August 1st, 2010, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
In response to MCV’s news yesterday that many companies are continuing to sell R4DS and other DS piracy devices despite the recent court ruling that illegalised the activity, Nintendo has issued a warning to the offending retailers.
“The message is the same to companies big and small, these activities are illegal,” a spokesperson at Nintendo UK told MCV.
“We will continue to work alongside ELSPA, Trading Standards and the police to enforce the recent UK High Court judgment and pursue companies who persist in unlawfully selling these devices.”
Yesterday MCV spoke to two retailers who admitted to uncertainty regarding the R4’s legality, though both remained willing to sell us the devices.
Their details have been now been received by both Nintendo and ELSPA.
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August 1st, 2010, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Serebii.net has a quick explanation of how you’ll be transferring Pokémon over from previous games to Pokémon Black & White. This is done through the use of an ingame feature called the “Pokéshifter.”
Located somewhere within the Isshu region is a building — similar to the Pal Park from Hg/Ss and Di/Pe/Pl — that will allow you to connect with previous games, provided you have two DSes. Once you connect, an option will appear in the Gen IV games to allow you to complete the transfer. You’ll be able to move six Pokémon at a time, although, there’s no mention of whether there are any limits per day (or any other timeframe).
Capturing the monsters on the Black & White end involves a minigame where they’ll pop out of a set of bushes on the DS’s top screen. Using the touchscreen, you’ll need to aim a reticule to shoot a Pokéball with a bow (a…Bowkéball?) to capture them.
The minigame in Black & White will require you to adhere to its time limit.
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August 1st, 2010, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Super Nintendo emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- fixed a small error in the source that resulted in the PPU not synchronizing properly to the CPU.
Major features in this release are: serial controller emulation, a brand new scheduler that supports multiple simultaneous coprocessors, and accuracy improvements.
The serial controller is something devised by blargg. With the proper voltage adjustments (5v-9v), it is possible to wire an SNES controller to a serial port, which can then be used for bidirectional communication between the SNES, and (usually, but not only) a PC. The support in bsnes was added so that such programs could be debugged and ran from within an emulator, and not just on real hardware.
The scheduler rewrite was meant to allow the combination of coprocessors. It was specifically meant to allow the serial controller thread to run alongside the SuperFX and SA-1 coprocessor threads, but it also allows fun things like MSU1 support in SuperFX and SA-1 games, and even creating dev cartridges that utilize both the SuperFX and SA-1 at the same time. The one thing not yet allowed is running multiple instances of the exact same coprocessor at the same time, as this is due to design constraints favoring code inlining.
There are two important accuracy updates. The first is that when PAL video mode is used without being in overscan mode, black bars are shown. Emulators have always shown this black bar at the bottom of the screen, but this is actually incorrect. resxto took pictures from his PAL TV that shows the image is in fact vertically centered in the screen. bsnes has been updated to reflect this.
Also interesting is that I have backported some code from the dot-based PPU renderer. In the game Uniracers, it writes to OAM during Hblank, and expects the write to go to a specific address. In previous releases, that address was hard-coded to go to the required memory location. But the way the hardware really works is that the write goes to the extended attribute address for the last sprite that the PPU fetched, as the PPU is still asserting the OAM address bus. Now, due to the precision limitations, I was not able to also port timing access during the active display period. However, this is sufficient to at least remove the last global hack from the older, speed-focused scanline renderer.
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August 1st, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://hackmii.com/2010/07/hackmii-installer-v0-7/
Update: I’ve just uploaded v0.7b of the installer. The only change is a small bugfix in the installer itself, and only very few people ran into this. If you could successfully install either The Homebrew Channel or BootMii, there is no need to reinstall again, both are unchanged compared to v0.7. If you had problems before, please try again with this version. The download links and the integrated update feature in HBC itself have been updated for this bugfix.
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August 1st, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has released a new version of his Dos Emulator for the DS, heres whats new:
This version has the refactored internals, so it most likely runs some (if not all) games slower than the previous versions. It does however now support practically all real-mode 286 CPU opcodes (not including JPE and JPO which require game-specific hacks), and also unsupported graphics opcodes should now be quite rare. The graphics opcodes are now reported as Unsupported EGA opcode or Unsupported Mode-X opcode, and unlike in previous versions, you can continue after such an opcode using the B button. However, it is likely that you will get the same error again and again, so please send me the log file if you encounter unsupported graphics opcodes. If you get a plain Unsupported opcode error, it most likely means that the program is executing data instead of code, so something has gone wrong in the code before this happened, and thus it is not possible to continue running the program. Again, I am interested in the log files produced in these situations.
Besides the refactored internals, this version has various other fixes, based on many games and other programs I have been testing. Here is a list of the programs I tested, and the changes made into DSx86 or other information about why the program fails to run properly.
Alcatraz, Terminator 2 - Judgment Day, Prehistorik and SimFarm all had various palette problems. I debugged each of these, and noticed that they each failed for different reasons, so in the end I decided to rewrite the 16-color palette handling in DSx86 completely. Now at least those games have correct palettes, so hopefully this change fixes the other games with palette problems as well. The palette handling is still not completely correct, as only the first 64 palette registers are supported in 16-color modes. This is OK for EGA emulation, but some VGA games might use special palette tricks that might still fail.
B.A.T. 2 was freezing. This was caused by the game trying to detect AdLib using Timer 2, while I have only emulated Timer 1 behaviour (and even that one pretty badly). I improved the AdLib timer behaviour, but they still don't work properly. I have run out of Nintendo DS hardware timers, so I need to figure out a way to combine some of the existing timers or use the ARM7 timers from the ARM9 side for some less critical timing operations. In any case B.A.T. 2 now does not freeze, but it seems to run some parts of the intro far too fast. I also found and fixed a problem in the 640x480 mode blitting code when testing B.A.T. 2.
Battle Chess 4000 is reported on the compatibility list as crashing after moving a cursor, however moving the cursor seems to work fine for me, both in D-Pad and touchpad mouse mode. So, I can not debug the possible problem.
The Clue! has been on the compatibility list for a long time, so I finally decided to look into it. I found out that the crash is caused by a bug in the game. The game checks whether the system has an XMS memory driver, and stores the call address of the driver if it has. However, if a driver is not found, it still tries to call the driver, which then causes a null pointer call. I verified this behaviour in DOSBox by making it report no XMS driver, and the game crashed in DOSBox as well. So, this game won't work until I implement XMS memory handling.
Curse of Enchantia hang in 0.21. This was caused by a bug in my refactored CMPSW opcode. I fixed that opcode and Curse of Enchantia began to work properly again.
Darkseed uses an internal flag in it's timer INT8 handler to prohibit re-entrance of the interrupt routine. However, it calls the BIOS INT8 routine with interrupts enabled, so it is possible that the next timer interrupt will happen at this phase, and if it does, the game does not perform an End-Of-Interrupt handling properly. This caused DSx86 to stop sending new timer interrupts, causing the game to hang. I fixed this by turning interrupts off in the BIOS INT8 handler before reporting the End-Of-Interrupt, so a new timer interrupt can not happen until the code has returned from the interrupt handler completely. This seemed to fix the Darkseed hanging problem.
Jazz JackRabbit and Tyrian 2000 began failing with a "At least a 286 processor needed" error in 0.21. I found out that Windows 3.00a only uses one protected mode opcode to differentiate between a 286 and 386 processors, so I implemented that opcode and reverted back to the original 286 CPU behaviour, so these games should now detect a 286 processor again.
Maupiti Island behaves somewhat strangely. Running the maupiti.bat it first runs maupan1.exe, which basically just reserves all memory and then returns with a Terminate-and-Stay-Resident call. However, since it has reserved all memory, there is no room for 4DOS to load itself back from the EMS swap, and thus 4DOS crashes with a memory error. Not running the maupiti.bat but running the start.com directly performs an INT F2 call (which probably would be handled by the TSR program), so it crashes when the TSR program does not exist. This I need to debug further to see if it really is incompatible with 4DOS or if DSx86 does something wrong.
Nomad I quickly debugged and saw the graphical glitches, but did not have time to work on it any further. It is on my TODO list now, though.
Princess Maker 2 seems to work fine, even though it is reported as crashing with an unsupported opcode. I could not get it to crash in version 0.21 either.
Raiden had a couple of problems, it uses the VGA Mode-X VRAM as a continuous wrap-around screen area (same as what Commander Keen does in EGA mode), which was not properly supported. I fixed this, so there should be no flashing scanlines any more (this same problem was probably in Alien Breed as well, but I haven't tested that). Another problem in Raiden is that it wants to use the horizontal smooth scroll (like Supaplex etc do in EGA mode), which again is not yet supported in Mode-X. This problem I will try to fix in the next version.
Return of the Phantom crashes after the intro. It also shows garbage on the screen when it crashes. I did not have time to debug this further, but it is now on my TODO list.
Return to Zork is reported to fail in the VGA detection, but I could not even get it to run that far before it ran into a 386 opcode. Perhaps I have a wrong version of the game.
Robocop gives an unsupported INT call. It attempts to use the BIOS - SET EVENT WAIT INTERVAL (AT,PS50+) call, which is not yet supported in DSx86. I would like to add support for that, but this again would need another hardware timer, so I need to do some hardware timer combining to support all these additional PC timers.
Shadows Over Mordor uses a JPE opcode, and in such a way that it is impossible to code a hack for it into DSx86. So, this game will sadly go to a list of games that will not run in DSx86, most likely not ever.
SimFarm is reported to give a "Sound hardware not found" error. I could not get this error to happen, when using "SoundBlaster 2.0" setting for music and digital effects. DSx86 emulates SoundBlaster 2.0 (not Pro), so if the game offers several SoundBlaster options, use that setting.
Sleepwalker is reported to give an unsupported opcode at startup, but I could not get that to happen. I played it for a little bit, and noticed that it attempts to set a tweaked screen mode with less than 200 rows, the bottom rows of which show as garbage in DSx86. This does not affect gameplay, but I'll see if I can get rid of this problem in the upcoming versions.
Superhero League of Hoboken performs a null-pointer call, which results in an unsupported opcode. This I did not have time to debug further, but it is now on my TODO list.
Tanx crashed with unsupported port I/O error. The game wanted to setup the programmable interrupt contoller into Auto-EOI mode, which was not supported. I added support for this mode, so the game should not crash any more.
Windows 3.00a. I checked what it requires from the EMS driver, and added the required features, and got it to use EMS memory. However, I had to comment out these changes in the end, as it looks like Win 3.00a wants to execute the programs directly in the EMS memory block, and this is not supported in DSx86. Adding support for running code in EMS memory window would slow down all real-mode code execution, so I don't want to do that. Instead, I am looking into the possibility of adding proper protected mode support at some point. So, no change in the Windows 3.00a behaviour in this version.
Wizardry 6 is supposed to crash with an unsupported opcode on the title screen, but I could not reproduce this. It seems to run fine, also in the 0.21 version.
This was the last week of my summer vacation, so after today it is back to the normal slow progress with DSx86. I won't have much time to work on DSx86 during weekdays, so I can not get all that much done during each two-week period. I am glad I got the internal refactoring done during my summer vacation, though, as that was quite an extensive change. I had to change pretty much every single opcode that I have been spending the last year coding.
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August 1st, 2010, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php...d=364&Itemid=1
Here is the latest version of the N64 Myth menu - v1.1. Changes include:
Fixed crash when you pressed A or B with no games in the game list.
Fixed crash when you started a game from the SD card before the game info was fetched.
Changed save type and CIC type options to show what they are instead of just a number.
If you have a Neo2-SD or Pro and run the game from the SD card, reset to game works for all games. Still trying to figure a way to do than from game flash in a compatible manner. This feature requires you to have the menu burned to the N64 U2 menu flash.
Added ability for N64 U2 menu to automatically run menu from the GBA menu flash or the SD card. If you run the menu from the GBA menu flash in the first place, it will also check for the menu on the SD card. This creates about a 3 second delay when you don't have an SD card (flash only cart, or no SD card in the cart). Basically, you want to burn the v1.1 menu into the N64 U2 flash, then all minor updates can simply be run from the SD card (or GBA menu flash for flash only carts).
Please read the readme for all the details.
Download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6227
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August 1st, 2010, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://drunkencoders.com/2010/07/moo...e-nintendo-ds/
Over at The Moon Books Project we are celebrating documentary week and making available a varitable flood of documentaries in both DPG format (for viewing on the Nintendo DS with Moon Shell) and MP4 format.
So far we have made available the following documentaries, so head on over and enlighten yourself:
The Yes Men Fix The World
BBS: The Documentary (if you are unfamiliar with BBSes and want to know what people did before the Internet, check this out!)
Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum
Also, we have launced a review website for games, movies and other cool stuff called Moon Books Magazine, we know it’s not very original, but it works… 
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August 1st, 2010, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...7f07a35c7e9c7f
Callum Dickinson offers us an update in 2.0.0 RC3 porting Wii gaming PC Sonic Robo Blast 2, platform game with the famous blue hedgehog , "Sonic Robo Blast 2 Wii"
When playing for the first time , there will be writing " Building for tarball images ...". Here , nothing changes and you have to wait four minutes .
Then, windows of old fashion ordis appear. Press " A " then " 2 " and is left for two minutes ! After thirty odd lines and the game starts!
When playing for the second time or more , the first load that lasts more than 15 seconds, but the second time , it is always two minutes ... Note that you need a nunchuck to play.
The archives of the source and the official website is incomplete, it will download the archive below for playing the game
SRB2Wii v2.0.0 Release Candicate 3 Has Been released for testing ( 07/31/2010 00:00) :
Features and bugfixes :
- Booting from a USB stick SRB2Wii Is Now Fully Supported, although it MOST definitely Will Be Slower Than Much doing 'everything "under the internal SD card slot.
- The GameCube Controller Is Now Fully Supported .
- Multiplayer support has been " coded in, although due to limitations with wminput , only one Wii Remote can Be connected at a time ( one more GameCube controller can Than Be Used howeve ) , and SRB2 Seems To Be HAVING créancier Problems with input from the second controller ingame. This Will Be Before the fixed stable release .
- The Swap Is Now Supported extended again , and it really Does make a difference with larger levels. Under the Settings menu of the launcher , you can tell the system to create the SRB2Wii extended swap file ( Which Will Be Used by default Then from then one ) . Be Warned That Will this process take a little while and Requires Some disk space, as the extended Swap File is 128MB.
Regressions and bugs:
- SRB2Wii/mini Will not load anymore , so not uploaded this time.
- Fine text on the splash screen is unreasonably isn't properly. This Will Be fixed in the future .
Future features :
- Internal updates -through the Internet .
Yup, we are getting there! To the final version of SRB2Wii v2.0.0 . Hopefully, SRB2Wii can Be Made To Be as functional as possible , and new serie SRB2 great performance as well .
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August 1st, 2010, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12165&f=19
Reylak offers version 1.0 of its adaptation of the game Minesweeper for the DS, "μDemineur DS" lua -coded thus requiring interpreter Lua Micro Lua DS to operate .
== > Version 1.0 beta {( [ 08.15.2009 ] ) }
<= > This is an interim version , pending other features that constitute the real version 1.0 <=>
< = > Despite the presence of "Options" button , they are not implemented yet ! <=>
< = > From this version of the lib StylusBox killer01 is used , please use it because it is a revised version to v3.0 MicroLua < = >
~ } The bug count the remaining mines in a new part
~ } Pause Menu
~} timed Parties
~} You can start a new game playing
~ } It is now impossible to reveal a box with a flag
~} It is now possible to place a flag on a visible box
== > Version 1.0 (final release ) { ( [ 08/21/2009 ])}
< = > The download version uses relative paths, for use with No $ GBA Test or MLS . To play on the DS , you should replace these paths by the paths absolute (or relative position in the file lib ini.lua ) <= >
~} Minor cosmetic improvements
~} Main Menu
~ } Options in the game
~} INI file , options are automatically written into
~} The clock is now waiting for the first click to start
~ } Integration of displacement of the grid ( so you can play with a grid larger than the screen! )
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August 2nd, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12166&f=54
Here is the latest revision of the currently known Wii homebrew , the Explorer file WiiXplorer password review 195.
Source: http://code.google.com/p/wiixplorer/
* Added Possibility to download URL year in the startmenu if you set it as a
download link ( new issue When Adding anr url )
* Removed the bootup mount option. The app now boots Always Used To The Last
path .
* Fixed halt on network init Even When It failed
* Be Opened OnScreenKeyboard can now right from the start of the texeditor
* Changable slideshow delay range INcreased
* Some exchange is reset the progressbar Regarding the size of the total tranfered
* Lot 's of optimizations in code (more use of macros )
doxgen * Initial commit ( Though I Do not Have So Many comments yet)
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August 2nd, 2010, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12170&f=54
ThatOtherDev offers version 1.1 of its tech demo "Two Point Five" , a 3D maze . The author uses the same technique used in old DOS games like Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad and Doom he prefers designer 2.5D .
I wanted to update Two Point Five ( A Little Thing demo 2.5d first person I Had done ) a bit . But It seemed to Have Been One Of The Two or Three Wii games That I forgot to backup Past Before a hard drive reformat and reinstall windows . SO INSTEAD I just remade it .
Its Pretty Much The same but with a few " Improvements and additions. The walls are textured ( Used the texture is' Blue ceramic wall tile seamless ' by aubergene ) , There Is Also collision detection and classic controller support .
Did it really take long Remaking it . Starting from scratch isn't really a big deal When You Are not Actually starting from scratch . Its a collage of Borrowed code . As with the original Two Point Five level the IS generated using the Saami maze generation function I wrote for my Aptly named Maze Generator. With the original It Was my first time doing Anything with raytracing and What I ended up writing a tone of trigonometry Involved (Which is slow ) goal this time I just borrowed from James McNeill 's awesome grid based raytracing example. The collision detection IS desired exactly the same as It Is in the more recent release of Maze Generator WHICH IS ESSENTIALLY Sámi the Square is nice circle collision system I wrote for Swing Ball and Have Been Pretty Much Everything for using SINCE.
v1.1 - August 1 , 2010
* Walls are textured now .
* collision detection ( solid walls are now ).
* Added classic controller support .
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August 2nd, 2010, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
LaPatateInc has posted an entry into this years Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details;
Nickname: OBJECTION! (Aka LaPatateInc)
Projet name: Super Extreme Smile
From: Quebec, Canada
Division: GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Last year, I've entered with You Have to Burn The Rope DS, which was a remake of a flash game. I've added a couple of new cool functions, like achievements and mods. I was done with PaLib. This year, I wanted something fresh with an original concept, and to use libnds directly. Here comes Super Extreme Smile.
In this game you are a Smile. A rolling smile... It cannot move, the only way to move it, is to use the touchscreen to ROTATE ALL THE WORLD AROUND IT. The smile is affected by gravity and thus, moving. Every time you rotate the screen, it keeps it's original velocity. Now the fun thing :
You can create your map, save them on the DS, load them again, and send them here, right in this post, so we can all play it ^^
The editor is easy to use. Each tiles are sampled on the top screen, and you can switch screen by pressed L or R. Then you can change tile, zoom, save, load or move around on the minimap. Here is some infos :
-Development started June 28th, I'm alone on this project. My little sister will probably compose music for me.
-There is currently 47 Tiles, there is enough place to put more, but I think it's OK for a Alpha Release. Each tiles should explain itself. If you don't understand it, try it !
-You can save with whatever name you want, 16 characters maximum. And you can always change it afterwards with Windows because loading doesn't care about your name
-Maps are 128x64 tiles. Yes, there is a lot of place
-Collisions should all work, be aware there are sometimes bugs with velocity too high. If something REALLY doesn't work, tell me. Else, try to think of another way (More space between ?)
-THIS IS AN ALPHA RELEASE, I PLAN ON ADDING A LOT OF THINGS LATER (as Music, Sounds, Campaign mode, options, and, yes, ACHIEVEMENTS).
-You can change language with Start while in editor. There is currently only French and English, if someone wants to translate in another language, I'll be pleased to send them the text and add them to the game.
Screenshots :

How to use:
Extract the file directly on the root of your DS or
Copy the .nds file wherever you want, then place the smile folder on the root of your card.
Select - Change mode.
The game :
Touchscreen - Move
L or R - Stop Time (Use this)
Motion - Move (While time is Stopped with L or R (not with Touchscreen), DS must be vertical )
Down or B - Restart from checkpoint
Up or X - Restart from start
The editor :
L or R Unpressed :
Arrows or ABXY - Move
Start - Change language in rotation
Touchscreen - Place tiles.
L or R Pressed (Top screen swapped) :
Touchscreen - Every control (Change tile, save, load, zoom, move around faster)
If you create some kind of cool map, post it here.
If you find a bug, an explanation and a map containing the bug would be really cool.
Thanks, I hope you'll have fun !
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August 2nd, 2010, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Linoma has posted an entry into this years Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details;
Nickname: Lino (aka linoma)
Projet name: fb4nds
From: Italy
Division: APPlication
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a simple Facebook's chat client.
How to use (CONTROLS):
L - like TAB on Windows
R + (directional keys) - move the active window
Select - click on the current window
X - Close the active window or Clear Text Box
Source Code
This is again an old version as soon as I will release a new version.
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August 2nd, 2010, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster
Teyon, a Polish video games developer and publisher opened today a highscores section on the website of Heavy Fire: Special Operations, a WiiWareTM on-rails shooter. Now players can use secret codes gained in the game to submit their best results to the world ranking. On that occasion Teyon started a competition for all Heavy Fire fans. 3 best scores and one randomly picked result will be rewarded with 2000 Wii PointsTM coupon! Winners will be declared on September 1st, 2010. More info on the official website: http://www.heavy-fire.com/wii/compet...points-august/ and facebook page http://facebook.com/HeavyFireGame
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August 2nd, 2010, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
O-Games announced today that Titanic MysteryTM is coming to North America on Nintendo WiiTM, DSTM and PC, September 28, 2010! Set sail on the maiden voyage of Titanic II to mark the 100th anniversary of the original ship. Filled with adventure and suspense, this is sure to be a game the whole family will enjoy.
Titanic Mystery is a game of exploration and mystery in the search for a hidden bomb on the new ocean liner, Titanic II. Join in the journey to try and locate the bomb to save the ship and all the passengers on-board. Along the way players will uncover clues and investigate the ship while learning secrets of the original Titanic. With 30 intricate levels each containing challenging mini-games, players will encounter elaborate twists and turns around every corner.
Titanic Mystery Game Features:
Explore the ship and meet different members of the crew along the way
Investigate clues and get closer to uncovering the ultimate mystery
Search for hundreds of objects containing timeless secrets about the original Titanic
30 intricate levels
30 challenging mini-games
Rated “E10+” for Everyone by the ESRB, Titanic Mystery is a family-friendly videogame that will bring excitement into every home. For more information about O-Games and Titanic Mystery, please visit: http://usa.og-international.net/default.asp
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August 2nd, 2010, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
505 Games U.S., and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced that Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore for the Nintendo DSTM is now available. Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore the videogame is based upon the Warner Bros. theatrical release of the same name from Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures now in theaters.
In Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore the videogame, gamers shed their training leashes to play in over 45 covert missions across various locations and environments inspired by the film. Gamers can play as Diggs the rookie canine agent, Catherine, a super feline double agent for MEOWS, and Seamus, a streetwise stool pigeon who might not be the brightest bird but who has unwavering loyalty and spectacular flying skills. Players must utilize the unique abilities and gadgets of each character to defeat the evil Kitty Galore and her minions.
To prove their worth as secret agent heroes, players fight Kitty Galore’s agents of evil to save the day. Players will have to utilize their animalistic acrobatics and AI “Animal Intelligence” to make their way through various levels and obstacles and collect critical items and power-ups, which will unlock new areas as they progress through the game. They will also be challenged by a number of covert missions including helping stool pigeons carry out their air-based special operations and destroying Kitty Galore’s treacherous equipment. Featuring six different mission types, including escort, stealth and combat, the game promises to deliver on all the excitement of the film, leading to the big showdown with Kitty Galore.
Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB, and is now available at retail outlets nationwide.
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August 2nd, 2010, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Play Label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced CreateTM, a must-have video game this holiday for the whole family that is powered by imagination and rewards players for being creative. Available this November for the WiiTM, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system featuring PlayStation®Move compatibility, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, PC, and MAC, Create presents imaginative gameplay challenges where the solutions are fuelled by the creativity of the player.
“Create uses families’ imaginations to develop new ways to play together that are both fun and challenging,” said Harvey Elliott, VP and General Manager at EA Bright Light. “We wanted to design a game where the entire family can explore, decorate, and solve challenges where no solution is wrong and the only limit is the imagination.”
The more players explore the game, solve level-based challenges, and customize their world, the more rewards will be unlocked. Creativity will be unleashed as players design environments with easy-to-use brushes and tools, including textures, props and animating objects that bring the scene to life. On the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and MAC players can share any of their creations, solutions or challenges with the community through the console and also via the official Create website at www.create.ea.com. Friends can download and remix solutions and set challenges for other players to download and complete. Imaginations will run wild this holiday!
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August 2nd, 2010, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Game Trading Technologies Inc has announced that it is to launch its first ever games peripheral.
Now it has confirmed that it has designed, developed a produced what it describes as “a revolutionary plastic hockey stick that will be bundled with a new multi-player hockey video game for the Nintendo Wii platform”.
The company has risen to prominence in recent times having played a big part in supplying software for the pre-owned games aspirations of many US retailers including Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys-R-Us, and 7-11.
GTTI CEO Todd Hays stated: “We are very pleased with the working relationship we've established with one of the world's largest entertainment software companies.
“With world-wide distribution of this game accessory, Game Trading Technologies not only opens up additional revenue channels, but also significant new market opportunities for GTTI in the design, development and manufacturing of state-of-the-art accessories for video games.”
GTTI recently announced a new iPhone app that will allow users to sell their games via their handsets.
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August 3rd, 2010, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php...d=365&Itemid=1
UPDATE by sanni
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6230.0.html
Thanks to Chillywilly the code now looks a lot better.
I also integrated some boxarts. They are only 64x50 pixels in size so depending on your TV they may look ugly.
MF version was not tested so better use the SD version.
Neo N64 Myth Menu v1.1S2 (unofficial)
Please read original readme in /src first.
This needs the original 1.1 Menu already flashed to the N64 Myth U2.
Install notes:
Either copy NEON64SD.v64 to "/.menu/n64/NEON64SD.v64" on your SD card
or flash NEON64MF.v64 to NEO2 cart.
1.1S2 Changes:
- added some boxart (about one hundred)
- only starts in SD browser mode when run from SD cart
- code cleanup thanks to cw
1.1S Changes from original menu:
- starts in SD browser mode
- options enabled by default
- auto cic and save configuration (not all rom settings included yet)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!wait until you actually see the boot and savetype written on screen before you start the rom!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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August 3rd, 2010, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
No need for Philosophical dilemmas with Xploder as your obedient apprentice
Xploder casts the right spells so Secrets are definitely not safe
Don’t let the game take you Prisoner, break free with Xploder
Drink from Xploder’s Goblet to Fire yourself from muggle to master wizard
In Hogwarts there isn't a spell for cheating, but Xploder have some magic to help! We've played the 4 years and unlocked the bricks. In typical Lego style there are lots to collect and unlock and Xploder hasn't taken away from that, whether you just need to defeat the Whomping Willow or there's a puzzle you’re stuck on, you can access any level in story mode or free-play. There is still plenty for you to unlock for yourself, so grab your wand...sorry, stylus… and let the adventure begin!
With Xploder by your side you really can fully explore and enjoy the whole game. And with 100’s of titles to choose from Xploder is the perfect partner for your console.
Hunting around for cheats online is a mugs game involving risky flashing or chipping of your DSi/DS and carries high risk of damage or invalidating warranties. No longer do you need to be a code cracking computer programmer techie geek to play the game and get full value. Xploder solves two important problems. Firstly it makes the cheating experience virtually seamless for the user, with full access to our database and no nonsense easy to use program. Secondly it provides the cable hardware needed and the Xploder engine which transfer cheat gamesaves to your game cartridge. You simply can’t do that by “just” downloading a gamesave from the Internet. DSi has certain protections which can stop 3rd party cartridges running, e.g. R4. However, Xploder is future proof as it cannot be rendered obsolete by firmware updates.
Xploder is for everyone - every gamer needs a little boost some time. The only solution for DSi and DSi XL. Compatible with DS and DSLite games
Xploder is the easy-to-use PC system that allows any gamer to effortlessly obtain and use gamesaves on their consoles so they can unlock levels and stages, unlock secret/hard to find content, gain extra money, etc to play the whole game! Xploder enables you to access the managed online database and website which is constantly updated with new cheat gamesaves. Get help from thousands of Xploder community members – ask questions, find solutions and share cheats, gamesaves, tips and gaming news! You can even back-up all your saved games to your PC to free up memory on your console. So you never have to lose one!
Get the Xploder all-in-one system, blow your games wide open and play the whole game the way YOU want to!
The Xploder Cheat Systems for DS and DSi can be purchased direct from www.xploder.net in 3 major currencies and also available at Amazon, Play.com, GAME, gamestation and CHIPS or ask at your local retailer.
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August 3rd, 2010, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Aksys Games, a publisher of interactive entertainment products, proudly announces the BlazyBloo: Super Melee Brawlers Battle Royale, available for download today on the DSi Shop for only 500 DSi points! The petit pugilists duke it out in a free for all 4 player fighting spree! Revisit the newly interactive stages in Kagutsuchi!
BlazyBloo Key Features
Two modes featuring Single Player or Free Battle!
Take on the CPU or up to 4 friends. Set the rules, select the stage and match type!
Engage in combat with Four Match modes!
Good ol’ beat-‘em-up Life Match requires fighters to put the smack down on each other until your life meter is drained! Collect soba noodle points in Point Match by attacking other fighters or play snatch the panda in Flag Match; whoever has the panda when time runs out wins!
Play as Five Adorable Brawlers from the smash 2d fighter hit BlazBlue!
Battle as Ragna, Noel, Rachel, Taokaka or Jin! Create mini combos with their normals and drive attacks!
Each character can equip special items like bunny ears and masks to boost their abilities!
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August 3rd, 2010, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Whether your tastes run to hunting, gambling, puzzles, battles or virtual pets, Nintendo has you covered with a fresh batch of downloadable games for the WiiTM and Nintendo DSiTM systems. For the WiiWareTM service, Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games invites you to chase giant jackpots, while Deer Captor challenges you to pursue big bucks of a different sort. For the Nintendo DSiWareTM service, both Match Up! and Hints Hunter offer portable puzzle fun for players of any background. Hand-held gamers can also interact with personalized pooches in Petz® Dogz® Family or brawl with fierce competitors in Blayzbloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale. Whichever type of play you prefer, the selection of downloadable games is wider and wilder than ever.
Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games
Publisher: Big John Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) – Simulated Gambling
Price: 700 Wii PointsTM
Description: Players can bring the exciting "Slots" experience home. Choose from six adventure-themed, five-reel bonus slots, or try your luck with classic Cherries or Diamonds slots. Win big jackpots and earn access to VIP suites. Players can use their winnings to purchase vibrant merchandise to customize their suites. As players progress, they can win multiple awards and achievements. Five-reel bonus slots include Gold Rush, Power of Zeus, Pirate Cove, Wild Safari, King Arthur's Excalibur and the Rising Sun. Classic three-reel slots are Diamonds and Cherries. Additional features include: High Roller Suites, where you can live like a VIP while customizing your own high roller suite with items such as artwork, pool tables, trophies and furniture; Bonus Games, offering six great games that can be played separately to challenge your nerves and increase your winnings; and Unlockables with achievement trophies that are tracked and awarded for exceptional play.
Deer Captor
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) – Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Deer Captor is a shooting game that offers an immersive hunting experience. Choosing from a rifle or crossbow, players can put their marksman skills to the test as they try to capture a variety of wildlife such as deer, hares and kites in the comfort of their living rooms. Aim for a high score in Instant Mode, where the objective is to capture as many animals as possible within a set time, or test your mettle in Mission Mode, where you must complete a series of objectives to advance to the pinnacle of the hunting world. Play against your friends and family in friendly competition, or post your single-player score to online leaderboards for nationwide bragging rights. (A broadband Internet connection is required for online play.)
Nintendo DSiWare
Match Up!
Publisher: Digital Leisure
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi PointsTM
Description: Flip, match and…kaboom! How fast can you find the right set in Match Up!? No matter how old you may be, Match Up! will have you captivated for hours. Reveal shapes, colors and hidden bonuses with a new take on a childhood favorite. You'll need quick hands and a sharp mind to beat the clock and disarm the explosive cards riddled throughout the game. Not quite ready for the explosive action? Start with the engaging classic concentration play and see if you can level up.
BlayzBloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) – Cartoon Violence
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Blayzbloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale pits Ragna, Rachel, Jin, Noel, Taokak and others against one another in five stages of rumble-and-tumble brawling action to see who's the best. There's also a Free Battle mode you can play to your heart's content. Use items in battle to pummel your opponent into oblivion. Drive attacks and special moves may also come in handy to finish off your opponents. Do you have what it takes to become the best Blayzbloo brawler?
Hints Hunter
Publisher: CIRCLE Entertainment
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Hints Hunter is an easy, casual game that you can play anytime and anywhere. The objective is simply to find hidden keys by working out the meanings of the hints in each level. You can play using only the stylus. Most of the hints are helpful and may require you to think about the time of day, game functions like clicking or dragging, or the principle of opening or closing. Be sure to observe the smallest details very carefully, including the name of a level or even a tiny flower.
Petz Dogz Family
Publisher: Ubisoft
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: There's a whole family of dogs you can adopt and love! Take care of them, discover their unique personalities and teach them fun tricks. Choose from favorite breeds such as golden retrievers and Labradors. Give your dogs the best care. Feed them, groom them and discover their individual personalities – some will be funny, others will be shy. Engage in fun activities with your pups – including playing with a flying disc and running obstacle courses – to turn them into talented dogs.
Nintendo adds new titles to the Nintendo DSi Shop and the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Mondays. Users with broadband Internet access can redeem Wii Points or Nintendo DSi Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel. Nintendo DSi Points can be purchased in the Nintendo DSi Shop. A Nintendo Points CardTM can be purchased at retail locations. All points from one Nintendo Points Card must be redeemed in either the Nintendo DSi Shop or the Wii Shop Channel. They are not transferable and cannot be divided between the two systems.
Remember that both Wii and Nintendo DSi feature parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit http://wii.com or http://www.nintendodsi.com.
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August 3rd, 2010, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Whether your tastes run to hunting, gambling, puzzles, battles or virtual pets, Nintendo has you covered with a fresh batch of downloadable games for the WiiTM and Nintendo DSiTM systems. For the WiiWareTM service, Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games invites you to chase giant jackpots, while Deer Captor challenges you to pursue big bucks of a different sort. For the Nintendo DSiWareTM service, both Match Up! and Hints Hunter offer portable puzzle fun for players of any background. Hand-held gamers can also interact with personalized pooches in Petz® Dogz® Family or brawl with fierce competitors in Blayzbloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale. Whichever type of play you prefer, the selection of downloadable games is wider and wilder than ever.
Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games
Publisher: Big John Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) – Simulated Gambling
Price: 700 Wii PointsTM
Description: Players can bring the exciting "Slots" experience home. Choose from six adventure-themed, five-reel bonus slots, or try your luck with classic Cherries or Diamonds slots. Win big jackpots and earn access to VIP suites. Players can use their winnings to purchase vibrant merchandise to customize their suites. As players progress, they can win multiple awards and achievements. Five-reel bonus slots include Gold Rush, Power of Zeus, Pirate Cove, Wild Safari, King Arthur's Excalibur and the Rising Sun. Classic three-reel slots are Diamonds and Cherries. Additional features include: High Roller Suites, where you can live like a VIP while customizing your own high roller suite with items such as artwork, pool tables, trophies and furniture; Bonus Games, offering six great games that can be played separately to challenge your nerves and increase your winnings; and Unlockables with achievement trophies that are tracked and awarded for exceptional play.
Deer Captor
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) – Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Deer Captor is a shooting game that offers an immersive hunting experience. Choosing from a rifle or crossbow, players can put their marksman skills to the test as they try to capture a variety of wildlife such as deer, hares and kites in the comfort of their living rooms. Aim for a high score in Instant Mode, where the objective is to capture as many animals as possible within a set time, or test your mettle in Mission Mode, where you must complete a series of objectives to advance to the pinnacle of the hunting world. Play against your friends and family in friendly competition, or post your single-player score to online leaderboards for nationwide bragging rights. (A broadband Internet connection is required for online play.)
Nintendo DSiWare
Match Up!
Publisher: Digital Leisure
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi PointsTM
Description: Flip, match and…kaboom! How fast can you find the right set in Match Up!? No matter how old you may be, Match Up! will have you captivated for hours. Reveal shapes, colors and hidden bonuses with a new take on a childhood favorite. You'll need quick hands and a sharp mind to beat the clock and disarm the explosive cards riddled throughout the game. Not quite ready for the explosive action? Start with the engaging classic concentration play and see if you can level up.
BlayzBloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale
Publisher: Aksys Games
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) – Cartoon Violence
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Blayzbloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale pits Ragna, Rachel, Jin, Noel, Taokak and others against one another in five stages of rumble-and-tumble brawling action to see who's the best. There's also a Free Battle mode you can play to your heart's content. Use items in battle to pummel your opponent into oblivion. Drive attacks and special moves may also come in handy to finish off your opponents. Do you have what it takes to become the best Blayzbloo brawler?
Hints Hunter
Publisher: CIRCLE Entertainment
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Hints Hunter is an easy, casual game that you can play anytime and anywhere. The objective is simply to find hidden keys by working out the meanings of the hints in each level. You can play using only the stylus. Most of the hints are helpful and may require you to think about the time of day, game functions like clicking or dragging, or the principle of opening or closing. Be sure to observe the smallest details very carefully, including the name of a level or even a tiny flower.
Petz Dogz Family
Publisher: Ubisoft
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) – Comic Mischief
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: There's a whole family of dogs you can adopt and love! Take care of them, discover their unique personalities and teach them fun tricks. Choose from favorite breeds such as golden retrievers and Labradors. Give your dogs the best care. Feed them, groom them and discover their individual personalities – some will be funny, others will be shy. Engage in fun activities with your pups – including playing with a flying disc and running obstacle courses – to turn them into talented dogs.
Nintendo adds new titles to the Nintendo DSi Shop and the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Mondays. Users with broadband Internet access can redeem Wii Points or Nintendo DSi Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel. Nintendo DSi Points can be purchased in the Nintendo DSi Shop. A Nintendo Points CardTM can be purchased at retail locations. All points from one Nintendo Points Card must be redeemed in either the Nintendo DSi Shop or the Wii Shop Channel. They are not transferable and cannot be divided between the two systems.
Remember that both Wii and Nintendo DSi feature parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit http://wii.com or http://www.nintendodsi.com.
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August 3rd, 2010, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has already confirmed that development of the Wii 2 is well underway. But don’t expect any more information than that for quite some time, as president Satoru Iwata has told investors that the silence to ensure that the mystery tech will be a surprise.
“We are of course studying and developing the next console to Wii,” he stated. “However, there is a big difference between studying a product and announcing what it is and when we will release it.
“I am afraid to say that the history of entertainment is also the history of imitation. A great idea will promptly be copied unless protected through patents. At the same time, it is really important for our business to positively surprise people. Will you be surprised by our completed product if we told you how it is surprising three years in advance?
“Therefore, we basically disclose information on our products as late as possible. We believe this is the best approach for the entertainment products we are developing. Again, we are planning the next products for Nintendo's continuous growth, but we cannot tell you what, when and how we will release it here. Thank you for your understanding.”
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August 3rd, 2010, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
I'll admit it: At first, as my clammy hands clutch its radiant wide screen, I'm not blown away by the Nintendo 3DS.
I'm taking in the new Mario Kart. Of course, it looks great - and, lo and behold, is in full 3D without the need for glasses.
But that's what I expect to happen, having chomped my way through a million and one E3 hands-on write ups.
Where's the jaw-dropping, the mystifying... the magic? Is the impressive-if-functional experience before me really enough to justify another £200+ handheld?
Nintendo's been coy on the price, but we know 3DS is going to be in the current range's 'architecture' - so it doesn't take a genius to work out the hit my wallet will have to take come launch day.
Before I know it, however, boulders and baddies started falling towards the screen. As Mario and Luigi screech out of the various obstacles' paths - and the former lobs a pin-perfect banana on his Brother's bonce - I get it. The 3DS's sorcery has claimed another victim.
The 3DS isn't about making old games prettier, I realise; it's about adding a whole new layer of depth to how we play, judge and perceive video game worlds.
In 3D, you can accurately judge the distance of an upcoming checkpoint, ramp or projectile. Timing a corner perfectly in a racing game becomes that much more natural; platforming suddenly feels tangible.
Those lucky (and wealthy) enough to own a 3DTV will know all this already, of course - but in my experience, the 3DS's brand of 3D seems even more fulfilling than the glasses-dependant equivalent.
Of the games and videos I try, the most impressive are Resident Evil - which looks absolutely stunning - and Kid Icarus, whose developers have evidently had longer than anyone else to get to grips with the hardware.
As I play on, many elements of the 3DS hardware itself surprises me. For one, the 3D slider doesn't work like the significant depth-tweaking tool I expect, but rather a 'tuner' to set the 3D effect just right for your eyes.
I can't see bugger all to begin with, but setting the 3D slider to about the halfway point provided a perfect effect, free of the distortion caused by having it up full whack.
The slide pad (that's the 3DS's version of a thumbstick) feels far better than the shallow 'clicky' experience I predicted.
Although there aren't really any games on show at my London demo frantic enough to demand a workout of the kit, the 3DS slide pad is not disorientating to use. Indeed, it feels more precise than the PSP's often cumbersome thumb nub.
On that subject, there sadly isn't much for press to actually play on 3DS yet - it's all mostly interactive 'videos'.
Pilotwings, however, is one impressive hands-on demo available. Flying through hoops in 3D is a whole lot easier than it was on Super Nintendo.
The new game takes place on Wuhu Island, which you may remember from Wii Sports Resort. The demo allowed two short challenges, one involving the aforementioned plane-and-hoop trial, and another involving popping balloons with a jetpack.
The sense of momentum added to this style of game by the 3DS is what first grabs you. Jetting over a building feels more physical. It opens my eyes to the potential for a whole tonne of classics to be reinvigorated by the extra perspective.
The second game I properly 'play' isn't exactly hardcore - Nintendogs + Cats. Despite the name, there's no felines in this demo. It shows off another of the 3DS's features: facial recognition.
Calling over my pup and sticking my mug close to the screen causes him to 'lick' my face. Likewise, tilting my head causes him to do the same (though buggering up the 3D illusion slightly in the process, admittedly). I make a firm decision: I'm NOT going to be playing this on the tube.
As you can probably imagine, lobbing a tennis ball, swinging a Frisbee and hoofing a boomerang become instantly more compelling when enhanced by Nintendo's gorgeous tech.
The question is, will developers explore the potential gameplay enhancements 3D could introduce - such as those seen in Pilotwings - or will they simply put out a bundle of gimmicks?
It's too early to make a final judgement at this stage, with a lack of hands-on demos throwing up a big question mark: After all, it's much easier to make 3D gaming look revolutionary with an on-rails video.
What's for certain is that the 3DS is the most exciting thing to happen to gaming in a long time. And if I was to put my money on anyone getting it right - and offering that all-important value for money - it'd be Nintendo.
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August 3rd, 2010, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster

We never get tired of playing the classics, and we never get tired of new ways to play those classics -- especially hand-crafted portable ones. A modder by the name of loveablechevy has been working on this custom creation for over two full years now, a combination of a RetroDuo gaming system, providing NES and SNES compatibility, with a PSOne portable screen and a whopping 4,250mAh battery. The resulting creation, shown in a video after the break, looks to be on the beefy side, but we would definitely make room for it in our backpacks.
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August 3rd, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's investor Q&A for the last fiscal quarter doesn't just look back on the company's recent stumbles -- it also includes some info about the publisher's plans for the rest of the year and beyond. For example, the launch of its two announced 3DS games, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and Resident Evil: Revelations, belong in the "beyond" category.
"We broke the news at E3 2010 that development is underway for Resident Evil: Revelations (tentative title) and Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition," the publisher said in the Q&A, "but we do not expect these titles to be ready for release this fiscal year." Capcom added that we "we haven't set any specific dates at this time." The current fiscal year ends in March 2011. That means that Capcom is likely to miss the 3DS launch window by at least a little, though these two major franchises are still likely to excite audiences a few months into the system's lifespan.
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August 4th, 2010, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
This is really cool now, a group of engineers going by Waterloo Labs in Austin, Texas created a way of controlling an original NES by simply moving your eyes.
By using electrodes placed around the eyes to track the movement of a players eyeballs, they were able to jury rig a Nintendo to accept eye movement as controller input. And it works!
Of course, controlling a game with the direction you’re looking makes it pretty tough to look straight at the screen, which is why no one makes it more than halfway through level 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. in this video. But still, impressive work!
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August 4th, 2010, 21:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Game Freak's Junichi Masuda has revealed a major change for the Pokémon series. In his latest blog, the Black & White designer has declared that you'll only encounter new Pokémon in the game's story mode.
In past games you'd regularly encounter old Pokémon in the game's story mode but it seems that now you'll only be able to catch them once you've completed the main game.
Masuda explained the decision, saying that he wants to make sure that kids and adults have the same experience when playing the game. He wants all players to ask "What is this Pokémon?" when they encounter a monster. It's all part of a plan to give players the same feeling that they had when they played their first Pokémon game.
According to Masuda development staff and players outside the company liked the idea. "It's like playing something completely new, similar to when I played Red & Green," is one comment that Masuda has heard. "You don't even know the type of the Pokemon, so you're surprised at the skills," is another.
Masuda concedes that designing the Pokemon has been tough, but Game Freak staff say that they're happy if players enjoy themselves.
So it's new Pokémon only, then. You can see which new Pokémon you'll be able to catch here.
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August 4th, 2010, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Sing along to 30 Disney songs
Includes vocal tips from the Princess and the Frog's Anika Noni Rose
Players will use the pitch bar to assist in hitting the right notes and can sing solo, partner up for a duet, compete head-to head, or pass the microphone around to up to 8 players in the Family Mode
Relive key moments, the Sing It Encore Mode enables players to play back their performances and add fun effects to customize their tunes
Tapping into both the past and the present, Disney Sing It: Family Hits features favorite songs from all-time classic Disney films, including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book, as well as contemporary favorites from films like Disney/Pixar's Toy Story and Cars, The Lion King, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Princess and The Frog, and more. Further immersing players in the moment, the easy to follow karaoke gameplay is accompanied by full screen HD videos featuring montages, as well as original footage from each of the Disney movies.
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August 4th, 2010, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
The guys at Codemii have updated the Homebrew Browser, for those who have it downloaded already you just update internally, if you havent installed it before the download is here
Heres whats new:
The following applications have been added/updated:
1 August 2010
1bitInvaders v2.0 -> v2.1
HomebrewFilter v0.1 r6 -> v0.1 r7
Maze of Galious Wii v0.63.2
RevoltOfTheBinaryCouriers v1.0 -> v1.1
TetriCycle v0.4b -> v0.5b
Yahtzwii v3.1 -> v3.11
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August 4th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
s_hansse has released an entry into the Neoflash Coding contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: s_hansse
Project name: Scribble Jump DS (demo1f1)
From: germany
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
homepage: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...ndex.php?lg=en
download: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...download&lg=en
blog: http://s_hansse.drunkencoders.com
Project description:
Initially I wanted to make a Doodle Jump for the DS, but LimaSky (the maker of Doodle Jump) forbid that
So I made up my own graphics and my own sounds.
Some people helped me to translate this game into five languages:
- german
- english
- frensh
- netherlands
- swedish
How to use:
Go to http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...ersion=demo1f1 and download the scribblejump.zip.
Extract it and follow the REAME_en.txt for more instructions.
If you have DSMotion, you can control the Scribble (the blue thing) by rotating your DS (like in Doodle Jump for the IPodTouch).
If you do not have DSMotion you have to use the Pad or the Stylus to control the Scribble.
For those who don't know Doodle Jump:
The Scribble jumps constantly. You can move it to the right or to the left and have to get as high as possible by jumping on different platforms.
There are also items which help you to jump higher or prevent monsters from hurting you.
You should start with the "help" - level in the main-screen.
There is also a leveleditor which you can use to make your own levels. (which will appear in the data/scribblejump folder).
You can download new levels (and upload your own, if you register) here: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...on=level&lg=en.
I hope you like this game as much as the over 300 people who downloaded it yet.
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August 4th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Nightfox has released an entry into the Neoflash Coding contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: NightFox
Projet name: Speed Trap
From: Barcelona, Spain
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Speed Trap it's a topdown view racing arcade game for NDS. The main objetive of game it's complete all track laps before time runs out.
How to use:
Speed Trap
Beta Version 20100802
This is a very early version of Speed Trap, soo I need as many testers as possible to can adjust the difficulty of the game, so please those who test it, report the time made in the forum, so among all find a balanced difficulty.
How to run the game.
The game uses NitroFS file system, so it is possible that your flashcard can not execute directly.
If so, start it using the "homebrew menu", which you will find in the folder concerned.
This game uses some advanced graphic effects that not works nice on emulators. Soo run always you can on real hardware.
How to play.
The controls are easy. A, accelerate, B, brake and turn with the pad. We can reposition the car on track if we stop it completely and press the X button. Press START at anytime to come back
to main menu.
For any questions, feel free to contact us at our official website
or our email address
Greetings to all and to enjoy it.
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August 6th, 2010, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
Screen Digest's Piers Harding-Rolls has explained the analysts' thinking on its recent prediction that new console hardware will arrive in 2013 or 2014 "at the earliest."
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz yesterday, he said of Nintendo's Wii that "We expect it to have a shorter lifecycle than the high definition consoles" and thus expected a new Nintendo console sooner than a next-gen PlayStation or Xbox. "We're actually pitching it for an end of 2012 Japan release and the rest of world in 2013."
However, he felt there may be a Nintendo hardware revision before that time. "Our forecast actually incorporates the idea that there will be an upgraded version of the Wii available.
"There is potentially significant movement to come from Wii pricing in the future. If you look at the handheld strategy they've got the DSi and the 3DS, so I think they've got room to have to this iterative version before a 2012 or 2013 release."
In terms of Microsoft, he felt the arrival date of new hardware was contingent on the success of Kinect. "A 2013 launch is actually a significantly extended cycle compared to the original Xbox. So it is developing the longevity of the cycle. Kinect is going to play a part of it. It does depend how strong Kinect is in terms of adoption.
"At the moment we see it as an elongation, more staving off the decline of the platform. Not something that's really going to drive massive adoption or a reenergising of the platform so to speak, ticking over until a new platform comes."
However, he felt that long-tail rather than launch sales were key to how long Microsoft would push Kinect rather than turn to new hardware. "The situation I'm looking for not what at happens at launch but what happens in the six month range. If it starts to gain some significant momentum we would have to look at changing our forecasts."
When asked if Kinect failing to perform might lead to Microsoft moving more rapidly to a new console, he was unconvinced it would be practicable. "There is probably some movement in terms of a launch window for a new platform, but it will always take time to design and develop these platforms and to get enough content on.
"Bringing it forward might be possible from a technology viewpoint, but from your content partners' viewpoint it might not be so easy."
He felt, however, that Microsoft's motion controller was a stronger prospect than Sony's PlayStation Move, describing the latter more as "peripheral play" and dependent on how Sony bundled it.
"I think Kinect's got the potential to have more of an impact - the way Microsoft are approaching it, bundling it for a new audience. That potential late stage user, the more casual people who bought the PS2 in its late stages with content that was much more mainstream, like Singstar."
Screen Digest felt new Sony hardware proper would arrive in 2014, and that "We wait to see what the Wii does in response" to Kinect and Move.
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August 6th, 2010, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ruffsta
MasterMind" is a puzzle game by Ruffsta which your object is to guess the correct color combination... You have 8 chances in which to do so. There are 3 levels you can choose from. What's great about this game is that you don't have to turn your DS unit vertically to play it.
Credit goes out to Eldude for helping with a couple of bugs and Metatarsals for helping with the logic bug. Without them, the game wouldn't have been released so soon. Also credit to Fabien Butazzi for the brain image with permission for usage.
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August 6th, 2010, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Thatotherdev is back again with another release for the Wii, heres the info from his site.
I know that (with the exception of yesterdays PC exclusive thing) all I’ve been doing lately has been updating previously released games. So here is something “new”.
Several months ago aidman650 made a request on the wiibrew forum for a remake of an iPhone game called Falling Balls. Despite how much time has past and how simple of a game it seems to be nobody had done it yet. So I did. I’ve never actually played Falling Balls (I don’t have an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and I’m not particularly interested in getting any of them) but I think what I ended up with is fairly similar to the game as its shown in videos.
You just tilt the wiimote (The PC version uses keyboard controls but on Wii its all motion controlled) to move your ball from side to side and try to avoid the other balls that fall and bounce across the screen. The longer you avoid them the higher your score.
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August 8th, 2010, 06:19 Posted By: JLF65
Updated to v1.3. The major new feature is auto load/save of save states. When you run a game from the SD card, and it uses save ram of any sort (except ext cart), the save ram will be automatically loaded from "/.menu/n64/save/<game_name>.sav". If the file doesn't exist, the save ram is cleared. When you reload the menu, the save ram will be automatically saved to the file. If the directory doesn't exist, create it yourself by hand or the feature will fail.
The other significant change is the menu loaded off the SD card can now be any size up to 16 MB. So custom menus loaded from the SD card can be BIG!
See the thread at NeoFlash for the download.
EDIT: EEPROM didn't load/save... did a quick update to fix the problem. Now at v1.4!
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August 8th, 2010, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2919
Pembo proposes a new version of its utility that lets you change the values of configuration file BootMii ( bootmii.ini ) without having to remove your SD card and perform editing on a PC .
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August 8th, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Corenting has posted a release in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: corenting
Projet name: Plus Ou Moins DS
From: France
Division: GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a classic game adapted on the DS (plus or minus in english, plus ou moins in french)
The DS will think to a number between 40 and 70.
You will have to find it.
Choose a number (always between 40 and 70 of course) and press A.
The DS will say to you Plus if the number is higher than the one you choose.
The DS will say to you Minus if the number is lower than the one you choose.
The game continues like that until you find the good number.
How to use:
Download it here : http://www.corenting.fr/dl/plusoumoins.zip
Source code : http://code.google.com/p/corenting-a...nk/PlusOuMoins
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August 8th, 2010, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Mark2512 has posted a release in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: maRk
Projet name: Sokoban Touch & Go!
From: Germany
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
DOWNLOAD HERE: Sokoban Touch & Go!
Project description:
Yes, i know... ...another sokoban game but i'm a big fan of this mindbending puzzler.
I start this project because is hate this endless "keyboard hacking" in other games.
With the new stylus control you can play sokoban comfortable like never before!
Have fun!
Attention! "The games uses NitroFS so you need a compatible flashcard or hbmenu."
How to use:
Just "touch and go"...!!!
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August 8th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12199&f=19
Jim proposes a tech demo racing for the DS , "For Physics" which featured a Ferrari F40 on a Formula 1 circuit .
I've made a while ago was racing demo , WHERE you drive a Ferrari F40 on the Ground of the Norisring.
It's a very dark Demo, Because I have not included a sky. The graphic part Was Not so important for me for this version.
I've Used models that I've found on Several pages. The F40 IS from a NFS- Page and the track Is a model for racer.nl That Was Converted so I do not know the original game from Which it is.
More important physic Was The Code That Is Mainly by Marco Monster . I tried to get it stable and a new serie a good feeling for driving a car. Because I've included the de cette Norisring purpose only the important share of the track. It 's Only There For testing the driving . It's a complete flat track so I hadn't to change the 2D physic engine much.
At the moment I'm working on the graphics and the crashes. So I hope to release a new version in the near future.
For more information and links ( about as physic in general) visit my page.
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August 8th, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some new WIP news of his Dos Emulator for DS
DSx86 fixes
Last week I did not have any time to work on DSx86, as I had various work-related things to do and also other "real life" issues that I had postponed during my summer vacation. Yesterday I finally began working on DSx86 again, and found the bug that caused the memory error in Maupiti Island. I had coded a shortcut for the memory allocation routines when launching an EXE program, and my shortcut did not handle the EXE header MaxAlloc field properly, it always allocated the maximum amount of memory. Normally all programs want the maximum amount of memory, but the TSR program in Maupiti Island was the first program that had the required amount of memory in the EXE header and did not adjust the memory allocation itself. After I fixed that routine the game loaded fine and seems to work.
I was also requested via email to look into a screen resolution problem in a game called Mahjong Fantasia. I noticed that it went to 640x200 screen mode, but still wanted to display 400 lines. There is no screen mode preset for 640x400 resolution, so the game accessed the CRTC registers directly. I enhanced my VGA emulation so that the vertical resolution is no longer tied to the current screen mode, but instead it is determined by the CRTC register values (like in DOSBox). This might cause problems in some games, but most likely it will work better than the mode-based resolution detection. At least Mahjong Fantasia began to display a correct resolution, and also Gods (another game that accesses CRTC registers directly) still works.
I have also added some simple missing EGA and Mode-X opcodes based on the debug logs I have received, again thanks for those! Other things on my TODO list I have not yet looked into, but at least the above mentioned improvements will be in the upcoming 0.23 version.
SuperCard DSTwo SDK betatesting
Several DSx86 users sent me email letting me know that SuperCard are giving a beta version of their DSTwo SDK to selected homebrew coders. So, I decided to contact SuperCard and request the beta version of the SDK. They accepted me to their beta test program (thanks SuperCard!) and sent me the SDK. I don't have the actual DSTwo card itself (which they also will send me) yet, so I can not properly test the SDK until I receive the card as well. However, I can start porting DSx86 to it immediately, and this is what I began doing yesterday.
The first problem was that the SDK (or rather the mipsel-linux toolchain that it uses) is meant to be run on Linux, and I have only Windows machines. This turned out to not be a major problem, though, as running VirtualBox on my Windows XP machine and installing Ubuntu Linux on it allowed me to install the SDK and compile the libraries and examples fine. I am familiar with the Linux command line tools, but I have actually never used the Linux graphical UI, which however seems to be reasonably similar to Windows so I am not totally lost with it. :-)
There does not seem to be any major problems compiling the C and C++ source codes, but obviously I need to write the ASM parts pretty much from scratch for the MIPS architecture. It will be interesting to study another new hardware architecture, and the MIPS architecture seems to be very different from ARM, even though they both are RISC processors. What little I have found out so far about the MIPS architecture compared to ARM is this:
MIPS has 32 general-purpose registers (while ARM has only 16). This will make it easy to keep all the x86 general purpose registers (only 8 of them) in the CPU registers, and still have a lot of extra registers for the emulator-specific stuff.
MIPS is luckily little-endian, same as ARM (as used in Nintendo DS) and the x86 architecture.
There are no CPU flags in MIPS! This is a bit strange, and will force me to use the "lazy flags" method of handling the emulated flags. This will slow down the code, but on the other hand it will allow me to emulate the Parity and Auxiliary Carry flags of x86 properly.
No free shifts and rotates in MIPS. This has been a cool feature in the ARM processor, so now I have to un-learn all these tricks with shifted register values. MIPS has 16-bit immediate values, though, so many ARM tricks are not actually needed on MIPS.
My working on the MIPS port of DSx86 will of course take time away from improving the current DSx86, but I think DSx86 is already working reasonably well as it is. Many games still need fixing and there are many general improvements that could be made, but I can continue working on these even while I concentrate on the DSTwo SDK testing. SuperCard probably expects me to actually work with their SDK, or they would not have sent it to me. I think I owe it to them to test it properly and report the possible problems and enhancement ideas I find when trying to port DSx86 to run on DSTwo.
With the DSTwo version of DSx86 (currently named "DS2x86" :-) I plan to support 386 instructions, and probably also 486 instructions. I will first port my tester program (which simply tests each CPU opcode for correct results), as it is much simpler than the full DSx86 and with that I can concentrate on the CPU emulation and make sure I get it to work correctly. After that I will probably try to get Norton Sysinfo running in it, just to see what the emulation speed will be like.
It took me about half a year from when I started working on DSx86 to when the first alpha version was released, so it might take about the same amount of time with the DSTwo version. On the other hand I have learned quite a lot about emulation in general, and the C and C++ codes do not need major changes, so it might be that I get something working much sooner.
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August 8th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php...d=367&Itemid=1
This is a new GUI style for Chillywilly's Neo N64 Myth Menu 1.4
Read the included readme for details.
Neo N64 Myth Menu 1.4S (SD) (unofficial)
Please read original readme in /src first.
This needs the original 1.4 menu already flashed to the N64 Myth U2.
Install notes:
Copy directory ".menu" to root of SD card
1.4S Changes:
- now based on chillywilly's 1.4 menu
- //scode tags in source code where I altered it
- more and bigger boxarts (about 300, 4x the size)
- boxarts now load from SD
- if game is not found in database, default save option will be MEMPAK
meaning you most likely need a Mempak to save.
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6230.0.html
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August 8th, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Tetris Custom v1 released by TheDrev.
This is yet another Tetris, but you can put your own sounds and graphics by editing the res/tetris.xml file. The Default skins are Keithris featuring Talking Classics' Keith Apicary (Screw Attack), and a classic skin named Russia.
Adding a skin
Edit the tetris.xml file and add images and sounds in a subdir of the res directory. the skin directory's name must be in uppercase.
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August 9th, 2010, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Recite your favorite word and see what monster is created! Or, if it's too loud to speak, draw a silly picture and see what monster appears. Unlock a secret method of creating monsters as you play through the game! You can even combine your favorite monsters to create a new, more powerful monster!
•Find the best strategy to raise your monster on a weekly basis — too much rest or too much of the same training can be ineffective!
•Not only was the training and management portion of monster breeding brushed up, but there are also many instances to fight rival breeders in the game as well!
•Battle your friends locally or online! Friends can also combine their monsters to create exciting new types through a local connection!
•Choose attack techniques to be placed in the “short,” “medium,” and “long” ranges and execute them when there are enough points in the guts meter. If no technique is selected for a range, it becomes a defense panel and evasion skills are improved at that range
•Favorites such as Monolith, Gali, Mocchi, and Suezo rejoin the cast of monsters in what can be called a Monster Rancher series compilation
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August 9th, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://retroactionmagazine.com/retro...7-august-2010/
Voluume 4, issue 7 (August 2010) of NintendoAge has been released. The monthly retrogaming ezine covers all things Nintendo and can be downloaded in PDF format for free from the NA website (a quick registration required). This issue’s highlights include:
* More of Dr. Robbie’s Perlers of Wisdom
* What did collectors do before the NA price guide?
* Cracking the Gluk Code
* Paulyshobby spills all in the Member Spotlight
* Tracking your collection when it’s more than just NES
Weblink: www.nintendoage.com
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August 10th, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Gaz has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: Gaz
Projet name: Jazzier Suite 2.0
From: England
Division: APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Jazzier Suite is a program to aid musicians in improving their ability to recognise pitch, read music and improve their timing.
Menu Selection
Box 1 – Metronome
Box 2 – Notation
Box 3 – Pitch
1. Metronome
Adjusting the tempo
* Move the Tempo-Meter (Red Horizontal Bar) up or down.
* Fine tune the tempo, click left and right arrows next to the tempo’s (bpm)
* Tap-Tempo (Button X) to find the tempo of any musical track, constantly press button X on the beat of the track. This will set the metronome to the tempo of the track you are listening to. It also provides an average tempo (bpm) based on the accuracy of your tapping over the duration.
Delay Times
The delay times shown at the top of the screen can be entered into a guitar effects pedal or similar effects processor. I have included dotted notes for more experimental delay times.
Changing the Accent
In the [Beats Per Bar (bpb)] box, select 1 if you don't want an accent. Alternatively select any other of the available numbers to place the accent on that beat.
N.B When tap-tempo is used, the metronome is stopped. I found it quite difficult to tap along to a track whilst the metronome is playing.
2. Notation
Once the notation screen appears you will be presented with a question in the form of a note on the stave. At the top of the screen you will see the Key to which the note has been selected from. And to the right, the number of tries you have had.
To answer the question you must select the correct note on the piano for the note on the stave. Once you have correctly answered a question, the number of correct answers will increment on the right side of the screen.
Once you are familiar with all the key signatures you have the option to switch the guide notes off by pressing the button X. Alternatively, press button X to switch them back on.
3. Pitch
Once the pitch screen appears you will be presented with a question in the form of a two tones. The first tone will be the root tone. The second tone will be an interval grater than the root tone. To select you answer, select one of the intervals you think is the correct answer.
N.B You will only be able to answer the question when both tones have finished playing.
>>Addional Notes<<
To move back to the main menu at any given time select the << at the bottom of each screen.
Hope you enjoy the software,
Download from the following link.
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August 10th, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2921
The new exploit developed by ichfly is the least fussy homebrew , especially with HackMii (rather tiresome ) , I propose this evening an alternative to load what you want, including HackMii 0.7b .
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August 10th, 2010, 21:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
According to internal Nintendo sales figures, total Wii sales in the United States have now reached 30 million units since the console's launch in November 2006.
Nintendo says this milestone was reached in only 45 months, which was 15 months faster than the next best-selling console, and further establishes Wii as "the fastest-selling console in the history of the industry."
Nintendo revealed last month that worldwide Wii sales topped 73 million units.
Nintendo also provided the top 10 best-selling Nintendo published and third-party published titles through June 2010 in the United States, provided by research firm NPD.
Top 10 best-selling Nintendo-published Wii games: - Wii Play
- Mario Kart Wii
- Wii Fit (with Wii Balance Board accessory)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Wii Sports Resort
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Wii Fit Plus (with Wii Balance Board accessory)
- Mario Party 8
- Link's Crossbow Training
Top 10 best-selling Wii games from third-party publishers: - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Carnival Games
- Game Party
- EA Sports Active
- Just Dance
- Rayman Raving Rabbids
- Deca Sports
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
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August 11th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games

Image from CVG
Activision's partnered with Nintendo for a Limited Edition Controller Bundle for GoldenEye on Wii.
The bundle will include an exclusive gold Classic Controller Pro, apparently inspired by Francisco Scaramanga's infamous golden gun.
The controller does have a more practical application too (apart from looking glamorous) as it allows players to use a more traditional control scheme as opposed to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk control scheme.
GoldenEye 007 executive producer Julian Widdows recently said his team has something to prove with the remake and is pushing the Wii "incredibly hard".
GoldenEye 007 is one of two upcoming Bond games, the game is going head to head with the Bizzare Creations title, James Bond: Blood Stone.
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August 12th, 2010, 01:06 Posted By: JLF65
I think folks will like this update - featured changes include auto load/save for all save ram types, with both flash and SD games saving to the SD card, if present. If you don't have an SD card, or are using a flash-only cart, the saves go to the GBA cart SRAM. Please read the readme for details. For the most part, it's totally automatic, or very simple to deal with. The other obvious change is the addition of a splash screen, and backdrops for the browser and loader. Many thanks to sanni for his help with the images.
A minor change compared to previous versions - if a rom isn't recognized, the save type now defaults to external cart. This was done to keep games that don't use save ram from using space in the GBA cart SRAM on flash-only carts.
Neo Myth Menu Google code page
NeoFlash forum thread
EDIT: Made a quick update to v1.6.
Fixed a quirk with the game flash menu interpretation so that "odd" banks are dealt with properly. This should take care of those roms that seem to not run from the cart. You could recognize them by the bank number - if you're looking at the bank number and see them go like bank 0, bank 1, bank 2, bank 192, that oddball 192 is not really a bank number, it's the Mbit offset to the rom. There was a similar issue with the rom size that I took care of quite a while back.
You can now also provide your own backdrop images for the splash, browser, and loader (any or all). Just make a "/.menu/n64/images/ directory and put the custom images there. They should be non-progressive jpeg images of 320 pixels wide by 240 lines tall named as follows: "splash.jpg", "browser.jpg", and "loading.jpg". If the files exist on the SD card, the menu will use them in place of the ones in the menu resources.
You can also now delete slots in the slot selector (when running a game with save ram from a flash-only cart). Just press Z to delete the currently high-lighted slot.
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August 13th, 2010, 00:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
The High Court ruling that confirmed DS R4 piracy cards are illegal will get developers excited about
the DS again.
Last month, a UK specialist IP court helped solidify the case against the cards, encouraging some rogue retailers to confess to being guilty of IP theft.
The platform holder hopes this will deliver renewed confidence in the handheld amongst developers and publishers that scaled down work on the platform as piracy became widespread.
“To get this judgement from a UK specialist IP civil court is an important step in the right direction,” Nintendo’s European anti-piracy counsel Neil Boyd told MCV.
“It is important to Nintendo – but also for the developers. Hopefully it will give them the encouragement and confidence to continue to develop the best games for Nintendo platforms.”
Piracy has been a significant problem on DS over recent years. Back in February, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder blamed weak sales of GTA: Chinatown Wars on the R4.
Boyd also said the ruling will help protect the upcoming 3DS when it launches.
“Only time will tell if the 3DS will be hacked,” he added. “But in terms of security, and preventing people getting around those security measures, I think this case gives us a good, solid legal foundation. What comes ahead of us is pure speculation, but it gives us a good basis for future security threats.”
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August 13th, 2010, 01:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
As the (still completely unfounded) speculation about a possible PSP Phone continues to travel in circles around the internet, it has been alleged that Nintendo was at one point considering its own foray into the mobile phone sector.
Pocket Gamer carries word from “a development source” that in the early 2000s an R&D project jointly run by Nokia and Nintendo was established at Nintendo’s Kyoto HQ.
The project supposedly progressed as far as board level, where Nintendo execs were presented with a concept. Which they rejected. In the subsequent years Nokia went on to launch the ill-fated N-Gage and Nintendo debuted the not-so-ill-fated DS.
“You have to remember Nintendo is a very conservative company,” the source stated. “It always has various R&D projects on the go, but most of them are eventually rejected. It's just how it operates.”
The requirement for mobile phone users to sign up to a contract has always been seen as a big barrier for platform holders, but the huge success of the iPhone proves that – despite the failure of N-Gage – gaming machines and mobile phones can co-exist.
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August 13th, 2010, 01:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Finished New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Defeated Bowser and collected every gold coin? Pah. That's merely a "decent" achievement, says Nintendo.
You're no expert until you can finish level 1-1 in 44 seconds, or get 20 extra lives from a single fireball spat from Yoshi. Those and several more feats listed on a New Super Mario Bros. Wii Challenges website.
Nintendo has set a bunch of challenges from time trials to technique and multiplayer challenges, and divided them up into three difficulties. There's some cool ones on there, like getting through levels without scoring a single point (so even coins and mushrooms are the enemy), or Goomba combo-stomping.
Should be good fun if you want more out of the already brilliant platformer. It's a shame, in the age of Achievements and Trophies, that Nintendo is doing it this way instead of just building these challenges into the game itself.
Full details here from Nintendo
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August 13th, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The next instalment in the Metroid series is so emotionally charged it brought one of the game's creators to tears.
That's according to Nintendo's Ryuzi Kitaura, speaking in the latest Iwata Asks interview. He said producer Yoshio Sakamoto was left speechless the first time he saw storyboards for the cut-scenes in Metroid: Other M. "I thought there was no hope for me, I thought I should just go home there and then," Kitaura said.
"That wasn't it at all!" chuckled Sakamoto. "The truth is that I was so inspired I couldn't put it into words. I think anyone would become speechless if they were presented with storyboards that were so far beyond their wildest dreams.
"Kitaura-san's passion was really apparent in those storyboards. That's why I decided to ask him to be responsible for all production, not just for the cinematics, but doing production for gameplay parts too."
When it came to viewing the actual cut-scenes Sakamoto was even more moved, according to Kitaura. "He stood close to me, checking the monitors. When we'd shoot a particularly moving scene, I'd ask him 'How was that, Sakamoto-san?', but he'd be completely silent - again.
"I was really worried, thinking 'Oh no, he doesn't like it...' But then when I peeked at his face, his eyes were full of tears," Kitaura said. "Well, the cinematic did show Samus in tights."
In total Kitaura drew more than 300 storyboards featuring over 2000 images. It took him more than six months to get them all done.
You can find out whether it was worth the effort when Metroid: Other M is released for Wii on 3rd September. In the meantime, there are billions of videos over on the gamepage.
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August 19th, 2010, 19:55 Posted By: JLF65
So what's new this time around? Well, how about GAMES LOAD TWICE AS FAST!
Load times are now 0:13 for 4 MBytes, 0:27 for 8 MBytes, 0:53 for 16 MBytes, and 1:46 for 32 MBytes. 
Other changes include the ability to cycle between the wallpaper, the patterns, and a blank background. The menu now remembers the browser settings, including which background you had selected, whether you were browsing the flash or the SD card, and whether you were viewing the game info, or the game options.
A minor change was made to the game startup to better simulate a cold boot.
As always, you can get the archives from the thread at NeoFlash, or the Neo Myth Menu google page.
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August 19th, 2010, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
ZX Spectrum emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
+ Memory viewer and disassembler.
+ Tape sound is now audible in normal speed load mode (conveniently forced with R+A).
* The system log can be saved to a file now, helpful when troubleshooting.
* Cleaned up the virtual directory code, greatly reducing the amount of required IO accesses.
* Changed the confusing bouncing logic of previous displays' history to simple LRU.
* Fixed the annoying sound clicks when sound is temporarily paused (e.g., scrolling in requesters).
* Minor bugfixes in download code (HTTP continuation lines, last line EOL in listings).
! Dedicated to the memory of Jonathan Smith. Rest in Peace, Joffa.
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August 19th, 2010, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii Guys have updated the Homebrew Browser once again, for those who have it installed you can update now and all these goodies will be updated or newly installed.
The following applications have been added/updated:
15 August 2010
» BlueMSX-wii v1.0 -> v1.0.2
» DOSBox Wii v1.3 -> v1.4
» Engine02 r9
» FCEU v3.2.1 -> v3.2.2
» GravityGlide v1.0 -> v1.1
» Heretic Wii v0.1
» HHexen v1.0
» IOS58 Installer v1.0
» Powder Toy Wii v0.1
» Super Mario War Wii v1.3 -> v1.4
» Snes9xGX v4.2.3 -> v4.2.4
» Tetris Custom v1.0
» Tetrominos v0.5 Beta
» The Powder Toy Wii v0.1
» Visual Boy Advance v2.2.1 -> v2.2.2
» WiiXplorer r192 -> r195
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August 19th, 2010, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Dos Emulator for Nintendo Wii, heres whats new etc:
A port of DOSBox to the Wii using SDL Wii.
-=[ Features ]=-
* USB Keyboard and mouse support
* Wiimote pointer support
* SD/USB mounting
* Most DOS games are playable
* Home menu, with on-screen keyboard
-=[ Update History ]=-
[1.4 - August 11, 2010]
* Updated to latest DOSBox SVN
* USB 2.0 via IOS58 support. Requires that IOS58 be pre-installed.
* Improved USB keyboard/mouse support
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August 19th, 2010, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.2.2 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.2.2 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Tantric
This wonderful channel is thanks to:
* wilsoff (channel coding)
* MrNick666 (artwork)
* Tantric (forwarder and installer)
* svpe and megazig (installer exploit)
* You must have IOS58 to use this channel. Either upgrade to System Menu 4.3,
or use the IOS58 Installer ( http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS58_Installer)
* You must have HBC 1.0.8+ to run the installer. It is also recommended that
HBC be running under IOS58, but this is not necessary.
* This channel tries load apps/fceugx/boot.dol from SD or USB. You must have
FCE Ultra GX installed in one of these locations.
Installation Instructions
* Copy the installer files to your SD/USB device
* Launch the installer from HBC
* Click Install
* Done!
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August 19th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from http://hackmii.com/2010/08/theming-t...ebrew-channel/
When we released the Homebrew Channel 1.0.7, we supplied a new look and the announcement of a surprise. I must apologize for the delay in the revelation of this surprise, which is mostly owed to a complete meltdown of my work machine. Without much further ado, it is my pleasure to give you: Homebrew Channel themes, and a first theme: HBC Classic.
While the reactions to HBC 1.0.7’s new default theme – dubbed “Dark Waters” – were generally positive, some complained about it being too dark, unfitting, or simply “exceedingly ugly.” We’re usually not the makers of elaborate plots (that you know of), but this was actually fully intentional to draw a bit of attention not only to the function but also to the looks of the Homebrew Channel.
Applying themes to the Homebrew Channel
There are two options for you to apply a theme to the Homebrew Channel.
The first way is to treat a theme file just like you would treat an application: A subfolder in the apps folder on the SD card or USB stick, only with the file theme.zip containing the theme files instead of boot.elf containing an application. The theme file will then show up in the application browser, loading it will apply it to the Homebrew Channel. This allows you to conveniently switch between themes as you can store them along each other on the media of your choice.
The second way is to simply wiiload the theme.zip to the Homebrew Channel, after which it will be immediately applied.
Once you apply a theme, it is permanently stored with the Homebrew Channel’s “savegame”.
How to revert the Homebrew Channel to the default theme
Currently, this only works by deleting the Homebrew Channel’s “savegame” via the System Menu’s data management. This, of course, also deletes the other preferences, so you will have to visit the Homebrew Channel’s options screen again. We may come up with a better way to remove a theme, but this is how it works for now.
Creating your own themes
Theming the Homebrew Channel is currently limited to skinning the user interface, i.e., replacing its graphics with same-sized ones. You can skin pretty much any graphical element of the Homebrew Channel, with the exception of the Wii remote pointer and the Homebrew Channel logo in the bottom right. (Yes, you can even insert your own bubble graphics. I propose: mice.)
Please take careful note that the graphics need to be the exact size of the ones they are replacing, there is no stretching/cropping mechanism in place. If the image dimensions mismatch, the image will be ignored and the default image will be used in its place. The same happens if you don’t include a file in the first place. This allows you to selectively skin the HBC. For example, if you only wanted to change the background image, your theme would only include the two background files.
Accompanying the image files is a small XML file named theme.xml. For now, it only includes a few color values and the name of the theme. The color values are in RGBA for the font (which is currently limited to one color GUI-wide) and the gradient to be used in the progress bar.
I believe I can leave you with the new HBC Classic theme as a template for both the sizes and the file naming. I trust you will be able to figure out the purpose of the various image files by their file name. You will notice that the Homebrew Channel’s GUI isn’t terribly complicated and re-uses many of its images in various places.
For theme publishing, I suggest you package theme files like an application. You can even include a screenshot or a cutout as icon.png and your name with the meta.xml file (note that you will still have to supply a theme.xml inside the theme.zip file).
Theme repository – or lack thereof
As with applications, we do not intend to create a repository for themes ourselves. Since Wiibrew.org has proven to be a great repository for applications, we think it is a great place to store the accompanying themes. As usual, with Wiibrew, please don’t upload copyrighted content. For themes, this means: No copyrighted imagery, neither of photographic nor illustrative nature. Also, I would think that it is rather pointless to upload background-only themes.
So, there you have it. We are very much looking forward to see how you feel the Homebrew Channel should look like.
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August 19th, 2010, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
News from http://hackmii.com/2010/08/the-usb2-release/
Some of you may be familiar with a major problem in Wii homebrew land. Most applications and games found on wiibrew.org use libogc, which in turn relies on IOS. While most IOS versions have a USB module, it is limited to USB1, and its I/O throughput make some applications next to unusable when using USB mass storage devices, others have annoyingly long loading times.
The Wii game “Your Shape” changed this – it introduced a new IOS version: 58, and this is the first with an official USB2 module. Starting with the System Menu 4.3 update, IOS58 is available to every Wii.
Thanks to some serious work by tueidj, all homebrew applications can now utilize this USB2 module through libogc. The Homebrew Channel v1.0.8 is the first version supporting it.
IOS58 will be automatically installed when you update your Wii to System Menu 4.3. If you do not want to update, you can use Tantric’s clean IOS58 Installer.
The release notes:
HackMii Installer (v0.8):
■IOS58 is chosen for The Homebrew Channel when installed. This is required for USB2 support. Other IOS versions are of course still supported, but USB will be limited to version 1.
BootMii beta 6 (v1.3):
■Fixed the freeze when using the autoboot feature to load System Menu with a delay of zero.
■The NAND backup no longer crashes when stumbling on uncorrectable pages.
■A couple of fixes to the integrated SD browser.
■The autoboot feature is ignored when launching the IOS version of BootMii.
The Homebrew Channel (v1.0.8):
■General USB improvements for all IOS versions, this fixes the regression introduced in version 1.0.7.
■USB2 support through IOS58.
A note about unofficial IOS versions: There have been IOS hacks for USB2 support for a long time now. Those rip the USB1 module out of an IOS, and replace it with a USB2 module. You may not care about the uglyness of this approach, the code quality of the replacing modules, or the risks associated with replacing a vanilla IOS. But some coders (us included) do, and outright refuse to use it. On top of that, those nasty hacks are mostly used for warez loaders. IOS58 relieves us of that burden.
The AHBPROT feature, which we described one year ago, allows you to bypass IOS to access devices directly from the PPC, eliminating the need for any IOS patches. Starting now, we will remove all cIOS poisoned applications from the wiibrew.org wiki.
Either grab the new installer here, or use the HBC online update (a confirmation dialog should pop up when launching an older version of HBC).
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August 19th, 2010, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from http://hackmii.com/2010/08/the-scope...ebrew-channel/
We have always known that HBC is widely used. We’ve had some idea of how many downloads have been completed, and by sorting on unique IPs we could get an idea of the overall distribution.
Since the release of HBC 1.0.7 (also covering 1.0.8) we have added anonymous usage statistics via your HBC’s User Agent header field. This allows us to more accurately see how many active Homebrew Channel installations exist in the wild. We would like to share these statistics with you.
To calm any potential fears from our users it’s important to note that we cannot use this information to track:
■Who you are
■What software you have installed (beyond the HBC and System Menu versions)
■Any kind of software / hardware modifications done
■… and so forth.
If you have any outstanding opinions about this, comment on this article.
During the first 24 days after the launch of the new hackmii installer we have counted 192708 unique installations! The number is probably slightly higher, as some Wiis are not configured to connect to the Internet.
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August 19th, 2010, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.2.4 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii. The best website for getting started with
Wii homebrew is WiiBrew ( www.wiibrew.org).
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.2.4 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.2.1 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator for Nintendo Wii and Gamecube, heres whats new etc:
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.2.1 - August 14, 2010]
* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC
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August 19th, 2010, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Tantric
This wonderful channel is thanks to:
* wilsoff (channel coding)
* MrNick666 (artwork)
* Tantric (forwarder and installer)
* svpe and megazig (installer exploit)
* You must have IOS58 to use this channel. Either upgrade to System Menu 4.3,
or use the IOS58 Installer ( http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS58_Installer)
* You must have HBC 1.0.8+ to run the installer. It is also recommended that
HBC be running under IOS58, but this is not necessary.
* This channel tries load apps/vbagx/boot.dol from SD or USB. You must have
Visual Boy Advance GX installed in one of these locations.
Installation Instructions
* Copy the installer files to your SD/USB device
* Launch the installer from HBC
* Click Install
* Done!
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August 19th, 2010, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
TetriCycle v0.6b released by Calvinss4
TetriCycle is Tetris projected onto a cylindrical surface. Rotate the cylinder left/right such that the descending piece falls into place.
TetriCycle is freeware, can be distributed freely and should never be charged for.
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August 19th, 2010, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
WiiMC 1.0.9 released by Tantric and rodries
WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.
Attractive libwiigui-based interface, designed with the Wii in mind
Most essential difference from MPlayer CE and the like: completely GUI based, fiddling .conf files should never be necessary (except for on-line media)
Picture viewer
Music player
On-line media support
FAT32/NTFS from SD and USB 2.0 (FAT32 recommended)
Network playback via SMB, HTTP, and FTP
Multi-language support: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish
Media Playback
DVD playback, with DVD menu support (newer Wiis have incompatible drives)
Files with AVC/H.264 video streams (typically .mp4, .mkv or .flv's from YouTube or other sites) with resolutions up to 720x480p usually play correctly.
Files with MPEG-4 Simple video streams (typically XVID/DIVX .avi's) with resolutions up to 656x352 play correctly.
Files with MPEG-2 PS video streams (typically DVD rips and TV-DVR recorded .mpg's) with resolutions up to 720x480 play correctly.
Files with MPEG-2 TS video streams (typically HDTV recorded .ts files) with resolutions up to 1280x720 play correctly.
AAC, AC3, FLAC, MP3, OGG Vorbis, WavPack, and WAV PCM Audio Streams all play correctly.
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August 19th, 2010, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Yabause Wii r2604 beta7 released by Rako
Yabause Wii is the Wii version of Yabause, a Sega Saturn emulator, and is the first for Wii to emulate the complex processes of the Sega Saturn. The Wii port is not released officially. Some unofficial versions have been released. Note that the Wii port is in testable status, and won't be officially supported until a later date.
Unofficial r2604 beta7 - Aug. 18, 2010
based on the original yabause r2604
change mounting method of fat for stable mounting (retry three times)
some minor fixes and changes
Unofficial r2411 beta6 - Aug. 15, 2010
recompile for recent HBC1.0.8 and recenet libogc (I don't know using IOS58 for USB2)
add some previous unhandled commands of SH2 (ex. Sega Rally Champ. works)
some minor fixes and changes
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August 19th, 2010, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Technik has released Revolution Engine 0.5
Revolution Engine is the very First homebrew 3D Game Engine for Wii. It is directly based on GX without any GL wrapper or anything similar. Natively designed for the Wii, this engine is probably capable of generating the best homebrew graphics ever seen on this game console.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has released The Powder Toy Wii 0.1
The Powder Toy Wii is a port of The Powder Toy using SDL Wii.
Difference between The Powder Toy Wii and Powder Toy Wii
Skylark ended development of Powder Toy in mid-2009. FacialTurd made an unofficial branch of the project called The Powder Toy which is still being actively developed. The Powder Toy has many more objects, powders, tools and other features. It also has significant changes to the user interface and engine. It is debatable whether Powder Toy or The Powder Toy is a superior program; though most prefer The Powder Toy.
Epic-er Story of Porting The Powder Toy to Wii
After porting Powder Toy to Wii, Arikado was asked to port The Powder Toy to Wii. He beat his record of porting Powder Toy in 5 minutes by porting The Powder Toy, live in IRC, in three minutes.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has released Powder Toy Wii 0.1
Powder Toy Wii is a port of Powder Toy using SDL Wii.
Difference between Powder Toy Wii and The Powder Toy Wii
Skylark ended development of Powder Toy in mid-2009. FacialTurd made an unofficial branch of the project called The Powder Toy which is still being actively developed. The Powder Toy has many more objects, powders, tools and other features. It also has significant changes to the user interface and engine. It is debatable whether whether Powder Toy or The Powder Toy is a superior program; though most prefer The Powder Toy.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released IOS58 Installer
IOS58 Installer does one thing, and one thing only - download and install IOS58 from the Nintendo update servers. This process does not involve any system-critical parts of the system, and is completely safe. IOS58 is required for USB 2.0 support in homebrew applications and is the default IOS used by HBC 1.0.8+. It is included in System Menu 4.3, but those who do not wish to update to 4.3 can just run this installer to get the benefits of IOS58.
Usage Instructions
1.Make sure you are running HBC 1.0.8+
2.Copy the installer files to your SD card or USB device
3.Run the installer from HBC
4.Press the Install button
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August 19th, 2010, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released Super Mario War Wii 1.4
Super Mario War Wii is a port of Super Mario War to the Wii, using SDL Wii. It should be fully functional. To make this port possible, I've had to rewrite significant portions of SDL Wii, particularly a complete re-write of the file, video, and sound systems. However, I'm hoping this work will encourage other developers to port more SDL-based games and applications to the Wii.
1.4 - August 11, 2010
Fresh compile with latest libogc improvements
USB 2.0 via IOS58 support. Requires that IOS58 be pre-installed.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
TheLizard has released BlueMSX-Wii v1.0.2
BlueMSX-wii is an MSX 1/MSX 2/MSX 2+/Turbo R emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
This emulator is based on blueMSX, ported to run on the Nintendo Wii. The emulator will be feature complete, which means that everything works (audio, controllers, keyboard). A nice GUI is featured to choose the games/applications you wish to play.
Release notes
Updated devkitPPC (R21) and libogc (1.8.3)
Fixed vertical offset bug on NTSC wiis.
Fixed glitches in sound playback.
Improved audio, pause instead of hick on changing disks.
Reduced average audio lag from 85ms to 21ms, about the same as video lag now.
Greatly improved audio frequency stability.
Fixed issue with button mapping introduced in V1.0.1.
Gui coordinate fixes, not correctly centered since V1.0.1.
Small update in build-in gamepack.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Tetrominos Rebel 0.5 Beta released by VashGH
Tetrominos Rebel is a game of avoiding attacking Tetris pieces using the Wii Remote's IR pointer. The speed of the falling Tetrominos will increase as you progress through the game. Take a screenshot of your high score and brag to your friends using the built-in screenshot function!
8/10/10 - Version 0.5 Beta: Initial public Beta release. Working on more characters for the next release.
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August 19th, 2010, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
SifJar updated ThemeShooter to v2.0
ThemeShooter is a small application made to allow HBC theme creators to create screenshots of their themes to put on the HBC theme repository here
Text implemented, including colour read from theme.xml
Some positioning made more accurate
Improved "the Homebrew Channel" text
Missing images replaced with ones from "Dark Waters v2" theme by NeoRame, with exception of background.png, which MUST be present
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August 20th, 2010, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
Aguilera_87 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Aguilera_87
Projet name: Tirada2
From: Spain
Division: Retro APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a dice roller, classic dices and custom dices with a basic and nice GUI.
Six-sided dice only allow to change the number of dice to roll, being able to choose from 1 to 21.
Custom dice allowed values from 0 to 999, and you can choose any range within these limits. Also you can choose from 1 to 21 dices.
How to use:
Touch the screen to navegate around the app.
"Roll Dice" throw all the dices on the board, and you can press on each individually for throw it.
“Higher” shows the maximum value obtained in a spin, and "Total" shows the sum of the values in a roll of the dices.

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August 20th, 2010, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
miguel28 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: miguel28
Projet name: DScritor V1.0
From: Mexico
Division: Retro APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: Yes
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It is a great with which you can create text writing with the stylus directly on the touch screen on a handwriting. You can even be used as a "Paint" to draw if we're bored.
How to use:
This application basically is a tool which you can write text, but by hand, and our NDS recognized as one letter to the show on the top screen, and then we can save in TXT format microSD.
It also has a text viewer so you can read the files already saved. To make matters worse it also has the option of drawing, in which we can change the background, change the color and brush size, and we can save them in bmp format DScitor folder in the root of the microSD and after viewing them.
In the file includes an image, Letters.bmp to indicate how each letter should be written for the NDS recognizes it, and not confuse them. You strongly recommend that the touch screen is in good condition and well calibrated to better decteccion letters.
I fotget it the "P" is:
This application must be loaded as any homebrew, and it needs patching DLDI and DScritor in the root folder of the microSD.
* Stylus: On the touch screen to draw letters or other characters in the drawing mode
* Buttons: Different functions depending on the selected mode specified on the top screen
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August 20th, 2010, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
Conle has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
This is going to be my NEO Comp retro submission.
Excuse me for the very large post but there are a few things i will have to cover.
...Lets start
About GeneScript
GeneScript or "Genesis Script" or "GS" is an interpreted scripting language like LUA/Python with compiler and virtual machine but has C-Like syntax and does not require entry point function.
The language supports almost all C operators( + , - , / , * ,% , & , ^ , ! , != , == , = ,|| ,| ,&& , >> , <<, > , < , >= , <= )
and also the expression parser does precedence and supports parentheses( 3 * 3 * 3 , is different than (3*3)*3
just like in C).
The expression parser supports constants , native constants ,hex constants ,float consts, variables ,constant native types , script functions,
native function , native types just like in C.
The language comes with 4 base types : string , pointer ,integer(unsigned instruction set to be compatible with pointer), float(Exclusive opcodes are generated for floats)
and the SDK allows to register custom types and native functions(one of the most powerful features of this scripting language).
One note about the pointer , is that it uses the unsigned 32bit math instructions
and then just grabs the result off of it.
Arrays are supported , but only for int/float types and since there is no garbage collector yet(There is , just disabled)
you have to statically set their size with a constant. A good thing is , that arrays are very fast.Each access
is just 2 operations(Virtually!!).
Objects(Classes) are not yet implemented.
Regarding strings , you can't use them in arrays yet or in overloaded expressions since i will have to finish the garbage collector
first and then write a special library that will do the job.For now they're just constant objects.
To control the flow you can use if statements and while loops.Returns from functions are also allowed
but you can't use yet continue/break statements due to a small bug in the scope handling that i haven't fixed yet
so i just disabled them.
The language does support functions and can have as many arguments you like , but they can only be base types.
In the feature i will make a native library that will be using the pointer type for allocations and referencing.
This was one of the features i implemented recently , so in functions that register variables on the stack
there might be a few bugs but functions that don't take arguments and don't return anything are fine.
The scope management is not yet that great so you might see the compiler complain for stuff that shouldn't.
So for this reason always put your while/ifs in a unique scope { } and force-protect your code ,
also in expressions it is suggested to use parentheses since this enables the parentheses-balance code
and always knows where to stop.
One of the most powerful characteristics of this scripting language , is the native function support.
Not only they are very fast since they're referenced by an index value instead hashmaps+loops but they make your life easier.
Take a look at the script code i've written to display the neo logo , and then the script asks you
to press a few buttons and you can see all the action on the screen.All this code executes directly
the native functions and the logic is as usual handled by the virtual machine.
The compiler
The compiler is the "heart" of the scripting language.
Currently it is a pc application(linux 64bit,linux32bit,windows 32bit) but at some point
when the C++ support on n64 reach a descent level i will combine the compiler with the SDK + VM(On pc the vm goes with
the compiler as a set already and even allows realtime access to exported symbols).
The compiler's job:
It translates all the code into instructions(opcodes) and then does some possible optimizations.
For example , it can detect cases like "int/float/pointer n = 0;" and can generate single instructions
instead 2.
The compiler also reports at the end of the compilation the memory usage of the virtual machine
and allows you to specify stack optimizations.
In total there are 3 stack optimizations : Level0 : Sets the relocation info to defaults , Level1 :
Sets the relocation info to the average predicted , Level2:Forces the Virtual machine to fully reserve
all the relocation info needed at once(This is a huge performance boost!!).
It also handles the stack nearly perfect and makes sure that the program will never leave any of the stacks
with unwanted data.
The instructions are long-aligned and the format is so easy to interpret that makes dynamic recompilation
piece of cake!
The virtual machine
Another important thing is the virtual machine.Without it the object code is useless.
The virtual machine reads the bytecode , handles the flow , controls all registers and does all the logic.
There are about 110opcodes that the VM can handle , and about 15main registers that are used.
For everything else a stack is used and handled in the way that the compiler specifies.
Regarding the n64 port of the virtual machine ...it is really fast and carefuly coded , so you get
all the performance you could get from an interpreted approach.
Native runtime libraries(Or Native functions of the N64 port)
Currently the RTL is at a descent level.
There are functions that allows you to render text , display and load images from the SD,
read the controllers , get the system ticks and render geometric shapes.
There are also functions to print integer and float types on screen.
At some point i will improve them , but you can do many things with it already.Even a mini game is very possible.
How to write code
Its simple , but i'll have to say that you must know how to program in order
to use this scripting language.
Also , as far as the N64 port goes , first try to learn the basics of C and libragon(The library
used by the native library set) before you try anything.
After that , the syntax is pretty much like C.
Look at the code of the demo that displays the NEOFLASH LOGO and asks for some input:
(This code is pure script and runs on n64 as instructions)
Code: [Select]
//Genescript scripting language demo.//Demo : Native functions(libs) + Script functions test//Filename : test1.gsc//Some global variablesint previous = 0;int running = 1;void show_neo_logo(){ int id; int ctx; id = gslgfx_gen_texture("/genescript/neologo.jpg"); if((id == 0)) { gslconsole_printS("..."); gslconsole_printS("Unable to load : /genescript/neologo.jpg"); while(1){} }// ctx = gslgfx_lock(1); //pass 0 to ctx and the vm will pick one gslgfx_render_sprite(0,id,0,0);// gslgfx_unlock(ctx); gsltiming_delay(500); ctx = gslgfx_lock(1); gslgfx_fill_screen(ctx,0); gslgfx_unlock(ctx);}//setup consolevoid init(){ gslconsole_init(); gslconsole_set_render_mode(1); gslconsole_printS("....\n\nGeneScript demo."); gslconsole_printS("Press A,B,Z buttons to print the event.\nPress START to end the script\n");}void shutdown(){ gslconsole_close();}void event_loop(){ int btn; btn = gslctrl_read_buttons(0); if( (btn ^ previous)) { previous = btn; int a = gslctrl_button_pressed_A(btn); if(a) { gslconsole_printS("A Pressed...\n"); return; } int b = gslctrl_button_pressed_B(btn); if(b) { gslconsole_printS("B Pressed...\n"); return; } int z = gslctrl_button_pressed_Z(btn); if(z) { gslconsole_printS("Z Pressed...\n"); return; } int s = gslctrl_button_pressed_START(btn); if(s) { gslconsole_printS("END Pressed...\n"); running = 0; } }}//show neo logoshow_neo_logo();init();//main loopwhile(running > 0){ event_loop();}shutdown();
How to compile and run scripts
Extract the package,then
Copy "n64_vm/GenescriptVM.v64" and the directory "genescript"(in "n64_vm/") on top of your SDC.
Compile the code using the compiler:
genecompX86 scriptfile optimization_level
For example to compile script.gsc with optimization level2 do this :
genecompX86 script.gsc 2
Now place the resulting "script.gsobj" in the directory "genescript"
and run "GenescriptVM.v64" from the menu.
NEOCompo demos
There's currently one demo in the "genescript" directory
so just follow "How to compile and run scripts" and run the vm.
For those who wonder how the compiled code looks like here is something that will answer your questions.
Input file : playgound.gsc (Pure GeneScript script file)
Code: [Select]
//Genescript scripting language demo.//Demo : Playgroundint array[8];float fArray[8];void init(){ gslconsole_init();}void shutdown(){ gslconsole_close();}void say_hello(){ gslconsole_printS("Hello...\n...World!\n");}void do_ifs(){ int value = 0; if(value > 10) { value = value * 10 /2; value = value & 1; }}void do_loop(){ int i = 0; while(i < 5) { array[i] = 0; i = (i + 1); if(i >= 2) { return; } }}//Call somethinginit();say_hello();do_loop();do_ifs();shu tdown();
Once compiled , it will look like this(This is a Compiler + VM SDK cycle dump)
(Note : Those jumps on top actually jump the function section to protect them
from the vm since there is no entry point.
Code: [Select]
Genescript compilerCopyright conleon , 2010 - 2011Usage : scriptfile optlevel(0 ~ 2)Program flow memory usage prediction [FULL CYCLE] : ISP 0x6 FSP 0x0 PSP 0x1 RSP 0x0Program flow memory usage prediction [AVERAGE] : ISP 0x0 FSP 0x0 PSP 0x0 RSP 0x0Level '2' optimization in progress...0x0:NOP (A 0,B 0,C -780713992,FA -66370764800.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x7f28526ec7d1,PB 0x7f2800000001,MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB 0x7f28526c1420,RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x4:ZEROREGS (A 0,B 0,C -780713992,FA -66370764800.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x7f28526ec7d1,PB 0x7f2800000001,MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB 0x7f28526c1420,RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x8:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1c:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x20:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x34:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x38:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x6c:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x70:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x108:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x10c:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1d0:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1d4:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x10:NATCALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x18:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1dc:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x40:PLDOBJ (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x5c:PARGPUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x60:NATCALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x68:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1e4:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x114:ZERO (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x118:ST (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x120:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x124:LD (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x12c:PUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x130:LDIMM (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x138:POP (A 5,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x13c:LT (A 5,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x140:JMP_IF_NOT (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x148:LD (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x150:MEMMOVE (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x15c:STMEMA (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x160:ZERO (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x164:ST (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x16c:LD (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x174:PUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x178:LDIMM (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x180:POP (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x184:ADD (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x188:ST (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x190:LD (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x198:PUSH (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x19c:LDIMM (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1a4:POP (A 2,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1a8:GTE (A 2,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1ac:JMP_IF_NOT (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1b4:RET (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1ec:CALL (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x78:ZERO (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x7c:ST (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x84:LD (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x8c:PUSH (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x90:LDIMM (A 0,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x98:POP (A 10,B 1,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x9c:GT (A 10,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xa0:JMP_IF_NOT (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xa8:LD (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xb0:PUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xb4:LDIMM (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xbc:LDIMM (A 10,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xc4:POP (A 2,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xc8  IV (A 2,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xcc:POP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xd0:MUL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xd4:ST (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xdc:LD (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xe4:PUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xe8:LDIMM (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xf0:POP (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 1,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xf4:LAND (A 1,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0xf8:ST (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x100:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x104:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1f4:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x28:NATCALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x30:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1fc:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x200:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x204:QUIT (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA 0x1b4e190,MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)
Source code
The project is not yet opensource but will when the language gets more mature so please don't ask for SDK, though
a few people will have access to the code and i will also send a copy to Dr.Neo right now.
Special thanks
I would like to thank the following people since they deserve some credits:
Jack Crenshaw - For the book "Let's Build a Compiler".Its *very* outdated but was an interesting read.
ChillyWilly - N64Myth init code , SD access , Libdragon updates
Shaun Taylor - The main author of libdragon which is used by the runtime libs : http://www.dragonminded.com/?loc=n64dev/libdragon
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August 20th, 2010, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
BassAceGold has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: BassAceGold
Projet name: Etch build 3137
From: Canada
Division: Retro APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: YES
Project description:
Etch is a paint app mainly focused towards pixel art with loads of features which surpass many other paint apps currently released for the DS.
Current Features Supported:
-Creation and Saving of 24,16 and 8 bit bitmaps
-Creation and Saving of Etch Project File (epf) formats (24,16 and 8 bit)
-creation and saving of images up to 1280x1024 (without external ram)
-partial layer support
-external ram and ram overclocking support (ez flash, supercard, etc..) for up to 32 mb memory use
-customizable options, controls and program colors via ini file
-zooming with configurable grids
-ttf font support in keyboard menu with Anti-Aliasing
-dynamic tool bar
-mini view on top screen
-standard tools (pencil, bucket, eraser, line and shape tools, color picker)
-editable 8bit color palette when in 8bit mode
-full file browser which can delete and compress files
Not finished or working Features
-R button is not customizable, it is reserved for Debug
-keyboard menu is incomplete
-need to optimize font rendering in kb menu
-selector tools
-Layer drawing is still basic, more time is needed to add the advanced features of layer drawing (alpha blending handling is missing so although you're drawing below a layer with alpha it won't show up)
-needs basic menu for creating new images etc...
Known Bugs:
-There are some issues undoing the fill tool
-possibly a few others
How to use:
-copy Etch.nds to anywhere on card
-copy etch.ini to the same folder as Etch.nds
-ensure picture directory (as specified in etch.ini) exists
-ttf fonts go in directory as specified in etch.ini
Controls can be customized via etch.ini file

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August 20th, 2010, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
Linoma has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Lino (aka linoma)
Projet name: fb4nds
From: Italy
Division: APPlication
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a simple Facebook's chat client.
How to use (CONTROLS):
L - Like TAB on Windows
R + (directional keys) - Move the active window
Select - Click on the current window or 2 times as double click on left mouse button
X - Close the active window or Clear Text Box
L + R - Swith the screens.
Source Code
Final version for my homebrew,
there are many fixes and new features like the avatars with the local ram, you must restart app after the changes.
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August 20th, 2010, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
DisizDream has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: DisizDream
Projet name: Sam and Max The Hangman Game DS
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion:NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Sam n Max The Hangman Game v1.1
code : DisizDream
gfx : Angele (my sister)
This is a very simple game but kids in my family enjoy it !
- contains 50 words related to the Sam and Max universe
- play 68 quotes in both languages from Sam and Max hit the road
- coded with PAlib070717 and DevkitARM r20 : http://www.palib.info/
- gfx from Sam And Max Hit The Road and the Effigy Mound artbook
- qwerty keyboard for english users and azerty for french users
How to use:
Just touch the screen on the main title (be sure to wait a little to see the little animation) and the game start.
Then.... You all know the rules... There is a keyboard to pick a letter and the hangman will draw if you make errors.
There are 4 set of specific quotes for each 4 cases : wrong letter, good letter, won the game, lost the game.
Hope you guys enjoy it !

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August 20th, 2010, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
ds has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: ds
Projet name: Breakout
From: Germany
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Download: here
Project description:
A multi-language (currently English and German, depending on User's preferences) 3D-Breakout clone with little in-game manual...
Some people out there might think that there is no need for another breakout clone... but I like them.
How to use:
Additional Hints:
If you want Highscores to be saved, you have to create a /data/breakout folder on your flash card.
You can rotate the Game freely by pressing R + (A,B,X,Y) while playing.

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August 20th, 2010, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
kukulcan has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Kukulcan
Projet name: 24. Swap-DS
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
After creating many sliding puzzle, i come back with this little SWAP puzzle. The game contain 4 modes :
- Easy, grid 4*3
- Normal, grid 4*4
- hard, grid 8*4
- Very hard, grid 8*6
In option menu, it's possible to choose :
- View good piece (on/off)
- Don't move good piece (on/off)
if "View good piece" is at ON, the bad piece using SEPIA color and good piece the true color.
if "view good piece" is at OFF, all piece using the true color and it's difficult to see the piece is at the good place.
Download : 24_Swap_DS(DLDI).zip
Copy the file at the root of the linker.
kukulcan/24/*.jpg (pictures for the swap-ds)
Using STYLUS on the game.
START = quit.
Touch one piece and second piece, the two pieces Swaped. The target is to take all piece at the good place.

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August 20th, 2010, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
miguel28 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: miguel28
Projet name:Super Smash Bros Crash! DS (Demo7)
From: Mexico
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: NO
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It is a remake of the great Super Smash Bros. I did for the DS. The project is a demo, but has 21 characters, 14 stages, 2 CPUs, good music and sounds that accompany us throughout the game and two game modes. You can take pictures of the battle and saved in BMP format pictures in the folder Photos inside the folder SSBDS, and can be viewed later in the vault menu.
* Diddy Kong (Super Mario)
* Fox (Star Fox Adventures)
* Ichigo (Bleach, anime)
* Link (The Legend of Zelda)
* Luigi (Super Mario)
* Mario (Super Mario)
* Pikachu (Pokémon)
* Sanji (One Piece, anime)
* Yoshi (Super Mario)
* Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
* Capitán Falcom (F-Zero)
* Toon Link (The Legend of Zelda)
* Sasuke (Naruto, manga y anime)
* Kirby (Saga Kirby)
* Peach (Super Mario)
* Falco (Star Fox Adventures)
* Marth (Fire Emblem)
* Marco (Metal Slug)
* Meta Knight (Kirby Adventures)
* Young Link (The Legend of Zelda)
* Princess Peach Castle (Super Mario)
* Hyrule Temple (The Legend of Zelda)
* Yoshi Story (Super Mario)
* Metal Fight (Super Mario)
* Battlefield (Battlefield)
* Final Destination (Super Smash Bros.)
* Corneria (Star Fox)
* Pirate Ship (The Legend of Zelda)
* Jungle DK (Donkey Kong)
* Dream Land (Kirby Adventures)
* Safron City (Pokémon)
* Konoha (Naruto, manga y anime)
* Sociedad de Almas (Bleach, manga y anime)
* Sky (Princess Peach´s Castle)
How to use:
First of all we installed in the Flash Card, putting the download folder at the root of the Micro SD.
Then select the only mode with the A, since the other so far do not work, only works in free battle. Then we will choose our character, for it must drag the red piece to our (below left) to a character, and repeat with the CPU. We pressed Start. We repeat the scenario, all this time there is no tab, just leave the pointer on the stage we want it and click Start again (the stage Preview does not work).
For those unfamiliar with the saga, it is not dead leave the opponent, but actually off the field. You only have to give a beating to come out or fall. The issue is that the more you hit, the farther you go to hit the second time, and so on. The as per cent of the upper display indicates this.
* Pad Up: Jump.
* Pad Down: Crouch.
* Pad Right: Move to the right.
* Pad Left: Move left.
* A Button: Attack, when combined with the pad out separate attacks.
* B Button: Special Attack.
* Button Y: Final Smash (Only when you have caught).
* R Trigger: Protect Yourself.
* Start: Pause. In the pause menu, R + L + Start: End game.
Tested on flash cards and the following firmwares:
* Flash card SuperCard SD / MiniSD / MicroSD / CF with firmware 1.85 and( file dldi.scp )
* Flash card TTDS (Top Toy Ds) with firmware 1.17a12
* Flash card M3 DS Real with unknown firmware
* Flash card with firmware 1.45 M3i Zero
* Flash card DS ONE Super Card with unknown firmware
* Super Card DS Flash card with firmware ONEi EVOLUTION OS
* Flash card Acekard AKAI 2i with firmware 1.5.1
* Flash EZ Flash V card with firmware 2.0 RC10
* Flash card ITouchDS with firmware 3.3c
* Flash card R4 DS and R4i SDHC with firmware 1.24b
Download Link

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August 20th, 2010, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
PypeBros has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: PypeBros
Projet name: Bilou : Apple Assault
From: Belgium
Division: GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:

Bilou and Bouli have crashed on a strange planet. While Bouli is repairing the Astrocruiser's repellor shield, Bilou (the blue ball) has to keep hordes of crazy applemen away ! The game feature the four fields surrounding the cruiser that you must clean up so that Bouli can finish his job and provide you a safe retreat for further exploration. Stun the applemen by stomping them (A). That will provide you more punch power to dispatch the assaulters further away (B).
In each assault wave, the applemen will come back with reinforcement. How long will you stand ?
How to use:
- download the game
- Control Bilou with the D-Pad, jump with (A), punch with (B).
- you can build up your punch power faster if you press (A) again when bouncing on applemen
- yellow worms can't be dispatched, but they can "help" Bilou building punch power while staying at safe distance from apples
- once you've gathered enough power (stars will start appearing on your punch bar), you'll shoot a devastating shuriken instead of merely punching.
- the more bounces you chain without touching the ground, the more you'll score.
- visit the "apple assault thread" if you need more instructions.
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August 20th, 2010, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
s_hansse has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:

Nickname: s_hansse
Project name: Scribble Jump DS (demo1f2)
From: germany
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
homepage: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...ndex.php?lg=en
download: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...download&lg=en
blog: http://s_hansse.drunkencoders.com
Project description:
Initially I wanted to make a Doodle Jump for the DS, but LimaSky (the maker of Doodle Jump) forbid that
So I made up my own graphics and my own sounds.
Some people helped me to translate this game into seven languages:
- german
- english
- frensh
- italian
- spanish
- netherlands
- swedish
How to use:
Go to http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...version=latest and download the scribblejump.zip.
Extract it and follow the REAME_en.txt for more instructions.
If you have DSMotion, you can control the Scribble (the blue thing) by rotating your DS (like in Doodle Jump for the IPodTouch).
If you do not have DSMotion you have to use the Pad or the Stylus to control the Scribble.
For those who don't know Doodle Jump:
The Scribble jumps constantly. You can move it to the right or to the left and have to get as high as possible by jumping on different platforms.
There are also items which help you to jump higher or prevent monsters from hurting you.
You should start with the "help" - level in the main-screen.
There is also a leveleditor which you can use to make your own levels. (which will appear in the data/sj-level folder).
You can download new levels (and upload your own, if you register) here: http://cojobo.net/~s_hansse/download...on=level&lg=en.
I hope you like this game as much as the over 300 people who downloaded it yet.
- there are now three modes:
- adventure mode: unlock the next level by getting through
- infinite: the "play all"-mode
- own levels: play your own levels
- if you only play one level (everything except infinite), the time is your score
- each level has its own highscorelist
- you can play the level direct in the leveleditor
- added an easier Stylus-Control (the second in option-menu)
- slower scrolling (if you need to scroll further, press UP)
- italian translation by Nhoya
- spanish translation by fincs
- fixed some other bugs and improved other things
I also changed the folder structure:
new levels are now in sj-levels
missions are in sj-missions
highscores are in sj-highscores
Missions have this format (no mission-editor yet): level1;0;level2;0;level3;0;level4;0;
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August 20th, 2010, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Alekmaul
Projet name: LodeRunner Return
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
What is more retro that the fantastic Lode Runner game (remember, it was on AppleII Computer ) !
The story is :
The Bungeling Empire has confiscated gold chests. It's up to you to rescue them !
The player controls a stick figure who must collect all the gold in a level while avoiding guards who try to catch the player. After collecting all the gold, the player must travel to the top of the screen to reach the next level. There are 150 levels in the game which progressively challenge players' problem-solving abilities or reaction times.
150 levels x 2 game types, so you have 300 levels. 2 different speeds (easy / difficult). Original music from arcade version. Original graphics from Apple II version.
How to use:
START : Pause the game
SELECT : Nothing
A/Y : Dig right
B/X : Dig left
X : During Pause, quit game
Y : During Pause, restart level
PAD : Move the character :-)
I hope you will enjoy it !
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August 20th, 2010, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Alekmaul has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Alekmaul
Projet name: Puzzli
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
A great 'not so much arcade retro game' from Metro and Banpresto.
Puzzli is a puzzle game where you need to remove all fish from board. You win the game when all the 30 levels are finished.
30 levels x 3 game types, so you have 90 levels. Original music from arcade version. Original graphics from arcade version.
How to use:
START : Pause the game
SELECT : Nothing
A : Drop fish
B : Swap fish with cat's fish
X : During Pause, quit game
Y : During Pause, restart level
LEFT & RIGHT : Move boat ... left & right
I hope you will enjoy it !
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August 20th, 2010, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
TreyB has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Trey
Project Name: Epic Caveman
From: U.S.
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original Entry: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project Description:
This caveman is very hungry. Help him survive but a mere 60 seconds so that he may find nourishment in the form of a delectable steak.
How to use:
I've had trouble running the game in No$Gba. I've also tried the game on hardware using an R4 and GBAMP without any troubles. Desmume works great, too.
(A) Button to jump.
That's about it

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August 20th, 2010, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
miguel28 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: miguel28
Projet name: DSPaintball v1.0
From: Mexico
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

Download Link
Project description:
The objective of this game is to draw on the touch screen paths by which a ball bounces up to a star, and so, go to the next level, the game has 30 levels (as their first version) in which there are obstacles that prevent reaching the end, plus it has a level editor, save to the microSD to play them later.
How to use:
It has four menus:
1. Start game (starts the game from the first level)
2. Select level (you choose the level at which you want to start)
3. Create levels (menu for the creation of levels)
4. Play levels created (menu and play levels created earlier)
The level editor espesificar only need a starting point, the point of view and draw with the stylus obstacles to reach the final. It has 8 slots of levels, which are stored in a single file on DSpaintball.dat at the root of the microSD, then play them.
Rar is included in the version of flash cart that works only in flash cart (DSpaintball_flash.nds) and that this, is properly patched with DLDI, and a version of emulator (Dspaintball_emu.nds) not use the file saved DSpaintball. dat, you can only create levels and then play them, and that closing the emulator such deletion.
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August 20th, 2010, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
LaPatateInc has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: OBJECTION! (Aka LaPatateInc)
Projet name: Super Extreme Smile
From: Quebec, Canada
Division: GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Last year, I've entered with You Have to Burn The Rope DS, which was a remake of a flash game. I've added a couple of new cool functions, like achievements and mods. I was done with PaLib. This year, I wanted something fresh with an original concept, and to use libnds directly. Here comes Super Extreme Smile.
In this game you are a Smile. A rolling smile... It cannot move, the only way to move it, is to use the touchscreen to ROTATE ALL THE WORLD AROUND IT. The smile is affected by gravity and thus, moving. Every time you rotate the screen, it keeps it's original velocity. Now the fun thing :
You can create your map, save them on the DS, load them again, and send them here, right in this post, so we can all play it ^^
The editor is easy to use. Each tiles are sampled on the top screen, and you can switch screen by pressed L or R. Then you can change tile, zoom, save, load or move around on the minimap. Here is some infos :
-Development started June 28th, I'm alone on this project.
-59 tiles. Each tiles should explain itself. If you don't understand it, try it !
-You can save with whatever name you want, 16 characters maximum. And you can always change it afterwards with Windows because loading doesn't (shouldn't) care about your name
-Maps are 124x60 tiles. Yes, this is a lot of place
-Collisions should all work, be aware there are sometimes bugs with velocity too high. If something REALLY doesn't work, tell me. Else, try to think of another way (More space between ?)
-Options contains : Change language (English or French), Flash or not, if it hurts your eyes, Pause = mostly for debugging but decided to leave it there so you can see more things, Music loudness, Music tempo (pretty fun =P ), Music changing automatically when you change mode, current music playing. You can change between musics in-game. There are 6 different and original one, and if you want one smoother, slow it down ! =D
-There are 50 achievements. Some will be done with time, some take skills. Some requires you to create a map to achieve it.
There is 15 campaign maps, 6 music.
All musics are from my sister, except : Main Menu and Rythmic Music, by me
Maps 1-2-4-5-11-13 are from my Brother, the others from me.
I highly recommend playing on a flashcard because it won't save on a emulator. When you exit it, you lose all progress. Since some achievements are only available for flashcard, you CANNOT get them all on a emulator.
Video :
Screenshots :

How to use:
Extract the file directly on the root of your DS or
Copy the .nds file wherever you want, then place the smile folder on the root of your card. You need the "data" folder inside your "Smile" folder.
Select - Change mode.
The game :
Touchscreen - Move
L or R - Stop Time (Use this)
Motion - Move (While time is Stopped with L or R (not with Touchscreen), DS must be vertical )
Down or B - Restart from checkpoint
Up or X - Restart from start
Start - Pause
The editor :
L or R Unpressed :
Arrows or ABXY - Move
Start - Change language in rotation
Touchscreen - Place tiles.
L or R Pressed (Top screen swapped) :
Touchscreen - Every control (Change tile, save, load, zoom, move around faster)
I would like some feedback at : Lapatateinc@hotmail.com
You can also send me some maps, I would love it ^^
Thanks, I hope you'll have fun !
Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=tmpm6coq1ig8i
(Beta 1 -> Release)
-Fixed the 14th map in the campaign
(Alpha 0.31 -> Beta 1)
-Red door graphical fix.
-Music implemented
-Simple campaign done.
-50 achievements. Everything loads and save.
(Alpha 0.3 -> Alpha 0.31)
-French achievement correction.
-Switch Tile fixed when restarting.
-Added another map ^^
(Alpha 0.21 -> Alpha 0.3)
-Options Loading/Saving
-Graphics for coins and keys.
-Achievement system with 20 achievements (One unobtainable right now)
-3 new tiles : Time Travel. When passing through it, you have 10 seconds to move, then you teleport back to the place. The second tile is the same, for 30 seconds. The third is a fake green block
-8 maps which will be included in the campaign. I intend to have around 30-40 maps which will explain how to play, mostly. I people send me some before the deadline, I can include their map in the game and give credits =P Obj01-04 are my maps. Bro01-04 are my bro's maps.
-Bug fixes, as always...
(Alpha 0.2 -> Alpha 0.21)
-Neo Compo Splash Screen at the beginning.
(Alpha 0.1 -> Alpha 0.2)
-Main Menu implemented.
-Bug fixing : Black Hole fixed when on 90 and 270 degrees, sample map bugged due to a collision change, collision improved for buttons, checkpoints, and a lot more.
-10 new tiles : Key tile and Door tile. You need a key to open a door tile. You can stock your keys. You only need one colored keys though to open every door of it's color.
-Options 'engine' implemented.
-Brush size implemented.
-Fixed the samples because they were bugged when I changed collisions, and added 1.
For next version
-Achievements fixed. A lot of them.
-Added an achievement counter.
-Change a little Campaign map #10
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August 20th, 2010, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
maRk2512 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: maRk
Projet name: Sokoban Touch & Go!
From: Germany
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Yes, i know... ...another sokoban game but i'm a big fan of this mindbending puzzler.
I start this project because is hate this endless "keyboard hacking" in other games.
With the new stylus control you can play sokoban comfortable like never before!
Have fun!
Attention! "The games uses NitroFS so you need a compatible flashcard or hbmenu."
How to use:
Just "touch and go"...!!!
Update: August 12, 2010
- Added some message/question boxes (And i mean "boxes")
- FIX: Save/load function should work without any glitches.
- ...and a lot of minor fixes (Added a "load tilemap" function to the 3d/2d background class, and so on... blah.. blah... boring coder stuff...)
Update: August 18, 2010
- Added some decent sound-fx
- Added eyecandy (intro and a bunch of particles when you move the stylus over the display.)
This is the final release version! Enjoy!
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August 20th, 2010, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Nightfox has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:

Nickname: NightFox
Projet name: Speed Trap
From: Barcelona, Spain
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Speed Trap it's a topdown view racing arcade game for NDS. The main objetive of game it's complete all track laps before time runs out.
How to use:
Speed Trap
Beta Version 20100802
This is a very early version of Speed Trap, soo I need as many testers as possible to can adjust the difficulty of the game, so please those who test it, report the time made in the forum, so among all find a balanced difficulty.
How to run the game.
The game uses NitroFS file system, so it is possible that your flashcard can not execute directly.
If so, start it using the "homebrew menu", which you will find in the folder concerned.
This game uses some advanced graphic effects that not works nice on emulators. Soo run always you can on real hardware.
How to play.
The controls are easy. A, accelerate, B, brake and turn with the pad. We can reposition the car on track if we stop it completely and press the X button. Press START at anytime to come back
to main menu.
For any questions, feel free to contact us at our official website
or our email address
Greetings to all and to enjoy it.
Here's the lastest BETA before Compo time dead line!
Now you can save records and cars parameters on SD card (any) and on emulator (only no$gba now)
Can Select dificulty level (easy, normal & hard)
Can customize all of the 10 cars of the game
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August 20th, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nacho Cuesta has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Nacho Cuesta
Project name: Duyumania
From: Asturias, Spain
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Duyumania is brain teaser/platformer for Nintendo DS.
Code: [Select]
Once upon a time, a long, long, time ago, at the begining of the world, there wasn't night, during the day the sun shone and in the sunset so did the stars. Santa Claus lived in a cabin in the middle of the forest with their elves, called Duyus, and all of them keep protected the spirit of Christmas that gave light to the stars.One day, Santa went to fishing, and the moon, dying of envy for not being able to shine in the sky decided to steal christmas and replacethe stars. To make sure that nobody was able to found them again she hide them around the world.When Santa returned home that day he stared horrorized that not only the Spirit of Christmans had been stolen, but whithout the light of the stars the Duyus becomed petrified and turned into little blocks.Can Santa Regain the christmas stars? Make sure to help him using Duyus and your wit!
Duyumania trailer
Duyumania how to play

How to use:
Simply drag the file Duyumania.nds to your flashcard or load it with your favorite emulator, but emulators does not save games to my knowledge.
If your flashcard does not save games you may have to patch the rom with DLDI.
DLDI web: http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/
Info about DLDI: http://dldi.drunkencoders.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
Duyumania is avalaible in english and spanish, language load depending on user's preferences or firmware in emulator.
All Duyumania content is completely original, graphics, music, etc.
Stay tune for updates in http://twitter.com/nacho_cuesta
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August 21st, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Aguilera_87 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Aguilera_87
Projet name: SquarO
From: Spain
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's my port of SquarO to Nintendo DS.
SquarO is a single-player casual game with a touch of Sudoku and Minesweeper. You can play Squaro for just a few minutes whenever, wherever you want to, even when you are waiting for your laundry to be done!
How to use:
Sinmply, put it in your flashcart and enjoy wherever you want. All controls with stylus.

original game from:
Marc LEBEL: http://www.squaro.fr/en/
TRY IT! on internet browser: http://www.squaro.fr/app/
My blog:
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August 21st, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
DesertDog has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:

Nickname: Multiple:Option
Project name: Pokemon Ghost Black ReTold
From: Australia
Division: Retro GAME
Platform S
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Pokemon Ghost Black ReTold is a visual novel based on the "Creepy Pokemon Hack" story on Player's Pulse via Tiny Cartridge websites.
How to use:
Stylus/A to go to next page
I urge you to use a real Nintendo DS and a flash cart for the best experience. Emulators only if you're desperate, as it is a little flaky in an emu.
Download Page
About Me:
This is Multiple:Option's fifth Neo Compo. Big thanks to NeoTeam for supporting the homebrew scene and my dumb releases!
Previous Results:
Neo Spring 2008 - Game Melody Oratorio - DS GAME 4th
Neo Summer 2008 - Game Trivia Catechism - The Secret of Mister X - DS GAME 6th
Neo Spring 2009 - Anime Jo All-Star Kirifuda Taisen - DS GAME 9th
Neo Summer 2009 - Japanese Hiragana & Katakana Review - DS APP 1st
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August 21st, 2010, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
corenting has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: corenting
Projet name: Plus Ou Moins DS
From: France
Division: GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a classic game adapted on the DS (plus or minus in english, plus ou moins in french)
The DS will think to a number between 40 and 70.
You will have to find it.
Choose a number (always between 40 and 70 of course) and press A.
The DS will say to you Plus if the number is higher than the one you choose.
The DS will say to you Minus if the number is lower than the one you choose.
The game continues like that until you find the good number.
How to use:
Download it here : http://www.corenting.fr/dl/plusoumoins.zip
Source code : http://code.google.com/p/corenting-a...nk/PlusOuMoins
Updated with 1.5 : you can use touch screen controls to play !
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August 21st, 2010, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
LaPatateInc has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: OBJECTION! (Aka LaPatateInc)
Projet name: Super Extreme Smile
From: Quebec, Canada
Division: GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Last year, I've entered with You Have to Burn The Rope DS, which was a remake of a flash game. I've added a couple of new cool functions, like achievements and mods. I was done with PaLib. This year, I wanted something fresh with an original concept, and to use libnds directly. Here comes Super Extreme Smile.
In this game you are a Smile. A rolling smile... It cannot move, the only way to move it, is to use the touchscreen to ROTATE ALL THE WORLD AROUND IT. The smile is affected by gravity and thus, moving. Every time you rotate the screen, it keeps it's original velocity. Now the fun thing :
You can create your map, save them on the DS, load them again, and send them here, right in this post, so we can all play it ^^
The editor is easy to use. Each tiles are sampled on the top screen, and you can switch screen by pressed L or R. Then you can change tile, zoom, save, load or move around on the minimap. Here is some infos :
-Development started June 28th, I'm alone on this project.
-59 tiles. Each tiles should explain itself. If you don't understand it, try it !
-You can save with whatever name you want, 16 characters maximum. And you can always change it afterwards with Windows because loading doesn't (shouldn't) care about your name
-Maps are 124x60 tiles. Yes, this is a lot of place
-Collisions should all work, be aware there are sometimes bugs with velocity too high. If something REALLY doesn't work, tell me. Else, try to think of another way (More space between ?)
-Options contains : Change language (English or French), Flash or not, if it hurts your eyes, Pause = mostly for debugging but decided to leave it there so you can see more things, Music loudness, Music tempo (pretty fun =P ), Music changing automatically when you change mode, current music playing. You can change between musics in-game. There are 6 different and original one, and if you want one smoother, slow it down ! =D
-There are 50 achievements. Some will be done with time, some take skills. Some requires you to create a map to achieve it.
There is 15 campaign maps, 6 music.
All musics are from my sister, except : Main Menu and Rythmic Music, by me
Maps 1-2-4-5-11-13 are from my Brother, the others from me.
I highly recommend playing on a flashcard because it won't save on a emulator. When you exit it, you lose all progress. Since some achievements are only available for flashcard, you CANNOT get them all on a emulator.
Video :
Screenshots :

How to use:
Extract the file directly on the root of your DS or
Copy the .nds file wherever you want, then place the smile folder on the root of your card. You need the "data" folder inside your "Smile" folder.
Select - Change mode.
The game :
Touchscreen - Move
L or R - Stop Time (Use this)
Motion - Move (While time is Stopped with L or R (not with Touchscreen), DS must be vertical )
Down or B - Restart from checkpoint
Up or X - Restart from start
Start - Pause
The editor :
L or R Unpressed :
Arrows or ABXY - Move
Start - Change language in rotation
Touchscreen - Place tiles.
L or R Pressed (Top screen swapped) :
Touchscreen - Every control (Change tile, save, load, zoom, move around faster)
I would like some feedback at : Lapatateinc@hotmail.com
You can also send me some maps, I would love it ^^
Thanks, I hope you'll have fun !
Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=tmpm6coq1ig8i
(Release -> FINAL)
-Achievements fixed. A lot of them.
-Added an achievement counter.
-Change a little Campaign map #10 because it had a kinda-bug.
(Beta 1 -> Release)
-Fixed the 14th map in the campaign
(Alpha 0.31 -> Beta 1)
-Red door graphical fix.
-Music implemented
-Simple campaign done.
-50 achievements. Everything loads and save.
(Alpha 0.3 -> Alpha 0.31)
-French achievement correction.
-Switch Tile fixed when restarting.
-Added another map ^^
(Alpha 0.21 -> Alpha 0.3)
-Options Loading/Saving
-Graphics for coins and keys.
-Achievement system with 20 achievements (One unobtainable right now)
-3 new tiles : Time Travel. When passing through it, you have 10 seconds to move, then you teleport back to the place. The second tile is the same, for 30 seconds. The third is a fake green block
-8 maps which will be included in the campaign. I intend to have around 30-40 maps which will explain how to play, mostly. I people send me some before the deadline, I can include their map in the game and give credits =P Obj01-04 are my maps. Bro01-04 are my bro's maps.
-Bug fixes, as always...
(Alpha 0.2 -> Alpha 0.21)
-Neo Compo Splash Screen at the beginning.
(Alpha 0.1 -> Alpha 0.2)
-Main Menu implemented.
-Bug fixing : Black Hole fixed when on 90 and 270 degrees, sample map bugged due to a collision change, collision improved for buttons, checkpoints, and a lot more.
-10 new tiles : Key tile and Door tile. You need a key to open a door tile. You can stock your keys. You only need one colored keys though to open every door of it's color.
-Options 'engine' implemented.
-Brush size implemented.
-Fixed the samples because they were bugged when I changed collisions, and added 1.
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August 21st, 2010, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Jovin has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Jovin
Projet name: Chapas GP
From: Spain
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Chapas GP is a top-down racing game controled by the Stylus.
How to use:
Use the Stylus to add speed to your bottle cap. Move the stick quickly and repeatedly on the cap.
Video of a previous beta version:
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August 21st, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sheeft has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: Sheeft
Projet name: Scape
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Wii
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Made with the help of Synthesis who made Scape's songs. Thank you !
Project description:
This a game where Mock, a little doll wants to reach the sun, what a wonderful dream right ?
To do this, he will have to succeed to all 24 levels in which you must use some of the 4 interactive kinds of object to reach the end of the level.
Hope you'll enjoy
Here is a video from the last version of Scape (warning contain spoiler ! It is a walkthrough) : here (made by Synthesis who made the songs, thanks)
Another from the actual in french made by Cid2Mizard of nintedomax (thanks ! )
Official website (french) : http://radioseed.comxa.com/
How to use:
Juste download and uncompress the archive and place the folder "Scape" in the "apps" folder of your SD card root.
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August 21st, 2010, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster

Here’s an interesting setup using a GameBoy Advance as an interface and power supply for a PIC microprocessor. He’s got the PIC connected to the serial port of the GameBoy Advance and is able to pass and retrieve data for display on the screen. You can see above that he is showing two analog values from the pic. You can download the schematic and source code and see a few more pictures, but that’s about it.
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August 21st, 2010, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster

Tired of messing with the hardware of the Didj you picked up? Now you can use it for gaming on that last road trip of the summer. A Game Boy Advanced emulator has been ported for use on both the Didj and the Explorer. You’ll have to dig up a copy of the original bios for a GBA as well as some ROMs, but the rest seems pretty straight forward. We are still holding out hope for Doom or Quake on the Didj, but this will help us wait a bit longer.
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August 21st, 2010, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster

[Hasse] built a one-handed video game controller for his brother. He fit everything he needed into the body of an existing controller and came up with a very usable system. The controller will be right-hand only, so the left shoulder button was moved underneath the right side where your middle finger can get at it. This leaves the d-pad and the left analog stick to account for. By combining an ATtiny44A, an accelerometer, and a digital to analog converter the controller can sense motion. The microcontroller reads in the accelerometer data, gives user feedback via four added LEDs on the d-pad, and the DAC feeds the appropriate signals back into the controller as if you were using the stick. There is even a switch to select whether the motion data is mapped to the analog stick or to the d-pad. We’ve included a demo video after the break.
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August 21st, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Arikado has updated Heretic Wii to 0.5
Heretic Wii is a Wii port of Heretic based in the open source HHeretic 0.2 engine.
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August 21st, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Did you know that a football player's vocation requires them to hurtle their head at other football players' heads with little regard for the safety of either? Did you know that this type of reckless cranial colliding can cause concussions and other serious, long-term head injuries? It's true -- but according to the Washington Post, athletic trainers at the University of Maryland and Ohio State University have found a tool to help diagnose and monitor players' dome-piece health: Wii Fit.
Trainers at the two universities now require players to use the Wii Balance Board to get a baseline reading of their -- what else? -- balance. When a player suffers a fairly nasty blow to the head region, they can take another Wii Fit test to see if their balance has deteriorated -- one of the telltale signs of a concussion. Man, combine this test with the Vitality Sensor, and the Wii will become a one-stop-shop for sports-related injury diagnoses!
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August 22nd, 2010, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15483.html
byuu has released a new version of his SNES emulator bsnes. The first innovation you´ll notice are the emulation profiles, which let you balance between accuracy and performance:
"Accuracy": reference implementation; highest accuracy but lowest speed
"Compatibility": minimal compatibility loss with good speed; same compatibility and as fast as the last version
"Performance": performance optimized; compatibility still higher than 99%
This release officially introduces the accuracy and performance cores, alongside the previously-existing compatibility core. The accuracy core allows the most accurate SNES emulation ever seen, with every last processor running at the lowest possible clock synchronization level. The performance core allows slower computers the chance to finally use bsnes. It is capable of attaining 60fps in standard games even on an entry-level Intel Atom processor, commonly found in netbooks.
The accuracy core is absolutely not meant for casual gaming at all. It is meant solely for getting as close to 100% perfection as possible, no matter the cost to speed. It should only be used for testing, development or debugging.
The compatibility core is identical to bsnes v067 and earlier, but is now roughly 10% faster. This is the default and recommended core for casual gaming.
The performance core contains an entirely new S-CPU core, with range-tested IRQs; and uses blargg´s heavily-optimized S-DSP core directly. Although there are very minor accuracy tradeoffs to increase speed, I am confident that the performance core is still more accurate and compatible than any other SNES emulator. The S-CPU, S-SMP, S-DSP, SuperFX and SA-1 processors are all clock-based, just as in the accuracy and compatibility cores; and as always, there are zero game-specific hacks. Its compatibility is still well above 99%, running even the most challenging games flawlessly.
If you have held off from using bsnes in the past due to its system requirements, please give the performance core a try. I think you will be impressed. I´m also not finished: I believe performance can be increased even further.
I would also strongly suggest Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to take advantage of the new XAudio2 driver by OV2. Not only does it give you a performance boost, it also lowers latency and provides better sound by way of skipping an API emulation layer.
Split core into three profiles: accuracy, compatibility and performance
Accuracy core now takes advantage of variable-bitlength integers (eg uint24_t)
Performance core uses a new S-CPU core, written from scratch for speed
Performance core uses blargg´s snes_dsp library for S-DSP emulation
Binaries are now compiled using GCC 4.5
Added a workaround in the SA-1 core for a bug in GCC 4.5+
The clock-based S-PPU renderer has greatly improved OAM emulation; fixing Winter Gold and Megalomania rendering issues
Corrected pseudo-hires color math in the clock-based S-PPU renderer; fixing Super Buster Bros backgrounds
Fixed a clamping bug in the Cx4 16-bit triangle operation [Jonas Quinn]; fixing Mega Man X2 "gained weapon" star background effect
Updated video renderer to properly handle mixed-resolution screens with interlace enabled; fixing Air Strike Patrol level briefing screen
Added mightymo´s 2010-08-19 cheat code pack
Windows port: added XAudio2 output support [OV2]
Source: major code restructuring; virtual base classes for processor cores removed, build system heavily modified, etc.
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August 22nd, 2010, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
SimplexProductions posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:

Nickname: Simplex Productions
Project name: Avia : Tropic Edition
From: China / USA / Canada (Team)
Division: Retro APP
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original entry: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Avia is a free birdwatcher's guide, equipped with high quality bird calls, detailed images and information for every bird enthusiast alike. It's perfect for trips, or any situation where you can't get ahold of any resources for your exploration.
Going to or residing within a tropical country? Just love to absorb information about wildlife, including the biodiversity of birds outside of your natural habitat? Then Avia is perfect for you!

How to use:
1. Download Avia : Tropic edition from here.
2. Move Avia.nds / Avia.ds.gba onto your flashcard by mounting it onto the MicroSD chip using an adapter.
3. Load up your Nintendo DS with the flashcard in it and run Avia.nds.
4. Enjoy!
The touch screen is the main tool for this application. Other controls include:
- Left / Right : Navigates through the Bird Guide
- A : Plays the sound of the bird's call
- Select : Prompts the Help / Controls menu
- Start : Returns to Main Menu
- Motion : Tilting left will navigate the bird guide to the left, tilting right will navigate the bird guide to the right.
There is also an extra feature - Quiz Mode! Test your knowledge of bird biodiversity by guessing the name of birds by their appearance and bird calls!
Our Team:
Richard "zhangzi89" Zhang
Daniel "B12CORE" Li
Sound Editor
Andrew Johnson
Graphic Design
Jason "diSTurBedDeSIGNs" West
Sound Effects
Nature Sounds
Thanks to:
Special thanks to the Beta Testers:
Alexander Patterson
Anthony Patterson
Edward Steadsman
Michel Torres
Ronald Scrawner
Song Tian
Wan Shao Li
We hope you enjoy our neat little application, we worked very hard on it.
Long live the homebrew!
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August 22nd, 2010, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
The coon posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:

Nickname: The coon
Project name: Online Jukebox DS
From: USA
Division: Retro APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
This is a shoutcast player for the ds. It features a visualizer, preset stations, and ability to search and play additional stations along with favorites. Currently I arbritrarily limited the bitrate of any streams to 64 kbps because the wifi lib is too slow for my purposes or my net is really lame, but if anyoen wants me to lift it, give me a holler. also the presets are all mp3 because i was too lazy to search for aac or ogg streams.
How to use:
If there was trouble initializing nitrofs, please run online jukebox ds from the included hbmenu as otherwise the presets wont be available.
It opens up with a help so you should be good to go.
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August 22nd, 2010, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
ChillyWilly posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:

Nickname: Chilly Willy
Project name: Simple Music Player
From: USA
Division: Retro APP
Platform: N64
Original enter: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: Plays Ogg-Vorbis, MP3, and MIDI files from the rom or from SD card.
How to use: Copy the v64 file to an SD card and load from the menu (v1.6+). It runs as Myth-aware homebrew, simultaneously accessing the rom and SD card. SMP shows the contents of the rom on startup. Press START to switch to the SD card. Directories are shown in brackets. Press A to enter a directory. When in a directory with media files, press A to start playing from a specific file; when it's done, the rest of the files in sequence will be played. Press B to play all the files in random order. While a song is playing, press A to pause/resume, and B to stop.
Notes: There are still some bugs to work out. I was rather rushed for time, so it's not up to my usual standards. Ogg-Vorbis seem fine, but MP3 files may hang on embedded tags... I'm still working on the code to skip tags automatically (why the heck doesn't libmad do that automatically? ). The MIDI player seems to have a dangling pointer problem, so it often hangs when it moves from one MIDI file to the next. The project is partly an example of how to do Myth-aware homebrew on the N64, and comes with all the source, including all the libraries used. One could easily use the ogg playing code in a game or other project. The MP3 player is also fine for game since folks usually strip the tags from MP3s for games to save space. SMP comes with two MP3s in the rom, along with two ogg files, and a bunch of Doom MIDI files. This is a pretty big download - 27 MB 7zipped. It's a 16MB N64 rom with all the code and resources, so it's big. Sorry.
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August 22nd, 2010, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
morukutsu posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:
Hello, I submit a new project :
Nickname: Morukutsu
Projet name: Chewing Boy (Demo)
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: "Chewing Boy" have to find the stars and a maximum of gems in each level. But to accomplish that, you can only jump ! Use your 3 three transformations to get to the end.
Video :
How to use: (Arrows for right handed and buttons for left handed)
Move the stylus then release to jump.
With the arrows, you can use your transformations :
Basic Ball (Blue) : Jump
Stick Ball (Pink) : Stick to the walls or ground, except the blue ones
Verlet Ball (Green) : Use your Ninja rope to reach new areas (L or R to release, Up or Down to extend your rope)
Fire Ball (Red) : Use it to kill the ennemies
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August 22nd, 2010, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
EvilTroopa posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:
Nickname : EvilTroopa
Project name : NanoMechas
From : France
Division : Retro GAME
Platform : Wii
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
This project was inspired by many games I loved when I was a kid : Life Force, Gauntlet, Probotector, and many others.
I hope you will enjoy to play it as much as I had to make it !
Playable up to 4 players !! (Wiimote & Nunchuk needed)
Gameplay :
Your goal is to access the end of the level. Once you reach the boss level, it will end by killing it (duh).
Along the way, you will be blocked by colored celldoors : you will need to take a hormone of the same color to disolve it.
Alien infections will generate alien viruses that will attack you. Kill them without mercy.
CAUTION ! In the second level, there will be one single volatile hormone. You will have limited time to go to the celldoor before it goes off.
If you weren't able to take it to the celldoor, you'll have to go back to take it again.
Background :
In year 20XX, aliens came to Earth to invade us humans.
Instead of showing massive artillery, they sent viruses to infect and kill all populations.
A few people could hide themselves in caves to prepare for counterstrike. Scientists created NanoMechas to fight infections from within the contamined people.
Once there NanoArmy will be ready, they'll kill the alien people from the inside.
How to use :
Controls :
Pointer : Aim and Turn your mecha (important to slash your sword on the right direction)
A : Slash your sword
B : Fire your lasergun
Nunchuk Stick : Move
Tips :
- Keep the B button pressed as long as you see ennemies on the screen and shoot them.
- If ennemies come close enough to be hurt by your sword, then use it !
- Your best weapon is the sword, it can hurt multiple ennemies and also block bullets.
- If you're attacked by a bunch of crazy aliens, just slash their face off.
- The infections make aliens pop regularly, destroy them to avoid being overwhelmed by ennemies.
- The boss is strong, beware of his dash, it will hurt you... a lot !
- The boss will taker a lot of damage when its weak spot is unprotected.
Dowlond link : http://www.eviltroopa.com/wii/NanoMechas_0.7.rar (~20Mo)
Changelog :
==v0.6 and 0.7==
- removed lifebars on infections
- corrected bug : with several players, all the pointers were the same colour
- corrected view centering when player dies
- dying animation added on infections
- updated dying animations on ennemies and mechas
- player can move on respawn and is invincible for a short period
- added longer invincibility when hurt
- ennemies no longer see through walls
- added timed hormones
- refactoring : no longer crashes for random reasons (almost ^^)
- bosses nerfed a little
- recentered user interface
- lifebars on the right go the right way now
- new more visible hormones icons (and visible timer added)
Thanks to Cid2Mizard for that videos :
V0.5 :
V0.7 :
Made by EvilTroopa and Olyfno
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August 22nd, 2010, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
corenting posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details:
Nickname: corenting
Projet name: Plus Ou Moins DS
From: France
Division: GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
It's a classic game adapted on the DS (plus or minus in english, plus ou moins in french)
The DS will think to a number between 40 and 70.
You will have to find it.
Choose a number (always between 40 and 70 of course) and press A.
The DS will say to you Plus if the number is higher than the one you choose.
The DS will say to you Minus if the number is lower than the one you choose.
The game continues like that until you find the good number.
How to use:
Download it here : http://www.corenting.fr/dl/plusoumoins.zip
Source code : http://code.google.com/p/corenting-a...nk/PlusOuMoins
I updated to 1.5a.
Removed buggy A button control, you have to use the OK button on the touchscreen.
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August 23rd, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster

THQ may be the company publicly pushing the recently announced uDraw tablet controller for the Wii, but a presentation of the new technology at Gamescom this week emphasized just how important Nintendo's support was to the device's creation.
"When we came to [Nintendo] in the beginning with the idea for uDraw, they said 'that's brilliant, let's figure out how to do this,'" THQ director Luis Gigliotti said during a presentation. "It's been an incredible partnership. ... I've been working in game development for 17-plus years and I can honestly say this is one of the smoothest collaborations with a first party I've ever had, just because everybody got it on day one."
Gigliotti specifically pointed out that Nintendo's hardware design expertise was key to transforming the monstrous uDraw prototype (nicknamed "Frankenstein" by the THQ team), into the light, sleek unit shown off at the show. "[The prototype] was a like bunch of lasers and mirrors and loose parts, it was wood and it had brass on it," he recalled. "I said, 'There's no way we can get this to something like this [the current hardware] without it costing a fortune.' Nintendo said, 'Don't worry about it. You guys are software developers, we are the kings of hardware. We will figure this out.' And they did, for one reason -- the idea was solid. Everybody knew it was a good idea, so we figured out the rest."
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August 23rd, 2010, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=307
I'd like to announce Richard Hutchinson's latest creation, the FlashBoy Plus! This new, second entry to the FlashBoy family expands the previous design by an internal save battery and will finally allow Virtual Boy homebrew developers to make use of game saving mechanisms in their games. Or, better put, it will finally allow people to actually use save game functionality of homebrew and commercial games on hardware.
This marks the end of the "old" FlashBoy line, none of those will be produced anymore. The last ever "old" FlashBoy (#284), which was meant as the main prize for the PVB Coding Competition 2010, is being auctioned off. The competition winner will receive a FlashBoy Plus instead.
This also means that the previously announced upcoming new FlashBoy batch will in fact be FlashBoy Plus units. Those 50 units will be available to those who preordered approximately in early October. The price will stay the same at 90 Euro.
Everyone who did not have luck this time should be happy to hear that we plan to create another batch of FlashBoy Plus units at the end of the year.
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August 23rd, 2010, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Invite friends to your farm in multiplayer mode!
•Run your own shop! Choose what to sell, attract customers, and get top dollar for your goods!
•Show off your skills in fun festivals like the horse race and snowboard competition!
•Choose to play as a boy or as a girl!
•Find love, get married, and start a family!
descriptionZephyr Town's bazaar was once the grandest in the world, drawing customers and peddlers from all four corners of the Earth. These days, though, the bazaar has more tumbleweeds than customers. Maybe you can turn its fortunes around! Raise animals, harvest crops, craft rare delicacies, and then sell your wares at your very own shop! Can you bring prosperity back to Zephyr Town?
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August 23rd, 2010, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Four key components - Campus and Perks, Legacy, Assistants, and Scenarios—are the foundation of a redefined Franchise mode. With assistant coaches guiding you through every scenario thrown your way, and a passionate fan base hungry for championships, all eyes are on you in your quest to build one of the greatest legacies in history
•Whether you’re a rookie player or a veteran looking for a casual experience, let Madden NFL 11 manage the playbook while you execute the plays to perfection. Play without the interruption until you’re ready to take over playcalling duties when the game matters most
•The schedule in November and December matters more than ever as weather affects gameplay like never before. Playing on a wet or icy field, or in the mud or snow, players slip, slide, and struggle to maintain footing based on four types of inclement conditions
•Players can now take the field wearing authentic practice uniforms, including red QB jerseys in 5-on-5 and Practice modes, or suit up with long sleeves and pants when playing cold-weather games. Revamped stadiums and updated gameday uniforms complete the authentic package
•Crown a king of the couch in the four-player party mode featuring custom gameplay tweaks and an interactive pick ‘em system, or use the Wii Remote to pick up blocks, trip up wide receivers, and create clear paths to the end zone, all while your teammate runs the plays
descriptionMadden NFL 11 re-energizes the game of football with a fun, exhilarating experience that ignites the passion of any NFL fan. A revamped Franchise mode puts you at the helm of your favorite NFL team, giving you the power to lead the greatest dynasty of all time in the deepest single-player experience to date. New players can get up to speed quickly utilizing the all-new GameFlow system, where the plays are called for you until you’re ready to go under center. Lead your team to glory with Madden NFL 11, the ultimate NFL experience on Wii.
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August 23rd, 2010, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Successor of the crititcally acclaimed Hotel Dusk: Room 215
•Players hold their Nintendo DS like a book and use the touch screen to grill characters, search for clues and solve mystifying puzzles.
•Simple point-and-click touch screen navigation players of any skill level can play.
•Innovative sketch animation character design, film noir camera angles, and dynamic lighting.
descriptionJust like Hotel Dusk: Room 215, the game is held vertically like a book. Last Window introduces the Ignore feature to the series. This feature allows player to let go the lines of questioning they don't find useful. Ignoring too many lines of questioning, as well as not ignoring enough, may cause an early game over. A significant new story-based feature is the in-game novel Last Window. Every time a chapter of the game is cleared, a new chapter in the Last Window book is made available. The contents of the book complements the game's story, and they can be influenced by the decisions the player makes
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August 23rd, 2010, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Pokémon Black and White isn’t even out yet, but it’s a hot seller. The next entry in the Pokémon series already passed the 1,000,000 pre-orders mark in Japan. According to games website Online Player EX, Pokémon Black and White broke the record for fastest selling Pokémon game in the region.
Pokémon Black and White comes out on September 19 in Japan. Nintendo has the game slated for spring 2011 in North America and Europe.
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August 23rd, 2010, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- Added many crc32 of megarom from Korea.
- Fixed 32KB ROM mirrors.
- Rewrote sprites routines. (full emulation)
- Super Pierrot mapper support.
- Some small fix in the megaroms mappers routines.
- Fixed status register 0 of VDP in MSX1 mode. (Zaxxon published by Electric Software works.)
- Added Kanji BASIC support. (The a1wxkdr.rom file is now required.)
- MSX2+ logo is displayed.
- Use of TCM memory for several graphics routines. (msxDS is a bit faster!)
- Double-tap on a file name to select it (and close the window).
- Use of L and R triggers for 'Fire Ball' and 'Roller Ball' pinballs. (ROM versions only).
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August 23rd, 2010, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii guys have once again updated the Homebrew Browser, those who have it installed can now update with all these goodies
The following applications have been added/updated:
23 August 2010
» DragonMedia Player v0.16 -> v0.2 Alpha
» EEEEK! EEEEEK! HOOOOOOK!!! v1.1 -> v1.2
» FCE Ultra GX Channel Installer v1.0
» GRRLIB 4.3.0 Promote Intro v1.0
» Heretic Wii v0.1 -> v0.5
» Hypno Blast v0.1
» QUASI88 v0.6.3 Beta 3 -> v0.6.3 Beta 4
» Scape v0.5.2 -> v1.2
» SockDreams v1.0
» SysCheck v1.6.2 -> v2.0
» TetriCycle v0.5b -> v0.6b
» VBA GX Channel Installer v1.0
» WiiMC v1.0.6 -> v1.0.9
» Yabause Wii r2411 beta5 -> r2604 beta6
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August 23rd, 2010, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
DragonMinded has updated DragonMedia Player to 0.2
Music player for the Wii. It has a nice interface and is skinnable. It plays mp3, ogg, flac and other formats but does not work with wma or aac. It is a native Wii application (no Wii Linux) with the intent of being a multi-source media player on the Wii. As of 0.2, DMP now supports Samba sources as well as USB and SD already available.
0.2 Alpha
Added ability for wav files to read ahead
Added configurable samba shares
Added ability to hot-plug USB and SD
Updated render loops to be multithreaded
Updated resampling code for better quality audio
Updated audio out code for better handling when network hiccups occur
Updated readahead code to work better
Fixed themes/langauges to display in alphabetical order
Fixed FFT display to have less noise and no frequency offset
Fixed theming engine not retaining default text if language string doesn't have a custom string
Fixed possibility of crashing on filenames with long/no extension
Fixed a few memory leaks in skinning engine
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
B12Core has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the details
Nickname: B12CORE
Project name: Flake Out! DS
From: Canada
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: Nintendo DS
Original entry: YES
Support Motion: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description:
Flake Out! DS is my entry for this year's Neoflash Competition. It's a fast-paced, challenging, arcade-esque game involving a nightclub full of intoxicated snowflakes.
It's Christmas Eve 2009, and there's no snow to be found. In fact, just recently, all you've been getting has been rain.
Your task, as the new bouncer of Club Zero, is to prevent the snowflakes from escaping the nightclub, catching them before they reach the Earth's surface.

How to use:
1. Download Flake Out.nds by clicking here.
2. Move it into your flashcard's root directory.
3. Play Flake Out.nds!
Mr. Claus has given you the powers of Sun, Moon and Wind to aid you. Further details on how to use these are in the game.
* L/Up/X - Activate Sun's Power
* R/Down/B - Activate Moon's Power
* Left/Y - Move Left
* Right/A - Move Right
* Touch Screen - Activate Wind's Power
* Start - Pause Game
* Motion - Tilting your DS left and right move the paddle left and right
There is also a high score system implemented for the top 10 scores. The high score table is saved and loaded from FAT for later play.
Thanks to:
* Neoflash for supporting the homebrew community with their annual competitions (hope to see more)
* devkitPro for maintaining their distribution of libraries for free, public use
* ModArchive for organizing royalty-free module sound files
Music Credits:
* scorpik PULSE - Crying Boy
* projex - Christmas Dance Mix
* CyberZip - Christmas Mixes
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://damicha.drunkencoders.com/2010/08/18/2ds-v0-5/
Here comes the second release of my project 2ds+.
I used the time after the last release to get more involved in calculation of 3D coordinates and vectors and in using the openGL stuff. I added and updated the following objects and scenes:
•A satellite spinning around Earth (added)
•A waving plane (added)
•Some rotating cubes (updated)
•A photograph
The satellite scene is new and it contains a satellite (of course) that’s flying around an Earth object. Additionally the satellite’s path and a starry sky is displayed. You can control the flight direction of the satellite by using the NDS keys: B and X or you can rotate the entire scene by dragging it on the touchpad.
picture: Satellite
SELECT – switch between the scenes
Touchpad – rotate the objects manually
B – turn the satellite to the left
X – turn the satellite to the right
Binary and sources files:
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MBJ007
My first attempt at using DS Game Maker and anything like programming.The code has a remarkable similarity to the one in the Manual(it's all I know and I haven't figured out much else, though I got my own angle on it).Looks pretty though.I only downloaded it last night and I'm still up this morning.I am a cartoonist and up till about 12 hours ago had no intention of making games.Had a bitch of a time really and now I'm really tired.
In Grandma's filthy kitchen, several chicken carcasses are horribly moldy.And infested with ghosts, not just any ghosts, poultrygeists.Help Miffy the cat get to the best chicken grandma has left on the floor.
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted a new release of his excellent Dos Emulator for the DS,heres whats new etc:
This version has only minor fixes, as I have been busy with other things (work-related stuff and the SuperCard DSTwo version of DSx86). The changes in this version are the following:
Maupiti Island memory allocation problem (as mentioned in the previous blog post) has been fixed.
Support for tweaked 640x400 EGA mode added (used in Mahjong Fantasia, for example).
Fixed the hang in Bart vs. the Space Mutants. The hang was caused by two timer interrupts happening immediately after each other. This should not normally happen, but as DSx86 uses the host machine timer IRQ to drive the emulated PC timer IRQ, it is possible for a timer IRQs to happen during screen blitting, which in turn might have interrupted the handling of the previous timer IRQ. I adjusted the timer IRQ handling so that timer IRQs that happen during screen blitting are ignored.
Fixed the Space Hulk "Error in MIDI code!" problem that was introduced in 0.22 (caused by the new AdLib Timer 2 handling for B.A.T. 2). I improved the AdLib timer handling so that both B.A.T. 2 and Space Hulk are happy.
Fixed the unsupported INT call at the start of Fire & Ice (it tries to load custom EGA fonts, which is not yet supported).
Added some missing graphics opcodes, based on the error logs I have received.
I also spent several hours tracing the null pointer jump problem in the Superhero Legend of Hoboken game, but could not fix it yet. I found out that the problem is caused by a routine overwriting data in the stack, so that the routine then returns to address 0000:0000. This same routine is used without problems hundreds of times before it fails, so tracing the actual reason for the failure is pretty difficult and time-consuming.
Not a lot of changes, and as I am moving my focus from DSx86 to the new SuperCard DSTwo version, at least for the time being, it is possible that DSx86 itself will progress very slowly for a while. I will possibly increase the two-week release cycle, especially if I have not had time to do any worthwhile improvements.
DS2x86 progress
I have not yet received the free DSTwo card that SuperCard has sent me, so I have not been able to fully start coding for it yet. I have been learning MIPS assembly language and have started converting some of the ASM macros I have used in DSx86 to MIPS ASM for DS2x86, though. I am using mostly the same ideas that I have used in DSx86, but will include 386/486 opcodes from the start, and will switch from using the CPU flags directly to a Lazy Flags-type approach. MIPS has so many general purpose registers that I believe I can fit the lazy flags into registers, which should make the code run reasonably fast. Not as fast as the ARM version, obviously, but on the other hand the MIPS processor has quite a bit higher clock speed.
I hope the DSTwo card arrives next week!
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more WIP news of his Dos Emulator for the DS
I got my free DSTwo flash cart last Monday, so I have been working on DS2x86 ever since. It took me all of Monday evening to get the DS2x86 framework (tester routine calling the MIPS ASM CPU emulation code, and it returning properly back to the tester routine) to run without crashing, so on Tuesday evening I was able to start working on the actual CPU opcode emulation with MIPS ASM language. I am actually using a strict TDD (Test Driven Development) coding technique when working on DS2x86. With DSx86 I usually coded something, then tested it with some test games, and only if that failed I coded more thorough tests. With DS2x86 I implement the test routines (or improve the old tests I used in DSx86) first, and only then start coding the actual opcode handlers. I do this because the MIPS ASM language is very unfamiliar to me, and also because I am now using the Lazy Flags approach, so I can no longer use the ARM CPU to calculate the correct x86 CPU flags for me.
By Saturday morning I had implemented the first four opcodes 0x00..0x03 (the various ADD opcode versions). Each of these actually have 256 different modrm bytes for all the different memory address modes, and as there are 6 different segment override possibilities, plus the case with no segment override, each of these opcodes actually has 7*256 different cases. My test routine runs each of these cases with random input values, and tests for correct results and correct emulated CPU flags state after the run. So in fact I had over 7000 different cases, including their unit tests, coded and tested by Saturday morning. Pretty good progress I think, considering I was only able to work on it for a few hours every evening.
The images above are screen captures from the default SDK console, using a screen capture code by BassAceGold, another SDK tester (thanks for the code!). The first one is from Saturday morning, with the first four opcodes working and opcode 0x04 stopping with an invalid result (0x59+0x1C=0x1C). The second one is the current (Sunday midday) situation. I have skipped opcode 0x0F, as it contains a lot of different 386 opcodes, and also the 386-versions of the already coded opcodes are mostly missing. The Lazy Flags handling does not yet calculate correct Overflow flag for SUB/SBB opcodes, so that too still needs work. I have the 386-specific FS and GS segment registers already supported, and also the immediate 32-bit versions like ADD EAX,0x1234567 are already coded and tested. But since my first priority is to get Norton Sysinfo running, I can leave supporting most of the actual 386-opcodes for later.
I think the font used by the SDK is not the best possible, especially the small letter g is pretty unclear, but this is certainly good enough for debug printing. The MIPS cpu is set to run at 120MHz by default (I believe that is the lowest speed it can run), which is fine while coding the tester program. There is an API call in the SDK to change the CPU speed, up to 396MHz I believe, so I am thinking of adding a configuration option to DS2x86 where the user can choose the CPU clock speed. Running at higher speeds will probably drain the battery pretty fast, so always running at the highest speed is not a good idea.
Anyways, I am already at opcode 0x27 DAA. This is one of the weird BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) opcodes that use the Adjust Flag (which is not properly supported in DSx86). Now with DS2x86 I can support the Adjust Flag properly, so I can finally code the DAA opcode so that it will always give correct results. Even though this opcode is very rarely used, it will be good to have it working correctly. :-)
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has posted a new release of Woopsi for the Nintendo DS:
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
Woopsi 0.99.3 is now available:
This release fixes a number of bugs. Some of the code has been tidied up. The only change that could have an impact on user code is the removal of drawHorizLine(), drawVertLine(), drawCircle() and drawFilledCircle() from the GraphicsPort class. The drawLine(), drawEllipse() and drawFilledEllipse() methods will now automatically call the optimised form if it is available.
- WoopsiString::compareTo() no longer inlined (fixes SF bug 3017420).
- Moved unused FixedWidthFontBase class into extras directory.
- Moved putSDLPixel() and getSDLPixel() into FrameBuffer class from woopsifuncs files.
- Added copy() to all bitmap classes.
- Replaced call to woopsiDmaCopy() in Graphics::copy() with call to copy() method of bitmap class.
- Graphics::drawEllipse() automatically calls drawCircle() if both radii are equal.
- Graphics::drawFilledEllipse() automatically calls drawFilledCircle() if both radii are the same.
- Graphics::drawCircle() and drawFilledCircle() are protected.
- Graphics::drawLine() automatically calls drawVertLine() or drawHorizLine() if lines can be optimised.
- Graphics::drawVertLine() and drawHorizLine() are protected.
- Removed GraphicsPort::drawCircle(), drawFilledCircle(), drawHorizLine() and drawVertLine().
- Fixed TinyFont (broken in last release).
- Moved woopsiRGB() macro from woopsifuncs.h to graphics.h.
- Moved woopsiDmaFill() and woopsiDmaCopy() into new dmafuncs files.
- PackedFont1 clips correctly.
- Gadget collision detection uses routines in Rect class.
- All GraphicsPort routines use Rect class.
- Rect::hasDimensions() returns false for negative sizes.
- Rect::getIntersect() and getAddition() work correctly for negative sizes.
- Removed Rect::fromDimensions().
- Rect::fromCoordinates returns a rect rather than a pointer to a rect.
- Tidied up SDL pad updating in woopsifuncs.c.
- Removed woopsiLidClosed() from woopsifuncs.c.
- Added dmafuncs.h to woopsiheaders.h.
New Features:
- Added Rect::contains().
- Added Rect::copyTo().
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August 23rd, 2010, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jayenkai
It's been a long while since I last posted a DS game.
I keep meaning to do stuff, but AGameAWeek's been taking up a whole bucketload of my time.
Still, this one's a quicky, and since I already had all the assets ready to go, I was able to clump it together in next to no time.
The Gameplay
Cardagain is a simple puzzler, but one that gets inexplicably harder as you go.
Four cards appear on the table, each with one of two symbols.
You have to remember where each one is, and then they're all flipped over.
Two cards are flipped back, one of each pair, and you then have to flip over the other two in the same order.
As the game progresses, the cards are shuffled around, and more cards are added, leading to a tougher game, as you try to memorise mountains of info all together.
The Youtube video can explain it better. (..yes, it's also on iPhings)
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August 23rd, 2010, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Thatotherdev
Here is an update to something that I’m not particularly sure anyone ever cared for. Its a toy and not a game.
I added “multiplayer” support so you can now use 4 wiimotes at a time. I added background music (White Cube Art Noise by essesq). Increased the number of gliders to 1000. Made them bounce when they hit the borders. I even improved performance.
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August 23rd, 2010, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Thatotherdev

Its always nice to go start something new, simple and a little bit weird to remind yourself why developing things is fun.
Hypno Blast is basically an on rails shooter but admittedly that was an afterthought. The visuals came first and what minimal gameplay there is was added to try and justify the little demos existence. Right now you just click on the purple circles to make them disappear but later I’ll add a scoring system along with a lose (and possibly a win) scenario.
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August 23rd, 2010, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Pencil offers version 1.7 of its utility Muti -Spot "WiiBuilder" allowing developers to convert jpeg , png, gif, bmp , xml , bmf , MP3, MOD, etc ... in header ( .c / .h ) compatible with their project. But also send your. fraud directly to the Wii via WiFi, etc. ...
[ edit] Version 1.7
* No Reload IOS Arguments and added to the Homebrew section
* The default font size is 18 and the default start position IS 32
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August 23rd, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2951
dimok publish a new version of its project named WiiXplorer . LibwiiGui Using this program offers many functionality and a sleek design ( done by Neorama ).
- Copy / move / delete files / folders present on SMB / USB / SD.
- Ability to rename files
- Information about the files / folders
- Exploration SD / USB / SMB
- address bar with the path
- Boot Files .dol / .elf via a double click
- New style / images Neorama
- Support files TXT/PNG/JPEG/MP3/OGG
- unzip the ZIP file ( do not work via SMB)
- Image Viewer ( functions : next , previous , zoom , zoom out and roation )
- Support USB 2.0
- FTP Access
- Support PDF
etc. ...
New / fixed:
- Update to version 2010.8.8 NTFS3G
- Fixed a bug when writing to an NTFS partition . The reading of the limits of sectors before writing was incorrectly calculated . Now libntfs should completely solve the problem .
- Consolidation of the functions of listing applications for the StarMenu . The application list is now refreshed when clicking on StartMenu - > Applications.
- Fixed alignment of StartMenu on 4:3 TV
- Changing the backup URLs . Now you will be asked if you want to download or launch a link in the chain the Internet when you click a link and not when adding a link in the list.
- Change the message when the network is not available and you try to update the application .
- Added automatic creation of the file in the download lin.k .
- Cancel button added to the network configuration
- Updated language files
Download --> http://code.google.com/p/wiixplorer/...9.dol&can=2&q=
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August 23rd, 2010, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2952
Arikado proposes a new version its porting the emulator Nintendo DS DeSmuME .
This version now has the hardware acceleration (GX ). However, problems of textures must be corrected. It is therefore an experimental version.
New / fixed:
- Change main concerning the investigation in the file GX_3D_FUNCTIONS gfx3d.cpp . This is now enabled by default .
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August 24th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MBJ007
Hi Folks
Here's a even more finished version of this game.Spiel: ..In Grandma's filthy kitchen, several chicken carcasses are horribly moldy.And infested with ghosts, not just any ghosts, poultrygeists.Help Miffy the cat get to the best chicken grandma has left on the floor and make him a happy cat.
Now with Cat Satisfaction meter, you have to use the Dpad to guide the cat , avoiding the green chickens and trying to get to the regular coloured chicken in a minimum of time.There is a cat satisfaction meter(thanks James for that idea,sort of, I put you in the credits) that goes down over time, so you gotta be quick to make the cat as satisfied as possible.It's possible to get a negative reading if you dawdle.
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August 24th, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Equipted
hello everybody this is my second game its for the younger folks by younger i mean like 2-4 years old lol im not much of a backgrounder lol but i did it 26 everything sounds,sprites,rooms,backgrounds lol everything whooo finally finished well test it out and let me know how it worked out for you. oh and any feedback on improving game is much appreciated thanx in advance... man i wanna learn the c language so bad after using this program what is a good book for begginers and a good site to learn about PALIB than again in advanced
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August 24th, 2010, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Steveice10 and lukegb have added Wiinstall v13.1
Wiinstall is a homebrew application based on Dop-Mii. It has the patching option removed and uses IOS58 + AHBPROT. (Icon is placeholder)
With Wiinstall you can:
Install or Delete any IOS including STUBs
Install/Upgrade/Delete the following channels
*Shopping Channel
*News Channel
*Weather Channel
*Photo Channel 1.0 & 1.1
*Mii Channel
Install any System Menu
Display your Wii's boot2 information
Receive a detailed report on your Wii's internal workings
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August 25th, 2010, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Marvell's been teasing potent little processors for over a year now, but we've yet to see the firm's Armada appear in anything we'd actually want... but co-founder Sehat Sutardja just let slip that Marvell silicon will power a genuine game console of some sort. "Approximately 15% of the sequential increase [in quarterly sales] was due to the initial production revenue from our ARMADA application processors, primarily as a result of a major customer preparing to launch a new gaming platform," he told investors in a conference call last week, which roughly translates to "We just sold a load of processors for a new game console, yo" if our business-speak is correct. While there's absolutely nothing connecting this transaction to Nintendo's 3DS (which was confirmed to have a Pica200 GPU), we honestly can't think of a single other game platform slated to launch anytime soon -- so don't be surprised if there's a quad-core Armada 600 under that variably-stereoscopic hood.
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August 25th, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Today sees a massive day in the world of DS Homebrew, the DSI has now been breached for Homebrew in DSI Mode, heres the details from the excellent Wintermute:
It was about this time last year when I released open source save game hacks for two DSi hybrid games, Cooking Coach and Classic Word Games. I kind of expected somebody somewhere to pick these up and make them do something a little bit more useful than change the screen colors but it looks like I was a little optimistic on that front. Most people that have done anything at all seem to have been trying to do as much as possible in the 8KiB or so available in each save game. Interestingly not one single DSi hybrid game I’ve been able to find since appears to have no name entry – bit odd considering how easy it is to test for and correct buffer overflows for this specific situation. If anyone knows any different, please let me know.
Since last year I’ve spent a bit of time hunting around DSi hybrid games and playing around with a few ideas I had about how best to utilise the exploits for homebrew. Mostly I’ve been updating devkitARM & libnds with a few things needed to allow normally compiled homebrew to use the extra 12meg when run in DSi mode. I’m still a little undecided on how best to approach the hybrid model – Nintendo seem to be using a system where extra code is loaded in DSi mode from separate binaries in the .nds container format.
So anyway, lest I ramble on for several pages with background and random thoughts, on to the meat of this post. One of the first things that I did on getting into DSi mode was dump the DS mode firmware. As I expected this was identical to the dump made in DS mode – it contains only the wifi module settings and the user data at the end of a 128K flash chip. Most interesting of all was the large block of unwritten space between the two but unfortunately the first 64KiB is protected but that still leaves 61KiB writable – plenty for my nefarious purposes. After some further testing I confirmed that the wifi module flash chip could be written from DS mode and later read when we use the save game exploits to get into DSi mode. This gave me the motivation I needed to revisit a half finished project I had to upload homebrew to a DS over wifi. As an added bonus the wifi uploader also works with a standard DS, everything you need is in the archive.
Nintendo seem to have pre-empted an approach like this in more recent consoles, both the DSiXL and later model DSi units seem to deny write access to the wifi module chip. Even when using other methods to load code via the save exploits there seems to be no access to the wifi hardware at all – that’s probably dependent on a wifi enabled hybrid game. Whether Nintendo can or will update earlier units with similar security remains to be seen. Currently all early consoles I’ve tried this method with have been able to run code with wifi access regardless of updated firmware or not. I bought a DSiXL a few days ago to confirm this but I have another couple of methods which work on that – they’re not yet in a releasable state but hopefully that won’t be the case for long.
In order to use this method you’ll need three things, a DSi compatible flashcard, one of the two exploited games and a means to write to the eeprom on your chosen game. Eepinator will work if you have a standard DS or there are a couple of devices which allow you to do this from a PC. If you’re one of the many homebrewers who likes to play with mcus then you can probably rig up something with a dev board. I have an arduino and a Fletchtronics Bumble-b sitting at the back of my desk, I might have a play around with those over the next few days and post a howto for those. If you’ve already done something like that then please do get in touch, no point in reinventing the wheel.
One word of warning before we get to the all important download link. Nintendo will probably declare your warranty void due to unauthorised software so proceed at your own risk. This method also won’t allow you to run rom dumps and it’s not something I plan to support at any point in the future. Obviously I can’t control what you do when you have the ability to run code but please consider not releasing anything that’s piracy related or has the potential to enable piracy. I believe homebrew can thrive as long as we distance ourselves from the people who want to get their games for free.
The download is here for those able to try it.
Lets Hope Nintendo leave this alone long enough.
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August 26th, 2010, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...c463b737491cba
Metatarsal proposed version 0.92 alpha "PacMan E" excellent adaptation of the famous arcade game "Pac -Man"For the Nintendo DS.
I Thought It Would Be a good challenge to create Pacman from scratch with DSGM , with revised graphics for a fresh look. It's a pretty Accurate port with the original gameplay, scoring, score bonus items etc. Recreated as They Were in the original game. This has been " a great project to work on so far and if it continues I Will Receives Enthusiasm to Develop it .
Attached Is The Alpha version of the game ;
-The menu and highscore screenshots are not final
-I "intend to add in Some powerups ( deviating from the original Little )
- I May Incorporate fading later "
- Will Possibly add in trophies
- No sound in the alpha
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August 26th, 2010, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
UK retailer GAME is offering both the black and white versions of the latest Nintendo Wii bundle for just £129.98 this bank holiday weekend – that’s £50 less than the normal £179.99 retail price.
The SKU includes a console, nunchuck controller, Motion Plus add-on and copies of both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort.
Other deals include the same SKU and Wii Fit Plus for £199.98 and a bundle including Just Dance for £144.98. Both are available with both the black and white consoles.
All the offers end on midnight September 2nd
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August 26th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15494.html
gbpablog is a new, cross-platform Nintendo Game Boy emulator available for Windows, Linux and Mac Os.
Game Boy Emulator written in C++ with wxwidgets and sdl. Cross-platform: Windows, Linux and MAC. It´s only for learning purposes.
- You must install the visual c++ runtime 2010
- You must install the sdl runtime libraries in /Library/Frameworks
- You need internet connection when installing the debian package. The dependencies will be automatically installed.
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August 26th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Pembo has released TetWiis v1.0
TetWiis is a Nintendo Wii Tetris clone, shamelessly based on the Nintendo DS version of Tetris
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August 26th, 2010, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
The most active coder in Wii Homebrew is back with another release, heres another game from thatotherdev:

Here is an update to Avoidance.
I added support for nunchuck and classic controllers, added music (GET OUT OF MY ROOM!! by VideoJames), modified your motion blur/trail to not show your black outline and improved the games performance. I decreased the movement speeds per frame but with the higher frame rate I think it still works out to being a slightly faster game then it was previously. Its still manageable though especially if you play using an analog stick and the real difficulty still comes more from the crazy number of things on screen to avoid and less from how quickly they move at you. Your score increases faster now also.
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August 28th, 2010, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Platform: NDS
•Complete info! The Pokémon Pocket Pokédex Vol. 3 is the most complete volume of quick-reference Pokémon information available.
•Quick and easy: The Pocket Pokédex is a handy, pocket- or backpack-sized reference guide featuring all 493 Pokémon from each wildly popular game, including Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon Sapphire, and more.
•Be prepared: You can look up every Pokémon and their vital statistics. Never be without the necessary info!
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August 28th, 2010, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster

How could we resist a story involving robot-powered babies? The Ithaca College Tots on Bots project aims to mobilize infants with physical disabilities by setting them atop a "mobile robot" equipped with a Wii Balance Board to let the young operator steer by leaning -- which, it turns out, works pretty well. Additionally, the vehicle uses sonar to avoid nasty crashes and a remote control that an adult can use to take control. Further study has to be made before any long term developmental benefits can be ascertained, but in the meantime it does look like a lot of fun.
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August 28th, 2010, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Moreira has updated MazeOfGaliousWii to v0.63.3
Maze of Galious was an MSX game released in 1987 by Konami. In 2002, a remake of this game has been released by the Brain Games team:
This remake is written in SDL, and is now ported to Wii.
Maze Of Galious is regarded as one of the greatest games for the MSX home computer, being released in 1987. While most of the console and home computer games back then had very simple gameplay, quite similar to arcade games, Maze of Galious was an epic action adventure. It mixed the mechanics of platform games with the exploration of huge maps. It required several hours to complete, a task nearly impossible to do in a single gaming session. Ttherefore, the game allowed the player to restore its progress through a very complex password system, very similar to the one found in [Metal Gear], also released by Konami in the same year.
However, since it is one of the earliest attempts at its genre, many of its gameplay aspects might seem odd by today's standards. There are very few in-game instructions, as the game assumes that the player would refer to the manual whenever required. So, if you never played the original game before, it is recommended to read the following reference, which contains instructions for the game (beware of spoilers, as this guide also contains a complete step-by-step walkthrough of the game):
New feature: Classic controller support added!
New feature: Graphics and sound themes are now selected via menus in the title screen or in the options screen. No longer directly via buttons and .
Change: Wiimote gameplay changed to be more "gamepad-friendly": Jump now uses a separate button (), and secondary weapons are activated by pressing +
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August 30th, 2010, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America has announced price reductions for the DSi and DSi XL systems. Starting September 12, the handhelds will retail for $149.99 and 169.99, respectively.
Americans have been waiting patiently for this price drop, which occurred in the UK and Japan this June. The DSi had a price drop in Australia way back in April. We were all waiting for a price drop even before that, of course, since the 3DS is on the way to make both of these things appear a little more antiquated.
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August 30th, 2010, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The Pink Geisha replacement case with interchangable DVD lights.
The Pink Geisha is a state of the art replacement case for the Nintendo Wii Console. In addition to the exclusive look, you will also enjoy some custom features available only on this Evolve series. It is also available in a large selection of colors.
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August 30th, 2010, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Two classic arcade light gun shooters in one. Immersive pick up and play action in this arcade machinegun shooter extravaganza
•Two player multiplayer mode for cooperative destruction. Check your worldwide rank against other players in online leaderboards
•No need to reload with infinite ammo. Just like in the arcade - pull the trigger and blast away at android terrorist enemies and exploding objects strategically destroyed in the environment
•Combine with a Wii Zapper to repel the android terrorist invasion with pinpoint shooting accuracy
descriptionTwo fast-paced and beloved arcade shooter games take you to the skies above some of America’s most well-known locales. Up to two players control machineguns on two flying battle vehicles to destroy an android terrorist invasion.
First, combat android invaders in New York City with your Gunblade helicopter gunship. Then, climb aboard a futuristic hovering gunship to battle a new force of android enemies in Los Angeles and West Coast locales such as Alcatraz, Yosemite and Las Vegas.
Wii Zapper™ compatible and a host of added Wii™ features like online leaderboards for worldwide ranking and Wii Remote™ vibration complete the experience.
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August 30th, 2010, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15507.html
The SNES emulator uoSNES, which is based on SNES9x, has been updated.
2010-08-25 sanmaiwashi
To do S9xSyncSpeed () in HC_HCOUNTER_MAX_EVENT, it changed.
Because that synchronization becomes Inaccuracy when a lot of DMA bytes are.
It changed so that the interval of the frame timer
might become HC_MAX/2 long at the Interlace mode.
2010-06-23 "F-1 GRAND PRIX PART III" fix did
that "Mortal Kombat II - Kyuukyoku Shinken (J)" was bad.
These wewe fixed by if(CPU.Cycles < (Timings.H_Max - ONE_DOT_CYCLE*3)) SetVIRQ();
svn checkout http://snes9x-gtk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ snes9x-gtk-read-only
sa1.cpp code was merged.
"SD Gundam G Next (J)" map is correctly.
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August 30th, 2010, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...01-t21109.html
WiiXplorer, the file browser on the Wii and directed by dimok r-win. Is updated and now in version R201
R201 R201
- Fix for loading settings from the USB device - Fix for loading settings from the USB device
- Uploaded missing blue usbstorage icon to svn - Uploaded usbstorage missing blue icon to svn
R200 R200
- Completely changed the mount of devices. - Completely changed the mount of devices. Now every primary/logical partition fat32/ntfs is mounted. Now Every primary / logical partition FAT32/NTFS IS mounted. The naming of the usb/ntfs is changed too now. The naming of the usb / ntfs IS changed now too. You can only see if it is ntfs or fat by the color of the device icon now (orange fat32, blue ntfs) or in the Partition Formatter. You can only see if It Is ntfs or fat by the color of the Device icon now (orange fat32, ntfs blue) or in the Partition Formatter. Multiple partitions support on SD/GCSDA/GCSDB wasn't added but is easy to add if anyone requests it. Multiple partitions are supporting SD / GCSDA / GCSDB Was not added goal Is Easy to add if anyone requêtes it. Otherwise i don't see a point in it. Otherwise i do not see a point in it. Also ntfs on SD is mounted too (wonder if someone Also ntfs is mounted SD IS too (wonder if someone
actually got that). Actually got that).
- Added a partition formatter. - Added a partition formatting. You can format any existing primary or logical partition on SD/USB/GCSDA/GCSDB to FAT32. You can format "any primary or logical partition Existing on SD / USB / GCSDA / GCSDB to FAT32. You can also switch the Active flag between the partitions. You can switch the Aussi flag Between the Active partition.
- Fix on ntfs root. - Fix it ntfs root. Made ".." Made ".." invisible there. invisible There.
- Fixed Wii Disc read with IOS58 (patch by giantpune) - Fixed Wii Disc read with IOS58 (patch by giantpune)
- Speed up with USB on IOS58 due to improvements in libogc (by rodries) - Speed up with USB IOS58 is due to Improvements in libogc (by rodri)
- Fix for google code update due to change on the googlecode site. - Fix for google code update due to change on the googlecode site. You will have to update to this rev manually again. You Will Have to Manually update to rev this again.
- Changed ProgressWindow to have only one ProgressBar when only one file is transfered/loaded - Changed new serie ProgressWindow only one ProgressBar When only one file transfered IS / loaded
- Updated language files. - Updated language files.
R199 R199
- Updated NTFS3G to Version 2010.8.8 - Updated to Version 2010.8.8 NTFS3G
- Fixed a bug in NTFS write. - Fixed a bug in NTFS write. Reading of boundary sectors before write was calculated wrong. Reading of boundary secteurs Before write Was Calculated wrong. Now libntfs should be finally fully fixed in read/write. Now libntfs Should Be Fully finally fixed in read / write. (hopefully) (Hopefully)
- Reworked application listing functions for StartMenu. - Reworked application functions for listing StartMenu. The apps list is now always refreshed when clicking on StartMenu->Applications. The List is now apps Always refreshed When Clicking on StartMenu-> Applications.
- Fixed alignment of StartMenu on 4:3 TVs - Fixed alignment of StartMenu is 4:3 TVs
- Changed URLs saving. - Changed URLs saving. Now you are asked if you want to download or start a link in Internet Channel when you click on the link and not when adding the link to the list. Now you are Asked if you want to download or start a link in Internet Channel When You click on the link and not the link When Adding to the list.
- Changed prompts when network is not available and you try to update the app - Changed prompt When Network Is not available and you try to update the app
- Added forgotten automatic folder creation on link download - Added automatic folder creation is forgotten download link
- Added forgotten cancel button to network init prompt - Added cancel button to network Forgotten init prompt
- Updated language files - Updated language files
R198 R198
- Added Magic IOS Patches when AHBPROT is enabled - Added Magic Patches When IOS AHBPROT is enabled . . With that you can access the Channel List in the StartMenu even with IOS58 or any other IOS as long as AHBPROT is enabled. With That You Can Access the Channel List in the StartMenu Even with IOS58 or Any Other IOS as long as AHBPROT is enabled. (thx to giantpune) (Thx to giantpune)
- Made StartMenu Scroll continues when holding the Buttons (A on Arrow or Up/Down anywhere) - Made Scroll continuous StartMenu When holding the Buttons (A Golden Arrow is Up / Down Anywhere)
- Shrink the Taskbar a little bit because it doesn't fit on Screen on a 4:3 - Shrink the Taskbar a little bit Because It Does not Fit on Screen was 4:3
R197 R197
- Proper shutdown of every device before booting a channel - Proper shutdown of Every Before booting device has channel
- Fix for directory not going back to the top when going backwards in the directory tree - Fix for directory not going back to the top When going backwards in the directory tree
- Adressbar is now clickable and a path can be entered - Is Now Adressbar path is clickable and can Be Entered
- Music Volume can now be entered with the OnScreenKeyboard - Music volume can now Be Entered With The OnScreenKeyboard
- Show a successfull/failure message on reconnecting FTP/SMB - Show a successfull / failure message is reconnecting FTP / SMB
- Added IOS 36, 60, 61 for Boot Up IOS. - Added IOS 36, 60, 61 for Boot Up IOS. Some USB Hubs/Sticks/Devices work better with that, though it's only USB1 than. Some USB hubs / Sticks / Devices Work Better With That, Though it's only USB1 than.
- Fix Network Init on FTP Server startup without autoconnect on - Fix Network Init on FTP Server startup Without it autoconnect
R196 R196
- Added support for USB2 with use of IOS58 - Added support for USB2 with use of IOS58
- Added a choice between IOS58 and IOS 202/222/223 for boot up to the Boot Up Settings. - Added a Choice Between IOS58 IOS and boot up to 202/222/223 for the Boot Up Settings.
- Added GC FileSystem support. - Added support GC FileSystem. You can now browse through GC Game Discs as well. You can now browse-through GC Game Discs as well.
- Added Wifi Icon on Taskbar if a wifi connection is established. - Added wifi Icon Taskbar if it has wifi Connection is made and.
- Fixed glitch with the WiiMote Pointer - Fixed glitch with the Wii Remote Pointer
- Fixed wrong cutoff of images when rotating anticlockwise - Fixed wrong cutoff of images When rotating anticlockwise
- Fix for time/total values reset on ProgressWindow - Fix for time / total values are reset ProgressWindow
- Added save of settings before booting Opera Channel - Added save of settings Before booting Opera Channel
- Added network initialization if it wasn't done before on reconnecting smb/ftp client - Added network initialization if It Was not it done Before reconnecting smb / ftp client
- Added IOS Version and Revision display to the Credits Window - Added IOS Version and Revision to display the Window Credits
- Updated language files - Updated language files
R195 R195
- Added possibility to download an URL in the startmenu if you set it as a download link (new question when adding anR url) - Added Possibility to download URL in the year startmenu if you set it as a download link (new Question When Adding anr url)
- Removed the bootup mount option. - Removed the bootup mount option. The app now boots always to the last used The app now boots Always Used To The Last
path. path.
- Fixed halt on network init even when it failed - Fixed halt on network init Even When It failed
- OnScreenKeyboard can be opened now right from the start of the texeditor - Be Opened OnScreenKeyboard can now right from the start of the texeditor
- Changable slideshow delay range increased - Delay range INcreased Changable slideshow
- Some changes on the progressbar regarding the reset of the total tranfered size calculation - Some foreign exchange is reset the progressbar Regarding the size of the total tranfered calculation
- Lot's of optimizations in code (more use of macros) - Lot's of optimizations in code (more use of macros)
- Initial doxgen commit (though i don't have so many comments yet) - Initial commit doxgen (Though i do not have So Many comments yet)
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August 30th, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiDoom-045-t21117.html
WiiDoom is a port of the famous game for the Wii made by Arikado , and Jendave Lnuxguy
However, you should possess . wad game to play !
Note: Place IWAD files in / apps / wiidoom / data /
To play PWAD You Will need a full copy of Doom 1 or Doom 2 . Place PWAD files in / apps / wiidoom / data / PWAD /
Full SDHC support
Full USB Support
Classic Controller Support
Gamecube Controller Support
Changed / prboom / to / apps / wiidoom / data /
Various bugfixes and tweaks
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August 30th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Technik has released Revolution Engine v0.5.1
Revolution Engine is the very First homebrew 3D Game Engine for Wii. It is directly based on GX without any GL wrapper or anything similar. Natively designed for the Wii, this engine is probably capable of generating the best homebrew graphics ever seen on this game console.
Version 0.5.1
Change log:
Better memory management
Added an advanced screenshot function
Added offClick onOver and offOver functions to buttons
Added getType, getParent, getNext and getChild functions to N2D and NODE classes
Improved directional lights constructor
new type(WINDOW) for 2d system
Added a custom expansion for 2d nodes and 3d nodes. This will allow more flexibility.
Increased flexibility of Tev system (now using more efficiently, same number of TEV stages let you do a little more)
Lighing speed boost, speed up the engine about 8%
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August 30th, 2010, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
DacoTaco has released Priiloader v0.5
Priiloader is a modded version of Preloader. Just like preloader, Priiloader places itself in boot sequence before the system menu. By this priiloader has the ability to:
Patch memory just like StartPatch or Preloader. Hacks.ini should be on the sd root(only once, they get copied to NAND) and can be found here.
Save wii from banner & other kind of bricks that aren't ios/boot2/nand corruption related
Start something else than system menu on power up (a dol file, bootmii, homebrew channel)
v0.5 : DacoTaco strikes Back
Redesigned a bit of the installer. it is now using the HW_AHBPROT flag set by HBC and no longer requires
a patched ios when run from HBC 1.0.7 or above. if it is run from < 1.0.7 then it still requires a patched IOS.
NOTE : the redesigned part of the installer is closed source for now cause of the used code
Booting a Dol/Title now stops the DVD drive as well
Titles list is now forced to display in english
Dropped Support of Cios
Added support for Homebrew channel 1.0.7&1.0.8 booting & reloading (in case of a DSI crash)
Added online Updating (full versions and beta versions. also language mods are available)
Added a password backdoor incase you forgot the password.To change the password temporary to "BackDoor"
press on the Password Screen "1" and then 4 times "2" on the Remote or "Y" and 4 times "X" on GC/Classic.
Added System Menu TMD patching for HW_AHBPROT so that applications started by Priiloader can enjoy the fun too
Fixed rare bug when Show Debug info was on and reset was pressed
Fixed some USB stuff
Fixed some title booting stuff (removed & moved to SD titles are not listed anymore)
Fixed the green bar that could show when booting system menu
Fixed .elf binary loading
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August 30th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
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August 30th, 2010, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from Pate concerning His Dos Emulator for the DS:
Sorry, no new release of DSx86 today, as I have only been working on DS2x86 for the past two weeks. This porting work is progressing nicely, over half of the opcodes have been ported over to MIPS ASM. I have to mention, though, that the opcodes so far have been the easy ones (execpt the BCD opcodes), the more difficult opcodes like the string operations, shifts, INT and IRET, and port I/O are still ahead. These will take more time, and some of them will need some interfacing to the underlying hardware, so I can not just simply port them over from the ARM ASM code.
I am currently at opcode 0x8C, which is the mov r/m16,Sreg opcode, that is, moving a value from the segment register to memory or register. The problem above was caused by my tester code not yet supporting the FS and GS segment registers, while the CPU emulation already does this. So, every now and then I need to fix my tester program instead of the emulation code. :-)
Lazy Flags
Practically at the same time I started porting the opcode handlers from ARM ASM to MIPS ASM, I started thinking of ways to handle the Lazy Flags with the least amount of slowdown possible. Yesterday I figured out a method that is a little bit faster than the way I had when I started, so I spent a couple of hours refactoring all the opcodes I had already coded to use the new method. Too bad this did not occur to me earlier, but it is to be expected that I need to recode some parts of the code several times as I am still only learning the tricks in MIPS ASM.
I again used the DOSBox sources, together with the nice description at a www.emulators.com blog post, to figure out how the lazy flags need to work. There are six flags that change after each arithmetic operation in the x86 architecture, some of which are simple and some more difficult to determine after the operation. The flags are:
Carry flag. This determines the unsigned overflow of the operation.
Adjust Flag. This is similar to Carry, but for the low 4 bits of the operation.
Overflow flag. This determines the signed overflow of the operation.
Zero flag. This determines if the result was zero.
Sign Flag. This determines if the result was negative.
Parity flag. This determines the number of bits set in the low byte of the result.
The simple flags are Zero, Sign and Parity. Zero flag is set if the result was zero, Sign flag is set if the highest bit of the result was set, and Parity flag can be set by a 256-item lookup table based on the low byte of the result. These three flags behave similarly to all opcodes (that change flags), so they can be determined simply by the result of the last operation. The other three opcodes behave differently in different opcodes, so based on the calculation operations in the DOSBox sources I combined a list of the different cases, to see how these need to be handled. DOSBox names the result and operands lf_resd, lf_var1d and lf_var2d (for doubleword operands), and I named them lf_res, lf_val1 and lf_val2 in my code.
Unknown, INC, DEC, MUL: return previous flag state
ADD: return (unsigned)lf_res < (unsigned)lf_val1;
ADC: return ((unsigned)lf_res < (unsigned)lf_val1) || (lflags.oldcf && (lf_res == lf_val1));
SBB: return ((unsigned)lf_val1 < (unsigned)lf_res) || (lflags.oldcf && (lf_val2 == 0xffffffff));
SUB, CMP: return ((unsigned)lf_val1 < (unsigned)lf_val2);
SHL, SHR, SAR, ROL, ROR, RCL, RCR: All have different handling
NEG: return lf_val1;
OR, AND, XOR, TEST, DIV: return false;
Unknown: return previous flag state
ADC, ADD, SBB, SUB, CMP: return ((lf_val1 ^ lf_val2) ^ lf_res) & 0x10;
INC: return (lf_res & 0x0f) == 0;
DEC: return (lf_res & 0x0f) == 0x0f;
NEG: return lf_val1 & 0x0f;
SHL, SHR, SAR: return lf_val2 & 0x1f;
OR, AND, XOR, TEST, DIV, MUL: return false;
Unknown, MUL: return previous flag state
ADD, ADC: return ((lf_val1 ^ lf_val2 ^ 0x80000000) & (lf_res ^ lf_val2)) & 0x80000000;
SBB, SUB, CMP: return ((lf_val1 ^ lf_val2) & (lf_val1 ^ lf_res)) & 0x80000000;
INC: return (lf_res == 0x80000000);
DEC: return (lf_res == 0x7fffffff);
NEG: return (lf_val1 == 0x80000000);
SHL: return (lf_res ^ lf_val1) & 0x80000000;
SHR: if ((lf_val2&0x1f)==1) return (lf_val1 > 0x80000000); else return false;
OR, AND, XOR, TEST, SAR, DIV: return false;
Based on these lists, it seemed to me that the Carry flag will be the most difficult and time-consuming to calculate. Besides the obvious conditional jump opcodes, there are many other opcodes (ADC, SBB, RCL, RCR, CMC) that need the current Carry flag value as their input. Also the shift opcodes change and use the Carry flag in various ways, so it seemed to me that using a switch statement -style code to calculate the Carry flag lazily whenever it is needed will really slow down those operations. So, I decided to see how much extra code I would need if I went for a direct Carry flag calculation in each of the opcodes. It turned out that most of the times it only takes one ASM operation to calculate the Carry flag after the operation, so this is how I currently handle the Carry flag.
I also noticed that if I calculate the Carry flag separately, I can fake the lf_val1 and lf_val2 values in opcodes like INC and DEC to give me the correct Adjust flag value when using the same calculation code as the normal ADD/SUB opcodes use. So I was able to simplify the Adjust flag calculation to the one case: ((lf_val1 ^ lf_val2) ^ lf_res) & 0x10. This just left the Overflow flag which needs separate cases for each opcode type. I use one of the MIPS general purpose registers to keep track of the last opcode type, along with registers for the last result and operands, so that the Overflow flag can be calculated lazily whenever needed. I hope to figure out some speedups for this as well, but for now it will have to do.
To show an example of the actual opcode handling and what the Lazy Flag handling requires, here is the handler for ADC r/m8,r8 opcode when the left operand is a memory address. In DS2x86 I decided to have #defines for all the registers I use for emulation, so I don't need to remember which MIPS register was which. I did not do this in DSx86, and that caused some wrong register usage from time to time.
.macro adc_effseg_reg8l reg
get_CF_into t3 // t3 = Carry flag value
li lf_type, OF_CALC_ADD | 24 // Remember the operation type and shift value for Lazy Flags
lbu lf_val1, 0(eff_seg) // Load the left operand from RAM
andi lf_val2, \reg, 0xFF // Remember the right operand for Lazy Flags
addu t3, lf_val1 // t3 = lf_val1 + Carry
addu lf_res, t3, lf_val2 // lf_res = lf_val1 + Carry + lf_val2
srl t0, lf_res, 8 // t0 = Carry value
sb lf_res, 0(eff_seg) // Save the result to RAM
andi lf_res, 0xFF // Remember only the low 8 bits for Lazy Flags
j set_carry_from_t0 // Back to loop
The get_CF_into macro looks like the following. It is a macro so that I can later change how the Carry flag is calculated without having to change all the code that uses it (just in case I still need to revert back to lazy calculation of the Carry flag). The set_carry_from_t0 code is immediately before the opcode loop handler, as many opcodes jump there to store the t0 register value back into the flags register lowest bit. When calculating the Carry flag immediately, Carry is simply the 8th bit of the result, so I can just shift it to the lowest bit of t0 register and don't need to handle the complex ((unsigned)lf_res < (unsigned)lf_val1) || (lflags.oldcf && (lf_res == lf_val1)) algorithm at all!
.macro get_CF_into reg
andi \reg, flags, 1
As you can see from this code, even just remembering the result and operands for later calculation of Lazy Flags takes a lot of code, in this case 4 of the 10 ASM operations are there just to get the later flags calculation to give correct result. When coding for the ARM ASM I did not need any of these, as the ARM can keep track of the flags by itself. Thus, DS2x86 will not be as much faster than DSx86 as the difference in the CPU clock speeds would make you think.
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August 30th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...7bc03446f04110
LeAnonymous proposes preview "Wii Mario Sokoban" wii port of sokoban PC with the famous mustachioed plumber through which passed much of the French devs through a tutorial site zero .
So it works with the Wiimote vertically , cross direction to move to the next level , you have to press "1 " then " B " and to move to the previous level is " 2 "and " B " . For cons , the game contains only two levels , but there is a level editor (available in a binary below ). Create levels: To create levels , launch " Wii Mario Sokoban Editor " and then look registration in the bottom right and select the level you want to create / edit buttons with the cross up and down . If you want to change a level , choose "Level 1 "or "Level 2 " , if you want to create one, select "Level 3 "or more. You place your objects by pointing and clicking "A " , subject to change is " + "and "Home ". When finished , press "2 " , quit with " Home " ( without pressing "+ "just before , otherwise it changes its object and it is useless ^ ^ ) , run " Sokoban Mario Wii "and your level is ready ! If I wrote all this is that I struggled to understand everything , I would not think it happens to you ^^...
Hello everyone,
After having finished the TP Mario Sokoban in the third part of the tutorial teo21 M @ C , I decided to bring the game on the Wii and I did thanks to the tutorial and Gambit2099 snake_48 ( thank you to them! by cons I still do not have to play the music ) .
I made several changes to my program and after several hours of debugging here is what happens :
There are two programs in fact, the game itself and the publisher.
The game: You can move through the level, move the blocks , if you're ever stuck you can restart the level or load another . A text at the bottom of the screen tells you the level number where you are. When you get to finish the level nothing happens , you simply load a new one or quit the game
Editor : With the wiimote you move the cursor , you can load a level and modify, or create a new one and save it . The icon of the cursor image of the object you 're placing in the level. You can of course change has been placed ( boxes, player's position, etc. ) .
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August 30th, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...7bc03446f04110
Segre offers porting "The Castles of Dr. Creep" for the Wii , platform game released on the Commodore 64 in 1980 .
Portage came out last July that had not had news from us without having proof of its execution , thank you beredezebe we have to provide the rom vadie .
SVN- 270 and Nintendo Wii Windows Packages are now available for download
* Wii WAD / Dol version now available! ( sound IS buggy )
* Options Menu Is Now Implemented
Level Selection is now done via the options menu by pressing F1 "during the intro ( Does this limit the number of howeve castles available)
Wii Instructions:
DEPENDING ON how you intend " to launch the game, You Need to Download atleast ' wii_SD_drcreep - 270.zip ' .
If you want to install it as a channel , You Will Also require ' Castles of Dr. Creep - REEP.wad '
Extracted IS wii_SD_drcreep to your SD Card ( Also you Need to copy the data D64 Into the folder, same as The Other versions ) .
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August 31st, 2010, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Play alone or with up to four people in head-to-head gameplay, or team up in cooperative modes to solve the case
•Play as an elite detective called in to investigate a bizarre series of mysteries. Search the scenes for clues, question suspects and utilize sleuthing skills to crack the case
•The Wii Remote becomes a lock pick, a flashlight and more. Quick wits and reflexes are needed in dozens of mini-games to uncover clues and gather information from suspects
•Each level can be replayed with a different ending every time
descriptionDisney Guilty Party is a fun and hilarious mystery party game, exclusively for Wii™. Friends and family play as the savvy sleuths of the world-famous Dickens Detective Agency to investigate a series of crimes and identify the guilty party. Explore a variety of mysterious locations - each with a unique twist. The Wii Remote™ is used to collect clues and interrogate suspects via fun pick-up-and-play minigames. With enough evidence gathered, players can identify the guilty party and solve the case - but the Dickens Detective Agency has many enemies, and there's always another suspect lurking in the shadows...
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August 31st, 2010, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

features•Rock out to songs from Camp Rock films using guitar, bass, and drums
•Enjoy camp activities such as water balloon fights and canoe races
•Get your rhythm on with cool dance moves using your stylus
•Experience memorable moments from the film as you interact with Shane, Mitchie, and the rest of the Camp Rock crew
descriptionThe ultimate summer camp showdown is on! Create and play as your very own Camp Rocker and join Mitchie, Shane and other Camp Rockers back at the music camp! Meet some new campers as you explore the camp and help them out as they go against their rival Camp Star. Rock out to songs from both Camp Rock films using your stylus to play guitar, bass and drums. You can even put down some hot dance moves wearing cool outfits for your avatar.
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