Shaun Taylor has updated his DrugWars game for the Nintendo DS, heres the news :
8/12/2005 - Updated to use new features in libfb which makes the code more readable.
8/12/2005 - Version 1.04 has been posted. This fixes a few things with music as well as gives you more options for the music. I also tweaked the interface some more.
8/11/2005 - Version 1.03 posted for comment. This version has sound! Thanks to Deku, I now can play mod files and have put some ambient music in to have something to groove to while making money. Also in this version are a few requested features that streamline navigation and deposit/withdraw.
8/07/2005 - Updated arm9.c to not include the framebuffer library and created the necissary library files to link to libfb. To compile, just put the libfb files into libnds directories or create a new directory and add to your link paths.