January 1st, 2018, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Zelda 1 and 2 on the NES are 2 of the toughest games ive ever played, heres a new rom hack released:
The Zelda II Rev edition hack updates the graphics for Zelda II for the NES. Almost every enemy, boss, item and character in the game has received a minor or major changes. The over world tiles & palettes have also been tweaked.
Many enemies and a few items now resemble the first Zelda game better. This includes Zoras, Wizards, wise men and more. Other enemies such as Gooma, bots, Megmats & wosus now look closer to the instruction manual artwork. A full list of changes is in the readme file.
download http://jimkern.tumblr.com/
via http://www.romhacking.net/?page=news&category=6
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January 1st, 2018, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Cemu Hook, heres whats new:
Cemu Hook v0.5.6.2 is released. A nearly-complete h264 module for Cemu. An implementation similar to what an official one would be. Think of it like a pcsx2 plugin, implementing something not in the core
How to use
Extract contents of zip into Cemu folder
Cemu Hook changelog: - Make the previous change user selectable since it doesn't seem to offer benefits only downsides - Compile shaders without GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT when precompiled shader cache is off
download https://sshnuke.net/cemuhook/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/cemu-hook-v0562.html
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January 1st, 2018, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New homebrew released for the Nintendo 3DS/2DS
Happy New Year to everyone! To celebrate going into 2018, we're releasing a new version of Anemone3DS with a lot of new features.
The changes are as follows (and it's a big one!):
Massive UI update - A now has multiple functions, combined with the D-pad - you can single, shuffle, BGM and no-BGM install from one sub-menu now! Additionally, there are now touchscreen controls - don't worry, we'll keep the buttons updated for those of you who want buttons, but if for some reason you want to only use the touchscreen now you can. (Thanks to @LiquidFenrir)
More updates to the QR scanner! It now can scan for QRs automatically without having to press any button!
Dynamically load themes! That means that even if you have a few thousand themes, Anemone should load relatively quickly, and should never crash. (Thanks to @LiquidFenrir)
Both themes and splashes are now sorted alphabetically - no more paging through all of your themes just to find one starting with 'b'. (Thanks to @Helloman892)
You can delete items from your SD now! No more feeling like a real hacker and looking through using FBI GM9 (!). (Thanks to @LiquidFenrir)
Fast-paging (using the Circle Pad left and right) works properly. At last, you madmen with a few hundred themes don't feel left out.
Scanning a QR that doesn't link to a ZIP file no longer crashes the app, and now just throws a warning. Which means you can go ahead and try to download other CIAs through Anemone's scanner all you like now, nothing will happen.
The app now tells you when you have too many/no themes selected when attempting to use shuffle - now you can select more than 10, and toggle off the ones you don't want - the feature you never knew you wanted.
When viewing the preview of an item that doesn't have one, Anemone would previously show the last one you viewed - no longer! You now receive a warning instead, telling you that there is no such preview. (Thanks to @LiquidFenrir)
START and SELECT finally got their own icons. About time. (Thanks to @Wizzrobes for these!)
A ton of bugfixes, for that Nintendo level stability... hopefully.
A whole host of grammatical and aesthetic changes, to make everything look nicer™️
Thanks to a ton of people for making this release possible. These people include, but are definitely not limited to:
LiquidFenrir, for the absolutely incredible work he did with the app recently. This release definitely wouldn't have been possible without him.
HM892/Helloman892, for miscellaneous feature improvements while I've been away (and for writing the original draft of this changelog!)
FrozenFire and kenn, for creating a brand new, shiny boot logo.
Steveice10, whose QR code in FBI served as the basis of the improvements for the QR scanner in this release.
And anyone else I may have forgotten to mention.
download https://github.com/astronautlevel2/Anemone3DS
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...8e6cf54107aa0e
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January 1st, 2018, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
A new year and another 3DS homebrew release, heres the release news:
Just in time for a last 2017 update, here's another major one. This is new:
[new] Full support for DSiWare Exports / .TAD files (thanks @ihaveamac for help)
[new] Limited .GBA rom image support (title info / renaming)
[new] Title info support for a .3DSX
[new] File attribute editor (thanks @angelsl)
[new] aeskeydb.bin can be installed to NAND, eliminating the need to have it on the SD card
[improved] Improved string input tool, now with alphabet preview
[improved] Write permission unlocker now uses random button sequences
[improved] PCX support for splash bitmaps, reducing GM9 .firm size (thanks @Wolfvak)
[improved] Slightly tweaked bootloader
[improved] Additional entries in system info
[improved] New battery color scheme (thanks @JoshuaDoes)
[improved] A gigaton of smaller improvements, many of them under the hood
[fix] Several bugfixes, fixing freeze issues with fastboot3DS (thanks, @profi200)
[fix] Unified handling of tar (when compiling, on all OSes), via a Python script (thanks @ihaveamac)
[scripting] Control flow support via if, elif, else, end, goto (thanks @windows-server-2003)
[scripting] labelsel command, allowing the user to select from a range of labels to jump to
[scripting] strsplit command, allowing to extract substrings from a string
[scripting] New REGION environment var
The star feature of this release is control flow support for scripting, finally giving script devs the tools needed for more advanced scripts. Thanks go to Kazuma77 for testing and advice!
As always, bug reports (if anything comes up) are appreciated. Have fun testing this, and see you in 2018!
download https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...8e6cf54107aa0e
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January 1st, 2018, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Its a good day to be a Nintendo 3DS homebrew fan, heres yet another release:
This is a port* of the Higurashi: When They Cry remakes available on Steam and MangaGamer. It supports the updated character graphics and the PS3 Graphics & Voices patch. As of 11/18/17, all of the ones that are out work. Meakashi only works if you install the PS3 Voices & Graphics patch too.
This requires the files from the Steam or MangaGamer versions of any of MangaGamer's Higurashi remakes.
The script converter is made with C#. If you're on Windows, you can run it with the .NET Framework that you probably already have. If you're on Linux or macOS, you need a program called Mono to run it. I've personally tested this on Linux Mint. If it doesn't work, make sure you update the .NET Framework or Mono.
* I say "port," but it's really just a generic visual novel engine I've created from scratch with playing these games in mind,
PS3 Patch Installation (text tutorial)
This is done BEFORE you use the script converter.
The PS3 patch is being changed so often that I can't keep up.
For now, I don't think I'll support the version where they mod the game's code.
Here are instructions for installing the release right before the DLL changes.
AUTO INSTALLER (Windows & Linux only)
Step 1 - Download my auto-installer.
Step 2 - Extract the ZIP file.
Step 3 - Run HigurashiPS3AutoC. Windows users can double click the program. Linux users can run "run.sh."
Step 4 - When prompted, enter the game you want to install the patch for.
Step 5 - When prompted, enter 6. This is the option labeled "Install the older Higurashi-Vita compatible version."
Step 6 - When prompted, enter the file path to your game instillation's data folder. If the program can automatically detect the location, you can just press enter without typing anything to use the example.
Step 7 - Wait for it to finish. This can take a while depending on your internet speed and computer speed.
Step 1 - Find your StreamingAssets folder. For me, chapter 2's StreamingAssets folder was at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Higurashi 02 - Watanagashi\HigurashiEp02_Data\StreamingAssets.
Step 2 - Head here.
Step 3 - Select one of the files you see on the Github page. The file you choose depends on which chapter of the game you are patching. For example, if I was patching chapter 2, Watanagashi, I would open "watanagashi.urls"
Step 4 - After you open the file, you'll see a bunch of URLs. Download all of them. There should be 4 in total.
Step 5 - Unzip all of the files you just downloaded.
Step 5.5 - After unzipping the files you downloaded, you should see folders with names like "Update", "SE", "CG", and "CGAlt".
Step 6 - Move these folders into your StreamingAssets folder. If done correctly, you should be asked if you want to overwrite some files. Choose to do so.
Setup (text tutorial)
You need to actually own the games on Steam or MangaGamer. Link to the first chapter on Steam.
Main homebrew setup:
Step 0 - (CIA USERS ONLY) Make sure /3ds/dspfirm.cdc exists. If not, dump it with a DSP dumper homebrew.
Step 1 - Download the latest version of the main homebrew The file should be named Higurashi-3ds-vX.X.zip.
Step 2 - Extract the ZIP file. On Windows this is done by right clicking the file and pressing "Extract All."
Step 3 - If you're using the 3dsx version with the homebrew launcher, open the "3dsx" folder. If you're using the CIA version, open the "CIA" folder.
Step 4 - Copy everything in the folder to the root of your 3ds' SD card.
Step 4.5 - If you're using the CIA version, install the CIA, of course.
Step 4.8 - If you want, delete /3ds/data/HIGURASHI/Games/PLACEHOLDER.txt
Game converter tutorial:
Step 0 - If you want the PS3 Voices & Graphics patch, install it first. Refer to the special instructions in this post.
Step 1 - Download the script and image converter.
Step 2 - Extract the ZIP file.
Step 3 - The next step is to get the files from the Higurashi game you want. Right click on of the Higurashi games on Steam and click "Properties" at the bottom of the menu.
Step 4 - Click "LOCAL FILES" in the top bar and then click "BROWSE LOCAL FILES".
Step 5 - A folder will be opened showing the game's files. Look inside the folder called HigurashiEpXX_Data. Copy the folder called "StreamingAssets".
Step 6 - Paste StreamingAssets in the same directory as the extracted script converter program.
Step 7 - Run HigurashiVitaCovnerter.exe.
Step 7.2 - When prompted by the program, enter 1 because we're converting for the 3ds.
Step 7.3 - If the script converter is stuck trying to rename the StreamingAssets folder, make sure no programs are using the folder and you're not viewing it in the file explorer.
Step 8 - When it's finished, take the StreamingAssets folder and put it at /3ds/data/HIGURASHI/Games/.
download https://github.com/MyLegGuy/Higurashi-Vita
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...8e6cf54107aa0e
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January 3rd, 2018, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Some news from NesWorld:
Back again, this time with a quick review of an ultra cheap non chinese (except for the parts used maybe) Gameboy flash cartridge, all the way from Australia.
Also a quick word about the recently released "Super Mario Land 2 DX" fan hack that adds colors to probably the best Gameboy game ever released.
Click here to read more.
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January 3rd, 2018, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
I dont own a Nintendo Switch yet even though the concept i think is the greatest idea yet, Team Xecuter have just posted this exciting news:
In the light of a recent presentation at the Chaos Communication Congress in Germany we've decided to come out of the woodwork and tease you all a bit with our latest upcoming product.This solution will work on ANY Nintendo Switch console regardless of the currently installed firmware, and will be completely future proof. This is *the* solution for opening up CFW (Custom FirmWare) on the Nintendo Switch. We want to move the community forward and provide a persistent, stable and fast method of running your own code and custom firmware patches on Nintendo's latest flagship product. And we think we've succeeded!
Below you can find a quick video showcasing a Nintendo Switch booting up, but there s something funny going on, can you spot it?
For all the non-believers and technically capable people! Try the following key to decrypt STAGE2 of the bootloader (1.0.0 up till 2.3.0):
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January 4th, 2018, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a load of new romhacks that change your favourite game into something quite different, heres the releases:
The following Hacks have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
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January 4th, 2018, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has posted a press release that makes some bold claims:
A strong library of games continues to fuel momentum for Nintendo Switch. In the U.S., more than 60 percent of Nintendo Switch owners have Super Mario Odyssey, and over 55 percent own The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Not only are these games system-sellers, but they’re also two of the highest-rated games in history. (Photo: Business Wire)
“Fans across the country have experienced the joy of playing their favorite games at home or on the go,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and COO. “Now that many more people have received Nintendo Switch systems for the holidays, we look forward to bringing them fun new surprises in 2018 and beyond.”
A strong library of games continues to fuel momentum for Nintendo Switch. In the U.S., more than 60 percent of Nintendo Switch owners have Super Mario Odyssey, and over 55 percent own The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Not only are these games system-sellers, but they’re also two of the highest-rated games in history. Nintendo Switch owners also possess the fun, competitive games Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 at rates of more than 50 percent and 20 percent, respectively.
More than 300 games created by third-party developers have already launched for Nintendo Switch. These include big-name brands like FIFA 18 from Electronic Arts, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Just Dance 2018 from Ubisoft, Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition from Mojang, L.A. Noire from Rockstar Games, NBA 2K18 from 2K Games, Sonic Mania from SEGA, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers from Capcom, Rocket League from Psyonix and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and DOOM from Bethesda. Nintendo Switch has also received strong support from indie developers, with a steady stream of favorites like SteamWorld Dig 2 from Image & Form, Golf Story from Sidebar Games, Overcooked Special Edition from Team17 Digital Ltd and Stardew Valley from Chucklefish LTD.
This year, Nintendo Switch owners can look forward to Nintendo-published games like Kirby Star Allies, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2 and a new game starring Yoshi. Fans can also expect continued support from major publishers such as EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Capcom, SEGA, Take 2 and Bethesda, plus a growing catalog of quality content from indie developers.
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January 4th, 2018, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo Switch hacking news is hotting up nicely, heres some news from Eurasia:
plutoo tweeted a screenshot of the homebrew launcher for Switch which is work in progress hinting it would be released on February the 1st, 2018. Quote: 'Trying to not create a toxic environment -- will boot both libnx and libtransistor homebrew.' Looks promising so far.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?op...7696&forum=107
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January 7th, 2018, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some Snes translation news that may interest:
The version 2.0 patch for Tengai Makyou Zero (an RPG for the Super Famicom) has been released for download. All of the issues with the game that were found in the version 1.0 patch have been addressed.
The patch translates the text and graphics from Japanese into American English. Note that some emulators may have trouble running the patched version of the rom, but that is due to faulty emulation rather than a problem with the patch. (It can be run on real hardware by modifying the original Japanese cartridge.)
In addition, all of the game’s packaging (including the box, manual, and all of the inserts) have been translated, and the link can be found on the project page and in the readme. (The readme also contains some secret information about a hidden event in the game, for those who take the time to read it!)
More info https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3243/
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January 7th, 2018, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at outofprintarchive have posted a new magazine they have brought back to life:
As the first release of a new year we have something rather special to present to you. A magazine which I wasn't sure about if it would be possible to bring it back to life again. But after a ton of work and even more hours put into it compared to a regular 100 page magazine in decent condition, this slim 20 page magazine of 29 years ago finally looks brand new again! 
To view just what it went through, be sure to take a look at the bottom of the updated Restoration Process feature that has high resolution before/after shots of several problematic pages.
Since this is a tiny magazine, we only selected two preview features this time. The first one being Rad Racer by Square, and the classic Castlevania by Konami.
Check it out here - > http://www.outofprintarchive.com/cat...ntendo1-2.html
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January 7th, 2018, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some new NES rom dumps, heres the latest news:
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following new NES dumps:
- 168-in-1 [p1][!], 4-in-1 (SO1)[p1][!].
Haven't planned any releases by now but got some special Christmas-themed dump with help of HardWareMan (thanks a lot!), so here we are. Nothing really special, just Santa on the menu with simple already known games. However I modified mapper 213 implementation in order to run this particular dump. So, all code is in FCEUX repository already, use the build-bot to get the recent version.
The second dump is also from HardWareMan. Has a set of UNROM games hacked to mapper 178 used in some education computer cartridges. Nothing interesting apart form menu, though...
- 2-in-1 - Aladdin 2 + Lion King, The [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Boogerman + Flintstones, The [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Mortal Kombat + Super Aladdin [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Sonic 5 + Batman 3 (YH226)[p1][U][!], 3-in-1 - Harry Legend + Pokemon + Aladdin II [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Chessmaster [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Digital Monster [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Harry Legend (YH3139)[p1][U][!], 6-in-1 - Lost World, The (HP10xx-HP20xx board)[p1][U][!].
Since there are nothing to dump currently (and maybe won't be like the last year), I think I can dig into my old dumping archives of unemulated dumps made by all period but left unemulated by some reasons. I released some of them already, just interesting ones in the first place. So the rest are mostly a multigame dumps. The emulation wasn't a problem for all them, but I need some more research on currently emulated mappers, if there any duplicates may be present.
So, here are dump on the same unemulated before hardware similar to FK23C (mapper 176), but with more strictly defined much simpler commands. UNIF board added to the FCUEX repository as well already.
Sometimes, the same menu types can use different types of mapper. See, 7-in-1 with Lost World and Cricket here uses HP10xx/HP20xx board as against other similar multigame carts released by me previously. These boards has no unsoldered dip-switch pins for menu selection, however they has the same ability which you may see on two last pictures here.
- 6-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (HP10xx-HP20xx board)[p1][U][!], 7-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (HP10xx-HP20xx board)(KY7005)[p1][U][b1], 6-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (FK23C board)[p1][!].
Here more examples to the similar menus. First two dumps are from HP10xx/HP20xx boards (first two pictures), there are no different menus in it. The third one (by HardWareMan too) has the same menu, but on FK23C board (two last pictures)
7-in-1 dump here was the same where I ripped my old Spiderman 2 and Poke Tetris bad roms back in the 2007. Note, if you look at the post above on the same 2007 year page, you'll see another FK23C version of such menu similar to the HardWareMan's dump with a different set of games.
- 7-in-1 - Pokemon Yellow (HP10xx-HP20xx board)(KY7010)[p1][U][!], 9-in-1 - Pokemon Yellow (FK23C board)[p1][!].rar.
And finally, one more set of similar menus on the different hardwares. The first one is HP10xx/HP20xx board from the same long time not emulated bunch of dumps which I didn't released by now at all (haven't seen them in the wild also). The second one - same menu on FK23C board dumped also by HardWareMan. Both have different sets of menus. However, the default setting for the first one should be 7-in-1 which isn't supported currently so it starts from the 4-in-1. The second one has the same default mode for menu as on the hardware cart, so it starts from 9-in-1 as intended. Note, the menu position for 4-in-1 version of the HP10xx/HP20xx boars is incorrect, which is fixed in the FK23C version.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
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January 7th, 2018, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what will be a top emulator for the nintendo 3DS and 2DS, heres the release news:
PicoDrive 3DS v0.91 is released. This is a port of notaz's PicoDrive emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. Currently supports Sega Master System and Mega Drive games only. If you want Sega CD and 32X support, Retroarch is your best bet for now.
- Added support for more extensions (.smd, .gen, .bin, .rom).
- Added option to apply a low pass filter to the audio.
PicoDrive features:
- status line in main menu working
- bug fix: remove accidental wip svp code
- analog control working
- bug fix: svp dynarec freeze
- bug fix: load state background
- bug fix: accurate renderer
PicoDrive 3DS Changelog:
First release.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/emus3ds
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/picodrive-3ds-v090.html
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January 9th, 2018, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Switch is one of the most exciting consoles for me of all time and heres some exciting news from a PSP dev KGSWS:
I hesitate to call this a “homebrew launcher”, although it technically is, because this is not “the” homebrew launcher people have been expecting since the 34c3 conference (that one is stated to be released on February 1st, according to hacker Plutoo). Calling it a GUI though is a bit underplaying what this actually does.
Because loading from SD is still not technically supported yet on the Nintendo Switch existing homebrew platforms, kgsws’ Homebrew launcher loads individual homebrew (nro files) from an http host, then runs them through Pegaswitch’s ACE loader. The setup process is pretty heavy, at least until someone decides to host some of the homebrews on a public server and make a configuration file broadly available.
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January 11th, 2018, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Heres news of a Nintendo DS game translated to english, heres the news:
This Legend of Zelda spin-off was released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS. While Tingle’s previous game, Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, was released in Europe (and thus translated into 5 languages including English), Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love has remained exclusive to Japan.
Team Tingle set out to fix this in 2012. Now, after 5 years of work, the English translation patch for Ripened Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love is finally available. Tingle’s final adventure can now be experienced by English-speaking audiences everywhere!
If you liked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, you should definitely give this game a try. It has the same beautiful 2D visuals and great humor that Rosy Rupeeland had. On the other hand, if you hated Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, you should still try this one. The maligned bartering system has been replaced by a much better mechanic, and every location has its own music! Either way, we hope the community will give this lost Zelda game a chance.
After all, who could ever hate Tingle?
download https://tingletranslation.blogspot.com/
via http://www.romhacking.net/?page=news&category=3
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January 14th, 2018, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Wow the Nintendo Switch is the console of the moment and already theres an emulator released for it:
Original Citra 3DS author and GBAtemp member @bunnei has today released an emulator for the Nintendo Switch:
yuzu is a work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator. yuzu is an open-source project, licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version). yuzu has been designed with portability in mind, with builds available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The project was started in spring of 2017 by bunnei, one of the original authors of the popular Citra 3DS emulator, to experiment with and research the Nintendo Switch. Due to the similarities between Switch and 3DS, yuzu was developed as a fork of Citra. This means that it uses the same project architecture, and both emulators benefit from shared improvements. During the early months of development, work was done in private, and progress was slow. However, as Switch reverse-engineering and homebrew development became popular, work on yuzu began to take off as well.
download https://yuzu-emu.org/
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/yuzu-swit...leased.494209/
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January 17th, 2018, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a post from Eurasia talking about the hacking of the WiiU:
[source: hexkyz @ blogspot.com] Welcome to a new write-up! Last time I wrote one of these was months ago, but I had good reasons for that (*cough*Switch*cough*).
Since as early as March, I've been working non-stop on hacking and reverse engineering the Switch alongside extremely talented hackers/developers such as plutoo, derrek, yellows8 and SciresM.
Together we have achieved incredible milestones and I'm really glad all our hard work eventually paid off.
That said, let's move on to the reason for this post: the Wii U.
If you are one of those few enthusiasts that still care about this console, you might recall last year's CCC where derrek, naehrwert and nedwill showcased their progress in hacking the last bits of the 3DS and Wii U.
Back then, they demonstrated their own exploitation path for taking down both the PPC and ARM processors on the Wii U, which was something that had already been publicly achieved using different bugs/exploits. This was also achieved much earlier by the hacking group fail0verflow which showcased their findings during the 30th edition of the CCC (back in 2013).
More here http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3658
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January 17th, 2018, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a very early release of a Nintendo Switch emulator, good to see work although dont expect anything major for a while, anyway heres the release news:
An experimental emulator for the Nintendo Switch
yuzu is an experimental open-source emulator for the Nintendo Switch from the creators of Citra.
It is written in C++ with portability in mind, with builds actively maintained for Windows, Linux and macOS. The emulator is currently only useful for homebrew development and research purposes.
yuzu Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #15 from bsaleil/master
* vi: Add IManagerDisplayService::CloseDisplay function
* Merge pull request #13 from hpr/fno-new-ttp-matching
* fixed build for gcc c++17 / boost.icl incompatibility
* Merge pull request #14 from ogniK5377/master
* Games expect 15 for ICommonStateGetter::ReceiveMessage in order to continue execution
* renderer_gl: Clear screen to black before rendering framebuffer.
* renderer: Render previous frame when no new one is available.
* Update README.md with Travis link.
* lm: Fix IPC header for Initialize.
* time: Implement GetStandardUserSystemClock, GetCurrentTime.
* audio: Add files to CMake.
* hid: Remove unused registered_loggers.
* audio: Stub out AudOutU::ListAudioOuts.
* hid: Implement IAppletResource::GetSharedMemoryHandle.
* Merge pull request #10 from Andrix44/mpwarnings
* Fix some warnings in the microprofile
* qt: Update about dialog to show license for GPLv2 only.
* shared_memory: Minor fixes and cleanup.
* svc: Implement svcMapSharedMemory.
* kernel: Increase default stack size to 64K.
* Merge pull request #7 from JayFoxRox/remove-surface-viewer
* Remove Surface Viewer stub
* Merge pull request #4 from spycrab/aboutdialog
* Implement "About" dialog
* Merge pull request #1 from roblabla/patch-1 |
For Windows, Linux, and macOS
Can I play Switch games?
No – at this time, yuzu does not run any commercial Switch games. yuzu can boot some games, to varying degrees of success, but does not implement any of the necessary GPU features to render 3D graphics.
news via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2820...0115-released/
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January 17th, 2018, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows, heres the release notes:
m64p (2018/01/15) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
download https://m64p.github.io/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/m64p-20180115.html
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January 17th, 2018, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an awesome release from StupidMarioBros1Fan of the Goldeneye Game hacked to have MARIO and co in it, it looks bloody awesome.
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January 17th, 2018, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
With all the hacking news of the Nintendo Switch recently heres some more that is very interesting:
Today, Fail0verflow have given more details on that exploit, by confirming that it cannot be patched by Nintendo on existing models. In other words, all currently produced Nintendo Switch consoles are vulnerable to this hack and exploitable, and although Nintendo could potentially fix existing models (after the hack is disclosed) without a hardware revision, they apparently wouldn’t be able to release a patch online. However, Fail0verflow have not provided any release date for the hack. It’s actually very possible that they have no intention to release anything. In the past, Fail0verflow have been very careful to distance themselves from any release that could lead to piracy. For example for the PS4, they released patches in order to run Linux on the console about ayear ago, but without the kernel exploits required to actually run unsigned code. Late in 2016, they gave details on a kernel exploit for firmware 4.05, but that had been patched a long time ago by Sony, and not applicable to the latest firmware.
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/16/nintend...ease-announce/
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January 17th, 2018, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Its the night of hacking news and heres some more interesting news, this time concerning the WiiU:
For those of you who still care about the Wii U, hacker Hexkyz has published a write up on a vulnerability that gives him arbitrary code execution in Boot1.He writes:Leveraging this bug from the vWii environment, for example, could grant a nice boot(ish) time CFW by combining some form of contenthax in a way that entering vWii mode would launch the boot1hax payload, reset the console and send you right into a CFW. The total time spent on this would be minimal and it would create a dual-boot environment where you could hold down the “B” button on boot to jump into CFW or do nothing to land on the vanilla OS. That is, of course, if you wouldn’t mind sacrificing your vWii channel for a while (it would then be possible to restore it from within the CFW environment, so that’s not really an issue).
Hexkyz says that it’s very easy for Nintendo to patch this vulnerability, but since the Wii U is now not maintained anymore, hackers felt it was the right time to disclose the exploit.
More here https://twitter.com/hexkyz/status/952661684719575040
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/16/wii-u-h...ution-exploit/
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January 21st, 2018, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some great news for Gameboy fans:
Game Boy Wars 3 is Hudson’s heavily overshadowed effort at innovative gameplay for the Nintendo Wars series. To make things vibrant in contrast to Famicom Wars and Game Boy Wars 1/2/Turbo, Hudson provided stronger unit variety and more active mechanics. However, creativity often comes at a price of streamlining, and Game Boy Wars 3 had proven itself no such exception to that rule.
The PALBal hack aims to bring structure to innovation, involving PAL-style balancing that does its best to understand how balance issues happened and work off of that, while providing its own creative touches here and there in an attempt to add depth without interfering with general gameplay. Also helping is that the ideas that already provided vanilla GBW3 with surprising player phase friendliness despite one of its big issues are significantly better emphasized.
GBW3 may be interesting from uniqueness in its own right, but even those who have already played it can expect this to be worth a look.
More here https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3825/
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January 21st, 2018, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Not everyday do you see unreleased games emerge but think how many there are for every console ever released ?, heres the news:
Here's something that doesn't happen often. Apparently, there's another unreleased Virtual Boy game that has just been shed some light on.
Someone, who appears to be a former Hudson Soft developer, posted a photo of some interesting documents on Twitter. The paperwork is a proposal for a Virtual Boy game called "Invincible Iron Man Gagaga-In" ("鉄鋼無敵! ガガガイン") that would've been published by Eighting Co. Ltd., had it ever seen the light of day. According to some information posted on our forums in 2016, the game did never make it past the pre-production stages, though.
Keep an eye on this thread as new details about the game might be unveiled.
More here http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=442
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January 21st, 2018, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via PDRoms comes news of a new game for the Gameboy:
Yvar de Goffau is know to few as developer of Atari 2600 games. While keeping up the challenge is important, he switched over to the Game Boy and surprises us with Snake. Some of you might tell now, well… yet another Snake. This snake tries to be different, offering smooth graphics at 60hz, a proper difficulty curve and multiple selectable levels.
More Here http://pdroms.de/gameboy/snake-15-01-2018-gb-game
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January 21st, 2018, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an application for the 3DS thats for hackers only, heres the full details:
GodMode9 Explorer by d0k3 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console. It gives you access to your SD card, to the FAT partitions inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND and to basically anything else. Among other functionality you can copy, delete, rename files and create folders. You can find the source here.
Changes:[fixed] Building proper CIAs from 3DS files
[scripting] New HelloBranching.gm9 sample script by Kazuma77
[scripting] New strrep, fdummy and fill commands
[scripting] New not command (best used as in if not …, elif not …)
[scripting] filesel command now also allows browsing dirs
More Here http://pdroms.de/nintendo-3ds/godmod...ds-application
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January 21st, 2018, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another game for the GameBoy Advance that has just been released, heres the release details thanks to pdroms:
LvR by quisseh is a Game Boy Advance game for two players at the same time. Player 1 grips the left half of the GBA and controls the L button, while player 2 grips the right half and controls R.
Five levels, each with unique environments and challenges:* catching fruit as it falls from trees
* sneaking past a sleeping bad guy without getting caught
* invading a vault to steal jewels
* fighting to stay aboard a raft
* helping librarians put away books
more here --> http://pdroms.de/gameboyadvance/lvr-gba-game
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January 21st, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
I dont yet own or have hands on the Nintendo Switch but its an awesome console with a fantastic hacking scene, heres the release news:
A joint effort of ReSwitched developer SciresM and motezazer, jamais vu (French for "never seen") allows for code execution at the highest possible privilege level on the Nintendo Switch. Quoting from the writeup on Reddit, practical applications include: - On 1.0.0, code execution at the highest possible privilege level. TrustZone is only responsible for cryptography, but because jamais vu results in our controlling the entire contents of TZRAM when the system is booting back up, we're in an ideal position to "reboot" into our own, patched version of the OS.
- We can dump keys from "write-only" keyslots. Nintendo's cryptosystem relies on TrustZone receiving only two keys: a shared master key, and a console-unique device key. Newer firmwares can change the master keywhen a fuse is burnt, but we can dump the 1.0.0 master key and our console's device key and perform all encryption a 1.0.0 to 2.3.0 console knows how to do at runtime on our PCs.
- We've peeled back another layer of security, and can analyze and understand Nintendo's cryptosystem. That's the real victory

You can find the writeup below, as well as the ongoing discussions on GBAtemp.
Ongoing Discussion
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/jamais-vu...switch.494717/
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January 21st, 2018, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another beta release of the Nintendo Switch emulator for Windows:
yuzu Git (2018/01/21) is complied. yuzu is a work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator. yuzu is an open-source project, licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version). yuzu has been designed with portability in mind, with builds available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The project was started in spring of 2017 by bunnei, one of the original authors of the popular Citra 3DS emulator, to experiment with and research the Nintendo Switch. Due to the similarities between Switch and 3DS, yuzu was developed as a fork of Citra. This means that it uses the same project architecture, and both emulators benefit from shared improvements. During the early months of development, work was done in private, and progress was slow. However, as Switch reverse-engineering and homebrew development became popular, work on yuzu began to take off as well.
yuzu Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #72 from N00byKing/patch-2
* Update core.cpp
* Merge pull request #92 from gdkchan/nro_refactor
* Fix NRO Entry Point
* Merge pull request #122 from tgsm/time-remove-pragma
* service/time: remove accidental #pragmas
* Merge pull request #121 from Rozelette/master
* loader: Minor style fix in deconstructed_rom_directory
* Merge pull request #117 from jroweboy/clang-format
* Travis: Add missing PPA for newer libstdc++
* Travis: Update clang-format to 6.0
* Format: Run the new clang format on everything
* CMake: Conditionally turn on bundled libs for MSVC
* CMake: Update contributing guide with the new clang format info
* CMake: Add a custom clang format target
* Merge pull request #120 from Rozelette/master
* memory: Return false for large VAddr in IsValidVirtualAddress
* Merge pull request #119 from bunnei/desconstucted-loader
* loader: Clean up ctors and includes.
* loader: Add DeconstructedRomDirectory for game dumps.
* loader: Refactor to also pass filepath into IdentifyType.
* nso: Remove code specific to directory loading.
download via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/yuzu-git-20180121.html
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Nes Emulator for Windows, heres the release info:
My Nes v7.1 is released. My Nes is a portable open source NES/FAMICOM emulator written in C#. It's EXACT nes cycle emulator, very accurate and uses exact ppu scanline timing. My Nes compatibility is very high, and most of the games that supported run perfectly.
My Nes Features:
- Roms browser with bility to disblay additional information of each rom like snapshot and info.
- Save/Load state in defferent 9 slots or in file using save/load state as feature.
- Sound recorder which record sound of current playing rom in wav format (Mono, 44100 Hz, pcm 16-bit).
- Developer console with full access emulation commands.
- Support INES (*.nes) file format.
- Can read from archive (*.zip, *.7z and *.rar)
- Profiles for control mapping.
- CPU :All 6502 opcodes (with the undocumented opcodes), IRQ and NMI.
- PPU :8x8 and 8x16 sprites with transparency and priority, background tiles and sprites evulation, internal ntsc palette generator, default PAL palette, Cycle based ppu, real scanline and scancycle timing, Emphasis and monochrome effects.
- Sound : all the 5 channels, MMC5, SS5B and VRC6 external sound channels. Format: MONO PCM 16 BIT 44100 Hz.
- Systems : PAL , NTSC
- Mappers : # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 105, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 133, 140, 142,159, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 193, 200, 201, 202,203,204,205, 212,213, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251 and 255. Almost full set !!
My Nes v7.1 Changelog:
– Added support for mapper # 163.
– Added multilingual interface support.
– Added ability to render UTF8 texts (in the game browser for non-English game names).
– Added support for Game Genie (ability to enter cheating codes for games).
– Added ability to change the sound buffer size in the audio menu.
– Added some video settings for rendering quality and misc.
– Improved sound configurations, now My Nes sounds better.
– Removed blipbuffer implementation and replaced it with an implementation of the « Band-Limited Sound Synthesis » algorithm.
Download http://sourceforge.net/projects/mynes/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/my-nes-v71.html
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows:
m64p (2018/01/22) is released. m64p uses mupen64plus-gui, a brand new mupen64plus frontend written in Qt5. It supports all thing things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc..). m64p comes bundled with GLideN64 for the graphics plugin. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.
download https://m64p.github.io/
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/m64p-20180122.html
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a rather interesting clone of Minecraft for the Nintendo 3DS:
ElijahZAwesome offers version 1.3.2 of " Minicraft 3DS ", excellent remake on the Nintendo 2DS / 3DS of the action / survival game " Minicraft " Nocht made in 2011 on the occasion of the Ludum Dare 22 .
Version 1.3.2:
- New Potion Maker!
- To go with this, a Strength Potion. It adds 8 more damage to hitting blocks and 5 to damage against enemies. tell me if this is underpowered or overpowered, its hard to balance since I do not really want to play the game right now lol.
Fixed Bug:
- Golden Apple could be used infinitely
- (Hotfix) You could not use a second time potion unless you hit a block or got hurt.
- I forgot to change the version last time XD
These changes should not break any texture packs I believe, but the new potion maker, strength potion, and golden apple will be invisible unless you update your pack.
Download https://github.com/ElijahZAwesome/Minicraft3DS
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...5f0e5d20e0d576
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January 24th, 2018, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the fork of the Wii and Gamecube Emulator for Windows:
Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version (2018/01/22) is compiled. This Version complements Official Dolphin-Master giving support for legacy devices, and reducing cpu usage on the graphic thread. The focus is the gaming experience and speed. At the momment the focus is only in Windows DX9/DX11.
Important Features:
Async shader compilation (Avoiding shader compilation time)
Galop's DX11 Texture Encoder/Decoder (Improve Texture decoding specially EFB TO RAM)
Pre compiled Vertex loader & Optimized vertex decoding using SSSE3 and SSE4
Dolpby Pro Logic II support for xaudio and openal
Larger internal resolutions (IRx6) to allow 4k gaming
Custom Texture improvements to allow direct compressed texture loading including mipmaps
DSP - Time Streching Option (Improve sound output to avoid sound skipping on slow machines)
DX9 support for old machines
Modified Post Procesing interface to support:
-Multiple Stages allowing more complex effects.
-Depth and native gamma as inputs.
-Custom version of DolphinFX that work under dx11 and ogl
-SSAO and DOF.
-Texure Scaling Support
-Bump Mapping with advanced material properties (1)
-Phong Specular reflection to improve ligthing quality(1)
Other Features
Multithreaded Shader Compilation
Early depth test implementation to correct related issues and increase performance
Fast-Depth option now control the use or not of the accurate early z emulation so enabling fast depth will give a speed boos in some systems
Fast EFB Access. Implement global EFB Access Cache to reduce GPU stalls caused by CPU access to the efb (This option is Hack Tab in Gfx Options)
Shader generation Path reorganization to improve performance
Implemented 3d support for Side by side/TopBottom 3d rendering
Many DX9 old bugs fixes (ZComploc, Tev emulation, etc)
Others fixes and little improves.
Download: https://github.com/Tinob/Ishiiruka
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/ishiiru...m-version.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
If your a fan of the Nes Game Megami Tensei, this will be great news for you:
Hey folks, this is a long overdue update to our Megami Tensei translation making it hopefully complete and issue free. The ending music does end prematurely due to the extend length of the text, so if anyone would be interested in helping us with that, we would welcome it.
In addition to bug fixes and script changes, an additional hack was done to swap the sprite of Purski with the Behemoth sprite. This was done because it appears the original devs made an error as Purski is supposed to be one of those Hindu elephants and it was finally corrected with SMT. So we’ve changed it accordingly.
Please note that this game didn’t play nice for us when using savestates, especially in the middle of battle.
Do enjoy.
homepage - http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/
via http://www.romhacking.net/
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January 28th, 2018, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new beta release of the Nintendo Switch emulator for Windows, bear in mind its very early days:
yuzu Git (2018/01/28) is complied. yuzu is a work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator. yuzu is an open-source project, licensed under the GPLv2 (or any later version). yuzu has been designed with portability in mind, with builds available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The project was started in spring of 2017 by bunnei, one of the original authors of the popular Citra 3DS emulator, to experiment with and research the Nintendo Switch. Due to the similarities between Switch and 3DS, yuzu was developed as a fork of Citra. This means that it uses the same project architecture, and both emulators benefit from shared improvements. During the early months of development, work was done in private, and progress was slow. However, as Switch reverse-engineering and homebrew development became popular, work on yuzu began to take off as well.
yuzu Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #151 from lioncash/catch
* externals: Update catch to v2.1.1
* Merge pull request #148 from MerryMage/feature/special-memory
* memory: Replace all memory hooking with Special regions
* Merge pull request #149 from MerryMage/feature/remove-x86_64h
* travis: Remove CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES argument
homepage https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/yuzu-git-20180128.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a beta release of the Picodrive Emulator for the 3DS, heres the release notes:
PicoDrive 3DS Git (2018/01/27) is released. This is a port of notaz's PicoDrive emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. Currently supports Sega Master System and Mega Drive games only. If you want Sega CD and 32X support, Retroarch is your best bet for now.
PicoDrive features:
- status line in main menu working
- bug fix: remove accidental wip svp code
- analog control working
- bug fix: svp dynarec freeze
- bug fix: load state background
- bug fix: accurate renderer
PicoDrive 3DS Changelog:
-Fixed draw_arm.s bug (fixed Blackthorne)
homepage https://github.com/bubble2k16/emus3ds
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/picodri...-20180127.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new beta release of the Nintendo 3DS emulator for Windows:
Citra Git (2018/01/27) is released. This is the trunk of Citra Project. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.
Citra Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #3402 from BreadFish64/installed-game-list
* fix comparison operator
* Fix comparison operators
* remove spaces
* revert move
* only pass one smdh
* only search to two recursions, add update dir to watch list
* reduce the scope of the variables
* allow installed apps to display in the game list
* Merge pull request #3325 from BreadFish64/CompatibiltyReporting
* enum class
* use enum and add default case
* get rid of useless if statement
* Merge branch 'master' into CompatibiltyReporting
* only enable menu visibility
* 1 -> d
* get rid of cmake GUI option
* require web services
* address wwylele's feedback
* move menu action
* add compatibility reporting to qt frontend
homepage https://github.com/citra-emu/citra
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/citra-git-20180127.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
PicoDrive 3DS the Megadrive and Master System Emulator for Nintendo 3DS has been updated, heres whats new:
v0.93 Released (28 Jan 2018)
Against those who still own the old 3DS / 2DS or still care about the 3DS ... and if you still want to enjoy Sega MD games on your Old 3DS / 2DS at full speed:
This is a port of nota's PicoDrive emulator to the old 3DS / 2DS. Although PicoDrive is already highly optimized for ARM processors, if it's still running, it's still in its infancy for mega games on the old 3DS / 2DS, as it's in the RetroArch's version. So this port is heavily loaded on the 3DS '2nd core to emulate the FM synthesized music for the YM2612 FM chip to achieve 60 FPS. But the 2nd core on the old 3DS is not enough to generate a synthesized music at a full 44100Hz, so sounds are generated at 30000Hz on an Old 3DS. It sounds ok for many games, except for those who use high-pitched notes or sound samples.
The screen rendering is done completely using the original PicoDrive's ARM processor-optimized renderer.
You can play Master System, Mega Drive games and Sega CD games, and 32X games. CD games run a little slower (you should enable 1-2 frameskips) on an Old 3DS, but it runs very well on a New 3DS. 32X games can only be played on a new 3DS using the .CIA version of the emulator. Some dynarec instructions for 32X games will crash the emulator (Virtual Fighter, Virtual Racing Deluxe have this issue).
The default maps for the controls are:
1. 3DS 'Y Button -> MD's A Button,
2. 3DS' B Button -> MD's B Button,
3. 3DS 'A Button -> MD's C Button,
4. 3DS' X Button -> MD's X Button,
5. 3DS 'L Button -> MD's Y Button,
6. 3DS' R Button -> MD's Z Button
This emulator uses the same user interface as VirtuaNES for 3DS, TemperPCE for 3DS, Snes9x for 3DS. It will run better on the New 3DS as usual, where all music and sound samples will be generated at 44100Hz.
Putting up v0.93 for download:
v0.93 Release Notes:
- Fixed a sound bug that plays the previous sound from a CD-ROM game when you load up an SMS ROM.
- Re-ordered region priority to US, JP, EU.
- Added support for .32x extensions and 32X games.
(but some games like Virtual Fighter, Virtual Racing Deluxe causes the emulator to crash, just like the RetroArch versions)
- Fixed ASM version of the 32X rendering routines to prevent crashing, and blackthorne games.
- Fixed the frame-rate bug that is not consistent with the frame-rate selected in the menu.
- Enabled 32X / SVP dynarec when running in CIA mode and the necessary custom firmware is available.
- Sets the default mapping for Sega MD's X, Y, Z buttons.
- Fixed a read-ahead library bug that front caused small ISO games to boot to the CD player.
- Fixed minor sound emulation issues and improved sound sync.
- Fixed YM2612 timer bug.
- Implemented more aggressive optimzation of the YM2612 assembly emulation. Less skipping in some games on the Old 3DS.
- Fixed playing PWM samples by the DC Offset of the waveform (CSND is unable to reliably play the samples with a significant DC offset)
Homepage https://github.com/bubble2k16/picodrive_3ds/
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...eef9e845c9f832
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January 28th, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
I have a hacked 3DS but i use a Gateway Card so not sure what this app is, (remember i had a good year away from homebrew), but anyway heres the release notes:
Despite all the copyright infringement caused by this utility, Evi offers version 4.1.1 of " freeShop ", open source clone, originally developed by TheCruel , the famous online store Eshop for nintendo 2DS / 3DS.
v4.1.1 Removed leftover Halloween
The startup sound shouldnt mess anymore.
v4.1.0 Derpy fix hotfix
Okay apparently in the CMakeLists.txt version, but since nobody told me that I forgot to update it. That is now fixed.
4.1.0 changes:
Changed cache storage to sdmc: / 3ds / freeShop since nobody uses data folders anymore for homebrew.
Updated the application to display the new version properly.
If your settings are broken after install, move the sdmc: / 3ds / data / freeShop folder to sdmc: / 3ds / freeShop using your computer or GM9.
freeShop v4 - Community Edition
Below you can download the Community Edition of freeShop.
No major changes have been made for the end user.
For developers there is now a Vagrantfile available to simplify development and building of cpp3ds / 3ds_portlibs.
See the wiki of the fork for details.
Oh and this as usual:
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments.
homepage https://notabug.org/evi/freeShop
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...eef9e845c9f832
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January 31st, 2018, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that Nintendo Switch console is a worldwide hit, for me its the killer combination of game console, portable device and portable game console, heres the news from arstechnica:
Nintendo's latest earning report includes a breakdown of lifetime hardware sales for the Nintendo Switch, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS family of consoles. Its "as of December 31, 2017" figure places the Nintendo Switch at a current lifetime sales count of 14.86 million units, surpassing the 13.56 million Wii U units sold in a little over five years. The Nintendo 3DS (and its 2DS and "New" variants) have combined to sell 71.99 million pieces of hardware since launching nearly seven years ago.
Originally, Nintendo had told its shareholders to expect first-year Switch sales of 10 million; the company revised that estimate in October, following its last earnings report, to a first-year tally of 14 million worldwide. That has now been exceeded a little earlier than expected. The traditionally slow game-hardware months of January and February will likely pad the Switch's first true 12 months of sales data, if only a bit, due to a lack of major or exclusive Nintendo software during that span of time. Nintendo fans will have to wait until March for a new Kirby game and April for the weird, build-your-own-cardboard experiment of Nintendo Labo.
While waiting for more games, more than 9 million Switch owners worldwide may still be busying themselves with Super Mario Odyssey, according to Nintendo's 2017 game sales figures. That puts Odyssey's Switch attach rate at a crazy-high ratio in spite of not being a launch title. Other major first-party game tallies include 7.33 million copies of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 6.7 million copies of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (though it's unclear if that figure includes copies of that game for Wii U), and 4.91 million copies of Splatoon 2. The company's newest (and darned good) franchise, Arms, was actually outsold by the lukewarm launch party game 1-2 Switch.
The Wii U's rough lifetime sales are perhaps best understood in the context of that list of software above. Major open-world Mario and Zelda games, along with a wave of solid download-only games and third-party games that people actually wanted to play, actually arrived for the Switch's first year, compared to the Wii U's mix of big-game waits and failed pushes of second-screen gameplay concepts.
Those sales figures put the Switch on track to surpass the GameCube's lifetime sales figure of 21.74 million and perhaps even the Nintendo 64's lifetime tally of 32.93. Still, Sony rules the modern roost with its own blistering PlayStation 4 sales, which exceeded 73 million units sold worldwide by the end of last year—and which Sony believes sold close to 18 million units in 2017 alone.
via https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/...ire-wii-u-run/
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January 31st, 2018, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Some interesting news from Maxconsole regarding the Nvidia Shield:
Last year, it was announced that a special licensing agreement between Nvidia and Nintendo would allow the Nvidia Shield selling in China to have some old 'Nintendo' games from the Gamecube and Wii libraries, and its been discovered that the GC ones are emulated, which basically means in the near future we could see that emulator running on the Nintendo Switch either officially or unofficially since the Shield uses the same Tegra X1 processor as the Switch does.
The findings were posted on ResetEra by forum member "dragonbane" who revealed that the glitch hunting community on the site managed to import a $250 Nvidia Shield from China with a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess installed. Another member of the group, "Pheenoh," actually streamed the game on Twitch.
The group found some interesting details while watching the stream. For example, the build was incredibly stable, not crashing and maintaining a locked 30 fps throughout the game. The loading times were also incredibly fast, similar to a fast load enabled Dolphin Emulator.
Dragonbane also noted that two consistent game crashes common in the original GameCube version of Twilight Princess were non-existent on the Shield version. Two glitches that interestingly enough also didn't affect the Dolphin Emulator version of the game either until very recently.
Thanks to these clues, the hunter group decided to dump the APK from the Shield. Instead of finding a native executable for the game that matched the GameCube counterpart, dragonbane instead found a GameCube emulator. One they say "runs one of the most demanding games on the [GameCube] very smoothly on the same hardware as the Switch."
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ni...mulated.46441/
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January 31st, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new mahjong clone for the Nintendo 3ds:
A classic remake for Linux Lopan (a Mahjong clone) by Dave Ashley
Like other Mahjongg games, you try to remove all the pieces. To remove pieces you must select a pair of pieces with the same drawing.
I made this port some months ago because I was porting it to PSVITA, and since PSVITA doesn't have an emulator, I used the 3ds port to test things.
The source code of my port is on my github (https://github.com/nop90/SDLLopan-3DS).
The compiled game (3dsx and CIA formats) is released on github (https://github.com/nop90/SDLLopan-3DS/releases).
Ver. 1.0 (31 January 2018)
- First reelase in 3dsx and CIA format
In the zip there is a folder with the 3dsx and the smdh files inside, to be used with a homebrew launcher, and a CIA file to be installed with FBI.
- Touch: select / unselect tiles
- Left: undo moves
- Right: redo moves
- L: change tileset (two available)
- R:change background
- Select: exit
- Start: reshuffle tiles and start a new game
download https://github.com/nop90/SDLLopan-3DS
via http://www.nintendomax.com/adm/index...05b866d6ef24fe
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