Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube/Nintendo Wii Homebrew scene has been on a roll lately with many excellent emulators being released, well today Zodttd the coder behind ports of a Playstation emulator to many consoles has posted this in the forums here at DCEmu:
I'm willing to take it on. Guess I need to get a Wii. Exciting news about Wii / GC homebrew.
I bet I can get "fullspeed" emulation out of the GC / Wii with my teams psx4all emulator. I'll look into it.
Is there a demand for such an emulator for the GC / Wii? I ask since I normally aim to get psx4all working on handhelds. Getting it to work on a console, would mean they could just use a PS1/PS2.
Lets hope and pray he takes this on