheats getting lost after loading state
* Fixed compressed VS games
* Some internal code changes to allow certain features to be excluded at build time
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March 19th, 2008, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster

Quite frankly, we're a bit shocked it took this long for the paint gun-wielding gurus over at Colorware to start fancying up Nintendo's famed DS Lite, but just in case The Big N has yet to unveil a hue that floats your boat, look no further. As with most everything else it sells, you can send in your current unit in order to receive it back in a whole new outfit, but those who've yet to jump on board the bandwagon can acquire their very first DS Lite already modified. Best of all, Colorware lets you paint up the main frame, button pad, front port, bottom, L / R buttons and even the stylus separately (for a cost, of course), so those looking to relive the 70s can toss together some seriously groovy combinations.
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March 19th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
marovada posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Yes, you heard it. Wee Basic now allows the use of sprites and backgrounds so you can try your hand with real Nintendo DS games using simple BASIC.
Version 0.4
To use the demo program,put Wee and all of the gif files and demo.txt into the root directory of your card.
Then load the demo in Wee Basic, press A or start to run and enjoy!
Don't forget to DLDI patch Wee for your card.
- bugs with nested ifs
- neo splash screen
- sprites on both screens (must be gif files)
- backgrounds on both screens (must be gif files)
- can uses start or A to start a program running
- new commands:
loadspr number,screen,x,y,,width,height,file name (creates a sprite specified by the file name on the screen specified at the specified coordinates)
movspr number, screen, x,y (moves an existing sprite specified by the number to new coordinates x and Y on the screen)
delspr number, screen (deletes the specified sprite)
backgr screen, file name (creates a background on the specified screen with the gif file specified by the file name)
- file names must be valid gif files and you must specify the full file name
- gif files must be kept in the root directory of your card
- don't try to move or delete sprites that you haven't created
- each screen has its own numbered sprites, so you can specify the number 1 for a sprite on the top and bottom screens but don't specify the same number for sprites on the same screen
(Look at the demo program for examples)
Competition details
Project name : Wee Basic
From : Sydney, Australia
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : yes
Support Motion : only if have time - not yet
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 :no
Project description: A BASIC interpreter for the NDS - programming and debugging are performed on the DS
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March 19th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Spinal posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
OK, here is my entry...
Nickname: Spinal
Projet name : DSision
From : England
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: A nice looking homebrew loader, a good replacment for menus on cards like the GnM.
Any comments (good or bad) to spinal_cord@yahoo.com
Current features -
Will boot almost any homebrew game or app on most cards
Cool dock style icon based menu
Stylus control
Just drag the icon list left or right
Tap the center icon to load it
DPad control
Press Left or Right to move the list by one icon
Press Up or Down to skip the the start/end of the folder/file list
L/R to jump to 'quick' folders
Analog/Digital/no clock on top screen
Quick launch shortcuts at top of screen (Use stylus to tap icons)
Autorun any .nds file anywhere on your card (see menu_config.ini for details)
Skin support
top.bmp - top screen background
bottom.bmp - touch screen background
gbaframe.bmp - border for gba screen
1.gif - icon for parent folder
2.gif - icon for folder
3.gif - icon for nds file
4.gif - icon for music (mp3/mod) file
5.gif - icon for text file (unused, sorry)
6.gif - icon for movie (emc) file
startup.mp3 - loading sound
The nds loading code is by Chishm (see readme.txt) and features dldi auto patching.
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March 19th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Hi all, here is my entry
Nickname: Cid2mizard
Projet name : Mediatheque DS v1.0
From : France
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: This is a library to manage your collection of comics, movies, stamps, etc... .
Features :
* 2 languages : english/french
* You can manage 8000 files.
* You can Create, edit, delete and search a file with a stylus.
* Included 2 filters for filtering unchangeable (not seen and lent to).
* Options for create and activate a filter 3 to 20.
* The LED blinks for a file not seen.
* Put your cover in data /Jaquettes on format .JPG 128*192.
* For a file number 1==>1.jpg, for number 2==> 2.jpg, etc...
* Auto save config on Media.ini & save database on media.txt.
* Support DLDI.
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March 19th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
leinad posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: Leinad
Projet name : DSBash
From : Germany
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : NO
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: A Bash.org Quote reader.
-Needs to be DLDI Patched-
-Wifi needs to be configured with an official game.
Originaly it was done for GermanBash.org, now I've changed it for Bash.org, It's no big app, but I hope some people could find it usefull/funny x)
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March 19th, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Cid2Mizard posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: Cid2mizard
Projet name : FAT PLAYER MIKMOD v3
From : France
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: This is a player module track for DS, create with mikmod lb ds v3.2.0 with a litle frequence visualizer.
files supported : 669 (Composer 669, Unis 669), AMF (DSMI Advanced Module Format), AMF (ASYLUM Music Format V1.0), APUN (APlayer), DSM (DSIK internal format), FAR (Farandole Composer), GDM (General DigiMusic), IT (Impulse Tracker), IMF (Imago Orpheus), MOD (15 and 31 instruments), MED (OctaMED), MTM (MultiTracker Module editor), OKT (Amiga Oktalyzer), S3M (Scream Tracker 3), STM (Scream Tracker), STX (Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit), ULT (UltraTracker), UNI (MikMod), XM (FastTracker 2).
Features :
* 1782 files supported ( 99 pages of 18 modules).
* Touch for Play module.
* Frequence visualizer for the 32 channels real time.
* Infos ( title, time, tracker, real channel & total channel ).
* Stop, Mute, and volume gestion.
* Zoom x500 to x4000 for visualizer frequences.
Thanks Kukulcan.
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March 19th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
DesertDog posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: Multiple:Option
Project name : Game Melody Oratorio
From : Australia
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Game Melody Oratorio teaches simple game melodies via a virtual piano. Featured melodies are Super Mario Bros (Nintendo), Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega), Tetris (Nintendo), Bubble Bobble (Taito) and The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo).
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March 19th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The Nintendo Wii will be nearing its second birthday before there's any chance you'll see it routinely clogging up retail shelves. At least that's the determination of mega-retailer Gamestop, which predicted in a recent investors conference call that the Wii "won't meet demand for the next two quarters."
While the Xbox 360 and DS have seen increased production to make up for temporary holiday shortages, Gamestop COO Dan DeMatteo said the seemingly endless lack of Wii supply looks likely to continue for at least another six months. DeMatteo also predicted shortages for the surging PSP, as well as price drops for the PS2 ($30), and PS3 and Xbox 360 ($50 each) sometime this year. For the Wii, though, it seems like a price increase is the only way they're going to be able to stay on the shelves. Not that Nintendo would ever do that. Would they? (Note: No, they wouldn't)
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March 19th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN

More than a year ago, Activision revealed that the company was interested in branching its Guitar Hero franchise onto platforms such as the Nintendo DS. It's been a long wait, but the company has finally revealed exclusively to IGN and Yahoo the Guitar Hero game that will soon hit the dual-screen handheld later this year.
The Nintendo DS version -- Guitar Hero: On Tour -- is in development at Vicarious Visions, the team best known for the Tony Hawk and Spider-Man series on the dual-screen handheld, as well as the Nintendo Wii conversion of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock released late last year. This portable version will feature the same rhythm-based "play to the music" gameplay of the big boys, and will even have its own peripheral to get the job done: Red Octane has developed what it's calling the Guitar Grip to give players the ability to finger chords in similar fashion as the console version's guitar peripheral.
The Guitar Grip will plug into the Game Boy Advance slot at the bottom of the Nintendo DS system. Players put their hand through the strap of the Guitar Grip for a firm hold on the system, and then position the system in its vertical book form. The peripheral has a storage area for a specially designed stlyus pick, which is used to strum the guitar strings on the touch-screen. As the notes slide down the screen, players strum the strings while pressing the corresponding fret buttons, all to the rhythm of the song that's being played. According to the video released by Activision, the microphone comes into play during songs -- we're guessing it'll be used as control to activate Guitar Hero's "Star Power" mode to increase the points multiplier.
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March 19th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
After vowing to triple spending on game development in 2007, Disney has announced Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals, a follow up to last year's Pokemon-inspired RPG that's expected to ship for the Nintendo DS this fall. In the same breath, Disney also confirmed that the original title has shipped more than a million units globally and was the best-selling third-party DS game in North America last year, no doubt making the return trip to the well a no-brainer for the animation powerhouse.
Like the original, Beyond the Portals is being handled by Japanese developer Jupiter, and will include a number of additions including a new "three-dimensional perspective" and an online battle system. As surprised as might be otherwise, some of the new game announcement's thunder was stolen by Disney CFO Tom Staggs, who last summer casually mentioned that Spectrobes "warrants a sequel in the games business." Still, be careful what you wish for, as Disney marketing guru Craig Relyea calls the game "part of our plan to expand the series in the coming years."
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March 19th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
What's going on with the development of the Nintendo DS emulator for PC.
From the official website:
There ware so much spam messages went into my email box, so I have deleted the contact email account and created a new one, it is now ROT13 twisted so you need to figure out it yourself how to reach me!
I was busying on my new job recently and I did not work on this emulator project for several months. Hopefully I can have time working on it soon. Thanks!
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March 19th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
We know, it's easy to get caught in all the magic that is Mario Kart Wii -- "it's like Smash Bros. but with karts and more banana throwing!" -- but let's not fool ourselves here: that Wii Wheel is potentially the least functional piece of plastic Nintendo has shipped since the Virtual Boy.
It apparently took the fine folks at MTV two whole videos to figure this out under the patient tutelage of a Nintendo rep, but while the Wii Wheel can potentially serve as a helpful reminder to hold the Wiimote with the buttons facing you, it adds zero functionality to the equation, and it's only therefore "necessary" for the first 30 seconds of play -- after which it can be tossed to your dog or teething child as a chew toy.
Some might appreciate the ratio of turning a full wheel instead of a Wiimote, but we all know the truly hardcore are going to be kicking your ass with their Wavebirds anyways, to the point really is moot. Video is after the break.
Clips at Engadget Spanish
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March 19th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Square Enix Inc announced today that Final Fantasy A2: Grimoire of the Rift, the third game in the Ivalice-based tactics series that has been in Japan since October of last year, will be released June 24, 2008.
Grimoire of the Rift is the lastest in the series of Ivalice Alliance titles, taking place in the mythical world of Ivalice. The game follows Luso Clemens, a mischievous young boy that gets transported to Ivalice via a magical book.
The FF Tactics series is a turn-based, grid-oriented battle system. Grimoire of the Rift is the sequel to the 2003 GBA game. This is the first time the series has been on the Nintendo DS, and Square Enix has promised new features for this version, including upgraded visuals and stylus control.
Fans of the FF series will see characters from Final Fantasy XII, including Vaan, Penelo, and Al-Cid.
Gamers that haven't experienced the Tactics line are still encouraged to try FF Tactics A2 since the developers have made it more accessible, while at the same time adding new depth for veteran players.
"Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift makes the tactical RPG genre accessible to fans who may be unfamiliar with the grid-based battle system," said Director Yuichi Murasawa. "While maintaining the classic functionality of the much-loved gameplay, this newest release boasts upgrades that enable a more engrossing and fulfilling tactical RPG experience."
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March 19th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

With your Wiimote control in one hand and the nunchaku in the other, get going and play sports from the comfort of your home. The ten sport games in this software include beach volleyball, soccer, basketball, badminton, curling, ice skating, snowboarding, archery, super cross and cart racing. The controls are easy to learn, so every one can become a professional sportsman in no time.
Choose the sports league option when playing alone, advance through the ranks and accumulate experience points. Get involved in tournaments, a maximum of eight teams compete in this event for the position as a victor. Hold an open match with your friends and family in a party situation. There are fun mini games and tutorials for the beginners, so this software provides something for everyone in any situation.
Hudson's Deca Sporta for Nintendo Wii™ is in stock today, shipping as NTSC J encoded Japanese version for US$ 59.90 only.
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March 19th, 2008, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dje.
In "Completly Unrealistic Landing Simulation" you have to land your plane in a save way, thats it.
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March 19th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mia.
Negative Space is a homebrew puzzle/platform game for the NDS, based on the concept of negative space.
The whole game contains only two colors: black and white. The player controls two 'blob' characters: the white blob moves in the black space, and the black blob in the white space. That's why, empty space for one blob represents solid ground and walls for the other.
The aim of the game is for each blob to capture its corresponding flag. In order to do so, the player can draw directly on the touch screen in black or white and thus modify the levels and create new paths and platforms. But keep in mind that a new path for one blob means new walls for the other!
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March 19th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kukulcan.
The goal in KuMoLo is to move boxes in such a way, that you can reach the marked exit. The faster and less moves you use, the better it is.
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March 20th, 2008, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from eKid.
Use the D-Pad to steer your jet to avoid the flashy bullet thingies.
Press B to fire at enemies. Collect Powerups (the "P" things that fly around)
to strengthen your firepower.
Press A to launch a big missile that blows up lots of stuff. It also makes you
invulnerable for a short period. You will start with 2 of these with each life.
The "B" pickups will supply you with an extra missile.
If you touch a bullet then you will explode and lose a life! If you have no
more extra lives, (shown in top-left/right corner) the game will end. You may
continue from the beginning of the level (but you lose your score).
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March 20th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SoLo2.
Storm has been coded by SoLo2 and is for the good old Gameboy Advance.
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March 20th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from preussie
Hi homebrewers,
I released a new version of my current project:
WhiteDwarf is a small arcade style shooter. You can move your ship over the map and kill everything that moves. After you wiped out all nasty enemies you advance to the next ( of cause ) more difficult level.
This game is not too complex, but you can have some fun flying around, shoot and kill…
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March 20th, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
theli has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: theli
Project name : JabberDS
From : Ukraine
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
JabberDS is a Jabber client for Nintendo DS.
* User definable keyboard layout
* User definable fonts (DSGUI's BFont format)
* Support for BDF fonts
* Supports any Unicode characters available in font
* Roster operation (Add/Remove/Rename/Subscribe/Unsubscribe contacts)
* Multi User Chat (now with bookmarks loading support)
* SSL/TLS support
* Support for user avatars in png format
there are no settings in UI.. all settings should be set in /data/jabberds.xml
there are examples and comments in supplied jabberds.xml
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March 20th, 2008, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Samel has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Samel
Project name : DSF [DS F**K]
From : Italy
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: This is a Brainf**k interpreter for the Nintendo DS.
dsf is the acronym for ds f**k, the Nintendo DS Brainf**k interpreter.
It loads program file from the card, so DLDI patching is needed.
All filename must be absolute (starting with the /) for now.
A Brainf**k overview can be readed here:
i'm sorry but i cannot take a screenshot 8_( dsf doesn't work emulated on a mac
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March 20th, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
minishlink has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Minishlink
Projet name : PongClassicDS
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: PongClassicDS is firstly a remake of Pong (the first game made), secondly a Pong-like game with Solo and Multi Mode (with AIs !), and last but not least, there's a psychadelic Mode which is a mode where you'll discover controls !
Sorry for my english, (say if it's ok XD) i'm french and i learn english since 2 years only (i'm 14).
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March 20th, 2008, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
chris28 has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: chris28
Projet name : Electro
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Puzzle game - move cubes to connect up left to right side
In classic game you should move falling cube with stylet or motion to connect right side to left. You can downgrade once a selected cube with down or B key. Make combo (multiplicate points) with followed lines.
In puzzle game move cubes vertically with stylet (no motion supported). Downgrade a selected cube by down or B and add a new line with L or R key.
The ten best scores are saved for each game and each level/time.
Music : BACH and SCARLTTI by SANKEY John ( http://www.sankey.ws/harpsichord.html)
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March 20th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Samel has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Samel
Projet name : ASCIIWAR 0.9999
From : Italy
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
Remember to DLDI patch it !! Create a dir named ASCIIWAR [here it will save all character and score]. Put the game where you like in the card. Enjoy the game
You ar the RAM controller. The
RAM values are gone crazy. KILL
THEM ALL before the CPU crashes!
Your objective is to kill @ the
fake RAM controller doing so all
ascii will follow your rules
and the peace will come back.
Remember to collect chips and
that the ram change very often.
D-pad: move
B: rest 1 turn
L: popup the keyboard
L then c: list command
L then h: this help
L then i: inventory
L then l: list spell
L then k: commit suicide
L then A: customize A button
L then X: customize X button
L then Y: customize Y button
L then S: save game
[automatic load based on name]
b: cast bzero spell [L+20 MP]
[hurt all ascii in sight]
f: cast free spell [IN/2 MP]
[restore HP]
m: cast malloc [IN MP]
[expand ram sense]
p: cast preempt spell [15 MP]
[delay next ram refresh]
r: cast random spell [10 MP]
[change level]
s: cast sigsuspend spell [IN MP]
[freeze the cpu]
u: cast umask spell [L MP]
[mask yourself to ascii]
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March 20th, 2008, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
eadmaster has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: eadmaster
Project name: DualShooter
From : Italy
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES (untested - see note above)
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Vertical shot'em up, see included "readme.txt" for further details.
Note about motion support:
I could not test it because I don't have the hardware.
It should work by letting you divert shots tilting the DS laterally.
If you find it does not work and you know how to fix it i can share with you the piece of code i've used.
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March 20th, 2008, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
smealum has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Smealum and Lobo (and ZeBlackos for the music)
Projet name : Legion
From : France and USA
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: { Legion is an isometric 3D Action/Shooting game set in a Fallout-like post apocalyptic world. You play as Brutus, a mutant who is accompanied by a quite unnerving machine...CHAP. }
Controls :
In Game :
Stylus : aim, change Brutus' direction
Up or X : Run forward
Down or B : Run backwards
Left/Right or Y/A : Run side ways
R or L : Shoot
R + L : Open MOD menu
Start : Pause
Select : Swap screens
The DS is supposed to be held this way :
In Dialog :
Stylus tap : make the dialog continue
Start : skip the whole dialog
The game's goal is explained during its introduction.
Beware when you save : there's only one save slot, so saving will automatically erase your older save file.
To get the game to work, you must place the "legion" directory at the root of your card and DLDI patch the Legion.nds file !
To the judges : please do not judge the game after having only tested the first level as it is far deeper than that and has very various environments and a very complete background story.
Also, this is only a demo. There are 6 levels, the final version will feature 12.
Special thanks : LOBO ! ZeBlackos ! dev-fr.org , playeradvance.org , #dev-fr , #pa.org (especially the testers...) and #dsdev.
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March 20th, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
Magnet has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: MagNetProject name: MarbleMan: The ArenaFrom: Czech RepublicDivision: NDS GameOriginal enter: YESSupport Motion: YES!In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NOProject description: MarbleMan: The Arena is built grounds-up for the DSMotion, it takes the popular top-down ball game approach and gives it an original new twist. Test your reflexes with this simple yet addictive red zone following and concrete block breaking game.
Stores 10 highscores and can be played with the Stylus aswell.
Also gotta say that competitions like this are incredible, really great motivation. I had this one in WIP stage for ages and this made me finish it. Love you neoflash.
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March 20th, 2008, 13:08 Posted By: JKKDARK
GlideHQ is a texture enhancements module for Glide64 (a graphic plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators).
* Various fixes
(includes texture pack support updates, and Glide3x wrapper, etc)
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March 20th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sektor has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:nickname: Sektor
Project name : Motion Plotter
From : Australia
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: It draws lines! The direction is controlled by motion or d-pad. Push Start to clear image and other buttons to change colours. Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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March 20th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Spinal has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Spinal
Projet name : Spinal Media Player
From : England
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: A good movie player for Nintendo DS, coded with palib.
You will need to convert your movies to .smf to play them with Spinal Media Player, converter included.
* Note - press X to switch of the lower screen during playack.
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March 20th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Wizlon has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Wizlon
Projet name : TabBed
From : England
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion :NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: TabBed is a guitar application for the DS included is a guitar tab viewer that can read guitar tabs off flash card (remember to DLDI ) it can also be used as a chord dictionary, chord finder, metronome, mp3 player and a dum machine. See the documentation in the zip file for more information on how it all works.
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March 20th, 2008, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
Davgav has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Davgav
Projet name : Chocobo World Deluxe
From : Spain
Division : GBA Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
Let's go to save our friend Mog from Demon King.
D-pad: Move in map and in menus.
B: Cancel
A: Confirm
Press Left and Right in battles to attack.
Moomba event.
Cactuar event.
Story events.
Final Boss.
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March 20th, 2008, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
eKid has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: eKid
Projet name : Super Wings
From : India
Division : GBA/NDS GAME
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: You are the only hope left for earth. Seek and destroy the universal threat!!
Original version was submitted in recent PDROMS compo. I spent all day recolouring the graphics for neocompo. It's still unfinished, but the deadline's here . Hope you like it.
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March 20th, 2008, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
leinad has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Leinad
Projet name : JustAnotherPongGame
From : Germany
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : NO
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: It's simply a pong game... The main puporse of that game was to make a multiplayer game on one DS. Supported modes:
1vs1 on 1 screen
1vs1 on 2 Screens (1 or 2 balls)
1vs1vs1 on 1 screen
1vs1vs1 on 2 screens
Every player can be replayed by an CPU by pressing select on the menu.
(But there must be min. 1 human player x) )
It was my first project, just found now on an old folder of my USB stick, now corrected some calculating issues and added Splash~
What needs to be said: In 3-Player mode player 1 plays on X&B button, since its not possible to play on B&Y if there is a third player who has the Start&Select button.
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March 20th, 2008, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
tiancai has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: tiancai aka cpy
Projet name : NoobMiniGames
From : Singapore
Division : NDS Games
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
This my first NDS game...
A straiht forward Spot the Differences game...
All graphics and photos used are done by me...(in case of copyrihts issue).
And sorry for the confusing name...I've planned to create mini games...but I realised that its very ambisious for a noob...so i ended up with this...lol...
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March 20th, 2008, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
CYBER_Aeon has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: CYBER_Aeon
Project name : ChessNET
From : United States
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
The first homebrew chess game for the DS to feature online play! (And, surprisingly enough, more than one player. >.>)
Due to an extreme shortage of development time - (40 hours of work and college finals) - Release 1 was forced to cut a lot of corners. Some of the less important menus are missing (About, Options) and the Online menus look pretty terrible. HOWEVER, Everything should be working!
ChessNET writes all of it's game data to _ChessNET.sav on your cards root. On it's first connection to the server (if you decide to play online) it will request and store a unique ID for your DS. If you delete _ChessNET.sav, you will essentially lose your account. Make sure to keep a copy if you plan on trashing the file.
ChessNET is designed in play-by-mail style. So instead of real-time online games, there's a long time for players to make their moves. Days, even. This allows for players to make well formulated and studied moves. In addition, you don't have to wait on the one game. ChessNET supports up to 128 online games at once. (Since none of the data is recorded to the DS, but instead to an online server)
For local play, two players may share a DS to play a hotseat game of chess. Multiple game slots allow for up to 10 games to be saved at once, and the DS will automatically save after every move - In case of power loss or other trouble.
You may play using the D-pad and buttons or by using the stylus. I've found from play testing that if your opponent has his or her own stylus handy, it's a nice way to play - You just have to slide the DS back and forth.
Future features will include an interactive move history (Using the R/L shoulder buttons or stylus buttons to easily navigate the replay), online messaging and buddy lists, and much more.
I'm already logged in, and for every user that fires it up on their card and signs online will increase the player base. So come join me for a game of chess.
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March 20th, 2008, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
KBC Securities Japan has lowered Nintendo's stock investment rating from "buy" to "hold", and cut its price target by 30 per cent to JPY 57,500 (EUR 371.2 / USD 575.5) amid fears that demand for the Wii and DS consoles is slowing.
According to analyst Hiroshi Kamide the company believes "that it is reasonable to expect a tougher trading environment," reports Bloomberg.
KBC reduced its outlook for Nintendo's net income for the next financial year by 8 per cent to JPY 391.6 billion (EUR 2.53 billion/ USD 3.92 billion), citing 6 per cent lower DS console shipments and 5 per cent lower Wii software shipments.
Nintendo has raised its guidance three times over the past year, most recently in January, for the financial year ending March 31 - but the strengthening yen will cause the value of overseas sales to drop, which could impact the next financial year.
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March 20th, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Mission Bay Community Church in San Francisco is using a Jesus Mii to advertise its Easter celebrations.
The poster shows a Mii version of Jesus next to an Easter bunny and reads, "Come and follow Mii."
Mission Bay is not your typical Church, though; they also like to play music and offer coffees to encourage visitors.
This, Mission Bay claims, means it is "absent of negative 'churchiness'".
We have all sorts of Mii designs on our Wii. One looks like a human Lassie.
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March 20th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Data Design Interactive - a successful video games publisher and games developer - is pleased to announce that it has secured rights to publish and develop the Nintendo Wii version of Battle Rage through their Popcorn Arcade label. Battle Rage is a third-person PC shooter and has been developed by Destan Entertainment and produced by Teyon Games. The company also announced the games full working title for the Nintendo Wii format: Battle Rage: The Robot Wars.
Data Design Interactive managing director Stewart Green said,
"Battle Rage is already an excellent game on the PC, but we saw the potential for the title on the Wii and jumped at the chance to develop it further for Nintendo's system. With our proven technology and the GODS engine all aspects of the original game will be effortlessly transferred over to the Wii. The combination of the high-end PC graphics, proven gameplay and addition of motion control will make for a very compelling and enjoyable experience."
Battle Rage: The Robot Wars the third person shooter with elements of a beat'em'up game that allows a player to control giant robots. Battles between the robots take place on carefully selected battlegrounds (so called "arenas") and they are short, quick, brutal skirmishes. The player can fight alone (versus one, two or even three opponents) or in a team against a common foe. Every robot has its own weapons (for melee and distance combat), additional weapon types can be collected on the arena.
The player can modify a robot's parameters in the single player mode as well as in the multiplayer to fit its possibilities to his/her own fighting style. Also many new, powerful robots will wait for the player to unlock in the story mode. The Tournament has begun.
* Single player and Multiplayer modes.
* Arcade mode with a separate Storyline for each of the robots characters.
* Robot Customization.
* Compelling mechanics (Rage, Rush, Power Traingle).
* Special Attacks (push, stun and other unique abilities for each robot).
* Robots allowed to fight with 3 weapons at the same time (two ranged and one melee).
* 8 different robots.
* 20 weapons.
* 10 arenas.
More info here
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March 20th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SouthPeak is working on a firework-themed shooter for DS.
Dubbed Big Bang Mini, the idea is to kill enemies coming towards you by making your own fireworks and exploding them on their faces.
It is slightly unclear how it will all work, but apparently you will draw designs on the bottom screen and then launch them up into the top screen, where be baddies.
"With Big Bang Mini, we're trying to combine the thrill of an intense action shooter with the beauty of a grand fireworks display," said Camille Guermonprez, boss of developer Arkedo. "If there's anything players won't like about the game, it will be that they're too involved in striking and dodging to appreciate the light show they're creating."
Arkedo Studio previously worked on Nervous Brickdown for the DS, which scored middle to good marks across the board.
Big Bang Mini will be out on DS this autumn.
Pop over to our Big Bang Mini gallery for the first screenshots, right here.
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March 20th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
When you see people walking on black and white lines in the road, you should stop your car - not batter through them like pins at a bowling alley. You and I know that, but some (grannies and drunk people) don't, but Atari is coming to the rescue.
Driving Theory Training on DS aims to help those who need to brush up on their Highway Code, either to pass a theory test coming up, or to avoid running over people when out and about.
And being on the DS means you can "revise, practice and take virtual tests on driving theory and Highway Code whilst on the move", points out Atari, although hopefully not actually while driving, may we add.
It's all official stuff, too. "Driving Theory Training will feature the full driving theory questions and answers officially licensed by the DSA (Driving Standards Agency).
"In addition to a full theory test based on the real life exam, learners can benefit from revision, graphs, mini games and questions and answers relating to vehicles. The application also features the full Highway-code, ways to learn and revise as well as fun games to entertain whilst stimulating the mind."
It's scheduled for launch this summer.
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March 20th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Oxygen Games is excited to announce Powershot Pinball Constructor for the Nintendo DS is shipping and will be available in the shops from 28th March 2008.
Powershot Pinball Constructor offers pinball with a twist - disrupt your opponent's game with the unique sabotage feature - shake their screen, invert their flippers or even deploy the penalty multi-ball!
Powershot Pinball Constructor also allows you to create and design your own customised pinball table. Share your creation with your friends by sending it wirelessly to their DS, then challenge them to a game and see who has got what it takes to reign supreme on the leader board!
Play it... with multiple modes. Create it... with the unique table editor. Share it... wirelessly with friends!
Powershot Pinball Constructor for the Nintendo DS will be available in-store on 28th March 2008.
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March 20th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: morganDS
Here's graphDS v0.4. I added a feature that lets you adjust the graphing window and the starts, stops, and increments for parametric and polar graphing. I also fixed the function input so that you can enter functions that are as long as you please. On the graphscreen's keyboard, I added a delete key, e, pi, and y (note: the y variable can only be used for slopefields and Euler's method, which currently cannot be accessed in the program).
Download:graphDS v0.4
If you like my program and want to make a small donation, you can do so at my site: http://robertson.heliohost.org
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March 20th, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A realistic gun accessory specially designed for your Wii remote controller and Nunchuck, with a strong coil vibration function. More realistic, more fun! And easy to set up and remove.
- Easy to set up and use
- Built-in mega-vibration function
- 2 in 1 unique design: set Wii remote controller and Wii Nunchuck pad as same controller
- Only one hand can control both Wii controller (Remote and Nunchuck) to increase your chances at any gun game
- Exciting, amazing and real gun feeling
- Special to play with all Wii gun games
- Compatible with any version of Wii remote controller and nunchuck
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March 20th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Space 1 has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: space1
Projet name : Star Wars Battles
From : France
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
Battleship in the universe of Star Wars.
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March 21st, 2008, 04:21 Posted By: CoinCollector
Today, Nintendo sent out a Wii message notifying Wii users of a new firmware update. It seems that it's for the upcoming WiiWare titles coming out this May. Here's the letter Nintendo sent out:
Dear Nintendo Customer,
An update to your Wii Shop Channel is now available. This update is needed in order to access WiiWare games launching later this spring.
To receive this free update, please press the "Update" button located on the lower-right side of the screen or go to "Wii Settings" and select "Wii System Update" to begin.
For those who have already done the update on or after March 20th, you will not need to update again.
Thank you for updating your Wii console!
I can confirm that this does not affect the recent Twilight Hack exploit, and you can still launch homebrew. Also, the Wii is still at version 3.2x.
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March 21st, 2008, 09:26 Posted By: wraggster

Given how clumsy some of Nyko's other Wii accessories are, we didn't exactly have high hopes when we heard that the company was shipping the first third-party Wii Guitar Hero controller -- so imagine our surprise when we found out it's in the shape of a Telecaster, our fave axe and one thus far criminally ignored in the Guitar Hero pantheon. Just like the official controller, the Wiimote slips into the chassis to do most of the heavy lifting, but you won't have spend quite as much to get your multiplayer on -- $50, about $10 cheaper than the Activision Les Paul. The white version includes black and pink pickguards, while the blonde edition comes with black and white -- anyone have a spare IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS sticker handy?
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March 21st, 2008, 09:35 Posted By: wraggster
Pit's feature role in Super Smash Bros. Brawl could be a precursor to the Kid Icarus franchise's triumphant resurrection, or at least IGN seems to think so. On their latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, Matt Casamassina and the gang discuss Reggie's recent comments about a holiday blockbuster to be announced at E3, and speculate that it could be the new Kid Icarus that they "know" is in the works.
Now, how Casassamassassassina and crew can be so absolutely sure that Kid Icarus is Wii-bound is beyond us. We'll personally apply a liberal amount of skeptical sauce to this story, although it's also worth mentioning that the IGN team actually hopes Nintendo's E3 reveal isn't the Kid Icarus game they magically already know about. We'll be content either way, thanks.
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March 21st, 2008, 10:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from Cornaljoe:
Sorry for the lack of news guys but I've been working on a pretty major update to DSBrowser when I lost all my projects source. I'm working on recovering the "uninstalled" files but it's not looking good. I can release my last build as a preview. It's full of bugs but if you'll like to try it let me know.
I planned on releasing two versions on my next release. One that uses a secondary DLDI from FAT and the other that uses DLDS if the first version doesn't work.
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March 21st, 2008, 10:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new experimantal version of Twilight Hack only for those having problems at the moment.
Experimental version with FAT32 support. Only try this if you receive an error message while loading boot.elf.
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March 21st, 2008, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
News from the GP2X Store:

We now have the USB Gecko for the Nintendo Wii in stock! The USB gecko is a 3rd Party Memory Card Interface Adapter which allows homebrew and hobbyist developers the ability to connect their Gamecube(TM) or Wii(TM) console to there PC which has a USB 2.0 Port.
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March 21st, 2008, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
Teendev has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: TeenDev
Projet name : Flashcart OS: N 2.1
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: Flashcart OS (N) is the Novice version of Flashcart OS. It was formerly called Flashcart OS: Slot-1 Edition.
* Supports R4/M3 Simply skins that are converted to .gif
* Has a file browser for booting NDS files.
* Boots to MoonShell (moonshell.nds)
* Boots to GBA mode
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March 21st, 2008, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
Smealum has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: Smealum and Lobo (and ZeBlackos for the music)
Projet name : Legion
From : France and USA
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: { Legion is an isometric 3D Action/Shooting game set in a Fallout-like post apocalyptic world. You play as Brutus, a mutant who is accompanied by a quite unnerving machine...CHAP. }
Controls :
In Game :
Stylus : aim, change Brutus' direction
Up or X : Run forward
Down or B : Run backwards
Left/Right or Y/A : Run side ways
R or L : Shoot
R + L : Open MOD menu
Start : Pause
Select : Swap screens
The DS is supposed to be held this way :
In Dialog :
Stylus tap : make the dialog continue
Start : skip the whole dialog
The game's goal is explained during its introduction.
Beware when you save : there's only one save slot, so saving will automatically erase your older save file.
To get the game to work, you must place the "legion" directory at the root of your card and DLDI patch the Legion.nds file !
To the judges : please do not judge the game after having only tested the first level as it is far deeper than that and has very various environments and a very complete background story.
Also, this is only a demo. There are 6 levels, the final version will feature 12.
Special thanks : LOBO ! ZeBlackos ! dev-fr.org , playeradvance.org , #dev-fr , #pa.org (especially the testers...) and #dsdev.
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March 21st, 2008, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
Omg has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: YodaJr, Omg
Projet name : SUPER MARIO : The Last GBA Quest
From : France
Division : GBA/NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: A platform game starring Mario.
The Last GBA Quest
Code by : YodaJr
GFX by : Omg
What is "SUPER MARIO : The Last GBA Quest"?
"SUPER MARIO : The Last GBA Quest" is a platform game starring Mario on Gameboy Advance System.
There are 7 levels, each one contain one hidden PA coin.
You need to find all of these PA coins to go to the 8th level and rescue Peach.
Story :
A month after Mario Galaxy Adventures, Princess Peach had been captured by a mysterious bad guy. Go Mario! Save Peach again!
How to play :
Into world Map :
Left and Right to select level.
A/START to begin the selected level.
Into a level :
Left & Right to Move
Down to enter in a Warp Pipe
B to run or shoot a fireball (only when you are Fire Mario)
A to jump
Secret :
If you are Super Mario you can jump higher if you press down+A

Official Website : http://www.playeradvance.org
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March 21st, 2008, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
SiW has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: SiW
Project name : Puzl
From : United States
Division : NDS Game
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description:
A jigsaw puzzle game, with the ability to use any image you wish, as well as variable numbers and styles of pieces
Talk about leaving it to the last minute, 12 minutes to go here and I'm still packing the archive..
The original submitted version is attached, and may also be downloaded here.
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March 21st, 2008, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
The Neoflash Coding Contest has again provided us all with so many goodies it will take months to fully play them all, my personal thanks to Neoflash and each and every coder for the releases that make the homebrew scene such an important community worldwide.
So out of the entries so far which have you played and enjoyed, let us know via comments
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March 21st, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Digg The Neoflash Contest
Heres the full news from Neoflash:
NEO Spring Compo 2008 ( 76 entries total )
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,5002.0.html
we will announce the final result at April.10th 2008.
Thanks for all authors, the NEO Spring Compo 2008 was closed finally, we have got 76 entries , and we have saw many great production inside, thanks again!
Now every one can start to test these entries and give out your reviews, you will have chance to win the TOP VIEWER award and the prize same with these authors! More info you can check here: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4862.0.html
and welcome all authors submit your professional review too, but we can't give out the double bonus to authors for their review, this review prize should give to the homebrew supporter, hope can understand it
From this contest we try to use a new judge way --- everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , if can come with your top 10 winner judgment will be best, here have one nice judgment sample come from anjanj26 --- http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.....html#msg31451 .
We will set a new award --- "NEO Professional Reviewer Award" from this contest, we will check all review reports and choose top 3 from NDS division and top 3 from PSP division too, so will have 6 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:
The No.1 : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.2 : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.3 : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The PSP APP division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (11 entries total)
Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
[PSP APP] Coverflow sony psp player
[PSP APP] Dow! 0.2 - Develop on the go bumuckl
[PSP App] Emu Loader TokyoDrift
[PSP APP] PSP-Maps royale
[PSP APP] LightMP3 Version 2.0.0 BETA 1 sakya
[PSP APP] Multi Tasker sg57
[PSP APP] VisMP3 Media Library / Visualizer arpaagent
[PSP APP] Academic Aid Scholastic Suite 6 R769 - Education Mr305
[PSP APP] AIO Tuner ai3gtmc
[PSP APP] 3D GDS saulotmalo
[PSP APP] CTorrentPSP - Torrent client for PSP danzel
The PSP GAME division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (27 entries total)
Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
[PSP GAME] Motion Pong 0.2 bumuckl
[PSP GAME] Orbid V2 Slasher
[PSP GAME] KOPBANPSP 0.41 kaltorak
[PSP GAME] Aap Lander BlackShark
[PSP GAME] POLYGUNWARS v0.5 ahrimanes
[PSP GAME] Bumper Harvest Kagato
[PSP GAME] Unofficial Cave Story:Return To World leviadragon
[PSP GAME] Scogger 0.2 scognito
[PSP GAME] AgenaWorld 1.5 edepot
[PSP GAME] Bugz InsertWittyName
[PSP GAME] Convey! saulotmalo
[PSP GAME] Dororo's Adventure b0rk
[PSP GAME] Paper Battle v1.0 mitchelljm
[PSP GAME] Kitten Cannon sg57
[PSP GAME] Kakuro Nichiyou PSP 1.1 MK2k
[PSP GAME] Asteroid Barrier v1 [LUA] pipagerardo
[PSP GAME] Tetriabetes 1.43 dragula96
[PSP Game] Look Out! v0.70 NeoFlash Edition Tanos
[PSP GAME] BlowUp! - 1.0 RELEASED! gambiting
[PSP GAME] Sushi Rubik version 1.2 teamsushi
[PSP GAME] Avoid It v0.2 cdesseno
[PSP GAME] Impact slicer4ever
[PSP GAME] Heartlight Deluxe PSP 1.0 MK2k
[PSP GAME] The chronicle of Mr. SUN ! dm79
[PSP GAME] Flo's Funportal 1.1 FloXxX
The NDS/GBA APP division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (13 entries total)
Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
[NDS APP] My Project-Reno Studio Neo Compo willreno
[NDS APP] Motion Plotter Sektor
[NDS APP] Flashcart OS: N 2.1 TeenDev
[NDS APP] Spinal's Media Player... spinal
[NDS APP] TabBed wizlon
[NDS APP] DSBash leinad
[NDS APP] Mediatheque DS v1.0 Cid2Mizard
[NDS APP] DSF samel
[NDS APP] JabberDS theli
[NDS APP] DSision spinal
[NDS APP] Wee Basic 0.4 marovada
[NDS APP] DS-DOS *updated to .45* wolped
The NDS/GBA GAME division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (25 entries total)
Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
[NDS GAME] Snake Dual Screen edddy
[NDS GAME] Game Melody Oratorio DesertDog
[GBA Game] Super Mario : The Last GBA Quest omg
[NDS GAME] 15a. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE - Pack Ecchi kukulcan
[NDS GAME] ChessNET - Online Chess Game (Release 1) CYBER_Aeon
[NDS GAME] Piztog Tower Defense Shoog
[NDS GAME] Legion smealum
[NDS GAME] Star Wars Battles space1
[NDS GAME] PongClassicDS (0.5) minishlink
[NDS GAME] MarbleMan: The Arena MagNet
[NDS GAME] Electro chris28
[GBA GAME] Chocobo World Deluxe Davgav
[NDS GAME] jaPongG leinad
[NDS GAME] NoobMiniGames tiancai
[NDS GAME] Escape From Island Ben2303
[NDS GAME] 13. AREA TEN kukulcan
[NDS GAME] Super Wings [GBA] eKid
[NDS GAME] LoneWolfDS - Flight From The Dark Michoko
[NDS GAME] DualShooter eadmaster
[NDS GAME] ASCIIWAR 0.9999 samel
[NDS GAME] Scogger 0.2 scognito
[NDS GAME] DiceSoldiers t4ils
[NDS GAME] 15c. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE - Pack Arcade kukulcan
[NDS GAME] 15b. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE - Pack Sci-Fi kukulcan
Help spread the word of the Neoflash Contest by digging the contest Here (the link goes to Neoflash Directly)
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March 21st, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster

We've known about its existence for about a month, and now we get to know what cult classic Flash game Defend Your Castle will look like when it come to Nintendo's Wii Ware service. The answer, it turns out, is pretty freakin' cute.
Compared to the original Flash version, the Wii Ware Defend Your Castle sports a significant lack of blood, perhaps not surprising for the family-friendly system. What is pleasantly surprising is the new paper cutout aesthetic, which reminds us of a cross between Paper Mario and Pencil Whipped. We're also fond of the robust more robust animation, which doesn't miss a beat even when hundreds of stick figures storm the castle in the trailer's thrilling multiplayer co-op finale. We haven't seen such an effective mix of cuteness and carnage since the town's last kitten massacre
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March 21st, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
I've often been privy to conversations where people swear that the only good Wii game is a first party Nintendo game. While this might be true for some, there are plenty of other folks out there who enjoy a decent 3rd party game although admittedly the really good ones are few and far between.
The Video Game Blog has posted an interesting list of the third party Wii games that have sold over a million copies. Some of them are pretty obvious like Resident Evil 4 (1.6 million) and Guitar Hero III (1.8 million) while others were definitely a surprise (at least to me) like Carnival Games (1.2 million) and the top seller of all, Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games (3.4 million). There are seven games total on the list including three that are getting pretty close to a million like RE: Umbrella Chronicles (900k) and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (900k).
While all the games on the list may not be your cup of tea, it certainly is interesting to see what sells on the little white console.
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March 21st, 2008, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from thedopefish
This is a port of Tyrian for the Nintendo DS.
It's based on OpenTyrian, which is a ground-up rewrite in C using SDL, using the original DOS source as a reference. Many thanks to the OpenTyrian team for all their hard work.
The original game data (artwork, etc.) from the v2.1 registered version is now freely distributable, and are included with the main download package. These files will not change with future versions of OpenTyrianDS, so after you've downloaded them once, you can just grab the .NDS file for new releases and save some bandwidth.
This is currently a work in progress. Newest version is 0.1 (released Mar 21, 2008).
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March 21st, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Massif
If you're not familiar with Tetra Master, it's the card based mini game from Final Fantasy IX. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minigames_of_Final_Fantasy
The current version supports a simple quick play mode against the computer.
Future Revisions:
-Fully collectable card game with save/load features, player stats and card collection screen
-More intelligent AI, different levels of difficulty
-Multiplayer playing/trading
Home Page: http://www.codinginthedark.com/?page_id=16
Version 0.3
-Updated Graphics
-Touch Screen Menu
-Added Sound Effects
-Added Options menu (Enable/Disable sounds)
-Added double size sprites to upper screen
-Added coin toss to decide who goes first
-Added Flawless Victory (capture all cards)
-Fixed bug where switching back to the menu after placing a card caused graphical error
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March 22nd, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
Spanish coder ANTONIOND has released Mugen for the DS.
Heres the translated details:
Hello everyone.
In view of the people who wanted this game I decided to try to do it myself. It is still a very early beta. This means that even you can not do anything interesting. The most important thing is that I already have the basics done ... And works very well. The burden of graphics has been complicao because of the short memory of the DS and I wanted to upload pictures of animated 64x64.
We will go slowly improving, and at the end I will probably be able to add your own characters and scenarios, but this is (On all of the characters).
Right / Left: Move. If you run twice in a row instead of walking.
Above: Jump. It can double jump.
Below: Covering. It can be during the jump.
A: Pueñetazo.
(For the curious)
L / R: Move the player ... 2 We got to test ... And there continues.
Select: debug mode. Not much ... Simply draw the rectangles collision of each character.
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via ANTONIOND & thanks to devfr for screens
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March 22nd, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
We're sure that many of you inquisitive DS owners out there have spent countless hours with your eyes peeled to your handheld's twin suns, waiting for Nintendo to post the latest downloadable brainteasers for Professor Layton and the Curious Village. This same group of puzzle junkies may be upset to learn that what they're actually downloading is a code to unlock puzzles which are already on the game cartridge -- essentially meaning that there's a set number of puzzles on the game (162, to be exact).
GoNintendo discovered a supposedly complete list of the game's riddles to back up this claim. You can check out every single puzzle featured in the game, and even choose to sneak a peek at every solution as well -- an action we can't help but feel would be frowned upon by the eponymous scholar and his pint-sized associate.
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March 22nd, 2008, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Michoko posted this news/release:
A new version (1.1) is now available, and should fix the compatibility problems with M3 Real and G6 linkers (and maybe others!).
2008/03/22: Version 1.1
- LoneWolfDS should now work properly on M3 Real and G6 linkers (many thanks to all the testers!)
- Fixed a small issue on section #33 were gold was not increased properly.
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March 22nd, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Chano posted 2 releases of his rather awesome looking RPG for the GBA (DS)
First and foremost, excuse me for posting this thread in english. Although I'm spanish, I visit PlayerAdvance regularly because I think that it's a great dev community. It's just that my french language level isn't too good .
Well, I'm doing a RPG for the GBA using HEL and AAS libraries. I just wanted to show you the game a bit.
More information :
There isn't still any downloadable demo, I'll try to put one this summer. The battle system is similar to the system used in Grandia games, but with a bunch of changes (for example, there's no magic points).
I'm using the following libraries to make the game:
- HEL (on top of HAM) for main hardware access. If you are doing something with HAM change NOW to HEL .
- AAS for playing mods and wavs. Good sound quality and crazy performance.
- HAM for managing a BG that needs to be updated in real-time (for transparency effects on top of sprites).
21/03/2008: PA 7 anniversary demo. Changes:
- Texts translated to french thanks to Greeeg.
- CPU value modified: now it shows max CPU usage detected instead of an average of all values detected.
- Sprite rotation bug fixed.
- Poison bug fixed: if battle was finished because someone was killed by poison damage the game showed weird behaviour.
- HEL version number fixed.
- Bar timmings adjusted a bit.
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March 22nd, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
ETK is back and with an emulator for the Nintendo DS:
This is the first emulator I coded, so I hope you don't get very angry if you find any bug
I didn't find any bug yet, just some games that goes buggy sometimes.. but I've tried it on other chip8 emulators and it happens too, so it's not my problem :P
Chip8me has a keyboard on bottom screen so you can press all the 16 buttons it have (it's impossible for NDS to use 16 buttons, and all games uses it in a different way, so I can't make a "default" key config).
Chip8me can detect which game keys are used to play with, and tells you by changing the button colour (blue).
-Keyboard with game-keys (autodetection).
-Zoom 1x, 2x or 4x.
-Ability to change chip8 default colors.
-100% compatible with chip8 games (all I've tried)
-Nice file selection GUI (avoids non-chip8 roms)
-Go back to file browser by pressing SELECT button
-If the game is waiting for a keypress, the green
light turns yellow. (Critical error: red light)
default Keys:
(Other keys: use touchscreen)

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March 22nd, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
lets hope nintendo leave the twilight hack alone:
A new Wii System Update has been reported, the trucha exploit reportedly is fixed by this(needs confirmation).
As of March 22nd, no software uses IOS37 -- the System Menu currently uses IOS30. An updated System Menu will likely use the new IOS37.
What does this mean?
* Until the system menu is updated to use IOS37, it will have no effect.
* Once the system menu is updated to use IOS37, "Trucha-Signed" discs -- or channels -- will stop working, as will the Freeloader disc.
* At that point, "homebrew channels" would be considered "invalid" by the system. The consequences of this are unclear, but that could potentially prevent the Wii from booting.
* Other versions of IOS are not affected.
* The Twilight Hack is unaffected.
via wiibrew
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March 23rd, 2008, 14:59 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Kotaku

Reader Brian, inspired by the pointlessness of these cardboard PSP arcade cabinet stands, wanted to share a similar project he'd worked on many years ago. His stab at completely unnecessary miniature arcade cabinets is definitely of questionable value—and usability, since the shoulder buttons are inaccessible—but of much higher quality and far, far cooler.
Built of foam core, plastic and decals, the mini-cab prototype featured back door access for Game Boy Advance SP placement, making for a hunched over arcade authentic experience. It even had a working light up marquee! He also shared with us a cocktail table prototype, which is after the jump.

Merely a digital prototype, sadly, but clever and adorable just the same. Thanks for the tip, Brian!
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March 23rd, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: JKKDARK
It's located here at Google Code.
Mupen64Plus is an active Nintendo 64 emulator for Linux.
This is what one of the authors, Richard42, said:
We have a bug tracker, to which I'm in the process of moving over the bug descriptions from the TODO file. We have a nice project page with a screenshot, a download section, a wiki with pages for the important docs like README and RELEASE, and a Google Group with a discussion forum.
So I invite you all to come over and check it out.
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March 23rd, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from waninkoko
This application removes the duplicated channels installed after upgrading the Wii with a JAP or USA game.
This application uses the trucha bug to remove channels. Don't upgrade your Wii!!
How to use:
Just run the application with Twilight Hack or burning the ISO. Then wait until it finishes. After that the Wii will restart automatically.
Also, the application will modify some data so these channels won't be installed anymore.
I don't take any responsability if your Wii gets damaged.
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March 24th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: JKKDARK
The Dragon and Tandy CoCo emulator was ported to the Nintendo DS.
The DS port is coming along. This version features interface for input configuration and snapshot saving. It is built against the most recent CVS release of libfat, so supports DLDI patching (not required for DS-Xtreme, of course). Sound is present, but is not synchronised with the rest of the emulation yet, so tends to be very scratchy. No input configuration is stored anywhere yet. ROMs should sit in fat:/dragon/.
* xroar.nds - slot 1 binary.
* xroar.ds.gba file - slot 2 binary (I believe) - untested.
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March 24th, 2008, 03:32 Posted By: bandit
Thrustmaster has announced that they will be releasing a steering wheel attachment for Mario Kart. The T-Go Kart NW will be available in April, at the recommended retail price of $9.99.
The most famous of moustachioed plumbers will be driving by your neighbourhood soon… and Thrustmaster lets you take control of the wheel with the new T-Go Kart NW. Inspired by racing karts, this is the first wheel to provide a sporty rubber grip for optimum comfort. This wireless device features a compartment designed to easily accommodate the Wii™ Remote in its upper section. This feature enables users to place their hand naturally on the wheel and ensures easy access to all buttons on the Wii™ remote. The access slots and cable guide enable players to use the infrared pointer to navigate through in-game menus without removing the Wii™ Remote from the wheel, and also to easily connect or disconnect the Nunchuk™. - Kart-style racing wheel with rubber grip.
- Wireless driving for all racing and kart games
- Features access slots and a cable guide for users wishing to connect an additional Nunchuk controller
- Wheel has a slot to house the Wii Remote with access holes on either side:
- The left hand hole to allow the infrared pointer to be used for browsing in-game menus without having to remove the Wii Remote from the wheel
- The right hand hole to allow access to the wrist band or connect an additional Nunchuck controller
- Realistic and ergonomic shape: Standard positioning of the hands on the wheel ("10 past 10") thus ensuring all Wii Remote buttons are easily accessible
Source: Thrustmaster
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March 24th, 2008, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
We think that those playing Guitar Hero III on the Wii have every right to feel like the cast-aside stepchild. Not only does their system of choice not get the DLC from the other consoles, they also got the fun of sending their discs in to be replaced when it turned out that the game was mixed in mono rather than stereo sound. Now, Activision is attempting to make up for one of those slights with a free guitar faceplate for those who had to send their game away.
What's especially cool is that the company didn't make a big announcement about the deal, they just quietly went about trying to make things right with jilted fans. Good show, Activision. Now, about that DLC ...
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March 24th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Make no mistake, today's pair of Virtual Console titles has nothing to do with either chess or the lottery. We can, however, celebrate the second Square Enix title to come to the North American Virtual Console, and it's a lot closer to an RPG than the last one.
King's Knight (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii points): A crazed hybrid between vertical-scrolling shooter and RPG, this game was one of the first examples of destructible environments -- you can pretty much destroy everything in your path. You know the drill: choose your character, level up, kill a dragon, save the princess.
Powerball (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii points): This bastard child of rugby and football born eons into the future, Powerball has you smack the snot out of the opposing team as you vie for the chance to run the powerball into your neon-lit goal for points.
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March 24th, 2008, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Codejunkies' godsend to Wii importers appears to have been blocked out by yet another system update in America.
The Wii's Freeloader, a disc which allows users to play NTSC titles on a PAL console, has been out for a mere week, but Nintendo have already decided to counter it with a new system update.
The updated firmware, currently only available in America, has been reported to block out the Freeloader, preventing users from being able to play imported titles. For now, we urge any Freeloader users who wish to continue using their devices not to activate any new system updates. Stick with us for the latest developments.
Update: WiiBrew have admitted that the reportedly blocking of the Freeloader is in fact a "hilarious" April Fool's joke (it's Easter Sunday, or March 23rd, in case you didn't know). The widespread panic and paranoia caused by the clever editor of the WiiBrew page was all for nothing. Readers, you may sleep soundly tonight in the knowledge that this whole thing has been debunked.
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March 24th, 2008, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Tobin:
Happy easter,
here is a late present for you: DSChess 0.4
I have changed a lot in this version, the engine becomes stronger, while at the same time becoming weaker. How does that works?
On the one hand I have optimized the memory management and hash tables, this leads to a more than 50% search speed increase, on the other I have added a level system. There are eleven playing strengths for beginners, now even a not very experienced player should beat his Nintendo DS at level one (Important: Start a new game after changing the level!).
Additionally you can now beat your friend on one DS (H vs. H).
Furthermore a lot of bugs were fixed and some more features were implemented. Look at the Changelog for more details.
As usual you get the latest version here: http://www.vonloesch.de/dschess
Hope you like it, your feedback is always welcome.
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March 24th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Harmonix confirmed today that Rock Band for Wii will be released on June 22nd for $169.99 [£85]. The so-called "Special Edition" bundle will include the game, drums, microphone and a wireless guitar. Standalone instruments will also be available for purchase on June 22nd. The Wii edition will feature 63 songs, including five unspecified "bonus" songs. We've asked Harmonix to answer some of your more burning questions -- we'll update this post when they do.
[Update: Sean from Harmonix dropped into the forums to answer some questions about the Wii release. First, "the feature-set is a lot closer to the PS2 version of Rock Band which was also developed by Pi Studios." Harmonix "decided to focus on getting the core gameplay on to the Wii and focus on making that awesome" which means we're expecting the same or similarly scaled-down World Tour and character creation modes. He also says "the instruments don't use the Wiimote. They function the same as our peripherals on the other platforms." Still no word on whether or not your existing Guitar Hero III Wii-guitar will work with Rock Band on Wii.]
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March 24th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
According to a blurry GameStop release list image posted by WiiCast over the weekend, the charge for admission into the Wii Fit club will be $90. We've confirmed with various local GameStops that the game is listed in its system for $90. Pre-orders are being offered for $10 instead of the regular $5, but the two-fold increase is something we've heard has been in the GameStop pipeline for a while.
Nintendo confirmed with Joystiq that "the only thing released is that [Wii Fit] will be 'under $100'" when it debuts on May 19. North America is the only announced region for Wii Fit without a confirmed price tag, with Europe and Australia ready to pay over $100 USD for the pressure-sensitive sweat board.
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March 25th, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Although all fossil fuels have long run out, the wars continue. The three large political bodies, Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, the Human Reform League and the Advanced European Union control the inexhaustible solar power through the orbiting elevators. Because of these political bodies, smaller nations that are deprived of energy resources plunge into poverty and that gives rise to conflicts and wars.
Martial power is the only thing that ensures security in this era. For this purpose, the Celestial Being, a private military organization is set up for the purpose of eradicating war and uniting the humans. And so the war to end all wars begins once again. Become a Gundam Meister and take on military missions to save the world in this mecha fighter.
Each Gundam is built with different capabilities and are suitable for different sorts of battles. Before plunging head first into a war, gather information through conversing with the characters. Your scores as a Gundam pilot depends on your utilizing these characters' advice. Attend briefings, understand what the missions are about, e.g. destroying enemy bases, transporting weapons etc. After digesting the information, choose your Gundam and Gundam Meister accordingly.
The battle field is in 360 degrees, the controls are simple and the fights are exhilarating. Engage in one to one combat with the enemy or take on the whole army yourself.
The software even includes a GUNPLA Tutorial. Obtain your Gundam model pack, and with the tutorial's step by step guide, build your own Gundam model.
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March 25th, 2008, 15:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nintendo has launched its WiiWare Channel in Japan, offering nine fresh games for download.
These range from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles spin off My Life as a King, which sees you building and managing your own town, to Dr. Mario, which has you handling drugs. You can see some of games in action on Eurogamer TV.
The WiiWare Channel, called Wii Software here, will launch in the US on 12th May. Nintendo has yet to announce a European date.
Prices for the games range from 500 Wii Points (~GBP 3.50 / EUR 5) up to 1500 Wii Points (~GBP 10.50 / EUR 15).
Here's that Japanese launch list in full:- Okiraku Ping Pong Wii - 500 Wii Points (~GBP 3.50 / EUR 5)
- Tenshi Solitaire - 500 Wii Points (~GBP 3.50 / EUR 5)
- Star Solider R - 800 Wii Points (~GBP 6 / EUR 8)
- Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Wii - 1000 Wii Points (~GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00)
- Saku Saku Animal Panic - 1000 Wii Points (~GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00)
- Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu - 1000 Wii Points (~GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00)
- Minna no Pokemon Bokujou - 1000 Wii Points (~GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00)
- Lonpos - 1000 Wii Points (~GBP 7.00 / EUR 10.00)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King - 1500 Wii Points (~GBP 10.50 / EUR 15)
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March 25th, 2008, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Become a Ninja: Choose your Ninja name from over 25,000 combinations and sharpen your Ninja skills over 11 belt ranks and 36 game variations to achieve Black Belt
Train Your Reflexes: Develop the mental sharpness, reaction speed, hand eye coordination and relaxed focus of a Ninja
Intense Multiplayer Battles: Compete for Ninja supremacy within 3 difficulty levels against friends or family with up to 4 players
Wield Unique Weapons: Turn your Wii Remotes and DS styluses into throwing stars, katanas, nunchucks, chopsticks, and more
Meditate: When the training gets too intense, take a break and meditate for improved focus and energy
Do you have what it takes to be a ninja? Enter the dojo with Ninja Reflex™ for the Nintendo Wii™ and DS™ to find out.
Created by Nunchuck Games and developed by Sanzaru Games Inc. exclusively for the Nintendo Wii and DS, Ninja Reflex helps players hone their reaction times, twitch skills and reflexes with martial arts movements that take full advantage of the Wii Remote™ and DS stylus.
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March 25th, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

The world’s most popular soccer game is back under a new name, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. Formerly Winning Eleven, PES 2008 builds upon the competitive spirit embodied by its predecessor with some major improvements. PES gamers will discover a more immersive, vivid soccer experience than they’ve ever played! PES 2008 features new animations, new clubs and leagues and on-line play! Above all else, the new “TEAMVISION” AI system is more intelligent than ever. Hot-shots will have plenty of new moves to show-up their opponents, or get shown-up so tape those ankles!
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March 25th, 2008, 15:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Zany SEGA Characters with Superstar Abilities - Each of the 16 characters has their own superstar alter-ego, which gives them the winning edge on the court.
Ten Fantastical Themed Courts - Guest umpires will supervise the action on a wide variety of colorful courts, from Sonic's lush Green Hill Zone to Ulala's galactic Space Channel 5 world, just to name a couple.
Four Action-Packed Tournaments - As you slice your way through the competitive tournaments, you will unlock loads of bonus content.
Classic Soundtrack - Faithfully recreated in full Dolby Digital 5.1, treasured SEGA tunes will entertain SEGA fans new and old.
Sixteen fan-favorite SEGA® characters from Sonic to NiGHTS are serving up non-stop fun in SEGA Superstars Tennis™. Multiple madcap mini-games will keep the party rolling and up to four friends can challenge each other in tournaments, exhibitions and unlockable special events. With hilarious cameos and comical guest umpires from SEGA's rich gaming history, this fun-filled tennis party is guaranteed to be a smashing good time for the whole family!
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March 25th, 2008, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Innovative Wii Gameplay!—Built from the ground up to take advantage of the Wii controller, get closer to Worms than ever before as you launch attacks with a variety of force-sensitive gestures using the Wii controller! The more players put into the game, the more they get out!
A more casual experience—With more intuitive controls, and handy on-screen hints, it’s never been easier to pick up a Worms title and join in the wormy fun!
Classic Worms with a twist!—The ultimate blend of classic Worms game modes with a host of all new party games. Experience a reinvented single player experience, multiplayer modes, and even more customization for the most rewarding Worms experience ever!
It’s Worms in Space!—Immerse yourself in 6 all new environments with a whole new visual style as the Worms battle their way home through Space! (Cavernia, Tenticlia, Frostal, Kaputzol, Mechanopolis, Earth!)
Worms®: A Space Oddity is the "Worms" experience re-imagined for the Wii™. Built from the ground up to take advantage of the Wii controller, players will launch attacks with unique Worms weaponry via a wide range of gesture based and force sensitive maneuvers. The more players put into the game, the more they get out!
Now everyone can join in the experience of Worms: A Space Oddity. Enjoy a host of new Worms party games and take on friends in classic Worms matches.
With an all new visual style, environments, intuitive controls, and even more customization options, it’s never been easier to pick up a Worms title and join in the wormy fun!
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March 25th, 2008, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Aquarium for Nintendo DS features 5 tanks to choose from, along with a variety of backgrounds, plants and accessories such as rocks and bridges that you can decorate with. Choose from more than 30 fish to populate your tank including clown fish, angelfish, neon tetra and guppies. Learn to create the optimum environment for your aquatic friends controlling everything from water temperature to the salinity of the tank, while keeping it clean and raising all the pets you want.
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March 25th, 2008, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Avatar Creator let’s you completely customize and dress your character
Use your journal to record secrets, remember birthdays, parties and more
Voice chat via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection lets you talk to your friends in real time
Contact list lets you save your friends’ contact information, birth date and personal likes/dislikes
Mini-games incude matching, jig-saw puzzles, personality quizzes and more
You’re a girl on the go and need help keeping track of your busy social life. Diary Girl is the answer to all your problems! Diary Girl is the only password protected electronic journal/PDA for the Nintendo DS. It is the perfect way to organize your daily life, interact with your friends, check daily horoscopes and play mini-games.
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March 25th, 2008, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Create your ideal fish tank
Choose from over 30 sea creatures to populate your tank, including both fish and mammals
Share your fish with friends via Wi-Fi Connection
Decorate and accessorize your fish tank
Unlock new fish, new decorations, and more
Manage all aspects of your aquarium to create the perfect environment for your fish: tweak the size, water temperature, salinity, and more
Create, populate, and decorate your perfect fish tank – with no limits on the species you can include! In Fantasy Aquarium, Whales, Dolphins, Sharks, Seals and more can thrive in your fish tank – just as long as you don’t mix predator and prey! Customize your tank with decorative rocks, plants, figurines, and other accessories. You can even trade your fish with friends via Wi-Fi Connection!
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March 25th, 2008, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Customize and dress up your dog, cat or pony (new GoPet!) in cute, funky outfits
Choose from over 700 unique collectible items
Build up your friendship levels to up to 255 friends, and communicate with them with “Iku”, the language of GoPets
Play 5 unique mini-games (darts, tile matching, cooking and blowing bubbles games) and have your high scores saved on global GoPets server
Make friends around the world with your GoPet! An irresistible blend of social networking and virtual pets, GoPets: Vacation Island for the Nintendo DS™ lets you create pets that travel the world, visit your friends, and find new friends. Dress your pet with fancy swag, compete in minigames for fun and bling, and design food and items to send to your friends!
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March 25th, 2008, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Unique insect abilities
Bug weaponry
Old fashioned street smarts
Crime solving cleverness
Insecticide is a hard-boiled, fast-shooting detective game set in a festering future city where bugs have evolved as the planet’s dominant race. A murder at the powerful Nectarola soft drink company leads police from the Insecticide Squad on a bug hunt through the city’s seedy underbelly, and into a mystery of epic proportions. Join Detective Chrys Liszt and partner Roachy Caruthers on the case as they become entangled in a web of crime in this 3rd-person shooter/detective game. It’s an action-adventure in the truest sense of the word, immersing players in cinematic combat levels, as well as a story-based detective investigation. Use Chrys’ unique insect abilities, a range of creative bug weaponry, and old-fashioned street smarts to solve the case and uncover a shocking secret, ultimately bringing the mighty boot of justice down hard on the city's infestation of crime.
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March 25th, 2008, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

With a blend of platform fighting, traditional board and dice and mini games, Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Bongole Shiki Taisen Battle Sugoroku is a hilarious game filled with fun and spoilers from the anime.
Like all board games, whoever reaches the goal first is the winner, but things never stays this simple with your beloved cast. When two characters stand on the same square, a battle starts, and it is not just an exciting fight either. It is filled with funny attacks like pineapple and failed test paper rains that make even the losing side laugh. This is a game suitable for all ages, and with the Wi-Fi enabled, a maximum of four friends can play together.
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March 25th, 2008, 16:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Guide one of four playable characters, each with their own unique strengths and talents that will impact how you explore the island.
Each character's past gradually unfolds throughout the adventure in several "flashback" episodes; revealed lost memories may provide clues to help them escape the island.
Adjusted game balance lets players can spend an equal amount of time between surviving the elements and having fun exploring the island.
Take a departure from the harshness of island living and enjoy over 20 mini-games such as river rafting, engineering, and communicating with dolphins!
Lost in Blue 3 marks the return of the original "survival adventure" game for the Nintendo DS™. Guide one of four playable characters, each with their own hidden past and unique strengths, through exotic locales on a mysterious island while surviving the elements to stay alive. Work alone or cooperatively with other characters to gather food, explore the island, and hunt dangerous wildlife. Use a character's abilities to dictate which path you'll take to uncover the mysteries of the island and ultimately engineer your escape!
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March 25th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

The historical Kisaragi City is plagued by mysteries. From small mishaps to murders, there is no logical explanation as to why these events occur. Silence, or worms borne through hate and sadness infects a human and forces them to commit atrocious crimes. The hero, Atsuki's parents are victims of such crimes. To avenge his parents, Atsuki goes through a dangerous operation to acquire Lux Pain, a power that allows him to see and destroy the Silences.
To learn more, and effectively destroy the worms, Atsuki joins the special forces Fort, which is established by a group of youngsters with special powers called Zigma. Throughout this text based adventure, the player, as Atsuki, gathers information about Silences and utilize the full potential of Lux Pain. After destroying a Silence, he has to fill in the gap left in the infested victim's heart with a new memory. Learn about the troubles that disturb the people in the city and destroy the worms. Be careful though, and do not to destroy the people's hearts in the process.
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March 25th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released today:

Zany SEGA Characters with Superstar Abilities - Each of the 16 characters has their own superstar alter-ego, which gives them the winning edge on the court.
Ten Fantastical Themed Courts - Guest umpires will supervise the action on a wide variety of colorful courts, from Sonic's lush Green Hill Zone to Ulala's galactic Space Channel 5 world, just to name a couple.
Four Action-Packed Tournaments - As you slice your way through the competitive tournaments, you will unlock loads of bonus content.
Classic Soundtrack - Faithfully recreated in full Dolby Digital 5.1, treasured SEGA tunes will entertain SEGA fans new and old.
Sixteen fan-favorite SEGA® characters from Sonic to NiGHTS are serving up non-stop fun in SEGA Superstars Tennis™. Multiple madcap mini-games will keep the party rolling and up to four friends can challenge each other in tournaments, exhibitions and unlockable special events. With hilarious cameos and comical guest umpires from SEGA's rich gaming history, this fun-filled tennis party is guaranteed to be a smashing good time for the whole family!
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March 25th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and another option to buy if you dont like divineo/play asia:

Can launch and play import Wii games without modifying your console
Play imported games from any region on any Wii console
Add loads of new titles including games that many never be released in your region
Fast and ease to use
Price:USD 20.97
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March 25th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Humongous Inc., announced today that its best selling sports title, Backyard Baseball 2009 is available for the first time on Nintendo DS. The latest iteration in the decade old Backyard Sports franchise, Backyard Baseball 2009 for Nintendo DS combines real baseball strategies with wild power ups and arcade action to entertain and excite baseball's next generation of fans.
Known for starring professional baseball players as animated kids in the game, Backyard Baseball 2009 has expanded its roster to include at least one player from every MLB team including top stars such as Ichiro, A-Rod, Jeter, Pujols, Griffey, and cover athlete David "Big Papi" Ortiz. The game also capitalizes on Nintendo DS capabilities by offering wireless multi-player and touch screen controls to let players hit, field, pitch, and run-all with strokes and taps of the stylus.
Backyard Baseball 2009 offers single pick-up games or season play (with all the stats), a Home Run Derby mini-game, and varying levels of difficulty to make it appropriate for kids of different ages and skills. In addition, the game's kid-friendly, non-violent format and high level of diversity makes it especially popular with parents.
The only kids' video game to hold Major League Baseball (MLB) and Major League Player's Association (MLBPA) licenses, Backyard Baseball 2009 for DS is Rated "E" (everyone) by the ESRB and available for an SRP of $29.99. Backyard Baseball 2009 will be available in May for Wii, PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and Windows PC at retailers nationwide.
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March 25th, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who went to the Breakpoint Demo Party would have enjoyed this by TMBinc
tmbinc is probably more known for his work on gaming console platforms and other interesting hardware than for his demoscene coding. So far he coded on the Gamecube, the Xbox 360 and the Wii, always with the intention to make the available hardware useful for own projects, without being an official developer.
Gaming console hardware offers a great value for a great price, but are unfortunately usually locked down to only execute authentic code. This seminar will focus on homebrew code on the Nintendo Wii and the Microsoft Xbox 360. After giving a short overview over the two quite different architectures, methods to load own, unsigned code to retail machines will be explained and demonstrated. Finally, a "hello world" for both machines will be discussed, to give potentially interested demo coders a start.
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March 25th, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has updated DS-DOS, heres the release details:
An MS-DOS clone
Version .50
-Auto DLDI-patching
-dropped Bootlib
-added chishm's exec_stub
-no longer tries to boot if nothing is typed
fixed "cd"
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory "\music"
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
To use the extra device, you must have a dldi file called "fat3.dldi", which is a
renamed dldi file of the other device you want to use. To boot an .nds file on the
other device, you would type "fat3:\myndsfile.nds". Copying, renaming, moving, and
deleting all work this same way.
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; cornaljoe for character fix:
Everyone involved with devkitPro and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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March 25th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
press release
SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Wonder Boy and Fantasy Zone will be the first wave of many SEGA Master™ System titles that will soon be available for download on the Wii™ Shop Channel. Prices start at 400 Wii™ Points for SEGA Master System titles. Wii Points can be purchased online or at select retailers at an MSRP of $20 for 2,000 points.
WonderBoy - As Tom-Tom the Wonder Boy, it’s up to you to rescue your girlfriend Tanya from the vile clutches of a monster that has kidnapped her. To do so, you must navigate through a series of worlds in a race against time to reach your goal, as you battle off foes and collect fruit that will add to the amount of time you have to complete your mission. You can also collect helpful power-ups from various eggs, but make sure to avoid the “bad” eggs and poisonous mushrooms that sap your precious vitality. Find the magic doll in each level that opens up the hidden areas, and make it to the very end to rescue your one true love!
Fantasy Zone - Take command of the spaceship Opa-Opa and blast your way through various fantastical levels as you try to take out all the enemy bases in each stage. Once you’ve destroyed the bases, you’ll have to beat the stage boss in order to move on to the next level. By using your guns and bombs wisely, you’ll be able to take down your enemies and explore each of the crazy environments in this side-scroller. You can also buy upgraded weapons for your ship by accessing the shop. Various SEGA games through the years have referenced the Opa-Opa – now you can play the game that started it all!
The Wii Shop Channel serves as the Wii’s online storefront, where visitors can redeem Wii Points to download games and other items. Users need a high-speed Internet connection to access the Wii Shop Channel. More Virtual Console games will come available every Monday following launch. Users buy Wii Points at retail or with a credit card online from the Wii Shop Channel and redeem their Wii Points to download the classic games.
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March 25th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SVPE
This is just a small Front SD ELF loader with a menu, written by svpe, #wiidev@efnet, svpe@gmx.net.
There are probably still some bugs so don't blame me if something goes wrong.
See COPYING for the license (GNU GPL 2; and _only_ version 2)
Create an "elf" directory (all letters in lower-case, don't include quotes) on your SD card and put all your ELF files in there. Load the tp-hack-loader.elf with the twilight hack or the trucha-disc-loader.dol with a trucha signed disc.
If you want to compile it yourself you just need to type 'make' in the root directory. Precompiled elf and dol binaries are included.
The miniloader/ is just a quick hack to make this work with trucha discs because the apploader i used didn't seem to support a non-standard entry point. The real loader with the front SD code is in the loader/ directory.
Wiimote shutdown code from this wiki added
Video mode detection (should work on PAL TVs now)
Faster ELF loading due to removed debug printfs
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March 25th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Uschghost posted this release:
This is just a simple Snake game for the Nintendo Wii.
User guide
Run the included ELF with your favorite method to boot homebrew (Twilight hack, trucha, or in the future homebrew channel)
After the ELF is loaded press any button and the game will start. Control the snake with the D-pad on a GameCube Controller.
The Game may has some bugs I´ll try to fix them in later versions ....maybe =P
Todo....maybe =P
Fix bugs.
Make apples appear at random places.
Allow the use of the c-pad/d-pad as input.
Ignore pressing the button to in reverse.
Clean up code.
Release source.
Not returning to the loader.
Adjustable snake speed.
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March 25th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Flashlinker Europe have announced that preorders are now being taken for the Acekard 2 Nintendo DS Flash Cart, heres the details:

Perfect compatibility. No need to convert, No need to flash!
· Save file is written directly to TF card. No need to manually select save size, no data loss.
· Automatic DLDI patching. Run homebrew programs without converting.
· Support soft-reset, Download Play and WiFi gaming!
· Support SDHC TF card. Virtually unlimited storage size !
· Support any brand of TF, with no slowdown!
· Support Action Replay cheats . Build-in editor!
· Low power consumption for longer operational time!
· Built-in multiple languages and DIY skinning!
Preorder now from Flashlinker Europe:
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March 26th, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SEGA has revealed that Master System games will be the cheapest on the Virtual Console.
The 1980s gems will cost just 400 Wii Points (GBP 3 / EUR 4), which makes them a whole 50 pence cheaper than their old NES rivals. David Dickinson would like that.
The first of the Master System games to arrive in the US will be Wonder Boy and Fantasy Zone.
SEGA has revealed nothing for Europe so far, but has been contacted for comment.
What was your favourite Master System game, Eurogamer reader?
We liked RoboCop Versus The Terminator. But who would win in real-life? Sarah Connor?
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March 26th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
GAME is giving you a chance to compete in a Mario Kart Wii Tournament a week before the game launches.
Regional heats will be held in stores across the country from 5th April. Prizes on offer include GBP 250 worth of "experience vouchers" to spend on activities like paintballing, quad biking and karting.
Copies of the game will also be given away, as will store vouchers.
Winners of the heats will go into a finale on 12th April, where the star prize will be a Mario Kart VW Beetle Convertible.
Mario Kart Wii is due out at the end of next week and is well worth the money. Pop over to our review to find out why.
Here's a list of GAME stores hosting the tournament.
* Manchester - Unit 59 Arndale Centre
* Trafford - 124 Peel Centre Trafford Centre
* Bournemouth - Unit 4, Avenue Centre, Commercial Road
* Portsmouth - 226 Commercial Road, Portsmouth
* Stevenage - Unit 4A, The Forum
* Merryhill - Unit 87, Lower Mall, Merryhill Shopping Centre
* Reading - Unit 18 Oracle Shopping Centre
* Basingstoke - Unit 15 Festival Place
* Braehead - Unit 57 Braehead Shopping Centre, Kings Inch Rd
* Glasgow - 146 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
* Milton Keynes - 15 Crown Walk, Milton Keynes
* Nottingham - Unit 308A, Victoria Centre
* Leeds - 50-52 Albion Street, Leeds
* Luton - 142-144 Arndale Centre, Luton
* Cheltenham - Unit A, 100/104 High Street
* Cribbs Causeway - Unit LR53, Cribbs Causeway
* Cardiff - 92 Queen Street Cardiff
* Newcastle Fenwicks - 39 Northumberland Street, Newcastle
* Gateshead Metro Centre - 17 Red Pathway, Metro Centre
* Blackburn - 10-12 Market Way, Blackburn
* Wigan - 27 Standish Gate, Wigan
* Hanley - 214-215 The Potteries, Hanley
* London Hamleys - 188-196 Regent Street, London
* London - 100 Oxford Street, London
* Thurrock - Unit 106, Lakeside Shopping Centre
* Romford - Unit 15 Liberty 2 Centre
* Taunton - 45-46 Fore Street, Taunton
* Edinburgh - 127 Princes Street, Edinburgh
* Dundee - 51 Murraygate, Dundee
* Kingstone-Upon-Thames - 3rd Floor, The Bentalls Center
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March 26th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Jake has released a new version of his Novel Reader for the DS, heres the changelog for the last few days:
* 1.2.3 25/03/08:
* timestamps in load/save menus
* 1.2.2 25/03/08:
* no longer crashes on single words that are too long to display.
* 1.2.1 25/03/08:
* `delay X` command.
* 1.2.0 24/03/08:
* script.cpp: cleaner line reading
* graphical vn select screen!
* new icon
* nicer antialiased text.
More Info/download --> http://digital-haze.net/vnds.php
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March 26th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
MadCatMk2 has released a new PI app for the Wii, heres the details:
Sample Program that calculates the Pi (π) Number.
Shows 15 decimals (Till some ultra-kewl person gets math.h to work).
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March 26th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Uschghost has updated his Snake game for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
March 26. 08 - Added sound = thx to "modarchive.org" for the mod and azeazezar for finding it.
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March 26th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Soully our chief website designer/graphics man/Asisstant DCEmu Webmaster has won the comp to make a logo for the Wii Homebrew Channel (obviously when that is released.
Check out the Winning logo via comments
Congrats Soully 
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March 26th, 2008, 17:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Allan Alcorn, the engineer who created Pong for Atari, credits Nintendo for taking its own path with the Wii.
"I think that, as the "arms race" has proliferated with the big-end machines such as the Xbox and the PlayStation...It really is an arms race, and you get caught in your own metaphor," he told GamesIndustry.biz
"You tend to build products like the ones you built before. And the theory is - prettier graphics, people will buy it."
Alcorn gives Nintendo a lot of credit for taking another path by going with mid-quality graphics but innovative controls - as well as a unique style of games.
"I think there is a danger when you start making movies or videogames for one group - you know, the young teenage men - then you leave out a big piece of the market.
"Games have been decried for appealing to young men and they really can be much wider."
Alcorn - who had a hand in creating the VCS for Atari and did early work at Apple which led to the MPEG standard and QuickTime - notes that it is hard to do things differently than everybody else these days.
"There's a common wisdom as to how it is supposed to be done," he said. "The bigger the industry gets, the harder that is to fight."
The complete interview with Allan Alcorn can be read here.
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March 26th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii Homebrew scene continues togather momentum
Desktopman has updated his Wii Tetris game:
I've gone through and fixed some bugs in Tetris, as well as enhanced some parts of the gameplay. This time I've also included the source code.
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March 26th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Interesting article thats sure to get reaction from all fronts:
When the iPhone was unveiled a year ago, it was obvious that it would outclass the status quo in mobile phones, particularly in the US where mobile operators have been holding back innovation. Far less obvious was the potential for the new phone to rival dedicated handheld gaming consoles. Here’s how well the iPhone stacks up against the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP in both hardware and as a business model.
Not a Fair Fight.
At first blush, one likely wouldn’t think of the iPhone as being in the same league as handheld gaming consoles. However, when Apple showcased a half dozen prototype apps at the SDK launch, fully half of them were games. Clearly, Apple isn’t going to be ignoring games on the iPhone.
The most obvious competition the iPhone faces is the leading Nintendo DS and the distant runner up, Sony’s PlayStation Portable. Incidentally, both gaming units appeared on the market in late 2004; the iPhone benefits from being nearly three years younger, and therefore based on considerably more modern technology. However, gaming isn’t an easy market to break into.
In addition to the very popular DS and the runner up success of the PSP, there have been notable failures in mobile gaming. Nokia’s Symbian-based “side talking” N-Gage, released in late 2003, fell dramatically short of sales goals and turned into an embarrassing joke for the company. In early 2005, Microsoft worked with Gametrac to deliver a WinCE based gaming device called Gizmondo; that company fell apart after scandals erupted involving executives’ ties to a Swedish crime ring and massive embezzling and reckless spending resulted in its bankruptcy. It didn’t help that Gizmondo was branded the “worst console of all time” by gamer magazine writers.
The Spectacular Failure of WinCE and Windows Mobile
Playing the Console Game.
Successfully deploying a game console is a lot of work and a lot of risk. The hardware has to deliver competitive features while also being priced low enough to attract a large audience of buyers. There’s also the catch-22 of selling units before enough game titles exist, or alternatively, lining up developer support before having sold any units to players.
Gaming heavyweight Sega pulled out of the living room games console business entirely after the tepid launch of the Dreamcast in 1998. Despite pioneering hardware, the Dreamcast suffered from poor marketing and was subsequently blindsided by the smash success of Sony’s PlayStation 2 nearly two years later.
However, Sony’s own efforts to enter the handheld gaming world, long dominated by Nintendo, didn’t materialize as planned either. Despite attractive hardware and its association with the most popular series of living room consoles ever, the PSP has fallen short of selling half as many units as the DS: 31 million PSP units versus 65 million DS. Nintendo also still sells the earlier generation Game Boy Advance, which has sold an additional 81 million units since 2001. Combined, Nintendo has sold nearly as many handheld gaming units since 2001 as Apple has sold iPods.
Microsoft similarly proved that its desktop PC monopoly power was no match for the entrenched players in the games console business, losing tens of billions on the original Xbox and Xbox 360 while remaining in a distant also ran position. Just two years into its massive investments in the 360, the console has already seen sales fall of dramatically in its second year, and entering 2008, it has consistently slipped behind the PS3 in monthly unit sales.
Video Game Consoles 2007: Wii, PS3 and the Death of Microsoft’s Xbox 360
Apple’s Quiet Gaming Strategy.
Apple seemingly wouldn’t stand much chance in throwing its own ring into the rough and tumble games console business. Its last effort, a licensing deal with Bandai to resell a low end PowerPC Mac as the 1995 Pippin entertainment system, was a notable failure.
Rather than directly competing against the big players, Apple has been developing games for the iPod in what has appeared to be a Steve Jobs Hobby since late 2006. However, those efforts translate directly into the new iPhone development platform, as Apple has used iPod games to perfect a system for secure digital software delivery through iTunes.
When the games appeared, it was a bit of a surprise to see what the iPod could deliver. It shouldn’t have been; the 5G iPods have the same ARM7TDMI processor as the Game Boy Advance (the iPod actually has two), a higher resolution 320×260 screen compared to the GBA’s 240×160, far more RAM (64MB) and plenty of disk storage to avoid needing to carry around any cartridges.
The iPod could deliver these major hardware advantages over the GBA because it was designed to be sold for around $400; the GBA was intended to retail for around $200. The iPod certainly wasn’t designed to compete as a gaming device, but its latent capacity makes it a viable alternative for the tens of millions of users who already have an iPod and want to use it for new things. Apple’s pioneering $5 game market also lowers the threshold for impulse buying.
Hacking iPod Games: How Apple’s DRM Works
Can a Phone Play Real Games?
The iPhone has similar hardware advantages over the DS and PSP, both of which were engineered to sell at much lower price points. The DS originally sold for $149 (and is now $129), and the PSP debuted in the US at $249 (now sells for $169). The 8GB iPhone debuted at $599 (and now sells for $399).
Apple’s engineers not only had a bigger budget to spend, but could use more modern technology given that Apple released the iPhone two and a half years later. Here’s how their hardware compares:
Nintendo DS: Late 2004
67 MHz ARM 946E-S (N-Gage processor) + 33 MHz ARM7TDMI (same processor as the original iPods)
256KB Flash + cartridge storage
Dual, 256×192 3“ displays; one is stylus touch sensitive
No accelerometers
No camera
No mobile radio
WiFi 802.11b/g
No Bluetooth
Sony PSP: Late 2004
333 MHz MIPS R4000 CPU + GPU with 2 MB onboard VRAM running at 166 MHz
32 MB main RAM (new models expanded to 64MB), and 4 MB embedded DRAM. MemoryStick storage, UMD media
480×272 (368×207 usable for video); no touch screen features
No accelerometers
No camera
No mobile radio
WiFi 802.11b
No Bluetooth
Apple iPhone: Mid 2007
Samsung ARM SoC 620 MHz 1176 running at 412 Mhz + PowerVR MBX 3D GPU
8 or 16GB Flash storage
320×480 3.5” display with finger multitouch input
Accelerometers for direct physical control
2 Megapixel camera
Quad band GSM + EDGE
WiFi 802.11 b/g
BlueTooth 2.0 EDR
The iPhone is in a significantly different class of performance, has far more internal resources for games, and is equipped with a variety of other hardware–from its camera to its ubiquitous (if slow) mobile network to its multitouch high resolution display and accelerometers–all of which have to power to unlock entirely new classes of games and other more serious applications.
As a handheld console, this feature set makes the iPhone a bit like the Wii, with interactive new gameplay features, and a bit like the PS3, with higher performance gaming specs and additional online and media capabilities. Buyers won’t have to decide if they want a handheld game console; they’ll get it for free when they buy the iPhone or iPod Touch.
Further, because Apple is attaching game development as a sidecar dessert on top of a device that is primarily monetized as a hardware sale (boosted by retail and accessory sales, media sales, and carrier revenue sharing), developers will get more bang from their buck and will incur less risk developing games for the iPhone. The iPhone has also already proven itself as a very desirable smartphone, even before the arrival of any native games, ameliorating the worries of a whether games developers should invest in the platform.
The iPhone’s development tools are more approachable to a wide audience of developers already familiar with the Mac, they’re significantly cheaper to obtain and get started with than other consoles, and game distribution will be much easier and more lucrative because Apple doesn’t need to squeeze fat licensing fees out of its developers to make money. In fact, Apple will do best by continuing to give developers those groundbreaking 70% royalties on their software sales, encouraging a wide and deep gaming market to develop for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Apple’s iPhone vs Smartphone Software Makers
The Chips and the Frameworks.
The iPhone’s System on a Chip processor bundles an ARM 1176 clocked at 412 MHz. The DS uses a pair of much earlier and simpler ARM processors, while the PSP uses the now dead end MIPS architecture, which was used in the Nintendo 64 and earlier PlayStation and PS2 consoles. Both Nintendo and Sony have since moved their modern living room consoles to variants of the PowerPC family.
That leaves the iPhone with an ideal CPU architecture for handheld gaming, and one familiar to existing smartphone developers. Above the hardware level, the Phone’s Cocoa Touch layers on a mature development framework that makes creating software for the iPhone much easier than developing for Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm, RIM BlackBerry, and other mobile platforms.
The iPhone’s SoC also bundles a PowerVR MBX graphics processor. In the late 90s, prior to the advent of ATI and NVidia as GPU leaders, PowerVR rivaled 3dfx Voodoo graphics cards in the PC market. Sega’s Dreamcast was also built around a PowerVR graphics processor. Following the rise of ATI and NVidia, PowerVR moved into the embedded mobile arena and became the standard for mobile smartphones and related devices.
Getting performance from smartphones has often been difficult because mobiles commonly rely on their own proprietary software or least common denominator packages like Sun’s stripped down Java ME. Apple’s iPhone SDK uses OpenGL ES, the same standard graphics API used by Symbian smartphone developers and the Sony PS3. This standardization will make graphics and games development for the iPhone familiar to a wide audience.
Again, in addition to using the PowerVR hardware and Open GL ES software, Apple is also providing its own slick software integration with tools such as Core Animation, making it much easier for developers to achieve a consistent look and feel with the buttery iPhone interface without necessarily being experts in embedded video development.
Origins: Why the iPhone is ARM, and isn’t Symbian
And the Competition?
Nintendo has long held a dominant position in handheld gaming, developed through a strategy of focusing on playability. The Game Boy, GBA, and DS didn’t deliver the most incredible hardware of the time, but did serve as low cost gaming devices paired with large libraries of games licensed by Nintendo. The company has worked to maintain high quality games for all of its platforms.
That also results in making Nintendo’s platforms closed tighter than Apple. Nintendo started in its closed development plans after the Video Game Crash of 1983 nearly wiped video gaming out of retail stores. Atari had encouraged unlimited game production for the 2600, resulting in some game titles being produced in greater quantities than the console itself. The result was a glut of games foisted upon retailers and a backlash against gaming.
Nintendo successfully reintroduced gaming by positioning its new NES game console as an “entertainment system” paired with a toy robot. As gaming took off again in the late 80s, Nintendo’s strict controls gave it strong market power and delivered exceptional profits. Independent developers couldn’t ship games for the NES without a licensing agreement with Nintendo.
Nintendo ruled the roost until its deal to build a new CD-equipped Super NES system with Sony fell through, resulting in Sony leaving to develop its own PlayStation games console in late 1994. Sony maintained the same games licensing model as Nintendo. When Microsoft entered the fray in 2001 with the Xbox, it similarly relied upon software licensing revenue to partially bail out its console hardware losses.
These conventional game console makers rely heavily on software licensing fees to keep their heads above water; Apple doesn’t. Software sales through iTunes will be self supporting in an effort to drive software availability. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have largely been opposed to small homebrew development, and are therefore going to be threatened by Apple’s encouragement of software development freed from licensing profiteering.
iPhone 2.0 SDK: How Signing Certificates Work
Microsoft recently unveiled XNA plans that try to achieve both: courting small developers to make online Xbox games and software for the Zune, and then subsequently taxing them as much as 70% in exchange for marketing exposure. Like Apple’s iPhone App Store, Microsoft won’t allow outside development, not because of security issues, but because that’s where Microsoft hopes to make the majority of its money. It remains to be seen how well that will work for the company, particularly given the extremely low uptake of the Zune and the year over year free fall in sales of Xbox 360 units.
Microsoft also appears to have given up all efforts to repurpose WinCE as a third party handheld gaming platform after the failure of the Gametrac Gizmondo. While the company recognizes the importance of “developers, developers, developers,” without a viable platform to sell to, those developers won’t care.
Nokia is trying to resuscitate N-Gage 2.0 as a gaming platform for its higher end N-series smartphones as part of Ovi, a portal site that also plans to sell music and GPS maps. The gaming platform will be constrained somewhat by the simpler specs of Nokia’s phones; the N81 has a similar processor, but only 96MB of RAM, a far more limited graphics resolution of 240×320, and no touchscreen or accelerometers, limiting the new N-Gage platform to the simplistic cell phone style games that have already failed to garner much attention.
Nintendo is unlikely to be pushed from its perch of selling $130 handheld game consoles by the $299 and up iPod Touch and iPhone. It has also demonstrated no interest in moving into mobile phone gaming itself. Unlike other hardware makers, Nintendo has also worked to sell its consoles at a profit while also earning software licensing revenues. That means Nintendo may be less likely to deliver games for Apple’s platform, as it would tend to draw attention away from its own handheld gaming efforts.
At the same time however, the company was quick to point out that its DS didn’t directly compete against the Sony PSP, and those two products were only $100 apart; Nintendo might therefore aim to deliver software for the iPhone because of the limited competition between the two platforms serving different markets at very different price points.
Sony is working to establish the PS3 and grow sales of the PSP before the three year old platform begins to run out of steam. PSP developers face more complex and expensive tools, which has resulted in fewer games being developed and sold. The PSP only had 2 games in the US top 50 last year, compared to 12 for the Nintendo DS.
Sony has also hampered the PSP with its preoccupation with promoting its own proprietary, physical media formats, including the failed UMD and MemoryStick. Apple’s online distribution model will democratize development and the iPhone’s wireless App Store and large Flash storage will encourage lower priced game sales in volume.
Sega no longer makes its own gaming hardware, giving it free rein to develop titles for the iPhone. It demonstrated a prototype of Super Monkey Ball using the iPhone’s accelerometers to control player movement. Sega noted that the iPhone’s 320×480 resolution meant that it had to spruce up its graphics, commenting that the iPhone supported console-style graphics rather than those typical of a cell phone.
Artificial Life, Aspyr, Electronic Arts, Feral Interactive, Freeverse, Gameloft, id Software, Pangea, THQ, and Namco Bandai have all confirmed an intent to deliver games for the platform, with Gameloft announcing plans for fifteen titles by the end of the year. Apple also demonstrated Touch Fighter, its own in house game, showing off the iPhone’s use of both OpenGL graphics, accelerometer support, and OpenAL audio for stereo sound positioning.
Ethan Einhorn, who demonstrated Sega’s Super Monkey Ball, told gaming site Next-Gen, “From a technical standpoint, the iPhone is competitive with dedicated handheld gaming devices [like the DS and PSP]. The delivery system for software will be digital and easy to use. And the ability to have all of your portable electronics needs catered to with one device is irresistible. Given all of that, the potential for the iPhone as a games platform is massive. From a technical standpoint, the iPhone is competitive with dedicated handheld gaming devices. This is a phone that offers plenty of power to work with, no compatibility concerns, and uniform input functionality. That represents an evolution in the mobile gaming space.”
10 Games Perfect for iPhone : Next Generation
As Apple migrates its 150 million iPod installed base toward the iPod Touch and iPhone, the company will pair a large user base with enthusiastic development efforts. Users will get the gaming environment as a free addition to the phone, media player, and web browser they purchased. Conversely, that also means that lesser phones with plodding web browser capabilities and simplistic media playback–as well as dedicated games consoles that really only play games–will have a hard time competing against the new platform. That should make for an interesting 2008.
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March 26th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
The Gp2xstore have updated today and announced they are stocking the Wii Freeloader:

You can finally play imported games on your Nintendo Wii with the Datel Nintendo Wii Freeloader. Play imported games that were never released in your region. And best of all, no modification needed!
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March 26th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS/GBA and also the PSP, heres whats new:
This release is a bit late coming out due to my participation in the fourth annual seven day roguelike competition. My submission was Fatherhood.
Spent some time improving environmental interactions, adding some relatively useless spells that people more clever than I will find ways to abuse, and performing the usual grammar fixes.
An exciting change which hopefully you won't notice is that the SDL based builds are no longer tied to a fixed 8x8 tile size. This was no small change as I had happily spread hard-coded constants everywhere, confident that the Gameboy Advance hardware wasn't going to change on me. It never did, but POWDER escaped that world and now lives places where 8x8 feels a bit cramped. One intriguing tileset would be to build a 10x10 based set that would then run at a native res of 320x240. See the ArtPack for details. Note I said I hope you don't notice this. No doubt, I have screwed up somewhere and some menu or stylus input won't work properly - I look forward to having my error pointed out.
* [DS] Pressing keys on on-screen keyboard will move the button-based cursor to the pressed location.
* Flavour text for empty bottles. (R. Dan Henry)
* Zombies, skeletons, ghasts, and liches that are made by magic will have their original creature type prefixed to the name: rat zombie, tridude lich, etc. (Adam Boyd)
* Trolls that resurrect inside lava will remain inside the lava rather than being teleported out. (Oohara Yuuma)
* Acid Pool can now be cast at range rather than only on adjacent squares.
* When you suffer system shock due to ending a polymorph or possession by dying a "You feel a little dead inside" is reported to alert you to the damage done. The Possess spell help has been updated to point out the dangers of dying while possessing creatures. (Derek S. Ray)
* You can now wish for specific spells. Well, provided you can wish at all. If only you knew how to wish.
* Wands of light will now slightly damage creatures and blind them for a turn or two.
* Floating eyes that are blind can no longer paralyse you. (Michael Brough)
* A Grow Forest spell that... grows a forest. I guess you could use it to block line of sight of those that chase you? (Adam Boyd)
* Being hit by water has more consistent effects.
* To hit bonus of weapons now shown in [] after weapon damage to make it clear that rapiers have a bonus.
* A Down Pour spell to sodden excessively cheerful spirits.
* Extra commas in the monster descriptions (R. Dan Henry)
* The character dump will now give you your playtime and which platform you are playing on.
* Option to turn off colouring of hp and mp. (David Damerell)
* "Your spear glows grey" from Detect Curse spell now has punctuation. (Michael Brough)
* Forest tiles can catch on fire and turn into forest fires. Be careful, these spread.
* Support for tilesets with a base tile size other than 8x8 in SDL builds. (Ibson the Grey)
* Your tileset, name choice, and button mappings are now saved with the highscores, not with your save game. This means the settings from when you last died or saved will be restored when you power back on again. (Matthew Rollins, Tim Allen, Robert, Irashtar, Matt, likely many others)
* [PSP] Quit removed from PSP menu pending me figuring out how to properly boot back to the host system. (stabwound)
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March 26th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
cuicui666 has released a new version of Japanese Training heres whats new:
Version 0.7 (2008 March 21):
* Handwriting recognition :
- more stable (less freezes)
- 245 ideograms stored in the database, need to improve my drawing though :-)
- use append/replace to modify the database
- use LEFT, RIGHT, L, R to navigate
- use compare to practice your handwriting
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March 26th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has released anew version of Woopsi the Amiga-esque Windowing System for the DS:
Version 0.30 now out:
Changes this time are a lot of bugfixes and some new gadgets, including scrolling panels, scrollbars, etc. I've completely removed the STL from the solution, which has reduced the size of a basic "hello world" ROM down to less than 250K.
There's also a new makefile that will produce a Woopsi library, giving a total of 4 different ways that the system can be built (with PALib, without PALib, library and SDL).
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March 26th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cortes48 :
Balloon fight on NES is a game that me much marqué.J 've wanted the adapter on DS in the form of multiple mini-game.
Version 1.2 available, bug fixing and adding High Score
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March 26th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
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March 26th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's WiiWare service has launched in Japan today with nine titles available for download.
The service is scheduled for a US launch on May 12 and for a European launch - where it will be known as Wii Software - on an unspecified future date.
The launch titles, priced from 500 to 1500 Wii Points, consist of:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
Okiraku Ping Pong
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan
Dr. Mario
Saku Saku Animal Panic
Star Solider R
Tenshi Solitaire
Pokémon Ranch
In related news, Sega has announced that it will be bringing its Master System games to Nintendo's Virtual Console starting with Wonder Boy and Fantasy Zone.
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis games are already available for download on the Wii Shop Channel, as are TurboGrafx-16, Neo Geo, NES, SNES and N64 titles. Nintendo also announced that Commodore 64 titles will be made available in Europe.
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March 26th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

The bargain of the week is New Super Mario Bros. 300 Pieces Jigsaw Puzzle - 002. This colorful jigsaw puzzle set is suitable for all beginners and children older than three. Because the pieces are large they are not only easy to put together, but there is less risk in losing a piece.
Although the pack consists of 300 pieces alone, the finished product is as large as a standard 500 pieces puzzle. As seen in the above picture, the jigsaw puzzle charts out Mario's closest friends and foes along with their names, glue the finished product together and hang it onto a wall to make a lovely poster. This pack is now sold at a discounted price of US$ 5.99 only and the maximum purchase is limited to 5 units per customer.
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March 27th, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: souLLy
Askot just posted over at Teh Skeen that his NES emulator for the Gamecube has been ported to the Wii! In order to load roms you'll need to use the same method as his Genesis emulator currently (Have a gamecube SD memory card). Here's what he had to say:
What's new? Askot [20080326]
- Added saving state in SD Card (State files will be saved in root of SDCARD).
*Note: I can't make it work to save in root:\fceu\saves, so help needed.
- Added SDCARD slot selection for searching roms, meaning, you can search roms
from SDCARD SLOT A & SLOT B (Beta, meaning, buggy, but works).
- For standarization, you must create folders root:\fceu\roms to read NES
roms files from SDCARD.
- Added C-Left to call Menu.
- Reading files from SD Card it's faster, now they're called from cache
after first reading.
- Menu in saving STATE file changed to choose SLOT, DEVICE, Save STATE,
Load STATE, Return to previous.
- Added option PSO/SD Reload to menu, still works (START+B+X)
- Modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or
+ Use B to quit selection list.
+ Use L/R triggrers or Pad Left/Right to go down/up one full page.
- Some menu rearrangment and a little of sourcecode cleanup:
+ Everytime you pressed B button on any option, playgame started, not anymore
until you select Play Game option.
What's new? asako [20070831]
- modify mmc3 code for Chinese pirated rom
- add some Chinese pirated rom mappers
What's new? _svpe_ [20070607]
- Wii support (PAL50 fix, 1.35GiB restriction removed)
- 7zip ROM loading support from the DVD (not from a SD card!!)
- dvd_read fix (the read data was always copied to readbuffer instead of *dst)
- slower file selection when using the D-Pad (I didn't like the selection to go
as fast as in the latest release)
Another incredible Wii release. I just checked it out myself and it works brilliantly!
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March 27th, 2008, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Uschghost has updated his Snake game for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
March 26. 08 - v0.3
You can now restart the game without jumping back to the ELF loader.
Added a titlescreen.
Added Analogstick/C-sick controls.
Added a rumble signal when you eat an apple.
Press Z at anytime to return to ELF loader.
General Bugfixing
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March 27th, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Consolesource

ConsoleSource.com is now offering brand new Wii DVD-ROM drives pre-modified with the new D2Pro Mod Chip. These pre-modified drives are compatible with every Wii console on the market. All you have to do is simply open up your console, swap drives, and you have a modded Wii.
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March 27th, 2008, 16:07 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GamesAreFun
Longtime GAF readers may remember that we covered NeoPong Software, a small game development start-up, a few years back. Their first game, World Reborn, was developed for GBA. Destination Software signed on as a publisher, but the game was never released. Today that changes as NeoPong has put a downloadable ROM on their website. Now the world can play World Reborn, a horizontal scrolling shooter hearkening back to the old arcade days, for free.
GBA ROM files have to either be burned to a GBA ROM cart, the hard way to play, or played through an emulator such as VisualBoy Advance. If you decide to play through World Reborn, let us know in the comments. I'm sure the NeoPong guys will be glad to see people appreciating their work.
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March 27th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Studio Hunty
Season Stacker is a "dropping puzzle" game for the Gameboy Advance, in which teenage girls, representing signs of the zodiac, duel with the power of the seasons. Tiles are cleared by creating matching groups of four or more in any configuration. As a group of tiles clears, it leaves behind a tile of the next season. Clearing a group of summer tiles creates an autumn tile, and so on, around the cycle of seasons. If all four seasons are cleared in the same combo, the player receives one of twelve different special attacks to help herself out of a jam, or unleash a particularly devastating barrage of blank "garbage" tiles.
This demo version contains four levels, and all of the single-player gameplay found in the full version. The full version will feature a player versus player mode, and three different story modes.
Genre : Puzzle
Audience Rating : Everyone
System Requirement : This is a Gameboy Advance game, which can be emulated on any PC running a Gameboy Advance emulator or on an actual Gameboy Advance system using special equipment to write the game to a writable cartridge.
File Size (in MB) : 1
Installation Instructions : Download file and unzip. The file can be opened with any Gameboy Advance emulator. I recommend Visual Boy Advance
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March 27th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Askot has updated the Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube (and Wii if you use the converter)
All of you know how great is playing SNES games on Nintendo Gamecube, it's awesome to play a lot of games that made us had a lot of fun in our childhood.
The version of this emulator was unupdated and almost forgotten, but (for me, it's more) playable, and no body wanted to do something about it, so I decided to make some changes to bring it to life.
*Bin file & source code are included in file.
Version 0.0.9 [20080325]
- Added SDCARD slot selection for searching roms, meaning, you can search rom
files from SDCARD SLOT A or SLOT B (Beta, meaning, buggy, but works).
- For standarization, you must create folders root:\snes9x\roms to read SNES
roms files from SDCARD.
- Added combo L+R+X+Y to call menu.
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March 27th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Jake has released a new version of his Novel Reader for the DS, heres the changelog for the last release:
* display current time in save/load window
* music no longer plays while loadimg
* loading no longer takes forever
* load/save timestamps put in .sav file instead of using FAT since
it tended to be very inaccurate. backwards compatable
More Info/download --> http://digital-haze.net/vnds.php
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March 27th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The United States military has adapted the motion-sensitive Wii Remotes to operate bomb-defusing robots in war-zone situations, it's emerged.
The Packbot, which looks a lot like Johnny-5 in Short Circuit and is made by iRobot in Burlington, Massachusetts, disposes of bombs, finds explosives and locates landmines for soldiers in the field.
It's also controlled by the Wii Remote. "Wiimotes are more instinctive, allowing users to focus on data processing," US Department of Energy scientists told New Scientist.
Unfortunately, there's no word yet on whether we can see a home edition from the US Government, ala America's Army.
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March 27th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square Enix has confirmed that both Space Invaders Extreme and Arkanoid DS will be released this summer in all PAL territories, including Europe.
Developed for DS and PSP, Space Invaders Extreme promises to take the essence of the original game and splash a contemporary coat of paint all over it, whilst simultaneously adding new power-ups and Nintendo Wi-Fi connection functionality.
Comparatively, Arkanoid DS is an update of the 1986 original, including different modes of play and unique challenges, which reward the players with points that can be spent on new game backgrounds, blocks and sound effects.
Unfortunately, NGamer wasn't too impressed in its import review, awarding it only 35 percent and calling it "A horrible, horrible little game, devoid of any redeeming features whatsoever."
We can only hope they've made a few tweaks for the PAL release. Like starting again, perhaps?
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March 27th, 2008, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba is back and with a new version of his Sega Master System & Game Gear Emulator for GBA (DS)
Heres the release news:
Wow, 3 months again without a word from me... so I hope you like Sega 8-bit stuff.
New SMSAdvance with lot's of unimportant stuff added and some games fixed as well.
I guess the biggest thing is that allmost all games now run full speed all the time, enjoy!
*Added copying of first 32kB ROM to VRAM for faster execution.
*Added selection of machine.
*Added correct noise generation for SG-1000 emulation.
*Added correct palette in TMS9918 modes on SMS machines.
*Added different vdp capabilities depending on selected machine.
*Added some very basic Mode5 support when Machine=MegaDrive.
*Added different io maps depending on selected machine.
*Added support for the SMS1 tilemap address masking (Ys(J)).
*Added support for turning on/off internal RAM.
*Added auto save of SRAM (if it's allready present) when entering menu.
*Added auto turn off of Bios when no header found (on machine=Auto).
*Added auto region (Pop Breaker GG (J)).
*Fixed support for Dodgeball King (KR).
*Fixed pushing and poping of AF register (Adventure of Batman GG).
*Fixed sprite bugs in unscaled mode on Codemasters games.
*Fixed initializing of all CPU regs on reset.
*Fixed timing of HALT instruction.
*Fixed palette setting for TMS9918 modes on GG.
*Fixed noscrolling for TMS9918 modes.
*Fixed up Mode1 graphics a bit.
*Fixed correct HCounter and latching.
*Better switching between TMS9918 and SMS video modes.
*More info shown from the game header.
*Optimised tile rendering for mode 0 & 2 (for real this time).
*Optimised all Z80 memory reads, one instruction and cycle shorter.
*Optimised DAA opcode.
*Optimised DEC opcodes.
*Optimised SBC A/HL opcode.
*Optimised one of the SRA opcodes.
*Optimised CPI, CPD, CPIR & CPDR opcodes.
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March 27th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The sequel to Code Lyoko is on track for a June release, and The Game Factory has decided to spruce up its title a bit with more capital letters and periods. Previously known as Code Lyoko 2, the adventure game shall henceforth be known as Code Lyoko: Fall of X.A.N.A. Based on the fourth season of the Code Lyoko anime TV show, the developers have altered the look of the characters from the first game to a super-deformed style.
"Responding to the success of the first installment, we felt compelled to give fans a new take on interacting with their favorite characters," said Leah Kalboussi Vice President North America at The Game Factory.
Code Lyoko: Fall of X.A.N.A. features:- Control with your stylus fully-customizable characters with upgradeable attacks, powers, functions and virtual items (firewalls, viruses, bugs, programs...)
- Fight your way through the Digital Sea and battle more enemies using subterranean vehicles ( Navskids)
- battle against your friends in 4 different multiplayer modes : normal, handicap, bet, & challenge
- play with the four Lyoko warriors and experience a unique, real-time and turn-baseD interactive battle system (?)
- Defeat X.A.N.A's minions in 100 different Battle Arenas
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March 27th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster

Despite the supposedly game-changing motion controls that the Wii brings to gaming, a good portion of AAA games use the Wiimote in the more traditional controller sense. How do you make the one-handed controller more comfortable for two handed play? By shoving it inside a body that adds an "analog" stick and two DualShock-like grips. And when you're done making Snake do sexy things to Samus, it comes off for easy storage.
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March 27th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Uschghost has updated his Snake game for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
March 26. 08 - v0.4
Added Pausebutton
Added wiibrew.org splash to gameover screen
released source
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March 28th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from thedopefish
This is a port of Tyrian for the Nintendo DS.
It's based on OpenTyrian, which is a ground-up rewrite in C using SDL, using the original DOS source as a reference. Many thanks to the OpenTyrian team for all their hard work.
The original game data (artwork, etc.) from the v2.1 registered version is now freely distributable, and are included with the main download package. These files will not change with future versions of OpenTyrianDS, so after you've downloaded them once, you can just grab the .NDS file for new releases and save some bandwidth.
Fixed a bug that was corrupting save games, causing a crash when you tried to load the game.
Removed the horizontal scaling in most places, to make the text easier to read. On some screens you may need to scroll slightly left or right; use the L and R buttons for this. If you prefer the old scaled mode, you can toggle this feature on the OpenTyrian menu.
Added menu options to start Super Arcade mode or Destruct, from the OpenTyrian menu.
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March 28th, 2008, 11:16 Posted By: JKKDARK
The japanese exclusive online RPG for Gamecube can be played online again.
Please read the complete article at OnlineConsoles
This past Sunday I was running some Japanese links through an online translator, when I noticed an article dated May 11th, 2007 titled "The homeland is permanently immortal". This was suprising, because it reads exactly like the montra started here at OC to describe a title with independent networking functions: "Online Forever". After about 8 more hours of research and testing, I was able to confirm that yes Homeland was indeed Online Forever. I sat here with a big smile, walking around a Japanese hosted server, with the online symbol blinking yellow/orange in the lower right corner of the screen.
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March 28th, 2008, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
DarwiinRemote is a tiny software which reads data from and sends data to Nintendo Wii Remote (aka. Wiimote).
I've finally stamped a version 0.7 release. This version adds support for the Classic Controller. All the buttons should be mappable just like the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
The framework already supported these things, so there is no change there.
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March 28th, 2008, 16:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
At long last the previously announced inclusion of Commodore 64 titles on Nintendo's Virtual Console has borne fruit, with both Uridium and International Karate available for download in the UK today. Bringing up the rear is Midway's N64 racer Cruis'n USA, ensuring that there are a generous three titles for your delectation this week.
For 500 points you can grab either of the Commodore 64 titles, Uridium being a classic horizontal shooter, while International Karate is widely credited as kick-starting videogames' obsession with placing two men on a 2D plane and making them hit each other.
And then there's poor Cruis'n USA. For 1,000 Wii points you can get your talons into Midway's arcade port for the N64, though seeing as it barely scraped a four back in 1996 you may want to steer clear, and we very much doubt that 12 years spent lingering in pits of a bargain bucket have matured the gameplay too much.
Virtual Console European Releases, March 28
Commodore 64 - 500 Wii Points- Uridium (1986)
- International Karate (1986)
N64 - 1,000 Wii Points
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March 28th, 2008, 16:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Here's what we knew before, oh, just now. We knew Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk was due for release in the "Spring" on the Wii. Least in Japan. We knew it's also to be localised and released in the West, re-christened as "Dawn of the New World". Now that it's right now, well, we now know that the game will be released in Japan on June 26, so at the very least, you now also know not to expect it in English anytime before that.
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March 28th, 2008, 16:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
R4 carts, you either love 'em or hate 'em. People who want to play pirated DS games, they love 'em. Retailers in Akihabara, they love 'em, because they sell a ****ton of them. But Nintendo? They hate 'em. And may have started doing something about it. We knew that they'd begun to grow concerned over the carts late last year, but over the past week many specialist retailers in Akihabara have put up notices saying they'll no longer be selling the R4, following threats made by Nintendo. Same goes for some Japanese online retailers.
So is this the end for the naughty little cartridge? Eh, probably not. Nintendo may be able to strong-arm the little guy, but not the littler guys they don't even know about. Or the internets.
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March 28th, 2008, 16:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Hudson kicked off its support of Nintendo's WiiWare download service this past week with the Japanese release of Star Soldier R. But this launch title was apparently just the start of many downloadable titles to come from the company.
At a press event held in Tokyo today, the company introduced its upcoming lineup for the service. While confirming that it has over 10 titles in development for the service, it provided a first glimpse at four of the upcoming titles.
As previously announced, Hudson has Bomberman and Tetris due out shortly for the service. Bomberman will support Wi-Fi battles and will be available in June. Tetris will follow in July.
It appears that the recent confusion over two Bomberman games apparently being in development for the Wii may have at last been cleared up. The Bomberman title mentioned in this story from a couple of weeks back is actually the WiiWare game. That is, unless Hudson has two different eight-player Bomberman games due out for the Wii in June.
In addition to these three titles, Hudson announced for the first time today a WiiWare version of Alien Crush. This digital pinball game was originally released for the Turbo Grafx years ago, but is now being revived on WiiWare with Wii-style controls and a five player Wi-Fi score challenge. A Japanese release is planned for August.
Catalog franchises aren't all that's due out from Hudson for the service. The company also announced Blue Oasis, a completely original title where you build an aquarium and raise fish. A Japanese release is planned for 2008.
All these announcements concern Japan only at the moment, although the company did note that one of its principles with WiiWare development is to make games that can be enjoyed with players both locally and throughout the world. Expect to see many of these games in your part of the world at some point.
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March 29th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: JKKDARK
New build of the Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance emulator for Windows.
Information and changelog:
- Direct3D + Pixel Filter now profits from multi-core CPUs
The number of threads to create is detected automatically on first run or when the option is not present or invalid in the ini.
To manually change the number of threads to create, change the value after "maxCpuCores" in the ini file.
Big thanks go out to chrono for making the asm filters thread safe.
It would be great if someone with a quad-core or octa-core PC could post some benchmarks for different thread numbers. HQ2x/3x/4x filters are most interesting.
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March 29th, 2008, 09:07 Posted By: Kaiser

March 24, 2008 - Last week SEGA ominously filed a new trademark for a property named Sonic Unleashed and now we have images to go along with the rumored name. Found earlier today the images that you'll find in our gallery appear to depict a new three-dimensional Sonic game similar to that of Sonic Adventure. We'd bet our bottom dollar that this new Sonic title is coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 at the very least (based on the high-def screens), but we'll wait until SEGA officially makes a comments – something they've declined to do throughout today – to speculate any further. For now, enjoy the screenshots
source IGN
Check out the vid here. Personally, it looks promising as its got a retro Genesis feel to it. Hopefully it will make up for the travesties the last few games have been.Coming for Wii, 360 and PS3!
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March 29th, 2008, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster

No matter how we might try and stop it, Nyko's wireless Wii nunchuk adapter / abomination ceaselessly advances upon the unsuspecting American consumer, stopping at nothing to ruin the delicate aesthetics of the Wii controllers and pump us full of even more unnecessary RF. The adapter and its receiver have just hit the FCC, and our nation's government has managed to use every ounce of photographic skill at its disposal to render these mutant hunks of plastic in as flattering a light as possible -- just look at that stained blue backdrop. Seriously, is anyone going to drop $20 on this thing? Isn't that money better spent on games? Explain yourself in comments, in ten words or less.
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March 29th, 2008, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The cheerful Harvest Goddess and misunderstood Witch Princess have always had a love-hate relationship through time, but who would have thought that the Witch Princess would unknowingly cast a spell banishing the Harvest Goddess to another world! In the Witch Princess's haste to undo what she had done, she sent all 101 Harvest Sprites to find her…against their will of course. The task of finding all 101 Harvest Sprites and bringing back the Harvest Goddess has fallen to you. Now it's up to you to restore the magic of Forget-Me-Not Valley. Seek out the Harvest Sprites as you plant fields, tend livestock and find the right husband to share your farming dreams!
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March 29th, 2008, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
Orion Jones has updated his French Quiz Show game for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
- Redesign of all graphics
- Ability to save the Hight-Scores
- Fixed several bugs in the game
- Additions instructions to play
- Addition of credits
- Reorganization of game modes
- Remove sprite "next" for saving time
- Ability to turn off the music playing during the game without stopping the sound "SELECT"
- File backups added alone or if the linker allows the emulator if "NO PROTECTION POSSIBLE" appears and the game starts anyway.
Additions-a-time attack find 5 or 10 words timed and saved in a table
- Display found in red letters on any column
For very soon:
- Establishment of MotMotMotus game mode.
And this will be finished ...
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March 29th, 2008, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from qw3rky
Recently, I went out to Cleveland, Ohio for an internship. The most convenient way to get to work was to take the rapid train into downtown. Being a white kid from the suburbs, I wasn't all that familiar with public transportation, but I resolved to make use of it the best I could. To help myself learn the routes and timings of the trains and buses, I made a little map for my DS which I could consult whenever I was feeling lost.
I cleaned up the code, ported the graphics functionality to use the cool new uLib library from Brunni, and I'm releasing it here. You can scroll around a map of the Cleveland RTA, and then you can click on train stops to see when the next few trains are coming.
I realize the utility of this is limited to the few people who live in the Upper Midwestern United States, but it was a helpful little app for me, and maybe someone else will find it useful too.
* d-pad scrolls map
* stylus clicks on train stops and shows schedule, press any button to return to map view
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March 29th, 2008, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
ETK has released a new version of his Chip8 Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
-CPU: Added SCHIP support
-CPU: Fixed SP (it was skipping the first one)
-CPU: RND opcode fixed (fixes VBRIX bugs)
-CPU: LD Vx, K (Wait for keypress) fixed
-GUI: Added directory support
-GUI: Added file-sorting
-GUI: Long names are now short when displaying
-Misc: Fixed some memory overflows
-Misc: fixed some debugging problems
-Misc: Added auto-zoom (fit to screen, schip has different resolution)
-Misc: Added 'reset to default' option
-Misc: Added few options ('reset to default' and 'save and continue')
-Others: some minor fixes
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March 29th, 2008, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
News from Mollusk:
PAlib Website is back up !
I'll try to do the short version of what happened :
1. Database didn't work anymore... Well, all the sites I had (blogs, etc...) using that database don't work anymore, but the database has nothing abnormal and seems ok. No idea what happened...
2. Couldn't migrate the whole site to a new server, seems like I had some evil errors
3. I ended up installing a SMF forum (should have done it for ages) and importing the old forum into this one.
Known issues :
-> post count is wrong (who cares though ?!?)
-> profile settings reset, only the mail/username/password seems to be correct...
If you have any suggestions/questions, feel free ^^ The layout is based on my other site, XFlib.net, and will change over time, inspiration, etc...
Have fun !
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March 29th, 2008, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Flubba is back and with a new version of his Sega Master System & Game Gear Emulator for GBA (DS)
Heres the release news:
just fixed a small bug with the new VRAM copy, download V2.3
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March 29th, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
As any DS fan knows the DS Lite is a massive worldwide hit in the many colours it has been released in.
But recently especially in Japan the DS Lite even though its outselling the PSP on the software front by miles has been 2nd or 3rd in the rankings, one reason for this may be that just about everyone in Japan has the DS Lite by now or that the PSP with its new slimmer and lighter design coupled with the TV Out and other features such as the GPS Adapter and Camera are turning folks towards the PSP.
Im sure Nintendo are privately working on a new revision of the DS but what would we the DS community like to see in a new version.
I think most like me would like a TV Out Option especially when playing games that would be better on the big screen.
More Internal Memory would be sweet (nintendo could always bring out bigger ram carts for older DS users). Personally i would like to see a Virtual Console type system for DS where you could buy Nes, GB, GBC, GBA, Snes and even DS Games downloadable to a cart/mem card.
What Would you like to see on a New DS?
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March 30th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster

We've known that Nintendo would be bundling a single Wii Wheel in with the forthcoming Mario Kart Wii title, but now it seems that folks riding shotgun (or riding your tail) can grab one of their own. According to a recently released flyer from GameStop, extra Wheels -- should the plethora of steering apparatuses already out there not suffice -- will be sold for a cool $14.99 each. April 27th just seems so, so far away, doesn't it?
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March 30th, 2008, 15:16 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for Linux.
Info and changelog:
Only a month and a half after v1.2, and it's time to release Mupen64Plus v1.3. We have more new features and bug fixes in here than you can shake a stick at! Ebenblues did most of the work for this release, but okaygo, nmn, and myself have also contributed. The RELEASE file gives most of the changes, but the highlights are:
- New feature: Glide64 video plugin for 32-bit and 64-bit systems
- New feature: Combine mupen64 and mupen64_nogui into a single binary
- New feature: ability to change icon size in GTK GUI
- New feature: support different directories for install (plugins, icons, etc) and config (save games, config files)
- New feature: support for creating and using ~/.mupen64plus dir for storing user data
- New feature: support for multi-user installation via "make install" or "./install.sh"
- New feature: support for plugins given via command line option in GUI mode
- New feature: pause/continue functionality with LIRC
- Change fullscreen hotkey to Alt+Enter
- Bugfix: segfault in Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for 64-bit dynarec
- Bugfix: 64-bit dynarec bug in genld()
- Bugfix: GTK GUI: Exiting via File -> Exit wasn't writing out config file to disk
- Bugfix: GTK GUI: "About" menu does not pop up while emulation is running
- Bugfix: Added plugin error checking before emulator is started
- Bugfix: Segfault in plugin_scan_directory()
- Bugfix: Closing emulation window now stops emulator
- Bugfix: GTK GUI: "Toolbar Style" now works
- Bugfix: Many other minor bug fixes, GTK warnings fixes, translation corrections, etc
Mupen64Plus has a new Home Page over at Google Code, with lots of useful information, screenshots, a bug tracker, a discussion forum, etc.
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March 30th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
David Bruemmer and Douglas Few, engineers at the US Department of Energy's Idaho National Lab in Idaho Falls, have put together an unlikely use for the Wiimote—they've hacked the remote so it can control a bomb-disposing, landmine-detecting, machine gun-carrying robot.
The Packbot robot, which is manufactured by iRobot in Massachusetts, is 70 cm long, transports itself via inbuilt tracks and is usually controlled via joystick-like device. However, the joystick method is problematic because it separates speed and direction controls, therefore requiring the soldier's undivided attention. The Wiimote hacks works exactly as you would expect; by simply waving the remote around the robot moves accordingly, and when an object of explosive interest is detected, the Wiimote's in-built vibration feedback goes nuts. We're guessing the B-trigger shoots the on-board machine gun, and if it doesn't, it definitely should.
The crazy modding pair plan to get to work on the iPhone next. They reckon soldiers should not need to lug laptops around with them when a modified iPhone could do the task equally well. First stop; iPhone controlled Packbot, complete with streaming footage. Now, there's something you won't get going on WinMob.
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March 30th, 2008, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dwedit of a new version of his great GBC Emu for the GBA (DS)
Version 2008-03-29
Rearranged VRAM
Allowed more leeway in games crossing past page #0
Frame Rate counter now visible
Optimized memory reads by 1 cycle
Fixed LCD status polling for real (Final Fantasy Legend 1&2 work again)
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also dwedit posted this
Welcome, fellow visitors from other websites!
Whenever you download a file, I'd appreciate it if you posted a nice "Thank You" message, then tell me which site you came from. Thanks.
- Dwedit
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March 30th, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo using their muscle to get rid of fan sites now:
As some of you have noticed, FC has gone down several times recently. You were told that it was due to the site being backed up. This was also what the admins THOUGHT was the cause. However, it was due to something completely different. It turns out that Corey had received several emails from NOA (Nintendo of America). In short, the email asked that we close down friendcodes.com due to copyright infringement, because Nintendo owns the phrases: friendcode, friendcodes, friend code, and friend codes. Since Corey has been inactive, he obviously hasn't checked up on his emails and such until recently. Him and Robert talked about it, then Robert told the rest of us.
Basically Nintendo is "asking" us to remove the site files that are infringing the copyright (such as the logo, which contains the word "friendcodes"), and to drop the domain name for the same reason. Corey just responded to the emails tonight, and is going to talk to a NOA rep. (hopefully) Monday over the phone. But honestly, it looks bad. They've been sending the emails for almost a month now with no response, so they're very serious about it right now. We're still talking about what to do, but it looks like we will have to shut down the site temporarily, until it all gets worked out. Of course, if it works out Nintendo's way, we'll be closed down permanently. Naturally, we're going to try and keep that from happening, but like I said, it doesn't look good.
We're going to have to let the members know as well, just in case the site goes down during this whole event, they'll know what happened. Hopefully if Nintendo sees how many of their customers use this site, they'll let us off the hook. We're considering starting a "Keep FC.com Online" petition. This is probably the worst thing that's happened to FC. Including the crash.
I have nothing else to say, except that this makes me a bit sad and ••••ed. Yeah, this nullifies all the staff changes we've made recently, but this is news even to the admin team. I don't see why Nintendo has such as big issue about this. I don't see how it affects them unless they just want the domain for their own use. Anyway, we decided the staff needed to know what was going on ASAP. We'll tell the members soon, but the staff needed to know first.
Stay tuned.
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March 31st, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A French retailer sent the internet barmy this weekend by listing Grand Theft Auto IV for release in June... on Nintendo DS.
The release list - which you can view here - pinpoints the supposed handheld version for a June 15 release, although that's still the first and only thing we've heard about it.
Rockstar and Nintendo are yet to comment on the news, but if proven true it wouldn't be that surprising. After all, Grand Theft Auto has already been released on Game Boy and Game Boy Advance.
Presumably then GTA IV on DS would be a more traditional top-down setup, especially as we imagine the handheld would burst into flames if Rockstar attempted to render Liberty City in 3D.
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March 31st, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Remember the Vii? Surely, it's burned somewhere into the back of your brain. The Chinese Wii rip-off has gotten a Japanese localization called V-Sports. We're pretty sure the Vii isn't text heavy, so localizing it was a cake walk.
This release does mean more Japanese people can point and laugh at it, too! The console is retailing for ¥7,980 (US $79). That's not very funny at all. Then again, never is the current dollar-yen exchange rate.
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March 31st, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Without looking at the screen someone might think you're watching Supermarket Sweep, but don't worry about that - it's Mario Kart Wii and it's a two-minute trailer.
After showing Mario and Luigi floating through the air (unlockable invisible Karts confirmed!) holding the Wii controllers, the trailer brushes briefly over all the features in the game, including a nice look at the awesome online mode that'll set a new standard for Wii online play.
It's worth bearing the happy-happy-joy-joy soundtrack for two minutes. Then, in case you haven't heard, you can go play the game for yourself at Game stores across Britain.
Trailer here
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March 31st, 2008, 18:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
The Westin chain of hotels has recently announced that they'll be offering Wii rentals in their 150 locations. How much will they charge? We're not sure yet. But if Manhattan's Le Parker Meridien is any indication, it will be a lot.
They charge $50 an hour just to rent the $250 machine. And if you want the full experience projected onto a wall with a personal trainer, look to pay $120 an hour. I think that I speak for everyone here when I say, if I pay someone $120 to play Wii Sports with me, the service had better induce some serious tennis elbow on their part.
Ridiculous, who would really want to pay $50/$120 (£25/£60) an hour just to use a Nintendo Wii?
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March 31st, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
krupkat has posed a Wii Version of the Mandelbrot set generator, heres the details:
This is a Mandelbrot set generator, you could have seen them on other platforms as well e.g. FractInt for PC.
I wrote it some time ago for PC but never released it. Then I accidentaly downloaded devkitPro and here you have it
You can load it with Front SD ELF Loader, I haven't tried the other possibilities but they should work.
A - zoom
control pad - move
L,R - change palette
X,Y - change number of iterations - use to get more details
start + Z - resets to loader
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March 31st, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has posted a screenshot on his site thats sure to get a lot of you wanting for more:

Go, a small news emulation, it was long ^ ^.
I am currently working on a new emulator. A Commodore 64 emulator, the mythical machine that everybody wanted to have my time.
In short, you would soon SIDDS news of the next emulator Available on this site ^ ^
Ps: While this is not the buzz it
awesome news cant wait , while we wait what C64 games did you like most, for me it was international soccer 
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March 31st, 2008, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Commando: Steel Disaster, a side-scrolling action game that at first glance looks like the latest Metal Slug, is set for a U.S. release in Q3 of this year. It will be published by XS Games, which brought you the shooter Castle Shikigami 2 on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
Players will be stepping into the combat boots of Storm as he mows down the army of his enemy, Rattlesnake. The requisite heavy weaponry is in order, and there are secret items to be found. The disaster unfolds over five levels and two hidden areas.
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March 31st, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Flashlinker Europe have announced that they have dropped the price for the Acekard 2 Nintendo DS Flash Cart down to 39.00EUR, heres more details:

Perfect compatibility. No need to convert, No need to flash!
· Save file is written directly to TF card. No need to manually select save size, no data loss.
· Automatic DLDI patching. Run homebrew programs without converting.
· Support soft-reset, Download Play and WiFi gaming!
· Support SDHC TF card. Virtually unlimited storage size !
· Support any brand of TF, with no slowdown!
· Support Action Replay cheats . Build-in editor!
· Low power consumption for longer operational time!
· Built-in multiple languages and DIY skinning!
Preorder now from Flashlinker Europe:
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March 31st, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Tecmo announced today that its greatest action hero, Ryu Hayabusa, will be flipping his way onto the Nintendo DS in Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. Team NINJA, with creative mastermind Tomonobu Itagaki at the helm, is bringing all of the intense combat, stylized graphics, and ultimate ninja action to touch screens everywhere. Featuring a new storyline and innovative use of the DS Stylus, Dragon Sword will be the must have game for ninja's on the go!
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March 31st, 2008, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

While on an interplanetary family vacation, the young boy Opoona crash lands on Planet Landroll after his spaceship is involved in a mysterious accident. Separated from his family, Opoona is forced to live alone. On the planet, Opoona must find a job, search for his siblings, and defend himself and the people of Landroll against creatures known as the Dark Rogues. Luckily for Opoona, he is the descendant of a long line of warriors known as the Cosmo Guards. Thus, Opoona's adventure begins as he struggles to establish a new life and reunite his family.
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April 1st, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
RustyNathan has ported Quake to the Nintendo Wii, Heres the release details:
i have ported Quake to Wii, but I don't have the resourses to test it, Please download it and test it. You need USBGecko.
This is a port of the gamecube Quake.
To install rename Quake.elf to boot.elf and put it in the root of your sd card. Now take the “ID1” folder and put it in the root of your USEGecko. Run boot.elf with the “Twlight Hack” and enjoy.
This is the Shareware version of quake, if you have the real game put PAk1.PAK in the "ID1 folder.
Must use Gamecube Controler.
Accessories needed: Gamecube controller, SD card, USBGecko.
Note i removed the shareware quake
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April 1st, 2008, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from seandgibbonsy
I've made a small command prompt script to allow easy transfer of dol files to an SD card.
Just extract the "Wii" folder to your C:\ Drive
Put your dol file in the new "Wii" folder
Right-click the bat file and select edit
change the "H" and "h:" to the drive of your SD card (e.g. B and b
and change GCOS.dol to your dol file
then save and exit
Now just run the dol2wii.bat file and you're all set.
How it Works:
It formats the SD card
It converts the dol to an elf file
it applies the elf file to the SD card
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April 1st, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Jon posted this news/release on his site:
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April 1st, 2008, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the Conrad Bros
Here is the Trojan LCD game simulator I wrote. I have it running on PC, OSX, NDS, Wii and the original xbox. I decided to write it using SDL so It would port easliy. OS X was the easiest while the PC and Visual Studio was a big pain in the butt. I didn’t simulate the date or time functions as I was only interested in the game play element. Have Fun.
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April 1st, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Marakichi one of the icons of the PSP Scene that brought a mass of japanese coders into PSP Homebrew has now released the first public version of his Gameboy Colour Emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Heres a video of the emu running.
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