May 1st, 2010, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
It's bigger, it's bolder, but is it really that much better? Nintendo's heralded DSi line grew in more ways than one late last month, and now that you've had a handful of weekends to toy with yours, it's time to answer one majorly important question: how would you change it? We found in our review that the DSi XL was a solid option for those without a DSi of any kind, but we didn't feel that it was worth the $190 if you were just upgrading. For those that bought in, do you find yourself agreeing? Is the new size something you're into? Would you have made it a touch larger / smaller? Is the screen up to snuff? Do you think Nintendo went far enough with the advancements? Open up in comments below -- just keep it clean, okay? Your kids are probably reading.
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May 1st, 2010, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Get into the game like never before with the Perfect Shot for Wii.Build-in Wii remote. The Perfect Shot is ideal for shooting games on the Wii and is fully compatible with software designed for the Wii. The Perfect Shot is designed for one handed operation, giving a pistol-like grip for all your shooting games. The accessory pass-through port also allows for use of Nunchuks and other accessories. The tactile trigger also provides a smooth, natural activation of the B-button for less hand strain.
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May 1st, 2010, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
PixelMerge 0.9.0 released by evilynux.
PixelMerge is a clone of the simple yet addictive Flood-it game. Fill the whole board with the same color within the maximum number of allowed steps in order to win. The topleft pixel is your starting point, change to another color to merge and form a group with surrounding pixels sharing the same color. Successive color changes will change the group's color.
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May 1st, 2010, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Wii-C...et-t19757.html
This is a new tool to create homebrew games for the Wii as "Wii game studio" but 10 times better!
It uses the library and devkitpro GRRLIB.
The French translation is in progress but the English version is available.
The goal of Wii Construction Set (named below) will allow programmers to create projects using a sort of drag and drop environment for pseudo complex actions (such as display graphics, animation graphics, animated graphics, playing the Wii, collision detection, etc.) to be done easily with simple functions.
Most of this program is, if a function does not exist in the WCS user always has the option to add C code to implement all the missing features to its project.
WCS is written as an assistant code.
It uses its own C code as a base, this base have been added additional features so that users can easily complete this project.
Many tools have been added as all tools DevkitPro,
Because WCS is designed only to create the necessary files from C code and compiling the project, it does not compile your project.
That said, instructions on how to install all required components (DevkitPro and GRRLIB) are included and a Makefile is provided to guide the compilation process.
Normally if you follow the installation instructions correctly, you should have no problem compiling C code for an executable file compatible Wii.
WCS 1.0 Features:
Some features of the CMS:
Automatic display of 2D objects that you created.
Automatic animation of 2D objects.
Automatic movement of 2D objects.
Support to determine if the objects appear on or under other objects.
support rotation of the object.
Support for 4 Wiimotes.
(Including IR data, Orientation, G-Foce and acceleration data)
Create objects in "rooms" to share or create dynamically at runtime.
Destroy the objects during execution.
PS: I am not the author of the quote, so for the sins of french people, you have to complain to google and the one who gave the English eat to google ^ ^
Source: http://xav91wii.free.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2231
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May 1st, 2010, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Sonic...20-t19752.html
blabla offers version 2.0 of Sonic RPG console.
As its name suggests, is a game console RPG mode, just look at the interface to be afraid ^ ^
You play as Sonic and Shadow you have to beat, with only four actions:
- Attacking
- To Defend
- Care
- Spin Dash (Néssecite 25 PM)
and here's your stats:
ATC 100
PV: 999
MP 100
ATC 120
PV: 999
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May 1st, 2010, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/RaveWild-v02-t19739.html
RaveWild is a shooter and strategy developed by ShinCrusader where you have to resist as long as possible to the enemy!
- Select and control units with the Wiimote.
- Observe the units controlled by the ORDI in combat.
- The level of units increases as the number of enemies defeated.
- Choose between three different units: Fighter, Sniper, and Turret.
- Move your character, order the selected units to follow you as their defense or order it to attack their targets!
- Discovered That your applications are added to the Homebrew Browser Without Warning. DevelopmentEffort + +
- Added Some 8-bit sound effects.
- Fixed some variables not reset Being When a game is Restarting.
- You can adjust the width and height gaps in the Options menu, to help with "any overscan.
- Added shield element: Either hold the Z or C on the Nunchuk and shake to generate a unit-healing, enemy-bullet-negating barrier.
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May 1st, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Platinum Windows
We are no longer called PlatinumWindows anymore we are now
StudioPlatinum - Developer.
This is our second DS application
from the developer of MunchiToy brings you
The Stiff Man X: The Parcel DS.
well its not actually a “Game” its an competition application where people can download
the latest news and competitions that are running or not through a server.
this application is a competition promotion for a 15 minute film we produced.
The Stiff Man 10.
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May 1st, 2010, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from Jovin
This is a video of my next homebrew release.
It's a racing game controled by the Stylus.
What do you think about it?
I have release a Beta version so that you can play.
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May 1st, 2010, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dav09
I have finally finished my first game for the ds that i made in dsgm(which I upgraded to pro). Its a very basic game just a simple maze where you start off going through a maze but in the end you eventually you will get many flags in one round and if you guess the wrong one, you might go back a round or two or you might not do anything when you touch it or you will go forward, so remember what flag was right, or you will keep going back.
I know its a basic game but at least its a start to using dsgm
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May 2nd, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gamerlife
After much time, my project is now finished. When you play this, compare it to the original. Many, many much better changes. Each time you touch the diamond, you earn one point. Every 100 points you gain one life. There are 3 difficulties, each varying with base lives and score needed to up the speed. I'm really proud of this, and I hope it makes it on the games page. If it needs improvements, I'll gladly do whatever is needed to make it. Please play and rate!
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May 2nd, 2010, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.gameblabla.netai.net/index.php?p=1_11
blabla offers Sonic RPG console.
As its name suggests, is a game console RPG mode, just look at the interface to be afraid ^ ^
You play as Sonic and Shadow you have to beat, with only four actions:
- Attacking
- To Defend
- Care
- Spin Dash (Néssecite 25 PM)
and here's your stats:
ATC 100
PV: 999
MP 100
ATC 120
PV: 999
source nmax
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May 2nd, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
source nmax
Fridge Magnets is a little game that lets you move magnetic fridge letters about, bit of fun and learning for children.
Version 0.12 - 30/04/2010 Added up to 4 controllers, Added Sound, Added Bye Screen, Changed Intro screen & Detection of wiimote soft or hard shakes.
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May 2nd, 2010, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
For those that haven’t heard of it, the Elminage games are a series of oldschool first-person dungeon crawlers, developed by Starfish-SD. The latest in this line is a DS port of Elminage II – originally on the PSP — titled Elminage II DS Remix, which includes the features present in the PSP version, and then some.
For the DS game, Starfish included new dungeons, monsters and items. Additionally, it would appear that, after you complete certain dungeons, you can dive back in to seek out further adventures. The combat interface has also been tweaked, and you can now choose the order in which your characters attack, making your offense more efficient. Also, if you own a copy of the first Elminage game for DS, you’ll be able to input a password in Elminage II that nets you a bonus of some sort.
The coolest feature, though, is being able to replace the ingame character icons in the battle menus with a portrait of your own face, using the onboard camera, if you choose to play the game on a DSi. While this feature was present in the PSP version as well, you had to store a picture of yourself on the memory stick and import it into the game that way.
Elminage II DS Remix is scheduled for a July 1st release.
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May 2nd, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
New N64 Homebrew released 
News via http://www.64scener.com/
Sanni over at neoflash' forum has a little game in the works called "Penguins Luv Melons" and I belive this is a quick preview of the mini-game :-)

I have tested this on real hardware and it works great, however Project64 was unable to show anything on the screen.
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May 2nd, 2010, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some new WIP news of his excellent Dos emulator for Windows, heres the details:
Last week I decided to finally look into the INT03 anti-debugger technique used by games like Castle Master. It took a lot of debugging and comparing the emulation progress opcode by opcode between DOSBox and DSx86, but I finally figured out the problem in DSx86. The major issue was that I did not support the Trap Flag properly, and after I added that (which was not all that simple), there still remained some issues with the possible hardware IRQ happening in the middle of a trap interrupt etc, but I finally managed to implement all the features that anti-debugger trick needs to work. Thus, Castle Master should be running in the next version, same as many other games that have so far given "Unsupported Opcode" errors where the opcode is "INT 03".
This weekend was spent fixing various bugs and adding missing graphics opcodes and some INT functions. Nothing major, but a lot of minor fixes. I did start work on supporting VGA 640x480x16 mode, though, and I remembered that my earlier tests with Windows 2.03 halted when it wanted to use that graphics mode. So, I coded just the essentials for that mode and used the 640x200 -mode screen refresh routine (so only the top part of the 640x480 screen will be visible) and then tested how far I can get with Windows 2.03. Somewhat to my surprise, after adding a couple of new EGA graphics opcodes I got Windows to load!
It was interesting that Windows did not actually need any more files than what you see in the picture above (the TEST.COM is my own small tester program that I use with the actual test programs), so I could test it in No$GBA with the bundled version of DSx86. I doubt Windows will run in any usable way yet in the next version, but it should start at least. Certainly it sounds funny to state that "I can run Windows on my Nintendo DS"! :-)
After I got Windows to start I decided to study the SB digital audio problems in Master of Orion. I got the audio to play correct data instead of noise (I had assumed a certain order of the DMA commands that start the SB digital audio DMA transfer, and MOO used a different order, so the start address got corrupted) and I also spent quite a bit of time getting the Port I/O problem fixed. The game actually reads the DMA ports to determine how far the current DMA transfer has progressed, so after some thought I decided that it might be best if I use the FIFO to send that information from ARM7 (which actually performs the the SB DMA audio transfer emulation) back to ARM9 at some suitable intervals. That was a bit difficult to get working reliably, but now it seems to work. There is still a strange problem where MOO stops the animation in DSx86 waiting for the complete audio to finish, while in DOSBox it starts new digital audio playing as soon as the animation reaches the suitable phase. I suspect it has something to do with the DMA progress check, but that works fine now as far as I can tell. This I still need to debug further.
I have also received many new debug logs, thanks for those! Many of the issues will be fixed in the next version, but some will still remain for future versions.
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May 2nd, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bobbyloujo
Sorry it took so long. You can blame my absence on snowboarding season. Anyway, here's my finished game.
PS- I through in a few easter eggs. See if you can find them.
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May 3rd, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Politicians in the Australian state of Victoria are currently locked in a debate about whether an injured man should be able to claim the cost of a Nintendo Wii for rehabilitation purposes under worker's compensation. The man's doctor apparently recommended he use the Wii Fit exercise device, but both insurance companies and the Government itself have blocked the payment and have now ridiculed the idea as paying for video games. But with the Wii Fit increasingly being used for rehabilitation purposes internationally, does the man have a fair case?
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May 3rd, 2010, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo's Wii has been available in black overseas for quite some time now, and while there were ways to get one in North America, those ways weren't exactly cheap -- nor legitimate. Now Ninty is finally giving us a color option, releasing a black Wii to American consumers for $199.99 on May 9. In other news, you'll have a copy of Wii Sports Resort included and a MotionPlus adapter to match, along with the controller and nunchuck that were previously included. In fact that looks to be the standard bundle going forward on the white models as well, which equates to something of a soft price drop assuming new Wii owners were going to buy Wii Sports Resort. And of course they were, because who can resist bopping their friends over the head with pretend wooden swords?
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May 3rd, 2010, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo china

All-in-one novel design based on human hand shape, the new hand grip pad for DSiLL manufactured by Dragon is suitable for longer time use. With angle adjustable hands free stand, you can direct open console without any interference and enhance your game play experience. Storage box allows you to store 2 pieces of game cards.
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May 3rd, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo china

A hands free horizontal or vertical stand for game play for your NDSiLL/DSi/DSL/DS console while storing the game cards, stylus, and micro SD/SD cards!
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May 3rd, 2010, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Official Nintendo Licensed
4 different kinds
Please order a box of 8 pieces to receive a factory sealed container
Limited availability
The party with Super Mario Brothers Wii is still ongoing, besides figures and plushes, we have puzzles that feature the fun moments in the game and all the different monsters etc.
Put the jigsaw together with your child or younger siblings, and soak up the colorful Mario fun. You can also get a frame and mount your finished work on the wall as a poster.
There are four sets, most of them are scenes from the game and one of them is a collage. The two of them, the yellow and the green versions are in portrait dimensions and the blue and red are landscapes.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for many consoles such as Wii,PSP, Gamecube, GP2x, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Iphone and Playstation 2.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.
This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.
or a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
- Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)
- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
- Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for many consoles such as Wii,PSP, Gamecube, GP2x, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Iphone and Playstation 2.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.
This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.
or a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
- Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)
- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
- Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for many consoles such as Wii,PSP, Gamecube, GP2x, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Iphone and Playstation 2.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.
This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.
or a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
- Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)
- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
- Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

The ScummVM Team have released a new version of ScummVM for many consoles such as Wii,PSP, Gamecube, GP2x, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Iphone and Playstation 2.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.
This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.
or a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
- Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)
- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
- Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ideasemu.biz/
Actarus has released a new version of the DS Emulator for Windows
Final version, here's the changelog :
Fixed a bug in debug window.
Fixed a bug in dmas latency.
Fixed a bug in cpu emulation.
Fixed a bug in OAM rendering.
Fixed a bug in Mode0 rendering.
Added Use DMAs latency option.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=300
Only few days after the new coding competition started, we already saw the first entry. "PongInvaders" by our new member usch (have a look at the User ID ) combines Pong/Arkanoid and Space Invaders into a fun new game concept. You'll be able to follow further development of this project in the release thread. Welcome to the community, usch!
In other news, a new Virtual Emulator has been released. It's called VBjin and is a merge of the PCEjin emulator with the Virtual Boy core from Mednafen 0.9, so it's basically Mednafen with a nice GUI. You can download and follow the project on its Google Code page.
One thing that I've missed is that a new version of GoodVBoy has been released some weeks ago. Version 3.1415 adds most of the newer homebrew releases, but for some reason misses BLOX 2.
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May 3rd, 2010, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=301
It's finally done! With the help of our new member Kitaro, it was finally possible to build a good ROM of Bound High!
After all, it was neither a bug in the ISX converter, nor one in the game's source, but a faulty code optimization routine of the VUCC compiler, which could be circumvented with a very small change to the source. Such a little thing, so much hassle!
I'd like to say thank you to everybody who was involved in this and helped to work towards this release, you guys rock!
And now, enjoy this fine release!
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May 4th, 2010, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's confirmed that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will come with a bonus DVD, which is meant to help players master the mini-plumbers skill set.
In a masterstroke of impracticality, however, the disc won't work on the Wii itself. How's that for a massive slice of inconvenient cake?
If you do happen to have something else that the disc will play on though, you'll gain valuable information about the plumber's planet jumpy approach to life, how to use the Wii Remote and nunchuck together, starbits, navigating between worlds and everything else you need to be a master of the galaxy.
We brought you the news that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will feature a two player mode back in April.
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May 4th, 2010, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
2K Games has announced that Sid Meier’s Pirates! will be released for Wii this Autumn.
The game is being developed by 2K China and is seemingly based on the 2005 PC and Xbox title developed by Firaxis – itself a remake of the 1987 Sid Meier title.
For the Wii edition, 2K has added motion controls, new character and ship customisation options and two exclusive mini-games: Lock Picking and Bombardment.
“We are big fans of the Wii and think Pirates! is the perfect game to bring to that platform,” said Sid Meier.
“We’re sure Wii fans will enjoy the timeless adventure of being a pirate captain on the high seas as much as all of our other fans have.”
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May 4th, 2010, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Almost 1 million Wii owners have "participated" in the Netflix movie streaming system in the US, according to comments by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime.
Speaking on CNBC, as reported by Yahoo! Finance, Fils-Aime's figure implied a faster sign-up rate than the Xbox 360, which took around three months to reach the same figure.
This success flies in the face of analyst predictions that the Wii launch of the service would have only a limited impact. Previously Webush Securities' Michael Pachter predicted that "the Wii installed base will embrace the Netflix service only gradually".
Pachter estimated that less than 20 per cent of Wii users were connected online, compared to 75 to 80 per cent for the Xbox 360. However, a recent study by The Diffusion Group suggested that the figure for the Wii was actually as high as 54 per cent.
With more than 30 million Wii consoles sold in the US though, the take up so far for Netflix is still only a small percentage of the total possible audience.
The Wii service was launched on April 12 and unlike its implementation on the Xbox 360 requires a disc provided by Netflix and does not display films in HD. The PlayStation 3 also required a Blu-ray disc to run the software at launch.
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May 4th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
As predicted by analysts late last year, Nintendo is forecasting a drop in annual profits for the first time since the Nintendo DS's 2004 introduction. It's not a loss, just a reduction in profits -- Nintendo is still forecasting profits of ¥230 billion ($2.43 billion), compared to fiscal 2009's ¥279.1 billion ($2.95 billion). The AP's Yuri Kageyama notes that the Wii price drop, as well as slower sales early in the fiscal year (reflected in the first half earnings report), negatively impacted Nintendo's profits.
Analyst Yuta Sakurai thinks Nintendo is being too pessimistic (or just not optimistic enough, considering that the subject is enormous profit). "We are expecting the results to be better than the company forecasts for the Wii," the Nomura Securities analyst said. "Christmas shopping was strong." Nintendo did have an extraordinary December, with both the Wii and the DS breaking three million units each just in the US. It then went on to break sales records in the first two months of 2010. Perhaps Sakurai is correct, and Nintendo is just being modest about its profits. We'll find out on Thursday when Nintendo releases its annual earnings.
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May 4th, 2010, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo’s first 3D system, the Virtual Boy, wasn’t a home run, but Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America, is optimistic about the Nintendo 3DS.
"We’ve mentioned that this coming E3, in June, we’ll be showcasing a new 3DS with 3D capability in a handheld product. We think the consumer is going to be very interested in that news,” Fils-Aime said in a televised interview with CNBC.
The Nintendo 3DS is a handheld system with a 3D screen that does not require special glasses. Rumored features include a 3D joystick and force feedback. But, will the consumer “pay up for it”, the reporter asked.
“Well, we certainly do, and again as long as you provide great new experiences and great value we’ve seen in this category the consumer is willing to participate,” Fils-Aime answered.
What kind of “great new experiences” would the Nintendo 3DS need to have for you to participate in buying it?
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May 5th, 2010, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has sold through an astonishing five million Wii consoles this year alone, NOA boss Reggie Fils-Aime has told CNBC.
The ever confident Fils-Aime pointed out that this tops total sales that both PS3 and 360 have clocked up over the past 12 months.
"What we're seeing is that as long you provide the consumer great products at great value they're going to buy," he said. "In the last four months consumers have bought over five million Wii consoles - that amount is equal to the entire amount that our competitors have sold over the previous 12 months."
Netflix, a movies-on-demand service that went live in US on Wii in March, has also been a success on the console. "What we've seen so far is that almost a million consumers have participated in the service and right now everything is going very well," revealed Fils-Aime.
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May 5th, 2010, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an Openbor Mod that should be compatible with the Dreamcast, Wii, Gp2x/wiz and PSP
Formally know as Sega Genesis Mega Brawler, Sega Brawlers Megamix is now the latest release since november. The roster now as 50+ characters, including new ones. One of the biggest updates of this mod is the new feature which is battle-mode. Once you start it, you will set in the hub stage, where there are 4 TVs. Hit them to change the channel of the stage shown, and walk into it to warp to that stage. Much thanks to Bloodbane for his help with this. Before playing the game, make sure to go to the options and set your controls for all the attack commands.
Download at Lavalit Here --> http://lavalit.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item342
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May 5th, 2010, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
s_hansse has posted a new release of his game for the DS
I started right now to programm Glace DS.
It will be a remake of Glace by Tommy Visic. You can find the orginal Glace by searching for Glace Tommy Visic.
After I solved the problem with the collisions, here's now the final glacedemo6 (now I'll code glacedemo7 )
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May 5th, 2010, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://drunkencoders.com/2010/05/ang...rce-available/
Following up on our posting of the various Nethack variants on the Nintendo DS, we have uncovered a version of the popular roguelike Angband, as well as a working variant called FAAngband for the NDS.
For those not aware Angband is a dungeon-crawling roguelike computer game derived from Umoria. It is based on the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, in which Angband is the fortress of Morgoth.
FAangband is based on Oangband. Changes have been made principally with the intent of immersing the player in the world of Tolkien’s Silmarillion late in the First Age. While it is certainly not perfectly consistent (all the bad guys are still alive; all the good guys are dead, or at least have lost their best equipment), an attempt has been made to remove as many anachronisms as possible.
As well as the binaries for the NDS, source is also available for FAAngband, for homebrew coders to tinker with.
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May 5th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via nmax
Pokemon Battle is an RPG with Pokemon.
You can fight your Pokemon with a map.
Charizard, indivisible and JOLTEON are available.
The installation has been simplified.
Just put the folder and lua pokemon battle.nds directly into the DS.
Start myluads400.nds.
Voila! The game starts!
NOTE: For those who would microlua, just take the file and launch.lua pokemon battle in lua / scripts and run launch.lua.
The addition of English, Spanish, German and the Italian (By Google)
If there are errors of translation, thank you to contact me by mail (eliottm@hotmail.fr) or here.
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May 5th, 2010, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Official Nintendo Magazine will make a "world exclusive" Nintendo reveal in its 57th issue, released June 16.
The mag says: "Speaking of the future, you may want to mark Wednesday 16 June in your diary. We'll be revealing world exclusive details on a top secret new game in the next issue of ONM. We had to make sure we cover this new game which is why ONM 56 and 57 are both being released on a Wednesday rather than a Friday as usual."
For the record, June 16 is slap bang in the middle of E3 - so you know it's going to be good.
Speculate away, kids.
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May 5th, 2010, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
It’s the surprise hit that no-one saw coming and arguably the biggest success story of 2010, and now Ubisoft’s Just Dance has reached another important milestone – it has sold 1m units in the UK.
It achieved the same feat in the US last month. In total the game has now sold well over 2m units worldwide, becoming the publisher’s most successful ever Wii title in the process.
“Fans love the simple gameplay of Just Dance,” Ubisoft’s UK MD Rob Cooper told MCV. “The game is engaging and fun and provides huge entertainment for all age groups as well as good value for money.
“To reach 1m units in the UK market is a huge achievement and special thanks have to go to the Ubisoft UK team for their amazing work in building this success and also to Nintendo for their support in reaching this milestone.”
Earlier this year Just Dance managed the unthinkable in toppling the then number one Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 from the top of the ELSPA GfK Chart-Track All Formats Top 40. It has now claimed the title of UK no.1 a total of four times.
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May 5th, 2010, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Reggie Fils-Aime has said that Nintendo hasn't experienced any decline in DS sales following the vastly successful launch of the iPad a month ago.
Nintendo's COO told CNBC that the platform holder had in fact set two new sales records for the year so far, adding that it was still experiencing great momentum with the handheld, despite the iPad selling one million devices in a month.
"We have not seen any impact on our DS business. In the first three months we've set two new sales records for the Nintendo DS," said Fils-Aime.
"We think that through April, we'll have the best four month time period to kick off a new calender year that we've ever had with the device. So certainly we're seeing momentum, they're seeing momentum - I think two products can succeed at the same time."
He added that Nintendo was constantly looking at how it could expand its products, and highlighted several incentives coming from the company this year - notably the 3DS.
"What we see with consumers is that they certainly do want something new. We're constantly looking at what else we could do with our products," he said.
"We've mentioned that at this coming E3 in June we'll be showcasing a new 3DS so 3D capability with a handheld product. We think the consumer is going to be very interested in that news."
In order to keep driving Nintendo Wii sales, Fils-Aime drew attention to a new Wii bundle in the US, incorporating the new black console, Wii Sports Resort and the Wii Motion Plus controller.
"We're looking to continue driving [...] momentum by adding more value to the package," he said.
"Over the last four months consumers have bought over five million Wii consoles. That amount is equal to the entire amount our competitors have sold over the previous 12 months."
Fils-Aime said that over a million customers had now signed up to the new Netflix service, which would be aggressively marketed throughout May.
He added that software too would keep driving demand for the Wii - "We've had great software and we've got great software coming," he said.
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May 5th, 2010, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster

Typical, isn't it? A full four days before these things are supposed to go on sale to the North American masses, an image of Nintendo's black Wii console has leaked from none other than Best Buy. This here shipment was actually received in the Great White North, but we're more than confident that similar packages are hitting the shipping docks of Best Buy stores everywhere here in the US, too. You'll notice that giant "Do Not Sell Before 05/09/2010" sticker there in the lower-right, but as we've seen in the past, all it takes is a pinch of airheadedness, a touch of charm and false sense of urgency to snag one early. Godspeed, Earthlings.
P.S. - The "old" Wii bundle is now on sale at Best Buy for $179.99 ($20 less than yesterday), and we suspect this will be a trend that continues to other retailers as the new packages roll out. Thanks, David!
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May 5th, 2010, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
In the run up to Super Mario Galaxy 2's big launch later this month, Nintendo has been releasing a steady stream of nostalgia-caked media on the game. And while we don't tell you about each and every one (there's a handful of trailers right here, for instance), we do try and point out the ones that are particularly enticing. For instance, today's trailer features the once-again-playable Luigi as he gets in on some Power Star collecting action himself.
It's not clear whether if the other Mr. Mario is playable from the get-go -- in the first Super Mario Galaxy, Luigi only became playable after collecting all 120 stars -- but he will clearly be a character that players can control.
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May 5th, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Konami is finally starting to consider the DS a viable option for its Bemani series of games, as evidenced by the February 2010 release of the music game Utacchi!!. Think of it as a sort of light version of Pop’n Music, with some of the same songs but touch screen controls and different gameplay mechanics.
In Utacchi!!, players hold the DS sideways as though it were a book. The touch screen is where you’ll be playing along with the music, and the opposite screen will show a dancing character and the touch screen will have notes falling from the top to the bottom of the screen. You can alter the settings to choose how many rows there’ll be (between 1-5) and how difficult the experience will be.
Since it’s a music game, I’d guess it’d be pretty import friendly. As long as you keep track of what color note requires what kind of tapping motion, you should be fine. Plus, think of it this way – if you import you know you’ll be getting a game with classic Bemani songs. If Konami did decide to release Utacchi!! overseas, the company would probably fill it with English-language tracks.
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May 6th, 2010, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
DS sales have surpassed Game Boy's, according to Nintendo's latest financial report.
The company sold 27.11 million DS units in the year ended March 31, 2010, taking life-to-date sales to 128.89 million.
"In spite of lower unit sales versus last year, Nintendo DS life-to-date sales have surpassed the Game Boy series, which was released in 1989 and became the biggest selling handheld gaming device worldwide," the firm said.
Notable performers over the 12 month period were Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver, Tomodachi Collection and The Legend Of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, which shifted 8.4 million, 3.2 million and 2.61 million copies respectively.
Nintendo also sold 20.53 million Wiis during the year, pushing lifetime sales to 70.93 million.
"This is the largest cumulative unit sales performance for console hardware in our company's history," the company said.
During the financial year, Wii Sports Resort, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Wii Fit Plus moved 16.14 million, 14.7 million and 12.65 million copies respectively.
Nevertheless, Nintendo reported a drop in annual sales and profit. Sales fell 22 per cent to £10.1 billion, while profit declined 18 per cent to £1.6 billion.
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May 6th, 2010, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced this week's Virtual Console, WiiWare and DSiWare offerings, with highlights including Final Fantasy on the NES and a music program for the DSi called Rytmik.
Yes, Virtual Console owners are invited to endure [surely "enjoy" - Ed] another Hanabi release - this time in the shape of the first instalment in the ageing Final Fantasy series.
Legend has it that the game was so named because developer Hironobu Sakaguchi was planning to retire after its completion. In the event the game came out and did amazingly for Square, and the rest is history.
It's probably rubbish these days, but hey. It will cost you 600 Wii Points to find out.
The other Wii option this week is Pub Darts, which has less historic value but only costs 500 WP. It's "just like throwing a real dart", apparently, and there are variants like 501, Cricket, Around the Clock, Killer and Baseball to choose from.
Meanwhile, the DSi benefits from four releases, with Rytmik - at 800 DSi Points - the most expensive and potentially the most interesting.
It's an application for "creating rhythmical and melodic themes for composing whole songs", apparently, with classic drum machines, popular trackers and a "modern sound library" of 170 samples.
"It consists of musical notations for up to four instruments that you may transpose, select their location in the stereo field, and modify their volume, polyphony and echo," apparently.
"You may combine up to 128 such clips in four tracks and create complex pieces of music. A rhythm library and varied collection of 16 pre-made compositions at your disposal allows you to quickly compose your own pieces."
Hot. Other options are Flips: Silent But Deadly, an interactive book for kids; Metal Torrent, a vertical shoot-'em-up with high scores on the internet; and Bounce & Break, an "innovative break-out game taking place in a Zen Japanese universe". Those three all cost 500 DP.
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May 6th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's profits dropped by 18 per cent year-on-year for fiscal 2010, according to the company's financials released today.
The company's net income for the year ending March 31, 2010 was JPY 228.6 billion (£2.4 billion / £1.6 billion) - a decline of 18 per cent on last year.
Meanwhile, net sales declined by 22 per cent to JPY 1,434 billion ($15.3 billion / £10.17 billion).
Nintendo attributed the drop to the negative impact felt by a price reduction to Wii hardware, fewer strong Wii software releases over the first half of the year and appreciation of the yen.
Overseas sales accounted for 84.1 per cent of overall sales and the total number of employees increased over fiscal 2010 from 4130 to 4425.
Nintendo's forecast for fiscal 2011 was a further 2.4 per cent drop in net sales and a 12.5 per cent decline in profit.
The new Nintendo 3DS hardware - which it confirmed will be compatible with DS and DSi software - will be released during the year, as will Pokemon Black / White.
"Through the expansion of 'Nintendo Zone', a service utilising the wireless function of Nintendo DS, Nintendo will continue to provide unique content such as free downloadable Nintendo DS software and Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, which enables players to enjoy games together with their distant friends," said Nintendo.
"In addition, Nintendo's strategy is to achieve the ultimate worldwide objective of 'must-have for everyone' rather than 'must-have for every family'. Nintendo will enrich consumers' daily lives with features such as information services at cultural facilities, commercial establishments and more."
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May 6th, 2010, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has just announced that it's about to start combing the globe, looking for the hottest dancers and choreographers that it can include in the follow-up to surprise smash hit Just Dance. As detailed by the press release, the auditions will begin in France before moving to London and, eventually, the US. The game's Facebook page has all the details.
Before you get too excited, know that the official Joystiq dance team, Jamaretto, will be participating and -- against contest and federal regulations -- we'll be breaking out all our signature moves like the Grand Crunk Railroad, the Gogurt, the Sprained Cankle and the Spin Around Really Fast. So ... yeah. Bring it.
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May 7th, 2010, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP, Gp2x, Wii and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Whats New
Log message:
int i = getentityproperty({ent}, "mapdefault") Returns map index entity began play with.
Note: MVS is once again not compiling - New screen functions appear to be the culprit.
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May 7th, 2010, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
FluBBa has released a new version of his PC Engine emulator for the DS, heres whats new:
Finally added CD-ROM audio through the use of .bin/.cue files, make sure to read the CDROM_readme.txt file for how to rip your CD games correctly.
*Added support for CD-ROM images in .bin/.cue format.
*Added support CD audio playing.
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May 7th, 2010, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
BlastGuy is a Bomberman-clone for 2-4 Players. The goal of the game is bombing the other players, so that you are the only one left! To gain an advantage over the other players, you can pickup various power-ups. A version is also available for PC on the homepage of the game.
V3 Changelog
--Replace a big part of the tile engine (improve speed a lot)
--Correction of memory leaks
--Betters GFX (flames have a direction and alpha bending)
--Source code more simple and faster
--Wiimotes now uses the SDL joystick events instead of wpad lib
--Merge PC and Wii code
--z index blitting use qsort instead of a home made sort
--Reduce the size
--Cool pause screen
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May 7th, 2010, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo supremo, Shigeru Miyamoto has said that the Wii house needs to decide whether or not to introduce a paid subscription model for its online gaming service.
Online-compatible Wii and DS games are currently free to play using Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service, but in an interview with Edge Miyamoto suggested this could change.
"... Probably the other thing that we are desperate to realise is the core [online] business structure," Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis and Development boss told Edge.
"Do we need to demand customers pay monthly fees to enjoy online activities? Or give an online subscription that is free of charge, but then offer something extra for people that pay, so that they get some extra value? With these core business strategies I think we are less active than we should be."
Despite this admission, the Mario daddy rejected the idea that Nintendo's not taking enough steps in the online space.
"To be honest, I think it's rather unfair whenever I hear such comments - that Nintendo isn't proactive when it comes to its online strategy," he said.
"The fact of the matter is that we always want all Wii consoles to be connected online, all the time, so Nintendo has never been less than proactive in that kind of endeavour.
"It is true, though, that Nintendo hasn't been very proactive in developing such online activities as an MMOG.
"But when it comes to our endeavours that try to take advantage of internet technology, where we can provide our customers with more fun and entertainment, then I think we can say we have been very, very proactive and well-received. And that attitude won't be changed at all in the future."
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May 7th, 2010, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo supremo, Shigeru Miyamoto has said that the Wii house needs to decide whether or not to introduce a paid subscription model for its online gaming service.
Online-compatible Wii and DS games are currently free to play using Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service, but in an interview with Edge Miyamoto suggested this could change.
"... Probably the other thing that we are desperate to realise is the core [online] business structure," Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis and Development boss told Edge.
"Do we need to demand customers pay monthly fees to enjoy online activities? Or give an online subscription that is free of charge, but then offer something extra for people that pay, so that they get some extra value? With these core business strategies I think we are less active than we should be."
Despite this admission, the Mario daddy rejected the idea that Nintendo's not taking enough steps in the online space.
"To be honest, I think it's rather unfair whenever I hear such comments - that Nintendo isn't proactive when it comes to its online strategy," he said.
"The fact of the matter is that we always want all Wii consoles to be connected online, all the time, so Nintendo has never been less than proactive in that kind of endeavour.
"It is true, though, that Nintendo hasn't been very proactive in developing such online activities as an MMOG.
"But when it comes to our endeavours that try to take advantage of internet technology, where we can provide our customers with more fun and entertainment, then I think we can say we have been very, very proactive and well-received. And that attitude won't be changed at all in the future."
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May 7th, 2010, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced it is currently developing Wii Party, a new title that has been designed to shake up an oversaturated genre on the best-selling console.
The game was revealed by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during a recent financial briefing, who claimed the platform holder will “aim to make it a marquee party game or Wii”, according to 1up.
Wii Party looks to be an mixture of previous first-party titles Wii Play and Mario Party 8, whereby players move around a game board and take on a variety of motion-controlled mini-games.
As with all previous Wii-branded titles, such as Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort, the game will use players’ Mii characters. Iwata added that the Living Party game mode will promise “unique gameplay only available with the Wii remote”.
According to the Nintendo president, Wii Party will be an important title for the company in the current financial year, confirming it will arrive on shelves before March 31st, 2011.
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May 7th, 2010, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Michael Pachter's ongoing spat with Nintendo regarding the Wii 2 is well documented. Pachter is sure it's coming, Nintendo says it's not. Now the analyst has gone one further by claiming that the declining sales of the Wii documented in the platform holder's recent financial statements will only get worse unless it speeds up attempts to get its successor to market. He said, 'The reason for this is clear: the software being created is just not interesting enough or compelling enough to drive Wii owners to buy more than two [games] per year, and most of those purchases are first party software. We can blame the third party publishers for making shovelware, or for misjudging the Wii market, but the simple fact is that the publishers have to develop completely separate games for the Wii because its CPU is not powerful.'
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May 7th, 2010, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Backing away from a previous position, are we Nintendo? Just a month after Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime claimed that the iPhone OS (you know, that operating system used on the iPod touch, iPhone family and the iPad) wasn't a "viable profit platform for game development," along comes the company's president to say that, in fact, Apple is the primary "enemy of the future." That's according to Times Online, who says that the Big N's CEO (Satoru Iwata) feels that the battle with Sony is a "victory already won," and who clearly believes that the next wave of gaming won't be of the traditional sit-on-your-coach-and-slam-buttons variety. 'Course, the PSP never has been able to hang with the DS family, but even the Wii has aways to go before it catches the mighty PlayStation 2 in terms of global sales. Going forward, the company is purportedly looking to revive the element of "surprise" in Nintendo products, but it might be best served by simply catching up to the competition and supporting this wild concept known as "HD gaming" over "HDMI."
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May 7th, 2010, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster

For whatever reason, the last great game console to utilize a cartridge over a disc is finding itself in yet another portable form factor, and of course, the Nimbus 64 has been crafted by one of Ben Heck's most loyal followers. One cndowning is responsible for this beaut, and it's actually his second homemade portable; this particular miniaturized Nintendo 64 uses a custom vacuum formed case, D-pads and control sticks from used Game Cube controllers, a Zenith PS1 display and plenty of nuts and bolts that only the hardcore modders in attendance would understand. Per usual, we'd recommend heading down to the links below for more details and images, the latter of which are likely to make you exceedingly envious of the DIY skills exhibited here.
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May 7th, 2010, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster

We recently checked out the Game Gripper, which quickly turns a Motorola Droid keyboard into a gamepad, and when it comes to simplicity and cost it doesn't get much better than that. But, it isn't quite the same as a real controller, not not like this creation from Bacteria, creator of many a wonderfully hacked console. Here he took an MSI BGP100 Bluetooth GamePad and stuffed it into a classic SNES controller shell, enabling all the buttons except, sadly, the lowly Select. It's all demonstrated in a thrilling video after the break that features action, gameplay, and nearly a minute of screw-turning excitement. The best part? He was hired to do this, meaning if you ask nicely (and write a check) he might just make one for you, too.
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May 7th, 2010, 22:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
12 months as Hoshi No Kirby (Kirby Of The Stars) has appeared on Nintendo's latest release schedule.
The new schedule was released as part of Nintendo's Financial Results Briefing and Hoshi No Kirby appears alongside the Legend Of Zelda (Temp) in the list.
However, the release dates for both games are listed as TBA and neither appears in the Europe or US sections of the schedule. It's also worth pointing out that Hoshi No Kirby also appeared in last year's Financial Results Briefing.
Still, his return is long overdue as there hasn't been a Kirby adventure on a home console since 2001 when Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards was released for N64. A Kirby platformer was in the works for GameCube but was never released.
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May 7th, 2010, 22:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Afraid that the jump-off-the-screen 3D effects promised by Nintendo's next handheld (code-named the 3DS) will become tiresome and overly gimmicky? Addressing concerns that there may be possible health consequences with 3D gaming, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata assured Forbes that the 3D function can be turned off easily, allowing players to enjoy games in a more traditional 2D manner.
While little else is known about the device, it seems like a smart move to ensure Nintendo's next system is attractive to as wide of an audience as possible. Of course, we may change our minds after its E3 debut -- perhaps the 3D effect will be so captivating that we'll be unable to think of gaming in any other way.
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May 7th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster

The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP, Gp2x, Wii and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
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Log message:
Screen.c: Moved frame's declaration up to make VS happy.
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May 7th, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
As an addition to its overall earnings report, Nintendo has released a list of first-party million-sellers from its last fiscal year (ending March 31). Many of these games, including Wii Sports and Wii Fit, have been out for years, but still managed to sell more than a million units over the last four quarters!
On DS, Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver have sold an astonishing 8.4 million copies -- 3.78 million in Japan, where the game's been out since September, and 4.62 million outside of Japan in just a few short weeks of availability before the close of the fiscal year. Nintendo's Japan-only Tomodachi Collection sold 3.2 million copies, and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box moved a respectable 2.43 million copies outside of Japan. Even Style Savvy, which has a somewhat low profile in North America and Europe, sold 1.21 million copies in those territories. As for two perennial bestsellers, Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. each sold over three million copies outside of Japan in the last fiscal year.
Nintendo's marquee 2009 Wii titles, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros. Wii, sold more than 10 million units each in North America and Europe alone; and worldwide, those titles sold 16.14 million, 12.65 million, and 14.7 million copies, respectively, through the fiscal year. But if you think those are big numbers, think again. Thanks to Wii Sports being bundled with the Wii system outside of Japan, the game now totals 63.46 million units sold. Heck, even Link's Crossbow Training (bundled with the Wii Zapper) broke a million sold in the last fiscal year.
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May 7th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster

Nick Hagman knows how to use his feet for a most unconventional purpose: completing games using a Dance Dance Revolution pad. He's done it before with Castlevania, and now he's used his talent to finish another classic, the original Super Mario Bros.
It took Hagman 14 attempts and plenty of practice to complete the classic. The 11-minute video documenting the feat can be found after the break, with certain sections sped up for sanity's sake. Now Hagman wants to know which game he should finish with his feet next: DuckTales or Mega Man 2?
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May 8th, 2010, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
A listing from a Nintendo financial document suggests the company plans to release a new Kirby game for the Wii in the future.
A launch schedule included in Nintendo's recent Q1 financial results report lists a game called "Hoshi no Kirby(Temp.)" for release on the Wii in Japan. The title doesn't list any other regions for the release, which is dated "TBA".
Kirby's last headline appearance on a home console was 2003's Kirby's Air Ride, a racing spin-off for the GameCube. A more traditional GameCube Kirby game was planned at one point but never saw the light of day.
Kirby's latest portable release, Kirby Super Star Ultra, sold an impressive 2.3 million copies, suggesting the pink puff still has some drawing power among Nintendo fans.
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May 8th, 2010, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has revealed that the 3D function on the upcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld will be easy to turn off.
The revelation, which came via a Forbes interview with Iwata (thanks GoNintendo), was offered in response to concerns that 3D games might have possible health effects on children's eyesight, Iwata said.
Nintendo has had direct experience with the potential health effects of 3D gaming - the company's 3D Virtual Boy was reported to cause headaches for many players after prolonged play.
The announcement of the 3D off switch gives some credence to rumours that the 3DS will utilise Sharp's parallax barrier technology to achieve its glasses-free 3D effect. That technology allows for quick switching from 2D to 3D display via a simple cutoff to the electrical current going to the parallax barrier above the LCD screen.
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May 8th, 2010, 12:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo may have seen its first slide in net profits in over half a dozen years recently, but that's not to say all is depressed in the Mushroom Kingdom. To the contrary, in fact. The outfit's CEO has the troops fired up and aimed squarely at Apple, and its little-handheld-that-could has just surpassed its earlier-handheld-that-could to become the best selling portable gaming machine in history. While belting out numbers during the latest quarterly earnings report, Nintendo confessed that the DS family (DS, DS Lite, DSi and XL) had sold around 129 million units, and at last check, the Game Boy crew had peaked at around 118 million. We're hearing that Sony's world-beating PlayStation 2 still leads the way when looking at all gaming devices at 140 million, but with that 3DS hitting in the near future, we might just see a new all-around champion crowned in the numbers game.
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May 8th, 2010, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
A man who police say bit his mom in the ankle, broke out a window with a BB gun and hit a pedestrian and a tree with his car was arrested Thursday evening.
Colorado Springs police went to Meadows Mobile Home Park about 5 p.m. Thursday in response to reports of a disturbance with a bat and a gun. According to police, James Williams had gotten angry over a Wii game and went on a rampage. At some point, he got into his car and rammed several other vehicles as well as hitting the pedestrian and tree. Several residents in the park followed him and when they confronted him, he got out of his car and used his BB gun on another vehicle.
When an officer arrived, Williams ran at his police cruiser and jumped on the hood. When he jumped off, Williams was tased by the officer and arrested.
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May 8th, 2010, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
MPlayer CE r590 released by Extrems and rodries
MPlayer CE is a homebrew media player for the Nintendo Wii. It was initially created as a fork of Team Twiizers' port of MPlayer, combining elements of MPlayerWii, GeeXboX and other great homebrew contributions.
0.77 (on-going)
Upstream sync. [MPlayer r31139 / FFmpeg r23040]
Improved performance and quality.
Added support for mono audio output.
Added Dolby Surround mixing on any 4/5.1 channels sources.
Added disc light VU meter.
Any synchronized Wiimote or connected GameCube controller can now be used.
Added support for USB keyboards.
Added hardware analog volume control.
Added blip.tv playlists.
Extracted DVD encryption keys are now cached on the local storage device.
Added support for AMR narrowband and wideband audio using opencore-amr.
Wiimote timeout now depends on the battery level.
Improved resume accuracy.
Improved video scaling.
New VI initialization.
Added support for the title element of some playlist formats.
Added support for international text encodings on file systems.
Cache and memory information have been moved to a new OSD level.
MPlayer's messages are now available over USB Gecko.
Removed Nintendo Channel content.
Deprecated gx_zoom, hor_pos, vert_pos and horizontal_stretch.
Fixed crash when stopping while using libdvdnav.
Fixed crash when stopping while a scaled DVD subtitle is displayed.
Fixed crash related to text subtitles.
Many more bugs fixed.
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May 8th, 2010, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=2562
modrobert writes: "I just got word from garyopa that there's a new Wii drive out there, check the forum over at wiinewz.com for the original post. According to ToroXL this drive works ok to swap (full drive swap, not PCB), and has been tested successfully with Sundriver and WODE jukebox. BTW: This looks like the drive ModchipCentral found back in March 2010, however, now there shouldn't be any doubts about what to call it. As seen on the image below the desoldered chip reads 'GC2-D4' on the bottom side (facing the PCB).

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May 8th, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/DeSmu...83-t19805.html
DeSmuME is a Wii emulator for the Wii Nintendo DS Developed by Castlevania
The R154 is the first official release!
The emulation is quite slow!
To see if your games work, see Compatibility List
You must put your ROMS in. Kts in x: / DS / ROMS
The backups are going into x: / DS / SAVES /
If you want to use a BIOS put it in x: / DS / BIOS / appointed and biosnds9.rom biosnds7.rom
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May 8th, 2010, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from relminator
Well, it has been almost a month since I started DS coding(Most of the time coding half-blind because I don't know the hardware that much.)
This is an old-skool SHMUP type of game.
So far this is only a basic engine.
* sprites are in 2d (system can handle Vram and Ram based tiles in realtime)
* 3d Background (the mode7-like floor and ceiling is using the 3d hardware)
* Procedural 3d models (based on the supershape formula by Paul bourke)
* Enemy entities uses fixed-point catmull-rom splines.
* Use orthographic projection(if available) to render the enemy entities and use the 2d core exclusively for bullets.
* Learn more about the DS hadware.
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May 8th, 2010, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cobalt
So yeah. Touched up my Easter Competition entry a bit, added saving and a couple of other minor fixes, made it a bit easier (although I still cannot beat Ultimate difficulty myself), and here we are. I know that the easter comp thread is only fresh in the grave but this is really my first finished DSGM creation and I wanted to make a thread for it.
One of the old screenshots still applies and I don't feel like taking new ones.
A warning- it may seem like you pass through power ups - remember that you have to hit them directly, aiming too high means you miss. Something to do with sprite collisions.
For those of you just tuning in (and for a new description on the site):
Bunny Run is a simple but solid platformer/arcade game. Navigate the bunny across flying platforms in an attempt to reach the end as fast as possible, grabbing powerups and avoiding powerdowns and head-on wall collisions.
Try to set high scores, or unlock 5 unique (and somewhat odd) trophies!
D-pad - Move (Press down to drop through floors)
A - Jump
Start - Pause
Select - Return to menu (when paused)
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May 8th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from Gamer4Life
After much time, my project is now finished. When you play this, compare it to the original. Many, many much better changes. Each time you touch the diamond, you earn one point. Every 100 points you gain one life. There are 3 difficulties, each varying with base lives and score needed to up the speed.
Ok, here's the final version. James, Eldude, I took you guys; advice, and implimented it into the game. There's now a timer, explained on the rules screen. I also made it so that no matter what diamond you touched it makes the beep sound. Makes it look better, I think. Anyway, here it is. James, if this is to your liking, go ahead and slap it up on the games page. ^_^
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May 8th, 2010, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax
Hi, these days I have started to work a little XD and I made another version of something more complicated and time of Where is the Star?, Which has the following improvements:
-New mode added difficulty (Hard)
-Three new levels added.
-Fixed bug saying that it had in the credits.
"For the next level you have to play the star, not worth dragging the stylus to find it.
"I've also changed the position of the star in the Eiffel Tower, so you can see.
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May 8th, 2010, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax
DSCovered is based on the look of Apples very popular coverflow system, where you can see the cover art from your media flick past as you select something to load. The poor DS can barely manage this, but I think I did a very good job with this one.
Homebrew games and applications should be able to load on ANY cart, as the internal loader is specifically designed for that in mind. Extra functionality, such as soft-reset is only available on certain slot-2 cards through a secondary loader. These secondary loaders and not available from here, however there are full instructions included in the download.
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May 8th, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax
From the user's hand Disgepia of our beloved community reaches Metroid Gravity a Homebrew something unique that makes me remember when Homebrew of The six Sages ZeldaThe Homebrew is still in Beta version since the author promises much better than expected as possible. Here only can see some functions or movements most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy and also to include two items of the saga Metroid would come to be: the subject of Ridley and the subject of Metroid Prime Hunters.
Version 2.0
Graphics Enhanced.
Added on / off light.
Fixed some bugs in sprites.
Added a more (bow)
Aggregate tester of buttons.
Add the time (Touch screen).
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May 8th, 2010, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax

Flames Of Courage KOF V4 was supposed to be the latest revision of the King Of Fighters made by SNK fans those youngsters back in 2005. However, the V4 but becomes quite playable, has a rather poor finish with a number of bugs that spoil and blend all the good ideas and the work we put into the game. Moreover, old div2 limitations (and later Phoenix), we could not program the game so that it could be enjoyed with two pads at the same time. And to be honest, a fighting game in which one player is forced to play with the keyboard is pretty lame.
And that's the main reason that, after five years since your last release, we have encouraged to make a further review taking advantage of new platforms and GEMIX BENNU. Especially the latter, promising 100% compatibility with div2, made us think that a conversion to add functionality to play with two controls (and the new Windows the way) would be a breeze. Big mistake.
KOF Flames of Courage to V4 stop being div2 platform, which support the hypothetical left adrift for many years. Even so the port was rather more simple version of Hardcore Fight GEMIX, reaching very quickly start rescheduling. However once the process an idea began to haunt our minds: Raising the framerate to 60 frames per second of a ****ing time.
The famerate was another of the weaknesses of the old Flames Of Courage. Initially started with 20 fps. Why? Two of the three components of EGS at that time had a 486, and anything that got a few processes resented.
Up the framerate to course work and subsequent rescheduling polishing bugs about a month. But another half a month for new media in the options, and a best finish of the game, but most likely continue to have a good bag of hidden bugs, compared with its previous version is much better done, is much more playable and much more showy.
At first, he planned to do BENNU version, but again in no time and got to do boot code originally was to be only for GEMIX in BENNU also demonstrated that with care can be fairly compatible code between these two platforms. Not only BENNU infiltrated what was going to be an exclusive title GEMIX, but also has become the best version of long, allowing the use of different palettes and features 8-bit 16-bit color mode (while not GEMIX is specified, so the game had to be in 8 bit color for this release). Because of this we have put new graphics to the stage with more tight and paddles similar to the originals and use graphic effects like transparency additive. When we make a game for GEMIX to 16-bit color can really see what this platform has to offer but currently handling 8-bit graphics, BENNU gets the upper hand.
This will very likely the last version for ever and ever. There will only be revised if serious bugs found in the short term. There will be no V6.
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May 9th, 2010, 11:42 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo says when its new handheld game device with 3-D technology comes out, it will have beefed-up anti-piracy measures. For obvious reasons, the company is keeping tight-lipped on the specifics. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata says they're not only concerned about software piracy, but also a growing tolerance for it. He said, 'We fear a kind of thinking is become widespread that paying for software is meaningless.
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May 9th, 2010, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster

We knew the Wii Controller Demo app (now known as "Wii Controller IME") was close to being able to interact with Android in a meaningful way, but we certainly didn't expect to see Average Joes playing Donkey Kong on their Nexus One devices this soon. Not that we're kvetching or anything -- and in fact, we'd argue that this landed at a perfect time for you hard-workin' Android owners to give this all a spin over the weekend. Jump on past the break for a look at the setup procedure as well as bona fide proof that a Wiimote and Android can indeed work together for the greater good. Mind those coconuts, though.
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May 9th, 2010, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
New footage from Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has leaked onto YouTube, and you can check it out below.
The video shows Mad Gear Zone - Act 2 in full. The music itself rewards a play through.
It also shows off the rather splendid prospect of Super Sonic in its later stages.
Sega's 2D episodic title is due for release on PSN, WiiWare and XBLA this summer.
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May 9th, 2010, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has revealed that the new Nintendo 3DS - its next handheld, capable of displaying 3D without the need for glasses - will feature the ability to deactivate the 3D effect.
Speaking in Tokyo recently, via Forbes, Iwata said Nintendo is aware of concerns over the affects of 3D screens on children's eyesight.
Acknowledging this, the Nintendo president said it would be easy for users to deactivate the 3D mode, giving you the choice of playing games for the new console in either 2D or 3D.
UK industry sources told CVG that the platform holder is readying an October launch for the system - which Nintendo promises to reveal in full at E3 next month.
Nintendo announced the 3DS back in March, confirming only its ability to display 3D without glasses, and saying it would be out before March 2011.
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May 9th, 2010, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster

The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP, Gp2x, Wii and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Whats New
Author: sumolx
Log message:
Final update to ramlib for all currently support platforms.
Without rewritting scriptlib... access to ramlib will return KByte values instead of Bytes.
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May 9th, 2010, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has admitted that a decline in DS hardware sales in Europe show the platform is in urgent need of a "big hit" title.
The problem, he says, not just for DS but Wii too is a lack of big games this year. "Also similar to the U.S., 2010 has not seen a strong software lineup thus far for the Wii platform, while big titles were launched for other companies' platforms one after another," he admitted in a recent financial briefing.
"In the U.S., Xbox360 has been keeping the lead over PS3 this year. In Europe, on the other hand, while Xbox360 was showing the decline, PS3 has shown increase since the fall of 2009. It appears that the benefit of third party publishers' big multiplatform titles has been mainly contributing to PS3," elaborates Iwata.
"On the other hand, the sales of Nintendo DS hardware in Europe are showing a year-on-year decrease, unlike the United States market," he added, saying: "While Wii has been embracing big hit titles since the latter half of 2009, not many strong titles to significantly drive hardware sales have been launched for Nintendo DS for a while.
"So, we recognize that we are coming to the stage where we need to offer a hit title that can gain social phenomena and catch our customers' attentions," concluded the Nintendo boss.
Pokemon Black/White was revealed last month. That should do it.
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May 9th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
The original Super Mario Galaxy has been very successful, with 8.84 million units sold worldwide as of March 2010. However, if you divide those sales up by region, Japan only accounts for 1.01 million units, while the overseas markets account for the remaining 7.83 million.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii, on the other hand, has sold over 3.6 million units in Japan, and is still selling. By now, it’s fairly common knowledge that 2D Mario games tend to be better-received in Japan than their 3D counterparts, but one has never managed to settle on any one single explanation for the phenomenon. A popular theory is that 3D platformers in general tend not to be popular in Japan, due to that audience’s well-documented tendency to develop motion-sickness from fast-moving games.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has another theory to add.
“As we see it, one reason why a number of people who love 2D Mario do not want to play 3D Mario appears to be because they are afraid to be lost in the 3D world by not knowing the exact directions, while they feel that they can play with 2D Mario with no such issues,” Iwata explained to investors, during a financial results briefing.
“One of the development themes of the original Super Mario Galaxy was to create a 3D world where people may not be easily lost, and the spherical shape was adopted as the game play theme for this reason,” he continued.
While not brought up at the briefing, development team EAD Tokyo also struggled with making Galaxy accessible to those with motion-sickness. Takao Shimizu, the game’s producer, suffered from motion-sickness himself, and personally playtested the game frequently, advising the team on how to change camera angles in a way that would reduce the effect.
Unfortunately, there was no way to eliminate the effect entirely, given the nature of the game, and it would appear the same applies to Galaxy’s world design. “However, when we look at the Japanese sales, I do not think that we were able to effectively tackle this challenge with the original,” Iwata concluded.
So, how are Nintendo changing Super Mario Galaxy 2 to accommodate this discomfort with wide-open 3D spaces? For starters, they’re including a DVD titled “Super Mario Galaxy 2 for beginners” with every Japanese and European copy of the game. While it’s not the most streamlined approach, they hope the videos included on the DVD will show people “how to enjoy playing with Mario in the 3D world.”
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May 10th, 2010, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
WiiMC 1.0.2 released by Tantric and rodries
WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.
1.0.2 - May 8, 2010
Significant changes to improve stability
Significant improvements to video performance
Frame dropping now disabled by default (change it to Disabled in the Video settings to improve performance if you are updating from a previous version)
Corrections to device mounting code (fixes crashes on startup)
Translations to the following languages: Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Romanian, Estonian, and Brazilian Portuguese
Video scaling issues fixed
Audio static bug at EOF fixed
Fixed issues with radio streams
Fixed DVD issues
Improvements to settings loading code
FF/RW time is now configurable
Friendly names now shown for playlists
Radio stream information now shown in the now playing area
Allowed file extensions list expanded
ASS subtitle file support added
Added settings for subtitle language and codepage
Other various bugfixes and improvements
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May 10th, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
SandTraps 2.3 released by flarup
Sand Traps is an original multiplayer puzzle/platform game for Wii homebrew.
The objective of the game is to tilt the board using your Wiimote, in order to guide the sand towards the green exit. In each level you need to save a certain percentage of the sand. If the sand 'falls out' of the board it is lost. If the sand touches the red stone it is also lost.
In some levels you can add new stone, and in some levels you can also remove it again so you can reuse it elsewhere.
Version 2.3 (2010-05-09)
Added "Sand Madness" levels
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May 10th, 2010, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Bugiin 1.4 released by brunette_redhead
If you have ever played Mario Paint for the SNES, then you have probably played the Gnat Attack game (also known as Coffee Break). My game is a spinoff of this, created for the Wii. I took many creative liberties with it, including redoing all of the sound effects with my brother and my girlfriend, and switching up the game modes just a bit.
There are two main game modes, the "Classic" mode, which is level based much like the original. There is also a "Swarm" mode which features endless enemies.
V1.4 - 05/09/10
Changed the menus
Better hit detection
Different game over and level complete screens
Improved stability.
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May 10th, 2010, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
It is becoming increasingly more likely that Nintendo is using Sharp's parallax 3D tech for its upcoming handheld, the Nintendo 3DS.
The 3D display tech allegedly used in Nintendo’s new DS system has been researched by tech firm Sharp for nearly twenty years, official documents show.
Key to Sharp's parallax 3D system is how the technology can be turned on and off at the flick of a switch - a core feature which Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has now confirmed will be used in the upcoming 3DS handheld.
In a recent interview Iwata said that the 3DS “will be easy to turn off the 3-D function on the new machine, allowing people to play games, with or without 3D.”
The quote effectively shows that Sharp's parallax 3D tech has been chosen for the device.
Develop recently published documents outlining Sharp’s parallax 3D tech. The illuminating research paper on 3D parallax barrier displays – republished here – says that the 3D technology can be used in a number of applications “including 3D games, amusements and image capture”.
The 3DS is set to be shown at next month’s E3 in Los Angeles, before going on sale sometime in the fiscal year “through March 2011.”
In an interview with Forbes, Iwata did not go into details about other functions - such as anti-piracy tech - that will be implemented in the new handheld, but confirmed that the device will fight against a more piracy-tolerant market.
"We fear a kind of thinking is become widespread that paying for software is meaningless," he said. "We have a strong sense of crisis about this problem."
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May 10th, 2010, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that his company needs to improve hardware distribution in Europe and the US and put an end to retailer inventory shortages.
Speaking during a financial presentation following the release of Nintendo's latest financials, Iwata said: "In January this year, I explained to you that the sales of Wii hardware in December 2009 renewed the monthly historical sales record by a large margin, according to NPD.
"As a result, however, Wii console and Wii Fit Plus with Wii Balance Board, whose transportations from the manufacturing facilities to the retailers take longer, have suffered from serious inventory shortages.
"In the United States, since it takes a long time for us to deliver our products to the retailers, when an inventory shortage takes place, it significantly impacts the business momentum. This is one of the areas we need to make improvements."
Iwata added that Europe too had suffered stock shortages at the start of the year.
"Also in Europe, Black Wii hardware experienced an inventory shortage in January and February, except in the UK. Although we had some black Wii inventories for the UK market, due to the different power plug configurations, we were not able to flexibly reallocate the supply. This is another area in which we must make an improvement," he stated.
Nintendo's fiscal 2010 profits dropped by 18 per cent - a drop that the company attributed to the price reduction in Wii hardware, fewer strong Wii releases over the first half of the year and the appreciation of the yen.
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May 10th, 2010, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
It was pretty much implied when "backward compatibility" was listed as a feature of Nintendo's new 3DS handheld back in March. But it's good to hear that 3D gameplay can be easily switched off, direct from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, when headaches or nausea set in during marathon sessions. This should also ease concerns from parents over any adverse effects that long term exposure to parallax barrier gameplay could have on their children's developing eyes. Besides, a 2D mode is desirable in that we expect it to offer a brighter image (especially when viewing off-center), better text reading experience, and a wider angle of view for sharing the display.
Now, we know what you're wondering: what about that new 3.4-inch glasses-less 3D touchscreen display from Sharp, is it 2D switchable? Yup, lending more credibility that we'll see it on the 3DS when the handheld gaming console is fully revealed at E3 next month.
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May 10th, 2010, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry, retro heads, no old-school loving for you. Not on Virtual Console at least. But if you own a DSi you should get on DSiWare and check out Earthworm Jim.
It's one of our favourite Super NES games - you play as a worm wearing a super suit with a little red gun that works and sounds like a giant assault rifle, and blast your way through a twisted world of mutants and snot monsters.
What's happened to Virtual Console anyway? It's weekly updates used to be exciting.
Here's the full list of DSiWare, thanks to Shacknews:
Nintendo DSiWare
Photo Dojo
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Violence
Price: Zero Nintendo DSi Points through June 10, 2010; 200 Nintendo DSi Points starting June 11, 2010
Description: Welcome to Photo Dojo, where you create a dojo filled with ruthless (or humorous) fighting machines using images of you and your friends. Use the Nintendo DSi system's built-in camera to take pictures of yourself and your friends in various poses, then use the built-in microphone to record sound effects and dialogue to give your warrior a voice. Choose one of the four available fighting styles, name your character and you're done. Better yet, repeat the simple, step-by-step process and create a lineup of up to eight fighters. Complete your game setup by customizing backgrounds and choosing from three awesome soundtracks, then prepare for battle. Two players can share one Nintendo DSi system to face off against each other in a one-on-one grudge match, while single-player mode offers the chance to pick your favorite fighter and take on relentless opponents of your own creation. If you're ready for some seriously offbeat kung fu action, Photo Dojo's unique twist on the side-scrolling beat-'em-up genre lets you use your imagination to set the stage for a fun-filled fight to the finish.
Earthworm Jim
Publisher: Gameloft
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older) - Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: The classic action platformer you used to play on the Super NES system is back in a remake that offers the essence and core game play of the original, plus a never-before-seen feature available exclusively on the Nintendo DSi system. Play as the grooviest earthworm in the galaxy. Run, gun, swing from hooks with your head, launch cows, bungee jump and rocket through speed levels in a dozen crazy universes. Earn bonuses with facial-expression-based challenges that track your face using the system's built-in camera. Put on a smile, frown or make a variety of other faces to mimic Jim.
Chess Challenge!
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Patience will be key if you want to score big in Chess Challenge! Perfect your chess skills by playing against the computer in multiple difficulty modes, or play against your friends in either shared or wireless play via DS Wireless Play. Start by practicing with some casual games, then work your way up in fully Elo-rated matches. You'll even be able to track all of your game-play stats - win, lose or draw. Chess Challenge! will keep both novice and expert players glued to the screen for hours.
Flips: The Enchanted Wood
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Players: 1
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Jo, Bessie and Fanny move to the country and find an Enchanted Wood right on their doorstep. In the wood stands the magic Faraway Tree, and in that tree live the magical characters that soon become their new friends: Moon-Face, Silky the fairy and Saucepan Man. Together they visit strange lands (the Roundabout Land, the Land of Ice and Snow, Toyland and the Land of Take What You Want) that lie at the top of the tree. Get ready for exciting adventures - and narrow escapes! The Flips series brings modern classics to the Nintendo DSiWare service. Readers can collect, solve, interact and learn as they progress through the various stories and challenges.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS
Publisher: Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Mild Blood, Mild Violence
Price: 1,000 Wii Points
Description: Phoenix Wright is back as the third game in the popular Ace Attorney hand-held franchise comes to the WiiWare service. As Phoenix Wright, you'll play through five shocking new cases in first-person perspective. The game features two unique modes of play. In Investigations Mode you'll survey crime scenes, interview witnesses and gather evidence. You'll then present findings, listen to testimonials and examine witnesses in Court Mode. TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS also includes the "Psyche-Lock" feature that allows Phoenix to use a line of questioning to reveal inconsistencies in witness testimony.
Chess Challenge!
Publisher: Digital Leisure Inc.
Players: 1-2
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Patience will be key as you face the best players from around the world in Chess Challenge! for the WiiWare service. Perfect your chess skills by playing against the computer in multiple difficulty modes, or use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to start climbing up in the worldwide rankings (broadband Internet connection required). Win online matches and see how your rating stacks up against competitors around the world by viewing the online Leaderboard. If you don't have time to play your friends in a live chess game, Chess Challenge! also lets you play with up to five different Wii Friends using WiiConnect24. With full Mii character support you can really bring your games to life. Start by practicing with some casual games, then work your way up in fully Elo-rated matches. With all of these game-play options, you're in for some serious chess action.
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May 10th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain follows a lone adventurer on his travels through the old Dwarven keep within Firetop Mountain. Now the residence of an evil warlock and hordes of foul creatures, the keep is a mysterious and dangerous place from which no one has returned in many years. As players guide the adventurer through the many passageways and dungeons, they develop the character’s abilities and attributes to suit their play style. Enemies will fall before the player’s brute strength with sword and axe, power of the arcane arts, nimble quickness or custom combination of skills. A wealth of weaponry, armor, potions and enchantments are equipped through an intuitive drag-and-drop inventory system while helpful (or not-so-helpful) NPCs provide guidance, quests, trade goods and skill training.
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May 10th, 2010, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

The ultimate horror atmosphere, created with high-intensity sound effects, foreboding corridors, blood-strewn walls, and nightmarish environments
Revamped equipment system allows for quick and easy access to weapons and items
Three difficulty settings - weak, able, or strong - separate the victims from the victors
New gameplay mechanics create an all new experience in horror on DS™
You are William Redmoor, recent recipient of a radical brain operation intended to cure psychosis and current inmate at a clandestine treatment center for the criminally insane. Your memories are fuzzy, but it appears that your wife was murdered, and the evidence pointed toward you as the killer. Here at the Bright Dawn Treatment Center you are under the care of an enigmatic figure known only as The Doctor.
Whatever the Doctor’s methods, they appear to work—your psychosis is gone… or is it? Demons you once battled have appeared once again. Worse, it seems that the Doctor has some diabolical scheme to perform experimental operations on scores of other inmates. You must not only survive an onslaught of horrific beasts but also stop the Doctor from achieving his goal. With all the insanity that surrounds you, you can’t tell if it’s you or the world around you that has truly lost it. Just how demented are you?
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May 10th, 2010, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Players start with a solid block of cubes marked with numbers on the end of each row. If the number five is marked on the end of a row of six blocks, for example, one of those blocks must be eliminated. But which one? Players must deduce the answer based on the numbers marked on other rows
Players tap a chisel to eliminate blocks they think don’t belong or use a paintbrush to mark ones they think should stay
Once all the appropriate blocks have been chipped away, a fun object will be revealed. There are more than 350 objects to discover in the game
Picross 3D lets players create their own customized puzzles. Players can either share their creations with other Picross 3D players via a local wireless connection or use their broadband Internet connection and Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection to submit their puzzles into a weekly contest. Winners will have their puzzles featured in free weekly downloads available to all Picross 3D players
If multiple people want to play Picross 3D, game owners can also send a few sample puzzles to others via DS Download Play without the need of a second game card
Picross 3D™ is the sequel to the popular Picross DS™ puzzle game. The original game was a number-based grid puzzle that challenged players to reveal a hidden picture. Picross 3D moves the action into three dimensions. Picross 3D blends the logical challenge of a Sudoku puzzle with the excitement of discovering the hidden images within.
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May 11th, 2010, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's viral-esque series of Super Mario Galaxy 2 promotional videos continues with a brief look at an odd flying minigame. In this racing segment, Mario woo-hoos through a course as he holds onto the legs of a "Fluzzard." The challenge, of course, is to win the race against a bunch of birds who aren't weighted down by husky plumbers.
Perhaps this particular Fluzzard flies faster, though, boosted by the assurance that its talents are useful to Mario. There are really only two fates for animals in the Mario universe, after all. If you can't be used as a vehicle in some way (like Yoshi, who is born wearing a saddle), you are doomed to being stomped to death.
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May 11th, 2010, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Because Nintendo DS is a portable system, kids can enjoy drawing at any time, anywhere without the need for paper and crayons!
Once a drawing is completed, touch it and bring it to life with animation and sound. Watch the elephant running, the rocket taking off, bird chirping, and more!
Even a small child who has not yet learned to read can play by simply following the voice instructions throughout the menus and game
Play 10 fun-filled mini games such as "Car Racing", "Whack-a-Mole" or "Air Hockey" featuring the very characters you've drawn
Once you've mastered your drawing skills in "Learn to Draw" mode, it's time to unleash the creativity! Draw whatever you like! Once completed, each picture is stored in the Album for you to view later
Based on the popular Japanese book series that teaches kids how to draw by combining basic shapes, Let's Draw! offers a perfect mix of learning and entertainment. With more than 100 objects to draw and fun art related mini games, young players can learn to draw anywhere, at any time.
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May 11th, 2010, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pate
This version has a long list of changes, but they are mostly minor fixes and improvements. Here is the list:
New EGA 640x350x16 and VGA 640x480x16 graphics modes.
The NDS shoulder buttons scroll the zoomed screen left/right (as before) when not already at the edge, and up/down after that.
Fixed Master of Orion SB digital audio problems.
Changed EGA text output to use INT43 vector (fixes text problems in Space Quest I, etc).
Fixed EGA Read Mode 1 handling (DOUBOLO).
Improved EGA palette handling (ZOOL).
Fixed WC2 savegame handling, which was broken by the DUNE2 savegame handling fix. They call the same DOS function, but expect it to behave differently. Argh!
Added support for INT03 (see previous blog post) and INTO (overflow interrupt).
Implemented Mode-X VGA offset handling (Alien Breed, Traffic Department 2192).
Implemented diskette motor counter handling to INT8 (should fix Civilization hang problem).
Added about a dozen new EGA graphics opcodes.
Added about a dozen new Mode-X graphics opcodes.
Added support for several new DOS and Mouse interrupts.
Added support for several new I/O ports.
Added most of the previously missing characters to the 6x8 text mode font.
Attempt to avoid writing duplicate entries to the debug log.
Ignore SB Direct DAC output for now, pending proper implementation.
RyouArashi has created a small DSx86 configuration program that runs in DOS, so you can run it inside DSx86! Makes it easy to configure the settings for various games when you can do everything on your Nintendo DS. The link to the Google Code page for this software is on my Download page.
I have spent a lot of time debugging some more difficult problems, especially on Saturday, but was not able to fix most of them. It seems that DSx86 is currently not compatible with R4 Slot-1 DS cards, for some reason. I tried to use iDeaS emulator with DSx86 patched with the R4 DLDI driver, and I get the same problems as some R4 users have reported. The most frustrating thing is that I can not get neither the iDeaS or the DSx86 inbuilt debugger to work properly, so I can not debug the problem! So, looks like this version of DSx86 will still not work properly with R4 devices, sorry.
I also debugged various other games that have been reported misbehaving, like Jimmy Whites Whirlwind Snooker and Moonstone. The first one has a similar problem to the one that causes the "Packed file corrupt", message, that is, the segment register wraps downward to 0xFDE0 or something like that, and it will then start writing data to invalid locations in memory, corrupting some DSx86 internal data areas as well. This would probably need a proper LOADFIX implementation to work. I haven't yet figured out the problem in Moonstone where it hangs the touchscreen. Usually such hanging is caused by ARM7 crashing, but it still plays audio fine after this, so I'm not sure what happens there. I have narrowed down the situation where this happens, so a couple of hours worth of debugging should tell me where the problem is.
There are many issues with the mouse emulation, especially with the touchpad mouse emulation, but those I have not looked into at all yet. I hope to make a lot of improvements to the mouse emulation in the next version. Also, Windows 2.03 wants to use PS/2 mouse, which I don't support yet, so don't be surprised that mouse does not work if you try running Windows 2.03 on this version.
Thanks to all of you who sent me debug logs, this time I think I actually managed to implement fixes from nearly all of the logs I have received. There are still issues needing fixing from the earlier logs I have recieved, but I'm starting to catch up so that my TODO list does not keep growing larger and larger by each release!
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May 11th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that he originally intended for Super Mario Galaxy 2 to be developed within a year - which would have seen it release in time for Christmas 2008 if all had gone to plan.
During the latest 'Iwata Asks' interview (via Andrisang), Miyamoto admitted that the game was originally referred to internally as 'Super Mario Galaxy 1.5', apparently "to keep the staff from trying too hard". With the game system and level structure already done for SMG1, all Nintendo wanted to do was make some new levels and throw it out there within a year - and SMG1 was out Christmas 2007.
But, Miyamoto goes on to explain that as the designers tackled new levels they began to realise ways in which they didn't fully push the original game's sphere-based design, and thought of more interesting ideas to implement. And so the game has instead taken two-and-a-half years.
Had Nintendo revealed its launch plan originally, it'd technically have been delayed by a year-and-a-half. And the internet would be going mental. But it didn't and all is rosey. Are you learning anything here, Polyphony Digital (GT5 developer)?
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May 11th, 2010, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
A partial translation of Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata's investors briefing last week has been made available on website andriasang, in which Iwata discusses topics ranging from the 3DS to the future of the console hardware market.
Asked whether some of Nintendo's new casual users had now moved on to social games, and whether the console hardware model was becoming antiquated, Iwata agreed that the current generational cycle of new consoles may not continue forever.
"If you ask why we make game consoles, it's because we believe that 'offering experiences that cannot be done on other devices' is our life line," he said.
"Offering software for a multipurpose multimedia device is, for us, an area of work that we have least interest in," he said in answer to a question of whether Nintendo would ever considering releasing firmware or an operating system for other platforms.
"If we were to stop and do nothing, the current game system framework would probably become antiquated, but because we continue to offer new things, we don't feel at all that this will happen," he added. "We've not once thought things like 'we'll be behind the times, so we should enter social games'."
Discussing the 3DS portable specifically Iwata confirmed that 3DS is not necessarily the final name of the device and that it would have an option to switch off the 3D effect.
He was non-committal though on the question of the device's graphical capabilities, saying only that it would be able to play both casual games and higher level productions.
Asked whether there would be an increase in development costs for the 3DS, compared to the Nintendo DS, Iwata suggested that unfamiliarity with working in 3D might indeed raise initial costs for publishers and developers.
"It's an area that requires trial and error," he said. "It is that trial and error alone that could see an increase in development cost. However, the trial and error is there for any development where you try to make new entertainment experiences, and not just 3D."
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May 11th, 2010, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has confirmed to Eurogamer that Call of Duty: Black Ops will launch on Wii, as well as Xbox 360, PC and PS3, on 9th November.
Although platforms weren't discussed when Black Ops was originally announced, we noticed that a Wii version was mentioned in the USA Today preview we reported on this morning.
We contacted Activision for comment and the publisher said that "Black Ops will be available on all four platforms, PS3, X360, PC and Wii, on 9th November."
Black Ops developer Treyarch has traditionally supported Wii with its releases in the Call of Duty series, so this doesn't come as a surprise - although last year's blockbuster, Modern Warfare 2, had no Wii version.
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May 12th, 2010, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster

[Bunnyboy] pulled off some wizardry with this custom NES cartridge. Inside is the mainboard for a Game Boy as well as his own custom PCB with the comb connector needed to interface with an original Nintendo Entertainment System. In his own words it’s “a Super Game Boy without the Super”. The expansion port to for the handheld is still accessible for some head-to-head Tetris or use with the obscure Game Boy printer.
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May 12th, 2010, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has said that 3DS is not the "formal name" for the new handheld.
An andriasang-translated transcript of a recent investor briefing had Iwata promise that a name revelation "will not be too far off".
The same Q&A session unearthed that the 3D "special feature" of the 3DS can be turned off, as we reported at the weekend.
"By making it so that the player can at all times play with [the 3D feature] off, we believe we can comply with those who have difficulty with the 3D view or those who are worried about their child's eyes," Iwata said.
The 3DS will be present at E3 next month and is expected to be Nintendo's main attraction.
As for a Wii successor, Iwata gave a well-rehearsed and oft-heard line: "We are in no way thinking the Wii is near the end of its platform cycle so we will limit our investments."
Nintendo announced the 3DS at the end of March. Ahead of its E3 reveal, Eurogamer's Digital Foundry Blog investigated what technology the new handheld is likely to use.
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May 12th, 2010, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster

It's never too soon to start picking out your prospective team of Pokémon for the next iteration of the franchise -- even if it's still quite a ways away from being released. Of course, the most important decision on this subject is which of the three starter 'mons you'll choose. Thanks to an image published in latest issue of CoroCoro (via The Escapist), you can now choose between the (formerly silhouetted) Pokémon Black and White starters based on which one you think it the cutest -- which is really the most important metric, isn't it?
The three Pokémon pictured above reportedly have the Japanese monikers Tsutaja, Pokabu and Mijumaru (from left to right), though they'll probably be subject to change for the English-language versions of the game. CoroCoro also revealed the somewhat older-looking trainers featured in the game, which we've posted after the jump. We're not sure what their story is, but they need haircuts in a bad, bad way.
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May 12th, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Dreamrift, the new studio formed by Henry Hatsworth designer Peter Ong and programmer Ryan Pijai, is working on a new DS game that, once again, involves two distinct genres of running simultaneously across both screens. Instead of Hatsworth's weird mashup of platformer and falling-block puzzle, however, the new Monster Tale combines platforming and ... a pet simulation. The result is something reminiscent of A Boy and his Blob.
In Monster Tale, Ellie fights her way through the Monster World in order to free its denizens from the control of the "Kid Kings." Acquired items can be sent to the bottom screen, home of a monster named Chomp. The items Chomp eats or plays with in the bottom screen boost his abilities, or even transform him into one of around 30 forms when summoned to the top screen to protect Ellie. Will a cup of tea transform him into a dashing British adventurer? Probably not!
Majesco plans to release Monster Tale this December.
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May 12th, 2010, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata believes that Japan is the fastest nation in the world to adapt to new trends and technologies. Iwata has stated in the past that the Japanese, by nature, tend to get bored of current trends the quickest, which he cited as one of the reasons behind the Wii’s sales decline in the early half of 2009.
At the recent Nintendo investor Q&A, Iwata stated that he feels the United Kingdom, too, shares this trait to an extent. Addressing a question about DS hardware sales in light of the company’s 3DS announcement, he replied:
“I think Japan is a nation where the whole society shifts rapidly and dramatically to what is new – maybe the quickest in the world. United Kingdom is similar to Japan in a sense that its market also reacts quickly as well. On the contrary, slower tendency can be seen in nations like Germany. And the United States, whose market is often thought of as in-depth, has so many slow reacting consumers (along with rapid ones).
This trend can actually be seen with the gaming population expansion. While Japan once haltered in its expansion, U.S. kept continuing to expand, due to the different tendencies of each market. Thus I believe we will see a huge difference among countries on Nintendo DS sales after we actually make new proposals with Nintendo 3DS, due to price gaps between Nintendo 3DS and existing Nintendo DS family, and consumers’ acceptance of it.”
No real details were divulged regarding the 3DS and its features, or the software that would be released for it. Unsurprisingly, a large portion of the Q&A involved Iwata fending off questions from investors relating to those topics, asking that they wait until E3 for further information on the device — including its final name.
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May 12th, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- Compiled with devkitARM r30 and Libnds 1.4.3+.
- Fixed a bug in the management of color 0 for screen 6 mode.
- Added a filter to improve display quality of high resolution modes.
- There are now three sound modes (PSG at 40Khz, PSG+SCC at 22Khz, PSG+FM at 8Khz).
- Fixed the path of instant save file that was saved by mistake to the root.
- The selection of cartridges, MSX type and sound mode is blocked when the MSX is turned ON.
- Improved change of display mode.
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May 13th, 2010, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
PixelMerge 1.0.1 released by evilynux
PixelMerge is a clone of the simple yet addictive Flood-it game. Fill the whole board with the same color within the maximum number of allowed steps in order to win. The topleft pixel is your starting point, change to another color to merge and form a group with surrounding pixels sharing the same color. Successive color changes will change the group's color.
Version 1.0.1 - May 12th 2010
Reintroduced NintendoMax Wii Dev Compo Splashscreen; I had forgot about it! :-/
Version 1.0.0 - May 11th 2010
Support for translation
More graphically configurable settings
Fixed bug in FreeTypeGX that prevented UTF-8 from working
Removed more unused libwiigui classes
Cleaned a lot of code (e.g. factored out board view in its own class)
Gone public with the code and created googlecode page (see homebrew box).
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May 13th, 2010, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
WiiMC 1.0.3 released by Tantric and rodries
WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.
1.0.3 - May 12, 2010
Fixed issue with browser reloading
Fixed freeze on seek issue
Fixed a back-to-menu freeze
Changed stereo downmixing
Added codepages
Translation updates (and added Hungarian and Polish translations)
Other minor changes
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May 13th, 2010, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Dance...03-t19847.html
ThatOtherPerson offers us his dance games Clone, It is a clone of Dance Dance Revolution.
v0.3 - May 11, 2010
- Added the Ability to import MS (StepMania) step format files.
- The scrolling Boo / Good / Perfect ratings are now cleared out Properly When a song ends Then Or Is Rather exited = remaining and waiting for you to start a new song.
- Added text at the bottom of the screen displaying your performance.
- Added support for up to five different tracks per song placement step to allow for multiple challenges.
- Step queues Used by the game now uses a file name extension dc Rather Then dat. Also Theys must now include information on mode Difficulty What steps are to Be associated with.
- An added title screen Along with Several Other updated or added in game menus. The song selection menu, for example now Allows you to scroll songs available Threw When There Are Too many to display on screen at once.
- Added a menu screen from home Which you can return to the game, return to the homebrew loader, restart your Wii, turn off your Wii, save a screenshot in BMP format or do the same as a PNG image format. The home menu Also displayed the time and date.
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May 13th, 2010, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from LLoyent
It's basically tic-tac-toe, but you play with Cactuars and Tonberries.
I've just got it to a basic "you can play it, yay!" level, so I want to show it off. There are probably some glitches here and there, but it should work fine.
I haven't tested it on my AceKard yet, but it runs in NO$GBA for me.
Easy Mode has the computer choosing a random square.
Medium Mode recognises that it needs to block the player when they have two thingers in a row and a few other things.
Hard Mode will know the winning strategy and will always win or force draw - still in development.
Known Problems:
-Hard Mode isn't selectable (I haven't made hard mode yet)
To Do:
-Add in more fade effects(because they look nice)
-Make music, and add it
-Make sound effects, and add them
-Finish Two player mode
-Make it clear who wins and where when a game has finished
-Make tutorial to briefly explain rules (in case someone doesn't know Noughts and Crosses?)
-Make an arrow doover to point at the player who's turn it is
-Ask if the player wants to play again after a game rather than returning to the title screen
-Make hard mode
-Fix Spelling Errors
-Make saving possible
Thanks, and tell me what you think.
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May 13th, 2010, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has released a new version of Woopsi for the DS
Woopsi version 0.47 is now available:
This version adds support for a "drop" event to enable drag-and-drop functionality. The ScrollingPanel has been refactored to fix the bugs spotted by DoZ. It includes a new ColourPicker gadget supplied by Mark Adamson that allows a colour to be chosen by manipulating RGB sliders. It is built with devKitARM r30 and includes the usual set of bugfixes.
- Removed Woopsi::startup() call from template.
- Fixed bug in Gadget::checkCollision(x,y,width,height).
- Renamed CalendarDayButton to StickyButton.
- WoopsiKey inherits from StickyButton instead of Button.
- ScrollableBase no longer contains implemented methods or data; all moved to ScrollingPanel.
- Child gadgets of ScrollingPanel no longer get drawn to wrong screen if scrolled out of top of panel; Gadget::getPhysicalScreenNumber() is more intelligent.
- Graphics::scroll() returns correctly-sized rects in revealed rects array.
- Replaced WindowBorderBottom, WindowBorderTop and WindowBorderSide classes with more elaborate drawing code in AmigaWindow class.
- Replaced ScreenTitle class with more elaborate drawing code in AmigaScreen class.
- Made ScrollableBase a base class of ScrollingTextBox; implemented all pure virtual functions.
- ScrollingListBox raises value changed, action, click, release, release outside and double-click events correctly.
- RadioButtonGroup raises value click, release, release outside and double-click events correctly.
New Features:
- Added x and y parameters to Gadget::stopDragging().
- Added drop event (drag-and-drop).
- Added Gadget::isBeingDragged().
- Added PipeDream demo.
- Built with devkitARM r30.
- Added ScrollbarPanel gadget.
- Added ColourPicker gadget (contributed by Mark Adamson).
- Added ColourPicker test.
- Added ScrollingPanel::isContentScrolled() and setContentScrolled() to allow DMA copying of panel contents to be disabled if not needed.
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
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May 13th, 2010, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via nmax
News/release from Sylux
I'm new to this forum. Amateur programming, and wanting to improve myself, I thought that starting a project NDS was the best way to learn while developing its first homebrew
So my first homebrew SheepSOS, is born by a simple desire to create. So it's no real ambition that I present it to you. It resumes at the same conundrum the fold, then something very well known: three sheep, three wolves, a raft ... The other guess after
I then said I would bring this to the others, I warn that the life of this homebrew is bone short time of an enigma Do not see this game the next hit
24/04/10 - The development of version 0.1 is completedExit provided the evening
15/04/10 - Project final development phase
13/04/10 - This project is half finished, the progress is slow
31/03/10 - Setting up the game system (the most difficult tasks lie ahead )
28/03/10 - Creation of sprites and backgrounds completed
24/03/10 - Development in progress ...
Downloading :
v0.1 http://www.mediafire.com/?mfzikmmn1dw
v0.2 http://www.mediafire.com/?mttwyn2mgcy
+ + + + + + CHANGELOG
- Added a screen and Victory GameOver
- Change sprites
- Fixed a boggue with sprites at a restart of the game
- Added a move counter
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May 13th, 2010, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly announced on Preorder at Ishopvideogame.com

New flash cart coming soon for all DS Versions with built in GBA and Snes Emulator:
Heres the details:
The Supercard DSTWO Card for Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi & DSi XL is a high-end slot-1 flash cart solution that allows you to launch games, run applications and play media directly from the device. Simply place your files onto either a micro SD or SDHC memory card (sold separately), insert the micro SD into your Supercard DSTWO, your cart into your DS, and turn the system on. Playing games and media has never been easier!
The Supercard DSTWO, with its beautiful Evolution (EOS) operating system and a powerful on-board processor offers unique and exciting features that you won't find anywhere else. Features such as full GBA emulation, a powerful new GUI, a real-time guide, an integrated auto-patch database, as well as being one of the few flash carts that allows users to upgrade the core firmware. If you're in the market for a sleek and feature-rich flash cart for the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi or DSi XL, the Supercard DSTWO is the one for you.
Pay attentnion before ORDERPRE-ORDERS: The Supercard DSTWO is currently available for pre-orders only, the dispatch date was not revealed yet but we expect it to be in the coming weeks. If you purchase this product now, you will be notified as soon as we can confirm the dispatch date! You may also subscribe to our newsletter to make sure to receive the latest information about the SCDSTWO. Note that the image above is of the Supercard DSONEi and is not indicative of the product.
The Supercards DSTWO is supposed to be released by May 18 2010.It is suggested NOT to order this item together with another products before May 16 ,2010.You are supposed to make the order separately.
FeaturesThe exact feature list for the Supercard DSTWO has not yet been made available, but from previous announcements we know the Supercard DS TWO will feature the following:
-RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide(txt,bmp,jpg) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable, more easy to use, cheat code compatible with R4 and DSTT now)
-Multi Saves (Up to 4 slot), Easy to backup and restore saves.
-Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.
-Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)
-Built-in GBA & SNES Emulator.
-Action Slow Motion (4 levels,).
-File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, long file name support).9. eBook (BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF, TXT, PDF).
-Perfect support for long file names;.br /> -Real-time save slot increase to 4 slots. (Exclusive built-in automatic detection of 3D game engine technology, stability, greatly enhanced).
-Give up cheat-code slow motion game play method, improved use of CPU to do operations, "precise control of CPU speed" Achieving the action slowed down, stability / compatibility and better.
-Real-Time Game Guide will support txt formats without conversion, beautify the font is more beautiful; -New UI interface design. Easier-to-use.
-Advanced multimedia playback: native DivX/XviD playback as well as other major formats, similar to the iPlayer.
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May 14th, 2010, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
An article at Wired discusses the difficulties involved in transferring games that were purchased and downloaded online when users replace their Wii or DSi. "Neither the Wii nor Nintendo’s portable DSi consoles have an upgrade path for downloadable content, since games are tied not to user accounts but to specific machines. It’s impossible for a user to copy content from an old console to a new one. Even some Wii owners whose machines have malfunctioned said it was difficult, or impossible, to get Nintendo to transfer the software licenses at its headquarters." One gamer, who bought the recently released black Wii console, explained that she got Nintendo to transfer her games, but needed to "mail both of her Wii consoles to Nintendo, and wait two weeks," hardly a convenient solution.
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May 14th, 2010, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has fired yet another volley in its war on video game piracy, this time against a Queens, New York-based seller of "illegal video game copiers." Nintendo has filed suit against the owner of NXPGAME, which presided over a website that sold "illegal video game copiers that enable the user to download, play and distribute illegal copies of Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi video game software." Nintendo alleges that the owner agreed to shut down the website after several calls and letters from Nintendo legal counsel, but proceeded to open another website selling the same products. Nintendo adds that the old site also redirected users to the new one.
Nintendo doesn't specify exactly what the "Illegal game copiers" in question are, though it does mention a 2009 court case in which the California Central District Court judged the infamous R4 flash cart to be in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and deemed them illegal in the United States. According to Nintendo, such devices "circumvent the technological protection measures" of the DS and DSi and thus infringe on the company's intellectual property rights.
Jodi Daugherty, senior director of Nintendo's anti-piracy effort, noted that using such devices "is illegal and it's wrong," adding, "Piracy is especially harmful to smaller developers." Alex Neuse, CEO of Gaijin Games (Bit.Trip Runner) states in the press release that he estimates that "more than 70 percent" of his company's games have been obtained illegally. "Put simply," said Neuse, "if you enjoy a company's games, paying for them helps to ensure that they will continue to make products you'll like."
The news follows a recent win for Nintendo in a similar Australian court case this past February. That case saw offenders pay in excess of $500,000. In the same month, Nintendo won another case against a man that leaked New Super Mario Bros. Wii onto the internet, ending in a fine of $1.5 million. Once again, would-be pirates, Nintendo is serious about this.
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May 14th, 2010, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo could be about to reveal its plans for the bizarre Wii Vitality Sensor, after announcing a press event with the American Heart Association.
The invite for the May 17 event doesn't offer any indication as to what its announcement might be, but the Vitality Sensor - which measure the pulse of Wii players - seems very likely.
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata said at last year's E3 that he reckons the device has heaps of potential, with the possibility one day for it to help you sleep with special software.
"Everyone under pressure in our stressful society could use this to help us relax in a videogame. Videogames could be made for people to unwind or even fall asleep," he said.
Nintendo's previously said it will release the Vitality Sensor in 2010.
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May 14th, 2010, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster

There were certainly a couple whiz kids at Intel's International Science and Engineering Fair this year, but high school senior John Hinckel's a regular MacGyver: he built a wheelchair remote control out of a couple sheets of transparent plastic, four sliding furniture rails and some string. A Nintendo Wiimote goes in your hat and tells the whole system what to do -- simply tilt your head in any direction, and accelerometer readings are sent over Bluetooth. The receiving laptop activates microcontrollers, directing servo motors to pull the strings, and acrylic gates push the joystick accordingly to steer your vehicle. We tried on the headset for ourselves and came away fairly impressed -- it's no mind control, but for $534 in parts, it just might do. Apparently, we weren't the only ones who thought so, as patents are pending, and a manufacturer of wheelchair control systems has already expressed interest in commercializing the idea. See the young inventor show it off after the break.
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May 14th, 2010, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has told Eurogamer it has "no plans" to re-assess the price of a Virtual Console game on Wii, despite them being as expensive as newly developed titles on the (now well-established) WiiWare channel.
"We're currently pleased with the uptake of WiiWare and DSiWare in the UK (including the Virtual Console service) and believe the content on all these services continues to become more interesting and attractive to people over time," a Nintendo spokesperson explained.
"As such, we have no plans to look at changing the pricing structure for them."
These emulated NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Master System, N64, NeoGeo, TurboGrafx-16, C64 and Arcade games fetch anywhere from 500 Wii Points (£3.50/€5) to 1000 Wii Points (£7/€10).
During Hanabi Festival periods - where Japanese oldies are offered to the West for the first time - prices go even higher.
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May 15th, 2010, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hoitjuh55
Hello everyone
i'd like to share my connect4 game!
You can play against CPU or friend(1 ds)
The CPU isn't ready yet, so he's quite easy!
Suggestions are welcome, enjoy!
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May 15th, 2010, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Great News for those who have brought one of the Snes Flash carts from Neoflash:
The biggest news in this version is that you can now use game genie codes (up to 4 of them).
Some of the controls have changed a bit from earlier versions of the menu, but I've included a readme in the zip that explains the controls for all the submenus....
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May 15th, 2010, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
QuakeGX 0.05 released by Eluan and Piko
This is a port of Quake to the Wii based on the GC Quake port by Peter Mackay.
Release Notes
GX 0.05
Devkitpro 21, and libogc 1.8.x compatible
Keyboard Support
Joining Multiplayer games over TCP/IP possible (still no hosting)
Picking multiplayer colors works
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May 15th, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Avoidance-v1-t19859.html
Avoidance is a quite funny and not so simple, developed by ThatOtherPersonIn which you must avoid contact with the red squares on the screen and route the best score
Here Is a Wii remake / port of that simple browser game I made last month. Just use the Wiimote D-pad to move around the screen and Avoid coming in contact with the red blocks. Theys Avoid Them Then you follow The Higher your score. Anytime you fail your score IS checked Against your personal high score and if you've set a new record THEN ITS Automatically saved.
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May 15th, 2010, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...59-t19860.html
The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R159 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Are also available Forwarder v5 and Alternative forwarder of Leathl & Jeanny
You can delete, rename, copy / paste / cut and see the properties of files on your SD or SDHC card and a multitude of things ...
- Fix for crash on unsupported THP / unload files
- Few in the Stationary TextEditor
- Main AudioCore changes. A lot of exchange in the audio playback.
- Playback of audio Directly From The device now possible. This Makes the backing track of "any possible filesize for the Supported formats. There Is a settings to load the files to memory first and play em from there (old way).
- Added Tooltip Class (No added tooltips to buttons yet, a bit lazy )
- Fix for update googlecode
NOTE: The Audio Exchange Were a bit unstable for me. That Is Why This Is An experemental commit.
Please report if the playback is ok or not for you And Also What Else Is Better and What is worse things. In the Settings There Are Also a few "soundbuffer Which options you could" play with and adjust to carry the best configs for you. If new thesis amendments To The Core of Sound playback out Will not Work, They Might get reverted.
NOTE 2: You Will Need to Manually Update to this review. Due to a few "google is the exchange from the site googlecode AutoUpdater does not work anymore. This is fixed in the new revision for future releases.
- Languages updated files
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May 15th, 2010, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The Wode JukeBox allow to switch from one game to another remotely with a Linux Base Jukebox system.
- Play 8X faster than normal CD.
- Prevent laser lens failure.
- Complete Solder free install solution
- Easy to use GUI - LCD & Joystick
- Region free,.
- Powerful ARM9 MCU
- Totally Flexible Linux Kernel
- USB hub support for multiple USB devices connection
- Great File System support
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May 15th, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Amateur mangaka grab your styli! Columbia Music Entertainment has a manga drawing game for the Nintendo DS.
It’s called Let’s Mangaka DS Style and the genre is “becoming a manga artist adventure”. In this game players are a manga assistant at a comic publishing house and actually draw manga on the touch screen to move forward. Let’s Mangaka DS Style has 550 things for you to draw and an option to make original works. These can be shared wirelessly with up to four players.
You can unlock accessories and clothes to customize your manga artist avatar as you progress. Dress stylishly and you might get a cool boyfriend – the product description actually mentions that.
Let’s Mangaka DS Style comes out in Japan on July 29.
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May 15th, 2010, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

FIFA World Cup started in the 1930 in Uruguay, this year, the 19th World Cup games will be held in South Africa and is the largest sports event of the year. Join in the event through your favorite console.
Be a team captain, take two of your team mates to the field, adopt different positions, cooperate with each other to win the game. Make use of the different skills of your team mates to reach the finals in South Africa. While you can control soccer stars, you can also create your own character.
This is a world event, challenge soccer teams from around the world, take your team through the group league to the final tournaments. Your achievements will be displayed in your country's ranking boards. You get points for every winning, take your country to victory.
For beginners, you can move your game characters and make them dash, and for offense, you only have to use two buttons. You can enjoy some realistic soccer action even when you are using the simplest modes. Other control sets are the Classic and the New Control, for all these sets, you can customize the button presses.
You have advantages when you are playing in your home country but when playing in other teams' soil, your teammates may suffer from fatigue easier. FIFA 2010 have game data and strategies on all countries, work out tactics to avoid opponents from exploiting your members week points.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa JPN US$ 48.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 ASIA US$ 47.40
FIFA World Cup 2010 US US$ 64.90
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa JPN US$ 48.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 ASIA US$ 49.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 US US$ 64.90
Nintendo™ Wii
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa JPN US$ 44.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 US US$ 52.10
Sony PSP™
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa JPN US$ 44.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 ASIA US$ 37.90
FIFA World Cup 2010 US US$ 44.90
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May 15th, 2010, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster

The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP, Gp2x, Wii and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Whats New
Changed 32-bit integer typedefs in gfxtypes.h from long to int. Remember: 64-bit compilers treat longs as 64-bit integers; int is 32-bit across all platforms!
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May 15th, 2010, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
GameBlabla have today released a new version of their Pokemon Battle Game for the Wii
Pokemon Battle is an RPG with Pokemon.
You can fight against 6 pokemons.

Adds a Pokemon Charizard.
You can choose to fight the pokemon.
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May 15th, 2010, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Roxoptr2 0.2 released by free-zombie
Roxoptr2 is a simple game in which you pilot a little helicopter around things. Level data is loaded from SD card (contributions welcome).
Version History
Roxoptr2 0.2 (2010-05-15)
five exciting new levels, and re-designed versions of the old ones!
themed levels with different "protagonists"
improved collision detection
an all-around new look
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May 15th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Scape is a little puzzle game / adventure created by Sheeft at the development competition organized by Nintendomax.
This is the moment a draft which consists of two levels!
The goal of the game to reach the sun the doll by cutting the son who connect.
- The time, the number of shots and the score is calculated at the end of a level (whether we can beat her)
- Ability to restart the level with the "replay"
- Management of the backup (it is automatic at the end of each level) in three different files
- It unlocks the next level by completing a (two levels available, but the 2nd is copied several times to test)
- Consolidation of character displacement (best crashes)
- Added limits on the sides, we can not leave the screen
- The wings of small insects (sceep) are moving
- Menu selection worlds with generic score display (Chapter 2 is available)
- Adding music to the world 2, the first music is redone (thank you Synthesis!)
- And then of course new gfx ...
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=11834
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May 16th, 2010, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's DS looks set to become the best-selling console in videogaming history before you tuck into your Crimbo mince pies this year.
Earlier in the month, Nintendo announced that it had sold 27.11 million DS units in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, taking life-to-date sales to 128.89 million. That figure is must now be over 129 million.
According to NPD analyst Anita Frazier, the DS could overtake the current record owner, the PS2, as the biggest-selling console ever "by October, November". The PS2 has sold "more than 140 million units worldwide", according to a Sony press release earlier this year, and that number is still growing.
DS sales have already surpassed Game Boy's - previously the best-selling handheld ever - despite a recent decline in sales.
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May 17th, 2010, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros has announced that the sequel to its 2009 DS hit will be named Super Scribblenauts.
The game was originally announced as Scribblenauts 2 back in March and is due to hit shelves this autumn. It will the structure of the original Scribblenauts, which has sold more than 1.1 million units worldwide.
Once again, players will be challenged to collect Starites by summoning any object they can think of. In addition to new puzzles, Super Scribblenauts features upgraded controls and more options when creating items.
Most notably, gamers will now be able to use adjectives to create more varied objects, allowing them to change the colour, size, style, behaviour and other aspects of their tools.
Creations can range from gentlemanly, flaming, flying zombies to purple, obese winged elephants, according to Warner.
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May 17th, 2010, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster

An FCC filing today by Mitsumi exposed what appears to be a Nintendo DS testing platform. As you can see, the board above has all of the components of a Nintendo DS, including two screens, controller, and camera. However, these components are installed on a spacious mother board, presumably to facilitate testing.
It’s unclear if if this testing board is being used for a new version of the DS, or if Mitsumi is simply updating their existing WLAN card in the current iteration of the DS. It’s also possible that this isn’t a testing board at all and Nintendo is just planning to release a ridiculously large version of the DS. Either way, it’s an interesting look at the DS and the testing process Nintendo’s suppliers go through.
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May 17th, 2010, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Leaked images and a filing made to the US Federal Communications Commission has indicated that Nintendo has begun tests on its new 3DS and that the console will come with one 3D widescreen display and one traditional 4:3 one.
A leaked image published by WirelessGoodness has shown a new console's circuitry, believed to be the 3DS, and clear indication that it will come with one widescreen display - Sharp's auto-stereoscopic 3D tech - and one traditional 4:3 screen.
Commenting on the image, Eurogamer blog Digital Foundry added that the most telling aspect of the leak could be the new hardware's codename, CTR.
Each of the DS revisions has been given a three-letter codename, it noted. The Nintendo DSi is referred to internally as TWL, while the DSi XL is known as UTL.
The use of CTR, which hasn't been used before, along with the new screen configuration would suggest a brand new kind of DS.
The filing for a "Nintendo CTR Target Board" was made in order to get the Wi-Fi card used by the system approved for use in the US.
Other features shown on the motherboard were standard stereo speakers, a slot for DS cartridges and the usual SD card port.
Nintendo has said that it will showcase its full plans for the new 3DS console, which will let users view 3D games without the need for special glasses, at this year's E3.
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May 17th, 2010, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Videogame revenue was down across the board in April 2010, compared to the same time last year. While the factors contributing to the decline are many, it would appear the handheld segment of the market was the real culprit.
“The portable side of the industry contributed more than its fair share to the industry decline,” according to NPD analyst Anita Frazier. “The portable business across hardware, software and accessories accounted for 25% of total industry dollar sales in April but declines in portable sales compared to April ‘09 accounted for 61% of the total industry decrease”.
In April 2009, the Nintendo DS sold over a million units of hardware. In April 2010, of all the platforms that declined compared to last year, the DS accounts for 71% of the overall hardware decline. Meanwhile, the PSP suffered an equally great drop in hardware sales, down from 116K units in April ‘09 to 65.5K units in 2010.
An important point to note here, however, is that the NPD group don’t track iPhone and iPad sales in their report, both of which certainly count as portable platforms for gaming.
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May 17th, 2010, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
According to a story at ABC News, the upcoming announcement being made by Nintendo of America and the American Heart Association involves an AHA logo of sorts being printed on Wii packaging in the future, in an attempt to encourage more Americans to be physically active.
According to the AHA, their logo is one of the most respected brands in America, and has been proven to boost sales of the products it appears on. As part of the partnership, Nintendo provided the AHA with a gift of $1.5 million, which will go toward their heart care initiative.
Asked if he was concerned over his company’s endorsement of the Wii hurting the organization’s integrity, AHA president Dr. Clyde Yancy said that he was more concerned “if we don’t engage the millions of people who are physically inactive right now.”
“The logo’s not for sale. What we’re doing is promoting a message that’s incredibly important,” he added. Still, according to ABC, opinions are divided amongst physicians they communicated with, over whether or not it is appropriate for a medical organization to endorse any single product without concrete evidence of its benefits.
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May 17th, 2010, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
MTV Games boss Scott Guthrie has indicated that he expects Green Day: Rock Band to sell more than The Beatles: Rock Band.
While the Fab Four's videogame debut last year was critically acclaimed - Eurogamer's resident Beatlemaniac Johnny Minkley awarded it 9/10 - sales worldwide were reportedly well below two million.
That's more than Guitar Hero 5, also released late last year, but far fewer than Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero: World Tour 12 months ealrier.
"We were pleased with the performance of Beatles: Rock Band but we were expecting higher sales," Guthrie told MCV.
"Our core audience of 16 to 34-year-old males are much more familiar with Green Day music than The Beatles."
"Green Day probably has a much higher awareness than perhaps The Beatles did."
Green Day: Rock Band is due out for PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 on 8th June.
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May 18th, 2010, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
A British sports star has become possibly the highest profile name ever to be jailed for the piracy of video games.
Gareth Raynor, a winger for rugby league team Crusaders, was sentenced to 15 months after being found guilty of selling counterfeit DS and Game Boy games, as well as fake ink cartridges, on auction site eBay.
Using the name ‘Genuine-Ink’, Raynor would import pirated cartridges from the East and then sell them on to UK buyers, advertising them as legitimate products. Over 1,500 transactions were found to have taken place between May 2007 and August 2008.
He pleased guilty to 14 charges of trademark infringement and fraudulent trading. He received nine months in jail for counterfeiting offences and an additional six for breaching the conditions of a prior offence.
“You were not saying that your product was cheap and shoddy when advertising them via eBay and as such any purchaser was buying based on trust,” Judge Roger Thorn ruled.
“You breached that trust. The buyers could not inspect the product until after the deal had been done. Thus both the buyer is a victim and also the producer of the product is the victim in loss of sales.”
ELSPA director general Michael Rawlinson added: “We would like to thank the efforts of East Riding of Yorkshire Council's trading standards service in their attempts to protect legitimate local traders and remove illegal products from the marketplace.”
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May 18th, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
During their investor call earlier today, Ubisoft management were questioned regarding how significantly they felt 3D games like Avatar on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 would contribute to their revenue in the future. While the company refused to give revenue estimates, citing unpredictable factors such as the price of 3D TVs, they did confirm that 3D was an avenue they were interested in pursuing on consoles.
Not so mysteriously, they added: “Maybe also on portable machines.”
Ubisoft estimate that 15-20% of their console games will be 3D compatible by next year, and that the figure could rise to 50% the year after that.
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May 18th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
When asked about the final name of the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata replied, “the final product name shall be announced in the not-so-far-away future.” OK, but the final name of Nintendo’s new hardware might actually be Nintendo 3DS, if trademarks filed in Japan are an indicator.
Nintendo registered Nintendo 3DS, N3DS, and two more curious terms – 3DSPlay and 3DSWare. The latter sounds like the Nintendo 3DS’ version of DSiWare, a downloadable game service Nintendo introduced with the Nintendo DSi. Perhaps the Nintendo 3DS is getting its own shop with downloadable games. 3DSPlay is quizzical. Could it be a WiiPlay equivalent?
DS Sound, DS Name Card, DS Magazine, DSMovie, DSCamera, DSCinema, DSMessage, DSMusic, and DSAlbum are also newly added to Japan’s trademark database with Nintendo is the registrant. These could be services, but they are most likely protective trademarks. Nintendo registered “Manga no Ma” or Manga Room in Japan and never used that.
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May 18th, 2010, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster

CTA strikes again! The company known for its unorthodox (and rather silly) game controllers is back with a plastic drawbar / foot pedal combo that is supposed to be "very similar to a rowing machine you would find at the gym," although we highly doubt it. Designed for games like Wii Sports Resort and Jillian Michaels' Angry Sports Resort, this is something that would probably only enter your home as an ill-considered Christmas gift before gathering dust in the back of a closet, alongside your Bowling Ball and Football controllers. But we must admit, even if the company's products are dubious, its infomercials are an endless source of entertainment. See for yourself after the break. As for the rowing machine, it's up for pre-order now at Amazon, as if you care.
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May 18th, 2010, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

6 specialists, 6 gameplay types—Try your hand at general diagnosis, where a keen, analytical mind comes in handy, or put yourself on the edge as a paramedic, where every ticking second could mean the difference between life and death! Tons of variety means everyone can find a specialty they like.
Incredible, dynamic story sequences—Taking inspiration from Japanese animation and comics, each dramatic chapter comes vividly to life with a style seen nowhere else! Hand-drawn art, innovative animation, and quality voice acting perfectly capture the intensity that sets medical action apart!
More realistic, more balanced, more fun—Taking years of experience and tons of user feedback into consideration, the Trauma Center team elevates the medical action experience with cooperative play, unlockable rewards, and selectable difficulty levels.
The makers of the acclaimed medical action series Trauma Center blow the genre wide open with Trauma Team for Wii™, bringing not one, but six exciting and creative gameplay modes! Play as a general surgeon, diagnostician, EMT, orthopedic surgeon, endoscope technician, or medical examiner. With improved game balance and a completely original approach to story cutscenes, Trauma Team delivers the thrills and drama of the best medical entertainment.
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May 18th, 2010, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/24-Po...01-t19890.html
24 Points is a card game developed by reflection Skyfrog at the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010.
A deck of cards (without figures) is shared between the player and the Wii.
At each turn, players place two cards on the table.
Then use the four cards and put the symbols +, -, x, / to calculate 24.
To understand the solution, the game offers a formula editor in 3 lines.
-> Maps: 2 8 3 1
Line1: 8-2 = 6
line2: 3 + 1 = 4
Line3 6 x 4 = 24
It was good (8-2) x (3 +1) = 24.
If you find how to make 24 before the end of the lap, you get 4 cards of the table.
Otherwise it's the Wii which retrieves the cards.
Then we start a tour.
A player wins the game if it retrieves all the cards.
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...=11844&start=0
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May 18th, 2010, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Scape-v021-t19894.html
Scape is a little puzzle game / adventure created by Sheeft at the development competition organized by Nintendomax.
This is the moment a draft which consists of two levels!
The goal of the game to reach the sun the doll by cutting the son who connect.
Correction of the character jumps
-Fixed an error in selecting the level that it takes proper account of the world
- The time, the number of shots and the score is calculated at the end of a level (whether we can beat her)
- Ability to restart the level by clicking on "replay"
- Management of the backup (it is automatic at the end of each level) in three different files
- It unlocks the next level by completing a (two levels available, but the 2nd is copied several times to test)
- Consolidation of character displacement (best crashes)
- Added limits on the sides, we can not get out of the screen
- The wings of small insects (sceep) are moving
- Menu selection worlds with generic score display (Chapter 2 is available)
- Adding music to the world 2, the first music is redone (thank you Synthesis!)
- And then of course new gfx ...
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...=11845&start=0
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May 18th, 2010, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Pong-v10-t19895.html
That Other Person continues to distribute games this week and here That Other Pong, a remake of the famous game Pong.
Other People Have Already Made (what Presumably Must Be Some boxes in at least better) home brew pong games for Wii. Then this is Just Another one to add to the list. Its single player only and you use the Wiimote D-pad to move your paddle up and down.
It uses the Sami have home menu 1bit goal Invaders Realized That I Was not updating 'the clock (It was just sitting at whatever time it Was When the game started "up) so I corrected That. Also I added the flexible loan to shut off your Wii using the power button (the button on the console not the one in the menu, Which Was Already working) or holding down the power button wiimote And Also The flexible loan to restart your Wii with the restart button all of Which I Had forgotten to do with the stuff I could Recently out.
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...=11848&start=0
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May 18th, 2010, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...63-t19896.html
The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R163 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and R-win.
Are also available Forwarder v5 and Alternating Forwarder of Leathl & Jeanny
- Copy / move / delete / rename files and folders from SMB / USB / SD / DVD
- View the properties of a file or folder
- Do a search on SD / USB / SMB / DVD / WiiDisk
- Launch a file .dol / .elf
- See the videos of Wii and GameCube
- Open files. TXT /. / XML. MP3 / .OGG / .wav /. SNB /. AIFF
- Read the images formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. BPD /. TGA /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Slideshow and zoom images
- Convert images to formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. TIFF /. RM /. GD2
- Make screen captures
- Explore and decompress archives in formats. ZIP /. Rar / zip .7 /. BNR /. U8Archive /. RARC
- Read file. PDF
- FTP Client and FTP Server
- Text Editor
- Support with USB2 cIOS202
- Support for file system FAT and NTFS
- Address bar with road access
- Multi-language
- Support for different fonts
- AutoUpdate
- Fix ugly bug with the file extensions
- Removed all library sources from the source (Including mupdf) and Them Into compiled binaries. You can find the source to the libraries in the branches.
- Added a Setting to adjust the file extension. You can enter the extension There Separated with a ',' and decide how to file With That Should Be Gold started "just add missing extensions.
- Made the controls of the app configurable. Added a WHERE Setting You Can adjust the buttons of a WiiPAD, Classic Controler or GC PAD.
- A few "optimizations for the PDF Viewer
- Removed compile warnings
- Set fallback make for pdf viewer to Be the default one ("useful for CJK support)
- Added messages Proper prompt and proper shutdown of App When the viewer is out of memory and gets a fatal error.
- Better memory usage for just one colored image (memory none at all now)
- PDF Viewer
Source: http://code.google.com/p/wiixplorer/
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May 18th, 2010, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/PriiL...88-t19902.html
PriiLoader is developed by Homebrew DacoTaco & phpgeek that can save you from a brig if you do not have it as BootMii boot2.
Is the direct continuation of the project Preloader Crediar OpenSource past.
You can configure via the Priiloader Setting Editor , and the possibility of adding a password and launch WW / VC (If patch ES).
You can choose to be charged by the hacks priiloader thanks to Hacks.ini Generator.
The Installer / Uninstaller allows you to install or update your current Priiloader without deleting the old version:
Press (+) to install or update.
Press (-) to remove and Priiloader remmetre your system menu.
Press (B) with an option whether to use the above IOS249 (CIOS Waninkoko).
Press (HOME) to exit the installer.
To start or configure Priiloader, press RESET when starting the console.
v0.4 (rev88)
- Fix an error in the list of channels.
- Fix for bugs causing a Green bar on the system menu
- Fix code dump
v0.4 (rev86 rev87 &)
- No modification of the homebrew
v0.4 (rev85)
- Small code cleaning
v0.4 (REV84)
- Fix loading string.
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May 18th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted some new WIP News of his excellent Dos emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats posted:
The past week I have been focusing on fixing bugs that make some games behave erratically. I have also added many missing opcodes based on the debug logs you have been sending, thanks for those! I have downloaded various games that seem to have some more severe problems, and have been debugging and testing those. Oh, and I also noticed that my version of Windows 2.03 had been hacked to run on DOS versions above 4.00, which is why it runs fine here, but if you use the original version it won't run in your DSx86. Sorry about that.
The next version of DSx86 will have several new built-in commands:
VER command can have a parameter to change the reported DOS version number, like "VER 4.00" or "VER SET 4".
SETVER command works like VER command with a parameter.
LOADFIX command can be used to launch games that otherwise would give "Packed file corrupt" problems. This still does not seem to work for games that consist of several executables. I hope to get this working as well. However, this fixes also the unsupported opcode problem in Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker.
DEBUG command can be used to start the game and immediately go to the debugger. That is mainly for my own use.
So, Windows 2.03 should run properly in the next version if you give "VER 4" command before "WIN". Or, if you want to make Windows 2.03 run in the current DSx86 0.12, you can also hack it yourself. This is what the DOS FC /B command reports for my hacked version:
Comparing files WIN200.BIN and ..\WIN2\WIN2\WIN200.BIN
0000A926: EB 76
That is, if you replace the byte 0x76 at offset 0xA926 with byte 0xEB, Windows 2.03 will run on DOS versions above 4.00.
Last Thursday was a holiday, so I spent it working on DSx86. I had gotten Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 mostly working, but it had a problem where it never cleared the previous position of the instrument panel needles, so that the instruments got full of the needle images after a little while. I debugged and debugged this problem, compared the drawing between DSx86 and DOSBox for hours! At some point it looked like the EGA Read Mode 1 was not working properly, but I had just fixed this in the previous version, so I ignored that and looked for the problem elsewhere. After almost 6 hours(!) of debugging, I finally got to a point where the problem could not sensibly be anywhere else than in the EGA Read Mode 1 handling. And when I finally figured it out, it was one of those hit-your-head-with-your-palm moments: When I did the Read Mode 1 handling fix, I had fixed the 8-bit version, but forgot that I had a separate 16-bit code version, which also had the same problem! So, if you are a programmer, don't copy the same code for two different routines like I did, but make it a separate function, or at least a macro!
Well, after this fix FS3 seems to be working fine now. It is one of the nostalgic games for me, as way back when I had an Amstrad PC1640 (which was not quite fast enough to run it) my father had a laptop with a 286 processor, so I used to play FS3 on his machine whenever he did not need his PC for something more useful. :-)
This weekend I have continued studying games that behave erratically. I know I have sort of promised to improve the mouse features and possibly implement better scaling functions for the next version, but I have been somewhat distracted by these misbehaving games. I find it more interesting finding problems in my core emulation code than adding or improving features that already mostly work. I'll try to focus on these mouse and scaling issues during the next weekend before I release the next version.
Couple of other games that had mostly graphics problems are Star Control 2 (which had a wrong palette) and God of Thunder which displayed a garbled title screen and had graphics issues in the game itself (after I had added the missing graphics opcodes). The palette problem in SC2 was caused by it using the VGA Palette Read Index register to setup the VGA Palette Write Index! I only noticed from the DOSBox sources that the read index actually affects the write index as well. So, now the palette is OK in SC2 intro.
God of Thunder in turn used several different Mode-X modes, for example the title image uses mode 320x400, for which I hadn't coded support for the VGA Offset register (as the game actually sets the screen up as 328x400 pixels). The main game screen uses 320x240 mode, where I had a bug in the VGA Line Compare Register handling so that the split screen handling (the lower part with the health etc) did not work properly but showed a copy of the top of the actual game area. These both will be fixed in the next version. To keep the aspect ratio somewhat sensible I actually prescale the 320x400 screen down to 320x200 when displaying it (which is why the title screen image below is smaller than the game image).
I am currently looking into problems in Abandoned Places and Jumpman 2, which both attempt to execute data instead of code. I haven't yet figured out the problem, but as this type of a problem is pretty severe and can affect various games, I really want to get this fixed. After those fixes I'll probably start working on the mouse support and scaling stuff.
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May 18th, 2010, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dheart88

Here's my DS game.. the title is blitz kart. The idea is to make a 3D racing kart game like mario kart but It' for free. Here is the list of the feature:
- It has story mode, so the player will understand the reason of each character's will to win.
- There are 8 playable character and 1 NPC boss
- 10 thematic arena
- items and powerups
- multiplayer support (by connect DSes to AP first)
- BGM and SFX.. (of course)
- Minigame(s)
- logo editor (in mario kart, it's called emblem)
Here's the screenshot of the last month progress (sorry I have to put the old screenshot here since the latest one is in my notebook and It still in one big problem because I can't combine the main gameplay class with the menu class, well I'm still working on it):
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
it's still 30% of all.. and now, I can only post this demo:
This demo only show the second map ("waterheaven" is the name of the map..and the minimap you see on the lower screen is actually designed for 1st map "loop arena").. There's no map collision at the moment because I put the 2nd map apart with the main project.. I hope for the feedback..
Any feedback is appreciated.. and sorry for my bad english
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May 18th, 2010, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Dopefish has an updated port of Hexen for the DS, "dualHexen. Directed by last December, but went unnoticed on the stage, this project was first developed by Rich Whitehouse Sektor and then finally adding the backup Dopefish etc. ...
My exchange include:
* Saving / Loading games (howeve savegames are not compatible with the PC version
* Inventory manipulation via the touchscreen:
o Touch the image of the active inventory item to use it.
o Touch the empty area just to the right of the item to Bring up the inventory bar.
Item No. annually Touch In The inventory bar to make it the active item.
o If you Have More Than 7 items in inventory, select the one at the edge to scroll, then return to your inventory.
o This interface could "stand to Be Improved, It Is functional purpose.
* Altered Control Panel:
A = Fire
B = use (ie open doors)
Y = jump
X = Cycle Weapons
L = strafe left
R = strafe right
D-Pad = move forward / backwards, turn left / right
Touchscreen = mouselook, inventory
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May 19th, 2010, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Enno proposes an initial public draft of its clone of light synthesizer " Psychedelia "for the Wii entitled" Psycho ".
* Released May 14th, 2010
Known Issues / Missing Features
* Currently only works from year SD card.
* GameCube Pad, Classic Controller not supported
* Features found in Psychedelia, but not in Psycho:
o Record, Play Back, Save and Load the light shows you create
o Create your Own Patterns and Color Palettes
o Load / Save Custom Settings (thesis and to assign keyboard keys)
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May 19th, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Ishopvideogame.com

The Supercard DSTWO Card for Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi & DSi XL is a high-end slot-1 flash cart solution that allows you to launch games, run applications and play media directly from the device. Simply place your files onto either a micro SD or SDHC memory card (sold separately), insert the micro SD into your Supercard DSTWO, your cart into your DS, and turn the system on. Playing games and media has never been easier!
The Supercard DSTWO, with its beautiful Evolution (EOS) operating system and a powerful on-board processor offers unique and exciting features that you won't find anywhere else. Features such as full GBA emulation, a powerful new GUI, a real-time guide, an integrated auto-patch database, as well as being one of the few flash carts that allows users to upgrade the core firmware. If you're in the market for a sleek and feature-rich flash cart for the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi or DSi XL, the Supercard DSTWO is the one for you.
The exact feature list for the Supercard DSTWO has not yet been made available, but from previous announcements we know the Supercard DS TWO will feature the following:
-RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide(txt,bmp,jpg) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable, more easy to use, cheat code compatible with R4 and DSTT now)
-Multi Saves (Up to 4 slot), Easy to backup and restore saves.
-Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.
-Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)
-Built-in GBA & SNES Emulator.
-Action Slow Motion (4 levels,).
-File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, long file name support).9. eBook (BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF, TXT, PDF).
-Perfect support for long file names.
-Real-time save slot increase to 4 slots. (Exclusive built-in automatic detection of 3D game engine technology, stability, greatly enhanced).
-Give up cheat-code slow motion game play method, improved use of CPU to do operations, "precise control of CPU speed" Achieving the action slowed down, stability / compatibility and better.
-Real-Time Game Guide will support txt formats without conversion, beautify the font is more beautiful; -New UI interface design. Easier-to-use.
-Advanced multimedia playback: native DivX/XviD playback as well as other major formats, similar to the iPlayer.
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May 19th, 2010, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo, who are publishing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies in North America, revealed today that the game is scheduled for a July 11th release. They also confirmed that the game will feature downloadable quests, just like its Japanese build. Here’s the official website.
Dragon Quest IX has a somewhat interesting history. We went from Square Enix saying they were “considering” an overseas release to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata pledging marketing support for the game, to Nintendo of America eventually announcing that they would be publishing the game themselves. In bringing the game over, Nintendo hope to preserve its connectivity functions, which allow you to passively communicate with other players that own the game while your DS is closed, and acquire parts of a large treasure map in the process. For the overseas release, this feature has been renamed “Tag mode.”
Whether or not Tag mode or even Dragon Quest IX itself will take off remains to be seen. Historically, the series hasn’t been as popular as Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts overseas and IX’s connectivity features are tailor-made to suit Japanese society. Still, if there’s anyone that can raise mainstream awareness of a product, it’s Nintendo.
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May 20th, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
No More Heroes and Killer 7 creator Suda 51 is thinking about what he'd like to do with Nintendo's 3DS -- and, naturally, the designer's first idea manages to be both movie-inspired and kind of insane. Speaking to Official Nintendo Magazine, Suda offered one of his "many ideas" for the 3D handheld: "I hope for the realization of a training remote like Luke Skywalker used for force training in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope."
"I would love to try to develop a game for 3DS if I have a chance," Suda added. Perhaps he'll get his chance after completing the mysterious project he's making for EA with Shinji Mikami. By then, he'll probably have changed his mind about making a DS game about being shot with lasers while blindfolded.
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May 20th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Nintendo DS emulator for Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
- This release focuses on emulation bugfixes and features of interest
to homebrew developers. Most users will find that the compatibility
is increased substantially.
- Some save files may be invalidated due to use of broken crc logic.
Back up your DSV files before using this version of the emulator or else
the game might wipe it.
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May 20th, 2010, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The Linux version of Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance emulator iDeaS has been updated.
Final version, here´s the changelog:
Fixed a bug in debug window.
Fixed a bug in dmas latency.
Fixed a bug in cpu emulation.
Fixed a bug in OAM rendering.
Fixed a bug in Mode0 rendering.
Added Use DMAs latency option.
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May 20th, 2010, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
The Linux version of Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance emulator iDeaS has been updated.
Final version, here´s the changelog:
Fixed a bug in debug window.
Fixed a bug in dmas latency.
Fixed a bug in cpu emulation.
Fixed a bug in OAM rendering.
Fixed a bug in Mode0 rendering.
Added Use DMAs latency option.
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May 20th, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/inde...pic,10847.html
The following Utilities have been submitted and approved to the database (in submitted order oldest to newest):
Mario 64 Level Importer 0.8b (Level Editors)(N64)
PVV (Graphics Viewers)(PSX)
upset (Patching)(NA)
FF6LE (Level Editors)(SNES)
Solar Magic Advance (Miscellaneous)(GBA)
PSound (Sound)(PSX)
BRRTools (Sound)(SNES)
Nintendo Game Genie Encoder/Decoder (Miscellaneous)(NES)
Metroid Password Generator (Game Specific)(NES)
MegaMan II Password Generator (Game Specific)(NES)
NES Mapper Reader / Rom Fixer / Rom Splitter (Assembly Tools)(NES)
Addams’s Family Pugsley Scavenger Hunt Password Generator (Game Specific)(NES)
BomberMan II Password Generator (Game Specific)(NES)
Relevant Link: http://www.romhacking.net/utils/
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May 20th, 2010, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at emulatemii has posted a video and wip news of their PSX emulator for Gamecube/Wii:
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May 20th, 2010, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at emulatemii has posted a video and wip news of their PSX emulator for Gamecube/Wii:
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May 20th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
While UK Nintendo fans sit tight for Super Mario Galaxy 2's June 11 release, the US is just days away from its May 23 arrival, and Nintendo's ramping up hype with these cool new TV ads.
This editor's been trying to avoid SMG2 videos and spoilers as much as possible before the game's out, but if you want to gobble up as much Mario goodness as possible, the game's rewards and worlds have been revealed here, and you can see a special retro stage in action right here.
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May 20th, 2010, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo Koei CEO Kenji Matsubara has said that he suspects core gamers will be the first to accept Nintendo's new 3DS hardware and that they will only followed by a casual audience if the content is right.
Speaking during an interview with Nikkei BP, translated by Andriasang, Matsubara responded to a question asking who he thought Nintendo's new hardware was targeting, saying: "3D games don't have a sales record yet, so I don't know. However, I suspect it will be more accepted by core gamers rather than casual players.
"When you bring something new to the market, the core player group first finds it interesting and then it expands from there. I believe current DS core gamers who like new things and core gamers who don't have a DS will be the first to jump in. After that, it will be up to the content."
When quizzed on his company's release plans for the coming fiscal year, Matsubara said that he couldn't share details yet, but added, "there are game that are yet to be announced. Whether or not those will be shown to the world around the timing of E3 is to be determined."
Tecmo Koei was created from a merger in 2009. In February of this year the company announced losses of $20.3m for the three months ending December 31 and lowered its full year profit estimates by 97 per cent following delays of key titles Trinity 0'll Zero, Troy Musou and Quantum Theory.
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May 20th, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Tavin
I made a little app about Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, it was inspired by the series "the big bang theory"
It's not very pretty, but playable.
I'll add the source later
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May 20th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ant512
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
Woopsi 0.99 is now available:
This version has had a significant version bump because it is considered complete. I'm holding off from releasing version 1.0 partly to ensure that the documentation is done and partly to allow time for any bug reports.
Changes in this version include some minor cosmetic improvements to the ProgressBar, bugfixes to the slider gadgets, and some more gadget test projects. Full changelog is below. Additionally, I'll be uploading some early documentation to my blog soon:
- ProgressBar text greyed out when disabled.
- SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal ignore double clicks by default.
- SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal only fire value changed event if value has really changed.
- SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal getValue() methods are considerably more efficient.
- Added libfreetype.a file to libs/libfreetype/lib folder.
New features:
- Added progressbar test.
- Added slidervertical test.
- Added sliderhorizontal test.
- Added scrollbarvertical test.
- Added scrollbarhorizontal test.
- Added superbitmap test.
- Bumped version number to indicate feature completeness.
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May 20th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

We can't say for sure what's new here but that wireframe outline is most definitely a Wiimote. The Nintendo-branded Bluetooth device just passed through the FCC courtesy of Hon Hai Precision, aka Foxconn. There's very little in the way of detail here other than a new RVL-036 model number reminiscent of the console's "revolution" roots. Perhaps the new Wiimote finally integrates the MotionPlus add-on? Who knows, but it certainly makes sense given Miyamoto's recent comments. At least we can be certain that it's exactly 12 times better than the model RVL-003 Wiimote shipping today.
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May 20th, 2010, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his emulator for the Wii, heres the details:
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra Nintendo Entertainment
system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Cheat support (.CHT files and Game Genie)
* IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
* NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.3
* Open Source!
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[3.1.7 - May 19, 2010]
* DVD support fixed
* PAL/NTSC timing corrections
* Fixed some potential hangs when returning to menu
* Video/audio code changes
* Fixed scrolling text bug
* Other minor changes
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May 20th, 2010, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his emulator for the Wii and the Gamecube, heres the details:
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii.
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.1.9 - May 19, 2010]
* DVD support fixed
* Fixed some cheats issues
* Fixed some potential hangs when returning to menu
* Video/audio code changes
* Fixed scrolling text bug
* Other minor changes
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May 20th, 2010, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his emulator for the Wii and the Gamecube, heres the details:
Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo™ / Super Famicom emulator for the Nintendo Wii.
Snes9x GX is a port of Snes9x ( http://www.snes9x.com).
Snes9x GX is a "homebrew application" which means you will need a way to run
unsigned code on your Nintendo Wii.
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
* Based on Snes9x 1.52
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
•˜———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - —————————––––– ———–—––-- - ————————•
[4.1.9 - May 19, 2010]
* DVD support fixed
* Fixed some cheats issues
* Fixed some potential hangs when returning to menu
* Video/audio code changes
* Fixed scrolling text bug
* Other minor changes
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May 20th, 2010, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Tantric has released a new version of his emulator for the Wii, heres the details:
Visual Boy Advance GX is a modified port of VBA-M.
With it you can play GBA/Game Boy Color/Game Boy games on your Wii/GameCube.
-=[ Features ]=-
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options
×—–*—–*—–*—–* –*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*— *—–*—–*— *—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–*—–* —-*—–*-–•¬
|0O×øo· UPDATE HISTORY ·oø×O0|
`¨•¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨'
[2.1.6 - May 19, 2010]
* DVD support fixed
* Fixed some potential hangs when returning to menu
* Video/audio code changes
* Fixed scrolling text bug
* Other minor changes
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May 21st, 2010, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
A collection of horror novels by bestselling author Anthony Horowitz is to be released as part of EA's Flips e-book series through Nintendo's DSiWare. The compendium, titled More Bloody Horowitz, will be published on May 21st, before the print copies of the anthology is available to the public.
The release is significant in that it is a download-only title, in contrast to the previous Flips DS products. Flips uses various interactive elements to encourage youngsters to spend more time with their head buried in a book.
"I think it's great that my horror stories are going to be available on the DSiWare service," said Horowitz. "It's the best of both worlds; the fun and interactivity of a computer game combined with the pleasure of reading. This is definitely the way forward."
Horowitz is most famous for penning the Alex Rider novels, which tell the tale of a reluctant teenage superspy. Having sold 12 million copies, the Rider books strive to introduce teenage boys to reading, and have seen translation into 28 languages.
More Bloody Horowitz will cost gamers 200 points.
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May 21st, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Every puzzle has an answer and Professor Layton and the Unwound Future isn’t much of a riddle.
Level 5 registered a trademark for Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. While it’s not a direct Japanese translation, the subtitle suggests Layton (and his sidekick Luke) are heading to the future. That’s basically the plot of the final game in this Layton trilogy.
Pending E3 announcement from Nintendo? Seems like it. Nintendo announced Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box at the show last year.
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May 21st, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit Team have released a new version of Openbor for Consoles,Wii, PSP, Dreamcast, Dingoo, Gp2x and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Log message:
My mistake in 2731 turned out to be a simple type conversion error. Fixed and restored entity default aggression being added to level spawn aggression.

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May 22nd, 2010, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Nintendo Virtual Boy emulator has been updated. Changes:
- ROM loading from commandline (which means movie loading now possible as well);
- added Lua functions - memory.readbyte, memory.writebyte, memory.readword, memorywriteword;
- MusicSelect.lua - a script that allows the selecting and playing of music tracks in a game;
- Recent menu items enable sound on load (not just the open menu)
- View->Mix Left & Right View options as well as other display options;
- Wave file logging
- RAM Search - fix update previous values;
- RAM Search - redraw the list when search size/format is changed;
- Improved sound quality;
- Runs faster! (capable of full fps).
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May 23rd, 2010, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has released a new version of his Dos Emulator for the DS, heres whats new
This version actually has the longest list of changes in any version yet, but the great majority of the changes are new graphics opcodes and support for new INT calls and port I/O (most of which are actually just silently ignored, as in DOSBox). However, there are also some bigger changes.
Improved touchpad mouse (TPM) emulation, with new configuration options that can be set in the DSx86.ini file, either in the default section or adjusted by each game if needed:
TPMScroll is a boolean that determines whether the screen should be scrolled when the stylus moves near the screen border in Zoom mode.
TPMTap is a boolean that determines whether tapping the screen with the stylus is registered as a left mouse click.
TPMLeft determines the DS button to use for the left mouse button.
TPMRight determines the DS button to use for the right mouse button.
The defaults if DSx86.ini does not have any of those set are as follows:
New built-in commands on the 4DOS prompt:
VER command can have a parameter to change the reported DOS version number, like "VER 4.00" or "VER SET 4".
SETVER command works like VER command with a parameter.
LOADFIX command can be used to launch games that otherwise would give "Packed file corrupt" problems. This still does not seem to work for games that consist of several executables, though.
DEBUG command can be used to start the game and immediately go to the debugger. That is mainly for my own use.
The Zoom modes now scroll smoother than before (using the trigger KEY_L and KEY_R buttons). When already at the left/right edge, they start scrolling up/down, with the KEY_L preferring to scroll up and KEY_R preferring to scroll down. The longer you keep the button down the faster it will scroll, so quick taps will move the screen in short increments.
Fixed a bug in REP CMPS Carry flag setting after the string comparison. This could have caused string comparisons to return the opposite order.
Fixed problems in string opcodes when indices wrap around the segment. This caused Jumpman 2 to crash, for example. This also seemed to get rid of the problems in Wing Commander 2 intro when using full EMS memory.
Fixed a bug in EGA 16-bit Read Mode 1 code (FS3).
Fixed VGA Line Compare Register handling (GOT).
Fixed VGA palette handling (Star Control 2).
Added support for VGA offset handling in 320x400 ModeX mode (GOT).
Added support for BIOS functions to clear and scroll up an area on the screen for all supported graphics modes (Ultima, etc).
Added BIOS INT1 default handler at F000:E987 (STARGATE).
Adjust disk free space calculation when SectorsPerCluster*BytesPerSector = 64K.
A large number of EGA and Mode-X opcodes added.
A large number of new INT calls supported (mostly just ignored).
A large number of new port I/O addresses supported (mostly just ignored).
I still did not manage to fix the problems causing some games to execute data instead of code. Debugging and finding these problems seems to be more difficult by every release, as I get the easy problems fixed. I will continue looking into these in the future version.
I also did not have time to improve the screen scaling features, I'll see if I can add those to the next version. Please send me again the debug logs, those have been very helpful in my improving the compatibility of DSx86!
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May 23rd, 2010, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.playeradvance.org/forum/s...ad.php?t=35873
My first project that introduced me to the lineup for the DS. This game that I really like because I have taken the time to think about the principle.
What is original in the principle is that the square pixels are being picked, which will be used to draw on the bottom screen, images of my coming from Nintendo. For the moment that two levels are available (mario and link), but I made sure that the levels added very easily. But for now I am just the game engine is already advancing.
I know there are bugs but as I intend to rehabilitate ulib (for the moment I use PAlib), I prefer to have the poster for the show
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May 23rd, 2010, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster

Hyperkin are a videogame peripheral company founded in 2009 that offer add-ons to consoles such as cheaper controllers, memory cards and 18-in-1 DS accessory kits. They also manufacture their own retro consoles. Two of these include a portable Genesis system and the Retro Twin Video Gaming System, which plays NES and Super Nintendo cartridges.
Their latest system, the RetroN3, however, adds Genesis support. It costs about $70, so if you’ve amassed a giant collection of older games and / or don’t own a Wii, you now have a way to play them. The system comes with two wireless controllers, but also has two original controller ports on board for each system it supports. Just keep in mind the system only supports S-video and composite AV inputs.
Hyperkin plan to launch the RetroN3, which they say was developed through feedback and suggestions they received from consumers, officially at E3 this year.
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May 23rd, 2010, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster

The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, PSP, Gp2x, Wii and Wiz.
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Whats New
Author: plombo
Log message:
Changed 32-bit integers in sound mixer from long to int for 64-bit compatibility.
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May 23rd, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A/NES PRO ein NES emulator für Amiga wurde in Version 1.11 veröffentlicht.
Here´s the changelog:
NMI/IRQ addresses in GUI was wrong. Fixed!
Timing of branch-opcodes fixed! (Should now be 100% accurate)
Improved CPU clockcycle timings.
NES stack-related code rewritten, now behaves like the real hardware.
CGFX/P96-driver should now be faster.
Gameregion are now also detected by analyzing filename instead of only checking header.
One-screen mirroring fixed (RC Pro Am is now playable)
Mirroring fixes (Final Fantasy 1)
Various mapper fixes
Misc minor optimizations.
Since v1.10 A/NES PRO also supports CGFX/P96 screenmodes (experimental).
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May 23rd, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Scape-v03-t19941.html
Scape is a little puzzle game / adventure created by Sheeft during the development competition organized by Nintendomax.
This is the moment a draft which consists of two levels!
The goal of the game to reach the sun the doll by cutting the son who connect.
- Fixed a memory leak (this should not bugue startup)
- Added a sound when you finish the level, and new music (live Synthesis!)
- Fixed the display of score selection menu levels
- Reducing the speed of the character
- Update gfx (including the sprite end of level)
- Fixed the "end level
- Fixed contacts: the movements are no longer bugged Me
Correction Breaks Character
Correction of an error in selecting the level that we take proper account the world
Source: http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...=11871&start=0
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May 23rd, 2010, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
cosmic4z informs us that the binary "Qwak is available, an excellent game platforms developed a few months ago only to be passed in a cartridge in a limited edition (300 units). The author therefore decided to distribute the rom free but you can still donate if you wish.
IS Qwak for Game Boy Advance based on the Amiga version of the game, developed by me, and Published by Team 17.
This version Was Developed for the Game Boy Advance, howeve, it est aussi 100% compatiable with, and works ok on a DS.
There are only 300 copies of this game, In The Entire Known Universe. So do not miss this Golden Opportunity ... To get your very own piece of gaming history today, Simply click on the big buy now button. Remember, Qwak Is Not available in the shops, and the only place you can get Qwak is here, direct from the developer. Thanks for your support!
Official Site: http://www.qwak.co.uk/pages/gba/buy.php
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May 23rd, 2010, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
ThatOtherPerson produces a first draft of "SwingBall" platform game that presents the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010 .
I've started "work we platformer Though That I intend" to submit. I'm planning for it to Be Essentially Be a time trial thing (get from point A to point B Before Time Runs out) and your going to Be Able to swing in it just because swinging ya une inherently fun and awesome mode of transportation.
So far ITS Probably like 75% done. The collision detection and movement all work pretty Much the way it should ". That last goal ITS 25% That Makes "any game worth while so if your going to try it out set your expectations low.
If you want to mess around with making your Own level for STI it really easy to do so. Rather Then sinking to your level of Time Into editor I have setup the game to load tile ITS investments from generic BMP image files found in the Media \ Game \ Levels folder. Both the width and height of the image bellow Have to Be That 1000 goal aside from you can make your level any size you want. Just draw a black pixel anywhere That You Want to place a solid regular tile, a green pixels for a tile Cannot Be That swung from gold for a red pixel tile That will kill you on contact.
The games background music is current Tunnel Rush by ara.
So if you want to try out the demo crazy incomplete Then hit the link.
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May 23rd, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
bksonic proposed version 0.1b of his game reflexes "RefleXtreme" in which he must support the right time on the keys that scroll across the screen.
RefleXtreme - Work-In-Progress
RefleXtreme ya une arcade game WHERE the goal Is To execute the Corresponding buttons As They enter the white box. Gradually, the game gets faster. If you miss 50 of 'em, it's Game Over. The key highlight of this game (in my opinion) Is The online leaderboard. (I am in the Process of Receiving My Own leaderboard for this game - right now I'm using a test leaderboard hosted by sumiguchi).
Features [*] Online highscores [*] And that's about it lol
Recommended System [*] Play on a DS console, this game Does not work well (en terms of interface) one year emulator [*] You Will Also Be Able to not submit your score via emulator year. [*] Your Nintendo DS "should Have All of Its buttons working correctly.
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May 23rd, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
pichubolt090 proposed version 0.94b of his game entitled "DSmash" in which he must touch the black dot that keeps moving in all directions.
Game Goal
In this game, Will Happily Fladder flies around behind your touch screen, and you must get rid of them! How? Splat em with your stylus, of course! Purpose beware: each time you tap on the Touch Screen, You Will damage it! Over how many flies you can swat Before You Need To send your DS to the Nintendo Product Repair Service?
Controls (IMPORTANT!)
Generally THE ENTIRE game is controlled with the Stylus. You can pick up by touching it a powerup. Once you have got a powerup - then this is important to know - you can use it by pressing the L or R Either shoulderbuttons.
Yes! There are powerups too, 3 in total. THEY Will Fall Down Every Now And Then.
- Clock: Stops fly's Movement for about 10 seconds.
- Bomb Fly goes KABOOM!
- Wrench: Some Repairs damage.
Change Log
- Bugfix: Players still playing "could When game-over." "
- Bugfix: More saving and loading bugfixes
- Bugfix: Menu stats - username now displays Correctly
- Added option screen! = 3
- Fixed bug Results screen
- Added intro
- Added popup
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May 24th, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
There's a couple of good'uns on Nintendo's download services this week for gamers on the US side of the pond.
Metal Torrent on DSiWare brings another mental upscrolling shooter to the handheld. We're all about dodging bullet swarms of death at every opportunity.
Then you have the brilliant-looking ArtStyle: Light Trax - an almost Tron-like racer with simple visuals but fun physics.
Here's the full official list:
Nintendo DSiWare
Metal Torrent
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Fantasy Violence
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Prepare for a high level of intensity as you pilot a solo ship deep into enemy space in this vertically scrolling shooter. Battle wave after wave of relentless attackers aiming to do one thing - destroy you! Your goal, beyond mere survival, is simple: Get the highest score possible and earn bragging rights in online leaderboards. Two powerful fighters are at your disposal: the Accipiter and Bateleur, tailored for beginner or expert players. Progress through eight phases of action and take out enemies by tactically using your weapons: an unlimited-fire blaster weapon available to both ships and an energy-consuming special weapon unique to each craft. Absorb energy cubes from destroyed enemies to replenish your energy gauge and increase your score. Collect a series of consecutive cubes to create a chain and boost your score even higher. Choose from pattern or random modes to vary the level of challenge, but the real indication of skill comes from competing with players around the world for the highest score possible. Use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to upload your score to the online leaderboards to see where you stack up or even view replays of top-ranking players' games and study their secrets. Do you have what it takes to be the best?
World Poker Tour Texas Hold 'Em
Publisher: Hands-On Mobile
Players: 1-6
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Simulated Gambling
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Play like the pros in World Poker Tour Texas Hold 'Em on the Nintendo DSiWare service, the official game tested and approved by the experts at the World Poker Tour. Whether you're just learning to play or you're an old-school player wanting to hook some fish, Texas Hold 'Em has tables for all players. Choose to play solo in two unique tournaments designed specifically for the Nintendo DSiWare version or use a local wireless connection and play with your friends and take down monster pots. The action is in your hands in one of the most authentic poker games ever brought to the Nintendo DSi system.
Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper
Publisher: Virtual Playground
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Blood, Mild Sexual Themes, Violent References
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper - the fabulous, chart-topping hidden-object game with amazing graphics is now available on the Nintendo DSiWare service. One of the first and best games of its type, Jack the Ripper features numerous atmospheric 3-D locations and oodles of hidden objects to find. The realism of the scenes and the accuracy of the storyline will fascinate all ages from young teen to adult. Travel back to 1880s London to help Scotland Yard's detectives solve the crime of the century. Visit world-famous landmarks such as Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace. Search crime scenes and solve mini puzzles in your hunt for clues. Was Jack a doctor, a royal prince, a barber or something else? Was he mad? This game will tell you. Enjoy hours and hours of game play in this truly absorbing game. Whether you are an experienced player or a newbie, once you start your investigation, you will be on an adventure you won't want to stop - until you discover Jack the Ripper's true identity, that is.
Advanced Circuits
Publisher: BiP media
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Whether with a train, a car or a tank, are you ready for a new challenge? This brain-boggling puzzle game will put your powers of deduction to the test. Complete the circuits by connecting squares on the game board with pieces of track. Some pieces of track are already shown on the board at the beginning of the game to give you a head start. There is only one solution to each puzzle. The rules are simple but the challenges are tough.
Challenge mode features 60 predefined game boards of increasing difficulty.
Free Play mode lets you select the game board size and practice on any number of randomly generated puzzles.
72 awards to be won.
Also features a tutorial, hints and tips and even the solution if you feel like giving up.
ArtStyle: light trax
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 600 Wii Points
Description: Art Style: light trax takes racing to whole new (and very surreal) levels as you control a white beam of light moving perpetually forward while your viewpoint shifts between 2-D and 3-D perspectives. Start by choosing one of the two main modes of game play, each with its own distinct goal. In light tours mode, you vie with other light beams for the most points in a three-course racing tour. Watch out for obstacles, use items and strategically use your dash ability to finish first. In freeway mode, your objective is to set a high score by traveling the greatest distance within a set amount of time. Mastering the intricacies of each setting is crucial: you'll have to alternate between them in order to progress through the game and unlock all of its modes. With precise controls packed in and a driving techno soundtrack, Art Style: light trax offers an experience unlike any other. Are you ready to compete in a mind-bending race at the speed of light? Games in the Art Style series feature elegant design, polished graphics and pick-up-and-play controls, creating an experience focused purely on fun and engaging game play. For more information about Art Style: light trax and other games in the Art Style series, please visit artstyle.nintendo.com.
Manic Monkey Mayhem
Publisher: The Code Monkeys Ltd.
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: Controlling one of eight monkeys, you will do battle with up to seven others across eight differently themed landscapes. In single player, battle through three increasingly difficult campaigns of missions ranging from survival to coconut fights, or have a one-off battle against the clock as a team or in a standard deathmatch. Connect additional Wii Remote controllers (each sold separately) to battle against up to three additional players or compete against anyone or your friends using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Connect an optional Wii Balance Board accessory to add more mayhem to the fun.
Viral Survival
Publisher: NIS America
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Mild Cartoon Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Viral Survival is an "escape" action game where you control a special DNA unit and dodge through enemy virus attacks. If you save a friendly DNA unit they will connect to you, creating a tail. The more you save, the higher point total you will accumulate. There are also four other game modes, including one where you can shoot the enemy down and compete for number of kills, and a time attack mode to save 128 DNA units in the shortest time possible. For all five game modes your score can be ranked online. Try your best to become number one in the world.
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May 24th, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
There's a couple of good'uns on Nintendo's download services this week for gamers on the US side of the pond.
Metal Torrent on DSiWare brings another mental upscrolling shooter to the handheld. We're all about dodging bullet swarms of death at every opportunity.
Then you have the brilliant-looking ArtStyle: Light Trax - an almost Tron-like racer with simple visuals but fun physics.
Here's the full official list:
Nintendo DSiWare
Metal Torrent
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Fantasy Violence
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Prepare for a high level of intensity as you pilot a solo ship deep into enemy space in this vertically scrolling shooter. Battle wave after wave of relentless attackers aiming to do one thing - destroy you! Your goal, beyond mere survival, is simple: Get the highest score possible and earn bragging rights in online leaderboards. Two powerful fighters are at your disposal: the Accipiter and Bateleur, tailored for beginner or expert players. Progress through eight phases of action and take out enemies by tactically using your weapons: an unlimited-fire blaster weapon available to both ships and an energy-consuming special weapon unique to each craft. Absorb energy cubes from destroyed enemies to replenish your energy gauge and increase your score. Collect a series of consecutive cubes to create a chain and boost your score even higher. Choose from pattern or random modes to vary the level of challenge, but the real indication of skill comes from competing with players around the world for the highest score possible. Use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to upload your score to the online leaderboards to see where you stack up or even view replays of top-ranking players' games and study their secrets. Do you have what it takes to be the best?
World Poker Tour Texas Hold 'Em
Publisher: Hands-On Mobile
Players: 1-6
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Simulated Gambling
Price: 500 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Play like the pros in World Poker Tour Texas Hold 'Em on the Nintendo DSiWare service, the official game tested and approved by the experts at the World Poker Tour. Whether you're just learning to play or you're an old-school player wanting to hook some fish, Texas Hold 'Em has tables for all players. Choose to play solo in two unique tournaments designed specifically for the Nintendo DSiWare version or use a local wireless connection and play with your friends and take down monster pots. The action is in your hands in one of the most authentic poker games ever brought to the Nintendo DSi system.
Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper
Publisher: Virtual Playground
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: T (Teen) - Blood, Mild Sexual Themes, Violent References
Price: 800 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper - the fabulous, chart-topping hidden-object game with amazing graphics is now available on the Nintendo DSiWare service. One of the first and best games of its type, Jack the Ripper features numerous atmospheric 3-D locations and oodles of hidden objects to find. The realism of the scenes and the accuracy of the storyline will fascinate all ages from young teen to adult. Travel back to 1880s London to help Scotland Yard's detectives solve the crime of the century. Visit world-famous landmarks such as Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace. Search crime scenes and solve mini puzzles in your hunt for clues. Was Jack a doctor, a royal prince, a barber or something else? Was he mad? This game will tell you. Enjoy hours and hours of game play in this truly absorbing game. Whether you are an experienced player or a newbie, once you start your investigation, you will be on an adventure you won't want to stop - until you discover Jack the Ripper's true identity, that is.
Advanced Circuits
Publisher: BiP media
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 200 Nintendo DSi Points
Description: Whether with a train, a car or a tank, are you ready for a new challenge? This brain-boggling puzzle game will put your powers of deduction to the test. Complete the circuits by connecting squares on the game board with pieces of track. Some pieces of track are already shown on the board at the beginning of the game to give you a head start. There is only one solution to each puzzle. The rules are simple but the challenges are tough.
Challenge mode features 60 predefined game boards of increasing difficulty.
Free Play mode lets you select the game board size and practice on any number of randomly generated puzzles.
72 awards to be won.
Also features a tutorial, hints and tips and even the solution if you feel like giving up.
ArtStyle: light trax
Publisher: Nintendo
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone)
Price: 600 Wii Points
Description: Art Style: light trax takes racing to whole new (and very surreal) levels as you control a white beam of light moving perpetually forward while your viewpoint shifts between 2-D and 3-D perspectives. Start by choosing one of the two main modes of game play, each with its own distinct goal. In light tours mode, you vie with other light beams for the most points in a three-course racing tour. Watch out for obstacles, use items and strategically use your dash ability to finish first. In freeway mode, your objective is to set a high score by traveling the greatest distance within a set amount of time. Mastering the intricacies of each setting is crucial: you'll have to alternate between them in order to progress through the game and unlock all of its modes. With precise controls packed in and a driving techno soundtrack, Art Style: light trax offers an experience unlike any other. Are you ready to compete in a mind-bending race at the speed of light? Games in the Art Style series feature elegant design, polished graphics and pick-up-and-play controls, creating an experience focused purely on fun and engaging game play. For more information about Art Style: light trax and other games in the Art Style series, please visit artstyle.nintendo.com.
Manic Monkey Mayhem
Publisher: The Code Monkeys Ltd.
Players: 1-4
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence
Price: 800 Wii Points
Description: Controlling one of eight monkeys, you will do battle with up to seven others across eight differently themed landscapes. In single player, battle through three increasingly difficult campaigns of missions ranging from survival to coconut fights, or have a one-off battle against the clock as a team or in a standard deathmatch. Connect additional Wii Remote controllers (each sold separately) to battle against up to three additional players or compete against anyone or your friends using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Connect an optional Wii Balance Board accessory to add more mayhem to the fun.
Viral Survival
Publisher: NIS America
Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) - Mild Cartoon Violence
Price: 500 Wii Points
Description: Viral Survival is an "escape" action game where you control a special DNA unit and dodge through enemy virus attacks. If you save a friendly DNA unit they will connect to you, creating a tail. The more you save, the higher point total you will accumulate. There are also four other game modes, including one where you can shoot the enemy down and compete for number of kills, and a time attack mode to save 128 DNA units in the shortest time possible. For all five game modes your score can be ranked online. Try your best to become number one in the world.
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May 24th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
The "WiiWaa" doll introduced us to the concept of cramming a Wiimote into a doll's mouth and using that to interact with a game. Majesco is bringing that same idea to a much more mainstream game: the previously trademarked Babysitting Mama.
Using a plush baby into which you have tucked a Wiimote -- and also using the Nunchuk that is somehow hanging out of this plush baby or something -- you play 40 minigames in the usual Cooking Mama style; representing tasks like feeding and changing a baby, or rocking it to sleep. The game will feature six different virtual babies with unique personalities, though you'll be using the same proxy doll to manipulate all the e-babies.
Babysitting Mama is due out this holiday. Unfortunately, Majesco has yet to release an image of the doll, so we can't yet gauge how creeped out we're going to be by this game.
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May 25th, 2010, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

For the first time in the series, the player can create their own hero and choose to journey as themselves
Choose your character’s gender, hairstyle, facial detail, as well as upgradeable equipment and armor which are visually reflected in the character’s appearance
Players can change their Shadows to tactically overcome the game’s many challenges and formidable bosses
Continue the adventure with this new storyline that begins two years after the original Blue Dragon game for the Xbox 360
Blue Dragon™: Awakened Shadow is an epic action role-playing game in a fictional open-world environment, the sequel to the critically acclaimed and successful Xbox 360 title. The player, aided by a young boy named Shu and his friends, will possess the power to control phantom shadows that mirror the actions of their masters, giving Shu and his comrade’s miraculous strength and magical powers.
Two years after the first adventure of Shu and his allies, a new threat is about to emerge. Awakened from a long slumber, the new enemies bear some resemblance to Nene, the defeated adversary of the first game, a conundrum which leads the player, Shu, and his friends into a terrifying fight to reclaim the lost shadows and restore balance to the world. With an engaging story and a whole new level of strategy, Blue Dragon™: Awakened Shadow arrives on the Nintendo DS in Spring 2010.
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May 25th, 2010, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster

Oh, CTA: It was one thing when you wanted us to stuff our Wiimote into a phony bowling ball or rowing machine, but do you really expect us to strap on these wings and flap our arms like a bird? We don't even know anyone who will 'fess up to playing Bird's-Eye Bull's-Eye, let alone buy a useless accessory for it. Besides, as any good rave / goth / cosplay kid knows, people (and their pets) have been sporting much nicer wings for years now. Get a look at some of our faves below.
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May 25th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Andriasang noticed that Nintendo's official site for all things Fire Emblem was updated earlier today with an announcement for a new ... a kind of new entry in the classic strategy-RPG franchise. The game, which is set to release this year in Japan, is a DS remake of the 1994 SNES iteration of the series, Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu (or Mystery of the Emblem: Hero of Light and Shadow). Don't try to reach back in your memory banks and remember the hours you spent playing the original game -- it was only released in Japan, so those hours likely don't exist.
You can check out a cutscene-fueled trailer for the game posted after the jump. It's unclear whether this title will get a US release, though the DS remake of the original Fire Emblem came stateside last February, so there's a decent chance we'll get our hands on this one too.
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May 26th, 2010, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NEON725
I began this project some time ago when I decided I wanted to play D&D in the car when I had access to nothing but some paperwork and my own imagination. Simply put, it is a dice roller that can roll a certain number of dice of varying sizes.
I had intended this to be a total game manager, including quick combat functions, automatic skill rolling, saves, and etc., but I lost the source code. I don't know if I'll remake this, but for now, have the last good build that was on my card when the source was lost.
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May 26th, 2010, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has released a new version of his Facebook for DS App, heres whats new:
New update for my homebrew, here's the changelog :
Fixed bugs in ram disk management.
Fixed a bug in cyassl library (login error -12).
Added support for EZ 3in1 Plus. (Not tested, please report me suggestion and bugs)
Added new friendships request capabilities.
Added avatars in Notifications Feed.
Added support for PNG images.
Added support for GZIP connections.
Please report me all bugs found. The code is located at http://code.google.com/p/fb4nds/
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May 26th, 2010, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has released a new version of Woopsi for the DS
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system.
Woopsi version 0.99.1 has been released:
This version fixes bugs in the slider and scrollbar gadgets.
- Rewrote SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal again to improve accuracy.
- Removed jumpGrip() from all slider gagdets.
- Added setValueWithBitshift() to all slider gadgets.
- Added getMinimumStep() to SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal.
- Removed getValuesPerPixel() from all slider gadgets.
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May 26th, 2010, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax
Jeff lait has released a new version of Powder for consoles,PSP, GBA and Nintendo DS
To understand POWDER, you should first understand roguelikes. "Roguelike" is a term applied to a wide variety of games which share a common inspiration from the game Rogue. A non-exhaustive list of such games would be: ADOM, Nethack, Crawl, Diablo (I & II), Moria, and Angband. My apologies to the many excellent roguelikes I didn't list. What characterizes these games? The exact specifications are a matter of debate - indeed, I may receive hate mail for including Diablo - but I shall try to write a few:
Tactical play. The unit of action is based on the individual adventurer. The game is not twitch oriented (like Quake, rewarding reflexes & well trained actions) nor is it strategy oriented (like Civilizations or Warcraft, requiring working on the large picture)
Based in Hack and Slash. A roguelike isn't primarily about plot development or telling a story. It is about killing things and acquiring treasure.
Random games. A roguelike is a dungeon crawler where no two games are the same. The maps are different, the items are different, there are no guaranteed win paths.
Permadeath. You die, that is it. No restoring a savegame. Good roguelikes delete your save game after loading them. This is compensated by the replayability of the game.
Complex interactions of properties. While the commands for a roguelike are simple, the potential interactions are not. My favourite example is equipping a silver ring as a weapon in order to damage a creature vulnerable to silver, but not one's other weapons. [Editor: This matches the Hack branch of the roguelike tree, not the Angband branch]
Steam rolling monsters. If a critter is in your way, and weak, you shouldn't even notice it is there.
Due to my temporary subversion server being behind my firewall, I had to change the Linux and Mac build machines. I think the Mac build is safe, but if you have issues with the Linux build please let me know. Because if you don't, I'll just retire the offsite machine.
The 10x10 and 12x12 tiles are now enabled on the non-iPhone versions. I'm pretty happy with the 10x10 now, but the 12x12 still need lots of touch up. For those wondering why I did 10x10 first: I've found portrait mode is the way to play.
iPhone users will also be happy that the native keyboard is used. Hardcore POWDER fans will lament that I didn't instead revert to the original GBA keyboard input method. Would be a good excuse for multitouch as you try to chord four virtual buttons plus an direction arrow :>
Help menus are no longer off by one. (Patrick Don't have one, Matt_S, Sam Spencer, Alex Marsh, Robert Barber, mattock)
Remove potential crash when zapping wand of invisibility off map.
Items are no longer revealed by hostiles searching.
Status message "Searched" when you search to make it more clear you did something by searching.
Correct lighting tests for giant mobs along with looser LOS requirements to see them.
No longer crash if a rolling boulder kills the caster and then fills a hole.
You can click-drag on display text to scroll it.
Chris Lomaka's tiles have been updated with some nice new additional icons.
Help menus are platform specific, so GBA users should no longer be taunted with stylus help, etc.
The Akoi Meexx 10x10 and 12x12 tilesets are enabled in SDL builds. The 10x10 has had a round of manual smoothing applied to it.
Status bar on iPhone now rotates and is hidden in landscape mode.
iPhone now uses native keyboard controls.
If you start the game in a room with only secret exits, you are explicitly told that there are secret exits to search for. (Eisel Mazard)
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May 26th, 2010, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
via nmax
Jeff lait has released a new version of Powder for consoles,PSP, GBA and Nintendo DS
To understand POWDER, you should first understand roguelikes. "Roguelike" is a term applied to a wide variety of games which share a common inspiration from the game Rogue. A non-exhaustive list of such games would be: ADOM, Nethack, Crawl, Diablo (I & II), Moria, and Angband. My apologies to the many excellent roguelikes I didn't list. What characterizes these games? The exact specifications are a matter of debate - indeed, I may receive hate mail for including Diablo - but I shall try to write a few:
Tactical play. The unit of action is based on the individual adventurer. The game is not twitch oriented (like Quake, rewarding reflexes & well trained actions) nor is it strategy oriented (like Civilizations or Warcraft, requiring working on the large picture)
Based in Hack and Slash. A roguelike isn't primarily about plot development or telling a story. It is about killing things and acquiring treasure.
Random games. A roguelike is a dungeon crawler where no two games are the same. The maps are different, the items are different, there are no guaranteed win paths.
Permadeath. You die, that is it. No restoring a savegame. Good roguelikes delete your save game after loading them. This is compensated by the replayability of the game.
Complex interactions of properties. While the commands for a roguelike are simple, the potential interactions are not. My favourite example is equipping a silver ring as a weapon in order to damage a creature vulnerable to silver, but not one's other weapons. [Editor: This matches the Hack branch of the roguelike tree, not the Angband branch]
Steam rolling monsters. If a critter is in your way, and weak, you shouldn't even notice it is there.
Due to my temporary subversion server being behind my firewall, I had to change the Linux and Mac build machines. I think the Mac build is safe, but if you have issues with the Linux build please let me know. Because if you don't, I'll just retire the offsite machine.
The 10x10 and 12x12 tiles are now enabled on the non-iPhone versions. I'm pretty happy with the 10x10 now, but the 12x12 still need lots of touch up. For those wondering why I did 10x10 first: I've found portrait mode is the way to play.
iPhone users will also be happy that the native keyboard is used. Hardcore POWDER fans will lament that I didn't instead revert to the original GBA keyboard input method. Would be a good excuse for multitouch as you try to chord four virtual buttons plus an direction arrow :>
Help menus are no longer off by one. (Patrick Don't have one, Matt_S, Sam Spencer, Alex Marsh, Robert Barber, mattock)
Remove potential crash when zapping wand of invisibility off map.
Items are no longer revealed by hostiles searching.
Status message "Searched" when you search to make it more clear you did something by searching.
Correct lighting tests for giant mobs along with looser LOS requirements to see them.
No longer crash if a rolling boulder kills the caster and then fills a hole.
You can click-drag on display text to scroll it.
Chris Lomaka's tiles have been updated with some nice new additional icons.
Help menus are platform specific, so GBA users should no longer be taunted with stylus help, etc.
The Akoi Meexx 10x10 and 12x12 tilesets are enabled in SDL builds. The 10x10 has had a round of manual smoothing applied to it.
Status bar on iPhone now rotates and is hidden in landscape mode.
iPhone now uses native keyboard controls.
If you start the game in a room with only secret exits, you are explicitly told that there are secret exits to search for. (Eisel Mazard)
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May 26th, 2010, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
thermo_nono moved vrsione 0.3 of "KnightmareDS", an adaptation of the shoot em up released on MSX in 1986.
Here are our loyal Knight Popolon back on our screens for our greatest happiness.
Modifications compared to the original game: I first tried to make a port as faithful as possible to this game so I reproduced the map stage01 "pixel-perfect, the graphics are drawn from a image found on the web offering the solution of the game and reworked by myself on M $ Paint. music has also been recovered on the internet and converted into midi format. IT by the software 'OpenMTP' on the advice of blah. Regarding the scenar and gameplay, I relied on the Roma game and an emulator MSX and for this work I have been the least faithful to the original: - break the premium squares of first time. - Waves of monsters appear at different times than the original (though I try to respect the max scenar original).
What remains to be done:
* Code cleaning
* Update of 'nil' missing output of prog
* Trimmings speed, moving monsters, damage
* Complete the managements of arms (the damage, but especially the movement of the boomerang)
* Puts the monsters and the boss and he set an attack strategy
* Add sounds 'SFX'
* It still lacks some graphics and code snippets (exploding monsters, shields, fire)
* Automate the sequence of stages. (Loading of maps, trajectories of monsters ..)
* Porting of 2-8 courses (if it remains the VRAM available ^ ^)
(...) *
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May 26th, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Alongside the digital only episodic Sonic the Hedgehog 4 that’s due to hit digital platform later this year, Sega has lifted the lid on a brand new home console outing for the famed gaming mascot.
Sonic Colours sees our hero visit an alien theme park plagued by series’ villain Dr Eggman. It combines 3D gameplay with classic 2D sections.
“The vibrant alien world of Sonic Colours enables players to race at top speed through incredible looking planets, each with their own unique visual style.” Sega’s senior VP of marketing Gary Knight stated.
“In addition to the classic Sonic game play style, the colourful new Wisp power ups offer a fresh new way of exploring these worlds and helps make Sonic faster than ever before.”
The game is due out in ‘late 2010’ on the Wii and DS.
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May 26th, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Alongside the digital only episodic Sonic the Hedgehog 4 that’s due to hit digital platform later this year, Sega has lifted the lid on a brand new home console outing for the famed gaming mascot.
Sonic Colours sees our hero visit an alien theme park plagued by series’ villain Dr Eggman. It combines 3D gameplay with classic 2D sections.
“The vibrant alien world of Sonic Colours enables players to race at top speed through incredible looking planets, each with their own unique visual style.” Sega’s senior VP of marketing Gary Knight stated.
“In addition to the classic Sonic game play style, the colourful new Wisp power ups offer a fresh new way of exploring these worlds and helps make Sonic faster than ever before.”
The game is due out in ‘late 2010’ on the Wii and DS.
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May 27th, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster

[Gerry] sent us pictures and a few details on replacing the Game Boy cartridge chip with a flash chip. For the prototype he used a PLCC and a little wire porn to interface a flash chip with the cartridge’s PCB while still having access to it for programming. In retrospect he plans to use a 32-pin ZIF socket on the next version to make things easier. It does work and he’s had some success loading his own code and getting it to run. There are other cartridge hacks that let you load code onto a cartridge but if you have the knowhow and the parts this makes for a fun weekend project. We’ve posted the rest of the photos that [Gerry] sent us after the break.
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May 27th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15153.html
The NES emulator My Nes has been updated.
Added mappers # 6, 8, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 81, 113.
Added new sound mixer.
Added sound volume controler.
Added fullscreen toggle ability.
Search engine in the browser improved to be faster.
Bug fixed: roms loaded twice when you select a folder in the browser.
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May 27th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
D-Pad Hero is a series of rhythm/music games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). You know, that game console you still used to play circa 1990.
D-Pad Hero pays homage to our own favorite NES games and popular music artists. It´s our vision of what music games might have been like in the NES heyday. Now, through the wonders of emulation, you get to experience it yourself!
Enjoy the games, and remember to tell all your friends what a blast you´re having.
- The D-Pad Hero team
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May 27th, 2010, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from relminator
This is an old-skool type shooter. Features: 2d gameplay, 3d background, Uses the 3d core to render 2d sprites, No 128-sprite limit, Bullet Hell (via BulletRel). Runs on a Real DS (via flash cart) or emulators like (no$gba and desmume)
* Migrated the rendering engine to use the 3d core.
* Optimized the rendering a bit using GFX_VERTEX_XY instead of GFX_VERTEX_16. (depth is managed manually)
* Sprite rotation and clean stretch implemented
* Coded and BASIC(Freebasic) UV coord auto generator for my sprite images for ease of loading.
As usual, source is included.
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May 27th, 2010, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
505 has unveiled the first details of Grease: The Official Video Game, with the emphasis, appropriately enough, on singing and dancing.
The title is due on Wii and DS this September, as one of the most popular and enduring entertainment franchises of the past 30 plus years finally makes its debut in the games arena.
The Wii version will be packed with challenges and competitions based around singing and dancing to the movie’s, let’s face it, quite brilliant soundtrack – as well as racing down Thunder Road and celebrating with the T-Birds and Pink Ladies at the Rydell High Graduation carnival. It will be compatible with up to two microphones and the Wii Balance Board.
There will be also be a Story Mode in which players can fix up Greased Lightnin’ (which is a real pussy wagon, incidentally) or try to win Sandy’s affections. But essentially it’s a party game, with up to eight players (split into two teams) able to compete at once.
On the DS and DSi, players again dance their way through some of the movie’s iconic scenes, following Sandy and Danny on their high school journey. They learn the officially licensed songs and choreographed moves.
They can also use the camera function on the DSi to upload their face to their favourite character.
Grease will be previewed on 505’s peachy keen booth at E3. Official hands on previews are available by appointment.
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May 27th, 2010, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
505 has unveiled the first details of Grease: The Official Video Game, with the emphasis, appropriately enough, on singing and dancing.
The title is due on Wii and DS this September, as one of the most popular and enduring entertainment franchises of the past 30 plus years finally makes its debut in the games arena.
The Wii version will be packed with challenges and competitions based around singing and dancing to the movie’s, let’s face it, quite brilliant soundtrack – as well as racing down Thunder Road and celebrating with the T-Birds and Pink Ladies at the Rydell High Graduation carnival. It will be compatible with up to two microphones and the Wii Balance Board.
There will be also be a Story Mode in which players can fix up Greased Lightnin’ (which is a real pussy wagon, incidentally) or try to win Sandy’s affections. But essentially it’s a party game, with up to eight players (split into two teams) able to compete at once.
On the DS and DSi, players again dance their way through some of the movie’s iconic scenes, following Sandy and Danny on their high school journey. They learn the officially licensed songs and choreographed moves.
They can also use the camera function on the DSi to upload their face to their favourite character.
Grease will be previewed on 505’s peachy keen booth at E3. Official hands on previews are available by appointment.
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May 27th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster

We're beginning to encounter an odd psychological effect of too much exposure to CTA's wild and wacky game accessories. It's almost as if we've developed some strange variant of Stockholm Syndrome that's tricked us into believing that the Weighted Gloves for Wii are worth twenty bucks. At least the premise makes sense -- strap your Wiimote and Wii Nunchuk into these weighted gloves and start in on your fave boxing game. The space-age velcro fasteners will hold your controllers tightly in place as you throw punches and dodge jabs with the best of 'em. And if you really want an out-of-this-world experience, try it while wearing wings!
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May 28th, 2010, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming July issue of Nintendo Power reveals a new de Blob game coming to the DS and Wii, called de Blob: The Underground. Wii players can expect two-player support in The Underground, as well as "new moves, new foes" and "new 2D platforming segments." Blue Tongue will once again handle development on the Wii version, while Australian studio Halfbrick works on the DS debut.
de Blob: The Underground is currently slated to launch in Spring 2011 -- but before that, you'll see much more at next month's Electronic Entertainment Expo.
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May 28th, 2010, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light for the West.
The DS role-playing game will arrive in the autumn.
It's already out in Japan, of course, where regional magazine Famitsu awarded a score of 33/40. A good mix of old and new, apparently.
The 4 Heroes of Light allows friends to team-up and delve into dungeons together. You'll be able to change jobs on the fly depending on the hat your character wears.
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May 28th, 2010, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
Europe, you’re getting places. Not only did you get an exclusive overseas pass to play Disaster: Day of Crisis and Another Code: R, you also get to play Sin & Punishment 2 — with its original subtitle intact, no less — a whole month before North America.
Now, Nintendo of Europe have also gone and announced PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure for a July 9th release…a whole– wait a minute…it hasn’t even been announced for North America yet!
Although, the way NOE chose to word their press release is rather suspect and will undoubtedly result in some raised eyebrows. One part reads: “As well as pulling you into a deep and engaging action adventure story, you will meet and talk to a wide variety of Pokémon.”
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May 28th, 2010, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Mario collects stars as he travels from galaxy to galaxy. Every level is new, but the game retains the charm, sense of wonder and beauty in line with Mario’s history. Mario works his way through the various levels, sometimes upside-down, sometimes floating from place to place
On some stages, Mario can find an egg, smash it open and hop onto the back of Yoshi. Yoshi can use his tongue to grab items and shoot them back at enemies, or to snag attach points and swing across chasms
Yoshi has an interesting diet. When he eats a Dash Pepper, he gets so hot and frenzied he can run up steep inclines and vertical walls. When he eats a Blimp Fruit, he inflates like a balloon and floats to new heights
New power-ups include a drill that Mario uses to tunnel through the planet’s surface all the way to the other side of a planet
Skilled players will want to collect new Comet Metals, which will unlock harder levels with even more challenges
In 2007, Super Mario Galaxy took the world of video games by storm. Now this first true Mario sequel in years re-energizes the franchise with new levels and new power-ups. Plus this time Mario gets to team up with his dinosaur buddy Yoshi, who adds new possibilities to the gravity-defying game play. It’s everything you love about the first game and more.
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May 28th, 2010, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One of the most well known mecha from the Super Robot Taisen series, the Psybuster is back in the game's Nintendo DS remake. Ra Gias is a world that exists underground. Although their science and technology is far more advanced than any kingdom on above earth, this land is prophesied to fall under an unidentified force.
To counter this unknown power, the king order the alchemists to create weapons for defense. After years of research and development, the alchemists create the Masou Kijin, mecha of massive power. However, the power is so great that these weapons won't obey the commands of normal pilots.
Just when everybody lost hope, Andou Masaki, a spirited teenager appeared. With the Masou Kijin at his side, the boy embarks on a journey to become the savior.
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May 28th, 2010, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Seems like everybody's fired up for the upcoming World Cup in South Africa, and Kunio, the hot blooded delinquent is one of them. This well loved game character will take Japan to the games and pit his team against players from all over the world.
Every player will have a Hisatsu shoot, with a total of 90 player characters, you have a lot to look out for. A total of four players can engage in a match, bring your NDS with you, turn on your network function and play a game of soccer with all the people you meet on the bus or train.
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May 28th, 2010, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's just announced that Pokémon Black & White will be released in Europe and North America in Spring 2011.
As part of the release announcement Nintendo also revealed that new Legendary Pokémon Reshiram (Pokémon Black Version) and Zekrom (Pokémon White Version) will be featured on the covers of the games worldwide. Exciting.
"It's rare to find a franchise with such worldwide appeal and dedicated fans as Pokémon." said Laurent Fischer, Managing Director Marketing and PR, Nintendo of Europe.
"We're excited to inform our fans that this eagerly anticipated adventure, featuring an all-new generation of Pokémon, will be available in Europe in spring 2011."
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May 28th, 2010, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has entered the growing row over suicides at the main Chinese plant of Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn.
The main plant in Shenzhen employs over 350,000, mostly migrant, staff. Since January 2010 there have been 12 attempted suicides and 10 deaths, most involving staff jumping from roofs.
Foxconn produces a wide range of consumer electronics including the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Amazon Kindle, Dell and Intel motherboards; and the Mac mini, iPod, iPhone and iPad for Apple.
As a result of the latter Apple has so far been the Western company most closely involved in the controversy and has promised to investigate accusations of long working hours and sweat shop style conditions and work practices.
According to The Times business section Sony, Hewlett-Packard and Dell have also launched their own investigations, with Nintendo now joining them.
Nintendo and the other firms all have their own guidelines for working conditions at outsourced factories, but it is unclear how closely or regularly these have been monitored.
As a result of the adverse publicity parent company Hon Hai Precision Instruments has said that it will raise salaries in all its mainland Chinese factories by 20 per cent. The basic monthly salary at the Shenzhen plant is currently the equivalent of just £90 ($131/€106).
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May 28th, 2010, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Greenpeace has once again named Nintendo as the least environmentally-friendly console manufacturer, a status it has maintained for the entirety of the Wii's lifetime.
In the latest of Greenpeace's regular reports 18 major consumer electronics manufacturers are rated according to their policies on toxic chemicals, recycling and climate change.
Companies are scored according to their stated policies, but controversially if no public information exists then Greenpeace automatically scores them zero points in that area. For a company as naturally secretive as Nintendo this has lead to repeated low scores and bottom of the table performances.
Nevertheless, Nintendo did see some small improvement in this month's results, with their overall score rising from 1.4, out of a possible 10, to 1.8. It gained points for managing chemical substances and publishing its standards for chemicals management.
In response to the last report in January Nintendo claimed that the Wii was the most energy efficient of all the current generation consoles. Greenpeace has acknowledged the energy efficiency of the Nintendo DSi AC power adapter, but criticised the company for increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
Microsoft has fared little better in the list of companies, placed only two places ahead at number 16 in the list. This is an improvement of one place on the previous report, as its score rises from 2.4 to 3.3.
Sony ranks at joint sixth in the list, with a score of 4.9 - a slight decrease on the previous report. The highest ranked company is Nokia with a score of 7.5, with Apple at Number five on a score of 4.9.
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May 28th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
We understand that Wii Fit has dubious health benefits at best (whatever CTA Digital might say top the contrary), but apparently word hasn't reached the Navy's top brass. According to the Navy Times, recruits need more work than ever before to get into fighting shape, "given that many young people prefer computers and video games" to sports and physical activity. The solution, says Navy Surgeon General Vice Adm. Adam Robinson, is to use break in would-be sailers slowly, introducing "the equivalents of Nintendo's Wii Fit or Konami's Dance Dance Revolution" in basic training. This sounds rather silly to us, but what do we know? We're lovers, not fighters.
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May 29th, 2010, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://retroactionmagazine.com/retro...print-archive/
Nintendo Magazine System issue 9, June 1993, has been released at Out-of-Print Archive. The multi-format Nintendo magazine from EMAP was scanned by Mort, who allowed triverse to re-work the scans for release at OoPA. As well as having a link to the magazine download, the NMS #9 page also has editorial and content details, plus accompanying online articles from the issue. Online articles chosen for this issue includes Alien 3 (SNES), Pop ‘n Twinbee (SNES), Kirby’s Adventure (NES) and Bio Metal (SNES).
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May 29th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Consolesource

The all new SuperCard DSTWO is a mash up between the original DSONE and the hardware that was found in the iPlayer multimedia player. This all new device is compatible with DS, NDS and DSi. That means you’re going to have a cart on your hands that can play both Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance games without any additional hardware. The SuperCard DSTWO is available for order now at ConsoleSource.com for as low as $39.95.
The Supercard DSTWO Card for Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi & DSi XL is a high-end slot-1 flash cart solution that allows you to launch games, run applications and play media directly from the device. Simply place your files onto either a micro SD or SDHC memory card (sold separately), insert the micro SD into your Supercard DSTWO, your cart into your DS, and turn the system on. Playing games and media has never been easier!
The Supercard DSTWO, with its beautiful Evolution (EOS) operating system and a powerful on-board processor offers unique and exciting features that you won’t find anywhere else. Features such as full GBA emulation, a powerful new GUI, a real-time guide, an integrated auto-patch database, as well as being one of the few flash carts that allows users to upgrade the core firmware. If you’re in the market for a sleek and feature-rich flash cart for the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSi or DSi XL, the Supercard DSTWO is the one for you.
RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide(txt,bmp,jpg) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable, more easy to use, cheat code compatible with R4 and DSTT now)
Multi Saves (Up to 4 slot), Easy to backup and restore saves.
Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.
Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)
Built-in GBA & SNES Emulator.
Action Slow Motion (4 levels,).
File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, long file name support).9. eBook (BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF, TXT, PDF).
Perfect support for long file names;
Real-time save slot increase to 4 slots. (Exclusive built-in automatic detection of 3D game engine technology, stability, greatly enhanced);
Give up cheat-code slow motion game play method, improved use of CPU to do operations, “precise control of CPU speed” Achieving the action slowed down, stability / compatibility and better.
Real-Time Game Guide will support txt formats without conversion, beautify the font is more beautiful;
New UI interface design. Easier-to-use.
Advanced multimedia playback: native DivX/XviD playback as well as other major formats, similar to the iPlayer.
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May 29th, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cid2mizard
I am pleased to introduce you to my manager / calendar for the World Cup in South Africa for the Nintendo DS, "South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager v1.00"
* Unzip the archive and copy the file on your flash card South_Africa_World_Cup_2010_DS_Manager.nds.
* Copy the folder / SAWCMDS at the root of your flash card.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
Version 1.00 (28-05-2010)
- Support DLDI.
- Automatic backup.
- 5 languages (English, French, German, Spanish and Italian).
- Manual management scores.
- Hours, dates, places of 64 games.
- Automatic classification of hens.
- Automatic qualification (hens and finals).
- Update the results via a WiFi connection.
- Photos and information (city, capacity, construction, architects) of the 10 stages.
- Photos and information (Coach, founded in, number of holdings, number of title world champion, fifa ranking, color jerseys) of 32 teams.
Known Issues
- Delete the outcome of a match a team that has played a test can create a higher overflow structure. (Example: I am in the quarterfinals, it is logical at this stage does not delete or modify the results of hens)
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May 29th, 2010, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/relase from baro
This is a small game I made as part of a college project about the NDS. As it’s an example of “some things you can do”, it uses most of the features of PAlib (an old relase, tho).
The goal of the game is to catch the more fish, or the bigger fish, or more of the bigger fish, or to put it simply: fish a lot! You use a rod, but no lure: real rednecks use dynamite!
Use the pad to control the dynamite: left and right to move. Down to accelerate the fall. Up to slow it down. You can’t lift it, and if it touches the sand, that’s it.
When you think you’re going to catch aplenty, touch the dynamite and watch your results.
Maybe you want to know that the scenario changes depending of the time (night/day) and also the behavior of some of the fish. Also the owl reacts differently to different scores. So if the owl looks at you like ” ¬¬ ” it means you can do better!
It saves highscores to FAT, unless you are on an emulator.
The game is in Spanish, but you only only need to know this:
Pesca deportiva con dinamita = Sport fishing with dynamite
Toca la pantalla = touch the screen
¡Pesca! = Fish! (verb)
Pulsa culquier tecla = press any key
Has hecho un record. Conseguiste x puntos. Puesto X. Nombre: = You got a highscore. You made x points. Top X Name:
It’s buggy as hell, but I got a high grade in the project and passed Graphics in Computing, so all my goals on making the game got fulfilled.
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May 29th, 2010, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php
Sheeft offers us the version 0.4 of its adventure game / puzzle that participates in the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010 , "SCAPE".
Version 0.4:
Creating a new type of static platform
Correction of the end zone level
Fix release level
Recalibration of certain physical properties
Added a background for the World 2
Added a message when you unlock a world and return to menu selection of the worlds
Adding levels
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May 30th, 2010, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster

Put down that "rare" Transformers figurine, hide that box of "real" Japanese Anime, and don't even think of showing us your Ninja Turtles costume: we've found the ticket to cool you've been looking for. CTA Digital, who has always excelled in building stunningly superfluous gaming accessories has outdone itself with the new Inflatable Racing Kart. The best news? It'll support up to 300 of your hip-cool-guy pounds. Check out a video after the break in case you're not convinced.
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May 30th, 2010, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster

Canoe.ca, the web home of Canadian newspaper publisher QMI Agency, has revealed a new Wii hockey game on the way from EA, called NHL Slapshot. This new game has two distinguishing features: first, it is controlled with a scaled-down hockey stick peripheral, into which the Wiimote and Nunchuk are placed; second, it features the likeness of Wayne Gretzky, the retired NHL star so famous that even non-Canadians have heard of him.
"The stick peripheral will detect slap shots, wrist shots, body checks (done with a cross-check motion) and poke checks," the article explains, "with the Wiimote's trigger used as a modifier to perform passes, dekes and other moves." Though the game will ship with the hockey stick, it can also be played with a bare Wiimote and Nunchuk or Wiimote alone.
NHL Slapshot will be officially announced by EA on Monday, according to Canoe. However, the blog already spilled pretty much all the details, including the September 7 release date.
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May 30th, 2010, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Pimp-Wii-141-t20009.html
Pimp My Wii is a 1.41 homebrew developed by Attila, Administrator of the forum Wii-info.
This homebrew allows the installation of an automatic or manual hack, it detects if you have the latest available versions of IOS, BC, MIOS, System Menu 4.1, chains and Nintendo Official cIOS Waninkoko and Hermes.
Refer to readme.txt for usage.
Version 1.41
- Fixed a message displayed upon detection of cIOS of Hermes.
- Added fix Wad Manager to install wad trucha signed with Hermes cIOS Waninkoko v5 and v19 (even if the IOS wad on your SD / USB should be original and therefore NOT trucha signed).
- Installs on the IOS 250 cIOS Waninkoko 57 rev 19 (revision 65535), for safety issues.
- Update cIOS Hermes 5.1.
- Now checks that the "real" version of cIOS Hermes is 5.1 and not just the revision of cIOS (65535).
- Fixed a problem where the cIOS Hermes could not be scanned.
- Miscellaneous Changes.
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May 30th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...65-t20011.html
The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R165 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Are also available Forwarder v5 and Alternating Forwarder of Leathl & Jeanny
- Copy / move / delete / rename files and folders from SMB / USB / SD / DVD
- View the properties of a file or folder
- Do a search on SD / USB / SMB / DVD / WiiDisk
- Launch a file .dol / .elf
- See the videos of Wii and GameCube
- Open files. TXT /. / XML. MP3 / .OGG / .wav /. SNB /. AIFF
- Read the images formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. BPD /. TGA /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Slideshow and zoom images
- Convert images to formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Making screenshots
- Explore and decompress archives in formats. ZIP /. Rar / zip .7 /. BNR /. U8Archive /. RARC
- Read file. PDF
- FTP Client and FTP Server
- Text Editor
- Support with USB2 cIOS202
- Support for file system FAT and NTFS
- Address bar with road access
- Multi-language
- Support for different fonts
- AutoUpdate
- Initial commit MusicPlayer. If you find bugs, please carry 'em in the following section. Adding a slide in / out effect for the PlayList IS under construction.
- Added a cool calculation Video Cutoff Which cuts off the unneeded video. It Allows You to have ZoomIn Without Much As You want "any glitches. I Tested it with continuous zoom for about 2 mins Without "any graphical glitches.
- Removed for ZoomLimit ImageViewer and PDFViewer Since it's not needed anymore.
- Fixed the alignment of the Settings Values
- Renamed a few "Settings.
- Added a Share Option For Each Disconnection SMB Share and has Option For Each Client Disconnect FTP Client
- Updated Some language files
- Made option gains value entries When the scroll is Too long and you hover over it
- Added tooltips to the iconbrowser Which show the full file / foldername if you are over it
- Fixed bug in the sound playback. The weird Clicking That Sometimes Comes is gone now.
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May 30th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/PCSX-...84-t20018.html
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May 30th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/PCSX-...84-t20018.html
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May 30th, 2010, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has posted more news of his WIP Dos Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
Firstly, in case you haven't noticed this yet, DSx86 now has a Compatibility WIKI page where each of you can mark games that work or don't work on the current DSx86 version. Special thanks to Master_Thief for setting up that wiki page and for testing the majority of games on it! With the wiki in place there is no need for you to report working games to me any more. :-) Please send me bug reports about games that don't work, though, especially with a debug log if applicable, so that I can attempt to fix the problems before releasing the next version.
The past week was mainly spent fixing various bugs in the emulation code. I also added several missing (mainly graphics) opcodes that have been mentioned in the debug logs I have received, thanks again for those! The biggest (and scariest) change was that I rewrote the IRQ handling (again!) to fix a problem that was revealed by a game called Galactix.
The problem in Galactix was that it usually only played the first note of the game music, and then later it would hang at a random time during the intro. I had noticed that when it did hang, it was always running a tight loop that checked whether a certain memory location had a zero. It obviously expected this memory location to change value (based on a timer, most likely), but when it had hung the memory location value never changed. After some debugging and tracing the memory access I got a pretty clear understanding of the timer handling behaviour of Galactix, and after some thought I suddenly got an idea (or rather a theory) about what might be wrong in DSx86.
Galactix uses a "Task Service Manager" (that is part of an error string very close to the memory location it checked, so I believe that is the name of the utility code that handles the timer interrupt in the game) which works by incrementing a variable every time a timer interrupt occurs, and then calling various functions in a function pointer table, each of which have their own incrementing variables, with adders that are not always one. For example, one of the functions might only get called every tenth timer interrupt. Now, the main timer interrupt increments the overall timer interrupt counter at the very start of the timer interrupt, and then each of these functions test if their counters are equal to the global counter value, and if they are, this functions get called and gets it's counter incremented by the adder value, to be ready for the next call etc.
Every time I use something similar in my own code, I have a habit of checking whether the counter value is equal or larger than the value I am waiting for, just to be sure I don't miss a timer increment. This then brings us to my theory, I thought that perhaps some of those functions take such a long time to run that a new timer interrupt happens and starts again running the timer code, first incrementing the global counter. In this situation it would be possible for the functions to miss their next timer tick, and stay waiting for it for the next (almost) 65536 timer ticks.
I decided to implement a new feature to the DSx86 debugger with which you can change the byte in the memory using a syntax E AAAA:BBBB CC where AAAA:BBBB is the segment and offset of the byte and CC is the new byte value. I used this new debugger feature to change the JE opcode to JAE opcode in Galactix, and indeed, after this change the music played fine and the intro did not crash. (Well, not immediately, it crashed after a couple of loops, but that was not unexpected as the IRQ handlers are not meant to be re-entrant.) This test did prove my theory that I did not handle the "End-Of-Interrupt" command properly, but instead allow new interrupts to re-enter the interrupt routine.
So, I spent some time implementing proper IRQ handling to avoid this situation in the DSx86 IRQ code, and I also (finally) moved all the interrupt-related stuff to a new source code file. Now it is not scattered around the emulator code but in a single place, so if I still need to make changes to it, it will be easier (and not as scary!). After this rewritten IRQ handling Galactix looks to be running fine.
I also fixed the graphics problems in Catacomb Abyss. I had not implemented the split screen handling in the EGA modes, only in the Mode-X graphics modes, and Catacomb Abyss wanted to use a split screen for the low part of the screen. I also found a problem in the EGA Write Mode 2 handling with 16-bit opcodes. After these fixes Catacomb Abyss began to look correct. Also, the LOADFIX command I added into the previous version only worked with EXE programs (silly me), which is why it did not help with Ultima 4, for example. I implemented it also for COM programs and now Ultima 4 goes to the actual game properly.
Finally, I managed to fix the problems preventing the Sysinfo program from Norton Utilities 8.0 to start. I had used Sysinfo 5.0 in my own tests, which did not need some of the additional DOS functions that Sysinfo 8.0 needed. In the next version Sysinfo 8.0 will also run. The picture below is actually here so you can see why I don't plan to support 386/486 opcodes with DSx86. :-) There is not much point when the games will run that slowly. Well, I might support some of the 386 opcodes that can "accidentally" be left in the 286 programs, like long conditional jumps, but I won't add support for 32-bit registers, for example.
I have recently been using the iDeaS emulator to test DSx86 on my PC, with the R4 DLDI patch so I can actually run the DOS games in it. The emulator is pretty slow, but I have now learned to use it's debugger so it has helped me in debugging the problems in DSx86. It does have some bugs, though, which I have reported to the author. Hopefully the next version will run better.
Finally, in case you are interested (and even if you aren't :-), here is a picture of the access statistics for my DSx86 pages. Quite a steady increase of visits, and as I have a 15GB monthly bandwidth limit by my web provider, I soon need to start keeping an eye on the bandwidth, and then perhaps start zipping the files hosted here if the limit starts approaching. Looking at the logs is of course one motivation boost to keep working on DSx86, it is nice to see how more and more people find DSx86 interesting. :-)
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May 30th, 2010, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SatNav
This is the first 'proper' release of my Rubik's Cube game for the DS. Although it is currently a little way from completion, it is intended to be a fairly fully-featured Rubik's Cube simulator with saving and loading, scrambling, painting and solving features. You can download the rom here.
Working as of this release:
* Saving and loading
* Scrambling
* Palette editing
* Painting
Still to do:
* Step-through solving
* Background decoration (colours, wallpapers)
Any and all feedback is appreciated, and for those interested, the full source can be found here
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May 30th, 2010, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...bfcfad43320232
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May 30th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=11901&f=54
Drakon we offer and Shadow "JellyCar Wii" v1 at the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition in 2010 , platform game where you control a vehicle which must reach the end level, but beware of the laws of physics.
JellyCar Is a game platform WHERE you are driving a squishy as squishy worlds-through, trying to Reach the exit. The game features soft body physics for all of the objects in the world. Also because your can transform for a limited time to aid the growth-through level.
Rest: There are two ways That You can choose - single player and multi player split screen is (only for 2 players right now). There are 30 Level Currently and 12 skins for cars. This is harbor from my PSP version. What is funny i do not have Wii game XD So all testing is done Was emu (Dolphin not input support for homebrew XD) and my friends On their Wii. Sadly I Have Never Played My Own game console is real: /. Goal I hope so Will you all like it:> This is my first time ever coding for this console - yes I Was encouraged by the competition to do this so competitions like this are useful. There May be still Here and There Some errors but I do not Have More Time
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May 31st, 2010, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster

In the modder scene, smaller is definitely better. We've seen a huge line of portable N64s over the years, each successive one claiming to be slinkier than its predecessors, but from what we can see the TrySixtyFource has 'em beat. It isn't as aesthetically appealing as the Nimbus 64 nor the Kamikaze 64, and the tiny switch buttons on the rear for the Z/L and R buttons don't look particularly finger-friendly. But, it's hard to argue that ShockSlayer's creation is a good bit smaller than the rest (despite its girth). It's also for sale, if you have the requisite amount of coin, and while the video after the break proves that it works, the lengthy intro will also confuse and befuddle you. We'd recommend skipping ahead to the 3:40 mark.
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May 31st, 2010, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom is about to release Mega Man Zero Collection for the Nintendo DS. Yes, it’s a compilation of the four GBA Mega Man Zero games, but this also has some bonus features.
Capcom officially announced these features:
- Collection Mode: Players can collect wallpapers for the bottom screen, mod cards, and character cards. Character cards come with facts about characters in the Mega Man Zero series so you have a portable character dictionary of sorts. Mod cards are earned when modifying Zero.
- Button configuration: You can customize the controls in Mega Man Zero Collection.
- Easy Scenario mode: This is a “beginner friendly” version of the Mega Man Zero games where you go through Mega Man Zero 1 through 4 in order.
Mega Man Zero Collection makes its debut in North America on June 8th for $29.99
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May 31st, 2010, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo DSi owners have access to Art Academy, a series of Nintendo developed art training games. Regular Nintendo DS owners don’t, but Nintendo is about to change that.
Multiple retailers in Japan have Artistic Taste Classroom in their database with Nintendo as the publisher. AmiAmi’s listing is more detailed and says this painting lesson game is actually a packaged version of two DSiWare games – Art Academy: First Semester and Art Academy: Second Semester.
We’ve seen Nintendo DSiWare compilations before, but not from Nintendo. If it comes out in June, as online retailers suggest, Artistic Taste Classroom will be a first for the Big N. Perhaps, an Art Style compilation could follow?
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May 31st, 2010, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Another round of NeoGeo Data East games are coming to Virtual Console in Japan. Fighter’s History Dynamite (aka Karnov’s Revenge) is scheduled to come out in Japan in June. Data East added a few new characters and kept the glowing clothes dizzying system from the previous game.
Windjammers, a mix of Frisbee and air hockey known as Flying Power Disk in Japan, is also coming in June. Each game costs 900 Wii Points ($9). Neither game was part of Data East Arcade Collection, so there may be a chance these games will be released as Virtual Console downloads in North America too.
Heisei Shin Onigashima Sequel, a Satellaview download for the Super Nintendo, Blaster Master and SD Gundam World: Gashapon Warriors Senshi Wars are the other Virtual Console games slated for next month.
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May 31st, 2010, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
We rarely, if ever, write rebuttals to stories posted on the esteemed, list-friendly publication known as Time, but we've got more than a few bones to pick with its recently posted "50 Worst Inventions" list. Around every turn, the list seems to get it wrong. For instance: FarmVille? There are 70 million people who'd disagree with that one. And Virtual Boy? The world's first fully-3D game console/amateur LASIK surgery machine? That's about as progressive and brilliant as inventions get.
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May 31st, 2010, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator for Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
- Added microphone support option. When enabled, Port 2 Start activates the Microphone. Added movie recording of mircophone;
- Fully implemented "bulletproof" read-only;
- Movie code now fully conforms to the Savestate section of the Laws of TAS;
- Movies now have a "finished" mode. If a playback stops the movie isn't cleared from memory, and can be replayed or a state loaded. Similar functionality as DeSmuME and GENS rerecording;
- Implemented a "full savestate-movie load" mode similar to the implementation in VBA-rr and SNES9x-rr. In this mode loading a savestate in read+write doesn't truncate the movie to its frame count immediately. Instead it waits until input is recording into the movie (next frame). For win32 this feature is togglable in movie options and the context menu. For SDL this is off by default and a toggle will need to be added.
- Faster loading of Movies and Savestates;
- New lua functions;
- fixed zapper.read() crash on movie finished;
- Fix PlayMovieFromBeginning when using a movie that starts from savestate;
- New and improved input display;
- Autohold display fixed with 4 player support;
- Win32 NTSC Filter Video options;
- Win32 - Many feature enhancements to the Cheats dialog;
- Win32 - Debugger - many crash bug fixes and breakpoint handling fixes.
News source: http://fceux.com
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May 31st, 2010, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
DiiLC 1.0 released by Conanac
DiiLC is a simple application to download and insert the DLC (downloadable content) or HDLC (hacked downloadable content) into Animal Crossing City Folk savegame file (use Waninkoko's savegame extractor for extracting savegame file). This application searches the DLC and HDLC files from the distributing servers. It could download and insert four DLCs (for US, EU, JP, and KR regions) and one HDLC that are available at the time when the application is running. It will process item, design and associated chosen letter from the downloaded file (either DLC or HDLC). User could choose to directly store the letter with item or design pattern into either the chosen player pocket and design slots (including global design slot in Able Sister's shop) or ask Wendell and Pete to deliver those.
31 May 2010 (v1.0)
Release version along with several additional new features
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May 31st, 2010, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Pixel...00-t20034.html
MorukutsuThe winner of the contest Nintendomax Wii Dev competitions last year, participating again this year with his new homebrew PixelPlot.
Short Description: For the survival of the kingdom Pixel, you must help the king find pixol Pixel, its favorite food. Browse through a few levels in search of that rare commodity!
Controls: (Wiimote horizontally) The Pad to move, to jump one, two to shoot fireballs.
For those who would continue the adventure, a level editor is available, it can create more or less intuitively levels.
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May 31st, 2010, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Scape-v05-t20035.html
Scape is a little puzzle game / adventure created by Sheeft at the development competition organized by Nintendomax.
This is the moment a draft which consists of two levels!
The goal of the game to reach the sun the doll by cutting the son who connect.
- Early Renewal movements of Me is now heavier than before.
- Correction of accents in some levels
- Latest levels redone
- Creation of a new type of static platform
- Fixed the end zone level
- Fix release level
- Recalibration of certain physical properties
- Added a background for the World 2
- Added a message when you unlock a world and return to the menu selection of worlds
- Added levels
Remember to keep files slot1/2/3 in the data of the game if you want to keep your backup folder, replacing the old version the new one and place them in the right place!
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May 31st, 2010, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/24-Po...09-t20036.html
24 Points is a card game developed by reflection Skyfrog at the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010.
A deck of cards (without figures) is shared between the player and the Wii.
At each turn, players place two cards on the table.
Then use the four cards and put the symbols +, -, x, / to calculate 24.
To understand the solution, the game offers a formula editor 3 lines.
-> Maps: 2 8 5 1
line 1 => 5 1 = 6
line 2 => 6x8 = 48
Line 3 => 48 / 2 = 24
It has ((5 +1) x8) / 2 = 24.
If you find how to make 24 before the end of the lap, you get 4 cards of the table.
Otherwise it's the Wii which retrieves the cards.
Then we start a tour.
A player wins the game if it retrieves all the cards.
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May 31st, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/NanoM...05-t20037.html
EvilTroopa and Olyfno propose "Nanomech" Multiplayer action game for Wii that participates in the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010.
In the year 20XX, the aliens landed on Earth to invade us, we humans.
Rather than a demonstration of artillery, they sent us viruses to infect and kill any people.
Some people could hide in the underground to prepare for the cons-attack. Scientists created the Nanomech to fight infections in the body of infected individuals.
Once their NanoArmée is ready, they will kill the aliens from the inside.
Nunchuk Stick: Move your Nanomech
Wiimote Pointer: Aim
B: Fire your laser gun
A: Slash your sword
Home: Back / Quit
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May 31st, 2010, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/Alien...06-t20038.html
Alien Puzzle Wii is a game developed by Gemis. It is a port of the game NDS of the same name. This is in the Nintendomax Homebrew Wii Dev Competition 2010.
Final Update Before the end of the competition. Includes a fix to a video problem, and Some shiny new graphics. The graphics are not all done yet, goal MOST of the hand ones are Including the menu and the in game ones. The original ones Will Be available as a download on the DLC shop soon.
- New mp3 player layout! Now features a pause feature, playlist support, and more!
- Two new multiplayer modes, Vs Mode and Co-op mode!
- Object and packs for use as DLC! This Allows you to customize the game play graphics.
- An options menu
- 5 Difficulty settings now: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard
- Bug fixed
- Nicer looking text thanks to True Type Font support!
- Some graphical Improvements
As of this release, There are a few "new DLCs. There are single player Three New downloads:
- World
- Choices
- Bus
one new multiplayer level:
- Racer
and the first object pack for download:
- InvisibleWalls
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May 31st, 2010, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.wii-addict.fr/forum/WiiXp...66-t20040.html
The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R166 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Are also available Forwarder v5 and Alternating Forwarder of Leathl & Jeanny
- Copy / move / delete / rename files and folders from SMB / USB / SD / DVD
- View the properties of a file or folder
- Do a search on SD / USB / SMB / DVD / WiiDisk
- Launch a file .dol / .elf
- See the videos of Wii and GameCube
- Open files. TXT /. / XML. MP3 / .OGG / .wav /. SNB /. AIFF
- Read the images formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. BPD /. TGA /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Slideshow and zoom images
- Convert images to formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Making screenshots
- Explore and decompress archives in formats. ZIP /. Rar / zip .7 /. BNR /. U8Archive /. RARC
- Play files. PDF
- FTP Client and FTP Server
- Text Editor
- Support with USB2 cIOS202
- Support for file system FAT and NTFS
- Address bar with road access
- Multi-language
- Support for different fonts
- AutoUpdate
- Language files update
- Fixed Positions of Buttons and List on MusicPlayer
- Added Effect Slideout from behind for the PlayList in the MusicPlayer
- Added Scrollbar to MusicPlayer
- Fixed bug When Selecting multiple files with Tooltips
- Added a Trashcan you can delete the ImageViewer Which viewed: current queue.
- Added fade out / in on Changing Images / PDF Slideshow IS active sites while
- Maybe some more stuff i forgot
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May 31st, 2010, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Hillbilly posted this over at palib
Hello again. It's been a while since I've posted anything so I thought this would be an appropriate time to catch up with you all and share what I have been working on. Throughout the course of around 1 week of total programming, I have made a simple engine for a top-down shooter in a third-person perspective. The engine, itself, is pretty efficient and I hope to expand it a little more to include more items and triggers for events such as text to appear on the top screen. The only reason why I really posted here though is because I need more levels for this game. Currently, I have one level total and, although it looks decent considering my art skills, it lacks the ability and creativity of a true spriter/graphic artist. So, I guess I'm formally making a call for any spriter/graphic artist to make some levels for this game. I can provide you with all the information you could possibly need via replies to this post. But for now, I'll just share the demo for you all to get the feel of what this game (I hope) will be.
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May 31st, 2010, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=11910&f=19
blabla offers version 0.80 of its RPG with Pokemon, "Pokemon Battle".
Pokemon Battle is an RPG with Pokemon.
You can fight your Pokemon with a map.
Charizard, indivisible and JOLTEON are available.
The installation has been simplified.
Just put the folder and lua myluads400.nds directly into the DS.
Start myluads400.nds.
Voila! The game starts!
NOTE: For those who would microlua, just take the file and title.lua pokemon battle in lua / scripts and run title.lua.
Change the fighting engine, it is much better than its predecessor but
you will not have translations.
In addition, the sound effects are not yet set and the opponent has only one attack.
But this time I master completely the VRAM and therefore you will receive better graphics.
Expect version 0.8 beta and see!
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May 31st, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=11914&f=54
We're the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010 is officially closed to all new entries. We record eight original entries, we égalons the number of entry games last year. I confess that I expected to see more entries, but 8 is still very good. I want to thank all the authors for their participation projects, thanks to you we can organize competitions.
Here is a list of all entries:
- 24 points per skyfrog (France)
- Alien Puzzle Wii Gemis (USA)
- Wii JellyCar by Drakon (Poland)
- Nanomech by EvilTroopa (France)
- PixelMerge by evilynux (Canada)
- PixelPlot by Morukutsu (France)
- Scape by Sheeft (France)
- SwingBall by ThatOtherPerson (Canada)
I invite all members of the jury to download the archive above to reach their scoring, scoring system identical to last year.
Thank you and good luck to all participants, the results will be posted no later than June 30, 2010.
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